[ { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/92df21a0-ae51-46fc-9d9b-76cfdbb29713", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-05-06T16:51:23+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Using negative vs positive words makes the reader feel like they need to look a certain way. The words \"too dark '' make black consumers feel like they need to whiten their skin and that being dark is automatically a bad thing and the reason they are“sad and worried”. Then they associate their whitening cream with positive words like “prettier, attractive, and beautiful” making the consumer think they can only be beautiful with white skin.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/afennelly", "modified" : "2022-11-16T01:37:20+00:00", "purpose" : "transcribing" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c1c273a0-4f98-4a61-b661-801e32856a41", "type" : "Image", "label" : "image project.jpg", "selector" : [ { "type" : "FragmentSelector", "conformsTo" : "http://www.w3.org/TR/media-frags/", "value" : "xywh=pixel:204,689,249,52" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/8b37f21c-502f-497b-9220-8c100fddc0aa", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-05-06T16:51:23+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "This is an advertisement for a beauty treatment in the 1930s called Sweet Georgia Brown Skin Bleaching Cream. During this time racism and segregation were heightened, especially with the Great Depression when many blacks were losing their jobs because of their skin color. People of color wanted lighter skin so they would be treated fairly and were willing to go to extreme lengths like bleaching their skin, which made this product marketable. ", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/afennelly", "modified" : "2022-11-16T01:35:11+00:00", "purpose" : "transcribing" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c1c273a0-4f98-4a61-b661-801e32856a41", "type" : "Image", "label" : "image project.jpg", "selector" : [ { "type" : "FragmentSelector", "conformsTo" : "http://www.w3.org/TR/media-frags/", "value" : "xywh=pixel:894,294,0,0" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/bf101da0-687f-435c-8de7-f6b145d1aa27", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-05-06T16:51:23+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "60 cents in the 1930s is equivalent to about $10 now, so the product wasn’t too costly. This made it easy for people to buy even if they were hesitant. They made sure to advertise the price twice in the advertisement relatively large so people would see it is “only” 60 cents, making them feel inclined to buy and try it. ", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/afennelly", "modified" : "2022-11-16T01:38:05+00:00", "purpose" : "transcribing" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c1c273a0-4f98-4a61-b661-801e32856a41", "type" : "Image", "label" : "image project.jpg", "selector" : [ { "type" : "FragmentSelector", "conformsTo" : "http://www.w3.org/TR/media-frags/", "value" : "xywh=pixel:1016,861,133,101" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/e6c9155b-ac5f-4c3a-a51b-5d419e16236f", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-05-06T16:51:23+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "This advertisement instructs the viewer how to use the product and how it is easy to use. It instructs the user to use it twice a day and leave it on all night which is concerning since it is bleaching their skin and contains mercury. ", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/afennelly", "modified" : "2022-11-16T01:41:42+00:00", "purpose" : "transcribing" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c1c273a0-4f98-4a61-b661-801e32856a41", "type" : "Image", "label" : "image project.jpg", "selector" : [ { "type" : "FragmentSelector", "conformsTo" : "http://www.w3.org/TR/media-frags/", "value" : "xywh=pixel:1171,2606,566,90" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/a73184e4-d2ac-4643-ae45-8f42eede115b", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-05-06T16:51:23+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Creating a cleansing cream allows them to make more money off this advertisement. By advertising to use their cleanser before the cream, makes the consumer buy not not only one but two of their products . Now this company is making double the money by creating a two step regimen. ", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/afennelly", "modified" : "2022-11-16T01:41:08+00:00", "purpose" : "transcribing" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c1c273a0-4f98-4a61-b661-801e32856a41", "type" : "Image", "label" : "image project.jpg", "selector" : [ { "type" : "FragmentSelector", "conformsTo" : "http://www.w3.org/TR/media-frags/", "value" : "xywh=pixel:1793,2209,0,0" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/94087574-df3b-4f60-af61-f9edd4d4ed3c", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-05-06T16:51:23+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "This product contains ammoniated mercury which can cause many side effects. Exposures to mercury can cause bad skin reactions, damage the nervous system, kidneys, liver, and immune system and is toxic by inhalation and ingestion. Side effects or cautions are not mentioned in this advertisement. It makes me wonder what happened to those who used this product daily. ", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/afennelly", "modified" : "2022-11-16T01:40:27+00:00", "purpose" : "transcribing" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c1c273a0-4f98-4a61-b661-801e32856a41", "type" : "Image", "label" : "image project.jpg", "selector" : [ { "type" : "FragmentSelector", "conformsTo" : "http://www.w3.org/TR/media-frags/", "value" : "xywh=pixel:1676,1241,228,71" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/85b7a5d5-f767-4bde-892e-9cbb195249bb", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-05-06T16:51:23+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "This photo shows a happy couple smiling, which connects happiness to their product. It makes people believe that if they bought this product they can be happy and in love. ", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/afennelly", "modified" : "2022-11-16T01:38:46+00:00", "purpose" : "transcribing" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c1c273a0-4f98-4a61-b661-801e32856a41", "type" : "Image", "label" : "image project.jpg", "selector" : [ { "type" : "FragmentSelector", "conformsTo" : "http://www.w3.org/TR/media-frags/", "value" : "xywh=pixel:828,1580,0,0" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/5b396dd1-1bcd-41a0-a3af-c55c5bf6fa65", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-05-06T16:51:23+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "This shows how women will change their appearance to gain male acceptance and attraction. Women's beauty standards are surrounded by what they believe men will like, which this advertisement uses to their advantage. If women believe males are attracted to whiter skin they will use this cream. ", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/afennelly", "modified" : "2022-11-16T01:39:31+00:00", "purpose" : "transcribing" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c1c273a0-4f98-4a61-b661-801e32856a41", "type" : "Image", "label" : "image project.jpg", "selector" : [ { "type" : "FragmentSelector", "conformsTo" : "http://www.w3.org/TR/media-frags/", "value" : "xywh=pixel:1567,1586,286,57" } ] } } ]