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20.71, 37.92 ], [ 20.71, 37.92 ], [ 20.71, 37.91 ], [ 20.73, 37.88 ], [ 20.74, 37.86 ], [ 20.75, 37.85 ] ] ], [ [ [ 20.57, 38.47 ], [ 20.63, 38.35 ], [ 20.63, 38.34 ], [ 20.63, 38.33 ], [ 20.62, 38.32 ], [ 20.61, 38.31 ], [ 20.6, 38.3 ], [ 20.61, 38.29 ], [ 20.63, 38.26 ], [ 20.64, 38.25 ], [ 20.66, 38.26 ], [ 20.67, 38.28 ], [ 20.68, 38.28 ], [ 20.68, 38.28 ], [ 20.68, 38.27 ], [ 20.67, 38.27 ], [ 20.69, 38.26 ], [ 20.7, 38.25 ], [ 20.7, 38.24 ], [ 20.71, 38.23 ], [ 20.75, 38.2 ], [ 20.76, 38.17 ], [ 20.8, 38.13 ], [ 20.81, 38.12 ], [ 20.81, 38.1 ], [ 20.8, 38.08 ], [ 20.79, 38.07 ], [ 20.79, 38.07 ], [ 20.76, 38.07 ], [ 20.75, 38.07 ], [ 20.74, 38.06 ], [ 20.73, 38.06 ], [ 20.72, 38.07 ], [ 20.71, 38.08 ], [ 20.68, 38.1 ], [ 20.65, 38.11 ], [ 20.61, 38.12 ], [ 20.58, 38.12 ], [ 20.56, 38.09 ], [ 20.55, 38.1 ], [ 20.51, 38.11 ], [ 20.5, 38.12 ], [ 20.49, 38.13 ], [ 20.49, 38.15 ], [ 20.49, 38.16 ], [ 20.47, 38.18 ], [ 20.47, 38.19 ], [ 20.48, 38.19 ], [ 20.5, 38.18 ], [ 20.51, 38.17 ], [ 20.51, 38.18 ], [ 20.49, 38.19 ], [ 20.48, 38.21 ], [ 20.46, 38.26 ], [ 20.45, 38.28 ], [ 20.44, 38.28 ], [ 20.43, 38.26 ], [ 20.43, 38.25 ], [ 20.44, 38.21 ], [ 20.43, 38.19 ], [ 20.43, 38.18 ], [ 20.41, 38.17 ], [ 20.4, 38.16 ], [ 20.39, 38.15 ], [ 20.38, 38.15 ], [ 20.37, 38.17 ], [ 20.35, 38.18 ], [ 20.34, 38.2 ], [ 20.34, 38.21 ], [ 20.35, 38.22 ], [ 20.36, 38.23 ], [ 20.36, 38.24 ], [ 20.35, 38.25 ], [ 20.35, 38.25 ], [ 20.36, 38.26 ], [ 20.37, 38.26 ], [ 20.38, 38.27 ], [ 20.39, 38.3 ], [ 20.4, 38.33 ], [ 20.4, 38.36 ], [ 20.41, 38.35 ], [ 20.41, 38.34 ], [ 20.41, 38.34 ], [ 20.43, 38.36 ], [ 20.44, 38.36 ], [ 20.44, 38.34 ], [ 20.46, 38.32 ], [ 20.46, 38.33 ], [ 20.47, 38.33 ], [ 20.47, 38.32 ], [ 20.48, 38.31 ], [ 20.49, 38.31 ], [ 20.51, 38.33 ], [ 20.53, 38.34 ], [ 20.54, 38.35 ], [ 20.54, 38.37 ], [ 20.53, 38.39 ], [ 20.55, 38.39 ], [ 20.54, 38.42 ], [ 20.54, 38.43 ], [ 20.54, 38.44 ], [ 20.54, 38.45 ], [ 20.54, 38.46 ], [ 20.54, 38.47 ], [ 20.54, 38.47 ], [ 20.57, 38.47 ] ] ], [ [ [ 20.67, 38.49 ], [ 20.67, 38.47 ], [ 20.66, 38.46 ], [ 20.68, 38.46 ], [ 20.69, 38.46 ], [ 20.7, 38.45 ], [ 20.71, 38.45 ], [ 20.7, 38.43 ], [ 20.7, 38.41 ], [ 20.67, 38.38 ], [ 20.68, 38.37 ], [ 20.69, 38.37 ], [ 20.7, 38.37 ], [ 20.72, 38.37 ], [ 20.72, 38.38 ], [ 20.7, 38.39 ], [ 20.72, 38.39 ], [ 20.72, 38.39 ], [ 20.73, 38.39 ], [ 20.74, 38.38 ], [ 20.76, 38.37 ], [ 20.75, 38.37 ], [ 20.74, 38.37 ], [ 20.74, 38.34 ], [ 20.75, 38.33 ], [ 20.76, 38.33 ], [ 20.76, 38.32 ], [ 20.74, 38.32 ], [ 20.72, 38.32 ], [ 20.71, 38.32 ], [ 20.69, 38.34 ], [ 20.7, 38.34 ], [ 20.68, 38.36 ], [ 20.67, 38.37 ], [ 20.65, 38.41 ], [ 20.65, 38.41 ], [ 20.64, 38.44 ], [ 20.64, 38.45 ], [ 20.63, 38.45 ], [ 20.62, 38.46 ], [ 20.61, 38.47 ], [ 20.62, 38.48 ], [ 20.64, 38.47 ], [ 20.64, 38.48 ], [ 20.65, 38.5 ], [ 20.67, 38.5 ], [ 20.67, 38.49 ] ] ], [ [ [ 20.91, 38.55 ], [ 20.89, 38.55 ], [ 20.89, 38.56 ], [ 20.93, 38.6 ], [ 20.94, 38.6 ], [ 20.92, 38.58 ], [ 20.91, 38.56 ], [ 20.91, 38.55 ] ] ], [ [ [ 20.88, 38.58 ], [ 20.87, 38.58 ], [ 20.87, 38.59 ], [ 20.87, 38.6 ], [ 20.89, 38.63 ], [ 20.9, 38.64 ], [ 20.92, 38.65 ], [ 20.95, 38.65 ], [ 20.95, 38.65 ], [ 20.95, 38.64 ], [ 20.94, 38.63 ], [ 20.93, 38.62 ], [ 20.91, 38.61 ], [ 20.91, 38.61 ], [ 20.9, 38.61 ], [ 20.89, 38.6 ], [ 20.88, 38.58 ] ] ], [ [ [ 20.79, 38.67 ], [ 20.79, 38.67 ], [ 20.8, 38.67 ], [ 20.8, 38.67 ], [ 20.8, 38.67 ], [ 20.8, 38.67 ], [ 20.81, 38.67 ], [ 20.81, 38.66 ], [ 20.8, 38.66 ], [ 20.8, 38.65 ], [ 20.79, 38.64 ], [ 20.76, 38.64 ], [ 20.76, 38.63 ], [ 20.77, 38.62 ], [ 20.78, 38.61 ], [ 20.78, 38.61 ], [ 20.79, 38.61 ], [ 20.8, 38.6 ], [ 20.79, 38.6 ], [ 20.75, 38.63 ], [ 20.74, 38.65 ], [ 20.75, 38.66 ], [ 20.76, 38.67 ], [ 20.78, 38.67 ], [ 20.79, 38.67 ] ] ], [ [ [ 20.7, 38.68 ], [ 20.71, 38.68 ], [ 20.71, 38.69 ], [ 20.72, 38.7 ], [ 20.72, 38.71 ], [ 20.72, 38.69 ], [ 20.72, 38.64 ], [ 20.72, 38.63 ], [ 20.71, 38.63 ], [ 20.7, 38.64 ], [ 20.7, 38.64 ], [ 20.7, 38.63 ], [ 20.7, 38.62 ], [ 20.7, 38.62 ], [ 20.69, 38.62 ], [ 20.69, 38.62 ], [ 20.69, 38.61 ], [ 20.68, 38.61 ], [ 20.68, 38.6 ], [ 20.66, 38.61 ], [ 20.65, 38.61 ], [ 20.64, 38.6 ], [ 20.65, 38.59 ], [ 20.65, 38.58 ], [ 20.64, 38.58 ], [ 20.63, 38.59 ], [ 20.63, 38.59 ], [ 20.63, 38.6 ], [ 20.61, 38.61 ], [ 20.6, 38.63 ], [ 20.59, 38.62 ], [ 20.58, 38.61 ], [ 20.57, 38.59 ], [ 20.55, 38.57 ], [ 20.54, 38.57 ], [ 20.54, 38.59 ], [ 20.56, 38.69 ], [ 20.58, 38.72 ], [ 20.59, 38.74 ], [ 20.6, 38.78 ], [ 20.61, 38.79 ], [ 20.62, 38.8 ], [ 20.63, 38.82 ], [ 20.65, 38.83 ], [ 20.66, 38.84 ], [ 20.69, 38.85 ], [ 20.69, 38.85 ], [ 20.69, 38.84 ], [ 20.7, 38.84 ], [ 20.72, 38.82 ], [ 20.72, 38.81 ], [ 20.72, 38.79 ], [ 20.73, 38.78 ], [ 20.72, 38.77 ], [ 20.72, 38.76 ], [ 20.73, 38.75 ], [ 20.73, 38.74 ], [ 20.73, 38.74 ], [ 20.73, 38.73 ], [ 20.73, 38.72 ], [ 20.7, 38.7 ], [ 20.7, 38.69 ], [ 20.7, 38.68 ] ] ], [ [ [ 20.24, 39.15 ], [ 20.25, 39.14 ], [ 20.26, 39.13 ], [ 20.25, 39.13 ], [ 20.24, 39.13 ], [ 20.24, 39.13 ], [ 20.23, 39.14 ], [ 20.23, 39.14 ], [ 20.22, 39.14 ], [ 20.22, 39.15 ], [ 20.22, 39.15 ], [ 20.23, 39.16 ], [ 20.23, 39.15 ], [ 20.24, 39.15 ], [ 20.24, 39.15 ] ] ], [ [ [ 20.19, 39.2 ], [ 20.2, 39.18 ], [ 20.18, 39.18 ], [ 20.17, 39.18 ], [ 20.16, 39.19 ], [ 20.14, 39.21 ], [ 20.13, 39.22 ], [ 20.13, 39.24 ], [ 20.14, 39.24 ], [ 20.16, 39.23 ], [ 20.17, 39.22 ], [ 20.19, 39.2 ] ] ], [ [ [ 19.54, 39.76 ], [ 19.53, 39.76 ], [ 19.52, 39.76 ], [ 19.52, 39.77 ], [ 19.52, 39.77 ], [ 19.51, 39.78 ], [ 19.51, 39.78 ], [ 19.53, 39.77 ], [ 19.54, 39.76 ] ] ], [ [ [ 19.93, 39.79 ], [ 19.93, 39.78 ], [ 19.94, 39.78 ], [ 19.94, 39.79 ], [ 19.95, 39.79 ], [ 19.95, 39.76 ], [ 19.93, 39.74 ], [ 19.91, 39.73 ], [ 19.85, 39.71 ], [ 19.84, 39.7 ], [ 19.84, 39.69 ], [ 19.84, 39.68 ], [ 19.85, 39.67 ], [ 19.86, 39.67 ], [ 19.86, 39.66 ], [ 19.84, 39.66 ], [ 19.84, 39.65 ], [ 19.9, 39.63 ], [ 19.93, 39.63 ], [ 19.92, 39.6 ], [ 19.92, 39.6 ], [ 19.9, 39.6 ], [ 19.91, 39.58 ], [ 19.93, 39.48 ], [ 19.94, 39.47 ], [ 19.95, 39.47 ], [ 19.96, 39.46 ], [ 19.99, 39.46 ], [ 20, 39.45 ], [ 20.02, 39.44 ], [ 20.03, 39.44 ], [ 20.05, 39.44 ], [ 20.07, 39.44 ], [ 20.07, 39.45 ], [ 20.08, 39.45 ], [ 20.09, 39.43 ], [ 20.1, 39.42 ], [ 20.11, 39.39 ], [ 20.12, 39.38 ], [ 20.12, 39.37 ], [ 20.11, 39.36 ], [ 20.1, 39.37 ], [ 20.07, 39.38 ], [ 20.05, 39.39 ], [ 20.03, 39.4 ], [ 20.01, 39.4 ], [ 20, 39.4 ], [ 19.99, 39.4 ], [ 19.96, 39.42 ], [ 19.95, 39.43 ], [ 19.94, 39.43 ], [ 19.92, 39.43 ], [ 19.91, 39.43 ], [ 19.91, 39.44 ], [ 19.91, 39.43 ], [ 19.92, 39.44 ], [ 19.93, 39.45 ], [ 19.89, 39.46 ], [ 19.88, 39.46 ], [ 19.88, 39.46 ], [ 19.88, 39.45 ], [ 19.88, 39.45 ], [ 19.87, 39.47 ], [ 19.85, 39.49 ], [ 19.85, 39.51 ], [ 19.84, 39.55 ], [ 19.83, 39.57 ], [ 19.81, 39.59 ], [ 19.78, 39.6 ], [ 19.76, 39.61 ], [ 19.75, 39.62 ], [ 19.72, 39.67 ], [ 19.72, 39.67 ], [ 19.7, 39.67 ], [ 19.69, 39.67 ], [ 19.68, 39.68 ], [ 19.67, 39.69 ], [ 19.68, 39.72 ], [ 19.67, 39.72 ], [ 19.65, 39.71 ], [ 19.65, 39.73 ], [ 19.65, 39.74 ], [ 19.64, 39.75 ], [ 19.63, 39.75 ], [ 19.64, 39.76 ], [ 19.66, 39.78 ], [ 19.67, 39.79 ], [ 19.68, 39.8 ], [ 19.77, 39.8 ], [ 19.8, 39.8 ], [ 19.82, 39.81 ], [ 19.85, 39.82 ], [ 19.87, 39.82 ], [ 19.87, 39.82 ], [ 19.88, 39.81 ], [ 19.89, 39.8 ], [ 19.92, 39.8 ], [ 19.93, 39.79 ] ] ], [ [ [ 19.43, 39.87 ], [ 19.41, 39.84 ], [ 19.39, 39.84 ], [ 19.39, 39.84 ], [ 19.38, 39.85 ], [ 19.38, 39.85 ], [ 19.38, 39.86 ], [ 19.39, 39.87 ], [ 19.41, 39.86 ], [ 19.42, 39.87 ], [ 19.42, 39.87 ], [ 19.43, 39.87 ] ] ], [ [ [ 19.58, 39.88 ], [ 19.58, 39.88 ], [ 19.57, 39.89 ], [ 19.57, 39.9 ], [ 19.58, 39.9 ], [ 19.59, 39.89 ], [ 19.59, 39.88 ], [ 19.58, 39.88 ] ] ] ] } } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/8e05185f-1fe0-4b49-a4b9-b6dc5a363f50", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Anabasis.1.en.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 2753, "end" : 2759 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Ionian" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/af5015fa-3aff-4d5d-9be2-ae744769da24", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-09-19T18:49:07+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://sws.geonames.org/6697809", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/MarkORawe", "modified" : "2020-11-30T09:27:54+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/MarkORawe", "modified" : "2020-11-30T09:27:54+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "MultiPolygon", "coordinates" : [ [ [ [ 24.11, 39.08 ], [ 24.12, 39.07 ], [ 24.12, 39.07 ], [ 24.12, 39.07 ], [ 24.12, 39.07 ], [ 24.12, 39.06 ], [ 24.11, 39.06 ], [ 24.11, 39.06 ], [ 24.1, 39.06 ], [ 24.1, 39.06 ], [ 24.1, 39.06 ], [ 24.11, 39.06 ], [ 24.11, 39.07 ], [ 24.1, 39.08 ], [ 24.1, 39.09 ], [ 24.1, 39.1 ], [ 24.11, 39.1 ], [ 24.12, 39.1 ], [ 24.12, 39.1 ], [ 24.11, 39.1 ], [ 24.12, 39.09 ], [ 24.11, 39.08 ], [ 24.11, 39.08 ] ] ], [ [ [ 23.51, 39.18 ], [ 23.51, 39.16 ], [ 23.49, 39.17 ], [ 23.48, 39.16 ], [ 23.46, 39.13 ], [ 23.45, 39.13 ], [ 23.44, 39.14 ], [ 23.44, 39.15 ], [ 23.43, 39.15 ], [ 23.41, 39.15 ], [ 23.4, 39.15 ], [ 23.4, 39.15 ], [ 23.4, 39.16 ], [ 23.41, 39.17 ], [ 23.42, 39.17 ], [ 23.43, 39.18 ], [ 23.43, 39.19 ], [ 23.44, 39.2 ], [ 23.46, 39.21 ], [ 23.47, 39.21 ], [ 23.49, 39.21 ], [ 23.5, 39.19 ], [ 23.51, 39.18 ] ] ], [ [ [ 23.6, 39.21 ], [ 23.6, 39.21 ], [ 23.61, 39.21 ], [ 23.61, 39.21 ], [ 23.64, 39.19 ], [ 23.67, 39.17 ], [ 23.7, 39.16 ], [ 23.73, 39.15 ], [ 23.73, 39.13 ], [ 23.75, 39.13 ], [ 23.77, 39.13 ], [ 23.79, 39.12 ], [ 23.79, 39.12 ], [ 23.76, 39.09 ], [ 23.74, 39.08 ], [ 23.72, 39.08 ], [ 23.71, 39.08 ], [ 23.69, 39.09 ], [ 23.67, 39.09 ], [ 23.66, 39.1 ], [ 23.66, 39.1 ], [ 23.67, 39.11 ], [ 23.67, 39.12 ], [ 23.66, 39.12 ], [ 23.63, 39.15 ], [ 23.62, 39.16 ], [ 23.62, 39.17 ], [ 23.59, 39.21 ], [ 23.6, 39.21 ], [ 23.6, 39.21 ] ] ], [ [ [ 23.9, 39.16 ], [ 23.86, 39.14 ], [ 23.83, 39.15 ], [ 23.85, 39.16 ], [ 23.86, 39.17 ], [ 23.87, 39.18 ], [ 23.89, 39.22 ], [ 23.94, 39.28 ], [ 23.96, 39.29 ], [ 23.96, 39.29 ], [ 23.96, 39.28 ], [ 23.95, 39.28 ], [ 23.95, 39.28 ], [ 23.97, 39.27 ], [ 23.97, 39.25 ], [ 23.95, 39.23 ], [ 23.94, 39.22 ], [ 23.92, 39.19 ], [ 23.9, 39.16 ] ] ], [ [ [ 24.07, 39.35 ], [ 24.07, 39.35 ], [ 24.07, 39.35 ], [ 24.08, 39.35 ], [ 24.09, 39.35 ], [ 24.09, 39.35 ], [ 24.09, 39.33 ], [ 24.08, 39.3 ], [ 24.06, 39.3 ], [ 24.05, 39.31 ], [ 24.05, 39.31 ], [ 24.06, 39.31 ], [ 24.06, 39.32 ], [ 24.05, 39.32 ], [ 24.04, 39.33 ], [ 24.04, 39.34 ], [ 24.05, 39.35 ], [ 24.06, 39.36 ], [ 24.07, 39.36 ], [ 24.07, 39.35 ] ] ], [ [ [ 24.33, 39.35 ], [ 24.32, 39.33 ], [ 24.31, 39.33 ], [ 24.31, 39.33 ], [ 24.31, 39.35 ], [ 24.32, 39.36 ], [ 24.32, 39.37 ], [ 24.33, 39.36 ], [ 24.33, 39.35 ] ] ], [ [ [ 24.18, 39.38 ], [ 24.15, 39.36 ], [ 24.15, 39.37 ], [ 24.15, 39.37 ], [ 24.14, 39.37 ], [ 24.14, 39.38 ], [ 24.15, 39.39 ], [ 24.15, 39.39 ], [ 24.15, 39.4 ], [ 24.16, 39.4 ], [ 24.16, 39.41 ], [ 24.16, 39.41 ], [ 24.17, 39.41 ], [ 24.17, 39.43 ], [ 24.18, 39.42 ], [ 24.18, 39.39 ], [ 24.18, 39.39 ], [ 24.18, 39.38 ] ] ], [ [ [ 22.18, 40.16 ], [ 22.18, 40.15 ], [ 22.17, 40.14 ], [ 22.18, 40.12 ], [ 22.17, 40.11 ], [ 22.18, 40.09 ], [ 22.2, 40.09 ], [ 22.22, 40.1 ], [ 22.24, 40.13 ], [ 22.25, 40.14 ], [ 22.3, 40.15 ], [ 22.33, 40.14 ], [ 22.34, 40.12 ], [ 22.33, 40.08 ], [ 22.35, 40.05 ], [ 22.38, 40.02 ], [ 22.44, 39.99 ], [ 22.47, 39.96 ], [ 22.5, 39.93 ], [ 22.53, 39.92 ], [ 22.61, 39.94 ], [ 22.63, 39.94 ], [ 22.65, 39.93 ], [ 22.7, 39.93 ], [ 22.71, 39.94 ], [ 22.71, 39.94 ], [ 22.71, 39.93 ], [ 22.72, 39.9 ], [ 22.73, 39.89 ], [ 22.74, 39.87 ], [ 22.78, 39.85 ], [ 22.8, 39.84 ], [ 22.82, 39.83 ], [ 22.84, 39.8 ], [ 22.85, 39.79 ], [ 22.86, 39.77 ], [ 22.86, 39.75 ], [ 22.87, 39.73 ], [ 22.87, 39.72 ], [ 22.9, 39.66 ], [ 22.93, 39.6 ], [ 22.94, 39.58 ], [ 22.95, 39.57 ], [ 23, 39.54 ], [ 23.06, 39.53 ], [ 23.09, 39.5 ], [ 23.1, 39.5 ], [ 23.1, 39.5 ], [ 23.11, 39.47 ], [ 23.13, 39.45 ], [ 23.21, 39.38 ], [ 23.22, 39.36 ], [ 23.27, 39.32 ], [ 23.29, 39.27 ], [ 23.34, 39.19 ], [ 23.34, 39.18 ], [ 23.33, 39.17 ], [ 23.3, 39.15 ], [ 23.28, 39.15 ], [ 23.24, 39.14 ], [ 23.22, 39.14 ], [ 23.21, 39.13 ], [ 23.22, 39.13 ], [ 23.22, 39.13 ], [ 23.22, 39.13 ], [ 23.23, 39.12 ], [ 23.23, 39.12 ], [ 23.22, 39.12 ], [ 23.21, 39.11 ], [ 23.21, 39.11 ], [ 23.2, 39.1 ], [ 23.19, 39.11 ], [ 23.17, 39.11 ], [ 23.15, 39.1 ], [ 23.13, 39.09 ], [ 23.12, 39.09 ], [ 23.09, 39.09 ], [ 23.05, 39.1 ], [ 23.06, 39.11 ], [ 23.07, 39.12 ], [ 23.07, 39.14 ], [ 23.08, 39.15 ], [ 23.11, 39.16 ], [ 23.11, 39.15 ], [ 23.1, 39.1 ], [ 23.17, 39.13 ], [ 23.18, 39.15 ], [ 23.18, 39.16 ], [ 23.18, 39.16 ], [ 23.19, 39.16 ], [ 23.2, 39.16 ], [ 23.2, 39.15 ], [ 23.21, 39.16 ], [ 23.21, 39.17 ], [ 23.22, 39.18 ], [ 23.21, 39.19 ], [ 23.19, 39.22 ], [ 23.18, 39.23 ], [ 23.18, 39.25 ], [ 23.17, 39.27 ], [ 23.15, 39.28 ], [ 23.13, 39.3 ], [ 23.12, 39.31 ], [ 23.1, 39.31 ], [ 23.02, 39.32 ], [ 23.02, 39.32 ], [ 23.02, 39.33 ], [ 23.02, 39.33 ], [ 23.01, 39.34 ], [ 23, 39.35 ], [ 23, 39.36 ], [ 22.99, 39.36 ], [ 22.96, 39.36 ], [ 22.94, 39.36 ], [ 22.94, 39.36 ], [ 22.94, 39.35 ], [ 22.94, 39.34 ], [ 22.93, 39.34 ], [ 22.93, 39.32 ], [ 22.93, 39.31 ], [ 22.94, 39.3 ], [ 22.92, 39.3 ], [ 22.88, 39.3 ], [ 22.84, 39.29 ], [ 22.83, 39.27 ], [ 22.82, 39.23 ], [ 22.83, 39.22 ], [ 22.85, 39.16 ], [ 22.86, 39.16 ], [ 22.87, 39.17 ], [ 22.88, 39.18 ], [ 22.88, 39.19 ], [ 22.88, 39.19 ], [ 22.89, 39.18 ], [ 22.9, 39.17 ], [ 22.9, 39.18 ], [ 22.91, 39.16 ], [ 22.91, 39.14 ], [ 22.92, 39.13 ], [ 22.94, 39.11 ], [ 22.94, 39.12 ], [ 22.94, 39.12 ], [ 22.94, 39.12 ], [ 22.94, 39.12 ], [ 22.94, 39.12 ], [ 22.94, 39.13 ], [ 22.96, 39.12 ], [ 22.97, 39.1 ], [ 22.98, 39.08 ], [ 23, 39.07 ], [ 22.99, 39.06 ], [ 22.99, 39.05 ], [ 23, 39.05 ], [ 22.97, 39.03 ], [ 22.96, 39.03 ], [ 22.96, 39.01 ], [ 23.02, 39.03 ], [ 23.04, 39.04 ], [ 23.07, 39.04 ], [ 23.07, 39.04 ], [ 23.06, 39.03 ], [ 23.03, 39.02 ], [ 23.02, 39.01 ], [ 23.02, 39 ], [ 23.01, 38.98 ], [ 23.01, 38.97 ], [ 23, 38.97 ], [ 23, 38.96 ], [ 23, 38.96 ], [ 22.99, 38.96 ], [ 22.99, 38.97 ], [ 22.97, 38.97 ], [ 22.93, 38.96 ], [ 22.87, 38.96 ], [ 22.84, 38.98 ], [ 22.82, 38.99 ], [ 22.79, 38.98 ], [ 22.73, 38.99 ], [ 22.71, 38.99 ], [ 22.65, 39.03 ], [ 22.63, 39.03 ], [ 22.55, 39.03 ], [ 22.52, 39.03 ], [ 22.5, 39.04 ], [ 22.49, 39.05 ], [ 22.49, 39.1 ], [ 22.49, 39.12 ], [ 22.43, 39.11 ], [ 22.41, 39.12 ], [ 22.41, 39.17 ], [ 22.39, 39.18 ], [ 22.35, 39.2 ], [ 22.28, 39.22 ], [ 22.24, 39.24 ], [ 22.15, 39.16 ], [ 22.12, 39.1 ], [ 22.1, 39.09 ], [ 22.06, 39.08 ], [ 22.04, 39.08 ], [ 22.01, 39.05 ], [ 21.97, 39.04 ], [ 21.93, 39.03 ], [ 21.92, 39.03 ], [ 21.91, 39.05 ], [ 21.92, 39.06 ], [ 21.91, 39.09 ], [ 21.9, 39.1 ], [ 21.87, 39.11 ], [ 21.83, 39.13 ], [ 21.81, 39.13 ], [ 21.76, 39.1 ], [ 21.74, 39.09 ], [ 21.72, 39.1 ], [ 21.7, 39.11 ], [ 21.7, 39.12 ], [ 21.71, 39.15 ], [ 21.7, 39.16 ], [ 21.67, 39.18 ], [ 21.66, 39.22 ], [ 21.65, 39.23 ], [ 21.64, 39.24 ], [ 21.55, 39.23 ], [ 21.53, 39.22 ], [ 21.53, 39.2 ], [ 21.51, 39.19 ], [ 21.48, 39.21 ], [ 21.46, 39.21 ], [ 21.42, 39.19 ], [ 21.38, 39.15 ], [ 21.36, 39.15 ], [ 21.34, 39.18 ], [ 21.33, 39.2 ], [ 21.39, 39.28 ], [ 21.37, 39.31 ], [ 21.35, 39.33 ], [ 21.33, 39.33 ], [ 21.28, 39.33 ], [ 21.24, 39.35 ], [ 21.23, 39.39 ], [ 21.18, 39.42 ], [ 21.17, 39.44 ], [ 21.17, 39.45 ], [ 21.17, 39.47 ], [ 21.15, 39.48 ], [ 21.16, 39.5 ], [ 21.17, 39.51 ], [ 21.16, 39.54 ], [ 21.17, 39.57 ], [ 21.15, 39.58 ], [ 21.14, 39.58 ], [ 21.12, 39.6 ], [ 21.12, 39.63 ], [ 21.11, 39.66 ], [ 21.12, 39.67 ], [ 21.14, 39.68 ], [ 21.18, 39.68 ], [ 21.2, 39.67 ], [ 21.22, 39.67 ], [ 21.21, 39.7 ], [ 21.2, 39.76 ], [ 21.2, 39.77 ], [ 21.22, 39.78 ], [ 21.23, 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