EEBO-TCP: Faustus

27 February 2018

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Page [unnumbered]Page [unnumbered] THE TRAGICALL History of D. Faustus. As it hath bene Acted by the Right Honorable the Earle of Nottingham his seruants. Written by Ch. Marl. LONDON Printed by V. S. for Thomas Bushell. 1604. Page [unnumbered]Page [unnumbered] The tragicall Historie of Doctor Faustus. Enter Chorus. NOt marching now in fields of Thracimene, Where Mars did mate the Carthaginians, Nor sporting in the dalliance of loue, In courts of Kings where state is ouerturnd, Nor in the pompe of prowd audacious deedes, Intends our Muse to daunt his heauenly verse: Onely this (Gentlemen) we must performe, The forme of Faustus fortunes good or bad. To patient Iudgements we appeale our plaude, And speake for Faustus in his infancie: Now is he borne, his parents base of stocke, In Germany, within a towne calld Rhod•s: Of riper yéeres to Wertenberg he went, Whereas his kinsmen chiefly brought him vp, So soone hée profites in Diuinitie, The fruitfull plot of Scholerisme grac't, That shortly he was grac't with Doctors name, Excelling all, whose swéete delight disputes In heauenly matters of Theologie, Till sw•lne with cunning of a s•lfe conceit, His wa•en wings did mount aboue his reach, And mel•ing heauens conspirde his ouerthrow. For falling to a diuelish exercise, And glutte• more with learnings golden gifts, Page [unnumbered]He surffets vpon cursed Negromancy▪ Nothing so sweete as magicke is to him Which he preferres before his chiefest blisse, And this the man that in his study sits. Exit. Enter Faustus in his Study. Faustus Settle thy studies Faustus, and beginne To sound the deapth o• that thou wilt professe: Hauing commencde, be a Diuine in shew, Yet leuell at the end of euery Art, And liue and die in Aristotles workes: Sweete Anulatikes tis thou hast rauisht me, Bene disserere est finis logicis▪ Is, to dispute well, Logickes chiefest end Affoords this Art no greater myracle: Then reade no more, thou hast attaind the end: A greater subiect fitteth Faustus wit, Bid Oncaymaeon farewell, Galen come: Séeing, vbi desinit philosophus, ibi incipit medicus. Be a physition Faustus, heape vp golde, And be eternizde for some wondrous cure, Summum bonum medicinae sanitas, The end of physicke is our bodies health: Why Faustus, hast thou not attaind that end? Is not thy common talke sound Aphorismes? Are not thy billes hung vp as monuments, whereby whole Citties haue escapt the plague, And thousand desprate maladies béene easde, Yet art thou still but Faustus, and a man. wouldst thou make man to liue eternally? Or being dead, raise them to life againe? Then this profession were to be estéemd. Physicke farewell, where is Iustinian? S•〈…〉 res legatus duobus, A•ter rem alter v•lorem rei, &c. A pretty case of paltry legacies: Ex 〈…〉 nisi: Such is the subiect of the institute Page [unnumbered]And vniuersall body of the Church: •is study fittes a mercenary drudge, who aimes at nothing but externall trash, The deuill and illiberall for me: when all is done, Diuinitie is best. Ieromes Bible, Faustus, view it well. Stipendium peccati mors est: ha, Stipendium, &c. The reward of sinne is death: tha•s hard. Si peccasse negamus, fallimur, & nulla est in nobis veritas. If we say that we haue no sinne, We deceiue our selues, and theres no truth in vs. Why then belike we must sinne, And so consequently die. I, we must die an e•erlasting death: What doctrine call you this, Che sera, sera, What wil be, shall be? Diuinitie, adieu, These Metaphisickes of Magicia•s, And Negromantike bookes are heauenly Lines, circles, sceanes, letters and characters: I, these are those that Faustus most d•sires. O what a world of profit and delight, Of power, of honor, of omnipotence Is promised to the studious Artizan? All things that mooue betweene the quiet poles Shalbe at my commaun. Emperours and Kings, Are but obeyd in their seu•rall prouinces: Nor can they rais• the winde, or •end the cloudes: But his dominion that excéedes in this, Stretcheth as farre as doth the minde of man. A sound Magician is a mighty god: Héere Fa•stus trie thy braines to gaine a deitie. Enter Wagner. Wagner, commend me to my deerest friends, The Germaine Valde•, and Corneliu•, Request them earnestly to visite me. Wag. I wil sir. exit. Fau. Their conference will be a greater help to me, Page [unnumbered]Thn all my labours, plodde I nere so fast. Enter the good Angell and the euill Angell. Good. A. O Faustus, lay that damned booke aside, And gaze not on it, lest it tempt thy soule, And heape Gods heauy wrath vpon thy head, Reade, reade the scriptures, that is blasphemy. Euill An. Go forward Faustus in that famous art, Wherein all natures treasury is containd: Be thou on earth as Ioue is in the skie, Lord and commaunder of these Elements. Exeunt. Fau. How am I glutted with conceit of this? Shall I make spirits fetch me what I please, Resolue me of all ambiguities, Performe what d•sperate enterprise I will? Ile haue them flye to India for gold, Ransacke the Ocean for orient pearle, And search all corners of the new found world For pleasant fruites and princely delicates: Ile haue them reade mée straunge philosophie, And tell the secrets of all forraine kings, Ile haue them wall all Iermany with brasse, And make swift Rhine circle faire Wertenberge, Ile haue them fill the publike schooles with skill. Wherewith the students shalbe brauely clad: Ile leuy souldiers with the coyne they bring, And chase the Prince of Parma from our land, And raigne sole king of all our prouinces: Yea stranger engines for the brunt of warre, Then was the fiery kéele at Antwarpes bridge, Ile make my seruile spirits to inuent: Come Germaine Valdes and Cornelius, And make me blest with your sage conference, V•ldes, swéete Valdes, and Cornelius, Enter Valdes and Cornelius. Know that your words haue woon me at the last, Page [unnumbered]To practise Magicke and concealed arts: Yet not your words onely, but mine owne fantasie, That will receiue no obiect for my head, But ruminates on Negremantique skill, Philosophy is odious and obscure, Both Law and Phis•cke are for pettie wit•, Diuinitie is basest of the thrée, Unpleasant, harsh, contemptible and vilde, Tis Magicke, Magicke that hath rauisht mée, Then gentle friends ayde me in this attempt, And I that haue with Consissylogismes Graueld the Pastors of the Germaine Church, And made the flowring pride of Wertenberge Swarme to my Problemes as the infernall spirits On swéet Musaeus when he came to hell, Will be as cunning as Agrippa was, Whose shadowes made all Europe honor him. Vald. Faustus▪ these bookes thy wit and our experience Shall make all nations to cononize vs, As Indian Moores obey their Spanish Lords, So shall the subiects of euery element Be alwaies seruiceable to vs thrée, Like Lyons shall they guard vs when we please, Like Almaine Rutters with their horsemens staues, Or Lapland Gyants trotting by our sides, Sometimes like women, or vnwedded maides, Shadowing more beautie in their ayrie browes, Then in their white breasts of the queene of Loue: For Venice shall they dregge huge Argoces, And from America the golden fléece, That yearely ••nffes olde Philips treasury If learned Faustus will be resolute. Fau. Valdes as resolute am I in this As thou to liue, therefore obiect it not. Corn. The myracles that Magicke will performe, Will make thée vow to studie nothing else, He that is grounded in Astrologie, Page [unnumbered]Inricht with tongues well séene minerals, 〈◊〉 all the principles Magicke doth require, The• doubt n•t (F••stus) but to be renowmd, And more frequented for this mystery, Then heretofore the Dolphian Oracle. The spirits tell me they can drie the sea, And fet•h the trea•ure of all forraine wrackes, I, all the wealth that our fore•athers hid 〈◊〉 the ma••ie en•rail•s of the earth. Th•n tell me Faustus, what shal we three want? Fau. Noth•ng Cornelius, O this cheares my soule, Come shewe me some demonstrations magi•all, That I may coniure in some lustie groue, And haue these ioyes in full possession. Val. Then haste thée to some solitary groue, And beare wise Bacons and Albanus workes, The H•brew Psalter, and new Testament, And whatsoeuer else is requisit Wee will enforme thée ere our conference cease. Cor. Valdes, first let him know the words of art, And then all other ceremonies learnd, Faustus may trie his cunning by himselfe. Val. First Ile instruct thee in the rudiments, And then wilt thou be perfecter then I. Fau. Then come and dyne with me, and after meate Wéele ca•uas euery quidditie thereof: For ere I sleepe •le trie what I can do, This night Ile coniure though I die therefore. Exeunt. Enter two Schollers. 1 Sch. I wonder whats become of Faustus, that was wont to make our schooles ring with, sic probo. 2 Sch. That shall we know, for see here comes his boy. Enter Wagner. 1. Sch. How now sirra, wheres thy maister? Wag. God in heauen knowes. 2. Why, dost not thou know? Page [unnumbered] Wag. Yes I know, but that followes not. 1. Go too sirra, leaue your ieasting, and tell vs where hée is. Wag. That follows not necessary by force of argument, that you being licentiate should stand vpon't, therefore ac∣knowledge your error, and be attentiue. 2. Why, didst thou not say thou knewst? Wag. Haue you any witnesse on't? 1. Yes sirra, I heard you. Wag. Aske my fellow if I be a thiefe. 2. Well, you will not tell vs. Wag. Yes sir, I will tell you, yet if you were not dunces you would neuer aske me such a question, for is not he cor∣pus naturale, and is not that mobile, then wherefore should you aske me such a question: but that I am by nature fleg∣maticke, slowe to wrath, and prone to leachery, (to loue I would say) it were not for you to come within fortie foote of the place of execution, although I do not doubt to sée you both hang'd the next Sessions. Thus hauing triumpht ouer you, I will set my countnance like a precisian, and begin to speake thus: truly my deare brethren, my maister is within at dinner with Valdes and Cornelius, as this wine if it could speake, it would enforme your worships, and so the Lord blesse you, preserue you, and kéepe you my deare brethren, my deare brethren. exit. 1. Nay then I feare he is falne into that damned art, for which they two are infamous through the world. 2. Were he a stranger, and not alied to me, yet should I grieue for him: but come let vs go and informe the Rector, and sée if hée by his graue counsaile can reclaime him. 1. O but I feare me nothing can reclaime him. 2. Yet let vs trie what we can do. Exeunt. Enter Faustus to coniure. Fau. Now that the gloomy shadow of the earth, Longing to view Orions drisling looke, Page [unnumbered]Leapes f•om •h•antartike world vnto the skie, A•d dimmes the welkin with her pitchy breath: Faustus, beg•n thine incantations, And tri• if diuels will obey thy hest, Séeing thou hast prayde and sacri•••d to them. UUithin this 〈◊〉 is 〈◊〉 name, Forward a•d backward, and Agramithist, 〈…〉 names of holy Saints, Figur•s of euery adiunct to the heauens, And characters of signes and erring starres. By which the spirits are inforst to rise, Then feare not Faustus, but be resolute. And trie the vttermost Magicke can performe. Sint mihi dei acherontis propitij, valeat numen triplex Iehouae, igne•, aerij, Aquatani spiritus saluete, Orientis princeps Belsibub, inferni ardentis monarcha & demigorgon, propitiamus vos, vt apariat & surgat Mep•astophilis, quòd tumeraris, per I•houam gehennam & con•ecratam aquam quam nunc spargo, signúmque crucis quodnunc facio, & per vota nostra ipse nunc surgat nobis dic•tis Mephasto∣philis. Enter a Diuell. I charge thée to returne and cha••ge thy shape, Thou art too vgly to attend on me, Goe and returne an old Franciscan Frier, That holy shape becomes a diuell best. Exit diuell. I see theres vertue in my heauenly words, Who would not be proficient in this art? How pliant is this M•phastophilis? Full of obedience and humilitie, Such is the force of Magicke and my spels, No Faustus, thou art Coniurer la•reate That canst commaund great Mephastophilis, Quin regis M•phastoph••is fratris imagine. Enter Mephostophilis. Me. Now Faustus, what wouldst thou haue me do? Fau. I charge thée wait vpon me whilst I liue, Page [unnumbered]To do what euer Faustus shall commaund, Be it to make the Moo•e drop from her spheare, Or the Ocean to ouerwhelme the world. Me. I am a seruant to great Luci•er, And may not follow thée without his leaue, No more then he commaunds must we performe. Fau. Did not he charge thée to appeare to mée? Me. No, I came now hither of mine owne accord. Fau. Did not my coniuring spéeches raise thee? speake. Me. That was the cause, but yet per accident, For when we heare one racke the name of God, Abiure the scriptures, and his Sauiour Christ, Wée flye, in hope to get his glorious soule, Nor will we come, vnlesse he vse such meanes Whereby he is in danger to be damnd: Therefore the shortest cut for coniuring Is stoutly to abiure the Trinitie, And pray deuoutly to the prince of hell. Fau. So Faustus hath already done, & holds this principle There is no chiefe but onely Belsibub, To whom 〈◊〉 doth dedicate himselfe, This word damnation terrifies not him, For he confounds hell in Elizium, His ghost be with the olde Philosophers, But lea•ing these vaine trifles of mens soules, Tell me what is that Lucif•r thy Lord? Me. Arch-regent and commaunder of all spirits. Fau. Was not that Lucifer an Angell once? Me. Yes Faustus, and most dearely lou'd of God. Fau. How comes it then that he is prince of diuels? Me. O by aspiring pride and insolence, For which God threw him from the face of heauen. Fau. and what are you that liue with L•cifer? Me. Unhappy spirits that fell with Lucifer, Conspir'd against our God with Lucifer, And are for euerdamnd with Lucifer. Fau. UUhere are you damn'd? Page [unnumbered] Me. In hell. Fau. How comes it then that thou art out of hel? Me. Why this is hel, nor am I out of it: Thinkst thou that I who saw the face of God, And tasted the eternal ioyes of heauen, Am not tormented with ten thousand hels, In being depriv'd of euerlasting blisse: O Faustus, leaue these friuolous demaunds, which strike a terror to my fainting soule. Fau. What, is great Mephastophilis so passionate, For being deprivd of the ioyes of heauen? Learne thou of Faustus manly fortitude, And scorne those ioyes thou neuer shalt possesse. Go beare those tidings to•great Lucifer, Séeing Faustus hath incurrd eternall death, By desprate thoughts against Ioues deitie: Say, he surrenders vp to him his soule, So he will spare him 24. yéeres, Letting him liue in al voluptuousnesse, Hauing thee euer to attend on me, To giue me whatsoeuer I shal aske, To tel me whatsoeuer I demaund, To slay mine enemies, and ayde my friends, And alwayes be obedient to my wil: Goe and returne to mighty Lucifer, And méete mée in my study at midnight, And then resolue me of thy maisters minde. Me. I will Faustus. exit. Fau. Had I •s many soules as there be starres, Ide giue them al for Mephastophilis: By him Ile be great Emprour of the world, And make a bridge through the moouing ayre, To passe the Ocean with a band of men, Ile ioyne the hils that binde the Aff•icke shore, And make that land continent to Spaine, And both contributory to my crowne: The Emprour shal bot liue but by my leaue, Page [unnumbered]Nor any Potentate of Germany: Now that I haue obtaind what I desire, Ile liue in speculation of this Art, Til Mephastophilis returne againe. exit. Enter Wagner and the C•owne. Wag. Sirra boy, come hither. Clo. How, boy? swowns boy, I hope you haue séene ma∣ny boyes with such pickadevaunts as I haue. Boy quotha? Wag. Tel me sirra, hast thou any commings in? Clo. I, and goings out too, you may sée else. Wag. Alas poore slaue, sée how pouerty iesteth in his na∣kednesse, the vilaine is bare, and out of seruice, and so hun∣gry, that I know he would giue his soule to the Diuel for a shoulder of mutton, though it were blood rawe. Clo. How, my soule to the Diuel for a shoulder of mut∣ton though twere blood rawe? not so good friend, burladie I had néede haue it wel roasted, and good sawce to it, if I pay so déere. Wag. wel, wilt thou serue me, and Ile make thée go like Qui mihi discipulus? Clo. How, in verse? Wag. No sirra, in beaten silke and staues acre. Clo. how, how, knaues acre? I, I thought that was al the land his father •eft him: Doe yee heare, I would be sorie to robbe you of your liuing. Wag. Sirra, I say in staues acre. Clo. Oho, oho, staues acre, why then belike, if I were your man, I should be ful of vermine. Wag. So thou shalt, whether thou bée•t with me, or no: but sirra, leaue your iesting, and binde your selfe presently vnto me for seauen yéeres, or Ile turne al the lice about thée into familiars, and they shal teare thée in péeces. Clo. Doe you heare sir? you may saue that labour, they are too familiar with me already, swowns they are as bolde with my flesh, as if they had payd for my meate and drinke. Wag. wel, do you heare sirra? holde, take these gilders. Clo. Gridyrons, what be they? Page [unnumbered] Wag. Why french crownes. Clo. Mas but for the name of french crownes a man were as good haue as many english counters, and what should I do with these? Wag. UUhy now sirra thou art at an houres warning whenso•uer or wheresoeuer the diuell shall fetch the•. Clo. No, no, here take your gridirons againe. Wag. Truly Ile n•ne of them. Clo. Truly but you shall. Wag. Beare witnesse I gaue them him. Clo. Beare witnesse I giue them you againe. Wag. UUell, I will cause two diuels presently to fetch thée away Baliol and Belcher. Clo. Let your Balio• and your B•lcher come here, and Ile knocke them, they were neuer so knockt since they were di∣uels, say I should kill one of them▪ what would folkes say? do ye see yonder tall fellow in the round flop, hee has kild the di∣uell, so I should be cald 〈◊〉 diuell all the parish ouer. Enter two diuells, a•d the clowne runnes vp and downe crying. Wag. Baliol• and Belcher, spirits away. Exeunt. Clow. what, are they gone? a vengeance on them, they haue v•lde long nailes, there was a hee diuell and a shée di∣uell, Ile t•ll you how you shall know them, all hee diuels has 〈◊〉, and all shée diuels had clifts and clouen feete. Wag. Well sirra follow me. Clo. But do yo• hear? if I should serue you, would you 〈…〉 vp Banios and Belcheos? Wag. 〈1 paragraph〉 Clo. 〈◊〉? a Christian fellow to a dogge or a catte, a 〈…〉 no, no sir, if you turne me into any thing, 〈…〉 of a little pretie frisking flea, that I 〈…〉 and there and euery where, O Ile tickle the 〈…〉 be amongst them •faith. Page [unnumbered] Wag. Wel sirra, come. Clo. But doe you heare Wagner? Wag. How Ba•ioll a•d Bel•her. Clo. O Lord I pray sir, let Ban•o and Belcher go sléepe. Wag. 〈…〉 exit Clo: God forgiue me, he speakes Dutch fustian: well, Ile folow him, Ile serue him, thats flat. exit Enter Faustus in his Study. Fau. Now Faustus must thou néedes be damnd, And canst thou not be saued? what bootes it then to thinke of God or heauen? Away with such vaine fancies and despaire, Despaire in God, and trust in Belsabub: Now go not backeward: no Faustas, be resolute, why wauerest thou? O something soundeth in mine eares: Abi•re this Magicke, turne to God againe, I and Faustus wil turne to God againe. To God? he loues thee not, The god thou seruest is thine owne appetite, wherein is fixt the loue of Belsabub, To him Ile build an altare and a church, And offer luke warme blood of new borne babes. Enter good Angell, and Eui••. Good Angel Swéet Faustus, leaue that execrable art. Fau. Contrition, prayer, repentance: what of them? Good Angel O they are meanes to bring thée vnto hea∣uen. Euill Angel Rather illusio•s fruites of lunacy, That makes men foolish that do trust them most. Good Angel Swéet Faustus thinke of heauen, and hea∣uenly things. Euill Angel No Faustus, thinke of honor and wealth. Fau. Of wealth, exeunt. Why the signory of Emden shalbe mine, when Mephatophilus shal stand by me, Page [unnumbered]What God can hurt thée Faustus? thou art safe, Cast no more doubts, come Mephastophilus, And bring glad tidings from great Lucifer: Ist not midnight? come Mephastophilus, Veni veni Mephastophile enter Meph: Now tel, what sayes Lucifer thy Lord? Me: That I shal waite on Faustus whilst I liue, So he wil buy my seruice with his soule. Fau: Already Faustus hath hazarded that for thée. Me: But Faustus, thou must bequeathe it solemnely, And write a déede of gift with thine owne blood, For that security craues great Lucifer: If thou deny it, I wil backe to hel. Fau: Stay Mephastophilus, and tel me, what good wil my soule do thy Lord? Me: Inlarge his kingdome. Fau: Is that the reason he tempts vs thus? Me: Solamen miseris socios habuisse doloris. Fau: Haue you any paine that tortures others? Me: As great as haue the humane soules of men: But tel me Faustus, shal I haue thy soule, And I wil be thy slaue, and waite on thée, And giue thée more than thou hast wit to aske. Fau: I Mephastophilus, I giue it thée. Me: Then stabbe thine arme couragiously, And binde thy soule, that at some certaine day Great Lucifer may claime it as his owne, And then be thou as great as Lucifer. Fau: Loe Mephastophilus, for loue of thée, I cut mine arme, and with my proper blood Assure my soule to be great Lucifers, Chiefe Lord and regent of pe•petual night, Uiew heere the blood that trickles from mine arme, And let it be propitious for my wish. Meph: But Faustus, thou must write it in manner of a déede of gift. Fau. I so I will, but Mephastophilis my bloud coniealesPage [unnumbered]and I can write no more. Me. Ile fetch thée fier to dissolue it straight. Exit. Fau. What might the staying of my bloud portend? Is it vnwilling I should write this bill? Why streames it not, that I may write afresh? Faustus giues to thee his soule: ah there it stayde, Why shouldst thou not? is not thy soule thine owne? Then write againe, Faustus giues to thée his soule. Enter Mephastophilis with a chafer of coles. Me. Heres fier, come Faustus, set it on. Fau. So now the bloud begins to cleare againe, Now will I make an ende immediately. Me. O what will not I do to obtaine his soule? Fau. Consummatum est, this Bill is ended, And Faustus hath bequeath'd his soule to Lucifer. But what is this inscription on mine arme? Homo fuge, whither should I flie? If vnto God hée'le throwe thée downe to hell, My sences are deceiu'd, here's nothing writ, I sée it plaine, here in this place is writ, Homo fuge, yet shall not Faustus flye. Me. Ile fetch him somewhat to delight his minde. exit. Enter with diuels, giuing crownes and rich apparell to Faustus, and daunce, and then depart. Fau. Speake Mephastophilis, what meanes this shewe? Me. Nothing Faustus, but to delight thy minde withall, And to shewe thee what Magicke can performe. Fau. But may I raise vp spirits when I please? Me. I Faustus, and do greater things then these. Fau. Then theres inough for a thousand soules, Here Mephastophi•is receiue this scrowle, A déede of gift of body and of soule: But yet conditionally, that thou performe All articles prescrib'd be•wéene vs both. Page [unnumbered] Me. Faustus, I sweare by hel and Lucifer To effect all promises betweene vs made. Fau. Then heare me reade them: on these conditions fol∣lowing. First, that Faustus may be a spirit in •orme and substance. Secondly, that Mephastophilis shall be his seruant, and at his commaund. Thirdly, that Mephastophilis shall do for him, and bring him whatsoeuer. Fourthly, that hee shall be in his chamber or house in∣uisible. L•stly, that hee •hall appeare to the said Iohn Faustus at all times, in what forme or shape soeuer he please. I Iohn Faustus of Wertenberge, Doctor, by these presents, do gi•e both body and soule to Lucifer prince of the East, and his minister Mephastophilis, and furthermore graunt vnto them, that 24. yeares being expired, the articles aboue written in∣uiolate, full power to fetch or carry the said Iohn Faustus body and soule, flesh, bloud, or goods, into their habitation where∣soeuer. By me Iohn Faustus. Me. Speake Faustus, do you deliuer this as your déede? Fau. I, take it, and the diuell giue thee good on•t. Me. Now Faustus aske what thou wilt. Fau. First will I question with thée about hell, Tel me, where is the place that men call hell? Me. Under the heauens. Fau. I, but where about? Me. Within the bowels of these elements, Where we are tortur'd and remaine for euer, Hell hath no limits, nor is circumscrib'd In one selfe place, for where we are is hell, And where hell is, must we euer be: And to conclude, when all the world dissolues, And euery creature shalbe purified, All places shall be hell that is not heauen. Page [unnumbered] Fau. Come, I thinke hell's a fable. Me. I, thinke so still, till experience change thy minde. Fau. Why? thinkst thou then that Faustus shall bée damn'd? Me. I of necessitie, for here's the scrowle, Wherein thou hast giuen thy soule to Lucifer. Fau. I, and body too, but what of that? Thinkst thou that Faustus is so sond, To imagine, that after this life there is any paine? Tush these are trifles and méere olde wiues tales. Me. But Faustus I am an instance to proue the contrary For I am damnd, and am now in hell. Fau. How? now in hell? nay and this be hell, Ile wil∣lingly be damnd here: what walking, disputing, &c. But leauing off this, let me haue a wife, the fairest maid in Ger∣many, for I am wanton and lasciuious, and can not liue without a wife. Me. How, a wife? I prithée Faustus talke not of a wife. Fau. Nay sweete Mephastophilis fetch me one, for I will haue one. Me. UUell thou wilt haue one, sit there till I come, Ile fetch thée a wife in the diuels name. Enter with a diuell drest like a woman, with fier workes. Me: Tel Faustus, how dost thou like thy wife? Fau: A plague on her for a hote whore. Me: Tut Faustus, marriage is but a ceremoniall toy, if thou louest me, thinke more of it. Ile cull thée out the fairest curtezans, And bring them eu'ry morning to thy bed, She whome thine eie shall like, thy heart shal haue, Be she as chaste as was Penelope, As wise as Saba, or as beautiful As was bright Lucifer before his fall. H•ld, take this booke, peruse it thorowly, The iterating of these lines brings golde, Page [unnumbered]The framing of this circle on the ground, Brings whirlewindes, tempests, thunder and lightning. Pronounce this thrice deuoutly to thy selfe, And men in armour shal appeare to thee, Ready to execute what thou desirst. Fau: Thankes Mephastophilus, yet faine would I haue a booke wherein I might beholde al spels and incantations, that I might raise vp spirits when I please. Me: Here they are in this booke. There turne to them Fau: Now would I haue a booke where I might sée al characters and planets of the heauens, that I might knowe their motions and dispositions. Me: Héere they are too. Turne to them Fau: Nay let me haue one booke more, and then I haue done, wherein I might sée al plants, hearbes and trées that grow vpon the earth. Me, Here they be. Fau: O thou art deceiued. Me: Tut I warrant thée. Turne to them Fau: When I behold the heauens, then I repent, And curse thée wicked Mephastophilus, Because thou hast depriu'd me of those ioyes. Me: why Faustus, Thinkst thou heauen is such a glorious thing? I tel thée tis not halfe so faire as thou, Or any man that breathes on earth. Fau: How proouest thou that? Me: It was made for man, therefore is man more excel∣lent. Fau: If it were made for man, twas made for me: I wil renounce this magicke, and repent. Enter good Angel, and euill Angel. Good An: Faustus, repent yet, God wil pitty thée. euill An: Thou art a spirite, God cannot pitty thée. Fau: who buzzeth in mine eares I am a spirite? B• I a diuel, yet God may pitty me, I God wil pitty me, if I repent. Page [unnumbered] euill An: I but Faustus neuer shal repent. exeunt Fau: My hearts so hardned I cannot repent, Scarse can I name saluation, faith, or heauen, But feareful ecchoes thunders in mine eares, Faustus, thou art damn'd, then swordes and kniues, Poyson, gunnes, halters, and invenomd stéele Are layde before me to dispatch my selfe, And long ere this I should haue slaine my selfe, Had not swéete pleasure conquerd déepe dispaire. Haue not I made blinde Homer sing to me, Of Alexanders loue, and Enons death, And hath not he that built the walles of Thebes, With rauishing sound of his melodious harp Made musicke with my Mephastophilis, Why should I dye then, or basely dispaire? I am resolu'd Faustus shal nere repent, Come Mephastophilis, let vs dispute againe, And argue of diuine Astrologie, Tel me, are there many heauens aboue the Moone? Are all celestiall bodies but one globe, As is the substance of this centricke earth? Me: As are the elements, such are the spheares, Mutually folded in each others orbe, And Faustus all iointly moue vpon one axletrée, Whose terminine is tearmd the worlds wide pole, Nor are the names of Saturne, Mars, or Iupiter Faind, but are erring starres. Fau. But tell me, haue they all one motion? both 〈◊〉 & tempore. Me. All ioyntly moue from East to West in 24. houres vpon the poles of the world, but differ in their motion vpon the poles of the Zodiake. Fau. Tush, these slender trifles Wagner can decide, Hath M•phastophilus no greater skill? Who knowes not the double motion of the plannets? The 〈◊〉 is 〈◊〉 in a naturall day, The sec•nd thus, as 〈◊〉 in 30. yeares, Iupiter in 12.Page [unnumbered]Mars in 4. the Sunne, Venus, and Mercury in a yeare: the Moone in 28. dayes. Tush these are fresh mens suppositions, but tell me, hath euery spheare a dominion or Intelligentij? Me. I. Fau. How many heauens or spheares are there? Me. Nine, the seuen planets, the firmament, and the im∣periall heauen. Fau. UUell, resolue me in this question, why haue wée not coniunctions, oppositions, aspects, eclipsis, all at one time, but in some yeares we haue more, in some lesse? Me. Per inaequalem motum respectu totius. Fau. Well, I am answered, tell me who made the world? Me. I will not. Fau. Sweete Mephastophilus tell me. Me. Moue me not, for I will not tell thée. Fau. Uillaine, haue I not bound thée to tel me any thing? M•. I, that is not against our kingdome, but this is, Thinke thou on hell Faustus, for thou art damnd. Fau. Thinke Faustus vpon God that made the world. Me. Remember this. Exit. Fau. I, goe accursed spirit to vgly hell, Tis thou hast damn•d distressed Faustus soule: Ist not too late? Enter good Angell and euill. euill A. Too late. good A. Neuer too late, if Faustus can repent. euill A. If thou repent diuels shall teare thee in péeces. good A. Repent, & they shal neuer race thy skin. Exeunt. Fau. Ah Christ my Sauiour, seeke to saue distressed Fau∣stus soule. Enter Lucifer, Belsabub, and Mephastophilus. Lu. Chr•st cannot saue thy soule, for he is iust, Theres none but I haue intrest in the same. Fau: O who art thou that lookst so terrible? Lu: I am Lucifer, and this is my companion Prince in hel. Fau: O Faustus, they are come to fetch away thy soule. Page [unnumbered] Lu: we come to tell thée thou dost iniure vs, Thou talkst of Christ, contrary to thy promise Thou shouldst not thinke of God, thinke of the deuil, A•d of his da•• too. Fau: Nor will • henceforth: pardon me in this, And Faustus vowes neuer to looke so heauen, Neuer to name God, or to pray to him, To burne his Scriptures, slay his Ministers, And make my spirites pull his churches dow•e. Lu: Do so, and we will highly gratifie thee: Faustus, we are come from hel to shew thée some pastime: ssit downe, and thou shalt see al the seauen deadly sinnes ap∣peare in their proper shapes. Fau: That sight will be as pleasing vnto me, as paradise was to Adam, the first day of his creation. Lu: Talke not of paradise, nor creation, but marke this shew, talke of the diuel, and nothing else: come away. Enter the seauen deadly sinnes. Now Faustus, examine them of their seueral names and dispositions. Eau: What art thou? the first. Pride I am Pride, I disdaine to haue any parents, I am like to Ouids fl••, I can créepe into euery corner of a w•nch, sometimes like a per•wig, I sit vpon her brow, or like a fan of feathers, I kisse her lippes, indéede I doe, what doe I not? but fie, what a scent is here? Ile not speake an other worde, except the ground were perfumde and couered with cloth of arras. Fau: What art thou? the second. Coue: I am Couetousnes, begotten of an olde churle, in an olde leatherne bag: and might I haue my wish, I would desire, that this house, and all the people in it were turnd to go•de, that I might locke you vppe in my good chest, O my sweete golde Fau: What art thou? the third. Wrath I am Wrath, I had neither father nor mother, I leapt out of a lions mouth, when I was scarce half an hourePage [unnumbered]olde, and euer since I haue runne vp and downe the worlde, with this case of rapiers wounding my selfe, when I had no body to fight withal: I was borne in hel, and looke to it, for some of you shalbe my father. Fau: what art thou? the fourth. Enuy I am Enuy, begotten of a Chimney-swéeper, and an Oyster wife, I cannot reade, and therefore wish al bookes were burnt: I am leane with séeing others eate, O that there would come a famine through all the worlde, that all might die, and I liue alone, then thou shouldst see how fatt I would be: but must thou sit and I stand? come downe with a vengeance. Fau: Away enuious rascall: what art thou? the fift. Glut: who I sir, I am Gluttony, my parents are al dead, and the diuel a peny they haue left me, but a bare pention, and that is 30. meales a day, and tenne beauers, a small triflle to suffice nature, O I come of a royall parentage, my grandfather was a gammon of bacon, my grandmother a hogs head of Claret-wine: My godfathers were these, Pe∣ter Pickle-herring, and Marti• Martlemas biefe, O but my godmother she was a iolly gentlewoman, and welbelo∣ued in euery good towne and Citie, her name was mistresse Margery March-béere: now Faustus, thou hast heard all my Progeny, wilt thou bid me to supper? Fau. No, Ile sée thée hanged, thou wilt eate vp all my victualls. Glut. Then the diuell choake thée. Fau. Choake thy selfe glutton: what art thou? the sixt. Sloath. I am sloath, I was begotten on a sunny banke, where I haue laine euer since, and you haue done me great iniury to bring me from thence, let me be carried thith•r a∣gaine by Gluttony and Leachery, Ile not speake an other word for a Kings ra•nsome. Fau. What are you mistresse minkes? the seauenth and last. Lechery Who I sir? I am one that loues an inch of raw Mutton better then an ell of frid•••ock-fish, and the firstPage [unnumbered]letter of my name beginnes with leachery. Away, to hel, to hel. exeunt the sinnes. Lu. Now Faustus, how dost thou like this? Fau: O this feedes my soule. Lu. •ut Faustus, in hel is al manner of delight. Fau. O might I sée hel, and returne againe, how happy were I then? Lu: Thou shalt, I wil send for thée at midnight, in mean time take this booke, peruse it throwly, and thou shalt turne thy selfe into what shape thou wilt. Fau. Great thankes mighty Lucifer, this wil I kéepe as chary as my life. Lu. Farewel Faustus, and thinke on the diuel. Fau. Farewel great Lucifer, come Mephastophilis. exeunt omnes. enter Wagner solus. Wag. Learned Faustus, To know the secrets of Astronomy, Grauen in the booke of Iou•s hie firmame•t, Did mount himselfe to scale Olympus to•, Being seated in a chariot burning bright, Drawne b• the strength of yoky dragons neckes, He now is gone to prooue Cosmography, And as I guesse, wil first ariue at Rome, To see the Pope, and manner of his court, And take some part of holy Peters feast, That to this day is highly solemnizd. exit Wagner Enter Faustus and Mephastop•ilus. Fau. Ha•ing now, my good Mephastophilus, Past with delight the stately towne of Trier, Inuirond round with ayrie mountaine tops, With walles of flint, and déepe intrenched lakes, Not to be wonne by any conquering prince, From Paris next coasting the Realme of France, Wée sawe the riuer Maine fall into Rhine, UUhose bankes are set with groues of fruitful vines. Then vp to Naples, rich Campania, Page [unnumbered]Whose buildings faire and gorgeous to the eye, The stréetes straight forth, and pau'd with •inest bricke, Quarters the towne in foure equiuolence. There sawe we learned Maroes golden tombe, The way he cut an English 〈◊〉 in length, Thorough a rocke of stone in one nights space. From the•ce to Venice, Padna▪ and the rest, In midst of which a sumptuous Temple stands, That threats the starres with her aspiring toppe. Thus hitherto hath Faustus spent his time, But t•ll me now, what rest•ng place is this? Hast thou as •rst I did commaund, Conducted me within the walles of Rome? Me. Faustus I haue, and because we wil not be vnpro∣uided, I haue taken vp his holinesse priuy chamber for our vse. Fau. I hope his holi•esse will bid vs welcome. Me. Tut, tis no matter man, wéele be bold with his good cheare, And now my Faustus, that thou maist perceiue What Rome containeth to delight thée with, Know that this Citie stands vpon seuen hilles That vnderprops the groundwor•e of the same, Ouer the which foure sta•ely bridges leane, That makes safe passage to each part of Rome. Upon the bridge call'd Ponto Angelo, Erected is a Castle passing strong, Within whose walles such store of ordonance are, And double Canons, fram'd of carued brasse, As match the dayes within one compleate yeare, Besides the gates and high piramides, Which Iulius Caesar brought from Affrica. Fau. Now by the kingdomes of infernall rule, Of Styx, Acheron▪ and the fiery lake Of eu•r burning P•leg••on I sweare, That I do long to sée the monuments And scituation o• bright splendant Rome, Come therefore lets away. Page [unnumbered] Me. Nay Faustus stay, I know yo•d faine sée the Pope, And take some part of holy Peters feast, Where thou shalt see a troupe of bald-pate Friers, Whose summum bonum is in belly-cheare. Fau. Well, I am content, to compasse then some sport, And by their folly make vs merriment, Then charme me that I may be inuisible, to do what I please vnseene of any whilst I stay in Rome. Me So Faustus, now do what thou wilt, thou shalt not be discerned. Sound a Sonnet, enter the Pope and the Cardinall of Lorraine to the banket, with Friers attending. Pope My Lord of Lorraine, wilt please you draw neare. Fau. Fall too, and the diuel choake you and you spare. Pope H•w now, whose that which spake? Friers looke about. Fri. Héere's no body, if it like your Holynesse. Pope. My Lord, here is a daintie dish was sent me from the Bishop of Mallaine. Fau. I thanke you sir. Snatch it. Pope. How now, whose that which snatcht the meate from me? will no man looke? My Lord, this dish was sent me from the Cardinall of Flo∣rence. Fau. You say true, Ile hate. Pope. What againe? my Lord Ile drinke to your grace Fau. Ile pledge your grace. Lor. My Lord, it may be some ghost newly crept out of Purgatory come to begge a pardon of your holinesse. Pope It may be so, Friers prepare a dirge to lay the fury of this ghost, once againe my Lord fall too. The Pope crosseth himselfe. Fau. What, are you crossing of your selfe? UUell vse that tricke no more, I would aduise you. Crosse againe. Fau. UUell, theres the second time, aware the third, I giue you faire warning. Page [unnumbered]Crosse againe, and Faustus hits him a boxe of the eare, and they all runne away. Fau: Come on Mephastophilis, what shall we do? Me. Nay I know not, we shalbe curst with bell, booke, and candle. Fau. How? bell, booke, and candle, candle, booke, and bell, Forward and backward, to curse Faustus to hell. Anon you shal heare a hogge grunt, a calfe bleate, and an asse braye, because it is S. Peters holy day. Enter all the Friers to sing the Dirge. Frier. Come brethren, lets about our businesse with good deuotion. Sing this. Cursed be hee that stole away his holinesse meate from the table. maledicat dominus. Cursed be hee that strooke his holinesse a blowe on the face. maledicat dominus. Cursed be he that tooke Frier Sandelo a blow on the pate. male, &c. Cursed be he that disturbeth our holy Dirge. male, &c. Cursed be he that tooke away his holinesse wine. maledicat dominus. Et omnes sancti. Amen. Beate the Friers, and fling fier-workes among them, and so Exeunt. Enter Chorus. UUhen Faustus had with pleasure tane the view Of rarest things, and royal courts of kings, Hée stayde his course, and so returned home, Where such as beare his absence, but with griefe, I meane his friends and nearest companions, Did gratulate his safetie with kinde words, And in their conference of what befell, Touching his iourney through the world and ayre, They put forth questions of Astrologie, Page [unnumbered]UUhich Faustus answerd with such learned skill, As they admirde and 〈◊〉 at his wit. Now is his fame spread forth in euery land, Amongst the rest the Emperour is 〈◊〉, Carolus the fift, at whose pallace now Faustus is feasted mongst his noble men. UUhat there he did in triall of his art, I leaue vntold, your eyes shall see performd. Exit. Enter Robin the Ostler with a booke in his hand Robin O this is admirable! here I ha stolne one of doctor Faustus coniuring books, and •faith I meane to 〈◊〉 some circles for my owne vse▪ now wil I make al the 〈◊〉 in our parish dance at my pleasure starke naked before me, and so by that meanes I shal see more then ere I 〈◊〉, or •aw yet. Enter Rafe calling Robin. Rafe Robin, prethee come away, theres a Gentleman tarries to haue his hors•, and he would haue his things rubd and made cleane: he keepes such a cha•ing with my mistris about it, and she has sent me to looke thée out, prethée come away. Robin Keepe out, kéep out, or else you are blowne vp, you are dismembred Rafe, kéepe out, for I am about a roaring peece of worke. Rafe Come, what doest thou with that same booke thou canst not reade? Robin Yes, my maister and mistris shal finde that I can reade, he for his forehead, she for her priuate study, shée's borne to beare with me, or else my Art failes. •a fe Why Robin what booke is that? Robin What booke? why the most intollerable booke for coniuring that ere was inuented by any brimstone diuel. Rafe Canst thou coniure with it? Robin I can do al these things easily with it: first, I can make thée druncke with •ipocrase at any taberne in Europe for nothing, thats one of my coniuring workes. Rafe Our maister Parson sayes thats nothing. Robin True Rafe, and more Rafe, if thou hast any mindPage [unnumbered]to Nan Spit our kitchin maide, then turne her and wind hir to thy owne vse, as often as thou wilt, and at midnight. Rafe O braue Robin; shal I haue Nan Spit, and to mine owne vse? On that condition Ile feede thy diuel with horse∣bread as long as he liues, of frée cost. Robin No more swéete Rafe, letts goe and make cleane our bootes which lie foule vpon our handes, and then to our coniuring in the diuels name. exeunt. Enter Robin and Rafe with a siluer Goblet. Robin Come Rafe, did not I tell thee, we were for euer made by this doctor Faustus booke? ecce signum, héeres a sim∣ple purchase for horse-kéepers, our horses shal eate no hay as long as this lasts. enter the Vintner. Rafe But Robin, here comes the vintner. Robin Hush, Ile gul him supernaturally: Drawer, I hope al is payd, God be with you, come Rafe. Vintn. Soft sir, a word with you, I must yet haue a gob∣let payde from you ere you goe. Robin I a goblet Rafe, I a goblet? I scorne you: and you are but a &c. I a goblet? search me. Vintn. I meane so sir with your fauor. Robin How say you now? Vintner I must say somewhat to your felow, you sir. Rafe Me sir, me sir, search your fill: now sir, you may be ashamed to burden hon•st men with a matter of truth. Vintner Wel, tone of you hath this goblet about you. Ro. You lie Drawer, tis afore me: sirra you, Ile teach ye to impeach honest men• stand by, Ile scowre you for a goblet, stand aside you had best, I charge you in the name of Belza∣bub: looke to the goblet Rafe. Vintner what meane you sirra? Robin Ile tel you what I meane. He reades. Sanctobulorum Periphrasticon: nay Ile tickle you Uintner, looke to the goblet Rafe, Polypragmos Bel•eborams framanto pa∣cost•phos tostu Mephastophilis, &c. Enter Mephostophilis: sets squibs at their backes: they runne about. Page [unnumbered] Vintner O nomine Domine, what 〈◊〉 thou Robin thou hast no goblet. Rafe Peccatum peccatorum, heeres thy goblet, good Uint∣ner. Robin Misericordia pro nob••▪ what shal I doe? good diuel forgiue me now, and Ile neuer •ob thy Library more. Enter to them Meph. Meph. Uanish vilaines, th one like an Ape, an other like a Beare, the third an Asse, for doing this enterprise. Monarch of hel, vnder whose blacke suruey Great Potentates do kneele with awful feare, Upon whose altars thousand foules 〈…〉, How am I vexed with these vilaines charmes? From Constantinople am I hither come, Onely for pleasure of these damned slaues. Robin How, from Constantinople? you haue had a great iourney, wil you take sixe pence in your purse to pay for your supper, and be gone? Me. wel villaines, for your presumption, I transforme thée into an Ape, and thée into a Dog, and so be gone. exit. Rob. How, into an Ape? thats braue, Ile haue fine sport with the boyes, Ile get nuts and app•es enow. Rafe And I must be a Dogge. exeunt. Robin I faith thy head wil neuer be out of the potage pot. Enter Emperour, Faustus, and a Knight, with Attendants. Em. Maister doctor Faustus, I haue heard strange re∣port of thy knowledge in the blacke Arte, how that none in my Empire, nor in the whole world can compare with thée, for the rare effects of Magicke: they say thou hast a familiar spirit, by whome thou canst accomplish what thou list, this therefore is my request that thou let me sée some proofe of th• skil, that mine eies may be witnesses to confirme what mine eares haue heard reported, and here I sweare to thée, by the honor of mine Imperial crowne, that what euer thou doest, thou shalt be no wayes preiudiced or indamaged. Knight I faith he lookes much like a c••iurer▪. aside. Page [unnumbered] Fau. My gratious Soueraigne, though I must confesse my selfe farre inferior to the report men haue published, and nothing answerable to the honor of your Imperial maiesty, yet for that loue and duety bindes me therevnto, I am con∣tent to do whatsoeuer your maiesty shall command me. Em. Then doctor Faustus, marke what I shall say, As I was sometime solitary set, within my Closet, sundry thoughts arose, about the honour of mine auncestors, howe they had wonne by prowesse such exploits, gote such riches, subdued so many kingdomes, as we that do succéede, or they that shal hereafter possesse our throne, shal (I feare me) ne∣uer attaine to that degrée of high renowne and great autho∣ritie, amongest which kings is Alexander the great, chiefe spectacle of the worldes preheminence, The bright shining of whose glorious actes Lightens the world with his reflecting beames, As when I heare but motion made of him, It grieues my soule I neuer saw the man: If therefore thou, by cunning of thine Art, Canst raise this man from hollow vaults below, where lies intombde this famous Conquerour, And bring with him his beauteous Paramour, Both in their right shapes, gesture, and attire They vs•e to weare during their time of life, Thou shalt both satisfie my iust desire, And giue me cause to praise thée whilst I liue. Fau: My gratious Lord, I am ready to accomplish your request, so farre forth as by art and power of my spirit I am able to performe. Knight •aith thats iust nothing at all. aside. Fau. But if it like your Grace, it is not in my abilitie to present before your eyes, the true substantiall bodies of those two deceased princes which long since are consumed to dust. Knight I mary master doctor, now theres a signe of grace in you, when you wil confesse the trueth. aside. Fau: But such spirites as can liuely resemble Alexander and his Paramour, shal appeare before your Grace, in thatPage [unnumbered]manner that they best liu'd in, in their most florishing estate, which I doubt not shal sufficiently content your Imperiall maiesty. Em Go to maister Doctor, let me sée them presently. Kn. Do you heare maister Doctor? you bring Alexander and his paramour before the emperor? Fau. How then sir? Kn. I faith thats as true as Diana turnd me to a •tag. Fau: No sir but when Acteon died, he left the hornes for you: Mephastophilis be gone. exit Meph. Kn. Nay, and you go to coniuri•g, Ile be gone. exit Kn▪ Fau. Ile méete with you anone for interrupting me so: héere they are my gratious Lord. Enter Meph: with Alexander and his paramour. emp. Maister Doctor, I heard this Lady while she liu'd had a wart or moale in her necke, how shal I know whether it be so or no? Fau: Your highnes may boldly go and sée. exit Alex: emp: Sure these are no spirites, but the true substantiall bodies of those two deceased princes. Fau: wilt please your highnes now to send for the knight that was so pleasant with me here of late? emp: One of you call him foorth. Enter the Knight with a paire of hornes on his head. emp. How now sir Knight? why I had thought thou hadst beene a batcheler, but now I sée thou hast a wife, that not only giues thee hornes, but makes thée weare them, feele on thy head. Kn: Thou damned wretch, and execrable dogge, Bred in the concaue of some monstrous rocke: How darst thou thus abuse a Gentleman? Uilaine I say, vndo what thou hast done. Page [unnumbered] Fau: O not so fast sir, theres no haste but good, are you remembred how you crossed me in my conference with the emperour? I thinke I haue met with you for it. emp: Good Maister Doctor, at my intreaty release him, he hath done penance sufficient. Fau: My Grations Lord, not so much for the iniury hée offred me héere in your presence, as to delight you with some mirth, hath Faustus worthily requited this iniurious knight, which being all I desire, I am content to release him of his hornes: and sir knight, hereafter speake well of Scholers: Mephastophilis, transforme him strait. Now my good Lord hauing done my duety, I humbly take my leaue. emp: Farewel maister Doctor, yet ere you goe, expect from me a bounteous reward. exit Emperour. Fau: Now Mephastophilis, the restlesse course that time doth runne with calme and silent foote, Shortning my dayes and thred of vitall life, Calls for the payment of my latest yeares, Therefore swéet Mephastophilis, let vs make haste to Wer∣tenberge. Me: what, wil you goe on horse backe, or on foote? Fau: Nay, til I am past this faire and pleasant gréene, ile walke on foote. enter a Horse-courser Hors: I haue béene al this day séeking one maister Fu∣stian: masse sée where he is, God saue you maister doctor. Fau: What horse-courser, you are wel met. Hors: Do you heare sir? I haue brought you forty dol∣lers for your horse. Fau: I cannot sel him so: if thou likst him for fifty, take him. Hors: Alas sir, I haue no more, I pray you speake for me. Me: I pray you let him haue him, he is an honest felow, and he has a great charge, neither wife nor childe. Fau: Wel, come giue me your money, my boy wil deli∣uer him to you: but I must tel you one thing before you hauePage [unnumbered]him, ride him not into the water at any hand. Hors: why sir, wil he not drinke of all waters? Fau: O yes, he wil drinke of al waters, but ride him not into the water, ride him ouer hedge or ditch, or where thou wilt, but not into the water. Hors: Wel sir, Now am I made man for euer, Ile not leaue my horse for fortie: if he had but the qualitie of hey ding, ding, hey, ding, ding, Ide make a braue liuing on him; hée has a buttocke as slicke as an Ele: wel god buy sir, your boy wil deliuer him me: but har• ye sir, if my horse he sick, or ill at •ase, if I bring his water to you y•ule tel me what it is? Exit Horsecourser. Fau. Away you villaine: what, doost thinke I am a horse-doctor? what art thou Faustus but a man condemnd to die? Thy fatall time doth drawe to finall end•, Dispaire doth driue di••rust vnto my thoughts, Confound these passions with a quiet sléepe: Tush, Christ did call the thie•e vpon the Crosse, Then rest thée Faustus quiet in conceit. Sleepe in his chaire. Enter Horsecourser all wet, crying. Hors. Alas, alas, Doctor Fustian quoth a, mas Doctor Lopus was neuer such a Doctor, has giuen me a purgation, has purg'd me of fortie Dollers, I shall neuer sée them more: but yet like an asse as I was, I would not be ruled by him, for he bade me I should ride him into no water; now, I thin∣king my horse had had some rare qualitie that he would not haue had me knowne of, I like a ventrous youth, rid him in∣to the deepe pond at the townes ende, I was no sooner in the middle of the pond, but my horse vanisht away, and I sat vp∣on a bottle of hey, neuer so neare drowning in my life: but Ile séeke out my Doctor, and haue my fortie dollers againe, or Ile make it the dearest horse: O yonder is his snipper snapper, do you heare? you, hey, passe, where's your maister? Page [unnumbered] Me. why sir, what would you? you cannot speake with him. Hors. But I wil speake with him. Me. Why hée's fast asléepe, come some other time. Hors. Ile speake with him now, or Ile breake his glasse-windowes about his eares. Me. I tell thee he has not slept this eight nights. Hors. And he haue not slept this eight wéekes Ile speake with him. Me. Sée where he is fast asléepe. Hors. I, this is he, God saue ye maister doctor, maister doctor, maister doctor Fustian, fortie dollers, fortie dollers for a bottle of hey. Me. Why, thou seest he heares thée not. Hors. So, ho, ho: so, ho, ho. Hallow in his eare. No, will you not wake? Ile make you wake ere I goe. Pull him by the legge, and pull it away. Alas, I am vndone, what shall I do: Fau. O my legge, my legge, helpe Mephastophilis, call the Officers, my legge, my legge. Me. Come villaine to the Constable. Hors. O Lord sir, let me goe, and Ile giue you fortie dol∣lers more. Me. Where be they? Hors. I haue none about me, come to my Oastrie and Ile giue them you. Me. Be gone quickly. Horsecourser runnes away. Fau. What is he gone? farwel he, Faustus has his legge againe, and the Horsecourser I take it, a bottle of hey for his labour; wel, this tricke shal cost him fortie dollers more. Enter Wagner. How now Vagner, what's the newes with thée? Page [unnumbered] Wag. Sir, the Duke of Vanholt doth earnestly entreate your company. Fau. The Duke of Vanholt! an honourable gentleman, to whom I must be no niggard of my cunning, come Me∣phastophilis, let's away to him. exeunt. Enter to them the Duke, and the Dutches, the Duke speakes. Du: Beléeue me maister Doctor, this merriment hath much pleased me. Fau: My grations Lord, I am glad if contents you so wel: but it may be Madame, you take no delight in this, I haue heard that great bellied women do long for some dain∣ties or other, what is it Madame? tell me, and you shal haue it. Dutch. Tha•kes, good maister doctor, And for I sée your curteous intent to pleasure me, I wil not hide from you the thing my heart desires, and were it nowe summer, as it is Ianuary, and the dead time of the winter, I would desire no better meate then a dish of ripe grapes. Fau: Alas Madame, thats nothing, Mephastophilis, be gone: exit Meph. were it a greater thing then this, so it would content you, you should haue it enter Mephasto: with the grapes. here they be madam, wilt please you taste on them. Du: Beléeue me master Doctor, this makes me wonder aboue the rest, that being in the dead time of winter, and in the month of Ianuary, how you shuld come by these grapes. Fau: If it like your grace, the yéere is diuided into twoo circles ouer the whole worlde, that when it is héere winter with vs, in the contrary circle it is summer with them, as in Indi•, Saba, and farther countries in the East, and by means of a swift spir•t that I haue, I had them brought hither, as ye see, how do you like them Madame, b• they good? Dut: Beléeue me Maister doctor, they be the best grapesPage [unnumbered]that er• I tasted in my life before. Fau: I am glad they content you so Madam. Du: Come Madame, let vs in, where you must wel re∣ward this learned man for the great kindnes he hath shewd to you. Dut: And so I wil my Lord, and whilst I liue, Rest beholding for this curtesie. Fau: I humbly thanke your Grace. Du: Come, maister Doctor follow vs, and receiue your reward. exeunt. enter Wagner solus. Wag. I thinke my maister meanes to die shortly, For he hath giuen to me al his goodes, And yet me thinkes, if that death were néere, He would not banquet, and carowse, and swill Amongst the Students, as euen now he doth, who are at supper with such belly-cheere, As Wagner nere beheld in all his life. Sée where they come: belike the least is ended. Enter Faustus with two or three Schollers 1. Sch. Maister Doctor Faustus, since our conference a∣bout faire Ladies, which was the beutifulst in all the world, we haue determined with our selues, that Helen of Greece was the admirablest Lady that euer liued: therefore master Doctor, if you wil do vs that fauor, as to let vs sée that péere∣lesse Dame of Greece, whome al the world admires for ma∣iesty, wée should thinke our selues much beholding vnto you. Fau. Gentlemen, for that I know your friendship is vn∣fained, and Faustus custome is not to deuie the iust requests of those that wish him well, you shall behold that pearelesse dame of Greece, no otherwaies for pompe and maiestie, then when sir Paris crost the scas with her, and brought the spoiles to rich Dardama. Be silent then, for danger is in words. Page [unnumbered]Musicke sounds, and Helen passeth ouer the Stage. 2. Sch. Too simple is my wit to tell her praise, Whom all the world admires fo• maiestie. 3. Sch. No maruel tho the angry Greekes pursude With tenne yeares warre the rape of such a quéene, Whose heauenly beauty passeth all compare. 1. Since we haue séene the pride of natures workes, And onely Paragon of excellence, Enter an old man. Let vs depart, and for this glorious déed Happy and blest be Faustus euermore. Fau. Gentlemen farwel, the same I wish to you. Exeunt Schollers. Old. Ah Doctor Faustus, that I might preuaile, To guide thy steps vnto the way of life, By which swéete path thou maist attaine the gole That shall conduct thée to celestial rest. Breake heart, drop bloud, and mingle it with teares, Teares falling from repentant heauinesse Of thy most vilde and loathsome filthinesse, The stench whereof corrupts the inward soule With such flagitious crimes of hainous sinnes, As no commiseration may expel, But mercie Faustus of thy Sauiour swéete, Whose bloud alone must wash away thy guilt. Fau. Where art thou Faustus? wretch what hast thou done? Damnd art thou Faustus, damnd, dispaire and die, Hell calls for right, and with a roaring voyce Sayes, Faustus come, thine houre is come, Mepha. giues him a dagger. And Faustus will come to do thée right. Old. Ah stay good Faustus, stay thy desperate steps, I sée an Angell houers ore thy head, And with a violl full of precious grace, Offers to powre the same into thy soule, Then call for mercie and auoyd dispaire. Fau. Ah my swéete friend, I féele thy words Page [unnumbered]To comfort my distressed soule, Leaue me a while to ponder on my sinnes. Old. I goe swéete Faustus, but with heauy cheare, fearing the ruine of thy hopelesse soule. Fau. Accursed Faustus, where is mercie now? I do repent, and yet I do dispaire: Hell striues with grace for conquest in my breast, What shal I do to shun the snares of death? Me. Thou traitor Faustus, I arrest thy soule For disobedience to my soueraigne Lord, Reuolt, or Ile in peece-meale teare thy flesh. Fau: Sweete Mephastophilis, intreate thy Lord To pardon my vniust presumption, And with my blood againe I wil confirme My former vow I made to Lucifer. Me. Do it then quickely, with vnfained heart, Lest greater danger do attend thy drift. Fau: Torment sweete friend, that base and crooked age, That durst disswade me from thy Lucifer, With greatest torments that our hel affoords. Me: His faith is great, I cannot touch his soule, But what I may afflict his body with, I wil attempt, which is but little worth. Fau: One thing, good seruant, let me craue of thée To glut the longing of my hearts desire, That I might haue vnto my paramour, That heauenly Helen which I saw of late, Whose swéete imbracings may extinguish cleane These thought s that do disswade me from my vow, And kéepe mine oath I made to Lucifer. Me. Faustus, this, or what else thou shalt desire, Shalbe performde in twinckling of an eie. enter Helen. Fau: Was this the face that lancht a thousand shippes? And burnt the toplesse Towres of Ilium? Swéete Helen, make me immortall with a kisse: Her lips suckes forth my soule, see where it flies: Page [unnumbered]Come Helen, come giue mée my soule againe. Here wil I dwel, for heauen be in these lips, And all is drosse that is not Helena: enter old man I wil be Pacis, and for loue of thée, Instéede of Troy shal Wertenberge be sackt, And I wil combate with weake Menclaus, And weare thy colours on my plumed Crest: Yea I wil wound Achillis in the héele, And then returne to Helen for a kisse. O thou art fairer the• the euening aire, Cla• in the beauty of a thousand starres, Brighter art thou then flaming Iupiter, •hen he appeard to haplesse Semele, Mo•e louely then the monarke of the s•ie 〈…〉, And none but thou shalt be my param•••. Exeunt. Old man Accursed Faustus, miserable man, That from thy soule excludst the grace of heauen, And 〈◊〉 the throne of his tribunall •eate, Enter the 〈◊〉. 〈◊〉 an begins to •ift me with his p•ide, As in this furnace God shal try my faith, My faith, vile hel, shal triumph ouer thée, Am•itio•s 〈◊〉, sée how the heauens smile• At your repulse, and laughs your state to 〈◊〉, Hence hel, for hence I flie vnto my God. Exeunt. Enter Faustus with the Schollers. Fau: Ah Gentlemen! 1. Sch▪ what ailes Faustus? Fau: Ah my swéete chamber-fellow! had I liued with thée, then had I liued stil, but now I die eternally: looke, comes he not? comes he not? 2. Sch: what meanes Faustus? 3. Scholler Belike he is growne into 〈◊〉 sickenesse, byPage [unnumbered]being euer solitary. 1. Sch: If it be so, wéele haue Physitians to cure him, tis but a surff•t, neuer feare man. Fau: A surffet of deadly sinne that hath damnd both body and soule. 2. Sch. Yet Faustus looke vp to heauen, remember gods mercies are infinite. Fau. But Faultus offence can nere be pardoned, The Serpent that tempted Eue may be sau•d, But not Faustus: Ah Gentlemen, he 〈◊〉 with patience, and tremble not at my spéeches, though my heart pants and quiuers to remember that I haue beene a student here these thirty yéeres, O would I had neuer séene Wertenberge, ne∣uer read booke: and what 〈◊〉 I haue done, al 〈◊〉 can witnes, jeaven yea all the world, for which 〈…〉 both Germany, and the wo•ld, yea heauen it selfe, 〈◊〉 the seate of God, the throne of the blesse•, the kingdome of ioy, and must remaine•• hel for •uer, hel ah hel for euer, 〈◊〉friends, what shall become of Faustus, being in hel for 〈◊〉? 3. Sch. Yet Faustus call on God. Fau. 〈…〉 All Who Faustus? Fau. Lucifer and M•phastophilis. Ah Gentlemen! I gaue them my soule for my cunning. All God forbid. Fau. God forbade it indéede▪ but Faustus hath done it: for va••e pleasure of 〈◊〉 yeares, hath Faustus 〈◊〉 eternall ioy and f•licitie, I writ them a bill with ••ne owne bloud, the date is expired, the time wii• come, and he wil fetch mee. •. Schol. why did not Faustus tel vs of this before, that Diuines might haue prayed for thee? Page [unnumbered] Fau. Oft haue I thought to haue done so, but the diuell threatned to teare mée in péeces, if I namde God, to fetch both body and soule, if I once gaue eare to diuinitie: and now tis too late: Gentlemen away, lest you perish with me. 2. Sch. O what shal we do to Faustus? Faustus Talke not o• me, but saue your selues, and de∣part. 3. Sch. God wil strengthen me, I wil stay with Fau∣stus. 1. Sch. Tempt not God, swéete friend, but let vs into the next roome, and there pray for him. Fau. I pray for me, pray for me, and what noyse soeuer yée heare, come not vnto me, for nothing can rescue me. 2. Sch. Pray thou, and we wil pray that God may haue mercy vpon thée. Fau. Gentlemen farewel, if I liue til morning, Ile visite you: if not, Faustus is gone to hel. All Faustus, farewel. Exeunt Sch. The clocke strikes eleauen. Fau. Ah Faustus, Now hast thou but one bare hower to liue, And then thou must be damnd perpetually: Stand stil you euer moouing spheres of heauen, That •ime may cease, and midnight neuer come: Faire Natures eie, rise rise, againe, and make Perpetuall day, or let this houre be but a yeere, A moneth, a wéeke, a naturall day, That Faustus may repent and saue his soule, O lente lente curite noctis equi: The starres mooue stil, time runs, the clocke wil strike, The diuel wil come, and Faustus must be damnd. O Ile leape vp to my God: who pulles me downe? See see where Christs blood streames in the firmament, One drop would saue my soule, halfe a drop, ah my Christ, Ah rend not my heart for naming of my Christ, Yet wil I call on him, oh spare me Lucifer! Page [unnumbered]Where is it now? tis gone: And see where God stretcheth out his arme, And bends his irefull browes: Mountaines and hilles, come come, and fall on me, And hide me from the heauy wrath of God. No no, then wil I headlong runne into the earth: Earth gape, O no, it wil not harbour me: You starres that raignd at my natiuitie, whose influence hath alotted death and hel, Now draw vp Faustus like a foggy mist, Into the intrailes of yon labring cloude, That when you vomite foorth into the ayre, My limbes may issue from your smoaky mouthes, So that my soule may but ascend to heauen: Ah, halfe the houre is past: The watch strikes. Twil all be past anone: Oh God, if thou wilt not haue mercy on my soule, Yet for Christs sake, whose bloud hath ransomd me, Impose some end to my incessant paine, Let Faustus liue in hel a thousand yeeres, A hundred thousand, and at last be sau•d. O no end is limited to damned soules, Why wert thou not a creature wanting soule? Or, why is this immortall that thou hast? Ah Pythagoras metem su cossis were that true, This soule should flie from me, and I be changde Unto some brutish beast: al beasts are happy, for when they die, Their soules are soone dissolud in elements, But mine must liue still to be plagde in hel: Curst be the parents that ingendred me: No Faustus, curse thy selfe, curse Lucifer, That hath depriude thée of the ioyes of heauen: The clooke striketh twelue. O it strikes, it strikes, now body turne to ayre, Or Lucifer wil beare thée quicke to hel: Thunder and lightning. Page [unnumbered]Oh soule, be changde into little water drops, And fal into the Ocean, nere be found: My God, my God, looke not so fierce on me: Enter diuels. Adders, and Serpents, let me breathe a while: Ugly hell gape not, come not Lucifer, Ile burne my bookes, ah Mephastophilis. exeunt with him Enter Chorus. Cut is the branch that might haue growne ful straight, And burned is Apolloes Laurel bough, That sometime grew within this learned man: Faustus is gone, regard his hellish fall, Whose fiendful fortune may exhort the wise, Onely to wonder at vnlawful things, whose deepenesse doth intise such forward wits, To practise more than heauenly power permits. Terminat hora diem, Terminat Author opus.