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35.11 ], [ 24.53, 35.14 ], [ 24.52, 35.14 ], [ 24.5, 35.15 ], [ 24.48, 35.16 ], [ 24.46, 35.15 ], [ 24.4, 35.18 ], [ 24.4, 35.18 ], [ 24.4, 35.19 ], [ 24.29, 35.18 ], [ 24.22, 35.19 ], [ 24.21, 35.19 ], [ 24.21, 35.2 ], [ 24.2, 35.2 ], [ 24.2, 35.21 ], [ 24.2, 35.21 ], [ 24.19, 35.2 ], [ 24.19, 35.2 ], [ 24.18, 35.2 ], [ 24.11, 35.2 ], [ 24.09, 35.2 ], [ 24.08, 35.2 ], [ 24.08, 35.19 ], [ 24.08, 35.2 ], [ 24.05, 35.19 ], [ 24.03, 35.2 ], [ 24, 35.23 ], [ 23.99, 35.23 ], [ 23.9, 35.23 ], [ 23.86, 35.24 ], [ 23.83, 35.25 ], [ 23.82, 35.25 ], [ 23.81, 35.24 ], [ 23.81, 35.24 ], [ 23.8, 35.25 ], [ 23.78, 35.23 ], [ 23.71, 35.24 ], [ 23.68, 35.23 ], [ 23.67, 35.24 ], [ 23.61, 35.23 ], [ 23.59, 35.24 ], [ 23.58, 35.25 ], [ 23.58, 35.25 ], [ 23.58, 35.26 ], [ 23.57, 35.26 ], [ 23.56, 35.26 ], [ 23.55, 35.27 ], [ 23.54, 35.27 ], [ 23.54, 35.28 ], [ 23.53, 35.29 ], [ 23.52, 35.29 ], [ 23.53, 35.3 ], [ 23.52, 35.3 ], [ 23.52, 35.3 ], [ 23.52, 35.3 ], [ 23.52, 35.31 ], [ 23.53, 35.31 ], [ 23.54, 35.32 ], [ 23.55, 35.32 ], [ 23.55, 35.32 ], [ 23.55, 35.32 ], [ 23.55, 35.32 ], [ 23.55, 35.32 ], [ 23.55, 35.33 ], [ 23.54, 35.34 ], [ 23.54, 35.35 ], [ 23.55, 35.36 ], [ 23.54, 35.37 ], [ 23.55, 35.4 ], [ 23.57, 35.42 ], [ 23.57, 35.43 ], [ 23.57, 35.44 ], [ 23.57, 35.45 ], [ 23.56, 35.45 ], [ 23.56, 35.45 ], [ 23.56, 35.46 ], [ 23.57, 35.48 ], [ 23.58, 35.49 ], [ 23.58, 35.5 ], [ 23.57, 35.51 ], [ 23.57, 35.51 ], [ 23.57, 35.52 ], [ 23.57, 35.52 ], [ 23.57, 35.52 ], [ 23.57, 35.53 ], [ 23.58, 35.55 ], [ 23.58, 35.56 ], [ 23.58, 35.58 ], [ 23.6, 35.6 ], [ 23.6, 35.61 ], [ 23.61, 35.59 ], [ 23.61, 35.55 ], [ 23.61, 35.53 ], [ 23.62, 35.52 ], [ 23.62, 35.52 ], [ 23.63, 35.52 ], [ 23.64, 35.52 ], [ 23.64, 35.52 ], [ 23.64, 35.51 ], [ 23.64, 35.51 ], [ 23.65, 35.5 ], [ 23.66, 35.5 ], [ 23.68, 35.5 ], [ 23.7, 35.5 ], [ 23.72, 35.51 ], [ 23.73, 35.53 ], [ 23.73, 35.55 ], [ 23.72, 35.57 ], [ 23.72, 35.59 ], [ 23.71, 35.61 ], [ 23.72, 35.62 ], [ 23.71, 35.63 ], [ 23.71, 35.65 ], [ 23.72, 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