[ { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/a115a12c-de77-4ed3-a6b6-3ac9bacee905", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T17:23:42+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Domingo Martínez de Irala (Vergara de la Hermandad de Guipúzcoa, Corona de Castilla, 1509 - Asunción del Paraguay, Virreinato del Perú, 3 de octubre de 1556) fue un conquistador, explorador y colonizador español que como lugarteniente de Juan de Ayolas quien lo nombrara interinamente hasta que regresara como teniente de gobernador de La Candelaria en 1537, luego lo sería de hecho, y posteriormente elegido por el pueblo según real cédula, como teniente de gobernador general de Asunción.Ocupó tres veces el cargo de gobernador interino del Río de la Plata y del Paraguay, en los períodos de 1539 a 1542, de 1544 hasta 1548 y por último desde 1549. El emperador Carlos V lo nombraría definitivamente como titular en el cargo gubernamental en el año 1555, que lo ostentaría hasta su fallecimiento.En 1543 fundó en el Chaco Boreal el Puerto de los Reyes, a orillas del río Paraguay y del pantano de los Jarayes, sobre las costas de la laguna La Gaiba.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T17:23:42+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Conqueror", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T17:32:56+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T17:32:56+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "colonizer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T17:32:56+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 4631, "end" : 4656 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Domingo Martínez de Irala" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/67705b3c-c51a-411c-8d39-de0af4c3539b", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-22T18:24:01+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Ana de Aragón (España, 1489 - Rivarolo Mantuano, agosto de 1567) fue una noble española del siglo xvi, duquesa consorte de Sabbioneta. Era hija de Alfonso de Aragón y Portugal (1489-1562), segundo duque de Segorbe y Virrey de Valencia y de Juana III de Cardona (1499-1564), duquesa de Cardona.El 8 mayo 1564 se casó con el duque de Sabbioneta Vespasiano I Gonzaga. La muerte de Ana queda envuelta en el mistero. Vespasiano, celoso de su esposa, la hizo recluir en el castillo de Rivarolo, donde murió de desnutrición en 1567.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-22T18:24:01+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Noblewoman", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2018-06-12T02:10:23+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 647, "end" : 660 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Ana de Aragón" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/7ebeeabb-b45d-4c01-8ae4-541469a06495", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Peninsula", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-20T20:30:46+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PLACE", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-20T20:30:46+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Refiere a Península de Valdés   https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pen%C3%ADnsula_Vald%C3%A9s   http://www.geonames.org/3833273/peninsula-valdes.html", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2018-06-24T20:29:34+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 13448, "end" : 13463 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Bahía sin Fondo" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/3ffe58fa-98c8-41a9-bf9d-860908427739", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://www.hgis-indias.net/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=gazetteer:9000005", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2018-08-22T21:36:16+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2018-08-22T21:36:16+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ -55.744999, -27.4629 ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Puerto del río Paraguay. El autor habla de un modo confuso de este paraje, que una vez coloca más abajo, y otra más arriba del puerto de San Fernando. Es un desembarcadero en el río Paraguay, cerca de la laguna de Manioré, a la que los primeros españoles llamaron laguna de Juan de Oyolas. No debe confundirse esta Candelaria con un pueblo del mismo nombre, fundado por los jesuitas en 1627 al este del Uruguay, de donde pasó después al norte del Paraná, para fijarse definitivamente en la orilla izquierda del mismo río, cerca del paso de Itapuá.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T18:54:20+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 22357, "end" : 22367 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Candelaria" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/f40812df-822f-4877-9ff2-a657b664f31a", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PLACE", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2018-09-10T15:40:50+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Es la isla que alberga actualmente a la ciudad de Florianópolis, sobre la costa del estado de Santa Catalina. La isla fue bautizada con su nombre moderno por Sebastián Caboto, que realizó allí una larga parada de reabastecimiento de su armada antes de adentrarse a explorar el Río de la Plata.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-09-22T18:11:36+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 6453, "end" : 6475 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Isla de Santa Catalina" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/6aee7090-e700-4b7a-aaea-bf5a7743a99b", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://sws.geonames.org/3374766", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-06T19:34:52+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-06T19:34:52+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "MultiPolygon", "coordinates" : [ [ [ [ -24.682, 14.837 ], [ -24.726, 14.807 ], [ -24.76, 14.863 ], [ -24.691, 14.897 ], [ -24.682, 14.837 ] ] ], [ [ [ -24.469, 15 ], [ -24.382, 15.046 ], [ -24.316, 15.016 ], [ -24.292, 14.874 ], [ -24.331, 14.824 ], [ -24.426, 14.814 ], [ -24.51, 14.879 ], [ -24.469, 15 ] ] ], [ [ [ -24.696, 14.974 ], [ -24.699, 14.958 ], [ -24.709, 14.956 ], [ -24.707, 14.969 ], [ -24.696, 14.974 ] ] ], [ [ [ -24.648, 14.975 ], [ -24.641, 14.971 ], [ -24.655, 14.96 ], [ -24.648, 14.975 ] ] ], [ [ [ -23.728, 15 ], [ -23.792, 15.063 ], [ -23.755, 15.332 ], [ -23.514, 15.128 ], [ -23.438, 14.982 ], [ -23.525, 14.892 ], [ -23.635, 14.908 ], [ -23.728, 15 ] ] ], [ [ [ -23.175, 15.328 ], [ -23.119, 15.301 ], [ -23.098, 15.168 ], [ -23.176, 15.111 ], [ -23.254, 15.16 ], [ -23.243, 15.27 ], [ -23.175, 15.328 ] ] ], [ [ [ -22.796, 16.227 ], [ -22.714, 16.2 ], [ -22.677, 16.062 ], [ -22.798, 15.965 ], [ -22.887, 15.973 ], [ -22.965, 16.04 ], [ -22.91, 16.119 ], [ -22.923, 16.224 ], [ -22.796, 16.227 ] ] ], [ [ [ -22.933, 16.169 ], [ -22.927, 16.159 ], [ -22.945, 16.168 ], [ -22.938, 16.173 ], [ -22.933, 16.169 ] ] ], [ [ [ -24.675, 16.662 ], [ -24.667, 16.649 ], [ -24.669, 16.642 ], [ -24.694, 16.663 ], [ -24.675, 16.662 ] ] ], [ [ [ -22.918, 16.854 ], [ -22.87, 16.673 ], [ -22.925, 16.581 ], [ -22.994, 16.815 ], [ -22.918, 16.854 ] ] ], [ [ [ -24.308, 16.649 ], [ -24.117, 16.619 ], [ -24.02, 16.567 ], [ -24.242, 16.592 ], [ -24.332, 16.48 ], [ -24.432, 16.637 ], [ -24.347, 16.679 ], [ -24.308, 16.649 ] ] ], [ [ [ -24.583, 16.623 ], [ -24.589, 16.605 ], [ -24.61, 16.605 ], [ -24.609, 16.627 ], [ -24.583, 16.623 ] ] ], [ [ [ -25.001, 16.886 ], [ -24.922, 16.919 ], [ -24.871, 16.814 ], [ -24.99, 16.77 ], [ -25.096, 16.821 ], [ -25.001, 16.886 ] ] ], [ [ [ -25, 17.05 ], [ -25.205, 16.907 ], [ -25.292, 16.908 ], [ -25.359, 17.055 ], [ -25.097, 17.197 ], [ -24.972, 17.111 ], [ -25, 17.05 ] ] ], [ [ [ -24.756, 16.791 ], [ -24.732, 16.75 ], [ -24.692, 16.743 ], [ -24.748, 16.73 ], [ -24.793, 16.763 ], [ -24.756, 16.791 ] ] ] ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Cape", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T18:49:18+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 9776, "end" : 9786 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Cabo Verde" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/2d396167-6b28-4b23-9342-519e565a6fa9", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "En la región del Guairá, Paranambaré, o Paranambu? Según Pedro Vaz de Barros, nacido en Algarve. En 1603 nombrado gobernador de la capitania de São Vicente.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T18:38:41+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Canal de Santa Cruz, en el estado de Recife.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2018-09-10T15:43:19+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PLACE", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2018-09-10T15:43:39+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 7633, "end" : 7642 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Paranambú" } ] } }, { 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"https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2018-09-07T19:24:12+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Cacique de la tribu de los Coronda", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2018-09-07T19:24:12+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 62555, "end" : 62562 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Mangoré" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/1b154b67-31d0-43a3-8544-dfa132c7dd6b", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", 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"https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/7e57af36-1d45-476c-83da-5707c8c59d37", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Itatín\n(Itatim en idioma portugués) o Itatí fue una región histórico geográfica\ndel Imperio español coincidente, luego de las sangrientas invasiones\nlusobrasileñas con la parte sur del actual estado de Mato Grosso del Sur, que\nformó parte del Imperio español como un territorio perteneciente a la gobernación\ndel Río de la Plata y del Paraguay hasta su división en 1617, fecha a partir de\nla cual quedó incluida en la gobernación del Paraguay, llamada inicialmente\nGobernación del Guayrá.\n\nLos límites de la\nregión de Itatín eran: al este la sierra de Amambay, al oeste el río Paraguay,\nal sur el río Apa y al norte el río Tacuarí.\n\nYa desde el s.\nXVIII gran parte del Itatín quedó en poder de Brasil (entonces el Brasil\nportugués) y tras la Guerra de la Triple Alianza toda la región pasó a estar\nbajo el dominio brasileño.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-29T10:39:30+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://www.hgis-indias.net/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=gazetteer:9000266", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-18T20:32:57+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-18T20:32:57+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ -58.240799, -27.27191 ] } } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias 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"https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/e84a2cf6-052a-482a-a618-28dd74696e3d", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-18T21:31:01+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Domingo Martínez de Irala (Vergara de la Hermandad de Guipúzcoa, Corona \nde Castilla, 1509 - Asunción del Paraguay, Virreinato del Perú, 3 de \noctubre de 1556) fue un conquistador, explorador y colonizador español \nque como lugarteniente de Juan de Ayolas quien lo nombrara interinamente\n hasta que regresara como teniente de gobernador de La Candelaria en \n1537, luego lo sería de hecho, y posteriormente elegido por el pueblo \nsegún real cédula, como teniente de gobernador general de Asunción.Ocupó\n tres veces el cargo de gobernador interino del Río de la Plata y del \nParaguay, en los períodos de 1539 a 1542, de 1544 hasta 1548 y por \núltimo desde 1549. El emperador Carlos V lo nombraría definitivamente \ncomo titular en el cargo gubernamental en el año 1555, que lo ostentaría\n hasta su fallecimiento.En 1543 fundó en el Chaco Boreal el Puerto de \nlos Reyes, a orillas del río Paraguay y del pantano de los Jarayes, \nsobre las costas de la laguna La Gaiba.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-18T21:31:01+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 7773, "end" : 7789 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Domingo de Irala" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/58eee355-6d72-4639-9bd3-9ab4ca5e81a1", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-18T21:31:01+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Domingo Martínez de Irala (Vergara de la Hermandad de Guipúzcoa, Corona \nde Castilla, 1509 - Asunción del Paraguay, Virreinato del Perú, 3 de \noctubre de 1556) fue un conquistador, explorador y colonizador español \nque como lugarteniente de Juan de Ayolas quien lo nombrara interinamente\n hasta que regresara como teniente de gobernador de La Candelaria en \n1537, luego lo sería de hecho, y posteriormente elegido por el pueblo \nsegún real cédula, como teniente de gobernador general de Asunción.Ocupó\n tres veces el cargo de gobernador interino del Río de la Plata y del \nParaguay, en los períodos de 1539 a 1542, de 1544 hasta 1548 y por \núltimo desde 1549. El emperador Carlos V lo nombraría definitivamente \ncomo titular en el cargo gubernamental en el año 1555, que lo ostentaría\n hasta su fallecimiento.En 1543 fundó en el Chaco Boreal el Puerto de \nlos Reyes, a orillas del río Paraguay y del pantano de los Jarayes, \nsobre las costas de la laguna La Gaiba.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-18T21:31:01+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 937, "end" : 953 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Domingo de Irala" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : 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Ruy Díaz de\nGuzmán - su padre - le declaró hijo suyo y de Violante Ponce de León, el\n13-VIII-1528, en una escritura de poder general a favor de Juan de Xerez,\nprocurador de Sevilla. Desde su infancia y hasta su primera juventud sirvió de\npaje y luego como secretario de sus presuntos deudos los Duques de Medina\nSidonia, Juan Alonso de Guzmán y Ana de Aragón. Tenía 21 años cuando se alistó\nen la armada de su pariente Alvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca (tío carnal de su\nmadrastra y del mismo linaje de su abuela Catalina de Zurita), y zarpó con rumbo\nal Río de la Plata.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-18T23:31:15+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 53804, "end" : 53812 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Riquelme" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/2d032c36-69c3-441c-82bf-0da177399a69", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : 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-41.229, -22.151 ], [ -41.668, -22.294 ], [ -41.962, -22.538 ], [ -41.986, -22.713 ], [ -41.919, -22.774 ], [ -41.864, -22.759 ], [ -42.023, -22.896 ], [ -42.037, -22.94 ], [ -41.99, -22.964 ], [ -42.018, -22.998 ], [ -42.086, -22.957 ], [ -42.529, -22.934 ], [ -43.05, -22.982 ], [ -43.132, -22.941 ], [ -43.025, -22.741 ], [ -43.084, -22.68 ], [ -43.216, -22.725 ], [ -43.287, -22.806 ], [ -43.24, -22.847 ], [ -43.249, -22.797 ], [ -43.156, -22.784 ], [ -43.247, -22.882 ], [ -43.164, -22.899 ], [ -43.187, -22.995 ], [ -43.344, -22.983 ], [ -43.303, -23.02 ], [ -43.549, -23.081 ], [ -44.001, -23.1 ], [ -43.961, -23.042 ], [ -43.877, -23.067 ], [ -43.909, -23.02 ], [ -43.807, -23.063 ], [ -43.555, -23.055 ], [ -43.84, -22.906 ], [ -43.985, -22.937 ], [ -44.034, -23.014 ], [ -44.044, -22.923 ], [ -44.107, -23.03 ], [ -44.234, -23.06 ], [ -44.238, -23.004 ], [ -44.358, -23.02 ], [ -44.296, -22.961 ], [ -44.321, -22.927 ], [ -44.378, -22.972 ], [ -44.407, -22.945 ], [ -44.443, -23.035 ], [ -44.669, -23.06 ], [ -44.712, -23.19 ], [ -44.701, -23.237 ], [ -44.645, -23.191 ], [ -44.612, -23.206 ], [ -44.685, -23.256 ], [ -44.611, -23.238 ], [ -44.652, -23.302 ], [ -44.558, -23.232 ], [ -44.577, -23.275 ], [ -44.498, -23.302 ], [ -44.583, -23.367 ], [ -44.669, -23.341 ], [ -44.84, -23.395 ], [ -44.905, -23.339 ], [ -45.05, -23.418 ], [ -45.016, -23.461 ], [ -45.079, -23.519 ], [ -45.165, -23.495 ], [ -45.159, -23.541 ], [ -45.228, -23.547 ], [ -45.211, -23.582 ], [ -45.41, -23.632 ], [ -45.412, -23.825 ], [ -45.934, -23.771 ], [ -46.124, -23.842 ], [ -46.2, -24.002 ], [ -46.288, -24.044 ], [ -46.321, -24 ], [ -46.458, -24.025 ], [ -46.937, -24.281 ], [ -47.024, -24.382 ], [ -47.004, -24.412 ], [ -47.86, -24.996 ], [ -47.914, -25.061 ], [ -47.915, -25.16 ], [ -48.213, -25.47 ], [ -48.254, -25.435 ], [ -48.222, -25.342 ], [ -48.208, -25.353 ], [ -48.121, -25.267 ], [ -48.253, -25.328 ], [ -48.284, -25.294 ], [ -48.317, -25.363 ], [ -48.327, -25.232 ], [ -48.366, -25.317 ], [ -48.433, -25.237 ], [ -48.428, -25.324 ], [ -48.5, -25.335 ], [ -48.427, -25.39 ], [ -48.449, -25.379 ], [ -48.468, -25.388 ], [ -48.467, -25.432 ], [ -48.449, -25.384 ], [ -48.414, -25.428 ], [ -48.476, -25.485 ], [ -48.637, -25.468 ], [ -48.661, -25.398 ], [ -48.671, -25.435 ], [ -48.739, -25.374 ], [ -48.68, -25.465 ], [ -48.687, -25.499 ], [ -48.737, -25.483 ], [ -48.703, -25.504 ], [ -48.617, -25.536 ], [ -48.512, -25.505 ], [ -48.482, -25.591 ], [ -48.46, -25.552 ], [ -48.35, -25.581 ], [ -48.565, -25.868 ], [ -48.614, -26.06 ], [ -48.586, -26.172 ], [ -48.714, -26.243 ], [ -48.795, -26.073 ], [ -48.837, -26.157 ], [ -48.798, -26.142 ], [ -48.763, -26.199 ], [ -48.805, -26.228 ], [ -48.769, -26.223 ], [ -48.761, -26.286 ], [ -48.803, -26.303 ], [ -48.723, -26.362 ], [ -48.635, -26.374 ], [ -48.714, -26.308 ], [ -48.554, -26.172 ], [ -48.493, -26.224 ], [ -48.695, -26.658 ], [ -48.665, -26.769 ], [ -48.583, -26.786 ], [ -48.655, -26.909 ], [ -48.62, -27.007 ], [ -48.574, -27.011 ], [ -48.607, -27.122 ], [ -48.554, -27.152 ], [ -48.51, -27.108 ], [ -48.469, -27.148 ], [ -48.511, -27.183 ], [ -48.486, -27.218 ], [ -48.531, -27.18 ], [ -48.612, -27.243 ], [ -48.596, -27.318 ], [ -48.529, -27.334 ], [ -48.649, -27.486 ], [ -48.572, -27.592 ], [ -48.653, -27.648 ], [ -48.575, -27.888 ], [ -48.761, -28.535 ], [ -48.813, -28.605 ], [ -49.37, -28.92 ], [ -49.334, -28.921 ], [ -49.702, -29.308 ], [ -50.006, -29.749 ], [ -50.316, -30.472 ], [ -50.848, -31.205 ], [ -51.303, -31.613 ], [ -51.877, -31.952 ], [ -52.071, -32.188 ], [ -52.012, -31.946 ], [ -52.092, -31.837 ], [ -51.851, -31.865 ], [ -51.777, -31.805 ], [ -51.854, -31.797 ], [ -51.65, -31.759 ], [ -51.478, -31.562 ], [ -51.43, -31.622 ], [ -51.458, -31.548 ], [ -51.424, -31.478 ], [ -51.351, -31.529 ], [ -51.234, -31.458 ], [ -51.16, -31.31 ], [ -51.166, -31.063 ], [ -51.109, -31.097 ], [ -50.985, -31.042 ], [ -50.965, -30.893 ], [ -50.888, -30.893 ], [ -50.705, -30.756 ], [ -50.677, -30.61 ], [ -50.725, -30.371 ], [ -50.692, -30.355 ], [ -50.625, -30.409 ], [ -50.641, -30.459 ], [ -50.569, -30.471 ], [ -50.534, -30.278 ], [ -50.601, -30.194 ], [ -50.659, -30.201 ], [ -50.661, -30.293 ], [ -50.918, -30.333 ], [ -50.934, -30.42 ], [ -50.889, -30.439 ], [ -50.921, -30.44 ], [ -51.052, -30.395 ], [ -51.034, -30.276 ], [ -51.146, -30.267 ], [ -51.246, -30.188 ], [ -51.23, -30.043 ], [ -51.295, -30.007 ], [ -51.326, -30.23 ], [ -51.271, -30.25 ], [ -51.293, -30.295 ], [ -51.246, -30.33 ], [ -51.209, -30.3 ], [ -51.179, -30.383 ], [ -51.092, -30.367 ], [ -51.129, -30.436 ], [ -51.202, -30.413 ], [ -51.269, -30.489 ], [ -51.282, -30.811 ], [ -51.33, -30.777 ], [ -51.294, -30.758 ], [ -51.319, -30.64 ], [ -51.375, -30.635 ], [ -51.404, -30.769 ], [ -51.367, -30.874 ], [ -51.457, -30.874 ], [ -51.501, -30.935 ], [ -51.436, -31.088 ], [ -51.611, -31.138 ], [ -51.613, -31.272 ], [ -51.915, -31.313 ], [ -52.002, -31.449 ], [ -52.031, -31.693 ], [ -52.218, -31.747 ], [ -52.247, -31.871 ], [ -52.106, -31.952 ], [ -52.216, -31.963 ], [ -52.263, -32.062 ], [ -52.209, -32.045 ], [ -52.225, -32.096 ], [ -52.082, -32.033 ], [ -52.162, -32.128 ], [ -52.09, -32.069 ], [ -52.084, -32.186 ], [ -52.16, -32.201 ], [ -52.341, -32.43 ], [ -52.488, -32.844 ], [ -52.66, -33.165 ], [ -53.227, -33.658 ], [ -53.421, -33.741 ], [ -53.524, -33.689 ], [ -53.515, -33.163 ], [ -53.434, -33.054 ], [ -53.243, -32.936 ], [ -53.294, -32.911 ], [ -53.074, -32.746 ], [ -53.244, -32.605 ], [ -53.39, -32.583 ], [ -53.46, -32.48 ], [ -53.595, -32.432 ], [ -53.73, -32.157 ], [ -53.714, -32.104 ], [ -53.965, -31.919 ], [ -54.096, -31.906 ], [ -54.466, -31.666 ], [ -54.491, -31.54 ], [ -54.591, -31.448 ], [ -54.836, -31.446 ], [ -54.945, -31.392 ], [ -55.014, -31.285 ], [ -55.091, -31.326 ], [ -55.245, -31.257 ], [ -55.374, -31.038 ], [ -55.594, -30.848 ], [ -55.635, -30.857 ], [ -55.657, -30.956 ], [ -55.87, -31.08 ], [ -56.008, -31.063 ], [ -55.987, -30.86 ], [ -56.021, -30.784 ], [ -56.127, -30.739 ], [ -56.177, -30.614 ], [ -56.384, -30.495 ], [ -56.459, -30.387 ], [ -56.545, -30.364 ], [ -56.54, -30.312 ], [ -56.617, -30.303 ], [ -56.644, -30.205 ], [ -56.776, -30.166 ], [ -56.804, -30.107 ], [ -57.068, -30.088 ], [ -57.207, -30.281 ], [ -57.313, -30.26 ], [ -57.396, -30.303 ], [ -57.538, -30.275 ], [ -57.618, -30.179 ], [ -57.505, -30.143 ], [ -57.342, -30.001 ], [ -57.319, -29.87 ], [ -57.254, -29.794 ], [ -57.105, -29.752 ], [ -56.972, -29.639 ], [ -56.676, -29.321 ], [ -56.593, -29.123 ], [ -56.425, -29.073 ], [ -56.285, -28.794 ], [ -56.185, -28.771 ], [ -56.016, -28.611 ], [ -56.011, -28.509 ], [ -55.888, -28.479 ], [ -55.875, -28.362 ], [ -55.696, -28.425 ], [ -55.671, -28.333 ], [ -55.773, -28.247 ], [ -55.605, -28.123 ], [ -55.554, -28.164 ], [ -55.496, -28.081 ], [ -55.444, -28.097 ], [ -55.323, -27.928 ], [ -55.196, -27.863 ], [ -55.134, -27.895 ], [ -55.117, -27.853 ], [ -55.032, -27.854 ], [ -55.082, -27.789 ], [ -54.941, -27.775 ], [ -54.809, -27.536 ], [ -54.781, -27.586 ], [ -54.683, -27.576 ], [ -54.678, -27.514 ], [ -54.624, -27.55 ], [ -54.576, -27.458 ], [ -54.525, -27.507 ], [ -54.415, -27.412 ], [ -54.353, -27.468 ], [ -54.339, -27.406 ], [ -54.282, -27.447 ], [ -54.176, -27.261 ], [ -54.089, -27.303 ], [ -53.949, -27.158 ], [ -53.799, -27.147 ], [ -53.795, -27.048 ], [ -53.761, -27.068 ], [ -53.662, -26.869 ], [ -53.751, -26.745 ], [ -53.707, -26.563 ], [ -53.738, -26.548 ], [ -53.592, -26.265 ], [ -53.722, -26.13 ], [ -53.733, -26.047 ], [ -53.837, -25.969 ], [ -53.824, -25.793 ], [ -53.891, -25.625 ], [ -53.951, -25.644 ], [ -54.016, -25.569 ], [ -54.101, -25.625 ], [ -54.111, -25.504 ], [ -54.213, -25.554 ], [ -54.184, -25.591 ], [ -54.289, -25.562 ], [ -54.387, -25.608 ], [ -54.43, -25.706 ], [ -54.596, -25.595 ], [ -54.617, -25.459 ], [ -54.437, -25.157 ], [ -54.458, -25.031 ], [ -54.336, -24.649 ], [ -54.333, -24.493 ], [ -54.262, -24.376 ], [ -54.33, -24.225 ], [ -54.282, -24.075 ], [ -54.411, -23.929 ], [ -54.668, -23.815 ], [ -55.061, -23.991 ], [ -55.112, -23.963 ], [ -55.226, -24.013 ], [ -55.413, -23.961 ], [ -55.434, -23.714 ], [ -55.535, -23.614 ], [ -55.522, -23.197 ], [ -55.596, -23.141 ], [ -55.64, -22.994 ], [ -55.685, -22.992 ], [ -55.613, -22.659 ], [ -55.736, -22.532 ], [ -55.74, -22.396 ], [ -55.854, -22.281 ], [ -56.208, -22.281 ], [ -56.341, -22.206 ], [ -56.403, -22.078 ], [ -56.519, -22.103 ], [ -56.643, -22.261 ], [ -56.698, -22.216 ], [ -56.728, -22.26 ], [ -56.808, -22.25 ], [ -56.831, -22.3 ], [ -57.001, -22.225 ], [ -57.203, -22.21 ], [ -57.243, -22.244 ], [ -57.553, -22.181 ], [ -57.616, -22.096 ], [ -57.803, -22.148 ], [ -57.989, -22.085 ], [ -58.005, -22.032 ], [ -57.919, -21.881 ], [ -57.969, -21.844 ], [ -57.913, -21.793 ], [ -57.947, -21.747 ], [ -57.894, -21.687 ], [ -57.968, -21.528 ], [ -57.855, -21.339 ], [ -57.918, -21.278 ], [ -57.854, -21.226 ], [ -57.866, -21.041 ], [ -57.818, -20.976 ], [ -57.927, -20.897 ], [ -57.855, -20.835 ], [ -57.961, -20.784 ], [ -57.869, -20.736 ], [ -57.923, -20.666 ], [ -57.988, -20.696 ], [ -57.994, -20.448 ], [ -58.082, -20.372 ], [ -58.092, -20.257 ], [ -58.154, -20.264 ], [ -58.125, -20.188 ], [ -58.163, -20.162 ], [ -57.872, -19.979 ], [ -58.134, -19.761 ], [ -57.79, -19.051 ], [ -57.709, -19.034 ], [ -57.757, -18.858 ], [ -57.56, -18.263 ], [ -57.458, -18.228 ], [ -57.568, -18.136 ], [ -57.702, -17.86 ], [ -57.715, -17.735 ], [ -57.785, -17.645 ], [ -57.773, -17.553 ], [ -57.878, -17.463 ], [ -58.003, -17.52 ], [ -58.114, -17.456 ], [ -58.395, -17.197 ], [ -58.421, -16.99 ], [ -58.47, -16.939 ], [ -58.468, -16.702 ], [ -58.442, -16.613 ], [ -58.34, -16.542 ], [ -58.309, -16.27 ], [ -58.471, -16.325 ], [ -60.173, -16.265 ], [ -60.236, -15.476 ], [ -60.565, -15.105 ], [ -60.253, -15.101 ], [ -60.257, -14.624 ], [ -60.338, -14.555 ], [ -60.482, -14.181 ], [ -60.468, -14.092 ], [ -60.378, -13.992 ], [ -60.468, -13.886 ], [ -60.468, -13.801 ], [ -60.793, -13.686 ], [ -60.962, -13.539 ], [ -61.044, -13.541 ], [ -61.028, -13.477 ], [ -61.069, -13.463 ], [ -61.139, -13.521 ], [ -61.249, -13.525 ], [ -61.33, -13.473 ], [ -61.486, -13.554 ], [ -61.578, -13.494 ], [ -61.824, -13.539 ], [ -61.866, -13.443 ], [ -62.108, -13.257 ], [ -62.109, -13.149 ], [ -62.165, -13.112 ], [ -62.368, -13.145 ], [ -62.464, -13.07 ], [ -62.637, -13.041 ], [ -62.674, -12.965 ], [ -62.764, -13.023 ], [ -62.923, -12.854 ], [ -62.996, -12.85 ], [ -63.082, -12.653 ], [ -63.327, -12.705 ], [ -63.482, -12.557 ], [ -63.712, -12.458 ], [ -63.875, -12.469 ], [ -63.937, -12.557 ], [ -64.127, -12.494 ], [ -64.152, -12.529 ], [ -64.215, -12.476 ], [ -64.278, -12.511 ], [ -64.493, -12.366 ], [ -64.486, -12.23 ], [ -64.654, -12.186 ], [ -64.683, -12.099 ], [ -64.725, -12.162 ], [ -64.798, -12.035 ], [ -64.993, -11.999 ], [ -65.048, -11.757 ], [ -65.112, -11.741 ], [ -65.106, -11.697 ], [ -65.135, -11.777 ], [ -65.201, -11.745 ], [ -65.161, -11.622 ], [ -65.218, -11.521 ], [ -65.299, -11.5 ], [ -65.338, -11.392 ], [ -65.31, -11.341 ], [ -65.385, -11.269 ], [ -65.349, -11.239 ], [ -65.391, -11.167 ], [ -65.318, -11.105 ], [ -65.336, -11.044 ], [ -65.269, -10.901 ], [ -65.366, -10.798 ], [ -65.349, -10.671 ], [ -65.426, -10.638 ], [ -65.429, -10.473 ], [ -65.28, -10.218 ], [ -65.327, -9.938 ], [ -65.29, -9.851 ], [ -65.377, -9.698 ], [ -65.488, -9.718 ], [ -65.563, -9.834 ], [ -65.669, -9.779 ], [ -65.7, -9.803 ], [ -65.689, -9.749 ], [ -65.748, -9.77 ], [ -65.777, -9.727 ], [ -65.798, -9.786 ], [ -65.81, -9.75 ], [ -65.86, -9.794 ], [ -65.872, -9.757 ], [ -66.018, -9.807 ], [ -66.064, -9.772 ], [ -66.422, -9.895 ], [ -66.616, -9.893 ], [ -66.623, -9.935 ], [ -66.883, -10.081 ], [ -67.029, -10.254 ], [ -67.186, -10.339 ], [ -67.315, -10.316 ], [ -67.327, -10.374 ], [ -67.414, -10.372 ], [ -67.443, -10.45 ], [ -67.594, -10.523 ], [ -67.715, -10.707 ], [ -68.021, -10.661 ], [ -68.119, -10.726 ], [ -68.283, -10.987 ], [ -68.519, -11.048 ], [ -68.587, -11.11 ], [ -68.769, -11.139 ], [ -68.751, -11.007 ], [ -68.787, -10.99 ], [ -68.871, -11.023 ], [ -69.393, -10.929 ], [ -69.728, -10.973 ], [ -69.938, -10.926 ], [ -70.318, -11.066 ], [ -70.428, -11.033 ], [ -70.508, -10.94 ], [ -70.618, -11.007 ], [ -70.622, -9.847 ], [ -70.522, -9.738 ], [ -70.598, -9.574 ], [ -70.561, -9.579 ], [ -70.497, -9.433 ], [ -70.601, -9.453 ], [ -70.982, -9.812 ], [ -71.131, -9.862 ], [ -71.288, -9.996 ], [ -72.165, -10.002 ], [ -72.16, -9.818 ], [ -72.26, -9.755 ], [ -72.289, -9.536 ], [ -72.364, -9.491 ], [ -72.721, -9.417 ], [ -73.196, -9.418 ], [ -72.965, -9.154 ], [ -72.946, -8.99 ], [ -73.059, -8.904 ], [ -73.169, -8.701 ], [ -73.338, -8.609 ], [ -73.338, -8.476 ], [ -73.526, -8.369 ], [ -73.632, -8.022 ], [ -73.765, -7.94 ], [ -73.777, -7.869 ], [ -73.697, -7.865 ], [ -73.69, -7.79 ], [ -73.985, -7.543 ], [ -73.917, -7.461 ], [ -73.954, -7.348 ], [ -73.868, -7.377 ], [ -73.691, -7.313 ], [ -73.797, -7.115 ], [ -73.743, -6.897 ], [ -73.351, -6.561 ], [ -73.211, -6.53 ], [ -73.133, -6.421 ], [ -73.185, -6.04 ], [ -73.131, -5.986 ], [ -73.116, -5.865 ], [ -72.951, -5.643 ], [ -72.948, -5.454 ], [ -72.872, -5.25 ], [ -72.896, -5.136 ], [ -72.734, -5.043 ], [ -72.602, -5.056 ], [ -72.577, -4.992 ], [ -72.455, -4.962 ], [ -72.452, -4.906 ], [ -72.37, -4.88 ], [ -72.356, -4.803 ], [ -72.292, -4.799 ], [ -72.313, -4.769 ], [ -72.223, -4.78 ], [ -72.113, -4.722 ], [ -72.047, -4.625 ], [ -71.94, -4.607 ], [ -71.897, -4.512 ], [ -71.61, -4.465 ], [ -71.597, -4.525 ], [ -71.535, -4.46 ], [ -71.49, -4.479 ], [ -71.506, -4.435 ], [ -71.414, -4.432 ], [ -71.432, -4.469 ], [ -71.342, -4.423 ], [ -71.355, -4.468 ], [ -71.303, -4.458 ], [ -71.269, -4.381 ], [ -71.198, -4.377 ], [ -71.193, -4.42 ], [ -71.147, -4.375 ], [ -71.031, -4.397 ], [ -70.99, -4.34 ], [ -70.935, -4.381 ], [ -70.757, -4.152 ], [ -70.677, -4.2 ], [ -70.622, -4.121 ], [ -70.633, -4.173 ], [ -70.565, -4.168 ], [ -70.566, -4.205 ], [ -70.553, -4.128 ], [ -70.503, -4.19 ], [ -70.434, -4.125 ], [ -70.341, -4.174 ], [ -70.317, -4.136 ], [ -70.291, -4.283 ], [ -70.249, -4.267 ], [ -70.186, -4.357 ], [ -70.169, -4.27 ], [ -70.101, -4.255 ], [ -70.031, -4.339 ], [ -69.929, -4.213 ], [ -69.453, -1.478 ], [ -69.368, -1.334 ], [ -69.422, -0.998 ], [ -69.508, -0.936 ], [ -69.609, -0.755 ], [ -69.551, -0.648 ], [ -69.593, -0.517 ], [ -69.908, -0.316 ], [ -70.068, -0.135 ], [ -70.037, 0.553 ], [ -69.798, 0.585 ], [ -69.664, 0.672 ], [ -69.606, 0.623 ], [ -69.468, 0.734 ], [ -69.357, 0.621 ], [ -69.295, 0.648 ], [ -69.288, 0.609 ], [ -69.202, 0.602 ], [ -69.112, 0.643 ], [ -69.184, 0.73 ], [ -69.137, 0.868 ], [ -69.257, 1.026 ], [ -69.342, 1.064 ], [ -69.416, 1.024 ], [ -69.7, 1.056 ], [ -69.721, 1.097 ], [ -69.854, 1.07 ], [ -69.855, 1.715 ], [ -69.556, 1.775 ], [ -69.395, 1.726 ], [ -68.128, 1.73 ], [ -68.29, 1.841 ], [ -68.205, 2.038 ], [ -68.027, 1.784 ], [ -67.924, 1.751 ], [ -67.797, 1.812 ], [ -67.578, 2.076 ], [ -67.41, 2.141 ], [ -67.117, 1.732 ], [ -67.068, 1.532 ], [ -67.097, 1.17 ], [ -66.855, 1.228 ], [ -66.322, 0.738 ], [ -66.095, 0.754 ], [ -65.952, 0.81 ], [ -65.854, 0.939 ], [ -65.733, 1.005 ], [ -65.583, 1.008 ], [ -65.47, 0.877 ], [ -65.557, 0.705 ], [ -65.504, 0.627 ], [ -65.393, 0.699 ], [ -65.305, 0.916 ], [ -65.152, 0.943 ], [ -65.121, 1.115 ], [ -65.055, 1.144 ], [ -64.968, 1.112 ], [ -64.903, 1.249 ], [ -64.843, 1.237 ], [ -64.783, 1.313 ], [ -64.721, 1.25 ], [ -64.638, 1.286 ], [ -64.387, 1.527 ], [ -64.344, 1.528 ], [ -64.382, 1.419 ], [ -64.344, 1.38 ], [ -64.186, 1.494 ], [ -64.054, 1.708 ], [ -64.057, 1.933 ], [ -64.018, 1.967 ], [ -63.781, 1.989 ], [ -63.604, 2.124 ], [ -63.419, 2.154 ], [ -63.349, 2.281 ], [ -63.382, 2.442 ], [ -63.756, 2.403 ], [ -64.031, 2.509 ], [ -63.987, 2.772 ], [ -64.216, 3.153 ], [ -64.236, 3.476 ], [ -64.186, 3.634 ], [ -64.324, 3.797 ], [ -64.543, 3.882 ], [ -64.8, 4.224 ], [ -64.79, 4.329 ], [ -64.677, 4.297 ], [ -64.555, 4.153 ], [ -64.135, 4.176 ], [ -63.967, 3.93 ], [ -63.806, 4.019 ], [ -63.623, 4.01 ], [ -63.455, 3.91 ], [ -63.411, 4.026 ], [ -63.358, 4.04 ], [ -63.203, 3.952 ], [ -63.189, 3.872 ], [ -62.86, 3.584 ], [ -62.749, 3.642 ], [ -62.705, 3.724 ], [ -62.752, 4.012 ], [ -62.635, 4.056 ], [ -62.557, 4.02 ], [ -62.46, 4.173 ], [ -62.129, 4.084 ], [ -61.961, 4.18 ], [ -61.927, 4.106 ], [ -61.723, 4.262 ], [ -61.528, 4.273 ], [ -61.507, 4.398 ], [ -61.274, 4.471 ], [ -61.293, 4.55 ], [ -61.141, 4.508 ], [ -60.952, 4.549 ], [ -60.907, 4.708 ], [ -60.731, 4.777 ], [ -60.59, 4.951 ], [ -60.744, 5.209 ], [ -60.438, 5.177 ], [ -60.203, 5.265 ], [ -60.176, 5.227 ], [ -60.121, 5.243 ], [ -60.085, 5.149 ], [ -59.969, 5.073 ], [ -60.03, 4.704 ], [ -60.163, 4.521 ], [ -59.927, 4.509 ], [ -59.674, 4.382 ], [ -59.726, 4.191 ], [ -59.628, 4.138 ], [ -59.655, 4.078 ], [ -59.516, 3.94 ], [ -59.581, 3.901 ], [ -59.594, 3.796 ], [ -59.666, 3.777 ], [ -59.664, 3.703 ], [ -59.849, 3.601 ], [ -59.799, 3.355 ], [ -59.909, 3.197 ], [ -59.982, 2.929 ], [ -59.99, 2.683 ], [ -59.903, 2.479 ], [ -59.91, 2.388 ], [ -59.724, 2.277 ], [ -59.754, 1.861 ], [ -59.654, 1.849 ], [ -59.669, 1.764 ], [ -59.549, 1.729 ], [ -59.253, 1.397 ], [ -58.914, 1.299 ], [ -58.904, 1.234 ], [ -58.804, 1.175 ], [ -58.696, 1.288 ], [ -58.507, 1.264 ], [ -58.468, 1.318 ], [ -58.498, 1.458 ], [ -58.382, 1.471 ], [ -58.325, 1.59 ], [ -58.167, 1.558 ], [ -58.13, 1.501 ], [ -58.009, 1.501 ], [ -58, 1.665 ], [ -57.919, 1.645 ], [ -57.77, 1.718 ], [ -57.545, 1.701 ], [ -57.434, 1.895 ], [ -57.302, 1.99 ], [ -57.247, 1.944 ], [ -57.085, 2.021 ], [ -57.012, 1.918 ], [ -56.8, 1.864 ], [ -56.724, 1.92 ], [ -56.454, 1.945 ], [ -55.957, 1.844 ], [ -55.906, 1.889 ], [ -55.913, 2.041 ], [ -56.048, 2.226 ], [ -56.134, 2.263 ], [ -56.09, 2.352 ], [ -55.995, 2.405 ], [ -55.987, 2.517 ], [ -55.948, 2.532 ], [ -55.739, 2.401 ], [ -55.481, 2.443 ], [ -55.37, 2.407 ], [ -55.336, 2.516 ], [ -55.239, 2.495 ], [ -55.137, 2.575 ], [ -55.103, 2.522 ], [ -54.94, 2.632 ], [ -54.969, 2.555 ], [ -54.864, 2.439 ], [ -54.72, 2.469 ], [ -54.702, 2.336 ], [ -54.549, 2.336 ], [ -54.534, 2.268 ], [ -54.314, 2.158 ], [ -54.189, 2.179 ], [ -54.111, 2.127 ], [ -54.078, 2.197 ], [ -53.784, 2.364 ], [ -53.694, 2.287 ], [ -53.472, 2.332 ], [ -53.397, 2.272 ], [ -53.273, 2.292 ], [ -53.188, 2.223 ], [ -52.905, 2.19 ], [ -52.853, 2.285 ], [ -52.673, 2.374 ], [ -52.555, 2.523 ], [ -52.556, 2.646 ], [ -52.382, 2.912 ], [ -52.347, 3.134 ], [ -52.192, 3.296 ], [ -51.92, 3.781 ], [ -51.795, 3.89 ], [ -51.754, 3.996 ], [ -51.658, 4.049 ], [ -51.585, 4.241 ], [ -51.529, 4.171 ], [ -51.545, 4.397 ], [ -51.202, 4.084 ], [ -51.173, 3.767 ], [ -51.127, 3.911 ], [ -51.085, 3.895 ], [ -51.051, 3.283 ], [ -50.913, 2.875 ], [ -50.927, 2.807 ], [ -50.816, 2.644 ], [ -50.851, 2.482 ], [ -50.802, 2.508 ], [ -50.736, 2.414 ], [ -50.765, 2.359 ], [ -50.694, 2.276 ], [ -50.725, 2.252 ], [ -50.675, 2.247 ], [ -50.682, 2.137 ], [ -50.584, 2.091 ], [ -50.586, 2.014 ], [ -50.471, 1.82 ], [ -50.194, 1.794 ], [ -49.954, 1.676 ], [ -49.88, 1.419 ], [ -49.918, 1.289 ], [ -50.073, 1.204 ], [ -49.918, 1.232 ], [ -49.939, 1.103 ], [ -50.003, 1.066 ], [ -50.033, 1.107 ], [ -50.131, 0.949 ], [ -50.274, 0.866 ], [ -50.338, 0.729 ], [ -50.417, 0.685 ], [ -50.455, 0.732 ], [ -50.428, 0.679 ], [ -50.571, 0.424 ], [ -50.691, 0.3 ], [ -50.677, 0.365 ], [ -50.746, 0.227 ], [ -50.801, 0.224 ], [ -50.785, 0.183 ], [ -50.908, 0.171 ], [ -51.087, -0.043 ], [ -51.203, -0.055 ], [ -51.419, -0.412 ], [ -51.409, -0.44 ], [ -51.325, -0.364 ], [ -51.188, -0.14 ], [ -51.111, -0.154 ], [ -51.154, -0.284 ], [ -51.396, -0.493 ], [ -51.243, -0.443 ], [ -51.26, -0.5 ], [ -51.165, -0.431 ], [ -50.953, -0.061 ], [ -50.824, -0.048 ], [ -50.705, 0.002 ], [ -50.613, -0.088 ], [ -50.744, -0.244 ], [ -50.751, -0.429 ], [ -50.845, -0.526 ], [ -50.988, -0.583 ], [ -51.051, -0.682 ], [ -50.826, -0.555 ], [ -50.794, -0.666 ], [ -50.733, -0.557 ], [ -50.684, -0.604 ], [ -50.724, -0.493 ], [ -50.652, -0.276 ], [ -50.409, -0.094 ], [ -49.631, -0.247 ], [ -49.446, -0.23 ], [ -49.289, -0.145 ], [ -49.018, -0.16 ], [ -49, -0.139 ], [ -48.895, -0.224 ], [ -48.539, -0.234 ], [ -48.363, -0.303 ], [ -48.459, -0.513 ], [ -48.522, -0.877 ], [ -48.667, -1.002 ], [ -48.621, -1.005 ], [ -48.65, -1.048 ], [ -48.617, -1.053 ], [ -48.721, -1.137 ], [ -48.837, -1.452 ], [ -49.161, -1.575 ], [ -49.182, -1.623 ], [ -49.362, -1.604 ], [ -49.364, -1.642 ], [ -49.448, -1.637 ], [ -49.5, -1.738 ], [ -49.61, -1.718 ], [ -49.676, -1.78 ], [ -49.696, -1.757 ], [ -49.714, -1.76 ], [ -49.803, -1.822 ], [ -50.035, -1.717 ], [ -50.179, -1.787 ], [ -50.256, -1.776 ], [ -50.415, -1.841 ], [ -50.401, -1.935 ], [ -49.994, -1.819 ], [ -49.844, -1.905 ], [ -49.765, -1.898 ], [ -49.616, -1.79 ], [ -49.276, -1.706 ], [ -49.267, -1.778 ], [ -49.387, -1.977 ], [ -49.383, -2.159 ], [ -48.973, -1.594 ], [ -48.897, -1.573 ], [ -48.955, -1.712 ], [ -48.932, -1.75 ], [ -48.898, -1.743 ], [ -48.656, -1.371 ], [ -48.592, -1.429 ], [ -48.601, -1.306 ], [ -48.524, -1.338 ], [ -48.537, -1.467 ], [ -48.496, -1.553 ], [ -48.491, -1.502 ], [ -48.46, -1.533 ], [ -48.374, -1.511 ], [ -48.319, -1.478 ], [ -48.505, -1.471 ], [ -48.422, -1.168 ], [ -48.475, -1.144 ], [ -48.4, -1.066 ], [ -48.278, -1.111 ], [ -48.304, -0.948 ], [ -48.055, -0.668 ], [ -48.001, -0.731 ], [ -47.893, -0.553 ], [ -47.843, -0.616 ], [ -47.807, -0.547 ], [ -47.702, -0.54 ], [ -47.707, -0.59 ], [ -47.667, -0.569 ], [ -47.633, -0.608 ], [ -47.651, -0.694 ], [ -47.608, -0.684 ], [ -47.577, -0.573 ], [ -47.476, -0.757 ], [ -47.398, -0.76 ], [ -47.428, -0.693 ], [ -47.464, -0.687 ], [ -47.466, -0.594 ], [ -47.399, -0.594 ], [ -47.4, -0.645 ], [ -47.298, -0.589 ], [ -47.253, -0.668 ], [ -47.247, -0.623 ], [ -47.206, -0.633 ], [ -47.23, -0.719 ], [ -47.158, -0.678 ], [ -47.191, -0.754 ], [ -47.146, -0.764 ], [ -47.16, -0.815 ], [ -47.081, -0.661 ], [ -47.055, -0.868 ], [ -47.027, -0.784 ], [ -46.983, -0.806 ], [ -47.016, -0.752 ], [ -46.967, -0.694 ], [ -46.969, -0.78 ], [ -46.891, -0.869 ], [ -46.89, -0.789 ], [ -46.846, -0.799 ], [ -46.82, -0.71 ], [ -46.802, -0.877 ], [ -46.777, -0.905 ], [ -46.75, -0.826 ], [ -46.709, -0.86 ], [ -46.734, -0.944 ], [ -46.687, -0.831 ], [ -46.653, -0.882 ], [ -46.621, -0.818 ], [ -46.601, -0.917 ], [ -46.676, -0.965 ], [ -46.622, -0.987 ], [ -46.57, -0.947 ], [ -46.609, -1.03 ], [ -46.57, -0.988 ], [ -46.525, -1.027 ], [ -46.465, -1.007 ], [ -46.47, -1.044 ], [ -46.395, -1.037 ], [ -46.413, -1.084 ], [ -46.348, -0.982 ], [ -46.36, -1.011 ], [ -46.366, -1.031 ], [ -46.348, -1.079 ], [ -46.339, -1.015 ], [ -46.299, -1.05 ], [ -46.212, -0.946 ], [ -46.242, -0.921 ], [ -46.179, -0.914 ], [ -46.224, -1.053 ], [ -46.206, -1.1 ], [ -46.158, -1.014 ], [ -46.138, -1.032 ], [ -46.193, -1.143 ], [ -46.104, -1.067 ], [ -46.062, -1.133 ], [ -46.15, -1.258 ], [ -45.982, -1.071 ], [ -45.953, -1.147 ], [ -46, -1.151 ], [ -46, -1.199 ], [ -45.95, -1.159 ], [ -45.95, -1.207 ], [ -46, -1.209 ], [ -45.95, -1.25 ], [ -45.902, -1.134 ], [ -45.923, -1.214 ], [ -45.882, -1.167 ], [ -45.873, -1.211 ], [ -45.909, -1.261 ], [ -45.859, -1.231 ], [ -45.891, -1.293 ], [ -45.807, -1.176 ], [ -45.843, -1.301 ], [ -45.809, -1.328 ], [ -45.831, -1.298 ], [ -45.782, -1.278 ], [ -45.726, -1.135 ], [ -45.69, -1.452 ], [ -45.697, -1.38 ], [ -45.632, -1.371 ], [ -45.618, -1.279 ], [ -45.589, -1.329 ], [ -45.537, -1.273 ], [ -45.561, -1.343 ], [ -45.51, -1.352 ], [ -45.567, -1.404 ], [ -45.546, -1.432 ], [ -45.413, -1.296 ], [ -45.489, -1.473 ], [ -45.511, -1.458 ], [ -45.554, -1.503 ], [ -45.507, -1.471 ], [ -45.518, -1.516 ], [ -45.481, -1.495 ], [ -45.463, -1.548 ], [ -45.457, -1.457 ], [ -45.391, -1.434 ], [ -45.363, -1.325 ], [ -45.323, -1.319 ], [ -45.302, -1.424 ], [ -45.392, -1.485 ], [ -45.398, -1.503 ], [ -45.356, -1.487 ], [ -45.392, -1.553 ], [ -45.338, -1.572 ], [ -45.371, -1.722 ], [ -45.338, -1.753 ], [ -45.197, -1.688 ], [ -45.261, -1.607 ], [ -45.16, -1.475 ], [ -45.136, -1.521 ], [ -45.072, -1.435 ], [ -45.07, -1.485 ], [ -44.999, -1.504 ], [ -45.018, -1.547 ], [ -44.969, -1.549 ], [ -45.029, -1.583 ], [ -45.029, -1.602 ], [ -44.979, -1.607 ], [ -44.954, -1.498 ], [ -44.862, -1.426 ], [ -44.857, -1.498 ], [ -44.954, -1.605 ], [ -44.918, -1.649 ], [ -44.968, -1.662 ], [ -44.913, -1.657 ], [ -44.927, -1.62 ], [ -44.886, -1.609 ], [ -44.837, -1.65 ], [ -44.822, -1.591 ], [ -44.826, -1.637 ], [ -44.805, -1.609 ], [ -44.812, -1.665 ], [ -44.779, -1.735 ], [ -44.711, -1.728 ], [ -44.82, -1.819 ], [ -44.738, -1.791 ], [ -44.706, -1.819 ], [ -44.676, -1.808 ], [ -44.661, -1.727 ], [ -44.604, -1.749 ], [ -44.667, -1.849 ], [ -44.601, -1.858 ], [ -44.583, -1.817 ], [ -44.586, -1.873 ], [ -44.543, -1.833 ], [ -44.601, -1.909 ], [ -44.517, -1.907 ], [ -44.484, -2.002 ], [ -44.613, -2.037 ], [ -44.467, -2.017 ], [ -44.626, -2.151 ], [ -44.589, -2.159 ], [ -44.641, -2.232 ], [ -44.708, -2.23 ], [ -44.684, -2.275 ], [ -44.764, -2.265 ], [ -44.654, -2.294 ], [ -44.681, -2.354 ], [ -44.649, -2.373 ], [ -44.666, -2.329 ], [ -44.479, -2.137 ], [ -44.358, -2.335 ], [ -44.401, -2.416 ], [ -44.514, -2.384 ], [ -44.55, -2.4 ], [ -44.491, -2.415 ], [ -44.514, -2.448 ], [ -44.505, -2.476 ], [ -44.665, -2.608 ], [ -44.548, -2.542 ], [ -44.658, -2.781 ], [ -44.688, -2.924 ], [ -44.677, -3.019 ], [ -44.66, -3.02 ], [ -44.657, -3.018 ] ], [ [ -43.318, -2.361 ], [ -43.317, -2.363 ], [ -43.296, -2.363 ], [ -43.318, -2.361 ] ], [ [ -42.438, -2.747 ], [ -42.442, -2.749 ], [ -42.438, -2.75 ], [ -42.438, -2.747 ] ], [ [ -42.442, -2.749 ], [ -42.47, -2.744 ], [ -42.447, -2.753 ], [ -42.442, -2.749 ] ], [ [ -50.851, 2.482 ], [ -50.853, 2.481 ], [ -50.853, 2.48 ], [ -50.851, 2.482 ] ], [ [ -50.853, 2.481 ], [ -50.86, 2.495 ], [ -50.86, 2.477 ], [ -50.853, 2.481 ] ], [ [ -49.976, 1.659 ], [ -49.98, 1.659 ], [ -50, 1.639 ], [ -49.976, 1.659 ] ], [ [ -45.392, -1.553 ], [ -45.393, -1.553 ], [ -45.394, -1.556 ], [ -45.392, -1.553 ] ], [ [ -45.394, -1.556 ], [ -45.406, -1.579 ], [ -45.403, -1.591 ], [ -45.394, -1.556 ] ], [ [ -44.837, -1.65 ], [ -44.834, -1.655 ], [ -44.833, -1.654 ], [ -44.837, -1.65 ] ], [ [ -44.834, -1.655 ], [ -44.841, -1.675 ], [ -44.822, -1.672 ], [ -44.834, -1.655 ] ], [ [ -44.779, -1.735 ], [ -44.777, -1.741 ], [ -44.776, -1.74 ], [ -44.779, -1.735 ] ], [ [ -44.777, -1.741 ], [ -44.833, -1.77 ], [ -44.774, -1.75 ], [ -44.777, -1.741 ] ], [ [ -44.547, -2.22 ], [ -44.536, -2.225 ], [ -44.543, -2.219 ], [ -44.547, -2.22 ] ], [ [ -44.536, -2.225 ], [ -44.507, -2.249 ], [ -44.512, -2.235 ], [ -44.536, -2.225 ] ], [ [ -44.507, -2.249 ], [ -44.504, -2.256 ], [ -44.501, -2.254 ], [ -44.507, -2.249 ] ], [ [ -44.504, -2.256 ], [ -44.514, -2.268 ], [ -44.502, -2.26 ], [ -44.504, -2.256 ] ] ], [ [ [ -29.34, -20.484 ], [ -29.301, -20.521 ], [ -29.341, -20.511 ], [ -29.34, -20.484 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.001, -13.94 ], [ -39.012, -13.915 ], [ -38.994, -13.896 ], [ -39.001, -13.94 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.043, -13.909 ], [ -39.059, -13.904 ], [ -39.054, -13.886 ], [ -39.028, -13.903 ], [ -39.043, -13.909 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.251, -18.015 ], [ -39.283, -18.005 ], [ -39.272, -17.982 ], [ -39.245, -18.006 ], [ -39.251, -18.015 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.131, -17.927 ], [ -39.154, -17.921 ], [ -39.137, -17.91 ], [ -39.131, -17.927 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.212, -17.986 ], [ -39.228, -17.979 ], [ -39.215, -17.944 ], [ -39.202, -17.95 ], [ -39.212, -17.986 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.341, -23.231 ], [ -44.372, -23.174 ], [ -44.232, -23.089 ], [ -44.087, -23.173 ], [ -44.3, -23.184 ], [ -44.341, -23.231 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.356, -23.073 ], [ -44.388, -23.048 ], [ -44.373, -23.033 ], [ -44.343, -23.041 ], [ -44.356, -23.073 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.929, -23.014 ], [ -43.936, -22.999 ], [ -43.916, -22.989 ], [ -43.929, -23.014 ] ] ], [ [ [ -42.002, -23.018 ], [ -42.015, -23.003 ], [ -41.98, -22.975 ], [ -41.975, -22.992 ], [ -42.002, -23.018 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.904, -22.962 ], [ -43.907, -22.936 ], [ -43.868, -22.926 ], [ -43.871, -22.95 ], [ -43.904, -22.962 ] ] ], [ [ [ -41.042, -21.613 ], [ -41.042, -21.6 ], [ -41.019, -21.606 ], [ -41.042, -21.613 ] ] ], [ [ [ -52.112, -32 ], [ -52.18, -32.035 ], [ -52.216, -32.025 ], [ -52.198, -31.978 ], [ -52.112, -32 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.641, -30.388 ], [ -50.629, -30.394 ], [ -50.624, -30.329 ], [ -50.592, -30.399 ], [ -50.609, -30.406 ], [ -50.641, -30.388 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.526, -27.462 ], [ -48.416, -27.38 ], [ -48.358, -27.446 ], [ -48.503, -27.799 ], [ -48.559, -27.842 ], [ -48.526, -27.462 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.354, -27.296 ], [ -48.376, -27.285 ], [ -48.373, -27.271 ], [ -48.36, -27.27 ], [ -48.354, -27.296 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.731, -26.314 ], [ -48.754, -26.297 ], [ -48.735, -26.282 ], [ -48.731, -26.314 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.318, -25.584 ], [ -48.309, -25.546 ], [ -48.381, -25.504 ], [ -48.312, -25.509 ], [ -48.292, -25.545 ], [ -48.318, -25.584 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.414, -25.544 ], [ -48.459, -25.514 ], [ -48.415, -25.527 ], [ -48.414, -25.544 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.424, -25.551 ], [ -48.479, -25.523 ], [ -48.485, -25.502 ], [ -48.424, -25.551 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.298, -25.493 ], [ -48.341, -25.416 ], [ -48.252, -25.341 ], [ -48.265, -25.44 ], [ -48.253, -25.466 ], [ -48.298, -25.493 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.417, -25.386 ], [ -48.424, -25.343 ], [ -48.405, -25.33 ], [ -48.417, -25.386 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.695, -24.112 ], [ -45.688, -24.088 ], [ -45.679, -24.098 ], [ -45.695, -24.112 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.251, -23.962 ], [ -45.301, -23.909 ], [ -45.453, -23.91 ], [ -45.332, -23.721 ], [ -45.227, -23.774 ], [ -45.224, -23.835 ], [ -45.283, -23.857 ], [ -45.221, -23.899 ], [ -45.251, -23.962 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.141, -23.817 ], [ -45.146, -23.791 ], [ -45.114, -23.801 ], [ -45.141, -23.817 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.153, -23.573 ], [ -45.153, -23.558 ], [ -45.141, -23.568 ], [ -45.153, -23.573 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.073, -23.564 ], [ -45.079, -23.525 ], [ -45.036, -23.531 ], [ -45.073, -23.564 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.608, -23.228 ], [ -44.59, -23.208 ], [ -44.577, -23.216 ], [ -44.608, -23.228 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.648, -12.821 ], [ -38.666, -12.777 ], [ -38.624, -12.762 ], [ -38.648, -12.821 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.529, -12.811 ], [ -38.544, -12.757 ], [ -38.532, -12.74 ], [ -38.508, -12.792 ], [ -38.529, -12.811 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.622, -12.752 ], [ -38.622, -12.727 ], [ -38.593, -12.733 ], [ -38.622, -12.752 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.646, -12.683 ], [ -38.648, -12.65 ], [ -38.636, -12.661 ], [ -38.646, -12.683 ] ] ], [ [ [ -32.402, -3.838 ], [ -32.428, -3.877 ], [ -32.483, -3.878 ], [ -32.402, -3.838 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.667, -3.179 ], [ -44.668, -3.16 ], [ -44.643, -3.148 ], [ -44.644, -3.17 ], [ -44.667, -3.179 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.671, -2.943 ], [ -44.67, -2.92 ], [ -44.647, -2.915 ], [ -44.671, -2.943 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.493, -2.641 ], [ -44.48, -2.601 ], [ -44.477, -2.627 ], [ -44.493, -2.641 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.897, -2.573 ], [ -43.896, -2.554 ], [ -43.886, -2.565 ], [ -43.897, -2.573 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.599, -2.503 ], [ -43.577, -2.471 ], [ -43.572, -2.483 ], [ -43.599, -2.503 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.822, -2.526 ], [ -43.829, -2.509 ], [ -43.813, -2.458 ], [ -43.812, -2.553 ], [ -43.82, -2.528 ], [ -43.822, -2.526 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.821, -2.529 ], [ -43.856, -2.502 ], [ -43.832, -2.439 ], [ -43.842, -2.504 ], [ -43.821, -2.529 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.863, -2.56 ], [ -43.875, -2.552 ], [ -43.865, -2.534 ], [ -43.863, -2.56 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.519, -2.536 ], [ -44.529, -2.526 ], [ -44.501, -2.48 ], [ -44.505, -2.444 ], [ -44.455, -2.434 ], [ -44.519, -2.536 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.602, -3.007 ], [ -44.657, -2.972 ], [ -44.613, -2.894 ], [ -44.575, -2.921 ], [ -44.602, -3.007 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.585, -2.978 ], [ -44.563, -2.914 ], [ -44.586, -2.826 ], [ -44.494, -2.705 ], [ -44.494, -2.953 ], [ -44.582, -3.041 ], [ -44.585, -2.978 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.826, -2.434 ], [ -43.842, -2.403 ], [ -43.811, -2.385 ], [ -43.807, -2.412 ], [ -43.826, -2.434 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.581, -2.441 ], [ -43.615, -2.389 ], [ -43.549, -2.377 ], [ -43.545, -2.403 ], [ -43.581, -2.441 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.791, -2.47 ], [ -43.806, -2.443 ], [ -43.78, -2.422 ], [ -43.759, -2.448 ], [ -43.791, -2.47 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.513, -2.424 ], [ -43.537, -2.416 ], [ -43.522, -2.39 ], [ -43.505, -2.414 ], [ -43.513, -2.424 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.792, -2.405 ], [ -43.798, -2.377 ], [ -43.771, -2.37 ], [ -43.792, -2.405 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.689, -2.355 ], [ -43.743, -2.352 ], [ -43.724, -2.305 ], [ -43.617, -2.253 ], [ -43.612, -2.275 ], [ -43.669, -2.301 ], [ -43.689, -2.355 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.73, -2.425 ], [ -43.732, -2.364 ], [ -43.67, -2.377 ], [ -43.681, -2.34 ], [ -43.63, -2.324 ], [ -43.643, -2.394 ], [ -43.73, -2.425 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.473, -2.125 ], [ -44.487, -2.113 ], [ -44.475, -2.096 ], [ -44.463, -2.104 ], [ -44.473, -2.125 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.456, -2.031 ], [ -44.447, -2.008 ], [ -44.439, -2.022 ], [ -44.456, -2.031 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.311, -1.964 ], [ -49.336, -1.996 ], [ -49.309, -1.943 ], [ -49.311, -1.964 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.323, -2.054 ], [ -49.329, -2.019 ], [ -49.316, -2.001 ], [ -49.323, -2.054 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.231, -1.829 ], [ -50.246, -1.824 ], [ -50.229, -1.816 ], [ -50.231, -1.829 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.615, -1.821 ], [ -44.622, -1.797 ], [ -44.597, -1.774 ], [ -44.583, -1.789 ], [ -44.615, -1.821 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.7, -1.811 ], [ -44.703, -1.78 ], [ -44.673, -1.78 ], [ -44.7, -1.811 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.691, -1.793 ], [ -49.721, -1.789 ], [ -49.719, -1.771 ], [ -49.697, -1.766 ], [ -49.691, -1.793 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.924, -1.711 ], [ -48.909, -1.713 ], [ -48.916, -1.734 ], [ -48.935, -1.713 ], [ -48.924, -1.711 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.757, -1.707 ], [ -44.767, -1.694 ], [ -44.736, -1.701 ], [ -44.757, -1.707 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.433, -1.684 ], [ -49.454, -1.706 ], [ -49.46, -1.684 ], [ -49.433, -1.684 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.357, -1.008 ], [ -46.342, -0.994 ], [ -46.353, -1.026 ], [ -46.357, -1.008 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.205, -1.021 ], [ -46.194, -1.014 ], [ -46.202, -1.032 ], [ -46.205, -1.021 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.662, -3.018 ], [ -44.673, -3.012 ], [ -44.664, -3.001 ], [ -44.649, -3.013 ], [ -44.662, -3.018 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.736, -1.683 ], [ -44.745, -1.677 ], [ -44.732, -1.668 ], [ -44.736, -1.683 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.231, -1.638 ], [ -49.237, -1.627 ], [ -49.217, -1.633 ], [ -49.231, -1.638 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.38, -1.685 ], [ -49.4, -1.682 ], [ -49.368, -1.669 ], [ -49.38, -1.685 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.426, -1.673 ], [ -49.429, -1.661 ], [ -49.406, -1.66 ], [ -49.426, -1.673 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.34, -1.672 ], [ -49.358, -1.662 ], [ -49.325, -1.647 ], [ -49.34, -1.672 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.289, -1.726 ], [ -45.305, -1.663 ], [ -45.257, -1.641 ], [ -45.244, -1.678 ], [ -45.28, -1.694 ], [ -45.289, -1.726 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.328, -1.743 ], [ -45.346, -1.719 ], [ -45.301, -1.596 ], [ -45.274, -1.635 ], [ -45.313, -1.654 ], [ -45.328, -1.743 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.886, -1.578 ], [ -48.89, -1.56 ], [ -48.859, -1.536 ], [ -48.856, -1.553 ], [ -48.886, -1.578 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.783, -1.682 ], [ -44.8, -1.595 ], [ -44.775, -1.62 ], [ -44.721, -1.567 ], [ -44.704, -1.611 ], [ -44.684, -1.575 ], [ -44.668, -1.669 ], [ -44.693, -1.638 ], [ -44.783, -1.682 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.816, -1.569 ], [ -44.837, -1.534 ], [ -44.787, -1.488 ], [ -44.825, -1.534 ], [ -44.816, -1.569 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.462, -1.517 ], [ -48.478, -1.499 ], [ -48.421, -1.503 ], [ -48.462, -1.517 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.793, -1.531 ], [ -44.774, -1.47 ], [ -44.763, -1.513 ], [ -44.793, -1.531 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.414, -1.427 ], [ -45.423, -1.416 ], [ -45.409, -1.405 ], [ -45.414, -1.427 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45, -1.296 ], [ -44.922, -1.265 ], [ -44.877, -1.309 ], [ -44.895, -1.34 ], [ -44.922, -1.305 ], [ -44.907, -1.341 ], [ -44.999, -1.405 ], [ -45.033, -1.339 ], [ -45, -1.32 ], [ -44.995, -1.36 ], [ -45, -1.296 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.044, -1.402 ], [ -45.07, -1.33 ], [ -45.052, -1.342 ], [ -45.044, -1.402 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.333, -1.569 ], [ -45.371, -1.544 ], [ -45.347, -1.489 ], [ -45.313, -1.506 ], [ -45.333, -1.569 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.969, -1.522 ], [ -44.976, -1.493 ], [ -44.959, -1.483 ], [ -44.969, -1.522 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.393, -1.512 ], [ -48.371, -1.476 ], [ -48.341, -1.483 ], [ -48.393, -1.512 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.413, -1.498 ], [ -48.426, -1.491 ], [ -48.387, -1.476 ], [ -48.413, -1.498 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.118, -1.47 ], [ -45.132, -1.462 ], [ -45.115, -1.364 ], [ -45.103, -1.373 ], [ -45.118, -1.47 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.593, -1.251 ], [ -45.581, -1.19 ], [ -45.536, -1.205 ], [ -45.532, -1.231 ], [ -45.593, -1.251 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.559, -1.243 ], [ -48.56, -1.202 ], [ -48.523, -1.199 ], [ -48.559, -1.243 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.817, -1.163 ], [ -45.829, -1.141 ], [ -45.804, -1.127 ], [ -45.817, -1.163 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.877, -1.154 ], [ -45.9, -1.117 ], [ -45.883, -1.073 ], [ -45.849, -1.123 ], [ -45.877, -1.154 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.192, -1.05 ], [ -46.201, -1.041 ], [ -46.185, -1.027 ], [ -46.192, -1.05 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.291, -1.01 ], [ -46.307, -0.992 ], [ -46.306, -0.961 ], [ -46.291, -1.01 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.078, -1.095 ], [ -46.065, -1.05 ], [ -46.061, -1.074 ], [ -46.078, -1.095 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.68, -1.295 ], [ -45.687, -1.275 ], [ -45.667, -1.26 ], [ -45.654, -1.285 ], [ -45.68, -1.295 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.538, -1.282 ], [ -48.549, -1.262 ], [ -48.53, -1.25 ], [ -48.538, -1.282 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.51, -1.27 ], [ -48.522, -1.247 ], [ -48.506, -1.236 ], [ -48.51, -1.27 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.694, -1.37 ], [ -45.646, -1.289 ], [ -45.625, -1.126 ], [ -45.634, -1.349 ], [ -45.694, -1.37 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.688, -1.266 ], [ -45.708, -1.228 ], [ -45.685, -1.194 ], [ -45.664, -1.231 ], [ -45.688, -1.266 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.425, -0.914 ], [ -46.454, -0.907 ], [ -46.408, -0.868 ], [ -46.395, -0.899 ], [ -46.425, -0.914 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.72, -0.848 ], [ -46.735, -0.832 ], [ -46.729, -0.796 ], [ -46.72, -0.848 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.611, -0.799 ], [ -46.622, -0.784 ], [ -46.601, -0.789 ], [ -46.611, -0.799 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.586, -0.849 ], [ -46.621, -0.807 ], [ -46.589, -0.815 ], [ -46.586, -0.849 ] ] ], [ [ [ -47.447, -0.748 ], [ -47.453, -0.732 ], [ -47.436, -0.717 ], [ -47.428, -0.738 ], [ -47.447, -0.748 ] ] ], [ [ [ -47.461, -0.741 ], [ -47.463, -0.702 ], [ -47.445, -0.697 ], [ -47.461, -0.741 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.214, -0.411 ], [ -51.211, -0.386 ], [ -51.164, -0.347 ], [ -51.163, -0.383 ], [ -51.214, -0.411 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.352, -0.353 ], [ -51.346, -0.31 ], [ -51.317, -0.268 ], [ -51.327, -0.33 ], [ -51.352, -0.353 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.127, -0.268 ], [ -51.131, -0.237 ], [ -51.091, -0.208 ], [ -51.087, -0.229 ], [ -51.127, -0.268 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.888, -0.198 ], [ -48.91, -0.188 ], [ -48.893, -0.134 ], [ -48.847, -0.177 ], [ -48.888, -0.198 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.174, -0.091 ], [ -51.191, -0.064 ], [ -51.126, -0.057 ], [ -51.174, -0.091 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.114, -0.146 ], [ -49.097, -0.121 ], [ -49.08, -0.13 ], [ -49.114, -0.146 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.166, -0.142 ], [ -49.188, -0.115 ], [ -49.156, -0.128 ], [ -49.166, -0.142 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.119, -0.141 ], [ -49.143, -0.107 ], [ -49.114, -0.11 ], [ -49.119, -0.141 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.127, -0.128 ], [ -51.094, -0.103 ], [ -51.108, -0.127 ], [ -51.127, -0.128 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.414, -0.999 ], [ -46.384, -0.941 ], [ -46.367, -0.948 ], [ -46.414, -0.999 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.647, -0.97 ], [ -46.658, -0.968 ], [ -46.618, -0.957 ], [ -46.647, -0.97 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.488, -0.942 ], [ -46.465, -0.877 ], [ -46.464, -0.924 ], [ -46.44, -0.922 ], [ -46.482, -0.976 ], [ -46.441, -0.999 ], [ -46.525, -1.016 ], [ -46.527, -0.917 ], [ -46.509, -0.984 ], [ -46.488, -0.942 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.632, 0.159 ], [ -49.662, 0.184 ], [ -49.629, 0.202 ], [ -49.61, 0.181 ], [ -49.632, 0.159 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.641, 0.26 ], [ -50.63, 0.293 ], [ -50.586, 0.308 ], [ -50.641, 0.26 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.2, 0.255 ], [ -50.243, 0.248 ], [ -50.147, 0.337 ], [ -50.059, 0.346 ], [ -50.2, 0.255 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.417, 0.159 ], [ -50.535, 0.234 ], [ -50.36, 0.615 ], [ -50.328, 0.383 ], [ -50.285, 0.3 ], [ -50.413, 0.237 ], [ -50.417, 0.159 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.279, 0.338 ], [ -50.271, 0.599 ], [ -50.147, 0.608 ], [ -50.142, 0.576 ], [ -50.107, 0.636 ], [ -50.063, 0.623 ], [ -50.05, 0.518 ], [ -50.279, 0.338 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50, 0.943 ], [ -50.113, 0.907 ], [ -50.018, 1.034 ], [ -49.935, 1.069 ], [ -49.939, 0.996 ], [ -50, 0.943 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.881, 1.227 ], [ -49.909, 1.246 ], [ -49.886, 1.244 ], [ -49.881, 1.227 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.907, 1.278 ], [ -49.885, 1.291 ], [ -49.863, 1.278 ], [ -49.876, 1.252 ], [ -49.907, 1.278 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.204, 1.851 ], [ -50.232, 1.879 ], [ -50.22, 1.915 ], [ -50.169, 1.865 ], [ -50.204, 1.851 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.468, 1.954 ], [ -50.521, 2.026 ], [ -50.497, 2.139 ], [ -50.398, 2.167 ], [ -50.367, 2.19 ], [ -50.276, 1.939 ], [ -50.423, 1.849 ], [ -50.468, 1.954 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.504, 2.255 ], [ -50.414, 2.244 ], [ -50.382, 2.204 ], [ -50.489, 2.15 ], [ -50.564, 2.205 ], [ -50.504, 2.255 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.229, 0.832 ], [ -50.098, 0.839 ], [ -50.027, 0.898 ], [ -50.105, 0.757 ], [ -50.162, 0.775 ], [ -50.249, 0.72 ], [ -50.229, 0.832 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.131, 0.844 ], [ -50.162, 0.867 ], [ -50.132, 0.9 ], [ -50.119, 0.854 ], [ -50.131, 0.844 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.108, 0.85 ], [ -50.111, 0.891 ], [ -50.049, 0.886 ], [ -50.108, 0.85 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.216, -0.055 ], [ -50.235, -0.042 ], [ -50.219, -0.04 ], [ -50.216, -0.055 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.916, -0.052 ], [ -50.926, -0.047 ], [ -50.907, -0.043 ], [ -50.916, -0.052 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.605, -0.061 ], [ -50.618, -0.022 ], [ -50.559, -0.038 ], [ -50.605, -0.061 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.399, -0.061 ], [ -50.44, -0.057 ], [ -50.378, -0.015 ], [ -50.357, -0.049 ], [ -50.399, -0.061 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.75, 0 ], [ -49.609, 0.08 ], [ -49.474, 0.081 ], [ -49.338, -0.017 ], [ -49.487, -0.136 ], [ -49.723, -0.147 ], [ -49.835, -0.088 ], [ -49.75, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.023, -0.019 ], [ -49.039, -0.011 ], [ -49.02, -0.006 ], [ -49.023, -0.019 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.932, 0.052 ], [ -50.918, 0.084 ], [ -50.884, 0.078 ], [ -50.899, 0.057 ], [ -50.932, 0.052 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.928, 0 ], [ -50.786, 0.05 ], [ -50.717, 0.028 ], [ -50.94, -0.041 ], [ -50.928, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.691, 0.025 ], [ -50.655, 0.015 ], [ -50.703, 0.021 ], [ -50.691, 0.025 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.629, -0.043 ], [ -50.642, -0.016 ], [ -50.622, -0.026 ], [ -50.629, -0.043 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.642, 0 ], [ -50.611, 0.007 ], [ -50.595, -0.019 ], [ -50.642, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.536, 0 ], [ -50.653, 0.126 ], [ -50.59, 0.203 ], [ -50.434, 0.126 ], [ -50.436, 0 ], [ -50.536, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50, 0.311 ], [ -49.674, 0.368 ], [ -49.601, 0.283 ], [ -49.86, 0.008 ], [ -49.99, -0.048 ], [ -50.086, 0.034 ], [ -50.351, 0.044 ], [ -50.394, 0.222 ], [ -50.153, 0.227 ], [ -50, 0.311 ] ] ] ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "La costa de lo que hoy es territorio brasileño fue el primer punto al \nque llegaron los europeos en América del Sur. La primera expedición que \nexploró la región fue un desprendimiento de la flota portuguesa que \nVasco da Gama (c. 1460-1524) llevaba hacia oriente. Las naves dirigidas \npor Pedro Álvarez de Cabral (1467-1520) se alejaron excesivamente de la \ncosta de África y terminaron en el extremo sur de actual territorio del \nEstado de Bahía, en que el permanecieron entre abril y mayo del año \n1500. Los portuguese establecieron en la costa precarias feitorias para \ncomerciar verzino o palo brasil con los nativos de las sociedades tupí y\n guaraní nativas. Recién en 1530 la corona brasileña tomaría acciones \ndecididas para organizar la ocupación portuguesa y las actividades de \nexplotación, cuando instaura el régimen de capitanías hereditarias que \nestructuraría el establecimiento colonial lusitano en brasil. \nBibliografía: Johnson, H. B., \"Portuguese Settlement, 1500-1580\", en \nBethell, Leslie (ed.), Colonial Brazil, Cambridge, Cambridge University \nPress, 1987, pp. 1-38; Abulafia, David, El descubrimiento de la \nhumanidad. Encuentros atlánticos en la era de Colón, Barcelona, Crítica,\n 2009 [2008]; Metcalf, Alida C., Go-Betweens and the Colonization of \nBrazil, 1500-1600, Austin, University of Texas Press, 2005; Vaz de \nCaminha, Pêro, Carta del descubrimiento del Brasil, Barcelona, \nAcantilado, 2009.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-19T00:00:49+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 8404, "end" : 8410 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Brasil" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/bf463b6e-4d9a-47a2-9ff8-21cb297e7dd5", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://sws.geonames.org/3469034", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-19T00:00:49+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-19T00:00:49+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "MultiPolygon", "coordinates" : [ [ [ [ -44.657, -3.018 ], [ -44.608, -3.041 ], [ -44.72, -3.18 ], [ -44.793, -3.198 ], [ -44.779, -3.312 ], [ -44.736, -3.302 ], [ -44.763, -3.225 ], [ -44.653, -3.196 ], [ -44.431, -2.945 ], [ -44.367, -2.643 ], [ -44.362, -2.726 ], [ -44.355, -2.605 ], [ -44.378, -2.566 ], [ -44.345, -2.528 ], [ -44.29, -2.573 ], [ -44.306, -2.487 ], [ -44.02, -2.403 ], [ -44.03, -2.457 ], [ -44.108, -2.468 ], [ -44.035, -2.518 ], [ -44.131, -2.596 ], [ -44.147, -2.681 ], [ -44.219, -2.67 ], [ -44.209, -2.716 ], [ -44.345, -2.791 ], [ -44.347, -2.838 ], [ -44.315, -2.788 ], [ -44.3, -2.843 ], [ -44.266, -2.777 ], [ -44.225, -2.806 ], [ -44.184, -2.766 ], [ -44.208, -2.857 ], [ -44.111, -2.749 ], [ -44.072, -2.811 ], [ -44.05, -2.685 ], [ -43.981, -2.619 ], [ -43.946, -2.641 ], [ -43.933, -2.553 ], [ -43.883, -2.649 ], [ -43.887, -2.578 ], [ -43.803, -2.56 ], [ -43.76, -2.513 ], [ -43.754, -2.556 ], [ -43.729, -2.481 ], [ -43.727, -2.569 ], [ -43.654, -2.556 ], [ -43.682, -2.534 ], [ -43.653, -2.488 ], [ -43.608, -2.593 ], [ -43.603, -2.518 ], [ -43.548, -2.528 ], [ -43.519, -2.445 ], [ -43.498, -2.55 ], [ -43.46, -2.507 ], [ -43.458, -2.596 ], [ -43.401, -2.552 ], [ -43.448, -2.538 ], [ -43.462, -2.427 ], [ -43.359, -2.44 ], [ -43.479, -2.376 ], [ -43.378, -2.329 ], [ -43.4, -2.353 ], [ -43.232, -2.362 ], [ -42.692, -2.596 ], [ -42.709, -2.56 ], [ -42.572, -2.68 ], [ -42.495, -2.689 ], [ -42.503, -2.727 ], [ -42.393, -2.751 ], [ -42.475, -2.706 ], [ -42.375, -2.717 ], [ -42.228, -2.818 ], [ -42.143, -2.808 ], [ -42.256, -2.735 ], [ -42.233, -2.674 ], [ -42.208, -2.712 ], [ -42.098, -2.768 ], [ -42.099, -2.809 ], [ -42.096, -2.747 ], [ -42.216, -2.687 ], [ -42.054, -2.691 ], [ -42.023, -2.775 ], [ -42.017, -2.718 ], [ -41.818, -2.723 ], [ -41.844, -2.773 ], [ -41.797, -2.751 ], [ -41.656, -2.884 ], [ -41.437, -2.939 ], [ -41.395, -2.906 ], [ -41.316, -2.943 ], [ -41.263, -2.887 ], [ -40.838, -2.895 ], [ -40.572, -2.844 ], [ -40.499, -2.787 ], [ -39.888, -2.886 ], [ -39.244, -3.229 ], [ -39.083, -3.394 ], [ -38.978, -3.407 ], [ -38.641, -3.687 ], [ -38.473, -3.7 ], [ -38.377, -3.866 ], [ -38.043, -4.214 ], [ -37.764, -4.399 ], [ -37.588, -4.624 ], [ -37.323, -4.698 ], [ -37.15, -4.943 ], [ -36.958, -4.919 ], [ -36.666, -5.108 ], [ -36.504, -5.061 ], [ -36.297, -5.106 ], [ -35.956, -5.045 ], [ -35.612, -5.11 ], [ -35.385, -5.255 ], [ -35.255, -5.483 ], [ -35.099, -6.169 ], [ -34.983, -6.396 ], [ -34.933, -6.753 ], [ -34.79, -7.159 ], [ -34.842, -7.564 ], [ -34.809, -7.622 ], [ -34.845, -7.69 ], [ -34.827, -8.004 ], [ -35.136, -8.895 ], [ -35.332, -9.237 ], [ -35.689, -9.668 ], [ -35.78, -9.706 ], [ -36.056, -10.083 ], [ -36.266, -10.256 ], [ -36.402, -10.506 ], [ -36.602, -10.567 ], [ -36.934, -10.826 ], [ -37.36, -11.428 ], [ -37.612, -11.979 ], [ -37.996, -12.578 ], [ -38.318, -12.934 ], [ -38.477, -13.022 ], [ -38.532, -13.017 ], [ -38.473, -12.913 ], [ -38.498, -12.722 ], [ -38.603, -12.728 ], [ -38.646, -12.622 ], [ -38.681, -12.661 ], [ -38.718, -12.627 ], [ -38.804, -12.835 ], [ -38.717, -12.873 ], [ -38.769, -12.995 ], [ -38.721, -13.021 ], [ -38.66, -12.963 ], [ -38.686, -12.878 ], [ -38.59, -12.972 ], [ -38.766, -13.129 ], [ -38.807, -13.1 ], [ -38.808, -13.154 ], [ -38.944, -13.243 ], [ -38.973, -13.391 ], [ -38.902, -13.384 ], [ -38.886, -13.45 ], [ -38.95, -13.577 ], [ -38.886, -13.659 ], [ -38.968, -13.67 ], [ -39.006, -13.891 ], [ -39.064, -13.865 ], [ -39.075, -13.887 ], [ -38.986, -13.998 ], [ -38.952, -13.986 ], [ -38.982, -13.912 ], [ -38.938, -13.886 ], [ -38.922, -13.92 ], [ -39.061, -14.716 ], [ -38.962, -15.585 ], [ -38.857, -15.86 ], [ -38.973, -16.211 ], [ -39.032, -16.26 ], [ -39.01, -16.369 ], [ -39.078, -16.454 ], [ -39.143, -16.762 ], [ -39.113, -16.896 ], [ -39.212, -17.155 ], [ -39.193, -17.602 ], [ -39.135, -17.691 ], [ -39.264, -17.869 ], [ -39.435, -17.943 ], [ -39.563, -18.091 ], [ -39.721, -18.493 ], [ -39.749, -18.81 ], [ -39.692, -19.353 ], [ -39.805, -19.65 ], [ -39.951, -19.717 ], [ -40.151, -19.956 ], [ -40.236, -20.285 ], [ -40.353, -20.32 ], [ -40.329, -20.236 ], [ -40.359, -20.291 ], [ -40.365, -20.317 ], [ -40.35, -20.328 ], [ -40.268, -20.327 ], [ -40.402, -20.606 ], [ -40.466, -20.624 ], [ -40.627, -20.845 ], [ -40.65, -20.813 ], [ -40.756, -20.866 ], [ -40.853, -21.133 ], [ -40.955, -21.251 ], [ -40.96, -21.364 ], [ -41.065, -21.495 ], [ -41.051, -21.608 ], [ -41.038, -21.622 ], [ -41.007, -21.618 ], [ -40.99, -22.014 ], [ -41.229, -22.151 ], [ -41.668, -22.294 ], [ -41.962, -22.538 ], [ -41.986, -22.713 ], [ -41.919, -22.774 ], [ -41.864, -22.759 ], [ -42.023, -22.896 ], [ -42.037, -22.94 ], [ -41.99, -22.964 ], [ -42.018, -22.998 ], [ -42.086, -22.957 ], [ -42.529, -22.934 ], [ -43.05, -22.982 ], [ -43.132, -22.941 ], [ -43.025, -22.741 ], [ -43.084, -22.68 ], [ -43.216, -22.725 ], [ -43.287, -22.806 ], [ -43.24, -22.847 ], [ -43.249, -22.797 ], [ -43.156, -22.784 ], [ -43.247, -22.882 ], [ -43.164, -22.899 ], [ -43.187, -22.995 ], [ -43.344, -22.983 ], [ -43.303, -23.02 ], [ -43.549, -23.081 ], [ -44.001, -23.1 ], [ -43.961, -23.042 ], [ -43.877, -23.067 ], [ -43.909, -23.02 ], [ -43.807, -23.063 ], [ -43.555, -23.055 ], [ -43.84, -22.906 ], [ -43.985, -22.937 ], [ -44.034, -23.014 ], [ -44.044, -22.923 ], [ -44.107, -23.03 ], [ -44.234, -23.06 ], [ -44.238, -23.004 ], [ -44.358, -23.02 ], [ -44.296, -22.961 ], [ -44.321, -22.927 ], [ -44.378, -22.972 ], [ -44.407, -22.945 ], [ -44.443, -23.035 ], [ -44.669, -23.06 ], [ -44.712, -23.19 ], [ -44.701, -23.237 ], [ -44.645, -23.191 ], [ -44.612, -23.206 ], [ -44.685, -23.256 ], [ -44.611, -23.238 ], [ -44.652, -23.302 ], [ -44.558, -23.232 ], [ -44.577, -23.275 ], [ -44.498, -23.302 ], [ -44.583, -23.367 ], [ -44.669, -23.341 ], [ -44.84, -23.395 ], [ -44.905, -23.339 ], [ -45.05, -23.418 ], [ -45.016, -23.461 ], [ -45.079, -23.519 ], [ -45.165, -23.495 ], [ -45.159, -23.541 ], [ -45.228, -23.547 ], [ -45.211, -23.582 ], [ -45.41, -23.632 ], [ -45.412, -23.825 ], [ -45.934, -23.771 ], [ -46.124, -23.842 ], [ -46.2, -24.002 ], [ -46.288, -24.044 ], [ -46.321, -24 ], [ -46.458, -24.025 ], [ -46.937, -24.281 ], [ -47.024, -24.382 ], [ -47.004, -24.412 ], [ -47.86, -24.996 ], [ -47.914, -25.061 ], [ -47.915, -25.16 ], [ -48.213, -25.47 ], [ -48.254, -25.435 ], [ -48.222, -25.342 ], [ -48.208, -25.353 ], [ -48.121, -25.267 ], [ -48.253, -25.328 ], [ -48.284, -25.294 ], [ -48.317, -25.363 ], [ -48.327, -25.232 ], [ -48.366, -25.317 ], [ -48.433, -25.237 ], [ -48.428, -25.324 ], [ -48.5, -25.335 ], [ -48.427, -25.39 ], [ -48.449, -25.379 ], [ -48.468, -25.388 ], [ -48.467, -25.432 ], [ -48.449, -25.384 ], [ -48.414, -25.428 ], [ -48.476, -25.485 ], [ -48.637, -25.468 ], [ -48.661, -25.398 ], [ -48.671, -25.435 ], [ -48.739, -25.374 ], [ -48.68, -25.465 ], [ -48.687, -25.499 ], [ -48.737, -25.483 ], [ -48.703, -25.504 ], [ -48.617, -25.536 ], [ -48.512, -25.505 ], [ -48.482, -25.591 ], [ -48.46, -25.552 ], [ -48.35, -25.581 ], [ -48.565, -25.868 ], [ -48.614, -26.06 ], [ -48.586, -26.172 ], [ -48.714, -26.243 ], [ -48.795, -26.073 ], [ -48.837, -26.157 ], [ -48.798, -26.142 ], [ -48.763, -26.199 ], [ -48.805, -26.228 ], [ -48.769, -26.223 ], [ -48.761, -26.286 ], [ -48.803, -26.303 ], [ -48.723, -26.362 ], [ -48.635, -26.374 ], [ -48.714, -26.308 ], [ -48.554, -26.172 ], [ -48.493, -26.224 ], [ -48.695, -26.658 ], [ -48.665, -26.769 ], [ -48.583, -26.786 ], [ -48.655, -26.909 ], [ -48.62, -27.007 ], [ -48.574, -27.011 ], [ -48.607, -27.122 ], [ -48.554, -27.152 ], [ -48.51, -27.108 ], [ -48.469, -27.148 ], [ -48.511, -27.183 ], [ -48.486, -27.218 ], [ -48.531, -27.18 ], [ -48.612, -27.243 ], [ -48.596, -27.318 ], [ -48.529, -27.334 ], [ -48.649, -27.486 ], [ -48.572, -27.592 ], [ -48.653, -27.648 ], [ -48.575, -27.888 ], [ -48.761, -28.535 ], [ -48.813, -28.605 ], [ -49.37, -28.92 ], [ -49.334, -28.921 ], [ -49.702, -29.308 ], [ -50.006, -29.749 ], [ -50.316, -30.472 ], [ -50.848, -31.205 ], [ -51.303, -31.613 ], [ -51.877, -31.952 ], [ -52.071, -32.188 ], [ -52.012, -31.946 ], [ -52.092, -31.837 ], [ -51.851, -31.865 ], [ -51.777, -31.805 ], [ -51.854, -31.797 ], [ -51.65, -31.759 ], [ -51.478, -31.562 ], [ -51.43, -31.622 ], [ -51.458, -31.548 ], [ -51.424, -31.478 ], [ -51.351, -31.529 ], [ -51.234, -31.458 ], [ -51.16, -31.31 ], [ -51.166, -31.063 ], [ -51.109, -31.097 ], [ -50.985, -31.042 ], [ -50.965, -30.893 ], [ -50.888, -30.893 ], [ -50.705, -30.756 ], [ -50.677, -30.61 ], [ -50.725, -30.371 ], [ -50.692, -30.355 ], [ -50.625, -30.409 ], [ -50.641, -30.459 ], [ -50.569, -30.471 ], [ -50.534, -30.278 ], [ -50.601, -30.194 ], [ -50.659, -30.201 ], [ -50.661, -30.293 ], [ -50.918, -30.333 ], [ -50.934, -30.42 ], [ -50.889, -30.439 ], [ -50.921, -30.44 ], [ -51.052, -30.395 ], [ -51.034, -30.276 ], [ -51.146, -30.267 ], [ -51.246, -30.188 ], [ -51.23, -30.043 ], [ -51.295, -30.007 ], [ -51.326, -30.23 ], [ -51.271, -30.25 ], [ -51.293, -30.295 ], [ -51.246, -30.33 ], [ -51.209, -30.3 ], [ -51.179, -30.383 ], [ -51.092, -30.367 ], [ -51.129, -30.436 ], [ -51.202, -30.413 ], [ -51.269, -30.489 ], [ -51.282, -30.811 ], [ -51.33, -30.777 ], [ -51.294, -30.758 ], [ -51.319, -30.64 ], [ -51.375, -30.635 ], [ -51.404, -30.769 ], [ -51.367, -30.874 ], [ -51.457, -30.874 ], [ -51.501, -30.935 ], [ -51.436, -31.088 ], [ -51.611, -31.138 ], [ -51.613, -31.272 ], [ -51.915, -31.313 ], [ -52.002, -31.449 ], [ -52.031, -31.693 ], [ -52.218, -31.747 ], [ -52.247, -31.871 ], [ -52.106, -31.952 ], [ -52.216, -31.963 ], [ -52.263, -32.062 ], [ -52.209, -32.045 ], [ -52.225, -32.096 ], [ -52.082, -32.033 ], [ -52.162, -32.128 ], [ -52.09, -32.069 ], [ -52.084, -32.186 ], [ -52.16, -32.201 ], [ -52.341, -32.43 ], [ -52.488, -32.844 ], [ -52.66, -33.165 ], [ -53.227, -33.658 ], [ -53.421, -33.741 ], [ -53.524, -33.689 ], [ -53.515, -33.163 ], [ -53.434, -33.054 ], [ -53.243, -32.936 ], [ -53.294, -32.911 ], [ -53.074, -32.746 ], [ -53.244, -32.605 ], [ -53.39, -32.583 ], [ -53.46, -32.48 ], [ -53.595, -32.432 ], [ -53.73, -32.157 ], [ -53.714, -32.104 ], [ -53.965, -31.919 ], [ -54.096, -31.906 ], [ -54.466, -31.666 ], [ -54.491, -31.54 ], [ -54.591, -31.448 ], [ -54.836, -31.446 ], [ -54.945, -31.392 ], [ -55.014, -31.285 ], [ -55.091, -31.326 ], [ -55.245, -31.257 ], [ -55.374, -31.038 ], [ -55.594, -30.848 ], [ -55.635, -30.857 ], [ -55.657, -30.956 ], [ -55.87, -31.08 ], [ -56.008, -31.063 ], [ -55.987, -30.86 ], [ -56.021, -30.784 ], [ -56.127, -30.739 ], [ -56.177, -30.614 ], [ -56.384, -30.495 ], [ -56.459, -30.387 ], [ -56.545, -30.364 ], [ -56.54, -30.312 ], [ -56.617, -30.303 ], [ -56.644, -30.205 ], [ -56.776, -30.166 ], [ -56.804, -30.107 ], [ -57.068, -30.088 ], [ -57.207, -30.281 ], [ -57.313, -30.26 ], [ -57.396, -30.303 ], [ -57.538, -30.275 ], [ -57.618, -30.179 ], [ -57.505, -30.143 ], [ -57.342, -30.001 ], [ -57.319, -29.87 ], [ -57.254, -29.794 ], [ -57.105, -29.752 ], [ -56.972, -29.639 ], [ -56.676, -29.321 ], [ -56.593, -29.123 ], [ -56.425, -29.073 ], [ -56.285, -28.794 ], [ -56.185, -28.771 ], [ -56.016, -28.611 ], [ -56.011, -28.509 ], [ -55.888, -28.479 ], [ -55.875, -28.362 ], [ -55.696, -28.425 ], [ -55.671, -28.333 ], [ -55.773, -28.247 ], [ -55.605, -28.123 ], [ -55.554, -28.164 ], [ -55.496, -28.081 ], [ -55.444, -28.097 ], [ -55.323, -27.928 ], [ -55.196, -27.863 ], [ -55.134, -27.895 ], [ -55.117, -27.853 ], [ -55.032, -27.854 ], [ -55.082, -27.789 ], [ -54.941, -27.775 ], [ -54.809, -27.536 ], [ -54.781, -27.586 ], [ -54.683, -27.576 ], [ -54.678, -27.514 ], [ -54.624, -27.55 ], [ -54.576, -27.458 ], [ -54.525, -27.507 ], [ -54.415, -27.412 ], [ -54.353, -27.468 ], [ -54.339, -27.406 ], [ -54.282, -27.447 ], [ -54.176, -27.261 ], [ -54.089, -27.303 ], [ -53.949, -27.158 ], [ -53.799, -27.147 ], [ -53.795, -27.048 ], [ -53.761, -27.068 ], [ -53.662, -26.869 ], [ -53.751, -26.745 ], [ -53.707, -26.563 ], [ -53.738, -26.548 ], [ -53.592, -26.265 ], [ -53.722, -26.13 ], [ -53.733, -26.047 ], [ -53.837, -25.969 ], [ -53.824, -25.793 ], [ -53.891, -25.625 ], [ -53.951, -25.644 ], [ -54.016, -25.569 ], [ -54.101, -25.625 ], [ -54.111, -25.504 ], [ -54.213, -25.554 ], [ -54.184, -25.591 ], [ -54.289, -25.562 ], [ -54.387, -25.608 ], [ -54.43, -25.706 ], [ -54.596, -25.595 ], [ -54.617, -25.459 ], [ -54.437, -25.157 ], [ -54.458, -25.031 ], [ -54.336, -24.649 ], [ -54.333, -24.493 ], [ -54.262, -24.376 ], [ -54.33, -24.225 ], [ -54.282, -24.075 ], [ -54.411, -23.929 ], [ -54.668, -23.815 ], [ -55.061, -23.991 ], [ -55.112, -23.963 ], [ -55.226, -24.013 ], [ -55.413, -23.961 ], [ -55.434, -23.714 ], [ -55.535, -23.614 ], [ -55.522, -23.197 ], [ -55.596, -23.141 ], [ -55.64, -22.994 ], [ -55.685, -22.992 ], [ -55.613, -22.659 ], [ -55.736, -22.532 ], [ -55.74, -22.396 ], [ -55.854, -22.281 ], [ -56.208, -22.281 ], [ -56.341, -22.206 ], [ -56.403, -22.078 ], [ -56.519, -22.103 ], [ -56.643, -22.261 ], [ -56.698, -22.216 ], [ -56.728, -22.26 ], [ -56.808, -22.25 ], [ -56.831, -22.3 ], [ -57.001, -22.225 ], [ -57.203, -22.21 ], [ -57.243, -22.244 ], [ -57.553, -22.181 ], [ -57.616, -22.096 ], [ -57.803, -22.148 ], [ -57.989, -22.085 ], [ -58.005, -22.032 ], [ -57.919, -21.881 ], [ -57.969, -21.844 ], [ -57.913, -21.793 ], [ -57.947, -21.747 ], [ -57.894, -21.687 ], [ -57.968, -21.528 ], [ -57.855, -21.339 ], [ -57.918, -21.278 ], [ -57.854, -21.226 ], [ -57.866, -21.041 ], [ -57.818, -20.976 ], [ -57.927, -20.897 ], [ -57.855, -20.835 ], [ -57.961, -20.784 ], [ -57.869, -20.736 ], [ -57.923, -20.666 ], [ -57.988, -20.696 ], [ -57.994, -20.448 ], [ -58.082, -20.372 ], [ -58.092, -20.257 ], [ -58.154, -20.264 ], [ -58.125, -20.188 ], [ -58.163, -20.162 ], [ -57.872, -19.979 ], [ -58.134, -19.761 ], [ -57.79, -19.051 ], [ -57.709, -19.034 ], [ -57.757, -18.858 ], [ -57.56, -18.263 ], [ -57.458, -18.228 ], [ -57.568, -18.136 ], [ -57.702, -17.86 ], [ -57.715, -17.735 ], [ -57.785, -17.645 ], [ -57.773, -17.553 ], [ -57.878, -17.463 ], [ -58.003, -17.52 ], [ -58.114, -17.456 ], [ -58.395, -17.197 ], [ -58.421, -16.99 ], [ -58.47, -16.939 ], [ -58.468, -16.702 ], [ -58.442, -16.613 ], [ -58.34, -16.542 ], [ -58.309, -16.27 ], [ -58.471, -16.325 ], [ -60.173, -16.265 ], [ -60.236, -15.476 ], [ -60.565, -15.105 ], [ -60.253, -15.101 ], [ -60.257, -14.624 ], [ -60.338, -14.555 ], [ -60.482, -14.181 ], [ -60.468, -14.092 ], [ -60.378, -13.992 ], [ -60.468, -13.886 ], [ -60.468, -13.801 ], [ -60.793, -13.686 ], [ -60.962, -13.539 ], [ -61.044, -13.541 ], [ -61.028, -13.477 ], [ -61.069, -13.463 ], [ -61.139, -13.521 ], [ -61.249, -13.525 ], [ -61.33, -13.473 ], [ -61.486, -13.554 ], [ -61.578, -13.494 ], [ -61.824, -13.539 ], [ -61.866, -13.443 ], [ -62.108, -13.257 ], [ -62.109, -13.149 ], [ -62.165, -13.112 ], [ -62.368, -13.145 ], [ -62.464, -13.07 ], [ -62.637, -13.041 ], [ -62.674, -12.965 ], [ -62.764, -13.023 ], [ -62.923, -12.854 ], [ -62.996, -12.85 ], [ -63.082, -12.653 ], [ -63.327, -12.705 ], [ -63.482, -12.557 ], [ -63.712, -12.458 ], [ -63.875, -12.469 ], [ -63.937, -12.557 ], [ -64.127, -12.494 ], [ -64.152, -12.529 ], [ -64.215, -12.476 ], [ -64.278, -12.511 ], [ -64.493, -12.366 ], [ -64.486, -12.23 ], [ -64.654, -12.186 ], [ -64.683, -12.099 ], [ -64.725, -12.162 ], [ -64.798, -12.035 ], [ -64.993, -11.999 ], [ -65.048, -11.757 ], [ -65.112, -11.741 ], [ -65.106, -11.697 ], [ -65.135, -11.777 ], [ -65.201, -11.745 ], [ -65.161, -11.622 ], [ -65.218, -11.521 ], [ -65.299, -11.5 ], [ -65.338, -11.392 ], [ -65.31, -11.341 ], [ -65.385, -11.269 ], [ -65.349, -11.239 ], [ -65.391, -11.167 ], [ -65.318, -11.105 ], [ -65.336, -11.044 ], [ -65.269, -10.901 ], [ -65.366, -10.798 ], [ -65.349, -10.671 ], [ -65.426, -10.638 ], [ -65.429, -10.473 ], [ -65.28, -10.218 ], [ -65.327, -9.938 ], [ -65.29, -9.851 ], [ -65.377, -9.698 ], [ -65.488, -9.718 ], [ -65.563, -9.834 ], [ -65.669, -9.779 ], [ -65.7, -9.803 ], [ -65.689, -9.749 ], [ -65.748, -9.77 ], [ -65.777, -9.727 ], [ -65.798, -9.786 ], [ -65.81, -9.75 ], [ -65.86, -9.794 ], [ -65.872, -9.757 ], [ -66.018, -9.807 ], [ -66.064, -9.772 ], [ -66.422, -9.895 ], [ -66.616, -9.893 ], [ -66.623, -9.935 ], [ -66.883, -10.081 ], [ -67.029, -10.254 ], [ -67.186, -10.339 ], [ -67.315, -10.316 ], [ -67.327, -10.374 ], [ -67.414, -10.372 ], [ -67.443, -10.45 ], [ -67.594, -10.523 ], [ -67.715, -10.707 ], [ -68.021, -10.661 ], [ -68.119, -10.726 ], [ -68.283, -10.987 ], [ -68.519, -11.048 ], [ -68.587, -11.11 ], [ -68.769, -11.139 ], [ -68.751, -11.007 ], [ -68.787, -10.99 ], [ -68.871, -11.023 ], [ -69.393, -10.929 ], [ -69.728, -10.973 ], [ -69.938, -10.926 ], [ -70.318, -11.066 ], [ -70.428, -11.033 ], [ -70.508, -10.94 ], [ -70.618, -11.007 ], [ -70.622, -9.847 ], [ -70.522, -9.738 ], [ -70.598, -9.574 ], [ -70.561, -9.579 ], [ -70.497, -9.433 ], [ -70.601, -9.453 ], [ -70.982, -9.812 ], [ -71.131, -9.862 ], [ -71.288, -9.996 ], [ -72.165, -10.002 ], [ -72.16, -9.818 ], [ -72.26, -9.755 ], [ -72.289, -9.536 ], [ -72.364, -9.491 ], [ -72.721, -9.417 ], [ -73.196, -9.418 ], [ -72.965, -9.154 ], [ -72.946, -8.99 ], [ -73.059, -8.904 ], [ -73.169, -8.701 ], [ -73.338, -8.609 ], [ -73.338, -8.476 ], [ -73.526, -8.369 ], [ -73.632, -8.022 ], [ -73.765, -7.94 ], [ -73.777, -7.869 ], [ -73.697, -7.865 ], [ -73.69, -7.79 ], [ -73.985, -7.543 ], [ -73.917, -7.461 ], [ -73.954, -7.348 ], [ -73.868, -7.377 ], [ -73.691, -7.313 ], [ -73.797, -7.115 ], [ -73.743, -6.897 ], [ -73.351, -6.561 ], [ -73.211, -6.53 ], [ -73.133, -6.421 ], [ -73.185, -6.04 ], [ -73.131, -5.986 ], [ -73.116, -5.865 ], [ -72.951, -5.643 ], [ -72.948, -5.454 ], [ -72.872, -5.25 ], [ -72.896, -5.136 ], [ -72.734, -5.043 ], [ -72.602, -5.056 ], [ -72.577, -4.992 ], [ -72.455, -4.962 ], [ -72.452, -4.906 ], [ -72.37, -4.88 ], [ -72.356, -4.803 ], [ -72.292, -4.799 ], [ -72.313, -4.769 ], [ -72.223, -4.78 ], [ -72.113, -4.722 ], [ -72.047, -4.625 ], [ -71.94, -4.607 ], [ -71.897, -4.512 ], [ -71.61, -4.465 ], [ -71.597, -4.525 ], [ -71.535, -4.46 ], [ -71.49, -4.479 ], [ -71.506, -4.435 ], [ -71.414, -4.432 ], [ -71.432, -4.469 ], [ -71.342, -4.423 ], [ -71.355, -4.468 ], [ -71.303, -4.458 ], [ -71.269, -4.381 ], [ -71.198, -4.377 ], [ -71.193, -4.42 ], [ -71.147, -4.375 ], [ -71.031, -4.397 ], [ -70.99, -4.34 ], [ -70.935, -4.381 ], [ -70.757, -4.152 ], [ -70.677, -4.2 ], [ -70.622, -4.121 ], [ -70.633, -4.173 ], [ -70.565, -4.168 ], [ -70.566, -4.205 ], [ -70.553, -4.128 ], [ -70.503, -4.19 ], [ -70.434, -4.125 ], [ -70.341, -4.174 ], [ -70.317, -4.136 ], [ -70.291, -4.283 ], [ -70.249, -4.267 ], [ -70.186, -4.357 ], [ -70.169, -4.27 ], [ -70.101, -4.255 ], [ -70.031, -4.339 ], [ -69.929, -4.213 ], [ -69.453, -1.478 ], [ -69.368, -1.334 ], [ -69.422, -0.998 ], [ -69.508, -0.936 ], [ -69.609, -0.755 ], [ -69.551, -0.648 ], [ -69.593, -0.517 ], [ -69.908, -0.316 ], [ -70.068, -0.135 ], [ -70.037, 0.553 ], [ -69.798, 0.585 ], [ -69.664, 0.672 ], [ -69.606, 0.623 ], [ -69.468, 0.734 ], [ -69.357, 0.621 ], [ -69.295, 0.648 ], [ -69.288, 0.609 ], [ -69.202, 0.602 ], [ -69.112, 0.643 ], [ -69.184, 0.73 ], [ -69.137, 0.868 ], [ -69.257, 1.026 ], [ -69.342, 1.064 ], [ -69.416, 1.024 ], [ -69.7, 1.056 ], [ -69.721, 1.097 ], [ -69.854, 1.07 ], [ -69.855, 1.715 ], [ -69.556, 1.775 ], [ -69.395, 1.726 ], [ -68.128, 1.73 ], [ -68.29, 1.841 ], [ -68.205, 2.038 ], [ -68.027, 1.784 ], [ -67.924, 1.751 ], [ -67.797, 1.812 ], [ -67.578, 2.076 ], [ -67.41, 2.141 ], [ -67.117, 1.732 ], [ -67.068, 1.532 ], [ -67.097, 1.17 ], [ -66.855, 1.228 ], [ -66.322, 0.738 ], [ -66.095, 0.754 ], [ -65.952, 0.81 ], [ -65.854, 0.939 ], [ -65.733, 1.005 ], [ -65.583, 1.008 ], [ -65.47, 0.877 ], [ -65.557, 0.705 ], [ -65.504, 0.627 ], [ -65.393, 0.699 ], [ -65.305, 0.916 ], [ -65.152, 0.943 ], [ -65.121, 1.115 ], [ -65.055, 1.144 ], [ -64.968, 1.112 ], [ -64.903, 1.249 ], [ -64.843, 1.237 ], [ -64.783, 1.313 ], [ -64.721, 1.25 ], [ -64.638, 1.286 ], [ -64.387, 1.527 ], [ -64.344, 1.528 ], [ -64.382, 1.419 ], [ -64.344, 1.38 ], [ -64.186, 1.494 ], [ -64.054, 1.708 ], [ -64.057, 1.933 ], [ -64.018, 1.967 ], [ -63.781, 1.989 ], [ -63.604, 2.124 ], [ -63.419, 2.154 ], [ -63.349, 2.281 ], [ -63.382, 2.442 ], [ -63.756, 2.403 ], [ -64.031, 2.509 ], [ -63.987, 2.772 ], [ -64.216, 3.153 ], [ -64.236, 3.476 ], [ -64.186, 3.634 ], [ -64.324, 3.797 ], [ -64.543, 3.882 ], [ -64.8, 4.224 ], [ -64.79, 4.329 ], [ -64.677, 4.297 ], [ -64.555, 4.153 ], [ -64.135, 4.176 ], [ -63.967, 3.93 ], [ -63.806, 4.019 ], [ -63.623, 4.01 ], [ -63.455, 3.91 ], [ -63.411, 4.026 ], [ -63.358, 4.04 ], [ -63.203, 3.952 ], [ -63.189, 3.872 ], [ -62.86, 3.584 ], [ -62.749, 3.642 ], [ -62.705, 3.724 ], [ -62.752, 4.012 ], [ -62.635, 4.056 ], [ -62.557, 4.02 ], [ -62.46, 4.173 ], [ -62.129, 4.084 ], [ -61.961, 4.18 ], [ -61.927, 4.106 ], [ -61.723, 4.262 ], [ -61.528, 4.273 ], [ -61.507, 4.398 ], [ -61.274, 4.471 ], [ -61.293, 4.55 ], [ -61.141, 4.508 ], [ -60.952, 4.549 ], [ -60.907, 4.708 ], [ -60.731, 4.777 ], [ -60.59, 4.951 ], [ -60.744, 5.209 ], [ -60.438, 5.177 ], [ -60.203, 5.265 ], [ -60.176, 5.227 ], [ -60.121, 5.243 ], [ -60.085, 5.149 ], [ -59.969, 5.073 ], [ -60.03, 4.704 ], [ -60.163, 4.521 ], [ -59.927, 4.509 ], [ -59.674, 4.382 ], [ -59.726, 4.191 ], [ -59.628, 4.138 ], [ -59.655, 4.078 ], [ -59.516, 3.94 ], [ -59.581, 3.901 ], [ -59.594, 3.796 ], [ -59.666, 3.777 ], [ -59.664, 3.703 ], [ -59.849, 3.601 ], [ -59.799, 3.355 ], [ -59.909, 3.197 ], [ -59.982, 2.929 ], [ -59.99, 2.683 ], [ -59.903, 2.479 ], [ -59.91, 2.388 ], [ -59.724, 2.277 ], [ -59.754, 1.861 ], [ -59.654, 1.849 ], [ -59.669, 1.764 ], [ -59.549, 1.729 ], [ -59.253, 1.397 ], [ -58.914, 1.299 ], [ -58.904, 1.234 ], [ -58.804, 1.175 ], [ -58.696, 1.288 ], [ -58.507, 1.264 ], [ -58.468, 1.318 ], [ -58.498, 1.458 ], [ -58.382, 1.471 ], [ -58.325, 1.59 ], [ -58.167, 1.558 ], [ -58.13, 1.501 ], [ -58.009, 1.501 ], [ -58, 1.665 ], [ -57.919, 1.645 ], [ -57.77, 1.718 ], [ -57.545, 1.701 ], [ -57.434, 1.895 ], [ -57.302, 1.99 ], [ -57.247, 1.944 ], [ -57.085, 2.021 ], [ -57.012, 1.918 ], [ -56.8, 1.864 ], [ -56.724, 1.92 ], [ -56.454, 1.945 ], [ -55.957, 1.844 ], [ -55.906, 1.889 ], [ -55.913, 2.041 ], [ -56.048, 2.226 ], [ -56.134, 2.263 ], [ -56.09, 2.352 ], [ -55.995, 2.405 ], [ -55.987, 2.517 ], [ -55.948, 2.532 ], [ -55.739, 2.401 ], [ -55.481, 2.443 ], [ -55.37, 2.407 ], [ -55.336, 2.516 ], [ -55.239, 2.495 ], [ -55.137, 2.575 ], [ -55.103, 2.522 ], [ -54.94, 2.632 ], [ -54.969, 2.555 ], [ -54.864, 2.439 ], [ -54.72, 2.469 ], [ -54.702, 2.336 ], [ -54.549, 2.336 ], [ -54.534, 2.268 ], [ -54.314, 2.158 ], [ -54.189, 2.179 ], [ -54.111, 2.127 ], [ -54.078, 2.197 ], [ -53.784, 2.364 ], [ -53.694, 2.287 ], [ -53.472, 2.332 ], [ -53.397, 2.272 ], [ -53.273, 2.292 ], [ -53.188, 2.223 ], [ -52.905, 2.19 ], [ -52.853, 2.285 ], [ -52.673, 2.374 ], [ -52.555, 2.523 ], [ -52.556, 2.646 ], [ -52.382, 2.912 ], [ -52.347, 3.134 ], [ -52.192, 3.296 ], [ -51.92, 3.781 ], [ -51.795, 3.89 ], [ -51.754, 3.996 ], [ -51.658, 4.049 ], [ -51.585, 4.241 ], [ -51.529, 4.171 ], [ -51.545, 4.397 ], [ -51.202, 4.084 ], [ -51.173, 3.767 ], [ -51.127, 3.911 ], [ -51.085, 3.895 ], [ -51.051, 3.283 ], [ -50.913, 2.875 ], [ -50.927, 2.807 ], [ -50.816, 2.644 ], [ -50.851, 2.482 ], [ -50.802, 2.508 ], [ -50.736, 2.414 ], [ -50.765, 2.359 ], [ -50.694, 2.276 ], [ -50.725, 2.252 ], [ -50.675, 2.247 ], [ -50.682, 2.137 ], [ -50.584, 2.091 ], [ -50.586, 2.014 ], [ -50.471, 1.82 ], [ -50.194, 1.794 ], [ -49.954, 1.676 ], [ -49.88, 1.419 ], [ -49.918, 1.289 ], [ -50.073, 1.204 ], [ -49.918, 1.232 ], [ -49.939, 1.103 ], [ -50.003, 1.066 ], [ -50.033, 1.107 ], [ -50.131, 0.949 ], [ -50.274, 0.866 ], [ -50.338, 0.729 ], [ -50.417, 0.685 ], [ -50.455, 0.732 ], [ -50.428, 0.679 ], [ -50.571, 0.424 ], [ -50.691, 0.3 ], [ -50.677, 0.365 ], [ -50.746, 0.227 ], [ -50.801, 0.224 ], [ -50.785, 0.183 ], [ -50.908, 0.171 ], [ -51.087, -0.043 ], [ -51.203, -0.055 ], [ -51.419, -0.412 ], [ -51.409, -0.44 ], [ -51.325, -0.364 ], [ -51.188, -0.14 ], [ -51.111, -0.154 ], [ -51.154, -0.284 ], [ -51.396, -0.493 ], [ -51.243, -0.443 ], [ -51.26, -0.5 ], [ -51.165, -0.431 ], [ -50.953, -0.061 ], [ -50.824, -0.048 ], [ -50.705, 0.002 ], [ -50.613, -0.088 ], [ -50.744, -0.244 ], [ -50.751, -0.429 ], [ -50.845, -0.526 ], [ -50.988, -0.583 ], [ -51.051, -0.682 ], [ -50.826, -0.555 ], [ -50.794, -0.666 ], [ -50.733, -0.557 ], [ -50.684, -0.604 ], [ -50.724, -0.493 ], [ -50.652, -0.276 ], [ -50.409, -0.094 ], [ -49.631, -0.247 ], [ -49.446, -0.23 ], [ -49.289, -0.145 ], [ -49.018, -0.16 ], [ -49, -0.139 ], [ -48.895, -0.224 ], [ -48.539, -0.234 ], [ -48.363, -0.303 ], [ -48.459, -0.513 ], [ -48.522, -0.877 ], [ -48.667, -1.002 ], [ -48.621, -1.005 ], [ -48.65, -1.048 ], [ -48.617, -1.053 ], [ -48.721, -1.137 ], [ -48.837, -1.452 ], [ -49.161, -1.575 ], [ -49.182, -1.623 ], [ -49.362, -1.604 ], [ -49.364, -1.642 ], [ -49.448, -1.637 ], [ -49.5, -1.738 ], [ -49.61, -1.718 ], [ -49.676, -1.78 ], [ -49.696, -1.757 ], [ -49.714, -1.76 ], [ -49.803, -1.822 ], [ -50.035, -1.717 ], [ -50.179, -1.787 ], [ -50.256, -1.776 ], [ -50.415, -1.841 ], [ -50.401, -1.935 ], [ -49.994, -1.819 ], [ -49.844, -1.905 ], [ -49.765, -1.898 ], [ -49.616, -1.79 ], [ -49.276, -1.706 ], [ -49.267, -1.778 ], [ -49.387, -1.977 ], [ -49.383, -2.159 ], [ -48.973, -1.594 ], [ -48.897, -1.573 ], [ -48.955, -1.712 ], [ -48.932, -1.75 ], [ -48.898, -1.743 ], [ -48.656, -1.371 ], [ -48.592, -1.429 ], [ -48.601, -1.306 ], [ -48.524, -1.338 ], [ -48.537, -1.467 ], [ -48.496, -1.553 ], [ -48.491, -1.502 ], [ -48.46, -1.533 ], [ -48.374, -1.511 ], [ -48.319, -1.478 ], [ -48.505, -1.471 ], [ -48.422, -1.168 ], [ -48.475, -1.144 ], [ -48.4, -1.066 ], [ -48.278, -1.111 ], [ -48.304, -0.948 ], [ -48.055, -0.668 ], [ -48.001, -0.731 ], [ -47.893, -0.553 ], [ -47.843, -0.616 ], [ -47.807, -0.547 ], [ -47.702, -0.54 ], [ -47.707, -0.59 ], [ -47.667, -0.569 ], [ -47.633, -0.608 ], [ -47.651, -0.694 ], [ -47.608, -0.684 ], [ -47.577, -0.573 ], [ -47.476, -0.757 ], [ -47.398, -0.76 ], [ -47.428, -0.693 ], [ -47.464, -0.687 ], [ -47.466, -0.594 ], [ -47.399, -0.594 ], [ -47.4, -0.645 ], [ -47.298, -0.589 ], [ -47.253, -0.668 ], [ -47.247, -0.623 ], [ -47.206, -0.633 ], [ -47.23, -0.719 ], [ -47.158, -0.678 ], [ -47.191, -0.754 ], [ -47.146, -0.764 ], [ -47.16, -0.815 ], [ -47.081, -0.661 ], [ -47.055, -0.868 ], [ -47.027, -0.784 ], [ -46.983, -0.806 ], [ -47.016, -0.752 ], [ -46.967, -0.694 ], [ -46.969, -0.78 ], [ -46.891, -0.869 ], [ -46.89, -0.789 ], [ -46.846, -0.799 ], [ -46.82, -0.71 ], [ -46.802, -0.877 ], [ -46.777, -0.905 ], [ -46.75, -0.826 ], [ -46.709, -0.86 ], [ -46.734, -0.944 ], [ -46.687, -0.831 ], [ -46.653, -0.882 ], [ -46.621, -0.818 ], [ -46.601, -0.917 ], [ -46.676, -0.965 ], [ -46.622, -0.987 ], [ -46.57, -0.947 ], [ -46.609, -1.03 ], [ -46.57, -0.988 ], [ -46.525, -1.027 ], [ -46.465, -1.007 ], [ -46.47, -1.044 ], [ -46.395, -1.037 ], [ -46.413, -1.084 ], [ -46.348, -0.982 ], [ -46.36, -1.011 ], [ -46.366, -1.031 ], [ -46.348, -1.079 ], [ -46.339, -1.015 ], [ -46.299, -1.05 ], [ -46.212, -0.946 ], [ -46.242, -0.921 ], [ -46.179, -0.914 ], [ -46.224, -1.053 ], [ -46.206, -1.1 ], [ -46.158, -1.014 ], [ -46.138, -1.032 ], [ -46.193, -1.143 ], [ -46.104, -1.067 ], [ -46.062, -1.133 ], [ -46.15, -1.258 ], [ -45.982, -1.071 ], [ -45.953, -1.147 ], [ -46, -1.151 ], [ -46, -1.199 ], [ -45.95, -1.159 ], [ -45.95, -1.207 ], [ -46, -1.209 ], [ -45.95, -1.25 ], [ -45.902, -1.134 ], [ -45.923, -1.214 ], [ -45.882, -1.167 ], [ -45.873, -1.211 ], [ -45.909, -1.261 ], [ -45.859, -1.231 ], [ -45.891, -1.293 ], [ -45.807, -1.176 ], [ -45.843, -1.301 ], [ -45.809, -1.328 ], [ -45.831, -1.298 ], [ -45.782, -1.278 ], [ -45.726, -1.135 ], [ -45.69, -1.452 ], [ -45.697, -1.38 ], [ -45.632, -1.371 ], [ -45.618, -1.279 ], [ -45.589, -1.329 ], [ -45.537, -1.273 ], [ -45.561, -1.343 ], [ -45.51, -1.352 ], [ -45.567, -1.404 ], [ -45.546, -1.432 ], [ -45.413, -1.296 ], [ -45.489, -1.473 ], [ -45.511, -1.458 ], [ -45.554, -1.503 ], [ -45.507, -1.471 ], [ -45.518, -1.516 ], [ -45.481, -1.495 ], [ -45.463, -1.548 ], [ -45.457, -1.457 ], [ -45.391, -1.434 ], [ -45.363, -1.325 ], [ -45.323, -1.319 ], [ -45.302, -1.424 ], [ -45.392, -1.485 ], [ -45.398, -1.503 ], [ -45.356, -1.487 ], [ -45.392, -1.553 ], [ -45.338, -1.572 ], [ -45.371, -1.722 ], [ -45.338, -1.753 ], [ -45.197, -1.688 ], [ -45.261, -1.607 ], [ -45.16, -1.475 ], [ -45.136, -1.521 ], [ -45.072, -1.435 ], [ -45.07, -1.485 ], [ -44.999, -1.504 ], [ -45.018, -1.547 ], [ -44.969, -1.549 ], [ -45.029, -1.583 ], [ -45.029, -1.602 ], [ -44.979, -1.607 ], [ -44.954, -1.498 ], [ -44.862, -1.426 ], [ -44.857, -1.498 ], [ -44.954, -1.605 ], [ -44.918, -1.649 ], [ -44.968, -1.662 ], [ -44.913, -1.657 ], [ -44.927, -1.62 ], [ -44.886, -1.609 ], [ -44.837, -1.65 ], [ -44.822, -1.591 ], [ -44.826, -1.637 ], [ -44.805, -1.609 ], [ -44.812, -1.665 ], [ -44.779, -1.735 ], [ -44.711, -1.728 ], [ -44.82, -1.819 ], [ -44.738, -1.791 ], [ -44.706, -1.819 ], [ -44.676, -1.808 ], [ -44.661, -1.727 ], [ -44.604, -1.749 ], [ -44.667, -1.849 ], [ -44.601, -1.858 ], [ -44.583, -1.817 ], [ -44.586, -1.873 ], [ -44.543, -1.833 ], [ -44.601, -1.909 ], [ -44.517, -1.907 ], [ -44.484, -2.002 ], [ -44.613, -2.037 ], [ -44.467, -2.017 ], [ -44.626, -2.151 ], [ -44.589, -2.159 ], [ -44.641, -2.232 ], [ -44.708, -2.23 ], [ -44.684, -2.275 ], [ -44.764, -2.265 ], [ -44.654, -2.294 ], [ -44.681, -2.354 ], [ -44.649, -2.373 ], [ -44.666, -2.329 ], [ -44.479, -2.137 ], [ -44.358, -2.335 ], [ -44.401, -2.416 ], [ -44.514, -2.384 ], [ -44.55, -2.4 ], [ -44.491, -2.415 ], [ -44.514, -2.448 ], [ -44.505, -2.476 ], [ -44.665, -2.608 ], [ -44.548, -2.542 ], [ -44.658, -2.781 ], [ -44.688, -2.924 ], [ -44.677, -3.019 ], [ -44.66, -3.02 ], [ -44.657, -3.018 ] ], [ [ -43.318, -2.361 ], [ -43.317, -2.363 ], [ -43.296, -2.363 ], [ -43.318, -2.361 ] ], [ [ -42.438, -2.747 ], [ -42.442, -2.749 ], [ -42.438, -2.75 ], [ -42.438, -2.747 ] ], [ [ -42.442, -2.749 ], [ -42.47, -2.744 ], [ -42.447, -2.753 ], [ -42.442, -2.749 ] ], [ [ -50.851, 2.482 ], [ -50.853, 2.481 ], [ -50.853, 2.48 ], [ -50.851, 2.482 ] ], [ [ -50.853, 2.481 ], [ -50.86, 2.495 ], [ -50.86, 2.477 ], [ -50.853, 2.481 ] ], [ [ -49.976, 1.659 ], [ -49.98, 1.659 ], [ -50, 1.639 ], [ -49.976, 1.659 ] ], [ [ -45.392, -1.553 ], [ -45.393, -1.553 ], [ -45.394, -1.556 ], [ -45.392, -1.553 ] ], [ [ -45.394, -1.556 ], [ -45.406, -1.579 ], [ -45.403, -1.591 ], [ -45.394, -1.556 ] ], [ [ -44.837, -1.65 ], [ -44.834, -1.655 ], [ -44.833, -1.654 ], [ -44.837, -1.65 ] ], [ [ -44.834, -1.655 ], [ -44.841, -1.675 ], [ -44.822, -1.672 ], [ -44.834, -1.655 ] ], [ [ -44.779, -1.735 ], [ -44.777, -1.741 ], [ -44.776, -1.74 ], [ -44.779, -1.735 ] ], [ [ -44.777, -1.741 ], [ -44.833, -1.77 ], [ -44.774, -1.75 ], [ -44.777, -1.741 ] ], [ [ -44.547, -2.22 ], [ -44.536, -2.225 ], [ -44.543, -2.219 ], [ -44.547, -2.22 ] ], [ [ -44.536, -2.225 ], [ -44.507, -2.249 ], [ -44.512, -2.235 ], [ -44.536, -2.225 ] ], [ [ -44.507, -2.249 ], [ -44.504, -2.256 ], [ -44.501, -2.254 ], [ -44.507, -2.249 ] ], [ [ -44.504, -2.256 ], [ -44.514, -2.268 ], [ -44.502, -2.26 ], [ -44.504, -2.256 ] ] ], [ [ [ -29.34, -20.484 ], [ -29.301, -20.521 ], [ -29.341, -20.511 ], [ -29.34, -20.484 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.001, -13.94 ], [ -39.012, -13.915 ], [ -38.994, -13.896 ], [ -39.001, -13.94 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.043, -13.909 ], [ -39.059, -13.904 ], [ -39.054, -13.886 ], [ -39.028, -13.903 ], [ -39.043, -13.909 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.251, -18.015 ], [ -39.283, -18.005 ], [ -39.272, -17.982 ], [ -39.245, -18.006 ], [ -39.251, -18.015 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.131, -17.927 ], [ -39.154, -17.921 ], [ -39.137, -17.91 ], [ -39.131, -17.927 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.212, -17.986 ], [ -39.228, -17.979 ], [ -39.215, -17.944 ], [ -39.202, -17.95 ], [ -39.212, -17.986 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.341, -23.231 ], [ -44.372, -23.174 ], [ -44.232, -23.089 ], [ -44.087, -23.173 ], [ -44.3, -23.184 ], [ -44.341, -23.231 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.356, -23.073 ], [ -44.388, -23.048 ], [ -44.373, -23.033 ], [ -44.343, -23.041 ], [ -44.356, -23.073 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.929, -23.014 ], [ -43.936, -22.999 ], [ -43.916, -22.989 ], [ -43.929, -23.014 ] ] ], [ [ [ -42.002, -23.018 ], [ -42.015, -23.003 ], [ -41.98, -22.975 ], [ -41.975, -22.992 ], [ -42.002, -23.018 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.904, -22.962 ], [ -43.907, -22.936 ], [ -43.868, -22.926 ], [ -43.871, -22.95 ], [ -43.904, -22.962 ] ] ], [ [ [ -41.042, -21.613 ], [ -41.042, -21.6 ], [ -41.019, -21.606 ], [ -41.042, -21.613 ] ] ], [ [ [ -52.112, -32 ], [ -52.18, -32.035 ], [ -52.216, -32.025 ], [ -52.198, -31.978 ], [ -52.112, -32 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.641, -30.388 ], [ -50.629, -30.394 ], [ -50.624, -30.329 ], [ -50.592, -30.399 ], [ -50.609, -30.406 ], [ -50.641, -30.388 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.526, -27.462 ], [ -48.416, -27.38 ], [ -48.358, -27.446 ], [ -48.503, -27.799 ], [ -48.559, -27.842 ], [ -48.526, -27.462 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.354, -27.296 ], [ -48.376, -27.285 ], [ -48.373, -27.271 ], [ -48.36, -27.27 ], [ -48.354, -27.296 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.731, -26.314 ], [ -48.754, -26.297 ], [ -48.735, -26.282 ], [ -48.731, -26.314 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.318, -25.584 ], [ -48.309, -25.546 ], [ -48.381, -25.504 ], [ -48.312, -25.509 ], [ -48.292, -25.545 ], [ -48.318, -25.584 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.414, -25.544 ], [ -48.459, -25.514 ], [ -48.415, -25.527 ], [ -48.414, -25.544 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.424, -25.551 ], [ -48.479, -25.523 ], [ -48.485, -25.502 ], [ -48.424, -25.551 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.298, -25.493 ], [ -48.341, -25.416 ], [ -48.252, -25.341 ], [ -48.265, -25.44 ], [ -48.253, -25.466 ], [ -48.298, -25.493 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.417, -25.386 ], [ -48.424, -25.343 ], [ -48.405, -25.33 ], [ -48.417, -25.386 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.695, -24.112 ], [ -45.688, -24.088 ], [ -45.679, -24.098 ], [ -45.695, -24.112 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.251, -23.962 ], [ -45.301, -23.909 ], [ -45.453, -23.91 ], [ -45.332, -23.721 ], [ -45.227, -23.774 ], [ -45.224, -23.835 ], [ -45.283, -23.857 ], [ -45.221, -23.899 ], [ -45.251, -23.962 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.141, -23.817 ], [ -45.146, -23.791 ], [ -45.114, -23.801 ], [ -45.141, -23.817 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.153, -23.573 ], [ -45.153, -23.558 ], [ -45.141, -23.568 ], [ -45.153, -23.573 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.073, -23.564 ], [ -45.079, -23.525 ], [ -45.036, -23.531 ], [ -45.073, -23.564 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.608, -23.228 ], [ -44.59, -23.208 ], [ -44.577, -23.216 ], [ -44.608, -23.228 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.648, -12.821 ], [ -38.666, -12.777 ], [ -38.624, -12.762 ], [ -38.648, -12.821 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.529, -12.811 ], [ -38.544, -12.757 ], [ -38.532, -12.74 ], [ -38.508, -12.792 ], [ -38.529, -12.811 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.622, -12.752 ], [ -38.622, -12.727 ], [ -38.593, -12.733 ], [ -38.622, -12.752 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.646, -12.683 ], [ -38.648, -12.65 ], [ -38.636, -12.661 ], [ -38.646, -12.683 ] ] ], [ [ [ -32.402, -3.838 ], [ -32.428, -3.877 ], [ -32.483, -3.878 ], [ -32.402, -3.838 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.667, -3.179 ], [ -44.668, -3.16 ], [ -44.643, -3.148 ], [ -44.644, -3.17 ], [ -44.667, -3.179 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.671, -2.943 ], [ -44.67, -2.92 ], [ -44.647, -2.915 ], [ -44.671, -2.943 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.493, -2.641 ], [ -44.48, -2.601 ], [ -44.477, -2.627 ], [ -44.493, -2.641 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.897, -2.573 ], [ -43.896, -2.554 ], [ -43.886, -2.565 ], [ -43.897, -2.573 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.599, -2.503 ], [ -43.577, -2.471 ], [ -43.572, -2.483 ], [ -43.599, -2.503 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.822, -2.526 ], [ -43.829, -2.509 ], [ -43.813, -2.458 ], [ -43.812, -2.553 ], [ -43.82, -2.528 ], [ -43.822, -2.526 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.821, -2.529 ], [ -43.856, -2.502 ], [ -43.832, -2.439 ], [ -43.842, -2.504 ], [ -43.821, -2.529 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.863, -2.56 ], [ -43.875, -2.552 ], [ -43.865, -2.534 ], [ -43.863, -2.56 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.519, -2.536 ], [ -44.529, -2.526 ], [ -44.501, -2.48 ], [ -44.505, -2.444 ], [ -44.455, -2.434 ], [ -44.519, -2.536 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.602, -3.007 ], [ -44.657, -2.972 ], [ -44.613, -2.894 ], [ -44.575, -2.921 ], [ -44.602, -3.007 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.585, -2.978 ], [ -44.563, -2.914 ], [ -44.586, -2.826 ], [ -44.494, -2.705 ], [ -44.494, -2.953 ], [ -44.582, -3.041 ], [ -44.585, -2.978 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.826, -2.434 ], [ -43.842, -2.403 ], [ -43.811, -2.385 ], [ -43.807, -2.412 ], [ -43.826, -2.434 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.581, -2.441 ], [ -43.615, -2.389 ], [ -43.549, -2.377 ], [ -43.545, -2.403 ], [ -43.581, -2.441 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.791, -2.47 ], [ -43.806, -2.443 ], [ -43.78, -2.422 ], [ -43.759, -2.448 ], [ -43.791, -2.47 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.513, -2.424 ], [ -43.537, -2.416 ], [ -43.522, -2.39 ], [ -43.505, -2.414 ], [ -43.513, -2.424 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.792, -2.405 ], [ -43.798, -2.377 ], [ -43.771, -2.37 ], [ -43.792, -2.405 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.689, -2.355 ], [ -43.743, -2.352 ], [ -43.724, -2.305 ], [ -43.617, -2.253 ], [ -43.612, -2.275 ], [ -43.669, -2.301 ], [ -43.689, -2.355 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.73, -2.425 ], [ -43.732, -2.364 ], [ -43.67, -2.377 ], [ -43.681, -2.34 ], [ -43.63, -2.324 ], [ -43.643, -2.394 ], [ -43.73, -2.425 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.473, -2.125 ], [ -44.487, -2.113 ], [ -44.475, -2.096 ], [ -44.463, -2.104 ], [ -44.473, -2.125 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.456, -2.031 ], [ -44.447, -2.008 ], [ -44.439, -2.022 ], [ -44.456, -2.031 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.311, -1.964 ], [ -49.336, -1.996 ], [ -49.309, -1.943 ], [ -49.311, -1.964 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.323, -2.054 ], [ -49.329, -2.019 ], [ -49.316, -2.001 ], [ -49.323, -2.054 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.231, -1.829 ], [ -50.246, -1.824 ], [ -50.229, -1.816 ], [ -50.231, -1.829 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.615, -1.821 ], [ -44.622, -1.797 ], [ -44.597, -1.774 ], [ -44.583, -1.789 ], [ -44.615, -1.821 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.7, -1.811 ], [ -44.703, -1.78 ], [ -44.673, -1.78 ], [ -44.7, -1.811 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.691, -1.793 ], [ -49.721, -1.789 ], [ -49.719, -1.771 ], [ -49.697, -1.766 ], [ -49.691, -1.793 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.924, -1.711 ], [ -48.909, -1.713 ], [ -48.916, -1.734 ], [ -48.935, -1.713 ], [ -48.924, -1.711 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.757, -1.707 ], [ -44.767, -1.694 ], [ -44.736, -1.701 ], [ -44.757, -1.707 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.433, -1.684 ], [ -49.454, -1.706 ], [ -49.46, -1.684 ], [ -49.433, -1.684 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.357, -1.008 ], [ -46.342, -0.994 ], [ -46.353, -1.026 ], [ -46.357, -1.008 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.205, -1.021 ], [ -46.194, -1.014 ], [ -46.202, -1.032 ], [ -46.205, -1.021 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.662, -3.018 ], [ -44.673, -3.012 ], [ -44.664, -3.001 ], [ -44.649, -3.013 ], [ -44.662, -3.018 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.736, -1.683 ], [ -44.745, -1.677 ], [ -44.732, -1.668 ], [ -44.736, -1.683 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.231, -1.638 ], [ -49.237, -1.627 ], [ -49.217, -1.633 ], [ -49.231, -1.638 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.38, -1.685 ], [ -49.4, -1.682 ], [ -49.368, -1.669 ], [ -49.38, -1.685 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.426, -1.673 ], [ -49.429, -1.661 ], [ -49.406, -1.66 ], [ -49.426, -1.673 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.34, -1.672 ], [ -49.358, -1.662 ], [ -49.325, -1.647 ], [ -49.34, -1.672 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.289, -1.726 ], [ -45.305, -1.663 ], [ -45.257, -1.641 ], [ -45.244, -1.678 ], [ -45.28, -1.694 ], [ -45.289, -1.726 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.328, -1.743 ], [ -45.346, -1.719 ], [ -45.301, -1.596 ], [ -45.274, -1.635 ], [ -45.313, -1.654 ], [ -45.328, -1.743 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.886, -1.578 ], [ -48.89, -1.56 ], [ -48.859, -1.536 ], [ -48.856, -1.553 ], [ -48.886, -1.578 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.783, -1.682 ], [ -44.8, -1.595 ], [ -44.775, -1.62 ], [ -44.721, -1.567 ], [ -44.704, -1.611 ], [ -44.684, -1.575 ], [ -44.668, -1.669 ], [ -44.693, -1.638 ], [ -44.783, -1.682 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.816, -1.569 ], [ -44.837, -1.534 ], [ -44.787, -1.488 ], [ -44.825, -1.534 ], [ -44.816, -1.569 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.462, -1.517 ], [ -48.478, -1.499 ], [ -48.421, -1.503 ], [ -48.462, -1.517 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.793, -1.531 ], [ -44.774, -1.47 ], [ -44.763, -1.513 ], [ -44.793, -1.531 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.414, -1.427 ], [ -45.423, -1.416 ], [ -45.409, -1.405 ], [ -45.414, -1.427 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45, -1.296 ], [ -44.922, -1.265 ], [ -44.877, -1.309 ], [ -44.895, -1.34 ], [ -44.922, -1.305 ], [ -44.907, -1.341 ], [ -44.999, -1.405 ], [ -45.033, -1.339 ], [ -45, -1.32 ], [ -44.995, -1.36 ], [ -45, -1.296 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.044, -1.402 ], [ -45.07, -1.33 ], [ -45.052, -1.342 ], [ -45.044, -1.402 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.333, -1.569 ], [ -45.371, -1.544 ], [ -45.347, -1.489 ], [ -45.313, -1.506 ], [ -45.333, -1.569 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.969, -1.522 ], [ -44.976, -1.493 ], [ -44.959, -1.483 ], [ -44.969, -1.522 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.393, -1.512 ], [ -48.371, -1.476 ], [ -48.341, -1.483 ], [ -48.393, -1.512 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.413, -1.498 ], [ -48.426, -1.491 ], [ -48.387, -1.476 ], [ -48.413, -1.498 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.118, -1.47 ], [ -45.132, -1.462 ], [ -45.115, -1.364 ], [ -45.103, -1.373 ], [ -45.118, -1.47 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.593, -1.251 ], [ -45.581, -1.19 ], [ -45.536, -1.205 ], [ -45.532, -1.231 ], [ -45.593, -1.251 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.559, -1.243 ], [ -48.56, -1.202 ], [ -48.523, -1.199 ], [ -48.559, -1.243 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.817, -1.163 ], [ -45.829, -1.141 ], [ -45.804, -1.127 ], [ -45.817, -1.163 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.877, -1.154 ], [ -45.9, -1.117 ], [ -45.883, -1.073 ], [ -45.849, -1.123 ], [ -45.877, -1.154 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.192, -1.05 ], [ -46.201, -1.041 ], [ -46.185, -1.027 ], [ -46.192, -1.05 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.291, -1.01 ], [ -46.307, -0.992 ], [ -46.306, -0.961 ], [ -46.291, -1.01 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.078, -1.095 ], [ -46.065, -1.05 ], [ -46.061, -1.074 ], [ -46.078, -1.095 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.68, -1.295 ], [ -45.687, -1.275 ], [ -45.667, -1.26 ], [ -45.654, -1.285 ], [ -45.68, -1.295 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.538, -1.282 ], [ -48.549, -1.262 ], [ -48.53, -1.25 ], [ -48.538, -1.282 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.51, -1.27 ], [ -48.522, -1.247 ], [ -48.506, -1.236 ], [ -48.51, -1.27 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.694, -1.37 ], [ -45.646, -1.289 ], [ -45.625, -1.126 ], [ -45.634, -1.349 ], [ -45.694, -1.37 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.688, -1.266 ], [ -45.708, -1.228 ], [ -45.685, -1.194 ], [ -45.664, -1.231 ], [ -45.688, -1.266 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.425, -0.914 ], [ -46.454, -0.907 ], [ -46.408, -0.868 ], [ -46.395, -0.899 ], [ -46.425, -0.914 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.72, -0.848 ], [ -46.735, -0.832 ], [ -46.729, -0.796 ], [ -46.72, -0.848 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.611, -0.799 ], [ -46.622, -0.784 ], [ -46.601, -0.789 ], [ -46.611, -0.799 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.586, -0.849 ], [ -46.621, -0.807 ], [ -46.589, -0.815 ], [ -46.586, -0.849 ] ] ], [ [ [ -47.447, -0.748 ], [ -47.453, -0.732 ], [ -47.436, -0.717 ], [ -47.428, -0.738 ], [ -47.447, -0.748 ] ] ], [ [ [ -47.461, -0.741 ], [ -47.463, -0.702 ], [ -47.445, -0.697 ], [ -47.461, -0.741 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.214, -0.411 ], [ -51.211, -0.386 ], [ -51.164, -0.347 ], [ -51.163, -0.383 ], [ -51.214, -0.411 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.352, -0.353 ], [ -51.346, -0.31 ], [ -51.317, -0.268 ], [ -51.327, -0.33 ], [ -51.352, -0.353 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.127, -0.268 ], [ -51.131, -0.237 ], [ -51.091, -0.208 ], [ -51.087, -0.229 ], [ -51.127, -0.268 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.888, -0.198 ], [ -48.91, -0.188 ], [ -48.893, -0.134 ], [ -48.847, -0.177 ], [ -48.888, -0.198 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.174, -0.091 ], [ -51.191, -0.064 ], [ -51.126, -0.057 ], [ -51.174, -0.091 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.114, -0.146 ], [ -49.097, -0.121 ], [ -49.08, -0.13 ], [ -49.114, -0.146 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.166, -0.142 ], [ -49.188, -0.115 ], [ -49.156, -0.128 ], [ -49.166, -0.142 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.119, -0.141 ], [ -49.143, -0.107 ], [ -49.114, -0.11 ], [ -49.119, -0.141 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.127, -0.128 ], [ -51.094, -0.103 ], [ -51.108, -0.127 ], [ -51.127, -0.128 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.414, -0.999 ], [ -46.384, -0.941 ], [ -46.367, -0.948 ], [ -46.414, -0.999 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.647, -0.97 ], [ -46.658, -0.968 ], [ -46.618, -0.957 ], [ -46.647, -0.97 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.488, -0.942 ], [ -46.465, -0.877 ], [ -46.464, -0.924 ], [ -46.44, -0.922 ], [ -46.482, -0.976 ], [ -46.441, -0.999 ], [ -46.525, -1.016 ], [ -46.527, -0.917 ], [ -46.509, -0.984 ], [ -46.488, -0.942 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.632, 0.159 ], [ -49.662, 0.184 ], [ -49.629, 0.202 ], [ -49.61, 0.181 ], [ -49.632, 0.159 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.641, 0.26 ], [ -50.63, 0.293 ], [ -50.586, 0.308 ], [ -50.641, 0.26 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.2, 0.255 ], [ -50.243, 0.248 ], [ -50.147, 0.337 ], [ -50.059, 0.346 ], [ -50.2, 0.255 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.417, 0.159 ], [ -50.535, 0.234 ], [ -50.36, 0.615 ], [ -50.328, 0.383 ], [ -50.285, 0.3 ], [ -50.413, 0.237 ], [ -50.417, 0.159 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.279, 0.338 ], [ -50.271, 0.599 ], [ -50.147, 0.608 ], [ -50.142, 0.576 ], [ -50.107, 0.636 ], [ -50.063, 0.623 ], [ -50.05, 0.518 ], [ -50.279, 0.338 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50, 0.943 ], [ -50.113, 0.907 ], [ -50.018, 1.034 ], [ -49.935, 1.069 ], [ -49.939, 0.996 ], [ -50, 0.943 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.881, 1.227 ], [ -49.909, 1.246 ], [ -49.886, 1.244 ], [ -49.881, 1.227 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.907, 1.278 ], [ -49.885, 1.291 ], [ -49.863, 1.278 ], [ -49.876, 1.252 ], [ -49.907, 1.278 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.204, 1.851 ], [ -50.232, 1.879 ], [ -50.22, 1.915 ], [ -50.169, 1.865 ], [ -50.204, 1.851 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.468, 1.954 ], [ -50.521, 2.026 ], [ -50.497, 2.139 ], [ -50.398, 2.167 ], [ -50.367, 2.19 ], [ -50.276, 1.939 ], [ -50.423, 1.849 ], [ -50.468, 1.954 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.504, 2.255 ], [ -50.414, 2.244 ], [ -50.382, 2.204 ], [ -50.489, 2.15 ], [ -50.564, 2.205 ], [ -50.504, 2.255 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.229, 0.832 ], [ -50.098, 0.839 ], [ -50.027, 0.898 ], [ -50.105, 0.757 ], [ -50.162, 0.775 ], [ -50.249, 0.72 ], [ -50.229, 0.832 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.131, 0.844 ], [ -50.162, 0.867 ], [ -50.132, 0.9 ], [ -50.119, 0.854 ], [ -50.131, 0.844 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.108, 0.85 ], [ -50.111, 0.891 ], [ -50.049, 0.886 ], [ -50.108, 0.85 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.216, -0.055 ], [ -50.235, -0.042 ], [ -50.219, -0.04 ], [ -50.216, -0.055 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.916, -0.052 ], [ -50.926, -0.047 ], [ -50.907, -0.043 ], [ -50.916, -0.052 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.605, -0.061 ], [ -50.618, -0.022 ], [ -50.559, -0.038 ], [ -50.605, -0.061 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.399, -0.061 ], [ -50.44, -0.057 ], [ -50.378, -0.015 ], [ -50.357, -0.049 ], [ -50.399, -0.061 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.75, 0 ], [ -49.609, 0.08 ], [ -49.474, 0.081 ], [ -49.338, -0.017 ], [ -49.487, -0.136 ], [ -49.723, -0.147 ], [ -49.835, -0.088 ], [ -49.75, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.023, -0.019 ], [ -49.039, -0.011 ], [ -49.02, -0.006 ], [ -49.023, -0.019 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.932, 0.052 ], [ -50.918, 0.084 ], [ -50.884, 0.078 ], [ -50.899, 0.057 ], [ -50.932, 0.052 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.928, 0 ], [ -50.786, 0.05 ], [ -50.717, 0.028 ], [ -50.94, -0.041 ], [ -50.928, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.691, 0.025 ], [ -50.655, 0.015 ], [ -50.703, 0.021 ], [ -50.691, 0.025 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.629, -0.043 ], [ -50.642, -0.016 ], [ -50.622, -0.026 ], [ -50.629, -0.043 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.642, 0 ], [ -50.611, 0.007 ], [ -50.595, -0.019 ], [ -50.642, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.536, 0 ], [ -50.653, 0.126 ], [ -50.59, 0.203 ], [ -50.434, 0.126 ], [ -50.436, 0 ], [ -50.536, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50, 0.311 ], [ -49.674, 0.368 ], [ -49.601, 0.283 ], [ -49.86, 0.008 ], [ -49.99, -0.048 ], [ -50.086, 0.034 ], [ -50.351, 0.044 ], [ -50.394, 0.222 ], [ -50.153, 0.227 ], [ -50, 0.311 ] ] ] ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "La costa de lo que hoy es territorio brasileño fue el primer punto al \nque llegaron los europeos en América del Sur. La primera expedición que \nexploró la región fue un desprendimiento de la flota portuguesa que \nVasco da Gama (c. 1460-1524) llevaba hacia oriente. Las naves dirigidas \npor Pedro Álvarez de Cabral (1467-1520) se alejaron excesivamente de la \ncosta de África y terminaron en el extremo sur de actual territorio del \nEstado de Bahía, en que el permanecieron entre abril y mayo del año \n1500. Los portuguese establecieron en la costa precarias feitorias para \ncomerciar verzino o palo brasil con los nativos de las sociedades tupí y\n guaraní nativas. Recién en 1530 la corona brasileña tomaría acciones \ndecididas para organizar la ocupación portuguesa y las actividades de \nexplotación, cuando instaura el régimen de capitanías hereditarias que \nestructuraría el establecimiento colonial lusitano en brasil. \nBibliografía: Johnson, H. B., \"Portuguese Settlement, 1500-1580\", en \nBethell, Leslie (ed.), Colonial Brazil, Cambridge, Cambridge University \nPress, 1987, pp. 1-38; Abulafia, David, El descubrimiento de la \nhumanidad. Encuentros atlánticos en la era de Colón, Barcelona, Crítica,\n 2009 [2008]; Metcalf, Alida C., Go-Betweens and the Colonization of \nBrazil, 1500-1600, Austin, University of Texas Press, 2005; Vaz de \nCaminha, Pêro, Carta del descubrimiento del Brasil, Barcelona, \nAcantilado, 2009.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-19T00:00:49+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 5105, "end" : 5111 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Brasil" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/d967ceec-bcc6-4ed2-8d12-424a08769dc7", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://sws.geonames.org/3469034", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-19T00:00:49+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-19T00:00:49+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "MultiPolygon", "coordinates" : [ [ [ [ -44.657, -3.018 ], [ -44.608, -3.041 ], [ -44.72, -3.18 ], [ -44.793, -3.198 ], [ -44.779, -3.312 ], [ -44.736, -3.302 ], [ -44.763, -3.225 ], [ -44.653, -3.196 ], [ -44.431, -2.945 ], [ -44.367, -2.643 ], [ -44.362, -2.726 ], [ -44.355, -2.605 ], [ -44.378, -2.566 ], [ -44.345, -2.528 ], [ -44.29, -2.573 ], [ -44.306, -2.487 ], [ -44.02, -2.403 ], [ 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-42.572, -2.68 ], [ -42.495, -2.689 ], [ -42.503, -2.727 ], [ -42.393, -2.751 ], [ -42.475, -2.706 ], [ -42.375, -2.717 ], [ -42.228, -2.818 ], [ -42.143, -2.808 ], [ -42.256, -2.735 ], [ -42.233, -2.674 ], [ -42.208, -2.712 ], [ -42.098, -2.768 ], [ -42.099, -2.809 ], [ -42.096, -2.747 ], [ -42.216, -2.687 ], [ -42.054, -2.691 ], [ -42.023, -2.775 ], [ -42.017, -2.718 ], [ -41.818, -2.723 ], [ -41.844, -2.773 ], [ -41.797, -2.751 ], [ -41.656, -2.884 ], [ -41.437, -2.939 ], [ -41.395, -2.906 ], [ -41.316, -2.943 ], [ -41.263, -2.887 ], [ -40.838, -2.895 ], [ -40.572, -2.844 ], [ -40.499, -2.787 ], [ -39.888, -2.886 ], [ -39.244, -3.229 ], [ -39.083, -3.394 ], [ -38.978, -3.407 ], [ -38.641, -3.687 ], [ -38.473, -3.7 ], [ -38.377, -3.866 ], [ -38.043, -4.214 ], [ -37.764, -4.399 ], [ -37.588, -4.624 ], [ -37.323, -4.698 ], [ -37.15, -4.943 ], [ -36.958, -4.919 ], [ -36.666, -5.108 ], [ -36.504, -5.061 ], [ -36.297, -5.106 ], [ -35.956, -5.045 ], [ -35.612, -5.11 ], [ -35.385, -5.255 ], [ -35.255, -5.483 ], [ -35.099, -6.169 ], [ -34.983, -6.396 ], [ -34.933, -6.753 ], [ -34.79, -7.159 ], [ -34.842, -7.564 ], [ -34.809, -7.622 ], [ -34.845, -7.69 ], [ -34.827, -8.004 ], [ -35.136, -8.895 ], [ -35.332, -9.237 ], [ -35.689, -9.668 ], [ -35.78, -9.706 ], [ -36.056, -10.083 ], [ -36.266, -10.256 ], [ -36.402, -10.506 ], [ -36.602, -10.567 ], [ -36.934, -10.826 ], [ -37.36, -11.428 ], [ -37.612, -11.979 ], [ -37.996, -12.578 ], [ -38.318, -12.934 ], [ -38.477, -13.022 ], [ -38.532, -13.017 ], [ -38.473, -12.913 ], [ -38.498, -12.722 ], [ -38.603, -12.728 ], [ -38.646, -12.622 ], [ -38.681, -12.661 ], [ -38.718, -12.627 ], [ -38.804, -12.835 ], [ -38.717, -12.873 ], [ -38.769, -12.995 ], [ -38.721, -13.021 ], [ -38.66, -12.963 ], [ -38.686, -12.878 ], [ -38.59, -12.972 ], [ -38.766, -13.129 ], [ -38.807, -13.1 ], [ -38.808, -13.154 ], [ -38.944, -13.243 ], [ -38.973, -13.391 ], [ -38.902, -13.384 ], [ -38.886, -13.45 ], [ -38.95, -13.577 ], [ -38.886, -13.659 ], [ -38.968, -13.67 ], [ -39.006, -13.891 ], [ -39.064, -13.865 ], [ -39.075, -13.887 ], [ -38.986, -13.998 ], [ -38.952, -13.986 ], [ -38.982, -13.912 ], [ -38.938, -13.886 ], [ -38.922, -13.92 ], [ -39.061, -14.716 ], [ -38.962, -15.585 ], [ -38.857, -15.86 ], [ -38.973, -16.211 ], [ -39.032, -16.26 ], [ -39.01, -16.369 ], [ -39.078, -16.454 ], [ -39.143, -16.762 ], [ -39.113, -16.896 ], [ -39.212, -17.155 ], [ -39.193, -17.602 ], [ -39.135, -17.691 ], [ -39.264, -17.869 ], [ -39.435, -17.943 ], [ -39.563, -18.091 ], [ -39.721, -18.493 ], [ -39.749, -18.81 ], [ -39.692, -19.353 ], [ -39.805, -19.65 ], [ -39.951, -19.717 ], [ -40.151, -19.956 ], [ -40.236, -20.285 ], [ -40.353, -20.32 ], [ -40.329, -20.236 ], [ -40.359, -20.291 ], [ -40.365, -20.317 ], [ -40.35, -20.328 ], [ -40.268, -20.327 ], [ -40.402, -20.606 ], [ -40.466, -20.624 ], [ -40.627, -20.845 ], [ -40.65, -20.813 ], [ -40.756, -20.866 ], [ -40.853, -21.133 ], [ -40.955, -21.251 ], [ -40.96, -21.364 ], [ -41.065, -21.495 ], [ -41.051, -21.608 ], [ -41.038, -21.622 ], [ -41.007, -21.618 ], [ -40.99, -22.014 ], [ -41.229, -22.151 ], [ -41.668, -22.294 ], [ -41.962, -22.538 ], [ -41.986, -22.713 ], [ -41.919, -22.774 ], [ -41.864, -22.759 ], [ -42.023, -22.896 ], [ -42.037, -22.94 ], [ -41.99, -22.964 ], [ -42.018, -22.998 ], [ -42.086, -22.957 ], [ -42.529, -22.934 ], [ -43.05, -22.982 ], [ -43.132, -22.941 ], [ -43.025, -22.741 ], [ -43.084, -22.68 ], [ -43.216, -22.725 ], [ -43.287, -22.806 ], [ -43.24, -22.847 ], [ -43.249, -22.797 ], [ -43.156, -22.784 ], [ -43.247, -22.882 ], [ -43.164, -22.899 ], [ -43.187, -22.995 ], [ -43.344, -22.983 ], [ -43.303, -23.02 ], [ -43.549, -23.081 ], [ -44.001, -23.1 ], [ -43.961, -23.042 ], [ -43.877, -23.067 ], [ -43.909, -23.02 ], [ -43.807, -23.063 ], [ -43.555, -23.055 ], [ -43.84, -22.906 ], [ -43.985, -22.937 ], [ -44.034, -23.014 ], [ -44.044, -22.923 ], [ -44.107, -23.03 ], [ -44.234, -23.06 ], [ -44.238, -23.004 ], [ -44.358, -23.02 ], [ -44.296, -22.961 ], [ -44.321, -22.927 ], [ -44.378, -22.972 ], [ -44.407, -22.945 ], [ -44.443, -23.035 ], [ -44.669, -23.06 ], [ -44.712, -23.19 ], [ -44.701, -23.237 ], [ -44.645, -23.191 ], [ -44.612, -23.206 ], [ -44.685, -23.256 ], [ -44.611, -23.238 ], [ -44.652, -23.302 ], [ -44.558, -23.232 ], [ -44.577, -23.275 ], [ -44.498, -23.302 ], [ -44.583, -23.367 ], [ -44.669, -23.341 ], [ -44.84, -23.395 ], [ -44.905, -23.339 ], [ -45.05, -23.418 ], [ -45.016, -23.461 ], [ -45.079, -23.519 ], [ -45.165, -23.495 ], [ -45.159, -23.541 ], [ -45.228, -23.547 ], [ -45.211, -23.582 ], [ -45.41, -23.632 ], [ -45.412, -23.825 ], [ -45.934, -23.771 ], [ -46.124, -23.842 ], [ -46.2, -24.002 ], [ -46.288, -24.044 ], [ -46.321, -24 ], [ -46.458, -24.025 ], [ -46.937, -24.281 ], [ -47.024, -24.382 ], [ -47.004, -24.412 ], [ -47.86, -24.996 ], [ -47.914, -25.061 ], [ -47.915, -25.16 ], [ -48.213, -25.47 ], [ -48.254, -25.435 ], [ -48.222, -25.342 ], [ -48.208, -25.353 ], [ -48.121, -25.267 ], [ -48.253, -25.328 ], [ -48.284, -25.294 ], [ -48.317, -25.363 ], [ -48.327, -25.232 ], [ -48.366, -25.317 ], [ -48.433, -25.237 ], [ -48.428, -25.324 ], [ -48.5, -25.335 ], [ -48.427, -25.39 ], [ -48.449, -25.379 ], [ -48.468, -25.388 ], [ -48.467, -25.432 ], [ -48.449, -25.384 ], [ -48.414, -25.428 ], [ -48.476, -25.485 ], [ -48.637, -25.468 ], [ -48.661, -25.398 ], [ -48.671, -25.435 ], [ -48.739, -25.374 ], [ -48.68, -25.465 ], [ -48.687, -25.499 ], [ -48.737, -25.483 ], [ -48.703, -25.504 ], [ -48.617, -25.536 ], [ -48.512, -25.505 ], [ -48.482, -25.591 ], [ -48.46, -25.552 ], [ -48.35, -25.581 ], [ -48.565, -25.868 ], [ -48.614, -26.06 ], [ -48.586, -26.172 ], [ -48.714, -26.243 ], [ -48.795, -26.073 ], [ -48.837, -26.157 ], [ -48.798, -26.142 ], [ -48.763, -26.199 ], [ -48.805, -26.228 ], [ -48.769, -26.223 ], [ -48.761, -26.286 ], [ -48.803, -26.303 ], [ -48.723, -26.362 ], [ -48.635, -26.374 ], [ -48.714, -26.308 ], [ -48.554, -26.172 ], [ -48.493, -26.224 ], [ -48.695, -26.658 ], [ -48.665, -26.769 ], [ -48.583, -26.786 ], [ -48.655, -26.909 ], [ -48.62, -27.007 ], [ -48.574, -27.011 ], [ -48.607, -27.122 ], [ -48.554, -27.152 ], [ -48.51, -27.108 ], [ -48.469, -27.148 ], [ -48.511, -27.183 ], [ -48.486, -27.218 ], [ -48.531, -27.18 ], [ -48.612, -27.243 ], [ -48.596, -27.318 ], [ -48.529, -27.334 ], [ -48.649, -27.486 ], [ -48.572, -27.592 ], [ -48.653, -27.648 ], [ -48.575, -27.888 ], [ -48.761, -28.535 ], [ -48.813, -28.605 ], [ -49.37, -28.92 ], [ -49.334, -28.921 ], [ -49.702, -29.308 ], [ -50.006, -29.749 ], [ -50.316, -30.472 ], [ -50.848, -31.205 ], [ -51.303, -31.613 ], [ -51.877, -31.952 ], [ -52.071, -32.188 ], [ -52.012, -31.946 ], [ -52.092, -31.837 ], [ -51.851, -31.865 ], [ -51.777, -31.805 ], [ -51.854, -31.797 ], [ -51.65, -31.759 ], [ -51.478, -31.562 ], [ -51.43, -31.622 ], [ -51.458, -31.548 ], [ -51.424, -31.478 ], [ -51.351, -31.529 ], [ -51.234, -31.458 ], [ -51.16, -31.31 ], [ -51.166, -31.063 ], [ -51.109, -31.097 ], [ -50.985, -31.042 ], [ -50.965, -30.893 ], [ -50.888, -30.893 ], [ -50.705, -30.756 ], [ -50.677, -30.61 ], [ -50.725, -30.371 ], [ -50.692, -30.355 ], [ -50.625, -30.409 ], [ -50.641, -30.459 ], [ -50.569, -30.471 ], [ -50.534, -30.278 ], [ -50.601, -30.194 ], [ -50.659, -30.201 ], [ -50.661, -30.293 ], [ -50.918, -30.333 ], [ -50.934, -30.42 ], [ -50.889, -30.439 ], [ -50.921, -30.44 ], [ -51.052, -30.395 ], [ -51.034, -30.276 ], [ -51.146, -30.267 ], [ -51.246, -30.188 ], [ -51.23, -30.043 ], [ -51.295, -30.007 ], [ -51.326, -30.23 ], [ -51.271, -30.25 ], [ -51.293, -30.295 ], [ -51.246, -30.33 ], [ -51.209, -30.3 ], [ -51.179, -30.383 ], [ -51.092, -30.367 ], [ -51.129, -30.436 ], [ -51.202, -30.413 ], [ -51.269, -30.489 ], [ -51.282, -30.811 ], [ -51.33, -30.777 ], [ -51.294, -30.758 ], [ -51.319, -30.64 ], [ -51.375, -30.635 ], [ -51.404, -30.769 ], [ -51.367, -30.874 ], [ -51.457, -30.874 ], [ -51.501, -30.935 ], [ -51.436, -31.088 ], [ -51.611, -31.138 ], [ -51.613, -31.272 ], [ -51.915, -31.313 ], [ -52.002, -31.449 ], [ -52.031, -31.693 ], [ -52.218, -31.747 ], [ -52.247, -31.871 ], [ -52.106, -31.952 ], [ -52.216, -31.963 ], [ -52.263, -32.062 ], [ -52.209, -32.045 ], [ -52.225, -32.096 ], [ -52.082, -32.033 ], [ -52.162, -32.128 ], [ -52.09, -32.069 ], [ -52.084, -32.186 ], [ -52.16, -32.201 ], [ -52.341, -32.43 ], [ -52.488, -32.844 ], [ -52.66, -33.165 ], [ -53.227, -33.658 ], [ -53.421, -33.741 ], [ -53.524, -33.689 ], [ -53.515, -33.163 ], [ -53.434, -33.054 ], [ -53.243, -32.936 ], [ -53.294, -32.911 ], [ -53.074, -32.746 ], [ -53.244, -32.605 ], [ -53.39, -32.583 ], [ -53.46, -32.48 ], [ -53.595, -32.432 ], [ -53.73, -32.157 ], [ -53.714, -32.104 ], [ -53.965, -31.919 ], [ -54.096, -31.906 ], [ -54.466, -31.666 ], [ -54.491, -31.54 ], [ -54.591, -31.448 ], [ -54.836, -31.446 ], [ -54.945, -31.392 ], [ -55.014, -31.285 ], [ -55.091, -31.326 ], [ -55.245, -31.257 ], [ -55.374, -31.038 ], [ -55.594, -30.848 ], [ -55.635, -30.857 ], [ -55.657, -30.956 ], [ -55.87, -31.08 ], [ -56.008, -31.063 ], [ -55.987, -30.86 ], [ -56.021, -30.784 ], [ -56.127, -30.739 ], [ -56.177, -30.614 ], [ -56.384, -30.495 ], [ -56.459, -30.387 ], [ -56.545, -30.364 ], [ -56.54, -30.312 ], [ -56.617, -30.303 ], [ -56.644, -30.205 ], [ -56.776, -30.166 ], [ -56.804, -30.107 ], [ -57.068, -30.088 ], [ -57.207, -30.281 ], [ -57.313, -30.26 ], [ -57.396, -30.303 ], [ -57.538, -30.275 ], [ -57.618, -30.179 ], [ -57.505, -30.143 ], [ -57.342, -30.001 ], [ -57.319, -29.87 ], [ -57.254, -29.794 ], [ -57.105, -29.752 ], [ -56.972, -29.639 ], [ -56.676, -29.321 ], [ -56.593, -29.123 ], [ -56.425, -29.073 ], [ -56.285, -28.794 ], [ -56.185, -28.771 ], [ -56.016, -28.611 ], [ -56.011, -28.509 ], [ -55.888, -28.479 ], [ -55.875, -28.362 ], [ -55.696, -28.425 ], [ -55.671, -28.333 ], [ -55.773, -28.247 ], [ -55.605, -28.123 ], [ -55.554, -28.164 ], [ -55.496, -28.081 ], [ -55.444, -28.097 ], [ -55.323, -27.928 ], [ -55.196, -27.863 ], [ -55.134, -27.895 ], [ -55.117, -27.853 ], [ -55.032, -27.854 ], [ -55.082, -27.789 ], [ -54.941, -27.775 ], [ -54.809, -27.536 ], [ -54.781, -27.586 ], [ -54.683, -27.576 ], [ -54.678, -27.514 ], [ -54.624, -27.55 ], [ -54.576, -27.458 ], [ -54.525, -27.507 ], [ -54.415, -27.412 ], [ -54.353, -27.468 ], [ -54.339, -27.406 ], [ -54.282, -27.447 ], [ -54.176, -27.261 ], [ -54.089, -27.303 ], [ -53.949, -27.158 ], [ -53.799, -27.147 ], [ -53.795, -27.048 ], [ -53.761, -27.068 ], [ -53.662, -26.869 ], [ -53.751, -26.745 ], [ -53.707, -26.563 ], [ -53.738, -26.548 ], [ -53.592, -26.265 ], [ -53.722, -26.13 ], [ -53.733, -26.047 ], [ -53.837, -25.969 ], [ -53.824, -25.793 ], [ -53.891, -25.625 ], [ -53.951, -25.644 ], [ -54.016, -25.569 ], [ -54.101, -25.625 ], [ -54.111, -25.504 ], [ -54.213, -25.554 ], [ -54.184, -25.591 ], [ -54.289, -25.562 ], [ -54.387, -25.608 ], [ -54.43, -25.706 ], [ -54.596, -25.595 ], [ -54.617, -25.459 ], [ -54.437, -25.157 ], [ -54.458, -25.031 ], [ -54.336, -24.649 ], [ -54.333, -24.493 ], [ -54.262, -24.376 ], [ -54.33, -24.225 ], [ -54.282, -24.075 ], [ -54.411, -23.929 ], [ -54.668, -23.815 ], [ -55.061, -23.991 ], [ -55.112, -23.963 ], [ -55.226, -24.013 ], [ -55.413, -23.961 ], [ -55.434, -23.714 ], [ -55.535, -23.614 ], [ -55.522, -23.197 ], [ -55.596, -23.141 ], [ -55.64, -22.994 ], [ -55.685, -22.992 ], [ -55.613, -22.659 ], [ -55.736, -22.532 ], [ -55.74, -22.396 ], [ -55.854, -22.281 ], [ -56.208, -22.281 ], [ -56.341, -22.206 ], [ -56.403, -22.078 ], [ -56.519, -22.103 ], [ -56.643, -22.261 ], [ -56.698, -22.216 ], [ -56.728, -22.26 ], [ -56.808, -22.25 ], [ -56.831, -22.3 ], [ -57.001, -22.225 ], [ -57.203, -22.21 ], [ -57.243, -22.244 ], [ -57.553, -22.181 ], [ -57.616, -22.096 ], [ -57.803, -22.148 ], [ -57.989, -22.085 ], [ -58.005, -22.032 ], [ -57.919, -21.881 ], [ -57.969, -21.844 ], [ -57.913, -21.793 ], [ -57.947, -21.747 ], [ -57.894, -21.687 ], [ -57.968, -21.528 ], [ -57.855, -21.339 ], [ -57.918, -21.278 ], [ -57.854, -21.226 ], [ -57.866, -21.041 ], [ -57.818, -20.976 ], [ -57.927, -20.897 ], [ -57.855, -20.835 ], [ -57.961, -20.784 ], [ -57.869, -20.736 ], [ -57.923, -20.666 ], [ -57.988, -20.696 ], [ -57.994, -20.448 ], [ -58.082, -20.372 ], [ -58.092, -20.257 ], [ -58.154, -20.264 ], [ -58.125, -20.188 ], [ -58.163, -20.162 ], [ -57.872, -19.979 ], [ -58.134, -19.761 ], [ -57.79, -19.051 ], [ -57.709, -19.034 ], [ -57.757, -18.858 ], [ -57.56, -18.263 ], [ -57.458, -18.228 ], [ -57.568, -18.136 ], [ -57.702, -17.86 ], [ -57.715, -17.735 ], [ -57.785, -17.645 ], [ -57.773, -17.553 ], [ -57.878, -17.463 ], [ -58.003, -17.52 ], [ -58.114, -17.456 ], [ -58.395, -17.197 ], [ -58.421, -16.99 ], [ -58.47, -16.939 ], [ -58.468, -16.702 ], [ -58.442, -16.613 ], [ -58.34, -16.542 ], [ -58.309, -16.27 ], [ -58.471, -16.325 ], [ -60.173, -16.265 ], [ -60.236, -15.476 ], [ -60.565, -15.105 ], [ -60.253, -15.101 ], [ -60.257, -14.624 ], [ -60.338, -14.555 ], [ -60.482, -14.181 ], [ -60.468, -14.092 ], [ -60.378, -13.992 ], [ -60.468, -13.886 ], [ -60.468, -13.801 ], [ -60.793, -13.686 ], [ -60.962, -13.539 ], [ -61.044, -13.541 ], [ -61.028, -13.477 ], [ -61.069, -13.463 ], [ -61.139, -13.521 ], [ -61.249, -13.525 ], [ -61.33, -13.473 ], [ -61.486, -13.554 ], [ -61.578, -13.494 ], [ -61.824, -13.539 ], [ -61.866, -13.443 ], [ -62.108, -13.257 ], [ -62.109, -13.149 ], [ -62.165, -13.112 ], [ -62.368, -13.145 ], [ -62.464, -13.07 ], [ -62.637, -13.041 ], [ -62.674, -12.965 ], [ -62.764, -13.023 ], [ -62.923, -12.854 ], [ -62.996, -12.85 ], [ -63.082, -12.653 ], [ -63.327, -12.705 ], [ -63.482, -12.557 ], [ -63.712, -12.458 ], [ -63.875, -12.469 ], [ -63.937, -12.557 ], [ -64.127, -12.494 ], [ -64.152, -12.529 ], [ -64.215, -12.476 ], [ -64.278, -12.511 ], [ -64.493, -12.366 ], [ -64.486, -12.23 ], [ -64.654, -12.186 ], [ -64.683, -12.099 ], [ -64.725, -12.162 ], [ -64.798, -12.035 ], [ -64.993, -11.999 ], [ -65.048, -11.757 ], [ -65.112, -11.741 ], [ -65.106, -11.697 ], [ -65.135, -11.777 ], [ -65.201, -11.745 ], [ -65.161, -11.622 ], [ -65.218, -11.521 ], [ -65.299, -11.5 ], [ -65.338, -11.392 ], [ -65.31, -11.341 ], [ -65.385, -11.269 ], [ -65.349, -11.239 ], [ -65.391, -11.167 ], [ -65.318, -11.105 ], [ -65.336, -11.044 ], [ -65.269, -10.901 ], [ -65.366, -10.798 ], [ -65.349, -10.671 ], [ -65.426, -10.638 ], [ -65.429, -10.473 ], [ -65.28, -10.218 ], [ -65.327, -9.938 ], [ -65.29, -9.851 ], [ -65.377, -9.698 ], [ -65.488, -9.718 ], [ -65.563, -9.834 ], [ -65.669, -9.779 ], [ -65.7, -9.803 ], [ -65.689, -9.749 ], [ -65.748, -9.77 ], [ -65.777, -9.727 ], [ -65.798, -9.786 ], [ -65.81, -9.75 ], [ -65.86, -9.794 ], [ -65.872, -9.757 ], [ -66.018, -9.807 ], [ -66.064, -9.772 ], [ -66.422, -9.895 ], [ -66.616, -9.893 ], [ -66.623, -9.935 ], [ -66.883, -10.081 ], [ -67.029, -10.254 ], [ -67.186, -10.339 ], [ -67.315, -10.316 ], [ -67.327, -10.374 ], [ -67.414, -10.372 ], [ -67.443, -10.45 ], [ -67.594, -10.523 ], [ -67.715, -10.707 ], [ -68.021, -10.661 ], [ -68.119, -10.726 ], [ -68.283, -10.987 ], [ -68.519, -11.048 ], [ -68.587, -11.11 ], [ -68.769, -11.139 ], [ -68.751, -11.007 ], [ -68.787, -10.99 ], [ -68.871, -11.023 ], [ -69.393, -10.929 ], [ -69.728, -10.973 ], [ -69.938, -10.926 ], [ -70.318, -11.066 ], [ -70.428, -11.033 ], [ -70.508, -10.94 ], [ -70.618, -11.007 ], [ -70.622, -9.847 ], [ -70.522, -9.738 ], [ -70.598, -9.574 ], [ -70.561, -9.579 ], [ -70.497, -9.433 ], [ -70.601, -9.453 ], [ -70.982, -9.812 ], [ -71.131, -9.862 ], [ -71.288, -9.996 ], [ -72.165, -10.002 ], [ -72.16, -9.818 ], [ -72.26, -9.755 ], [ -72.289, -9.536 ], [ -72.364, -9.491 ], [ -72.721, -9.417 ], [ -73.196, -9.418 ], [ -72.965, -9.154 ], [ -72.946, -8.99 ], [ -73.059, -8.904 ], [ -73.169, -8.701 ], [ -73.338, -8.609 ], [ -73.338, -8.476 ], [ -73.526, -8.369 ], [ -73.632, -8.022 ], [ -73.765, -7.94 ], [ -73.777, -7.869 ], [ -73.697, -7.865 ], [ -73.69, -7.79 ], [ -73.985, -7.543 ], [ -73.917, -7.461 ], [ -73.954, -7.348 ], [ -73.868, -7.377 ], [ -73.691, -7.313 ], [ -73.797, -7.115 ], [ -73.743, -6.897 ], [ -73.351, -6.561 ], [ -73.211, -6.53 ], [ -73.133, -6.421 ], [ -73.185, -6.04 ], [ -73.131, -5.986 ], [ -73.116, -5.865 ], [ -72.951, -5.643 ], [ -72.948, -5.454 ], [ -72.872, -5.25 ], [ -72.896, -5.136 ], [ -72.734, -5.043 ], [ -72.602, -5.056 ], [ -72.577, -4.992 ], [ -72.455, -4.962 ], [ -72.452, -4.906 ], [ -72.37, -4.88 ], [ -72.356, -4.803 ], [ -72.292, -4.799 ], [ -72.313, -4.769 ], [ -72.223, -4.78 ], [ -72.113, -4.722 ], [ -72.047, -4.625 ], [ -71.94, -4.607 ], [ -71.897, -4.512 ], [ -71.61, -4.465 ], [ -71.597, -4.525 ], [ -71.535, -4.46 ], [ -71.49, -4.479 ], [ -71.506, -4.435 ], [ -71.414, -4.432 ], [ -71.432, -4.469 ], [ -71.342, -4.423 ], [ -71.355, -4.468 ], [ -71.303, -4.458 ], [ -71.269, -4.381 ], [ -71.198, -4.377 ], [ -71.193, -4.42 ], [ -71.147, -4.375 ], [ -71.031, -4.397 ], [ -70.99, -4.34 ], [ -70.935, -4.381 ], [ -70.757, -4.152 ], [ -70.677, -4.2 ], [ -70.622, -4.121 ], [ -70.633, -4.173 ], [ -70.565, -4.168 ], [ -70.566, -4.205 ], [ -70.553, -4.128 ], [ -70.503, -4.19 ], [ -70.434, -4.125 ], [ -70.341, -4.174 ], [ -70.317, -4.136 ], [ -70.291, -4.283 ], [ -70.249, -4.267 ], [ -70.186, -4.357 ], [ -70.169, -4.27 ], [ -70.101, -4.255 ], [ -70.031, -4.339 ], [ -69.929, -4.213 ], [ -69.453, -1.478 ], [ -69.368, -1.334 ], [ -69.422, -0.998 ], [ -69.508, -0.936 ], [ -69.609, -0.755 ], [ -69.551, -0.648 ], [ -69.593, -0.517 ], [ -69.908, -0.316 ], [ -70.068, -0.135 ], [ -70.037, 0.553 ], [ -69.798, 0.585 ], [ -69.664, 0.672 ], [ -69.606, 0.623 ], [ -69.468, 0.734 ], [ -69.357, 0.621 ], [ -69.295, 0.648 ], [ -69.288, 0.609 ], [ -69.202, 0.602 ], [ -69.112, 0.643 ], [ -69.184, 0.73 ], [ -69.137, 0.868 ], [ -69.257, 1.026 ], [ -69.342, 1.064 ], [ -69.416, 1.024 ], [ -69.7, 1.056 ], [ -69.721, 1.097 ], [ -69.854, 1.07 ], [ -69.855, 1.715 ], [ -69.556, 1.775 ], [ -69.395, 1.726 ], [ -68.128, 1.73 ], [ -68.29, 1.841 ], [ -68.205, 2.038 ], [ -68.027, 1.784 ], [ -67.924, 1.751 ], [ -67.797, 1.812 ], [ -67.578, 2.076 ], [ -67.41, 2.141 ], [ -67.117, 1.732 ], [ -67.068, 1.532 ], [ -67.097, 1.17 ], [ -66.855, 1.228 ], [ -66.322, 0.738 ], [ -66.095, 0.754 ], [ -65.952, 0.81 ], [ -65.854, 0.939 ], [ -65.733, 1.005 ], [ -65.583, 1.008 ], [ -65.47, 0.877 ], [ -65.557, 0.705 ], [ -65.504, 0.627 ], [ -65.393, 0.699 ], [ -65.305, 0.916 ], [ -65.152, 0.943 ], [ -65.121, 1.115 ], [ -65.055, 1.144 ], [ -64.968, 1.112 ], [ -64.903, 1.249 ], [ -64.843, 1.237 ], [ -64.783, 1.313 ], [ -64.721, 1.25 ], [ -64.638, 1.286 ], [ -64.387, 1.527 ], [ -64.344, 1.528 ], [ -64.382, 1.419 ], [ -64.344, 1.38 ], [ -64.186, 1.494 ], [ -64.054, 1.708 ], [ -64.057, 1.933 ], [ -64.018, 1.967 ], [ -63.781, 1.989 ], [ -63.604, 2.124 ], [ -63.419, 2.154 ], [ -63.349, 2.281 ], [ -63.382, 2.442 ], [ -63.756, 2.403 ], [ -64.031, 2.509 ], [ -63.987, 2.772 ], [ -64.216, 3.153 ], [ -64.236, 3.476 ], [ -64.186, 3.634 ], [ -64.324, 3.797 ], [ -64.543, 3.882 ], [ -64.8, 4.224 ], [ -64.79, 4.329 ], [ -64.677, 4.297 ], [ -64.555, 4.153 ], [ -64.135, 4.176 ], [ -63.967, 3.93 ], [ -63.806, 4.019 ], [ -63.623, 4.01 ], [ -63.455, 3.91 ], [ -63.411, 4.026 ], [ -63.358, 4.04 ], [ -63.203, 3.952 ], [ -63.189, 3.872 ], [ -62.86, 3.584 ], [ -62.749, 3.642 ], [ -62.705, 3.724 ], [ -62.752, 4.012 ], [ -62.635, 4.056 ], [ -62.557, 4.02 ], [ -62.46, 4.173 ], [ -62.129, 4.084 ], [ -61.961, 4.18 ], [ -61.927, 4.106 ], [ -61.723, 4.262 ], [ -61.528, 4.273 ], [ -61.507, 4.398 ], [ -61.274, 4.471 ], [ -61.293, 4.55 ], [ -61.141, 4.508 ], [ -60.952, 4.549 ], [ -60.907, 4.708 ], [ -60.731, 4.777 ], [ -60.59, 4.951 ], [ -60.744, 5.209 ], [ -60.438, 5.177 ], [ -60.203, 5.265 ], [ -60.176, 5.227 ], [ -60.121, 5.243 ], [ -60.085, 5.149 ], [ -59.969, 5.073 ], [ -60.03, 4.704 ], [ -60.163, 4.521 ], [ -59.927, 4.509 ], [ -59.674, 4.382 ], [ -59.726, 4.191 ], [ -59.628, 4.138 ], [ -59.655, 4.078 ], [ -59.516, 3.94 ], [ -59.581, 3.901 ], [ -59.594, 3.796 ], [ -59.666, 3.777 ], [ -59.664, 3.703 ], [ -59.849, 3.601 ], [ -59.799, 3.355 ], [ -59.909, 3.197 ], [ -59.982, 2.929 ], [ -59.99, 2.683 ], [ -59.903, 2.479 ], [ -59.91, 2.388 ], [ -59.724, 2.277 ], [ -59.754, 1.861 ], [ -59.654, 1.849 ], [ -59.669, 1.764 ], [ -59.549, 1.729 ], [ -59.253, 1.397 ], [ -58.914, 1.299 ], [ -58.904, 1.234 ], [ -58.804, 1.175 ], [ -58.696, 1.288 ], [ -58.507, 1.264 ], [ -58.468, 1.318 ], [ -58.498, 1.458 ], [ -58.382, 1.471 ], [ -58.325, 1.59 ], [ -58.167, 1.558 ], [ -58.13, 1.501 ], [ -58.009, 1.501 ], [ -58, 1.665 ], [ -57.919, 1.645 ], [ -57.77, 1.718 ], [ -57.545, 1.701 ], [ -57.434, 1.895 ], [ -57.302, 1.99 ], [ -57.247, 1.944 ], [ -57.085, 2.021 ], [ -57.012, 1.918 ], [ -56.8, 1.864 ], [ -56.724, 1.92 ], [ -56.454, 1.945 ], [ -55.957, 1.844 ], [ -55.906, 1.889 ], [ -55.913, 2.041 ], [ -56.048, 2.226 ], [ -56.134, 2.263 ], [ -56.09, 2.352 ], [ -55.995, 2.405 ], [ -55.987, 2.517 ], [ -55.948, 2.532 ], [ -55.739, 2.401 ], [ -55.481, 2.443 ], [ -55.37, 2.407 ], [ -55.336, 2.516 ], [ -55.239, 2.495 ], [ -55.137, 2.575 ], [ -55.103, 2.522 ], [ -54.94, 2.632 ], [ -54.969, 2.555 ], [ -54.864, 2.439 ], [ -54.72, 2.469 ], [ -54.702, 2.336 ], [ -54.549, 2.336 ], [ -54.534, 2.268 ], [ -54.314, 2.158 ], [ -54.189, 2.179 ], [ -54.111, 2.127 ], [ -54.078, 2.197 ], [ -53.784, 2.364 ], [ -53.694, 2.287 ], [ -53.472, 2.332 ], [ -53.397, 2.272 ], [ -53.273, 2.292 ], [ -53.188, 2.223 ], [ -52.905, 2.19 ], [ -52.853, 2.285 ], [ -52.673, 2.374 ], [ -52.555, 2.523 ], [ -52.556, 2.646 ], [ -52.382, 2.912 ], [ -52.347, 3.134 ], [ -52.192, 3.296 ], [ -51.92, 3.781 ], [ -51.795, 3.89 ], [ -51.754, 3.996 ], [ -51.658, 4.049 ], [ -51.585, 4.241 ], [ -51.529, 4.171 ], [ -51.545, 4.397 ], [ -51.202, 4.084 ], [ -51.173, 3.767 ], [ -51.127, 3.911 ], [ -51.085, 3.895 ], [ -51.051, 3.283 ], [ -50.913, 2.875 ], [ -50.927, 2.807 ], [ -50.816, 2.644 ], [ -50.851, 2.482 ], [ -50.802, 2.508 ], [ -50.736, 2.414 ], [ -50.765, 2.359 ], [ -50.694, 2.276 ], [ -50.725, 2.252 ], [ -50.675, 2.247 ], [ -50.682, 2.137 ], [ -50.584, 2.091 ], [ -50.586, 2.014 ], [ -50.471, 1.82 ], [ -50.194, 1.794 ], [ -49.954, 1.676 ], [ -49.88, 1.419 ], [ -49.918, 1.289 ], [ -50.073, 1.204 ], [ -49.918, 1.232 ], [ -49.939, 1.103 ], [ -50.003, 1.066 ], [ -50.033, 1.107 ], [ -50.131, 0.949 ], [ -50.274, 0.866 ], [ -50.338, 0.729 ], [ -50.417, 0.685 ], [ -50.455, 0.732 ], [ -50.428, 0.679 ], [ -50.571, 0.424 ], [ -50.691, 0.3 ], [ -50.677, 0.365 ], [ -50.746, 0.227 ], [ -50.801, 0.224 ], [ -50.785, 0.183 ], [ -50.908, 0.171 ], [ -51.087, -0.043 ], [ -51.203, -0.055 ], [ -51.419, -0.412 ], [ -51.409, -0.44 ], [ -51.325, -0.364 ], [ -51.188, -0.14 ], [ -51.111, -0.154 ], [ -51.154, -0.284 ], [ -51.396, -0.493 ], [ -51.243, -0.443 ], [ -51.26, -0.5 ], [ -51.165, -0.431 ], [ -50.953, -0.061 ], [ -50.824, -0.048 ], [ -50.705, 0.002 ], [ -50.613, -0.088 ], [ -50.744, -0.244 ], [ -50.751, -0.429 ], [ -50.845, -0.526 ], [ -50.988, -0.583 ], [ -51.051, -0.682 ], [ -50.826, -0.555 ], [ -50.794, -0.666 ], [ -50.733, -0.557 ], [ -50.684, -0.604 ], [ -50.724, -0.493 ], [ -50.652, -0.276 ], [ -50.409, -0.094 ], [ -49.631, -0.247 ], [ -49.446, -0.23 ], [ -49.289, -0.145 ], [ -49.018, -0.16 ], [ -49, -0.139 ], [ -48.895, -0.224 ], [ -48.539, -0.234 ], [ -48.363, -0.303 ], [ -48.459, -0.513 ], [ -48.522, -0.877 ], [ -48.667, -1.002 ], [ -48.621, -1.005 ], [ -48.65, -1.048 ], [ -48.617, -1.053 ], [ -48.721, -1.137 ], [ -48.837, -1.452 ], [ -49.161, -1.575 ], [ -49.182, -1.623 ], [ -49.362, -1.604 ], [ -49.364, -1.642 ], [ -49.448, -1.637 ], [ -49.5, -1.738 ], [ -49.61, -1.718 ], [ -49.676, -1.78 ], [ -49.696, -1.757 ], [ -49.714, -1.76 ], [ -49.803, -1.822 ], [ -50.035, -1.717 ], [ -50.179, -1.787 ], [ -50.256, -1.776 ], [ -50.415, -1.841 ], [ -50.401, -1.935 ], [ -49.994, -1.819 ], [ -49.844, -1.905 ], [ -49.765, -1.898 ], [ -49.616, -1.79 ], [ -49.276, -1.706 ], [ -49.267, -1.778 ], [ -49.387, -1.977 ], [ -49.383, -2.159 ], [ -48.973, -1.594 ], [ -48.897, -1.573 ], [ -48.955, -1.712 ], [ -48.932, -1.75 ], [ -48.898, -1.743 ], [ -48.656, -1.371 ], [ -48.592, -1.429 ], [ -48.601, -1.306 ], [ -48.524, -1.338 ], [ -48.537, -1.467 ], [ -48.496, -1.553 ], [ -48.491, -1.502 ], [ -48.46, -1.533 ], [ -48.374, -1.511 ], [ -48.319, -1.478 ], [ -48.505, -1.471 ], [ -48.422, -1.168 ], [ -48.475, -1.144 ], [ -48.4, -1.066 ], [ -48.278, -1.111 ], [ -48.304, -0.948 ], [ -48.055, -0.668 ], [ -48.001, -0.731 ], [ -47.893, -0.553 ], [ -47.843, -0.616 ], [ -47.807, -0.547 ], [ -47.702, -0.54 ], [ -47.707, -0.59 ], [ -47.667, -0.569 ], [ -47.633, -0.608 ], [ -47.651, -0.694 ], [ -47.608, -0.684 ], [ -47.577, -0.573 ], [ -47.476, -0.757 ], [ -47.398, -0.76 ], [ -47.428, -0.693 ], [ -47.464, -0.687 ], [ -47.466, -0.594 ], [ -47.399, -0.594 ], [ -47.4, -0.645 ], [ -47.298, -0.589 ], [ -47.253, -0.668 ], [ -47.247, -0.623 ], [ -47.206, -0.633 ], [ -47.23, -0.719 ], [ -47.158, -0.678 ], [ -47.191, -0.754 ], [ -47.146, -0.764 ], [ -47.16, -0.815 ], [ -47.081, -0.661 ], [ -47.055, -0.868 ], [ -47.027, -0.784 ], [ -46.983, -0.806 ], [ -47.016, -0.752 ], [ -46.967, -0.694 ], [ -46.969, -0.78 ], [ -46.891, -0.869 ], [ -46.89, -0.789 ], [ -46.846, -0.799 ], [ -46.82, -0.71 ], [ -46.802, -0.877 ], [ -46.777, -0.905 ], [ -46.75, -0.826 ], [ -46.709, -0.86 ], [ -46.734, -0.944 ], [ -46.687, -0.831 ], [ -46.653, -0.882 ], [ -46.621, -0.818 ], [ -46.601, -0.917 ], [ -46.676, -0.965 ], [ -46.622, -0.987 ], [ -46.57, -0.947 ], [ -46.609, -1.03 ], [ -46.57, -0.988 ], [ -46.525, -1.027 ], [ -46.465, -1.007 ], [ -46.47, -1.044 ], [ -46.395, -1.037 ], [ -46.413, -1.084 ], [ -46.348, -0.982 ], [ -46.36, -1.011 ], [ -46.366, -1.031 ], [ -46.348, -1.079 ], [ -46.339, -1.015 ], [ -46.299, -1.05 ], [ -46.212, -0.946 ], [ -46.242, -0.921 ], [ -46.179, -0.914 ], [ -46.224, -1.053 ], [ -46.206, -1.1 ], [ -46.158, -1.014 ], [ -46.138, -1.032 ], [ -46.193, -1.143 ], [ -46.104, -1.067 ], [ -46.062, -1.133 ], [ -46.15, -1.258 ], [ -45.982, -1.071 ], [ -45.953, -1.147 ], [ -46, -1.151 ], [ -46, -1.199 ], [ -45.95, -1.159 ], [ -45.95, -1.207 ], [ -46, -1.209 ], [ -45.95, -1.25 ], [ -45.902, -1.134 ], [ -45.923, -1.214 ], [ -45.882, -1.167 ], [ -45.873, -1.211 ], [ -45.909, -1.261 ], [ -45.859, -1.231 ], [ -45.891, -1.293 ], [ -45.807, -1.176 ], [ -45.843, -1.301 ], [ -45.809, -1.328 ], [ -45.831, -1.298 ], [ -45.782, -1.278 ], [ -45.726, -1.135 ], [ -45.69, -1.452 ], [ -45.697, -1.38 ], [ -45.632, -1.371 ], [ -45.618, -1.279 ], [ -45.589, -1.329 ], [ -45.537, -1.273 ], [ -45.561, -1.343 ], [ -45.51, -1.352 ], [ -45.567, -1.404 ], [ -45.546, -1.432 ], [ -45.413, -1.296 ], [ -45.489, -1.473 ], [ -45.511, -1.458 ], [ -45.554, -1.503 ], [ -45.507, -1.471 ], [ -45.518, -1.516 ], [ -45.481, -1.495 ], [ -45.463, -1.548 ], [ -45.457, -1.457 ], [ -45.391, -1.434 ], [ -45.363, -1.325 ], [ -45.323, -1.319 ], [ -45.302, -1.424 ], [ -45.392, -1.485 ], [ -45.398, -1.503 ], [ -45.356, -1.487 ], [ -45.392, -1.553 ], [ -45.338, -1.572 ], [ -45.371, -1.722 ], [ -45.338, -1.753 ], [ -45.197, -1.688 ], [ -45.261, -1.607 ], [ -45.16, -1.475 ], [ -45.136, -1.521 ], [ -45.072, -1.435 ], [ -45.07, -1.485 ], [ -44.999, -1.504 ], [ -45.018, -1.547 ], [ -44.969, -1.549 ], [ -45.029, -1.583 ], [ -45.029, -1.602 ], [ -44.979, -1.607 ], [ -44.954, -1.498 ], [ -44.862, -1.426 ], [ -44.857, -1.498 ], [ -44.954, -1.605 ], [ -44.918, -1.649 ], [ -44.968, -1.662 ], [ -44.913, -1.657 ], [ -44.927, -1.62 ], [ -44.886, -1.609 ], [ -44.837, -1.65 ], [ -44.822, -1.591 ], [ -44.826, -1.637 ], [ -44.805, -1.609 ], [ -44.812, -1.665 ], [ -44.779, -1.735 ], [ -44.711, -1.728 ], [ -44.82, -1.819 ], [ -44.738, -1.791 ], [ -44.706, -1.819 ], [ -44.676, -1.808 ], [ -44.661, -1.727 ], [ -44.604, -1.749 ], [ -44.667, -1.849 ], [ -44.601, -1.858 ], [ -44.583, -1.817 ], [ -44.586, -1.873 ], [ -44.543, -1.833 ], [ -44.601, -1.909 ], [ -44.517, -1.907 ], [ -44.484, -2.002 ], [ -44.613, -2.037 ], [ -44.467, -2.017 ], [ -44.626, -2.151 ], [ -44.589, -2.159 ], [ -44.641, -2.232 ], [ -44.708, -2.23 ], [ -44.684, -2.275 ], [ -44.764, -2.265 ], [ -44.654, -2.294 ], [ -44.681, -2.354 ], [ -44.649, -2.373 ], [ -44.666, -2.329 ], [ -44.479, -2.137 ], [ -44.358, -2.335 ], [ -44.401, -2.416 ], [ -44.514, -2.384 ], [ -44.55, -2.4 ], [ -44.491, -2.415 ], [ -44.514, -2.448 ], [ -44.505, -2.476 ], [ -44.665, -2.608 ], [ -44.548, -2.542 ], [ -44.658, -2.781 ], [ -44.688, -2.924 ], [ -44.677, -3.019 ], [ -44.66, -3.02 ], [ -44.657, -3.018 ] ], [ [ -43.318, -2.361 ], [ -43.317, -2.363 ], [ -43.296, -2.363 ], [ -43.318, -2.361 ] ], [ [ -42.438, -2.747 ], [ -42.442, -2.749 ], [ -42.438, -2.75 ], [ -42.438, -2.747 ] ], [ [ -42.442, -2.749 ], [ -42.47, -2.744 ], [ -42.447, -2.753 ], [ -42.442, -2.749 ] ], [ [ -50.851, 2.482 ], [ -50.853, 2.481 ], [ -50.853, 2.48 ], [ -50.851, 2.482 ] ], [ [ -50.853, 2.481 ], [ -50.86, 2.495 ], [ -50.86, 2.477 ], [ -50.853, 2.481 ] ], [ [ -49.976, 1.659 ], [ -49.98, 1.659 ], [ -50, 1.639 ], [ -49.976, 1.659 ] ], [ [ -45.392, -1.553 ], [ -45.393, -1.553 ], [ -45.394, -1.556 ], [ -45.392, -1.553 ] ], [ [ -45.394, -1.556 ], [ -45.406, -1.579 ], [ -45.403, -1.591 ], [ -45.394, -1.556 ] ], [ [ -44.837, -1.65 ], [ -44.834, -1.655 ], [ -44.833, -1.654 ], [ -44.837, -1.65 ] ], [ [ -44.834, -1.655 ], [ -44.841, -1.675 ], [ -44.822, -1.672 ], [ -44.834, -1.655 ] ], [ [ -44.779, -1.735 ], [ -44.777, -1.741 ], [ -44.776, -1.74 ], [ -44.779, -1.735 ] ], [ [ -44.777, -1.741 ], [ -44.833, -1.77 ], [ -44.774, -1.75 ], [ -44.777, -1.741 ] ], [ [ -44.547, -2.22 ], [ -44.536, -2.225 ], [ -44.543, -2.219 ], [ -44.547, -2.22 ] ], [ [ -44.536, -2.225 ], [ -44.507, -2.249 ], [ -44.512, -2.235 ], [ -44.536, -2.225 ] ], [ [ -44.507, -2.249 ], [ -44.504, -2.256 ], [ -44.501, -2.254 ], [ -44.507, -2.249 ] ], [ [ -44.504, -2.256 ], [ -44.514, -2.268 ], [ -44.502, -2.26 ], [ -44.504, -2.256 ] ] ], [ [ [ -29.34, -20.484 ], [ -29.301, -20.521 ], [ -29.341, -20.511 ], [ -29.34, -20.484 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.001, -13.94 ], [ -39.012, -13.915 ], [ -38.994, -13.896 ], [ -39.001, -13.94 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.043, -13.909 ], [ -39.059, -13.904 ], [ -39.054, -13.886 ], [ -39.028, -13.903 ], [ -39.043, -13.909 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.251, -18.015 ], [ -39.283, -18.005 ], [ -39.272, -17.982 ], [ -39.245, -18.006 ], [ -39.251, -18.015 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.131, -17.927 ], [ -39.154, -17.921 ], [ -39.137, -17.91 ], [ -39.131, -17.927 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.212, -17.986 ], [ -39.228, -17.979 ], [ -39.215, -17.944 ], [ -39.202, -17.95 ], [ -39.212, -17.986 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.341, -23.231 ], [ -44.372, -23.174 ], [ -44.232, -23.089 ], [ -44.087, -23.173 ], [ -44.3, -23.184 ], [ -44.341, -23.231 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.356, -23.073 ], [ -44.388, -23.048 ], [ -44.373, -23.033 ], [ -44.343, -23.041 ], [ -44.356, -23.073 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.929, -23.014 ], [ -43.936, -22.999 ], [ -43.916, -22.989 ], [ -43.929, -23.014 ] ] ], [ [ [ -42.002, -23.018 ], [ -42.015, -23.003 ], [ -41.98, -22.975 ], [ -41.975, -22.992 ], [ -42.002, -23.018 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.904, -22.962 ], [ -43.907, -22.936 ], [ -43.868, -22.926 ], [ -43.871, -22.95 ], [ -43.904, -22.962 ] ] ], [ [ [ -41.042, -21.613 ], [ -41.042, -21.6 ], [ -41.019, -21.606 ], [ -41.042, -21.613 ] ] ], [ [ [ -52.112, -32 ], [ -52.18, -32.035 ], [ -52.216, -32.025 ], [ -52.198, -31.978 ], [ -52.112, -32 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.641, -30.388 ], [ -50.629, -30.394 ], [ -50.624, -30.329 ], [ -50.592, -30.399 ], [ -50.609, -30.406 ], [ -50.641, -30.388 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.526, -27.462 ], [ -48.416, -27.38 ], [ -48.358, -27.446 ], [ -48.503, -27.799 ], [ -48.559, -27.842 ], [ -48.526, -27.462 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.354, -27.296 ], [ -48.376, -27.285 ], [ -48.373, -27.271 ], [ -48.36, -27.27 ], [ -48.354, -27.296 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.731, -26.314 ], [ -48.754, -26.297 ], [ -48.735, -26.282 ], [ -48.731, -26.314 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.318, -25.584 ], [ -48.309, -25.546 ], [ -48.381, -25.504 ], [ -48.312, -25.509 ], [ -48.292, -25.545 ], [ -48.318, -25.584 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.414, -25.544 ], [ -48.459, -25.514 ], [ -48.415, -25.527 ], [ -48.414, -25.544 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.424, -25.551 ], [ -48.479, -25.523 ], [ -48.485, -25.502 ], [ -48.424, -25.551 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.298, -25.493 ], [ -48.341, -25.416 ], [ -48.252, -25.341 ], [ -48.265, -25.44 ], [ -48.253, -25.466 ], [ -48.298, -25.493 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.417, -25.386 ], [ -48.424, -25.343 ], [ -48.405, -25.33 ], [ -48.417, -25.386 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.695, -24.112 ], [ -45.688, -24.088 ], [ -45.679, -24.098 ], [ -45.695, -24.112 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.251, -23.962 ], [ -45.301, -23.909 ], [ -45.453, -23.91 ], [ -45.332, -23.721 ], [ -45.227, -23.774 ], [ -45.224, -23.835 ], [ -45.283, -23.857 ], [ -45.221, -23.899 ], [ -45.251, -23.962 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.141, -23.817 ], [ -45.146, -23.791 ], [ -45.114, -23.801 ], [ -45.141, -23.817 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.153, -23.573 ], [ -45.153, -23.558 ], [ -45.141, -23.568 ], [ -45.153, -23.573 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.073, -23.564 ], [ -45.079, -23.525 ], [ -45.036, -23.531 ], [ -45.073, -23.564 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.608, -23.228 ], [ -44.59, -23.208 ], [ -44.577, -23.216 ], [ -44.608, -23.228 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.648, -12.821 ], [ -38.666, -12.777 ], [ -38.624, -12.762 ], [ -38.648, -12.821 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.529, -12.811 ], [ -38.544, -12.757 ], [ -38.532, -12.74 ], [ -38.508, -12.792 ], [ -38.529, -12.811 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.622, -12.752 ], [ -38.622, -12.727 ], [ -38.593, -12.733 ], [ -38.622, -12.752 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.646, -12.683 ], [ -38.648, -12.65 ], [ -38.636, -12.661 ], [ -38.646, -12.683 ] ] ], [ [ [ -32.402, -3.838 ], [ -32.428, -3.877 ], [ -32.483, -3.878 ], [ -32.402, -3.838 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.667, -3.179 ], [ -44.668, -3.16 ], [ -44.643, -3.148 ], [ -44.644, -3.17 ], [ -44.667, -3.179 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.671, -2.943 ], [ -44.67, -2.92 ], [ -44.647, -2.915 ], [ -44.671, -2.943 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.493, -2.641 ], [ -44.48, -2.601 ], [ -44.477, -2.627 ], [ -44.493, -2.641 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.897, -2.573 ], [ -43.896, -2.554 ], [ -43.886, -2.565 ], [ -43.897, -2.573 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.599, -2.503 ], [ -43.577, -2.471 ], [ -43.572, -2.483 ], [ -43.599, -2.503 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.822, -2.526 ], [ -43.829, -2.509 ], [ -43.813, -2.458 ], [ -43.812, -2.553 ], [ -43.82, -2.528 ], [ -43.822, -2.526 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.821, -2.529 ], [ -43.856, -2.502 ], [ -43.832, -2.439 ], [ -43.842, -2.504 ], [ -43.821, -2.529 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.863, -2.56 ], [ -43.875, -2.552 ], [ -43.865, -2.534 ], [ -43.863, -2.56 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.519, -2.536 ], [ -44.529, -2.526 ], [ -44.501, -2.48 ], [ -44.505, -2.444 ], [ -44.455, -2.434 ], [ -44.519, -2.536 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.602, -3.007 ], [ -44.657, -2.972 ], [ -44.613, -2.894 ], [ -44.575, -2.921 ], [ -44.602, -3.007 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.585, -2.978 ], [ -44.563, -2.914 ], [ -44.586, -2.826 ], [ -44.494, -2.705 ], [ -44.494, -2.953 ], [ -44.582, -3.041 ], [ -44.585, -2.978 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.826, -2.434 ], [ -43.842, -2.403 ], [ -43.811, -2.385 ], [ -43.807, -2.412 ], [ -43.826, -2.434 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.581, -2.441 ], [ -43.615, -2.389 ], [ -43.549, -2.377 ], [ -43.545, -2.403 ], [ -43.581, -2.441 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.791, -2.47 ], [ -43.806, -2.443 ], [ -43.78, -2.422 ], [ -43.759, -2.448 ], [ -43.791, -2.47 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.513, -2.424 ], [ -43.537, -2.416 ], [ -43.522, -2.39 ], [ -43.505, -2.414 ], [ -43.513, -2.424 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.792, -2.405 ], [ -43.798, -2.377 ], [ -43.771, -2.37 ], [ -43.792, -2.405 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.689, -2.355 ], [ -43.743, -2.352 ], [ -43.724, -2.305 ], [ -43.617, -2.253 ], [ -43.612, -2.275 ], [ -43.669, -2.301 ], [ -43.689, -2.355 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.73, -2.425 ], [ -43.732, -2.364 ], [ -43.67, -2.377 ], [ -43.681, -2.34 ], [ -43.63, -2.324 ], [ -43.643, -2.394 ], [ -43.73, -2.425 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.473, -2.125 ], [ -44.487, -2.113 ], [ -44.475, -2.096 ], [ -44.463, -2.104 ], [ -44.473, -2.125 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.456, -2.031 ], [ -44.447, -2.008 ], [ -44.439, -2.022 ], [ -44.456, -2.031 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.311, -1.964 ], [ -49.336, -1.996 ], [ -49.309, -1.943 ], [ -49.311, -1.964 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.323, -2.054 ], [ -49.329, -2.019 ], [ -49.316, -2.001 ], [ -49.323, -2.054 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.231, -1.829 ], [ -50.246, -1.824 ], [ -50.229, -1.816 ], [ -50.231, -1.829 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.615, -1.821 ], [ -44.622, -1.797 ], [ -44.597, -1.774 ], [ -44.583, -1.789 ], [ -44.615, -1.821 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.7, -1.811 ], [ -44.703, -1.78 ], [ -44.673, -1.78 ], [ -44.7, -1.811 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.691, -1.793 ], [ -49.721, -1.789 ], [ -49.719, -1.771 ], [ -49.697, -1.766 ], [ -49.691, -1.793 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.924, -1.711 ], [ -48.909, -1.713 ], [ -48.916, -1.734 ], [ -48.935, -1.713 ], [ -48.924, -1.711 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.757, -1.707 ], [ -44.767, -1.694 ], [ -44.736, -1.701 ], [ -44.757, -1.707 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.433, -1.684 ], [ -49.454, -1.706 ], [ -49.46, -1.684 ], [ -49.433, -1.684 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.357, -1.008 ], [ -46.342, -0.994 ], [ -46.353, -1.026 ], [ -46.357, -1.008 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.205, -1.021 ], [ -46.194, -1.014 ], [ -46.202, -1.032 ], [ -46.205, -1.021 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.662, -3.018 ], [ -44.673, -3.012 ], [ -44.664, -3.001 ], [ -44.649, -3.013 ], [ -44.662, -3.018 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.736, -1.683 ], [ -44.745, -1.677 ], [ -44.732, -1.668 ], [ -44.736, -1.683 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.231, -1.638 ], [ -49.237, -1.627 ], [ -49.217, -1.633 ], [ -49.231, -1.638 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.38, -1.685 ], [ -49.4, -1.682 ], [ -49.368, -1.669 ], [ -49.38, -1.685 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.426, -1.673 ], [ -49.429, -1.661 ], [ -49.406, -1.66 ], [ -49.426, -1.673 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.34, -1.672 ], [ -49.358, -1.662 ], [ -49.325, -1.647 ], [ -49.34, -1.672 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.289, -1.726 ], [ -45.305, -1.663 ], [ -45.257, -1.641 ], [ -45.244, -1.678 ], [ -45.28, -1.694 ], [ -45.289, -1.726 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.328, -1.743 ], [ -45.346, -1.719 ], [ -45.301, -1.596 ], [ -45.274, -1.635 ], [ -45.313, -1.654 ], [ -45.328, -1.743 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.886, -1.578 ], [ -48.89, -1.56 ], [ -48.859, -1.536 ], [ -48.856, -1.553 ], [ -48.886, -1.578 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.783, -1.682 ], [ -44.8, -1.595 ], [ -44.775, -1.62 ], [ -44.721, -1.567 ], [ -44.704, -1.611 ], [ -44.684, -1.575 ], [ -44.668, -1.669 ], [ -44.693, -1.638 ], [ -44.783, -1.682 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.816, -1.569 ], [ -44.837, -1.534 ], [ -44.787, -1.488 ], [ -44.825, -1.534 ], [ -44.816, -1.569 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.462, -1.517 ], [ -48.478, -1.499 ], [ -48.421, -1.503 ], [ -48.462, -1.517 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.793, -1.531 ], [ -44.774, -1.47 ], [ -44.763, -1.513 ], [ -44.793, -1.531 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.414, -1.427 ], [ -45.423, -1.416 ], [ -45.409, -1.405 ], [ -45.414, -1.427 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45, -1.296 ], [ -44.922, -1.265 ], [ -44.877, -1.309 ], [ -44.895, -1.34 ], [ -44.922, -1.305 ], [ -44.907, -1.341 ], [ -44.999, -1.405 ], [ -45.033, -1.339 ], [ -45, -1.32 ], [ -44.995, -1.36 ], [ -45, -1.296 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.044, -1.402 ], [ -45.07, -1.33 ], [ -45.052, -1.342 ], [ -45.044, -1.402 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.333, -1.569 ], [ -45.371, -1.544 ], [ -45.347, -1.489 ], [ -45.313, -1.506 ], [ -45.333, -1.569 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.969, -1.522 ], [ -44.976, -1.493 ], [ -44.959, -1.483 ], [ -44.969, -1.522 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.393, -1.512 ], [ -48.371, -1.476 ], [ -48.341, -1.483 ], [ -48.393, -1.512 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.413, -1.498 ], [ -48.426, -1.491 ], [ -48.387, -1.476 ], [ -48.413, -1.498 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.118, -1.47 ], [ -45.132, -1.462 ], [ -45.115, -1.364 ], [ -45.103, -1.373 ], [ 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La primera expedición que \nexploró la región fue un desprendimiento de la flota portuguesa que \nVasco da Gama (c. 1460-1524) llevaba hacia oriente. Las naves dirigidas \npor Pedro Álvarez de Cabral (1467-1520) se alejaron excesivamente de la \ncosta de África y terminaron en el extremo sur de actual territorio del \nEstado de Bahía, en que el permanecieron entre abril y mayo del año \n1500. Los portuguese establecieron en la costa precarias feitorias para \ncomerciar verzino o palo brasil con los nativos de las sociedades tupí y\n guaraní nativas. Recién en 1530 la corona brasileña tomaría acciones \ndecididas para organizar la ocupación portuguesa y las actividades de \nexplotación, cuando instaura el régimen de capitanías hereditarias que \nestructuraría el establecimiento colonial lusitano en brasil. \nBibliografía: Johnson, H. B., \"Portuguese Settlement, 1500-1580\", en \nBethell, Leslie (ed.), Colonial Brazil, Cambridge, Cambridge University \nPress, 1987, pp. 1-38; Abulafia, David, El descubrimiento de la \nhumanidad. Encuentros atlánticos en la era de Colón, Barcelona, Crítica,\n 2009 [2008]; Metcalf, Alida C., Go-Betweens and the Colonization of \nBrazil, 1500-1600, Austin, University of Texas Press, 2005; Vaz de \nCaminha, Pêro, Carta del descubrimiento del Brasil, Barcelona, \nAcantilado, 2009.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-19T00:00:49+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 5105, "end" : 5111 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Brasil" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/2cba7931-e350-4779-9827-ab0caeb2bc9a", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://www.hgis-indias.net/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=gazetteer:9001006", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-19T00:10:03+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-19T00:10:03+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ -58.35179869, -33.67232101 ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Refiere a la Provincia del Río de la Plata, un espacio creado a partir \nde las capitulaciones que firmó el primer adelantado Pedro de Mendoza \ncon Carlos I en 1534.La misma limitaba al norte con los territorios \notorgados a Diego de Almagro, ocupando una franja que se extendería \nentre el Mar del Sur y el Mar Océano Austral. La exploración y ocupación\n efectiva del terreno delimitarían el espacio de la provincia del Río de\n la Plata al sector atlántico y específicamente, al eje fluvial \nParaná-Plata.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-19T00:10:03+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 58570, "end" : 58601 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "gobernación del Río de la Plata" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/6a8189d4-a774-4b36-af6c-efdadbfb58bb", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : 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Su vida estuvo marcada por guerras, conspiraciones, persecuciones\ny conflictos familiares.\n\nJunto a Juan de Salazar, Alonso Riquelme de Guzmán y Diego de Abreu se opuso\nal gobierno asunceno de Domingo Martínez de Irala, apoyando al deportado Álvar\nNúñez Cabeza de Vaca.\n\nGobernó de manera casi absoluta e independiente la antigua provincia\nasuncena del Guayrá, fácticamente durante 20 años, y luego de separarla de Asunción\nen 1575, con el título de teniente de gobernador del Guayrá unos 15 años más.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-18T23:33:32+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 50484, "end" : 50493 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Melgarejo" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/1b89c50a-c200-4b34-b116-474f74ab4090", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://sws.geonames.org/3461995", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T12:42:33+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T12:42:33+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ -48.31056, -20.31833 ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Es una amplia región comprendida dentro de la Gobernación del Río de la \nPlata y el océano Atlántico, en el actual territorio brasileño. 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La exploración y ocupación\n efectiva del terreno delimitarían el espacio de la provincia del Río de\n la Plata al sector atlántico y específicamente, al eje fluvial \nParaná-Plata.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-19T12:28:13+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 120280, "end" : 120295 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Río de la Plata" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/d224b775-4fe4-45ac-b32e-065984c0645f", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://www.hgis-indias.net/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=gazetteer:9001006", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-19T12:28:13+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-19T12:28:13+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ -58.35179869, -33.67232101 ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Refiere a la Provincia del Río de la Plata, un espacio creado a partir \nde las capitulaciones que firmó el primer adelantado Pedro de Mendoza \ncon Carlos I en 1534.La misma limitaba al norte con los territorios \notorgados a Diego de Almagro, ocupando una franja que se extendería \nentre el Mar del Sur y el Mar Océano Austral. La exploración y ocupación\n efectiva del terreno delimitarían el espacio de la provincia del Río de\n la Plata al sector atlántico y específicamente, al eje fluvial \nParaná-Plata.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-19T12:28:13+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 75072, "end" : 75087 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Río de la Plata" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/94d7bf45-9e31-4ee0-834a-257f2d0ec920", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://www.hgis-indias.net/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=gazetteer:9001006", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-19T12:28:13+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-19T12:28:13+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ -58.35179869, -33.67232101 ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Refiere a la Provincia del Río de la Plata, un espacio creado a partir \nde las capitulaciones que firmó el primer adelantado Pedro de Mendoza \ncon Carlos I en 1534.La misma limitaba al norte con los territorios \notorgados a Diego de Almagro, ocupando una franja que se extendería \nentre el Mar del Sur y el Mar Océano Austral. La exploración y ocupación\n efectiva del terreno delimitarían el espacio de la provincia del Río de\n la Plata al sector atlántico y específicamente, al eje fluvial \nParaná-Plata.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-19T12:28:13+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 71918, "end" : 71933 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Río de la Plata" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/b37aade4-a23c-4d5d-9048-87d9071c95fd", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://www.hgis-indias.net/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=gazetteer:9001006", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-19T12:28:13+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-19T12:28:13+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ -58.35179869, -33.67232101 ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Refiere a la Provincia del Río de la Plata, un espacio creado a partir \nde las capitulaciones que firmó el primer adelantado Pedro de Mendoza \ncon Carlos I en 1534.La misma limitaba al norte con los territorios \notorgados a Diego de Almagro, ocupando una franja que se extendería \nentre el Mar del Sur y el Mar Océano Austral. La exploración y ocupación\n efectiva del terreno delimitarían el espacio de la provincia del Río de\n la Plata al sector atlántico y específicamente, al eje fluvial \nParaná-Plata.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-19T12:28:13+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 35752, "end" : 35767 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Río de la Plata" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/a4f22626-896f-4097-9513-d943de776b84", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://www.hgis-indias.net/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=gazetteer:9001006", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-19T12:28:13+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-19T12:28:13+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ -58.35179869, -33.67232101 ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Refiere a la Provincia del Río de la Plata, un espacio creado a partir \nde las capitulaciones que firmó el primer adelantado Pedro de Mendoza \ncon Carlos I en 1534.La misma limitaba al norte con los territorios \notorgados a Diego de Almagro, ocupando una franja que se extendería \nentre el Mar del Sur y el Mar Océano Austral. La exploración y ocupación\n efectiva del terreno delimitarían el espacio de la provincia del Río de\n la Plata al sector atlántico y específicamente, al eje fluvial \nParaná-Plata.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-19T12:28:13+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 22341, "end" : 22356 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Río de la Plata" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/715bd56c-4a78-482a-97e9-4d53b217ec54", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://www.hgis-indias.net/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=gazetteer:9001006", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-19T12:28:13+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-19T12:28:13+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ -58.35179869, -33.67232101 ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Refiere a la Provincia del Río de la Plata, un espacio creado a partir \nde las capitulaciones que firmó el primer adelantado Pedro de Mendoza \ncon Carlos I en 1534.La misma limitaba al norte con los territorios \notorgados a Diego de Almagro, ocupando una franja que se extendería \nentre el Mar del Sur y el Mar Océano Austral. La exploración y ocupación\n efectiva del terreno delimitarían el espacio de la provincia del Río de\n la Plata al sector atlántico y específicamente, al eje fluvial \nParaná-Plata.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-19T12:28:13+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 22341, "end" : 22356 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Río de la Plata" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/8a9356cd-be6d-4b2c-ae19-786f4f57e103", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://www.hgis-indias.net/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=gazetteer:9001006", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-19T12:28:13+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-19T12:28:13+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ -58.35179869, -33.67232101 ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Refiere a la Provincia del Río de la Plata, un espacio creado a partir \nde las capitulaciones que firmó el primer adelantado Pedro de Mendoza \ncon Carlos I en 1534.La misma limitaba al norte con los territorios \notorgados a Diego de Almagro, ocupando una franja que se extendería \nentre el Mar del Sur y el Mar Océano Austral. La exploración y ocupación\n efectiva del terreno delimitarían el espacio de la provincia del Río de\n la Plata al sector atlántico y específicamente, al eje fluvial \nParaná-Plata.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-19T12:28:13+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 33788, "end" : 33803 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Río de la Plata" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/c9ca3cfa-0e60-49df-a669-9cfde1e826ac", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://www.hgis-indias.net/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=gazetteer:9001006", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-19T12:28:13+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-19T12:28:13+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ -58.35179869, -33.67232101 ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Refiere a la Provincia del Río de la Plata, un espacio creado a partir \nde las capitulaciones que firmó el primer adelantado Pedro de Mendoza \ncon Carlos I en 1534.La misma limitaba al norte con los territorios \notorgados a Diego de Almagro, ocupando una franja que se extendería \nentre el Mar del Sur y el Mar Océano Austral. La exploración y ocupación\n efectiva del terreno delimitarían el espacio de la provincia del Río de\n la Plata al sector atlántico y específicamente, al eje fluvial \nParaná-Plata.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-19T12:28:13+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 73086, "end" : 73101 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Río de la Plata" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/a6e24ba9-b356-4e52-a761-3e14fdcaf994", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-20T20:28:21+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Diego de Mendoza\n(1540-1571) fue un conquistador y colonizador español, hijo del gobernador de\nAsunción Francisco Mendoza y de María de Angulo. Hermano de Elvira de Mendoza,\nquien fue esposa de Ñuflo de Chaves. Su esposa fue Ana de la Torre, sobrina del\nObispo del Paraguay.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-20T20:28:21+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 76870, "end" : 76879 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "don Diego" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/3ad66672-edbd-4f5f-9efa-dce6a600a8f5", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-20T20:28:21+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Diego de Mendoza\n(1540-1571) fue un conquistador y colonizador español, hijo del gobernador de\nAsunción Francisco Mendoza y de María de Angulo. Hermano de Elvira de Mendoza,\nquien fue esposa de Ñuflo de Chaves. Su esposa fue Ana de la Torre, sobrina del\nObispo del Paraguay.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-20T20:28:21+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 79130, "end" : 79139 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "don Diego" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/399b016c-e08e-481c-ba7d-466147ad54e1", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-20T20:28:21+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Diego de Mendoza\n(1540-1571) fue un conquistador y colonizador español, hijo del gobernador de\nAsunción Francisco Mendoza y de María de Angulo. Hermano de Elvira de Mendoza,\nquien fue esposa de Ñuflo de Chaves. 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En 1580 fundó la ciudad de Buenos Aires, con el nombre de \"Ciudad de la Trinidad\", en el lugar donde en 1536 Pedro de Mendoza había fundado un fuerte con el nombre de \" Real de Nuestra Señora Santa María del Buen Ayre\".", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T10:57:28+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 117445, "end" : 117458 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Juan de Garay" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/8a0694fb-8aab-4184-8b08-64fb77d200be", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : 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Su vida estuvo marcada por guerras, conspiraciones, persecuciones\ny conflictos familiares.\n\nJunto a Juan de Salazar, Alonso Riquelme de Guzmán y Diego de Abreu se opuso\nal gobierno asunceno de Domingo Martínez de Irala, apoyando al deportado Álvar\nNúñez Cabeza de Vaca.\n\nGobernó de manera casi absoluta e independiente la antigua provincia\nasuncena del Guayrá, fácticamente durante 20 años, y luego de separarla de Asunción\nen 1575, con el título de teniente de gobernador del Guayrá unos 15 años más.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T20:31:25+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 88765, "end" : 88783 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Rui Díaz Melgarejo" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/6615b3f4-1825-4848-971d-81e95e1ab075", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-28T17:44:19+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Ruy Díaz de Melgarejo (Salteras\nde Sevilla, 1519 – Santa Fe la Vieja, 1602) fue un militar, conquistador, explorador,\nestadista, minero y burócrata colonial español establecido en la región del Río\nde la Plata. Su vida estuvo marcada por guerras, conspiraciones, persecuciones\ny conflictos familiares.\n\nJunto a Juan de Salazar, Alonso Riquelme de Guzmán y Diego de Abreu se opuso\nal gobierno asunceno de Domingo Martínez de Irala, apoyando al deportado Álvar\nNúñez Cabeza de Vaca.\n\nGobernó de manera casi absoluta e independiente la antigua provincia\nasuncena del Guayrá, fácticamente durante 20 años, y luego de separarla de Asunción\nen 1575, con el título de teniente de gobernador del Guayrá unos 15 años más.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T20:31:25+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 76413, "end" : 76431 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Rui Díaz Melgarejo" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/9d2ab37b-4953-4cb7-ac47-c155f3c3793f", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T14:47:53+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Felipe de Cáceres (n. Madrid, ca. 1538) fueun conquistador, explorador y\n colonizador español.Se desempeñó como gobernador interino del Ríode la \nPlata y del Paraguay, con sede en Asunción,entre el 11 de diciembre de \n1568 hasta el 14 dejulio de 1572.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T20:33:29+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 87020, "end" : 87037 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Felipe de Cáceres" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/91bc7d39-971f-466c-96e1-b2b7e8ae7746", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T14:47:53+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Felipe de Cáceres (n. Madrid, ca. 1538) fueun conquistador, explorador y\n colonizador español.Se desempeñó como gobernador interino del Ríode la \nPlata y del Paraguay, con sede en Asunción,entre el 11 de diciembre de \n1568 hasta el 14 dejulio de 1572.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T20:33:29+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 10857, "end" : 10874 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Felipe de Cáceres" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/1687e9e6-3283-4cac-999b-778a9eecf387", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://sws.geonames.org/3374766", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-09-06T19:34:45+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-09-06T19:34:45+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "MultiPolygon", "coordinates" : [ [ [ [ -24.682, 14.837 ], [ -24.726, 14.807 ], [ -24.76, 14.863 ], [ -24.691, 14.897 ], [ -24.682, 14.837 ] ] ], [ [ [ -24.469, 15 ], [ -24.382, 15.046 ], [ -24.316, 15.016 ], [ -24.292, 14.874 ], [ -24.331, 14.824 ], [ -24.426, 14.814 ], [ -24.51, 14.879 ], [ -24.469, 15 ] ] ], [ [ [ -24.696, 14.974 ], [ -24.699, 14.958 ], [ -24.709, 14.956 ], [ -24.707, 14.969 ], [ -24.696, 14.974 ] ] ], [ [ [ -24.648, 14.975 ], [ -24.641, 14.971 ], [ -24.655, 14.96 ], [ -24.648, 14.975 ] ] ], [ [ [ -23.728, 15 ], [ -23.792, 15.063 ], [ -23.755, 15.332 ], [ -23.514, 15.128 ], [ -23.438, 14.982 ], [ -23.525, 14.892 ], [ -23.635, 14.908 ], [ -23.728, 15 ] ] ], [ [ [ -23.175, 15.328 ], [ -23.119, 15.301 ], [ -23.098, 15.168 ], [ -23.176, 15.111 ], [ -23.254, 15.16 ], [ -23.243, 15.27 ], [ -23.175, 15.328 ] ] ], [ [ [ -22.796, 16.227 ], [ -22.714, 16.2 ], [ -22.677, 16.062 ], [ -22.798, 15.965 ], [ -22.887, 15.973 ], [ -22.965, 16.04 ], [ -22.91, 16.119 ], [ -22.923, 16.224 ], [ -22.796, 16.227 ] ] ], [ [ [ -22.933, 16.169 ], [ -22.927, 16.159 ], [ -22.945, 16.168 ], [ -22.938, 16.173 ], [ -22.933, 16.169 ] ] ], [ [ [ -24.675, 16.662 ], [ -24.667, 16.649 ], [ -24.669, 16.642 ], [ -24.694, 16.663 ], [ -24.675, 16.662 ] ] ], [ [ [ -22.918, 16.854 ], [ -22.87, 16.673 ], [ -22.925, 16.581 ], [ -22.994, 16.815 ], [ -22.918, 16.854 ] ] ], [ [ [ -24.308, 16.649 ], [ -24.117, 16.619 ], [ -24.02, 16.567 ], [ -24.242, 16.592 ], [ -24.332, 16.48 ], [ -24.432, 16.637 ], [ -24.347, 16.679 ], [ -24.308, 16.649 ] ] ], [ [ [ -24.583, 16.623 ], [ -24.589, 16.605 ], [ -24.61, 16.605 ], [ -24.609, 16.627 ], [ -24.583, 16.623 ] ] ], [ [ [ -25.001, 16.886 ], [ -24.922, 16.919 ], [ -24.871, 16.814 ], [ -24.99, 16.77 ], [ -25.096, 16.821 ], [ -25.001, 16.886 ] ] ], [ [ [ -25, 17.05 ], [ -25.205, 16.907 ], [ -25.292, 16.908 ], [ -25.359, 17.055 ], [ -25.097, 17.197 ], [ -24.972, 17.111 ], [ -25, 17.05 ] ] ], [ [ [ -24.756, 16.791 ], [ -24.732, 16.75 ], [ -24.692, 16.743 ], [ -24.748, 16.73 ], [ -24.793, 16.763 ], [ -24.756, 16.791 ] ] ] ] } } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 3564, "end" : 3574 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Cabo Verde" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/4c436690-5944-4b07-b76c-cdf5df976ef4", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T18:34:22+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Alonso Riquelme de Guzmán (1519-1573) fue un conquistador oriundo de \nJeréz de la Frontera y sobrino del Segundo Adelantado al Río de la \nPlata, Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca, con quien llegó al Río de la Plata en\n 1541. Fue uno de sus más acérrimos partidarios durante la gobernación \nde Cabeza de Vaca y se convirtió en una de las figuras más prominentes \nde la facción de los \"leales\" una vez que aquel fuera expulsado de la \nprovincia en 1545.Fue forzado por Domigo de Irala a casarse con una de \nsus hijas mestizas, unión de la cual nació Ruy Díaz de \nGuzmán.Bibliografía:Ricardo Lafuente Machaín, Alonso Riquelme de Guzmán,\n Buenos Aires, Amorrurtu, 1942.Tieffemberg, Silvia, \"Estudio \nIntroductorio\", en Díaz de Guzmán, Ruy, Argentina. Historia del \nDescubrimiento y Conquista del Río de la Plata de Ruy Díaz de Guzmán, \nBuenos Aires, Editorial de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras-UBA, \n2012.Fuentes \"Información hecha en Jerez de la Frontera a pedimento de \nCabeza de Vaca para verificar ciertas cartas\", en Núñez Cabeza de Vaca, \nÁlvar, Relación de los Naufragios y Comentarios de Álvar Núñez Cabeza de\n Vaca, adelantado y gobernador del Río de la Plata. Ilustrado con varios\n documentos inéditos. Tomo Segundo, Madrid, Imprenta General de \nVictoriano Suárez, 1906, p. 289 (GGV 52/975; AGI Justicia 1131), 1545.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-22T18:43:24+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 14744, "end" : 14759 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Alonso Riquelme" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/51278d3a-3cad-462f-8029-d01c6f9f9a8c", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-22T18:41:24+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Natural de Madrid; viene con Cabeza de Vaca. Es atacado por los Taberés;\n y los asalta en un fuerte de madera. Es ajusticiado por haber \nconspirado contra la vida del Gobernador Irala.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-22T18:41:24+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 17960, "end" : 17966 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Camarg" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/b789d850-7aa0-4d64-8b9c-eafbc6b71717", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-25T18:13:58+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 49027, "end" : 49034 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Mendoza" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/f2f4d1de-a757-4918-98d6-d3f1e2861abb", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-01T12:51:38+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Don Francisco de Mendoza (n. 1515-1547), capitán de la caballería. Sus \nactuaciones incluyen haber mediado entre Domingo de Irala y Ruiz Galán \nen 1537 y 1539, participado en la represión del levantamiento de cacique\n guarambarense Aracaré y ser parte de la facción de Domingo de Irala \ncontra la de Cabeza de Vaca en 1545. De hecho, sirvió como teniente de \ngobernador bajo su administración cuando Irala condujo una entrada al \nChaco en 1547. En esta circunstancia, los partidarios de Cabeza de Vaca \nrecusaron su nombramiento y tras haber instaurado a Diego de Abreu como \ngobernador, ejecutaron a Mendoza.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-25T18:36:17+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 64026, "end" : 64046 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Francisco de Mendoza" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/b61ac838-ebbb-430b-b880-63e3a04ab9eb", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-01T12:51:38+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Don Francisco de Mendoza (n. 1515-1547), capitán de la caballería. Sus \nactuaciones incluyen haber mediado entre Domingo de Irala y Ruiz Galán \nen 1537 y 1539, participado en la represión del levantamiento de cacique\n guarambarense Aracaré y ser parte de la facción de Domingo de Irala \ncontra la de Cabeza de Vaca en 1545. De hecho, sirvió como teniente de \ngobernador bajo su administración cuando Irala condujo una entrada al \nChaco en 1547. En esta circunstancia, los partidarios de Cabeza de Vaca \nrecusaron su nombramiento y tras haber instaurado a Diego de Abreu como \ngobernador, ejecutaron a Mendoza.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-25T18:36:17+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 63761, "end" : 63781 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Francisco de Mendoza" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/bb0add00-331a-445d-a261-e30ad7952d72", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-01T12:51:38+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Don Francisco de Mendoza (n. 1515-1547), capitán de la caballería. Sus \nactuaciones incluyen haber mediado entre Domingo de Irala y Ruiz Galán \nen 1537 y 1539, participado en la represión del levantamiento de cacique\n guarambarense Aracaré y ser parte de la facción de Domingo de Irala \ncontra la de Cabeza de Vaca en 1545. De hecho, sirvió como teniente de \ngobernador bajo su administración cuando Irala condujo una entrada al \nChaco en 1547. En esta circunstancia, los partidarios de Cabeza de Vaca \nrecusaron su nombramiento y tras haber instaurado a Diego de Abreu como \ngobernador, ejecutaron a Mendoza.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-25T18:36:17+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 54548, "end" : 54568 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Francisco de Mendoza" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/436b073d-3773-4636-9462-83b4dbf1858b", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-25T18:39:22+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 69653, "end" : 69666 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "don Francisco" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/214aa6f3-f1aa-433a-a2bc-686224158925", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-25T18:35:25+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Don Francisco de Mendoza (n. 1515-1547), capitán de la caballería. Sus \nactuaciones incluyen haber mediado entre Domingo de Irala y Ruiz Galán \nen 1537 y 1539, participado en la represión del levantamiento de cacique\n guarambarense Aracaré y ser parte de la facción de Domingo de Irala \ncontra la de Cabeza de Vaca en 1545. De hecho, sirvió como teniente de \ngobernador bajo su administración cuando Irala condujo una entrada al \nChaco en 1547. En esta circunstancia, los partidarios de Cabeza de Vaca \nrecusaron su nombramiento y tras haber instaurado a Diego de Abreu como \ngobernador, ejecutaron a Mendoza.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-25T18:37:18+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 34745, "end" : 34758 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Don Francisco" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/d2517643-0b10-4b8e-83b5-c3b62dc3ab86", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-04T17:28:15+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Charrúas. Indios del territorio oriental; están en continua guerra con los Arachanes. Corren en la costa de Maldonado. Ocupan las costas del Uruguay. Son crueles y bárbaros. Unas de las tribus más feroces, más indómitas y más salvajes de estas regiones. Eran dueños del territorio que forma ahora el Estado Oriental, y que defendieron palmo a palmo, con un tesón extraordinario. Su lucha empezó con el primer descubridor del Río de la Plata, y acabó cuando ellos acabaron. Entre la muerte de Solís, y el exterminio de esta tribu, han mediado tres siglos de guerras, de destrucción y de espanto. Cuando se sentían débiles para arrostrar solos el poder de los españoles, solicitaban la alianza de otros pueblos, tan bárbaros como ellos, y en cuya amistad permanecían mientras existía el peligro. La de los Minuanes duró más tiempo por la conformidad de sus costumbres, y sobre todo, de su embrutecimiento. Si faltasen argumentos para mostrar la extravagancia de una paradoja, sostenida con todo el brillo de la elocuencia por un profundo pensador del siglo pasado, bastaría delinear el cuadro degradante de la vida doméstica de los Charrúas, como una prueba incontestable de las miserias, de los padecimientos y de la ignominia del hombre salvaje, ¡que se pretendió sobreponer al civilizado! Su modo de llorar la muerte de algún pariente inmediato, consistía en un cúmulo de prácticas absurdas y de actos inhumanos, muy parecidos a las expiaciones voluntarias de los Derviches; y la única deducción que debe sacarse de esta coincidencia es, que el espíritu humano cae en los mismos extravíos, sea que lo ofusca la ignorancia, o que lo ciega la superstición. Los Charrúas, constantes en su sistema de ataque y de pillaje, no cesaban de mantener en alarma a los habitantes de la Banda Oriental, desde la frontera del Brasil, donde se habían fijado últimamente entre las cabezadas de los ríos Cuareheim e Ibirapuitá-mini. Fueron perseguidos y exterminados por una fuerza oriental, al mando del Señor General don Fructuoso Rivera, en 1831. Solo así pudo librarse el Estado vecino de tan incómodos moradores. En el día sería tal vez difícil juntar treinta individuos de una tribu, que fue tan formidable en tiempos pasados. En su nombre se halla cifrada toda su historia -Charrúa, en guaraní, quiere decir, somos turbulentos y revoltosos (Cha, nosotros, y rru, enojadizo).", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-04T17:28:15+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "tribe", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-25T18:41:32+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 72202, "end" : 72210 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Charrúas" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/8e7a63b0-9388-45a3-84bd-f2359bb4b69c", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-25T18:44:23+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Francisco Ortiz\nde Vergara fue un conquistador y colonizador español. Sucedió a Gonzalo de\nMendoza en el gobierno del Río de la Plata con sede en Asunción. Hijo de\nFrancisco de Vergara y Beatriz de Roelas. Fue nombrado por los conquistadores y\nconfirmado por el obispo Pedro de Latorre en 1558. Fue depuesto por la Real\nAudiencia de Charcas en 1564 y regresó a España en 1565. Hermano de Ruy Díaz de\nMelgarejo\nEn 1559 enfrento la rebelión de dos manzebos, Pablo y Don Narazio, hijos de un\nPrincipal local llamado a Curupiratí de la tribu xaraje junto a Nufrio de\nChaves, el 3 de mayo de 1560 en los campos de Acahai o del Acaraiba Ortiz les\nvence, el ejército rebelde dividido en cuatro cuerpos o columnas sumaba 16.000\nguerreros guaraníes, la victoria se logró gracias a la llegada oportuna de\nindios amigos, se mataron más de 1.000 rebeldes.\nDurante su gobierno hubo numerosos intentos fallidos de crear nuevos\nasentamientos (Sancti Spiritus, San Francisco y Santa Cruz de la Sierra). Este\núltimo, en el sur de la Cuenca del Amazonas, fue un éxito, pero sólo después de\nque la ciudad se había movido más de 200 kilómetros desde el lugar elegido por\nÑuflo de Chaves. El contrato de arrendamiento anterior fue cerca de San José de\nChiquitos, y es hoy un sitio arqueológico conocido como Santa Cruz la Vieja. Lo\nsucedió el adelantado Juan Ortiz de Zárate.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-25T18:44:57+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 76977, "end" : 77003 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Francisco Ortiz de Vergara" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/ce19f4a5-c6a0-4ca9-a2d6-a23dd33fc834", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : 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Indios benévolos, reducidos por Cabeza de Vaca. Las dos veces que se habla de estos indios, se les clasifica de un modo contradictorio: porque el bárbaro es cuando menos grosero; lo que no supone benevolencia. Esta tribu ha dejado de existir, y se habla muy poco de ella en la historia de la conquista. Su nombre no es guaraní, e ignoramos lo que signifique.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T19:11:04+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "tribe", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-25T17:42:01+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 30845, "end" : 30852 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Mogolas" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/d7703ee0-9ecd-4a4a-811f-12b8c98cf6d0", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Enemigos de los españoles y Guaranís. Son castigados ejemplarmente por Irala; se someten y enlazan con los españoles, y forman el primer plantel de población mestiza del Paraguay. Gente de gran valor, inclinada a la guerra y buenos jinetes. Acompañan a Cabeza de Vaca en una expedición en busca de minerales. Atacados y desechos por Cabeza de Vaca. Indios de las inmediaciones de la Asumpción, cuyo nombre es yapúrua, que en guaraní es «frutilla»; aludiendo tal vez a la abundancia que habría de ellas en su territorio.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T18:50:17+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T18:50:25+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "tribe", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-25T17:35:52+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 29712, "end" : 29719 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Yapirús" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/1416fb12-e3ba-4f52-8e09-dbb7d25af948", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PLACE", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-04T17:07:35+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Xaqui-xaguana. Lugar donde el Presidente La Gasca derrotó e hizo prisionero a Gonzalo de Pizarro. Campo célebre en la historia antigua y moderna del Perú, y en donde en varias épocas corrieron raudales de sangre. Dista cerca de cuatro leguas del Cuzco, a corta distancia del paraje, donde el Inca Viracocha obtuvo un célebre triunfa sobre los indios rebeldes, de los cuales perecieron 30000 en un sólo día. La sangre llenó el estero de un torrente, lo que hizo dar a este campo el nombre de Yahur pampa: «campo de sangre». Este mismo sitio presenció el suplicio de los próceres y parientes del Inca Huascar, y poco después la derrota y la muerte de Gonzalo Pizarro y de sus caudillos. Este nombre debe escribirse Sacsahuana, que en el idioma quecchua significa «campo del escarmiento»; de sacsa, monte o médano, y huana, castigo.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-04T17:07:35+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 61211, "end" : 61224 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Xaquí-Xaguana" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/91855f21-0ad5-45b1-8c19-3fd6cd96673b", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-01T12:51:38+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Don Francisco de Mendoza (n. 1515-1547), capitán de la caballería. Sus \nactuaciones incluyen haber mediado entre Domingo de Irala y Ruiz Galán \nen 1537 y 1539, participado en la represión del levantamiento de cacique\n guarambarense Aracaré y ser parte de la facción de Domingo de Irala \ncontra la de Cabeza de Vaca en 1545. De hecho, sirvió como teniente de \ngobernador bajo su administración cuando Irala condujo una entrada al \nChaco en 1547. En esta circunstancia, los partidarios de Cabeza de Vaca \nrecusaron su nombramiento y tras haber instaurado a Diego de Abreu como \ngobernador, ejecutaron a Mendoza.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-25T18:36:17+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 65023, "end" : 65043 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Francisco de Mendoza" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/f0512ad9-8dd7-47cf-8404-01233e938611", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", 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"body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://www.hgis-indias.net/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=gazetteer:9000266", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-20T21:11:22+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-20T21:11:22+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ -58.240799, -27.27191 ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Itatín\n(Itatim en idioma portugués) o Itatí fue una región histórico geográfica\ndel Imperio español coincidente, luego de las sangrientas invasiones\nlusobrasileñas con la parte sur del actual estado de Mato Grosso del Sur, que\nformó parte del Imperio español como un territorio perteneciente a la gobernación\ndel Río de la Plata y del Paraguay hasta su división en 1617, fecha a partir de\nla cual quedó incluida en la gobernación del Paraguay, llamada inicialmente\nGobernación del Guayrá.\n\nLos límites de la\nregión de Itatín eran: al este la sierra de Amambay, al oeste el río Paraguay,\nal sur el río Apa y al norte el río Tacuarí.\n\nYa desde el s.\nXVIII gran parte del Itatín quedó en poder de Brasil (entonces el Brasil\nportugués) y tras la Guerra de la Triple Alianza toda la región pasó a estar\nbajo el dominio brasileño.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-29T10:39:30+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 14755, "end" : 14761 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Itatin" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : 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Virreinato del Perú hasta 1776 y\n que luego pasó al nuevo Virreinato del Río de la Plata. La provincia de\n Charcas, cuyos límites se superponen con la Audiencia de Charchas, \ntenía su sede en Sucre (Ciudad de la Plata, 1538).", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-19T12:20:41+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 70553, "end" : 70560 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Charcas" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/72efa266-9591-4bbf-98e9-3a46c147f670", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : 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En el año 1573 comisionó al entonces alguacil mayor del Río de la Plata, Juan de Garay, para que fundara una nueva ciudad que sirviera de conexión marítima, la cual se llamaría \"Santa Fe de la Vera Cruz\".", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T12:04:36+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 110956, "end" : 110979 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Martín Suárez de Toledo" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/53afbd43-4b13-44cf-8981-6c37b9b3125d", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-20T22:16:56+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Martín Suárez de Toledo nacido como Martín II Suárez de Toledo y Saavedra fue un hidalgo, militar y explorador español que se desempeñó como teniente de gobernador de Asunción desde 1569 y luego como administrador interino de la gobernación del Río de la Plata y del Paraguay, entre 1572 y 1574, al ser depuesto Felipe de Cáceres quien a su vez estaba suplantando al adelantado Juan Ortiz de Zárate, siendo este hecho perpetrado por el obispo Pedro Fernández de la Torre. En el año 1573 comisionó al entonces alguacil mayor del Río de la Plata, Juan de Garay, para que fundara una nueva ciudad que sirviera de conexión marítima, la cual se llamaría \"Santa Fe de la Vera Cruz\".", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T12:04:36+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 106562, "end" : 106585 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Martín Suárez de Toledo" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/fc2aa683-c55c-4a17-acbb-f71298bf6483", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : 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-2.396 ], [ -72.383, -2.416 ], [ -72.346, -2.49 ], [ -72.221, -2.433 ], [ -72.126, -2.468 ], [ -72.035, -2.331 ], [ -71.907, -2.373 ], [ -71.919, -2.312 ], [ -71.861, -2.3 ], [ -71.822, -2.187 ], [ -71.722, -2.128 ], [ -71.707, -2.214 ], [ -71.628, -2.191 ], [ -71.5, -2.245 ], [ -71.484, -2.336 ], [ -71.444, -2.263 ], [ -71.375, -2.398 ], [ -71.284, -2.338 ], [ -71.165, -2.376 ], [ -71.057, -2.264 ], [ -70.986, -2.298 ], [ -70.993, -2.205 ], [ -70.928, -2.245 ], [ -70.857, -2.217 ], [ -70.822, -2.283 ], [ -70.658, -2.351 ], [ -70.608, -2.481 ], [ -70.55, -2.47 ], [ -70.562, -2.415 ], [ -70.418, -2.525 ], [ -70.307, -2.498 ], [ -70.342, -2.573 ], [ -70.246, -2.548 ], [ -70.15, -2.705 ], [ -70.076, -2.662 ], [ -70.034, -2.761 ], [ -70.703, -3.795 ], [ -70.485, -3.885 ], [ -70.295, -3.813 ], [ -70.186, -3.891 ], [ -70.158, -4.021 ], [ -69.948, -4.219 ], [ -69.978, -4.295 ], [ -70.036, -4.339 ], [ -70.076, -4.309 ], [ -70.042, -4.284 ], [ -70.164, -4.268 ], [ -70.19, -4.357 ], [ -70.249, -4.267 ], [ -70.291, -4.283 ], [ -70.317, -4.136 ], [ -70.341, -4.174 ], [ -70.434, -4.125 ], [ -70.503, -4.19 ], [ -70.553, -4.128 ], [ -70.566, -4.205 ], [ -70.565, -4.168 ], [ -70.633, -4.173 ], [ -70.622, -4.121 ], [ -70.677, -4.2 ], [ -70.757, -4.152 ], [ -70.935, -4.381 ], [ -70.99, -4.34 ], [ -71.031, -4.397 ], [ -71.147, -4.375 ], [ -71.193, -4.42 ], [ -71.198, -4.377 ], [ -71.269, -4.381 ], [ -71.303, -4.458 ], [ -71.355, -4.468 ], [ -71.342, -4.423 ], [ -71.432, -4.469 ], [ -71.414, -4.432 ], [ -71.506, -4.435 ], [ -71.49, -4.479 ], [ -71.535, -4.46 ], [ -71.597, -4.525 ], [ -71.61, -4.465 ], [ -71.897, -4.512 ], [ -71.94, -4.607 ], [ -72.047, -4.625 ], [ -72.113, -4.722 ], [ -72.223, -4.78 ], [ -72.313, -4.769 ], [ -72.292, -4.799 ], [ -72.356, -4.803 ], [ -72.37, -4.88 ], [ -72.452, -4.906 ], [ -72.455, -4.962 ], [ -72.577, -4.992 ], [ -72.602, -5.056 ], [ -72.734, -5.043 ], [ -72.896, -5.136 ], [ -72.872, -5.25 ], [ -72.948, -5.454 ], [ -72.951, -5.643 ], [ -73.116, -5.865 ], [ -73.131, -5.986 ], [ -73.185, -6.04 ], [ -73.133, -6.421 ], [ -73.211, -6.53 ], [ -73.351, -6.561 ], [ -73.743, -6.897 ], [ -73.797, -7.115 ], [ -73.691, -7.313 ], [ -73.868, -7.377 ], [ -73.954, -7.348 ], [ -73.917, -7.461 ], [ -73.986, -7.537 ], [ -73.69, -7.79 ], [ -73.697, -7.865 ], [ -73.777, -7.869 ], [ -73.765, -7.94 ], [ -73.632, -8.022 ], [ -73.526, -8.369 ], [ -73.338, -8.476 ], [ -73.338, -8.609 ], [ -73.169, -8.701 ], [ -73.059, -8.904 ], [ -72.946, -8.99 ], [ -72.965, -9.154 ], [ -73.196, -9.418 ], [ -72.721, -9.417 ], [ -72.364, -9.491 ], [ -72.289, -9.536 ], [ -72.26, -9.755 ], [ -72.16, -9.818 ], [ -72.165, -10.002 ], [ -71.288, -9.996 ], [ -71.131, -9.862 ], [ -70.982, -9.812 ], [ -70.601, -9.453 ], [ -70.497, -9.433 ], [ -70.561, -9.579 ], [ -70.598, -9.574 ], [ -70.522, -9.738 ], [ -70.622, -9.847 ], [ -70.618, -11.007 ], [ -70.508, -10.94 ], [ -70.337, -11.067 ], [ -69.938, -10.926 ], [ -69.728, -10.973 ], [ -69.568, -10.954 ], [ -68.924, -11.994 ], [ -68.679, -12.497 ], [ -68.764, -12.612 ], [ -68.738, -12.705 ], [ -68.85, -12.728 ], [ -68.961, -12.852 ], [ -68.942, -13.486 ], [ -68.997, -13.652 ], [ -69.076, -13.654 ], [ -68.988, -13.769 ], [ -68.965, -13.98 ], [ -68.881, -14.065 ], [ -68.841, -14.21 ], [ -68.982, -14.237 ], [ -68.98, -14.387 ], [ -69.152, -14.508 ], [ -69.149, -14.584 ], [ -69.225, -14.584 ], [ -69.244, -14.753 ], [ -69.363, -14.804 ], [ -69.365, -14.98 ], [ -69.126, -15.256 ], [ -69.265, -15.336 ], [ -69.274, -15.421 ], [ -69.414, -15.621 ], [ -69.236, -16.143 ], [ -69.099, -16.219 ], [ -68.963, -16.189 ], [ -68.814, -16.338 ], [ -68.982, -16.433 ], [ -69.032, -16.566 ], [ -69.006, -16.677 ], [ -69.168, -16.731 ], [ -69.392, -17.021 ], [ -69.375, -17.078 ], [ -69.551, -17.162 ], [ -69.641, -17.282 ], [ -69.463, -17.376 ], [ -69.463, -17.508 ], [ -69.662, -17.658 ], [ -69.799, -17.65 ], [ -69.819, -17.747 ], [ -69.753, -17.982 ], [ -69.948, -18.248 ], [ -70.374, -18.35 ], [ -70.879, -18.01 ], [ -70.925, -17.924 ], [ -71.383, -17.708 ], [ -71.342, -17.636 ], [ -71.382, -17.419 ], [ -71.515, -17.265 ], [ -71.819, -17.18 ], [ -71.974, -17.048 ], [ -72.113, -17.027 ], [ -72.123, -16.97 ], [ -72.45, -16.705 ], [ -72.758, -16.636 ], [ -73.112, -16.433 ], [ -73.291, -16.402 ], [ -73.3, -16.349 ], [ -73.414, -16.294 ], [ -73.701, -16.24 ], [ -74.057, -15.961 ], [ -74.285, -15.846 ], [ -74.371, -15.85 ], [ -74.476, -15.726 ], [ -75.141, -15.419 ], [ -75.2, -15.381 ], [ -75.157, -15.338 ], [ -75.252, -15.268 ], [ -75.23, -15.22 ], [ -75.376, -15.161 ], [ -75.509, -14.922 ], [ -75.921, -14.662 ], [ -75.98, -14.483 ], [ -76.151, -14.345 ], [ -76.105, -14.326 ], [ -76.135, -14.245 ], [ -76.222, -14.165 ], [ -76.274, -14.151 ], [ -76.273, -14.211 ], [ -76.296, -14.175 ], [ -76.286, -13.917 ], [ -76.395, -13.908 ], [ -76.332, -13.799 ], [ -76.261, -13.872 ], [ -76.191, -13.607 ], [ -76.206, -13.4 ], [ -76.492, -13.049 ], [ -76.52, -12.871 ], [ -76.641, -12.752 ], [ -76.693, -12.608 ], [ -76.811, -12.512 ], [ -76.784, -12.402 ], [ -76.84, -12.323 ], [ -77.042, -12.215 ], [ -77.072, -12.113 ], [ -77.172, -12.087 ], [ -77.136, -11.984 ], [ -77.201, -11.79 ], [ -77.176, -11.739 ], [ -77.301, -11.521 ], [ -77.663, -11.297 ], [ -77.656, -11.228 ], [ -77.604, -11.205 ], [ -77.671, -10.949 ], [ -78.196, -10.11 ], [ -78.241, -9.793 ], [ -78.378, -9.635 ], [ -78.431, -9.345 ], [ -78.536, -9.274 ], [ -78.507, -9.186 ], [ -78.555, -9.184 ], [ -78.575, -9.248 ], [ -78.621, -9.185 ], [ -78.563, -9.134 ], [ -78.641, -9.076 ], [ -78.654, -8.916 ], [ -78.766, -8.773 ], [ -78.755, -8.616 ], [ -78.934, -8.455 ], [ -78.905, -8.389 ], [ -78.97, -8.252 ], [ -79.359, -7.859 ], [ -79.566, -7.465 ], [ -79.581, -7.322 ], [ -79.678, -7.12 ], [ -79.916, -6.884 ], [ -79.983, -6.743 ], [ -80.298, -6.53 ], [ -80.773, -6.306 ], [ -81.11, -6.057 ], [ -81.144, -5.89 ], [ -81.076, -5.791 ], [ -80.942, -5.848 ], [ -80.866, -5.784 ], [ -80.858, -5.819 ], [ -80.841, -5.841 ], [ -80.848, -5.534 ], [ -80.872, -5.558 ], [ -80.945, -5.432 ], [ -81.191, -5.216 ], [ -81.167, -5.083 ], [ -81.085, -5.081 ], [ -81.072, -5 ] ] ] ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Entendido como virreinato del Perú.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T12:28:07+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 70236, "end" : 70240 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Perú" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/c3010be3-3b64-4c92-aea5-d5f208d2a4e5", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", 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-79.499, -7.789 ], [ -79.499, -7.785 ], [ -79.491, -7.793 ], [ -79.495, -7.796 ] ] ], [ [ [ -80.699, -6.973 ], [ -80.702, -6.972 ], [ -80.704, -6.961 ], [ -80.696, -6.972 ], [ -80.699, -6.973 ] ] ], [ [ [ -80.698, -6.962 ], [ -80.698, -6.948 ], [ -80.694, -6.956 ], [ -80.698, -6.962 ] ] ], [ [ [ -80.845, -6.472 ], [ -80.868, -6.436 ], [ -80.844, -6.383 ], [ -80.851, -6.407 ], [ -80.845, -6.472 ] ] ], [ [ [ -81.205, -5.216 ], [ -81.211, -5.206 ], [ -81.201, -5.21 ], [ -81.205, -5.216 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.259, -15.273 ], [ -75.269, -15.267 ], [ -75.269, -15.264 ], [ -75.257, -15.264 ], [ -75.259, -15.273 ] ] ], [ [ [ -76.179, -14.318 ], [ -76.219, -14.293 ], [ -76.219, -14.267 ], [ -76.188, -14.28 ], [ -76.179, -14.318 ] ] ], [ [ [ -76.455, -13.868 ], [ -76.471, -13.858 ], [ -76.458, -13.828 ], [ -76.441, -13.848 ], [ -76.455, -13.868 ] ] ], [ [ [ -76.406, -13.75 ], [ -76.406, -13.746 ], [ -76.397, -13.741 ], [ -76.397, -13.746 ], [ -76.406, -13.75 ] ] ], [ [ [ -76.633, -12.805 ], [ -76.634, -12.794 ], [ -76.621, -12.798 ], [ -76.633, -12.805 ] ] ], [ [ [ -76.899, -12.361 ], [ -76.905, -12.355 ], [ -76.901, -12.347 ], [ -76.897, -12.352 ], [ -76.899, -12.361 ] ] ], [ [ [ -76.915, -12.314 ], [ -76.917, -12.312 ], [ -76.909, -12.302 ], [ -76.909, -12.312 ], [ -76.915, -12.314 ] ] ], [ [ [ -77.19, -12.134 ], [ -77.189, -12.125 ], [ -77.185, -12.124 ], [ -77.182, -12.129 ], [ -77.19, -12.134 ] ] ], [ [ [ -77.208, -12.124 ], [ -77.253, -12.095 ], [ -77.254, -12.074 ], [ -77.202, -12.103 ], [ -77.208, -12.124 ] ] ], [ [ [ -77.717, -11.974 ], [ -77.725, -11.969 ], [ -77.724, -11.965 ], [ -77.718, -11.965 ], [ -77.717, -11.974 ] ] ], [ [ [ -77.723, -11.954 ], [ -77.733, -11.953 ], [ -77.734, -11.948 ], [ -77.722, -11.946 ], [ -77.723, -11.954 ] ] ], [ [ [ -77.851, -11.494 ], [ -77.852, -11.486 ], [ -77.844, -11.48 ], [ -77.844, -11.488 ], [ -77.851, -11.494 ] ] ], [ [ [ -81.072, -5 ], [ -81.326, -4.68 ], [ -81.25, -4.27 ], [ -80.837, -3.877 ], [ -80.786, -3.749 ], [ -80.574, -3.628 ], [ -80.501, -3.505 ], [ -80.366, -3.499 ], [ -80.304, -3.405 ], [ -80.219, -3.438 ], [ -80.154, -3.905 ], [ -80.286, -4.018 ], [ -80.398, -3.984 ], [ -80.475, -4.054 ], [ -80.444, -4.194 ], [ -80.305, -4.201 ], [ -80.443, -4.371 ], [ -80.443, -4.437 ], [ -80.335, -4.47 ], [ -80.136, -4.285 ], [ -79.895, -4.394 ], [ -79.812, -4.486 ], [ -79.631, -4.435 ], [ -79.541, -4.528 ], [ -79.482, -4.529 ], [ -79.416, -4.799 ], [ -79.26, -4.967 ], [ -79, -4.979 ], [ -78.881, -4.72 ], [ -78.736, -4.654 ], [ -78.621, -4.497 ], [ -78.627, -4.319 ], [ -78.572, -4.255 ], [ -78.499, -3.949 ], [ -78.377, -3.787 ], [ -78.319, -3.429 ], [ -78.249, -3.429 ], [ -78.232, -3.534 ], [ -78.137, -3.522 ], [ -78.19, -3.354 ], [ -77.824, -2.998 ], [ -76.627, -2.591 ], [ -76.045, -2.128 ], [ -75.538, -1.536 ], [ -75.364, -0.956 ], [ -75.185, -0.971 ], [ -75.28, -0.711 ], [ -75.245, -0.535 ], [ -75.415, -0.424 ], [ -75.449, -0.329 ], [ -75.622, -0.263 ], [ -75.622, -0.109 ], [ -75.304, -0.134 ], [ -75.219, -0.015 ], [ -75.115, -0.039 ], [ -74.904, -0.195 ], [ -74.824, -0.145 ], [ -74.78, -0.214 ], [ -74.801, -0.29 ], [ -74.659, -0.332 ], [ -74.52, -0.479 ], [ -74.425, -0.511 ], [ -74.342, -0.695 ], [ -74.378, -0.745 ], [ -74.258, -0.843 ], [ -74.272, -0.899 ], [ -74.318, -0.9 ], [ -74.266, -1.007 ], [ -74.074, -1.081 ], [ -74.033, -1.028 ], [ -74.013, -1.123 ], [ -73.905, -1.15 ], [ -73.861, -1.25 ], [ -73.777, -1.277 ], [ -73.75, -1.22 ], [ -73.732, -1.267 ], [ -73.624, -1.283 ], [ -73.552, -1.429 ], [ -73.586, -1.445 ], [ -73.539, -1.452 ], [ -73.46, -1.6 ], [ -73.532, -1.733 ], [ -73.314, -1.855 ], [ -73.293, -1.803 ], [ -73.231, -1.823 ], [ -73.222, -1.774 ], [ -73.143, -1.834 ], [ -73.095, -2.113 ], [ -73.059, -2.125 ], [ -73.153, -2.276 ], [ -73.044, -2.4 ], [ -73.021, -2.355 ], [ -72.962, -2.382 ], [ -72.921, -2.5 ], [ -72.769, -2.42 ], [ -72.733, -2.459 ], [ -72.707, -2.416 ], [ -72.67, -2.486 ], [ -72.618, -2.396 ], [ -72.383, -2.416 ], [ -72.346, -2.49 ], [ -72.221, -2.433 ], [ -72.126, -2.468 ], [ -72.035, -2.331 ], [ -71.907, -2.373 ], [ -71.919, -2.312 ], [ -71.861, -2.3 ], [ -71.822, -2.187 ], [ -71.722, -2.128 ], [ -71.707, -2.214 ], [ -71.628, -2.191 ], [ -71.5, -2.245 ], [ -71.484, -2.336 ], [ -71.444, -2.263 ], [ -71.375, -2.398 ], [ -71.284, -2.338 ], [ -71.165, -2.376 ], [ -71.057, -2.264 ], [ -70.986, -2.298 ], [ -70.993, -2.205 ], [ -70.928, -2.245 ], [ -70.857, -2.217 ], [ -70.822, -2.283 ], [ -70.658, -2.351 ], [ -70.608, -2.481 ], [ -70.55, -2.47 ], [ -70.562, -2.415 ], [ -70.418, -2.525 ], [ -70.307, -2.498 ], [ -70.342, -2.573 ], [ -70.246, -2.548 ], [ -70.15, -2.705 ], [ -70.076, -2.662 ], [ -70.034, -2.761 ], [ -70.703, -3.795 ], [ -70.485, -3.885 ], [ -70.295, -3.813 ], [ -70.186, -3.891 ], [ -70.158, -4.021 ], [ -69.948, -4.219 ], [ -69.978, -4.295 ], [ -70.036, -4.339 ], [ -70.076, -4.309 ], [ -70.042, -4.284 ], [ -70.164, -4.268 ], [ -70.19, -4.357 ], [ -70.249, -4.267 ], [ -70.291, -4.283 ], [ -70.317, -4.136 ], [ -70.341, -4.174 ], [ -70.434, -4.125 ], [ -70.503, -4.19 ], [ -70.553, -4.128 ], [ -70.566, -4.205 ], [ -70.565, -4.168 ], [ -70.633, -4.173 ], [ -70.622, -4.121 ], [ -70.677, -4.2 ], [ -70.757, -4.152 ], [ -70.935, -4.381 ], [ -70.99, -4.34 ], [ -71.031, -4.397 ], [ -71.147, -4.375 ], [ -71.193, -4.42 ], [ -71.198, -4.377 ], [ -71.269, -4.381 ], [ -71.303, -4.458 ], [ -71.355, -4.468 ], [ -71.342, -4.423 ], [ -71.432, -4.469 ], [ -71.414, -4.432 ], [ -71.506, -4.435 ], [ -71.49, -4.479 ], [ -71.535, -4.46 ], [ -71.597, -4.525 ], [ -71.61, -4.465 ], [ -71.897, -4.512 ], [ -71.94, -4.607 ], [ -72.047, -4.625 ], [ -72.113, -4.722 ], [ -72.223, -4.78 ], [ -72.313, -4.769 ], [ -72.292, -4.799 ], [ -72.356, -4.803 ], [ -72.37, -4.88 ], [ -72.452, -4.906 ], [ -72.455, -4.962 ], [ -72.577, -4.992 ], [ -72.602, -5.056 ], [ -72.734, -5.043 ], [ -72.896, -5.136 ], [ -72.872, -5.25 ], [ -72.948, -5.454 ], [ -72.951, -5.643 ], [ -73.116, -5.865 ], [ -73.131, -5.986 ], [ -73.185, -6.04 ], [ -73.133, -6.421 ], [ -73.211, -6.53 ], [ -73.351, -6.561 ], [ -73.743, -6.897 ], [ -73.797, -7.115 ], [ -73.691, -7.313 ], [ -73.868, -7.377 ], [ -73.954, -7.348 ], [ -73.917, -7.461 ], [ -73.986, -7.537 ], [ -73.69, -7.79 ], [ -73.697, -7.865 ], [ -73.777, -7.869 ], [ -73.765, -7.94 ], [ -73.632, -8.022 ], [ -73.526, -8.369 ], [ -73.338, -8.476 ], [ -73.338, -8.609 ], [ -73.169, -8.701 ], [ -73.059, -8.904 ], [ -72.946, -8.99 ], [ -72.965, -9.154 ], [ -73.196, -9.418 ], [ -72.721, -9.417 ], [ -72.364, -9.491 ], [ -72.289, -9.536 ], [ -72.26, -9.755 ], [ -72.16, -9.818 ], [ -72.165, -10.002 ], [ -71.288, -9.996 ], [ -71.131, -9.862 ], [ -70.982, -9.812 ], [ -70.601, -9.453 ], [ -70.497, -9.433 ], [ -70.561, -9.579 ], [ -70.598, -9.574 ], [ -70.522, -9.738 ], [ -70.622, -9.847 ], [ -70.618, -11.007 ], [ -70.508, -10.94 ], [ -70.337, -11.067 ], [ -69.938, -10.926 ], [ -69.728, -10.973 ], [ -69.568, -10.954 ], [ -68.924, -11.994 ], [ -68.679, -12.497 ], [ -68.764, -12.612 ], [ -68.738, -12.705 ], [ -68.85, -12.728 ], [ -68.961, -12.852 ], [ -68.942, -13.486 ], [ -68.997, -13.652 ], [ -69.076, -13.654 ], [ -68.988, -13.769 ], [ -68.965, -13.98 ], [ -68.881, -14.065 ], [ -68.841, -14.21 ], [ -68.982, -14.237 ], [ -68.98, -14.387 ], [ -69.152, -14.508 ], [ -69.149, -14.584 ], [ -69.225, -14.584 ], [ -69.244, -14.753 ], [ -69.363, -14.804 ], [ -69.365, -14.98 ], [ -69.126, -15.256 ], [ -69.265, -15.336 ], [ -69.274, -15.421 ], [ -69.414, -15.621 ], [ -69.236, -16.143 ], [ -69.099, -16.219 ], [ -68.963, -16.189 ], [ -68.814, -16.338 ], [ -68.982, -16.433 ], [ -69.032, -16.566 ], [ -69.006, -16.677 ], [ -69.168, -16.731 ], [ -69.392, -17.021 ], [ -69.375, -17.078 ], [ -69.551, -17.162 ], [ -69.641, -17.282 ], [ -69.463, -17.376 ], [ -69.463, -17.508 ], [ -69.662, -17.658 ], [ -69.799, -17.65 ], [ -69.819, -17.747 ], [ -69.753, -17.982 ], [ -69.948, -18.248 ], [ -70.374, -18.35 ], [ -70.879, -18.01 ], [ -70.925, -17.924 ], [ -71.383, -17.708 ], [ -71.342, -17.636 ], [ -71.382, -17.419 ], [ -71.515, -17.265 ], [ -71.819, -17.18 ], [ -71.974, -17.048 ], [ -72.113, -17.027 ], [ -72.123, -16.97 ], [ -72.45, -16.705 ], [ -72.758, -16.636 ], [ -73.112, -16.433 ], [ -73.291, -16.402 ], [ -73.3, -16.349 ], [ -73.414, -16.294 ], [ -73.701, -16.24 ], [ -74.057, -15.961 ], [ -74.285, -15.846 ], [ -74.371, -15.85 ], [ -74.476, -15.726 ], [ -75.141, -15.419 ], [ -75.2, -15.381 ], [ -75.157, -15.338 ], [ -75.252, -15.268 ], [ -75.23, -15.22 ], [ -75.376, -15.161 ], [ -75.509, -14.922 ], [ -75.921, -14.662 ], [ -75.98, -14.483 ], [ -76.151, -14.345 ], [ -76.105, -14.326 ], [ -76.135, -14.245 ], [ -76.222, -14.165 ], [ -76.274, -14.151 ], [ -76.273, -14.211 ], [ -76.296, -14.175 ], [ -76.286, -13.917 ], [ -76.395, -13.908 ], [ -76.332, -13.799 ], [ -76.261, -13.872 ], [ -76.191, -13.607 ], [ -76.206, -13.4 ], [ -76.492, -13.049 ], [ -76.52, -12.871 ], [ -76.641, -12.752 ], [ -76.693, -12.608 ], [ -76.811, -12.512 ], [ -76.784, -12.402 ], [ -76.84, -12.323 ], [ -77.042, -12.215 ], [ -77.072, -12.113 ], [ -77.172, -12.087 ], [ -77.136, -11.984 ], [ -77.201, -11.79 ], [ -77.176, -11.739 ], [ -77.301, -11.521 ], [ -77.663, -11.297 ], [ -77.656, -11.228 ], [ -77.604, -11.205 ], [ -77.671, -10.949 ], [ -78.196, -10.11 ], [ -78.241, -9.793 ], [ -78.378, -9.635 ], [ -78.431, -9.345 ], [ -78.536, -9.274 ], [ -78.507, -9.186 ], [ -78.555, -9.184 ], [ -78.575, -9.248 ], [ -78.621, -9.185 ], [ -78.563, -9.134 ], [ -78.641, -9.076 ], [ -78.654, -8.916 ], [ -78.766, -8.773 ], [ -78.755, -8.616 ], [ -78.934, -8.455 ], [ -78.905, -8.389 ], [ -78.97, -8.252 ], [ -79.359, -7.859 ], [ -79.566, -7.465 ], [ -79.581, -7.322 ], [ -79.678, -7.12 ], [ -79.916, -6.884 ], [ -79.983, -6.743 ], [ -80.298, -6.53 ], [ -80.773, -6.306 ], [ -81.11, -6.057 ], [ -81.144, -5.89 ], [ -81.076, -5.791 ], [ -80.942, -5.848 ], [ -80.866, -5.784 ], [ -80.858, -5.819 ], [ -80.841, -5.841 ], [ -80.848, -5.534 ], [ -80.872, -5.558 ], [ -80.945, -5.432 ], [ -81.191, -5.216 ], [ -81.167, -5.083 ], [ -81.085, -5.081 ], [ -81.072, -5 ] ] ] ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Entendido como virreinato del Perú.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T12:28:07+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 66759, "end" : 66763 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Perú" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/e778b2a6-dd9d-4f54-b8a1-c21de2275f55", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : 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[ -76.899, -12.361 ], [ -76.905, -12.355 ], [ -76.901, -12.347 ], [ -76.897, -12.352 ], [ -76.899, -12.361 ] ] ], [ [ [ -76.915, -12.314 ], [ -76.917, -12.312 ], [ -76.909, -12.302 ], [ -76.909, -12.312 ], [ -76.915, -12.314 ] ] ], [ [ [ -77.19, -12.134 ], [ -77.189, -12.125 ], [ -77.185, -12.124 ], [ -77.182, -12.129 ], [ -77.19, -12.134 ] ] ], [ [ [ -77.208, -12.124 ], [ -77.253, -12.095 ], [ -77.254, -12.074 ], [ -77.202, -12.103 ], [ -77.208, -12.124 ] ] ], [ [ [ -77.717, -11.974 ], [ -77.725, -11.969 ], [ -77.724, -11.965 ], [ -77.718, -11.965 ], [ -77.717, -11.974 ] ] ], [ [ [ -77.723, -11.954 ], [ -77.733, -11.953 ], [ -77.734, -11.948 ], [ -77.722, -11.946 ], [ -77.723, -11.954 ] ] ], [ [ [ -77.851, -11.494 ], [ -77.852, -11.486 ], [ -77.844, -11.48 ], [ -77.844, -11.488 ], [ -77.851, -11.494 ] ] ], [ [ [ -81.072, -5 ], [ -81.326, -4.68 ], [ -81.25, -4.27 ], [ -80.837, -3.877 ], [ -80.786, -3.749 ], [ -80.574, -3.628 ], [ -80.501, -3.505 ], [ -80.366, -3.499 ], [ -80.304, -3.405 ], [ -80.219, -3.438 ], [ -80.154, -3.905 ], [ -80.286, -4.018 ], [ -80.398, -3.984 ], [ -80.475, -4.054 ], [ -80.444, -4.194 ], [ -80.305, -4.201 ], [ -80.443, -4.371 ], [ -80.443, -4.437 ], [ -80.335, -4.47 ], [ -80.136, -4.285 ], [ -79.895, -4.394 ], [ -79.812, -4.486 ], [ -79.631, -4.435 ], [ -79.541, -4.528 ], [ -79.482, -4.529 ], [ -79.416, -4.799 ], [ -79.26, -4.967 ], [ -79, -4.979 ], [ -78.881, -4.72 ], [ -78.736, -4.654 ], [ -78.621, -4.497 ], [ -78.627, -4.319 ], [ -78.572, -4.255 ], [ -78.499, -3.949 ], [ -78.377, -3.787 ], [ -78.319, -3.429 ], [ -78.249, -3.429 ], [ -78.232, -3.534 ], [ -78.137, -3.522 ], [ -78.19, -3.354 ], [ -77.824, -2.998 ], [ -76.627, -2.591 ], [ -76.045, -2.128 ], [ -75.538, -1.536 ], [ -75.364, -0.956 ], [ -75.185, -0.971 ], [ -75.28, -0.711 ], [ -75.245, -0.535 ], [ -75.415, -0.424 ], [ -75.449, -0.329 ], [ -75.622, -0.263 ], [ -75.622, -0.109 ], [ -75.304, -0.134 ], [ -75.219, -0.015 ], [ -75.115, -0.039 ], [ -74.904, -0.195 ], [ -74.824, -0.145 ], [ -74.78, -0.214 ], [ -74.801, -0.29 ], [ -74.659, -0.332 ], [ -74.52, -0.479 ], [ -74.425, -0.511 ], [ -74.342, -0.695 ], [ -74.378, -0.745 ], [ -74.258, -0.843 ], [ -74.272, -0.899 ], [ -74.318, -0.9 ], [ -74.266, -1.007 ], [ -74.074, -1.081 ], [ -74.033, -1.028 ], [ -74.013, -1.123 ], [ -73.905, -1.15 ], [ -73.861, -1.25 ], [ -73.777, -1.277 ], [ -73.75, -1.22 ], [ -73.732, -1.267 ], [ -73.624, -1.283 ], [ -73.552, -1.429 ], [ -73.586, -1.445 ], [ -73.539, -1.452 ], [ -73.46, -1.6 ], [ -73.532, -1.733 ], [ -73.314, -1.855 ], [ -73.293, -1.803 ], [ -73.231, -1.823 ], [ -73.222, -1.774 ], [ -73.143, -1.834 ], [ -73.095, -2.113 ], [ -73.059, -2.125 ], [ -73.153, -2.276 ], [ -73.044, -2.4 ], [ -73.021, -2.355 ], [ -72.962, -2.382 ], [ -72.921, -2.5 ], [ -72.769, -2.42 ], [ -72.733, -2.459 ], [ -72.707, -2.416 ], [ -72.67, -2.486 ], [ -72.618, -2.396 ], [ -72.383, -2.416 ], [ -72.346, -2.49 ], [ -72.221, -2.433 ], [ -72.126, -2.468 ], [ -72.035, -2.331 ], [ -71.907, -2.373 ], [ -71.919, -2.312 ], [ -71.861, -2.3 ], [ -71.822, -2.187 ], [ -71.722, -2.128 ], [ -71.707, -2.214 ], [ -71.628, -2.191 ], [ -71.5, -2.245 ], [ -71.484, -2.336 ], [ -71.444, -2.263 ], [ -71.375, -2.398 ], [ -71.284, -2.338 ], [ -71.165, -2.376 ], [ -71.057, -2.264 ], [ -70.986, -2.298 ], [ -70.993, -2.205 ], [ -70.928, -2.245 ], [ -70.857, -2.217 ], [ -70.822, -2.283 ], [ -70.658, -2.351 ], [ -70.608, -2.481 ], [ -70.55, -2.47 ], [ -70.562, -2.415 ], [ -70.418, -2.525 ], [ -70.307, -2.498 ], [ -70.342, -2.573 ], [ -70.246, -2.548 ], [ -70.15, -2.705 ], [ -70.076, -2.662 ], [ -70.034, -2.761 ], [ -70.703, -3.795 ], [ -70.485, -3.885 ], [ -70.295, -3.813 ], [ -70.186, -3.891 ], [ -70.158, -4.021 ], [ -69.948, -4.219 ], [ -69.978, -4.295 ], [ -70.036, -4.339 ], [ -70.076, -4.309 ], [ -70.042, -4.284 ], [ -70.164, -4.268 ], [ -70.19, -4.357 ], [ -70.249, -4.267 ], [ -70.291, -4.283 ], [ -70.317, -4.136 ], [ -70.341, -4.174 ], [ -70.434, -4.125 ], [ -70.503, -4.19 ], [ -70.553, -4.128 ], [ -70.566, -4.205 ], [ -70.565, -4.168 ], [ -70.633, -4.173 ], [ -70.622, -4.121 ], [ -70.677, -4.2 ], [ -70.757, -4.152 ], [ -70.935, -4.381 ], [ -70.99, -4.34 ], [ -71.031, -4.397 ], [ -71.147, -4.375 ], [ -71.193, -4.42 ], [ -71.198, -4.377 ], [ -71.269, -4.381 ], [ -71.303, -4.458 ], [ -71.355, -4.468 ], [ -71.342, -4.423 ], [ -71.432, -4.469 ], [ -71.414, -4.432 ], [ -71.506, -4.435 ], [ -71.49, -4.479 ], [ -71.535, -4.46 ], [ -71.597, -4.525 ], [ -71.61, -4.465 ], [ -71.897, -4.512 ], [ -71.94, -4.607 ], [ -72.047, -4.625 ], [ -72.113, -4.722 ], [ -72.223, -4.78 ], [ -72.313, -4.769 ], [ -72.292, -4.799 ], [ -72.356, -4.803 ], [ -72.37, -4.88 ], [ -72.452, -4.906 ], [ -72.455, -4.962 ], [ -72.577, -4.992 ], [ -72.602, -5.056 ], [ -72.734, -5.043 ], [ -72.896, -5.136 ], [ -72.872, -5.25 ], [ -72.948, -5.454 ], [ -72.951, -5.643 ], [ -73.116, -5.865 ], [ -73.131, -5.986 ], [ -73.185, -6.04 ], [ -73.133, -6.421 ], [ -73.211, -6.53 ], [ -73.351, -6.561 ], [ -73.743, -6.897 ], [ -73.797, -7.115 ], [ -73.691, -7.313 ], [ -73.868, -7.377 ], [ -73.954, -7.348 ], [ -73.917, -7.461 ], [ -73.986, -7.537 ], [ -73.69, -7.79 ], [ -73.697, -7.865 ], [ -73.777, -7.869 ], [ -73.765, -7.94 ], [ -73.632, -8.022 ], [ -73.526, -8.369 ], [ -73.338, -8.476 ], [ -73.338, -8.609 ], [ -73.169, -8.701 ], [ -73.059, -8.904 ], [ -72.946, -8.99 ], [ -72.965, -9.154 ], [ -73.196, -9.418 ], [ -72.721, -9.417 ], [ -72.364, -9.491 ], [ -72.289, -9.536 ], [ -72.26, -9.755 ], [ -72.16, -9.818 ], [ -72.165, -10.002 ], [ -71.288, -9.996 ], [ -71.131, -9.862 ], [ -70.982, -9.812 ], [ -70.601, -9.453 ], [ -70.497, -9.433 ], [ -70.561, -9.579 ], [ -70.598, -9.574 ], [ -70.522, -9.738 ], [ -70.622, -9.847 ], [ -70.618, -11.007 ], [ -70.508, -10.94 ], [ -70.337, -11.067 ], [ -69.938, -10.926 ], [ -69.728, -10.973 ], [ -69.568, -10.954 ], [ -68.924, -11.994 ], [ -68.679, -12.497 ], [ -68.764, -12.612 ], [ -68.738, -12.705 ], [ -68.85, -12.728 ], [ -68.961, -12.852 ], [ -68.942, -13.486 ], [ 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], [ -73.999, -50.379 ], [ -74.256, -50.453 ], [ -74.331, -50.411 ], [ -74.292, -50.358 ], [ -74.152, -50.347 ], [ -74.264, -50.327 ], [ -74.208, -50.296 ], [ -74.28, -50.318 ], [ -74.293, -50.253 ], [ -74.334, -50.39 ], [ -74.374, -50.381 ], [ -74.434, -50.377 ], [ -74.437, -50.395 ], [ -74.472, -50.352 ], [ -74.423, -50.323 ], [ -74.55, -50.303 ], [ -74.492, -50.301 ], [ -74.453, -50.241 ], [ -74.519, -50.28 ], [ -74.633, -50.242 ], [ -74.573, -50.181 ], [ -74.654, -50.253 ], [ -74.719, -50.24 ], [ -74.604, -50.123 ], [ -74.52, -50.113 ], [ -74.536, -50.167 ], [ -74.475, -50.135 ], [ -74.516, -50.089 ], [ -74.458, -50.12 ], [ -74.406, -50.095 ], [ -74.484, -50.074 ], [ -74.609, -50.108 ], [ -74.439, -50.023 ], [ -74.368, -50.058 ], [ -74.374, -50.103 ], [ -74.26, -50.137 ], [ -74.349, -50.198 ], [ -74.251, -50.161 ], [ -74.167, -50.293 ], [ -74.095, -50.23 ], [ -73.996, -50.287 ], [ -73.854, -50.301 ], [ -73.978, -50.274 ], [ -74.015, -50.219 ], [ -74.158, -50.218 ], [ -74.238, -50.07 ], [ -74.293, -50.077 ], [ -74.355, -49.998 ], [ -74.315, -49.924 ], [ -74.298, -49.967 ], [ -74.21, -49.939 ], [ -74.033, -50.052 ], [ -73.901, -50.032 ], [ -73.853, -50.075 ], [ -73.875, -50.024 ], [ -74.019, -50 ], [ -73.949, -49.936 ], [ -73.812, -49.924 ], [ -73.903, -49.918 ], [ -73.841, -49.835 ], [ -74.027, -49.984 ], [ -74.159, -49.894 ], [ -74.312, -49.883 ], [ -74.34, -49.789 ], [ -74.289, -49.806 ], [ -74.175, -49.741 ], [ -74.033, -49.763 ], [ -74.033, -49.705 ], [ -74.282, -49.755 ], [ -74.309, -49.715 ], [ -74.303, -49.617 ], [ -74.084, -49.538 ], [ -74.002, -49.558 ], [ -74.043, -49.645 ], [ -73.98, -49.563 ], [ -73.907, -49.561 ], [ -73.879, -49.654 ], [ -73.782, -49.678 ], [ -73.698, -49.802 ], [ -73.661, -49.725 ], [ -73.844, -49.649 ], [ -73.861, -49.536 ], [ -74.098, -49.501 ], [ -74.072, -49.275 ], [ -74.011, -49.268 ], [ -73.964, -49.324 ], [ -73.831, -49.357 ], [ -73.812, -49.401 ], [ -73.817, -49.346 ], [ -73.951, -49.314 ], [ -74.012, -49.251 ], [ -73.945, -49.168 ], [ -74.017, -49.086 ], [ -74.011, -49.152 ], [ -74.107, -49.256 ], [ -74.191, -49.211 ], [ -74.131, -49.271 ], [ -74.176, -49.533 ], [ -74.267, -49.501 ], [ -74.26, -49.561 ], [ -74.391, -49.618 ], [ -74.435, -49.484 ], [ -74.415, -49.39 ], [ -74.386, -49.406 ], [ -74.392, -49.188 ], [ -74.334, -49.192 ], [ -74.408, -49.066 ], [ -74.437, -49.122 ], [ -74.397, -49.293 ], [ -74.447, -49.471 ], [ -74.545, -49.501 ], [ -74.45, -49.525 ], [ -74.446, -49.599 ], [ -74.508, -49.604 ], [ -74.507, -49.664 ], [ -74.558, -49.672 ], [ -74.497, -49.67 ], [ -74.505, -49.629 ], [ -74.454, -49.609 ], [ -74.386, -49.652 ], [ -74.375, -49.753 ], [ -74.477, -49.733 ], [ -74.387, -49.771 ], [ -74.388, -49.897 ], [ -74.459, -49.835 ], [ -74.42, -49.919 ], [ -74.484, -49.965 ], [ -74.6, -49.869 ], [ -74.497, -49.977 ], [ -74.614, -50.052 ], [ -74.608, -50.02 ], [ -74.667, -50.032 ], [ -74.614, -49.986 ], [ -74.784, -50.045 ], [ -74.856, -49.987 ], [ -74.796, -49.942 ], [ -74.672, -49.905 ], [ -74.598, -49.939 ], [ -74.685, -49.892 ], [ -74.816, -49.938 ], [ -74.838, -49.964 ], [ -74.886, -49.934 ], [ -74.844, -49.87 ], [ -74.886, -49.832 ], [ -74.75, -49.874 ], [ -74.592, -49.785 ], [ -74.809, -49.833 ], [ -74.696, -49.715 ], [ -74.819, -49.803 ], [ -74.861, -49.774 ], [ -74.834, -49.716 ], [ -74.894, -49.673 ], [ -74.791, -49.673 ], [ -74.868, -49.635 ], [ -74.861, -49.597 ], [ -74.74, -49.628 ], [ -74.659, -49.623 ], [ -74.759, -49.614 ], [ -74.718, -49.576 ], [ -74.716, -49.547 ], [ -74.777, -49.604 ], [ -74.865, -49.543 ], [ -74.747, -49.463 ], [ -74.694, -49.511 ], [ -74.739, -49.445 ], [ -74.601, -49.427 ], [ -74.694, -49.413 ], [ -74.58, -49.301 ], [ -74.704, -49.395 ], [ -74.791, -49.35 ], [ -74.718, -49.41 ], [ -74.849, -49.5 ], [ -74.858, -49.391 ], [ -74.906, -49.537 ], [ -74.933, -49.446 ], [ -74.888, -49.412 ], [ -74.946, -49.423 ], [ -74.949, -49.488 ], [ -75.018, -49.455 ], [ -75.071, -49.485 ], [ -74.957, -49.5 ], [ -74.952, -49.536 ], [ -74.99, -49.519 ], [ -74.913, -49.623 ], [ -74.984, -49.73 ], [ -74.99, -49.789 ], [ -74.954, -49.71 ], [ -74.899, -49.746 ], [ -74.988, -49.857 ], [ -74.953, -49.861 ], [ -74.973, -49.896 ], [ -75.031, -49.902 ], [ -74.994, -49.811 ], [ -75.036, -49.861 ], [ -75.104, -49.851 ], [ -75.145, -49.775 ], [ -75.1, -49.749 ], [ -75.164, -49.757 ], [ -75.203, -49.692 ], [ -75.173, -49.675 ], [ -75.234, -49.665 ], [ -75.114, -49.647 ], [ -75.206, -49.641 ], [ -75.129, -49.582 ], [ -75.224, -49.639 ], [ -75.202, -49.616 ], [ -75.277, -49.611 ], [ -75.125, -49.508 ], [ -75.234, -49.562 ], [ -75.288, -49.541 ], [ -75.173, -49.486 ], [ -75.216, -49.485 ], [ -75.198, -49.444 ], [ -75.302, -49.521 ], [ -75.33, -49.476 ], [ -75.282, -49.428 ], [ -75.378, -49.495 ], [ -75.299, -49.388 ], [ -75.398, -49.448 ], [ -75.445, -49.279 ], [ -75.319, -49.266 ], [ -75.412, -49.334 ], [ -75.32, -49.286 ], [ -75.242, -49.407 ], [ -75.109, -49.483 ], [ -75.186, -49.422 ], [ -74.943, -49.407 ], [ -75.196, -49.415 ], [ -75.126, -49.397 ], [ -75.232, -49.38 ], [ -75.269, -49.323 ], [ -75.187, -49.33 ], [ -75.275, -49.313 ], [ -75.301, -49.27 ], [ -75.241, -49.276 ], [ -75.303, -49.256 ], [ -75.226, -49.237 ], [ -75.219, -49.191 ], [ -74.972, -49.294 ], [ -75.076, -49.181 ], [ -74.981, -49.182 ], [ -75.208, -49.172 ], [ -75.093, -49.14 ], [ -75.127, -49.111 ], [ -75.23, -49.159 ], [ -75.132, -49.032 ], [ -75.052, -49.064 ], [ -75.105, -49.014 ], [ -74.969, -49.088 ], [ -74.969, -49.034 ], [ -75.077, -48.975 ], [ -75.206, -49.005 ], [ -75.247, -48.889 ], [ -75.219, -48.897 ], [ -75.184, -48.846 ], [ -75.263, -48.866 ], [ -75.348, -48.794 ], [ -75.322, -48.771 ], [ -75.092, -48.867 ], [ -75.061, -48.922 ], [ -75.174, -48.909 ], [ -75.155, -48.94 ], [ -74.987, -48.974 ], [ -74.862, -49.091 ], [ -74.916, -49.172 ], [ -74.862, -49.147 ], [ -74.893, -49.297 ], [ -74.855, -49.367 ], [ -74.856, -49.219 ], [ -74.785, -49.231 ], [ -74.855, -49.185 ], [ -74.822, -49.156 ], [ -74.75, -49.193 ], [ -74.819, -49.117 ], [ -74.733, -49.082 ], [ -74.912, -48.995 ], [ -74.816, -48.946 ], [ -74.77, -49.009 ], [ -74.722, -49.021 ], [ -74.789, -48.975 ], [ -74.788, -48.916 ], [ -74.953, -48.969 ], [ -74.889, -48.935 ], [ -74.966, -48.931 ], [ -74.842, -48.88 ], [ -74.998, -48.894 ], [ -74.816, -48.802 ], [ -74.992, -48.867 ], [ -75.037, -48.819 ], [ -75.014, -48.771 ], [ -74.924, -48.807 ], [ -74.915, -48.751 ], [ -74.99, -48.762 ], [ -74.79, -48.67 ], [ -74.773, -48.708 ], [ -74.826, -48.744 ], [ -74.753, -48.819 ], [ -74.776, -48.677 ], [ -74.695, -48.671 ], [ -74.717, -48.636 ], [ -74.8, -48.652 ], [ -74.905, -48.722 ], [ -75.001, -48.741 ], [ -74.994, -48.671 ], [ -74.878, -48.693 ], [ -74.978, -48.657 ], [ -74.99, -48.623 ], [ -74.961, -48.645 ], [ -74.831, -48.644 ], [ -75.007, -48.601 ], [ -75.022, -48.506 ], [ -74.816, -48.402 ], [ -74.818, -48.53 ], [ -74.788, -48.472 ], [ -74.756, -48.56 ], [ -74.706, -48.463 ], [ -74.777, -48.414 ], [ -74.813, -48.307 ], [ -74.735, -48.134 ], [ -74.678, -48.19 ], [ -74.736, -48.208 ], [ -74.697, -48.221 ], [ -74.714, -48.273 ], [ -74.653, -48.251 ], [ -74.672, -48.301 ], [ -74.586, -48.398 ], [ -74.684, -48.426 ], [ -74.595, -48.476 ], [ -74.61, -48.603 ], [ -74.523, -48.641 ], [ -74.519, -48.575 ], [ -74.472, -48.64 ], [ -74.596, -48.711 ], [ -74.628, -48.841 ], [ -74.565, -48.719 ], [ -74.488, -48.699 ], [ -74.486, -48.854 ], [ -74.578, -48.933 ], [ -74.477, -48.872 ], [ -74.42, -48.94 ], [ -74.527, -49.01 ], [ -74.412, -49.013 ], [ -74.409, -48.944 ], [ -74.327, -48.949 ], [ -74.446, -48.884 ], [ -74.365, -48.877 ], [ -74.442, -48.852 ], [ -74.384, -48.724 ], [ -74.221, -48.855 ], [ -74.196, -48.835 ], [ -74.318, -48.751 ], [ -74.195, -48.719 ], [ -74.057, -48.749 ], [ -74.134, -48.707 ], [ -74.29, -48.736 ], [ -74.308, -48.694 ], [ -74.221, -48.657 ], [ -74.355, -48.69 ], [ -74.4, -48.618 ], [ -74.361, -48.577 ], [ -74.225, -48.556 ], [ -74.271, -48.526 ], [ -74.192, -48.483 ], [ -73.967, -48.608 ], [ -74.041, -48.536 ], [ -74.028, -48.452 ], [ -73.881, -48.432 ], [ -74.019, -48.422 ], [ -74.144, -48.362 ], [ -74.241, -48.355 ], [ -73.954, -48.326 ], [ -74.273, -48.344 ], [ -74.239, -48.299 ], [ -74.303, -48.219 ], [ -74.434, -48.191 ], [ -74.513, -48.104 ], [ -74.403, -48.014 ], [ -74.599, -48.102 ], [ -74.646, -48.071 ], [ -74.632, -47.994 ], [ -74.53, -47.942 ], [ -74.332, -48.016 ], [ -74.386, -48.015 ], [ -74.257, -48.16 ], [ -74.261, -48.266 ], [ -74.238, -48.197 ], [ -74.187, -48.252 ], [ -74.144, -48.229 ], [ -74.224, -48.192 ], [ -74.297, -48.014 ], [ -74.189, -48.001 ], [ -74.156, -48.085 ], [ -74.179, -48.001 ], [ -74.105, -47.984 ], [ -74.041, -48.05 ], [ -73.898, -48.035 ], [ -73.872, -48.124 ], [ -73.762, -48.04 ], [ -73.805, -48.117 ], [ -73.789, -48.162 ], [ -73.743, -48.1 ], [ -73.593, -48.151 ], [ -73.639, -48.266 ], [ -73.584, -48.214 ], [ -73.529, -48.254 ], [ -73.487, -48.185 ], [ -73.4, -48.22 ], [ -73.275, -48.161 ], [ -73.263, -48.035 ], [ -73.293, -48.144 ], [ -73.364, -48.19 ], [ -73.589, -48.04 ], [ -73.525, -48.001 ], [ -73.639, -48.012 ], [ -73.647, -47.888 ], [ -73.541, -47.885 ], [ -73.607, -47.841 ], [ -73.585, -47.807 ], [ -73.711, -47.775 ], [ -73.73, -47.696 ], [ -73.671, -47.644 ], [ -73.723, -47.566 ], [ -73.748, -47.784 ], [ -73.924, -47.842 ], [ -74.034, -47.791 ], [ -74.361, -47.788 ], [ -74.381, -47.74 ], [ -74.515, -47.787 ], [ -74.717, -47.728 ], [ -74.633, -47.584 ], [ -74.535, -47.521 ], [ -74.401, -47.55 ], [ -74.431, -47.676 ], [ -74.144, -47.602 ], [ -74.316, -47.591 ], [ -74.452, -47.482 ], [ -74.428, -47.426 ], [ -74.478, -47.468 ], [ -74.515, -47.42 ], [ -74.304, -47.203 ], [ -74.138, -47.213 ], [ -74.03, -47.164 ], [ -74.051, -47.13 ], [ -74.121, -47.177 ], [ -74.223, -47.153 ], [ -74.179, -47.014 ], [ -73.999, -46.974 ], [ -74.103, -46.99 ], [ -74.309, -46.802 ], [ -74.233, -46.811 ], [ -74.267, -46.756 ], [ -74.641, -46.804 ], [ -74.419, -46.859 ], [ -74.434, -46.887 ], [ -74.369, -46.866 ], [ -74.387, -46.903 ], [ -74.672, -46.885 ], [ -74.79, -46.789 ], [ -74.834, -46.817 ], [ -74.983, -46.76 ], [ -75.051, -46.687 ], [ -75.069, -46.618 ], [ -74.937, -46.513 ], [ -74.974, -46.5 ], [ -75.181, -46.627 ], [ -75.325, -46.618 ], [ -75.361, -46.66 ], [ -75.394, -46.61 ], [ -75.516, -46.655 ], [ -75.536, -46.687 ], [ -75.482, -46.716 ], [ -75.364, -46.714 ], [ -75.419, -46.744 ], [ -75.303, -46.855 ], [ -75.368, -46.928 ], [ -75.55, -46.94 ], [ -75.633, -46.808 ], [ -75.687, -46.801 ], [ -75.691, -46.718 ], [ -75.623, -46.561 ], [ -75.534, -46.578 ], [ -75.486, -46.542 ], [ -75.519, -46.505 ], [ -75.337, -46.483 ], [ -75.364, -46.423 ], [ -75.2, -46.363 ], [ -75.196, -46.298 ], [ -75.133, -46.328 ], [ -75.05, -46.217 ], [ -74.932, -46.239 ], [ -74.89, -46.183 ], [ -74.886, -46.152 ], [ -74.738, -46.185 ], [ -74.79, -46.12 ], [ -74.763, -46.056 ], [ -74.702, -46.046 ], [ -74.703, -45.952 ], [ -74.901, -46.116 ], [ -75.025, -46.12 ], [ -75.073, -46.038 ], [ -74.976, -46.021 ], [ -75.095, -45.892 ], [ -75.033, -45.857 ], [ -74.841, -45.885 ], [ -74.727, -45.818 ], [ -74.512, -45.853 ], [ -74.427, -45.95 ], [ -74.476, -46.028 ], [ -74.434, -46.046 ], [ -74.375, -45.949 ], [ -74.458, -45.867 ], [ -74.447, -45.805 ], [ -74.296, -45.815 ], [ -74.278, -45.878 ], [ -74.23, -45.821 ], [ -74.073, -45.847 ], [ -74.089, -45.82 ], [ -74.045, -45.89 ], [ -74.077, -45.904 ], [ -73.949, -46.079 ], [ -74.031, -46.172 ], [ -73.877, -46.142 ], [ -73.74, -46.242 ], [ -73.779, -46.369 ], [ -73.879, -46.464 ], [ -73.866, -46.535 ], [ -73.89, -46.469 ], [ -73.963, -46.54 ], [ -73.911, -46.602 ], [ -73.835, -46.594 ], [ -73.762, -46.409 ], [ -73.609, -46.319 ], [ -73.492, -46.315 ], [ -73.557, -46.259 ], [ -73.329, -46.022 ], [ -73.404, -46.022 ], [ -73.608, -46.223 ], [ -73.586, -46.263 ], [ -73.682, -46.331 ], [ -73.62, -46.117 ], [ -73.642, -45.981 ], [ -73.534, -45.828 ], [ -73.343, -45.686 ], [ -73.15, -45.674 ], [ -73.344, -45.629 ], [ -73.568, -45.787 ], [ -73.48, -45.447 ], [ -73.207, -45.29 ], [ -72.99, -45.449 ], [ -72.877, -45.473 ], [ -72.797, -45.432 ], [ -72.809, -45.373 ], [ -72.917, -45.421 ], [ -73.012, -45.39 ], [ -73.201, -45.243 ], [ -73.337, -45.291 ], [ -73.446, -45.259 ], [ -73.433, -45.188 ], [ -73.307, -45.173 ], [ -73.421, -45.144 ], [ -73.418, -45.076 ], [ -73.337, -45.161 ], [ -73.282, -45.15 ], [ -73.38, -45.043 ], [ -73.361, -44.957 ], [ -73.1, -44.951 ], [ -72.712, -44.746 ], [ -72.729, -44.678 ], [ -72.668, -44.537 ], [ -72.573, -44.503 ], [ -72.602, -44.384 ], [ -72.68, -44.503 ], [ -72.723, -44.498 ], [ -72.817, -44.383 ], [ -72.92, -44.375 ], [ -72.917, -44.317 ], [ -73.187, -44.25 ], [ -73.135, -44.198 ], [ -73.289, -44.165 ], [ -73.275, -44.11 ], [ -73.212, -44.125 ], [ -73.2, -44.057 ], [ -73.092, -44.091 ], [ -73.133, -44.015 ], [ -73.042, -43.921 ], [ -73.067, -43.862 ], [ -72.943, -43.759 ], [ -73.054, -43.735 ], [ -72.881, -43.618 ], [ -72.891, -43.584 ], [ -72.998, -43.595 ], [ -73.094, -43.445 ], [ -73.051, -43.397 ], [ -73.066, -43.317 ], [ -72.876, -43.243 ], [ -72.915, -43.134 ], [ -72.857, -43.026 ], [ -72.744, -43.052 ], [ -72.809, -42.938 ], [ -72.707, -42.943 ], [ -72.856, -42.777 ], [ -72.798, -42.684 ], [ -72.86, -42.676 ], [ -72.821, -42.53 ], [ -72.527, -42.562 ], [ -72.626, -42.521 ], [ -72.84, -42.303 ], [ -72.587, -42.194 ], [ -72.516, -42.25 ], [ -72.446, -42.478 ], [ -72.394, -42.492 ], [ -72.47, -42.305 ], [ -72.431, -41.976 ], [ -72.494, -41.973 ], [ -72.581, -42.047 ], [ -72.879, -41.914 ], [ -72.653, -41.732 ], [ -72.357, -41.677 ], [ -72.286, -41.508 ], [ -72.339, -41.517 ], [ -72.387, -41.666 ], [ -72.572, -41.717 ], [ -72.649, -41.699 ], [ -72.787, -41.516 ], [ -72.938, -41.478 ], [ -73.089, -41.582 ], [ -73.039, -41.704 ], [ -73.138, -41.766 ], [ -73.189, -41.778 ], [ -73.191, -41.748 ], [ -73.259, -41.715 ], [ -73.259, -41.787 ], [ -73.41, -41.773 ], [ -73.354, -41.811 ], [ -73.759, -41.745 ], [ -73.655, -41.612 ], [ -73.752, -41.563 ], [ -73.796, -41.591 ], [ -73.804, -41.508 ], [ -73.862, -41.467 ], [ -73.835, -41.347 ], [ -73.933, -41.113 ], [ -73.944, -40.977 ], [ -73.847, -40.916 ], [ -73.89, -40.866 ], [ -73.806, -40.717 ], [ -73.838, -40.669 ], [ -73.72, -40.538 ], [ -73.779, -40.464 ], [ -73.731, -40.204 ], [ -73.658, -40.136 ], [ -73.713, -40.007 ], [ -73.466, -39.85 ], [ -73.373, -39.939 ], [ -73.405, -39.694 ], [ -73.254, -39.536 ], [ -73.262, -39.456 ], [ -73.204, -39.452 ], [ -73.239, -39.382 ], [ -73.211, -39.398 ], [ -73.192, -39.387 ], [ -73.233, -39.309 ], [ -73.211, -39.233 ], [ -73.489, -38.659 ], [ -73.533, -38.387 ], [ -73.451, -38.12 ], [ -73.49, -37.966 ], [ -73.666, -37.723 ], [ -73.679, -37.628 ], [ -73.59, -37.463 ], [ -73.683, -37.334 ], [ -73.585, -37.151 ], [ -73.559, -37.198 ], [ -73.448, -37.207 ], [ -73.448, -37.257 ], [ -73.276, -37.237 ], [ -73.155, -37.117 ], [ -73.19, -37.004 ], [ -73.155, -36.846 ], [ -73.217, -36.774 ], [ -73.135, -36.747 ], [ -73.161, -36.71 ], [ -73.114, -36.612 ], [ -73.105, -36.728 ], [ -72.992, -36.731 ], [ -72.961, -36.628 ], [ -73.004, -36.579 ], [ -72.978, -36.525 ], [ -72.935, -36.542 ], [ -72.81, -36.274 ], [ -72.788, -35.974 ], [ -72.567, -35.788 ], [ -72.631, -35.577 ], [ -72.498, -35.461 ], [ -72.496, -35.381 ], [ -72.432, -35.319 ], [ -72.377, -35.352 ], [ -72.385, -35.217 ], [ -72.193, -35.081 ], [ -72.181, -34.9 ], [ -72, -34.491 ], [ -72.054, -34.431 ], [ -71.973, -34.33 ], [ -72.01, -34.124 ], [ -71.853, -33.939 ], [ -71.788, -33.774 ], [ -71.645, -33.691 ], [ -71.601, -33.539 ], [ -71.709, -33.43 ], [ -71.655, -33.305 ], [ -71.757, -33.102 ], [ -71.681, -33.101 ], [ -71.661, -33.024 ], [ -71.563, -33.006 ], [ -71.567, -32.935 ], [ -71.524, -32.918 ], [ -71.557, -32.791 ], [ -71.452, -32.679 ], [ -71.487, -32.526 ], [ -71.41, -32.396 ], [ -71.544, -32.188 ], [ -71.495, -31.972 ], [ -71.502, -31.875 ], [ -71.559, -31.845 ], [ -71.508, -31.77 ], [ -71.671, -31.149 ], [ -71.648, -31.007 ], [ -71.716, -30.599 ], [ -71.649, -30.266 ], [ -71.626, -30.236 ], [ -71.603, -30.295 ], [ -71.525, -30.291 ], [ -71.453, -30.169 ], [ -71.395, -30.184 ], [ -71.371, -30.078 ], [ -71.419, -30.003 ], [ -71.35, -29.979 ], [ -71.348, -29.936 ], [ -71.294, -29.95 ], [ -71.275, -29.889 ], [ -71.344, -29.753 ], [ -71.286, -29.617 ], [ -71.332, -29.552 ], [ -71.309, -29.418 ], [ -71.34, -29.331 ], [ -71.495, -29.198 ], [ -71.466, -29.106 ], [ -71.53, -28.983 ], [ -71.495, -28.856 ], [ -71.301, -28.679 ], [ -71.319, -28.567 ], [ -71.166, -28.354 ], [ -71.201, -28.297 ], [ -71.157, -28.219 ], [ -71.185, -28.111 ], [ -71.038, -27.67 ], [ -71.003, -27.69 ], [ -70.905, -27.624 ], [ -70.889, -27.479 ], [ -70.961, -27.37 ], [ -70.928, -27.312 ], [ -70.97, -27.169 ], [ -70.931, -27.112 ], [ -70.874, -27.138 ], [ -70.811, -27.055 ], [ -70.828, -26.876 ], [ -70.688, -26.577 ], [ -70.697, -26.39 ], [ -70.628, -26.337 ], [ -70.676, -26.291 ], [ -70.631, -25.991 ], [ -70.736, -25.817 ], [ -70.686, -25.665 ], [ -70.64, -25.646 ], [ -70.65, -25.536 ], [ -70.539, -25.481 ], [ -70.522, -25.397 ], [ -70.45, -25.363 ], [ -70.441, -25.192 ], [ -70.508, -25.11 ], [ -70.471, -24.995 ], [ -70.58, -24.716 ], [ -70.579, -24.545 ], [ -70.499, -24.167 ], [ -70.515, -23.861 ], [ -70.391, -23.612 ], [ -70.404, -23.532 ], [ -70.479, -23.466 ], [ -70.547, -23.534 ], [ -70.624, -23.514 ], [ -70.598, -23.244 ], [ -70.557, -23.181 ], [ -70.579, -23.083 ], [ -70.509, -23.021 ], [ -70.479, -23.098 ], [ -70.408, -23.085 ], [ -70.287, -22.911 ], [ -70.31, -22.761 ], [ -70.237, -22.49 ], [ -70.191, -21.899 ], [ -70.145, -21.849 ], [ -70.147, -21.633 ], [ -70.095, -21.593 ], [ -70.056, -21.434 ], [ -70.083, -21.23 ], [ -70.178, -21.023 ], [ -70.137, -20.89 ], [ -70.208, -20.812 ], [ -70.123, -19.994 ], [ -70.169, -19.656 ], [ -70.235, -19.602 ], [ -70.2, -19.503 ], [ -70.285, -19.306 ], [ -70.268, -19.143 ], [ -70.36, -18.796 ], [ -70.303, -18.446 ], [ -70.374, -18.35 ], [ -69.948, -18.248 ], [ -69.753, -17.982 ], [ -69.819, -17.747 ], [ -69.799, -17.65 ], [ -69.662, -17.658 ], [ -69.463, -17.508 ], [ -69.461, -17.606 ], [ -69.308, -17.801 ], [ -69.296, -17.95 ], [ -69.069, -18.067 ], [ -69.139, -18.157 ], [ -69.036, -18.324 ], [ -68.978, -18.75 ], [ -68.909, -18.876 ], [ -68.957, -18.941 ], [ -68.884, -19.045 ], [ -68.407, -19.408 ], [ -68.691, -19.739 ], [ -68.53, -19.843 ], [ -68.524, -19.927 ], [ -68.56, -20.045 ], [ -68.78, -20.082 ], [ -68.705, -20.142 ], [ -68.663, -20.324 ], [ -68.756, -20.392 ], [ -68.678, -20.498 ], [ -68.439, -20.632 ], [ -68.549, -20.726 ], [ -68.547, -20.88 ], [ -68.515, -20.933 ], [ -68.401, -20.938 ], [ -68.172, -21.297 ], [ -68.177, -21.6 ], [ -68.057, -21.763 ], [ -68.064, -21.976 ], [ -67.943, -22.091 ], [ -67.946, -22.321 ], [ -67.848, -22.546 ], [ -67.875, -22.826 ], [ -67.572, -22.896 ], [ -67.178, -22.806 ], [ -66.988, -22.992 ], [ -67.338, -24.034 ], [ -68.214, -24.38 ], [ -68.317, -24.484 ], [ -68.391, -24.474 ], [ -68.567, -24.748 ], [ -68.572, -24.834 ], [ -68.337, -25.072 ], [ -68.505, -25.134 ], [ -68.551, -25.228 ], [ -68.533, -25.329 ], [ -68.598, -25.399 ], [ -68.487, -25.657 ], [ -68.39, -26.19 ], [ -68.57, -26.307 ], [ -68.588, -26.509 ], [ -68.272, -26.917 ], [ -68.327, -27.047 ], [ -68.481, -27.064 ], [ -68.544, -27.188 ], [ -68.684, -27.083 ], [ -68.797, -27.133 ], [ -68.849, -27.204 ], [ -68.82, -27.291 ], [ -69.062, -27.642 ], [ -69.104, -27.889 ], [ -69.242, -27.996 ], [ -69.37, -28.201 ], [ -69.437, -28.172 ], [ -69.482, -28.312 ], [ -69.632, -28.378 ], [ -69.634, -28.52 ], [ -69.706, -28.683 ], [ -69.672, -28.773 ], [ -69.766, -28.892 ], [ -69.785, -29.109 ], [ -69.95, -29.169 ], [ -70.018, -29.325 ], [ -69.882, -29.692 ], [ -69.94, -30.09 ], [ -69.827, -30.123 ], [ -69.807, -30.187 ], [ -69.975, -30.398 ], [ -70.154, -30.349 ], [ -70.129, -30.457 ], [ -70.305, -30.891 ], [ -70.267, -31.024 ], [ -70.391, -31.171 ], [ -70.445, -31.09 ], [ -70.511, -31.163 ], [ -70.553, -31.56 ], [ -70.465, -31.701 ], [ -70.44, -31.848 ], [ -70.268, -31.896 ], [ -70.202, -31.97 ], [ -70.278, -32.044 ], [ -70.386, -32.051 ], [ -70.299, -32.145 ], [ -70.318, -32.267 ], [ -70.224, -32.332 ], [ -70.234, -32.432 ], [ -70.142, -32.484 ], [ -70.146, -32.731 ], [ -69.997, -32.902 ], [ -70.093, -33.042 ], [ -70.025, -33.314 ], [ -69.964, -33.321 ], [ -69.888, -33.222 ], [ -69.747, -33.408 ], [ -69.865, -33.547 ], [ -69.885, -33.68 ], [ -69.89, -33.829 ], [ -69.83, -33.99 ], [ -69.876, -34.126 ], [ -69.815, -34.224 ], [ -69.914, -34.297 ], [ -69.976, -34.253 ], [ -70.042, -34.287 ], [ -70.011, -34.402 ], [ -70.134, -34.495 ], [ -70.226, -34.678 ], [ -70.315, -34.749 ], [ -70.262, -34.804 ], [ -70.37, -35.031 ], [ -70.363, -35.142 ], [ -70.426, -35.196 ], [ -70.548, -35.206 ], [ -70.578, -35.258 ], [ -70.424, -35.343 ], [ -70.401, -35.648 ], [ -70.326, -35.811 ], [ -70.423, -35.91 ], [ -70.381, -35.923 ], [ -70.372, -36.027 ], [ -70.419, -36.145 ], [ -70.471, -36.171 ], [ -70.577, -36.13 ], [ -70.699, -36.255 ], [ -70.694, -36.407 ], [ -70.886, -36.383 ], [ -70.936, -36.473 ], [ -71.034, -36.465 ], [ -71.024, -36.664 ], [ -71.066, -36.695 ], [ -71.112, -36.659 ], [ -71.17, -36.839 ], [ -71.102, -36.95 ], [ -71.203, -36.975 ], [ -71.092, -37.103 ], [ -71.213, -37.298 ], [ -71.116, -37.472 ], [ -71.129, -37.581 ], [ -71.202, -37.672 ], [ -71.136, -37.819 ], [ -71.191, -37.864 ], [ -71.125, -37.894 ], [ -70.999, -38.094 ], [ -71.043, -38.133 ], [ -71.002, -38.41 ], [ -70.833, -38.573 ], [ -70.948, -38.745 ], [ -71.241, -38.806 ], [ -71.428, -38.93 ], [ -71.386, -39.284 ], [ -71.472, -39.402 ], [ -71.467, -39.484 ], [ -71.533, -39.522 ], [ -71.481, -39.59 ], [ -71.606, -39.627 ], [ -71.688, -39.571 ], [ -71.716, -39.63 ], [ -71.689, -39.841 ], [ -71.59, -39.903 ], [ -71.684, -40.026 ], [ -71.671, -40.104 ], [ -71.816, -40.088 ], [ -71.831, -40.222 ], [ -71.749, -40.307 ], [ -71.681, -40.3 ], [ -71.654, -40.369 ], [ -71.719, -40.438 ], [ -71.805, -40.412 ], [ -71.85, -40.56 ], [ -71.883, -40.558 ], [ -71.833, -40.633 ], [ -71.947, -40.74 ], [ -71.858, -40.913 ], [ -71.894, -40.978 ], [ -71.828, -41.061 ], [ -71.843, -41.167 ], [ -71.879, -41.171 ], [ -71.842, -41.256 ], [ -71.906, -41.361 ], [ -71.819, -41.571 ], [ -71.855, -41.608 ], [ -71.826, -41.707 ], [ -71.746, -41.821 ], [ -71.728, -42.115 ], [ -71.919, -42.187 ], [ -72.028, -42.141 ], [ -72.125, -42.307 ], [ -72.05, -42.378 ], [ -72.029, -42.494 ], [ -72.134, -42.6 ], [ -72.11, -42.915 ], [ -71.979, -43.086 ], [ -71.74, -43.171 ], [ -71.729, -43.211 ], [ -71.734, -43.317 ], [ -71.891, -43.328 ], [ -71.933, -43.457 ], [ -71.846, -43.485 ], [ -71.86, -43.552 ], [ -71.775, -43.545 ], [ -71.693, -43.63 ], [ -71.583, -43.66 ], [ -71.755, -43.81 ], [ -71.658, -43.938 ], [ -71.755, -44.067 ], [ -71.844, -44.105 ], [ -71.79, -44.212 ], [ -71.837, -44.376 ], [ -71.224, -44.425 ], [ -71.11, -44.523 ], [ -71.131, -44.58 ], [ -71.209, -44.606 ], [ -71.219, -44.739 ], [ -71.303, -44.808 ], [ -71.475, -44.736 ], [ -71.632, -44.785 ], [ -72.07, -44.768 ], [ -72.047, -44.901 ], [ -71.56, -44.98 ], [ -71.297, -45.293 ], [ -71.505, -45.399 ], [ -71.46, -45.466 ], [ -71.483, -45.508 ], [ -71.758, -45.562 ], [ -71.722, -45.582 ], [ -71.773, -45.712 ], [ -71.747, -45.835 ], [ -71.63, -45.888 ], [ -71.598, -45.975 ], [ -71.757, -46.111 ], [ -71.892, -46.148 ], [ -71.763, -46.2 ], [ -71.646, -46.683 ], [ -71.931, -46.811 ], [ -71.913, -47.013 ], [ -71.985, -47.075 ], [ -71.854, -47.138 ], [ -71.86, -47.231 ], [ -72.022, -47.206 ], [ -72.019, -47.284 ], [ -72.146, -47.411 ], [ -72.336, -47.464 ], [ -72.288, -47.504 ], [ -72.281, -47.615 ], [ -72.391, -47.651 ], [ -72.429, -47.758 ], [ -72.499, -47.732 ], [ -72.452, -47.8 ], [ -72.52, -47.925 ], [ -72.334, -48.074 ], [ -72.281, -48.338 ], [ -72.379, -48.368 ], [ -72.355, -48.393 ], [ -72.425, -48.421 ], [ -72.391, -48.45 ], [ -72.451, -48.491 ], [ -72.598, -48.483 ], [ -72.55, -48.791 ], [ -72.736, -48.918 ], [ -72.928, -48.946 ], [ -73.093, -49.134 ], [ -73.493, -49.18 ], [ -73.45, -49.377 ], [ -73.523, -49.448 ], [ -73.501, -49.513 ], [ -73.583, -49.524 ], [ -73.495, -49.632 ], [ -73.53, -49.693 ], [ -73.452, -49.732 ], [ -73.434, -49.81 ], [ -73.545, -49.924 ], [ -73.497, -50.047 ], [ -73.541, -50.078 ], [ -73.576, -50.261 ], [ -73.438, -50.431 ], [ -73.119, -50.683 ], [ -73.171, -50.735 ], [ -73.133, -50.775 ], [ -72.738, -50.616 ], [ -72.602, -50.676 ], [ -72.474, -50.603 ], [ -72.278, -50.655 ], [ -72.327, -50.745 ], [ -72.231, -50.855 ], [ -72.25, -51.025 ], [ -72.342, -51.045 ], [ -72.402, -51.119 ], [ -72.26, -51.254 ], [ -72.321, -51.304 ], [ -72.35, -51.486 ], [ -72.438, -51.569 ], [ -72.342, -51.598 ], [ -72.293, -51.699 ], [ -72.148, -51.738 ], [ -71.955, -51.868 ], [ -72.002, -51.975 ], [ -70.019, -51.998 ], [ -69.484, -52.147 ], [ -69.203, -52.152 ], [ -68.824, -52.278 ], [ -68.427, -52.335 ], [ -68.424, -52.379 ], [ -68.497, -52.336 ], [ -69, -52.283 ], [ -69.204, -52.197 ], [ -69.447, -52.264 ], [ -69.489, -52.392 ], [ -69.573, -52.424 ], [ -69.544, -52.466 ], [ -69.668, -52.544 ], [ -69.852, -52.49 ], [ -70.16, -52.588 ], [ -70.216, -52.659 ], [ -70.324, -52.64 ], [ -70.551, -52.726 ], [ -70.519, -52.656 ], [ -70.724, -52.745 ], [ -70.747, -52.712 ], [ -70.805, -52.757 ], [ -70.875, -52.736 ], [ -70.738, -52.789 ], [ -70.831, -52.82 ], [ -70.852, -52.908 ], [ -70.898, -52.916 ], [ -70.792, -52.939 ], [ -70.836, -52.962 ], [ -70.864, -53.13 ], [ -70.932, -53.173 ], [ -70.932, -53.311 ], [ -70.983, -53.382 ], [ -70.907, -53.627 ], [ -70.939, -53.624 ], [ -70.962, -53.789 ], [ -71.289, -53.903 ], [ -71.721, -53.8 ], [ -71.902, -53.715 ], [ -71.867, -53.69 ], [ -71.929, -53.729 ], [ -72.095, -53.699 ], [ -72.401, -53.5 ], [ -72.473, -53.399 ], [ -72.411, -53.362 ], [ -72.436, -53.316 ], [ -72.314, -53.249 ], [ -72.131, -53.242 ], [ -72.108, -53.384 ], [ -72.283, -53.425 ], [ -72.211, -53.449 ], [ -72.012, -53.379 ], [ -72.034, -53.239 ], [ -71.869, -53.223 ], [ -71.758, -53.437 ], [ -71.904, -53.527 ], [ -72.067, -53.548 ], [ -71.946, -53.569 ], [ -71.776, -53.512 ], [ -71.74, -53.447 ], [ -71.773, -53.314 ], [ -71.736, -53.316 ], [ -71.73, -53.21 ], [ -71.35, -53.113 ], [ -71.125, -52.865 ], [ -71.181, -52.816 ], [ -71.379, -52.798 ], [ -71.396, -52.716 ], [ -71.558, -52.561 ], [ -72.335, -52.524 ], [ -72.455, -52.615 ], [ -72.413, -52.621 ], [ -72.438, -52.67 ], [ -72.57, -52.593 ], [ -72.397, -52.548 ], [ -72.408, -52.495 ], [ -72.583, -52.578 ], [ -72.655, -52.553 ], [ -72.618, -52.514 ], [ -72.776, -52.561 ], [ -72.878, -52.523 ], [ -72.869, -52.558 ], [ -72.913, -52.57 ], [ -72.875, -52.584 ], [ -72.941, -52.58 ], [ -72.892, -52.605 ], [ -73.012, -52.745 ], [ -72.829, -52.598 ], [ -72.682, -52.668 ], [ -72.892, -52.81 ], [ -72.964, -52.766 ], [ -72.943, -52.804 ], [ -73.056, -52.851 ], [ -72.957, -52.902 ], [ -72.993, -52.972 ], [ -72.955, -53.025 ], [ -73.006, -53.073 ], [ -73.055, -53.033 ], [ -73.037, -53.07 ], [ -73.147, -53.105 ], [ -73.189, -53.042 ], [ -73.145, -53.018 ], [ -73.207, -53.014 ], [ -73.228, -53.052 ], [ -73.172, -53.089 ], [ -73.245, -53.098 ], [ -73.448, -53.013 ], [ -73.323, -53.003 ], [ -73.402, -52.972 ], [ -73.256, -52.972 ], [ -73.288, -52.944 ], [ -73.183, -52.897 ], [ -73.293, -52.929 ], [ -73.326, -52.894 ], [ -73.402, -52.97 ], [ -73.499, -52.941 ], [ -73.415, -52.93 ], [ -73.522, -52.888 ], [ -73.802, -52.923 ], [ -73.729, -52.903 ], [ -73.75, -52.864 ], [ -73.589, -52.868 ], [ -73.605, -52.829 ], [ -73.352, -52.906 ], [ -73.582, -52.809 ], [ -73.453, -52.809 ], [ -73.48, -52.836 ], [ -73.421, -52.805 ], [ -73.467, -52.77 ], [ -73.394, -52.794 ], [ -73.407, -52.837 ], [ -73.239, -52.805 ], [ -73.265, -52.754 ], [ -73.317, -52.777 ], [ -73.311, -52.713 ], [ -73.289, -52.748 ], [ -73.246, -52.665 ], [ -73.131, -52.661 ], [ -73.168, -52.631 ], [ -73.149, -52.566 ], [ -72.995, -52.58 ], [ -73.142, -52.558 ], [ -73.082, -52.51 ], [ -73.161, -52.499 ], [ -73.224, -52.409 ], [ -73.203, -52.493 ], [ -73.289, -52.501 ], [ -73.205, -52.508 ], [ -73.162, -52.583 ], [ -73.271, -52.688 ], [ -73.327, -52.693 ], [ -73.355, -52.645 ], [ -73.311, -52.601 ], [ -73.353, -52.626 ], [ -73.424, -52.553 ], [ -73.375, -52.646 ], [ -73.659, -52.721 ], [ -73.607, -52.747 ], [ -73.626, -52.777 ], [ -73.677, -52.721 ], [ -73.736, -52.745 ], [ -73.574, -52.654 ], [ -73.688, -52.624 ], [ -73.594, -52.579 ], [ -73.637, -52.547 ], [ -73.551, -52.577 ], [ -73.62, -52.514 ], [ -73.494, -52.493 ], [ -73.559, -52.477 ], [ -73.533, -52.421 ], [ -73.598, -52.471 ], [ -73.675, -52.433 ], [ -73.673, -52.395 ], [ -73.587, -52.389 ], [ -73.61, -52.344 ], [ -73.573, -52.339 ], [ -73.656, -52.283 ], [ -73.591, -52.225 ], [ -73.741, -52.103 ], [ -73.682, -52.254 ], [ -73.854, -52.115 ], [ -74.103, -52.023 ], [ -73.974, -52.039 ], [ -74.096, -51.987 ], [ -74.103, -51.95 ], [ -74.061, -51.965 ], [ -74.102, -51.918 ], [ -73.991, -51.933 ], [ -74.007, -51.995 ], [ -73.964, -51.945 ], [ -73.756, -52.083 ], [ -73.715, -52.037 ], [ -73.561, -52.217 ], [ -73.5, -52.189 ], [ -73.558, -52.155 ], [ -73.469, -52.151 ], [ -73.347, -52.253 ], [ -73.252, -52.223 ], [ -73.245, -52.124 ], [ -73.168, -52.153 ], [ -73.036, -52.078 ], [ -73.111, -52.083 ], [ -73.084, -51.959 ], [ -72.909, -51.911 ], [ -72.882, -51.881 ], [ -73.033, -52.078 ], [ -72.995, -52.078 ], [ -72.995, -52.151 ], [ -73.082, -52.159 ], [ -73.121, -52.25 ], [ -73.08, -52.268 ], [ -73.066, -52.214 ], [ -72.991, -52.201 ], [ -72.936, -52.237 ], [ -72.957, -52.267 ], [ -72.871, -52.281 ], [ -72.898, -52.263 ], [ -72.846, -52.242 ], [ -72.812, -52.096 ], [ -72.741, -52.087 ], [ -72.776, -52.053 ], [ -72.841, -52.095 ], [ -72.898, -52.223 ], [ -72.959, -52.199 ], [ -72.96, -52.06 ], [ -72.936, -52.038 ], [ -72.908, -52.09 ], [ -72.9, -51.992 ], [ -72.776, -51.963 ], [ -72.725, -52.08 ], [ -72.664, -52.136 ], [ -72.621, -52.118 ], [ -72.54, -52.218 ], [ -72.62, -52.366 ], [ -72.715, -52.334 ], [ -72.782, -52.408 ], [ -72.853, -52.388 ], [ -72.833, -52.421 ], [ -72.978, -52.462 ], [ -72.739, -52.418 ], [ -72.625, -52.443 ], [ -72.671, -52.416 ], [ -72.557, -52.475 ], [ -72.514, -52.437 ], [ -72.671, -52.4 ], [ -72.524, -52.347 ], [ -72.476, -52.213 ], [ -72.658, -52.064 ], [ -72.666, -51.976 ], [ -72.629, -51.918 ], [ -72.571, -51.984 ], [ -72.582, -51.932 ], [ -72.45, -51.917 ], [ -72.519, -51.844 ], [ -72.463, -51.786 ], [ -72.556, -51.698 ], [ -72.653, -51.669 ], [ -72.651, -51.635 ], [ -72.697, -51.578 ], [ -72.679, -51.652 ], [ -72.718, -51.578 ], [ -73.087, -51.482 ], [ -73.07, -51.402 ], [ -73.084, -51.366 ], [ -73.129, -51.326 ], [ -73.113, -51.265 ], [ -73.021, -51.246 ], [ -73.086, -51.241 ], [ -73.129, -51.264 ], [ -73.141, -51.327 ], [ -73.097, -51.424 ], [ -73.269, -51.501 ], [ -73.058, -51.513 ], [ -73.04, -51.547 ], [ -73.114, -51.619 ], [ -72.991, -51.535 ], [ -72.77, -51.611 ], [ -72.691, -51.708 ], [ -72.535, -51.748 ], [ -72.617, -51.828 ], [ -72.734, -51.855 ], [ -72.817, -51.776 ], [ -72.966, -51.785 ], [ -73.05, -51.701 ], [ -73.196, -51.694 ], [ -73.201, -51.618 ], [ -73.236, -51.638 ], [ -73.297, -51.586 ], [ -73.223, -51.661 ], [ -73.288, -51.7 ], [ -73.089, -51.717 ], [ -72.997, -51.8 ], [ -73.083, -51.758 ], [ -73.171, -51.786 ], [ -73.074, -51.769 ], [ -73.042, -51.834 ], [ -73.219, -51.904 ], [ -73.093, -51.893 ], [ -72.988, -51.817 ], [ -72.917, -51.872 ], [ -73.136, -51.952 ], [ -73.163, -52.116 ], [ -73.242, -52.108 ], [ -73.271, -51.895 ], [ -73.343, -51.705 ], [ -73.4, -51.647 ], [ -73.287, -51.981 ], [ -73.273, -52.18 ], [ -73.407, -52.149 ], [ -73.593, -52.023 ], [ -73.601, -51.944 ], [ -73.563, -51.945 ], [ -73.652, -51.853 ], [ -73.598, -51.821 ], [ -73.507, -51.937 ], [ -73.534, -51.963 ], [ -73.456, -51.989 ], [ -73.42, -52.06 ], [ -73.388, -52.052 ], [ -73.478, -51.916 ], [ -73.425, -51.915 ], [ -73.529, -51.858 ], [ -73.514, -51.803 ], [ -73.601, -51.759 ], [ -73.64, -51.792 ], [ -73.623, -51.76 ], [ -73.566, -51.743 ], [ -73.56, -51.769 ], [ -73.499, -51.705 ], [ -73.621, -51.734 ], [ -73.628, -51.661 ], [ -73.69, -51.798 ], [ -73.777, -51.72 ], [ -73.749, -51.774 ], [ -73.797, -51.817 ], [ -73.94, -51.683 ], [ -73.935, -51.649 ], [ -73.832, -51.683 ], [ -73.839, -51.764 ], [ -73.792, -51.736 ], [ -73.813, -51.686 ], [ -73.701, -51.631 ], [ -73.927, -51.63 ], [ -73.917, -51.582 ], [ -73.837, -51.596 ], [ -73.864, -51.557 ], [ -73.791, -51.552 ], [ -73.91, -51.559 ], [ -73.903, -51.515 ], [ -73.971, -51.496 ], [ -73.915, -51.468 ], [ -73.947, -51.449 ], [ -73.915, -51.419 ], [ -73.966, -51.424 ], [ -73.893, -51.372 ], [ -73.723, -51.472 ], [ -73.653, -51.622 ], [ -73.585, -51.622 ], [ -73.614, -51.604 ], [ -73.69, -51.489 ], [ -73.652, -51.54 ], [ -73.586, -51.556 ], [ -73.649, -51.472 ], [ -73.57, -51.458 ], [ -73.684, -51.443 ], [ -73.719, -51.339 ], [ -73.727, -51.373 ], [ -73.847, -51.365 ], [ -73.861, -51.336 ], [ -73.782, -51.311 ], [ -73.891, -51.297 ], [ -73.813, -51.248 ], [ -73.736, -51.268 ], [ -73.785, -51.219 ], [ -73.732, -51.194 ], [ -73.677, -51.29 ], [ -73.697, -51.218 ], [ -73.644, -51.2 ], [ -73.707, -51.19 ], [ -73.682, -51.144 ], [ -73.726, -51.17 ], [ -73.816, -51.075 ], [ -73.742, -51.177 ], [ -73.905, -51.266 ], [ -73.999, -51.122 ], [ -74.029, -51.218 ], [ -74.129, -51.199 ], [ -74.164, -51.098 ], [ -74.137, -51.113 ], [ -74.118, -51.103 ], [ -74.094, -51.075 ], [ -74.157, -51.074 ], [ -74.134, -51.038 ], [ -74.045, -51.007 ], [ -74.077, -50.937 ], [ -74.207, -51.063 ], [ -74.154, -51.206 ], [ -74.259, -51.229 ], [ -74.315, -50.976 ], [ -74.273, -50.977 ], [ -74.323, -50.905 ], [ -74.226, -51.023 ], [ -74.202, -50.966 ], [ -74.245, -50.975 ], [ -74.239, -50.934 ], [ -74.191, -50.89 ], [ -73.92, -50.911 ], [ -73.942, -50.882 ], [ -73.9, -50.874 ], [ -73.803, -51.009 ], [ -73.764, -50.992 ], [ -73.776, -50.929 ], [ -73.883, -50.841 ], [ -73.819, -50.8 ], [ -73.732, -50.837 ], [ -73.787, -50.8 ], [ -73.787, -50.694 ], [ -73.63, -50.648 ], [ -73.54, -50.721 ], [ -73.538, -50.677 ], [ -73.382, -50.688 ], [ -73.74, -50.574 ], [ -73.705, -50.516 ], [ -73.627, -50.514 ], [ -73.598, -50.485 ], [ -73.575, -50.392 ], [ -73.644, -50.507 ], [ -73.73, -50.512 ], [ -73.767, -50.541 ], [ -73.817, -50.772 ], [ -73.939, -50.848 ], [ -74.033, -50.857 ], [ -74.076, -50.815 ], [ -74.085, -50.809 ] ], [ [ -74.406, -50.095 ], [ -74.406, -50.095 ], [ -74.406, -50.095 ], [ -74.406, -50.095 ] ], [ [ -74.406, -50.095 ], [ -74.403, -50.111 ], [ -74.383, -50.097 ], [ -74.406, -50.095 ] ], [ [ -74.015, -50.219 ], [ -73.996, -50.219 ], [ -74.011, -50.214 ], [ -74.015, -50.219 ] ], [ [ -73.996, -50.219 ], [ -73.946, -50.236 ], [ -73.946, -50.201 ], [ -73.964, -50.219 ], [ -73.996, -50.219 ] ], [ [ -74.209, -48.156 ], [ -74.204, -48.156 ], [ -74.164, -48.138 ], [ -74.209, -48.156 ] ], [ [ -72.984, -41.498 ], [ -72.953, -41.483 ], [ -72.98, -41.494 ], [ -72.984, -41.498 ] ], [ [ -73.082, -52.51 ], [ -73.05, -52.509 ], [ -73.059, -52.507 ], [ -73.082, -52.51 ] ], [ [ -73.05, -52.509 ], [ -72.936, -52.521 ], [ -72.881, -52.55 ], [ -72.918, -52.503 ], [ -73.05, -52.509 ] ], [ [ -73.499, -51.705 ], [ -73.499, -51.705 ], [ -73.499, -51.705 ], [ -73.499, -51.705 ] ], [ [ -73.499, -51.705 ], [ -73.467, -51.702 ], [ -73.456, -51.685 ], [ -73.499, -51.705 ] ], [ [ -73.721, -51.308 ], [ -73.723, -51.327 ], [ -73.701, -51.296 ], [ -73.727, -51.287 ], [ -73.721, -51.308 ] ], [ [ -74.965, -49.634 ], [ -74.944, -49.628 ], [ -74.991, -49.632 ], [ -74.965, -49.634 ] ], [ [ -74.966, -49.602 ], [ -74.963, -49.588 ], [ -75.083, -49.534 ], [ -74.966, -49.602 ] ], [ [ -74.69, -48.673 ], [ -74.623, -48.697 ], [ -74.645, -48.73 ], [ -74.605, -48.708 ], [ -74.632, -48.683 ], [ -74.69, -48.673 ] ], [ [ -75.215, -49.246 ], [ -75.119, -49.34 ], [ -75.174, -49.337 ], [ -75.104, -49.362 ], [ -75.018, -49.351 ], [ -75.1, -49.347 ], [ -75.13, -49.311 ], [ -75.084, -49.293 ], [ -75.215, -49.246 ] ], [ [ -75.1, -49.268 ], [ -75.034, -49.336 ], [ -75.066, -49.267 ], [ -75.1, -49.268 ] ], [ [ -74.338, -49.432 ], [ -74.321, -49.436 ], [ -74.31, -49.419 ], [ -74.324, -49.411 ], [ -74.338, -49.432 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.826, -51.626 ], [ -74.754, -51.646 ], [ -74.744, -51.717 ], [ -74.789, -51.743 ], [ -74.744, -51.731 ], [ -74.746, -51.816 ], [ -74.855, -51.945 ], [ -74.811, -51.941 ], [ -74.824, -51.971 ], [ -74.873, -51.967 ], [ -74.833, -51.979 ], [ -74.878, -52.079 ], [ -74.957, -52.111 ], [ -74.923, -52.044 ], [ -74.963, -52.107 ], [ -75.014, -52.115 ], [ -74.949, -52.042 ], [ -75.015, -52.069 ], [ -74.967, -52.03 ], [ -75.02, -52.046 ], [ -75.065, -51.995 ], [ -74.957, -51.94 ], [ -75.006, -51.921 ], [ -74.931, -51.796 ], [ -74.886, -51.841 ], [ -74.936, -51.917 ], [ -74.865, -51.864 ], [ -74.858, -51.927 ], [ -74.795, -51.849 ], [ -74.871, -51.778 ], [ -74.796, -51.759 ], [ -74.922, -51.65 ], [ -74.826, -51.626 ] ], [ [ -74.865, -52.001 ], [ -74.865, -52.001 ], [ -74.905, -51.991 ], [ -74.865, -52.001 ] ], [ [ -74.957, -51.94 ], [ -74.929, -51.941 ], [ -74.955, -51.939 ], [ -74.957, -51.94 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.97, -54.014 ], [ -72.76, -54.047 ], [ -72.911, -53.997 ], [ -72.779, -53.981 ], [ -72.881, -53.964 ], [ -72.666, -53.864 ], [ -72.78, -53.886 ], [ -72.737, -53.85 ], [ -72.832, -53.867 ], [ -72.779, -53.832 ], [ -72.818, -53.82 ], [ -73.04, -53.885 ], [ -73.065, -53.806 ], [ -73.117, -53.932 ], [ -73.045, -53.994 ], [ -73.101, -54.044 ], [ -73.199, -53.984 ], [ -73.351, -53.977 ], [ -73.358, -53.94 ], [ -73.275, -53.943 ], [ -73.23, -53.893 ], [ -73.358, -53.844 ], [ -73.257, -53.806 ], [ -73.257, -53.763 ], [ -73.336, -53.736 ], [ -73.252, -53.713 ], [ -73.597, -53.75 ], [ -73.487, -53.663 ], [ -73.633, -53.661 ], [ -73.607, -53.562 ], [ -73.531, -53.596 ], [ -73.415, -53.57 ], [ -73.248, -53.659 ], [ -73.331, -53.602 ], [ -73.276, -53.556 ], [ -73.356, -53.557 ], [ -73.477, -53.447 ], [ -73.298, -53.48 ], [ -73.281, -53.53 ], [ -73.238, -53.478 ], [ -73.075, -53.548 ], [ -73.172, -53.495 ], [ -73.142, -53.458 ], [ -73.209, -53.393 ], [ -73.076, -53.377 ], [ -73.025, -53.492 ], [ -73.032, -53.401 ], [ -72.939, -53.438 ], [ -72.961, -53.542 ], [ -72.893, -53.509 ], [ -72.874, -53.544 ], [ -72.927, -53.555 ], [ -72.877, -53.553 ], [ -72.883, -53.62 ], [ -72.825, -53.582 ], [ -72.874, -53.456 ], [ -72.749, -53.51 ], [ -72.749, -53.587 ], [ -72.684, -53.615 ], [ -72.723, -53.64 ], [ -72.7, -53.679 ], [ -72.653, -53.668 ], [ -72.691, -53.526 ], [ -72.659, -53.568 ], [ -72.458, -53.59 ], [ -72.479, -53.617 ], [ -72.396, -53.649 ], [ -72.508, -53.67 ], [ -72.45, -53.71 ], [ -72.498, -53.746 ], [ -72.441, -53.751 ], [ -72.386, -53.689 ], [ -72.24, -53.733 ], [ -72.333, -53.761 ], [ -72.222, -53.751 ], [ -72.149, -53.798 ], [ -72.283, -53.822 ], [ -72.194, -53.835 ], [ -72.218, -53.867 ], [ -72.433, -53.838 ], [ -72.337, -53.863 ], [ -72.324, -53.929 ], [ -72.451, -53.894 ], [ -72.39, -53.945 ], [ -72.448, -53.967 ], [ -72.331, -54.006 ], [ -72.366, -54.054 ], [ -72.472, -54.052 ], [ -72.472, -53.96 ], [ -72.494, -54.003 ], [ -72.548, -53.986 ], [ -72.548, -54.098 ], [ -72.623, -54.086 ], [ -72.598, -54.02 ], [ -72.659, -54.079 ], [ -72.619, -54.008 ], [ -72.678, -54.083 ], [ -72.746, -54.088 ], [ -72.7, -54.099 ], [ -72.804, -54.088 ], [ -72.856, -54.134 ], [ -72.958, -54.112 ], [ -72.872, -54.111 ], [ -72.917, -54.1 ], [ -72.882, -54.077 ], [ -73.078, -54.076 ], [ -72.862, -54.059 ], [ -73.004, -54.027 ], [ -72.97, -54.014 ] ], [ [ -72.862, -54.059 ], [ -72.775, -54.079 ], [ -72.858, -54.06 ], [ -72.862, -54.059 ] ] ], [ [ [ -67.278, -55.932 ], [ -67.205, -55.98 ], [ -67.298, -55.979 ], [ -67.323, -55.936 ], [ -67.278, -55.932 ] ] ], [ [ [ -67.029, -55.933 ], [ -67.043, -55.919 ], [ -67.016, -55.931 ], [ -67.029, -55.933 ] ] ], [ [ [ -66.781, -55.825 ], [ -66.807, -55.821 ], [ -66.773, -55.816 ], [ -66.781, -55.825 ] ] ], [ [ [ -67.414, -55.903 ], [ -67.435, -55.875 ], [ -67.404, -55.883 ], [ -67.414, -55.903 ] ] ], [ [ [ -67.056, -55.834 ], [ -67.097, -55.856 ], [ -67.051, -55.926 ], [ -67.155, -55.881 ], [ -67.056, -55.834 ] ] ], [ [ [ -67.292, -55.823 ], [ -67.189, -55.867 ], [ -67.179, -55.901 ], [ -67.392, -55.837 ], [ -67.292, -55.823 ] ] ], [ [ [ -67.55, -55.814 ], [ -67.479, -55.83 ], [ -67.595, -55.914 ], [ -67.596, -55.853 ], [ -67.756, -55.886 ], [ -67.843, -55.834 ], [ -67.536, -55.842 ], [ -67.55, -55.814 ] ] ], [ [ [ -67.435, -55.821 ], [ -67.439, -55.85 ], [ -67.454, -55.851 ], [ -67.464, -55.822 ], [ -67.435, -55.821 ] ] ], [ [ [ -67.134, -55.779 ], [ -67.19, -55.821 ], [ -67.238, -55.811 ], [ -67.183, -55.774 ], [ -67.134, -55.779 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.95, -55.362 ], [ -69.963, -55.351 ], [ -69.925, -55.348 ], [ -69.95, -55.362 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.76, -55.349 ], [ -69.667, -55.365 ], [ -69.645, -55.395 ], [ -69.795, -55.42 ], [ -69.76, -55.349 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.84, -55.334 ], [ -69.803, -55.339 ], [ -69.804, -55.355 ], [ -69.868, -55.325 ], [ -69.84, -55.334 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.897, -55.363 ], [ -69.921, -55.317 ], [ -69.893, -55.345 ], [ -69.897, -55.363 ] ] ], [ [ [ -66.579, -55.29 ], [ -66.637, -55.278 ], [ -66.62, -55.198 ], [ -66.418, -55.191 ], [ -66.499, -55.277 ], [ -66.579, -55.29 ] ] ], [ [ [ -66.766, -55.333 ], [ -66.782, -55.305 ], [ -66.762, -55.306 ], [ -66.766, -55.333 ] ] ], [ [ [ -66.674, -55.285 ], [ -66.685, -55.276 ], [ -66.662, -55.266 ], [ -66.674, -55.285 ] ] ], [ [ [ -67.003, -55.352 ], [ -67.059, -55.274 ], [ -66.943, -55.222 ], [ -66.842, -55.239 ], [ -66.842, -55.328 ], [ -67.003, -55.352 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.954, -55.296 ], [ -69.931, -55.32 ], [ -69.977, -55.323 ], [ -69.94, -55.334 ], [ -70.011, -55.365 ], [ -70.125, -55.327 ], [ -69.954, -55.296 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.13, -55.258 ], [ -70.036, -55.282 ], [ -70.189, -55.261 ], [ -70.13, -55.258 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.146, -55.274 ], [ -69.158, -55.268 ], [ -69.134, -55.264 ], [ -69.146, -55.274 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.249, -55.278 ], [ -69.207, -55.294 ], [ -69.42, -55.271 ], [ -69.3, -55.244 ], [ -69.249, -55.278 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.015, -55.296 ], [ -68.994, -55.289 ], [ -68.984, -55.329 ], [ -69.043, -55.295 ], [ -69.015, -55.296 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.883, -55.237 ], [ -68.92, -55.335 ], [ -68.978, -55.346 ], [ -68.973, -55.284 ], [ -68.883, -55.237 ] ] ], [ [ [ -67.923, -55.243 ], [ -67.947, -55.257 ], [ -67.975, -55.246 ], [ -67.914, -55.209 ], [ -67.923, -55.243 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.209, -55.235 ], [ -69.215, -55.227 ], [ -69.184, -55.227 ], [ -69.209, -55.235 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.969, -55.614 ], [ -68.967, -55.601 ], [ -68.946, -55.608 ], [ -68.969, -55.614 ] ] ], [ [ [ -67.333, -55.591 ], [ -67.339, -55.652 ], [ -67.298, -55.658 ], [ -67.354, -55.721 ], [ -67.232, -55.733 ], [ -67.287, -55.743 ], [ -67.223, -55.765 ], [ -67.238, -55.801 ], [ -67.54, -55.745 ], [ -67.48, -55.726 ], [ -67.537, -55.695 ], [ -67.505, -55.662 ], [ -67.385, -55.734 ], [ -67.387, -55.656 ], [ -67.458, -55.633 ], [ -67.333, -55.591 ] ] ], [ [ [ -67.549, -55.626 ], [ -67.517, -55.649 ], [ -67.558, -55.697 ], [ -67.662, -55.694 ], [ -67.573, -55.661 ], [ -67.586, -55.61 ], [ -67.549, -55.626 ] ] ], [ [ [ -67.626, -55.515 ], [ -67.534, -55.612 ], [ -67.577, -55.602 ], [ -67.706, -55.635 ], [ -67.65, -55.584 ], [ -67.664, -55.518 ], [ -67.626, -55.515 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.096, -55.405 ], [ -68.118, -55.402 ], [ -68.067, -55.4 ], [ -68.096, -55.405 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.555, -55.452 ], [ -69.567, -55.48 ], [ -69.595, -55.477 ], [ -69.584, -55.451 ], [ -69.555, -55.452 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.601, -55.445 ], [ -69.618, -55.398 ], [ -69.478, -55.455 ], [ -69.52, -55.479 ], [ -69.544, -55.441 ], [ -69.601, -55.445 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.34, -55.505 ], [ -69.304, -55.496 ], [ -69.28, -55.515 ], [ -69.333, -55.548 ], [ -69.34, -55.505 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.181, -55.604 ], [ -69.208, -55.618 ], [ -69.221, -55.568 ], [ -69.19, -55.582 ], [ -69.181, -55.604 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.059, -55.563 ], [ -69.035, -55.623 ], [ -69.081, -55.635 ], [ -69.1, -55.551 ], [ -69.059, -55.563 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.754, -55.531 ], [ -68.656, -55.57 ], [ -68.656, -55.605 ], [ -68.785, -55.538 ], [ -68.754, -55.531 ] ] ], [ [ [ -67.99, -55.55 ], [ -67.963, -55.552 ], [ -68.029, -55.561 ], [ -68.016, -55.544 ], [ -67.99, -55.55 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.927, -55.519 ], [ -68.958, -55.513 ], [ -68.961, -55.486 ], [ -68.944, -55.482 ], [ -68.927, -55.519 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.527, -55.588 ], [ -68.58, -55.571 ], [ -68.595, -55.552 ], [ -68.545, -55.538 ], [ -68.527, -55.588 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.17, -55.565 ], [ -69.202, -55.554 ], [ -69.174, -55.544 ], [ -69.17, -55.565 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.909, -55.536 ], [ -68.869, -55.541 ], [ -68.845, -55.566 ], [ -68.922, -55.561 ], [ -68.909, -55.536 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.216, -55.55 ], [ -69.233, -55.545 ], [ -69.199, -55.545 ], [ -69.216, -55.55 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.31, -55.55 ], [ -68.323, -55.537 ], [ -68.293, -55.537 ], [ -68.31, -55.55 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.439, -55.56 ], [ -68.454, -55.537 ], [ -68.432, -55.53 ], [ -68.416, -55.546 ], [ -68.439, -55.56 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.677, -55.549 ], [ -68.71, -55.525 ], [ -68.675, -55.533 ], [ -68.677, -55.549 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.398, -55.538 ], [ -68.399, -55.514 ], [ -68.382, -55.526 ], [ -68.398, -55.538 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.584, -55.53 ], [ -68.56, -55.533 ], [ -68.62, -55.533 ], [ -68.577, -55.514 ], [ -68.584, -55.53 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.602, -55.485 ], [ -68.638, -55.536 ], [ -68.704, -55.514 ], [ -68.602, -55.485 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.625, -55.386 ], [ -69.627, -55.411 ], [ -69.65, -55.41 ], [ -69.625, -55.386 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.054, -55.421 ], [ -69, -55.436 ], [ -69.063, -55.442 ], [ -69.218, -55.32 ], [ -69.054, -55.421 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.129, -54.982 ], [ -71.084, -54.986 ], [ -71.179, -55.015 ], [ -71.171, -54.972 ], [ -71.129, -54.982 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.896, -55.14 ], [ -70.907, -55.11 ], [ -70.882, -55.106 ], [ -70.896, -55.14 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.804, -55.126 ], [ -70.825, -55.11 ], [ -70.806, -55.105 ], [ -70.804, -55.126 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.619, -55.13 ], [ -70.649, -55.181 ], [ -70.692, -55.163 ], [ -70.668, -55.138 ], [ -70.619, -55.13 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.307, -55.128 ], [ -68.319, -55.127 ], [ -68.298, -55.121 ], [ -68.307, -55.128 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.417, -55.126 ], [ -68.456, -55.147 ], [ -68.498, -55.133 ], [ -68.417, -55.126 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.019, -55.252 ], [ -70.078, -55.237 ], [ -70.115, -55.187 ], [ -69.974, -55.24 ], [ -70.019, -55.252 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.933, -55.216 ], [ -69.945, -55.199 ], [ -69.915, -55.208 ], [ -69.933, -55.216 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.207, -55.198 ], [ -68.308, -55.205 ], [ -68.335, -55.164 ], [ -68.261, -55.157 ], [ -68.207, -55.198 ] ] ], [ [ [ -67.927, -54.901 ], [ -67.288, -54.919 ], [ -67.155, -54.969 ], [ -67.043, -55.078 ], [ -67.036, -55.141 ], [ -67.242, -55.314 ], [ -67.428, -55.294 ], [ -67.395, -55.195 ], [ -67.502, -55.171 ], [ -67.592, -55.195 ], [ -67.607, -55.277 ], [ -67.856, -55.255 ], [ -67.875, -55.221 ], [ -67.726, -55.236 ], [ -67.89, -55.158 ], [ -67.978, -55.226 ], [ -68.117, -55.225 ], [ -68.124, -55.174 ], [ -68.048, -55.176 ], [ -68.155, -55.143 ], [ -68.17, -54.998 ], [ -68.3, -55.012 ], [ -68.369, -54.945 ], [ -68.213, -54.92 ], [ -68.215, -54.899 ], [ -67.927, -54.901 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.668, -55.164 ], [ -68.685, -55.163 ], [ -68.658, -55.162 ], [ -68.668, -55.164 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.765, -55.167 ], [ -68.792, -55.147 ], [ -68.72, -55.16 ], [ -68.765, -55.167 ] ] ], [ [ [ -67.003, -54.988 ], [ -66.854, -55.026 ], [ -66.829, -55.094 ], [ -67.054, -54.993 ], [ -67.003, -54.988 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.245, -55.011 ], [ -68.227, -55.023 ], [ -68.241, -55.052 ], [ -68.28, -55.015 ], [ -68.245, -55.011 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.991, -55.011 ], [ -70.039, -55.066 ], [ -70.089, -55.055 ], [ -70.08, -55.019 ], [ -69.991, -55.011 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.941, -55.037 ], [ -70.004, -55.057 ], [ -69.938, -54.99 ], [ -69.941, -55.037 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.351, -55.01 ], [ -70.371, -55.027 ], [ -70.453, -55.035 ], [ -70.403, -55.01 ], [ -70.351, -55.01 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.557, -55 ], [ -70.469, -55.011 ], [ -70.562, -55.025 ], [ -70.557, -55 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.266, -54.92 ], [ -68.291, -54.916 ], [ -68.276, -54.908 ], [ -68.266, -54.92 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.173, -54.099 ], [ -73.169, -54.121 ], [ -73.198, -54.126 ], [ -73.193, -54.1 ], [ -73.173, -54.099 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.373, -54.018 ], [ -73.243, -54.03 ], [ -73.236, -54.085 ], [ -73.18, -54.05 ], [ -73.268, -54.136 ], [ -73.345, -54.118 ], [ -73.307, -54.103 ], [ -73.342, -54.064 ], [ -73.48, -54.067 ], [ -73.373, -54.018 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.021, -54.188 ], [ -73.046, -54.176 ], [ -73.009, -54.165 ], [ -73.021, -54.188 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.935, -54.196 ], [ -72.952, -54.231 ], [ -73.006, -54.226 ], [ -72.981, -54.202 ], [ -72.935, -54.196 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.057, -54.153 ], [ -73.029, -54.149 ], [ -73.094, -54.17 ], [ -73.087, -54.143 ], [ -73.057, -54.153 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.874, -54.152 ], [ -72.879, -54.14 ], [ -72.846, -54.142 ], [ -72.874, -54.152 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.224, -54.028 ], [ -71.2, -54.071 ], [ -71.168, -54.089 ], [ -71.224, -54.098 ], [ -71.224, -54.028 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.107, -54.102 ], [ -73.11, -54.158 ], [ -73.148, -54.154 ], [ -73.142, -54.106 ], [ -73.107, -54.102 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.753, -54.135 ], [ -72.742, -54.114 ], [ -72.729, -54.117 ], [ -72.753, -54.135 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.374, -54.261 ], [ -72.398, -54.259 ], [ -72.375, -54.25 ], [ -72.344, -54.272 ], [ -72.374, -54.261 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.243, -54.253 ], [ -72.259, -54.259 ], [ -72.263, -54.243 ], [ -72.243, -54.253 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.636, -54.243 ], [ -72.68, -54.269 ], [ -72.7, -54.25 ], [ -72.655, -54.227 ], [ -72.636, -54.243 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.57, -54.242 ], [ -72.579, -54.236 ], [ -72.566, -54.232 ], [ -72.57, -54.242 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.273, -54.22 ], [ -72.282, -54.215 ], [ -72.261, -54.215 ], [ -72.273, -54.22 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.654, -54.257 ], [ -71.66, -54.243 ], [ -71.639, -54.254 ], [ -71.654, -54.257 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.918, -54.223 ], [ -71.934, -54.242 ], [ -72.001, -54.225 ], [ -71.918, -54.223 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.037, -54.231 ], [ -72.059, -54.22 ], [ -72.031, -54.222 ], [ -72.037, -54.231 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.228, -54.206 ], [ -72.217, -54.224 ], [ -72.232, -54.227 ], [ -72.228, -54.206 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.277, -54.189 ], [ -70.296, -54.178 ], [ -70.282, -54.171 ], [ -70.277, -54.189 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.474, -54.121 ], [ -72.491, -54.152 ], [ -72.515, -54.153 ], [ -72.503, -54.12 ], [ -72.474, -54.121 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.277, -54.086 ], [ -70.303, -54.152 ], [ -70.357, -54.162 ], [ -70.51, -54.072 ], [ -70.39, -54.085 ], [ -70.31, -54.051 ], [ -70.277, -54.086 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.641, -54.105 ], [ -72.544, -54.132 ], [ -72.695, -54.131 ], [ -72.641, -54.105 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.164, -53.928 ], [ -72.174, -53.919 ], [ -72.148, -53.927 ], [ -72.164, -53.928 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.13, -54.071 ], [ -71.14, -54.053 ], [ -71.113, -54.045 ], [ -71.13, -54.071 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.326, -53.994 ], [ -72.305, -53.955 ], [ -72.305, -53.996 ], [ -72.326, -53.994 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.033, -53.963 ], [ -73.022, -53.962 ], [ -73.034, -53.976 ], [ -73.033, -53.963 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.972, -53.945 ], [ -72.953, -53.947 ], [ -72.995, -53.949 ], [ -72.972, -53.945 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.366, -53.936 ], [ -73.378, -53.932 ], [ -73.344, -53.932 ], [ -73.366, -53.936 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.007, -53.953 ], [ -73.017, -53.948 ], [ -73.003, -53.943 ], [ -73.007, -53.953 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.058, -53.943 ], [ -73.098, -53.934 ], [ -73.067, -53.919 ], [ -73.058, -53.943 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.078, -53.936 ], [ -72.093, -53.925 ], [ -72.04, -53.918 ], [ -72.078, -53.936 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.339, -54.802 ], [ -71.349, -54.797 ], [ -71.337, -54.787 ], [ -71.339, -54.802 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.906, -54.837 ], [ -70.885, -54.848 ], [ -70.932, -54.835 ], [ -70.922, -54.823 ], [ -70.906, -54.837 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.212, -54.821 ], [ -71.231, -54.796 ], [ -71.194, -54.816 ], [ -71.212, -54.821 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.432, -54.938 ], [ -71.458, -54.932 ], [ -71.429, -54.92 ], [ -71.432, -54.938 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.165, -54.955 ], [ -71.194, -55.023 ], [ -71.256, -55.015 ], [ -71.264, -54.971 ], [ -71.165, -54.955 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70, -54.876 ], [ -69.982, -54.877 ], [ -70.091, -54.881 ], [ -70, -54.876 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.259, -54.898 ], [ -70.278, -54.89 ], [ -70.236, -54.884 ], [ -70.259, -54.898 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.301, -54.884 ], [ -70.312, -54.88 ], [ -70.293, -54.876 ], [ -70.301, -54.884 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.997, -54.67 ], [ -71.009, -54.657 ], [ -70.99, -54.64 ], [ -70.997, -54.67 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.868, -54.672 ], [ -71.88, -54.661 ], [ -71.846, -54.667 ], [ -71.868, -54.672 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.068, -54.618 ], [ -72.104, -54.619 ], [ -72.106, -54.606 ], [ -72.068, -54.618 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.03, -54.537 ], [ -72.011, -54.566 ], [ -71.952, -54.594 ], [ -72.076, -54.574 ], [ -72.03, -54.537 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.782, -54.524 ], [ -71.789, -54.495 ], [ -71.765, -54.509 ], [ -71.782, -54.524 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.973, -54.473 ], [ -73.01, -54.506 ], [ -73.103, -54.5 ], [ -73.078, -54.483 ], [ -72.973, -54.473 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.131, -54.474 ], [ -72.146, -54.458 ], [ -72.112, -54.473 ], [ -72.131, -54.474 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.27, -54.375 ], [ -71.245, -54.379 ], [ -71.291, -54.374 ], [ -71.27, -54.375 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.955, -54.367 ], [ -71.942, -54.378 ], [ -72, -54.383 ], [ -71.955, -54.367 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.992, -54.331 ], [ -71.007, -54.326 ], [ -70.98, -54.329 ], [ -70.992, -54.331 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.667, -54.307 ], [ -72.647, -54.322 ], [ -72.694, -54.312 ], [ -72.667, -54.307 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.629, -54.339 ], [ -72.625, -54.322 ], [ -72.612, -54.325 ], [ -72.629, -54.339 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.795, -54.317 ], [ -71.793, -54.305 ], [ -71.779, -54.313 ], [ -71.795, -54.317 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.594, -54.333 ], [ -71.621, -54.332 ], [ -71.636, -54.308 ], [ -71.594, -54.333 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.284, -54.286 ], [ -72.251, -54.33 ], [ -72.342, -54.311 ], [ -72.334, -54.286 ], [ -72.284, -54.286 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.679, -54.285 ], [ -71.64, -54.329 ], [ -71.753, -54.294 ], [ -71.7, -54.278 ], [ -71.679, -54.285 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.173, -54.325 ], [ -72.196, -54.314 ], [ -72.169, -54.309 ], [ -72.173, -54.325 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.622, -54.423 ], [ -71.598, -54.454 ], [ -71.666, -54.398 ], [ -71.655, -54.392 ], [ -71.622, -54.423 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.411, -54.431 ], [ -72.387, -54.431 ], [ -72.376, -54.459 ], [ -72.438, -54.451 ], [ -72.411, -54.431 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.083, -54.433 ], [ -72.064, -54.457 ], [ -72.125, -54.434 ], [ -72.098, -54.417 ], [ -72.083, -54.433 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.294, -54.414 ], [ -72.258, -54.411 ], [ -72.231, -54.462 ], [ -72.309, -54.439 ], [ -72.321, -54.472 ], [ -72.37, -54.417 ], [ -72.294, -54.414 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.383, -54.42 ], [ -72.399, -54.413 ], [ -72.381, -54.41 ], [ -72.383, -54.42 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.497, -54.392 ], [ -71.512, -54.373 ], [ -71.481, -54.371 ], [ -71.497, -54.392 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.415, -54.406 ], [ -72.426, -54.397 ], [ -72.396, -54.387 ], [ -72.415, -54.406 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.54, -54.376 ], [ -71.531, -54.389 ], [ -71.604, -54.38 ], [ -71.54, -54.376 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.179, -54.375 ], [ -72.093, -54.41 ], [ -72.159, -54.441 ], [ -72.162, -54.399 ], [ -72.235, -54.384 ], [ -72.179, -54.375 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.915, -54.39 ], [ -71.9, -54.393 ], [ -71.974, -54.392 ], [ -71.915, -54.39 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.406, -54.325 ], [ -72.29, -54.344 ], [ -72.445, -54.362 ], [ -72.46, -54.435 ], [ -72.543, -54.381 ], [ -72.544, -54.343 ], [ -72.406, -54.325 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.091, -54.726 ], [ -71.101, -54.711 ], [ -71.074, -54.727 ], [ -71.091, -54.726 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.027, -54.736 ], [ -72.033, -54.704 ], [ -72.017, -54.7 ], [ -72.007, -54.721 ], [ -72.027, -54.736 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.839, -54.743 ], [ -71.795, -54.748 ], [ -71.767, -54.776 ], [ -71.835, -54.769 ], [ -71.869, -54.726 ], [ -71.839, -54.743 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.564, -54.714 ], [ -71.529, -54.746 ], [ -71.622, -54.763 ], [ -71.629, -54.7 ], [ -71.564, -54.714 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.15, -54.72 ], [ -71.108, -54.728 ], [ -71.147, -54.746 ], [ -71.15, -54.72 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.196, -54.717 ], [ -71.225, -54.744 ], [ -71.275, -54.73 ], [ -71.196, -54.717 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.729, -54.709 ], [ -71.775, -54.732 ], [ -71.789, -54.701 ], [ -71.763, -54.694 ], [ -71.729, -54.709 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.809, -54.717 ], [ -71.827, -54.697 ], [ -71.795, -54.689 ], [ -71.809, -54.717 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.045, -54.635 ], [ -71.961, -54.666 ], [ -71.902, -54.734 ], [ -71.981, -54.755 ], [ -71.968, -54.703 ], [ -72.033, -54.653 ], [ -72.103, -54.673 ], [ -72.045, -54.635 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.679, -54.691 ], [ -71.717, -54.708 ], [ -71.772, -54.659 ], [ -71.722, -54.655 ], [ -71.679, -54.691 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.218, -55.486 ], [ -69.338, -55.486 ], [ -69.366, -55.398 ], [ -69.404, -55.521 ], [ -69.43, -55.405 ], [ -69.511, -55.41 ], [ -69.397, -55.379 ], [ -69.501, -55.378 ], [ -69.452, -55.345 ], [ -69.547, -55.386 ], [ -69.596, -55.367 ], [ -69.525, -55.33 ], [ -69.79, -55.317 ], [ -69.542, -55.28 ], [ -69.681, -55.275 ], [ -69.455, -55.193 ], [ -69.862, -55.279 ], [ -69.896, -55.26 ], [ -69.848, -55.241 ], [ -69.963, -55.24 ], [ -69.857, -55.212 ], [ -69.968, -55.184 ], [ -69.856, -55.194 ], [ -70.027, -55.162 ], [ -70.027, -55.126 ], [ -69.929, -55.133 ], [ -69.966, -55.113 ], [ -69.903, -55.069 ], [ -69.669, -55.085 ], [ -69.58, -55.038 ], [ -69.564, -55.169 ], [ -69.546, -55.035 ], [ -69.325, -55.057 ], [ -69.393, -55.024 ], [ -68.437, -54.936 ], [ -68.31, -55.034 ], [ -68.329, -55.076 ], [ -68.449, -55.021 ], [ -68.427, -55.093 ], [ -68.635, -55.081 ], [ -68.549, -55.129 ], [ -68.658, -55.153 ], [ -69.021, -55.02 ], [ -69.074, -55.071 ], [ -68.978, -55.068 ], [ -68.985, -55.108 ], [ -68.743, -55.182 ], [ -68.367, -55.18 ], [ -68.342, -55.214 ], [ -68.25, -55.224 ], [ -68.333, -55.238 ], [ -68.188, -55.295 ], [ -68.556, -55.328 ], [ -68.66, -55.253 ], [ -68.749, -55.275 ], [ -68.645, -55.276 ], [ -68.68, -55.293 ], [ -68.619, -55.315 ], [ -68.634, -55.344 ], [ -68.54, -55.336 ], [ -68.59, -55.375 ], [ -68.406, -55.331 ], [ -68.273, -55.381 ], [ -68.32, -55.413 ], [ -68.139, -55.395 ], [ -68.164, -55.482 ], [ -68.023, -55.485 ], [ -68.116, -55.533 ], [ -67.973, -55.6 ], [ -68.015, -55.621 ], [ -67.97, -55.646 ], [ -68.021, -55.66 ], [ -67.968, -55.683 ], [ -68.092, -55.724 ], [ -68.137, -55.606 ], [ -68.278, -55.62 ], [ -68.218, -55.545 ], [ -68.355, -55.492 ], [ -68.442, -55.515 ], [ -68.556, -55.464 ], [ -68.549, -55.411 ], [ -68.632, -55.405 ], [ -68.598, -55.47 ], [ -68.794, -55.431 ], [ -68.775, -55.507 ], [ -68.916, -55.484 ], [ -68.87, -55.457 ], [ -68.927, -55.468 ], [ -68.963, -55.414 ], [ -68.739, -55.387 ], [ -68.809, -55.373 ], [ -68.752, -55.354 ], [ -68.783, -55.347 ], [ -68.975, -55.399 ], [ -68.87, -55.317 ], [ -68.89, -55.274 ], [ -68.831, -55.248 ], [ -68.872, -55.228 ], [ -68.797, -55.18 ], [ -69.029, -55.275 ], [ -69.136, -55.185 ], [ -69.12, -55.248 ], [ -69.218, -55.212 ], [ -69.258, -55.153 ], [ -69.226, -55.115 ], [ -69.318, -55.155 ], [ -69.247, -55.236 ], [ -69.499, -55.244 ], [ -69.433, -55.252 ], [ -69.469, -55.264 ], [ -69.436, -55.304 ], [ -69.323, -55.305 ], [ -69.355, -55.319 ], [ -69.27, -55.36 ], [ -69.308, -55.37 ], [ -69.231, -55.37 ], [ -69.262, -55.398 ], [ -69.22, -55.408 ], [ -69.285, -55.414 ], [ -69.246, -55.43 ], [ -69.287, -55.451 ], [ -69.116, -55.461 ], [ -69.187, -55.458 ], [ -69.125, -55.489 ], [ -69.15, -55.515 ], [ -69.218, -55.486 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.645, -54.892 ], [ -69.484, -54.901 ], [ -69.533, -54.956 ], [ -69.432, -54.901 ], [ -69.133, -54.961 ], [ -69.929, -55.04 ], [ -69.893, -55.016 ], [ -69.934, -54.957 ], [ -69.807, -54.952 ], [ -69.927, -54.904 ], [ -69.778, -54.889 ], [ -69.748, -54.973 ], [ -69.667, -54.948 ], [ -69.753, -54.874 ], [ -69.645, -54.892 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.97, -55 ], [ -70.903, -55 ], [ -71.001, -54.97 ], [ -70.838, -54.926 ], [ -70.84, -54.983 ], [ -70.779, -54.978 ], [ -70.768, -54.928 ], [ -70.696, -54.965 ], [ -70.735, -54.981 ], [ -70.551, -54.98 ], [ -70.587, -54.948 ], [ -70.487, -54.901 ], [ -70.332, -54.89 ], [ -70.291, -54.914 ], [ -70.475, -54.946 ], [ -70.511, -54.967 ], [ -70.48, -54.996 ], [ -70.71, -54.982 ], [ -70.726, -55.013 ], [ -70.563, -55.043 ], [ -70.492, -55.021 ], [ -70.453, -55.06 ], [ -70.282, -55.03 ], [ -70.267, -55.072 ], [ -70.356, -55.077 ], [ -70.239, -55.109 ], [ -70.432, -55.093 ], [ -70.345, -55.168 ], [ -70.448, -55.209 ], [ -70.521, -55.15 ], [ -70.539, -55.177 ], [ -70.485, -55.19 ], [ -70.524, -55.205 ], [ -70.556, -55.18 ], [ -70.5, -55.102 ], [ -70.564, -55.06 ], [ -70.622, -55.053 ], [ -70.571, -55.086 ], [ -70.639, -55.073 ], [ -70.675, -55.129 ], [ -70.741, -55.103 ], [ -70.695, -55.073 ], [ -70.732, -55.049 ], [ -70.796, -55.096 ], [ -70.853, -55.049 ], [ -70.905, -55.09 ], [ -70.939, -55.037 ], [ -70.996, -55.053 ], [ -70.945, -55.026 ], [ -70.97, -55 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.269, -55.013 ], [ -70.312, -54.998 ], [ -70.282, -54.979 ], [ -70.29, -54.954 ], [ -70.39, -55.004 ], [ -70.45, -54.959 ], [ -70.223, -54.941 ], [ -70.269, -55.013 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.007, -54.923 ], [ -69.935, -54.942 ], [ -70.203, -55.01 ], [ -70.162, -54.957 ], [ -70.007, -54.923 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.113, -54.91 ], [ -70.057, -54.915 ], [ -70.186, -54.93 ], [ -70.133, -54.899 ], [ -70.113, -54.91 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.228, -54.902 ], [ -70.239, -54.899 ], [ -70.221, -54.889 ], [ -70.228, -54.902 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.121, -54.834 ], [ -71.128, -54.867 ], [ -70.975, -54.859 ], [ -70.976, -54.901 ], [ -70.924, -54.908 ], [ -70.986, -54.918 ], [ -70.896, -54.924 ], [ -71.064, -54.958 ], [ -71.158, -54.93 ], [ -71.072, -54.905 ], [ -71.283, -54.859 ], [ -71.333, -54.955 ], [ -71.353, -54.881 ], [ -71.42, -54.943 ], [ -71.403, -54.912 ], [ -71.454, -54.883 ], [ -71.383, -54.859 ], [ -71.399, -54.828 ], [ -71.121, -54.834 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.555, -54.83 ], [ -70.452, -54.834 ], [ -70.351, -54.866 ], [ -70.574, -54.912 ], [ -70.742, -54.869 ], [ -70.555, -54.83 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.931, -54.292 ], [ -69.96, -54.271 ], [ -69.925, -54.275 ], [ -69.931, -54.292 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.792, -54.284 ], [ -72.789, -54.27 ], [ -72.773, -54.276 ], [ -72.792, -54.284 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.564, -54.314 ], [ -71.61, -54.282 ], [ -71.566, -54.298 ], [ -71.564, -54.314 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.471, -54.264 ], [ -71.389, -54.265 ], [ -71.416, -54.287 ], [ -71.378, -54.332 ], [ -71.497, -54.333 ], [ -71.493, -54.233 ], [ -71.471, -54.264 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72, -54.3 ], [ -72.055, -54.289 ], [ -72.088, -54.262 ], [ -71.992, -54.251 ], [ -72, -54.3 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.195, -54.218 ], [ -72.148, -54.283 ], [ -72.16, -54.305 ], [ -72.208, -54.291 ], [ -72.195, -54.218 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.284, -54.287 ], [ -70.474, -54.236 ], [ -70.521, -54.159 ], [ -70.219, -54.238 ], [ -70.284, -54.287 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.106, -54.4 ], [ -71.165, -54.332 ], [ -71.189, -54.376 ], [ -71.345, -54.317 ], [ -71.166, -54.244 ], [ -71.232, -54.207 ], [ -71.254, -54.255 ], [ -71.321, -54.261 ], [ -71.322, -54.215 ], [ -71.37, -54.256 ], [ -71.439, -54.211 ], [ -71.354, -54.15 ], [ -71.405, -54.154 ], [ -71.386, -54.117 ], [ -71.43, -54.154 ], [ -71.5, -54.13 ], [ -71.439, -54.166 ], [ -71.489, -54.188 ], [ -71.509, -54.284 ], [ -71.577, -54.23 ], [ -71.514, -54.183 ], [ -71.581, -54.193 ], [ -71.589, -54.243 ], [ -71.654, -54.228 ], [ -71.691, -54.16 ], [ -71.554, -54.088 ], [ -71.602, -54.088 ], [ -71.638, -54.018 ], [ -71.606, -53.954 ], [ -71.523, -53.953 ], [ -71.487, -54.012 ], [ -71.49, -53.956 ], [ -71.433, -53.956 ], [ -71.391, -54.094 ], [ -71.379, -53.978 ], [ -71.262, -54.005 ], [ -71.236, -54.095 ], [ -71.288, -54.112 ], [ -71.207, -54.119 ], [ -71.192, -54.206 ], [ -71.155, -54.089 ], [ -71.107, -54.167 ], [ -71.08, -54.067 ], [ -70.99, -54.096 ], [ -70.986, -54.156 ], [ -71.066, -54.202 ], [ -70.962, -54.174 ], [ -70.97, -54.241 ], [ -71.03, -54.242 ], [ -70.965, -54.312 ], [ -71.042, -54.299 ], [ -71.038, -54.344 ], [ -71.14, -54.302 ], [ -71.058, -54.354 ], [ -71.106, -54.4 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.475, -54.295 ], [ -72.553, -54.272 ], [ -72.458, -54.235 ], [ -72.496, -54.194 ], [ -72.377, -54.172 ], [ -72.415, -54.124 ], [ -72.284, -54.098 ], [ -72.417, -54.085 ], [ -72.317, -54.058 ], [ -72.196, -54.142 ], [ -72.285, -54.145 ], [ -72.255, -54.198 ], [ -72.326, -54.2 ], [ -72.314, -54.263 ], [ -72.393, -54.217 ], [ -72.475, -54.295 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.519, -37.079 ], [ -73.556, -37.026 ], [ -73.525, -36.972 ], [ -73.455, -37.052 ], [ -73.519, -37.079 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.056, -36.644 ], [ -73.072, -36.648 ], [ -73.048, -36.605 ], [ -73.056, -36.644 ] ] ], [ [ [ -109.291, -27.094 ], [ -109.234, -27.125 ], [ -109.452, -27.197 ], [ -109.396, -27.063 ], [ -109.291, -27.094 ] ] ], [ [ [ -80.733, -33.706 ], [ -80.72, -33.783 ], [ -80.762, -33.79 ], [ -80.785, -33.72 ], [ -80.733, -33.706 ] ] ], [ [ [ -78.938, -33.7 ], [ -78.922, -33.711 ], [ -78.96, -33.701 ], [ -78.938, -33.7 ] ] ], [ [ [ -78.891, -33.593 ], [ -78.788, -33.624 ], [ -78.761, -33.656 ], [ -79.006, -33.668 ], [ -78.891, -33.593 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.586, -29.022 ], [ -71.571, -29.026 ], [ -71.572, -29.043 ], [ -71.59, -29.046 ], [ -71.586, -29.022 ] ] ], [ [ [ -79.89, -26.356 ], [ -79.894, -26.369 ], [ -79.918, -26.365 ], [ -79.89, -26.356 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.81, -41.749 ], [ -73.822, -41.74 ], [ -73.814, -41.73 ], [ -73.8, -41.742 ], [ -73.81, -41.749 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.951, -41.719 ], [ -73.001, -41.706 ], [ -72.99, -41.667 ], [ -72.886, -41.697 ], [ -72.951, -41.719 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.977, -41.592 ], [ -73.008, -41.594 ], [ -73.019, -41.562 ], [ -72.973, -41.557 ], [ -72.977, -41.592 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.902, -38.417 ], [ -73.939, -38.417 ], [ -73.959, -38.318 ], [ -73.864, -38.37 ], [ -73.902, -38.417 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.717, -44.07 ], [ -73.699, -44.086 ], [ -73.729, -44.071 ], [ -73.717, -44.07 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.884, -44.071 ], [ -73.852, -44.074 ], [ -73.845, -44.091 ], [ -73.914, -44.076 ], [ -73.884, -44.071 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.113, -44.046 ], [ -74.16, -44.073 ], [ -74.203, -44.065 ], [ -74.113, -44.046 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.941, -44.048 ], [ -73.933, -44.059 ], [ -73.95, -44.071 ], [ -73.941, -44.048 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.702, -43.923 ], [ -73.688, -43.934 ], [ -73.708, -43.933 ], [ -73.702, -43.923 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.672, -43.878 ], [ -73.662, -43.885 ], [ -73.673, -43.89 ], [ -73.682, -43.882 ], [ -73.672, -43.878 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.776, -43.829 ], [ -73.739, -43.902 ], [ -73.895, -43.872 ], [ -73.781, -43.86 ], [ -73.776, -43.829 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.771, -43.684 ], [ -74.838, -43.563 ], [ -74.745, -43.567 ], [ -74.744, -43.518 ], [ -74.552, -43.627 ], [ -74.771, -43.684 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.204, -43.466 ], [ -74.213, -43.473 ], [ -74.2, -43.455 ], [ -74.204, -43.466 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.018, -43.801 ], [ -74.025, -43.818 ], [ -74.046, -43.811 ], [ -74.018, -43.801 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.003, -43.787 ], [ -73.987, -43.805 ], [ -73.997, -43.818 ], [ -74.01, -43.808 ], [ -74.003, -43.787 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.263, -44.015 ], [ -73.241, -44.023 ], [ -73.234, -44.052 ], [ -73.279, -44.028 ], [ -73.263, -44.015 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.243, -44.012 ], [ -74.174, -44.028 ], [ -74.287, -44.025 ], [ -74.243, -44.012 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.223, -43.985 ], [ -74.153, -44.005 ], [ -74.243, -44.002 ], [ -74.223, -43.985 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.575, -44.033 ], [ -73.538, -44.044 ], [ -73.529, -44.08 ], [ -73.614, -44.036 ], [ -73.575, -44.033 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.896, -43.934 ], [ -73.781, -43.976 ], [ -73.865, -43.991 ], [ -73.927, -43.961 ], [ -73.896, -43.934 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.735, -44.03 ], [ -73.721, -44.038 ], [ -73.735, -44.065 ], [ -73.748, -44.039 ], [ -73.735, -44.03 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.133, -43.887 ], [ -73.145, -44.032 ], [ -73.212, -44.037 ], [ -73.186, -44.021 ], [ -73.266, -43.974 ], [ -73.244, -43.915 ], [ -73.133, -43.887 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.138, -43.954 ], [ -74.175, -43.94 ], [ -74.117, -43.95 ], [ -74.138, -43.954 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.765, -43.908 ], [ -73.788, -43.951 ], [ -73.854, -43.926 ], [ -73.843, -43.91 ], [ -73.765, -43.908 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.86, -43.774 ], [ -73.787, -43.84 ], [ -73.943, -43.855 ], [ -73.864, -43.917 ], [ -73.918, -43.909 ], [ -73.941, -43.956 ], [ -74.01, -43.891 ], [ -74.16, -43.864 ], [ -74.074, -43.808 ], [ -73.978, -43.847 ], [ -73.902, -43.843 ], [ -73.907, -43.802 ], [ -73.831, -43.804 ], [ -73.86, -43.774 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.076, -42.682 ], [ -73.083, -42.653 ], [ -73.067, -42.667 ], [ -73.076, -42.682 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.441, -43.068 ], [ -73.475, -43.042 ], [ -73.453, -43.045 ], [ -73.441, -43.068 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.326, -43.016 ], [ -73.464, -42.994 ], [ -73.605, -42.931 ], [ -73.518, -42.917 ], [ -73.326, -43.016 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.95, -42.81 ], [ -73.031, -42.721 ], [ -73.031, -42.697 ], [ -72.924, -42.725 ], [ -72.919, -42.783 ], [ -72.97, -42.752 ], [ -72.95, -42.81 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.075, -42.755 ], [ -73.093, -42.728 ], [ -73.072, -42.741 ], [ -73.075, -42.755 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.061, -42.752 ], [ -73.079, -42.715 ], [ -73.052, -42.722 ], [ -73.061, -42.752 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.51, -42.17 ], [ -72.609, -42.134 ], [ -72.574, -42.08 ], [ -72.477, -42.09 ], [ -72.51, -42.17 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.247, -42.666 ], [ -73.358, -42.63 ], [ -73.233, -42.635 ], [ -73.247, -42.666 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.032, -42.63 ], [ -73.064, -42.609 ], [ -73.004, -42.603 ], [ -73.006, -42.653 ], [ -73.032, -42.63 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.531, -42.647 ], [ -73.482, -42.638 ], [ -73.502, -42.604 ], [ -73.423, -42.622 ], [ -73.469, -42.648 ], [ -73.531, -42.647 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.267, -42.612 ], [ -73.329, -42.601 ], [ -73.284, -42.589 ], [ -73.267, -42.612 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.538, -42.701 ], [ -73.577, -42.709 ], [ -73.597, -42.653 ], [ -73.743, -42.617 ], [ -73.594, -42.571 ], [ -73.538, -42.701 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.207, -42.63 ], [ -73.214, -42.591 ], [ -73.243, -42.613 ], [ -73.223, -42.56 ], [ -73.196, -42.617 ], [ -73.207, -42.63 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.516, -42.603 ], [ -73.538, -42.58 ], [ -73.491, -42.55 ], [ -73.516, -42.603 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.264, -42.514 ], [ -73.294, -42.463 ], [ -73.248, -42.482 ], [ -73.264, -42.514 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.337, -42.489 ], [ -73.377, -42.49 ], [ -73.373, -42.453 ], [ -73.297, -42.472 ], [ -73.337, -42.489 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.428, -42.44 ], [ -73.462, -42.425 ], [ -73.433, -42.424 ], [ -73.428, -42.44 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.195, -42.32 ], [ -73.207, -42.329 ], [ -73.222, -42.307 ], [ -73.195, -42.32 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.386, -42.184 ], [ -73.408, -42.153 ], [ -73.46, -42.139 ], [ -73.385, -42.109 ], [ -73.348, -42.178 ], [ -73.386, -42.184 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.13, -42.342 ], [ -73.172, -42.267 ], [ -73.14, -42.302 ], [ -73.11, -42.258 ], [ -73.057, -42.274 ], [ -73.13, -42.342 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.24, -42.316 ], [ -73.314, -42.306 ], [ -73.271, -42.286 ], [ -73.24, -42.316 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.215, -42.304 ], [ -73.198, -42.294 ], [ -73.262, -42.27 ], [ -73.207, -42.282 ], [ -73.186, -42.303 ], [ -73.215, -42.304 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.145, -42.277 ], [ -73.186, -42.244 ], [ -73.149, -42.253 ], [ -73.145, -42.277 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.124, -42.399 ], [ -73.152, -42.398 ], [ -73.103, -42.377 ], [ -73.124, -42.399 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.514, -42.455 ], [ -73.394, -42.543 ], [ -73.389, -42.584 ], [ -73.539, -42.469 ], [ -73.633, -42.473 ], [ -73.603, -42.439 ], [ -73.659, -42.391 ], [ -73.528, -42.393 ], [ -73.514, -42.455 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.306, -42.44 ], [ -73.345, -42.421 ], [ -73.291, -42.389 ], [ -73.282, -42.419 ], [ -73.306, -42.44 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.455, -42.385 ], [ -73.444, -42.366 ], [ -73.414, -42.393 ], [ -73.436, -42.408 ], [ -73.455, -42.385 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.276, -43.423 ], [ -74.278, -43.362 ], [ -74.254, -43.349 ], [ -74.232, -43.41 ], [ -74.276, -43.423 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.726, -43.399 ], [ -73.775, -43.382 ], [ -73.806, -43.317 ], [ -73.661, -43.354 ], [ -73.726, -43.399 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.585, -43.273 ], [ -73.625, -43.239 ], [ -73.618, -43.165 ], [ -73.569, -43.249 ], [ -73.585, -43.273 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.667, -43.247 ], [ -73.744, -43.198 ], [ -73.661, -43.194 ], [ -73.667, -43.247 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.498, -43.174 ], [ -73.535, -43.196 ], [ -73.589, -43.201 ], [ -73.581, -43.138 ], [ -73.498, -43.174 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.51, -43.156 ], [ -73.509, -43.156 ], [ -73.509, -43.157 ], [ -73.51, -43.156 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.51, -43.156 ], [ -73.532, -43.156 ], [ -73.518, -43.142 ], [ -73.51, -43.156 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.631, -42.077 ], [ -72.642, -42.081 ], [ -72.644, -42.065 ], [ -72.618, -42.067 ], [ -72.631, -42.077 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.484, -42.07 ], [ -72.513, -42.054 ], [ -72.461, -41.984 ], [ -72.462, -42.031 ], [ -72.484, -42.07 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.105, -41.904 ], [ -73.103, -41.903 ], [ -73.104, -41.904 ], [ -73.105, -41.904 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.068, -41.901 ], [ -73.103, -41.903 ], [ -73.078, -41.891 ], [ -73.068, -41.901 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.105, -41.904 ], [ -73.161, -41.907 ], [ -73.137, -41.882 ], [ -73.105, -41.904 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.894, -41.898 ], [ -72.938, -41.875 ], [ -72.895, -41.87 ], [ -72.894, -41.898 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.349, -41.834 ], [ -73.329, -41.817 ], [ -73.339, -41.799 ], [ -73.32, -41.816 ], [ -73.349, -41.834 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.157, -41.809 ], [ -73.185, -41.796 ], [ -73.157, -41.797 ], [ -73.127, -41.769 ], [ -73.157, -41.809 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.235, -41.801 ], [ -73.246, -41.797 ], [ -73.251, -41.725 ], [ -73.197, -41.779 ], [ -73.16, -41.785 ], [ -73.235, -41.801 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.099, -41.854 ], [ -73.097, -41.834 ], [ -73.123, -41.816 ], [ -73.085, -41.833 ], [ -73.099, -41.854 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.144, -41.84 ], [ -73.162, -41.817 ], [ -73.132, -41.832 ], [ -73.144, -41.84 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.078, -41.75 ], [ -73.055, -41.732 ], [ -72.985, -41.858 ], [ -73.116, -41.807 ], [ -73.05, -41.813 ], [ -73.078, -41.75 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.48, -44.276 ], [ -73.476, -44.292 ], [ -73.49, -44.299 ], [ -73.498, -44.285 ], [ -73.48, -44.276 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.626, -44.288 ], [ -73.615, -44.296 ], [ -73.64, -44.297 ], [ -73.626, -44.288 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.204, -44.243 ], [ -73.197, -44.259 ], [ -73.217, -44.248 ], [ -73.204, -44.243 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.901, -44.248 ], [ -73.842, -44.264 ], [ -73.855, -44.29 ], [ -73.934, -44.256 ], [ -73.901, -44.248 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.832, -44.214 ], [ -73.804, -44.235 ], [ -73.836, -44.255 ], [ -73.85, -44.219 ], [ -73.832, -44.214 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.234, -44.218 ], [ -73.209, -44.233 ], [ -73.236, -44.237 ], [ -73.234, -44.218 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.325, -44.215 ], [ -74.334, -44.231 ], [ -74.364, -44.223 ], [ -74.325, -44.215 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.742, -44.219 ], [ -73.726, -44.228 ], [ -73.754, -44.241 ], [ -73.742, -44.219 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.29, -44.21 ], [ -74.262, -44.213 ], [ -74.22, -44.255 ], [ -74.319, -44.219 ], [ -74.29, -44.21 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.554, -44.127 ], [ -73.541, -44.148 ], [ -73.581, -44.162 ], [ -73.587, -44.145 ], [ -73.554, -44.127 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.142, -44.115 ], [ -74.13, -44.124 ], [ -74.167, -44.153 ], [ -74.142, -44.115 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.346, -44.099 ], [ -74.181, -44.134 ], [ -74.351, -44.129 ], [ -74.346, -44.099 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.351, -44.189 ], [ -74.363, -44.172 ], [ -74.305, -44.188 ], [ -74.354, -44.2 ], [ -74.351, -44.189 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.307, -44.182 ], [ -74.307, -44.182 ], [ -74.308, -44.182 ], [ -74.307, -44.182 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.211, -44.189 ], [ -74.161, -44.192 ], [ -74.147, -44.213 ], [ -74.196, -44.211 ], [ -74.211, -44.189 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.623, -44.187 ], [ -73.623, -44.205 ], [ -73.655, -44.213 ], [ -73.623, -44.187 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.512, -44.104 ], [ -73.448, -44.126 ], [ -73.496, -44.183 ], [ -73.543, -44.127 ], [ -73.512, -44.104 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.67, -44.15 ], [ -73.658, -44.205 ], [ -73.72, -44.201 ], [ -73.724, -44.172 ], [ -73.67, -44.15 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.307, -44.182 ], [ -74.359, -44.149 ], [ -74.234, -44.177 ], [ -74.307, -44.182 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.06, -44.12 ], [ -74.123, -44.193 ], [ -74.156, -44.186 ], [ -74.124, -44.141 ], [ -74.06, -44.12 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.927, -44.099 ], [ -73.84, -44.128 ], [ -73.898, -44.177 ], [ -73.815, -44.185 ], [ -73.829, -44.152 ], [ -73.804, -44.188 ], [ -73.96, -44.193 ], [ -73.996, -44.145 ], [ -73.927, -44.099 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.409, -44.328 ], [ -74.4, -44.338 ], [ -74.415, -44.349 ], [ -74.409, -44.328 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.716, -44.333 ], [ -73.703, -44.354 ], [ -73.735, -44.352 ], [ -73.716, -44.333 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.599, -44.329 ], [ -73.578, -44.344 ], [ -73.597, -44.357 ], [ -73.612, -44.341 ], [ -73.599, -44.329 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.149, -44.302 ], [ -73.089, -44.32 ], [ -73.148, -44.34 ], [ -73.149, -44.302 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.665, -44.341 ], [ -73.684, -44.346 ], [ -73.698, -44.33 ], [ -73.663, -44.318 ], [ -73.665, -44.341 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.258, -44.32 ], [ -74.264, -44.333 ], [ -74.302, -44.333 ], [ -74.295, -44.319 ], [ -74.258, -44.32 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.279, -44.305 ], [ -73.276, -44.322 ], [ -73.297, -44.33 ], [ -73.279, -44.305 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.733, -44.306 ], [ -73.726, -44.317 ], [ -73.745, -44.316 ], [ -73.733, -44.306 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.67, -44.24 ], [ -73.635, -44.267 ], [ -73.718, -44.31 ], [ -73.746, -44.256 ], [ -73.67, -44.24 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.421, -44.256 ], [ -74.276, -44.252 ], [ -74.233, -44.305 ], [ -74.344, -44.307 ], [ -74.421, -44.256 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.142, -44.228 ], [ -74.102, -44.262 ], [ -74.116, -44.31 ], [ -74.203, -44.252 ], [ -74.142, -44.228 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.784, -44.287 ], [ -73.801, -44.352 ], [ -74.015, -44.339 ], [ -73.972, -44.33 ], [ -74.061, -44.299 ], [ -74.105, -44.208 ], [ -74.066, -44.181 ], [ -74.047, -44.21 ], [ -73.984, -44.245 ], [ -74.068, -44.179 ], [ -74.021, -44.146 ], [ -73.929, -44.22 ], [ -73.857, -44.227 ], [ -74.003, -44.254 ], [ -73.964, -44.318 ], [ -73.952, -44.262 ], [ -73.899, -44.301 ], [ -73.852, -44.295 ], [ -73.815, -44.259 ], [ -73.784, -44.287 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.047, -44.09 ], [ -74.028, -44.1 ], [ -74.051, -44.106 ], [ -74.047, -44.09 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.23, -44.073 ], [ -74.171, -44.094 ], [ -74.341, -44.085 ], [ -74.334, -44.073 ], [ -74.23, -44.073 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.076, -44.071 ], [ -74.082, -44.102 ], [ -74.133, -44.089 ], [ -74.076, -44.071 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.665, -44.082 ], [ -73.67, -44.087 ], [ -73.695, -44.072 ], [ -73.674, -44.063 ], [ -73.665, -44.082 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.663, -44.075 ], [ -73.738, -43.997 ], [ -73.694, -43.936 ], [ -73.6, -44.006 ], [ -73.652, -44.036 ], [ -73.582, -44.105 ], [ -73.638, -44.14 ], [ -73.663, -44.075 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.028, -49.948 ], [ -75.038, -49.94 ], [ -75.014, -49.943 ], [ -75.028, -49.948 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.986, -49.905 ], [ -74.986, -49.924 ], [ -75.022, -49.919 ], [ -75.022, -49.906 ], [ -74.986, -49.905 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.079, -49.917 ], [ -75.088, -49.91 ], [ -75.07, -49.907 ], [ -75.079, -49.917 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.076, -49.9 ], [ -75.108, -49.895 ], [ -75.063, -49.891 ], [ -75.076, -49.9 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.88, -49.828 ], [ -74.897, -49.806 ], [ -74.878, -49.809 ], [ -74.88, -49.828 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.389, -49.825 ], [ -75.39, -49.789 ], [ -75.327, -49.753 ], [ -75.366, -49.683 ], [ -75.378, -49.739 ], [ -75.578, -49.819 ], [ -75.594, -49.754 ], [ -75.516, -49.733 ], [ -75.481, -49.704 ], [ -75.609, -49.638 ], [ -75.57, -49.595 ], [ -75.463, -49.611 ], [ -75.46, -49.568 ], [ -75.371, -49.618 ], [ -75.363, -49.574 ], [ -75.161, -49.868 ], [ -75.281, -49.804 ], [ -75.258, -49.874 ], [ -75.337, -49.859 ], [ -75.377, -49.794 ], [ -75.389, -49.825 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.296, -49.596 ], [ -75.305, -49.549 ], [ -75.248, -49.564 ], [ -75.296, -49.596 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.369, -49.555 ], [ -75.383, -49.57 ], [ -75.424, -49.561 ], [ -75.334, -49.53 ], [ -75.369, -49.555 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.486, -49.449 ], [ -75.429, -49.477 ], [ -75.43, -49.529 ], [ -75.581, -49.428 ], [ -75.541, -49.404 ], [ -75.486, -49.449 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.007, -48.914 ], [ -74.993, -48.928 ], [ -75.051, -48.914 ], [ -75.007, -48.914 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.608, -48.375 ], [ -75.617, -48.387 ], [ -75.618, -48.37 ], [ -75.608, -48.375 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.053, -48.514 ], [ -74.188, -48.455 ], [ -74.176, -48.439 ], [ -74.25, -48.38 ], [ -74.033, -48.427 ], [ -74.053, -48.514 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.425, -48.589 ], [ -74.436, -48.56 ], [ -74.417, -48.571 ], [ -74.305, -48.531 ], [ -74.425, -48.589 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.495, -48.511 ], [ -74.524, -48.492 ], [ -74.509, -48.475 ], [ -74.484, -48.498 ], [ -74.495, -48.511 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.017, -48.686 ], [ -75.076, -48.828 ], [ -75.239, -48.769 ], [ -75.017, -48.617 ], [ -75.017, -48.686 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.459, -48.794 ], [ -75.432, -48.746 ], [ -75.59, -48.816 ], [ -75.645, -48.694 ], [ -75.497, -48.744 ], [ -75.304, -48.622 ], [ -75.336, -48.679 ], [ -75.281, -48.653 ], [ -75.265, -48.725 ], [ -75.459, -48.794 ] ], [ [ -75.443, -48.771 ], [ -75.383, -48.745 ], [ -75.339, -48.69 ], [ -75.443, -48.771 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.483, -48.484 ], [ -75.358, -48.439 ], [ -75.404, -48.51 ], [ -75.36, -48.532 ], [ -75.349, -48.453 ], [ -75.307, -48.46 ], [ -75.333, -48.492 ], [ -75.317, -48.531 ], [ -75.398, -48.562 ], [ -75.31, -48.547 ], [ -75.29, -48.621 ], [ -75.315, -48.604 ], [ -75.511, -48.72 ], [ -75.618, -48.689 ], [ -75.467, -48.673 ], [ -75.387, -48.6 ], [ -75.49, -48.653 ], [ -75.545, -48.654 ], [ -75.411, -48.571 ], [ -75.548, -48.649 ], [ -75.639, -48.641 ], [ -75.665, -48.49 ], [ -75.616, -48.493 ], [ -75.615, -48.453 ], [ -75.483, -48.484 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.442, -48.511 ], [ -74.507, -48.386 ], [ -74.28, -48.488 ], [ -74.406, -48.554 ], [ -74.442, -48.511 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.677, -49.234 ], [ -75.696, -49.225 ], [ -75.681, -49.221 ], [ -75.677, -49.234 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.085, -49.241 ], [ -75.147, -49.218 ], [ -75.155, -49.201 ], [ -75.113, -49.204 ], [ -75.085, -49.241 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.25, -49.151 ], [ -75.226, -49.134 ], [ -75.263, -49.174 ], [ -75.303, -49.183 ], [ -75.25, -49.151 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.618, -49.159 ], [ -75.625, -49.143 ], [ -75.608, -49.125 ], [ -75.618, -49.159 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.587, -49.138 ], [ -75.598, -49.128 ], [ -75.571, -49.122 ], [ -75.587, -49.138 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.414, -49.201 ], [ -75.396, -49.214 ], [ -75.414, -49.216 ], [ -75.414, -49.201 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.669, -49.205 ], [ -75.681, -49.2 ], [ -75.644, -49.178 ], [ -75.64, -49.193 ], [ -75.669, -49.205 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.64, -49.126 ], [ -75.667, -49.079 ], [ -75.654, -49.068 ], [ -75.619, -49.111 ], [ -75.64, -49.126 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.51, -48.159 ], [ -73.488, -48.176 ], [ -73.521, -48.178 ], [ -73.51, -48.159 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.57, -48.125 ], [ -73.661, -48.079 ], [ -73.665, -48.057 ], [ -73.58, -48.089 ], [ -73.57, -48.125 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.678, -47.87 ], [ -73.687, -47.864 ], [ -73.672, -47.861 ], [ -73.678, -47.87 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.626, -47.872 ], [ -73.662, -47.857 ], [ -73.627, -47.849 ], [ -73.626, -47.872 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.73, -48 ], [ -73.779, -47.949 ], [ -73.743, -47.878 ], [ -73.656, -47.945 ], [ -73.692, -47.944 ], [ -73.67, -48.001 ], [ -73.73, -48 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.823, -47.961 ], [ -73.84, -47.979 ], [ -73.872, -47.98 ], [ -73.871, -47.967 ], [ -73.823, -47.961 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.919, -47.98 ], [ -73.932, -47.974 ], [ -73.901, -47.966 ], [ -73.919, -47.98 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.289, -47.982 ], [ -75.282, -47.962 ], [ -75.253, -47.97 ], [ -75.289, -47.982 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.641, -47.975 ], [ -74.638, -47.914 ], [ -74.547, -47.926 ], [ -74.641, -47.975 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.25, -47.921 ], [ -75.255, -47.912 ], [ -75.237, -47.908 ], [ -75.25, -47.921 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.242, -47.963 ], [ -75.259, -47.955 ], [ -75.093, -47.894 ], [ -75.13, -47.925 ], [ -75.242, -47.963 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.23, -47.911 ], [ -75.233, -47.891 ], [ -75.199, -47.876 ], [ -75.23, -47.911 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.188, -47.917 ], [ -75.166, -47.864 ], [ -75.099, -47.875 ], [ -75.188, -47.917 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75, -47.905 ], [ -75.002, -47.952 ], [ -75.043, -47.908 ], [ -75.017, -47.851 ], [ -75, -47.905 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.269, -48.484 ], [ -74.341, -48.443 ], [ -74.301, -48.46 ], [ -74.264, -48.449 ], [ -74.49, -48.362 ], [ -74.423, -48.347 ], [ -74.277, -48.427 ], [ -74.411, -48.341 ], [ -74.316, -48.287 ], [ -74.255, -48.412 ], [ -74.192, -48.443 ], [ -74.269, -48.484 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.515, -48.083 ], [ -75.438, -48.065 ], [ -75.47, -48.129 ], [ -75.404, -48.028 ], [ -75.342, -48.029 ], [ -75.381, -48.143 ], [ -75.34, -48.088 ], [ -75.297, -48.107 ], [ -75.336, -48.13 ], [ -75.364, -48.179 ], [ -75.262, -48.151 ], [ -75.308, -48.209 ], [ -75.256, -48.175 ], [ -75.259, -48.205 ], [ -75.321, -48.235 ], [ -75.256, -48.226 ], [ -75.275, -48.27 ], [ -75.217, -48.298 ], [ -75.26, -48.326 ], [ -75.206, -48.31 ], [ -75.218, -48.371 ], [ -75.155, -48.39 ], [ -75.214, -48.452 ], [ -75.141, -48.407 ], [ -75.073, -48.493 ], [ -75.199, -48.463 ], [ -75.226, -48.516 ], [ -75.084, -48.511 ], [ -75.065, -48.624 ], [ -75.236, -48.715 ], [ -75.26, -48.667 ], [ -75.163, -48.627 ], [ -75.269, -48.657 ], [ -75.218, -48.598 ], [ -75.285, -48.614 ], [ -75.29, -48.555 ], [ -75.244, -48.532 ], [ -75.316, -48.495 ], [ -75.228, -48.424 ], [ -75.336, -48.419 ], [ -75.277, -48.336 ], [ -75.353, -48.41 ], [ -75.545, -48.433 ], [ -75.571, -48.39 ], [ -75.389, -48.356 ], [ -75.364, -48.293 ], [ -75.418, -48.338 ], [ -75.38, -48.245 ], [ -75.445, -48.353 ], [ -75.501, -48.35 ], [ -75.478, -48.307 ], [ -75.547, -48.351 ], [ -75.56, -48.3 ], [ -75.43, -48.246 ], [ -75.394, -48.202 ], [ -75.517, -48.259 ], [ -75.59, -48.112 ], [ -75.519, -48.052 ], [ -75.515, -48.083 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75, -48.114 ], [ -74.932, -48.167 ], [ -74.998, -48.178 ], [ -74.892, -48.177 ], [ -74.926, -48.237 ], [ -74.979, -48.224 ], [ -74.936, -48.247 ], [ -74.883, -48.215 ], [ -74.948, -48.279 ], [ -74.83, -48.223 ], [ -74.811, -48.148 ], [ -74.742, -48.139 ], [ -74.891, -48.307 ], [ -74.822, -48.256 ], [ -74.83, -48.383 ], [ -74.881, -48.398 ], [ -74.871, -48.361 ], [ -75.02, -48.473 ], [ -75.109, -48.358 ], [ -75.082, -48.342 ], [ -75.156, -48.317 ], [ -75.048, -48.271 ], [ -75.168, -48.284 ], [ -75.088, -48.265 ], [ -75.145, -48.263 ], [ -75.08, -48.222 ], [ -75.175, -48.26 ], [ -75.166, -48.203 ], [ -75.208, -48.213 ], [ -75.124, -48.175 ], [ -75.216, -48.192 ], [ -75.149, -48.156 ], [ -75.217, -48.165 ], [ -75.265, -48.09 ], [ -75.016, -48.143 ], [ -75.096, -48.098 ], [ -75, -48.114 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.342, -48.231 ], [ -74.304, -48.266 ], [ -74.374, -48.244 ], [ -74.342, -48.231 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.518, -48.049 ], [ -75.54, -48.037 ], [ -75.482, -48.043 ], [ -75.518, -48.049 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.315, -48.148 ], [ -75.333, -48.142 ], [ -75.285, -48.129 ], [ -75.288, -48.146 ], [ -75.315, -48.148 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.886, -48.173 ], [ -74.904, -48.153 ], [ -74.847, -48.115 ], [ -74.837, -48.143 ], [ -74.886, -48.173 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.552, -48.183 ], [ -74.603, -48.156 ], [ -74.502, -48.173 ], [ -74.605, -48.125 ], [ -74.48, -48.172 ], [ -74.36, -48.281 ], [ -74.52, -48.36 ], [ -74.567, -48.294 ], [ -74.478, -48.196 ], [ -74.595, -48.287 ], [ -74.603, -48.191 ], [ -74.552, -48.183 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.521, -48.135 ], [ -74.551, -48.115 ], [ -74.525, -48.112 ], [ -74.521, -48.135 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.014, -48 ], [ -74.035, -48.024 ], [ -74.061, -48.003 ], [ -74.045, -47.99 ], [ -74.014, -48 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.128, -48.051 ], [ -75.103, -48.029 ], [ -75.207, -48.044 ], [ -75.121, -48.015 ], [ -75.278, -48.028 ], [ -75.127, -47.991 ], [ -75.128, -47.957 ], [ -75.254, -47.989 ], [ -75.055, -47.909 ], [ -74.972, -47.998 ], [ -74.801, -48.049 ], [ -74.873, -48.099 ], [ -75.076, -48.045 ], [ -74.894, -48.118 ], [ -74.917, -48.152 ], [ -74.968, -48.107 ], [ -75.166, -48.075 ], [ -75.128, -48.051 ] ], [ [ -75.077, -48.017 ], [ -75.05, -48.043 ], [ -75.026, -48.033 ], [ -75.077, -48.017 ] ], [ [ -75.104, -48.013 ], [ -75.07, -47.998 ], [ -74.981, -48.021 ], [ -75.069, -47.985 ], [ -75.104, -48.013 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.741, -48.08 ], [ -74.731, -48.114 ], [ -74.801, -48.077 ], [ -74.76, -48.049 ], [ -74.789, -48.023 ], [ -74.743, -48.037 ], [ -74.793, -48.007 ], [ -74.783, -47.912 ], [ -74.695, -48.063 ], [ -74.741, -48.08 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.167, -47.657 ], [ -75.181, -47.65 ], [ -75.164, -47.646 ], [ -75.167, -47.657 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.91, -47.713 ], [ -74.929, -47.693 ], [ -74.9, -47.704 ], [ -74.91, -47.713 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.223, -47.608 ], [ -74.232, -47.603 ], [ -74.192, -47.606 ], [ -74.223, -47.608 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.459, -47.186 ], [ -74.474, -47.181 ], [ -74.458, -47.173 ], [ -74.459, -47.186 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.288, -47.027 ], [ -74.247, -47.039 ], [ -74.262, -47.077 ], [ -74.421, -47.168 ], [ -74.442, -47.071 ], [ -74.288, -47.027 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.567, -46.915 ], [ -74.568, -46.938 ], [ -74.597, -46.935 ], [ -74.6, -46.918 ], [ -74.567, -46.915 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.278, -46.8 ], [ -74.353, -46.793 ], [ -74.361, -46.78 ], [ -74.278, -46.8 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.762, -47.59 ], [ -74.764, -47.576 ], [ -74.751, -47.583 ], [ -74.762, -47.59 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.301, -46.726 ], [ -75.306, -46.715 ], [ -75.292, -46.72 ], [ -75.301, -46.726 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.171, -46.728 ], [ -75.251, -46.689 ], [ -75.252, -46.677 ], [ -75.173, -46.695 ], [ -75.171, -46.728 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.303, -46.687 ], [ -75.32, -46.711 ], [ -75.359, -46.688 ], [ -75.303, -46.687 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.282, -46.672 ], [ -75.283, -46.684 ], [ -75.333, -46.681 ], [ -75.282, -46.672 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.262, -46.682 ], [ -75.28, -46.668 ], [ -75.258, -46.669 ], [ -75.262, -46.682 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.581, -46.229 ], [ -73.588, -46.221 ], [ -73.562, -46.211 ], [ -73.581, -46.229 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.903, -46.181 ], [ -74.917, -46.178 ], [ -74.891, -46.175 ], [ -74.903, -46.181 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.963, -46.162 ], [ -74.944, -46.179 ], [ -74.968, -46.182 ], [ -74.963, -46.162 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.992, -46.157 ], [ -74.984, -46.179 ], [ -75.03, -46.179 ], [ -74.992, -46.157 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.916, -46.097 ], [ -73.881, -46.106 ], [ -73.874, -46.123 ], [ -73.94, -46.131 ], [ -73.916, -46.097 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.979, -45.949 ], [ -73.951, -45.985 ], [ -73.963, -46.016 ], [ -73.984, -45.998 ], [ -73.979, -45.949 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.224, -46.785 ], [ -75.232, -46.768 ], [ -75.217, -46.767 ], [ -75.208, -46.778 ], [ -75.224, -46.785 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.208, -46.756 ], [ -75.266, -46.719 ], [ -75.232, -46.7 ], [ -75.16, -46.767 ], [ -75.208, -46.756 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.899, -45.628 ], [ -74.903, -45.659 ], [ -74.938, -45.631 ], [ -74.899, -45.628 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.868, -45.675 ], [ -74.854, -45.698 ], [ -74.885, -45.695 ], [ -74.868, -45.675 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.225, -45.482 ], [ -74.175, -45.521 ], [ -74.161, -45.569 ], [ -74.229, -45.496 ], [ -74.225, -45.482 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.5, -45.631 ], [ -74.476, -45.657 ], [ -74.514, -45.686 ], [ -74.52, -45.653 ], [ -74.5, -45.631 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.797, -45.62 ], [ -73.811, -45.661 ], [ -73.816, -45.627 ], [ -73.797, -45.62 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.581, -45.792 ], [ -74.594, -45.793 ], [ -74.57, -45.774 ], [ -74.581, -45.792 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.861, -45.752 ], [ -73.845, -45.762 ], [ -73.892, -45.789 ], [ -73.894, -45.772 ], [ -73.861, -45.752 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.09, -45.764 ], [ -74.073, -45.772 ], [ -74.096, -45.785 ], [ -74.09, -45.764 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.101, -45.744 ], [ -74.067, -45.762 ], [ -74.1, -45.757 ], [ -74.101, -45.744 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.514, -45.705 ], [ -74.499, -45.732 ], [ -74.551, -45.751 ], [ -74.514, -45.705 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.159, -45.731 ], [ -74.149, -45.738 ], [ -74.164, -45.741 ], [ -74.159, -45.731 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.141, -45.723 ], [ -74.117, -45.744 ], [ -74.148, -45.732 ], [ -74.141, -45.723 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.805, -45.697 ], [ -74.796, -45.705 ], [ -74.82, -45.699 ], [ -74.805, -45.697 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.835, -45.598 ], [ -74.768, -45.63 ], [ -74.832, -45.623 ], [ -74.725, -45.72 ], [ -74.859, -45.66 ], [ -74.835, -45.598 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.796, -45.675 ], [ -73.71, -45.729 ], [ -73.707, -45.767 ], [ -73.758, -45.758 ], [ -73.796, -45.675 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.462, -45.667 ], [ -74.448, -45.688 ], [ -74.485, -45.723 ], [ -74.501, -45.699 ], [ -74.462, -45.667 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.524, -45.58 ], [ -74.572, -45.754 ], [ -74.662, -45.757 ], [ -74.657, -45.654 ], [ -74.524, -45.58 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.986, -45.538 ], [ -73.864, -45.607 ], [ -73.88, -45.711 ], [ -73.958, -45.739 ], [ -74.05, -45.706 ], [ -74.099, -45.603 ], [ -73.986, -45.538 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.93, -45.947 ], [ -73.939, -45.953 ], [ -73.93, -45.934 ], [ -73.93, -45.947 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.718, -46.031 ], [ -73.651, -46.091 ], [ -73.738, -46.213 ], [ -73.829, -46.164 ], [ -73.759, -46.146 ], [ -73.845, -46.142 ], [ -73.875, -46.101 ], [ -73.929, -46.092 ], [ -73.903, -45.894 ], [ -73.778, -45.86 ], [ -73.708, -45.802 ], [ -73.653, -45.894 ], [ -73.691, -45.91 ], [ -73.664, -46.019 ], [ -73.718, -46.031 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.963, -45.794 ], [ -74.967, -45.814 ], [ -74.99, -45.801 ], [ -74.963, -45.794 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.817, -45.858 ], [ -73.818, -45.838 ], [ -73.779, -45.827 ], [ -73.783, -45.855 ], [ -73.817, -45.858 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.906, -45.806 ], [ -73.925, -45.794 ], [ -73.901, -45.792 ], [ -73.906, -45.806 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.636, -45.773 ], [ -73.63, -45.797 ], [ -73.653, -45.805 ], [ -73.636, -45.773 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.877, -45.8 ], [ -73.834, -45.768 ], [ -73.765, -45.81 ], [ -73.864, -45.857 ], [ -73.826, -45.821 ], [ -73.877, -45.8 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.352, -45.779 ], [ -74.377, -45.809 ], [ -74.432, -45.799 ], [ -74.352, -45.779 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.549, -45.768 ], [ -74.49, -45.743 ], [ -74.469, -45.815 ], [ -74.575, -45.798 ], [ -74.549, -45.768 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.254, -45.71 ], [ -74.194, -45.749 ], [ -74.289, -45.759 ], [ -74.149, -45.75 ], [ -74.116, -45.804 ], [ -74.312, -45.797 ], [ -74.323, -45.754 ], [ -74.254, -45.71 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.717, -47.859 ], [ -73.746, -47.833 ], [ -73.621, -47.827 ], [ -73.717, -47.859 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.938, -47.816 ], [ -74.947, -47.833 ], [ -74.964, -47.831 ], [ -74.938, -47.816 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.046, -47.827 ], [ -75.058, -47.821 ], [ -75.031, -47.818 ], [ -75.046, -47.827 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.357, -47.824 ], [ -74.225, -47.791 ], [ -73.888, -47.883 ], [ -73.865, -47.842 ], [ -73.803, -47.825 ], [ -73.846, -47.854 ], [ -73.784, -47.873 ], [ -73.86, -47.958 ], [ -73.932, -47.949 ], [ -73.903, -47.91 ], [ -74.001, -47.959 ], [ -74.304, -47.976 ], [ -74.375, -47.917 ], [ -74.5, -47.904 ], [ -74.357, -47.824 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.904, -47.838 ], [ -74.881, -47.8 ], [ -74.801, -47.826 ], [ -74.806, -47.917 ], [ -74.854, -47.897 ], [ -74.821, -47.927 ], [ -74.883, -47.95 ], [ -74.825, -47.944 ], [ -74.811, -48.003 ], [ -74.988, -47.96 ], [ -74.936, -47.878 ], [ -74.982, -47.841 ], [ -74.904, -47.838 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.075, -47.911 ], [ -75.076, -47.843 ], [ -75.046, -47.859 ], [ -75.075, -47.911 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.649, -47.884 ], [ -74.636, -47.914 ], [ -74.731, -47.891 ], [ -74.732, -47.825 ], [ -74.677, -47.804 ], [ -74.649, -47.884 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.572, -47.887 ], [ -74.652, -47.852 ], [ -74.653, -47.811 ], [ -74.556, -47.818 ], [ -74.572, -47.887 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.518, -47.896 ], [ -74.476, -47.792 ], [ -74.38, -47.799 ], [ -74.518, -47.896 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.995, -47.802 ], [ -74.999, -47.816 ], [ -75.023, -47.812 ], [ -74.995, -47.802 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.661, -47.771 ], [ -74.644, -47.776 ], [ -74.688, -47.775 ], [ -74.661, -47.771 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.287, -47.726 ], [ -75.201, -47.742 ], [ -75.113, -47.67 ], [ -75.079, -47.751 ], [ -75.114, -47.774 ], [ -75.029, -47.789 ], [ -75.206, -47.845 ], [ -75.196, -47.791 ], [ -75.247, -47.789 ], [ -75.223, -47.84 ], [ -75.4, -47.734 ], [ -75.287, -47.726 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.908, -47.774 ], [ -74.926, -47.761 ], [ -74.918, -47.737 ], [ -74.883, -47.759 ], [ -74.908, -47.774 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75, -47.693 ], [ -74.946, -47.703 ], [ -74.934, -47.776 ], [ -75.092, -47.694 ], [ -75, -47.693 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.552, -45.402 ], [ -73.529, -45.415 ], [ -73.576, -45.409 ], [ -73.552, -45.402 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.126, -45.398 ], [ -74.139, -45.43 ], [ -74.164, -45.41 ], [ -74.126, -45.398 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.728, -45.395 ], [ -73.748, -45.416 ], [ -73.76, -45.406 ], [ -73.728, -45.395 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.604, -45.318 ], [ -74.573, -45.347 ], [ -74.624, -45.33 ], [ -74.604, -45.318 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.484, -45.313 ], [ -73.474, -45.321 ], [ -73.5, -45.315 ], [ -73.484, -45.313 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.308, -45.326 ], [ -74.261, -45.34 ], [ -74.237, -45.404 ], [ -74.281, -45.379 ], [ -74.308, -45.326 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.175, -45.325 ], [ -74.129, -45.37 ], [ -74.206, -45.387 ], [ -74.216, -45.373 ], [ -74.175, -45.325 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.517, -45.36 ], [ -73.578, -45.365 ], [ -73.589, -45.334 ], [ -73.458, -45.339 ], [ -73.517, -45.36 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.736, -45.332 ], [ -73.723, -45.335 ], [ -73.726, -45.349 ], [ -73.746, -45.341 ], [ -73.736, -45.332 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.15, -45.313 ], [ -74.13, -45.338 ], [ -74.161, -45.318 ], [ -74.15, -45.313 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.15, -45.313 ], [ -74.15, -45.313 ], [ -74.15, -45.313 ], [ -74.15, -45.313 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.716, -45.308 ], [ -73.712, -45.322 ], [ -73.738, -45.326 ], [ -73.716, -45.308 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.411, -45.042 ], [ -73.406, -45.059 ], [ -73.437, -45.088 ], [ -73.411, -45.042 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.521, -45.071 ], [ -73.505, -45.077 ], [ -73.5, -45.106 ], [ -73.521, -45.095 ], [ -73.521, -45.071 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.438, -45.05 ], [ -73.46, -45.107 ], [ -73.467, -45.072 ], [ -73.438, -45.05 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.073, -44.931 ], [ -75.153, -44.823 ], [ -75.112, -44.781 ], [ -75.012, -44.858 ], [ -75.012, -44.907 ], [ -75.073, -44.931 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.667, -44.964 ], [ -73.657, -44.98 ], [ -73.685, -44.977 ], [ -73.667, -44.964 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.525, -45.017 ], [ -73.504, -45.038 ], [ -73.551, -45.028 ], [ -73.525, -45.017 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.438, -44.987 ], [ -73.434, -45.018 ], [ -73.473, -45.047 ], [ -73.463, -45.004 ], [ -73.438, -44.987 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.674, -45.013 ], [ -73.667, -45.048 ], [ -73.721, -44.987 ], [ -73.679, -44.989 ], [ -73.674, -45.013 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.327, -45.303 ], [ -73.385, -45.338 ], [ -73.428, -45.34 ], [ -73.424, -45.303 ], [ -73.327, -45.303 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.62, -45.274 ], [ -73.609, -45.263 ], [ -73.62, -45.274 ], [ -73.62, -45.274 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.62, -45.274 ], [ -73.631, -45.284 ], [ -73.651, -45.266 ], [ -73.613, -45.25 ], [ -73.62, -45.274 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.452, -45.257 ], [ -74.438, -45.267 ], [ -74.471, -45.266 ], [ -74.452, -45.257 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.583, -45.271 ], [ -74.549, -45.294 ], [ -74.562, -45.312 ], [ -74.593, -45.3 ], [ -74.556, -45.292 ], [ -74.583, -45.271 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.398, -45.285 ], [ -74.32, -45.315 ], [ -74.264, -45.412 ], [ -74.343, -45.429 ], [ -74.523, -45.332 ], [ -74.398, -45.285 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.074, -45.376 ], [ -74.07, -45.346 ], [ -73.974, -45.382 ], [ -74.047, -45.413 ], [ -74.074, -45.376 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.07, -45.346 ], [ -74.135, -45.33 ], [ -74.156, -45.238 ], [ -74.024, -45.208 ], [ -73.987, -45.266 ], [ -73.808, -45.253 ], [ -73.758, -45.354 ], [ -74.07, -45.346 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.512, -45.3 ], [ -73.555, -45.318 ], [ -73.591, -45.302 ], [ -73.542, -45.243 ], [ -73.487, -45.27 ], [ -73.512, -45.3 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.162, -45.298 ], [ -74.15, -45.313 ], [ -74.172, -45.303 ], [ -74.162, -45.298 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.36, -45.165 ], [ -74.196, -45.226 ], [ -74.193, -45.278 ], [ -74.237, -45.279 ], [ -74.192, -45.285 ], [ -74.201, -45.35 ], [ -74.263, -45.316 ], [ -74.258, -45.218 ], [ -74.295, -45.239 ], [ -74.276, -45.291 ], [ -74.321, -45.255 ], [ -74.29, -45.331 ], [ -74.38, -45.275 ], [ -74.401, -45.17 ], [ -74.36, -45.165 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.446, -45.259 ], [ -73.446, -45.259 ], [ -73.446, -45.26 ], [ -73.446, -45.259 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.499, -45.159 ], [ -74.489, -45.219 ], [ -74.572, -45.213 ], [ -74.499, -45.159 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.446, -45.259 ], [ -73.505, -45.242 ], [ -73.516, -45.193 ], [ -73.473, -45.205 ], [ -73.446, -45.259 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.525, -45.18 ], [ -73.515, -45.189 ], [ -73.528, -45.206 ], [ -73.537, -45.186 ], [ -73.525, -45.18 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.243, -45.178 ], [ -74.234, -45.184 ], [ -74.257, -45.18 ], [ -74.243, -45.178 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.542, -45.171 ], [ -73.535, -45.178 ], [ -73.551, -45.18 ], [ -73.542, -45.171 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.514, -45.142 ], [ -73.504, -45.152 ], [ -73.526, -45.169 ], [ -73.538, -45.144 ], [ -73.514, -45.142 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.382, -45.055 ], [ -74.28, -45.077 ], [ -74.335, -45.09 ], [ -74.321, -45.13 ], [ -74.381, -45.076 ], [ -74.321, -45.146 ], [ -74.264, -45.097 ], [ -74.249, -45.169 ], [ -74.42, -45.117 ], [ -74.382, -45.055 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.808, -44.988 ], [ -73.687, -45.115 ], [ -73.672, -45.179 ], [ -73.721, -45.194 ], [ -73.678, -45.203 ], [ -73.723, -45.236 ], [ -73.691, -45.289 ], [ -73.757, -45.305 ], [ -73.812, -45.24 ], [ -73.983, -45.255 ], [ -73.982, -45.198 ], [ -73.847, -45.21 ], [ -73.962, -45.192 ], [ -74.013, -45.205 ], [ -74.073, -45.179 ], [ -74.059, -45.139 ], [ -74.13, -45.167 ], [ -74.151, -45.055 ], [ -74.151, -45.164 ], [ -74.217, -45.172 ], [ -74.237, -45.082 ], [ -74.174, -45.034 ], [ -74.037, -45.053 ], [ -73.808, -44.988 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.67, -44.654 ], [ -74.62, -44.609 ], [ -74.516, -44.622 ], [ -74.436, -44.695 ], [ -74.613, -44.695 ], [ -74.67, -44.654 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.855, -44.764 ], [ -73.841, -44.772 ], [ -73.878, -44.767 ], [ -73.855, -44.764 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.95, -44.755 ], [ -73.939, -44.761 ], [ -73.967, -44.758 ], [ -73.95, -44.755 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.953, -44.743 ], [ -73.949, -44.754 ], [ -73.974, -44.744 ], [ -73.953, -44.743 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.924, -44.737 ], [ -73.912, -44.75 ], [ -73.933, -44.749 ], [ -73.924, -44.737 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.847, -44.718 ], [ -73.819, -44.746 ], [ -73.933, -44.731 ], [ -73.847, -44.718 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.571, -44.704 ], [ -73.747, -44.755 ], [ -73.882, -44.596 ], [ -73.833, -44.591 ], [ -73.791, -44.662 ], [ -73.803, -44.565 ], [ -73.661, -44.541 ], [ -73.592, -44.629 ], [ -73.718, -44.739 ], [ -73.619, -44.675 ], [ -73.571, -44.704 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.504, -44.955 ], [ -73.519, -44.936 ], [ -73.498, -44.926 ], [ -73.49, -44.944 ], [ -73.504, -44.955 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.337, -44.928 ], [ -73.324, -44.941 ], [ -73.344, -44.935 ], [ -73.337, -44.928 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.64, -44.936 ], [ -74.618, -44.958 ], [ -74.656, -44.943 ], [ -74.64, -44.936 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.68, -44.896 ], [ -73.671, -44.906 ], [ -73.692, -44.905 ], [ -73.68, -44.896 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.629, -44.868 ], [ -73.63, -44.89 ], [ -73.66, -44.882 ], [ -73.629, -44.868 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.416, -44.881 ], [ -74.399, -44.888 ], [ -74.407, -44.9 ], [ -74.432, -44.888 ], [ -74.416, -44.881 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.34, -44.872 ], [ -74.322, -44.902 ], [ -74.365, -44.911 ], [ -74.343, -44.897 ], [ -74.34, -44.872 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.359, -44.873 ], [ -74.377, -44.907 ], [ -74.384, -44.88 ], [ -74.359, -44.873 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.867, -44.775 ], [ -73.728, -44.912 ], [ -73.769, -44.907 ], [ -73.764, -44.957 ], [ -73.829, -44.962 ], [ -73.919, -44.867 ], [ -73.843, -44.902 ], [ -73.799, -44.899 ], [ -73.913, -44.824 ], [ -73.867, -44.775 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.685, -44.859 ], [ -73.698, -44.878 ], [ -73.738, -44.863 ], [ -73.685, -44.859 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.234, -44.854 ], [ -74.216, -44.86 ], [ -74.248, -44.869 ], [ -74.234, -44.854 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.145, -44.866 ], [ -73.956, -44.897 ], [ -73.894, -44.967 ], [ -74.016, -44.995 ], [ -74.085, -44.958 ], [ -74.023, -45 ], [ -74.269, -45.041 ], [ -74.387, -45.005 ], [ -74.145, -44.866 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.308, -44.897 ], [ -74.371, -44.963 ], [ -74.458, -44.927 ], [ -74.454, -44.896 ], [ -74.331, -44.92 ], [ -74.308, -44.897 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.299, -44.911 ], [ -74.3, -44.892 ], [ -74.277, -44.87 ], [ -74.261, -44.902 ], [ -74.299, -44.911 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.666, -44.753 ], [ -73.585, -44.747 ], [ -73.598, -44.833 ], [ -73.719, -44.825 ], [ -73.738, -44.757 ], [ -73.666, -44.753 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.753, -44.807 ], [ -73.741, -44.83 ], [ -73.761, -44.833 ], [ -73.753, -44.807 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.767, -44.78 ], [ -73.751, -44.801 ], [ -73.765, -44.802 ], [ -73.767, -44.78 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.462, -44.714 ], [ -74.431, -44.715 ], [ -74.301, -44.843 ], [ -74.45, -44.845 ], [ -74.537, -44.744 ], [ -74.462, -44.714 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.995, -44.773 ], [ -73.934, -44.791 ], [ -73.933, -44.837 ], [ -74.018, -44.865 ], [ -74.191, -44.824 ], [ -73.995, -44.773 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.413, -44.658 ], [ -74.394, -44.618 ], [ -74.286, -44.636 ], [ -74.291, -44.602 ], [ -73.97, -44.602 ], [ -73.842, -44.703 ], [ -73.964, -44.713 ], [ -73.956, -44.661 ], [ -73.989, -44.662 ], [ -73.987, -44.725 ], [ -74.247, -44.81 ], [ -74.369, -44.726 ], [ -74.086, -44.743 ], [ -74.383, -44.708 ], [ -74.413, -44.658 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.97, -44.602 ], [ -73.908, -44.568 ], [ -73.886, -44.628 ], [ -73.97, -44.602 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.058, -45.434 ], [ -73.864, -45.489 ], [ -73.778, -45.465 ], [ -73.843, -45.578 ], [ -73.908, -45.554 ], [ -73.884, -45.511 ], [ -73.985, -45.53 ], [ -73.941, -45.511 ], [ -74.05, -45.522 ], [ -74.105, -45.596 ], [ -74.124, -45.554 ], [ -74.068, -45.525 ], [ -74.102, -45.499 ], [ -74.065, -45.459 ], [ -73.962, -45.462 ], [ -74.058, -45.434 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.463, -45.572 ], [ -74.395, -45.448 ], [ -74.321, -45.462 ], [ -74.263, -45.494 ], [ -74.353, -45.526 ], [ -74.261, -45.499 ], [ -74.211, -45.561 ], [ -74.296, -45.552 ], [ -74.36, -45.57 ], [ -74.207, -45.576 ], [ -74.18, -45.625 ], [ -74.195, -45.69 ], [ -74.422, -45.694 ], [ -74.291, -45.717 ], [ -74.449, -45.788 ], [ -74.489, -45.731 ], [ -74.428, -45.693 ], [ -74.486, -45.61 ], [ -74.419, -45.593 ], [ -74.463, -45.572 ] ], [ [ -74.196, -45.624 ], [ -74.249, -45.638 ], [ -74.283, -45.624 ], [ -74.25, -45.643 ], [ -74.196, -45.624 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.463, -45.574 ], [ -74.489, -45.6 ], [ -74.544, -45.517 ], [ -74.498, -45.449 ], [ -74.412, -45.439 ], [ -74.469, -45.526 ], [ -74.463, -45.574 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.674, -45.438 ], [ -73.545, -45.488 ], [ -73.595, -45.605 ], [ -73.559, -45.646 ], [ -73.674, -45.612 ], [ -73.582, -45.689 ], [ -73.63, -45.772 ], [ -73.795, -45.67 ], [ -73.753, -45.52 ], [ -73.674, -45.438 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.1, -45.459 ], [ -74.105, -45.477 ], [ -74.112, -45.466 ], [ -74.1, -45.459 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.624, -45.424 ], [ -73.611, -45.431 ], [ -73.662, -45.434 ], [ -73.662, -45.423 ], [ -73.624, -45.424 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.135, -45.443 ], [ -74.115, -45.449 ], [ -74.117, -45.468 ], [ -74.135, -45.443 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.106, -45.438 ], [ -74.114, -45.447 ], [ -74.117, -45.432 ], [ -74.106, -45.438 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.107, -45.404 ], [ -74.084, -45.44 ], [ -74.114, -45.424 ], [ -74.107, -45.404 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.796, -45.373 ], [ -73.79, -45.416 ], [ -73.878, -45.454 ], [ -74.04, -45.418 ], [ -73.796, -45.373 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.801, -44.643 ], [ -74.808, -44.546 ], [ -74.734, -44.557 ], [ -74.718, -44.657 ], [ -74.782, -44.677 ], [ -74.801, -44.643 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.131, -44.573 ], [ -73.146, -44.571 ], [ -73.141, -44.554 ], [ -73.131, -44.573 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.292, -44.574 ], [ -73.28, -44.577 ], [ -73.304, -44.588 ], [ -73.292, -44.574 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.821, -44.403 ], [ -72.804, -44.421 ], [ -72.843, -44.414 ], [ -72.821, -44.403 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.628, -44.394 ], [ -73.623, -44.408 ], [ -73.653, -44.413 ], [ -73.628, -44.394 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.885, -44.398 ], [ -73.872, -44.359 ], [ -73.835, -44.371 ], [ -73.885, -44.398 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.407, -44.357 ], [ -74.373, -44.394 ], [ -74.424, -44.397 ], [ -74.407, -44.357 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.333, -44.515 ], [ -73.312, -44.523 ], [ -73.329, -44.586 ], [ -73.369, -44.54 ], [ -73.333, -44.515 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.768, -44.53 ], [ -73.748, -44.543 ], [ -73.778, -44.538 ], [ -73.768, -44.53 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.373, -44.546 ], [ -74.367, -44.558 ], [ -74.384, -44.556 ], [ -74.373, -44.546 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.675, -44.478 ], [ -73.576, -44.516 ], [ -73.673, -44.53 ], [ -73.675, -44.478 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.757, -44.483 ], [ -73.697, -44.508 ], [ -73.697, -44.526 ], [ -73.751, -44.52 ], [ -73.757, -44.483 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.321, -44.581 ], [ -74.371, -44.517 ], [ -74.189, -44.477 ], [ -74.11, -44.557 ], [ -74.321, -44.581 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.344, -44.51 ], [ -74.452, -44.492 ], [ -74.389, -44.55 ], [ -74.559, -44.488 ], [ -74.493, -44.428 ], [ -74.388, -44.441 ], [ -74.32, -44.397 ], [ -74.209, -44.473 ], [ -74.344, -44.51 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.758, -44.516 ], [ -73.757, -44.531 ], [ -73.768, -44.527 ], [ -73.758, -44.516 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.782, -44.493 ], [ -73.787, -44.52 ], [ -73.833, -44.503 ], [ -73.801, -44.484 ], [ -73.782, -44.493 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.848, -44.48 ], [ -73.836, -44.515 ], [ -73.894, -44.519 ], [ -73.896, -44.489 ], [ -73.848, -44.48 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.167, -44.418 ], [ -73.974, -44.45 ], [ -73.924, -44.541 ], [ -74.095, -44.547 ], [ -74.125, -44.515 ], [ -74.123, -44.494 ], [ -73.949, -44.503 ], [ -74.13, -44.474 ], [ -74.08, -44.471 ], [ -74.167, -44.418 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.6, -44.427 ], [ -73.569, -44.487 ], [ -73.619, -44.497 ], [ -73.652, -44.451 ], [ -73.584, -44.464 ], [ -73.6, -44.427 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.885, -44.398 ], [ -73.823, -44.377 ], [ -73.88, -44.44 ], [ -73.798, -44.403 ], [ -73.751, -44.448 ], [ -73.899, -44.459 ], [ -73.885, -44.398 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.054, -44.312 ], [ -72.982, -44.358 ], [ -73.087, -44.349 ], [ -73.112, -44.385 ], [ -73.136, -44.346 ], [ -73.054, -44.312 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.239, -44.313 ], [ -73.193, -44.326 ], [ -73.154, -44.386 ], [ -73.28, -44.393 ], [ -73.288, -44.342 ], [ -73.239, -44.313 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.319, -44.33 ], [ -74.258, -44.352 ], [ -74.246, -44.375 ], [ -74.363, -44.387 ], [ -74.383, -44.348 ], [ -74.319, -44.33 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.773, -44.369 ], [ -73.649, -44.382 ], [ -73.659, -44.342 ], [ -73.626, -44.372 ], [ -73.65, -44.393 ], [ -73.718, -44.392 ], [ -73.644, -44.421 ], [ -73.668, -44.446 ], [ -73.773, -44.369 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.006, -44.345 ], [ -73.889, -44.359 ], [ -73.906, -44.446 ], [ -74.053, -44.396 ], [ -74.083, -44.3 ], [ -74.006, -44.345 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.144, -44.304 ], [ -74.117, -44.322 ], [ -74.075, -44.42 ], [ -74.189, -44.383 ], [ -74.144, -44.304 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.076, -50.818 ], [ -74.128, -50.832 ], [ -74.134, -50.776 ], [ -74.076, -50.818 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.372, -50.385 ], [ -74.358, -50.409 ], [ -74.398, -50.391 ], [ -74.372, -50.385 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.387, -47.6 ], [ -74.365, -47.572 ], [ -74.32, -47.616 ], [ -74.403, -47.658 ], [ -74.387, -47.6 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.743, -53.696 ], [ -73.737, -53.677 ], [ -73.714, -53.676 ], [ -73.743, -53.696 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.652, -53.681 ], [ -73.631, -53.676 ], [ -73.646, -53.691 ], [ -73.652, -53.681 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.656, -53.66 ], [ -73.707, -53.629 ], [ -73.656, -53.597 ], [ -73.656, -53.66 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.11, -53.762 ], [ -72.101, -53.732 ], [ -72.058, -53.759 ], [ -72.11, -53.762 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.362, -53.79 ], [ -73.371, -53.782 ], [ -73.353, -53.779 ], [ -73.362, -53.79 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.123, -53.729 ], [ -72.112, -53.742 ], [ -72.172, -53.732 ], [ -72.123, -53.729 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.406, -53.572 ], [ -72.277, -53.627 ], [ -72.255, -53.66 ], [ -72.38, -53.656 ], [ -72.444, -53.588 ], [ -72.406, -53.572 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.664, -53.695 ], [ -70.542, -53.569 ], [ -70.466, -53.576 ], [ -70.485, -53.678 ], [ -70.413, -53.808 ], [ -70.451, -53.805 ], [ -70.416, -53.88 ], [ -70.451, -53.89 ], [ -70.342, -54.037 ], [ -70.445, -54.055 ], [ -70.681, -53.927 ], [ -70.462, -54.258 ], [ -70.753, -54.164 ], [ -70.878, -54.068 ], [ -70.895, -53.934 ], [ -70.836, -53.938 ], [ -70.894, -53.889 ], [ -70.777, -53.833 ], [ -70.597, -53.858 ], [ -70.707, -53.782 ], [ -70.704, -53.7 ], [ -70.664, -53.695 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.379, -53.886 ], [ -73.399, -53.875 ], [ -73.365, -53.877 ], [ -73.379, -53.886 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.049, -53.885 ], [ -72.119, -53.921 ], [ -72.203, -53.889 ], [ -72.072, -53.827 ], [ -72.049, -53.885 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.976, -53.896 ], [ -72.947, -53.917 ], [ -73.023, -53.91 ], [ -73.01, -53.889 ], [ -72.976, -53.896 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.858, -53.931 ], [ -72.918, -53.94 ], [ -72.885, -53.871 ], [ -72.794, -53.891 ], [ -72.858, -53.931 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.379, -53.862 ], [ -73.39, -53.857 ], [ -73.363, -53.855 ], [ -73.379, -53.862 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.911, -53.852 ], [ -71.809, -53.927 ], [ -71.837, -53.98 ], [ -71.772, -53.889 ], [ -71.646, -53.925 ], [ -71.777, -54.011 ], [ -71.687, -54.009 ], [ -71.685, -54.054 ], [ -71.759, -54.047 ], [ -71.701, -54.065 ], [ -71.729, -54.098 ], [ -71.661, -54.051 ], [ -71.616, -54.088 ], [ -71.739, -54.168 ], [ -71.911, -54.053 ], [ -71.903, -54.014 ], [ -71.943, -54.043 ], [ -71.88, -54.119 ], [ -71.912, -54.133 ], [ -71.853, -54.122 ], [ -71.72, -54.245 ], [ -71.888, -54.293 ], [ -71.819, -54.293 ], [ -71.857, -54.303 ], [ -71.804, -54.351 ], [ -71.971, -54.34 ], [ -71.937, -54.254 ], [ -71.877, -54.239 ], [ -71.936, -54.213 ], [ -72.04, -54.214 ], [ -72.122, -54.156 ], [ -72.002, -54.139 ], [ -72.147, -54.126 ], [ -72.019, -54.104 ], [ -72.114, -54.046 ], [ -72.185, -54.115 ], [ -72.251, -54.05 ], [ -72.204, -54.009 ], [ -72.261, -53.992 ], [ -72.263, -53.921 ], [ -72.047, -53.993 ], [ -72.1, -53.95 ], [ -72.017, -53.969 ], [ -72.052, -53.952 ], [ -72.025, -53.904 ], [ -71.935, -53.907 ], [ -71.969, -53.871 ], [ -71.911, -53.852 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.463, -52.581 ], [ -74.476, -52.559 ], [ -74.45, -52.553 ], [ -74.463, -52.581 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.466, -52.549 ], [ -74.478, -52.544 ], [ -74.469, -52.536 ], [ -74.466, -52.549 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.389, -52.549 ], [ -74.383, -52.57 ], [ -74.442, -52.549 ], [ -74.41, -52.528 ], [ -74.389, -52.549 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.433, -52.532 ], [ -74.457, -52.523 ], [ -74.434, -52.517 ], [ -74.433, -52.532 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.488, -52.479 ], [ -74.489, -52.511 ], [ -74.523, -52.505 ], [ -74.498, -52.474 ], [ -74.488, -52.479 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.538, -52.45 ], [ -74.511, -52.473 ], [ -74.563, -52.498 ], [ -74.611, -52.468 ], [ -74.538, -52.45 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.002, -52.419 ], [ -74.046, -52.451 ], [ -74.092, -52.44 ], [ -74.002, -52.419 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.279, -52.453 ], [ -74.289, -52.434 ], [ -74.271, -52.428 ], [ -74.279, -52.453 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.202, -52.438 ], [ -74.208, -52.424 ], [ -74.191, -52.421 ], [ -74.202, -52.438 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.358, -52.62 ], [ -74.387, -52.639 ], [ -74.382, -52.621 ], [ -74.358, -52.62 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.869, -52.279 ], [ -74.843, -52.314 ], [ -74.929, -52.277 ], [ -74.91, -52.257 ], [ -74.869, -52.279 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.275, -52.189 ], [ -73.272, -52.205 ], [ -73.312, -52.193 ], [ -73.275, -52.189 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.311, -52.221 ], [ -73.323, -52.212 ], [ -73.3, -52.217 ], [ -73.311, -52.221 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.733, -52.333 ], [ -73.756, -52.321 ], [ -73.75, -52.307 ], [ -73.731, -52.31 ], [ -73.733, -52.333 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.287, -52.306 ], [ -74.294, -52.291 ], [ -74.249, -52.28 ], [ -74.287, -52.306 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.345, -52.296 ], [ -74.34, -52.268 ], [ -74.314, -52.266 ], [ -74.345, -52.296 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.36, -52.249 ], [ -74.337, -52.257 ], [ -74.405, -52.286 ], [ -74.408, -52.266 ], [ -74.36, -52.249 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.414, -52.354 ], [ -74.448, -52.355 ], [ -74.451, -52.343 ], [ -74.414, -52.354 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.8, -52.327 ], [ -74.784, -52.341 ], [ -74.821, -52.328 ], [ -74.8, -52.327 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.524, -52.341 ], [ -74.56, -52.369 ], [ -74.498, -52.297 ], [ -74.524, -52.341 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.611, -52.335 ], [ -74.65, -52.33 ], [ -74.635, -52.317 ], [ -74.611, -52.335 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.573, -52.244 ], [ -74.571, -52.308 ], [ -74.628, -52.303 ], [ -74.618, -52.253 ], [ -74.573, -52.244 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.854, -52.196 ], [ -74.812, -52.258 ], [ -74.786, -52.221 ], [ -74.606, -52.218 ], [ -74.639, -52.307 ], [ -74.743, -52.334 ], [ -74.908, -52.241 ], [ -74.901, -52.195 ], [ -74.854, -52.196 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.43, -52.246 ], [ -74.428, -52.227 ], [ -74.404, -52.232 ], [ -74.43, -52.246 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.73, -52.245 ], [ -73.719, -52.297 ], [ -73.788, -52.244 ], [ -73.767, -52.216 ], [ -73.73, -52.245 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.244, -52.212 ], [ -74.285, -52.257 ], [ -74.33, -52.236 ], [ -74.244, -52.212 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.301, -52.193 ], [ -74.281, -52.207 ], [ -74.334, -52.213 ], [ -74.301, -52.193 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.226, -52.181 ], [ -74.262, -52.195 ], [ -74.309, -52.185 ], [ -74.284, -52.167 ], [ -74.226, -52.181 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.729, -51.931 ], [ -72.749, -51.926 ], [ -72.752, -51.903 ], [ -72.733, -51.9 ], [ -72.729, -51.931 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.753, -51.832 ], [ -73.701, -51.897 ], [ -73.712, -51.948 ], [ -73.797, -51.86 ], [ -73.753, -51.832 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.695, -51.832 ], [ -73.702, -51.82 ], [ -73.684, -51.817 ], [ -73.695, -51.832 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.931, -51.789 ], [ -72.907, -51.809 ], [ -72.959, -51.785 ], [ -72.931, -51.789 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.094, -52.059 ], [ -74.116, -52.059 ], [ -74.116, -52.043 ], [ -74.094, -52.059 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.319, -51.99 ], [ -74.349, -51.987 ], [ -74.33, -51.973 ], [ -74.319, -51.99 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.621, -51.963 ], [ -74.611, -51.966 ], [ -74.626, -51.973 ], [ -74.621, -51.963 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.515, -51.919 ], [ -74.491, -51.914 ], [ -74.51, -51.935 ], [ -74.532, -51.923 ], [ -74.515, -51.919 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.152, -52.055 ], [ -74.16, -52.04 ], [ -74.148, -52.041 ], [ -74.152, -52.055 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.397, -52.017 ], [ -74.367, -52.035 ], [ -74.422, -52.03 ], [ -74.397, -52.017 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.347, -52.055 ], [ -74.339, -52.029 ], [ -74.313, -52.035 ], [ -74.347, -52.055 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.247, -52.038 ], [ -74.245, -52.017 ], [ -74.223, -52.013 ], [ -74.216, -52.022 ], [ -74.247, -52.038 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.145, -52.011 ], [ -74.154, -51.996 ], [ -74.138, -52.001 ], [ -74.145, -52.011 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.28, -52.009 ], [ -74.304, -52.008 ], [ -74.3, -51.987 ], [ -74.271, -52 ], [ -74.28, -52.009 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.356, -51.999 ], [ -74.337, -52.008 ], [ -74.374, -52.02 ], [ -74.36, -51.981 ], [ -74.356, -51.999 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.54, -51.834 ], [ -74.561, -51.913 ], [ -74.645, -51.935 ], [ -74.562, -51.834 ], [ -74.54, -51.834 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.575, -52.108 ], [ -74.605, -52.125 ], [ -74.614, -52.115 ], [ -74.575, -52.108 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.964, -52.107 ], [ -73.935, -52.13 ], [ -74.059, -52.068 ], [ -73.999, -52.079 ], [ -73.964, -52.107 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.593, -52.082 ], [ -74.573, -52.086 ], [ -74.626, -52.11 ], [ -74.651, -52.184 ], [ -74.78, -52.203 ], [ -74.761, -52.134 ], [ -74.593, -52.082 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.538, -52.13 ], [ -74.562, -52.151 ], [ -74.595, -52.151 ], [ -74.581, -52.128 ], [ -74.538, -52.13 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.359, -52.183 ], [ -74.324, -52.188 ], [ -74.49, -52.194 ], [ -74.425, -52.147 ], [ -74.359, -52.183 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.22, -52.084 ], [ -74.132, -52.082 ], [ -74.05, -52.128 ], [ -74.129, -52.165 ], [ -74.251, -52.088 ], [ -74.22, -52.084 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.742, -52.096 ], [ -74.82, -52.095 ], [ -74.789, -52.119 ], [ -74.829, -52.147 ], [ -74.898, -52.131 ], [ -74.853, -52.062 ], [ -74.755, -52.033 ], [ -74.836, -52.046 ], [ -74.754, -51.954 ], [ -74.812, -51.961 ], [ -74.737, -51.826 ], [ -74.662, -51.878 ], [ -74.576, -51.836 ], [ -74.673, -51.922 ], [ -74.642, -51.953 ], [ -74.727, -51.997 ], [ -74.644, -51.962 ], [ -74.705, -52.013 ], [ -74.742, -52.096 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.459, -52.03 ], [ -74.441, -52.03 ], [ -74.566, -52.083 ], [ -74.544, -52.049 ], [ -74.459, -52.03 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.28, -52.091 ], [ -74.29, -52.071 ], [ -74.274, -52.079 ], [ -74.28, -52.091 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.361, -52.054 ], [ -74.319, -52.083 ], [ -74.384, -52.096 ], [ -74.361, -52.054 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.54, -51.942 ], [ -74.463, -51.99 ], [ -74.714, -52.105 ], [ -74.687, -52.021 ], [ -74.567, -52.004 ], [ -74.6, -51.977 ], [ -74.54, -51.942 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.22, -52.39 ], [ -74.234, -52.386 ], [ -74.211, -52.373 ], [ -74.22, -52.39 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.548, -52.39 ], [ -74.532, -52.372 ], [ -74.529, -52.388 ], [ -74.548, -52.39 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.397, -52.401 ], [ -74.415, -52.399 ], [ -74.381, -52.389 ], [ -74.397, -52.401 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.433, -52.378 ], [ -74.417, -52.389 ], [ -74.434, -52.394 ], [ -74.433, -52.378 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.282, -52.426 ], [ -74.311, -52.427 ], [ -74.316, -52.414 ], [ -74.282, -52.426 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.509, -52.397 ], [ -74.483, -52.445 ], [ -74.567, -52.41 ], [ -74.509, -52.397 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.195, -52.41 ], [ -74.228, -52.421 ], [ -74.187, -52.388 ], [ -74.195, -52.41 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.628, -52.353 ], [ -74.628, -52.387 ], [ -74.712, -52.378 ], [ -74.688, -52.35 ], [ -74.628, -52.353 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.506, -52.382 ], [ -74.516, -52.371 ], [ -74.493, -52.35 ], [ -74.506, -52.382 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.889, -52.214 ], [ -73.774, -52.283 ], [ -73.788, -52.34 ], [ -73.734, -52.415 ], [ -73.824, -52.416 ], [ -73.892, -52.385 ], [ -73.78, -52.355 ], [ -73.965, -52.292 ], [ -74.1, -52.17 ], [ -74.026, -52.144 ], [ -74.028, -52.173 ], [ -73.894, -52.213 ], [ -73.889, -52.214 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.897, -52.212 ], [ -73.955, -52.173 ], [ -73.935, -52.14 ], [ -73.798, -52.184 ], [ -73.811, -52.224 ], [ -73.897, -52.212 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.923, -52.348 ], [ -73.887, -52.342 ], [ -73.934, -52.367 ], [ -74.002, -52.332 ], [ -73.98, -52.386 ], [ -74.048, -52.336 ], [ -73.992, -52.39 ], [ -74.05, -52.363 ], [ -74.042, -52.4 ], [ -74.174, -52.415 ], [ -74.147, -52.389 ], [ -74.193, -52.368 ], [ -74.127, -52.319 ], [ -74.261, -52.369 ], [ -74.15, -52.304 ], [ -74.222, -52.285 ], [ -74.212, -52.242 ], [ -74.066, -52.299 ], [ -74.159, -52.213 ], [ -74.249, -52.199 ], [ -74.093, -52.22 ], [ -74.248, -52.146 ], [ -74.34, -52.177 ], [ -74.433, -52.133 ], [ -74.299, -52.092 ], [ -74.212, -52.115 ], [ -73.923, -52.348 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.061, -51.501 ], [ -75.049, -51.519 ], [ -75.081, -51.506 ], [ -75.061, -51.501 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.711, -51.568 ], [ -74.7, -51.573 ], [ -74.74, -51.573 ], [ -74.711, -51.568 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.554, -51.618 ], [ -74.596, -51.595 ], [ -74.55, -51.598 ], [ -74.554, -51.618 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.966, -51.613 ], [ -73.966, -51.598 ], [ -73.942, -51.592 ], [ -73.966, -51.613 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.707, -51.54 ], [ -74.703, -51.552 ], [ -74.762, -51.546 ], [ -74.707, -51.54 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.742, -51.418 ], [ -73.779, -51.381 ], [ -73.739, -51.383 ], [ -73.742, -51.418 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.971, -51.448 ], [ -73.974, -51.433 ], [ -73.963, -51.437 ], [ -73.971, -51.448 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.35, -51.441 ], [ -74.357, -51.422 ], [ -74.335, -51.435 ], [ -74.35, -51.441 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.98, -51.533 ], [ -74.904, -51.463 ], [ -74.87, -51.523 ], [ -74.911, -51.552 ], [ -74.913, -51.519 ], [ -74.98, -51.533 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.87, -51.475 ], [ -74.822, -51.457 ], [ -74.839, -51.507 ], [ -74.87, -51.475 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.768, -51.456 ], [ -74.755, -51.467 ], [ -74.832, -51.488 ], [ -74.812, -51.453 ], [ -74.768, -51.456 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.369, -51.25 ], [ -74.387, -51.242 ], [ -74.359, -51.242 ], [ -74.369, -51.25 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.676, -51.439 ], [ -74.74, -51.434 ], [ -74.662, -51.329 ], [ -74.647, -51.347 ], [ -74.676, -51.439 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.912, -51.377 ], [ -73.951, -51.389 ], [ -73.908, -51.363 ], [ -73.912, -51.377 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.325, -51.361 ], [ -74.292, -51.385 ], [ -74.383, -51.376 ], [ -74.325, -51.361 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.413, -51.377 ], [ -74.418, -51.368 ], [ -74.4, -51.372 ], [ -74.413, -51.377 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.16, -51.444 ], [ -74.227, -51.409 ], [ -74.148, -51.38 ], [ -74.247, -51.36 ], [ -74.229, -51.29 ], [ -74.127, -51.316 ], [ -74.113, -51.358 ], [ -74.168, -51.344 ], [ -74.2, -51.356 ], [ -74.077, -51.408 ], [ -74.1, -51.452 ], [ -74.145, -51.401 ], [ -74.16, -51.444 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.281, -51.352 ], [ -74.275, -51.366 ], [ -74.317, -51.356 ], [ -74.281, -51.352 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.372, -51.362 ], [ -74.395, -51.348 ], [ -74.359, -51.359 ], [ -74.372, -51.362 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.508, -51.356 ], [ -74.513, -51.315 ], [ -74.468, -51.329 ], [ -74.503, -51.336 ], [ -74.508, -51.356 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.14, -51.28 ], [ -74.132, -51.305 ], [ -74.173, -51.287 ], [ -74.14, -51.28 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.458, -51.303 ], [ -74.491, -51.276 ], [ -74.484, -51.262 ], [ -74.442, -51.278 ], [ -74.458, -51.303 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.086, -51.159 ], [ -75.104, -51.134 ], [ -75.07, -51.131 ], [ -75.086, -51.159 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.976, -50.948 ], [ -74.956, -50.98 ], [ -74.993, -50.961 ], [ -74.976, -50.948 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.842, -50.982 ], [ -74.811, -50.988 ], [ -74.959, -51.061 ], [ -74.9, -51.031 ], [ -74.915, -50.992 ], [ -74.842, -50.982 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.876, -51.092 ], [ -74.826, -51.094 ], [ -74.821, -51.151 ], [ -75.009, -51.175 ], [ -74.982, -51.109 ], [ -74.876, -51.092 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75, -50.988 ], [ -75.014, -51.023 ], [ -75.081, -51.008 ], [ -75.057, -50.978 ], [ -75, -50.988 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.459, -50.532 ], [ -74.459, -50.548 ], [ -74.532, -50.597 ], [ -74.504, -50.533 ], [ -74.459, -50.532 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.591, -50.504 ], [ -74.566, -50.554 ], [ -74.654, -50.594 ], [ -74.663, -50.51 ], [ -74.591, -50.504 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.837, -50.554 ], [ -74.854, -50.547 ], [ -74.855, -50.521 ], [ -74.829, -50.533 ], [ -74.837, -50.554 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.723, -50.525 ], [ -74.737, -50.521 ], [ -74.721, -50.51 ], [ -74.723, -50.525 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.584, -50.683 ], [ -74.596, -50.675 ], [ -74.582, -50.671 ], [ -74.584, -50.683 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.65, -50.71 ], [ -74.668, -50.687 ], [ -74.649, -50.679 ], [ -74.627, -50.699 ], [ -74.65, -50.71 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.703, -50.664 ], [ -74.691, -50.664 ], [ -74.708, -50.673 ], [ -74.726, -50.652 ], [ -74.703, -50.664 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.599, -50.652 ], [ -74.609, -50.664 ], [ -74.621, -50.65 ], [ -74.597, -50.637 ], [ -74.599, -50.652 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.747, -50.633 ], [ -74.753, -50.655 ], [ -74.788, -50.647 ], [ -74.747, -50.633 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.902, -50.627 ], [ -74.877, -50.639 ], [ -74.919, -50.629 ], [ -74.902, -50.627 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.316, -50.888 ], [ -74.34, -50.86 ], [ -74.292, -50.858 ], [ -74.316, -50.888 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.042, -50.821 ], [ -75.053, -50.817 ], [ -75.031, -50.82 ], [ -75.042, -50.821 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.947, -50.829 ], [ -74.944, -50.806 ], [ -74.934, -50.819 ], [ -74.947, -50.829 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.587, -50.722 ], [ -74.534, -50.733 ], [ -74.531, -50.782 ], [ -74.511, -50.734 ], [ -74.423, -50.796 ], [ -74.464, -50.812 ], [ -74.504, -50.858 ], [ -74.388, -50.808 ], [ -74.361, -50.88 ], [ -74.418, -50.879 ], [ -74.467, -50.952 ], [ -74.384, -50.893 ], [ -74.418, -50.968 ], [ -74.387, -50.916 ], [ -74.365, -50.91 ], [ -74.401, -50.967 ], [ -74.347, -50.985 ], [ -74.35, -51.028 ], [ -74.391, -51.009 ], [ -74.36, -51.077 ], [ -74.456, -50.992 ], [ -74.575, -51.049 ], [ -74.59, -51.014 ], [ -74.619, -51.093 ], [ -74.679, -51.112 ], [ -74.763, -51.065 ], [ -74.676, -51.06 ], [ -74.741, -51.037 ], [ -74.606, -50.994 ], [ -74.758, -51.002 ], [ -74.75, -51.026 ], [ -74.786, -51.079 ], [ -74.818, -51.061 ], [ -74.773, -51.045 ], [ -74.88, -51.05 ], [ -74.766, -50.988 ], [ -74.852, -50.964 ], [ -74.754, -50.975 ], [ -74.824, -50.926 ], [ -74.935, -50.988 ], [ -74.929, -50.917 ], [ -74.849, -50.911 ], [ -74.926, -50.88 ], [ -74.658, -50.9 ], [ -74.601, -50.951 ], [ -74.588, -50.899 ], [ -74.523, -50.913 ], [ -74.633, -50.877 ], [ -74.608, -50.821 ], [ -74.551, -50.861 ], [ -74.511, -50.809 ], [ -74.556, -50.824 ], [ -74.665, -50.738 ], [ -74.587, -50.722 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.961, -50.672 ], [ -74.964, -50.793 ], [ -74.989, -50.818 ], [ -75.098, -50.702 ], [ -75.03, -50.721 ], [ -75.015, -50.686 ], [ -75.061, -50.679 ], [ -75.032, -50.643 ], [ -74.979, -50.641 ], [ -74.989, -50.671 ], [ -74.95, -50.635 ], [ -74.961, -50.672 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.796, -50.651 ], [ -74.705, -50.684 ], [ -74.747, -50.702 ], [ -74.722, -50.745 ], [ -74.777, -50.735 ], [ -74.675, -50.799 ], [ -74.771, -50.801 ], [ -74.691, -50.828 ], [ -74.712, -50.878 ], [ -74.664, -50.799 ], [ -74.624, -50.812 ], [ -74.676, -50.897 ], [ -74.931, -50.839 ], [ -74.845, -50.826 ], [ -74.921, -50.797 ], [ -74.84, -50.8 ], [ -74.941, -50.782 ], [ -74.864, -50.773 ], [ -74.933, -50.712 ], [ -74.801, -50.723 ], [ -74.924, -50.68 ], [ -74.917, -50.666 ], [ -74.757, -50.697 ], [ -74.828, -50.653 ], [ -74.796, -50.651 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.468, -51.192 ], [ -74.396, -51.234 ], [ -74.519, -51.201 ], [ -74.468, -51.192 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.898, -51.231 ], [ -74.86, -51.245 ], [ -74.966, -51.309 ], [ -75.05, -51.282 ], [ -74.898, -51.231 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.922, -51.34 ], [ -73.957, -51.309 ], [ -73.983, -51.369 ], [ -74.053, -51.375 ], [ -74.094, -51.224 ], [ -73.939, -51.233 ], [ -73.922, -51.34 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.745, -51.414 ], [ -74.975, -51.479 ], [ -75.023, -51.436 ], [ -74.771, -51.328 ], [ -74.939, -51.381 ], [ -74.927, -51.337 ], [ -74.969, -51.339 ], [ -74.891, -51.277 ], [ -74.782, -51.281 ], [ -74.835, -51.258 ], [ -74.757, -51.241 ], [ -74.783, -51.207 ], [ -74.719, -51.222 ], [ -74.6, -51.183 ], [ -74.482, -51.242 ], [ -74.503, -51.293 ], [ -74.539, -51.261 ], [ -74.525, -51.308 ], [ -74.576, -51.258 ], [ -74.638, -51.242 ], [ -74.559, -51.294 ], [ -74.57, -51.351 ], [ -74.52, -51.345 ], [ -74.54, -51.386 ], [ -74.61, -51.402 ], [ -74.654, -51.272 ], [ -74.663, -51.311 ], [ -74.714, -51.295 ], [ -74.679, -51.323 ], [ -74.745, -51.414 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.972, -51.217 ], [ -73.978, -51.201 ], [ -73.961, -51.199 ], [ -73.972, -51.217 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.829, -51.167 ], [ -74.792, -51.184 ], [ -74.831, -51.238 ], [ -74.854, -51.192 ], [ -75.015, -51.222 ], [ -74.829, -51.167 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.746, -51.173 ], [ -74.751, -51.202 ], [ -74.793, -51.169 ], [ -74.746, -51.173 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.763, -51.125 ], [ -74.67, -51.147 ], [ -74.603, -51.084 ], [ -74.546, -51.173 ], [ -74.623, -51.147 ], [ -74.654, -51.194 ], [ -74.802, -51.145 ], [ -74.763, -51.125 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.42, -51.032 ], [ -74.446, -51.068 ], [ -74.49, -51.034 ], [ -74.494, -51.078 ], [ -74.362, -51.105 ], [ -74.363, -51.187 ], [ -74.425, -51.175 ], [ -74.372, -51.216 ], [ -74.543, -51.156 ], [ -74.578, -51.095 ], [ -74.468, -51.008 ], [ -74.42, -51.032 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.515, -50.375 ], [ -74.539, -50.348 ], [ -74.517, -50.353 ], [ -74.515, -50.375 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.608, -50.272 ], [ -74.552, -50.288 ], [ -74.729, -50.299 ], [ -74.688, -50.272 ], [ -74.608, -50.272 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.885, -50.234 ], [ -74.812, -50.242 ], [ -74.852, -50.285 ], [ -74.885, -50.234 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.886, -50.124 ], [ -74.93, -50.15 ], [ -74.916, -50.108 ], [ -74.886, -50.124 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.082, -50.033 ], [ -75.096, -50.022 ], [ -75.076, -50.015 ], [ -75.082, -50.033 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.66, -50.069 ], [ -74.705, -50.12 ], [ -74.739, -50.095 ], [ -74.685, -50.063 ], [ -74.66, -50.069 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.741, -50.072 ], [ -74.773, -50.061 ], [ -74.729, -50.062 ], [ -74.741, -50.072 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75, -50.314 ], [ -74.93, -50.278 ], [ -74.878, -50.322 ], [ -74.925, -50.369 ], [ -75.002, -50.353 ], [ -75, -50.314 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.231, -50.682 ], [ -75.309, -50.705 ], [ -75.229, -50.74 ], [ -75.267, -50.788 ], [ -75.315, -50.8 ], [ -75.311, -50.738 ], [ -75.318, -50.776 ], [ -75.436, -50.762 ], [ -75.393, -50.733 ], [ -75.443, -50.696 ], [ -75.327, -50.68 ], [ -75.502, -50.653 ], [ -75.393, -50.637 ], [ -75.447, -50.625 ], [ -75.408, -50.592 ], [ -75.301, -50.593 ], [ -75.458, -50.491 ], [ -75.356, -50.454 ], [ -75.323, -50.501 ], [ -75.254, -50.478 ], [ -75.284, -50.52 ], [ -75.233, -50.48 ], [ -75.045, -50.491 ], [ -75.099, -50.545 ], [ -75.154, -50.53 ], [ -75.134, -50.562 ], [ -75.202, -50.546 ], [ -75.152, -50.584 ], [ -75.195, -50.61 ], [ -75.265, -50.567 ], [ -75.245, -50.535 ], [ -75.307, -50.547 ], [ -75.214, -50.619 ], [ -75.291, -50.632 ], [ -75.231, -50.682 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.511, -50.409 ], [ -74.45, -50.466 ], [ -74.34, -50.455 ], [ -74.288, -50.614 ], [ -74.198, -50.674 ], [ -74.412, -50.64 ], [ -74.259, -50.684 ], [ -74.245, -50.726 ], [ -74.199, -50.698 ], [ -74.141, -50.838 ], [ -74.216, -50.841 ], [ -74.23, -50.751 ], [ -74.279, -50.799 ], [ -74.316, -50.756 ], [ -74.276, -50.837 ], [ -74.331, -50.836 ], [ -74.404, -50.755 ], [ -74.354, -50.724 ], [ -74.474, -50.735 ], [ -74.496, -50.71 ], [ -74.454, -50.698 ], [ -74.515, -50.691 ], [ -74.459, -50.667 ], [ -74.541, -50.684 ], [ -74.59, -50.634 ], [ -74.531, -50.641 ], [ -74.383, -50.538 ], [ -74.442, -50.519 ], [ -74.373, -50.527 ], [ -74.364, -50.558 ], [ -74.337, -50.527 ], [ -74.467, -50.507 ], [ -74.457, -50.472 ], [ -74.506, -50.505 ], [ -74.675, -50.479 ], [ -74.511, -50.409 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.108, -50.489 ], [ -74.122, -50.481 ], [ -74.095, -50.486 ], [ -74.108, -50.489 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.096, -50.479 ], [ -75.12, -50.474 ], [ -75.102, -50.465 ], [ -75.096, -50.479 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.384, -50.411 ], [ -75.36, -50.374 ], [ -75.318, -50.375 ], [ -75.328, -50.401 ], [ -75.384, -50.411 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.611, -50.347 ], [ -74.525, -50.397 ], [ -74.725, -50.497 ], [ -74.769, -50.476 ], [ -74.712, -50.408 ], [ -74.778, -50.422 ], [ -74.73, -50.367 ], [ -74.611, -50.347 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.988, -50.457 ], [ -75.056, -50.464 ], [ -75.054, -50.411 ], [ -75.08, -50.399 ], [ -75.122, -50.462 ], [ -75.18, -50.44 ], [ -75.031, -50.333 ], [ -75.001, -50.368 ], [ -75.039, -50.386 ], [ -74.945, -50.39 ], [ -74.988, -50.457 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.379, -50.352 ], [ -75.411, -50.419 ], [ -75.479, -50.423 ], [ -75.388, -50.359 ], [ -75.428, -50.37 ], [ -75.444, -50.297 ], [ -75.361, -50.254 ], [ -75.408, -50.231 ], [ -75.369, -50.152 ], [ -75.192, -50.174 ], [ -75.33, -50.197 ], [ -75.195, -50.213 ], [ -75.18, -50.253 ], [ -75.11, -50.251 ], [ -75.139, -50.208 ], [ -75.075, -50.169 ], [ -75.077, -50.127 ], [ -75.149, -50.173 ], [ -75.302, -50.118 ], [ -75.37, -50.069 ], [ -75.339, -50.001 ], [ -75.321, -50.035 ], [ -75.246, -49.994 ], [ -75.281, -50.035 ], [ -75.248, -50.013 ], [ -75.238, -50.066 ], [ -75.115, -50.015 ], [ -75.066, -50.054 ], [ -75.104, -50.089 ], [ -75.048, -50.067 ], [ -75.061, -50.104 ], [ -75.038, -50.08 ], [ -75, -50.133 ], [ -75.042, -50.033 ], [ -74.993, -50.02 ], [ -75.014, -50.082 ], [ -74.911, -50.093 ], [ -75.035, -50.174 ], [ -75.009, -50.196 ], [ -74.942, -50.132 ], [ -74.924, -50.168 ], [ -74.876, -50.129 ], [ -74.843, -50.168 ], [ -74.849, -50.13 ], [ -74.788, -50.15 ], [ -74.861, -50.116 ], [ -74.822, -50.097 ], [ -74.75, -50.138 ], [ -74.791, -50.121 ], [ -74.76, -50.174 ], [ -74.858, -50.184 ], [ -74.795, -50.201 ], [ -74.942, -50.202 ], [ -74.917, -50.248 ], [ -75.135, -50.343 ], [ -75.201, -50.442 ], [ -75.32, -50.427 ], [ -75.172, -50.288 ], [ -75.379, -50.352 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.952, -51.724 ], [ -74.992, -51.886 ], [ -75.101, -51.91 ], [ -75.054, -51.842 ], [ -75.112, -51.806 ], [ -75.041, -51.719 ], [ -74.952, -51.724 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.789, -51.916 ], [ -73.697, -51.981 ], [ -73.786, -52.021 ], [ -73.87, -51.96 ], [ -73.814, -51.933 ], [ -73.868, -51.914 ], [ -73.852, -51.891 ], [ -73.959, -51.893 ], [ -73.945, -51.845 ], [ -73.989, -51.821 ], [ -73.937, -51.817 ], [ -73.9, -51.788 ], [ -73.794, -51.88 ], [ -73.847, -51.912 ], [ -73.789, -51.916 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.212, -51.762 ], [ -74.234, -51.754 ], [ -74.201, -51.759 ], [ -74.212, -51.762 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.551, -51.727 ], [ -74.59, -51.779 ], [ -74.584, -51.719 ], [ -74.551, -51.727 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.652, -51.693 ], [ -74.694, -51.708 ], [ -74.651, -51.712 ], [ -74.715, -51.775 ], [ -74.72, -51.711 ], [ -74.652, -51.693 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.397, -51.738 ], [ -74.333, -51.755 ], [ -74.365, -51.781 ], [ -74.285, -51.761 ], [ -74.326, -51.786 ], [ -74.275, -51.78 ], [ -74.304, -51.828 ], [ -74.155, -51.843 ], [ -74.195, -51.895 ], [ -74.061, -51.887 ], [ -74.117, -51.925 ], [ -74.113, -51.977 ], [ -74.372, -51.885 ], [ -74.414, -51.833 ], [ -74.361, -51.806 ], [ -74.424, -51.81 ], [ -74.466, -51.757 ], [ -74.413, -51.766 ], [ -74.503, -51.703 ], [ -74.397, -51.738 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.05, -51.812 ], [ -74.017, -51.82 ], [ -74.061, -51.837 ], [ -74.158, -51.768 ], [ -74.05, -51.812 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.672, -51.777 ], [ -74.62, -51.784 ], [ -74.597, -51.815 ], [ -74.686, -51.835 ], [ -74.719, -51.803 ], [ -74.672, -51.777 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.492, -51.674 ], [ -74.431, -51.689 ], [ -74.427, -51.705 ], [ -74.526, -51.674 ], [ -74.492, -51.674 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.821, -51.675 ], [ -73.819, -51.664 ], [ -73.78, -51.663 ], [ -73.821, -51.675 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.864, -51.664 ], [ -73.881, -51.648 ], [ -73.837, -51.653 ], [ -73.864, -51.664 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.559, -51.639 ], [ -74.579, -51.631 ], [ -74.544, -51.634 ], [ -74.559, -51.639 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.04, -51.551 ], [ -74.079, -51.552 ], [ -74.028, -51.578 ], [ -73.976, -51.701 ], [ -74.058, -51.723 ], [ -73.941, -51.727 ], [ -73.913, -51.775 ], [ -73.959, -51.812 ], [ -74.147, -51.75 ], [ -74.146, -51.713 ], [ -74.173, -51.745 ], [ -74.236, -51.72 ], [ -74.19, -51.723 ], [ -74.223, -51.675 ], [ -74.159, -51.691 ], [ -74.17, -51.632 ], [ -74.148, -51.671 ], [ -74.078, -51.679 ], [ -74.131, -51.667 ], [ -74.144, -51.593 ], [ -74.07, -51.616 ], [ -74.036, -51.596 ], [ -74.115, -51.545 ], [ -74.04, -51.551 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.09, -51.27 ], [ -75.124, -51.381 ], [ -75.052, -51.291 ], [ -74.963, -51.316 ], [ -74.979, -51.369 ], [ -75.016, -51.357 ], [ -74.987, -51.397 ], [ -75.06, -51.36 ], [ -75.024, -51.398 ], [ -75.089, -51.426 ], [ -75.081, -51.48 ], [ -75.133, -51.407 ], [ -75.116, -51.56 ], [ -75.142, -51.592 ], [ -75.19, -51.561 ], [ -75.164, -51.618 ], [ -75.278, -51.639 ], [ -75.305, -51.542 ], [ -75.175, -51.493 ], [ -75.207, -51.403 ], [ -75.135, -51.389 ], [ -75.212, -51.335 ], [ -75.09, -51.27 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.742, -53.577 ], [ -73.885, -53.593 ], [ -73.851, -53.549 ], [ -73.919, -53.534 ], [ -73.86, -53.51 ], [ -73.898, -53.457 ], [ -73.704, -53.52 ], [ -73.814, -53.541 ], [ -73.705, -53.539 ], [ -73.742, -53.577 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.326, -53.17 ], [ -74.319, -53.185 ], [ -74.338, -53.186 ], [ -74.326, -53.17 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.097, -53.25 ], [ -74.154, -53.328 ], [ -74.288, -53.313 ], [ -74.124, -53.242 ], [ -74.097, -53.25 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.28, -53.28 ], [ -74.255, -53.288 ], [ -74.314, -53.294 ], [ -74.302, -53.266 ], [ -74.28, -53.28 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.312, -53.452 ], [ -73.304, -53.431 ], [ -73.254, -53.466 ], [ -73.276, -53.478 ], [ -73.312, -53.452 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.336, -53.459 ], [ -73.354, -53.451 ], [ -73.348, -53.44 ], [ -73.317, -53.458 ], [ -73.336, -53.459 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.698, -53.512 ], [ -73.843, -53.419 ], [ -73.558, -53.504 ], [ -73.701, -53.447 ], [ -73.542, -53.443 ], [ -73.636, -53.419 ], [ -73.622, -53.371 ], [ -73.523, -53.413 ], [ -73.552, -53.382 ], [ -73.438, -53.385 ], [ -73.415, -53.412 ], [ -73.545, -53.484 ], [ -73.471, -53.465 ], [ -73.39, -53.556 ], [ -73.52, -53.59 ], [ -73.565, -53.523 ], [ -73.555, -53.56 ], [ -73.698, -53.512 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.58, -53.439 ], [ -73.58, -53.439 ], [ -73.555, -53.441 ], [ -73.56, -53.441 ], [ -73.58, -53.439 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.387, -53.429 ], [ -73.381, -53.447 ], [ -73.429, -53.433 ], [ -73.409, -53.417 ], [ -73.387, -53.429 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.884, -53.39 ], [ -73.841, -53.393 ], [ -73.854, -53.426 ], [ -73.933, -53.407 ], [ -73.884, -53.39 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.75, -53.393 ], [ -73.748, -53.42 ], [ -73.779, -53.394 ], [ -73.75, -53.393 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.672, -53.383 ], [ -73.665, -53.407 ], [ -73.714, -53.385 ], [ -73.702, -53.373 ], [ -73.672, -53.383 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.568, -53.38 ], [ -73.577, -53.369 ], [ -73.554, -53.374 ], [ -73.568, -53.38 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.481, -53.331 ], [ -72.503, -53.322 ], [ -72.504, -53.301 ], [ -72.478, -53.313 ], [ -72.481, -53.331 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.436, -53.342 ], [ -73.444, -53.333 ], [ -73.424, -53.333 ], [ -73.436, -53.342 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.935, -53.2 ], [ -73.959, -53.177 ], [ -73.898, -53.196 ], [ -73.935, -53.2 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.773, -53.279 ], [ -73.742, -53.29 ], [ -73.793, -53.274 ], [ -73.773, -53.279 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.078, -53.376 ], [ -73.068, -53.362 ], [ -73.059, -53.371 ], [ -73.078, -53.376 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.313, -53.373 ], [ -73.29, -53.371 ], [ -73.276, -53.393 ], [ -73.351, -53.362 ], [ -73.313, -53.373 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.643, -53.354 ], [ -73.655, -53.38 ], [ -73.722, -53.355 ], [ -73.668, -53.37 ], [ -73.643, -53.354 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.869, -53.32 ], [ -73.804, -53.343 ], [ -73.906, -53.321 ], [ -73.869, -53.32 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.599, -54.537 ], [ -71.705, -54.484 ], [ -71.662, -54.466 ], [ -71.866, -54.442 ], [ -71.737, -54.4 ], [ -71.533, -54.513 ], [ -71.566, -54.479 ], [ -71.43, -54.494 ], [ -71.587, -54.461 ], [ -71.604, -54.4 ], [ -71.356, -54.465 ], [ -71.294, -54.438 ], [ -71.41, -54.422 ], [ -71.399, -54.38 ], [ -71.327, -54.382 ], [ -71.186, -54.427 ], [ -71.224, -54.463 ], [ -71.143, -54.43 ], [ -71.064, -54.527 ], [ -71.119, -54.442 ], [ -70.97, -54.458 ], [ -70.927, -54.522 ], [ -70.916, -54.365 ], [ -70.758, -54.332 ], [ -70.718, -54.37 ], [ -70.57, -54.361 ], [ -70.695, -54.438 ], [ -70.755, -54.622 ], [ -70.707, -54.552 ], [ -70.607, -54.606 ], [ -70.692, -54.538 ], [ -70.548, -54.403 ], [ -70.246, -54.573 ], [ -70.189, -54.578 ], [ -70.287, -54.499 ], [ -70.104, -54.552 ], [ -70.507, -54.39 ], [ -70.523, -54.307 ], [ -70.86, -54.261 ], [ -70.899, -54.175 ], [ -70.808, -54.198 ], [ -70.923, -54.127 ], [ -70.279, -54.343 ], [ -70.107, -54.443 ], [ -70.155, -54.398 ], [ -70.038, -54.385 ], [ -70.198, -54.318 ], [ -69.991, -54.27 ], [ -69.939, -54.309 ], [ -69.98, -54.33 ], [ -69.953, -54.395 ], [ -69.911, -54.376 ], [ -69.893, -54.436 ], [ -69.826, -54.446 ], [ -69.902, -54.508 ], [ -69.798, -54.472 ], [ -69.75, -54.513 ], [ -69.835, -54.568 ], [ -69.761, -54.543 ], [ -69.753, -54.588 ], [ -69.719, -54.496 ], [ -69.798, -54.431 ], [ -69.853, -54.29 ], [ -69.644, -54.345 ], [ -69.629, -54.406 ], [ -69.529, -54.444 ], [ -69.491, -54.445 ], [ -69.557, -54.399 ], [ -69.545, -54.341 ], [ -69.2, -54.452 ], [ -69.483, -54.677 ], [ -69.386, -54.645 ], [ -69.346, -54.71 ], [ -69.363, -54.632 ], [ -69.207, -54.526 ], [ -69.13, -54.602 ], [ -69.17, -54.512 ], [ -69.126, -54.46 ], [ -68.969, -54.486 ], [ -68.966, -54.449 ], [ -70.048, -54.106 ], [ -70.189, -53.819 ], [ -70.15, -53.744 ], [ -69.676, -53.646 ], [ -69.35, -53.523 ], [ -69.303, -53.475 ], [ -69.349, -53.368 ], [ -69.861, -53.372 ], [ -70.21, -53.477 ], [ -70.46, -53.377 ], [ -70.437, -53.014 ], [ -70.33, -52.965 ], [ -70.348, -53.058 ], [ -70.253, -53.051 ], [ -70.134, -53.006 ], [ -70.089, -52.918 ], [ -70.217, -52.881 ], [ -70.303, -52.912 ], [ -70.25, -52.853 ], [ -70.281, -52.795 ], [ -70.434, -52.784 ], [ -70.128, -52.729 ], [ -69.995, -52.837 ], [ -69.898, -52.84 ], [ -69.707, -52.764 ], [ -69.58, -52.651 ], [ -69.59, -52.537 ], [ -69.407, -52.454 ], [ -69.14, -52.698 ], [ -68.786, -52.614 ], [ -68.755, -52.545 ], [ -68.611, -52.653 ], [ -68.61, -54.89 ], [ -68.962, -54.785 ], [ -68.703, -54.908 ], [ -69.077, -54.957 ], [ -69.637, -54.84 ], [ -69.604, -54.728 ], [ -69.663, -54.788 ], [ -69.708, -54.697 ], [ -69.682, -54.821 ], [ -69.754, -54.825 ], [ -69.727, -54.761 ], [ -69.764, -54.724 ], [ -69.769, -54.821 ], [ -69.908, -54.836 ], [ -69.964, -54.726 ], [ -69.936, -54.685 ], [ -69.98, -54.723 ], [ -69.95, -54.846 ], [ -70.079, -54.853 ], [ -70.053, -54.788 ], [ -70.137, -54.792 ], [ -70.081, -54.83 ], [ -70.126, -54.85 ], [ -70.218, -54.833 ], [ -70.161, -54.864 ], [ -70.298, -54.852 ], [ -70.313, -54.807 ], [ -70.212, -54.685 ], [ -70.296, -54.745 ], [ -70.33, -54.843 ], [ -70.574, -54.771 ], [ -70.609, -54.78 ], [ -70.581, -54.801 ], [ -70.745, -54.851 ], [ -70.827, -54.825 ], [ -70.769, -54.801 ], [ -70.794, -54.77 ], [ -70.469, -54.7 ], [ -70.43, -54.637 ], [ -70.532, -54.627 ], [ -70.618, -54.676 ], [ -70.563, -54.715 ], [ -70.779, -54.763 ], [ -70.927, -54.758 ], [ -70.883, -54.705 ], [ -70.742, -54.694 ], [ -70.902, -54.67 ], [ -71.014, -54.783 ], [ -70.955, -54.72 ], [ -70.953, -54.682 ], [ -71.007, -54.706 ], [ -70.985, -54.672 ], [ -70.906, -54.619 ], [ -71.046, -54.597 ], [ -71.014, -54.632 ], [ -71.049, -54.665 ], [ -71.255, -54.686 ], [ -71.284, -54.648 ], [ -71.12, -54.626 ], [ -71.236, -54.623 ], [ -71.243, -54.591 ], [ -71.169, -54.58 ], [ -71.236, -54.583 ], [ -71.205, -54.538 ], [ -71.29, -54.576 ], [ -71.329, -54.517 ], [ -71.315, -54.572 ], [ -71.395, -54.532 ], [ -71.371, -54.566 ], [ -71.429, -54.571 ], [ -71.331, -54.593 ], [ -71.316, -54.619 ], [ -71.396, -54.611 ], [ -71.381, -54.66 ], [ -71.441, -54.64 ], [ -71.473, -54.696 ], [ -71.495, -54.595 ], [ -71.501, -54.717 ], [ -71.589, -54.689 ], [ -71.528, -54.669 ], [ -71.582, -54.651 ], [ -71.558, -54.623 ], [ -71.609, -54.641 ], [ -71.55, -54.588 ], [ -71.602, -54.583 ], [ -71.648, -54.673 ], [ -71.677, -54.619 ], [ -71.63, -54.589 ], [ -71.785, -54.582 ], [ -71.711, -54.613 ], [ -71.853, -54.601 ], [ -71.789, -54.65 ], [ -71.906, -54.656 ], [ -71.979, -54.611 ], [ -71.864, -54.62 ], [ -71.942, -54.577 ], [ -71.905, -54.554 ], [ -71.972, -54.572 ], [ -72.025, -54.516 ], [ -71.921, -54.526 ], [ -72.021, -54.483 ], [ -71.911, -54.45 ], [ -71.886, -54.514 ], [ -71.857, -54.472 ], [ -71.832, -54.537 ], [ -71.748, -54.566 ], [ -71.632, -54.583 ], [ -71.753, -54.5 ], [ -71.606, -54.546 ], [ -71.513, -54.55 ], [ -71.599, -54.537 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.854, -53.104 ], [ -71.875, -53.088 ], [ -71.849, -53.068 ], [ -71.854, -53.104 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.45, -53.037 ], [ -73.471, -53.015 ], [ -73.443, -53.027 ], [ -73.45, -53.037 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.5, -52.944 ], [ -73.488, -52.968 ], [ -73.592, -52.987 ], [ -73.561, -52.926 ], [ -73.5, -52.944 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.301, -53.177 ], [ -74.282, -53.142 ], [ -74.245, -53.149 ], [ -74.257, -53.176 ], [ -74.301, -53.177 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.36, -53.126 ], [ -74.298, -53.149 ], [ -74.357, -53.17 ], [ -74.36, -53.126 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.282, -53.143 ], [ -73.336, -53.135 ], [ -73.3, -53.123 ], [ -73.282, -53.143 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.194, -53.12 ], [ -73.204, -53.115 ], [ -73.184, -53.105 ], [ -73.194, -53.12 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.274, -53.095 ], [ -72.249, -53.104 ], [ -72.247, -53.119 ], [ -72.307, -53.099 ], [ -72.274, -53.095 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.901, -53.106 ], [ -73.771, -53.21 ], [ -73.843, -53.224 ], [ -73.907, -53.145 ], [ -73.922, -53.174 ], [ -73.988, -53.129 ], [ -73.901, -53.106 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.938, -53.172 ], [ -74.052, -53.187 ], [ -74.086, -53.15 ], [ -74.002, -53.129 ], [ -73.938, -53.172 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.17, -53.136 ], [ -74.202, -53.133 ], [ -74.211, -53.115 ], [ -74.163, -53.129 ], [ -74.17, -53.136 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.069, -53.108 ], [ -73.078, -53.104 ], [ -73.065, -53.098 ], [ -73.069, -53.108 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.656, -52.87 ], [ -70.732, -52.91 ], [ -70.773, -52.908 ], [ -70.625, -52.846 ], [ -70.656, -52.87 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.806, -52.906 ], [ -73.837, -52.901 ], [ -73.838, -52.881 ], [ -73.789, -52.878 ], [ -73.806, -52.906 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.285, -52.795 ], [ -73.311, -52.782 ], [ -73.292, -52.781 ], [ -73.285, -52.795 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.47, -52.78 ], [ -73.458, -52.789 ], [ -73.511, -52.777 ], [ -73.47, -52.78 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.709, -52.787 ], [ -73.7, -52.757 ], [ -73.659, -52.756 ], [ -73.663, -52.784 ], [ -73.709, -52.787 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.522, -52.794 ], [ -72.533, -52.767 ], [ -72.512, -52.784 ], [ -72.522, -52.794 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.246, -52.585 ], [ -72.28, -52.605 ], [ -72.3, -52.539 ], [ -72.246, -52.585 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.625, -52.575 ], [ -72.675, -52.568 ], [ -72.641, -52.561 ], [ -72.625, -52.575 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.861, -52.573 ], [ -72.842, -52.567 ], [ -72.851, -52.581 ], [ -72.861, -52.573 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.714, -52.57 ], [ -72.715, -52.553 ], [ -72.696, -52.553 ], [ -72.714, -52.57 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.067, -52.58 ], [ -74.121, -52.616 ], [ -74.206, -52.593 ], [ -74.123, -52.568 ], [ -74.067, -52.58 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.684, -52.547 ], [ -73.649, -52.568 ], [ -73.688, -52.574 ], [ -73.684, -52.547 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.292, -52.513 ], [ -74.302, -52.509 ], [ -74.278, -52.501 ], [ -74.292, -52.513 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.67, -52.527 ], [ -73.681, -52.512 ], [ -73.654, -52.512 ], [ -73.652, -52.523 ], [ -73.67, -52.527 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.977, -52.539 ], [ -74.017, -52.529 ], [ -73.89, -52.477 ], [ -73.977, -52.539 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.623, -52.483 ], [ -73.629, -52.463 ], [ -73.603, -52.47 ], [ -73.623, -52.483 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.113, -52.474 ], [ -74.128, -52.461 ], [ -74.114, -52.452 ], [ -74.097, -52.462 ], [ -74.113, -52.474 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.015, -52.462 ], [ -74.016, -52.449 ], [ -73.98, -52.431 ], [ -73.983, -52.449 ], [ -74.015, -52.462 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.3, -52.464 ], [ -74.333, -52.45 ], [ -74.328, -52.432 ], [ -74.3, -52.434 ], [ -74.3, -52.464 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72, -53.101 ], [ -72.121, -53.137 ], [ -72.349, -53.032 ], [ -72.244, -53.086 ], [ -72.4, -53.034 ], [ -72.602, -53.072 ], [ -72.388, -53.078 ], [ -72.204, -53.188 ], [ -72.363, -53.177 ], [ -72.401, -53.196 ], [ -72.316, -53.223 ], [ -72.361, -53.235 ], [ -72.508, -53.185 ], [ -72.457, -53.237 ], [ -72.541, -53.172 ], [ -72.606, -53.191 ], [ -72.415, -53.255 ], [ -72.463, -53.302 ], [ -72.53, -53.26 ], [ -72.554, -53.266 ], [ -72.5, -53.352 ], [ -72.557, -53.381 ], [ -72.676, -53.317 ], [ -72.586, -53.433 ], [ -72.508, -53.401 ], [ -72.383, -53.532 ], [ -72.531, -53.559 ], [ -72.741, -53.458 ], [ -72.758, -53.391 ], [ -72.793, -53.455 ], [ -72.808, -53.372 ], [ -72.914, -53.384 ], [ -72.885, -53.353 ], [ -73.172, -53.266 ], [ -73.325, -53.157 ], [ -73.13, -53.201 ], [ -72.95, -53.169 ], [ -72.753, -53.238 ], [ -72.76, -53.281 ], [ -72.829, -53.278 ], [ -72.718, -53.298 ], [ -72.728, -53.254 ], [ -72.682, -53.256 ], [ -72.849, -53.181 ], [ -72.719, -53.192 ], [ -72.801, -53.156 ], [ -72.656, -53.148 ], [ -72.736, -53.102 ], [ -72.857, -53.152 ], [ -72.975, -53.1 ], [ -72.851, -53.033 ], [ -72.926, -53.048 ], [ -72.972, -52.934 ], [ -72.939, -52.906 ], [ -73.02, -52.85 ], [ -72.92, -52.836 ], [ -72.801, -52.776 ], [ -72.813, -52.811 ], [ -72.711, -52.713 ], [ -72.609, -52.767 ], [ -72.738, -52.863 ], [ -72.719, -52.898 ], [ -72.589, -52.798 ], [ -72.536, -52.806 ], [ -72.65, -52.87 ], [ -72.483, -52.819 ], [ -72.442, -52.876 ], [ -72.445, -52.812 ], [ -72.181, -52.638 ], [ -72.056, -52.679 ], [ -71.975, -52.638 ], [ -71.824, -52.697 ], [ -71.494, -52.643 ], [ -71.409, -52.722 ], [ -71.421, -52.836 ], [ -71.911, -53.002 ], [ -72, -53.101 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.42, -53.331 ], [ -73.642, -53.323 ], [ -73.616, -53.289 ], [ -73.5, -53.302 ], [ -73.631, -53.273 ], [ -73.593, -53.236 ], [ -73.636, -53.185 ], [ -73.668, -53.212 ], [ -73.633, -53.235 ], [ -73.688, -53.236 ], [ -73.731, -53.14 ], [ -73.73, -53.182 ], [ -73.776, -53.182 ], [ -73.812, -53.104 ], [ -73.843, -53.109 ], [ -73.812, -53.174 ], [ -73.902, -53.059 ], [ -73.98, -53.1 ], [ -74.127, -53.051 ], [ -74.01, -53.1 ], [ -74.089, -53.13 ], [ -74.119, -53.091 ], [ -74.202, -53.112 ], [ -74.262, -53.036 ], [ -74.243, -53.133 ], [ -74.329, -53.12 ], [ -74.315, -53.053 ], [ -74.348, -53.029 ], [ -74.378, -53.081 ], [ -74.445, -53.01 ], [ -74.4, -52.994 ], [ -74.47, -52.961 ], [ -74.45, -52.993 ], [ -74.471, -53.008 ], [ -74.512, -52.962 ], [ -74.483, -52.93 ], [ -74.575, -52.945 ], [ -74.569, -52.903 ], [ -74.647, -52.851 ], [ -74.591, -52.877 ], [ -74.547, -52.875 ], [ -74.577, -52.835 ], [ -74.677, -52.835 ], [ -74.63, -52.804 ], [ -74.707, -52.811 ], [ -74.736, -52.738 ], [ -74.689, -52.721 ], [ -74.427, -52.848 ], [ -74.51, -52.851 ], [ -74.416, -52.856 ], [ -74.469, -52.866 ], [ -74.47, -52.892 ], [ -74.348, -52.872 ], [ -74.408, -52.932 ], [ -74.328, -52.979 ], [ -74.309, -52.906 ], [ -74.267, -52.986 ], [ -74.182, -52.957 ], [ -74.136, -53.01 ], [ -74.091, -52.989 ], [ -74.142, -52.936 ], [ -74.052, -52.995 ], [ -73.937, -52.996 ], [ -73.992, -53.025 ], [ -73.928, -53.062 ], [ -73.948, -53.033 ], [ -73.905, -53.013 ], [ -73.819, -53.09 ], [ -73.849, -53.039 ], [ -73.814, -53.033 ], [ -73.648, -53.169 ], [ -73.672, -53.082 ], [ -73.626, -53.076 ], [ -73.56, -53.156 ], [ -73.602, -53.168 ], [ -73.566, -53.275 ], [ -73.521, -53.275 ], [ -73.532, -53.224 ], [ -73.461, -53.236 ], [ -73.535, -53.201 ], [ -73.527, -53.123 ], [ -73.489, -53.127 ], [ -73.415, -53.173 ], [ -73.458, -53.184 ], [ -73.397, -53.186 ], [ -73.46, -53.203 ], [ -73.346, -53.231 ], [ -73.43, -53.247 ], [ -73.409, -53.271 ], [ -73.316, -53.262 ], [ -73.212, -53.306 ], [ -73.264, -53.326 ], [ -73.122, -53.353 ], [ -73.189, -53.379 ], [ -73.42, -53.331 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.489, -52.724 ], [ -72.501, -52.72 ], [ -72.485, -52.715 ], [ -72.489, -52.724 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.321, -52.685 ], [ -72.347, -52.685 ], [ -72.313, -52.65 ], [ -72.321, -52.685 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.159, -52.643 ], [ -74.092, -52.663 ], [ -74.132, -52.658 ], [ -74.089, -52.693 ], [ -74.173, -52.711 ], [ -74.134, -52.683 ], [ -74.201, -52.645 ], [ -74.159, -52.643 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.655, -52.656 ], [ -73.687, -52.68 ], [ -73.707, -52.665 ], [ -73.689, -52.642 ], [ -73.655, -52.656 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.493, -52.722 ], [ -73.502, -52.711 ], [ -73.483, -52.703 ], [ -73.477, -52.716 ], [ -73.493, -52.722 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.357, -52.677 ], [ -73.388, -52.721 ], [ -73.448, -52.721 ], [ -73.376, -52.658 ], [ -73.357, -52.677 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.537, -52.74 ], [ -72.542, -52.758 ], [ -72.57, -52.75 ], [ -72.569, -52.733 ], [ -72.537, -52.74 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.377, -52.724 ], [ -72.38, -52.76 ], [ -72.46, -52.781 ], [ -72.499, -52.765 ], [ -72.377, -52.724 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.328, -52.698 ], [ -73.33, -52.732 ], [ -73.39, -52.752 ], [ -73.419, -52.745 ], [ -73.328, -52.698 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.654, -52.604 ], [ -72.595, -52.608 ], [ -72.585, -52.623 ], [ -72.656, -52.625 ], [ -72.654, -52.604 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.715, -52.429 ], [ -73.66, -52.486 ], [ -73.736, -52.502 ], [ -73.702, -52.519 ], [ -73.727, -52.575 ], [ -73.807, -52.552 ], [ -73.718, -52.594 ], [ -73.802, -52.713 ], [ -73.953, -52.728 ], [ -73.854, -52.609 ], [ -73.983, -52.67 ], [ -73.869, -52.574 ], [ -74.085, -52.641 ], [ -73.838, -52.438 ], [ -73.715, -52.429 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.884, -52.41 ], [ -73.859, -52.425 ], [ -73.882, -52.473 ], [ -73.99, -52.466 ], [ -73.884, -52.41 ] ] ] ] } } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 82714, "end" : 82719 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Chile" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/a0aab9e2-a4b9-4741-bea3-0e26bc431d5c", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://sws.geonames.org/3895114", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-09-06T19:34:46+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-09-06T19:34:46+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "MultiPolygon", "coordinates" : [ [ [ [ -73.738, -42.855 ], [ -73.546, -42.974 ], [ -73.511, -43.071 ], [ -73.576, -43.036 ], [ -73.615, -43.055 ], [ -73.494, -43.086 ], [ -73.479, -43.146 ], [ -73.54, -43.103 ], [ -73.707, -43.15 ], [ -73.731, -43.093 ], [ -73.753, -43.205 ], [ -73.662, -43.32 ], [ -73.877, -43.283 ], [ -73.811, -43.314 ], [ -73.801, -43.417 ], [ -73.976, -43.364 ], [ -73.999, -43.393 ], [ -74.02, -43.351 ], [ -74.103, -43.394 ], [ -74.408, -43.263 ], [ -74.305, -43.135 ], [ -74.323, -43.076 ], [ -74.227, -43.027 ], [ -74.265, -42.993 ], [ -74.207, -42.969 ], [ -74.228, -42.919 ], [ -74.152, -42.859 ], [ -74.169, -42.767 ], [ -74.12, -42.658 ], [ -74.197, -42.517 ], [ -74.14, -42.324 ], [ -74.171, -42.268 ], [ -74.049, -42.129 ], [ -74.026, -41.948 ], [ -74.057, -41.931 ], [ -73.998, -41.904 ], [ -74.061, -41.833 ], [ -74.009, -41.774 ], [ -73.875, -41.784 ], [ -73.91, -41.796 ], [ -73.853, -41.83 ], [ -73.888, -41.861 ], [ -73.937, -41.822 ], [ -73.997, -41.853 ], [ -73.843, -41.883 ], [ -73.671, -41.8 ], [ -73.476, -41.833 ], [ -73.534, -41.876 ], [ -73.47, -41.905 ], [ -73.532, -41.894 ], [ -73.51, -41.926 ], [ -73.561, -41.959 ], [ -73.415, -42.074 ], [ -73.489, -42.16 ], [ -73.366, -42.204 ], [ -73.337, -42.266 ], [ -73.356, -42.338 ], [ -73.435, -42.31 ], [ -73.665, -42.386 ], [ -73.641, -42.437 ], [ -73.683, -42.481 ], [ -73.578, -42.535 ], [ -73.721, -42.569 ], [ -73.781, -42.533 ], [ -73.723, -42.46 ], [ -73.755, -42.428 ], [ -73.803, -42.524 ], [ -73.751, -42.552 ], [ -73.788, -42.612 ], [ -73.489, -42.792 ], [ -73.465, -42.884 ], [ -73.571, -42.887 ], [ -73.615, -42.805 ], [ -73.643, -42.846 ], [ -73.586, -42.889 ], [ -73.738, -42.855 ] ], [ [ -73.796, -41.87 ], [ -73.797, -41.87 ], [ -73.796, -41.87 ], [ -73.796, -41.87 ] ], [ [ -73.796, -41.87 ], [ -73.758, -41.927 ], [ -73.808, -41.953 ], [ -73.73, -41.958 ], [ -73.711, -41.928 ], [ -73.796, -41.87 ] ], [ [ -73.375, -42.246 ], [ -73.376, -42.246 ], [ -73.405, -42.259 ], [ -73.375, -42.246 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.437, -49.249 ], [ -75.587, -49.231 ], [ -75.617, -49.186 ], [ -75.563, -49.212 ], [ -75.554, -49.115 ], [ -75.495, -49.093 ], [ -75.542, -49.168 ], [ -75.441, -49.12 ], [ -75.48, -49.093 ], [ -75.284, -49.019 ], [ -75.294, -48.947 ], [ -75.364, -48.952 ], [ -75.475, -49.079 ], [ -75.687, -49.037 ], [ -75.615, -48.984 ], [ -75.551, -49.011 ], [ -75.461, -48.976 ], [ -75.482, -48.945 ], [ -75.537, -48.999 ], [ -75.653, -48.971 ], [ -75.654, -48.898 ], [ -75.592, -48.851 ], [ -75.562, -48.89 ], [ -75.554, -48.831 ], [ -75.517, -48.878 ], [ -75.536, -48.828 ], [ -75.437, -48.841 ], [ -75.541, -48.923 ], [ -75.401, -48.833 ], [ -75.389, -48.921 ], [ -75.323, -48.936 ], [ -75.369, -48.844 ], [ -75.263, -48.88 ], [ -75.233, -49.016 ], [ -75.172, -49.029 ], [ -75.366, -49.184 ], [ -75.382, -49.146 ], [ -75.457, -49.153 ], [ -75.437, -49.249 ] ], [ [ -75.382, -49.146 ], [ -75.361, -49.109 ], [ -75.364, -49.11 ], [ -75.382, -49.146 ] ], [ [ -75.361, -49.109 ], [ -75.332, -49.104 ], [ -75.346, -49.085 ], [ -75.361, -49.109 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.087, -45.791 ], [ -74.035, -45.74 ], [ -73.875, -45.752 ], [ -73.958, -45.792 ], [ -73.934, -45.871 ], [ -73.998, -45.937 ], [ -74.003, -45.85 ], [ -74.034, -45.859 ], [ -74.087, -45.791 ] ], [ [ -74.033, -45.838 ], [ -74.032, -45.838 ], [ -74.032, -45.815 ], [ -74.033, -45.838 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.455, -44.648 ], [ -73.389, -44.57 ], [ -73.355, -44.64 ], [ -73.313, -44.606 ], [ -73.214, -44.639 ], [ -73.281, -44.546 ], [ -73.128, -44.588 ], [ -73.121, -44.55 ], [ -73.253, -44.498 ], [ -73.248, -44.439 ], [ -73.16, -44.404 ], [ -73.102, -44.462 ], [ -73.093, -44.377 ], [ -72.975, -44.368 ], [ -72.905, -44.43 ], [ -72.984, -44.58 ], [ -72.867, -44.431 ], [ -72.687, -44.532 ], [ -72.807, -44.65 ], [ -72.97, -44.587 ], [ -72.962, -44.632 ], [ -72.796, -44.673 ], [ -72.818, -44.732 ], [ -73.212, -44.94 ], [ -73.396, -44.823 ], [ -73.163, -44.81 ], [ -73.265, -44.783 ], [ -73.261, -44.746 ], [ -73.36, -44.805 ], [ -73.393, -44.765 ], [ -73.351, -44.739 ], [ -73.432, -44.737 ], [ -73.455, -44.648 ] ], [ [ -73.076, -44.418 ], [ -73.074, -44.419 ], [ -73.073, -44.418 ], [ -73.076, -44.418 ] ], [ [ -73.074, -44.419 ], [ -73.038, -44.485 ], [ -73.001, -44.496 ], [ -73.04, -44.42 ], [ -73.074, -44.419 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.085, -50.809 ], [ -74.126, -50.772 ], [ -74.061, -50.704 ], [ -74.131, -50.698 ], [ -74.139, -50.76 ], [ -74.23, -50.616 ], [ -74.162, -50.562 ], [ -74.088, -50.593 ], [ -74.134, -50.555 ], [ -74.233, -50.565 ], [ -74.302, -50.475 ], [ -74.185, -50.474 ], [ -74.153, -50.544 ], [ -74.109, -50.516 ], [ -74.166, -50.492 ], [ -74, -50.541 ], [ -73.989, -50.572 ], [ -73.867, -50.565 ], [ -74.146, -50.444 ], [ -73.999, -50.379 ], [ -74.256, -50.453 ], [ -74.331, -50.411 ], [ -74.292, -50.358 ], [ -74.152, -50.347 ], [ -74.264, -50.327 ], [ -74.208, -50.296 ], [ -74.28, -50.318 ], [ -74.293, -50.253 ], [ -74.334, -50.39 ], [ -74.374, -50.381 ], [ -74.434, -50.377 ], [ -74.437, -50.395 ], [ -74.472, -50.352 ], [ -74.423, -50.323 ], [ -74.55, -50.303 ], [ -74.492, -50.301 ], [ -74.453, -50.241 ], [ -74.519, -50.28 ], [ -74.633, -50.242 ], [ -74.573, -50.181 ], [ -74.654, -50.253 ], [ -74.719, -50.24 ], [ -74.604, -50.123 ], [ -74.52, -50.113 ], [ -74.536, -50.167 ], [ -74.475, -50.135 ], [ -74.516, -50.089 ], [ -74.458, -50.12 ], [ -74.406, -50.095 ], [ -74.484, -50.074 ], [ -74.609, -50.108 ], [ -74.439, -50.023 ], [ -74.368, -50.058 ], [ -74.374, -50.103 ], [ -74.26, -50.137 ], [ -74.349, -50.198 ], [ -74.251, -50.161 ], [ -74.167, -50.293 ], [ -74.095, -50.23 ], [ -73.996, -50.287 ], [ -73.854, -50.301 ], [ -73.978, -50.274 ], [ -74.015, -50.219 ], [ -74.158, -50.218 ], [ -74.238, -50.07 ], [ -74.293, -50.077 ], [ -74.355, -49.998 ], [ -74.315, -49.924 ], [ -74.298, -49.967 ], [ -74.21, -49.939 ], [ -74.033, -50.052 ], [ -73.901, -50.032 ], [ -73.853, -50.075 ], [ -73.875, -50.024 ], [ -74.019, -50 ], [ -73.949, -49.936 ], [ -73.812, -49.924 ], [ -73.903, -49.918 ], [ -73.841, -49.835 ], [ -74.027, -49.984 ], [ -74.159, -49.894 ], [ -74.312, -49.883 ], [ -74.34, -49.789 ], [ -74.289, -49.806 ], [ -74.175, -49.741 ], [ -74.033, -49.763 ], [ -74.033, -49.705 ], [ -74.282, -49.755 ], [ -74.309, -49.715 ], [ -74.303, -49.617 ], [ -74.084, -49.538 ], [ -74.002, -49.558 ], [ -74.043, -49.645 ], [ -73.98, -49.563 ], [ -73.907, -49.561 ], [ -73.879, -49.654 ], [ -73.782, -49.678 ], [ -73.698, -49.802 ], [ -73.661, -49.725 ], [ -73.844, -49.649 ], [ -73.861, -49.536 ], [ -74.098, -49.501 ], [ -74.072, -49.275 ], [ -74.011, -49.268 ], [ -73.964, -49.324 ], [ -73.831, -49.357 ], [ -73.812, -49.401 ], [ -73.817, -49.346 ], [ -73.951, -49.314 ], [ -74.012, -49.251 ], [ -73.945, -49.168 ], [ -74.017, -49.086 ], [ -74.011, -49.152 ], [ -74.107, -49.256 ], [ -74.191, -49.211 ], [ -74.131, -49.271 ], [ -74.176, -49.533 ], [ -74.267, -49.501 ], [ -74.26, -49.561 ], [ -74.391, -49.618 ], [ -74.435, -49.484 ], [ -74.415, -49.39 ], [ -74.386, -49.406 ], [ -74.392, -49.188 ], [ -74.334, -49.192 ], [ -74.408, -49.066 ], [ -74.437, -49.122 ], [ -74.397, -49.293 ], [ -74.447, -49.471 ], [ -74.545, -49.501 ], [ -74.45, -49.525 ], [ -74.446, -49.599 ], [ -74.508, -49.604 ], [ -74.507, -49.664 ], [ -74.558, -49.672 ], [ -74.497, -49.67 ], [ -74.505, -49.629 ], [ -74.454, -49.609 ], [ -74.386, -49.652 ], [ -74.375, -49.753 ], [ -74.477, -49.733 ], [ -74.387, -49.771 ], [ -74.388, -49.897 ], [ -74.459, -49.835 ], [ -74.42, -49.919 ], [ -74.484, -49.965 ], [ -74.6, -49.869 ], [ -74.497, -49.977 ], [ -74.614, -50.052 ], [ -74.608, -50.02 ], [ -74.667, -50.032 ], [ -74.614, -49.986 ], [ -74.784, -50.045 ], [ -74.856, -49.987 ], [ -74.796, -49.942 ], [ -74.672, -49.905 ], [ -74.598, -49.939 ], [ -74.685, -49.892 ], [ -74.816, -49.938 ], [ -74.838, -49.964 ], [ -74.886, -49.934 ], [ -74.844, -49.87 ], [ -74.886, -49.832 ], [ -74.75, -49.874 ], [ -74.592, -49.785 ], [ -74.809, -49.833 ], [ -74.696, -49.715 ], [ -74.819, -49.803 ], [ -74.861, -49.774 ], [ -74.834, -49.716 ], [ -74.894, -49.673 ], [ -74.791, -49.673 ], [ -74.868, -49.635 ], [ -74.861, -49.597 ], [ -74.74, -49.628 ], [ -74.659, -49.623 ], [ -74.759, -49.614 ], [ -74.718, -49.576 ], [ -74.716, -49.547 ], [ -74.777, -49.604 ], [ -74.865, -49.543 ], [ -74.747, -49.463 ], [ -74.694, -49.511 ], [ -74.739, -49.445 ], [ -74.601, -49.427 ], [ -74.694, -49.413 ], [ -74.58, -49.301 ], [ -74.704, -49.395 ], [ -74.791, -49.35 ], [ -74.718, -49.41 ], [ -74.849, -49.5 ], [ -74.858, -49.391 ], [ -74.906, -49.537 ], [ -74.933, -49.446 ], [ -74.888, -49.412 ], [ -74.946, -49.423 ], [ -74.949, -49.488 ], [ -75.018, -49.455 ], [ -75.071, -49.485 ], [ -74.957, -49.5 ], [ -74.952, -49.536 ], [ -74.99, -49.519 ], [ -74.913, -49.623 ], [ -74.984, -49.73 ], [ -74.99, -49.789 ], [ -74.954, -49.71 ], [ -74.899, -49.746 ], [ -74.988, -49.857 ], [ -74.953, -49.861 ], [ -74.973, -49.896 ], [ -75.031, -49.902 ], [ -74.994, -49.811 ], [ -75.036, -49.861 ], [ -75.104, -49.851 ], [ -75.145, -49.775 ], [ -75.1, -49.749 ], [ -75.164, -49.757 ], [ -75.203, -49.692 ], [ -75.173, -49.675 ], [ -75.234, -49.665 ], [ -75.114, -49.647 ], [ -75.206, -49.641 ], [ -75.129, -49.582 ], [ -75.224, -49.639 ], [ -75.202, -49.616 ], [ -75.277, -49.611 ], [ -75.125, -49.508 ], [ -75.234, -49.562 ], [ -75.288, -49.541 ], [ -75.173, -49.486 ], [ -75.216, -49.485 ], [ -75.198, -49.444 ], [ -75.302, -49.521 ], [ -75.33, -49.476 ], [ -75.282, -49.428 ], [ -75.378, -49.495 ], [ -75.299, -49.388 ], [ -75.398, -49.448 ], [ -75.445, -49.279 ], [ -75.319, -49.266 ], [ -75.412, -49.334 ], [ -75.32, -49.286 ], [ -75.242, -49.407 ], [ -75.109, -49.483 ], [ -75.186, -49.422 ], [ -74.943, -49.407 ], [ -75.196, -49.415 ], [ -75.126, -49.397 ], [ -75.232, -49.38 ], [ -75.269, -49.323 ], [ -75.187, -49.33 ], [ -75.275, -49.313 ], [ -75.301, -49.27 ], [ -75.241, -49.276 ], [ -75.303, -49.256 ], [ -75.226, -49.237 ], [ -75.219, -49.191 ], [ -74.972, -49.294 ], [ -75.076, -49.181 ], [ -74.981, -49.182 ], [ -75.208, -49.172 ], [ -75.093, -49.14 ], [ -75.127, -49.111 ], [ -75.23, -49.159 ], [ -75.132, -49.032 ], [ -75.052, -49.064 ], [ -75.105, -49.014 ], [ -74.969, -49.088 ], [ -74.969, -49.034 ], [ -75.077, -48.975 ], [ -75.206, -49.005 ], [ -75.247, -48.889 ], [ -75.219, -48.897 ], [ -75.184, -48.846 ], [ -75.263, -48.866 ], [ -75.348, -48.794 ], [ -75.322, -48.771 ], [ -75.092, -48.867 ], [ -75.061, -48.922 ], [ -75.174, -48.909 ], [ -75.155, -48.94 ], [ -74.987, -48.974 ], [ -74.862, -49.091 ], [ -74.916, -49.172 ], [ -74.862, -49.147 ], [ -74.893, -49.297 ], [ -74.855, -49.367 ], [ -74.856, -49.219 ], [ -74.785, -49.231 ], [ -74.855, -49.185 ], [ -74.822, -49.156 ], [ -74.75, -49.193 ], [ -74.819, -49.117 ], [ -74.733, -49.082 ], [ -74.912, -48.995 ], [ -74.816, -48.946 ], [ -74.77, -49.009 ], [ -74.722, -49.021 ], [ -74.789, -48.975 ], [ -74.788, -48.916 ], [ -74.953, -48.969 ], [ -74.889, -48.935 ], [ -74.966, -48.931 ], [ -74.842, -48.88 ], [ -74.998, -48.894 ], [ -74.816, -48.802 ], [ -74.992, -48.867 ], [ -75.037, -48.819 ], [ -75.014, -48.771 ], [ -74.924, -48.807 ], [ -74.915, -48.751 ], [ -74.99, -48.762 ], [ -74.79, -48.67 ], [ -74.773, -48.708 ], [ -74.826, -48.744 ], [ -74.753, -48.819 ], [ -74.776, -48.677 ], [ -74.695, -48.671 ], [ -74.717, -48.636 ], [ -74.8, -48.652 ], [ -74.905, -48.722 ], [ -75.001, -48.741 ], [ -74.994, -48.671 ], [ -74.878, -48.693 ], [ -74.978, -48.657 ], [ -74.99, -48.623 ], [ -74.961, -48.645 ], [ -74.831, -48.644 ], [ -75.007, -48.601 ], [ -75.022, -48.506 ], [ -74.816, -48.402 ], [ -74.818, -48.53 ], [ -74.788, -48.472 ], [ -74.756, -48.56 ], [ -74.706, -48.463 ], [ -74.777, -48.414 ], [ -74.813, -48.307 ], [ -74.735, -48.134 ], [ -74.678, -48.19 ], [ -74.736, -48.208 ], [ -74.697, -48.221 ], [ -74.714, -48.273 ], [ -74.653, -48.251 ], [ -74.672, -48.301 ], [ -74.586, -48.398 ], [ -74.684, -48.426 ], [ -74.595, -48.476 ], [ -74.61, -48.603 ], [ -74.523, -48.641 ], [ -74.519, -48.575 ], [ -74.472, -48.64 ], [ -74.596, -48.711 ], [ -74.628, -48.841 ], [ -74.565, -48.719 ], [ -74.488, -48.699 ], [ -74.486, -48.854 ], [ -74.578, -48.933 ], [ -74.477, -48.872 ], [ -74.42, -48.94 ], [ -74.527, -49.01 ], [ -74.412, -49.013 ], [ -74.409, -48.944 ], [ -74.327, -48.949 ], [ -74.446, -48.884 ], [ -74.365, -48.877 ], [ -74.442, -48.852 ], [ -74.384, -48.724 ], [ -74.221, -48.855 ], [ -74.196, -48.835 ], [ -74.318, -48.751 ], [ -74.195, -48.719 ], [ -74.057, -48.749 ], [ -74.134, -48.707 ], [ -74.29, -48.736 ], [ -74.308, -48.694 ], [ -74.221, -48.657 ], [ -74.355, -48.69 ], [ -74.4, -48.618 ], [ -74.361, -48.577 ], [ -74.225, -48.556 ], [ -74.271, -48.526 ], [ -74.192, -48.483 ], [ -73.967, -48.608 ], [ -74.041, -48.536 ], [ -74.028, -48.452 ], [ -73.881, -48.432 ], [ -74.019, -48.422 ], [ -74.144, -48.362 ], [ -74.241, -48.355 ], [ -73.954, -48.326 ], [ -74.273, -48.344 ], [ -74.239, -48.299 ], [ -74.303, -48.219 ], [ -74.434, -48.191 ], [ -74.513, -48.104 ], [ -74.403, -48.014 ], [ -74.599, -48.102 ], [ -74.646, -48.071 ], [ -74.632, -47.994 ], [ -74.53, -47.942 ], [ -74.332, -48.016 ], [ -74.386, -48.015 ], [ -74.257, -48.16 ], [ -74.261, -48.266 ], [ -74.238, -48.197 ], [ -74.187, -48.252 ], [ -74.144, -48.229 ], [ -74.224, -48.192 ], [ -74.297, -48.014 ], [ -74.189, -48.001 ], [ -74.156, -48.085 ], [ -74.179, -48.001 ], [ -74.105, -47.984 ], [ -74.041, -48.05 ], [ -73.898, -48.035 ], [ -73.872, -48.124 ], [ -73.762, -48.04 ], [ -73.805, -48.117 ], [ -73.789, -48.162 ], [ -73.743, -48.1 ], [ -73.593, -48.151 ], [ -73.639, -48.266 ], [ -73.584, -48.214 ], [ -73.529, -48.254 ], [ -73.487, -48.185 ], [ -73.4, -48.22 ], [ -73.275, -48.161 ], [ -73.263, -48.035 ], [ -73.293, -48.144 ], [ -73.364, -48.19 ], [ -73.589, -48.04 ], [ -73.525, -48.001 ], [ -73.639, -48.012 ], [ -73.647, -47.888 ], [ -73.541, -47.885 ], [ -73.607, -47.841 ], [ -73.585, -47.807 ], [ -73.711, -47.775 ], [ -73.73, -47.696 ], [ -73.671, -47.644 ], [ -73.723, -47.566 ], [ -73.748, -47.784 ], [ -73.924, -47.842 ], [ -74.034, -47.791 ], [ -74.361, -47.788 ], [ -74.381, -47.74 ], [ -74.515, -47.787 ], [ -74.717, -47.728 ], [ -74.633, -47.584 ], [ -74.535, -47.521 ], [ -74.401, -47.55 ], [ -74.431, -47.676 ], [ -74.144, -47.602 ], [ -74.316, -47.591 ], [ -74.452, -47.482 ], [ -74.428, -47.426 ], [ -74.478, -47.468 ], [ -74.515, -47.42 ], [ -74.304, -47.203 ], [ -74.138, -47.213 ], [ -74.03, -47.164 ], [ -74.051, -47.13 ], [ -74.121, -47.177 ], [ -74.223, -47.153 ], [ -74.179, -47.014 ], [ -73.999, -46.974 ], [ -74.103, -46.99 ], [ -74.309, -46.802 ], [ -74.233, -46.811 ], [ -74.267, -46.756 ], [ -74.641, -46.804 ], [ -74.419, -46.859 ], [ -74.434, -46.887 ], [ -74.369, -46.866 ], [ -74.387, -46.903 ], [ -74.672, -46.885 ], [ -74.79, -46.789 ], [ -74.834, -46.817 ], [ -74.983, -46.76 ], [ -75.051, -46.687 ], [ -75.069, -46.618 ], [ -74.937, -46.513 ], [ -74.974, -46.5 ], [ -75.181, -46.627 ], [ -75.325, -46.618 ], [ -75.361, -46.66 ], [ -75.394, -46.61 ], [ -75.516, -46.655 ], [ -75.536, -46.687 ], [ -75.482, -46.716 ], [ -75.364, -46.714 ], [ -75.419, -46.744 ], [ -75.303, -46.855 ], [ -75.368, -46.928 ], [ -75.55, -46.94 ], [ -75.633, -46.808 ], [ -75.687, -46.801 ], [ -75.691, -46.718 ], [ -75.623, -46.561 ], [ -75.534, -46.578 ], [ -75.486, -46.542 ], [ -75.519, -46.505 ], [ -75.337, -46.483 ], [ -75.364, -46.423 ], [ -75.2, -46.363 ], [ -75.196, -46.298 ], [ -75.133, -46.328 ], [ -75.05, -46.217 ], [ -74.932, -46.239 ], [ -74.89, -46.183 ], [ -74.886, -46.152 ], [ -74.738, -46.185 ], [ -74.79, -46.12 ], [ -74.763, -46.056 ], [ -74.702, -46.046 ], [ -74.703, -45.952 ], [ -74.901, -46.116 ], [ -75.025, -46.12 ], [ -75.073, -46.038 ], [ -74.976, -46.021 ], [ -75.095, -45.892 ], [ -75.033, -45.857 ], [ -74.841, -45.885 ], [ -74.727, -45.818 ], [ -74.512, -45.853 ], [ -74.427, -45.95 ], [ -74.476, -46.028 ], [ -74.434, -46.046 ], [ -74.375, -45.949 ], [ -74.458, -45.867 ], [ -74.447, -45.805 ], [ -74.296, -45.815 ], [ -74.278, -45.878 ], [ -74.23, -45.821 ], [ -74.073, -45.847 ], [ -74.089, -45.82 ], [ -74.045, -45.89 ], [ -74.077, -45.904 ], [ -73.949, -46.079 ], [ -74.031, -46.172 ], [ -73.877, -46.142 ], [ -73.74, -46.242 ], [ -73.779, -46.369 ], [ -73.879, -46.464 ], [ -73.866, -46.535 ], [ -73.89, -46.469 ], [ -73.963, -46.54 ], [ -73.911, -46.602 ], [ -73.835, -46.594 ], [ -73.762, -46.409 ], [ -73.609, -46.319 ], [ -73.492, -46.315 ], [ -73.557, -46.259 ], [ -73.329, -46.022 ], [ -73.404, -46.022 ], [ -73.608, -46.223 ], [ -73.586, -46.263 ], [ -73.682, -46.331 ], [ -73.62, -46.117 ], [ -73.642, -45.981 ], [ -73.534, -45.828 ], [ -73.343, -45.686 ], [ -73.15, -45.674 ], [ -73.344, -45.629 ], [ -73.568, -45.787 ], [ -73.48, -45.447 ], [ -73.207, -45.29 ], [ -72.99, -45.449 ], [ -72.877, -45.473 ], [ -72.797, -45.432 ], [ -72.809, -45.373 ], [ -72.917, -45.421 ], [ -73.012, -45.39 ], [ -73.201, -45.243 ], [ -73.337, -45.291 ], [ -73.446, -45.259 ], [ -73.433, -45.188 ], [ -73.307, -45.173 ], [ -73.421, -45.144 ], [ -73.418, -45.076 ], [ -73.337, -45.161 ], [ -73.282, -45.15 ], [ -73.38, -45.043 ], [ -73.361, -44.957 ], [ -73.1, -44.951 ], [ -72.712, -44.746 ], [ -72.729, -44.678 ], [ -72.668, -44.537 ], [ -72.573, -44.503 ], [ -72.602, -44.384 ], [ -72.68, -44.503 ], [ -72.723, -44.498 ], [ -72.817, -44.383 ], [ -72.92, -44.375 ], [ -72.917, -44.317 ], [ -73.187, -44.25 ], [ -73.135, -44.198 ], [ -73.289, -44.165 ], [ -73.275, -44.11 ], [ -73.212, -44.125 ], [ -73.2, -44.057 ], [ -73.092, -44.091 ], [ -73.133, -44.015 ], [ -73.042, -43.921 ], [ -73.067, -43.862 ], [ -72.943, -43.759 ], [ -73.054, -43.735 ], [ -72.881, -43.618 ], [ -72.891, -43.584 ], [ -72.998, -43.595 ], [ -73.094, -43.445 ], [ -73.051, -43.397 ], [ -73.066, -43.317 ], [ -72.876, -43.243 ], [ -72.915, -43.134 ], [ -72.857, -43.026 ], [ -72.744, -43.052 ], [ -72.809, -42.938 ], [ -72.707, -42.943 ], [ -72.856, -42.777 ], [ -72.798, -42.684 ], [ -72.86, -42.676 ], [ -72.821, -42.53 ], [ -72.527, -42.562 ], [ -72.626, -42.521 ], [ -72.84, -42.303 ], [ -72.587, -42.194 ], [ -72.516, -42.25 ], [ -72.446, -42.478 ], [ -72.394, -42.492 ], [ -72.47, -42.305 ], [ -72.431, -41.976 ], [ -72.494, -41.973 ], [ -72.581, -42.047 ], [ -72.879, -41.914 ], [ -72.653, -41.732 ], [ -72.357, -41.677 ], [ -72.286, -41.508 ], [ -72.339, -41.517 ], [ -72.387, -41.666 ], [ -72.572, -41.717 ], [ -72.649, -41.699 ], [ -72.787, -41.516 ], [ -72.938, -41.478 ], [ -73.089, -41.582 ], [ -73.039, -41.704 ], [ -73.138, -41.766 ], [ -73.189, -41.778 ], [ -73.191, -41.748 ], [ -73.259, -41.715 ], [ -73.259, -41.787 ], [ -73.41, -41.773 ], [ -73.354, -41.811 ], [ -73.759, -41.745 ], [ -73.655, -41.612 ], [ -73.752, -41.563 ], [ -73.796, -41.591 ], [ -73.804, -41.508 ], [ -73.862, -41.467 ], [ -73.835, -41.347 ], [ -73.933, -41.113 ], [ -73.944, -40.977 ], [ -73.847, -40.916 ], [ -73.89, -40.866 ], [ -73.806, -40.717 ], [ -73.838, -40.669 ], [ -73.72, -40.538 ], [ -73.779, -40.464 ], [ -73.731, -40.204 ], [ -73.658, -40.136 ], [ -73.713, -40.007 ], [ -73.466, -39.85 ], [ -73.373, -39.939 ], [ -73.405, -39.694 ], [ -73.254, -39.536 ], [ -73.262, -39.456 ], [ -73.204, -39.452 ], [ -73.239, -39.382 ], [ -73.211, -39.398 ], [ -73.192, -39.387 ], [ -73.233, -39.309 ], [ -73.211, -39.233 ], [ -73.489, -38.659 ], [ -73.533, -38.387 ], [ -73.451, -38.12 ], [ -73.49, -37.966 ], [ -73.666, -37.723 ], [ -73.679, -37.628 ], [ -73.59, -37.463 ], [ -73.683, -37.334 ], [ -73.585, -37.151 ], [ -73.559, -37.198 ], [ -73.448, -37.207 ], [ -73.448, -37.257 ], [ -73.276, -37.237 ], [ -73.155, -37.117 ], [ -73.19, -37.004 ], [ -73.155, -36.846 ], [ -73.217, -36.774 ], [ -73.135, -36.747 ], [ -73.161, -36.71 ], [ -73.114, -36.612 ], [ -73.105, -36.728 ], [ -72.992, -36.731 ], [ -72.961, -36.628 ], [ -73.004, -36.579 ], [ -72.978, -36.525 ], [ -72.935, -36.542 ], [ -72.81, -36.274 ], [ -72.788, -35.974 ], [ -72.567, -35.788 ], [ -72.631, -35.577 ], [ -72.498, -35.461 ], [ -72.496, -35.381 ], [ -72.432, -35.319 ], [ -72.377, -35.352 ], [ -72.385, -35.217 ], [ -72.193, -35.081 ], [ -72.181, -34.9 ], [ -72, -34.491 ], [ -72.054, -34.431 ], [ -71.973, -34.33 ], [ -72.01, -34.124 ], [ -71.853, -33.939 ], [ -71.788, -33.774 ], [ -71.645, -33.691 ], [ -71.601, -33.539 ], [ -71.709, -33.43 ], [ -71.655, -33.305 ], [ -71.757, -33.102 ], [ -71.681, -33.101 ], [ -71.661, -33.024 ], [ -71.563, -33.006 ], [ -71.567, -32.935 ], [ -71.524, -32.918 ], [ -71.557, -32.791 ], [ -71.452, -32.679 ], [ -71.487, -32.526 ], [ -71.41, -32.396 ], [ -71.544, -32.188 ], [ -71.495, -31.972 ], [ -71.502, -31.875 ], [ -71.559, -31.845 ], [ -71.508, -31.77 ], [ -71.671, -31.149 ], [ -71.648, -31.007 ], [ -71.716, -30.599 ], [ -71.649, -30.266 ], [ -71.626, -30.236 ], [ -71.603, -30.295 ], [ -71.525, -30.291 ], [ -71.453, -30.169 ], [ -71.395, -30.184 ], [ -71.371, -30.078 ], [ -71.419, -30.003 ], [ -71.35, -29.979 ], [ -71.348, -29.936 ], [ -71.294, -29.95 ], [ -71.275, -29.889 ], [ -71.344, -29.753 ], [ -71.286, -29.617 ], [ -71.332, -29.552 ], [ -71.309, -29.418 ], [ -71.34, -29.331 ], [ -71.495, -29.198 ], [ -71.466, -29.106 ], [ -71.53, -28.983 ], [ -71.495, -28.856 ], [ -71.301, -28.679 ], [ -71.319, -28.567 ], [ -71.166, -28.354 ], [ -71.201, -28.297 ], [ -71.157, -28.219 ], [ -71.185, -28.111 ], [ -71.038, -27.67 ], [ -71.003, -27.69 ], [ -70.905, -27.624 ], [ -70.889, -27.479 ], [ -70.961, -27.37 ], [ -70.928, -27.312 ], [ -70.97, -27.169 ], [ -70.931, -27.112 ], [ -70.874, -27.138 ], [ -70.811, -27.055 ], [ -70.828, -26.876 ], [ -70.688, -26.577 ], [ -70.697, -26.39 ], [ -70.628, -26.337 ], [ -70.676, -26.291 ], [ -70.631, -25.991 ], [ -70.736, -25.817 ], [ -70.686, -25.665 ], [ -70.64, -25.646 ], [ -70.65, -25.536 ], [ -70.539, -25.481 ], [ -70.522, -25.397 ], [ -70.45, -25.363 ], [ -70.441, -25.192 ], [ -70.508, -25.11 ], [ -70.471, -24.995 ], [ -70.58, -24.716 ], [ -70.579, -24.545 ], [ -70.499, -24.167 ], [ -70.515, -23.861 ], [ -70.391, -23.612 ], [ -70.404, -23.532 ], [ -70.479, -23.466 ], [ -70.547, -23.534 ], [ -70.624, -23.514 ], [ -70.598, -23.244 ], [ -70.557, -23.181 ], [ -70.579, -23.083 ], [ -70.509, -23.021 ], [ -70.479, -23.098 ], [ -70.408, -23.085 ], [ -70.287, -22.911 ], [ -70.31, -22.761 ], [ -70.237, -22.49 ], [ -70.191, -21.899 ], [ -70.145, -21.849 ], [ -70.147, -21.633 ], [ -70.095, -21.593 ], [ -70.056, -21.434 ], [ -70.083, -21.23 ], [ -70.178, -21.023 ], [ -70.137, -20.89 ], [ -70.208, -20.812 ], [ -70.123, -19.994 ], [ -70.169, -19.656 ], [ -70.235, -19.602 ], [ -70.2, -19.503 ], [ -70.285, -19.306 ], [ -70.268, -19.143 ], [ -70.36, -18.796 ], [ -70.303, -18.446 ], [ -70.374, -18.35 ], [ -69.948, -18.248 ], [ -69.753, -17.982 ], [ -69.819, -17.747 ], [ -69.799, -17.65 ], [ -69.662, -17.658 ], [ -69.463, -17.508 ], [ -69.461, -17.606 ], [ -69.308, -17.801 ], [ -69.296, -17.95 ], [ -69.069, -18.067 ], [ -69.139, -18.157 ], [ -69.036, -18.324 ], [ -68.978, -18.75 ], [ -68.909, -18.876 ], [ -68.957, -18.941 ], [ -68.884, -19.045 ], [ -68.407, -19.408 ], [ -68.691, -19.739 ], [ -68.53, -19.843 ], [ -68.524, -19.927 ], [ -68.56, -20.045 ], [ -68.78, -20.082 ], [ -68.705, -20.142 ], [ -68.663, -20.324 ], [ -68.756, -20.392 ], [ -68.678, -20.498 ], [ -68.439, -20.632 ], [ -68.549, -20.726 ], [ -68.547, -20.88 ], [ -68.515, -20.933 ], [ -68.401, -20.938 ], [ -68.172, -21.297 ], [ -68.177, -21.6 ], [ -68.057, -21.763 ], [ -68.064, -21.976 ], [ -67.943, -22.091 ], [ -67.946, -22.321 ], [ -67.848, -22.546 ], [ -67.875, -22.826 ], [ -67.572, -22.896 ], [ -67.178, -22.806 ], [ -66.988, -22.992 ], [ -67.338, -24.034 ], [ -68.214, -24.38 ], [ -68.317, -24.484 ], [ -68.391, -24.474 ], [ -68.567, -24.748 ], [ -68.572, -24.834 ], [ -68.337, -25.072 ], [ -68.505, -25.134 ], [ -68.551, -25.228 ], [ -68.533, -25.329 ], [ -68.598, -25.399 ], [ -68.487, -25.657 ], [ -68.39, -26.19 ], [ -68.57, -26.307 ], [ -68.588, -26.509 ], [ -68.272, -26.917 ], [ -68.327, -27.047 ], [ -68.481, -27.064 ], [ -68.544, -27.188 ], [ -68.684, -27.083 ], [ -68.797, -27.133 ], [ -68.849, -27.204 ], [ -68.82, -27.291 ], [ -69.062, -27.642 ], [ -69.104, -27.889 ], [ -69.242, -27.996 ], [ -69.37, -28.201 ], [ -69.437, -28.172 ], [ -69.482, -28.312 ], [ -69.632, -28.378 ], [ -69.634, -28.52 ], [ -69.706, -28.683 ], [ -69.672, -28.773 ], [ -69.766, -28.892 ], [ -69.785, -29.109 ], [ -69.95, -29.169 ], [ -70.018, -29.325 ], [ -69.882, -29.692 ], [ -69.94, -30.09 ], [ -69.827, -30.123 ], [ -69.807, -30.187 ], [ -69.975, -30.398 ], [ -70.154, -30.349 ], [ -70.129, -30.457 ], [ -70.305, -30.891 ], [ -70.267, -31.024 ], [ -70.391, -31.171 ], [ -70.445, -31.09 ], [ -70.511, -31.163 ], [ -70.553, -31.56 ], [ -70.465, -31.701 ], [ -70.44, -31.848 ], [ -70.268, -31.896 ], [ -70.202, -31.97 ], [ -70.278, -32.044 ], [ -70.386, -32.051 ], [ -70.299, -32.145 ], [ -70.318, -32.267 ], [ -70.224, -32.332 ], [ -70.234, -32.432 ], [ -70.142, -32.484 ], [ -70.146, -32.731 ], [ -69.997, -32.902 ], [ -70.093, -33.042 ], [ -70.025, -33.314 ], [ -69.964, -33.321 ], [ -69.888, -33.222 ], [ -69.747, -33.408 ], [ -69.865, -33.547 ], [ -69.885, -33.68 ], [ -69.89, -33.829 ], [ -69.83, -33.99 ], [ -69.876, -34.126 ], [ -69.815, -34.224 ], [ -69.914, -34.297 ], [ -69.976, -34.253 ], [ -70.042, -34.287 ], [ -70.011, -34.402 ], [ -70.134, -34.495 ], [ -70.226, -34.678 ], [ -70.315, -34.749 ], [ -70.262, -34.804 ], [ -70.37, -35.031 ], [ -70.363, -35.142 ], [ -70.426, -35.196 ], [ -70.548, -35.206 ], [ -70.578, -35.258 ], [ -70.424, -35.343 ], [ -70.401, -35.648 ], [ -70.326, -35.811 ], [ -70.423, -35.91 ], [ -70.381, -35.923 ], [ -70.372, -36.027 ], [ -70.419, -36.145 ], [ -70.471, -36.171 ], [ -70.577, -36.13 ], [ -70.699, -36.255 ], [ -70.694, -36.407 ], [ -70.886, -36.383 ], [ -70.936, -36.473 ], [ -71.034, -36.465 ], [ -71.024, -36.664 ], [ -71.066, -36.695 ], [ -71.112, -36.659 ], [ -71.17, -36.839 ], [ -71.102, -36.95 ], [ -71.203, -36.975 ], [ -71.092, -37.103 ], [ -71.213, -37.298 ], [ -71.116, -37.472 ], [ -71.129, -37.581 ], [ -71.202, -37.672 ], [ -71.136, -37.819 ], [ -71.191, -37.864 ], [ -71.125, -37.894 ], [ -70.999, -38.094 ], [ -71.043, -38.133 ], [ -71.002, -38.41 ], [ -70.833, -38.573 ], [ -70.948, -38.745 ], [ -71.241, -38.806 ], [ -71.428, -38.93 ], [ -71.386, -39.284 ], [ -71.472, -39.402 ], [ -71.467, -39.484 ], [ -71.533, -39.522 ], [ -71.481, -39.59 ], [ -71.606, -39.627 ], [ -71.688, -39.571 ], [ -71.716, -39.63 ], [ -71.689, -39.841 ], [ -71.59, -39.903 ], [ -71.684, -40.026 ], [ -71.671, -40.104 ], [ -71.816, -40.088 ], [ -71.831, -40.222 ], [ -71.749, -40.307 ], [ -71.681, -40.3 ], [ -71.654, -40.369 ], [ -71.719, -40.438 ], [ -71.805, -40.412 ], [ -71.85, -40.56 ], [ -71.883, -40.558 ], [ -71.833, -40.633 ], [ -71.947, -40.74 ], [ -71.858, -40.913 ], [ -71.894, -40.978 ], [ -71.828, -41.061 ], [ -71.843, -41.167 ], [ -71.879, -41.171 ], [ -71.842, -41.256 ], [ -71.906, -41.361 ], [ -71.819, -41.571 ], [ -71.855, -41.608 ], [ -71.826, -41.707 ], [ -71.746, -41.821 ], [ -71.728, -42.115 ], [ -71.919, -42.187 ], [ -72.028, -42.141 ], [ -72.125, -42.307 ], [ -72.05, -42.378 ], [ -72.029, -42.494 ], [ -72.134, -42.6 ], [ -72.11, -42.915 ], [ -71.979, -43.086 ], [ -71.74, -43.171 ], [ -71.729, -43.211 ], [ -71.734, -43.317 ], [ -71.891, -43.328 ], [ -71.933, -43.457 ], [ -71.846, -43.485 ], [ -71.86, -43.552 ], [ -71.775, -43.545 ], [ -71.693, -43.63 ], [ -71.583, -43.66 ], [ -71.755, -43.81 ], [ -71.658, -43.938 ], [ -71.755, -44.067 ], [ -71.844, -44.105 ], [ -71.79, -44.212 ], [ -71.837, -44.376 ], [ -71.224, -44.425 ], [ -71.11, -44.523 ], [ -71.131, -44.58 ], [ -71.209, -44.606 ], [ -71.219, -44.739 ], [ -71.303, -44.808 ], [ -71.475, -44.736 ], [ -71.632, -44.785 ], [ -72.07, -44.768 ], [ -72.047, -44.901 ], [ -71.56, -44.98 ], [ -71.297, -45.293 ], [ -71.505, -45.399 ], [ -71.46, -45.466 ], [ -71.483, -45.508 ], [ -71.758, -45.562 ], [ -71.722, -45.582 ], [ -71.773, -45.712 ], [ -71.747, -45.835 ], [ -71.63, -45.888 ], [ -71.598, -45.975 ], [ -71.757, -46.111 ], [ -71.892, -46.148 ], [ -71.763, -46.2 ], [ -71.646, -46.683 ], [ -71.931, -46.811 ], [ -71.913, -47.013 ], [ -71.985, -47.075 ], [ -71.854, -47.138 ], [ -71.86, -47.231 ], [ -72.022, -47.206 ], [ -72.019, -47.284 ], [ -72.146, -47.411 ], [ -72.336, -47.464 ], [ -72.288, -47.504 ], [ -72.281, -47.615 ], [ -72.391, -47.651 ], [ -72.429, -47.758 ], [ -72.499, -47.732 ], [ -72.452, -47.8 ], [ -72.52, -47.925 ], [ -72.334, -48.074 ], [ -72.281, -48.338 ], [ -72.379, -48.368 ], [ -72.355, -48.393 ], [ -72.425, -48.421 ], [ -72.391, -48.45 ], [ -72.451, -48.491 ], [ -72.598, -48.483 ], [ -72.55, -48.791 ], [ -72.736, -48.918 ], [ -72.928, -48.946 ], [ -73.093, -49.134 ], [ -73.493, -49.18 ], [ -73.45, -49.377 ], [ -73.523, -49.448 ], [ -73.501, -49.513 ], [ -73.583, -49.524 ], [ -73.495, -49.632 ], [ -73.53, -49.693 ], [ -73.452, -49.732 ], [ -73.434, -49.81 ], [ -73.545, -49.924 ], [ -73.497, -50.047 ], [ -73.541, -50.078 ], [ -73.576, -50.261 ], [ -73.438, -50.431 ], [ -73.119, -50.683 ], [ -73.171, -50.735 ], [ -73.133, -50.775 ], [ -72.738, -50.616 ], [ -72.602, -50.676 ], [ -72.474, -50.603 ], [ -72.278, -50.655 ], [ -72.327, -50.745 ], [ -72.231, -50.855 ], [ -72.25, -51.025 ], [ -72.342, -51.045 ], [ -72.402, -51.119 ], [ -72.26, -51.254 ], [ -72.321, -51.304 ], [ -72.35, -51.486 ], [ -72.438, -51.569 ], [ -72.342, -51.598 ], [ -72.293, -51.699 ], [ -72.148, -51.738 ], [ -71.955, -51.868 ], [ -72.002, -51.975 ], [ -70.019, -51.998 ], [ -69.484, -52.147 ], [ -69.203, -52.152 ], [ -68.824, -52.278 ], [ -68.427, -52.335 ], [ -68.424, -52.379 ], [ -68.497, -52.336 ], [ -69, -52.283 ], [ -69.204, -52.197 ], [ -69.447, -52.264 ], [ -69.489, -52.392 ], [ -69.573, -52.424 ], [ -69.544, -52.466 ], [ -69.668, -52.544 ], [ -69.852, -52.49 ], [ -70.16, -52.588 ], [ -70.216, -52.659 ], [ -70.324, -52.64 ], [ -70.551, -52.726 ], [ -70.519, -52.656 ], [ -70.724, -52.745 ], [ -70.747, -52.712 ], [ -70.805, -52.757 ], [ -70.875, -52.736 ], [ -70.738, -52.789 ], [ -70.831, -52.82 ], [ -70.852, -52.908 ], [ -70.898, -52.916 ], [ -70.792, -52.939 ], [ -70.836, -52.962 ], [ -70.864, -53.13 ], [ -70.932, -53.173 ], [ -70.932, -53.311 ], [ -70.983, -53.382 ], [ -70.907, -53.627 ], [ -70.939, -53.624 ], [ -70.962, -53.789 ], [ -71.289, -53.903 ], [ -71.721, -53.8 ], [ -71.902, -53.715 ], [ -71.867, -53.69 ], [ -71.929, -53.729 ], [ -72.095, -53.699 ], [ -72.401, -53.5 ], [ -72.473, -53.399 ], [ -72.411, -53.362 ], [ -72.436, -53.316 ], [ -72.314, -53.249 ], [ -72.131, -53.242 ], [ -72.108, -53.384 ], [ -72.283, -53.425 ], [ -72.211, -53.449 ], [ -72.012, -53.379 ], [ -72.034, -53.239 ], [ -71.869, -53.223 ], [ -71.758, -53.437 ], [ -71.904, -53.527 ], [ -72.067, -53.548 ], [ -71.946, -53.569 ], [ -71.776, -53.512 ], [ -71.74, -53.447 ], [ -71.773, -53.314 ], [ -71.736, -53.316 ], [ -71.73, -53.21 ], [ -71.35, -53.113 ], [ -71.125, -52.865 ], [ -71.181, -52.816 ], [ -71.379, -52.798 ], [ -71.396, -52.716 ], [ -71.558, -52.561 ], [ -72.335, -52.524 ], [ -72.455, -52.615 ], [ -72.413, -52.621 ], [ -72.438, -52.67 ], [ -72.57, -52.593 ], [ -72.397, -52.548 ], [ -72.408, -52.495 ], [ -72.583, -52.578 ], [ -72.655, -52.553 ], [ -72.618, -52.514 ], [ -72.776, -52.561 ], [ -72.878, -52.523 ], [ -72.869, -52.558 ], [ -72.913, -52.57 ], [ -72.875, -52.584 ], [ -72.941, -52.58 ], [ -72.892, -52.605 ], [ -73.012, -52.745 ], [ -72.829, -52.598 ], [ -72.682, -52.668 ], [ -72.892, -52.81 ], [ -72.964, -52.766 ], [ -72.943, -52.804 ], [ -73.056, -52.851 ], [ -72.957, -52.902 ], [ -72.993, -52.972 ], [ -72.955, -53.025 ], [ -73.006, -53.073 ], [ -73.055, -53.033 ], [ -73.037, -53.07 ], [ -73.147, -53.105 ], [ -73.189, -53.042 ], [ -73.145, -53.018 ], [ -73.207, -53.014 ], [ -73.228, -53.052 ], [ -73.172, -53.089 ], [ -73.245, -53.098 ], [ -73.448, -53.013 ], [ -73.323, -53.003 ], [ -73.402, -52.972 ], [ -73.256, -52.972 ], [ -73.288, -52.944 ], [ -73.183, -52.897 ], [ -73.293, -52.929 ], [ -73.326, -52.894 ], [ -73.402, -52.97 ], [ -73.499, -52.941 ], [ -73.415, -52.93 ], [ -73.522, -52.888 ], [ -73.802, -52.923 ], [ -73.729, -52.903 ], [ -73.75, -52.864 ], [ -73.589, -52.868 ], [ -73.605, -52.829 ], [ -73.352, -52.906 ], [ -73.582, -52.809 ], [ -73.453, -52.809 ], [ -73.48, -52.836 ], [ -73.421, -52.805 ], [ -73.467, -52.77 ], [ -73.394, -52.794 ], [ -73.407, -52.837 ], [ -73.239, -52.805 ], [ -73.265, -52.754 ], [ -73.317, -52.777 ], [ -73.311, -52.713 ], [ -73.289, -52.748 ], [ -73.246, -52.665 ], [ -73.131, -52.661 ], [ -73.168, -52.631 ], [ -73.149, -52.566 ], [ -72.995, -52.58 ], [ -73.142, -52.558 ], [ -73.082, -52.51 ], [ -73.161, -52.499 ], [ -73.224, -52.409 ], [ -73.203, -52.493 ], [ -73.289, -52.501 ], [ -73.205, -52.508 ], [ -73.162, -52.583 ], [ -73.271, -52.688 ], [ -73.327, -52.693 ], [ -73.355, -52.645 ], [ -73.311, -52.601 ], [ -73.353, -52.626 ], [ -73.424, -52.553 ], [ -73.375, -52.646 ], [ -73.659, -52.721 ], [ -73.607, -52.747 ], [ -73.626, -52.777 ], [ -73.677, -52.721 ], [ -73.736, -52.745 ], [ -73.574, -52.654 ], [ -73.688, -52.624 ], [ -73.594, -52.579 ], [ -73.637, -52.547 ], [ -73.551, -52.577 ], [ -73.62, -52.514 ], [ -73.494, -52.493 ], [ -73.559, -52.477 ], [ -73.533, -52.421 ], [ -73.598, -52.471 ], [ -73.675, -52.433 ], [ -73.673, -52.395 ], [ -73.587, -52.389 ], [ -73.61, -52.344 ], [ -73.573, -52.339 ], [ -73.656, -52.283 ], [ -73.591, -52.225 ], [ -73.741, -52.103 ], [ -73.682, -52.254 ], [ -73.854, -52.115 ], [ -74.103, -52.023 ], [ -73.974, -52.039 ], [ -74.096, -51.987 ], [ -74.103, -51.95 ], [ -74.061, -51.965 ], [ -74.102, -51.918 ], [ -73.991, -51.933 ], [ -74.007, -51.995 ], [ -73.964, -51.945 ], [ -73.756, -52.083 ], [ -73.715, -52.037 ], [ -73.561, -52.217 ], [ -73.5, -52.189 ], [ -73.558, -52.155 ], [ -73.469, -52.151 ], [ -73.347, -52.253 ], [ -73.252, -52.223 ], [ -73.245, -52.124 ], [ -73.168, -52.153 ], [ -73.036, -52.078 ], [ -73.111, -52.083 ], [ -73.084, -51.959 ], [ -72.909, -51.911 ], [ -72.882, -51.881 ], [ -73.033, -52.078 ], [ -72.995, -52.078 ], [ -72.995, -52.151 ], [ -73.082, -52.159 ], [ -73.121, -52.25 ], [ -73.08, -52.268 ], [ -73.066, -52.214 ], [ -72.991, -52.201 ], [ -72.936, -52.237 ], [ -72.957, -52.267 ], [ -72.871, -52.281 ], [ -72.898, -52.263 ], [ -72.846, -52.242 ], [ -72.812, -52.096 ], [ -72.741, -52.087 ], [ -72.776, -52.053 ], [ -72.841, -52.095 ], [ -72.898, -52.223 ], [ -72.959, -52.199 ], [ -72.96, -52.06 ], [ -72.936, -52.038 ], [ -72.908, -52.09 ], [ -72.9, -51.992 ], [ -72.776, -51.963 ], [ -72.725, -52.08 ], [ -72.664, -52.136 ], [ -72.621, -52.118 ], [ -72.54, -52.218 ], [ -72.62, -52.366 ], [ -72.715, -52.334 ], [ -72.782, -52.408 ], [ -72.853, -52.388 ], [ -72.833, -52.421 ], [ -72.978, -52.462 ], [ -72.739, -52.418 ], [ -72.625, -52.443 ], [ -72.671, -52.416 ], [ -72.557, -52.475 ], [ -72.514, -52.437 ], [ -72.671, -52.4 ], [ -72.524, -52.347 ], [ -72.476, -52.213 ], [ -72.658, -52.064 ], [ -72.666, -51.976 ], [ -72.629, -51.918 ], [ -72.571, -51.984 ], [ -72.582, -51.932 ], [ -72.45, -51.917 ], [ -72.519, -51.844 ], [ -72.463, -51.786 ], [ -72.556, -51.698 ], [ -72.653, -51.669 ], [ -72.651, -51.635 ], [ -72.697, -51.578 ], [ -72.679, -51.652 ], [ -72.718, -51.578 ], [ -73.087, -51.482 ], [ -73.07, -51.402 ], [ -73.084, -51.366 ], [ -73.129, -51.326 ], [ -73.113, -51.265 ], [ -73.021, -51.246 ], [ -73.086, -51.241 ], [ -73.129, -51.264 ], [ -73.141, -51.327 ], [ -73.097, -51.424 ], [ -73.269, -51.501 ], [ -73.058, -51.513 ], [ -73.04, -51.547 ], [ -73.114, -51.619 ], [ -72.991, -51.535 ], [ -72.77, -51.611 ], [ -72.691, -51.708 ], [ -72.535, -51.748 ], [ -72.617, -51.828 ], [ -72.734, -51.855 ], [ -72.817, -51.776 ], [ -72.966, -51.785 ], [ -73.05, -51.701 ], [ -73.196, -51.694 ], [ -73.201, -51.618 ], [ -73.236, -51.638 ], [ -73.297, -51.586 ], [ -73.223, -51.661 ], [ -73.288, -51.7 ], [ -73.089, -51.717 ], [ -72.997, -51.8 ], [ -73.083, -51.758 ], [ -73.171, -51.786 ], [ -73.074, -51.769 ], [ -73.042, -51.834 ], [ -73.219, -51.904 ], [ -73.093, -51.893 ], [ -72.988, -51.817 ], [ -72.917, -51.872 ], [ -73.136, -51.952 ], [ -73.163, -52.116 ], [ -73.242, -52.108 ], [ -73.271, -51.895 ], [ -73.343, -51.705 ], [ -73.4, -51.647 ], [ -73.287, -51.981 ], [ -73.273, -52.18 ], [ -73.407, -52.149 ], [ -73.593, -52.023 ], [ -73.601, -51.944 ], [ -73.563, -51.945 ], [ -73.652, -51.853 ], [ -73.598, -51.821 ], [ -73.507, -51.937 ], [ -73.534, -51.963 ], [ -73.456, -51.989 ], [ -73.42, -52.06 ], [ -73.388, -52.052 ], [ -73.478, -51.916 ], [ -73.425, -51.915 ], [ -73.529, -51.858 ], [ -73.514, -51.803 ], [ -73.601, -51.759 ], [ -73.64, -51.792 ], [ -73.623, -51.76 ], [ -73.566, -51.743 ], [ -73.56, -51.769 ], [ -73.499, -51.705 ], [ -73.621, -51.734 ], [ -73.628, -51.661 ], [ -73.69, -51.798 ], [ -73.777, -51.72 ], [ -73.749, -51.774 ], [ -73.797, -51.817 ], [ -73.94, -51.683 ], [ -73.935, -51.649 ], [ -73.832, -51.683 ], [ -73.839, -51.764 ], [ -73.792, -51.736 ], [ -73.813, -51.686 ], [ -73.701, -51.631 ], [ -73.927, -51.63 ], [ -73.917, -51.582 ], [ -73.837, -51.596 ], [ -73.864, -51.557 ], [ -73.791, -51.552 ], [ -73.91, -51.559 ], [ -73.903, -51.515 ], [ -73.971, -51.496 ], [ -73.915, -51.468 ], [ -73.947, -51.449 ], [ -73.915, -51.419 ], [ -73.966, -51.424 ], [ -73.893, -51.372 ], [ -73.723, -51.472 ], [ -73.653, -51.622 ], [ -73.585, -51.622 ], [ -73.614, -51.604 ], [ -73.69, -51.489 ], [ -73.652, -51.54 ], [ -73.586, -51.556 ], [ -73.649, -51.472 ], [ -73.57, -51.458 ], [ -73.684, -51.443 ], [ -73.719, -51.339 ], [ -73.727, -51.373 ], [ -73.847, -51.365 ], [ -73.861, -51.336 ], [ -73.782, -51.311 ], [ -73.891, -51.297 ], [ -73.813, -51.248 ], [ -73.736, -51.268 ], [ -73.785, -51.219 ], [ -73.732, -51.194 ], [ -73.677, -51.29 ], [ -73.697, -51.218 ], [ -73.644, -51.2 ], [ -73.707, -51.19 ], [ -73.682, -51.144 ], [ -73.726, -51.17 ], [ -73.816, -51.075 ], [ -73.742, -51.177 ], [ -73.905, -51.266 ], [ -73.999, -51.122 ], [ -74.029, -51.218 ], [ -74.129, -51.199 ], [ -74.164, -51.098 ], [ -74.137, -51.113 ], [ -74.118, -51.103 ], [ -74.094, -51.075 ], [ -74.157, -51.074 ], [ -74.134, -51.038 ], [ -74.045, -51.007 ], [ -74.077, -50.937 ], [ -74.207, -51.063 ], [ -74.154, -51.206 ], [ -74.259, -51.229 ], [ -74.315, -50.976 ], [ -74.273, -50.977 ], [ -74.323, -50.905 ], [ -74.226, -51.023 ], [ -74.202, -50.966 ], [ -74.245, -50.975 ], [ -74.239, -50.934 ], [ -74.191, -50.89 ], [ -73.92, -50.911 ], [ -73.942, -50.882 ], [ -73.9, -50.874 ], [ -73.803, -51.009 ], [ -73.764, -50.992 ], [ -73.776, -50.929 ], [ -73.883, -50.841 ], [ -73.819, -50.8 ], [ -73.732, -50.837 ], [ -73.787, -50.8 ], [ -73.787, -50.694 ], [ -73.63, -50.648 ], [ -73.54, -50.721 ], [ -73.538, -50.677 ], [ -73.382, -50.688 ], [ -73.74, -50.574 ], [ -73.705, -50.516 ], [ -73.627, -50.514 ], [ -73.598, -50.485 ], [ -73.575, -50.392 ], [ -73.644, -50.507 ], [ -73.73, -50.512 ], [ -73.767, -50.541 ], [ -73.817, -50.772 ], [ -73.939, -50.848 ], [ -74.033, -50.857 ], [ -74.076, -50.815 ], [ -74.085, -50.809 ] ], [ [ -74.406, -50.095 ], [ -74.406, -50.095 ], [ -74.406, -50.095 ], [ -74.406, -50.095 ] ], [ [ -74.406, -50.095 ], [ -74.403, -50.111 ], [ -74.383, -50.097 ], [ -74.406, -50.095 ] ], [ [ -74.015, -50.219 ], [ -73.996, -50.219 ], [ -74.011, -50.214 ], [ -74.015, -50.219 ] ], [ [ -73.996, -50.219 ], [ -73.946, -50.236 ], [ -73.946, -50.201 ], [ -73.964, -50.219 ], [ -73.996, -50.219 ] ], [ [ -74.209, -48.156 ], [ -74.204, -48.156 ], [ -74.164, -48.138 ], [ -74.209, -48.156 ] ], [ [ -72.984, -41.498 ], [ -72.953, -41.483 ], [ -72.98, -41.494 ], [ -72.984, -41.498 ] ], [ [ -73.082, -52.51 ], [ -73.05, -52.509 ], [ -73.059, -52.507 ], [ -73.082, -52.51 ] ], [ [ -73.05, -52.509 ], [ -72.936, -52.521 ], [ -72.881, -52.55 ], [ -72.918, -52.503 ], [ -73.05, -52.509 ] ], [ [ -73.499, -51.705 ], [ -73.499, -51.705 ], [ -73.499, -51.705 ], [ -73.499, -51.705 ] ], [ [ -73.499, -51.705 ], [ -73.467, -51.702 ], [ -73.456, -51.685 ], [ -73.499, -51.705 ] ], [ [ -73.721, -51.308 ], [ -73.723, -51.327 ], [ -73.701, -51.296 ], [ -73.727, -51.287 ], [ -73.721, -51.308 ] ], [ [ -74.965, -49.634 ], [ -74.944, -49.628 ], [ -74.991, -49.632 ], [ -74.965, -49.634 ] ], [ [ -74.966, -49.602 ], [ -74.963, -49.588 ], [ -75.083, -49.534 ], [ -74.966, -49.602 ] ], [ [ -74.69, -48.673 ], [ -74.623, -48.697 ], [ -74.645, -48.73 ], [ -74.605, -48.708 ], [ -74.632, -48.683 ], [ -74.69, -48.673 ] ], [ [ -75.215, -49.246 ], [ -75.119, -49.34 ], [ -75.174, -49.337 ], [ -75.104, -49.362 ], [ -75.018, -49.351 ], [ -75.1, -49.347 ], [ -75.13, -49.311 ], [ -75.084, -49.293 ], [ -75.215, -49.246 ] ], [ [ -75.1, -49.268 ], [ -75.034, -49.336 ], [ -75.066, -49.267 ], [ -75.1, -49.268 ] ], [ [ -74.338, -49.432 ], [ -74.321, -49.436 ], [ -74.31, -49.419 ], [ -74.324, -49.411 ], [ -74.338, -49.432 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.826, -51.626 ], [ -74.754, -51.646 ], [ -74.744, -51.717 ], [ -74.789, -51.743 ], [ -74.744, -51.731 ], [ -74.746, -51.816 ], [ -74.855, -51.945 ], [ -74.811, -51.941 ], [ -74.824, -51.971 ], [ -74.873, -51.967 ], [ -74.833, -51.979 ], [ -74.878, -52.079 ], [ -74.957, -52.111 ], [ -74.923, -52.044 ], [ -74.963, -52.107 ], [ -75.014, -52.115 ], [ -74.949, -52.042 ], [ -75.015, -52.069 ], [ -74.967, -52.03 ], [ -75.02, -52.046 ], [ -75.065, -51.995 ], [ -74.957, -51.94 ], [ -75.006, -51.921 ], [ -74.931, -51.796 ], [ -74.886, -51.841 ], [ -74.936, -51.917 ], [ -74.865, -51.864 ], [ -74.858, -51.927 ], [ -74.795, -51.849 ], [ -74.871, -51.778 ], [ -74.796, -51.759 ], [ -74.922, -51.65 ], [ -74.826, -51.626 ] ], [ [ -74.865, -52.001 ], [ -74.865, -52.001 ], [ -74.905, -51.991 ], [ -74.865, -52.001 ] ], [ [ -74.957, -51.94 ], [ -74.929, -51.941 ], [ -74.955, -51.939 ], [ -74.957, -51.94 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.97, -54.014 ], [ -72.76, -54.047 ], [ -72.911, -53.997 ], [ -72.779, -53.981 ], [ -72.881, -53.964 ], [ -72.666, -53.864 ], [ -72.78, -53.886 ], [ -72.737, -53.85 ], [ -72.832, -53.867 ], [ -72.779, -53.832 ], [ -72.818, -53.82 ], [ -73.04, -53.885 ], [ -73.065, -53.806 ], [ -73.117, -53.932 ], [ -73.045, -53.994 ], [ -73.101, -54.044 ], [ -73.199, -53.984 ], [ -73.351, -53.977 ], [ -73.358, -53.94 ], [ -73.275, -53.943 ], [ -73.23, -53.893 ], [ -73.358, -53.844 ], [ -73.257, -53.806 ], [ -73.257, -53.763 ], [ -73.336, -53.736 ], [ -73.252, -53.713 ], [ -73.597, -53.75 ], [ -73.487, -53.663 ], [ -73.633, -53.661 ], [ -73.607, -53.562 ], [ -73.531, -53.596 ], [ -73.415, -53.57 ], [ -73.248, -53.659 ], [ -73.331, -53.602 ], [ -73.276, -53.556 ], [ -73.356, -53.557 ], [ -73.477, -53.447 ], [ -73.298, -53.48 ], [ -73.281, -53.53 ], [ -73.238, -53.478 ], [ -73.075, -53.548 ], [ -73.172, -53.495 ], [ -73.142, -53.458 ], [ -73.209, -53.393 ], [ -73.076, -53.377 ], [ -73.025, -53.492 ], [ -73.032, -53.401 ], [ -72.939, -53.438 ], [ -72.961, -53.542 ], [ -72.893, -53.509 ], [ -72.874, -53.544 ], [ -72.927, -53.555 ], [ -72.877, -53.553 ], [ -72.883, -53.62 ], [ -72.825, -53.582 ], [ -72.874, -53.456 ], [ -72.749, -53.51 ], [ -72.749, -53.587 ], [ -72.684, -53.615 ], [ -72.723, -53.64 ], [ -72.7, -53.679 ], [ -72.653, -53.668 ], [ -72.691, -53.526 ], [ -72.659, -53.568 ], [ -72.458, -53.59 ], [ -72.479, -53.617 ], [ -72.396, -53.649 ], [ -72.508, -53.67 ], [ -72.45, -53.71 ], [ -72.498, -53.746 ], [ -72.441, -53.751 ], [ -72.386, -53.689 ], [ -72.24, -53.733 ], [ -72.333, -53.761 ], [ -72.222, -53.751 ], [ -72.149, -53.798 ], [ -72.283, -53.822 ], [ -72.194, -53.835 ], [ -72.218, -53.867 ], [ -72.433, -53.838 ], [ -72.337, -53.863 ], [ -72.324, -53.929 ], [ -72.451, -53.894 ], [ -72.39, -53.945 ], [ -72.448, -53.967 ], [ -72.331, -54.006 ], [ -72.366, -54.054 ], [ -72.472, -54.052 ], [ -72.472, -53.96 ], [ -72.494, -54.003 ], [ -72.548, -53.986 ], [ -72.548, -54.098 ], [ -72.623, -54.086 ], [ -72.598, -54.02 ], [ -72.659, -54.079 ], [ -72.619, -54.008 ], [ -72.678, -54.083 ], [ -72.746, -54.088 ], [ -72.7, -54.099 ], [ -72.804, -54.088 ], [ -72.856, -54.134 ], [ -72.958, -54.112 ], [ -72.872, -54.111 ], [ -72.917, -54.1 ], [ -72.882, -54.077 ], [ -73.078, -54.076 ], [ -72.862, -54.059 ], [ -73.004, -54.027 ], [ -72.97, -54.014 ] ], [ [ -72.862, -54.059 ], [ -72.775, -54.079 ], [ -72.858, -54.06 ], [ -72.862, -54.059 ] ] ], [ [ [ -67.278, -55.932 ], [ -67.205, -55.98 ], [ -67.298, -55.979 ], [ -67.323, -55.936 ], [ -67.278, -55.932 ] ] ], [ [ [ -67.029, -55.933 ], [ -67.043, -55.919 ], [ -67.016, -55.931 ], [ -67.029, -55.933 ] ] ], [ [ [ -66.781, -55.825 ], [ -66.807, -55.821 ], [ -66.773, -55.816 ], [ -66.781, -55.825 ] ] ], [ [ [ -67.414, -55.903 ], [ -67.435, -55.875 ], [ -67.404, -55.883 ], [ -67.414, -55.903 ] ] ], [ [ [ -67.056, -55.834 ], [ -67.097, -55.856 ], [ -67.051, -55.926 ], [ -67.155, -55.881 ], [ -67.056, -55.834 ] ] ], [ [ [ -67.292, -55.823 ], [ -67.189, -55.867 ], [ -67.179, -55.901 ], [ -67.392, -55.837 ], [ -67.292, -55.823 ] ] ], [ [ [ -67.55, -55.814 ], [ -67.479, -55.83 ], [ -67.595, -55.914 ], [ -67.596, -55.853 ], [ -67.756, -55.886 ], [ -67.843, -55.834 ], [ -67.536, -55.842 ], [ -67.55, -55.814 ] ] ], [ [ [ -67.435, -55.821 ], [ -67.439, -55.85 ], [ -67.454, -55.851 ], [ -67.464, -55.822 ], [ -67.435, -55.821 ] ] ], [ [ [ -67.134, -55.779 ], [ -67.19, -55.821 ], [ -67.238, -55.811 ], [ -67.183, -55.774 ], [ -67.134, -55.779 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.95, -55.362 ], [ -69.963, -55.351 ], [ -69.925, -55.348 ], [ -69.95, -55.362 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.76, -55.349 ], [ -69.667, -55.365 ], [ -69.645, -55.395 ], [ -69.795, -55.42 ], [ -69.76, -55.349 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.84, -55.334 ], [ -69.803, -55.339 ], [ -69.804, -55.355 ], [ -69.868, -55.325 ], [ -69.84, -55.334 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.897, -55.363 ], [ -69.921, -55.317 ], [ -69.893, -55.345 ], [ -69.897, -55.363 ] ] ], [ [ [ -66.579, -55.29 ], [ -66.637, -55.278 ], [ -66.62, -55.198 ], [ -66.418, -55.191 ], [ -66.499, -55.277 ], [ -66.579, -55.29 ] ] ], [ [ [ -66.766, -55.333 ], [ -66.782, -55.305 ], [ -66.762, -55.306 ], [ -66.766, -55.333 ] ] ], [ [ [ -66.674, -55.285 ], [ -66.685, -55.276 ], [ -66.662, -55.266 ], [ -66.674, -55.285 ] ] ], [ [ [ -67.003, -55.352 ], [ -67.059, -55.274 ], [ -66.943, -55.222 ], [ -66.842, -55.239 ], [ -66.842, -55.328 ], [ -67.003, -55.352 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.954, -55.296 ], [ -69.931, -55.32 ], [ -69.977, -55.323 ], [ -69.94, -55.334 ], [ -70.011, -55.365 ], [ -70.125, -55.327 ], [ -69.954, -55.296 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.13, -55.258 ], [ -70.036, -55.282 ], [ -70.189, -55.261 ], [ -70.13, -55.258 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.146, -55.274 ], [ -69.158, -55.268 ], [ -69.134, -55.264 ], [ -69.146, -55.274 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.249, -55.278 ], [ -69.207, -55.294 ], [ -69.42, -55.271 ], [ -69.3, -55.244 ], [ -69.249, -55.278 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.015, -55.296 ], [ -68.994, -55.289 ], [ -68.984, -55.329 ], [ -69.043, -55.295 ], [ -69.015, -55.296 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.883, -55.237 ], [ -68.92, -55.335 ], [ -68.978, -55.346 ], [ -68.973, -55.284 ], [ -68.883, -55.237 ] ] ], [ [ [ -67.923, -55.243 ], [ -67.947, -55.257 ], [ -67.975, -55.246 ], [ -67.914, -55.209 ], [ -67.923, -55.243 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.209, -55.235 ], [ -69.215, -55.227 ], [ -69.184, -55.227 ], [ -69.209, -55.235 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.969, -55.614 ], [ -68.967, -55.601 ], [ -68.946, -55.608 ], [ -68.969, -55.614 ] ] ], [ [ [ -67.333, -55.591 ], [ -67.339, -55.652 ], [ -67.298, -55.658 ], [ -67.354, -55.721 ], [ -67.232, -55.733 ], [ -67.287, -55.743 ], [ -67.223, -55.765 ], [ -67.238, -55.801 ], [ -67.54, -55.745 ], [ -67.48, -55.726 ], [ -67.537, -55.695 ], [ -67.505, -55.662 ], [ -67.385, -55.734 ], [ -67.387, -55.656 ], [ -67.458, -55.633 ], [ -67.333, -55.591 ] ] ], [ [ [ -67.549, -55.626 ], [ -67.517, -55.649 ], [ -67.558, -55.697 ], [ -67.662, -55.694 ], [ -67.573, -55.661 ], [ -67.586, -55.61 ], [ -67.549, -55.626 ] ] ], [ [ [ -67.626, -55.515 ], [ -67.534, -55.612 ], [ -67.577, -55.602 ], [ -67.706, -55.635 ], [ -67.65, -55.584 ], [ -67.664, -55.518 ], [ -67.626, -55.515 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.096, -55.405 ], [ -68.118, -55.402 ], [ -68.067, -55.4 ], [ -68.096, -55.405 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.555, -55.452 ], [ -69.567, -55.48 ], [ -69.595, -55.477 ], [ -69.584, -55.451 ], [ -69.555, -55.452 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.601, -55.445 ], [ -69.618, -55.398 ], [ -69.478, -55.455 ], [ -69.52, -55.479 ], [ -69.544, -55.441 ], [ -69.601, -55.445 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.34, -55.505 ], [ -69.304, -55.496 ], [ -69.28, -55.515 ], [ -69.333, -55.548 ], [ -69.34, -55.505 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.181, -55.604 ], [ -69.208, -55.618 ], [ -69.221, -55.568 ], [ -69.19, -55.582 ], [ -69.181, -55.604 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.059, -55.563 ], [ -69.035, -55.623 ], [ -69.081, -55.635 ], [ -69.1, -55.551 ], [ -69.059, -55.563 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.754, -55.531 ], [ -68.656, -55.57 ], [ -68.656, -55.605 ], [ -68.785, -55.538 ], [ -68.754, -55.531 ] ] ], [ [ [ -67.99, -55.55 ], [ -67.963, -55.552 ], [ -68.029, -55.561 ], [ -68.016, -55.544 ], [ -67.99, -55.55 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.927, -55.519 ], [ -68.958, -55.513 ], [ -68.961, -55.486 ], [ -68.944, -55.482 ], [ -68.927, -55.519 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.527, -55.588 ], [ -68.58, -55.571 ], [ -68.595, -55.552 ], [ -68.545, -55.538 ], [ -68.527, -55.588 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.17, -55.565 ], [ -69.202, -55.554 ], [ -69.174, -55.544 ], [ -69.17, -55.565 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.909, -55.536 ], [ -68.869, -55.541 ], [ -68.845, -55.566 ], [ -68.922, -55.561 ], [ -68.909, -55.536 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.216, -55.55 ], [ -69.233, -55.545 ], [ -69.199, -55.545 ], [ -69.216, -55.55 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.31, -55.55 ], [ -68.323, -55.537 ], [ -68.293, -55.537 ], [ -68.31, -55.55 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.439, -55.56 ], [ -68.454, -55.537 ], [ -68.432, -55.53 ], [ -68.416, -55.546 ], [ -68.439, -55.56 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.677, -55.549 ], [ -68.71, -55.525 ], [ -68.675, -55.533 ], [ -68.677, -55.549 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.398, -55.538 ], [ -68.399, -55.514 ], [ -68.382, -55.526 ], [ -68.398, -55.538 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.584, -55.53 ], [ -68.56, -55.533 ], [ -68.62, -55.533 ], [ -68.577, -55.514 ], [ -68.584, -55.53 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.602, -55.485 ], [ -68.638, -55.536 ], [ -68.704, -55.514 ], [ -68.602, -55.485 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.625, -55.386 ], [ -69.627, -55.411 ], [ -69.65, -55.41 ], [ -69.625, -55.386 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.054, -55.421 ], [ -69, -55.436 ], [ -69.063, -55.442 ], [ -69.218, -55.32 ], [ -69.054, -55.421 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.129, -54.982 ], [ -71.084, -54.986 ], [ -71.179, -55.015 ], [ -71.171, -54.972 ], [ -71.129, -54.982 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.896, -55.14 ], [ -70.907, -55.11 ], [ -70.882, -55.106 ], [ -70.896, -55.14 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.804, -55.126 ], [ -70.825, -55.11 ], [ -70.806, -55.105 ], [ -70.804, -55.126 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.619, -55.13 ], [ -70.649, -55.181 ], [ -70.692, -55.163 ], [ -70.668, -55.138 ], [ -70.619, -55.13 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.307, -55.128 ], [ -68.319, -55.127 ], [ -68.298, -55.121 ], [ -68.307, -55.128 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.417, -55.126 ], [ -68.456, -55.147 ], [ -68.498, -55.133 ], [ -68.417, -55.126 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.019, -55.252 ], [ -70.078, -55.237 ], [ -70.115, -55.187 ], [ -69.974, -55.24 ], [ -70.019, -55.252 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.933, -55.216 ], [ -69.945, -55.199 ], [ -69.915, -55.208 ], [ -69.933, -55.216 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.207, -55.198 ], [ -68.308, -55.205 ], [ -68.335, -55.164 ], [ -68.261, -55.157 ], [ -68.207, -55.198 ] ] ], [ [ [ -67.927, -54.901 ], [ -67.288, -54.919 ], [ -67.155, -54.969 ], [ -67.043, -55.078 ], [ -67.036, -55.141 ], [ -67.242, -55.314 ], [ -67.428, -55.294 ], [ -67.395, -55.195 ], [ -67.502, -55.171 ], [ -67.592, -55.195 ], [ -67.607, -55.277 ], [ -67.856, -55.255 ], [ -67.875, -55.221 ], [ -67.726, -55.236 ], [ -67.89, -55.158 ], [ -67.978, -55.226 ], [ -68.117, -55.225 ], [ -68.124, -55.174 ], [ -68.048, -55.176 ], [ -68.155, -55.143 ], [ -68.17, -54.998 ], [ -68.3, -55.012 ], [ -68.369, -54.945 ], [ -68.213, -54.92 ], [ -68.215, -54.899 ], [ -67.927, -54.901 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.668, -55.164 ], [ -68.685, -55.163 ], [ -68.658, -55.162 ], [ -68.668, -55.164 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.765, -55.167 ], [ -68.792, -55.147 ], [ -68.72, -55.16 ], [ -68.765, -55.167 ] ] ], [ [ [ -67.003, -54.988 ], [ -66.854, -55.026 ], [ -66.829, -55.094 ], [ -67.054, -54.993 ], [ -67.003, -54.988 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.245, -55.011 ], [ -68.227, -55.023 ], [ -68.241, -55.052 ], [ -68.28, -55.015 ], [ -68.245, -55.011 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.991, -55.011 ], [ -70.039, -55.066 ], [ -70.089, -55.055 ], [ -70.08, -55.019 ], [ -69.991, -55.011 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.941, -55.037 ], [ -70.004, -55.057 ], [ -69.938, -54.99 ], [ -69.941, -55.037 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.351, -55.01 ], [ -70.371, -55.027 ], [ -70.453, -55.035 ], [ -70.403, -55.01 ], [ -70.351, -55.01 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.557, -55 ], [ -70.469, -55.011 ], [ -70.562, -55.025 ], [ -70.557, -55 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.266, -54.92 ], [ -68.291, -54.916 ], [ -68.276, -54.908 ], [ -68.266, -54.92 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.173, -54.099 ], [ -73.169, -54.121 ], [ -73.198, -54.126 ], [ -73.193, -54.1 ], [ -73.173, -54.099 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.373, -54.018 ], [ -73.243, -54.03 ], [ -73.236, -54.085 ], [ -73.18, -54.05 ], [ -73.268, -54.136 ], [ -73.345, -54.118 ], [ -73.307, -54.103 ], [ -73.342, -54.064 ], [ -73.48, -54.067 ], [ -73.373, -54.018 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.021, -54.188 ], [ -73.046, -54.176 ], [ -73.009, -54.165 ], [ -73.021, -54.188 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.935, -54.196 ], [ -72.952, -54.231 ], [ -73.006, -54.226 ], [ -72.981, -54.202 ], [ -72.935, -54.196 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.057, -54.153 ], [ -73.029, -54.149 ], [ -73.094, -54.17 ], [ -73.087, -54.143 ], [ -73.057, -54.153 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.874, -54.152 ], [ -72.879, -54.14 ], [ -72.846, -54.142 ], [ -72.874, -54.152 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.224, -54.028 ], [ -71.2, -54.071 ], [ -71.168, -54.089 ], [ -71.224, -54.098 ], [ -71.224, -54.028 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.107, -54.102 ], [ -73.11, -54.158 ], [ -73.148, -54.154 ], [ -73.142, -54.106 ], [ -73.107, -54.102 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.753, -54.135 ], [ -72.742, -54.114 ], [ -72.729, -54.117 ], [ -72.753, -54.135 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.374, -54.261 ], [ -72.398, -54.259 ], [ -72.375, -54.25 ], [ -72.344, -54.272 ], [ -72.374, -54.261 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.243, -54.253 ], [ -72.259, -54.259 ], [ -72.263, -54.243 ], [ -72.243, -54.253 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.636, -54.243 ], [ -72.68, -54.269 ], [ -72.7, -54.25 ], [ -72.655, -54.227 ], [ -72.636, -54.243 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.57, -54.242 ], [ -72.579, -54.236 ], [ -72.566, -54.232 ], [ -72.57, -54.242 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.273, -54.22 ], [ -72.282, -54.215 ], [ -72.261, -54.215 ], [ -72.273, -54.22 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.654, -54.257 ], [ -71.66, -54.243 ], [ -71.639, -54.254 ], [ -71.654, -54.257 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.918, -54.223 ], [ -71.934, -54.242 ], [ -72.001, -54.225 ], [ -71.918, -54.223 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.037, -54.231 ], [ -72.059, -54.22 ], [ -72.031, -54.222 ], [ -72.037, -54.231 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.228, -54.206 ], [ -72.217, -54.224 ], [ -72.232, -54.227 ], [ -72.228, -54.206 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.277, -54.189 ], [ -70.296, -54.178 ], [ -70.282, -54.171 ], [ -70.277, -54.189 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.474, -54.121 ], [ -72.491, -54.152 ], [ -72.515, -54.153 ], [ -72.503, -54.12 ], [ -72.474, -54.121 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.277, -54.086 ], [ -70.303, -54.152 ], [ -70.357, -54.162 ], [ -70.51, -54.072 ], [ -70.39, -54.085 ], [ -70.31, -54.051 ], [ -70.277, -54.086 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.641, -54.105 ], [ -72.544, -54.132 ], [ -72.695, -54.131 ], [ -72.641, -54.105 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.164, -53.928 ], [ -72.174, -53.919 ], [ -72.148, -53.927 ], [ -72.164, -53.928 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.13, -54.071 ], [ -71.14, -54.053 ], [ -71.113, -54.045 ], [ -71.13, -54.071 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.326, -53.994 ], [ -72.305, -53.955 ], [ -72.305, -53.996 ], [ -72.326, -53.994 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.033, -53.963 ], [ -73.022, -53.962 ], [ -73.034, -53.976 ], [ -73.033, -53.963 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.972, -53.945 ], [ -72.953, -53.947 ], [ -72.995, -53.949 ], [ -72.972, -53.945 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.366, -53.936 ], [ -73.378, -53.932 ], [ -73.344, -53.932 ], [ -73.366, -53.936 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.007, -53.953 ], [ -73.017, -53.948 ], [ -73.003, -53.943 ], [ -73.007, -53.953 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.058, -53.943 ], [ -73.098, -53.934 ], [ -73.067, -53.919 ], [ -73.058, -53.943 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.078, -53.936 ], [ -72.093, -53.925 ], [ -72.04, -53.918 ], [ -72.078, -53.936 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.339, -54.802 ], [ -71.349, -54.797 ], [ -71.337, -54.787 ], [ -71.339, -54.802 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.906, -54.837 ], [ -70.885, -54.848 ], [ -70.932, -54.835 ], [ -70.922, -54.823 ], [ -70.906, -54.837 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.212, -54.821 ], [ -71.231, -54.796 ], [ -71.194, -54.816 ], [ -71.212, -54.821 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.432, -54.938 ], [ -71.458, -54.932 ], [ -71.429, -54.92 ], [ -71.432, -54.938 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.165, -54.955 ], [ -71.194, -55.023 ], [ -71.256, -55.015 ], [ -71.264, -54.971 ], [ -71.165, -54.955 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70, -54.876 ], [ -69.982, -54.877 ], [ -70.091, -54.881 ], [ -70, -54.876 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.259, -54.898 ], [ -70.278, -54.89 ], [ -70.236, -54.884 ], [ -70.259, -54.898 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.301, -54.884 ], [ -70.312, -54.88 ], [ -70.293, -54.876 ], [ -70.301, -54.884 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.997, -54.67 ], [ -71.009, -54.657 ], [ -70.99, -54.64 ], [ -70.997, -54.67 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.868, -54.672 ], [ -71.88, -54.661 ], [ -71.846, -54.667 ], [ -71.868, -54.672 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.068, -54.618 ], [ -72.104, -54.619 ], [ -72.106, -54.606 ], [ -72.068, -54.618 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.03, -54.537 ], [ -72.011, -54.566 ], [ -71.952, -54.594 ], [ -72.076, -54.574 ], [ -72.03, -54.537 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.782, -54.524 ], [ -71.789, -54.495 ], [ -71.765, -54.509 ], [ -71.782, -54.524 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.973, -54.473 ], [ -73.01, -54.506 ], [ -73.103, -54.5 ], [ -73.078, -54.483 ], [ -72.973, -54.473 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.131, -54.474 ], [ -72.146, -54.458 ], [ -72.112, -54.473 ], [ -72.131, -54.474 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.27, -54.375 ], [ -71.245, -54.379 ], [ -71.291, -54.374 ], [ -71.27, -54.375 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.955, -54.367 ], [ -71.942, -54.378 ], [ -72, -54.383 ], [ -71.955, -54.367 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.992, -54.331 ], [ -71.007, -54.326 ], [ -70.98, -54.329 ], [ -70.992, -54.331 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.667, -54.307 ], [ -72.647, -54.322 ], [ -72.694, -54.312 ], [ -72.667, -54.307 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.629, -54.339 ], [ -72.625, -54.322 ], [ -72.612, -54.325 ], [ -72.629, -54.339 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.795, -54.317 ], [ -71.793, -54.305 ], [ -71.779, -54.313 ], [ -71.795, -54.317 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.594, -54.333 ], [ -71.621, -54.332 ], [ -71.636, -54.308 ], [ -71.594, -54.333 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.284, -54.286 ], [ -72.251, -54.33 ], [ -72.342, -54.311 ], [ -72.334, -54.286 ], [ -72.284, -54.286 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.679, -54.285 ], [ -71.64, -54.329 ], [ -71.753, -54.294 ], [ -71.7, -54.278 ], [ -71.679, -54.285 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.173, -54.325 ], [ -72.196, -54.314 ], [ -72.169, -54.309 ], [ -72.173, -54.325 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.622, -54.423 ], [ -71.598, -54.454 ], [ -71.666, -54.398 ], [ -71.655, -54.392 ], [ -71.622, -54.423 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.411, -54.431 ], [ -72.387, -54.431 ], [ -72.376, -54.459 ], [ -72.438, -54.451 ], [ -72.411, -54.431 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.083, -54.433 ], [ -72.064, -54.457 ], [ -72.125, -54.434 ], [ -72.098, -54.417 ], [ -72.083, -54.433 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.294, -54.414 ], [ -72.258, -54.411 ], [ -72.231, -54.462 ], [ -72.309, -54.439 ], [ -72.321, -54.472 ], [ -72.37, -54.417 ], [ -72.294, -54.414 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.383, -54.42 ], [ -72.399, -54.413 ], [ -72.381, -54.41 ], [ -72.383, -54.42 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.497, -54.392 ], [ -71.512, -54.373 ], [ -71.481, -54.371 ], [ -71.497, -54.392 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.415, -54.406 ], [ -72.426, -54.397 ], [ -72.396, -54.387 ], [ -72.415, -54.406 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.54, -54.376 ], [ -71.531, -54.389 ], [ -71.604, -54.38 ], [ -71.54, -54.376 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.179, -54.375 ], [ -72.093, -54.41 ], [ -72.159, -54.441 ], [ -72.162, -54.399 ], [ -72.235, -54.384 ], [ -72.179, -54.375 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.915, -54.39 ], [ -71.9, -54.393 ], [ -71.974, -54.392 ], [ -71.915, -54.39 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.406, -54.325 ], [ -72.29, -54.344 ], [ -72.445, -54.362 ], [ -72.46, -54.435 ], [ -72.543, -54.381 ], [ -72.544, -54.343 ], [ -72.406, -54.325 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.091, -54.726 ], [ -71.101, -54.711 ], [ -71.074, -54.727 ], [ -71.091, -54.726 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.027, -54.736 ], [ -72.033, -54.704 ], [ -72.017, -54.7 ], [ -72.007, -54.721 ], [ -72.027, -54.736 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.839, -54.743 ], [ -71.795, -54.748 ], [ -71.767, -54.776 ], [ -71.835, -54.769 ], [ -71.869, -54.726 ], [ -71.839, -54.743 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.564, -54.714 ], [ -71.529, -54.746 ], [ -71.622, -54.763 ], [ -71.629, -54.7 ], [ -71.564, -54.714 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.15, -54.72 ], [ -71.108, -54.728 ], [ -71.147, -54.746 ], [ -71.15, -54.72 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.196, -54.717 ], [ -71.225, -54.744 ], [ -71.275, -54.73 ], [ -71.196, -54.717 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.729, -54.709 ], [ -71.775, -54.732 ], [ -71.789, -54.701 ], [ -71.763, -54.694 ], [ -71.729, -54.709 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.809, -54.717 ], [ -71.827, -54.697 ], [ -71.795, -54.689 ], [ -71.809, -54.717 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.045, -54.635 ], [ -71.961, -54.666 ], [ -71.902, -54.734 ], [ -71.981, -54.755 ], [ -71.968, -54.703 ], [ -72.033, -54.653 ], [ -72.103, -54.673 ], [ -72.045, -54.635 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.679, -54.691 ], [ -71.717, -54.708 ], [ -71.772, -54.659 ], [ -71.722, -54.655 ], [ -71.679, -54.691 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.218, -55.486 ], [ -69.338, -55.486 ], [ -69.366, -55.398 ], [ -69.404, -55.521 ], [ -69.43, -55.405 ], [ -69.511, -55.41 ], [ -69.397, -55.379 ], [ -69.501, -55.378 ], [ -69.452, -55.345 ], [ -69.547, -55.386 ], [ -69.596, -55.367 ], [ -69.525, -55.33 ], [ -69.79, -55.317 ], [ -69.542, -55.28 ], [ -69.681, -55.275 ], [ -69.455, -55.193 ], [ -69.862, -55.279 ], [ -69.896, -55.26 ], [ -69.848, -55.241 ], [ -69.963, -55.24 ], [ -69.857, -55.212 ], [ -69.968, -55.184 ], [ -69.856, -55.194 ], [ -70.027, -55.162 ], [ -70.027, -55.126 ], [ -69.929, -55.133 ], [ -69.966, -55.113 ], [ -69.903, -55.069 ], [ -69.669, -55.085 ], [ -69.58, -55.038 ], [ -69.564, -55.169 ], [ -69.546, -55.035 ], [ -69.325, -55.057 ], [ -69.393, -55.024 ], [ -68.437, -54.936 ], [ -68.31, -55.034 ], [ -68.329, -55.076 ], [ -68.449, -55.021 ], [ -68.427, -55.093 ], [ -68.635, -55.081 ], [ -68.549, -55.129 ], [ -68.658, -55.153 ], [ -69.021, -55.02 ], [ -69.074, -55.071 ], [ -68.978, -55.068 ], [ -68.985, -55.108 ], [ -68.743, -55.182 ], [ -68.367, -55.18 ], [ -68.342, -55.214 ], [ -68.25, -55.224 ], [ -68.333, -55.238 ], [ -68.188, -55.295 ], [ -68.556, -55.328 ], [ -68.66, -55.253 ], [ -68.749, -55.275 ], [ -68.645, -55.276 ], [ -68.68, -55.293 ], [ -68.619, -55.315 ], [ -68.634, -55.344 ], [ -68.54, -55.336 ], [ -68.59, -55.375 ], [ -68.406, -55.331 ], [ -68.273, -55.381 ], [ -68.32, -55.413 ], [ -68.139, -55.395 ], [ -68.164, -55.482 ], [ -68.023, -55.485 ], [ -68.116, -55.533 ], [ -67.973, -55.6 ], [ -68.015, -55.621 ], [ -67.97, -55.646 ], [ -68.021, -55.66 ], [ -67.968, -55.683 ], [ -68.092, -55.724 ], [ -68.137, -55.606 ], [ -68.278, -55.62 ], [ -68.218, -55.545 ], [ -68.355, -55.492 ], [ -68.442, -55.515 ], [ -68.556, -55.464 ], [ -68.549, -55.411 ], [ -68.632, -55.405 ], [ -68.598, -55.47 ], [ -68.794, -55.431 ], [ -68.775, -55.507 ], [ -68.916, -55.484 ], [ -68.87, -55.457 ], [ -68.927, -55.468 ], [ -68.963, -55.414 ], [ -68.739, -55.387 ], [ -68.809, -55.373 ], [ -68.752, -55.354 ], [ -68.783, -55.347 ], [ -68.975, -55.399 ], [ -68.87, -55.317 ], [ -68.89, -55.274 ], [ -68.831, -55.248 ], [ -68.872, -55.228 ], [ -68.797, -55.18 ], [ -69.029, -55.275 ], [ -69.136, -55.185 ], [ -69.12, -55.248 ], [ -69.218, -55.212 ], [ -69.258, -55.153 ], [ -69.226, -55.115 ], [ -69.318, -55.155 ], [ -69.247, -55.236 ], [ -69.499, -55.244 ], [ -69.433, -55.252 ], [ -69.469, -55.264 ], [ -69.436, -55.304 ], [ -69.323, -55.305 ], [ -69.355, -55.319 ], [ -69.27, -55.36 ], [ -69.308, -55.37 ], [ -69.231, -55.37 ], [ -69.262, -55.398 ], [ -69.22, -55.408 ], [ -69.285, -55.414 ], [ -69.246, -55.43 ], [ -69.287, -55.451 ], [ -69.116, -55.461 ], [ -69.187, -55.458 ], [ -69.125, -55.489 ], [ -69.15, -55.515 ], [ -69.218, -55.486 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.645, -54.892 ], [ -69.484, -54.901 ], [ -69.533, -54.956 ], [ -69.432, -54.901 ], [ -69.133, -54.961 ], [ -69.929, -55.04 ], [ -69.893, -55.016 ], [ -69.934, -54.957 ], [ -69.807, -54.952 ], [ -69.927, -54.904 ], [ -69.778, -54.889 ], [ -69.748, -54.973 ], [ -69.667, -54.948 ], [ -69.753, -54.874 ], [ -69.645, -54.892 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.97, -55 ], [ -70.903, -55 ], [ -71.001, -54.97 ], [ -70.838, -54.926 ], [ -70.84, -54.983 ], [ -70.779, -54.978 ], [ -70.768, -54.928 ], [ -70.696, -54.965 ], [ -70.735, -54.981 ], [ -70.551, -54.98 ], [ -70.587, -54.948 ], [ -70.487, -54.901 ], [ -70.332, -54.89 ], [ -70.291, -54.914 ], [ -70.475, -54.946 ], [ -70.511, -54.967 ], [ -70.48, -54.996 ], [ -70.71, -54.982 ], [ -70.726, -55.013 ], [ -70.563, -55.043 ], [ -70.492, -55.021 ], [ -70.453, -55.06 ], [ -70.282, -55.03 ], [ -70.267, -55.072 ], [ -70.356, -55.077 ], [ -70.239, -55.109 ], [ -70.432, -55.093 ], [ -70.345, -55.168 ], [ -70.448, -55.209 ], [ -70.521, -55.15 ], [ -70.539, -55.177 ], [ -70.485, -55.19 ], [ -70.524, -55.205 ], [ -70.556, -55.18 ], [ -70.5, -55.102 ], [ -70.564, -55.06 ], [ -70.622, -55.053 ], [ -70.571, -55.086 ], [ -70.639, -55.073 ], [ -70.675, -55.129 ], [ -70.741, -55.103 ], [ -70.695, -55.073 ], [ -70.732, -55.049 ], [ -70.796, -55.096 ], [ -70.853, -55.049 ], [ -70.905, -55.09 ], [ -70.939, -55.037 ], [ -70.996, -55.053 ], [ -70.945, -55.026 ], [ -70.97, -55 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.269, -55.013 ], [ -70.312, -54.998 ], [ -70.282, -54.979 ], [ -70.29, -54.954 ], [ -70.39, -55.004 ], [ -70.45, -54.959 ], [ -70.223, -54.941 ], [ -70.269, -55.013 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.007, -54.923 ], [ -69.935, -54.942 ], [ -70.203, -55.01 ], [ -70.162, -54.957 ], [ -70.007, -54.923 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.113, -54.91 ], [ -70.057, -54.915 ], [ -70.186, -54.93 ], [ -70.133, -54.899 ], [ -70.113, -54.91 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.228, -54.902 ], [ -70.239, -54.899 ], [ -70.221, -54.889 ], [ -70.228, -54.902 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.121, -54.834 ], [ -71.128, -54.867 ], [ -70.975, -54.859 ], [ -70.976, -54.901 ], [ -70.924, -54.908 ], [ -70.986, -54.918 ], [ -70.896, -54.924 ], [ -71.064, -54.958 ], [ -71.158, -54.93 ], [ -71.072, -54.905 ], [ -71.283, -54.859 ], [ -71.333, -54.955 ], [ -71.353, -54.881 ], [ -71.42, -54.943 ], [ -71.403, -54.912 ], [ -71.454, -54.883 ], [ -71.383, -54.859 ], [ -71.399, -54.828 ], [ -71.121, -54.834 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.555, -54.83 ], [ -70.452, -54.834 ], [ -70.351, -54.866 ], [ -70.574, -54.912 ], [ -70.742, -54.869 ], [ -70.555, -54.83 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.931, -54.292 ], [ -69.96, -54.271 ], [ -69.925, -54.275 ], [ -69.931, -54.292 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.792, -54.284 ], [ -72.789, -54.27 ], [ -72.773, -54.276 ], [ -72.792, -54.284 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.564, -54.314 ], [ -71.61, -54.282 ], [ -71.566, -54.298 ], [ -71.564, -54.314 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.471, -54.264 ], [ -71.389, -54.265 ], [ -71.416, -54.287 ], [ -71.378, -54.332 ], [ -71.497, -54.333 ], [ -71.493, -54.233 ], [ -71.471, -54.264 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72, -54.3 ], [ -72.055, -54.289 ], [ -72.088, -54.262 ], [ -71.992, -54.251 ], [ -72, -54.3 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.195, -54.218 ], [ -72.148, -54.283 ], [ -72.16, -54.305 ], [ -72.208, -54.291 ], [ -72.195, -54.218 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.284, -54.287 ], [ -70.474, -54.236 ], [ -70.521, -54.159 ], [ -70.219, -54.238 ], [ -70.284, -54.287 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.106, -54.4 ], [ -71.165, -54.332 ], [ -71.189, -54.376 ], [ -71.345, -54.317 ], [ -71.166, -54.244 ], [ -71.232, -54.207 ], [ -71.254, -54.255 ], [ -71.321, -54.261 ], [ -71.322, -54.215 ], [ -71.37, -54.256 ], [ -71.439, -54.211 ], [ -71.354, -54.15 ], [ -71.405, -54.154 ], [ -71.386, -54.117 ], [ -71.43, -54.154 ], [ -71.5, -54.13 ], [ -71.439, -54.166 ], [ -71.489, -54.188 ], [ -71.509, -54.284 ], [ -71.577, -54.23 ], [ -71.514, -54.183 ], [ -71.581, -54.193 ], [ -71.589, -54.243 ], [ -71.654, -54.228 ], [ -71.691, -54.16 ], [ -71.554, -54.088 ], [ -71.602, -54.088 ], [ -71.638, -54.018 ], [ -71.606, -53.954 ], [ -71.523, -53.953 ], [ -71.487, -54.012 ], [ -71.49, -53.956 ], [ -71.433, -53.956 ], [ -71.391, -54.094 ], [ -71.379, -53.978 ], [ -71.262, -54.005 ], [ -71.236, -54.095 ], [ -71.288, -54.112 ], [ -71.207, -54.119 ], [ -71.192, -54.206 ], [ -71.155, -54.089 ], [ -71.107, -54.167 ], [ -71.08, -54.067 ], [ -70.99, -54.096 ], [ -70.986, -54.156 ], [ -71.066, -54.202 ], [ -70.962, -54.174 ], [ -70.97, -54.241 ], [ -71.03, -54.242 ], [ -70.965, -54.312 ], [ -71.042, -54.299 ], [ -71.038, -54.344 ], [ -71.14, -54.302 ], [ -71.058, -54.354 ], [ -71.106, -54.4 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.475, -54.295 ], [ -72.553, -54.272 ], [ -72.458, -54.235 ], [ -72.496, -54.194 ], [ -72.377, -54.172 ], [ -72.415, -54.124 ], [ -72.284, -54.098 ], [ -72.417, -54.085 ], [ -72.317, -54.058 ], [ -72.196, -54.142 ], [ -72.285, -54.145 ], [ -72.255, -54.198 ], [ -72.326, -54.2 ], [ -72.314, -54.263 ], [ -72.393, -54.217 ], [ -72.475, -54.295 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.519, -37.079 ], [ -73.556, -37.026 ], [ -73.525, -36.972 ], [ -73.455, -37.052 ], [ -73.519, -37.079 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.056, -36.644 ], [ -73.072, -36.648 ], [ -73.048, -36.605 ], [ -73.056, -36.644 ] ] ], [ [ [ -109.291, -27.094 ], [ -109.234, -27.125 ], [ -109.452, -27.197 ], [ -109.396, -27.063 ], [ -109.291, -27.094 ] ] ], [ [ [ -80.733, -33.706 ], [ -80.72, -33.783 ], [ -80.762, -33.79 ], [ -80.785, -33.72 ], [ -80.733, -33.706 ] ] ], [ [ [ -78.938, -33.7 ], [ -78.922, -33.711 ], [ -78.96, -33.701 ], [ -78.938, -33.7 ] ] ], [ [ [ -78.891, -33.593 ], [ -78.788, -33.624 ], [ -78.761, -33.656 ], [ -79.006, -33.668 ], [ -78.891, -33.593 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.586, -29.022 ], [ -71.571, -29.026 ], [ -71.572, -29.043 ], [ -71.59, -29.046 ], [ -71.586, -29.022 ] ] ], [ [ [ -79.89, -26.356 ], [ -79.894, -26.369 ], [ -79.918, -26.365 ], [ -79.89, -26.356 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.81, -41.749 ], [ -73.822, -41.74 ], [ -73.814, -41.73 ], [ -73.8, -41.742 ], [ -73.81, -41.749 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.951, -41.719 ], [ -73.001, -41.706 ], [ -72.99, -41.667 ], [ -72.886, -41.697 ], [ -72.951, -41.719 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.977, -41.592 ], [ -73.008, -41.594 ], [ -73.019, -41.562 ], [ -72.973, -41.557 ], [ -72.977, -41.592 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.902, -38.417 ], [ -73.939, -38.417 ], [ -73.959, -38.318 ], [ -73.864, -38.37 ], [ -73.902, -38.417 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.717, -44.07 ], [ -73.699, -44.086 ], [ -73.729, -44.071 ], [ -73.717, -44.07 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.884, -44.071 ], [ -73.852, -44.074 ], [ -73.845, -44.091 ], [ -73.914, -44.076 ], [ -73.884, -44.071 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.113, -44.046 ], [ -74.16, -44.073 ], [ -74.203, -44.065 ], [ -74.113, -44.046 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.941, -44.048 ], [ -73.933, -44.059 ], [ -73.95, -44.071 ], [ -73.941, -44.048 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.702, -43.923 ], [ -73.688, -43.934 ], [ -73.708, -43.933 ], [ -73.702, -43.923 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.672, -43.878 ], [ -73.662, -43.885 ], [ -73.673, -43.89 ], [ -73.682, -43.882 ], [ -73.672, -43.878 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.776, -43.829 ], [ -73.739, -43.902 ], [ -73.895, -43.872 ], [ -73.781, -43.86 ], [ -73.776, -43.829 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.771, -43.684 ], [ -74.838, -43.563 ], [ -74.745, -43.567 ], [ -74.744, -43.518 ], [ -74.552, -43.627 ], [ -74.771, -43.684 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.204, -43.466 ], [ -74.213, -43.473 ], [ -74.2, -43.455 ], [ -74.204, -43.466 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.018, -43.801 ], [ -74.025, -43.818 ], [ -74.046, -43.811 ], [ -74.018, -43.801 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.003, -43.787 ], [ -73.987, -43.805 ], [ -73.997, -43.818 ], [ -74.01, -43.808 ], [ -74.003, -43.787 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.263, -44.015 ], [ -73.241, -44.023 ], [ -73.234, -44.052 ], [ -73.279, -44.028 ], [ -73.263, -44.015 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.243, -44.012 ], [ -74.174, -44.028 ], [ -74.287, -44.025 ], [ -74.243, -44.012 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.223, -43.985 ], [ -74.153, -44.005 ], [ -74.243, -44.002 ], [ -74.223, -43.985 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.575, -44.033 ], [ -73.538, -44.044 ], [ -73.529, -44.08 ], [ -73.614, -44.036 ], [ -73.575, -44.033 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.896, -43.934 ], [ -73.781, -43.976 ], [ -73.865, -43.991 ], [ -73.927, -43.961 ], [ -73.896, -43.934 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.735, -44.03 ], [ -73.721, -44.038 ], [ -73.735, -44.065 ], [ -73.748, -44.039 ], [ -73.735, -44.03 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.133, -43.887 ], [ -73.145, -44.032 ], [ -73.212, -44.037 ], [ -73.186, -44.021 ], [ -73.266, -43.974 ], [ -73.244, -43.915 ], [ -73.133, -43.887 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.138, -43.954 ], [ -74.175, -43.94 ], [ -74.117, -43.95 ], [ -74.138, -43.954 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.765, -43.908 ], [ -73.788, -43.951 ], [ -73.854, -43.926 ], [ -73.843, -43.91 ], [ -73.765, -43.908 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.86, -43.774 ], [ -73.787, -43.84 ], [ -73.943, -43.855 ], [ -73.864, -43.917 ], [ -73.918, -43.909 ], [ -73.941, -43.956 ], [ -74.01, -43.891 ], [ -74.16, -43.864 ], [ -74.074, -43.808 ], [ -73.978, -43.847 ], [ -73.902, -43.843 ], [ -73.907, -43.802 ], [ -73.831, -43.804 ], [ -73.86, -43.774 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.076, -42.682 ], [ -73.083, -42.653 ], [ -73.067, -42.667 ], [ -73.076, -42.682 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.441, -43.068 ], [ -73.475, -43.042 ], [ -73.453, -43.045 ], [ -73.441, -43.068 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.326, -43.016 ], [ -73.464, -42.994 ], [ -73.605, -42.931 ], [ -73.518, -42.917 ], [ -73.326, -43.016 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.95, -42.81 ], [ -73.031, -42.721 ], [ -73.031, -42.697 ], [ -72.924, -42.725 ], [ -72.919, -42.783 ], [ -72.97, -42.752 ], [ -72.95, -42.81 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.075, -42.755 ], [ -73.093, -42.728 ], [ -73.072, -42.741 ], [ -73.075, -42.755 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.061, -42.752 ], [ -73.079, -42.715 ], [ -73.052, -42.722 ], [ -73.061, -42.752 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.51, -42.17 ], [ -72.609, -42.134 ], [ -72.574, -42.08 ], [ -72.477, -42.09 ], [ -72.51, -42.17 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.247, -42.666 ], [ -73.358, -42.63 ], [ -73.233, -42.635 ], [ -73.247, -42.666 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.032, -42.63 ], [ -73.064, -42.609 ], [ -73.004, -42.603 ], [ -73.006, -42.653 ], [ -73.032, -42.63 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.531, -42.647 ], [ -73.482, -42.638 ], [ -73.502, -42.604 ], [ -73.423, -42.622 ], [ -73.469, -42.648 ], [ -73.531, -42.647 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.267, -42.612 ], [ -73.329, -42.601 ], [ -73.284, -42.589 ], [ -73.267, -42.612 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.538, -42.701 ], [ -73.577, -42.709 ], [ -73.597, -42.653 ], [ -73.743, -42.617 ], [ -73.594, -42.571 ], [ -73.538, -42.701 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.207, -42.63 ], [ -73.214, -42.591 ], [ -73.243, -42.613 ], [ -73.223, -42.56 ], [ -73.196, -42.617 ], [ -73.207, -42.63 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.516, -42.603 ], [ -73.538, -42.58 ], [ -73.491, -42.55 ], [ -73.516, -42.603 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.264, -42.514 ], [ -73.294, -42.463 ], [ -73.248, -42.482 ], [ -73.264, -42.514 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.337, -42.489 ], [ -73.377, -42.49 ], [ -73.373, -42.453 ], [ -73.297, -42.472 ], [ -73.337, -42.489 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.428, -42.44 ], [ -73.462, -42.425 ], [ -73.433, -42.424 ], [ -73.428, -42.44 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.195, -42.32 ], [ -73.207, -42.329 ], [ -73.222, -42.307 ], [ -73.195, -42.32 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.386, -42.184 ], [ -73.408, -42.153 ], [ -73.46, -42.139 ], [ -73.385, -42.109 ], [ -73.348, -42.178 ], [ -73.386, -42.184 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.13, -42.342 ], [ -73.172, -42.267 ], [ -73.14, -42.302 ], [ -73.11, -42.258 ], [ -73.057, -42.274 ], [ -73.13, -42.342 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.24, -42.316 ], [ -73.314, -42.306 ], [ -73.271, -42.286 ], [ -73.24, -42.316 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.215, -42.304 ], [ -73.198, -42.294 ], [ -73.262, -42.27 ], [ -73.207, -42.282 ], [ -73.186, -42.303 ], [ -73.215, -42.304 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.145, -42.277 ], [ -73.186, -42.244 ], [ -73.149, -42.253 ], [ -73.145, -42.277 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.124, -42.399 ], [ -73.152, -42.398 ], [ -73.103, -42.377 ], [ -73.124, -42.399 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.514, -42.455 ], [ -73.394, -42.543 ], [ -73.389, -42.584 ], [ -73.539, -42.469 ], [ -73.633, -42.473 ], [ -73.603, -42.439 ], [ -73.659, -42.391 ], [ -73.528, -42.393 ], [ -73.514, -42.455 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.306, -42.44 ], [ -73.345, -42.421 ], [ -73.291, -42.389 ], [ -73.282, -42.419 ], [ -73.306, -42.44 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.455, -42.385 ], [ -73.444, -42.366 ], [ -73.414, -42.393 ], [ -73.436, -42.408 ], [ -73.455, -42.385 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.276, -43.423 ], [ -74.278, -43.362 ], [ -74.254, -43.349 ], [ -74.232, -43.41 ], [ -74.276, -43.423 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.726, -43.399 ], [ -73.775, -43.382 ], [ -73.806, -43.317 ], [ -73.661, -43.354 ], [ -73.726, -43.399 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.585, -43.273 ], [ -73.625, -43.239 ], [ -73.618, -43.165 ], [ -73.569, -43.249 ], [ -73.585, -43.273 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.667, -43.247 ], [ -73.744, -43.198 ], [ -73.661, -43.194 ], [ -73.667, -43.247 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.498, -43.174 ], [ -73.535, -43.196 ], [ -73.589, -43.201 ], [ -73.581, -43.138 ], [ -73.498, -43.174 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.51, -43.156 ], [ -73.509, -43.156 ], [ -73.509, -43.157 ], [ -73.51, -43.156 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.51, -43.156 ], [ -73.532, -43.156 ], [ -73.518, -43.142 ], [ -73.51, -43.156 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.631, -42.077 ], [ -72.642, -42.081 ], [ -72.644, -42.065 ], [ -72.618, -42.067 ], [ -72.631, -42.077 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.484, -42.07 ], [ -72.513, -42.054 ], [ -72.461, -41.984 ], [ -72.462, -42.031 ], [ -72.484, -42.07 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.105, -41.904 ], [ -73.103, -41.903 ], [ -73.104, -41.904 ], [ -73.105, -41.904 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.068, -41.901 ], [ -73.103, -41.903 ], [ -73.078, -41.891 ], [ -73.068, -41.901 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.105, -41.904 ], [ -73.161, -41.907 ], [ -73.137, -41.882 ], [ -73.105, -41.904 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.894, -41.898 ], [ -72.938, -41.875 ], [ -72.895, -41.87 ], [ -72.894, -41.898 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.349, -41.834 ], [ -73.329, -41.817 ], [ -73.339, -41.799 ], [ -73.32, -41.816 ], [ -73.349, -41.834 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.157, -41.809 ], [ -73.185, -41.796 ], [ -73.157, -41.797 ], [ -73.127, -41.769 ], [ -73.157, -41.809 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.235, -41.801 ], [ -73.246, -41.797 ], [ -73.251, -41.725 ], [ -73.197, -41.779 ], [ -73.16, -41.785 ], [ -73.235, -41.801 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.099, -41.854 ], [ -73.097, -41.834 ], [ -73.123, -41.816 ], [ -73.085, -41.833 ], [ -73.099, -41.854 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.144, -41.84 ], [ -73.162, -41.817 ], [ -73.132, -41.832 ], [ -73.144, -41.84 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.078, -41.75 ], [ -73.055, -41.732 ], [ -72.985, -41.858 ], [ -73.116, -41.807 ], [ -73.05, -41.813 ], [ -73.078, -41.75 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.48, -44.276 ], [ -73.476, -44.292 ], [ -73.49, -44.299 ], [ -73.498, -44.285 ], [ -73.48, -44.276 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.626, -44.288 ], [ -73.615, -44.296 ], [ -73.64, -44.297 ], [ -73.626, -44.288 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.204, -44.243 ], [ -73.197, -44.259 ], [ -73.217, -44.248 ], [ -73.204, -44.243 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.901, -44.248 ], [ -73.842, -44.264 ], [ -73.855, -44.29 ], [ -73.934, -44.256 ], [ -73.901, -44.248 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.832, -44.214 ], [ -73.804, -44.235 ], [ -73.836, -44.255 ], [ -73.85, -44.219 ], [ -73.832, -44.214 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.234, -44.218 ], [ -73.209, -44.233 ], [ -73.236, -44.237 ], [ -73.234, -44.218 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.325, -44.215 ], [ -74.334, -44.231 ], [ -74.364, -44.223 ], [ -74.325, -44.215 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.742, -44.219 ], [ -73.726, -44.228 ], [ -73.754, -44.241 ], [ -73.742, -44.219 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.29, -44.21 ], [ -74.262, -44.213 ], [ -74.22, -44.255 ], [ -74.319, -44.219 ], [ -74.29, -44.21 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.554, -44.127 ], [ -73.541, -44.148 ], [ -73.581, -44.162 ], [ -73.587, -44.145 ], [ -73.554, -44.127 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.142, -44.115 ], [ -74.13, -44.124 ], [ -74.167, -44.153 ], [ -74.142, -44.115 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.346, -44.099 ], [ -74.181, -44.134 ], [ -74.351, -44.129 ], [ -74.346, -44.099 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.351, -44.189 ], [ -74.363, -44.172 ], [ -74.305, -44.188 ], [ -74.354, -44.2 ], [ -74.351, -44.189 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.307, -44.182 ], [ -74.307, -44.182 ], [ -74.308, -44.182 ], [ -74.307, -44.182 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.211, -44.189 ], [ -74.161, -44.192 ], [ -74.147, -44.213 ], [ -74.196, -44.211 ], [ -74.211, -44.189 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.623, -44.187 ], [ -73.623, -44.205 ], [ -73.655, -44.213 ], [ -73.623, -44.187 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.512, -44.104 ], [ -73.448, -44.126 ], [ -73.496, -44.183 ], [ -73.543, -44.127 ], [ -73.512, -44.104 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.67, -44.15 ], [ -73.658, -44.205 ], [ -73.72, -44.201 ], [ -73.724, -44.172 ], [ -73.67, -44.15 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.307, -44.182 ], [ -74.359, -44.149 ], [ -74.234, -44.177 ], [ -74.307, -44.182 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.06, -44.12 ], [ -74.123, -44.193 ], [ -74.156, -44.186 ], [ -74.124, -44.141 ], [ -74.06, -44.12 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.927, -44.099 ], [ -73.84, -44.128 ], [ -73.898, -44.177 ], [ -73.815, -44.185 ], [ -73.829, -44.152 ], [ -73.804, -44.188 ], [ -73.96, -44.193 ], [ -73.996, -44.145 ], [ -73.927, -44.099 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.409, -44.328 ], [ -74.4, -44.338 ], [ -74.415, -44.349 ], [ -74.409, -44.328 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.716, -44.333 ], [ -73.703, -44.354 ], [ -73.735, -44.352 ], [ -73.716, -44.333 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.599, -44.329 ], [ -73.578, -44.344 ], [ -73.597, -44.357 ], [ -73.612, -44.341 ], [ -73.599, -44.329 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.149, -44.302 ], [ -73.089, -44.32 ], [ -73.148, -44.34 ], [ -73.149, -44.302 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.665, -44.341 ], [ -73.684, -44.346 ], [ -73.698, -44.33 ], [ -73.663, -44.318 ], [ -73.665, -44.341 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.258, -44.32 ], [ -74.264, -44.333 ], [ -74.302, -44.333 ], [ -74.295, -44.319 ], [ -74.258, -44.32 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.279, -44.305 ], [ -73.276, -44.322 ], [ -73.297, -44.33 ], [ -73.279, -44.305 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.733, -44.306 ], [ -73.726, -44.317 ], [ -73.745, -44.316 ], [ -73.733, -44.306 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.67, -44.24 ], [ -73.635, -44.267 ], [ -73.718, -44.31 ], [ -73.746, -44.256 ], [ -73.67, -44.24 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.421, -44.256 ], [ -74.276, -44.252 ], [ -74.233, -44.305 ], [ -74.344, -44.307 ], [ -74.421, -44.256 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.142, -44.228 ], [ -74.102, -44.262 ], [ -74.116, -44.31 ], [ -74.203, -44.252 ], [ -74.142, -44.228 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.784, -44.287 ], [ -73.801, -44.352 ], [ -74.015, -44.339 ], [ -73.972, -44.33 ], [ -74.061, -44.299 ], [ -74.105, -44.208 ], [ -74.066, -44.181 ], [ -74.047, -44.21 ], [ -73.984, -44.245 ], [ -74.068, -44.179 ], [ -74.021, -44.146 ], [ -73.929, -44.22 ], [ -73.857, -44.227 ], [ -74.003, -44.254 ], [ -73.964, -44.318 ], [ -73.952, -44.262 ], [ -73.899, -44.301 ], [ -73.852, -44.295 ], [ -73.815, -44.259 ], [ -73.784, -44.287 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.047, -44.09 ], [ -74.028, -44.1 ], [ -74.051, -44.106 ], [ -74.047, -44.09 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.23, -44.073 ], [ -74.171, -44.094 ], [ -74.341, -44.085 ], [ -74.334, -44.073 ], [ -74.23, -44.073 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.076, -44.071 ], [ -74.082, -44.102 ], [ -74.133, -44.089 ], [ -74.076, -44.071 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.665, -44.082 ], [ -73.67, -44.087 ], [ -73.695, -44.072 ], [ -73.674, -44.063 ], [ -73.665, -44.082 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.663, -44.075 ], [ -73.738, -43.997 ], [ -73.694, -43.936 ], [ -73.6, -44.006 ], [ -73.652, -44.036 ], [ -73.582, -44.105 ], [ -73.638, -44.14 ], [ -73.663, -44.075 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.028, -49.948 ], [ -75.038, -49.94 ], [ -75.014, -49.943 ], [ -75.028, -49.948 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.986, -49.905 ], [ -74.986, -49.924 ], [ -75.022, -49.919 ], [ -75.022, -49.906 ], [ -74.986, -49.905 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.079, -49.917 ], [ -75.088, -49.91 ], [ -75.07, -49.907 ], [ -75.079, -49.917 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.076, -49.9 ], [ -75.108, -49.895 ], [ -75.063, -49.891 ], [ -75.076, -49.9 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.88, -49.828 ], [ -74.897, -49.806 ], [ -74.878, -49.809 ], [ -74.88, -49.828 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.389, -49.825 ], [ -75.39, -49.789 ], [ -75.327, -49.753 ], [ -75.366, -49.683 ], [ -75.378, -49.739 ], [ -75.578, -49.819 ], [ -75.594, -49.754 ], [ -75.516, -49.733 ], [ -75.481, -49.704 ], [ -75.609, -49.638 ], [ -75.57, -49.595 ], [ -75.463, -49.611 ], [ -75.46, -49.568 ], [ -75.371, -49.618 ], [ -75.363, -49.574 ], [ -75.161, -49.868 ], [ -75.281, -49.804 ], [ -75.258, -49.874 ], [ -75.337, -49.859 ], [ -75.377, -49.794 ], [ -75.389, -49.825 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.296, -49.596 ], [ -75.305, -49.549 ], [ -75.248, -49.564 ], [ -75.296, -49.596 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.369, -49.555 ], [ -75.383, -49.57 ], [ -75.424, -49.561 ], [ -75.334, -49.53 ], [ -75.369, -49.555 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.486, -49.449 ], [ -75.429, -49.477 ], [ -75.43, -49.529 ], [ -75.581, -49.428 ], [ -75.541, -49.404 ], [ -75.486, -49.449 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.007, -48.914 ], [ -74.993, -48.928 ], [ -75.051, -48.914 ], [ -75.007, -48.914 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.608, -48.375 ], [ -75.617, -48.387 ], [ -75.618, -48.37 ], [ -75.608, -48.375 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.053, -48.514 ], [ -74.188, -48.455 ], [ -74.176, -48.439 ], [ -74.25, -48.38 ], [ -74.033, -48.427 ], [ -74.053, -48.514 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.425, -48.589 ], [ -74.436, -48.56 ], [ -74.417, -48.571 ], [ -74.305, -48.531 ], [ -74.425, -48.589 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.495, -48.511 ], [ -74.524, -48.492 ], [ -74.509, -48.475 ], [ -74.484, -48.498 ], [ -74.495, -48.511 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.017, -48.686 ], [ -75.076, -48.828 ], [ -75.239, -48.769 ], [ -75.017, -48.617 ], [ -75.017, -48.686 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.459, -48.794 ], [ -75.432, -48.746 ], [ -75.59, -48.816 ], [ -75.645, -48.694 ], [ -75.497, -48.744 ], [ -75.304, -48.622 ], [ -75.336, -48.679 ], [ -75.281, -48.653 ], [ -75.265, -48.725 ], [ -75.459, -48.794 ] ], [ [ -75.443, -48.771 ], [ -75.383, -48.745 ], [ -75.339, -48.69 ], [ -75.443, -48.771 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.483, -48.484 ], [ -75.358, -48.439 ], [ -75.404, -48.51 ], [ -75.36, -48.532 ], [ -75.349, -48.453 ], [ -75.307, -48.46 ], [ -75.333, -48.492 ], [ -75.317, -48.531 ], [ -75.398, -48.562 ], [ -75.31, -48.547 ], [ -75.29, -48.621 ], [ -75.315, -48.604 ], [ -75.511, -48.72 ], [ -75.618, -48.689 ], [ -75.467, -48.673 ], [ -75.387, -48.6 ], [ -75.49, -48.653 ], [ -75.545, -48.654 ], [ -75.411, -48.571 ], [ -75.548, -48.649 ], [ -75.639, -48.641 ], [ -75.665, -48.49 ], [ -75.616, -48.493 ], [ -75.615, -48.453 ], [ -75.483, -48.484 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.442, -48.511 ], [ -74.507, -48.386 ], [ -74.28, -48.488 ], [ -74.406, -48.554 ], [ -74.442, -48.511 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.677, -49.234 ], [ -75.696, -49.225 ], [ -75.681, -49.221 ], [ -75.677, -49.234 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.085, -49.241 ], [ -75.147, -49.218 ], [ -75.155, -49.201 ], [ -75.113, -49.204 ], [ -75.085, -49.241 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.25, -49.151 ], [ -75.226, -49.134 ], [ -75.263, -49.174 ], [ -75.303, -49.183 ], [ -75.25, -49.151 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.618, -49.159 ], [ -75.625, -49.143 ], [ -75.608, -49.125 ], [ -75.618, -49.159 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.587, -49.138 ], [ -75.598, -49.128 ], [ -75.571, -49.122 ], [ -75.587, -49.138 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.414, -49.201 ], [ -75.396, -49.214 ], [ -75.414, -49.216 ], [ -75.414, -49.201 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.669, -49.205 ], [ -75.681, -49.2 ], [ -75.644, -49.178 ], [ -75.64, -49.193 ], [ -75.669, -49.205 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.64, -49.126 ], [ -75.667, -49.079 ], [ -75.654, -49.068 ], [ -75.619, -49.111 ], [ -75.64, -49.126 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.51, -48.159 ], [ -73.488, -48.176 ], [ -73.521, -48.178 ], [ -73.51, -48.159 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.57, -48.125 ], [ -73.661, -48.079 ], [ -73.665, -48.057 ], [ -73.58, -48.089 ], [ -73.57, -48.125 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.678, -47.87 ], [ -73.687, -47.864 ], [ -73.672, -47.861 ], [ -73.678, -47.87 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.626, -47.872 ], [ -73.662, -47.857 ], [ -73.627, -47.849 ], [ -73.626, -47.872 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.73, -48 ], [ -73.779, -47.949 ], [ -73.743, -47.878 ], [ -73.656, -47.945 ], [ -73.692, -47.944 ], [ -73.67, -48.001 ], [ -73.73, -48 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.823, -47.961 ], [ -73.84, -47.979 ], [ -73.872, -47.98 ], [ -73.871, -47.967 ], [ -73.823, -47.961 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.919, -47.98 ], [ -73.932, -47.974 ], [ -73.901, -47.966 ], [ -73.919, -47.98 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.289, -47.982 ], [ -75.282, -47.962 ], [ -75.253, -47.97 ], [ -75.289, -47.982 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.641, -47.975 ], [ -74.638, -47.914 ], [ -74.547, -47.926 ], [ -74.641, -47.975 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.25, -47.921 ], [ -75.255, -47.912 ], [ -75.237, -47.908 ], [ -75.25, -47.921 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.242, -47.963 ], [ -75.259, -47.955 ], [ -75.093, -47.894 ], [ -75.13, -47.925 ], [ -75.242, -47.963 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.23, -47.911 ], [ -75.233, -47.891 ], [ -75.199, -47.876 ], [ -75.23, -47.911 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.188, -47.917 ], [ -75.166, -47.864 ], [ -75.099, -47.875 ], [ -75.188, -47.917 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75, -47.905 ], [ -75.002, -47.952 ], [ -75.043, -47.908 ], [ -75.017, -47.851 ], [ -75, -47.905 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.269, -48.484 ], [ -74.341, -48.443 ], [ -74.301, -48.46 ], [ -74.264, -48.449 ], [ -74.49, -48.362 ], [ -74.423, -48.347 ], [ -74.277, -48.427 ], [ -74.411, -48.341 ], [ -74.316, -48.287 ], [ -74.255, -48.412 ], [ -74.192, -48.443 ], [ -74.269, -48.484 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.515, -48.083 ], [ -75.438, -48.065 ], [ -75.47, -48.129 ], [ -75.404, -48.028 ], [ -75.342, -48.029 ], [ -75.381, -48.143 ], [ -75.34, -48.088 ], [ -75.297, -48.107 ], [ -75.336, -48.13 ], [ -75.364, -48.179 ], [ -75.262, -48.151 ], [ -75.308, -48.209 ], [ -75.256, -48.175 ], [ -75.259, -48.205 ], [ -75.321, -48.235 ], [ -75.256, -48.226 ], [ -75.275, -48.27 ], [ -75.217, -48.298 ], [ -75.26, -48.326 ], [ -75.206, -48.31 ], [ -75.218, -48.371 ], [ -75.155, -48.39 ], [ -75.214, -48.452 ], [ -75.141, -48.407 ], [ -75.073, -48.493 ], [ -75.199, -48.463 ], [ -75.226, -48.516 ], [ -75.084, -48.511 ], [ -75.065, -48.624 ], [ -75.236, -48.715 ], [ -75.26, -48.667 ], [ -75.163, -48.627 ], [ -75.269, -48.657 ], [ -75.218, -48.598 ], [ -75.285, -48.614 ], [ -75.29, -48.555 ], [ -75.244, -48.532 ], [ -75.316, -48.495 ], [ -75.228, -48.424 ], [ -75.336, -48.419 ], [ -75.277, -48.336 ], [ -75.353, -48.41 ], [ -75.545, -48.433 ], [ -75.571, -48.39 ], [ -75.389, -48.356 ], [ -75.364, -48.293 ], [ -75.418, -48.338 ], [ -75.38, -48.245 ], [ -75.445, -48.353 ], [ -75.501, -48.35 ], [ -75.478, -48.307 ], [ -75.547, -48.351 ], [ -75.56, -48.3 ], [ -75.43, -48.246 ], [ -75.394, -48.202 ], [ -75.517, -48.259 ], [ -75.59, -48.112 ], [ -75.519, -48.052 ], [ -75.515, -48.083 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75, -48.114 ], [ -74.932, -48.167 ], [ -74.998, -48.178 ], [ -74.892, -48.177 ], [ -74.926, -48.237 ], [ -74.979, -48.224 ], [ -74.936, -48.247 ], [ -74.883, -48.215 ], [ -74.948, -48.279 ], [ -74.83, -48.223 ], [ -74.811, -48.148 ], [ -74.742, -48.139 ], [ -74.891, -48.307 ], [ -74.822, -48.256 ], [ -74.83, -48.383 ], [ -74.881, -48.398 ], [ -74.871, -48.361 ], [ -75.02, -48.473 ], [ -75.109, -48.358 ], [ -75.082, -48.342 ], [ -75.156, -48.317 ], [ -75.048, -48.271 ], [ -75.168, -48.284 ], [ -75.088, -48.265 ], [ -75.145, -48.263 ], [ -75.08, -48.222 ], [ -75.175, -48.26 ], [ -75.166, -48.203 ], [ -75.208, -48.213 ], [ -75.124, -48.175 ], [ -75.216, -48.192 ], [ -75.149, -48.156 ], [ -75.217, -48.165 ], [ -75.265, -48.09 ], [ -75.016, -48.143 ], [ -75.096, -48.098 ], [ -75, -48.114 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.342, -48.231 ], [ -74.304, -48.266 ], [ -74.374, -48.244 ], [ -74.342, -48.231 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.518, -48.049 ], [ -75.54, -48.037 ], [ -75.482, -48.043 ], [ -75.518, -48.049 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.315, -48.148 ], [ -75.333, -48.142 ], [ -75.285, -48.129 ], [ -75.288, -48.146 ], [ -75.315, -48.148 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.886, -48.173 ], [ -74.904, -48.153 ], [ -74.847, -48.115 ], [ -74.837, -48.143 ], [ -74.886, -48.173 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.552, -48.183 ], [ -74.603, -48.156 ], [ -74.502, -48.173 ], [ -74.605, -48.125 ], [ -74.48, -48.172 ], [ -74.36, -48.281 ], [ -74.52, -48.36 ], [ -74.567, -48.294 ], [ -74.478, -48.196 ], [ -74.595, -48.287 ], [ -74.603, -48.191 ], [ -74.552, -48.183 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.521, -48.135 ], [ -74.551, -48.115 ], [ -74.525, -48.112 ], [ -74.521, -48.135 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.014, -48 ], [ -74.035, -48.024 ], [ -74.061, -48.003 ], [ -74.045, -47.99 ], [ -74.014, -48 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.128, -48.051 ], [ -75.103, -48.029 ], [ -75.207, -48.044 ], [ -75.121, -48.015 ], [ -75.278, -48.028 ], [ -75.127, -47.991 ], [ -75.128, -47.957 ], [ -75.254, -47.989 ], [ -75.055, -47.909 ], [ -74.972, -47.998 ], [ -74.801, -48.049 ], [ -74.873, -48.099 ], [ -75.076, -48.045 ], [ -74.894, -48.118 ], [ -74.917, -48.152 ], [ -74.968, -48.107 ], [ -75.166, -48.075 ], [ -75.128, -48.051 ] ], [ [ -75.077, -48.017 ], [ -75.05, -48.043 ], [ -75.026, -48.033 ], [ -75.077, -48.017 ] ], [ [ -75.104, -48.013 ], [ -75.07, -47.998 ], [ -74.981, -48.021 ], [ -75.069, -47.985 ], [ -75.104, -48.013 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.741, -48.08 ], [ -74.731, -48.114 ], [ -74.801, -48.077 ], [ -74.76, -48.049 ], [ -74.789, -48.023 ], [ -74.743, -48.037 ], [ -74.793, -48.007 ], [ -74.783, -47.912 ], [ -74.695, -48.063 ], [ -74.741, -48.08 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.167, -47.657 ], [ -75.181, -47.65 ], [ -75.164, -47.646 ], [ -75.167, -47.657 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.91, -47.713 ], [ -74.929, -47.693 ], [ -74.9, -47.704 ], [ -74.91, -47.713 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.223, -47.608 ], [ -74.232, -47.603 ], [ -74.192, -47.606 ], [ -74.223, -47.608 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.459, -47.186 ], [ -74.474, -47.181 ], [ -74.458, -47.173 ], [ -74.459, -47.186 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.288, -47.027 ], [ -74.247, -47.039 ], [ -74.262, -47.077 ], [ -74.421, -47.168 ], [ -74.442, -47.071 ], [ -74.288, -47.027 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.567, -46.915 ], [ -74.568, -46.938 ], [ -74.597, -46.935 ], [ -74.6, -46.918 ], [ -74.567, -46.915 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.278, -46.8 ], [ -74.353, -46.793 ], [ -74.361, -46.78 ], [ -74.278, -46.8 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.762, -47.59 ], [ -74.764, -47.576 ], [ -74.751, -47.583 ], [ -74.762, -47.59 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.301, -46.726 ], [ -75.306, -46.715 ], [ -75.292, -46.72 ], [ -75.301, -46.726 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.171, -46.728 ], [ -75.251, -46.689 ], [ -75.252, -46.677 ], [ -75.173, -46.695 ], [ -75.171, -46.728 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.303, -46.687 ], [ -75.32, -46.711 ], [ -75.359, -46.688 ], [ -75.303, -46.687 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.282, -46.672 ], [ -75.283, -46.684 ], [ -75.333, -46.681 ], [ -75.282, -46.672 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.262, -46.682 ], [ -75.28, -46.668 ], [ -75.258, -46.669 ], [ -75.262, -46.682 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.581, -46.229 ], [ -73.588, -46.221 ], [ -73.562, -46.211 ], [ -73.581, -46.229 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.903, -46.181 ], [ -74.917, -46.178 ], [ -74.891, -46.175 ], [ -74.903, -46.181 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.963, -46.162 ], [ -74.944, -46.179 ], [ -74.968, -46.182 ], [ -74.963, -46.162 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.992, -46.157 ], [ -74.984, -46.179 ], [ -75.03, -46.179 ], [ -74.992, -46.157 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.916, -46.097 ], [ -73.881, -46.106 ], [ -73.874, -46.123 ], [ -73.94, -46.131 ], [ -73.916, -46.097 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.979, -45.949 ], [ -73.951, -45.985 ], [ -73.963, -46.016 ], [ -73.984, -45.998 ], [ -73.979, -45.949 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.224, -46.785 ], [ -75.232, -46.768 ], [ -75.217, -46.767 ], [ -75.208, -46.778 ], [ -75.224, -46.785 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.208, -46.756 ], [ -75.266, -46.719 ], [ -75.232, -46.7 ], [ -75.16, -46.767 ], [ -75.208, -46.756 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.899, -45.628 ], [ -74.903, -45.659 ], [ -74.938, -45.631 ], [ -74.899, -45.628 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.868, -45.675 ], [ -74.854, -45.698 ], [ -74.885, -45.695 ], [ -74.868, -45.675 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.225, -45.482 ], [ -74.175, -45.521 ], [ -74.161, -45.569 ], [ -74.229, -45.496 ], [ -74.225, -45.482 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.5, -45.631 ], [ -74.476, -45.657 ], [ -74.514, -45.686 ], [ -74.52, -45.653 ], [ -74.5, -45.631 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.797, -45.62 ], [ -73.811, -45.661 ], [ -73.816, -45.627 ], [ -73.797, -45.62 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.581, -45.792 ], [ -74.594, -45.793 ], [ -74.57, -45.774 ], [ -74.581, -45.792 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.861, -45.752 ], [ -73.845, -45.762 ], [ -73.892, -45.789 ], [ -73.894, -45.772 ], [ -73.861, -45.752 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.09, -45.764 ], [ -74.073, -45.772 ], [ -74.096, -45.785 ], [ -74.09, -45.764 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.101, -45.744 ], [ -74.067, -45.762 ], [ -74.1, -45.757 ], [ -74.101, -45.744 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.514, -45.705 ], [ -74.499, -45.732 ], [ -74.551, -45.751 ], [ -74.514, -45.705 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.159, -45.731 ], [ -74.149, -45.738 ], [ -74.164, -45.741 ], [ -74.159, -45.731 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.141, -45.723 ], [ -74.117, -45.744 ], [ -74.148, -45.732 ], [ -74.141, -45.723 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.805, -45.697 ], [ -74.796, -45.705 ], [ -74.82, -45.699 ], [ -74.805, -45.697 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.835, -45.598 ], [ -74.768, -45.63 ], [ -74.832, -45.623 ], [ -74.725, -45.72 ], [ -74.859, -45.66 ], [ -74.835, -45.598 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.796, -45.675 ], [ -73.71, -45.729 ], [ -73.707, -45.767 ], [ -73.758, -45.758 ], [ -73.796, -45.675 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.462, -45.667 ], [ -74.448, -45.688 ], [ -74.485, -45.723 ], [ -74.501, -45.699 ], [ -74.462, -45.667 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.524, -45.58 ], [ -74.572, -45.754 ], [ -74.662, -45.757 ], [ -74.657, -45.654 ], [ -74.524, -45.58 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.986, -45.538 ], [ -73.864, -45.607 ], [ -73.88, -45.711 ], [ -73.958, -45.739 ], [ -74.05, -45.706 ], [ -74.099, -45.603 ], [ -73.986, -45.538 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.93, -45.947 ], [ -73.939, -45.953 ], [ -73.93, -45.934 ], [ -73.93, -45.947 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.718, -46.031 ], [ -73.651, -46.091 ], [ -73.738, -46.213 ], [ -73.829, -46.164 ], [ -73.759, -46.146 ], [ -73.845, -46.142 ], [ -73.875, -46.101 ], [ -73.929, -46.092 ], [ -73.903, -45.894 ], [ -73.778, -45.86 ], [ -73.708, -45.802 ], [ -73.653, -45.894 ], [ -73.691, -45.91 ], [ -73.664, -46.019 ], [ -73.718, -46.031 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.963, -45.794 ], [ -74.967, -45.814 ], [ -74.99, -45.801 ], [ -74.963, -45.794 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.817, -45.858 ], [ -73.818, -45.838 ], [ -73.779, -45.827 ], [ -73.783, -45.855 ], [ -73.817, -45.858 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.906, -45.806 ], [ -73.925, -45.794 ], [ -73.901, -45.792 ], [ -73.906, -45.806 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.636, -45.773 ], [ -73.63, -45.797 ], [ -73.653, -45.805 ], [ -73.636, -45.773 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.877, -45.8 ], [ -73.834, -45.768 ], [ -73.765, -45.81 ], [ -73.864, -45.857 ], [ -73.826, -45.821 ], [ -73.877, -45.8 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.352, -45.779 ], [ -74.377, -45.809 ], [ -74.432, -45.799 ], [ -74.352, -45.779 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.549, -45.768 ], [ -74.49, -45.743 ], [ -74.469, -45.815 ], [ -74.575, -45.798 ], [ -74.549, -45.768 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.254, -45.71 ], [ -74.194, -45.749 ], [ -74.289, -45.759 ], [ -74.149, -45.75 ], [ -74.116, -45.804 ], [ -74.312, -45.797 ], [ -74.323, -45.754 ], [ -74.254, -45.71 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.717, -47.859 ], [ -73.746, -47.833 ], [ -73.621, -47.827 ], [ -73.717, -47.859 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.938, -47.816 ], [ -74.947, -47.833 ], [ -74.964, -47.831 ], [ -74.938, -47.816 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.046, -47.827 ], [ -75.058, -47.821 ], [ -75.031, -47.818 ], [ -75.046, -47.827 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.357, -47.824 ], [ -74.225, -47.791 ], [ -73.888, -47.883 ], [ -73.865, -47.842 ], [ -73.803, -47.825 ], [ -73.846, -47.854 ], [ -73.784, -47.873 ], [ -73.86, -47.958 ], [ -73.932, -47.949 ], [ -73.903, -47.91 ], [ -74.001, -47.959 ], [ -74.304, -47.976 ], [ -74.375, -47.917 ], [ -74.5, -47.904 ], [ -74.357, -47.824 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.904, -47.838 ], [ -74.881, -47.8 ], [ -74.801, -47.826 ], [ -74.806, -47.917 ], [ -74.854, -47.897 ], [ -74.821, -47.927 ], [ -74.883, -47.95 ], [ -74.825, -47.944 ], [ -74.811, -48.003 ], [ -74.988, -47.96 ], [ -74.936, -47.878 ], [ -74.982, -47.841 ], [ -74.904, -47.838 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.075, -47.911 ], [ -75.076, -47.843 ], [ -75.046, -47.859 ], [ -75.075, -47.911 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.649, -47.884 ], [ -74.636, -47.914 ], [ -74.731, -47.891 ], [ -74.732, -47.825 ], [ -74.677, -47.804 ], [ -74.649, -47.884 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.572, -47.887 ], [ -74.652, -47.852 ], [ -74.653, -47.811 ], [ -74.556, -47.818 ], [ -74.572, -47.887 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.518, -47.896 ], [ -74.476, -47.792 ], [ -74.38, -47.799 ], [ -74.518, -47.896 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.995, -47.802 ], [ -74.999, -47.816 ], [ -75.023, -47.812 ], [ -74.995, -47.802 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.661, -47.771 ], [ -74.644, -47.776 ], [ -74.688, -47.775 ], [ -74.661, -47.771 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.287, -47.726 ], [ -75.201, -47.742 ], [ -75.113, -47.67 ], [ -75.079, -47.751 ], [ -75.114, -47.774 ], [ -75.029, -47.789 ], [ -75.206, -47.845 ], [ -75.196, -47.791 ], [ -75.247, -47.789 ], [ -75.223, -47.84 ], [ -75.4, -47.734 ], [ -75.287, -47.726 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.908, -47.774 ], [ -74.926, -47.761 ], [ -74.918, -47.737 ], [ -74.883, -47.759 ], [ -74.908, -47.774 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75, -47.693 ], [ -74.946, -47.703 ], [ -74.934, -47.776 ], [ -75.092, -47.694 ], [ -75, -47.693 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.552, -45.402 ], [ -73.529, -45.415 ], [ -73.576, -45.409 ], [ -73.552, -45.402 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.126, -45.398 ], [ -74.139, -45.43 ], [ -74.164, -45.41 ], [ -74.126, -45.398 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.728, -45.395 ], [ -73.748, -45.416 ], [ -73.76, -45.406 ], [ -73.728, -45.395 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.604, -45.318 ], [ -74.573, -45.347 ], [ -74.624, -45.33 ], [ -74.604, -45.318 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.484, -45.313 ], [ -73.474, -45.321 ], [ -73.5, -45.315 ], [ -73.484, -45.313 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.308, -45.326 ], [ -74.261, -45.34 ], [ -74.237, -45.404 ], [ -74.281, -45.379 ], [ -74.308, -45.326 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.175, -45.325 ], [ -74.129, -45.37 ], [ -74.206, -45.387 ], [ -74.216, -45.373 ], [ -74.175, -45.325 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.517, -45.36 ], [ -73.578, -45.365 ], [ -73.589, -45.334 ], [ -73.458, -45.339 ], [ -73.517, -45.36 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.736, -45.332 ], [ -73.723, -45.335 ], [ -73.726, -45.349 ], [ -73.746, -45.341 ], [ -73.736, -45.332 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.15, -45.313 ], [ -74.13, -45.338 ], [ -74.161, -45.318 ], [ -74.15, -45.313 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.15, -45.313 ], [ -74.15, -45.313 ], [ -74.15, -45.313 ], [ -74.15, -45.313 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.716, -45.308 ], [ -73.712, -45.322 ], [ -73.738, -45.326 ], [ -73.716, -45.308 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.411, -45.042 ], [ -73.406, -45.059 ], [ -73.437, -45.088 ], [ -73.411, -45.042 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.521, -45.071 ], [ -73.505, -45.077 ], [ -73.5, -45.106 ], [ -73.521, -45.095 ], [ -73.521, -45.071 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.438, -45.05 ], [ -73.46, -45.107 ], [ -73.467, -45.072 ], [ -73.438, -45.05 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.073, -44.931 ], [ -75.153, -44.823 ], [ -75.112, -44.781 ], [ -75.012, -44.858 ], [ -75.012, -44.907 ], [ -75.073, -44.931 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.667, -44.964 ], [ -73.657, -44.98 ], [ -73.685, -44.977 ], [ -73.667, -44.964 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.525, -45.017 ], [ -73.504, -45.038 ], [ -73.551, -45.028 ], [ -73.525, -45.017 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.438, -44.987 ], [ -73.434, -45.018 ], [ -73.473, -45.047 ], [ -73.463, -45.004 ], [ -73.438, -44.987 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.674, -45.013 ], [ -73.667, -45.048 ], [ -73.721, -44.987 ], [ -73.679, -44.989 ], [ -73.674, -45.013 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.327, -45.303 ], [ -73.385, -45.338 ], [ -73.428, -45.34 ], [ -73.424, -45.303 ], [ -73.327, -45.303 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.62, -45.274 ], [ -73.609, -45.263 ], [ -73.62, -45.274 ], [ -73.62, -45.274 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.62, -45.274 ], [ -73.631, -45.284 ], [ -73.651, -45.266 ], [ -73.613, -45.25 ], [ -73.62, -45.274 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.452, -45.257 ], [ -74.438, -45.267 ], [ -74.471, -45.266 ], [ -74.452, -45.257 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.583, -45.271 ], [ -74.549, -45.294 ], [ -74.562, -45.312 ], [ -74.593, -45.3 ], [ -74.556, -45.292 ], [ -74.583, -45.271 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.398, -45.285 ], [ -74.32, -45.315 ], [ -74.264, -45.412 ], [ -74.343, -45.429 ], [ -74.523, -45.332 ], [ -74.398, -45.285 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.074, -45.376 ], [ -74.07, -45.346 ], [ -73.974, -45.382 ], [ -74.047, -45.413 ], [ -74.074, -45.376 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.07, -45.346 ], [ -74.135, -45.33 ], [ -74.156, -45.238 ], [ -74.024, -45.208 ], [ -73.987, -45.266 ], [ -73.808, -45.253 ], [ -73.758, -45.354 ], [ -74.07, -45.346 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.512, -45.3 ], [ -73.555, -45.318 ], [ -73.591, -45.302 ], [ -73.542, -45.243 ], [ -73.487, -45.27 ], [ -73.512, -45.3 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.162, -45.298 ], [ -74.15, -45.313 ], [ -74.172, -45.303 ], [ -74.162, -45.298 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.36, -45.165 ], [ -74.196, -45.226 ], [ -74.193, -45.278 ], [ -74.237, -45.279 ], [ -74.192, -45.285 ], [ -74.201, -45.35 ], [ -74.263, -45.316 ], [ -74.258, -45.218 ], [ -74.295, -45.239 ], [ -74.276, -45.291 ], [ -74.321, -45.255 ], [ -74.29, -45.331 ], [ -74.38, -45.275 ], [ -74.401, -45.17 ], [ -74.36, -45.165 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.446, -45.259 ], [ -73.446, -45.259 ], [ -73.446, -45.26 ], [ -73.446, -45.259 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.499, -45.159 ], [ -74.489, -45.219 ], [ -74.572, -45.213 ], [ -74.499, -45.159 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.446, -45.259 ], [ -73.505, -45.242 ], [ -73.516, -45.193 ], [ -73.473, -45.205 ], [ -73.446, -45.259 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.525, -45.18 ], [ -73.515, -45.189 ], [ -73.528, -45.206 ], [ -73.537, -45.186 ], [ -73.525, -45.18 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.243, -45.178 ], [ -74.234, -45.184 ], [ -74.257, -45.18 ], [ -74.243, -45.178 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.542, -45.171 ], [ -73.535, -45.178 ], [ -73.551, -45.18 ], [ -73.542, -45.171 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.514, -45.142 ], [ -73.504, -45.152 ], [ -73.526, -45.169 ], [ -73.538, -45.144 ], [ -73.514, -45.142 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.382, -45.055 ], [ -74.28, -45.077 ], [ -74.335, -45.09 ], [ -74.321, -45.13 ], [ -74.381, -45.076 ], [ -74.321, -45.146 ], [ -74.264, -45.097 ], [ -74.249, -45.169 ], [ -74.42, -45.117 ], [ -74.382, -45.055 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.808, -44.988 ], [ -73.687, -45.115 ], [ -73.672, -45.179 ], [ -73.721, -45.194 ], [ -73.678, -45.203 ], [ -73.723, -45.236 ], [ -73.691, -45.289 ], [ -73.757, -45.305 ], [ -73.812, -45.24 ], [ -73.983, -45.255 ], [ -73.982, -45.198 ], [ -73.847, -45.21 ], [ -73.962, -45.192 ], [ -74.013, -45.205 ], [ -74.073, -45.179 ], [ -74.059, -45.139 ], [ -74.13, -45.167 ], [ -74.151, -45.055 ], [ -74.151, -45.164 ], [ -74.217, -45.172 ], [ -74.237, -45.082 ], [ -74.174, -45.034 ], [ -74.037, -45.053 ], [ -73.808, -44.988 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.67, -44.654 ], [ -74.62, -44.609 ], [ -74.516, -44.622 ], [ -74.436, -44.695 ], [ -74.613, -44.695 ], [ -74.67, -44.654 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.855, -44.764 ], [ -73.841, -44.772 ], [ -73.878, -44.767 ], [ -73.855, -44.764 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.95, -44.755 ], [ -73.939, -44.761 ], [ -73.967, -44.758 ], [ -73.95, -44.755 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.953, -44.743 ], [ -73.949, -44.754 ], [ -73.974, -44.744 ], [ -73.953, -44.743 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.924, -44.737 ], [ -73.912, -44.75 ], [ -73.933, -44.749 ], [ -73.924, -44.737 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.847, -44.718 ], [ -73.819, -44.746 ], [ -73.933, -44.731 ], [ -73.847, -44.718 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.571, -44.704 ], [ -73.747, -44.755 ], [ -73.882, -44.596 ], [ -73.833, -44.591 ], [ -73.791, -44.662 ], [ -73.803, -44.565 ], [ -73.661, -44.541 ], [ -73.592, -44.629 ], [ -73.718, -44.739 ], [ -73.619, -44.675 ], [ -73.571, -44.704 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.504, -44.955 ], [ -73.519, -44.936 ], [ -73.498, -44.926 ], [ -73.49, -44.944 ], [ -73.504, -44.955 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.337, -44.928 ], [ -73.324, -44.941 ], [ -73.344, -44.935 ], [ -73.337, -44.928 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.64, -44.936 ], [ -74.618, -44.958 ], [ -74.656, -44.943 ], [ -74.64, -44.936 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.68, -44.896 ], [ -73.671, -44.906 ], [ -73.692, -44.905 ], [ -73.68, -44.896 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.629, -44.868 ], [ -73.63, -44.89 ], [ -73.66, -44.882 ], [ -73.629, -44.868 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.416, -44.881 ], [ -74.399, -44.888 ], [ -74.407, -44.9 ], [ -74.432, -44.888 ], [ -74.416, -44.881 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.34, -44.872 ], [ -74.322, -44.902 ], [ -74.365, -44.911 ], [ -74.343, -44.897 ], [ -74.34, -44.872 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.359, -44.873 ], [ -74.377, -44.907 ], [ -74.384, -44.88 ], [ -74.359, -44.873 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.867, -44.775 ], [ -73.728, -44.912 ], [ -73.769, -44.907 ], [ -73.764, -44.957 ], [ -73.829, -44.962 ], [ -73.919, -44.867 ], [ -73.843, -44.902 ], [ -73.799, -44.899 ], [ -73.913, -44.824 ], [ -73.867, -44.775 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.685, -44.859 ], [ -73.698, -44.878 ], [ -73.738, -44.863 ], [ -73.685, -44.859 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.234, -44.854 ], [ -74.216, -44.86 ], [ -74.248, -44.869 ], [ -74.234, -44.854 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.145, -44.866 ], [ -73.956, -44.897 ], [ -73.894, -44.967 ], [ -74.016, -44.995 ], [ -74.085, -44.958 ], [ -74.023, -45 ], [ -74.269, -45.041 ], [ -74.387, -45.005 ], [ -74.145, -44.866 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.308, -44.897 ], [ -74.371, -44.963 ], [ -74.458, -44.927 ], [ -74.454, -44.896 ], [ -74.331, -44.92 ], [ -74.308, -44.897 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.299, -44.911 ], [ -74.3, -44.892 ], [ -74.277, -44.87 ], [ -74.261, -44.902 ], [ -74.299, -44.911 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.666, -44.753 ], [ -73.585, -44.747 ], [ -73.598, -44.833 ], [ -73.719, -44.825 ], [ -73.738, -44.757 ], [ -73.666, -44.753 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.753, -44.807 ], [ -73.741, -44.83 ], [ -73.761, -44.833 ], [ -73.753, -44.807 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.767, -44.78 ], [ -73.751, -44.801 ], [ -73.765, -44.802 ], [ -73.767, -44.78 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.462, -44.714 ], [ -74.431, -44.715 ], [ -74.301, -44.843 ], [ -74.45, -44.845 ], [ -74.537, -44.744 ], [ -74.462, -44.714 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.995, -44.773 ], [ -73.934, -44.791 ], [ -73.933, -44.837 ], [ -74.018, -44.865 ], [ -74.191, -44.824 ], [ -73.995, -44.773 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.413, -44.658 ], [ -74.394, -44.618 ], [ -74.286, -44.636 ], [ -74.291, -44.602 ], [ -73.97, -44.602 ], [ -73.842, -44.703 ], [ -73.964, -44.713 ], [ -73.956, -44.661 ], [ -73.989, -44.662 ], [ -73.987, -44.725 ], [ -74.247, -44.81 ], [ -74.369, -44.726 ], [ -74.086, -44.743 ], [ -74.383, -44.708 ], [ -74.413, -44.658 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.97, -44.602 ], [ -73.908, -44.568 ], [ -73.886, -44.628 ], [ -73.97, -44.602 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.058, -45.434 ], [ -73.864, -45.489 ], [ -73.778, -45.465 ], [ -73.843, -45.578 ], [ -73.908, -45.554 ], [ -73.884, -45.511 ], [ -73.985, -45.53 ], [ -73.941, -45.511 ], [ -74.05, -45.522 ], [ -74.105, -45.596 ], [ -74.124, -45.554 ], [ -74.068, -45.525 ], [ -74.102, -45.499 ], [ -74.065, -45.459 ], [ -73.962, -45.462 ], [ -74.058, -45.434 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.463, -45.572 ], [ -74.395, -45.448 ], [ -74.321, -45.462 ], [ -74.263, -45.494 ], [ -74.353, -45.526 ], [ -74.261, -45.499 ], [ -74.211, -45.561 ], [ -74.296, -45.552 ], [ -74.36, -45.57 ], [ -74.207, -45.576 ], [ -74.18, -45.625 ], [ -74.195, -45.69 ], [ -74.422, -45.694 ], [ -74.291, -45.717 ], [ -74.449, -45.788 ], [ -74.489, -45.731 ], [ -74.428, -45.693 ], [ -74.486, -45.61 ], [ -74.419, -45.593 ], [ -74.463, -45.572 ] ], [ [ -74.196, -45.624 ], [ -74.249, -45.638 ], [ -74.283, -45.624 ], [ -74.25, -45.643 ], [ -74.196, -45.624 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.463, -45.574 ], [ -74.489, -45.6 ], [ -74.544, -45.517 ], [ -74.498, -45.449 ], [ -74.412, -45.439 ], [ -74.469, -45.526 ], [ -74.463, -45.574 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.674, -45.438 ], [ -73.545, -45.488 ], [ -73.595, -45.605 ], [ -73.559, -45.646 ], [ -73.674, -45.612 ], [ -73.582, -45.689 ], [ -73.63, -45.772 ], [ -73.795, -45.67 ], [ -73.753, -45.52 ], [ -73.674, -45.438 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.1, -45.459 ], [ -74.105, -45.477 ], [ -74.112, -45.466 ], [ -74.1, -45.459 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.624, -45.424 ], [ -73.611, -45.431 ], [ -73.662, -45.434 ], [ -73.662, -45.423 ], [ -73.624, -45.424 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.135, -45.443 ], [ -74.115, -45.449 ], [ -74.117, -45.468 ], [ -74.135, -45.443 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.106, -45.438 ], [ -74.114, -45.447 ], [ -74.117, -45.432 ], [ -74.106, -45.438 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.107, -45.404 ], [ -74.084, -45.44 ], [ -74.114, -45.424 ], [ -74.107, -45.404 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.796, -45.373 ], [ -73.79, -45.416 ], [ -73.878, -45.454 ], [ -74.04, -45.418 ], [ -73.796, -45.373 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.801, -44.643 ], [ -74.808, -44.546 ], [ -74.734, -44.557 ], [ -74.718, -44.657 ], [ -74.782, -44.677 ], [ -74.801, -44.643 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.131, -44.573 ], [ -73.146, -44.571 ], [ -73.141, -44.554 ], [ -73.131, -44.573 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.292, -44.574 ], [ -73.28, -44.577 ], [ -73.304, -44.588 ], [ -73.292, -44.574 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.821, -44.403 ], [ -72.804, -44.421 ], [ -72.843, -44.414 ], [ -72.821, -44.403 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.628, -44.394 ], [ -73.623, -44.408 ], [ -73.653, -44.413 ], [ -73.628, -44.394 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.885, -44.398 ], [ -73.872, -44.359 ], [ -73.835, -44.371 ], [ -73.885, -44.398 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.407, -44.357 ], [ -74.373, -44.394 ], [ -74.424, -44.397 ], [ -74.407, -44.357 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.333, -44.515 ], [ -73.312, -44.523 ], [ -73.329, -44.586 ], [ -73.369, -44.54 ], [ -73.333, -44.515 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.768, -44.53 ], [ -73.748, -44.543 ], [ -73.778, -44.538 ], [ -73.768, -44.53 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.373, -44.546 ], [ -74.367, -44.558 ], [ -74.384, -44.556 ], [ -74.373, -44.546 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.675, -44.478 ], [ -73.576, -44.516 ], [ -73.673, -44.53 ], [ -73.675, -44.478 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.757, -44.483 ], [ -73.697, -44.508 ], [ -73.697, -44.526 ], [ -73.751, -44.52 ], [ -73.757, -44.483 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.321, -44.581 ], [ -74.371, -44.517 ], [ -74.189, -44.477 ], [ -74.11, -44.557 ], [ -74.321, -44.581 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.344, -44.51 ], [ -74.452, -44.492 ], [ -74.389, -44.55 ], [ -74.559, -44.488 ], [ -74.493, -44.428 ], [ -74.388, -44.441 ], [ -74.32, -44.397 ], [ -74.209, -44.473 ], [ -74.344, -44.51 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.758, -44.516 ], [ -73.757, -44.531 ], [ -73.768, -44.527 ], [ -73.758, -44.516 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.782, -44.493 ], [ -73.787, -44.52 ], [ -73.833, -44.503 ], [ -73.801, -44.484 ], [ -73.782, -44.493 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.848, -44.48 ], [ -73.836, -44.515 ], [ -73.894, -44.519 ], [ -73.896, -44.489 ], [ -73.848, -44.48 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.167, -44.418 ], [ -73.974, -44.45 ], [ -73.924, -44.541 ], [ -74.095, -44.547 ], [ -74.125, -44.515 ], [ -74.123, -44.494 ], [ -73.949, -44.503 ], [ -74.13, -44.474 ], [ -74.08, -44.471 ], [ -74.167, -44.418 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.6, -44.427 ], [ -73.569, -44.487 ], [ -73.619, -44.497 ], [ -73.652, -44.451 ], [ -73.584, -44.464 ], [ -73.6, -44.427 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.885, -44.398 ], [ -73.823, -44.377 ], [ -73.88, -44.44 ], [ -73.798, -44.403 ], [ -73.751, -44.448 ], [ -73.899, -44.459 ], [ -73.885, -44.398 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.054, -44.312 ], [ -72.982, -44.358 ], [ -73.087, -44.349 ], [ -73.112, -44.385 ], [ -73.136, -44.346 ], [ -73.054, -44.312 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.239, -44.313 ], [ -73.193, -44.326 ], [ -73.154, -44.386 ], [ -73.28, -44.393 ], [ -73.288, -44.342 ], [ -73.239, -44.313 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.319, -44.33 ], [ -74.258, -44.352 ], [ -74.246, -44.375 ], [ -74.363, -44.387 ], [ -74.383, -44.348 ], [ -74.319, -44.33 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.773, -44.369 ], [ -73.649, -44.382 ], [ -73.659, -44.342 ], [ -73.626, -44.372 ], [ -73.65, -44.393 ], [ -73.718, -44.392 ], [ -73.644, -44.421 ], [ -73.668, -44.446 ], [ -73.773, -44.369 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.006, -44.345 ], [ -73.889, -44.359 ], [ -73.906, -44.446 ], [ -74.053, -44.396 ], [ -74.083, -44.3 ], [ -74.006, -44.345 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.144, -44.304 ], [ -74.117, -44.322 ], [ -74.075, -44.42 ], [ -74.189, -44.383 ], [ -74.144, -44.304 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.076, -50.818 ], [ -74.128, -50.832 ], [ -74.134, -50.776 ], [ -74.076, -50.818 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.372, -50.385 ], [ -74.358, -50.409 ], [ -74.398, -50.391 ], [ -74.372, -50.385 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.387, -47.6 ], [ -74.365, -47.572 ], [ -74.32, -47.616 ], [ -74.403, -47.658 ], [ -74.387, -47.6 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.743, -53.696 ], [ -73.737, -53.677 ], [ -73.714, -53.676 ], [ -73.743, -53.696 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.652, -53.681 ], [ -73.631, -53.676 ], [ -73.646, -53.691 ], [ -73.652, -53.681 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.656, -53.66 ], [ -73.707, -53.629 ], [ -73.656, -53.597 ], [ -73.656, -53.66 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.11, -53.762 ], [ -72.101, -53.732 ], [ -72.058, -53.759 ], [ -72.11, -53.762 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.362, -53.79 ], [ -73.371, -53.782 ], [ -73.353, -53.779 ], [ -73.362, -53.79 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.123, -53.729 ], [ -72.112, -53.742 ], [ -72.172, -53.732 ], [ -72.123, -53.729 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.406, -53.572 ], [ -72.277, -53.627 ], [ -72.255, -53.66 ], [ -72.38, -53.656 ], [ -72.444, -53.588 ], [ -72.406, -53.572 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.664, -53.695 ], [ -70.542, -53.569 ], [ -70.466, -53.576 ], [ -70.485, -53.678 ], [ -70.413, -53.808 ], [ -70.451, -53.805 ], [ -70.416, -53.88 ], [ -70.451, -53.89 ], [ -70.342, -54.037 ], [ -70.445, -54.055 ], [ -70.681, -53.927 ], [ -70.462, -54.258 ], [ -70.753, -54.164 ], [ -70.878, -54.068 ], [ -70.895, -53.934 ], [ -70.836, -53.938 ], [ -70.894, -53.889 ], [ -70.777, -53.833 ], [ -70.597, -53.858 ], [ -70.707, -53.782 ], [ -70.704, -53.7 ], [ -70.664, -53.695 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.379, -53.886 ], [ -73.399, -53.875 ], [ -73.365, -53.877 ], [ -73.379, -53.886 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.049, -53.885 ], [ -72.119, -53.921 ], [ -72.203, -53.889 ], [ -72.072, -53.827 ], [ -72.049, -53.885 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.976, -53.896 ], [ -72.947, -53.917 ], [ -73.023, -53.91 ], [ -73.01, -53.889 ], [ -72.976, -53.896 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.858, -53.931 ], [ -72.918, -53.94 ], [ -72.885, -53.871 ], [ -72.794, -53.891 ], [ -72.858, -53.931 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.379, -53.862 ], [ -73.39, -53.857 ], [ -73.363, -53.855 ], [ -73.379, -53.862 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.911, -53.852 ], [ -71.809, -53.927 ], [ -71.837, -53.98 ], [ -71.772, -53.889 ], [ -71.646, -53.925 ], [ -71.777, -54.011 ], [ -71.687, -54.009 ], [ -71.685, -54.054 ], [ -71.759, -54.047 ], [ -71.701, -54.065 ], [ -71.729, -54.098 ], [ -71.661, -54.051 ], [ -71.616, -54.088 ], [ -71.739, -54.168 ], [ -71.911, -54.053 ], [ -71.903, -54.014 ], [ -71.943, -54.043 ], [ -71.88, -54.119 ], [ -71.912, -54.133 ], [ -71.853, -54.122 ], [ -71.72, -54.245 ], [ -71.888, -54.293 ], [ -71.819, -54.293 ], [ -71.857, -54.303 ], [ -71.804, -54.351 ], [ -71.971, -54.34 ], [ -71.937, -54.254 ], [ -71.877, -54.239 ], [ -71.936, -54.213 ], [ -72.04, -54.214 ], [ -72.122, -54.156 ], [ -72.002, -54.139 ], [ -72.147, -54.126 ], [ -72.019, -54.104 ], [ -72.114, -54.046 ], [ -72.185, -54.115 ], [ -72.251, -54.05 ], [ -72.204, -54.009 ], [ -72.261, -53.992 ], [ -72.263, -53.921 ], [ -72.047, -53.993 ], [ -72.1, -53.95 ], [ -72.017, -53.969 ], [ -72.052, -53.952 ], [ -72.025, -53.904 ], [ -71.935, -53.907 ], [ -71.969, -53.871 ], [ -71.911, -53.852 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.463, -52.581 ], [ -74.476, -52.559 ], [ -74.45, -52.553 ], [ -74.463, -52.581 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.466, -52.549 ], [ -74.478, -52.544 ], [ -74.469, -52.536 ], [ -74.466, -52.549 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.389, -52.549 ], [ -74.383, -52.57 ], [ -74.442, -52.549 ], [ -74.41, -52.528 ], [ -74.389, -52.549 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.433, -52.532 ], [ -74.457, -52.523 ], [ -74.434, -52.517 ], [ -74.433, -52.532 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.488, -52.479 ], [ -74.489, -52.511 ], [ -74.523, -52.505 ], [ -74.498, -52.474 ], [ -74.488, -52.479 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.538, -52.45 ], [ -74.511, -52.473 ], [ -74.563, -52.498 ], [ -74.611, -52.468 ], [ -74.538, -52.45 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.002, -52.419 ], [ -74.046, -52.451 ], [ -74.092, -52.44 ], [ -74.002, -52.419 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.279, -52.453 ], [ -74.289, -52.434 ], [ -74.271, -52.428 ], [ -74.279, -52.453 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.202, -52.438 ], [ -74.208, -52.424 ], [ -74.191, -52.421 ], [ -74.202, -52.438 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.358, -52.62 ], [ -74.387, -52.639 ], [ -74.382, -52.621 ], [ -74.358, -52.62 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.869, -52.279 ], [ -74.843, -52.314 ], [ -74.929, -52.277 ], [ -74.91, -52.257 ], [ -74.869, -52.279 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.275, -52.189 ], [ -73.272, -52.205 ], [ -73.312, -52.193 ], [ -73.275, -52.189 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.311, -52.221 ], [ -73.323, -52.212 ], [ -73.3, -52.217 ], [ -73.311, -52.221 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.733, -52.333 ], [ -73.756, -52.321 ], [ -73.75, -52.307 ], [ -73.731, -52.31 ], [ -73.733, -52.333 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.287, -52.306 ], [ -74.294, -52.291 ], [ -74.249, -52.28 ], [ -74.287, -52.306 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.345, -52.296 ], [ -74.34, -52.268 ], [ -74.314, -52.266 ], [ -74.345, -52.296 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.36, -52.249 ], [ -74.337, -52.257 ], [ -74.405, -52.286 ], [ -74.408, -52.266 ], [ -74.36, -52.249 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.414, -52.354 ], [ -74.448, -52.355 ], [ -74.451, -52.343 ], [ -74.414, -52.354 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.8, -52.327 ], [ -74.784, -52.341 ], [ -74.821, -52.328 ], [ -74.8, -52.327 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.524, -52.341 ], [ -74.56, -52.369 ], [ -74.498, -52.297 ], [ -74.524, -52.341 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.611, -52.335 ], [ -74.65, -52.33 ], [ -74.635, -52.317 ], [ -74.611, -52.335 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.573, -52.244 ], [ -74.571, -52.308 ], [ -74.628, -52.303 ], [ -74.618, -52.253 ], [ -74.573, -52.244 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.854, -52.196 ], [ -74.812, -52.258 ], [ -74.786, -52.221 ], [ -74.606, -52.218 ], [ -74.639, -52.307 ], [ -74.743, -52.334 ], [ -74.908, -52.241 ], [ -74.901, -52.195 ], [ -74.854, -52.196 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.43, -52.246 ], [ -74.428, -52.227 ], [ -74.404, -52.232 ], [ -74.43, -52.246 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.73, -52.245 ], [ -73.719, -52.297 ], [ -73.788, -52.244 ], [ -73.767, -52.216 ], [ -73.73, -52.245 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.244, -52.212 ], [ -74.285, -52.257 ], [ -74.33, -52.236 ], [ -74.244, -52.212 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.301, -52.193 ], [ -74.281, -52.207 ], [ -74.334, -52.213 ], [ -74.301, -52.193 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.226, -52.181 ], [ -74.262, -52.195 ], [ -74.309, -52.185 ], [ -74.284, -52.167 ], [ -74.226, -52.181 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.729, -51.931 ], [ -72.749, -51.926 ], [ -72.752, -51.903 ], [ -72.733, -51.9 ], [ -72.729, -51.931 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.753, -51.832 ], [ -73.701, -51.897 ], [ -73.712, -51.948 ], [ -73.797, -51.86 ], [ -73.753, -51.832 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.695, -51.832 ], [ -73.702, -51.82 ], [ -73.684, -51.817 ], [ -73.695, -51.832 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.931, -51.789 ], [ -72.907, -51.809 ], [ -72.959, -51.785 ], [ -72.931, -51.789 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.094, -52.059 ], [ -74.116, -52.059 ], [ -74.116, -52.043 ], [ -74.094, -52.059 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.319, -51.99 ], [ -74.349, -51.987 ], [ -74.33, -51.973 ], [ -74.319, -51.99 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.621, -51.963 ], [ -74.611, -51.966 ], [ -74.626, -51.973 ], [ -74.621, -51.963 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.515, -51.919 ], [ -74.491, -51.914 ], [ -74.51, -51.935 ], [ -74.532, -51.923 ], [ -74.515, -51.919 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.152, -52.055 ], [ -74.16, -52.04 ], [ -74.148, -52.041 ], [ -74.152, -52.055 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.397, -52.017 ], [ -74.367, -52.035 ], [ -74.422, -52.03 ], [ -74.397, -52.017 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.347, -52.055 ], [ -74.339, -52.029 ], [ -74.313, -52.035 ], [ -74.347, -52.055 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.247, -52.038 ], [ -74.245, -52.017 ], [ -74.223, -52.013 ], [ -74.216, -52.022 ], [ -74.247, -52.038 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.145, -52.011 ], [ -74.154, -51.996 ], [ -74.138, -52.001 ], [ -74.145, -52.011 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.28, -52.009 ], [ -74.304, -52.008 ], [ -74.3, -51.987 ], [ -74.271, -52 ], [ -74.28, -52.009 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.356, -51.999 ], [ -74.337, -52.008 ], [ -74.374, -52.02 ], [ -74.36, -51.981 ], [ -74.356, -51.999 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.54, -51.834 ], [ -74.561, -51.913 ], [ -74.645, -51.935 ], [ -74.562, -51.834 ], [ -74.54, -51.834 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.575, -52.108 ], [ -74.605, -52.125 ], [ -74.614, -52.115 ], [ -74.575, -52.108 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.964, -52.107 ], [ -73.935, -52.13 ], [ -74.059, -52.068 ], [ -73.999, -52.079 ], [ -73.964, -52.107 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.593, -52.082 ], [ -74.573, -52.086 ], [ -74.626, -52.11 ], [ -74.651, -52.184 ], [ -74.78, -52.203 ], [ -74.761, -52.134 ], [ -74.593, -52.082 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.538, -52.13 ], [ -74.562, -52.151 ], [ -74.595, -52.151 ], [ -74.581, -52.128 ], [ -74.538, -52.13 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.359, -52.183 ], [ -74.324, -52.188 ], [ -74.49, -52.194 ], [ -74.425, -52.147 ], [ -74.359, -52.183 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.22, -52.084 ], [ -74.132, -52.082 ], [ -74.05, -52.128 ], [ -74.129, -52.165 ], [ -74.251, -52.088 ], [ -74.22, -52.084 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.742, -52.096 ], [ -74.82, -52.095 ], [ -74.789, -52.119 ], [ -74.829, -52.147 ], [ -74.898, -52.131 ], [ -74.853, -52.062 ], [ -74.755, -52.033 ], [ -74.836, -52.046 ], [ -74.754, -51.954 ], [ -74.812, -51.961 ], [ -74.737, -51.826 ], [ -74.662, -51.878 ], [ -74.576, -51.836 ], [ -74.673, -51.922 ], [ -74.642, -51.953 ], [ -74.727, -51.997 ], [ -74.644, -51.962 ], [ -74.705, -52.013 ], [ -74.742, -52.096 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.459, -52.03 ], [ -74.441, -52.03 ], [ -74.566, -52.083 ], [ -74.544, -52.049 ], [ -74.459, -52.03 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.28, -52.091 ], [ -74.29, -52.071 ], [ -74.274, -52.079 ], [ -74.28, -52.091 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.361, -52.054 ], [ -74.319, -52.083 ], [ -74.384, -52.096 ], [ -74.361, -52.054 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.54, -51.942 ], [ -74.463, -51.99 ], [ -74.714, -52.105 ], [ -74.687, -52.021 ], [ -74.567, -52.004 ], [ -74.6, -51.977 ], [ -74.54, -51.942 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.22, -52.39 ], [ -74.234, -52.386 ], [ -74.211, -52.373 ], [ -74.22, -52.39 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.548, -52.39 ], [ -74.532, -52.372 ], [ -74.529, -52.388 ], [ -74.548, -52.39 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.397, -52.401 ], [ -74.415, -52.399 ], [ -74.381, -52.389 ], [ -74.397, -52.401 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.433, -52.378 ], [ -74.417, -52.389 ], [ -74.434, -52.394 ], [ -74.433, -52.378 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.282, -52.426 ], [ -74.311, -52.427 ], [ -74.316, -52.414 ], [ -74.282, -52.426 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.509, -52.397 ], [ -74.483, -52.445 ], [ -74.567, -52.41 ], [ -74.509, -52.397 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.195, -52.41 ], [ -74.228, -52.421 ], [ -74.187, -52.388 ], [ -74.195, -52.41 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.628, -52.353 ], [ -74.628, -52.387 ], [ -74.712, -52.378 ], [ -74.688, -52.35 ], [ -74.628, -52.353 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.506, -52.382 ], [ -74.516, -52.371 ], [ -74.493, -52.35 ], [ -74.506, -52.382 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.889, -52.214 ], [ -73.774, -52.283 ], [ -73.788, -52.34 ], [ -73.734, -52.415 ], [ -73.824, -52.416 ], [ -73.892, -52.385 ], [ -73.78, -52.355 ], [ -73.965, -52.292 ], [ -74.1, -52.17 ], [ -74.026, -52.144 ], [ -74.028, -52.173 ], [ -73.894, -52.213 ], [ -73.889, -52.214 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.897, -52.212 ], [ -73.955, -52.173 ], [ -73.935, -52.14 ], [ -73.798, -52.184 ], [ -73.811, -52.224 ], [ -73.897, -52.212 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.923, -52.348 ], [ -73.887, -52.342 ], [ -73.934, -52.367 ], [ -74.002, -52.332 ], [ -73.98, -52.386 ], [ -74.048, -52.336 ], [ -73.992, -52.39 ], [ -74.05, -52.363 ], [ -74.042, -52.4 ], [ -74.174, -52.415 ], [ -74.147, -52.389 ], [ -74.193, -52.368 ], [ -74.127, -52.319 ], [ -74.261, -52.369 ], [ -74.15, -52.304 ], [ -74.222, -52.285 ], [ -74.212, -52.242 ], [ -74.066, -52.299 ], [ -74.159, -52.213 ], [ -74.249, -52.199 ], [ -74.093, -52.22 ], [ -74.248, -52.146 ], [ -74.34, -52.177 ], [ -74.433, -52.133 ], [ -74.299, -52.092 ], [ -74.212, -52.115 ], [ -73.923, -52.348 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.061, -51.501 ], [ -75.049, -51.519 ], [ -75.081, -51.506 ], [ -75.061, -51.501 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.711, -51.568 ], [ -74.7, -51.573 ], [ -74.74, -51.573 ], [ -74.711, -51.568 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.554, -51.618 ], [ -74.596, -51.595 ], [ -74.55, -51.598 ], [ -74.554, -51.618 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.966, -51.613 ], [ -73.966, -51.598 ], [ -73.942, -51.592 ], [ -73.966, -51.613 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.707, -51.54 ], [ -74.703, -51.552 ], [ -74.762, -51.546 ], [ -74.707, -51.54 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.742, -51.418 ], [ -73.779, -51.381 ], [ -73.739, -51.383 ], [ -73.742, -51.418 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.971, -51.448 ], [ -73.974, -51.433 ], [ -73.963, -51.437 ], [ -73.971, -51.448 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.35, -51.441 ], [ -74.357, -51.422 ], [ -74.335, -51.435 ], [ -74.35, -51.441 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.98, -51.533 ], [ -74.904, -51.463 ], [ -74.87, -51.523 ], [ -74.911, -51.552 ], [ -74.913, -51.519 ], [ -74.98, -51.533 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.87, -51.475 ], [ -74.822, -51.457 ], [ -74.839, -51.507 ], [ -74.87, -51.475 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.768, -51.456 ], [ -74.755, -51.467 ], [ -74.832, -51.488 ], [ -74.812, -51.453 ], [ -74.768, -51.456 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.369, -51.25 ], [ -74.387, -51.242 ], [ -74.359, -51.242 ], [ -74.369, -51.25 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.676, -51.439 ], [ -74.74, -51.434 ], [ -74.662, -51.329 ], [ -74.647, -51.347 ], [ -74.676, -51.439 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.912, -51.377 ], [ -73.951, -51.389 ], [ -73.908, -51.363 ], [ -73.912, -51.377 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.325, -51.361 ], [ -74.292, -51.385 ], [ -74.383, -51.376 ], [ -74.325, -51.361 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.413, -51.377 ], [ -74.418, -51.368 ], [ -74.4, -51.372 ], [ -74.413, -51.377 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.16, -51.444 ], [ -74.227, -51.409 ], [ -74.148, -51.38 ], [ -74.247, -51.36 ], [ -74.229, -51.29 ], [ -74.127, -51.316 ], [ -74.113, -51.358 ], [ -74.168, -51.344 ], [ -74.2, -51.356 ], [ -74.077, -51.408 ], [ -74.1, -51.452 ], [ -74.145, -51.401 ], [ -74.16, -51.444 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.281, -51.352 ], [ -74.275, -51.366 ], [ -74.317, -51.356 ], [ -74.281, -51.352 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.372, -51.362 ], [ -74.395, -51.348 ], [ -74.359, -51.359 ], [ -74.372, -51.362 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.508, -51.356 ], [ -74.513, -51.315 ], [ -74.468, -51.329 ], [ -74.503, -51.336 ], [ -74.508, -51.356 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.14, -51.28 ], [ -74.132, -51.305 ], [ -74.173, -51.287 ], [ -74.14, -51.28 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.458, -51.303 ], [ -74.491, -51.276 ], [ -74.484, -51.262 ], [ -74.442, -51.278 ], [ -74.458, -51.303 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.086, -51.159 ], [ -75.104, -51.134 ], [ -75.07, -51.131 ], [ -75.086, -51.159 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.976, -50.948 ], [ -74.956, -50.98 ], [ -74.993, -50.961 ], [ -74.976, -50.948 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.842, -50.982 ], [ -74.811, -50.988 ], [ -74.959, -51.061 ], [ -74.9, -51.031 ], [ -74.915, -50.992 ], [ -74.842, -50.982 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.876, -51.092 ], [ -74.826, -51.094 ], [ -74.821, -51.151 ], [ -75.009, -51.175 ], [ -74.982, -51.109 ], [ -74.876, -51.092 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75, -50.988 ], [ -75.014, -51.023 ], [ -75.081, -51.008 ], [ -75.057, -50.978 ], [ -75, -50.988 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.459, -50.532 ], [ -74.459, -50.548 ], [ -74.532, -50.597 ], [ -74.504, -50.533 ], [ -74.459, -50.532 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.591, -50.504 ], [ -74.566, -50.554 ], [ -74.654, -50.594 ], [ -74.663, -50.51 ], [ -74.591, -50.504 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.837, -50.554 ], [ -74.854, -50.547 ], [ -74.855, -50.521 ], [ -74.829, -50.533 ], [ -74.837, -50.554 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.723, -50.525 ], [ -74.737, -50.521 ], [ -74.721, -50.51 ], [ -74.723, -50.525 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.584, -50.683 ], [ -74.596, -50.675 ], [ -74.582, -50.671 ], [ -74.584, -50.683 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.65, -50.71 ], [ -74.668, -50.687 ], [ -74.649, -50.679 ], [ -74.627, -50.699 ], [ -74.65, -50.71 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.703, -50.664 ], [ -74.691, -50.664 ], [ -74.708, -50.673 ], [ -74.726, -50.652 ], [ -74.703, -50.664 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.599, -50.652 ], [ -74.609, -50.664 ], [ -74.621, -50.65 ], [ -74.597, -50.637 ], [ -74.599, -50.652 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.747, -50.633 ], [ -74.753, -50.655 ], [ -74.788, -50.647 ], [ -74.747, -50.633 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.902, -50.627 ], [ -74.877, -50.639 ], [ -74.919, -50.629 ], [ -74.902, -50.627 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.316, -50.888 ], [ -74.34, -50.86 ], [ -74.292, -50.858 ], [ -74.316, -50.888 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.042, -50.821 ], [ -75.053, -50.817 ], [ -75.031, -50.82 ], [ -75.042, -50.821 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.947, -50.829 ], [ -74.944, -50.806 ], [ -74.934, -50.819 ], [ -74.947, -50.829 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.587, -50.722 ], [ -74.534, -50.733 ], [ -74.531, -50.782 ], [ -74.511, -50.734 ], [ -74.423, -50.796 ], [ -74.464, -50.812 ], [ -74.504, -50.858 ], [ -74.388, -50.808 ], [ -74.361, -50.88 ], [ -74.418, -50.879 ], [ -74.467, -50.952 ], [ -74.384, -50.893 ], [ -74.418, -50.968 ], [ -74.387, -50.916 ], [ -74.365, -50.91 ], [ -74.401, -50.967 ], [ -74.347, -50.985 ], [ -74.35, -51.028 ], [ -74.391, -51.009 ], [ -74.36, -51.077 ], [ -74.456, -50.992 ], [ -74.575, -51.049 ], [ -74.59, -51.014 ], [ -74.619, -51.093 ], [ -74.679, -51.112 ], [ -74.763, -51.065 ], [ -74.676, -51.06 ], [ -74.741, -51.037 ], [ -74.606, -50.994 ], [ -74.758, -51.002 ], [ -74.75, -51.026 ], [ -74.786, -51.079 ], [ -74.818, -51.061 ], [ -74.773, -51.045 ], [ -74.88, -51.05 ], [ -74.766, -50.988 ], [ -74.852, -50.964 ], [ -74.754, -50.975 ], [ -74.824, -50.926 ], [ -74.935, -50.988 ], [ -74.929, -50.917 ], [ -74.849, -50.911 ], [ -74.926, -50.88 ], [ -74.658, -50.9 ], [ -74.601, -50.951 ], [ -74.588, -50.899 ], [ -74.523, -50.913 ], [ -74.633, -50.877 ], [ -74.608, -50.821 ], [ -74.551, -50.861 ], [ -74.511, -50.809 ], [ -74.556, -50.824 ], [ -74.665, -50.738 ], [ -74.587, -50.722 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.961, -50.672 ], [ -74.964, -50.793 ], [ -74.989, -50.818 ], [ -75.098, -50.702 ], [ -75.03, -50.721 ], [ -75.015, -50.686 ], [ -75.061, -50.679 ], [ -75.032, -50.643 ], [ -74.979, -50.641 ], [ -74.989, -50.671 ], [ -74.95, -50.635 ], [ -74.961, -50.672 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.796, -50.651 ], [ -74.705, -50.684 ], [ -74.747, -50.702 ], [ -74.722, -50.745 ], [ -74.777, -50.735 ], [ -74.675, -50.799 ], [ -74.771, -50.801 ], [ -74.691, -50.828 ], [ -74.712, -50.878 ], [ -74.664, -50.799 ], [ -74.624, -50.812 ], [ -74.676, -50.897 ], [ -74.931, -50.839 ], [ -74.845, -50.826 ], [ -74.921, -50.797 ], [ -74.84, -50.8 ], [ -74.941, -50.782 ], [ -74.864, -50.773 ], [ -74.933, -50.712 ], [ -74.801, -50.723 ], [ -74.924, -50.68 ], [ -74.917, -50.666 ], [ -74.757, -50.697 ], [ -74.828, -50.653 ], [ -74.796, -50.651 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.468, -51.192 ], [ -74.396, -51.234 ], [ -74.519, -51.201 ], [ -74.468, -51.192 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.898, -51.231 ], [ -74.86, -51.245 ], [ -74.966, -51.309 ], [ -75.05, -51.282 ], [ -74.898, -51.231 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.922, -51.34 ], [ -73.957, -51.309 ], [ -73.983, -51.369 ], [ -74.053, -51.375 ], [ -74.094, -51.224 ], [ -73.939, -51.233 ], [ -73.922, -51.34 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.745, -51.414 ], [ -74.975, -51.479 ], [ -75.023, -51.436 ], [ -74.771, -51.328 ], [ -74.939, -51.381 ], [ -74.927, -51.337 ], [ -74.969, -51.339 ], [ -74.891, -51.277 ], [ -74.782, -51.281 ], [ -74.835, -51.258 ], [ -74.757, -51.241 ], [ -74.783, -51.207 ], [ -74.719, -51.222 ], [ -74.6, -51.183 ], [ -74.482, -51.242 ], [ -74.503, -51.293 ], [ -74.539, -51.261 ], [ -74.525, -51.308 ], [ -74.576, -51.258 ], [ -74.638, -51.242 ], [ -74.559, -51.294 ], [ -74.57, -51.351 ], [ -74.52, -51.345 ], [ -74.54, -51.386 ], [ -74.61, -51.402 ], [ -74.654, -51.272 ], [ -74.663, -51.311 ], [ -74.714, -51.295 ], [ -74.679, -51.323 ], [ -74.745, -51.414 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.972, -51.217 ], [ -73.978, -51.201 ], [ -73.961, -51.199 ], [ -73.972, -51.217 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.829, -51.167 ], [ -74.792, -51.184 ], [ -74.831, -51.238 ], [ -74.854, -51.192 ], [ -75.015, -51.222 ], [ -74.829, -51.167 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.746, -51.173 ], [ -74.751, -51.202 ], [ -74.793, -51.169 ], [ -74.746, -51.173 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.763, -51.125 ], [ -74.67, -51.147 ], [ -74.603, -51.084 ], [ -74.546, -51.173 ], [ -74.623, -51.147 ], [ -74.654, -51.194 ], [ -74.802, -51.145 ], [ -74.763, -51.125 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.42, -51.032 ], [ -74.446, -51.068 ], [ -74.49, -51.034 ], [ -74.494, -51.078 ], [ -74.362, -51.105 ], [ -74.363, -51.187 ], [ -74.425, -51.175 ], [ -74.372, -51.216 ], [ -74.543, -51.156 ], [ -74.578, -51.095 ], [ -74.468, -51.008 ], [ -74.42, -51.032 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.515, -50.375 ], [ -74.539, -50.348 ], [ -74.517, -50.353 ], [ -74.515, -50.375 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.608, -50.272 ], [ -74.552, -50.288 ], [ -74.729, -50.299 ], [ -74.688, -50.272 ], [ -74.608, -50.272 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.885, -50.234 ], [ -74.812, -50.242 ], [ -74.852, -50.285 ], [ -74.885, -50.234 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.886, -50.124 ], [ -74.93, -50.15 ], [ -74.916, -50.108 ], [ -74.886, -50.124 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.082, -50.033 ], [ -75.096, -50.022 ], [ -75.076, -50.015 ], [ -75.082, -50.033 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.66, -50.069 ], [ -74.705, -50.12 ], [ -74.739, -50.095 ], [ -74.685, -50.063 ], [ -74.66, -50.069 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.741, -50.072 ], [ -74.773, -50.061 ], [ -74.729, -50.062 ], [ -74.741, -50.072 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75, -50.314 ], [ -74.93, -50.278 ], [ -74.878, -50.322 ], [ -74.925, -50.369 ], [ -75.002, -50.353 ], [ -75, -50.314 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.231, -50.682 ], [ -75.309, -50.705 ], [ -75.229, -50.74 ], [ -75.267, -50.788 ], [ -75.315, -50.8 ], [ -75.311, -50.738 ], [ -75.318, -50.776 ], [ -75.436, -50.762 ], [ -75.393, -50.733 ], [ -75.443, -50.696 ], [ -75.327, -50.68 ], [ -75.502, -50.653 ], [ -75.393, -50.637 ], [ -75.447, -50.625 ], [ -75.408, -50.592 ], [ -75.301, -50.593 ], [ -75.458, -50.491 ], [ -75.356, -50.454 ], [ -75.323, -50.501 ], [ -75.254, -50.478 ], [ -75.284, -50.52 ], [ -75.233, -50.48 ], [ -75.045, -50.491 ], [ -75.099, -50.545 ], [ -75.154, -50.53 ], [ -75.134, -50.562 ], [ -75.202, -50.546 ], [ -75.152, -50.584 ], [ -75.195, -50.61 ], [ -75.265, -50.567 ], [ -75.245, -50.535 ], [ -75.307, -50.547 ], [ -75.214, -50.619 ], [ -75.291, -50.632 ], [ -75.231, -50.682 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.511, -50.409 ], [ -74.45, -50.466 ], [ -74.34, -50.455 ], [ -74.288, -50.614 ], [ -74.198, -50.674 ], [ -74.412, -50.64 ], [ -74.259, -50.684 ], [ -74.245, -50.726 ], [ -74.199, -50.698 ], [ -74.141, -50.838 ], [ -74.216, -50.841 ], [ -74.23, -50.751 ], [ -74.279, -50.799 ], [ -74.316, -50.756 ], [ -74.276, -50.837 ], [ -74.331, -50.836 ], [ -74.404, -50.755 ], [ -74.354, -50.724 ], [ -74.474, -50.735 ], [ -74.496, -50.71 ], [ -74.454, -50.698 ], [ -74.515, -50.691 ], [ -74.459, -50.667 ], [ -74.541, -50.684 ], [ -74.59, -50.634 ], [ -74.531, -50.641 ], [ -74.383, -50.538 ], [ -74.442, -50.519 ], [ -74.373, -50.527 ], [ -74.364, -50.558 ], [ -74.337, -50.527 ], [ -74.467, -50.507 ], [ -74.457, -50.472 ], [ -74.506, -50.505 ], [ -74.675, -50.479 ], [ -74.511, -50.409 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.108, -50.489 ], [ -74.122, -50.481 ], [ -74.095, -50.486 ], [ -74.108, -50.489 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.096, -50.479 ], [ -75.12, -50.474 ], [ -75.102, -50.465 ], [ -75.096, -50.479 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.384, -50.411 ], [ -75.36, -50.374 ], [ -75.318, -50.375 ], [ -75.328, -50.401 ], [ -75.384, -50.411 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.611, -50.347 ], [ -74.525, -50.397 ], [ -74.725, -50.497 ], [ -74.769, -50.476 ], [ -74.712, -50.408 ], [ -74.778, -50.422 ], [ -74.73, -50.367 ], [ -74.611, -50.347 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.988, -50.457 ], [ -75.056, -50.464 ], [ -75.054, -50.411 ], [ -75.08, -50.399 ], [ -75.122, -50.462 ], [ -75.18, -50.44 ], [ -75.031, -50.333 ], [ -75.001, -50.368 ], [ -75.039, -50.386 ], [ -74.945, -50.39 ], [ -74.988, -50.457 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.379, -50.352 ], [ -75.411, -50.419 ], [ -75.479, -50.423 ], [ -75.388, -50.359 ], [ -75.428, -50.37 ], [ -75.444, -50.297 ], [ -75.361, -50.254 ], [ -75.408, -50.231 ], [ -75.369, -50.152 ], [ -75.192, -50.174 ], [ -75.33, -50.197 ], [ -75.195, -50.213 ], [ -75.18, -50.253 ], [ -75.11, -50.251 ], [ -75.139, -50.208 ], [ -75.075, -50.169 ], [ -75.077, -50.127 ], [ -75.149, -50.173 ], [ -75.302, -50.118 ], [ -75.37, -50.069 ], [ -75.339, -50.001 ], [ -75.321, -50.035 ], [ -75.246, -49.994 ], [ -75.281, -50.035 ], [ -75.248, -50.013 ], [ -75.238, -50.066 ], [ -75.115, -50.015 ], [ -75.066, -50.054 ], [ -75.104, -50.089 ], [ -75.048, -50.067 ], [ -75.061, -50.104 ], [ -75.038, -50.08 ], [ -75, -50.133 ], [ -75.042, -50.033 ], [ -74.993, -50.02 ], [ -75.014, -50.082 ], [ -74.911, -50.093 ], [ -75.035, -50.174 ], [ -75.009, -50.196 ], [ -74.942, -50.132 ], [ -74.924, -50.168 ], [ -74.876, -50.129 ], [ -74.843, -50.168 ], [ -74.849, -50.13 ], [ -74.788, -50.15 ], [ -74.861, -50.116 ], [ -74.822, -50.097 ], [ -74.75, -50.138 ], [ -74.791, -50.121 ], [ -74.76, -50.174 ], [ -74.858, -50.184 ], [ -74.795, -50.201 ], [ -74.942, -50.202 ], [ -74.917, -50.248 ], [ -75.135, -50.343 ], [ -75.201, -50.442 ], [ -75.32, -50.427 ], [ -75.172, -50.288 ], [ -75.379, -50.352 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.952, -51.724 ], [ -74.992, -51.886 ], [ -75.101, -51.91 ], [ -75.054, -51.842 ], [ -75.112, -51.806 ], [ -75.041, -51.719 ], [ -74.952, -51.724 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.789, -51.916 ], [ -73.697, -51.981 ], [ -73.786, -52.021 ], [ -73.87, -51.96 ], [ -73.814, -51.933 ], [ -73.868, -51.914 ], [ -73.852, -51.891 ], [ -73.959, -51.893 ], [ -73.945, -51.845 ], [ -73.989, -51.821 ], [ -73.937, -51.817 ], [ -73.9, -51.788 ], [ -73.794, -51.88 ], [ -73.847, -51.912 ], [ -73.789, -51.916 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.212, -51.762 ], [ -74.234, -51.754 ], [ -74.201, -51.759 ], [ -74.212, -51.762 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.551, -51.727 ], [ -74.59, -51.779 ], [ -74.584, -51.719 ], [ -74.551, -51.727 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.652, -51.693 ], [ -74.694, -51.708 ], [ -74.651, -51.712 ], [ -74.715, -51.775 ], [ -74.72, -51.711 ], [ -74.652, -51.693 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.397, -51.738 ], [ -74.333, -51.755 ], [ -74.365, -51.781 ], [ -74.285, -51.761 ], [ -74.326, -51.786 ], [ -74.275, -51.78 ], [ -74.304, -51.828 ], [ -74.155, -51.843 ], [ -74.195, -51.895 ], [ -74.061, -51.887 ], [ -74.117, -51.925 ], [ -74.113, -51.977 ], [ -74.372, -51.885 ], [ -74.414, -51.833 ], [ -74.361, -51.806 ], [ -74.424, -51.81 ], [ -74.466, -51.757 ], [ -74.413, -51.766 ], [ -74.503, -51.703 ], [ -74.397, -51.738 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.05, -51.812 ], [ -74.017, -51.82 ], [ -74.061, -51.837 ], [ -74.158, -51.768 ], [ -74.05, -51.812 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.672, -51.777 ], [ -74.62, -51.784 ], [ -74.597, -51.815 ], [ -74.686, -51.835 ], [ -74.719, -51.803 ], [ -74.672, -51.777 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.492, -51.674 ], [ -74.431, -51.689 ], [ -74.427, -51.705 ], [ -74.526, -51.674 ], [ -74.492, -51.674 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.821, -51.675 ], [ -73.819, -51.664 ], [ -73.78, -51.663 ], [ -73.821, -51.675 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.864, -51.664 ], [ -73.881, -51.648 ], [ -73.837, -51.653 ], [ -73.864, -51.664 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.559, -51.639 ], [ -74.579, -51.631 ], [ -74.544, -51.634 ], [ -74.559, -51.639 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.04, -51.551 ], [ -74.079, -51.552 ], [ -74.028, -51.578 ], [ -73.976, -51.701 ], [ -74.058, -51.723 ], [ -73.941, -51.727 ], [ -73.913, -51.775 ], [ -73.959, -51.812 ], [ -74.147, -51.75 ], [ -74.146, -51.713 ], [ -74.173, -51.745 ], [ -74.236, -51.72 ], [ -74.19, -51.723 ], [ -74.223, -51.675 ], [ -74.159, -51.691 ], [ -74.17, -51.632 ], [ -74.148, -51.671 ], [ -74.078, -51.679 ], [ -74.131, -51.667 ], [ -74.144, -51.593 ], [ -74.07, -51.616 ], [ -74.036, -51.596 ], [ -74.115, -51.545 ], [ -74.04, -51.551 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.09, -51.27 ], [ -75.124, -51.381 ], [ -75.052, -51.291 ], [ -74.963, -51.316 ], [ -74.979, -51.369 ], [ -75.016, -51.357 ], [ -74.987, -51.397 ], [ -75.06, -51.36 ], [ -75.024, -51.398 ], [ -75.089, -51.426 ], [ -75.081, -51.48 ], [ -75.133, -51.407 ], [ -75.116, -51.56 ], [ -75.142, -51.592 ], [ -75.19, -51.561 ], [ -75.164, -51.618 ], [ -75.278, -51.639 ], [ -75.305, -51.542 ], [ -75.175, -51.493 ], [ -75.207, -51.403 ], [ -75.135, -51.389 ], [ -75.212, -51.335 ], [ -75.09, -51.27 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.742, -53.577 ], [ -73.885, -53.593 ], [ -73.851, -53.549 ], [ -73.919, -53.534 ], [ -73.86, -53.51 ], [ -73.898, -53.457 ], [ -73.704, -53.52 ], [ -73.814, -53.541 ], [ -73.705, -53.539 ], [ -73.742, -53.577 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.326, -53.17 ], [ -74.319, -53.185 ], [ -74.338, -53.186 ], [ -74.326, -53.17 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.097, -53.25 ], [ -74.154, -53.328 ], [ -74.288, -53.313 ], [ -74.124, -53.242 ], [ -74.097, -53.25 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.28, -53.28 ], [ -74.255, -53.288 ], [ -74.314, -53.294 ], [ -74.302, -53.266 ], [ -74.28, -53.28 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.312, -53.452 ], [ -73.304, -53.431 ], [ -73.254, -53.466 ], [ -73.276, -53.478 ], [ -73.312, -53.452 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.336, -53.459 ], [ -73.354, -53.451 ], [ -73.348, -53.44 ], [ -73.317, -53.458 ], [ -73.336, -53.459 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.698, -53.512 ], [ -73.843, -53.419 ], [ -73.558, -53.504 ], [ -73.701, -53.447 ], [ -73.542, -53.443 ], [ -73.636, -53.419 ], [ -73.622, -53.371 ], [ -73.523, -53.413 ], [ -73.552, -53.382 ], [ -73.438, -53.385 ], [ -73.415, -53.412 ], [ -73.545, -53.484 ], [ -73.471, -53.465 ], [ -73.39, -53.556 ], [ -73.52, -53.59 ], [ -73.565, -53.523 ], [ -73.555, -53.56 ], [ -73.698, -53.512 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.58, -53.439 ], [ -73.58, -53.439 ], [ -73.555, -53.441 ], [ -73.56, -53.441 ], [ -73.58, -53.439 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.387, -53.429 ], [ -73.381, -53.447 ], [ -73.429, -53.433 ], [ -73.409, -53.417 ], [ -73.387, -53.429 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.884, -53.39 ], [ -73.841, -53.393 ], [ -73.854, -53.426 ], [ -73.933, -53.407 ], [ -73.884, -53.39 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.75, -53.393 ], [ -73.748, -53.42 ], [ -73.779, -53.394 ], [ -73.75, -53.393 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.672, -53.383 ], [ -73.665, -53.407 ], [ -73.714, -53.385 ], [ -73.702, -53.373 ], [ -73.672, -53.383 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.568, -53.38 ], [ -73.577, -53.369 ], [ -73.554, -53.374 ], [ -73.568, -53.38 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.481, -53.331 ], [ -72.503, -53.322 ], [ -72.504, -53.301 ], [ -72.478, -53.313 ], [ -72.481, -53.331 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.436, -53.342 ], [ -73.444, -53.333 ], [ -73.424, -53.333 ], [ -73.436, -53.342 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.935, -53.2 ], [ -73.959, -53.177 ], [ -73.898, -53.196 ], [ -73.935, -53.2 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.773, -53.279 ], [ -73.742, -53.29 ], [ -73.793, -53.274 ], [ -73.773, -53.279 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.078, -53.376 ], [ -73.068, -53.362 ], [ -73.059, -53.371 ], [ -73.078, -53.376 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.313, -53.373 ], [ -73.29, -53.371 ], [ -73.276, -53.393 ], [ -73.351, -53.362 ], [ -73.313, -53.373 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.643, -53.354 ], [ -73.655, -53.38 ], [ -73.722, -53.355 ], [ -73.668, -53.37 ], [ -73.643, -53.354 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.869, -53.32 ], [ -73.804, -53.343 ], [ -73.906, -53.321 ], [ -73.869, -53.32 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.599, -54.537 ], [ -71.705, -54.484 ], [ -71.662, -54.466 ], [ -71.866, -54.442 ], [ -71.737, -54.4 ], [ -71.533, -54.513 ], [ -71.566, -54.479 ], [ -71.43, -54.494 ], [ -71.587, -54.461 ], [ -71.604, -54.4 ], [ -71.356, -54.465 ], [ -71.294, -54.438 ], [ -71.41, -54.422 ], [ -71.399, -54.38 ], [ -71.327, -54.382 ], [ -71.186, -54.427 ], [ -71.224, -54.463 ], [ -71.143, -54.43 ], [ -71.064, -54.527 ], [ -71.119, -54.442 ], [ -70.97, -54.458 ], [ -70.927, -54.522 ], [ -70.916, -54.365 ], [ -70.758, -54.332 ], [ -70.718, -54.37 ], [ -70.57, -54.361 ], [ -70.695, -54.438 ], [ -70.755, -54.622 ], [ -70.707, -54.552 ], [ -70.607, -54.606 ], [ -70.692, -54.538 ], [ -70.548, -54.403 ], [ -70.246, -54.573 ], [ -70.189, -54.578 ], [ -70.287, -54.499 ], [ -70.104, -54.552 ], [ -70.507, -54.39 ], [ -70.523, -54.307 ], [ -70.86, -54.261 ], [ -70.899, -54.175 ], [ -70.808, -54.198 ], [ -70.923, -54.127 ], [ -70.279, -54.343 ], [ -70.107, -54.443 ], [ -70.155, -54.398 ], [ -70.038, -54.385 ], [ -70.198, -54.318 ], [ -69.991, -54.27 ], [ -69.939, -54.309 ], [ -69.98, -54.33 ], [ -69.953, -54.395 ], [ -69.911, -54.376 ], [ -69.893, -54.436 ], [ -69.826, -54.446 ], [ -69.902, -54.508 ], [ -69.798, -54.472 ], [ -69.75, -54.513 ], [ -69.835, -54.568 ], [ -69.761, -54.543 ], [ -69.753, -54.588 ], [ -69.719, -54.496 ], [ -69.798, -54.431 ], [ -69.853, -54.29 ], [ -69.644, -54.345 ], [ -69.629, -54.406 ], [ -69.529, -54.444 ], [ -69.491, -54.445 ], [ -69.557, -54.399 ], [ -69.545, -54.341 ], [ -69.2, -54.452 ], [ -69.483, -54.677 ], [ -69.386, -54.645 ], [ -69.346, -54.71 ], [ -69.363, -54.632 ], [ -69.207, -54.526 ], [ -69.13, -54.602 ], [ -69.17, -54.512 ], [ -69.126, -54.46 ], [ -68.969, -54.486 ], [ -68.966, -54.449 ], [ -70.048, -54.106 ], [ -70.189, -53.819 ], [ -70.15, -53.744 ], [ -69.676, -53.646 ], [ -69.35, -53.523 ], [ -69.303, -53.475 ], [ -69.349, -53.368 ], [ -69.861, -53.372 ], [ -70.21, -53.477 ], [ -70.46, -53.377 ], [ -70.437, -53.014 ], [ -70.33, -52.965 ], [ -70.348, -53.058 ], [ -70.253, -53.051 ], [ -70.134, -53.006 ], [ -70.089, -52.918 ], [ -70.217, -52.881 ], [ -70.303, -52.912 ], [ -70.25, -52.853 ], [ -70.281, -52.795 ], [ -70.434, -52.784 ], [ -70.128, -52.729 ], [ -69.995, -52.837 ], [ -69.898, -52.84 ], [ -69.707, -52.764 ], [ -69.58, -52.651 ], [ -69.59, -52.537 ], [ -69.407, -52.454 ], [ -69.14, -52.698 ], [ -68.786, -52.614 ], [ -68.755, -52.545 ], [ -68.611, -52.653 ], [ -68.61, -54.89 ], [ -68.962, -54.785 ], [ -68.703, -54.908 ], [ -69.077, -54.957 ], [ -69.637, -54.84 ], [ -69.604, -54.728 ], [ -69.663, -54.788 ], [ -69.708, -54.697 ], [ -69.682, -54.821 ], [ -69.754, -54.825 ], [ -69.727, -54.761 ], [ -69.764, -54.724 ], [ -69.769, -54.821 ], [ -69.908, -54.836 ], [ -69.964, -54.726 ], [ -69.936, -54.685 ], [ -69.98, -54.723 ], [ -69.95, -54.846 ], [ -70.079, -54.853 ], [ -70.053, -54.788 ], [ -70.137, -54.792 ], [ -70.081, -54.83 ], [ -70.126, -54.85 ], [ -70.218, -54.833 ], [ -70.161, -54.864 ], [ -70.298, -54.852 ], [ -70.313, -54.807 ], [ -70.212, -54.685 ], [ -70.296, -54.745 ], [ -70.33, -54.843 ], [ -70.574, -54.771 ], [ -70.609, -54.78 ], [ -70.581, -54.801 ], [ -70.745, -54.851 ], [ -70.827, -54.825 ], [ -70.769, -54.801 ], [ -70.794, -54.77 ], [ -70.469, -54.7 ], [ -70.43, -54.637 ], [ -70.532, -54.627 ], [ -70.618, -54.676 ], [ -70.563, -54.715 ], [ -70.779, -54.763 ], [ -70.927, -54.758 ], [ -70.883, -54.705 ], [ -70.742, -54.694 ], [ -70.902, -54.67 ], [ -71.014, -54.783 ], [ -70.955, -54.72 ], [ -70.953, -54.682 ], [ -71.007, -54.706 ], [ -70.985, -54.672 ], [ -70.906, -54.619 ], [ -71.046, -54.597 ], [ -71.014, -54.632 ], [ -71.049, -54.665 ], [ -71.255, -54.686 ], [ -71.284, -54.648 ], [ -71.12, -54.626 ], [ -71.236, -54.623 ], [ -71.243, -54.591 ], [ -71.169, -54.58 ], [ -71.236, -54.583 ], [ -71.205, -54.538 ], [ -71.29, -54.576 ], [ -71.329, -54.517 ], [ -71.315, -54.572 ], [ -71.395, -54.532 ], [ -71.371, -54.566 ], [ -71.429, -54.571 ], [ -71.331, -54.593 ], [ -71.316, -54.619 ], [ -71.396, -54.611 ], [ -71.381, -54.66 ], [ -71.441, -54.64 ], [ -71.473, -54.696 ], [ -71.495, -54.595 ], [ -71.501, -54.717 ], [ -71.589, -54.689 ], [ -71.528, -54.669 ], [ -71.582, -54.651 ], [ -71.558, -54.623 ], [ -71.609, -54.641 ], [ -71.55, -54.588 ], [ -71.602, -54.583 ], [ -71.648, -54.673 ], [ -71.677, -54.619 ], [ -71.63, -54.589 ], [ -71.785, -54.582 ], [ -71.711, -54.613 ], [ -71.853, -54.601 ], [ -71.789, -54.65 ], [ -71.906, -54.656 ], [ -71.979, -54.611 ], [ -71.864, -54.62 ], [ -71.942, -54.577 ], [ -71.905, -54.554 ], [ -71.972, -54.572 ], [ -72.025, -54.516 ], [ -71.921, -54.526 ], [ -72.021, -54.483 ], [ -71.911, -54.45 ], [ -71.886, -54.514 ], [ -71.857, -54.472 ], [ -71.832, -54.537 ], [ -71.748, -54.566 ], [ -71.632, -54.583 ], [ -71.753, -54.5 ], [ -71.606, -54.546 ], [ -71.513, -54.55 ], [ -71.599, -54.537 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.854, -53.104 ], [ -71.875, -53.088 ], [ -71.849, -53.068 ], [ -71.854, -53.104 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.45, -53.037 ], [ -73.471, -53.015 ], [ -73.443, -53.027 ], [ -73.45, -53.037 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.5, -52.944 ], [ -73.488, -52.968 ], [ -73.592, -52.987 ], [ -73.561, -52.926 ], [ -73.5, -52.944 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.301, -53.177 ], [ -74.282, -53.142 ], [ -74.245, -53.149 ], [ -74.257, -53.176 ], [ -74.301, -53.177 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.36, -53.126 ], [ -74.298, -53.149 ], [ -74.357, -53.17 ], [ -74.36, -53.126 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.282, -53.143 ], [ -73.336, -53.135 ], [ -73.3, -53.123 ], [ -73.282, -53.143 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.194, -53.12 ], [ -73.204, -53.115 ], [ -73.184, -53.105 ], [ -73.194, -53.12 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.274, -53.095 ], [ -72.249, -53.104 ], [ -72.247, -53.119 ], [ -72.307, -53.099 ], [ -72.274, -53.095 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.901, -53.106 ], [ -73.771, -53.21 ], [ -73.843, -53.224 ], [ -73.907, -53.145 ], [ -73.922, -53.174 ], [ -73.988, -53.129 ], [ -73.901, -53.106 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.938, -53.172 ], [ -74.052, -53.187 ], [ -74.086, -53.15 ], [ -74.002, -53.129 ], [ -73.938, -53.172 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.17, -53.136 ], [ -74.202, -53.133 ], [ -74.211, -53.115 ], [ -74.163, -53.129 ], [ -74.17, -53.136 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.069, -53.108 ], [ -73.078, -53.104 ], [ -73.065, -53.098 ], [ -73.069, -53.108 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.656, -52.87 ], [ -70.732, -52.91 ], [ -70.773, -52.908 ], [ -70.625, -52.846 ], [ -70.656, -52.87 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.806, -52.906 ], [ -73.837, -52.901 ], [ -73.838, -52.881 ], [ -73.789, -52.878 ], [ -73.806, -52.906 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.285, -52.795 ], [ -73.311, -52.782 ], [ -73.292, -52.781 ], [ -73.285, -52.795 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.47, -52.78 ], [ -73.458, -52.789 ], [ -73.511, -52.777 ], [ -73.47, -52.78 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.709, -52.787 ], [ -73.7, -52.757 ], [ -73.659, -52.756 ], [ -73.663, -52.784 ], [ -73.709, -52.787 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.522, -52.794 ], [ -72.533, -52.767 ], [ -72.512, -52.784 ], [ -72.522, -52.794 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.246, -52.585 ], [ -72.28, -52.605 ], [ -72.3, -52.539 ], [ -72.246, -52.585 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.625, -52.575 ], [ -72.675, -52.568 ], [ -72.641, -52.561 ], [ -72.625, -52.575 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.861, -52.573 ], [ -72.842, -52.567 ], [ -72.851, -52.581 ], [ -72.861, -52.573 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.714, -52.57 ], [ -72.715, -52.553 ], [ -72.696, -52.553 ], [ -72.714, -52.57 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.067, -52.58 ], [ -74.121, -52.616 ], [ -74.206, -52.593 ], [ -74.123, 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por el rey Felipe II de España.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T12:02:11+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 110598, "end" : 110618 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Juan Ortiz de Zárate" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/d0b09ab3-bbaf-4bdf-af60-2f63d516fec8", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", 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de 1576) era un conquistador y colonizador español que reemplazó al gobernador Francisco Ortiz de Vergara, con sede en Asunción y que más tarde, en 1567, fuera nombrado tercer adelantado del Río de la Plata en forma interina por disposición del virrey del Perú, el licenciado Lope García de Castro, y confirmado para dos generaciones por el rey Felipe II de España.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T12:02:11+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 73769, "end" : 73789 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Juan Ortiz de Zárate" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/d387d591-a31f-4a46-be7d-2f6d08315bca", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-19T12:22:37+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Juan Ortiz de Zárate (Orduña de Vizcaya, Corona de Castilla, ca. 1515 - Asunción, gobernación del Río de la Plata y del Paraguay, 26 de enero de 1576) era un conquistador y colonizador español que reemplazó al gobernador Francisco Ortiz de Vergara, con sede en Asunción y que más tarde, en 1567, fuera nombrado tercer adelantado del Río de la Plata en forma interina por disposición del virrey del Perú, el licenciado Lope García de Castro, y confirmado para dos generaciones por el rey Felipe II de España.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T12:02:11+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 72757, "end" : 72777 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Juan Ortiz de Zárate" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/66238bcf-f169-47ec-b47d-3d56edd23e9f", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T11:44:31+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Gonzalo de Abreu y Figueroa nació en Sevilla, España, en 1530. Descendía de una familia ilustre. Abreu fue el primer gobernador designado directamente por el rey Felipe II de España, mediante real cédula en 1570, para suceder a Francisco de Aguirre. Estaba casado con Violante de Céspedes. Tomó posesión del cargo en 1574.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T11:58:06+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 120989, "end" : 121005 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Gonzalo de Abreu" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/7046d572-9e74-4aef-aaf4-dbdf94218773", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "conqueror", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T13:18:19+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T13:18:19+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "colonizer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T13:18:19+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T13:18:19+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Ñuflo de Chaves nació en Santa Cruz de la Sierra, de Extremadura,\nen 1518. Llegó a territorio americano con el segundo adelantado del Río de la\nPlata, Don Alvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca”. Cuando la flota llega al puerto de\nSanta Catalina en el año 1541, ya ostentaba el grado de Capitán. Cuando el\ngobernador Martínez de Irala le encomienda fundar al norte de Asunción, Chaves\nse convierte así en General. El 26 de febrero de 1561 fundó Santa Cruz de la\nSierra a orillas del arroyo Sutó. Después de fundada Santa Cruz de la\nSierra, Ñuflo de Chaves se dirige a Asunción, en 1564,  para recoger\na su familia. En 1550 se había casado con Doña Elvira Manrique, hija de don\nFrancisco de Mendoza, gobernador del Río de la Plata, con quien tuvo cinco\nhijos: Francisco y Alvaro, ambos militares; María, Catalina y Elvira; las\ndos menores monjas y la mayor se casó en 1574 con un soldado de apellido\nOssorio. El nieto de Ñuflo, Cap. Francisco Ossorio de Chaves, estuvo como\nAlcalde durante la traslación de  la ciudad, hasta su\nasiento definitivo a orillas del Piraí (1621).", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T12:56:17+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 80723, "end" : 80738 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Nuflo de Chaves" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/ac5159a7-4557-4278-aa82-c078f479dd88", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "conqueror", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T13:18:19+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T13:18:19+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "colonizer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T13:18:19+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T13:18:19+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Ñuflo de Chaves nació en Santa Cruz de la Sierra, de Extremadura,\nen 1518. Llegó a territorio americano con el segundo adelantado del Río de la\nPlata, Don Alvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca”. Cuando la flota llega al puerto de\nSanta Catalina en el año 1541, ya ostentaba el grado de Capitán. Cuando el\ngobernador Martínez de Irala le encomienda fundar al norte de Asunción, Chaves\nse convierte así en General. El 26 de febrero de 1561 fundó Santa Cruz de la\nSierra a orillas del arroyo Sutó. Después de fundada Santa Cruz de la\nSierra, Ñuflo de Chaves se dirige a Asunción, en 1564,  para recoger\na su familia. En 1550 se había casado con Doña Elvira Manrique, hija de don\nFrancisco de Mendoza, gobernador del Río de la Plata, con quien tuvo cinco\nhijos: Francisco y Alvaro, ambos militares; María, Catalina y Elvira; las\ndos menores monjas y la mayor se casó en 1574 con un soldado de apellido\nOssorio. El nieto de Ñuflo, Cap. Francisco Ossorio de Chaves, estuvo como\nAlcalde durante la traslación de  la ciudad, hasta su\nasiento definitivo a orillas del Piraí (1621).", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T12:56:17+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 76700, "end" : 76715 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Nuflo de Chaves" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/017d5f10-3807-42f2-b3f6-93a4dc653a3d", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "conqueror", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T13:18:19+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T13:18:19+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "colonizer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T13:18:19+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T13:18:19+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Ñuflo de Chaves nació en Santa Cruz de la Sierra, de Extremadura,\nen 1518. Llegó a territorio americano con el segundo adelantado del Río de la\nPlata, Don Alvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca”. Cuando la flota llega al puerto de\nSanta Catalina en el año 1541, ya ostentaba el grado de Capitán. Cuando el\ngobernador Martínez de Irala le encomienda fundar al norte de Asunción, Chaves\nse convierte así en General. El 26 de febrero de 1561 fundó Santa Cruz de la\nSierra a orillas del arroyo Sutó. Después de fundada Santa Cruz de la\nSierra, Ñuflo de Chaves se dirige a Asunción, en 1564,  para recoger\na su familia. En 1550 se había casado con Doña Elvira Manrique, hija de don\nFrancisco de Mendoza, gobernador del Río de la Plata, con quien tuvo cinco\nhijos: Francisco y Alvaro, ambos militares; María, Catalina y Elvira; las\ndos menores monjas y la mayor se casó en 1574 con un soldado de apellido\nOssorio. El nieto de Ñuflo, Cap. Francisco Ossorio de Chaves, estuvo como\nAlcalde durante la traslación de  la ciudad, hasta su\nasiento definitivo a orillas del Piraí (1621).", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T12:56:17+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 75431, "end" : 75446 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Nuflo de Chaves" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/509115b9-bd24-4035-b081-0e516610ab8b", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "conqueror", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T13:18:19+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T13:18:19+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "colonizer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T13:18:19+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T13:18:19+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Ñuflo de Chaves nació en Santa Cruz de la Sierra, de Extremadura,\nen 1518. Llegó a territorio americano con el segundo adelantado del Río de la\nPlata, Don Alvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca”. Cuando la flota llega al puerto de\nSanta Catalina en el año 1541, ya ostentaba el grado de Capitán. Cuando el\ngobernador Martínez de Irala le encomienda fundar al norte de Asunción, Chaves\nse convierte así en General. El 26 de febrero de 1561 fundó Santa Cruz de la\nSierra a orillas del arroyo Sutó. Después de fundada Santa Cruz de la\nSierra, Ñuflo de Chaves se dirige a Asunción, en 1564,  para recoger\na su familia. En 1550 se había casado con Doña Elvira Manrique, hija de don\nFrancisco de Mendoza, gobernador del Río de la Plata, con quien tuvo cinco\nhijos: Francisco y Alvaro, ambos militares; María, Catalina y Elvira; las\ndos menores monjas y la mayor se casó en 1574 con un soldado de apellido\nOssorio. El nieto de Ñuflo, Cap. Francisco Ossorio de Chaves, estuvo como\nAlcalde durante la traslación de  la ciudad, hasta su\nasiento definitivo a orillas del Piraí (1621).", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T12:56:17+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 65137, "end" : 65152 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Nuflo de Chaves" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/073a3b61-d589-43b7-b3c0-364c2a36af53", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "conqueror", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T13:18:19+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T13:18:19+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "colonizer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T13:18:19+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T13:18:19+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Ñuflo de Chaves nació en Santa Cruz de la Sierra, de Extremadura,\nen 1518. Llegó a territorio americano con el segundo adelantado del Río de la\nPlata, Don Alvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca”. Cuando la flota llega al puerto de\nSanta Catalina en el año 1541, ya ostentaba el grado de Capitán. Cuando el\ngobernador Martínez de Irala le encomienda fundar al norte de Asunción, Chaves\nse convierte así en General. El 26 de febrero de 1561 fundó Santa Cruz de la\nSierra a orillas del arroyo Sutó. Después de fundada Santa Cruz de la\nSierra, Ñuflo de Chaves se dirige a Asunción, en 1564,  para recoger\na su familia. En 1550 se había casado con Doña Elvira Manrique, hija de don\nFrancisco de Mendoza, gobernador del Río de la Plata, con quien tuvo cinco\nhijos: Francisco y Alvaro, ambos militares; María, Catalina y Elvira; las\ndos menores monjas y la mayor se casó en 1574 con un soldado de apellido\nOssorio. El nieto de Ñuflo, Cap. Francisco Ossorio de Chaves, estuvo como\nAlcalde durante la traslación de  la ciudad, hasta su\nasiento definitivo a orillas del Piraí (1621).", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T12:56:17+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 43633, "end" : 43648 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Nuflo de Chaves" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/811f5a2a-528e-4a3a-9e7c-743c9793cf82", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "conqueror", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T13:18:19+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T13:18:19+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "colonizer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T13:18:19+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T13:18:19+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Ñuflo de Chaves nació en Santa Cruz de la Sierra, de Extremadura,\nen 1518. Llegó a territorio americano con el segundo adelantado del Río de la\nPlata, Don Alvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca”. Cuando la flota llega al puerto de\nSanta Catalina en el año 1541, ya ostentaba el grado de Capitán. Cuando el\ngobernador Martínez de Irala le encomienda fundar al norte de Asunción, Chaves\nse convierte así en General. El 26 de febrero de 1561 fundó Santa Cruz de la\nSierra a orillas del arroyo Sutó. Después de fundada Santa Cruz de la\nSierra, Ñuflo de Chaves se dirige a Asunción, en 1564,  para recoger\na su familia. En 1550 se había casado con Doña Elvira Manrique, hija de don\nFrancisco de Mendoza, gobernador del Río de la Plata, con quien tuvo cinco\nhijos: Francisco y Alvaro, ambos militares; María, Catalina y Elvira; las\ndos menores monjas y la mayor se casó en 1574 con un soldado de apellido\nOssorio. El nieto de Ñuflo, Cap. Francisco Ossorio de Chaves, estuvo como\nAlcalde durante la traslación de  la ciudad, hasta su\nasiento definitivo a orillas del Piraí (1621).", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T12:56:17+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 38461, "end" : 38476 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Nuflo de Chaves" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/c9cdf618-d9e8-4882-a371-1cd4dcc6a14a", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "conqueror", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T13:18:19+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T13:18:19+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "colonizer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T13:18:19+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T13:18:19+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Ñuflo de Chaves nació en Santa Cruz de la Sierra, de Extremadura,\nen 1518. Llegó a territorio americano con el segundo adelantado del Río de la\nPlata, Don Alvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca”. Cuando la flota llega al puerto de\nSanta Catalina en el año 1541, ya ostentaba el grado de Capitán. Cuando el\ngobernador Martínez de Irala le encomienda fundar al norte de Asunción, Chaves\nse convierte así en General. El 26 de febrero de 1561 fundó Santa Cruz de la\nSierra a orillas del arroyo Sutó. Después de fundada Santa Cruz de la\nSierra, Ñuflo de Chaves se dirige a Asunción, en 1564,  para recoger\na su familia. En 1550 se había casado con Doña Elvira Manrique, hija de don\nFrancisco de Mendoza, gobernador del Río de la Plata, con quien tuvo cinco\nhijos: Francisco y Alvaro, ambos militares; María, Catalina y Elvira; las\ndos menores monjas y la mayor se casó en 1574 con un soldado de apellido\nOssorio. El nieto de Ñuflo, Cap. Francisco Ossorio de Chaves, estuvo como\nAlcalde durante la traslación de  la ciudad, hasta su\nasiento definitivo a orillas del Piraí (1621).", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T12:56:17+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 38358, "end" : 38373 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Nuflo de Chaves" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/480b1480-c962-4f4c-9cfc-ed351a53f9a6", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "conqueror", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T13:18:19+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T13:18:19+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "colonizer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T13:18:19+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T13:18:19+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Ñuflo de Chaves nació en Santa Cruz de la Sierra, de Extremadura,\nen 1518. Llegó a territorio americano con el segundo adelantado del Río de la\nPlata, Don Alvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca”. Cuando la flota llega al puerto de\nSanta Catalina en el año 1541, ya ostentaba el grado de Capitán. Cuando el\ngobernador Martínez de Irala le encomienda fundar al norte de Asunción, Chaves\nse convierte así en General. El 26 de febrero de 1561 fundó Santa Cruz de la\nSierra a orillas del arroyo Sutó. Después de fundada Santa Cruz de la\nSierra, Ñuflo de Chaves se dirige a Asunción, en 1564,  para recoger\na su familia. En 1550 se había casado con Doña Elvira Manrique, hija de don\nFrancisco de Mendoza, gobernador del Río de la Plata, con quien tuvo cinco\nhijos: Francisco y Alvaro, ambos militares; María, Catalina y Elvira; las\ndos menores monjas y la mayor se casó en 1574 con un soldado de apellido\nOssorio. El nieto de Ñuflo, Cap. Francisco Ossorio de Chaves, estuvo como\nAlcalde durante la traslación de  la ciudad, hasta su\nasiento definitivo a orillas del Piraí (1621).", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T12:56:17+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 35200, "end" : 35215 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Nuflo de Chaves" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/0a312731-de33-4261-95e8-f82c77391c9e", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "conqueror", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T13:18:19+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T13:18:19+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "colonizer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T13:18:19+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T13:18:19+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Ñuflo de Chaves nació en Santa Cruz de la Sierra, de Extremadura,\nen 1518. Llegó a territorio americano con el segundo adelantado del Río de la\nPlata, Don Alvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca”. Cuando la flota llega al puerto de\nSanta Catalina en el año 1541, ya ostentaba el grado de Capitán. Cuando el\ngobernador Martínez de Irala le encomienda fundar al norte de Asunción, Chaves\nse convierte así en General. El 26 de febrero de 1561 fundó Santa Cruz de la\nSierra a orillas del arroyo Sutó. Después de fundada Santa Cruz de la\nSierra, Ñuflo de Chaves se dirige a Asunción, en 1564,  para recoger\na su familia. En 1550 se había casado con Doña Elvira Manrique, hija de don\nFrancisco de Mendoza, gobernador del Río de la Plata, con quien tuvo cinco\nhijos: Francisco y Alvaro, ambos militares; María, Catalina y Elvira; las\ndos menores monjas y la mayor se casó en 1574 con un soldado de apellido\nOssorio. El nieto de Ñuflo, Cap. Francisco Ossorio de Chaves, estuvo como\nAlcalde durante la traslación de  la ciudad, hasta su\nasiento definitivo a orillas del Piraí (1621).", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T12:56:17+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 32610, "end" : 32625 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Nuflo de Chaves" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/cd519a88-ab0c-45ad-8b9b-a422407ac159", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "conqueror", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T13:18:19+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T13:18:19+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "colonizer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T13:18:19+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T13:18:19+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Ñuflo de Chaves nació en Santa Cruz de la Sierra, de Extremadura,\nen 1518. Llegó a territorio americano con el segundo adelantado del Río de la\nPlata, Don Alvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca”. Cuando la flota llega al puerto de\nSanta Catalina en el año 1541, ya ostentaba el grado de Capitán. Cuando el\ngobernador Martínez de Irala le encomienda fundar al norte de Asunción, Chaves\nse convierte así en General. El 26 de febrero de 1561 fundó Santa Cruz de la\nSierra a orillas del arroyo Sutó. Después de fundada Santa Cruz de la\nSierra, Ñuflo de Chaves se dirige a Asunción, en 1564,  para recoger\na su familia. En 1550 se había casado con Doña Elvira Manrique, hija de don\nFrancisco de Mendoza, gobernador del Río de la Plata, con quien tuvo cinco\nhijos: Francisco y Alvaro, ambos militares; María, Catalina y Elvira; las\ndos menores monjas y la mayor se casó en 1574 con un soldado de apellido\nOssorio. El nieto de Ñuflo, Cap. Francisco Ossorio de Chaves, estuvo como\nAlcalde durante la traslación de  la ciudad, hasta su\nasiento definitivo a orillas del Piraí (1621).", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T12:56:17+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 16252, "end" : 16267 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Nuflo de Chaves" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/9c253b06-9ce5-4087-aaf8-a43fa34b19ca", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "conqueror", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T13:18:19+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T13:18:19+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "colonizer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T13:18:19+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T13:18:19+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Ñuflo de Chaves nació en Santa Cruz de la Sierra, de Extremadura,\nen 1518. Llegó a territorio americano con el segundo adelantado del Río de la\nPlata, Don Alvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca”. Cuando la flota llega al puerto de\nSanta Catalina en el año 1541, ya ostentaba el grado de Capitán. Cuando el\ngobernador Martínez de Irala le encomienda fundar al norte de Asunción, Chaves\nse convierte así en General. El 26 de febrero de 1561 fundó Santa Cruz de la\nSierra a orillas del arroyo Sutó. Después de fundada Santa Cruz de la\nSierra, Ñuflo de Chaves se dirige a Asunción, en 1564,  para recoger\na su familia. En 1550 se había casado con Doña Elvira Manrique, hija de don\nFrancisco de Mendoza, gobernador del Río de la Plata, con quien tuvo cinco\nhijos: Francisco y Alvaro, ambos militares; María, Catalina y Elvira; las\ndos menores monjas y la mayor se casó en 1574 con un soldado de apellido\nOssorio. El nieto de Ñuflo, Cap. Francisco Ossorio de Chaves, estuvo como\nAlcalde durante la traslación de  la ciudad, hasta su\nasiento definitivo a orillas del Piraí (1621).", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T12:56:17+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 7801, "end" : 7816 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Nuflo de Chaves" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/db74e1fa-8636-414f-bcab-18fc7b15633f", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://www.hgis-indias.net/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=gazetteer:9001002", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-18T21:09:36+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-18T21:09:36+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ -54.25591044, -24.08742586 ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "La Villa de Ontiveros en la Provincia del Guayrá (Gobernación del Paraguay), fue una efímera villa española fundada en 1554 en el actual noroeste del Estado de Paraná (Brasil), unos cincuenta kilómetros al norte del Salto del Guairá del río Paraná, aunque otras fuentes la sitúan en la ribera oriental del río, en el Estado de Mato Grosso del Sur.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T12:46:43+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 12194, "end" : 12203 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Ontiveros" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/9b50fef0-270b-4d91-a21f-f7f949186caa", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T20:18:54+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca (Jerez de la Frontera, 1488/1490 - Sevilla, \n27 de mayo de 1559) fue un descubridor y conquistador español que \nexploró la costa sur de Norteamérica desde la actual Florida pasando por\n Alabama, Misisipi y Luisiana y se adentró en Texas, Nuevo México, \nArizona y en el norte de México hasta llegar al Golfo de California, \nterritorios que pasaron a anexionarse al Imperio Español dentro del \nVirreinato de Nueva España. El rey Carlos I de España le otorgó el \ntítulo de Segundo Adelantado y lo nombró capitán general y gobernador \ndel Río de la Plata, Paranáguazu y sus anexos, fue el primer europeo en \nllegar a las cataratas del Iguazú y que exploró el curso del río \nParaguay.Fue el primer europeo del cual tenemos pruebas documentales \nrespecto de sus exploraciones en la región de las cataratas del Iguazú. \nEstán documentadas numerosas referencias sobre entradas que antiguos \nnáufragos de los barcos de Juan Díaz de Solís (1470-1516) y Rodrigo de \nAcuña habrían realizado en la zona, siendo la más famosa la de Alejo o \nAleixo García.Cabeza de Vaca llegó a la isla de Santa Catalina en 1541 y\n de allí entró en tierra firme con el objetivo de alcanzar la ciudad de \nAsunción del Paraguay. La misma se había convertido en el centro de la \nconquista del Río de la Plata. Si bien los conquistadores viejos de la \nexpedición de Pedro de Mendoza aceptaron sus credenciales cuando entró \nen la ciudad en 1542, las políticas que Cabeza de Vaca intentó instalar \nen la región rápidamente entraron en conflicto con aquellas que \npretendían sostener sus fundadores y primeros conquistadores. La \nsituación se deterioró progresivamente hasta que, después de una \nfracasada entrada al Gran Chaco, Cabeza de Vaca fue encarcelado y luego \nexpulsado de la provincia en 1545.Tras regresar a España, el antiguo \nadelantado debió responder a los procesos que contra él entablaron los \nconquistadores del Río de la Plata y el propio fiscal del rey, que se \nextendieron hasta entrada la década de 1550. Si bien Álvar Núñez no \nlogró recuperar la gobernación del Río de la Plata, tampoco debió \nenfretar las penas que originalmente se le habían impuesto (multas y un \ntemido destierro a Argel). Una clara señal de cierto beneplácito regio \nrespecto de sus acciones en Indias es la reedición, en 1555, de su \nRelación (Zamora, 1542) acompañada de un nuevo libro titulado \nComentarios (valladolid, 1555). Este último constituye la primera obra \nhistoriográfica de largo aliento sobre la conquista del Río de la Plata,\n considerando en particular el período de su \ngobernación.BibliografíaAdorno, Rolena; Pautz, Patrick Charles, Álvar \nNúñez Cabeza de Vaca. His Account, his Life, and the Expedition of \nPánfilo de Narváez, Lincoln y Londres, University of Nebraska Press, \n1999. Tres Tomos.FuentesÁlvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca, La relación que dio \nAlvar Núñez Cabeça de Vaca de lo acaecido en las Indias en la armada \ndonde iua por gobernador Panfhilo de Narváez desde el año veinte y siete\n hasta el año treinta y seis que volvió a Sevilla con tres de su \ncompañía, Zamora, 1542.Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca, La relación y \ncomentarios del Gobernador Álvar Núñez Cabeça de Vaca, de lo acaecido en\n las dos jornadas que hizo a las Indias, Valladolid, 1555.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T20:18:54+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 40299, "end" : 40311 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Álvaro Núñez" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/0066bc22-2610-47ea-8cb4-b433e5dbc038", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://www.hgis-indias.net/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=gazetteer:9001006", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T20:16:14+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T20:16:14+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ -58.35179869, -33.67232101 ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Refiere a la Provincia del Río de la Plata, un espacio creado a partir de las capitulaciones que firmó el primer adelantado Pedro de Mendoza con Carlos I en 1534.La misma limitaba al norte con los territorios otorgados a Diego de Almagro, ocupando una franja que se extendería entre el Mar del Sur y el Mar Océano Austral. La exploración y ocupación efectiva del terreno delimitarían el espacio de la provincia del Río de la Plata al sector atlántico y específicamente, al eje fluvial Paraná-Plata", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-16T17:49:05+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 55088, "end" : 55103 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Río de la Plata" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/7e2db881-553f-4644-8843-62d69a271e7e", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://www.hgis-indias.net/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=gazetteer:9001006", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T20:16:14+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T20:16:14+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ -58.35179869, -33.67232101 ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Refiere a la Provincia del Río de la Plata, un espacio creado a partir de las capitulaciones que firmó el primer adelantado Pedro de Mendoza con Carlos I en 1534.La misma limitaba al norte con los territorios otorgados a Diego de Almagro, ocupando una franja que se extendería entre el Mar del Sur y el Mar Océano Austral. La exploración y ocupación efectiva del terreno delimitarían el espacio de la provincia del Río de la Plata al sector atlántico y específicamente, al eje fluvial Paraná-Plata", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-16T17:49:05+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 5994, "end" : 6009 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Río de la Plata" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/b0d78ba5-4feb-4178-9fde-9710571d9f24", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", 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"https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/139a6cdd-a2eb-4faf-bc94-eeab921b9428", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-04T16:54:26+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Perabazanes. Indios Xarayes, del lado de Xerez. Indios del Perú: gente de más policía. Las mujeres se labran el cuerpo y el rostro con agujas; son blancas, y las pinturas que se hacen son negras y azules. Viven en casas muy abrigadas, redondas y cerradas a modo de campanas. Algunos de sus pueblos tienen hasta 60000 casas. El origen que se atribuye a estos indios parece justificado por el uso de picarse el cuerpo, ignorado por los Guaranís, que solo acostumbran pintarse superficialmente. La inmediación en que estaba la parte septentrional del territorio del Paraguay a las fronteras del Perú, puede haber facilitado la emigración de estos pueblos, que la férvida imaginación de los conquistadores transformó después en descendientes de los Incas. Esta indicación está de acuerdo con los límites que el autor de esta historia asigna a la nación guaraní. No deja de ser singular la correspondencia de la forma de sus habitaciones con las de los indios del Paria, de que habla Vespucio en la relación de su primer viaje: «Las habitaciones son comunes a todos, dice este, célebre viajero, y las casas construidas a manera de campanas». El nombre de Perabazanes, que dieron los Guaranís al país ha bitado por estos indios, indica la dificultad de comunicar con ellos: porque pê, es torcido, rá, señal, baafirmación, ça, ver: esto es «asoman los rastros extraviados».", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-04T16:54:26+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "tribe", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-25T18:23:47+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 56485, "end" : 56496 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Perabazanes" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/54160d51-5173-49f9-8127-f621d3861199", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://www.hgis-indias.net/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=gazetteer:8000090", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-25T18:18:58+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-25T18:18:58+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ -65.41515954, -17.67773969 ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Pocona. Lugar donde fue derrotado Centeno. La batalla de que habla el autor fue dada en las orillas de la famosa laguna de Titicaca, en un paraje llamado Huarina, que es el nombre por el que se le designa; y no de Pocona, que es un pueblito del departamento de Mizque, a cerca de 40 leguas de Chuquisaca. Centeno, que estaba enfermo, se hizo llevar en una hamaca, como el Mariscal de Sajonia en la batalla de Fontenoi. Pero el general de Luis XV alcanzó la victoria, y Centeno salió derrotado. Este suceso tuvo lugar el día 20 de Octubre de 1547, y el día 10 de abril del año siguiente, el que triunfó en Huarina, fue batido y ajusticiado en Saksa-huana. Pocconi, en la lengua quecchua corresponde a «madurar, o estar maduro».", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-04T16:32:38+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 54843, "end" : 54860 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "batalla de Pocona" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/c06e9dc5-6e2e-407f-b4de-e80ea944fbbd", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-04T16:52:53+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Xarayes, o Jarayes. Indios del Perú, a 60 leguas arriba de la isla de los Orejones. Gente muy dócil, poblada sobre el río Paraguay; se divide en Perabazanes y Maneses; algunos de sus pueblos tienen hasta 60000 fuegos. Las mujeres son blancas, se labran el cuerpo y el rostro con agujas, y lo pintan con colores negros y azules. Gente muy fiel. Chaves es encargado de fundar un pueblo en su territorio, que dista 300 leguas de la Asumpción, siendo uno de los mejores de aquel país. Tiene un puerto llamado de los Perabazanes. Al norte de la isla de los Orejones o del Paraíso, pretendieron los españoles que existía una gran laguna, en cuyo centro se hallaba un imperio poderoso. Estas ideas eran muy comunes en aquel tiempo: donde no alcanzaba la vista, obraba la imaginación, y lo primero que le ocurría era poblar de naciones opulentas los parajes inaccesibles. El Dorado y los Césares no tuvieron más fundamento que estos juegos de una fantasía acalorada. Sin embargo no deben ponerse en esta categoría a los Xarayes, que aunque distantes de la civilización que le atribuyeron los españoles (porque no es probable que formasen una excepción singular al estado general de cultura de los pueblos vecinos) pueden haber llenado un vacío considerable que quedaba entre los indios del Perú y los del Paraguay. Lo que parece fabuloso es la isla de los Xarayes, siendo opinión muy válida en el día, que ninguna isla habitable se halla en la laguna, o más bien en los bañados de este nombre. La voz Xarayes es una corrupción de çaraibe, que en el idioma guaraní quiere decir «juegan junto»; de çaraí, juego, y béjuntamente.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-04T16:52:53+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "tribe", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-25T18:23:32+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 56474, "end" : 56481 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Jarayes" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/f1dd4b8f-4c31-437b-9696-fec7f889f7f4", 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Fue \ncolonizada desde Asunción del Paraguay, pero las constantes incursiones \nde los bandeirantes portugueses frenaron su expansión.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-25T19:44:39+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 95894, "end" : 95900 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Guayra" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/f5dcb8fa-36b2-4a7a-ba31-d01ae4f5858c", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PLACE", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-04T17:23:13+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Río de las Palmas; navegado por Gaboto. Sigue al de las Carabelas. Este río, así como el de las Carabelas, son más bien brazos del Paraná que ríos; en algunos mapas se le da el nombre de Paraná de las Palmas.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-04T17:23:13+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 93484, "end" : 93501 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "río de las Palmas" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/1d86baf8-355d-466f-9eaa-3ee2fa8aa34b", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PLACE", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-25T19:56:30+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 100546, "end" : 100557 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Extremadura" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/243a55a9-5bd1-4aa5-8b5d-04753cd18ec9", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-18T23:43:55+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Diego de Mendoza\n(1540-1571) fue un conquistador y colonizador español, hijo del gobernador de\nAsunción Francisco Mendoza y de María de Angulo. Hermano de Elvira de Mendoza,\nquien fue esposa de Ñuflo de Chaves. Su esposa fue Ana de la Torre, sobrina del\nObispo del Paraguay.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-20T20:28:04+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 76661, "end" : 76677 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Diego de Mendoza" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/60c29ef9-0e19-4a1c-a82e-e1cd63afcc1a", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-18T23:43:55+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Diego de Mendoza\n(1540-1571) fue un conquistador y colonizador español, hijo del gobernador de\nAsunción Francisco Mendoza y de María de Angulo. Hermano de Elvira de Mendoza,\nquien fue esposa de Ñuflo de Chaves. Su esposa fue Ana de la Torre, sobrina del\nObispo del Paraguay.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-20T20:28:04+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 76407, "end" : 76423 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Diego de Mendoza" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/c3c2ce43-4658-4923-929e-7ed6dc1c0931", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { 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La ciudad sufrió varios traslados en \nel curso de su historia hasta establecerse dónde se encuentra hoy en \ndía. El primer sitio de la fundación fue en la serranía de Chiquitos, a \norilla del río Sutó.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T12:29:25+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 63241, "end" : 63251 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Santa Cruz" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/f3063105-d3fa-40ea-8ae1-306e1e405009", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : 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: "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ -65.259602, -19.047862 ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "La provincia de Charcas, cuyos límites se superponen con la Audiencia de\n Charchas, tenía su sede en Sucre (Ciudad de la Plata, 1538).", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T12:31:42+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 64535, "end" : 64556 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "la ciudad de la Plata" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/44609a1a-32df-44c0-ad2c-1ea847428c71", "type" : 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-72.602, -5.056 ], [ -72.734, -5.043 ], [ -72.896, -5.136 ], [ -72.872, -5.25 ], [ -72.948, -5.454 ], [ -72.951, -5.643 ], [ -73.116, -5.865 ], [ -73.131, -5.986 ], [ -73.185, -6.04 ], [ -73.133, -6.421 ], [ -73.211, -6.53 ], [ -73.351, -6.561 ], [ -73.743, -6.897 ], [ -73.797, -7.115 ], [ -73.691, -7.313 ], [ -73.868, -7.377 ], [ -73.954, -7.348 ], [ -73.917, -7.461 ], [ -73.986, -7.537 ], [ -73.69, -7.79 ], [ -73.697, -7.865 ], [ -73.777, -7.869 ], [ -73.765, -7.94 ], [ -73.632, -8.022 ], [ -73.526, -8.369 ], [ -73.338, -8.476 ], [ -73.338, -8.609 ], [ -73.169, -8.701 ], [ -73.059, -8.904 ], [ -72.946, -8.99 ], [ -72.965, -9.154 ], [ -73.196, -9.418 ], [ -72.721, -9.417 ], [ -72.364, -9.491 ], [ -72.289, -9.536 ], [ -72.26, -9.755 ], [ -72.16, -9.818 ], [ -72.165, -10.002 ], [ -71.288, -9.996 ], [ -71.131, -9.862 ], [ -70.982, -9.812 ], [ -70.601, -9.453 ], [ -70.497, -9.433 ], [ -70.561, -9.579 ], [ -70.598, -9.574 ], [ -70.522, -9.738 ], [ -70.622, -9.847 ], [ -70.618, -11.007 ], [ 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], [ -69.819, -17.747 ], [ -69.753, -17.982 ], [ -69.948, -18.248 ], [ -70.374, -18.35 ], [ -70.879, -18.01 ], [ -70.925, -17.924 ], [ -71.383, -17.708 ], [ -71.342, -17.636 ], [ -71.382, -17.419 ], [ -71.515, -17.265 ], [ -71.819, -17.18 ], [ -71.974, -17.048 ], [ -72.113, -17.027 ], [ -72.123, -16.97 ], [ -72.45, -16.705 ], [ -72.758, -16.636 ], [ -73.112, -16.433 ], [ -73.291, -16.402 ], [ -73.3, -16.349 ], [ -73.414, -16.294 ], [ -73.701, -16.24 ], [ -74.057, -15.961 ], [ -74.285, -15.846 ], [ -74.371, -15.85 ], [ -74.476, -15.726 ], [ -75.141, -15.419 ], [ -75.2, -15.381 ], [ -75.157, -15.338 ], [ -75.252, -15.268 ], [ -75.23, -15.22 ], [ -75.376, -15.161 ], [ -75.509, -14.922 ], [ -75.921, -14.662 ], [ -75.98, -14.483 ], [ -76.151, -14.345 ], [ -76.105, -14.326 ], [ -76.135, -14.245 ], [ -76.222, -14.165 ], [ -76.274, -14.151 ], [ -76.273, -14.211 ], [ -76.296, -14.175 ], [ -76.286, -13.917 ], [ -76.395, -13.908 ], [ -76.332, -13.799 ], [ -76.261, -13.872 ], [ -76.191, -13.607 ], [ -76.206, -13.4 ], [ -76.492, -13.049 ], [ -76.52, -12.871 ], [ -76.641, -12.752 ], [ -76.693, -12.608 ], [ -76.811, -12.512 ], [ -76.784, -12.402 ], [ -76.84, -12.323 ], [ -77.042, -12.215 ], [ -77.072, -12.113 ], [ -77.172, -12.087 ], [ -77.136, -11.984 ], [ -77.201, -11.79 ], [ -77.176, -11.739 ], [ -77.301, -11.521 ], [ -77.663, -11.297 ], [ -77.656, -11.228 ], [ -77.604, -11.205 ], [ -77.671, -10.949 ], [ -78.196, -10.11 ], [ -78.241, -9.793 ], [ -78.378, -9.635 ], [ -78.431, -9.345 ], [ -78.536, -9.274 ], [ -78.507, -9.186 ], [ -78.555, -9.184 ], [ -78.575, -9.248 ], [ -78.621, -9.185 ], [ -78.563, -9.134 ], [ -78.641, -9.076 ], [ -78.654, -8.916 ], [ -78.766, -8.773 ], [ -78.755, -8.616 ], [ -78.934, -8.455 ], [ -78.905, -8.389 ], [ -78.97, -8.252 ], [ -79.359, -7.859 ], [ -79.566, -7.465 ], [ -79.581, -7.322 ], [ -79.678, -7.12 ], [ -79.916, -6.884 ], [ -79.983, -6.743 ], [ -80.298, -6.53 ], [ -80.773, -6.306 ], [ -81.11, -6.057 ], [ -81.144, -5.89 ], [ -81.076, -5.791 ], [ -80.942, -5.848 ], [ -80.866, -5.784 ], [ -80.858, -5.819 ], [ -80.841, -5.841 ], [ -80.848, -5.534 ], [ -80.872, -5.558 ], [ -80.945, -5.432 ], [ -81.191, -5.216 ], [ -81.167, -5.083 ], [ -81.085, -5.081 ], [ -81.072, -5 ] ] ] ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Entendido como virreinato del Perú.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T20:48:20+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 62061, "end" : 62065 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Perú" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : 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], [ -76.441, -13.848 ], [ -76.455, -13.868 ] ] ], [ [ [ -76.406, -13.75 ], [ -76.406, -13.746 ], [ -76.397, -13.741 ], [ -76.397, -13.746 ], [ -76.406, -13.75 ] ] ], [ [ [ -76.633, -12.805 ], [ -76.634, -12.794 ], [ -76.621, -12.798 ], [ -76.633, -12.805 ] ] ], [ [ [ -76.899, -12.361 ], [ -76.905, -12.355 ], [ -76.901, -12.347 ], [ -76.897, -12.352 ], [ -76.899, -12.361 ] ] ], [ [ [ -76.915, -12.314 ], [ -76.917, -12.312 ], [ -76.909, -12.302 ], [ -76.909, -12.312 ], [ -76.915, -12.314 ] ] ], [ [ [ -77.19, -12.134 ], [ -77.189, -12.125 ], [ -77.185, -12.124 ], [ -77.182, -12.129 ], [ -77.19, -12.134 ] ] ], [ [ [ -77.208, -12.124 ], [ -77.253, -12.095 ], [ -77.254, -12.074 ], [ -77.202, -12.103 ], [ -77.208, -12.124 ] ] ], [ [ [ -77.717, -11.974 ], [ -77.725, -11.969 ], [ -77.724, -11.965 ], [ -77.718, -11.965 ], [ -77.717, -11.974 ] ] ], [ [ [ -77.723, -11.954 ], [ -77.733, -11.953 ], [ -77.734, -11.948 ], [ -77.722, -11.946 ], [ -77.723, -11.954 ] ] ], [ [ [ -77.851, -11.494 ], [ -77.852, -11.486 ], [ -77.844, -11.48 ], [ -77.844, -11.488 ], [ -77.851, -11.494 ] ] ], [ [ [ -81.072, -5 ], [ -81.326, -4.68 ], [ -81.25, -4.27 ], [ -80.837, -3.877 ], [ -80.786, -3.749 ], [ -80.574, -3.628 ], [ -80.501, -3.505 ], [ -80.366, -3.499 ], [ -80.304, -3.405 ], [ -80.219, -3.438 ], [ -80.154, -3.905 ], [ -80.286, -4.018 ], [ -80.398, -3.984 ], [ -80.475, -4.054 ], [ -80.444, -4.194 ], [ -80.305, -4.201 ], [ -80.443, -4.371 ], [ -80.443, -4.437 ], [ -80.335, -4.47 ], [ -80.136, -4.285 ], [ -79.895, -4.394 ], [ -79.812, -4.486 ], [ -79.631, -4.435 ], [ -79.541, -4.528 ], [ -79.482, -4.529 ], [ -79.416, -4.799 ], [ -79.26, -4.967 ], [ -79, -4.979 ], [ -78.881, -4.72 ], [ -78.736, -4.654 ], [ -78.621, -4.497 ], [ -78.627, -4.319 ], [ -78.572, -4.255 ], [ -78.499, -3.949 ], [ -78.377, -3.787 ], [ -78.319, -3.429 ], [ -78.249, -3.429 ], [ -78.232, -3.534 ], [ -78.137, -3.522 ], [ -78.19, -3.354 ], [ -77.824, -2.998 ], [ -76.627, -2.591 ], [ -76.045, -2.128 ], [ -75.538, -1.536 ], [ -75.364, -0.956 ], [ -75.185, -0.971 ], [ -75.28, -0.711 ], [ -75.245, -0.535 ], [ -75.415, -0.424 ], [ -75.449, -0.329 ], [ -75.622, -0.263 ], [ -75.622, -0.109 ], [ -75.304, -0.134 ], [ -75.219, -0.015 ], [ -75.115, -0.039 ], [ -74.904, -0.195 ], [ -74.824, -0.145 ], [ -74.78, -0.214 ], [ -74.801, -0.29 ], [ -74.659, -0.332 ], [ -74.52, -0.479 ], [ -74.425, -0.511 ], [ -74.342, -0.695 ], [ -74.378, -0.745 ], [ -74.258, -0.843 ], [ -74.272, -0.899 ], [ -74.318, -0.9 ], [ -74.266, -1.007 ], [ -74.074, -1.081 ], [ -74.033, -1.028 ], [ -74.013, -1.123 ], [ -73.905, -1.15 ], [ -73.861, -1.25 ], [ -73.777, -1.277 ], [ -73.75, -1.22 ], [ -73.732, -1.267 ], [ -73.624, -1.283 ], [ -73.552, -1.429 ], [ -73.586, -1.445 ], [ -73.539, -1.452 ], [ -73.46, -1.6 ], [ -73.532, -1.733 ], [ -73.314, -1.855 ], [ -73.293, -1.803 ], [ -73.231, -1.823 ], [ -73.222, -1.774 ], [ -73.143, -1.834 ], [ -73.095, -2.113 ], [ -73.059, -2.125 ], [ -73.153, -2.276 ], [ -73.044, -2.4 ], [ -73.021, -2.355 ], [ -72.962, -2.382 ], [ -72.921, -2.5 ], [ -72.769, -2.42 ], [ -72.733, -2.459 ], [ -72.707, -2.416 ], [ -72.67, -2.486 ], [ -72.618, -2.396 ], [ -72.383, -2.416 ], [ -72.346, -2.49 ], [ -72.221, -2.433 ], [ -72.126, -2.468 ], [ -72.035, -2.331 ], [ -71.907, -2.373 ], [ -71.919, -2.312 ], [ -71.861, -2.3 ], [ -71.822, -2.187 ], [ -71.722, -2.128 ], [ -71.707, -2.214 ], [ -71.628, -2.191 ], [ -71.5, -2.245 ], [ -71.484, -2.336 ], [ -71.444, -2.263 ], [ -71.375, -2.398 ], [ -71.284, -2.338 ], [ -71.165, -2.376 ], [ -71.057, -2.264 ], [ -70.986, -2.298 ], [ -70.993, -2.205 ], [ -70.928, -2.245 ], [ -70.857, -2.217 ], [ -70.822, -2.283 ], [ -70.658, -2.351 ], [ -70.608, -2.481 ], [ -70.55, -2.47 ], [ -70.562, -2.415 ], [ -70.418, -2.525 ], [ -70.307, -2.498 ], [ -70.342, -2.573 ], [ -70.246, -2.548 ], [ -70.15, -2.705 ], [ -70.076, -2.662 ], [ -70.034, -2.761 ], [ -70.703, -3.795 ], [ -70.485, -3.885 ], [ -70.295, -3.813 ], [ -70.186, -3.891 ], [ -70.158, -4.021 ], [ -69.948, -4.219 ], [ -69.978, -4.295 ], [ -70.036, -4.339 ], [ -70.076, -4.309 ], [ -70.042, -4.284 ], [ -70.164, -4.268 ], [ -70.19, -4.357 ], [ -70.249, -4.267 ], [ -70.291, -4.283 ], [ -70.317, -4.136 ], [ -70.341, -4.174 ], [ -70.434, -4.125 ], [ -70.503, -4.19 ], [ -70.553, -4.128 ], [ -70.566, -4.205 ], [ -70.565, -4.168 ], [ -70.633, -4.173 ], [ -70.622, -4.121 ], [ -70.677, -4.2 ], [ -70.757, -4.152 ], [ -70.935, -4.381 ], [ -70.99, -4.34 ], [ -71.031, -4.397 ], [ -71.147, -4.375 ], [ -71.193, -4.42 ], [ -71.198, -4.377 ], [ -71.269, -4.381 ], [ -71.303, -4.458 ], [ -71.355, -4.468 ], [ -71.342, -4.423 ], [ -71.432, -4.469 ], [ -71.414, -4.432 ], [ -71.506, -4.435 ], [ -71.49, -4.479 ], [ -71.535, -4.46 ], [ -71.597, -4.525 ], [ -71.61, -4.465 ], [ -71.897, -4.512 ], [ -71.94, -4.607 ], [ -72.047, -4.625 ], [ -72.113, -4.722 ], [ -72.223, -4.78 ], [ -72.313, -4.769 ], [ -72.292, -4.799 ], [ -72.356, -4.803 ], [ -72.37, -4.88 ], [ -72.452, -4.906 ], [ -72.455, -4.962 ], [ -72.577, -4.992 ], [ -72.602, -5.056 ], [ -72.734, -5.043 ], [ -72.896, -5.136 ], [ -72.872, -5.25 ], [ -72.948, -5.454 ], [ -72.951, -5.643 ], [ -73.116, -5.865 ], [ -73.131, -5.986 ], [ -73.185, -6.04 ], [ -73.133, -6.421 ], [ -73.211, -6.53 ], [ -73.351, -6.561 ], [ -73.743, -6.897 ], [ -73.797, -7.115 ], [ -73.691, -7.313 ], [ -73.868, -7.377 ], [ -73.954, -7.348 ], [ -73.917, -7.461 ], [ -73.986, -7.537 ], [ -73.69, -7.79 ], [ -73.697, -7.865 ], [ -73.777, -7.869 ], [ -73.765, -7.94 ], [ -73.632, -8.022 ], [ -73.526, -8.369 ], [ -73.338, -8.476 ], [ -73.338, -8.609 ], [ -73.169, -8.701 ], [ -73.059, -8.904 ], [ -72.946, -8.99 ], [ -72.965, -9.154 ], [ -73.196, -9.418 ], [ -72.721, -9.417 ], [ -72.364, -9.491 ], [ -72.289, -9.536 ], [ -72.26, -9.755 ], [ -72.16, -9.818 ], [ -72.165, -10.002 ], [ -71.288, -9.996 ], [ -71.131, -9.862 ], [ -70.982, -9.812 ], [ -70.601, -9.453 ], [ -70.497, -9.433 ], [ -70.561, -9.579 ], [ -70.598, -9.574 ], [ -70.522, -9.738 ], [ -70.622, -9.847 ], [ -70.618, -11.007 ], [ -70.508, -10.94 ], [ -70.337, -11.067 ], [ -69.938, -10.926 ], [ -69.728, -10.973 ], [ -69.568, -10.954 ], [ -68.924, -11.994 ], [ -68.679, -12.497 ], [ -68.764, -12.612 ], [ -68.738, -12.705 ], [ -68.85, -12.728 ], [ -68.961, -12.852 ], [ -68.942, -13.486 ], [ -68.997, -13.652 ], [ -69.076, -13.654 ], [ -68.988, -13.769 ], [ -68.965, -13.98 ], [ -68.881, -14.065 ], [ -68.841, -14.21 ], [ -68.982, -14.237 ], [ -68.98, -14.387 ], [ -69.152, -14.508 ], [ -69.149, -14.584 ], [ -69.225, -14.584 ], [ -69.244, -14.753 ], [ -69.363, -14.804 ], [ -69.365, -14.98 ], [ -69.126, -15.256 ], [ -69.265, -15.336 ], [ -69.274, -15.421 ], [ -69.414, -15.621 ], [ -69.236, -16.143 ], [ -69.099, -16.219 ], [ -68.963, -16.189 ], [ -68.814, -16.338 ], [ -68.982, -16.433 ], [ -69.032, -16.566 ], [ -69.006, -16.677 ], [ -69.168, -16.731 ], [ -69.392, -17.021 ], [ -69.375, -17.078 ], [ -69.551, -17.162 ], [ -69.641, -17.282 ], [ -69.463, -17.376 ], [ -69.463, -17.508 ], [ -69.662, -17.658 ], [ -69.799, -17.65 ], [ -69.819, -17.747 ], [ -69.753, -17.982 ], [ -69.948, -18.248 ], [ -70.374, -18.35 ], [ -70.879, -18.01 ], [ -70.925, -17.924 ], [ -71.383, -17.708 ], [ -71.342, -17.636 ], [ -71.382, -17.419 ], [ -71.515, -17.265 ], [ -71.819, -17.18 ], [ -71.974, -17.048 ], [ -72.113, -17.027 ], [ -72.123, -16.97 ], [ -72.45, -16.705 ], [ -72.758, -16.636 ], [ -73.112, -16.433 ], [ -73.291, -16.402 ], [ -73.3, -16.349 ], [ -73.414, -16.294 ], [ -73.701, -16.24 ], [ -74.057, -15.961 ], [ -74.285, -15.846 ], [ -74.371, -15.85 ], [ -74.476, -15.726 ], [ -75.141, -15.419 ], [ -75.2, -15.381 ], [ -75.157, -15.338 ], [ -75.252, -15.268 ], [ -75.23, -15.22 ], [ -75.376, -15.161 ], [ -75.509, -14.922 ], [ -75.921, -14.662 ], [ -75.98, -14.483 ], [ -76.151, -14.345 ], [ -76.105, -14.326 ], [ -76.135, -14.245 ], [ -76.222, -14.165 ], [ -76.274, -14.151 ], [ -76.273, -14.211 ], [ -76.296, -14.175 ], [ -76.286, -13.917 ], [ -76.395, -13.908 ], [ -76.332, -13.799 ], [ -76.261, -13.872 ], [ -76.191, -13.607 ], [ -76.206, -13.4 ], [ -76.492, -13.049 ], [ -76.52, -12.871 ], [ -76.641, -12.752 ], [ -76.693, -12.608 ], [ -76.811, -12.512 ], [ -76.784, -12.402 ], [ -76.84, -12.323 ], [ -77.042, -12.215 ], [ -77.072, -12.113 ], [ -77.172, -12.087 ], [ -77.136, -11.984 ], [ -77.201, -11.79 ], [ -77.176, -11.739 ], [ -77.301, -11.521 ], [ -77.663, -11.297 ], [ -77.656, -11.228 ], [ -77.604, -11.205 ], [ -77.671, -10.949 ], [ -78.196, -10.11 ], [ -78.241, -9.793 ], [ -78.378, -9.635 ], [ -78.431, -9.345 ], [ -78.536, -9.274 ], [ -78.507, -9.186 ], [ -78.555, -9.184 ], [ -78.575, -9.248 ], [ -78.621, -9.185 ], [ -78.563, -9.134 ], [ -78.641, -9.076 ], [ -78.654, -8.916 ], [ -78.766, -8.773 ], [ -78.755, -8.616 ], [ -78.934, -8.455 ], [ -78.905, -8.389 ], [ -78.97, -8.252 ], [ -79.359, -7.859 ], [ -79.566, -7.465 ], [ -79.581, -7.322 ], [ -79.678, -7.12 ], [ -79.916, -6.884 ], [ -79.983, -6.743 ], [ -80.298, -6.53 ], [ -80.773, -6.306 ], [ -81.11, -6.057 ], [ -81.144, -5.89 ], [ -81.076, -5.791 ], [ -80.942, -5.848 ], [ -80.866, -5.784 ], [ -80.858, -5.819 ], [ -80.841, -5.841 ], [ -80.848, -5.534 ], [ -80.872, -5.558 ], [ -80.945, -5.432 ], [ -81.191, -5.216 ], [ -81.167, -5.083 ], [ -81.085, -5.081 ], [ -81.072, -5 ] ] ] ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Entendido como virreinato del Perú.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T20:48:20+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 60327, "end" : 60331 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Perú" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/2498341a-4f20-494f-b8f4-2e47a26b8a99", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T18:34:22+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Alonso Riquelme de Guzmán (1519-1573) fue un conquistador oriundo de \nJeréz de la Frontera y sobrino del Segundo Adelantado al Río de la \nPlata, Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca, con quien llegó al Río de la Plata en\n 1541. Fue uno de sus más acérrimos partidarios durante la gobernación \nde Cabeza de Vaca y se convirtió en una de las figuras más prominentes \nde la facción de los \"leales\" una vez que aquel fuera expulsado de la \nprovincia en 1545.Fue forzado por Domigo de Irala a casarse con una de \nsus hijas mestizas, unión de la cual nació Ruy Díaz de \nGuzmán.Bibliografía:Ricardo Lafuente Machaín, Alonso Riquelme de Guzmán,\n Buenos Aires, Amorrurtu, 1942.Tieffemberg, Silvia, \"Estudio \nIntroductorio\", en Díaz de Guzmán, Ruy, Argentina. Historia del \nDescubrimiento y Conquista del Río de la Plata de Ruy Díaz de Guzmán, \nBuenos Aires, Editorial de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras-UBA, \n2012.Fuentes \"Información hecha en Jerez de la Frontera a pedimento de \nCabeza de Vaca para verificar ciertas cartas\", en Núñez Cabeza de Vaca, \nÁlvar, Relación de los Naufragios y Comentarios de Álvar Núñez Cabeza de\n Vaca, adelantado y gobernador del Río de la Plata. Ilustrado con varios\n documentos inéditos. Tomo Segundo, Madrid, Imprenta General de \nVictoriano Suárez, 1906, p. 289 (GGV 52/975; AGI Justicia 1131), 1545.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-22T18:43:24+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 88331, "end" : 88346 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Alonso Riquelme" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/c9e19a00-21c3-410c-961a-d5c8e31418a2", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T18:34:22+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Alonso Riquelme de Guzmán (1519-1573) fue un conquistador oriundo de \nJeréz de la Frontera y sobrino del Segundo Adelantado al Río de la \nPlata, Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca, con quien llegó al Río de la Plata en\n 1541. Fue uno de sus más acérrimos partidarios durante la gobernación \nde Cabeza de Vaca y se convirtió en una de las figuras más prominentes \nde la facción de los \"leales\" una vez que aquel fuera expulsado de la \nprovincia en 1545.Fue forzado por Domigo de Irala a casarse con una de \nsus hijas mestizas, unión de la cual nació Ruy Díaz de \nGuzmán.Bibliografía:Ricardo Lafuente Machaín, Alonso Riquelme de Guzmán,\n Buenos Aires, Amorrurtu, 1942.Tieffemberg, Silvia, \"Estudio \nIntroductorio\", en Díaz de Guzmán, Ruy, Argentina. Historia del \nDescubrimiento y Conquista del Río de la Plata de Ruy Díaz de Guzmán, \nBuenos Aires, Editorial de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras-UBA, \n2012.Fuentes \"Información hecha en Jerez de la Frontera a pedimento de \nCabeza de Vaca para verificar ciertas cartas\", en Núñez Cabeza de Vaca, \nÁlvar, Relación de los Naufragios y Comentarios de Álvar Núñez Cabeza de\n Vaca, adelantado y gobernador del Río de la Plata. Ilustrado con varios\n documentos inéditos. Tomo Segundo, Madrid, Imprenta General de \nVictoriano Suárez, 1906, p. 289 (GGV 52/975; AGI Justicia 1131), 1545.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-22T18:43:24+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 17713, "end" : 17728 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Alonso Riquelme" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/54622f25-da58-440a-a6a7-3180eb9e307e", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-22T18:44:22+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Ruy Díaz de Melgarejo (Salteras\nde Sevilla, 1519 – Santa Fe la Vieja, 1602) fue un militar, conquistador, explorador,\nestadista, minero y burócrata colonial español establecido en la región del Río\nde la Plata. Su vida estuvo marcada por guerras, conspiraciones, persecuciones\ny conflictos familiares.\n\nJunto a Juan de Salazar, Alonso Riquelme de Guzmán y Diego de Abreu se opuso\nal gobierno asunceno de Domingo Martínez de Irala, apoyando al deportado Álvar\nNúñez Cabeza de Vaca.\n\nGobernó de manera casi absoluta e independiente la antigua provincia\nasuncena del Guayrá, fácticamente durante 20 años, y luego de separarla de Asunción\nen 1575, con el título de teniente de gobernador del Guayrá unos 15 años más.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-22T18:44:22+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 18503, "end" : 18512 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Melgarejo" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/9d26ee60-628b-4ccf-ae9e-c2d3e4b38227", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-22T18:44:22+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Ruy Díaz de Melgarejo (Salteras\nde Sevilla, 1519 – Santa Fe la Vieja, 1602) fue un militar, conquistador, explorador,\nestadista, minero y burócrata colonial español establecido en la región del Río\nde la Plata. Su vida estuvo marcada por guerras, conspiraciones, persecuciones\ny conflictos familiares.\n\nJunto a Juan de Salazar, Alonso Riquelme de Guzmán y Diego de Abreu se opuso\nal gobierno asunceno de Domingo Martínez de Irala, apoyando al deportado Álvar\nNúñez Cabeza de Vaca.\n\nGobernó de manera casi absoluta e independiente la antigua provincia\nasuncena del Guayrá, fácticamente durante 20 años, y luego de separarla de Asunción\nen 1575, con el título de teniente de gobernador del Guayrá unos 15 años más.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-22T18:44:22+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 87915, "end" : 87924 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Melgarejo" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/14bf8065-7121-4b88-9234-513a62a9a01e", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-01T19:09:46+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca (Jerez de la Frontera, 1488/1490 - Sevilla, \n27 de mayo de 1559) fue un descubridor y conquistador español que \nexploró la costa sur de Norteamérica desde la actual Florida pasando por\n Alabama, Misisipi y Luisiana y se adentró en Texas, Nuevo México, \nArizona y en el norte de México hasta llegar al Golfo de California, \nterritorios que pasaron a anexionarse al Imperio Español dentro del \nVirreinato de Nueva España. El rey Carlos I de España le otorgó el \ntítulo de Segundo Adelantado y lo nombró capitán general y gobernador \ndel Río de la Plata, Paranáguazu y sus anexos, fue el primer europeo en \nllegar a las cataratas del Iguazú y que exploró el curso del río \nParaguay.Fue el primer europeo del cual tenemos pruebas documentales \nrespecto de sus exploraciones en la región de las cataratas del Iguazú. \nEstán documentadas numerosas referencias sobre entradas que antiguos \nnáufragos de los barcos de Juan Díaz de Solís (1470-1516) y Rodrigo de \nAcuña habrían realizado en la zona, siendo la más famosa la de Alejo o \nAleixo García.Cabeza de Vaca llegó a la isla de Santa Catalina en 1541 y\n de allí entró en tierra firme con el objetivo de alcanzar la ciudad de \nAsunción del Paraguay. La misma se había convertido en el centro de la \nconquista del Río de la Plata. Si bien los conquistadores viejos de la \nexpedición de Pedro de Mendoza aceptaron sus credenciales cuando entró \nen la ciudad en 1542, las políticas que Cabeza de Vaca intentó instalar \nen la región rápidamente entraron en conflicto con aquellas que \npretendían sostener sus fundadores y primeros conquistadores. La \nsituación se deterioró progresivamente hasta que, después de una \nfracasada entrada al Gran Chaco, Cabeza de Vaca fue encarcelado y luego \nexpulsado de la provincia en 1545.Tras regresar a España, el antiguo \nadelantado debió responder a los procesos que contra él entablaron los \nconquistadores del Río de la Plata y el propio fiscal del rey, que se \nextendieron hasta entrada la década de 1550. Si bien Álvar Núñez no \nlogró recuperar la gobernación del Río de la Plata, tampoco debió \nenfretar las penas que originalmente se le habían impuesto (multas y un \ntemido destierro a Argel). Una clara señal de cierto beneplácito regio \nrespecto de sus acciones en Indias es la reedición, en 1555, de su \nRelación (Zamora, 1542) acompañada de un nuevo libro titulado \nComentarios (valladolid, 1555). Este último constituye la primera obra \nhistoriográfica de largo aliento sobre la conquista del Río de la Plata,\n considerando en particular el período de su \ngobernación.BibliografíaAdorno, Rolena; Pautz, Patrick Charles, Álvar \nNúñez Cabeza de Vaca. His Account, his Life, and the Expedition of \nPánfilo de Narváez, Lincoln y Londres, University of Nebraska Press, \n1999. Tres Tomos.FuentesÁlvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca, La relación que dio \nAlvar Núñez Cabeça de Vaca de lo acaecido en las Indias en la armada \ndonde iua por gobernador Panfhilo de Narváez desde el año veinte y siete\n hasta el año treinta y seis que volvió a Sevilla con tres de su \ncompañía, Zamora, 1542.Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca, La relación y \ncomentarios del Gobernador Álvar Núñez Cabeça de Vaca, de lo acaecido en\n las dos jornadas que hizo a las Indias, Valladolid, 1555.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-25T17:54:41+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 1027, "end" : 1041 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Cabeza de Vaca" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/90a4654b-b341-477c-8183-843897a1a5f9", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PLACE", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-09-06T19:34:46+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-25T17:45:39+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Domingo Martínez de Irala (Vergara de la Hermandad de Guipúzcoa, Corona \nde Castilla, 1509 - Asunción del Paraguay, Virreinato del Perú, 3 de \noctubre de 1556) fue un conquistador, explorador y colonizador español \nque como lugarteniente de Juan de Ayolas quien lo nombrara interinamente\n hasta que regresara como teniente de gobernador de La Candelaria en \n1537, luego lo sería de hecho, y posteriormente elegido por el pueblo \nsegún real cédula, como teniente de gobernador general de Asunción.Ocupó\n tres veces el cargo de gobernador interino del Río de la Plata y del \nParaguay, en los períodos de 1539 a 1542, de 1544 hasta 1548 y por \núltimo desde 1549. El emperador Carlos V lo nombraría definitivamente \ncomo titular en el cargo gubernamental en el año 1555, que lo ostentaría\n hasta su fallecimiento.En 1543 fundó en el Chaco Boreal el Puerto de \nlos Reyes, a orillas del río Paraguay y del pantano de los Jarayes, \nsobre las costas de la laguna La Gaiba. Avellaneda, Mercedes; Perusset, \nMacarena, \"Irala, el primer estratega del Plata\", en Historia Paraguaya.\n Anuario de la Academia Paraguaya de la Historia, vol. XLVI, 2006, pp. \n319-363.Lafuente Machain, Ricardo, El gobernador Domingo de Irala, \nAsunción, Academia Paraguaya de la Historia, 2005 [1939].", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-25T17:46:02+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 57168, "end" : 57173 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Irala" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/fd1e11d9-a309-4637-96bf-69c83f490102", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : 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"2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://www.hgis-indias.net/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=gazetteer:9000004", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-25T18:53:07+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-25T18:53:07+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ -65.58590412, -27.21712553 ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Si bien la gobernación de Tucumán se establece en 1563, los territorios \nque la integraban (las actuales provincias argentinas de Tucumán, Jujuy,\n Salta, Santiago del Estero y Catamarca) ya habían sido objeto de \nconquista y colonización en la primera mitad del siglo XVI a partir de \navanzadas provenientes de Asunción, Chile y Perú.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-25T18:53:07+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 78944, "end" : 78951 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Tucumán" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/59892580-a35f-42bf-b751-2fb5685c7dcf", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PLACE", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-25T18:55:07+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Xaqui-xaguana. Lugar donde el Presidente La Gasca derrotó e hizo \nprisionero a Gonzalo de Pizarro. Campo célebre en la historia antigua y \nmoderna del Perú, y en donde en varias épocas corrieron raudales de \nsangre. Dista cerca de cuatro leguas del Cuzco, a corta distancia del \nparaje, donde el Inca Viracocha obtuvo un célebre triunfa sobre los \nindios rebeldes, de los cuales perecieron 30000 en un sólo día. La \nsangre llenó el estero de un torrente, lo que hizo dar a este campo el \nnombre de Yahur pampa: «campo de sangre». Este mismo sitio presenció el \nsuplicio de los próceres y parientes del Inca Huascar, y poco después la\n derrota y la muerte de Gonzalo Pizarro y de sus caudillos. Este nombre \ndebe escribirse Sacsahuana, que en el idioma quecchua significa «campo \ndel escarmiento»; de sacsa, monte o médano, y huana, castigo.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-25T18:55:07+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 77906, "end" : 77919 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Xaqui-xaguana" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/b106ffd7-cce2-49e9-895d-7b2b3add1cbf", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : 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: "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "spanish colony", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T17:30:21+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Refiere a la Provincia del Río de la Plata, un espacio creado a partir de las capitulaciones que firmó el primer adelantado Pedro de Mendoza con Carlos I en 1534.La misma limitaba al norte con los territorios otorgados a Diego de Almagro, ocupando una franja que se extendería entre el Mar del Sur y el Mar Océano Austral. La exploración y ocupación efectiva del terreno delimitarían el espacio de la provincia del Río de la Plata al sector atlántico y específicamente, al eje fluvial Paraná-Plata.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-10-26T18:45:58+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 2878, "end" : 2908 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "provincias del Río de la Plata" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/bd3bc0de-0500-42c0-8ea8-5c0b5f7a6573", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : 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-48.34, -25.43 ], [ -48.34, -25.41 ], [ -48.32, -25.38 ], [ -48.3, -25.37 ], [ -48.27, -25.35 ], [ -48.26, -25.35 ], [ -48.25, -25.36 ], [ -48.26, -25.39 ], [ -48.27, -25.43 ], [ -48.27, -25.45 ], [ -48.26, -25.47 ], [ -48.27, -25.48 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.86, -22.62 ], [ -51.83, -22.62 ], [ -51.77, -22.61 ], [ -51.74, -22.62 ], [ -51.71, -22.65 ], [ -51.7, -22.66 ], [ -51.68, -22.66 ], [ -51.66, -22.65 ], [ -51.64, -22.65 ], [ -51.62, -22.66 ], [ -51.59, -22.68 ], [ -51.57, -22.68 ], [ -51.55, -22.69 ], [ -51.51, -22.69 ], [ -51.49, -22.68 ], [ -51.47, -22.68 ], [ -51.47, -22.68 ], [ -51.46, -22.67 ], [ -51.44, -22.66 ], [ -51.44, -22.66 ], [ -51.43, -22.65 ], [ -51.42, -22.65 ], [ -51.4, -22.66 ], [ -51.39, -22.66 ], [ -51.38, -22.66 ], [ -51.37, -22.65 ], [ -51.36, -22.65 ], [ -51.36, -22.65 ], [ -51.35, -22.65 ], [ -51.33, -22.66 ], [ -51.32, -22.67 ], [ -51.29, -22.68 ], [ -51.26, -22.69 ], [ -51.18, -22.74 ], [ -51.11, -22.77 ], [ -51, -22.79 ], [ -50.88, -22.82 ], [ -50.87, -22.83 ], [ -50.86, -22.84 ], [ -50.82, -22.89 ], [ -50.81, -22.9 ], [ -50.8, -22.92 ], [ -50.79, -22.93 ], [ -50.79, -22.94 ], [ -50.78, -22.95 ], [ -50.76, -22.95 ], [ -50.75, -22.95 ], [ -50.73, -22.95 ], [ -50.71, -22.95 ], [ -50.7, -22.94 ], [ -50.68, -22.93 ], [ -50.66, -22.92 ], [ -50.63, -22.92 ], [ -50.54, -22.93 ], [ -50.52, -22.94 ], [ -50.52, -22.94 ], [ -50.51, -22.94 ], [ -50.51, -22.95 ], [ -50.5, -22.95 ], [ -50.44, -22.94 ], [ -50.43, -22.95 ], [ -50.41, -22.92 ], [ -50.4, -22.92 ], [ -50.38, -22.91 ], [ -50.37, -22.92 ], [ -50.35, -22.92 ], [ -50.33, -22.94 ], [ -50.32, -22.95 ], [ -50.31, -22.95 ], [ -50.29, -22.95 ], [ -50.28, -22.94 ], [ -50.28, -22.94 ], [ -50.26, -22.94 ], [ -50.24, -22.94 ], [ -50.23, -22.94 ], [ -50.21, -22.95 ], [ -50.12, -22.94 ], [ -50.11, -22.94 ], [ -50.1, -22.93 ], [ -50.03, -22.91 ], [ -50.02, -22.91 ], [ -50, -22.92 ], [ -50, -22.9 ], [ -49.99, -22.9 ], [ -49.98, -22.9 ], [ -49.97, -22.91 ], [ -49.97, -22.93 ], [ -49.97, -22.95 ], [ -49.96, -22.96 ], [ -49.93, -22.98 ], [ -49.91, -22.99 ], [ -49.91, -23 ], [ -49.91, -23.03 ], [ -49.91, -23.04 ], [ -49.89, -23.05 ], [ -49.88, -23.06 ], [ -49.87, -23.06 ], [ -49.84, -23.06 ], [ -49.83, -23.07 ], [ -49.8, -23.08 ], [ -49.79, -23.09 ], [ -49.77, -23.1 ], [ -49.76, -23.1 ], [ -49.76, -23.1 ], [ -49.75, -23.1 ], [ -49.74, -23.1 ], [ -49.73, -23.1 ], [ -49.73, -23.11 ], [ -49.73, -23.12 ], [ -49.73, -23.13 ], [ -49.72, -23.13 ], [ -49.72, -23.14 ], [ -49.7, -23.16 ], [ -49.67, -23.2 ], [ -49.64, -23.26 ], [ -49.62, -23.35 ], [ -49.61, -23.39 ], [ -49.62, -23.41 ], [ -49.64, -23.47 ], [ -49.65, -23.49 ], [ -49.65, -23.49 ], [ -49.65, -23.5 ], [ -49.65, -23.5 ], [ -49.65, -23.51 ], [ -49.65, -23.51 ], [ -49.65, -23.52 ], [ -49.64, -23.53 ], [ -49.63, -23.53 ], [ -49.63, -23.54 ], [ -49.63, -23.55 ], [ -49.62, -23.59 ], [ -49.62, -23.61 ], [ -49.61, -23.64 ], [ -49.59, -23.67 ], [ -49.58, -23.68 ], [ -49.56, -23.69 ], [ -49.56, -23.7 ], [ -49.55, -23.7 ], [ -49.55, -23.71 ], [ -49.56, -23.76 ], [ -49.56, -23.81 ], [ -49.57, -23.82 ], [ -49.57, -23.83 ], [ -49.57, -23.84 ], [ -49.58, -23.85 ], [ -49.58, -23.85 ], [ -49.59, -23.85 ], [ -49.6, -23.85 ], [ -49.6, -23.86 ], [ -49.6, -23.86 ], [ -49.6, -23.88 ], [ -49.59, -23.89 ], [ -49.59, -23.89 ], [ -49.58, -23.89 ], [ -49.57, -23.9 ], [ -49.57, -23.9 ], [ -49.55, -23.93 ], [ -49.54, -23.94 ], [ -49.53, -23.94 ], [ -49.53, -23.94 ], [ -49.52, -23.93 ], [ -49.52, -23.93 ], [ -49.51, -23.94 ], [ -49.51, -23.94 ], [ -49.51, -23.95 ], [ -49.51, -23.96 ], [ -49.51, -23.96 ], [ -49.51, -23.97 ], [ -49.5, -23.98 ], [ -49.49, -23.99 ], [ -49.48, -24.01 ], [ -49.46, -24.03 ], [ -49.45, -24.05 ], [ -49.45, -24.05 ], [ -49.44, -24.06 ], [ -49.43, -24.06 ], [ -49.43, -24.06 ], [ -49.42, -24.07 ], [ -49.42, -24.08 ], [ -49.41, -24.09 ], [ -49.4, -24.09 ], [ -49.4, -24.09 ], [ -49.38, -24.1 ], [ -49.37, -24.1 ], [ -49.36, -24.1 ], [ -49.36, -24.11 ], [ -49.35, -24.11 ], [ -49.34, -24.13 ], [ -49.34, -24.13 ], [ -49.33, -24.14 ], [ -49.33, -24.15 ], [ -49.33, -24.19 ], [ -49.33, -24.2 ], [ -49.34, -24.21 ], [ -49.34, -24.22 ], [ -49.34, -24.22 ], [ -49.33, -24.23 ], [ -49.32, -24.24 ], [ -49.32, -24.24 ], [ -49.31, -24.24 ], [ -49.31, -24.24 ], [ -49.3, -24.25 ], [ -49.29, -24.3 ], [ -49.28, -24.31 ], [ -49.27, -24.32 ], [ -49.27, -24.32 ], [ -49.26, -24.32 ], [ -49.25, -24.33 ], [ -49.25, -24.33 ], [ -49.24, -24.33 ], [ -49.24, -24.33 ], [ -49.23, -24.34 ], [ -49.23, -24.34 ], [ -49.22, -24.34 ], [ -49.22, -24.35 ], [ -49.22, -24.36 ], [ -49.23, -24.37 ], [ -49.24, -24.38 ], [ -49.25, -24.38 ], [ -49.25, -24.39 ], [ -49.25, -24.39 ], [ -49.25, -24.4 ], [ -49.24, -24.41 ], [ -49.24, -24.41 ], [ -49.24, -24.42 ], [ -49.25, -24.43 ], [ -49.26, -24.43 ], [ -49.28, -24.44 ], [ -49.29, -24.44 ], [ -49.29, -24.44 ], [ -49.3, -24.45 ], [ -49.29, -24.45 ], [ -49.29, -24.46 ], [ -49.27, -24.47 ], [ -49.28, -24.5 ], [ -49.28, -24.51 ], [ -49.28, -24.52 ], [ -49.28, -24.52 ], [ -49.28, -24.53 ], [ -49.29, -24.53 ], [ -49.31, -24.53 ], [ -49.32, -24.54 ], [ -49.32, -24.54 ], [ -49.32, -24.55 ], [ -49.32, -24.55 ], [ -49.32, -24.56 ], [ -49.32, -24.57 ], [ -49.3, -24.59 ], [ -49.3, -24.6 ], [ -49.3, -24.6 ], [ -49.3, -24.63 ], [ -49.3, -24.64 ], [ -49.3, -24.65 ], [ -49.3, -24.66 ], [ -49.3, -24.66 ], [ -49.3, -24.67 ], [ -49.28, -24.67 ], [ -49.22, -24.69 ], [ -49.2, -24.69 ], [ -49.19, -24.69 ], [ -49.17, -24.68 ], [ -49.15, -24.68 ], [ -49.09, -24.69 ], [ -49.05, -24.68 ], [ -49.03, -24.67 ], [ -49.03, -24.63 ], [ -49.01, -24.64 ], [ -48.98, -24.67 ], [ -48.95, -24.68 ], [ -48.87, -24.67 ], [ -48.85, -24.67 ], [ -48.85, -24.67 ], [ -48.85, -24.67 ], [ -48.85, -24.66 ], [ -48.83, -24.66 ], [ -48.81, -24.67 ], [ -48.8, -24.69 ], [ -48.78, -24.7 ], [ -48.78, -24.7 ], [ -48.77, -24.69 ], [ -48.77, -24.69 ], [ -48.76, -24.69 ], [ -48.75, -24.69 ], [ -48.74, -24.69 ], [ -48.71, -24.69 ], [ -48.69, -24.68 ], [ -48.69, -24.67 ], [ -48.68, -24.67 ], [ -48.67, -24.69 ], [ -48.67, -24.7 ], [ -48.66, -24.71 ], [ -48.65, -24.71 ], [ -48.65, -24.7 ], [ -48.64, -24.7 ], [ -48.63, -24.69 ], [ -48.61, -24.68 ], [ -48.61, -24.68 ], [ -48.6, -24.68 ], [ -48.59, -24.68 ], [ -48.59, -24.68 ], [ -48.58, -24.68 ], [ -48.58, -24.69 ], [ -48.57, -24.69 ], [ -48.57, -24.7 ], [ -48.57, -24.7 ], [ -48.56, -24.71 ], [ -48.56, -24.71 ], [ -48.55, -24.72 ], [ -48.55, -24.72 ], [ -48.49, -24.74 ], [ -48.49, -24.74 ], [ -48.49, -24.75 ], [ -48.49, -24.76 ], [ -48.5, -24.78 ], [ -48.51, -24.79 ], [ -48.52, -24.79 ], [ -48.53, -24.8 ], [ -48.54, -24.81 ], [ -48.55, -24.82 ], [ -48.55, -24.83 ], [ -48.54, -24.86 ], [ -48.54, -24.87 ], [ -48.54, -24.88 ], [ -48.55, -24.89 ], [ -48.56, -24.89 ], [ -48.56, -24.9 ], [ -48.56, -24.91 ], [ -48.56, -24.94 ], [ -48.56, -24.97 ], [ -48.56, -24.98 ], [ -48.57, -24.98 ], [ -48.57, -24.98 ], [ -48.59, -25 ], [ -48.59, -25 ], [ -48.59, -25 ], [ -48.59, -25 ], [ -48.59, -25 ], [ -48.59, -25.01 ], [ -48.59, -25.02 ], [ -48.57, -25.05 ], [ -48.57, -25.05 ], [ -48.57, -25.06 ], [ -48.54, -25.07 ], [ -48.51, -25.08 ], [ -48.51, -25.08 ], [ -48.5, -25.08 ], [ -48.49, -25.08 ], [ -48.49, -25.07 ], [ -48.49, -25.06 ], [ -48.48, -25.06 ], [ -48.48, -25.05 ], [ -48.48, -25.05 ], [ -48.47, -25.04 ], [ -48.47, -25.04 ], [ -48.46, -25.03 ], [ -48.46, -25.03 ], [ -48.46, -25.02 ], [ -48.46, -25.01 ], [ -48.46, -25 ], [ -48.46, -25 ], [ -48.46, -25 ], [ -48.46, -24.99 ], [ -48.46, -24.99 ], [ -48.45, -24.98 ], [ -48.43, -24.97 ], [ -48.43, -24.97 ], [ -48.42, -24.96 ], [ -48.42, -24.96 ], [ -48.41, -24.96 ], [ -48.4, -24.97 ], [ -48.39, -24.97 ], [ -48.37, -24.97 ], [ -48.36, -24.98 ], [ -48.35, -24.98 ], [ -48.35, -24.99 ], [ -48.34, -24.99 ], [ -48.34, -25 ], [ -48.34, -25 ], [ -48.34, -25 ], [ -48.34, -25.01 ], [ -48.34, -25.01 ], [ -48.33, -25.02 ], [ -48.32, -25.02 ], [ -48.3, -25.01 ], [ -48.29, -25.01 ], [ -48.28, -25.02 ], [ -48.28, -25.02 ], [ -48.28, -25.03 ], [ -48.28, -25.03 ], [ -48.27, -25.03 ], [ -48.26, -25.03 ], [ -48.23, -25.01 ], [ -48.21, -25.07 ], [ -48.21, -25.09 ], [ -48.21, -25.1 ], [ -48.19, -25.15 ], [ -48.18, -25.16 ], [ -48.18, -25.17 ], [ -48.19, -25.18 ], [ -48.19, -25.19 ], [ -48.18, -25.2 ], [ -48.18, -25.2 ], [ -48.17, -25.21 ], [ -48.16, -25.22 ], [ -48.15, -25.22 ], [ -48.09, -25.24 ], [ -48.09, -25.24 ], [ -48.08, -25.24 ], [ -48.07, -25.24 ], [ -48.07, -25.23 ], [ -48.07, -25.23 ], [ -48.06, -25.23 ], [ -48.06, -25.22 ], [ -48.05, -25.22 ], [ -48.05, -25.22 ], [ -48.04, -25.22 ], [ -48.04, -25.22 ], [ -48.03, -25.23 ], [ -48.04, -25.24 ], [ -48.07, -25.28 ], [ -48.08, -25.28 ], [ -48.08, -25.3 ], [ -48.08, -25.31 ], [ -48.08, -25.31 ], [ -48.09, -25.33 ], [ -48.17, -25.37 ], [ -48.17, -25.38 ], [ -48.2, -25.42 ], [ -48.21, -25.46 ], [ -48.23, -25.46 ], [ -48.24, -25.45 ], [ -48.25, -25.43 ], [ -48.25, -25.41 ], [ -48.22, -25.35 ], [ -48.22, -25.34 ], [ -48.22, -25.34 ], [ -48.22, -25.33 ], [ -48.21, -25.32 ], [ -48.2, -25.32 ], [ -48.18, -25.31 ], [ -48.14, -25.29 ], [ -48.13, -25.28 ], [ -48.14, -25.27 ], [ -48.15, -25.28 ], [ -48.17, -25.29 ], [ -48.2, -25.3 ], [ -48.22, -25.3 ], [ -48.23, -25.3 ], [ -48.24, -25.32 ], [ -48.25, -25.32 ], [ -48.26, -25.31 ], [ -48.27, -25.3 ], [ -48.28, -25.29 ], [ -48.28, -25.31 ], [ -48.28, -25.32 ], [ -48.29, -25.32 ], [ -48.3, -25.34 ], [ -48.31, -25.35 ], [ -48.32, -25.36 ], [ -48.33, -25.36 ], [ -48.32, -25.32 ], [ -48.33, -25.32 ], [ -48.33, -25.33 ], [ -48.34, -25.32 ], [ -48.33, -25.27 ], [ -48.33, -25.24 ], [ -48.33, -25.23 ], [ -48.34, -25.24 ], [ -48.35, -25.25 ], [ -48.36, -25.26 ], [ -48.36, -25.27 ], [ -48.37, -25.27 ], [ -48.37, -25.28 ], [ -48.37, -25.28 ], [ -48.36, -25.28 ], [ -48.36, -25.29 ], [ -48.35, -25.29 ], [ -48.35, -25.29 ], [ -48.35, -25.3 ], [ -48.36, -25.3 ], [ -48.36, -25.3 ], [ -48.37, -25.3 ], [ -48.38, -25.3 ], [ -48.41, -25.28 ], [ -48.41, -25.27 ], [ -48.42, -25.25 ], [ -48.43, -25.24 ], [ -48.43, -25.26 ], [ -48.44, -25.26 ], [ -48.45, -25.26 ], [ -48.45, -25.25 ], [ -48.45, -25.25 ], [ -48.46, -25.25 ], [ -48.45, -25.26 ], [ -48.43, -25.32 ], [ -48.45, -25.32 ], [ -48.48, -25.33 ], [ -48.5, -25.33 ], [ -48.5, -25.34 ], [ -48.46, -25.34 ], [ -48.45, -25.35 ], [ -48.43, -25.36 ], [ -48.45, -25.37 ], [ -48.46, -25.38 ], [ -48.45, -25.39 ], [ -48.43, -25.38 ], [ -48.43, -25.39 ], [ -48.42, -25.4 ], [ -48.41, -25.41 ], [ -48.42, -25.43 ], [ -48.43, -25.43 ], [ -48.44, -25.43 ], [ -48.45, -25.43 ], [ -48.45, -25.45 ], [ -48.46, -25.46 ], [ -48.46, -25.47 ], [ -48.47, -25.48 ], [ -48.49, -25.47 ], [ -48.5, -25.47 ], [ -48.52, -25.45 ], [ -48.53, -25.45 ], [ -48.54, -25.45 ], [ -48.55, -25.45 ], [ -48.56, -25.45 ], [ -48.56, -25.46 ], [ -48.58, -25.46 ], [ -48.62, -25.45 ], [ -48.64, -25.44 ], [ -48.68, -25.41 ], [ -48.69, -25.41 ], [ -48.73, -25.36 ], [ -48.74, -25.35 ], [ -48.74, -25.37 ], [ -48.72, -25.41 ], [ -48.72, -25.42 ], [ -48.72, -25.43 ], [ -48.71, -25.43 ], [ -48.7, -25.44 ], [ -48.7, -25.44 ], [ -48.68, -25.46 ], [ -48.69, -25.47 ], [ -48.71, -25.47 ], [ -48.73, -25.47 ], [ -48.71, -25.5 ], [ -48.68, -25.5 ], [ -48.65, -25.49 ], [ -48.62, -25.5 ], [ -48.62, -25.5 ], [ -48.62, -25.51 ], [ -48.63, -25.51 ], [ -48.64, -25.5 ], [ -48.64, -25.5 ], [ -48.65, -25.51 ], [ -48.65, -25.52 ], [ -48.64, -25.52 ], [ -48.63, -25.52 ], [ -48.62, -25.53 ], [ -48.61, -25.54 ], [ -48.6, -25.53 ], [ -48.58, -25.53 ], [ -48.56, -25.53 ], [ -48.52, -25.51 ], [ -48.51, -25.52 ], [ -48.49, -25.54 ], [ -48.47, -25.54 ], [ -48.48, -25.56 ], [ -48.48, -25.56 ], [ -48.48, -25.55 ], [ -48.49, -25.56 ], [ -48.5, -25.57 ], [ -48.5, -25.57 ], [ -48.48, -25.58 ], [ -48.47, -25.57 ], [ -48.46, -25.56 ], [ -48.46, -25.55 ], [ -48.44, -25.55 ], [ -48.42, -25.55 ], [ -48.41, -25.56 ], [ -48.39, -25.54 ], [ -48.36, -25.57 ], [ -48.39, -25.6 ], [ -48.43, -25.62 ], [ -48.52, -25.77 ], [ -48.52, -25.8 ], [ -48.54, -25.84 ], [ -48.54, -25.85 ], [ -48.56, -25.84 ], [ -48.57, -25.82 ], [ -48.59, -25.82 ], [ -48.58, -25.8 ], [ -48.58, -25.8 ], [ -48.59, -25.8 ], [ -48.6, -25.8 ], [ -48.61, -25.81 ], [ -48.62, -25.82 ], [ -48.61, -25.82 ], [ -48.6, -25.82 ], [ -48.59, -25.83 ], [ -48.59, -25.84 ], [ -48.58, -25.85 ], [ -48.58, -25.85 ], [ -48.65, -25.84 ], [ -48.74, -25.85 ], [ -48.75, -25.86 ], [ -48.76, -25.86 ], [ -48.77, -25.87 ], [ -48.77, -25.88 ], [ -48.77, -25.89 ], [ -48.76, -25.88 ], [ -48.75, -25.88 ], [ -48.74, -25.87 ], [ -48.58, -25.87 ], [ -48.57, -25.87 ], [ -48.57, -25.86 ], [ -48.56, -25.87 ], [ -48.56, -25.88 ], [ -48.56, -25.89 ], [ -48.56, -25.9 ], [ -48.58, -25.96 ], [ -48.58, -25.98 ], [ -48.58, -25.98 ], [ -48.61, -25.98 ], [ -48.62, -25.98 ], [ -48.65, -25.97 ], [ -48.92, -25.98 ], [ -48.92, -25.98 ], [ -48.93, -25.99 ], [ -48.93, -25.99 ], [ -48.93, -26 ], [ -48.95, -26.01 ], [ -48.97, -26.01 ], [ -48.98, -26.01 ], [ -49, -26.01 ], [ -49.02, -26 ], [ -49.03, -26 ], [ -49.03, -26 ], [ -49.04, -26 ], [ -49.04, -26.01 ], [ -49.04, -26.01 ], [ -49.05, -26.02 ], [ -49.05, -26.02 ], [ -49.07, -26.01 ], [ -49.08, -26.01 ], [ -49.09, -26.02 ], [ -49.1, -26.02 ], [ -49.1, -26.01 ], [ -49.1, -26.01 ], [ -49.1, -26 ], [ -49.1, -26 ], [ -49.1, -26 ], [ -49.1, -26 ], [ -49.11, -26 ], [ -49.11, -25.99 ], [ -49.12, -25.99 ], [ -49.12, -25.99 ], [ -49.12, -26 ], [ -49.13, -26 ], [ -49.13, -26 ], [ -49.13, -26 ], [ -49.13, -26 ], [ -49.14, -26.01 ], [ -49.18, -26.01 ], [ -49.2, -26.02 ], [ -49.21, -26.03 ], [ -49.24, -26.04 ], [ -49.25, -26.06 ], [ -49.28, -26.09 ], [ -49.29, -26.1 ], [ -49.3, -26.11 ], [ -49.38, -26.15 ], [ -49.43, -26.16 ], [ -49.44, -26.16 ], [ -49.45, -26.17 ], [ -49.46, -26.17 ], [ -49.46, -26.18 ], [ -49.47, -26.18 ], [ -49.48, -26.19 ], [ -49.48, -26.21 ], [ -49.49, -26.22 ], [ -49.51, -26.23 ], [ -49.55, -26.23 ], [ -49.58, -26.23 ], [ -49.59, -26.22 ], [ -49.67, -26.19 ], [ -49.72, -26.16 ], [ -49.73, -26.15 ], [ -49.73, -26.14 ], [ -49.74, -26.13 ], [ -49.75, -26.12 ], [ -49.82, -26.09 ], [ -49.83, -26.08 ], [ -49.85, -26.06 ], [ -49.85, -26.06 ], [ -49.87, -26.05 ], [ -49.88, -26.04 ], [ -49.89, -26.03 ], [ -49.9, -26.03 ], [ -49.92, -26.03 ], [ -49.93, -26.03 ], [ -49.93, -26.02 ], [ -49.94, -26.02 ], [ -49.94, -26.01 ], [ -49.95, -26.01 ], [ -49.97, -26.02 ], [ -49.99, -26.01 ], [ -50.01, -26.02 ], [ -50.01, -26.03 ], [ -50.03, -26.03 ], [ -50.12, -26.05 ], [ -50.15, -26.04 ], [ -50.16, -26.05 ], [ -50.18, -26.05 ], [ -50.18, -26.05 ], [ -50.19, -26.05 ], [ -50.21, -26.05 ], [ -50.21, -26.05 ], [ -50.22, -26.05 ], [ -50.22, -26.04 ], [ -50.23, -26.04 ], [ -50.24, -26.04 ], [ -50.27, -26.04 ], [ -50.28, -26.04 ], [ -50.29, -26.04 ], [ -50.3, -26.04 ], [ -50.32, -26.05 ], [ -50.32, -26.06 ], [ -50.33, -26.07 ], [ -50.33, -26.07 ], [ -50.33, -26.08 ], [ -50.33, -26.08 ], [ -50.33, -26.09 ], [ -50.33, -26.09 ], [ -50.32, -26.1 ], [ -50.33, -26.1 ], [ -50.33, -26.11 ], [ -50.34, -26.11 ], [ -50.34, -26.11 ], [ -50.35, -26.11 ], [ -50.36, -26.11 ], [ -50.36, -26.1 ], [ -50.36, -26.1 ], [ -50.37, -26.08 ], [ -50.37, -26.07 ], [ -50.38, -26.07 ], [ -50.38, -26.06 ], [ -50.38, -26.06 ], [ -50.39, -26.06 ], [ -50.4, -26.06 ], [ -50.43, -26.05 ], [ -50.44, -26.05 ], [ -50.44, -26.05 ], [ -50.45, -26.05 ], [ -50.45, -26.04 ], [ -50.45, -26.04 ], [ -50.45, -26.03 ], [ -50.46, -26.03 ], [ -50.48, -26.02 ], [ -50.54, -26.02 ], [ -50.55, -26.02 ], [ -50.56, -26.02 ], [ -50.57, -26.01 ], [ -50.58, -26.01 ], [ -50.59, -26.01 ], [ -50.59, -26.01 ], [ -50.6, -26.01 ], [ -50.59, -26.02 ], [ -50.59, -26.02 ], [ -50.59, -26.02 ], [ -50.57, -26.03 ], [ -50.56, -26.04 ], [ -50.56, -26.04 ], [ -50.56, -26.04 ], [ -50.56, -26.05 ], [ -50.58, -26.05 ], [ -50.62, -26.06 ], [ -50.64, -26.06 ], [ -50.64, -26.06 ], [ -50.65, -26.07 ], [ -50.66, -26.12 ], [ -50.67, -26.15 ], [ -50.68, -26.16 ], [ -50.7, -26.17 ], [ -50.72, -26.2 ], [ -50.73, -26.21 ], [ -50.73, -26.22 ], [ -50.73, -26.23 ], [ -50.74, -26.24 ], [ -50.74, -26.24 ], [ -50.75, -26.23 ], [ -50.76, -26.22 ], [ -50.76, -26.22 ], [ -50.77, -26.22 ], [ -50.78, -26.22 ], [ -50.79, -26.22 ], [ -50.8, -26.23 ], [ -50.83, -26.25 ], [ -50.84, -26.25 ], [ -50.84, -26.26 ], [ -50.85, -26.26 ], [ -50.86, -26.26 ], [ -50.86, -26.25 ], [ -50.88, -26.25 ], [ -50.89, -26.25 ], [ -50.89, -26.26 ], [ -50.89, -26.26 ], [ -50.9, -26.27 ], [ -50.9, -26.28 ], [ -50.91, -26.28 ], [ -50.91, -26.28 ], [ -50.91, -26.28 ], [ -50.91, -26.26 ], [ -50.92, -26.26 ], [ -50.92, -26.25 ], [ -50.92, -26.25 ], [ -50.93, -26.25 ], [ -50.93, -26.25 ], [ -50.94, -26.25 ], [ -50.95, -26.25 ], [ -50.95, -26.26 ], [ -50.96, -26.26 ], [ -50.96, -26.27 ], [ -50.97, -26.27 ], [ -50.97, -26.26 ], [ -50.98, -26.25 ], [ -50.99, -26.24 ], [ -50.99, -26.24 ], [ -51, -26.24 ], [ -51, -26.24 ], [ -51, -26.24 ], [ -51, -26.24 ], [ -51.02, -26.24 ], [ -51.03, -26.25 ], [ -51.04, -26.25 ], [ -51.05, -26.25 ], [ -51.06, -26.24 ], [ -51.06, -26.24 ], [ -51.07, -26.24 ], [ -51.07, -26.24 ], [ -51.08, -26.24 ], [ -51.08, -26.24 ], [ -51.09, -26.25 ], [ -51.1, -26.26 ], [ -51.11, -26.27 ], [ -51.12, -26.28 ], [ -51.13, -26.28 ], [ -51.14, -26.29 ], [ -51.2, -26.3 ], [ -51.21, -26.31 ], [ -51.21, -26.31 ], [ -51.22, -26.33 ], [ -51.24, -26.34 ], [ -51.24, -26.34 ], [ -51.25, -26.35 ], [ -51.25, -26.35 ], [ -51.25, -26.36 ], [ -51.26, -26.38 ], [ -51.26, -26.39 ], [ -51.27, -26.4 ], [ -51.28, -26.42 ], [ -51.29, -26.42 ], [ -51.29, -26.43 ], [ -51.29, -26.44 ], [ -51.29, -26.44 ], [ -51.29, -26.45 ], [ -51.28, -26.45 ], [ -51.27, -26.46 ], [ -51.27, -26.47 ], [ -51.27, -26.47 ], [ -51.27, -26.48 ], [ -51.28, -26.49 ], [ -51.28, -26.5 ], [ -51.28, -26.5 ], [ -51.25, -26.55 ], [ -51.24, -26.57 ], [ -51.24, -26.58 ], [ -51.24, -26.59 ], [ -51.24, -26.61 ], [ -51.25, -26.63 ], [ -51.29, -26.65 ], [ -51.29, -26.66 ], [ -51.3, -26.66 ], [ -51.33, -26.66 ], [ -51.39, -26.68 ], [ -51.4, -26.68 ], [ -51.4, -26.68 ], [ -51.41, -26.7 ], [ -51.41, -26.7 ], [ -51.42, -26.7 ], [ -51.42, -26.7 ], [ -51.42, -26.7 ], [ -51.43, -26.68 ], [ -51.44, -26.67 ], [ -51.45, -26.66 ], [ -51.45, -26.65 ], [ -51.46, -26.65 ], [ -51.47, -26.64 ], [ -51.48, -26.64 ], [ -51.48, -26.63 ], [ -51.48, -26.63 ], [ -51.48, -26.62 ], [ -51.48, -26.61 ], [ -51.49, -26.61 ], [ -51.49, -26.61 ], [ -51.49, -26.6 ], [ -51.5, -26.6 ], [ -51.5, -26.6 ], [ -51.5, -26.6 ], [ -51.61, -26.6 ], [ -51.62, -26.6 ], [ -51.63, -26.6 ], [ -51.63, -26.59 ], [ -51.64, -26.59 ], [ -51.65, -26.58 ], [ -51.65, -26.58 ], [ -51.66, -26.58 ], [ -51.66, -26.59 ], [ -51.68, -26.6 ], [ -51.69, -26.6 ], [ -51.71, -26.6 ], [ -51.87, -26.6 ], [ -51.94, -26.58 ], [ -51.96, -26.58 ], [ -52, -26.58 ], [ -52.01, -26.58 ], [ -52.01, -26.58 ], [ -52.02, -26.58 ], [ -52.04, -26.56 ], [ -52.09, -26.53 ], [ -52.11, -26.51 ], [ -52.11, -26.51 ], [ -52.12, -26.5 ], [ -52.12, -26.49 ], [ -52.13, -26.49 ], [ -52.18, -26.46 ], [ -52.19, -26.45 ], [ -52.2, -26.45 ], [ -52.21, -26.45 ], [ -52.23, -26.45 ], [ -52.25, -26.45 ], [ -52.28, -26.44 ], [ -52.3, -26.44 ], [ -52.33, -26.44 ], [ -52.34, -26.44 ], [ -52.36, -26.44 ], [ -52.4, -26.43 ], [ -52.46, -26.43 ], [ -52.46, -26.43 ], [ -52.47, -26.43 ], [ -52.5, -26.41 ], [ -52.54, -26.4 ], [ -52.62, -26.41 ], [ -52.64, -26.4 ], [ -52.65, -26.4 ], [ -52.65, -26.39 ], [ -52.65, -26.39 ], [ -52.67, -26.38 ], [ -52.82, -26.34 ], [ -52.83, -26.34 ], [ -52.85, -26.34 ], [ -52.86, -26.34 ], [ -52.88, -26.35 ], [ -52.91, -26.36 ], [ -52.94, -26.37 ], [ -52.95, -26.37 ], [ -52.96, -26.37 ], [ -52.97, -26.36 ], [ -52.98, -26.35 ], [ -52.99, -26.35 ], [ -52.99, -26.35 ], [ -53, -26.35 ], [ -53.04, -26.37 ], [ -53.1, -26.37 ], [ -53.11, -26.37 ], [ -53.12, -26.37 ], [ -53.13, -26.36 ], [ -53.13, -26.36 ], [ -53.14, -26.35 ], [ -53.14, -26.35 ], [ -53.15, -26.34 ], [ -53.18, -26.33 ], [ -53.2, -26.32 ], [ -53.25, -26.29 ], [ -53.25, -26.29 ], [ -53.25, -26.28 ], [ -53.26, -26.28 ], [ -53.27, -26.27 ], [ -53.28, -26.26 ], [ -53.34, -26.24 ], [ -53.36, -26.24 ], [ -53.37, -26.24 ], [ -53.37, -26.24 ], [ -53.38, -26.25 ], [ -53.46, -26.29 ], [ -53.47, -26.29 ], [ -53.48, -26.29 ], [ -53.5, -26.29 ], [ -53.51, -26.29 ], [ -53.52, -26.29 ], [ -53.55, -26.27 ], [ -53.61, -26.26 ], [ -53.62, -26.26 ], [ -53.63, -26.26 ], [ -53.65, -26.26 ], [ -53.66, -26.26 ], [ -53.67, -26.22 ], [ -53.69, -26.19 ], [ -53.73, -26.13 ], [ -53.75, -26.09 ], [ -53.75, -26.06 ], [ -53.77, -26.03 ], [ -53.79, -26 ], [ -53.79, -26 ], [ -53.79, -26 ], [ -53.83, -25.97 ], [ -53.83, -25.96 ], [ -53.84, -25.95 ], [ -53.83, -25.94 ], [ -53.83, -25.93 ], [ -53.83, -25.92 ], [ -53.84, -25.87 ], [ -53.84, -25.81 ], [ -53.84, -25.79 ], [ -53.85, -25.77 ], [ -53.86, -25.76 ], [ -53.88, -25.75 ], [ -53.88, -25.74 ], [ -53.89, -25.72 ], [ -53.88, -25.71 ], [ -53.88, -25.71 ], [ -53.88, -25.7 ], [ -53.89, -25.66 ], [ -53.9, -25.64 ], [ -53.91, -25.63 ], [ -53.95, -25.65 ], [ -53.97, -25.65 ], [ -53.98, -25.63 ], [ -53.98, -25.61 ], [ -53.98, -25.59 ], [ -54, -25.57 ], [ -54.02, -25.57 ], [ -54.03, -25.56 ], [ -54.04, -25.56 ], [ -54.04, -25.57 ], [ -54.06, -25.57 ], [ -54.07, -25.56 ], [ -54.08, -25.55 ], [ -54.09, -25.56 ], [ -54.09, -25.57 ], [ -54.09, -25.58 ], [ -54.09, -25.59 ], [ -54.09, -25.6 ], [ -54.1, -25.6 ], [ -54.11, -25.59 ], [ -54.12, -25.58 ], [ -54.12, -25.57 ], [ -54.13, -25.55 ], [ -54.12, -25.54 ], [ -54.11, -25.52 ], [ -54.11, -25.5 ], [ -54.11, -25.5 ], [ -54.12, -25.49 ], [ -54.12, -25.5 ], [ -54.13, -25.5 ], [ -54.15, -25.53 ], [ -54.17, -25.53 ], [ -54.18, -25.54 ], [ -54.2, -25.53 ], [ -54.21, -25.53 ], [ -54.21, -25.53 ], [ -54.19, -25.56 ], [ -54.19, -25.58 ], [ -54.21, -25.58 ], [ -54.23, -25.58 ], [ -54.24, -25.58 ], [ -54.24, -25.58 ], [ -54.25, -25.59 ], [ -54.26, -25.6 ], [ -54.26, -25.59 ], [ -54.27, -25.57 ], [ -54.28, -25.56 ], [ -54.3, -25.55 ], [ -54.32, -25.56 ], [ -54.33, -25.56 ], [ -54.35, -25.58 ], [ -54.36, -25.58 ], [ -54.38, -25.58 ], [ -54.39, -25.58 ], [ -54.4, -25.58 ], [ -54.4, -25.59 ], [ -54.4, -25.6 ], [ -54.4, -25.61 ], [ -54.41, -25.62 ], [ -54.41, -25.63 ], [ -54.43, -25.64 ], [ -54.44, -25.65 ], [ -54.44, -25.66 ], [ -54.43, -25.68 ], [ -54.44, -25.69 ], [ -54.45, -25.69 ], [ -54.45, -25.68 ], [ -54.46, -25.67 ], [ -54.46, -25.66 ], [ -54.46, -25.64 ], [ -54.47, -25.63 ], [ -54.49, -25.61 ], [ -54.51, -25.61 ], [ -54.53, -25.61 ], [ -54.54, -25.6 ], [ -54.54, -25.59 ], [ -54.55, -25.57 ], [ -54.56, -25.57 ], [ -54.6, -25.57 ], [ -54.6, -25.57 ], [ -54.59, -25.55 ], [ -54.59, -25.52 ], [ -54.6, -25.51 ], [ -54.61, -25.49 ], [ -54.61, -25.47 ], [ -54.61, -25.44 ], [ -54.61, -25.43 ], [ -54.6, -25.4 ], [ -54.58, -25.36 ], [ -54.55, -25.34 ], [ -54.53, -25.31 ], [ -54.5, -25.28 ], [ -54.48, -25.21 ], [ -54.47, -25.2 ], [ -54.44, -25.17 ], [ -54.43, -25.15 ], [ -54.43, -25.13 ], [ -54.46, -25.09 ], [ -54.46, -25.07 ], [ -54.46, -25.06 ], [ -54.46, -25.04 ], [ -54.45, -25 ], [ -54.41, -24.82 ], [ -54.4, -24.8 ], [ -54.37, -24.77 ], [ -54.36, -24.73 ], [ -54.32, -24.63 ], [ -54.32, -24.6 ], [ -54.33, -24.53 ], [ -54.33, -24.5 ], [ -54.32, -24.46 ], [ -54.28, -24.41 ], [ -54.27, -24.39 ], [ -54.26, -24.36 ], [ -54.26, -24.33 ], [ -54.27, -24.3 ], [ -54.28, -24.28 ], [ -54.31, -24.25 ], [ -54.31, -24.23 ], [ -54.32, -24.2 ], [ -54.33, -24.17 ], [ -54.33, -24.15 ], [ -54.32, -24.12 ], [ -54.3, -24.09 ], [ -54.27, -24.07 ], [ -54.25, -24.05 ], [ -54.25, -24.05 ], [ -54.2, -24.03 ], [ -54.19, -24.02 ], [ -54.18, -24.01 ], [ -54.1, -23.97 ], [ -54.08, -23.95 ], [ -54.07, -23.91 ], [ -54.07, -23.82 ], [ -54.06, -23.77 ], [ -54.03, -23.7 ], [ -54.02, -23.64 ], [ -53.97, -23.49 ], [ -53.97, -23.45 ], [ -53.97, -23.44 ], [ -53.95, -23.42 ], [ -53.86, -23.39 ], [ -53.75, -23.33 ], [ -53.73, -23.3 ], [ -53.71, -23.26 ], [ -53.68, -23.18 ], [ -53.66, -23.15 ], [ -53.64, -23.11 ], [ -53.63, -23.02 ], [ -53.62, -22.98 ], [ -53.6, -22.92 ], [ -53.58, -22.9 ], [ -53.55, -22.87 ], [ -53.48, -22.83 ], [ -53.17, -22.7 ], [ -53.17, -22.7 ], [ -53.15, -22.7 ], [ -53.12, -22.69 ], [ -53.1, -22.68 ], [ -53.06, -22.63 ], [ -53.01, -22.6 ], [ -52.99, -22.59 ], [ -52.97, -22.58 ], [ -52.95, -22.57 ], [ -52.89, -22.57 ], [ -52.88, -22.57 ], [ -52.85, -22.59 ], [ -52.84, -22.59 ], [ -52.79, -22.59 ], [ -52.69, -22.6 ], [ -52.67, -22.6 ], [ -52.61, -22.57 ], [ -52.58, -22.57 ], [ -52.55, -22.6 ], [ -52.52, -22.61 ], [ -52.48, -22.61 ], [ -52.46, -22.6 ], [ -52.45, -22.6 ], [ -52.41, -22.6 ], [ -52.38, -22.61 ], [ -52.34, -22.62 ], [ -52.31, -22.62 ], [ -52.29, -22.6 ], [ -52.28, -22.6 ], [ -52.26, -22.6 ], [ -52.25, -22.6 ], [ -52.25, -22.61 ], [ -52.24, -22.61 ], [ -52.23, -22.62 ], [ -52.23, -22.63 ], [ -52.22, -22.64 ], [ -52.19, -22.64 ], [ -52.17, -22.62 ], [ -52.16, -22.6 ], [ -52.15, -22.58 ], [ -52.15, -22.56 ], [ -52.14, -22.54 ], [ -52.12, -22.53 ], [ -52.09, -22.52 ], [ -52.07, -22.52 ], [ -52.03, -22.53 ], [ -51.98, -22.55 ], [ -51.87, -22.61 ], [ -51.86, -22.62 ] ] ] ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Se refiere al Río Paraná.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-09-27T18:39:19+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 105195, "end" : 105201 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Paraná" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/73f84e21-f7af-424f-a95f-4fc4e684f48f", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Se refiere al Río Paraná.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-09-27T18:39:19+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://sws.geonames.org/3455077", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-10-17T10:16:00+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-10-17T10:16:00+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "MultiPolygon", "coordinates" : [ [ [ [ -48.31, -25.52 ], [ -48.3, -25.54 ], [ -48.29, -25.54 ], [ -48.29, -25.55 ], [ -48.31, -25.57 ], [ -48.32, -25.56 ], [ -48.31, -25.55 ], [ -48.31, -25.54 ], [ -48.33, -25.53 ], [ -48.35, -25.53 ], [ -48.37, -25.52 ], [ -48.38, -25.51 ], [ -48.38, -25.5 ], [ -48.36, -25.49 ], [ -48.33, -25.5 ], [ -48.31, -25.51 ], [ -48.31, -25.52 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.27, -25.48 ], [ -48.29, -25.49 ], [ -48.31, -25.49 ], [ -48.32, -25.47 ], [ -48.32, -25.45 ], [ -48.32, -25.44 ], [ -48.34, -25.43 ], [ -48.34, -25.41 ], [ -48.32, -25.38 ], [ -48.3, -25.37 ], [ -48.27, -25.35 ], [ -48.26, -25.35 ], [ -48.25, -25.36 ], [ -48.26, -25.39 ], [ -48.27, -25.43 ], [ -48.27, -25.45 ], [ -48.26, -25.47 ], [ -48.27, -25.48 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.86, -22.62 ], [ -51.83, -22.62 ], [ -51.77, -22.61 ], [ -51.74, -22.62 ], [ -51.71, -22.65 ], [ -51.7, -22.66 ], [ -51.68, -22.66 ], [ -51.66, -22.65 ], [ -51.64, -22.65 ], [ -51.62, -22.66 ], [ -51.59, -22.68 ], [ -51.57, -22.68 ], [ -51.55, -22.69 ], [ -51.51, -22.69 ], [ -51.49, -22.68 ], [ -51.47, -22.68 ], [ -51.47, -22.68 ], [ -51.46, -22.67 ], [ -51.44, -22.66 ], [ -51.44, -22.66 ], [ -51.43, -22.65 ], [ -51.42, -22.65 ], [ -51.4, -22.66 ], [ -51.39, -22.66 ], [ -51.38, -22.66 ], [ -51.37, -22.65 ], [ -51.36, -22.65 ], [ -51.36, -22.65 ], [ -51.35, -22.65 ], [ -51.33, -22.66 ], [ -51.32, -22.67 ], [ -51.29, -22.68 ], [ -51.26, -22.69 ], [ -51.18, -22.74 ], [ -51.11, -22.77 ], [ -51, -22.79 ], [ -50.88, -22.82 ], [ -50.87, -22.83 ], [ -50.86, -22.84 ], [ -50.82, -22.89 ], [ -50.81, -22.9 ], [ -50.8, -22.92 ], [ -50.79, -22.93 ], [ -50.79, -22.94 ], [ -50.78, -22.95 ], [ -50.76, -22.95 ], [ -50.75, -22.95 ], [ -50.73, -22.95 ], [ -50.71, -22.95 ], [ -50.7, -22.94 ], [ -50.68, -22.93 ], [ -50.66, -22.92 ], [ -50.63, -22.92 ], [ -50.54, -22.93 ], [ -50.52, -22.94 ], [ -50.52, -22.94 ], [ -50.51, -22.94 ], [ -50.51, -22.95 ], [ -50.5, -22.95 ], [ -50.44, -22.94 ], [ -50.43, -22.95 ], [ -50.41, -22.92 ], [ -50.4, -22.92 ], [ -50.38, -22.91 ], [ -50.37, -22.92 ], [ -50.35, -22.92 ], [ -50.33, -22.94 ], [ -50.32, -22.95 ], [ -50.31, -22.95 ], [ -50.29, -22.95 ], [ -50.28, -22.94 ], [ -50.28, -22.94 ], [ -50.26, -22.94 ], [ -50.24, -22.94 ], [ -50.23, -22.94 ], [ -50.21, -22.95 ], [ -50.12, -22.94 ], [ -50.11, -22.94 ], [ -50.1, -22.93 ], [ -50.03, -22.91 ], [ -50.02, -22.91 ], [ -50, -22.92 ], [ -50, -22.9 ], [ -49.99, -22.9 ], [ -49.98, -22.9 ], [ -49.97, -22.91 ], [ -49.97, -22.93 ], [ -49.97, -22.95 ], [ -49.96, -22.96 ], [ -49.93, -22.98 ], [ -49.91, -22.99 ], [ -49.91, -23 ], [ -49.91, -23.03 ], [ -49.91, -23.04 ], [ -49.89, -23.05 ], [ -49.88, -23.06 ], [ -49.87, -23.06 ], [ -49.84, -23.06 ], [ -49.83, -23.07 ], [ -49.8, -23.08 ], [ -49.79, -23.09 ], [ -49.77, -23.1 ], [ -49.76, -23.1 ], [ -49.76, -23.1 ], [ -49.75, -23.1 ], [ -49.74, -23.1 ], [ -49.73, -23.1 ], [ -49.73, -23.11 ], [ -49.73, -23.12 ], [ -49.73, -23.13 ], [ -49.72, -23.13 ], [ -49.72, -23.14 ], [ -49.7, -23.16 ], [ -49.67, -23.2 ], [ -49.64, -23.26 ], [ -49.62, -23.35 ], [ -49.61, -23.39 ], [ -49.62, -23.41 ], [ -49.64, -23.47 ], [ -49.65, -23.49 ], [ -49.65, -23.49 ], [ -49.65, -23.5 ], [ -49.65, -23.5 ], [ -49.65, -23.51 ], [ -49.65, -23.51 ], [ -49.65, -23.52 ], [ -49.64, -23.53 ], [ -49.63, -23.53 ], [ -49.63, -23.54 ], [ -49.63, -23.55 ], [ -49.62, -23.59 ], [ -49.62, -23.61 ], [ -49.61, -23.64 ], [ -49.59, -23.67 ], [ -49.58, -23.68 ], [ -49.56, -23.69 ], [ -49.56, -23.7 ], [ -49.55, -23.7 ], [ -49.55, -23.71 ], [ -49.56, -23.76 ], [ -49.56, -23.81 ], [ -49.57, -23.82 ], [ -49.57, -23.83 ], [ -49.57, -23.84 ], [ -49.58, -23.85 ], [ -49.58, -23.85 ], [ -49.59, -23.85 ], [ -49.6, -23.85 ], [ -49.6, -23.86 ], [ -49.6, -23.86 ], [ -49.6, -23.88 ], [ -49.59, -23.89 ], [ -49.59, -23.89 ], [ -49.58, -23.89 ], [ -49.57, -23.9 ], [ -49.57, -23.9 ], [ -49.55, -23.93 ], [ -49.54, -23.94 ], [ -49.53, -23.94 ], [ -49.53, -23.94 ], [ -49.52, -23.93 ], [ -49.52, -23.93 ], [ -49.51, -23.94 ], [ -49.51, -23.94 ], [ -49.51, -23.95 ], [ -49.51, -23.96 ], [ -49.51, -23.96 ], [ -49.51, -23.97 ], [ -49.5, -23.98 ], [ -49.49, -23.99 ], [ -49.48, -24.01 ], [ -49.46, -24.03 ], [ -49.45, -24.05 ], [ -49.45, -24.05 ], [ -49.44, -24.06 ], [ -49.43, -24.06 ], [ -49.43, -24.06 ], [ -49.42, -24.07 ], [ -49.42, -24.08 ], [ -49.41, -24.09 ], [ -49.4, -24.09 ], [ -49.4, -24.09 ], [ -49.38, -24.1 ], [ -49.37, -24.1 ], [ -49.36, -24.1 ], [ -49.36, -24.11 ], [ -49.35, -24.11 ], [ -49.34, -24.13 ], [ -49.34, -24.13 ], [ -49.33, -24.14 ], [ -49.33, -24.15 ], [ -49.33, -24.19 ], [ -49.33, -24.2 ], [ -49.34, -24.21 ], [ -49.34, -24.22 ], [ -49.34, -24.22 ], [ -49.33, -24.23 ], [ -49.32, -24.24 ], [ -49.32, -24.24 ], [ -49.31, -24.24 ], [ -49.31, -24.24 ], [ -49.3, -24.25 ], [ -49.29, -24.3 ], [ -49.28, -24.31 ], [ -49.27, -24.32 ], [ -49.27, -24.32 ], [ -49.26, -24.32 ], [ -49.25, -24.33 ], [ -49.25, -24.33 ], [ -49.24, -24.33 ], [ -49.24, -24.33 ], [ -49.23, -24.34 ], [ -49.23, -24.34 ], [ -49.22, -24.34 ], [ -49.22, -24.35 ], [ -49.22, -24.36 ], [ -49.23, -24.37 ], [ -49.24, -24.38 ], [ -49.25, -24.38 ], [ -49.25, -24.39 ], [ -49.25, -24.39 ], [ -49.25, -24.4 ], [ -49.24, -24.41 ], [ -49.24, -24.41 ], [ -49.24, -24.42 ], [ -49.25, -24.43 ], [ -49.26, -24.43 ], [ -49.28, -24.44 ], [ -49.29, -24.44 ], [ -49.29, -24.44 ], [ -49.3, -24.45 ], [ -49.29, -24.45 ], [ -49.29, -24.46 ], [ -49.27, -24.47 ], [ -49.28, -24.5 ], [ -49.28, -24.51 ], [ -49.28, -24.52 ], [ -49.28, -24.52 ], [ -49.28, -24.53 ], [ -49.29, -24.53 ], [ -49.31, -24.53 ], [ -49.32, -24.54 ], [ -49.32, -24.54 ], [ -49.32, -24.55 ], [ -49.32, -24.55 ], [ -49.32, -24.56 ], [ -49.32, -24.57 ], [ -49.3, -24.59 ], [ -49.3, -24.6 ], [ -49.3, -24.6 ], [ -49.3, -24.63 ], [ -49.3, -24.64 ], [ -49.3, -24.65 ], [ -49.3, -24.66 ], [ -49.3, -24.66 ], [ -49.3, -24.67 ], [ -49.28, -24.67 ], [ -49.22, -24.69 ], [ -49.2, -24.69 ], [ -49.19, -24.69 ], [ -49.17, -24.68 ], [ -49.15, -24.68 ], [ -49.09, -24.69 ], [ -49.05, -24.68 ], [ -49.03, -24.67 ], [ -49.03, -24.63 ], [ -49.01, -24.64 ], [ -48.98, -24.67 ], [ -48.95, -24.68 ], [ -48.87, -24.67 ], [ -48.85, -24.67 ], [ -48.85, -24.67 ], [ -48.85, -24.67 ], [ -48.85, -24.66 ], [ -48.83, -24.66 ], [ -48.81, -24.67 ], [ -48.8, -24.69 ], [ -48.78, -24.7 ], [ -48.78, -24.7 ], [ -48.77, -24.69 ], [ -48.77, -24.69 ], [ -48.76, -24.69 ], [ -48.75, -24.69 ], [ -48.74, -24.69 ], [ -48.71, -24.69 ], [ -48.69, -24.68 ], [ -48.69, -24.67 ], [ -48.68, -24.67 ], [ -48.67, -24.69 ], [ -48.67, -24.7 ], [ -48.66, -24.71 ], [ -48.65, -24.71 ], [ -48.65, -24.7 ], [ -48.64, -24.7 ], [ -48.63, -24.69 ], [ -48.61, -24.68 ], [ -48.61, -24.68 ], [ -48.6, -24.68 ], [ -48.59, -24.68 ], [ -48.59, -24.68 ], [ -48.58, -24.68 ], [ -48.58, -24.69 ], [ -48.57, -24.69 ], [ -48.57, -24.7 ], [ -48.57, -24.7 ], [ -48.56, -24.71 ], [ -48.56, -24.71 ], [ -48.55, -24.72 ], [ -48.55, -24.72 ], [ -48.49, -24.74 ], [ -48.49, -24.74 ], [ -48.49, -24.75 ], [ -48.49, -24.76 ], [ -48.5, -24.78 ], [ -48.51, -24.79 ], [ -48.52, -24.79 ], [ -48.53, -24.8 ], [ -48.54, -24.81 ], [ -48.55, -24.82 ], [ -48.55, -24.83 ], [ -48.54, -24.86 ], [ -48.54, -24.87 ], [ -48.54, -24.88 ], [ -48.55, -24.89 ], [ -48.56, -24.89 ], [ -48.56, -24.9 ], [ -48.56, -24.91 ], [ -48.56, -24.94 ], [ -48.56, -24.97 ], [ -48.56, -24.98 ], [ -48.57, -24.98 ], [ -48.57, -24.98 ], [ -48.59, -25 ], [ -48.59, -25 ], [ -48.59, -25 ], [ -48.59, -25 ], [ -48.59, -25 ], [ -48.59, -25.01 ], [ -48.59, -25.02 ], [ -48.57, -25.05 ], [ -48.57, -25.05 ], [ -48.57, -25.06 ], [ -48.54, -25.07 ], [ -48.51, -25.08 ], [ -48.51, -25.08 ], [ -48.5, -25.08 ], [ -48.49, -25.08 ], [ -48.49, -25.07 ], [ -48.49, -25.06 ], [ -48.48, -25.06 ], [ -48.48, -25.05 ], [ -48.48, -25.05 ], [ -48.47, -25.04 ], [ -48.47, -25.04 ], [ -48.46, -25.03 ], [ -48.46, -25.03 ], [ -48.46, -25.02 ], [ -48.46, -25.01 ], [ -48.46, -25 ], [ -48.46, -25 ], [ -48.46, -25 ], [ -48.46, -24.99 ], [ -48.46, -24.99 ], [ -48.45, -24.98 ], [ -48.43, -24.97 ], [ -48.43, -24.97 ], [ -48.42, -24.96 ], [ -48.42, -24.96 ], [ -48.41, -24.96 ], [ -48.4, -24.97 ], [ -48.39, -24.97 ], [ -48.37, -24.97 ], [ -48.36, -24.98 ], [ -48.35, -24.98 ], [ -48.35, -24.99 ], [ -48.34, -24.99 ], [ -48.34, -25 ], [ -48.34, -25 ], [ -48.34, -25 ], [ -48.34, -25.01 ], [ -48.34, -25.01 ], [ -48.33, -25.02 ], [ -48.32, -25.02 ], [ -48.3, -25.01 ], [ -48.29, -25.01 ], [ -48.28, -25.02 ], [ -48.28, -25.02 ], [ -48.28, -25.03 ], [ -48.28, -25.03 ], [ -48.27, -25.03 ], [ -48.26, -25.03 ], [ -48.23, -25.01 ], [ -48.21, -25.07 ], [ -48.21, -25.09 ], [ -48.21, -25.1 ], [ -48.19, -25.15 ], [ -48.18, -25.16 ], [ -48.18, -25.17 ], [ -48.19, -25.18 ], [ -48.19, -25.19 ], [ -48.18, -25.2 ], [ -48.18, -25.2 ], [ -48.17, -25.21 ], [ -48.16, -25.22 ], [ -48.15, -25.22 ], [ -48.09, -25.24 ], [ -48.09, -25.24 ], [ -48.08, -25.24 ], [ -48.07, -25.24 ], [ -48.07, -25.23 ], [ -48.07, -25.23 ], [ -48.06, -25.23 ], [ -48.06, -25.22 ], [ -48.05, -25.22 ], [ -48.05, -25.22 ], [ -48.04, -25.22 ], [ -48.04, -25.22 ], [ -48.03, -25.23 ], [ -48.04, -25.24 ], [ -48.07, -25.28 ], [ -48.08, -25.28 ], [ -48.08, -25.3 ], [ -48.08, -25.31 ], [ -48.08, -25.31 ], [ -48.09, -25.33 ], [ -48.17, -25.37 ], [ -48.17, -25.38 ], [ -48.2, -25.42 ], [ -48.21, -25.46 ], [ -48.23, -25.46 ], [ -48.24, -25.45 ], [ -48.25, -25.43 ], [ -48.25, -25.41 ], [ -48.22, -25.35 ], [ -48.22, -25.34 ], [ -48.22, -25.34 ], [ -48.22, -25.33 ], [ -48.21, -25.32 ], [ -48.2, -25.32 ], [ -48.18, -25.31 ], [ -48.14, -25.29 ], [ -48.13, -25.28 ], [ -48.14, -25.27 ], [ -48.15, -25.28 ], [ -48.17, -25.29 ], [ -48.2, -25.3 ], [ -48.22, -25.3 ], [ -48.23, -25.3 ], [ -48.24, -25.32 ], [ -48.25, -25.32 ], [ -48.26, -25.31 ], [ -48.27, -25.3 ], [ -48.28, -25.29 ], [ -48.28, -25.31 ], [ -48.28, -25.32 ], [ -48.29, -25.32 ], [ -48.3, -25.34 ], [ -48.31, -25.35 ], [ -48.32, -25.36 ], [ -48.33, -25.36 ], [ -48.32, -25.32 ], [ -48.33, -25.32 ], [ -48.33, -25.33 ], [ -48.34, -25.32 ], [ -48.33, -25.27 ], [ -48.33, -25.24 ], [ -48.33, -25.23 ], [ -48.34, -25.24 ], [ -48.35, -25.25 ], [ -48.36, -25.26 ], [ -48.36, -25.27 ], [ -48.37, -25.27 ], [ -48.37, -25.28 ], [ -48.37, -25.28 ], [ -48.36, -25.28 ], [ -48.36, -25.29 ], [ -48.35, -25.29 ], [ -48.35, -25.29 ], [ -48.35, -25.3 ], [ -48.36, -25.3 ], [ -48.36, -25.3 ], [ -48.37, -25.3 ], [ -48.38, -25.3 ], [ -48.41, -25.28 ], [ -48.41, -25.27 ], [ -48.42, -25.25 ], [ -48.43, -25.24 ], [ -48.43, -25.26 ], [ -48.44, -25.26 ], [ -48.45, -25.26 ], [ -48.45, -25.25 ], [ -48.45, -25.25 ], [ -48.46, -25.25 ], [ -48.45, -25.26 ], [ -48.43, -25.32 ], [ -48.45, -25.32 ], [ -48.48, -25.33 ], [ -48.5, -25.33 ], [ -48.5, -25.34 ], [ -48.46, -25.34 ], [ -48.45, -25.35 ], [ -48.43, -25.36 ], [ -48.45, -25.37 ], [ -48.46, -25.38 ], [ -48.45, -25.39 ], [ -48.43, -25.38 ], [ -48.43, -25.39 ], [ -48.42, -25.4 ], [ -48.41, -25.41 ], [ -48.42, -25.43 ], [ -48.43, -25.43 ], [ -48.44, -25.43 ], [ -48.45, -25.43 ], [ -48.45, -25.45 ], [ -48.46, -25.46 ], [ -48.46, -25.47 ], [ -48.47, -25.48 ], [ -48.49, -25.47 ], [ -48.5, -25.47 ], [ -48.52, -25.45 ], [ -48.53, -25.45 ], [ -48.54, -25.45 ], [ -48.55, -25.45 ], [ -48.56, -25.45 ], [ -48.56, -25.46 ], [ -48.58, -25.46 ], [ -48.62, -25.45 ], [ -48.64, -25.44 ], [ -48.68, -25.41 ], [ -48.69, -25.41 ], [ -48.73, -25.36 ], [ -48.74, -25.35 ], [ -48.74, -25.37 ], [ -48.72, -25.41 ], [ -48.72, -25.42 ], [ -48.72, -25.43 ], [ -48.71, -25.43 ], [ -48.7, -25.44 ], [ -48.7, -25.44 ], [ -48.68, -25.46 ], [ -48.69, -25.47 ], [ -48.71, -25.47 ], [ -48.73, -25.47 ], [ -48.71, -25.5 ], [ -48.68, -25.5 ], [ -48.65, -25.49 ], [ -48.62, -25.5 ], [ -48.62, -25.5 ], [ -48.62, -25.51 ], [ -48.63, -25.51 ], [ -48.64, -25.5 ], [ -48.64, -25.5 ], [ -48.65, -25.51 ], [ -48.65, -25.52 ], [ -48.64, -25.52 ], [ -48.63, -25.52 ], [ -48.62, -25.53 ], [ -48.61, -25.54 ], [ -48.6, -25.53 ], [ -48.58, -25.53 ], [ -48.56, -25.53 ], [ -48.52, -25.51 ], [ -48.51, -25.52 ], [ -48.49, -25.54 ], [ -48.47, -25.54 ], [ -48.48, -25.56 ], [ -48.48, -25.56 ], [ -48.48, -25.55 ], [ -48.49, -25.56 ], [ -48.5, -25.57 ], [ -48.5, -25.57 ], [ -48.48, -25.58 ], [ -48.47, -25.57 ], [ -48.46, -25.56 ], [ -48.46, -25.55 ], [ -48.44, -25.55 ], [ -48.42, -25.55 ], [ -48.41, -25.56 ], [ -48.39, -25.54 ], [ -48.36, -25.57 ], [ -48.39, -25.6 ], [ -48.43, -25.62 ], [ -48.52, -25.77 ], [ -48.52, -25.8 ], [ -48.54, -25.84 ], [ -48.54, -25.85 ], [ -48.56, -25.84 ], [ -48.57, -25.82 ], [ -48.59, -25.82 ], [ -48.58, -25.8 ], [ -48.58, -25.8 ], [ -48.59, -25.8 ], [ -48.6, -25.8 ], [ -48.61, -25.81 ], [ -48.62, -25.82 ], [ -48.61, -25.82 ], [ -48.6, -25.82 ], [ -48.59, -25.83 ], [ -48.59, -25.84 ], [ -48.58, -25.85 ], [ -48.58, -25.85 ], [ -48.65, -25.84 ], [ -48.74, -25.85 ], [ -48.75, -25.86 ], [ -48.76, -25.86 ], [ -48.77, -25.87 ], [ -48.77, -25.88 ], [ -48.77, -25.89 ], [ -48.76, -25.88 ], [ -48.75, -25.88 ], [ -48.74, -25.87 ], [ -48.58, -25.87 ], [ -48.57, -25.87 ], [ -48.57, -25.86 ], [ -48.56, -25.87 ], [ -48.56, -25.88 ], [ -48.56, -25.89 ], [ -48.56, -25.9 ], [ -48.58, -25.96 ], [ -48.58, -25.98 ], [ -48.58, -25.98 ], [ -48.61, -25.98 ], [ -48.62, -25.98 ], [ -48.65, -25.97 ], [ -48.92, -25.98 ], [ -48.92, -25.98 ], [ -48.93, -25.99 ], [ -48.93, -25.99 ], [ -48.93, -26 ], [ -48.95, -26.01 ], [ -48.97, -26.01 ], [ -48.98, -26.01 ], [ -49, -26.01 ], [ -49.02, -26 ], [ -49.03, -26 ], [ -49.03, -26 ], [ -49.04, -26 ], [ -49.04, -26.01 ], [ -49.04, -26.01 ], [ -49.05, -26.02 ], [ -49.05, -26.02 ], [ -49.07, -26.01 ], [ -49.08, -26.01 ], [ -49.09, -26.02 ], [ -49.1, -26.02 ], [ -49.1, -26.01 ], [ -49.1, -26.01 ], [ -49.1, -26 ], [ -49.1, -26 ], [ -49.1, -26 ], [ -49.1, -26 ], [ -49.11, -26 ], [ -49.11, -25.99 ], [ -49.12, -25.99 ], [ -49.12, -25.99 ], [ -49.12, -26 ], [ -49.13, -26 ], [ -49.13, -26 ], [ -49.13, -26 ], [ -49.13, -26 ], [ -49.14, -26.01 ], [ -49.18, -26.01 ], [ -49.2, -26.02 ], [ -49.21, -26.03 ], [ -49.24, -26.04 ], [ -49.25, -26.06 ], [ -49.28, -26.09 ], [ -49.29, -26.1 ], [ -49.3, -26.11 ], [ -49.38, -26.15 ], [ -49.43, -26.16 ], [ -49.44, -26.16 ], [ -49.45, -26.17 ], [ -49.46, -26.17 ], [ -49.46, -26.18 ], [ -49.47, -26.18 ], [ -49.48, -26.19 ], [ -49.48, -26.21 ], [ -49.49, -26.22 ], [ -49.51, -26.23 ], [ -49.55, -26.23 ], [ -49.58, -26.23 ], [ -49.59, -26.22 ], [ -49.67, -26.19 ], [ -49.72, -26.16 ], [ -49.73, -26.15 ], [ -49.73, -26.14 ], [ -49.74, -26.13 ], [ -49.75, -26.12 ], [ -49.82, -26.09 ], [ -49.83, -26.08 ], [ -49.85, -26.06 ], [ -49.85, -26.06 ], [ -49.87, -26.05 ], [ -49.88, -26.04 ], [ -49.89, -26.03 ], [ -49.9, -26.03 ], [ -49.92, -26.03 ], [ -49.93, -26.03 ], [ -49.93, -26.02 ], [ -49.94, -26.02 ], [ -49.94, -26.01 ], [ -49.95, -26.01 ], [ -49.97, -26.02 ], [ -49.99, -26.01 ], [ -50.01, -26.02 ], [ -50.01, -26.03 ], [ -50.03, -26.03 ], [ -50.12, -26.05 ], [ -50.15, -26.04 ], [ -50.16, -26.05 ], [ -50.18, -26.05 ], [ -50.18, -26.05 ], [ -50.19, -26.05 ], [ -50.21, -26.05 ], [ -50.21, -26.05 ], [ -50.22, -26.05 ], [ -50.22, -26.04 ], [ -50.23, -26.04 ], [ -50.24, -26.04 ], [ -50.27, -26.04 ], [ -50.28, -26.04 ], [ -50.29, -26.04 ], [ -50.3, -26.04 ], [ -50.32, -26.05 ], [ -50.32, -26.06 ], [ -50.33, -26.07 ], [ -50.33, -26.07 ], [ -50.33, -26.08 ], [ -50.33, -26.08 ], [ -50.33, -26.09 ], [ -50.33, -26.09 ], [ -50.32, -26.1 ], [ -50.33, -26.1 ], [ -50.33, -26.11 ], [ -50.34, -26.11 ], [ -50.34, -26.11 ], [ -50.35, -26.11 ], [ -50.36, -26.11 ], [ -50.36, -26.1 ], [ -50.36, -26.1 ], [ -50.37, -26.08 ], [ -50.37, -26.07 ], [ -50.38, -26.07 ], [ -50.38, -26.06 ], [ -50.38, -26.06 ], [ -50.39, -26.06 ], [ -50.4, -26.06 ], [ -50.43, -26.05 ], [ -50.44, -26.05 ], [ -50.44, -26.05 ], [ -50.45, -26.05 ], [ -50.45, -26.04 ], [ -50.45, -26.04 ], [ -50.45, -26.03 ], [ -50.46, -26.03 ], [ -50.48, -26.02 ], [ -50.54, -26.02 ], [ -50.55, -26.02 ], [ -50.56, -26.02 ], [ -50.57, -26.01 ], [ -50.58, -26.01 ], [ -50.59, -26.01 ], [ -50.59, -26.01 ], [ -50.6, -26.01 ], [ -50.59, -26.02 ], [ -50.59, -26.02 ], [ -50.59, -26.02 ], [ -50.57, -26.03 ], [ -50.56, -26.04 ], [ -50.56, -26.04 ], [ -50.56, -26.04 ], [ -50.56, -26.05 ], [ -50.58, -26.05 ], [ -50.62, -26.06 ], [ -50.64, -26.06 ], [ -50.64, -26.06 ], [ -50.65, -26.07 ], [ -50.66, -26.12 ], [ -50.67, -26.15 ], [ -50.68, -26.16 ], [ -50.7, -26.17 ], [ -50.72, -26.2 ], [ -50.73, -26.21 ], [ -50.73, -26.22 ], [ -50.73, -26.23 ], [ -50.74, -26.24 ], [ -50.74, -26.24 ], [ -50.75, -26.23 ], [ -50.76, -26.22 ], [ -50.76, -26.22 ], [ -50.77, -26.22 ], [ -50.78, -26.22 ], [ -50.79, -26.22 ], [ -50.8, -26.23 ], [ -50.83, -26.25 ], [ -50.84, -26.25 ], [ -50.84, -26.26 ], [ -50.85, -26.26 ], [ -50.86, -26.26 ], [ -50.86, -26.25 ], [ -50.88, -26.25 ], [ -50.89, -26.25 ], [ -50.89, -26.26 ], [ -50.89, -26.26 ], [ -50.9, -26.27 ], [ -50.9, -26.28 ], [ -50.91, -26.28 ], [ -50.91, -26.28 ], [ -50.91, -26.28 ], [ -50.91, -26.26 ], [ -50.92, -26.26 ], [ -50.92, -26.25 ], [ -50.92, -26.25 ], [ -50.93, -26.25 ], [ -50.93, -26.25 ], [ -50.94, -26.25 ], [ -50.95, -26.25 ], [ -50.95, -26.26 ], [ -50.96, -26.26 ], [ -50.96, -26.27 ], [ -50.97, -26.27 ], [ -50.97, -26.26 ], [ -50.98, -26.25 ], [ -50.99, -26.24 ], [ -50.99, -26.24 ], [ -51, -26.24 ], [ -51, -26.24 ], [ -51, -26.24 ], [ -51, -26.24 ], [ -51.02, -26.24 ], [ -51.03, -26.25 ], [ -51.04, -26.25 ], [ -51.05, -26.25 ], [ -51.06, -26.24 ], [ -51.06, -26.24 ], [ -51.07, -26.24 ], [ -51.07, -26.24 ], [ -51.08, -26.24 ], [ -51.08, -26.24 ], [ -51.09, -26.25 ], [ -51.1, -26.26 ], [ -51.11, -26.27 ], [ -51.12, -26.28 ], [ -51.13, -26.28 ], [ -51.14, -26.29 ], [ -51.2, -26.3 ], [ -51.21, -26.31 ], [ -51.21, -26.31 ], [ -51.22, -26.33 ], [ -51.24, -26.34 ], [ -51.24, -26.34 ], [ -51.25, -26.35 ], [ -51.25, -26.35 ], [ -51.25, -26.36 ], [ -51.26, -26.38 ], [ -51.26, -26.39 ], [ -51.27, -26.4 ], [ -51.28, -26.42 ], [ -51.29, -26.42 ], [ -51.29, -26.43 ], [ -51.29, -26.44 ], [ -51.29, -26.44 ], [ -51.29, -26.45 ], [ -51.28, -26.45 ], [ -51.27, -26.46 ], [ -51.27, -26.47 ], [ -51.27, -26.47 ], [ -51.27, -26.48 ], [ -51.28, -26.49 ], [ -51.28, -26.5 ], [ -51.28, -26.5 ], [ -51.25, -26.55 ], [ -51.24, -26.57 ], [ -51.24, -26.58 ], [ -51.24, -26.59 ], [ -51.24, -26.61 ], [ -51.25, -26.63 ], [ -51.29, -26.65 ], [ -51.29, -26.66 ], [ -51.3, -26.66 ], [ -51.33, -26.66 ], [ -51.39, -26.68 ], [ -51.4, -26.68 ], [ -51.4, -26.68 ], [ -51.41, -26.7 ], [ -51.41, -26.7 ], [ -51.42, -26.7 ], [ -51.42, -26.7 ], [ -51.42, -26.7 ], [ -51.43, -26.68 ], [ -51.44, -26.67 ], [ -51.45, -26.66 ], [ -51.45, -26.65 ], [ -51.46, -26.65 ], [ -51.47, -26.64 ], [ -51.48, -26.64 ], [ -51.48, -26.63 ], [ -51.48, -26.63 ], [ -51.48, -26.62 ], [ -51.48, -26.61 ], [ -51.49, -26.61 ], [ -51.49, -26.61 ], [ -51.49, -26.6 ], [ -51.5, -26.6 ], [ -51.5, -26.6 ], [ -51.5, -26.6 ], [ -51.61, -26.6 ], [ -51.62, -26.6 ], [ -51.63, -26.6 ], [ -51.63, -26.59 ], [ -51.64, -26.59 ], [ -51.65, -26.58 ], [ -51.65, -26.58 ], [ -51.66, -26.58 ], [ -51.66, -26.59 ], [ -51.68, -26.6 ], [ -51.69, -26.6 ], [ -51.71, -26.6 ], [ -51.87, -26.6 ], [ -51.94, -26.58 ], [ -51.96, -26.58 ], [ -52, -26.58 ], [ -52.01, -26.58 ], [ -52.01, -26.58 ], [ -52.02, -26.58 ], [ -52.04, -26.56 ], [ -52.09, -26.53 ], [ -52.11, -26.51 ], [ -52.11, -26.51 ], [ -52.12, -26.5 ], [ -52.12, -26.49 ], [ -52.13, -26.49 ], [ -52.18, -26.46 ], [ -52.19, -26.45 ], [ -52.2, -26.45 ], [ -52.21, -26.45 ], [ -52.23, -26.45 ], [ -52.25, -26.45 ], [ -52.28, -26.44 ], [ -52.3, -26.44 ], [ -52.33, -26.44 ], [ -52.34, -26.44 ], [ -52.36, -26.44 ], [ -52.4, -26.43 ], [ -52.46, -26.43 ], [ -52.46, -26.43 ], [ -52.47, -26.43 ], [ -52.5, -26.41 ], [ -52.54, -26.4 ], [ -52.62, -26.41 ], [ -52.64, -26.4 ], [ -52.65, -26.4 ], [ -52.65, -26.39 ], [ -52.65, -26.39 ], [ -52.67, -26.38 ], [ -52.82, -26.34 ], [ -52.83, -26.34 ], [ -52.85, -26.34 ], [ -52.86, -26.34 ], [ -52.88, -26.35 ], [ -52.91, -26.36 ], [ -52.94, -26.37 ], [ -52.95, -26.37 ], [ -52.96, -26.37 ], [ -52.97, -26.36 ], [ -52.98, -26.35 ], [ -52.99, -26.35 ], [ -52.99, -26.35 ], [ -53, -26.35 ], [ -53.04, -26.37 ], [ -53.1, -26.37 ], [ -53.11, -26.37 ], [ -53.12, -26.37 ], [ -53.13, -26.36 ], [ -53.13, -26.36 ], [ -53.14, -26.35 ], [ -53.14, -26.35 ], [ -53.15, -26.34 ], [ -53.18, -26.33 ], [ -53.2, -26.32 ], [ -53.25, -26.29 ], [ -53.25, -26.29 ], [ -53.25, -26.28 ], [ -53.26, -26.28 ], [ -53.27, -26.27 ], [ -53.28, -26.26 ], [ -53.34, -26.24 ], [ -53.36, -26.24 ], [ -53.37, -26.24 ], [ -53.37, -26.24 ], [ -53.38, -26.25 ], [ -53.46, -26.29 ], [ -53.47, -26.29 ], [ -53.48, -26.29 ], [ -53.5, -26.29 ], [ -53.51, -26.29 ], [ -53.52, -26.29 ], [ -53.55, -26.27 ], [ -53.61, -26.26 ], [ -53.62, -26.26 ], [ -53.63, -26.26 ], [ -53.65, -26.26 ], [ -53.66, -26.26 ], [ -53.67, -26.22 ], [ -53.69, -26.19 ], [ -53.73, -26.13 ], [ -53.75, -26.09 ], [ -53.75, -26.06 ], [ -53.77, -26.03 ], [ -53.79, -26 ], [ -53.79, -26 ], [ -53.79, -26 ], [ -53.83, -25.97 ], [ -53.83, -25.96 ], [ -53.84, -25.95 ], [ -53.83, -25.94 ], [ -53.83, -25.93 ], [ -53.83, -25.92 ], [ -53.84, -25.87 ], [ -53.84, -25.81 ], [ -53.84, -25.79 ], [ -53.85, -25.77 ], [ -53.86, -25.76 ], [ -53.88, -25.75 ], [ -53.88, -25.74 ], [ -53.89, -25.72 ], [ -53.88, -25.71 ], [ -53.88, -25.71 ], [ -53.88, -25.7 ], [ -53.89, -25.66 ], [ -53.9, -25.64 ], [ -53.91, -25.63 ], [ -53.95, -25.65 ], [ -53.97, -25.65 ], [ -53.98, -25.63 ], [ -53.98, -25.61 ], [ -53.98, -25.59 ], [ -54, -25.57 ], [ -54.02, -25.57 ], [ -54.03, -25.56 ], [ -54.04, -25.56 ], [ -54.04, -25.57 ], [ -54.06, -25.57 ], [ -54.07, -25.56 ], [ -54.08, -25.55 ], [ -54.09, -25.56 ], [ -54.09, -25.57 ], [ -54.09, -25.58 ], [ -54.09, -25.59 ], [ -54.09, -25.6 ], [ -54.1, -25.6 ], [ -54.11, -25.59 ], [ -54.12, -25.58 ], [ -54.12, -25.57 ], [ -54.13, -25.55 ], [ -54.12, -25.54 ], [ -54.11, -25.52 ], [ -54.11, -25.5 ], [ -54.11, -25.5 ], [ -54.12, -25.49 ], [ -54.12, -25.5 ], [ -54.13, -25.5 ], [ -54.15, -25.53 ], [ -54.17, -25.53 ], [ -54.18, -25.54 ], [ -54.2, -25.53 ], [ -54.21, -25.53 ], [ -54.21, -25.53 ], [ -54.19, -25.56 ], [ -54.19, -25.58 ], [ -54.21, -25.58 ], [ -54.23, -25.58 ], [ -54.24, -25.58 ], [ -54.24, -25.58 ], [ -54.25, -25.59 ], [ -54.26, -25.6 ], [ -54.26, -25.59 ], [ -54.27, -25.57 ], [ -54.28, -25.56 ], [ -54.3, -25.55 ], [ -54.32, -25.56 ], [ -54.33, -25.56 ], [ -54.35, -25.58 ], [ -54.36, -25.58 ], [ -54.38, -25.58 ], [ -54.39, -25.58 ], [ -54.4, -25.58 ], [ -54.4, -25.59 ], [ -54.4, -25.6 ], [ -54.4, -25.61 ], [ -54.41, -25.62 ], [ -54.41, -25.63 ], [ -54.43, -25.64 ], [ -54.44, -25.65 ], [ -54.44, -25.66 ], [ -54.43, -25.68 ], [ -54.44, -25.69 ], [ -54.45, -25.69 ], [ -54.45, -25.68 ], [ -54.46, -25.67 ], [ -54.46, -25.66 ], [ -54.46, -25.64 ], [ -54.47, -25.63 ], [ -54.49, -25.61 ], [ -54.51, -25.61 ], [ -54.53, -25.61 ], [ -54.54, -25.6 ], [ -54.54, -25.59 ], [ -54.55, -25.57 ], [ -54.56, -25.57 ], [ -54.6, -25.57 ], [ -54.6, -25.57 ], [ -54.59, -25.55 ], [ -54.59, -25.52 ], [ -54.6, -25.51 ], [ -54.61, -25.49 ], [ -54.61, -25.47 ], [ -54.61, -25.44 ], [ -54.61, -25.43 ], [ -54.6, -25.4 ], [ -54.58, -25.36 ], [ -54.55, -25.34 ], [ -54.53, -25.31 ], [ -54.5, -25.28 ], [ -54.48, -25.21 ], [ -54.47, -25.2 ], [ -54.44, -25.17 ], [ -54.43, -25.15 ], [ -54.43, -25.13 ], [ -54.46, -25.09 ], [ -54.46, -25.07 ], [ -54.46, -25.06 ], [ -54.46, -25.04 ], [ -54.45, -25 ], [ -54.41, -24.82 ], [ -54.4, -24.8 ], [ -54.37, -24.77 ], [ -54.36, -24.73 ], [ -54.32, -24.63 ], [ -54.32, -24.6 ], [ -54.33, -24.53 ], [ -54.33, -24.5 ], [ -54.32, -24.46 ], [ -54.28, -24.41 ], [ -54.27, -24.39 ], [ -54.26, -24.36 ], [ -54.26, -24.33 ], [ -54.27, -24.3 ], [ -54.28, -24.28 ], [ -54.31, -24.25 ], [ -54.31, -24.23 ], [ -54.32, -24.2 ], [ -54.33, -24.17 ], [ -54.33, -24.15 ], [ -54.32, -24.12 ], [ -54.3, -24.09 ], [ -54.27, -24.07 ], [ -54.25, -24.05 ], [ -54.25, -24.05 ], [ -54.2, -24.03 ], [ -54.19, -24.02 ], [ -54.18, -24.01 ], [ -54.1, -23.97 ], [ -54.08, -23.95 ], [ -54.07, -23.91 ], [ -54.07, -23.82 ], [ -54.06, -23.77 ], [ -54.03, -23.7 ], [ -54.02, -23.64 ], [ -53.97, -23.49 ], [ -53.97, -23.45 ], [ -53.97, -23.44 ], [ -53.95, -23.42 ], [ -53.86, -23.39 ], [ -53.75, -23.33 ], [ -53.73, -23.3 ], [ -53.71, -23.26 ], [ -53.68, -23.18 ], [ -53.66, -23.15 ], [ -53.64, -23.11 ], [ -53.63, -23.02 ], [ -53.62, -22.98 ], [ -53.6, -22.92 ], [ -53.58, -22.9 ], [ -53.55, -22.87 ], [ -53.48, -22.83 ], [ -53.17, -22.7 ], [ -53.17, -22.7 ], [ -53.15, -22.7 ], [ -53.12, -22.69 ], [ -53.1, -22.68 ], [ -53.06, -22.63 ], [ -53.01, -22.6 ], [ -52.99, -22.59 ], [ -52.97, -22.58 ], [ -52.95, -22.57 ], [ -52.89, -22.57 ], [ -52.88, -22.57 ], [ -52.85, -22.59 ], [ -52.84, -22.59 ], [ -52.79, -22.59 ], [ -52.69, -22.6 ], [ -52.67, -22.6 ], [ -52.61, -22.57 ], [ -52.58, -22.57 ], [ -52.55, -22.6 ], [ -52.52, -22.61 ], [ -52.48, -22.61 ], [ -52.46, -22.6 ], [ -52.45, -22.6 ], [ -52.41, -22.6 ], [ -52.38, -22.61 ], [ -52.34, -22.62 ], [ -52.31, -22.62 ], [ -52.29, -22.6 ], [ -52.28, -22.6 ], [ -52.26, -22.6 ], [ -52.25, -22.6 ], [ -52.25, -22.61 ], [ -52.24, -22.61 ], [ -52.23, -22.62 ], [ -52.23, -22.63 ], [ -52.22, -22.64 ], [ -52.19, -22.64 ], [ -52.17, -22.62 ], [ -52.16, -22.6 ], [ -52.15, -22.58 ], [ -52.15, -22.56 ], [ -52.14, -22.54 ], [ -52.12, -22.53 ], [ -52.09, -22.52 ], [ -52.07, -22.52 ], [ -52.03, -22.53 ], [ -51.98, -22.55 ], [ -51.87, -22.61 ], [ -51.86, -22.62 ] ] ] ] } } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 58199, "end" : 58205 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Paraná" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/e3b5f73e-9a34-40f8-b02b-9b962a6425e7", "type" : 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], [ -51.18, -22.74 ], [ -51.11, -22.77 ], [ -51, -22.79 ], [ -50.88, -22.82 ], [ -50.87, -22.83 ], [ -50.86, -22.84 ], [ -50.82, -22.89 ], [ -50.81, -22.9 ], [ -50.8, -22.92 ], [ -50.79, -22.93 ], [ -50.79, -22.94 ], [ -50.78, -22.95 ], [ -50.76, -22.95 ], [ -50.75, -22.95 ], [ -50.73, -22.95 ], [ -50.71, -22.95 ], [ -50.7, -22.94 ], [ -50.68, -22.93 ], [ -50.66, -22.92 ], [ -50.63, -22.92 ], [ -50.54, -22.93 ], [ -50.52, -22.94 ], [ -50.52, -22.94 ], [ -50.51, -22.94 ], [ -50.51, -22.95 ], [ -50.5, -22.95 ], [ -50.44, -22.94 ], [ -50.43, -22.95 ], [ -50.41, -22.92 ], [ -50.4, -22.92 ], [ -50.38, -22.91 ], [ -50.37, -22.92 ], [ -50.35, -22.92 ], [ -50.33, -22.94 ], [ -50.32, -22.95 ], [ -50.31, -22.95 ], [ -50.29, -22.95 ], [ -50.28, -22.94 ], [ -50.28, -22.94 ], [ -50.26, -22.94 ], [ -50.24, -22.94 ], [ -50.23, -22.94 ], [ -50.21, -22.95 ], [ -50.12, -22.94 ], [ -50.11, -22.94 ], [ -50.1, -22.93 ], [ -50.03, -22.91 ], [ -50.02, -22.91 ], [ -50, -22.92 ], [ -50, -22.9 ], [ -49.99, -22.9 ], [ -49.98, -22.9 ], [ -49.97, -22.91 ], [ -49.97, -22.93 ], [ -49.97, -22.95 ], [ -49.96, -22.96 ], [ -49.93, -22.98 ], [ -49.91, -22.99 ], [ -49.91, -23 ], [ -49.91, -23.03 ], [ -49.91, -23.04 ], [ -49.89, -23.05 ], [ -49.88, -23.06 ], [ -49.87, -23.06 ], [ -49.84, -23.06 ], [ -49.83, -23.07 ], [ -49.8, -23.08 ], [ -49.79, -23.09 ], [ -49.77, -23.1 ], [ -49.76, -23.1 ], [ -49.76, -23.1 ], [ -49.75, -23.1 ], [ -49.74, -23.1 ], [ -49.73, -23.1 ], [ -49.73, -23.11 ], [ -49.73, -23.12 ], [ -49.73, -23.13 ], [ -49.72, -23.13 ], [ -49.72, -23.14 ], [ -49.7, -23.16 ], [ -49.67, -23.2 ], [ -49.64, -23.26 ], [ -49.62, -23.35 ], [ -49.61, -23.39 ], [ -49.62, -23.41 ], [ -49.64, -23.47 ], [ -49.65, -23.49 ], [ -49.65, -23.49 ], [ -49.65, -23.5 ], [ -49.65, -23.5 ], [ -49.65, -23.51 ], [ -49.65, -23.51 ], [ -49.65, -23.52 ], [ -49.64, -23.53 ], [ -49.63, -23.53 ], [ -49.63, -23.54 ], [ -49.63, -23.55 ], [ -49.62, -23.59 ], [ -49.62, -23.61 ], [ -49.61, -23.64 ], [ -49.59, -23.67 ], [ -49.58, -23.68 ], [ -49.56, -23.69 ], [ -49.56, -23.7 ], [ -49.55, -23.7 ], [ -49.55, -23.71 ], [ -49.56, -23.76 ], [ -49.56, -23.81 ], [ -49.57, -23.82 ], [ -49.57, -23.83 ], [ -49.57, -23.84 ], [ -49.58, -23.85 ], [ -49.58, -23.85 ], [ -49.59, -23.85 ], [ -49.6, -23.85 ], [ -49.6, -23.86 ], [ -49.6, -23.86 ], [ -49.6, -23.88 ], [ -49.59, -23.89 ], [ -49.59, -23.89 ], [ -49.58, -23.89 ], [ -49.57, -23.9 ], [ -49.57, -23.9 ], [ -49.55, -23.93 ], [ -49.54, -23.94 ], [ -49.53, -23.94 ], [ -49.53, -23.94 ], [ -49.52, -23.93 ], [ -49.52, -23.93 ], [ -49.51, -23.94 ], [ -49.51, -23.94 ], [ -49.51, -23.95 ], [ -49.51, -23.96 ], [ -49.51, -23.96 ], [ -49.51, -23.97 ], [ -49.5, -23.98 ], [ -49.49, -23.99 ], [ -49.48, -24.01 ], [ -49.46, -24.03 ], [ -49.45, -24.05 ], [ -49.45, -24.05 ], [ -49.44, -24.06 ], [ -49.43, -24.06 ], [ -49.43, -24.06 ], [ -49.42, -24.07 ], [ -49.42, -24.08 ], [ -49.41, -24.09 ], [ -49.4, -24.09 ], [ -49.4, -24.09 ], [ -49.38, -24.1 ], [ -49.37, -24.1 ], [ -49.36, -24.1 ], [ -49.36, -24.11 ], [ -49.35, -24.11 ], [ -49.34, -24.13 ], [ -49.34, -24.13 ], [ -49.33, -24.14 ], [ -49.33, -24.15 ], [ -49.33, -24.19 ], [ -49.33, -24.2 ], [ -49.34, -24.21 ], [ -49.34, -24.22 ], [ -49.34, -24.22 ], [ -49.33, -24.23 ], [ -49.32, -24.24 ], [ -49.32, -24.24 ], [ -49.31, -24.24 ], [ -49.31, -24.24 ], [ -49.3, -24.25 ], [ -49.29, -24.3 ], [ -49.28, -24.31 ], [ -49.27, -24.32 ], [ -49.27, -24.32 ], [ -49.26, -24.32 ], [ -49.25, -24.33 ], [ -49.25, -24.33 ], [ -49.24, -24.33 ], [ -49.24, -24.33 ], [ -49.23, -24.34 ], [ -49.23, -24.34 ], [ -49.22, -24.34 ], [ -49.22, -24.35 ], [ -49.22, -24.36 ], [ -49.23, -24.37 ], [ -49.24, -24.38 ], [ -49.25, -24.38 ], [ -49.25, -24.39 ], [ -49.25, -24.39 ], [ -49.25, -24.4 ], [ -49.24, -24.41 ], [ -49.24, -24.41 ], [ -49.24, -24.42 ], [ -49.25, -24.43 ], [ -49.26, -24.43 ], [ -49.28, -24.44 ], [ -49.29, -24.44 ], [ -49.29, -24.44 ], [ -49.3, -24.45 ], [ -49.29, -24.45 ], [ -49.29, -24.46 ], [ -49.27, -24.47 ], [ -49.28, -24.5 ], [ -49.28, -24.51 ], [ -49.28, -24.52 ], [ -49.28, -24.52 ], [ -49.28, -24.53 ], [ -49.29, -24.53 ], [ -49.31, -24.53 ], [ -49.32, -24.54 ], [ -49.32, -24.54 ], [ -49.32, -24.55 ], [ -49.32, -24.55 ], [ -49.32, -24.56 ], [ -49.32, -24.57 ], [ -49.3, -24.59 ], [ -49.3, -24.6 ], [ -49.3, -24.6 ], [ -49.3, -24.63 ], [ -49.3, -24.64 ], [ -49.3, -24.65 ], [ -49.3, -24.66 ], [ -49.3, -24.66 ], [ -49.3, -24.67 ], [ -49.28, -24.67 ], [ -49.22, -24.69 ], [ -49.2, -24.69 ], [ -49.19, -24.69 ], [ -49.17, -24.68 ], [ -49.15, -24.68 ], [ -49.09, -24.69 ], [ -49.05, -24.68 ], [ -49.03, -24.67 ], [ -49.03, -24.63 ], [ -49.01, -24.64 ], [ -48.98, -24.67 ], [ -48.95, -24.68 ], [ -48.87, -24.67 ], [ -48.85, -24.67 ], [ -48.85, -24.67 ], [ -48.85, -24.67 ], [ -48.85, -24.66 ], [ -48.83, -24.66 ], [ -48.81, -24.67 ], [ -48.8, -24.69 ], [ -48.78, -24.7 ], [ -48.78, -24.7 ], [ -48.77, -24.69 ], [ -48.77, -24.69 ], [ -48.76, -24.69 ], [ -48.75, -24.69 ], [ -48.74, -24.69 ], [ -48.71, -24.69 ], [ -48.69, -24.68 ], [ -48.69, -24.67 ], [ -48.68, -24.67 ], [ -48.67, -24.69 ], [ -48.67, -24.7 ], [ -48.66, -24.71 ], [ -48.65, -24.71 ], [ -48.65, -24.7 ], [ -48.64, -24.7 ], [ -48.63, -24.69 ], [ -48.61, -24.68 ], [ -48.61, -24.68 ], [ -48.6, -24.68 ], [ -48.59, -24.68 ], [ -48.59, -24.68 ], [ -48.58, -24.68 ], [ -48.58, -24.69 ], [ -48.57, -24.69 ], [ -48.57, -24.7 ], [ -48.57, -24.7 ], [ -48.56, -24.71 ], [ -48.56, -24.71 ], [ -48.55, -24.72 ], [ -48.55, -24.72 ], [ -48.49, -24.74 ], [ -48.49, -24.74 ], [ -48.49, -24.75 ], [ -48.49, -24.76 ], [ -48.5, -24.78 ], [ -48.51, -24.79 ], [ -48.52, -24.79 ], [ -48.53, -24.8 ], [ -48.54, -24.81 ], [ -48.55, -24.82 ], [ -48.55, -24.83 ], [ -48.54, -24.86 ], [ -48.54, -24.87 ], [ -48.54, -24.88 ], [ -48.55, -24.89 ], [ -48.56, -24.89 ], [ -48.56, -24.9 ], [ -48.56, -24.91 ], [ -48.56, -24.94 ], [ -48.56, -24.97 ], [ -48.56, -24.98 ], [ -48.57, -24.98 ], [ -48.57, -24.98 ], [ -48.59, -25 ], [ -48.59, -25 ], [ -48.59, -25 ], [ -48.59, -25 ], [ -48.59, -25 ], [ -48.59, -25.01 ], [ -48.59, -25.02 ], [ -48.57, -25.05 ], [ -48.57, -25.05 ], [ -48.57, -25.06 ], [ -48.54, -25.07 ], [ -48.51, -25.08 ], [ -48.51, -25.08 ], [ -48.5, -25.08 ], [ -48.49, -25.08 ], [ -48.49, -25.07 ], [ -48.49, -25.06 ], [ -48.48, -25.06 ], [ -48.48, -25.05 ], [ -48.48, -25.05 ], [ -48.47, -25.04 ], [ -48.47, -25.04 ], [ -48.46, -25.03 ], [ -48.46, -25.03 ], [ -48.46, -25.02 ], [ -48.46, -25.01 ], [ -48.46, -25 ], [ -48.46, -25 ], [ -48.46, -25 ], [ -48.46, -24.99 ], [ -48.46, -24.99 ], [ -48.45, -24.98 ], [ -48.43, -24.97 ], [ -48.43, -24.97 ], [ -48.42, -24.96 ], [ -48.42, -24.96 ], [ -48.41, -24.96 ], [ -48.4, -24.97 ], [ -48.39, -24.97 ], [ -48.37, -24.97 ], [ -48.36, -24.98 ], [ -48.35, -24.98 ], [ -48.35, -24.99 ], [ -48.34, -24.99 ], [ -48.34, -25 ], [ -48.34, -25 ], [ -48.34, -25 ], [ -48.34, -25.01 ], [ -48.34, -25.01 ], [ -48.33, -25.02 ], [ -48.32, -25.02 ], [ -48.3, -25.01 ], [ -48.29, -25.01 ], [ -48.28, -25.02 ], [ -48.28, -25.02 ], [ -48.28, -25.03 ], [ -48.28, -25.03 ], [ -48.27, -25.03 ], [ -48.26, -25.03 ], [ -48.23, -25.01 ], [ -48.21, -25.07 ], [ -48.21, -25.09 ], [ -48.21, -25.1 ], [ -48.19, -25.15 ], [ -48.18, -25.16 ], [ -48.18, -25.17 ], [ -48.19, -25.18 ], [ -48.19, -25.19 ], [ -48.18, -25.2 ], [ -48.18, -25.2 ], [ -48.17, -25.21 ], [ -48.16, -25.22 ], [ -48.15, -25.22 ], [ -48.09, -25.24 ], [ -48.09, -25.24 ], [ -48.08, -25.24 ], [ -48.07, -25.24 ], [ -48.07, -25.23 ], [ -48.07, -25.23 ], [ -48.06, -25.23 ], [ -48.06, -25.22 ], [ -48.05, -25.22 ], [ -48.05, -25.22 ], [ -48.04, -25.22 ], [ -48.04, -25.22 ], [ -48.03, -25.23 ], [ -48.04, -25.24 ], [ -48.07, -25.28 ], [ -48.08, -25.28 ], [ -48.08, -25.3 ], [ -48.08, -25.31 ], [ -48.08, -25.31 ], [ -48.09, -25.33 ], [ -48.17, -25.37 ], [ -48.17, -25.38 ], [ -48.2, -25.42 ], [ -48.21, -25.46 ], [ -48.23, -25.46 ], [ -48.24, -25.45 ], [ -48.25, -25.43 ], [ -48.25, -25.41 ], [ -48.22, -25.35 ], [ -48.22, -25.34 ], [ -48.22, -25.34 ], [ -48.22, -25.33 ], [ -48.21, -25.32 ], [ -48.2, -25.32 ], [ -48.18, -25.31 ], [ -48.14, -25.29 ], [ -48.13, -25.28 ], [ -48.14, -25.27 ], [ -48.15, -25.28 ], [ -48.17, -25.29 ], [ -48.2, -25.3 ], [ -48.22, -25.3 ], [ -48.23, -25.3 ], [ -48.24, -25.32 ], [ -48.25, -25.32 ], [ -48.26, -25.31 ], [ -48.27, -25.3 ], [ -48.28, -25.29 ], [ -48.28, -25.31 ], [ -48.28, -25.32 ], [ -48.29, -25.32 ], [ -48.3, -25.34 ], [ -48.31, -25.35 ], [ -48.32, -25.36 ], [ -48.33, -25.36 ], [ -48.32, -25.32 ], [ -48.33, -25.32 ], [ -48.33, -25.33 ], [ -48.34, -25.32 ], [ -48.33, -25.27 ], [ -48.33, -25.24 ], [ -48.33, -25.23 ], [ -48.34, -25.24 ], [ -48.35, -25.25 ], [ -48.36, -25.26 ], [ -48.36, -25.27 ], [ -48.37, -25.27 ], [ -48.37, -25.28 ], [ -48.37, -25.28 ], [ -48.36, -25.28 ], [ -48.36, -25.29 ], [ -48.35, -25.29 ], [ -48.35, -25.29 ], [ -48.35, -25.3 ], [ -48.36, -25.3 ], [ -48.36, -25.3 ], [ -48.37, -25.3 ], [ -48.38, -25.3 ], [ -48.41, -25.28 ], [ -48.41, -25.27 ], [ -48.42, -25.25 ], [ -48.43, -25.24 ], [ -48.43, -25.26 ], [ -48.44, -25.26 ], [ -48.45, -25.26 ], [ -48.45, -25.25 ], [ -48.45, -25.25 ], [ -48.46, -25.25 ], [ -48.45, -25.26 ], [ -48.43, -25.32 ], [ -48.45, -25.32 ], [ -48.48, -25.33 ], [ -48.5, -25.33 ], [ -48.5, -25.34 ], [ -48.46, -25.34 ], [ -48.45, -25.35 ], [ -48.43, -25.36 ], [ -48.45, -25.37 ], [ -48.46, -25.38 ], [ -48.45, -25.39 ], [ -48.43, -25.38 ], [ -48.43, -25.39 ], [ -48.42, -25.4 ], [ -48.41, -25.41 ], [ -48.42, -25.43 ], [ -48.43, -25.43 ], [ -48.44, -25.43 ], [ -48.45, -25.43 ], [ -48.45, -25.45 ], [ -48.46, -25.46 ], [ -48.46, -25.47 ], [ -48.47, -25.48 ], [ -48.49, -25.47 ], [ -48.5, -25.47 ], [ -48.52, -25.45 ], [ -48.53, -25.45 ], [ -48.54, -25.45 ], [ -48.55, -25.45 ], [ -48.56, -25.45 ], [ -48.56, -25.46 ], [ -48.58, -25.46 ], [ -48.62, -25.45 ], [ -48.64, -25.44 ], [ -48.68, -25.41 ], [ -48.69, -25.41 ], [ -48.73, -25.36 ], [ -48.74, -25.35 ], [ -48.74, -25.37 ], [ -48.72, -25.41 ], [ -48.72, -25.42 ], [ -48.72, -25.43 ], [ -48.71, -25.43 ], [ -48.7, -25.44 ], [ -48.7, -25.44 ], [ -48.68, -25.46 ], [ -48.69, -25.47 ], [ -48.71, -25.47 ], [ -48.73, -25.47 ], [ -48.71, -25.5 ], [ -48.68, -25.5 ], [ -48.65, -25.49 ], [ -48.62, -25.5 ], [ -48.62, -25.5 ], [ -48.62, -25.51 ], [ -48.63, -25.51 ], [ -48.64, -25.5 ], [ -48.64, -25.5 ], [ -48.65, -25.51 ], [ -48.65, -25.52 ], [ -48.64, -25.52 ], [ -48.63, -25.52 ], [ -48.62, -25.53 ], [ -48.61, -25.54 ], [ -48.6, -25.53 ], [ -48.58, -25.53 ], [ -48.56, -25.53 ], [ -48.52, -25.51 ], [ -48.51, -25.52 ], [ -48.49, -25.54 ], [ -48.47, -25.54 ], [ -48.48, -25.56 ], [ -48.48, -25.56 ], [ -48.48, -25.55 ], [ -48.49, -25.56 ], [ -48.5, -25.57 ], [ -48.5, -25.57 ], [ -48.48, -25.58 ], [ -48.47, -25.57 ], [ -48.46, -25.56 ], [ -48.46, -25.55 ], [ -48.44, -25.55 ], [ -48.42, -25.55 ], [ -48.41, -25.56 ], [ -48.39, -25.54 ], [ -48.36, -25.57 ], [ -48.39, -25.6 ], [ -48.43, -25.62 ], [ -48.52, -25.77 ], [ -48.52, -25.8 ], [ -48.54, -25.84 ], [ -48.54, -25.85 ], [ -48.56, -25.84 ], [ -48.57, -25.82 ], [ -48.59, -25.82 ], [ -48.58, -25.8 ], [ -48.58, -25.8 ], [ -48.59, -25.8 ], [ -48.6, -25.8 ], [ -48.61, -25.81 ], [ -48.62, -25.82 ], [ -48.61, -25.82 ], [ -48.6, -25.82 ], [ -48.59, -25.83 ], [ -48.59, -25.84 ], [ -48.58, -25.85 ], [ -48.58, -25.85 ], [ -48.65, -25.84 ], [ -48.74, -25.85 ], [ -48.75, -25.86 ], [ -48.76, -25.86 ], [ -48.77, -25.87 ], [ -48.77, -25.88 ], [ -48.77, -25.89 ], [ -48.76, -25.88 ], [ -48.75, -25.88 ], [ -48.74, -25.87 ], [ -48.58, -25.87 ], [ -48.57, -25.87 ], [ -48.57, -25.86 ], [ -48.56, -25.87 ], [ -48.56, -25.88 ], [ -48.56, -25.89 ], [ -48.56, -25.9 ], [ -48.58, -25.96 ], [ -48.58, -25.98 ], [ -48.58, -25.98 ], [ -48.61, -25.98 ], [ -48.62, -25.98 ], [ -48.65, -25.97 ], [ -48.92, -25.98 ], [ -48.92, -25.98 ], [ -48.93, -25.99 ], [ -48.93, -25.99 ], [ -48.93, -26 ], [ -48.95, -26.01 ], [ -48.97, -26.01 ], [ -48.98, -26.01 ], [ -49, -26.01 ], [ -49.02, -26 ], [ -49.03, -26 ], [ -49.03, -26 ], [ -49.04, -26 ], [ -49.04, -26.01 ], [ -49.04, -26.01 ], [ -49.05, -26.02 ], [ -49.05, -26.02 ], [ -49.07, -26.01 ], [ -49.08, -26.01 ], [ -49.09, -26.02 ], [ -49.1, -26.02 ], [ -49.1, -26.01 ], [ -49.1, -26.01 ], [ -49.1, -26 ], [ -49.1, -26 ], [ -49.1, -26 ], [ -49.1, -26 ], [ -49.11, -26 ], [ -49.11, -25.99 ], [ -49.12, -25.99 ], [ -49.12, -25.99 ], [ -49.12, -26 ], [ -49.13, -26 ], [ -49.13, -26 ], [ -49.13, -26 ], [ -49.13, -26 ], [ -49.14, -26.01 ], [ -49.18, -26.01 ], [ -49.2, -26.02 ], [ -49.21, -26.03 ], [ -49.24, -26.04 ], [ -49.25, -26.06 ], [ -49.28, -26.09 ], [ -49.29, -26.1 ], [ -49.3, -26.11 ], [ -49.38, -26.15 ], [ -49.43, -26.16 ], [ -49.44, -26.16 ], [ -49.45, -26.17 ], [ -49.46, -26.17 ], [ -49.46, -26.18 ], [ -49.47, -26.18 ], [ -49.48, -26.19 ], [ -49.48, -26.21 ], [ -49.49, -26.22 ], [ -49.51, -26.23 ], [ -49.55, -26.23 ], [ -49.58, -26.23 ], [ -49.59, -26.22 ], [ -49.67, -26.19 ], [ -49.72, -26.16 ], [ -49.73, -26.15 ], [ -49.73, -26.14 ], [ -49.74, -26.13 ], [ -49.75, -26.12 ], [ -49.82, -26.09 ], [ -49.83, -26.08 ], [ -49.85, -26.06 ], [ -49.85, -26.06 ], [ -49.87, -26.05 ], [ -49.88, -26.04 ], [ -49.89, -26.03 ], [ -49.9, -26.03 ], [ -49.92, -26.03 ], [ -49.93, -26.03 ], [ -49.93, -26.02 ], [ -49.94, -26.02 ], [ -49.94, -26.01 ], [ -49.95, -26.01 ], [ -49.97, -26.02 ], [ -49.99, -26.01 ], [ -50.01, -26.02 ], [ -50.01, -26.03 ], [ -50.03, -26.03 ], [ -50.12, -26.05 ], [ -50.15, -26.04 ], [ -50.16, -26.05 ], [ -50.18, -26.05 ], [ -50.18, -26.05 ], [ -50.19, -26.05 ], [ -50.21, -26.05 ], [ -50.21, -26.05 ], [ -50.22, -26.05 ], [ -50.22, -26.04 ], [ -50.23, -26.04 ], [ -50.24, -26.04 ], [ -50.27, -26.04 ], [ -50.28, -26.04 ], [ -50.29, -26.04 ], [ -50.3, -26.04 ], [ -50.32, -26.05 ], [ -50.32, -26.06 ], [ -50.33, -26.07 ], [ -50.33, -26.07 ], [ -50.33, -26.08 ], [ -50.33, -26.08 ], [ -50.33, -26.09 ], [ -50.33, -26.09 ], [ -50.32, -26.1 ], [ -50.33, -26.1 ], [ -50.33, -26.11 ], [ -50.34, -26.11 ], [ -50.34, -26.11 ], [ -50.35, -26.11 ], [ -50.36, -26.11 ], [ -50.36, -26.1 ], [ -50.36, -26.1 ], [ -50.37, -26.08 ], [ -50.37, -26.07 ], [ -50.38, -26.07 ], [ -50.38, -26.06 ], [ -50.38, -26.06 ], [ -50.39, -26.06 ], [ -50.4, -26.06 ], [ -50.43, -26.05 ], [ -50.44, -26.05 ], [ -50.44, -26.05 ], [ -50.45, -26.05 ], [ -50.45, -26.04 ], [ -50.45, -26.04 ], [ -50.45, -26.03 ], [ -50.46, -26.03 ], [ -50.48, -26.02 ], [ -50.54, -26.02 ], [ -50.55, -26.02 ], [ -50.56, -26.02 ], [ -50.57, -26.01 ], [ -50.58, -26.01 ], [ -50.59, -26.01 ], [ -50.59, -26.01 ], [ -50.6, -26.01 ], [ -50.59, -26.02 ], [ -50.59, -26.02 ], [ -50.59, -26.02 ], [ -50.57, -26.03 ], [ -50.56, -26.04 ], [ -50.56, -26.04 ], [ -50.56, -26.04 ], [ -50.56, -26.05 ], [ -50.58, -26.05 ], [ -50.62, -26.06 ], [ -50.64, -26.06 ], [ -50.64, -26.06 ], [ -50.65, -26.07 ], [ -50.66, -26.12 ], [ -50.67, -26.15 ], [ -50.68, -26.16 ], [ -50.7, -26.17 ], [ -50.72, -26.2 ], [ -50.73, -26.21 ], [ -50.73, -26.22 ], [ -50.73, -26.23 ], [ -50.74, -26.24 ], [ -50.74, -26.24 ], [ -50.75, -26.23 ], [ -50.76, -26.22 ], [ -50.76, -26.22 ], [ -50.77, -26.22 ], [ -50.78, -26.22 ], [ -50.79, -26.22 ], [ -50.8, -26.23 ], [ -50.83, -26.25 ], [ -50.84, -26.25 ], [ -50.84, -26.26 ], [ -50.85, -26.26 ], [ -50.86, -26.26 ], [ -50.86, -26.25 ], [ -50.88, -26.25 ], [ -50.89, -26.25 ], [ -50.89, -26.26 ], [ -50.89, -26.26 ], [ -50.9, -26.27 ], [ -50.9, -26.28 ], [ -50.91, -26.28 ], [ -50.91, -26.28 ], [ -50.91, -26.28 ], [ -50.91, -26.26 ], [ -50.92, -26.26 ], [ -50.92, -26.25 ], [ -50.92, -26.25 ], [ -50.93, -26.25 ], [ -50.93, -26.25 ], [ -50.94, -26.25 ], [ -50.95, -26.25 ], [ -50.95, -26.26 ], [ -50.96, -26.26 ], [ -50.96, -26.27 ], [ -50.97, -26.27 ], [ -50.97, -26.26 ], [ -50.98, -26.25 ], [ -50.99, -26.24 ], [ -50.99, -26.24 ], [ -51, -26.24 ], [ -51, -26.24 ], [ -51, -26.24 ], [ -51, -26.24 ], [ -51.02, -26.24 ], [ -51.03, -26.25 ], [ -51.04, -26.25 ], [ -51.05, -26.25 ], [ -51.06, -26.24 ], [ -51.06, -26.24 ], [ -51.07, -26.24 ], [ -51.07, -26.24 ], [ -51.08, -26.24 ], [ -51.08, -26.24 ], [ -51.09, -26.25 ], [ -51.1, -26.26 ], [ -51.11, -26.27 ], [ -51.12, -26.28 ], [ -51.13, -26.28 ], [ -51.14, -26.29 ], [ -51.2, -26.3 ], [ -51.21, -26.31 ], [ -51.21, -26.31 ], [ -51.22, -26.33 ], [ -51.24, -26.34 ], [ -51.24, -26.34 ], [ -51.25, -26.35 ], [ -51.25, -26.35 ], [ -51.25, -26.36 ], [ -51.26, -26.38 ], [ -51.26, -26.39 ], [ -51.27, -26.4 ], [ -51.28, -26.42 ], [ -51.29, -26.42 ], [ -51.29, -26.43 ], [ -51.29, -26.44 ], [ -51.29, -26.44 ], [ -51.29, -26.45 ], [ -51.28, -26.45 ], [ -51.27, -26.46 ], [ -51.27, -26.47 ], [ -51.27, -26.47 ], [ -51.27, -26.48 ], [ -51.28, -26.49 ], [ -51.28, -26.5 ], [ -51.28, -26.5 ], [ -51.25, -26.55 ], [ -51.24, -26.57 ], [ -51.24, -26.58 ], [ -51.24, -26.59 ], [ -51.24, -26.61 ], [ -51.25, -26.63 ], [ -51.29, -26.65 ], [ -51.29, -26.66 ], [ -51.3, -26.66 ], [ -51.33, -26.66 ], [ -51.39, -26.68 ], [ -51.4, -26.68 ], [ -51.4, -26.68 ], [ -51.41, -26.7 ], [ -51.41, -26.7 ], [ -51.42, -26.7 ], [ -51.42, -26.7 ], [ -51.42, -26.7 ], [ -51.43, -26.68 ], [ -51.44, -26.67 ], [ -51.45, -26.66 ], [ -51.45, -26.65 ], [ -51.46, -26.65 ], [ -51.47, -26.64 ], [ -51.48, -26.64 ], [ -51.48, -26.63 ], [ -51.48, -26.63 ], [ -51.48, -26.62 ], [ -51.48, -26.61 ], [ -51.49, -26.61 ], [ -51.49, -26.61 ], [ -51.49, -26.6 ], [ -51.5, -26.6 ], [ -51.5, -26.6 ], [ -51.5, -26.6 ], [ -51.61, -26.6 ], [ -51.62, -26.6 ], [ -51.63, -26.6 ], [ -51.63, -26.59 ], [ -51.64, -26.59 ], [ -51.65, -26.58 ], [ -51.65, -26.58 ], [ -51.66, -26.58 ], [ -51.66, -26.59 ], [ -51.68, -26.6 ], [ -51.69, -26.6 ], [ -51.71, -26.6 ], [ -51.87, -26.6 ], [ -51.94, -26.58 ], [ -51.96, -26.58 ], [ -52, -26.58 ], [ -52.01, -26.58 ], [ -52.01, -26.58 ], [ -52.02, -26.58 ], [ -52.04, -26.56 ], [ -52.09, -26.53 ], [ -52.11, -26.51 ], [ -52.11, -26.51 ], [ -52.12, -26.5 ], [ -52.12, -26.49 ], [ -52.13, -26.49 ], [ -52.18, -26.46 ], [ -52.19, -26.45 ], [ -52.2, -26.45 ], [ -52.21, -26.45 ], [ -52.23, -26.45 ], [ -52.25, -26.45 ], [ -52.28, -26.44 ], [ -52.3, -26.44 ], [ -52.33, -26.44 ], [ -52.34, -26.44 ], [ -52.36, -26.44 ], [ -52.4, -26.43 ], [ -52.46, -26.43 ], [ -52.46, -26.43 ], [ -52.47, -26.43 ], [ -52.5, -26.41 ], [ -52.54, -26.4 ], [ -52.62, -26.41 ], [ -52.64, -26.4 ], [ -52.65, -26.4 ], [ -52.65, -26.39 ], [ -52.65, -26.39 ], [ -52.67, -26.38 ], [ -52.82, -26.34 ], [ -52.83, -26.34 ], [ -52.85, -26.34 ], [ -52.86, -26.34 ], [ -52.88, -26.35 ], [ -52.91, -26.36 ], [ -52.94, -26.37 ], [ -52.95, -26.37 ], [ -52.96, -26.37 ], [ -52.97, -26.36 ], [ -52.98, -26.35 ], [ -52.99, -26.35 ], [ -52.99, -26.35 ], [ -53, -26.35 ], [ -53.04, -26.37 ], [ -53.1, -26.37 ], [ -53.11, -26.37 ], [ -53.12, -26.37 ], [ -53.13, -26.36 ], [ -53.13, -26.36 ], [ -53.14, -26.35 ], [ -53.14, -26.35 ], [ -53.15, -26.34 ], [ -53.18, -26.33 ], [ -53.2, -26.32 ], [ -53.25, -26.29 ], [ -53.25, -26.29 ], [ -53.25, -26.28 ], [ -53.26, -26.28 ], [ -53.27, -26.27 ], [ -53.28, -26.26 ], [ -53.34, -26.24 ], [ -53.36, -26.24 ], [ -53.37, -26.24 ], [ -53.37, -26.24 ], [ -53.38, -26.25 ], [ -53.46, -26.29 ], [ -53.47, -26.29 ], [ -53.48, -26.29 ], [ -53.5, -26.29 ], [ -53.51, -26.29 ], [ -53.52, -26.29 ], [ -53.55, -26.27 ], [ -53.61, -26.26 ], [ -53.62, -26.26 ], [ -53.63, -26.26 ], [ -53.65, -26.26 ], [ -53.66, -26.26 ], [ -53.67, -26.22 ], [ -53.69, -26.19 ], [ -53.73, -26.13 ], [ -53.75, -26.09 ], [ -53.75, -26.06 ], [ -53.77, -26.03 ], [ -53.79, -26 ], [ -53.79, -26 ], [ -53.79, -26 ], [ -53.83, -25.97 ], [ -53.83, -25.96 ], [ -53.84, -25.95 ], [ -53.83, -25.94 ], [ -53.83, -25.93 ], [ -53.83, -25.92 ], [ -53.84, -25.87 ], [ -53.84, -25.81 ], [ -53.84, -25.79 ], [ -53.85, -25.77 ], [ -53.86, -25.76 ], [ -53.88, -25.75 ], [ -53.88, -25.74 ], [ -53.89, -25.72 ], [ -53.88, -25.71 ], [ -53.88, -25.71 ], [ -53.88, -25.7 ], [ -53.89, -25.66 ], [ -53.9, -25.64 ], [ -53.91, -25.63 ], [ -53.95, -25.65 ], [ -53.97, -25.65 ], [ -53.98, -25.63 ], [ -53.98, -25.61 ], [ -53.98, -25.59 ], [ -54, -25.57 ], [ -54.02, -25.57 ], [ -54.03, -25.56 ], [ -54.04, -25.56 ], [ -54.04, -25.57 ], [ -54.06, -25.57 ], [ -54.07, -25.56 ], [ -54.08, -25.55 ], [ -54.09, -25.56 ], [ -54.09, -25.57 ], [ -54.09, -25.58 ], [ -54.09, -25.59 ], [ -54.09, -25.6 ], [ -54.1, -25.6 ], [ -54.11, -25.59 ], [ -54.12, -25.58 ], [ -54.12, -25.57 ], [ -54.13, -25.55 ], [ -54.12, -25.54 ], [ -54.11, -25.52 ], [ -54.11, -25.5 ], [ -54.11, -25.5 ], [ -54.12, -25.49 ], [ -54.12, -25.5 ], [ -54.13, -25.5 ], [ -54.15, -25.53 ], [ -54.17, -25.53 ], [ -54.18, -25.54 ], [ -54.2, -25.53 ], [ -54.21, -25.53 ], [ -54.21, -25.53 ], [ -54.19, -25.56 ], [ -54.19, -25.58 ], [ -54.21, -25.58 ], [ -54.23, -25.58 ], [ -54.24, -25.58 ], [ -54.24, -25.58 ], [ -54.25, -25.59 ], [ -54.26, -25.6 ], [ -54.26, -25.59 ], [ -54.27, -25.57 ], [ -54.28, -25.56 ], [ -54.3, -25.55 ], [ -54.32, -25.56 ], [ -54.33, -25.56 ], [ -54.35, -25.58 ], [ -54.36, -25.58 ], [ -54.38, -25.58 ], [ -54.39, -25.58 ], [ -54.4, -25.58 ], [ -54.4, -25.59 ], [ -54.4, -25.6 ], [ -54.4, -25.61 ], [ -54.41, -25.62 ], [ -54.41, -25.63 ], [ -54.43, -25.64 ], [ -54.44, -25.65 ], [ -54.44, -25.66 ], [ -54.43, -25.68 ], [ -54.44, -25.69 ], [ -54.45, -25.69 ], [ -54.45, -25.68 ], [ -54.46, -25.67 ], [ -54.46, -25.66 ], [ -54.46, -25.64 ], [ -54.47, -25.63 ], [ -54.49, -25.61 ], [ -54.51, -25.61 ], [ -54.53, -25.61 ], [ -54.54, -25.6 ], [ -54.54, -25.59 ], [ -54.55, -25.57 ], [ -54.56, -25.57 ], [ -54.6, -25.57 ], [ -54.6, -25.57 ], [ -54.59, -25.55 ], [ -54.59, -25.52 ], [ -54.6, -25.51 ], [ -54.61, -25.49 ], [ -54.61, -25.47 ], [ -54.61, -25.44 ], [ -54.61, -25.43 ], [ -54.6, -25.4 ], [ -54.58, -25.36 ], [ -54.55, -25.34 ], [ -54.53, -25.31 ], [ -54.5, -25.28 ], [ -54.48, -25.21 ], [ -54.47, -25.2 ], [ -54.44, -25.17 ], [ -54.43, -25.15 ], [ -54.43, -25.13 ], [ -54.46, -25.09 ], [ -54.46, -25.07 ], [ -54.46, -25.06 ], [ -54.46, -25.04 ], [ -54.45, -25 ], [ -54.41, -24.82 ], [ -54.4, -24.8 ], [ -54.37, -24.77 ], [ -54.36, -24.73 ], [ -54.32, -24.63 ], [ -54.32, -24.6 ], [ -54.33, -24.53 ], [ -54.33, -24.5 ], [ -54.32, -24.46 ], [ -54.28, -24.41 ], [ -54.27, -24.39 ], [ -54.26, -24.36 ], [ -54.26, -24.33 ], [ -54.27, -24.3 ], [ -54.28, -24.28 ], [ -54.31, -24.25 ], [ -54.31, -24.23 ], [ -54.32, -24.2 ], [ -54.33, -24.17 ], [ -54.33, -24.15 ], [ -54.32, -24.12 ], [ -54.3, -24.09 ], [ -54.27, -24.07 ], [ -54.25, -24.05 ], [ -54.25, -24.05 ], [ -54.2, -24.03 ], [ -54.19, -24.02 ], [ -54.18, -24.01 ], [ -54.1, -23.97 ], [ -54.08, -23.95 ], [ -54.07, -23.91 ], [ -54.07, -23.82 ], [ -54.06, -23.77 ], [ -54.03, -23.7 ], [ -54.02, -23.64 ], [ -53.97, -23.49 ], [ -53.97, -23.45 ], [ -53.97, -23.44 ], [ -53.95, -23.42 ], [ -53.86, -23.39 ], [ -53.75, -23.33 ], [ -53.73, -23.3 ], [ -53.71, -23.26 ], [ -53.68, -23.18 ], [ -53.66, -23.15 ], [ -53.64, -23.11 ], [ -53.63, -23.02 ], [ -53.62, -22.98 ], [ -53.6, -22.92 ], [ -53.58, -22.9 ], [ -53.55, -22.87 ], [ -53.48, -22.83 ], [ -53.17, -22.7 ], [ -53.17, -22.7 ], [ -53.15, -22.7 ], [ -53.12, -22.69 ], [ -53.1, -22.68 ], [ -53.06, -22.63 ], [ -53.01, -22.6 ], [ -52.99, -22.59 ], [ -52.97, -22.58 ], [ -52.95, -22.57 ], [ -52.89, -22.57 ], [ -52.88, -22.57 ], [ -52.85, -22.59 ], [ -52.84, -22.59 ], [ -52.79, -22.59 ], [ -52.69, -22.6 ], [ -52.67, -22.6 ], [ -52.61, -22.57 ], [ -52.58, -22.57 ], [ -52.55, -22.6 ], [ -52.52, -22.61 ], [ -52.48, -22.61 ], [ -52.46, -22.6 ], [ -52.45, -22.6 ], [ -52.41, -22.6 ], [ -52.38, -22.61 ], [ -52.34, -22.62 ], [ -52.31, -22.62 ], [ -52.29, -22.6 ], [ -52.28, -22.6 ], [ -52.26, -22.6 ], [ -52.25, -22.6 ], [ -52.25, -22.61 ], [ -52.24, -22.61 ], [ -52.23, -22.62 ], [ -52.23, -22.63 ], [ -52.22, -22.64 ], [ -52.19, -22.64 ], [ -52.17, -22.62 ], [ -52.16, -22.6 ], [ -52.15, -22.58 ], [ -52.15, -22.56 ], [ -52.14, -22.54 ], [ -52.12, -22.53 ], [ -52.09, -22.52 ], [ -52.07, -22.52 ], [ -52.03, -22.53 ], [ -51.98, -22.55 ], [ -51.87, -22.61 ], [ -51.86, -22.62 ] ] ] ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Se refiere al Río Paraná.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-09-27T18:39:19+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { 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-50.52, -22.94 ], [ -50.51, -22.94 ], [ -50.51, -22.95 ], [ -50.5, -22.95 ], [ -50.44, -22.94 ], [ -50.43, -22.95 ], [ -50.41, -22.92 ], [ -50.4, -22.92 ], [ -50.38, -22.91 ], [ -50.37, -22.92 ], [ -50.35, -22.92 ], [ -50.33, -22.94 ], [ -50.32, -22.95 ], [ -50.31, -22.95 ], [ -50.29, -22.95 ], [ -50.28, -22.94 ], [ -50.28, -22.94 ], [ -50.26, -22.94 ], [ -50.24, -22.94 ], [ -50.23, -22.94 ], [ -50.21, -22.95 ], [ -50.12, -22.94 ], [ -50.11, -22.94 ], [ -50.1, -22.93 ], [ -50.03, -22.91 ], [ -50.02, -22.91 ], [ -50, -22.92 ], [ -50, -22.9 ], [ -49.99, -22.9 ], [ -49.98, -22.9 ], [ -49.97, -22.91 ], [ -49.97, -22.93 ], [ -49.97, -22.95 ], [ -49.96, -22.96 ], [ -49.93, -22.98 ], [ -49.91, -22.99 ], [ -49.91, -23 ], [ -49.91, -23.03 ], [ -49.91, -23.04 ], [ -49.89, -23.05 ], [ -49.88, -23.06 ], [ -49.87, -23.06 ], [ -49.84, -23.06 ], [ -49.83, -23.07 ], [ -49.8, -23.08 ], [ -49.79, -23.09 ], [ -49.77, -23.1 ], [ -49.76, -23.1 ], [ -49.76, -23.1 ], [ -49.75, -23.1 ], [ -49.74, -23.1 ], [ -49.73, -23.1 ], [ -49.73, -23.11 ], [ -49.73, -23.12 ], [ -49.73, -23.13 ], [ -49.72, -23.13 ], [ -49.72, -23.14 ], [ -49.7, -23.16 ], [ -49.67, -23.2 ], [ -49.64, -23.26 ], [ -49.62, -23.35 ], [ -49.61, -23.39 ], [ -49.62, -23.41 ], [ -49.64, -23.47 ], [ -49.65, -23.49 ], [ -49.65, -23.49 ], [ -49.65, -23.5 ], [ -49.65, -23.5 ], [ -49.65, -23.51 ], [ -49.65, -23.51 ], [ -49.65, -23.52 ], [ -49.64, -23.53 ], [ -49.63, -23.53 ], [ -49.63, -23.54 ], [ -49.63, -23.55 ], [ -49.62, -23.59 ], [ -49.62, -23.61 ], [ -49.61, -23.64 ], [ -49.59, -23.67 ], [ -49.58, -23.68 ], [ -49.56, -23.69 ], [ -49.56, -23.7 ], [ -49.55, -23.7 ], [ -49.55, -23.71 ], [ -49.56, -23.76 ], [ -49.56, -23.81 ], [ -49.57, -23.82 ], [ -49.57, -23.83 ], [ -49.57, -23.84 ], [ -49.58, -23.85 ], [ -49.58, -23.85 ], [ -49.59, -23.85 ], [ -49.6, -23.85 ], [ -49.6, -23.86 ], [ -49.6, -23.86 ], [ -49.6, -23.88 ], [ -49.59, -23.89 ], [ -49.59, -23.89 ], [ -49.58, -23.89 ], [ -49.57, -23.9 ], [ -49.57, -23.9 ], [ -49.55, -23.93 ], [ -49.54, -23.94 ], [ -49.53, -23.94 ], [ -49.53, -23.94 ], [ -49.52, -23.93 ], [ -49.52, -23.93 ], [ -49.51, -23.94 ], [ -49.51, -23.94 ], [ -49.51, -23.95 ], [ -49.51, -23.96 ], [ -49.51, -23.96 ], [ -49.51, -23.97 ], [ -49.5, -23.98 ], [ -49.49, -23.99 ], [ -49.48, -24.01 ], [ -49.46, -24.03 ], [ -49.45, -24.05 ], [ -49.45, -24.05 ], [ -49.44, -24.06 ], [ -49.43, -24.06 ], [ -49.43, -24.06 ], [ -49.42, -24.07 ], [ -49.42, -24.08 ], [ -49.41, -24.09 ], [ -49.4, -24.09 ], [ -49.4, -24.09 ], [ -49.38, -24.1 ], [ -49.37, -24.1 ], [ -49.36, -24.1 ], [ -49.36, -24.11 ], [ -49.35, -24.11 ], [ -49.34, -24.13 ], [ -49.34, -24.13 ], [ -49.33, -24.14 ], [ -49.33, -24.15 ], [ -49.33, -24.19 ], [ -49.33, -24.2 ], [ -49.34, -24.21 ], [ -49.34, -24.22 ], [ -49.34, -24.22 ], [ -49.33, -24.23 ], [ -49.32, -24.24 ], [ -49.32, -24.24 ], [ -49.31, -24.24 ], [ -49.31, -24.24 ], [ -49.3, -24.25 ], [ -49.29, -24.3 ], [ -49.28, -24.31 ], [ -49.27, -24.32 ], [ -49.27, -24.32 ], [ -49.26, -24.32 ], [ -49.25, -24.33 ], [ -49.25, -24.33 ], [ -49.24, -24.33 ], [ -49.24, -24.33 ], [ -49.23, -24.34 ], [ -49.23, -24.34 ], [ -49.22, -24.34 ], [ -49.22, -24.35 ], [ -49.22, -24.36 ], [ -49.23, -24.37 ], [ -49.24, -24.38 ], [ -49.25, -24.38 ], [ -49.25, -24.39 ], [ -49.25, -24.39 ], [ -49.25, -24.4 ], [ -49.24, -24.41 ], [ -49.24, -24.41 ], [ -49.24, -24.42 ], [ -49.25, -24.43 ], [ -49.26, -24.43 ], [ -49.28, -24.44 ], [ -49.29, -24.44 ], [ -49.29, -24.44 ], [ -49.3, -24.45 ], [ -49.29, -24.45 ], [ -49.29, -24.46 ], [ -49.27, -24.47 ], [ -49.28, -24.5 ], [ -49.28, -24.51 ], [ -49.28, -24.52 ], [ -49.28, -24.52 ], [ -49.28, -24.53 ], [ -49.29, -24.53 ], [ -49.31, -24.53 ], [ -49.32, -24.54 ], [ -49.32, -24.54 ], [ -49.32, -24.55 ], [ -49.32, -24.55 ], [ -49.32, -24.56 ], [ -49.32, -24.57 ], [ -49.3, -24.59 ], [ -49.3, -24.6 ], [ -49.3, -24.6 ], [ -49.3, -24.63 ], [ -49.3, -24.64 ], [ -49.3, -24.65 ], [ -49.3, -24.66 ], [ -49.3, -24.66 ], [ -49.3, -24.67 ], [ -49.28, -24.67 ], [ -49.22, -24.69 ], [ -49.2, -24.69 ], [ -49.19, -24.69 ], [ -49.17, -24.68 ], [ -49.15, -24.68 ], [ -49.09, -24.69 ], [ -49.05, -24.68 ], [ -49.03, -24.67 ], [ -49.03, -24.63 ], [ -49.01, -24.64 ], [ -48.98, -24.67 ], [ -48.95, -24.68 ], [ -48.87, -24.67 ], [ -48.85, -24.67 ], [ -48.85, -24.67 ], [ -48.85, -24.67 ], [ -48.85, -24.66 ], [ -48.83, -24.66 ], [ -48.81, -24.67 ], [ -48.8, -24.69 ], [ -48.78, -24.7 ], [ -48.78, -24.7 ], [ -48.77, -24.69 ], [ -48.77, -24.69 ], [ -48.76, -24.69 ], [ -48.75, -24.69 ], [ -48.74, -24.69 ], [ -48.71, -24.69 ], [ -48.69, -24.68 ], [ -48.69, -24.67 ], [ -48.68, -24.67 ], [ -48.67, -24.69 ], [ -48.67, -24.7 ], [ -48.66, -24.71 ], [ -48.65, -24.71 ], [ -48.65, -24.7 ], [ -48.64, -24.7 ], [ -48.63, -24.69 ], [ -48.61, -24.68 ], [ -48.61, -24.68 ], [ -48.6, -24.68 ], [ -48.59, -24.68 ], [ -48.59, -24.68 ], [ -48.58, -24.68 ], [ -48.58, -24.69 ], [ -48.57, -24.69 ], [ -48.57, -24.7 ], [ -48.57, -24.7 ], [ -48.56, -24.71 ], [ -48.56, -24.71 ], [ -48.55, -24.72 ], [ -48.55, -24.72 ], [ -48.49, -24.74 ], [ -48.49, -24.74 ], [ -48.49, -24.75 ], [ -48.49, -24.76 ], [ -48.5, -24.78 ], [ -48.51, -24.79 ], [ -48.52, -24.79 ], [ -48.53, -24.8 ], [ -48.54, -24.81 ], [ -48.55, -24.82 ], [ -48.55, -24.83 ], [ -48.54, -24.86 ], [ -48.54, -24.87 ], [ -48.54, -24.88 ], [ -48.55, -24.89 ], [ -48.56, -24.89 ], [ -48.56, -24.9 ], [ -48.56, -24.91 ], [ -48.56, -24.94 ], [ -48.56, -24.97 ], [ -48.56, -24.98 ], [ -48.57, -24.98 ], [ -48.57, -24.98 ], [ -48.59, -25 ], [ -48.59, -25 ], [ -48.59, -25 ], [ -48.59, -25 ], [ -48.59, -25 ], [ -48.59, -25.01 ], [ -48.59, -25.02 ], [ -48.57, -25.05 ], [ -48.57, -25.05 ], [ -48.57, -25.06 ], [ -48.54, -25.07 ], [ -48.51, -25.08 ], [ -48.51, -25.08 ], [ -48.5, -25.08 ], [ -48.49, -25.08 ], [ -48.49, -25.07 ], [ -48.49, -25.06 ], [ -48.48, -25.06 ], [ -48.48, -25.05 ], [ -48.48, -25.05 ], [ -48.47, -25.04 ], [ -48.47, -25.04 ], [ -48.46, -25.03 ], [ -48.46, -25.03 ], [ -48.46, -25.02 ], [ -48.46, -25.01 ], [ -48.46, -25 ], [ -48.46, -25 ], [ -48.46, -25 ], [ -48.46, -24.99 ], [ -48.46, -24.99 ], [ -48.45, -24.98 ], [ -48.43, -24.97 ], [ -48.43, -24.97 ], [ -48.42, -24.96 ], [ -48.42, -24.96 ], [ -48.41, -24.96 ], [ -48.4, -24.97 ], [ -48.39, -24.97 ], [ -48.37, -24.97 ], [ -48.36, -24.98 ], [ -48.35, -24.98 ], [ -48.35, -24.99 ], [ -48.34, -24.99 ], [ -48.34, -25 ], [ -48.34, -25 ], [ -48.34, -25 ], [ -48.34, -25.01 ], [ -48.34, -25.01 ], [ -48.33, -25.02 ], [ -48.32, -25.02 ], [ -48.3, -25.01 ], [ -48.29, -25.01 ], [ -48.28, -25.02 ], [ -48.28, -25.02 ], [ -48.28, -25.03 ], [ -48.28, -25.03 ], [ -48.27, -25.03 ], [ -48.26, -25.03 ], [ -48.23, -25.01 ], [ -48.21, -25.07 ], [ -48.21, -25.09 ], [ -48.21, -25.1 ], [ -48.19, -25.15 ], [ -48.18, -25.16 ], [ -48.18, -25.17 ], [ -48.19, -25.18 ], [ -48.19, -25.19 ], [ -48.18, -25.2 ], [ -48.18, -25.2 ], [ -48.17, -25.21 ], [ -48.16, -25.22 ], [ -48.15, -25.22 ], [ -48.09, -25.24 ], [ -48.09, -25.24 ], [ -48.08, -25.24 ], [ -48.07, -25.24 ], [ -48.07, -25.23 ], [ -48.07, -25.23 ], [ -48.06, -25.23 ], [ -48.06, -25.22 ], [ -48.05, -25.22 ], [ -48.05, -25.22 ], [ -48.04, -25.22 ], [ -48.04, -25.22 ], [ -48.03, -25.23 ], [ -48.04, -25.24 ], [ -48.07, -25.28 ], [ -48.08, -25.28 ], [ -48.08, -25.3 ], [ -48.08, -25.31 ], [ -48.08, -25.31 ], [ -48.09, -25.33 ], [ -48.17, -25.37 ], [ -48.17, -25.38 ], [ -48.2, -25.42 ], [ -48.21, -25.46 ], [ -48.23, -25.46 ], [ -48.24, -25.45 ], [ -48.25, -25.43 ], [ -48.25, -25.41 ], [ -48.22, -25.35 ], [ -48.22, -25.34 ], [ -48.22, -25.34 ], [ -48.22, -25.33 ], [ -48.21, -25.32 ], [ -48.2, -25.32 ], [ -48.18, -25.31 ], [ -48.14, -25.29 ], [ -48.13, -25.28 ], [ -48.14, -25.27 ], [ -48.15, -25.28 ], [ -48.17, -25.29 ], [ -48.2, -25.3 ], [ -48.22, -25.3 ], [ -48.23, -25.3 ], [ -48.24, -25.32 ], [ -48.25, -25.32 ], [ -48.26, -25.31 ], [ -48.27, -25.3 ], [ -48.28, -25.29 ], [ -48.28, -25.31 ], [ -48.28, -25.32 ], [ -48.29, -25.32 ], [ -48.3, -25.34 ], [ -48.31, -25.35 ], [ -48.32, -25.36 ], [ -48.33, -25.36 ], [ -48.32, -25.32 ], [ -48.33, -25.32 ], [ -48.33, -25.33 ], [ -48.34, -25.32 ], [ -48.33, -25.27 ], [ -48.33, -25.24 ], [ -48.33, -25.23 ], [ -48.34, -25.24 ], [ -48.35, -25.25 ], [ -48.36, -25.26 ], [ -48.36, -25.27 ], [ -48.37, -25.27 ], [ -48.37, -25.28 ], [ -48.37, -25.28 ], [ -48.36, -25.28 ], [ -48.36, -25.29 ], [ -48.35, -25.29 ], [ -48.35, -25.29 ], [ -48.35, -25.3 ], [ -48.36, -25.3 ], [ -48.36, -25.3 ], [ -48.37, -25.3 ], [ -48.38, -25.3 ], [ -48.41, -25.28 ], [ -48.41, -25.27 ], [ -48.42, -25.25 ], [ -48.43, -25.24 ], [ -48.43, -25.26 ], [ -48.44, -25.26 ], [ -48.45, -25.26 ], [ -48.45, -25.25 ], [ -48.45, -25.25 ], [ -48.46, -25.25 ], [ -48.45, -25.26 ], [ -48.43, -25.32 ], [ -48.45, -25.32 ], [ -48.48, -25.33 ], [ -48.5, -25.33 ], [ -48.5, -25.34 ], [ -48.46, -25.34 ], [ -48.45, -25.35 ], [ -48.43, -25.36 ], [ -48.45, -25.37 ], [ -48.46, -25.38 ], [ -48.45, -25.39 ], [ -48.43, -25.38 ], [ -48.43, -25.39 ], [ -48.42, -25.4 ], [ -48.41, -25.41 ], [ -48.42, -25.43 ], [ -48.43, -25.43 ], [ -48.44, -25.43 ], [ -48.45, -25.43 ], [ -48.45, -25.45 ], [ -48.46, -25.46 ], [ -48.46, -25.47 ], [ -48.47, -25.48 ], [ -48.49, -25.47 ], [ -48.5, -25.47 ], [ -48.52, -25.45 ], [ -48.53, -25.45 ], [ -48.54, -25.45 ], [ -48.55, -25.45 ], [ -48.56, -25.45 ], [ -48.56, -25.46 ], [ -48.58, -25.46 ], [ -48.62, -25.45 ], [ -48.64, -25.44 ], [ -48.68, -25.41 ], [ -48.69, -25.41 ], [ -48.73, -25.36 ], [ -48.74, -25.35 ], [ -48.74, -25.37 ], [ -48.72, -25.41 ], [ -48.72, -25.42 ], [ -48.72, -25.43 ], [ -48.71, -25.43 ], [ -48.7, -25.44 ], [ -48.7, -25.44 ], [ -48.68, -25.46 ], [ -48.69, -25.47 ], [ -48.71, -25.47 ], [ -48.73, -25.47 ], [ -48.71, -25.5 ], [ -48.68, -25.5 ], [ -48.65, -25.49 ], [ -48.62, -25.5 ], [ -48.62, -25.5 ], [ -48.62, -25.51 ], [ -48.63, -25.51 ], [ -48.64, -25.5 ], [ -48.64, -25.5 ], [ -48.65, -25.51 ], [ -48.65, -25.52 ], [ -48.64, -25.52 ], [ -48.63, -25.52 ], [ -48.62, -25.53 ], [ -48.61, -25.54 ], [ -48.6, -25.53 ], [ -48.58, -25.53 ], [ -48.56, -25.53 ], [ -48.52, -25.51 ], [ -48.51, -25.52 ], [ -48.49, -25.54 ], [ -48.47, -25.54 ], [ -48.48, -25.56 ], [ -48.48, -25.56 ], [ -48.48, -25.55 ], [ -48.49, -25.56 ], [ -48.5, -25.57 ], [ -48.5, -25.57 ], [ -48.48, -25.58 ], [ -48.47, -25.57 ], [ -48.46, -25.56 ], [ -48.46, -25.55 ], [ -48.44, -25.55 ], [ -48.42, -25.55 ], [ -48.41, -25.56 ], [ -48.39, -25.54 ], [ -48.36, -25.57 ], [ -48.39, -25.6 ], [ -48.43, -25.62 ], [ -48.52, -25.77 ], [ -48.52, -25.8 ], [ -48.54, -25.84 ], [ -48.54, -25.85 ], [ -48.56, -25.84 ], [ -48.57, -25.82 ], [ -48.59, -25.82 ], [ -48.58, -25.8 ], [ -48.58, -25.8 ], [ -48.59, -25.8 ], [ -48.6, -25.8 ], [ -48.61, -25.81 ], [ -48.62, -25.82 ], [ -48.61, -25.82 ], [ -48.6, -25.82 ], [ -48.59, -25.83 ], [ -48.59, -25.84 ], [ -48.58, -25.85 ], [ -48.58, -25.85 ], [ -48.65, -25.84 ], [ -48.74, -25.85 ], [ -48.75, -25.86 ], [ -48.76, -25.86 ], [ -48.77, -25.87 ], [ -48.77, -25.88 ], [ -48.77, -25.89 ], [ -48.76, -25.88 ], [ -48.75, -25.88 ], [ -48.74, -25.87 ], [ -48.58, -25.87 ], [ -48.57, -25.87 ], [ -48.57, -25.86 ], [ -48.56, -25.87 ], [ -48.56, -25.88 ], [ -48.56, -25.89 ], [ -48.56, -25.9 ], [ -48.58, -25.96 ], [ -48.58, -25.98 ], [ -48.58, -25.98 ], [ -48.61, -25.98 ], [ -48.62, -25.98 ], [ -48.65, -25.97 ], [ -48.92, -25.98 ], [ -48.92, -25.98 ], [ -48.93, -25.99 ], [ -48.93, -25.99 ], [ -48.93, -26 ], [ -48.95, -26.01 ], [ -48.97, -26.01 ], [ -48.98, -26.01 ], [ -49, -26.01 ], [ -49.02, -26 ], [ -49.03, -26 ], [ -49.03, -26 ], [ -49.04, -26 ], [ -49.04, -26.01 ], [ -49.04, -26.01 ], [ -49.05, -26.02 ], [ -49.05, -26.02 ], [ -49.07, -26.01 ], [ -49.08, -26.01 ], [ -49.09, -26.02 ], [ -49.1, -26.02 ], [ -49.1, -26.01 ], [ -49.1, -26.01 ], [ -49.1, -26 ], [ -49.1, -26 ], [ -49.1, -26 ], [ -49.1, -26 ], [ -49.11, -26 ], [ -49.11, -25.99 ], [ -49.12, -25.99 ], [ -49.12, -25.99 ], [ -49.12, -26 ], [ -49.13, -26 ], [ -49.13, -26 ], [ -49.13, -26 ], [ -49.13, -26 ], [ -49.14, -26.01 ], [ -49.18, -26.01 ], [ -49.2, -26.02 ], [ -49.21, -26.03 ], [ -49.24, -26.04 ], [ -49.25, -26.06 ], [ -49.28, -26.09 ], [ -49.29, -26.1 ], [ -49.3, -26.11 ], [ -49.38, -26.15 ], [ -49.43, -26.16 ], [ -49.44, -26.16 ], [ -49.45, -26.17 ], [ -49.46, -26.17 ], [ -49.46, -26.18 ], [ -49.47, -26.18 ], [ -49.48, -26.19 ], [ -49.48, -26.21 ], [ -49.49, -26.22 ], [ -49.51, -26.23 ], [ -49.55, -26.23 ], [ -49.58, -26.23 ], [ -49.59, -26.22 ], [ -49.67, -26.19 ], [ -49.72, -26.16 ], [ -49.73, -26.15 ], [ -49.73, -26.14 ], [ -49.74, -26.13 ], [ -49.75, -26.12 ], [ -49.82, -26.09 ], [ -49.83, -26.08 ], [ -49.85, -26.06 ], [ -49.85, -26.06 ], [ -49.87, -26.05 ], [ -49.88, -26.04 ], [ -49.89, -26.03 ], [ -49.9, -26.03 ], [ -49.92, -26.03 ], [ -49.93, -26.03 ], [ -49.93, -26.02 ], [ -49.94, -26.02 ], [ -49.94, -26.01 ], [ -49.95, -26.01 ], [ -49.97, -26.02 ], [ -49.99, -26.01 ], [ -50.01, -26.02 ], [ -50.01, -26.03 ], [ -50.03, -26.03 ], [ -50.12, -26.05 ], [ -50.15, -26.04 ], [ -50.16, -26.05 ], [ -50.18, -26.05 ], [ -50.18, -26.05 ], [ -50.19, -26.05 ], [ -50.21, -26.05 ], [ -50.21, -26.05 ], [ -50.22, -26.05 ], [ -50.22, -26.04 ], [ -50.23, -26.04 ], [ -50.24, -26.04 ], [ -50.27, -26.04 ], [ -50.28, -26.04 ], [ -50.29, -26.04 ], [ -50.3, -26.04 ], [ -50.32, -26.05 ], [ -50.32, -26.06 ], [ -50.33, -26.07 ], [ -50.33, -26.07 ], [ -50.33, -26.08 ], [ -50.33, -26.08 ], [ -50.33, -26.09 ], [ -50.33, -26.09 ], [ -50.32, -26.1 ], [ -50.33, -26.1 ], [ -50.33, -26.11 ], [ -50.34, -26.11 ], [ -50.34, -26.11 ], [ -50.35, -26.11 ], [ -50.36, -26.11 ], [ -50.36, -26.1 ], [ -50.36, -26.1 ], [ -50.37, -26.08 ], [ -50.37, -26.07 ], [ -50.38, -26.07 ], [ -50.38, -26.06 ], [ -50.38, -26.06 ], [ -50.39, -26.06 ], [ -50.4, -26.06 ], [ -50.43, -26.05 ], [ -50.44, -26.05 ], [ -50.44, -26.05 ], [ -50.45, -26.05 ], [ -50.45, -26.04 ], [ -50.45, -26.04 ], [ -50.45, -26.03 ], [ -50.46, -26.03 ], [ -50.48, -26.02 ], [ -50.54, -26.02 ], [ -50.55, -26.02 ], [ -50.56, -26.02 ], [ -50.57, -26.01 ], [ -50.58, -26.01 ], [ -50.59, -26.01 ], [ -50.59, -26.01 ], [ -50.6, -26.01 ], [ -50.59, -26.02 ], [ -50.59, -26.02 ], [ -50.59, -26.02 ], [ -50.57, -26.03 ], [ -50.56, -26.04 ], [ -50.56, -26.04 ], [ -50.56, -26.04 ], [ -50.56, -26.05 ], [ -50.58, -26.05 ], [ -50.62, -26.06 ], [ -50.64, -26.06 ], [ -50.64, -26.06 ], [ -50.65, -26.07 ], [ -50.66, -26.12 ], [ -50.67, -26.15 ], [ -50.68, -26.16 ], [ -50.7, -26.17 ], [ -50.72, -26.2 ], [ -50.73, -26.21 ], [ -50.73, -26.22 ], [ -50.73, -26.23 ], [ -50.74, -26.24 ], [ -50.74, -26.24 ], [ -50.75, -26.23 ], [ -50.76, -26.22 ], [ -50.76, -26.22 ], [ -50.77, -26.22 ], [ -50.78, -26.22 ], [ -50.79, -26.22 ], [ -50.8, -26.23 ], [ -50.83, -26.25 ], [ -50.84, -26.25 ], [ -50.84, -26.26 ], [ -50.85, -26.26 ], [ -50.86, -26.26 ], [ -50.86, -26.25 ], [ -50.88, -26.25 ], [ -50.89, -26.25 ], [ -50.89, -26.26 ], [ -50.89, -26.26 ], [ -50.9, -26.27 ], [ -50.9, -26.28 ], [ -50.91, -26.28 ], [ -50.91, -26.28 ], [ -50.91, -26.28 ], [ -50.91, -26.26 ], [ -50.92, -26.26 ], [ -50.92, -26.25 ], [ -50.92, -26.25 ], [ -50.93, -26.25 ], [ -50.93, -26.25 ], [ -50.94, -26.25 ], [ -50.95, -26.25 ], [ -50.95, -26.26 ], [ -50.96, -26.26 ], [ -50.96, -26.27 ], [ -50.97, -26.27 ], [ -50.97, -26.26 ], [ -50.98, -26.25 ], [ -50.99, -26.24 ], [ -50.99, -26.24 ], [ -51, -26.24 ], [ -51, -26.24 ], [ -51, -26.24 ], [ -51, -26.24 ], [ -51.02, -26.24 ], [ -51.03, -26.25 ], [ -51.04, -26.25 ], [ -51.05, -26.25 ], [ -51.06, -26.24 ], [ -51.06, -26.24 ], [ -51.07, -26.24 ], [ -51.07, -26.24 ], [ -51.08, -26.24 ], [ -51.08, -26.24 ], [ -51.09, -26.25 ], [ -51.1, -26.26 ], [ -51.11, -26.27 ], [ -51.12, -26.28 ], [ -51.13, -26.28 ], [ -51.14, -26.29 ], [ -51.2, -26.3 ], [ -51.21, -26.31 ], [ -51.21, -26.31 ], [ -51.22, -26.33 ], [ -51.24, -26.34 ], [ -51.24, -26.34 ], [ -51.25, -26.35 ], [ -51.25, -26.35 ], [ -51.25, -26.36 ], [ -51.26, -26.38 ], [ -51.26, -26.39 ], [ -51.27, -26.4 ], [ -51.28, -26.42 ], [ -51.29, -26.42 ], [ -51.29, -26.43 ], [ -51.29, -26.44 ], [ -51.29, -26.44 ], [ -51.29, -26.45 ], [ -51.28, -26.45 ], [ -51.27, -26.46 ], [ -51.27, -26.47 ], [ -51.27, -26.47 ], [ -51.27, -26.48 ], [ -51.28, -26.49 ], [ -51.28, -26.5 ], [ -51.28, -26.5 ], [ -51.25, -26.55 ], [ -51.24, -26.57 ], [ -51.24, -26.58 ], [ -51.24, -26.59 ], [ -51.24, -26.61 ], [ -51.25, -26.63 ], [ -51.29, -26.65 ], [ -51.29, -26.66 ], [ -51.3, -26.66 ], [ -51.33, -26.66 ], [ -51.39, -26.68 ], [ -51.4, -26.68 ], [ -51.4, -26.68 ], [ -51.41, -26.7 ], [ -51.41, -26.7 ], [ -51.42, -26.7 ], [ -51.42, -26.7 ], [ -51.42, -26.7 ], [ -51.43, -26.68 ], [ -51.44, -26.67 ], [ -51.45, -26.66 ], [ -51.45, -26.65 ], [ -51.46, -26.65 ], [ -51.47, -26.64 ], [ -51.48, -26.64 ], [ -51.48, -26.63 ], [ -51.48, -26.63 ], [ -51.48, -26.62 ], [ -51.48, -26.61 ], [ -51.49, -26.61 ], [ -51.49, -26.61 ], [ -51.49, -26.6 ], [ -51.5, -26.6 ], [ -51.5, -26.6 ], [ -51.5, -26.6 ], [ -51.61, -26.6 ], [ -51.62, -26.6 ], [ -51.63, -26.6 ], [ -51.63, -26.59 ], [ -51.64, -26.59 ], [ -51.65, -26.58 ], [ -51.65, -26.58 ], [ -51.66, -26.58 ], [ -51.66, -26.59 ], [ -51.68, -26.6 ], [ -51.69, -26.6 ], [ -51.71, -26.6 ], [ -51.87, -26.6 ], [ -51.94, -26.58 ], [ -51.96, -26.58 ], [ -52, -26.58 ], [ -52.01, -26.58 ], [ -52.01, -26.58 ], [ -52.02, -26.58 ], [ -52.04, -26.56 ], [ -52.09, -26.53 ], [ -52.11, -26.51 ], [ -52.11, -26.51 ], [ -52.12, -26.5 ], [ -52.12, -26.49 ], [ -52.13, -26.49 ], [ -52.18, -26.46 ], [ -52.19, -26.45 ], [ -52.2, -26.45 ], [ -52.21, -26.45 ], [ -52.23, -26.45 ], [ -52.25, -26.45 ], [ -52.28, -26.44 ], [ -52.3, -26.44 ], [ -52.33, -26.44 ], [ -52.34, -26.44 ], [ -52.36, -26.44 ], [ -52.4, -26.43 ], [ -52.46, -26.43 ], [ -52.46, -26.43 ], [ -52.47, -26.43 ], [ -52.5, -26.41 ], [ -52.54, -26.4 ], [ -52.62, -26.41 ], [ -52.64, -26.4 ], [ -52.65, -26.4 ], [ -52.65, -26.39 ], [ -52.65, -26.39 ], [ -52.67, -26.38 ], [ -52.82, -26.34 ], [ -52.83, -26.34 ], [ -52.85, -26.34 ], [ -52.86, -26.34 ], [ -52.88, -26.35 ], [ -52.91, -26.36 ], [ -52.94, -26.37 ], [ -52.95, -26.37 ], [ -52.96, -26.37 ], [ -52.97, -26.36 ], [ -52.98, -26.35 ], [ -52.99, -26.35 ], [ -52.99, -26.35 ], [ -53, -26.35 ], [ -53.04, -26.37 ], [ -53.1, -26.37 ], [ -53.11, -26.37 ], [ -53.12, -26.37 ], [ -53.13, -26.36 ], [ -53.13, -26.36 ], [ -53.14, -26.35 ], [ -53.14, -26.35 ], [ -53.15, -26.34 ], [ -53.18, -26.33 ], [ -53.2, -26.32 ], [ -53.25, -26.29 ], [ -53.25, -26.29 ], [ -53.25, -26.28 ], [ -53.26, -26.28 ], [ -53.27, -26.27 ], [ -53.28, -26.26 ], [ -53.34, -26.24 ], [ -53.36, -26.24 ], [ -53.37, -26.24 ], [ -53.37, -26.24 ], [ -53.38, -26.25 ], [ -53.46, -26.29 ], [ -53.47, -26.29 ], [ -53.48, -26.29 ], [ -53.5, -26.29 ], [ -53.51, -26.29 ], [ -53.52, -26.29 ], [ -53.55, -26.27 ], [ -53.61, -26.26 ], [ -53.62, -26.26 ], [ -53.63, -26.26 ], [ -53.65, -26.26 ], [ -53.66, -26.26 ], [ -53.67, -26.22 ], [ -53.69, -26.19 ], [ -53.73, -26.13 ], [ -53.75, -26.09 ], [ -53.75, -26.06 ], [ -53.77, -26.03 ], [ -53.79, -26 ], [ -53.79, -26 ], [ -53.79, -26 ], [ -53.83, -25.97 ], [ -53.83, -25.96 ], [ -53.84, -25.95 ], [ -53.83, -25.94 ], [ -53.83, -25.93 ], [ -53.83, -25.92 ], [ -53.84, -25.87 ], [ -53.84, -25.81 ], [ -53.84, -25.79 ], [ -53.85, -25.77 ], [ -53.86, -25.76 ], [ -53.88, -25.75 ], [ -53.88, -25.74 ], [ -53.89, -25.72 ], [ -53.88, -25.71 ], [ -53.88, -25.71 ], [ -53.88, -25.7 ], [ -53.89, -25.66 ], [ -53.9, -25.64 ], [ -53.91, -25.63 ], [ -53.95, -25.65 ], [ -53.97, -25.65 ], [ -53.98, -25.63 ], [ -53.98, -25.61 ], [ -53.98, -25.59 ], [ -54, -25.57 ], [ -54.02, -25.57 ], [ -54.03, -25.56 ], [ -54.04, -25.56 ], [ -54.04, -25.57 ], [ -54.06, -25.57 ], [ -54.07, -25.56 ], [ -54.08, -25.55 ], [ -54.09, -25.56 ], [ -54.09, -25.57 ], [ -54.09, -25.58 ], [ -54.09, -25.59 ], [ -54.09, -25.6 ], [ -54.1, -25.6 ], [ -54.11, -25.59 ], [ -54.12, -25.58 ], [ -54.12, -25.57 ], [ -54.13, -25.55 ], [ -54.12, -25.54 ], [ -54.11, -25.52 ], [ -54.11, -25.5 ], [ -54.11, -25.5 ], [ -54.12, -25.49 ], [ -54.12, -25.5 ], [ -54.13, -25.5 ], [ -54.15, -25.53 ], [ -54.17, -25.53 ], [ -54.18, -25.54 ], [ -54.2, -25.53 ], [ -54.21, -25.53 ], [ -54.21, -25.53 ], [ -54.19, -25.56 ], [ -54.19, -25.58 ], [ -54.21, -25.58 ], [ -54.23, -25.58 ], [ -54.24, -25.58 ], [ -54.24, -25.58 ], [ -54.25, -25.59 ], [ -54.26, -25.6 ], [ -54.26, -25.59 ], [ -54.27, -25.57 ], [ -54.28, -25.56 ], [ -54.3, -25.55 ], [ -54.32, -25.56 ], [ -54.33, -25.56 ], [ -54.35, -25.58 ], [ -54.36, -25.58 ], [ -54.38, -25.58 ], [ -54.39, -25.58 ], [ -54.4, -25.58 ], [ -54.4, -25.59 ], [ -54.4, -25.6 ], [ -54.4, -25.61 ], [ -54.41, -25.62 ], [ -54.41, -25.63 ], [ -54.43, -25.64 ], [ -54.44, -25.65 ], [ -54.44, -25.66 ], [ -54.43, -25.68 ], [ -54.44, -25.69 ], [ -54.45, -25.69 ], [ -54.45, -25.68 ], [ -54.46, -25.67 ], [ -54.46, -25.66 ], [ -54.46, -25.64 ], [ -54.47, -25.63 ], [ -54.49, -25.61 ], [ -54.51, -25.61 ], [ -54.53, -25.61 ], [ -54.54, -25.6 ], [ -54.54, -25.59 ], [ -54.55, -25.57 ], [ -54.56, -25.57 ], [ -54.6, -25.57 ], [ -54.6, -25.57 ], [ -54.59, -25.55 ], [ -54.59, -25.52 ], [ -54.6, -25.51 ], [ -54.61, -25.49 ], [ -54.61, -25.47 ], [ -54.61, -25.44 ], [ -54.61, -25.43 ], [ -54.6, -25.4 ], [ -54.58, -25.36 ], [ -54.55, -25.34 ], [ -54.53, -25.31 ], [ -54.5, -25.28 ], [ -54.48, -25.21 ], [ -54.47, -25.2 ], [ -54.44, -25.17 ], [ -54.43, -25.15 ], [ -54.43, -25.13 ], [ -54.46, -25.09 ], [ -54.46, -25.07 ], [ -54.46, -25.06 ], [ -54.46, -25.04 ], [ -54.45, -25 ], [ -54.41, -24.82 ], [ -54.4, -24.8 ], [ -54.37, -24.77 ], [ -54.36, -24.73 ], [ -54.32, -24.63 ], [ -54.32, -24.6 ], [ -54.33, -24.53 ], [ -54.33, -24.5 ], [ -54.32, -24.46 ], [ -54.28, -24.41 ], [ -54.27, -24.39 ], [ -54.26, -24.36 ], [ -54.26, -24.33 ], [ -54.27, -24.3 ], [ -54.28, -24.28 ], [ -54.31, -24.25 ], [ -54.31, -24.23 ], [ -54.32, -24.2 ], [ -54.33, -24.17 ], [ -54.33, -24.15 ], [ -54.32, -24.12 ], [ -54.3, -24.09 ], [ -54.27, -24.07 ], [ -54.25, -24.05 ], [ -54.25, -24.05 ], [ -54.2, -24.03 ], [ -54.19, -24.02 ], [ -54.18, -24.01 ], [ -54.1, -23.97 ], [ -54.08, -23.95 ], [ -54.07, -23.91 ], [ -54.07, -23.82 ], [ -54.06, -23.77 ], [ -54.03, -23.7 ], [ -54.02, -23.64 ], [ -53.97, -23.49 ], [ -53.97, -23.45 ], [ -53.97, -23.44 ], [ -53.95, -23.42 ], [ -53.86, -23.39 ], [ -53.75, -23.33 ], [ -53.73, -23.3 ], [ -53.71, -23.26 ], [ -53.68, -23.18 ], [ -53.66, -23.15 ], [ -53.64, -23.11 ], [ -53.63, -23.02 ], [ -53.62, -22.98 ], [ -53.6, -22.92 ], [ -53.58, -22.9 ], [ -53.55, -22.87 ], [ -53.48, -22.83 ], [ -53.17, -22.7 ], [ -53.17, -22.7 ], [ -53.15, -22.7 ], [ -53.12, -22.69 ], [ -53.1, -22.68 ], [ -53.06, -22.63 ], [ -53.01, -22.6 ], [ -52.99, -22.59 ], [ -52.97, -22.58 ], [ -52.95, -22.57 ], [ -52.89, -22.57 ], [ -52.88, -22.57 ], [ -52.85, -22.59 ], [ -52.84, -22.59 ], [ -52.79, -22.59 ], [ -52.69, -22.6 ], [ -52.67, -22.6 ], [ -52.61, -22.57 ], [ -52.58, -22.57 ], [ -52.55, -22.6 ], [ -52.52, -22.61 ], [ -52.48, -22.61 ], [ -52.46, -22.6 ], [ -52.45, -22.6 ], [ -52.41, -22.6 ], [ -52.38, -22.61 ], [ -52.34, -22.62 ], [ -52.31, -22.62 ], [ -52.29, -22.6 ], [ -52.28, -22.6 ], [ -52.26, -22.6 ], [ -52.25, -22.6 ], [ -52.25, -22.61 ], [ -52.24, -22.61 ], [ -52.23, -22.62 ], [ -52.23, -22.63 ], [ -52.22, -22.64 ], [ -52.19, -22.64 ], [ -52.17, -22.62 ], [ -52.16, -22.6 ], [ -52.15, -22.58 ], [ -52.15, -22.56 ], [ -52.14, -22.54 ], [ -52.12, -22.53 ], [ -52.09, -22.52 ], [ -52.07, -22.52 ], [ -52.03, -22.53 ], [ -51.98, -22.55 ], [ -51.87, -22.61 ], [ -51.86, -22.62 ] ] ] ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Se refiere al Río Paraná.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-09-27T18:39:19+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 24696, "end" : 24702 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Paraná" } ] } }, { "@context" : 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-51.47, -22.68 ], [ -51.46, -22.67 ], [ -51.44, -22.66 ], [ -51.44, -22.66 ], [ -51.43, -22.65 ], [ -51.42, -22.65 ], [ -51.4, -22.66 ], [ -51.39, -22.66 ], [ -51.38, -22.66 ], [ -51.37, -22.65 ], [ -51.36, -22.65 ], [ -51.36, -22.65 ], [ -51.35, -22.65 ], [ -51.33, -22.66 ], [ -51.32, -22.67 ], [ -51.29, -22.68 ], [ -51.26, -22.69 ], [ -51.18, -22.74 ], [ -51.11, -22.77 ], [ -51, -22.79 ], [ -50.88, -22.82 ], [ -50.87, -22.83 ], [ -50.86, -22.84 ], [ -50.82, -22.89 ], [ -50.81, -22.9 ], [ -50.8, -22.92 ], [ -50.79, -22.93 ], [ -50.79, -22.94 ], [ -50.78, -22.95 ], [ -50.76, -22.95 ], [ -50.75, -22.95 ], [ -50.73, -22.95 ], [ -50.71, -22.95 ], [ -50.7, -22.94 ], [ -50.68, -22.93 ], [ -50.66, -22.92 ], [ -50.63, -22.92 ], [ -50.54, -22.93 ], [ -50.52, -22.94 ], [ -50.52, -22.94 ], [ -50.51, -22.94 ], [ -50.51, -22.95 ], [ -50.5, -22.95 ], [ -50.44, -22.94 ], [ -50.43, -22.95 ], [ -50.41, -22.92 ], [ -50.4, -22.92 ], [ -50.38, -22.91 ], [ -50.37, -22.92 ], [ -50.35, -22.92 ], [ -50.33, -22.94 ], [ -50.32, -22.95 ], [ -50.31, -22.95 ], [ -50.29, -22.95 ], [ -50.28, -22.94 ], [ -50.28, -22.94 ], [ -50.26, -22.94 ], [ -50.24, -22.94 ], [ -50.23, -22.94 ], [ -50.21, -22.95 ], [ -50.12, -22.94 ], [ -50.11, -22.94 ], [ -50.1, -22.93 ], [ -50.03, -22.91 ], [ -50.02, -22.91 ], [ -50, -22.92 ], [ -50, -22.9 ], [ -49.99, -22.9 ], [ -49.98, -22.9 ], [ -49.97, -22.91 ], [ -49.97, -22.93 ], [ -49.97, -22.95 ], [ -49.96, -22.96 ], [ -49.93, -22.98 ], [ -49.91, -22.99 ], [ -49.91, -23 ], [ -49.91, -23.03 ], [ -49.91, -23.04 ], [ -49.89, -23.05 ], [ -49.88, -23.06 ], [ -49.87, -23.06 ], [ -49.84, -23.06 ], [ -49.83, -23.07 ], [ -49.8, -23.08 ], [ -49.79, -23.09 ], [ -49.77, -23.1 ], [ -49.76, -23.1 ], [ -49.76, -23.1 ], [ -49.75, -23.1 ], [ -49.74, -23.1 ], [ -49.73, -23.1 ], [ -49.73, -23.11 ], [ -49.73, -23.12 ], [ -49.73, -23.13 ], [ -49.72, -23.13 ], [ -49.72, -23.14 ], [ -49.7, -23.16 ], [ -49.67, -23.2 ], [ -49.64, -23.26 ], [ -49.62, -23.35 ], [ -49.61, -23.39 ], [ -49.62, -23.41 ], [ -49.64, -23.47 ], [ -49.65, -23.49 ], [ -49.65, -23.49 ], [ -49.65, -23.5 ], [ -49.65, -23.5 ], [ -49.65, -23.51 ], [ -49.65, -23.51 ], [ -49.65, -23.52 ], [ -49.64, -23.53 ], [ -49.63, -23.53 ], [ -49.63, -23.54 ], [ -49.63, -23.55 ], [ -49.62, -23.59 ], [ -49.62, -23.61 ], [ -49.61, -23.64 ], [ -49.59, -23.67 ], [ -49.58, -23.68 ], [ -49.56, -23.69 ], [ -49.56, -23.7 ], [ -49.55, -23.7 ], [ -49.55, -23.71 ], [ -49.56, -23.76 ], [ -49.56, -23.81 ], [ -49.57, -23.82 ], [ -49.57, -23.83 ], [ -49.57, -23.84 ], [ -49.58, -23.85 ], [ -49.58, -23.85 ], [ -49.59, -23.85 ], [ -49.6, -23.85 ], [ -49.6, -23.86 ], [ -49.6, -23.86 ], [ -49.6, -23.88 ], [ -49.59, -23.89 ], [ -49.59, -23.89 ], [ -49.58, -23.89 ], [ -49.57, -23.9 ], [ -49.57, -23.9 ], [ -49.55, -23.93 ], [ -49.54, -23.94 ], [ -49.53, -23.94 ], [ -49.53, -23.94 ], [ -49.52, -23.93 ], [ -49.52, -23.93 ], [ -49.51, -23.94 ], [ -49.51, -23.94 ], [ -49.51, -23.95 ], [ -49.51, -23.96 ], [ -49.51, -23.96 ], [ -49.51, -23.97 ], [ -49.5, -23.98 ], [ -49.49, -23.99 ], [ -49.48, -24.01 ], [ -49.46, -24.03 ], [ -49.45, -24.05 ], [ -49.45, -24.05 ], [ -49.44, -24.06 ], [ -49.43, -24.06 ], [ -49.43, -24.06 ], [ -49.42, -24.07 ], [ -49.42, -24.08 ], [ -49.41, -24.09 ], [ -49.4, -24.09 ], [ -49.4, -24.09 ], [ -49.38, -24.1 ], [ -49.37, -24.1 ], [ -49.36, -24.1 ], [ -49.36, -24.11 ], [ -49.35, -24.11 ], [ -49.34, -24.13 ], [ -49.34, -24.13 ], [ -49.33, -24.14 ], [ -49.33, -24.15 ], [ -49.33, -24.19 ], [ -49.33, -24.2 ], [ -49.34, -24.21 ], [ -49.34, -24.22 ], [ -49.34, -24.22 ], [ -49.33, -24.23 ], [ -49.32, -24.24 ], [ -49.32, -24.24 ], [ -49.31, -24.24 ], [ -49.31, -24.24 ], [ -49.3, -24.25 ], [ -49.29, -24.3 ], [ -49.28, -24.31 ], [ -49.27, -24.32 ], [ -49.27, -24.32 ], [ -49.26, -24.32 ], [ -49.25, -24.33 ], [ -49.25, -24.33 ], [ -49.24, -24.33 ], [ -49.24, -24.33 ], [ -49.23, -24.34 ], [ -49.23, -24.34 ], [ -49.22, -24.34 ], [ -49.22, -24.35 ], [ -49.22, -24.36 ], [ -49.23, -24.37 ], [ -49.24, -24.38 ], [ -49.25, -24.38 ], [ -49.25, -24.39 ], [ -49.25, -24.39 ], [ -49.25, -24.4 ], [ -49.24, -24.41 ], [ -49.24, -24.41 ], [ -49.24, -24.42 ], [ -49.25, -24.43 ], [ -49.26, -24.43 ], [ -49.28, -24.44 ], [ -49.29, -24.44 ], [ -49.29, -24.44 ], [ -49.3, -24.45 ], [ -49.29, -24.45 ], [ -49.29, -24.46 ], [ -49.27, -24.47 ], [ -49.28, -24.5 ], [ -49.28, -24.51 ], [ -49.28, -24.52 ], [ -49.28, -24.52 ], [ -49.28, -24.53 ], [ -49.29, -24.53 ], [ -49.31, -24.53 ], [ -49.32, -24.54 ], [ -49.32, -24.54 ], [ -49.32, -24.55 ], [ -49.32, -24.55 ], [ -49.32, -24.56 ], [ -49.32, -24.57 ], [ -49.3, -24.59 ], [ -49.3, -24.6 ], [ -49.3, -24.6 ], [ -49.3, -24.63 ], [ -49.3, -24.64 ], [ -49.3, -24.65 ], [ -49.3, -24.66 ], [ -49.3, -24.66 ], [ -49.3, -24.67 ], [ -49.28, -24.67 ], [ -49.22, -24.69 ], [ -49.2, -24.69 ], [ -49.19, -24.69 ], [ -49.17, -24.68 ], [ -49.15, -24.68 ], [ -49.09, -24.69 ], [ -49.05, -24.68 ], [ -49.03, -24.67 ], [ -49.03, -24.63 ], [ -49.01, -24.64 ], [ -48.98, -24.67 ], [ -48.95, -24.68 ], [ -48.87, -24.67 ], [ -48.85, -24.67 ], [ -48.85, -24.67 ], [ -48.85, -24.67 ], [ -48.85, -24.66 ], [ -48.83, -24.66 ], [ -48.81, -24.67 ], [ -48.8, -24.69 ], [ -48.78, -24.7 ], [ -48.78, -24.7 ], [ -48.77, -24.69 ], [ -48.77, -24.69 ], [ -48.76, -24.69 ], [ -48.75, -24.69 ], [ -48.74, -24.69 ], [ -48.71, -24.69 ], [ -48.69, -24.68 ], [ -48.69, -24.67 ], [ -48.68, -24.67 ], [ -48.67, -24.69 ], [ -48.67, -24.7 ], [ -48.66, -24.71 ], [ -48.65, -24.71 ], [ -48.65, -24.7 ], [ -48.64, -24.7 ], [ -48.63, -24.69 ], [ -48.61, -24.68 ], [ -48.61, -24.68 ], [ -48.6, -24.68 ], [ -48.59, -24.68 ], [ -48.59, -24.68 ], [ -48.58, -24.68 ], [ -48.58, -24.69 ], [ -48.57, -24.69 ], [ -48.57, -24.7 ], [ -48.57, -24.7 ], [ -48.56, -24.71 ], [ -48.56, -24.71 ], [ -48.55, -24.72 ], [ -48.55, -24.72 ], [ -48.49, -24.74 ], [ -48.49, -24.74 ], [ -48.49, -24.75 ], [ -48.49, -24.76 ], [ -48.5, -24.78 ], [ -48.51, -24.79 ], [ -48.52, -24.79 ], [ -48.53, -24.8 ], [ -48.54, -24.81 ], [ -48.55, -24.82 ], [ -48.55, -24.83 ], [ -48.54, -24.86 ], [ -48.54, -24.87 ], [ -48.54, -24.88 ], [ -48.55, -24.89 ], [ -48.56, -24.89 ], [ -48.56, -24.9 ], [ -48.56, -24.91 ], [ -48.56, -24.94 ], [ -48.56, -24.97 ], [ -48.56, -24.98 ], [ -48.57, -24.98 ], [ -48.57, -24.98 ], [ -48.59, -25 ], [ -48.59, -25 ], [ -48.59, -25 ], [ -48.59, -25 ], [ -48.59, -25 ], [ -48.59, -25.01 ], [ -48.59, -25.02 ], [ -48.57, -25.05 ], [ -48.57, -25.05 ], [ -48.57, -25.06 ], [ -48.54, -25.07 ], [ -48.51, -25.08 ], [ -48.51, -25.08 ], [ -48.5, -25.08 ], [ -48.49, -25.08 ], [ -48.49, -25.07 ], [ -48.49, -25.06 ], [ -48.48, -25.06 ], [ -48.48, -25.05 ], [ -48.48, -25.05 ], [ -48.47, -25.04 ], [ -48.47, -25.04 ], [ -48.46, -25.03 ], [ -48.46, -25.03 ], [ -48.46, -25.02 ], [ -48.46, -25.01 ], [ -48.46, -25 ], [ -48.46, -25 ], [ -48.46, -25 ], [ -48.46, -24.99 ], [ -48.46, -24.99 ], [ -48.45, -24.98 ], [ -48.43, -24.97 ], [ -48.43, -24.97 ], [ -48.42, -24.96 ], [ -48.42, -24.96 ], [ -48.41, -24.96 ], [ -48.4, -24.97 ], [ -48.39, -24.97 ], [ -48.37, -24.97 ], [ -48.36, -24.98 ], [ -48.35, -24.98 ], [ -48.35, -24.99 ], [ -48.34, -24.99 ], [ -48.34, -25 ], [ -48.34, -25 ], [ -48.34, -25 ], [ -48.34, -25.01 ], [ -48.34, -25.01 ], [ -48.33, -25.02 ], [ -48.32, -25.02 ], [ -48.3, -25.01 ], [ -48.29, -25.01 ], [ -48.28, -25.02 ], [ -48.28, -25.02 ], [ -48.28, -25.03 ], [ -48.28, -25.03 ], [ -48.27, -25.03 ], [ -48.26, -25.03 ], [ -48.23, -25.01 ], [ -48.21, -25.07 ], [ -48.21, -25.09 ], [ -48.21, -25.1 ], [ -48.19, -25.15 ], [ -48.18, -25.16 ], [ -48.18, -25.17 ], [ -48.19, -25.18 ], [ -48.19, -25.19 ], [ -48.18, -25.2 ], [ -48.18, -25.2 ], [ -48.17, -25.21 ], [ -48.16, -25.22 ], [ -48.15, -25.22 ], [ -48.09, -25.24 ], [ -48.09, -25.24 ], [ -48.08, -25.24 ], [ -48.07, -25.24 ], [ -48.07, -25.23 ], [ -48.07, -25.23 ], [ -48.06, -25.23 ], [ -48.06, -25.22 ], [ -48.05, -25.22 ], [ -48.05, -25.22 ], [ -48.04, -25.22 ], [ -48.04, -25.22 ], [ -48.03, -25.23 ], [ -48.04, -25.24 ], [ -48.07, -25.28 ], [ -48.08, -25.28 ], [ -48.08, -25.3 ], [ -48.08, -25.31 ], [ -48.08, -25.31 ], [ -48.09, -25.33 ], [ -48.17, -25.37 ], [ -48.17, -25.38 ], [ -48.2, -25.42 ], [ -48.21, -25.46 ], [ -48.23, -25.46 ], [ -48.24, -25.45 ], [ -48.25, -25.43 ], [ -48.25, -25.41 ], [ -48.22, -25.35 ], [ -48.22, -25.34 ], [ -48.22, -25.34 ], [ -48.22, -25.33 ], [ -48.21, -25.32 ], [ -48.2, -25.32 ], [ -48.18, -25.31 ], [ -48.14, -25.29 ], [ -48.13, -25.28 ], [ -48.14, -25.27 ], [ -48.15, -25.28 ], [ -48.17, -25.29 ], [ -48.2, -25.3 ], [ -48.22, -25.3 ], [ -48.23, -25.3 ], [ -48.24, -25.32 ], [ -48.25, -25.32 ], [ -48.26, -25.31 ], [ -48.27, -25.3 ], [ -48.28, -25.29 ], [ -48.28, -25.31 ], [ -48.28, -25.32 ], [ -48.29, -25.32 ], [ -48.3, -25.34 ], [ -48.31, -25.35 ], [ -48.32, -25.36 ], [ -48.33, -25.36 ], [ -48.32, -25.32 ], [ -48.33, -25.32 ], [ -48.33, -25.33 ], [ -48.34, -25.32 ], [ -48.33, -25.27 ], [ -48.33, -25.24 ], [ -48.33, -25.23 ], [ -48.34, -25.24 ], [ -48.35, -25.25 ], [ -48.36, -25.26 ], [ -48.36, -25.27 ], [ -48.37, -25.27 ], [ -48.37, -25.28 ], [ -48.37, -25.28 ], [ -48.36, -25.28 ], [ -48.36, -25.29 ], [ -48.35, -25.29 ], [ -48.35, -25.29 ], [ -48.35, -25.3 ], [ -48.36, -25.3 ], [ -48.36, -25.3 ], [ -48.37, -25.3 ], [ -48.38, -25.3 ], [ -48.41, -25.28 ], [ -48.41, -25.27 ], [ -48.42, -25.25 ], [ -48.43, -25.24 ], [ -48.43, -25.26 ], [ -48.44, -25.26 ], [ -48.45, -25.26 ], [ -48.45, -25.25 ], [ -48.45, -25.25 ], [ -48.46, -25.25 ], [ -48.45, -25.26 ], [ -48.43, -25.32 ], [ -48.45, -25.32 ], [ -48.48, -25.33 ], [ -48.5, -25.33 ], [ -48.5, -25.34 ], [ -48.46, -25.34 ], [ -48.45, -25.35 ], [ -48.43, -25.36 ], [ -48.45, -25.37 ], [ -48.46, -25.38 ], [ -48.45, -25.39 ], [ -48.43, -25.38 ], [ -48.43, -25.39 ], [ -48.42, -25.4 ], [ -48.41, -25.41 ], [ -48.42, -25.43 ], [ -48.43, -25.43 ], [ -48.44, -25.43 ], [ -48.45, -25.43 ], [ -48.45, -25.45 ], [ -48.46, -25.46 ], [ -48.46, -25.47 ], [ -48.47, -25.48 ], [ -48.49, -25.47 ], [ -48.5, -25.47 ], [ -48.52, -25.45 ], [ -48.53, -25.45 ], [ -48.54, -25.45 ], [ -48.55, -25.45 ], [ -48.56, -25.45 ], [ -48.56, -25.46 ], [ -48.58, -25.46 ], [ -48.62, -25.45 ], [ -48.64, -25.44 ], [ -48.68, -25.41 ], [ -48.69, -25.41 ], [ -48.73, -25.36 ], [ -48.74, -25.35 ], [ -48.74, -25.37 ], [ -48.72, -25.41 ], [ -48.72, -25.42 ], [ -48.72, -25.43 ], [ -48.71, -25.43 ], [ -48.7, -25.44 ], [ -48.7, -25.44 ], [ -48.68, -25.46 ], [ -48.69, -25.47 ], [ -48.71, -25.47 ], [ -48.73, -25.47 ], [ -48.71, -25.5 ], [ -48.68, -25.5 ], [ -48.65, -25.49 ], [ -48.62, -25.5 ], [ -48.62, -25.5 ], [ -48.62, -25.51 ], [ -48.63, -25.51 ], [ -48.64, -25.5 ], [ -48.64, -25.5 ], [ -48.65, -25.51 ], [ -48.65, -25.52 ], [ -48.64, -25.52 ], [ -48.63, -25.52 ], [ -48.62, -25.53 ], [ -48.61, -25.54 ], [ -48.6, -25.53 ], [ -48.58, -25.53 ], [ -48.56, -25.53 ], [ -48.52, -25.51 ], [ -48.51, -25.52 ], [ -48.49, -25.54 ], [ -48.47, -25.54 ], [ -48.48, -25.56 ], [ -48.48, -25.56 ], [ -48.48, -25.55 ], [ -48.49, -25.56 ], [ -48.5, -25.57 ], [ -48.5, -25.57 ], [ -48.48, -25.58 ], [ -48.47, -25.57 ], [ -48.46, -25.56 ], [ -48.46, -25.55 ], [ -48.44, -25.55 ], [ -48.42, -25.55 ], [ -48.41, -25.56 ], [ -48.39, -25.54 ], [ -48.36, -25.57 ], [ -48.39, -25.6 ], [ -48.43, -25.62 ], [ -48.52, -25.77 ], [ -48.52, -25.8 ], [ -48.54, -25.84 ], [ -48.54, -25.85 ], [ -48.56, -25.84 ], [ -48.57, -25.82 ], [ -48.59, -25.82 ], [ -48.58, -25.8 ], [ -48.58, -25.8 ], [ -48.59, -25.8 ], [ -48.6, -25.8 ], [ -48.61, -25.81 ], [ -48.62, -25.82 ], [ -48.61, -25.82 ], [ -48.6, -25.82 ], [ -48.59, -25.83 ], [ -48.59, -25.84 ], [ -48.58, -25.85 ], [ -48.58, -25.85 ], [ -48.65, -25.84 ], [ -48.74, -25.85 ], [ -48.75, -25.86 ], [ -48.76, -25.86 ], [ -48.77, -25.87 ], [ -48.77, -25.88 ], [ -48.77, -25.89 ], [ -48.76, -25.88 ], [ -48.75, -25.88 ], [ -48.74, -25.87 ], [ -48.58, -25.87 ], [ -48.57, -25.87 ], [ -48.57, -25.86 ], [ -48.56, -25.87 ], [ -48.56, -25.88 ], [ -48.56, -25.89 ], [ -48.56, -25.9 ], [ -48.58, -25.96 ], [ -48.58, -25.98 ], [ -48.58, -25.98 ], [ -48.61, -25.98 ], [ -48.62, -25.98 ], [ -48.65, -25.97 ], [ -48.92, -25.98 ], [ -48.92, -25.98 ], [ -48.93, -25.99 ], [ -48.93, -25.99 ], [ -48.93, -26 ], [ -48.95, -26.01 ], [ -48.97, -26.01 ], [ -48.98, -26.01 ], [ -49, -26.01 ], [ -49.02, -26 ], [ -49.03, -26 ], [ -49.03, -26 ], [ -49.04, -26 ], [ -49.04, -26.01 ], [ -49.04, -26.01 ], [ -49.05, -26.02 ], [ -49.05, -26.02 ], [ -49.07, -26.01 ], [ -49.08, -26.01 ], [ -49.09, -26.02 ], [ -49.1, -26.02 ], [ -49.1, -26.01 ], [ -49.1, -26.01 ], [ -49.1, -26 ], [ -49.1, -26 ], [ -49.1, -26 ], [ -49.1, -26 ], [ -49.11, -26 ], [ -49.11, -25.99 ], [ -49.12, -25.99 ], [ -49.12, -25.99 ], [ -49.12, -26 ], [ -49.13, -26 ], [ -49.13, -26 ], [ -49.13, -26 ], [ -49.13, -26 ], [ -49.14, -26.01 ], [ -49.18, -26.01 ], [ -49.2, -26.02 ], [ -49.21, -26.03 ], [ -49.24, -26.04 ], [ -49.25, -26.06 ], [ -49.28, -26.09 ], [ -49.29, -26.1 ], [ -49.3, -26.11 ], [ -49.38, -26.15 ], [ -49.43, -26.16 ], [ -49.44, -26.16 ], [ -49.45, -26.17 ], [ -49.46, -26.17 ], [ -49.46, -26.18 ], [ -49.47, -26.18 ], [ -49.48, -26.19 ], [ -49.48, -26.21 ], [ -49.49, -26.22 ], [ -49.51, -26.23 ], [ -49.55, -26.23 ], [ -49.58, -26.23 ], [ -49.59, -26.22 ], [ -49.67, -26.19 ], [ -49.72, -26.16 ], [ -49.73, -26.15 ], [ -49.73, -26.14 ], [ -49.74, -26.13 ], [ -49.75, -26.12 ], [ -49.82, -26.09 ], [ -49.83, -26.08 ], [ -49.85, -26.06 ], [ -49.85, -26.06 ], [ -49.87, -26.05 ], [ -49.88, -26.04 ], [ -49.89, -26.03 ], [ -49.9, -26.03 ], [ -49.92, -26.03 ], [ -49.93, -26.03 ], [ -49.93, -26.02 ], [ -49.94, -26.02 ], [ -49.94, -26.01 ], [ -49.95, -26.01 ], [ -49.97, -26.02 ], [ -49.99, -26.01 ], [ -50.01, -26.02 ], [ -50.01, -26.03 ], [ -50.03, -26.03 ], [ -50.12, -26.05 ], [ -50.15, -26.04 ], [ -50.16, -26.05 ], [ -50.18, -26.05 ], [ -50.18, -26.05 ], [ -50.19, -26.05 ], [ -50.21, -26.05 ], [ -50.21, -26.05 ], [ -50.22, -26.05 ], [ -50.22, -26.04 ], [ -50.23, -26.04 ], [ -50.24, -26.04 ], [ -50.27, -26.04 ], [ -50.28, -26.04 ], [ -50.29, -26.04 ], [ -50.3, -26.04 ], [ -50.32, -26.05 ], [ -50.32, -26.06 ], [ -50.33, -26.07 ], [ -50.33, -26.07 ], [ -50.33, -26.08 ], [ -50.33, -26.08 ], [ -50.33, -26.09 ], [ -50.33, -26.09 ], [ -50.32, -26.1 ], [ -50.33, -26.1 ], [ -50.33, -26.11 ], [ -50.34, -26.11 ], [ -50.34, -26.11 ], [ -50.35, -26.11 ], [ -50.36, -26.11 ], [ -50.36, -26.1 ], [ -50.36, -26.1 ], [ -50.37, -26.08 ], [ -50.37, -26.07 ], [ -50.38, -26.07 ], [ -50.38, -26.06 ], [ -50.38, -26.06 ], [ -50.39, -26.06 ], [ -50.4, -26.06 ], [ -50.43, -26.05 ], [ -50.44, -26.05 ], [ -50.44, -26.05 ], [ -50.45, -26.05 ], [ -50.45, -26.04 ], [ -50.45, -26.04 ], [ -50.45, -26.03 ], [ -50.46, -26.03 ], [ -50.48, -26.02 ], [ -50.54, -26.02 ], [ -50.55, -26.02 ], [ -50.56, -26.02 ], [ -50.57, -26.01 ], [ -50.58, -26.01 ], [ -50.59, -26.01 ], [ -50.59, -26.01 ], [ -50.6, -26.01 ], [ -50.59, -26.02 ], [ -50.59, -26.02 ], [ -50.59, -26.02 ], [ -50.57, -26.03 ], [ -50.56, -26.04 ], [ -50.56, -26.04 ], [ -50.56, -26.04 ], [ -50.56, -26.05 ], [ -50.58, -26.05 ], [ -50.62, -26.06 ], [ -50.64, -26.06 ], [ -50.64, -26.06 ], [ -50.65, -26.07 ], [ -50.66, -26.12 ], [ -50.67, -26.15 ], [ -50.68, -26.16 ], [ -50.7, -26.17 ], [ -50.72, -26.2 ], [ -50.73, -26.21 ], [ -50.73, -26.22 ], [ -50.73, -26.23 ], [ -50.74, -26.24 ], [ -50.74, -26.24 ], [ -50.75, -26.23 ], [ -50.76, -26.22 ], [ -50.76, -26.22 ], [ -50.77, -26.22 ], [ -50.78, -26.22 ], [ -50.79, -26.22 ], [ -50.8, -26.23 ], [ -50.83, -26.25 ], [ -50.84, -26.25 ], [ -50.84, -26.26 ], [ -50.85, -26.26 ], [ -50.86, -26.26 ], [ -50.86, -26.25 ], [ -50.88, -26.25 ], [ -50.89, -26.25 ], [ -50.89, -26.26 ], [ -50.89, -26.26 ], [ -50.9, -26.27 ], [ -50.9, -26.28 ], [ -50.91, -26.28 ], [ -50.91, -26.28 ], [ -50.91, -26.28 ], [ -50.91, -26.26 ], [ -50.92, -26.26 ], [ -50.92, -26.25 ], [ -50.92, -26.25 ], [ -50.93, -26.25 ], [ -50.93, -26.25 ], [ -50.94, -26.25 ], [ -50.95, -26.25 ], [ -50.95, -26.26 ], [ -50.96, -26.26 ], [ -50.96, -26.27 ], [ -50.97, -26.27 ], [ -50.97, -26.26 ], [ -50.98, -26.25 ], [ -50.99, -26.24 ], [ -50.99, -26.24 ], [ -51, -26.24 ], [ -51, -26.24 ], [ -51, -26.24 ], [ -51, -26.24 ], [ -51.02, -26.24 ], [ -51.03, -26.25 ], [ -51.04, -26.25 ], [ -51.05, -26.25 ], [ -51.06, -26.24 ], [ -51.06, -26.24 ], [ -51.07, -26.24 ], [ -51.07, -26.24 ], [ -51.08, -26.24 ], [ -51.08, -26.24 ], [ -51.09, -26.25 ], [ -51.1, -26.26 ], [ -51.11, -26.27 ], [ -51.12, -26.28 ], [ -51.13, -26.28 ], [ -51.14, -26.29 ], [ -51.2, -26.3 ], [ -51.21, -26.31 ], [ -51.21, -26.31 ], [ -51.22, -26.33 ], [ -51.24, -26.34 ], [ -51.24, -26.34 ], [ -51.25, -26.35 ], [ -51.25, -26.35 ], [ -51.25, -26.36 ], [ -51.26, -26.38 ], [ -51.26, -26.39 ], [ -51.27, -26.4 ], [ -51.28, -26.42 ], [ -51.29, -26.42 ], [ -51.29, -26.43 ], [ -51.29, -26.44 ], [ -51.29, -26.44 ], [ -51.29, -26.45 ], [ -51.28, -26.45 ], [ -51.27, -26.46 ], [ -51.27, -26.47 ], [ -51.27, -26.47 ], [ -51.27, -26.48 ], [ -51.28, -26.49 ], [ -51.28, -26.5 ], [ -51.28, -26.5 ], [ -51.25, -26.55 ], [ -51.24, -26.57 ], [ -51.24, -26.58 ], [ -51.24, -26.59 ], [ -51.24, -26.61 ], [ -51.25, -26.63 ], [ -51.29, -26.65 ], [ -51.29, -26.66 ], [ -51.3, -26.66 ], [ -51.33, -26.66 ], [ -51.39, -26.68 ], [ -51.4, -26.68 ], [ -51.4, -26.68 ], [ -51.41, -26.7 ], [ -51.41, -26.7 ], [ -51.42, -26.7 ], [ -51.42, -26.7 ], [ -51.42, -26.7 ], [ -51.43, -26.68 ], [ -51.44, -26.67 ], [ -51.45, -26.66 ], [ -51.45, -26.65 ], [ -51.46, -26.65 ], [ -51.47, -26.64 ], [ -51.48, -26.64 ], [ -51.48, -26.63 ], [ -51.48, -26.63 ], [ -51.48, -26.62 ], [ -51.48, -26.61 ], [ -51.49, -26.61 ], [ -51.49, -26.61 ], [ -51.49, -26.6 ], [ -51.5, -26.6 ], [ -51.5, -26.6 ], [ -51.5, -26.6 ], [ -51.61, -26.6 ], [ -51.62, -26.6 ], [ -51.63, -26.6 ], [ -51.63, -26.59 ], [ -51.64, -26.59 ], [ -51.65, -26.58 ], [ -51.65, -26.58 ], [ -51.66, -26.58 ], [ -51.66, -26.59 ], [ -51.68, -26.6 ], [ -51.69, -26.6 ], [ -51.71, -26.6 ], [ -51.87, -26.6 ], [ -51.94, -26.58 ], [ -51.96, -26.58 ], [ -52, -26.58 ], [ -52.01, -26.58 ], [ -52.01, -26.58 ], [ -52.02, -26.58 ], [ -52.04, -26.56 ], [ -52.09, -26.53 ], [ -52.11, -26.51 ], [ -52.11, -26.51 ], [ -52.12, -26.5 ], [ -52.12, -26.49 ], [ -52.13, -26.49 ], [ -52.18, -26.46 ], [ -52.19, -26.45 ], [ -52.2, -26.45 ], [ -52.21, -26.45 ], [ -52.23, -26.45 ], [ -52.25, -26.45 ], [ -52.28, -26.44 ], [ -52.3, -26.44 ], [ -52.33, -26.44 ], [ -52.34, -26.44 ], [ -52.36, -26.44 ], [ -52.4, -26.43 ], [ -52.46, -26.43 ], [ -52.46, -26.43 ], [ -52.47, -26.43 ], [ -52.5, -26.41 ], [ -52.54, -26.4 ], [ -52.62, -26.41 ], [ -52.64, -26.4 ], [ -52.65, -26.4 ], [ -52.65, -26.39 ], [ -52.65, -26.39 ], [ -52.67, -26.38 ], [ -52.82, -26.34 ], [ -52.83, -26.34 ], [ -52.85, -26.34 ], [ -52.86, -26.34 ], [ -52.88, -26.35 ], [ -52.91, -26.36 ], [ -52.94, -26.37 ], [ -52.95, -26.37 ], [ -52.96, -26.37 ], [ -52.97, -26.36 ], [ -52.98, -26.35 ], [ -52.99, -26.35 ], [ -52.99, -26.35 ], [ -53, -26.35 ], [ -53.04, -26.37 ], [ -53.1, -26.37 ], [ -53.11, -26.37 ], [ -53.12, -26.37 ], [ -53.13, -26.36 ], [ -53.13, -26.36 ], [ -53.14, -26.35 ], [ -53.14, -26.35 ], [ -53.15, -26.34 ], [ -53.18, -26.33 ], [ -53.2, -26.32 ], [ -53.25, -26.29 ], [ -53.25, -26.29 ], [ -53.25, -26.28 ], [ -53.26, -26.28 ], [ -53.27, -26.27 ], [ -53.28, -26.26 ], [ -53.34, -26.24 ], [ -53.36, -26.24 ], [ -53.37, -26.24 ], [ -53.37, -26.24 ], [ -53.38, -26.25 ], [ -53.46, -26.29 ], [ -53.47, -26.29 ], [ -53.48, -26.29 ], [ -53.5, -26.29 ], [ -53.51, -26.29 ], [ -53.52, -26.29 ], [ -53.55, -26.27 ], [ -53.61, -26.26 ], [ -53.62, -26.26 ], [ -53.63, -26.26 ], [ -53.65, -26.26 ], [ -53.66, -26.26 ], [ -53.67, -26.22 ], [ -53.69, -26.19 ], [ -53.73, -26.13 ], [ -53.75, -26.09 ], [ -53.75, -26.06 ], [ -53.77, -26.03 ], [ -53.79, -26 ], [ -53.79, -26 ], [ -53.79, -26 ], [ -53.83, -25.97 ], [ -53.83, -25.96 ], [ -53.84, -25.95 ], [ -53.83, -25.94 ], [ -53.83, -25.93 ], [ -53.83, -25.92 ], [ -53.84, -25.87 ], [ -53.84, -25.81 ], [ -53.84, -25.79 ], [ -53.85, -25.77 ], [ -53.86, -25.76 ], [ -53.88, -25.75 ], [ -53.88, -25.74 ], [ -53.89, -25.72 ], [ -53.88, -25.71 ], [ -53.88, -25.71 ], [ -53.88, -25.7 ], [ -53.89, -25.66 ], [ -53.9, -25.64 ], [ -53.91, -25.63 ], [ -53.95, -25.65 ], [ -53.97, -25.65 ], [ -53.98, -25.63 ], [ -53.98, -25.61 ], [ -53.98, -25.59 ], [ -54, -25.57 ], [ -54.02, -25.57 ], [ -54.03, -25.56 ], [ -54.04, -25.56 ], [ -54.04, -25.57 ], [ -54.06, -25.57 ], [ -54.07, -25.56 ], [ -54.08, -25.55 ], [ -54.09, -25.56 ], [ -54.09, -25.57 ], [ -54.09, -25.58 ], [ -54.09, -25.59 ], [ -54.09, -25.6 ], [ -54.1, -25.6 ], [ -54.11, -25.59 ], [ -54.12, -25.58 ], [ -54.12, -25.57 ], [ -54.13, -25.55 ], [ -54.12, -25.54 ], [ -54.11, -25.52 ], [ -54.11, -25.5 ], [ -54.11, -25.5 ], [ -54.12, -25.49 ], [ -54.12, -25.5 ], [ -54.13, -25.5 ], [ -54.15, -25.53 ], [ -54.17, -25.53 ], [ -54.18, -25.54 ], [ -54.2, -25.53 ], [ -54.21, -25.53 ], [ -54.21, -25.53 ], [ -54.19, -25.56 ], [ -54.19, -25.58 ], [ -54.21, -25.58 ], [ -54.23, -25.58 ], [ -54.24, -25.58 ], [ -54.24, -25.58 ], [ -54.25, -25.59 ], [ -54.26, -25.6 ], [ -54.26, -25.59 ], [ -54.27, -25.57 ], [ -54.28, -25.56 ], [ -54.3, -25.55 ], [ -54.32, -25.56 ], [ -54.33, -25.56 ], [ -54.35, -25.58 ], [ -54.36, -25.58 ], [ -54.38, -25.58 ], [ -54.39, -25.58 ], [ -54.4, -25.58 ], [ -54.4, -25.59 ], [ -54.4, -25.6 ], [ -54.4, -25.61 ], [ -54.41, -25.62 ], [ -54.41, -25.63 ], [ -54.43, -25.64 ], [ -54.44, -25.65 ], [ -54.44, -25.66 ], [ -54.43, -25.68 ], [ -54.44, -25.69 ], [ -54.45, -25.69 ], [ -54.45, -25.68 ], [ -54.46, -25.67 ], [ -54.46, -25.66 ], [ -54.46, -25.64 ], [ -54.47, -25.63 ], [ -54.49, -25.61 ], [ -54.51, -25.61 ], [ -54.53, -25.61 ], [ -54.54, -25.6 ], [ -54.54, -25.59 ], [ -54.55, -25.57 ], [ -54.56, -25.57 ], [ -54.6, -25.57 ], [ -54.6, -25.57 ], [ -54.59, -25.55 ], [ -54.59, -25.52 ], [ -54.6, -25.51 ], [ -54.61, -25.49 ], [ -54.61, -25.47 ], [ -54.61, -25.44 ], [ -54.61, -25.43 ], [ -54.6, -25.4 ], [ -54.58, -25.36 ], [ -54.55, -25.34 ], [ -54.53, -25.31 ], [ -54.5, -25.28 ], [ -54.48, -25.21 ], [ -54.47, -25.2 ], [ -54.44, -25.17 ], [ -54.43, -25.15 ], [ -54.43, -25.13 ], [ -54.46, -25.09 ], [ -54.46, -25.07 ], [ -54.46, -25.06 ], [ -54.46, -25.04 ], [ -54.45, -25 ], [ -54.41, -24.82 ], [ -54.4, -24.8 ], [ -54.37, -24.77 ], [ -54.36, -24.73 ], [ -54.32, -24.63 ], [ -54.32, -24.6 ], [ -54.33, -24.53 ], [ -54.33, -24.5 ], [ -54.32, -24.46 ], [ -54.28, -24.41 ], [ -54.27, -24.39 ], [ -54.26, -24.36 ], [ -54.26, -24.33 ], [ -54.27, -24.3 ], [ -54.28, -24.28 ], [ -54.31, -24.25 ], [ -54.31, -24.23 ], [ -54.32, -24.2 ], [ -54.33, -24.17 ], [ -54.33, -24.15 ], [ -54.32, -24.12 ], [ -54.3, -24.09 ], [ -54.27, -24.07 ], [ -54.25, -24.05 ], [ -54.25, -24.05 ], [ -54.2, -24.03 ], [ -54.19, -24.02 ], [ -54.18, -24.01 ], [ -54.1, -23.97 ], [ -54.08, -23.95 ], [ -54.07, -23.91 ], [ -54.07, -23.82 ], [ -54.06, -23.77 ], [ -54.03, -23.7 ], [ -54.02, -23.64 ], [ -53.97, -23.49 ], [ -53.97, -23.45 ], [ -53.97, -23.44 ], [ -53.95, -23.42 ], [ -53.86, -23.39 ], [ -53.75, -23.33 ], [ -53.73, -23.3 ], [ -53.71, -23.26 ], [ -53.68, -23.18 ], [ -53.66, -23.15 ], [ -53.64, -23.11 ], [ -53.63, -23.02 ], [ -53.62, -22.98 ], [ -53.6, -22.92 ], [ -53.58, -22.9 ], [ -53.55, -22.87 ], [ -53.48, -22.83 ], [ -53.17, -22.7 ], [ -53.17, -22.7 ], [ -53.15, -22.7 ], [ -53.12, -22.69 ], [ -53.1, -22.68 ], [ -53.06, -22.63 ], [ -53.01, -22.6 ], [ -52.99, -22.59 ], [ -52.97, -22.58 ], [ -52.95, -22.57 ], [ -52.89, -22.57 ], [ -52.88, -22.57 ], [ -52.85, -22.59 ], [ -52.84, -22.59 ], [ -52.79, -22.59 ], [ -52.69, -22.6 ], [ -52.67, -22.6 ], [ -52.61, -22.57 ], [ -52.58, -22.57 ], [ -52.55, -22.6 ], [ -52.52, -22.61 ], [ -52.48, -22.61 ], [ -52.46, -22.6 ], [ -52.45, -22.6 ], [ -52.41, -22.6 ], [ -52.38, -22.61 ], [ -52.34, -22.62 ], [ -52.31, -22.62 ], [ -52.29, -22.6 ], [ -52.28, -22.6 ], [ -52.26, -22.6 ], [ -52.25, -22.6 ], [ -52.25, -22.61 ], [ -52.24, -22.61 ], [ -52.23, -22.62 ], [ -52.23, -22.63 ], [ -52.22, -22.64 ], [ -52.19, -22.64 ], [ -52.17, -22.62 ], [ -52.16, -22.6 ], [ -52.15, -22.58 ], [ -52.15, -22.56 ], [ -52.14, -22.54 ], [ -52.12, -22.53 ], [ -52.09, -22.52 ], [ -52.07, -22.52 ], [ -52.03, -22.53 ], [ -51.98, -22.55 ], [ -51.87, -22.61 ], [ -51.86, -22.62 ] ] ] ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Se refiere al Río Paraná.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-09-27T18:39:19+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 8564, "end" : 8570 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Paraná" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/691a21f5-b357-48c7-b540-5973a35595b8", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Isla del mismo nombre en la costa uruguaya frente a Colonia.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-05T00:35:58+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://www.hgis-indias.net/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=gazetteer:9000031", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-10-17T10:14:40+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-10-17T10:14:40+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ -57.853052, -34.472623 ] } } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias 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"Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-10-17T10:16:00+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "MultiPolygon", "coordinates" : [ [ [ [ -48.31, -25.52 ], [ -48.3, -25.54 ], [ -48.29, -25.54 ], [ -48.29, -25.55 ], [ -48.31, -25.57 ], [ -48.32, -25.56 ], [ -48.31, -25.55 ], [ -48.31, -25.54 ], [ -48.33, -25.53 ], [ -48.35, -25.53 ], [ -48.37, -25.52 ], [ -48.38, -25.51 ], [ -48.38, -25.5 ], [ -48.36, -25.49 ], [ -48.33, -25.5 ], [ -48.31, -25.51 ], [ -48.31, -25.52 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.27, -25.48 ], [ -48.29, -25.49 ], [ -48.31, -25.49 ], [ -48.32, -25.47 ], [ -48.32, -25.45 ], [ -48.32, -25.44 ], [ -48.34, -25.43 ], [ -48.34, -25.41 ], [ -48.32, -25.38 ], [ -48.3, -25.37 ], [ -48.27, -25.35 ], [ -48.26, -25.35 ], [ -48.25, -25.36 ], [ -48.26, -25.39 ], [ -48.27, -25.43 ], [ -48.27, -25.45 ], [ -48.26, -25.47 ], [ -48.27, -25.48 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.86, -22.62 ], [ -51.83, -22.62 ], [ -51.77, -22.61 ], [ -51.74, -22.62 ], [ -51.71, -22.65 ], [ -51.7, -22.66 ], [ -51.68, -22.66 ], [ -51.66, -22.65 ], [ -51.64, -22.65 ], [ -51.62, -22.66 ], [ -51.59, -22.68 ], [ -51.57, -22.68 ], [ -51.55, -22.69 ], [ -51.51, -22.69 ], [ -51.49, -22.68 ], [ -51.47, -22.68 ], [ -51.47, -22.68 ], [ -51.46, -22.67 ], [ -51.44, -22.66 ], [ -51.44, -22.66 ], [ -51.43, -22.65 ], [ -51.42, -22.65 ], [ -51.4, -22.66 ], [ -51.39, -22.66 ], [ -51.38, -22.66 ], [ -51.37, -22.65 ], [ -51.36, -22.65 ], [ -51.36, -22.65 ], [ -51.35, -22.65 ], [ -51.33, -22.66 ], [ -51.32, -22.67 ], [ -51.29, -22.68 ], [ -51.26, -22.69 ], [ -51.18, -22.74 ], [ -51.11, -22.77 ], [ -51, -22.79 ], [ -50.88, -22.82 ], [ -50.87, -22.83 ], [ -50.86, -22.84 ], [ -50.82, -22.89 ], [ -50.81, -22.9 ], [ -50.8, -22.92 ], [ -50.79, -22.93 ], [ -50.79, -22.94 ], [ -50.78, -22.95 ], [ -50.76, -22.95 ], [ -50.75, -22.95 ], [ -50.73, -22.95 ], [ -50.71, -22.95 ], [ -50.7, -22.94 ], [ -50.68, -22.93 ], [ -50.66, -22.92 ], [ -50.63, -22.92 ], [ -50.54, -22.93 ], [ -50.52, -22.94 ], [ -50.52, -22.94 ], [ -50.51, -22.94 ], [ -50.51, -22.95 ], [ -50.5, -22.95 ], [ -50.44, -22.94 ], [ -50.43, -22.95 ], [ -50.41, -22.92 ], [ -50.4, -22.92 ], [ -50.38, -22.91 ], [ -50.37, -22.92 ], [ -50.35, -22.92 ], [ -50.33, -22.94 ], [ -50.32, -22.95 ], [ -50.31, -22.95 ], [ -50.29, -22.95 ], [ -50.28, -22.94 ], [ -50.28, -22.94 ], [ -50.26, -22.94 ], [ -50.24, -22.94 ], [ -50.23, -22.94 ], [ -50.21, -22.95 ], [ -50.12, -22.94 ], [ -50.11, -22.94 ], [ -50.1, -22.93 ], [ -50.03, -22.91 ], [ -50.02, -22.91 ], [ -50, -22.92 ], [ -50, -22.9 ], [ -49.99, -22.9 ], [ -49.98, -22.9 ], [ -49.97, -22.91 ], [ -49.97, -22.93 ], [ -49.97, -22.95 ], [ -49.96, -22.96 ], [ -49.93, -22.98 ], [ -49.91, -22.99 ], [ -49.91, -23 ], [ -49.91, -23.03 ], [ -49.91, -23.04 ], [ -49.89, -23.05 ], [ -49.88, -23.06 ], [ -49.87, -23.06 ], [ -49.84, -23.06 ], [ -49.83, -23.07 ], [ -49.8, -23.08 ], [ -49.79, -23.09 ], [ -49.77, -23.1 ], [ -49.76, -23.1 ], [ -49.76, -23.1 ], [ -49.75, -23.1 ], [ -49.74, -23.1 ], [ -49.73, -23.1 ], [ -49.73, -23.11 ], [ -49.73, -23.12 ], [ -49.73, -23.13 ], [ -49.72, -23.13 ], [ -49.72, -23.14 ], [ -49.7, -23.16 ], [ -49.67, -23.2 ], [ -49.64, -23.26 ], [ -49.62, -23.35 ], [ -49.61, -23.39 ], [ -49.62, -23.41 ], [ -49.64, -23.47 ], [ -49.65, -23.49 ], [ -49.65, -23.49 ], [ -49.65, -23.5 ], [ -49.65, -23.5 ], [ -49.65, -23.51 ], [ -49.65, -23.51 ], [ -49.65, -23.52 ], [ -49.64, -23.53 ], [ -49.63, -23.53 ], [ -49.63, -23.54 ], [ -49.63, -23.55 ], [ -49.62, -23.59 ], [ -49.62, -23.61 ], [ -49.61, -23.64 ], [ -49.59, -23.67 ], [ -49.58, -23.68 ], [ -49.56, -23.69 ], [ -49.56, -23.7 ], [ -49.55, -23.7 ], [ -49.55, -23.71 ], [ -49.56, -23.76 ], [ -49.56, -23.81 ], [ -49.57, -23.82 ], [ -49.57, -23.83 ], [ -49.57, -23.84 ], [ -49.58, -23.85 ], [ -49.58, -23.85 ], [ -49.59, -23.85 ], [ -49.6, -23.85 ], [ -49.6, -23.86 ], [ -49.6, -23.86 ], [ -49.6, -23.88 ], [ -49.59, -23.89 ], [ -49.59, -23.89 ], [ -49.58, -23.89 ], [ -49.57, -23.9 ], [ -49.57, -23.9 ], [ -49.55, -23.93 ], [ -49.54, -23.94 ], [ -49.53, -23.94 ], [ -49.53, -23.94 ], [ -49.52, -23.93 ], [ -49.52, -23.93 ], [ -49.51, -23.94 ], [ -49.51, -23.94 ], [ -49.51, -23.95 ], [ -49.51, -23.96 ], [ -49.51, -23.96 ], [ -49.51, -23.97 ], [ -49.5, -23.98 ], [ -49.49, -23.99 ], [ -49.48, -24.01 ], [ -49.46, -24.03 ], [ -49.45, -24.05 ], [ -49.45, -24.05 ], [ -49.44, -24.06 ], [ -49.43, -24.06 ], [ -49.43, -24.06 ], [ -49.42, -24.07 ], [ -49.42, -24.08 ], [ -49.41, -24.09 ], [ -49.4, -24.09 ], [ -49.4, -24.09 ], [ -49.38, -24.1 ], [ -49.37, -24.1 ], [ -49.36, -24.1 ], [ -49.36, -24.11 ], [ -49.35, -24.11 ], [ -49.34, -24.13 ], [ -49.34, -24.13 ], [ -49.33, -24.14 ], [ -49.33, -24.15 ], [ -49.33, -24.19 ], [ -49.33, -24.2 ], [ -49.34, -24.21 ], [ -49.34, -24.22 ], [ -49.34, -24.22 ], [ -49.33, -24.23 ], [ -49.32, -24.24 ], [ -49.32, -24.24 ], [ -49.31, -24.24 ], [ -49.31, -24.24 ], [ -49.3, -24.25 ], [ -49.29, -24.3 ], [ -49.28, -24.31 ], [ -49.27, -24.32 ], [ -49.27, -24.32 ], [ -49.26, -24.32 ], [ -49.25, -24.33 ], [ -49.25, -24.33 ], [ -49.24, -24.33 ], [ -49.24, -24.33 ], [ -49.23, -24.34 ], [ -49.23, -24.34 ], [ -49.22, -24.34 ], [ -49.22, -24.35 ], [ -49.22, -24.36 ], [ -49.23, -24.37 ], [ -49.24, -24.38 ], [ -49.25, -24.38 ], [ -49.25, -24.39 ], [ -49.25, -24.39 ], [ -49.25, -24.4 ], [ -49.24, -24.41 ], [ -49.24, -24.41 ], [ -49.24, -24.42 ], [ -49.25, -24.43 ], [ -49.26, -24.43 ], [ -49.28, -24.44 ], [ -49.29, -24.44 ], [ -49.29, -24.44 ], [ -49.3, -24.45 ], [ -49.29, -24.45 ], [ -49.29, -24.46 ], [ -49.27, -24.47 ], [ -49.28, -24.5 ], [ -49.28, -24.51 ], [ -49.28, -24.52 ], [ -49.28, -24.52 ], [ -49.28, -24.53 ], [ -49.29, -24.53 ], [ -49.31, -24.53 ], [ -49.32, -24.54 ], [ -49.32, -24.54 ], [ -49.32, -24.55 ], [ -49.32, -24.55 ], [ -49.32, -24.56 ], [ -49.32, -24.57 ], [ -49.3, -24.59 ], [ -49.3, -24.6 ], [ -49.3, -24.6 ], [ -49.3, -24.63 ], [ -49.3, -24.64 ], [ -49.3, -24.65 ], [ -49.3, -24.66 ], [ -49.3, -24.66 ], [ -49.3, -24.67 ], [ -49.28, -24.67 ], [ -49.22, -24.69 ], [ -49.2, -24.69 ], [ -49.19, -24.69 ], [ -49.17, -24.68 ], [ -49.15, -24.68 ], [ -49.09, -24.69 ], [ -49.05, -24.68 ], [ -49.03, -24.67 ], [ -49.03, -24.63 ], [ -49.01, -24.64 ], [ -48.98, -24.67 ], [ -48.95, -24.68 ], [ -48.87, -24.67 ], [ -48.85, -24.67 ], [ -48.85, -24.67 ], [ -48.85, -24.67 ], [ -48.85, -24.66 ], [ -48.83, -24.66 ], [ -48.81, -24.67 ], [ -48.8, -24.69 ], [ -48.78, -24.7 ], [ -48.78, -24.7 ], [ -48.77, -24.69 ], [ -48.77, -24.69 ], [ -48.76, -24.69 ], [ -48.75, -24.69 ], [ -48.74, -24.69 ], [ -48.71, -24.69 ], [ -48.69, -24.68 ], [ -48.69, -24.67 ], [ -48.68, -24.67 ], [ -48.67, -24.69 ], [ -48.67, -24.7 ], [ -48.66, -24.71 ], [ -48.65, -24.71 ], [ -48.65, -24.7 ], [ -48.64, -24.7 ], [ -48.63, -24.69 ], [ -48.61, -24.68 ], [ -48.61, -24.68 ], [ -48.6, -24.68 ], [ -48.59, -24.68 ], [ -48.59, -24.68 ], [ -48.58, -24.68 ], [ -48.58, -24.69 ], [ -48.57, -24.69 ], [ -48.57, -24.7 ], [ -48.57, -24.7 ], [ -48.56, -24.71 ], [ -48.56, -24.71 ], [ -48.55, -24.72 ], [ -48.55, -24.72 ], [ -48.49, -24.74 ], [ -48.49, -24.74 ], [ -48.49, -24.75 ], [ -48.49, -24.76 ], [ -48.5, -24.78 ], [ -48.51, -24.79 ], [ -48.52, -24.79 ], [ -48.53, -24.8 ], [ -48.54, -24.81 ], [ -48.55, -24.82 ], [ -48.55, -24.83 ], [ -48.54, -24.86 ], [ -48.54, -24.87 ], [ -48.54, -24.88 ], [ -48.55, -24.89 ], [ -48.56, -24.89 ], [ -48.56, -24.9 ], [ -48.56, -24.91 ], [ -48.56, -24.94 ], [ -48.56, -24.97 ], [ -48.56, -24.98 ], [ -48.57, -24.98 ], [ -48.57, -24.98 ], [ -48.59, -25 ], [ -48.59, -25 ], [ -48.59, -25 ], [ -48.59, -25 ], [ -48.59, -25 ], [ -48.59, -25.01 ], [ -48.59, -25.02 ], [ -48.57, -25.05 ], [ -48.57, -25.05 ], [ -48.57, -25.06 ], [ -48.54, -25.07 ], [ -48.51, -25.08 ], [ -48.51, -25.08 ], [ -48.5, -25.08 ], [ -48.49, -25.08 ], [ -48.49, -25.07 ], [ -48.49, -25.06 ], [ -48.48, -25.06 ], [ -48.48, -25.05 ], [ -48.48, -25.05 ], [ -48.47, -25.04 ], [ -48.47, -25.04 ], [ -48.46, -25.03 ], [ -48.46, -25.03 ], [ -48.46, -25.02 ], [ -48.46, -25.01 ], [ -48.46, -25 ], [ -48.46, -25 ], [ -48.46, -25 ], [ -48.46, -24.99 ], [ -48.46, -24.99 ], [ -48.45, -24.98 ], [ -48.43, -24.97 ], [ -48.43, -24.97 ], [ -48.42, -24.96 ], [ -48.42, -24.96 ], [ -48.41, -24.96 ], [ -48.4, -24.97 ], [ -48.39, -24.97 ], [ -48.37, -24.97 ], [ -48.36, -24.98 ], [ -48.35, -24.98 ], [ -48.35, -24.99 ], [ -48.34, -24.99 ], [ -48.34, -25 ], [ -48.34, -25 ], [ -48.34, -25 ], [ -48.34, -25.01 ], [ -48.34, -25.01 ], [ -48.33, -25.02 ], [ -48.32, -25.02 ], [ -48.3, -25.01 ], [ -48.29, -25.01 ], [ -48.28, -25.02 ], [ -48.28, -25.02 ], [ -48.28, -25.03 ], [ -48.28, -25.03 ], [ -48.27, -25.03 ], [ -48.26, -25.03 ], [ -48.23, -25.01 ], [ -48.21, -25.07 ], [ -48.21, -25.09 ], [ -48.21, -25.1 ], [ -48.19, -25.15 ], [ -48.18, -25.16 ], [ -48.18, -25.17 ], [ -48.19, -25.18 ], [ -48.19, -25.19 ], [ -48.18, -25.2 ], [ -48.18, -25.2 ], [ -48.17, -25.21 ], [ -48.16, -25.22 ], [ -48.15, -25.22 ], [ -48.09, -25.24 ], [ -48.09, -25.24 ], [ -48.08, -25.24 ], [ -48.07, -25.24 ], [ -48.07, -25.23 ], [ -48.07, -25.23 ], [ -48.06, -25.23 ], [ -48.06, -25.22 ], [ -48.05, -25.22 ], [ -48.05, -25.22 ], [ -48.04, -25.22 ], [ -48.04, -25.22 ], [ -48.03, -25.23 ], [ -48.04, -25.24 ], [ -48.07, -25.28 ], [ -48.08, -25.28 ], [ -48.08, -25.3 ], [ -48.08, -25.31 ], [ -48.08, -25.31 ], [ -48.09, -25.33 ], [ -48.17, -25.37 ], [ -48.17, -25.38 ], [ -48.2, -25.42 ], [ -48.21, -25.46 ], [ -48.23, -25.46 ], [ -48.24, -25.45 ], [ -48.25, -25.43 ], [ -48.25, -25.41 ], [ -48.22, -25.35 ], [ -48.22, -25.34 ], [ -48.22, -25.34 ], [ -48.22, -25.33 ], [ -48.21, -25.32 ], [ -48.2, -25.32 ], [ -48.18, -25.31 ], [ -48.14, -25.29 ], [ -48.13, -25.28 ], [ -48.14, -25.27 ], [ -48.15, -25.28 ], [ -48.17, -25.29 ], [ -48.2, -25.3 ], [ -48.22, -25.3 ], [ -48.23, -25.3 ], [ -48.24, -25.32 ], [ -48.25, -25.32 ], [ -48.26, -25.31 ], [ -48.27, -25.3 ], [ -48.28, -25.29 ], [ -48.28, -25.31 ], [ -48.28, -25.32 ], [ -48.29, -25.32 ], [ -48.3, -25.34 ], [ -48.31, -25.35 ], [ -48.32, -25.36 ], [ -48.33, -25.36 ], [ -48.32, -25.32 ], [ -48.33, -25.32 ], [ -48.33, -25.33 ], [ -48.34, -25.32 ], [ -48.33, -25.27 ], [ -48.33, -25.24 ], [ -48.33, -25.23 ], [ -48.34, -25.24 ], [ -48.35, -25.25 ], [ -48.36, -25.26 ], [ -48.36, -25.27 ], [ -48.37, -25.27 ], [ -48.37, -25.28 ], [ -48.37, -25.28 ], [ -48.36, -25.28 ], [ -48.36, -25.29 ], [ -48.35, -25.29 ], [ -48.35, -25.29 ], [ -48.35, -25.3 ], [ -48.36, -25.3 ], [ -48.36, -25.3 ], [ -48.37, -25.3 ], [ -48.38, -25.3 ], [ -48.41, -25.28 ], [ -48.41, -25.27 ], [ -48.42, -25.25 ], [ -48.43, -25.24 ], [ -48.43, -25.26 ], [ -48.44, -25.26 ], [ -48.45, -25.26 ], [ -48.45, -25.25 ], [ -48.45, -25.25 ], [ -48.46, -25.25 ], [ -48.45, -25.26 ], [ -48.43, -25.32 ], [ -48.45, -25.32 ], [ -48.48, -25.33 ], [ -48.5, -25.33 ], [ -48.5, -25.34 ], [ -48.46, -25.34 ], [ -48.45, -25.35 ], [ -48.43, -25.36 ], [ -48.45, -25.37 ], [ -48.46, -25.38 ], [ -48.45, -25.39 ], [ -48.43, -25.38 ], [ -48.43, -25.39 ], [ -48.42, -25.4 ], [ -48.41, -25.41 ], [ -48.42, -25.43 ], [ -48.43, -25.43 ], [ -48.44, -25.43 ], [ -48.45, -25.43 ], [ -48.45, -25.45 ], [ -48.46, -25.46 ], [ -48.46, -25.47 ], [ -48.47, -25.48 ], [ -48.49, -25.47 ], [ -48.5, -25.47 ], [ -48.52, -25.45 ], [ -48.53, -25.45 ], [ -48.54, -25.45 ], [ -48.55, -25.45 ], [ -48.56, -25.45 ], [ -48.56, -25.46 ], [ -48.58, -25.46 ], [ -48.62, -25.45 ], [ -48.64, -25.44 ], [ -48.68, -25.41 ], [ -48.69, -25.41 ], [ -48.73, -25.36 ], [ -48.74, -25.35 ], [ -48.74, -25.37 ], [ -48.72, -25.41 ], [ -48.72, -25.42 ], [ -48.72, -25.43 ], [ -48.71, -25.43 ], [ -48.7, -25.44 ], [ -48.7, -25.44 ], [ -48.68, -25.46 ], [ -48.69, -25.47 ], [ -48.71, -25.47 ], [ -48.73, -25.47 ], [ -48.71, -25.5 ], [ -48.68, -25.5 ], [ -48.65, -25.49 ], [ -48.62, -25.5 ], [ -48.62, -25.5 ], [ -48.62, -25.51 ], [ -48.63, -25.51 ], [ -48.64, -25.5 ], [ -48.64, -25.5 ], [ -48.65, -25.51 ], [ -48.65, -25.52 ], [ -48.64, -25.52 ], [ -48.63, -25.52 ], [ -48.62, -25.53 ], [ -48.61, -25.54 ], [ -48.6, -25.53 ], [ -48.58, -25.53 ], [ -48.56, -25.53 ], [ -48.52, -25.51 ], [ -48.51, -25.52 ], [ -48.49, -25.54 ], [ -48.47, -25.54 ], [ -48.48, -25.56 ], [ -48.48, -25.56 ], [ -48.48, -25.55 ], [ -48.49, -25.56 ], [ -48.5, -25.57 ], [ -48.5, -25.57 ], [ -48.48, -25.58 ], [ -48.47, -25.57 ], [ -48.46, -25.56 ], [ -48.46, -25.55 ], [ -48.44, -25.55 ], [ -48.42, -25.55 ], [ -48.41, -25.56 ], [ -48.39, -25.54 ], [ -48.36, -25.57 ], [ -48.39, -25.6 ], [ -48.43, -25.62 ], [ -48.52, -25.77 ], [ -48.52, -25.8 ], [ -48.54, -25.84 ], [ -48.54, -25.85 ], [ -48.56, -25.84 ], [ -48.57, -25.82 ], [ -48.59, -25.82 ], [ -48.58, -25.8 ], [ -48.58, -25.8 ], [ -48.59, -25.8 ], [ -48.6, -25.8 ], [ -48.61, -25.81 ], [ -48.62, -25.82 ], [ -48.61, -25.82 ], [ -48.6, -25.82 ], [ -48.59, -25.83 ], [ -48.59, -25.84 ], [ -48.58, -25.85 ], [ -48.58, -25.85 ], [ -48.65, -25.84 ], [ -48.74, -25.85 ], [ -48.75, -25.86 ], [ -48.76, -25.86 ], [ -48.77, -25.87 ], [ -48.77, -25.88 ], [ -48.77, -25.89 ], [ -48.76, -25.88 ], [ -48.75, -25.88 ], [ -48.74, -25.87 ], [ -48.58, -25.87 ], [ -48.57, -25.87 ], [ -48.57, -25.86 ], [ -48.56, -25.87 ], [ -48.56, -25.88 ], [ -48.56, -25.89 ], [ -48.56, -25.9 ], [ -48.58, -25.96 ], [ -48.58, -25.98 ], [ -48.58, -25.98 ], [ -48.61, -25.98 ], [ -48.62, -25.98 ], [ -48.65, -25.97 ], [ -48.92, -25.98 ], [ -48.92, -25.98 ], [ -48.93, -25.99 ], [ -48.93, -25.99 ], [ -48.93, -26 ], [ -48.95, -26.01 ], [ -48.97, -26.01 ], [ -48.98, -26.01 ], [ -49, -26.01 ], [ -49.02, -26 ], [ -49.03, -26 ], [ -49.03, -26 ], [ -49.04, -26 ], [ -49.04, -26.01 ], [ -49.04, -26.01 ], [ -49.05, -26.02 ], [ -49.05, -26.02 ], [ -49.07, -26.01 ], [ -49.08, -26.01 ], [ -49.09, -26.02 ], [ -49.1, -26.02 ], [ -49.1, -26.01 ], [ -49.1, -26.01 ], [ -49.1, -26 ], [ -49.1, -26 ], [ -49.1, -26 ], [ -49.1, -26 ], [ -49.11, -26 ], [ -49.11, -25.99 ], [ -49.12, -25.99 ], [ -49.12, -25.99 ], [ -49.12, -26 ], [ -49.13, -26 ], [ -49.13, -26 ], [ -49.13, -26 ], [ -49.13, -26 ], [ -49.14, -26.01 ], [ -49.18, -26.01 ], [ -49.2, -26.02 ], [ -49.21, -26.03 ], [ -49.24, -26.04 ], [ -49.25, -26.06 ], [ -49.28, -26.09 ], [ -49.29, -26.1 ], [ -49.3, -26.11 ], [ -49.38, -26.15 ], [ -49.43, -26.16 ], [ -49.44, -26.16 ], [ -49.45, -26.17 ], [ -49.46, -26.17 ], [ -49.46, -26.18 ], [ -49.47, -26.18 ], [ -49.48, -26.19 ], [ -49.48, -26.21 ], [ -49.49, -26.22 ], [ -49.51, -26.23 ], [ -49.55, -26.23 ], [ -49.58, -26.23 ], [ -49.59, -26.22 ], [ -49.67, -26.19 ], [ -49.72, -26.16 ], [ -49.73, -26.15 ], [ -49.73, -26.14 ], [ -49.74, -26.13 ], [ -49.75, -26.12 ], [ -49.82, -26.09 ], [ -49.83, -26.08 ], [ -49.85, -26.06 ], [ -49.85, -26.06 ], [ -49.87, -26.05 ], [ -49.88, -26.04 ], [ -49.89, -26.03 ], [ -49.9, -26.03 ], [ -49.92, -26.03 ], [ -49.93, -26.03 ], [ -49.93, -26.02 ], [ -49.94, -26.02 ], [ -49.94, -26.01 ], [ -49.95, -26.01 ], [ -49.97, -26.02 ], [ -49.99, -26.01 ], [ -50.01, -26.02 ], [ -50.01, -26.03 ], [ -50.03, -26.03 ], [ -50.12, -26.05 ], [ -50.15, -26.04 ], [ -50.16, -26.05 ], [ -50.18, -26.05 ], [ -50.18, -26.05 ], [ -50.19, -26.05 ], [ -50.21, -26.05 ], [ -50.21, -26.05 ], [ -50.22, -26.05 ], [ -50.22, -26.04 ], [ -50.23, -26.04 ], [ -50.24, -26.04 ], [ -50.27, -26.04 ], [ -50.28, -26.04 ], [ -50.29, -26.04 ], [ -50.3, -26.04 ], [ -50.32, -26.05 ], [ -50.32, -26.06 ], [ -50.33, -26.07 ], [ -50.33, -26.07 ], [ -50.33, -26.08 ], [ -50.33, -26.08 ], [ -50.33, -26.09 ], [ -50.33, -26.09 ], [ -50.32, -26.1 ], [ -50.33, -26.1 ], [ -50.33, -26.11 ], [ -50.34, -26.11 ], [ -50.34, -26.11 ], [ -50.35, -26.11 ], [ -50.36, -26.11 ], [ -50.36, -26.1 ], [ -50.36, -26.1 ], [ -50.37, -26.08 ], [ -50.37, -26.07 ], [ -50.38, -26.07 ], [ -50.38, -26.06 ], [ -50.38, -26.06 ], [ -50.39, -26.06 ], [ -50.4, -26.06 ], [ -50.43, -26.05 ], [ -50.44, -26.05 ], [ -50.44, -26.05 ], [ -50.45, -26.05 ], [ -50.45, -26.04 ], [ -50.45, -26.04 ], [ -50.45, -26.03 ], [ -50.46, -26.03 ], [ -50.48, -26.02 ], [ -50.54, -26.02 ], [ -50.55, -26.02 ], [ -50.56, -26.02 ], [ -50.57, -26.01 ], [ -50.58, -26.01 ], [ -50.59, -26.01 ], [ -50.59, -26.01 ], [ -50.6, -26.01 ], [ -50.59, -26.02 ], [ -50.59, -26.02 ], [ -50.59, -26.02 ], [ -50.57, -26.03 ], [ -50.56, -26.04 ], [ -50.56, -26.04 ], [ -50.56, -26.04 ], [ -50.56, -26.05 ], [ -50.58, -26.05 ], [ -50.62, -26.06 ], [ -50.64, -26.06 ], [ -50.64, -26.06 ], [ -50.65, -26.07 ], [ -50.66, -26.12 ], [ -50.67, -26.15 ], [ -50.68, -26.16 ], [ -50.7, -26.17 ], [ -50.72, -26.2 ], [ -50.73, -26.21 ], [ -50.73, -26.22 ], [ -50.73, -26.23 ], [ -50.74, -26.24 ], [ -50.74, -26.24 ], [ -50.75, -26.23 ], [ -50.76, -26.22 ], [ -50.76, -26.22 ], [ -50.77, -26.22 ], [ -50.78, -26.22 ], [ -50.79, -26.22 ], [ -50.8, -26.23 ], [ -50.83, -26.25 ], [ -50.84, -26.25 ], [ -50.84, -26.26 ], [ -50.85, -26.26 ], [ -50.86, -26.26 ], [ -50.86, -26.25 ], [ -50.88, -26.25 ], [ -50.89, -26.25 ], [ -50.89, -26.26 ], [ -50.89, -26.26 ], [ -50.9, -26.27 ], [ -50.9, -26.28 ], [ -50.91, -26.28 ], [ -50.91, -26.28 ], [ -50.91, -26.28 ], [ -50.91, -26.26 ], [ -50.92, -26.26 ], [ -50.92, -26.25 ], [ -50.92, -26.25 ], [ -50.93, -26.25 ], [ -50.93, -26.25 ], [ -50.94, -26.25 ], [ -50.95, -26.25 ], [ -50.95, -26.26 ], [ -50.96, -26.26 ], [ -50.96, -26.27 ], [ -50.97, -26.27 ], [ -50.97, -26.26 ], [ -50.98, -26.25 ], [ -50.99, -26.24 ], [ -50.99, -26.24 ], [ -51, -26.24 ], [ -51, -26.24 ], [ -51, -26.24 ], [ -51, -26.24 ], [ -51.02, -26.24 ], [ -51.03, -26.25 ], [ -51.04, -26.25 ], [ -51.05, -26.25 ], [ -51.06, -26.24 ], [ -51.06, -26.24 ], [ -51.07, -26.24 ], [ -51.07, -26.24 ], [ -51.08, -26.24 ], [ -51.08, -26.24 ], [ -51.09, -26.25 ], [ -51.1, -26.26 ], [ -51.11, -26.27 ], [ -51.12, -26.28 ], [ -51.13, -26.28 ], [ -51.14, -26.29 ], [ -51.2, -26.3 ], [ -51.21, -26.31 ], [ -51.21, -26.31 ], [ -51.22, -26.33 ], [ -51.24, -26.34 ], [ -51.24, -26.34 ], [ -51.25, -26.35 ], [ -51.25, -26.35 ], [ -51.25, -26.36 ], [ -51.26, -26.38 ], [ -51.26, -26.39 ], [ -51.27, -26.4 ], [ -51.28, -26.42 ], [ -51.29, -26.42 ], [ -51.29, -26.43 ], [ -51.29, -26.44 ], [ -51.29, -26.44 ], [ -51.29, -26.45 ], [ -51.28, -26.45 ], [ -51.27, -26.46 ], [ -51.27, -26.47 ], [ -51.27, -26.47 ], [ -51.27, -26.48 ], [ -51.28, -26.49 ], [ -51.28, -26.5 ], [ -51.28, -26.5 ], [ -51.25, -26.55 ], [ -51.24, -26.57 ], [ -51.24, -26.58 ], [ -51.24, -26.59 ], [ -51.24, -26.61 ], [ -51.25, -26.63 ], [ -51.29, -26.65 ], [ -51.29, -26.66 ], [ -51.3, -26.66 ], [ -51.33, -26.66 ], [ -51.39, -26.68 ], [ -51.4, -26.68 ], [ -51.4, -26.68 ], [ -51.41, -26.7 ], [ -51.41, -26.7 ], [ -51.42, -26.7 ], [ -51.42, -26.7 ], [ -51.42, -26.7 ], [ -51.43, -26.68 ], [ -51.44, -26.67 ], [ -51.45, -26.66 ], [ -51.45, -26.65 ], [ -51.46, -26.65 ], [ -51.47, -26.64 ], [ -51.48, -26.64 ], [ -51.48, -26.63 ], [ -51.48, -26.63 ], [ -51.48, -26.62 ], [ -51.48, -26.61 ], [ -51.49, -26.61 ], [ -51.49, -26.61 ], [ -51.49, -26.6 ], [ -51.5, -26.6 ], [ -51.5, -26.6 ], [ -51.5, -26.6 ], [ -51.61, -26.6 ], [ -51.62, -26.6 ], [ -51.63, -26.6 ], [ -51.63, -26.59 ], [ -51.64, -26.59 ], [ -51.65, -26.58 ], [ -51.65, -26.58 ], [ -51.66, -26.58 ], [ -51.66, -26.59 ], [ -51.68, -26.6 ], [ -51.69, -26.6 ], [ -51.71, -26.6 ], [ -51.87, -26.6 ], [ -51.94, -26.58 ], [ -51.96, -26.58 ], [ -52, -26.58 ], [ -52.01, -26.58 ], [ -52.01, -26.58 ], [ -52.02, -26.58 ], [ -52.04, -26.56 ], [ -52.09, -26.53 ], [ -52.11, -26.51 ], [ -52.11, -26.51 ], [ -52.12, -26.5 ], [ -52.12, -26.49 ], [ -52.13, -26.49 ], [ -52.18, -26.46 ], [ -52.19, -26.45 ], [ -52.2, -26.45 ], [ -52.21, -26.45 ], [ -52.23, -26.45 ], [ -52.25, -26.45 ], [ -52.28, -26.44 ], [ -52.3, -26.44 ], [ -52.33, -26.44 ], [ -52.34, -26.44 ], [ -52.36, -26.44 ], [ -52.4, -26.43 ], [ -52.46, -26.43 ], [ -52.46, -26.43 ], [ -52.47, -26.43 ], [ -52.5, -26.41 ], [ -52.54, -26.4 ], [ -52.62, -26.41 ], [ -52.64, -26.4 ], [ -52.65, -26.4 ], [ -52.65, -26.39 ], [ -52.65, -26.39 ], [ -52.67, -26.38 ], [ -52.82, -26.34 ], [ -52.83, -26.34 ], [ -52.85, -26.34 ], [ -52.86, -26.34 ], [ -52.88, -26.35 ], [ -52.91, -26.36 ], [ -52.94, -26.37 ], [ -52.95, -26.37 ], [ -52.96, -26.37 ], [ -52.97, -26.36 ], [ -52.98, -26.35 ], [ -52.99, -26.35 ], [ -52.99, -26.35 ], [ -53, -26.35 ], [ -53.04, -26.37 ], [ -53.1, -26.37 ], [ -53.11, -26.37 ], [ -53.12, -26.37 ], [ -53.13, -26.36 ], [ -53.13, -26.36 ], [ -53.14, -26.35 ], [ -53.14, -26.35 ], [ -53.15, -26.34 ], [ -53.18, -26.33 ], [ -53.2, -26.32 ], [ -53.25, -26.29 ], [ -53.25, -26.29 ], [ -53.25, -26.28 ], [ -53.26, -26.28 ], [ -53.27, -26.27 ], [ -53.28, -26.26 ], [ -53.34, -26.24 ], [ -53.36, -26.24 ], [ -53.37, -26.24 ], [ -53.37, -26.24 ], [ -53.38, -26.25 ], [ -53.46, -26.29 ], [ -53.47, -26.29 ], [ -53.48, -26.29 ], [ -53.5, -26.29 ], [ -53.51, -26.29 ], [ -53.52, -26.29 ], [ -53.55, -26.27 ], [ -53.61, -26.26 ], [ -53.62, -26.26 ], [ -53.63, -26.26 ], [ -53.65, -26.26 ], [ -53.66, -26.26 ], [ -53.67, -26.22 ], [ -53.69, -26.19 ], [ -53.73, -26.13 ], [ -53.75, -26.09 ], [ -53.75, -26.06 ], [ -53.77, -26.03 ], [ -53.79, -26 ], [ -53.79, -26 ], [ -53.79, -26 ], [ -53.83, -25.97 ], [ -53.83, -25.96 ], [ -53.84, -25.95 ], [ -53.83, -25.94 ], [ -53.83, -25.93 ], [ -53.83, -25.92 ], [ -53.84, -25.87 ], [ -53.84, -25.81 ], [ -53.84, -25.79 ], [ -53.85, -25.77 ], [ -53.86, -25.76 ], [ -53.88, -25.75 ], [ -53.88, -25.74 ], [ -53.89, -25.72 ], [ -53.88, -25.71 ], [ -53.88, -25.71 ], [ -53.88, -25.7 ], [ -53.89, -25.66 ], [ -53.9, -25.64 ], [ -53.91, -25.63 ], [ -53.95, -25.65 ], [ -53.97, -25.65 ], [ -53.98, -25.63 ], [ -53.98, -25.61 ], [ -53.98, -25.59 ], [ -54, -25.57 ], [ -54.02, -25.57 ], [ -54.03, -25.56 ], [ -54.04, -25.56 ], [ -54.04, -25.57 ], [ -54.06, -25.57 ], [ -54.07, -25.56 ], [ -54.08, -25.55 ], [ -54.09, -25.56 ], [ -54.09, -25.57 ], [ -54.09, -25.58 ], [ -54.09, -25.59 ], [ -54.09, -25.6 ], [ -54.1, -25.6 ], [ -54.11, -25.59 ], [ -54.12, -25.58 ], [ -54.12, -25.57 ], [ -54.13, -25.55 ], [ -54.12, -25.54 ], [ -54.11, -25.52 ], [ -54.11, -25.5 ], [ -54.11, -25.5 ], [ -54.12, -25.49 ], [ -54.12, -25.5 ], [ -54.13, -25.5 ], [ -54.15, -25.53 ], [ -54.17, -25.53 ], [ -54.18, -25.54 ], [ -54.2, -25.53 ], [ -54.21, 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Catamarca) ya habían sido objeto de \nconquista y colonización en la primera mitad del siglo XVI a partir de \navanzadas provenientes de Asunción, Chile y Perú.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-01T16:16:47+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 30548, "end" : 30571 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "gobernación del Tucumán" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/4ed0568a-4f1f-4cf3-820d-93ef753c7118", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" 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Bibliografía:  Mamani, Mabel et. al, \"Avance de las investigaciones en Esteco El Viejo\", en Revsita Escuela de Historia, año 5, vol. 1, núm. 5, 2006.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-01T16:27:57+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 30653, "end" : 30659 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Esteco" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/bd36bd9e-5ea8-48b9-bd89-7f2fb39c5e80", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : 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-80.154, -3.905 ], [ -80.286, -4.018 ], [ -80.398, -3.984 ], [ -80.475, -4.054 ], [ -80.444, -4.194 ], [ -80.305, -4.201 ], [ -80.443, -4.371 ], [ -80.443, -4.437 ], [ -80.335, -4.47 ], [ -80.136, -4.285 ], [ -79.895, -4.394 ], [ -79.812, -4.486 ], [ -79.631, -4.435 ], [ -79.541, -4.528 ], [ -79.482, -4.529 ], [ -79.416, -4.799 ], [ -79.26, -4.967 ], [ -79, -4.979 ], [ -78.881, -4.72 ], [ -78.736, -4.654 ], [ -78.621, -4.497 ], [ -78.627, -4.319 ], [ -78.572, -4.255 ], [ -78.499, -3.949 ], [ -78.377, -3.787 ], [ -78.319, -3.429 ], [ -78.249, -3.429 ], [ -78.232, -3.534 ], [ -78.137, -3.522 ], [ -78.19, -3.354 ], [ -77.824, -2.998 ], [ -76.627, -2.591 ], [ -76.045, -2.128 ], [ -75.538, -1.536 ], [ -75.364, -0.956 ], [ -75.185, -0.971 ], [ -75.28, -0.711 ], [ -75.245, -0.535 ], [ -75.415, -0.424 ], [ -75.449, -0.329 ], [ -75.622, -0.263 ], [ -75.622, -0.109 ], [ -75.304, -0.134 ], [ -75.219, -0.015 ], [ -75.115, -0.039 ], [ -74.904, -0.195 ], [ -74.824, -0.145 ], [ -74.78, -0.214 ], [ -74.801, -0.29 ], [ -74.659, -0.332 ], [ -74.52, -0.479 ], [ -74.425, -0.511 ], [ -74.342, -0.695 ], [ -74.378, -0.745 ], [ -74.258, -0.843 ], [ -74.272, -0.899 ], [ -74.318, -0.9 ], [ -74.266, -1.007 ], [ -74.074, -1.081 ], [ -74.033, -1.028 ], [ -74.013, -1.123 ], [ -73.905, -1.15 ], [ -73.861, -1.25 ], [ -73.777, -1.277 ], [ -73.75, -1.22 ], [ -73.732, -1.267 ], [ -73.624, -1.283 ], [ -73.552, -1.429 ], [ -73.586, -1.445 ], [ -73.539, -1.452 ], [ -73.46, -1.6 ], [ -73.532, -1.733 ], [ -73.314, -1.855 ], [ -73.293, -1.803 ], [ -73.231, -1.823 ], [ -73.222, -1.774 ], [ -73.143, -1.834 ], [ -73.095, -2.113 ], [ -73.059, -2.125 ], [ -73.153, -2.276 ], [ -73.044, -2.4 ], [ -73.021, -2.355 ], [ -72.962, -2.382 ], [ -72.921, -2.5 ], [ -72.769, -2.42 ], [ -72.733, -2.459 ], [ -72.707, -2.416 ], [ -72.67, -2.486 ], [ -72.618, -2.396 ], [ -72.383, -2.416 ], [ -72.346, -2.49 ], [ -72.221, -2.433 ], [ -72.126, -2.468 ], [ -72.035, -2.331 ], [ -71.907, -2.373 ], [ -71.919, -2.312 ], [ -71.861, -2.3 ], [ -71.822, -2.187 ], [ -71.722, -2.128 ], [ -71.707, -2.214 ], [ -71.628, -2.191 ], [ -71.5, -2.245 ], [ -71.484, -2.336 ], [ -71.444, -2.263 ], [ -71.375, -2.398 ], [ -71.284, -2.338 ], [ -71.165, -2.376 ], [ -71.057, -2.264 ], [ -70.986, -2.298 ], [ -70.993, -2.205 ], [ -70.928, -2.245 ], [ -70.857, -2.217 ], [ -70.822, -2.283 ], [ -70.658, -2.351 ], [ -70.608, -2.481 ], [ -70.55, -2.47 ], [ -70.562, -2.415 ], [ -70.418, -2.525 ], [ -70.307, -2.498 ], [ -70.342, -2.573 ], [ -70.246, -2.548 ], [ -70.15, -2.705 ], [ -70.076, -2.662 ], [ -70.034, -2.761 ], [ -70.703, -3.795 ], [ -70.485, -3.885 ], [ -70.295, -3.813 ], [ -70.186, -3.891 ], [ -70.158, -4.021 ], [ -69.948, -4.219 ], [ -69.978, -4.295 ], [ -70.036, -4.339 ], [ -70.076, -4.309 ], [ -70.042, -4.284 ], [ -70.164, -4.268 ], [ -70.19, -4.357 ], [ -70.249, -4.267 ], [ -70.291, -4.283 ], [ -70.317, -4.136 ], [ -70.341, -4.174 ], [ -70.434, -4.125 ], [ -70.503, -4.19 ], [ -70.553, -4.128 ], [ -70.566, -4.205 ], [ -70.565, -4.168 ], [ -70.633, -4.173 ], [ -70.622, -4.121 ], [ -70.677, -4.2 ], [ -70.757, -4.152 ], [ -70.935, -4.381 ], [ -70.99, -4.34 ], [ -71.031, -4.397 ], [ -71.147, -4.375 ], [ -71.193, -4.42 ], [ -71.198, -4.377 ], [ -71.269, -4.381 ], [ -71.303, -4.458 ], [ -71.355, -4.468 ], [ -71.342, -4.423 ], [ -71.432, -4.469 ], [ -71.414, -4.432 ], [ -71.506, -4.435 ], [ -71.49, -4.479 ], [ -71.535, -4.46 ], [ -71.597, -4.525 ], [ -71.61, -4.465 ], [ -71.897, -4.512 ], [ -71.94, -4.607 ], [ -72.047, -4.625 ], [ -72.113, -4.722 ], [ -72.223, -4.78 ], [ -72.313, -4.769 ], [ -72.292, -4.799 ], [ -72.356, -4.803 ], [ -72.37, -4.88 ], [ -72.452, -4.906 ], [ -72.455, -4.962 ], [ -72.577, -4.992 ], [ -72.602, -5.056 ], [ -72.734, -5.043 ], [ -72.896, -5.136 ], [ -72.872, -5.25 ], [ -72.948, -5.454 ], [ -72.951, -5.643 ], [ -73.116, -5.865 ], [ -73.131, -5.986 ], [ -73.185, -6.04 ], [ -73.133, -6.421 ], [ -73.211, -6.53 ], [ -73.351, -6.561 ], [ -73.743, -6.897 ], [ -73.797, -7.115 ], [ -73.691, -7.313 ], [ -73.868, -7.377 ], [ -73.954, -7.348 ], [ -73.917, -7.461 ], [ -73.986, -7.537 ], [ -73.69, -7.79 ], [ -73.697, -7.865 ], [ -73.777, -7.869 ], [ -73.765, -7.94 ], [ -73.632, -8.022 ], [ -73.526, -8.369 ], [ -73.338, -8.476 ], [ -73.338, -8.609 ], [ -73.169, -8.701 ], [ -73.059, -8.904 ], [ -72.946, -8.99 ], [ -72.965, -9.154 ], [ -73.196, -9.418 ], [ -72.721, -9.417 ], [ -72.364, -9.491 ], [ -72.289, -9.536 ], [ -72.26, -9.755 ], [ -72.16, -9.818 ], [ -72.165, -10.002 ], [ -71.288, -9.996 ], [ -71.131, -9.862 ], [ -70.982, -9.812 ], [ -70.601, -9.453 ], [ -70.497, -9.433 ], [ -70.561, -9.579 ], [ -70.598, -9.574 ], [ -70.522, -9.738 ], [ -70.622, -9.847 ], [ -70.618, -11.007 ], [ -70.508, -10.94 ], [ -70.337, -11.067 ], [ -69.938, -10.926 ], [ -69.728, -10.973 ], [ -69.568, -10.954 ], [ -68.924, -11.994 ], [ -68.679, -12.497 ], [ -68.764, -12.612 ], [ -68.738, -12.705 ], [ -68.85, -12.728 ], [ -68.961, -12.852 ], [ -68.942, -13.486 ], [ -68.997, -13.652 ], [ -69.076, -13.654 ], [ -68.988, -13.769 ], [ -68.965, -13.98 ], [ -68.881, -14.065 ], [ -68.841, -14.21 ], [ -68.982, -14.237 ], [ -68.98, -14.387 ], [ -69.152, -14.508 ], [ -69.149, -14.584 ], [ -69.225, -14.584 ], [ -69.244, -14.753 ], [ -69.363, -14.804 ], [ -69.365, -14.98 ], [ -69.126, -15.256 ], [ -69.265, -15.336 ], [ -69.274, -15.421 ], [ -69.414, -15.621 ], [ -69.236, -16.143 ], [ -69.099, -16.219 ], [ -68.963, -16.189 ], [ -68.814, -16.338 ], [ -68.982, -16.433 ], [ -69.032, -16.566 ], [ -69.006, -16.677 ], [ -69.168, -16.731 ], [ -69.392, -17.021 ], [ -69.375, -17.078 ], [ -69.551, -17.162 ], [ -69.641, -17.282 ], [ -69.463, -17.376 ], [ -69.463, -17.508 ], [ -69.662, -17.658 ], [ -69.799, -17.65 ], [ -69.819, -17.747 ], [ -69.753, -17.982 ], [ -69.948, -18.248 ], [ -70.374, -18.35 ], [ -70.879, -18.01 ], [ -70.925, -17.924 ], [ -71.383, -17.708 ], [ -71.342, -17.636 ], [ -71.382, -17.419 ], [ -71.515, -17.265 ], [ -71.819, -17.18 ], [ -71.974, -17.048 ], [ -72.113, -17.027 ], [ -72.123, -16.97 ], [ -72.45, -16.705 ], [ -72.758, -16.636 ], [ -73.112, -16.433 ], [ -73.291, -16.402 ], [ -73.3, -16.349 ], [ -73.414, -16.294 ], [ -73.701, -16.24 ], [ -74.057, -15.961 ], [ -74.285, -15.846 ], [ -74.371, -15.85 ], [ -74.476, -15.726 ], [ -75.141, -15.419 ], [ -75.2, -15.381 ], [ -75.157, -15.338 ], [ -75.252, -15.268 ], [ -75.23, -15.22 ], [ -75.376, -15.161 ], [ -75.509, -14.922 ], [ -75.921, -14.662 ], [ -75.98, -14.483 ], [ -76.151, -14.345 ], [ -76.105, -14.326 ], [ -76.135, -14.245 ], [ -76.222, -14.165 ], [ -76.274, -14.151 ], [ -76.273, -14.211 ], [ -76.296, -14.175 ], [ -76.286, -13.917 ], [ -76.395, -13.908 ], [ -76.332, -13.799 ], [ -76.261, -13.872 ], [ -76.191, -13.607 ], [ -76.206, -13.4 ], [ -76.492, -13.049 ], [ -76.52, -12.871 ], [ -76.641, -12.752 ], [ -76.693, -12.608 ], [ -76.811, -12.512 ], [ -76.784, -12.402 ], [ -76.84, -12.323 ], [ -77.042, -12.215 ], [ -77.072, -12.113 ], [ -77.172, -12.087 ], [ -77.136, -11.984 ], [ -77.201, -11.79 ], [ -77.176, -11.739 ], [ -77.301, -11.521 ], [ -77.663, -11.297 ], [ -77.656, -11.228 ], [ -77.604, -11.205 ], [ -77.671, -10.949 ], [ -78.196, -10.11 ], [ -78.241, -9.793 ], [ -78.378, -9.635 ], [ -78.431, -9.345 ], [ -78.536, -9.274 ], [ -78.507, -9.186 ], [ -78.555, -9.184 ], [ -78.575, -9.248 ], [ -78.621, -9.185 ], [ -78.563, -9.134 ], [ -78.641, -9.076 ], [ -78.654, -8.916 ], [ -78.766, -8.773 ], [ -78.755, -8.616 ], [ -78.934, -8.455 ], [ -78.905, -8.389 ], [ -78.97, -8.252 ], [ -79.359, -7.859 ], [ -79.566, -7.465 ], [ -79.581, -7.322 ], [ -79.678, -7.12 ], [ -79.916, -6.884 ], [ -79.983, -6.743 ], [ -80.298, -6.53 ], [ -80.773, -6.306 ], [ -81.11, -6.057 ], [ -81.144, -5.89 ], [ -81.076, -5.791 ], [ -80.942, -5.848 ], [ -80.866, -5.784 ], [ -80.858, -5.819 ], [ -80.841, -5.841 ], [ -80.848, -5.534 ], [ -80.872, -5.558 ], [ -80.945, -5.432 ], [ -81.191, -5.216 ], [ -81.167, -5.083 ], [ -81.085, -5.081 ], [ -81.072, -5 ] ] ] ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Entendido como virreinato del 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] ] ], [ [ [ -80.698, -6.962 ], [ -80.698, -6.948 ], [ -80.694, -6.956 ], [ -80.698, -6.962 ] ] ], [ [ [ -80.845, -6.472 ], [ -80.868, -6.436 ], [ -80.844, -6.383 ], [ -80.851, -6.407 ], [ -80.845, -6.472 ] ] ], [ [ [ -81.205, -5.216 ], [ -81.211, -5.206 ], [ -81.201, -5.21 ], [ -81.205, -5.216 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.259, -15.273 ], [ -75.269, -15.267 ], [ -75.269, -15.264 ], [ -75.257, -15.264 ], [ -75.259, -15.273 ] ] ], [ [ [ -76.179, -14.318 ], [ -76.219, -14.293 ], [ -76.219, -14.267 ], [ -76.188, -14.28 ], [ -76.179, -14.318 ] ] ], [ [ [ -76.455, -13.868 ], [ -76.471, -13.858 ], [ -76.458, -13.828 ], [ -76.441, -13.848 ], [ -76.455, -13.868 ] ] ], [ [ [ -76.406, -13.75 ], [ -76.406, -13.746 ], [ -76.397, -13.741 ], [ -76.397, -13.746 ], [ -76.406, -13.75 ] ] ], [ [ [ -76.633, -12.805 ], [ -76.634, -12.794 ], [ -76.621, -12.798 ], [ -76.633, -12.805 ] ] ], [ [ [ -76.899, -12.361 ], [ -76.905, -12.355 ], [ -76.901, -12.347 ], [ -76.897, -12.352 ], [ -76.899, -12.361 ] ] ], [ [ [ -76.915, -12.314 ], [ -76.917, -12.312 ], [ -76.909, -12.302 ], [ -76.909, -12.312 ], [ -76.915, -12.314 ] ] ], [ [ [ -77.19, -12.134 ], [ -77.189, -12.125 ], [ -77.185, -12.124 ], [ -77.182, -12.129 ], [ -77.19, -12.134 ] ] ], [ [ [ -77.208, -12.124 ], [ -77.253, -12.095 ], [ -77.254, -12.074 ], [ -77.202, -12.103 ], [ -77.208, -12.124 ] ] ], [ [ [ -77.717, -11.974 ], [ -77.725, -11.969 ], [ -77.724, -11.965 ], [ -77.718, -11.965 ], [ -77.717, -11.974 ] ] ], [ [ [ -77.723, -11.954 ], [ -77.733, -11.953 ], [ -77.734, -11.948 ], [ -77.722, -11.946 ], [ -77.723, -11.954 ] ] ], [ [ [ -77.851, -11.494 ], [ -77.852, -11.486 ], [ -77.844, -11.48 ], [ -77.844, -11.488 ], [ -77.851, -11.494 ] ] ], [ [ [ -81.072, -5 ], [ -81.326, -4.68 ], [ -81.25, -4.27 ], [ -80.837, -3.877 ], [ -80.786, -3.749 ], [ -80.574, -3.628 ], [ -80.501, -3.505 ], [ -80.366, -3.499 ], [ -80.304, -3.405 ], [ -80.219, -3.438 ], [ -80.154, -3.905 ], [ -80.286, -4.018 ], [ -80.398, -3.984 ], [ -80.475, -4.054 ], [ -80.444, -4.194 ], [ -80.305, -4.201 ], [ -80.443, -4.371 ], [ -80.443, -4.437 ], [ -80.335, -4.47 ], [ -80.136, -4.285 ], [ -79.895, -4.394 ], [ -79.812, -4.486 ], [ -79.631, -4.435 ], [ -79.541, -4.528 ], [ -79.482, -4.529 ], [ -79.416, -4.799 ], [ -79.26, -4.967 ], [ -79, -4.979 ], [ -78.881, -4.72 ], [ -78.736, -4.654 ], [ -78.621, -4.497 ], [ -78.627, -4.319 ], [ -78.572, -4.255 ], [ -78.499, -3.949 ], [ -78.377, -3.787 ], [ -78.319, -3.429 ], [ -78.249, -3.429 ], [ -78.232, -3.534 ], [ -78.137, -3.522 ], [ -78.19, -3.354 ], [ -77.824, -2.998 ], [ -76.627, -2.591 ], [ -76.045, -2.128 ], [ -75.538, -1.536 ], [ -75.364, -0.956 ], [ -75.185, -0.971 ], [ -75.28, -0.711 ], [ -75.245, -0.535 ], [ -75.415, -0.424 ], [ -75.449, -0.329 ], [ -75.622, -0.263 ], [ -75.622, -0.109 ], [ -75.304, -0.134 ], [ -75.219, -0.015 ], [ -75.115, -0.039 ], [ -74.904, -0.195 ], [ -74.824, -0.145 ], [ -74.78, -0.214 ], [ -74.801, -0.29 ], [ -74.659, -0.332 ], [ -74.52, -0.479 ], [ -74.425, -0.511 ], [ -74.342, -0.695 ], [ -74.378, -0.745 ], [ -74.258, -0.843 ], [ -74.272, -0.899 ], [ -74.318, -0.9 ], [ -74.266, -1.007 ], [ -74.074, -1.081 ], [ -74.033, -1.028 ], [ -74.013, -1.123 ], [ -73.905, -1.15 ], [ -73.861, -1.25 ], [ -73.777, -1.277 ], [ -73.75, -1.22 ], [ -73.732, -1.267 ], [ -73.624, -1.283 ], [ -73.552, -1.429 ], [ -73.586, -1.445 ], [ -73.539, -1.452 ], [ -73.46, -1.6 ], [ -73.532, -1.733 ], [ -73.314, -1.855 ], [ -73.293, -1.803 ], [ -73.231, -1.823 ], [ -73.222, -1.774 ], [ -73.143, -1.834 ], [ -73.095, -2.113 ], [ -73.059, -2.125 ], [ -73.153, -2.276 ], [ -73.044, -2.4 ], [ -73.021, -2.355 ], [ -72.962, -2.382 ], [ -72.921, -2.5 ], [ -72.769, -2.42 ], [ -72.733, -2.459 ], [ -72.707, -2.416 ], [ -72.67, -2.486 ], [ -72.618, -2.396 ], [ -72.383, -2.416 ], [ -72.346, -2.49 ], [ -72.221, -2.433 ], [ -72.126, -2.468 ], [ -72.035, -2.331 ], [ -71.907, -2.373 ], [ -71.919, -2.312 ], [ -71.861, -2.3 ], [ -71.822, -2.187 ], [ -71.722, -2.128 ], [ -71.707, -2.214 ], [ -71.628, -2.191 ], [ -71.5, -2.245 ], [ -71.484, -2.336 ], [ -71.444, -2.263 ], [ -71.375, -2.398 ], [ -71.284, -2.338 ], [ -71.165, -2.376 ], [ -71.057, -2.264 ], [ -70.986, -2.298 ], [ -70.993, -2.205 ], [ -70.928, -2.245 ], [ -70.857, -2.217 ], [ -70.822, -2.283 ], [ -70.658, -2.351 ], [ -70.608, -2.481 ], [ -70.55, -2.47 ], [ -70.562, -2.415 ], [ -70.418, -2.525 ], [ -70.307, -2.498 ], [ -70.342, -2.573 ], [ -70.246, -2.548 ], [ -70.15, -2.705 ], [ -70.076, -2.662 ], [ -70.034, -2.761 ], [ -70.703, -3.795 ], [ -70.485, -3.885 ], [ -70.295, -3.813 ], [ -70.186, -3.891 ], [ -70.158, -4.021 ], [ -69.948, -4.219 ], [ -69.978, -4.295 ], [ -70.036, -4.339 ], [ -70.076, -4.309 ], [ -70.042, -4.284 ], [ -70.164, -4.268 ], [ -70.19, -4.357 ], [ -70.249, -4.267 ], [ -70.291, -4.283 ], [ -70.317, -4.136 ], [ -70.341, -4.174 ], [ -70.434, -4.125 ], [ -70.503, -4.19 ], [ -70.553, -4.128 ], [ -70.566, -4.205 ], [ -70.565, -4.168 ], [ -70.633, -4.173 ], [ -70.622, -4.121 ], [ -70.677, -4.2 ], [ -70.757, -4.152 ], [ -70.935, -4.381 ], [ -70.99, -4.34 ], [ -71.031, -4.397 ], [ -71.147, -4.375 ], [ -71.193, -4.42 ], [ -71.198, -4.377 ], [ -71.269, -4.381 ], [ -71.303, -4.458 ], [ -71.355, -4.468 ], [ -71.342, -4.423 ], [ -71.432, -4.469 ], [ -71.414, -4.432 ], [ -71.506, -4.435 ], [ -71.49, -4.479 ], [ -71.535, -4.46 ], [ -71.597, -4.525 ], [ -71.61, -4.465 ], [ -71.897, -4.512 ], [ -71.94, -4.607 ], [ -72.047, -4.625 ], [ -72.113, -4.722 ], [ -72.223, -4.78 ], [ -72.313, -4.769 ], [ -72.292, -4.799 ], [ -72.356, -4.803 ], [ -72.37, -4.88 ], [ -72.452, -4.906 ], [ -72.455, -4.962 ], [ -72.577, -4.992 ], [ -72.602, -5.056 ], [ -72.734, -5.043 ], [ -72.896, -5.136 ], [ -72.872, -5.25 ], [ -72.948, -5.454 ], [ -72.951, -5.643 ], [ -73.116, -5.865 ], [ -73.131, -5.986 ], [ -73.185, -6.04 ], [ -73.133, -6.421 ], [ -73.211, -6.53 ], [ -73.351, -6.561 ], [ -73.743, -6.897 ], [ -73.797, -7.115 ], [ -73.691, -7.313 ], [ -73.868, -7.377 ], [ -73.954, -7.348 ], [ -73.917, -7.461 ], [ -73.986, -7.537 ], [ -73.69, -7.79 ], [ -73.697, -7.865 ], [ -73.777, -7.869 ], [ -73.765, -7.94 ], [ -73.632, -8.022 ], [ -73.526, -8.369 ], [ -73.338, -8.476 ], [ -73.338, -8.609 ], [ -73.169, -8.701 ], [ -73.059, -8.904 ], [ -72.946, -8.99 ], [ -72.965, -9.154 ], [ -73.196, -9.418 ], [ -72.721, -9.417 ], [ -72.364, -9.491 ], [ -72.289, -9.536 ], [ -72.26, -9.755 ], [ -72.16, -9.818 ], [ -72.165, -10.002 ], [ -71.288, -9.996 ], [ -71.131, -9.862 ], [ -70.982, -9.812 ], [ -70.601, -9.453 ], [ -70.497, -9.433 ], [ -70.561, -9.579 ], [ -70.598, -9.574 ], [ -70.522, -9.738 ], [ -70.622, -9.847 ], [ -70.618, -11.007 ], [ -70.508, -10.94 ], [ -70.337, -11.067 ], [ -69.938, -10.926 ], [ -69.728, -10.973 ], [ -69.568, -10.954 ], [ -68.924, -11.994 ], [ -68.679, -12.497 ], [ -68.764, -12.612 ], [ -68.738, -12.705 ], [ -68.85, -12.728 ], [ -68.961, -12.852 ], [ -68.942, -13.486 ], [ -68.997, -13.652 ], [ -69.076, -13.654 ], [ -68.988, -13.769 ], [ -68.965, -13.98 ], [ -68.881, -14.065 ], [ -68.841, -14.21 ], [ -68.982, -14.237 ], [ -68.98, -14.387 ], [ -69.152, -14.508 ], [ -69.149, -14.584 ], [ -69.225, -14.584 ], [ -69.244, -14.753 ], [ -69.363, -14.804 ], [ -69.365, -14.98 ], [ -69.126, -15.256 ], [ -69.265, -15.336 ], [ -69.274, -15.421 ], [ -69.414, -15.621 ], [ -69.236, -16.143 ], [ -69.099, -16.219 ], [ -68.963, -16.189 ], [ -68.814, -16.338 ], [ -68.982, -16.433 ], [ -69.032, -16.566 ], [ -69.006, -16.677 ], [ -69.168, -16.731 ], [ -69.392, -17.021 ], [ -69.375, -17.078 ], [ -69.551, -17.162 ], [ -69.641, -17.282 ], [ -69.463, -17.376 ], [ -69.463, -17.508 ], [ -69.662, -17.658 ], [ -69.799, -17.65 ], [ -69.819, -17.747 ], [ -69.753, -17.982 ], [ -69.948, -18.248 ], [ -70.374, -18.35 ], [ -70.879, -18.01 ], [ -70.925, -17.924 ], [ -71.383, -17.708 ], [ -71.342, -17.636 ], [ -71.382, -17.419 ], [ -71.515, -17.265 ], [ -71.819, -17.18 ], [ -71.974, -17.048 ], [ -72.113, -17.027 ], [ -72.123, -16.97 ], [ -72.45, -16.705 ], [ -72.758, -16.636 ], [ -73.112, -16.433 ], [ -73.291, -16.402 ], [ -73.3, -16.349 ], [ -73.414, -16.294 ], [ -73.701, -16.24 ], [ -74.057, -15.961 ], [ -74.285, -15.846 ], [ -74.371, -15.85 ], [ -74.476, -15.726 ], [ -75.141, -15.419 ], [ -75.2, -15.381 ], [ -75.157, -15.338 ], [ -75.252, -15.268 ], [ -75.23, -15.22 ], [ -75.376, -15.161 ], [ -75.509, -14.922 ], [ -75.921, -14.662 ], [ -75.98, -14.483 ], [ -76.151, -14.345 ], [ -76.105, -14.326 ], [ -76.135, -14.245 ], [ -76.222, -14.165 ], [ -76.274, -14.151 ], [ -76.273, -14.211 ], [ -76.296, -14.175 ], [ -76.286, -13.917 ], [ -76.395, -13.908 ], [ -76.332, -13.799 ], [ -76.261, -13.872 ], [ -76.191, -13.607 ], [ -76.206, -13.4 ], [ -76.492, -13.049 ], [ -76.52, -12.871 ], [ -76.641, -12.752 ], [ -76.693, -12.608 ], [ -76.811, -12.512 ], [ -76.784, -12.402 ], [ -76.84, -12.323 ], [ -77.042, -12.215 ], [ -77.072, -12.113 ], [ -77.172, -12.087 ], [ -77.136, -11.984 ], [ -77.201, -11.79 ], [ -77.176, -11.739 ], [ -77.301, -11.521 ], [ -77.663, -11.297 ], [ -77.656, -11.228 ], [ -77.604, -11.205 ], [ -77.671, -10.949 ], [ -78.196, -10.11 ], [ -78.241, -9.793 ], [ -78.378, -9.635 ], [ -78.431, -9.345 ], [ -78.536, -9.274 ], [ -78.507, -9.186 ], [ -78.555, -9.184 ], [ -78.575, -9.248 ], [ -78.621, -9.185 ], [ -78.563, -9.134 ], [ -78.641, -9.076 ], [ -78.654, -8.916 ], [ -78.766, -8.773 ], [ -78.755, -8.616 ], [ -78.934, -8.455 ], [ -78.905, -8.389 ], [ -78.97, -8.252 ], [ -79.359, -7.859 ], [ -79.566, -7.465 ], [ -79.581, -7.322 ], [ -79.678, -7.12 ], [ -79.916, -6.884 ], [ -79.983, -6.743 ], [ -80.298, -6.53 ], [ -80.773, -6.306 ], [ -81.11, -6.057 ], [ -81.144, -5.89 ], [ -81.076, -5.791 ], [ -80.942, -5.848 ], [ -80.866, -5.784 ], [ -80.858, -5.819 ], [ -80.841, -5.841 ], [ -80.848, -5.534 ], [ -80.872, -5.558 ], [ -80.945, -5.432 ], [ -81.191, -5.216 ], [ -81.167, -5.083 ], [ -81.085, -5.081 ], [ -81.072, -5 ] ] ] ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Entendido como virreinato del Perú.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : 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"https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-09-27T18:14:01+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PLACE", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2018-06-12T02:18:49+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 20590, "end" : 20598 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "San Juan" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/803c1778-7672-4732-8da3-168efac3f5f0", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : 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"https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PLACE", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-10-17T12:48:52+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 75037, "end" : 75041 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Igua" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/7262a281-dd0d-4aee-9b09-e5ab0b9ac6b5", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-25T18:51:04+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Pedro de la Gasca o bien Pedro Lagasca (Navarregadilla de Ávila, Corona de Castilla, agosto de 1493 – Sigüenza de Guadalajara, Corona de España, 13 de noviembre de 1567) era un sacerdote, funcionario, diplomático y militar español del siglo XVI que fue nombrado caballero de la Orden de Santiago y consejero del Tribunal del Santo Oficio. Fue designado en 1546 como presidente de la Real Audiencia de Lima con la misión de acabar con la rebelión de Gonzalo Pizarro en el Virreinato del Perú, cumpliendo cabalmente su cometido, y ha pasado a la historia con el apelativo de Pacificador. Hizo luego un ordenamiento general del territorio y culminó su brillante carrera como obispo de Palencia desde 1550 y luego de Sigüenza desde 1561 hasta su fallecimiento.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-25T18:51:04+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 79111, "end" : 79116 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Gasca" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/6b7dba07-1be1-4bd5-87bf-d592439d534f", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Actual río Bermejo. Debe considerarse que su curso ha cambiado sensiblemente desde tiempos coloniales.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-01T17:04:09+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PLACE", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-10-17T13:00:58+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 32336, "end" : 32343 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Bermejo" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/d8f859a2-7b81-434e-ac7b-6f1cb560c2e1", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PLACE", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-11T15:15:36+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "El fuerte fuerte fue establecido en la confluencia de los ríos \nCaracarañá y Coronda en mayo de 1527. El fuerte fue la base de las \nexploraciones de Caboto hasta que fue destruido por un ataque de los \nnativos en septiembre de 1529. Si el piloto mayor no se hallaba en él, \nquien quedaba a su mando era Gregorio Caro.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-11T15:15:59+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 80631, "end" : 80658 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "fortaleza de Sancti Spiritu" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/3863f227-8fbb-4ca6-ba89-9e87637c2d51", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://www.hgis-indias.net/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=gazetteer:9000005", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-10-18T10:59:02+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-10-18T10:59:02+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ -55.744999, -27.4629 ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Puerto sobre el Río Paraguay al que arribó Juan de Ayolas en febrero de 1537, cerca del río Tacuarí.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-08T01:25:57+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 106145, "end" : 106176 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Nuestra Señora de la Candelaria" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/0e25917d-24b5-479e-bb07-61c374d65fe6", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PLACE", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-10-18T10:58:09+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 105099, "end" : 105107 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Paraguay" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/e0fcfd09-5f5b-4ef6-b4ce-5e5bb537ef78", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PLACE", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-12-03T17:56:30+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 140809, "end" : 140819 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Ibitirucuy" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/3f232118-7458-4857-b9a4-ebb430bc8e83", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "EVENT", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-11T14:19:26+00:00" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Juan Díaz de Solís murió en el Río de la Plata en 1516, cuando según la \ntradición documental se acercó a la costa de lo que hoy es territorio \nUruguayo y fue atacado junto a sus acompañantes por nativos. Del ataque \nsolo habría sobrevivido un joven grumete llamado Francisco del Puerto, \nquien sería uno de los lenguas destacados de la región cuando Sebastián \nCaboto arribó a ella en 1526.Una de las naves de la expedición de Solís \nhabría estado comandada por Diego García de Moguer, otro expedicionario \nque exploró la región del Río de la Plata junto a Sebastián Caboto. \nMientras las naves de la expedición de Solís pasaron por la costa \nbrasileña en su ruta de regreso, hubo un naufragio en las cercanías de \nla isla de Santa Catalina, del cual sobrevivieron varios tripulantes que\n se instalarían entra las parcialidades carijós de la región y servirían\n de lenguas y guías a numerosas expediciones posteriores. Los más \nfamosos de ellos fueron Melchor Ramírez, Enrique Montes y, tal vez, el \nevasivo Aleixo García. Una de las pocas referencias contemporáneas al \nsuceso indicó como a Solís lo habían matado \"los indios en un río dulce \njunto a la isla de Martín García que es en el costa del sur [...] \njuntamente [se indica una rotura] Francisco de Marquina y Pedro de \nAlarcón factor y contador de la dicha armada y otras seis personas\", en \n\"Breves noticias de la muerte de Juan Díaz de Solís y de los oficiales \nFrancisco de Marquina, D. Pedro de Alarcón y otras seis personas al \ndesembarcar en el llamado Río Dulce, junto a la isla de Martín García, \nque está en los 32 grados\", en Gaspar García Viñas 1/268, f. 1 (Archivo \nGeneral de Indias Contratación, 4675), c. 1516. En este documento \ntambién se menciona que en la travesía de regreso, tras perder una de \nlas naves, las dos restantes levantaron un cargamento de palo brasil que\n llevaron a la península como única ganancia del viaje. En \ncontraposición a esta parquedad documental, las referencias a la muerte \nde Solís se multiplicaron en las obras contemporáneas dedicadas a la \nexploración y la conquista de América, como la de Pedro Mártir de \nAnglería.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-11T14:19:26+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 9130, "end" : 9139 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "se volvió" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/95609ade-e2ee-44a2-b045-07b808024322", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", 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La isla fue bautizada con su \nnombre moderno por Sebastián Caboto, que realizó allí una larga parada \nde reabastecimiento de su armada antes de adentrarse a explorar el Río \nde la Plata.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-11T15:14:52+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 79725, "end" : 79747 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "isla de Santa Catalina" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/caba500a-6006-45a5-8775-3772167b7f0b", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", 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[ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-07T16:05:33+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Pedro de Mendoza (1499-1537), fue un noble español nacido de Cádiz. Tuvo una destacada actividad militar en las campañas militares de Carlos I en Italia, y con la fortuna que logró en ellas, solicitó la conquista del Río de la Plata. Por capitulación firmada con en el rey en 1534 se lo designa gobernador y primer adelantando a la provincia del mismo bombre. Su armanda, una de las más grandes en términos de hombres y barcos que cruzaron el océano a América, llegó a las costas del Río de la Plata en 1536. En la margen izquierda del río, al sur de la actual ciudad de Buenos Aires, Mendoza ordenó el establecimiento de un puerto llamado Nuestra Señora del Buen Ayre, pero sus intencionres eran continuar las exploraciones río arriba, en busca de la Sierra de la Plata. El asentamiento en Buenos Aires rápidamenta sufrió hambre y ataques de las sociedades nativas. Al mismo tiempo, Pedro de Mendoza delegó gran parte de las tareas de exploración de la región en su teniente gobernador, Juan de Ayolas. Debido a las dificultades que enfrentaba la población de Buenos Aires y de los dos asentamientos establecidos Paraná arriba (Buena Esperanza y Corpus Christi) y la ausencia de noticias del Juan de Ayolas (quien luego se sabría, habría alcanzado tierras chiriguanas) Pedro de Mendoza decide abandonar su conquista, delegando el mando general de la armada en Juan de Ayolas y el gobierno de Buenos Aires en Ruiz Galán. Moriría cruzando el Atlántico en 1537. Bibliografía: Lafuente Machaín, Conquistadores del Río de la Plata, Buenos Aires, Amorrurtu, 1937; Guérin, Miguel Alberto, \"La organización inicial del espacio rioplatense\", en Tandeter, Enrique (dir.), Nueva Historia Argentina. La Sociedad Colonial, Buenos Aires, Sudamericana, 2000, pp. 14-54.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-07T16:05:33+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 133077, "end" : 133093 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Pedro de Mendoza" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/05b54c1f-c101-4795-ac71-492d4dea56f9", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { 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Asunción del Paraguay, Virreinato del Perú, 3 de \noctubre de 1556) fue un conquistador, explorador y colonizador español \nque como lugarteniente de Juan de Ayolas quien lo nombrara interinamente\n hasta que regresara como teniente de gobernador de La Candelaria en \n1537, luego lo sería de hecho, y posteriormente elegido por el pueblo \nsegún real cédula, como teniente de gobernador general de Asunción.Ocupó\n tres veces el cargo de gobernador interino del Río de la Plata y del \nParaguay, en los períodos de 1539 a 1542, de 1544 hasta 1548 y por \núltimo desde 1549. El emperador Carlos V lo nombraría definitivamente \ncomo titular en el cargo gubernamental en el año 1555, que lo ostentaría\n hasta su fallecimiento.En 1543 fundó en el Chaco Boreal el Puerto de \nlos Reyes, a orillas del río Paraguay y del pantano de los Jarayes, \nsobre las costas de la laguna La Gaiba.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-08T01:19:38+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 114575, "end" : 114591 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Domingo de Irala" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : 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"https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-08T02:41:53+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 136989, "end" : 136995 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Varase" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/c8d061c6-26da-4875-9636-034b8df026e8", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-05T00:45:52+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Sebastián Caboto (1477-1557) fue, como su padre Juan, un piloto y \nexplorador que sirvió a las coronas de España e Inglaterra. Entró al \nservicio de esta última en 1518 como piloto mayor y bajo sus auspicios \nrealizó el viaje que lo llevaría a explorar el Río de Solís. Si bien el \npropósito inicial de su expedición de 1526 era repetir la \ncircunnavegación de Magallanes (tal y como consta en la capitulación que\n firmó con Carlos I), Caboto decidió alterar el rumbo de su armada \natraído por las noticias recolectadas en la costa brasileña, que \nindicaban la existencia de una sierra argentífera remontando el río \naustral. Caboto y sus tripulantes exploraron la región hasta entrado \n1529, cuando los ataques de los indios, los dudosos resultados de sus \nexploraciones y la falta de bastimentos lo obligarona  a abandonar el \nRío de Solís. Bibliografía: Medina, José Toribio, El Veneciano Sebastián\n Gaboto al servicio de España. Dos Tomos, Santiago de Chile, Imprenta y \nEncuadernación Universitaria, 1908.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-05T00:45:52+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 57720, "end" : 57726 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Gaboto" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/7105bb1e-aba5-4418-a59d-21e7db8ae86d", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-05T00:45:52+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Sebastián Caboto (1477-1557) fue, como su padre Juan, un piloto y \nexplorador que sirvió a las coronas de España e Inglaterra. Entró al \nservicio de esta última en 1518 como piloto mayor y bajo sus auspicios \nrealizó el viaje que lo llevaría a explorar el Río de Solís. Si bien el \npropósito inicial de su expedición de 1526 era repetir la \ncircunnavegación de Magallanes (tal y como consta en la capitulación que\n firmó con Carlos I), Caboto decidió alterar el rumbo de su armada \natraído por las noticias recolectadas en la costa brasileña, que \nindicaban la existencia de una sierra argentífera remontando el río \naustral. Caboto y sus tripulantes exploraron la región hasta entrado \n1529, cuando los ataques de los indios, los dudosos resultados de sus \nexploraciones y la falta de bastimentos lo obligarona  a abandonar el \nRío de Solís. Bibliografía: Medina, José Toribio, El Veneciano Sebastián\n Gaboto al servicio de España. Dos Tomos, Santiago de Chile, Imprenta y \nEncuadernación Universitaria, 1908.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-05T00:45:52+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 105131, "end" : 105137 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Gaboto" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/64bb5d2a-9cb4-4bea-ac29-9ccd012cfcdc", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-05T02:02:51+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "El famoso bachiller de Cananea, un personaje muy importante de la temprana exploración, conquista y colonización del Sur de Brasil. El Bachiller ya estaba instalado en la zona de Cananea desde principios del siglo XVI. Por supuesto el relato del encuentro del Bachiller con los sobreviviente de la historia de Lucía Miranda es ficcional. Bibliografía: Avonto, Luigi, \"El Bachiller de la Cananea, un misterioso 'Rey Blanco' en los albores del Brasil\", en Humanidades: Revista de la Universidad de Montevideo, Año 1, núm 1, 2001, pp. 103-122; Metcalf, Alida C., Go-Betweens and the Colonization of Brazil, 1500-1600, Austin, University of Texas Press, 2005", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-05T02:02:51+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 75449, "end" : 75471 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "bachiller Duarte Pérez" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/ab858fa2-16d1-4f0d-a79e-8fcfd771c899", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "EVENT", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-05T01:04:31+00:00" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Este enfrentamiento habría tenido lugar sobre el río Bermejo y en él los exploradores de Caboto sufrieron grandes bajas, entre las que se contó la del teniente del piloto mayor, Miguel Rifos. La descripción triunfante del hecho que hace Ruy Díaz no se condice con lo que aparece descripto en las fuentes documentales contemporáneas al suceso. Asismismo, no aparecen datos de una posible toma de cautivos y documentos posteriores no mencionan ninguna redención de cautivos en manos de agaces.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-05T01:07:15+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 58858, "end" : 58869 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "acometieron" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/f1b093f4-27f8-4f8c-89d0-4af374cc9854", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "EVENT", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-05T01:16:08+00:00" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Las únicas piezas valiosas declaradas por Caboto a su regreso a España fueron una cofia de hojas de plata baja y unas cuantas cuentas del mismo metal. No aparece ninguna referencia a Alejo García en los documentos relativos a la expedición de Caboto.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-05T01:16:08+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 60570, "end" : 60574 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "hubo" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/c382f43f-65d2-4f90-a8b4-7f3c95635e31", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-10-10T16:25:27+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Buscar!", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-10-10T16:25:27+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 83763, "end" : 83769 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Olipes" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/d4118902-db65-41c7-9a72-f77a57c3cfd9", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "conqueror", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T12:06:15+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T12:06:15+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "colonizer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T12:06:15+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T12:06:15+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Sobrino de Domingo Martínez de Irala. En 1554 su tío lo envió a Madrid\npara que diese cuenta al rey de sus servicios. Regresó a Asunción, llegando por\ntierra desde Brasil, con el nombramiento del rey para Martínez de Irala como\ngobernador del Río de la Plata.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T12:06:15+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 5112, "end" : 5130 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Esteban de Vergara" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/2d183215-6b88-4f11-8c9a-4126c8e4ced6", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T17:23:42+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Domingo Martínez de Irala (Vergara de la Hermandad de Guipúzcoa, Corona de Castilla, 1509 - Asunción del Paraguay, Virreinato del Perú, 3 de octubre de 1556) fue un conquistador, explorador y colonizador español que como lugarteniente de Juan de Ayolas quien lo nombrara interinamente hasta que regresara como teniente de gobernador de La Candelaria en 1537, luego lo sería de hecho, y posteriormente elegido por el pueblo según real cédula, como teniente de gobernador general de Asunción.Ocupó tres veces el cargo de gobernador interino del Río de la Plata y del Paraguay, en los períodos de 1539 a 1542, de 1544 hasta 1548 y por último desde 1549. El emperador Carlos V lo nombraría definitivamente como titular en el cargo gubernamental en el año 1555, que lo ostentaría hasta su fallecimiento.En 1543 fundó en el Chaco Boreal el Puerto de los Reyes, a orillas del río Paraguay y del pantano de los Jarayes, sobre las costas de la laguna La Gaiba.Avellaneda, Mercedes; Perusset, Macarena, \"Irala, el primer estratega del Plata\", en Historia Paraguaya. Anuario de la Academia Paraguaya de la Historia, vol. XLVI, 2006, pp. 319-363.Lafuente Machain, Ricardo, El gobernador Domingo de Irala, Asunción, Academia Paraguaya de la Historia, 2005 [1939].", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-10-26T18:24:52+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Conqueror", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T17:29:39+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T17:29:39+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "colonizer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T17:29:39+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 1074, "end" : 1099 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Domingo Martínez de Irala" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/67c3489e-7056-4b55-b5ec-0ac2a34d6948", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-22T18:54:25+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Pedro de Estopiñán y Virués o simplemente Pedro Estopiñán y también conocido como Pedro de Estopiñán el Conquistador de Melilla (Jerez de la Frontera, ca. 1470 – Monasterio de Guadalupe, 3 de septiembre de 1505) fue un militar castellano vinculado desde su juventud al servicio de la casa ducal de Medina-Sidonia, y debe su fama a ser el comandante en jefe del ejército del duque Juan Pérez de Guzmán, que conquistó la ciudad de Melilla en el año 1497.Al ser encarcelados a finales de 1500 el virrey y gobernador general Cristóbal Colón y el adelantado Bartolomé Colón, quedarían vacantes los títulos citados, por lo cual, a principios de 1504 los Reyes Católicos lo nombraron como adelantado y gobernador general de las Indias pero al demorar su viaje para tomar el mando, falleció antes de pasar al Nuevo Mundo, y como los hermanos Colón fueron indultados por los soberanos, ambos conservarían sus títulos y cargos.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-22T18:54:25+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 4165, "end" : 4183 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Pedro de Estopiñán" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/4fa382ec-8ca0-4636-841e-8f85ee5eb867", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-11T14:32:28+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del 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: "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T14:54:44+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Ñuflo de Chaves o menos conocido como Nufrio de Chávez (Cáceres de la Extremadura leonesa, Corona de España, 1518 – aldea Mitimi de la laguna de los Xarayes, gobernación de Santa Cruz de la Sierra del Virreinato del Perú, 3 de octubre de 1568) era un explorador y conquistador español, conocido por sus exploraciones del actual territorio del Paraguay y la zona suroriental de la actual Bolivia y por haber fundado la ciudad de Santa Cruz de la Sierra en 1561. Fue el continuador de la política colonizadora de Domingo Martínez de Irala.Su actividad permitió extender la colonización por esas regiones. Fue el primer hombre que atravesó el continente, partiendo del Atlántico al Pacífico, para lograr la conquista del centro de América meridional. Su temprana muerte no supuso la interrupción de la actividad conquistadora de todo el territorio que hoy conforma esa extensa comarca, porque su legado quedó en las gentes de la vieja ciudad, quienes extendieron su cultura por todo lo que hoy se conoce como el Oriente Boliviano.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-01T12:57:48+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 4976, "end" : 4991 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Nuflo de Chaves" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/51925e54-707c-4980-bb91-064db06a5bda", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T16:00:56+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Ñuflo de Chaves o menos conocido como Nufrio de Chávez (Cáceres de la Extremadura leonesa, Corona de España, 1518 – aldea Mitimi de la laguna de los Xarayes, gobernación de Santa Cruz de la Sierra del Virreinato del Perú, 3 de octubre de 1568) era un explorador y conquistador español, conocido por sus exploraciones del actual territorio del Paraguay y la zona suroriental de la actual Bolivia y por haber fundado la ciudad de Santa Cruz de la Sierra en 1561. Fue el continuador de la política colonizadora de Domingo Martínez de Irala.Su actividad permitió extender la colonización por esas regiones. Fue el primer hombre que atravesó el continente, partiendo del Atlántico al Pacífico, para lograr la conquista del centro de América meridional. Su temprana muerte no supuso la interrupción de la actividad conquistadora de todo el territorio que hoy conforma esa extensa comarca, porque su legado quedó en las gentes de la vieja ciudad, quienes extendieron su cultura por todo lo que hoy se conoce como el Oriente Boliviano.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-01T12:58:31+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 42697, "end" : 42712 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Nuflo de Chaves" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/024abab7-fa53-4748-974c-9e1572f13e6f", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-16T17:50:56+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Conquistador español.Fue lugarteniente de Pedro de Mendoza en la expedición de 1536.Estaba loco y debido a su enfermedad abandonó esta expedición y en vez de dirigirse a Rio de la Plata con su nave, lo hizo hacia Santo Domingo.Fue fatal para Pedro de Mendoza ya que se vió obligado a retrasar la expedición y lo esperó inútilmente en Rio de la Plata, sin embargo ello dió origen a la fundación de lo que seria mas tarde la ciudad de Buenos Aires en 1535. Alonso Cabrera sin embargo llegó a Rio de la Plata tres años mas tarde, en 1538, a la ciudad recién fundada de Buenos Aires y sembró el desconcierto entre los conquistadores y sus habitantes.Convenció a Domingo de Irala en incendiar Buenos Aires, para así verse obligados los colonos a trasladarse a la Asunción y él estar mas cerca de Sierra de la Plata.Se incendió la ciudad en 1538 a los tres años de su fundación.Una vez trasladado a la Asunción, Alonso Cabrera instigó para quitar el mando a Alvar Nuñez Cabeza de Vaca, al que acusaba de traidor y de rebelarse contra el rey de España.De regreso en España enloqueció de forma definitiva y mató a su mujer.Murió en el olvido.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-22T18:13:25+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "conqueror", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-01T13:01:32+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-01T13:01:32+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 879, "end" : 893 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Alonso Cabrera" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/6492a0de-3199-4183-85b3-9ccc1c8ec908", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T16:00:56+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Ñuflo de Chaves o menos conocido como Nufrio de Chávez (Cáceres de la Extremadura leonesa, Corona de España, 1518 – aldea Mitimi de la laguna de los Xarayes, gobernación de Santa Cruz de la Sierra del Virreinato del Perú, 3 de octubre de 1568) era un explorador y conquistador español, conocido por sus exploraciones del actual territorio del Paraguay y la zona suroriental de la actual Bolivia y por haber fundado la ciudad de Santa Cruz de la Sierra en 1561. Fue el continuador de la política colonizadora de Domingo Martínez de Irala.Su actividad permitió extender la colonización por esas regiones. Fue el primer hombre que atravesó el continente, partiendo del Atlántico al Pacífico, para lograr la conquista del centro de América meridional. Su temprana muerte no supuso la interrupción de la actividad conquistadora de todo el territorio que hoy conforma esa extensa comarca, porque su legado quedó en las gentes de la vieja ciudad, quienes extendieron su cultura por todo lo que hoy se conoce como el Oriente Boliviano.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-01T12:59:15+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 74101, "end" : 74116 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Nuflo de Chaves" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/80c25951-4516-4165-9057-8a9f0e8a4253", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-16T17:50:56+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Conquistador español. Fue lugarteniente de Pedro de Mendoza en la expedición de 1536. Estaba loco y debido a su enfermedad abandonó esta expedición y en vez de dirigirse a Rio de la Plata con su nave, lo hizo hacia Santo Domingo. Fue fatal para Pedro de Mendoza ya que se vió obligado a retrasar la expedición y lo esperó inútilmente en Rio de la Plata, sin embargo ello dió origen a la fundación de lo que seria mas tarde la ciudad de Buenos Aires en 1535. Alonso Cabrera sin embargo llegó a Rio de la Plata tres años mas tarde, en 1538, a la ciudad recién fundada de Buenos Aires y sembró el desconcierto entre los conquistadores y sus habitantes. Convenció a Domingo de Irala en incendiar Buenos Aires, para así verse obligados los colonos a trasladarse a la Asunción y él estar mas cerca de Sierra de la Plata. Se incendió la ciudad en 1538 a los tres años de su fundación. Una vez trasladado a la Asunción, Alonso Cabrera instigó para quitar el mando a Alvar Nuñez Cabeza de Vaca, al que acusaba de traidor y de rebelarse contra el rey de España. De regreso en España enloqueció de forma definitiva y mató a su mujer. Murió en el olvido.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-01T13:04:47+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 37224, "end" : 37238 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Alonso Cabrera" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/67301beb-f257-44e0-b793-d0eb55b7d77f", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T16:00:56+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Ñuflo de Chaves o menos conocido como Nufrio de Chávez (Cáceres de la Extremadura leonesa, Corona de España, 1518 – aldea Mitimi de la laguna de los Xarayes, gobernación de Santa Cruz de la Sierra del Virreinato del Perú, 3 de octubre de 1568) era un explorador y conquistador español, conocido por sus exploraciones del actual territorio del Paraguay y la zona suroriental de la actual Bolivia y por haber fundado la ciudad de Santa Cruz de la Sierra en 1561. Fue el continuador de la política colonizadora de Domingo Martínez de Irala.Su actividad permitió extender la colonización por esas regiones. Fue el primer hombre que atravesó el continente, partiendo del Atlántico al Pacífico, para lograr la conquista del centro de América meridional. Su temprana muerte no supuso la interrupción de la actividad conquistadora de todo el territorio que hoy conforma esa extensa comarca, porque su legado quedó en las gentes de la vieja ciudad, quienes extendieron su cultura por todo lo que hoy se conoce como el Oriente Boliviano.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-01T12:58:50+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 60575, "end" : 60590 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Nuflo de Chaves" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/b60ea8cb-31ef-4118-b3ba-73b5aaf33455", "type" : 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Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 70868, "end" : 70876 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Castilla" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/9e701d27-fddd-4e07-a197-5b0088d44f54", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-01T13:11:38+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 119762, "end" : 119776 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Cipión de Goes" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/98b7a583-53de-4f6a-a27c-4954d272c4c8", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-01T13:11:50+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 116459, "end" : 116476 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Hernando de Trejo" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/4d1575ad-2883-4817-9384-f3073048c942", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-01T13:11:50+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Se encuentra con Díaz Hernando. Pasa a América con la armada de Sanabria: reemplaza a Salazar de Espinosa, su jefe. Funda el pueblo de San Francisco, en la costa del Brasil. Funda un oratorio en un pueblo de indios, y lo llama Asiento de la Iglesia. Por falta de subsistencias abandona el puerto de San Francisco. Va a la Asumpción; toma el mismo camino de Cabeza de Vaca: sale por el río Itabucú; pierde mucha gente; es bien recibido por los indios; llega al río Iguazú; pasa al de Tibajiba; se dirige al Huibay; entra a la tierra de los Aguarás, y llega a la Asumpción. Puesto en prisión por Irala, y absuelto por el Rey.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-01T13:16:12+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 119236, "end" : 119253 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Hernando de Trejo" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/0ad6b126-32cf-4afd-8d24-02ea681138fb", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-01T12:52:59+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Gonzalo de Mendoza nace en Baeza entre 1511-1515. Muere el 21 de julio de 1558. Parte para el Nuevo Mundo desde el puerto de Sanlúcar de Barrameda en 1535, en la nao capitana La Magdalena, con Pedro de Mendoza, Adelantado del Río de la Plata. Co-fundador de la ciudad de Asunción, en Paraguay, en 1537. Participó como elector en la creación de su cabildo y regimiento, a la vieja usanza de los de las ciudades de Castilla. Participó, entre muchas, en la expedición que, en 1547, partiendo de Asunción para la Sierra de la Plata de los Mayas, abrió el camino hasta el Perú. Fue Gobernador del Río de la Plata tras la muerte de Domingo de Irala, en 1556.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-01T12:56:11+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 40607, "end" : 40625 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Gonzalo de Mendoza" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/34f09ad4-cf4e-46d1-b7dd-f3e6e3f47675", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-28T17:31:06+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Alonso Riquelme de Guzmán (1519-1573) fue un conquistador oriundo de Jeréz de la Frontera y sobrino del Segundo Adelantado al Río de la Plata, Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca, con quien llegó al Río de la Plata en 1541. Fue uno de sus más acérrimos partidarios durante la gobernación de Cabeza de Vaca y se convirtió en una de las figuras más prominentes de la facción de los \"leales\" una vez que aquel fuera expulsado de la provincia en 1545.Fue forzado por Domigo de Irala a casarse con una de sus hijas mestizas, unión de la cual nació Ruy Díaz de Guzmán. Bibliografía: Ricardo Lafuente Machaín, Alonso Riquelme de Guzmán, Buenos Aires, Amorrurtu, 1942.Tieffemberg, Silvia, \"Estudio Introductorio\", en Díaz de Guzmán, Ruy, Argentina. Historia del Descubrimiento y Conquista del Río de la Plata de Ruy Díaz de Guzmán, Buenos Aires, Editorial de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras-UBA, 2012.Fuentes \"Información hecha en Jerez de la Frontera a pedimento de Cabeza de Vaca para verificar ciertas cartas\", en Núñez Cabeza de Vaca, Álvar, Relación de los Naufragios y Comentarios de Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca, adelantado y gobernador del Río de la Plata. Ilustrado con varios documentos inéditos. Tomo Segundo, Madrid, Imprenta General de Victoriano Suárez, 1906, p. 289 (GGV 52/975; AGI Justicia 1131), 1545.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-28T17:31:06+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 77006, "end" : 77031 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Alonso Riquelme de Guzmán" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/e56c55ab-9f55-47cc-bd23-0649a8f3b9be", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://sws.geonames.org/3112703", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-28T17:26:26+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-28T17:26:26+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ -5.62366, 40.288 ] } } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 3031, "end" : 3039 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Castilla" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/4c344a56-6b15-452c-a59f-b1230183e719", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-16T17:50:20+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Nació en 1470 en Navalmanzano, Segovia, España. Conquistador y militar español. Participó en la conquista de Cuba. Nombrado Adelantado y Gobernador de La Florida.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-28T17:23:38+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 1764, "end" : 1782 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Pánfilo de Narváez" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/5ef76b46-73ff-4608-ad7a-e9287f8f438b", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://dare.ht.lu.se/places/16823", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T14:50:06+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T14:50:06+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ -0.37564, 39.47533 ] } } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 4953, "end" : 4961 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Valencia" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/c4cbc705-4c5c-418f-ae4c-1ffd253f7866", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T14:49:43+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 34318, "end" : 34331 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Jaime Resquin" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/5b135c95-0d50-4019-b690-f7621bbc46f8", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T16:46:43+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Domingo Martínez de Irala (Vergara de la Hermandad de Guipúzcoa, Corona de Castilla, 1509 - Asunción del Paraguay, Virreinato del Perú, 3 de octubre de 1556) fue un conquistador, explorador y colonizador español que como lugarteniente de Juan de Ayolas quien lo nombrara interinamente hasta que regresara como teniente de gobernador de La Candelaria en 1537, luego lo sería de hecho, y posteriormente elegido por el pueblo según real cédula, como teniente de gobernador general de Asunción.Ocupó tres veces el cargo de gobernador interino del Río de la Plata y del Paraguay, en los períodos de 1539 a 1542, de 1544 hasta 1548 y por último desde 1549. El emperador Carlos V lo nombraría definitivamente como titular en el cargo gubernamental en el año 1555, que lo ostentaría hasta su fallecimiento.En 1543 fundó en el Chaco Boreal el Puerto de los Reyes, a orillas del río Paraguay y del pantano de los Jarayes, sobre las costas de la laguna La Gaiba. Avellaneda, Mercedes; Perusset, Macarena, \"Irala, el primer estratega del Plata\", en Historia Paraguaya. Anuario de la Academia Paraguaya de la Historia, vol. XLVI, 2006, pp. 319-363.Lafuente Machain, Ricardo, El gobernador Domingo de Irala, Asunción, Academia Paraguaya de la Historia, 2005 [1939].", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T16:46:43+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 53811, "end" : 53827 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Domingo de Irala" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/1f3cad89-d50d-4f2a-83a5-bfdb684896ff", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T16:46:43+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Domingo Martínez de Irala (Vergara de la Hermandad de Guipúzcoa, Corona de Castilla, 1509 - Asunción del Paraguay, Virreinato del Perú, 3 de octubre de 1556) fue un conquistador, explorador y colonizador español que como lugarteniente de Juan de Ayolas quien lo nombrara interinamente hasta que regresara como teniente de gobernador de La Candelaria en 1537, luego lo sería de hecho, y posteriormente elegido por el pueblo según real cédula, como teniente de gobernador general de Asunción.Ocupó tres veces el cargo de gobernador interino del Río de la Plata y del Paraguay, en los períodos de 1539 a 1542, de 1544 hasta 1548 y por último desde 1549. El emperador Carlos V lo nombraría definitivamente como titular en el cargo gubernamental en el año 1555, que lo ostentaría hasta su fallecimiento.En 1543 fundó en el Chaco Boreal el Puerto de los Reyes, a orillas del río Paraguay y del pantano de los Jarayes, sobre las costas de la laguna La Gaiba. Avellaneda, Mercedes; Perusset, Macarena, \"Irala, el primer estratega del Plata\", en Historia Paraguaya. Anuario de la Academia Paraguaya de la Historia, vol. XLVI, 2006, pp. 319-363.Lafuente Machain, Ricardo, El gobernador Domingo de Irala, Asunción, Academia Paraguaya de la Historia, 2005 [1939].", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T16:46:43+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 65488, "end" : 65504 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Domingo de Irala" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/3fcd870d-6d07-4d7f-9458-c63ec4372bb1", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T16:46:43+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Domingo Martínez de Irala (Vergara de la Hermandad de Guipúzcoa, Corona de Castilla, 1509 - Asunción del Paraguay, Virreinato del Perú, 3 de octubre de 1556) fue un conquistador, explorador y colonizador español que como lugarteniente de Juan de Ayolas quien lo nombrara interinamente hasta que regresara como teniente de gobernador de La Candelaria en 1537, luego lo sería de hecho, y posteriormente elegido por el pueblo según real cédula, como teniente de gobernador general de Asunción.Ocupó tres veces el cargo de gobernador interino del Río de la Plata y del Paraguay, en los períodos de 1539 a 1542, de 1544 hasta 1548 y por último desde 1549. El emperador Carlos V lo nombraría definitivamente como titular en el cargo gubernamental en el año 1555, que lo ostentaría hasta su fallecimiento.En 1543 fundó en el Chaco Boreal el Puerto de los Reyes, a orillas del río Paraguay y del pantano de los Jarayes, sobre las costas de la laguna La Gaiba. Avellaneda, Mercedes; Perusset, Macarena, \"Irala, el primer estratega del Plata\", en Historia Paraguaya. Anuario de la Academia Paraguaya de la Historia, vol. XLVI, 2006, pp. 319-363.Lafuente Machain, Ricardo, El gobernador Domingo de Irala, Asunción, Academia Paraguaya de la Historia, 2005 [1939].", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T16:46:43+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 85593, "end" : 85609 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Domingo de Irala" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/9f9ebd4a-c980-4585-8f6c-718d63096ac0", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T16:46:43+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Domingo Martínez de Irala (Vergara de la Hermandad de Guipúzcoa, Corona de Castilla, 1509 - Asunción del Paraguay, Virreinato del Perú, 3 de octubre de 1556) fue un conquistador, explorador y colonizador español que como lugarteniente de Juan de Ayolas quien lo nombrara interinamente hasta que regresara como teniente de gobernador de La Candelaria en 1537, luego lo sería de hecho, y posteriormente elegido por el pueblo según real cédula, como teniente de gobernador general de Asunción.Ocupó tres veces el cargo de gobernador interino del Río de la Plata y del Paraguay, en los períodos de 1539 a 1542, de 1544 hasta 1548 y por último desde 1549. El emperador Carlos V lo nombraría definitivamente como titular en el cargo gubernamental en el año 1555, que lo ostentaría hasta su fallecimiento.En 1543 fundó en el Chaco Boreal el Puerto de los Reyes, a orillas del río Paraguay y del pantano de los Jarayes, sobre las costas de la laguna La Gaiba. Avellaneda, Mercedes; Perusset, Macarena, \"Irala, el primer estratega del Plata\", en Historia Paraguaya. Anuario de la Academia Paraguaya de la Historia, vol. XLVI, 2006, pp. 319-363.Lafuente Machain, Ricardo, El gobernador Domingo de Irala, Asunción, Academia Paraguaya de la Historia, 2005 [1939].", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T16:46:43+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 104977, "end" : 104993 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Domingo de Irala" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/9cae1b82-e9da-417d-b5d1-393a4ba227b2", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T16:46:43+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Domingo Martínez de Irala (Vergara de la Hermandad de Guipúzcoa, Corona de Castilla, 1509 - Asunción del Paraguay, Virreinato del Perú, 3 de octubre de 1556) fue un conquistador, explorador y colonizador español que como lugarteniente de Juan de Ayolas quien lo nombrara interinamente hasta que regresara como teniente de gobernador de La Candelaria en 1537, luego lo sería de hecho, y posteriormente elegido por el pueblo según real cédula, como teniente de gobernador general de Asunción.Ocupó tres veces el cargo de gobernador interino del Río de la Plata y del Paraguay, en los períodos de 1539 a 1542, de 1544 hasta 1548 y por último desde 1549. El emperador Carlos V lo nombraría definitivamente como titular en el cargo gubernamental en el año 1555, que lo ostentaría hasta su fallecimiento.En 1543 fundó en el Chaco Boreal el Puerto de los Reyes, a orillas del río Paraguay y del pantano de los Jarayes, sobre las costas de la laguna La Gaiba. Avellaneda, Mercedes; Perusset, Macarena, \"Irala, el primer estratega del Plata\", en Historia Paraguaya. Anuario de la Academia Paraguaya de la Historia, vol. XLVI, 2006, pp. 319-363.Lafuente Machain, Ricardo, El gobernador Domingo de Irala, Asunción, Academia Paraguaya de la Historia, 2005 [1939].", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T16:46:43+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 9176, "end" : 9192 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Domingo de Irala" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/353e9a1c-5154-4b15-b80e-799020429a23", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Conqueror", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-09-23T14:56:05+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-09-23T14:56:05+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "colonizer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-09-23T14:56:05+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-09-23T14:56:05+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Felipe de Cáceres (n. Madrid, ca. 1538) fueun conquistador, explorador y\n colonizador español.Se desempeñó como gobernador interino del Ríode la \nPlata y del Paraguay, con sede en Asunción,entre el 11 de diciembre de \n1568 hasta el 14 dejulio de 1572.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-09-23T14:56:05+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 95049, "end" : 95066 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Felipe de Cáceres" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/e07e5613-2ca9-4164-a94a-d59811abe975", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Conqueror", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-09-23T14:56:05+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-09-23T14:56:05+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "colonizer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-09-23T14:56:05+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-09-23T14:56:05+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Felipe de Cáceres (n. 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"value" : "Indios del Paraguay; y de Candelaria; traidores e inconstantes. Matan a Juan de Oyolas. Se oponen a Chaves. Los individuos de esta nación se han hecho acreedores al dictado de pérfidos, por haber cometido los mayores atentados en la época de la conquista. Eran dueños de la navegación del río Paraguay, figurando en el norte de la Asumpción con el nombre de Payaguás o Sarigué, y en el sur con el de Agaces o Tacumbús. Opinan algunos que de Payaguás se deriva Paraguay, como quien dijera: «río de los Payaguás». Acostumbran pintarse el rostro con varios colores, y traen pendiente de su labio inferior una especie de aguijón, al que llaman tembetá. Pasan la mayor parte de su vida en las canoas, en cuyo manejo son habilísimos; hasta el punto de darles vuelta y ocultarse debajo de sus cascos. Su nombre corresponde a su oficio, porque en guaraní,payaguás se compone de paî, colgar, y aguáa, pala; esto es «los que viven pegados a sus remos».", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T18:55:22+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 22620, "end" : 22628 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Payaguás" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/f3312dd9-59cc-4cba-862e-41e721f0e674", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T18:55:22+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Indios del Paraguay; y de Candelaria; traidores e inconstantes. Matan a Juan de Oyolas. Se oponen a Chaves. Los individuos de esta nación se han hecho acreedores al dictado de pérfidos, por haber cometido los mayores atentados en la época de la conquista. Eran dueños de la navegación del río Paraguay, figurando en el norte de la Asumpción con el nombre de Payaguás o Sarigué, y en el sur con el de Agaces o Tacumbús. Opinan algunos que de Payaguás se deriva Paraguay, como quien dijera: «río de los Payaguás». Acostumbran pintarse el rostro con varios colores, y traen pendiente de su labio inferior una especie de aguijón, al que llaman tembetá. Pasan la mayor parte de su vida en las canoas, en cuyo manejo son habilísimos; hasta el punto de darles vuelta y ocultarse debajo de sus cascos. Su nombre corresponde a su oficio, porque en guaraní,payaguás se compone de paî, colgar, y aguáa, pala; esto es «los que viven pegados a sus remos».", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T18:55:22+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 52716, "end" : 52724 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Payaguás" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/165d73a6-350f-4854-b621-d50e36fbffdd", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-01T12:52:43+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 35149, "end" : 35162 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "capitán Abreu" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/48447c74-eb26-4155-b4f3-8a3536c89b98", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-16T17:50:56+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Conquistador español. Fue lugarteniente de Pedro de Mendoza en la expedición de 1536. Estaba loco y debido a su enfermedad abandonó esta expedición y en vez de dirigirse a Rio de la Plata con su nave, lo hizo hacia Santo Domingo. Fue fatal para Pedro de Mendoza ya que se vió obligado a retrasar la expedición y lo esperó inútilmente en Rio de la Plata, sin embargo ello dió origen a la fundación de lo que seria mas tarde la ciudad de Buenos Aires en 1535. Alonso Cabrera sin embargo llegó a Rio de la Plata tres años mas tarde, en 1538, a la ciudad recién fundada de Buenos Aires y sembró el desconcierto entre los conquistadores y sus habitantes. Convenció a Domingo de Irala en incendiar Buenos Aires, para así verse obligados los colonos a trasladarse a la Asunción y él estar mas cerca de Sierra de la Plata. Se incendió la ciudad en 1538 a los tres años de su fundación. Una vez trasladado a la Asunción, Alonso Cabrera instigó para quitar el mando a Alvar Nuñez Cabeza de Vaca, al que acusaba de traidor y de rebelarse contra el rey de España. De regreso en España enloqueció de forma definitiva y mató a su mujer. Murió en el olvido.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-01T13:04:54+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 40389, "end" : 40403 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Alonso Cabrera" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/6cbc1cca-69f1-42e1-8bf0-a69b54469cd7", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "conqueror", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T12:53:45+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T12:53:45+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "colonizer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T12:53:45+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T12:53:45+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Alonso Riquelme\nde Guzmán y Ponce de León - nació en Jerez de la Frontera por 1519. Ruy Díaz de\nGuzmán - su padre - le declaró hijo suyo y de Violante Ponce de León, el\n13-VIII-1528, en una escritura de poder general a favor de Juan de Xerez,\nprocurador de Sevilla. Desde su infancia y hasta su primera juventud sirvió de\npaje y luego como secretario de sus presuntos deudos los Duques de Medina\nSidonia, Juan Alonso de Guzmán y Ana de Aragón. Tenía 21 años cuando se alistó\nen la armada de su pariente Alvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca (tío carnal de su\nmadrastra y del mismo linaje de su abuela Catalina de Zurita), y zarpó con rumbo\nal Río de la Plata.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T12:53:45+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 90812, "end" : 90827 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Alonso Riquelme" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/20c79a06-4d6a-49a6-bc53-eed4c81ecc7b", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "conqueror", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T12:53:45+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T12:53:45+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "colonizer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T12:53:45+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T12:53:45+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Alonso Riquelme\nde Guzmán y Ponce de León - nació en Jerez de la Frontera por 1519. Ruy Díaz de\nGuzmán - su padre - le declaró hijo suyo y de Violante Ponce de León, el\n13-VIII-1528, en una escritura de poder general a favor de Juan de Xerez,\nprocurador de Sevilla. Desde su infancia y hasta su primera juventud sirvió de\npaje y luego como secretario de sus presuntos deudos los Duques de Medina\nSidonia, Juan Alonso de Guzmán y Ana de Aragón. Tenía 21 años cuando se alistó\nen la armada de su pariente Alvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca (tío carnal de su\nmadrastra y del mismo linaje de su abuela Catalina de Zurita), y zarpó con rumbo\nal Río de la Plata.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T12:53:45+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 92610, "end" : 92625 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Alonso Riquelme" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/c4ccdcd5-083b-46f3-9592-a6f1649f9041", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "conqueror", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T12:53:45+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T12:53:45+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "colonizer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T12:53:45+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T12:53:45+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Alonso Riquelme\nde Guzmán y Ponce de León - nació en Jerez de la Frontera por 1519. Ruy Díaz de\nGuzmán - su padre - le declaró hijo suyo y de Violante Ponce de León, el\n13-VIII-1528, en una escritura de poder general a favor de Juan de Xerez,\nprocurador de Sevilla. Desde su infancia y hasta su primera juventud sirvió de\npaje y luego como secretario de sus presuntos deudos los Duques de Medina\nSidonia, Juan Alonso de Guzmán y Ana de Aragón. Tenía 21 años cuando se alistó\nen la armada de su pariente Alvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca (tío carnal de su\nmadrastra y del mismo linaje de su abuela Catalina de Zurita), y zarpó con rumbo\nal Río de la Plata.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T12:53:45+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 94112, "end" : 94127 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Alonso Riquelme" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/f7cb4a50-2105-48d9-bed2-e64c9294581b", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "conqueror", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T12:53:45+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T12:53:45+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "colonizer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T12:53:45+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T12:53:45+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Alonso Riquelme\nde Guzmán y Ponce de León - nació en Jerez de la Frontera por 1519. Ruy Díaz de\nGuzmán - su padre - le declaró hijo suyo y de Violante Ponce de León, el\n13-VIII-1528, en una escritura de poder general a favor de Juan de Xerez,\nprocurador de Sevilla. Desde su infancia y hasta su primera juventud sirvió de\npaje y luego como secretario de sus presuntos deudos los Duques de Medina\nSidonia, Juan Alonso de Guzmán y Ana de Aragón. Tenía 21 años cuando se alistó\nen la armada de su pariente Alvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca (tío carnal de su\nmadrastra y del mismo linaje de su abuela Catalina de Zurita), y zarpó con rumbo\nal Río de la Plata.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T12:53:45+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 96308, "end" : 96323 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Alonso Riquelme" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/782d8d2e-2165-4217-80ad-7eebddb9fbf7", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-04T16:33:16+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Diego Centeno (Ciudad Rodrigo, 1516 - Potosí, 1549) fue un conquistador español que participó en la conquista del Perú y en las guerras civiles entre los conquistadores. A lo largo de toda su carrera se mantuvo fiel a la Corona española. Organizó en el sur del Perú la resistencia contra la rebelión de Gonzalo Pizarro, aunque fue derrotado en la sangrienta batalla de Huarina, Pocona. Se sumó luego a las tropas del Pacificador Pedro de La Gasca, y estuvo en la batalla de Jaquijahuana donde fueron derrotados los gonzalistas (1548). Como premio a su lealtad fue nombrado Gobernador del Paraguay, cargo que renunció sin haberlo asumido. Falleció poco después, posiblemente envenenado. Quedó en el recuerdo no solo por su inquebrantable lealtad a la Corona, sino por la afabilidad de su trato y la caballerosidad que demostró para con todos, en particular hacia los indios, quienes le tuvieron gran estima.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-04T16:37:19+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 54823, "end" : 54836 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Diego Centeno" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/278a020a-e500-4cc1-b449-35f98f1d4b4d", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-04T16:22:27+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Acompaña a Diego de Rojas a Tucumán. Mata a Francisco de Mendoza, y vuelve al Perú.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-04T16:22:27+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 54489, "end" : 54505 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Pedro de Heredia" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/09dc3f8d-3d18-457b-a4ac-755c923aae52", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-04T16:18:52+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Sebastián Caboto (1477-1557) fue, como su padre Juan, un piloto y explorador que sirvió a las coronas de España e Inglaterra. Entró al servicio de esta última en 1518 como piloto mayor y bajo sus auspicios realizó el viaje que lo llevaría a explorar el Río de Solís. Si bien el propósito inicial de su expedición de 1526 era repetir la circunnavegación de Magallanes (tal y como consta en la capitulación que firmó con Carlos I), Caboto decidió alterar el rumbo de su armada atraído por las noticias recolectadas en la costa brasileña, que indicaban la existencia de una sierra argentífera remontando el río austral. Caboto y sus tripulantes exploraron la región hasta entrado 1529, cuando los ataques de los indios, los dudosos resultados de sus exploraciones y la falta de bastimentos lo obligarona  a abandonar el Río de Solís. Bibliografía: Medina, José Toribio, El Veneciano Sebastián Gaboto al servicio de España. Dos Tomos, Santiago de Chile, Imprenta y Encuadernación Universitaria, 1908.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-04T16:18:52+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 53514, "end" : 53530 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Sebastián Gaboto" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/3f70ef9d-09db-4519-8dbd-be784f557aba", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-04T16:13:09+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 78106, "end" : 78120 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Diego de Rojas" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/f44c972a-599e-4f76-96ba-77d944a9b79a", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-04T17:14:37+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Domingo Martínez de Irala (Vergara de la Hermandad de Guipúzcoa, Corona de Castilla, 1509 - Asunción del Paraguay, Virreinato del Perú, 3 de octubre de 1556) fue un conquistador, explorador y colonizador español que como lugarteniente de Juan de Ayolas quien lo nombrara interinamente hasta que regresara como teniente de gobernador de La Candelaria en 1537, luego lo sería de hecho, y posteriormente elegido por el pueblo según real cédula, como teniente de gobernador general de Asunción.Ocupó tres veces el cargo de gobernador interino del Río de la Plata y del Paraguay, en los períodos de 1539 a 1542, de 1544 hasta 1548 y por último desde 1549. El emperador Carlos V lo nombraría definitivamente como titular en el cargo gubernamental en el año 1555, que lo ostentaría hasta su fallecimiento.En 1543 fundó en el Chaco Boreal el Puerto de los Reyes, a orillas del río Paraguay y del pantano de los Jarayes, sobre las costas de la laguna La Gaiba. Avellaneda, Mercedes; Perusset, Macarena, \"Irala, el primer estratega del Plata\", en Historia Paraguaya. Anuario de la Academia Paraguaya de la Historia, vol. XLVI, 2006, pp. 319-363.Lafuente Machain, Ricardo, El gobernador Domingo de Irala, Asunción, Academia Paraguaya de la Historia, 2005 [1939].", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-04T17:14:37+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 64065, "end" : 64078 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Domingo Irala" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/2517cd36-e6f1-4117-ba5e-afaa323a353d", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-04T16:56:16+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Rivera (Francisco). Va a descubrir el Marañón: pelea con los Timbús; vuelve a dar cuenta de su expedición.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-04T16:56:16+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 57176, "end" : 57195 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Francisco de Rivera" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/52198b8f-4582-478c-acbe-9f8c73063010", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-04T17:01:58+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Pizarro (Gonzalo). Tuvo noticia de las Amazonas. Tirano del Perú, derrotado en Xaqui-xaguana.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-04T17:01:58+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 59320, "end" : 59335 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Gonzalo Pizarro" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/44642293-c3b9-43cc-8b58-be0bbc6c84a1", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://sws.geonames.org/3455061", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2018-06-01T13:30:37+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2018-06-01T13:30:37+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ -48.72441, -23.3863 ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Río Paranapanema o Paranapané, desembocadura río Paraná. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paranapanema_River", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2018-06-01T13:30:37+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 8420, "end" : 8430 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Paranapané" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/4352bf2c-f22c-4de4-8240-da8fb3225b10", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-28T16:53:45+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca (Jerez de la Frontera, 1488/1490 - Sevilla, 27 de mayo de 1559) fue un descubridor y conquistador español que exploró la costa sur de Norteamérica desde la actual Florida pasando por Alabama, Misisipi y Luisiana y se adentró en Texas, Nuevo México, Arizona y en el norte de México hasta llegar al Golfo de California, territorios que pasaron a anexionarse al Imperio Español dentro del Virreinato de Nueva España. El rey Carlos I de España le otorgó el título de Segundo Adelantado y lo nombró capitán general y gobernador del Río de la Plata, Paranáguazu y sus anexos, fue el primer europeo en llegar a las cataratas del Iguazú y que exploró el curso del río Paraguay.Fue el primer europeo del cual tenemos pruebas documentales respecto de sus exploraciones en la región de las cataratas del Iguazú. Están documentadas numerosas referencias sobre entradas que antiguos náufragos de los barcos de Juan Díaz de Solís (1470-1516) y Rodrigo de Acuña habrían realizado en la zona, siendo la más famosa la de Alejo o Aleixo García.Cabeza de Vaca llegó a la isla de Santa Catalina en 1541 y de allí entró en tierra firme con el objetivo de alcanzar la ciudad de Asunción del Paraguay. La misma se había convertido en el centro de la conquista del Río de la Plata. Si bien los conquistadores viejos de la expedición de Pedro de Mendoza aceptaron sus credenciales cuando entró en la ciudad en 1542, las políticas que Cabeza de Vaca intentó instalar en la región rápidamente entraron en conflicto con aquellas que pretendían sostener sus fundadores y primeros conquistadores. La situación se deterioró progresivamente hasta que, después de una fracasada entrada al Gran Chaco, Cabeza de Vaca fue encarcelado y luego expulsado de la provincia en 1545.Tras regresar a España, el antiguo adelantado debió responder a los procesos que contra él entablaron los conquistadores del Río de la Plata y el propio fiscal del rey, que se extendieron hasta entrada la década de 1550. Si bien Álvar Núñez no logró recuperar la gobernación del Río de la Plata, tampoco debió enfretar las penas que originalmente se le habían impuesto (multas y un temido destierro a Argel). Una clara señal de cierto beneplácito regio respecto de sus acciones en Indias es la reedición, en 1555, de su Relación (Zamora, 1542) acompañada de un nuevo libro titulado Comentarios (valladolid, 1555). Este último constituye la primera obra historiográfica de largo aliento sobre la conquista del Río de la Plata, considerando en particular el período de su gobernación.BibliografíaAdorno, Rolena; Pautz, Patrick Charles, Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca. His Account, his Life, and the Expedition of Pánfilo de Narváez, Lincoln y Londres, University of Nebraska Press, 1999. Tres Tomos.FuentesÁlvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca, La relación que dio Alvar Núñez Cabeça de Vaca de lo acaecido en las Indias en la armada donde iua por gobernador Panfhilo de Narváez desde el año veinte y siete hasta el año treinta y seis que volvió a Sevilla con tres de su compañía, Zamora, 1542.Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca, La relación y comentarios del Gobernador Álvar Núñez Cabeça de Vaca, de lo acaecido en las dos jornadas que hizo a las Indias, Valladolid, 1555.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-28T16:53:45+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "conqueror", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2018-06-05T21:33:54+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2018-06-05T21:33:54+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 88, "end" : 116 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Álvaro Núñez Cabeza de Vaca," } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/b2195203-6f92-4146-a231-327107681022", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "King", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T17:50:38+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Portugal", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T17:50:38+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T17:50:38+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Juan II de Avís, apodado el Príncipe tirano para sus contemporáneos o, más recientemente, el Príncipe perfecto (Lisboa, 3 de marzo de 1455 - Alvor, 25 de octubre de 1495), fue rey de Portugal. Era hijo del rey Alfonso V el Africano y de su esposa, Isabel. Juan II sucedió a su padre en 1477 cuando su padre se retiró a un monasterio y se convirtió en rey en 1481.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T17:50:38+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 5206, "end" : 5218 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Rey don Juan" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/e28f74b5-c999-4cd7-9528-06e67186efc3", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Adelantado", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T17:35:51+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T17:35:51+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Pedro de Vera fue gobernador de las islas Canarias y una figura de referencia para el linaje de Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca, de quien fuera abuelo materno. Antepasado de Ruiz Diaz de Guzmán", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-10-26T18:53:20+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 4773, "end" : 4786 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Pedro de Vera" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/ffbf61c5-c8c1-48b1-b75e-a0599df75151", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://www.hgis-indias.net/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=gazetteer:9000011", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/WernerStangl", "modified" : "2018-12-18T21:02:27+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/WernerStangl", "modified" : "2018-12-18T21:02:27+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ -56.60212634, -25.81320899 ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "El fuerte Sancti Spiritus fue el primer asentamiento español levantado en el actual territorio argentino. Fue fundado por el navegante veneciano Sebastián Gaboto (1484-1557) el 9 de junio de 1527, a orillas del río Carcarañá.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T12:21:05+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 113532, "end" : 113547 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Sancti Spiritus" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/89f6f839-1523-413d-8e7d-aa4f5d4bb96d", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PLACE", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-01T15:52:15+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Se refiere al sitio del establecimiento del fuerte de Sancti Spiritus por Sebastián Caboto en 1527, que fue destruido por un ataque de nativos en 1529. Estaba situado en la confluencia de los ríos Carcarañá y Coronda y si bien no volvió a establecerse como tal, continuó siendo un punto geográfico de referencia importante para los procesos posteriores de ocupación del espacio rioplatense. En la actualidad se ubica en el pueblo de Puerto Caboto (Santa Fe, Argentina).", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-01T15:55:47+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 30217, "end" : 30233 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Fuerte de Gaboto" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/d490b0b2-33d3-40af-b5bb-57455d9e5f96", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "EVENT", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-09-27T20:13:53+00:00" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "La leyenda de esta mítica laguna, en la que un poderoso rey se bañaba en aguas con polvo de oro de las que emergía dorado, es uno de los ejemplos más conocidos de la hibridación de creencias tupí-guaraníes y las expectativas desarrolladas por los conquistadores portugueses y españoles respecto de la riqueza metalífera que podría hallarse en América del Sur. Bibliografía: Buarque de Holanda, Sérgio, Visão do Paraíso. Os motivos edénicos no descobrimento e colonização do Brasil, São Pablo, Companhia Das Letras, 2010 [1959].", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-09-27T20:13:53+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 26178, "end" : 26195 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "laguna del Dorado" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/e09609e2-9bf6-4562-88c9-b66bd2ea9880", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-01T16:02:21+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Se refiere a los Chaná-timbúes, habitantes nativos de las riberas del Paraná y del Uruguay y que estarían conectados con la construcción de \"Cerritos\" en estos espacios, propios de la cultura Goya-Malabrigo. Los chaná-timúes practicaban un amplio número de estrategias de explotación del medio, combinando pesca, caza, recolección y horticultura. Bibliografía: Politis, Gustavo; León, Diego, \"Patrones adaptativos de los cazadores-recolectores-pescadores de la margen occidental del Paraná inferior-Plata\", en Cocco, Gabriel; Feuillet Terzaghi, María Rosario (comp.), Arqueología de cazadores recolectores de la cuenca del Plata, Santa Fe, Centro de Estudios Hispanoamericanos, 2010, pp. 63-86; Bonomo, Mariano; Politis, Gustavo G.; Gianotti, Camila, \"Montículos, jerarquía social y horticultura en las sociedades indígenas del delta del Río Paraná (Argentina)\", en Latin American Antiquity, vol. 22. núm. 3, 2011, pp. 297-333; Politis, Gustavo G., \"The Pampas and the Campos of South America\", en Silverman, Helaine; Isbell, William H. (eds.), Handbook of South American Archaeology, Nueva York, Springer, 2008, p. 254.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-01T16:02:21+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 62105, "end" : 62111 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Timbús" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/44c02018-8d93-4d67-93cd-ba1525b68ffe", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-01T16:02:21+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Se refiere a los Chaná-timbúes, habitantes nativos de las riberas del Paraná y del Uruguay y que estarían conectados con la construcción de \"Cerritos\" en estos espacios, propios de la cultura Goya-Malabrigo. Los chaná-timúes practicaban un amplio número de estrategias de explotación del medio, combinando pesca, caza, recolección y horticultura. Bibliografía: Politis, Gustavo; León, Diego, \"Patrones adaptativos de los cazadores-recolectores-pescadores de la margen occidental del Paraná inferior-Plata\", en Cocco, Gabriel; Feuillet Terzaghi, María Rosario (comp.), Arqueología de cazadores recolectores de la cuenca del Plata, Santa Fe, Centro de Estudios Hispanoamericanos, 2010, pp. 63-86; Bonomo, Mariano; Politis, Gustavo G.; Gianotti, Camila, \"Montículos, jerarquía social y horticultura en las sociedades indígenas del delta del Río Paraná (Argentina)\", en Latin American Antiquity, vol. 22. núm. 3, 2011, pp. 297-333; Politis, Gustavo G., \"The Pampas and the Campos of South America\", en Silverman, Helaine; Isbell, William H. (eds.), Handbook of South American Archaeology, Nueva York, Springer, 2008, p. 254.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-01T16:02:21+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 100441, "end" : 100447 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Timbús" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/40209360-8b2b-42ba-ad06-97287bf330e2", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-01T16:03:59+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Se trataría de una parcialidad Chaná-Timbú.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-01T16:03:59+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 116784, "end" : 116793 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Caracarás" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/01af0d00-e337-4ed3-9404-cd963e5b30ac", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://sws.geonames.org/3903987", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-01T20:25:19+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-01T20:25:19+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ -65.26274, -19.03332 ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "La ciudad fue fundada en 1538 con el nombre de La Plata y luego pasaría a llamarse Chuquisaca tras 1776.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-01T20:25:19+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 34581, "end" : 34599 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "ciudad de la Plata" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/5740ec5e-cdcd-4620-8384-431640847626", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-01T23:39:10+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 40800, "end" : 40805 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Manés" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/1e7db168-8373-4e46-8168-fbb2b14d575d", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-01T23:41:56+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Domingo Martínez de Irala (Vergara de la Hermandad de Guipúzcoa, Corona \nde Castilla, 1509 - Asunción del Paraguay, Virreinato del Perú, 3 de \noctubre de 1556) fue un conquistador, explorador y colonizador español \nque como lugarteniente de Juan de Ayolas quien lo nombrara interinamente\n hasta que regresara como teniente de gobernador de La Candelaria en \n1537, luego lo sería de hecho, y posteriormente elegido por el pueblo \nsegún real cédula, como teniente de gobernador general de Asunción.Ocupó\n tres veces el cargo de gobernador interino del Río de la Plata y del \nParaguay, en los períodos de 1539 a 1542, de 1544 hasta 1548 y por \núltimo desde 1549. El emperador Carlos V lo nombraría definitivamente \ncomo titular en el cargo gubernamental en el año 1555, que lo ostentaría\n hasta su fallecimiento.En 1543 fundó en el Chaco Boreal el Puerto de \nlos Reyes, a orillas del río Paraguay y del pantano de los Jarayes, \nsobre las costas de la laguna La Gaiba.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-01T23:42:43+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 41313, "end" : 41329 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Domingo de Irala" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/afdd329f-6fc8-4950-a4c3-3927d6da2a66", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://sws.geonames.org/3904906", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-01T23:33:38+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-01T23:33:38+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ -63.18117, -17.78629 ] } } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 40292, "end" : 40302 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Santa Cruz" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/def7db9d-eb0c-4168-9696-004fb27dc8d3", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PLACE", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-05T00:16:46+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Islas de las especias, Maluco o Especiería. Con este nombre genérico, se señalaba a las islas del sudoeste asiático de dónde provenían las especias de climas tropicales. En particular, Ceilan (Sri Lanka), Java, Sumatra y Borneo (Indonesia).", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-05T00:17:15+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 54026, "end" : 54047 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "islas de la especería" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/706e3a0b-5adc-4455-acbd-feb7c9334bcb", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ 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"https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/966f95e5-34e4-4230-ae5e-4fe25dc704b6", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Aborigine", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-20T20:59:58+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Native people", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-20T20:59:58+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-20T20:59:58+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Refiere a Los guaraníes o avá, según su autodenominación étnica original (que significa \"ser humano\"), son un grupo de pueblos indígenas suramericanos que se ubican geográficamente en Paraguay, noreste de Argentina (en ciertas zonas de provincias de la Región del Litoral),​ sur y suroeste de Brasil (en los estados de Río Grande del Sur, Santa Catarina, Paraná y Mato Grosso del Sur) y sureste de Bolivia (en los departamentos de Tarija, Santa Cruz y Chuquisaca) y norte de Uruguay.El muy difundido nombre guaraní lo escucharon los españoles que, al invadir su territorio, habrían oído, entre los gritos de guerra de este pueblo, la frase guará-ny, que significa \"combatir-los\". Por otra parte el nombre dada significa en guaraní 'guerrero', \"ava\" que significa \"hombre\" y se pronuncia en forma grave entre los chiriguanos (ava guaraníes).Otra versión afirma que la denominación fue tomada de la deformación de una palabra guaraní, guariní que significa precisamente \"guerra\" o \"guerrear\". Al parecer los mismos indígenas se denominaron de esa manera, indicando con ello que se consideraban guerreros.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-20T20:59:58+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 21328, "end" : 21336 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Guaranís" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/11d9788d-d86d-4947-afc4-af89af734efc", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Militar", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T18:45:55+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Nobleman", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T18:45:55+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Adelantado", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T18:45:55+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T18:45:55+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T18:45:55+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Fernando de Magallanes, también conocido como Hernando de Magallanes (en portugués, Fernão de Magalhães; Sabrosa, Región Norte, Portugal, primavera de 1480-Mactán, Islas Filipinas, 27 de abril de 1521), fue un militar, marino y navegante portugués de linaje noble, nombrado por la Monarquía Hispánica adelantado, capitán general de la «Armada para el descubrimiento de la especería» y caballero de la Orden de Santiago y comendador en la misma.Al servicio de Carlos I, descubrió el canal natural navegable que hoy recibe el nombre de estrecho de Magallanes. Su expedición fue la primera de origen europeo en navegar desde el océano Atlántico hasta el océano Pacífico, llamado hasta entonces mar del Sur. Inició en 1519 la gran expedición que capitaneada por Juan Sebastián Elcano se convertiría en la primera circunnavegación de la Tierra, regresando a España en 1522.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T18:45:55+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "\"capitaneada [tras su muerte] por...\"", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-09-22T19:03:32+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 9281, "end" : 9303 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Hernando de Magallanes" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/83429db1-4505-4c67-a441-4f1f781decf7", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-09-22T18:50:50+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Se refiere a Martín Alonso y Vicente Yáñez Pinzón (c. 1462- c. 1514), dos marinos nativos de Palos que acompañaron a Cristóbal Colón en su primer viaje como capitanes de las carabelas Niña y Pinta. Vicente Yañez Pinzón condujo en 1499 una exploración que recorrió el sur de las Antillas y la costa septentrional de América del Sur hasta la desembocadura del Amazonas. Fuentes Documentales: Pedro Mártirde Anglería, De Orbe Novo. Petri Martyris ab Angleria Mediolanensis Protonotarii Celaris Senatoris Decades. Cum Privilegio Imperiali, Alcalá de Henares, 1530 (Primera Década, Libro IX, Capítulos I, II y III) ; GonzaloFernández de Oviedo Historia General de las Indias. Tomo II, Madrid, Academia Nacional de la Historia, 1852. Edición de José Amador de los Ríos (Libro XXIV, Cap. II).", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-09-22T18:50:50+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 8122, "end" : 8134 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "los Pinzones" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/4fc068da-4846-4e67-9798-a21ecf3fbc3c", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://sws.geonames.org/3441894", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-09-27T17:35:12+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-09-27T17:35:12+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ -54.95, -34.9 ] } } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 19198, "end" : 19207 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Maldonado" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/5690748f-02c4-452a-b14a-743d35e11633", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PLACE", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-09-27T18:15:29+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "El el Río Negro de Uruguay.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-09-27T18:15:29+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 20698, "end" : 20707 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Río Negro" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/a5de437d-b9c6-45ec-bf70-5b013286b974", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-01T17:03:24+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Es la traducción literal de Toba, nombre qdespectivo que los guaraníes daban a los miembros de la etnia chaqueña qom. Estos pertenecen al tronco lingüístico mataco-guaycurú y en tiempos tempranos de la instalación europea en la región, seguramente fueran referidos simplemente como \"guaycurúes\". Bibliografía: Roulet, Florencia, La resistencia de los guaraní del Paraguay a la conquista española (1537-1556), Posadas, Editorial Universitaria de la Universidad Nacional de Misiones, 1993, p. 38; Branislava Susnik, El rol de los indígenas en la formación y en la vivencia del Paraguay, Asunción, Universo, 1983, Tomo II.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-01T17:03:24+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 32144, "end" : 32153 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "frentones" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/562380f3-169b-4663-9a70-63cea9d7269a", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-01T19:04:19+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Los guaycurúes constituían una sociedad chaqueña de cazadores-recolectores (aunque también practicaban agricultura estacional) que constituyeron uno de los más serios adversarios de los avances coloniales en el Chaco. Adaptados a subsistir en la región chaqueña, donde se alternan estaciones secas y húmedas muy marcadas, los guaycurúes desarrollaron estrategias de subsistencia basadas en la movilidad y poco tiempo después de sus primeros contactos con los españoles de Asunción integraron a ellas el caballo. Los guaycurúes integran la familia lingüística mataco-guaycurú, en la que se incluyen mayoría catalogados dentro de la familia lingüística mataco-guaycurú, en la que se incluyen tobas y abipones (cerca del Bermejo), agaces (en el Pilcomayo y en el curso inferior del Paraguay), yapirus, pilagás y guatatas (en la banda occidental del Paraguay y hacia el oeste), payaguás y guasarapos (en el curso medio del Paraguay) y mbyás (hacia el noroeste del Chaco), entre otros. Bibliografía: Mandrini, Raúl José, La Argentina Aborigen. De los primeros pobladores a 1910, Buenos Aires, Siglo Veintiuno, 2008; Susnik, Branislava, El rol de los indígenas en la formación y en la vivencia del Paraguay. Tomo II, Asunción, Universo, 1983; cultural. Suas relações com a bacia do Paraná e o Sul mato-grossense\", enCarneiro Da Cunha, Manuela M. (org.), História dos índios no Brasil, San Pablo, Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo-Companhia das Letras-Secretaria Municipal de Cultura Prefeitura do Município de São Paulo, 1992, pp. 457-474.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-01T19:07:34+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 33534, "end" : 33543 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Guaycurús" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/8922402a-9267-4cb2-b7bf-e569e4a14240", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : 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pero nunca ejercería como tal por estar en plena exploración.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T17:34:00+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 109424, "end" : 109438 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Juan de Oyolas" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/cfad2455-5920-496d-8209-4666f3e57a1f", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : 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5554, "end" : 5573 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Cabo de San Agustín" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/85b3d4d4-6955-4616-8f10-86d6f3a8e14e", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-28T16:53:45+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca (Jerez de la Frontera, 1488/1490 - Sevilla, 27 de mayo de 1559) fue un descubridor y conquistador español que exploró la costa sur de Norteamérica desde la actual Florida pasando por Alabama, Misisipi y Luisiana y se adentró en Texas, Nuevo México, Arizona y en el norte de México hasta llegar al Golfo de California, territorios que pasaron a anexionarse al Imperio Español dentro del Virreinato de Nueva España. El rey Carlos I de España le otorgó el título de Segundo Adelantado y lo nombró capitán general y gobernador del Río de la Plata, Paranáguazu y sus anexos, fue el primer europeo en llegar a las cataratas del Iguazú y que exploró el curso del río Paraguay.Fue el primer europeo del cual tenemos pruebas documentales respecto de sus exploraciones en la región de las cataratas del Iguazú. Están documentadas numerosas referencias sobre entradas que antiguos náufragos de los barcos de Juan Díaz de Solís (1470-1516) y Rodrigo de Acuña habrían realizado en la zona, siendo la más famosa la de Alejo o Aleixo García.Cabeza de Vaca llegó a la isla de Santa Catalina en 1541 y de allí entró en tierra firme con el objetivo de alcanzar la ciudad de Asunción del Paraguay. La misma se había convertido en el centro de la conquista del Río de la Plata. Si bien los conquistadores viejos de la expedición de Pedro de Mendoza aceptaron sus credenciales cuando entró en la ciudad en 1542, las políticas que Cabeza de Vaca intentó instalar en la región rápidamente entraron en conflicto con aquellas que pretendían sostener sus fundadores y primeros conquistadores. La situación se deterioró progresivamente hasta que, después de una fracasada entrada al Gran Chaco, Cabeza de Vaca fue encarcelado y luego expulsado de la provincia en 1545.Tras regresar a España, el antiguo adelantado debió responder a los procesos que contra él entablaron los conquistadores del Río de la Plata y el propio fiscal del rey, que se extendieron hasta entrada la década de 1550. Si bien Álvar Núñez no logró recuperar la gobernación del Río de la Plata, tampoco debió enfretar las penas que originalmente se le habían impuesto (multas y un temido destierro a Argel). Una clara señal de cierto beneplácito regio respecto de sus acciones en Indias es la reedición, en 1555, de su Relación (Zamora, 1542) acompañada de un nuevo libro titulado Comentarios (valladolid, 1555). Este último constituye la primera obra historiográfica de largo aliento sobre la conquista del Río de la Plata, considerando en particular el período de su gobernación.BibliografíaAdorno, Rolena; Pautz, Patrick Charles, Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca. His Account, his Life, and the Expedition of Pánfilo de Narváez, Lincoln y Londres, University of Nebraska Press, 1999. Tres Tomos.FuentesÁlvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca, La relación que dio Alvar Núñez Cabeça de Vaca de lo acaecido en las Indias en la armada donde iua por gobernador Panfhilo de Narváez desde el año veinte y siete hasta el año treinta y seis que volvió a Sevilla con tres de su compañía, Zamora, 1542.Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca, La relación y comentarios del Gobernador Álvar Núñez Cabeça de Vaca, de lo acaecido en las dos jornadas que hizo a las Indias, Valladolid, 1555.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-28T16:53:45+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 2018, "end" : 2046 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Álvaro Núñez Cabeza de Vaca," } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/7488127c-b540-494c-8a94-b9586cb1792b", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "bishop", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-29T10:32:57+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-29T10:32:57+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Fray Pedro\nFernández de la Torre, franciscano nacido en Baeza, España.,  hizo su solemne entrada en Asunción oficiar\ncomo primer Obispo del Paraguay, en la víspera del Domingo de Ramos del año\n1555. Llega con la armada de Martín de Orue, portador del Nombramiento real de\nMartínez de Irala como Gobernador de aquella Provincia.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-29T10:32:57+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 107615, "end" : 107647 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Fray Pedro Fernández de la Torre" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/977166b3-ee1e-4f16-bb84-67b4fff2db22", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T18:12:40+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Abreu (Diego), de Sevilla; viene con don Pedro de Mendoza. Derrota a los indios cerca de Corpus. Se le cree autor de la sentencia contra la Maldonado. Vuelve a Buenos Aires, para hacer evacuar el Fuerte, y lleva la gente a la Asumpción. Trae socorros al convoy de Cabeza de Vaca. Es electo Gobernador en ausencia de Irala; se conspira contra su persona. Prende al jefe del complot, y lo condena a muerte. Informa a España de su nombramiento; se resiste a devolver el mando al Gobernador Irala; se retira a las tierras de los indios. No quiere volver a la ciudad. Es sorprendido y herido. Lo llevan muerto a la Asumpción.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T18:12:40+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 68682, "end" : 68696 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Diego de Abreu" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/ee5b03ce-b12c-4501-83d8-f63c0a621fb7", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T18:16:45+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T18:16:45+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Refiere a Juan de Ayolas (Briviesca de la Bureba, Corona de Castilla, 1493 o ¿ca. 1510? – Candelaria del Chaco Boreal, gobernación del Río de la Plata y del Paraguay, 1538) era un explorador español que fuera vecino fundador de la primera Buenos Aires, acompañando al adelantado Pedro de Mendoza, y que nominalmente fuera nombrado como teniente de gobernador general de Asunción en 1537, para convertirse al poco tiempo y en forma igualmente nominal en gobernador del Río de la Plata y del Paraguay pero nunca ejercería como tal por estar en plena exploración.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T18:16:45+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 52663, "end" : 52677 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Juan de Oyolas" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/fee619be-c9d0-4f1b-92e4-cb8e4897e5ee", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T18:12:40+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Abreu (Diego), de Sevilla; viene con don Pedro de Mendoza. Derrota a los indios cerca de Corpus. Se le cree autor de la sentencia contra la Maldonado. Vuelve a Buenos Aires, para hacer evacuar el Fuerte, y lleva la gente a la Asumpción. Trae socorros al convoy de Cabeza de Vaca. Es electo Gobernador en ausencia de Irala; se conspira contra su persona. Prende al jefe del complot, y lo condena a muerte. Informa a España de su nombramiento; se resiste a devolver el mando al Gobernador Irala; se retira a las tierras de los indios. No quiere volver a la ciudad. Es sorprendido y herido. Lo llevan muerto a la Asumpción.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T18:12:40+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 10922, "end" : 10936 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Diego de Abreu" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/92bc22cc-9a0f-4ea9-8921-8e4ce5c5788d", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Aborigine", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-20T20:59:58+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Native people", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-20T20:59:58+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-20T20:59:58+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Refiere a Los guaraníes o avá, según su autodenominación étnica original (que significa \"ser humano\"), son un grupo de pueblos indígenas suramericanos que se ubican geográficamente en Paraguay, noreste de Argentina (en ciertas zonas de provincias de la Región del Litoral),​ sur y suroeste de Brasil (en los estados de Río Grande del Sur, Santa Catarina, Paraná y Mato Grosso del Sur) y sureste de Bolivia (en los departamentos de Tarija, Santa Cruz y Chuquisaca) y norte de Uruguay.El muy difundido nombre guaraní lo escucharon los españoles que, al invadir su territorio, habrían oído, entre los gritos de guerra de este pueblo, la frase guará-ny, que significa \"combatir-los\". Por otra parte el nombre dada significa en guaraní 'guerrero', \"ava\" que significa \"hombre\" y se pronuncia en forma grave entre los chiriguanos (ava guaraníes).Otra versión afirma que la denominación fue tomada de la deformación de una palabra guaraní, guariní que significa precisamente \"guerra\" o \"guerrear\". Al parecer los mismos indígenas se denominaron de esa manera, indicando con ello que se consideraban guerreros.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-20T20:59:58+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Los guaraníes se extendían, dividios entre distintas parcialidades, \nentre la costa brasileña y los contrafuertes andinos, teniendo además \nasentamientos en las islasdel Río Paraná y del delta del Río de la \nPlata. Cultivadores selvícolas, producían regulamente excedentes \nagrícolas que serían indispensables para el avance de la conquista \nespañola en el región. Bibliografía:  Silva Noelli, Francisco, \"La \ndistribución geográfica de las evidencias arqueológicasguaraní\", en \nRevista de Indias, vol. LXIV, núm. 30, 2004, pp. 17-34; Susnik, \nBranislava, El indio colonial del Paraguay. El guaraní colonial, \nAsunción, Museo Etnográfico \"Andrés Barbero\", 1965; Susnik, Branislava, \nEl rol de los indígenas en la formación y en la vivencia delParaguay. \nTomo I, Asunción, Universo, 1982; Melià, Bartomeu, El guaraní \nconquistado y reducido: ensayos de etnohistoria, Asunción, Universidad \nCatólica-Centro de Estudios Paraguayos \"AntonioGuasch\", cuarta edición, \n1997 [1986]; Melià, Bartomeu, \"Sociedades fluviales y selvícolas del \neste: Paraguay y Paraná\", en Rojas Rabiela, Teresa; Murra, John (dirs.),\n Historia general de América Latina. Volumen I, París, Editorial \nTrotta-UNESCO, 1999, pp. 335-552; Catafesto de Sousa, José Otávio, \"O \nsistema econômico nas sociedades indígenas guaraní pré-coloniais\", en \nHorizontes Antropológicos, año 8, núm. 18, 2002, pp. 211-253; Monteiro, \nJohn Manuel, \"Os guaraní e a História do Brasil Meridional. Séculos \nXVI-XVII\", en Carneiro Da Cunha, Manuela L. (org.), História dos índios \nno Brasil, San Pablo, Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São \nPaulo-Companhia das Letras-Secretaria Municipal de Cultura Prefeitura do\n Município de São Paulo, 1992 pp. 475-498.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-12-03T14:39:48+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 16072, "end" : 16080 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Guaranís" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/c7742433-39c3-43ba-8a5b-8cc2edb00ae5", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "conqueror", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:49:55+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:49:55+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "colonizer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:49:55+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:49:55+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Francisco Ortiz de Vergara (Sevilla, 1524\n– Ciudad Zaratina de la Banda Oriental,  2\nde diciembre de 1574) fue un hidalgo, Conquistador, explorador, poblador español.\nHijo de Francisco de Vergara y de Beatriz de Roelas, además de hermano del teniente\nde gobernador del Guayrá, el capitán Ruy Díaz de Melgarejo. Fue nombrado\npor los vocales del cabildo asunceno gobernador interino del Río de la Plata y\ndel Paraguay, luego del fallecimiento del predecesor Gonzalo de Mendoza, y\nconfirmado por el obispo Pedro Fernández de la Torre, el día 22 de julio de 1558.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:49:55+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 56122, "end" : 56142 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Francisco de Vergara" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/9062d15d-b408-4804-b9b6-6628802afa6e", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-02T01:06:24+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Parcialidad guaraní que estaba instalada en las proximidades de donde fue fundada la ciudad de Asunción. Es frecuente que se utilice su nombre para denominar a todos los guaraníes. Bibliografía: Melià, Bartomeu, El guaraní conquistado y reducido: ensayos de \netnohistoria, Asunción, Universidad Católica-Centro de Estudios \nParaguayos \"Antonio Guasch\", cuarta edición, 1997 [1986]; Melià, \nBartomeu, \"Sociedades fluviales y selvícolas del este: Paraguay y \nParaná\", en Rojas Rabiela, Teresa; Murra, John (dirs.), Historia general\n de América Latina. Volumen I, París, Editorial Trotta-UNESCO, 1999, pp.\n 335-552; Roulet, Florencia, La resistencia de los guaraní del Paraguay a\n la conquista española (1537-1556), Posadas, Editorial Universitaria de \nla Universidad Nacional de Misiones, 1993; Quarleri, Lía, Rebelión y \nguerra en las fronteras del Plata. Guaraníes, jesuitas e imperios \ncoloniales, Buenos Aires, FCE, 2007; Perusset, Macarena, \"Guaraníes y \nespañoles. Primeros momentos de encuentro en las tierras del antiguo en \nlas tierras del antiguo Paraguay\", en Anuario del Centro de Estudios \nHistóricos «Prof. Carlos S. Segreti», año 8, núm. 8, 2008, pp. \n245-264.Bonomo, Mariano; Costa Angrizani; Rodrigo, Apolinaire; Eduardo, \nNoelli, Francisco Silva, \"A Model for the Guaraní Expansion in the Río \nde La Plata Basin and Littoral Zone of Southern Brazil\", en \nQuaternary International, núm. 356, 2015, pp. 54-73; Susnik, Branislava,\n El indio colonial del Paraguay. El guaraní colonial, Asunción, Museo \nEtnográfico \"Andrés Barbero\", 1965; Susnik, Branislava, El rol de los \nindígenas en la formación y en la vivencia del Paraguay. Tomo I, \nAsunción, Universo, 1982.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-12-03T16:21:15+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 45070, "end" : 45076 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Carios" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/d504cb44-f208-40e6-b352-de73d12808c4", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-01T23:24:00+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Puede referirse a los Icaguates, una etnia del grupo Tukano que habitaba en la región del curso superior de Amazonas. Bibliografía: Taylor, Anne Christine, \"The Western Margins of Amazonia from the Early Sixteenth Century to the Early Nineteenth Century\", en Salomon, Frank; Schwartz, Stuart B. (eds.), The Cambridge History of the Native Peoples of the Americas. Volume III. Part II, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1999, p. 204.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-12-03T16:04:29+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 39154, "end" : 39162 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Orejones" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/acbcb9e5-fcc4-4123-acf8-d59e05a73c33", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-01T21:49:31+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Tieffemberg indica que de la lectura de los manuscritos pueda leerse Naparús, en Díaz de Guzmán, Ruy, Argentina. Historia del Descubrimiento y Conquista del Río de la Plata, Buenos Aires, Editorial de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, 2012, p. 85, nota 183. Edición de Silvia Tieffemberg. Si esta lectura es correcta, podría tratarse de una parcialidad guaycurú.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-12-03T15:42:29+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 36226, "end" : 36233 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Napabes" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/b97bfc23-e8d1-4aaa-950c-b18e5b00aa07", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-08T01:44:22+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Los payaguás formaban parte del grupo lingüístico mataco-guaycurú. Han \nsido insistentemente descriptos por la literatura etnográfica clásica \ncomo irredimibles \"corsarios\" del Paraguay, que atacaban por igual a \nguaraníes y españoles río arriba, siendo actores cruciales de la \nhistoria de la temprana explotación y conquista de la región platense. \nEstudios más recientes criticaron esta evaluación etnocéntrica. \nBibliografía: Mandrini, Raúl José, La Argentina Aborigen. De los \nprimeros pobladores a 1910, Buenos Aires, Siglo Veintiuno, 2008; Susnik,\n Branislava, El rol de los indígenas en la formación y en la vivencia \ndel Paraguay. Tomo II, Asunción, Universo, 1983; cultural. Suas relações\n com a bacia do Paraná e o Sul mato-grossense\", enCarneiro Da Cunha, \nManuela M. (org.), História dos índios no Brasil, San Pablo, Fundação de\n Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo-Companhia das \nLetras-Secretaria Municipal de Cultura Prefeitura do Município de São \nPaulo, 1992, pp. 457-474; Roulet, Florencia, La resistencia de los \nguaraní del Paraguay a la conquista española (1537-1556), Posadas, \nEditorial Universitaria de la Universidad Nacional de Misiones, 1993; Wright, Robin M.; Carneiro da Cunha, Manuela; et al, \"Destruction, \nResistance, and Transformation -Southern, Coastal and Northen Brazil \n(1580-1890), en Salomon, Frank; Schwartz, Stuart B. (eds.), The \nCambridge History of the Native Peoples of the Americas. Volume III. \nPart II, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1999, pp. 287, 295, 299,\n 315, 324-328.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-12-03T17:22:03+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 130692, "end" : 130700 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Payaguás" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/a4f02e0a-c0c6-4651-83db-9be075830335", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-08T01:10:41+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Agricultores, naturales de la región de las Sierras Pampeanas. Bibliografía: Garavaglia, Juan Carlos, \"Invaded Societies: La Plata Basin (1535-1650)\", en Salomon, Frank; Schwartz, Stuart B. (eds.), The Cambridge History of the Native Peoples of the Americas. Volume III. Part II, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1999, p. 32.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-12-03T17:03:05+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 101732, "end" : 101745 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Comechingones" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/5f29aac8-16a5-4c13-b72f-c0af486249b9", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://sws.geonames.org/3841956", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T12:50:53+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T12:50:53+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ -60.5238, -31.73197 ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Se refiere al Río Paraná.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T12:50:53+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 114024, "end" : 114030 }, { "type" 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"https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T12:55:03+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 16103, "end" : 16110 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Jarayes" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/926b5947-8677-4b74-aa11-ee3988fcae73", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "tribe", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T12:55:03+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T12:55:03+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Los guató (una sociedad nativa que habiataba el Gran Pantanal) eran \nhabitualmente referidos en las fuentes coloniales como Xarajes.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T12:55:03+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 21568, "end" : 21575 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Jarayes" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/65ae1caa-b443-4022-ad6e-81515aacde15", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-07T15:46:05+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Gonzalo de Mendoza (m. 1558) fue un destacado capitán de la armada de \nPedro de Mendoza y luego de la conqusita del Río de la Plata y Paraguay.\n Realizó varios viajes desde le puerto de Buenos Aires a la costa de \nBrasil con la intención de obtener bastimentos y trajo consigo varios \nnáufragos y lenguas instalados en el Brasil. Ya en el Paraguay, fue uno \nde los primeros capitanes españoles en emparentarse con los caciques \ncarios de las cercanías de Asunción. Ocupó importantes cargos políticos y\n militares bajo los gobiernos de Domingo de Irala y Álvar Núñez Cabeza \nde Vaca, actuando como teniente de gobernador y como gobernador \ninterino. Bibliografía: Lafuente Machain, Ricardo, Conquistadores del \nRío de la Plata, Buenos Aires, Amorrurtu, 1937.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-07T15:46:05+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 110370, "end" : 110388 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Gonzalo de Mendoza" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/09ecaf7b-efba-46ec-8778-153a10a7c4e8", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "EVENT", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-07T15:47:42+00:00" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Refiere a una de las leyendes más célebres de la exploración del Río de \nla Plata. En 1529, un capitán de la expedición de Sebastián Caboto \nllamado Francisco César, se adentró hacia el oeste por el río Carcarañá \nseguiendo un camino hacia tierra adentro que, según sus informantes \nquerandíes, los conduciría a la Sierra de la Plata. A su regreso al \nFuerte de Sancti Spíritus, César informó que había dado con un rico \nasentamiento indígena pródigo de oro, plata y piedras preciosas. Dado \nque la expedición de Caboto debió abandonar la región precipitadamente \ntras la destrucción del fuerte, nunca pudo comprobarse lo dicho por \nFrancisco César. Pero su historia dio origen al mito de la Ciudad de los\n Césares, una rica civilización nativa que los conquistadores del Río de\n la Plata y de Chile buscarían insistentemente por los siglos venideros \nubicándola convenientemente fuera de las fronteras conocidas. \nBibliografía: Gandía, Enrique de, Historia crítica de los mitos de la \nconquista de América, Buenos Aires y Madrid, Juan Roldán y Cía, 1929, \npp. 250-253; Guérin, Miguel Alberto, \"La organización inicial del \nespacio rioplatense\", en Tandeter, Enrique (dir.), Nueva Historia \nArgentina. Tomo 2: La Sociedad Colonial, Buenos Aires, Sudamericana, \n2000, pp.p. 28; Tieffemberg, Silvia, \"Derroteros y viajes a la ciudad \nencantada de los Césares. Relatos y constelaciones\", en Anales de \nLiteratura Chilena, vol. 16, núm. 23, 2014, pp. 13-27.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-07T15:47:42+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 84112, "end" : 84119 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Césares" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/b49912a8-ba79-4672-ac7f-f39133faebb0", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-07T15:45:14+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 84151, "end" : 84171 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Gonzalo Sáenz Garzón" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/f520751e-4000-480a-b48a-689f935f39ee", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-07T16:52:48+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Juan de Osorio (1511-1536), capitán de la expedición de Pedro de Mendoza. Cuando la armada llegó a la región de Río de Janeiro, fue acusado de intentar un motín contra el adelantado y ejecutado por su orden en el acto junto a otros supuestos conjurados. Esto repercutió muy negativamente entre gran parte de los hombres de la armada, quienes consideraban a Osorio un hombre valiente y respetable. Las extrañas circuntancias de su acusación y muerte fueron consideradas luego como un presagio (cuando no la causa directa) de las dificutades de la conquista en el Río de la Plata. De ello se hicieron eco Gonzalo de Oviedo en su Historia General y Natural de las Indias (Libro XXIII, Capítulo VIII) y Martín del Barco Centenera en su Argentina.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-07T16:52:48+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 89610, "end" : 89624 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Juan de Osorio" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/fd06ba8b-0ae1-4ac8-8d9d-75d3c0735e03", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://sws.geonames.org/2510911", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-07T16:45:28+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-07T16:45:28+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ -5.97317, 37.38283 ] } } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 116152, "end" : 116159 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Sevilla" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/64717366-234c-4ba9-bb70-086981867d90", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-07T17:52:55+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Juan de Salazar y Espinoza (1508-1560) fue una de las figuras políticas más importantes de la temprana colonización del Río de la Plata. Fue un capitán de Pedro de Mendoza a quien el Adelantado le encargó la importante   misión de seguir la huella de Juan de Ayolas río arriba. En 1537 fundó un fuerte en la confluencia de los ríos Paraguay y Pilcomayo, con el acuerdo de los guaraníes carios de la región. De hecho, Salazar fue uno de los primeros capitanes en emparentase con los caciques carios y se constituyó en uno de los negociadores españoles más eficaces y respectados entre ellos. Juan de Salazar aceptó a Domingo de Irala como teniente de gobernador en 1539, aunque después pareció alinearse más bien con el adelantado Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca. De hecho, fue nombrado por este último como su teniente de gobernador una vez encarcelado por la facción de Domingo de Irala. Esto le valió se expulsado de la provincia con Cabeza de Vaca en 1545. En 1550 volvió a embarcarse hacia el Río de la Plata con el cargo de regidor en la armada de Juan de Sanabria. Recién llegaría a Asunción en 1555, donde fue reconocido como Regidor y Tesorero después de reconocer a Irala como gobernador, de acuerdo al nombramiento regio que había recibido.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-07T17:52:55+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 86820, "end" : 86839 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Salazar de Espinosa" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/c5397d01-f44b-44d1-a00f-bcf67af8d646", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://sws.geonames.org/3117009", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-07T17:53:22+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-07T17:53:22+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ -3.48804, 42.92938 ] } } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 86847, "end" : 86861 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "villa de Pomar" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/71e00f12-0f1c-41c1-8bfe-2cd4ee5ce2a4", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-07T22:50:26+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 95717, "end" : 95740 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Bartolomé de Bracamonte" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/d30bdaa5-a0f8-4ec4-b993-74e969e59cfa", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://sws.geonames.org/3860259", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-01T16:40:55+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-01T16:40:55+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ -64.18105, -31.4135 ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Se refiere a la ciudad de Córdoba (Argentina). La misma había sido fundada en 1573, pero 1577 fue trasladada a su ubicación actual sobre el río Suquía (en ese entonces, San Juan).", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-01T16:40:55+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 88159, "end" : 88166 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Córdoba" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/9114713e-fd75-4702-96ed-146fced26a92", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-07T22:49:41+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Expedicionario con Pedro de Mendoza al Río de la PLata, capitán de Corpus Christi en 1538 donde falleció poco después.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-07T22:49:41+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 88168, "end" : 88186 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Antonio de Mendoza" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/ed975f23-ade6-41d4-893f-9948e4735cf3", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-07T23:21:48+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Diego de Abreu (m. 1549). Expedicionario que entró al Río de la Plata con Pedro de Mendoza. Durante los conflictos entre las facciones de Cabeza de Vaca y Domingo de Irala tomó partida por la del gobernador, al punto que en 1547, fue nombrado él mismo gobernador interino por los vecinos leales al segundo adelantado aprovechando la partida de Domingo de Irala de la ciudad de Asunción. Finalmente este se impondría y Abreu fue ajusticiado en 1549.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-07T23:21:48+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 87624, "end" : 87638 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Diego de Abreu" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/8aee538e-0198-4b1a-a5f6-0f9f4b7cfdf6", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-07T23:21:48+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Diego de Abreu (m. 1549). Expedicionario que entró al Río de la Plata con Pedro de Mendoza. Durante los conflictos entre las facciones de Cabeza de Vaca y Domingo de Irala tomó partida por la del gobernador, al punto que en 1547, fue nombrado él mismo gobernador interino por los vecinos leales al segundo adelantado aprovechando la partida de Domingo de Irala de la ciudad de Asunción. Finalmente este se impondría y Abreu fue ajusticiado en 1549.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-07T23:21:48+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 119040, "end" : 119054 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Diego de Abreu" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/07463d3d-7810-4bdf-8e5b-921b48878a58", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-07T23:17:44+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 87575, "end" : 87592 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Perafán de Rivera" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/34984ff6-cd28-4265-af7e-57eb4e9e9593", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-07T23:29:21+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Pedro de Mendoza (1499-1537), fue un noble español nacido de Cádiz. Tuvo\n una destacada actividad militar en las campañas militares de Carlos I \nen Italia, y con la fortuna que logró en ellas, solicitó la conquista \ndel Río de la Plata. Por capitulación firmada con en el rey en 1534 se \nlo designa gobernador y primer adelantando a la provincia del mismo \nbombre. Su armanda, una de las más grandes en términos de hombres y \nbarcos que cruzaron el océano a América, llegó a las costas del Río de \nla Plata en 1536. En la margen izquierda del río, al sur de la actual \nciudad de Buenos Aires, Mendoza ordenó el establecimiento de un puerto \nllamado Nuestra Señora del Buen Ayre, pero sus intencionres eran \ncontinuar las exploraciones río arriba, en busca de la Sierra de la \nPlata. El asentamiento en Buenos Aires rápidamenta sufrió hambre y \nataques de las sociedades nativas. Al mismo tiempo, Pedro de Mendoza \ndelegó gran parte de las tareas de exploración de la región en su \nteniente gobernador, Juan de Ayolas. Debido a las dificultades que \nenfrentaba la población de Buenos Aires y de los dos asentamientos \nestablecidos Paraná arriba (Buena Esperanza y Corpus Christi) y la \nausencia de noticias del Juan de Ayolas (quien luego se sabría, habría \nalcanzado tierras chiriguanas) Pedro de Mendoza decide abandonar su \nconquista, delegando el mando general de la armada en Juan de Ayolas y \nel gobierno de Buenos Aires en Ruiz Galán. Moriría cruzando el Atlántico\n en 1537. Bibliografía: Lafuente Machaín, Conquistadores del Río de la \nPlata, Buenos Aires, Amorrurtu, 1937; Guérin, Miguel Alberto, \"La \norganización inicial del espacio rioplatense\", en Tandeter, Enrique \n(dir.), Nueva Historia Argentina. La Sociedad Colonial, Buenos Aires, \nSudamericana, 2000, pp. 14-54.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-07T23:29:21+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 92185, "end" : 92194 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "don Pedro" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/80dce022-0d71-45ce-abd1-43e00f18ee38", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-07T23:26:53+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Se refiere a Juan de Salazar y Espinoza (1508-1560), una de las figuras políticas \nmás importantes de la temprana colonización del Río de la Plata. Fue un \ncapitán de Pedro de Mendoza a quien el Adelantado le encargó la \nimportante   misión de seguir la huella de Juan de Ayolas río arriba. En\n 1537 fundó un fuerte en la confluencia de los ríos Paraguay y \nPilcomayo, con el acuerdo de los guaraníes carios de la región. De \nhecho, Salazar fue uno de los primeros capitanes en emparentase con los \ncaciques carios y se constituyó en uno de los negociadores españoles más\n eficaces y respectados entre ellos. Juan de Salazar aceptó a Domingo de\n Irala como teniente de gobernador en 1539, aunque después pareció \nalinearse más bien con el adelantado Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca. De \nhecho, fue nombrado por este último como su teniente de gobernador una \nvez encarcelado por la facción de Domingo de Irala. Esto le valió se \nexpulsado de la provincia con Cabeza de Vaca en 1545. En 1550 volvió a \nembarcarse hacia el Río de la Plata con el cargo de regidor en la armada\n de Juan de Sanabria. Recién llegaría a Asunción en 1555, donde fue \nreconocido como Regidor y Tesorero después de reconocer a Irala como \ngobernador, de acuerdo al nombramiento regio que había recibido.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-07T23:26:53+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 110184, "end" : 110191 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Salazar" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/39fd1011-2e4b-4292-b21f-1cfdf260504d", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-07T23:26:53+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Se refiere a Juan de Salazar y Espinoza (1508-1560), una de las figuras políticas \nmás importantes de la temprana colonización del Río de la Plata. Fue un \ncapitán de Pedro de Mendoza a quien el Adelantado le encargó la \nimportante   misión de seguir la huella de Juan de Ayolas río arriba. En\n 1537 fundó un fuerte en la confluencia de los ríos Paraguay y \nPilcomayo, con el acuerdo de los guaraníes carios de la región. De \nhecho, Salazar fue uno de los primeros capitanes en emparentase con los \ncaciques carios y se constituyó en uno de los negociadores españoles más\n eficaces y respectados entre ellos. Juan de Salazar aceptó a Domingo de\n Irala como teniente de gobernador en 1539, aunque después pareció \nalinearse más bien con el adelantado Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca. De \nhecho, fue nombrado por este último como su teniente de gobernador una \nvez encarcelado por la facción de Domingo de Irala. Esto le valió se \nexpulsado de la provincia con Cabeza de Vaca en 1545. En 1550 volvió a \nembarcarse hacia el Río de la Plata con el cargo de regidor en la armada\n de Juan de Sanabria. Recién llegaría a Asunción en 1555, donde fue \nreconocido como Regidor y Tesorero después de reconocer a Irala como \ngobernador, de acuerdo al nombramiento regio que había recibido.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-07T23:26:53+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 108413, "end" : 108420 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Salazar" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/7751b671-ab05-472b-bb5a-7c9e60af5775", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", 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"geometry" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ 121.42333, 13.93111 ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Puerto sobre el Río Paraguay al que arribó Juan de Ayolas en febrero de 1537, cerca del río Tacuarí.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-08T01:43:31+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 109471, "end" : 109481 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Candelaria" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/b198602f-4894-42c1-a2cf-933518f94842", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : 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"Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-08T02:04:14+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "El veedor Cabrera fue una figura importantísima del período 1538-1545 en el Río de la Plata. Había sido enviado a la región por el rey para reorganizar la conquista tras el abandono de Pedro de Mendoza y su primera obligación era determinar quién había sido designado por el adelantado como sucesor. Después de varias desavenencias con Ruiz Galán, se inclinó por nombrar como teniente de gobernador a Domingo de Irala, esperando que Juan de Ayolas (la persona designada por Pedro de Mendoza) regresase de sus exploraciones para ponerse al mando de la conquista. Esta sociedad con Irala será fundamental para realizar la despoblación de Buenos Aires en 1541 y, luego, enfrentar a Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca. Cabrera fue fundamental en la construcción de los argumentos judiciales que justificarían su derrocamiento y viajó a España junto a él para representar a los primeros conquistadores del Río de la Plata en los tribunales regios. Moriría poco después de haber llegado a España.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-08T02:06:15+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 116010, "end" : 116024 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Alonso Cabrera" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/b9852109-e8a2-4665-b16d-90acf3617b1e", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://sws.geonames.org/3439389", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-08T01:53:37+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-08T01:53:37+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ -57.63591, -25.30066 ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "La ciudad de Asunción.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-08T01:53:37+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 113497, "end" : 113527 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Nuestra Señora de la Asumpción" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/65054121-082d-419c-b48d-276e0b754043", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-07T22:47:39+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "García Venegas, pero referido como Garci Venegas. Contador venido al Río de la Plata con Pedro de Mendoza, también aliado con la facción de Domingo de Irala.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-08T01:54:44+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 114038, "end" : 114052 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "García Venegas" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/2a6a5de9-c835-465c-9584-3d594740df4c", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-08T02:30:07+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 134780, "end" : 134802 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Juan Vázquez de Molina" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/48967a33-d15a-48cc-a64e-92d78372681a", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://sws.geonames.org/3336900", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-08T19:28:17+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-08T19:28:17+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 5934, "end" : 5942 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Castilla" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/5e62b665-ab80-4078-8127-f3991ee458fe", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "conqueror", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-08T20:12:08+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-08T20:12:08+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "colonizer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-08T20:12:08+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-08T20:12:08+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "El capitán Pedro de Segura Zabala, hidalgo de Guipuzcoa, había sido \nsoldado imperial en Italia y más tarde viajó al \nParaguay con Ñuflo de Chaves en 1549. Tuvo un rol destacado en Asunción y\n se casó con Ginebra Martínez de Irala, hija mestiza del gobernador \nMartínez de Irala. Falleció en 1601 en Tomina, alto Perú.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-08T20:12:08+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 5786, "end" : 5801 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Pedro de Segura" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/1b6a66c3-4658-4879-b6e2-8530880393d0", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "conqueror", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-08T20:12:08+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-08T20:12:08+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "colonizer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-08T20:12:08+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-08T20:12:08+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "El capitán Pedro de Segura Zabala, hidalgo de Guipuzcoa, había sido \nsoldado imperial en Italia y más tarde viajó al \nParaguay con Ñuflo de Chaves en 1549. Tuvo un rol destacado en Asunción y\n se casó con Ginebra Martínez de Irala, hija mestiza del gobernador \nMartínez de Irala. Falleció en 1601 en Tomina, alto Perú.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-08T20:12:08+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 61115, "end" : 61130 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Pedro de Segura" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/8219d83a-bcb0-4547-9613-8324399fb264", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", 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-23.7 ], [ -45.4, -23.8 ], [ -45.4, -23.8 ], [ -45.4, -23.8 ], [ -45.5, -23.8 ], [ -45.5, -23.8 ], [ -45.5, -23.8 ], [ -45.6, -23.8 ], [ -45.7, -23.8 ], [ -45.8, -23.8 ], [ -45.9, -23.8 ], [ -45.9, -23.8 ], [ -46, -23.8 ], [ -46.1, -23.8 ], [ -46.1, -23.9 ], [ -46.2, -23.9 ], [ -46.2, -23.9 ], [ -46.2, -23.9 ], [ -46.1, -23.9 ], [ -46.2, -24 ], [ -46.2, -24 ], [ -46.3, -24 ], [ -46.3, -24 ], [ -46.3, -24 ], [ -46.3, -24 ], [ -46.3, -24 ], [ -46.3, -23.9 ], [ -46.4, -23.9 ], [ -46.4, -23.9 ], [ -46.4, -24 ], [ -46.4, -24 ], [ -46.5, -24 ], [ -46.6, -24.1 ], [ -46.8, -24.2 ], [ -46.8, -24.2 ], [ -46.9, -24.3 ], [ -46.9, -24.3 ], [ -47, -24.3 ], [ -47, -24.3 ], [ -47, -24.3 ], [ -47, -24.4 ], [ -47.2, -24.6 ], [ -47.3, -24.6 ], [ -47.4, -24.7 ], [ -47.5, -24.7 ], [ -47.5, -24.7 ], [ -47.6, -24.7 ], [ -47.7, -24.8 ], [ -47.8, -24.9 ], [ -47.8, -24.9 ], [ -48, -25 ], [ -48, -25 ], [ -48.1, -25.1 ], [ -48, -25.1 ], [ -48, -25.1 ], [ -47.9, -25.1 ], [ -47.9, -25.1 ], [ -47.9, -25.1 ], [ -47.9, -25.2 ], [ -47.9, -25.2 ], [ -48, -25.2 ], [ -48, -25.2 ], [ -48, -25.2 ], [ -48, -25.3 ], [ -48.1, -25.3 ], [ -48.1, -25.3 ], [ -48.1, -25.3 ], [ -48.2, -25.4 ], [ -48.2, -25.4 ], [ -48.2, -25.4 ], [ -48.2, -25.5 ], [ -48.2, -25.5 ], [ -48.2, -25.4 ], [ -48.2, -25.3 ], [ -48.2, -25.3 ], [ -48.2, -25.3 ], [ -48.1, -25.3 ], [ -48.2, -25.3 ], [ -48.3, -25.3 ], [ -48.3, -25.3 ], [ -48.4, -25.3 ], [ -48.4, -25.3 ], [ -48.4, -25.3 ], [ -48.4, -25.3 ], [ -48.4, -25.4 ], [ -48.4, -25.4 ], [ -48.4, -25.4 ], [ -48.5, -25.5 ], [ -48.5, -25.5 ], [ -48.6, -25.5 ], [ -48.6, -25.4 ], [ -48.7, -25.4 ], [ -48.7, -25.4 ], [ -48.7, -25.5 ], [ -48.7, -25.5 ], [ -48.6, -25.5 ], [ -48.6, -25.5 ], [ -48.6, -25.5 ], [ -48.5, -25.5 ], [ -48.4, -25.6 ], [ -48.4, -25.6 ], [ -48.4, -25.6 ], [ -48.4, -25.6 ], [ -48.5, -25.7 ], [ -48.5, -25.7 ], [ -48.5, -25.8 ], [ -48.6, -25.8 ], [ -48.8, -25.9 ], [ -48.8, -25.9 ], [ -48.6, -25.9 ], [ -48.6, -25.9 ], [ -48.6, -25.9 ], [ -48.6, -26 ], [ -48.6, -26 ], [ -48.6, -26.1 ], [ -48.6, -26.1 ], [ -48.6, -26.2 ], [ -48.6, -26.2 ], [ -48.7, -26.2 ], [ -48.7, -26.2 ], [ -48.7, -26.2 ], [ -48.7, -26.2 ], [ -48.7, -26.2 ], [ -48.8, -26.1 ], [ -48.8, -26.1 ], [ -48.8, -26.1 ], [ -48.8, -26.3 ], [ -48.6, -26.4 ], [ -48.6, -26.4 ], [ -48.6, -26.5 ], [ -48.6, -26.5 ], [ -48.7, -26.6 ], [ -48.7, -26.6 ], [ -48.7, -26.7 ], [ -48.7, -26.7 ], [ -48.7, -26.7 ], [ -48.6, -26.8 ], [ -48.6, -26.9 ], [ -48.6, -27.1 ], [ -48.6, -27.1 ], [ -48.6, -27.2 ], [ -48.5, -27.1 ], [ -48.5, -27.1 ], [ -48.5, -27.2 ], [ -48.5, -27.2 ], [ -48.5, -27.2 ], [ -48.5, -27.2 ], [ -48.6, -27.2 ], [ -48.6, -27.5 ], [ -48.6, -27.6 ], [ -48.6, -27.6 ], [ -48.6, -27.8 ], [ -48.6, -27.8 ], [ -48.6, -27.8 ], [ -48.6, -27.9 ], [ -48.6, -28 ], [ -48.6, -28.1 ], [ -48.7, -28.2 ], [ -48.8, -28.5 ], [ -48.8, -28.5 ], [ -48.8, -28.4 ], [ -48.8, -28.4 ], [ -48.9, -28.3 ], [ -48.9, -28.3 ], [ -48.9, -28.4 ], [ -48.9, -28.5 ], [ -48.8, -28.5 ], [ -48.8, -28.6 ], [ -48.9, -28.6 ], [ -48.9, -28.7 ], [ -49.2, -28.8 ], [ -49.2, -28.8 ], [ -49.4, -29 ], [ -49.5, -29 ], [ -49.6, -29.2 ], [ -49.7, -29.3 ], [ -49.7, -29.3 ], [ -49.7, -29.3 ], [ -49.8, -29.4 ], [ -49.8, -29.4 ], [ -49.9, -29.6 ], [ -49.9, -29.7 ], [ -50, -29.8 ], [ -50.1, -29.8 ], [ -50.1, -29.9 ], [ -50.2, -30.1 ], [ -50.2, -30.3 ], [ -50.2, -30.3 ], [ -50.2, -30.3 ], [ -50.3, -30.4 ], [ -50.3, -30.4 ], [ -50.3, -30.5 ], [ -50.4, -30.6 ], [ -50.4, -30.6 ], [ -50.5, -30.7 ], [ -50.6, -30.9 ], [ -50.7, -30.9 ], [ -50.7, -31 ], [ -50.7, -31 ], [ -50.7, -31.1 ], [ -50.8, -31.2 ], [ -50.9, -31.3 ], [ -51, -31.4 ], [ -51.1, -31.4 ], [ -51.1, -31.5 ], [ -51.2, -31.5 ], [ -51.5, -31.7 ], [ -51.6, -31.8 ], [ -51.6, -31.8 ], [ -51.7, -31.8 ], [ -51.8, -31.9 ], [ -51.9, -31.9 ], [ -51.9, -32 ], [ -51.9, -32 ], [ -52, -32.1 ], [ -52.1, -32.2 ], [ -52.1, -32.1 ], [ -52.1, -32.1 ], [ -52, -32.1 ], [ -52, -32.1 ], [ -52, -31.9 ], [ -52.1, -31.9 ], [ -52.1, -31.9 ], [ -52.1, -31.8 ], [ -52.1, -31.8 ], [ -52.1, -31.8 ], [ -52, -31.8 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-50.8, -30.3 ], [ -50.9, -30.3 ], [ -50.9, -30.3 ], [ -50.9, -30.4 ], [ -51, -30.4 ], [ -51, -30.4 ], [ -51, -30.3 ], [ -51, -30.3 ], [ -51.1, -30.2 ], [ -51.1, -30.2 ], [ -51.1, -30.3 ], [ -51.2, -30.2 ], [ -51.2, -30.2 ], [ -51.2, -30.1 ], [ -51.2, -30 ], [ -51.3, -30 ], [ -51.3, -30.2 ], [ -51.3, -30.3 ], [ -51.2, -30.4 ], [ -51.2, -30.4 ], [ -51.3, -30.5 ], [ -51.3, -30.6 ], [ -51.3, -30.6 ], [ -51.3, -30.8 ], [ -51.3, -30.8 ], [ -51.3, -30.8 ], [ -51.3, -30.8 ], [ -51.3, -30.8 ], [ -51.3, -30.7 ], [ -51.3, -30.7 ], [ -51.4, -30.6 ], [ -51.4, -30.7 ], [ -51.4, -30.7 ], [ -51.4, -30.7 ], [ -51.5, -30.9 ], [ -51.5, -30.9 ], [ -51.5, -31 ], [ -51.5, -31 ], [ -51.5, -31 ], [ -51.5, -31.1 ], [ -51.5, -31.1 ], [ -51.6, -31.1 ], [ -51.6, -31.1 ], [ -51.6, -31.2 ], [ -51.6, -31.2 ], [ -51.7, -31.2 ], [ -51.9, -31.3 ], [ -52, -31.3 ], [ -52, -31.4 ], [ -52, -31.4 ], [ -52, -31.5 ], [ -52, -31.6 ], [ -52.1, -31.7 ], [ -52.1, -31.7 ], [ -52.1, -31.7 ], [ -52.2, -31.7 ], [ -52.2, -31.7 ], [ -52.2, -31.7 ], [ -52.2, -31.8 ], [ -52.2, -31.9 ], [ -52.2, -31.9 ], [ -52.2, -32 ], [ -52.3, -32.1 ], [ -52.2, -32.1 ], [ -52.2, -32.1 ], [ -52.1, -32.1 ], [ -52.1, -32.1 ], [ -52.1, -32.2 ], [ -52.2, -32.2 ], [ -52.2, -32.3 ], [ -52.3, -32.3 ], [ -52.3, -32.3 ], [ -52.4, -32.5 ], [ -52.4, -32.7 ], [ -52.4, -32.7 ], [ -52.4, -32.7 ], [ -52.5, -32.8 ], [ -52.5, -32.9 ], [ -52.5, -32.9 ], [ -52.6, -33.1 ], [ -52.6, -33.1 ], [ -52.7, -33.3 ], [ -52.9, -33.4 ], [ -53, -33.4 ], [ -53.1, -33.6 ], [ -53.2, -33.6 ], [ -53.2, -33.7 ], [ -53.3, -33.7 ], [ -53.3, -33.7 ], [ -53.4, -33.7 ], [ -53.4, -33.8 ], [ -53.4, -33.8 ], [ -53.4, -33.8 ], [ -53.5, -33.8 ], [ -53.5, -33.9 ], [ -53.5, -33.9 ], [ -53.5, -33.9 ], [ -53.5, -34 ], [ -53.5, -34.1 ], [ -53.6, -34.1 ], [ -53.6, -34.1 ], [ -53.7, -34.2 ], [ -53.7, -34.2 ], [ -53.8, -34.3 ], [ -53.8, -34.3 ], [ -53.8, -34.4 ], [ -53.9, -34.5 ], [ -54, -34.5 ], [ -54.1, -34.6 ], [ -54.1, -34.6 ], [ -54.1, -34.6 ], [ -54.1, -34.7 ], [ -54.2, -34.7 ], [ -54.2, -34.7 ], [ -54.3, -34.6 ], [ -54.2, -34.6 ], [ -54.2, -34.6 ], [ -54.3, -34.6 ], [ -54.3, -34.7 ], [ -54.3, -34.7 ], [ -54.3, -34.7 ], [ -54.5, -34.8 ], [ -54.5, -34.8 ], [ -54.6, -34.8 ], [ -54.7, -34.9 ], [ -54.7, -34.9 ], [ -54.8, -34.9 ], [ -54.9, -34.9 ], [ -55, -34.9 ], [ -55.1, -34.9 ], [ -55.1, -34.9 ], [ -55.1, -34.9 ], [ -55.2, -34.9 ], [ -55.2, -34.9 ], [ -55.2, -34.9 ], [ -55.3, -34.9 ], [ -55.3, -34.9 ], [ -55.3, -34.8 ], [ -55.4, -34.8 ], [ -55.4, -34.8 ], [ -55.4, -34.8 ], [ -55.6, -34.8 ], [ -55.7, -34.8 ], [ -55.8, -34.8 ], [ -55.8, -34.8 ], [ -55.9, -34.8 ], [ -55.9, -34.8 ], [ -56, -34.9 ], [ -56, -34.9 ], [ -56, -34.9 ], [ -56, -34.9 ], [ -56.2, -34.9 ], [ -56.3, -34.9 ], [ -56.4, -34.8 ], [ -56.4, -34.8 ], [ -56.4, -34.8 ], [ -56.4, -34.8 ], [ -56.6, -34.8 ], [ -56.8, -34.7 ], [ -56.9, -34.7 ], [ -57.1, -34.5 ], [ -57.2, -34.5 ], [ -57.2, -34.4 ], [ -57.4, -34.4 ], [ -57.6, -34.4 ], [ -57.7, -34.5 ], [ -57.8, -34.5 ], [ -57.9, -34.4 ], [ -57.9, -34.4 ], [ -57.9, -34.4 ], [ -58, -34.3 ], [ -58.1, -34.2 ], [ -58.1, -34.2 ], [ -58.2, -34.1 ], [ -58.2, -34.1 ], [ -58.3, -34.1 ], [ -58.3, -34 ], [ -58.3, -34 ], [ -58.3, -34 ], [ -58.4, -34 ], [ -58.4, -33.9 ], [ -58.4, -33.9 ], [ -58.4, -33.9 ], [ -58.4, -33.8 ], [ -58.4, -33.7 ], [ -58.4, -33.6 ], [ -58.4, -33.5 ], [ -58.4, -33.5 ], [ -58.4, -33.5 ], [ -58.4, -33.4 ], [ -58.4, -33.4 ], [ -58.4, -33.4 ], [ -58.4, -33.4 ], [ -58.4, -33.3 ], [ -58.4, -33.3 ], [ -58.3, -33.3 ], [ -58.4, -33.2 ], [ -58.4, -33.2 ], [ -58.4, -33.2 ], [ -58.4, -33.1 ], [ -58.3, -33.1 ], [ -58.3, -33.1 ], [ -58.3, -33.1 ], [ -58.2, -33.1 ], [ -58.2, -33.1 ], [ -58.2, -33.1 ], [ -58.1, -33.1 ], [ -58.1, -33.1 ], [ -58, -32.9 ], [ -58, -32.9 ], [ -58.1, -32.9 ], [ -58.1, -32.8 ], [ -58.1, -32.8 ], [ -58.1, -32.8 ], [ -58.1, -32.8 ], [ -58.1, -32.7 ], [ -58.1, -32.7 ], [ -58.1, -32.7 ], [ -58.2, -32.6 ], [ -58.2, -32.5 ], [ -58.2, -32.5 ], [ -58.2, -32.5 ], [ -58.2, -32.4 ], [ -58.2, -32.5 ], [ -58.2, -32.5 ], [ -58.2, -32.5 ], [ -58.2, -32.6 ], [ -58.2, -32.7 ], [ -58.2, -32.9 ], [ -58.2, -32.9 ], [ -58.1, -33 ], [ -58.2, -33.1 ], [ -58.2, -33.1 ], [ -58.2, -33.1 ], [ -58.2, -33.1 ], [ -58.2, -33.1 ], [ -58.3, -33.1 ], [ -58.4, -33.1 ], [ -58.4, -33.1 ], [ -58.4, -33.1 ], [ -58.4, -33.3 ], [ -58.5, -33.3 ], [ -58.5, -33.4 ], [ -58.5, -33.4 ], [ -58.5, -33.5 ], [ -58.5, -33.5 ], [ -58.5, -33.7 ], [ -58.5, -33.7 ], [ -58.5, -33.7 ], [ -58.5, -33.8 ], [ -58.5, -33.8 ], [ -58.5, -33.8 ], [ -58.4, -34 ], [ -58.4, -34 ], [ -58.4, -34 ], [ -58.4, -34 ], [ -58.4, -34.1 ], [ -58.4, -34.2 ], [ -58.4, -34.2 ], [ -58.4, -34.3 ], [ -58.5, -34.3 ], [ -58.5, -34.3 ], [ -58.5, -34.4 ], [ -58.5, -34.5 ], [ -58.5, -34.5 ], [ -58.5, -34.5 ], [ -58.4, -34.6 ], [ -58.4, -34.6 ], [ -58.4, -34.6 ], [ -58.3, -34.6 ], [ -58.3, -34.6 ], [ -58.3, -34.7 ], [ -58.2, -34.7 ], [ -58.2, -34.7 ], [ -58.1, -34.8 ], [ -58.1, -34.8 ], [ -58, -34.8 ], [ -57.9, -34.9 ], [ -57.8, -34.9 ], [ -57.5, -35 ], [ -57.3, -35.2 ], [ -57.3, -35.2 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-57.6, -38.1 ], [ -57.6, -38.1 ], [ -57.6, -38.2 ], [ -57.6, -38.2 ], [ -57.7, -38.2 ], [ -57.8, -38.3 ], [ -58.2, -38.4 ], [ -58.2, -38.4 ], [ -58.3, -38.5 ], [ -58.7, -38.6 ], [ -58.8, -38.6 ], [ -58.8, -38.6 ], [ -59, -38.7 ], [ -59.1, -38.7 ], [ -59.1, -38.7 ], [ -59.2, -38.7 ], [ -59.3, -38.7 ], [ -59.5, -38.8 ], [ -59.7, -38.8 ], [ -59.8, -38.8 ], [ -59.9, -38.8 ], [ -59.9, -38.8 ], [ -60.2, -38.9 ], [ -60.5, -38.9 ], [ -60.7, -39 ], [ -60.8, -39 ], [ -60.9, -39 ], [ -61.1, -39 ], [ -61.2, -39 ], [ -61.2, -39 ], [ -61.3, -39 ], [ -61.4, -39 ], [ -61.4, -39 ], [ -61.4, -39 ], [ -61.5, -39 ], [ -61.5, -39 ], [ -61.5, -39 ], [ -61.6, -39 ], [ -61.8, -39 ], [ -61.8, -39 ], [ -62, -39 ], [ -62, -38.9 ], [ -62.1, -38.9 ], [ -62.1, -38.9 ], [ -62.1, -38.9 ], [ -62.2, -38.8 ], [ -62.4, -38.8 ], [ -62.4, -38.8 ], [ -62.4, -38.8 ], [ -62.4, -38.9 ], [ -62.4, -38.9 ], [ -62.3, -38.9 ], [ -62.3, -39 ], [ -62.3, -39 ], [ -62.3, -39.1 ], [ -62.3, -39.2 ], [ -62.3, -39.3 ], [ -62.3, -39.3 ], [ -62.2, -39.3 ], [ -62.2, -39.3 ], [ -62.2, -39.3 ], [ -62.1, -39.3 ], [ -62, -39.4 ], [ -62, -39.4 ], [ -62.1, -39.4 ], [ -62.1, -39.4 ], [ -62.2, -39.3 ], [ -62.2, -39.3 ], [ -62.2, -39.3 ], [ -62.3, -39.3 ], [ -62.3, -39.3 ], [ -62.1, -39.4 ], [ -62.1, -39.5 ], [ -62.1, -39.6 ], [ -62.1, -39.7 ], [ -62.1, -39.7 ], [ -62.1, -39.8 ], [ -62.1, -39.8 ], [ -62.2, -39.9 ], [ -62.3, -39.8 ], [ -62.3, -39.9 ], [ -62.3, -40 ], [ -62.3, -40.1 ], [ -62.3, -40.1 ], [ -62.4, -40.2 ], [ -62.4, -40.2 ], [ -62.4, -40.2 ], [ -62.4, -40.2 ], [ -62.5, -40.3 ], [ -62.5, -40.3 ], [ -62.4, -40.4 ], [ -62.4, -40.5 ], [ -62.3, -40.6 ], [ -62.3, -40.6 ], [ -62.2, -40.6 ], [ -62.3, -40.6 ], [ -62.3, -40.6 ], [ -62.3, -40.6 ], [ -62.3, -40.7 ], [ -62.3, -40.7 ], [ -62.3, -40.6 ], [ -62.2, -40.6 ], [ -62.2, -40.6 ], [ -62.2, -40.7 ], [ -62.3, -40.8 ], [ -62.3, -40.9 ], [ -62.4, -40.9 ], [ -62.4, -40.9 ], [ -62.6, -41 ], [ -62.7, -41 ], [ -62.8, -41 ], [ -62.8, -41 ], [ -62.9, -41.1 ], [ -63, -41.1 ], [ -63, -41.1 ], [ -63, -41.1 ], [ -63.1, -41.2 ], [ -63.1, -41.2 ], [ -63.1, -41.2 ], [ -63.4, -41.2 ], [ -63.4, -41.2 ], [ -63.6, -41.2 ], [ -63.7, -41.2 ], [ -63.7, -41.2 ], [ -63.8, -41.2 ], [ -63.8, -41.2 ], [ -63.8, -41.1 ], [ -63.9, -41.1 ], [ -63.9, -41.1 ], [ -63.9, -41.1 ], [ -64, -41.1 ], [ -64, -41.1 ], [ -64.1, -41 ], [ -64.1, -41 ], [ -64.3, -41 ], [ -64.5, -40.9 ], [ -64.5, -40.9 ], [ -64.5, -40.9 ], [ -64.7, -40.8 ], [ -64.7, -40.8 ], [ -64.8, -40.7 ], [ -64.8, -40.7 ], [ -64.9, -40.7 ], [ -64.9, -40.7 ], [ -64.9, -40.7 ], [ -65, -40.7 ], [ -65.1, -40.8 ], [ -65.2, -40.9 ], [ -65.2, -41 ], [ -65.2, -41.1 ], [ -65.2, -41.1 ], [ -65.1, -41.2 ], [ -65.1, -41.4 ], [ -65, -41.5 ], [ -65, -41.5 ], [ -65, -41.5 ], [ -65, -41.5 ], [ -65, -41.6 ], [ -65, -41.6 ], [ -65, -41.6 ], [ -65, -41.6 ], [ -65, -41.7 ], [ -65, -41.7 ], [ -65, -41.7 ], [ -65, -41.8 ], [ -65, -41.8 ], [ -65, -41.8 ], [ -65, -41.9 ], [ -65.1, -41.9 ], [ -65.1, -42 ], [ -65.1, -42 ], [ -65.1, -42 ], [ -65, -42.1 ], [ -65, -42.1 ], [ -65, -42.1 ], [ -64.9, -42.2 ], [ -64.9, -42.2 ], [ -64.7, -42.2 ], [ -64.6, -42.3 ], [ -64.6, -42.3 ], [ -64.5, -42.2 ], [ -64.5, -42.3 ], [ -64.5, -42.3 ], [ -64.5, -42.3 ], [ -64.5, -42.3 ], [ -64.5, -42.3 ], [ -64.6, -42.3 ], [ -64.6, -42.4 ], [ -64.6, -42.4 ], [ -64.5, -42.4 ], [ -64.1, -42.4 ], [ -64.1, -42.4 ], [ -64.1, -42.4 ], [ -64, -42.4 ], [ -64, -42.3 ], [ -64.1, -42.3 ], [ -64.1, -42.3 ], [ -64.1, -42.3 ], [ -64.1, -42.3 ], [ -64.2, -42.3 ], [ -64.2, -42.3 ], [ -64.3, -42.3 ], [ -64.3, -42.2 ], [ -64.3, -42.2 ], [ -64.2, -42.2 ], [ -64, -42.2 ], [ -63.9, -42.1 ], [ -63.9, -42.1 ], [ -63.8, -42.1 ], [ -63.8, -42.1 ], [ -63.8, -42.1 ], [ -63.7, -42.1 ], [ -63.7, -42.2 ], [ -63.7, -42.2 ], [ -63.7, -42.2 ], [ -63.7, -42.2 ], [ -63.6, -42.3 ], [ -63.6, -42.3 ], [ -63.6, -42.3 ], [ -63.6, -42.3 ], [ -63.6, -42.6 ], [ -63.6, -42.8 ], [ -63.7, -42.8 ], [ -63.7, -42.8 ], [ -63.8, -42.8 ], [ -63.8, -42.8 ], [ -64.1, -42.9 ], [ -64.1, -42.9 ], [ -64.1, -42.9 ], [ -64.2, -42.8 ], [ -64.3, -42.7 ], [ -64.2, -42.7 ], [ -64.2, -42.6 ], [ -64.3, -42.6 ], [ -64.3, -42.5 ], [ -64.4, -42.5 ], [ -64.5, -42.5 ], [ -64.5, -42.5 ], [ -64.5, -42.5 ], [ -64.6, -42.5 ], [ -64.7, -42.6 ], [ -64.8, -42.6 ], [ -64.8, -42.6 ], [ -64.8, -42.6 ], [ -64.8, -42.6 ], [ -64.9, -42.6 ], [ -64.9, -42.6 ], [ -65, -42.7 ], [ -65, -42.7 ], [ -65, -42.8 ], [ -65, -42.8 ], [ -64.9, -42.8 ], [ -64.8, -42.8 ], [ -64.7, -42.9 ], [ -64.7, -42.9 ], [ -64.7, -42.9 ], [ -64.6, -42.9 ], [ -64.6, -42.9 ], [ -64.4, -43 ], [ -64.4, -43 ], [ -64.4, -43 ], [ -64.3, -43 ], [ -64.3, -43 ], [ -64.4, -43 ], [ -64.4, -43 ], [ -64.5, -43.1 ], [ -64.6, -43.1 ], [ -64.7, -43.1 ], [ -64.8, -43.1 ], [ -64.8, -43.2 ], [ -64.8, -43.2 ], [ -64.9, -43.2 ], [ -65, -43.3 ], [ -65, -43.3 ], [ -65.1, -43.5 ], [ -65.3, -43.6 ], [ -65.3, -43.6 ], [ -65.3, -43.7 ], [ -65.3, -43.7 ], [ -65.3, -43.7 ], [ -65.3, -43.8 ], [ -65.3, -43.9 ], [ -65.3, -43.9 ], [ -65.3, -43.9 ], [ -65.3, -44 ], [ -65.2, -44 ], [ -65.2, -44 ], [ -65.2, -44.1 ], [ -65.3, -44.1 ], [ -65.3, -44.1 ], [ -65.3, -44.2 ], [ -65.3, -44.2 ], [ -65.3, -44.3 ], [ -65.2, -44.3 ], [ -65.3, -44.4 ], [ -65.3, -44.4 ], [ -65.4, -44.5 ], [ -65.6, -44.6 ], [ -65.6, -44.6 ], [ -65.6, -44.6 ], [ -65.7, -44.7 ], [ -65.7, -44.8 ], [ -65.7, -44.8 ], [ -65.7, -44.8 ], [ -65.7, -44.9 ], [ -65.6, -44.9 ], [ -65.6, -44.9 ], [ -65.5, -44.9 ], [ -65.6, -45 ], [ -65.7, -45 ], [ -65.7, -45 ], [ -65.7, -45 ], [ -65.8, -45 ], [ -66.1, -45 ], [ -66.2, -45 ], [ -66.4, -45 ], [ -66.5, -45.1 ], [ -66.5, -45.1 ], [ -66.6, -45.2 ], [ -66.7, -45.2 ], [ -66.8, -45.2 ], [ -66.9, -45.2 ], [ -66.9, -45.3 ], [ -67, -45.3 ], [ -67, -45.3 ], [ -67.1, -45.4 ], [ -67.2, -45.5 ], [ -67.2, -45.5 ], [ -67.3, -45.6 ], [ -67.3, -45.6 ], [ -67.3, -45.6 ], [ -67.3, -45.6 ], [ -67.3, -45.6 ], [ -67.4, -45.8 ], [ -67.4, -45.8 ], [ -67.5, -45.9 ], [ -67.6, -46 ], [ -67.6, -46.1 ], [ -67.6, -46.1 ], [ -67.6, -46.2 ], [ -67.6, -46.2 ], [ -67.6, -46.3 ], [ -67.6, -46.3 ], [ -67.5, -46.4 ], [ -67.5, -46.5 ], [ -67.4, -46.5 ], [ -67.4, -46.6 ], [ -67.4, -46.6 ], [ -67.3, -46.6 ], [ -67.2, -46.7 ], [ -67.2, -46.7 ], [ -67.1, -46.8 ], [ -67, -46.9 ], [ -66.8, -47 ], [ -66.7, -47 ], [ -66.7, -47 ], [ -66.7, -47 ], [ -66.6, -47.1 ], [ -66.6, -47.1 ], [ -66.6, -47 ], [ -66.5, -47 ], [ -66.4, -47.1 ], [ -66.4, -47.1 ], [ -66.2, -47.1 ], [ -66.1, -47.1 ], [ -66.1, -47.1 ], [ -66, -47.1 ], [ -66, -47.1 ], [ -65.9, -47.1 ], [ -65.8, -47.2 ], [ -65.7, -47.3 ], [ -65.7, -47.4 ], [ -65.7, -47.4 ], [ -65.7, -47.5 ], [ -65.8, -47.5 ], [ -65.8, -47.6 ], [ -65.9, -47.8 ], [ -65.9, -47.8 ], [ -65.9, -47.8 ], [ -66, -47.8 ], [ -66, -47.8 ], [ -66, -47.8 ], [ -66, -47.8 ], [ -66.1, -47.8 ], [ -66.1, -47.8 ], [ -66.1, -47.8 ], [ -66.2, -47.8 ], [ -66.2, -47.8 ], [ -66.2, -47.9 ], [ -66.2, -47.8 ], [ -66.2, -47.8 ], [ -66.1, -47.8 ], [ -66.1, -47.8 ], [ -66, -47.8 ], [ -66, -47.8 ], [ -65.9, -47.8 ], [ -65.8, -47.9 ], [ -65.8, -48 ], [ -65.8, -48 ], [ -65.9, -48 ], [ -65.9, -48 ], [ -65.9, -47.9 ], [ -66, -48 ], [ -65.9, -48 ], [ -66, -48.1 ], [ -66.1, -48.1 ], [ -66.3, -48.2 ], [ -66.3, -48.3 ], [ -66.4, -48.3 ], [ -66.5, -48.4 ], [ -66.5, -48.4 ], [ -66.6, -48.4 ], [ -66.7, -48.4 ], [ -66.7, -48.5 ], [ -66.8, -48.5 ], [ -66.8, -48.6 ], [ -66.9, -48.6 ], [ -66.9, -48.6 ], [ -66.9, -48.6 ], [ -67, -48.6 ], [ -67.1, -48.6 ], [ -67.1, -48.6 ], [ -67.1, -48.7 ], [ -67.2, -48.8 ], [ -67.2, -48.8 ], [ -67.3, -48.8 ], [ -67.3, -48.8 ], [ -67.3, -48.9 ], [ -67.4, -48.9 ], [ -67.5, -49 ], [ -67.5, -49 ], [ -67.5, -49 ], [ -67.5, -49 ], [ -67.6, -49 ], [ -67.6, -49 ], [ -67.6, -49.1 ], [ -67.6, -49.1 ], [ -67.6, -49.2 ], [ -67.7, -49.2 ], [ -67.7, -49.3 ], [ -67.8, -49.3 ], [ -67.8, -49.3 ], [ -67.8, -49.4 ], [ -67.7, -49.4 ], [ -67.7, -49.4 ], [ -67.7, -49.3 ], [ -67.7, -49.3 ], [ -67.6, -49.3 ], [ -67.6, -49.3 ], [ -67.7, -49.4 ], [ -67.7, -49.5 ], [ -67.7, -49.6 ], [ -67.7, -49.7 ], [ -67.7, -49.8 ], [ -67.7, -49.8 ], [ -67.8, -49.8 ], [ -67.8, -49.9 ], [ -67.8, -49.9 ], [ -67.8, -49.9 ], [ -67.8, -49.9 ], [ -67.9, -50 ], [ -67.9, -50 ], [ -67.9, -50 ], [ -68, -50 ], [ -68, -50 ], [ -68, -50.1 ], [ -68.1, -50.1 ], [ -68.2, -50.1 ], [ -68.2, -50.1 ], [ -68.2, -50.1 ], [ -68.3, -50.1 ], [ -68.3, -50.1 ], [ -68.3, -50.1 ], [ -68.4, -50.1 ], [ -68.5, -50 ], [ -68.6, -49.9 ], [ -68.6, -49.9 ], [ -68.7, -50 ], [ -68.7, -50 ], [ -68.8, -50 ], [ -68.9, -50 ], [ -68.9, -50 ], [ -69, -50 ], [ -69, -50 ], [ -68.9, -50 ], [ -68.9, -50 ], [ -68.8, -50 ], [ -68.8, -50 ], [ -68.8, -50 ], [ -68.7, -50 ], [ -68.6, -50 ], [ -68.6, -50 ], [ -68.6, -50 ], [ -68.6, -50 ], [ -68.5, -50 ], [ -68.5, -50.1 ], [ -68.5, -50.1 ], [ -68.5, -50.1 ], [ -68.5, -50.1 ], [ -68.4, -50.1 ], [ -68.4, -50.1 ], [ -68.4, -50.2 ], [ -68.4, -50.2 ], [ -68.4, -50.2 ], [ -68.4, -50.2 ], [ -68.5, -50.2 ], [ -68.5, -50.2 ], [ -68.7, -50.2 ], [ -68.7, -50.3 ], [ -68.8, -50.3 ], [ -68.8, -50.3 ], [ -68.9, -50.3 ], [ -68.9, -50.3 ], [ -68.9, -50.4 ], [ -69, -50.4 ], [ -69.1, -50.5 ], [ -69.1, -50.5 ], [ -69.1, -50.6 ], [ -69.1, -50.7 ], [ -69.1, -50.8 ], [ -69.1, -50.9 ], [ -69.1, -50.9 ], [ -69.2, -50.9 ], [ -69.2, -51 ], [ -69.3, -51 ], [ -69.3, -51 ], [ -69.4, -51 ], [ -69.4, -51.1 ], [ -69.4, -51.1 ], [ -69.3, -51 ], [ -69.2, -51 ], [ -69.2, -51 ], [ -69.1, -51 ], [ -69.1, -51.1 ], [ -69.1, -51.1 ], [ -69.1, -51.1 ], [ -69.1, -51.2 ], [ -69.1, -51.3 ], [ -69, -51.3 ], [ -69, -51.4 ], [ -69, -51.4 ], [ -69, -51.5 ], [ -69, -51.5 ], [ -69, -51.5 ], [ -69, -51.6 ], [ -69, -51.6 ], [ -69, -51.6 ], [ -69.1, -51.6 ], [ -69.1, -51.6 ], [ -69.1, -51.6 ], [ -69.2, -51.6 ], [ -69.2, -51.6 ], [ -69.3, -51.6 ], [ -69.4, -51.6 ], [ -69.5, -51.6 ], [ -69.6, -51.6 ], [ -69.5, -51.6 ], [ -69.5, -51.6 ], [ -69.5, -51.6 ], [ -69.4, -51.6 ], [ -69.3, -51.6 ], [ -69.3, -51.6 ], [ -69.2, -51.6 ], [ -69, -51.6 ], [ -69, -51.6 ], [ -68.9, -51.7 ], [ -68.9, -51.8 ], [ -68.8, -51.9 ], [ -68.8, -51.9 ], [ -68.8, -51.9 ], [ -68.7, -52 ], [ -68.7, -52 ], [ -68.6, -52.1 ], [ -68.6, -52.1 ], [ -68.6, -52.1 ], [ -68.5, -52.2 ], [ -68.4, -52.2 ], [ -68.4, -52.3 ], [ -68.4, -52.3 ], [ -68.4, -52.4 ], [ -68.4, -52.4 ], [ -68.5, -52.3 ], [ -68.5, -52.3 ], [ -68.7, -52.3 ], [ -68.8, -52.3 ], [ -68.8, -52.3 ], [ -68.9, -52.3 ], [ -69, -52.3 ], [ -69, -52.3 ], [ -69, -52.3 ], [ -69, -52.2 ], [ -69.1, -52.2 ], [ -69.1, -52.2 ], [ -69.2, -52.2 ], [ -69.2, -52.2 ], [ -69.2, -52.2 ], [ -69.3, -52.2 ], [ -69.4, -52.3 ], [ -69.5, -52.3 ], [ -69.5, -52.3 ], [ -69.5, -52.3 ], [ -69.5, -52.4 ], [ -69.6, -52.5 ], [ -69.6, -52.5 ], [ -69.6, -52.5 ], [ -69.7, -52.5 ], [ -69.7, -52.5 ], [ -69.8, -52.5 ], [ -69.8, -52.5 ], [ -69.9, -52.5 ], [ -70.1, -52.6 ], [ -70.2, -52.6 ], [ -70.5, -52.7 ], [ -70.5, -52.7 ], [ -70.7, -52.7 ], [ -70.8, -52.7 ], [ -70.8, -52.9 ], [ -70.8, -52.9 ], [ -70.8, -52.9 ], [ -70.8, -53 ], [ -70.9, -53.1 ], [ -70.9, -53.2 ], [ -70.9, -53.2 ], [ -70.9, -53.2 ], [ -71, -53.2 ], [ -71, -53.4 ], [ -71, -53.4 ], [ -71, -53.4 ], [ -71, -53.5 ], [ -71, -53.5 ], [ -70.9, -53.5 ], [ -70.9, -53.6 ], [ -70.9, -53.6 ], [ -70.9, -53.6 ], [ -71, -53.8 ], [ -71, -53.8 ], [ -71, -53.8 ], [ -71.2, -53.9 ], [ -71.3, -53.9 ], [ -71.5, -53.8 ], [ -71.5, -53.8 ], [ -71.5, -53.8 ], [ -71.6, -53.8 ], [ -71.6, -53.8 ], [ -71.6, -53.8 ], [ -71.7, -53.8 ], [ -71.9, -53.7 ], [ -71.9, -53.7 ], [ -72.1, -53.7 ], [ -72.1, -53.7 ], [ -72.3, -53.6 ], [ -72.3, -53.5 ], [ -72.4, -53.5 ], [ -72.4, -53.5 ], [ -72.5, -53.4 ], [ -72.4, -53.3 ], [ -72.3, -53.2 ], [ -72.1, -53.3 ], [ -72.1, -53.3 ], [ -72.1, -53.3 ], [ -72.1, -53.4 ], [ -72.1, -53.4 ], [ -72.2, -53.4 ], [ -72.2, -53.4 ], [ -72.2, -53.4 ], [ -72.1, -53.4 ], [ -72.1, -53.4 ], [ -72, -53.4 ], [ -72, -53.4 ], [ -72, -53.3 ], [ -72, -53.3 ], [ -72, -53.3 ], [ -72, -53.2 ], [ -72, -53.2 ], [ -71.9, -53.2 ], [ -71.8, -53.2 ], [ -71.8, -53.4 ], [ -71.8, -53.5 ], [ -71.8, -53.5 ], [ -71.8, -53.5 ], [ -71.9, -53.5 ], [ -72, -53.5 ], [ -72, -53.5 ], [ -72, -53.6 ], [ -72, -53.6 ], [ -71.9, -53.6 ], [ -71.8, -53.5 ], [ -71.8, -53.5 ], [ -71.8, -53.5 ], [ -71.8, -53.4 ], [ -71.8, -53.3 ], [ -71.8, -53.3 ], [ -71.7, -53.2 ], [ -71.5, -53.1 ], [ -71.4, -53.1 ], [ -71.4, -53.1 ], [ -71.4, -53.1 ], [ -71.4, -53.1 ], [ -71.3, -53.1 ], [ -71.3, -53.1 ], [ -71.1, -52.9 ], [ -71.1, -52.9 ], [ -71.2, -52.8 ], [ -71.3, -52.8 ], [ -71.3, -52.8 ], [ -71.6, -52.9 ], [ -71.8, -53 ], [ -71.9, -53 ], [ -71.9, -53 ], [ -72, -53.1 ], [ -72.1, -53.1 ], [ -72.1, -53.1 ], [ -72.1, -53.1 ], [ -72.2, -53.1 ], [ -72.2, -53.1 ], [ -72.2, -53.1 ], [ -72.2, -53 ], [ -72.3, -53 ], [ -72.5, -53.1 ], [ -72.5, -53.1 ], [ -72.5, -53.1 ], [ -72.4, -53.1 ], [ -72.2, -53.2 ], [ -72.2, -53.2 ], [ -72.2, -53.2 ], [ -72.3, -53.2 ], [ -72.4, -53.2 ], [ -72.4, -53.2 ], [ -72.5, -53.2 ], [ -72.5, -53.2 ], [ -72.5, -53.2 ], [ -72.5, -53.2 ], [ -72.5, -53.2 ], [ -72.4, -53.2 ], [ -72.5, -53.4 ], [ -72.5, -53.4 ], [ -72.6, -53.4 ], [ -72.6, -53.3 ], [ -72.6, -53.3 ], [ -72.6, -53.4 ], [ -72.6, -53.4 ], [ -72.5, -53.4 ], [ -72.5, -53.4 ], [ -72.4, 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-74.5, -47.8 ], [ -74.5, -47.8 ], [ -74.5, -47.8 ], [ -74.6, -47.8 ], [ -74.6, -47.8 ], [ -74.7, -47.7 ], [ -74.7, -47.7 ], [ -74.6, -47.6 ], [ -74.6, -47.6 ], [ -74.5, -47.5 ], [ -74.5, -47.6 ], [ -74.4, -47.6 ], [ -74.4, -47.6 ], [ -74.3, -47.6 ], [ -74.3, -47.7 ], [ -74.3, -47.7 ], [ -74.2, -47.8 ], [ -74.2, -47.8 ], [ -74.2, -47.7 ], [ -74.2, -47.7 ], [ -74.3, -47.7 ], [ -74.3, -47.7 ], [ -74.3, -47.7 ], [ -74.3, -47.6 ], [ -74.2, -47.6 ], [ -74.1, -47.6 ], [ -74.1, -47.6 ], [ -74, -47.6 ], [ -74.1, -47.5 ], [ -74.1, -47.6 ], [ -74.2, -47.6 ], [ -74.3, -47.6 ], [ -74.3, -47.6 ], [ -74.5, -47.5 ], [ -74.5, -47.4 ], [ -74.5, -47.4 ], [ -74.4, -47.3 ], [ -74.3, -47.3 ], [ -74.3, -47.2 ], [ -74.3, -47.2 ], [ -74.2, -47.2 ], [ -74.2, -47.2 ], [ -74.2, -47.2 ], [ -74.2, -47.3 ], [ -74.1, -47.3 ], [ -74.1, -47.3 ], [ -74.1, -47.3 ], [ -74.1, -47.3 ], [ -74.1, -47.2 ], [ -74.1, -47.2 ], [ -74.1, -47.2 ], [ -74, -47.1 ], [ -73.9, -47 ], [ -74, -47 ], [ -74, -47 ], [ -74.1, -47 ], [ -74.1, -47 ], [ -74.1, -47 ], [ -74.1, -47 ], [ -74.2, -46.9 ], [ -74.3, -46.8 ], [ -74.3, -46.8 ], [ -74.3, -46.8 ], [ -74.6, -46.8 ], [ -74.6, -46.8 ], [ -74.6, -46.8 ], [ -74.6, -46.8 ], [ -74.4, -46.9 ], [ -74.4, -46.9 ], [ -74.5, -46.9 ], [ -74.5, -46.9 ], [ -74.6, -46.9 ], [ -74.6, -46.9 ], [ -74.9, -46.8 ], [ -75, -46.8 ], [ -75.1, -46.7 ], [ -75.1, -46.6 ], [ -75.1, -46.6 ], [ -75, -46.6 ], [ -74.9, -46.5 ], [ -74.9, -46.4 ], [ -75, -46.5 ], [ -75, -46.5 ], [ -75.1, -46.6 ], [ -75.1, -46.6 ], [ -75.2, -46.6 ], [ -75.4, -46.7 ], [ -75.4, -46.7 ], [ -75.4, -46.7 ], [ -75.5, -46.7 ], [ -75.6, -46.7 ], [ -75.6, -46.7 ], [ -75.7, -46.8 ], [ -75.6, -46.8 ], [ -75.6, -46.8 ], [ -75.5, -46.7 ], [ -75.4, -46.7 ], [ -75.4, -46.7 ], [ -75.3, -46.9 ], [ -75.4, -46.9 ], [ -75.4, -46.9 ], [ -75.5, -47 ], [ -75.5, -47 ], [ -75.5, -47 ], [ -75.5, -47 ], [ -75.6, -46.9 ], [ -75.6, -46.9 ], [ -75.7, -46.8 ], [ -75.7, -46.7 ], [ -75.7, -46.6 ], [ -75.6, -46.6 ], [ -75.6, -46.6 ], [ -75.6, -46.6 ], [ 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-45.7 ], [ -73.4, -45.7 ], [ -73.4, -45.7 ], [ -73.3, -45.7 ], [ -73.3, -45.7 ], [ -73.2, -45.7 ], [ -73.2, -45.7 ], [ -73.2, -45.7 ], [ -73.3, -45.6 ], [ -73.4, -45.6 ], [ -73.4, -45.6 ], [ -73.4, -45.7 ], [ -73.5, -45.7 ], [ -73.5, -45.7 ], [ -73.6, -45.8 ], [ -73.6, -45.8 ], [ -73.6, -45.7 ], [ -73.5, -45.5 ], [ -73.4, -45.4 ], [ -73.3, -45.3 ], [ -73.2, -45.3 ], [ -73.2, -45.3 ], [ -73.2, -45.4 ], [ -73.1, -45.4 ], [ -73.1, -45.4 ], [ -73, -45.4 ], [ -73, -45.5 ], [ -72.9, -45.5 ], [ -72.9, -45.5 ], [ -72.8, -45.4 ], [ -72.8, -45.4 ], [ -72.9, -45.4 ], [ -72.9, -45.4 ], [ -72.9, -45.4 ], [ -73, -45.4 ], [ -73.1, -45.3 ], [ -73.1, -45.3 ], [ -73.2, -45.3 ], [ -73.3, -45.2 ], [ -73.3, -45.2 ], [ -73.3, -45.3 ], [ -73.3, -45.3 ], [ -73.4, -45.3 ], [ -73.4, -45.3 ], [ -73.4, -45.3 ], [ -73.5, -45.3 ], [ -73.5, -45.3 ], [ -73.4, -45.2 ], [ -73.4, -45.2 ], [ -73.4, -45.2 ], [ -73.3, -45.2 ], [ -73.3, -45.1 ], [ -73.3, -45.1 ], [ -73.4, -45.1 ], [ -73.4, -45 ], [ -73.4, -45 ], [ -73.4, -45 ], [ -73.3, -45 ], [ -73.3, -45 ], [ -73.3, -45 ], [ -73.3, -45 ], [ -73.2, -45 ], [ -73.1, -44.9 ], [ -72.9, -44.9 ], [ -72.9, -44.8 ], [ -72.8, -44.8 ], [ -72.7, -44.7 ], [ -72.7, -44.6 ], [ -72.6, -44.5 ], [ -72.6, -44.4 ], [ -72.7, -44.4 ], [ -72.7, -44.5 ], [ -72.8, -44.4 ], [ -72.9, -44.3 ], [ -72.9, -44.3 ], [ -73, -44.3 ], [ -73.1, -44.3 ], [ -73.1, -44.3 ], [ -73.2, -44.3 ], [ -73.2, -44.3 ], [ -73.3, -44.2 ], [ -73.3, -44.1 ], [ -73.3, -44.1 ], [ -73.2, -44.1 ], [ -73.1, -44 ], [ -73.1, -44 ], [ -73.1, -43.9 ], [ -73, -43.8 ], [ -73, -43.8 ], [ -72.9, -43.8 ], [ -72.8, -43.8 ], [ -72.9, -43.7 ], [ -72.9, -43.7 ], [ -72.9, -43.7 ], [ -72.9, -43.8 ], [ -72.9, -43.8 ], [ -73, -43.7 ], [ -73, -43.7 ], [ -73, -43.6 ], [ -73.1, -43.5 ], [ -73.1, -43.4 ], [ -73.1, -43.3 ], [ -73.1, -43.3 ], [ -73, -43.3 ], [ -73, -43.3 ], [ -73, -43.3 ], [ -72.9, -43.2 ], [ -72.9, -43.2 ], [ -72.9, -43.2 ], [ -72.9, -43.1 ], [ -72.9, -43.1 ], [ -72.9, -43 ], [ -72.8, -43 ], [ -72.8, -43 ], [ -72.7, -43 ], [ -72.7, -42.9 ], [ -72.8, -42.9 ], [ -72.8, -42.9 ], [ -72.8, -42.8 ], [ -72.8, -42.8 ], [ -72.9, -42.8 ], [ -72.9, -42.7 ], [ -72.9, -42.6 ], [ -72.8, -42.5 ], [ -72.8, -42.5 ], [ -72.7, -42.5 ], [ -72.7, -42.5 ], [ -72.7, -42.5 ], [ -72.6, -42.6 ], [ -72.6, -42.6 ], [ -72.5, -42.6 ], [ -72.6, -42.5 ], [ -72.6, -42.5 ], [ -72.6, -42.5 ], [ -72.7, -42.5 ], [ -72.8, -42.3 ], [ -72.8, -42.2 ], [ -72.8, -42.2 ], [ -72.6, -42.2 ], [ -72.6, -42.2 ], [ -72.5, -42.2 ], [ -72.5, -42.3 ], [ -72.5, -42.5 ], [ -72.4, -42.5 ], [ -72.4, -42.4 ], [ -72.4, -42.4 ], [ -72.5, -42.2 ], [ -72.5, -42.2 ], [ -72.5, -42.1 ], [ -72.5, -42.1 ], [ -72.5, -42.1 ], [ -72.5, -42 ], [ -72.5, -42 ], [ -72.5, -42 ], [ -72.5, -42 ], [ -72.5, -42 ], [ -72.6, -42 ], [ -72.6, -42 ], [ -72.7, -42 ], [ -72.8, -42 ], [ -72.9, -41.9 ], [ -72.9, -41.9 ], [ -72.8, -41.8 ], [ -72.7, -41.7 ], [ -72.6, -41.7 ], [ -72.6, -41.7 ], [ -72.5, -41.7 ], [ -72.4, -41.7 ], [ -72.4, -41.7 ], [ -72.3, -41.6 ], [ -72.3, -41.4 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-73.9, -40.9 ], [ -73.8, -40.6 ], [ -73.8, -40.6 ], [ -73.7, -40.5 ], [ -73.8, -40.5 ], [ -73.8, -40.4 ], [ -73.7, -40.2 ], [ -73.7, -40.1 ], [ -73.7, -40.1 ], [ -73.7, -40.1 ], [ -73.7, -40 ], [ -73.7, -40 ], [ -73.7, -40 ], [ -73.7, -40 ], [ -73.7, -39.9 ], [ -73.5, -39.9 ], [ -73.4, -39.9 ], [ -73.4, -39.9 ], [ -73.4, -39.7 ], [ -73.3, -39.6 ], [ -73.3, -39.6 ], [ -73.3, -39.5 ], [ -73.2, -39.4 ], [ -73.2, -39.4 ], [ -73.2, -39.4 ], [ -73.2, -39.2 ], [ -73.3, -39.1 ], [ -73.4, -38.9 ], [ -73.5, -38.7 ], [ -73.5, -38.6 ], [ -73.5, -38.5 ], [ -73.5, -38.5 ], [ -73.5, -38.4 ], [ -73.5, -38.4 ], [ -73.5, -38.3 ], [ -73.5, -38.3 ], [ -73.5, -38.3 ], [ -73.5, -38.2 ], [ -73.5, -38.2 ], [ -73.5, -38.2 ], [ -73.5, -38.1 ], [ -73.5, -38 ], [ -73.5, -38 ], [ -73.5, -37.9 ], [ -73.6, -37.8 ], [ -73.7, -37.7 ], [ -73.7, -37.6 ], [ -73.7, -37.6 ], [ -73.6, -37.5 ], [ -73.6, -37.5 ], [ -73.6, -37.5 ], [ -73.6, -37.4 ], [ -73.6, -37.4 ], [ -73.6, -37.4 ], [ -73.7, -37.4 ], [ -73.7, -37.3 ], [ -73.6, -37.2 ], [ -73.6, -37.2 ], [ -73.6, -37.2 ], [ -73.5, -37.2 ], [ -73.5, -37.2 ], [ -73.4, -37.2 ], [ -73.4, -37.2 ], [ -73.4, -37.2 ], [ -73.3, -37.2 ], [ -73.3, -37.2 ], [ -73.3, -37.2 ], [ -73.2, -37.2 ], [ -73.2, -37.2 ], [ -73.2, -37.1 ], [ -73.2, -37.1 ], [ -73.1, -36.9 ], [ -73.1, -36.7 ], [ -73.1, -36.7 ], [ -73.1, -36.7 ], [ -73, -36.7 ], [ -73, -36.7 ], [ -73, -36.7 ], [ -73, -36.7 ], [ -73, -36.6 ], [ -72.9, -36.5 ], [ -72.9, -36.4 ], [ -72.8, -36.3 ], [ -72.8, -36.1 ], [ -72.8, -36 ], [ -72.8, -36 ], [ -72.8, -36 ], [ -72.7, -35.9 ], [ -72.6, -35.8 ], [ -72.6, -35.8 ], [ -72.6, -35.8 ], [ -72.6, -35.7 ], [ -72.6, -35.7 ], [ -72.7, -35.6 ], [ -72.6, -35.6 ], [ -72.6, -35.6 ], [ -72.6, -35.5 ], [ -72.5, -35.5 ], [ -72.5, -35.4 ], [ -72.4, -35.3 ], [ -72.4, -35.2 ], [ -72.4, -35.2 ], [ -72.3, -35.2 ], [ -72.3, -35.2 ], [ -72.2, -35.1 ], [ -72.2, -35.1 ], [ -72.2, -35 ], [ -72.2, -35 ], [ -72.2, -35 ], [ -72.2, -34.9 ], [ -72.2, -34.9 ], [ -72.1, -34.8 ], [ -72.1, -34.8 ], [ -72.1, -34.7 ], [ -72.1, -34.7 ], [ -72.1, -34.6 ], [ -72, -34.5 ], [ -72, -34.5 ], [ -72.1, -34.4 ], [ -72, -34.4 ], [ -72, -34.4 ], [ -72, -34.3 ], [ -72, -34.3 ], [ -72, -34.2 ], [ -72, -34.2 ], [ -72, -34.2 ], [ -72, -34.1 ], [ -71.9, -34 ], [ -71.9, -33.9 ], [ -71.9, -33.9 ], [ -71.8, -33.8 ], [ -71.8, -33.8 ], [ -71.8, -33.8 ], [ -71.7, -33.8 ], [ -71.7, -33.7 ], [ -71.7, -33.7 ], [ -71.7, -33.7 ], [ -71.7, -33.7 ], [ -71.6, -33.6 ], [ -71.6, -33.6 ], [ -71.7, -33.5 ], [ -71.7, -33.4 ], [ -71.7, -33.3 ], [ -71.8, -33.1 ], [ -71.7, -33.1 ], [ -71.7, -33.1 ], [ -71.6, -33 ], [ -71.5, -32.9 ], [ -71.5, -32.8 ], [ -71.5, -32.7 ], [ -71.4, -32.7 ], [ -71.4, -32.6 ], [ -71.4, -32.5 ], [ -71.4, -32.4 ], [ -71.5, -32.3 ], [ -71.5, -32.2 ], [ -71.5, -32.2 ], [ -71.5, -32.1 ], [ -71.5, -32 ], [ -71.5, -32 ], [ -71.5, -32 ], [ -71.5, -31.9 ], [ -71.5, -31.8 ], [ -71.5, -31.7 ], [ -71.5, -31.7 ], [ -71.6, -31.6 ], [ -71.6, -31.6 ], [ -71.6, -31.5 ], [ -71.6, -31.3 ], [ -71.7, -31.2 ], [ -71.7, -31.2 ], [ -71.7, -31.1 ], [ -71.7, -31.1 ], [ -71.7, -31.1 ], [ -71.6, -31 ], [ -71.7, -31 ], [ -71.7, -30.9 ], [ -71.7, -30.9 ], [ -71.7, -30.8 ], [ -71.7, -30.7 ], [ -71.7, -30.6 ], [ -71.7, -30.5 ], [ -71.7, -30.3 ], [ -71.6, -30.3 ], [ -71.6, -30.3 ], [ -71.6, -30.3 ], [ -71.6, -30.3 ], [ -71.5, -30.3 ], [ -71.5, -30.3 ], [ -71.4, -30.2 ], [ -71.4, -30.2 ], [ -71.3, -30 ], [ -71.3, -29.9 ], [ -71.3, -29.8 ], [ -71.3, -29.8 ], [ -71.3, -29.7 ], [ -71.3, -29.6 ], [ -71.3, -29.5 ], [ -71.3, -29.4 ], [ -71.3, -29.4 ], [ -71.3, -29.3 ], [ -71.4, -29.3 ], [ -71.4, -29.3 ], [ -71.4, -29.2 ], [ -71.5, -29.2 ], [ -71.5, -29.2 ], [ -71.5, -29.2 ], [ -71.5, -29.2 ], [ -71.5, -29.1 ], [ -71.5, -29 ], [ -71.5, -28.9 ], [ -71.5, -28.9 ], [ -71.5, -28.8 ], [ -71.4, -28.8 ], [ -71.3, -28.7 ], [ -71.3, -28.6 ], [ -71.3, -28.6 ], [ -71.3, -28.5 ], [ -71.2, -28.5 ], [ -71.2, -28.3 ], [ -71.2, -28.2 ], [ -71.2, -28.2 ], [ -71.1, -28 ], [ -71.1, -27.8 ], [ -71.1, -27.8 ], [ -71, -27.7 ], [ -71, -27.7 ], [ -71, -27.7 ], [ -70.9, -27.6 ], [ -70.9, -27.5 ], [ -70.9, -27.4 ], [ -70.9, -27.3 ], [ -71, -27.2 ], [ -71, -27.2 ], [ -70.9, -27.1 ], [ -70.9, -27.1 ], [ -70.9, -27.1 ], [ -70.8, -27 ], [ -70.8, -27 ], [ -70.8, -26.9 ], [ -70.8, -26.9 ], [ -70.8, -26.9 ], [ -70.8, -26.7 ], [ -70.7, -26.6 ], [ -70.7, -26.6 ], [ -70.7, -26.4 ], [ -70.6, -26.3 ], [ -70.7, -26.2 ], [ -70.7, -26.2 ], [ -70.7, -26.1 ], [ -70.6, -26 ], [ -70.6, -26 ], [ -70.6, -26 ], [ -70.7, -25.9 ], [ -70.7, -25.9 ], [ -70.7, -25.9 ], [ -70.7, -25.8 ], [ -70.7, -25.7 ], [ -70.7, -25.7 ], [ -70.6, -25.6 ], [ -70.6, -25.5 ], [ -70.5, -25.5 ], [ -70.5, -25.4 ], [ -70.4, -25.3 ], [ -70.4, -25.2 ], [ -70.5, -25.1 ], [ -70.5, -25.1 ], [ -70.5, -25 ], [ -70.5, -24.9 ], [ -70.5, -24.8 ], [ -70.6, -24.7 ], [ -70.6, -24.6 ], [ -70.5, -24.4 ], [ -70.5, -24.3 ], [ -70.6, -24.3 ], [ -70.5, -24.2 ], [ -70.5, -24.2 ], [ -70.5, -24.2 ], [ -70.5, -24.1 ], [ -70.5, -24 ], [ -70.5, -24 ], [ -70.5, -24 ], [ -70.5, -23.9 ], [ -70.5, -23.8 ], [ -70.5, -23.7 ], [ -70.4, -23.7 ], [ -70.4, -23.7 ], [ -70.4, -23.7 ], [ -70.4, -23.6 ], [ -70.4, -23.6 ], [ -70.4, -23.6 ], [ -70.4, -23.5 ], [ -70.4, -23.5 ], [ -70.4, -23.5 ], [ -70.5, -23.5 ], [ -70.5, -23.4 ], [ -70.5, -23.5 ], [ -70.5, -23.5 ], [ -70.6, -23.5 ], [ -70.6, -23.4 ], [ -70.6, -23.2 ], [ -70.6, -23.1 ], [ -70.5, -23 ], [ -70.5, -23 ], [ -70.5, -23.1 ], [ -70.5, -23.1 ], [ -70.4, -23.1 ], [ -70.4, -23.1 ], [ -70.4, -23 ], [ -70.3, -23 ], [ -70.3, -23 ], [ -70.3, -22.9 ], [ -70.3, -22.9 ], [ -70.3, -22.9 ], [ -70.3, -22.8 ], [ -70.3, -22.8 ], [ -70.3, -22.6 ], [ -70.3, -22.5 ], [ -70.2, -22.3 ], [ -70.2, -22.2 ], [ -70.2, -22.1 ], [ -70.2, -22 ], [ -70.1, -21.8 ], [ -70.2, -21.7 ], [ -70.2, -21.7 ], [ -70.1, -21.6 ], [ -70.1, -21.6 ], [ -70.1, -21.5 ], [ -70.1, -21.4 ], [ -70.1, -21.4 ], [ -70.1, -21.3 ], [ -70.1, -21.3 ], [ -70.1, -21.1 ], [ -70.1, -21.1 ], [ -70.2, -21 ], [ -70.2, -21 ], [ -70.1, -20.9 ], [ -70.1, -20.9 ], [ -70.2, -20.8 ], [ -70.2, -20.8 ], [ -70.2, -20.8 ], [ -70.2, -20.4 ], [ -70.1, -20.3 ], [ -70.1, -20.3 ], [ -70.2, -20.2 ], [ -70.1, -20.1 ], [ -70.1, -20.1 ], [ -70.1, -20.1 ], [ -70.1, -20 ], [ -70.1, -20 ], [ -70.1, -19.9 ], [ -70.2, -19.8 ], [ -70.2, -19.6 ], [ -70.2, -19.5 ], [ -70.2, -19.4 ], [ -70.3, -19.3 ], [ -70.3, -19.3 ], [ -70.3, -19.2 ], [ -70.3, -19.2 ], [ -70.3, -19.1 ], [ -70.3, -18.9 ], [ -70.3, -18.9 ], [ -70.3, -18.8 ], [ -70.3, -18.6 ], [ -70.3, -18.6 ], [ -70.3, -18.4 ], [ -70.3, -18.4 ], [ -70.4, -18.4 ], [ -70.4, -18.4 ], [ -70.4, -18.3 ], [ -70.4, -18.3 ], [ -70.5, -18.2 ], [ -70.6, -18.2 ], [ -70.6, -18.2 ], [ -70.6, -18.2 ], [ -70.6, -18.2 ], [ -70.7, -18.1 ], [ -70.9, -18 ], [ -70.9, -17.9 ], [ -71, -17.9 ], [ -71, -17.9 ], [ -71.1, -17.9 ], [ -71.2, -17.8 ], [ -71.2, -17.8 ], [ -71.2, -17.8 ], [ -71.2, -17.8 ], [ -71.3, -17.7 ], [ -71.4, -17.6 ], [ -71.4, -17.5 ], [ -71.4, -17.5 ], [ -71.4, -17.4 ], [ -71.4, -17.4 ], [ -71.5, -17.3 ], [ -71.5, -17.3 ], [ -71.5, -17.3 ], [ -71.5, -17.3 ], [ -71.7, -17.2 ], [ -71.7, -17.2 ], [ -71.7, -17.2 ], [ -71.8, -17.2 ], [ -71.8, -17.2 ], [ -71.9, -17.1 ], [ -71.9, -17.1 ], [ -71.9, -17.1 ], [ -72, -17.1 ], [ -72, -17 ], [ -72, -17 ], [ -72.1, -17 ], [ -72.2, -16.9 ], [ -72.3, -16.8 ], [ -72.3, -16.8 ], [ -72.4, -16.8 ], [ -72.5, -16.7 ], [ -72.5, -16.7 ], [ -72.6, -16.7 ], [ -72.6, -16.7 ], [ -72.7, -16.7 ], [ -72.7, -16.7 ], [ -72.7, -16.7 ], [ -72.7, -16.7 ], [ -72.8, -16.6 ], [ -72.8, -16.6 ], [ -72.8, -16.6 ], [ -72.9, -16.6 ], [ -72.9, -16.5 ], [ -72.9, -16.5 ], [ -73, -16.5 ], [ -73.2, -16.4 ], [ -73.3, -16.3 ], [ -73.4, -16.3 ], [ -73.5, -16.3 ], [ -73.6, -16.2 ], [ -73.6, -16.2 ], [ -73.8, -16.2 ], [ -74, -16.1 ], [ -74, -16 ], [ -74, -16 ], [ -74.2, -15.9 ], [ -74.3, -15.9 ], [ -74.3, -15.9 ], [ -74.4, -15.8 ], [ -74.4, -15.8 ], [ -74.4, -15.8 ], [ -74.5, -15.8 ], [ -74.5, -15.7 ], [ -74.5, -15.7 ], [ -74.6, -15.7 ], [ -74.7, -15.6 ], [ -74.8, -15.6 ], [ -74.9, -15.5 ], [ -75, -15.5 ], [ -75.1, -15.5 ], [ -75.1, -15.4 ], [ -75.1, -15.4 ], [ -75.2, -15.3 ], [ -75.2, -15.2 ], [ -75.2, -15.2 ], [ -75.3, -15.2 ], [ -75.3, -15.2 ], [ -75.4, -15.1 ], [ -75.5, -14.9 ], [ -75.5, -14.9 ], [ -75.5, -14.9 ], [ -75.6, -14.9 ], [ -75.6, -14.9 ], [ -75.7, -14.8 ], [ -75.8, -14.7 ], [ -75.9, -14.7 ], [ -75.9, -14.6 ], [ -75.9, -14.6 ], [ -76, -14.5 ], [ -76.1, -14.4 ], [ -76.1, -14.4 ], [ -76.1, -14.3 ], [ -76.1, -14.2 ], [ -76.2, -14.2 ], [ -76.2, -14.2 ], [ -76.3, -14 ], [ -76.3, -13.9 ], [ -76.3, -13.9 ], [ -76.4, -13.9 ], [ -76.4, -13.9 ], [ -76.4, -13.8 ], [ -76.3, -13.8 ], [ -76.3, -13.8 ], [ -76.3, -13.9 ], [ -76.2, -13.8 ], [ -76.2, -13.7 ], [ -76.2, -13.6 ], [ -76.2, -13.6 ], [ -76.2, -13.5 ], [ -76.2, -13.4 ], [ -76.2, -13.3 ], [ -76.3, -13.3 ], [ -76.3, -13.3 ], [ -76.4, -13.2 ], [ -76.4, -13.1 ], [ -76.4, -13.1 ], [ -76.5, -13.1 ], [ -76.5, -13.1 ], [ -76.5, -13 ], [ -76.5, -13 ], [ -76.5, -13 ], [ -76.5, -12.9 ], [ -76.6, -12.8 ], [ -76.6, -12.7 ], [ -76.8, -12.5 ], [ -76.8, -12.4 ], [ -76.8, -12.4 ], [ -76.8, -12.4 ], [ -76.9, -12.3 ], [ -76.9, -12.3 ], [ -77, -12.1 ], [ -77.1, -12.1 ], [ -77.1, -12.1 ], [ -77.1, -12.1 ], [ -77.2, -12.1 ], [ -77.1, -12 ], [ -77.1, -11.9 ], [ -77.2, -11.9 ], [ -77.2, -11.8 ], [ -77.2, -11.7 ], [ -77.2, -11.7 ], [ -77.3, -11.5 ], [ -77.4, -11.5 ], [ -77.5, -11.4 ], [ -77.5, -11.3 ], [ -77.6, -11.3 ], [ -77.6, -11.3 ], [ -77.6, -11.3 ], [ -77.7, -11.3 ], [ -77.6, -11.2 ], [ -77.6, -11.2 ], [ -77.6, -11.2 ], [ -77.7, -10.9 ], [ -77.7, -10.9 ], [ -77.8, -10.8 ], [ -77.8, -10.7 ], [ -77.9, -10.6 ], [ -77.9, -10.6 ], [ -77.9, -10.6 ], [ -77.9, -10.5 ], [ -78, -10.4 ], [ -78.1, -10.3 ], [ -78.2, -10.1 ], [ -78.2, -9.9 ], [ -78.3, -9.9 ], [ -78.2, -9.8 ], [ -78.2, -9.8 ], [ -78.3, -9.7 ], [ -78.4, -9.6 ], [ -78.4, -9.5 ], [ -78.4, -9.4 ], [ -78.4, -9.4 ], [ -78.5, -9.3 ], [ -78.5, -9.2 ], [ -78.5, -9.2 ], [ -78.6, -9.1 ], [ -78.6, -9.1 ], [ -78.7, -9 ], [ -78.7, -9 ], [ -78.7, -9 ], [ -78.7, -8.9 ], [ -78.7, -8.8 ], [ -78.8, -8.7 ], [ -78.8, -8.7 ], [ -78.8, -8.6 ], [ -78.8, -8.6 ], [ -78.8, -8.6 ], [ -78.8, -8.5 ], [ -78.9, -8.4 ], [ -78.9, -8.4 ], [ -78.9, -8.4 ], [ -79, -8.2 ], [ -79.2, -8 ], [ -79.2, -8 ], [ -79.2, -8 ], [ -79.2, -8 ], [ -79.3, -7.9 ], [ -79.3, -7.9 ], [ -79.3, -7.9 ], [ -79.4, -7.9 ], [ -79.4, -7.8 ], [ -79.4, -7.7 ], [ -79.5, -7.7 ], [ -79.5, -7.6 ], [ -79.5, -7.5 ], [ -79.6, -7.5 ], [ -79.6, -7.5 ], [ -79.6, -7.4 ], [ -79.6, -7.4 ], [ -79.6, -7.3 ], [ -79.6, -7.3 ], [ -79.6, -7.3 ], [ -79.6, -7.2 ], [ -79.7, -7.2 ], [ -79.7, -7.2 ], [ -79.7, -7.1 ], [ -79.7, -7.1 ], [ -79.8, -7 ], [ -79.8, -7 ], [ -79.9, -6.9 ], [ -79.9, -6.9 ], [ -79.9, -6.9 ], [ -80, -6.8 ], [ -80, -6.8 ], [ -80.1, -6.6 ], [ -80.1, -6.6 ], [ -80.2, -6.6 ], [ -80.3, -6.5 ], [ -80.5, -6.5 ], [ -80.5, -6.4 ], [ -80.6, -6.4 ], [ -80.6, -6.4 ], [ -80.6, -6.4 ], [ -80.7, -6.3 ], [ -80.9, -6.2 ], [ -81.1, -6.2 ], [ -81.1, -6.1 ], [ -81.2, -6.1 ], [ -81.2, -6 ], [ -81.2, -6 ], [ -81.2, -5.9 ], [ -81.2, -5.9 ], [ -81.1, -5.8 ], [ -81.1, -5.8 ], [ -81, -5.9 ], [ -81, -5.9 ], [ -81, -5.9 ], [ -81, -5.9 ], [ -80.9, -5.9 ], [ -80.9, -5.8 ], [ -80.9, -5.8 ], [ -80.9, -5.8 ], [ -80.9, -5.8 ], [ -80.9, -5.7 ], [ -80.9, -5.6 ], [ -80.9, -5.5 ], [ -80.9, -5.5 ], [ -81, -5.4 ], [ -81, -5.4 ], [ -81.1, -5.3 ], [ -81.1, -5.3 ], [ -81.1, -5.3 ], [ -81.1, -5.3 ], [ -81.2, -5.2 ], [ -81.2, -5.1 ], [ -81.2, -5.1 ], [ -81.1, -5.1 ], [ -81.1, -5.1 ], [ -81.1, -5 ], [ -81.1, -5 ], [ -81.1, -5 ], [ -81.1, -5 ], [ -81.2, -4.9 ], [ -81.3, -4.7 ], [ -81.3, -4.7 ], [ -81.4, -4.7 ], [ -81.3, -4.7 ], [ -81.3, -4.6 ], [ -81.3, -4.6 ], [ -81.3, -4.4 ], [ -81.3, -4.4 ], [ -81.3, -4.3 ], [ -81.3, -4.3 ], [ -81.3, -4.3 ], [ -81.1, -4.1 ], [ -81.1, -4.1 ], [ -81, -4 ], [ -81, -4 ], [ -80.9, -3.9 ], [ -80.9, -3.9 ], [ -80.9, -3.9 ], [ -80.9, -3.8 ], [ -80.8, -3.8 ], [ -80.8, -3.8 ], [ -80.8, -3.7 ], [ -80.7, -3.7 ], [ -80.7, -3.6 ], [ -80.6, -3.6 ], [ -80.6, -3.6 ], [ -80.5, -3.5 ], [ -80.5, -3.5 ], [ -80.5, -3.5 ], [ -80.4, -3.5 ], [ -80.4, -3.5 ], [ -80.4, -3.5 ], [ -80.4, -3.5 ], [ -80.4, -3.5 ], [ -80.3, -3.4 ], [ -80.3, -3.4 ], [ -80.3, -3.4 ], [ -80.3, -3.3 ], [ -80.3, -3.3 ], [ -80.1, -3.3 ], [ -80, -3.3 ], [ -80, -3.2 ], [ -79.9, -3.2 ], [ -79.9, -3.1 ], [ -79.9, -3.1 ], [ -79.9, -3.1 ], [ -79.9, -3 ], [ -79.9, -3 ], [ -79.9, -2.9 ], [ -79.8, -2.8 ], [ -79.8, -2.7 ], [ -79.8, -2.6 ], [ -79.7, -2.6 ], [ -79.7, -2.6 ], [ -79.7, -2.5 ], [ -79.7, -2.5 ], [ -79.8, -2.5 ], [ -79.8, -2.5 ], [ -79.8, -2.4 ], [ -79.8, -2.3 ], [ -79.8, -2.2 ], [ -79.9, -2.2 ], [ -79.8, -2.1 ], [ -79.8, -2 ], [ -79.8, -2 ], [ -79.8, -2 ], [ -79.9, -2.1 ], [ -79.9, -2.1 ], [ -79.9, -2.2 ], [ -79.9, -2.2 ], [ -79.9, -2.2 ], [ -79.9, -2.2 ], [ -79.9, -2.3 ], [ -79.9, -2.3 ], [ -79.9, -2.4 ], [ -79.9, -2.4 ], [ -79.9, -2.5 ], [ -79.9, -2.6 ], [ -79.9, -2.6 ], [ -80, -2.6 ], [ -80, -2.6 ], [ -80.1, -2.6 ], [ -80.1, -2.6 ], [ -80, -2.4 ], [ -80, -2.4 ], [ -80, -2.3 ], [ -80, -2.3 ], [ -80, -2.3 ], [ -80.1, -2.4 ], [ -80.1, -2.5 ], [ -80.1, -2.5 ], [ -80.2, -2.6 ], [ -80.2, -2.6 ], [ -80.3, -2.7 ], [ -80.3, -2.7 ], [ -80.3, -2.7 ], [ -80.5, -2.6 ], [ -80.6, -2.5 ], [ -80.6, -2.4 ], [ -80.7, -2.4 ], [ -80.7, -2.4 ], [ -80.7, -2.4 ], [ -80.8, -2.4 ], [ -80.8, -2.4 ], [ -80.9, -2.3 ], [ -81, -2.2 ], [ -81, -2.2 ], [ -80.9, -2.2 ], [ -80.9, -2.2 ], [ -80.8, -2.1 ], [ -80.8, -2.1 ], [ -80.8, -2.1 ], [ -80.7, -1.9 ], [ -80.7, -1.9 ], [ -80.8, -1.8 ], [ -80.8, -1.7 ], [ -80.8, -1.7 ], [ -80.8, -1.6 ], [ -80.9, -1.6 ], [ -80.8, -1.6 ], [ -80.8, -1.5 ], [ -80.8, -1.5 ], [ -80.8, -1.5 ], [ -80.8, -1.3 ], [ -80.8, -1.2 ], [ -80.9, -1.2 ], [ -80.9, -1.1 ], [ -80.9, -1.1 ], [ -80.9, -1 ], [ -80.8, -0.9 ], [ -80.8, -0.9 ], [ -80.7, -0.9 ], [ -80.6, -0.9 ], [ -80.6, -0.9 ], [ -80.5, -0.8 ], [ -80.5, -0.8 ], [ -80.5, -0.7 ], [ -80.5, -0.7 ], [ -80.4, -0.6 ], [ -80.4, -0.6 ], [ -80.4, -0.6 ], [ -80.4, -0.6 ], [ -80.3, -0.6 ], [ -80.3, -0.6 ], [ -80.3, -0.6 ], [ -80.3, -0.6 ], [ -80.4, -0.6 ], [ -80.4, -0.6 ], [ -80.4, -0.5 ], [ -80.5, -0.4 ], [ -80.5, -0.4 ], [ -80.4, -0.2 ], [ -80.3, -0.2 ], [ -80.3, -0.2 ], [ -80.3, -0.1 ], [ -80.2, -0.1 ], [ -80.1, 0 ], [ -80.1, 0 ], [ -80.1, 0.1 ], [ -80, 0.1 ], [ -80, 0.2 ], [ -80, 0.2 ], [ -80, 0.2 ], [ -80, 0.3 ], [ -80, 0.3 ], [ -80, 0.4 ], [ -80, 0.3 ], [ -80, 0.3 ], [ -80, 0.4 ], [ -80, 0.4 ], [ -80, 0.4 ], [ -80, 0.4 ], [ -80, 0.5 ], [ -80, 0.5 ], [ -80, 0.6 ], [ -80, 0.6 ], [ -80, 0.6 ], [ -80.1, 0.6 ], [ -80.1, 0.6 ], [ -80.1, 0.7 ], [ -80.1, 0.8 ], [ -80.1, 0.8 ], [ -80, 0.8 ], [ -80, 0.8 ], [ -80, 0.8 ], [ -79.9, 0.9 ], [ -79.8, 0.9 ], [ -79.8, 0.9 ], [ -79.8, 0.9 ], [ -79.8, 1 ], [ -79.7, 1 ], [ -79.7, 1 ], [ -79.6, 1 ], [ -79.6, 1 ], [ -79.5, 1 ], [ -79.5, 1 ], [ -79.5, 1.1 ], [ -79.4, 1.1 ], [ -79.3, 1.1 ], [ -79.3, 1.1 ], [ -79.3, 1.1 ], [ -79.2, 1.1 ], [ -79.2, 1.1 ], [ -79.1, 1.1 ], [ -79.1, 1.1 ], [ -79.1, 1.2 ], [ -79, 1.2 ], [ -78.9, 1.2 ], [ -78.9, 1.2 ], [ -78.9, 1.3 ], [ -78.8, 1.4 ], [ -78.8, 1.4 ], [ -78.9, 1.5 ], [ -78.9, 1.6 ], [ -78.9, 1.6 ], [ -79, 1.6 ], [ -79, 1.6 ], [ -79.1, 1.6 ], [ -79, 1.8 ], [ -78.9, 1.8 ], [ -78.8, 1.8 ], [ -78.8, 1.8 ], [ -78.7, 1.8 ], [ -78.6, 1.8 ], [ -78.6, 1.8 ], [ -78.5, 1.9 ], [ -78.5, 1.9 ], [ -78.6, 2 ], [ -78.6, 2 ], [ -78.7, 2.1 ], [ -78.7, 2.2 ], [ -78.7, 2.2 ], [ -78.6, 2.3 ], [ -78.6, 2.4 ], [ -78.6, 2.4 ], [ -78.6, 2.4 ], [ -78.5, 2.4 ], [ -78.5, 2.4 ], [ -78.5, 2.4 ], [ -78.5, 2.5 ], [ -78.4, 2.5 ], [ -78.4, 2.5 ], [ -78.4, 2.5 ], [ -78.3, 2.4 ], [ -78.3, 2.5 ], [ -78.1, 2.5 ], [ -78.1, 2.5 ], [ -78, 2.5 ], [ -78, 2.6 ], [ -77.9, 2.6 ], [ -77.9, 2.7 ], [ -77.9, 2.6 ], [ -77.9, 2.6 ], [ -77.9, 2.6 ], [ -77.8, 2.6 ], [ -77.7, 2.6 ], [ -77.8, 2.6 ], [ -77.8, 2.8 ], [ -77.7, 2.9 ], [ -77.6, 3.1 ], [ -77.5, 3.1 ], [ -77.4, 3.3 ], [ -77.4, 3.3 ], [ -77.4, 3.3 ], [ -77.5, 3.3 ], [ -77.5, 3.4 ], [ -77.4, 3.4 ], [ -77.2, 3.6 ], [ -77.2, 3.6 ], [ -77.1, 3.7 ], [ -77.1, 3.7 ], [ -77.1, 3.8 ], [ -77, 3.9 ], [ -77.1, 3.9 ], [ -77.1, 3.9 ], [ -77.2, 3.9 ], [ -77.2, 3.8 ], [ -77.2, 3.8 ], [ -77.3, 3.8 ], [ -77.3, 3.9 ], [ -77.3, 3.9 ], [ -77.3, 4 ], [ -77.3, 4 ], [ -77.2, 4 ], [ -77.2, 4.1 ], [ -77.2, 4.1 ], [ -77.3, 4.1 ], [ -77.3, 4.1 ], [ -77.3, 4 ], [ -77.3, 4 ], [ -77.3, 4 ], [ -77.4, 3.9 ], [ -77.4, 4 ], [ -77.4, 4 ], [ -77.4, 4.1 ], [ -77.4, 4.2 ], [ -77.3, 4.2 ], [ -77.3, 4.2 ], [ -77.2, 4.2 ], [ -77.2, 4.3 ], [ -77.3, 4.3 ], [ -77.3, 4.3 ], [ -77.4, 4.3 ], [ -77.3, 4.4 ], [ -77.3, 4.4 ], [ -77.3, 4.5 ], [ -77.3, 4.5 ], [ -77.3, 4.6 ], [ -77.3, 4.7 ], [ -77.3, 4.8 ], [ -77.3, 4.8 ], [ -77.4, 4.9 ], [ -77.4, 4.9 ], [ -77.4, 5.1 ], [ -77.4, 5.2 ], [ -77.4, 5.2 ], [ -77.3, 5.2 ], [ -77.4, 5.3 ], [ -77.4, 5.5 ], [ -77.5, 5.5 ], [ -77.5, 5.5 ], [ -77.5, 5.6 ], [ -77.4, 5.6 ], [ -77.4, 5.6 ], [ -77.4, 5.6 ], [ -77.3, 5.6 ], [ -77.3, 5.7 ], [ -77.2, 5.8 ], [ -77.2, 5.8 ], [ -77.3, 6 ], [ -77.4, 6.1 ], [ -77.5, 6.1 ], [ -77.5, 6.2 ], [ -77.5, 6.2 ], [ -77.5, 6.3 ], [ -77.4, 6.2 ], [ -77.4, 6.3 ], [ -77.4, 6.4 ], [ -77.3, 6.6 ], [ -77.4, 6.7 ], [ -77.4, 6.7 ], [ -77.5, 6.7 ], [ -77.7, 6.9 ], [ -77.7, 7 ], [ -77.7, 7 ], [ -77.7, 7.1 ], [ -77.8, 7.2 ], [ -77.9, 7.2 ], [ -77.8, 7.5 ], [ -77.8, 7.5 ], [ -77.7, 7.5 ], [ -77.7, 7.5 ], [ -77.7, 7.5 ], [ -77.7, 7.6 ], [ -77.8, 7.6 ], [ -77.8, 7.6 ], [ -77.8, 7.7 ], [ -77.8, 7.7 ], [ -77.7, 7.7 ], [ -77.7, 7.7 ], [ -77.6, 7.6 ], [ -77.6, 7.6 ], [ -77.6, 7.5 ], [ -77.6, 7.5 ], [ -77.3, 7.7 ], [ -77.3, 7.7 ], [ -77.4, 7.8 ], [ -77.3, 7.9 ], [ -77.3, 7.9 ], [ -77.2, 7.9 ], [ -77.2, 8 ], [ -77.2, 8.1 ], [ -77.2, 8.1 ], [ -77.3, 8.2 ], [ -77.3, 8.2 ], [ -77.3, 8.3 ], [ -77.4, 8.3 ], [ -77.4, 8.3 ], [ -77.4, 8.4 ], [ -77.4, 8.4 ], [ -77.4, 8.5 ], [ -77.4, 8.5 ], [ -77.5, 8.5 ], [ -77.5, 8.5 ], [ -77.5, 8.6 ], [ -77.4, 8.6 ], [ -77.4, 8.6 ], [ -77.4, 8.7 ], [ -77.3, 8.7 ], [ -77.3, 8.6 ], [ -77.3, 8.5 ], [ -77.2, 8.5 ], [ -77.2, 8.5 ], [ -77.2, 8.4 ], [ -77.2, 8.4 ], [ -77.1, 8.4 ], [ -77.1, 8.4 ], [ -77.1, 8.3 ], [ -77, 8.2 ], [ -77, 8.2 ], [ -76.9, 8.2 ], [ -76.9, 8.1 ], [ -76.8, 8.1 ], [ -76.8, 8.1 ], [ -76.8, 8.1 ], [ -76.8, 8 ], [ -76.9, 8 ], [ -76.9, 8 ], [ -76.9, 8 ], [ -76.9, 8 ], [ -76.9, 7.9 ], [ -76.9, 7.9 ], [ -76.8, 7.9 ], [ -76.8, 7.9 ], [ -76.7, 7.9 ], [ -76.7, 8 ], [ -76.7, 8.1 ], [ -76.8, 8.2 ], [ -76.8, 8.3 ], [ -76.8, 8.4 ], [ -76.8, 8.5 ], [ -76.9, 8.5 ], [ -76.9, 8.5 ], [ -76.9, 8.6 ], [ -76.9, 8.6 ], [ -76.8, 8.6 ], [ -76.7, 8.7 ], [ -76.4, 8.9 ], [ -76.4, 8.9 ], [ -76.4, 8.9 ], [ -76.4, 8.9 ], [ -76.4, 8.9 ], [ -76.3, 8.9 ], [ -76.3, 9 ], [ -76.2, 9.2 ], [ -76.2, 9.2 ], [ -76.1, 9.3 ], [ -76.1, 9.3 ], [ -76.1, 9.3 ], [ -75.9, 9.4 ], [ -75.8, 9.4 ], [ -75.7, 9.4 ], [ -75.7, 9.4 ], [ -75.7, 9.4 ], [ -75.6, 9.4 ], [ -75.6, 9.5 ], [ -75.6, 9.5 ], [ -75.6, 9.5 ], [ -75.6, 9.6 ], [ -75.6, 9.6 ], [ -75.6, 9.6 ], [ -75.6, 9.7 ], [ -75.6, 9.7 ], [ -75.7, 9.8 ], [ -75.6, 9.8 ], [ -75.6, 10 ], [ -75.6, 10 ], [ -75.6, 10 ], [ -75.6, 10.1 ], [ -75.6, 10.1 ], [ -75.6, 10.1 ], [ -75.5, 10.2 ], [ -75.5, 10.2 ], [ -75.5, 10.4 ], [ -75.5, 10.4 ], [ -75.5, 10.5 ], [ -75.5, 10.6 ], [ -75.5, 10.6 ], [ -75.4, 10.7 ], [ -75.3, 10.7 ], [ -75.3, 10.7 ], [ -75.3, 10.7 ], [ -75.2, 10.7 ], [ -75.2, 10.8 ], [ -75.3, 10.7 ], [ -75.3, 10.8 ], [ -75.3, 10.8 ], [ -75.2, 10.8 ], [ -75.2, 10.8 ], [ -75, 10.9 ], [ -75, 10.9 ], [ -75, 11 ], [ -74.9, 11.1 ], [ -74.9, 11.1 ], [ -74.9, 11.1 ], [ -74.8, 11.1 ], [ -74.5, 11 ], [ -74.5, 11 ], [ -74.5, 11 ], [ -74.4, 11 ], [ -74.4, 11 ], [ -74.3, 11 ], [ -74.3, 11 ], [ -74.3, 11 ], [ -74.3, 11 ], [ -74.3, 11 ], [ -74.4, 11 ], [ -74.4, 11 ], [ -74.5, 11 ], [ -74.6, 10.9 ], [ -74.6, 10.8 ], [ -74.6, 10.8 ], [ -74.5, 10.8 ], [ -74.5, 10.8 ], [ -74.5, 10.7 ], [ -74.4, 10.7 ], [ -74.4, 10.8 ], [ -74.4, 10.8 ], [ -74.3, 10.9 ], [ -74.3, 11 ], [ -74.3, 11 ], [ -74.2, 11.1 ], [ -74.2, 11.2 ], [ -74.2, 11.2 ], [ -74.2, 11.3 ], [ -74.2, 11.3 ], [ -74.2, 11.3 ], [ -74, 11.4 ], [ -74, 11.4 ], [ -74, 11.3 ], [ -74, 11.3 ], [ -73.9, 11.3 ], [ -73.8, 11.3 ], [ -73.7, 11.3 ], [ -73.6, 11.3 ], [ -73.6, 11.3 ], [ -73.6, 11.3 ], [ -73.5, 11.3 ], [ -73.5, 11.3 ], [ -73.4, 11.3 ], [ -73.3, 11.3 ], [ -73.3, 11.3 ], [ -73.3, 11.3 ], [ -73.3, 11.3 ], [ -73.2, 11.3 ], [ -73.2, 11.4 ], [ -73.1, 11.4 ], [ -73, 11.5 ], [ -72.8, 11.7 ], [ -72.7, 11.7 ], [ -72.5, 11.8 ], [ -72.5, 11.8 ], [ -72.5, 11.8 ], [ -72.4, 11.8 ], [ -72.3, 11.9 ], [ -72.3, 11.9 ], [ -72.2, 11.9 ], [ -72.1, 12.1 ], [ -72.1, 12.1 ], [ -72.1, 12.2 ], [ -72.2, 12.2 ], [ -72.2, 12.2 ], [ -72.1, 12.2 ], [ -72, 12.3 ], [ -72, 12.3 ], [ -72, 12.2 ], [ -72, 12.2 ], [ -72, 12.2 ], [ -72, 12.2 ], [ -71.9, 12.2 ], [ -71.9, 12.2 ], [ -71.8, 12.3 ], [ -71.7, 12.4 ], [ -71.6, 12.4 ], [ -71.7, 12.4 ], [ -71.7, 12.4 ], [ -71.7, 12.4 ], [ -71.7, 12.4 ], [ -71.7, 12.5 ], [ -71.7, 12.5 ], [ -71.6, 12.5 ], [ -71.5, 12.4 ], [ -71.3, 12.3 ], [ -71.2, 12.3 ], [ -71.2, 12.3 ], [ -71.1, 12.1 ], [ -71.1, 12.1 ], [ -71.1, 12 ], [ -71.1, 12 ], [ -71.2, 12 ], [ -71.2, 12 ], [ -71.3, 11.9 ], [ -71.3, 11.9 ], [ -71.3, 11.9 ], [ -71.3, 11.8 ], [ -71.4, 11.8 ], [ -71.4, 11.7 ], [ -71.5, 11.7 ], [ -71.5, 11.7 ], [ -71.5, 11.7 ], [ -71.6, 11.7 ], [ -71.7, 11.7 ], [ -71.8, 11.7 ], [ -71.8, 11.6 ], [ -72, 11.6 ], [ -72, 11.5 ], [ -72, 11.5 ], [ -72, 11.5 ], [ -72, 11.4 ], [ -71.9, 11.4 ], [ -71.9, 11.4 ], [ -71.9, 11.3 ], [ -71.9, 11.2 ], [ -71.8, 11.2 ], [ -71.8, 11.1 ], [ -71.7, 11 ], [ -71.8, 11 ], [ -71.7, 10.8 ], [ -71.7, 10.8 ], [ -71.6, 10.7 ], [ -71.6, 10.7 ], [ -71.6, 10.7 ], [ -71.6, 10.7 ], [ -71.6, 10.5 ], [ -71.6, 10.4 ], [ -71.7, 10.4 ], [ -71.8, 10.4 ], [ -71.8, 10.3 ], [ -71.8, 10.3 ], [ -71.8, 10.3 ], [ -71.8, 10.2 ], [ -71.9, 10.1 ], [ -72.1, 9.8 ], [ -72.1, 9.7 ], [ -72, 9.7 ], [ -72, 9.7 ], [ -72, 9.6 ], [ -72, 9.6 ], [ -71.9, 9.5 ], [ -71.9, 9.5 ], [ -71.7, 9.4 ], [ -71.7, 9.3 ], [ -71.7, 9.3 ], [ -71.8, 9.2 ], [ -71.8, 9.1 ], [ -71.7, 9.1 ], [ -71.7, 9.1 ], [ -71.7, 9.1 ], [ -71.6, 9 ], [ -71.6, 9 ], [ -71.6, 9 ], [ -71.5, 9.1 ], [ -71.3, 9.1 ], [ -71.3, 9.1 ], [ -71.2, 9.2 ], [ -71.2, 9.2 ], [ -71.2, 9.2 ], [ -71.2, 9.2 ], [ -71.2, 9.3 ], [ -71.1, 9.3 ], [ -71.1, 9.3 ], [ -71.1, 9.3 ], [ -71.1, 9.3 ], [ -71.1, 9.4 ], [ -71.1, 9.4 ], [ -71.1, 9.5 ], [ -71.1, 9.6 ], [ -71.1, 9.6 ], [ -71.1, 9.7 ], [ -71.1, 9.9 ], [ -71.1, 9.9 ], [ -71.1, 10 ], [ -71.3, 10.2 ], [ -71.3, 10.2 ], [ -71.3, 10.2 ], [ -71.4, 10.3 ], [ -71.4, 10.4 ], [ -71.5, 10.5 ], [ -71.5, 10.5 ], [ -71.5, 10.6 ], [ -71.5, 10.7 ], [ -71.4, 10.8 ], [ -71.5, 10.9 ], [ -71.5, 11 ], [ -71.4, 11 ], [ -71.4, 11 ], [ -71.4, 11 ], [ -71.4, 11 ], [ -71.3, 11 ], [ -71.3, 11 ], [ -71.2, 11 ], [ -71.1, 11.1 ], [ -71, 11.1 ], [ -71, 11.1 ], [ -71, 11.1 ], [ -70.9, 11.2 ], [ -70.9, 11.2 ], [ -70.9, 11.2 ], [ -70.8, 11.2 ], [ -70.7, 11.2 ], [ -70.7, 11.2 ], [ -70.6, 11.2 ], [ -70.5, 11.2 ], [ -70.5, 11.2 ], [ -70.5, 11.3 ], [ -70.4, 11.3 ], [ -70.4, 11.3 ], [ -70.3, 11.3 ], [ -70.2, 11.4 ], [ -70.1, 11.4 ], [ -70.1, 11.4 ], [ -70, 11.4 ], [ -70, 11.5 ], [ -70, 11.5 ], [ -70, 11.5 ], [ -69.9, 11.4 ], [ -69.9, 11.4 ], [ -69.8, 11.4 ], [ -69.8, 11.4 ], [ -69.7, 11.5 ], [ -69.8, 11.6 ], [ -69.8, 11.6 ], [ -69.8, 11.7 ], [ -69.9, 11.7 ], [ -70, 11.7 ], [ -70.2, 11.6 ], [ -70.2, 11.6 ], [ -70.2, 11.6 ], [ -70.2, 11.7 ], [ -70.2, 11.8 ], [ -70.3, 11.9 ], [ -70.3, 11.9 ], [ -70.3, 11.9 ], [ -70.3, 12 ], [ -70.2, 12.1 ], [ -70.2, 12.1 ], [ -70.1, 12.2 ], [ -70, 12.2 ], [ -69.9, 12.2 ], [ -69.9, 12.1 ], [ -69.9, 12.1 ], [ -69.8, 12 ], [ -69.8, 12 ], [ -69.8, 11.9 ], [ -69.8, 11.9 ], [ -69.8, 11.9 ], [ -69.8, 11.8 ], [ -69.8, 11.7 ], [ -69.8, 11.7 ], [ -69.7, 11.6 ], [ -69.7, 11.5 ], [ -69.7, 11.5 ], [ -69.6, 11.5 ], [ -69.6, 11.5 ], [ -69.6, 11.5 ], [ -69.6, 11.5 ], [ -69.5, 11.5 ], [ -69.5, 11.5 ], [ -69.4, 11.5 ], [ -69.4, 11.5 ], [ -69.4, 11.5 ], [ -69.3, 11.5 ], [ -69.3, 11.5 ], [ -69.1, 11.5 ], [ -69, 11.5 ], [ -68.8, 11.4 ], [ -68.7, 11.3 ], [ -68.6, 11.3 ], [ -68.6, 11.3 ], [ -68.5, 11.3 ], [ -68.4, 11.2 ], [ -68.4, 11.2 ], [ -68.3, 11 ], [ -68.2, 10.9 ], [ -68.3, 10.9 ], [ -68.3, 10.9 ], [ -68.3, 10.8 ], [ -68.3, 10.8 ], [ -68.3, 10.8 ], [ -68.3, 10.6 ], [ -68.3, 10.6 ], [ -68.2, 10.5 ], [ -68.2, 10.5 ], [ -68.1, 10.5 ], [ -68.1, 10.5 ], [ -68, 10.5 ], [ -67.9, 10.5 ], [ -67.9, 10.5 ], [ -67.8, 10.5 ], [ -67.8, 10.5 ], [ -67.5, 10.5 ], [ -67.5, 10.5 ], [ -67.4, 10.5 ], [ -67.4, 10.5 ], [ -67.3, 10.5 ], [ -67.1, 10.6 ], [ -67, 10.6 ], [ -66.5, 10.6 ], [ -66.5, 10.6 ], [ -66.4, 10.6 ], [ -66.4, 10.6 ], [ -66.3, 10.6 ], [ -66.3, 10.6 ], [ -66.3, 10.6 ], [ -66.3, 10.6 ], [ -66.2, 10.6 ], [ -66.2, 10.6 ], [ -66.1, 10.6 ], [ -66.1, 10.5 ], [ -66.1, 10.5 ], [ -66.1, 10.5 ], [ -66.1, 10.4 ], [ -66, 10.4 ], [ -65.9, 10.3 ], [ -65.8, 10.2 ], [ -65.8, 10.2 ], [ -65.8, 10.2 ], [ -65.7, 10.2 ], [ -65.5, 10.2 ], [ -65.4, 10.1 ], [ -65.3, 10.1 ], [ -65.1, 10.1 ], [ -64.8, 10.1 ], [ -64.8, 10.1 ], [ -64.8, 10.1 ], [ -64.7, 10.1 ], [ -64.7, 10.2 ], [ -64.6, 10.2 ], [ -64.6, 10.3 ], [ -64.5, 10.2 ], [ -64.5, 10.2 ], [ -64.4, 10.3 ], [ -64.4, 10.3 ], [ -64.4, 10.4 ], [ -64.4, 10.4 ], [ -64.2, 10.4 ], [ -64.2, 10.5 ], [ -64.1, 10.5 ], [ -64.1, 10.4 ], [ -64.1, 10.4 ], [ -63.9, 10.4 ], [ -63.8, 10.4 ], [ -63.8, 10.4 ], [ -63.7, 10.5 ], [ -63.7, 10.5 ], [ -63.8, 10.5 ], [ -63.8, 10.6 ], [ -64, 10.6 ], [ -64.1, 10.6 ], [ -64.2, 10.6 ], [ -64.2, 10.5 ], [ -64.2, 10.5 ], [ -64.3, 10.5 ], [ -64.3, 10.6 ], [ -64.3, 10.7 ], [ -64.2, 10.6 ], [ -64.1, 10.6 ], [ -64, 10.6 ], [ -63.8, 10.6 ], [ -63.7, 10.6 ], [ -63.7, 10.6 ], [ -63.5, 10.6 ], [ -63.5, 10.6 ], [ -63.3, 10.7 ], [ -63.3, 10.7 ], [ -63.3, 10.7 ], [ -63.2, 10.7 ], [ -63.2, 10.7 ], [ -63, 10.7 ], [ -63, 10.7 ], [ -63, 10.7 ], [ -62.9, 10.7 ], [ -62.9, 10.7 ], [ -62.8, 10.7 ], [ -62.7, 10.7 ], [ -62.7, 10.7 ], [ -62.5, 10.7 ], [ -62.5, 10.7 ], [ -62.4, 10.7 ], [ -62.3, 10.7 ], [ -62.2, 10.7 ], [ -62.1, 10.7 ], [ -62, 10.7 ], [ -61.9, 10.7 ], [ -61.9, 10.7 ], [ -61.9, 10.7 ], [ -62, 10.6 ], [ -62, 10.6 ], [ -62.1, 10.6 ], [ -62.1, 10.6 ], [ -62.1, 10.6 ], [ -62.2, 10.6 ], [ -62.2, 10.6 ], [ -62.3, 10.6 ], [ -62.3, 10.6 ], [ -62.3, 10.6 ], [ -62.3, 10.5 ], [ -62.4, 10.5 ], [ -62.5, 10.5 ], [ -62.6, 10.6 ], [ -62.6, 10.6 ], [ -62.7, 10.6 ], [ -62.8, 10.5 ], [ -62.9, 10.5 ], [ -63, 10.5 ], [ -63, 10.5 ], [ -62.9, 10.5 ], [ -62.9, 10.5 ], [ -62.9, 10.5 ], [ -62.8, 10.5 ], [ -62.8, 10.4 ], [ -62.8, 10.4 ], [ -62.8, 10.4 ], [ -62.9, 10.4 ], [ -62.9, 10.4 ], [ -62.9, 10.4 ], [ -62.9, 10.4 ], [ -63, 10.4 ], [ -63, 10.4 ], [ -63, 10.4 ], [ -63, 10.3 ], [ -62.9, 10.3 ], [ -62.9, 10.3 ], [ -62.9, 10.3 ], [ -63, 10.4 ], [ -62.9, 10.4 ], [ -62.9, 10.4 ], [ -62.9, 10.4 ], [ -62.9, 10.4 ], [ -62.8, 10.4 ], [ -62.8, 10.4 ], [ -62.7, 10.4 ], [ -62.7, 10.3 ], [ -62.7, 10.3 ], [ -62.6, 10.1 ], [ -62.7, 10.1 ], [ -62.7, 10.1 ], [ -62.8, 10.1 ], [ -62.8, 10.1 ], [ -62.9, 10.1 ], [ -62.9, 10.1 ], [ -63, 10.1 ], [ -63, 10.1 ], [ -63, 10.1 ], [ -63, 10.1 ], [ -63, 10.1 ], [ -62.9, 10.1 ], [ -62.9, 10.1 ], [ -62.9, 10 ], [ -62.8, 10 ], [ -62.7, 10.1 ], [ -62.7, 10.1 ], [ -62.6, 10.1 ], [ -62.6, 10.1 ], [ -62.6, 10.1 ], [ -62.6, 10.2 ], [ -62.6, 10.2 ], [ -62.6, 10.2 ], [ -62.5, 10.2 ], [ -62.5, 10.2 ], [ -62.5, 10.2 ], [ -62.5, 10.1 ], [ -62.4, 10 ], [ -62.4, 9.9 ], [ -62.3, 9.8 ], [ -62.3, 9.7 ], [ -62.3, 9.7 ], [ -62.3, 9.7 ], [ -62.3, 9.7 ], [ -62.3, 9.8 ], [ -62.3, 9.8 ], [ -62.2, 9.9 ], [ -62.2, 9.9 ], [ -62.2, 9.9 ], [ -62.3, 10 ], [ -62.2, 9.9 ], [ -62.2, 9.8 ], [ -62.2, 9.7 ], [ -62.2, 9.6 ], [ -62.2, 9.7 ], [ -62.2, 9.7 ], [ -62.1, 9.8 ], [ -62.1, 9.8 ], [ -62.1, 9.8 ], [ -62, 9.9 ], [ -62, 9.9 ], [ -62.1, 9.9 ], [ -62.1, 9.9 ], [ -62.2, 9.9 ], [ -62.2, 9.9 ], [ -62.2, 10 ], [ -62.2, 10 ], [ -62.2, 10 ], [ -62.1, 10 ], [ -62.1, 10 ], [ -62, 9.9 ], [ -61.8, 9.8 ], [ -61.7, 9.6 ], [ -61.7, 9.6 ], [ -61.7, 9.6 ], [ -61.7, 9.7 ], [ -61.8, 9.8 ], [ -61.8, 9.8 ], [ -61.8, 9.8 ], [ -61.8, 9.8 ], [ -61.8, 9.8 ], [ -61.7, 9.8 ], [ -61.7, 9.8 ], [ -61.7, 9.8 ], [ -61.6, 9.8 ], [ -61.6, 9.8 ], [ -61.6, 9.8 ], [ -61.6, 9.8 ], [ -61.6, 9.9 ], [ -61.6, 9.9 ], [ -61.6, 9.9 ], [ -61.6, 9.9 ], [ -61.5, 9.8 ], [ -61.4, 9.8 ], [ -61.4, 9.7 ], [ -61.4, 9.7 ], [ -61.4, 9.7 ], [ -61.3, 9.6 ], [ -61.2, 9.6 ], [ -61.1, 9.6 ], [ -61, 9.6 ], [ -61, 9.6 ], [ -61, 9.6 ], [ -61, 9.5 ], [ -60.9, 9.4 ], [ -60.8, 9.4 ], [ -60.8, 9.3 ], [ -60.8, 9.3 ], [ -60.8, 9.3 ], [ -60.8, 9.3 ], [ -60.9, 9.2 ], [ -61, 9.2 ], [ -61.1, 9.1 ], [ -61.1, 9.1 ], [ -61.1, 9 ], [ -61.1, 9.1 ], [ -61.1, 9.1 ], [ -61, 9.2 ], [ -61, 9.2 ], [ -61, 9.2 ], [ -61, 9 ], [ -61.1, 9 ], [ -61.1, 9 ], [ -61.1, 9 ], [ -61.1, 8.9 ], [ -61.2, 8.7 ], [ -61.2, 8.7 ], [ -61.2, 8.6 ], [ -61.2, 8.6 ], [ -61.3, 8.6 ], [ -61.3, 8.6 ], [ -61.4, 8.6 ], [ -61.5, 8.6 ], [ -61.6, 8.6 ], [ -61.6, 8.6 ], [ -61.6, 8.6 ], [ -61.5, 8.5 ], [ -61.4, 8.5 ], [ -61.3, 8.4 ], [ -61.2, 8.5 ], [ -61.2, 8.5 ], [ -61.1, 8.5 ], [ -61.1, 8.5 ], [ -61.1, 8.4 ], [ -61.1, 8.4 ], [ -61.1, 8.4 ], [ -61, 8.5 ], [ -61, 8.5 ], [ -61, 8.6 ], [ -60.9, 8.6 ], [ -60.7, 8.6 ], [ -60.7, 8.6 ], [ -60.7, 8.6 ], [ -60.6, 8.6 ], [ -60.5, 8.5 ], [ -60.4, 8.6 ], [ -60.4, 8.6 ], [ -60.4, 8.6 ], [ -60.2, 8.6 ], [ -60.2, 8.6 ], [ -60.1, 8.6 ], [ -60, 8.6 ], [ -60, 8.5 ], [ -60, 8.5 ], [ -60, 8.5 ], [ -59.9, 8.5 ], [ -59.9, 8.4 ], [ -59.9, 8.4 ], [ -59.9, 8.4 ], [ -59.9, 8.4 ], [ -59.8, 8.4 ], [ -59.8, 8.3 ], [ -59.8, 8.3 ], [ -59.8, 8.4 ], [ -59.8, 8.4 ], [ -59.7, 8.4 ], [ -59.7, 8.3 ], [ -59.4, 8.2 ], [ -59.2, 8.1 ], [ -59.1, 8 ], [ -59.1, 8 ], [ -59.1, 8 ], [ -59.1, 8 ], [ -58.9, 7.9 ], [ -58.8, 7.7 ], [ -58.8, 7.7 ], [ -58.8, 7.6 ], [ -58.7, 7.6 ], [ -58.6, 7.6 ], [ -58.5, 7.4 ], [ -58.5, 7.3 ], [ -58.5, 7.1 ], [ -58.5, 7.1 ], [ -58.5, 7 ], [ -58.5, 7 ], [ -58.5, 7 ], [ -58.5, 7 ], [ -58.6, 6.9 ], [ -58.6, 6.9 ], [ -58.6, 6.8 ], [ -58.6, 6.8 ], [ -58.6, 6.7 ], [ -58.6, 6.5 ], [ -58.6, 6.4 ], [ -58.6, 6.4 ], [ -58.6, 6.4 ], [ -58.6, 6.5 ], [ -58.6, 6.5 ], [ -58.6, 6.5 ], [ -58.6, 6.6 ], [ -58.6, 6.6 ], [ -58.5, 6.7 ], [ -58.5, 6.8 ], [ -58.5, 6.8 ], [ -58.4, 6.9 ], [ -58.4, 6.9 ], [ -58.3, 6.9 ], [ -58.3, 6.9 ], [ -58.2, 6.8 ], [ -58.2, 6.8 ], [ -58.2, 6.8 ], [ -58, 6.8 ], [ -58, 6.8 ], [ -58, 6.8 ], [ -57.9, 6.8 ], [ -57.9, 6.7 ], [ -57.9, 6.7 ], [ -57.9, 6.7 ], [ -57.9, 6.7 ], [ -57.8, 6.6 ], [ -57.6, 6.5 ], [ -57.6, 6.4 ], [ -57.5, 6.3 ], [ -57.5, 6.3 ], [ -57.5, 6.3 ], [ -57.5, 6.3 ], [ -57.4, 6.3 ], [ -57.3, 6.3 ], [ -57.3, 6.2 ], [ -57.2, 6.2 ], [ -57.2, 6.1 ], [ -57.2, 6.1 ], [ -57.2, 6.1 ], [ -57.1, 6 ], [ -57.2, 5.6 ], [ -57.2, 5.6 ], [ -57.2, 5.6 ], [ -57.2, 5.5 ], [ -57.2, 5.5 ], [ -57.2, 5.5 ], [ -57.1, 5.7 ], [ -57.1, 5.7 ], [ -57.1, 5.8 ], [ -57.1, 5.9 ], [ -57, 6 ], [ -57, 6 ], [ -56.7, 6 ], [ -56.6, 5.9 ], [ -56.6, 5.9 ], [ -56.5, 5.9 ], [ -56.3, 5.9 ], [ -56, 5.8 ], [ -55.9, 5.8 ], [ -55.9, 5.7 ], [ -55.9, 5.7 ], [ -55.9, 5.7 ], [ -55.9, 5.7 ], [ -55.9, 5.7 ], [ -55.9, 5.8 ], [ -55.9, 5.9 ], [ -55.9, 5.9 ], [ -55.8, 6 ], [ -55.8, 6 ], [ -55.6, 6 ], [ -55.5, 6 ], [ -55.4, 6 ], [ -55.4, 6 ], [ -55.3, 6 ], [ -55.3, 5.9 ], [ -55.3, 5.9 ], [ -55.2, 5.9 ], [ -55.2, 5.9 ], [ -55.1, 5.9 ], [ -55.1, 5.8 ], [ -55.1, 5.8 ], [ -55.1, 5.8 ], [ -55, 5.9 ], [ -54.9, 5.8 ], [ -54.9, 5.9 ], [ -54.9, 5.9 ], [ -55, 5.9 ], [ -55, 5.9 ], [ -55.1, 5.9 ], [ -55.1, 5.9 ], [ -55.2, 6 ], [ -55, 6 ], [ -55, 6 ], [ -54.9, 6 ], [ -54.8, 6 ], [ -54.7, 6 ], [ -54.6, 6 ], [ -54.3, 5.9 ], [ -54.3, 5.9 ], [ -54.2, 5.9 ], [ -54.2, 5.9 ], [ -54, 5.8 ], [ -54, 5.7 ], [ -54, 5.7 ], [ -54, 5.7 ], [ -54.1, 5.6 ], [ -54.1, 5.5 ], [ -54.1, 5.5 ], [ -54.1, 5.5 ], [ -54.1, 5.4 ], [ -54.1, 5.4 ], [ -54.2, 5.3 ], [ -54.1, 5.4 ], [ -54.1, 5.4 ], [ -54.1, 5.4 ], [ -54.1, 5.4 ], [ -54, 5.5 ], [ -54, 5.6 ], [ -54, 5.6 ], [ -54, 5.6 ], [ -54, 5.7 ], [ -54, 5.7 ], [ -53.9, 5.7 ], [ -53.9, 5.8 ], [ -53.9, 5.8 ], [ -53.8, 5.7 ], [ -53.6, 5.7 ], [ -53.5, 5.6 ], [ -53.5, 5.6 ], [ -53.5, 5.6 ], [ -53.5, 5.6 ], [ -53.4, 5.5 ], [ -53.3, 5.5 ], [ -53.2, 5.5 ], [ -53.1, 5.5 ], [ -53, 5.5 ], [ -52.9, 5.5 ], [ -52.9, 5.4 ], [ -52.8, 5.3 ], [ -52.8, 5.3 ], [ -52.7, 5.3 ], [ -52.6, 5.1 ], [ -52.6, 5.1 ], [ -52.4, 5 ], [ -52.3, 4.9 ], [ -52.3, 4.9 ], [ -52.1, 4.7 ], [ -52, 4.7 ], [ -52, 4.6 ], [ -52, 4.6 ], [ -52, 4.6 ], [ -52, 4.5 ], [ -52, 4.5 ], [ -52, 4.4 ], [ -52, 4.4 ], [ -52, 4.4 ], [ -52, 4.4 ], [ -52, 4.3 ], [ -52, 4.3 ], [ -52, 4.4 ], [ -51.9, 4.4 ], [ -51.9, 4.4 ], [ -51.9, 4.5 ], [ -51.9, 4.5 ], [ -51.9, 4.5 ], [ -51.9, 4.6 ], [ -51.9, 4.6 ], [ -51.9, 4.6 ], [ -51.9, 4.7 ], [ -51.9, 4.7 ], [ -51.8, 4.6 ], [ -51.8, 4.5 ], [ -51.8, 4.5 ], [ -51.8, 4.5 ], [ -51.8, 4.5 ], [ -51.7, 4.4 ], [ -51.7, 4.3 ], [ -51.7, 4.3 ], [ -51.7, 4.3 ], [ -51.7, 4.2 ], [ -51.6, 4.2 ], [ -51.6, 4.2 ], [ -51.7, 4.1 ], [ -51.7, 4.1 ], [ -51.7, 4 ], [ -51.7, 4 ], [ -51.7, 4 ], [ -51.6, 4.1 ], [ -51.6, 4.1 ], [ -51.6, 4.1 ], [ -51.5, 4.2 ], [ -51.5, 4.1 ], [ -51.4, 4 ], [ -51.5, 4 ], [ -51.5, 4.1 ], [ -51.5, 4.1 ], [ -51.5, 4.1 ], [ -51.5, 4.3 ], [ -51.6, 4.3 ], [ -51.6, 4.3 ], [ -51.6, 4.3 ], [ -51.6, 4.4 ], [ -51.5, 4.4 ], [ -51.3, 4.2 ], [ -51.3, 4.2 ], [ -51.2, 4.1 ], [ -51.2, 4.1 ], [ -51.2, 4 ], [ -51.2, 3.9 ], [ -51.1, 3.9 ], [ -51.1, 3.9 ], [ -51.1, 3.9 ], [ -51.1, 3.9 ], [ -51.1, 3.7 ], [ -51.1, 3.6 ], [ -51.1, 3.6 ], [ -51.1, 3.4 ], [ -51.1, 3.3 ], [ -51.1, 3.3 ], [ -51.1, 3.3 ], [ -51, 3.1 ], [ -51, 3.1 ], [ -51, 3 ], [ -50.9, 2.9 ], [ -50.9, 2.7 ], [ -50.8, 2.7 ], [ -50.8, 2.6 ], [ -50.8, 2.5 ], [ -50.7, 2.2 ], [ -50.6, 2 ], [ -50.5, 1.9 ], [ -50.5, 1.9 ], [ -50.5, 1.8 ], [ -50.4, 1.8 ], [ -50.4, 1.8 ], [ -50.3, 1.8 ], [ -50.2, 1.8 ], [ -50, 1.8 ], [ -50, 1.8 ], [ -49.9, 1.7 ], [ -49.9, 1.6 ], [ -49.9, 1.6 ], [ -49.9, 1.5 ], [ -49.9, 1.5 ], [ -49.9, 1.4 ], [ -49.9, 1.3 ], [ -50, 1.3 ], [ -50, 1.3 ], [ -50, 1.2 ], [ -50.1, 1.2 ], [ -50.1, 1.2 ], [ -50.1, 1.2 ], [ -50, 1.2 ], [ -50, 1.2 ], [ -49.9, 1.2 ], [ -49.9, 1.2 ], [ -49.9, 1.2 ], [ -49.9, 1.2 ], [ -49.9, 1.2 ], [ -49.9, 1.1 ], [ -50, 1.1 ], [ -50.2, 0.9 ], [ -50.3, 0.8 ], [ -50.4, 0.7 ], [ -50.4, 0.7 ], [ -50.4, 0.7 ], [ -50.5, 0.7 ], [ -50.5, 0.6 ], [ -50.5, 0.6 ], [ -50.5, 0.5 ], [ -50.6, 0.4 ], [ -50.6, 0.4 ], [ -50.6, 0.4 ], [ -50.6, 0.3 ], [ -50.8, 0.2 ], [ -50.8, 0.2 ], [ -50.8, 0.2 ], [ -50.8, 0.2 ], [ -50.9, 0.2 ], [ -50.9, 0.2 ], [ -50.9, 0.2 ], [ -51, 0.1 ], [ -51, 0.1 ], [ -51, 0.1 ], [ -51, 0 ], [ -51.1, 0 ], [ -51.1, 0 ], [ -51.1, -0.1 ], [ -51.1, -0.1 ], [ -51.1, -0.1 ], [ -51.1, -0.1 ], [ -51.2, -0.1 ], [ -51.2, -0.1 ], [ -51.2, -0.1 ], [ -51.2, -0.1 ], [ -51.3, -0.1 ], [ -51.3, -0.2 ], [ -51.3, -0.2 ], [ -51.3, -0.3 ], [ -51.4, -0.3 ], [ -51.4, -0.3 ], [ -51.4, -0.4 ], [ -51.4, -0.4 ], [ -51.5, -0.5 ], [ -51.5, -0.5 ], [ -51.5, -0.5 ], [ -51.6, -0.6 ], [ -51.7, -0.8 ], [ -51.7, -0.8 ], [ -51.7, -0.9 ], [ -51.7, -0.9 ], [ -51.7, -1 ], [ -51.7, -1 ], [ -51.7, -1 ], [ -51.8, -1.1 ], [ -51.9, -1.1 ], [ -51.9, -1.2 ], [ -51.9, -1.2 ], [ -51.9, -1.2 ], [ -51.9, -1.2 ], [ -51.9, -1.3 ], [ -51.9, -1.3 ], [ -52, -1.4 ], [ -52, -1.4 ], [ -52.1, -1.4 ], [ -52.1, -1.4 ], [ -52.1, -1.4 ], [ -52.2, -1.4 ], [ -52.2, -1.4 ], [ -52.2, -1.3 ], [ -52.4, -1.4 ], [ -52.5, -1.5 ], [ -52.6, -1.5 ], [ -52.6, -1.5 ], [ -52.6, -1.5 ], [ -52.7, -1.6 ], [ -52.7, -1.6 ], [ -52.5, -1.6 ], [ -52.3, -1.5 ], [ -52.3, -1.5 ], [ -52.2, -1.6 ], [ -52.2, -1.6 ], [ -52.2, -1.6 ], [ -52.2, -1.7 ], [ -52.3, -1.7 ], [ -52.2, -1.7 ], [ -52.2, -1.7 ], [ -52.2, -1.7 ], [ -52.2, -1.6 ], [ -52.2, -1.6 ], [ -52.1, -1.6 ], [ -52.1, -1.6 ], [ -52.1, -1.6 ], [ -52, -1.6 ], [ -51.9, -1.6 ], [ -51.9, -1.6 ], [ -51.8, -1.5 ], [ -51.8, -1.5 ], [ -51.7, -1.4 ], [ -51.6, -1.4 ], [ -51.6, -1.4 ], [ -51.6, -1.4 ], [ -51.5, -1.3 ], [ -51.4, -1.3 ], [ -51.2, -1.2 ], [ -51.2, -1.1 ], [ -51.2, -1.1 ], [ -51.1, -1.1 ], [ -51.1, -1.1 ], [ -51, -1 ], [ -51, -1 ], [ -51, -1 ], [ -51, -1 ], [ -51, -0.9 ], [ -50.9, -0.9 ], [ -50.9, -0.9 ], [ -50.8, -0.9 ], [ -50.8, -1.2 ], [ -50.8, -1.2 ], [ -50.8, -1.3 ], [ -50.8, -1.3 ], [ -50.8, -1.3 ], [ -50.8, -1.4 ], [ -50.8, -1.5 ], [ -50.7, -1.6 ], [ -50.7, -1.6 ], [ -50.7, -1.6 ], [ -50.7, -1.6 ], [ -50.7, -1.7 ], [ -50.7, -1.8 ], [ -50.8, -1.9 ], [ -50.8, -1.9 ], [ -50.9, -1.9 ], [ -51, -1.8 ], [ -51.1, -1.8 ], [ -51.1, -1.8 ], [ -51.3, -1.8 ], [ -51.3, -1.7 ], [ -51.3, -1.7 ], [ -51.3, -1.7 ], [ -51.3, -1.6 ], [ -51.4, -1.8 ], [ -51.5, -1.9 ], [ -51.5, -1.9 ], [ -51.5, -2 ], [ -51.5, -2 ], [ -51.5, -2 ], [ -51.5, -2.2 ], [ -51.4, -2.3 ], [ -51.4, -2.3 ], [ -51.4, -2.3 ], [ -51.4, -2.3 ], [ -51.5, -2.2 ], [ -51.5, -2.1 ], [ -51.5, -2 ], [ -51.4, -1.9 ], [ -51.3, -1.8 ], [ -51.2, -1.8 ], [ -51.2, -1.8 ], [ -51.2, -1.9 ], [ -51.1, -1.9 ], [ -51, -2 ], [ -51, -2 ], [ -51, -2.1 ], [ -51, -2.2 ], [ -51, -2.2 ], [ -51.1, -2.2 ], [ -51, -2.3 ], [ -51, -2.4 ], [ -51, -2.4 ], [ -51, -2.4 ], [ -50.9, -2.5 ], [ -50.9, -2.5 ], [ -50.9, -2.5 ], [ -50.8, -2.5 ], [ -50.9, -2.5 ], [ -50.9, -2.5 ], [ -50.9, -2.5 ], [ -51, -2.4 ], [ -51, -2.3 ], [ -51, -2.3 ], [ -51, -2.2 ], [ -51, -2.1 ], [ -50.9, -2 ], [ -50.8, -2 ], [ -50.8, -2.1 ], [ -50.8, -2.2 ], [ -50.7, -2.2 ], [ -50.7, -2.2 ], [ -50.7, -2.2 ], [ -50.8, -2.1 ], [ -50.8, -2 ], [ -50.8, -2 ], [ -50.8, -2 ], [ -50.8, -1.9 ], [ -50.7, -1.8 ], [ -50.6, -1.8 ], [ -50.5, -1.9 ], [ -50.4, -1.9 ], [ -50.5, -1.9 ], [ -50.5, -1.9 ], [ -50.4, -2 ], [ -50.4, -2 ], [ -50.4, -1.9 ], [ -50.4, -1.9 ], [ -50.3, -1.9 ], [ -50.3, -1.9 ], [ -50.3, -1.9 ], [ -50, -1.8 ], [ -50, -1.8 ], [ -49.9, -1.9 ], [ -49.8, -1.9 ], [ -49.6, -1.9 ], [ -49.6, -1.8 ], [ -49.5, -1.8 ], [ -49.5, -1.8 ], [ -49.5, -1.8 ], [ -49.5, -1.8 ], [ -49.4, -1.7 ], [ -49.3, -1.7 ], [ -49.3, -1.7 ], [ -49.3, -1.8 ], [ -49.3, -1.8 ], [ -49.4, -1.9 ], [ -49.4, -2 ], [ -49.4, -2.1 ], [ -49.5, -2.2 ], [ -49.5, -2.2 ], [ -49.5, -2.3 ], [ -49.5, -2.3 ], [ -49.5, -2.3 ], [ -49.5, -2.4 ], [ -49.5, -2.4 ], [ -49.5, -2.4 ], [ -49.5, -2.5 ], [ -49.5, -2.6 ], [ -49.5, -2.5 ], [ -49.4, -2.5 ], [ -49.4, -2.5 ], [ -49.4, -2.4 ], [ -49.4, -2.4 ], [ -49.4, -2.3 ], [ -49.3, -2.2 ], [ -49.3, -2.1 ], [ -49.3, -2.1 ], [ -49.3, -2 ], [ -49.2, -1.9 ], [ -49.2, -1.9 ], [ -49.1, -1.9 ], [ -49.1, -1.9 ], [ -49.1, -1.9 ], [ -49, -1.9 ], [ -49, -1.8 ], [ -48.9, -1.8 ], [ -48.8, -1.6 ], [ -48.8, -1.6 ], [ -48.7, -1.5 ], [ -48.7, -1.5 ], [ -48.7, -1.5 ], [ -48.6, -1.5 ], [ -48.6, -1.5 ], [ -48.6, -1.5 ], [ -48.5, -1.5 ], [ -48.5, -1.6 ], [ -48.5, -1.6 ], [ -48.4, -1.7 ], [ -48.4, -1.6 ], [ -48.4, -1.6 ], [ -48.4, -1.6 ], [ -48.5, -1.6 ], [ -48.4, -1.5 ], [ -48.3, -1.5 ], [ -48.2, -1.5 ], [ -48.2, -1.5 ], [ -48.3, -1.4 ], [ -48.3, -1.4 ], [ -48.3, -1.5 ], [ -48.4, -1.5 ], [ -48.4, -1.5 ], [ -48.4, -1.5 ], [ -48.5, -1.5 ], [ -48.5, -1.5 ], [ -48.5, -1.4 ], [ -48.5, -1.3 ], [ -48.4, -1.3 ], [ -48.4, -1.3 ], [ -48.4, -1.3 ], [ -48.3, -1.3 ], [ -48.3, -1.2 ], [ -48.3, -1.1 ], [ -48.3, -1 ], [ -48.3, -1 ], [ -48.3, -1 ], [ -48.3, -1 ], [ -48.3, -0.9 ], [ -48.2, -0.9 ], [ -48.1, -0.7 ], [ -48, -0.7 ], [ -48, -0.7 ], [ -48, -0.8 ], [ -48, -0.8 ], [ -47.9, -0.7 ], [ -47.8, -0.7 ], [ -47.8, -0.6 ], [ -47.7, -0.6 ], [ -47.7, -0.7 ], [ -47.7, -0.7 ], [ -47.7, -0.7 ], [ -47.7, -0.7 ], [ -47.6, -0.7 ], [ -47.6, -0.7 ], [ -47.6, -0.7 ], [ -47.6, -0.6 ], [ -47.5, -0.6 ], [ -47.5, -0.6 ], [ -47.5, -0.7 ], [ -47.4, -0.8 ], [ -47.4, -0.8 ], [ -47.4, -0.8 ], [ -47.4, -0.7 ], [ -47.5, -0.7 ], [ -47.5, -0.7 ], [ -47.5, -0.6 ], [ -47.5, -0.6 ], [ -47.4, -0.6 ], [ -47.3, -0.6 ], [ -47.2, -0.6 ], [ -47.2, -0.7 ], [ -47.1, -0.8 ], [ -47, -0.7 ], [ -46.9, -0.8 ], [ -47, -0.9 ], [ -47, -0.9 ], [ -46.9, -0.9 ], [ -46.9, -0.8 ], [ -46.8, -0.7 ], [ -46.8, -0.7 ], [ -46.8, -0.8 ], [ -46.8, -0.8 ], [ -46.8, -0.8 ], [ -46.7, -0.8 ], [ -46.6, -0.8 ], [ -46.6, -0.9 ], [ -46.6, -1 ], [ -46.6, -1 ], [ -46.6, -1 ], [ -46.6, -1 ], [ -46.5, -1 ], [ -46.4, -1 ], [ -46.4, -1 ], [ -46.3, -1 ], [ -46.2, -1 ], [ -46.2, -1.1 ], [ -46.2, -1.1 ], [ -46.3, -1.2 ], [ -46.2, -1.1 ], [ -46.1, -1.1 ], [ -46.1, -1.2 ], [ -46.1, -1.2 ], [ -46, -1.2 ], [ -46, -1.2 ], [ -46, -1.2 ], [ -46, -1.1 ], [ -46, -1.1 ], [ -45.9, -1.1 ], [ -45.9, -1.2 ], [ -45.9, -1.2 ], [ -45.9, -1.3 ], [ -45.8, -1.3 ], [ -45.7, -1.2 ], [ -45.7, -1.2 ], [ -45.7, -1.4 ], [ -45.6, -1.4 ], [ -45.6, -1.3 ], [ -45.6, -1.3 ], [ -45.6, -1.3 ], [ -45.6, -1.3 ], [ -45.4, -1.3 ], [ -45.4, -1.4 ], [ -45.5, -1.5 ], [ -45.5, -1.5 ], [ -45.5, -1.5 ], [ -45.5, -1.5 ], [ -45.4, -1.4 ], [ -45.4, -1.3 ], [ -45.4, -1.3 ], [ -45.3, -1.3 ], [ -45.3, -1.3 ], [ -45.3, -1.4 ], [ -45.3, -1.4 ], [ -45.3, -1.4 ], [ -45.4, -1.5 ], [ -45.4, -1.5 ], [ -45.4, -1.7 ], [ -45.4, -1.7 ], [ -45.3, -1.7 ], [ -45.3, -1.7 ], [ -45.2, -1.7 ], [ -45.2, -1.6 ], [ -45.3, -1.6 ], [ -45.2, -1.6 ], [ -45.2, -1.5 ], [ -45.2, -1.5 ], [ -45.1, -1.5 ], [ -45, -1.5 ], [ -45, -1.5 ], [ -44.9, -1.4 ], [ -44.8, -1.5 ], [ -44.9, -1.5 ], [ -44.9, -1.5 ], [ -44.9, -1.5 ], [ -45, -1.6 ], [ -44.9, -1.6 ], [ -44.9, -1.6 ], [ -44.9, -1.6 ], [ -44.8, -1.6 ], [ -44.8, -1.6 ], [ -44.8, -1.6 ], [ -44.8, -1.7 ], [ -44.7, -1.8 ], [ -44.7, -1.8 ], [ -44.6, -1.8 ], [ -44.6, -1.8 ], [ -44.5, -1.8 ], [ -44.5, -1.9 ], [ -44.5, -1.9 ], [ -44.5, -2 ], [ -44.5, -2 ], [ -44.6, -2.2 ], [ -44.6, -2.2 ], [ -44.7, -2.3 ], [ -44.7, -2.3 ], [ -44.6, -2.3 ], [ -44.6, -2.3 ], [ -44.5, -2.1 ], [ -44.5, -2.1 ], [ -44.4, -2.2 ], [ -44.4, -2.2 ], [ -44.4, -2.3 ], [ -44.4, -2.3 ], [ -44.4, -2.3 ], [ -44.4, -2.4 ], [ -44.4, -2.4 ], [ -44.4, -2.4 ], [ -44.5, -2.5 ], [ -44.6, -2.6 ], [ -44.6, -2.6 ], [ -44.6, -2.7 ], [ -44.7, -2.8 ], [ -44.7, -2.9 ], [ -44.7, -3 ], [ -44.7, -3 ], [ -44.6, -3 ], [ -44.6, -3.1 ], [ -44.8, -3.2 ], [ -44.8, -3.2 ], [ -44.8, -3.3 ], [ -44.8, -3.3 ], [ -44.7, -3.2 ], [ -44.6, -3.1 ], [ -44.5, -3.1 ], [ -44.5, -3 ], [ -44.5, -3 ], [ -44.4, -3 ], [ -44.4, -2.9 ], [ -44.4, -2.9 ], [ -44.4, -2.9 ], [ -44.4, -2.7 ], [ -44.4, -2.6 ], [ -44.4, -2.5 ], [ -44.3, -2.5 ], [ -44.3, -2.5 ], [ -44.2, -2.5 ], [ -44.2, -2.5 ], [ -44.1, -2.4 ], [ -44.1, -2.4 ], [ -44.1, -2.4 ], [ -44, -2.4 ], [ -44, -2.5 ], [ -44, -2.5 ], [ -44.1, -2.7 ], [ -44.2, -2.7 ], [ -44.2, -2.7 ], [ -44.2, -2.7 ], [ -44.3, -2.7 ], [ -44.3, -2.8 ], [ -44.3, -2.8 ], [ -44.3, -2.8 ], [ -44.3, -2.8 ], [ -44.3, -2.8 ], [ -44.2, -2.8 ], [ -44.2, -2.8 ], [ -44.2, -2.8 ], [ -44.2, -2.9 ], [ -44.2, -2.8 ], [ -44.1, -2.8 ], [ -44, -2.7 ], [ -44, -2.6 ], [ -43.9, -2.5 ], [ -43.9, -2.6 ], [ -43.8, -2.6 ], [ -43.7, -2.5 ], [ -43.6, -2.5 ], [ -43.4, -2.5 ], [ -43.5, -2.5 ], [ -43.5, -2.4 ], [ -43.5, -2.4 ], [ -43.4, -2.4 ], [ -43.3, -2.4 ], [ -43.3, -2.4 ], [ -43.3, -2.4 ], [ -43.2, -2.4 ], [ -43.1, -2.4 ], [ -43, -2.5 ], [ -43, -2.5 ], [ -43, -2.5 ], [ -42.9, -2.5 ], [ -42.9, -2.5 ], [ -42.8, -2.6 ], [ -42.8, -2.6 ], [ -42.7, -2.6 ], [ -42.7, -2.6 ], [ -42.6, -2.6 ], [ -42.5, -2.7 ], [ -42.5, -2.8 ], [ -42.3, -2.8 ], [ -42.3, -2.8 ], [ -42.3, -2.8 ], [ -42.3, -2.8 ], [ -42.2, -2.8 ], [ -42.2, -2.8 ], [ -42.2, -2.8 ], [ -42.2, -2.8 ], [ -42.1, -2.8 ], [ -42.1, -2.8 ], [ -42, -2.8 ], [ -42, -2.8 ], [ -41.9, -2.8 ], [ -41.9, -2.8 ], [ -42, -2.8 ], [ -41.9, -2.7 ], [ -41.9, -2.7 ], [ -41.8, -2.7 ], [ -41.8, -2.8 ], [ -41.8, -2.8 ], [ -41.8, -2.8 ], [ -41.7, -2.8 ], [ -41.7, -2.8 ], [ -41.7, -2.8 ], [ -41.7, -2.9 ], [ -41.7, -2.9 ], [ -41.7, -2.9 ], [ -41.6, -2.9 ], [ -41.5, -2.9 ], [ -41.5, -2.9 ], [ -41.5, -2.9 ], [ -41.4, -2.9 ], [ -41.3, -2.9 ], [ -41.3, -3 ], [ -41.2, -3 ], [ -41.2, -3 ], [ -41.2, -3 ], [ -41.3, -2.9 ], [ -41.2, -2.9 ], [ -40.9, -2.9 ], [ -40.8, -2.9 ], [ -40.7, -2.8 ], [ -40.6, -2.8 ], [ -40.6, -2.8 ], [ -40.5, -2.8 ], [ -40.5, -2.8 ], [ -40.5, -2.8 ], [ -40.3, -2.8 ], [ -40.2, -2.8 ], [ -40, -2.8 ], [ -39.9, -2.9 ], [ -39.8, -3 ], [ -39.7, -3 ], [ -39.7, -3 ], [ -39.6, -3.1 ], [ -39.5, -3.2 ], [ -39.4, -3.2 ], [ -39.2, -3.3 ], [ -39.1, -3.4 ], [ -39, -3.4 ], [ -39, -3.4 ], [ -39, -3.4 ], [ -38.9, -3.5 ], [ -38.9, -3.5 ], [ -38.7, -3.7 ], [ -38.6, -3.7 ], [ -38.5, -3.7 ], [ -38.5, -3.7 ], [ -38.3, -3.9 ], [ -38.3, -3.9 ], [ -38.3, -3.9 ], [ -38.3, -4 ], [ -38.2, -4.1 ], [ -38.2, -4.1 ], [ -38.1, -4.1 ], [ -38.1, -4.2 ], [ -38.1, -4.2 ], [ -38, -4.3 ], [ -37.9, -4.3 ], [ -37.8, -4.4 ], [ -37.7, -4.5 ], [ -37.7, -4.5 ], [ -37.6, -4.6 ], [ -37.6, -4.6 ], [ -37.5, -4.6 ], [ -37.5, -4.6 ], [ -37.4, -4.7 ], [ -37.3, -4.7 ], [ -37.3, -4.7 ], [ -37.3, -4.7 ], [ -37.3, -4.7 ], [ -37.2, -4.8 ], [ -37.2, -4.9 ], [ -37.2, -4.9 ], [ -37.2, -4.9 ], [ -37.2, -4.9 ], [ -37.1, -4.9 ], [ -37.1, -4.9 ], [ -37, -4.9 ], [ -36.9, -5 ], [ -36.8, -5 ], [ -36.8, -5 ], [ -36.8, -5.1 ], [ -36.7, -5.1 ], [ -36.6, -5.1 ], [ -36.6, -5.1 ], [ -36.5, -5.1 ], [ -36.4, -5.1 ], [ -36.3, -5.1 ], [ -36.3, -5.1 ], [ -36.1, -5.1 ], [ -36.1, -5.1 ], [ -36, -5.1 ], [ -36, -5 ], [ -35.9, -5.1 ], [ -35.8, -5.1 ], [ -35.7, -5.1 ], [ -35.6, -5.1 ], [ -35.6, -5.1 ], [ -35.5, -5.1 ], [ -35.5, -5.2 ], [ -35.4, -5.2 ], [ -35.4, -5.3 ], [ -35.3, -5.4 ], [ -35.2, -5.6 ], [ -35.2, -5.7 ], [ -35.2, -5.7 ], [ -35.1, -5.9 ], [ -35.1, -6 ], [ -35.1, -6.1 ], [ -35.1, -6.2 ], [ -35.1, -6.2 ], [ -35, -6.2 ], [ -35, -6.4 ], [ -35, -6.4 ], [ -35, -6.5 ], [ -35, -6.5 ], [ -35, -6.5 ], [ -35, -6.6 ], [ -35, -6.6 ], [ -35, -6.7 ], [ -35, -6.7 ], [ -34.9, -6.9 ], [ -34.9, -6.9 ], [ -34.9, -7 ], [ -34.9, -7 ], [ -34.9, -7.1 ], [ -34.9, -7.1 ], [ -34.9, -7.1 ], [ -34.9, -7.1 ], [ -34.8, -7 ], [ -34.8, -7 ], [ -34.8, -7 ], [ -34.8, -7.1 ], [ -34.8, -7.1 ], [ -34.8, -7.2 ], [ -34.8, -7.3 ], [ -34.8, -7.4 ], [ -34.8, -7.5 ], [ -34.8, -7.5 ], [ -34.9, -7.5 ], [ -34.8, -7.6 ], [ -34.8, -7.6 ], [ -34.8, -7.6 ], [ -34.8, -7.7 ], [ -34.9, -7.7 ], [ -34.9, -7.7 ], [ -34.9, -7.8 ], [ -34.9, -7.8 ], [ -34.9, -7.8 ], [ -34.8, -7.8 ], [ -34.8, -7.9 ], [ -34.8, -7.9 ], [ -34.8, -7.9 ], [ -34.8, -8 ], [ -34.8, -8.1 ], [ -34.9, -8.1 ], [ -34.9, -8.2 ], [ -34.9, -8.3 ], [ -35, -8.6 ], [ -35.1, -8.7 ], [ -35.1, -8.8 ], [ -35.1, -8.9 ], [ -35.1, -8.9 ], [ -35.2, -9 ], [ -35.2, -9 ], [ -35.2, -9 ], [ -35.2, -9 ], [ -35.3, -9.2 ], [ -35.3, -9.2 ], [ -35.4, -9.3 ], [ -35.4, -9.3 ], [ -35.6, -9.6 ], [ -35.7, -9.6 ], [ -35.8, -9.7 ], [ -35.8, -9.8 ], [ -35.9, -9.8 ], [ -35.9, -9.9 ], [ -36, -10.1 ], [ -36.1, -10.2 ], [ -36.2, -10.2 ], [ -36.2, -10.2 ], [ -36.3, -10.3 ], [ -36.3, -10.3 ], [ -36.3, -10.4 ], [ -36.4, -10.5 ], [ -36.4, -10.5 ], [ -36.5, -10.5 ], [ -36.5, -10.5 ], [ -36.6, -10.5 ], [ -36.7, -10.6 ], [ -36.7, -10.6 ], [ -36.9, -10.7 ], [ -36.9, -10.8 ], [ -37, -10.8 ], [ -37, -10.9 ], [ -37, -10.9 ], [ -37, -10.9 ], [ -37, -10.9 ], [ -37, -10.9 ], [ -37.1, -10.8 ], [ -37.1, -10.7 ], [ -37.2, -10.8 ], [ -37.1, -10.8 ], [ -37.1, -10.8 ], [ -37.1, -10.8 ], [ -37, -10.8 ], [ -37.1, -11 ], [ -37.2, -11.1 ], [ -37.2, -11.1 ], [ -37.2, -11.1 ], [ -37.2, -11 ], [ -37.2, -11 ], [ -37.3, -11 ], [ -37.3, -11.1 ], [ -37.2, -11.1 ], [ -37.2, -11.1 ], [ -37.2, -11.2 ], [ -37.3, -11.3 ], [ -37.3, -11.3 ], [ -37.3, -11.4 ], [ -37.3, -11.4 ], [ -37.4, -11.4 ], [ -37.4, -11.4 ], [ -37.4, -11.3 ], [ -37.3, -11.3 ], [ -37.3, -11.3 ], [ -37.3, -11.2 ], [ -37.3, -11.2 ], [ -37.3, -11.2 ], [ -37.3, -11.2 ], [ -37.4, -11.3 ], [ -37.4, -11.3 ], [ -37.4, -11.4 ], [ -37.4, -11.4 ], [ -37.4, -11.5 ], [ -37.4, -11.5 ], [ -37.5, -11.5 ], [ -37.5, -11.5 ], [ -37.4, -11.5 ], [ -37.4, -11.5 ], [ -37.5, -11.6 ], [ -37.6, -11.9 ], [ -37.6, -11.9 ], [ -37.6, -11.9 ], [ -37.6, -12 ], [ -37.6, -12 ], [ -37.7, -12.1 ], [ -37.7, -12.1 ], [ -37.7, -12.1 ], [ -37.8, -12.3 ], [ -37.9, -12.4 ], [ -37.9, -12.4 ], [ -38, -12.5 ], [ -38, -12.6 ], [ -38, -12.6 ], [ -38.3, -12.9 ], [ -38.4, -13 ], [ -38.5, -13 ], [ -38.5, -13 ], [ -38.5, -12.9 ], [ -38.5, -12.9 ], [ -38.5, -12.8 ], [ -38.5, -12.7 ], [ -38.5, -12.7 ], [ -38.6, -12.7 ], [ -38.6, -12.7 ], [ -38.6, -12.7 ], [ -38.7, -12.6 ], [ -38.7, -12.6 ], [ -38.7, -12.6 ], [ -38.7, -12.7 ], [ -38.8, -12.8 ], [ -38.8, -12.8 ], [ -38.8, -12.8 ], [ -38.9, -12.8 ], [ -38.9, -12.8 ], [ -38.9, -12.7 ], [ -38.9, -12.7 ], [ -38.9, -12.7 ], [ -38.9, -12.7 ], [ -38.9, -12.7 ], [ -38.9, -12.7 ], [ -38.9, -12.8 ], [ -38.9, -12.8 ], [ -38.8, -12.9 ], [ -38.8, -12.9 ], [ -38.7, -12.9 ], [ -38.8, -13 ], [ -38.8, -13 ], [ -38.8, -13.1 ], [ -38.9, -13.2 ], [ -38.9, -13.2 ], [ -39, -13.3 ], [ -39, -13.3 ], [ -39, -13.3 ], [ -39, -13.4 ], [ -39, -13.4 ], [ -39, -13.4 ], [ -39, -13.4 ], [ -39.1, -13.4 ], [ -39.1, -13.5 ], [ -39.1, -13.5 ], [ -39, -13.5 ], [ -39, -13.5 ], [ -39, -13.6 ], [ -39, -13.6 ], [ -39, -13.6 ], [ -39, -13.7 ], [ -39, -13.8 ], [ -39, -13.8 ], [ -39, -14 ], [ -39, -14 ], [ -39, -14.1 ], [ -39, -14.1 ], [ -39.1, -14.1 ], [ -39.1, -14.1 ], [ -39, -14.2 ], [ -39, -14.1 ], [ -39, -14 ], [ -39, -14 ], [ -39, -14 ], [ -39, -13.9 ], [ -38.9, -13.9 ], [ -38.9, -13.9 ], [ -38.9, -14 ], [ -39, -14.1 ], [ -39, -14.2 ], [ -39, -14.2 ], [ -39, -14.3 ], [ -39, -14.5 ], [ -39.1, -14.6 ], [ -39.1, -14.7 ], [ -39.1, -14.7 ], [ -39.1, -14.8 ], [ -39, -14.8 ], [ -39, -15 ], [ -39, -15 ], [ -39, -15.3 ], [ -39, -15.5 ], [ -38.9, -15.7 ], [ -38.9, -15.7 ], [ -38.9, -15.8 ], [ -38.9, -15.9 ], [ -38.9, -16.1 ], [ -39, -16.3 ], [ -39, -16.4 ], [ -39.1, -16.5 ], [ -39.1, -16.6 ], [ -39.1, -16.6 ], [ -39.1, -16.6 ], [ -39.1, -16.7 ], [ -39.1, -16.7 ], [ -39.1, -16.8 ], [ -39.1, -16.8 ], [ -39.1, -16.9 ], [ -39.1, -16.9 ], [ -39.1, -16.9 ], [ -39.2, -17 ], [ -39.2, -17.1 ], [ -39.2, -17.2 ], [ -39.2, -17.3 ], [ -39.2, -17.3 ], [ -39.2, -17.4 ], [ -39.2, -17.5 ], [ -39.2, -17.6 ], [ -39.2, -17.6 ], [ -39.2, -17.6 ], [ -39.1, -17.7 ], [ -39.1, -17.7 ], [ -39.3, -17.9 ], [ -39.3, -17.9 ], [ -39.3, -17.9 ], [ -39.4, -17.9 ], [ -39.4, -17.9 ], [ -39.5, -17.9 ], [ -39.5, -18 ], [ -39.6, -18.2 ], [ -39.6, -18.2 ], [ -39.7, -18.3 ], [ -39.7, -18.3 ] ] ], [ [ [ -64.1, 10.9 ], [ -64.1, 10.9 ], [ -64.1, 10.9 ], [ -64.2, 11 ], [ -64.2, 11 ], [ -64.2, 10.9 ], [ -64.2, 10.9 ], [ -64.2, 10.9 ], [ -64.4, 11 ], [ -64.4, 11 ], [ -64.4, 11.1 ], [ -64.2, 11.1 ], [ -64.2, 11.1 ], [ -64.2, 11.1 ], [ -64.2, 11.1 ], [ -64.2, 11.1 ], [ -64.2, 11 ], [ -64.2, 11 ], [ -64.1, 11 ], [ -64.1, 11 ], [ -64.1, 11 ], [ -64, 11 ], [ -64, 11 ], [ -64, 11.1 ], [ -64, 11.1 ], [ -63.9, 11.2 ], [ -63.8, 11.1 ], [ -63.8, 11 ], [ -63.8, 11 ], [ -63.9, 10.9 ], [ -64, 10.9 ], [ -64.1, 10.9 ] ] ], [ [ [ -65.3, 10.9 ], [ -65.3, 10.9 ], [ -65.4, 10.9 ], [ -65.4, 10.9 ], [ -65.4, 10.9 ], [ -65.4, 11 ], [ -65.4, 11 ], [ -65.4, 11 ], [ -65.3, 11 ], [ -65.2, 11 ], [ -65.2, 10.9 ], [ -65.2, 10.9 ], [ -65.2, 10.9 ], [ -65.3, 10.9 ], [ -65.3, 10.9 ] ] ], [ [ [ -60.9, 9.1 ], [ -60.9, 9 ], [ -60.9, 9 ], [ -61, 9 ], [ -61, 9 ], [ -61, 8.9 ], [ -61, 8.9 ], [ -61.1, 8.9 ], [ -61.1, 8.9 ], [ -61.1, 8.9 ], [ -61.1, 9 ], [ -60.9, 9.1 ], [ -60.9, 9.1 ], [ -60.9, 9.1 ], [ -60.9, 9.1 ] ] ], [ [ [ -60.9, 8.9 ], [ -60.9, 8.9 ], [ -60.9, 8.9 ], [ -61, 8.8 ], [ -61, 8.8 ], [ -60.9, 9 ], [ -60.9, 9 ], [ -60.9, 9 ], [ -60.9, 9 ], [ -60.9, 9 ], [ -60.8, 9 ], [ -60.8, 9 ], [ -60.8, 9 ], [ -60.9, 8.9 ], [ -60.9, 8.9 ], [ -60.9, 8.9 ] ] ], [ [ [ -61.2, 8.7 ], [ -61.2, 8.7 ], [ -61.2, 8.7 ], [ -61.2, 8.7 ], [ -61.2, 8.7 ], [ -61.1, 8.8 ], [ -61.1, 8.8 ], [ -61, 8.8 ], [ -61, 8.8 ], [ -60.9, 8.9 ], [ -60.9, 8.8 ], [ -60.9, 8.7 ], [ -61, 8.7 ], [ -61, 8.7 ], [ -61, 8.7 ], [ -61, 8.7 ], [ -61.1, 8.7 ], [ -61.1, 8.7 ], [ -61.1, 8.7 ], [ -61.1, 8.7 ], [ -61.2, 8.7 ] ] ], [ [ [ -60.9, 8.6 ], [ -60.9, 8.6 ], [ -61, 8.6 ], [ -61, 8.6 ], [ -60.8, 8.7 ], [ -60.8, 8.7 ], [ -60.8, 8.7 ], [ -60.8, 8.7 ], [ -60.8, 8.7 ], [ -60.8, 8.7 ], [ -60.9, 8.6 ] ] ], [ [ [ -61, 8.6 ], [ -61.1, 8.6 ], [ -61.1, 8.7 ], [ -61.1, 8.7 ], [ -61.2, 8.7 ], [ -61.2, 8.7 ], [ -61.1, 8.7 ], [ -61, 8.7 ], [ -60.9, 8.7 ], [ -61, 8.7 ], [ -61, 8.7 ], [ -61, 8.6 ], [ -61, 8.6 ], [ -61, 8.6 ] ] ], [ [ [ -61.1, 8.5 ], [ -61.2, 8.5 ], [ -61.3, 8.5 ], [ -61.3, 8.5 ], [ -61.3, 8.5 ], [ -61.2, 8.6 ], [ -61.2, 8.6 ], [ -61.2, 8.6 ], [ -61.2, 8.6 ], [ -61.1, 8.5 ], [ -61.1, 8.6 ], [ -61.1, 8.6 ], [ -61, 8.6 ], [ -61, 8.6 ], [ -61, 8.6 ], [ -61, 8.6 ], [ -61, 8.5 ], [ -61, 8.5 ], [ -61.1, 8.5 ] ] ], [ [ [ -61.2, 8.5 ], [ -61.3, 8.5 ], [ -61.3, 8.5 ], [ -61.4, 8.5 ], [ -61.4, 8.5 ], [ -61.4, 8.5 ], [ -61.5, 8.5 ], [ -61.5, 8.5 ], [ -61.5, 8.6 ], [ -61.4, 8.6 ], [ -61.4, 8.6 ], [ -61.4, 8.6 ], [ -61.4, 8.6 ], [ -61.3, 8.6 ], [ -61.3, 8.6 ], [ -61.3, 8.6 ], [ -61.3, 8.6 ], [ -61.3, 8.6 ], [ -61.3, 8.5 ], [ -61.3, 8.5 ], [ -61.3, 8.5 ], [ -61.2, 8.5 ], [ -61.2, 8.5 ], [ -61.2, 8.5 ], [ -61.2, 8.5 ] ] ], [ [ [ -77.4, 4.3 ], [ -77.4, 4.3 ], [ -77.4, 4.3 ], [ -77.3, 4.3 ], [ -77.3, 4.2 ], [ -77.5, 4.2 ], [ -77.5, 4.2 ], [ -77.5, 4.2 ], [ -77.4, 4.3 ], [ -77.4, 4.3 ], [ -77.4, 4.3 ], [ -77.4, 4.3 ] ] ], [ [ [ -78.1, 2.5 ], [ -78.1, 2.5 ], [ -78.2, 2.6 ], [ -78.2, 2.6 ], [ -78.2, 2.6 ], [ -78.2, 2.6 ], [ -78.2, 2.6 ], [ -78.2, 2.6 ], [ -78.1, 2.6 ], [ -78.1, 2.6 ], [ -78.1, 2.6 ], [ -78.1, 2.6 ], [ -78.1, 2.5 ], [ -78.1, 2.5 ], [ -78.1, 2.5 ], [ -78.1, 2.5 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.5, 2.1 ], [ -50.5, 2.1 ], [ -50.5, 2.1 ], [ -50.5, 2.2 ], [ -50.5, 2.2 ], [ -50.5, 2.2 ], [ -50.5, 2.2 ], [ -50.5, 2.2 ], [ -50.4, 2.2 ], [ -50.4, 2.2 ], [ -50.4, 2.2 ], [ -50.4, 2.2 ], [ -50.4, 2.2 ], [ -50.4, 2.1 ], [ -50.4, 2.1 ], [ -50.5, 2.1 ], [ -50.5, 2.1 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.4, 1.9 ], [ -50.4, 1.9 ], [ -50.4, 1.9 ], [ -50.5, 2 ], [ -50.5, 2.1 ], [ -50.5, 2.1 ], [ -50.5, 2.1 ], [ -50.4, 2.1 ], [ -50.4, 2.1 ], [ -50.4, 2.1 ], [ -50.4, 2.1 ], [ -50.3, 2 ], [ -50.3, 2 ], [ -50.3, 2 ], [ -50.3, 2 ], [ -50.3, 1.9 ], [ -50.4, 1.9 ], [ -50.4, 1.9 ], [ -50.4, 1.9 ], [ -50.4, 1.9 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50, 0.9 ], [ -50.1, 0.9 ], [ -50.1, 1 ], [ -50, 1 ], [ -50, 1.1 ], [ -50, 1.1 ], [ -50, 1.1 ], [ -49.9, 1.1 ], [ -49.9, 1 ], [ -49.9, 1 ], [ -50, 1 ], [ -50, 1 ], [ -50, 0.9 ], [ -50, 0.9 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.2, 0.7 ], [ -50.3, 0.7 ], [ -50.3, 0.8 ], [ -50.3, 0.8 ], [ -50.3, 0.8 ], [ -50.2, 0.8 ], [ -50.2, 0.9 ], [ -50.2, 0.9 ], [ -50.2, 0.9 ], [ -50.1, 0.9 ], [ -50.1, 0.9 ], [ -50.1, 0.9 ], [ -50.1, 0.9 ], [ -50.1, 0.9 ], [ -50, 0.9 ], [ -50, 0.9 ], [ -50, 0.9 ], [ -50, 0.9 ], [ -50, 0.8 ], [ -50.1, 0.8 ], [ -50.1, 0.8 ], [ -50.1, 0.8 ], [ -50.1, 0.8 ], [ -50.1, 0.8 ], [ -50.2, 0.7 ], [ -50.2, 0.7 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.3, 0.3 ], [ -50.3, 0.3 ], [ -50.3, 0.4 ], [ -50.3, 0.4 ], [ -50.3, 0.4 ], [ -50.3, 0.4 ], [ -50.3, 0.4 ], [ -50.3, 0.5 ], [ -50.3, 0.5 ], [ -50.3, 0.5 ], [ -50.3, 0.6 ], [ -50.2, 0.6 ], [ -50.1, 0.7 ], [ -50.1, 0.6 ], [ -50, 0.6 ], [ -50, 0.6 ], [ -50, 0.6 ], [ -50, 0.5 ], [ -50.1, 0.4 ], [ -50.2, 0.4 ], [ -50.3, 0.3 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.4, 0.2 ], [ -50.5, 0.2 ], [ -50.5, 0.2 ], [ -50.5, 0.2 ], [ -50.5, 0.2 ], [ -50.5, 0.2 ], [ -50.5, 0.2 ], [ -50.5, 0.3 ], [ -50.5, 0.3 ], [ -50.5, 0.3 ], [ -50.5, 0.3 ], [ -50.5, 0.3 ], [ -50.5, 0.3 ], [ -50.4, 0.5 ], [ -50.4, 0.5 ], [ -50.4, 0.6 ], [ -50.4, 0.6 ], [ -50.4, 0.6 ], [ -50.4, 0.6 ], [ -50.3, 0.5 ], [ -50.4, 0.5 ], [ -50.4, 0.5 ], [ -50.4, 0.4 ], [ -50.4, 0.4 ], [ -50.3, 0.4 ], [ -50.3, 0.4 ], [ -50.3, 0.3 ], [ -50.3, 0.3 ], [ -50.3, 0.3 ], [ -50.3, 0.3 ], [ -50.3, 0.3 ], [ -50.4, 0.2 ], [ -50.4, 0.2 ], [ -50.4, 0.2 ], [ -50.4, 0.2 ], [ -50.4, 0.2 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.9, 0 ], [ -49.9, 0 ], [ -49.9, 0 ], [ -50, -0.1 ], [ -50, -0.1 ], [ -50, 0 ], [ -50.1, 0 ], [ -50.1, 0 ], [ -50.1, 0 ], [ -50.1, 0 ], [ -50.1, 0 ], [ -50.2, 0 ], [ -50.2, 0 ], [ -50.2, 0 ], [ -50.2, 0 ], [ -50.3, 0 ], [ -50.3, 0 ], [ -50.3, 0 ], [ -50.3, 0 ], [ -50.3, 0 ], [ -50.4, 0 ], [ -50.4, 0 ], [ -50.4, 0.1 ], [ -50.4, 0.1 ], [ -50.4, 0.2 ], [ -50.4, 0.2 ], [ -50.4, 0.2 ], [ -50.3, 0.2 ], [ -50.3, 0.2 ], [ -50.2, 0.2 ], [ -50.2, 0.2 ], [ -50.2, 0.2 ], [ -50.2, 0.2 ], [ -50.1, 0.2 ], [ -50.1, 0.2 ], [ -50.1, 0.3 ], [ -50.1, 0.3 ], [ -50, 0.3 ], [ -50, 0.3 ], [ -50, 0.3 ], [ -49.9, 0.3 ], [ -49.8, 0.3 ], [ -49.7, 0.3 ], [ -49.7, 0.3 ], [ -49.7, 0.3 ], [ -49.7, 0.3 ], [ -49.7, 0.3 ], [ -49.6, 0.3 ], [ -49.6, 0.3 ], [ -49.6, 0.3 ], [ -49.6, 0.2 ], [ -49.6, 0.2 ], [ -49.6, 0.2 ], [ -49.7, 0.2 ], [ -49.7, 0.2 ], [ -49.7, 0.2 ], [ -49.8, 0.1 ], [ -49.8, 0.1 ], [ -49.8, 0.1 ], [ -49.8, 0.1 ], [ -49.9, 0.1 ], [ -49.9, 0.1 ], [ -49.9, 0 ], [ -49.9, 0 ], [ -49.9, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.4, 0 ], [ -50.4, 0 ], [ -50.4, 0 ], [ -50.5, 0 ], [ -50.5, 0 ], [ -50.5, 0 ], [ -50.5, 0 ], [ -50.6, 0 ], [ -50.6, 0 ], [ -50.6, 0 ], [ -50.6, 0.1 ], [ -50.7, 0.1 ], [ -50.7, 0.2 ], [ -50.6, 0.2 ], [ -50.6, 0.2 ], [ -50.6, 0.2 ], [ -50.5, 0.2 ], [ -50.5, 0.1 ], [ -50.5, 0.1 ], [ -50.5, 0.1 ], [ -50.4, 0 ], [ -50.4, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -91.6, 0 ], [ -91.5, 0 ], [ -91.4, 0.1 ], [ -91.3, 0.1 ], [ -91.3, 0.1 ], [ -91.3, 0 ], [ -91.3, 0 ], [ -91.3, 0 ], [ -91.2, 0 ], [ -91.2, 0 ], [ -91.2, -0.1 ], [ -91.2, -0.1 ], [ -91.2, -0.1 ], [ -91.2, -0.2 ], [ -91.2, -0.2 ], [ -91.1, -0.3 ], [ -91.1, -0.3 ], [ -91, -0.3 ], [ -91, -0.4 ], [ -91, -0.4 ], [ -91, -0.4 ], [ -90.9, -0.5 ], [ -91, -0.5 ], [ -90.9, -0.6 ], [ -90.9, -0.7 ], [ -90.9, -0.7 ], [ -90.8, -0.7 ], [ -90.9, -0.9 ], [ -90.9, -1 ], [ -91.2, -1 ], [ -91.2, -1 ], [ -91.2, -1 ], [ -91.3, -1 ], [ -91.3, -1 ], [ -91.3, -1 ], [ -91.4, -1 ], [ -91.4, -1 ], [ -91.4, -1 ], [ -91.5, -0.9 ], [ -91.5, -0.9 ], [ -91.5, -0.9 ], [ -91.5, -0.8 ], [ -91.5, -0.8 ], [ -91.3, -0.7 ], [ -91.2, -0.7 ], [ -91.2, -0.7 ], [ -91.2, -0.7 ], [ -91.1, -0.6 ], [ -91.1, -0.5 ], [ -91.2, -0.5 ], [ -91.4, -0.3 ], [ -91.4, -0.2 ], [ -91.4, -0.2 ], [ -91.4, -0.2 ], [ -91.4, -0.1 ], [ -91.4, 0 ], [ -91.4, 0 ], [ -91.5, 0 ], [ -91.5, 0 ], [ -91.5, -0.1 ], [ -91.6, -0.1 ], [ -91.6, 0 ], [ -91.6, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.8, 0 ], [ -49.8, 0 ], [ -49.7, 0 ], [ -49.7, 0.1 ], [ -49.6, 0.1 ], [ -49.6, 0.1 ], [ -49.5, 0.1 ], [ -49.5, 0.1 ], [ -49.4, 0 ], [ -49.4, 0 ], [ -49.4, 0 ], [ -49.4, 0 ], [ -49.4, 0 ], [ -49.4, 0 ], [ -49.4, 0 ], [ -49.4, -0.1 ], [ -49.4, -0.1 ], [ -49.4, -0.1 ], [ -49.5, -0.1 ], [ -49.5, -0.1 ], [ -49.6, -0.1 ], [ -49.6, -0.1 ], [ -49.6, -0.1 ], [ -49.6, -0.1 ], [ -49.7, -0.2 ], [ -49.7, -0.2 ], [ -49.7, -0.2 ], [ -49.8, -0.1 ], [ -49.8, -0.1 ], [ -49.8, -0.1 ], [ -49.9, -0.1 ], [ -49.8, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.9, 0 ], [ -50.9, 0 ], [ -50.9, 0 ], [ -50.9, 0 ], [ -50.9, 0 ], [ -50.9, 0 ], [ -50.9, 0 ], [ -50.9, 0 ], [ -50.8, 0.1 ], [ -50.8, 0.1 ], [ -50.8, 0.1 ], [ -50.7, 0.1 ], [ -50.7, 0 ], [ -50.7, 0 ], [ -50.7, 0 ], [ -50.7, 0 ], [ -50.8, 0 ], [ -50.8, 0 ], [ -50.9, 0 ], [ -50.9, 0 ], [ -50.9, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.9, -0.3 ], [ -50.9, -0.3 ], [ -50.9, -0.3 ], [ -50.9, -0.3 ], [ -50.9, -0.3 ], [ -51, -0.2 ], [ -51, -0.2 ], [ -51, -0.2 ], [ -51, -0.2 ], [ -51, -0.1 ], [ -51, -0.1 ], [ -51, -0.1 ], [ -51, -0.1 ], [ -51, -0.1 ], [ -50.9, -0.1 ], [ -50.8, -0.1 ], [ -50.8, 0 ], [ -50.8, 0 ], [ -50.7, 0 ], [ -50.7, 0 ], [ -50.7, 0 ], [ -50.6, 0 ], [ -50.6, 0 ], [ -50.6, -0.1 ], [ -50.6, -0.1 ], [ -50.7, -0.2 ], [ -50.7, -0.2 ], [ -50.7, -0.2 ], [ -50.7, -0.2 ], [ -50.8, -0.2 ], [ -50.8, -0.2 ], [ -50.9, -0.3 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.9, -1.5 ], [ -48.9, -1.5 ], [ -49, -1.5 ], [ -49.2, -1.6 ], [ -49.4, -1.6 ], [ -49.5, -1.6 ], [ -49.6, -1.7 ], [ -49.7, -1.8 ], [ -49.7, -1.7 ], [ -49.8, -1.6 ], [ -49.8, -1.7 ], [ -49.8, -1.7 ], [ -49.8, -1.7 ], [ -49.7, -1.7 ], [ -49.8, -1.8 ], [ -49.8, -1.8 ], [ -49.8, -1.8 ], [ -49.9, -1.8 ], [ -49.9, -1.8 ], [ -49.9, -1.7 ], [ -50.1, -1.7 ], [ -50.1, -1.7 ], [ -50.1, -1.8 ], [ -50.3, -1.8 ], [ -50.4, -1.8 ], [ -50.4, -1.8 ], [ -50.6, -1.8 ], [ -50.6, -1.8 ], [ -50.6, -1.7 ], [ -50.6, -1.6 ], [ -50.7, -1.6 ], [ -50.7, -1.6 ], [ -50.7, -1.5 ], [ -50.8, -1.5 ], [ -50.8, -1.4 ], [ -50.8, -1.3 ], [ -50.8, -1.2 ], [ -50.7, -1.1 ], [ -50.7, -1.1 ], [ -50.7, -1.1 ], [ -50.6, -1.2 ], [ -50.6, -1.1 ], [ -50.6, -1.1 ], [ -50.6, -1.1 ], [ -50.7, -1.1 ], [ -50.7, -1.1 ], [ -50.8, -1 ], [ -50.8, -1 ], [ -50.8, -0.9 ], [ -50.8, -0.7 ], [ -50.8, -0.6 ], [ -50.7, -0.6 ], [ -50.7, -0.6 ], [ -50.7, -0.6 ], [ -50.7, -0.6 ], [ -50.6, -0.7 ], [ -50.6, -0.7 ], [ -50.6, -0.7 ], [ -50.6, -0.6 ], [ -50.6, -0.6 ], [ -50.7, -0.6 ], [ -50.7, -0.6 ], [ -50.7, -0.5 ], [ -50.7, -0.5 ], [ -50.7, -0.4 ], [ -50.7, -0.4 ], [ -50.7, -0.3 ], [ -50.6, -0.3 ], [ -50.6, -0.2 ], [ -50.6, -0.2 ], [ -50.5, -0.2 ], [ -50.5, -0.1 ], [ -50.5, -0.1 ], [ -50.4, -0.1 ], [ -50.4, -0.1 ], [ -50.3, -0.1 ], [ -50.1, -0.1 ], [ -50.1, -0.1 ], [ -49.8, -0.2 ], [ -49.7, -0.2 ], [ -49.6, -0.2 ], [ -49.4, -0.2 ], [ -49.4, -0.2 ], [ -49.4, -0.2 ], [ -49.3, -0.2 ], [ -49.2, -0.1 ], [ -49.1, -0.1 ], [ -49, -0.2 ], [ -48.8, -0.2 ], [ -48.6, -0.2 ], [ -48.4, -0.3 ], [ -48.4, -0.3 ], [ -48.4, -0.3 ], [ -48.4, -0.4 ], [ -48.4, -0.4 ], [ -48.4, -0.4 ], [ -48.4, -0.4 ], [ -48.5, -0.5 ], [ -48.5, -0.5 ], [ -48.5, -0.6 ], [ -48.5, -0.7 ], [ -48.5, -0.7 ], [ -48.5, -0.9 ], [ -48.5, -0.9 ], [ -48.5, -0.9 ], [ -48.6, -0.9 ], [ -48.6, -0.9 ], [ -48.6, -0.9 ], [ -48.6, -1 ], [ -48.6, -1 ], [ -48.6, -1 ], [ -48.6, -1.1 ], [ -48.8, -1.2 ], [ -48.8, -1.5 ], [ -48.9, -1.5 ], [ -48.9, -1.5 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.4, -0.5 ], [ -51.4, -0.5 ], [ -51.4, -0.5 ], [ -51.4, -0.5 ], [ -51.4, -0.4 ], [ -51.4, -0.4 ], [ -51.4, -0.4 ], [ -51.3, -0.3 ], [ -51.3, -0.3 ], [ -51.3, -0.2 ], [ -51.3, -0.2 ], [ -51.2, -0.2 ], [ -51.2, -0.2 ], [ -51.2, -0.2 ], [ -51.2, -0.2 ], [ -51.1, -0.1 ], [ -51.1, -0.1 ], [ -51.1, -0.1 ], [ -51.1, -0.2 ], [ -51.1, -0.3 ], [ -51.2, -0.4 ], [ -51.2, -0.4 ], [ -51.3, -0.4 ], [ -51.3, -0.5 ], [ -51.4, -0.5 ], [ -51.4, -0.5 ] ] ], [ [ [ -90.6, -0.4 ], [ -90.7, -0.3 ], [ -90.7, -0.3 ], [ -90.7, -0.4 ], [ -90.7, -0.4 ], [ -90.8, -0.3 ], [ -90.9, -0.3 ], [ -90.8, -0.2 ], [ -90.8, -0.2 ], [ -90.8, -0.1 ], [ -90.7, -0.2 ], [ -90.7, -0.2 ], [ -90.7, -0.2 ], [ -90.6, -0.2 ], [ -90.6, -0.2 ], [ -90.6, -0.2 ], [ -90.6, -0.2 ], [ -90.6, -0.3 ], [ -90.5, -0.3 ], [ -90.6, -0.4 ], [ -90.6, -0.4 ], [ -90.6, -0.4 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.8, -0.4 ], [ -50.9, -0.4 ], [ -50.9, -0.3 ], [ -50.9, -0.3 ], [ -50.8, -0.2 ], [ -50.7, -0.2 ], [ -50.7, -0.3 ], [ -50.8, -0.3 ], [ -50.8, -0.3 ], [ -50.8, -0.4 ], [ -50.8, -0.4 ], [ -50.8, -0.4 ] ] ], [ [ [ -91.5, -0.5 ], [ -91.5, -0.5 ], [ -91.6, -0.4 ], [ -91.6, -0.4 ], [ -91.7, -0.4 ], [ -91.7, -0.3 ], [ -91.6, -0.3 ], [ -91.5, -0.3 ], [ -91.5, -0.2 ], [ -91.4, -0.3 ], [ -91.4, -0.3 ], [ -91.4, -0.3 ], [ -91.4, -0.4 ], [ -91.4, -0.5 ], [ -91.4, -0.5 ], [ -91.5, -0.5 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.1, -0.5 ], [ -51.1, -0.5 ], [ -51.2, -0.5 ], [ -51.2, -0.5 ], [ -51.1, -0.4 ], [ -51, -0.3 ], [ -51, -0.3 ], [ -50.9, -0.3 ], [ -50.9, -0.4 ], [ -51, -0.4 ], [ -51, -0.4 ], [ -51, -0.4 ], [ -51, -0.4 ], [ -51, -0.4 ], [ -51.1, -0.4 ], [ -51.1, -0.5 ], [ -51.1, -0.5 ], [ -51.1, -0.5 ], [ -51.1, -0.5 ], [ -51.1, -0.5 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51, -0.6 ], [ -51, -0.5 ], [ -50.9, -0.4 ], [ -50.9, -0.4 ], [ -50.9, -0.4 ], [ -50.8, -0.4 ], [ -50.8, -0.4 ], [ -50.8, -0.4 ], [ -50.8, -0.4 ], [ -50.8, -0.4 ], [ -50.8, -0.4 ], [ -50.8, -0.5 ], [ -50.8, -0.5 ], [ -50.8, -0.5 ], [ -50.8, -0.5 ], [ -50.8, -0.5 ], [ -51, -0.6 ], [ -51, -0.6 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.1, -0.6 ], [ -51.1, -0.5 ], [ -51.1, -0.5 ], [ -51.1, -0.5 ], [ -51.1, -0.5 ], [ -51.1, -0.5 ], [ -51, -0.5 ], [ -51, -0.4 ], [ -51, -0.4 ], [ -50.9, -0.4 ], [ -50.9, -0.4 ], [ -50.9, -0.4 ], [ -51, -0.5 ], [ -51, -0.5 ], [ -51, -0.5 ], [ -51.1, -0.6 ] ] ], [ [ [ -90.3, -0.8 ], [ -90.4, -0.8 ], [ -90.5, -0.7 ], [ -90.6, -0.6 ], [ -90.5, -0.6 ], [ -90.5, -0.6 ], [ -90.5, -0.5 ], [ -90.5, -0.5 ], [ -90.5, -0.5 ], [ -90.3, -0.5 ], [ -90.3, -0.5 ], [ -90.2, -0.5 ], [ -90.2, -0.6 ], [ -90.2, -0.7 ], [ -90.2, -0.7 ], [ -90.3, -0.7 ], [ -90.3, -0.8 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.9, -1.5 ], [ -51.9, -1.5 ], [ -51.9, -1.4 ], [ -51.9, -1.4 ], [ -51.9, -1.4 ], [ -51.9, -1.3 ], [ -51.9, -1.3 ], [ -51.9, -1.3 ], [ -51.9, -1.3 ], [ -51.9, -1.2 ], [ -51.9, -1.2 ], [ -51.9, -1.2 ], [ -51.8, -1.2 ], [ -51.8, -1.2 ], [ -51.7, -1.1 ], [ -51.7, -1.1 ], [ -51.7, -1.1 ], [ -51.7, -1.1 ], [ -51.7, -1.1 ], [ -51.7, -1 ], [ -51.7, -1 ], [ -51.7, -1 ], [ -51.7, -0.9 ], [ -51.7, -0.9 ], [ -51.7, -0.9 ], [ -51.6, -0.7 ], [ -51.5, -0.7 ], [ -51.5, -0.6 ], [ -51.5, -0.6 ], [ -51.4, -0.5 ], [ -51.3, -0.5 ], [ -51.2, -0.5 ], [ -51.2, -0.6 ], [ -51.2, -0.7 ], [ -51.2, -0.7 ], [ -51.2, -0.8 ], [ -51.2, -0.8 ], [ -51.2, -0.8 ], [ -51.2, -0.9 ], [ -51.3, -1 ], [ -51.3, -1 ], [ -51.3, -1.1 ], [ -51.4, -1.1 ], [ -51.4, -1.1 ], [ -51.4, -1.1 ], [ -51.4, -1.2 ], [ -51.5, -1.2 ], [ -51.5, -1.2 ], [ -51.5, -1.2 ], [ -51.6, -1.3 ], [ -51.7, -1.4 ], [ -51.7, -1.4 ], [ -51.8, -1.5 ], [ -51.9, -1.5 ], [ -51.9, -1.5 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.1, -1 ], [ -51.1, -0.9 ], [ -51.1, -0.9 ], [ -51.1, -0.9 ], [ -51.1, -0.8 ], [ -51.1, -0.7 ], [ -51.1, -0.7 ], [ -51.1, -0.7 ], [ -51.1, -0.7 ], [ -51, -0.6 ], [ -50.9, -0.6 ], [ -50.9, -0.6 ], [ -50.9, -0.6 ], [ -50.8, -0.6 ], [ -50.8, -0.6 ], [ -50.8, -0.6 ], [ -50.8, -0.7 ], [ -50.8, -0.7 ], [ -50.8, -0.7 ], [ -50.9, -0.7 ], [ -50.9, -0.7 ], [ -50.9, -0.7 ], [ -50.9, -0.7 ], [ -50.9, -0.7 ], [ -51, -0.7 ], [ -51, -0.8 ], [ -51, -0.9 ], [ -51.1, -0.9 ], [ -51.1, -1 ], [ -51.1, -1 ] ] ], [ [ [ -89.5, -1 ], [ -89.5, -1 ], [ -89.6, -0.9 ], [ -89.6, -0.9 ], [ -89.6, -0.9 ], [ -89.6, -0.9 ], [ -89.6, -0.9 ], [ -89.6, -0.9 ], [ -89.5, -0.9 ], [ -89.5, -0.8 ], [ -89.5, -0.8 ], [ -89.5, -0.8 ], [ -89.4, -0.7 ], [ -89.4, -0.7 ], [ -89.4, -0.7 ], [ -89.4, -0.7 ], [ -89.3, -0.7 ], [ -89.3, -0.7 ], [ -89.3, -0.7 ], [ -89.2, -0.7 ], [ -89.3, -0.7 ], [ -89.3, -0.8 ], [ -89.3, -0.8 ], [ -89.4, -0.9 ], [ -89.4, -0.9 ], [ -89.5, -1 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.9, -0.8 ], [ -50.9, -0.8 ], [ -51, -0.8 ], [ -51, -0.8 ], [ -51, -0.8 ], [ -50.9, -0.7 ], [ -50.9, -0.7 ], [ -50.9, -0.7 ], [ -50.9, -0.7 ], [ -50.8, -0.7 ], [ -50.8, -0.7 ], [ -50.8, -0.8 ], [ -50.9, -0.8 ], [ -50.9, -0.8 ], [ -50.9, -0.8 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.4, -1.2 ], [ -51.4, -1.2 ], [ -51.4, -1.2 ], [ -51.4, -1.2 ], [ -51.4, -1.2 ], [ -51.4, -1.1 ], [ -51.4, -1.1 ], [ -51.3, -1.1 ], [ -51.3, -1.1 ], [ -51.3, -1 ], [ -51.2, -1 ], [ -51.2, -1 ], [ -51.2, -1 ], [ -51.2, -0.9 ], [ -51.2, -0.9 ], [ -51.2, -0.9 ], [ -51.2, -0.9 ], [ -51.2, -0.9 ], [ -51.2, -0.8 ], [ -51.2, -0.8 ], [ -51.2, -0.9 ], [ -51.2, -0.9 ], [ -51.2, -0.9 ], [ -51.2, -0.9 ], [ -51.2, -1 ], [ -51.2, -1 ], [ -51.2, -1 ], [ -51.2, -1 ], [ -51.2, -1.1 ], [ -51.3, -1.2 ], [ -51.3, -1.2 ], [ -51.3, -1.2 ], [ -51.3, -1.2 ], [ -51.4, -1.2 ], [ -51.4, -1.2 ], [ -51.4, -1.2 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51, -0.9 ], [ -50.9, -0.9 ], [ -51, -0.9 ], [ -51, -0.9 ], [ -51, -0.9 ], [ -51, -1 ], [ -51, -1 ], [ -51, -1 ], [ -51, -1 ], [ -51.1, -1 ], [ -51.2, -1.1 ], [ -51.2, -1.1 ], [ -51.2, -1.1 ], [ -51.2, -1 ], [ -51.2, -1 ], [ -51.1, -1 ], [ -51.1, -0.9 ], [ -51.1, -0.9 ], [ -51, -0.9 ], [ -51, -0.9 ], [ -51, -0.9 ], [ -51, -0.9 ], [ -51, -0.9 ], [ -51, -0.9 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.5, -1 ], [ -46.5, -1 ], [ -46.5, -1 ], [ -46.5, -1 ], [ -46.5, -1 ], [ -46.5, -0.9 ], [ -46.5, -0.9 ], [ -46.5, -0.9 ], [ -46.5, -0.9 ], [ -46.4, -1 ], [ -46.5, -1 ], [ -46.5, -1 ], [ -46.5, -1 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.3, -1.2 ], [ -48.4, -1.2 ], [ -48.4, -1.2 ], [ -48.5, -1.2 ], [ -48.5, -1.2 ], [ -48.4, -1.1 ], [ -48.4, -1.1 ], [ -48.4, -1.1 ], [ -48.3, -1.1 ], [ -48.3, -1.1 ], [ -48.3, -1.1 ], [ -48.3, -1.2 ], [ -48.3, -1.2 ], [ -48.3, -1.2 ], [ -48.3, -1.2 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.7, -1.4 ], [ -45.7, -1.4 ], [ -45.6, -1.2 ], [ -45.6, -1.1 ], [ -45.6, -1.1 ], [ -45.6, -1.1 ], [ -45.6, -1.1 ], [ -45.6, -1.2 ], [ -45.6, -1.3 ], [ -45.7, -1.4 ] ] ], [ [ [ -90.4, -1.4 ], [ -90.4, -1.4 ], [ -90.5, -1.4 ], [ -90.5, -1.3 ], [ -90.5, -1.3 ], [ -90.5, -1.3 ], [ -90.5, -1.2 ], [ -90.5, -1.2 ], [ -90.4, -1.2 ], [ -90.4, -1.3 ], [ -90.4, -1.3 ], [ -90.4, -1.3 ], [ -90.4, -1.3 ], [ -90.4, -1.3 ], [ -90.4, -1.4 ], [ -90.4, -1.4 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45, -1.4 ], [ -45, -1.4 ], [ -45, -1.4 ], [ -45, -1.4 ], [ -45, -1.3 ], [ -45, -1.3 ], [ -45, -1.3 ], [ -44.9, -1.3 ], [ -44.9, -1.3 ], [ -44.9, -1.3 ], [ -44.9, -1.3 ], [ -45, -1.4 ], [ -45, -1.4 ], [ -45, -1.4 ], [ -45, -1.4 ] ] ], [ [ [ -52.4, -1.5 ], [ -52.4, -1.5 ], [ -52.5, -1.5 ], [ -52.5, -1.5 ], [ -52.5, -1.5 ], [ -52.4, -1.5 ], [ -52.2, -1.4 ], [ -52.2, -1.4 ], [ -52.2, -1.4 ], [ -52.2, -1.5 ], [ -52.3, -1.5 ], [ -52.4, -1.5 ], [ -52.4, -1.5 ] ] ], [ [ [ -52.2, -1.6 ], [ -52.2, -1.6 ], [ -52.2, -1.6 ], [ -52.2, -1.6 ], [ -52.2, -1.5 ], [ -52, -1.4 ], [ -52, -1.4 ], [ -52, -1.4 ], [ -52, -1.5 ], [ -52, -1.5 ], [ -52, -1.5 ], [ -51.9, -1.5 ], [ -51.9, -1.5 ], [ -51.9, -1.5 ], [ -52, -1.6 ], [ -52, -1.6 ], [ -52, -1.6 ], [ -52.1, -1.6 ], [ -52.1, -1.6 ], [ -52.1, -1.6 ], [ -52.2, -1.6 ], [ -52.2, -1.6 ], [ -52.2, -1.6 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.8, -1.7 ], [ -44.8, -1.7 ], [ -44.8, -1.7 ], [ -44.8, -1.6 ], [ -44.8, -1.6 ], [ -44.8, -1.6 ], [ -44.7, -1.6 ], [ -44.7, -1.6 ], [ -44.7, -1.6 ], [ -44.7, -1.6 ], [ -44.7, -1.6 ], [ -44.7, -1.7 ], [ -44.7, -1.6 ], [ -44.7, -1.7 ], [ -44.8, -1.7 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49, -1.8 ], [ -49, -1.8 ], [ -49, -1.8 ], [ -49, -1.7 ], [ -49, -1.6 ], [ -49, -1.6 ], [ -49, -1.6 ], [ -48.9, -1.6 ], [ -48.9, -1.6 ], [ -48.9, -1.6 ], [ -48.9, -1.6 ], [ -48.9, -1.8 ], [ -48.9, -1.8 ], [ -49, -1.8 ], [ -49, -1.8 ], [ -49, -1.8 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.1, -1.9 ], [ -49.2, -1.9 ], [ -49.2, -1.9 ], [ -49.2, -1.8 ], [ -49.1, -1.7 ], [ -49.1, -1.7 ], [ -49.1, -1.7 ], [ -49, -1.8 ], [ -49, -1.8 ], [ -49, -1.8 ], [ -49, -1.8 ], [ -49.1, -1.9 ], [ -49.1, -1.8 ], [ -49.1, -1.9 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.8, -2 ], [ -50.9, -2 ], [ -50.9, -2 ], [ -50.9, -2 ], [ -51, -2 ], [ -51, -2 ], [ -51, -2 ], [ -51, -2 ], [ -51.1, -1.9 ], [ -51.1, -1.9 ], [ -51.1, -1.9 ], [ -51.1, -1.8 ], [ -51.1, -1.8 ], [ -51, -1.8 ], [ -51, -1.9 ], [ -50.9, -1.9 ], [ -50.8, -2 ], [ -50.8, -2 ] ] ], [ [ [ -80.2, -3 ], [ -80.2, -3 ], [ -80.3, -3 ], [ -80.3, -3 ], [ -80.3, -2.9 ], [ -80.3, -2.9 ], [ -80.3, -2.8 ], [ -80.3, -2.8 ], [ -80.2, -2.8 ], [ -80.2, -2.7 ], [ -80.1, -2.7 ], [ -80, -2.7 ], [ -80, -2.7 ], [ -80, -2.7 ], [ -79.9, -2.7 ], [ -79.9, -2.7 ], [ -79.9, -2.8 ], [ -80.1, -2.9 ], [ -80.1, -3 ], [ -80.1, -3 ], [ -80.1, -3 ], [ -80.2, -3 ], [ -80.2, -3 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.6, -3.1 ], [ -44.6, -3 ], [ -44.6, -3 ], [ -44.6, -2.9 ], [ -44.6, -2.8 ], [ -44.6, -2.8 ], [ -44.6, -2.8 ], [ -44.6, -2.8 ], [ -44.5, -2.7 ], [ -44.5, -2.7 ], [ -44.5, -2.7 ], [ -44.5, -2.7 ], [ -44.5, -2.7 ], [ -44.5, -2.9 ], [ -44.5, -2.9 ], [ -44.5, -3 ], [ -44.5, -3 ], [ -44.5, -3 ], [ -44.6, -3 ], [ -44.6, -3.1 ], [ -44.6, -3.1 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.8, -13.1 ], [ -38.8, -13.1 ], [ -38.8, -13.1 ], [ -38.8, -13.1 ], [ -38.8, -13.1 ], [ -38.8, -13.1 ], [ -38.8, -13 ], [ -38.7, -13 ], [ -38.7, -13 ], [ -38.7, -13 ], [ -38.7, -13 ], [ -38.7, -12.9 ], [ -38.7, -12.9 ], [ -38.7, -12.9 ], [ -38.7, -12.9 ], [ -38.7, -12.9 ], [ -38.7, -12.9 ], [ -38.6, -12.9 ], [ -38.6, -12.9 ], [ -38.6, -13 ], [ -38.6, -13 ], [ -38.6, -13 ], [ -38.7, -13 ], [ -38.8, -13.1 ], [ -38.8, -13.1 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.9, -13.6 ], [ -39, -13.6 ], [ -39, -13.5 ], [ -39, -13.5 ], [ -39, -13.5 ], [ -39, -13.5 ], [ -39, -13.4 ], [ -38.9, -13.4 ], [ -38.9, -13.4 ], [ -38.9, -13.4 ], [ -38.9, -13.5 ], [ -38.9, -13.5 ], [ -38.9, -13.6 ], [ -38.9, -13.6 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.3, -23.2 ], [ -44.3, -23.2 ], [ -44.4, -23.2 ], [ -44.4, -23.2 ], [ -44.2, -23.1 ], [ -44.1, -23.1 ], [ -44.1, -23.2 ], [ -44.1, -23.2 ], [ -44.2, -23.2 ], [ -44.2, -23.2 ], [ -44.3, -23.2 ], [ -44.3, -23.2 ], [ -44.3, -23.2 ], [ -44.3, -23.2 ], [ -44.3, -23.2 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.2, -24 ], [ -45.3, -24 ], [ -45.3, -23.9 ], [ -45.4, -23.9 ], [ -45.4, -23.9 ], [ -45.4, -23.9 ], [ -45.4, -23.9 ], [ -45.4, -23.9 ], [ -45.4, -23.9 ], [ -45.4, -23.9 ], [ -45.5, -23.9 ], [ -45.4, -23.9 ], [ -45.4, -23.9 ], [ -45.4, -23.9 ], [ -45.4, -23.8 ], [ -45.4, -23.8 ], [ -45.4, -23.8 ], [ -45.4, -23.8 ], [ -45.3, -23.8 ], [ -45.3, -23.8 ], [ -45.3, -23.7 ], [ -45.3, -23.7 ], [ -45.3, -23.7 ], [ -45.3, -23.7 ], [ -45.3, -23.7 ], [ -45.2, -23.8 ], [ -45.2, -23.9 ], [ -45.2, -24 ], [ -45.2, -24 ], [ -45.2, -24 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.3, -23.9 ], [ -46.3, -24 ], [ -46.4, -24 ], [ -46.4, -24 ], [ -46.4, -23.9 ], [ -46.3, -23.9 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.6, -26.4 ], [ -48.6, -26.4 ], [ -48.7, -26.3 ], [ -48.5, -26.2 ], [ -48.5, -26.2 ], [ -48.5, -26.2 ], [ -48.5, -26.2 ], [ -48.5, -26.2 ], [ -48.5, -26.3 ], [ -48.5, -26.3 ], [ -48.5, -26.3 ], [ -48.5, -26.3 ], [ -48.6, -26.4 ], [ -48.6, -26.4 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.6, -27.8 ], [ -48.6, -27.8 ], [ -48.6, -27.8 ], [ -48.6, -27.7 ], [ -48.5, -27.6 ], [ -48.5, -27.6 ], [ -48.5, -27.5 ], [ -48.5, -27.5 ], [ -48.5, -27.5 ], [ -48.5, -27.5 ], [ -48.5, -27.4 ], [ -48.4, -27.4 ], [ -48.4, -27.4 ], [ -48.4, -27.4 ], [ -48.4, -27.6 ], [ -48.4, -27.6 ], [ -48.4, -27.6 ], [ -48.5, -27.6 ], [ -48.5, -27.7 ], [ -48.5, -27.7 ], [ -48.5, -27.7 ], [ -48.5, -27.7 ], [ -48.5, -27.8 ], [ -48.5, -27.8 ], [ -48.5, -27.8 ], [ -48.5, -27.8 ], [ -48.6, -27.8 ], [ -48.6, -27.8 ] ] ], [ [ [ -61.9, -39.2 ], [ -61.9, -39.2 ], [ -62.1, -39.2 ], [ -62.1, -39.1 ], [ -62.1, -39.1 ], [ -62.1, -39.1 ], [ -62.1, -39.1 ], [ -62.1, -39.1 ], [ -62, -39.1 ], [ -61.9, -39.1 ], [ -61.9, -39.1 ], [ -61.9, -39.2 ], [ -61.9, -39.2 ], [ -61.9, -39.2 ], [ -61.9, -39.2 ], [ -61.9, -39.2 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.3, -43 ], [ -74.2, -43 ], [ -74.2, -42.9 ], [ -74.1, -42.6 ], [ -74.2, -42.6 ], [ -74.2, -42.5 ], [ -74.2, -42.5 ], [ -74.2, -42.5 ], [ -74.2, -42.4 ], [ -74.2, -42.2 ], [ -74.2, -42.2 ], [ -74.1, -42.2 ], [ -74.1, -42.2 ], [ -74.1, -42.2 ], [ -74.1, -42.1 ], [ -74, -42.1 ], [ -74, -41.9 ], [ -74.1, -41.9 ], [ -74.1, -41.8 ], [ -74.1, -41.8 ], [ -74, -41.8 ], [ -73.9, -41.8 ], [ -73.9, -41.8 ], [ -73.9, -41.8 ], [ -73.9, -41.8 ], [ -74, -41.8 ], [ -74, -41.8 ], [ -74, -41.8 ], [ -74, -41.9 ], [ -73.9, -41.9 ], [ -73.8, -41.9 ], [ -73.8, -41.9 ], [ -73.7, -41.8 ], [ -73.6, -41.8 ], [ -73.6, -41.8 ], [ -73.5, -41.8 ], [ -73.5, -42 ], [ -73.4, -42.1 ], [ -73.5, -42.1 ], [ -73.5, -42.1 ], [ -73.5, -42.1 ], [ -73.5, -42.2 ], [ -73.4, -42.2 ], [ -73.4, -42.2 ], [ -73.4, -42.2 ], [ -73.4, -42.3 ], [ -73.4, -42.3 ], [ -73.5, -42.3 ], [ -73.6, -42.3 ], [ -73.6, -42.3 ], [ -73.6, -42.3 ], [ -73.7, -42.4 ], [ -73.7, -42.4 ], [ -73.7, -42.5 ], [ -73.7, -42.5 ], [ -73.6, -42.5 ], [ -73.6, -42.5 ], [ -73.7, -42.5 ], [ -73.8, -42.5 ], [ -73.8, -42.5 ], [ -73.8, -42.5 ], [ -73.8, -42.5 ], [ -73.8, -42.6 ], [ -73.6, -42.7 ], [ -73.6, -42.8 ], [ -73.5, -42.8 ], [ -73.5, -42.8 ], [ -73.5, -42.9 ], [ -73.5, -42.9 ], [ -73.6, -42.9 ], [ -73.6, -42.9 ], [ -73.6, -42.9 ], [ -73.7, -42.9 ], [ -73.6, -43 ], [ -73.6, -43 ], [ -73.6, -43 ], [ -73.5, -43.1 ], [ -73.5, -43.1 ], [ -73.5, -43.1 ], [ -73.5, -43.1 ], [ -73.7, -43.1 ], [ -73.8, -43.1 ], [ -73.8, -43.2 ], [ -73.7, -43.2 ], [ -73.7, -43.2 ], [ -73.7, -43.3 ], [ -73.7, -43.4 ], [ -73.7, -43.4 ], [ -73.9, -43.4 ], [ -73.9, -43.4 ], [ -73.9, -43.4 ], [ -74, -43.4 ], [ -74, -43.4 ], [ -74.2, -43.3 ], [ -74.3, -43.3 ], [ -74.4, -43.3 ], [ -74.4, -43.3 ], [ -74.4, -43.2 ], [ -74.3, -43.1 ], [ -74.2, -43 ], [ -74.3, -43 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.4, -42.6 ], [ -73.4, -42.5 ], [ -73.5, -42.5 ], [ -73.5, -42.5 ], [ -73.5, -42.5 ], [ -73.6, -42.5 ], [ -73.6, -42.5 ], [ -73.6, -42.5 ], [ -73.6, -42.4 ], [ -73.7, -42.4 ], [ -73.7, -42.4 ], [ -73.6, -42.4 ], [ -73.6, -42.4 ], [ -73.6, -42.4 ], [ -73.6, -42.4 ], [ -73.5, -42.4 ], [ -73.4, -42.5 ], [ -73.4, -42.6 ], [ -73.4, -42.6 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.8, -43.6 ], [ -74.8, -43.6 ], [ -74.8, -43.6 ], [ -74.8, -43.6 ], [ -74.9, -43.6 ], [ -74.9, -43.6 ], [ -74.9, -43.6 ], [ -74.9, -43.6 ], [ -74.8, -43.5 ], [ -74.8, -43.5 ], [ -74.7, -43.6 ], [ -74.7, -43.6 ], [ -74.6, -43.6 ], [ -74.6, -43.6 ], [ -74.7, -43.6 ], [ -74.7, -43.6 ], [ -74.7, -43.6 ], [ -74.7, -43.6 ], [ -74.7, -43.6 ], [ -74.7, -43.6 ], [ -74.8, -43.6 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74, -43.9 ], [ -74, -43.9 ], [ -74.1, -43.9 ], [ -74.1, -43.9 ], [ -74.2, -43.9 ], [ -74.2, -43.9 ], [ -74.2, -43.8 ], [ -74.1, -43.8 ], [ -74.1, -43.8 ], [ -74.1, -43.8 ], [ -74, -43.8 ], [ -73.9, -43.8 ], [ -73.9, -43.8 ], [ -73.8, -43.8 ], [ -73.8, -43.9 ], [ -73.8, -43.9 ], [ -73.9, -43.9 ], [ -73.9, -43.9 ], [ -73.9, -43.9 ], [ -73.9, -43.9 ], [ -73.9, -43.9 ], [ -73.9, -43.9 ], [ -73.9, -43.8 ], [ -73.9, -43.8 ], [ -74, -43.9 ], [ -74, -43.9 ], [ -74, -43.9 ], [ -74, -43.9 ], [ -73.9, -43.9 ], [ -74, -43.9 ], [ -74, -43.9 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-74, -44.2 ], [ -74, -44.3 ], [ -74, -44.3 ], [ -74, -44.3 ], [ -74, -44.3 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.9, -44.3 ], [ -74, -44.3 ], [ -74, -44.3 ], [ -74, -44.3 ], [ -73.8, -44.3 ], [ -73.8, -44.3 ], [ -73.8, -44.3 ], [ -73.8, -44.3 ], [ -73.8, -44.3 ], [ -73.8, -44.3 ], [ -73.8, -44.3 ], [ -73.9, -44.3 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74, -44.4 ], [ -74.1, -44.4 ], [ -74.1, -44.4 ], [ -74.1, -44.3 ], [ -74.1, -44.3 ], [ -73.9, -44.4 ], [ -73.9, -44.4 ], [ -73.9, -44.4 ], [ -74, -44.4 ], [ -74, -44.4 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.9, -44.7 ], [ -72.9, -44.7 ], [ -72.9, -44.8 ], [ -73, -44.8 ], [ -73, -44.8 ], [ -73, -44.9 ], [ -73.1, -44.9 ], [ -73.1, -44.9 ], [ -73.1, -44.9 ], [ -73.2, -44.9 ], [ -73.2, -44.9 ], [ -73.3, -44.9 ], [ -73.3, -44.9 ], [ -73.3, -44.9 ], [ -73.4, -44.8 ], [ -73.4, -44.8 ], [ -73.4, -44.8 ], [ -73.4, -44.8 ], [ -73.3, -44.8 ], [ -73.3, -44.8 ], [ -73.3, -44.8 ], [ -73.3, -44.8 ], [ -73.2, -44.8 ], [ -73.2, -44.8 ], [ -73.2, -44.8 ], [ -73.3, -44.8 ], [ -73.3, -44.8 ], [ -73.4, -44.8 ], [ -73.4, -44.8 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-71.1, -55 ], [ -71.1, -54.9 ], [ -71.2, -54.9 ], [ -71.3, -55 ], [ -71.3, -55 ], [ -71.4, -54.9 ], [ -71.5, -54.9 ], [ -71.4, -54.8 ], [ -71.4, -54.8 ], [ -71.2, -54.8 ], [ -71.1, -54.9 ], [ -71.1, -54.9 ], [ -71.1, -54.9 ], [ -71, -54.9 ], [ -71, -54.9 ], [ -71, -54.9 ], [ -71, -54.9 ], [ -70.9, -54.9 ], [ -70.9, -54.9 ], [ -70.9, -54.9 ], [ -71, -54.9 ], [ -71.1, -55 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.5, -54.8 ], [ -70.4, -54.8 ], [ -70.4, -54.8 ], [ -70.4, -54.9 ], [ -70.4, -54.9 ], [ -70.4, -54.9 ], [ -70.6, -54.9 ], [ -70.7, -54.9 ], [ -70.7, -54.9 ], [ -70.7, -54.9 ], [ -70.7, -54.9 ], [ -70.7, -54.9 ], [ -70.6, -54.8 ], [ -70.5, -54.8 ], [ -70.5, -54.8 ], [ -70.5, -54.8 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.9, -55 ], [ -69.9, -55 ], [ -69.9, -55 ], [ -69.9, -55 ], [ -69.9, -55 ], [ -70, -55 ], [ -69.9, -54.9 ], [ -69.9, -54.9 ], [ -69.9, -54.9 ], [ -69.8, -54.9 ], [ -69.7, -54.9 ], [ -69.7, -54.9 ], [ -69.4, -54.9 ], [ -69.4, -54.9 ], [ -69.2, -54.9 ], [ -69.2, -55 ], [ -69.2, -55 ], [ -69.2, -55 ], [ -69.4, -55 ], 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-71, -55 ], [ -70.9, -54.9 ], [ -70.8, -54.9 ], [ -70.8, -55 ], [ -70.7, -55 ], [ -70.6, -55 ], [ -70.6, -55 ], [ -70.6, -55 ], [ -70.6, -55 ], [ -70.6, -54.9 ], [ -70.5, -54.9 ], [ -70.5, -54.9 ], [ -70.4, -54.9 ], [ -70.4, -54.9 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.1, -55.2 ], [ -68.1, -55.2 ], [ -68.1, -55.2 ], [ -68.1, -55.2 ], [ -68.1, -55.2 ], [ -68.1, -55.2 ], [ -68.2, -55.2 ], [ -68.2, -55.1 ], [ -68.2, -55.1 ], [ -68.2, -55 ], [ -68.2, -55 ], [ -68.3, -55 ], [ -68.3, -55 ], [ -68.4, -54.9 ], [ -68.3, -54.9 ], [ -68.3, -54.9 ], [ -68.2, -54.9 ], [ -68.2, -54.9 ], [ -68.1, -54.9 ], [ -68, -54.9 ], [ -67.9, -54.9 ], [ -67.8, -54.9 ], [ -67.6, -54.9 ], [ -67.6, -54.9 ], [ -67.6, -54.9 ], [ -67.4, -54.9 ], [ -67.4, -54.9 ], [ -67.4, -54.9 ], [ -67.3, -54.9 ], [ -67.3, -54.9 ], [ -67.2, -54.9 ], [ -67.2, -55 ], [ -67.2, -55 ], [ -67.2, -55 ], [ -67.2, -55 ], [ -67.1, -55.1 ], [ -67.1, -55.1 ], [ -67.1, -55.1 ], [ -67.1, -55.2 ], [ -67.1, -55.2 ], [ -67.1, -55.2 ], [ -67.2, -55.3 ], [ -67.2, -55.3 ], [ -67.3, -55.3 ], [ -67.3, -55.3 ], [ -67.4, -55.3 ], [ -67.4, -55.3 ], [ -67.4, -55.3 ], [ -67.5, -55.3 ], [ -67.5, -55.3 ], [ -67.5, -55.2 ], [ -67.4, -55.2 ], [ -67.4, -55.2 ], [ -67.4, -55.2 ], [ -67.4, -55.2 ], [ -67.5, -55.2 ], [ -67.5, -55.2 ], [ -67.5, -55.2 ], [ -67.5, -55.2 ], [ -67.5, -55.2 ], [ -67.6, -55.2 ], [ -67.6, -55.2 ], [ -67.6, -55.2 ], [ -67.6, -55.2 ], [ -67.6, -55.2 ], [ -67.6, -55.2 ], [ -67.6, -55.3 ], [ -67.7, -55.3 ], [ -67.7, -55.3 ], [ -67.8, -55.3 ], [ -67.8, -55.3 ], [ -67.8, -55.3 ], [ -67.9, -55.2 ], [ -67.9, -55.2 ], [ -67.9, -55.2 ], [ -67.9, -55.2 ], [ -67.9, -55.2 ], [ -67.9, -55.2 ], [ -68, -55.2 ], [ -68.1, -55.2 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.2, -55 ], [ -70.2, -55 ], [ -70.2, -55 ], [ -70.2, -55 ], [ -70.2, -55 ], [ -70.2, -55 ], [ -70.2, -55 ], [ -70, -54.9 ], [ -70, -54.9 ], [ -70, -54.9 ], [ -70, -54.9 ], [ -70, -54.9 ], [ -70, -55 ], [ -70, -55 ], [ -70.1, -55 ], [ -70.2, -55 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.1, -55.7 ], [ -68.1, -55.7 ], [ -68.2, -55.6 ], [ -68.3, -55.6 ], [ -68.3, -55.5 ], [ -68.4, -55.5 ], [ -68.4, -55.5 ], [ -68.4, -55.5 ], [ -68.5, -55.5 ], [ -68.5, -55.5 ], [ -68.6, -55.5 ], [ -68.7, -55.5 ], [ -68.8, -55.5 ], [ -68.8, -55.5 ], [ -68.8, -55.5 ], [ -68.9, -55.5 ], [ -68.9, -55.5 ], [ -69, -55.4 ], [ -68.9, -55.4 ], [ -68.9, -55.4 ], [ -68.8, -55.4 ], [ -68.8, -55.4 ], [ -68.8, -55.4 ], [ -68.8, -55.3 ], [ -68.9, -55.4 ], [ -68.9, -55.3 ], [ -68.9, -55.3 ], [ -68.9, -55.2 ], [ -68.8, -55.2 ], [ -68.8, -55.2 ], [ -69, -55.3 ], [ -69, -55.3 ], [ -69.1, -55.2 ], [ -69.2, -55.2 ], [ -69.2, -55.2 ], [ -69.2, -55.2 ], [ -69.2, -55.1 ], [ -69.4, -55.2 ], [ -69.4, -55.2 ], [ -69.4, -55.2 ], [ -69.4, -55.2 ], [ -69.3, -55.2 ], [ -69.3, -55.2 ], [ -69.4, -55.2 ], [ -69.4, -55.3 ], [ -69.3, -55.4 ], [ -69.3, -55.4 ], [ -69.2, -55.4 ], [ -69.1, -55.4 ], [ -69.2, -55.5 ], [ -69.2, -55.5 ], [ -69.3, -55.5 ], [ -69.4, -55.5 ], [ -69.5, -55.4 ], [ -69.5, -55.4 ], [ -69.4, -55.4 ], [ -69.4, -55.4 ], [ -69.5, -55.3 ], [ -69.5, -55.3 ], [ -69.6, -55.4 ], [ -69.6, -55.3 ], [ -69.7, -55.3 ], [ -69.7, -55.3 ], [ -69.7, -55.2 ], [ -69.6, -55.2 ], [ -69.6, -55.2 ], [ -69.5, -55.2 ], [ -69.5, -55.2 ], [ -69.5, -55.2 ], [ -69.6, -55.2 ], [ -69.7, -55.2 ], [ -69.8, -55.3 ], [ -69.9, -55.3 ], [ -69.9, -55.2 ], [ -69.9, -55.2 ], [ -69.8, -55.2 ], [ -69.9, -55.2 ], [ -70, -55.2 ], [ -70, -55.2 ], [ -70, -55.1 ], [ -69.9, -55.1 ], [ -69.9, -55.1 ], [ -69.8, -55.1 ], [ -69.8, -55.1 ], [ -69.6, -55 ], [ -69.4, -55 ], [ -69.2, -55 ], [ -69, -55 ], [ -68.8, -55 ], [ -68.8, -55 ], [ -68.8, -55 ], [ -68.7, -54.9 ], [ -68.7, -54.9 ], [ -68.5, -54.9 ], [ -68.4, -55 ], [ -68.3, -55 ], [ -68.3, -55 ], [ -68.3, -55.1 ], [ -68.6, -55.1 ], [ -68.6, -55.1 ], [ -68.6, -55.2 ], [ -68.8, -55.1 ], [ -68.8, -55.1 ], [ -68.9, -55.1 ], [ -68.9, -55.1 ], [ -68.9, -55.1 ], [ -69, -55 ], [ -69, -55 ], [ -69.1, -55.1 ], [ -69, -55.1 ], [ -68.9, -55.1 ], [ -68.8, -55.2 ], [ -68.6, -55.2 ], [ -68.4, -55.2 ], [ -68.4, -55.2 ], [ -68.3, -55.2 ], [ -68.2, -55.3 ], [ -68.2, -55.3 ], [ -68.5, -55.3 ], [ -68.6, -55.3 ], [ -68.6, -55.3 ], [ -68.6, -55.3 ], [ -68.6, -55.3 ], [ -68.7, -55.3 ], [ -68.7, -55.3 ], [ -68.7, -55.3 ], [ -68.7, -55.3 ], [ -68.6, -55.4 ], [ -68.5, -55.3 ], [ -68.5, -55.3 ], [ -68.5, -55.3 ], [ -68.5, -55.3 ], [ -68.4, -55.3 ], [ -68.3, -55.3 ], [ -68.2, -55.4 ], [ -68.1, -55.4 ], [ -68.2, -55.4 ], [ -68.2, -55.5 ], [ -68.1, -55.5 ], [ -68.1, -55.5 ], [ -68.1, -55.5 ], [ -68, -55.6 ], [ -68, -55.6 ], [ -68, -55.6 ], [ -68, -55.7 ], [ -68.1, -55.7 ], [ -68.1, -55.7 ], [ -68.1, -55.7 ], [ -68.1, -55.7 ], [ -68.1, -55.7 ] ] ], [ [ [ -67, -55 ], [ -67, -55 ], [ -66.9, -55 ], [ -66.8, -55 ], [ -66.8, -55.1 ], [ -66.8, -55.1 ], [ -66.8, -55.1 ], [ -67.1, -55 ], [ -67.1, -55 ], [ -67.1, -55 ], [ -67.1, -55 ], [ -67, -55 ], [ -67, -55 ], [ -67, -55 ] ] ], [ [ [ -66.6, -55.3 ], [ -66.6, -55.3 ], [ -66.6, -55.3 ], [ -66.6, -55.3 ], [ -66.6, -55.2 ], [ -66.6, -55.2 ], [ -66.5, -55.2 ], [ -66.5, -55.2 ], [ -66.5, -55.2 ], [ -66.4, -55.2 ], [ -66.4, -55.2 ], [ -66.5, -55.3 ], [ -66.6, -55.3 ], [ -66.6, -55.3 ] ] ], [ [ [ -66.9, -55.2 ], [ -66.9, -55.2 ], [ -66.8, -55.3 ], [ -66.8, -55.3 ], [ -66.9, -55.3 ], [ -66.9, -55.3 ], [ -66.9, -55.3 ], [ -67, -55.3 ], [ -67.1, -55.3 ], [ -67.1, -55.3 ], [ -67.1, -55.3 ], [ -67, -55.2 ], [ -67, -55.2 ], [ -66.9, -55.2 ], [ -66.9, -55.2 ], [ -66.9, -55.2 ], [ -66.9, -55.2 ], [ -66.9, -55.2 ] ] ], [ [ [ -67.7, -55.6 ], [ -67.7, -55.6 ], [ -67.7, -55.5 ], [ -67.7, -55.5 ], [ -67.7, -55.5 ], [ -67.7, -55.5 ], [ -67.6, -55.5 ], [ -67.6, -55.5 ], [ -67.6, -55.5 ], [ -67.6, -55.5 ], [ -67.6, -55.5 ], [ -67.6, -55.6 ], [ -67.6, -55.6 ], [ -67.7, -55.6 ], [ -67.7, -55.6 ], [ -67.7, -55.6 ] ] ], [ [ [ -67.3, -55.8 ], [ -67.3, -55.8 ], [ -67.3, -55.8 ], [ -67.4, -55.7 ], [ -67.5, -55.8 ], [ -67.6, -55.7 ], [ -67.6, -55.7 ], [ -67.5, -55.7 ], [ -67.4, -55.6 ], [ -67.4, -55.6 ], [ -67.4, -55.6 ], [ -67.3, -55.7 ], [ -67.3, -55.8 ], [ -67.3, -55.8 ], [ -67.3, -55.8 ], [ -67.3, -55.8 ], [ -67.3, -55.8 ] ] ], [ [ [ -67.6, -55.9 ], [ -67.6, -55.9 ], [ -67.7, -55.8 ], [ -67.7, -55.8 ], [ -67.8, -55.9 ], [ -67.8, -55.9 ], [ -67.8, -55.9 ], [ -67.9, -55.9 ], [ -67.9, -55.8 ], [ -67.8, -55.8 ], [ -67.8, -55.8 ], [ -67.8, -55.8 ], [ -67.8, -55.8 ], [ -67.8, -55.8 ], [ -67.7, -55.8 ], [ -67.6, -55.8 ], [ -67.6, -55.8 ], [ -67.6, -55.8 ], [ -67.5, -55.8 ], [ -67.5, -55.8 ], [ -67.5, -55.9 ], [ -67.5, -55.9 ], [ -67.6, -55.9 ], [ -67.6, -55.9 ], [ -67.6, -55.9 ] ] ], [ [ [ -67.2, -55.9 ], [ -67.3, -55.9 ], [ -67.4, -55.8 ], [ -67.4, -55.8 ], [ -67.4, -55.8 ], [ -67.4, -55.8 ], [ -67.3, -55.8 ], [ -67.2, -55.8 ], [ -67.2, -55.9 ], [ -67.2, -55.9 ], [ -67.2, -55.9 ] ] ] ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Tradicionalmente, el nombre fue dado a las posesiones europeas en los \nnuevos territorios descubiertos y por descubrir en América, y que se dio\n inicio con la llegada de Cristóbal Colón en el siglo XV, quien por otro\n lado desconocía que en su viaje de circunnavegación había llegado a un \nNuevo Mundo, en lugar de a las Indias. De aquí deriva el título de Rey \nde las Islas y Tierra Firme del mar Océano que por tradición histórica \nestá vinculado a la monarquía española.Con la exploración y la \ncartografía del Nuevo Mundo por España, las más alejadas costas de Asia \nfueron llamadas \"Indias Orientales\" para distinguirlos de las nuevas \ntierras descubiertas más próximas al oeste, y que se denominaron Indias \nOccidentales. Las exploraciones y los estudios de cartografía \nextendieron la denominación de América en Europa para designar \npopularmente las nuevas tierras descubiertas.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-08T20:56:16+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 5348, "end" : 5354 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Indias" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/078a1e6a-446f-4b3f-88ca-69560ae8ef38", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Tribe", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:17:04+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "native people", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:17:04+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:17:04+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Los Chiriguanos, son grupo de lengua Tupí - Guaraní\nque desde el Amazonas ocuparon sectores de Paraguay, Bolivia y Argentina. Fue el punto culminante de su expansión hacia el\nsur, en la búsqueda mesiánica de la \"Tierra sin mal\" o de\nnuevas tierras para cultivo. Eran agricultores sedentarios, a base de mandioca,\nzapallos, batata y maíz. La técnica de cultivo era la típica \"milpa\"\namazónica: talado de árboles, corte de la maleza, incendio y posterior cultivo\nsobre el terreno quemado. Entre los siglos XV y XVI sometieron a los Chané a\nlos que esclavizaron. Algunas crónicas indican que ese dominio se sustentó en\nuna sistemática antropofagia que prácticamente devastó a los Chané.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:17:04+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 17176, "end" : 17187 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Chiriguanos" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/980429c4-000d-49da-b55f-40398cd3676e", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Tribe", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:17:04+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "native people", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:17:04+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:17:04+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Los Chiriguanos, son grupo de lengua Tupí - Guaraní\nque desde el Amazonas ocuparon sectores de Paraguay, Bolivia y Argentina. Fue el punto culminante de su expansión hacia el\nsur, en la búsqueda mesiánica de la \"Tierra sin mal\" o de\nnuevas tierras para cultivo. Eran agricultores sedentarios, a base de mandioca,\nzapallos, batata y maíz. La técnica de cultivo era la típica \"milpa\"\namazónica: talado de árboles, corte de la maleza, incendio y posterior cultivo\nsobre el terreno quemado. Entre los siglos XV y XVI sometieron a los Chané a\nlos que esclavizaron. Algunas crónicas indican que ese dominio se sustentó en\nuna sistemática antropofagia que prácticamente devastó a los Chané.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:17:04+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 63676, "end" : 63687 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Chiriguanos" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/a5d0af75-8d40-4f02-8530-e5b827c44087", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Tribe", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:17:04+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "native people", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:17:04+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:17:04+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Los Chiriguanos, son grupo de lengua Tupí - Guaraní\nque desde el Amazonas ocuparon sectores de Paraguay, Bolivia y Argentina. Fue el punto culminante de su expansión hacia el\nsur, en la búsqueda mesiánica de la \"Tierra sin mal\" o de\nnuevas tierras para cultivo. Eran agricultores sedentarios, a base de mandioca,\nzapallos, batata y maíz. La técnica de cultivo era la típica \"milpa\"\namazónica: talado de árboles, corte de la maleza, incendio y posterior cultivo\nsobre el terreno quemado. Entre los siglos XV y XVI sometieron a los Chané a\nlos que esclavizaron. Algunas crónicas indican que ese dominio se sustentó en\nuna sistemática antropofagia que prácticamente devastó a los Chané.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:17:04+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 65497, "end" : 65508 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Chiriguanos" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/8fdaeafd-4cd0-41de-a892-ca0c5b1a7550", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "tribe", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:18:03+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "native people", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:18:03+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:18:03+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Refiere a Los guaraníes o avá, según su autodenominación étnica original\n (que significa \"ser humano\"), son un grupo de pueblos indígenas \nsuramericanos que se ubican geográficamente en Paraguay, noreste de \nArgentina (en ciertas zonas de provincias de la Región del Litoral),​ \nsur y suroeste de Brasil (en los estados de Río Grande del Sur, Santa \nCatarina, Paraná y Mato Grosso del Sur) y sureste de Bolivia (en los \ndepartamentos de Tarija, Santa Cruz y Chuquisaca) y norte de Uruguay.El \nmuy difundido nombre guaraní lo escucharon los españoles que, al invadir\n su territorio, habrían oído, entre los gritos de guerra de este pueblo,\n la frase guará-ny, que significa \"combatir-los\". Por otra parte el \nnombre dada significa en guaraní 'guerrero', \"ava\" que significa \n\"hombre\" y se pronuncia en forma grave entre los chiriguanos (ava \nguaraníes).Otra versión afirma que la denominación fue tomada de la \ndeformación de una palabra guaraní, guariní que significa precisamente \n\"guerra\" o \"guerrear\". Al parecer los mismos indígenas se denominaron de\n esa manera, indicando con ello que se consideraban guerreros.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:18:03+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 17153, "end" : 17161 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Guaranís" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/4c35f43a-bab9-4f02-8d54-1d5cee18ff6a", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "tribe", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-29T09:56:32+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "native people", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-29T09:56:32+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-29T09:56:32+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Dentro del tronco\nguaycurú es posible delimitar un grupo norte o guaycurú del norte, la tribu más\nseptentrional de la familia era la de los guachí o guasarapo de la región del\nalto Paraguay, a los que Azara calificaba, a fines del siglo XVIII, de “íntimos\ny antiguos aliados” de los mbayas. Schmidl y Ruy Diaz de Guzmán los ubican, en\nlos inicios de la conquista, al norte de los payaguas, de quienes eran\nenemigos, y les dan el nombre de guajarapos; siendo guachié el que les daban\nlos mbayas. En época de Azara su centro estaba en el río Guachie o Miranda,\nafluente del este del Paraguay, y a pesar de no ser más de 60 guerreros\nconservaban su belicosidad.\nPara mediados del siglo XIX estaban casi extinguidos.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-29T09:56:32+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 83589, "end" : 83599 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Guajarapos" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/f5c2d3d5-f3e4-443a-b94a-d74154b66427", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "river", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-29T11:57:00+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://sws.geonames.org/3904907", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-29T11:57:00+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-29T11:57:00+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "MultiPolygon", "coordinates" : [ [ [ [ -60.73, -13.66 ], [ -60.65, -13.72 ], [ -60.62, -13.74 ], [ -60.6, -13.74 ], [ -60.59, -13.74 ], [ -60.58, -13.75 ], [ -60.58, -13.76 ], [ -60.58, -13.77 ], [ -60.57, -13.77 ], [ -60.49, -13.79 ], [ -60.47, -13.8 ], [ 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[ -64.79, -16.76 ], [ -64.8, -16.74 ], [ -64.81, -16.73 ], [ -64.81, -16.72 ], [ -64.8, -16.7 ], [ -64.79, -16.68 ], [ -64.75, -16.62 ], [ -64.75, -16.61 ], [ -64.75, -16.6 ], [ -64.76, -16.6 ], [ -64.77, -16.59 ], [ -64.78, -16.59 ], [ -64.78, -16.57 ], [ -64.78, -16.56 ], [ -64.77, -16.54 ], [ -64.76, -16.53 ], [ -64.76, -16.52 ], [ -64.73, -16.5 ], [ -64.72, -16.49 ], [ -64.72, -16.46 ], [ -64.72, -16.46 ], [ -64.72, -16.46 ], [ -64.68, -16.39 ], [ -64.68, -16.37 ], [ -64.68, -16.36 ], [ -64.69, -16.35 ], [ -64.7, -16.34 ], [ -64.69, -16.33 ], [ -64.68, -16.31 ], [ -64.7, -16.3 ], [ -64.7, -16.29 ], [ -64.68, -16.27 ], [ -64.67, -16.25 ], [ -64.68, -16.23 ], [ -64.68, -16.21 ], [ -64.67, -16.19 ], [ -64.68, -16.17 ], [ -64.67, -16.15 ], [ -64.67, -16.13 ], [ -64.66, -16.12 ], [ -64.67, -16.1 ], [ -64.69, -16.08 ], [ -64.69, -16.06 ], [ -64.69, -16.02 ], [ -64.69, -16.02 ], [ -64.68, -16.01 ], [ -64.68, -16 ], [ -64.68, -15.99 ], [ -64.69, -15.97 ], [ -64.7, -15.95 ], [ -64.71, 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La palabra Abaparí, en guaraní, quiere decir indio cojo.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T17:20:51+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 7339, "end" : 7346 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Abaparí" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/c4694c83-f2ad-48d8-be86-c96076a520a1", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : 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], [ -13.534, 29.216 ] ] ], [ [ [ -13.538, 29.289 ], [ -13.54, 29.302 ], [ -13.535, 29.307 ], [ -13.53, 29.299 ], [ -13.538, 29.289 ] ] ], [ [ [ -2.953, 35.32 ], [ -2.923, 35.29 ], [ -2.951, 35.265 ], [ -2.97, 35.289 ], [ -2.953, 35.32 ] ] ], [ [ [ -5.345, 35.871 ], [ -5.379, 35.916 ], [ -5.279, 35.9 ], [ -5.288, 35.89 ], [ -5.345, 35.871 ] ] ], [ [ [ -13.54, 28.96 ], [ -13.534, 28.968 ], [ -13.54, 28.96 ], [ -13.54, 28.96 ] ] ], [ [ [ -13.605, 28.942 ], [ -13.736, 28.907 ], [ -13.787, 28.839 ], [ -13.877, 28.86 ], [ -13.815, 29.033 ], [ -13.658, 29.124 ], [ -13.546, 29.119 ], [ -13.47, 29.239 ], [ -13.419, 29.198 ], [ -13.465, 29.019 ], [ -13.605, 28.942 ] ] ], [ [ [ 1.737, 41.212 ], [ 1.737, 41.211 ], [ 1.732, 41.207 ], [ 1.737, 41.212 ] ] ], [ [ [ 1.826, 41.234 ], [ 1.826, 41.234 ], [ 1.824, 41.232 ], [ 1.826, 41.234 ] ] ], [ [ [ 2.16, 41.342 ], [ 2.16, 41.342 ], [ 2.166, 41.341 ], [ 2.16, 41.342 ] ] ], [ [ [ 3.223, 42.045 ], [ 3.219, 42.048 ], [ 3.225, 42.05 ], [ 3.223, 42.045 ] ] ], [ [ [ 2.182, 41.362 ], [ 2.176, 41.352 ], [ 2.172, 41.335 ], [ 2.175, 41.353 ], [ 2.182, 41.362 ] ] ], [ [ [ 2.182, 41.362 ], [ 2.186, 41.368 ], [ 2.187, 41.367 ], [ 2.182, 41.362 ] ] ], [ [ [ -8.892, 42.191 ], [ -8.913, 42.196 ], [ -8.912, 42.206 ], [ -8.892, 42.196 ], [ -8.892, 42.191 ] ] ], [ [ [ -8.914, 42.211 ], [ -8.904, 42.224 ], [ -8.914, 42.252 ], [ -8.895, 42.227 ], [ -8.914, 42.211 ] ] ], [ [ [ -8.785, 42.259 ], [ -8.78, 42.26 ], [ -8.785, 42.259 ], [ -8.785, 42.259 ] ] ], [ [ [ -8.938, 42.343 ], [ -8.938, 42.349 ], [ -8.933, 42.349 ], [ -8.938, 42.343 ] ] ], [ [ [ -8.939, 42.355 ], [ -8.945, 42.38 ], [ -8.921, 42.4 ], [ -8.939, 42.355 ] ] ], [ [ [ -8.708, 42.408 ], [ -8.713, 42.411 ], [ -8.709, 42.415 ], [ -8.705, 42.412 ], [ -8.708, 42.408 ] ] ], [ [ [ 1.984, 42.447 ], [ 1.957, 42.458 ], [ 1.979, 42.495 ], [ 2.014, 42.452 ], [ 1.984, 42.447 ] ] ], [ [ [ -9.01, 42.463 ], [ -9.02, 42.474 ], [ -9.016, 42.486 ], [ -8.999, 42.469 ], [ -9.01, 42.463 ] ] ], [ [ [ -8.818, 42.519 ], [ -8.826, 42.515 ], [ -8.818, 42.519 ], [ -8.818, 42.519 ] ] ], [ [ [ -8.863, 42.497 ], [ -8.863, 42.497 ], [ -8.859, 42.498 ], [ -8.863, 42.497 ] ] ], [ [ [ -8.901, 42.537 ], [ -8.904, 42.541 ], [ -8.897, 42.543 ], [ -8.901, 42.537 ] ] ], [ [ [ -8.872, 42.524 ], [ -8.892, 42.568 ], [ -8.877, 42.575 ], [ -8.856, 42.566 ], [ -8.872, 42.524 ] ] ], [ [ [ -8.787, 42.614 ], [ -8.789, 42.62 ], [ -8.78, 42.622 ], [ -8.778, 42.619 ], [ -8.787, 42.614 ] ] ], [ [ [ -3.025, 43.328 ], [ -3.027, 43.332 ], [ -3.023, 43.327 ], [ -3.025, 43.328 ] ] ], [ [ [ -8.847, 42.482 ], [ -8.853, 42.489 ], [ -8.842, 42.501 ], [ -8.847, 42.482 ] ] ], [ [ [ -8.384, 43.353 ], [ -8.382, 43.354 ], [ -8.379, 43.348 ], [ -8.384, 43.353 ] ] ], [ [ [ -8.845, 43.355 ], [ -8.85, 43.361 ], [ -8.837, 43.362 ], [ -8.836, 43.358 ], [ -8.845, 43.355 ] ] ], [ [ [ -8.834, 43.356 ], [ -8.834, 43.362 ], [ -8.831, 43.358 ], [ -8.834, 43.356 ] ] ], [ [ [ -8.395, 43.361 ], [ -8.396, 43.361 ], [ -8.388, 43.361 ], [ -8.395, 43.361 ] ] ], [ [ [ -8.192, 43.485 ], [ -8.192, 43.485 ], [ -8.186, 43.485 ], [ -8.192, 43.485 ] ] ], [ [ [ 3.026, 39.288 ], [ 2.958, 39.363 ], [ 2.787, 39.363 ], [ 2.722, 39.476 ], [ 2.749, 39.51 ], [ 2.67, 39.562 ], [ 2.541, 39.525 ], [ 2.522, 39.457 ], [ 2.452, 39.537 ], [ 2.364, 39.531 ], [ 2.347, 39.595 ], [ 2.778, 39.856 ], [ 3.214, 39.963 ], [ 3.08, 39.902 ], [ 3.106, 39.858 ], [ 3.204, 39.889 ], [ 3.121, 39.832 ], [ 3.135, 39.783 ], [ 3.253, 39.729 ], [ 3.348, 39.789 ], [ 3.479, 39.715 ], [ 3.232, 39.362 ], [ 3.069, 39.267 ], [ 3.026, 39.288 ] ], [ [ 2.466, 39.513 ], [ 2.466, 39.513 ], [ 2.47, 39.51 ], [ 2.466, 39.513 ] ] ], [ [ [ -5.351, 36.153 ], [ -5.384, 36.18 ], [ -5.427, 36.176 ], [ -5.429, 36.071 ], [ -5.611, 36 ], [ -5.915, 36.185 ], [ -6.034, 36.181 ], [ -6.31, 36.529 ], [ -6.279, 36.543 ], [ -6.23, 36.463 ], [ -6.173, 36.521 ], [ -6.242, 36.506 ], [ -6.233, 36.585 ], [ -6.249, 36.572 ], [ -6.395, 36.634 ], [ -6.443, 36.738 ], [ -6.342, 36.795 ], [ -6.397, 36.807 ], [ -6.498, 36.958 ], [ -6.773, 37.111 ], [ -7.044, 37.207 ], [ -7.402, 37.175 ], [ -7.464, 37.487 ], [ -7.523, 37.553 ], [ -7.421, 37.759 ], [ -7.283, 37.869 ], [ -7.263, 37.98 ], [ -7.099, 38.044 ], [ -7.002, 38.023 ], [ -6.932, 38.208 ], [ -7.086, 38.169 ], [ -7.281, 38.42 ], [ -7.336, 38.435 ], [ -7.244, 38.624 ], [ -7.255, 38.726 ], [ -7.039, 38.865 ], [ -6.959, 39.055 ], [ -7.033, 39.118 ], [ -7.144, 39.109 ], [ -7.135, 39.171 ], [ -7.241, 39.209 ], [ -7.231, 39.278 ], [ -7.323, 39.382 ], [ -7.296, 39.459 ], [ -7.545, 39.663 ], [ -7.015, 39.671 ], [ -6.987, 39.81 ], [ -6.904, 39.871 ], [ -6.864, 40.012 ], [ -7.029, 40.186 ], [ -6.781, 40.365 ], [ -6.85, 40.453 ], [ -6.795, 40.512 ], [ -6.845, 40.566 ], [ -6.794, 40.662 ], [ -6.831, 40.753 ], [ -6.802, 40.861 ], [ -6.93, 41.03 ], [ -6.808, 41.036 ], [ -6.648, 41.248 ], [ -6.497, 41.266 ], [ -6.39, 41.385 ], [ -6.318, 41.386 ], [ -6.197, 41.59 ], [ -6.302, 41.663 ], [ -6.548, 41.686 ], [ -6.569, 41.743 ], [ -6.516, 41.871 ], [ -6.571, 41.884 ], [ -6.546, 41.936 ], [ -6.588, 41.968 ], [ -6.699, 41.933 ], [ -6.811, 41.993 ], [ -6.821, 41.946 ], [ -6.893, 41.94 ], [ -7.141, 41.991 ], [ -7.187, 41.97 ], [ -7.197, 41.88 ], [ -7.427, 41.807 ], [ -7.453, 41.865 ], [ -7.614, 41.829 ], [ -7.586, 41.882 ], [ -7.701, 41.908 ], [ -7.876, 41.849 ], [ -7.906, 41.927 ], [ -8.013, 41.829 ], [ -8.165, 41.818 ], [ -8.217, 41.914 ], [ -8.083, 42.036 ], [ -8.119, 42.082 ], [ -8.182, 42.067 ], [ -8.199, 42.154 ], [ -8.332, 42.084 ], [ -8.637, 42.047 ], [ -8.872, 41.866 ], [ -8.901, 42.112 ], [ -8.826, 42.115 ], [ -8.85, 42.157 ], [ -8.775, 42.222 ], [ -8.611, 42.288 ], [ -8.612, 42.346 ], [ -8.66, 42.291 ], [ -8.873, 42.25 ], [ -8.856, 42.31 ], [ -8.817, 42.279 ], [ -8.839, 42.339 ], [ -8.755, 42.34 ], [ -8.652, 42.428 ], [ -8.839, 42.384 ], [ -8.942, 42.463 ], [ -8.872, 42.501 ], [ -8.869, 42.448 ], [ -8.82, 42.452 ], [ -8.835, 42.565 ], [ -8.772, 42.593 ], [ -8.779, 42.614 ], [ -8.741, 42.649 ], [ -8.724, 42.679 ], [ -8.727, 42.688 ], [ -8.8, 42.636 ], [ -8.845, 42.687 ], [ -8.857, 42.606 ], [ -8.901, 42.643 ], [ -9.011, 42.518 ], [ -9.089, 42.571 ], [ -9.009, 42.727 ], [ -8.954, 42.749 ], [ -8.904, 42.788 ], [ -8.904, 42.814 ], [ -8.879, 42.816 ], [ -8.876, 42.829 ], [ -8.909, 42.825 ], [ -8.963, 42.779 ], [ -9.064, 42.787 ], [ -9.086, 42.738 ], [ -9.151, 42.798 ], [ -9.108, 42.836 ], [ -9.173, 42.944 ], [ -9.274, 42.881 ], [ -9.257, 43.002 ], [ -9.299, 43.056 ], [ -9.167, 43.105 ], [ -9.165, 43.153 ], [ -9.216, 43.152 ], [ -9.175, 43.192 ], [ -8.94, 43.227 ], [ -8.991, 43.275 ], [ -8.841, 43.345 ], [ -8.712, 43.29 ], [ -8.401, 43.39 ], [ -8.356, 43.344 ], [ -8.307, 43.406 ], [ -8.209, 43.328 ], [ -8.223, 43.387 ], [ -8.174, 43.42 ], [ -8.317, 43.445 ], [ -8.201, 43.46 ], [ -8.151, 43.517 ], [ -8.341, 43.458 ], [ -8.296, 43.535 ], [ -8.322, 43.565 ], [ -8.054, 43.649 ], [ -8.064, 43.704 ], [ -7.904, 43.77 ], [ -7.849, 43.71 ], [ -7.876, 43.723 ], [ -7.904, 43.671 ], [ -7.847, 43.668 ], [ -7.86, 43.707 ], [ -7.725, 43.747 ], [ -7.689, 43.791 ], [ -7.692, 43.732 ], [ -7.636, 43.753 ], [ -7.609, 43.672 ], [ -7.557, 43.73 ], [ -7.468, 43.724 ], [ -7.357, 43.671 ], [ -7.256, 43.547 ], [ -6.356, 43.551 ], [ -6.245, 43.595 ], [ -6.113, 43.555 ], [ -5.956, 43.58 ], [ -5.841, 43.661 ], [ -5.679, 43.541 ], [ -5.413, 43.555 ], [ -5.216, 43.475 ], [ -4.619, 43.395 ], [ -4.28, 43.388 ], [ -3.812, 43.495 ], [ -3.763, 43.467 ], [ -3.825, 43.452 ], [ -3.836, 43.407 ], [ -3.809, 43.393 ], [ -3.767, 43.406 ], [ -3.815, 43.408 ], [ -3.776, 43.449 ], [ -3.757, 43.431 ], [ -3.736, 43.432 ], [ -3.726, 43.442 ], [ -3.717, 43.422 ], [ -3.712, 43.423 ], [ -3.709, 43.411 ], [ -3.712, 43.423 ], [ -3.726, 43.443 ], [ -3.777, 43.458 ], [ -3.591, 43.514 ], [ -3.431, 43.462 ], [ -3.43, 43.441 ], [ -3.465, 43.445 ], [ -3.492, 43.425 ], [ -3.465, 43.404 ], [ -3.45, 43.436 ], [ -3.161, 43.351 ], [ -3.084, 43.378 ], [ -3.024, 43.325 ], [ -3.01, 43.337 ], [ -3.028, 43.342 ], [ -3.013, 43.348 ], [ -3.04, 43.373 ], [ -2.947, 43.436 ], [ -2.752, 43.457 ], [ -2.353, 43.299 ], [ -2.202, 43.312 ], [ -2.127, 43.29 ], [ -1.791, 43.396 ], [ -1.73, 43.295 ], [ -1.625, 43.307 ], [ -1.609, 43.252 ], [ -1.536, 43.295 ], [ -1.39, 43.259 ], [ -1.381, 43.19 ], [ -1.473, 43.087 ], [ -1.441, 43.046 ], [ -1.354, 43.028 ], [ -1.345, 43.095 ], [ -1.273, 43.119 ], [ -1.309, 43.069 ], [ -1.142, 43.007 ], [ -0.945, 42.953 ], [ -0.752, 42.967 ], [ -0.727, 42.894 ], [ -0.566, 42.782 ], [ -0.313, 42.849 ], [ -0.017, 42.685 ], [ 0.176, 42.737 ], [ 0.295, 42.673 ], [ 0.36, 42.724 ], [ 0.669, 42.689 ], [ 0.645, 42.783 ], [ 0.709, 42.861 ], [ 1.079, 42.788 ], [ 1.166, 42.709 ], [ 1.357, 42.72 ], [ 1.443, 42.603 ], [ 1.414, 42.535 ], [ 1.468, 42.51 ], [ 1.419, 42.484 ], [ 1.455, 42.436 ], [ 1.726, 42.504 ], [ 1.937, 42.454 ], [ 2.015, 42.347 ], [ 2.257, 42.439 ], [ 2.533, 42.333 ], [ 2.672, 42.341 ], [ 2.674, 42.405 ], [ 2.947, 42.482 ], [ 3.175, 42.435 ], [ 3.163, 42.36 ], [ 3.322, 42.32 ], [ 3.264, 42.238 ], [ 3.163, 42.264 ], [ 3.112, 42.206 ], [ 3.124, 42.128 ], [ 3.215, 42.061 ], [ 3.203, 41.892 ], [ 2.935, 41.715 ], [ 2.277, 41.465 ], [ 2.099, 41.284 ], [ 0.988, 41.041 ], [ 0.7, 40.805 ], [ 0.872, 40.735 ], [ 0.872, 40.699 ], [ 0.674, 40.562 ], [ 0.618, 40.553 ], [ 0.595, 40.578 ], [ 0.745, 40.636 ], [ 0.602, 40.622 ], [ 0.538, 40.568 ], [ 0.408, 40.357 ], [ 0.148, 40.083 ], [ 0.049, 40.035 ], [ -0.323, 39.5 ], [ -0.325, 39.387 ], [ -0.161, 38.992 ], [ -0.018, 38.873 ], [ 0.197, 38.804 ], [ 0.234, 38.737 ], [ 0.084, 38.631 ], [ -0.016, 38.627 ], [ -0.098, 38.523 ], [ -0.312, 38.477 ], [ -0.387, 38.431 ], [ -0.404, 38.352 ], [ -0.506, 38.332 ], [ -0.51, 38.203 ], [ -0.628, 38.154 ], [ -0.648, 38 ], [ -0.761, 37.865 ], [ -0.748, 37.79 ], [ -0.784, 37.819 ], [ -0.86, 37.723 ], [ -0.728, 37.634 ], [ -0.72, 37.649 ], [ -0.74, 37.66 ], [ -0.745, 37.759 ], [ -0.728, 37.75 ], [ -0.688, 37.634 ], [ -0.718, 37.607 ], [ -0.919, 37.554 ], [ -0.992, 37.601 ], [ -1.111, 37.534 ], [ -1.326, 37.563 ], [ -1.46, 37.487 ], [ -1.486, 37.423 ], [ -1.672, 37.357 ], [ -1.805, 37.217 ], [ -1.896, 36.948 ], [ -2.124, 36.732 ], [ -2.193, 36.721 ], [ -2.361, 36.842 ], [ -2.562, 36.816 ], [ -2.7, 36.683 ], [ -2.849, 36.695 ], [ -2.927, 36.752 ], [ -3.259, 36.753 ], [ -3.42, 36.694 ], [ -3.835, 36.754 ], [ -4.394, 36.722 ], [ -4.638, 36.507 ], [ -4.913, 36.505 ], [ -5.177, 36.414 ], [ -5.351, 36.153 ] ], [ [ -5.603, 36.008 ], [ -5.603, 36.009 ], [ -5.603, 36.009 ], [ -5.603, 36.008 ] ], [ [ -5.603, 36.009 ], [ -5.602, 36.01 ], [ -5.605, 36.01 ], [ -5.603, 36.009 ] ], [ [ -7.823, 43.7 ], [ -7.82, 43.7 ], [ -7.821, 43.701 ], [ -7.823, 43.7 ] ], [ [ -7.82, 43.7 ], [ -7.815, 43.695 ], [ -7.813, 43.698 ], [ -7.82, 43.7 ] ], [ [ -7.695, 43.739 ], [ -7.695, 43.739 ], [ -7.701, 43.736 ], [ -7.695, 43.739 ] ], [ [ -7.597, 43.674 ], [ -7.596, 43.673 ], [ -7.596, 43.674 ], [ -7.597, 43.674 ] ], [ [ -7.596, 43.673 ], [ -7.599, 43.663 ], [ -7.594, 43.668 ], [ -7.596, 43.673 ] ], [ [ -2.132, 43.292 ], [ -2.132, 43.292 ], [ -2.131, 43.287 ], [ -2.132, 43.292 ] ], [ [ 0.019, 39.968 ], [ 0.013, 39.968 ], [ 0.02, 39.968 ], [ 0.019, 39.968 ] ], [ [ -0.273, 39.279 ], [ -0.273, 39.279 ], [ -0.279, 39.278 ], [ -0.273, 39.279 ] ], [ [ -0.729, 37.744 ], [ -0.728, 37.744 ], [ -0.733, 37.747 ], [ -0.729, 37.744 ] ], [ [ -5.229, 36.354 ], [ -5.228, 36.355 ], [ -5.232, 36.356 ], [ -5.229, 36.354 ] ], [ [ -5.271, 36.288 ], [ -5.271, 36.288 ], [ -5.274, 36.292 ], [ -5.271, 36.288 ] ] ], [ [ [ -5.432, 36.128 ], [ -5.43, 36.141 ], [ -5.432, 36.128 ], [ -5.432, 36.128 ] ] ], [ [ [ -5.417, 36.175 ], [ -5.417, 36.175 ], [ -5.42, 36.173 ], [ -5.417, 36.175 ] ] ], [ [ [ -4.509, 36.597 ], [ -4.509, 36.597 ], [ -4.512, 36.593 ], [ -4.509, 36.597 ] ] ], [ [ [ -6.333, 36.62 ], [ -6.326, 36.61 ], [ -6.335, 36.621 ], [ -6.333, 36.62 ] ] ], [ [ [ -2.791, 36.695 ], [ -2.791, 36.694 ], [ -2.798, 36.696 ], [ -2.791, 36.695 ] ] ], [ [ [ -6.949, 37.168 ], [ -6.948, 37.167 ], [ -6.949, 37.164 ], [ -6.949, 37.168 ] ] ], [ [ [ -0.77, 37.69 ], [ -0.776, 37.696 ], [ -0.772, 37.703 ], [ -0.765, 37.694 ], [ -0.77, 37.69 ] ] ], [ [ [ -0.798, 37.696 ], [ -0.803, 37.703 ], [ -0.797, 37.702 ], [ -0.798, 37.696 ] ] ], [ [ [ -0.681, 37.971 ], [ -0.68, 37.969 ], [ -0.687, 37.964 ], [ -0.681, 37.971 ] ] ], [ [ [ -0.471, 38.162 ], [ -0.484, 38.167 ], [ -0.465, 38.164 ], [ -0.471, 38.162 ] ] ], [ [ [ 1.389, 38.64 ], [ 1.38, 38.719 ], [ 1.433, 38.772 ], [ 1.496, 38.689 ], [ 1.585, 38.67 ], [ 1.447, 38.685 ], [ 1.389, 38.64 ] ] ], [ [ [ -0.745, 37.759 ], [ -0.745, 37.759 ], [ -0.745, 37.759 ], [ -0.745, 37.759 ] ] ], [ [ [ -0.745, 37.759 ], [ -0.758, 37.78 ], [ -0.753, 37.783 ], [ -0.74, 37.772 ], [ -0.745, 37.759 ] ] ], [ [ [ 1.48, 38.788 ], [ 1.474, 38.797 ], [ 1.478, 38.805 ], [ 1.482, 38.799 ], [ 1.48, 38.788 ] ] ], [ [ [ 1.432, 38.774 ], [ 1.419, 38.779 ], [ 1.422, 38.797 ], [ 1.432, 38.784 ], [ 1.432, 38.774 ] ] ], [ [ [ 1.198, 38.956 ], [ 1.19, 38.958 ], [ 1.198, 38.96 ], [ 1.198, 38.956 ] ] ], [ [ [ 1.216, 38.967 ], [ 1.215, 38.973 ], [ 1.22, 38.969 ], [ 1.216, 38.967 ] ] ], [ [ [ 1.189, 38.863 ], [ 1.196, 38.87 ], [ 1.203, 38.869 ], [ 1.202, 38.864 ], [ 1.189, 38.863 ] ] ], [ [ [ 1.213, 38.866 ], [ 1.207, 38.868 ], [ 1.215, 38.869 ], [ 1.213, 38.866 ] ] ], [ [ [ 1.649, 39.032 ], [ 1.636, 39.041 ], [ 1.646, 39.041 ], [ 1.649, 39.032 ] ] ], [ [ [ 2.947, 39.125 ], [ 2.919, 39.129 ], [ 2.917, 39.162 ], [ 2.977, 39.158 ], [ 2.947, 39.125 ] ] ], [ [ [ 2.962, 39.175 ], [ 2.956, 39.184 ], [ 2.97, 39.19 ], [ 2.973, 39.187 ], [ 2.962, 39.175 ] ] ], [ [ [ 2.306, 39.572 ], [ 2.308, 39.582 ], [ 2.339, 39.598 ], [ 2.319, 39.577 ], [ 2.306, 39.572 ] ] ], [ [ [ 4.285, 39.799 ], [ 4.282, 39.802 ], [ 4.296, 39.8 ], [ 4.285, 39.799 ] ] ], [ [ [ 2.571, 39.531 ], [ 2.571, 39.531 ], [ 2.565, 39.528 ], [ 2.571, 39.531 ] ] ], [ [ [ 1.371, 38.83 ], [ 1.345, 38.871 ], [ 1.224, 38.871 ], [ 1.229, 38.975 ], [ 1.303, 38.97 ], [ 1.29, 39.028 ], [ 1.36, 39.074 ], [ 1.533, 39.118 ], [ 1.604, 39.091 ], [ 1.621, 39.028 ], [ 1.371, 38.83 ] ] ], [ [ [ 1.214, 38.976 ], [ 1.206, 38.984 ], [ 1.214, 38.995 ], [ 1.219, 38.978 ], [ 1.214, 38.976 ] ] ], [ [ [ 0.687, 39.893 ], [ 0.684, 39.897 ], [ 0.688, 39.901 ], [ 0.684, 39.897 ], [ 0.687, 39.893 ] ] ], [ [ [ 4.271, 39.809 ], [ 3.99, 39.931 ], [ 3.824, 39.922 ], [ 3.836, 40.002 ], [ 3.792, 40.02 ], [ 4.082, 40.089 ], [ 4.127, 40.026 ], [ 4.137, 40.067 ], [ 4.173, 40.061 ], [ 4.205, 39.993 ], [ 4.27, 39.997 ], [ 4.328, 39.877 ], [ 4.257, 39.897 ], [ 4.308, 39.865 ], [ 4.271, 39.809 ] ] ], [ [ [ 4.277, 39.956 ], [ 4.274, 39.964 ], [ 4.278, 39.967 ], [ 4.284, 39.96 ], [ 4.277, 39.956 ] ] ], [ [ [ 3.147, 39.92 ], [ 3.144, 39.923 ], [ 3.15, 39.92 ], [ 3.147, 39.92 ] ] ] ] } } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 11747, "end" : 11753 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "España" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/bb0539b9-d390-4961-820c-69a595a30829", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://sws.geonames.org/2510769", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-28T16:54:29+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-28T16:54:29+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "MultiPolygon", "coordinates" : [ [ [ [ -17.987, 27.638 ], [ -18.157, 27.711 ], [ -18.155, 27.754 ], [ -18.037, 27.762 ], [ -17.917, 27.848 ], [ -17.884, 27.803 ], [ -17.987, 27.638 ] ] ], [ [ [ -14.333, 28.044 ], [ -14.51, 28.069 ], [ -14.223, 28.215 ], [ -14.204, 28.328 ], [ -14.033, 28.593 ], [ -14.016, 28.715 ], [ -13.866, 28.746 ], [ -13.824, 28.553 ], [ -13.901, 28.276 ], [ -14.218, 28.166 ], [ -14.333, 28.044 ] ] ], [ [ [ -13.818, 28.736 ], [ -13.836, 28.752 ], [ -13.813, 28.766 ], [ -13.81, 28.755 ], [ -13.818, 28.736 ] ] ], [ [ [ -15.428, 27.805 ], [ -15.599, 27.735 ], [ -15.788, 27.835 ], [ -15.835, 27.971 ], [ -15.711, 28.083 ], [ -15.709, 28.166 ], [ -15.467, 28.126 ], [ -15.404, 28.175 ], [ -15.42, 28.06 ], [ -15.358, 27.931 ], [ -15.428, 27.805 ] ] ], [ [ [ -17.199, 28.024 ], [ -17.27, 28.025 ], [ -17.349, 28.098 ], [ -17.319, 28.206 ], [ -17.112, 28.144 ], [ -17.098, 28.096 ], [ -17.199, 28.024 ] ] ], [ [ [ -16.679, 27.998 ], [ -16.923, 28.356 ], [ -16.514, 28.419 ], [ -16.329, 28.577 ], [ -16.136, 28.583 ], [ -16.126, 28.532 ], [ -16.36, 28.379 ], [ -16.427, 28.147 ], [ -16.547, 28.025 ], [ -16.679, 27.998 ] ] ], [ [ [ -17.841, 28.453 ], [ -18.007, 28.758 ], [ -17.92, 28.857 ], [ -17.778, 28.84 ], [ -17.725, 28.743 ], [ -17.77, 28.677 ], [ -17.76, 28.57 ], [ -17.841, 28.453 ] ] ], [ [ [ -13.521, 29.383 ], [ -13.524, 29.411 ], [ -13.489, 29.405 ], [ -13.507, 29.384 ], [ -13.521, 29.383 ] ] ], [ [ [ -13.534, 29.216 ], [ -13.513, 29.289 ], [ -13.482, 29.278 ], [ -13.501, 29.228 ], [ -13.534, 29.216 ] ] ], [ [ [ -13.538, 29.289 ], [ -13.54, 29.302 ], [ -13.535, 29.307 ], [ -13.53, 29.299 ], [ -13.538, 29.289 ] ] ], [ [ [ -2.953, 35.32 ], [ -2.923, 35.29 ], [ -2.951, 35.265 ], [ -2.97, 35.289 ], [ -2.953, 35.32 ] ] ], [ [ [ -5.345, 35.871 ], [ -5.379, 35.916 ], [ -5.279, 35.9 ], [ -5.288, 35.89 ], [ -5.345, 35.871 ] ] ], [ [ [ -13.54, 28.96 ], [ -13.534, 28.968 ], [ -13.54, 28.96 ], [ -13.54, 28.96 ] ] ], [ [ [ -13.605, 28.942 ], [ -13.736, 28.907 ], [ -13.787, 28.839 ], [ -13.877, 28.86 ], [ -13.815, 29.033 ], [ -13.658, 29.124 ], [ -13.546, 29.119 ], [ -13.47, 29.239 ], [ -13.419, 29.198 ], [ -13.465, 29.019 ], [ -13.605, 28.942 ] ] ], [ [ [ 1.737, 41.212 ], [ 1.737, 41.211 ], [ 1.732, 41.207 ], [ 1.737, 41.212 ] ] ], [ [ [ 1.826, 41.234 ], [ 1.826, 41.234 ], [ 1.824, 41.232 ], [ 1.826, 41.234 ] ] ], [ [ [ 2.16, 41.342 ], [ 2.16, 41.342 ], [ 2.166, 41.341 ], [ 2.16, 41.342 ] ] ], [ [ [ 3.223, 42.045 ], [ 3.219, 42.048 ], [ 3.225, 42.05 ], [ 3.223, 42.045 ] ] ], [ [ [ 2.182, 41.362 ], [ 2.176, 41.352 ], [ 2.172, 41.335 ], [ 2.175, 41.353 ], [ 2.182, 41.362 ] ] ], [ [ [ 2.182, 41.362 ], [ 2.186, 41.368 ], [ 2.187, 41.367 ], [ 2.182, 41.362 ] ] ], [ [ [ -8.892, 42.191 ], [ -8.913, 42.196 ], [ -8.912, 42.206 ], [ -8.892, 42.196 ], [ -8.892, 42.191 ] ] ], [ [ [ -8.914, 42.211 ], [ -8.904, 42.224 ], [ -8.914, 42.252 ], [ -8.895, 42.227 ], [ -8.914, 42.211 ] ] ], [ [ [ -8.785, 42.259 ], [ -8.78, 42.26 ], [ -8.785, 42.259 ], [ -8.785, 42.259 ] ] ], [ [ [ -8.938, 42.343 ], [ -8.938, 42.349 ], [ -8.933, 42.349 ], [ -8.938, 42.343 ] ] ], [ [ [ -8.939, 42.355 ], [ -8.945, 42.38 ], [ -8.921, 42.4 ], [ -8.939, 42.355 ] ] ], [ [ [ -8.708, 42.408 ], [ -8.713, 42.411 ], [ -8.709, 42.415 ], [ -8.705, 42.412 ], [ -8.708, 42.408 ] ] ], [ [ [ 1.984, 42.447 ], [ 1.957, 42.458 ], [ 1.979, 42.495 ], [ 2.014, 42.452 ], [ 1.984, 42.447 ] ] ], [ [ [ -9.01, 42.463 ], [ -9.02, 42.474 ], [ -9.016, 42.486 ], [ -8.999, 42.469 ], [ -9.01, 42.463 ] ] ], [ [ [ -8.818, 42.519 ], [ -8.826, 42.515 ], [ -8.818, 42.519 ], [ -8.818, 42.519 ] ] ], [ [ [ -8.863, 42.497 ], [ -8.863, 42.497 ], [ -8.859, 42.498 ], [ -8.863, 42.497 ] ] ], [ [ [ -8.901, 42.537 ], [ -8.904, 42.541 ], [ -8.897, 42.543 ], [ -8.901, 42.537 ] ] ], [ [ [ -8.872, 42.524 ], [ -8.892, 42.568 ], [ -8.877, 42.575 ], [ -8.856, 42.566 ], [ -8.872, 42.524 ] ] ], [ [ [ -8.787, 42.614 ], [ -8.789, 42.62 ], [ -8.78, 42.622 ], [ -8.778, 42.619 ], [ -8.787, 42.614 ] ] ], [ [ [ -3.025, 43.328 ], [ -3.027, 43.332 ], [ -3.023, 43.327 ], [ -3.025, 43.328 ] ] ], [ [ [ -8.847, 42.482 ], [ -8.853, 42.489 ], [ -8.842, 42.501 ], [ -8.847, 42.482 ] ] ], [ [ [ -8.384, 43.353 ], [ -8.382, 43.354 ], [ -8.379, 43.348 ], [ -8.384, 43.353 ] ] ], [ [ [ -8.845, 43.355 ], [ -8.85, 43.361 ], [ -8.837, 43.362 ], [ -8.836, 43.358 ], [ -8.845, 43.355 ] ] ], [ [ [ -8.834, 43.356 ], [ -8.834, 43.362 ], [ -8.831, 43.358 ], [ -8.834, 43.356 ] ] ], [ [ [ -8.395, 43.361 ], [ -8.396, 43.361 ], [ -8.388, 43.361 ], [ -8.395, 43.361 ] ] ], [ [ [ -8.192, 43.485 ], [ -8.192, 43.485 ], [ -8.186, 43.485 ], [ -8.192, 43.485 ] ] ], [ [ [ 3.026, 39.288 ], [ 2.958, 39.363 ], [ 2.787, 39.363 ], [ 2.722, 39.476 ], [ 2.749, 39.51 ], [ 2.67, 39.562 ], [ 2.541, 39.525 ], [ 2.522, 39.457 ], [ 2.452, 39.537 ], [ 2.364, 39.531 ], [ 2.347, 39.595 ], [ 2.778, 39.856 ], [ 3.214, 39.963 ], [ 3.08, 39.902 ], [ 3.106, 39.858 ], [ 3.204, 39.889 ], [ 3.121, 39.832 ], [ 3.135, 39.783 ], [ 3.253, 39.729 ], [ 3.348, 39.789 ], [ 3.479, 39.715 ], [ 3.232, 39.362 ], [ 3.069, 39.267 ], [ 3.026, 39.288 ] ], [ [ 2.466, 39.513 ], [ 2.466, 39.513 ], [ 2.47, 39.51 ], [ 2.466, 39.513 ] ] ], [ [ [ -5.351, 36.153 ], [ -5.384, 36.18 ], [ -5.427, 36.176 ], [ -5.429, 36.071 ], [ -5.611, 36 ], [ -5.915, 36.185 ], [ -6.034, 36.181 ], [ -6.31, 36.529 ], [ -6.279, 36.543 ], [ -6.23, 36.463 ], [ -6.173, 36.521 ], [ -6.242, 36.506 ], [ -6.233, 36.585 ], [ -6.249, 36.572 ], [ -6.395, 36.634 ], [ -6.443, 36.738 ], [ -6.342, 36.795 ], [ -6.397, 36.807 ], [ -6.498, 36.958 ], [ -6.773, 37.111 ], [ -7.044, 37.207 ], [ -7.402, 37.175 ], [ -7.464, 37.487 ], [ -7.523, 37.553 ], [ -7.421, 37.759 ], [ -7.283, 37.869 ], [ -7.263, 37.98 ], [ -7.099, 38.044 ], [ -7.002, 38.023 ], [ -6.932, 38.208 ], [ -7.086, 38.169 ], [ -7.281, 38.42 ], [ -7.336, 38.435 ], [ -7.244, 38.624 ], [ -7.255, 38.726 ], [ -7.039, 38.865 ], [ -6.959, 39.055 ], [ -7.033, 39.118 ], [ -7.144, 39.109 ], [ -7.135, 39.171 ], [ -7.241, 39.209 ], [ -7.231, 39.278 ], [ -7.323, 39.382 ], [ -7.296, 39.459 ], [ -7.545, 39.663 ], [ -7.015, 39.671 ], [ -6.987, 39.81 ], [ -6.904, 39.871 ], [ -6.864, 40.012 ], [ -7.029, 40.186 ], [ -6.781, 40.365 ], [ -6.85, 40.453 ], [ -6.795, 40.512 ], [ -6.845, 40.566 ], [ -6.794, 40.662 ], [ -6.831, 40.753 ], [ -6.802, 40.861 ], [ -6.93, 41.03 ], [ -6.808, 41.036 ], [ -6.648, 41.248 ], [ -6.497, 41.266 ], [ -6.39, 41.385 ], [ -6.318, 41.386 ], [ -6.197, 41.59 ], [ -6.302, 41.663 ], [ -6.548, 41.686 ], [ -6.569, 41.743 ], [ -6.516, 41.871 ], [ -6.571, 41.884 ], [ -6.546, 41.936 ], [ -6.588, 41.968 ], [ -6.699, 41.933 ], [ -6.811, 41.993 ], [ -6.821, 41.946 ], [ -6.893, 41.94 ], [ -7.141, 41.991 ], [ -7.187, 41.97 ], [ -7.197, 41.88 ], [ -7.427, 41.807 ], [ -7.453, 41.865 ], [ -7.614, 41.829 ], [ -7.586, 41.882 ], [ -7.701, 41.908 ], [ -7.876, 41.849 ], [ -7.906, 41.927 ], [ -8.013, 41.829 ], [ -8.165, 41.818 ], [ -8.217, 41.914 ], [ -8.083, 42.036 ], [ -8.119, 42.082 ], [ -8.182, 42.067 ], [ -8.199, 42.154 ], [ -8.332, 42.084 ], [ -8.637, 42.047 ], [ -8.872, 41.866 ], [ -8.901, 42.112 ], [ -8.826, 42.115 ], [ -8.85, 42.157 ], [ -8.775, 42.222 ], [ -8.611, 42.288 ], [ -8.612, 42.346 ], [ -8.66, 42.291 ], [ -8.873, 42.25 ], [ -8.856, 42.31 ], [ -8.817, 42.279 ], [ -8.839, 42.339 ], [ -8.755, 42.34 ], [ -8.652, 42.428 ], [ -8.839, 42.384 ], [ -8.942, 42.463 ], [ -8.872, 42.501 ], [ -8.869, 42.448 ], [ -8.82, 42.452 ], [ -8.835, 42.565 ], [ -8.772, 42.593 ], [ -8.779, 42.614 ], [ -8.741, 42.649 ], [ -8.724, 42.679 ], [ -8.727, 42.688 ], [ -8.8, 42.636 ], [ -8.845, 42.687 ], [ -8.857, 42.606 ], [ -8.901, 42.643 ], [ -9.011, 42.518 ], [ -9.089, 42.571 ], [ -9.009, 42.727 ], [ -8.954, 42.749 ], [ -8.904, 42.788 ], [ -8.904, 42.814 ], [ -8.879, 42.816 ], [ -8.876, 42.829 ], [ -8.909, 42.825 ], [ -8.963, 42.779 ], [ -9.064, 42.787 ], [ -9.086, 42.738 ], [ -9.151, 42.798 ], [ -9.108, 42.836 ], [ -9.173, 42.944 ], [ -9.274, 42.881 ], [ -9.257, 43.002 ], [ -9.299, 43.056 ], [ -9.167, 43.105 ], [ -9.165, 43.153 ], [ -9.216, 43.152 ], [ -9.175, 43.192 ], [ -8.94, 43.227 ], [ -8.991, 43.275 ], [ -8.841, 43.345 ], [ -8.712, 43.29 ], [ -8.401, 43.39 ], [ -8.356, 43.344 ], [ -8.307, 43.406 ], [ -8.209, 43.328 ], [ -8.223, 43.387 ], [ -8.174, 43.42 ], [ -8.317, 43.445 ], [ -8.201, 43.46 ], [ -8.151, 43.517 ], [ -8.341, 43.458 ], [ -8.296, 43.535 ], [ -8.322, 43.565 ], [ -8.054, 43.649 ], [ -8.064, 43.704 ], [ -7.904, 43.77 ], [ -7.849, 43.71 ], [ -7.876, 43.723 ], [ -7.904, 43.671 ], [ -7.847, 43.668 ], [ -7.86, 43.707 ], [ -7.725, 43.747 ], [ -7.689, 43.791 ], [ -7.692, 43.732 ], [ -7.636, 43.753 ], [ -7.609, 43.672 ], [ -7.557, 43.73 ], [ -7.468, 43.724 ], [ -7.357, 43.671 ], [ -7.256, 43.547 ], [ -6.356, 43.551 ], [ -6.245, 43.595 ], [ -6.113, 43.555 ], [ -5.956, 43.58 ], [ -5.841, 43.661 ], [ -5.679, 43.541 ], [ -5.413, 43.555 ], [ -5.216, 43.475 ], [ -4.619, 43.395 ], [ -4.28, 43.388 ], [ -3.812, 43.495 ], [ -3.763, 43.467 ], [ -3.825, 43.452 ], [ -3.836, 43.407 ], [ -3.809, 43.393 ], [ -3.767, 43.406 ], [ -3.815, 43.408 ], [ -3.776, 43.449 ], [ -3.757, 43.431 ], [ -3.736, 43.432 ], [ -3.726, 43.442 ], [ -3.717, 43.422 ], [ -3.712, 43.423 ], [ -3.709, 43.411 ], [ -3.712, 43.423 ], [ -3.726, 43.443 ], [ -3.777, 43.458 ], [ -3.591, 43.514 ], [ -3.431, 43.462 ], [ -3.43, 43.441 ], [ -3.465, 43.445 ], [ -3.492, 43.425 ], [ -3.465, 43.404 ], [ -3.45, 43.436 ], [ -3.161, 43.351 ], [ -3.084, 43.378 ], [ -3.024, 43.325 ], [ -3.01, 43.337 ], [ -3.028, 43.342 ], [ -3.013, 43.348 ], [ -3.04, 43.373 ], [ -2.947, 43.436 ], [ -2.752, 43.457 ], [ -2.353, 43.299 ], [ -2.202, 43.312 ], [ -2.127, 43.29 ], [ -1.791, 43.396 ], [ -1.73, 43.295 ], [ -1.625, 43.307 ], [ -1.609, 43.252 ], [ -1.536, 43.295 ], [ -1.39, 43.259 ], [ -1.381, 43.19 ], [ -1.473, 43.087 ], [ -1.441, 43.046 ], [ -1.354, 43.028 ], [ -1.345, 43.095 ], [ -1.273, 43.119 ], [ -1.309, 43.069 ], [ -1.142, 43.007 ], [ -0.945, 42.953 ], [ -0.752, 42.967 ], [ -0.727, 42.894 ], [ -0.566, 42.782 ], [ -0.313, 42.849 ], [ -0.017, 42.685 ], [ 0.176, 42.737 ], [ 0.295, 42.673 ], [ 0.36, 42.724 ], [ 0.669, 42.689 ], [ 0.645, 42.783 ], [ 0.709, 42.861 ], [ 1.079, 42.788 ], [ 1.166, 42.709 ], [ 1.357, 42.72 ], [ 1.443, 42.603 ], [ 1.414, 42.535 ], [ 1.468, 42.51 ], [ 1.419, 42.484 ], [ 1.455, 42.436 ], [ 1.726, 42.504 ], [ 1.937, 42.454 ], [ 2.015, 42.347 ], [ 2.257, 42.439 ], [ 2.533, 42.333 ], [ 2.672, 42.341 ], [ 2.674, 42.405 ], [ 2.947, 42.482 ], [ 3.175, 42.435 ], [ 3.163, 42.36 ], [ 3.322, 42.32 ], [ 3.264, 42.238 ], [ 3.163, 42.264 ], [ 3.112, 42.206 ], [ 3.124, 42.128 ], [ 3.215, 42.061 ], [ 3.203, 41.892 ], [ 2.935, 41.715 ], [ 2.277, 41.465 ], [ 2.099, 41.284 ], [ 0.988, 41.041 ], [ 0.7, 40.805 ], [ 0.872, 40.735 ], [ 0.872, 40.699 ], [ 0.674, 40.562 ], [ 0.618, 40.553 ], [ 0.595, 40.578 ], [ 0.745, 40.636 ], [ 0.602, 40.622 ], [ 0.538, 40.568 ], [ 0.408, 40.357 ], [ 0.148, 40.083 ], [ 0.049, 40.035 ], [ -0.323, 39.5 ], [ -0.325, 39.387 ], [ -0.161, 38.992 ], [ -0.018, 38.873 ], [ 0.197, 38.804 ], [ 0.234, 38.737 ], [ 0.084, 38.631 ], [ -0.016, 38.627 ], [ -0.098, 38.523 ], [ -0.312, 38.477 ], [ -0.387, 38.431 ], [ -0.404, 38.352 ], [ -0.506, 38.332 ], [ -0.51, 38.203 ], [ -0.628, 38.154 ], [ -0.648, 38 ], [ -0.761, 37.865 ], [ -0.748, 37.79 ], [ -0.784, 37.819 ], [ -0.86, 37.723 ], [ -0.728, 37.634 ], [ -0.72, 37.649 ], [ -0.74, 37.66 ], [ -0.745, 37.759 ], [ -0.728, 37.75 ], [ -0.688, 37.634 ], [ -0.718, 37.607 ], [ -0.919, 37.554 ], [ -0.992, 37.601 ], [ -1.111, 37.534 ], [ -1.326, 37.563 ], [ -1.46, 37.487 ], [ -1.486, 37.423 ], [ -1.672, 37.357 ], [ -1.805, 37.217 ], [ -1.896, 36.948 ], [ -2.124, 36.732 ], [ -2.193, 36.721 ], [ -2.361, 36.842 ], [ -2.562, 36.816 ], [ -2.7, 36.683 ], [ -2.849, 36.695 ], [ -2.927, 36.752 ], [ -3.259, 36.753 ], [ -3.42, 36.694 ], [ -3.835, 36.754 ], [ -4.394, 36.722 ], [ -4.638, 36.507 ], [ -4.913, 36.505 ], [ -5.177, 36.414 ], [ -5.351, 36.153 ] ], [ [ -5.603, 36.008 ], [ -5.603, 36.009 ], [ -5.603, 36.009 ], [ -5.603, 36.008 ] ], [ [ -5.603, 36.009 ], [ -5.602, 36.01 ], [ -5.605, 36.01 ], [ -5.603, 36.009 ] ], [ [ -7.823, 43.7 ], [ -7.82, 43.7 ], [ -7.821, 43.701 ], [ -7.823, 43.7 ] ], [ [ -7.82, 43.7 ], [ -7.815, 43.695 ], [ -7.813, 43.698 ], [ -7.82, 43.7 ] ], [ [ -7.695, 43.739 ], [ -7.695, 43.739 ], [ -7.701, 43.736 ], [ -7.695, 43.739 ] ], [ [ -7.597, 43.674 ], [ -7.596, 43.673 ], [ -7.596, 43.674 ], [ -7.597, 43.674 ] ], [ [ -7.596, 43.673 ], [ -7.599, 43.663 ], [ -7.594, 43.668 ], [ -7.596, 43.673 ] ], [ [ -2.132, 43.292 ], [ -2.132, 43.292 ], [ -2.131, 43.287 ], [ -2.132, 43.292 ] ], [ [ 0.019, 39.968 ], [ 0.013, 39.968 ], [ 0.02, 39.968 ], [ 0.019, 39.968 ] ], [ [ -0.273, 39.279 ], [ -0.273, 39.279 ], [ -0.279, 39.278 ], [ -0.273, 39.279 ] ], [ [ -0.729, 37.744 ], [ -0.728, 37.744 ], [ -0.733, 37.747 ], [ -0.729, 37.744 ] ], [ [ -5.229, 36.354 ], [ -5.228, 36.355 ], [ -5.232, 36.356 ], [ -5.229, 36.354 ] ], [ [ -5.271, 36.288 ], [ -5.271, 36.288 ], [ -5.274, 36.292 ], [ -5.271, 36.288 ] ] ], [ [ [ -5.432, 36.128 ], [ -5.43, 36.141 ], [ -5.432, 36.128 ], [ -5.432, 36.128 ] ] ], [ [ [ -5.417, 36.175 ], [ -5.417, 36.175 ], [ -5.42, 36.173 ], [ -5.417, 36.175 ] ] ], [ [ [ -4.509, 36.597 ], [ -4.509, 36.597 ], [ -4.512, 36.593 ], [ -4.509, 36.597 ] ] ], [ [ [ -6.333, 36.62 ], [ -6.326, 36.61 ], [ -6.335, 36.621 ], [ -6.333, 36.62 ] ] ], [ [ [ -2.791, 36.695 ], [ -2.791, 36.694 ], [ -2.798, 36.696 ], [ -2.791, 36.695 ] ] ], [ [ [ -6.949, 37.168 ], [ -6.948, 37.167 ], [ -6.949, 37.164 ], [ -6.949, 37.168 ] ] ], [ [ [ -0.77, 37.69 ], [ -0.776, 37.696 ], [ -0.772, 37.703 ], [ -0.765, 37.694 ], [ -0.77, 37.69 ] ] ], [ [ [ -0.798, 37.696 ], [ -0.803, 37.703 ], [ -0.797, 37.702 ], [ -0.798, 37.696 ] ] ], [ [ [ -0.681, 37.971 ], [ -0.68, 37.969 ], [ -0.687, 37.964 ], [ -0.681, 37.971 ] ] ], [ [ [ -0.471, 38.162 ], [ -0.484, 38.167 ], [ -0.465, 38.164 ], [ -0.471, 38.162 ] ] ], [ [ [ 1.389, 38.64 ], [ 1.38, 38.719 ], [ 1.433, 38.772 ], [ 1.496, 38.689 ], [ 1.585, 38.67 ], [ 1.447, 38.685 ], [ 1.389, 38.64 ] ] ], [ [ [ -0.745, 37.759 ], [ -0.745, 37.759 ], [ -0.745, 37.759 ], [ -0.745, 37.759 ] ] ], [ [ [ -0.745, 37.759 ], [ -0.758, 37.78 ], [ -0.753, 37.783 ], [ -0.74, 37.772 ], [ -0.745, 37.759 ] ] ], [ [ [ 1.48, 38.788 ], [ 1.474, 38.797 ], [ 1.478, 38.805 ], [ 1.482, 38.799 ], [ 1.48, 38.788 ] ] ], [ [ [ 1.432, 38.774 ], [ 1.419, 38.779 ], [ 1.422, 38.797 ], [ 1.432, 38.784 ], [ 1.432, 38.774 ] ] ], [ [ [ 1.198, 38.956 ], [ 1.19, 38.958 ], [ 1.198, 38.96 ], [ 1.198, 38.956 ] ] ], [ [ [ 1.216, 38.967 ], [ 1.215, 38.973 ], [ 1.22, 38.969 ], [ 1.216, 38.967 ] ] ], [ [ [ 1.189, 38.863 ], [ 1.196, 38.87 ], [ 1.203, 38.869 ], [ 1.202, 38.864 ], [ 1.189, 38.863 ] ] ], [ [ [ 1.213, 38.866 ], [ 1.207, 38.868 ], [ 1.215, 38.869 ], [ 1.213, 38.866 ] ] ], [ [ [ 1.649, 39.032 ], [ 1.636, 39.041 ], [ 1.646, 39.041 ], [ 1.649, 39.032 ] ] ], [ [ [ 2.947, 39.125 ], [ 2.919, 39.129 ], [ 2.917, 39.162 ], [ 2.977, 39.158 ], [ 2.947, 39.125 ] ] ], [ [ [ 2.962, 39.175 ], [ 2.956, 39.184 ], [ 2.97, 39.19 ], [ 2.973, 39.187 ], [ 2.962, 39.175 ] ] ], [ [ [ 2.306, 39.572 ], [ 2.308, 39.582 ], [ 2.339, 39.598 ], [ 2.319, 39.577 ], [ 2.306, 39.572 ] ] ], [ [ [ 4.285, 39.799 ], [ 4.282, 39.802 ], [ 4.296, 39.8 ], [ 4.285, 39.799 ] ] ], [ [ [ 2.571, 39.531 ], [ 2.571, 39.531 ], [ 2.565, 39.528 ], [ 2.571, 39.531 ] ] ], [ [ [ 1.371, 38.83 ], [ 1.345, 38.871 ], [ 1.224, 38.871 ], [ 1.229, 38.975 ], [ 1.303, 38.97 ], [ 1.29, 39.028 ], [ 1.36, 39.074 ], [ 1.533, 39.118 ], [ 1.604, 39.091 ], [ 1.621, 39.028 ], [ 1.371, 38.83 ] ] ], [ [ [ 1.214, 38.976 ], [ 1.206, 38.984 ], [ 1.214, 38.995 ], [ 1.219, 38.978 ], [ 1.214, 38.976 ] ] ], [ [ [ 0.687, 39.893 ], [ 0.684, 39.897 ], [ 0.688, 39.901 ], [ 0.684, 39.897 ], [ 0.687, 39.893 ] ] ], [ [ [ 4.271, 39.809 ], [ 3.99, 39.931 ], [ 3.824, 39.922 ], [ 3.836, 40.002 ], [ 3.792, 40.02 ], [ 4.082, 40.089 ], [ 4.127, 40.026 ], [ 4.137, 40.067 ], [ 4.173, 40.061 ], [ 4.205, 39.993 ], [ 4.27, 39.997 ], [ 4.328, 39.877 ], [ 4.257, 39.897 ], [ 4.308, 39.865 ], [ 4.271, 39.809 ] ] ], [ [ [ 4.277, 39.956 ], [ 4.274, 39.964 ], [ 4.278, 39.967 ], [ 4.284, 39.96 ], [ 4.277, 39.956 ] ] ], [ [ [ 3.147, 39.92 ], [ 3.144, 39.923 ], [ 3.15, 39.92 ], [ 3.147, 39.92 ] ] ] ] } } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 42808, "end" : 42814 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "España" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/8aa17a74-5bfa-427d-824a-7ec4a5c47d07", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://sws.geonames.org/2510769", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : 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] ] ], [ [ [ -17.199, 28.024 ], [ -17.27, 28.025 ], [ -17.349, 28.098 ], [ -17.319, 28.206 ], [ -17.112, 28.144 ], [ -17.098, 28.096 ], [ -17.199, 28.024 ] ] ], [ [ [ -16.679, 27.998 ], [ -16.923, 28.356 ], [ -16.514, 28.419 ], [ -16.329, 28.577 ], [ -16.136, 28.583 ], [ -16.126, 28.532 ], [ -16.36, 28.379 ], [ -16.427, 28.147 ], [ -16.547, 28.025 ], [ -16.679, 27.998 ] ] ], [ [ [ -17.841, 28.453 ], [ -18.007, 28.758 ], [ -17.92, 28.857 ], [ -17.778, 28.84 ], [ -17.725, 28.743 ], [ -17.77, 28.677 ], [ -17.76, 28.57 ], [ -17.841, 28.453 ] ] ], [ [ [ -13.521, 29.383 ], [ -13.524, 29.411 ], [ -13.489, 29.405 ], [ -13.507, 29.384 ], [ -13.521, 29.383 ] ] ], [ [ [ -13.534, 29.216 ], [ -13.513, 29.289 ], [ -13.482, 29.278 ], [ -13.501, 29.228 ], [ -13.534, 29.216 ] ] ], [ [ [ -13.538, 29.289 ], [ -13.54, 29.302 ], [ -13.535, 29.307 ], [ -13.53, 29.299 ], [ -13.538, 29.289 ] ] ], [ [ [ -2.953, 35.32 ], [ -2.923, 35.29 ], [ -2.951, 35.265 ], [ -2.97, 35.289 ], [ -2.953, 35.32 ] ] ], [ [ [ -5.345, 35.871 ], [ -5.379, 35.916 ], [ -5.279, 35.9 ], [ -5.288, 35.89 ], [ -5.345, 35.871 ] ] ], [ [ [ -13.54, 28.96 ], [ -13.534, 28.968 ], [ -13.54, 28.96 ], [ -13.54, 28.96 ] ] ], [ [ [ -13.605, 28.942 ], [ -13.736, 28.907 ], [ -13.787, 28.839 ], [ -13.877, 28.86 ], [ -13.815, 29.033 ], [ -13.658, 29.124 ], [ -13.546, 29.119 ], [ -13.47, 29.239 ], [ -13.419, 29.198 ], [ -13.465, 29.019 ], [ -13.605, 28.942 ] ] ], [ [ [ 1.737, 41.212 ], [ 1.737, 41.211 ], [ 1.732, 41.207 ], [ 1.737, 41.212 ] ] ], [ [ [ 1.826, 41.234 ], [ 1.826, 41.234 ], [ 1.824, 41.232 ], [ 1.826, 41.234 ] ] ], [ [ [ 2.16, 41.342 ], [ 2.16, 41.342 ], [ 2.166, 41.341 ], [ 2.16, 41.342 ] ] ], [ [ [ 3.223, 42.045 ], [ 3.219, 42.048 ], [ 3.225, 42.05 ], [ 3.223, 42.045 ] ] ], [ [ [ 2.182, 41.362 ], [ 2.176, 41.352 ], [ 2.172, 41.335 ], [ 2.175, 41.353 ], [ 2.182, 41.362 ] ] ], [ [ [ 2.182, 41.362 ], [ 2.186, 41.368 ], [ 2.187, 41.367 ], [ 2.182, 41.362 ] ] ], [ [ [ -8.892, 42.191 ], [ -8.913, 42.196 ], [ -8.912, 42.206 ], [ -8.892, 42.196 ], [ -8.892, 42.191 ] ] ], [ [ [ -8.914, 42.211 ], [ -8.904, 42.224 ], [ -8.914, 42.252 ], [ -8.895, 42.227 ], [ -8.914, 42.211 ] ] ], [ [ [ -8.785, 42.259 ], [ -8.78, 42.26 ], [ -8.785, 42.259 ], [ -8.785, 42.259 ] ] ], [ [ [ -8.938, 42.343 ], [ -8.938, 42.349 ], [ -8.933, 42.349 ], [ -8.938, 42.343 ] ] ], [ [ [ -8.939, 42.355 ], [ -8.945, 42.38 ], [ -8.921, 42.4 ], [ -8.939, 42.355 ] ] ], [ [ [ -8.708, 42.408 ], [ -8.713, 42.411 ], [ -8.709, 42.415 ], [ -8.705, 42.412 ], [ -8.708, 42.408 ] ] ], [ [ [ 1.984, 42.447 ], [ 1.957, 42.458 ], [ 1.979, 42.495 ], [ 2.014, 42.452 ], [ 1.984, 42.447 ] ] ], [ [ [ -9.01, 42.463 ], [ -9.02, 42.474 ], [ -9.016, 42.486 ], [ -8.999, 42.469 ], [ -9.01, 42.463 ] ] ], [ [ [ -8.818, 42.519 ], [ -8.826, 42.515 ], [ -8.818, 42.519 ], [ -8.818, 42.519 ] ] ], [ [ [ -8.863, 42.497 ], [ -8.863, 42.497 ], [ -8.859, 42.498 ], [ -8.863, 42.497 ] ] ], [ [ [ -8.901, 42.537 ], [ -8.904, 42.541 ], [ -8.897, 42.543 ], [ -8.901, 42.537 ] ] ], [ [ [ -8.872, 42.524 ], [ -8.892, 42.568 ], [ -8.877, 42.575 ], [ -8.856, 42.566 ], [ -8.872, 42.524 ] ] ], [ [ [ -8.787, 42.614 ], [ -8.789, 42.62 ], [ -8.78, 42.622 ], [ -8.778, 42.619 ], [ -8.787, 42.614 ] ] ], [ [ [ -3.025, 43.328 ], [ -3.027, 43.332 ], [ -3.023, 43.327 ], [ -3.025, 43.328 ] ] ], [ [ [ -8.847, 42.482 ], [ -8.853, 42.489 ], [ -8.842, 42.501 ], [ -8.847, 42.482 ] ] ], [ [ [ -8.384, 43.353 ], [ -8.382, 43.354 ], [ -8.379, 43.348 ], [ -8.384, 43.353 ] ] ], [ [ [ -8.845, 43.355 ], [ -8.85, 43.361 ], [ -8.837, 43.362 ], [ -8.836, 43.358 ], [ -8.845, 43.355 ] ] ], [ [ [ -8.834, 43.356 ], [ -8.834, 43.362 ], [ -8.831, 43.358 ], [ -8.834, 43.356 ] ] ], [ [ [ -8.395, 43.361 ], [ -8.396, 43.361 ], [ -8.388, 43.361 ], [ -8.395, 43.361 ] ] ], [ [ [ -8.192, 43.485 ], [ -8.192, 43.485 ], [ -8.186, 43.485 ], [ -8.192, 43.485 ] ] ], [ [ [ 3.026, 39.288 ], [ 2.958, 39.363 ], [ 2.787, 39.363 ], [ 2.722, 39.476 ], [ 2.749, 39.51 ], [ 2.67, 39.562 ], [ 2.541, 39.525 ], [ 2.522, 39.457 ], [ 2.452, 39.537 ], [ 2.364, 39.531 ], [ 2.347, 39.595 ], [ 2.778, 39.856 ], [ 3.214, 39.963 ], [ 3.08, 39.902 ], [ 3.106, 39.858 ], [ 3.204, 39.889 ], [ 3.121, 39.832 ], [ 3.135, 39.783 ], [ 3.253, 39.729 ], [ 3.348, 39.789 ], [ 3.479, 39.715 ], [ 3.232, 39.362 ], [ 3.069, 39.267 ], [ 3.026, 39.288 ] ], [ [ 2.466, 39.513 ], [ 2.466, 39.513 ], [ 2.47, 39.51 ], [ 2.466, 39.513 ] ] ], [ [ [ -5.351, 36.153 ], [ -5.384, 36.18 ], [ -5.427, 36.176 ], [ -5.429, 36.071 ], [ -5.611, 36 ], [ -5.915, 36.185 ], [ -6.034, 36.181 ], [ -6.31, 36.529 ], [ -6.279, 36.543 ], [ -6.23, 36.463 ], [ -6.173, 36.521 ], [ -6.242, 36.506 ], [ -6.233, 36.585 ], [ -6.249, 36.572 ], [ -6.395, 36.634 ], [ -6.443, 36.738 ], [ -6.342, 36.795 ], [ -6.397, 36.807 ], [ -6.498, 36.958 ], [ -6.773, 37.111 ], [ -7.044, 37.207 ], [ -7.402, 37.175 ], [ -7.464, 37.487 ], [ -7.523, 37.553 ], [ -7.421, 37.759 ], [ -7.283, 37.869 ], [ -7.263, 37.98 ], [ -7.099, 38.044 ], [ -7.002, 38.023 ], [ -6.932, 38.208 ], [ -7.086, 38.169 ], [ -7.281, 38.42 ], [ -7.336, 38.435 ], [ -7.244, 38.624 ], [ -7.255, 38.726 ], [ -7.039, 38.865 ], [ -6.959, 39.055 ], [ -7.033, 39.118 ], [ -7.144, 39.109 ], [ -7.135, 39.171 ], [ -7.241, 39.209 ], [ -7.231, 39.278 ], [ -7.323, 39.382 ], [ -7.296, 39.459 ], [ -7.545, 39.663 ], [ -7.015, 39.671 ], [ -6.987, 39.81 ], [ -6.904, 39.871 ], [ -6.864, 40.012 ], [ -7.029, 40.186 ], [ -6.781, 40.365 ], [ -6.85, 40.453 ], [ -6.795, 40.512 ], [ -6.845, 40.566 ], [ -6.794, 40.662 ], [ -6.831, 40.753 ], [ -6.802, 40.861 ], [ -6.93, 41.03 ], [ -6.808, 41.036 ], [ -6.648, 41.248 ], [ -6.497, 41.266 ], [ -6.39, 41.385 ], [ -6.318, 41.386 ], [ -6.197, 41.59 ], [ -6.302, 41.663 ], [ -6.548, 41.686 ], [ -6.569, 41.743 ], [ -6.516, 41.871 ], [ -6.571, 41.884 ], [ -6.546, 41.936 ], [ -6.588, 41.968 ], [ -6.699, 41.933 ], [ -6.811, 41.993 ], [ -6.821, 41.946 ], [ -6.893, 41.94 ], [ -7.141, 41.991 ], [ -7.187, 41.97 ], [ -7.197, 41.88 ], [ -7.427, 41.807 ], [ -7.453, 41.865 ], [ -7.614, 41.829 ], [ -7.586, 41.882 ], [ -7.701, 41.908 ], [ -7.876, 41.849 ], [ -7.906, 41.927 ], [ -8.013, 41.829 ], [ -8.165, 41.818 ], [ -8.217, 41.914 ], [ -8.083, 42.036 ], [ -8.119, 42.082 ], [ -8.182, 42.067 ], [ -8.199, 42.154 ], [ -8.332, 42.084 ], [ -8.637, 42.047 ], [ -8.872, 41.866 ], [ -8.901, 42.112 ], [ -8.826, 42.115 ], [ -8.85, 42.157 ], [ -8.775, 42.222 ], [ -8.611, 42.288 ], [ -8.612, 42.346 ], [ -8.66, 42.291 ], [ -8.873, 42.25 ], [ -8.856, 42.31 ], [ -8.817, 42.279 ], [ -8.839, 42.339 ], [ -8.755, 42.34 ], [ -8.652, 42.428 ], [ -8.839, 42.384 ], [ -8.942, 42.463 ], [ -8.872, 42.501 ], [ -8.869, 42.448 ], [ -8.82, 42.452 ], [ -8.835, 42.565 ], [ -8.772, 42.593 ], [ -8.779, 42.614 ], [ -8.741, 42.649 ], [ -8.724, 42.679 ], [ -8.727, 42.688 ], [ -8.8, 42.636 ], [ -8.845, 42.687 ], [ -8.857, 42.606 ], [ -8.901, 42.643 ], [ -9.011, 42.518 ], [ -9.089, 42.571 ], [ -9.009, 42.727 ], [ -8.954, 42.749 ], [ -8.904, 42.788 ], [ -8.904, 42.814 ], [ -8.879, 42.816 ], [ -8.876, 42.829 ], [ -8.909, 42.825 ], [ -8.963, 42.779 ], [ -9.064, 42.787 ], [ -9.086, 42.738 ], [ -9.151, 42.798 ], [ -9.108, 42.836 ], [ -9.173, 42.944 ], [ -9.274, 42.881 ], [ -9.257, 43.002 ], [ -9.299, 43.056 ], [ -9.167, 43.105 ], [ -9.165, 43.153 ], [ -9.216, 43.152 ], [ -9.175, 43.192 ], [ -8.94, 43.227 ], [ -8.991, 43.275 ], [ -8.841, 43.345 ], [ -8.712, 43.29 ], [ -8.401, 43.39 ], [ -8.356, 43.344 ], [ -8.307, 43.406 ], [ -8.209, 43.328 ], [ -8.223, 43.387 ], [ -8.174, 43.42 ], [ -8.317, 43.445 ], [ -8.201, 43.46 ], [ -8.151, 43.517 ], [ -8.341, 43.458 ], [ -8.296, 43.535 ], [ -8.322, 43.565 ], [ -8.054, 43.649 ], [ -8.064, 43.704 ], [ -7.904, 43.77 ], [ -7.849, 43.71 ], [ -7.876, 43.723 ], [ -7.904, 43.671 ], [ -7.847, 43.668 ], [ -7.86, 43.707 ], [ -7.725, 43.747 ], [ -7.689, 43.791 ], [ -7.692, 43.732 ], [ -7.636, 43.753 ], [ -7.609, 43.672 ], [ -7.557, 43.73 ], [ -7.468, 43.724 ], [ -7.357, 43.671 ], [ -7.256, 43.547 ], [ -6.356, 43.551 ], [ -6.245, 43.595 ], [ -6.113, 43.555 ], [ -5.956, 43.58 ], [ -5.841, 43.661 ], [ -5.679, 43.541 ], [ -5.413, 43.555 ], [ -5.216, 43.475 ], [ -4.619, 43.395 ], [ -4.28, 43.388 ], [ -3.812, 43.495 ], [ -3.763, 43.467 ], [ -3.825, 43.452 ], [ -3.836, 43.407 ], [ -3.809, 43.393 ], [ -3.767, 43.406 ], [ -3.815, 43.408 ], [ -3.776, 43.449 ], [ -3.757, 43.431 ], [ -3.736, 43.432 ], [ -3.726, 43.442 ], [ -3.717, 43.422 ], [ -3.712, 43.423 ], [ -3.709, 43.411 ], [ -3.712, 43.423 ], [ -3.726, 43.443 ], [ -3.777, 43.458 ], [ -3.591, 43.514 ], [ -3.431, 43.462 ], [ -3.43, 43.441 ], [ -3.465, 43.445 ], [ -3.492, 43.425 ], [ -3.465, 43.404 ], [ -3.45, 43.436 ], [ -3.161, 43.351 ], [ -3.084, 43.378 ], [ -3.024, 43.325 ], [ -3.01, 43.337 ], [ -3.028, 43.342 ], [ -3.013, 43.348 ], [ -3.04, 43.373 ], [ -2.947, 43.436 ], [ -2.752, 43.457 ], [ -2.353, 43.299 ], [ -2.202, 43.312 ], [ -2.127, 43.29 ], [ -1.791, 43.396 ], [ -1.73, 43.295 ], [ -1.625, 43.307 ], [ -1.609, 43.252 ], [ -1.536, 43.295 ], [ -1.39, 43.259 ], [ -1.381, 43.19 ], [ -1.473, 43.087 ], [ -1.441, 43.046 ], [ -1.354, 43.028 ], [ -1.345, 43.095 ], [ -1.273, 43.119 ], [ -1.309, 43.069 ], [ -1.142, 43.007 ], [ -0.945, 42.953 ], [ -0.752, 42.967 ], [ -0.727, 42.894 ], [ -0.566, 42.782 ], [ -0.313, 42.849 ], [ -0.017, 42.685 ], [ 0.176, 42.737 ], [ 0.295, 42.673 ], [ 0.36, 42.724 ], [ 0.669, 42.689 ], [ 0.645, 42.783 ], [ 0.709, 42.861 ], [ 1.079, 42.788 ], [ 1.166, 42.709 ], [ 1.357, 42.72 ], [ 1.443, 42.603 ], [ 1.414, 42.535 ], [ 1.468, 42.51 ], [ 1.419, 42.484 ], [ 1.455, 42.436 ], [ 1.726, 42.504 ], [ 1.937, 42.454 ], [ 2.015, 42.347 ], [ 2.257, 42.439 ], [ 2.533, 42.333 ], [ 2.672, 42.341 ], [ 2.674, 42.405 ], [ 2.947, 42.482 ], [ 3.175, 42.435 ], [ 3.163, 42.36 ], [ 3.322, 42.32 ], [ 3.264, 42.238 ], [ 3.163, 42.264 ], [ 3.112, 42.206 ], [ 3.124, 42.128 ], [ 3.215, 42.061 ], [ 3.203, 41.892 ], [ 2.935, 41.715 ], [ 2.277, 41.465 ], [ 2.099, 41.284 ], [ 0.988, 41.041 ], [ 0.7, 40.805 ], [ 0.872, 40.735 ], [ 0.872, 40.699 ], [ 0.674, 40.562 ], [ 0.618, 40.553 ], [ 0.595, 40.578 ], [ 0.745, 40.636 ], [ 0.602, 40.622 ], [ 0.538, 40.568 ], [ 0.408, 40.357 ], [ 0.148, 40.083 ], [ 0.049, 40.035 ], [ -0.323, 39.5 ], [ -0.325, 39.387 ], [ -0.161, 38.992 ], [ -0.018, 38.873 ], [ 0.197, 38.804 ], [ 0.234, 38.737 ], [ 0.084, 38.631 ], [ -0.016, 38.627 ], [ -0.098, 38.523 ], [ -0.312, 38.477 ], [ -0.387, 38.431 ], [ -0.404, 38.352 ], [ -0.506, 38.332 ], [ -0.51, 38.203 ], [ -0.628, 38.154 ], [ -0.648, 38 ], [ -0.761, 37.865 ], [ -0.748, 37.79 ], [ -0.784, 37.819 ], [ -0.86, 37.723 ], [ -0.728, 37.634 ], [ -0.72, 37.649 ], [ -0.74, 37.66 ], [ -0.745, 37.759 ], [ -0.728, 37.75 ], [ -0.688, 37.634 ], [ -0.718, 37.607 ], [ -0.919, 37.554 ], [ -0.992, 37.601 ], [ -1.111, 37.534 ], [ -1.326, 37.563 ], [ -1.46, 37.487 ], [ -1.486, 37.423 ], [ -1.672, 37.357 ], [ -1.805, 37.217 ], [ -1.896, 36.948 ], [ -2.124, 36.732 ], [ -2.193, 36.721 ], [ -2.361, 36.842 ], [ -2.562, 36.816 ], [ -2.7, 36.683 ], [ -2.849, 36.695 ], [ -2.927, 36.752 ], [ -3.259, 36.753 ], [ -3.42, 36.694 ], [ -3.835, 36.754 ], [ -4.394, 36.722 ], [ -4.638, 36.507 ], [ -4.913, 36.505 ], [ -5.177, 36.414 ], [ -5.351, 36.153 ] ], [ [ -5.603, 36.008 ], [ -5.603, 36.009 ], [ -5.603, 36.009 ], [ -5.603, 36.008 ] ], [ [ -5.603, 36.009 ], [ -5.602, 36.01 ], [ -5.605, 36.01 ], [ -5.603, 36.009 ] ], [ [ -7.823, 43.7 ], [ -7.82, 43.7 ], [ -7.821, 43.701 ], [ -7.823, 43.7 ] ], [ [ -7.82, 43.7 ], [ -7.815, 43.695 ], [ -7.813, 43.698 ], [ -7.82, 43.7 ] ], [ [ -7.695, 43.739 ], [ -7.695, 43.739 ], [ -7.701, 43.736 ], [ -7.695, 43.739 ] ], [ [ -7.597, 43.674 ], [ -7.596, 43.673 ], [ -7.596, 43.674 ], [ -7.597, 43.674 ] ], [ [ -7.596, 43.673 ], [ -7.599, 43.663 ], [ -7.594, 43.668 ], [ -7.596, 43.673 ] ], [ [ -2.132, 43.292 ], [ -2.132, 43.292 ], [ -2.131, 43.287 ], [ -2.132, 43.292 ] ], [ [ 0.019, 39.968 ], [ 0.013, 39.968 ], [ 0.02, 39.968 ], [ 0.019, 39.968 ] ], [ [ -0.273, 39.279 ], [ -0.273, 39.279 ], [ -0.279, 39.278 ], [ -0.273, 39.279 ] ], [ [ -0.729, 37.744 ], [ -0.728, 37.744 ], [ -0.733, 37.747 ], [ -0.729, 37.744 ] ], [ [ -5.229, 36.354 ], [ -5.228, 36.355 ], [ -5.232, 36.356 ], [ -5.229, 36.354 ] ], [ [ -5.271, 36.288 ], [ -5.271, 36.288 ], [ -5.274, 36.292 ], [ -5.271, 36.288 ] ] ], [ [ [ -5.432, 36.128 ], [ -5.43, 36.141 ], [ -5.432, 36.128 ], [ -5.432, 36.128 ] ] ], [ [ [ -5.417, 36.175 ], [ -5.417, 36.175 ], [ -5.42, 36.173 ], [ -5.417, 36.175 ] ] ], [ [ [ -4.509, 36.597 ], [ -4.509, 36.597 ], [ -4.512, 36.593 ], [ -4.509, 36.597 ] ] ], [ [ [ -6.333, 36.62 ], [ -6.326, 36.61 ], [ -6.335, 36.621 ], [ -6.333, 36.62 ] ] ], [ [ [ -2.791, 36.695 ], [ -2.791, 36.694 ], [ -2.798, 36.696 ], [ -2.791, 36.695 ] ] ], [ [ [ -6.949, 37.168 ], [ -6.948, 37.167 ], [ -6.949, 37.164 ], [ -6.949, 37.168 ] ] ], [ [ [ -0.77, 37.69 ], [ -0.776, 37.696 ], [ -0.772, 37.703 ], [ -0.765, 37.694 ], [ -0.77, 37.69 ] ] ], [ [ [ -0.798, 37.696 ], [ -0.803, 37.703 ], [ -0.797, 37.702 ], [ -0.798, 37.696 ] ] ], [ [ [ -0.681, 37.971 ], [ -0.68, 37.969 ], [ -0.687, 37.964 ], [ -0.681, 37.971 ] ] ], [ [ [ -0.471, 38.162 ], [ -0.484, 38.167 ], [ -0.465, 38.164 ], [ -0.471, 38.162 ] ] ], [ [ [ 1.389, 38.64 ], [ 1.38, 38.719 ], [ 1.433, 38.772 ], [ 1.496, 38.689 ], [ 1.585, 38.67 ], [ 1.447, 38.685 ], [ 1.389, 38.64 ] ] ], [ [ [ -0.745, 37.759 ], [ -0.745, 37.759 ], [ -0.745, 37.759 ], [ -0.745, 37.759 ] ] ], [ [ [ -0.745, 37.759 ], [ -0.758, 37.78 ], [ -0.753, 37.783 ], [ -0.74, 37.772 ], [ -0.745, 37.759 ] ] ], [ [ [ 1.48, 38.788 ], [ 1.474, 38.797 ], [ 1.478, 38.805 ], [ 1.482, 38.799 ], [ 1.48, 38.788 ] ] ], [ [ [ 1.432, 38.774 ], [ 1.419, 38.779 ], [ 1.422, 38.797 ], [ 1.432, 38.784 ], [ 1.432, 38.774 ] ] ], [ [ [ 1.198, 38.956 ], [ 1.19, 38.958 ], [ 1.198, 38.96 ], [ 1.198, 38.956 ] ] ], [ [ [ 1.216, 38.967 ], [ 1.215, 38.973 ], [ 1.22, 38.969 ], [ 1.216, 38.967 ] ] ], [ [ [ 1.189, 38.863 ], [ 1.196, 38.87 ], [ 1.203, 38.869 ], [ 1.202, 38.864 ], [ 1.189, 38.863 ] ] ], [ [ [ 1.213, 38.866 ], [ 1.207, 38.868 ], [ 1.215, 38.869 ], [ 1.213, 38.866 ] ] ], [ [ [ 1.649, 39.032 ], [ 1.636, 39.041 ], [ 1.646, 39.041 ], [ 1.649, 39.032 ] ] ], [ [ [ 2.947, 39.125 ], [ 2.919, 39.129 ], [ 2.917, 39.162 ], [ 2.977, 39.158 ], [ 2.947, 39.125 ] ] ], [ [ [ 2.962, 39.175 ], [ 2.956, 39.184 ], [ 2.97, 39.19 ], [ 2.973, 39.187 ], [ 2.962, 39.175 ] ] ], [ [ [ 2.306, 39.572 ], [ 2.308, 39.582 ], [ 2.339, 39.598 ], [ 2.319, 39.577 ], [ 2.306, 39.572 ] ] ], [ [ [ 4.285, 39.799 ], [ 4.282, 39.802 ], [ 4.296, 39.8 ], [ 4.285, 39.799 ] ] ], [ [ [ 2.571, 39.531 ], [ 2.571, 39.531 ], [ 2.565, 39.528 ], [ 2.571, 39.531 ] ] ], [ [ [ 1.371, 38.83 ], [ 1.345, 38.871 ], [ 1.224, 38.871 ], [ 1.229, 38.975 ], [ 1.303, 38.97 ], [ 1.29, 39.028 ], [ 1.36, 39.074 ], [ 1.533, 39.118 ], [ 1.604, 39.091 ], [ 1.621, 39.028 ], [ 1.371, 38.83 ] ] ], [ [ [ 1.214, 38.976 ], [ 1.206, 38.984 ], [ 1.214, 38.995 ], [ 1.219, 38.978 ], [ 1.214, 38.976 ] ] ], [ [ [ 0.687, 39.893 ], [ 0.684, 39.897 ], [ 0.688, 39.901 ], [ 0.684, 39.897 ], [ 0.687, 39.893 ] ] ], [ [ [ 4.271, 39.809 ], [ 3.99, 39.931 ], [ 3.824, 39.922 ], [ 3.836, 40.002 ], [ 3.792, 40.02 ], [ 4.082, 40.089 ], [ 4.127, 40.026 ], [ 4.137, 40.067 ], [ 4.173, 40.061 ], [ 4.205, 39.993 ], [ 4.27, 39.997 ], [ 4.328, 39.877 ], [ 4.257, 39.897 ], [ 4.308, 39.865 ], [ 4.271, 39.809 ] ] ], [ [ [ 4.277, 39.956 ], [ 4.274, 39.964 ], [ 4.278, 39.967 ], [ 4.284, 39.96 ], [ 4.277, 39.956 ] ] ], [ [ [ 3.147, 39.92 ], [ 3.144, 39.923 ], [ 3.15, 39.92 ], [ 3.147, 39.92 ] ] ] ] } } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 64704, "end" : 64710 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "España" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/89705610-f4da-4c19-b82a-4e5c9c473ea8", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://sws.geonames.org/2510769", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-28T16:54:29+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-28T16:54:29+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "MultiPolygon", "coordinates" : [ [ [ [ -17.987, 27.638 ], [ -18.157, 27.711 ], [ -18.155, 27.754 ], [ -18.037, 27.762 ], [ -17.917, 27.848 ], [ -17.884, 27.803 ], [ -17.987, 27.638 ] ] ], [ [ [ -14.333, 28.044 ], [ -14.51, 28.069 ], [ -14.223, 28.215 ], [ -14.204, 28.328 ], [ -14.033, 28.593 ], [ -14.016, 28.715 ], [ -13.866, 28.746 ], [ -13.824, 28.553 ], [ -13.901, 28.276 ], [ -14.218, 28.166 ], [ -14.333, 28.044 ] ] ], [ [ [ -13.818, 28.736 ], [ -13.836, 28.752 ], [ -13.813, 28.766 ], [ -13.81, 28.755 ], [ -13.818, 28.736 ] ] ], [ [ [ -15.428, 27.805 ], [ -15.599, 27.735 ], [ -15.788, 27.835 ], [ -15.835, 27.971 ], [ -15.711, 28.083 ], [ -15.709, 28.166 ], [ -15.467, 28.126 ], [ -15.404, 28.175 ], [ -15.42, 28.06 ], [ -15.358, 27.931 ], [ -15.428, 27.805 ] ] ], [ [ [ -17.199, 28.024 ], [ -17.27, 28.025 ], [ -17.349, 28.098 ], [ -17.319, 28.206 ], [ -17.112, 28.144 ], [ -17.098, 28.096 ], [ -17.199, 28.024 ] ] ], [ [ [ -16.679, 27.998 ], [ -16.923, 28.356 ], [ -16.514, 28.419 ], [ -16.329, 28.577 ], [ -16.136, 28.583 ], [ -16.126, 28.532 ], [ -16.36, 28.379 ], [ -16.427, 28.147 ], [ -16.547, 28.025 ], [ -16.679, 27.998 ] ] ], [ [ [ -17.841, 28.453 ], [ -18.007, 28.758 ], [ -17.92, 28.857 ], [ -17.778, 28.84 ], [ -17.725, 28.743 ], [ -17.77, 28.677 ], [ -17.76, 28.57 ], [ -17.841, 28.453 ] ] ], [ [ [ -13.521, 29.383 ], [ -13.524, 29.411 ], [ -13.489, 29.405 ], [ -13.507, 29.384 ], [ -13.521, 29.383 ] ] ], [ [ [ -13.534, 29.216 ], [ -13.513, 29.289 ], [ -13.482, 29.278 ], [ -13.501, 29.228 ], [ -13.534, 29.216 ] ] ], [ [ [ -13.538, 29.289 ], [ -13.54, 29.302 ], [ -13.535, 29.307 ], [ -13.53, 29.299 ], [ -13.538, 29.289 ] ] ], [ [ [ -2.953, 35.32 ], [ -2.923, 35.29 ], [ -2.951, 35.265 ], [ -2.97, 35.289 ], [ -2.953, 35.32 ] ] ], [ [ [ -5.345, 35.871 ], [ -5.379, 35.916 ], [ -5.279, 35.9 ], [ -5.288, 35.89 ], [ -5.345, 35.871 ] ] ], [ [ [ -13.54, 28.96 ], [ -13.534, 28.968 ], [ -13.54, 28.96 ], [ -13.54, 28.96 ] ] ], [ [ [ -13.605, 28.942 ], [ -13.736, 28.907 ], [ -13.787, 28.839 ], [ -13.877, 28.86 ], [ -13.815, 29.033 ], [ -13.658, 29.124 ], [ -13.546, 29.119 ], [ -13.47, 29.239 ], [ -13.419, 29.198 ], [ -13.465, 29.019 ], [ -13.605, 28.942 ] ] ], [ [ [ 1.737, 41.212 ], [ 1.737, 41.211 ], [ 1.732, 41.207 ], [ 1.737, 41.212 ] ] ], [ [ [ 1.826, 41.234 ], [ 1.826, 41.234 ], [ 1.824, 41.232 ], [ 1.826, 41.234 ] ] ], [ [ [ 2.16, 41.342 ], [ 2.16, 41.342 ], [ 2.166, 41.341 ], [ 2.16, 41.342 ] ] ], [ [ [ 3.223, 42.045 ], [ 3.219, 42.048 ], [ 3.225, 42.05 ], [ 3.223, 42.045 ] ] ], [ [ [ 2.182, 41.362 ], [ 2.176, 41.352 ], [ 2.172, 41.335 ], [ 2.175, 41.353 ], [ 2.182, 41.362 ] ] ], [ [ [ 2.182, 41.362 ], [ 2.186, 41.368 ], [ 2.187, 41.367 ], [ 2.182, 41.362 ] ] ], [ [ [ -8.892, 42.191 ], [ -8.913, 42.196 ], [ -8.912, 42.206 ], [ -8.892, 42.196 ], [ -8.892, 42.191 ] ] ], [ [ [ -8.914, 42.211 ], [ -8.904, 42.224 ], [ -8.914, 42.252 ], [ -8.895, 42.227 ], [ -8.914, 42.211 ] ] ], [ [ [ -8.785, 42.259 ], [ -8.78, 42.26 ], [ -8.785, 42.259 ], [ -8.785, 42.259 ] ] ], [ [ [ -8.938, 42.343 ], [ -8.938, 42.349 ], [ -8.933, 42.349 ], [ -8.938, 42.343 ] ] ], [ [ [ -8.939, 42.355 ], [ -8.945, 42.38 ], [ -8.921, 42.4 ], [ -8.939, 42.355 ] ] ], [ [ [ -8.708, 42.408 ], [ -8.713, 42.411 ], [ -8.709, 42.415 ], [ -8.705, 42.412 ], [ -8.708, 42.408 ] ] ], [ [ [ 1.984, 42.447 ], [ 1.957, 42.458 ], [ 1.979, 42.495 ], [ 2.014, 42.452 ], [ 1.984, 42.447 ] ] ], [ [ [ -9.01, 42.463 ], [ -9.02, 42.474 ], [ -9.016, 42.486 ], [ -8.999, 42.469 ], [ -9.01, 42.463 ] ] ], [ [ [ -8.818, 42.519 ], [ -8.826, 42.515 ], [ -8.818, 42.519 ], [ -8.818, 42.519 ] ] ], [ [ [ -8.863, 42.497 ], [ -8.863, 42.497 ], [ -8.859, 42.498 ], [ -8.863, 42.497 ] ] ], [ [ [ -8.901, 42.537 ], [ -8.904, 42.541 ], [ -8.897, 42.543 ], [ -8.901, 42.537 ] ] ], [ [ [ -8.872, 42.524 ], [ -8.892, 42.568 ], [ -8.877, 42.575 ], [ -8.856, 42.566 ], [ -8.872, 42.524 ] ] ], [ [ [ -8.787, 42.614 ], [ -8.789, 42.62 ], [ -8.78, 42.622 ], [ -8.778, 42.619 ], [ -8.787, 42.614 ] ] ], [ [ [ -3.025, 43.328 ], [ -3.027, 43.332 ], [ -3.023, 43.327 ], [ -3.025, 43.328 ] ] ], [ [ [ -8.847, 42.482 ], [ -8.853, 42.489 ], [ -8.842, 42.501 ], [ -8.847, 42.482 ] ] ], [ [ [ -8.384, 43.353 ], [ -8.382, 43.354 ], [ -8.379, 43.348 ], [ -8.384, 43.353 ] ] ], [ [ [ -8.845, 43.355 ], [ -8.85, 43.361 ], [ -8.837, 43.362 ], [ -8.836, 43.358 ], [ -8.845, 43.355 ] ] ], [ [ [ -8.834, 43.356 ], [ -8.834, 43.362 ], [ -8.831, 43.358 ], [ -8.834, 43.356 ] ] ], [ [ [ -8.395, 43.361 ], [ -8.396, 43.361 ], [ -8.388, 43.361 ], [ -8.395, 43.361 ] ] ], [ [ [ -8.192, 43.485 ], [ -8.192, 43.485 ], [ -8.186, 43.485 ], [ -8.192, 43.485 ] ] ], [ [ [ 3.026, 39.288 ], [ 2.958, 39.363 ], [ 2.787, 39.363 ], [ 2.722, 39.476 ], [ 2.749, 39.51 ], [ 2.67, 39.562 ], [ 2.541, 39.525 ], [ 2.522, 39.457 ], [ 2.452, 39.537 ], [ 2.364, 39.531 ], [ 2.347, 39.595 ], [ 2.778, 39.856 ], [ 3.214, 39.963 ], [ 3.08, 39.902 ], [ 3.106, 39.858 ], [ 3.204, 39.889 ], [ 3.121, 39.832 ], [ 3.135, 39.783 ], [ 3.253, 39.729 ], [ 3.348, 39.789 ], [ 3.479, 39.715 ], [ 3.232, 39.362 ], [ 3.069, 39.267 ], [ 3.026, 39.288 ] ], [ [ 2.466, 39.513 ], [ 2.466, 39.513 ], [ 2.47, 39.51 ], [ 2.466, 39.513 ] ] ], [ [ [ -5.351, 36.153 ], [ -5.384, 36.18 ], [ -5.427, 36.176 ], [ -5.429, 36.071 ], [ -5.611, 36 ], [ -5.915, 36.185 ], [ -6.034, 36.181 ], [ -6.31, 36.529 ], [ -6.279, 36.543 ], [ -6.23, 36.463 ], [ -6.173, 36.521 ], [ -6.242, 36.506 ], [ -6.233, 36.585 ], [ -6.249, 36.572 ], [ -6.395, 36.634 ], [ -6.443, 36.738 ], [ -6.342, 36.795 ], [ -6.397, 36.807 ], [ -6.498, 36.958 ], [ -6.773, 37.111 ], [ -7.044, 37.207 ], [ -7.402, 37.175 ], [ -7.464, 37.487 ], [ -7.523, 37.553 ], [ -7.421, 37.759 ], [ -7.283, 37.869 ], [ -7.263, 37.98 ], [ -7.099, 38.044 ], [ -7.002, 38.023 ], [ -6.932, 38.208 ], [ -7.086, 38.169 ], [ -7.281, 38.42 ], [ -7.336, 38.435 ], [ -7.244, 38.624 ], [ -7.255, 38.726 ], [ -7.039, 38.865 ], [ -6.959, 39.055 ], [ -7.033, 39.118 ], [ -7.144, 39.109 ], [ -7.135, 39.171 ], [ -7.241, 39.209 ], [ -7.231, 39.278 ], [ -7.323, 39.382 ], [ -7.296, 39.459 ], [ -7.545, 39.663 ], [ -7.015, 39.671 ], [ -6.987, 39.81 ], [ -6.904, 39.871 ], [ -6.864, 40.012 ], [ -7.029, 40.186 ], [ -6.781, 40.365 ], [ -6.85, 40.453 ], [ -6.795, 40.512 ], [ -6.845, 40.566 ], [ -6.794, 40.662 ], [ -6.831, 40.753 ], [ -6.802, 40.861 ], [ -6.93, 41.03 ], [ -6.808, 41.036 ], [ -6.648, 41.248 ], [ -6.497, 41.266 ], [ -6.39, 41.385 ], [ -6.318, 41.386 ], [ -6.197, 41.59 ], [ -6.302, 41.663 ], [ -6.548, 41.686 ], [ -6.569, 41.743 ], [ -6.516, 41.871 ], [ -6.571, 41.884 ], [ -6.546, 41.936 ], [ -6.588, 41.968 ], [ -6.699, 41.933 ], [ -6.811, 41.993 ], [ -6.821, 41.946 ], [ -6.893, 41.94 ], [ -7.141, 41.991 ], [ -7.187, 41.97 ], [ -7.197, 41.88 ], [ -7.427, 41.807 ], [ -7.453, 41.865 ], [ -7.614, 41.829 ], [ -7.586, 41.882 ], [ -7.701, 41.908 ], [ -7.876, 41.849 ], [ -7.906, 41.927 ], [ -8.013, 41.829 ], [ -8.165, 41.818 ], [ -8.217, 41.914 ], [ -8.083, 42.036 ], [ -8.119, 42.082 ], [ -8.182, 42.067 ], [ -8.199, 42.154 ], [ -8.332, 42.084 ], [ -8.637, 42.047 ], [ -8.872, 41.866 ], [ -8.901, 42.112 ], [ -8.826, 42.115 ], [ -8.85, 42.157 ], [ -8.775, 42.222 ], [ -8.611, 42.288 ], [ -8.612, 42.346 ], [ -8.66, 42.291 ], [ -8.873, 42.25 ], [ -8.856, 42.31 ], [ -8.817, 42.279 ], [ -8.839, 42.339 ], [ -8.755, 42.34 ], [ -8.652, 42.428 ], [ -8.839, 42.384 ], [ -8.942, 42.463 ], [ -8.872, 42.501 ], [ -8.869, 42.448 ], [ -8.82, 42.452 ], [ -8.835, 42.565 ], [ -8.772, 42.593 ], [ -8.779, 42.614 ], [ -8.741, 42.649 ], [ -8.724, 42.679 ], [ -8.727, 42.688 ], [ -8.8, 42.636 ], [ -8.845, 42.687 ], [ -8.857, 42.606 ], [ -8.901, 42.643 ], [ -9.011, 42.518 ], [ -9.089, 42.571 ], [ -9.009, 42.727 ], [ -8.954, 42.749 ], [ -8.904, 42.788 ], [ -8.904, 42.814 ], [ -8.879, 42.816 ], [ -8.876, 42.829 ], [ -8.909, 42.825 ], [ -8.963, 42.779 ], [ -9.064, 42.787 ], [ -9.086, 42.738 ], [ -9.151, 42.798 ], [ -9.108, 42.836 ], [ -9.173, 42.944 ], [ -9.274, 42.881 ], [ -9.257, 43.002 ], [ -9.299, 43.056 ], [ -9.167, 43.105 ], [ -9.165, 43.153 ], [ -9.216, 43.152 ], [ -9.175, 43.192 ], [ -8.94, 43.227 ], [ -8.991, 43.275 ], [ -8.841, 43.345 ], [ -8.712, 43.29 ], [ -8.401, 43.39 ], [ -8.356, 43.344 ], [ -8.307, 43.406 ], [ -8.209, 43.328 ], [ -8.223, 43.387 ], [ -8.174, 43.42 ], [ -8.317, 43.445 ], [ -8.201, 43.46 ], [ -8.151, 43.517 ], [ -8.341, 43.458 ], [ -8.296, 43.535 ], [ -8.322, 43.565 ], [ -8.054, 43.649 ], [ -8.064, 43.704 ], [ -7.904, 43.77 ], [ -7.849, 43.71 ], [ -7.876, 43.723 ], [ -7.904, 43.671 ], [ -7.847, 43.668 ], [ -7.86, 43.707 ], [ -7.725, 43.747 ], [ -7.689, 43.791 ], [ -7.692, 43.732 ], [ -7.636, 43.753 ], [ -7.609, 43.672 ], [ -7.557, 43.73 ], [ -7.468, 43.724 ], [ -7.357, 43.671 ], [ -7.256, 43.547 ], [ -6.356, 43.551 ], [ -6.245, 43.595 ], [ -6.113, 43.555 ], [ -5.956, 43.58 ], [ -5.841, 43.661 ], [ -5.679, 43.541 ], [ -5.413, 43.555 ], [ -5.216, 43.475 ], [ -4.619, 43.395 ], [ -4.28, 43.388 ], [ -3.812, 43.495 ], [ -3.763, 43.467 ], [ -3.825, 43.452 ], [ -3.836, 43.407 ], [ -3.809, 43.393 ], [ -3.767, 43.406 ], [ -3.815, 43.408 ], [ -3.776, 43.449 ], [ -3.757, 43.431 ], [ -3.736, 43.432 ], [ -3.726, 43.442 ], [ -3.717, 43.422 ], [ -3.712, 43.423 ], [ -3.709, 43.411 ], [ -3.712, 43.423 ], [ -3.726, 43.443 ], [ -3.777, 43.458 ], [ -3.591, 43.514 ], [ -3.431, 43.462 ], [ -3.43, 43.441 ], [ -3.465, 43.445 ], [ -3.492, 43.425 ], [ -3.465, 43.404 ], [ -3.45, 43.436 ], [ -3.161, 43.351 ], [ -3.084, 43.378 ], [ -3.024, 43.325 ], [ -3.01, 43.337 ], [ -3.028, 43.342 ], [ -3.013, 43.348 ], [ -3.04, 43.373 ], [ -2.947, 43.436 ], [ -2.752, 43.457 ], [ -2.353, 43.299 ], [ -2.202, 43.312 ], [ -2.127, 43.29 ], [ -1.791, 43.396 ], [ -1.73, 43.295 ], [ -1.625, 43.307 ], [ -1.609, 43.252 ], [ -1.536, 43.295 ], [ -1.39, 43.259 ], [ -1.381, 43.19 ], [ -1.473, 43.087 ], [ -1.441, 43.046 ], [ -1.354, 43.028 ], [ -1.345, 43.095 ], [ -1.273, 43.119 ], [ -1.309, 43.069 ], [ -1.142, 43.007 ], [ -0.945, 42.953 ], [ -0.752, 42.967 ], [ -0.727, 42.894 ], [ -0.566, 42.782 ], [ -0.313, 42.849 ], [ -0.017, 42.685 ], [ 0.176, 42.737 ], [ 0.295, 42.673 ], [ 0.36, 42.724 ], [ 0.669, 42.689 ], [ 0.645, 42.783 ], [ 0.709, 42.861 ], [ 1.079, 42.788 ], [ 1.166, 42.709 ], [ 1.357, 42.72 ], [ 1.443, 42.603 ], [ 1.414, 42.535 ], [ 1.468, 42.51 ], [ 1.419, 42.484 ], [ 1.455, 42.436 ], [ 1.726, 42.504 ], [ 1.937, 42.454 ], [ 2.015, 42.347 ], [ 2.257, 42.439 ], [ 2.533, 42.333 ], [ 2.672, 42.341 ], [ 2.674, 42.405 ], [ 2.947, 42.482 ], [ 3.175, 42.435 ], [ 3.163, 42.36 ], [ 3.322, 42.32 ], [ 3.264, 42.238 ], [ 3.163, 42.264 ], [ 3.112, 42.206 ], [ 3.124, 42.128 ], [ 3.215, 42.061 ], [ 3.203, 41.892 ], [ 2.935, 41.715 ], [ 2.277, 41.465 ], [ 2.099, 41.284 ], [ 0.988, 41.041 ], [ 0.7, 40.805 ], [ 0.872, 40.735 ], [ 0.872, 40.699 ], [ 0.674, 40.562 ], [ 0.618, 40.553 ], [ 0.595, 40.578 ], [ 0.745, 40.636 ], [ 0.602, 40.622 ], [ 0.538, 40.568 ], [ 0.408, 40.357 ], [ 0.148, 40.083 ], [ 0.049, 40.035 ], [ -0.323, 39.5 ], [ -0.325, 39.387 ], [ -0.161, 38.992 ], [ -0.018, 38.873 ], [ 0.197, 38.804 ], [ 0.234, 38.737 ], [ 0.084, 38.631 ], [ -0.016, 38.627 ], [ -0.098, 38.523 ], [ -0.312, 38.477 ], [ -0.387, 38.431 ], [ -0.404, 38.352 ], [ -0.506, 38.332 ], [ -0.51, 38.203 ], [ -0.628, 38.154 ], [ -0.648, 38 ], [ -0.761, 37.865 ], [ -0.748, 37.79 ], [ -0.784, 37.819 ], [ -0.86, 37.723 ], [ -0.728, 37.634 ], [ -0.72, 37.649 ], [ -0.74, 37.66 ], [ -0.745, 37.759 ], [ -0.728, 37.75 ], [ -0.688, 37.634 ], [ -0.718, 37.607 ], [ -0.919, 37.554 ], [ -0.992, 37.601 ], [ -1.111, 37.534 ], [ -1.326, 37.563 ], [ -1.46, 37.487 ], [ -1.486, 37.423 ], [ -1.672, 37.357 ], [ -1.805, 37.217 ], [ -1.896, 36.948 ], [ -2.124, 36.732 ], [ -2.193, 36.721 ], [ -2.361, 36.842 ], [ -2.562, 36.816 ], [ -2.7, 36.683 ], [ -2.849, 36.695 ], [ -2.927, 36.752 ], [ -3.259, 36.753 ], [ -3.42, 36.694 ], [ -3.835, 36.754 ], [ -4.394, 36.722 ], [ -4.638, 36.507 ], [ -4.913, 36.505 ], [ -5.177, 36.414 ], [ -5.351, 36.153 ] ], [ [ -5.603, 36.008 ], [ -5.603, 36.009 ], [ -5.603, 36.009 ], [ -5.603, 36.008 ] ], [ [ -5.603, 36.009 ], [ -5.602, 36.01 ], [ -5.605, 36.01 ], [ -5.603, 36.009 ] ], [ [ -7.823, 43.7 ], [ -7.82, 43.7 ], [ -7.821, 43.701 ], [ -7.823, 43.7 ] ], [ [ -7.82, 43.7 ], [ -7.815, 43.695 ], [ -7.813, 43.698 ], [ -7.82, 43.7 ] ], [ [ -7.695, 43.739 ], [ -7.695, 43.739 ], [ -7.701, 43.736 ], [ -7.695, 43.739 ] ], [ [ -7.597, 43.674 ], [ -7.596, 43.673 ], [ -7.596, 43.674 ], [ -7.597, 43.674 ] ], [ [ -7.596, 43.673 ], [ -7.599, 43.663 ], [ -7.594, 43.668 ], [ -7.596, 43.673 ] ], [ [ -2.132, 43.292 ], [ -2.132, 43.292 ], [ -2.131, 43.287 ], [ -2.132, 43.292 ] ], [ [ 0.019, 39.968 ], [ 0.013, 39.968 ], [ 0.02, 39.968 ], [ 0.019, 39.968 ] ], [ [ -0.273, 39.279 ], [ -0.273, 39.279 ], [ -0.279, 39.278 ], [ -0.273, 39.279 ] ], [ [ -0.729, 37.744 ], [ -0.728, 37.744 ], [ -0.733, 37.747 ], [ -0.729, 37.744 ] ], [ [ -5.229, 36.354 ], [ -5.228, 36.355 ], [ -5.232, 36.356 ], [ -5.229, 36.354 ] ], [ [ -5.271, 36.288 ], [ -5.271, 36.288 ], [ -5.274, 36.292 ], [ -5.271, 36.288 ] ] ], [ [ [ -5.432, 36.128 ], [ -5.43, 36.141 ], [ -5.432, 36.128 ], [ -5.432, 36.128 ] ] ], [ [ [ -5.417, 36.175 ], [ -5.417, 36.175 ], [ -5.42, 36.173 ], [ -5.417, 36.175 ] ] ], [ [ [ -4.509, 36.597 ], [ -4.509, 36.597 ], [ -4.512, 36.593 ], [ -4.509, 36.597 ] ] ], [ [ [ -6.333, 36.62 ], [ -6.326, 36.61 ], [ -6.335, 36.621 ], [ -6.333, 36.62 ] ] ], [ [ [ -2.791, 36.695 ], [ -2.791, 36.694 ], [ -2.798, 36.696 ], [ -2.791, 36.695 ] ] ], [ [ [ -6.949, 37.168 ], [ -6.948, 37.167 ], [ -6.949, 37.164 ], [ -6.949, 37.168 ] ] ], [ [ [ -0.77, 37.69 ], [ -0.776, 37.696 ], [ -0.772, 37.703 ], [ -0.765, 37.694 ], [ -0.77, 37.69 ] ] ], [ [ [ -0.798, 37.696 ], [ -0.803, 37.703 ], [ -0.797, 37.702 ], [ -0.798, 37.696 ] ] ], [ [ [ -0.681, 37.971 ], [ -0.68, 37.969 ], [ -0.687, 37.964 ], [ -0.681, 37.971 ] ] ], [ [ [ -0.471, 38.162 ], [ -0.484, 38.167 ], [ -0.465, 38.164 ], [ -0.471, 38.162 ] ] ], [ [ [ 1.389, 38.64 ], [ 1.38, 38.719 ], [ 1.433, 38.772 ], [ 1.496, 38.689 ], [ 1.585, 38.67 ], [ 1.447, 38.685 ], [ 1.389, 38.64 ] ] ], [ [ [ -0.745, 37.759 ], [ -0.745, 37.759 ], [ -0.745, 37.759 ], [ -0.745, 37.759 ] ] ], [ [ [ -0.745, 37.759 ], [ -0.758, 37.78 ], [ -0.753, 37.783 ], [ -0.74, 37.772 ], [ -0.745, 37.759 ] ] ], [ [ [ 1.48, 38.788 ], [ 1.474, 38.797 ], [ 1.478, 38.805 ], [ 1.482, 38.799 ], [ 1.48, 38.788 ] ] ], [ [ [ 1.432, 38.774 ], [ 1.419, 38.779 ], [ 1.422, 38.797 ], [ 1.432, 38.784 ], [ 1.432, 38.774 ] ] ], [ [ [ 1.198, 38.956 ], [ 1.19, 38.958 ], [ 1.198, 38.96 ], [ 1.198, 38.956 ] ] ], [ [ [ 1.216, 38.967 ], [ 1.215, 38.973 ], [ 1.22, 38.969 ], [ 1.216, 38.967 ] ] ], [ [ [ 1.189, 38.863 ], [ 1.196, 38.87 ], [ 1.203, 38.869 ], [ 1.202, 38.864 ], [ 1.189, 38.863 ] ] ], [ [ [ 1.213, 38.866 ], [ 1.207, 38.868 ], [ 1.215, 38.869 ], [ 1.213, 38.866 ] ] ], [ [ [ 1.649, 39.032 ], [ 1.636, 39.041 ], [ 1.646, 39.041 ], [ 1.649, 39.032 ] ] ], [ [ [ 2.947, 39.125 ], [ 2.919, 39.129 ], [ 2.917, 39.162 ], [ 2.977, 39.158 ], [ 2.947, 39.125 ] ] ], [ [ [ 2.962, 39.175 ], [ 2.956, 39.184 ], [ 2.97, 39.19 ], [ 2.973, 39.187 ], [ 2.962, 39.175 ] ] ], [ [ [ 2.306, 39.572 ], [ 2.308, 39.582 ], [ 2.339, 39.598 ], [ 2.319, 39.577 ], [ 2.306, 39.572 ] ] ], [ [ [ 4.285, 39.799 ], [ 4.282, 39.802 ], [ 4.296, 39.8 ], [ 4.285, 39.799 ] ] ], [ [ [ 2.571, 39.531 ], [ 2.571, 39.531 ], [ 2.565, 39.528 ], [ 2.571, 39.531 ] ] ], [ [ [ 1.371, 38.83 ], [ 1.345, 38.871 ], [ 1.224, 38.871 ], [ 1.229, 38.975 ], [ 1.303, 38.97 ], [ 1.29, 39.028 ], [ 1.36, 39.074 ], [ 1.533, 39.118 ], [ 1.604, 39.091 ], [ 1.621, 39.028 ], [ 1.371, 38.83 ] ] ], [ [ [ 1.214, 38.976 ], [ 1.206, 38.984 ], [ 1.214, 38.995 ], [ 1.219, 38.978 ], [ 1.214, 38.976 ] ] ], [ [ [ 0.687, 39.893 ], [ 0.684, 39.897 ], [ 0.688, 39.901 ], [ 0.684, 39.897 ], [ 0.687, 39.893 ] ] ], [ [ [ 4.271, 39.809 ], [ 3.99, 39.931 ], [ 3.824, 39.922 ], [ 3.836, 40.002 ], [ 3.792, 40.02 ], [ 4.082, 40.089 ], [ 4.127, 40.026 ], [ 4.137, 40.067 ], [ 4.173, 40.061 ], [ 4.205, 39.993 ], [ 4.27, 39.997 ], [ 4.328, 39.877 ], [ 4.257, 39.897 ], [ 4.308, 39.865 ], [ 4.271, 39.809 ] ] ], [ [ [ 4.277, 39.956 ], [ 4.274, 39.964 ], [ 4.278, 39.967 ], [ 4.284, 39.96 ], [ 4.277, 39.956 ] ] ], [ [ [ 3.147, 39.92 ], [ 3.144, 39.923 ], [ 3.15, 39.92 ], [ 3.147, 39.92 ] ] ] ] } } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las 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escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 4482, "end" : 4502 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Hernando de Saavedra" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/546ecc28-f6a1-4aa1-9f81-cb00547e8f09", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-28T17:44:44+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 4565, "end" : 4580 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Luis de Cabrera" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/ab6556d1-7b75-4b9d-a689-8bf861ac4d38", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-28T17:44:39+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 4545, "end" : 4562 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Pedro de Esquivel" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/1660940b-e855-45ee-b5f6-272346468ead", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "native people", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-29T11:26:17+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-29T11:26:17+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Yanacona\n(probablemente del quechua \"yanakuna\". Los europeos le dieron\nel uso para referirse a los \"negros\" por la condición servil que\npresentaban al igual que los yana​) fue un término empleado como equivalente a\n\"auxiliar\" o \"ayudante\", y especialmente usado para\ndenominar a los porteadores de los ejércitos del Tahuantinsuyo o \"Imperio\nInca\".\n\nLos españoles, durante la conquista del Perú,\ncomenzaron a usar la denominación para referirse a los pueblos indígenas que\ntenían de servidumbre, ya fuera en sus encomiendas o en integrados a las\nformaciones militares como \"indios auxiliares\". La palabra fue\ntambién usada durante la conquista de otras áreas de Sudamérica. La utilización\ndespectiva del vocablo es de origen mapuche, quienes denominaban Yanaconas en\nsu acepción de \"servil\" y \"cobarde\" a los Incas y otros\nindígenas de etnias quechuas que servían como soldada del conquistador español.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-29T11:26:17+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 63345, "end" : 63354 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Yanaconas" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/008be4f1-bdc0-41d8-a0d8-1ae099d2a942", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "native people", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-29T11:26:17+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-29T11:26:17+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Yanacona\n(probablemente del quechua \"yanakuna\". Los europeos le dieron\nel uso para referirse a los \"negros\" por la condición servil que\npresentaban al igual que los yana​) fue un término empleado como equivalente a\n\"auxiliar\" o \"ayudante\", y especialmente usado para\ndenominar a los porteadores de los ejércitos del Tahuantinsuyo o \"Imperio\nInca\".\n\nLos españoles, durante la conquista del Perú,\ncomenzaron a usar la denominación para referirse a los pueblos indígenas que\ntenían de servidumbre, ya fuera en sus encomiendas o en integrados a las\nformaciones militares como \"indios auxiliares\". La palabra fue\ntambién usada durante la conquista de otras áreas de Sudamérica. La utilización\ndespectiva del vocablo es de origen mapuche, quienes denominaban Yanaconas en\nsu acepción de \"servil\" y \"cobarde\" a los Incas y otros\nindígenas de etnias quechuas que servían como soldada del conquistador español.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-29T11:26:17+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 108777, "end" : 108786 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Yanaconas" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/472b0aa1-0e00-432c-9c82-e52badb2a905", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://pleiades.stoa.org/places/246526", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T15:18:52+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T15:18:52+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ -1.78792, 43.34009 ] } } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 5137, "end" : 5146 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Guipúzcoa" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/103ed3b4-f427-4a95-aded-04749d059084", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://pleiades.stoa.org/places/256177", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T15:19:58+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T15:19:58+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ -6.294444, 36.528381 ] } } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 5336, "end" : 5341 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Cádiz" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/12e61572-385c-413b-91d0-c5b2b7fcd463", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T18:31:44+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "El primer europeo, que en 1526 entra al Paraguay por la frontera del Brasil. Llega hasta la provincia de Charcas; vuelve al Paraguay, donde lo matan los indios. Algunos escritores han dudado del origen guaraní de los Chiriguanos, cuya provincia fue invadida por Alejos García: pero el argumento que hacen para impugnarlo nos parece infundado; porque este origen no se opone a que hubiese Chiriguanos en tiempo de Inca Yupanqui, que mandó a sojuzgarlos. La tradición de este suceso no señala la época en que aconteció, y solo hace mención del exterminio de la población indígena, cuyo lugar fue ocupado por los invasores. Así es que si no fue contra estos que se movieron las armas de Yupanqui, debió ser contra sus antecesores.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T18:31:44+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 12588, "end" : 12601 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Alejos García" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/a869fd69-6d51-4206-a607-c04e85a03a19", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T18:35:23+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Natural de Madrid; viene con Cabeza de Vaca. Es atacado por los Taberés; y los asalta en un fuerte de madera. Es ajusticiado por haber conspirado contra la vida del Gobernador Irala.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T18:35:23+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 75571, "end" : 75586 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "capitán Camargo" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/67757432-3db0-4509-9d61-33c084cc6f76", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://sws.geonames.org/3469034", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-12-03T14:17:24+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-12-03T14:17:24+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "MultiPolygon", "coordinates" : [ [ [ [ -44.657, -3.018 ], [ -44.608, -3.041 ], [ -44.72, -3.18 ], [ -44.793, -3.198 ], [ -44.779, -3.312 ], [ -44.736, -3.302 ], [ -44.763, -3.225 ], [ -44.653, -3.196 ], [ -44.431, -2.945 ], [ -44.367, -2.643 ], [ -44.362, -2.726 ], [ -44.355, -2.605 ], [ -44.378, -2.566 ], [ -44.345, -2.528 ], [ -44.29, -2.573 ], [ -44.306, -2.487 ], [ -44.02, -2.403 ], [ -44.03, -2.457 ], [ -44.108, -2.468 ], [ -44.035, -2.518 ], [ -44.131, -2.596 ], [ -44.147, -2.681 ], [ -44.219, -2.67 ], [ -44.209, -2.716 ], [ -44.345, -2.791 ], [ -44.347, -2.838 ], [ -44.315, -2.788 ], [ -44.3, -2.843 ], [ 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[ -44.652, -23.302 ], [ -44.558, -23.232 ], [ -44.577, -23.275 ], [ -44.498, -23.302 ], [ -44.583, -23.367 ], [ -44.669, -23.341 ], [ -44.84, -23.395 ], [ -44.905, -23.339 ], [ -45.05, -23.418 ], [ -45.016, -23.461 ], [ -45.079, -23.519 ], [ -45.165, -23.495 ], [ -45.159, -23.541 ], [ -45.228, -23.547 ], [ -45.211, -23.582 ], [ -45.41, -23.632 ], [ -45.412, -23.825 ], [ -45.934, -23.771 ], [ -46.124, -23.842 ], [ -46.2, -24.002 ], [ -46.288, -24.044 ], [ -46.321, -24 ], [ -46.458, -24.025 ], [ -46.937, -24.281 ], [ -47.024, -24.382 ], [ -47.004, -24.412 ], [ -47.86, -24.996 ], [ -47.914, -25.061 ], [ -47.915, -25.16 ], [ -48.213, -25.47 ], [ -48.254, -25.435 ], [ -48.222, -25.342 ], [ -48.208, -25.353 ], [ -48.121, -25.267 ], [ -48.253, -25.328 ], [ -48.284, -25.294 ], [ -48.317, -25.363 ], [ -48.327, -25.232 ], [ -48.366, -25.317 ], [ -48.433, -25.237 ], [ -48.428, -25.324 ], [ -48.5, -25.335 ], [ -48.427, -25.39 ], [ -48.449, -25.379 ], [ -48.468, -25.388 ], [ -48.467, -25.432 ], [ -48.449, -25.384 ], [ -48.414, -25.428 ], [ -48.476, -25.485 ], [ -48.637, -25.468 ], [ -48.661, -25.398 ], [ -48.671, -25.435 ], [ -48.739, -25.374 ], [ -48.68, -25.465 ], [ -48.687, -25.499 ], [ -48.737, -25.483 ], [ -48.703, -25.504 ], [ -48.617, -25.536 ], [ -48.512, -25.505 ], [ -48.482, -25.591 ], [ -48.46, -25.552 ], [ -48.35, -25.581 ], [ -48.565, -25.868 ], [ -48.614, -26.06 ], [ -48.586, -26.172 ], [ -48.714, -26.243 ], [ -48.795, -26.073 ], [ -48.837, -26.157 ], [ -48.798, -26.142 ], [ -48.763, -26.199 ], [ -48.805, -26.228 ], [ -48.769, -26.223 ], [ -48.761, -26.286 ], [ -48.803, -26.303 ], [ -48.723, -26.362 ], [ -48.635, -26.374 ], [ -48.714, -26.308 ], [ -48.554, -26.172 ], [ -48.493, -26.224 ], [ -48.695, -26.658 ], [ -48.665, -26.769 ], [ -48.583, -26.786 ], [ -48.655, -26.909 ], [ -48.62, -27.007 ], [ -48.574, -27.011 ], [ -48.607, -27.122 ], [ -48.554, -27.152 ], [ -48.51, -27.108 ], [ -48.469, -27.148 ], [ -48.511, -27.183 ], [ -48.486, -27.218 ], [ -48.531, -27.18 ], [ -48.612, -27.243 ], [ -48.596, -27.318 ], [ -48.529, -27.334 ], [ -48.649, -27.486 ], [ -48.572, -27.592 ], [ -48.653, -27.648 ], [ -48.575, -27.888 ], [ -48.761, -28.535 ], [ -48.813, -28.605 ], [ -49.37, -28.92 ], [ -49.334, -28.921 ], [ -49.702, -29.308 ], [ -50.006, -29.749 ], [ -50.316, -30.472 ], [ -50.848, -31.205 ], [ -51.303, -31.613 ], [ -51.877, -31.952 ], [ -52.071, -32.188 ], [ -52.012, -31.946 ], [ -52.092, -31.837 ], [ -51.851, -31.865 ], [ -51.777, -31.805 ], [ -51.854, -31.797 ], [ -51.65, -31.759 ], [ -51.478, -31.562 ], [ -51.43, -31.622 ], [ -51.458, -31.548 ], [ -51.424, -31.478 ], [ -51.351, -31.529 ], [ -51.234, -31.458 ], [ -51.16, -31.31 ], [ -51.166, -31.063 ], [ -51.109, -31.097 ], [ -50.985, -31.042 ], [ -50.965, -30.893 ], [ -50.888, -30.893 ], [ -50.705, -30.756 ], [ -50.677, -30.61 ], [ -50.725, -30.371 ], [ -50.692, -30.355 ], [ -50.625, -30.409 ], [ -50.641, -30.459 ], [ -50.569, -30.471 ], [ -50.534, -30.278 ], [ -50.601, -30.194 ], [ -50.659, -30.201 ], [ -50.661, -30.293 ], [ -50.918, -30.333 ], [ -50.934, -30.42 ], [ -50.889, -30.439 ], [ -50.921, -30.44 ], [ -51.052, -30.395 ], [ -51.034, -30.276 ], [ -51.146, -30.267 ], [ -51.246, -30.188 ], [ -51.23, -30.043 ], [ -51.295, -30.007 ], [ -51.326, -30.23 ], [ -51.271, -30.25 ], [ -51.293, -30.295 ], [ -51.246, -30.33 ], [ -51.209, -30.3 ], [ -51.179, -30.383 ], [ -51.092, -30.367 ], [ -51.129, -30.436 ], [ -51.202, -30.413 ], [ -51.269, -30.489 ], [ -51.282, -30.811 ], [ -51.33, -30.777 ], [ -51.294, -30.758 ], [ -51.319, -30.64 ], [ -51.375, -30.635 ], [ -51.404, -30.769 ], [ -51.367, -30.874 ], [ -51.457, -30.874 ], [ -51.501, -30.935 ], [ -51.436, -31.088 ], [ -51.611, -31.138 ], [ -51.613, -31.272 ], [ -51.915, -31.313 ], [ -52.002, -31.449 ], [ -52.031, -31.693 ], [ -52.218, -31.747 ], [ -52.247, -31.871 ], [ -52.106, -31.952 ], [ -52.216, -31.963 ], [ -52.263, -32.062 ], [ -52.209, -32.045 ], [ -52.225, -32.096 ], [ -52.082, -32.033 ], [ -52.162, -32.128 ], [ -52.09, -32.069 ], [ -52.084, -32.186 ], [ -52.16, -32.201 ], [ -52.341, -32.43 ], [ -52.488, -32.844 ], [ -52.66, -33.165 ], [ -53.227, -33.658 ], [ -53.421, -33.741 ], [ -53.524, -33.689 ], [ -53.515, -33.163 ], [ -53.434, -33.054 ], [ -53.243, -32.936 ], [ -53.294, -32.911 ], [ -53.074, -32.746 ], [ -53.244, -32.605 ], [ -53.39, -32.583 ], [ -53.46, -32.48 ], [ -53.595, -32.432 ], [ -53.73, -32.157 ], [ -53.714, -32.104 ], [ -53.965, -31.919 ], [ -54.096, -31.906 ], [ -54.466, -31.666 ], [ -54.491, -31.54 ], [ -54.591, -31.448 ], [ -54.836, -31.446 ], [ -54.945, -31.392 ], [ -55.014, -31.285 ], [ -55.091, -31.326 ], [ -55.245, -31.257 ], [ -55.374, -31.038 ], [ -55.594, -30.848 ], [ -55.635, -30.857 ], [ -55.657, -30.956 ], [ -55.87, -31.08 ], [ -56.008, -31.063 ], [ -55.987, -30.86 ], [ -56.021, -30.784 ], [ -56.127, -30.739 ], [ -56.177, -30.614 ], [ -56.384, -30.495 ], [ -56.459, -30.387 ], [ -56.545, -30.364 ], [ -56.54, -30.312 ], [ -56.617, -30.303 ], [ -56.644, -30.205 ], [ -56.776, -30.166 ], [ -56.804, -30.107 ], [ -57.068, -30.088 ], [ -57.207, -30.281 ], [ -57.313, -30.26 ], [ -57.396, -30.303 ], [ -57.538, -30.275 ], [ -57.618, -30.179 ], [ -57.505, -30.143 ], [ -57.342, -30.001 ], [ -57.319, -29.87 ], [ -57.254, -29.794 ], [ -57.105, -29.752 ], [ -56.972, -29.639 ], [ -56.676, -29.321 ], [ -56.593, -29.123 ], [ -56.425, -29.073 ], [ -56.285, -28.794 ], [ -56.185, -28.771 ], [ -56.016, -28.611 ], [ -56.011, -28.509 ], [ -55.888, -28.479 ], [ -55.875, -28.362 ], [ -55.696, -28.425 ], [ -55.671, -28.333 ], [ -55.773, -28.247 ], [ -55.605, -28.123 ], [ -55.554, -28.164 ], [ -55.496, -28.081 ], [ -55.444, -28.097 ], [ -55.323, -27.928 ], [ -55.196, -27.863 ], [ -55.134, -27.895 ], [ -55.117, -27.853 ], [ -55.032, -27.854 ], [ -55.082, -27.789 ], [ -54.941, -27.775 ], [ -54.809, -27.536 ], [ -54.781, -27.586 ], [ -54.683, -27.576 ], [ -54.678, -27.514 ], [ -54.624, -27.55 ], [ -54.576, -27.458 ], [ -54.525, -27.507 ], [ -54.415, -27.412 ], [ -54.353, -27.468 ], [ -54.339, -27.406 ], [ -54.282, -27.447 ], [ -54.176, -27.261 ], [ -54.089, -27.303 ], [ -53.949, -27.158 ], [ -53.799, -27.147 ], [ -53.795, -27.048 ], [ -53.761, -27.068 ], [ -53.662, -26.869 ], [ -53.751, -26.745 ], [ -53.707, -26.563 ], [ -53.738, -26.548 ], [ -53.592, -26.265 ], [ -53.722, -26.13 ], [ -53.733, -26.047 ], [ -53.837, -25.969 ], [ -53.824, -25.793 ], [ -53.891, -25.625 ], [ -53.951, -25.644 ], [ -54.016, -25.569 ], [ -54.101, -25.625 ], [ -54.111, -25.504 ], [ -54.213, -25.554 ], [ -54.184, -25.591 ], [ -54.289, -25.562 ], [ -54.387, -25.608 ], [ -54.43, -25.706 ], [ -54.596, -25.595 ], [ -54.617, -25.459 ], [ -54.437, -25.157 ], [ -54.458, -25.031 ], [ -54.336, -24.649 ], [ -54.333, -24.493 ], [ -54.262, -24.376 ], [ -54.33, -24.225 ], [ -54.282, -24.075 ], [ -54.411, -23.929 ], [ -54.668, -23.815 ], [ -55.061, -23.991 ], [ -55.112, -23.963 ], [ -55.226, -24.013 ], [ -55.413, -23.961 ], [ -55.434, -23.714 ], [ -55.535, -23.614 ], [ -55.522, -23.197 ], [ -55.596, -23.141 ], [ -55.64, -22.994 ], [ -55.685, -22.992 ], [ -55.613, -22.659 ], [ -55.736, -22.532 ], [ -55.74, -22.396 ], [ -55.854, -22.281 ], [ -56.208, -22.281 ], [ -56.341, -22.206 ], [ -56.403, -22.078 ], [ -56.519, -22.103 ], [ -56.643, -22.261 ], [ -56.698, -22.216 ], [ -56.728, -22.26 ], [ -56.808, -22.25 ], [ -56.831, -22.3 ], [ -57.001, -22.225 ], [ -57.203, -22.21 ], [ -57.243, -22.244 ], [ -57.553, -22.181 ], [ -57.616, -22.096 ], [ -57.803, -22.148 ], [ -57.989, -22.085 ], [ -58.005, -22.032 ], [ -57.919, -21.881 ], [ -57.969, -21.844 ], [ -57.913, -21.793 ], [ -57.947, -21.747 ], [ -57.894, -21.687 ], [ -57.968, -21.528 ], [ -57.855, -21.339 ], [ -57.918, -21.278 ], [ -57.854, -21.226 ], [ -57.866, -21.041 ], [ -57.818, -20.976 ], [ -57.927, -20.897 ], [ -57.855, -20.835 ], [ -57.961, -20.784 ], [ -57.869, -20.736 ], [ -57.923, -20.666 ], [ -57.988, -20.696 ], [ -57.994, -20.448 ], [ -58.082, -20.372 ], [ -58.092, -20.257 ], [ -58.154, -20.264 ], [ -58.125, -20.188 ], [ -58.163, -20.162 ], [ -57.872, -19.979 ], [ -58.134, -19.761 ], [ -57.79, -19.051 ], [ -57.709, -19.034 ], [ -57.757, -18.858 ], [ -57.56, -18.263 ], [ -57.458, -18.228 ], [ -57.568, -18.136 ], [ -57.702, -17.86 ], [ -57.715, -17.735 ], [ -57.785, -17.645 ], [ -57.773, -17.553 ], [ -57.878, -17.463 ], [ -58.003, -17.52 ], [ -58.114, -17.456 ], [ -58.395, -17.197 ], [ -58.421, -16.99 ], [ -58.47, -16.939 ], [ -58.468, -16.702 ], [ -58.442, -16.613 ], [ -58.34, -16.542 ], [ -58.309, -16.27 ], [ -58.471, -16.325 ], [ -60.173, -16.265 ], [ -60.236, -15.476 ], [ -60.565, -15.105 ], [ -60.253, -15.101 ], [ -60.257, -14.624 ], [ -60.338, -14.555 ], [ -60.482, -14.181 ], [ -60.468, -14.092 ], [ -60.378, -13.992 ], [ -60.468, -13.886 ], [ -60.468, -13.801 ], [ -60.793, -13.686 ], [ -60.962, -13.539 ], [ -61.044, -13.541 ], [ -61.028, -13.477 ], [ -61.069, -13.463 ], [ -61.139, -13.521 ], [ -61.249, -13.525 ], [ -61.33, -13.473 ], [ -61.486, -13.554 ], [ -61.578, -13.494 ], [ -61.824, -13.539 ], [ -61.866, -13.443 ], [ -62.108, -13.257 ], [ -62.109, -13.149 ], [ -62.165, -13.112 ], [ -62.368, -13.145 ], [ -62.464, -13.07 ], [ -62.637, -13.041 ], [ -62.674, -12.965 ], [ -62.764, -13.023 ], [ -62.923, -12.854 ], [ -62.996, -12.85 ], [ -63.082, -12.653 ], [ -63.327, -12.705 ], [ -63.482, -12.557 ], [ -63.712, -12.458 ], [ -63.875, -12.469 ], [ -63.937, -12.557 ], [ -64.127, -12.494 ], [ -64.152, -12.529 ], [ -64.215, -12.476 ], [ -64.278, -12.511 ], [ -64.493, -12.366 ], [ -64.486, -12.23 ], [ -64.654, -12.186 ], [ -64.683, -12.099 ], [ -64.725, -12.162 ], [ -64.798, -12.035 ], [ -64.993, -11.999 ], [ -65.048, -11.757 ], [ -65.112, -11.741 ], [ -65.106, -11.697 ], [ -65.135, -11.777 ], [ -65.201, -11.745 ], [ -65.161, -11.622 ], [ -65.218, -11.521 ], [ -65.299, -11.5 ], [ -65.338, -11.392 ], [ -65.31, -11.341 ], [ -65.385, -11.269 ], [ -65.349, -11.239 ], [ -65.391, -11.167 ], [ -65.318, -11.105 ], [ -65.336, -11.044 ], [ -65.269, -10.901 ], [ -65.366, -10.798 ], [ -65.349, -10.671 ], [ -65.426, -10.638 ], [ -65.429, -10.473 ], [ -65.28, -10.218 ], [ -65.327, -9.938 ], [ -65.29, -9.851 ], [ -65.377, -9.698 ], [ -65.488, -9.718 ], [ -65.563, -9.834 ], [ -65.669, -9.779 ], [ -65.7, -9.803 ], [ -65.689, -9.749 ], [ -65.748, -9.77 ], [ -65.777, -9.727 ], [ -65.798, -9.786 ], [ -65.81, -9.75 ], [ -65.86, -9.794 ], [ -65.872, -9.757 ], [ -66.018, -9.807 ], [ -66.064, -9.772 ], [ -66.422, -9.895 ], [ -66.616, -9.893 ], [ -66.623, -9.935 ], [ -66.883, -10.081 ], [ -67.029, -10.254 ], [ -67.186, -10.339 ], [ -67.315, -10.316 ], [ -67.327, -10.374 ], [ -67.414, -10.372 ], [ -67.443, -10.45 ], [ -67.594, -10.523 ], [ -67.715, -10.707 ], [ -68.021, -10.661 ], [ -68.119, -10.726 ], [ -68.283, -10.987 ], [ -68.519, -11.048 ], [ -68.587, -11.11 ], [ -68.769, -11.139 ], [ -68.751, -11.007 ], [ -68.787, -10.99 ], [ -68.871, -11.023 ], [ -69.393, -10.929 ], [ -69.728, -10.973 ], [ -69.938, -10.926 ], [ -70.318, -11.066 ], [ -70.428, -11.033 ], [ -70.508, -10.94 ], [ -70.618, -11.007 ], [ -70.622, -9.847 ], [ -70.522, -9.738 ], [ -70.598, -9.574 ], [ -70.561, -9.579 ], [ -70.497, -9.433 ], [ -70.601, -9.453 ], [ -70.982, -9.812 ], [ -71.131, -9.862 ], [ -71.288, -9.996 ], [ -72.165, -10.002 ], [ -72.16, -9.818 ], [ -72.26, -9.755 ], [ -72.289, -9.536 ], [ -72.364, -9.491 ], [ -72.721, -9.417 ], [ -73.196, -9.418 ], [ -72.965, -9.154 ], [ -72.946, -8.99 ], [ -73.059, -8.904 ], [ -73.169, -8.701 ], [ -73.338, -8.609 ], [ -73.338, -8.476 ], [ -73.526, -8.369 ], [ -73.632, -8.022 ], [ -73.765, -7.94 ], [ -73.777, -7.869 ], [ -73.697, -7.865 ], [ -73.69, -7.79 ], [ -73.985, -7.543 ], [ -73.917, -7.461 ], [ -73.954, -7.348 ], [ -73.868, -7.377 ], [ -73.691, -7.313 ], [ -73.797, -7.115 ], [ -73.743, -6.897 ], [ -73.351, -6.561 ], [ -73.211, -6.53 ], [ -73.133, -6.421 ], [ -73.185, -6.04 ], [ -73.131, -5.986 ], [ -73.116, -5.865 ], [ -72.951, -5.643 ], [ -72.948, -5.454 ], [ -72.872, -5.25 ], [ -72.896, -5.136 ], [ -72.734, -5.043 ], [ -72.602, -5.056 ], [ -72.577, -4.992 ], [ -72.455, -4.962 ], [ -72.452, -4.906 ], [ -72.37, -4.88 ], [ -72.356, -4.803 ], [ -72.292, -4.799 ], [ -72.313, -4.769 ], [ -72.223, -4.78 ], [ -72.113, -4.722 ], [ -72.047, -4.625 ], [ -71.94, -4.607 ], [ -71.897, -4.512 ], [ -71.61, -4.465 ], [ -71.597, -4.525 ], [ -71.535, -4.46 ], [ -71.49, -4.479 ], [ -71.506, -4.435 ], [ -71.414, -4.432 ], [ -71.432, -4.469 ], [ -71.342, -4.423 ], [ -71.355, -4.468 ], [ -71.303, -4.458 ], [ -71.269, -4.381 ], [ -71.198, -4.377 ], [ -71.193, -4.42 ], [ -71.147, -4.375 ], [ -71.031, -4.397 ], [ -70.99, -4.34 ], [ -70.935, -4.381 ], [ -70.757, -4.152 ], [ -70.677, -4.2 ], [ -70.622, -4.121 ], [ -70.633, -4.173 ], [ -70.565, -4.168 ], [ -70.566, -4.205 ], [ -70.553, -4.128 ], [ -70.503, -4.19 ], [ -70.434, -4.125 ], [ -70.341, -4.174 ], [ -70.317, -4.136 ], [ -70.291, -4.283 ], [ -70.249, -4.267 ], [ -70.186, -4.357 ], [ -70.169, -4.27 ], [ -70.101, -4.255 ], [ -70.031, -4.339 ], [ -69.929, -4.213 ], [ -69.453, -1.478 ], [ -69.368, -1.334 ], [ -69.422, -0.998 ], [ -69.508, -0.936 ], [ -69.609, -0.755 ], [ -69.551, -0.648 ], [ -69.593, -0.517 ], [ -69.908, -0.316 ], [ -70.068, -0.135 ], [ -70.037, 0.553 ], [ -69.798, 0.585 ], [ -69.664, 0.672 ], [ -69.606, 0.623 ], [ -69.468, 0.734 ], [ -69.357, 0.621 ], [ -69.295, 0.648 ], [ -69.288, 0.609 ], [ -69.202, 0.602 ], [ -69.112, 0.643 ], [ -69.184, 0.73 ], [ -69.137, 0.868 ], [ -69.257, 1.026 ], [ -69.342, 1.064 ], [ -69.416, 1.024 ], [ -69.7, 1.056 ], [ -69.721, 1.097 ], [ -69.854, 1.07 ], [ -69.855, 1.715 ], [ -69.556, 1.775 ], [ -69.395, 1.726 ], [ -68.128, 1.73 ], [ -68.29, 1.841 ], [ -68.205, 2.038 ], [ -68.027, 1.784 ], [ -67.924, 1.751 ], [ -67.797, 1.812 ], [ -67.578, 2.076 ], [ -67.41, 2.141 ], [ -67.117, 1.732 ], [ -67.068, 1.532 ], [ -67.097, 1.17 ], [ -66.855, 1.228 ], [ -66.322, 0.738 ], [ -66.095, 0.754 ], [ -65.952, 0.81 ], [ -65.854, 0.939 ], [ -65.733, 1.005 ], [ -65.583, 1.008 ], [ -65.47, 0.877 ], [ -65.557, 0.705 ], [ -65.504, 0.627 ], [ -65.393, 0.699 ], [ -65.305, 0.916 ], [ -65.152, 0.943 ], [ -65.121, 1.115 ], [ -65.055, 1.144 ], [ -64.968, 1.112 ], [ -64.903, 1.249 ], [ -64.843, 1.237 ], [ -64.783, 1.313 ], [ -64.721, 1.25 ], [ -64.638, 1.286 ], [ -64.387, 1.527 ], [ -64.344, 1.528 ], [ -64.382, 1.419 ], [ -64.344, 1.38 ], [ -64.186, 1.494 ], [ -64.054, 1.708 ], [ -64.057, 1.933 ], [ -64.018, 1.967 ], [ -63.781, 1.989 ], [ -63.604, 2.124 ], [ -63.419, 2.154 ], [ -63.349, 2.281 ], [ -63.382, 2.442 ], [ -63.756, 2.403 ], [ -64.031, 2.509 ], [ -63.987, 2.772 ], [ -64.216, 3.153 ], [ -64.236, 3.476 ], [ -64.186, 3.634 ], [ -64.324, 3.797 ], [ -64.543, 3.882 ], [ -64.8, 4.224 ], [ -64.79, 4.329 ], [ -64.677, 4.297 ], [ -64.555, 4.153 ], [ -64.135, 4.176 ], [ -63.967, 3.93 ], [ -63.806, 4.019 ], [ -63.623, 4.01 ], [ -63.455, 3.91 ], [ -63.411, 4.026 ], [ -63.358, 4.04 ], [ -63.203, 3.952 ], [ -63.189, 3.872 ], [ -62.86, 3.584 ], [ -62.749, 3.642 ], [ -62.705, 3.724 ], [ -62.752, 4.012 ], [ -62.635, 4.056 ], [ -62.557, 4.02 ], [ -62.46, 4.173 ], [ -62.129, 4.084 ], [ -61.961, 4.18 ], [ -61.927, 4.106 ], [ -61.723, 4.262 ], [ -61.528, 4.273 ], [ -61.507, 4.398 ], [ -61.274, 4.471 ], [ -61.293, 4.55 ], [ -61.141, 4.508 ], [ -60.952, 4.549 ], [ -60.907, 4.708 ], [ -60.731, 4.777 ], [ -60.59, 4.951 ], [ -60.744, 5.209 ], [ -60.438, 5.177 ], [ -60.203, 5.265 ], [ -60.176, 5.227 ], [ -60.121, 5.243 ], [ -60.085, 5.149 ], [ -59.969, 5.073 ], [ -60.03, 4.704 ], [ -60.163, 4.521 ], [ -59.927, 4.509 ], [ -59.674, 4.382 ], [ -59.726, 4.191 ], [ -59.628, 4.138 ], [ -59.655, 4.078 ], [ -59.516, 3.94 ], [ -59.581, 3.901 ], [ -59.594, 3.796 ], [ -59.666, 3.777 ], [ -59.664, 3.703 ], [ -59.849, 3.601 ], [ -59.799, 3.355 ], [ -59.909, 3.197 ], [ -59.982, 2.929 ], [ -59.99, 2.683 ], [ -59.903, 2.479 ], [ -59.91, 2.388 ], [ -59.724, 2.277 ], [ -59.754, 1.861 ], [ -59.654, 1.849 ], [ -59.669, 1.764 ], [ -59.549, 1.729 ], [ -59.253, 1.397 ], [ -58.914, 1.299 ], [ -58.904, 1.234 ], [ -58.804, 1.175 ], [ -58.696, 1.288 ], [ -58.507, 1.264 ], [ -58.468, 1.318 ], [ -58.498, 1.458 ], [ -58.382, 1.471 ], [ -58.325, 1.59 ], [ -58.167, 1.558 ], [ -58.13, 1.501 ], [ -58.009, 1.501 ], [ -58, 1.665 ], [ -57.919, 1.645 ], [ -57.77, 1.718 ], [ -57.545, 1.701 ], [ -57.434, 1.895 ], [ -57.302, 1.99 ], [ -57.247, 1.944 ], [ -57.085, 2.021 ], [ -57.012, 1.918 ], [ -56.8, 1.864 ], [ -56.724, 1.92 ], [ -56.454, 1.945 ], [ -55.957, 1.844 ], [ -55.906, 1.889 ], [ -55.913, 2.041 ], [ -56.048, 2.226 ], [ -56.134, 2.263 ], [ -56.09, 2.352 ], [ -55.995, 2.405 ], [ -55.987, 2.517 ], [ -55.948, 2.532 ], [ -55.739, 2.401 ], [ -55.481, 2.443 ], [ -55.37, 2.407 ], [ -55.336, 2.516 ], [ -55.239, 2.495 ], [ -55.137, 2.575 ], [ -55.103, 2.522 ], [ -54.94, 2.632 ], [ -54.969, 2.555 ], [ -54.864, 2.439 ], [ -54.72, 2.469 ], [ -54.702, 2.336 ], [ -54.549, 2.336 ], [ -54.534, 2.268 ], [ -54.314, 2.158 ], [ -54.189, 2.179 ], [ -54.111, 2.127 ], [ -54.078, 2.197 ], [ -53.784, 2.364 ], [ -53.694, 2.287 ], [ -53.472, 2.332 ], [ -53.397, 2.272 ], [ -53.273, 2.292 ], [ -53.188, 2.223 ], [ -52.905, 2.19 ], [ -52.853, 2.285 ], [ -52.673, 2.374 ], [ -52.555, 2.523 ], [ -52.556, 2.646 ], [ -52.382, 2.912 ], [ -52.347, 3.134 ], [ -52.192, 3.296 ], [ -51.92, 3.781 ], [ -51.795, 3.89 ], [ -51.754, 3.996 ], [ -51.658, 4.049 ], [ -51.585, 4.241 ], [ -51.529, 4.171 ], [ -51.545, 4.397 ], [ -51.202, 4.084 ], [ -51.173, 3.767 ], [ -51.127, 3.911 ], [ -51.085, 3.895 ], [ -51.051, 3.283 ], [ -50.913, 2.875 ], [ -50.927, 2.807 ], [ -50.816, 2.644 ], [ -50.851, 2.482 ], [ -50.802, 2.508 ], [ -50.736, 2.414 ], [ -50.765, 2.359 ], [ -50.694, 2.276 ], [ -50.725, 2.252 ], [ -50.675, 2.247 ], [ -50.682, 2.137 ], [ -50.584, 2.091 ], [ -50.586, 2.014 ], [ -50.471, 1.82 ], [ -50.194, 1.794 ], [ -49.954, 1.676 ], [ -49.88, 1.419 ], [ -49.918, 1.289 ], [ -50.073, 1.204 ], [ -49.918, 1.232 ], [ -49.939, 1.103 ], [ -50.003, 1.066 ], [ -50.033, 1.107 ], [ -50.131, 0.949 ], [ -50.274, 0.866 ], [ -50.338, 0.729 ], [ -50.417, 0.685 ], [ -50.455, 0.732 ], [ -50.428, 0.679 ], [ -50.571, 0.424 ], [ -50.691, 0.3 ], [ -50.677, 0.365 ], [ -50.746, 0.227 ], [ -50.801, 0.224 ], [ -50.785, 0.183 ], [ -50.908, 0.171 ], [ -51.087, -0.043 ], [ -51.203, -0.055 ], [ -51.419, -0.412 ], [ -51.409, -0.44 ], [ -51.325, -0.364 ], [ -51.188, -0.14 ], [ -51.111, -0.154 ], [ -51.154, -0.284 ], [ -51.396, -0.493 ], [ -51.243, -0.443 ], [ -51.26, -0.5 ], [ -51.165, -0.431 ], [ -50.953, -0.061 ], [ -50.824, -0.048 ], [ -50.705, 0.002 ], [ -50.613, -0.088 ], [ -50.744, -0.244 ], [ -50.751, -0.429 ], [ -50.845, -0.526 ], [ -50.988, -0.583 ], [ -51.051, -0.682 ], [ -50.826, -0.555 ], [ -50.794, -0.666 ], [ -50.733, -0.557 ], [ -50.684, -0.604 ], [ -50.724, -0.493 ], [ -50.652, -0.276 ], [ -50.409, -0.094 ], [ -49.631, -0.247 ], [ -49.446, -0.23 ], [ -49.289, -0.145 ], [ -49.018, -0.16 ], [ -49, -0.139 ], [ -48.895, -0.224 ], [ -48.539, -0.234 ], [ -48.363, -0.303 ], [ -48.459, -0.513 ], [ -48.522, -0.877 ], [ -48.667, -1.002 ], [ -48.621, -1.005 ], [ -48.65, -1.048 ], [ -48.617, -1.053 ], [ -48.721, -1.137 ], [ -48.837, -1.452 ], [ -49.161, -1.575 ], [ -49.182, -1.623 ], [ -49.362, -1.604 ], [ -49.364, -1.642 ], [ -49.448, -1.637 ], [ -49.5, -1.738 ], [ -49.61, -1.718 ], [ -49.676, -1.78 ], [ -49.696, -1.757 ], [ -49.714, -1.76 ], [ -49.803, -1.822 ], [ -50.035, -1.717 ], [ -50.179, -1.787 ], [ -50.256, -1.776 ], [ -50.415, -1.841 ], [ -50.401, -1.935 ], [ -49.994, -1.819 ], [ -49.844, -1.905 ], [ -49.765, -1.898 ], [ -49.616, -1.79 ], [ -49.276, -1.706 ], [ -49.267, -1.778 ], [ -49.387, -1.977 ], [ -49.383, -2.159 ], [ -48.973, -1.594 ], [ -48.897, -1.573 ], [ -48.955, -1.712 ], [ -48.932, -1.75 ], [ -48.898, -1.743 ], [ -48.656, -1.371 ], [ -48.592, -1.429 ], [ -48.601, -1.306 ], [ -48.524, -1.338 ], [ -48.537, -1.467 ], [ -48.496, -1.553 ], [ -48.491, -1.502 ], [ -48.46, -1.533 ], [ -48.374, -1.511 ], [ -48.319, -1.478 ], [ -48.505, -1.471 ], [ -48.422, -1.168 ], [ -48.475, -1.144 ], [ -48.4, -1.066 ], [ -48.278, -1.111 ], [ -48.304, -0.948 ], [ -48.055, -0.668 ], [ -48.001, -0.731 ], [ -47.893, -0.553 ], [ -47.843, -0.616 ], [ -47.807, -0.547 ], [ -47.702, -0.54 ], [ -47.707, -0.59 ], [ -47.667, -0.569 ], [ -47.633, -0.608 ], [ -47.651, -0.694 ], [ -47.608, -0.684 ], [ -47.577, -0.573 ], [ -47.476, -0.757 ], [ -47.398, -0.76 ], [ -47.428, -0.693 ], [ -47.464, -0.687 ], [ -47.466, -0.594 ], [ -47.399, -0.594 ], [ -47.4, -0.645 ], [ -47.298, -0.589 ], [ -47.253, -0.668 ], [ -47.247, -0.623 ], [ -47.206, -0.633 ], [ -47.23, -0.719 ], [ -47.158, -0.678 ], [ -47.191, -0.754 ], [ -47.146, -0.764 ], [ -47.16, -0.815 ], [ -47.081, -0.661 ], [ -47.055, -0.868 ], [ -47.027, -0.784 ], [ -46.983, -0.806 ], [ -47.016, -0.752 ], [ -46.967, -0.694 ], [ -46.969, -0.78 ], [ -46.891, -0.869 ], [ -46.89, -0.789 ], [ -46.846, -0.799 ], [ -46.82, -0.71 ], [ -46.802, -0.877 ], [ -46.777, -0.905 ], [ -46.75, -0.826 ], [ -46.709, -0.86 ], [ -46.734, -0.944 ], [ -46.687, -0.831 ], [ -46.653, -0.882 ], [ -46.621, -0.818 ], [ -46.601, -0.917 ], [ -46.676, -0.965 ], [ -46.622, -0.987 ], [ -46.57, -0.947 ], [ -46.609, -1.03 ], [ -46.57, -0.988 ], [ -46.525, -1.027 ], [ -46.465, -1.007 ], [ -46.47, -1.044 ], [ -46.395, -1.037 ], [ -46.413, -1.084 ], [ -46.348, -0.982 ], [ -46.36, -1.011 ], [ -46.366, -1.031 ], [ -46.348, -1.079 ], [ -46.339, -1.015 ], [ -46.299, -1.05 ], [ -46.212, -0.946 ], [ -46.242, -0.921 ], [ -46.179, -0.914 ], [ -46.224, -1.053 ], [ -46.206, -1.1 ], [ -46.158, -1.014 ], [ -46.138, -1.032 ], [ -46.193, -1.143 ], [ -46.104, -1.067 ], [ -46.062, -1.133 ], [ -46.15, -1.258 ], [ -45.982, -1.071 ], [ -45.953, -1.147 ], [ -46, -1.151 ], [ -46, -1.199 ], [ -45.95, -1.159 ], [ -45.95, -1.207 ], [ -46, -1.209 ], [ -45.95, -1.25 ], [ -45.902, -1.134 ], [ -45.923, -1.214 ], [ -45.882, -1.167 ], [ -45.873, -1.211 ], [ -45.909, -1.261 ], [ -45.859, -1.231 ], [ -45.891, -1.293 ], [ -45.807, -1.176 ], [ -45.843, -1.301 ], [ -45.809, -1.328 ], [ -45.831, -1.298 ], [ -45.782, -1.278 ], [ -45.726, -1.135 ], [ -45.69, -1.452 ], [ -45.697, -1.38 ], [ -45.632, -1.371 ], [ -45.618, -1.279 ], [ -45.589, -1.329 ], [ -45.537, -1.273 ], [ -45.561, -1.343 ], [ -45.51, -1.352 ], [ -45.567, -1.404 ], [ -45.546, -1.432 ], [ -45.413, -1.296 ], [ -45.489, -1.473 ], [ -45.511, -1.458 ], [ -45.554, -1.503 ], [ -45.507, -1.471 ], [ -45.518, -1.516 ], [ -45.481, -1.495 ], [ -45.463, -1.548 ], [ -45.457, -1.457 ], [ -45.391, -1.434 ], [ -45.363, -1.325 ], [ -45.323, -1.319 ], [ -45.302, -1.424 ], [ -45.392, -1.485 ], [ -45.398, -1.503 ], [ -45.356, -1.487 ], [ -45.392, -1.553 ], [ -45.338, -1.572 ], [ -45.371, -1.722 ], [ -45.338, -1.753 ], [ -45.197, -1.688 ], [ -45.261, -1.607 ], [ -45.16, -1.475 ], [ -45.136, -1.521 ], [ -45.072, -1.435 ], [ -45.07, -1.485 ], [ -44.999, -1.504 ], [ -45.018, -1.547 ], [ -44.969, -1.549 ], [ -45.029, -1.583 ], [ -45.029, -1.602 ], [ -44.979, -1.607 ], [ -44.954, -1.498 ], [ -44.862, -1.426 ], [ -44.857, -1.498 ], [ -44.954, -1.605 ], [ -44.918, -1.649 ], [ -44.968, -1.662 ], [ -44.913, -1.657 ], [ -44.927, -1.62 ], [ -44.886, -1.609 ], [ -44.837, -1.65 ], [ -44.822, -1.591 ], [ -44.826, -1.637 ], [ -44.805, -1.609 ], [ -44.812, -1.665 ], [ -44.779, -1.735 ], [ -44.711, -1.728 ], [ -44.82, -1.819 ], [ -44.738, -1.791 ], [ -44.706, -1.819 ], [ -44.676, -1.808 ], [ -44.661, -1.727 ], [ -44.604, -1.749 ], [ -44.667, -1.849 ], [ -44.601, -1.858 ], [ -44.583, -1.817 ], [ -44.586, -1.873 ], [ -44.543, -1.833 ], [ -44.601, -1.909 ], [ -44.517, -1.907 ], [ -44.484, -2.002 ], [ -44.613, -2.037 ], [ -44.467, -2.017 ], [ -44.626, -2.151 ], [ -44.589, -2.159 ], [ -44.641, -2.232 ], [ -44.708, -2.23 ], [ -44.684, -2.275 ], [ -44.764, -2.265 ], [ -44.654, -2.294 ], [ -44.681, -2.354 ], [ -44.649, -2.373 ], [ -44.666, -2.329 ], [ -44.479, -2.137 ], [ -44.358, -2.335 ], [ -44.401, -2.416 ], [ -44.514, -2.384 ], [ -44.55, -2.4 ], [ -44.491, -2.415 ], [ -44.514, -2.448 ], [ -44.505, -2.476 ], [ -44.665, -2.608 ], [ -44.548, -2.542 ], [ -44.658, -2.781 ], [ -44.688, -2.924 ], [ -44.677, -3.019 ], [ -44.66, -3.02 ], [ -44.657, -3.018 ] ], [ [ -43.318, -2.361 ], [ -43.317, -2.363 ], [ -43.296, -2.363 ], [ -43.318, -2.361 ] ], [ [ -42.438, -2.747 ], [ -42.442, -2.749 ], [ -42.438, -2.75 ], [ -42.438, -2.747 ] ], [ [ -42.442, -2.749 ], [ -42.47, -2.744 ], [ -42.447, -2.753 ], [ -42.442, -2.749 ] ], [ [ -50.851, 2.482 ], [ -50.853, 2.481 ], [ -50.853, 2.48 ], [ -50.851, 2.482 ] ], [ [ -50.853, 2.481 ], [ -50.86, 2.495 ], [ -50.86, 2.477 ], [ -50.853, 2.481 ] ], [ [ -49.976, 1.659 ], [ -49.98, 1.659 ], [ -50, 1.639 ], [ -49.976, 1.659 ] ], [ [ -45.392, -1.553 ], [ -45.393, -1.553 ], [ -45.394, -1.556 ], [ -45.392, -1.553 ] ], [ [ -45.394, -1.556 ], [ -45.406, -1.579 ], [ -45.403, -1.591 ], [ -45.394, -1.556 ] ], [ [ -44.837, -1.65 ], [ -44.834, -1.655 ], [ -44.833, -1.654 ], [ -44.837, -1.65 ] ], [ [ -44.834, -1.655 ], [ -44.841, -1.675 ], [ -44.822, -1.672 ], [ -44.834, -1.655 ] ], [ [ -44.779, -1.735 ], [ -44.777, -1.741 ], [ -44.776, -1.74 ], [ -44.779, -1.735 ] ], [ [ -44.777, -1.741 ], [ -44.833, -1.77 ], [ -44.774, -1.75 ], [ -44.777, -1.741 ] ], [ [ -44.547, -2.22 ], [ -44.536, -2.225 ], [ -44.543, -2.219 ], [ -44.547, -2.22 ] ], [ [ -44.536, -2.225 ], [ -44.507, -2.249 ], [ -44.512, -2.235 ], [ -44.536, -2.225 ] ], [ [ -44.507, -2.249 ], [ -44.504, -2.256 ], [ -44.501, -2.254 ], [ -44.507, -2.249 ] ], [ [ -44.504, -2.256 ], [ -44.514, -2.268 ], [ -44.502, -2.26 ], [ -44.504, -2.256 ] ] ], [ [ [ -29.34, -20.484 ], [ -29.301, -20.521 ], [ -29.341, -20.511 ], [ -29.34, -20.484 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.001, -13.94 ], [ -39.012, -13.915 ], [ -38.994, -13.896 ], [ -39.001, -13.94 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.043, -13.909 ], [ -39.059, -13.904 ], [ -39.054, -13.886 ], [ -39.028, -13.903 ], [ -39.043, -13.909 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.251, -18.015 ], [ -39.283, -18.005 ], [ -39.272, -17.982 ], [ -39.245, -18.006 ], [ -39.251, -18.015 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.131, -17.927 ], [ -39.154, -17.921 ], [ -39.137, -17.91 ], [ -39.131, -17.927 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.212, -17.986 ], [ -39.228, -17.979 ], [ -39.215, -17.944 ], [ -39.202, -17.95 ], [ -39.212, -17.986 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.341, -23.231 ], [ -44.372, -23.174 ], [ -44.232, -23.089 ], [ -44.087, -23.173 ], [ -44.3, -23.184 ], [ -44.341, -23.231 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.356, -23.073 ], [ -44.388, -23.048 ], [ -44.373, -23.033 ], [ -44.343, -23.041 ], [ -44.356, -23.073 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.929, -23.014 ], [ -43.936, -22.999 ], [ -43.916, -22.989 ], [ -43.929, -23.014 ] ] ], [ [ [ -42.002, -23.018 ], [ -42.015, -23.003 ], [ -41.98, -22.975 ], [ -41.975, -22.992 ], [ -42.002, -23.018 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.904, -22.962 ], [ -43.907, -22.936 ], [ -43.868, -22.926 ], [ -43.871, -22.95 ], [ -43.904, -22.962 ] ] ], [ [ [ -41.042, -21.613 ], [ -41.042, -21.6 ], [ -41.019, -21.606 ], [ -41.042, -21.613 ] ] ], [ [ [ -52.112, -32 ], [ -52.18, -32.035 ], [ -52.216, -32.025 ], [ -52.198, -31.978 ], [ -52.112, -32 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.641, -30.388 ], [ -50.629, -30.394 ], [ -50.624, -30.329 ], [ -50.592, -30.399 ], [ -50.609, -30.406 ], [ -50.641, -30.388 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.526, -27.462 ], [ -48.416, -27.38 ], [ -48.358, -27.446 ], [ -48.503, -27.799 ], [ -48.559, -27.842 ], [ -48.526, -27.462 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.354, -27.296 ], [ -48.376, -27.285 ], [ -48.373, -27.271 ], [ -48.36, -27.27 ], [ -48.354, -27.296 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.731, -26.314 ], [ -48.754, -26.297 ], [ -48.735, -26.282 ], [ -48.731, -26.314 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.318, -25.584 ], [ -48.309, -25.546 ], [ -48.381, -25.504 ], [ -48.312, -25.509 ], [ -48.292, -25.545 ], [ -48.318, -25.584 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.414, -25.544 ], [ -48.459, -25.514 ], [ -48.415, -25.527 ], [ -48.414, -25.544 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.424, -25.551 ], [ -48.479, -25.523 ], [ -48.485, -25.502 ], [ -48.424, -25.551 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.298, -25.493 ], [ -48.341, -25.416 ], [ -48.252, -25.341 ], [ -48.265, -25.44 ], [ -48.253, -25.466 ], [ -48.298, -25.493 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.417, -25.386 ], [ -48.424, -25.343 ], [ -48.405, -25.33 ], [ -48.417, -25.386 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.695, -24.112 ], [ -45.688, -24.088 ], [ -45.679, -24.098 ], [ -45.695, -24.112 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.251, -23.962 ], [ -45.301, -23.909 ], [ -45.453, -23.91 ], [ -45.332, -23.721 ], [ -45.227, -23.774 ], [ -45.224, -23.835 ], [ -45.283, -23.857 ], [ -45.221, -23.899 ], [ -45.251, -23.962 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.141, -23.817 ], [ -45.146, -23.791 ], [ -45.114, -23.801 ], [ -45.141, -23.817 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.153, -23.573 ], [ -45.153, -23.558 ], [ -45.141, -23.568 ], [ -45.153, -23.573 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.073, -23.564 ], [ -45.079, -23.525 ], [ -45.036, -23.531 ], [ -45.073, -23.564 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.608, -23.228 ], [ -44.59, -23.208 ], [ -44.577, -23.216 ], [ -44.608, -23.228 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.648, -12.821 ], [ -38.666, -12.777 ], [ -38.624, -12.762 ], [ -38.648, -12.821 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.529, -12.811 ], [ -38.544, -12.757 ], [ -38.532, -12.74 ], [ -38.508, -12.792 ], [ -38.529, -12.811 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.622, -12.752 ], [ -38.622, -12.727 ], [ -38.593, -12.733 ], [ -38.622, -12.752 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.646, -12.683 ], [ -38.648, -12.65 ], [ -38.636, -12.661 ], [ -38.646, -12.683 ] ] ], [ [ [ -32.402, -3.838 ], [ -32.428, -3.877 ], [ -32.483, -3.878 ], [ -32.402, -3.838 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.667, -3.179 ], [ -44.668, -3.16 ], [ -44.643, -3.148 ], [ -44.644, -3.17 ], [ -44.667, -3.179 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.671, -2.943 ], [ -44.67, -2.92 ], [ -44.647, -2.915 ], [ -44.671, -2.943 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.493, -2.641 ], [ -44.48, -2.601 ], [ -44.477, -2.627 ], [ -44.493, -2.641 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.897, -2.573 ], [ -43.896, -2.554 ], [ -43.886, -2.565 ], [ -43.897, -2.573 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.599, -2.503 ], [ -43.577, -2.471 ], [ -43.572, -2.483 ], [ -43.599, -2.503 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.822, -2.526 ], [ -43.829, -2.509 ], [ -43.813, -2.458 ], [ -43.812, -2.553 ], [ -43.82, -2.528 ], [ -43.822, -2.526 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.821, -2.529 ], [ -43.856, -2.502 ], [ -43.832, -2.439 ], [ -43.842, -2.504 ], [ -43.821, -2.529 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.863, -2.56 ], [ -43.875, -2.552 ], [ -43.865, -2.534 ], [ -43.863, -2.56 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.519, -2.536 ], [ -44.529, -2.526 ], [ -44.501, -2.48 ], [ -44.505, -2.444 ], [ -44.455, -2.434 ], [ -44.519, -2.536 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.602, -3.007 ], [ -44.657, -2.972 ], [ -44.613, -2.894 ], [ -44.575, -2.921 ], [ -44.602, -3.007 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.585, -2.978 ], [ -44.563, -2.914 ], [ -44.586, -2.826 ], [ -44.494, -2.705 ], [ -44.494, -2.953 ], [ -44.582, -3.041 ], [ -44.585, -2.978 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.826, -2.434 ], [ -43.842, -2.403 ], [ -43.811, -2.385 ], [ -43.807, -2.412 ], [ -43.826, -2.434 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.581, -2.441 ], [ -43.615, -2.389 ], [ -43.549, -2.377 ], [ -43.545, -2.403 ], [ -43.581, -2.441 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.791, -2.47 ], [ -43.806, -2.443 ], [ -43.78, -2.422 ], [ -43.759, -2.448 ], [ -43.791, -2.47 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.513, -2.424 ], [ -43.537, -2.416 ], [ -43.522, -2.39 ], [ -43.505, -2.414 ], [ -43.513, -2.424 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.792, -2.405 ], [ -43.798, -2.377 ], [ -43.771, -2.37 ], [ -43.792, -2.405 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.689, -2.355 ], [ -43.743, -2.352 ], [ -43.724, -2.305 ], [ -43.617, -2.253 ], [ -43.612, -2.275 ], [ -43.669, -2.301 ], [ -43.689, -2.355 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.73, -2.425 ], [ -43.732, -2.364 ], [ -43.67, -2.377 ], [ -43.681, -2.34 ], [ -43.63, -2.324 ], [ -43.643, -2.394 ], [ -43.73, -2.425 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.473, -2.125 ], [ -44.487, -2.113 ], [ -44.475, -2.096 ], [ -44.463, -2.104 ], [ -44.473, -2.125 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.456, -2.031 ], [ -44.447, -2.008 ], [ -44.439, -2.022 ], [ -44.456, -2.031 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.311, -1.964 ], [ -49.336, -1.996 ], [ -49.309, -1.943 ], [ -49.311, -1.964 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.323, -2.054 ], [ -49.329, -2.019 ], [ -49.316, -2.001 ], [ -49.323, -2.054 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.231, -1.829 ], [ -50.246, -1.824 ], [ -50.229, -1.816 ], [ -50.231, -1.829 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.615, -1.821 ], [ -44.622, -1.797 ], [ -44.597, -1.774 ], [ -44.583, -1.789 ], [ -44.615, -1.821 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.7, -1.811 ], [ -44.703, -1.78 ], [ -44.673, -1.78 ], [ -44.7, -1.811 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.691, -1.793 ], [ -49.721, -1.789 ], [ -49.719, -1.771 ], [ -49.697, -1.766 ], [ -49.691, -1.793 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.924, -1.711 ], [ -48.909, -1.713 ], [ -48.916, -1.734 ], [ -48.935, -1.713 ], [ -48.924, -1.711 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.757, -1.707 ], [ -44.767, -1.694 ], [ -44.736, -1.701 ], [ -44.757, -1.707 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.433, -1.684 ], [ -49.454, -1.706 ], [ -49.46, -1.684 ], [ -49.433, -1.684 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.357, -1.008 ], [ -46.342, -0.994 ], [ -46.353, -1.026 ], [ -46.357, -1.008 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.205, -1.021 ], [ -46.194, -1.014 ], [ -46.202, -1.032 ], [ -46.205, -1.021 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.662, -3.018 ], [ -44.673, -3.012 ], [ -44.664, -3.001 ], [ -44.649, -3.013 ], [ -44.662, -3.018 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.736, -1.683 ], [ -44.745, -1.677 ], [ -44.732, -1.668 ], [ -44.736, -1.683 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.231, -1.638 ], [ -49.237, -1.627 ], [ -49.217, -1.633 ], [ -49.231, -1.638 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.38, -1.685 ], [ -49.4, -1.682 ], [ -49.368, -1.669 ], [ -49.38, -1.685 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.426, -1.673 ], [ -49.429, -1.661 ], [ -49.406, -1.66 ], [ -49.426, -1.673 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.34, -1.672 ], [ -49.358, -1.662 ], [ -49.325, -1.647 ], [ -49.34, -1.672 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.289, -1.726 ], [ -45.305, -1.663 ], [ -45.257, -1.641 ], [ -45.244, -1.678 ], [ -45.28, -1.694 ], [ -45.289, -1.726 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.328, -1.743 ], [ -45.346, -1.719 ], [ -45.301, -1.596 ], [ -45.274, -1.635 ], [ -45.313, -1.654 ], [ -45.328, -1.743 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.886, -1.578 ], [ -48.89, -1.56 ], [ -48.859, -1.536 ], [ -48.856, -1.553 ], [ -48.886, -1.578 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.783, -1.682 ], [ -44.8, -1.595 ], [ -44.775, -1.62 ], [ -44.721, -1.567 ], [ -44.704, -1.611 ], [ -44.684, -1.575 ], [ -44.668, -1.669 ], [ -44.693, -1.638 ], [ -44.783, -1.682 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.816, -1.569 ], [ -44.837, -1.534 ], [ -44.787, -1.488 ], [ -44.825, -1.534 ], [ -44.816, -1.569 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.462, -1.517 ], [ -48.478, -1.499 ], [ -48.421, -1.503 ], [ -48.462, -1.517 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.793, -1.531 ], [ -44.774, -1.47 ], [ -44.763, -1.513 ], [ -44.793, -1.531 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.414, -1.427 ], [ -45.423, -1.416 ], [ -45.409, -1.405 ], [ -45.414, -1.427 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45, -1.296 ], [ -44.922, -1.265 ], [ -44.877, -1.309 ], [ -44.895, -1.34 ], [ -44.922, -1.305 ], [ -44.907, -1.341 ], [ -44.999, -1.405 ], [ -45.033, -1.339 ], [ -45, -1.32 ], [ -44.995, -1.36 ], [ -45, -1.296 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.044, -1.402 ], [ -45.07, -1.33 ], [ -45.052, -1.342 ], [ -45.044, -1.402 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.333, -1.569 ], [ -45.371, -1.544 ], [ -45.347, -1.489 ], [ -45.313, -1.506 ], [ -45.333, -1.569 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.969, -1.522 ], [ -44.976, -1.493 ], [ -44.959, -1.483 ], [ -44.969, -1.522 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.393, -1.512 ], [ -48.371, -1.476 ], [ -48.341, -1.483 ], [ -48.393, -1.512 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.413, -1.498 ], [ -48.426, -1.491 ], [ -48.387, -1.476 ], [ -48.413, -1.498 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.118, -1.47 ], [ -45.132, -1.462 ], [ -45.115, -1.364 ], [ -45.103, -1.373 ], [ -45.118, -1.47 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.593, -1.251 ], [ -45.581, -1.19 ], [ -45.536, -1.205 ], [ -45.532, -1.231 ], [ -45.593, -1.251 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.559, -1.243 ], [ -48.56, -1.202 ], [ -48.523, -1.199 ], [ -48.559, -1.243 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.817, -1.163 ], [ -45.829, -1.141 ], [ -45.804, -1.127 ], [ -45.817, -1.163 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.877, -1.154 ], [ -45.9, -1.117 ], [ -45.883, -1.073 ], [ -45.849, -1.123 ], [ -45.877, -1.154 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.192, -1.05 ], [ -46.201, -1.041 ], [ -46.185, -1.027 ], [ -46.192, -1.05 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.291, -1.01 ], [ -46.307, -0.992 ], [ -46.306, -0.961 ], [ -46.291, -1.01 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.078, -1.095 ], [ -46.065, -1.05 ], [ -46.061, -1.074 ], [ -46.078, -1.095 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.68, -1.295 ], [ -45.687, -1.275 ], [ -45.667, -1.26 ], [ -45.654, -1.285 ], [ -45.68, -1.295 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.538, -1.282 ], [ -48.549, -1.262 ], [ -48.53, -1.25 ], [ -48.538, -1.282 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.51, -1.27 ], [ -48.522, -1.247 ], [ -48.506, -1.236 ], [ -48.51, -1.27 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.694, -1.37 ], [ -45.646, -1.289 ], [ -45.625, -1.126 ], [ -45.634, -1.349 ], [ -45.694, -1.37 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.688, -1.266 ], [ -45.708, -1.228 ], [ -45.685, -1.194 ], [ -45.664, -1.231 ], [ -45.688, -1.266 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.425, -0.914 ], [ -46.454, -0.907 ], [ -46.408, -0.868 ], [ -46.395, -0.899 ], [ -46.425, -0.914 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.72, -0.848 ], [ -46.735, -0.832 ], [ -46.729, -0.796 ], [ -46.72, -0.848 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.611, -0.799 ], [ -46.622, -0.784 ], [ -46.601, -0.789 ], [ -46.611, -0.799 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.586, -0.849 ], [ -46.621, -0.807 ], [ -46.589, -0.815 ], [ -46.586, -0.849 ] ] ], [ [ [ -47.447, -0.748 ], [ -47.453, -0.732 ], [ -47.436, -0.717 ], [ -47.428, -0.738 ], [ -47.447, -0.748 ] ] ], [ [ [ -47.461, -0.741 ], [ -47.463, -0.702 ], [ -47.445, -0.697 ], [ -47.461, -0.741 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.214, -0.411 ], [ -51.211, -0.386 ], [ -51.164, -0.347 ], [ -51.163, -0.383 ], [ -51.214, -0.411 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.352, -0.353 ], [ -51.346, -0.31 ], [ -51.317, -0.268 ], [ -51.327, -0.33 ], [ -51.352, -0.353 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.127, -0.268 ], [ -51.131, -0.237 ], [ -51.091, -0.208 ], [ -51.087, -0.229 ], [ -51.127, -0.268 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.888, -0.198 ], [ -48.91, -0.188 ], [ -48.893, -0.134 ], [ -48.847, -0.177 ], [ -48.888, -0.198 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.174, -0.091 ], [ -51.191, -0.064 ], [ -51.126, -0.057 ], [ -51.174, -0.091 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.114, -0.146 ], [ -49.097, -0.121 ], [ -49.08, -0.13 ], [ -49.114, -0.146 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.166, -0.142 ], [ -49.188, -0.115 ], [ -49.156, -0.128 ], [ -49.166, -0.142 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.119, -0.141 ], [ -49.143, -0.107 ], [ -49.114, -0.11 ], [ -49.119, -0.141 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.127, -0.128 ], [ -51.094, -0.103 ], [ -51.108, -0.127 ], [ -51.127, -0.128 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.414, -0.999 ], [ -46.384, -0.941 ], [ -46.367, -0.948 ], [ -46.414, -0.999 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.647, -0.97 ], [ -46.658, -0.968 ], [ -46.618, -0.957 ], [ -46.647, -0.97 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.488, -0.942 ], [ -46.465, -0.877 ], [ -46.464, -0.924 ], [ -46.44, -0.922 ], [ -46.482, -0.976 ], [ -46.441, -0.999 ], [ -46.525, -1.016 ], [ -46.527, -0.917 ], [ -46.509, -0.984 ], [ -46.488, -0.942 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.632, 0.159 ], [ -49.662, 0.184 ], [ -49.629, 0.202 ], [ -49.61, 0.181 ], [ -49.632, 0.159 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.641, 0.26 ], [ -50.63, 0.293 ], [ -50.586, 0.308 ], [ -50.641, 0.26 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.2, 0.255 ], [ -50.243, 0.248 ], [ -50.147, 0.337 ], [ -50.059, 0.346 ], [ -50.2, 0.255 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.417, 0.159 ], [ -50.535, 0.234 ], [ -50.36, 0.615 ], [ -50.328, 0.383 ], [ -50.285, 0.3 ], [ -50.413, 0.237 ], [ -50.417, 0.159 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.279, 0.338 ], [ -50.271, 0.599 ], [ -50.147, 0.608 ], [ -50.142, 0.576 ], [ -50.107, 0.636 ], [ -50.063, 0.623 ], [ -50.05, 0.518 ], [ -50.279, 0.338 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50, 0.943 ], [ -50.113, 0.907 ], [ -50.018, 1.034 ], [ -49.935, 1.069 ], [ -49.939, 0.996 ], [ -50, 0.943 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.881, 1.227 ], [ -49.909, 1.246 ], [ -49.886, 1.244 ], [ -49.881, 1.227 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.907, 1.278 ], [ -49.885, 1.291 ], [ -49.863, 1.278 ], [ -49.876, 1.252 ], [ -49.907, 1.278 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.204, 1.851 ], [ -50.232, 1.879 ], [ -50.22, 1.915 ], [ -50.169, 1.865 ], [ -50.204, 1.851 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.468, 1.954 ], [ -50.521, 2.026 ], [ -50.497, 2.139 ], [ -50.398, 2.167 ], [ -50.367, 2.19 ], [ -50.276, 1.939 ], [ -50.423, 1.849 ], [ -50.468, 1.954 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.504, 2.255 ], [ -50.414, 2.244 ], [ -50.382, 2.204 ], [ -50.489, 2.15 ], [ -50.564, 2.205 ], [ -50.504, 2.255 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.229, 0.832 ], [ -50.098, 0.839 ], [ -50.027, 0.898 ], [ -50.105, 0.757 ], [ -50.162, 0.775 ], [ -50.249, 0.72 ], [ -50.229, 0.832 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.131, 0.844 ], [ -50.162, 0.867 ], [ -50.132, 0.9 ], [ -50.119, 0.854 ], [ -50.131, 0.844 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.108, 0.85 ], [ -50.111, 0.891 ], [ -50.049, 0.886 ], [ -50.108, 0.85 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.216, -0.055 ], [ -50.235, -0.042 ], [ -50.219, -0.04 ], [ -50.216, -0.055 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.916, -0.052 ], [ -50.926, -0.047 ], [ -50.907, -0.043 ], [ -50.916, -0.052 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.605, -0.061 ], [ -50.618, -0.022 ], [ -50.559, -0.038 ], [ -50.605, -0.061 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.399, -0.061 ], [ -50.44, -0.057 ], [ -50.378, -0.015 ], [ -50.357, -0.049 ], [ -50.399, -0.061 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.75, 0 ], [ -49.609, 0.08 ], [ -49.474, 0.081 ], [ -49.338, -0.017 ], [ -49.487, -0.136 ], [ -49.723, -0.147 ], [ -49.835, -0.088 ], [ -49.75, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.023, -0.019 ], [ -49.039, -0.011 ], [ -49.02, -0.006 ], [ -49.023, -0.019 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.932, 0.052 ], [ -50.918, 0.084 ], [ -50.884, 0.078 ], [ -50.899, 0.057 ], [ -50.932, 0.052 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.928, 0 ], [ -50.786, 0.05 ], [ -50.717, 0.028 ], [ -50.94, -0.041 ], [ -50.928, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.691, 0.025 ], [ -50.655, 0.015 ], [ -50.703, 0.021 ], [ -50.691, 0.025 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.629, -0.043 ], [ -50.642, -0.016 ], [ -50.622, -0.026 ], [ -50.629, -0.043 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.642, 0 ], [ -50.611, 0.007 ], [ -50.595, -0.019 ], [ -50.642, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.536, 0 ], [ -50.653, 0.126 ], [ -50.59, 0.203 ], [ -50.434, 0.126 ], [ -50.436, 0 ], [ -50.536, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50, 0.311 ], [ -49.674, 0.368 ], [ -49.601, 0.283 ], [ -49.86, 0.008 ], [ -49.99, -0.048 ], [ -50.086, 0.034 ], [ -50.351, 0.044 ], [ -50.394, 0.222 ], [ -50.153, 0.227 ], [ -50, 0.311 ] ] ] ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "La costa de lo que hoy es territorio brasileño fue el primer punto al que llegaron los europeos en América del Sur. La primera expedición que exploró la región fue un desprendimiento de la flota portuguesa que Vasco da Gama (c. 1460-1524) llevaba hacia oriente. Las naves dirigidas por Pedro Álvarez de Cabral (1467-1520) se alejaron excesivamente de la costa de África y terminaron en el extremo sur de actual territorio del Estado de Bahía, en que el permanecieron entre abril y mayo del año 1500. Los portuguese establecieron en la costa precarias feitorias para comerciar verzino o palo brasil con los nativos de las sociedades tupí y guaraní nativas. Recién en 1530 la corona brasileña tomaría acciones decididas para organizar la ocupación portuguesa y las actividades de explotación, cuando instaura el régimen de capitanías hereditarias que estructuraría el establecimiento colonial lusitano en brasil. Bibliografía: Johnson, H. B., \"Portuguese Settlement, 1500-1580\", en Bethell, Leslie (ed.), Colonial Brazil, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1987, pp. 1-38; Abulafia, David, El descubrimiento de la humanidad. Encuentros atlánticos en la era de Colón, Barcelona, Crítica, 2009 [2008]; Metcalf, Alida C., Go-Betweens and the Colonization of Brazil, 1500-1600, Austin, University of Texas Press, 2005; Vaz de Caminha, Pêro, Carta del descubrimiento del Brasil, Barcelona, Acantilado, 2009.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-12-03T14:17:24+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 11616, "end" : 11622 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Brasil" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/b1fbf665-8b12-417f-9427-ce488fc28c5a", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://sws.geonames.org/3469034", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-12-03T14:17:24+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-12-03T14:17:24+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "MultiPolygon", "coordinates" : [ [ [ [ -44.657, -3.018 ], [ -44.608, -3.041 ], [ -44.72, -3.18 ], [ -44.793, -3.198 ], [ -44.779, -3.312 ], [ -44.736, -3.302 ], [ -44.763, -3.225 ], [ -44.653, -3.196 ], [ -44.431, -2.945 ], [ -44.367, -2.643 ], [ -44.362, -2.726 ], [ -44.355, -2.605 ], [ -44.378, -2.566 ], [ -44.345, -2.528 ], [ -44.29, -2.573 ], [ -44.306, -2.487 ], [ -44.02, -2.403 ], [ -44.03, -2.457 ], [ -44.108, 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-2.689 ], [ -42.503, -2.727 ], [ -42.393, -2.751 ], [ -42.475, -2.706 ], [ -42.375, -2.717 ], [ -42.228, -2.818 ], [ -42.143, -2.808 ], [ -42.256, -2.735 ], [ -42.233, -2.674 ], [ -42.208, -2.712 ], [ -42.098, -2.768 ], [ -42.099, -2.809 ], [ -42.096, -2.747 ], [ -42.216, -2.687 ], [ -42.054, -2.691 ], [ -42.023, -2.775 ], [ -42.017, -2.718 ], [ -41.818, -2.723 ], [ -41.844, -2.773 ], [ -41.797, -2.751 ], [ -41.656, -2.884 ], [ -41.437, -2.939 ], [ -41.395, -2.906 ], [ -41.316, -2.943 ], [ -41.263, -2.887 ], [ -40.838, -2.895 ], [ -40.572, -2.844 ], [ -40.499, -2.787 ], [ -39.888, -2.886 ], [ -39.244, -3.229 ], [ -39.083, -3.394 ], [ -38.978, -3.407 ], [ -38.641, -3.687 ], [ -38.473, -3.7 ], [ -38.377, -3.866 ], [ -38.043, -4.214 ], [ -37.764, -4.399 ], [ -37.588, -4.624 ], [ -37.323, -4.698 ], [ -37.15, -4.943 ], [ -36.958, -4.919 ], [ -36.666, -5.108 ], [ -36.504, -5.061 ], [ -36.297, -5.106 ], [ -35.956, -5.045 ], [ -35.612, -5.11 ], [ -35.385, -5.255 ], [ -35.255, -5.483 ], [ -35.099, -6.169 ], [ -34.983, -6.396 ], [ -34.933, -6.753 ], [ -34.79, -7.159 ], [ -34.842, -7.564 ], [ -34.809, -7.622 ], [ -34.845, -7.69 ], [ -34.827, -8.004 ], [ -35.136, -8.895 ], [ -35.332, -9.237 ], [ -35.689, -9.668 ], [ -35.78, -9.706 ], [ -36.056, -10.083 ], [ -36.266, -10.256 ], [ -36.402, -10.506 ], [ -36.602, -10.567 ], [ -36.934, -10.826 ], [ -37.36, -11.428 ], [ -37.612, -11.979 ], [ -37.996, -12.578 ], [ -38.318, -12.934 ], [ -38.477, -13.022 ], [ -38.532, -13.017 ], [ -38.473, -12.913 ], [ -38.498, -12.722 ], [ -38.603, -12.728 ], [ -38.646, -12.622 ], [ -38.681, -12.661 ], [ -38.718, -12.627 ], [ -38.804, -12.835 ], [ -38.717, -12.873 ], [ -38.769, -12.995 ], [ -38.721, -13.021 ], [ -38.66, -12.963 ], [ -38.686, -12.878 ], [ -38.59, -12.972 ], [ -38.766, -13.129 ], [ -38.807, -13.1 ], [ -38.808, -13.154 ], [ -38.944, -13.243 ], [ -38.973, -13.391 ], [ -38.902, -13.384 ], [ -38.886, -13.45 ], [ -38.95, -13.577 ], [ -38.886, -13.659 ], [ -38.968, -13.67 ], [ -39.006, -13.891 ], [ -39.064, -13.865 ], [ -39.075, -13.887 ], [ -38.986, -13.998 ], [ -38.952, -13.986 ], [ -38.982, -13.912 ], [ -38.938, -13.886 ], [ -38.922, -13.92 ], [ -39.061, -14.716 ], [ -38.962, -15.585 ], [ -38.857, -15.86 ], [ -38.973, -16.211 ], [ -39.032, -16.26 ], [ -39.01, -16.369 ], [ -39.078, -16.454 ], [ -39.143, -16.762 ], [ -39.113, -16.896 ], [ -39.212, -17.155 ], [ -39.193, -17.602 ], [ -39.135, -17.691 ], [ -39.264, -17.869 ], [ -39.435, -17.943 ], [ -39.563, -18.091 ], [ -39.721, -18.493 ], [ -39.749, -18.81 ], [ -39.692, -19.353 ], [ -39.805, -19.65 ], [ -39.951, -19.717 ], [ -40.151, -19.956 ], [ -40.236, -20.285 ], [ -40.353, -20.32 ], [ -40.329, -20.236 ], [ -40.359, -20.291 ], [ -40.365, -20.317 ], [ -40.35, -20.328 ], [ -40.268, -20.327 ], [ -40.402, -20.606 ], [ -40.466, -20.624 ], [ -40.627, -20.845 ], [ -40.65, -20.813 ], [ -40.756, -20.866 ], [ -40.853, -21.133 ], [ -40.955, -21.251 ], [ -40.96, -21.364 ], [ -41.065, -21.495 ], [ -41.051, -21.608 ], [ -41.038, -21.622 ], [ -41.007, -21.618 ], [ -40.99, -22.014 ], [ -41.229, -22.151 ], [ -41.668, -22.294 ], [ -41.962, -22.538 ], [ -41.986, -22.713 ], [ -41.919, -22.774 ], [ -41.864, -22.759 ], [ -42.023, -22.896 ], [ -42.037, -22.94 ], [ -41.99, -22.964 ], [ -42.018, -22.998 ], [ -42.086, -22.957 ], [ -42.529, -22.934 ], [ -43.05, -22.982 ], [ -43.132, -22.941 ], [ -43.025, -22.741 ], [ -43.084, -22.68 ], [ -43.216, -22.725 ], [ -43.287, -22.806 ], [ -43.24, -22.847 ], [ -43.249, -22.797 ], [ -43.156, -22.784 ], [ -43.247, -22.882 ], [ -43.164, -22.899 ], [ -43.187, -22.995 ], [ -43.344, -22.983 ], [ -43.303, -23.02 ], [ -43.549, -23.081 ], [ -44.001, -23.1 ], [ -43.961, -23.042 ], [ -43.877, -23.067 ], [ -43.909, -23.02 ], [ -43.807, -23.063 ], [ -43.555, -23.055 ], [ -43.84, -22.906 ], [ -43.985, -22.937 ], [ -44.034, -23.014 ], [ -44.044, -22.923 ], [ -44.107, -23.03 ], [ -44.234, -23.06 ], [ -44.238, -23.004 ], [ -44.358, -23.02 ], [ -44.296, -22.961 ], [ -44.321, -22.927 ], [ -44.378, -22.972 ], [ -44.407, -22.945 ], [ -44.443, -23.035 ], [ -44.669, -23.06 ], [ -44.712, -23.19 ], [ -44.701, -23.237 ], [ -44.645, -23.191 ], [ -44.612, -23.206 ], [ -44.685, -23.256 ], [ -44.611, -23.238 ], [ -44.652, -23.302 ], [ -44.558, -23.232 ], [ -44.577, -23.275 ], [ -44.498, -23.302 ], [ -44.583, -23.367 ], [ -44.669, -23.341 ], [ -44.84, -23.395 ], [ -44.905, -23.339 ], [ -45.05, -23.418 ], [ -45.016, -23.461 ], [ -45.079, -23.519 ], [ -45.165, -23.495 ], [ -45.159, -23.541 ], [ -45.228, -23.547 ], [ -45.211, -23.582 ], [ -45.41, -23.632 ], [ -45.412, -23.825 ], [ -45.934, -23.771 ], [ -46.124, -23.842 ], [ -46.2, -24.002 ], [ -46.288, -24.044 ], [ -46.321, -24 ], [ -46.458, -24.025 ], [ -46.937, -24.281 ], [ -47.024, -24.382 ], [ -47.004, -24.412 ], [ -47.86, -24.996 ], [ -47.914, -25.061 ], [ -47.915, -25.16 ], [ -48.213, -25.47 ], [ -48.254, -25.435 ], [ -48.222, -25.342 ], [ -48.208, -25.353 ], [ -48.121, -25.267 ], [ -48.253, -25.328 ], [ -48.284, -25.294 ], [ -48.317, -25.363 ], [ -48.327, -25.232 ], [ -48.366, -25.317 ], [ -48.433, -25.237 ], [ -48.428, -25.324 ], [ -48.5, -25.335 ], [ -48.427, -25.39 ], [ -48.449, -25.379 ], [ -48.468, -25.388 ], [ -48.467, -25.432 ], [ -48.449, -25.384 ], [ -48.414, -25.428 ], [ -48.476, -25.485 ], [ -48.637, -25.468 ], [ -48.661, -25.398 ], [ -48.671, -25.435 ], [ -48.739, -25.374 ], [ -48.68, -25.465 ], [ -48.687, -25.499 ], [ -48.737, -25.483 ], [ -48.703, -25.504 ], [ -48.617, -25.536 ], [ -48.512, -25.505 ], [ -48.482, -25.591 ], [ -48.46, -25.552 ], [ -48.35, -25.581 ], [ -48.565, -25.868 ], [ -48.614, -26.06 ], [ -48.586, -26.172 ], [ -48.714, -26.243 ], [ -48.795, -26.073 ], [ -48.837, -26.157 ], [ -48.798, -26.142 ], [ -48.763, -26.199 ], [ -48.805, -26.228 ], [ -48.769, -26.223 ], [ -48.761, -26.286 ], [ -48.803, -26.303 ], [ -48.723, -26.362 ], [ -48.635, -26.374 ], [ -48.714, -26.308 ], [ -48.554, -26.172 ], [ -48.493, -26.224 ], [ -48.695, -26.658 ], [ -48.665, -26.769 ], [ -48.583, -26.786 ], [ -48.655, -26.909 ], [ -48.62, -27.007 ], [ -48.574, -27.011 ], [ -48.607, -27.122 ], [ -48.554, -27.152 ], [ -48.51, -27.108 ], [ -48.469, -27.148 ], [ -48.511, -27.183 ], [ -48.486, -27.218 ], [ -48.531, -27.18 ], [ -48.612, -27.243 ], [ -48.596, -27.318 ], [ -48.529, -27.334 ], [ -48.649, -27.486 ], [ -48.572, -27.592 ], [ -48.653, -27.648 ], [ -48.575, -27.888 ], [ -48.761, -28.535 ], [ -48.813, -28.605 ], [ -49.37, -28.92 ], [ -49.334, -28.921 ], [ -49.702, -29.308 ], [ -50.006, -29.749 ], [ -50.316, -30.472 ], [ -50.848, -31.205 ], [ -51.303, -31.613 ], [ -51.877, -31.952 ], [ -52.071, -32.188 ], [ -52.012, -31.946 ], [ -52.092, -31.837 ], [ -51.851, -31.865 ], [ -51.777, -31.805 ], [ -51.854, -31.797 ], [ -51.65, -31.759 ], [ -51.478, -31.562 ], [ -51.43, -31.622 ], [ -51.458, -31.548 ], [ -51.424, -31.478 ], [ -51.351, -31.529 ], [ -51.234, -31.458 ], [ -51.16, -31.31 ], [ -51.166, -31.063 ], [ -51.109, -31.097 ], [ -50.985, -31.042 ], [ -50.965, -30.893 ], [ -50.888, -30.893 ], [ -50.705, -30.756 ], [ -50.677, -30.61 ], [ -50.725, -30.371 ], [ -50.692, -30.355 ], [ -50.625, -30.409 ], [ -50.641, -30.459 ], [ -50.569, -30.471 ], [ -50.534, -30.278 ], [ -50.601, -30.194 ], [ -50.659, -30.201 ], [ -50.661, -30.293 ], [ -50.918, -30.333 ], [ -50.934, -30.42 ], [ -50.889, -30.439 ], [ -50.921, -30.44 ], [ -51.052, -30.395 ], [ -51.034, -30.276 ], [ -51.146, -30.267 ], [ -51.246, -30.188 ], [ -51.23, -30.043 ], [ -51.295, -30.007 ], [ -51.326, -30.23 ], [ -51.271, -30.25 ], [ -51.293, -30.295 ], [ -51.246, -30.33 ], [ -51.209, -30.3 ], [ -51.179, -30.383 ], [ -51.092, -30.367 ], [ -51.129, -30.436 ], [ -51.202, -30.413 ], [ -51.269, -30.489 ], [ -51.282, -30.811 ], [ -51.33, -30.777 ], [ -51.294, -30.758 ], [ -51.319, -30.64 ], [ -51.375, -30.635 ], [ -51.404, -30.769 ], [ -51.367, -30.874 ], [ -51.457, -30.874 ], [ -51.501, -30.935 ], [ -51.436, -31.088 ], [ -51.611, -31.138 ], [ -51.613, -31.272 ], [ -51.915, -31.313 ], [ -52.002, -31.449 ], [ -52.031, -31.693 ], [ -52.218, -31.747 ], [ -52.247, -31.871 ], [ -52.106, -31.952 ], [ -52.216, -31.963 ], [ -52.263, -32.062 ], [ -52.209, -32.045 ], [ -52.225, -32.096 ], [ -52.082, -32.033 ], [ -52.162, -32.128 ], [ -52.09, -32.069 ], [ -52.084, -32.186 ], [ -52.16, -32.201 ], [ -52.341, -32.43 ], [ -52.488, -32.844 ], [ -52.66, -33.165 ], [ -53.227, -33.658 ], [ -53.421, -33.741 ], [ -53.524, -33.689 ], [ -53.515, -33.163 ], [ -53.434, -33.054 ], [ -53.243, -32.936 ], [ -53.294, -32.911 ], [ -53.074, -32.746 ], [ -53.244, -32.605 ], [ -53.39, -32.583 ], [ -53.46, -32.48 ], [ -53.595, -32.432 ], [ -53.73, -32.157 ], [ -53.714, -32.104 ], [ -53.965, -31.919 ], [ -54.096, -31.906 ], [ -54.466, -31.666 ], [ -54.491, -31.54 ], [ -54.591, -31.448 ], [ -54.836, -31.446 ], [ -54.945, -31.392 ], [ -55.014, -31.285 ], [ -55.091, -31.326 ], [ -55.245, -31.257 ], [ -55.374, -31.038 ], [ -55.594, -30.848 ], [ -55.635, -30.857 ], [ -55.657, -30.956 ], [ -55.87, -31.08 ], [ -56.008, -31.063 ], [ -55.987, -30.86 ], [ -56.021, -30.784 ], [ -56.127, -30.739 ], [ -56.177, -30.614 ], [ -56.384, -30.495 ], [ -56.459, -30.387 ], [ -56.545, -30.364 ], [ -56.54, -30.312 ], [ -56.617, -30.303 ], [ -56.644, -30.205 ], [ -56.776, -30.166 ], [ -56.804, -30.107 ], [ -57.068, -30.088 ], [ -57.207, -30.281 ], [ -57.313, -30.26 ], [ -57.396, -30.303 ], [ -57.538, -30.275 ], [ -57.618, -30.179 ], [ -57.505, -30.143 ], [ -57.342, -30.001 ], [ -57.319, -29.87 ], [ -57.254, -29.794 ], [ -57.105, -29.752 ], [ -56.972, -29.639 ], [ -56.676, -29.321 ], [ -56.593, -29.123 ], [ -56.425, -29.073 ], [ -56.285, -28.794 ], [ -56.185, -28.771 ], [ -56.016, -28.611 ], [ -56.011, -28.509 ], [ -55.888, -28.479 ], [ -55.875, -28.362 ], [ -55.696, -28.425 ], [ -55.671, -28.333 ], [ -55.773, -28.247 ], [ -55.605, -28.123 ], [ -55.554, -28.164 ], [ -55.496, -28.081 ], [ -55.444, -28.097 ], [ -55.323, -27.928 ], [ -55.196, -27.863 ], [ -55.134, -27.895 ], [ -55.117, -27.853 ], [ -55.032, -27.854 ], [ -55.082, -27.789 ], [ -54.941, -27.775 ], [ -54.809, -27.536 ], [ -54.781, -27.586 ], [ -54.683, -27.576 ], [ -54.678, -27.514 ], [ -54.624, -27.55 ], [ -54.576, -27.458 ], [ -54.525, -27.507 ], [ -54.415, -27.412 ], [ -54.353, -27.468 ], [ -54.339, -27.406 ], [ -54.282, -27.447 ], [ -54.176, -27.261 ], [ -54.089, -27.303 ], [ -53.949, -27.158 ], [ -53.799, -27.147 ], [ -53.795, -27.048 ], [ -53.761, -27.068 ], [ -53.662, -26.869 ], [ -53.751, -26.745 ], [ -53.707, -26.563 ], [ -53.738, -26.548 ], [ -53.592, -26.265 ], [ -53.722, -26.13 ], [ -53.733, -26.047 ], [ -53.837, -25.969 ], [ -53.824, -25.793 ], [ -53.891, -25.625 ], [ -53.951, -25.644 ], [ -54.016, -25.569 ], [ -54.101, -25.625 ], [ -54.111, -25.504 ], [ -54.213, -25.554 ], [ -54.184, -25.591 ], [ -54.289, -25.562 ], [ -54.387, -25.608 ], [ -54.43, -25.706 ], [ -54.596, -25.595 ], [ -54.617, -25.459 ], [ -54.437, -25.157 ], [ -54.458, -25.031 ], [ -54.336, -24.649 ], [ -54.333, -24.493 ], [ -54.262, -24.376 ], [ -54.33, -24.225 ], [ -54.282, -24.075 ], [ -54.411, -23.929 ], [ -54.668, -23.815 ], [ -55.061, -23.991 ], [ -55.112, -23.963 ], [ -55.226, -24.013 ], [ -55.413, -23.961 ], [ -55.434, -23.714 ], [ -55.535, -23.614 ], [ -55.522, -23.197 ], [ -55.596, -23.141 ], [ -55.64, -22.994 ], [ -55.685, -22.992 ], [ -55.613, -22.659 ], [ -55.736, -22.532 ], [ -55.74, -22.396 ], [ -55.854, -22.281 ], [ -56.208, -22.281 ], [ -56.341, -22.206 ], [ -56.403, -22.078 ], [ -56.519, -22.103 ], [ -56.643, -22.261 ], [ -56.698, -22.216 ], [ -56.728, -22.26 ], [ -56.808, -22.25 ], [ -56.831, -22.3 ], [ -57.001, -22.225 ], [ -57.203, -22.21 ], [ -57.243, -22.244 ], [ -57.553, -22.181 ], [ -57.616, -22.096 ], [ -57.803, -22.148 ], [ -57.989, -22.085 ], [ -58.005, -22.032 ], [ -57.919, -21.881 ], [ -57.969, -21.844 ], [ -57.913, -21.793 ], [ -57.947, -21.747 ], [ -57.894, -21.687 ], [ -57.968, -21.528 ], [ -57.855, -21.339 ], [ -57.918, -21.278 ], [ -57.854, -21.226 ], [ -57.866, -21.041 ], [ -57.818, -20.976 ], [ -57.927, -20.897 ], [ -57.855, -20.835 ], [ -57.961, -20.784 ], [ -57.869, -20.736 ], [ -57.923, -20.666 ], [ -57.988, -20.696 ], [ -57.994, -20.448 ], [ -58.082, -20.372 ], [ -58.092, -20.257 ], [ -58.154, -20.264 ], [ -58.125, -20.188 ], [ -58.163, -20.162 ], [ -57.872, -19.979 ], [ -58.134, -19.761 ], [ -57.79, -19.051 ], [ -57.709, -19.034 ], [ -57.757, -18.858 ], [ -57.56, -18.263 ], [ -57.458, -18.228 ], [ -57.568, -18.136 ], [ -57.702, -17.86 ], [ -57.715, -17.735 ], [ -57.785, -17.645 ], [ -57.773, -17.553 ], [ -57.878, -17.463 ], [ -58.003, -17.52 ], [ -58.114, -17.456 ], [ -58.395, -17.197 ], [ -58.421, -16.99 ], [ -58.47, -16.939 ], [ -58.468, -16.702 ], [ -58.442, -16.613 ], [ -58.34, -16.542 ], [ -58.309, -16.27 ], [ -58.471, -16.325 ], [ -60.173, -16.265 ], [ -60.236, -15.476 ], [ -60.565, -15.105 ], [ -60.253, -15.101 ], [ -60.257, -14.624 ], [ -60.338, -14.555 ], [ -60.482, -14.181 ], [ -60.468, -14.092 ], [ -60.378, -13.992 ], [ -60.468, -13.886 ], [ -60.468, -13.801 ], [ -60.793, -13.686 ], [ -60.962, -13.539 ], [ -61.044, -13.541 ], [ -61.028, -13.477 ], [ -61.069, -13.463 ], [ -61.139, -13.521 ], [ -61.249, -13.525 ], [ -61.33, -13.473 ], [ -61.486, -13.554 ], [ -61.578, -13.494 ], [ -61.824, -13.539 ], [ -61.866, -13.443 ], [ -62.108, -13.257 ], [ -62.109, -13.149 ], [ -62.165, -13.112 ], [ -62.368, -13.145 ], [ -62.464, -13.07 ], [ -62.637, -13.041 ], [ -62.674, -12.965 ], [ -62.764, -13.023 ], [ -62.923, -12.854 ], [ -62.996, -12.85 ], [ -63.082, -12.653 ], [ -63.327, -12.705 ], [ -63.482, -12.557 ], [ -63.712, -12.458 ], [ -63.875, -12.469 ], [ -63.937, -12.557 ], [ -64.127, -12.494 ], [ -64.152, -12.529 ], [ -64.215, -12.476 ], [ -64.278, -12.511 ], [ -64.493, -12.366 ], [ -64.486, -12.23 ], [ -64.654, -12.186 ], [ -64.683, -12.099 ], [ -64.725, -12.162 ], [ -64.798, -12.035 ], [ -64.993, -11.999 ], [ -65.048, -11.757 ], [ -65.112, -11.741 ], [ -65.106, -11.697 ], [ -65.135, -11.777 ], [ -65.201, -11.745 ], [ -65.161, -11.622 ], [ -65.218, -11.521 ], [ -65.299, -11.5 ], [ -65.338, -11.392 ], [ -65.31, -11.341 ], [ -65.385, -11.269 ], [ -65.349, -11.239 ], [ -65.391, -11.167 ], [ -65.318, -11.105 ], [ -65.336, -11.044 ], [ -65.269, -10.901 ], [ -65.366, -10.798 ], [ -65.349, -10.671 ], [ -65.426, -10.638 ], [ -65.429, -10.473 ], [ -65.28, -10.218 ], [ -65.327, -9.938 ], [ -65.29, -9.851 ], [ -65.377, -9.698 ], [ -65.488, -9.718 ], [ -65.563, -9.834 ], [ -65.669, -9.779 ], [ -65.7, -9.803 ], [ -65.689, -9.749 ], [ -65.748, -9.77 ], [ -65.777, -9.727 ], [ -65.798, -9.786 ], [ -65.81, -9.75 ], [ -65.86, -9.794 ], [ -65.872, -9.757 ], [ -66.018, -9.807 ], [ -66.064, -9.772 ], [ -66.422, -9.895 ], [ -66.616, -9.893 ], [ -66.623, -9.935 ], [ -66.883, -10.081 ], [ -67.029, -10.254 ], [ -67.186, -10.339 ], [ -67.315, -10.316 ], [ -67.327, -10.374 ], [ -67.414, -10.372 ], [ -67.443, -10.45 ], [ -67.594, -10.523 ], [ -67.715, -10.707 ], [ -68.021, -10.661 ], [ -68.119, -10.726 ], [ -68.283, -10.987 ], [ -68.519, -11.048 ], [ -68.587, -11.11 ], [ -68.769, -11.139 ], [ -68.751, -11.007 ], [ -68.787, -10.99 ], [ -68.871, -11.023 ], [ -69.393, -10.929 ], [ -69.728, -10.973 ], [ -69.938, -10.926 ], [ -70.318, -11.066 ], [ -70.428, -11.033 ], [ -70.508, -10.94 ], [ -70.618, -11.007 ], [ -70.622, -9.847 ], [ -70.522, -9.738 ], [ -70.598, -9.574 ], [ -70.561, -9.579 ], [ -70.497, -9.433 ], [ -70.601, -9.453 ], [ -70.982, -9.812 ], [ -71.131, -9.862 ], [ -71.288, -9.996 ], [ -72.165, -10.002 ], [ -72.16, -9.818 ], [ -72.26, -9.755 ], [ -72.289, -9.536 ], [ -72.364, -9.491 ], [ -72.721, -9.417 ], [ -73.196, -9.418 ], [ -72.965, -9.154 ], [ -72.946, -8.99 ], [ -73.059, -8.904 ], [ -73.169, -8.701 ], [ -73.338, -8.609 ], [ -73.338, -8.476 ], [ -73.526, -8.369 ], [ -73.632, -8.022 ], [ -73.765, -7.94 ], [ -73.777, -7.869 ], [ -73.697, -7.865 ], [ -73.69, -7.79 ], [ -73.985, -7.543 ], [ -73.917, -7.461 ], [ -73.954, -7.348 ], [ -73.868, -7.377 ], [ -73.691, -7.313 ], [ -73.797, -7.115 ], [ -73.743, -6.897 ], [ -73.351, -6.561 ], [ -73.211, -6.53 ], [ -73.133, -6.421 ], [ -73.185, -6.04 ], [ -73.131, -5.986 ], [ -73.116, -5.865 ], [ -72.951, -5.643 ], [ -72.948, -5.454 ], [ -72.872, -5.25 ], [ -72.896, -5.136 ], [ -72.734, -5.043 ], [ -72.602, -5.056 ], [ -72.577, -4.992 ], [ -72.455, -4.962 ], [ -72.452, -4.906 ], [ -72.37, -4.88 ], [ -72.356, -4.803 ], [ -72.292, -4.799 ], [ -72.313, -4.769 ], [ -72.223, -4.78 ], [ -72.113, -4.722 ], [ -72.047, -4.625 ], [ -71.94, -4.607 ], [ -71.897, -4.512 ], [ -71.61, -4.465 ], [ -71.597, -4.525 ], [ -71.535, -4.46 ], [ -71.49, -4.479 ], [ -71.506, -4.435 ], [ -71.414, -4.432 ], [ -71.432, -4.469 ], [ -71.342, -4.423 ], [ -71.355, -4.468 ], [ -71.303, -4.458 ], [ -71.269, -4.381 ], [ -71.198, -4.377 ], [ -71.193, -4.42 ], [ -71.147, -4.375 ], [ -71.031, -4.397 ], [ -70.99, -4.34 ], [ -70.935, -4.381 ], [ -70.757, -4.152 ], [ -70.677, -4.2 ], [ -70.622, -4.121 ], [ -70.633, -4.173 ], [ -70.565, -4.168 ], [ -70.566, -4.205 ], [ -70.553, -4.128 ], [ -70.503, -4.19 ], [ -70.434, -4.125 ], [ -70.341, -4.174 ], [ -70.317, -4.136 ], [ -70.291, -4.283 ], [ -70.249, -4.267 ], [ -70.186, -4.357 ], [ -70.169, -4.27 ], [ -70.101, -4.255 ], [ -70.031, -4.339 ], [ -69.929, -4.213 ], [ -69.453, -1.478 ], [ -69.368, -1.334 ], [ -69.422, -0.998 ], [ -69.508, -0.936 ], [ -69.609, -0.755 ], [ -69.551, -0.648 ], [ -69.593, -0.517 ], [ -69.908, -0.316 ], [ -70.068, -0.135 ], [ -70.037, 0.553 ], [ -69.798, 0.585 ], [ -69.664, 0.672 ], [ -69.606, 0.623 ], [ -69.468, 0.734 ], [ -69.357, 0.621 ], [ -69.295, 0.648 ], [ -69.288, 0.609 ], [ -69.202, 0.602 ], [ -69.112, 0.643 ], [ -69.184, 0.73 ], [ -69.137, 0.868 ], [ -69.257, 1.026 ], [ -69.342, 1.064 ], [ -69.416, 1.024 ], [ -69.7, 1.056 ], [ -69.721, 1.097 ], [ -69.854, 1.07 ], [ -69.855, 1.715 ], [ -69.556, 1.775 ], [ -69.395, 1.726 ], [ -68.128, 1.73 ], [ -68.29, 1.841 ], [ -68.205, 2.038 ], [ -68.027, 1.784 ], [ -67.924, 1.751 ], [ -67.797, 1.812 ], [ -67.578, 2.076 ], [ -67.41, 2.141 ], [ -67.117, 1.732 ], [ -67.068, 1.532 ], [ -67.097, 1.17 ], [ -66.855, 1.228 ], [ -66.322, 0.738 ], [ -66.095, 0.754 ], [ -65.952, 0.81 ], [ -65.854, 0.939 ], [ -65.733, 1.005 ], [ -65.583, 1.008 ], [ -65.47, 0.877 ], [ -65.557, 0.705 ], [ -65.504, 0.627 ], [ -65.393, 0.699 ], [ -65.305, 0.916 ], [ -65.152, 0.943 ], [ -65.121, 1.115 ], [ -65.055, 1.144 ], [ -64.968, 1.112 ], [ -64.903, 1.249 ], [ -64.843, 1.237 ], [ -64.783, 1.313 ], [ -64.721, 1.25 ], [ -64.638, 1.286 ], [ -64.387, 1.527 ], [ -64.344, 1.528 ], [ -64.382, 1.419 ], [ -64.344, 1.38 ], [ -64.186, 1.494 ], [ -64.054, 1.708 ], [ -64.057, 1.933 ], [ -64.018, 1.967 ], [ -63.781, 1.989 ], [ -63.604, 2.124 ], [ -63.419, 2.154 ], [ -63.349, 2.281 ], [ -63.382, 2.442 ], [ -63.756, 2.403 ], [ -64.031, 2.509 ], [ -63.987, 2.772 ], [ -64.216, 3.153 ], [ -64.236, 3.476 ], [ -64.186, 3.634 ], [ -64.324, 3.797 ], [ -64.543, 3.882 ], [ -64.8, 4.224 ], [ -64.79, 4.329 ], [ -64.677, 4.297 ], [ -64.555, 4.153 ], [ -64.135, 4.176 ], [ -63.967, 3.93 ], [ -63.806, 4.019 ], [ -63.623, 4.01 ], [ -63.455, 3.91 ], [ -63.411, 4.026 ], [ -63.358, 4.04 ], [ -63.203, 3.952 ], [ -63.189, 3.872 ], [ -62.86, 3.584 ], [ -62.749, 3.642 ], [ -62.705, 3.724 ], [ -62.752, 4.012 ], [ -62.635, 4.056 ], [ -62.557, 4.02 ], [ -62.46, 4.173 ], [ -62.129, 4.084 ], [ -61.961, 4.18 ], [ -61.927, 4.106 ], [ -61.723, 4.262 ], [ -61.528, 4.273 ], [ -61.507, 4.398 ], [ -61.274, 4.471 ], [ -61.293, 4.55 ], [ -61.141, 4.508 ], [ -60.952, 4.549 ], [ -60.907, 4.708 ], [ -60.731, 4.777 ], [ -60.59, 4.951 ], [ -60.744, 5.209 ], [ -60.438, 5.177 ], [ -60.203, 5.265 ], [ -60.176, 5.227 ], [ -60.121, 5.243 ], [ -60.085, 5.149 ], [ -59.969, 5.073 ], [ -60.03, 4.704 ], [ -60.163, 4.521 ], [ -59.927, 4.509 ], [ -59.674, 4.382 ], [ -59.726, 4.191 ], [ -59.628, 4.138 ], [ -59.655, 4.078 ], [ -59.516, 3.94 ], [ -59.581, 3.901 ], [ -59.594, 3.796 ], [ -59.666, 3.777 ], [ -59.664, 3.703 ], [ -59.849, 3.601 ], [ -59.799, 3.355 ], [ -59.909, 3.197 ], [ -59.982, 2.929 ], [ -59.99, 2.683 ], [ -59.903, 2.479 ], [ -59.91, 2.388 ], [ -59.724, 2.277 ], [ -59.754, 1.861 ], [ -59.654, 1.849 ], [ -59.669, 1.764 ], [ -59.549, 1.729 ], [ -59.253, 1.397 ], [ -58.914, 1.299 ], [ -58.904, 1.234 ], [ -58.804, 1.175 ], [ -58.696, 1.288 ], [ -58.507, 1.264 ], [ -58.468, 1.318 ], [ -58.498, 1.458 ], [ -58.382, 1.471 ], [ -58.325, 1.59 ], [ -58.167, 1.558 ], [ -58.13, 1.501 ], [ -58.009, 1.501 ], [ -58, 1.665 ], [ -57.919, 1.645 ], [ -57.77, 1.718 ], [ -57.545, 1.701 ], [ -57.434, 1.895 ], [ -57.302, 1.99 ], [ -57.247, 1.944 ], [ -57.085, 2.021 ], [ -57.012, 1.918 ], [ -56.8, 1.864 ], [ -56.724, 1.92 ], [ -56.454, 1.945 ], [ -55.957, 1.844 ], [ -55.906, 1.889 ], [ -55.913, 2.041 ], [ -56.048, 2.226 ], [ -56.134, 2.263 ], [ -56.09, 2.352 ], [ -55.995, 2.405 ], [ -55.987, 2.517 ], [ -55.948, 2.532 ], [ -55.739, 2.401 ], [ -55.481, 2.443 ], [ -55.37, 2.407 ], [ -55.336, 2.516 ], [ -55.239, 2.495 ], [ -55.137, 2.575 ], [ -55.103, 2.522 ], [ -54.94, 2.632 ], [ -54.969, 2.555 ], [ -54.864, 2.439 ], [ -54.72, 2.469 ], [ -54.702, 2.336 ], [ -54.549, 2.336 ], [ -54.534, 2.268 ], [ -54.314, 2.158 ], [ -54.189, 2.179 ], [ -54.111, 2.127 ], [ -54.078, 2.197 ], [ -53.784, 2.364 ], [ -53.694, 2.287 ], [ -53.472, 2.332 ], [ -53.397, 2.272 ], [ -53.273, 2.292 ], [ -53.188, 2.223 ], [ -52.905, 2.19 ], [ -52.853, 2.285 ], [ -52.673, 2.374 ], [ -52.555, 2.523 ], [ -52.556, 2.646 ], [ -52.382, 2.912 ], [ -52.347, 3.134 ], [ -52.192, 3.296 ], [ -51.92, 3.781 ], [ -51.795, 3.89 ], [ -51.754, 3.996 ], [ -51.658, 4.049 ], [ -51.585, 4.241 ], [ -51.529, 4.171 ], [ -51.545, 4.397 ], [ -51.202, 4.084 ], [ -51.173, 3.767 ], [ -51.127, 3.911 ], [ -51.085, 3.895 ], [ -51.051, 3.283 ], [ -50.913, 2.875 ], [ -50.927, 2.807 ], [ -50.816, 2.644 ], [ -50.851, 2.482 ], [ -50.802, 2.508 ], [ -50.736, 2.414 ], [ -50.765, 2.359 ], [ -50.694, 2.276 ], [ -50.725, 2.252 ], [ -50.675, 2.247 ], [ -50.682, 2.137 ], [ -50.584, 2.091 ], [ -50.586, 2.014 ], [ -50.471, 1.82 ], [ -50.194, 1.794 ], [ -49.954, 1.676 ], [ -49.88, 1.419 ], [ -49.918, 1.289 ], [ -50.073, 1.204 ], [ -49.918, 1.232 ], [ -49.939, 1.103 ], [ -50.003, 1.066 ], [ -50.033, 1.107 ], [ -50.131, 0.949 ], [ -50.274, 0.866 ], [ -50.338, 0.729 ], [ -50.417, 0.685 ], [ -50.455, 0.732 ], [ -50.428, 0.679 ], [ -50.571, 0.424 ], [ -50.691, 0.3 ], [ -50.677, 0.365 ], [ -50.746, 0.227 ], [ -50.801, 0.224 ], [ -50.785, 0.183 ], [ -50.908, 0.171 ], [ -51.087, -0.043 ], [ -51.203, -0.055 ], [ -51.419, -0.412 ], [ -51.409, -0.44 ], [ -51.325, -0.364 ], [ -51.188, -0.14 ], [ -51.111, -0.154 ], [ -51.154, -0.284 ], [ -51.396, -0.493 ], [ -51.243, -0.443 ], [ -51.26, -0.5 ], [ -51.165, -0.431 ], [ -50.953, -0.061 ], [ -50.824, -0.048 ], [ -50.705, 0.002 ], [ -50.613, -0.088 ], [ -50.744, -0.244 ], [ -50.751, -0.429 ], [ -50.845, -0.526 ], [ -50.988, -0.583 ], [ -51.051, -0.682 ], [ -50.826, -0.555 ], [ -50.794, -0.666 ], [ -50.733, -0.557 ], [ -50.684, -0.604 ], [ -50.724, -0.493 ], [ -50.652, -0.276 ], [ -50.409, -0.094 ], [ -49.631, -0.247 ], [ -49.446, -0.23 ], [ -49.289, -0.145 ], [ -49.018, -0.16 ], [ -49, -0.139 ], [ -48.895, -0.224 ], [ -48.539, -0.234 ], [ -48.363, -0.303 ], [ -48.459, -0.513 ], [ -48.522, -0.877 ], [ -48.667, -1.002 ], [ -48.621, -1.005 ], [ -48.65, -1.048 ], [ -48.617, -1.053 ], [ -48.721, -1.137 ], [ -48.837, -1.452 ], [ -49.161, -1.575 ], [ -49.182, -1.623 ], [ -49.362, -1.604 ], [ -49.364, -1.642 ], [ -49.448, -1.637 ], [ -49.5, -1.738 ], [ -49.61, -1.718 ], [ -49.676, -1.78 ], [ -49.696, -1.757 ], [ -49.714, -1.76 ], [ -49.803, -1.822 ], [ -50.035, -1.717 ], [ -50.179, -1.787 ], [ -50.256, -1.776 ], [ -50.415, -1.841 ], [ -50.401, -1.935 ], [ -49.994, -1.819 ], [ -49.844, -1.905 ], [ -49.765, -1.898 ], [ -49.616, -1.79 ], [ -49.276, -1.706 ], [ -49.267, -1.778 ], [ -49.387, -1.977 ], [ -49.383, -2.159 ], [ -48.973, -1.594 ], [ -48.897, -1.573 ], [ -48.955, -1.712 ], [ -48.932, -1.75 ], [ -48.898, -1.743 ], [ -48.656, -1.371 ], [ -48.592, -1.429 ], [ -48.601, -1.306 ], [ -48.524, -1.338 ], [ -48.537, -1.467 ], [ -48.496, -1.553 ], [ -48.491, -1.502 ], [ -48.46, -1.533 ], [ -48.374, -1.511 ], [ -48.319, -1.478 ], [ -48.505, -1.471 ], [ -48.422, -1.168 ], [ -48.475, -1.144 ], [ -48.4, -1.066 ], [ -48.278, -1.111 ], [ -48.304, -0.948 ], [ -48.055, -0.668 ], [ -48.001, -0.731 ], [ -47.893, -0.553 ], [ -47.843, -0.616 ], [ -47.807, -0.547 ], [ -47.702, -0.54 ], [ -47.707, -0.59 ], [ -47.667, -0.569 ], [ -47.633, -0.608 ], [ -47.651, -0.694 ], [ -47.608, -0.684 ], [ -47.577, -0.573 ], [ -47.476, -0.757 ], [ -47.398, -0.76 ], [ -47.428, -0.693 ], [ -47.464, -0.687 ], [ -47.466, -0.594 ], [ -47.399, -0.594 ], [ -47.4, -0.645 ], [ -47.298, -0.589 ], [ -47.253, -0.668 ], [ -47.247, -0.623 ], [ -47.206, -0.633 ], [ -47.23, -0.719 ], [ -47.158, -0.678 ], [ -47.191, -0.754 ], [ -47.146, -0.764 ], [ -47.16, -0.815 ], [ -47.081, -0.661 ], [ -47.055, -0.868 ], [ -47.027, -0.784 ], [ -46.983, -0.806 ], [ -47.016, -0.752 ], [ -46.967, -0.694 ], [ -46.969, -0.78 ], [ -46.891, -0.869 ], [ -46.89, -0.789 ], [ -46.846, -0.799 ], [ -46.82, -0.71 ], [ -46.802, -0.877 ], [ -46.777, -0.905 ], [ -46.75, -0.826 ], [ -46.709, -0.86 ], [ -46.734, -0.944 ], [ -46.687, -0.831 ], [ -46.653, -0.882 ], [ -46.621, -0.818 ], [ -46.601, -0.917 ], [ -46.676, -0.965 ], [ -46.622, -0.987 ], [ -46.57, -0.947 ], [ -46.609, -1.03 ], [ -46.57, -0.988 ], [ -46.525, -1.027 ], [ -46.465, -1.007 ], [ -46.47, -1.044 ], [ -46.395, -1.037 ], [ -46.413, -1.084 ], [ -46.348, -0.982 ], [ -46.36, -1.011 ], [ -46.366, -1.031 ], [ -46.348, -1.079 ], [ -46.339, -1.015 ], [ -46.299, -1.05 ], [ -46.212, -0.946 ], [ -46.242, -0.921 ], [ -46.179, -0.914 ], [ -46.224, -1.053 ], [ -46.206, -1.1 ], [ -46.158, -1.014 ], [ -46.138, -1.032 ], [ -46.193, -1.143 ], [ -46.104, -1.067 ], [ -46.062, -1.133 ], [ -46.15, -1.258 ], [ -45.982, -1.071 ], [ -45.953, -1.147 ], [ -46, -1.151 ], [ -46, -1.199 ], [ -45.95, -1.159 ], [ -45.95, -1.207 ], [ -46, -1.209 ], [ -45.95, -1.25 ], [ -45.902, -1.134 ], [ -45.923, -1.214 ], [ -45.882, -1.167 ], [ -45.873, -1.211 ], [ -45.909, -1.261 ], [ -45.859, -1.231 ], [ -45.891, -1.293 ], [ -45.807, -1.176 ], [ -45.843, -1.301 ], [ -45.809, -1.328 ], [ -45.831, -1.298 ], [ -45.782, -1.278 ], [ -45.726, -1.135 ], [ -45.69, -1.452 ], [ -45.697, -1.38 ], [ -45.632, -1.371 ], [ -45.618, -1.279 ], [ -45.589, -1.329 ], [ -45.537, -1.273 ], [ -45.561, -1.343 ], [ -45.51, -1.352 ], [ -45.567, -1.404 ], [ -45.546, -1.432 ], [ -45.413, -1.296 ], [ -45.489, -1.473 ], [ -45.511, -1.458 ], [ -45.554, -1.503 ], [ -45.507, -1.471 ], [ -45.518, -1.516 ], [ -45.481, -1.495 ], [ -45.463, -1.548 ], [ -45.457, -1.457 ], [ -45.391, -1.434 ], [ -45.363, -1.325 ], [ -45.323, -1.319 ], [ -45.302, -1.424 ], [ -45.392, -1.485 ], [ -45.398, -1.503 ], [ -45.356, -1.487 ], [ -45.392, -1.553 ], [ -45.338, -1.572 ], [ -45.371, -1.722 ], [ -45.338, -1.753 ], [ -45.197, -1.688 ], [ -45.261, -1.607 ], [ -45.16, -1.475 ], [ -45.136, -1.521 ], [ -45.072, -1.435 ], [ -45.07, -1.485 ], [ -44.999, -1.504 ], [ -45.018, -1.547 ], [ -44.969, -1.549 ], [ -45.029, -1.583 ], [ -45.029, -1.602 ], [ -44.979, -1.607 ], [ -44.954, -1.498 ], [ -44.862, -1.426 ], [ -44.857, -1.498 ], [ -44.954, -1.605 ], [ -44.918, -1.649 ], [ -44.968, -1.662 ], [ -44.913, -1.657 ], [ -44.927, -1.62 ], [ -44.886, -1.609 ], [ -44.837, -1.65 ], [ -44.822, -1.591 ], [ -44.826, -1.637 ], [ -44.805, -1.609 ], [ -44.812, -1.665 ], [ -44.779, -1.735 ], [ -44.711, -1.728 ], [ -44.82, -1.819 ], [ -44.738, -1.791 ], [ -44.706, -1.819 ], [ -44.676, -1.808 ], [ -44.661, -1.727 ], [ -44.604, -1.749 ], [ -44.667, -1.849 ], [ -44.601, -1.858 ], [ -44.583, -1.817 ], [ -44.586, -1.873 ], [ -44.543, -1.833 ], [ -44.601, -1.909 ], [ -44.517, -1.907 ], [ -44.484, -2.002 ], [ -44.613, -2.037 ], [ -44.467, -2.017 ], [ -44.626, -2.151 ], [ -44.589, -2.159 ], [ -44.641, -2.232 ], [ -44.708, -2.23 ], [ -44.684, -2.275 ], [ -44.764, -2.265 ], [ -44.654, -2.294 ], [ -44.681, -2.354 ], [ -44.649, -2.373 ], [ -44.666, -2.329 ], [ -44.479, -2.137 ], [ -44.358, -2.335 ], [ -44.401, -2.416 ], [ -44.514, -2.384 ], [ -44.55, -2.4 ], [ -44.491, -2.415 ], [ -44.514, -2.448 ], [ -44.505, -2.476 ], [ -44.665, -2.608 ], [ -44.548, -2.542 ], [ -44.658, -2.781 ], [ -44.688, -2.924 ], [ -44.677, -3.019 ], [ -44.66, -3.02 ], [ -44.657, -3.018 ] ], [ [ -43.318, -2.361 ], [ -43.317, -2.363 ], [ -43.296, -2.363 ], [ -43.318, -2.361 ] ], [ [ -42.438, -2.747 ], [ -42.442, -2.749 ], [ -42.438, -2.75 ], [ -42.438, -2.747 ] ], [ [ -42.442, -2.749 ], [ -42.47, -2.744 ], [ -42.447, -2.753 ], [ -42.442, -2.749 ] ], [ [ -50.851, 2.482 ], [ -50.853, 2.481 ], [ -50.853, 2.48 ], [ -50.851, 2.482 ] ], [ [ -50.853, 2.481 ], [ -50.86, 2.495 ], [ -50.86, 2.477 ], [ -50.853, 2.481 ] ], [ [ -49.976, 1.659 ], [ -49.98, 1.659 ], [ -50, 1.639 ], [ -49.976, 1.659 ] ], [ [ -45.392, -1.553 ], [ -45.393, -1.553 ], [ -45.394, -1.556 ], [ -45.392, -1.553 ] ], [ [ -45.394, -1.556 ], [ -45.406, -1.579 ], [ -45.403, -1.591 ], [ -45.394, -1.556 ] ], [ [ -44.837, -1.65 ], [ -44.834, -1.655 ], [ -44.833, -1.654 ], [ -44.837, -1.65 ] ], [ [ -44.834, -1.655 ], [ -44.841, -1.675 ], [ -44.822, -1.672 ], [ -44.834, -1.655 ] ], [ [ -44.779, -1.735 ], [ -44.777, -1.741 ], [ -44.776, -1.74 ], [ -44.779, -1.735 ] ], [ [ -44.777, -1.741 ], [ -44.833, -1.77 ], [ -44.774, -1.75 ], [ -44.777, -1.741 ] ], [ [ -44.547, -2.22 ], [ -44.536, -2.225 ], [ -44.543, -2.219 ], [ -44.547, -2.22 ] ], [ [ -44.536, -2.225 ], [ -44.507, -2.249 ], [ -44.512, -2.235 ], [ -44.536, -2.225 ] ], [ [ -44.507, -2.249 ], [ -44.504, -2.256 ], [ -44.501, -2.254 ], [ -44.507, -2.249 ] ], [ [ -44.504, -2.256 ], [ -44.514, -2.268 ], [ -44.502, -2.26 ], [ -44.504, -2.256 ] ] ], [ [ [ -29.34, -20.484 ], [ -29.301, -20.521 ], [ -29.341, -20.511 ], [ -29.34, -20.484 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.001, -13.94 ], [ -39.012, -13.915 ], [ -38.994, -13.896 ], [ -39.001, -13.94 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.043, -13.909 ], [ -39.059, -13.904 ], [ -39.054, -13.886 ], [ -39.028, -13.903 ], [ -39.043, -13.909 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.251, -18.015 ], [ -39.283, -18.005 ], [ -39.272, -17.982 ], [ -39.245, -18.006 ], [ -39.251, -18.015 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.131, -17.927 ], [ -39.154, -17.921 ], [ -39.137, -17.91 ], [ -39.131, -17.927 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.212, -17.986 ], [ -39.228, -17.979 ], [ -39.215, -17.944 ], [ -39.202, -17.95 ], [ -39.212, -17.986 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.341, -23.231 ], [ -44.372, -23.174 ], [ -44.232, -23.089 ], [ -44.087, -23.173 ], [ -44.3, -23.184 ], [ -44.341, -23.231 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.356, -23.073 ], [ -44.388, -23.048 ], [ -44.373, -23.033 ], [ -44.343, -23.041 ], [ -44.356, -23.073 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.929, -23.014 ], [ -43.936, -22.999 ], [ -43.916, -22.989 ], [ -43.929, -23.014 ] ] ], [ [ [ -42.002, -23.018 ], [ -42.015, -23.003 ], [ -41.98, -22.975 ], [ -41.975, -22.992 ], [ -42.002, -23.018 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.904, -22.962 ], [ -43.907, -22.936 ], [ -43.868, -22.926 ], [ -43.871, -22.95 ], [ -43.904, -22.962 ] ] ], [ [ [ -41.042, -21.613 ], [ -41.042, -21.6 ], [ -41.019, -21.606 ], [ -41.042, -21.613 ] ] ], [ [ [ -52.112, -32 ], [ -52.18, -32.035 ], [ -52.216, -32.025 ], [ -52.198, -31.978 ], [ -52.112, -32 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.641, -30.388 ], [ -50.629, -30.394 ], [ -50.624, -30.329 ], [ -50.592, -30.399 ], [ -50.609, -30.406 ], [ -50.641, -30.388 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.526, -27.462 ], [ -48.416, -27.38 ], [ -48.358, -27.446 ], [ -48.503, -27.799 ], [ -48.559, -27.842 ], [ -48.526, -27.462 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.354, -27.296 ], [ -48.376, -27.285 ], [ -48.373, -27.271 ], [ -48.36, -27.27 ], [ -48.354, -27.296 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.731, -26.314 ], [ -48.754, -26.297 ], [ -48.735, -26.282 ], [ -48.731, -26.314 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.318, -25.584 ], [ -48.309, -25.546 ], [ -48.381, -25.504 ], [ -48.312, -25.509 ], [ -48.292, -25.545 ], [ -48.318, -25.584 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.414, -25.544 ], [ -48.459, -25.514 ], [ -48.415, -25.527 ], [ -48.414, -25.544 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.424, -25.551 ], [ -48.479, -25.523 ], [ -48.485, -25.502 ], [ -48.424, -25.551 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.298, -25.493 ], [ -48.341, -25.416 ], [ -48.252, -25.341 ], [ -48.265, -25.44 ], [ -48.253, -25.466 ], [ -48.298, -25.493 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.417, -25.386 ], [ -48.424, -25.343 ], [ -48.405, -25.33 ], [ -48.417, -25.386 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.695, -24.112 ], [ -45.688, -24.088 ], [ -45.679, -24.098 ], [ -45.695, -24.112 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.251, -23.962 ], [ -45.301, -23.909 ], [ -45.453, -23.91 ], [ -45.332, -23.721 ], [ -45.227, -23.774 ], [ -45.224, -23.835 ], [ -45.283, -23.857 ], [ -45.221, -23.899 ], [ -45.251, -23.962 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.141, -23.817 ], [ -45.146, -23.791 ], [ -45.114, -23.801 ], [ -45.141, -23.817 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.153, -23.573 ], [ -45.153, -23.558 ], [ -45.141, -23.568 ], [ -45.153, -23.573 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.073, -23.564 ], [ -45.079, -23.525 ], [ -45.036, -23.531 ], [ -45.073, -23.564 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.608, -23.228 ], [ -44.59, -23.208 ], [ -44.577, -23.216 ], [ -44.608, -23.228 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.648, -12.821 ], [ -38.666, -12.777 ], [ -38.624, -12.762 ], [ -38.648, -12.821 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.529, -12.811 ], [ -38.544, -12.757 ], [ -38.532, -12.74 ], [ -38.508, -12.792 ], [ -38.529, -12.811 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.622, -12.752 ], [ -38.622, -12.727 ], [ -38.593, -12.733 ], [ -38.622, -12.752 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.646, -12.683 ], [ -38.648, -12.65 ], [ -38.636, -12.661 ], [ -38.646, -12.683 ] ] ], [ [ [ -32.402, -3.838 ], [ -32.428, -3.877 ], [ -32.483, -3.878 ], [ -32.402, -3.838 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.667, -3.179 ], [ -44.668, -3.16 ], [ -44.643, -3.148 ], [ -44.644, -3.17 ], [ -44.667, -3.179 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.671, -2.943 ], [ -44.67, -2.92 ], [ -44.647, -2.915 ], [ -44.671, -2.943 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.493, -2.641 ], [ -44.48, -2.601 ], [ -44.477, -2.627 ], [ -44.493, -2.641 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.897, -2.573 ], [ -43.896, -2.554 ], [ -43.886, -2.565 ], [ -43.897, -2.573 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.599, -2.503 ], [ -43.577, -2.471 ], [ -43.572, -2.483 ], [ -43.599, -2.503 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.822, -2.526 ], [ -43.829, -2.509 ], [ -43.813, -2.458 ], [ -43.812, -2.553 ], [ -43.82, -2.528 ], [ -43.822, -2.526 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.821, -2.529 ], [ -43.856, -2.502 ], [ -43.832, -2.439 ], [ -43.842, -2.504 ], [ -43.821, -2.529 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.863, -2.56 ], [ -43.875, -2.552 ], [ -43.865, -2.534 ], [ -43.863, -2.56 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.519, -2.536 ], [ -44.529, -2.526 ], [ -44.501, -2.48 ], [ -44.505, -2.444 ], [ -44.455, -2.434 ], [ -44.519, -2.536 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.602, -3.007 ], [ -44.657, -2.972 ], [ -44.613, -2.894 ], [ -44.575, -2.921 ], [ -44.602, -3.007 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.585, -2.978 ], [ -44.563, -2.914 ], [ -44.586, -2.826 ], [ -44.494, -2.705 ], [ -44.494, -2.953 ], [ -44.582, -3.041 ], [ -44.585, -2.978 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.826, -2.434 ], [ -43.842, -2.403 ], [ -43.811, -2.385 ], [ -43.807, -2.412 ], [ -43.826, -2.434 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.581, -2.441 ], [ -43.615, -2.389 ], [ -43.549, -2.377 ], [ -43.545, -2.403 ], [ -43.581, -2.441 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.791, -2.47 ], [ -43.806, -2.443 ], [ -43.78, -2.422 ], [ -43.759, -2.448 ], [ -43.791, -2.47 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.513, -2.424 ], [ -43.537, -2.416 ], [ -43.522, -2.39 ], [ -43.505, -2.414 ], [ -43.513, -2.424 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.792, -2.405 ], [ -43.798, -2.377 ], [ -43.771, -2.37 ], [ -43.792, -2.405 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.689, -2.355 ], [ -43.743, -2.352 ], [ -43.724, -2.305 ], [ -43.617, -2.253 ], [ -43.612, -2.275 ], [ -43.669, -2.301 ], [ -43.689, -2.355 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.73, -2.425 ], [ -43.732, -2.364 ], [ -43.67, -2.377 ], [ -43.681, -2.34 ], [ -43.63, -2.324 ], [ -43.643, -2.394 ], [ -43.73, -2.425 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.473, -2.125 ], [ -44.487, -2.113 ], [ -44.475, -2.096 ], [ -44.463, -2.104 ], [ -44.473, -2.125 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.456, -2.031 ], [ -44.447, -2.008 ], [ -44.439, -2.022 ], [ -44.456, -2.031 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.311, -1.964 ], [ -49.336, -1.996 ], [ -49.309, -1.943 ], [ -49.311, -1.964 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.323, -2.054 ], [ -49.329, -2.019 ], [ -49.316, -2.001 ], [ -49.323, -2.054 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.231, -1.829 ], [ -50.246, -1.824 ], [ -50.229, -1.816 ], [ -50.231, -1.829 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.615, -1.821 ], [ -44.622, -1.797 ], [ -44.597, -1.774 ], [ -44.583, -1.789 ], [ -44.615, -1.821 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.7, -1.811 ], [ -44.703, -1.78 ], [ -44.673, -1.78 ], [ -44.7, -1.811 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.691, -1.793 ], [ -49.721, -1.789 ], [ -49.719, -1.771 ], [ -49.697, -1.766 ], [ -49.691, -1.793 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.924, -1.711 ], [ -48.909, -1.713 ], [ -48.916, -1.734 ], [ -48.935, -1.713 ], [ -48.924, -1.711 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.757, -1.707 ], [ -44.767, -1.694 ], [ -44.736, -1.701 ], [ -44.757, -1.707 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.433, -1.684 ], [ -49.454, -1.706 ], [ -49.46, -1.684 ], [ -49.433, -1.684 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.357, -1.008 ], [ -46.342, -0.994 ], [ -46.353, -1.026 ], [ -46.357, -1.008 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.205, -1.021 ], [ -46.194, -1.014 ], [ -46.202, -1.032 ], [ -46.205, -1.021 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.662, -3.018 ], [ -44.673, -3.012 ], [ -44.664, -3.001 ], [ -44.649, -3.013 ], [ -44.662, -3.018 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.736, -1.683 ], [ -44.745, -1.677 ], [ -44.732, -1.668 ], [ -44.736, -1.683 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.231, -1.638 ], [ -49.237, -1.627 ], [ -49.217, -1.633 ], [ -49.231, -1.638 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.38, -1.685 ], [ -49.4, -1.682 ], [ -49.368, -1.669 ], [ -49.38, -1.685 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.426, -1.673 ], [ -49.429, -1.661 ], [ -49.406, -1.66 ], [ -49.426, -1.673 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.34, -1.672 ], [ -49.358, -1.662 ], [ -49.325, -1.647 ], [ -49.34, -1.672 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.289, -1.726 ], [ -45.305, -1.663 ], [ -45.257, -1.641 ], [ -45.244, -1.678 ], [ -45.28, -1.694 ], [ -45.289, -1.726 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.328, -1.743 ], [ -45.346, -1.719 ], [ -45.301, -1.596 ], [ -45.274, -1.635 ], [ -45.313, -1.654 ], [ -45.328, -1.743 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.886, -1.578 ], [ -48.89, -1.56 ], [ -48.859, -1.536 ], [ -48.856, -1.553 ], [ -48.886, -1.578 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.783, -1.682 ], [ -44.8, -1.595 ], [ -44.775, -1.62 ], [ -44.721, -1.567 ], [ -44.704, -1.611 ], [ -44.684, -1.575 ], [ -44.668, -1.669 ], [ -44.693, -1.638 ], [ -44.783, -1.682 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.816, -1.569 ], [ -44.837, -1.534 ], [ -44.787, -1.488 ], [ -44.825, -1.534 ], [ -44.816, -1.569 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.462, -1.517 ], [ -48.478, -1.499 ], [ -48.421, -1.503 ], [ -48.462, -1.517 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.793, -1.531 ], [ -44.774, -1.47 ], [ -44.763, -1.513 ], [ -44.793, -1.531 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.414, -1.427 ], [ -45.423, -1.416 ], [ -45.409, -1.405 ], [ -45.414, -1.427 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45, -1.296 ], [ -44.922, -1.265 ], [ -44.877, -1.309 ], [ -44.895, -1.34 ], [ -44.922, -1.305 ], [ -44.907, -1.341 ], [ -44.999, -1.405 ], [ -45.033, -1.339 ], [ -45, -1.32 ], [ -44.995, -1.36 ], [ -45, -1.296 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.044, -1.402 ], [ -45.07, -1.33 ], [ -45.052, -1.342 ], [ -45.044, -1.402 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.333, -1.569 ], [ -45.371, -1.544 ], [ -45.347, -1.489 ], [ -45.313, -1.506 ], [ -45.333, -1.569 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.969, -1.522 ], [ -44.976, -1.493 ], [ -44.959, -1.483 ], [ -44.969, -1.522 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.393, -1.512 ], [ -48.371, -1.476 ], [ -48.341, -1.483 ], [ -48.393, -1.512 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.413, -1.498 ], [ -48.426, -1.491 ], [ -48.387, -1.476 ], [ -48.413, -1.498 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.118, -1.47 ], [ -45.132, -1.462 ], [ -45.115, -1.364 ], [ -45.103, -1.373 ], [ -45.118, -1.47 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.593, -1.251 ], [ -45.581, -1.19 ], [ -45.536, -1.205 ], [ -45.532, -1.231 ], [ -45.593, -1.251 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.559, -1.243 ], [ -48.56, -1.202 ], [ -48.523, -1.199 ], [ -48.559, -1.243 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.817, -1.163 ], [ -45.829, -1.141 ], [ -45.804, -1.127 ], [ -45.817, -1.163 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.877, -1.154 ], [ -45.9, -1.117 ], [ -45.883, -1.073 ], [ -45.849, -1.123 ], [ -45.877, -1.154 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.192, -1.05 ], [ -46.201, -1.041 ], [ -46.185, -1.027 ], [ -46.192, -1.05 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.291, -1.01 ], [ -46.307, -0.992 ], [ -46.306, -0.961 ], [ -46.291, -1.01 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.078, -1.095 ], [ -46.065, -1.05 ], [ -46.061, -1.074 ], [ -46.078, -1.095 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.68, -1.295 ], [ -45.687, -1.275 ], [ -45.667, -1.26 ], [ -45.654, -1.285 ], [ -45.68, -1.295 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.538, -1.282 ], [ -48.549, -1.262 ], [ -48.53, -1.25 ], [ -48.538, -1.282 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.51, -1.27 ], [ -48.522, -1.247 ], [ -48.506, -1.236 ], [ -48.51, -1.27 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.694, -1.37 ], [ -45.646, -1.289 ], [ -45.625, -1.126 ], [ -45.634, -1.349 ], [ -45.694, -1.37 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.688, -1.266 ], [ -45.708, -1.228 ], [ -45.685, -1.194 ], [ -45.664, -1.231 ], [ -45.688, -1.266 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.425, -0.914 ], [ -46.454, -0.907 ], [ -46.408, -0.868 ], [ -46.395, -0.899 ], [ -46.425, -0.914 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.72, -0.848 ], [ -46.735, -0.832 ], [ -46.729, -0.796 ], [ -46.72, -0.848 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.611, -0.799 ], [ -46.622, -0.784 ], [ -46.601, -0.789 ], [ -46.611, -0.799 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.586, -0.849 ], [ -46.621, -0.807 ], [ -46.589, -0.815 ], [ -46.586, -0.849 ] ] ], [ [ [ -47.447, -0.748 ], [ -47.453, -0.732 ], [ -47.436, -0.717 ], [ -47.428, -0.738 ], [ -47.447, -0.748 ] ] ], [ [ [ -47.461, -0.741 ], [ -47.463, -0.702 ], [ -47.445, -0.697 ], [ -47.461, -0.741 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.214, -0.411 ], [ -51.211, -0.386 ], [ -51.164, -0.347 ], [ -51.163, -0.383 ], [ -51.214, -0.411 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.352, -0.353 ], [ -51.346, -0.31 ], [ -51.317, -0.268 ], [ -51.327, -0.33 ], [ -51.352, -0.353 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.127, -0.268 ], [ -51.131, -0.237 ], [ -51.091, -0.208 ], [ -51.087, -0.229 ], [ -51.127, -0.268 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.888, -0.198 ], [ -48.91, -0.188 ], [ -48.893, -0.134 ], [ -48.847, -0.177 ], [ -48.888, -0.198 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.174, -0.091 ], [ -51.191, -0.064 ], [ -51.126, -0.057 ], [ -51.174, -0.091 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.114, -0.146 ], [ -49.097, -0.121 ], [ -49.08, -0.13 ], [ -49.114, -0.146 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.166, -0.142 ], [ -49.188, -0.115 ], [ -49.156, -0.128 ], [ -49.166, -0.142 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.119, -0.141 ], [ -49.143, -0.107 ], [ -49.114, -0.11 ], [ -49.119, -0.141 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.127, -0.128 ], [ -51.094, -0.103 ], [ -51.108, -0.127 ], [ -51.127, -0.128 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.414, -0.999 ], [ -46.384, -0.941 ], [ -46.367, -0.948 ], [ -46.414, -0.999 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.647, -0.97 ], [ -46.658, -0.968 ], [ -46.618, -0.957 ], [ -46.647, -0.97 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.488, -0.942 ], [ -46.465, -0.877 ], [ -46.464, -0.924 ], [ -46.44, -0.922 ], [ -46.482, -0.976 ], [ -46.441, -0.999 ], [ -46.525, -1.016 ], [ -46.527, -0.917 ], [ -46.509, -0.984 ], [ -46.488, -0.942 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.632, 0.159 ], [ -49.662, 0.184 ], [ -49.629, 0.202 ], [ -49.61, 0.181 ], [ -49.632, 0.159 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.641, 0.26 ], [ -50.63, 0.293 ], [ -50.586, 0.308 ], [ -50.641, 0.26 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.2, 0.255 ], [ -50.243, 0.248 ], [ -50.147, 0.337 ], [ -50.059, 0.346 ], [ -50.2, 0.255 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.417, 0.159 ], [ -50.535, 0.234 ], [ -50.36, 0.615 ], [ -50.328, 0.383 ], [ -50.285, 0.3 ], [ -50.413, 0.237 ], [ -50.417, 0.159 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.279, 0.338 ], [ -50.271, 0.599 ], [ -50.147, 0.608 ], [ -50.142, 0.576 ], [ -50.107, 0.636 ], [ -50.063, 0.623 ], [ -50.05, 0.518 ], [ -50.279, 0.338 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50, 0.943 ], [ -50.113, 0.907 ], [ -50.018, 1.034 ], [ -49.935, 1.069 ], [ -49.939, 0.996 ], [ -50, 0.943 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.881, 1.227 ], [ -49.909, 1.246 ], [ -49.886, 1.244 ], [ -49.881, 1.227 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.907, 1.278 ], [ -49.885, 1.291 ], [ -49.863, 1.278 ], [ -49.876, 1.252 ], [ -49.907, 1.278 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.204, 1.851 ], [ -50.232, 1.879 ], [ -50.22, 1.915 ], [ -50.169, 1.865 ], [ -50.204, 1.851 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.468, 1.954 ], [ -50.521, 2.026 ], [ -50.497, 2.139 ], [ -50.398, 2.167 ], [ -50.367, 2.19 ], [ -50.276, 1.939 ], [ -50.423, 1.849 ], [ -50.468, 1.954 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.504, 2.255 ], [ -50.414, 2.244 ], [ -50.382, 2.204 ], [ -50.489, 2.15 ], [ -50.564, 2.205 ], [ -50.504, 2.255 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.229, 0.832 ], [ -50.098, 0.839 ], [ -50.027, 0.898 ], [ -50.105, 0.757 ], [ -50.162, 0.775 ], [ -50.249, 0.72 ], [ -50.229, 0.832 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.131, 0.844 ], [ -50.162, 0.867 ], [ -50.132, 0.9 ], [ -50.119, 0.854 ], [ -50.131, 0.844 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.108, 0.85 ], [ -50.111, 0.891 ], [ -50.049, 0.886 ], [ -50.108, 0.85 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.216, -0.055 ], [ -50.235, -0.042 ], [ -50.219, -0.04 ], [ -50.216, -0.055 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.916, -0.052 ], [ -50.926, -0.047 ], [ -50.907, -0.043 ], [ -50.916, -0.052 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.605, -0.061 ], [ -50.618, -0.022 ], [ -50.559, -0.038 ], [ -50.605, -0.061 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.399, -0.061 ], [ -50.44, -0.057 ], [ -50.378, -0.015 ], [ -50.357, -0.049 ], [ -50.399, -0.061 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.75, 0 ], [ -49.609, 0.08 ], [ -49.474, 0.081 ], [ -49.338, -0.017 ], [ -49.487, -0.136 ], [ -49.723, -0.147 ], [ -49.835, -0.088 ], [ -49.75, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.023, -0.019 ], [ -49.039, -0.011 ], [ -49.02, -0.006 ], [ -49.023, -0.019 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.932, 0.052 ], [ -50.918, 0.084 ], [ -50.884, 0.078 ], [ -50.899, 0.057 ], [ -50.932, 0.052 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.928, 0 ], [ -50.786, 0.05 ], [ -50.717, 0.028 ], [ -50.94, -0.041 ], [ -50.928, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.691, 0.025 ], [ -50.655, 0.015 ], [ -50.703, 0.021 ], [ -50.691, 0.025 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.629, -0.043 ], [ -50.642, -0.016 ], [ -50.622, -0.026 ], [ -50.629, -0.043 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.642, 0 ], [ -50.611, 0.007 ], [ -50.595, -0.019 ], [ -50.642, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.536, 0 ], [ -50.653, 0.126 ], [ -50.59, 0.203 ], [ -50.434, 0.126 ], [ -50.436, 0 ], [ -50.536, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50, 0.311 ], [ -49.674, 0.368 ], [ -49.601, 0.283 ], [ -49.86, 0.008 ], [ -49.99, -0.048 ], [ -50.086, 0.034 ], [ -50.351, 0.044 ], [ -50.394, 0.222 ], [ -50.153, 0.227 ], [ -50, 0.311 ] ] ] ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "La costa de lo que hoy es territorio brasileño fue el primer punto al que llegaron los europeos en América del Sur. La primera expedición que exploró la región fue un desprendimiento de la flota portuguesa que Vasco da Gama (c. 1460-1524) llevaba hacia oriente. Las naves dirigidas por Pedro Álvarez de Cabral (1467-1520) se alejaron excesivamente de la costa de África y terminaron en el extremo sur de actual territorio del Estado de Bahía, en que el permanecieron entre abril y mayo del año 1500. Los portuguese establecieron en la costa precarias feitorias para comerciar verzino o palo brasil con los nativos de las sociedades tupí y guaraní nativas. Recién en 1530 la corona brasileña tomaría acciones decididas para organizar la ocupación portuguesa y las actividades de explotación, cuando instaura el régimen de capitanías hereditarias que estructuraría el establecimiento colonial lusitano en brasil. Bibliografía: Johnson, H. B., \"Portuguese Settlement, 1500-1580\", en Bethell, Leslie (ed.), Colonial Brazil, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1987, pp. 1-38; Abulafia, David, El descubrimiento de la humanidad. Encuentros atlánticos en la era de Colón, Barcelona, Crítica, 2009 [2008]; Metcalf, Alida C., Go-Betweens and the Colonization of Brazil, 1500-1600, Austin, University of Texas Press, 2005; Vaz de Caminha, Pêro, Carta del descubrimiento del Brasil, Barcelona, Acantilado, 2009.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-12-03T14:17:24+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 13977, "end" : 13983 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Brasil" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/73c2755e-321a-4e92-b524-d2d1632228ae", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://sws.geonames.org/3469034", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-12-03T14:17:24+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-12-03T14:17:24+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "MultiPolygon", "coordinates" : [ [ [ [ -44.657, -3.018 ], [ -44.608, -3.041 ], [ -44.72, -3.18 ], [ -44.793, -3.198 ], [ -44.779, -3.312 ], [ -44.736, -3.302 ], [ -44.763, -3.225 ], [ -44.653, -3.196 ], [ -44.431, -2.945 ], [ -44.367, -2.643 ], [ -44.362, -2.726 ], [ -44.355, -2.605 ], [ -44.378, -2.566 ], [ -44.345, -2.528 ], [ -44.29, -2.573 ], [ -44.306, -2.487 ], [ -44.02, -2.403 ], [ -44.03, -2.457 ], [ -44.108, -2.468 ], [ -44.035, -2.518 ], [ -44.131, -2.596 ], [ -44.147, -2.681 ], [ -44.219, -2.67 ], [ -44.209, -2.716 ], [ -44.345, -2.791 ], [ -44.347, -2.838 ], [ -44.315, -2.788 ], [ -44.3, -2.843 ], [ -44.266, -2.777 ], [ -44.225, -2.806 ], [ -44.184, -2.766 ], [ -44.208, -2.857 ], [ -44.111, -2.749 ], [ -44.072, -2.811 ], [ -44.05, -2.685 ], [ -43.981, -2.619 ], [ -43.946, -2.641 ], [ -43.933, -2.553 ], [ -43.883, -2.649 ], [ -43.887, -2.578 ], [ -43.803, -2.56 ], [ -43.76, -2.513 ], [ -43.754, -2.556 ], [ -43.729, -2.481 ], [ -43.727, -2.569 ], [ -43.654, -2.556 ], [ -43.682, -2.534 ], [ -43.653, -2.488 ], [ -43.608, -2.593 ], [ -43.603, -2.518 ], [ -43.548, -2.528 ], [ -43.519, -2.445 ], [ -43.498, -2.55 ], [ -43.46, -2.507 ], [ -43.458, -2.596 ], [ -43.401, -2.552 ], [ -43.448, -2.538 ], [ -43.462, -2.427 ], [ -43.359, -2.44 ], [ -43.479, -2.376 ], [ -43.378, -2.329 ], [ -43.4, -2.353 ], [ -43.232, -2.362 ], [ -42.692, -2.596 ], [ -42.709, -2.56 ], [ -42.572, -2.68 ], [ -42.495, -2.689 ], [ -42.503, -2.727 ], [ -42.393, -2.751 ], [ -42.475, -2.706 ], [ -42.375, -2.717 ], [ -42.228, -2.818 ], [ -42.143, -2.808 ], [ -42.256, -2.735 ], [ -42.233, -2.674 ], [ -42.208, -2.712 ], [ -42.098, -2.768 ], [ -42.099, -2.809 ], [ -42.096, -2.747 ], [ -42.216, -2.687 ], [ -42.054, -2.691 ], [ -42.023, -2.775 ], [ -42.017, -2.718 ], [ -41.818, -2.723 ], [ -41.844, -2.773 ], [ -41.797, -2.751 ], [ -41.656, -2.884 ], [ -41.437, -2.939 ], [ -41.395, -2.906 ], [ -41.316, -2.943 ], [ -41.263, -2.887 ], [ -40.838, -2.895 ], [ -40.572, -2.844 ], [ -40.499, -2.787 ], [ -39.888, -2.886 ], [ -39.244, -3.229 ], [ -39.083, -3.394 ], [ -38.978, -3.407 ], [ -38.641, -3.687 ], [ -38.473, -3.7 ], [ -38.377, -3.866 ], [ -38.043, -4.214 ], [ -37.764, -4.399 ], [ -37.588, -4.624 ], [ -37.323, -4.698 ], [ -37.15, -4.943 ], [ -36.958, -4.919 ], [ -36.666, -5.108 ], [ -36.504, -5.061 ], [ -36.297, -5.106 ], [ -35.956, -5.045 ], [ -35.612, -5.11 ], [ -35.385, -5.255 ], [ -35.255, -5.483 ], [ -35.099, -6.169 ], [ -34.983, -6.396 ], [ -34.933, -6.753 ], [ -34.79, -7.159 ], [ -34.842, -7.564 ], [ -34.809, -7.622 ], [ -34.845, -7.69 ], [ -34.827, -8.004 ], [ -35.136, -8.895 ], [ -35.332, -9.237 ], [ -35.689, -9.668 ], [ -35.78, -9.706 ], [ -36.056, -10.083 ], [ -36.266, -10.256 ], [ -36.402, -10.506 ], [ -36.602, -10.567 ], [ -36.934, -10.826 ], [ -37.36, -11.428 ], [ -37.612, -11.979 ], [ -37.996, -12.578 ], [ -38.318, -12.934 ], [ -38.477, -13.022 ], [ -38.532, -13.017 ], [ -38.473, -12.913 ], [ -38.498, -12.722 ], [ -38.603, -12.728 ], [ -38.646, -12.622 ], [ -38.681, -12.661 ], [ -38.718, -12.627 ], [ -38.804, -12.835 ], [ -38.717, -12.873 ], [ -38.769, -12.995 ], [ -38.721, -13.021 ], [ -38.66, -12.963 ], [ -38.686, -12.878 ], [ -38.59, -12.972 ], [ -38.766, -13.129 ], [ -38.807, -13.1 ], [ -38.808, -13.154 ], [ -38.944, -13.243 ], [ -38.973, -13.391 ], [ -38.902, -13.384 ], [ -38.886, -13.45 ], [ -38.95, -13.577 ], [ -38.886, -13.659 ], [ -38.968, -13.67 ], [ -39.006, -13.891 ], [ -39.064, -13.865 ], [ -39.075, -13.887 ], [ -38.986, -13.998 ], [ -38.952, -13.986 ], [ -38.982, -13.912 ], [ -38.938, -13.886 ], [ -38.922, -13.92 ], [ -39.061, -14.716 ], [ -38.962, -15.585 ], [ -38.857, -15.86 ], [ -38.973, -16.211 ], [ -39.032, -16.26 ], [ -39.01, -16.369 ], [ -39.078, -16.454 ], [ -39.143, -16.762 ], [ -39.113, -16.896 ], [ -39.212, -17.155 ], [ -39.193, -17.602 ], [ -39.135, -17.691 ], [ -39.264, -17.869 ], [ -39.435, -17.943 ], [ -39.563, -18.091 ], [ -39.721, -18.493 ], [ -39.749, -18.81 ], [ -39.692, -19.353 ], [ -39.805, -19.65 ], [ -39.951, -19.717 ], [ -40.151, -19.956 ], [ -40.236, -20.285 ], [ -40.353, -20.32 ], [ -40.329, -20.236 ], [ -40.359, -20.291 ], [ -40.365, -20.317 ], [ -40.35, -20.328 ], [ -40.268, -20.327 ], [ -40.402, -20.606 ], [ -40.466, -20.624 ], [ -40.627, -20.845 ], [ -40.65, -20.813 ], [ -40.756, -20.866 ], [ -40.853, -21.133 ], [ -40.955, -21.251 ], [ -40.96, -21.364 ], [ -41.065, -21.495 ], [ -41.051, -21.608 ], [ -41.038, -21.622 ], [ -41.007, -21.618 ], [ -40.99, -22.014 ], [ -41.229, -22.151 ], [ -41.668, -22.294 ], [ -41.962, -22.538 ], [ -41.986, -22.713 ], [ -41.919, -22.774 ], [ -41.864, -22.759 ], [ -42.023, -22.896 ], [ -42.037, -22.94 ], [ -41.99, -22.964 ], [ -42.018, -22.998 ], [ -42.086, -22.957 ], [ -42.529, -22.934 ], [ -43.05, -22.982 ], [ -43.132, -22.941 ], [ -43.025, -22.741 ], [ -43.084, -22.68 ], [ -43.216, -22.725 ], [ -43.287, -22.806 ], [ -43.24, -22.847 ], [ -43.249, -22.797 ], [ -43.156, -22.784 ], [ -43.247, -22.882 ], [ -43.164, -22.899 ], [ -43.187, -22.995 ], [ -43.344, -22.983 ], [ -43.303, -23.02 ], [ -43.549, -23.081 ], [ -44.001, -23.1 ], [ -43.961, -23.042 ], [ -43.877, -23.067 ], [ -43.909, -23.02 ], [ -43.807, -23.063 ], [ -43.555, -23.055 ], [ -43.84, -22.906 ], [ -43.985, -22.937 ], [ -44.034, -23.014 ], [ -44.044, -22.923 ], [ -44.107, -23.03 ], [ -44.234, -23.06 ], [ -44.238, -23.004 ], [ -44.358, -23.02 ], [ -44.296, -22.961 ], [ -44.321, -22.927 ], [ -44.378, -22.972 ], [ -44.407, -22.945 ], [ -44.443, -23.035 ], [ -44.669, -23.06 ], [ -44.712, -23.19 ], [ -44.701, -23.237 ], [ -44.645, -23.191 ], [ -44.612, -23.206 ], [ -44.685, -23.256 ], [ -44.611, -23.238 ], [ -44.652, -23.302 ], [ -44.558, -23.232 ], [ -44.577, -23.275 ], [ -44.498, -23.302 ], [ -44.583, -23.367 ], [ -44.669, -23.341 ], [ -44.84, -23.395 ], [ -44.905, -23.339 ], [ -45.05, -23.418 ], [ -45.016, -23.461 ], [ -45.079, -23.519 ], [ -45.165, -23.495 ], [ -45.159, -23.541 ], [ -45.228, -23.547 ], [ -45.211, -23.582 ], [ -45.41, -23.632 ], [ -45.412, -23.825 ], [ -45.934, -23.771 ], [ -46.124, -23.842 ], [ -46.2, -24.002 ], [ -46.288, -24.044 ], [ -46.321, -24 ], [ -46.458, -24.025 ], [ -46.937, -24.281 ], [ -47.024, -24.382 ], [ -47.004, -24.412 ], [ -47.86, -24.996 ], [ -47.914, -25.061 ], [ -47.915, -25.16 ], [ -48.213, -25.47 ], [ -48.254, -25.435 ], [ -48.222, -25.342 ], [ -48.208, -25.353 ], [ -48.121, -25.267 ], [ -48.253, -25.328 ], [ -48.284, -25.294 ], [ -48.317, -25.363 ], [ -48.327, -25.232 ], [ -48.366, -25.317 ], [ -48.433, -25.237 ], [ -48.428, -25.324 ], [ -48.5, -25.335 ], [ -48.427, -25.39 ], [ -48.449, -25.379 ], [ -48.468, -25.388 ], [ -48.467, -25.432 ], [ -48.449, -25.384 ], [ -48.414, -25.428 ], [ -48.476, -25.485 ], [ -48.637, -25.468 ], [ -48.661, -25.398 ], [ -48.671, -25.435 ], [ -48.739, -25.374 ], [ -48.68, -25.465 ], [ -48.687, -25.499 ], [ -48.737, -25.483 ], [ -48.703, -25.504 ], [ -48.617, -25.536 ], [ -48.512, -25.505 ], [ -48.482, -25.591 ], [ -48.46, -25.552 ], [ -48.35, -25.581 ], [ -48.565, -25.868 ], [ -48.614, -26.06 ], [ -48.586, -26.172 ], [ -48.714, -26.243 ], [ -48.795, -26.073 ], [ -48.837, -26.157 ], [ -48.798, -26.142 ], [ -48.763, -26.199 ], [ -48.805, -26.228 ], [ -48.769, -26.223 ], [ -48.761, -26.286 ], [ -48.803, -26.303 ], [ -48.723, -26.362 ], [ -48.635, -26.374 ], [ -48.714, -26.308 ], [ -48.554, -26.172 ], [ -48.493, -26.224 ], [ -48.695, -26.658 ], [ -48.665, -26.769 ], [ -48.583, -26.786 ], [ -48.655, -26.909 ], [ -48.62, -27.007 ], [ -48.574, -27.011 ], [ -48.607, -27.122 ], [ -48.554, -27.152 ], [ -48.51, -27.108 ], [ -48.469, -27.148 ], [ -48.511, -27.183 ], [ -48.486, -27.218 ], [ -48.531, -27.18 ], [ -48.612, -27.243 ], [ -48.596, -27.318 ], [ -48.529, -27.334 ], [ -48.649, -27.486 ], [ -48.572, -27.592 ], [ -48.653, -27.648 ], [ -48.575, -27.888 ], [ -48.761, -28.535 ], [ -48.813, -28.605 ], [ -49.37, -28.92 ], [ -49.334, -28.921 ], [ -49.702, -29.308 ], [ -50.006, -29.749 ], [ -50.316, -30.472 ], [ -50.848, -31.205 ], [ -51.303, -31.613 ], [ -51.877, -31.952 ], [ -52.071, -32.188 ], [ -52.012, -31.946 ], [ -52.092, -31.837 ], [ -51.851, -31.865 ], [ -51.777, -31.805 ], [ -51.854, -31.797 ], [ -51.65, -31.759 ], [ -51.478, -31.562 ], [ -51.43, -31.622 ], [ -51.458, -31.548 ], [ -51.424, -31.478 ], [ -51.351, -31.529 ], [ -51.234, -31.458 ], [ -51.16, -31.31 ], [ -51.166, -31.063 ], [ -51.109, -31.097 ], [ -50.985, -31.042 ], [ -50.965, -30.893 ], [ -50.888, -30.893 ], [ -50.705, -30.756 ], [ -50.677, -30.61 ], [ -50.725, -30.371 ], [ -50.692, -30.355 ], [ -50.625, -30.409 ], [ -50.641, -30.459 ], [ -50.569, -30.471 ], [ -50.534, -30.278 ], [ -50.601, -30.194 ], [ -50.659, -30.201 ], [ -50.661, -30.293 ], [ -50.918, -30.333 ], [ -50.934, -30.42 ], [ -50.889, -30.439 ], [ -50.921, -30.44 ], [ -51.052, -30.395 ], [ -51.034, -30.276 ], [ -51.146, -30.267 ], [ -51.246, -30.188 ], [ -51.23, -30.043 ], [ -51.295, -30.007 ], [ -51.326, -30.23 ], [ -51.271, -30.25 ], [ -51.293, -30.295 ], [ -51.246, -30.33 ], [ -51.209, -30.3 ], [ -51.179, -30.383 ], [ -51.092, -30.367 ], [ -51.129, -30.436 ], [ -51.202, -30.413 ], [ -51.269, -30.489 ], [ -51.282, -30.811 ], [ -51.33, -30.777 ], [ -51.294, -30.758 ], [ -51.319, -30.64 ], [ -51.375, -30.635 ], [ -51.404, -30.769 ], [ -51.367, -30.874 ], [ -51.457, -30.874 ], [ -51.501, -30.935 ], [ -51.436, -31.088 ], [ -51.611, -31.138 ], [ -51.613, -31.272 ], [ -51.915, -31.313 ], [ -52.002, -31.449 ], [ -52.031, -31.693 ], [ -52.218, -31.747 ], [ -52.247, -31.871 ], [ -52.106, -31.952 ], [ -52.216, -31.963 ], [ -52.263, -32.062 ], [ -52.209, -32.045 ], [ -52.225, -32.096 ], [ -52.082, -32.033 ], [ -52.162, -32.128 ], [ -52.09, -32.069 ], [ -52.084, -32.186 ], [ -52.16, -32.201 ], [ -52.341, -32.43 ], [ -52.488, -32.844 ], [ -52.66, -33.165 ], [ -53.227, -33.658 ], [ -53.421, -33.741 ], [ -53.524, -33.689 ], [ -53.515, -33.163 ], [ -53.434, -33.054 ], [ -53.243, -32.936 ], [ -53.294, -32.911 ], [ -53.074, -32.746 ], [ -53.244, -32.605 ], [ -53.39, -32.583 ], [ -53.46, -32.48 ], [ -53.595, -32.432 ], [ -53.73, -32.157 ], [ -53.714, -32.104 ], [ -53.965, -31.919 ], [ -54.096, -31.906 ], [ -54.466, -31.666 ], [ -54.491, -31.54 ], [ -54.591, -31.448 ], [ -54.836, -31.446 ], [ -54.945, -31.392 ], [ -55.014, -31.285 ], [ -55.091, -31.326 ], [ -55.245, -31.257 ], [ -55.374, -31.038 ], [ -55.594, -30.848 ], [ -55.635, -30.857 ], [ -55.657, -30.956 ], [ -55.87, -31.08 ], [ -56.008, -31.063 ], [ -55.987, -30.86 ], [ -56.021, -30.784 ], [ -56.127, -30.739 ], [ -56.177, -30.614 ], [ -56.384, -30.495 ], [ -56.459, -30.387 ], [ -56.545, -30.364 ], [ -56.54, -30.312 ], [ -56.617, -30.303 ], [ -56.644, -30.205 ], [ -56.776, -30.166 ], [ -56.804, -30.107 ], [ -57.068, -30.088 ], [ -57.207, -30.281 ], [ -57.313, -30.26 ], [ -57.396, -30.303 ], [ -57.538, -30.275 ], [ -57.618, -30.179 ], [ -57.505, -30.143 ], [ -57.342, -30.001 ], [ -57.319, -29.87 ], [ -57.254, -29.794 ], [ -57.105, -29.752 ], [ -56.972, -29.639 ], [ -56.676, -29.321 ], [ -56.593, -29.123 ], [ -56.425, -29.073 ], [ -56.285, -28.794 ], [ -56.185, -28.771 ], [ -56.016, -28.611 ], [ -56.011, -28.509 ], [ -55.888, -28.479 ], [ -55.875, -28.362 ], [ -55.696, -28.425 ], [ -55.671, -28.333 ], [ -55.773, -28.247 ], [ -55.605, -28.123 ], [ -55.554, -28.164 ], [ -55.496, -28.081 ], [ -55.444, -28.097 ], [ -55.323, -27.928 ], [ -55.196, -27.863 ], [ -55.134, -27.895 ], [ -55.117, -27.853 ], [ -55.032, -27.854 ], [ -55.082, -27.789 ], [ -54.941, -27.775 ], [ -54.809, -27.536 ], [ -54.781, -27.586 ], [ -54.683, -27.576 ], [ -54.678, -27.514 ], [ -54.624, -27.55 ], [ -54.576, -27.458 ], [ -54.525, -27.507 ], [ -54.415, -27.412 ], [ -54.353, -27.468 ], [ -54.339, -27.406 ], [ -54.282, -27.447 ], [ -54.176, -27.261 ], [ -54.089, -27.303 ], [ -53.949, -27.158 ], [ -53.799, -27.147 ], [ -53.795, -27.048 ], [ -53.761, -27.068 ], [ -53.662, -26.869 ], [ -53.751, -26.745 ], [ -53.707, -26.563 ], [ -53.738, -26.548 ], [ -53.592, -26.265 ], [ -53.722, -26.13 ], [ -53.733, -26.047 ], [ -53.837, -25.969 ], [ -53.824, -25.793 ], [ -53.891, -25.625 ], [ -53.951, -25.644 ], [ -54.016, -25.569 ], [ -54.101, -25.625 ], [ -54.111, -25.504 ], [ -54.213, -25.554 ], [ -54.184, -25.591 ], [ -54.289, -25.562 ], [ -54.387, -25.608 ], [ -54.43, -25.706 ], [ -54.596, -25.595 ], [ -54.617, -25.459 ], [ -54.437, -25.157 ], [ -54.458, -25.031 ], [ -54.336, -24.649 ], [ -54.333, -24.493 ], [ -54.262, -24.376 ], [ -54.33, -24.225 ], [ -54.282, -24.075 ], [ -54.411, -23.929 ], [ -54.668, -23.815 ], [ -55.061, -23.991 ], [ -55.112, -23.963 ], [ -55.226, -24.013 ], [ -55.413, -23.961 ], [ -55.434, -23.714 ], [ -55.535, -23.614 ], [ -55.522, -23.197 ], [ -55.596, -23.141 ], [ -55.64, -22.994 ], [ -55.685, -22.992 ], [ -55.613, -22.659 ], [ -55.736, -22.532 ], [ -55.74, -22.396 ], [ -55.854, -22.281 ], [ -56.208, -22.281 ], [ -56.341, -22.206 ], [ -56.403, -22.078 ], [ -56.519, -22.103 ], [ -56.643, -22.261 ], [ -56.698, -22.216 ], [ -56.728, -22.26 ], [ -56.808, -22.25 ], [ -56.831, -22.3 ], [ -57.001, -22.225 ], [ -57.203, -22.21 ], [ -57.243, -22.244 ], [ -57.553, -22.181 ], [ -57.616, -22.096 ], [ -57.803, -22.148 ], [ -57.989, -22.085 ], [ -58.005, -22.032 ], [ -57.919, -21.881 ], [ -57.969, -21.844 ], [ -57.913, -21.793 ], [ -57.947, -21.747 ], [ -57.894, -21.687 ], [ -57.968, -21.528 ], [ -57.855, -21.339 ], [ -57.918, -21.278 ], [ -57.854, -21.226 ], [ -57.866, -21.041 ], [ -57.818, -20.976 ], [ -57.927, -20.897 ], [ -57.855, -20.835 ], [ -57.961, -20.784 ], [ -57.869, -20.736 ], [ -57.923, -20.666 ], [ -57.988, -20.696 ], [ -57.994, -20.448 ], [ -58.082, -20.372 ], [ -58.092, -20.257 ], [ -58.154, -20.264 ], [ -58.125, -20.188 ], [ -58.163, -20.162 ], [ -57.872, -19.979 ], [ -58.134, -19.761 ], [ -57.79, -19.051 ], [ -57.709, -19.034 ], [ -57.757, -18.858 ], [ -57.56, -18.263 ], [ -57.458, -18.228 ], [ -57.568, -18.136 ], [ -57.702, -17.86 ], [ -57.715, -17.735 ], [ -57.785, -17.645 ], [ -57.773, -17.553 ], [ -57.878, -17.463 ], [ -58.003, -17.52 ], [ -58.114, -17.456 ], [ -58.395, -17.197 ], [ -58.421, -16.99 ], [ -58.47, -16.939 ], [ -58.468, -16.702 ], [ -58.442, -16.613 ], [ -58.34, -16.542 ], [ -58.309, -16.27 ], [ -58.471, -16.325 ], [ -60.173, -16.265 ], [ -60.236, -15.476 ], [ -60.565, -15.105 ], [ -60.253, -15.101 ], [ -60.257, -14.624 ], [ -60.338, -14.555 ], [ -60.482, -14.181 ], [ -60.468, -14.092 ], [ -60.378, -13.992 ], [ -60.468, -13.886 ], [ -60.468, -13.801 ], [ -60.793, -13.686 ], [ -60.962, -13.539 ], [ -61.044, -13.541 ], [ -61.028, -13.477 ], [ -61.069, -13.463 ], [ -61.139, -13.521 ], [ -61.249, -13.525 ], [ -61.33, -13.473 ], [ -61.486, -13.554 ], [ -61.578, -13.494 ], [ -61.824, -13.539 ], [ -61.866, -13.443 ], [ -62.108, -13.257 ], [ -62.109, -13.149 ], [ -62.165, -13.112 ], [ -62.368, -13.145 ], [ -62.464, -13.07 ], [ -62.637, -13.041 ], [ -62.674, -12.965 ], [ -62.764, -13.023 ], [ -62.923, -12.854 ], [ -62.996, -12.85 ], [ -63.082, -12.653 ], [ -63.327, -12.705 ], [ -63.482, -12.557 ], [ -63.712, -12.458 ], [ -63.875, -12.469 ], [ -63.937, -12.557 ], [ -64.127, -12.494 ], [ -64.152, -12.529 ], [ -64.215, -12.476 ], [ -64.278, -12.511 ], [ -64.493, -12.366 ], [ -64.486, -12.23 ], [ -64.654, -12.186 ], [ -64.683, -12.099 ], [ -64.725, -12.162 ], [ -64.798, -12.035 ], [ -64.993, -11.999 ], [ -65.048, -11.757 ], [ -65.112, -11.741 ], [ -65.106, -11.697 ], [ -65.135, -11.777 ], [ -65.201, -11.745 ], [ -65.161, -11.622 ], [ -65.218, -11.521 ], [ -65.299, -11.5 ], [ -65.338, -11.392 ], [ -65.31, -11.341 ], [ -65.385, -11.269 ], [ -65.349, -11.239 ], [ -65.391, -11.167 ], [ -65.318, -11.105 ], [ -65.336, -11.044 ], [ -65.269, -10.901 ], [ -65.366, -10.798 ], [ -65.349, -10.671 ], [ -65.426, -10.638 ], [ -65.429, -10.473 ], [ -65.28, -10.218 ], [ -65.327, -9.938 ], [ -65.29, -9.851 ], [ -65.377, -9.698 ], [ -65.488, -9.718 ], [ -65.563, -9.834 ], [ -65.669, -9.779 ], [ -65.7, -9.803 ], [ -65.689, -9.749 ], [ -65.748, -9.77 ], [ -65.777, -9.727 ], [ -65.798, -9.786 ], [ -65.81, -9.75 ], [ -65.86, -9.794 ], [ -65.872, -9.757 ], [ -66.018, -9.807 ], [ -66.064, -9.772 ], [ -66.422, -9.895 ], [ -66.616, -9.893 ], [ -66.623, -9.935 ], [ -66.883, -10.081 ], [ -67.029, -10.254 ], [ -67.186, -10.339 ], [ -67.315, -10.316 ], [ -67.327, -10.374 ], [ -67.414, -10.372 ], [ -67.443, -10.45 ], [ -67.594, -10.523 ], [ -67.715, -10.707 ], [ -68.021, -10.661 ], [ -68.119, -10.726 ], [ -68.283, -10.987 ], [ -68.519, -11.048 ], [ -68.587, -11.11 ], [ -68.769, -11.139 ], [ -68.751, -11.007 ], [ -68.787, -10.99 ], [ -68.871, -11.023 ], [ -69.393, -10.929 ], [ -69.728, -10.973 ], [ -69.938, -10.926 ], [ -70.318, -11.066 ], [ -70.428, -11.033 ], [ -70.508, -10.94 ], [ -70.618, -11.007 ], [ -70.622, -9.847 ], [ -70.522, -9.738 ], [ -70.598, -9.574 ], [ -70.561, -9.579 ], [ -70.497, -9.433 ], [ -70.601, -9.453 ], [ -70.982, -9.812 ], [ -71.131, -9.862 ], [ -71.288, -9.996 ], [ -72.165, -10.002 ], [ -72.16, -9.818 ], [ -72.26, -9.755 ], [ -72.289, -9.536 ], [ -72.364, -9.491 ], [ -72.721, -9.417 ], [ -73.196, -9.418 ], [ -72.965, -9.154 ], [ -72.946, -8.99 ], [ -73.059, -8.904 ], [ -73.169, -8.701 ], [ -73.338, -8.609 ], [ -73.338, -8.476 ], [ -73.526, -8.369 ], [ -73.632, -8.022 ], [ -73.765, -7.94 ], [ -73.777, -7.869 ], [ -73.697, -7.865 ], [ -73.69, -7.79 ], [ -73.985, -7.543 ], [ -73.917, -7.461 ], [ -73.954, -7.348 ], [ -73.868, -7.377 ], [ -73.691, -7.313 ], [ -73.797, -7.115 ], [ -73.743, -6.897 ], [ -73.351, -6.561 ], [ -73.211, -6.53 ], [ -73.133, -6.421 ], [ -73.185, -6.04 ], [ -73.131, -5.986 ], [ -73.116, -5.865 ], [ -72.951, -5.643 ], [ -72.948, -5.454 ], [ -72.872, -5.25 ], [ -72.896, -5.136 ], [ -72.734, -5.043 ], [ -72.602, -5.056 ], [ -72.577, -4.992 ], [ -72.455, -4.962 ], [ -72.452, -4.906 ], [ -72.37, -4.88 ], [ -72.356, -4.803 ], [ -72.292, -4.799 ], [ -72.313, -4.769 ], [ -72.223, -4.78 ], [ -72.113, -4.722 ], [ -72.047, -4.625 ], [ -71.94, -4.607 ], [ -71.897, -4.512 ], [ -71.61, -4.465 ], [ -71.597, -4.525 ], [ -71.535, -4.46 ], [ -71.49, -4.479 ], [ -71.506, -4.435 ], [ -71.414, -4.432 ], [ -71.432, -4.469 ], [ -71.342, -4.423 ], [ -71.355, -4.468 ], [ -71.303, -4.458 ], [ -71.269, -4.381 ], [ -71.198, -4.377 ], [ -71.193, -4.42 ], [ -71.147, -4.375 ], [ -71.031, -4.397 ], [ -70.99, -4.34 ], [ -70.935, -4.381 ], [ -70.757, -4.152 ], [ -70.677, -4.2 ], [ -70.622, -4.121 ], [ -70.633, -4.173 ], [ -70.565, -4.168 ], [ -70.566, -4.205 ], [ -70.553, -4.128 ], [ -70.503, -4.19 ], [ -70.434, -4.125 ], [ -70.341, -4.174 ], [ -70.317, -4.136 ], [ -70.291, -4.283 ], [ -70.249, -4.267 ], [ -70.186, -4.357 ], [ -70.169, -4.27 ], [ -70.101, -4.255 ], [ -70.031, -4.339 ], [ -69.929, -4.213 ], [ -69.453, -1.478 ], [ -69.368, -1.334 ], [ -69.422, -0.998 ], [ -69.508, -0.936 ], [ -69.609, -0.755 ], [ -69.551, -0.648 ], [ -69.593, -0.517 ], [ -69.908, -0.316 ], [ -70.068, -0.135 ], [ -70.037, 0.553 ], [ -69.798, 0.585 ], [ -69.664, 0.672 ], [ -69.606, 0.623 ], [ -69.468, 0.734 ], [ -69.357, 0.621 ], [ -69.295, 0.648 ], [ -69.288, 0.609 ], [ -69.202, 0.602 ], [ -69.112, 0.643 ], [ -69.184, 0.73 ], [ -69.137, 0.868 ], [ -69.257, 1.026 ], [ -69.342, 1.064 ], [ -69.416, 1.024 ], [ -69.7, 1.056 ], [ -69.721, 1.097 ], [ -69.854, 1.07 ], [ -69.855, 1.715 ], [ -69.556, 1.775 ], [ -69.395, 1.726 ], [ -68.128, 1.73 ], [ -68.29, 1.841 ], [ -68.205, 2.038 ], [ -68.027, 1.784 ], [ -67.924, 1.751 ], [ -67.797, 1.812 ], [ -67.578, 2.076 ], [ -67.41, 2.141 ], [ -67.117, 1.732 ], [ -67.068, 1.532 ], [ -67.097, 1.17 ], [ -66.855, 1.228 ], [ -66.322, 0.738 ], [ -66.095, 0.754 ], [ -65.952, 0.81 ], [ -65.854, 0.939 ], [ -65.733, 1.005 ], [ -65.583, 1.008 ], [ -65.47, 0.877 ], [ -65.557, 0.705 ], [ -65.504, 0.627 ], [ -65.393, 0.699 ], [ -65.305, 0.916 ], [ -65.152, 0.943 ], [ -65.121, 1.115 ], [ -65.055, 1.144 ], [ -64.968, 1.112 ], [ -64.903, 1.249 ], [ -64.843, 1.237 ], [ -64.783, 1.313 ], [ -64.721, 1.25 ], [ -64.638, 1.286 ], [ -64.387, 1.527 ], [ -64.344, 1.528 ], [ -64.382, 1.419 ], [ -64.344, 1.38 ], [ -64.186, 1.494 ], [ -64.054, 1.708 ], [ -64.057, 1.933 ], [ -64.018, 1.967 ], [ -63.781, 1.989 ], [ -63.604, 2.124 ], [ -63.419, 2.154 ], [ -63.349, 2.281 ], [ -63.382, 2.442 ], [ -63.756, 2.403 ], [ -64.031, 2.509 ], [ -63.987, 2.772 ], [ -64.216, 3.153 ], [ -64.236, 3.476 ], [ -64.186, 3.634 ], [ -64.324, 3.797 ], [ -64.543, 3.882 ], [ -64.8, 4.224 ], [ -64.79, 4.329 ], [ -64.677, 4.297 ], [ -64.555, 4.153 ], [ -64.135, 4.176 ], [ -63.967, 3.93 ], [ -63.806, 4.019 ], [ -63.623, 4.01 ], [ -63.455, 3.91 ], [ -63.411, 4.026 ], [ -63.358, 4.04 ], [ -63.203, 3.952 ], [ -63.189, 3.872 ], [ -62.86, 3.584 ], [ -62.749, 3.642 ], [ -62.705, 3.724 ], [ -62.752, 4.012 ], [ -62.635, 4.056 ], [ -62.557, 4.02 ], [ -62.46, 4.173 ], [ -62.129, 4.084 ], [ -61.961, 4.18 ], [ -61.927, 4.106 ], [ -61.723, 4.262 ], [ -61.528, 4.273 ], [ -61.507, 4.398 ], [ -61.274, 4.471 ], [ -61.293, 4.55 ], [ -61.141, 4.508 ], [ -60.952, 4.549 ], [ -60.907, 4.708 ], [ -60.731, 4.777 ], [ -60.59, 4.951 ], [ -60.744, 5.209 ], [ -60.438, 5.177 ], [ -60.203, 5.265 ], [ -60.176, 5.227 ], [ -60.121, 5.243 ], [ -60.085, 5.149 ], [ -59.969, 5.073 ], [ -60.03, 4.704 ], [ -60.163, 4.521 ], [ -59.927, 4.509 ], [ -59.674, 4.382 ], [ -59.726, 4.191 ], [ -59.628, 4.138 ], [ -59.655, 4.078 ], [ -59.516, 3.94 ], [ -59.581, 3.901 ], [ -59.594, 3.796 ], [ -59.666, 3.777 ], [ -59.664, 3.703 ], [ -59.849, 3.601 ], [ -59.799, 3.355 ], [ -59.909, 3.197 ], [ -59.982, 2.929 ], [ -59.99, 2.683 ], [ -59.903, 2.479 ], [ -59.91, 2.388 ], [ -59.724, 2.277 ], [ -59.754, 1.861 ], [ -59.654, 1.849 ], [ -59.669, 1.764 ], [ -59.549, 1.729 ], [ -59.253, 1.397 ], [ -58.914, 1.299 ], [ -58.904, 1.234 ], [ -58.804, 1.175 ], [ -58.696, 1.288 ], [ -58.507, 1.264 ], [ -58.468, 1.318 ], [ -58.498, 1.458 ], [ -58.382, 1.471 ], [ -58.325, 1.59 ], [ -58.167, 1.558 ], [ -58.13, 1.501 ], [ -58.009, 1.501 ], [ -58, 1.665 ], [ -57.919, 1.645 ], [ -57.77, 1.718 ], [ -57.545, 1.701 ], [ -57.434, 1.895 ], [ -57.302, 1.99 ], [ -57.247, 1.944 ], [ -57.085, 2.021 ], [ -57.012, 1.918 ], [ -56.8, 1.864 ], [ -56.724, 1.92 ], [ -56.454, 1.945 ], [ -55.957, 1.844 ], [ -55.906, 1.889 ], [ -55.913, 2.041 ], [ -56.048, 2.226 ], [ -56.134, 2.263 ], [ -56.09, 2.352 ], [ -55.995, 2.405 ], [ -55.987, 2.517 ], [ -55.948, 2.532 ], [ -55.739, 2.401 ], [ -55.481, 2.443 ], [ -55.37, 2.407 ], [ -55.336, 2.516 ], [ -55.239, 2.495 ], [ -55.137, 2.575 ], [ -55.103, 2.522 ], [ -54.94, 2.632 ], [ -54.969, 2.555 ], [ -54.864, 2.439 ], [ -54.72, 2.469 ], [ -54.702, 2.336 ], [ -54.549, 2.336 ], [ -54.534, 2.268 ], [ -54.314, 2.158 ], [ -54.189, 2.179 ], [ -54.111, 2.127 ], [ -54.078, 2.197 ], [ -53.784, 2.364 ], [ -53.694, 2.287 ], [ -53.472, 2.332 ], [ -53.397, 2.272 ], [ -53.273, 2.292 ], [ -53.188, 2.223 ], [ -52.905, 2.19 ], [ -52.853, 2.285 ], [ -52.673, 2.374 ], [ -52.555, 2.523 ], [ -52.556, 2.646 ], [ -52.382, 2.912 ], [ -52.347, 3.134 ], [ -52.192, 3.296 ], [ -51.92, 3.781 ], [ -51.795, 3.89 ], [ -51.754, 3.996 ], [ -51.658, 4.049 ], [ -51.585, 4.241 ], [ -51.529, 4.171 ], [ -51.545, 4.397 ], [ -51.202, 4.084 ], [ -51.173, 3.767 ], [ -51.127, 3.911 ], [ -51.085, 3.895 ], [ -51.051, 3.283 ], [ -50.913, 2.875 ], [ -50.927, 2.807 ], [ -50.816, 2.644 ], [ -50.851, 2.482 ], [ -50.802, 2.508 ], [ -50.736, 2.414 ], [ -50.765, 2.359 ], [ -50.694, 2.276 ], [ -50.725, 2.252 ], [ -50.675, 2.247 ], [ -50.682, 2.137 ], [ -50.584, 2.091 ], [ -50.586, 2.014 ], [ -50.471, 1.82 ], [ -50.194, 1.794 ], [ -49.954, 1.676 ], [ -49.88, 1.419 ], [ -49.918, 1.289 ], [ -50.073, 1.204 ], [ -49.918, 1.232 ], [ -49.939, 1.103 ], [ -50.003, 1.066 ], [ -50.033, 1.107 ], [ -50.131, 0.949 ], [ -50.274, 0.866 ], [ -50.338, 0.729 ], [ -50.417, 0.685 ], [ -50.455, 0.732 ], [ -50.428, 0.679 ], [ -50.571, 0.424 ], [ -50.691, 0.3 ], [ -50.677, 0.365 ], [ -50.746, 0.227 ], [ -50.801, 0.224 ], [ -50.785, 0.183 ], [ -50.908, 0.171 ], [ -51.087, -0.043 ], [ -51.203, -0.055 ], [ -51.419, -0.412 ], [ -51.409, -0.44 ], [ -51.325, -0.364 ], [ -51.188, -0.14 ], [ -51.111, -0.154 ], [ -51.154, -0.284 ], [ -51.396, -0.493 ], [ -51.243, -0.443 ], [ -51.26, -0.5 ], [ -51.165, -0.431 ], [ -50.953, -0.061 ], [ -50.824, -0.048 ], [ -50.705, 0.002 ], [ -50.613, -0.088 ], [ -50.744, -0.244 ], [ -50.751, -0.429 ], [ -50.845, -0.526 ], [ -50.988, -0.583 ], [ -51.051, -0.682 ], [ -50.826, -0.555 ], [ -50.794, -0.666 ], [ -50.733, -0.557 ], [ -50.684, -0.604 ], [ -50.724, -0.493 ], [ -50.652, -0.276 ], [ -50.409, -0.094 ], [ -49.631, -0.247 ], [ -49.446, -0.23 ], [ -49.289, -0.145 ], [ -49.018, -0.16 ], [ -49, -0.139 ], [ -48.895, -0.224 ], [ -48.539, -0.234 ], [ -48.363, -0.303 ], [ -48.459, -0.513 ], [ -48.522, -0.877 ], [ -48.667, -1.002 ], [ -48.621, -1.005 ], [ -48.65, -1.048 ], [ -48.617, -1.053 ], [ -48.721, -1.137 ], [ -48.837, -1.452 ], [ -49.161, -1.575 ], [ -49.182, -1.623 ], [ -49.362, -1.604 ], [ -49.364, -1.642 ], [ -49.448, -1.637 ], [ -49.5, -1.738 ], [ -49.61, -1.718 ], [ -49.676, -1.78 ], [ -49.696, -1.757 ], [ -49.714, -1.76 ], [ -49.803, -1.822 ], [ -50.035, -1.717 ], [ -50.179, -1.787 ], [ -50.256, -1.776 ], [ -50.415, -1.841 ], [ -50.401, -1.935 ], [ -49.994, -1.819 ], [ -49.844, -1.905 ], [ -49.765, -1.898 ], [ -49.616, -1.79 ], [ -49.276, -1.706 ], [ -49.267, -1.778 ], [ -49.387, -1.977 ], [ -49.383, -2.159 ], [ -48.973, -1.594 ], [ -48.897, -1.573 ], [ -48.955, -1.712 ], [ -48.932, -1.75 ], [ -48.898, -1.743 ], [ -48.656, -1.371 ], [ -48.592, -1.429 ], [ -48.601, -1.306 ], [ -48.524, -1.338 ], [ -48.537, -1.467 ], [ -48.496, -1.553 ], [ -48.491, -1.502 ], [ -48.46, -1.533 ], [ -48.374, -1.511 ], [ -48.319, -1.478 ], [ -48.505, -1.471 ], [ -48.422, -1.168 ], [ -48.475, -1.144 ], [ -48.4, -1.066 ], [ -48.278, -1.111 ], [ -48.304, -0.948 ], [ -48.055, -0.668 ], [ -48.001, -0.731 ], [ -47.893, -0.553 ], [ -47.843, -0.616 ], [ -47.807, -0.547 ], [ -47.702, -0.54 ], [ -47.707, -0.59 ], [ -47.667, -0.569 ], [ -47.633, -0.608 ], [ -47.651, -0.694 ], [ -47.608, -0.684 ], [ -47.577, -0.573 ], [ -47.476, -0.757 ], [ -47.398, -0.76 ], [ -47.428, -0.693 ], [ -47.464, -0.687 ], [ -47.466, -0.594 ], [ -47.399, -0.594 ], [ -47.4, -0.645 ], [ -47.298, -0.589 ], [ -47.253, -0.668 ], [ -47.247, -0.623 ], [ -47.206, -0.633 ], [ -47.23, -0.719 ], [ -47.158, -0.678 ], [ -47.191, -0.754 ], [ -47.146, -0.764 ], [ -47.16, -0.815 ], [ -47.081, -0.661 ], [ -47.055, -0.868 ], [ -47.027, -0.784 ], [ -46.983, -0.806 ], [ -47.016, -0.752 ], [ -46.967, -0.694 ], [ -46.969, -0.78 ], [ -46.891, -0.869 ], [ -46.89, -0.789 ], [ -46.846, -0.799 ], [ -46.82, -0.71 ], [ -46.802, -0.877 ], [ -46.777, -0.905 ], [ -46.75, -0.826 ], [ -46.709, -0.86 ], [ -46.734, -0.944 ], [ -46.687, -0.831 ], [ -46.653, -0.882 ], [ -46.621, -0.818 ], [ -46.601, -0.917 ], [ -46.676, -0.965 ], [ -46.622, -0.987 ], [ -46.57, -0.947 ], [ -46.609, -1.03 ], [ -46.57, -0.988 ], [ -46.525, -1.027 ], [ -46.465, -1.007 ], [ -46.47, -1.044 ], [ -46.395, -1.037 ], [ -46.413, -1.084 ], [ -46.348, -0.982 ], [ -46.36, -1.011 ], [ -46.366, -1.031 ], [ -46.348, -1.079 ], [ -46.339, -1.015 ], [ -46.299, -1.05 ], [ -46.212, -0.946 ], [ -46.242, -0.921 ], [ -46.179, -0.914 ], [ -46.224, -1.053 ], [ -46.206, -1.1 ], [ -46.158, -1.014 ], [ -46.138, -1.032 ], [ -46.193, -1.143 ], [ -46.104, -1.067 ], [ -46.062, -1.133 ], [ -46.15, -1.258 ], [ -45.982, -1.071 ], [ -45.953, -1.147 ], [ -46, -1.151 ], [ -46, -1.199 ], [ -45.95, -1.159 ], [ -45.95, -1.207 ], [ -46, -1.209 ], [ -45.95, -1.25 ], [ -45.902, -1.134 ], [ -45.923, -1.214 ], [ -45.882, -1.167 ], [ -45.873, -1.211 ], [ -45.909, -1.261 ], [ -45.859, -1.231 ], [ -45.891, -1.293 ], [ -45.807, -1.176 ], [ -45.843, -1.301 ], [ -45.809, -1.328 ], [ -45.831, -1.298 ], [ -45.782, -1.278 ], [ -45.726, -1.135 ], [ -45.69, -1.452 ], [ -45.697, -1.38 ], [ -45.632, -1.371 ], [ -45.618, -1.279 ], [ -45.589, -1.329 ], [ -45.537, -1.273 ], [ -45.561, -1.343 ], [ -45.51, -1.352 ], [ -45.567, -1.404 ], [ -45.546, -1.432 ], [ -45.413, -1.296 ], [ -45.489, -1.473 ], [ -45.511, -1.458 ], [ -45.554, -1.503 ], [ -45.507, -1.471 ], [ -45.518, -1.516 ], [ -45.481, -1.495 ], [ -45.463, -1.548 ], [ -45.457, -1.457 ], [ -45.391, -1.434 ], [ -45.363, -1.325 ], [ -45.323, -1.319 ], [ -45.302, -1.424 ], [ -45.392, -1.485 ], [ -45.398, -1.503 ], [ -45.356, -1.487 ], [ -45.392, -1.553 ], [ -45.338, -1.572 ], [ -45.371, -1.722 ], [ -45.338, -1.753 ], [ -45.197, -1.688 ], [ -45.261, -1.607 ], [ -45.16, -1.475 ], [ -45.136, -1.521 ], [ -45.072, -1.435 ], [ -45.07, -1.485 ], [ -44.999, -1.504 ], [ -45.018, -1.547 ], [ -44.969, -1.549 ], [ -45.029, -1.583 ], [ -45.029, -1.602 ], [ -44.979, -1.607 ], [ -44.954, -1.498 ], [ -44.862, -1.426 ], [ -44.857, -1.498 ], [ -44.954, -1.605 ], [ -44.918, -1.649 ], [ -44.968, -1.662 ], [ -44.913, -1.657 ], [ -44.927, -1.62 ], [ -44.886, -1.609 ], [ -44.837, -1.65 ], [ -44.822, -1.591 ], [ -44.826, -1.637 ], [ -44.805, -1.609 ], [ -44.812, -1.665 ], [ -44.779, -1.735 ], [ -44.711, -1.728 ], [ -44.82, -1.819 ], [ -44.738, -1.791 ], [ -44.706, -1.819 ], [ -44.676, -1.808 ], [ -44.661, -1.727 ], [ -44.604, -1.749 ], [ -44.667, -1.849 ], [ -44.601, -1.858 ], [ -44.583, -1.817 ], [ -44.586, -1.873 ], [ -44.543, -1.833 ], [ -44.601, -1.909 ], [ -44.517, -1.907 ], [ -44.484, -2.002 ], [ -44.613, -2.037 ], [ -44.467, -2.017 ], [ -44.626, -2.151 ], [ -44.589, -2.159 ], [ -44.641, -2.232 ], [ -44.708, -2.23 ], [ -44.684, -2.275 ], [ -44.764, -2.265 ], [ -44.654, -2.294 ], [ -44.681, -2.354 ], [ -44.649, -2.373 ], [ -44.666, -2.329 ], [ -44.479, -2.137 ], [ -44.358, -2.335 ], [ -44.401, -2.416 ], [ -44.514, -2.384 ], [ -44.55, -2.4 ], [ -44.491, -2.415 ], [ -44.514, -2.448 ], [ -44.505, -2.476 ], [ -44.665, -2.608 ], [ -44.548, -2.542 ], [ -44.658, -2.781 ], [ -44.688, -2.924 ], [ -44.677, -3.019 ], [ -44.66, -3.02 ], [ -44.657, -3.018 ] ], [ [ -43.318, -2.361 ], [ -43.317, -2.363 ], [ -43.296, -2.363 ], [ -43.318, -2.361 ] ], [ [ -42.438, -2.747 ], [ -42.442, -2.749 ], [ -42.438, -2.75 ], [ -42.438, -2.747 ] ], [ [ -42.442, -2.749 ], [ -42.47, -2.744 ], [ -42.447, -2.753 ], [ -42.442, -2.749 ] ], [ [ -50.851, 2.482 ], [ -50.853, 2.481 ], [ -50.853, 2.48 ], [ -50.851, 2.482 ] ], [ [ -50.853, 2.481 ], [ -50.86, 2.495 ], [ -50.86, 2.477 ], [ -50.853, 2.481 ] ], [ [ -49.976, 1.659 ], [ -49.98, 1.659 ], [ -50, 1.639 ], [ -49.976, 1.659 ] ], [ [ -45.392, -1.553 ], [ -45.393, -1.553 ], [ -45.394, -1.556 ], [ -45.392, -1.553 ] ], [ [ -45.394, -1.556 ], [ -45.406, -1.579 ], [ -45.403, -1.591 ], [ -45.394, -1.556 ] ], [ [ -44.837, -1.65 ], [ -44.834, -1.655 ], [ -44.833, -1.654 ], [ -44.837, -1.65 ] ], [ [ -44.834, -1.655 ], [ -44.841, -1.675 ], [ -44.822, -1.672 ], [ -44.834, -1.655 ] ], [ [ -44.779, -1.735 ], [ -44.777, -1.741 ], [ -44.776, -1.74 ], [ -44.779, -1.735 ] ], [ [ -44.777, -1.741 ], [ -44.833, -1.77 ], [ -44.774, -1.75 ], [ -44.777, -1.741 ] ], [ [ -44.547, -2.22 ], [ -44.536, -2.225 ], [ -44.543, -2.219 ], [ -44.547, -2.22 ] ], [ [ -44.536, -2.225 ], [ -44.507, -2.249 ], [ -44.512, -2.235 ], [ -44.536, -2.225 ] ], [ [ -44.507, -2.249 ], [ -44.504, -2.256 ], [ -44.501, -2.254 ], [ -44.507, -2.249 ] ], [ [ -44.504, -2.256 ], [ -44.514, -2.268 ], [ -44.502, -2.26 ], [ -44.504, -2.256 ] ] ], [ [ [ -29.34, -20.484 ], [ -29.301, -20.521 ], [ -29.341, -20.511 ], [ -29.34, -20.484 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.001, -13.94 ], [ -39.012, -13.915 ], [ -38.994, -13.896 ], [ -39.001, -13.94 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.043, -13.909 ], [ -39.059, -13.904 ], [ -39.054, -13.886 ], [ -39.028, -13.903 ], [ -39.043, -13.909 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.251, -18.015 ], [ -39.283, -18.005 ], [ -39.272, -17.982 ], [ -39.245, -18.006 ], [ -39.251, -18.015 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.131, -17.927 ], [ -39.154, -17.921 ], [ -39.137, -17.91 ], [ -39.131, -17.927 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.212, -17.986 ], [ -39.228, -17.979 ], [ -39.215, -17.944 ], [ -39.202, -17.95 ], [ -39.212, -17.986 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.341, -23.231 ], [ -44.372, -23.174 ], [ -44.232, -23.089 ], [ -44.087, -23.173 ], [ -44.3, -23.184 ], [ -44.341, -23.231 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.356, -23.073 ], [ -44.388, -23.048 ], [ -44.373, -23.033 ], [ -44.343, -23.041 ], [ -44.356, -23.073 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.929, -23.014 ], [ -43.936, -22.999 ], [ -43.916, -22.989 ], [ -43.929, -23.014 ] ] ], [ [ [ -42.002, -23.018 ], [ -42.015, -23.003 ], [ -41.98, -22.975 ], [ -41.975, -22.992 ], [ -42.002, -23.018 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.904, -22.962 ], [ -43.907, -22.936 ], [ -43.868, -22.926 ], [ -43.871, -22.95 ], [ -43.904, -22.962 ] ] ], [ [ [ -41.042, -21.613 ], [ -41.042, -21.6 ], [ -41.019, -21.606 ], [ -41.042, -21.613 ] ] ], [ [ [ -52.112, -32 ], [ -52.18, -32.035 ], [ -52.216, -32.025 ], [ -52.198, -31.978 ], [ -52.112, -32 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.641, -30.388 ], [ -50.629, -30.394 ], [ -50.624, -30.329 ], [ -50.592, -30.399 ], [ -50.609, -30.406 ], [ -50.641, -30.388 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.526, -27.462 ], [ -48.416, -27.38 ], [ -48.358, -27.446 ], [ -48.503, -27.799 ], [ -48.559, -27.842 ], [ -48.526, -27.462 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.354, -27.296 ], [ -48.376, -27.285 ], [ -48.373, -27.271 ], [ -48.36, -27.27 ], [ -48.354, -27.296 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.731, -26.314 ], [ -48.754, -26.297 ], [ -48.735, -26.282 ], [ -48.731, -26.314 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.318, -25.584 ], [ -48.309, -25.546 ], [ -48.381, -25.504 ], [ -48.312, -25.509 ], [ -48.292, -25.545 ], [ -48.318, -25.584 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.414, -25.544 ], [ -48.459, -25.514 ], [ -48.415, -25.527 ], [ -48.414, -25.544 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.424, -25.551 ], [ -48.479, -25.523 ], [ -48.485, -25.502 ], [ -48.424, -25.551 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.298, -25.493 ], [ -48.341, -25.416 ], [ -48.252, -25.341 ], [ -48.265, -25.44 ], [ -48.253, -25.466 ], [ -48.298, -25.493 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.417, -25.386 ], [ -48.424, -25.343 ], [ -48.405, -25.33 ], [ -48.417, -25.386 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.695, -24.112 ], [ -45.688, -24.088 ], [ -45.679, -24.098 ], [ -45.695, -24.112 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.251, -23.962 ], [ -45.301, -23.909 ], [ -45.453, -23.91 ], [ -45.332, -23.721 ], [ -45.227, -23.774 ], [ -45.224, -23.835 ], [ -45.283, -23.857 ], [ -45.221, -23.899 ], [ -45.251, -23.962 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.141, -23.817 ], [ -45.146, -23.791 ], [ -45.114, -23.801 ], [ -45.141, -23.817 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.153, -23.573 ], [ -45.153, -23.558 ], [ -45.141, -23.568 ], [ -45.153, -23.573 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.073, -23.564 ], [ -45.079, -23.525 ], [ -45.036, -23.531 ], [ -45.073, -23.564 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.608, -23.228 ], [ -44.59, -23.208 ], [ -44.577, -23.216 ], [ -44.608, -23.228 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.648, -12.821 ], [ -38.666, -12.777 ], [ -38.624, -12.762 ], [ -38.648, -12.821 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.529, -12.811 ], [ -38.544, -12.757 ], [ -38.532, -12.74 ], [ -38.508, -12.792 ], [ -38.529, -12.811 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.622, -12.752 ], [ -38.622, -12.727 ], [ -38.593, -12.733 ], [ -38.622, -12.752 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.646, -12.683 ], [ -38.648, -12.65 ], [ -38.636, -12.661 ], [ -38.646, -12.683 ] ] ], [ [ [ -32.402, -3.838 ], [ -32.428, -3.877 ], [ -32.483, -3.878 ], [ -32.402, -3.838 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.667, -3.179 ], [ -44.668, -3.16 ], [ -44.643, -3.148 ], [ -44.644, -3.17 ], [ -44.667, -3.179 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.671, -2.943 ], [ -44.67, -2.92 ], [ -44.647, -2.915 ], [ -44.671, -2.943 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.493, -2.641 ], [ -44.48, -2.601 ], [ -44.477, -2.627 ], [ -44.493, -2.641 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.897, -2.573 ], [ -43.896, -2.554 ], [ -43.886, -2.565 ], [ -43.897, -2.573 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.599, -2.503 ], [ -43.577, -2.471 ], [ -43.572, -2.483 ], [ -43.599, -2.503 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.822, -2.526 ], [ -43.829, -2.509 ], [ -43.813, -2.458 ], [ -43.812, -2.553 ], [ -43.82, -2.528 ], [ -43.822, -2.526 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.821, -2.529 ], [ -43.856, -2.502 ], [ -43.832, -2.439 ], [ -43.842, -2.504 ], [ -43.821, -2.529 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.863, -2.56 ], [ -43.875, -2.552 ], [ -43.865, -2.534 ], [ -43.863, -2.56 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.519, -2.536 ], [ -44.529, -2.526 ], [ -44.501, -2.48 ], [ -44.505, -2.444 ], [ -44.455, -2.434 ], [ -44.519, -2.536 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.602, -3.007 ], [ -44.657, -2.972 ], [ -44.613, -2.894 ], [ -44.575, -2.921 ], [ -44.602, -3.007 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.585, -2.978 ], [ -44.563, -2.914 ], [ -44.586, -2.826 ], [ -44.494, -2.705 ], [ -44.494, -2.953 ], [ -44.582, -3.041 ], [ -44.585, -2.978 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.826, -2.434 ], [ -43.842, -2.403 ], [ -43.811, -2.385 ], [ -43.807, -2.412 ], [ -43.826, -2.434 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.581, -2.441 ], [ -43.615, -2.389 ], [ -43.549, -2.377 ], [ -43.545, -2.403 ], [ -43.581, -2.441 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.791, -2.47 ], [ -43.806, -2.443 ], [ -43.78, -2.422 ], [ -43.759, -2.448 ], [ -43.791, -2.47 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.513, -2.424 ], [ -43.537, -2.416 ], [ -43.522, -2.39 ], [ -43.505, -2.414 ], [ -43.513, -2.424 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.792, -2.405 ], [ -43.798, -2.377 ], [ -43.771, -2.37 ], [ -43.792, -2.405 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.689, -2.355 ], [ -43.743, -2.352 ], [ -43.724, -2.305 ], [ -43.617, -2.253 ], [ -43.612, -2.275 ], [ -43.669, -2.301 ], [ -43.689, -2.355 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.73, -2.425 ], [ -43.732, -2.364 ], [ -43.67, -2.377 ], [ -43.681, -2.34 ], [ -43.63, -2.324 ], [ -43.643, -2.394 ], [ -43.73, -2.425 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.473, -2.125 ], [ -44.487, -2.113 ], [ -44.475, -2.096 ], [ -44.463, -2.104 ], [ -44.473, -2.125 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.456, -2.031 ], [ -44.447, -2.008 ], [ -44.439, -2.022 ], [ -44.456, -2.031 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.311, -1.964 ], [ -49.336, -1.996 ], [ -49.309, -1.943 ], [ -49.311, -1.964 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.323, -2.054 ], [ -49.329, -2.019 ], [ -49.316, -2.001 ], [ -49.323, -2.054 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.231, -1.829 ], [ -50.246, -1.824 ], [ -50.229, -1.816 ], [ -50.231, -1.829 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.615, -1.821 ], [ -44.622, -1.797 ], [ -44.597, -1.774 ], [ -44.583, -1.789 ], [ -44.615, -1.821 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.7, -1.811 ], [ -44.703, -1.78 ], [ -44.673, -1.78 ], [ -44.7, -1.811 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.691, -1.793 ], [ -49.721, -1.789 ], [ -49.719, -1.771 ], [ -49.697, -1.766 ], [ -49.691, -1.793 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.924, -1.711 ], [ -48.909, -1.713 ], [ -48.916, -1.734 ], [ -48.935, -1.713 ], [ -48.924, -1.711 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.757, -1.707 ], [ -44.767, -1.694 ], [ -44.736, -1.701 ], [ -44.757, -1.707 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.433, -1.684 ], [ -49.454, -1.706 ], [ -49.46, -1.684 ], [ -49.433, -1.684 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.357, -1.008 ], [ -46.342, -0.994 ], [ -46.353, -1.026 ], [ -46.357, -1.008 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.205, -1.021 ], [ -46.194, -1.014 ], [ -46.202, -1.032 ], [ -46.205, -1.021 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.662, -3.018 ], [ -44.673, -3.012 ], [ -44.664, -3.001 ], [ -44.649, -3.013 ], [ -44.662, -3.018 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.736, -1.683 ], [ -44.745, -1.677 ], [ -44.732, -1.668 ], [ -44.736, -1.683 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.231, -1.638 ], [ -49.237, -1.627 ], [ -49.217, -1.633 ], [ -49.231, -1.638 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.38, -1.685 ], [ -49.4, -1.682 ], [ -49.368, -1.669 ], [ -49.38, -1.685 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.426, -1.673 ], [ -49.429, -1.661 ], [ -49.406, -1.66 ], [ -49.426, -1.673 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.34, -1.672 ], [ -49.358, -1.662 ], [ -49.325, -1.647 ], [ -49.34, -1.672 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.289, -1.726 ], [ -45.305, -1.663 ], [ -45.257, -1.641 ], [ -45.244, -1.678 ], [ -45.28, -1.694 ], [ -45.289, -1.726 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.328, -1.743 ], [ -45.346, -1.719 ], [ -45.301, -1.596 ], [ -45.274, -1.635 ], [ -45.313, -1.654 ], [ -45.328, -1.743 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.886, -1.578 ], [ -48.89, -1.56 ], [ -48.859, -1.536 ], [ -48.856, -1.553 ], [ -48.886, -1.578 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.783, -1.682 ], [ -44.8, -1.595 ], [ -44.775, -1.62 ], [ -44.721, -1.567 ], [ -44.704, -1.611 ], [ -44.684, -1.575 ], [ -44.668, -1.669 ], [ -44.693, -1.638 ], [ -44.783, -1.682 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.816, -1.569 ], [ -44.837, -1.534 ], [ -44.787, -1.488 ], [ -44.825, -1.534 ], [ -44.816, -1.569 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.462, -1.517 ], [ -48.478, -1.499 ], [ -48.421, -1.503 ], [ -48.462, -1.517 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.793, -1.531 ], [ -44.774, -1.47 ], [ -44.763, -1.513 ], [ -44.793, -1.531 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.414, -1.427 ], [ -45.423, -1.416 ], [ -45.409, -1.405 ], [ -45.414, -1.427 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45, -1.296 ], [ -44.922, -1.265 ], [ -44.877, -1.309 ], [ -44.895, -1.34 ], [ -44.922, -1.305 ], [ -44.907, -1.341 ], [ -44.999, -1.405 ], [ -45.033, -1.339 ], [ -45, -1.32 ], [ -44.995, -1.36 ], [ -45, -1.296 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.044, -1.402 ], [ -45.07, -1.33 ], [ -45.052, -1.342 ], [ -45.044, -1.402 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.333, -1.569 ], [ -45.371, -1.544 ], [ -45.347, -1.489 ], [ -45.313, -1.506 ], [ -45.333, -1.569 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.969, -1.522 ], [ -44.976, -1.493 ], [ -44.959, -1.483 ], [ -44.969, -1.522 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.393, -1.512 ], [ -48.371, -1.476 ], [ -48.341, -1.483 ], [ -48.393, -1.512 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.413, -1.498 ], [ -48.426, -1.491 ], [ -48.387, -1.476 ], [ -48.413, -1.498 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.118, -1.47 ], [ -45.132, -1.462 ], [ -45.115, -1.364 ], [ -45.103, -1.373 ], [ -45.118, -1.47 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.593, -1.251 ], [ -45.581, -1.19 ], [ -45.536, -1.205 ], [ -45.532, -1.231 ], [ -45.593, -1.251 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.559, -1.243 ], [ -48.56, -1.202 ], [ -48.523, -1.199 ], [ -48.559, -1.243 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.817, -1.163 ], [ -45.829, -1.141 ], [ -45.804, -1.127 ], [ -45.817, -1.163 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.877, -1.154 ], [ -45.9, -1.117 ], [ -45.883, -1.073 ], [ -45.849, -1.123 ], [ -45.877, -1.154 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.192, -1.05 ], [ -46.201, -1.041 ], [ -46.185, -1.027 ], [ -46.192, -1.05 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.291, -1.01 ], [ -46.307, -0.992 ], [ -46.306, -0.961 ], [ -46.291, -1.01 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.078, -1.095 ], [ -46.065, -1.05 ], [ -46.061, -1.074 ], [ -46.078, -1.095 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.68, -1.295 ], [ -45.687, -1.275 ], [ -45.667, -1.26 ], [ -45.654, -1.285 ], [ -45.68, -1.295 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.538, -1.282 ], [ -48.549, -1.262 ], [ -48.53, -1.25 ], [ -48.538, -1.282 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.51, -1.27 ], [ -48.522, -1.247 ], [ -48.506, -1.236 ], [ -48.51, -1.27 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.694, -1.37 ], [ -45.646, -1.289 ], [ -45.625, -1.126 ], [ -45.634, -1.349 ], [ -45.694, -1.37 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.688, -1.266 ], [ -45.708, -1.228 ], [ -45.685, -1.194 ], [ -45.664, -1.231 ], [ -45.688, -1.266 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.425, -0.914 ], [ -46.454, -0.907 ], [ -46.408, -0.868 ], [ -46.395, -0.899 ], [ -46.425, -0.914 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.72, -0.848 ], [ -46.735, -0.832 ], [ -46.729, -0.796 ], [ -46.72, -0.848 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.611, -0.799 ], [ -46.622, -0.784 ], [ -46.601, -0.789 ], [ -46.611, -0.799 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.586, -0.849 ], [ -46.621, -0.807 ], [ -46.589, -0.815 ], [ -46.586, -0.849 ] ] ], [ [ [ -47.447, -0.748 ], [ -47.453, -0.732 ], [ -47.436, -0.717 ], [ -47.428, -0.738 ], [ -47.447, -0.748 ] ] ], [ [ [ -47.461, -0.741 ], [ -47.463, -0.702 ], [ -47.445, -0.697 ], [ -47.461, -0.741 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.214, -0.411 ], [ -51.211, -0.386 ], [ -51.164, -0.347 ], [ -51.163, -0.383 ], [ -51.214, -0.411 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.352, -0.353 ], [ -51.346, -0.31 ], [ -51.317, -0.268 ], [ -51.327, -0.33 ], [ -51.352, -0.353 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.127, -0.268 ], [ -51.131, -0.237 ], [ -51.091, -0.208 ], [ -51.087, -0.229 ], [ -51.127, -0.268 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.888, -0.198 ], [ -48.91, -0.188 ], [ -48.893, -0.134 ], [ -48.847, -0.177 ], [ -48.888, -0.198 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.174, -0.091 ], [ -51.191, -0.064 ], [ -51.126, -0.057 ], [ -51.174, -0.091 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.114, -0.146 ], [ -49.097, -0.121 ], [ -49.08, -0.13 ], [ -49.114, -0.146 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.166, -0.142 ], [ -49.188, -0.115 ], [ -49.156, -0.128 ], [ -49.166, -0.142 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.119, -0.141 ], [ -49.143, -0.107 ], [ -49.114, -0.11 ], [ -49.119, -0.141 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.127, -0.128 ], [ -51.094, -0.103 ], [ -51.108, -0.127 ], [ -51.127, -0.128 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.414, -0.999 ], [ -46.384, -0.941 ], [ -46.367, -0.948 ], [ -46.414, -0.999 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.647, -0.97 ], [ -46.658, -0.968 ], [ -46.618, -0.957 ], [ -46.647, -0.97 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.488, -0.942 ], [ -46.465, -0.877 ], [ -46.464, -0.924 ], [ -46.44, -0.922 ], [ -46.482, -0.976 ], [ -46.441, -0.999 ], [ -46.525, -1.016 ], [ -46.527, -0.917 ], [ -46.509, -0.984 ], [ -46.488, -0.942 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.632, 0.159 ], [ -49.662, 0.184 ], [ -49.629, 0.202 ], [ -49.61, 0.181 ], [ -49.632, 0.159 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.641, 0.26 ], [ -50.63, 0.293 ], [ -50.586, 0.308 ], [ -50.641, 0.26 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.2, 0.255 ], [ -50.243, 0.248 ], [ -50.147, 0.337 ], [ -50.059, 0.346 ], [ -50.2, 0.255 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.417, 0.159 ], [ -50.535, 0.234 ], [ -50.36, 0.615 ], [ -50.328, 0.383 ], [ -50.285, 0.3 ], [ -50.413, 0.237 ], [ -50.417, 0.159 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.279, 0.338 ], [ -50.271, 0.599 ], [ -50.147, 0.608 ], [ -50.142, 0.576 ], [ -50.107, 0.636 ], [ -50.063, 0.623 ], [ -50.05, 0.518 ], [ -50.279, 0.338 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50, 0.943 ], [ -50.113, 0.907 ], [ -50.018, 1.034 ], [ -49.935, 1.069 ], [ -49.939, 0.996 ], [ -50, 0.943 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.881, 1.227 ], [ -49.909, 1.246 ], [ -49.886, 1.244 ], [ -49.881, 1.227 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.907, 1.278 ], [ -49.885, 1.291 ], [ -49.863, 1.278 ], [ -49.876, 1.252 ], [ -49.907, 1.278 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.204, 1.851 ], [ -50.232, 1.879 ], [ -50.22, 1.915 ], [ -50.169, 1.865 ], [ -50.204, 1.851 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.468, 1.954 ], [ -50.521, 2.026 ], [ -50.497, 2.139 ], [ -50.398, 2.167 ], [ -50.367, 2.19 ], [ -50.276, 1.939 ], [ -50.423, 1.849 ], [ -50.468, 1.954 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.504, 2.255 ], [ -50.414, 2.244 ], [ -50.382, 2.204 ], [ -50.489, 2.15 ], [ -50.564, 2.205 ], [ -50.504, 2.255 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.229, 0.832 ], [ -50.098, 0.839 ], [ -50.027, 0.898 ], [ -50.105, 0.757 ], [ -50.162, 0.775 ], [ -50.249, 0.72 ], [ -50.229, 0.832 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.131, 0.844 ], [ -50.162, 0.867 ], [ -50.132, 0.9 ], [ -50.119, 0.854 ], [ -50.131, 0.844 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.108, 0.85 ], [ -50.111, 0.891 ], [ -50.049, 0.886 ], [ -50.108, 0.85 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.216, -0.055 ], [ -50.235, -0.042 ], [ -50.219, -0.04 ], [ -50.216, -0.055 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.916, -0.052 ], [ -50.926, -0.047 ], [ -50.907, -0.043 ], [ -50.916, -0.052 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.605, -0.061 ], [ -50.618, -0.022 ], [ -50.559, -0.038 ], [ -50.605, -0.061 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.399, -0.061 ], [ -50.44, -0.057 ], [ -50.378, -0.015 ], [ -50.357, -0.049 ], [ -50.399, -0.061 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.75, 0 ], [ -49.609, 0.08 ], [ -49.474, 0.081 ], [ -49.338, -0.017 ], [ -49.487, -0.136 ], [ -49.723, -0.147 ], [ -49.835, -0.088 ], [ -49.75, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.023, -0.019 ], [ -49.039, -0.011 ], [ -49.02, -0.006 ], [ -49.023, -0.019 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.932, 0.052 ], [ -50.918, 0.084 ], [ -50.884, 0.078 ], [ -50.899, 0.057 ], [ -50.932, 0.052 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.928, 0 ], [ -50.786, 0.05 ], [ -50.717, 0.028 ], [ -50.94, -0.041 ], [ -50.928, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.691, 0.025 ], [ -50.655, 0.015 ], [ -50.703, 0.021 ], [ -50.691, 0.025 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.629, -0.043 ], [ -50.642, -0.016 ], [ -50.622, -0.026 ], [ -50.629, -0.043 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.642, 0 ], [ -50.611, 0.007 ], [ -50.595, -0.019 ], [ -50.642, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.536, 0 ], [ -50.653, 0.126 ], [ -50.59, 0.203 ], [ -50.434, 0.126 ], [ -50.436, 0 ], [ -50.536, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50, 0.311 ], [ -49.674, 0.368 ], [ -49.601, 0.283 ], [ -49.86, 0.008 ], [ -49.99, -0.048 ], [ -50.086, 0.034 ], [ -50.351, 0.044 ], [ -50.394, 0.222 ], [ -50.153, 0.227 ], [ -50, 0.311 ] ] ] ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "La costa de lo que hoy es territorio brasileño fue el primer punto al que llegaron los europeos en América del Sur. La primera expedición que exploró la región fue un desprendimiento de la flota portuguesa que Vasco da Gama (c. 1460-1524) llevaba hacia oriente. Las naves dirigidas por Pedro Álvarez de Cabral (1467-1520) se alejaron excesivamente de la costa de África y terminaron en el extremo sur de actual territorio del Estado de Bahía, en que el permanecieron entre abril y mayo del año 1500. Los portuguese establecieron en la costa precarias feitorias para comerciar verzino o palo brasil con los nativos de las sociedades tupí y guaraní nativas. Recién en 1530 la corona brasileña tomaría acciones decididas para organizar la ocupación portuguesa y las actividades de explotación, cuando instaura el régimen de capitanías hereditarias que estructuraría el establecimiento colonial lusitano en brasil. Bibliografía: Johnson, H. B., \"Portuguese Settlement, 1500-1580\", en Bethell, Leslie (ed.), Colonial Brazil, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1987, pp. 1-38; Abulafia, David, El descubrimiento de la humanidad. Encuentros atlánticos en la era de Colón, Barcelona, Crítica, 2009 [2008]; Metcalf, Alida C., Go-Betweens and the Colonization of Brazil, 1500-1600, Austin, University of Texas Press, 2005; Vaz de Caminha, Pêro, Carta del descubrimiento del Brasil, Barcelona, Acantilado, 2009.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-12-03T14:17:24+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 17391, "end" : 17397 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Brasil" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/9585b022-47ff-47be-9be6-d370340f2d5e", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://sws.geonames.org/3469034", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-12-03T14:17:24+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-12-03T14:17:24+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "MultiPolygon", "coordinates" : [ [ [ [ -44.657, -3.018 ], [ -44.608, -3.041 ], [ -44.72, -3.18 ], [ -44.793, -3.198 ], [ -44.779, -3.312 ], [ -44.736, -3.302 ], [ -44.763, -3.225 ], [ -44.653, -3.196 ], [ -44.431, -2.945 ], [ -44.367, -2.643 ], [ -44.362, -2.726 ], [ -44.355, -2.605 ], [ -44.378, -2.566 ], [ -44.345, -2.528 ], [ -44.29, -2.573 ], [ -44.306, -2.487 ], [ -44.02, -2.403 ], [ -44.03, -2.457 ], [ -44.108, -2.468 ], [ -44.035, -2.518 ], [ -44.131, -2.596 ], [ -44.147, -2.681 ], [ -44.219, -2.67 ], [ -44.209, -2.716 ], [ -44.345, -2.791 ], [ -44.347, -2.838 ], [ -44.315, -2.788 ], [ -44.3, -2.843 ], [ -44.266, -2.777 ], [ -44.225, -2.806 ], [ -44.184, -2.766 ], [ -44.208, -2.857 ], [ -44.111, -2.749 ], [ -44.072, -2.811 ], [ -44.05, -2.685 ], [ -43.981, -2.619 ], [ -43.946, -2.641 ], [ -43.933, -2.553 ], [ -43.883, -2.649 ], [ -43.887, -2.578 ], [ -43.803, -2.56 ], [ -43.76, -2.513 ], [ -43.754, -2.556 ], [ -43.729, -2.481 ], [ -43.727, -2.569 ], [ -43.654, -2.556 ], [ -43.682, -2.534 ], [ -43.653, -2.488 ], [ -43.608, -2.593 ], [ -43.603, -2.518 ], [ -43.548, -2.528 ], [ -43.519, -2.445 ], [ -43.498, -2.55 ], [ -43.46, -2.507 ], [ -43.458, -2.596 ], [ -43.401, -2.552 ], [ -43.448, -2.538 ], [ -43.462, -2.427 ], [ -43.359, -2.44 ], [ -43.479, -2.376 ], [ -43.378, -2.329 ], [ -43.4, -2.353 ], [ -43.232, -2.362 ], [ -42.692, -2.596 ], [ -42.709, -2.56 ], [ -42.572, -2.68 ], [ -42.495, -2.689 ], [ -42.503, -2.727 ], [ -42.393, -2.751 ], [ -42.475, -2.706 ], [ -42.375, -2.717 ], [ -42.228, -2.818 ], [ -42.143, -2.808 ], [ -42.256, -2.735 ], [ -42.233, -2.674 ], [ -42.208, -2.712 ], [ -42.098, -2.768 ], [ -42.099, -2.809 ], [ -42.096, -2.747 ], [ -42.216, -2.687 ], [ -42.054, -2.691 ], [ -42.023, -2.775 ], [ -42.017, -2.718 ], [ -41.818, -2.723 ], [ -41.844, -2.773 ], [ -41.797, -2.751 ], [ -41.656, -2.884 ], [ -41.437, -2.939 ], [ -41.395, -2.906 ], [ -41.316, -2.943 ], [ -41.263, -2.887 ], [ -40.838, -2.895 ], [ -40.572, -2.844 ], [ -40.499, -2.787 ], [ -39.888, -2.886 ], [ -39.244, -3.229 ], [ -39.083, -3.394 ], [ -38.978, -3.407 ], [ -38.641, -3.687 ], [ -38.473, -3.7 ], [ -38.377, -3.866 ], [ -38.043, -4.214 ], [ -37.764, -4.399 ], [ -37.588, -4.624 ], [ -37.323, -4.698 ], [ -37.15, -4.943 ], [ -36.958, -4.919 ], [ -36.666, -5.108 ], [ -36.504, -5.061 ], [ -36.297, -5.106 ], [ -35.956, -5.045 ], [ -35.612, -5.11 ], [ -35.385, -5.255 ], [ -35.255, -5.483 ], [ -35.099, -6.169 ], [ -34.983, -6.396 ], [ -34.933, -6.753 ], [ -34.79, -7.159 ], [ -34.842, -7.564 ], [ -34.809, -7.622 ], [ -34.845, -7.69 ], [ -34.827, -8.004 ], [ -35.136, -8.895 ], [ -35.332, -9.237 ], [ -35.689, -9.668 ], [ -35.78, -9.706 ], [ -36.056, -10.083 ], [ -36.266, -10.256 ], [ -36.402, -10.506 ], [ -36.602, -10.567 ], [ -36.934, -10.826 ], [ -37.36, -11.428 ], [ -37.612, -11.979 ], [ -37.996, -12.578 ], [ -38.318, -12.934 ], [ -38.477, -13.022 ], [ -38.532, -13.017 ], [ -38.473, -12.913 ], [ -38.498, -12.722 ], [ -38.603, -12.728 ], [ -38.646, -12.622 ], [ -38.681, -12.661 ], [ -38.718, -12.627 ], [ -38.804, -12.835 ], [ -38.717, -12.873 ], [ -38.769, -12.995 ], [ -38.721, -13.021 ], [ -38.66, -12.963 ], [ -38.686, -12.878 ], [ -38.59, -12.972 ], [ -38.766, -13.129 ], [ -38.807, -13.1 ], [ -38.808, -13.154 ], [ -38.944, -13.243 ], [ -38.973, -13.391 ], [ -38.902, -13.384 ], [ -38.886, -13.45 ], [ -38.95, -13.577 ], [ -38.886, -13.659 ], [ -38.968, -13.67 ], [ -39.006, -13.891 ], [ -39.064, -13.865 ], [ -39.075, -13.887 ], [ -38.986, -13.998 ], [ -38.952, -13.986 ], [ -38.982, -13.912 ], [ -38.938, -13.886 ], [ -38.922, -13.92 ], [ -39.061, -14.716 ], [ -38.962, -15.585 ], [ -38.857, -15.86 ], [ -38.973, -16.211 ], [ -39.032, -16.26 ], [ -39.01, -16.369 ], [ -39.078, -16.454 ], [ -39.143, -16.762 ], [ -39.113, -16.896 ], [ -39.212, -17.155 ], [ -39.193, -17.602 ], [ -39.135, -17.691 ], [ -39.264, -17.869 ], [ -39.435, -17.943 ], [ -39.563, -18.091 ], [ -39.721, -18.493 ], [ -39.749, -18.81 ], [ -39.692, -19.353 ], [ -39.805, -19.65 ], [ -39.951, -19.717 ], [ -40.151, -19.956 ], [ -40.236, -20.285 ], [ -40.353, -20.32 ], [ -40.329, -20.236 ], [ -40.359, -20.291 ], [ -40.365, -20.317 ], [ -40.35, -20.328 ], [ -40.268, -20.327 ], [ -40.402, -20.606 ], [ -40.466, -20.624 ], [ -40.627, -20.845 ], [ -40.65, -20.813 ], [ -40.756, -20.866 ], [ -40.853, -21.133 ], [ -40.955, -21.251 ], [ -40.96, -21.364 ], [ -41.065, -21.495 ], [ -41.051, -21.608 ], [ -41.038, -21.622 ], [ -41.007, -21.618 ], [ -40.99, -22.014 ], [ -41.229, -22.151 ], [ -41.668, -22.294 ], [ -41.962, -22.538 ], [ -41.986, -22.713 ], [ -41.919, -22.774 ], [ -41.864, -22.759 ], [ -42.023, -22.896 ], [ -42.037, -22.94 ], [ -41.99, -22.964 ], [ -42.018, -22.998 ], [ -42.086, -22.957 ], [ -42.529, -22.934 ], [ -43.05, -22.982 ], [ -43.132, -22.941 ], [ -43.025, -22.741 ], [ -43.084, -22.68 ], [ -43.216, -22.725 ], [ -43.287, -22.806 ], [ -43.24, -22.847 ], [ -43.249, -22.797 ], [ -43.156, -22.784 ], [ -43.247, -22.882 ], [ -43.164, -22.899 ], [ -43.187, -22.995 ], [ -43.344, -22.983 ], [ -43.303, -23.02 ], [ -43.549, -23.081 ], [ -44.001, -23.1 ], [ -43.961, -23.042 ], [ -43.877, -23.067 ], [ -43.909, -23.02 ], [ -43.807, -23.063 ], [ -43.555, -23.055 ], [ -43.84, -22.906 ], [ -43.985, -22.937 ], [ -44.034, -23.014 ], [ -44.044, -22.923 ], [ -44.107, -23.03 ], [ -44.234, -23.06 ], [ -44.238, -23.004 ], [ -44.358, -23.02 ], [ -44.296, -22.961 ], [ -44.321, -22.927 ], [ -44.378, -22.972 ], [ -44.407, -22.945 ], [ -44.443, -23.035 ], [ -44.669, -23.06 ], [ -44.712, -23.19 ], [ -44.701, -23.237 ], [ -44.645, -23.191 ], [ -44.612, -23.206 ], [ -44.685, -23.256 ], [ -44.611, -23.238 ], [ -44.652, -23.302 ], [ -44.558, -23.232 ], [ -44.577, -23.275 ], [ -44.498, -23.302 ], [ -44.583, -23.367 ], [ -44.669, -23.341 ], [ -44.84, -23.395 ], [ -44.905, -23.339 ], [ -45.05, -23.418 ], [ -45.016, -23.461 ], [ -45.079, -23.519 ], [ -45.165, -23.495 ], [ -45.159, -23.541 ], [ -45.228, -23.547 ], [ -45.211, -23.582 ], [ -45.41, -23.632 ], [ -45.412, -23.825 ], [ -45.934, -23.771 ], [ -46.124, -23.842 ], [ -46.2, -24.002 ], [ -46.288, -24.044 ], [ -46.321, -24 ], [ -46.458, -24.025 ], [ -46.937, -24.281 ], [ -47.024, -24.382 ], [ -47.004, -24.412 ], [ -47.86, -24.996 ], [ -47.914, -25.061 ], [ -47.915, -25.16 ], [ -48.213, -25.47 ], [ -48.254, -25.435 ], [ -48.222, -25.342 ], [ -48.208, -25.353 ], [ -48.121, -25.267 ], [ -48.253, -25.328 ], [ -48.284, -25.294 ], [ -48.317, -25.363 ], [ -48.327, -25.232 ], [ -48.366, -25.317 ], [ -48.433, -25.237 ], [ -48.428, -25.324 ], [ -48.5, -25.335 ], [ -48.427, -25.39 ], [ -48.449, -25.379 ], [ -48.468, -25.388 ], [ -48.467, -25.432 ], [ -48.449, -25.384 ], [ -48.414, -25.428 ], [ -48.476, -25.485 ], [ -48.637, -25.468 ], [ -48.661, -25.398 ], [ -48.671, -25.435 ], [ -48.739, -25.374 ], [ -48.68, -25.465 ], [ -48.687, -25.499 ], [ -48.737, -25.483 ], [ -48.703, -25.504 ], [ -48.617, -25.536 ], [ -48.512, -25.505 ], [ -48.482, -25.591 ], [ -48.46, -25.552 ], [ -48.35, -25.581 ], [ -48.565, -25.868 ], [ -48.614, -26.06 ], [ -48.586, -26.172 ], [ -48.714, -26.243 ], [ -48.795, -26.073 ], [ -48.837, -26.157 ], [ -48.798, -26.142 ], [ -48.763, -26.199 ], [ -48.805, -26.228 ], [ -48.769, -26.223 ], [ -48.761, -26.286 ], [ -48.803, -26.303 ], [ -48.723, -26.362 ], [ -48.635, -26.374 ], [ -48.714, -26.308 ], [ -48.554, -26.172 ], [ -48.493, -26.224 ], [ -48.695, -26.658 ], [ -48.665, -26.769 ], [ -48.583, -26.786 ], [ -48.655, -26.909 ], [ -48.62, -27.007 ], [ -48.574, -27.011 ], [ -48.607, -27.122 ], [ -48.554, -27.152 ], [ -48.51, -27.108 ], [ -48.469, -27.148 ], [ -48.511, -27.183 ], [ -48.486, -27.218 ], [ -48.531, -27.18 ], [ -48.612, -27.243 ], [ -48.596, -27.318 ], [ -48.529, -27.334 ], [ -48.649, -27.486 ], [ -48.572, -27.592 ], [ -48.653, -27.648 ], [ -48.575, -27.888 ], [ -48.761, -28.535 ], [ -48.813, -28.605 ], [ -49.37, -28.92 ], [ -49.334, -28.921 ], [ -49.702, -29.308 ], [ -50.006, -29.749 ], [ -50.316, -30.472 ], [ -50.848, -31.205 ], [ -51.303, -31.613 ], [ -51.877, -31.952 ], [ -52.071, -32.188 ], [ -52.012, -31.946 ], [ -52.092, -31.837 ], [ -51.851, -31.865 ], [ -51.777, -31.805 ], [ -51.854, -31.797 ], [ -51.65, -31.759 ], [ -51.478, -31.562 ], [ -51.43, -31.622 ], [ -51.458, -31.548 ], [ -51.424, -31.478 ], [ -51.351, -31.529 ], [ -51.234, -31.458 ], [ -51.16, -31.31 ], [ -51.166, -31.063 ], [ -51.109, -31.097 ], [ -50.985, -31.042 ], [ -50.965, -30.893 ], [ -50.888, -30.893 ], [ -50.705, -30.756 ], [ -50.677, -30.61 ], [ -50.725, -30.371 ], [ -50.692, -30.355 ], [ -50.625, -30.409 ], [ -50.641, -30.459 ], [ -50.569, -30.471 ], [ -50.534, -30.278 ], [ -50.601, -30.194 ], [ -50.659, -30.201 ], [ -50.661, -30.293 ], [ -50.918, -30.333 ], [ -50.934, -30.42 ], [ -50.889, -30.439 ], [ -50.921, -30.44 ], [ -51.052, -30.395 ], [ -51.034, -30.276 ], [ -51.146, -30.267 ], [ -51.246, -30.188 ], [ -51.23, -30.043 ], [ -51.295, -30.007 ], [ -51.326, -30.23 ], [ -51.271, -30.25 ], [ -51.293, -30.295 ], [ -51.246, -30.33 ], [ -51.209, -30.3 ], [ -51.179, -30.383 ], [ -51.092, -30.367 ], [ -51.129, -30.436 ], [ -51.202, -30.413 ], [ -51.269, -30.489 ], [ -51.282, -30.811 ], [ -51.33, -30.777 ], [ -51.294, -30.758 ], [ -51.319, -30.64 ], [ -51.375, -30.635 ], [ -51.404, -30.769 ], [ -51.367, -30.874 ], [ -51.457, -30.874 ], [ -51.501, -30.935 ], [ -51.436, -31.088 ], [ -51.611, -31.138 ], [ -51.613, -31.272 ], [ -51.915, -31.313 ], [ -52.002, -31.449 ], [ -52.031, -31.693 ], [ -52.218, -31.747 ], [ -52.247, -31.871 ], [ -52.106, -31.952 ], [ -52.216, -31.963 ], [ -52.263, -32.062 ], [ -52.209, -32.045 ], [ -52.225, -32.096 ], [ -52.082, -32.033 ], [ -52.162, -32.128 ], [ -52.09, -32.069 ], [ -52.084, -32.186 ], [ -52.16, -32.201 ], [ -52.341, -32.43 ], [ -52.488, -32.844 ], [ -52.66, -33.165 ], [ -53.227, -33.658 ], [ -53.421, -33.741 ], [ -53.524, -33.689 ], [ -53.515, -33.163 ], [ -53.434, -33.054 ], [ -53.243, -32.936 ], [ -53.294, -32.911 ], [ -53.074, -32.746 ], [ -53.244, -32.605 ], [ -53.39, -32.583 ], [ -53.46, -32.48 ], [ -53.595, -32.432 ], [ -53.73, -32.157 ], [ -53.714, -32.104 ], [ -53.965, -31.919 ], [ -54.096, -31.906 ], [ -54.466, -31.666 ], [ -54.491, -31.54 ], [ -54.591, -31.448 ], [ -54.836, -31.446 ], [ -54.945, -31.392 ], [ -55.014, -31.285 ], [ -55.091, -31.326 ], [ -55.245, -31.257 ], [ -55.374, -31.038 ], [ -55.594, -30.848 ], [ -55.635, -30.857 ], [ -55.657, -30.956 ], [ -55.87, -31.08 ], [ -56.008, -31.063 ], [ -55.987, -30.86 ], [ -56.021, -30.784 ], [ -56.127, -30.739 ], [ -56.177, -30.614 ], [ -56.384, -30.495 ], [ -56.459, -30.387 ], [ -56.545, -30.364 ], [ -56.54, -30.312 ], [ -56.617, -30.303 ], [ -56.644, -30.205 ], [ -56.776, -30.166 ], [ -56.804, -30.107 ], [ -57.068, -30.088 ], [ -57.207, -30.281 ], [ -57.313, -30.26 ], [ -57.396, -30.303 ], [ -57.538, -30.275 ], [ -57.618, -30.179 ], [ -57.505, -30.143 ], [ -57.342, -30.001 ], [ -57.319, -29.87 ], [ -57.254, -29.794 ], [ -57.105, -29.752 ], [ -56.972, -29.639 ], [ -56.676, -29.321 ], [ -56.593, -29.123 ], [ -56.425, -29.073 ], [ -56.285, -28.794 ], [ -56.185, -28.771 ], [ -56.016, -28.611 ], [ -56.011, -28.509 ], [ -55.888, -28.479 ], [ -55.875, -28.362 ], [ -55.696, -28.425 ], [ -55.671, -28.333 ], [ -55.773, -28.247 ], [ -55.605, -28.123 ], [ -55.554, -28.164 ], [ -55.496, -28.081 ], [ -55.444, -28.097 ], [ -55.323, -27.928 ], [ -55.196, -27.863 ], [ -55.134, -27.895 ], [ -55.117, -27.853 ], [ -55.032, -27.854 ], [ -55.082, -27.789 ], [ -54.941, -27.775 ], [ -54.809, -27.536 ], [ -54.781, -27.586 ], [ -54.683, -27.576 ], [ -54.678, -27.514 ], [ -54.624, -27.55 ], [ -54.576, -27.458 ], [ -54.525, -27.507 ], [ -54.415, -27.412 ], [ -54.353, -27.468 ], [ -54.339, -27.406 ], [ -54.282, -27.447 ], [ -54.176, -27.261 ], [ -54.089, -27.303 ], [ -53.949, -27.158 ], [ -53.799, -27.147 ], [ -53.795, -27.048 ], [ -53.761, -27.068 ], [ -53.662, -26.869 ], [ -53.751, -26.745 ], [ -53.707, -26.563 ], [ -53.738, -26.548 ], [ -53.592, -26.265 ], [ -53.722, -26.13 ], [ -53.733, -26.047 ], [ -53.837, -25.969 ], [ -53.824, -25.793 ], [ -53.891, -25.625 ], [ -53.951, -25.644 ], [ -54.016, -25.569 ], [ -54.101, -25.625 ], [ -54.111, -25.504 ], [ -54.213, -25.554 ], [ -54.184, -25.591 ], [ -54.289, -25.562 ], [ -54.387, -25.608 ], [ -54.43, -25.706 ], [ -54.596, -25.595 ], [ -54.617, -25.459 ], [ -54.437, -25.157 ], [ -54.458, -25.031 ], [ -54.336, -24.649 ], [ -54.333, -24.493 ], [ -54.262, -24.376 ], [ -54.33, -24.225 ], [ -54.282, -24.075 ], [ -54.411, -23.929 ], [ -54.668, -23.815 ], [ -55.061, -23.991 ], [ -55.112, -23.963 ], [ -55.226, -24.013 ], [ -55.413, -23.961 ], [ -55.434, -23.714 ], [ -55.535, -23.614 ], [ -55.522, -23.197 ], [ -55.596, -23.141 ], [ -55.64, -22.994 ], [ -55.685, -22.992 ], [ -55.613, -22.659 ], [ -55.736, -22.532 ], [ -55.74, -22.396 ], [ -55.854, -22.281 ], [ -56.208, -22.281 ], [ -56.341, -22.206 ], [ -56.403, -22.078 ], [ -56.519, -22.103 ], [ -56.643, -22.261 ], [ -56.698, -22.216 ], [ -56.728, -22.26 ], [ -56.808, -22.25 ], [ -56.831, -22.3 ], [ -57.001, -22.225 ], [ -57.203, -22.21 ], [ -57.243, -22.244 ], [ -57.553, -22.181 ], [ -57.616, -22.096 ], [ -57.803, -22.148 ], [ -57.989, -22.085 ], [ -58.005, -22.032 ], [ -57.919, -21.881 ], [ -57.969, -21.844 ], [ -57.913, -21.793 ], [ -57.947, -21.747 ], [ -57.894, -21.687 ], [ -57.968, -21.528 ], [ -57.855, -21.339 ], [ -57.918, -21.278 ], [ -57.854, -21.226 ], [ -57.866, -21.041 ], [ -57.818, -20.976 ], [ -57.927, -20.897 ], [ -57.855, -20.835 ], [ -57.961, -20.784 ], [ -57.869, -20.736 ], [ -57.923, -20.666 ], [ -57.988, -20.696 ], [ -57.994, -20.448 ], [ -58.082, -20.372 ], [ -58.092, -20.257 ], [ -58.154, -20.264 ], [ -58.125, -20.188 ], [ -58.163, -20.162 ], [ -57.872, -19.979 ], [ -58.134, -19.761 ], [ -57.79, -19.051 ], [ -57.709, -19.034 ], [ -57.757, -18.858 ], [ -57.56, -18.263 ], [ -57.458, -18.228 ], [ -57.568, -18.136 ], [ -57.702, -17.86 ], [ -57.715, -17.735 ], [ -57.785, -17.645 ], [ -57.773, -17.553 ], [ -57.878, -17.463 ], [ -58.003, -17.52 ], [ -58.114, -17.456 ], [ -58.395, -17.197 ], [ -58.421, -16.99 ], [ -58.47, -16.939 ], [ -58.468, -16.702 ], [ -58.442, -16.613 ], [ -58.34, -16.542 ], [ -58.309, -16.27 ], [ -58.471, -16.325 ], [ -60.173, -16.265 ], [ -60.236, -15.476 ], [ -60.565, -15.105 ], [ -60.253, -15.101 ], [ -60.257, -14.624 ], [ -60.338, -14.555 ], [ -60.482, -14.181 ], [ -60.468, -14.092 ], [ -60.378, -13.992 ], [ -60.468, -13.886 ], [ -60.468, -13.801 ], [ -60.793, -13.686 ], [ -60.962, -13.539 ], [ -61.044, -13.541 ], [ -61.028, -13.477 ], [ -61.069, -13.463 ], [ -61.139, -13.521 ], [ -61.249, -13.525 ], [ -61.33, -13.473 ], [ -61.486, -13.554 ], [ -61.578, -13.494 ], [ -61.824, -13.539 ], [ -61.866, -13.443 ], [ -62.108, -13.257 ], [ -62.109, -13.149 ], [ -62.165, -13.112 ], [ -62.368, -13.145 ], [ -62.464, -13.07 ], [ -62.637, -13.041 ], [ -62.674, -12.965 ], [ -62.764, -13.023 ], [ -62.923, -12.854 ], [ -62.996, -12.85 ], [ -63.082, -12.653 ], [ -63.327, -12.705 ], [ -63.482, -12.557 ], [ -63.712, -12.458 ], [ -63.875, -12.469 ], [ -63.937, -12.557 ], [ -64.127, -12.494 ], [ -64.152, -12.529 ], [ -64.215, -12.476 ], [ -64.278, -12.511 ], [ -64.493, -12.366 ], [ -64.486, -12.23 ], [ -64.654, -12.186 ], [ -64.683, -12.099 ], [ -64.725, -12.162 ], [ -64.798, -12.035 ], [ -64.993, -11.999 ], [ -65.048, -11.757 ], [ -65.112, -11.741 ], [ -65.106, -11.697 ], [ -65.135, -11.777 ], [ -65.201, -11.745 ], [ -65.161, -11.622 ], [ -65.218, -11.521 ], [ -65.299, -11.5 ], [ -65.338, -11.392 ], [ -65.31, -11.341 ], [ -65.385, -11.269 ], [ -65.349, -11.239 ], [ -65.391, -11.167 ], [ -65.318, -11.105 ], [ -65.336, -11.044 ], [ -65.269, -10.901 ], [ -65.366, -10.798 ], [ -65.349, -10.671 ], [ -65.426, -10.638 ], [ -65.429, -10.473 ], [ -65.28, -10.218 ], [ -65.327, -9.938 ], [ -65.29, -9.851 ], [ -65.377, -9.698 ], [ -65.488, -9.718 ], [ -65.563, -9.834 ], [ -65.669, -9.779 ], [ -65.7, -9.803 ], [ -65.689, -9.749 ], [ -65.748, -9.77 ], [ -65.777, -9.727 ], [ -65.798, -9.786 ], [ -65.81, -9.75 ], [ -65.86, -9.794 ], [ -65.872, -9.757 ], [ -66.018, -9.807 ], [ -66.064, -9.772 ], [ -66.422, -9.895 ], [ -66.616, -9.893 ], [ -66.623, -9.935 ], [ -66.883, -10.081 ], [ -67.029, -10.254 ], [ -67.186, -10.339 ], [ -67.315, -10.316 ], [ -67.327, -10.374 ], [ -67.414, -10.372 ], [ -67.443, -10.45 ], [ -67.594, -10.523 ], [ -67.715, -10.707 ], [ -68.021, -10.661 ], [ -68.119, -10.726 ], [ -68.283, -10.987 ], [ -68.519, -11.048 ], [ -68.587, -11.11 ], [ -68.769, -11.139 ], [ -68.751, -11.007 ], [ -68.787, -10.99 ], [ -68.871, -11.023 ], [ -69.393, -10.929 ], [ -69.728, -10.973 ], [ -69.938, -10.926 ], [ -70.318, -11.066 ], [ -70.428, -11.033 ], [ -70.508, -10.94 ], [ -70.618, -11.007 ], [ -70.622, -9.847 ], [ -70.522, -9.738 ], [ -70.598, -9.574 ], [ -70.561, -9.579 ], [ -70.497, -9.433 ], [ -70.601, -9.453 ], [ -70.982, -9.812 ], [ -71.131, -9.862 ], [ -71.288, -9.996 ], [ -72.165, -10.002 ], [ -72.16, -9.818 ], [ -72.26, -9.755 ], [ -72.289, -9.536 ], [ -72.364, -9.491 ], [ -72.721, -9.417 ], [ -73.196, -9.418 ], [ -72.965, -9.154 ], [ -72.946, -8.99 ], [ -73.059, -8.904 ], [ -73.169, -8.701 ], [ -73.338, -8.609 ], [ -73.338, -8.476 ], [ -73.526, -8.369 ], [ -73.632, -8.022 ], [ -73.765, -7.94 ], [ -73.777, -7.869 ], [ -73.697, -7.865 ], [ -73.69, -7.79 ], [ -73.985, -7.543 ], [ -73.917, -7.461 ], [ -73.954, -7.348 ], [ -73.868, -7.377 ], [ -73.691, -7.313 ], [ -73.797, -7.115 ], [ -73.743, -6.897 ], [ -73.351, -6.561 ], [ -73.211, -6.53 ], [ -73.133, -6.421 ], [ -73.185, -6.04 ], [ -73.131, -5.986 ], [ -73.116, -5.865 ], [ -72.951, -5.643 ], [ -72.948, -5.454 ], [ -72.872, -5.25 ], [ -72.896, -5.136 ], [ -72.734, -5.043 ], [ -72.602, -5.056 ], [ -72.577, -4.992 ], [ -72.455, -4.962 ], [ -72.452, -4.906 ], [ -72.37, -4.88 ], [ -72.356, -4.803 ], [ -72.292, -4.799 ], [ -72.313, -4.769 ], [ -72.223, -4.78 ], [ -72.113, -4.722 ], [ -72.047, -4.625 ], [ -71.94, -4.607 ], [ -71.897, -4.512 ], [ -71.61, -4.465 ], [ -71.597, -4.525 ], [ -71.535, -4.46 ], [ -71.49, -4.479 ], [ -71.506, -4.435 ], [ -71.414, -4.432 ], [ -71.432, -4.469 ], [ -71.342, -4.423 ], [ -71.355, -4.468 ], [ -71.303, -4.458 ], [ -71.269, -4.381 ], [ -71.198, -4.377 ], [ -71.193, -4.42 ], [ -71.147, -4.375 ], [ -71.031, -4.397 ], [ -70.99, -4.34 ], [ -70.935, -4.381 ], [ -70.757, -4.152 ], [ -70.677, -4.2 ], [ -70.622, -4.121 ], [ -70.633, -4.173 ], [ -70.565, -4.168 ], [ -70.566, -4.205 ], [ -70.553, -4.128 ], [ -70.503, -4.19 ], [ -70.434, -4.125 ], [ -70.341, -4.174 ], [ -70.317, -4.136 ], [ -70.291, -4.283 ], [ -70.249, -4.267 ], [ -70.186, -4.357 ], [ -70.169, -4.27 ], [ -70.101, -4.255 ], [ -70.031, -4.339 ], [ -69.929, -4.213 ], [ -69.453, -1.478 ], [ -69.368, -1.334 ], [ -69.422, -0.998 ], [ -69.508, -0.936 ], [ -69.609, -0.755 ], [ -69.551, -0.648 ], [ -69.593, -0.517 ], [ -69.908, -0.316 ], [ -70.068, -0.135 ], [ -70.037, 0.553 ], [ -69.798, 0.585 ], [ -69.664, 0.672 ], [ -69.606, 0.623 ], [ -69.468, 0.734 ], [ -69.357, 0.621 ], [ -69.295, 0.648 ], [ -69.288, 0.609 ], [ -69.202, 0.602 ], [ -69.112, 0.643 ], [ -69.184, 0.73 ], [ -69.137, 0.868 ], [ -69.257, 1.026 ], [ -69.342, 1.064 ], [ -69.416, 1.024 ], [ -69.7, 1.056 ], [ -69.721, 1.097 ], [ -69.854, 1.07 ], [ -69.855, 1.715 ], [ -69.556, 1.775 ], [ -69.395, 1.726 ], [ -68.128, 1.73 ], [ -68.29, 1.841 ], [ -68.205, 2.038 ], [ -68.027, 1.784 ], [ -67.924, 1.751 ], [ -67.797, 1.812 ], [ -67.578, 2.076 ], [ -67.41, 2.141 ], [ -67.117, 1.732 ], [ -67.068, 1.532 ], [ -67.097, 1.17 ], [ -66.855, 1.228 ], [ -66.322, 0.738 ], [ -66.095, 0.754 ], [ -65.952, 0.81 ], [ -65.854, 0.939 ], [ -65.733, 1.005 ], [ -65.583, 1.008 ], [ -65.47, 0.877 ], [ -65.557, 0.705 ], [ -65.504, 0.627 ], [ -65.393, 0.699 ], [ -65.305, 0.916 ], [ -65.152, 0.943 ], [ -65.121, 1.115 ], [ -65.055, 1.144 ], [ -64.968, 1.112 ], [ -64.903, 1.249 ], [ -64.843, 1.237 ], [ -64.783, 1.313 ], [ -64.721, 1.25 ], [ -64.638, 1.286 ], [ -64.387, 1.527 ], [ -64.344, 1.528 ], [ -64.382, 1.419 ], [ -64.344, 1.38 ], [ -64.186, 1.494 ], [ -64.054, 1.708 ], [ -64.057, 1.933 ], [ -64.018, 1.967 ], [ -63.781, 1.989 ], [ -63.604, 2.124 ], [ -63.419, 2.154 ], [ -63.349, 2.281 ], [ -63.382, 2.442 ], [ -63.756, 2.403 ], [ -64.031, 2.509 ], [ -63.987, 2.772 ], [ -64.216, 3.153 ], [ -64.236, 3.476 ], [ -64.186, 3.634 ], [ -64.324, 3.797 ], [ -64.543, 3.882 ], [ -64.8, 4.224 ], [ -64.79, 4.329 ], [ -64.677, 4.297 ], [ -64.555, 4.153 ], [ -64.135, 4.176 ], [ -63.967, 3.93 ], [ -63.806, 4.019 ], [ -63.623, 4.01 ], [ -63.455, 3.91 ], [ -63.411, 4.026 ], [ -63.358, 4.04 ], [ -63.203, 3.952 ], [ -63.189, 3.872 ], [ -62.86, 3.584 ], [ -62.749, 3.642 ], [ -62.705, 3.724 ], [ -62.752, 4.012 ], [ -62.635, 4.056 ], [ -62.557, 4.02 ], [ -62.46, 4.173 ], [ -62.129, 4.084 ], [ -61.961, 4.18 ], [ -61.927, 4.106 ], [ -61.723, 4.262 ], [ -61.528, 4.273 ], [ -61.507, 4.398 ], [ -61.274, 4.471 ], [ -61.293, 4.55 ], [ -61.141, 4.508 ], [ -60.952, 4.549 ], [ -60.907, 4.708 ], [ -60.731, 4.777 ], [ -60.59, 4.951 ], [ -60.744, 5.209 ], [ -60.438, 5.177 ], [ -60.203, 5.265 ], [ -60.176, 5.227 ], [ -60.121, 5.243 ], [ -60.085, 5.149 ], [ -59.969, 5.073 ], [ -60.03, 4.704 ], [ -60.163, 4.521 ], [ -59.927, 4.509 ], [ -59.674, 4.382 ], [ -59.726, 4.191 ], [ -59.628, 4.138 ], [ -59.655, 4.078 ], [ -59.516, 3.94 ], [ -59.581, 3.901 ], [ -59.594, 3.796 ], [ -59.666, 3.777 ], [ -59.664, 3.703 ], [ -59.849, 3.601 ], [ -59.799, 3.355 ], [ -59.909, 3.197 ], [ -59.982, 2.929 ], [ -59.99, 2.683 ], [ -59.903, 2.479 ], [ -59.91, 2.388 ], [ -59.724, 2.277 ], [ -59.754, 1.861 ], [ -59.654, 1.849 ], [ -59.669, 1.764 ], [ -59.549, 1.729 ], [ -59.253, 1.397 ], [ -58.914, 1.299 ], [ -58.904, 1.234 ], [ -58.804, 1.175 ], [ -58.696, 1.288 ], [ -58.507, 1.264 ], [ -58.468, 1.318 ], [ -58.498, 1.458 ], [ -58.382, 1.471 ], [ -58.325, 1.59 ], [ -58.167, 1.558 ], [ -58.13, 1.501 ], [ -58.009, 1.501 ], [ -58, 1.665 ], [ -57.919, 1.645 ], [ -57.77, 1.718 ], [ -57.545, 1.701 ], [ -57.434, 1.895 ], [ -57.302, 1.99 ], [ -57.247, 1.944 ], [ -57.085, 2.021 ], [ -57.012, 1.918 ], [ -56.8, 1.864 ], [ -56.724, 1.92 ], [ -56.454, 1.945 ], [ -55.957, 1.844 ], [ -55.906, 1.889 ], [ -55.913, 2.041 ], [ -56.048, 2.226 ], [ -56.134, 2.263 ], [ -56.09, 2.352 ], [ -55.995, 2.405 ], [ -55.987, 2.517 ], [ -55.948, 2.532 ], [ -55.739, 2.401 ], [ -55.481, 2.443 ], [ -55.37, 2.407 ], [ -55.336, 2.516 ], [ -55.239, 2.495 ], [ -55.137, 2.575 ], [ -55.103, 2.522 ], [ -54.94, 2.632 ], [ -54.969, 2.555 ], [ -54.864, 2.439 ], [ -54.72, 2.469 ], [ -54.702, 2.336 ], [ -54.549, 2.336 ], [ -54.534, 2.268 ], [ -54.314, 2.158 ], [ -54.189, 2.179 ], [ -54.111, 2.127 ], [ -54.078, 2.197 ], [ -53.784, 2.364 ], [ -53.694, 2.287 ], [ -53.472, 2.332 ], [ -53.397, 2.272 ], [ -53.273, 2.292 ], [ -53.188, 2.223 ], [ -52.905, 2.19 ], [ -52.853, 2.285 ], [ -52.673, 2.374 ], [ -52.555, 2.523 ], [ -52.556, 2.646 ], [ -52.382, 2.912 ], [ -52.347, 3.134 ], [ -52.192, 3.296 ], [ -51.92, 3.781 ], [ -51.795, 3.89 ], [ -51.754, 3.996 ], [ -51.658, 4.049 ], [ -51.585, 4.241 ], [ -51.529, 4.171 ], [ -51.545, 4.397 ], [ -51.202, 4.084 ], [ -51.173, 3.767 ], [ -51.127, 3.911 ], [ -51.085, 3.895 ], [ -51.051, 3.283 ], [ -50.913, 2.875 ], [ -50.927, 2.807 ], [ -50.816, 2.644 ], [ -50.851, 2.482 ], [ -50.802, 2.508 ], [ -50.736, 2.414 ], [ -50.765, 2.359 ], [ -50.694, 2.276 ], [ -50.725, 2.252 ], [ -50.675, 2.247 ], [ -50.682, 2.137 ], [ -50.584, 2.091 ], [ -50.586, 2.014 ], [ -50.471, 1.82 ], [ -50.194, 1.794 ], [ -49.954, 1.676 ], [ -49.88, 1.419 ], [ -49.918, 1.289 ], [ -50.073, 1.204 ], [ -49.918, 1.232 ], [ -49.939, 1.103 ], [ -50.003, 1.066 ], [ -50.033, 1.107 ], [ -50.131, 0.949 ], [ -50.274, 0.866 ], [ -50.338, 0.729 ], [ -50.417, 0.685 ], [ -50.455, 0.732 ], [ -50.428, 0.679 ], [ -50.571, 0.424 ], [ -50.691, 0.3 ], [ -50.677, 0.365 ], [ -50.746, 0.227 ], [ -50.801, 0.224 ], [ -50.785, 0.183 ], [ -50.908, 0.171 ], [ -51.087, -0.043 ], [ -51.203, -0.055 ], [ -51.419, -0.412 ], [ -51.409, -0.44 ], [ -51.325, -0.364 ], [ -51.188, -0.14 ], [ -51.111, -0.154 ], [ -51.154, -0.284 ], [ -51.396, -0.493 ], [ -51.243, -0.443 ], [ -51.26, -0.5 ], [ -51.165, -0.431 ], [ -50.953, -0.061 ], [ -50.824, -0.048 ], [ -50.705, 0.002 ], [ -50.613, -0.088 ], [ -50.744, -0.244 ], [ -50.751, -0.429 ], [ -50.845, -0.526 ], [ -50.988, -0.583 ], [ -51.051, -0.682 ], [ -50.826, -0.555 ], [ -50.794, -0.666 ], [ -50.733, -0.557 ], [ -50.684, -0.604 ], [ -50.724, -0.493 ], [ -50.652, -0.276 ], [ -50.409, -0.094 ], [ -49.631, -0.247 ], [ -49.446, -0.23 ], [ -49.289, -0.145 ], [ -49.018, -0.16 ], [ -49, -0.139 ], [ -48.895, -0.224 ], [ -48.539, -0.234 ], [ -48.363, -0.303 ], [ -48.459, -0.513 ], [ -48.522, -0.877 ], [ -48.667, -1.002 ], [ -48.621, -1.005 ], [ -48.65, -1.048 ], [ -48.617, -1.053 ], [ -48.721, -1.137 ], [ -48.837, -1.452 ], [ -49.161, -1.575 ], [ -49.182, -1.623 ], [ -49.362, -1.604 ], [ -49.364, -1.642 ], [ -49.448, -1.637 ], [ -49.5, -1.738 ], [ -49.61, -1.718 ], [ -49.676, -1.78 ], [ -49.696, -1.757 ], [ -49.714, -1.76 ], [ -49.803, -1.822 ], [ -50.035, -1.717 ], [ -50.179, -1.787 ], [ -50.256, -1.776 ], [ -50.415, -1.841 ], [ -50.401, -1.935 ], [ -49.994, -1.819 ], [ -49.844, -1.905 ], [ -49.765, -1.898 ], [ -49.616, -1.79 ], [ -49.276, -1.706 ], [ -49.267, -1.778 ], [ -49.387, -1.977 ], [ -49.383, -2.159 ], [ -48.973, -1.594 ], [ -48.897, -1.573 ], [ -48.955, -1.712 ], [ -48.932, -1.75 ], [ -48.898, -1.743 ], [ -48.656, -1.371 ], [ -48.592, -1.429 ], [ -48.601, -1.306 ], [ -48.524, -1.338 ], [ -48.537, -1.467 ], [ -48.496, -1.553 ], [ -48.491, -1.502 ], [ -48.46, -1.533 ], [ -48.374, -1.511 ], [ -48.319, -1.478 ], [ -48.505, -1.471 ], [ -48.422, -1.168 ], [ -48.475, -1.144 ], [ -48.4, -1.066 ], [ -48.278, -1.111 ], [ -48.304, -0.948 ], [ -48.055, -0.668 ], [ -48.001, -0.731 ], [ -47.893, -0.553 ], [ -47.843, -0.616 ], [ -47.807, -0.547 ], [ -47.702, -0.54 ], [ -47.707, -0.59 ], [ -47.667, -0.569 ], [ -47.633, -0.608 ], [ -47.651, -0.694 ], [ -47.608, -0.684 ], [ -47.577, -0.573 ], [ -47.476, -0.757 ], [ -47.398, -0.76 ], [ -47.428, -0.693 ], [ -47.464, -0.687 ], [ -47.466, -0.594 ], [ -47.399, -0.594 ], [ -47.4, -0.645 ], [ -47.298, -0.589 ], [ -47.253, -0.668 ], [ -47.247, -0.623 ], [ -47.206, -0.633 ], [ -47.23, -0.719 ], [ -47.158, -0.678 ], [ -47.191, -0.754 ], [ -47.146, -0.764 ], [ -47.16, -0.815 ], [ -47.081, -0.661 ], [ -47.055, -0.868 ], [ -47.027, -0.784 ], [ -46.983, -0.806 ], [ -47.016, -0.752 ], [ -46.967, -0.694 ], [ -46.969, -0.78 ], [ -46.891, -0.869 ], [ -46.89, -0.789 ], [ -46.846, -0.799 ], [ -46.82, -0.71 ], [ -46.802, -0.877 ], [ -46.777, -0.905 ], [ -46.75, -0.826 ], [ -46.709, -0.86 ], [ -46.734, -0.944 ], [ -46.687, -0.831 ], [ -46.653, -0.882 ], [ -46.621, -0.818 ], [ -46.601, -0.917 ], [ -46.676, -0.965 ], [ -46.622, -0.987 ], [ -46.57, -0.947 ], [ -46.609, -1.03 ], [ -46.57, -0.988 ], [ -46.525, -1.027 ], [ -46.465, -1.007 ], [ -46.47, -1.044 ], [ -46.395, -1.037 ], [ -46.413, -1.084 ], [ -46.348, -0.982 ], [ -46.36, -1.011 ], [ -46.366, -1.031 ], [ -46.348, -1.079 ], [ -46.339, -1.015 ], [ -46.299, -1.05 ], [ -46.212, -0.946 ], [ -46.242, -0.921 ], [ -46.179, -0.914 ], [ -46.224, -1.053 ], [ -46.206, -1.1 ], [ -46.158, -1.014 ], [ -46.138, -1.032 ], [ -46.193, -1.143 ], [ -46.104, -1.067 ], [ -46.062, -1.133 ], [ -46.15, -1.258 ], [ -45.982, -1.071 ], [ -45.953, -1.147 ], [ -46, -1.151 ], [ -46, -1.199 ], [ -45.95, -1.159 ], [ -45.95, -1.207 ], [ -46, -1.209 ], [ -45.95, -1.25 ], [ -45.902, -1.134 ], [ -45.923, -1.214 ], [ -45.882, -1.167 ], [ -45.873, -1.211 ], [ -45.909, -1.261 ], [ -45.859, -1.231 ], [ -45.891, -1.293 ], [ -45.807, -1.176 ], [ -45.843, -1.301 ], [ -45.809, -1.328 ], [ -45.831, -1.298 ], [ -45.782, -1.278 ], [ -45.726, -1.135 ], [ -45.69, -1.452 ], [ -45.697, -1.38 ], [ -45.632, -1.371 ], [ -45.618, -1.279 ], [ -45.589, -1.329 ], [ -45.537, -1.273 ], [ -45.561, -1.343 ], [ -45.51, -1.352 ], [ -45.567, -1.404 ], [ -45.546, -1.432 ], [ -45.413, -1.296 ], [ -45.489, -1.473 ], [ -45.511, -1.458 ], [ -45.554, -1.503 ], [ -45.507, -1.471 ], [ -45.518, -1.516 ], [ -45.481, -1.495 ], [ -45.463, -1.548 ], [ -45.457, -1.457 ], [ -45.391, -1.434 ], [ -45.363, -1.325 ], [ -45.323, -1.319 ], [ -45.302, -1.424 ], [ -45.392, -1.485 ], [ -45.398, -1.503 ], [ -45.356, -1.487 ], [ -45.392, -1.553 ], [ -45.338, -1.572 ], [ -45.371, -1.722 ], [ -45.338, -1.753 ], [ -45.197, -1.688 ], [ -45.261, -1.607 ], [ -45.16, -1.475 ], [ -45.136, -1.521 ], [ -45.072, -1.435 ], [ -45.07, -1.485 ], [ -44.999, -1.504 ], [ -45.018, -1.547 ], [ -44.969, -1.549 ], [ -45.029, -1.583 ], [ -45.029, -1.602 ], [ -44.979, -1.607 ], [ -44.954, -1.498 ], [ -44.862, -1.426 ], [ -44.857, -1.498 ], [ -44.954, -1.605 ], [ -44.918, -1.649 ], [ -44.968, -1.662 ], [ -44.913, -1.657 ], [ -44.927, -1.62 ], [ -44.886, -1.609 ], [ -44.837, -1.65 ], [ -44.822, -1.591 ], [ -44.826, -1.637 ], [ -44.805, -1.609 ], [ -44.812, -1.665 ], [ -44.779, -1.735 ], [ -44.711, -1.728 ], [ -44.82, -1.819 ], [ -44.738, -1.791 ], [ -44.706, -1.819 ], [ -44.676, -1.808 ], [ -44.661, -1.727 ], [ -44.604, -1.749 ], [ -44.667, -1.849 ], [ -44.601, -1.858 ], [ -44.583, -1.817 ], [ -44.586, -1.873 ], [ -44.543, -1.833 ], [ -44.601, -1.909 ], [ -44.517, -1.907 ], [ -44.484, -2.002 ], [ -44.613, -2.037 ], [ -44.467, -2.017 ], [ -44.626, -2.151 ], [ -44.589, -2.159 ], [ -44.641, -2.232 ], [ -44.708, -2.23 ], [ -44.684, -2.275 ], [ -44.764, -2.265 ], [ -44.654, -2.294 ], [ -44.681, -2.354 ], [ -44.649, -2.373 ], [ -44.666, -2.329 ], [ -44.479, -2.137 ], [ -44.358, -2.335 ], [ -44.401, -2.416 ], [ -44.514, -2.384 ], [ -44.55, -2.4 ], [ -44.491, -2.415 ], [ -44.514, -2.448 ], [ -44.505, -2.476 ], [ -44.665, -2.608 ], [ -44.548, -2.542 ], [ -44.658, -2.781 ], [ -44.688, -2.924 ], [ -44.677, -3.019 ], [ -44.66, -3.02 ], [ -44.657, -3.018 ] ], [ [ -43.318, -2.361 ], [ -43.317, -2.363 ], [ -43.296, -2.363 ], [ -43.318, -2.361 ] ], [ [ -42.438, -2.747 ], [ -42.442, -2.749 ], [ -42.438, -2.75 ], [ -42.438, -2.747 ] ], [ [ -42.442, -2.749 ], [ -42.47, -2.744 ], [ -42.447, -2.753 ], [ -42.442, -2.749 ] ], [ [ -50.851, 2.482 ], [ -50.853, 2.481 ], [ -50.853, 2.48 ], [ -50.851, 2.482 ] ], [ [ -50.853, 2.481 ], [ -50.86, 2.495 ], [ -50.86, 2.477 ], [ -50.853, 2.481 ] ], [ [ -49.976, 1.659 ], [ -49.98, 1.659 ], [ -50, 1.639 ], [ -49.976, 1.659 ] ], [ [ -45.392, -1.553 ], [ -45.393, -1.553 ], [ -45.394, -1.556 ], [ -45.392, -1.553 ] ], [ [ -45.394, -1.556 ], [ -45.406, -1.579 ], [ -45.403, -1.591 ], [ -45.394, -1.556 ] ], [ [ -44.837, -1.65 ], [ -44.834, -1.655 ], [ -44.833, -1.654 ], [ -44.837, -1.65 ] ], [ [ -44.834, -1.655 ], [ -44.841, -1.675 ], [ -44.822, -1.672 ], [ -44.834, -1.655 ] ], [ [ -44.779, -1.735 ], [ -44.777, -1.741 ], [ -44.776, -1.74 ], [ -44.779, -1.735 ] ], [ [ -44.777, -1.741 ], [ -44.833, -1.77 ], [ -44.774, -1.75 ], [ -44.777, -1.741 ] ], [ [ -44.547, -2.22 ], [ -44.536, -2.225 ], [ -44.543, -2.219 ], [ -44.547, -2.22 ] ], [ [ -44.536, -2.225 ], [ -44.507, -2.249 ], [ -44.512, -2.235 ], [ -44.536, -2.225 ] ], [ [ -44.507, -2.249 ], [ -44.504, -2.256 ], [ -44.501, -2.254 ], [ -44.507, -2.249 ] ], [ [ -44.504, -2.256 ], [ -44.514, -2.268 ], [ -44.502, -2.26 ], [ -44.504, -2.256 ] ] ], [ [ [ -29.34, -20.484 ], [ -29.301, -20.521 ], [ -29.341, -20.511 ], [ -29.34, -20.484 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.001, -13.94 ], [ -39.012, -13.915 ], [ -38.994, -13.896 ], [ -39.001, -13.94 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.043, -13.909 ], [ -39.059, -13.904 ], [ -39.054, -13.886 ], [ -39.028, -13.903 ], [ -39.043, -13.909 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.251, -18.015 ], [ -39.283, -18.005 ], [ -39.272, -17.982 ], [ -39.245, -18.006 ], [ -39.251, -18.015 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.131, -17.927 ], [ -39.154, -17.921 ], [ -39.137, -17.91 ], [ -39.131, -17.927 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.212, -17.986 ], [ -39.228, -17.979 ], [ -39.215, -17.944 ], [ -39.202, -17.95 ], [ -39.212, -17.986 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.341, -23.231 ], [ -44.372, -23.174 ], [ -44.232, -23.089 ], [ -44.087, -23.173 ], [ -44.3, -23.184 ], [ -44.341, -23.231 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.356, -23.073 ], [ -44.388, -23.048 ], [ -44.373, -23.033 ], [ -44.343, -23.041 ], [ -44.356, -23.073 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.929, -23.014 ], [ -43.936, -22.999 ], [ -43.916, -22.989 ], [ -43.929, -23.014 ] ] ], [ [ [ -42.002, -23.018 ], [ -42.015, -23.003 ], [ -41.98, -22.975 ], [ -41.975, -22.992 ], [ -42.002, -23.018 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.904, -22.962 ], [ -43.907, -22.936 ], [ -43.868, -22.926 ], [ -43.871, -22.95 ], [ -43.904, -22.962 ] ] ], [ [ [ -41.042, -21.613 ], [ -41.042, -21.6 ], [ -41.019, -21.606 ], [ -41.042, -21.613 ] ] ], [ [ [ -52.112, -32 ], [ -52.18, -32.035 ], [ -52.216, -32.025 ], [ -52.198, -31.978 ], [ -52.112, -32 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.641, -30.388 ], [ -50.629, -30.394 ], [ -50.624, -30.329 ], [ -50.592, -30.399 ], [ -50.609, -30.406 ], [ -50.641, -30.388 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.526, -27.462 ], [ -48.416, -27.38 ], [ -48.358, -27.446 ], [ -48.503, -27.799 ], [ -48.559, -27.842 ], [ -48.526, -27.462 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.354, -27.296 ], [ -48.376, -27.285 ], [ -48.373, -27.271 ], [ -48.36, -27.27 ], [ -48.354, -27.296 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.731, -26.314 ], [ -48.754, -26.297 ], [ -48.735, -26.282 ], [ -48.731, -26.314 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.318, -25.584 ], [ -48.309, -25.546 ], [ -48.381, -25.504 ], [ -48.312, -25.509 ], [ -48.292, -25.545 ], [ -48.318, -25.584 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.414, -25.544 ], [ -48.459, -25.514 ], [ -48.415, -25.527 ], [ -48.414, -25.544 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.424, -25.551 ], [ -48.479, -25.523 ], [ -48.485, -25.502 ], [ -48.424, -25.551 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.298, -25.493 ], [ -48.341, -25.416 ], [ -48.252, -25.341 ], [ -48.265, -25.44 ], [ -48.253, -25.466 ], [ -48.298, -25.493 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.417, -25.386 ], [ -48.424, -25.343 ], [ -48.405, -25.33 ], [ -48.417, -25.386 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.695, -24.112 ], [ -45.688, -24.088 ], [ -45.679, -24.098 ], [ -45.695, -24.112 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.251, -23.962 ], [ -45.301, -23.909 ], [ -45.453, -23.91 ], [ -45.332, -23.721 ], [ -45.227, -23.774 ], [ -45.224, -23.835 ], [ -45.283, -23.857 ], [ -45.221, -23.899 ], [ -45.251, -23.962 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.141, -23.817 ], [ -45.146, -23.791 ], [ -45.114, -23.801 ], [ -45.141, -23.817 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.153, -23.573 ], [ -45.153, -23.558 ], [ -45.141, -23.568 ], [ -45.153, -23.573 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.073, -23.564 ], [ -45.079, -23.525 ], [ -45.036, -23.531 ], [ -45.073, -23.564 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.608, -23.228 ], [ -44.59, -23.208 ], [ -44.577, -23.216 ], [ -44.608, -23.228 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.648, -12.821 ], [ -38.666, -12.777 ], [ -38.624, -12.762 ], [ -38.648, -12.821 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.529, -12.811 ], [ -38.544, -12.757 ], [ -38.532, -12.74 ], [ -38.508, -12.792 ], [ -38.529, -12.811 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.622, -12.752 ], [ -38.622, -12.727 ], [ -38.593, -12.733 ], [ -38.622, -12.752 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.646, -12.683 ], [ -38.648, -12.65 ], [ -38.636, -12.661 ], [ -38.646, -12.683 ] ] ], [ [ [ -32.402, -3.838 ], [ -32.428, -3.877 ], [ -32.483, -3.878 ], [ -32.402, -3.838 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.667, -3.179 ], [ -44.668, -3.16 ], [ -44.643, -3.148 ], [ -44.644, -3.17 ], [ -44.667, -3.179 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.671, -2.943 ], [ -44.67, -2.92 ], [ -44.647, -2.915 ], [ -44.671, -2.943 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.493, -2.641 ], [ -44.48, -2.601 ], [ -44.477, -2.627 ], [ -44.493, -2.641 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.897, -2.573 ], [ -43.896, -2.554 ], [ -43.886, -2.565 ], [ -43.897, -2.573 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.599, -2.503 ], [ -43.577, -2.471 ], [ -43.572, -2.483 ], [ -43.599, -2.503 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.822, -2.526 ], [ -43.829, -2.509 ], [ -43.813, -2.458 ], [ -43.812, -2.553 ], [ -43.82, -2.528 ], [ -43.822, -2.526 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.821, -2.529 ], [ -43.856, -2.502 ], [ -43.832, -2.439 ], [ -43.842, -2.504 ], [ -43.821, -2.529 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.863, -2.56 ], [ -43.875, -2.552 ], [ -43.865, -2.534 ], [ -43.863, -2.56 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.519, -2.536 ], [ -44.529, -2.526 ], [ -44.501, -2.48 ], [ -44.505, -2.444 ], [ -44.455, -2.434 ], [ -44.519, -2.536 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.602, -3.007 ], [ -44.657, -2.972 ], [ -44.613, -2.894 ], [ -44.575, -2.921 ], [ -44.602, -3.007 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.585, -2.978 ], [ -44.563, -2.914 ], [ -44.586, -2.826 ], [ -44.494, -2.705 ], [ -44.494, -2.953 ], [ -44.582, -3.041 ], [ -44.585, -2.978 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.826, -2.434 ], [ -43.842, -2.403 ], [ -43.811, -2.385 ], [ -43.807, -2.412 ], [ -43.826, -2.434 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.581, -2.441 ], [ -43.615, -2.389 ], [ -43.549, -2.377 ], [ -43.545, -2.403 ], [ -43.581, -2.441 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.791, -2.47 ], [ -43.806, -2.443 ], [ -43.78, -2.422 ], [ -43.759, -2.448 ], [ -43.791, -2.47 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.513, -2.424 ], [ -43.537, -2.416 ], [ -43.522, -2.39 ], [ -43.505, -2.414 ], [ -43.513, -2.424 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.792, -2.405 ], [ -43.798, -2.377 ], [ -43.771, -2.37 ], [ -43.792, -2.405 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.689, -2.355 ], [ -43.743, -2.352 ], [ -43.724, -2.305 ], [ -43.617, -2.253 ], [ -43.612, -2.275 ], [ -43.669, -2.301 ], [ -43.689, -2.355 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.73, -2.425 ], [ -43.732, -2.364 ], [ -43.67, -2.377 ], [ -43.681, -2.34 ], [ -43.63, -2.324 ], [ -43.643, -2.394 ], [ -43.73, -2.425 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.473, -2.125 ], [ -44.487, -2.113 ], [ -44.475, -2.096 ], [ -44.463, -2.104 ], [ -44.473, -2.125 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.456, -2.031 ], [ -44.447, -2.008 ], [ -44.439, -2.022 ], [ -44.456, -2.031 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.311, -1.964 ], [ -49.336, -1.996 ], [ -49.309, -1.943 ], [ -49.311, -1.964 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.323, -2.054 ], [ -49.329, -2.019 ], [ -49.316, -2.001 ], [ -49.323, -2.054 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.231, -1.829 ], [ -50.246, -1.824 ], [ -50.229, -1.816 ], [ -50.231, -1.829 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.615, -1.821 ], [ -44.622, -1.797 ], [ -44.597, -1.774 ], [ -44.583, -1.789 ], [ -44.615, -1.821 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.7, -1.811 ], [ -44.703, -1.78 ], [ -44.673, -1.78 ], [ -44.7, -1.811 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.691, -1.793 ], [ -49.721, -1.789 ], [ -49.719, -1.771 ], [ -49.697, -1.766 ], [ -49.691, -1.793 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.924, -1.711 ], [ -48.909, -1.713 ], [ -48.916, -1.734 ], [ -48.935, -1.713 ], [ -48.924, -1.711 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.757, -1.707 ], [ -44.767, -1.694 ], [ -44.736, -1.701 ], [ -44.757, -1.707 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.433, -1.684 ], [ -49.454, -1.706 ], [ -49.46, -1.684 ], [ -49.433, -1.684 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.357, -1.008 ], [ -46.342, -0.994 ], [ -46.353, -1.026 ], [ -46.357, -1.008 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.205, -1.021 ], [ -46.194, -1.014 ], [ -46.202, -1.032 ], [ -46.205, -1.021 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.662, -3.018 ], [ -44.673, -3.012 ], [ -44.664, -3.001 ], [ -44.649, -3.013 ], [ -44.662, -3.018 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.736, -1.683 ], [ -44.745, -1.677 ], [ -44.732, -1.668 ], [ -44.736, -1.683 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.231, -1.638 ], [ -49.237, -1.627 ], [ -49.217, -1.633 ], [ -49.231, -1.638 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.38, -1.685 ], [ -49.4, -1.682 ], [ -49.368, -1.669 ], [ -49.38, -1.685 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.426, -1.673 ], [ -49.429, -1.661 ], [ -49.406, -1.66 ], [ -49.426, -1.673 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.34, -1.672 ], [ -49.358, -1.662 ], [ -49.325, -1.647 ], [ -49.34, -1.672 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.289, -1.726 ], [ -45.305, -1.663 ], [ -45.257, -1.641 ], [ -45.244, -1.678 ], [ -45.28, -1.694 ], [ -45.289, -1.726 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.328, -1.743 ], [ -45.346, -1.719 ], [ -45.301, -1.596 ], [ -45.274, -1.635 ], [ -45.313, -1.654 ], [ -45.328, -1.743 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.886, -1.578 ], [ -48.89, -1.56 ], [ -48.859, -1.536 ], [ -48.856, -1.553 ], [ -48.886, -1.578 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.783, -1.682 ], [ -44.8, -1.595 ], [ -44.775, -1.62 ], [ -44.721, -1.567 ], [ -44.704, -1.611 ], [ -44.684, -1.575 ], [ -44.668, -1.669 ], [ -44.693, -1.638 ], [ -44.783, -1.682 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.816, -1.569 ], [ -44.837, -1.534 ], [ -44.787, -1.488 ], [ -44.825, -1.534 ], [ -44.816, -1.569 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.462, -1.517 ], [ -48.478, -1.499 ], [ -48.421, -1.503 ], [ -48.462, -1.517 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.793, -1.531 ], [ -44.774, -1.47 ], [ -44.763, -1.513 ], [ -44.793, -1.531 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.414, -1.427 ], [ -45.423, -1.416 ], [ -45.409, -1.405 ], [ -45.414, -1.427 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45, -1.296 ], [ -44.922, -1.265 ], [ -44.877, -1.309 ], [ -44.895, -1.34 ], [ -44.922, -1.305 ], [ -44.907, -1.341 ], [ -44.999, -1.405 ], [ -45.033, -1.339 ], [ -45, -1.32 ], [ -44.995, -1.36 ], [ -45, -1.296 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.044, -1.402 ], [ -45.07, -1.33 ], [ -45.052, -1.342 ], [ -45.044, -1.402 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.333, -1.569 ], [ -45.371, -1.544 ], [ -45.347, -1.489 ], [ -45.313, -1.506 ], [ -45.333, -1.569 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.969, -1.522 ], [ -44.976, -1.493 ], [ -44.959, -1.483 ], [ -44.969, -1.522 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.393, -1.512 ], [ -48.371, -1.476 ], [ -48.341, -1.483 ], [ -48.393, -1.512 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.413, -1.498 ], [ -48.426, -1.491 ], [ -48.387, -1.476 ], [ -48.413, -1.498 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.118, -1.47 ], [ -45.132, -1.462 ], [ -45.115, -1.364 ], [ -45.103, -1.373 ], [ -45.118, -1.47 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.593, -1.251 ], [ -45.581, -1.19 ], [ -45.536, -1.205 ], [ -45.532, -1.231 ], [ -45.593, -1.251 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.559, -1.243 ], [ -48.56, -1.202 ], [ -48.523, -1.199 ], [ -48.559, -1.243 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.817, -1.163 ], [ -45.829, -1.141 ], [ -45.804, -1.127 ], [ -45.817, -1.163 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.877, -1.154 ], [ -45.9, -1.117 ], [ -45.883, -1.073 ], [ -45.849, -1.123 ], [ -45.877, -1.154 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.192, -1.05 ], [ -46.201, -1.041 ], [ -46.185, -1.027 ], [ -46.192, -1.05 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.291, -1.01 ], [ -46.307, -0.992 ], [ -46.306, -0.961 ], [ -46.291, -1.01 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.078, -1.095 ], [ -46.065, -1.05 ], [ -46.061, -1.074 ], [ -46.078, -1.095 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.68, -1.295 ], [ -45.687, -1.275 ], [ -45.667, -1.26 ], [ -45.654, -1.285 ], [ -45.68, -1.295 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.538, -1.282 ], [ -48.549, -1.262 ], [ -48.53, -1.25 ], [ -48.538, -1.282 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.51, -1.27 ], [ -48.522, -1.247 ], [ -48.506, -1.236 ], [ -48.51, -1.27 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.694, -1.37 ], [ -45.646, -1.289 ], [ -45.625, -1.126 ], [ -45.634, -1.349 ], [ -45.694, -1.37 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.688, -1.266 ], [ -45.708, -1.228 ], [ -45.685, -1.194 ], [ -45.664, -1.231 ], [ -45.688, -1.266 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.425, -0.914 ], [ -46.454, -0.907 ], [ -46.408, -0.868 ], [ -46.395, -0.899 ], [ -46.425, -0.914 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.72, -0.848 ], [ -46.735, -0.832 ], [ -46.729, -0.796 ], [ -46.72, -0.848 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.611, -0.799 ], [ -46.622, -0.784 ], [ -46.601, -0.789 ], [ -46.611, -0.799 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.586, -0.849 ], [ -46.621, -0.807 ], [ -46.589, -0.815 ], [ -46.586, -0.849 ] ] ], [ [ [ -47.447, -0.748 ], [ -47.453, -0.732 ], [ -47.436, -0.717 ], [ -47.428, -0.738 ], [ -47.447, -0.748 ] ] ], [ [ [ -47.461, -0.741 ], [ -47.463, -0.702 ], [ -47.445, -0.697 ], [ -47.461, -0.741 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.214, -0.411 ], [ -51.211, -0.386 ], [ -51.164, -0.347 ], [ -51.163, -0.383 ], [ -51.214, -0.411 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.352, -0.353 ], [ -51.346, -0.31 ], [ -51.317, -0.268 ], [ -51.327, -0.33 ], [ -51.352, -0.353 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.127, -0.268 ], [ -51.131, -0.237 ], [ -51.091, -0.208 ], [ -51.087, -0.229 ], [ -51.127, -0.268 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.888, -0.198 ], [ -48.91, -0.188 ], [ -48.893, -0.134 ], [ -48.847, -0.177 ], [ -48.888, -0.198 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.174, -0.091 ], [ -51.191, -0.064 ], [ -51.126, -0.057 ], [ -51.174, -0.091 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.114, -0.146 ], [ -49.097, -0.121 ], [ -49.08, -0.13 ], [ -49.114, -0.146 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.166, -0.142 ], [ -49.188, -0.115 ], [ -49.156, -0.128 ], [ -49.166, -0.142 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.119, -0.141 ], [ -49.143, -0.107 ], [ -49.114, -0.11 ], [ -49.119, -0.141 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.127, -0.128 ], [ -51.094, -0.103 ], [ -51.108, -0.127 ], [ -51.127, -0.128 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.414, -0.999 ], [ -46.384, -0.941 ], [ -46.367, -0.948 ], [ -46.414, -0.999 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.647, -0.97 ], [ -46.658, -0.968 ], [ -46.618, -0.957 ], [ -46.647, -0.97 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.488, -0.942 ], [ -46.465, -0.877 ], [ -46.464, -0.924 ], [ -46.44, -0.922 ], [ -46.482, -0.976 ], [ -46.441, -0.999 ], [ -46.525, -1.016 ], [ -46.527, -0.917 ], [ -46.509, -0.984 ], [ -46.488, -0.942 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.632, 0.159 ], [ -49.662, 0.184 ], [ -49.629, 0.202 ], [ -49.61, 0.181 ], [ -49.632, 0.159 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.641, 0.26 ], [ -50.63, 0.293 ], [ -50.586, 0.308 ], [ -50.641, 0.26 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.2, 0.255 ], [ -50.243, 0.248 ], [ -50.147, 0.337 ], [ -50.059, 0.346 ], [ -50.2, 0.255 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.417, 0.159 ], [ -50.535, 0.234 ], [ -50.36, 0.615 ], [ -50.328, 0.383 ], [ -50.285, 0.3 ], [ -50.413, 0.237 ], [ -50.417, 0.159 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.279, 0.338 ], [ -50.271, 0.599 ], [ -50.147, 0.608 ], [ -50.142, 0.576 ], [ -50.107, 0.636 ], [ -50.063, 0.623 ], [ -50.05, 0.518 ], [ -50.279, 0.338 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50, 0.943 ], [ -50.113, 0.907 ], [ -50.018, 1.034 ], [ -49.935, 1.069 ], [ -49.939, 0.996 ], [ -50, 0.943 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.881, 1.227 ], [ -49.909, 1.246 ], [ -49.886, 1.244 ], [ -49.881, 1.227 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.907, 1.278 ], [ -49.885, 1.291 ], [ -49.863, 1.278 ], [ -49.876, 1.252 ], [ -49.907, 1.278 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.204, 1.851 ], [ -50.232, 1.879 ], [ -50.22, 1.915 ], [ -50.169, 1.865 ], [ -50.204, 1.851 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.468, 1.954 ], [ -50.521, 2.026 ], [ -50.497, 2.139 ], [ -50.398, 2.167 ], [ -50.367, 2.19 ], [ -50.276, 1.939 ], [ -50.423, 1.849 ], [ -50.468, 1.954 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.504, 2.255 ], [ -50.414, 2.244 ], [ -50.382, 2.204 ], [ -50.489, 2.15 ], [ -50.564, 2.205 ], [ -50.504, 2.255 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.229, 0.832 ], [ -50.098, 0.839 ], [ -50.027, 0.898 ], [ -50.105, 0.757 ], [ -50.162, 0.775 ], [ -50.249, 0.72 ], [ -50.229, 0.832 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.131, 0.844 ], [ -50.162, 0.867 ], [ -50.132, 0.9 ], [ -50.119, 0.854 ], [ -50.131, 0.844 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.108, 0.85 ], [ -50.111, 0.891 ], [ -50.049, 0.886 ], [ -50.108, 0.85 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.216, -0.055 ], [ -50.235, -0.042 ], [ -50.219, -0.04 ], [ -50.216, -0.055 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.916, -0.052 ], [ -50.926, -0.047 ], [ -50.907, -0.043 ], [ -50.916, -0.052 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.605, -0.061 ], [ -50.618, -0.022 ], [ -50.559, -0.038 ], [ -50.605, -0.061 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.399, -0.061 ], [ -50.44, -0.057 ], [ -50.378, -0.015 ], [ -50.357, -0.049 ], [ -50.399, -0.061 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.75, 0 ], [ -49.609, 0.08 ], [ -49.474, 0.081 ], [ -49.338, -0.017 ], [ -49.487, -0.136 ], [ -49.723, -0.147 ], [ -49.835, -0.088 ], [ -49.75, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.023, -0.019 ], [ -49.039, -0.011 ], [ -49.02, -0.006 ], [ -49.023, -0.019 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.932, 0.052 ], [ -50.918, 0.084 ], [ -50.884, 0.078 ], [ -50.899, 0.057 ], [ -50.932, 0.052 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.928, 0 ], [ -50.786, 0.05 ], [ -50.717, 0.028 ], [ -50.94, -0.041 ], [ -50.928, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.691, 0.025 ], [ -50.655, 0.015 ], [ -50.703, 0.021 ], [ -50.691, 0.025 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.629, -0.043 ], [ -50.642, -0.016 ], [ -50.622, -0.026 ], [ -50.629, -0.043 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.642, 0 ], [ -50.611, 0.007 ], [ -50.595, -0.019 ], [ -50.642, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.536, 0 ], [ -50.653, 0.126 ], [ -50.59, 0.203 ], [ -50.434, 0.126 ], [ -50.436, 0 ], [ -50.536, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50, 0.311 ], [ -49.674, 0.368 ], [ -49.601, 0.283 ], [ -49.86, 0.008 ], [ -49.99, -0.048 ], [ -50.086, 0.034 ], [ -50.351, 0.044 ], [ -50.394, 0.222 ], [ -50.153, 0.227 ], [ -50, 0.311 ] ] ] ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "La costa de lo que hoy es territorio brasileño fue el primer punto al que llegaron los europeos en América del Sur. La primera expedición que exploró la región fue un desprendimiento de la flota portuguesa que Vasco da Gama (c. 1460-1524) llevaba hacia oriente. Las naves dirigidas por Pedro Álvarez de Cabral (1467-1520) se alejaron excesivamente de la costa de África y terminaron en el extremo sur de actual territorio del Estado de Bahía, en que el permanecieron entre abril y mayo del año 1500. Los portuguese establecieron en la costa precarias feitorias para comerciar verzino o palo brasil con los nativos de las sociedades tupí y guaraní nativas. Recién en 1530 la corona brasileña tomaría acciones decididas para organizar la ocupación portuguesa y las actividades de explotación, cuando instaura el régimen de capitanías hereditarias que estructuraría el establecimiento colonial lusitano en brasil. Bibliografía: Johnson, H. B., \"Portuguese Settlement, 1500-1580\", en Bethell, Leslie (ed.), Colonial Brazil, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1987, pp. 1-38; Abulafia, David, El descubrimiento de la humanidad. Encuentros atlánticos en la era de Colón, Barcelona, Crítica, 2009 [2008]; Metcalf, Alida C., Go-Betweens and the Colonization of Brazil, 1500-1600, Austin, University of Texas Press, 2005; Vaz de Caminha, Pêro, Carta del descubrimiento del Brasil, Barcelona, Acantilado, 2009.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-12-03T14:17:24+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 26679, "end" : 26685 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Brasil" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/c8707536-2c0c-4570-96b1-8fc35da4759f", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://sws.geonames.org/3469034", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-12-03T14:17:24+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-12-03T14:17:24+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "MultiPolygon", "coordinates" : [ [ [ [ -44.657, -3.018 ], [ -44.608, -3.041 ], [ -44.72, -3.18 ], [ -44.793, -3.198 ], [ -44.779, -3.312 ], [ -44.736, -3.302 ], [ -44.763, -3.225 ], [ -44.653, -3.196 ], [ -44.431, -2.945 ], [ -44.367, -2.643 ], [ -44.362, -2.726 ], [ -44.355, -2.605 ], [ -44.378, -2.566 ], [ -44.345, -2.528 ], [ -44.29, -2.573 ], [ -44.306, -2.487 ], [ -44.02, -2.403 ], [ -44.03, -2.457 ], [ -44.108, -2.468 ], [ -44.035, -2.518 ], [ -44.131, -2.596 ], [ -44.147, -2.681 ], [ -44.219, -2.67 ], [ -44.209, -2.716 ], [ -44.345, -2.791 ], [ -44.347, -2.838 ], [ -44.315, -2.788 ], [ -44.3, -2.843 ], [ -44.266, -2.777 ], [ -44.225, -2.806 ], [ -44.184, -2.766 ], [ -44.208, -2.857 ], [ -44.111, -2.749 ], [ -44.072, -2.811 ], [ -44.05, -2.685 ], [ -43.981, -2.619 ], [ -43.946, -2.641 ], [ -43.933, -2.553 ], [ -43.883, -2.649 ], [ -43.887, -2.578 ], [ -43.803, -2.56 ], [ -43.76, -2.513 ], [ -43.754, -2.556 ], [ -43.729, -2.481 ], [ -43.727, -2.569 ], [ -43.654, -2.556 ], [ -43.682, -2.534 ], [ -43.653, -2.488 ], [ -43.608, -2.593 ], [ -43.603, -2.518 ], [ -43.548, -2.528 ], [ -43.519, -2.445 ], [ -43.498, -2.55 ], [ -43.46, -2.507 ], [ -43.458, -2.596 ], [ -43.401, -2.552 ], [ -43.448, -2.538 ], [ -43.462, -2.427 ], [ -43.359, -2.44 ], [ -43.479, -2.376 ], [ -43.378, -2.329 ], [ -43.4, -2.353 ], [ -43.232, -2.362 ], [ -42.692, -2.596 ], [ -42.709, -2.56 ], [ -42.572, -2.68 ], [ -42.495, -2.689 ], [ -42.503, -2.727 ], [ -42.393, -2.751 ], [ -42.475, -2.706 ], [ -42.375, -2.717 ], [ -42.228, -2.818 ], [ -42.143, -2.808 ], [ -42.256, -2.735 ], [ -42.233, -2.674 ], [ -42.208, -2.712 ], [ -42.098, -2.768 ], [ -42.099, -2.809 ], [ -42.096, -2.747 ], [ -42.216, -2.687 ], [ -42.054, -2.691 ], [ -42.023, -2.775 ], [ -42.017, -2.718 ], [ -41.818, -2.723 ], [ -41.844, -2.773 ], [ -41.797, -2.751 ], [ -41.656, -2.884 ], [ -41.437, -2.939 ], [ -41.395, -2.906 ], [ -41.316, -2.943 ], [ -41.263, -2.887 ], [ -40.838, -2.895 ], [ -40.572, -2.844 ], [ -40.499, -2.787 ], [ -39.888, -2.886 ], [ -39.244, -3.229 ], [ -39.083, -3.394 ], [ -38.978, -3.407 ], [ -38.641, -3.687 ], [ -38.473, -3.7 ], [ -38.377, -3.866 ], [ -38.043, -4.214 ], [ -37.764, -4.399 ], [ -37.588, -4.624 ], [ -37.323, -4.698 ], [ -37.15, -4.943 ], [ -36.958, -4.919 ], [ -36.666, -5.108 ], [ -36.504, -5.061 ], [ -36.297, -5.106 ], [ -35.956, -5.045 ], [ -35.612, -5.11 ], [ -35.385, -5.255 ], [ -35.255, -5.483 ], [ -35.099, -6.169 ], [ -34.983, -6.396 ], [ -34.933, -6.753 ], [ -34.79, -7.159 ], [ -34.842, -7.564 ], [ -34.809, -7.622 ], [ -34.845, -7.69 ], [ -34.827, -8.004 ], [ -35.136, -8.895 ], [ -35.332, -9.237 ], [ -35.689, -9.668 ], [ -35.78, -9.706 ], [ -36.056, -10.083 ], [ -36.266, -10.256 ], [ -36.402, -10.506 ], [ -36.602, -10.567 ], [ -36.934, -10.826 ], [ -37.36, -11.428 ], [ -37.612, -11.979 ], [ -37.996, -12.578 ], [ -38.318, -12.934 ], [ -38.477, -13.022 ], [ -38.532, -13.017 ], [ -38.473, -12.913 ], [ -38.498, -12.722 ], [ -38.603, -12.728 ], [ -38.646, -12.622 ], [ -38.681, -12.661 ], [ -38.718, -12.627 ], [ -38.804, -12.835 ], [ -38.717, -12.873 ], [ -38.769, -12.995 ], [ -38.721, -13.021 ], [ -38.66, -12.963 ], [ -38.686, -12.878 ], [ -38.59, -12.972 ], [ -38.766, -13.129 ], [ -38.807, -13.1 ], [ -38.808, -13.154 ], [ -38.944, -13.243 ], [ -38.973, -13.391 ], [ -38.902, -13.384 ], [ -38.886, -13.45 ], [ -38.95, -13.577 ], [ -38.886, -13.659 ], [ -38.968, -13.67 ], [ -39.006, -13.891 ], [ -39.064, -13.865 ], [ -39.075, -13.887 ], [ -38.986, -13.998 ], [ -38.952, -13.986 ], [ -38.982, -13.912 ], [ -38.938, -13.886 ], [ -38.922, -13.92 ], [ -39.061, -14.716 ], [ -38.962, -15.585 ], [ -38.857, -15.86 ], [ -38.973, -16.211 ], [ -39.032, -16.26 ], [ -39.01, -16.369 ], [ -39.078, -16.454 ], [ -39.143, -16.762 ], [ -39.113, -16.896 ], [ -39.212, -17.155 ], [ -39.193, -17.602 ], [ -39.135, -17.691 ], [ -39.264, -17.869 ], [ -39.435, -17.943 ], [ -39.563, -18.091 ], [ -39.721, -18.493 ], [ -39.749, -18.81 ], [ -39.692, -19.353 ], [ -39.805, -19.65 ], [ -39.951, -19.717 ], [ -40.151, -19.956 ], [ -40.236, -20.285 ], [ -40.353, -20.32 ], [ -40.329, -20.236 ], [ -40.359, -20.291 ], [ -40.365, -20.317 ], [ -40.35, -20.328 ], [ -40.268, -20.327 ], [ -40.402, -20.606 ], [ -40.466, -20.624 ], [ -40.627, -20.845 ], [ -40.65, -20.813 ], [ -40.756, -20.866 ], [ -40.853, -21.133 ], [ -40.955, -21.251 ], [ -40.96, -21.364 ], [ -41.065, -21.495 ], [ -41.051, -21.608 ], [ -41.038, -21.622 ], [ -41.007, -21.618 ], [ -40.99, -22.014 ], [ -41.229, -22.151 ], [ -41.668, -22.294 ], [ -41.962, -22.538 ], [ -41.986, -22.713 ], [ -41.919, -22.774 ], [ -41.864, -22.759 ], [ -42.023, -22.896 ], [ -42.037, -22.94 ], [ -41.99, -22.964 ], [ -42.018, -22.998 ], [ -42.086, -22.957 ], [ -42.529, -22.934 ], [ -43.05, -22.982 ], [ -43.132, -22.941 ], [ -43.025, -22.741 ], [ -43.084, -22.68 ], [ -43.216, -22.725 ], [ -43.287, -22.806 ], [ -43.24, -22.847 ], [ -43.249, -22.797 ], [ -43.156, -22.784 ], [ -43.247, -22.882 ], [ -43.164, -22.899 ], [ -43.187, -22.995 ], [ -43.344, -22.983 ], [ -43.303, -23.02 ], [ -43.549, -23.081 ], [ -44.001, -23.1 ], [ -43.961, -23.042 ], [ -43.877, -23.067 ], [ -43.909, -23.02 ], [ -43.807, -23.063 ], [ -43.555, -23.055 ], [ -43.84, -22.906 ], [ -43.985, -22.937 ], [ -44.034, -23.014 ], [ -44.044, -22.923 ], [ -44.107, -23.03 ], [ -44.234, -23.06 ], [ -44.238, -23.004 ], [ -44.358, -23.02 ], [ -44.296, -22.961 ], [ -44.321, -22.927 ], [ -44.378, -22.972 ], [ -44.407, -22.945 ], [ -44.443, -23.035 ], [ -44.669, -23.06 ], [ -44.712, -23.19 ], [ -44.701, -23.237 ], [ -44.645, -23.191 ], [ -44.612, -23.206 ], [ -44.685, -23.256 ], [ -44.611, -23.238 ], [ -44.652, -23.302 ], [ -44.558, -23.232 ], [ -44.577, -23.275 ], [ -44.498, -23.302 ], [ -44.583, -23.367 ], [ -44.669, -23.341 ], [ -44.84, -23.395 ], [ -44.905, -23.339 ], [ -45.05, -23.418 ], [ -45.016, -23.461 ], [ -45.079, -23.519 ], [ -45.165, -23.495 ], [ -45.159, -23.541 ], [ -45.228, -23.547 ], [ -45.211, -23.582 ], [ -45.41, -23.632 ], [ -45.412, -23.825 ], [ -45.934, -23.771 ], [ -46.124, -23.842 ], [ -46.2, -24.002 ], [ -46.288, -24.044 ], [ -46.321, -24 ], [ -46.458, -24.025 ], [ -46.937, -24.281 ], [ -47.024, -24.382 ], [ -47.004, -24.412 ], [ -47.86, -24.996 ], [ -47.914, -25.061 ], [ -47.915, -25.16 ], [ -48.213, -25.47 ], [ -48.254, -25.435 ], [ -48.222, -25.342 ], [ -48.208, -25.353 ], [ -48.121, -25.267 ], [ -48.253, -25.328 ], [ -48.284, -25.294 ], [ -48.317, -25.363 ], [ -48.327, -25.232 ], [ -48.366, -25.317 ], [ -48.433, -25.237 ], [ -48.428, -25.324 ], [ -48.5, -25.335 ], [ -48.427, -25.39 ], [ -48.449, -25.379 ], [ -48.468, -25.388 ], [ -48.467, -25.432 ], [ -48.449, -25.384 ], [ -48.414, -25.428 ], [ -48.476, -25.485 ], [ -48.637, -25.468 ], [ -48.661, -25.398 ], [ -48.671, -25.435 ], [ -48.739, -25.374 ], [ -48.68, -25.465 ], [ -48.687, -25.499 ], [ -48.737, -25.483 ], [ -48.703, -25.504 ], [ -48.617, -25.536 ], [ -48.512, -25.505 ], [ -48.482, -25.591 ], [ -48.46, -25.552 ], [ -48.35, -25.581 ], [ -48.565, -25.868 ], [ -48.614, -26.06 ], [ -48.586, -26.172 ], [ -48.714, -26.243 ], [ -48.795, -26.073 ], [ -48.837, -26.157 ], [ -48.798, -26.142 ], [ -48.763, -26.199 ], [ -48.805, -26.228 ], [ -48.769, -26.223 ], [ -48.761, -26.286 ], [ -48.803, -26.303 ], [ -48.723, -26.362 ], [ -48.635, -26.374 ], [ -48.714, -26.308 ], [ -48.554, -26.172 ], [ -48.493, -26.224 ], [ -48.695, -26.658 ], [ -48.665, -26.769 ], [ -48.583, -26.786 ], [ -48.655, -26.909 ], [ -48.62, -27.007 ], [ -48.574, -27.011 ], [ -48.607, -27.122 ], [ -48.554, -27.152 ], [ -48.51, -27.108 ], [ -48.469, -27.148 ], [ -48.511, -27.183 ], [ -48.486, -27.218 ], [ -48.531, -27.18 ], [ -48.612, -27.243 ], [ -48.596, -27.318 ], [ -48.529, -27.334 ], [ -48.649, -27.486 ], [ -48.572, -27.592 ], [ -48.653, -27.648 ], [ -48.575, -27.888 ], [ -48.761, -28.535 ], [ -48.813, -28.605 ], [ -49.37, -28.92 ], [ -49.334, -28.921 ], [ -49.702, -29.308 ], [ -50.006, -29.749 ], [ -50.316, -30.472 ], [ -50.848, -31.205 ], [ -51.303, -31.613 ], [ -51.877, -31.952 ], [ -52.071, -32.188 ], [ -52.012, -31.946 ], [ -52.092, -31.837 ], [ -51.851, -31.865 ], [ -51.777, -31.805 ], [ -51.854, -31.797 ], [ -51.65, -31.759 ], [ -51.478, -31.562 ], [ -51.43, -31.622 ], [ -51.458, -31.548 ], [ -51.424, -31.478 ], [ -51.351, -31.529 ], [ -51.234, -31.458 ], [ -51.16, -31.31 ], [ -51.166, -31.063 ], [ -51.109, -31.097 ], [ -50.985, -31.042 ], [ -50.965, -30.893 ], [ -50.888, -30.893 ], [ -50.705, -30.756 ], [ -50.677, -30.61 ], [ -50.725, -30.371 ], [ -50.692, -30.355 ], [ -50.625, -30.409 ], [ -50.641, -30.459 ], [ -50.569, -30.471 ], [ -50.534, -30.278 ], [ -50.601, -30.194 ], [ -50.659, -30.201 ], [ -50.661, -30.293 ], [ -50.918, -30.333 ], [ -50.934, -30.42 ], [ -50.889, -30.439 ], [ -50.921, -30.44 ], [ -51.052, -30.395 ], [ -51.034, -30.276 ], [ -51.146, -30.267 ], [ -51.246, -30.188 ], [ -51.23, -30.043 ], [ -51.295, -30.007 ], [ -51.326, -30.23 ], [ -51.271, -30.25 ], [ -51.293, -30.295 ], [ -51.246, -30.33 ], [ -51.209, -30.3 ], [ -51.179, -30.383 ], [ -51.092, -30.367 ], [ -51.129, -30.436 ], [ -51.202, -30.413 ], [ -51.269, -30.489 ], [ -51.282, -30.811 ], [ -51.33, -30.777 ], [ -51.294, -30.758 ], [ -51.319, -30.64 ], [ -51.375, -30.635 ], [ -51.404, -30.769 ], [ -51.367, -30.874 ], [ -51.457, -30.874 ], [ -51.501, -30.935 ], [ -51.436, -31.088 ], [ -51.611, -31.138 ], [ -51.613, -31.272 ], [ -51.915, -31.313 ], [ -52.002, -31.449 ], [ -52.031, -31.693 ], [ -52.218, -31.747 ], [ -52.247, -31.871 ], [ -52.106, -31.952 ], [ -52.216, -31.963 ], [ -52.263, -32.062 ], [ -52.209, -32.045 ], [ -52.225, -32.096 ], [ -52.082, -32.033 ], [ -52.162, -32.128 ], [ -52.09, -32.069 ], [ -52.084, -32.186 ], [ -52.16, -32.201 ], [ -52.341, -32.43 ], [ -52.488, -32.844 ], [ -52.66, -33.165 ], [ -53.227, -33.658 ], [ -53.421, -33.741 ], [ -53.524, -33.689 ], [ -53.515, -33.163 ], [ -53.434, -33.054 ], [ -53.243, -32.936 ], [ -53.294, -32.911 ], [ -53.074, -32.746 ], [ -53.244, -32.605 ], [ -53.39, -32.583 ], [ -53.46, -32.48 ], [ -53.595, -32.432 ], [ -53.73, -32.157 ], [ -53.714, -32.104 ], [ -53.965, -31.919 ], [ -54.096, -31.906 ], [ -54.466, -31.666 ], [ -54.491, -31.54 ], [ -54.591, -31.448 ], [ -54.836, -31.446 ], [ -54.945, -31.392 ], [ -55.014, -31.285 ], [ -55.091, -31.326 ], [ -55.245, -31.257 ], [ -55.374, -31.038 ], [ -55.594, -30.848 ], [ -55.635, -30.857 ], [ -55.657, -30.956 ], [ -55.87, -31.08 ], [ -56.008, -31.063 ], [ -55.987, -30.86 ], [ -56.021, -30.784 ], [ -56.127, -30.739 ], [ -56.177, -30.614 ], [ -56.384, -30.495 ], [ -56.459, -30.387 ], [ -56.545, -30.364 ], [ -56.54, -30.312 ], [ -56.617, -30.303 ], [ -56.644, -30.205 ], [ -56.776, -30.166 ], [ -56.804, -30.107 ], [ -57.068, -30.088 ], [ -57.207, -30.281 ], [ -57.313, -30.26 ], [ -57.396, -30.303 ], [ -57.538, -30.275 ], [ -57.618, -30.179 ], [ -57.505, -30.143 ], [ -57.342, -30.001 ], [ -57.319, -29.87 ], [ -57.254, -29.794 ], [ -57.105, -29.752 ], [ -56.972, -29.639 ], [ -56.676, -29.321 ], [ -56.593, -29.123 ], [ -56.425, -29.073 ], [ -56.285, -28.794 ], [ -56.185, -28.771 ], [ -56.016, -28.611 ], [ -56.011, -28.509 ], [ -55.888, -28.479 ], [ -55.875, -28.362 ], [ -55.696, -28.425 ], [ -55.671, -28.333 ], [ -55.773, -28.247 ], [ -55.605, -28.123 ], [ -55.554, -28.164 ], [ -55.496, -28.081 ], [ -55.444, -28.097 ], [ -55.323, -27.928 ], [ -55.196, -27.863 ], [ -55.134, -27.895 ], [ -55.117, -27.853 ], [ -55.032, -27.854 ], [ -55.082, -27.789 ], [ -54.941, -27.775 ], [ -54.809, -27.536 ], [ -54.781, -27.586 ], [ -54.683, -27.576 ], [ -54.678, -27.514 ], [ -54.624, -27.55 ], [ -54.576, -27.458 ], [ -54.525, -27.507 ], [ -54.415, -27.412 ], [ -54.353, -27.468 ], [ -54.339, -27.406 ], [ -54.282, -27.447 ], [ -54.176, -27.261 ], [ -54.089, -27.303 ], [ -53.949, -27.158 ], [ -53.799, -27.147 ], [ -53.795, -27.048 ], [ -53.761, -27.068 ], [ -53.662, -26.869 ], [ -53.751, -26.745 ], [ -53.707, -26.563 ], [ -53.738, -26.548 ], [ -53.592, -26.265 ], [ -53.722, -26.13 ], [ -53.733, -26.047 ], [ -53.837, -25.969 ], [ -53.824, -25.793 ], [ -53.891, -25.625 ], [ -53.951, -25.644 ], [ -54.016, -25.569 ], [ -54.101, -25.625 ], [ -54.111, -25.504 ], [ -54.213, -25.554 ], [ -54.184, -25.591 ], [ -54.289, -25.562 ], [ -54.387, -25.608 ], [ -54.43, -25.706 ], [ -54.596, -25.595 ], [ -54.617, -25.459 ], [ -54.437, -25.157 ], [ -54.458, -25.031 ], [ -54.336, -24.649 ], [ -54.333, -24.493 ], [ -54.262, -24.376 ], [ -54.33, -24.225 ], [ -54.282, -24.075 ], [ -54.411, -23.929 ], [ -54.668, -23.815 ], [ -55.061, -23.991 ], [ -55.112, -23.963 ], [ -55.226, -24.013 ], [ -55.413, -23.961 ], [ -55.434, -23.714 ], [ -55.535, -23.614 ], [ -55.522, -23.197 ], [ -55.596, -23.141 ], [ -55.64, -22.994 ], [ -55.685, -22.992 ], [ -55.613, -22.659 ], [ -55.736, -22.532 ], [ -55.74, -22.396 ], [ -55.854, -22.281 ], [ -56.208, -22.281 ], [ -56.341, -22.206 ], [ -56.403, -22.078 ], [ -56.519, -22.103 ], [ -56.643, -22.261 ], [ -56.698, -22.216 ], [ -56.728, -22.26 ], [ -56.808, -22.25 ], [ -56.831, -22.3 ], [ -57.001, -22.225 ], [ -57.203, -22.21 ], [ -57.243, -22.244 ], [ -57.553, -22.181 ], [ -57.616, -22.096 ], [ -57.803, -22.148 ], [ -57.989, -22.085 ], [ -58.005, -22.032 ], [ -57.919, -21.881 ], [ -57.969, -21.844 ], [ -57.913, -21.793 ], [ -57.947, -21.747 ], [ -57.894, -21.687 ], [ -57.968, -21.528 ], [ -57.855, -21.339 ], [ -57.918, -21.278 ], [ -57.854, -21.226 ], [ -57.866, -21.041 ], [ -57.818, -20.976 ], [ -57.927, -20.897 ], [ -57.855, -20.835 ], [ -57.961, -20.784 ], [ -57.869, -20.736 ], [ -57.923, -20.666 ], [ -57.988, -20.696 ], [ -57.994, -20.448 ], [ -58.082, -20.372 ], [ -58.092, -20.257 ], [ -58.154, -20.264 ], [ -58.125, -20.188 ], [ -58.163, -20.162 ], [ -57.872, -19.979 ], [ -58.134, -19.761 ], [ -57.79, -19.051 ], [ -57.709, -19.034 ], [ -57.757, -18.858 ], [ -57.56, -18.263 ], [ -57.458, -18.228 ], [ -57.568, -18.136 ], [ -57.702, -17.86 ], [ -57.715, -17.735 ], [ -57.785, -17.645 ], [ -57.773, -17.553 ], [ -57.878, -17.463 ], [ -58.003, -17.52 ], [ -58.114, -17.456 ], [ -58.395, -17.197 ], [ -58.421, -16.99 ], [ -58.47, -16.939 ], [ -58.468, -16.702 ], [ -58.442, -16.613 ], [ -58.34, -16.542 ], [ -58.309, -16.27 ], [ -58.471, -16.325 ], [ -60.173, -16.265 ], [ -60.236, -15.476 ], [ -60.565, -15.105 ], [ -60.253, -15.101 ], [ -60.257, -14.624 ], [ -60.338, -14.555 ], [ -60.482, -14.181 ], [ -60.468, -14.092 ], [ -60.378, -13.992 ], [ -60.468, -13.886 ], [ -60.468, -13.801 ], [ -60.793, -13.686 ], [ -60.962, -13.539 ], [ -61.044, -13.541 ], [ -61.028, -13.477 ], [ -61.069, -13.463 ], [ -61.139, -13.521 ], [ -61.249, -13.525 ], [ -61.33, -13.473 ], [ -61.486, -13.554 ], [ -61.578, -13.494 ], [ -61.824, -13.539 ], [ -61.866, -13.443 ], [ -62.108, -13.257 ], [ -62.109, -13.149 ], [ -62.165, -13.112 ], [ -62.368, -13.145 ], [ -62.464, -13.07 ], [ -62.637, -13.041 ], [ -62.674, -12.965 ], [ -62.764, -13.023 ], [ -62.923, -12.854 ], [ -62.996, -12.85 ], [ -63.082, -12.653 ], [ -63.327, -12.705 ], [ -63.482, -12.557 ], [ -63.712, -12.458 ], [ -63.875, -12.469 ], [ -63.937, -12.557 ], [ -64.127, -12.494 ], [ -64.152, -12.529 ], [ -64.215, -12.476 ], [ -64.278, -12.511 ], [ -64.493, -12.366 ], [ -64.486, -12.23 ], [ -64.654, -12.186 ], [ -64.683, -12.099 ], [ -64.725, -12.162 ], [ -64.798, -12.035 ], [ -64.993, -11.999 ], [ -65.048, -11.757 ], [ -65.112, -11.741 ], [ -65.106, -11.697 ], [ -65.135, -11.777 ], [ -65.201, -11.745 ], [ -65.161, -11.622 ], [ -65.218, -11.521 ], [ -65.299, -11.5 ], [ -65.338, -11.392 ], [ -65.31, -11.341 ], [ -65.385, -11.269 ], [ -65.349, -11.239 ], [ -65.391, -11.167 ], [ -65.318, -11.105 ], [ -65.336, -11.044 ], [ -65.269, -10.901 ], [ -65.366, -10.798 ], [ -65.349, -10.671 ], [ -65.426, -10.638 ], [ -65.429, -10.473 ], [ -65.28, -10.218 ], [ -65.327, -9.938 ], [ -65.29, -9.851 ], [ -65.377, -9.698 ], [ -65.488, -9.718 ], [ -65.563, -9.834 ], [ -65.669, -9.779 ], [ -65.7, -9.803 ], [ -65.689, -9.749 ], [ -65.748, -9.77 ], [ -65.777, -9.727 ], [ -65.798, -9.786 ], [ -65.81, -9.75 ], [ -65.86, -9.794 ], [ -65.872, -9.757 ], [ -66.018, -9.807 ], [ -66.064, -9.772 ], [ -66.422, -9.895 ], [ -66.616, -9.893 ], [ -66.623, -9.935 ], [ -66.883, -10.081 ], [ -67.029, -10.254 ], [ -67.186, -10.339 ], [ -67.315, -10.316 ], [ -67.327, -10.374 ], [ -67.414, -10.372 ], [ -67.443, -10.45 ], [ -67.594, -10.523 ], [ -67.715, -10.707 ], [ -68.021, -10.661 ], [ -68.119, -10.726 ], [ -68.283, -10.987 ], [ -68.519, -11.048 ], [ -68.587, -11.11 ], [ -68.769, -11.139 ], [ -68.751, -11.007 ], [ -68.787, -10.99 ], [ -68.871, -11.023 ], [ -69.393, -10.929 ], [ -69.728, -10.973 ], [ -69.938, -10.926 ], [ -70.318, -11.066 ], [ -70.428, -11.033 ], [ -70.508, -10.94 ], [ -70.618, -11.007 ], [ -70.622, -9.847 ], [ -70.522, -9.738 ], [ -70.598, -9.574 ], [ -70.561, -9.579 ], [ -70.497, -9.433 ], [ -70.601, -9.453 ], [ -70.982, -9.812 ], [ -71.131, -9.862 ], [ -71.288, -9.996 ], [ -72.165, -10.002 ], [ -72.16, -9.818 ], [ -72.26, -9.755 ], [ -72.289, -9.536 ], [ -72.364, -9.491 ], [ -72.721, -9.417 ], [ -73.196, -9.418 ], [ -72.965, -9.154 ], [ -72.946, -8.99 ], [ -73.059, -8.904 ], [ -73.169, -8.701 ], [ -73.338, -8.609 ], [ -73.338, -8.476 ], [ -73.526, -8.369 ], [ -73.632, -8.022 ], [ -73.765, -7.94 ], [ -73.777, -7.869 ], [ -73.697, -7.865 ], [ -73.69, -7.79 ], [ -73.985, -7.543 ], [ -73.917, -7.461 ], [ -73.954, -7.348 ], [ -73.868, -7.377 ], [ -73.691, -7.313 ], [ -73.797, -7.115 ], [ -73.743, -6.897 ], [ -73.351, -6.561 ], [ -73.211, -6.53 ], [ -73.133, -6.421 ], [ -73.185, -6.04 ], [ -73.131, -5.986 ], [ -73.116, -5.865 ], [ -72.951, -5.643 ], [ -72.948, -5.454 ], [ -72.872, -5.25 ], [ -72.896, -5.136 ], [ -72.734, -5.043 ], [ -72.602, -5.056 ], [ -72.577, -4.992 ], [ -72.455, -4.962 ], [ -72.452, -4.906 ], [ -72.37, -4.88 ], [ -72.356, -4.803 ], [ -72.292, -4.799 ], [ -72.313, -4.769 ], [ -72.223, -4.78 ], [ -72.113, -4.722 ], [ -72.047, -4.625 ], [ -71.94, -4.607 ], [ -71.897, -4.512 ], [ -71.61, -4.465 ], [ -71.597, -4.525 ], [ -71.535, -4.46 ], [ -71.49, -4.479 ], [ -71.506, -4.435 ], [ -71.414, -4.432 ], [ -71.432, -4.469 ], [ -71.342, -4.423 ], [ -71.355, -4.468 ], [ -71.303, -4.458 ], [ -71.269, -4.381 ], [ -71.198, -4.377 ], [ -71.193, -4.42 ], [ -71.147, -4.375 ], [ -71.031, -4.397 ], [ -70.99, -4.34 ], [ -70.935, -4.381 ], [ -70.757, -4.152 ], [ -70.677, -4.2 ], [ -70.622, -4.121 ], [ -70.633, -4.173 ], [ -70.565, -4.168 ], [ -70.566, -4.205 ], [ -70.553, -4.128 ], [ -70.503, -4.19 ], [ -70.434, -4.125 ], [ -70.341, -4.174 ], [ -70.317, -4.136 ], [ -70.291, -4.283 ], [ -70.249, -4.267 ], [ -70.186, -4.357 ], [ -70.169, -4.27 ], [ -70.101, -4.255 ], [ -70.031, -4.339 ], [ -69.929, -4.213 ], [ -69.453, -1.478 ], [ -69.368, -1.334 ], [ -69.422, -0.998 ], [ -69.508, -0.936 ], [ -69.609, -0.755 ], [ -69.551, -0.648 ], [ -69.593, -0.517 ], [ -69.908, -0.316 ], [ -70.068, -0.135 ], [ -70.037, 0.553 ], [ -69.798, 0.585 ], [ -69.664, 0.672 ], [ -69.606, 0.623 ], [ -69.468, 0.734 ], [ -69.357, 0.621 ], [ -69.295, 0.648 ], [ -69.288, 0.609 ], [ -69.202, 0.602 ], [ -69.112, 0.643 ], [ -69.184, 0.73 ], [ -69.137, 0.868 ], [ -69.257, 1.026 ], [ -69.342, 1.064 ], [ -69.416, 1.024 ], [ -69.7, 1.056 ], [ -69.721, 1.097 ], [ -69.854, 1.07 ], [ -69.855, 1.715 ], [ -69.556, 1.775 ], [ -69.395, 1.726 ], [ -68.128, 1.73 ], [ -68.29, 1.841 ], [ -68.205, 2.038 ], [ -68.027, 1.784 ], [ -67.924, 1.751 ], [ -67.797, 1.812 ], [ -67.578, 2.076 ], [ -67.41, 2.141 ], [ -67.117, 1.732 ], [ -67.068, 1.532 ], [ -67.097, 1.17 ], [ -66.855, 1.228 ], [ -66.322, 0.738 ], [ -66.095, 0.754 ], [ -65.952, 0.81 ], [ -65.854, 0.939 ], [ -65.733, 1.005 ], [ -65.583, 1.008 ], [ -65.47, 0.877 ], [ -65.557, 0.705 ], [ -65.504, 0.627 ], [ -65.393, 0.699 ], [ -65.305, 0.916 ], [ -65.152, 0.943 ], [ -65.121, 1.115 ], [ -65.055, 1.144 ], [ -64.968, 1.112 ], [ -64.903, 1.249 ], [ -64.843, 1.237 ], [ -64.783, 1.313 ], [ -64.721, 1.25 ], [ -64.638, 1.286 ], [ -64.387, 1.527 ], [ -64.344, 1.528 ], [ -64.382, 1.419 ], [ -64.344, 1.38 ], [ -64.186, 1.494 ], [ -64.054, 1.708 ], [ -64.057, 1.933 ], [ -64.018, 1.967 ], [ -63.781, 1.989 ], [ -63.604, 2.124 ], [ -63.419, 2.154 ], [ -63.349, 2.281 ], [ -63.382, 2.442 ], [ -63.756, 2.403 ], [ -64.031, 2.509 ], [ -63.987, 2.772 ], [ -64.216, 3.153 ], [ -64.236, 3.476 ], [ -64.186, 3.634 ], [ -64.324, 3.797 ], [ -64.543, 3.882 ], [ -64.8, 4.224 ], [ -64.79, 4.329 ], [ -64.677, 4.297 ], [ -64.555, 4.153 ], [ -64.135, 4.176 ], [ -63.967, 3.93 ], [ -63.806, 4.019 ], [ -63.623, 4.01 ], [ -63.455, 3.91 ], [ -63.411, 4.026 ], [ -63.358, 4.04 ], [ -63.203, 3.952 ], [ -63.189, 3.872 ], [ -62.86, 3.584 ], [ -62.749, 3.642 ], [ -62.705, 3.724 ], [ -62.752, 4.012 ], [ -62.635, 4.056 ], [ -62.557, 4.02 ], [ -62.46, 4.173 ], [ -62.129, 4.084 ], [ -61.961, 4.18 ], [ -61.927, 4.106 ], [ -61.723, 4.262 ], [ -61.528, 4.273 ], [ -61.507, 4.398 ], [ -61.274, 4.471 ], [ -61.293, 4.55 ], [ -61.141, 4.508 ], [ -60.952, 4.549 ], [ -60.907, 4.708 ], [ -60.731, 4.777 ], [ -60.59, 4.951 ], [ -60.744, 5.209 ], [ -60.438, 5.177 ], [ -60.203, 5.265 ], [ -60.176, 5.227 ], [ -60.121, 5.243 ], [ -60.085, 5.149 ], [ -59.969, 5.073 ], [ -60.03, 4.704 ], [ -60.163, 4.521 ], [ -59.927, 4.509 ], [ -59.674, 4.382 ], [ -59.726, 4.191 ], [ -59.628, 4.138 ], [ -59.655, 4.078 ], [ -59.516, 3.94 ], [ -59.581, 3.901 ], [ -59.594, 3.796 ], [ -59.666, 3.777 ], [ -59.664, 3.703 ], [ -59.849, 3.601 ], [ -59.799, 3.355 ], [ -59.909, 3.197 ], [ -59.982, 2.929 ], [ -59.99, 2.683 ], [ -59.903, 2.479 ], [ -59.91, 2.388 ], [ -59.724, 2.277 ], [ -59.754, 1.861 ], [ -59.654, 1.849 ], [ -59.669, 1.764 ], [ -59.549, 1.729 ], [ -59.253, 1.397 ], [ -58.914, 1.299 ], [ -58.904, 1.234 ], [ -58.804, 1.175 ], [ -58.696, 1.288 ], [ -58.507, 1.264 ], [ -58.468, 1.318 ], [ -58.498, 1.458 ], [ -58.382, 1.471 ], [ -58.325, 1.59 ], [ -58.167, 1.558 ], [ -58.13, 1.501 ], [ -58.009, 1.501 ], [ -58, 1.665 ], [ -57.919, 1.645 ], [ -57.77, 1.718 ], [ -57.545, 1.701 ], [ -57.434, 1.895 ], [ -57.302, 1.99 ], [ -57.247, 1.944 ], [ -57.085, 2.021 ], [ -57.012, 1.918 ], [ -56.8, 1.864 ], [ -56.724, 1.92 ], [ -56.454, 1.945 ], [ -55.957, 1.844 ], [ -55.906, 1.889 ], [ -55.913, 2.041 ], [ -56.048, 2.226 ], [ -56.134, 2.263 ], [ -56.09, 2.352 ], [ -55.995, 2.405 ], [ -55.987, 2.517 ], [ -55.948, 2.532 ], [ -55.739, 2.401 ], [ -55.481, 2.443 ], [ -55.37, 2.407 ], [ -55.336, 2.516 ], [ -55.239, 2.495 ], [ -55.137, 2.575 ], [ -55.103, 2.522 ], [ -54.94, 2.632 ], [ -54.969, 2.555 ], [ -54.864, 2.439 ], [ -54.72, 2.469 ], [ -54.702, 2.336 ], [ -54.549, 2.336 ], [ -54.534, 2.268 ], [ -54.314, 2.158 ], [ -54.189, 2.179 ], [ -54.111, 2.127 ], [ -54.078, 2.197 ], [ -53.784, 2.364 ], [ -53.694, 2.287 ], [ -53.472, 2.332 ], [ -53.397, 2.272 ], [ -53.273, 2.292 ], [ -53.188, 2.223 ], [ -52.905, 2.19 ], [ -52.853, 2.285 ], [ -52.673, 2.374 ], [ -52.555, 2.523 ], [ -52.556, 2.646 ], [ -52.382, 2.912 ], [ -52.347, 3.134 ], [ -52.192, 3.296 ], [ -51.92, 3.781 ], [ -51.795, 3.89 ], [ -51.754, 3.996 ], [ -51.658, 4.049 ], [ -51.585, 4.241 ], [ -51.529, 4.171 ], [ -51.545, 4.397 ], [ -51.202, 4.084 ], [ -51.173, 3.767 ], [ -51.127, 3.911 ], [ -51.085, 3.895 ], [ -51.051, 3.283 ], [ -50.913, 2.875 ], [ -50.927, 2.807 ], [ -50.816, 2.644 ], [ -50.851, 2.482 ], [ -50.802, 2.508 ], [ -50.736, 2.414 ], [ -50.765, 2.359 ], [ -50.694, 2.276 ], [ -50.725, 2.252 ], [ -50.675, 2.247 ], [ -50.682, 2.137 ], [ -50.584, 2.091 ], [ -50.586, 2.014 ], [ -50.471, 1.82 ], [ -50.194, 1.794 ], [ -49.954, 1.676 ], [ -49.88, 1.419 ], [ -49.918, 1.289 ], [ -50.073, 1.204 ], [ -49.918, 1.232 ], [ -49.939, 1.103 ], [ -50.003, 1.066 ], [ -50.033, 1.107 ], [ -50.131, 0.949 ], [ -50.274, 0.866 ], [ -50.338, 0.729 ], [ -50.417, 0.685 ], [ -50.455, 0.732 ], [ -50.428, 0.679 ], [ -50.571, 0.424 ], [ -50.691, 0.3 ], [ -50.677, 0.365 ], [ -50.746, 0.227 ], [ -50.801, 0.224 ], [ -50.785, 0.183 ], [ -50.908, 0.171 ], [ -51.087, -0.043 ], [ -51.203, -0.055 ], [ -51.419, -0.412 ], [ -51.409, -0.44 ], [ -51.325, -0.364 ], [ -51.188, -0.14 ], [ -51.111, -0.154 ], [ -51.154, -0.284 ], [ -51.396, -0.493 ], [ -51.243, -0.443 ], [ -51.26, -0.5 ], [ -51.165, -0.431 ], [ -50.953, -0.061 ], [ -50.824, -0.048 ], [ -50.705, 0.002 ], [ -50.613, -0.088 ], [ -50.744, -0.244 ], [ -50.751, -0.429 ], [ -50.845, -0.526 ], [ -50.988, -0.583 ], [ -51.051, -0.682 ], [ -50.826, -0.555 ], [ -50.794, -0.666 ], [ -50.733, -0.557 ], [ -50.684, -0.604 ], [ -50.724, -0.493 ], [ -50.652, -0.276 ], [ -50.409, -0.094 ], [ -49.631, -0.247 ], [ -49.446, -0.23 ], [ -49.289, -0.145 ], [ -49.018, -0.16 ], [ -49, -0.139 ], [ -48.895, -0.224 ], [ -48.539, -0.234 ], [ -48.363, -0.303 ], [ -48.459, -0.513 ], [ -48.522, -0.877 ], [ -48.667, -1.002 ], [ -48.621, -1.005 ], [ -48.65, -1.048 ], [ -48.617, -1.053 ], [ -48.721, -1.137 ], [ -48.837, -1.452 ], [ -49.161, -1.575 ], [ -49.182, -1.623 ], [ -49.362, -1.604 ], [ -49.364, -1.642 ], [ -49.448, -1.637 ], [ -49.5, -1.738 ], [ -49.61, -1.718 ], [ -49.676, -1.78 ], [ -49.696, -1.757 ], [ -49.714, -1.76 ], [ -49.803, -1.822 ], [ -50.035, -1.717 ], [ -50.179, -1.787 ], [ -50.256, -1.776 ], [ -50.415, -1.841 ], [ -50.401, -1.935 ], [ -49.994, -1.819 ], [ -49.844, -1.905 ], [ -49.765, -1.898 ], [ -49.616, -1.79 ], [ -49.276, -1.706 ], [ -49.267, -1.778 ], [ -49.387, -1.977 ], [ -49.383, -2.159 ], [ -48.973, -1.594 ], [ -48.897, -1.573 ], [ -48.955, -1.712 ], [ -48.932, -1.75 ], [ -48.898, -1.743 ], [ -48.656, -1.371 ], [ -48.592, -1.429 ], [ -48.601, -1.306 ], [ -48.524, -1.338 ], [ -48.537, -1.467 ], [ -48.496, -1.553 ], [ -48.491, -1.502 ], [ -48.46, -1.533 ], [ -48.374, -1.511 ], [ -48.319, -1.478 ], [ -48.505, -1.471 ], [ -48.422, -1.168 ], [ -48.475, -1.144 ], [ -48.4, -1.066 ], [ -48.278, -1.111 ], [ -48.304, -0.948 ], [ -48.055, -0.668 ], [ -48.001, -0.731 ], [ -47.893, -0.553 ], [ -47.843, -0.616 ], [ -47.807, -0.547 ], [ -47.702, -0.54 ], [ -47.707, -0.59 ], [ -47.667, -0.569 ], [ -47.633, -0.608 ], [ -47.651, -0.694 ], [ -47.608, -0.684 ], [ -47.577, -0.573 ], [ -47.476, -0.757 ], [ -47.398, -0.76 ], [ -47.428, -0.693 ], [ -47.464, -0.687 ], [ -47.466, -0.594 ], [ -47.399, -0.594 ], [ -47.4, -0.645 ], [ -47.298, -0.589 ], [ -47.253, -0.668 ], [ -47.247, -0.623 ], [ -47.206, -0.633 ], [ -47.23, -0.719 ], [ -47.158, -0.678 ], [ -47.191, -0.754 ], [ -47.146, -0.764 ], [ -47.16, -0.815 ], [ -47.081, -0.661 ], [ -47.055, -0.868 ], [ -47.027, -0.784 ], [ -46.983, -0.806 ], [ -47.016, -0.752 ], [ -46.967, -0.694 ], [ -46.969, -0.78 ], [ -46.891, -0.869 ], [ -46.89, -0.789 ], [ -46.846, -0.799 ], [ -46.82, -0.71 ], [ -46.802, -0.877 ], [ -46.777, -0.905 ], [ -46.75, -0.826 ], [ -46.709, -0.86 ], [ -46.734, -0.944 ], [ -46.687, -0.831 ], [ -46.653, -0.882 ], [ -46.621, -0.818 ], [ -46.601, -0.917 ], [ -46.676, -0.965 ], [ -46.622, -0.987 ], [ -46.57, -0.947 ], [ -46.609, -1.03 ], [ -46.57, -0.988 ], [ -46.525, -1.027 ], [ -46.465, -1.007 ], [ -46.47, -1.044 ], [ -46.395, -1.037 ], [ -46.413, -1.084 ], [ -46.348, -0.982 ], [ -46.36, -1.011 ], [ -46.366, -1.031 ], [ -46.348, -1.079 ], [ -46.339, -1.015 ], [ -46.299, -1.05 ], [ -46.212, -0.946 ], [ -46.242, -0.921 ], [ -46.179, -0.914 ], [ -46.224, -1.053 ], [ -46.206, -1.1 ], [ -46.158, -1.014 ], [ -46.138, -1.032 ], [ -46.193, -1.143 ], [ -46.104, -1.067 ], [ -46.062, -1.133 ], [ -46.15, -1.258 ], [ -45.982, -1.071 ], [ -45.953, -1.147 ], [ -46, -1.151 ], [ -46, -1.199 ], [ -45.95, -1.159 ], [ -45.95, -1.207 ], [ -46, -1.209 ], [ -45.95, -1.25 ], [ -45.902, -1.134 ], [ -45.923, -1.214 ], [ -45.882, -1.167 ], [ -45.873, -1.211 ], [ -45.909, -1.261 ], [ -45.859, -1.231 ], [ -45.891, -1.293 ], [ -45.807, -1.176 ], [ -45.843, -1.301 ], [ -45.809, -1.328 ], [ -45.831, -1.298 ], [ -45.782, -1.278 ], [ -45.726, -1.135 ], [ -45.69, -1.452 ], [ -45.697, -1.38 ], [ -45.632, -1.371 ], [ -45.618, -1.279 ], [ -45.589, -1.329 ], [ -45.537, -1.273 ], [ -45.561, -1.343 ], [ -45.51, -1.352 ], [ -45.567, -1.404 ], [ -45.546, -1.432 ], [ -45.413, -1.296 ], [ -45.489, -1.473 ], [ -45.511, -1.458 ], [ -45.554, -1.503 ], [ -45.507, -1.471 ], [ -45.518, -1.516 ], [ -45.481, -1.495 ], [ -45.463, -1.548 ], [ -45.457, -1.457 ], [ -45.391, -1.434 ], [ -45.363, -1.325 ], [ -45.323, -1.319 ], [ -45.302, -1.424 ], [ -45.392, -1.485 ], [ -45.398, -1.503 ], [ -45.356, -1.487 ], [ -45.392, -1.553 ], [ -45.338, -1.572 ], [ -45.371, -1.722 ], [ -45.338, -1.753 ], [ -45.197, -1.688 ], [ -45.261, -1.607 ], [ -45.16, -1.475 ], [ -45.136, -1.521 ], [ -45.072, -1.435 ], [ -45.07, -1.485 ], [ -44.999, -1.504 ], [ -45.018, -1.547 ], [ -44.969, -1.549 ], [ -45.029, -1.583 ], [ -45.029, -1.602 ], [ -44.979, -1.607 ], [ -44.954, -1.498 ], [ -44.862, -1.426 ], [ -44.857, -1.498 ], [ -44.954, -1.605 ], [ -44.918, -1.649 ], [ -44.968, -1.662 ], [ -44.913, -1.657 ], [ -44.927, -1.62 ], [ -44.886, -1.609 ], [ -44.837, -1.65 ], [ -44.822, -1.591 ], [ -44.826, -1.637 ], [ -44.805, -1.609 ], [ -44.812, -1.665 ], [ -44.779, -1.735 ], [ -44.711, -1.728 ], [ -44.82, -1.819 ], [ -44.738, -1.791 ], [ -44.706, -1.819 ], [ -44.676, -1.808 ], [ -44.661, -1.727 ], [ -44.604, -1.749 ], [ -44.667, -1.849 ], [ -44.601, -1.858 ], [ -44.583, -1.817 ], [ -44.586, -1.873 ], [ -44.543, -1.833 ], [ -44.601, -1.909 ], [ -44.517, -1.907 ], [ -44.484, -2.002 ], [ -44.613, -2.037 ], [ -44.467, -2.017 ], [ -44.626, -2.151 ], [ -44.589, -2.159 ], [ -44.641, -2.232 ], [ -44.708, -2.23 ], [ -44.684, -2.275 ], [ -44.764, -2.265 ], [ -44.654, -2.294 ], [ -44.681, -2.354 ], [ -44.649, -2.373 ], [ -44.666, -2.329 ], [ -44.479, -2.137 ], [ -44.358, -2.335 ], [ -44.401, -2.416 ], [ -44.514, -2.384 ], [ -44.55, -2.4 ], [ -44.491, -2.415 ], [ -44.514, -2.448 ], [ -44.505, -2.476 ], [ -44.665, -2.608 ], [ -44.548, -2.542 ], [ -44.658, -2.781 ], [ -44.688, -2.924 ], [ -44.677, -3.019 ], [ -44.66, -3.02 ], [ -44.657, -3.018 ] ], [ [ -43.318, -2.361 ], [ -43.317, -2.363 ], [ -43.296, -2.363 ], [ -43.318, -2.361 ] ], [ [ -42.438, -2.747 ], [ -42.442, -2.749 ], [ -42.438, -2.75 ], [ -42.438, -2.747 ] ], [ [ -42.442, -2.749 ], [ -42.47, -2.744 ], [ -42.447, -2.753 ], [ -42.442, -2.749 ] ], [ [ -50.851, 2.482 ], [ -50.853, 2.481 ], [ -50.853, 2.48 ], [ -50.851, 2.482 ] ], [ [ -50.853, 2.481 ], [ -50.86, 2.495 ], [ -50.86, 2.477 ], [ -50.853, 2.481 ] ], [ [ -49.976, 1.659 ], [ -49.98, 1.659 ], [ -50, 1.639 ], [ -49.976, 1.659 ] ], [ [ -45.392, -1.553 ], [ -45.393, -1.553 ], [ -45.394, -1.556 ], [ -45.392, -1.553 ] ], [ [ -45.394, -1.556 ], [ -45.406, -1.579 ], [ -45.403, -1.591 ], [ -45.394, -1.556 ] ], [ [ -44.837, -1.65 ], [ -44.834, -1.655 ], [ -44.833, -1.654 ], [ -44.837, -1.65 ] ], [ [ -44.834, -1.655 ], [ -44.841, -1.675 ], [ -44.822, -1.672 ], [ -44.834, -1.655 ] ], [ [ -44.779, -1.735 ], [ -44.777, -1.741 ], [ -44.776, -1.74 ], [ -44.779, -1.735 ] ], [ [ -44.777, -1.741 ], [ -44.833, -1.77 ], [ -44.774, -1.75 ], [ -44.777, -1.741 ] ], [ [ -44.547, -2.22 ], [ -44.536, -2.225 ], [ -44.543, -2.219 ], [ -44.547, -2.22 ] ], [ [ -44.536, -2.225 ], [ -44.507, -2.249 ], [ -44.512, -2.235 ], [ -44.536, -2.225 ] ], [ [ -44.507, -2.249 ], [ -44.504, -2.256 ], [ -44.501, -2.254 ], [ -44.507, -2.249 ] ], [ [ -44.504, -2.256 ], [ -44.514, -2.268 ], [ -44.502, -2.26 ], [ -44.504, -2.256 ] ] ], [ [ [ -29.34, -20.484 ], [ -29.301, -20.521 ], [ -29.341, -20.511 ], [ -29.34, -20.484 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.001, -13.94 ], [ -39.012, -13.915 ], [ -38.994, -13.896 ], [ -39.001, -13.94 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.043, -13.909 ], [ -39.059, -13.904 ], [ -39.054, -13.886 ], [ -39.028, -13.903 ], [ -39.043, -13.909 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.251, -18.015 ], [ -39.283, -18.005 ], [ -39.272, -17.982 ], [ -39.245, -18.006 ], [ -39.251, -18.015 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.131, -17.927 ], [ -39.154, -17.921 ], [ -39.137, -17.91 ], [ -39.131, -17.927 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.212, -17.986 ], [ -39.228, -17.979 ], [ -39.215, -17.944 ], [ -39.202, -17.95 ], [ -39.212, -17.986 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.341, -23.231 ], [ -44.372, -23.174 ], [ -44.232, -23.089 ], [ -44.087, -23.173 ], [ -44.3, -23.184 ], [ -44.341, -23.231 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.356, -23.073 ], [ -44.388, -23.048 ], [ -44.373, -23.033 ], [ -44.343, -23.041 ], [ -44.356, -23.073 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.929, -23.014 ], [ -43.936, -22.999 ], [ -43.916, -22.989 ], [ -43.929, -23.014 ] ] ], [ [ [ -42.002, -23.018 ], [ -42.015, -23.003 ], [ -41.98, -22.975 ], [ -41.975, -22.992 ], [ -42.002, -23.018 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.904, -22.962 ], [ -43.907, -22.936 ], [ -43.868, -22.926 ], [ -43.871, -22.95 ], [ -43.904, -22.962 ] ] ], [ [ [ -41.042, -21.613 ], [ -41.042, -21.6 ], [ -41.019, -21.606 ], [ -41.042, -21.613 ] ] ], [ [ [ -52.112, -32 ], [ -52.18, -32.035 ], [ -52.216, -32.025 ], [ -52.198, -31.978 ], [ -52.112, -32 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.641, -30.388 ], [ -50.629, -30.394 ], [ -50.624, -30.329 ], [ -50.592, -30.399 ], [ -50.609, -30.406 ], [ -50.641, -30.388 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.526, -27.462 ], [ -48.416, -27.38 ], [ -48.358, -27.446 ], [ -48.503, -27.799 ], [ -48.559, -27.842 ], [ -48.526, -27.462 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.354, -27.296 ], [ -48.376, -27.285 ], [ -48.373, -27.271 ], [ -48.36, -27.27 ], [ -48.354, -27.296 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.731, -26.314 ], [ -48.754, -26.297 ], [ -48.735, -26.282 ], [ -48.731, -26.314 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.318, -25.584 ], [ -48.309, -25.546 ], [ -48.381, -25.504 ], [ -48.312, -25.509 ], [ -48.292, -25.545 ], [ -48.318, -25.584 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.414, -25.544 ], [ -48.459, -25.514 ], [ -48.415, -25.527 ], [ -48.414, -25.544 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.424, -25.551 ], [ -48.479, -25.523 ], [ -48.485, -25.502 ], [ -48.424, -25.551 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.298, -25.493 ], [ -48.341, -25.416 ], [ -48.252, -25.341 ], [ -48.265, -25.44 ], [ -48.253, -25.466 ], [ -48.298, -25.493 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.417, -25.386 ], [ -48.424, -25.343 ], [ -48.405, -25.33 ], [ -48.417, -25.386 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.695, -24.112 ], [ -45.688, -24.088 ], [ -45.679, -24.098 ], [ -45.695, -24.112 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.251, -23.962 ], [ -45.301, -23.909 ], [ -45.453, -23.91 ], [ -45.332, -23.721 ], [ -45.227, -23.774 ], [ -45.224, -23.835 ], [ -45.283, -23.857 ], [ -45.221, -23.899 ], [ -45.251, -23.962 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.141, -23.817 ], [ -45.146, -23.791 ], [ -45.114, -23.801 ], [ -45.141, -23.817 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.153, -23.573 ], [ -45.153, -23.558 ], [ -45.141, -23.568 ], [ -45.153, -23.573 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.073, -23.564 ], [ -45.079, -23.525 ], [ -45.036, -23.531 ], [ -45.073, -23.564 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.608, -23.228 ], [ -44.59, -23.208 ], [ -44.577, -23.216 ], [ -44.608, -23.228 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.648, -12.821 ], [ -38.666, -12.777 ], [ -38.624, -12.762 ], [ -38.648, -12.821 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.529, -12.811 ], [ -38.544, -12.757 ], [ -38.532, -12.74 ], [ -38.508, -12.792 ], [ -38.529, -12.811 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.622, -12.752 ], [ -38.622, -12.727 ], [ -38.593, -12.733 ], [ -38.622, -12.752 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.646, -12.683 ], [ -38.648, -12.65 ], [ -38.636, -12.661 ], [ -38.646, -12.683 ] ] ], [ [ [ -32.402, -3.838 ], [ -32.428, -3.877 ], [ -32.483, -3.878 ], [ -32.402, -3.838 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.667, -3.179 ], [ -44.668, -3.16 ], [ -44.643, -3.148 ], [ -44.644, -3.17 ], [ -44.667, -3.179 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.671, -2.943 ], [ -44.67, -2.92 ], [ -44.647, -2.915 ], [ -44.671, -2.943 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.493, -2.641 ], [ -44.48, -2.601 ], [ -44.477, -2.627 ], [ -44.493, -2.641 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.897, -2.573 ], [ -43.896, -2.554 ], [ -43.886, -2.565 ], [ -43.897, -2.573 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.599, -2.503 ], [ -43.577, -2.471 ], [ -43.572, -2.483 ], [ -43.599, -2.503 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.822, -2.526 ], [ -43.829, -2.509 ], [ -43.813, -2.458 ], [ -43.812, -2.553 ], [ -43.82, -2.528 ], [ -43.822, -2.526 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.821, -2.529 ], [ -43.856, -2.502 ], [ -43.832, -2.439 ], [ -43.842, -2.504 ], [ -43.821, -2.529 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.863, -2.56 ], [ -43.875, -2.552 ], [ -43.865, -2.534 ], [ -43.863, -2.56 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.519, -2.536 ], [ -44.529, -2.526 ], [ -44.501, -2.48 ], [ -44.505, -2.444 ], [ -44.455, -2.434 ], [ -44.519, -2.536 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.602, -3.007 ], [ -44.657, -2.972 ], [ -44.613, -2.894 ], [ -44.575, -2.921 ], [ -44.602, -3.007 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.585, -2.978 ], [ -44.563, -2.914 ], [ -44.586, -2.826 ], [ -44.494, -2.705 ], [ -44.494, -2.953 ], [ -44.582, -3.041 ], [ -44.585, -2.978 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.826, -2.434 ], [ -43.842, -2.403 ], [ -43.811, -2.385 ], [ -43.807, -2.412 ], [ -43.826, -2.434 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.581, -2.441 ], [ -43.615, -2.389 ], [ -43.549, -2.377 ], [ -43.545, -2.403 ], [ -43.581, -2.441 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.791, -2.47 ], [ -43.806, -2.443 ], [ -43.78, -2.422 ], [ -43.759, -2.448 ], [ -43.791, -2.47 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.513, -2.424 ], [ -43.537, -2.416 ], [ -43.522, -2.39 ], [ -43.505, -2.414 ], [ -43.513, -2.424 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.792, -2.405 ], [ -43.798, -2.377 ], [ -43.771, -2.37 ], [ -43.792, -2.405 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.689, -2.355 ], [ -43.743, -2.352 ], [ -43.724, -2.305 ], [ -43.617, -2.253 ], [ -43.612, -2.275 ], [ -43.669, -2.301 ], [ -43.689, -2.355 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.73, -2.425 ], [ -43.732, -2.364 ], [ -43.67, -2.377 ], [ -43.681, -2.34 ], [ -43.63, -2.324 ], [ -43.643, -2.394 ], [ -43.73, -2.425 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.473, -2.125 ], [ -44.487, -2.113 ], [ -44.475, -2.096 ], [ -44.463, -2.104 ], [ -44.473, -2.125 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.456, -2.031 ], [ -44.447, -2.008 ], [ -44.439, -2.022 ], [ -44.456, -2.031 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.311, -1.964 ], [ -49.336, -1.996 ], [ -49.309, -1.943 ], [ -49.311, -1.964 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.323, -2.054 ], [ -49.329, -2.019 ], [ -49.316, -2.001 ], [ -49.323, -2.054 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.231, -1.829 ], [ -50.246, -1.824 ], [ -50.229, -1.816 ], [ -50.231, -1.829 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.615, -1.821 ], [ -44.622, -1.797 ], [ -44.597, -1.774 ], [ -44.583, -1.789 ], [ -44.615, -1.821 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.7, -1.811 ], [ -44.703, -1.78 ], [ -44.673, -1.78 ], [ -44.7, -1.811 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.691, -1.793 ], [ -49.721, -1.789 ], [ -49.719, -1.771 ], [ -49.697, -1.766 ], [ -49.691, -1.793 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.924, -1.711 ], [ -48.909, -1.713 ], [ -48.916, -1.734 ], [ -48.935, -1.713 ], [ -48.924, -1.711 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.757, -1.707 ], [ -44.767, -1.694 ], [ -44.736, -1.701 ], [ -44.757, -1.707 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.433, -1.684 ], [ -49.454, -1.706 ], [ -49.46, -1.684 ], [ -49.433, -1.684 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.357, -1.008 ], [ -46.342, -0.994 ], [ -46.353, -1.026 ], [ -46.357, -1.008 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.205, -1.021 ], [ -46.194, -1.014 ], [ -46.202, -1.032 ], [ -46.205, -1.021 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.662, -3.018 ], [ -44.673, -3.012 ], [ -44.664, -3.001 ], [ -44.649, -3.013 ], [ -44.662, -3.018 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.736, -1.683 ], [ -44.745, -1.677 ], [ -44.732, -1.668 ], [ -44.736, -1.683 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.231, -1.638 ], [ -49.237, -1.627 ], [ -49.217, -1.633 ], [ -49.231, -1.638 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.38, -1.685 ], [ -49.4, -1.682 ], [ -49.368, -1.669 ], [ -49.38, -1.685 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.426, -1.673 ], [ -49.429, -1.661 ], [ -49.406, -1.66 ], [ -49.426, -1.673 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.34, -1.672 ], [ -49.358, -1.662 ], [ -49.325, -1.647 ], [ -49.34, -1.672 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.289, -1.726 ], [ -45.305, -1.663 ], [ -45.257, -1.641 ], [ -45.244, -1.678 ], [ -45.28, -1.694 ], [ -45.289, -1.726 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.328, -1.743 ], [ -45.346, -1.719 ], [ -45.301, -1.596 ], [ -45.274, -1.635 ], [ -45.313, -1.654 ], [ -45.328, -1.743 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.886, -1.578 ], [ -48.89, -1.56 ], [ -48.859, -1.536 ], [ -48.856, -1.553 ], [ -48.886, -1.578 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.783, -1.682 ], [ -44.8, -1.595 ], [ -44.775, -1.62 ], [ -44.721, -1.567 ], [ -44.704, -1.611 ], [ -44.684, -1.575 ], [ -44.668, -1.669 ], [ -44.693, -1.638 ], [ -44.783, -1.682 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.816, -1.569 ], [ -44.837, -1.534 ], [ -44.787, -1.488 ], [ -44.825, -1.534 ], [ -44.816, -1.569 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.462, -1.517 ], [ -48.478, -1.499 ], [ -48.421, -1.503 ], [ -48.462, -1.517 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.793, -1.531 ], [ -44.774, -1.47 ], [ -44.763, -1.513 ], [ -44.793, -1.531 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.414, -1.427 ], [ -45.423, -1.416 ], [ -45.409, -1.405 ], [ -45.414, -1.427 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45, -1.296 ], [ -44.922, -1.265 ], [ -44.877, -1.309 ], [ -44.895, -1.34 ], [ -44.922, -1.305 ], [ -44.907, -1.341 ], [ -44.999, -1.405 ], [ -45.033, -1.339 ], [ -45, -1.32 ], [ -44.995, -1.36 ], [ -45, -1.296 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.044, -1.402 ], [ -45.07, -1.33 ], [ -45.052, -1.342 ], [ -45.044, -1.402 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.333, -1.569 ], [ -45.371, -1.544 ], [ -45.347, -1.489 ], [ -45.313, -1.506 ], [ -45.333, -1.569 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.969, -1.522 ], [ -44.976, -1.493 ], [ -44.959, -1.483 ], [ -44.969, -1.522 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.393, -1.512 ], [ -48.371, -1.476 ], [ -48.341, -1.483 ], [ -48.393, -1.512 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.413, -1.498 ], [ -48.426, -1.491 ], [ -48.387, -1.476 ], [ -48.413, -1.498 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.118, -1.47 ], [ -45.132, -1.462 ], [ -45.115, -1.364 ], [ -45.103, -1.373 ], [ -45.118, -1.47 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.593, -1.251 ], [ -45.581, -1.19 ], [ -45.536, -1.205 ], [ -45.532, -1.231 ], [ -45.593, -1.251 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.559, -1.243 ], [ -48.56, -1.202 ], [ -48.523, -1.199 ], [ -48.559, -1.243 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.817, -1.163 ], [ -45.829, -1.141 ], [ -45.804, -1.127 ], [ -45.817, -1.163 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.877, -1.154 ], [ -45.9, -1.117 ], [ -45.883, -1.073 ], [ -45.849, -1.123 ], [ -45.877, -1.154 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.192, -1.05 ], [ -46.201, -1.041 ], [ -46.185, -1.027 ], [ -46.192, -1.05 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.291, -1.01 ], [ -46.307, -0.992 ], [ -46.306, -0.961 ], [ -46.291, -1.01 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.078, -1.095 ], [ -46.065, -1.05 ], [ -46.061, -1.074 ], [ -46.078, -1.095 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.68, -1.295 ], [ -45.687, -1.275 ], [ -45.667, -1.26 ], [ -45.654, -1.285 ], [ -45.68, -1.295 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.538, -1.282 ], [ -48.549, -1.262 ], [ -48.53, -1.25 ], [ -48.538, -1.282 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.51, -1.27 ], [ -48.522, -1.247 ], [ -48.506, -1.236 ], [ -48.51, -1.27 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.694, -1.37 ], [ -45.646, -1.289 ], [ -45.625, -1.126 ], [ -45.634, -1.349 ], [ -45.694, -1.37 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.688, -1.266 ], [ -45.708, -1.228 ], [ -45.685, -1.194 ], [ -45.664, -1.231 ], [ -45.688, -1.266 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.425, -0.914 ], [ -46.454, -0.907 ], [ -46.408, -0.868 ], [ -46.395, -0.899 ], [ -46.425, -0.914 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.72, -0.848 ], [ -46.735, -0.832 ], [ -46.729, -0.796 ], [ -46.72, -0.848 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.611, -0.799 ], [ -46.622, -0.784 ], [ -46.601, -0.789 ], [ -46.611, -0.799 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.586, -0.849 ], [ -46.621, -0.807 ], [ -46.589, -0.815 ], [ -46.586, -0.849 ] ] ], [ [ [ -47.447, -0.748 ], [ -47.453, -0.732 ], [ -47.436, -0.717 ], [ -47.428, -0.738 ], [ -47.447, -0.748 ] ] ], [ [ [ -47.461, -0.741 ], [ -47.463, -0.702 ], [ -47.445, -0.697 ], [ -47.461, -0.741 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.214, -0.411 ], [ -51.211, -0.386 ], [ -51.164, -0.347 ], [ -51.163, -0.383 ], [ -51.214, -0.411 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.352, -0.353 ], [ -51.346, -0.31 ], [ -51.317, -0.268 ], [ -51.327, -0.33 ], [ -51.352, -0.353 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.127, -0.268 ], [ -51.131, -0.237 ], [ -51.091, -0.208 ], [ -51.087, -0.229 ], [ -51.127, -0.268 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.888, -0.198 ], [ -48.91, -0.188 ], [ -48.893, -0.134 ], [ -48.847, -0.177 ], [ -48.888, -0.198 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.174, -0.091 ], [ -51.191, -0.064 ], [ -51.126, -0.057 ], [ -51.174, -0.091 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.114, -0.146 ], [ -49.097, -0.121 ], [ -49.08, -0.13 ], [ -49.114, -0.146 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.166, -0.142 ], [ -49.188, -0.115 ], [ -49.156, -0.128 ], [ -49.166, -0.142 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.119, -0.141 ], [ -49.143, -0.107 ], [ -49.114, -0.11 ], [ -49.119, -0.141 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.127, -0.128 ], [ -51.094, -0.103 ], [ -51.108, -0.127 ], [ -51.127, -0.128 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.414, -0.999 ], [ -46.384, -0.941 ], [ -46.367, -0.948 ], [ -46.414, -0.999 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.647, -0.97 ], [ -46.658, -0.968 ], [ -46.618, -0.957 ], [ -46.647, -0.97 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.488, -0.942 ], [ -46.465, -0.877 ], [ -46.464, -0.924 ], [ -46.44, -0.922 ], [ -46.482, -0.976 ], [ -46.441, -0.999 ], [ -46.525, -1.016 ], [ -46.527, -0.917 ], [ -46.509, -0.984 ], [ -46.488, -0.942 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.632, 0.159 ], [ -49.662, 0.184 ], [ -49.629, 0.202 ], [ -49.61, 0.181 ], [ -49.632, 0.159 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.641, 0.26 ], [ -50.63, 0.293 ], [ -50.586, 0.308 ], [ -50.641, 0.26 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.2, 0.255 ], [ -50.243, 0.248 ], [ -50.147, 0.337 ], [ -50.059, 0.346 ], [ -50.2, 0.255 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.417, 0.159 ], [ -50.535, 0.234 ], [ -50.36, 0.615 ], [ -50.328, 0.383 ], [ -50.285, 0.3 ], [ -50.413, 0.237 ], [ -50.417, 0.159 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.279, 0.338 ], [ -50.271, 0.599 ], [ -50.147, 0.608 ], [ -50.142, 0.576 ], [ -50.107, 0.636 ], [ -50.063, 0.623 ], [ -50.05, 0.518 ], [ -50.279, 0.338 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50, 0.943 ], [ -50.113, 0.907 ], [ -50.018, 1.034 ], [ -49.935, 1.069 ], [ -49.939, 0.996 ], [ -50, 0.943 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.881, 1.227 ], [ -49.909, 1.246 ], [ -49.886, 1.244 ], [ -49.881, 1.227 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.907, 1.278 ], [ -49.885, 1.291 ], [ -49.863, 1.278 ], [ -49.876, 1.252 ], [ -49.907, 1.278 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.204, 1.851 ], [ -50.232, 1.879 ], [ -50.22, 1.915 ], [ -50.169, 1.865 ], [ -50.204, 1.851 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.468, 1.954 ], [ -50.521, 2.026 ], [ -50.497, 2.139 ], [ -50.398, 2.167 ], [ -50.367, 2.19 ], [ -50.276, 1.939 ], [ -50.423, 1.849 ], [ -50.468, 1.954 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.504, 2.255 ], [ -50.414, 2.244 ], [ -50.382, 2.204 ], [ -50.489, 2.15 ], [ -50.564, 2.205 ], [ -50.504, 2.255 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.229, 0.832 ], [ -50.098, 0.839 ], [ -50.027, 0.898 ], [ -50.105, 0.757 ], [ -50.162, 0.775 ], [ -50.249, 0.72 ], [ -50.229, 0.832 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.131, 0.844 ], [ -50.162, 0.867 ], [ -50.132, 0.9 ], [ -50.119, 0.854 ], [ -50.131, 0.844 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.108, 0.85 ], [ -50.111, 0.891 ], [ -50.049, 0.886 ], [ -50.108, 0.85 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.216, -0.055 ], [ -50.235, -0.042 ], [ -50.219, -0.04 ], [ -50.216, -0.055 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.916, -0.052 ], [ -50.926, -0.047 ], [ -50.907, -0.043 ], [ -50.916, -0.052 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.605, -0.061 ], [ -50.618, -0.022 ], [ -50.559, -0.038 ], [ -50.605, -0.061 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.399, -0.061 ], [ -50.44, -0.057 ], [ -50.378, -0.015 ], [ -50.357, -0.049 ], [ -50.399, -0.061 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.75, 0 ], [ -49.609, 0.08 ], [ -49.474, 0.081 ], [ -49.338, -0.017 ], [ -49.487, -0.136 ], [ -49.723, -0.147 ], [ -49.835, -0.088 ], [ -49.75, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.023, -0.019 ], [ -49.039, -0.011 ], [ -49.02, -0.006 ], [ -49.023, -0.019 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.932, 0.052 ], [ -50.918, 0.084 ], [ -50.884, 0.078 ], [ -50.899, 0.057 ], [ -50.932, 0.052 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.928, 0 ], [ -50.786, 0.05 ], [ -50.717, 0.028 ], [ -50.94, -0.041 ], [ -50.928, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.691, 0.025 ], [ -50.655, 0.015 ], [ -50.703, 0.021 ], [ -50.691, 0.025 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.629, -0.043 ], [ -50.642, -0.016 ], [ -50.622, -0.026 ], [ -50.629, -0.043 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.642, 0 ], [ -50.611, 0.007 ], [ -50.595, -0.019 ], [ -50.642, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.536, 0 ], [ -50.653, 0.126 ], [ -50.59, 0.203 ], [ -50.434, 0.126 ], [ -50.436, 0 ], [ -50.536, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50, 0.311 ], [ -49.674, 0.368 ], [ -49.601, 0.283 ], [ -49.86, 0.008 ], [ -49.99, -0.048 ], [ -50.086, 0.034 ], [ -50.351, 0.044 ], [ -50.394, 0.222 ], [ -50.153, 0.227 ], [ -50, 0.311 ] ] ] ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "La costa de lo que hoy es territorio brasileño fue el primer punto al que llegaron los europeos en América del Sur. La primera expedición que exploró la región fue un desprendimiento de la flota portuguesa que Vasco da Gama (c. 1460-1524) llevaba hacia oriente. Las naves dirigidas por Pedro Álvarez de Cabral (1467-1520) se alejaron excesivamente de la costa de África y terminaron en el extremo sur de actual territorio del Estado de Bahía, en que el permanecieron entre abril y mayo del año 1500. Los portuguese establecieron en la costa precarias feitorias para comerciar verzino o palo brasil con los nativos de las sociedades tupí y guaraní nativas. Recién en 1530 la corona brasileña tomaría acciones decididas para organizar la ocupación portuguesa y las actividades de explotación, cuando instaura el régimen de capitanías hereditarias que estructuraría el establecimiento colonial lusitano en brasil. Bibliografía: Johnson, H. B., \"Portuguese Settlement, 1500-1580\", en Bethell, Leslie (ed.), Colonial Brazil, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1987, pp. 1-38; Abulafia, David, El descubrimiento de la humanidad. Encuentros atlánticos en la era de Colón, Barcelona, Crítica, 2009 [2008]; Metcalf, Alida C., Go-Betweens and the Colonization of Brazil, 1500-1600, Austin, University of Texas Press, 2005; Vaz de Caminha, Pêro, Carta del descubrimiento del Brasil, Barcelona, Acantilado, 2009.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-12-03T14:17:24+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 43740, "end" : 43746 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Brasil" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/22825113-e4c7-46dd-a1ac-7ee709e6810a", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://sws.geonames.org/3469034", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-12-03T14:17:24+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-12-03T14:17:24+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "MultiPolygon", "coordinates" : [ [ [ [ -44.657, -3.018 ], [ -44.608, -3.041 ], [ -44.72, -3.18 ], [ -44.793, -3.198 ], [ -44.779, -3.312 ], [ -44.736, -3.302 ], [ -44.763, -3.225 ], [ -44.653, -3.196 ], [ -44.431, -2.945 ], [ -44.367, -2.643 ], [ -44.362, -2.726 ], [ -44.355, -2.605 ], [ -44.378, -2.566 ], [ -44.345, -2.528 ], [ -44.29, -2.573 ], [ -44.306, -2.487 ], [ -44.02, -2.403 ], [ -44.03, -2.457 ], [ -44.108, 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-2.689 ], [ -42.503, -2.727 ], [ -42.393, -2.751 ], [ -42.475, -2.706 ], [ -42.375, -2.717 ], [ -42.228, -2.818 ], [ -42.143, -2.808 ], [ -42.256, -2.735 ], [ -42.233, -2.674 ], [ -42.208, -2.712 ], [ -42.098, -2.768 ], [ -42.099, -2.809 ], [ -42.096, -2.747 ], [ -42.216, -2.687 ], [ -42.054, -2.691 ], [ -42.023, -2.775 ], [ -42.017, -2.718 ], [ -41.818, -2.723 ], [ -41.844, -2.773 ], [ -41.797, -2.751 ], [ -41.656, -2.884 ], [ -41.437, -2.939 ], [ -41.395, -2.906 ], [ -41.316, -2.943 ], [ -41.263, -2.887 ], [ -40.838, -2.895 ], [ -40.572, -2.844 ], [ -40.499, -2.787 ], [ -39.888, -2.886 ], [ -39.244, -3.229 ], [ -39.083, -3.394 ], [ -38.978, -3.407 ], [ -38.641, -3.687 ], [ -38.473, -3.7 ], [ -38.377, -3.866 ], [ -38.043, -4.214 ], [ -37.764, -4.399 ], [ -37.588, -4.624 ], [ -37.323, -4.698 ], [ -37.15, -4.943 ], [ -36.958, -4.919 ], [ -36.666, -5.108 ], [ -36.504, -5.061 ], [ -36.297, -5.106 ], [ -35.956, -5.045 ], [ -35.612, -5.11 ], [ -35.385, -5.255 ], [ -35.255, -5.483 ], [ -35.099, -6.169 ], [ -34.983, -6.396 ], [ -34.933, -6.753 ], [ -34.79, -7.159 ], [ -34.842, -7.564 ], [ -34.809, -7.622 ], [ -34.845, -7.69 ], [ -34.827, -8.004 ], [ -35.136, -8.895 ], [ -35.332, -9.237 ], [ -35.689, -9.668 ], [ -35.78, -9.706 ], [ -36.056, -10.083 ], [ -36.266, -10.256 ], [ -36.402, -10.506 ], [ -36.602, -10.567 ], [ -36.934, -10.826 ], [ -37.36, -11.428 ], [ -37.612, -11.979 ], [ -37.996, -12.578 ], [ -38.318, -12.934 ], [ -38.477, -13.022 ], [ -38.532, -13.017 ], [ -38.473, -12.913 ], [ -38.498, -12.722 ], [ -38.603, -12.728 ], [ -38.646, -12.622 ], [ -38.681, -12.661 ], [ -38.718, -12.627 ], [ -38.804, -12.835 ], [ -38.717, -12.873 ], [ -38.769, -12.995 ], [ -38.721, -13.021 ], [ -38.66, -12.963 ], [ -38.686, -12.878 ], [ -38.59, -12.972 ], [ -38.766, -13.129 ], [ -38.807, -13.1 ], [ -38.808, -13.154 ], [ -38.944, -13.243 ], [ -38.973, -13.391 ], [ -38.902, -13.384 ], [ -38.886, -13.45 ], [ -38.95, -13.577 ], [ -38.886, -13.659 ], [ -38.968, -13.67 ], [ -39.006, -13.891 ], [ -39.064, -13.865 ], [ -39.075, -13.887 ], [ -38.986, -13.998 ], [ -38.952, -13.986 ], [ -38.982, -13.912 ], [ -38.938, -13.886 ], [ -38.922, -13.92 ], [ -39.061, -14.716 ], [ -38.962, -15.585 ], [ -38.857, -15.86 ], [ -38.973, -16.211 ], [ -39.032, -16.26 ], [ -39.01, -16.369 ], [ -39.078, -16.454 ], [ -39.143, -16.762 ], [ -39.113, -16.896 ], [ -39.212, -17.155 ], [ -39.193, -17.602 ], [ -39.135, -17.691 ], [ -39.264, -17.869 ], [ -39.435, -17.943 ], [ -39.563, -18.091 ], [ -39.721, -18.493 ], [ -39.749, -18.81 ], [ -39.692, -19.353 ], [ -39.805, -19.65 ], [ -39.951, -19.717 ], [ -40.151, -19.956 ], [ -40.236, -20.285 ], [ -40.353, -20.32 ], [ -40.329, -20.236 ], [ -40.359, -20.291 ], [ -40.365, -20.317 ], [ -40.35, -20.328 ], [ -40.268, -20.327 ], [ -40.402, -20.606 ], [ -40.466, -20.624 ], [ -40.627, -20.845 ], [ -40.65, -20.813 ], [ -40.756, -20.866 ], [ -40.853, -21.133 ], [ -40.955, -21.251 ], [ -40.96, -21.364 ], [ -41.065, -21.495 ], [ -41.051, -21.608 ], [ -41.038, -21.622 ], [ -41.007, -21.618 ], [ -40.99, -22.014 ], [ -41.229, -22.151 ], [ -41.668, -22.294 ], [ -41.962, -22.538 ], [ -41.986, -22.713 ], [ -41.919, -22.774 ], [ -41.864, -22.759 ], [ -42.023, -22.896 ], [ -42.037, -22.94 ], [ -41.99, -22.964 ], [ -42.018, -22.998 ], [ -42.086, -22.957 ], [ -42.529, -22.934 ], [ -43.05, -22.982 ], [ -43.132, -22.941 ], [ -43.025, -22.741 ], [ -43.084, -22.68 ], [ -43.216, -22.725 ], [ -43.287, -22.806 ], [ -43.24, -22.847 ], [ -43.249, -22.797 ], [ -43.156, -22.784 ], [ -43.247, -22.882 ], [ -43.164, -22.899 ], [ -43.187, -22.995 ], [ -43.344, -22.983 ], [ -43.303, -23.02 ], [ -43.549, -23.081 ], [ -44.001, -23.1 ], [ -43.961, -23.042 ], [ -43.877, -23.067 ], [ -43.909, -23.02 ], [ -43.807, -23.063 ], [ -43.555, -23.055 ], [ -43.84, -22.906 ], [ -43.985, -22.937 ], [ -44.034, -23.014 ], [ -44.044, -22.923 ], [ -44.107, -23.03 ], [ -44.234, -23.06 ], [ -44.238, -23.004 ], [ -44.358, -23.02 ], [ -44.296, -22.961 ], [ -44.321, -22.927 ], [ -44.378, -22.972 ], [ -44.407, -22.945 ], [ -44.443, -23.035 ], [ -44.669, -23.06 ], [ -44.712, -23.19 ], [ -44.701, -23.237 ], [ -44.645, -23.191 ], [ -44.612, -23.206 ], [ -44.685, -23.256 ], [ -44.611, -23.238 ], [ -44.652, -23.302 ], [ -44.558, -23.232 ], [ -44.577, -23.275 ], [ -44.498, -23.302 ], [ -44.583, -23.367 ], [ -44.669, -23.341 ], [ -44.84, -23.395 ], [ -44.905, -23.339 ], [ -45.05, -23.418 ], [ -45.016, -23.461 ], [ -45.079, -23.519 ], [ -45.165, -23.495 ], [ -45.159, -23.541 ], [ -45.228, -23.547 ], [ -45.211, -23.582 ], [ -45.41, -23.632 ], [ -45.412, -23.825 ], [ -45.934, -23.771 ], [ -46.124, -23.842 ], [ -46.2, -24.002 ], [ -46.288, -24.044 ], [ -46.321, -24 ], [ -46.458, -24.025 ], [ -46.937, -24.281 ], [ -47.024, -24.382 ], [ -47.004, -24.412 ], [ -47.86, -24.996 ], [ -47.914, -25.061 ], [ -47.915, -25.16 ], [ -48.213, -25.47 ], [ -48.254, -25.435 ], [ -48.222, -25.342 ], [ -48.208, -25.353 ], [ -48.121, -25.267 ], [ -48.253, -25.328 ], [ -48.284, -25.294 ], [ -48.317, -25.363 ], [ -48.327, -25.232 ], [ -48.366, -25.317 ], [ -48.433, -25.237 ], [ -48.428, -25.324 ], [ -48.5, -25.335 ], [ -48.427, -25.39 ], [ -48.449, -25.379 ], [ -48.468, -25.388 ], [ -48.467, -25.432 ], [ -48.449, -25.384 ], [ -48.414, -25.428 ], [ -48.476, -25.485 ], [ -48.637, -25.468 ], [ -48.661, -25.398 ], [ -48.671, -25.435 ], [ -48.739, -25.374 ], [ -48.68, -25.465 ], [ -48.687, -25.499 ], [ -48.737, -25.483 ], [ -48.703, -25.504 ], [ -48.617, -25.536 ], [ -48.512, -25.505 ], [ -48.482, -25.591 ], [ -48.46, -25.552 ], [ -48.35, -25.581 ], [ -48.565, -25.868 ], [ -48.614, -26.06 ], [ -48.586, -26.172 ], [ -48.714, -26.243 ], [ -48.795, -26.073 ], [ -48.837, -26.157 ], [ -48.798, -26.142 ], [ -48.763, -26.199 ], [ -48.805, -26.228 ], [ -48.769, -26.223 ], [ -48.761, -26.286 ], [ -48.803, -26.303 ], [ -48.723, -26.362 ], [ -48.635, -26.374 ], [ -48.714, -26.308 ], [ -48.554, -26.172 ], [ -48.493, -26.224 ], [ -48.695, -26.658 ], [ -48.665, -26.769 ], [ -48.583, -26.786 ], [ -48.655, -26.909 ], [ -48.62, -27.007 ], [ -48.574, -27.011 ], [ -48.607, -27.122 ], [ -48.554, -27.152 ], [ -48.51, -27.108 ], [ -48.469, -27.148 ], [ -48.511, -27.183 ], [ -48.486, -27.218 ], [ -48.531, -27.18 ], [ -48.612, -27.243 ], [ -48.596, -27.318 ], [ -48.529, -27.334 ], [ -48.649, -27.486 ], [ -48.572, -27.592 ], [ -48.653, -27.648 ], [ -48.575, -27.888 ], [ -48.761, -28.535 ], [ -48.813, -28.605 ], [ -49.37, -28.92 ], [ -49.334, -28.921 ], [ -49.702, -29.308 ], [ -50.006, -29.749 ], [ -50.316, -30.472 ], [ -50.848, -31.205 ], [ -51.303, -31.613 ], [ -51.877, -31.952 ], [ -52.071, -32.188 ], [ -52.012, -31.946 ], [ -52.092, -31.837 ], [ -51.851, -31.865 ], [ -51.777, -31.805 ], [ -51.854, -31.797 ], [ -51.65, -31.759 ], [ -51.478, -31.562 ], [ -51.43, -31.622 ], [ -51.458, -31.548 ], [ -51.424, -31.478 ], [ -51.351, -31.529 ], [ -51.234, -31.458 ], [ -51.16, -31.31 ], [ -51.166, -31.063 ], [ -51.109, -31.097 ], [ -50.985, -31.042 ], [ -50.965, -30.893 ], [ -50.888, -30.893 ], [ -50.705, -30.756 ], [ -50.677, -30.61 ], [ -50.725, -30.371 ], [ -50.692, -30.355 ], [ -50.625, -30.409 ], [ -50.641, -30.459 ], [ -50.569, -30.471 ], [ -50.534, -30.278 ], [ -50.601, -30.194 ], [ -50.659, -30.201 ], [ -50.661, -30.293 ], [ -50.918, -30.333 ], [ -50.934, -30.42 ], [ -50.889, -30.439 ], [ -50.921, -30.44 ], [ -51.052, -30.395 ], [ -51.034, -30.276 ], [ -51.146, -30.267 ], [ -51.246, -30.188 ], [ -51.23, -30.043 ], [ -51.295, -30.007 ], [ -51.326, -30.23 ], [ -51.271, -30.25 ], [ -51.293, -30.295 ], [ -51.246, -30.33 ], [ -51.209, -30.3 ], [ -51.179, -30.383 ], [ -51.092, -30.367 ], [ -51.129, -30.436 ], [ -51.202, -30.413 ], [ -51.269, -30.489 ], [ -51.282, -30.811 ], [ -51.33, -30.777 ], [ -51.294, -30.758 ], [ -51.319, -30.64 ], [ -51.375, -30.635 ], [ -51.404, -30.769 ], [ -51.367, -30.874 ], [ -51.457, -30.874 ], [ -51.501, -30.935 ], [ -51.436, -31.088 ], [ -51.611, -31.138 ], [ -51.613, -31.272 ], [ -51.915, -31.313 ], [ -52.002, -31.449 ], [ -52.031, -31.693 ], [ -52.218, -31.747 ], [ -52.247, -31.871 ], [ -52.106, -31.952 ], [ -52.216, -31.963 ], [ -52.263, -32.062 ], [ -52.209, -32.045 ], [ -52.225, -32.096 ], [ -52.082, -32.033 ], [ -52.162, -32.128 ], [ -52.09, -32.069 ], [ -52.084, -32.186 ], [ -52.16, -32.201 ], [ -52.341, -32.43 ], [ -52.488, -32.844 ], [ -52.66, -33.165 ], [ -53.227, -33.658 ], [ -53.421, -33.741 ], [ -53.524, -33.689 ], [ -53.515, -33.163 ], [ -53.434, -33.054 ], [ -53.243, -32.936 ], [ -53.294, -32.911 ], [ -53.074, -32.746 ], [ -53.244, -32.605 ], [ -53.39, -32.583 ], [ -53.46, -32.48 ], [ -53.595, -32.432 ], [ -53.73, -32.157 ], [ -53.714, -32.104 ], [ -53.965, -31.919 ], [ -54.096, -31.906 ], [ -54.466, -31.666 ], [ -54.491, -31.54 ], [ -54.591, -31.448 ], [ -54.836, -31.446 ], [ -54.945, -31.392 ], [ -55.014, -31.285 ], [ -55.091, -31.326 ], [ -55.245, -31.257 ], [ -55.374, -31.038 ], [ -55.594, -30.848 ], [ -55.635, -30.857 ], [ -55.657, -30.956 ], [ -55.87, -31.08 ], [ -56.008, -31.063 ], [ -55.987, -30.86 ], [ -56.021, -30.784 ], [ -56.127, -30.739 ], [ -56.177, -30.614 ], [ -56.384, -30.495 ], [ -56.459, -30.387 ], [ -56.545, -30.364 ], [ -56.54, -30.312 ], [ -56.617, -30.303 ], [ -56.644, -30.205 ], [ -56.776, -30.166 ], [ -56.804, -30.107 ], [ -57.068, -30.088 ], [ -57.207, -30.281 ], [ -57.313, -30.26 ], [ -57.396, -30.303 ], [ -57.538, -30.275 ], [ -57.618, -30.179 ], [ -57.505, -30.143 ], [ -57.342, -30.001 ], [ -57.319, -29.87 ], [ -57.254, -29.794 ], [ -57.105, -29.752 ], [ -56.972, -29.639 ], [ -56.676, -29.321 ], [ -56.593, -29.123 ], [ -56.425, -29.073 ], [ -56.285, -28.794 ], [ -56.185, -28.771 ], [ -56.016, -28.611 ], [ -56.011, -28.509 ], [ -55.888, -28.479 ], [ -55.875, -28.362 ], [ -55.696, -28.425 ], [ -55.671, -28.333 ], [ -55.773, -28.247 ], [ -55.605, -28.123 ], [ -55.554, -28.164 ], [ -55.496, -28.081 ], [ -55.444, -28.097 ], [ -55.323, -27.928 ], [ -55.196, -27.863 ], [ -55.134, -27.895 ], [ -55.117, -27.853 ], [ -55.032, -27.854 ], [ -55.082, -27.789 ], [ -54.941, -27.775 ], [ -54.809, -27.536 ], [ -54.781, -27.586 ], [ -54.683, -27.576 ], [ -54.678, -27.514 ], [ -54.624, -27.55 ], [ -54.576, -27.458 ], [ -54.525, -27.507 ], [ -54.415, -27.412 ], [ -54.353, -27.468 ], [ -54.339, -27.406 ], [ -54.282, -27.447 ], [ -54.176, -27.261 ], [ -54.089, -27.303 ], [ -53.949, -27.158 ], [ -53.799, -27.147 ], [ -53.795, -27.048 ], [ -53.761, -27.068 ], [ -53.662, -26.869 ], [ -53.751, -26.745 ], [ -53.707, -26.563 ], [ -53.738, -26.548 ], [ -53.592, -26.265 ], [ -53.722, -26.13 ], [ -53.733, -26.047 ], [ -53.837, -25.969 ], [ -53.824, -25.793 ], [ -53.891, -25.625 ], [ -53.951, -25.644 ], [ -54.016, -25.569 ], [ -54.101, -25.625 ], [ -54.111, -25.504 ], [ -54.213, -25.554 ], [ -54.184, -25.591 ], [ -54.289, -25.562 ], [ -54.387, -25.608 ], [ -54.43, -25.706 ], [ -54.596, -25.595 ], [ -54.617, -25.459 ], [ -54.437, -25.157 ], [ -54.458, -25.031 ], [ -54.336, -24.649 ], [ -54.333, -24.493 ], [ -54.262, -24.376 ], [ -54.33, -24.225 ], [ -54.282, -24.075 ], [ -54.411, -23.929 ], [ -54.668, -23.815 ], [ -55.061, -23.991 ], [ -55.112, -23.963 ], [ -55.226, -24.013 ], [ -55.413, -23.961 ], [ -55.434, -23.714 ], [ -55.535, -23.614 ], [ -55.522, -23.197 ], [ -55.596, -23.141 ], [ -55.64, -22.994 ], [ -55.685, -22.992 ], [ -55.613, -22.659 ], [ -55.736, -22.532 ], [ -55.74, -22.396 ], [ -55.854, -22.281 ], [ -56.208, -22.281 ], [ -56.341, -22.206 ], [ -56.403, -22.078 ], [ -56.519, -22.103 ], [ -56.643, -22.261 ], [ -56.698, -22.216 ], [ -56.728, -22.26 ], [ -56.808, -22.25 ], [ -56.831, -22.3 ], [ -57.001, -22.225 ], [ -57.203, -22.21 ], [ -57.243, -22.244 ], [ -57.553, -22.181 ], [ -57.616, -22.096 ], [ -57.803, -22.148 ], [ -57.989, -22.085 ], [ -58.005, -22.032 ], [ -57.919, -21.881 ], [ -57.969, -21.844 ], [ -57.913, -21.793 ], [ -57.947, -21.747 ], [ -57.894, -21.687 ], [ -57.968, -21.528 ], [ -57.855, -21.339 ], [ -57.918, -21.278 ], [ -57.854, -21.226 ], [ -57.866, -21.041 ], [ -57.818, -20.976 ], [ -57.927, -20.897 ], [ -57.855, -20.835 ], [ -57.961, -20.784 ], [ -57.869, -20.736 ], [ -57.923, -20.666 ], [ -57.988, -20.696 ], [ -57.994, -20.448 ], [ -58.082, -20.372 ], [ -58.092, -20.257 ], [ -58.154, -20.264 ], [ -58.125, -20.188 ], [ -58.163, -20.162 ], [ -57.872, -19.979 ], [ -58.134, -19.761 ], [ -57.79, -19.051 ], [ -57.709, -19.034 ], [ -57.757, -18.858 ], [ -57.56, -18.263 ], [ -57.458, -18.228 ], [ -57.568, -18.136 ], [ -57.702, -17.86 ], [ -57.715, -17.735 ], [ -57.785, -17.645 ], [ -57.773, -17.553 ], [ -57.878, -17.463 ], [ -58.003, -17.52 ], [ -58.114, -17.456 ], [ -58.395, -17.197 ], [ -58.421, -16.99 ], [ -58.47, -16.939 ], [ -58.468, -16.702 ], [ -58.442, -16.613 ], [ -58.34, -16.542 ], [ -58.309, -16.27 ], [ -58.471, -16.325 ], [ -60.173, -16.265 ], [ -60.236, -15.476 ], [ -60.565, -15.105 ], [ -60.253, -15.101 ], [ -60.257, -14.624 ], [ -60.338, -14.555 ], [ -60.482, -14.181 ], [ -60.468, -14.092 ], [ -60.378, -13.992 ], [ -60.468, -13.886 ], [ -60.468, -13.801 ], [ -60.793, -13.686 ], [ -60.962, -13.539 ], [ -61.044, -13.541 ], [ -61.028, -13.477 ], [ -61.069, -13.463 ], [ -61.139, -13.521 ], [ -61.249, -13.525 ], [ -61.33, -13.473 ], [ -61.486, -13.554 ], [ -61.578, -13.494 ], [ -61.824, -13.539 ], [ -61.866, -13.443 ], [ -62.108, -13.257 ], [ -62.109, -13.149 ], [ -62.165, -13.112 ], [ -62.368, -13.145 ], [ -62.464, -13.07 ], [ -62.637, -13.041 ], [ -62.674, -12.965 ], [ -62.764, -13.023 ], [ -62.923, -12.854 ], [ -62.996, -12.85 ], [ -63.082, -12.653 ], [ -63.327, -12.705 ], [ -63.482, -12.557 ], [ -63.712, -12.458 ], [ -63.875, -12.469 ], [ -63.937, -12.557 ], [ -64.127, -12.494 ], [ -64.152, -12.529 ], [ -64.215, -12.476 ], [ -64.278, -12.511 ], [ -64.493, -12.366 ], [ -64.486, -12.23 ], [ -64.654, -12.186 ], [ -64.683, -12.099 ], [ -64.725, -12.162 ], [ -64.798, -12.035 ], [ -64.993, -11.999 ], [ -65.048, -11.757 ], [ -65.112, -11.741 ], [ -65.106, -11.697 ], [ -65.135, -11.777 ], [ -65.201, -11.745 ], [ -65.161, -11.622 ], [ -65.218, -11.521 ], [ -65.299, -11.5 ], [ -65.338, -11.392 ], [ -65.31, -11.341 ], [ -65.385, -11.269 ], [ -65.349, -11.239 ], [ -65.391, -11.167 ], [ -65.318, -11.105 ], [ -65.336, -11.044 ], [ -65.269, -10.901 ], [ -65.366, -10.798 ], [ -65.349, -10.671 ], [ -65.426, -10.638 ], [ -65.429, -10.473 ], [ -65.28, -10.218 ], [ -65.327, -9.938 ], [ -65.29, -9.851 ], [ -65.377, -9.698 ], [ -65.488, -9.718 ], [ -65.563, -9.834 ], [ -65.669, -9.779 ], [ -65.7, -9.803 ], [ -65.689, -9.749 ], [ -65.748, -9.77 ], [ -65.777, -9.727 ], [ -65.798, -9.786 ], [ -65.81, -9.75 ], [ -65.86, -9.794 ], [ -65.872, -9.757 ], [ -66.018, -9.807 ], [ -66.064, -9.772 ], [ -66.422, -9.895 ], [ -66.616, -9.893 ], [ -66.623, -9.935 ], [ -66.883, -10.081 ], [ -67.029, -10.254 ], [ -67.186, -10.339 ], [ -67.315, -10.316 ], [ -67.327, -10.374 ], [ -67.414, -10.372 ], [ -67.443, -10.45 ], [ -67.594, -10.523 ], [ -67.715, -10.707 ], [ -68.021, -10.661 ], [ -68.119, -10.726 ], [ -68.283, -10.987 ], [ -68.519, -11.048 ], [ -68.587, -11.11 ], [ -68.769, -11.139 ], [ -68.751, -11.007 ], [ -68.787, -10.99 ], [ -68.871, -11.023 ], [ -69.393, -10.929 ], [ -69.728, -10.973 ], [ -69.938, -10.926 ], [ -70.318, -11.066 ], [ -70.428, -11.033 ], [ -70.508, -10.94 ], [ -70.618, -11.007 ], [ -70.622, -9.847 ], [ -70.522, -9.738 ], [ -70.598, -9.574 ], [ -70.561, -9.579 ], [ -70.497, -9.433 ], [ -70.601, -9.453 ], [ -70.982, -9.812 ], [ -71.131, -9.862 ], [ -71.288, -9.996 ], [ -72.165, -10.002 ], [ -72.16, -9.818 ], [ -72.26, -9.755 ], [ -72.289, -9.536 ], [ -72.364, -9.491 ], [ -72.721, -9.417 ], [ -73.196, -9.418 ], [ -72.965, -9.154 ], [ -72.946, -8.99 ], [ -73.059, -8.904 ], [ -73.169, -8.701 ], [ -73.338, -8.609 ], [ -73.338, -8.476 ], [ -73.526, -8.369 ], [ -73.632, -8.022 ], [ -73.765, -7.94 ], [ -73.777, -7.869 ], [ -73.697, -7.865 ], [ -73.69, -7.79 ], [ -73.985, -7.543 ], [ -73.917, -7.461 ], [ -73.954, -7.348 ], [ -73.868, -7.377 ], [ -73.691, -7.313 ], [ -73.797, -7.115 ], [ -73.743, -6.897 ], [ -73.351, -6.561 ], [ -73.211, -6.53 ], [ -73.133, -6.421 ], [ -73.185, -6.04 ], [ -73.131, -5.986 ], [ -73.116, -5.865 ], [ -72.951, -5.643 ], [ -72.948, -5.454 ], [ -72.872, -5.25 ], [ -72.896, -5.136 ], [ -72.734, -5.043 ], [ -72.602, -5.056 ], [ -72.577, -4.992 ], [ -72.455, -4.962 ], [ -72.452, -4.906 ], [ -72.37, -4.88 ], [ -72.356, -4.803 ], [ -72.292, -4.799 ], [ -72.313, -4.769 ], [ -72.223, -4.78 ], [ -72.113, -4.722 ], [ -72.047, -4.625 ], [ -71.94, -4.607 ], [ -71.897, -4.512 ], [ -71.61, -4.465 ], [ -71.597, -4.525 ], [ -71.535, -4.46 ], [ -71.49, -4.479 ], [ -71.506, -4.435 ], [ -71.414, -4.432 ], [ -71.432, -4.469 ], [ -71.342, -4.423 ], [ -71.355, -4.468 ], [ -71.303, -4.458 ], [ -71.269, -4.381 ], [ -71.198, -4.377 ], [ -71.193, -4.42 ], [ -71.147, -4.375 ], [ -71.031, -4.397 ], [ -70.99, -4.34 ], [ -70.935, -4.381 ], [ -70.757, -4.152 ], [ -70.677, -4.2 ], [ -70.622, -4.121 ], [ -70.633, -4.173 ], [ -70.565, -4.168 ], [ -70.566, -4.205 ], [ -70.553, -4.128 ], [ -70.503, -4.19 ], [ -70.434, -4.125 ], [ -70.341, -4.174 ], [ -70.317, -4.136 ], [ -70.291, -4.283 ], [ -70.249, -4.267 ], [ -70.186, -4.357 ], [ -70.169, -4.27 ], [ -70.101, -4.255 ], [ -70.031, -4.339 ], [ -69.929, -4.213 ], [ -69.453, -1.478 ], [ -69.368, -1.334 ], [ -69.422, -0.998 ], [ -69.508, -0.936 ], [ -69.609, -0.755 ], [ -69.551, -0.648 ], [ -69.593, -0.517 ], [ -69.908, -0.316 ], [ -70.068, -0.135 ], [ -70.037, 0.553 ], [ -69.798, 0.585 ], [ -69.664, 0.672 ], [ -69.606, 0.623 ], [ -69.468, 0.734 ], [ -69.357, 0.621 ], [ -69.295, 0.648 ], [ -69.288, 0.609 ], [ -69.202, 0.602 ], [ -69.112, 0.643 ], [ -69.184, 0.73 ], [ -69.137, 0.868 ], [ -69.257, 1.026 ], [ -69.342, 1.064 ], [ -69.416, 1.024 ], [ -69.7, 1.056 ], [ -69.721, 1.097 ], [ -69.854, 1.07 ], [ -69.855, 1.715 ], [ -69.556, 1.775 ], [ -69.395, 1.726 ], [ -68.128, 1.73 ], [ -68.29, 1.841 ], [ -68.205, 2.038 ], [ -68.027, 1.784 ], [ -67.924, 1.751 ], [ -67.797, 1.812 ], [ -67.578, 2.076 ], [ -67.41, 2.141 ], [ -67.117, 1.732 ], [ -67.068, 1.532 ], [ -67.097, 1.17 ], [ -66.855, 1.228 ], [ -66.322, 0.738 ], [ -66.095, 0.754 ], [ -65.952, 0.81 ], [ -65.854, 0.939 ], [ -65.733, 1.005 ], [ -65.583, 1.008 ], [ -65.47, 0.877 ], [ -65.557, 0.705 ], [ -65.504, 0.627 ], [ -65.393, 0.699 ], [ -65.305, 0.916 ], [ -65.152, 0.943 ], [ -65.121, 1.115 ], [ -65.055, 1.144 ], [ -64.968, 1.112 ], [ -64.903, 1.249 ], [ -64.843, 1.237 ], [ -64.783, 1.313 ], [ -64.721, 1.25 ], [ -64.638, 1.286 ], [ -64.387, 1.527 ], [ -64.344, 1.528 ], [ -64.382, 1.419 ], [ -64.344, 1.38 ], [ -64.186, 1.494 ], [ -64.054, 1.708 ], [ -64.057, 1.933 ], [ -64.018, 1.967 ], [ -63.781, 1.989 ], [ -63.604, 2.124 ], [ -63.419, 2.154 ], [ -63.349, 2.281 ], [ -63.382, 2.442 ], [ -63.756, 2.403 ], [ -64.031, 2.509 ], [ -63.987, 2.772 ], [ -64.216, 3.153 ], [ -64.236, 3.476 ], [ -64.186, 3.634 ], [ -64.324, 3.797 ], [ -64.543, 3.882 ], [ -64.8, 4.224 ], [ -64.79, 4.329 ], [ -64.677, 4.297 ], [ -64.555, 4.153 ], [ -64.135, 4.176 ], [ -63.967, 3.93 ], [ -63.806, 4.019 ], [ -63.623, 4.01 ], [ -63.455, 3.91 ], [ -63.411, 4.026 ], [ -63.358, 4.04 ], [ -63.203, 3.952 ], [ -63.189, 3.872 ], [ -62.86, 3.584 ], [ -62.749, 3.642 ], [ -62.705, 3.724 ], [ -62.752, 4.012 ], [ -62.635, 4.056 ], [ -62.557, 4.02 ], [ -62.46, 4.173 ], [ -62.129, 4.084 ], [ -61.961, 4.18 ], [ -61.927, 4.106 ], [ -61.723, 4.262 ], [ -61.528, 4.273 ], [ -61.507, 4.398 ], [ -61.274, 4.471 ], [ -61.293, 4.55 ], [ -61.141, 4.508 ], [ -60.952, 4.549 ], [ -60.907, 4.708 ], [ -60.731, 4.777 ], [ -60.59, 4.951 ], [ -60.744, 5.209 ], [ -60.438, 5.177 ], [ -60.203, 5.265 ], [ -60.176, 5.227 ], [ -60.121, 5.243 ], [ -60.085, 5.149 ], [ -59.969, 5.073 ], [ -60.03, 4.704 ], [ -60.163, 4.521 ], [ -59.927, 4.509 ], [ -59.674, 4.382 ], [ -59.726, 4.191 ], [ -59.628, 4.138 ], [ -59.655, 4.078 ], [ -59.516, 3.94 ], [ -59.581, 3.901 ], [ -59.594, 3.796 ], [ -59.666, 3.777 ], [ -59.664, 3.703 ], [ -59.849, 3.601 ], [ -59.799, 3.355 ], [ -59.909, 3.197 ], [ -59.982, 2.929 ], [ -59.99, 2.683 ], [ -59.903, 2.479 ], [ -59.91, 2.388 ], [ -59.724, 2.277 ], [ -59.754, 1.861 ], [ -59.654, 1.849 ], [ -59.669, 1.764 ], [ -59.549, 1.729 ], [ -59.253, 1.397 ], [ -58.914, 1.299 ], [ -58.904, 1.234 ], [ -58.804, 1.175 ], [ -58.696, 1.288 ], [ -58.507, 1.264 ], [ -58.468, 1.318 ], [ -58.498, 1.458 ], [ -58.382, 1.471 ], [ -58.325, 1.59 ], [ -58.167, 1.558 ], [ -58.13, 1.501 ], [ -58.009, 1.501 ], [ -58, 1.665 ], [ -57.919, 1.645 ], [ -57.77, 1.718 ], [ -57.545, 1.701 ], [ -57.434, 1.895 ], [ -57.302, 1.99 ], [ -57.247, 1.944 ], [ -57.085, 2.021 ], [ -57.012, 1.918 ], [ -56.8, 1.864 ], [ -56.724, 1.92 ], [ -56.454, 1.945 ], [ -55.957, 1.844 ], [ -55.906, 1.889 ], [ -55.913, 2.041 ], [ -56.048, 2.226 ], [ -56.134, 2.263 ], [ -56.09, 2.352 ], [ -55.995, 2.405 ], [ -55.987, 2.517 ], [ -55.948, 2.532 ], [ -55.739, 2.401 ], [ -55.481, 2.443 ], [ -55.37, 2.407 ], [ -55.336, 2.516 ], [ -55.239, 2.495 ], [ -55.137, 2.575 ], [ -55.103, 2.522 ], [ -54.94, 2.632 ], [ -54.969, 2.555 ], [ -54.864, 2.439 ], [ -54.72, 2.469 ], [ -54.702, 2.336 ], [ -54.549, 2.336 ], [ -54.534, 2.268 ], [ -54.314, 2.158 ], [ -54.189, 2.179 ], [ -54.111, 2.127 ], [ -54.078, 2.197 ], [ -53.784, 2.364 ], [ -53.694, 2.287 ], [ -53.472, 2.332 ], [ -53.397, 2.272 ], [ -53.273, 2.292 ], [ -53.188, 2.223 ], [ -52.905, 2.19 ], [ -52.853, 2.285 ], [ -52.673, 2.374 ], [ -52.555, 2.523 ], [ -52.556, 2.646 ], [ -52.382, 2.912 ], [ -52.347, 3.134 ], [ -52.192, 3.296 ], [ -51.92, 3.781 ], [ -51.795, 3.89 ], [ -51.754, 3.996 ], [ -51.658, 4.049 ], [ -51.585, 4.241 ], [ -51.529, 4.171 ], [ -51.545, 4.397 ], [ -51.202, 4.084 ], [ -51.173, 3.767 ], [ -51.127, 3.911 ], [ -51.085, 3.895 ], [ -51.051, 3.283 ], [ -50.913, 2.875 ], [ -50.927, 2.807 ], [ -50.816, 2.644 ], [ -50.851, 2.482 ], [ -50.802, 2.508 ], [ -50.736, 2.414 ], [ -50.765, 2.359 ], [ -50.694, 2.276 ], [ -50.725, 2.252 ], [ -50.675, 2.247 ], [ -50.682, 2.137 ], [ -50.584, 2.091 ], [ -50.586, 2.014 ], [ -50.471, 1.82 ], [ -50.194, 1.794 ], [ -49.954, 1.676 ], [ -49.88, 1.419 ], [ -49.918, 1.289 ], [ -50.073, 1.204 ], [ -49.918, 1.232 ], [ -49.939, 1.103 ], [ -50.003, 1.066 ], [ -50.033, 1.107 ], [ -50.131, 0.949 ], [ -50.274, 0.866 ], [ -50.338, 0.729 ], [ -50.417, 0.685 ], [ -50.455, 0.732 ], [ -50.428, 0.679 ], [ -50.571, 0.424 ], [ -50.691, 0.3 ], [ -50.677, 0.365 ], [ -50.746, 0.227 ], [ -50.801, 0.224 ], [ -50.785, 0.183 ], [ -50.908, 0.171 ], [ -51.087, -0.043 ], [ -51.203, -0.055 ], [ -51.419, -0.412 ], [ -51.409, -0.44 ], [ -51.325, -0.364 ], [ -51.188, -0.14 ], [ -51.111, -0.154 ], [ -51.154, -0.284 ], [ -51.396, -0.493 ], [ -51.243, -0.443 ], [ -51.26, -0.5 ], [ -51.165, -0.431 ], [ -50.953, -0.061 ], [ -50.824, -0.048 ], [ -50.705, 0.002 ], [ -50.613, -0.088 ], [ -50.744, -0.244 ], [ -50.751, -0.429 ], [ -50.845, -0.526 ], [ -50.988, -0.583 ], [ -51.051, -0.682 ], [ -50.826, -0.555 ], [ -50.794, -0.666 ], [ -50.733, -0.557 ], [ -50.684, -0.604 ], [ -50.724, -0.493 ], [ -50.652, -0.276 ], [ -50.409, -0.094 ], [ -49.631, -0.247 ], [ -49.446, -0.23 ], [ -49.289, -0.145 ], [ -49.018, -0.16 ], [ -49, -0.139 ], [ -48.895, -0.224 ], [ -48.539, -0.234 ], [ -48.363, -0.303 ], [ -48.459, -0.513 ], [ -48.522, -0.877 ], [ -48.667, -1.002 ], [ -48.621, -1.005 ], [ -48.65, -1.048 ], [ -48.617, -1.053 ], [ -48.721, -1.137 ], [ -48.837, -1.452 ], [ -49.161, -1.575 ], [ -49.182, -1.623 ], [ -49.362, -1.604 ], [ -49.364, -1.642 ], [ -49.448, -1.637 ], [ -49.5, -1.738 ], [ -49.61, -1.718 ], [ -49.676, -1.78 ], [ -49.696, -1.757 ], [ -49.714, -1.76 ], [ -49.803, -1.822 ], [ -50.035, -1.717 ], [ -50.179, -1.787 ], [ -50.256, -1.776 ], [ -50.415, -1.841 ], [ -50.401, -1.935 ], [ -49.994, -1.819 ], [ -49.844, -1.905 ], [ -49.765, -1.898 ], [ -49.616, -1.79 ], [ -49.276, -1.706 ], [ -49.267, -1.778 ], [ -49.387, -1.977 ], [ -49.383, -2.159 ], [ -48.973, -1.594 ], [ -48.897, -1.573 ], [ -48.955, -1.712 ], [ -48.932, -1.75 ], [ -48.898, -1.743 ], [ -48.656, -1.371 ], [ -48.592, -1.429 ], [ -48.601, -1.306 ], [ -48.524, -1.338 ], [ -48.537, -1.467 ], [ -48.496, -1.553 ], [ -48.491, -1.502 ], [ -48.46, -1.533 ], [ -48.374, -1.511 ], [ -48.319, -1.478 ], [ -48.505, -1.471 ], [ -48.422, -1.168 ], [ -48.475, -1.144 ], [ -48.4, -1.066 ], [ -48.278, -1.111 ], [ -48.304, -0.948 ], [ -48.055, -0.668 ], [ -48.001, -0.731 ], [ -47.893, -0.553 ], [ -47.843, -0.616 ], [ -47.807, -0.547 ], [ -47.702, -0.54 ], [ -47.707, -0.59 ], [ -47.667, -0.569 ], [ -47.633, -0.608 ], [ -47.651, -0.694 ], [ -47.608, -0.684 ], [ -47.577, -0.573 ], [ -47.476, -0.757 ], [ -47.398, -0.76 ], [ -47.428, -0.693 ], [ -47.464, -0.687 ], [ -47.466, -0.594 ], [ -47.399, -0.594 ], [ -47.4, -0.645 ], [ -47.298, -0.589 ], [ -47.253, -0.668 ], [ -47.247, -0.623 ], [ -47.206, -0.633 ], [ -47.23, -0.719 ], [ -47.158, -0.678 ], [ -47.191, -0.754 ], [ -47.146, -0.764 ], [ -47.16, -0.815 ], [ -47.081, -0.661 ], [ -47.055, -0.868 ], [ -47.027, -0.784 ], [ -46.983, -0.806 ], [ -47.016, -0.752 ], [ -46.967, -0.694 ], [ -46.969, -0.78 ], [ -46.891, -0.869 ], [ -46.89, -0.789 ], [ -46.846, -0.799 ], [ -46.82, -0.71 ], [ -46.802, -0.877 ], [ -46.777, -0.905 ], [ -46.75, -0.826 ], [ -46.709, -0.86 ], [ -46.734, -0.944 ], [ -46.687, -0.831 ], [ -46.653, -0.882 ], [ -46.621, -0.818 ], [ -46.601, -0.917 ], [ -46.676, -0.965 ], [ -46.622, -0.987 ], [ -46.57, -0.947 ], [ -46.609, -1.03 ], [ -46.57, -0.988 ], [ -46.525, -1.027 ], [ -46.465, -1.007 ], [ -46.47, -1.044 ], [ -46.395, -1.037 ], [ -46.413, -1.084 ], [ -46.348, -0.982 ], [ -46.36, -1.011 ], [ -46.366, -1.031 ], [ -46.348, -1.079 ], [ -46.339, -1.015 ], [ -46.299, -1.05 ], [ -46.212, -0.946 ], [ -46.242, -0.921 ], [ -46.179, -0.914 ], [ -46.224, -1.053 ], [ -46.206, -1.1 ], [ -46.158, -1.014 ], [ -46.138, -1.032 ], [ -46.193, -1.143 ], [ -46.104, -1.067 ], [ -46.062, -1.133 ], [ -46.15, -1.258 ], [ -45.982, -1.071 ], [ -45.953, -1.147 ], [ -46, -1.151 ], [ -46, -1.199 ], [ -45.95, -1.159 ], [ -45.95, -1.207 ], [ -46, -1.209 ], [ -45.95, -1.25 ], [ -45.902, -1.134 ], [ -45.923, -1.214 ], [ -45.882, -1.167 ], [ -45.873, -1.211 ], [ -45.909, -1.261 ], [ -45.859, -1.231 ], [ -45.891, -1.293 ], [ -45.807, -1.176 ], [ -45.843, -1.301 ], [ -45.809, -1.328 ], [ -45.831, -1.298 ], [ -45.782, -1.278 ], [ -45.726, -1.135 ], [ -45.69, -1.452 ], [ -45.697, -1.38 ], [ -45.632, -1.371 ], [ -45.618, -1.279 ], [ -45.589, -1.329 ], [ -45.537, -1.273 ], [ -45.561, -1.343 ], [ -45.51, -1.352 ], [ -45.567, -1.404 ], [ -45.546, -1.432 ], [ -45.413, -1.296 ], [ -45.489, -1.473 ], [ -45.511, -1.458 ], [ -45.554, -1.503 ], [ -45.507, -1.471 ], [ -45.518, -1.516 ], [ -45.481, -1.495 ], [ -45.463, -1.548 ], [ -45.457, -1.457 ], [ -45.391, -1.434 ], [ -45.363, -1.325 ], [ -45.323, -1.319 ], [ -45.302, -1.424 ], [ -45.392, -1.485 ], [ -45.398, -1.503 ], [ -45.356, -1.487 ], [ -45.392, -1.553 ], [ -45.338, -1.572 ], [ -45.371, -1.722 ], [ -45.338, -1.753 ], [ -45.197, -1.688 ], [ -45.261, -1.607 ], [ -45.16, -1.475 ], [ -45.136, -1.521 ], [ -45.072, -1.435 ], [ -45.07, -1.485 ], [ -44.999, -1.504 ], [ -45.018, -1.547 ], [ -44.969, -1.549 ], [ -45.029, -1.583 ], [ -45.029, -1.602 ], [ -44.979, -1.607 ], [ -44.954, -1.498 ], [ -44.862, -1.426 ], [ -44.857, -1.498 ], [ -44.954, -1.605 ], [ -44.918, -1.649 ], [ -44.968, -1.662 ], [ -44.913, -1.657 ], [ -44.927, -1.62 ], [ -44.886, -1.609 ], [ -44.837, -1.65 ], [ -44.822, -1.591 ], [ -44.826, -1.637 ], [ -44.805, -1.609 ], [ -44.812, -1.665 ], [ -44.779, -1.735 ], [ -44.711, -1.728 ], [ -44.82, -1.819 ], [ -44.738, -1.791 ], [ -44.706, -1.819 ], [ -44.676, -1.808 ], [ -44.661, -1.727 ], [ -44.604, -1.749 ], [ -44.667, -1.849 ], [ -44.601, -1.858 ], [ -44.583, -1.817 ], [ -44.586, -1.873 ], [ -44.543, -1.833 ], [ -44.601, -1.909 ], [ -44.517, -1.907 ], [ -44.484, -2.002 ], [ -44.613, -2.037 ], [ -44.467, -2.017 ], [ -44.626, -2.151 ], [ -44.589, -2.159 ], [ -44.641, -2.232 ], [ -44.708, -2.23 ], [ -44.684, -2.275 ], [ -44.764, -2.265 ], [ -44.654, -2.294 ], [ -44.681, -2.354 ], [ -44.649, -2.373 ], [ -44.666, -2.329 ], [ -44.479, -2.137 ], [ -44.358, -2.335 ], [ -44.401, -2.416 ], [ -44.514, -2.384 ], [ -44.55, -2.4 ], [ -44.491, -2.415 ], [ -44.514, -2.448 ], [ -44.505, -2.476 ], [ -44.665, -2.608 ], [ -44.548, -2.542 ], [ -44.658, -2.781 ], [ -44.688, -2.924 ], [ -44.677, -3.019 ], [ -44.66, -3.02 ], [ -44.657, -3.018 ] ], [ [ -43.318, -2.361 ], [ -43.317, -2.363 ], [ -43.296, -2.363 ], [ -43.318, -2.361 ] ], [ [ -42.438, -2.747 ], [ -42.442, -2.749 ], [ -42.438, -2.75 ], [ -42.438, -2.747 ] ], [ [ -42.442, -2.749 ], [ -42.47, -2.744 ], [ -42.447, -2.753 ], [ -42.442, -2.749 ] ], [ [ -50.851, 2.482 ], [ -50.853, 2.481 ], [ -50.853, 2.48 ], [ -50.851, 2.482 ] ], [ [ -50.853, 2.481 ], [ -50.86, 2.495 ], [ -50.86, 2.477 ], [ -50.853, 2.481 ] ], [ [ -49.976, 1.659 ], [ -49.98, 1.659 ], [ -50, 1.639 ], [ -49.976, 1.659 ] ], [ [ -45.392, -1.553 ], [ -45.393, -1.553 ], [ -45.394, -1.556 ], [ -45.392, -1.553 ] ], [ [ -45.394, -1.556 ], [ -45.406, -1.579 ], [ -45.403, -1.591 ], [ -45.394, -1.556 ] ], [ [ -44.837, -1.65 ], [ -44.834, -1.655 ], [ -44.833, -1.654 ], [ -44.837, -1.65 ] ], [ [ -44.834, -1.655 ], [ -44.841, -1.675 ], [ -44.822, -1.672 ], [ -44.834, -1.655 ] ], [ [ -44.779, -1.735 ], [ -44.777, -1.741 ], [ -44.776, -1.74 ], [ -44.779, -1.735 ] ], [ [ -44.777, -1.741 ], [ -44.833, -1.77 ], [ -44.774, -1.75 ], [ -44.777, -1.741 ] ], [ [ -44.547, -2.22 ], [ -44.536, -2.225 ], [ -44.543, -2.219 ], [ -44.547, -2.22 ] ], [ [ -44.536, -2.225 ], [ -44.507, -2.249 ], [ -44.512, -2.235 ], [ -44.536, -2.225 ] ], [ [ -44.507, -2.249 ], [ -44.504, -2.256 ], [ -44.501, -2.254 ], [ -44.507, -2.249 ] ], [ [ -44.504, -2.256 ], [ -44.514, -2.268 ], [ -44.502, -2.26 ], [ -44.504, -2.256 ] ] ], [ [ [ -29.34, -20.484 ], [ -29.301, -20.521 ], [ -29.341, -20.511 ], [ -29.34, -20.484 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.001, -13.94 ], [ -39.012, -13.915 ], [ -38.994, -13.896 ], [ -39.001, -13.94 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.043, -13.909 ], [ -39.059, -13.904 ], [ -39.054, -13.886 ], [ -39.028, -13.903 ], [ -39.043, -13.909 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.251, -18.015 ], [ -39.283, -18.005 ], [ -39.272, -17.982 ], [ -39.245, -18.006 ], [ -39.251, -18.015 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.131, -17.927 ], [ -39.154, -17.921 ], [ -39.137, -17.91 ], [ -39.131, -17.927 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.212, -17.986 ], [ -39.228, -17.979 ], [ -39.215, -17.944 ], [ -39.202, -17.95 ], [ -39.212, -17.986 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.341, -23.231 ], [ -44.372, -23.174 ], [ -44.232, -23.089 ], [ -44.087, -23.173 ], [ -44.3, -23.184 ], [ -44.341, -23.231 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.356, -23.073 ], [ -44.388, -23.048 ], [ -44.373, -23.033 ], [ -44.343, -23.041 ], [ -44.356, -23.073 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.929, -23.014 ], [ -43.936, -22.999 ], [ -43.916, -22.989 ], [ -43.929, -23.014 ] ] ], [ [ [ -42.002, -23.018 ], [ -42.015, -23.003 ], [ -41.98, -22.975 ], [ -41.975, -22.992 ], [ -42.002, -23.018 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.904, -22.962 ], [ -43.907, -22.936 ], [ -43.868, -22.926 ], [ -43.871, -22.95 ], [ -43.904, -22.962 ] ] ], [ [ [ -41.042, -21.613 ], [ -41.042, -21.6 ], [ -41.019, -21.606 ], [ -41.042, -21.613 ] ] ], [ [ [ -52.112, -32 ], [ -52.18, -32.035 ], [ -52.216, -32.025 ], [ -52.198, -31.978 ], [ -52.112, -32 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.641, -30.388 ], [ -50.629, -30.394 ], [ -50.624, -30.329 ], [ -50.592, -30.399 ], [ -50.609, -30.406 ], [ -50.641, -30.388 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.526, -27.462 ], [ -48.416, -27.38 ], [ -48.358, -27.446 ], [ -48.503, -27.799 ], [ -48.559, -27.842 ], [ -48.526, -27.462 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.354, -27.296 ], [ -48.376, -27.285 ], [ -48.373, -27.271 ], [ -48.36, -27.27 ], [ -48.354, -27.296 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.731, -26.314 ], [ -48.754, -26.297 ], [ -48.735, -26.282 ], [ -48.731, -26.314 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.318, -25.584 ], [ -48.309, -25.546 ], [ -48.381, -25.504 ], [ -48.312, -25.509 ], [ -48.292, -25.545 ], [ -48.318, -25.584 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.414, -25.544 ], [ -48.459, -25.514 ], [ -48.415, -25.527 ], [ -48.414, -25.544 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.424, -25.551 ], [ -48.479, -25.523 ], [ -48.485, -25.502 ], [ -48.424, -25.551 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.298, -25.493 ], [ -48.341, -25.416 ], [ -48.252, -25.341 ], [ -48.265, -25.44 ], [ -48.253, -25.466 ], [ -48.298, -25.493 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.417, -25.386 ], [ -48.424, -25.343 ], [ -48.405, -25.33 ], [ -48.417, -25.386 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.695, -24.112 ], [ -45.688, -24.088 ], [ -45.679, -24.098 ], [ -45.695, -24.112 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.251, -23.962 ], [ -45.301, -23.909 ], [ -45.453, -23.91 ], [ -45.332, -23.721 ], [ -45.227, -23.774 ], [ -45.224, -23.835 ], [ -45.283, -23.857 ], [ -45.221, -23.899 ], [ -45.251, -23.962 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.141, -23.817 ], [ -45.146, -23.791 ], [ -45.114, -23.801 ], [ -45.141, -23.817 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.153, -23.573 ], [ -45.153, -23.558 ], [ -45.141, -23.568 ], [ -45.153, -23.573 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.073, -23.564 ], [ -45.079, -23.525 ], [ -45.036, -23.531 ], [ -45.073, -23.564 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.608, -23.228 ], [ -44.59, -23.208 ], [ -44.577, -23.216 ], [ -44.608, -23.228 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.648, -12.821 ], [ -38.666, -12.777 ], [ -38.624, -12.762 ], [ -38.648, -12.821 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.529, -12.811 ], [ -38.544, -12.757 ], [ -38.532, -12.74 ], [ -38.508, -12.792 ], [ -38.529, -12.811 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.622, -12.752 ], [ -38.622, -12.727 ], [ -38.593, -12.733 ], [ -38.622, -12.752 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.646, -12.683 ], [ -38.648, -12.65 ], [ -38.636, -12.661 ], [ -38.646, -12.683 ] ] ], [ [ [ -32.402, -3.838 ], [ -32.428, -3.877 ], [ -32.483, -3.878 ], [ -32.402, -3.838 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.667, -3.179 ], [ -44.668, -3.16 ], [ -44.643, -3.148 ], [ -44.644, -3.17 ], [ -44.667, -3.179 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.671, -2.943 ], [ -44.67, -2.92 ], [ -44.647, -2.915 ], [ -44.671, -2.943 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.493, -2.641 ], [ -44.48, -2.601 ], [ -44.477, -2.627 ], [ -44.493, -2.641 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.897, -2.573 ], [ -43.896, -2.554 ], [ -43.886, -2.565 ], [ -43.897, -2.573 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.599, -2.503 ], [ -43.577, -2.471 ], [ -43.572, -2.483 ], [ -43.599, -2.503 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.822, -2.526 ], [ -43.829, -2.509 ], [ -43.813, -2.458 ], [ -43.812, -2.553 ], [ -43.82, -2.528 ], [ -43.822, -2.526 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.821, -2.529 ], [ -43.856, -2.502 ], [ -43.832, -2.439 ], [ -43.842, -2.504 ], [ -43.821, -2.529 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.863, -2.56 ], [ -43.875, -2.552 ], [ -43.865, -2.534 ], [ -43.863, -2.56 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.519, -2.536 ], [ -44.529, -2.526 ], [ -44.501, -2.48 ], [ -44.505, -2.444 ], [ -44.455, -2.434 ], [ -44.519, -2.536 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.602, -3.007 ], [ -44.657, -2.972 ], [ -44.613, -2.894 ], [ -44.575, -2.921 ], [ -44.602, -3.007 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.585, -2.978 ], [ -44.563, -2.914 ], [ -44.586, -2.826 ], [ -44.494, -2.705 ], [ -44.494, -2.953 ], [ -44.582, -3.041 ], [ -44.585, -2.978 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.826, -2.434 ], [ -43.842, -2.403 ], [ -43.811, -2.385 ], [ -43.807, -2.412 ], [ -43.826, -2.434 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.581, -2.441 ], [ -43.615, -2.389 ], [ -43.549, -2.377 ], [ -43.545, -2.403 ], [ -43.581, -2.441 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.791, -2.47 ], [ -43.806, -2.443 ], [ -43.78, -2.422 ], [ -43.759, -2.448 ], [ -43.791, -2.47 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.513, -2.424 ], [ -43.537, -2.416 ], [ -43.522, -2.39 ], [ -43.505, -2.414 ], [ -43.513, -2.424 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.792, -2.405 ], [ -43.798, -2.377 ], [ -43.771, -2.37 ], [ -43.792, -2.405 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.689, -2.355 ], [ -43.743, -2.352 ], [ -43.724, -2.305 ], [ -43.617, -2.253 ], [ -43.612, -2.275 ], [ -43.669, -2.301 ], [ -43.689, -2.355 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.73, -2.425 ], [ -43.732, -2.364 ], [ -43.67, -2.377 ], [ -43.681, -2.34 ], [ -43.63, -2.324 ], [ -43.643, -2.394 ], [ -43.73, -2.425 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.473, -2.125 ], [ -44.487, -2.113 ], [ -44.475, -2.096 ], [ -44.463, -2.104 ], [ -44.473, -2.125 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.456, -2.031 ], [ -44.447, -2.008 ], [ -44.439, -2.022 ], [ -44.456, -2.031 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.311, -1.964 ], [ -49.336, -1.996 ], [ -49.309, -1.943 ], [ -49.311, -1.964 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.323, -2.054 ], [ -49.329, -2.019 ], [ -49.316, -2.001 ], [ -49.323, -2.054 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.231, -1.829 ], [ -50.246, -1.824 ], [ -50.229, -1.816 ], [ -50.231, -1.829 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.615, -1.821 ], [ -44.622, -1.797 ], [ -44.597, -1.774 ], [ -44.583, -1.789 ], [ -44.615, -1.821 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.7, -1.811 ], [ -44.703, -1.78 ], [ -44.673, -1.78 ], [ -44.7, -1.811 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.691, -1.793 ], [ -49.721, -1.789 ], [ -49.719, -1.771 ], [ -49.697, -1.766 ], [ -49.691, -1.793 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.924, -1.711 ], [ -48.909, -1.713 ], [ -48.916, -1.734 ], [ -48.935, -1.713 ], [ -48.924, -1.711 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.757, -1.707 ], [ -44.767, -1.694 ], [ -44.736, -1.701 ], [ -44.757, -1.707 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.433, -1.684 ], [ -49.454, -1.706 ], [ -49.46, -1.684 ], [ -49.433, -1.684 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.357, -1.008 ], [ -46.342, -0.994 ], [ -46.353, -1.026 ], [ -46.357, -1.008 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.205, -1.021 ], [ -46.194, -1.014 ], [ -46.202, -1.032 ], [ -46.205, -1.021 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.662, -3.018 ], [ -44.673, -3.012 ], [ -44.664, -3.001 ], [ -44.649, -3.013 ], [ -44.662, -3.018 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.736, -1.683 ], [ -44.745, -1.677 ], [ -44.732, -1.668 ], [ -44.736, -1.683 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.231, -1.638 ], [ -49.237, -1.627 ], [ -49.217, -1.633 ], [ -49.231, -1.638 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.38, -1.685 ], [ -49.4, -1.682 ], [ -49.368, -1.669 ], [ -49.38, -1.685 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.426, -1.673 ], [ -49.429, -1.661 ], [ -49.406, -1.66 ], [ -49.426, -1.673 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.34, -1.672 ], [ -49.358, -1.662 ], [ -49.325, -1.647 ], [ -49.34, -1.672 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.289, -1.726 ], [ -45.305, -1.663 ], [ -45.257, -1.641 ], [ -45.244, -1.678 ], [ -45.28, -1.694 ], [ -45.289, -1.726 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.328, -1.743 ], [ -45.346, -1.719 ], [ -45.301, -1.596 ], [ -45.274, -1.635 ], [ -45.313, -1.654 ], [ -45.328, -1.743 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.886, -1.578 ], [ -48.89, -1.56 ], [ -48.859, -1.536 ], [ -48.856, -1.553 ], [ -48.886, -1.578 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.783, -1.682 ], [ -44.8, -1.595 ], [ -44.775, -1.62 ], [ -44.721, -1.567 ], [ -44.704, -1.611 ], [ -44.684, -1.575 ], [ -44.668, -1.669 ], [ -44.693, -1.638 ], [ -44.783, -1.682 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.816, -1.569 ], [ -44.837, -1.534 ], [ -44.787, -1.488 ], [ -44.825, -1.534 ], [ -44.816, -1.569 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.462, -1.517 ], [ -48.478, -1.499 ], [ -48.421, -1.503 ], [ -48.462, -1.517 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.793, -1.531 ], [ -44.774, -1.47 ], [ -44.763, -1.513 ], [ -44.793, -1.531 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.414, -1.427 ], [ -45.423, -1.416 ], [ -45.409, -1.405 ], [ -45.414, -1.427 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45, -1.296 ], [ -44.922, -1.265 ], [ -44.877, -1.309 ], [ -44.895, -1.34 ], [ -44.922, -1.305 ], [ -44.907, -1.341 ], [ -44.999, -1.405 ], [ -45.033, -1.339 ], [ -45, -1.32 ], [ -44.995, -1.36 ], [ -45, -1.296 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.044, -1.402 ], [ -45.07, -1.33 ], [ -45.052, -1.342 ], [ -45.044, -1.402 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.333, -1.569 ], [ -45.371, -1.544 ], [ -45.347, -1.489 ], [ -45.313, -1.506 ], [ -45.333, -1.569 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.969, -1.522 ], [ -44.976, -1.493 ], [ -44.959, -1.483 ], [ -44.969, -1.522 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.393, -1.512 ], [ -48.371, -1.476 ], [ -48.341, -1.483 ], [ -48.393, -1.512 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.413, -1.498 ], [ -48.426, -1.491 ], [ -48.387, -1.476 ], [ -48.413, -1.498 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.118, -1.47 ], [ -45.132, -1.462 ], [ -45.115, -1.364 ], [ -45.103, -1.373 ], [ -45.118, -1.47 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.593, -1.251 ], [ -45.581, -1.19 ], [ -45.536, -1.205 ], [ -45.532, -1.231 ], [ -45.593, -1.251 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.559, -1.243 ], [ -48.56, -1.202 ], [ -48.523, -1.199 ], [ -48.559, -1.243 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.817, -1.163 ], [ -45.829, -1.141 ], [ -45.804, -1.127 ], [ -45.817, -1.163 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.877, -1.154 ], [ -45.9, -1.117 ], [ -45.883, -1.073 ], [ -45.849, -1.123 ], [ -45.877, -1.154 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.192, -1.05 ], [ -46.201, -1.041 ], [ -46.185, -1.027 ], [ -46.192, -1.05 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.291, -1.01 ], [ -46.307, -0.992 ], [ -46.306, -0.961 ], [ -46.291, -1.01 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.078, -1.095 ], [ -46.065, -1.05 ], [ -46.061, -1.074 ], [ -46.078, -1.095 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.68, -1.295 ], [ -45.687, -1.275 ], [ -45.667, -1.26 ], [ -45.654, -1.285 ], [ -45.68, -1.295 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.538, -1.282 ], [ -48.549, -1.262 ], [ -48.53, -1.25 ], [ -48.538, -1.282 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.51, -1.27 ], [ -48.522, -1.247 ], [ -48.506, -1.236 ], [ -48.51, -1.27 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.694, -1.37 ], [ -45.646, -1.289 ], [ -45.625, -1.126 ], [ -45.634, -1.349 ], [ -45.694, -1.37 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.688, -1.266 ], [ -45.708, -1.228 ], [ -45.685, -1.194 ], [ -45.664, -1.231 ], [ -45.688, -1.266 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.425, -0.914 ], [ -46.454, -0.907 ], [ -46.408, -0.868 ], [ -46.395, -0.899 ], [ -46.425, -0.914 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.72, -0.848 ], [ -46.735, -0.832 ], [ -46.729, -0.796 ], [ -46.72, -0.848 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.611, -0.799 ], [ -46.622, -0.784 ], [ -46.601, -0.789 ], [ -46.611, -0.799 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.586, -0.849 ], [ -46.621, -0.807 ], [ -46.589, -0.815 ], [ -46.586, -0.849 ] ] ], [ [ [ -47.447, -0.748 ], [ -47.453, -0.732 ], [ -47.436, -0.717 ], [ -47.428, -0.738 ], [ -47.447, -0.748 ] ] ], [ [ [ -47.461, -0.741 ], [ -47.463, -0.702 ], [ -47.445, -0.697 ], [ -47.461, -0.741 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.214, -0.411 ], [ -51.211, -0.386 ], [ -51.164, -0.347 ], [ -51.163, -0.383 ], [ -51.214, -0.411 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.352, -0.353 ], [ -51.346, -0.31 ], [ -51.317, -0.268 ], [ -51.327, -0.33 ], [ -51.352, -0.353 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.127, -0.268 ], [ -51.131, -0.237 ], [ -51.091, -0.208 ], [ -51.087, -0.229 ], [ -51.127, -0.268 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.888, -0.198 ], [ -48.91, -0.188 ], [ -48.893, -0.134 ], [ -48.847, -0.177 ], [ -48.888, -0.198 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.174, -0.091 ], [ -51.191, -0.064 ], [ -51.126, -0.057 ], [ -51.174, -0.091 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.114, -0.146 ], [ -49.097, -0.121 ], [ -49.08, -0.13 ], [ -49.114, -0.146 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.166, -0.142 ], [ -49.188, -0.115 ], [ -49.156, -0.128 ], [ -49.166, -0.142 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.119, -0.141 ], [ -49.143, -0.107 ], [ -49.114, -0.11 ], [ -49.119, -0.141 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.127, -0.128 ], [ -51.094, -0.103 ], [ -51.108, -0.127 ], [ -51.127, -0.128 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.414, -0.999 ], [ -46.384, -0.941 ], [ -46.367, -0.948 ], [ -46.414, -0.999 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.647, -0.97 ], [ -46.658, -0.968 ], [ -46.618, -0.957 ], [ -46.647, -0.97 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.488, -0.942 ], [ -46.465, -0.877 ], [ -46.464, -0.924 ], [ -46.44, -0.922 ], [ -46.482, -0.976 ], [ -46.441, -0.999 ], [ -46.525, -1.016 ], [ -46.527, -0.917 ], [ -46.509, -0.984 ], [ -46.488, -0.942 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.632, 0.159 ], [ -49.662, 0.184 ], [ -49.629, 0.202 ], [ -49.61, 0.181 ], [ -49.632, 0.159 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.641, 0.26 ], [ -50.63, 0.293 ], [ -50.586, 0.308 ], [ -50.641, 0.26 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.2, 0.255 ], [ -50.243, 0.248 ], [ -50.147, 0.337 ], [ -50.059, 0.346 ], [ -50.2, 0.255 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.417, 0.159 ], [ -50.535, 0.234 ], [ -50.36, 0.615 ], [ -50.328, 0.383 ], [ -50.285, 0.3 ], [ -50.413, 0.237 ], [ -50.417, 0.159 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.279, 0.338 ], [ -50.271, 0.599 ], [ -50.147, 0.608 ], [ -50.142, 0.576 ], [ -50.107, 0.636 ], [ -50.063, 0.623 ], [ -50.05, 0.518 ], [ -50.279, 0.338 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50, 0.943 ], [ -50.113, 0.907 ], [ -50.018, 1.034 ], [ -49.935, 1.069 ], [ -49.939, 0.996 ], [ -50, 0.943 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.881, 1.227 ], [ -49.909, 1.246 ], [ -49.886, 1.244 ], [ -49.881, 1.227 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.907, 1.278 ], [ -49.885, 1.291 ], [ -49.863, 1.278 ], [ -49.876, 1.252 ], [ -49.907, 1.278 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.204, 1.851 ], [ -50.232, 1.879 ], [ -50.22, 1.915 ], [ -50.169, 1.865 ], [ -50.204, 1.851 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.468, 1.954 ], [ -50.521, 2.026 ], [ -50.497, 2.139 ], [ -50.398, 2.167 ], [ -50.367, 2.19 ], [ -50.276, 1.939 ], [ -50.423, 1.849 ], [ -50.468, 1.954 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.504, 2.255 ], [ -50.414, 2.244 ], [ -50.382, 2.204 ], [ -50.489, 2.15 ], [ -50.564, 2.205 ], [ -50.504, 2.255 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.229, 0.832 ], [ -50.098, 0.839 ], [ -50.027, 0.898 ], [ -50.105, 0.757 ], [ -50.162, 0.775 ], [ -50.249, 0.72 ], [ -50.229, 0.832 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.131, 0.844 ], [ -50.162, 0.867 ], [ -50.132, 0.9 ], [ -50.119, 0.854 ], [ -50.131, 0.844 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.108, 0.85 ], [ -50.111, 0.891 ], [ -50.049, 0.886 ], [ -50.108, 0.85 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.216, -0.055 ], [ -50.235, -0.042 ], [ -50.219, -0.04 ], [ -50.216, -0.055 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.916, -0.052 ], [ -50.926, -0.047 ], [ -50.907, -0.043 ], [ -50.916, -0.052 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.605, -0.061 ], [ -50.618, -0.022 ], [ -50.559, -0.038 ], [ -50.605, -0.061 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.399, -0.061 ], [ -50.44, -0.057 ], [ -50.378, -0.015 ], [ -50.357, -0.049 ], [ -50.399, -0.061 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.75, 0 ], [ -49.609, 0.08 ], [ -49.474, 0.081 ], [ -49.338, -0.017 ], [ -49.487, -0.136 ], [ -49.723, -0.147 ], [ -49.835, -0.088 ], [ -49.75, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.023, -0.019 ], [ -49.039, -0.011 ], [ -49.02, -0.006 ], [ -49.023, -0.019 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.932, 0.052 ], [ -50.918, 0.084 ], [ -50.884, 0.078 ], [ -50.899, 0.057 ], [ -50.932, 0.052 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.928, 0 ], [ -50.786, 0.05 ], [ -50.717, 0.028 ], [ -50.94, -0.041 ], [ -50.928, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.691, 0.025 ], [ -50.655, 0.015 ], [ -50.703, 0.021 ], [ -50.691, 0.025 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.629, -0.043 ], [ -50.642, -0.016 ], [ -50.622, -0.026 ], [ -50.629, -0.043 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.642, 0 ], [ -50.611, 0.007 ], [ -50.595, -0.019 ], [ -50.642, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.536, 0 ], [ -50.653, 0.126 ], [ -50.59, 0.203 ], [ -50.434, 0.126 ], [ -50.436, 0 ], [ -50.536, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50, 0.311 ], [ -49.674, 0.368 ], [ -49.601, 0.283 ], [ -49.86, 0.008 ], [ -49.99, -0.048 ], [ -50.086, 0.034 ], [ -50.351, 0.044 ], [ -50.394, 0.222 ], [ -50.153, 0.227 ], [ -50, 0.311 ] ] ] ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "La costa de lo que hoy es territorio brasileño fue el primer punto al que llegaron los europeos en América del Sur. La primera expedición que exploró la región fue un desprendimiento de la flota portuguesa que Vasco da Gama (c. 1460-1524) llevaba hacia oriente. Las naves dirigidas por Pedro Álvarez de Cabral (1467-1520) se alejaron excesivamente de la costa de África y terminaron en el extremo sur de actual territorio del Estado de Bahía, en que el permanecieron entre abril y mayo del año 1500. Los portuguese establecieron en la costa precarias feitorias para comerciar verzino o palo brasil con los nativos de las sociedades tupí y guaraní nativas. Recién en 1530 la corona brasileña tomaría acciones decididas para organizar la ocupación portuguesa y las actividades de explotación, cuando instaura el régimen de capitanías hereditarias que estructuraría el establecimiento colonial lusitano en brasil. Bibliografía: Johnson, H. B., \"Portuguese Settlement, 1500-1580\", en Bethell, Leslie (ed.), Colonial Brazil, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1987, pp. 1-38; Abulafia, David, El descubrimiento de la humanidad. Encuentros atlánticos en la era de Colón, Barcelona, Crítica, 2009 [2008]; Metcalf, Alida C., Go-Betweens and the Colonization of Brazil, 1500-1600, Austin, University of Texas Press, 2005; Vaz de Caminha, Pêro, Carta del descubrimiento del Brasil, Barcelona, Acantilado, 2009.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-12-03T14:17:24+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 44236, "end" : 44242 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Brasil" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/73373b94-4e5d-4818-94d0-c2a5d57a0b51", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://sws.geonames.org/3469034", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-12-03T14:17:24+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-12-03T14:17:24+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "MultiPolygon", "coordinates" : [ [ [ [ -44.657, -3.018 ], [ -44.608, -3.041 ], [ -44.72, -3.18 ], [ -44.793, -3.198 ], [ -44.779, -3.312 ], [ -44.736, -3.302 ], [ -44.763, -3.225 ], [ -44.653, -3.196 ], [ -44.431, -2.945 ], [ -44.367, -2.643 ], [ -44.362, -2.726 ], [ -44.355, -2.605 ], [ -44.378, -2.566 ], [ -44.345, -2.528 ], [ -44.29, -2.573 ], [ -44.306, -2.487 ], [ -44.02, -2.403 ], [ -44.03, -2.457 ], [ -44.108, 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-2.689 ], [ -42.503, -2.727 ], [ -42.393, -2.751 ], [ -42.475, -2.706 ], [ -42.375, -2.717 ], [ -42.228, -2.818 ], [ -42.143, -2.808 ], [ -42.256, -2.735 ], [ -42.233, -2.674 ], [ -42.208, -2.712 ], [ -42.098, -2.768 ], [ -42.099, -2.809 ], [ -42.096, -2.747 ], [ -42.216, -2.687 ], [ -42.054, -2.691 ], [ -42.023, -2.775 ], [ -42.017, -2.718 ], [ -41.818, -2.723 ], [ -41.844, -2.773 ], [ -41.797, -2.751 ], [ -41.656, -2.884 ], [ -41.437, -2.939 ], [ -41.395, -2.906 ], [ -41.316, -2.943 ], [ -41.263, -2.887 ], [ -40.838, -2.895 ], [ -40.572, -2.844 ], [ -40.499, -2.787 ], [ -39.888, -2.886 ], [ -39.244, -3.229 ], [ -39.083, -3.394 ], [ -38.978, -3.407 ], [ -38.641, -3.687 ], [ -38.473, -3.7 ], [ -38.377, -3.866 ], [ -38.043, -4.214 ], [ -37.764, -4.399 ], [ -37.588, -4.624 ], [ -37.323, -4.698 ], [ -37.15, -4.943 ], [ -36.958, -4.919 ], [ -36.666, -5.108 ], [ -36.504, -5.061 ], [ -36.297, -5.106 ], [ -35.956, -5.045 ], [ -35.612, -5.11 ], [ -35.385, -5.255 ], [ -35.255, -5.483 ], [ -35.099, -6.169 ], [ -34.983, -6.396 ], [ -34.933, -6.753 ], [ -34.79, -7.159 ], [ -34.842, -7.564 ], [ -34.809, -7.622 ], [ -34.845, -7.69 ], [ -34.827, -8.004 ], [ -35.136, -8.895 ], [ -35.332, -9.237 ], [ -35.689, -9.668 ], [ -35.78, -9.706 ], [ -36.056, -10.083 ], [ -36.266, -10.256 ], [ -36.402, -10.506 ], [ -36.602, -10.567 ], [ -36.934, -10.826 ], [ -37.36, -11.428 ], [ -37.612, -11.979 ], [ -37.996, -12.578 ], [ -38.318, -12.934 ], [ -38.477, -13.022 ], [ -38.532, -13.017 ], [ -38.473, -12.913 ], [ -38.498, -12.722 ], [ -38.603, -12.728 ], [ -38.646, -12.622 ], [ -38.681, -12.661 ], [ -38.718, -12.627 ], [ -38.804, -12.835 ], [ -38.717, -12.873 ], [ -38.769, -12.995 ], [ -38.721, -13.021 ], [ -38.66, -12.963 ], [ -38.686, -12.878 ], [ -38.59, -12.972 ], [ -38.766, -13.129 ], [ -38.807, -13.1 ], [ -38.808, -13.154 ], [ -38.944, -13.243 ], [ -38.973, -13.391 ], [ -38.902, -13.384 ], [ -38.886, -13.45 ], [ -38.95, -13.577 ], [ -38.886, -13.659 ], [ -38.968, -13.67 ], [ -39.006, -13.891 ], [ -39.064, -13.865 ], [ -39.075, -13.887 ], [ -38.986, -13.998 ], [ -38.952, -13.986 ], [ -38.982, -13.912 ], [ -38.938, -13.886 ], [ -38.922, -13.92 ], [ -39.061, -14.716 ], [ -38.962, -15.585 ], [ -38.857, -15.86 ], [ -38.973, -16.211 ], [ -39.032, -16.26 ], [ -39.01, -16.369 ], [ -39.078, -16.454 ], [ -39.143, -16.762 ], [ -39.113, -16.896 ], [ -39.212, -17.155 ], [ -39.193, -17.602 ], [ -39.135, -17.691 ], [ -39.264, -17.869 ], [ -39.435, -17.943 ], [ -39.563, -18.091 ], [ -39.721, -18.493 ], [ -39.749, -18.81 ], [ -39.692, -19.353 ], [ -39.805, -19.65 ], [ -39.951, -19.717 ], [ -40.151, -19.956 ], [ -40.236, -20.285 ], [ -40.353, -20.32 ], [ -40.329, -20.236 ], [ -40.359, -20.291 ], [ -40.365, -20.317 ], [ -40.35, -20.328 ], [ -40.268, -20.327 ], [ -40.402, -20.606 ], [ -40.466, -20.624 ], [ -40.627, -20.845 ], [ -40.65, -20.813 ], [ -40.756, -20.866 ], [ -40.853, -21.133 ], [ -40.955, -21.251 ], [ -40.96, -21.364 ], [ -41.065, -21.495 ], [ -41.051, -21.608 ], [ -41.038, -21.622 ], [ -41.007, -21.618 ], [ -40.99, -22.014 ], [ -41.229, -22.151 ], [ -41.668, -22.294 ], [ -41.962, -22.538 ], [ -41.986, -22.713 ], [ -41.919, -22.774 ], [ -41.864, -22.759 ], [ -42.023, -22.896 ], [ -42.037, -22.94 ], [ -41.99, -22.964 ], [ -42.018, -22.998 ], [ -42.086, -22.957 ], [ -42.529, -22.934 ], [ -43.05, -22.982 ], [ -43.132, -22.941 ], [ -43.025, -22.741 ], [ -43.084, -22.68 ], [ -43.216, -22.725 ], [ -43.287, -22.806 ], [ -43.24, -22.847 ], [ -43.249, -22.797 ], [ -43.156, -22.784 ], [ -43.247, -22.882 ], [ -43.164, -22.899 ], [ -43.187, -22.995 ], [ -43.344, -22.983 ], [ -43.303, -23.02 ], [ -43.549, -23.081 ], [ -44.001, -23.1 ], [ -43.961, -23.042 ], [ -43.877, -23.067 ], [ -43.909, -23.02 ], [ -43.807, -23.063 ], [ -43.555, -23.055 ], [ -43.84, -22.906 ], [ -43.985, -22.937 ], [ -44.034, -23.014 ], [ -44.044, -22.923 ], [ -44.107, -23.03 ], [ -44.234, -23.06 ], [ -44.238, -23.004 ], [ -44.358, -23.02 ], [ -44.296, -22.961 ], [ -44.321, -22.927 ], [ -44.378, -22.972 ], [ -44.407, -22.945 ], [ -44.443, -23.035 ], [ -44.669, -23.06 ], [ -44.712, -23.19 ], [ -44.701, -23.237 ], [ -44.645, -23.191 ], [ -44.612, -23.206 ], [ -44.685, -23.256 ], [ -44.611, -23.238 ], [ -44.652, -23.302 ], [ -44.558, -23.232 ], [ -44.577, -23.275 ], [ -44.498, -23.302 ], [ -44.583, -23.367 ], [ -44.669, -23.341 ], [ -44.84, -23.395 ], [ -44.905, -23.339 ], [ -45.05, -23.418 ], [ -45.016, -23.461 ], [ -45.079, -23.519 ], [ -45.165, -23.495 ], [ -45.159, -23.541 ], [ -45.228, -23.547 ], [ -45.211, -23.582 ], [ -45.41, -23.632 ], [ -45.412, -23.825 ], [ -45.934, -23.771 ], [ -46.124, -23.842 ], [ -46.2, -24.002 ], [ -46.288, -24.044 ], [ -46.321, -24 ], [ -46.458, -24.025 ], [ -46.937, -24.281 ], [ -47.024, -24.382 ], [ -47.004, -24.412 ], [ -47.86, -24.996 ], [ -47.914, -25.061 ], [ -47.915, -25.16 ], [ -48.213, -25.47 ], [ -48.254, -25.435 ], [ -48.222, -25.342 ], [ -48.208, -25.353 ], [ -48.121, -25.267 ], [ -48.253, -25.328 ], [ -48.284, -25.294 ], [ -48.317, -25.363 ], [ -48.327, -25.232 ], [ -48.366, -25.317 ], [ -48.433, -25.237 ], [ -48.428, -25.324 ], [ -48.5, -25.335 ], [ -48.427, -25.39 ], [ -48.449, -25.379 ], [ -48.468, -25.388 ], [ -48.467, -25.432 ], [ -48.449, -25.384 ], [ -48.414, -25.428 ], [ -48.476, -25.485 ], [ -48.637, -25.468 ], [ -48.661, -25.398 ], [ -48.671, -25.435 ], [ -48.739, -25.374 ], [ -48.68, -25.465 ], [ -48.687, -25.499 ], [ -48.737, -25.483 ], [ -48.703, -25.504 ], [ -48.617, -25.536 ], [ -48.512, -25.505 ], [ -48.482, -25.591 ], [ -48.46, -25.552 ], [ -48.35, -25.581 ], [ -48.565, -25.868 ], [ -48.614, -26.06 ], [ -48.586, -26.172 ], [ -48.714, -26.243 ], [ -48.795, -26.073 ], [ -48.837, -26.157 ], [ -48.798, -26.142 ], [ -48.763, -26.199 ], [ -48.805, -26.228 ], [ -48.769, -26.223 ], [ -48.761, -26.286 ], [ -48.803, -26.303 ], [ -48.723, -26.362 ], [ -48.635, -26.374 ], [ -48.714, -26.308 ], [ -48.554, -26.172 ], [ -48.493, -26.224 ], [ -48.695, -26.658 ], [ -48.665, -26.769 ], [ -48.583, -26.786 ], [ -48.655, -26.909 ], [ -48.62, -27.007 ], [ -48.574, -27.011 ], [ -48.607, -27.122 ], [ -48.554, -27.152 ], [ -48.51, -27.108 ], [ -48.469, -27.148 ], [ -48.511, -27.183 ], [ -48.486, -27.218 ], [ -48.531, -27.18 ], [ -48.612, -27.243 ], [ -48.596, -27.318 ], [ -48.529, -27.334 ], [ -48.649, -27.486 ], [ -48.572, -27.592 ], [ -48.653, -27.648 ], [ -48.575, -27.888 ], [ -48.761, -28.535 ], [ -48.813, -28.605 ], [ -49.37, -28.92 ], [ -49.334, -28.921 ], [ -49.702, -29.308 ], [ -50.006, -29.749 ], [ -50.316, -30.472 ], [ -50.848, -31.205 ], [ -51.303, -31.613 ], [ -51.877, -31.952 ], [ -52.071, -32.188 ], [ -52.012, -31.946 ], [ -52.092, -31.837 ], [ -51.851, -31.865 ], [ -51.777, -31.805 ], [ -51.854, -31.797 ], [ -51.65, -31.759 ], [ -51.478, -31.562 ], [ -51.43, -31.622 ], [ -51.458, -31.548 ], [ -51.424, -31.478 ], [ -51.351, -31.529 ], [ -51.234, -31.458 ], [ -51.16, -31.31 ], [ -51.166, -31.063 ], [ -51.109, -31.097 ], [ -50.985, -31.042 ], [ -50.965, -30.893 ], [ -50.888, -30.893 ], [ -50.705, -30.756 ], [ -50.677, -30.61 ], [ -50.725, -30.371 ], [ -50.692, -30.355 ], [ -50.625, -30.409 ], [ -50.641, -30.459 ], [ -50.569, -30.471 ], [ -50.534, -30.278 ], [ -50.601, -30.194 ], [ -50.659, -30.201 ], [ -50.661, -30.293 ], [ -50.918, -30.333 ], [ -50.934, -30.42 ], [ -50.889, -30.439 ], [ -50.921, -30.44 ], [ -51.052, -30.395 ], [ -51.034, -30.276 ], [ -51.146, -30.267 ], [ -51.246, -30.188 ], [ -51.23, -30.043 ], [ -51.295, -30.007 ], [ -51.326, -30.23 ], [ -51.271, -30.25 ], [ -51.293, -30.295 ], [ -51.246, -30.33 ], [ -51.209, -30.3 ], [ -51.179, -30.383 ], [ -51.092, -30.367 ], [ -51.129, -30.436 ], [ -51.202, -30.413 ], [ -51.269, -30.489 ], [ -51.282, -30.811 ], [ -51.33, -30.777 ], [ -51.294, -30.758 ], [ -51.319, -30.64 ], [ -51.375, -30.635 ], [ -51.404, -30.769 ], [ -51.367, -30.874 ], [ -51.457, -30.874 ], [ -51.501, -30.935 ], [ -51.436, -31.088 ], [ -51.611, -31.138 ], [ -51.613, -31.272 ], [ -51.915, -31.313 ], [ -52.002, -31.449 ], [ -52.031, -31.693 ], [ -52.218, -31.747 ], [ -52.247, -31.871 ], [ -52.106, -31.952 ], [ -52.216, -31.963 ], [ -52.263, -32.062 ], [ -52.209, -32.045 ], [ -52.225, -32.096 ], [ -52.082, -32.033 ], [ -52.162, -32.128 ], [ -52.09, -32.069 ], [ -52.084, -32.186 ], [ -52.16, -32.201 ], [ -52.341, -32.43 ], [ -52.488, -32.844 ], [ -52.66, -33.165 ], [ -53.227, -33.658 ], [ -53.421, -33.741 ], [ -53.524, -33.689 ], [ -53.515, -33.163 ], [ -53.434, -33.054 ], [ -53.243, -32.936 ], [ -53.294, -32.911 ], [ -53.074, -32.746 ], [ -53.244, -32.605 ], [ -53.39, -32.583 ], [ -53.46, -32.48 ], [ -53.595, -32.432 ], [ -53.73, -32.157 ], [ -53.714, -32.104 ], [ -53.965, -31.919 ], [ -54.096, -31.906 ], [ -54.466, -31.666 ], [ -54.491, -31.54 ], [ -54.591, -31.448 ], [ -54.836, -31.446 ], [ -54.945, -31.392 ], [ -55.014, -31.285 ], [ -55.091, -31.326 ], [ -55.245, -31.257 ], [ -55.374, -31.038 ], [ -55.594, -30.848 ], [ -55.635, -30.857 ], [ -55.657, -30.956 ], [ -55.87, -31.08 ], [ -56.008, -31.063 ], [ -55.987, -30.86 ], [ -56.021, -30.784 ], [ -56.127, -30.739 ], [ -56.177, -30.614 ], [ -56.384, -30.495 ], [ -56.459, -30.387 ], [ -56.545, -30.364 ], [ -56.54, -30.312 ], [ -56.617, -30.303 ], [ -56.644, -30.205 ], [ -56.776, -30.166 ], [ -56.804, -30.107 ], [ -57.068, -30.088 ], [ -57.207, -30.281 ], [ -57.313, -30.26 ], [ -57.396, -30.303 ], [ -57.538, -30.275 ], [ -57.618, -30.179 ], [ -57.505, -30.143 ], [ -57.342, -30.001 ], [ -57.319, -29.87 ], [ -57.254, -29.794 ], [ -57.105, -29.752 ], [ -56.972, -29.639 ], [ -56.676, -29.321 ], [ -56.593, -29.123 ], [ -56.425, -29.073 ], [ -56.285, -28.794 ], [ -56.185, -28.771 ], [ -56.016, -28.611 ], [ -56.011, -28.509 ], [ -55.888, -28.479 ], [ -55.875, -28.362 ], [ -55.696, -28.425 ], [ -55.671, -28.333 ], [ -55.773, -28.247 ], [ -55.605, -28.123 ], [ -55.554, -28.164 ], [ -55.496, -28.081 ], [ -55.444, -28.097 ], [ -55.323, -27.928 ], [ -55.196, -27.863 ], [ -55.134, -27.895 ], [ -55.117, -27.853 ], [ -55.032, -27.854 ], [ -55.082, -27.789 ], [ -54.941, -27.775 ], [ -54.809, -27.536 ], [ -54.781, -27.586 ], [ -54.683, -27.576 ], [ -54.678, -27.514 ], [ -54.624, -27.55 ], [ -54.576, -27.458 ], [ -54.525, -27.507 ], [ -54.415, -27.412 ], [ -54.353, -27.468 ], [ -54.339, -27.406 ], [ -54.282, -27.447 ], [ -54.176, -27.261 ], [ -54.089, -27.303 ], [ -53.949, -27.158 ], [ -53.799, -27.147 ], [ -53.795, -27.048 ], [ -53.761, -27.068 ], [ -53.662, -26.869 ], [ -53.751, -26.745 ], [ -53.707, -26.563 ], [ -53.738, -26.548 ], [ -53.592, -26.265 ], [ -53.722, -26.13 ], [ -53.733, -26.047 ], [ -53.837, -25.969 ], [ -53.824, -25.793 ], [ -53.891, -25.625 ], [ -53.951, -25.644 ], [ -54.016, -25.569 ], [ -54.101, -25.625 ], [ -54.111, -25.504 ], [ -54.213, -25.554 ], [ -54.184, -25.591 ], [ -54.289, -25.562 ], [ -54.387, -25.608 ], [ -54.43, -25.706 ], [ -54.596, -25.595 ], [ -54.617, -25.459 ], [ -54.437, -25.157 ], [ -54.458, -25.031 ], [ -54.336, -24.649 ], [ -54.333, -24.493 ], [ -54.262, -24.376 ], [ -54.33, -24.225 ], [ -54.282, -24.075 ], [ -54.411, -23.929 ], [ -54.668, -23.815 ], [ -55.061, -23.991 ], [ -55.112, -23.963 ], [ -55.226, -24.013 ], [ -55.413, -23.961 ], [ -55.434, -23.714 ], [ -55.535, -23.614 ], [ -55.522, -23.197 ], [ -55.596, -23.141 ], [ -55.64, -22.994 ], [ -55.685, -22.992 ], [ -55.613, -22.659 ], [ -55.736, -22.532 ], [ -55.74, -22.396 ], [ -55.854, -22.281 ], [ -56.208, -22.281 ], [ -56.341, -22.206 ], [ -56.403, -22.078 ], [ -56.519, -22.103 ], [ -56.643, -22.261 ], [ -56.698, -22.216 ], [ -56.728, -22.26 ], [ -56.808, -22.25 ], [ -56.831, -22.3 ], [ -57.001, -22.225 ], [ -57.203, -22.21 ], [ -57.243, -22.244 ], [ -57.553, -22.181 ], [ -57.616, -22.096 ], [ -57.803, -22.148 ], [ -57.989, -22.085 ], [ -58.005, -22.032 ], [ -57.919, -21.881 ], [ -57.969, -21.844 ], [ -57.913, -21.793 ], [ -57.947, -21.747 ], [ -57.894, -21.687 ], [ -57.968, -21.528 ], [ -57.855, -21.339 ], [ -57.918, -21.278 ], [ -57.854, -21.226 ], [ -57.866, -21.041 ], [ -57.818, -20.976 ], [ -57.927, -20.897 ], [ -57.855, -20.835 ], [ -57.961, -20.784 ], [ -57.869, -20.736 ], [ -57.923, -20.666 ], [ -57.988, -20.696 ], [ -57.994, -20.448 ], [ -58.082, -20.372 ], [ -58.092, -20.257 ], [ -58.154, -20.264 ], [ -58.125, -20.188 ], [ -58.163, -20.162 ], [ -57.872, -19.979 ], [ -58.134, -19.761 ], [ -57.79, -19.051 ], [ -57.709, -19.034 ], [ -57.757, -18.858 ], [ -57.56, -18.263 ], [ -57.458, -18.228 ], [ -57.568, -18.136 ], [ -57.702, -17.86 ], [ -57.715, -17.735 ], [ -57.785, -17.645 ], [ -57.773, -17.553 ], [ -57.878, -17.463 ], [ -58.003, -17.52 ], [ -58.114, -17.456 ], [ -58.395, -17.197 ], [ -58.421, -16.99 ], [ -58.47, -16.939 ], [ -58.468, -16.702 ], [ -58.442, -16.613 ], [ -58.34, -16.542 ], [ -58.309, -16.27 ], [ -58.471, -16.325 ], [ -60.173, -16.265 ], [ -60.236, -15.476 ], [ -60.565, -15.105 ], [ -60.253, -15.101 ], [ -60.257, -14.624 ], [ -60.338, -14.555 ], [ -60.482, -14.181 ], [ -60.468, -14.092 ], [ -60.378, -13.992 ], [ -60.468, -13.886 ], [ -60.468, -13.801 ], [ -60.793, -13.686 ], [ -60.962, -13.539 ], [ -61.044, -13.541 ], [ -61.028, -13.477 ], [ -61.069, -13.463 ], [ -61.139, -13.521 ], [ -61.249, -13.525 ], [ -61.33, -13.473 ], [ -61.486, -13.554 ], [ -61.578, -13.494 ], [ -61.824, -13.539 ], [ -61.866, -13.443 ], [ -62.108, -13.257 ], [ -62.109, -13.149 ], [ -62.165, -13.112 ], [ -62.368, -13.145 ], [ -62.464, -13.07 ], [ -62.637, -13.041 ], [ -62.674, -12.965 ], [ -62.764, -13.023 ], [ -62.923, -12.854 ], [ -62.996, -12.85 ], [ -63.082, -12.653 ], [ -63.327, -12.705 ], [ -63.482, -12.557 ], [ -63.712, -12.458 ], [ -63.875, -12.469 ], [ -63.937, -12.557 ], [ -64.127, -12.494 ], [ -64.152, -12.529 ], [ -64.215, -12.476 ], [ -64.278, -12.511 ], [ -64.493, -12.366 ], [ -64.486, -12.23 ], [ -64.654, -12.186 ], [ -64.683, -12.099 ], [ -64.725, -12.162 ], [ -64.798, -12.035 ], [ -64.993, -11.999 ], [ -65.048, -11.757 ], [ -65.112, -11.741 ], [ -65.106, -11.697 ], [ -65.135, -11.777 ], [ -65.201, -11.745 ], [ -65.161, -11.622 ], [ -65.218, -11.521 ], [ -65.299, -11.5 ], [ -65.338, -11.392 ], [ -65.31, -11.341 ], [ -65.385, -11.269 ], [ -65.349, -11.239 ], [ -65.391, -11.167 ], [ -65.318, -11.105 ], [ -65.336, -11.044 ], [ -65.269, -10.901 ], [ -65.366, -10.798 ], [ -65.349, -10.671 ], [ -65.426, -10.638 ], [ -65.429, -10.473 ], [ -65.28, -10.218 ], [ -65.327, -9.938 ], [ -65.29, -9.851 ], [ -65.377, -9.698 ], [ -65.488, -9.718 ], [ -65.563, -9.834 ], [ -65.669, -9.779 ], [ -65.7, -9.803 ], [ -65.689, -9.749 ], [ -65.748, -9.77 ], [ -65.777, -9.727 ], [ -65.798, -9.786 ], [ -65.81, -9.75 ], [ -65.86, -9.794 ], [ -65.872, -9.757 ], [ -66.018, -9.807 ], [ -66.064, -9.772 ], [ -66.422, -9.895 ], [ -66.616, -9.893 ], [ -66.623, -9.935 ], [ -66.883, -10.081 ], [ -67.029, -10.254 ], [ -67.186, -10.339 ], [ -67.315, -10.316 ], [ -67.327, -10.374 ], [ -67.414, -10.372 ], [ -67.443, -10.45 ], [ -67.594, -10.523 ], [ -67.715, -10.707 ], [ -68.021, -10.661 ], [ -68.119, -10.726 ], [ -68.283, -10.987 ], [ -68.519, -11.048 ], [ -68.587, -11.11 ], [ -68.769, -11.139 ], [ -68.751, -11.007 ], [ -68.787, -10.99 ], [ -68.871, -11.023 ], [ -69.393, -10.929 ], [ -69.728, -10.973 ], [ -69.938, -10.926 ], [ -70.318, -11.066 ], [ -70.428, -11.033 ], [ -70.508, -10.94 ], [ -70.618, -11.007 ], [ -70.622, -9.847 ], [ -70.522, -9.738 ], [ -70.598, -9.574 ], [ -70.561, -9.579 ], [ -70.497, -9.433 ], [ -70.601, -9.453 ], [ -70.982, -9.812 ], [ -71.131, -9.862 ], [ -71.288, -9.996 ], [ -72.165, -10.002 ], [ -72.16, -9.818 ], [ -72.26, -9.755 ], [ -72.289, -9.536 ], [ -72.364, -9.491 ], [ -72.721, -9.417 ], [ -73.196, -9.418 ], [ -72.965, -9.154 ], [ -72.946, -8.99 ], [ -73.059, -8.904 ], [ -73.169, -8.701 ], [ -73.338, -8.609 ], [ -73.338, -8.476 ], [ -73.526, -8.369 ], [ -73.632, -8.022 ], [ -73.765, -7.94 ], [ -73.777, -7.869 ], [ -73.697, -7.865 ], [ -73.69, -7.79 ], [ -73.985, -7.543 ], [ -73.917, -7.461 ], [ -73.954, -7.348 ], [ -73.868, -7.377 ], [ -73.691, -7.313 ], [ -73.797, -7.115 ], [ -73.743, -6.897 ], [ -73.351, -6.561 ], [ -73.211, -6.53 ], [ -73.133, -6.421 ], [ -73.185, -6.04 ], [ -73.131, -5.986 ], [ -73.116, -5.865 ], [ -72.951, -5.643 ], [ -72.948, -5.454 ], [ -72.872, -5.25 ], [ -72.896, -5.136 ], [ -72.734, -5.043 ], [ -72.602, -5.056 ], [ -72.577, -4.992 ], [ -72.455, -4.962 ], [ -72.452, -4.906 ], [ -72.37, -4.88 ], [ -72.356, -4.803 ], [ -72.292, -4.799 ], [ -72.313, -4.769 ], [ -72.223, -4.78 ], [ -72.113, -4.722 ], [ -72.047, -4.625 ], [ -71.94, -4.607 ], [ -71.897, -4.512 ], [ -71.61, -4.465 ], [ -71.597, -4.525 ], [ -71.535, -4.46 ], [ -71.49, -4.479 ], [ -71.506, -4.435 ], [ -71.414, -4.432 ], [ -71.432, -4.469 ], [ -71.342, -4.423 ], [ -71.355, -4.468 ], [ -71.303, -4.458 ], [ -71.269, -4.381 ], [ -71.198, -4.377 ], [ -71.193, -4.42 ], [ -71.147, -4.375 ], [ -71.031, -4.397 ], [ -70.99, -4.34 ], [ -70.935, -4.381 ], [ -70.757, -4.152 ], [ -70.677, -4.2 ], [ -70.622, -4.121 ], [ -70.633, -4.173 ], [ -70.565, -4.168 ], [ -70.566, -4.205 ], [ -70.553, -4.128 ], [ -70.503, -4.19 ], [ -70.434, -4.125 ], [ -70.341, -4.174 ], [ -70.317, -4.136 ], [ -70.291, -4.283 ], [ -70.249, -4.267 ], [ -70.186, -4.357 ], [ -70.169, -4.27 ], [ -70.101, -4.255 ], [ -70.031, -4.339 ], [ -69.929, -4.213 ], [ -69.453, -1.478 ], [ -69.368, -1.334 ], [ -69.422, -0.998 ], [ -69.508, -0.936 ], [ -69.609, -0.755 ], [ -69.551, -0.648 ], [ -69.593, -0.517 ], [ -69.908, -0.316 ], [ -70.068, -0.135 ], [ -70.037, 0.553 ], [ -69.798, 0.585 ], [ -69.664, 0.672 ], [ -69.606, 0.623 ], [ -69.468, 0.734 ], [ -69.357, 0.621 ], [ -69.295, 0.648 ], [ -69.288, 0.609 ], [ -69.202, 0.602 ], [ -69.112, 0.643 ], [ -69.184, 0.73 ], [ -69.137, 0.868 ], [ -69.257, 1.026 ], [ -69.342, 1.064 ], [ -69.416, 1.024 ], [ -69.7, 1.056 ], [ -69.721, 1.097 ], [ -69.854, 1.07 ], [ -69.855, 1.715 ], [ -69.556, 1.775 ], [ -69.395, 1.726 ], [ -68.128, 1.73 ], [ -68.29, 1.841 ], [ -68.205, 2.038 ], [ -68.027, 1.784 ], [ -67.924, 1.751 ], [ -67.797, 1.812 ], [ -67.578, 2.076 ], [ -67.41, 2.141 ], [ -67.117, 1.732 ], [ -67.068, 1.532 ], [ -67.097, 1.17 ], [ -66.855, 1.228 ], [ -66.322, 0.738 ], [ -66.095, 0.754 ], [ -65.952, 0.81 ], [ -65.854, 0.939 ], [ -65.733, 1.005 ], [ -65.583, 1.008 ], [ -65.47, 0.877 ], [ -65.557, 0.705 ], [ -65.504, 0.627 ], [ -65.393, 0.699 ], [ -65.305, 0.916 ], [ -65.152, 0.943 ], [ -65.121, 1.115 ], [ -65.055, 1.144 ], [ -64.968, 1.112 ], [ -64.903, 1.249 ], [ -64.843, 1.237 ], [ -64.783, 1.313 ], [ -64.721, 1.25 ], [ -64.638, 1.286 ], [ -64.387, 1.527 ], [ -64.344, 1.528 ], [ -64.382, 1.419 ], [ -64.344, 1.38 ], [ -64.186, 1.494 ], [ -64.054, 1.708 ], [ -64.057, 1.933 ], [ -64.018, 1.967 ], [ -63.781, 1.989 ], [ -63.604, 2.124 ], [ -63.419, 2.154 ], [ -63.349, 2.281 ], [ -63.382, 2.442 ], [ -63.756, 2.403 ], [ -64.031, 2.509 ], [ -63.987, 2.772 ], [ -64.216, 3.153 ], [ -64.236, 3.476 ], [ -64.186, 3.634 ], [ -64.324, 3.797 ], [ -64.543, 3.882 ], [ -64.8, 4.224 ], [ -64.79, 4.329 ], [ -64.677, 4.297 ], [ -64.555, 4.153 ], [ -64.135, 4.176 ], [ -63.967, 3.93 ], [ -63.806, 4.019 ], [ -63.623, 4.01 ], [ -63.455, 3.91 ], [ -63.411, 4.026 ], [ -63.358, 4.04 ], [ -63.203, 3.952 ], [ -63.189, 3.872 ], [ -62.86, 3.584 ], [ -62.749, 3.642 ], [ -62.705, 3.724 ], [ -62.752, 4.012 ], [ -62.635, 4.056 ], [ -62.557, 4.02 ], [ -62.46, 4.173 ], [ -62.129, 4.084 ], [ -61.961, 4.18 ], [ -61.927, 4.106 ], [ -61.723, 4.262 ], [ -61.528, 4.273 ], [ -61.507, 4.398 ], [ -61.274, 4.471 ], [ -61.293, 4.55 ], [ -61.141, 4.508 ], [ -60.952, 4.549 ], [ -60.907, 4.708 ], [ -60.731, 4.777 ], [ -60.59, 4.951 ], [ -60.744, 5.209 ], [ -60.438, 5.177 ], [ -60.203, 5.265 ], [ -60.176, 5.227 ], [ -60.121, 5.243 ], [ -60.085, 5.149 ], [ -59.969, 5.073 ], [ -60.03, 4.704 ], [ -60.163, 4.521 ], [ -59.927, 4.509 ], [ -59.674, 4.382 ], [ -59.726, 4.191 ], [ -59.628, 4.138 ], [ -59.655, 4.078 ], [ -59.516, 3.94 ], [ -59.581, 3.901 ], [ -59.594, 3.796 ], [ -59.666, 3.777 ], [ -59.664, 3.703 ], [ -59.849, 3.601 ], [ -59.799, 3.355 ], [ -59.909, 3.197 ], [ -59.982, 2.929 ], [ -59.99, 2.683 ], [ -59.903, 2.479 ], [ -59.91, 2.388 ], [ -59.724, 2.277 ], [ -59.754, 1.861 ], [ -59.654, 1.849 ], [ -59.669, 1.764 ], [ -59.549, 1.729 ], [ -59.253, 1.397 ], [ -58.914, 1.299 ], [ -58.904, 1.234 ], [ -58.804, 1.175 ], [ -58.696, 1.288 ], [ -58.507, 1.264 ], [ -58.468, 1.318 ], [ -58.498, 1.458 ], [ -58.382, 1.471 ], [ -58.325, 1.59 ], [ -58.167, 1.558 ], [ -58.13, 1.501 ], [ -58.009, 1.501 ], [ -58, 1.665 ], [ -57.919, 1.645 ], [ -57.77, 1.718 ], [ -57.545, 1.701 ], [ -57.434, 1.895 ], [ -57.302, 1.99 ], [ -57.247, 1.944 ], [ -57.085, 2.021 ], [ -57.012, 1.918 ], [ -56.8, 1.864 ], [ -56.724, 1.92 ], [ -56.454, 1.945 ], [ -55.957, 1.844 ], [ -55.906, 1.889 ], [ -55.913, 2.041 ], [ -56.048, 2.226 ], [ -56.134, 2.263 ], [ -56.09, 2.352 ], [ -55.995, 2.405 ], [ -55.987, 2.517 ], [ -55.948, 2.532 ], [ -55.739, 2.401 ], [ -55.481, 2.443 ], [ -55.37, 2.407 ], [ -55.336, 2.516 ], [ -55.239, 2.495 ], [ -55.137, 2.575 ], [ -55.103, 2.522 ], [ -54.94, 2.632 ], [ -54.969, 2.555 ], [ -54.864, 2.439 ], [ -54.72, 2.469 ], [ -54.702, 2.336 ], [ -54.549, 2.336 ], [ -54.534, 2.268 ], [ -54.314, 2.158 ], [ -54.189, 2.179 ], [ -54.111, 2.127 ], [ -54.078, 2.197 ], [ -53.784, 2.364 ], [ -53.694, 2.287 ], [ -53.472, 2.332 ], [ -53.397, 2.272 ], [ -53.273, 2.292 ], [ -53.188, 2.223 ], [ -52.905, 2.19 ], [ -52.853, 2.285 ], [ -52.673, 2.374 ], [ -52.555, 2.523 ], [ -52.556, 2.646 ], [ -52.382, 2.912 ], [ -52.347, 3.134 ], [ -52.192, 3.296 ], [ -51.92, 3.781 ], [ -51.795, 3.89 ], [ -51.754, 3.996 ], [ -51.658, 4.049 ], [ -51.585, 4.241 ], [ -51.529, 4.171 ], [ -51.545, 4.397 ], [ -51.202, 4.084 ], [ -51.173, 3.767 ], [ -51.127, 3.911 ], [ -51.085, 3.895 ], [ -51.051, 3.283 ], [ -50.913, 2.875 ], [ -50.927, 2.807 ], [ -50.816, 2.644 ], [ -50.851, 2.482 ], [ -50.802, 2.508 ], [ -50.736, 2.414 ], [ -50.765, 2.359 ], [ -50.694, 2.276 ], [ -50.725, 2.252 ], [ -50.675, 2.247 ], [ -50.682, 2.137 ], [ -50.584, 2.091 ], [ -50.586, 2.014 ], [ -50.471, 1.82 ], [ -50.194, 1.794 ], [ -49.954, 1.676 ], [ -49.88, 1.419 ], [ -49.918, 1.289 ], [ -50.073, 1.204 ], [ -49.918, 1.232 ], [ -49.939, 1.103 ], [ -50.003, 1.066 ], [ -50.033, 1.107 ], [ -50.131, 0.949 ], [ -50.274, 0.866 ], [ -50.338, 0.729 ], [ -50.417, 0.685 ], [ -50.455, 0.732 ], [ -50.428, 0.679 ], [ -50.571, 0.424 ], [ -50.691, 0.3 ], [ -50.677, 0.365 ], [ -50.746, 0.227 ], [ -50.801, 0.224 ], [ -50.785, 0.183 ], [ -50.908, 0.171 ], [ -51.087, -0.043 ], [ -51.203, -0.055 ], [ -51.419, -0.412 ], [ -51.409, -0.44 ], [ -51.325, -0.364 ], [ -51.188, -0.14 ], [ -51.111, -0.154 ], [ -51.154, -0.284 ], [ -51.396, -0.493 ], [ -51.243, -0.443 ], [ -51.26, -0.5 ], [ -51.165, -0.431 ], [ -50.953, -0.061 ], [ -50.824, -0.048 ], [ -50.705, 0.002 ], [ -50.613, -0.088 ], [ -50.744, -0.244 ], [ -50.751, -0.429 ], [ -50.845, -0.526 ], [ -50.988, -0.583 ], [ -51.051, -0.682 ], [ -50.826, -0.555 ], [ -50.794, -0.666 ], [ -50.733, -0.557 ], [ -50.684, -0.604 ], [ -50.724, -0.493 ], [ -50.652, -0.276 ], [ -50.409, -0.094 ], [ -49.631, -0.247 ], [ -49.446, -0.23 ], [ -49.289, -0.145 ], [ -49.018, -0.16 ], [ -49, -0.139 ], [ -48.895, -0.224 ], [ -48.539, -0.234 ], [ -48.363, -0.303 ], [ -48.459, -0.513 ], [ -48.522, -0.877 ], [ -48.667, -1.002 ], [ -48.621, -1.005 ], [ -48.65, -1.048 ], [ -48.617, -1.053 ], [ -48.721, -1.137 ], [ -48.837, -1.452 ], [ -49.161, -1.575 ], [ -49.182, -1.623 ], [ -49.362, -1.604 ], [ -49.364, -1.642 ], [ -49.448, -1.637 ], [ -49.5, -1.738 ], [ -49.61, -1.718 ], [ -49.676, -1.78 ], [ -49.696, -1.757 ], [ -49.714, -1.76 ], [ -49.803, -1.822 ], [ -50.035, -1.717 ], [ -50.179, -1.787 ], [ -50.256, -1.776 ], [ -50.415, -1.841 ], [ -50.401, -1.935 ], [ -49.994, -1.819 ], [ -49.844, -1.905 ], [ -49.765, -1.898 ], [ -49.616, -1.79 ], [ -49.276, -1.706 ], [ -49.267, -1.778 ], [ -49.387, -1.977 ], [ -49.383, -2.159 ], [ -48.973, -1.594 ], [ -48.897, -1.573 ], [ -48.955, -1.712 ], [ -48.932, -1.75 ], [ -48.898, -1.743 ], [ -48.656, -1.371 ], [ -48.592, -1.429 ], [ -48.601, -1.306 ], [ -48.524, -1.338 ], [ -48.537, -1.467 ], [ -48.496, -1.553 ], [ -48.491, -1.502 ], [ -48.46, -1.533 ], [ -48.374, -1.511 ], [ -48.319, -1.478 ], [ -48.505, -1.471 ], [ -48.422, -1.168 ], [ -48.475, -1.144 ], [ -48.4, -1.066 ], [ -48.278, -1.111 ], [ -48.304, -0.948 ], [ -48.055, -0.668 ], [ -48.001, -0.731 ], [ -47.893, -0.553 ], [ -47.843, -0.616 ], [ -47.807, -0.547 ], [ -47.702, -0.54 ], [ -47.707, -0.59 ], [ -47.667, -0.569 ], [ -47.633, -0.608 ], [ -47.651, -0.694 ], [ -47.608, -0.684 ], [ -47.577, -0.573 ], [ -47.476, -0.757 ], [ -47.398, -0.76 ], [ -47.428, -0.693 ], [ -47.464, -0.687 ], [ -47.466, -0.594 ], [ -47.399, -0.594 ], [ -47.4, -0.645 ], [ -47.298, -0.589 ], [ -47.253, -0.668 ], [ -47.247, -0.623 ], [ -47.206, -0.633 ], [ -47.23, -0.719 ], [ -47.158, -0.678 ], [ -47.191, -0.754 ], [ -47.146, -0.764 ], [ -47.16, -0.815 ], [ -47.081, -0.661 ], [ -47.055, -0.868 ], [ -47.027, -0.784 ], [ -46.983, -0.806 ], [ -47.016, -0.752 ], [ -46.967, -0.694 ], [ -46.969, -0.78 ], [ -46.891, -0.869 ], [ -46.89, -0.789 ], [ -46.846, -0.799 ], [ -46.82, -0.71 ], [ -46.802, -0.877 ], [ -46.777, -0.905 ], [ -46.75, -0.826 ], [ -46.709, -0.86 ], [ -46.734, -0.944 ], [ -46.687, -0.831 ], [ -46.653, -0.882 ], [ -46.621, -0.818 ], [ -46.601, -0.917 ], [ -46.676, -0.965 ], [ -46.622, -0.987 ], [ -46.57, -0.947 ], [ -46.609, -1.03 ], [ -46.57, -0.988 ], [ -46.525, -1.027 ], [ -46.465, -1.007 ], [ -46.47, -1.044 ], [ -46.395, -1.037 ], [ -46.413, -1.084 ], [ -46.348, -0.982 ], [ -46.36, -1.011 ], [ -46.366, -1.031 ], [ -46.348, -1.079 ], [ -46.339, -1.015 ], [ -46.299, -1.05 ], [ -46.212, -0.946 ], [ -46.242, -0.921 ], [ -46.179, -0.914 ], [ -46.224, -1.053 ], [ -46.206, -1.1 ], [ -46.158, -1.014 ], [ -46.138, -1.032 ], [ -46.193, -1.143 ], [ -46.104, -1.067 ], [ -46.062, -1.133 ], [ -46.15, -1.258 ], [ -45.982, -1.071 ], [ -45.953, -1.147 ], [ -46, -1.151 ], [ -46, -1.199 ], [ -45.95, -1.159 ], [ -45.95, -1.207 ], [ -46, -1.209 ], [ -45.95, -1.25 ], [ -45.902, -1.134 ], [ -45.923, -1.214 ], [ -45.882, -1.167 ], [ -45.873, -1.211 ], [ -45.909, -1.261 ], [ -45.859, -1.231 ], [ -45.891, -1.293 ], [ -45.807, -1.176 ], [ -45.843, -1.301 ], [ -45.809, -1.328 ], [ -45.831, -1.298 ], [ -45.782, -1.278 ], [ -45.726, -1.135 ], [ -45.69, -1.452 ], [ -45.697, -1.38 ], [ -45.632, -1.371 ], [ -45.618, -1.279 ], [ -45.589, -1.329 ], [ -45.537, -1.273 ], [ -45.561, -1.343 ], [ -45.51, -1.352 ], [ -45.567, -1.404 ], [ -45.546, -1.432 ], [ -45.413, -1.296 ], [ -45.489, -1.473 ], [ -45.511, -1.458 ], [ -45.554, -1.503 ], [ -45.507, -1.471 ], [ -45.518, -1.516 ], [ -45.481, -1.495 ], [ -45.463, -1.548 ], [ -45.457, -1.457 ], [ -45.391, -1.434 ], [ -45.363, -1.325 ], [ -45.323, -1.319 ], [ -45.302, -1.424 ], [ -45.392, -1.485 ], [ -45.398, -1.503 ], [ -45.356, -1.487 ], [ -45.392, -1.553 ], [ -45.338, -1.572 ], [ -45.371, -1.722 ], [ -45.338, -1.753 ], [ -45.197, -1.688 ], [ -45.261, -1.607 ], [ -45.16, -1.475 ], [ -45.136, -1.521 ], [ -45.072, -1.435 ], [ -45.07, -1.485 ], [ -44.999, -1.504 ], [ -45.018, -1.547 ], [ -44.969, -1.549 ], [ -45.029, -1.583 ], [ -45.029, -1.602 ], [ -44.979, -1.607 ], [ -44.954, -1.498 ], [ -44.862, -1.426 ], [ -44.857, -1.498 ], [ -44.954, -1.605 ], [ -44.918, -1.649 ], [ -44.968, -1.662 ], [ -44.913, -1.657 ], [ -44.927, -1.62 ], [ -44.886, -1.609 ], [ -44.837, -1.65 ], [ -44.822, -1.591 ], [ -44.826, -1.637 ], [ -44.805, -1.609 ], [ -44.812, -1.665 ], [ -44.779, -1.735 ], [ -44.711, -1.728 ], [ -44.82, -1.819 ], [ -44.738, -1.791 ], [ -44.706, -1.819 ], [ -44.676, -1.808 ], [ -44.661, -1.727 ], [ -44.604, -1.749 ], [ -44.667, -1.849 ], [ -44.601, -1.858 ], [ -44.583, -1.817 ], [ -44.586, -1.873 ], [ -44.543, -1.833 ], [ -44.601, -1.909 ], [ -44.517, -1.907 ], [ -44.484, -2.002 ], [ -44.613, -2.037 ], [ -44.467, -2.017 ], [ -44.626, -2.151 ], [ -44.589, -2.159 ], [ -44.641, -2.232 ], [ -44.708, -2.23 ], [ -44.684, -2.275 ], [ -44.764, -2.265 ], [ -44.654, -2.294 ], [ -44.681, -2.354 ], [ -44.649, -2.373 ], [ -44.666, -2.329 ], [ -44.479, -2.137 ], [ -44.358, -2.335 ], [ -44.401, -2.416 ], [ -44.514, -2.384 ], [ -44.55, -2.4 ], [ -44.491, -2.415 ], [ -44.514, -2.448 ], [ -44.505, -2.476 ], [ -44.665, -2.608 ], [ -44.548, -2.542 ], [ -44.658, -2.781 ], [ -44.688, -2.924 ], [ -44.677, -3.019 ], [ -44.66, -3.02 ], [ -44.657, -3.018 ] ], [ [ -43.318, -2.361 ], [ -43.317, -2.363 ], [ -43.296, -2.363 ], [ -43.318, -2.361 ] ], [ [ -42.438, -2.747 ], [ -42.442, -2.749 ], [ -42.438, -2.75 ], [ -42.438, -2.747 ] ], [ [ -42.442, -2.749 ], [ -42.47, -2.744 ], [ -42.447, -2.753 ], [ -42.442, -2.749 ] ], [ [ -50.851, 2.482 ], [ -50.853, 2.481 ], [ -50.853, 2.48 ], [ -50.851, 2.482 ] ], [ [ -50.853, 2.481 ], [ -50.86, 2.495 ], [ -50.86, 2.477 ], [ -50.853, 2.481 ] ], [ [ -49.976, 1.659 ], [ -49.98, 1.659 ], [ -50, 1.639 ], [ -49.976, 1.659 ] ], [ [ -45.392, -1.553 ], [ -45.393, -1.553 ], [ -45.394, -1.556 ], [ -45.392, -1.553 ] ], [ [ -45.394, -1.556 ], [ -45.406, -1.579 ], [ -45.403, -1.591 ], [ -45.394, -1.556 ] ], [ [ -44.837, -1.65 ], [ -44.834, -1.655 ], [ -44.833, -1.654 ], [ -44.837, -1.65 ] ], [ [ -44.834, -1.655 ], [ -44.841, -1.675 ], [ -44.822, -1.672 ], [ -44.834, -1.655 ] ], [ [ -44.779, -1.735 ], [ -44.777, -1.741 ], [ -44.776, -1.74 ], [ -44.779, -1.735 ] ], [ [ -44.777, -1.741 ], [ -44.833, -1.77 ], [ -44.774, -1.75 ], [ -44.777, -1.741 ] ], [ [ -44.547, -2.22 ], [ -44.536, -2.225 ], [ -44.543, -2.219 ], [ -44.547, -2.22 ] ], [ [ -44.536, -2.225 ], [ -44.507, -2.249 ], [ -44.512, -2.235 ], [ -44.536, -2.225 ] ], [ [ -44.507, -2.249 ], [ -44.504, -2.256 ], [ -44.501, -2.254 ], [ -44.507, -2.249 ] ], [ [ -44.504, -2.256 ], [ -44.514, -2.268 ], [ -44.502, -2.26 ], [ -44.504, -2.256 ] ] ], [ [ [ -29.34, -20.484 ], [ -29.301, -20.521 ], [ -29.341, -20.511 ], [ -29.34, -20.484 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.001, -13.94 ], [ -39.012, -13.915 ], [ -38.994, -13.896 ], [ -39.001, -13.94 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.043, -13.909 ], [ -39.059, -13.904 ], [ -39.054, -13.886 ], [ -39.028, -13.903 ], [ -39.043, -13.909 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.251, -18.015 ], [ -39.283, -18.005 ], [ -39.272, -17.982 ], [ -39.245, -18.006 ], [ -39.251, -18.015 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.131, -17.927 ], [ -39.154, -17.921 ], [ -39.137, -17.91 ], [ -39.131, -17.927 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.212, -17.986 ], [ -39.228, -17.979 ], [ -39.215, -17.944 ], [ -39.202, -17.95 ], [ -39.212, -17.986 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.341, -23.231 ], [ -44.372, -23.174 ], [ -44.232, -23.089 ], [ -44.087, -23.173 ], [ -44.3, -23.184 ], [ -44.341, -23.231 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.356, -23.073 ], [ -44.388, -23.048 ], [ -44.373, -23.033 ], [ -44.343, -23.041 ], [ -44.356, -23.073 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.929, -23.014 ], [ -43.936, -22.999 ], [ -43.916, -22.989 ], [ -43.929, -23.014 ] ] ], [ [ [ -42.002, -23.018 ], [ -42.015, -23.003 ], [ -41.98, -22.975 ], [ -41.975, -22.992 ], [ -42.002, -23.018 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.904, -22.962 ], [ -43.907, -22.936 ], [ -43.868, -22.926 ], [ -43.871, -22.95 ], [ -43.904, -22.962 ] ] ], [ [ [ -41.042, -21.613 ], [ -41.042, -21.6 ], [ -41.019, -21.606 ], [ -41.042, -21.613 ] ] ], [ [ [ -52.112, -32 ], [ -52.18, -32.035 ], [ -52.216, -32.025 ], [ -52.198, -31.978 ], [ -52.112, -32 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.641, -30.388 ], [ -50.629, -30.394 ], [ -50.624, -30.329 ], [ -50.592, -30.399 ], [ -50.609, -30.406 ], [ -50.641, -30.388 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.526, -27.462 ], [ -48.416, -27.38 ], [ -48.358, -27.446 ], [ -48.503, -27.799 ], [ -48.559, -27.842 ], [ -48.526, -27.462 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.354, -27.296 ], [ -48.376, -27.285 ], [ -48.373, -27.271 ], [ -48.36, -27.27 ], [ -48.354, -27.296 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.731, -26.314 ], [ -48.754, -26.297 ], [ -48.735, -26.282 ], [ -48.731, -26.314 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.318, -25.584 ], [ -48.309, -25.546 ], [ -48.381, -25.504 ], [ -48.312, -25.509 ], [ -48.292, -25.545 ], [ -48.318, -25.584 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.414, -25.544 ], [ -48.459, -25.514 ], [ -48.415, -25.527 ], [ -48.414, -25.544 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.424, -25.551 ], [ -48.479, -25.523 ], [ -48.485, -25.502 ], [ -48.424, -25.551 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.298, -25.493 ], [ -48.341, -25.416 ], [ -48.252, -25.341 ], [ -48.265, -25.44 ], [ -48.253, -25.466 ], [ -48.298, -25.493 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.417, -25.386 ], [ -48.424, -25.343 ], [ -48.405, -25.33 ], [ -48.417, -25.386 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.695, -24.112 ], [ -45.688, -24.088 ], [ -45.679, -24.098 ], [ -45.695, -24.112 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.251, -23.962 ], [ -45.301, -23.909 ], [ -45.453, -23.91 ], [ -45.332, -23.721 ], [ -45.227, -23.774 ], [ -45.224, -23.835 ], [ -45.283, -23.857 ], [ -45.221, -23.899 ], [ -45.251, -23.962 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.141, -23.817 ], [ -45.146, -23.791 ], [ -45.114, -23.801 ], [ -45.141, -23.817 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.153, -23.573 ], [ -45.153, -23.558 ], [ -45.141, -23.568 ], [ -45.153, -23.573 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.073, -23.564 ], [ -45.079, -23.525 ], [ -45.036, -23.531 ], [ -45.073, -23.564 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.608, -23.228 ], [ -44.59, -23.208 ], [ -44.577, -23.216 ], [ -44.608, -23.228 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.648, -12.821 ], [ -38.666, -12.777 ], [ -38.624, -12.762 ], [ -38.648, -12.821 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.529, -12.811 ], [ -38.544, -12.757 ], [ -38.532, -12.74 ], [ -38.508, -12.792 ], [ -38.529, -12.811 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.622, -12.752 ], [ -38.622, -12.727 ], [ -38.593, -12.733 ], [ -38.622, -12.752 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.646, -12.683 ], [ -38.648, -12.65 ], [ -38.636, -12.661 ], [ -38.646, -12.683 ] ] ], [ [ [ -32.402, -3.838 ], [ -32.428, -3.877 ], [ -32.483, -3.878 ], [ -32.402, -3.838 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.667, -3.179 ], [ -44.668, -3.16 ], [ -44.643, -3.148 ], [ -44.644, -3.17 ], [ -44.667, -3.179 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.671, -2.943 ], [ -44.67, -2.92 ], [ -44.647, -2.915 ], [ -44.671, -2.943 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.493, -2.641 ], [ -44.48, -2.601 ], [ -44.477, -2.627 ], [ -44.493, -2.641 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.897, -2.573 ], [ -43.896, -2.554 ], [ -43.886, -2.565 ], [ -43.897, -2.573 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.599, -2.503 ], [ -43.577, -2.471 ], [ -43.572, -2.483 ], [ -43.599, -2.503 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.822, -2.526 ], [ -43.829, -2.509 ], [ -43.813, -2.458 ], [ -43.812, -2.553 ], [ -43.82, -2.528 ], [ -43.822, -2.526 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.821, -2.529 ], [ -43.856, -2.502 ], [ -43.832, -2.439 ], [ -43.842, -2.504 ], [ -43.821, -2.529 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.863, -2.56 ], [ -43.875, -2.552 ], [ -43.865, -2.534 ], [ -43.863, -2.56 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.519, -2.536 ], [ -44.529, -2.526 ], [ -44.501, -2.48 ], [ -44.505, -2.444 ], [ -44.455, -2.434 ], [ -44.519, -2.536 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.602, -3.007 ], [ -44.657, -2.972 ], [ -44.613, -2.894 ], [ -44.575, -2.921 ], [ -44.602, -3.007 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.585, -2.978 ], [ -44.563, -2.914 ], [ -44.586, -2.826 ], [ -44.494, -2.705 ], [ -44.494, -2.953 ], [ -44.582, -3.041 ], [ -44.585, -2.978 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.826, -2.434 ], [ -43.842, -2.403 ], [ -43.811, -2.385 ], [ -43.807, -2.412 ], [ -43.826, -2.434 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.581, -2.441 ], [ -43.615, -2.389 ], [ -43.549, -2.377 ], [ -43.545, -2.403 ], [ -43.581, -2.441 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.791, -2.47 ], [ -43.806, -2.443 ], [ -43.78, -2.422 ], [ -43.759, -2.448 ], [ -43.791, -2.47 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.513, -2.424 ], [ -43.537, -2.416 ], [ -43.522, -2.39 ], [ -43.505, -2.414 ], [ -43.513, -2.424 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.792, -2.405 ], [ -43.798, -2.377 ], [ -43.771, -2.37 ], [ -43.792, -2.405 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.689, -2.355 ], [ -43.743, -2.352 ], [ -43.724, -2.305 ], [ -43.617, -2.253 ], [ -43.612, -2.275 ], [ -43.669, -2.301 ], [ -43.689, -2.355 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.73, -2.425 ], [ -43.732, -2.364 ], [ -43.67, -2.377 ], [ -43.681, -2.34 ], [ -43.63, -2.324 ], [ -43.643, -2.394 ], [ -43.73, -2.425 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.473, -2.125 ], [ -44.487, -2.113 ], [ -44.475, -2.096 ], [ -44.463, -2.104 ], [ -44.473, -2.125 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.456, -2.031 ], [ -44.447, -2.008 ], [ -44.439, -2.022 ], [ -44.456, -2.031 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.311, -1.964 ], [ -49.336, -1.996 ], [ -49.309, -1.943 ], [ -49.311, -1.964 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.323, -2.054 ], [ -49.329, -2.019 ], [ -49.316, -2.001 ], [ -49.323, -2.054 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.231, -1.829 ], [ -50.246, -1.824 ], [ -50.229, -1.816 ], [ -50.231, -1.829 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.615, -1.821 ], [ -44.622, -1.797 ], [ -44.597, -1.774 ], [ -44.583, -1.789 ], [ -44.615, -1.821 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.7, -1.811 ], [ -44.703, -1.78 ], [ -44.673, -1.78 ], [ -44.7, -1.811 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.691, -1.793 ], [ -49.721, -1.789 ], [ -49.719, -1.771 ], [ -49.697, -1.766 ], [ -49.691, -1.793 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.924, -1.711 ], [ -48.909, -1.713 ], [ -48.916, -1.734 ], [ -48.935, -1.713 ], [ -48.924, -1.711 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.757, -1.707 ], [ -44.767, -1.694 ], [ -44.736, -1.701 ], [ -44.757, -1.707 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.433, -1.684 ], [ -49.454, -1.706 ], [ -49.46, -1.684 ], [ -49.433, -1.684 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.357, -1.008 ], [ -46.342, -0.994 ], [ -46.353, -1.026 ], [ -46.357, -1.008 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.205, -1.021 ], [ -46.194, -1.014 ], [ -46.202, -1.032 ], [ -46.205, -1.021 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.662, -3.018 ], [ -44.673, -3.012 ], [ -44.664, -3.001 ], [ -44.649, -3.013 ], [ -44.662, -3.018 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.736, -1.683 ], [ -44.745, -1.677 ], [ -44.732, -1.668 ], [ -44.736, -1.683 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.231, -1.638 ], [ -49.237, -1.627 ], [ -49.217, -1.633 ], [ -49.231, -1.638 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.38, -1.685 ], [ -49.4, -1.682 ], [ -49.368, -1.669 ], [ -49.38, -1.685 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.426, -1.673 ], [ -49.429, -1.661 ], [ -49.406, -1.66 ], [ -49.426, -1.673 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.34, -1.672 ], [ -49.358, -1.662 ], [ -49.325, -1.647 ], [ -49.34, -1.672 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.289, -1.726 ], [ -45.305, -1.663 ], [ -45.257, -1.641 ], [ -45.244, -1.678 ], [ -45.28, -1.694 ], [ -45.289, -1.726 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.328, -1.743 ], [ -45.346, -1.719 ], [ -45.301, -1.596 ], [ -45.274, -1.635 ], [ -45.313, -1.654 ], [ -45.328, -1.743 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.886, -1.578 ], [ -48.89, -1.56 ], [ -48.859, -1.536 ], [ -48.856, -1.553 ], [ -48.886, -1.578 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.783, -1.682 ], [ -44.8, -1.595 ], [ -44.775, -1.62 ], [ -44.721, -1.567 ], [ -44.704, -1.611 ], [ -44.684, -1.575 ], [ -44.668, -1.669 ], [ -44.693, -1.638 ], [ -44.783, -1.682 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.816, -1.569 ], [ -44.837, -1.534 ], [ -44.787, -1.488 ], [ -44.825, -1.534 ], [ -44.816, -1.569 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.462, -1.517 ], [ -48.478, -1.499 ], [ -48.421, -1.503 ], [ -48.462, -1.517 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.793, -1.531 ], [ -44.774, -1.47 ], [ -44.763, -1.513 ], [ -44.793, -1.531 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.414, -1.427 ], [ -45.423, -1.416 ], [ -45.409, -1.405 ], [ -45.414, -1.427 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45, -1.296 ], [ -44.922, -1.265 ], [ -44.877, -1.309 ], [ -44.895, -1.34 ], [ -44.922, -1.305 ], [ -44.907, -1.341 ], [ -44.999, -1.405 ], [ -45.033, -1.339 ], [ -45, -1.32 ], [ -44.995, -1.36 ], [ -45, -1.296 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.044, -1.402 ], [ -45.07, -1.33 ], [ -45.052, -1.342 ], [ -45.044, -1.402 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.333, -1.569 ], [ -45.371, -1.544 ], [ -45.347, -1.489 ], [ -45.313, -1.506 ], [ -45.333, -1.569 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.969, -1.522 ], [ -44.976, -1.493 ], [ -44.959, -1.483 ], [ -44.969, -1.522 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.393, -1.512 ], [ -48.371, -1.476 ], [ -48.341, -1.483 ], [ -48.393, -1.512 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.413, -1.498 ], [ -48.426, -1.491 ], [ -48.387, -1.476 ], [ -48.413, -1.498 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.118, -1.47 ], [ -45.132, -1.462 ], [ -45.115, -1.364 ], [ -45.103, -1.373 ], [ -45.118, -1.47 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.593, -1.251 ], [ -45.581, -1.19 ], [ -45.536, -1.205 ], [ -45.532, -1.231 ], [ -45.593, -1.251 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.559, -1.243 ], [ -48.56, -1.202 ], [ -48.523, -1.199 ], [ -48.559, -1.243 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.817, -1.163 ], [ -45.829, -1.141 ], [ -45.804, -1.127 ], [ -45.817, -1.163 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.877, -1.154 ], [ -45.9, -1.117 ], [ -45.883, -1.073 ], [ -45.849, -1.123 ], [ -45.877, -1.154 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.192, -1.05 ], [ -46.201, -1.041 ], [ -46.185, -1.027 ], [ -46.192, -1.05 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.291, -1.01 ], [ -46.307, -0.992 ], [ -46.306, -0.961 ], [ -46.291, -1.01 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.078, -1.095 ], [ -46.065, -1.05 ], [ -46.061, -1.074 ], [ -46.078, -1.095 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.68, -1.295 ], [ -45.687, -1.275 ], [ -45.667, -1.26 ], [ -45.654, -1.285 ], [ -45.68, -1.295 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.538, -1.282 ], [ -48.549, -1.262 ], [ -48.53, -1.25 ], [ -48.538, -1.282 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.51, -1.27 ], [ -48.522, -1.247 ], [ -48.506, -1.236 ], [ -48.51, -1.27 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.694, -1.37 ], [ -45.646, -1.289 ], [ -45.625, -1.126 ], [ -45.634, -1.349 ], [ -45.694, -1.37 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.688, -1.266 ], [ -45.708, -1.228 ], [ -45.685, -1.194 ], [ -45.664, -1.231 ], [ -45.688, -1.266 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.425, -0.914 ], [ -46.454, -0.907 ], [ -46.408, -0.868 ], [ -46.395, -0.899 ], [ -46.425, -0.914 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.72, -0.848 ], [ -46.735, -0.832 ], [ -46.729, -0.796 ], [ -46.72, -0.848 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.611, -0.799 ], [ -46.622, -0.784 ], [ -46.601, -0.789 ], [ -46.611, -0.799 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.586, -0.849 ], [ -46.621, -0.807 ], [ -46.589, -0.815 ], [ -46.586, -0.849 ] ] ], [ [ [ -47.447, -0.748 ], [ -47.453, -0.732 ], [ -47.436, -0.717 ], [ -47.428, -0.738 ], [ -47.447, -0.748 ] ] ], [ [ [ -47.461, -0.741 ], [ -47.463, -0.702 ], [ -47.445, -0.697 ], [ -47.461, -0.741 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.214, -0.411 ], [ -51.211, -0.386 ], [ -51.164, -0.347 ], [ -51.163, -0.383 ], [ -51.214, -0.411 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.352, -0.353 ], [ -51.346, -0.31 ], [ -51.317, -0.268 ], [ -51.327, -0.33 ], [ -51.352, -0.353 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.127, -0.268 ], [ -51.131, -0.237 ], [ -51.091, -0.208 ], [ -51.087, -0.229 ], [ -51.127, -0.268 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.888, -0.198 ], [ -48.91, -0.188 ], [ -48.893, -0.134 ], [ -48.847, -0.177 ], [ -48.888, -0.198 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.174, -0.091 ], [ -51.191, -0.064 ], [ -51.126, -0.057 ], [ -51.174, -0.091 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.114, -0.146 ], [ -49.097, -0.121 ], [ -49.08, -0.13 ], [ -49.114, -0.146 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.166, -0.142 ], [ -49.188, -0.115 ], [ -49.156, -0.128 ], [ -49.166, -0.142 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.119, -0.141 ], [ -49.143, -0.107 ], [ -49.114, -0.11 ], [ -49.119, -0.141 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.127, -0.128 ], [ -51.094, -0.103 ], [ -51.108, -0.127 ], [ -51.127, -0.128 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.414, -0.999 ], [ -46.384, -0.941 ], [ -46.367, -0.948 ], [ -46.414, -0.999 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.647, -0.97 ], [ -46.658, -0.968 ], [ -46.618, -0.957 ], [ -46.647, -0.97 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.488, -0.942 ], [ -46.465, -0.877 ], [ -46.464, -0.924 ], [ -46.44, -0.922 ], [ -46.482, -0.976 ], [ -46.441, -0.999 ], [ -46.525, -1.016 ], [ -46.527, -0.917 ], [ -46.509, -0.984 ], [ -46.488, -0.942 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.632, 0.159 ], [ -49.662, 0.184 ], [ -49.629, 0.202 ], [ -49.61, 0.181 ], [ -49.632, 0.159 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.641, 0.26 ], [ -50.63, 0.293 ], [ -50.586, 0.308 ], [ -50.641, 0.26 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.2, 0.255 ], [ -50.243, 0.248 ], [ -50.147, 0.337 ], [ -50.059, 0.346 ], [ -50.2, 0.255 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.417, 0.159 ], [ -50.535, 0.234 ], [ -50.36, 0.615 ], [ -50.328, 0.383 ], [ -50.285, 0.3 ], [ -50.413, 0.237 ], [ -50.417, 0.159 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.279, 0.338 ], [ -50.271, 0.599 ], [ -50.147, 0.608 ], [ -50.142, 0.576 ], [ -50.107, 0.636 ], [ -50.063, 0.623 ], [ -50.05, 0.518 ], [ -50.279, 0.338 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50, 0.943 ], [ -50.113, 0.907 ], [ -50.018, 1.034 ], [ -49.935, 1.069 ], [ -49.939, 0.996 ], [ -50, 0.943 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.881, 1.227 ], [ -49.909, 1.246 ], [ -49.886, 1.244 ], [ -49.881, 1.227 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.907, 1.278 ], [ -49.885, 1.291 ], [ -49.863, 1.278 ], [ -49.876, 1.252 ], [ -49.907, 1.278 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.204, 1.851 ], [ -50.232, 1.879 ], [ -50.22, 1.915 ], [ -50.169, 1.865 ], [ -50.204, 1.851 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.468, 1.954 ], [ -50.521, 2.026 ], [ -50.497, 2.139 ], [ -50.398, 2.167 ], [ -50.367, 2.19 ], [ -50.276, 1.939 ], [ -50.423, 1.849 ], [ -50.468, 1.954 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.504, 2.255 ], [ -50.414, 2.244 ], [ -50.382, 2.204 ], [ -50.489, 2.15 ], [ -50.564, 2.205 ], [ -50.504, 2.255 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.229, 0.832 ], [ -50.098, 0.839 ], [ -50.027, 0.898 ], [ -50.105, 0.757 ], [ -50.162, 0.775 ], [ -50.249, 0.72 ], [ -50.229, 0.832 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.131, 0.844 ], [ -50.162, 0.867 ], [ -50.132, 0.9 ], [ -50.119, 0.854 ], [ -50.131, 0.844 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.108, 0.85 ], [ -50.111, 0.891 ], [ -50.049, 0.886 ], [ -50.108, 0.85 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.216, -0.055 ], [ -50.235, -0.042 ], [ -50.219, -0.04 ], [ -50.216, -0.055 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.916, -0.052 ], [ -50.926, -0.047 ], [ -50.907, -0.043 ], [ -50.916, -0.052 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.605, -0.061 ], [ -50.618, -0.022 ], [ -50.559, -0.038 ], [ -50.605, -0.061 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.399, -0.061 ], [ -50.44, -0.057 ], [ -50.378, -0.015 ], [ -50.357, -0.049 ], [ -50.399, -0.061 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.75, 0 ], [ -49.609, 0.08 ], [ -49.474, 0.081 ], [ -49.338, -0.017 ], [ -49.487, -0.136 ], [ -49.723, -0.147 ], [ -49.835, -0.088 ], [ -49.75, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.023, -0.019 ], [ -49.039, -0.011 ], [ -49.02, -0.006 ], [ -49.023, -0.019 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.932, 0.052 ], [ -50.918, 0.084 ], [ -50.884, 0.078 ], [ -50.899, 0.057 ], [ -50.932, 0.052 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.928, 0 ], [ -50.786, 0.05 ], [ -50.717, 0.028 ], [ -50.94, -0.041 ], [ -50.928, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.691, 0.025 ], [ -50.655, 0.015 ], [ -50.703, 0.021 ], [ -50.691, 0.025 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.629, -0.043 ], [ -50.642, -0.016 ], [ -50.622, -0.026 ], [ -50.629, -0.043 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.642, 0 ], [ -50.611, 0.007 ], [ -50.595, -0.019 ], [ -50.642, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.536, 0 ], [ -50.653, 0.126 ], [ -50.59, 0.203 ], [ -50.434, 0.126 ], [ -50.436, 0 ], [ -50.536, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50, 0.311 ], [ -49.674, 0.368 ], [ -49.601, 0.283 ], [ -49.86, 0.008 ], [ -49.99, -0.048 ], [ -50.086, 0.034 ], [ -50.351, 0.044 ], [ -50.394, 0.222 ], [ -50.153, 0.227 ], [ -50, 0.311 ] ] ] ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "La costa de lo que hoy es territorio brasileño fue el primer punto al que llegaron los europeos en América del Sur. La primera expedición que exploró la región fue un desprendimiento de la flota portuguesa que Vasco da Gama (c. 1460-1524) llevaba hacia oriente. Las naves dirigidas por Pedro Álvarez de Cabral (1467-1520) se alejaron excesivamente de la costa de África y terminaron en el extremo sur de actual territorio del Estado de Bahía, en que el permanecieron entre abril y mayo del año 1500. Los portuguese establecieron en la costa precarias feitorias para comerciar verzino o palo brasil con los nativos de las sociedades tupí y guaraní nativas. Recién en 1530 la corona brasileña tomaría acciones decididas para organizar la ocupación portuguesa y las actividades de explotación, cuando instaura el régimen de capitanías hereditarias que estructuraría el establecimiento colonial lusitano en brasil. Bibliografía: Johnson, H. B., \"Portuguese Settlement, 1500-1580\", en Bethell, Leslie (ed.), Colonial Brazil, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1987, pp. 1-38; Abulafia, David, El descubrimiento de la humanidad. Encuentros atlánticos en la era de Colón, Barcelona, Crítica, 2009 [2008]; Metcalf, Alida C., Go-Betweens and the Colonization of Brazil, 1500-1600, Austin, University of Texas Press, 2005; Vaz de Caminha, Pêro, Carta del descubrimiento del Brasil, Barcelona, Acantilado, 2009.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-12-03T14:17:24+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 47598, "end" : 47604 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Brasil" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/a0e4f01a-3b53-410f-b084-0479b3194b71", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://sws.geonames.org/3469034", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-12-03T14:17:24+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-12-03T14:17:24+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "MultiPolygon", "coordinates" : [ [ [ [ -44.657, -3.018 ], [ -44.608, -3.041 ], [ -44.72, -3.18 ], [ -44.793, -3.198 ], [ -44.779, -3.312 ], [ -44.736, -3.302 ], [ -44.763, -3.225 ], [ -44.653, -3.196 ], [ -44.431, -2.945 ], [ -44.367, -2.643 ], [ -44.362, -2.726 ], [ -44.355, -2.605 ], [ -44.378, -2.566 ], [ -44.345, -2.528 ], [ -44.29, -2.573 ], [ -44.306, -2.487 ], [ -44.02, -2.403 ], [ -44.03, -2.457 ], [ -44.108, -2.468 ], [ -44.035, -2.518 ], [ -44.131, -2.596 ], [ -44.147, -2.681 ], [ -44.219, -2.67 ], [ -44.209, -2.716 ], [ -44.345, -2.791 ], [ -44.347, -2.838 ], [ -44.315, -2.788 ], [ -44.3, -2.843 ], [ -44.266, -2.777 ], [ -44.225, -2.806 ], [ -44.184, -2.766 ], [ -44.208, -2.857 ], [ -44.111, -2.749 ], [ -44.072, -2.811 ], [ -44.05, -2.685 ], [ -43.981, -2.619 ], [ -43.946, -2.641 ], [ -43.933, -2.553 ], [ -43.883, -2.649 ], [ -43.887, -2.578 ], [ -43.803, -2.56 ], [ -43.76, -2.513 ], [ -43.754, -2.556 ], [ -43.729, -2.481 ], [ -43.727, -2.569 ], [ -43.654, -2.556 ], [ -43.682, -2.534 ], [ -43.653, -2.488 ], [ -43.608, -2.593 ], [ -43.603, -2.518 ], [ -43.548, -2.528 ], [ -43.519, -2.445 ], [ -43.498, -2.55 ], [ -43.46, -2.507 ], [ -43.458, -2.596 ], [ -43.401, -2.552 ], [ -43.448, -2.538 ], [ -43.462, -2.427 ], [ -43.359, -2.44 ], [ -43.479, -2.376 ], [ -43.378, -2.329 ], [ -43.4, -2.353 ], [ -43.232, -2.362 ], [ -42.692, -2.596 ], [ -42.709, -2.56 ], [ -42.572, -2.68 ], [ -42.495, -2.689 ], [ -42.503, -2.727 ], [ -42.393, -2.751 ], [ -42.475, -2.706 ], [ -42.375, -2.717 ], [ -42.228, -2.818 ], [ -42.143, -2.808 ], [ -42.256, -2.735 ], [ -42.233, -2.674 ], [ -42.208, -2.712 ], [ -42.098, -2.768 ], [ -42.099, -2.809 ], [ -42.096, -2.747 ], [ -42.216, -2.687 ], [ -42.054, -2.691 ], [ -42.023, -2.775 ], [ -42.017, -2.718 ], [ -41.818, -2.723 ], [ -41.844, -2.773 ], [ -41.797, -2.751 ], [ -41.656, -2.884 ], [ -41.437, -2.939 ], [ -41.395, -2.906 ], [ -41.316, -2.943 ], [ -41.263, -2.887 ], [ -40.838, -2.895 ], [ -40.572, -2.844 ], [ -40.499, -2.787 ], [ -39.888, -2.886 ], [ -39.244, -3.229 ], [ -39.083, -3.394 ], [ -38.978, -3.407 ], [ -38.641, -3.687 ], [ -38.473, -3.7 ], [ -38.377, -3.866 ], [ -38.043, -4.214 ], [ -37.764, -4.399 ], [ -37.588, -4.624 ], [ -37.323, -4.698 ], [ -37.15, -4.943 ], [ -36.958, -4.919 ], [ -36.666, -5.108 ], [ -36.504, -5.061 ], [ -36.297, -5.106 ], [ -35.956, -5.045 ], [ -35.612, -5.11 ], [ -35.385, -5.255 ], [ -35.255, -5.483 ], [ -35.099, -6.169 ], [ -34.983, -6.396 ], [ -34.933, -6.753 ], [ -34.79, -7.159 ], [ -34.842, -7.564 ], [ -34.809, -7.622 ], [ -34.845, -7.69 ], [ -34.827, -8.004 ], [ -35.136, -8.895 ], [ -35.332, -9.237 ], [ -35.689, -9.668 ], [ -35.78, -9.706 ], [ -36.056, -10.083 ], [ -36.266, -10.256 ], [ -36.402, -10.506 ], [ -36.602, -10.567 ], [ -36.934, -10.826 ], [ -37.36, -11.428 ], [ -37.612, -11.979 ], [ -37.996, -12.578 ], [ -38.318, -12.934 ], [ -38.477, -13.022 ], [ -38.532, -13.017 ], [ -38.473, -12.913 ], [ -38.498, -12.722 ], [ -38.603, -12.728 ], [ -38.646, -12.622 ], [ -38.681, -12.661 ], [ -38.718, -12.627 ], [ -38.804, -12.835 ], [ -38.717, -12.873 ], [ -38.769, -12.995 ], [ -38.721, -13.021 ], [ -38.66, -12.963 ], [ -38.686, -12.878 ], [ -38.59, -12.972 ], [ -38.766, -13.129 ], [ -38.807, -13.1 ], [ -38.808, -13.154 ], [ -38.944, -13.243 ], [ -38.973, -13.391 ], [ -38.902, -13.384 ], [ -38.886, -13.45 ], [ -38.95, -13.577 ], [ -38.886, -13.659 ], [ -38.968, -13.67 ], [ -39.006, -13.891 ], [ -39.064, -13.865 ], [ -39.075, -13.887 ], [ -38.986, -13.998 ], [ -38.952, -13.986 ], [ -38.982, -13.912 ], [ -38.938, -13.886 ], [ -38.922, -13.92 ], [ -39.061, -14.716 ], [ -38.962, -15.585 ], [ -38.857, -15.86 ], [ -38.973, -16.211 ], [ -39.032, -16.26 ], [ -39.01, -16.369 ], [ -39.078, -16.454 ], [ -39.143, -16.762 ], [ -39.113, -16.896 ], [ -39.212, -17.155 ], [ -39.193, -17.602 ], [ -39.135, -17.691 ], [ -39.264, -17.869 ], [ -39.435, -17.943 ], [ -39.563, -18.091 ], [ -39.721, -18.493 ], [ -39.749, -18.81 ], [ -39.692, -19.353 ], [ -39.805, -19.65 ], [ -39.951, -19.717 ], [ -40.151, -19.956 ], [ -40.236, -20.285 ], [ -40.353, -20.32 ], [ -40.329, -20.236 ], [ -40.359, -20.291 ], [ -40.365, -20.317 ], [ -40.35, -20.328 ], [ -40.268, -20.327 ], [ -40.402, -20.606 ], [ -40.466, -20.624 ], [ -40.627, -20.845 ], [ -40.65, -20.813 ], [ -40.756, -20.866 ], [ -40.853, -21.133 ], [ -40.955, -21.251 ], [ -40.96, -21.364 ], [ -41.065, -21.495 ], [ -41.051, -21.608 ], [ -41.038, -21.622 ], [ -41.007, -21.618 ], [ -40.99, -22.014 ], [ -41.229, -22.151 ], [ -41.668, -22.294 ], [ -41.962, -22.538 ], [ -41.986, -22.713 ], [ -41.919, -22.774 ], [ -41.864, -22.759 ], [ -42.023, -22.896 ], [ -42.037, -22.94 ], [ -41.99, -22.964 ], [ -42.018, -22.998 ], [ -42.086, -22.957 ], [ -42.529, -22.934 ], [ -43.05, -22.982 ], [ -43.132, -22.941 ], [ -43.025, -22.741 ], [ -43.084, -22.68 ], [ -43.216, -22.725 ], [ -43.287, -22.806 ], [ -43.24, -22.847 ], [ -43.249, -22.797 ], [ -43.156, -22.784 ], [ -43.247, -22.882 ], [ -43.164, -22.899 ], [ -43.187, -22.995 ], [ -43.344, -22.983 ], [ -43.303, -23.02 ], [ -43.549, -23.081 ], [ -44.001, -23.1 ], [ -43.961, -23.042 ], [ -43.877, -23.067 ], [ -43.909, -23.02 ], [ -43.807, -23.063 ], [ -43.555, -23.055 ], [ -43.84, -22.906 ], [ -43.985, -22.937 ], [ -44.034, -23.014 ], [ -44.044, -22.923 ], [ -44.107, -23.03 ], [ -44.234, -23.06 ], [ -44.238, -23.004 ], [ -44.358, -23.02 ], [ -44.296, -22.961 ], [ -44.321, -22.927 ], [ -44.378, -22.972 ], [ -44.407, -22.945 ], [ -44.443, -23.035 ], [ -44.669, -23.06 ], [ -44.712, -23.19 ], [ -44.701, -23.237 ], [ -44.645, -23.191 ], [ -44.612, -23.206 ], [ -44.685, -23.256 ], [ -44.611, -23.238 ], [ -44.652, -23.302 ], [ -44.558, -23.232 ], [ -44.577, -23.275 ], [ -44.498, -23.302 ], [ -44.583, -23.367 ], [ -44.669, -23.341 ], [ -44.84, -23.395 ], [ -44.905, -23.339 ], [ -45.05, -23.418 ], [ -45.016, -23.461 ], [ -45.079, -23.519 ], [ -45.165, -23.495 ], [ -45.159, -23.541 ], [ -45.228, -23.547 ], [ -45.211, -23.582 ], [ -45.41, -23.632 ], [ -45.412, -23.825 ], [ -45.934, -23.771 ], [ -46.124, -23.842 ], [ -46.2, -24.002 ], [ -46.288, -24.044 ], [ -46.321, -24 ], [ -46.458, -24.025 ], [ -46.937, -24.281 ], [ -47.024, -24.382 ], [ -47.004, -24.412 ], [ -47.86, -24.996 ], [ -47.914, -25.061 ], [ -47.915, -25.16 ], [ -48.213, -25.47 ], [ -48.254, -25.435 ], [ -48.222, -25.342 ], [ -48.208, -25.353 ], [ -48.121, -25.267 ], [ -48.253, -25.328 ], [ -48.284, -25.294 ], [ -48.317, -25.363 ], [ -48.327, -25.232 ], [ -48.366, -25.317 ], [ -48.433, -25.237 ], [ -48.428, -25.324 ], [ -48.5, -25.335 ], [ -48.427, -25.39 ], [ -48.449, -25.379 ], [ -48.468, -25.388 ], [ -48.467, -25.432 ], [ -48.449, -25.384 ], [ -48.414, -25.428 ], [ -48.476, -25.485 ], [ -48.637, -25.468 ], [ -48.661, -25.398 ], [ -48.671, -25.435 ], [ -48.739, -25.374 ], [ -48.68, -25.465 ], [ -48.687, -25.499 ], [ -48.737, -25.483 ], [ -48.703, -25.504 ], [ -48.617, -25.536 ], [ -48.512, -25.505 ], [ -48.482, -25.591 ], [ -48.46, -25.552 ], [ -48.35, -25.581 ], [ -48.565, -25.868 ], [ -48.614, -26.06 ], [ -48.586, -26.172 ], [ -48.714, -26.243 ], [ -48.795, -26.073 ], [ -48.837, -26.157 ], [ -48.798, -26.142 ], [ -48.763, -26.199 ], [ -48.805, -26.228 ], [ -48.769, -26.223 ], [ -48.761, -26.286 ], [ -48.803, -26.303 ], [ -48.723, -26.362 ], [ -48.635, -26.374 ], [ -48.714, -26.308 ], [ -48.554, -26.172 ], [ -48.493, -26.224 ], [ -48.695, -26.658 ], [ -48.665, -26.769 ], [ -48.583, -26.786 ], [ -48.655, -26.909 ], [ -48.62, -27.007 ], [ -48.574, -27.011 ], [ -48.607, -27.122 ], [ -48.554, -27.152 ], [ -48.51, -27.108 ], [ -48.469, -27.148 ], [ -48.511, -27.183 ], [ -48.486, -27.218 ], [ -48.531, -27.18 ], [ -48.612, -27.243 ], [ -48.596, -27.318 ], [ -48.529, -27.334 ], [ -48.649, -27.486 ], [ -48.572, -27.592 ], [ -48.653, -27.648 ], [ -48.575, -27.888 ], [ -48.761, -28.535 ], [ -48.813, -28.605 ], [ -49.37, -28.92 ], [ -49.334, -28.921 ], [ -49.702, -29.308 ], [ -50.006, -29.749 ], [ -50.316, -30.472 ], [ -50.848, -31.205 ], [ -51.303, -31.613 ], [ -51.877, -31.952 ], [ -52.071, -32.188 ], [ -52.012, -31.946 ], [ -52.092, -31.837 ], [ -51.851, -31.865 ], [ -51.777, -31.805 ], [ -51.854, -31.797 ], [ -51.65, -31.759 ], [ -51.478, -31.562 ], [ -51.43, -31.622 ], [ -51.458, -31.548 ], [ -51.424, -31.478 ], [ -51.351, -31.529 ], [ -51.234, -31.458 ], [ -51.16, -31.31 ], [ -51.166, -31.063 ], [ -51.109, -31.097 ], [ -50.985, -31.042 ], [ -50.965, -30.893 ], [ -50.888, -30.893 ], [ -50.705, -30.756 ], [ -50.677, -30.61 ], [ -50.725, -30.371 ], [ -50.692, -30.355 ], [ -50.625, -30.409 ], [ -50.641, -30.459 ], [ -50.569, -30.471 ], [ -50.534, -30.278 ], [ -50.601, -30.194 ], [ -50.659, -30.201 ], [ -50.661, -30.293 ], [ -50.918, -30.333 ], [ -50.934, -30.42 ], [ -50.889, -30.439 ], [ -50.921, -30.44 ], [ -51.052, -30.395 ], [ -51.034, -30.276 ], [ -51.146, -30.267 ], [ -51.246, -30.188 ], [ -51.23, -30.043 ], [ -51.295, -30.007 ], [ -51.326, -30.23 ], [ -51.271, -30.25 ], [ -51.293, -30.295 ], [ -51.246, -30.33 ], [ -51.209, -30.3 ], [ -51.179, -30.383 ], [ -51.092, -30.367 ], [ -51.129, -30.436 ], [ -51.202, -30.413 ], [ -51.269, -30.489 ], [ -51.282, -30.811 ], [ -51.33, -30.777 ], [ -51.294, -30.758 ], [ -51.319, -30.64 ], [ -51.375, -30.635 ], [ -51.404, -30.769 ], [ -51.367, -30.874 ], [ -51.457, -30.874 ], [ -51.501, -30.935 ], [ -51.436, -31.088 ], [ -51.611, -31.138 ], [ -51.613, -31.272 ], [ -51.915, -31.313 ], [ -52.002, -31.449 ], [ -52.031, -31.693 ], [ -52.218, -31.747 ], [ -52.247, -31.871 ], [ -52.106, -31.952 ], [ -52.216, -31.963 ], [ -52.263, -32.062 ], [ -52.209, -32.045 ], [ -52.225, -32.096 ], [ -52.082, -32.033 ], [ -52.162, -32.128 ], [ -52.09, -32.069 ], [ -52.084, -32.186 ], [ -52.16, -32.201 ], [ -52.341, -32.43 ], [ -52.488, -32.844 ], [ -52.66, -33.165 ], [ -53.227, -33.658 ], [ -53.421, -33.741 ], [ -53.524, -33.689 ], [ -53.515, -33.163 ], [ -53.434, -33.054 ], [ -53.243, -32.936 ], [ -53.294, -32.911 ], [ -53.074, -32.746 ], [ -53.244, -32.605 ], [ -53.39, -32.583 ], [ -53.46, -32.48 ], [ -53.595, -32.432 ], [ -53.73, -32.157 ], [ -53.714, -32.104 ], [ -53.965, -31.919 ], [ -54.096, -31.906 ], [ -54.466, -31.666 ], [ -54.491, -31.54 ], [ -54.591, -31.448 ], [ -54.836, -31.446 ], [ -54.945, -31.392 ], [ -55.014, -31.285 ], [ -55.091, -31.326 ], [ -55.245, -31.257 ], [ -55.374, -31.038 ], [ -55.594, -30.848 ], [ -55.635, -30.857 ], [ -55.657, -30.956 ], [ -55.87, -31.08 ], [ -56.008, -31.063 ], [ -55.987, -30.86 ], [ -56.021, -30.784 ], [ -56.127, -30.739 ], [ -56.177, -30.614 ], [ -56.384, -30.495 ], [ -56.459, -30.387 ], [ -56.545, -30.364 ], [ -56.54, -30.312 ], [ -56.617, -30.303 ], [ -56.644, -30.205 ], [ -56.776, -30.166 ], [ -56.804, -30.107 ], [ -57.068, -30.088 ], [ -57.207, -30.281 ], [ -57.313, -30.26 ], [ -57.396, -30.303 ], [ -57.538, -30.275 ], [ -57.618, -30.179 ], [ -57.505, -30.143 ], [ -57.342, -30.001 ], [ -57.319, -29.87 ], [ -57.254, -29.794 ], [ -57.105, -29.752 ], [ -56.972, -29.639 ], [ -56.676, -29.321 ], [ -56.593, -29.123 ], [ -56.425, -29.073 ], [ -56.285, -28.794 ], [ -56.185, -28.771 ], [ -56.016, -28.611 ], [ -56.011, -28.509 ], [ -55.888, -28.479 ], [ -55.875, -28.362 ], [ -55.696, -28.425 ], [ -55.671, -28.333 ], [ -55.773, -28.247 ], [ -55.605, -28.123 ], [ -55.554, -28.164 ], [ -55.496, -28.081 ], [ -55.444, -28.097 ], [ -55.323, -27.928 ], [ -55.196, -27.863 ], [ -55.134, -27.895 ], [ -55.117, -27.853 ], [ -55.032, -27.854 ], [ -55.082, -27.789 ], [ -54.941, -27.775 ], [ -54.809, -27.536 ], [ -54.781, -27.586 ], [ -54.683, -27.576 ], [ -54.678, -27.514 ], [ -54.624, -27.55 ], [ -54.576, -27.458 ], [ -54.525, -27.507 ], [ -54.415, -27.412 ], [ -54.353, -27.468 ], [ -54.339, -27.406 ], [ -54.282, -27.447 ], [ -54.176, -27.261 ], [ -54.089, -27.303 ], [ -53.949, -27.158 ], [ -53.799, -27.147 ], [ -53.795, -27.048 ], [ -53.761, -27.068 ], [ -53.662, -26.869 ], [ -53.751, -26.745 ], [ -53.707, -26.563 ], [ -53.738, -26.548 ], [ -53.592, -26.265 ], [ -53.722, -26.13 ], [ -53.733, -26.047 ], [ -53.837, -25.969 ], [ -53.824, -25.793 ], [ -53.891, -25.625 ], [ -53.951, -25.644 ], [ -54.016, -25.569 ], [ -54.101, -25.625 ], [ -54.111, -25.504 ], [ -54.213, -25.554 ], [ -54.184, -25.591 ], [ -54.289, -25.562 ], [ -54.387, -25.608 ], [ -54.43, -25.706 ], [ -54.596, -25.595 ], [ -54.617, -25.459 ], [ -54.437, -25.157 ], [ -54.458, -25.031 ], [ -54.336, -24.649 ], [ -54.333, -24.493 ], [ -54.262, -24.376 ], [ -54.33, -24.225 ], [ -54.282, -24.075 ], [ -54.411, -23.929 ], [ -54.668, -23.815 ], [ -55.061, -23.991 ], [ -55.112, -23.963 ], [ -55.226, -24.013 ], [ -55.413, -23.961 ], [ -55.434, -23.714 ], [ -55.535, -23.614 ], [ -55.522, -23.197 ], [ -55.596, -23.141 ], [ -55.64, -22.994 ], [ -55.685, -22.992 ], [ -55.613, -22.659 ], [ -55.736, -22.532 ], [ -55.74, -22.396 ], [ -55.854, -22.281 ], [ -56.208, -22.281 ], [ -56.341, -22.206 ], [ -56.403, -22.078 ], [ -56.519, -22.103 ], [ -56.643, -22.261 ], [ -56.698, -22.216 ], [ -56.728, -22.26 ], [ -56.808, -22.25 ], [ -56.831, -22.3 ], [ -57.001, -22.225 ], [ -57.203, -22.21 ], [ -57.243, -22.244 ], [ -57.553, -22.181 ], [ -57.616, -22.096 ], [ -57.803, -22.148 ], [ -57.989, -22.085 ], [ -58.005, -22.032 ], [ -57.919, -21.881 ], [ -57.969, -21.844 ], [ -57.913, -21.793 ], [ -57.947, -21.747 ], [ -57.894, -21.687 ], [ -57.968, -21.528 ], [ -57.855, -21.339 ], [ -57.918, -21.278 ], [ -57.854, -21.226 ], [ -57.866, -21.041 ], [ -57.818, -20.976 ], [ -57.927, -20.897 ], [ -57.855, -20.835 ], [ -57.961, -20.784 ], [ -57.869, -20.736 ], [ -57.923, -20.666 ], [ -57.988, -20.696 ], [ -57.994, -20.448 ], [ -58.082, -20.372 ], [ -58.092, -20.257 ], [ -58.154, -20.264 ], [ -58.125, -20.188 ], [ -58.163, -20.162 ], [ -57.872, -19.979 ], [ -58.134, -19.761 ], [ -57.79, -19.051 ], [ -57.709, -19.034 ], [ -57.757, -18.858 ], [ -57.56, -18.263 ], [ -57.458, -18.228 ], [ -57.568, -18.136 ], [ -57.702, -17.86 ], [ -57.715, -17.735 ], [ -57.785, -17.645 ], [ -57.773, -17.553 ], [ -57.878, -17.463 ], [ -58.003, -17.52 ], [ -58.114, -17.456 ], [ -58.395, -17.197 ], [ -58.421, -16.99 ], [ -58.47, -16.939 ], [ -58.468, -16.702 ], [ -58.442, -16.613 ], [ -58.34, -16.542 ], [ -58.309, -16.27 ], [ -58.471, -16.325 ], [ -60.173, -16.265 ], [ -60.236, -15.476 ], [ -60.565, -15.105 ], [ -60.253, -15.101 ], [ -60.257, -14.624 ], [ -60.338, -14.555 ], [ -60.482, -14.181 ], [ -60.468, -14.092 ], [ -60.378, -13.992 ], [ -60.468, -13.886 ], [ -60.468, -13.801 ], [ -60.793, -13.686 ], [ -60.962, -13.539 ], [ -61.044, -13.541 ], [ -61.028, -13.477 ], [ -61.069, -13.463 ], [ -61.139, -13.521 ], [ -61.249, -13.525 ], [ -61.33, -13.473 ], [ -61.486, -13.554 ], [ -61.578, -13.494 ], [ -61.824, -13.539 ], [ -61.866, -13.443 ], [ -62.108, -13.257 ], [ -62.109, -13.149 ], [ -62.165, -13.112 ], [ -62.368, -13.145 ], [ -62.464, -13.07 ], [ -62.637, -13.041 ], [ -62.674, -12.965 ], [ -62.764, -13.023 ], [ -62.923, -12.854 ], [ -62.996, -12.85 ], [ -63.082, -12.653 ], [ -63.327, -12.705 ], [ -63.482, -12.557 ], [ -63.712, -12.458 ], [ -63.875, -12.469 ], [ -63.937, -12.557 ], [ -64.127, -12.494 ], [ -64.152, -12.529 ], [ -64.215, -12.476 ], [ -64.278, -12.511 ], [ -64.493, -12.366 ], [ -64.486, -12.23 ], [ -64.654, -12.186 ], [ -64.683, -12.099 ], [ -64.725, -12.162 ], [ -64.798, -12.035 ], [ -64.993, -11.999 ], [ -65.048, -11.757 ], [ -65.112, -11.741 ], [ -65.106, -11.697 ], [ -65.135, -11.777 ], [ -65.201, -11.745 ], [ -65.161, -11.622 ], [ -65.218, -11.521 ], [ -65.299, -11.5 ], [ -65.338, -11.392 ], [ -65.31, -11.341 ], [ -65.385, -11.269 ], [ -65.349, -11.239 ], [ -65.391, -11.167 ], [ -65.318, -11.105 ], [ -65.336, -11.044 ], [ -65.269, -10.901 ], [ -65.366, -10.798 ], [ -65.349, -10.671 ], [ -65.426, -10.638 ], [ -65.429, -10.473 ], [ -65.28, -10.218 ], [ -65.327, -9.938 ], [ -65.29, -9.851 ], [ -65.377, -9.698 ], [ -65.488, -9.718 ], [ -65.563, -9.834 ], [ -65.669, -9.779 ], [ -65.7, -9.803 ], [ -65.689, -9.749 ], [ -65.748, -9.77 ], [ -65.777, -9.727 ], [ -65.798, -9.786 ], [ -65.81, -9.75 ], [ -65.86, -9.794 ], [ -65.872, -9.757 ], [ -66.018, -9.807 ], [ -66.064, -9.772 ], [ -66.422, -9.895 ], [ -66.616, -9.893 ], [ -66.623, -9.935 ], [ -66.883, -10.081 ], [ -67.029, -10.254 ], [ -67.186, -10.339 ], [ -67.315, -10.316 ], [ -67.327, -10.374 ], [ -67.414, -10.372 ], [ -67.443, -10.45 ], [ -67.594, -10.523 ], [ -67.715, -10.707 ], [ -68.021, -10.661 ], [ -68.119, -10.726 ], [ -68.283, -10.987 ], [ -68.519, -11.048 ], [ -68.587, -11.11 ], [ -68.769, -11.139 ], [ -68.751, -11.007 ], [ -68.787, -10.99 ], [ -68.871, -11.023 ], [ -69.393, -10.929 ], [ -69.728, -10.973 ], [ -69.938, -10.926 ], [ -70.318, -11.066 ], [ -70.428, -11.033 ], [ -70.508, -10.94 ], [ -70.618, -11.007 ], [ -70.622, -9.847 ], [ -70.522, -9.738 ], [ -70.598, -9.574 ], [ -70.561, -9.579 ], [ -70.497, -9.433 ], [ -70.601, -9.453 ], [ -70.982, -9.812 ], [ -71.131, -9.862 ], [ -71.288, -9.996 ], [ -72.165, -10.002 ], [ -72.16, -9.818 ], [ -72.26, -9.755 ], [ -72.289, -9.536 ], [ -72.364, -9.491 ], [ -72.721, -9.417 ], [ -73.196, -9.418 ], [ -72.965, -9.154 ], [ -72.946, -8.99 ], [ -73.059, -8.904 ], [ -73.169, -8.701 ], [ -73.338, -8.609 ], [ -73.338, -8.476 ], [ -73.526, -8.369 ], [ -73.632, -8.022 ], [ -73.765, -7.94 ], [ -73.777, -7.869 ], [ -73.697, -7.865 ], [ -73.69, -7.79 ], [ -73.985, -7.543 ], [ -73.917, -7.461 ], [ -73.954, -7.348 ], [ -73.868, -7.377 ], [ -73.691, -7.313 ], [ -73.797, -7.115 ], [ -73.743, -6.897 ], [ -73.351, -6.561 ], [ -73.211, -6.53 ], [ -73.133, -6.421 ], [ -73.185, -6.04 ], [ -73.131, -5.986 ], [ -73.116, -5.865 ], [ -72.951, -5.643 ], [ -72.948, -5.454 ], [ -72.872, -5.25 ], [ -72.896, -5.136 ], [ -72.734, -5.043 ], [ -72.602, -5.056 ], [ -72.577, -4.992 ], [ -72.455, -4.962 ], [ -72.452, -4.906 ], [ -72.37, -4.88 ], [ -72.356, -4.803 ], [ -72.292, -4.799 ], [ -72.313, -4.769 ], [ -72.223, -4.78 ], [ -72.113, -4.722 ], [ -72.047, -4.625 ], [ -71.94, -4.607 ], [ -71.897, -4.512 ], [ -71.61, -4.465 ], [ -71.597, -4.525 ], [ -71.535, -4.46 ], [ -71.49, -4.479 ], [ -71.506, -4.435 ], [ -71.414, -4.432 ], [ -71.432, -4.469 ], [ -71.342, -4.423 ], [ -71.355, -4.468 ], [ -71.303, -4.458 ], [ -71.269, -4.381 ], [ -71.198, -4.377 ], [ -71.193, -4.42 ], [ -71.147, -4.375 ], [ -71.031, -4.397 ], [ -70.99, -4.34 ], [ -70.935, -4.381 ], [ -70.757, -4.152 ], [ -70.677, -4.2 ], [ -70.622, -4.121 ], [ -70.633, -4.173 ], [ -70.565, -4.168 ], [ -70.566, -4.205 ], [ -70.553, -4.128 ], [ -70.503, -4.19 ], [ -70.434, -4.125 ], [ -70.341, -4.174 ], [ -70.317, -4.136 ], [ -70.291, -4.283 ], [ -70.249, -4.267 ], [ -70.186, -4.357 ], [ -70.169, -4.27 ], [ -70.101, -4.255 ], [ -70.031, -4.339 ], [ -69.929, -4.213 ], [ -69.453, -1.478 ], [ -69.368, -1.334 ], [ -69.422, -0.998 ], [ -69.508, -0.936 ], [ -69.609, -0.755 ], [ -69.551, -0.648 ], [ -69.593, -0.517 ], [ -69.908, -0.316 ], [ -70.068, -0.135 ], [ -70.037, 0.553 ], [ -69.798, 0.585 ], [ -69.664, 0.672 ], [ -69.606, 0.623 ], [ -69.468, 0.734 ], [ -69.357, 0.621 ], [ -69.295, 0.648 ], [ -69.288, 0.609 ], [ -69.202, 0.602 ], [ -69.112, 0.643 ], [ -69.184, 0.73 ], [ -69.137, 0.868 ], [ -69.257, 1.026 ], [ -69.342, 1.064 ], [ -69.416, 1.024 ], [ -69.7, 1.056 ], [ -69.721, 1.097 ], [ -69.854, 1.07 ], [ -69.855, 1.715 ], [ -69.556, 1.775 ], [ -69.395, 1.726 ], [ -68.128, 1.73 ], [ -68.29, 1.841 ], [ -68.205, 2.038 ], [ -68.027, 1.784 ], [ -67.924, 1.751 ], [ -67.797, 1.812 ], [ -67.578, 2.076 ], [ -67.41, 2.141 ], [ -67.117, 1.732 ], [ -67.068, 1.532 ], [ -67.097, 1.17 ], [ -66.855, 1.228 ], [ -66.322, 0.738 ], [ -66.095, 0.754 ], [ -65.952, 0.81 ], [ -65.854, 0.939 ], [ -65.733, 1.005 ], [ -65.583, 1.008 ], [ -65.47, 0.877 ], [ -65.557, 0.705 ], [ -65.504, 0.627 ], [ -65.393, 0.699 ], [ -65.305, 0.916 ], [ -65.152, 0.943 ], [ -65.121, 1.115 ], [ -65.055, 1.144 ], [ -64.968, 1.112 ], [ -64.903, 1.249 ], [ -64.843, 1.237 ], [ -64.783, 1.313 ], [ -64.721, 1.25 ], [ -64.638, 1.286 ], [ -64.387, 1.527 ], [ -64.344, 1.528 ], [ -64.382, 1.419 ], [ -64.344, 1.38 ], [ -64.186, 1.494 ], [ -64.054, 1.708 ], [ -64.057, 1.933 ], [ -64.018, 1.967 ], [ -63.781, 1.989 ], [ -63.604, 2.124 ], [ -63.419, 2.154 ], [ -63.349, 2.281 ], [ -63.382, 2.442 ], [ -63.756, 2.403 ], [ -64.031, 2.509 ], [ -63.987, 2.772 ], [ -64.216, 3.153 ], [ -64.236, 3.476 ], [ -64.186, 3.634 ], [ -64.324, 3.797 ], [ -64.543, 3.882 ], [ -64.8, 4.224 ], [ -64.79, 4.329 ], [ -64.677, 4.297 ], [ -64.555, 4.153 ], [ -64.135, 4.176 ], [ -63.967, 3.93 ], [ -63.806, 4.019 ], [ -63.623, 4.01 ], [ -63.455, 3.91 ], [ -63.411, 4.026 ], [ -63.358, 4.04 ], [ -63.203, 3.952 ], [ -63.189, 3.872 ], [ -62.86, 3.584 ], [ -62.749, 3.642 ], [ -62.705, 3.724 ], [ -62.752, 4.012 ], [ -62.635, 4.056 ], [ -62.557, 4.02 ], [ -62.46, 4.173 ], [ -62.129, 4.084 ], [ -61.961, 4.18 ], [ -61.927, 4.106 ], [ -61.723, 4.262 ], [ -61.528, 4.273 ], [ -61.507, 4.398 ], [ -61.274, 4.471 ], [ -61.293, 4.55 ], [ -61.141, 4.508 ], [ -60.952, 4.549 ], [ -60.907, 4.708 ], [ -60.731, 4.777 ], [ -60.59, 4.951 ], [ -60.744, 5.209 ], [ -60.438, 5.177 ], [ -60.203, 5.265 ], [ -60.176, 5.227 ], [ -60.121, 5.243 ], [ -60.085, 5.149 ], [ -59.969, 5.073 ], [ -60.03, 4.704 ], [ -60.163, 4.521 ], [ -59.927, 4.509 ], [ -59.674, 4.382 ], [ -59.726, 4.191 ], [ -59.628, 4.138 ], [ -59.655, 4.078 ], [ -59.516, 3.94 ], [ -59.581, 3.901 ], [ -59.594, 3.796 ], [ -59.666, 3.777 ], [ -59.664, 3.703 ], [ -59.849, 3.601 ], [ -59.799, 3.355 ], [ -59.909, 3.197 ], [ -59.982, 2.929 ], [ -59.99, 2.683 ], [ -59.903, 2.479 ], [ -59.91, 2.388 ], [ -59.724, 2.277 ], [ -59.754, 1.861 ], [ -59.654, 1.849 ], [ -59.669, 1.764 ], [ -59.549, 1.729 ], [ -59.253, 1.397 ], [ -58.914, 1.299 ], [ -58.904, 1.234 ], [ -58.804, 1.175 ], [ -58.696, 1.288 ], [ -58.507, 1.264 ], [ -58.468, 1.318 ], [ -58.498, 1.458 ], [ -58.382, 1.471 ], [ -58.325, 1.59 ], [ -58.167, 1.558 ], [ -58.13, 1.501 ], [ -58.009, 1.501 ], [ -58, 1.665 ], [ -57.919, 1.645 ], [ -57.77, 1.718 ], [ -57.545, 1.701 ], [ -57.434, 1.895 ], [ -57.302, 1.99 ], [ -57.247, 1.944 ], [ -57.085, 2.021 ], [ -57.012, 1.918 ], [ -56.8, 1.864 ], [ -56.724, 1.92 ], [ -56.454, 1.945 ], [ -55.957, 1.844 ], [ -55.906, 1.889 ], [ -55.913, 2.041 ], [ -56.048, 2.226 ], [ -56.134, 2.263 ], [ -56.09, 2.352 ], [ -55.995, 2.405 ], [ -55.987, 2.517 ], [ -55.948, 2.532 ], [ -55.739, 2.401 ], [ -55.481, 2.443 ], [ -55.37, 2.407 ], [ -55.336, 2.516 ], [ -55.239, 2.495 ], [ -55.137, 2.575 ], [ -55.103, 2.522 ], [ -54.94, 2.632 ], [ -54.969, 2.555 ], [ -54.864, 2.439 ], [ -54.72, 2.469 ], [ -54.702, 2.336 ], [ -54.549, 2.336 ], [ -54.534, 2.268 ], [ -54.314, 2.158 ], [ -54.189, 2.179 ], [ -54.111, 2.127 ], [ -54.078, 2.197 ], [ -53.784, 2.364 ], [ -53.694, 2.287 ], [ -53.472, 2.332 ], [ -53.397, 2.272 ], [ -53.273, 2.292 ], [ -53.188, 2.223 ], [ -52.905, 2.19 ], [ -52.853, 2.285 ], [ -52.673, 2.374 ], [ -52.555, 2.523 ], [ -52.556, 2.646 ], [ -52.382, 2.912 ], [ -52.347, 3.134 ], [ -52.192, 3.296 ], [ -51.92, 3.781 ], [ -51.795, 3.89 ], [ -51.754, 3.996 ], [ -51.658, 4.049 ], [ -51.585, 4.241 ], [ -51.529, 4.171 ], [ -51.545, 4.397 ], [ -51.202, 4.084 ], [ -51.173, 3.767 ], [ -51.127, 3.911 ], [ -51.085, 3.895 ], [ -51.051, 3.283 ], [ -50.913, 2.875 ], [ -50.927, 2.807 ], [ -50.816, 2.644 ], [ -50.851, 2.482 ], [ -50.802, 2.508 ], [ -50.736, 2.414 ], [ -50.765, 2.359 ], [ -50.694, 2.276 ], [ -50.725, 2.252 ], [ -50.675, 2.247 ], [ -50.682, 2.137 ], [ -50.584, 2.091 ], [ -50.586, 2.014 ], [ -50.471, 1.82 ], [ -50.194, 1.794 ], [ -49.954, 1.676 ], [ -49.88, 1.419 ], [ -49.918, 1.289 ], [ -50.073, 1.204 ], [ -49.918, 1.232 ], [ -49.939, 1.103 ], [ -50.003, 1.066 ], [ -50.033, 1.107 ], [ -50.131, 0.949 ], [ -50.274, 0.866 ], [ -50.338, 0.729 ], [ -50.417, 0.685 ], [ -50.455, 0.732 ], [ -50.428, 0.679 ], [ -50.571, 0.424 ], [ -50.691, 0.3 ], [ -50.677, 0.365 ], [ -50.746, 0.227 ], [ -50.801, 0.224 ], [ -50.785, 0.183 ], [ -50.908, 0.171 ], [ -51.087, -0.043 ], [ -51.203, -0.055 ], [ -51.419, -0.412 ], [ -51.409, -0.44 ], [ -51.325, -0.364 ], [ -51.188, -0.14 ], [ -51.111, -0.154 ], [ -51.154, -0.284 ], [ -51.396, -0.493 ], [ -51.243, -0.443 ], [ -51.26, -0.5 ], [ -51.165, -0.431 ], [ -50.953, -0.061 ], [ -50.824, -0.048 ], [ -50.705, 0.002 ], [ -50.613, -0.088 ], [ -50.744, -0.244 ], [ -50.751, -0.429 ], [ -50.845, -0.526 ], [ -50.988, -0.583 ], [ -51.051, -0.682 ], [ -50.826, -0.555 ], [ -50.794, -0.666 ], [ -50.733, -0.557 ], [ -50.684, -0.604 ], [ -50.724, -0.493 ], [ -50.652, -0.276 ], [ -50.409, -0.094 ], [ -49.631, -0.247 ], [ -49.446, -0.23 ], [ -49.289, -0.145 ], [ -49.018, -0.16 ], [ -49, -0.139 ], [ -48.895, -0.224 ], [ -48.539, -0.234 ], [ -48.363, -0.303 ], [ -48.459, -0.513 ], [ -48.522, -0.877 ], [ -48.667, -1.002 ], [ -48.621, -1.005 ], [ -48.65, -1.048 ], [ -48.617, -1.053 ], [ -48.721, -1.137 ], [ -48.837, -1.452 ], [ -49.161, -1.575 ], [ -49.182, -1.623 ], [ -49.362, -1.604 ], [ -49.364, -1.642 ], [ -49.448, -1.637 ], [ -49.5, -1.738 ], [ -49.61, -1.718 ], [ -49.676, -1.78 ], [ -49.696, -1.757 ], [ -49.714, -1.76 ], [ -49.803, -1.822 ], [ -50.035, -1.717 ], [ -50.179, -1.787 ], [ -50.256, -1.776 ], [ -50.415, -1.841 ], [ -50.401, -1.935 ], [ -49.994, -1.819 ], [ -49.844, -1.905 ], [ -49.765, -1.898 ], [ -49.616, -1.79 ], [ -49.276, -1.706 ], [ -49.267, -1.778 ], [ -49.387, -1.977 ], [ -49.383, -2.159 ], [ -48.973, -1.594 ], [ -48.897, -1.573 ], [ -48.955, -1.712 ], [ -48.932, -1.75 ], [ -48.898, -1.743 ], [ -48.656, -1.371 ], [ -48.592, -1.429 ], [ -48.601, -1.306 ], [ -48.524, -1.338 ], [ -48.537, -1.467 ], [ -48.496, -1.553 ], [ -48.491, -1.502 ], [ -48.46, -1.533 ], [ -48.374, -1.511 ], [ -48.319, -1.478 ], [ -48.505, -1.471 ], [ -48.422, -1.168 ], [ -48.475, -1.144 ], [ -48.4, -1.066 ], [ -48.278, -1.111 ], [ -48.304, -0.948 ], [ -48.055, -0.668 ], [ -48.001, -0.731 ], [ -47.893, -0.553 ], [ -47.843, -0.616 ], [ -47.807, -0.547 ], [ -47.702, -0.54 ], [ -47.707, -0.59 ], [ -47.667, -0.569 ], [ -47.633, -0.608 ], [ -47.651, -0.694 ], [ -47.608, -0.684 ], [ -47.577, -0.573 ], [ -47.476, -0.757 ], [ -47.398, -0.76 ], [ -47.428, -0.693 ], [ -47.464, -0.687 ], [ -47.466, -0.594 ], [ -47.399, -0.594 ], [ -47.4, -0.645 ], [ -47.298, -0.589 ], [ -47.253, -0.668 ], [ -47.247, -0.623 ], [ -47.206, -0.633 ], [ -47.23, -0.719 ], [ -47.158, -0.678 ], [ -47.191, -0.754 ], [ -47.146, -0.764 ], [ -47.16, -0.815 ], [ -47.081, -0.661 ], [ -47.055, -0.868 ], [ -47.027, -0.784 ], [ -46.983, -0.806 ], [ -47.016, -0.752 ], [ -46.967, -0.694 ], [ -46.969, -0.78 ], [ -46.891, -0.869 ], [ -46.89, -0.789 ], [ -46.846, -0.799 ], [ -46.82, -0.71 ], [ -46.802, -0.877 ], [ -46.777, -0.905 ], [ -46.75, -0.826 ], [ -46.709, -0.86 ], [ -46.734, -0.944 ], [ -46.687, -0.831 ], [ -46.653, -0.882 ], [ -46.621, -0.818 ], [ -46.601, -0.917 ], [ -46.676, -0.965 ], [ -46.622, -0.987 ], [ -46.57, -0.947 ], [ -46.609, -1.03 ], [ -46.57, -0.988 ], [ -46.525, -1.027 ], [ -46.465, -1.007 ], [ -46.47, -1.044 ], [ -46.395, -1.037 ], [ -46.413, -1.084 ], [ -46.348, -0.982 ], [ -46.36, -1.011 ], [ -46.366, -1.031 ], [ -46.348, -1.079 ], [ -46.339, -1.015 ], [ -46.299, -1.05 ], [ -46.212, -0.946 ], [ -46.242, -0.921 ], [ -46.179, -0.914 ], [ -46.224, -1.053 ], [ -46.206, -1.1 ], [ -46.158, -1.014 ], [ -46.138, -1.032 ], [ -46.193, -1.143 ], [ -46.104, -1.067 ], [ -46.062, -1.133 ], [ -46.15, -1.258 ], [ -45.982, -1.071 ], [ -45.953, -1.147 ], [ -46, -1.151 ], [ -46, -1.199 ], [ -45.95, -1.159 ], [ -45.95, -1.207 ], [ -46, -1.209 ], [ -45.95, -1.25 ], [ -45.902, -1.134 ], [ -45.923, -1.214 ], [ -45.882, -1.167 ], [ -45.873, -1.211 ], [ -45.909, -1.261 ], [ -45.859, -1.231 ], [ -45.891, -1.293 ], [ -45.807, -1.176 ], [ -45.843, -1.301 ], [ -45.809, -1.328 ], [ -45.831, -1.298 ], [ -45.782, -1.278 ], [ -45.726, -1.135 ], [ -45.69, -1.452 ], [ -45.697, -1.38 ], [ -45.632, -1.371 ], [ -45.618, -1.279 ], [ -45.589, -1.329 ], [ -45.537, -1.273 ], [ -45.561, -1.343 ], [ -45.51, -1.352 ], [ -45.567, -1.404 ], [ -45.546, -1.432 ], [ -45.413, -1.296 ], [ -45.489, -1.473 ], [ -45.511, -1.458 ], [ -45.554, -1.503 ], [ -45.507, -1.471 ], [ -45.518, -1.516 ], [ -45.481, -1.495 ], [ -45.463, -1.548 ], [ -45.457, -1.457 ], [ -45.391, -1.434 ], [ -45.363, -1.325 ], [ -45.323, -1.319 ], [ -45.302, -1.424 ], [ -45.392, -1.485 ], [ -45.398, -1.503 ], [ -45.356, -1.487 ], [ -45.392, -1.553 ], [ -45.338, -1.572 ], [ -45.371, -1.722 ], [ -45.338, -1.753 ], [ -45.197, -1.688 ], [ -45.261, -1.607 ], [ -45.16, -1.475 ], [ -45.136, -1.521 ], [ -45.072, -1.435 ], [ -45.07, -1.485 ], [ -44.999, -1.504 ], [ -45.018, -1.547 ], [ -44.969, -1.549 ], [ -45.029, -1.583 ], [ -45.029, -1.602 ], [ -44.979, -1.607 ], [ -44.954, -1.498 ], [ -44.862, -1.426 ], [ -44.857, -1.498 ], [ -44.954, -1.605 ], [ -44.918, -1.649 ], [ -44.968, -1.662 ], [ -44.913, -1.657 ], [ -44.927, -1.62 ], [ -44.886, -1.609 ], [ -44.837, -1.65 ], [ -44.822, -1.591 ], [ -44.826, -1.637 ], [ -44.805, -1.609 ], [ -44.812, -1.665 ], [ -44.779, -1.735 ], [ -44.711, -1.728 ], [ -44.82, -1.819 ], [ -44.738, -1.791 ], [ -44.706, -1.819 ], [ -44.676, -1.808 ], [ -44.661, -1.727 ], [ -44.604, -1.749 ], [ -44.667, -1.849 ], [ -44.601, -1.858 ], [ -44.583, -1.817 ], [ -44.586, -1.873 ], [ -44.543, -1.833 ], [ -44.601, -1.909 ], [ -44.517, -1.907 ], [ -44.484, -2.002 ], [ -44.613, -2.037 ], [ -44.467, -2.017 ], [ -44.626, -2.151 ], [ -44.589, -2.159 ], [ -44.641, -2.232 ], [ -44.708, -2.23 ], [ -44.684, -2.275 ], [ -44.764, -2.265 ], [ -44.654, -2.294 ], [ -44.681, -2.354 ], [ -44.649, -2.373 ], [ -44.666, -2.329 ], [ -44.479, -2.137 ], [ -44.358, -2.335 ], [ -44.401, -2.416 ], [ -44.514, -2.384 ], [ -44.55, -2.4 ], [ -44.491, -2.415 ], [ -44.514, -2.448 ], [ -44.505, -2.476 ], [ -44.665, -2.608 ], [ -44.548, -2.542 ], [ -44.658, -2.781 ], [ -44.688, -2.924 ], [ -44.677, -3.019 ], [ -44.66, -3.02 ], [ -44.657, -3.018 ] ], [ [ -43.318, -2.361 ], [ -43.317, -2.363 ], [ -43.296, -2.363 ], [ -43.318, -2.361 ] ], [ [ -42.438, -2.747 ], [ -42.442, -2.749 ], [ -42.438, -2.75 ], [ -42.438, -2.747 ] ], [ [ -42.442, -2.749 ], [ -42.47, -2.744 ], [ -42.447, -2.753 ], [ -42.442, -2.749 ] ], [ [ -50.851, 2.482 ], [ -50.853, 2.481 ], [ -50.853, 2.48 ], [ -50.851, 2.482 ] ], [ [ -50.853, 2.481 ], [ -50.86, 2.495 ], [ -50.86, 2.477 ], [ -50.853, 2.481 ] ], [ [ -49.976, 1.659 ], [ -49.98, 1.659 ], [ -50, 1.639 ], [ -49.976, 1.659 ] ], [ [ -45.392, -1.553 ], [ -45.393, -1.553 ], [ -45.394, -1.556 ], [ -45.392, -1.553 ] ], [ [ -45.394, -1.556 ], [ -45.406, -1.579 ], [ -45.403, -1.591 ], [ -45.394, -1.556 ] ], [ [ -44.837, -1.65 ], [ -44.834, -1.655 ], [ -44.833, -1.654 ], [ -44.837, -1.65 ] ], [ [ -44.834, -1.655 ], [ -44.841, -1.675 ], [ -44.822, -1.672 ], [ -44.834, -1.655 ] ], [ [ -44.779, -1.735 ], [ -44.777, -1.741 ], [ -44.776, -1.74 ], [ -44.779, -1.735 ] ], [ [ -44.777, -1.741 ], [ -44.833, -1.77 ], [ -44.774, -1.75 ], [ -44.777, -1.741 ] ], [ [ -44.547, -2.22 ], [ -44.536, -2.225 ], [ -44.543, -2.219 ], [ -44.547, -2.22 ] ], [ [ -44.536, -2.225 ], [ -44.507, -2.249 ], [ -44.512, -2.235 ], [ -44.536, -2.225 ] ], [ [ -44.507, -2.249 ], [ -44.504, -2.256 ], [ -44.501, -2.254 ], [ -44.507, -2.249 ] ], [ [ -44.504, -2.256 ], [ -44.514, -2.268 ], [ -44.502, -2.26 ], [ -44.504, -2.256 ] ] ], [ [ [ -29.34, -20.484 ], [ -29.301, -20.521 ], [ -29.341, -20.511 ], [ -29.34, -20.484 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.001, -13.94 ], [ -39.012, -13.915 ], [ -38.994, -13.896 ], [ -39.001, -13.94 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.043, -13.909 ], [ -39.059, -13.904 ], [ -39.054, -13.886 ], [ -39.028, -13.903 ], [ -39.043, -13.909 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.251, -18.015 ], [ -39.283, -18.005 ], [ -39.272, -17.982 ], [ -39.245, -18.006 ], [ -39.251, -18.015 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.131, -17.927 ], [ -39.154, -17.921 ], [ -39.137, -17.91 ], [ -39.131, -17.927 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.212, -17.986 ], [ -39.228, -17.979 ], [ -39.215, -17.944 ], [ -39.202, -17.95 ], [ -39.212, -17.986 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.341, -23.231 ], [ -44.372, -23.174 ], [ -44.232, -23.089 ], [ -44.087, -23.173 ], [ -44.3, -23.184 ], [ -44.341, -23.231 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.356, -23.073 ], [ -44.388, -23.048 ], [ -44.373, -23.033 ], [ -44.343, -23.041 ], [ -44.356, -23.073 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.929, -23.014 ], [ -43.936, -22.999 ], [ -43.916, -22.989 ], [ -43.929, -23.014 ] ] ], [ [ [ -42.002, -23.018 ], [ -42.015, -23.003 ], [ -41.98, -22.975 ], [ -41.975, -22.992 ], [ -42.002, -23.018 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.904, -22.962 ], [ -43.907, -22.936 ], [ -43.868, -22.926 ], [ -43.871, -22.95 ], [ -43.904, -22.962 ] ] ], [ [ [ -41.042, -21.613 ], [ -41.042, -21.6 ], [ -41.019, -21.606 ], [ -41.042, -21.613 ] ] ], [ [ [ -52.112, -32 ], [ -52.18, -32.035 ], [ -52.216, -32.025 ], [ -52.198, -31.978 ], [ -52.112, -32 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.641, -30.388 ], [ -50.629, -30.394 ], [ -50.624, -30.329 ], [ -50.592, -30.399 ], [ -50.609, -30.406 ], [ -50.641, -30.388 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.526, -27.462 ], [ -48.416, -27.38 ], [ -48.358, -27.446 ], [ -48.503, -27.799 ], [ -48.559, -27.842 ], [ -48.526, -27.462 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.354, -27.296 ], [ -48.376, -27.285 ], [ -48.373, -27.271 ], [ -48.36, -27.27 ], [ -48.354, -27.296 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.731, -26.314 ], [ -48.754, -26.297 ], [ -48.735, -26.282 ], [ -48.731, -26.314 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.318, -25.584 ], [ -48.309, -25.546 ], [ -48.381, -25.504 ], [ -48.312, -25.509 ], [ -48.292, -25.545 ], [ -48.318, -25.584 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.414, -25.544 ], [ -48.459, -25.514 ], [ -48.415, -25.527 ], [ -48.414, -25.544 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.424, -25.551 ], [ -48.479, -25.523 ], [ -48.485, -25.502 ], [ -48.424, -25.551 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.298, -25.493 ], [ -48.341, -25.416 ], [ -48.252, -25.341 ], [ -48.265, -25.44 ], [ -48.253, -25.466 ], [ -48.298, -25.493 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.417, -25.386 ], [ -48.424, -25.343 ], [ -48.405, -25.33 ], [ -48.417, -25.386 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.695, -24.112 ], [ -45.688, -24.088 ], [ -45.679, -24.098 ], [ -45.695, -24.112 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.251, -23.962 ], [ -45.301, -23.909 ], [ -45.453, -23.91 ], [ -45.332, -23.721 ], [ -45.227, -23.774 ], [ -45.224, -23.835 ], [ -45.283, -23.857 ], [ -45.221, -23.899 ], [ -45.251, -23.962 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.141, -23.817 ], [ -45.146, -23.791 ], [ -45.114, -23.801 ], [ -45.141, -23.817 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.153, -23.573 ], [ -45.153, -23.558 ], [ -45.141, -23.568 ], [ -45.153, -23.573 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.073, -23.564 ], [ -45.079, -23.525 ], [ -45.036, -23.531 ], [ -45.073, -23.564 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.608, -23.228 ], [ -44.59, -23.208 ], [ -44.577, -23.216 ], [ -44.608, -23.228 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.648, -12.821 ], [ -38.666, -12.777 ], [ -38.624, -12.762 ], [ -38.648, -12.821 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.529, -12.811 ], [ -38.544, -12.757 ], [ -38.532, -12.74 ], [ -38.508, -12.792 ], [ -38.529, -12.811 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.622, -12.752 ], [ -38.622, -12.727 ], [ -38.593, -12.733 ], [ -38.622, -12.752 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.646, -12.683 ], [ -38.648, -12.65 ], [ -38.636, -12.661 ], [ -38.646, -12.683 ] ] ], [ [ [ -32.402, -3.838 ], [ -32.428, -3.877 ], [ -32.483, -3.878 ], [ -32.402, -3.838 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.667, -3.179 ], [ -44.668, -3.16 ], [ -44.643, -3.148 ], [ -44.644, -3.17 ], [ -44.667, -3.179 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.671, -2.943 ], [ -44.67, -2.92 ], [ -44.647, -2.915 ], [ -44.671, -2.943 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.493, -2.641 ], [ -44.48, -2.601 ], [ -44.477, -2.627 ], [ -44.493, -2.641 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.897, -2.573 ], [ -43.896, -2.554 ], [ -43.886, -2.565 ], [ -43.897, -2.573 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.599, -2.503 ], [ -43.577, -2.471 ], [ -43.572, -2.483 ], [ -43.599, -2.503 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.822, -2.526 ], [ -43.829, -2.509 ], [ -43.813, -2.458 ], [ -43.812, -2.553 ], [ -43.82, -2.528 ], [ -43.822, -2.526 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.821, -2.529 ], [ -43.856, -2.502 ], [ -43.832, -2.439 ], [ -43.842, -2.504 ], [ -43.821, -2.529 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.863, -2.56 ], [ -43.875, -2.552 ], [ -43.865, -2.534 ], [ -43.863, -2.56 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.519, -2.536 ], [ -44.529, -2.526 ], [ -44.501, -2.48 ], [ -44.505, -2.444 ], [ -44.455, -2.434 ], [ -44.519, -2.536 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.602, -3.007 ], [ -44.657, -2.972 ], [ -44.613, -2.894 ], [ -44.575, -2.921 ], [ -44.602, -3.007 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.585, -2.978 ], [ -44.563, -2.914 ], [ -44.586, -2.826 ], [ -44.494, -2.705 ], [ -44.494, -2.953 ], [ -44.582, -3.041 ], [ -44.585, -2.978 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.826, -2.434 ], [ -43.842, -2.403 ], [ -43.811, -2.385 ], [ -43.807, -2.412 ], [ -43.826, -2.434 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.581, -2.441 ], [ -43.615, -2.389 ], [ -43.549, -2.377 ], [ -43.545, -2.403 ], [ -43.581, -2.441 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.791, -2.47 ], [ -43.806, -2.443 ], [ -43.78, -2.422 ], [ -43.759, -2.448 ], [ -43.791, -2.47 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.513, -2.424 ], [ -43.537, -2.416 ], [ -43.522, -2.39 ], [ -43.505, -2.414 ], [ -43.513, -2.424 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.792, -2.405 ], [ -43.798, -2.377 ], [ -43.771, -2.37 ], [ -43.792, -2.405 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.689, -2.355 ], [ -43.743, -2.352 ], [ -43.724, -2.305 ], [ -43.617, -2.253 ], [ -43.612, -2.275 ], [ -43.669, -2.301 ], [ -43.689, -2.355 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.73, -2.425 ], [ -43.732, -2.364 ], [ -43.67, -2.377 ], [ -43.681, -2.34 ], [ -43.63, -2.324 ], [ -43.643, -2.394 ], [ -43.73, -2.425 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.473, -2.125 ], [ -44.487, -2.113 ], [ -44.475, -2.096 ], [ -44.463, -2.104 ], [ -44.473, -2.125 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.456, -2.031 ], [ -44.447, -2.008 ], [ -44.439, -2.022 ], [ -44.456, -2.031 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.311, -1.964 ], [ -49.336, -1.996 ], [ -49.309, -1.943 ], [ -49.311, -1.964 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.323, -2.054 ], [ -49.329, -2.019 ], [ -49.316, -2.001 ], [ -49.323, -2.054 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.231, -1.829 ], [ -50.246, -1.824 ], [ -50.229, -1.816 ], [ -50.231, -1.829 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.615, -1.821 ], [ -44.622, -1.797 ], [ -44.597, -1.774 ], [ -44.583, -1.789 ], [ -44.615, -1.821 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.7, -1.811 ], [ -44.703, -1.78 ], [ -44.673, -1.78 ], [ -44.7, -1.811 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.691, -1.793 ], [ -49.721, -1.789 ], [ -49.719, -1.771 ], [ -49.697, -1.766 ], [ -49.691, -1.793 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.924, -1.711 ], [ -48.909, -1.713 ], [ -48.916, -1.734 ], [ -48.935, -1.713 ], [ -48.924, -1.711 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.757, -1.707 ], [ -44.767, -1.694 ], [ -44.736, -1.701 ], [ -44.757, -1.707 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.433, -1.684 ], [ -49.454, -1.706 ], [ -49.46, -1.684 ], [ -49.433, -1.684 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.357, -1.008 ], [ -46.342, -0.994 ], [ -46.353, -1.026 ], [ -46.357, -1.008 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.205, -1.021 ], [ -46.194, -1.014 ], [ -46.202, -1.032 ], [ -46.205, -1.021 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.662, -3.018 ], [ -44.673, -3.012 ], [ -44.664, -3.001 ], [ -44.649, -3.013 ], [ -44.662, -3.018 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.736, -1.683 ], [ -44.745, -1.677 ], [ -44.732, -1.668 ], [ -44.736, -1.683 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.231, -1.638 ], [ -49.237, -1.627 ], [ -49.217, -1.633 ], [ -49.231, -1.638 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.38, -1.685 ], [ -49.4, -1.682 ], [ -49.368, -1.669 ], [ -49.38, -1.685 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.426, -1.673 ], [ -49.429, -1.661 ], [ -49.406, -1.66 ], [ -49.426, -1.673 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.34, -1.672 ], [ -49.358, -1.662 ], [ -49.325, -1.647 ], [ -49.34, -1.672 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.289, -1.726 ], [ -45.305, -1.663 ], [ -45.257, -1.641 ], [ -45.244, -1.678 ], [ -45.28, -1.694 ], [ -45.289, -1.726 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.328, -1.743 ], [ -45.346, -1.719 ], [ -45.301, -1.596 ], [ -45.274, -1.635 ], [ -45.313, -1.654 ], [ -45.328, -1.743 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.886, -1.578 ], [ -48.89, -1.56 ], [ -48.859, -1.536 ], [ -48.856, -1.553 ], [ -48.886, -1.578 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.783, -1.682 ], [ -44.8, -1.595 ], [ -44.775, -1.62 ], [ -44.721, -1.567 ], [ -44.704, -1.611 ], [ -44.684, -1.575 ], [ -44.668, -1.669 ], [ -44.693, -1.638 ], [ -44.783, -1.682 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.816, -1.569 ], [ -44.837, -1.534 ], [ -44.787, -1.488 ], [ -44.825, -1.534 ], [ -44.816, -1.569 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.462, -1.517 ], [ -48.478, -1.499 ], [ -48.421, -1.503 ], [ -48.462, -1.517 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.793, -1.531 ], [ -44.774, -1.47 ], [ -44.763, -1.513 ], [ -44.793, -1.531 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.414, -1.427 ], [ -45.423, -1.416 ], [ -45.409, -1.405 ], [ -45.414, -1.427 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45, -1.296 ], [ -44.922, -1.265 ], [ -44.877, -1.309 ], [ -44.895, -1.34 ], [ -44.922, -1.305 ], [ -44.907, -1.341 ], [ -44.999, -1.405 ], [ -45.033, -1.339 ], [ -45, -1.32 ], [ -44.995, -1.36 ], [ -45, -1.296 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.044, -1.402 ], [ -45.07, -1.33 ], [ -45.052, -1.342 ], [ -45.044, -1.402 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.333, -1.569 ], [ -45.371, -1.544 ], [ -45.347, -1.489 ], [ -45.313, -1.506 ], [ -45.333, -1.569 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.969, -1.522 ], [ -44.976, -1.493 ], [ -44.959, -1.483 ], [ -44.969, -1.522 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.393, -1.512 ], [ -48.371, -1.476 ], [ -48.341, -1.483 ], [ -48.393, -1.512 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.413, -1.498 ], [ -48.426, -1.491 ], [ -48.387, -1.476 ], [ -48.413, -1.498 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.118, -1.47 ], [ -45.132, -1.462 ], [ -45.115, -1.364 ], [ -45.103, -1.373 ], [ -45.118, -1.47 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.593, -1.251 ], [ -45.581, -1.19 ], [ -45.536, -1.205 ], [ -45.532, -1.231 ], [ -45.593, -1.251 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.559, -1.243 ], [ -48.56, -1.202 ], [ -48.523, -1.199 ], [ -48.559, -1.243 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.817, -1.163 ], [ -45.829, -1.141 ], [ -45.804, -1.127 ], [ -45.817, -1.163 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.877, -1.154 ], [ -45.9, -1.117 ], [ -45.883, -1.073 ], [ -45.849, -1.123 ], [ -45.877, -1.154 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.192, -1.05 ], [ -46.201, -1.041 ], [ -46.185, -1.027 ], [ -46.192, -1.05 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.291, -1.01 ], [ -46.307, -0.992 ], [ -46.306, -0.961 ], [ -46.291, -1.01 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.078, -1.095 ], [ -46.065, -1.05 ], [ -46.061, -1.074 ], [ -46.078, -1.095 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.68, -1.295 ], [ -45.687, -1.275 ], [ -45.667, -1.26 ], [ -45.654, -1.285 ], [ -45.68, -1.295 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.538, -1.282 ], [ -48.549, -1.262 ], [ -48.53, -1.25 ], [ -48.538, -1.282 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.51, -1.27 ], [ -48.522, -1.247 ], [ -48.506, -1.236 ], [ -48.51, -1.27 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.694, -1.37 ], [ -45.646, -1.289 ], [ -45.625, -1.126 ], [ -45.634, -1.349 ], [ -45.694, -1.37 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.688, -1.266 ], [ -45.708, -1.228 ], [ -45.685, -1.194 ], [ -45.664, -1.231 ], [ -45.688, -1.266 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.425, -0.914 ], [ -46.454, -0.907 ], [ -46.408, -0.868 ], [ -46.395, -0.899 ], [ -46.425, -0.914 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.72, -0.848 ], [ -46.735, -0.832 ], [ -46.729, -0.796 ], [ -46.72, -0.848 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.611, -0.799 ], [ -46.622, -0.784 ], [ -46.601, -0.789 ], [ -46.611, -0.799 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.586, -0.849 ], [ -46.621, -0.807 ], [ -46.589, -0.815 ], [ -46.586, -0.849 ] ] ], [ [ [ -47.447, -0.748 ], [ -47.453, -0.732 ], [ -47.436, -0.717 ], [ -47.428, -0.738 ], [ -47.447, -0.748 ] ] ], [ [ [ -47.461, -0.741 ], [ -47.463, -0.702 ], [ -47.445, -0.697 ], [ -47.461, -0.741 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.214, -0.411 ], [ -51.211, -0.386 ], [ -51.164, -0.347 ], [ -51.163, -0.383 ], [ -51.214, -0.411 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.352, -0.353 ], [ -51.346, -0.31 ], [ -51.317, -0.268 ], [ -51.327, -0.33 ], [ -51.352, -0.353 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.127, -0.268 ], [ -51.131, -0.237 ], [ -51.091, -0.208 ], [ -51.087, -0.229 ], [ -51.127, -0.268 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.888, -0.198 ], [ -48.91, -0.188 ], [ -48.893, -0.134 ], [ -48.847, -0.177 ], [ -48.888, -0.198 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.174, -0.091 ], [ -51.191, -0.064 ], [ -51.126, -0.057 ], [ -51.174, -0.091 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.114, -0.146 ], [ -49.097, -0.121 ], [ -49.08, -0.13 ], [ -49.114, -0.146 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.166, -0.142 ], [ -49.188, -0.115 ], [ -49.156, -0.128 ], [ -49.166, -0.142 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.119, -0.141 ], [ -49.143, -0.107 ], [ -49.114, -0.11 ], [ -49.119, -0.141 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.127, -0.128 ], [ -51.094, -0.103 ], [ -51.108, -0.127 ], [ -51.127, -0.128 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.414, -0.999 ], [ -46.384, -0.941 ], [ -46.367, -0.948 ], [ -46.414, -0.999 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.647, -0.97 ], [ -46.658, -0.968 ], [ -46.618, -0.957 ], [ -46.647, -0.97 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.488, -0.942 ], [ -46.465, -0.877 ], [ -46.464, -0.924 ], [ -46.44, -0.922 ], [ -46.482, -0.976 ], [ -46.441, -0.999 ], [ -46.525, -1.016 ], [ -46.527, -0.917 ], [ -46.509, -0.984 ], [ -46.488, -0.942 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.632, 0.159 ], [ -49.662, 0.184 ], [ -49.629, 0.202 ], [ -49.61, 0.181 ], [ -49.632, 0.159 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.641, 0.26 ], [ -50.63, 0.293 ], [ -50.586, 0.308 ], [ -50.641, 0.26 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.2, 0.255 ], [ -50.243, 0.248 ], [ -50.147, 0.337 ], [ -50.059, 0.346 ], [ -50.2, 0.255 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.417, 0.159 ], [ -50.535, 0.234 ], [ -50.36, 0.615 ], [ -50.328, 0.383 ], [ -50.285, 0.3 ], [ -50.413, 0.237 ], [ -50.417, 0.159 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.279, 0.338 ], [ -50.271, 0.599 ], [ -50.147, 0.608 ], [ -50.142, 0.576 ], [ -50.107, 0.636 ], [ -50.063, 0.623 ], [ -50.05, 0.518 ], [ -50.279, 0.338 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50, 0.943 ], [ -50.113, 0.907 ], [ -50.018, 1.034 ], [ -49.935, 1.069 ], [ -49.939, 0.996 ], [ -50, 0.943 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.881, 1.227 ], [ -49.909, 1.246 ], [ -49.886, 1.244 ], [ -49.881, 1.227 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.907, 1.278 ], [ -49.885, 1.291 ], [ -49.863, 1.278 ], [ -49.876, 1.252 ], [ -49.907, 1.278 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.204, 1.851 ], [ -50.232, 1.879 ], [ -50.22, 1.915 ], [ -50.169, 1.865 ], [ -50.204, 1.851 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.468, 1.954 ], [ -50.521, 2.026 ], [ -50.497, 2.139 ], [ -50.398, 2.167 ], [ -50.367, 2.19 ], [ -50.276, 1.939 ], [ -50.423, 1.849 ], [ -50.468, 1.954 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.504, 2.255 ], [ -50.414, 2.244 ], [ -50.382, 2.204 ], [ -50.489, 2.15 ], [ -50.564, 2.205 ], [ -50.504, 2.255 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.229, 0.832 ], [ -50.098, 0.839 ], [ -50.027, 0.898 ], [ -50.105, 0.757 ], [ -50.162, 0.775 ], [ -50.249, 0.72 ], [ -50.229, 0.832 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.131, 0.844 ], [ -50.162, 0.867 ], [ -50.132, 0.9 ], [ -50.119, 0.854 ], [ -50.131, 0.844 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.108, 0.85 ], [ -50.111, 0.891 ], [ -50.049, 0.886 ], [ -50.108, 0.85 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.216, -0.055 ], [ -50.235, -0.042 ], [ -50.219, -0.04 ], [ -50.216, -0.055 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.916, -0.052 ], [ -50.926, -0.047 ], [ -50.907, -0.043 ], [ -50.916, -0.052 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.605, -0.061 ], [ -50.618, -0.022 ], [ -50.559, -0.038 ], [ -50.605, -0.061 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.399, -0.061 ], [ -50.44, -0.057 ], [ -50.378, -0.015 ], [ -50.357, -0.049 ], [ -50.399, -0.061 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.75, 0 ], [ -49.609, 0.08 ], [ -49.474, 0.081 ], [ -49.338, -0.017 ], [ -49.487, -0.136 ], [ -49.723, -0.147 ], [ -49.835, -0.088 ], [ -49.75, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.023, -0.019 ], [ -49.039, -0.011 ], [ -49.02, -0.006 ], [ -49.023, -0.019 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.932, 0.052 ], [ -50.918, 0.084 ], [ -50.884, 0.078 ], [ -50.899, 0.057 ], [ -50.932, 0.052 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.928, 0 ], [ -50.786, 0.05 ], [ -50.717, 0.028 ], [ -50.94, -0.041 ], [ -50.928, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.691, 0.025 ], [ -50.655, 0.015 ], [ -50.703, 0.021 ], [ -50.691, 0.025 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.629, -0.043 ], [ -50.642, -0.016 ], [ -50.622, -0.026 ], [ -50.629, -0.043 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.642, 0 ], [ -50.611, 0.007 ], [ -50.595, -0.019 ], [ -50.642, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.536, 0 ], [ -50.653, 0.126 ], [ -50.59, 0.203 ], [ -50.434, 0.126 ], [ -50.436, 0 ], [ -50.536, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50, 0.311 ], [ -49.674, 0.368 ], [ -49.601, 0.283 ], [ -49.86, 0.008 ], [ -49.99, -0.048 ], [ -50.086, 0.034 ], [ -50.351, 0.044 ], [ -50.394, 0.222 ], [ -50.153, 0.227 ], [ -50, 0.311 ] ] ] ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "La costa de lo que hoy es territorio brasileño fue el primer punto al que llegaron los europeos en América del Sur. La primera expedición que exploró la región fue un desprendimiento de la flota portuguesa que Vasco da Gama (c. 1460-1524) llevaba hacia oriente. Las naves dirigidas por Pedro Álvarez de Cabral (1467-1520) se alejaron excesivamente de la costa de África y terminaron en el extremo sur de actual territorio del Estado de Bahía, en que el permanecieron entre abril y mayo del año 1500. Los portuguese establecieron en la costa precarias feitorias para comerciar verzino o palo brasil con los nativos de las sociedades tupí y guaraní nativas. Recién en 1530 la corona brasileña tomaría acciones decididas para organizar la ocupación portuguesa y las actividades de explotación, cuando instaura el régimen de capitanías hereditarias que estructuraría el establecimiento colonial lusitano en brasil. Bibliografía: Johnson, H. B., \"Portuguese Settlement, 1500-1580\", en Bethell, Leslie (ed.), Colonial Brazil, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1987, pp. 1-38; Abulafia, David, El descubrimiento de la humanidad. Encuentros atlánticos en la era de Colón, Barcelona, Crítica, 2009 [2008]; Metcalf, Alida C., Go-Betweens and the Colonization of Brazil, 1500-1600, Austin, University of Texas Press, 2005; Vaz de Caminha, Pêro, Carta del descubrimiento del Brasil, Barcelona, Acantilado, 2009.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-12-03T14:17:24+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 88938, "end" : 88944 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Brasil" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/23c6684a-ec69-4229-951a-0c83306897dd", "type" : "Annotation", 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-2.689 ], [ -42.503, -2.727 ], [ -42.393, -2.751 ], [ -42.475, -2.706 ], [ -42.375, -2.717 ], [ -42.228, -2.818 ], [ -42.143, -2.808 ], [ -42.256, -2.735 ], [ -42.233, -2.674 ], [ -42.208, -2.712 ], [ -42.098, -2.768 ], [ -42.099, -2.809 ], [ -42.096, -2.747 ], [ -42.216, -2.687 ], [ -42.054, -2.691 ], [ -42.023, -2.775 ], [ -42.017, -2.718 ], [ -41.818, -2.723 ], [ -41.844, -2.773 ], [ -41.797, -2.751 ], [ -41.656, -2.884 ], [ -41.437, -2.939 ], [ -41.395, -2.906 ], [ -41.316, -2.943 ], [ -41.263, -2.887 ], [ -40.838, -2.895 ], [ -40.572, -2.844 ], [ -40.499, -2.787 ], [ -39.888, -2.886 ], [ -39.244, -3.229 ], [ -39.083, -3.394 ], [ -38.978, -3.407 ], [ -38.641, -3.687 ], [ -38.473, -3.7 ], [ -38.377, -3.866 ], [ -38.043, -4.214 ], [ -37.764, -4.399 ], [ -37.588, -4.624 ], [ -37.323, -4.698 ], [ -37.15, -4.943 ], [ -36.958, -4.919 ], [ -36.666, -5.108 ], [ -36.504, -5.061 ], [ -36.297, -5.106 ], [ -35.956, -5.045 ], [ -35.612, -5.11 ], [ -35.385, -5.255 ], [ -35.255, -5.483 ], [ -35.099, -6.169 ], [ -34.983, -6.396 ], [ -34.933, -6.753 ], [ -34.79, -7.159 ], [ -34.842, -7.564 ], [ -34.809, -7.622 ], [ -34.845, -7.69 ], [ -34.827, -8.004 ], [ -35.136, -8.895 ], [ -35.332, -9.237 ], [ -35.689, -9.668 ], [ -35.78, -9.706 ], [ -36.056, -10.083 ], [ -36.266, -10.256 ], [ -36.402, -10.506 ], [ -36.602, -10.567 ], [ -36.934, -10.826 ], [ -37.36, -11.428 ], [ -37.612, -11.979 ], [ -37.996, -12.578 ], [ -38.318, -12.934 ], [ -38.477, -13.022 ], [ -38.532, -13.017 ], [ -38.473, -12.913 ], [ -38.498, -12.722 ], [ -38.603, -12.728 ], [ -38.646, -12.622 ], [ -38.681, -12.661 ], [ -38.718, -12.627 ], [ -38.804, -12.835 ], [ -38.717, -12.873 ], [ -38.769, -12.995 ], [ -38.721, -13.021 ], [ -38.66, -12.963 ], [ -38.686, -12.878 ], [ -38.59, -12.972 ], [ -38.766, -13.129 ], [ -38.807, -13.1 ], [ -38.808, -13.154 ], [ -38.944, -13.243 ], [ -38.973, -13.391 ], [ -38.902, -13.384 ], [ -38.886, -13.45 ], [ -38.95, -13.577 ], [ -38.886, -13.659 ], [ -38.968, -13.67 ], [ -39.006, -13.891 ], [ -39.064, -13.865 ], [ -39.075, -13.887 ], [ -38.986, -13.998 ], [ -38.952, -13.986 ], [ -38.982, -13.912 ], [ -38.938, -13.886 ], [ -38.922, -13.92 ], [ -39.061, -14.716 ], [ -38.962, -15.585 ], [ -38.857, -15.86 ], [ -38.973, -16.211 ], [ -39.032, -16.26 ], [ -39.01, -16.369 ], [ -39.078, -16.454 ], [ -39.143, -16.762 ], [ -39.113, -16.896 ], [ -39.212, -17.155 ], [ -39.193, -17.602 ], [ -39.135, -17.691 ], [ -39.264, -17.869 ], [ -39.435, -17.943 ], [ -39.563, -18.091 ], [ -39.721, -18.493 ], [ -39.749, -18.81 ], [ -39.692, -19.353 ], [ -39.805, -19.65 ], [ -39.951, -19.717 ], [ -40.151, -19.956 ], [ -40.236, -20.285 ], [ -40.353, -20.32 ], [ -40.329, -20.236 ], [ -40.359, -20.291 ], [ -40.365, -20.317 ], [ -40.35, -20.328 ], [ -40.268, -20.327 ], [ -40.402, -20.606 ], [ -40.466, -20.624 ], [ -40.627, -20.845 ], [ -40.65, -20.813 ], [ -40.756, -20.866 ], [ -40.853, -21.133 ], [ -40.955, -21.251 ], [ -40.96, -21.364 ], [ -41.065, -21.495 ], [ -41.051, -21.608 ], [ -41.038, -21.622 ], [ -41.007, -21.618 ], [ -40.99, -22.014 ], [ -41.229, -22.151 ], [ -41.668, -22.294 ], [ -41.962, -22.538 ], [ -41.986, -22.713 ], [ -41.919, -22.774 ], [ -41.864, -22.759 ], [ -42.023, -22.896 ], [ -42.037, -22.94 ], [ -41.99, -22.964 ], [ -42.018, -22.998 ], [ -42.086, -22.957 ], [ -42.529, -22.934 ], [ -43.05, -22.982 ], [ -43.132, -22.941 ], [ -43.025, -22.741 ], [ -43.084, -22.68 ], [ -43.216, -22.725 ], [ -43.287, -22.806 ], [ -43.24, -22.847 ], [ -43.249, -22.797 ], [ -43.156, -22.784 ], [ -43.247, -22.882 ], [ -43.164, -22.899 ], [ -43.187, -22.995 ], [ -43.344, -22.983 ], [ -43.303, -23.02 ], [ -43.549, -23.081 ], [ -44.001, -23.1 ], [ -43.961, -23.042 ], [ -43.877, -23.067 ], [ -43.909, -23.02 ], [ -43.807, -23.063 ], [ -43.555, -23.055 ], [ -43.84, -22.906 ], [ -43.985, -22.937 ], [ -44.034, -23.014 ], [ -44.044, -22.923 ], [ -44.107, -23.03 ], [ -44.234, -23.06 ], [ -44.238, -23.004 ], [ -44.358, -23.02 ], [ -44.296, -22.961 ], [ -44.321, -22.927 ], [ -44.378, -22.972 ], [ -44.407, -22.945 ], [ -44.443, -23.035 ], [ -44.669, -23.06 ], [ -44.712, -23.19 ], [ -44.701, -23.237 ], [ -44.645, -23.191 ], [ -44.612, -23.206 ], [ -44.685, -23.256 ], [ -44.611, -23.238 ], [ -44.652, -23.302 ], [ -44.558, -23.232 ], [ -44.577, -23.275 ], [ -44.498, -23.302 ], [ -44.583, -23.367 ], [ -44.669, -23.341 ], [ -44.84, -23.395 ], [ -44.905, -23.339 ], [ -45.05, -23.418 ], [ -45.016, -23.461 ], [ -45.079, -23.519 ], [ -45.165, -23.495 ], [ -45.159, -23.541 ], [ -45.228, -23.547 ], [ -45.211, -23.582 ], [ -45.41, -23.632 ], [ -45.412, -23.825 ], [ -45.934, -23.771 ], [ -46.124, -23.842 ], [ -46.2, -24.002 ], [ -46.288, -24.044 ], [ -46.321, -24 ], [ -46.458, -24.025 ], [ -46.937, -24.281 ], [ -47.024, -24.382 ], [ -47.004, -24.412 ], [ -47.86, -24.996 ], [ -47.914, -25.061 ], [ -47.915, -25.16 ], [ -48.213, -25.47 ], [ -48.254, -25.435 ], [ -48.222, -25.342 ], [ -48.208, -25.353 ], [ -48.121, -25.267 ], [ -48.253, -25.328 ], [ -48.284, -25.294 ], [ -48.317, -25.363 ], [ -48.327, -25.232 ], [ -48.366, -25.317 ], [ -48.433, -25.237 ], [ -48.428, -25.324 ], [ -48.5, -25.335 ], [ -48.427, -25.39 ], [ -48.449, -25.379 ], [ -48.468, -25.388 ], [ -48.467, -25.432 ], [ -48.449, -25.384 ], [ -48.414, -25.428 ], [ -48.476, -25.485 ], [ -48.637, -25.468 ], [ -48.661, -25.398 ], [ -48.671, -25.435 ], [ -48.739, -25.374 ], [ -48.68, -25.465 ], [ -48.687, -25.499 ], [ -48.737, -25.483 ], [ -48.703, -25.504 ], [ -48.617, -25.536 ], [ -48.512, -25.505 ], [ -48.482, -25.591 ], [ -48.46, -25.552 ], [ -48.35, -25.581 ], [ -48.565, -25.868 ], [ -48.614, -26.06 ], [ -48.586, -26.172 ], [ -48.714, -26.243 ], [ -48.795, -26.073 ], [ -48.837, -26.157 ], [ -48.798, -26.142 ], [ -48.763, -26.199 ], [ -48.805, -26.228 ], [ -48.769, -26.223 ], [ -48.761, -26.286 ], [ -48.803, -26.303 ], [ -48.723, -26.362 ], [ -48.635, -26.374 ], [ -48.714, -26.308 ], [ -48.554, -26.172 ], [ -48.493, -26.224 ], [ -48.695, -26.658 ], [ -48.665, -26.769 ], [ -48.583, -26.786 ], [ -48.655, -26.909 ], [ -48.62, -27.007 ], [ -48.574, -27.011 ], [ -48.607, -27.122 ], [ -48.554, -27.152 ], [ -48.51, -27.108 ], [ -48.469, -27.148 ], [ -48.511, -27.183 ], [ -48.486, -27.218 ], [ -48.531, -27.18 ], [ -48.612, -27.243 ], [ -48.596, -27.318 ], [ -48.529, -27.334 ], [ -48.649, -27.486 ], [ -48.572, -27.592 ], [ -48.653, -27.648 ], [ -48.575, -27.888 ], [ -48.761, -28.535 ], [ -48.813, -28.605 ], [ -49.37, -28.92 ], [ -49.334, -28.921 ], [ -49.702, -29.308 ], [ -50.006, -29.749 ], [ -50.316, -30.472 ], [ -50.848, -31.205 ], [ -51.303, -31.613 ], [ -51.877, -31.952 ], [ -52.071, -32.188 ], [ -52.012, -31.946 ], [ -52.092, -31.837 ], [ -51.851, -31.865 ], [ -51.777, -31.805 ], [ -51.854, -31.797 ], [ -51.65, -31.759 ], [ -51.478, -31.562 ], [ -51.43, -31.622 ], [ -51.458, -31.548 ], [ -51.424, -31.478 ], [ -51.351, -31.529 ], [ -51.234, -31.458 ], [ -51.16, -31.31 ], [ -51.166, -31.063 ], [ -51.109, -31.097 ], [ -50.985, -31.042 ], [ -50.965, -30.893 ], [ -50.888, -30.893 ], [ -50.705, -30.756 ], [ -50.677, -30.61 ], [ -50.725, -30.371 ], [ -50.692, -30.355 ], [ -50.625, -30.409 ], [ -50.641, -30.459 ], [ -50.569, -30.471 ], [ -50.534, -30.278 ], [ -50.601, -30.194 ], [ -50.659, -30.201 ], [ -50.661, -30.293 ], [ -50.918, -30.333 ], [ -50.934, -30.42 ], [ -50.889, -30.439 ], [ -50.921, -30.44 ], [ -51.052, -30.395 ], [ -51.034, -30.276 ], [ -51.146, -30.267 ], [ -51.246, -30.188 ], [ -51.23, -30.043 ], [ -51.295, -30.007 ], [ -51.326, -30.23 ], [ -51.271, -30.25 ], [ -51.293, -30.295 ], [ -51.246, -30.33 ], [ -51.209, -30.3 ], [ -51.179, -30.383 ], [ -51.092, -30.367 ], [ -51.129, -30.436 ], [ -51.202, -30.413 ], [ -51.269, -30.489 ], [ -51.282, -30.811 ], [ -51.33, -30.777 ], [ -51.294, -30.758 ], [ -51.319, -30.64 ], [ -51.375, -30.635 ], [ -51.404, -30.769 ], [ -51.367, -30.874 ], [ -51.457, -30.874 ], [ -51.501, -30.935 ], [ -51.436, -31.088 ], [ -51.611, -31.138 ], [ -51.613, -31.272 ], [ -51.915, -31.313 ], [ -52.002, -31.449 ], [ -52.031, -31.693 ], [ -52.218, -31.747 ], [ -52.247, -31.871 ], [ -52.106, -31.952 ], [ -52.216, -31.963 ], [ -52.263, -32.062 ], [ -52.209, -32.045 ], [ -52.225, -32.096 ], [ -52.082, -32.033 ], [ -52.162, -32.128 ], [ -52.09, -32.069 ], [ -52.084, -32.186 ], [ -52.16, -32.201 ], [ -52.341, -32.43 ], [ -52.488, -32.844 ], [ -52.66, -33.165 ], [ -53.227, -33.658 ], [ -53.421, -33.741 ], [ -53.524, -33.689 ], [ -53.515, -33.163 ], [ -53.434, -33.054 ], [ -53.243, -32.936 ], [ -53.294, -32.911 ], [ -53.074, -32.746 ], [ -53.244, -32.605 ], [ -53.39, -32.583 ], [ -53.46, -32.48 ], [ -53.595, -32.432 ], [ -53.73, -32.157 ], [ -53.714, -32.104 ], [ -53.965, -31.919 ], [ -54.096, -31.906 ], [ -54.466, -31.666 ], [ -54.491, -31.54 ], [ -54.591, -31.448 ], [ -54.836, -31.446 ], [ -54.945, -31.392 ], [ -55.014, -31.285 ], [ -55.091, -31.326 ], [ -55.245, -31.257 ], [ -55.374, -31.038 ], [ -55.594, -30.848 ], [ -55.635, -30.857 ], [ -55.657, -30.956 ], [ -55.87, -31.08 ], [ -56.008, -31.063 ], [ -55.987, -30.86 ], [ -56.021, -30.784 ], [ -56.127, -30.739 ], [ -56.177, -30.614 ], [ -56.384, -30.495 ], [ -56.459, -30.387 ], [ -56.545, -30.364 ], [ -56.54, -30.312 ], [ -56.617, -30.303 ], [ -56.644, -30.205 ], [ -56.776, -30.166 ], [ -56.804, -30.107 ], [ -57.068, -30.088 ], [ -57.207, -30.281 ], [ -57.313, -30.26 ], [ -57.396, -30.303 ], [ -57.538, -30.275 ], [ -57.618, -30.179 ], [ -57.505, -30.143 ], [ -57.342, -30.001 ], [ -57.319, -29.87 ], [ -57.254, -29.794 ], [ -57.105, -29.752 ], [ -56.972, -29.639 ], [ -56.676, -29.321 ], [ -56.593, -29.123 ], [ -56.425, -29.073 ], [ -56.285, -28.794 ], [ -56.185, -28.771 ], [ -56.016, -28.611 ], [ -56.011, -28.509 ], [ -55.888, -28.479 ], [ -55.875, -28.362 ], [ -55.696, -28.425 ], [ -55.671, -28.333 ], [ -55.773, -28.247 ], [ -55.605, -28.123 ], [ -55.554, -28.164 ], [ -55.496, -28.081 ], [ -55.444, -28.097 ], [ -55.323, -27.928 ], [ -55.196, -27.863 ], [ -55.134, -27.895 ], [ -55.117, -27.853 ], [ -55.032, -27.854 ], [ -55.082, -27.789 ], [ -54.941, -27.775 ], [ -54.809, -27.536 ], [ -54.781, -27.586 ], [ -54.683, -27.576 ], [ -54.678, -27.514 ], [ -54.624, -27.55 ], [ -54.576, -27.458 ], [ -54.525, -27.507 ], [ -54.415, -27.412 ], [ -54.353, -27.468 ], [ -54.339, -27.406 ], [ -54.282, -27.447 ], [ -54.176, -27.261 ], [ -54.089, -27.303 ], [ -53.949, -27.158 ], [ -53.799, -27.147 ], [ -53.795, -27.048 ], [ -53.761, -27.068 ], [ -53.662, -26.869 ], [ -53.751, -26.745 ], [ -53.707, -26.563 ], [ -53.738, -26.548 ], [ -53.592, -26.265 ], [ -53.722, -26.13 ], [ -53.733, -26.047 ], [ -53.837, -25.969 ], [ -53.824, -25.793 ], [ -53.891, -25.625 ], [ -53.951, -25.644 ], [ -54.016, -25.569 ], [ -54.101, -25.625 ], [ -54.111, -25.504 ], [ -54.213, -25.554 ], [ -54.184, -25.591 ], [ -54.289, -25.562 ], [ -54.387, -25.608 ], [ -54.43, -25.706 ], [ -54.596, -25.595 ], [ -54.617, -25.459 ], [ -54.437, -25.157 ], [ -54.458, -25.031 ], [ -54.336, -24.649 ], [ -54.333, -24.493 ], [ -54.262, -24.376 ], [ -54.33, -24.225 ], [ -54.282, -24.075 ], [ -54.411, -23.929 ], [ -54.668, -23.815 ], [ -55.061, -23.991 ], [ -55.112, -23.963 ], [ -55.226, -24.013 ], [ -55.413, -23.961 ], [ -55.434, -23.714 ], [ -55.535, -23.614 ], [ -55.522, -23.197 ], [ -55.596, -23.141 ], [ -55.64, -22.994 ], [ -55.685, -22.992 ], [ -55.613, -22.659 ], [ -55.736, -22.532 ], [ -55.74, -22.396 ], [ -55.854, -22.281 ], [ -56.208, -22.281 ], [ -56.341, -22.206 ], [ -56.403, -22.078 ], [ -56.519, -22.103 ], [ -56.643, -22.261 ], [ -56.698, -22.216 ], [ -56.728, -22.26 ], [ -56.808, -22.25 ], [ -56.831, -22.3 ], [ -57.001, -22.225 ], [ -57.203, -22.21 ], [ -57.243, -22.244 ], [ -57.553, -22.181 ], [ -57.616, -22.096 ], [ -57.803, -22.148 ], [ -57.989, -22.085 ], [ -58.005, -22.032 ], [ -57.919, -21.881 ], [ -57.969, -21.844 ], [ -57.913, -21.793 ], [ -57.947, -21.747 ], [ -57.894, -21.687 ], [ -57.968, -21.528 ], [ -57.855, -21.339 ], [ -57.918, -21.278 ], [ -57.854, -21.226 ], [ -57.866, -21.041 ], [ -57.818, -20.976 ], [ -57.927, -20.897 ], [ -57.855, -20.835 ], [ -57.961, -20.784 ], [ -57.869, -20.736 ], [ -57.923, -20.666 ], [ -57.988, -20.696 ], [ -57.994, -20.448 ], [ -58.082, -20.372 ], [ -58.092, -20.257 ], [ -58.154, -20.264 ], [ -58.125, -20.188 ], [ -58.163, -20.162 ], [ -57.872, -19.979 ], [ -58.134, -19.761 ], [ -57.79, -19.051 ], [ -57.709, -19.034 ], [ -57.757, -18.858 ], [ -57.56, -18.263 ], [ -57.458, -18.228 ], [ -57.568, -18.136 ], [ -57.702, -17.86 ], [ -57.715, -17.735 ], [ -57.785, -17.645 ], [ -57.773, -17.553 ], [ -57.878, -17.463 ], [ -58.003, -17.52 ], [ -58.114, -17.456 ], [ -58.395, -17.197 ], [ -58.421, -16.99 ], [ -58.47, -16.939 ], [ -58.468, -16.702 ], [ -58.442, -16.613 ], [ -58.34, -16.542 ], [ -58.309, -16.27 ], [ -58.471, -16.325 ], [ -60.173, -16.265 ], [ -60.236, -15.476 ], [ -60.565, -15.105 ], [ -60.253, -15.101 ], [ -60.257, -14.624 ], [ -60.338, -14.555 ], [ -60.482, -14.181 ], [ -60.468, -14.092 ], [ -60.378, -13.992 ], [ -60.468, -13.886 ], [ -60.468, -13.801 ], [ -60.793, -13.686 ], [ -60.962, -13.539 ], [ -61.044, -13.541 ], [ -61.028, -13.477 ], [ -61.069, -13.463 ], [ -61.139, -13.521 ], [ -61.249, -13.525 ], [ -61.33, -13.473 ], [ -61.486, -13.554 ], [ -61.578, -13.494 ], [ -61.824, -13.539 ], [ -61.866, -13.443 ], [ -62.108, -13.257 ], [ -62.109, -13.149 ], [ -62.165, -13.112 ], [ -62.368, -13.145 ], [ -62.464, -13.07 ], [ -62.637, -13.041 ], [ -62.674, -12.965 ], [ -62.764, -13.023 ], [ -62.923, -12.854 ], [ -62.996, -12.85 ], [ -63.082, -12.653 ], [ -63.327, -12.705 ], [ -63.482, -12.557 ], [ -63.712, -12.458 ], [ -63.875, -12.469 ], [ -63.937, -12.557 ], [ -64.127, -12.494 ], [ -64.152, -12.529 ], [ -64.215, -12.476 ], [ -64.278, -12.511 ], [ -64.493, -12.366 ], [ -64.486, -12.23 ], [ -64.654, -12.186 ], [ -64.683, -12.099 ], [ -64.725, -12.162 ], [ -64.798, -12.035 ], [ -64.993, -11.999 ], [ -65.048, -11.757 ], [ -65.112, -11.741 ], [ -65.106, -11.697 ], [ -65.135, -11.777 ], [ -65.201, -11.745 ], [ -65.161, -11.622 ], [ -65.218, -11.521 ], [ -65.299, -11.5 ], [ -65.338, -11.392 ], [ -65.31, -11.341 ], [ -65.385, -11.269 ], [ -65.349, -11.239 ], [ -65.391, -11.167 ], [ -65.318, -11.105 ], [ -65.336, -11.044 ], [ -65.269, -10.901 ], [ -65.366, -10.798 ], [ -65.349, -10.671 ], [ -65.426, -10.638 ], [ -65.429, -10.473 ], [ -65.28, -10.218 ], [ -65.327, -9.938 ], [ -65.29, -9.851 ], [ -65.377, -9.698 ], [ -65.488, -9.718 ], [ -65.563, -9.834 ], [ -65.669, -9.779 ], [ -65.7, -9.803 ], [ -65.689, -9.749 ], [ -65.748, -9.77 ], [ -65.777, -9.727 ], [ -65.798, -9.786 ], [ -65.81, -9.75 ], [ -65.86, -9.794 ], [ -65.872, -9.757 ], [ -66.018, -9.807 ], [ -66.064, -9.772 ], [ -66.422, -9.895 ], [ -66.616, -9.893 ], [ -66.623, -9.935 ], [ -66.883, -10.081 ], [ -67.029, -10.254 ], [ -67.186, -10.339 ], [ -67.315, -10.316 ], [ -67.327, -10.374 ], [ -67.414, -10.372 ], [ -67.443, -10.45 ], [ -67.594, -10.523 ], [ -67.715, -10.707 ], [ -68.021, -10.661 ], [ -68.119, -10.726 ], [ -68.283, -10.987 ], [ -68.519, -11.048 ], [ -68.587, -11.11 ], [ -68.769, -11.139 ], [ -68.751, -11.007 ], [ -68.787, -10.99 ], [ -68.871, -11.023 ], [ -69.393, -10.929 ], [ -69.728, -10.973 ], [ -69.938, -10.926 ], [ -70.318, -11.066 ], [ -70.428, -11.033 ], [ -70.508, -10.94 ], [ -70.618, -11.007 ], [ -70.622, -9.847 ], [ -70.522, -9.738 ], [ -70.598, -9.574 ], [ -70.561, -9.579 ], [ -70.497, -9.433 ], [ -70.601, -9.453 ], [ -70.982, -9.812 ], [ -71.131, -9.862 ], [ -71.288, -9.996 ], [ -72.165, -10.002 ], [ -72.16, -9.818 ], [ -72.26, -9.755 ], [ -72.289, -9.536 ], [ -72.364, -9.491 ], [ -72.721, -9.417 ], [ -73.196, -9.418 ], [ -72.965, -9.154 ], [ -72.946, -8.99 ], [ -73.059, -8.904 ], [ -73.169, -8.701 ], [ -73.338, -8.609 ], [ -73.338, -8.476 ], [ -73.526, -8.369 ], [ -73.632, -8.022 ], [ -73.765, -7.94 ], [ -73.777, -7.869 ], [ -73.697, -7.865 ], [ -73.69, -7.79 ], [ -73.985, -7.543 ], [ -73.917, -7.461 ], [ -73.954, -7.348 ], [ -73.868, -7.377 ], [ -73.691, -7.313 ], [ -73.797, -7.115 ], [ -73.743, -6.897 ], [ -73.351, -6.561 ], [ -73.211, -6.53 ], [ -73.133, -6.421 ], [ -73.185, -6.04 ], [ -73.131, -5.986 ], [ -73.116, -5.865 ], [ -72.951, -5.643 ], [ -72.948, -5.454 ], [ -72.872, -5.25 ], [ -72.896, -5.136 ], [ -72.734, -5.043 ], [ -72.602, -5.056 ], [ -72.577, -4.992 ], [ -72.455, -4.962 ], [ -72.452, -4.906 ], [ -72.37, -4.88 ], [ -72.356, -4.803 ], [ -72.292, -4.799 ], [ -72.313, -4.769 ], [ -72.223, -4.78 ], [ -72.113, -4.722 ], [ -72.047, -4.625 ], [ -71.94, -4.607 ], [ -71.897, -4.512 ], [ -71.61, -4.465 ], [ -71.597, -4.525 ], [ -71.535, -4.46 ], [ -71.49, -4.479 ], [ -71.506, -4.435 ], [ -71.414, -4.432 ], [ -71.432, -4.469 ], [ -71.342, -4.423 ], [ -71.355, -4.468 ], [ -71.303, -4.458 ], [ -71.269, -4.381 ], [ -71.198, -4.377 ], [ -71.193, -4.42 ], [ -71.147, -4.375 ], [ -71.031, -4.397 ], [ -70.99, -4.34 ], [ -70.935, -4.381 ], [ -70.757, -4.152 ], [ -70.677, -4.2 ], [ -70.622, -4.121 ], [ -70.633, -4.173 ], [ -70.565, -4.168 ], [ -70.566, -4.205 ], [ -70.553, -4.128 ], [ -70.503, -4.19 ], [ -70.434, -4.125 ], [ -70.341, -4.174 ], [ -70.317, -4.136 ], [ -70.291, -4.283 ], [ -70.249, -4.267 ], [ -70.186, -4.357 ], [ -70.169, -4.27 ], [ -70.101, -4.255 ], [ -70.031, -4.339 ], [ -69.929, -4.213 ], [ -69.453, -1.478 ], [ -69.368, -1.334 ], [ -69.422, -0.998 ], [ -69.508, -0.936 ], [ -69.609, -0.755 ], [ -69.551, -0.648 ], [ -69.593, -0.517 ], [ -69.908, -0.316 ], [ -70.068, -0.135 ], [ -70.037, 0.553 ], [ -69.798, 0.585 ], [ -69.664, 0.672 ], [ -69.606, 0.623 ], [ -69.468, 0.734 ], [ -69.357, 0.621 ], [ -69.295, 0.648 ], [ -69.288, 0.609 ], [ -69.202, 0.602 ], [ -69.112, 0.643 ], [ -69.184, 0.73 ], [ -69.137, 0.868 ], [ -69.257, 1.026 ], [ -69.342, 1.064 ], [ -69.416, 1.024 ], [ -69.7, 1.056 ], [ -69.721, 1.097 ], [ -69.854, 1.07 ], [ -69.855, 1.715 ], [ -69.556, 1.775 ], [ -69.395, 1.726 ], [ -68.128, 1.73 ], [ -68.29, 1.841 ], [ -68.205, 2.038 ], [ -68.027, 1.784 ], [ -67.924, 1.751 ], [ -67.797, 1.812 ], [ -67.578, 2.076 ], [ -67.41, 2.141 ], [ -67.117, 1.732 ], [ -67.068, 1.532 ], [ -67.097, 1.17 ], [ -66.855, 1.228 ], [ -66.322, 0.738 ], [ -66.095, 0.754 ], [ -65.952, 0.81 ], [ -65.854, 0.939 ], [ -65.733, 1.005 ], [ -65.583, 1.008 ], [ -65.47, 0.877 ], [ -65.557, 0.705 ], [ -65.504, 0.627 ], [ -65.393, 0.699 ], [ -65.305, 0.916 ], [ -65.152, 0.943 ], [ -65.121, 1.115 ], [ -65.055, 1.144 ], [ -64.968, 1.112 ], [ -64.903, 1.249 ], [ -64.843, 1.237 ], [ -64.783, 1.313 ], [ -64.721, 1.25 ], [ -64.638, 1.286 ], [ -64.387, 1.527 ], [ -64.344, 1.528 ], [ -64.382, 1.419 ], [ -64.344, 1.38 ], [ -64.186, 1.494 ], [ -64.054, 1.708 ], [ -64.057, 1.933 ], [ -64.018, 1.967 ], [ -63.781, 1.989 ], [ -63.604, 2.124 ], [ -63.419, 2.154 ], [ -63.349, 2.281 ], [ -63.382, 2.442 ], [ -63.756, 2.403 ], [ -64.031, 2.509 ], [ -63.987, 2.772 ], [ -64.216, 3.153 ], [ -64.236, 3.476 ], [ -64.186, 3.634 ], [ -64.324, 3.797 ], [ -64.543, 3.882 ], [ -64.8, 4.224 ], [ -64.79, 4.329 ], [ -64.677, 4.297 ], [ -64.555, 4.153 ], [ -64.135, 4.176 ], [ -63.967, 3.93 ], [ -63.806, 4.019 ], [ -63.623, 4.01 ], [ -63.455, 3.91 ], [ -63.411, 4.026 ], [ -63.358, 4.04 ], [ -63.203, 3.952 ], [ -63.189, 3.872 ], [ -62.86, 3.584 ], [ -62.749, 3.642 ], [ -62.705, 3.724 ], [ -62.752, 4.012 ], [ -62.635, 4.056 ], [ -62.557, 4.02 ], [ -62.46, 4.173 ], [ -62.129, 4.084 ], [ -61.961, 4.18 ], [ -61.927, 4.106 ], [ -61.723, 4.262 ], [ -61.528, 4.273 ], [ -61.507, 4.398 ], [ -61.274, 4.471 ], [ -61.293, 4.55 ], [ -61.141, 4.508 ], [ -60.952, 4.549 ], [ -60.907, 4.708 ], [ -60.731, 4.777 ], [ -60.59, 4.951 ], [ -60.744, 5.209 ], [ -60.438, 5.177 ], [ -60.203, 5.265 ], [ -60.176, 5.227 ], [ -60.121, 5.243 ], [ -60.085, 5.149 ], [ -59.969, 5.073 ], [ -60.03, 4.704 ], [ -60.163, 4.521 ], [ -59.927, 4.509 ], [ -59.674, 4.382 ], [ -59.726, 4.191 ], [ -59.628, 4.138 ], [ -59.655, 4.078 ], [ -59.516, 3.94 ], [ -59.581, 3.901 ], [ -59.594, 3.796 ], [ -59.666, 3.777 ], [ -59.664, 3.703 ], [ -59.849, 3.601 ], [ -59.799, 3.355 ], [ -59.909, 3.197 ], [ -59.982, 2.929 ], [ -59.99, 2.683 ], [ -59.903, 2.479 ], [ -59.91, 2.388 ], [ -59.724, 2.277 ], [ -59.754, 1.861 ], [ -59.654, 1.849 ], [ -59.669, 1.764 ], [ -59.549, 1.729 ], [ -59.253, 1.397 ], [ -58.914, 1.299 ], [ -58.904, 1.234 ], [ -58.804, 1.175 ], [ -58.696, 1.288 ], [ -58.507, 1.264 ], [ -58.468, 1.318 ], [ -58.498, 1.458 ], [ -58.382, 1.471 ], [ -58.325, 1.59 ], [ -58.167, 1.558 ], [ -58.13, 1.501 ], [ -58.009, 1.501 ], [ -58, 1.665 ], [ -57.919, 1.645 ], [ -57.77, 1.718 ], [ -57.545, 1.701 ], [ -57.434, 1.895 ], [ -57.302, 1.99 ], [ -57.247, 1.944 ], [ -57.085, 2.021 ], [ -57.012, 1.918 ], [ -56.8, 1.864 ], [ -56.724, 1.92 ], [ -56.454, 1.945 ], [ -55.957, 1.844 ], [ -55.906, 1.889 ], [ -55.913, 2.041 ], [ -56.048, 2.226 ], [ -56.134, 2.263 ], [ -56.09, 2.352 ], [ -55.995, 2.405 ], [ -55.987, 2.517 ], [ -55.948, 2.532 ], [ -55.739, 2.401 ], [ -55.481, 2.443 ], [ -55.37, 2.407 ], [ -55.336, 2.516 ], [ -55.239, 2.495 ], [ -55.137, 2.575 ], [ -55.103, 2.522 ], [ -54.94, 2.632 ], [ -54.969, 2.555 ], [ -54.864, 2.439 ], [ -54.72, 2.469 ], [ -54.702, 2.336 ], [ -54.549, 2.336 ], [ -54.534, 2.268 ], [ -54.314, 2.158 ], [ -54.189, 2.179 ], [ -54.111, 2.127 ], [ -54.078, 2.197 ], [ -53.784, 2.364 ], [ -53.694, 2.287 ], [ -53.472, 2.332 ], [ -53.397, 2.272 ], [ -53.273, 2.292 ], [ -53.188, 2.223 ], [ -52.905, 2.19 ], [ -52.853, 2.285 ], [ -52.673, 2.374 ], [ -52.555, 2.523 ], [ -52.556, 2.646 ], [ -52.382, 2.912 ], [ -52.347, 3.134 ], [ -52.192, 3.296 ], [ -51.92, 3.781 ], [ -51.795, 3.89 ], [ -51.754, 3.996 ], [ -51.658, 4.049 ], [ -51.585, 4.241 ], [ -51.529, 4.171 ], [ -51.545, 4.397 ], [ -51.202, 4.084 ], [ -51.173, 3.767 ], [ -51.127, 3.911 ], [ -51.085, 3.895 ], [ -51.051, 3.283 ], [ -50.913, 2.875 ], [ -50.927, 2.807 ], [ -50.816, 2.644 ], [ -50.851, 2.482 ], [ -50.802, 2.508 ], [ -50.736, 2.414 ], [ -50.765, 2.359 ], [ -50.694, 2.276 ], [ -50.725, 2.252 ], [ -50.675, 2.247 ], [ -50.682, 2.137 ], [ -50.584, 2.091 ], [ -50.586, 2.014 ], [ -50.471, 1.82 ], [ -50.194, 1.794 ], [ -49.954, 1.676 ], [ -49.88, 1.419 ], [ -49.918, 1.289 ], [ -50.073, 1.204 ], [ -49.918, 1.232 ], [ -49.939, 1.103 ], [ -50.003, 1.066 ], [ -50.033, 1.107 ], [ -50.131, 0.949 ], [ -50.274, 0.866 ], [ -50.338, 0.729 ], [ -50.417, 0.685 ], [ -50.455, 0.732 ], [ -50.428, 0.679 ], [ -50.571, 0.424 ], [ -50.691, 0.3 ], [ -50.677, 0.365 ], [ -50.746, 0.227 ], [ -50.801, 0.224 ], [ -50.785, 0.183 ], [ -50.908, 0.171 ], [ -51.087, -0.043 ], [ -51.203, -0.055 ], [ -51.419, -0.412 ], [ -51.409, -0.44 ], [ -51.325, -0.364 ], [ -51.188, -0.14 ], [ -51.111, -0.154 ], [ -51.154, -0.284 ], [ -51.396, -0.493 ], [ -51.243, -0.443 ], [ -51.26, -0.5 ], [ -51.165, -0.431 ], [ -50.953, -0.061 ], [ -50.824, -0.048 ], [ -50.705, 0.002 ], [ -50.613, -0.088 ], [ -50.744, -0.244 ], [ -50.751, -0.429 ], [ -50.845, -0.526 ], [ -50.988, -0.583 ], [ -51.051, -0.682 ], [ -50.826, -0.555 ], [ -50.794, -0.666 ], [ -50.733, -0.557 ], [ -50.684, -0.604 ], [ -50.724, -0.493 ], [ -50.652, -0.276 ], [ -50.409, -0.094 ], [ -49.631, -0.247 ], [ -49.446, -0.23 ], [ -49.289, -0.145 ], [ -49.018, -0.16 ], [ -49, -0.139 ], [ -48.895, -0.224 ], [ -48.539, -0.234 ], [ -48.363, -0.303 ], [ -48.459, -0.513 ], [ -48.522, -0.877 ], [ -48.667, -1.002 ], [ -48.621, -1.005 ], [ -48.65, -1.048 ], [ -48.617, -1.053 ], [ -48.721, -1.137 ], [ -48.837, -1.452 ], [ -49.161, -1.575 ], [ -49.182, -1.623 ], [ -49.362, -1.604 ], [ -49.364, -1.642 ], [ -49.448, -1.637 ], [ -49.5, -1.738 ], [ -49.61, -1.718 ], [ -49.676, -1.78 ], [ -49.696, -1.757 ], [ -49.714, -1.76 ], [ -49.803, -1.822 ], [ -50.035, -1.717 ], [ -50.179, -1.787 ], [ -50.256, -1.776 ], [ -50.415, -1.841 ], [ -50.401, -1.935 ], [ -49.994, -1.819 ], [ -49.844, -1.905 ], [ -49.765, -1.898 ], [ -49.616, -1.79 ], [ -49.276, -1.706 ], [ -49.267, -1.778 ], [ -49.387, -1.977 ], [ -49.383, -2.159 ], [ -48.973, -1.594 ], [ -48.897, -1.573 ], [ -48.955, -1.712 ], [ -48.932, -1.75 ], [ -48.898, -1.743 ], [ -48.656, -1.371 ], [ -48.592, -1.429 ], [ -48.601, -1.306 ], [ -48.524, -1.338 ], [ -48.537, -1.467 ], [ -48.496, -1.553 ], [ -48.491, -1.502 ], [ -48.46, -1.533 ], [ -48.374, -1.511 ], [ -48.319, -1.478 ], [ -48.505, -1.471 ], [ -48.422, -1.168 ], [ -48.475, -1.144 ], [ -48.4, -1.066 ], [ -48.278, -1.111 ], [ -48.304, -0.948 ], [ -48.055, -0.668 ], [ -48.001, -0.731 ], [ -47.893, -0.553 ], [ -47.843, -0.616 ], [ -47.807, -0.547 ], [ -47.702, -0.54 ], [ -47.707, -0.59 ], [ -47.667, -0.569 ], [ -47.633, -0.608 ], [ -47.651, -0.694 ], [ -47.608, -0.684 ], [ -47.577, -0.573 ], [ -47.476, -0.757 ], [ -47.398, -0.76 ], [ -47.428, -0.693 ], [ -47.464, -0.687 ], [ -47.466, -0.594 ], [ -47.399, -0.594 ], [ -47.4, -0.645 ], [ -47.298, -0.589 ], [ -47.253, -0.668 ], [ -47.247, -0.623 ], [ -47.206, -0.633 ], [ -47.23, -0.719 ], [ -47.158, -0.678 ], [ -47.191, -0.754 ], [ -47.146, -0.764 ], [ -47.16, -0.815 ], [ -47.081, -0.661 ], [ -47.055, -0.868 ], [ -47.027, -0.784 ], [ -46.983, -0.806 ], [ -47.016, -0.752 ], [ -46.967, -0.694 ], [ -46.969, -0.78 ], [ -46.891, -0.869 ], [ -46.89, -0.789 ], [ -46.846, -0.799 ], [ -46.82, -0.71 ], [ -46.802, -0.877 ], [ -46.777, -0.905 ], [ -46.75, -0.826 ], [ -46.709, -0.86 ], [ -46.734, -0.944 ], [ -46.687, -0.831 ], [ -46.653, -0.882 ], [ -46.621, -0.818 ], [ -46.601, -0.917 ], [ -46.676, -0.965 ], [ -46.622, -0.987 ], [ -46.57, -0.947 ], [ -46.609, -1.03 ], [ -46.57, -0.988 ], [ -46.525, -1.027 ], [ -46.465, -1.007 ], [ -46.47, -1.044 ], [ -46.395, -1.037 ], [ -46.413, -1.084 ], [ -46.348, -0.982 ], [ -46.36, -1.011 ], [ -46.366, -1.031 ], [ -46.348, -1.079 ], [ -46.339, -1.015 ], [ -46.299, -1.05 ], [ -46.212, -0.946 ], [ -46.242, -0.921 ], [ -46.179, -0.914 ], [ -46.224, -1.053 ], [ -46.206, -1.1 ], [ -46.158, -1.014 ], [ -46.138, -1.032 ], [ -46.193, -1.143 ], [ -46.104, -1.067 ], [ -46.062, -1.133 ], [ -46.15, -1.258 ], [ -45.982, -1.071 ], [ -45.953, -1.147 ], [ -46, -1.151 ], [ -46, -1.199 ], [ -45.95, -1.159 ], [ -45.95, -1.207 ], [ -46, -1.209 ], [ -45.95, -1.25 ], [ -45.902, -1.134 ], [ -45.923, -1.214 ], [ -45.882, -1.167 ], [ -45.873, -1.211 ], [ -45.909, -1.261 ], [ -45.859, -1.231 ], [ -45.891, -1.293 ], [ -45.807, -1.176 ], [ -45.843, -1.301 ], [ -45.809, -1.328 ], [ -45.831, -1.298 ], [ -45.782, -1.278 ], [ -45.726, -1.135 ], [ -45.69, -1.452 ], [ -45.697, -1.38 ], [ -45.632, -1.371 ], [ -45.618, -1.279 ], [ -45.589, -1.329 ], [ -45.537, -1.273 ], [ -45.561, -1.343 ], [ -45.51, -1.352 ], [ -45.567, -1.404 ], [ -45.546, -1.432 ], [ -45.413, -1.296 ], [ -45.489, -1.473 ], [ -45.511, -1.458 ], [ -45.554, -1.503 ], [ -45.507, -1.471 ], [ -45.518, -1.516 ], [ -45.481, -1.495 ], [ -45.463, -1.548 ], [ -45.457, -1.457 ], [ -45.391, -1.434 ], [ -45.363, -1.325 ], [ -45.323, -1.319 ], [ -45.302, -1.424 ], [ -45.392, -1.485 ], [ -45.398, -1.503 ], [ -45.356, -1.487 ], [ -45.392, -1.553 ], [ -45.338, -1.572 ], [ -45.371, -1.722 ], [ -45.338, -1.753 ], [ -45.197, -1.688 ], [ -45.261, -1.607 ], [ -45.16, -1.475 ], [ -45.136, -1.521 ], [ -45.072, -1.435 ], [ -45.07, -1.485 ], [ -44.999, -1.504 ], [ -45.018, -1.547 ], [ -44.969, -1.549 ], [ -45.029, -1.583 ], [ -45.029, -1.602 ], [ -44.979, -1.607 ], [ -44.954, -1.498 ], [ -44.862, -1.426 ], [ -44.857, -1.498 ], [ -44.954, -1.605 ], [ -44.918, -1.649 ], [ -44.968, -1.662 ], [ -44.913, -1.657 ], [ -44.927, -1.62 ], [ -44.886, -1.609 ], [ -44.837, -1.65 ], [ -44.822, -1.591 ], [ -44.826, -1.637 ], [ -44.805, -1.609 ], [ -44.812, -1.665 ], [ -44.779, -1.735 ], [ -44.711, -1.728 ], [ -44.82, -1.819 ], [ -44.738, -1.791 ], [ -44.706, -1.819 ], [ -44.676, -1.808 ], [ -44.661, -1.727 ], [ -44.604, -1.749 ], [ -44.667, -1.849 ], [ -44.601, -1.858 ], [ -44.583, -1.817 ], [ -44.586, -1.873 ], [ -44.543, -1.833 ], [ -44.601, -1.909 ], [ -44.517, -1.907 ], [ -44.484, -2.002 ], [ -44.613, -2.037 ], [ -44.467, -2.017 ], [ -44.626, -2.151 ], [ -44.589, -2.159 ], [ -44.641, -2.232 ], [ -44.708, -2.23 ], [ -44.684, -2.275 ], [ -44.764, -2.265 ], [ -44.654, -2.294 ], [ -44.681, -2.354 ], [ -44.649, -2.373 ], [ -44.666, -2.329 ], [ -44.479, -2.137 ], [ -44.358, -2.335 ], [ -44.401, -2.416 ], [ -44.514, -2.384 ], [ -44.55, -2.4 ], [ -44.491, -2.415 ], [ -44.514, -2.448 ], [ -44.505, -2.476 ], [ -44.665, -2.608 ], [ -44.548, -2.542 ], [ -44.658, -2.781 ], [ -44.688, -2.924 ], [ -44.677, -3.019 ], [ -44.66, -3.02 ], [ -44.657, -3.018 ] ], [ [ -43.318, -2.361 ], [ -43.317, -2.363 ], [ -43.296, -2.363 ], [ -43.318, -2.361 ] ], [ [ -42.438, -2.747 ], [ -42.442, -2.749 ], [ -42.438, -2.75 ], [ -42.438, -2.747 ] ], [ [ -42.442, -2.749 ], [ -42.47, -2.744 ], [ -42.447, -2.753 ], [ -42.442, -2.749 ] ], [ [ -50.851, 2.482 ], [ -50.853, 2.481 ], [ -50.853, 2.48 ], [ -50.851, 2.482 ] ], [ [ -50.853, 2.481 ], [ -50.86, 2.495 ], [ -50.86, 2.477 ], [ -50.853, 2.481 ] ], [ [ -49.976, 1.659 ], [ -49.98, 1.659 ], [ -50, 1.639 ], [ -49.976, 1.659 ] ], [ [ -45.392, -1.553 ], [ -45.393, -1.553 ], [ -45.394, -1.556 ], [ -45.392, -1.553 ] ], [ [ -45.394, -1.556 ], [ -45.406, -1.579 ], [ -45.403, -1.591 ], [ -45.394, -1.556 ] ], [ [ -44.837, -1.65 ], [ -44.834, -1.655 ], [ -44.833, -1.654 ], [ -44.837, -1.65 ] ], [ [ -44.834, -1.655 ], [ -44.841, -1.675 ], [ -44.822, -1.672 ], [ -44.834, -1.655 ] ], [ [ -44.779, -1.735 ], [ -44.777, -1.741 ], [ -44.776, -1.74 ], [ -44.779, -1.735 ] ], [ [ -44.777, -1.741 ], [ -44.833, -1.77 ], [ -44.774, -1.75 ], [ -44.777, -1.741 ] ], [ [ -44.547, -2.22 ], [ -44.536, -2.225 ], [ -44.543, -2.219 ], [ -44.547, -2.22 ] ], [ [ -44.536, -2.225 ], [ -44.507, -2.249 ], [ -44.512, -2.235 ], [ -44.536, -2.225 ] ], [ [ -44.507, -2.249 ], [ -44.504, -2.256 ], [ -44.501, -2.254 ], [ -44.507, -2.249 ] ], [ [ -44.504, -2.256 ], [ -44.514, -2.268 ], [ -44.502, -2.26 ], [ -44.504, -2.256 ] ] ], [ [ [ -29.34, -20.484 ], [ -29.301, -20.521 ], [ -29.341, -20.511 ], [ -29.34, -20.484 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.001, -13.94 ], [ -39.012, -13.915 ], [ -38.994, -13.896 ], [ -39.001, -13.94 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.043, -13.909 ], [ -39.059, -13.904 ], [ -39.054, -13.886 ], [ -39.028, -13.903 ], [ -39.043, -13.909 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.251, -18.015 ], [ -39.283, -18.005 ], [ -39.272, -17.982 ], [ -39.245, -18.006 ], [ -39.251, -18.015 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.131, -17.927 ], [ -39.154, -17.921 ], [ -39.137, -17.91 ], [ -39.131, -17.927 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.212, -17.986 ], [ -39.228, -17.979 ], [ -39.215, -17.944 ], [ -39.202, -17.95 ], [ -39.212, -17.986 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.341, -23.231 ], [ -44.372, -23.174 ], [ -44.232, -23.089 ], [ -44.087, -23.173 ], [ -44.3, -23.184 ], [ -44.341, -23.231 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.356, -23.073 ], [ -44.388, -23.048 ], [ -44.373, -23.033 ], [ -44.343, -23.041 ], [ -44.356, -23.073 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.929, -23.014 ], [ -43.936, -22.999 ], [ -43.916, -22.989 ], [ -43.929, -23.014 ] ] ], [ [ [ -42.002, -23.018 ], [ -42.015, -23.003 ], [ -41.98, -22.975 ], [ -41.975, -22.992 ], [ -42.002, -23.018 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.904, -22.962 ], [ -43.907, -22.936 ], [ -43.868, -22.926 ], [ -43.871, -22.95 ], [ -43.904, -22.962 ] ] ], [ [ [ -41.042, -21.613 ], [ -41.042, -21.6 ], [ -41.019, -21.606 ], [ -41.042, -21.613 ] ] ], [ [ [ -52.112, -32 ], [ -52.18, -32.035 ], [ -52.216, -32.025 ], [ -52.198, -31.978 ], [ -52.112, -32 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.641, -30.388 ], [ -50.629, -30.394 ], [ -50.624, -30.329 ], [ -50.592, -30.399 ], [ -50.609, -30.406 ], [ -50.641, -30.388 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.526, -27.462 ], [ -48.416, -27.38 ], [ -48.358, -27.446 ], [ -48.503, -27.799 ], [ -48.559, -27.842 ], [ -48.526, -27.462 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.354, -27.296 ], [ -48.376, -27.285 ], [ -48.373, -27.271 ], [ -48.36, -27.27 ], [ -48.354, -27.296 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.731, -26.314 ], [ -48.754, -26.297 ], [ -48.735, -26.282 ], [ -48.731, -26.314 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.318, -25.584 ], [ -48.309, -25.546 ], [ -48.381, -25.504 ], [ -48.312, -25.509 ], [ -48.292, -25.545 ], [ -48.318, -25.584 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.414, -25.544 ], [ -48.459, -25.514 ], [ -48.415, -25.527 ], [ -48.414, -25.544 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.424, -25.551 ], [ -48.479, -25.523 ], [ -48.485, -25.502 ], [ -48.424, -25.551 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.298, -25.493 ], [ -48.341, -25.416 ], [ -48.252, -25.341 ], [ -48.265, -25.44 ], [ -48.253, -25.466 ], [ -48.298, -25.493 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.417, -25.386 ], [ -48.424, -25.343 ], [ -48.405, -25.33 ], [ -48.417, -25.386 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.695, -24.112 ], [ -45.688, -24.088 ], [ -45.679, -24.098 ], [ -45.695, -24.112 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.251, -23.962 ], [ -45.301, -23.909 ], [ -45.453, -23.91 ], [ -45.332, -23.721 ], [ -45.227, -23.774 ], [ -45.224, -23.835 ], [ -45.283, -23.857 ], [ -45.221, -23.899 ], [ -45.251, -23.962 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.141, -23.817 ], [ -45.146, -23.791 ], [ -45.114, -23.801 ], [ -45.141, -23.817 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.153, -23.573 ], [ -45.153, -23.558 ], [ -45.141, -23.568 ], [ -45.153, -23.573 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.073, -23.564 ], [ -45.079, -23.525 ], [ -45.036, -23.531 ], [ -45.073, -23.564 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.608, -23.228 ], [ -44.59, -23.208 ], [ -44.577, -23.216 ], [ -44.608, -23.228 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.648, -12.821 ], [ -38.666, -12.777 ], [ -38.624, -12.762 ], [ -38.648, -12.821 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.529, -12.811 ], [ -38.544, -12.757 ], [ -38.532, -12.74 ], [ -38.508, -12.792 ], [ -38.529, -12.811 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.622, -12.752 ], [ -38.622, -12.727 ], [ -38.593, -12.733 ], [ -38.622, -12.752 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.646, -12.683 ], [ -38.648, -12.65 ], [ -38.636, -12.661 ], [ -38.646, -12.683 ] ] ], [ [ [ -32.402, -3.838 ], [ -32.428, -3.877 ], [ -32.483, -3.878 ], [ -32.402, -3.838 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.667, -3.179 ], [ -44.668, -3.16 ], [ -44.643, -3.148 ], [ -44.644, -3.17 ], [ -44.667, -3.179 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.671, -2.943 ], [ -44.67, -2.92 ], [ -44.647, -2.915 ], [ -44.671, -2.943 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.493, -2.641 ], [ -44.48, -2.601 ], [ -44.477, -2.627 ], [ -44.493, -2.641 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.897, -2.573 ], [ -43.896, -2.554 ], [ -43.886, -2.565 ], [ -43.897, -2.573 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.599, -2.503 ], [ -43.577, -2.471 ], [ -43.572, -2.483 ], [ -43.599, -2.503 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.822, -2.526 ], [ -43.829, -2.509 ], [ -43.813, -2.458 ], [ -43.812, -2.553 ], [ -43.82, -2.528 ], [ -43.822, -2.526 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.821, -2.529 ], [ -43.856, -2.502 ], [ -43.832, -2.439 ], [ -43.842, -2.504 ], [ -43.821, -2.529 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.863, -2.56 ], [ -43.875, -2.552 ], [ -43.865, -2.534 ], [ -43.863, -2.56 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.519, -2.536 ], [ -44.529, -2.526 ], [ -44.501, -2.48 ], [ -44.505, -2.444 ], [ -44.455, -2.434 ], [ -44.519, -2.536 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.602, -3.007 ], [ -44.657, -2.972 ], [ -44.613, -2.894 ], [ -44.575, -2.921 ], [ -44.602, -3.007 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.585, -2.978 ], [ -44.563, -2.914 ], [ -44.586, -2.826 ], [ -44.494, -2.705 ], [ -44.494, -2.953 ], [ -44.582, -3.041 ], [ -44.585, -2.978 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.826, -2.434 ], [ -43.842, -2.403 ], [ -43.811, -2.385 ], [ -43.807, -2.412 ], [ -43.826, -2.434 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.581, -2.441 ], [ -43.615, -2.389 ], [ -43.549, -2.377 ], [ -43.545, -2.403 ], [ -43.581, -2.441 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.791, -2.47 ], [ -43.806, -2.443 ], [ -43.78, -2.422 ], [ -43.759, -2.448 ], [ -43.791, -2.47 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.513, -2.424 ], [ -43.537, -2.416 ], [ -43.522, -2.39 ], [ -43.505, -2.414 ], [ -43.513, -2.424 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.792, -2.405 ], [ -43.798, -2.377 ], [ -43.771, -2.37 ], [ -43.792, -2.405 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.689, -2.355 ], [ -43.743, -2.352 ], [ -43.724, -2.305 ], [ -43.617, -2.253 ], [ -43.612, -2.275 ], [ -43.669, -2.301 ], [ -43.689, -2.355 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.73, -2.425 ], [ -43.732, -2.364 ], [ -43.67, -2.377 ], [ -43.681, -2.34 ], [ -43.63, -2.324 ], [ -43.643, -2.394 ], [ -43.73, -2.425 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.473, -2.125 ], [ -44.487, -2.113 ], [ -44.475, -2.096 ], [ -44.463, -2.104 ], [ -44.473, -2.125 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.456, -2.031 ], [ -44.447, -2.008 ], [ -44.439, -2.022 ], [ -44.456, -2.031 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.311, -1.964 ], [ -49.336, -1.996 ], [ -49.309, -1.943 ], [ -49.311, -1.964 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.323, -2.054 ], [ -49.329, -2.019 ], [ -49.316, -2.001 ], [ -49.323, -2.054 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.231, -1.829 ], [ -50.246, -1.824 ], [ -50.229, -1.816 ], [ -50.231, -1.829 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.615, -1.821 ], [ -44.622, -1.797 ], [ -44.597, -1.774 ], [ -44.583, -1.789 ], [ -44.615, -1.821 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.7, -1.811 ], [ -44.703, -1.78 ], [ -44.673, -1.78 ], [ -44.7, -1.811 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.691, -1.793 ], [ -49.721, -1.789 ], [ -49.719, -1.771 ], [ -49.697, -1.766 ], [ -49.691, -1.793 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.924, -1.711 ], [ -48.909, -1.713 ], [ -48.916, -1.734 ], [ -48.935, -1.713 ], [ -48.924, -1.711 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.757, -1.707 ], [ -44.767, -1.694 ], [ -44.736, -1.701 ], [ -44.757, -1.707 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.433, -1.684 ], [ -49.454, -1.706 ], [ -49.46, -1.684 ], [ -49.433, -1.684 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.357, -1.008 ], [ -46.342, -0.994 ], [ -46.353, -1.026 ], [ -46.357, -1.008 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.205, -1.021 ], [ -46.194, -1.014 ], [ -46.202, -1.032 ], [ -46.205, -1.021 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.662, -3.018 ], [ -44.673, -3.012 ], [ -44.664, -3.001 ], [ -44.649, -3.013 ], [ -44.662, -3.018 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.736, -1.683 ], [ -44.745, -1.677 ], [ -44.732, -1.668 ], [ -44.736, -1.683 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.231, -1.638 ], [ -49.237, -1.627 ], [ -49.217, -1.633 ], [ -49.231, -1.638 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.38, -1.685 ], [ -49.4, -1.682 ], [ -49.368, -1.669 ], [ -49.38, -1.685 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.426, -1.673 ], [ -49.429, -1.661 ], [ -49.406, -1.66 ], [ -49.426, -1.673 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.34, -1.672 ], [ -49.358, -1.662 ], [ -49.325, -1.647 ], [ -49.34, -1.672 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.289, -1.726 ], [ -45.305, -1.663 ], [ -45.257, -1.641 ], [ -45.244, -1.678 ], [ -45.28, -1.694 ], [ -45.289, -1.726 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.328, -1.743 ], [ -45.346, -1.719 ], [ -45.301, -1.596 ], [ -45.274, -1.635 ], [ -45.313, -1.654 ], [ -45.328, -1.743 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.886, -1.578 ], [ -48.89, -1.56 ], [ -48.859, -1.536 ], [ -48.856, -1.553 ], [ -48.886, -1.578 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.783, -1.682 ], [ -44.8, -1.595 ], [ -44.775, -1.62 ], [ -44.721, -1.567 ], [ -44.704, -1.611 ], [ -44.684, -1.575 ], [ -44.668, -1.669 ], [ -44.693, -1.638 ], [ -44.783, -1.682 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.816, -1.569 ], [ -44.837, -1.534 ], [ -44.787, -1.488 ], [ -44.825, -1.534 ], [ -44.816, -1.569 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.462, -1.517 ], [ -48.478, -1.499 ], [ -48.421, -1.503 ], [ -48.462, -1.517 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.793, -1.531 ], [ -44.774, -1.47 ], [ -44.763, -1.513 ], [ -44.793, -1.531 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.414, -1.427 ], [ -45.423, -1.416 ], [ -45.409, -1.405 ], [ -45.414, -1.427 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45, -1.296 ], [ -44.922, -1.265 ], [ -44.877, -1.309 ], [ -44.895, -1.34 ], [ -44.922, -1.305 ], [ -44.907, -1.341 ], [ -44.999, -1.405 ], [ -45.033, -1.339 ], [ -45, -1.32 ], [ -44.995, -1.36 ], [ -45, -1.296 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.044, -1.402 ], [ -45.07, -1.33 ], [ -45.052, -1.342 ], [ -45.044, -1.402 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.333, -1.569 ], [ -45.371, -1.544 ], [ -45.347, -1.489 ], [ -45.313, -1.506 ], [ -45.333, -1.569 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.969, -1.522 ], [ -44.976, -1.493 ], [ -44.959, -1.483 ], [ -44.969, -1.522 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.393, -1.512 ], [ -48.371, -1.476 ], [ -48.341, -1.483 ], [ -48.393, -1.512 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.413, -1.498 ], [ -48.426, -1.491 ], [ -48.387, -1.476 ], [ -48.413, -1.498 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.118, -1.47 ], [ -45.132, -1.462 ], [ -45.115, -1.364 ], [ -45.103, -1.373 ], [ -45.118, -1.47 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.593, -1.251 ], [ -45.581, -1.19 ], [ -45.536, -1.205 ], [ -45.532, -1.231 ], [ -45.593, -1.251 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.559, -1.243 ], [ -48.56, -1.202 ], [ -48.523, -1.199 ], [ -48.559, -1.243 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.817, -1.163 ], [ -45.829, -1.141 ], [ -45.804, -1.127 ], [ -45.817, -1.163 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.877, -1.154 ], [ -45.9, -1.117 ], [ -45.883, -1.073 ], [ -45.849, -1.123 ], [ -45.877, -1.154 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.192, -1.05 ], [ -46.201, -1.041 ], [ -46.185, -1.027 ], [ -46.192, -1.05 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.291, -1.01 ], [ -46.307, -0.992 ], [ -46.306, -0.961 ], [ -46.291, -1.01 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.078, -1.095 ], [ -46.065, -1.05 ], [ -46.061, -1.074 ], [ -46.078, -1.095 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.68, -1.295 ], [ -45.687, -1.275 ], [ -45.667, -1.26 ], [ -45.654, -1.285 ], [ -45.68, -1.295 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.538, -1.282 ], [ -48.549, -1.262 ], [ -48.53, -1.25 ], [ -48.538, -1.282 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.51, -1.27 ], [ -48.522, -1.247 ], [ -48.506, -1.236 ], [ -48.51, -1.27 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.694, -1.37 ], [ -45.646, -1.289 ], [ -45.625, -1.126 ], [ -45.634, -1.349 ], [ -45.694, -1.37 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.688, -1.266 ], [ -45.708, -1.228 ], [ -45.685, -1.194 ], [ -45.664, -1.231 ], [ -45.688, -1.266 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.425, -0.914 ], [ -46.454, -0.907 ], [ -46.408, -0.868 ], [ -46.395, -0.899 ], [ -46.425, -0.914 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.72, -0.848 ], [ -46.735, -0.832 ], [ -46.729, -0.796 ], [ -46.72, -0.848 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.611, -0.799 ], [ -46.622, -0.784 ], [ -46.601, -0.789 ], [ -46.611, -0.799 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.586, -0.849 ], [ -46.621, -0.807 ], [ -46.589, -0.815 ], [ -46.586, -0.849 ] ] ], [ [ [ -47.447, -0.748 ], [ -47.453, -0.732 ], [ -47.436, -0.717 ], [ -47.428, -0.738 ], [ -47.447, -0.748 ] ] ], [ [ [ -47.461, -0.741 ], [ -47.463, -0.702 ], [ -47.445, -0.697 ], [ -47.461, -0.741 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.214, -0.411 ], [ -51.211, -0.386 ], [ -51.164, -0.347 ], [ -51.163, -0.383 ], [ -51.214, -0.411 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.352, -0.353 ], [ -51.346, -0.31 ], [ -51.317, -0.268 ], [ -51.327, -0.33 ], [ -51.352, -0.353 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.127, -0.268 ], [ -51.131, -0.237 ], [ -51.091, -0.208 ], [ -51.087, -0.229 ], [ -51.127, -0.268 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.888, -0.198 ], [ -48.91, -0.188 ], [ -48.893, -0.134 ], [ -48.847, -0.177 ], [ -48.888, -0.198 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.174, -0.091 ], [ -51.191, -0.064 ], [ -51.126, -0.057 ], [ -51.174, -0.091 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.114, -0.146 ], [ -49.097, -0.121 ], [ -49.08, -0.13 ], [ -49.114, -0.146 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.166, -0.142 ], [ -49.188, -0.115 ], [ -49.156, -0.128 ], [ -49.166, -0.142 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.119, -0.141 ], [ -49.143, -0.107 ], [ -49.114, -0.11 ], [ -49.119, -0.141 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.127, -0.128 ], [ -51.094, -0.103 ], [ -51.108, -0.127 ], [ -51.127, -0.128 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.414, -0.999 ], [ -46.384, -0.941 ], [ -46.367, -0.948 ], [ -46.414, -0.999 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.647, -0.97 ], [ -46.658, -0.968 ], [ -46.618, -0.957 ], [ -46.647, -0.97 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.488, -0.942 ], [ -46.465, -0.877 ], [ -46.464, -0.924 ], [ -46.44, -0.922 ], [ -46.482, -0.976 ], [ -46.441, -0.999 ], [ -46.525, -1.016 ], [ -46.527, -0.917 ], [ -46.509, -0.984 ], [ -46.488, -0.942 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.632, 0.159 ], [ -49.662, 0.184 ], [ -49.629, 0.202 ], [ -49.61, 0.181 ], [ -49.632, 0.159 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.641, 0.26 ], [ -50.63, 0.293 ], [ -50.586, 0.308 ], [ -50.641, 0.26 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.2, 0.255 ], [ -50.243, 0.248 ], [ -50.147, 0.337 ], [ -50.059, 0.346 ], [ -50.2, 0.255 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.417, 0.159 ], [ -50.535, 0.234 ], [ -50.36, 0.615 ], [ -50.328, 0.383 ], [ -50.285, 0.3 ], [ -50.413, 0.237 ], [ -50.417, 0.159 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.279, 0.338 ], [ -50.271, 0.599 ], [ -50.147, 0.608 ], [ -50.142, 0.576 ], [ -50.107, 0.636 ], [ -50.063, 0.623 ], [ -50.05, 0.518 ], [ -50.279, 0.338 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50, 0.943 ], [ -50.113, 0.907 ], [ -50.018, 1.034 ], [ -49.935, 1.069 ], [ -49.939, 0.996 ], [ -50, 0.943 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.881, 1.227 ], [ -49.909, 1.246 ], [ -49.886, 1.244 ], [ -49.881, 1.227 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.907, 1.278 ], [ -49.885, 1.291 ], [ -49.863, 1.278 ], [ -49.876, 1.252 ], [ -49.907, 1.278 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.204, 1.851 ], [ -50.232, 1.879 ], [ -50.22, 1.915 ], [ -50.169, 1.865 ], [ -50.204, 1.851 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.468, 1.954 ], [ -50.521, 2.026 ], [ -50.497, 2.139 ], [ -50.398, 2.167 ], [ -50.367, 2.19 ], [ -50.276, 1.939 ], [ -50.423, 1.849 ], [ -50.468, 1.954 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.504, 2.255 ], [ -50.414, 2.244 ], [ -50.382, 2.204 ], [ -50.489, 2.15 ], [ -50.564, 2.205 ], [ -50.504, 2.255 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.229, 0.832 ], [ -50.098, 0.839 ], [ -50.027, 0.898 ], [ -50.105, 0.757 ], [ -50.162, 0.775 ], [ -50.249, 0.72 ], [ -50.229, 0.832 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.131, 0.844 ], [ -50.162, 0.867 ], [ -50.132, 0.9 ], [ -50.119, 0.854 ], [ -50.131, 0.844 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.108, 0.85 ], [ -50.111, 0.891 ], [ -50.049, 0.886 ], [ -50.108, 0.85 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.216, -0.055 ], [ -50.235, -0.042 ], [ -50.219, -0.04 ], [ -50.216, -0.055 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.916, -0.052 ], [ -50.926, -0.047 ], [ -50.907, -0.043 ], [ -50.916, -0.052 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.605, -0.061 ], [ -50.618, -0.022 ], [ -50.559, -0.038 ], [ -50.605, -0.061 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.399, -0.061 ], [ -50.44, -0.057 ], [ -50.378, -0.015 ], [ -50.357, -0.049 ], [ -50.399, -0.061 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.75, 0 ], [ -49.609, 0.08 ], [ -49.474, 0.081 ], [ -49.338, -0.017 ], [ -49.487, -0.136 ], [ -49.723, -0.147 ], [ -49.835, -0.088 ], [ -49.75, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.023, -0.019 ], [ -49.039, -0.011 ], [ -49.02, -0.006 ], [ -49.023, -0.019 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.932, 0.052 ], [ -50.918, 0.084 ], [ -50.884, 0.078 ], [ -50.899, 0.057 ], [ -50.932, 0.052 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.928, 0 ], [ -50.786, 0.05 ], [ -50.717, 0.028 ], [ -50.94, -0.041 ], [ -50.928, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.691, 0.025 ], [ -50.655, 0.015 ], [ -50.703, 0.021 ], [ -50.691, 0.025 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.629, -0.043 ], [ -50.642, -0.016 ], [ -50.622, -0.026 ], [ -50.629, -0.043 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.642, 0 ], [ -50.611, 0.007 ], [ -50.595, -0.019 ], [ -50.642, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.536, 0 ], [ -50.653, 0.126 ], [ -50.59, 0.203 ], [ -50.434, 0.126 ], [ -50.436, 0 ], [ -50.536, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50, 0.311 ], [ -49.674, 0.368 ], [ -49.601, 0.283 ], [ -49.86, 0.008 ], [ -49.99, -0.048 ], [ -50.086, 0.034 ], [ -50.351, 0.044 ], [ -50.394, 0.222 ], [ -50.153, 0.227 ], [ -50, 0.311 ] ] ] ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "La costa de lo que hoy es territorio brasileño fue el primer punto al que llegaron los europeos en América del Sur. La primera expedición que exploró la región fue un desprendimiento de la flota portuguesa que Vasco da Gama (c. 1460-1524) llevaba hacia oriente. Las naves dirigidas por Pedro Álvarez de Cabral (1467-1520) se alejaron excesivamente de la costa de África y terminaron en el extremo sur de actual territorio del Estado de Bahía, en que el permanecieron entre abril y mayo del año 1500. Los portuguese establecieron en la costa precarias feitorias para comerciar verzino o palo brasil con los nativos de las sociedades tupí y guaraní nativas. Recién en 1530 la corona brasileña tomaría acciones decididas para organizar la ocupación portuguesa y las actividades de explotación, cuando instaura el régimen de capitanías hereditarias que estructuraría el establecimiento colonial lusitano en brasil. Bibliografía: Johnson, H. B., \"Portuguese Settlement, 1500-1580\", en Bethell, Leslie (ed.), Colonial Brazil, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1987, pp. 1-38; Abulafia, David, El descubrimiento de la humanidad. Encuentros atlánticos en la era de Colón, Barcelona, Crítica, 2009 [2008]; Metcalf, Alida C., Go-Betweens and the Colonization of Brazil, 1500-1600, Austin, University of Texas Press, 2005; Vaz de Caminha, Pêro, Carta del descubrimiento del Brasil, Barcelona, Acantilado, 2009.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-12-03T14:17:24+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 107297, "end" : 107303 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Brasil" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/4e169902-19f9-4c42-b74c-978c77ae3a9d", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Aborigines", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T17:59:07+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Native people", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T17:59:07+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T17:59:07+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "El término tupinambá es un etnónimo que significa el más antiguo o el primero, y se refiere a una nación indígena de la que formaban parte los tamoios, los temiminó, los tupiniquim y los tupinambáes propiamente dichos.Más abajo, en el capítulo V, aparecen mencionados como tupís.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-10-26T19:00:50+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Carneiro Da Cunha, Manuela L. (org.), História dos índios no Brasil, San\n Pablo, Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo-Companhia \ndas Letras-Secretaria Municipal de Cultura Prefeitura do Município de \nSão Paulo, 1992; Silva Noelli, Francisco, \"The tupi  expansion\", en Silverman, Helaine; Isbell, William H. (eds.), Handbook of South American Archaeology, op. cit., pp. 659-670; Carneiro Da Cunha, Manuela L.; Viveiros de Castro, \"Vingança e temporalidade: os tupinamba\", en JSA, vol. LXXI, 1985, pp. 191-208.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-12-03T14:07:20+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 5834, "end" : 5844 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Tupinambás" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/9125adc6-575d-46b3-9b80-33b7eaae0df6", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Aborigines", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T17:58:08+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Native people", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T17:58:08+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T17:58:08+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Refiere a los nativos Tobayaras, pueblos septentrionales de Brasil.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T17:58:08+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Carneiro Da Cunha, Manuela L. (org.), História dos índios no Brasil, San\n Pablo, Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo-Companhia \ndas Letras-Secretaria Municipal de Cultura Prefeitura do Município de \nSão Paulo, 1992", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-12-03T14:02:02+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 5790, "end" : 5799 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Tobaiaras" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/7f2d9ce1-c20d-41ed-8c15-bd1ba1abbb08", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "En la colección de transcripciones de documentos relativos a la \nconquista y colonización de los territorios argentinos de la Biblioteca \nNacional \"Mariano Moreno\" (Colección Gaspar García Viñas) no aparece \nninguna mención contemporánera a este personaje.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-11T14:59:42+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-12-03T16:30:25+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 49523, "end" : 49537 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Capitán Sedeño" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/dbe610f4-397c-44af-875f-484a8c3c9d91", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-12-03T17:22:35+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Tieffemberg anota \"samócocis\", en Díaz de Guzmán, Ruy, Argentina. Historia del Descubrimiento y Conquista del Río de la Plata, Buenos Aires, Editorial de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, 2012, p. 170. Edición de Silvia Tieffemberg.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-12-03T17:46:01+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 128398, "end" : 128407 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Samocosis" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/8905384f-f536-4a04-b2b5-51846c6e005c", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-08T02:49:44+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Incluidos dentro de la familia mataco-guaycurú, los yapirúes habitaban la banda occidental del Paraguay y practicaban la casa y la recolección. Bibliografía: Susnik, Branislava, El rol de los indígenas en la formación y en la vivencia del Paraguay. Tomo II, Asunción, Universo, 1983; Bibliografía: Susnik, Branislava, El rol de los indígenas en la \nformación y en la vivencia del Paraguay. Tomo II, Asunción, Universo, \n1983; Maccormack, Sabine, \"Ethnography in South America: The Fisrt Two Hundred\n years\", en Salomon, Frank; Schwartz, Stuart B. (eds.), The Cambridge \nHistory of the Native Peoples of the Americas. Volume III. Part I, \nCambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1999, p. 104.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-12-03T18:03:52+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 141903, "end" : 141910 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Yapirús" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/ad47c505-7336-483a-9bda-ed57949fb527", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "conqueror", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:19:15+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:19:15+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "colonizer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:19:15+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:19:15+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Nació en Santa Cruz de la Sierra, de Extremadura,\nen 1518. Llegó a territorio americano con el segundo adelantado del Río de la\nPlata, Don Alvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca”. Cuando la flota llega al puerto de\nSanta Catalina en el año 1541, ya ostentaba el grado de Capitán. Cuando el\ngobernador Martínez de Irala le encomienda fundar al norte de Asunción, Chaves\nse convierte así en General. El 26 de febrero de 1561 fundó Santa Cruz de la\nSierra a orillas del arroyo Sutó. Después de fundada Santa Cruz de la\nSierra, Ñuflo de Chaves se dirige a Asunción, en 1564,  para recoger\na su familia. En 1550 se había casado con Doña Elvira Manrique, hija de don\nFrancisco de Mendoza, gobernador del Río de la Plata, con quien tuvo cinco\nhijos: Francisco y Alvaro, ambos militares; María, Catalina y Elvira; las\ndos menores monjas y la mayor se casó en 1574 con un soldado de apellido\nOssorio. El nieto de Ñuflo, Cap. Francisco Ossorio de Chaves, estuvo como\nAlcalde durante la traslación de  la ciudad, hasta su\nasiento definitivo a orillas del Piraí (1621).", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:19:15+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 31905, "end" : 31910 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Nuflo" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/56b60646-1546-4b4b-b132-b9f254cb8437", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "conqueror", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:34:45+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:34:45+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "colonizer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:34:45+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:34:45+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Ruy Díaz de Melgarejo (Salteras\nde Sevilla, 1519 – Santa Fe la Vieja, 1602) fue un militar, conquistador, explorador,\nestadista, minero y burócrata colonial español establecido en la región del Río\nde la Plata. Su vida estuvo marcada por guerras, conspiraciones, persecuciones\ny conflictos familiares.\n\nJunto a Juan de Salazar, Alonso Riquelme de Guzmán y Diego de Abreu se opuso\nal gobierno asunceno de Domingo Martínez de Irala, apoyando al deportado Álvar\nNúñez Cabeza de Vaca.\n\nGobernó de manera casi absoluta e independiente la antigua provincia\nasuncena del Guayrá, fácticamente durante 20 años, y luego de separarla de Asunción\nen 1575, con el título de teniente de gobernador del Guayrá unos 15 años más.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:34:45+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 11432, "end" : 11450 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Rui Díaz Melgarejo" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/adddfd3b-7647-49b0-8d09-7992a8d1709e", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "conqueror", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:34:45+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:34:45+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "colonizer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:34:45+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:34:45+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Ruy Díaz de Melgarejo (Salteras\nde Sevilla, 1519 – Santa Fe la Vieja, 1602) fue un militar, conquistador, explorador,\nestadista, minero y burócrata colonial español establecido en la región del Río\nde la Plata. Su vida estuvo marcada por guerras, conspiraciones, persecuciones\ny conflictos familiares.\n\nJunto a Juan de Salazar, Alonso Riquelme de Guzmán y Diego de Abreu se opuso\nal gobierno asunceno de Domingo Martínez de Irala, apoyando al deportado Álvar\nNúñez Cabeza de Vaca.\n\nGobernó de manera casi absoluta e independiente la antigua provincia\nasuncena del Guayrá, fácticamente durante 20 años, y luego de separarla de Asunción\nen 1575, con el título de teniente de gobernador del Guayrá unos 15 años más.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:34:45+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 111033, "end" : 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-38.59, -12.972 ], [ -38.766, -13.129 ], [ -38.807, -13.1 ], [ -38.808, -13.154 ], [ -38.944, -13.243 ], [ -38.973, -13.391 ], [ -38.902, -13.384 ], [ -38.886, -13.45 ], [ -38.95, -13.577 ], [ -38.886, -13.659 ], [ -38.968, -13.67 ], [ -39.006, -13.891 ], [ -39.064, -13.865 ], [ -39.075, -13.887 ], [ -38.986, -13.998 ], [ -38.952, -13.986 ], [ -38.982, -13.912 ], [ -38.938, -13.886 ], [ -38.922, -13.92 ], [ -39.061, -14.716 ], [ -38.962, -15.585 ], [ -38.857, -15.86 ], [ -38.973, -16.211 ], [ -39.032, -16.26 ], [ -39.01, -16.369 ], [ -39.078, -16.454 ], [ -39.143, -16.762 ], [ -39.113, -16.896 ], [ -39.212, -17.155 ], [ -39.193, -17.602 ], [ -39.135, -17.691 ], [ -39.264, -17.869 ], [ -39.435, -17.943 ], [ -39.563, -18.091 ], [ -39.721, -18.493 ], [ -39.749, -18.81 ], [ -39.692, -19.353 ], [ -39.805, -19.65 ], [ -39.951, -19.717 ], [ -40.151, -19.956 ], [ -40.236, -20.285 ], [ -40.353, -20.32 ], [ -40.329, -20.236 ], [ -40.359, -20.291 ], [ -40.365, -20.317 ], [ -40.35, -20.328 ], [ -40.268, -20.327 ], [ -40.402, -20.606 ], [ -40.466, -20.624 ], [ -40.627, -20.845 ], [ -40.65, -20.813 ], [ -40.756, -20.866 ], [ -40.853, -21.133 ], [ -40.955, -21.251 ], [ -40.96, -21.364 ], [ -41.065, -21.495 ], [ -41.051, -21.608 ], [ -41.038, -21.622 ], [ -41.007, -21.618 ], [ -40.99, -22.014 ], [ -41.229, -22.151 ], [ -41.668, -22.294 ], [ -41.962, -22.538 ], [ -41.986, -22.713 ], [ -41.919, -22.774 ], [ -41.864, -22.759 ], [ -42.023, -22.896 ], [ -42.037, -22.94 ], [ -41.99, -22.964 ], [ -42.018, -22.998 ], [ -42.086, -22.957 ], [ -42.529, -22.934 ], [ -43.05, -22.982 ], [ -43.132, -22.941 ], [ -43.025, -22.741 ], [ -43.084, -22.68 ], [ -43.216, -22.725 ], [ -43.287, -22.806 ], [ -43.24, -22.847 ], [ -43.249, -22.797 ], [ -43.156, -22.784 ], [ -43.247, -22.882 ], [ -43.164, -22.899 ], [ -43.187, -22.995 ], [ -43.344, -22.983 ], [ -43.303, -23.02 ], [ -43.549, -23.081 ], [ -44.001, -23.1 ], [ -43.961, -23.042 ], [ -43.877, -23.067 ], [ -43.909, -23.02 ], [ -43.807, -23.063 ], [ -43.555, -23.055 ], [ -43.84, -22.906 ], [ -43.985, -22.937 ], [ -44.034, -23.014 ], [ -44.044, -22.923 ], [ -44.107, -23.03 ], [ -44.234, -23.06 ], [ -44.238, -23.004 ], [ -44.358, -23.02 ], [ -44.296, -22.961 ], [ -44.321, -22.927 ], [ -44.378, -22.972 ], [ -44.407, -22.945 ], [ -44.443, -23.035 ], [ -44.669, -23.06 ], [ -44.712, -23.19 ], [ -44.701, -23.237 ], [ -44.645, -23.191 ], [ -44.612, -23.206 ], [ -44.685, -23.256 ], [ -44.611, -23.238 ], [ -44.652, -23.302 ], [ -44.558, -23.232 ], [ -44.577, -23.275 ], [ -44.498, -23.302 ], [ -44.583, -23.367 ], [ -44.669, -23.341 ], [ -44.84, -23.395 ], [ -44.905, -23.339 ], [ -45.05, -23.418 ], [ -45.016, -23.461 ], [ -45.079, -23.519 ], [ -45.165, -23.495 ], [ -45.159, -23.541 ], [ -45.228, -23.547 ], [ -45.211, -23.582 ], [ -45.41, -23.632 ], [ -45.412, -23.825 ], [ -45.934, -23.771 ], [ -46.124, -23.842 ], [ -46.2, -24.002 ], [ -46.288, -24.044 ], [ -46.321, -24 ], [ -46.458, -24.025 ], [ -46.937, -24.281 ], [ -47.024, -24.382 ], [ -47.004, -24.412 ], [ -47.86, -24.996 ], [ -47.914, -25.061 ], [ -47.915, -25.16 ], [ -48.213, -25.47 ], [ -48.254, -25.435 ], [ -48.222, -25.342 ], [ -48.208, -25.353 ], [ -48.121, -25.267 ], [ -48.253, -25.328 ], [ -48.284, -25.294 ], [ -48.317, -25.363 ], [ -48.327, -25.232 ], [ -48.366, -25.317 ], [ -48.433, -25.237 ], [ -48.428, -25.324 ], [ -48.5, -25.335 ], [ -48.427, -25.39 ], [ -48.449, -25.379 ], [ -48.468, -25.388 ], [ -48.467, -25.432 ], [ -48.449, -25.384 ], [ -48.414, -25.428 ], [ -48.476, -25.485 ], [ -48.637, -25.468 ], [ -48.661, -25.398 ], [ -48.671, -25.435 ], [ -48.739, -25.374 ], [ -48.68, -25.465 ], [ -48.687, -25.499 ], [ -48.737, -25.483 ], [ -48.703, -25.504 ], [ -48.617, -25.536 ], [ -48.512, -25.505 ], [ -48.482, -25.591 ], [ -48.46, -25.552 ], [ -48.35, -25.581 ], [ -48.565, -25.868 ], [ -48.614, -26.06 ], [ -48.586, -26.172 ], [ -48.714, -26.243 ], [ -48.795, -26.073 ], [ -48.837, -26.157 ], [ -48.798, -26.142 ], [ -48.763, -26.199 ], [ -48.805, -26.228 ], [ -48.769, -26.223 ], [ -48.761, -26.286 ], [ -48.803, -26.303 ], [ -48.723, -26.362 ], [ -48.635, -26.374 ], [ -48.714, -26.308 ], [ -48.554, -26.172 ], [ -48.493, -26.224 ], [ -48.695, -26.658 ], [ -48.665, -26.769 ], [ -48.583, -26.786 ], [ -48.655, -26.909 ], [ -48.62, -27.007 ], [ -48.574, -27.011 ], [ -48.607, -27.122 ], [ -48.554, -27.152 ], [ -48.51, -27.108 ], [ -48.469, -27.148 ], [ -48.511, -27.183 ], [ -48.486, -27.218 ], [ -48.531, -27.18 ], [ -48.612, -27.243 ], [ -48.596, -27.318 ], [ -48.529, -27.334 ], [ -48.649, -27.486 ], [ -48.572, -27.592 ], [ -48.653, -27.648 ], [ -48.575, -27.888 ], [ -48.761, -28.535 ], [ -48.813, -28.605 ], [ -49.37, -28.92 ], [ -49.334, -28.921 ], [ -49.702, -29.308 ], [ -50.006, -29.749 ], [ -50.316, -30.472 ], [ -50.848, -31.205 ], [ -51.303, -31.613 ], [ -51.877, -31.952 ], [ -52.071, -32.188 ], [ -52.012, -31.946 ], [ -52.092, -31.837 ], [ -51.851, -31.865 ], [ -51.777, -31.805 ], [ -51.854, -31.797 ], [ -51.65, -31.759 ], [ -51.478, -31.562 ], [ -51.43, -31.622 ], [ -51.458, -31.548 ], [ -51.424, -31.478 ], [ -51.351, -31.529 ], [ -51.234, -31.458 ], [ -51.16, -31.31 ], [ -51.166, -31.063 ], [ -51.109, -31.097 ], [ -50.985, -31.042 ], [ -50.965, -30.893 ], [ -50.888, -30.893 ], [ -50.705, -30.756 ], [ -50.677, -30.61 ], [ -50.725, -30.371 ], [ -50.692, -30.355 ], [ -50.625, -30.409 ], [ -50.641, -30.459 ], [ -50.569, -30.471 ], [ -50.534, -30.278 ], [ -50.601, -30.194 ], [ -50.659, -30.201 ], [ -50.661, -30.293 ], [ -50.918, -30.333 ], [ -50.934, -30.42 ], [ -50.889, -30.439 ], [ -50.921, -30.44 ], [ -51.052, -30.395 ], [ -51.034, -30.276 ], [ -51.146, -30.267 ], [ -51.246, -30.188 ], [ -51.23, -30.043 ], [ -51.295, -30.007 ], [ -51.326, -30.23 ], [ -51.271, -30.25 ], [ -51.293, -30.295 ], [ -51.246, -30.33 ], [ -51.209, -30.3 ], [ -51.179, -30.383 ], [ -51.092, -30.367 ], [ -51.129, -30.436 ], [ -51.202, -30.413 ], [ -51.269, -30.489 ], [ -51.282, -30.811 ], [ -51.33, -30.777 ], [ -51.294, -30.758 ], [ -51.319, -30.64 ], [ -51.375, -30.635 ], [ -51.404, -30.769 ], [ -51.367, -30.874 ], [ -51.457, -30.874 ], [ -51.501, -30.935 ], [ -51.436, -31.088 ], [ -51.611, -31.138 ], [ -51.613, -31.272 ], [ -51.915, -31.313 ], [ -52.002, -31.449 ], [ -52.031, -31.693 ], [ -52.218, -31.747 ], [ -52.247, -31.871 ], [ -52.106, -31.952 ], [ -52.216, -31.963 ], [ -52.263, -32.062 ], [ -52.209, -32.045 ], [ -52.225, -32.096 ], [ -52.082, -32.033 ], [ -52.162, -32.128 ], [ -52.09, -32.069 ], [ -52.084, -32.186 ], [ -52.16, -32.201 ], [ -52.341, -32.43 ], [ -52.488, -32.844 ], [ -52.66, -33.165 ], [ -53.227, -33.658 ], [ -53.421, -33.741 ], [ -53.524, -33.689 ], [ -53.515, -33.163 ], [ -53.434, -33.054 ], [ -53.243, -32.936 ], [ -53.294, -32.911 ], [ -53.074, -32.746 ], [ -53.244, -32.605 ], [ -53.39, -32.583 ], [ -53.46, -32.48 ], [ -53.595, -32.432 ], [ -53.73, -32.157 ], [ -53.714, -32.104 ], [ -53.965, -31.919 ], [ -54.096, -31.906 ], [ -54.466, -31.666 ], [ -54.491, -31.54 ], [ -54.591, -31.448 ], [ -54.836, -31.446 ], [ -54.945, -31.392 ], [ -55.014, -31.285 ], [ -55.091, -31.326 ], [ -55.245, -31.257 ], [ -55.374, -31.038 ], [ -55.594, -30.848 ], [ -55.635, -30.857 ], [ -55.657, -30.956 ], [ -55.87, -31.08 ], [ -56.008, -31.063 ], [ -55.987, -30.86 ], [ -56.021, -30.784 ], [ -56.127, -30.739 ], [ -56.177, -30.614 ], [ -56.384, -30.495 ], [ -56.459, -30.387 ], [ -56.545, -30.364 ], [ -56.54, -30.312 ], [ -56.617, -30.303 ], [ -56.644, -30.205 ], [ -56.776, -30.166 ], [ -56.804, -30.107 ], [ -57.068, -30.088 ], [ -57.207, -30.281 ], [ -57.313, -30.26 ], [ -57.396, -30.303 ], [ -57.538, -30.275 ], [ -57.618, -30.179 ], [ -57.505, -30.143 ], [ -57.342, -30.001 ], [ -57.319, -29.87 ], [ -57.254, -29.794 ], [ -57.105, -29.752 ], [ -56.972, -29.639 ], [ -56.676, -29.321 ], [ -56.593, -29.123 ], [ -56.425, -29.073 ], [ -56.285, -28.794 ], [ -56.185, -28.771 ], [ -56.016, -28.611 ], [ -56.011, -28.509 ], [ -55.888, -28.479 ], [ -55.875, -28.362 ], [ -55.696, -28.425 ], [ -55.671, -28.333 ], [ -55.773, -28.247 ], [ -55.605, -28.123 ], [ -55.554, -28.164 ], [ -55.496, -28.081 ], [ -55.444, -28.097 ], [ -55.323, -27.928 ], [ -55.196, -27.863 ], [ -55.134, -27.895 ], [ -55.117, -27.853 ], [ -55.032, -27.854 ], [ -55.082, -27.789 ], [ -54.941, -27.775 ], [ -54.809, -27.536 ], [ -54.781, -27.586 ], [ -54.683, -27.576 ], [ -54.678, -27.514 ], [ -54.624, -27.55 ], [ -54.576, -27.458 ], [ -54.525, -27.507 ], [ -54.415, -27.412 ], [ -54.353, -27.468 ], [ -54.339, -27.406 ], [ -54.282, -27.447 ], [ -54.176, -27.261 ], [ -54.089, -27.303 ], [ -53.949, -27.158 ], [ -53.799, -27.147 ], [ -53.795, -27.048 ], [ -53.761, -27.068 ], [ -53.662, -26.869 ], [ -53.751, -26.745 ], [ -53.707, -26.563 ], [ -53.738, -26.548 ], [ -53.592, -26.265 ], [ -53.722, -26.13 ], [ -53.733, -26.047 ], [ -53.837, -25.969 ], [ -53.824, -25.793 ], [ -53.891, -25.625 ], [ -53.951, -25.644 ], [ -54.016, -25.569 ], [ -54.101, -25.625 ], [ -54.111, -25.504 ], [ -54.213, -25.554 ], [ -54.184, -25.591 ], [ -54.289, -25.562 ], [ -54.387, -25.608 ], [ -54.43, -25.706 ], [ -54.596, -25.595 ], [ -54.617, -25.459 ], [ -54.437, -25.157 ], [ -54.458, -25.031 ], [ -54.336, -24.649 ], [ -54.333, -24.493 ], [ -54.262, -24.376 ], [ -54.33, -24.225 ], [ -54.282, -24.075 ], [ -54.411, -23.929 ], [ -54.668, -23.815 ], [ -55.061, -23.991 ], [ -55.112, -23.963 ], [ -55.226, -24.013 ], [ -55.413, -23.961 ], [ -55.434, -23.714 ], [ -55.535, -23.614 ], [ -55.522, -23.197 ], [ -55.596, -23.141 ], [ -55.64, -22.994 ], [ -55.685, -22.992 ], [ -55.613, -22.659 ], [ -55.736, -22.532 ], [ -55.74, -22.396 ], [ -55.854, -22.281 ], [ -56.208, -22.281 ], [ -56.341, -22.206 ], [ -56.403, -22.078 ], [ -56.519, -22.103 ], [ -56.643, -22.261 ], [ -56.698, -22.216 ], [ -56.728, -22.26 ], [ -56.808, -22.25 ], [ -56.831, -22.3 ], [ -57.001, -22.225 ], [ -57.203, -22.21 ], [ -57.243, -22.244 ], [ -57.553, -22.181 ], [ -57.616, -22.096 ], [ -57.803, -22.148 ], [ -57.989, -22.085 ], [ -58.005, -22.032 ], [ -57.919, -21.881 ], [ -57.969, -21.844 ], [ -57.913, -21.793 ], [ -57.947, -21.747 ], [ -57.894, -21.687 ], [ -57.968, -21.528 ], [ -57.855, -21.339 ], [ -57.918, -21.278 ], [ -57.854, -21.226 ], [ -57.866, -21.041 ], [ -57.818, -20.976 ], [ -57.927, -20.897 ], [ -57.855, -20.835 ], [ -57.961, -20.784 ], [ -57.869, -20.736 ], [ -57.923, -20.666 ], [ -57.988, -20.696 ], [ -57.994, -20.448 ], [ -58.082, -20.372 ], [ -58.092, -20.257 ], [ -58.154, -20.264 ], [ -58.125, -20.188 ], [ -58.163, -20.162 ], [ -57.872, -19.979 ], [ -58.134, -19.761 ], [ -57.79, -19.051 ], [ -57.709, -19.034 ], [ -57.757, -18.858 ], [ -57.56, -18.263 ], [ -57.458, -18.228 ], [ -57.568, -18.136 ], [ -57.702, -17.86 ], [ -57.715, -17.735 ], [ -57.785, -17.645 ], [ -57.773, -17.553 ], [ -57.878, -17.463 ], [ -58.003, -17.52 ], [ -58.114, -17.456 ], [ -58.395, -17.197 ], [ -58.421, -16.99 ], [ -58.47, -16.939 ], [ -58.468, -16.702 ], [ -58.442, -16.613 ], [ -58.34, -16.542 ], [ -58.309, -16.27 ], [ -58.471, -16.325 ], [ -60.173, -16.265 ], [ -60.236, -15.476 ], [ -60.565, -15.105 ], [ -60.253, -15.101 ], [ -60.257, -14.624 ], [ -60.338, -14.555 ], [ -60.482, -14.181 ], [ -60.468, -14.092 ], [ -60.378, -13.992 ], [ -60.468, -13.886 ], [ -60.468, -13.801 ], [ -60.793, -13.686 ], [ -60.962, -13.539 ], [ -61.044, -13.541 ], [ -61.028, -13.477 ], [ -61.069, -13.463 ], [ -61.139, -13.521 ], [ -61.249, -13.525 ], [ -61.33, -13.473 ], [ -61.486, -13.554 ], [ -61.578, -13.494 ], [ -61.824, -13.539 ], [ -61.866, -13.443 ], [ -62.108, -13.257 ], [ -62.109, -13.149 ], [ -62.165, -13.112 ], [ -62.368, -13.145 ], [ -62.464, -13.07 ], [ -62.637, -13.041 ], [ -62.674, -12.965 ], [ -62.764, -13.023 ], [ -62.923, -12.854 ], [ -62.996, -12.85 ], [ -63.082, -12.653 ], [ -63.327, -12.705 ], [ -63.482, -12.557 ], [ -63.712, -12.458 ], [ -63.875, -12.469 ], [ -63.937, -12.557 ], [ -64.127, -12.494 ], [ -64.152, -12.529 ], [ -64.215, -12.476 ], [ -64.278, -12.511 ], [ -64.493, -12.366 ], [ -64.486, -12.23 ], [ -64.654, -12.186 ], [ -64.683, -12.099 ], [ -64.725, -12.162 ], [ -64.798, -12.035 ], [ -64.993, -11.999 ], [ -65.048, -11.757 ], [ -65.112, -11.741 ], [ -65.106, -11.697 ], [ -65.135, -11.777 ], [ -65.201, -11.745 ], [ -65.161, -11.622 ], [ -65.218, -11.521 ], [ -65.299, -11.5 ], [ -65.338, -11.392 ], [ -65.31, -11.341 ], [ -65.385, -11.269 ], [ -65.349, -11.239 ], [ -65.391, -11.167 ], [ -65.318, -11.105 ], [ -65.336, -11.044 ], [ -65.269, -10.901 ], [ -65.366, -10.798 ], [ -65.349, -10.671 ], [ -65.426, -10.638 ], [ -65.429, -10.473 ], [ -65.28, -10.218 ], [ -65.327, -9.938 ], [ -65.29, -9.851 ], [ -65.377, -9.698 ], [ -65.488, -9.718 ], [ -65.563, -9.834 ], [ -65.669, -9.779 ], [ -65.7, -9.803 ], [ -65.689, -9.749 ], [ -65.748, -9.77 ], [ -65.777, -9.727 ], [ -65.798, -9.786 ], [ -65.81, -9.75 ], [ -65.86, -9.794 ], [ -65.872, -9.757 ], [ -66.018, -9.807 ], [ -66.064, -9.772 ], [ -66.422, -9.895 ], [ -66.616, -9.893 ], [ -66.623, -9.935 ], [ -66.883, -10.081 ], [ -67.029, -10.254 ], [ -67.186, -10.339 ], [ -67.315, -10.316 ], [ -67.327, -10.374 ], [ -67.414, -10.372 ], [ -67.443, -10.45 ], [ -67.594, -10.523 ], [ -67.715, -10.707 ], [ -68.021, -10.661 ], [ -68.119, -10.726 ], [ -68.283, -10.987 ], [ -68.519, -11.048 ], [ -68.587, -11.11 ], [ -68.769, -11.139 ], [ -68.751, -11.007 ], [ -68.787, -10.99 ], [ -68.871, -11.023 ], [ -69.393, -10.929 ], [ -69.728, -10.973 ], [ -69.938, -10.926 ], [ -70.318, -11.066 ], [ -70.428, -11.033 ], [ -70.508, -10.94 ], [ -70.618, -11.007 ], [ -70.622, -9.847 ], [ -70.522, -9.738 ], [ -70.598, -9.574 ], [ -70.561, -9.579 ], [ -70.497, -9.433 ], [ -70.601, -9.453 ], [ -70.982, -9.812 ], [ -71.131, -9.862 ], [ -71.288, -9.996 ], [ -72.165, -10.002 ], [ -72.16, -9.818 ], [ -72.26, -9.755 ], [ -72.289, -9.536 ], [ -72.364, -9.491 ], [ -72.721, -9.417 ], [ -73.196, -9.418 ], [ -72.965, -9.154 ], [ -72.946, -8.99 ], [ -73.059, -8.904 ], [ -73.169, -8.701 ], [ -73.338, -8.609 ], [ -73.338, -8.476 ], [ -73.526, -8.369 ], [ -73.632, -8.022 ], [ -73.765, -7.94 ], [ -73.777, -7.869 ], [ -73.697, -7.865 ], [ -73.69, -7.79 ], [ -73.985, -7.543 ], [ -73.917, -7.461 ], [ -73.954, -7.348 ], [ -73.868, -7.377 ], [ -73.691, -7.313 ], [ -73.797, -7.115 ], [ -73.743, -6.897 ], [ -73.351, -6.561 ], [ -73.211, -6.53 ], [ -73.133, -6.421 ], [ -73.185, -6.04 ], [ -73.131, -5.986 ], [ -73.116, -5.865 ], [ -72.951, -5.643 ], [ -72.948, -5.454 ], [ -72.872, -5.25 ], [ -72.896, -5.136 ], [ -72.734, -5.043 ], [ -72.602, -5.056 ], [ -72.577, -4.992 ], [ -72.455, -4.962 ], [ -72.452, -4.906 ], [ -72.37, -4.88 ], [ -72.356, -4.803 ], [ -72.292, -4.799 ], [ -72.313, -4.769 ], [ -72.223, -4.78 ], [ -72.113, -4.722 ], [ -72.047, -4.625 ], [ -71.94, -4.607 ], [ -71.897, -4.512 ], [ -71.61, -4.465 ], [ -71.597, -4.525 ], [ -71.535, -4.46 ], [ -71.49, -4.479 ], [ -71.506, -4.435 ], [ -71.414, -4.432 ], [ -71.432, -4.469 ], [ -71.342, -4.423 ], [ -71.355, -4.468 ], [ -71.303, -4.458 ], [ -71.269, -4.381 ], [ -71.198, -4.377 ], [ -71.193, -4.42 ], [ -71.147, -4.375 ], [ -71.031, -4.397 ], [ -70.99, -4.34 ], [ -70.935, -4.381 ], [ -70.757, -4.152 ], [ -70.677, -4.2 ], [ -70.622, -4.121 ], [ -70.633, -4.173 ], [ -70.565, -4.168 ], [ -70.566, -4.205 ], [ -70.553, -4.128 ], [ -70.503, -4.19 ], [ -70.434, -4.125 ], [ -70.341, -4.174 ], [ -70.317, -4.136 ], [ -70.291, -4.283 ], [ -70.249, -4.267 ], [ -70.186, -4.357 ], [ -70.169, -4.27 ], [ -70.101, -4.255 ], [ -70.031, -4.339 ], [ -69.929, -4.213 ], [ -69.453, -1.478 ], [ -69.368, -1.334 ], [ -69.422, -0.998 ], [ -69.508, -0.936 ], [ -69.609, -0.755 ], [ -69.551, -0.648 ], [ -69.593, -0.517 ], [ -69.908, -0.316 ], [ -70.068, -0.135 ], [ -70.037, 0.553 ], [ -69.798, 0.585 ], [ -69.664, 0.672 ], [ -69.606, 0.623 ], [ -69.468, 0.734 ], [ -69.357, 0.621 ], [ -69.295, 0.648 ], [ -69.288, 0.609 ], [ -69.202, 0.602 ], [ -69.112, 0.643 ], [ -69.184, 0.73 ], [ -69.137, 0.868 ], [ -69.257, 1.026 ], [ -69.342, 1.064 ], [ -69.416, 1.024 ], [ -69.7, 1.056 ], [ -69.721, 1.097 ], [ -69.854, 1.07 ], [ -69.855, 1.715 ], [ -69.556, 1.775 ], [ -69.395, 1.726 ], [ -68.128, 1.73 ], [ -68.29, 1.841 ], [ -68.205, 2.038 ], [ -68.027, 1.784 ], [ -67.924, 1.751 ], [ -67.797, 1.812 ], [ -67.578, 2.076 ], [ -67.41, 2.141 ], [ -67.117, 1.732 ], [ -67.068, 1.532 ], [ -67.097, 1.17 ], [ -66.855, 1.228 ], [ -66.322, 0.738 ], [ -66.095, 0.754 ], [ -65.952, 0.81 ], [ -65.854, 0.939 ], [ -65.733, 1.005 ], [ -65.583, 1.008 ], [ -65.47, 0.877 ], [ -65.557, 0.705 ], [ -65.504, 0.627 ], [ -65.393, 0.699 ], [ -65.305, 0.916 ], [ -65.152, 0.943 ], [ -65.121, 1.115 ], [ -65.055, 1.144 ], [ -64.968, 1.112 ], [ -64.903, 1.249 ], [ -64.843, 1.237 ], [ -64.783, 1.313 ], [ -64.721, 1.25 ], [ -64.638, 1.286 ], [ -64.387, 1.527 ], [ -64.344, 1.528 ], [ -64.382, 1.419 ], [ -64.344, 1.38 ], [ -64.186, 1.494 ], [ -64.054, 1.708 ], [ -64.057, 1.933 ], [ -64.018, 1.967 ], [ -63.781, 1.989 ], [ -63.604, 2.124 ], [ -63.419, 2.154 ], [ -63.349, 2.281 ], [ -63.382, 2.442 ], [ -63.756, 2.403 ], [ -64.031, 2.509 ], [ -63.987, 2.772 ], [ -64.216, 3.153 ], [ -64.236, 3.476 ], [ -64.186, 3.634 ], [ -64.324, 3.797 ], [ -64.543, 3.882 ], [ -64.8, 4.224 ], [ -64.79, 4.329 ], [ -64.677, 4.297 ], [ -64.555, 4.153 ], [ -64.135, 4.176 ], [ -63.967, 3.93 ], [ -63.806, 4.019 ], [ -63.623, 4.01 ], [ -63.455, 3.91 ], [ -63.411, 4.026 ], [ -63.358, 4.04 ], [ -63.203, 3.952 ], [ -63.189, 3.872 ], [ -62.86, 3.584 ], [ -62.749, 3.642 ], [ -62.705, 3.724 ], [ -62.752, 4.012 ], [ -62.635, 4.056 ], [ -62.557, 4.02 ], [ -62.46, 4.173 ], [ -62.129, 4.084 ], [ -61.961, 4.18 ], [ -61.927, 4.106 ], [ -61.723, 4.262 ], [ -61.528, 4.273 ], [ -61.507, 4.398 ], [ -61.274, 4.471 ], [ -61.293, 4.55 ], [ -61.141, 4.508 ], [ -60.952, 4.549 ], [ -60.907, 4.708 ], [ -60.731, 4.777 ], [ -60.59, 4.951 ], [ -60.744, 5.209 ], [ -60.438, 5.177 ], [ -60.203, 5.265 ], [ -60.176, 5.227 ], [ -60.121, 5.243 ], [ -60.085, 5.149 ], [ -59.969, 5.073 ], [ -60.03, 4.704 ], [ -60.163, 4.521 ], [ -59.927, 4.509 ], [ -59.674, 4.382 ], [ -59.726, 4.191 ], [ -59.628, 4.138 ], [ -59.655, 4.078 ], [ -59.516, 3.94 ], [ -59.581, 3.901 ], [ -59.594, 3.796 ], [ -59.666, 3.777 ], [ -59.664, 3.703 ], [ -59.849, 3.601 ], [ -59.799, 3.355 ], [ -59.909, 3.197 ], [ -59.982, 2.929 ], [ -59.99, 2.683 ], [ -59.903, 2.479 ], [ -59.91, 2.388 ], [ -59.724, 2.277 ], [ -59.754, 1.861 ], [ -59.654, 1.849 ], [ -59.669, 1.764 ], [ -59.549, 1.729 ], [ -59.253, 1.397 ], [ -58.914, 1.299 ], [ -58.904, 1.234 ], [ -58.804, 1.175 ], [ -58.696, 1.288 ], [ -58.507, 1.264 ], [ -58.468, 1.318 ], [ -58.498, 1.458 ], [ -58.382, 1.471 ], [ -58.325, 1.59 ], [ -58.167, 1.558 ], [ -58.13, 1.501 ], [ -58.009, 1.501 ], [ -58, 1.665 ], [ -57.919, 1.645 ], [ -57.77, 1.718 ], [ -57.545, 1.701 ], [ -57.434, 1.895 ], [ -57.302, 1.99 ], [ -57.247, 1.944 ], [ -57.085, 2.021 ], [ -57.012, 1.918 ], [ -56.8, 1.864 ], [ -56.724, 1.92 ], [ -56.454, 1.945 ], [ -55.957, 1.844 ], [ -55.906, 1.889 ], [ -55.913, 2.041 ], [ -56.048, 2.226 ], [ -56.134, 2.263 ], [ -56.09, 2.352 ], [ -55.995, 2.405 ], [ -55.987, 2.517 ], [ -55.948, 2.532 ], [ -55.739, 2.401 ], [ -55.481, 2.443 ], [ -55.37, 2.407 ], [ -55.336, 2.516 ], [ -55.239, 2.495 ], [ -55.137, 2.575 ], [ -55.103, 2.522 ], [ -54.94, 2.632 ], [ -54.969, 2.555 ], [ -54.864, 2.439 ], [ -54.72, 2.469 ], [ -54.702, 2.336 ], [ -54.549, 2.336 ], [ -54.534, 2.268 ], [ -54.314, 2.158 ], [ -54.189, 2.179 ], [ -54.111, 2.127 ], [ -54.078, 2.197 ], [ -53.784, 2.364 ], [ -53.694, 2.287 ], [ -53.472, 2.332 ], [ -53.397, 2.272 ], [ -53.273, 2.292 ], [ -53.188, 2.223 ], [ -52.905, 2.19 ], [ -52.853, 2.285 ], [ -52.673, 2.374 ], [ -52.555, 2.523 ], [ -52.556, 2.646 ], [ -52.382, 2.912 ], [ -52.347, 3.134 ], [ -52.192, 3.296 ], [ -51.92, 3.781 ], [ -51.795, 3.89 ], [ -51.754, 3.996 ], [ -51.658, 4.049 ], [ -51.585, 4.241 ], [ -51.529, 4.171 ], [ -51.545, 4.397 ], [ -51.202, 4.084 ], [ -51.173, 3.767 ], [ -51.127, 3.911 ], [ -51.085, 3.895 ], [ -51.051, 3.283 ], [ -50.913, 2.875 ], [ -50.927, 2.807 ], [ -50.816, 2.644 ], [ -50.851, 2.482 ], [ -50.802, 2.508 ], [ -50.736, 2.414 ], [ -50.765, 2.359 ], [ -50.694, 2.276 ], [ -50.725, 2.252 ], [ -50.675, 2.247 ], [ -50.682, 2.137 ], [ -50.584, 2.091 ], [ -50.586, 2.014 ], [ -50.471, 1.82 ], [ -50.194, 1.794 ], [ -49.954, 1.676 ], [ -49.88, 1.419 ], [ -49.918, 1.289 ], [ -50.073, 1.204 ], [ -49.918, 1.232 ], [ -49.939, 1.103 ], [ -50.003, 1.066 ], [ -50.033, 1.107 ], [ -50.131, 0.949 ], [ -50.274, 0.866 ], [ -50.338, 0.729 ], [ -50.417, 0.685 ], [ -50.455, 0.732 ], [ -50.428, 0.679 ], [ -50.571, 0.424 ], [ -50.691, 0.3 ], [ -50.677, 0.365 ], [ -50.746, 0.227 ], [ -50.801, 0.224 ], [ -50.785, 0.183 ], [ -50.908, 0.171 ], [ -51.087, -0.043 ], [ -51.203, -0.055 ], [ -51.419, -0.412 ], [ -51.409, -0.44 ], [ -51.325, -0.364 ], [ -51.188, -0.14 ], [ -51.111, -0.154 ], [ -51.154, -0.284 ], [ -51.396, -0.493 ], [ -51.243, -0.443 ], [ -51.26, -0.5 ], [ -51.165, -0.431 ], [ -50.953, -0.061 ], [ -50.824, -0.048 ], [ -50.705, 0.002 ], [ -50.613, -0.088 ], [ -50.744, -0.244 ], [ -50.751, -0.429 ], [ -50.845, -0.526 ], [ -50.988, -0.583 ], [ -51.051, -0.682 ], [ -50.826, -0.555 ], [ -50.794, -0.666 ], [ -50.733, -0.557 ], [ -50.684, -0.604 ], [ -50.724, -0.493 ], [ -50.652, -0.276 ], [ -50.409, -0.094 ], [ -49.631, -0.247 ], [ -49.446, -0.23 ], [ -49.289, -0.145 ], [ -49.018, -0.16 ], [ -49, -0.139 ], [ -48.895, -0.224 ], [ -48.539, -0.234 ], [ -48.363, -0.303 ], [ -48.459, -0.513 ], [ -48.522, -0.877 ], [ -48.667, -1.002 ], [ -48.621, -1.005 ], [ -48.65, -1.048 ], [ -48.617, -1.053 ], [ -48.721, -1.137 ], [ -48.837, -1.452 ], [ -49.161, -1.575 ], [ -49.182, -1.623 ], [ -49.362, -1.604 ], [ -49.364, -1.642 ], [ -49.448, -1.637 ], [ -49.5, -1.738 ], [ -49.61, -1.718 ], [ -49.676, -1.78 ], [ -49.696, -1.757 ], [ -49.714, -1.76 ], [ -49.803, -1.822 ], [ -50.035, -1.717 ], [ -50.179, -1.787 ], [ -50.256, -1.776 ], [ -50.415, -1.841 ], [ -50.401, -1.935 ], [ -49.994, -1.819 ], [ -49.844, -1.905 ], [ -49.765, -1.898 ], [ -49.616, -1.79 ], [ -49.276, -1.706 ], [ -49.267, -1.778 ], [ -49.387, -1.977 ], [ -49.383, -2.159 ], [ -48.973, -1.594 ], [ -48.897, -1.573 ], [ -48.955, -1.712 ], [ -48.932, -1.75 ], [ -48.898, -1.743 ], [ -48.656, -1.371 ], [ -48.592, -1.429 ], [ -48.601, -1.306 ], [ -48.524, -1.338 ], [ -48.537, -1.467 ], [ -48.496, -1.553 ], [ -48.491, -1.502 ], [ -48.46, -1.533 ], [ -48.374, -1.511 ], [ -48.319, -1.478 ], [ -48.505, -1.471 ], [ -48.422, -1.168 ], [ -48.475, -1.144 ], [ -48.4, -1.066 ], [ -48.278, -1.111 ], [ -48.304, -0.948 ], [ -48.055, -0.668 ], [ -48.001, -0.731 ], [ -47.893, -0.553 ], [ -47.843, -0.616 ], [ -47.807, -0.547 ], [ -47.702, -0.54 ], [ -47.707, -0.59 ], [ -47.667, -0.569 ], [ -47.633, -0.608 ], [ -47.651, -0.694 ], [ -47.608, -0.684 ], [ -47.577, -0.573 ], [ -47.476, -0.757 ], [ -47.398, -0.76 ], [ -47.428, -0.693 ], [ -47.464, -0.687 ], [ -47.466, -0.594 ], [ -47.399, -0.594 ], [ -47.4, -0.645 ], [ -47.298, -0.589 ], [ -47.253, -0.668 ], [ -47.247, -0.623 ], [ -47.206, -0.633 ], [ -47.23, -0.719 ], [ -47.158, -0.678 ], [ -47.191, -0.754 ], [ -47.146, -0.764 ], [ -47.16, -0.815 ], [ -47.081, -0.661 ], [ -47.055, -0.868 ], [ -47.027, -0.784 ], [ -46.983, -0.806 ], [ -47.016, -0.752 ], [ -46.967, -0.694 ], [ -46.969, -0.78 ], [ -46.891, -0.869 ], [ -46.89, -0.789 ], [ -46.846, -0.799 ], [ -46.82, -0.71 ], [ -46.802, -0.877 ], [ -46.777, -0.905 ], [ -46.75, -0.826 ], [ -46.709, -0.86 ], [ -46.734, -0.944 ], [ -46.687, -0.831 ], [ -46.653, -0.882 ], [ -46.621, -0.818 ], [ -46.601, -0.917 ], [ -46.676, -0.965 ], [ -46.622, -0.987 ], [ -46.57, -0.947 ], [ -46.609, -1.03 ], [ -46.57, -0.988 ], [ -46.525, -1.027 ], [ -46.465, -1.007 ], [ -46.47, -1.044 ], [ -46.395, -1.037 ], [ -46.413, -1.084 ], [ -46.348, -0.982 ], [ -46.36, -1.011 ], [ -46.366, -1.031 ], [ -46.348, -1.079 ], [ -46.339, -1.015 ], [ -46.299, -1.05 ], [ -46.212, -0.946 ], [ -46.242, -0.921 ], [ -46.179, -0.914 ], [ -46.224, -1.053 ], [ -46.206, -1.1 ], [ -46.158, -1.014 ], [ -46.138, -1.032 ], [ -46.193, -1.143 ], [ -46.104, -1.067 ], [ -46.062, -1.133 ], [ -46.15, -1.258 ], [ -45.982, -1.071 ], [ -45.953, -1.147 ], [ -46, -1.151 ], [ -46, -1.199 ], [ -45.95, -1.159 ], [ -45.95, -1.207 ], [ -46, -1.209 ], [ -45.95, -1.25 ], [ -45.902, -1.134 ], [ -45.923, -1.214 ], [ -45.882, -1.167 ], [ -45.873, -1.211 ], [ -45.909, -1.261 ], [ -45.859, -1.231 ], [ -45.891, -1.293 ], [ -45.807, -1.176 ], [ -45.843, -1.301 ], [ -45.809, -1.328 ], [ -45.831, -1.298 ], [ -45.782, -1.278 ], [ -45.726, -1.135 ], [ -45.69, -1.452 ], [ -45.697, -1.38 ], [ -45.632, -1.371 ], [ -45.618, -1.279 ], [ -45.589, -1.329 ], [ -45.537, -1.273 ], [ -45.561, -1.343 ], [ -45.51, -1.352 ], [ -45.567, -1.404 ], [ -45.546, -1.432 ], [ -45.413, -1.296 ], [ -45.489, -1.473 ], [ -45.511, -1.458 ], [ -45.554, -1.503 ], [ -45.507, -1.471 ], [ -45.518, -1.516 ], [ -45.481, -1.495 ], [ -45.463, -1.548 ], [ -45.457, -1.457 ], [ -45.391, -1.434 ], [ -45.363, -1.325 ], [ -45.323, -1.319 ], [ -45.302, -1.424 ], [ -45.392, -1.485 ], [ -45.398, -1.503 ], [ -45.356, -1.487 ], [ -45.392, -1.553 ], [ -45.338, -1.572 ], [ -45.371, -1.722 ], [ -45.338, -1.753 ], [ -45.197, -1.688 ], [ -45.261, -1.607 ], [ -45.16, -1.475 ], [ -45.136, -1.521 ], [ -45.072, -1.435 ], [ -45.07, -1.485 ], [ -44.999, -1.504 ], [ -45.018, -1.547 ], [ -44.969, -1.549 ], [ -45.029, -1.583 ], [ -45.029, -1.602 ], [ -44.979, -1.607 ], [ -44.954, -1.498 ], [ -44.862, -1.426 ], [ -44.857, -1.498 ], [ -44.954, -1.605 ], [ -44.918, -1.649 ], [ -44.968, -1.662 ], [ -44.913, -1.657 ], [ -44.927, -1.62 ], [ -44.886, -1.609 ], [ -44.837, -1.65 ], [ -44.822, -1.591 ], [ -44.826, -1.637 ], [ -44.805, -1.609 ], [ -44.812, -1.665 ], [ -44.779, -1.735 ], [ -44.711, -1.728 ], [ -44.82, -1.819 ], [ -44.738, -1.791 ], [ -44.706, -1.819 ], [ -44.676, -1.808 ], [ -44.661, -1.727 ], [ -44.604, -1.749 ], [ -44.667, -1.849 ], [ -44.601, -1.858 ], [ -44.583, -1.817 ], [ -44.586, -1.873 ], [ -44.543, -1.833 ], [ -44.601, -1.909 ], [ -44.517, -1.907 ], [ -44.484, -2.002 ], [ -44.613, -2.037 ], [ -44.467, -2.017 ], [ -44.626, -2.151 ], [ -44.589, -2.159 ], [ -44.641, -2.232 ], [ -44.708, -2.23 ], [ -44.684, -2.275 ], [ -44.764, -2.265 ], [ -44.654, -2.294 ], [ -44.681, -2.354 ], [ -44.649, -2.373 ], [ -44.666, -2.329 ], [ -44.479, -2.137 ], [ -44.358, -2.335 ], [ -44.401, -2.416 ], [ -44.514, -2.384 ], [ -44.55, -2.4 ], [ -44.491, -2.415 ], [ -44.514, -2.448 ], [ -44.505, -2.476 ], [ -44.665, -2.608 ], [ -44.548, -2.542 ], [ -44.658, -2.781 ], [ -44.688, -2.924 ], [ -44.677, -3.019 ], [ -44.66, -3.02 ], [ -44.657, -3.018 ] ], [ [ -43.318, -2.361 ], [ -43.317, -2.363 ], [ -43.296, -2.363 ], [ -43.318, -2.361 ] ], [ [ -42.438, -2.747 ], [ -42.442, -2.749 ], [ -42.438, -2.75 ], [ -42.438, -2.747 ] ], [ [ -42.442, -2.749 ], [ -42.47, -2.744 ], [ -42.447, -2.753 ], [ -42.442, -2.749 ] ], [ [ -50.851, 2.482 ], [ -50.853, 2.481 ], [ -50.853, 2.48 ], [ -50.851, 2.482 ] ], [ [ -50.853, 2.481 ], [ -50.86, 2.495 ], [ -50.86, 2.477 ], [ -50.853, 2.481 ] ], [ [ -49.976, 1.659 ], [ -49.98, 1.659 ], [ -50, 1.639 ], [ -49.976, 1.659 ] ], [ [ -45.392, -1.553 ], [ -45.393, -1.553 ], [ -45.394, -1.556 ], [ -45.392, -1.553 ] ], [ [ -45.394, -1.556 ], [ -45.406, -1.579 ], [ -45.403, -1.591 ], [ -45.394, -1.556 ] ], [ [ -44.837, -1.65 ], [ -44.834, -1.655 ], [ -44.833, -1.654 ], [ -44.837, -1.65 ] ], [ [ -44.834, -1.655 ], [ -44.841, -1.675 ], [ -44.822, -1.672 ], [ -44.834, -1.655 ] ], [ [ -44.779, -1.735 ], [ -44.777, -1.741 ], [ -44.776, -1.74 ], [ -44.779, -1.735 ] ], [ [ -44.777, -1.741 ], [ -44.833, -1.77 ], [ -44.774, -1.75 ], [ -44.777, -1.741 ] ], [ [ -44.547, -2.22 ], [ -44.536, -2.225 ], [ -44.543, -2.219 ], [ -44.547, -2.22 ] ], [ [ -44.536, -2.225 ], [ -44.507, -2.249 ], [ -44.512, -2.235 ], [ -44.536, -2.225 ] ], [ [ -44.507, -2.249 ], [ -44.504, -2.256 ], [ -44.501, -2.254 ], [ -44.507, -2.249 ] ], [ [ -44.504, -2.256 ], [ -44.514, -2.268 ], [ -44.502, -2.26 ], [ -44.504, -2.256 ] ] ], [ [ [ -29.34, -20.484 ], [ -29.301, -20.521 ], [ -29.341, -20.511 ], [ -29.34, -20.484 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.001, -13.94 ], [ -39.012, -13.915 ], [ -38.994, -13.896 ], [ -39.001, -13.94 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.043, -13.909 ], [ -39.059, -13.904 ], [ -39.054, -13.886 ], [ -39.028, -13.903 ], [ -39.043, -13.909 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.251, -18.015 ], [ -39.283, -18.005 ], [ -39.272, -17.982 ], [ -39.245, -18.006 ], [ -39.251, -18.015 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.131, -17.927 ], [ -39.154, -17.921 ], [ -39.137, -17.91 ], [ -39.131, -17.927 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.212, -17.986 ], [ -39.228, -17.979 ], [ -39.215, -17.944 ], [ -39.202, -17.95 ], [ -39.212, -17.986 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.341, -23.231 ], [ -44.372, -23.174 ], [ -44.232, -23.089 ], [ -44.087, -23.173 ], [ -44.3, -23.184 ], [ -44.341, -23.231 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.356, -23.073 ], [ -44.388, -23.048 ], [ -44.373, -23.033 ], [ -44.343, -23.041 ], [ -44.356, -23.073 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.929, -23.014 ], [ -43.936, -22.999 ], [ -43.916, -22.989 ], [ -43.929, -23.014 ] ] ], [ [ [ -42.002, -23.018 ], [ -42.015, -23.003 ], [ -41.98, -22.975 ], [ -41.975, -22.992 ], [ -42.002, -23.018 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.904, -22.962 ], [ -43.907, -22.936 ], [ -43.868, -22.926 ], [ -43.871, -22.95 ], [ -43.904, -22.962 ] ] ], [ [ [ -41.042, -21.613 ], [ -41.042, -21.6 ], [ -41.019, -21.606 ], [ -41.042, -21.613 ] ] ], [ [ [ -52.112, -32 ], [ -52.18, -32.035 ], [ -52.216, -32.025 ], [ -52.198, -31.978 ], [ -52.112, -32 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.641, -30.388 ], [ -50.629, -30.394 ], [ -50.624, -30.329 ], [ -50.592, -30.399 ], [ -50.609, -30.406 ], [ -50.641, -30.388 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.526, -27.462 ], [ -48.416, -27.38 ], [ -48.358, -27.446 ], [ -48.503, -27.799 ], [ -48.559, -27.842 ], [ -48.526, -27.462 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.354, -27.296 ], [ -48.376, -27.285 ], [ -48.373, -27.271 ], [ -48.36, -27.27 ], [ -48.354, -27.296 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.731, -26.314 ], [ -48.754, -26.297 ], [ -48.735, -26.282 ], [ -48.731, -26.314 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.318, -25.584 ], [ -48.309, -25.546 ], [ -48.381, -25.504 ], [ -48.312, -25.509 ], [ -48.292, -25.545 ], [ -48.318, -25.584 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.414, -25.544 ], [ -48.459, -25.514 ], [ -48.415, -25.527 ], [ -48.414, -25.544 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.424, -25.551 ], [ -48.479, -25.523 ], [ -48.485, -25.502 ], [ -48.424, -25.551 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.298, -25.493 ], [ -48.341, -25.416 ], [ -48.252, -25.341 ], [ -48.265, -25.44 ], [ -48.253, -25.466 ], [ -48.298, -25.493 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.417, -25.386 ], [ -48.424, -25.343 ], [ -48.405, -25.33 ], [ -48.417, -25.386 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.695, -24.112 ], [ -45.688, -24.088 ], [ -45.679, -24.098 ], [ -45.695, -24.112 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.251, -23.962 ], [ -45.301, -23.909 ], [ -45.453, -23.91 ], [ -45.332, -23.721 ], [ -45.227, -23.774 ], [ -45.224, -23.835 ], [ -45.283, -23.857 ], [ -45.221, -23.899 ], [ -45.251, -23.962 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.141, -23.817 ], [ -45.146, -23.791 ], [ -45.114, -23.801 ], [ -45.141, -23.817 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.153, -23.573 ], [ -45.153, -23.558 ], [ -45.141, -23.568 ], [ -45.153, -23.573 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.073, -23.564 ], [ -45.079, -23.525 ], [ -45.036, -23.531 ], [ -45.073, -23.564 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.608, -23.228 ], [ -44.59, -23.208 ], [ -44.577, -23.216 ], [ -44.608, -23.228 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.648, -12.821 ], [ -38.666, -12.777 ], [ -38.624, -12.762 ], [ -38.648, -12.821 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.529, -12.811 ], [ -38.544, -12.757 ], [ -38.532, -12.74 ], [ -38.508, -12.792 ], [ -38.529, -12.811 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.622, -12.752 ], [ -38.622, -12.727 ], [ -38.593, -12.733 ], [ -38.622, -12.752 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.646, -12.683 ], [ -38.648, -12.65 ], [ -38.636, -12.661 ], [ -38.646, -12.683 ] ] ], [ [ [ -32.402, -3.838 ], [ -32.428, -3.877 ], [ -32.483, -3.878 ], [ -32.402, -3.838 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.667, -3.179 ], [ -44.668, -3.16 ], [ -44.643, -3.148 ], [ -44.644, -3.17 ], [ -44.667, -3.179 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.671, -2.943 ], [ -44.67, -2.92 ], [ -44.647, -2.915 ], [ -44.671, -2.943 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.493, -2.641 ], [ -44.48, -2.601 ], [ -44.477, -2.627 ], [ -44.493, -2.641 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.897, -2.573 ], [ -43.896, -2.554 ], [ -43.886, -2.565 ], [ -43.897, -2.573 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.599, -2.503 ], [ -43.577, -2.471 ], [ -43.572, -2.483 ], [ -43.599, -2.503 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.822, -2.526 ], [ -43.829, -2.509 ], [ -43.813, -2.458 ], [ -43.812, -2.553 ], [ -43.82, -2.528 ], [ -43.822, -2.526 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.821, -2.529 ], [ -43.856, -2.502 ], [ -43.832, -2.439 ], [ -43.842, -2.504 ], [ -43.821, -2.529 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.863, -2.56 ], [ -43.875, -2.552 ], [ -43.865, -2.534 ], [ -43.863, -2.56 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.519, -2.536 ], [ -44.529, -2.526 ], [ -44.501, -2.48 ], [ -44.505, -2.444 ], [ -44.455, -2.434 ], [ -44.519, -2.536 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.602, -3.007 ], [ -44.657, -2.972 ], [ -44.613, -2.894 ], [ -44.575, -2.921 ], [ -44.602, -3.007 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.585, -2.978 ], [ -44.563, -2.914 ], [ -44.586, -2.826 ], [ -44.494, -2.705 ], [ -44.494, -2.953 ], [ -44.582, -3.041 ], [ -44.585, -2.978 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.826, -2.434 ], [ -43.842, -2.403 ], [ -43.811, -2.385 ], [ -43.807, -2.412 ], [ -43.826, -2.434 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.581, -2.441 ], [ -43.615, -2.389 ], [ -43.549, -2.377 ], [ -43.545, -2.403 ], [ -43.581, -2.441 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.791, -2.47 ], [ -43.806, -2.443 ], [ -43.78, -2.422 ], [ -43.759, -2.448 ], [ -43.791, -2.47 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.513, -2.424 ], [ -43.537, -2.416 ], [ -43.522, -2.39 ], [ -43.505, -2.414 ], [ -43.513, -2.424 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.792, -2.405 ], [ -43.798, -2.377 ], [ -43.771, -2.37 ], [ -43.792, -2.405 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.689, -2.355 ], [ -43.743, -2.352 ], [ -43.724, -2.305 ], [ -43.617, -2.253 ], [ -43.612, -2.275 ], [ -43.669, -2.301 ], [ -43.689, -2.355 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.73, -2.425 ], [ -43.732, -2.364 ], [ -43.67, -2.377 ], [ -43.681, -2.34 ], [ -43.63, -2.324 ], [ -43.643, -2.394 ], [ -43.73, -2.425 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.473, -2.125 ], [ -44.487, -2.113 ], [ -44.475, -2.096 ], [ -44.463, -2.104 ], [ -44.473, -2.125 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.456, -2.031 ], [ -44.447, -2.008 ], [ -44.439, -2.022 ], [ -44.456, -2.031 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.311, -1.964 ], [ -49.336, -1.996 ], [ -49.309, -1.943 ], [ -49.311, -1.964 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.323, -2.054 ], [ -49.329, -2.019 ], [ -49.316, -2.001 ], [ -49.323, -2.054 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.231, -1.829 ], [ -50.246, -1.824 ], [ -50.229, -1.816 ], [ -50.231, -1.829 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.615, -1.821 ], [ -44.622, -1.797 ], [ -44.597, -1.774 ], [ -44.583, -1.789 ], [ -44.615, -1.821 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.7, -1.811 ], [ -44.703, -1.78 ], [ -44.673, -1.78 ], [ -44.7, -1.811 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.691, -1.793 ], [ -49.721, -1.789 ], [ -49.719, -1.771 ], [ -49.697, -1.766 ], [ -49.691, -1.793 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.924, -1.711 ], [ -48.909, -1.713 ], [ -48.916, -1.734 ], [ -48.935, -1.713 ], [ -48.924, -1.711 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.757, -1.707 ], [ -44.767, -1.694 ], [ -44.736, -1.701 ], [ -44.757, -1.707 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.433, -1.684 ], [ -49.454, -1.706 ], [ -49.46, -1.684 ], [ -49.433, -1.684 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.357, -1.008 ], [ -46.342, -0.994 ], [ -46.353, -1.026 ], [ -46.357, -1.008 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.205, -1.021 ], [ -46.194, -1.014 ], [ -46.202, -1.032 ], [ -46.205, -1.021 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.662, -3.018 ], [ -44.673, -3.012 ], [ -44.664, -3.001 ], [ -44.649, -3.013 ], [ -44.662, -3.018 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.736, -1.683 ], [ -44.745, -1.677 ], [ -44.732, -1.668 ], [ -44.736, -1.683 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.231, -1.638 ], [ -49.237, -1.627 ], [ -49.217, -1.633 ], [ -49.231, -1.638 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.38, -1.685 ], [ -49.4, -1.682 ], [ -49.368, -1.669 ], [ -49.38, -1.685 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.426, -1.673 ], [ -49.429, -1.661 ], [ -49.406, -1.66 ], [ -49.426, -1.673 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.34, -1.672 ], [ -49.358, -1.662 ], [ -49.325, -1.647 ], [ -49.34, -1.672 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.289, -1.726 ], [ -45.305, -1.663 ], [ -45.257, -1.641 ], [ -45.244, -1.678 ], [ -45.28, -1.694 ], [ -45.289, -1.726 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.328, -1.743 ], [ -45.346, -1.719 ], [ -45.301, -1.596 ], [ -45.274, -1.635 ], [ -45.313, -1.654 ], [ -45.328, -1.743 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.886, -1.578 ], [ -48.89, -1.56 ], [ -48.859, -1.536 ], [ -48.856, -1.553 ], [ -48.886, -1.578 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.783, -1.682 ], [ -44.8, -1.595 ], [ -44.775, -1.62 ], [ -44.721, -1.567 ], [ -44.704, -1.611 ], [ -44.684, -1.575 ], [ -44.668, -1.669 ], [ -44.693, -1.638 ], [ -44.783, -1.682 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.816, -1.569 ], [ -44.837, -1.534 ], [ -44.787, -1.488 ], [ -44.825, -1.534 ], [ -44.816, -1.569 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.462, -1.517 ], [ -48.478, -1.499 ], [ -48.421, -1.503 ], [ -48.462, -1.517 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.793, -1.531 ], [ -44.774, -1.47 ], [ -44.763, -1.513 ], [ -44.793, -1.531 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.414, -1.427 ], [ -45.423, -1.416 ], [ -45.409, -1.405 ], [ -45.414, -1.427 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45, -1.296 ], [ -44.922, -1.265 ], [ -44.877, -1.309 ], [ -44.895, -1.34 ], [ -44.922, -1.305 ], [ -44.907, -1.341 ], [ -44.999, -1.405 ], [ -45.033, -1.339 ], [ -45, -1.32 ], [ -44.995, -1.36 ], [ -45, -1.296 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.044, -1.402 ], [ -45.07, -1.33 ], [ -45.052, -1.342 ], [ -45.044, -1.402 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.333, -1.569 ], [ -45.371, -1.544 ], [ -45.347, -1.489 ], [ -45.313, -1.506 ], [ -45.333, -1.569 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.969, -1.522 ], [ -44.976, -1.493 ], [ -44.959, -1.483 ], [ -44.969, -1.522 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.393, -1.512 ], [ -48.371, -1.476 ], [ -48.341, -1.483 ], [ -48.393, -1.512 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.413, -1.498 ], [ -48.426, -1.491 ], [ -48.387, -1.476 ], [ -48.413, -1.498 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.118, -1.47 ], [ -45.132, -1.462 ], [ -45.115, -1.364 ], [ -45.103, -1.373 ], [ -45.118, -1.47 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.593, -1.251 ], [ -45.581, -1.19 ], [ -45.536, -1.205 ], [ -45.532, -1.231 ], [ -45.593, -1.251 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.559, -1.243 ], [ -48.56, -1.202 ], [ -48.523, -1.199 ], [ -48.559, -1.243 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.817, -1.163 ], [ -45.829, -1.141 ], [ -45.804, -1.127 ], [ -45.817, -1.163 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.877, -1.154 ], [ -45.9, -1.117 ], [ -45.883, -1.073 ], [ -45.849, -1.123 ], [ -45.877, -1.154 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.192, -1.05 ], [ -46.201, -1.041 ], [ -46.185, -1.027 ], [ -46.192, -1.05 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.291, -1.01 ], [ -46.307, -0.992 ], [ -46.306, -0.961 ], [ -46.291, -1.01 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.078, -1.095 ], [ -46.065, -1.05 ], [ -46.061, -1.074 ], [ -46.078, -1.095 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.68, -1.295 ], [ -45.687, -1.275 ], [ -45.667, -1.26 ], [ -45.654, -1.285 ], [ -45.68, -1.295 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.538, -1.282 ], [ -48.549, -1.262 ], [ -48.53, -1.25 ], [ -48.538, -1.282 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.51, -1.27 ], [ -48.522, -1.247 ], [ -48.506, -1.236 ], [ -48.51, -1.27 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.694, -1.37 ], [ -45.646, -1.289 ], [ -45.625, -1.126 ], [ -45.634, -1.349 ], [ -45.694, -1.37 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.688, -1.266 ], [ -45.708, -1.228 ], [ -45.685, -1.194 ], [ -45.664, -1.231 ], [ -45.688, -1.266 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.425, -0.914 ], [ -46.454, -0.907 ], [ -46.408, -0.868 ], [ -46.395, -0.899 ], [ -46.425, -0.914 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.72, -0.848 ], [ -46.735, -0.832 ], [ -46.729, -0.796 ], [ -46.72, -0.848 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.611, -0.799 ], [ -46.622, -0.784 ], [ -46.601, -0.789 ], [ -46.611, -0.799 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.586, -0.849 ], [ -46.621, -0.807 ], [ -46.589, -0.815 ], [ -46.586, -0.849 ] ] ], [ [ [ -47.447, -0.748 ], [ -47.453, -0.732 ], [ -47.436, -0.717 ], [ -47.428, -0.738 ], [ -47.447, -0.748 ] ] ], [ [ [ -47.461, -0.741 ], [ -47.463, -0.702 ], [ -47.445, -0.697 ], [ -47.461, -0.741 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.214, -0.411 ], [ -51.211, -0.386 ], [ -51.164, -0.347 ], [ -51.163, -0.383 ], [ -51.214, -0.411 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.352, -0.353 ], [ -51.346, -0.31 ], [ -51.317, -0.268 ], [ -51.327, -0.33 ], [ -51.352, -0.353 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.127, -0.268 ], [ -51.131, -0.237 ], [ -51.091, -0.208 ], [ -51.087, -0.229 ], [ -51.127, -0.268 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.888, -0.198 ], [ -48.91, -0.188 ], [ -48.893, -0.134 ], [ -48.847, -0.177 ], [ -48.888, -0.198 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.174, -0.091 ], [ -51.191, -0.064 ], [ -51.126, -0.057 ], [ -51.174, -0.091 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.114, -0.146 ], [ -49.097, -0.121 ], [ -49.08, -0.13 ], [ -49.114, -0.146 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.166, -0.142 ], [ -49.188, -0.115 ], [ -49.156, -0.128 ], [ -49.166, -0.142 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.119, -0.141 ], [ -49.143, -0.107 ], [ -49.114, -0.11 ], [ -49.119, -0.141 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.127, -0.128 ], [ -51.094, -0.103 ], [ -51.108, -0.127 ], [ -51.127, -0.128 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.414, -0.999 ], [ -46.384, -0.941 ], [ -46.367, -0.948 ], [ -46.414, -0.999 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.647, -0.97 ], [ -46.658, -0.968 ], [ -46.618, -0.957 ], [ -46.647, -0.97 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.488, -0.942 ], [ -46.465, -0.877 ], [ -46.464, -0.924 ], [ -46.44, -0.922 ], [ -46.482, -0.976 ], [ -46.441, -0.999 ], [ -46.525, -1.016 ], [ -46.527, -0.917 ], [ -46.509, -0.984 ], [ -46.488, -0.942 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.632, 0.159 ], [ -49.662, 0.184 ], [ -49.629, 0.202 ], [ -49.61, 0.181 ], [ -49.632, 0.159 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.641, 0.26 ], [ -50.63, 0.293 ], [ -50.586, 0.308 ], [ -50.641, 0.26 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.2, 0.255 ], [ -50.243, 0.248 ], [ -50.147, 0.337 ], [ -50.059, 0.346 ], [ -50.2, 0.255 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.417, 0.159 ], [ -50.535, 0.234 ], [ -50.36, 0.615 ], [ -50.328, 0.383 ], [ -50.285, 0.3 ], [ -50.413, 0.237 ], [ -50.417, 0.159 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.279, 0.338 ], [ -50.271, 0.599 ], [ -50.147, 0.608 ], [ -50.142, 0.576 ], [ -50.107, 0.636 ], [ -50.063, 0.623 ], [ -50.05, 0.518 ], [ -50.279, 0.338 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50, 0.943 ], [ -50.113, 0.907 ], [ -50.018, 1.034 ], [ -49.935, 1.069 ], [ -49.939, 0.996 ], [ -50, 0.943 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.881, 1.227 ], [ -49.909, 1.246 ], [ -49.886, 1.244 ], [ -49.881, 1.227 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.907, 1.278 ], [ -49.885, 1.291 ], [ -49.863, 1.278 ], [ -49.876, 1.252 ], [ -49.907, 1.278 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.204, 1.851 ], [ -50.232, 1.879 ], [ -50.22, 1.915 ], [ -50.169, 1.865 ], [ -50.204, 1.851 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.468, 1.954 ], [ -50.521, 2.026 ], [ -50.497, 2.139 ], [ -50.398, 2.167 ], [ -50.367, 2.19 ], [ -50.276, 1.939 ], [ -50.423, 1.849 ], [ -50.468, 1.954 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.504, 2.255 ], [ -50.414, 2.244 ], [ -50.382, 2.204 ], [ -50.489, 2.15 ], [ -50.564, 2.205 ], [ -50.504, 2.255 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.229, 0.832 ], [ -50.098, 0.839 ], [ -50.027, 0.898 ], [ -50.105, 0.757 ], [ -50.162, 0.775 ], [ -50.249, 0.72 ], [ -50.229, 0.832 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.131, 0.844 ], [ -50.162, 0.867 ], [ -50.132, 0.9 ], [ -50.119, 0.854 ], [ -50.131, 0.844 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.108, 0.85 ], [ -50.111, 0.891 ], [ -50.049, 0.886 ], [ -50.108, 0.85 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.216, -0.055 ], [ -50.235, -0.042 ], [ -50.219, -0.04 ], [ -50.216, -0.055 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.916, -0.052 ], [ -50.926, -0.047 ], [ -50.907, -0.043 ], [ -50.916, -0.052 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.605, -0.061 ], [ -50.618, -0.022 ], [ -50.559, -0.038 ], [ -50.605, -0.061 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.399, -0.061 ], [ -50.44, -0.057 ], [ -50.378, -0.015 ], [ -50.357, -0.049 ], [ -50.399, -0.061 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.75, 0 ], [ -49.609, 0.08 ], [ -49.474, 0.081 ], [ -49.338, -0.017 ], [ -49.487, -0.136 ], [ -49.723, -0.147 ], [ -49.835, -0.088 ], [ -49.75, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.023, -0.019 ], [ -49.039, -0.011 ], [ -49.02, -0.006 ], [ -49.023, -0.019 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.932, 0.052 ], [ -50.918, 0.084 ], [ -50.884, 0.078 ], [ -50.899, 0.057 ], [ -50.932, 0.052 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.928, 0 ], [ -50.786, 0.05 ], [ -50.717, 0.028 ], [ -50.94, -0.041 ], [ -50.928, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.691, 0.025 ], [ -50.655, 0.015 ], [ -50.703, 0.021 ], [ -50.691, 0.025 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.629, -0.043 ], [ -50.642, -0.016 ], [ -50.622, -0.026 ], [ -50.629, -0.043 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.642, 0 ], [ -50.611, 0.007 ], [ -50.595, -0.019 ], [ -50.642, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.536, 0 ], [ -50.653, 0.126 ], [ -50.59, 0.203 ], [ -50.434, 0.126 ], [ -50.436, 0 ], [ -50.536, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50, 0.311 ], [ -49.674, 0.368 ], [ -49.601, 0.283 ], [ -49.86, 0.008 ], [ -49.99, -0.048 ], [ -50.086, 0.034 ], [ -50.351, 0.044 ], [ -50.394, 0.222 ], [ -50.153, 0.227 ], [ -50, 0.311 ] ] ] ] } } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 88434, "end" : 88440 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Brasil" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : 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-44.345, -2.528 ], [ -44.29, -2.573 ], [ -44.306, -2.487 ], [ -44.02, -2.403 ], [ -44.03, -2.457 ], [ -44.108, -2.468 ], [ -44.035, -2.518 ], [ -44.131, -2.596 ], [ -44.147, -2.681 ], [ -44.219, -2.67 ], [ -44.209, -2.716 ], [ -44.345, -2.791 ], [ -44.347, -2.838 ], [ -44.315, -2.788 ], [ -44.3, -2.843 ], [ -44.266, -2.777 ], [ -44.225, -2.806 ], [ -44.184, -2.766 ], [ -44.208, -2.857 ], [ -44.111, -2.749 ], [ -44.072, -2.811 ], [ -44.05, -2.685 ], [ -43.981, -2.619 ], [ -43.946, -2.641 ], [ -43.933, -2.553 ], [ -43.883, -2.649 ], [ -43.887, -2.578 ], [ -43.803, -2.56 ], [ -43.76, -2.513 ], [ -43.754, -2.556 ], [ -43.729, -2.481 ], [ -43.727, -2.569 ], [ -43.654, -2.556 ], [ -43.682, -2.534 ], [ -43.653, -2.488 ], [ -43.608, -2.593 ], [ -43.603, -2.518 ], [ -43.548, -2.528 ], [ -43.519, -2.445 ], [ -43.498, -2.55 ], [ -43.46, -2.507 ], [ -43.458, -2.596 ], [ -43.401, -2.552 ], [ -43.448, -2.538 ], [ -43.462, -2.427 ], [ -43.359, -2.44 ], [ -43.479, -2.376 ], [ -43.378, -2.329 ], [ -43.4, -2.353 ], [ -43.232, -2.362 ], [ -42.692, -2.596 ], [ -42.709, -2.56 ], [ -42.572, -2.68 ], [ -42.495, -2.689 ], [ -42.503, -2.727 ], [ -42.393, -2.751 ], [ -42.475, -2.706 ], [ -42.375, -2.717 ], [ -42.228, -2.818 ], [ -42.143, -2.808 ], [ -42.256, -2.735 ], [ -42.233, -2.674 ], [ -42.208, -2.712 ], [ -42.098, -2.768 ], [ -42.099, -2.809 ], [ -42.096, -2.747 ], [ -42.216, -2.687 ], [ -42.054, -2.691 ], [ -42.023, -2.775 ], [ -42.017, -2.718 ], [ -41.818, -2.723 ], [ -41.844, -2.773 ], [ -41.797, -2.751 ], [ -41.656, -2.884 ], [ -41.437, -2.939 ], [ -41.395, -2.906 ], [ -41.316, -2.943 ], [ -41.263, -2.887 ], [ -40.838, -2.895 ], [ -40.572, -2.844 ], [ -40.499, -2.787 ], [ -39.888, -2.886 ], [ -39.244, -3.229 ], [ -39.083, -3.394 ], [ -38.978, -3.407 ], [ -38.641, -3.687 ], [ -38.473, -3.7 ], [ -38.377, -3.866 ], [ -38.043, -4.214 ], [ -37.764, -4.399 ], [ -37.588, -4.624 ], [ -37.323, -4.698 ], [ -37.15, -4.943 ], [ -36.958, -4.919 ], [ -36.666, -5.108 ], [ -36.504, -5.061 ], [ -36.297, -5.106 ], [ -35.956, -5.045 ], [ -35.612, -5.11 ], [ -35.385, -5.255 ], [ -35.255, -5.483 ], [ -35.099, -6.169 ], [ -34.983, -6.396 ], [ -34.933, -6.753 ], [ -34.79, -7.159 ], [ -34.842, -7.564 ], [ -34.809, -7.622 ], [ -34.845, -7.69 ], [ -34.827, -8.004 ], [ -35.136, -8.895 ], [ -35.332, -9.237 ], [ -35.689, -9.668 ], [ -35.78, -9.706 ], [ -36.056, -10.083 ], [ -36.266, -10.256 ], [ -36.402, -10.506 ], [ -36.602, -10.567 ], [ -36.934, -10.826 ], [ -37.36, -11.428 ], [ -37.612, -11.979 ], [ -37.996, -12.578 ], [ -38.318, -12.934 ], [ -38.477, -13.022 ], [ -38.532, -13.017 ], [ -38.473, -12.913 ], [ -38.498, -12.722 ], [ -38.603, -12.728 ], [ -38.646, -12.622 ], [ -38.681, -12.661 ], [ -38.718, -12.627 ], [ -38.804, -12.835 ], [ -38.717, -12.873 ], [ -38.769, -12.995 ], [ -38.721, -13.021 ], [ -38.66, -12.963 ], [ -38.686, -12.878 ], [ -38.59, -12.972 ], [ -38.766, -13.129 ], [ -38.807, -13.1 ], [ -38.808, -13.154 ], [ -38.944, -13.243 ], [ -38.973, -13.391 ], [ -38.902, -13.384 ], [ -38.886, -13.45 ], [ -38.95, -13.577 ], [ -38.886, -13.659 ], [ -38.968, -13.67 ], [ -39.006, -13.891 ], [ -39.064, -13.865 ], [ -39.075, -13.887 ], [ -38.986, -13.998 ], [ -38.952, -13.986 ], [ -38.982, -13.912 ], [ -38.938, -13.886 ], [ -38.922, -13.92 ], [ -39.061, -14.716 ], [ -38.962, -15.585 ], [ -38.857, -15.86 ], [ -38.973, -16.211 ], [ -39.032, -16.26 ], [ -39.01, -16.369 ], [ -39.078, -16.454 ], [ -39.143, -16.762 ], [ -39.113, -16.896 ], [ -39.212, -17.155 ], [ -39.193, -17.602 ], [ -39.135, -17.691 ], [ -39.264, -17.869 ], [ -39.435, -17.943 ], [ -39.563, -18.091 ], [ -39.721, -18.493 ], [ -39.749, -18.81 ], [ -39.692, -19.353 ], [ -39.805, -19.65 ], [ -39.951, -19.717 ], [ -40.151, -19.956 ], [ -40.236, -20.285 ], [ -40.353, -20.32 ], [ -40.329, -20.236 ], [ -40.359, -20.291 ], [ -40.365, -20.317 ], [ -40.35, -20.328 ], [ -40.268, -20.327 ], [ -40.402, -20.606 ], [ -40.466, -20.624 ], [ -40.627, -20.845 ], [ -40.65, -20.813 ], [ -40.756, -20.866 ], [ -40.853, -21.133 ], [ -40.955, -21.251 ], [ -40.96, -21.364 ], [ -41.065, -21.495 ], [ -41.051, -21.608 ], [ -41.038, -21.622 ], [ -41.007, -21.618 ], [ -40.99, -22.014 ], [ -41.229, -22.151 ], [ -41.668, -22.294 ], [ -41.962, -22.538 ], [ -41.986, -22.713 ], [ -41.919, -22.774 ], [ -41.864, -22.759 ], [ -42.023, -22.896 ], [ -42.037, -22.94 ], [ -41.99, -22.964 ], [ -42.018, -22.998 ], [ -42.086, -22.957 ], [ -42.529, -22.934 ], [ -43.05, -22.982 ], [ -43.132, -22.941 ], [ -43.025, -22.741 ], [ -43.084, -22.68 ], [ -43.216, -22.725 ], [ -43.287, -22.806 ], [ -43.24, -22.847 ], [ -43.249, -22.797 ], [ -43.156, -22.784 ], [ -43.247, -22.882 ], [ -43.164, -22.899 ], [ -43.187, -22.995 ], [ -43.344, -22.983 ], [ -43.303, -23.02 ], [ -43.549, -23.081 ], [ -44.001, -23.1 ], [ -43.961, -23.042 ], [ -43.877, -23.067 ], [ -43.909, -23.02 ], [ -43.807, -23.063 ], [ -43.555, -23.055 ], [ -43.84, -22.906 ], [ -43.985, -22.937 ], [ -44.034, -23.014 ], [ -44.044, -22.923 ], [ -44.107, -23.03 ], [ -44.234, -23.06 ], [ -44.238, -23.004 ], [ -44.358, -23.02 ], [ -44.296, -22.961 ], [ -44.321, -22.927 ], [ -44.378, -22.972 ], [ -44.407, -22.945 ], [ -44.443, -23.035 ], [ -44.669, -23.06 ], [ -44.712, -23.19 ], [ -44.701, -23.237 ], [ -44.645, -23.191 ], [ -44.612, -23.206 ], [ -44.685, -23.256 ], [ -44.611, -23.238 ], [ -44.652, -23.302 ], [ -44.558, -23.232 ], [ -44.577, -23.275 ], [ -44.498, -23.302 ], [ -44.583, -23.367 ], [ -44.669, -23.341 ], [ -44.84, -23.395 ], [ -44.905, -23.339 ], [ -45.05, -23.418 ], [ -45.016, -23.461 ], [ -45.079, -23.519 ], [ -45.165, -23.495 ], [ -45.159, -23.541 ], [ -45.228, -23.547 ], [ -45.211, -23.582 ], [ -45.41, -23.632 ], [ -45.412, -23.825 ], [ -45.934, -23.771 ], [ -46.124, -23.842 ], [ -46.2, -24.002 ], [ -46.288, -24.044 ], [ -46.321, -24 ], [ -46.458, -24.025 ], [ -46.937, -24.281 ], [ -47.024, -24.382 ], [ -47.004, -24.412 ], [ -47.86, -24.996 ], [ -47.914, -25.061 ], [ -47.915, -25.16 ], [ -48.213, -25.47 ], [ -48.254, -25.435 ], [ -48.222, -25.342 ], [ -48.208, -25.353 ], [ -48.121, -25.267 ], [ -48.253, -25.328 ], [ -48.284, -25.294 ], [ -48.317, -25.363 ], [ -48.327, -25.232 ], [ -48.366, -25.317 ], [ -48.433, -25.237 ], [ -48.428, -25.324 ], [ -48.5, -25.335 ], [ -48.427, -25.39 ], [ -48.449, -25.379 ], [ -48.468, -25.388 ], [ -48.467, -25.432 ], [ -48.449, -25.384 ], [ -48.414, -25.428 ], [ -48.476, -25.485 ], [ -48.637, -25.468 ], [ -48.661, -25.398 ], [ -48.671, -25.435 ], [ -48.739, -25.374 ], [ -48.68, -25.465 ], [ -48.687, -25.499 ], [ -48.737, -25.483 ], [ -48.703, -25.504 ], [ -48.617, -25.536 ], [ -48.512, -25.505 ], [ -48.482, -25.591 ], [ -48.46, -25.552 ], [ -48.35, -25.581 ], [ -48.565, -25.868 ], [ -48.614, -26.06 ], [ -48.586, -26.172 ], [ -48.714, -26.243 ], [ -48.795, -26.073 ], [ -48.837, -26.157 ], [ -48.798, -26.142 ], [ -48.763, -26.199 ], [ -48.805, -26.228 ], [ -48.769, -26.223 ], [ -48.761, -26.286 ], [ -48.803, -26.303 ], [ -48.723, -26.362 ], [ -48.635, -26.374 ], [ -48.714, -26.308 ], [ -48.554, -26.172 ], [ -48.493, -26.224 ], [ -48.695, -26.658 ], [ -48.665, -26.769 ], [ -48.583, -26.786 ], [ -48.655, -26.909 ], [ -48.62, -27.007 ], [ -48.574, -27.011 ], [ -48.607, -27.122 ], [ -48.554, -27.152 ], [ -48.51, -27.108 ], [ -48.469, -27.148 ], [ -48.511, -27.183 ], [ -48.486, -27.218 ], [ -48.531, -27.18 ], [ -48.612, -27.243 ], [ -48.596, -27.318 ], [ -48.529, -27.334 ], [ -48.649, -27.486 ], [ -48.572, -27.592 ], [ -48.653, -27.648 ], [ -48.575, -27.888 ], [ -48.761, -28.535 ], [ -48.813, -28.605 ], [ -49.37, -28.92 ], [ -49.334, -28.921 ], [ -49.702, -29.308 ], [ -50.006, -29.749 ], [ -50.316, -30.472 ], [ -50.848, -31.205 ], [ -51.303, -31.613 ], [ -51.877, -31.952 ], [ -52.071, -32.188 ], [ -52.012, -31.946 ], [ -52.092, -31.837 ], [ -51.851, -31.865 ], [ -51.777, -31.805 ], [ -51.854, -31.797 ], [ -51.65, -31.759 ], [ -51.478, -31.562 ], [ -51.43, -31.622 ], [ -51.458, -31.548 ], [ -51.424, -31.478 ], [ -51.351, -31.529 ], [ -51.234, -31.458 ], [ -51.16, -31.31 ], [ -51.166, -31.063 ], [ -51.109, -31.097 ], [ -50.985, -31.042 ], [ -50.965, -30.893 ], [ -50.888, -30.893 ], [ -50.705, -30.756 ], [ -50.677, -30.61 ], [ -50.725, -30.371 ], [ -50.692, -30.355 ], [ -50.625, -30.409 ], [ -50.641, -30.459 ], [ -50.569, -30.471 ], [ -50.534, -30.278 ], [ -50.601, -30.194 ], [ -50.659, -30.201 ], [ -50.661, -30.293 ], [ -50.918, -30.333 ], [ -50.934, -30.42 ], [ -50.889, -30.439 ], [ -50.921, -30.44 ], [ -51.052, -30.395 ], [ -51.034, -30.276 ], [ -51.146, -30.267 ], [ -51.246, -30.188 ], [ -51.23, -30.043 ], [ -51.295, -30.007 ], [ -51.326, -30.23 ], [ -51.271, -30.25 ], [ -51.293, -30.295 ], [ -51.246, -30.33 ], [ -51.209, -30.3 ], [ -51.179, -30.383 ], [ -51.092, -30.367 ], [ -51.129, -30.436 ], [ -51.202, -30.413 ], [ -51.269, -30.489 ], [ -51.282, -30.811 ], [ -51.33, -30.777 ], [ -51.294, -30.758 ], [ -51.319, -30.64 ], [ -51.375, -30.635 ], [ -51.404, -30.769 ], [ -51.367, -30.874 ], [ -51.457, -30.874 ], [ -51.501, -30.935 ], [ -51.436, -31.088 ], [ -51.611, -31.138 ], [ -51.613, -31.272 ], [ -51.915, -31.313 ], [ -52.002, -31.449 ], [ -52.031, -31.693 ], [ -52.218, -31.747 ], [ -52.247, -31.871 ], [ -52.106, -31.952 ], [ -52.216, -31.963 ], [ -52.263, -32.062 ], [ -52.209, -32.045 ], [ -52.225, -32.096 ], [ -52.082, -32.033 ], [ -52.162, -32.128 ], [ -52.09, -32.069 ], [ -52.084, -32.186 ], [ -52.16, -32.201 ], [ -52.341, -32.43 ], [ -52.488, -32.844 ], [ -52.66, -33.165 ], [ -53.227, -33.658 ], [ -53.421, -33.741 ], [ -53.524, -33.689 ], [ -53.515, -33.163 ], [ -53.434, -33.054 ], [ -53.243, -32.936 ], [ -53.294, -32.911 ], [ -53.074, -32.746 ], [ -53.244, -32.605 ], [ -53.39, -32.583 ], [ -53.46, -32.48 ], [ -53.595, -32.432 ], [ -53.73, -32.157 ], [ -53.714, -32.104 ], [ -53.965, -31.919 ], [ -54.096, -31.906 ], [ -54.466, -31.666 ], [ -54.491, -31.54 ], [ -54.591, -31.448 ], [ -54.836, -31.446 ], [ -54.945, -31.392 ], [ -55.014, -31.285 ], [ -55.091, -31.326 ], [ -55.245, -31.257 ], [ -55.374, -31.038 ], [ -55.594, -30.848 ], [ -55.635, -30.857 ], [ -55.657, -30.956 ], [ -55.87, -31.08 ], [ -56.008, -31.063 ], [ -55.987, -30.86 ], [ -56.021, -30.784 ], [ -56.127, -30.739 ], [ -56.177, -30.614 ], [ -56.384, -30.495 ], [ -56.459, -30.387 ], [ -56.545, -30.364 ], [ -56.54, -30.312 ], [ -56.617, -30.303 ], [ -56.644, -30.205 ], [ -56.776, -30.166 ], [ -56.804, -30.107 ], [ -57.068, -30.088 ], [ -57.207, -30.281 ], [ -57.313, -30.26 ], [ -57.396, -30.303 ], [ -57.538, -30.275 ], [ -57.618, -30.179 ], [ -57.505, -30.143 ], [ -57.342, -30.001 ], [ -57.319, -29.87 ], [ -57.254, -29.794 ], [ -57.105, -29.752 ], [ -56.972, -29.639 ], [ -56.676, -29.321 ], [ -56.593, -29.123 ], [ -56.425, -29.073 ], [ -56.285, -28.794 ], [ -56.185, -28.771 ], [ -56.016, -28.611 ], [ -56.011, -28.509 ], [ -55.888, -28.479 ], [ -55.875, -28.362 ], [ -55.696, -28.425 ], [ -55.671, -28.333 ], [ -55.773, -28.247 ], [ -55.605, -28.123 ], [ -55.554, -28.164 ], [ -55.496, -28.081 ], [ -55.444, -28.097 ], [ -55.323, -27.928 ], [ -55.196, -27.863 ], [ -55.134, -27.895 ], [ -55.117, -27.853 ], [ -55.032, -27.854 ], [ -55.082, -27.789 ], [ -54.941, -27.775 ], [ -54.809, -27.536 ], [ -54.781, -27.586 ], [ -54.683, -27.576 ], [ -54.678, -27.514 ], [ -54.624, -27.55 ], [ -54.576, -27.458 ], [ -54.525, -27.507 ], [ -54.415, -27.412 ], [ -54.353, -27.468 ], [ -54.339, -27.406 ], [ -54.282, -27.447 ], [ -54.176, -27.261 ], [ -54.089, -27.303 ], [ -53.949, -27.158 ], [ -53.799, -27.147 ], [ -53.795, -27.048 ], [ -53.761, -27.068 ], [ -53.662, -26.869 ], [ -53.751, -26.745 ], [ -53.707, -26.563 ], [ -53.738, -26.548 ], [ -53.592, -26.265 ], [ -53.722, -26.13 ], [ -53.733, -26.047 ], [ -53.837, -25.969 ], [ -53.824, -25.793 ], [ -53.891, -25.625 ], [ -53.951, -25.644 ], [ -54.016, -25.569 ], [ -54.101, -25.625 ], [ -54.111, -25.504 ], [ -54.213, -25.554 ], [ -54.184, -25.591 ], [ -54.289, -25.562 ], [ -54.387, -25.608 ], [ -54.43, -25.706 ], [ -54.596, -25.595 ], [ -54.617, -25.459 ], [ -54.437, -25.157 ], [ -54.458, -25.031 ], [ -54.336, -24.649 ], [ -54.333, -24.493 ], [ -54.262, -24.376 ], [ -54.33, -24.225 ], [ -54.282, -24.075 ], [ -54.411, -23.929 ], [ -54.668, -23.815 ], [ -55.061, -23.991 ], [ -55.112, -23.963 ], [ -55.226, -24.013 ], [ -55.413, -23.961 ], [ -55.434, -23.714 ], [ -55.535, -23.614 ], [ -55.522, -23.197 ], [ -55.596, -23.141 ], [ -55.64, -22.994 ], [ -55.685, -22.992 ], [ -55.613, -22.659 ], [ -55.736, -22.532 ], [ -55.74, -22.396 ], [ -55.854, -22.281 ], [ -56.208, -22.281 ], [ -56.341, -22.206 ], [ -56.403, -22.078 ], [ -56.519, -22.103 ], [ -56.643, -22.261 ], [ -56.698, -22.216 ], [ -56.728, -22.26 ], [ -56.808, -22.25 ], [ -56.831, -22.3 ], [ -57.001, -22.225 ], [ -57.203, -22.21 ], [ -57.243, -22.244 ], [ -57.553, -22.181 ], [ -57.616, -22.096 ], [ -57.803, -22.148 ], [ -57.989, -22.085 ], [ -58.005, -22.032 ], [ -57.919, -21.881 ], [ -57.969, -21.844 ], [ -57.913, -21.793 ], [ -57.947, -21.747 ], [ -57.894, -21.687 ], [ -57.968, -21.528 ], [ -57.855, -21.339 ], [ -57.918, -21.278 ], [ -57.854, -21.226 ], [ -57.866, -21.041 ], [ -57.818, -20.976 ], [ -57.927, -20.897 ], [ -57.855, -20.835 ], [ -57.961, -20.784 ], [ -57.869, -20.736 ], [ -57.923, -20.666 ], [ -57.988, -20.696 ], [ -57.994, -20.448 ], [ -58.082, -20.372 ], [ -58.092, -20.257 ], [ -58.154, -20.264 ], [ -58.125, -20.188 ], [ -58.163, -20.162 ], [ -57.872, -19.979 ], [ -58.134, -19.761 ], [ -57.79, -19.051 ], [ -57.709, -19.034 ], [ -57.757, -18.858 ], [ -57.56, -18.263 ], [ -57.458, -18.228 ], [ -57.568, -18.136 ], [ -57.702, -17.86 ], [ -57.715, -17.735 ], [ -57.785, -17.645 ], [ -57.773, -17.553 ], [ -57.878, -17.463 ], [ -58.003, -17.52 ], [ -58.114, -17.456 ], [ -58.395, -17.197 ], [ -58.421, -16.99 ], [ -58.47, -16.939 ], [ -58.468, -16.702 ], [ -58.442, -16.613 ], [ -58.34, -16.542 ], [ -58.309, -16.27 ], [ -58.471, -16.325 ], [ -60.173, -16.265 ], [ -60.236, -15.476 ], [ -60.565, -15.105 ], [ -60.253, -15.101 ], [ -60.257, -14.624 ], [ -60.338, -14.555 ], [ -60.482, -14.181 ], [ -60.468, -14.092 ], [ -60.378, -13.992 ], [ -60.468, -13.886 ], [ -60.468, -13.801 ], [ -60.793, -13.686 ], [ -60.962, -13.539 ], [ -61.044, -13.541 ], [ -61.028, -13.477 ], [ -61.069, -13.463 ], [ -61.139, -13.521 ], [ -61.249, -13.525 ], [ -61.33, -13.473 ], [ -61.486, -13.554 ], [ -61.578, -13.494 ], [ -61.824, -13.539 ], [ -61.866, -13.443 ], [ -62.108, -13.257 ], [ -62.109, -13.149 ], [ -62.165, -13.112 ], [ -62.368, -13.145 ], [ -62.464, -13.07 ], [ -62.637, -13.041 ], [ -62.674, -12.965 ], [ -62.764, -13.023 ], [ -62.923, -12.854 ], [ -62.996, -12.85 ], [ -63.082, -12.653 ], [ -63.327, -12.705 ], [ -63.482, -12.557 ], [ -63.712, -12.458 ], [ -63.875, -12.469 ], [ -63.937, -12.557 ], [ -64.127, -12.494 ], [ -64.152, -12.529 ], [ -64.215, -12.476 ], [ -64.278, -12.511 ], [ -64.493, -12.366 ], [ -64.486, -12.23 ], [ -64.654, -12.186 ], [ -64.683, -12.099 ], [ -64.725, -12.162 ], [ -64.798, -12.035 ], [ -64.993, -11.999 ], [ -65.048, -11.757 ], [ -65.112, -11.741 ], [ -65.106, -11.697 ], [ -65.135, -11.777 ], [ -65.201, -11.745 ], [ -65.161, -11.622 ], [ -65.218, -11.521 ], [ -65.299, -11.5 ], [ -65.338, -11.392 ], [ -65.31, -11.341 ], [ -65.385, -11.269 ], [ -65.349, -11.239 ], [ -65.391, -11.167 ], [ -65.318, -11.105 ], [ -65.336, -11.044 ], [ -65.269, -10.901 ], [ -65.366, -10.798 ], [ -65.349, -10.671 ], [ -65.426, -10.638 ], [ -65.429, -10.473 ], [ -65.28, -10.218 ], [ -65.327, -9.938 ], [ -65.29, -9.851 ], [ -65.377, -9.698 ], [ -65.488, -9.718 ], [ -65.563, -9.834 ], [ -65.669, -9.779 ], [ -65.7, -9.803 ], [ -65.689, -9.749 ], [ -65.748, -9.77 ], [ -65.777, -9.727 ], [ -65.798, -9.786 ], [ -65.81, -9.75 ], [ -65.86, -9.794 ], [ -65.872, -9.757 ], [ -66.018, -9.807 ], [ -66.064, -9.772 ], [ -66.422, -9.895 ], [ -66.616, -9.893 ], [ -66.623, -9.935 ], [ -66.883, -10.081 ], [ -67.029, -10.254 ], [ -67.186, -10.339 ], [ -67.315, -10.316 ], [ -67.327, -10.374 ], [ -67.414, -10.372 ], [ -67.443, -10.45 ], [ -67.594, -10.523 ], [ -67.715, -10.707 ], [ -68.021, -10.661 ], [ -68.119, -10.726 ], [ -68.283, -10.987 ], [ -68.519, -11.048 ], [ -68.587, -11.11 ], [ -68.769, -11.139 ], [ -68.751, -11.007 ], [ -68.787, -10.99 ], [ -68.871, -11.023 ], [ -69.393, -10.929 ], [ -69.728, -10.973 ], [ -69.938, -10.926 ], [ -70.318, -11.066 ], [ -70.428, -11.033 ], [ -70.508, -10.94 ], [ -70.618, -11.007 ], [ -70.622, -9.847 ], [ -70.522, -9.738 ], [ -70.598, -9.574 ], [ -70.561, -9.579 ], [ -70.497, -9.433 ], [ -70.601, -9.453 ], [ -70.982, -9.812 ], [ -71.131, -9.862 ], [ -71.288, -9.996 ], [ -72.165, -10.002 ], [ -72.16, -9.818 ], [ -72.26, -9.755 ], [ -72.289, -9.536 ], [ -72.364, -9.491 ], [ -72.721, -9.417 ], [ -73.196, -9.418 ], [ -72.965, -9.154 ], [ -72.946, -8.99 ], [ -73.059, -8.904 ], [ -73.169, -8.701 ], [ -73.338, -8.609 ], [ -73.338, -8.476 ], [ -73.526, -8.369 ], [ -73.632, -8.022 ], [ -73.765, -7.94 ], [ -73.777, -7.869 ], [ -73.697, -7.865 ], [ -73.69, -7.79 ], [ -73.985, -7.543 ], [ -73.917, -7.461 ], [ -73.954, -7.348 ], [ -73.868, -7.377 ], [ -73.691, -7.313 ], [ -73.797, -7.115 ], [ -73.743, -6.897 ], [ -73.351, -6.561 ], [ -73.211, -6.53 ], [ -73.133, -6.421 ], [ -73.185, -6.04 ], [ -73.131, -5.986 ], [ -73.116, -5.865 ], [ -72.951, -5.643 ], [ -72.948, -5.454 ], [ -72.872, -5.25 ], [ -72.896, -5.136 ], [ -72.734, -5.043 ], [ -72.602, -5.056 ], [ -72.577, -4.992 ], [ -72.455, -4.962 ], [ -72.452, -4.906 ], [ -72.37, -4.88 ], [ -72.356, -4.803 ], [ -72.292, -4.799 ], [ -72.313, -4.769 ], [ -72.223, -4.78 ], [ -72.113, -4.722 ], [ -72.047, -4.625 ], [ -71.94, -4.607 ], [ -71.897, -4.512 ], [ -71.61, -4.465 ], [ -71.597, -4.525 ], [ -71.535, -4.46 ], [ -71.49, -4.479 ], [ -71.506, -4.435 ], [ -71.414, -4.432 ], [ -71.432, -4.469 ], [ -71.342, -4.423 ], [ -71.355, -4.468 ], [ -71.303, -4.458 ], [ -71.269, -4.381 ], [ -71.198, -4.377 ], [ -71.193, -4.42 ], [ -71.147, -4.375 ], [ -71.031, -4.397 ], [ -70.99, -4.34 ], [ -70.935, -4.381 ], [ -70.757, -4.152 ], [ -70.677, -4.2 ], [ -70.622, -4.121 ], [ -70.633, -4.173 ], [ -70.565, -4.168 ], [ -70.566, -4.205 ], [ -70.553, -4.128 ], [ -70.503, -4.19 ], [ -70.434, -4.125 ], [ -70.341, -4.174 ], [ -70.317, -4.136 ], [ -70.291, -4.283 ], [ -70.249, -4.267 ], [ -70.186, -4.357 ], [ -70.169, -4.27 ], [ -70.101, -4.255 ], [ -70.031, -4.339 ], [ -69.929, -4.213 ], [ -69.453, -1.478 ], [ -69.368, -1.334 ], [ -69.422, -0.998 ], [ -69.508, -0.936 ], [ -69.609, -0.755 ], [ -69.551, -0.648 ], [ -69.593, -0.517 ], [ -69.908, -0.316 ], [ -70.068, -0.135 ], [ -70.037, 0.553 ], [ -69.798, 0.585 ], [ -69.664, 0.672 ], [ -69.606, 0.623 ], [ -69.468, 0.734 ], [ -69.357, 0.621 ], [ -69.295, 0.648 ], [ -69.288, 0.609 ], [ -69.202, 0.602 ], [ -69.112, 0.643 ], [ -69.184, 0.73 ], [ -69.137, 0.868 ], [ -69.257, 1.026 ], [ -69.342, 1.064 ], [ -69.416, 1.024 ], [ -69.7, 1.056 ], [ -69.721, 1.097 ], [ -69.854, 1.07 ], [ -69.855, 1.715 ], [ -69.556, 1.775 ], [ -69.395, 1.726 ], [ -68.128, 1.73 ], [ -68.29, 1.841 ], [ -68.205, 2.038 ], [ -68.027, 1.784 ], [ -67.924, 1.751 ], [ -67.797, 1.812 ], [ -67.578, 2.076 ], [ -67.41, 2.141 ], [ -67.117, 1.732 ], [ -67.068, 1.532 ], [ -67.097, 1.17 ], [ -66.855, 1.228 ], [ -66.322, 0.738 ], [ -66.095, 0.754 ], [ -65.952, 0.81 ], [ -65.854, 0.939 ], [ -65.733, 1.005 ], [ -65.583, 1.008 ], [ -65.47, 0.877 ], [ -65.557, 0.705 ], [ -65.504, 0.627 ], [ -65.393, 0.699 ], [ -65.305, 0.916 ], [ -65.152, 0.943 ], [ -65.121, 1.115 ], [ -65.055, 1.144 ], [ -64.968, 1.112 ], [ -64.903, 1.249 ], [ -64.843, 1.237 ], [ -64.783, 1.313 ], [ -64.721, 1.25 ], [ -64.638, 1.286 ], [ -64.387, 1.527 ], [ -64.344, 1.528 ], [ -64.382, 1.419 ], [ -64.344, 1.38 ], [ -64.186, 1.494 ], [ -64.054, 1.708 ], [ -64.057, 1.933 ], [ -64.018, 1.967 ], [ -63.781, 1.989 ], [ -63.604, 2.124 ], [ -63.419, 2.154 ], [ -63.349, 2.281 ], [ -63.382, 2.442 ], [ -63.756, 2.403 ], [ -64.031, 2.509 ], [ -63.987, 2.772 ], [ -64.216, 3.153 ], [ -64.236, 3.476 ], [ -64.186, 3.634 ], [ -64.324, 3.797 ], [ -64.543, 3.882 ], [ -64.8, 4.224 ], [ -64.79, 4.329 ], [ -64.677, 4.297 ], [ -64.555, 4.153 ], [ -64.135, 4.176 ], [ -63.967, 3.93 ], [ -63.806, 4.019 ], [ -63.623, 4.01 ], [ -63.455, 3.91 ], [ -63.411, 4.026 ], [ -63.358, 4.04 ], [ -63.203, 3.952 ], [ -63.189, 3.872 ], [ -62.86, 3.584 ], [ -62.749, 3.642 ], [ -62.705, 3.724 ], [ -62.752, 4.012 ], [ -62.635, 4.056 ], [ -62.557, 4.02 ], [ -62.46, 4.173 ], [ -62.129, 4.084 ], [ -61.961, 4.18 ], [ -61.927, 4.106 ], [ -61.723, 4.262 ], [ -61.528, 4.273 ], [ -61.507, 4.398 ], [ -61.274, 4.471 ], [ -61.293, 4.55 ], [ -61.141, 4.508 ], [ -60.952, 4.549 ], [ -60.907, 4.708 ], [ -60.731, 4.777 ], [ -60.59, 4.951 ], [ -60.744, 5.209 ], [ -60.438, 5.177 ], [ -60.203, 5.265 ], [ -60.176, 5.227 ], [ -60.121, 5.243 ], [ -60.085, 5.149 ], [ -59.969, 5.073 ], [ -60.03, 4.704 ], [ -60.163, 4.521 ], [ -59.927, 4.509 ], [ -59.674, 4.382 ], [ -59.726, 4.191 ], [ -59.628, 4.138 ], [ -59.655, 4.078 ], [ -59.516, 3.94 ], [ -59.581, 3.901 ], [ -59.594, 3.796 ], [ -59.666, 3.777 ], [ -59.664, 3.703 ], [ -59.849, 3.601 ], [ -59.799, 3.355 ], [ -59.909, 3.197 ], [ -59.982, 2.929 ], [ -59.99, 2.683 ], [ -59.903, 2.479 ], [ -59.91, 2.388 ], [ -59.724, 2.277 ], [ -59.754, 1.861 ], [ -59.654, 1.849 ], [ -59.669, 1.764 ], [ -59.549, 1.729 ], [ -59.253, 1.397 ], [ -58.914, 1.299 ], [ -58.904, 1.234 ], [ -58.804, 1.175 ], [ -58.696, 1.288 ], [ -58.507, 1.264 ], [ -58.468, 1.318 ], [ -58.498, 1.458 ], [ -58.382, 1.471 ], [ -58.325, 1.59 ], [ -58.167, 1.558 ], [ -58.13, 1.501 ], [ -58.009, 1.501 ], [ -58, 1.665 ], [ -57.919, 1.645 ], [ -57.77, 1.718 ], [ -57.545, 1.701 ], [ -57.434, 1.895 ], [ -57.302, 1.99 ], [ -57.247, 1.944 ], [ -57.085, 2.021 ], [ -57.012, 1.918 ], [ -56.8, 1.864 ], [ -56.724, 1.92 ], [ -56.454, 1.945 ], [ -55.957, 1.844 ], [ -55.906, 1.889 ], [ -55.913, 2.041 ], [ -56.048, 2.226 ], [ -56.134, 2.263 ], [ -56.09, 2.352 ], [ -55.995, 2.405 ], [ -55.987, 2.517 ], [ -55.948, 2.532 ], [ -55.739, 2.401 ], [ -55.481, 2.443 ], [ -55.37, 2.407 ], [ -55.336, 2.516 ], [ -55.239, 2.495 ], [ -55.137, 2.575 ], [ -55.103, 2.522 ], [ -54.94, 2.632 ], [ -54.969, 2.555 ], [ -54.864, 2.439 ], [ -54.72, 2.469 ], [ -54.702, 2.336 ], [ -54.549, 2.336 ], [ -54.534, 2.268 ], [ -54.314, 2.158 ], [ -54.189, 2.179 ], [ -54.111, 2.127 ], [ -54.078, 2.197 ], [ -53.784, 2.364 ], [ -53.694, 2.287 ], [ -53.472, 2.332 ], [ -53.397, 2.272 ], [ -53.273, 2.292 ], [ -53.188, 2.223 ], [ -52.905, 2.19 ], [ -52.853, 2.285 ], [ -52.673, 2.374 ], [ -52.555, 2.523 ], [ -52.556, 2.646 ], [ -52.382, 2.912 ], [ -52.347, 3.134 ], [ -52.192, 3.296 ], [ -51.92, 3.781 ], [ -51.795, 3.89 ], [ -51.754, 3.996 ], [ -51.658, 4.049 ], [ -51.585, 4.241 ], [ -51.529, 4.171 ], [ -51.545, 4.397 ], [ -51.202, 4.084 ], [ -51.173, 3.767 ], [ -51.127, 3.911 ], [ -51.085, 3.895 ], [ -51.051, 3.283 ], [ -50.913, 2.875 ], [ -50.927, 2.807 ], [ -50.816, 2.644 ], [ -50.851, 2.482 ], [ -50.802, 2.508 ], [ -50.736, 2.414 ], [ -50.765, 2.359 ], [ -50.694, 2.276 ], [ -50.725, 2.252 ], [ -50.675, 2.247 ], [ -50.682, 2.137 ], [ -50.584, 2.091 ], [ -50.586, 2.014 ], [ -50.471, 1.82 ], [ -50.194, 1.794 ], [ -49.954, 1.676 ], [ -49.88, 1.419 ], [ -49.918, 1.289 ], [ -50.073, 1.204 ], [ -49.918, 1.232 ], [ -49.939, 1.103 ], [ -50.003, 1.066 ], [ -50.033, 1.107 ], [ -50.131, 0.949 ], [ -50.274, 0.866 ], [ -50.338, 0.729 ], [ -50.417, 0.685 ], [ -50.455, 0.732 ], [ -50.428, 0.679 ], [ -50.571, 0.424 ], [ -50.691, 0.3 ], [ -50.677, 0.365 ], [ -50.746, 0.227 ], [ -50.801, 0.224 ], [ -50.785, 0.183 ], [ -50.908, 0.171 ], [ -51.087, -0.043 ], [ -51.203, -0.055 ], [ -51.419, -0.412 ], [ -51.409, -0.44 ], [ -51.325, -0.364 ], [ -51.188, -0.14 ], [ -51.111, -0.154 ], [ -51.154, -0.284 ], [ -51.396, -0.493 ], [ -51.243, -0.443 ], [ -51.26, -0.5 ], [ -51.165, -0.431 ], [ -50.953, -0.061 ], [ -50.824, -0.048 ], [ -50.705, 0.002 ], [ -50.613, -0.088 ], [ -50.744, -0.244 ], [ -50.751, -0.429 ], [ -50.845, -0.526 ], [ -50.988, -0.583 ], [ -51.051, -0.682 ], [ -50.826, -0.555 ], [ -50.794, -0.666 ], [ -50.733, -0.557 ], [ -50.684, -0.604 ], [ -50.724, -0.493 ], [ -50.652, -0.276 ], [ -50.409, -0.094 ], [ -49.631, -0.247 ], [ -49.446, -0.23 ], [ -49.289, -0.145 ], [ -49.018, -0.16 ], [ -49, -0.139 ], [ -48.895, -0.224 ], [ -48.539, -0.234 ], [ -48.363, -0.303 ], [ -48.459, -0.513 ], [ -48.522, -0.877 ], [ -48.667, -1.002 ], [ -48.621, -1.005 ], [ -48.65, -1.048 ], [ -48.617, -1.053 ], [ -48.721, -1.137 ], [ -48.837, -1.452 ], [ -49.161, -1.575 ], [ -49.182, -1.623 ], [ -49.362, -1.604 ], [ -49.364, -1.642 ], [ -49.448, -1.637 ], [ -49.5, -1.738 ], [ -49.61, -1.718 ], [ -49.676, -1.78 ], [ -49.696, -1.757 ], [ -49.714, -1.76 ], [ -49.803, -1.822 ], [ -50.035, -1.717 ], [ -50.179, -1.787 ], [ -50.256, -1.776 ], [ -50.415, -1.841 ], [ -50.401, -1.935 ], [ -49.994, -1.819 ], [ -49.844, -1.905 ], [ -49.765, -1.898 ], [ -49.616, -1.79 ], [ -49.276, -1.706 ], [ -49.267, -1.778 ], [ -49.387, -1.977 ], [ -49.383, -2.159 ], [ -48.973, -1.594 ], [ -48.897, -1.573 ], [ -48.955, -1.712 ], [ -48.932, -1.75 ], [ -48.898, -1.743 ], [ -48.656, -1.371 ], [ -48.592, -1.429 ], [ -48.601, -1.306 ], [ -48.524, -1.338 ], [ -48.537, -1.467 ], [ -48.496, -1.553 ], [ -48.491, -1.502 ], [ -48.46, -1.533 ], [ -48.374, -1.511 ], [ -48.319, -1.478 ], [ -48.505, -1.471 ], [ -48.422, -1.168 ], [ -48.475, -1.144 ], [ -48.4, -1.066 ], [ -48.278, -1.111 ], [ -48.304, -0.948 ], [ -48.055, -0.668 ], [ -48.001, -0.731 ], [ -47.893, -0.553 ], [ -47.843, -0.616 ], [ -47.807, -0.547 ], [ -47.702, -0.54 ], [ -47.707, -0.59 ], [ -47.667, -0.569 ], [ -47.633, -0.608 ], [ -47.651, -0.694 ], [ -47.608, -0.684 ], [ -47.577, -0.573 ], [ -47.476, -0.757 ], [ -47.398, -0.76 ], [ -47.428, -0.693 ], [ -47.464, -0.687 ], [ -47.466, -0.594 ], [ -47.399, -0.594 ], [ -47.4, -0.645 ], [ -47.298, -0.589 ], [ -47.253, -0.668 ], [ -47.247, -0.623 ], [ -47.206, -0.633 ], [ -47.23, -0.719 ], [ -47.158, -0.678 ], [ -47.191, -0.754 ], [ -47.146, -0.764 ], [ -47.16, -0.815 ], [ -47.081, -0.661 ], [ -47.055, -0.868 ], [ -47.027, -0.784 ], [ -46.983, -0.806 ], [ -47.016, -0.752 ], [ -46.967, -0.694 ], [ -46.969, -0.78 ], [ -46.891, -0.869 ], [ -46.89, -0.789 ], [ -46.846, -0.799 ], [ -46.82, -0.71 ], [ -46.802, -0.877 ], [ -46.777, -0.905 ], [ -46.75, -0.826 ], [ -46.709, -0.86 ], [ -46.734, -0.944 ], [ -46.687, -0.831 ], [ -46.653, -0.882 ], [ -46.621, -0.818 ], [ -46.601, -0.917 ], [ -46.676, -0.965 ], [ -46.622, -0.987 ], [ -46.57, -0.947 ], [ -46.609, -1.03 ], [ -46.57, -0.988 ], [ -46.525, -1.027 ], [ -46.465, -1.007 ], [ -46.47, -1.044 ], [ -46.395, -1.037 ], [ -46.413, -1.084 ], [ -46.348, -0.982 ], [ -46.36, -1.011 ], [ -46.366, -1.031 ], [ -46.348, -1.079 ], [ -46.339, -1.015 ], [ -46.299, -1.05 ], [ -46.212, -0.946 ], [ -46.242, -0.921 ], [ -46.179, -0.914 ], [ -46.224, -1.053 ], [ -46.206, -1.1 ], [ -46.158, -1.014 ], [ -46.138, -1.032 ], [ -46.193, -1.143 ], [ -46.104, -1.067 ], [ -46.062, -1.133 ], [ -46.15, -1.258 ], [ -45.982, -1.071 ], [ -45.953, -1.147 ], [ -46, -1.151 ], [ -46, -1.199 ], [ -45.95, -1.159 ], [ -45.95, -1.207 ], [ -46, -1.209 ], [ -45.95, -1.25 ], [ -45.902, -1.134 ], [ -45.923, -1.214 ], [ -45.882, -1.167 ], [ -45.873, -1.211 ], [ -45.909, -1.261 ], [ -45.859, -1.231 ], [ -45.891, -1.293 ], [ -45.807, -1.176 ], [ -45.843, -1.301 ], [ -45.809, -1.328 ], [ -45.831, -1.298 ], [ -45.782, -1.278 ], [ -45.726, -1.135 ], [ -45.69, -1.452 ], [ -45.697, -1.38 ], [ -45.632, -1.371 ], [ -45.618, -1.279 ], [ -45.589, -1.329 ], [ -45.537, -1.273 ], [ -45.561, -1.343 ], [ -45.51, -1.352 ], [ -45.567, -1.404 ], [ -45.546, -1.432 ], [ -45.413, -1.296 ], [ -45.489, -1.473 ], [ -45.511, -1.458 ], [ -45.554, -1.503 ], [ -45.507, -1.471 ], [ -45.518, -1.516 ], [ -45.481, -1.495 ], [ -45.463, -1.548 ], [ -45.457, -1.457 ], [ -45.391, -1.434 ], [ -45.363, -1.325 ], [ -45.323, -1.319 ], [ -45.302, -1.424 ], [ -45.392, -1.485 ], [ -45.398, -1.503 ], [ -45.356, -1.487 ], [ -45.392, -1.553 ], [ -45.338, -1.572 ], [ -45.371, -1.722 ], [ -45.338, -1.753 ], [ -45.197, -1.688 ], [ -45.261, -1.607 ], [ -45.16, -1.475 ], [ -45.136, -1.521 ], [ -45.072, -1.435 ], [ -45.07, -1.485 ], [ -44.999, -1.504 ], [ -45.018, -1.547 ], [ -44.969, -1.549 ], [ -45.029, -1.583 ], [ -45.029, -1.602 ], [ -44.979, -1.607 ], [ -44.954, -1.498 ], [ -44.862, -1.426 ], [ -44.857, -1.498 ], [ -44.954, -1.605 ], [ -44.918, -1.649 ], [ -44.968, -1.662 ], [ -44.913, -1.657 ], [ -44.927, -1.62 ], [ -44.886, -1.609 ], [ -44.837, -1.65 ], [ -44.822, -1.591 ], [ -44.826, -1.637 ], [ -44.805, -1.609 ], [ -44.812, -1.665 ], [ -44.779, -1.735 ], [ -44.711, -1.728 ], [ -44.82, -1.819 ], [ -44.738, -1.791 ], [ -44.706, -1.819 ], [ -44.676, -1.808 ], [ -44.661, -1.727 ], [ -44.604, -1.749 ], [ -44.667, -1.849 ], [ -44.601, -1.858 ], [ -44.583, -1.817 ], [ -44.586, -1.873 ], [ -44.543, -1.833 ], [ -44.601, -1.909 ], [ -44.517, -1.907 ], [ -44.484, -2.002 ], [ -44.613, -2.037 ], [ -44.467, -2.017 ], [ -44.626, -2.151 ], [ -44.589, -2.159 ], [ -44.641, -2.232 ], [ -44.708, -2.23 ], [ -44.684, -2.275 ], [ -44.764, -2.265 ], [ -44.654, -2.294 ], [ -44.681, -2.354 ], [ -44.649, -2.373 ], [ -44.666, -2.329 ], [ -44.479, -2.137 ], [ -44.358, -2.335 ], [ -44.401, -2.416 ], [ -44.514, -2.384 ], [ -44.55, -2.4 ], [ -44.491, -2.415 ], [ -44.514, -2.448 ], [ -44.505, -2.476 ], [ -44.665, -2.608 ], [ -44.548, -2.542 ], [ -44.658, -2.781 ], [ -44.688, -2.924 ], [ -44.677, -3.019 ], [ -44.66, -3.02 ], [ -44.657, -3.018 ] ], [ [ -43.318, -2.361 ], [ -43.317, -2.363 ], [ -43.296, -2.363 ], [ -43.318, -2.361 ] ], [ [ -42.438, -2.747 ], [ -42.442, -2.749 ], [ -42.438, -2.75 ], [ -42.438, -2.747 ] ], [ [ -42.442, -2.749 ], [ -42.47, -2.744 ], [ -42.447, -2.753 ], [ -42.442, -2.749 ] ], [ [ -50.851, 2.482 ], [ -50.853, 2.481 ], [ -50.853, 2.48 ], [ -50.851, 2.482 ] ], [ [ -50.853, 2.481 ], [ -50.86, 2.495 ], [ -50.86, 2.477 ], [ -50.853, 2.481 ] ], [ [ -49.976, 1.659 ], [ -49.98, 1.659 ], [ -50, 1.639 ], [ -49.976, 1.659 ] ], [ [ -45.392, -1.553 ], [ -45.393, -1.553 ], [ -45.394, -1.556 ], [ -45.392, -1.553 ] ], [ [ -45.394, -1.556 ], [ -45.406, -1.579 ], [ -45.403, -1.591 ], [ -45.394, -1.556 ] ], [ [ -44.837, -1.65 ], [ -44.834, -1.655 ], [ -44.833, -1.654 ], [ -44.837, -1.65 ] ], [ [ -44.834, -1.655 ], [ -44.841, -1.675 ], [ -44.822, -1.672 ], [ -44.834, -1.655 ] ], [ [ -44.779, -1.735 ], [ -44.777, -1.741 ], [ -44.776, -1.74 ], [ -44.779, -1.735 ] ], [ [ -44.777, -1.741 ], [ -44.833, -1.77 ], [ -44.774, -1.75 ], [ -44.777, -1.741 ] ], [ [ -44.547, -2.22 ], [ -44.536, -2.225 ], [ -44.543, -2.219 ], [ -44.547, -2.22 ] ], [ [ -44.536, -2.225 ], [ -44.507, -2.249 ], [ -44.512, -2.235 ], [ -44.536, -2.225 ] ], [ [ -44.507, -2.249 ], [ -44.504, -2.256 ], [ -44.501, -2.254 ], [ -44.507, -2.249 ] ], [ [ -44.504, -2.256 ], [ -44.514, -2.268 ], [ -44.502, -2.26 ], [ -44.504, -2.256 ] ] ], [ [ [ -29.34, -20.484 ], [ -29.301, -20.521 ], [ -29.341, -20.511 ], [ -29.34, -20.484 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.001, -13.94 ], [ -39.012, -13.915 ], [ -38.994, -13.896 ], [ -39.001, -13.94 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.043, -13.909 ], [ -39.059, -13.904 ], [ -39.054, -13.886 ], [ -39.028, -13.903 ], [ -39.043, -13.909 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.251, -18.015 ], [ -39.283, -18.005 ], [ -39.272, -17.982 ], [ -39.245, -18.006 ], [ -39.251, -18.015 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.131, -17.927 ], [ -39.154, -17.921 ], [ -39.137, -17.91 ], [ -39.131, -17.927 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.212, -17.986 ], [ -39.228, -17.979 ], [ -39.215, -17.944 ], [ -39.202, -17.95 ], [ -39.212, -17.986 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.341, -23.231 ], [ -44.372, -23.174 ], [ -44.232, -23.089 ], [ -44.087, -23.173 ], [ -44.3, -23.184 ], [ -44.341, -23.231 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.356, -23.073 ], [ -44.388, -23.048 ], [ -44.373, -23.033 ], [ -44.343, -23.041 ], [ -44.356, -23.073 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.929, -23.014 ], [ -43.936, -22.999 ], [ -43.916, -22.989 ], [ -43.929, -23.014 ] ] ], [ [ [ -42.002, -23.018 ], [ -42.015, -23.003 ], [ -41.98, -22.975 ], [ -41.975, -22.992 ], [ -42.002, -23.018 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.904, -22.962 ], [ -43.907, -22.936 ], [ -43.868, -22.926 ], [ -43.871, -22.95 ], [ -43.904, -22.962 ] ] ], [ [ [ -41.042, -21.613 ], [ -41.042, -21.6 ], [ -41.019, -21.606 ], [ -41.042, -21.613 ] ] ], [ [ [ -52.112, -32 ], [ -52.18, -32.035 ], [ -52.216, -32.025 ], [ -52.198, -31.978 ], [ -52.112, -32 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.641, -30.388 ], [ -50.629, -30.394 ], [ -50.624, -30.329 ], [ -50.592, -30.399 ], [ -50.609, -30.406 ], [ -50.641, -30.388 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.526, -27.462 ], [ -48.416, -27.38 ], [ -48.358, -27.446 ], [ -48.503, -27.799 ], [ -48.559, -27.842 ], [ -48.526, -27.462 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.354, -27.296 ], [ -48.376, -27.285 ], [ -48.373, -27.271 ], [ -48.36, -27.27 ], [ -48.354, -27.296 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.731, -26.314 ], [ -48.754, -26.297 ], [ -48.735, -26.282 ], [ -48.731, -26.314 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.318, -25.584 ], [ -48.309, -25.546 ], [ -48.381, -25.504 ], [ -48.312, -25.509 ], [ -48.292, -25.545 ], [ -48.318, -25.584 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.414, -25.544 ], [ -48.459, -25.514 ], [ -48.415, -25.527 ], [ -48.414, -25.544 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.424, -25.551 ], [ -48.479, -25.523 ], [ -48.485, -25.502 ], [ -48.424, -25.551 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.298, -25.493 ], [ -48.341, -25.416 ], [ -48.252, -25.341 ], [ -48.265, -25.44 ], [ -48.253, -25.466 ], [ -48.298, -25.493 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.417, -25.386 ], [ -48.424, -25.343 ], [ -48.405, -25.33 ], [ -48.417, -25.386 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.695, -24.112 ], [ -45.688, -24.088 ], [ -45.679, -24.098 ], [ -45.695, -24.112 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.251, -23.962 ], [ -45.301, -23.909 ], [ -45.453, -23.91 ], [ -45.332, -23.721 ], [ -45.227, -23.774 ], [ -45.224, -23.835 ], [ -45.283, -23.857 ], [ -45.221, -23.899 ], [ -45.251, -23.962 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.141, -23.817 ], [ -45.146, -23.791 ], [ -45.114, -23.801 ], [ -45.141, -23.817 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.153, -23.573 ], [ -45.153, -23.558 ], [ -45.141, -23.568 ], [ -45.153, -23.573 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.073, -23.564 ], [ -45.079, -23.525 ], [ -45.036, -23.531 ], [ -45.073, -23.564 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.608, -23.228 ], [ -44.59, -23.208 ], [ -44.577, -23.216 ], [ -44.608, -23.228 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.648, -12.821 ], [ -38.666, -12.777 ], [ -38.624, -12.762 ], [ -38.648, -12.821 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.529, -12.811 ], [ -38.544, -12.757 ], [ -38.532, -12.74 ], [ -38.508, -12.792 ], [ -38.529, -12.811 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.622, -12.752 ], [ -38.622, -12.727 ], [ -38.593, -12.733 ], [ -38.622, -12.752 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.646, -12.683 ], [ -38.648, -12.65 ], [ -38.636, -12.661 ], [ -38.646, -12.683 ] ] ], [ [ [ -32.402, -3.838 ], [ -32.428, -3.877 ], [ -32.483, -3.878 ], [ -32.402, -3.838 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.667, -3.179 ], [ -44.668, -3.16 ], [ -44.643, -3.148 ], [ -44.644, -3.17 ], [ -44.667, -3.179 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.671, -2.943 ], [ -44.67, -2.92 ], [ -44.647, -2.915 ], [ -44.671, -2.943 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.493, -2.641 ], [ -44.48, -2.601 ], [ -44.477, -2.627 ], [ -44.493, -2.641 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.897, -2.573 ], [ -43.896, -2.554 ], [ -43.886, -2.565 ], [ -43.897, -2.573 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.599, -2.503 ], [ -43.577, -2.471 ], [ -43.572, -2.483 ], [ -43.599, -2.503 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.822, -2.526 ], [ -43.829, -2.509 ], [ -43.813, -2.458 ], [ -43.812, -2.553 ], [ -43.82, -2.528 ], [ -43.822, -2.526 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.821, -2.529 ], [ -43.856, -2.502 ], [ -43.832, -2.439 ], [ -43.842, -2.504 ], [ -43.821, -2.529 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.863, -2.56 ], [ -43.875, -2.552 ], [ -43.865, -2.534 ], [ -43.863, -2.56 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.519, -2.536 ], [ -44.529, -2.526 ], [ -44.501, -2.48 ], [ -44.505, -2.444 ], [ -44.455, -2.434 ], [ -44.519, -2.536 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.602, -3.007 ], [ -44.657, -2.972 ], [ -44.613, -2.894 ], [ -44.575, -2.921 ], [ -44.602, -3.007 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.585, -2.978 ], [ -44.563, -2.914 ], [ -44.586, -2.826 ], [ -44.494, -2.705 ], [ -44.494, -2.953 ], [ -44.582, -3.041 ], [ -44.585, -2.978 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.826, -2.434 ], [ -43.842, -2.403 ], [ -43.811, -2.385 ], [ -43.807, -2.412 ], [ -43.826, -2.434 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.581, -2.441 ], [ -43.615, -2.389 ], [ -43.549, -2.377 ], [ -43.545, -2.403 ], [ -43.581, -2.441 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.791, -2.47 ], [ -43.806, -2.443 ], [ -43.78, -2.422 ], [ -43.759, -2.448 ], [ -43.791, -2.47 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.513, -2.424 ], [ -43.537, -2.416 ], [ -43.522, -2.39 ], [ -43.505, -2.414 ], [ -43.513, -2.424 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.792, -2.405 ], [ -43.798, -2.377 ], [ -43.771, -2.37 ], [ -43.792, -2.405 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.689, -2.355 ], [ -43.743, -2.352 ], [ -43.724, -2.305 ], [ -43.617, -2.253 ], [ -43.612, -2.275 ], [ -43.669, -2.301 ], [ -43.689, -2.355 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.73, -2.425 ], [ -43.732, -2.364 ], [ -43.67, -2.377 ], [ -43.681, -2.34 ], [ -43.63, -2.324 ], [ -43.643, -2.394 ], [ -43.73, -2.425 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.473, -2.125 ], [ -44.487, -2.113 ], [ -44.475, -2.096 ], [ -44.463, -2.104 ], [ -44.473, -2.125 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.456, -2.031 ], [ -44.447, -2.008 ], [ -44.439, -2.022 ], [ -44.456, -2.031 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.311, -1.964 ], [ -49.336, -1.996 ], [ -49.309, -1.943 ], [ -49.311, -1.964 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.323, -2.054 ], [ -49.329, -2.019 ], [ -49.316, -2.001 ], [ -49.323, -2.054 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.231, -1.829 ], [ -50.246, -1.824 ], [ -50.229, -1.816 ], [ -50.231, -1.829 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.615, -1.821 ], [ -44.622, -1.797 ], [ -44.597, -1.774 ], [ -44.583, -1.789 ], [ -44.615, -1.821 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.7, -1.811 ], [ -44.703, -1.78 ], [ -44.673, -1.78 ], [ -44.7, -1.811 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.691, -1.793 ], [ -49.721, -1.789 ], [ -49.719, -1.771 ], [ -49.697, -1.766 ], [ -49.691, -1.793 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.924, -1.711 ], [ -48.909, -1.713 ], [ -48.916, -1.734 ], [ -48.935, -1.713 ], [ -48.924, -1.711 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.757, -1.707 ], [ -44.767, -1.694 ], [ -44.736, -1.701 ], [ -44.757, -1.707 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.433, -1.684 ], [ -49.454, -1.706 ], [ -49.46, -1.684 ], [ -49.433, -1.684 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.357, -1.008 ], [ -46.342, -0.994 ], [ -46.353, -1.026 ], [ -46.357, -1.008 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.205, -1.021 ], [ -46.194, -1.014 ], [ -46.202, -1.032 ], [ -46.205, -1.021 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.662, -3.018 ], [ -44.673, -3.012 ], [ -44.664, -3.001 ], [ -44.649, -3.013 ], [ -44.662, -3.018 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.736, -1.683 ], [ -44.745, -1.677 ], [ -44.732, -1.668 ], [ -44.736, -1.683 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.231, -1.638 ], [ -49.237, -1.627 ], [ -49.217, -1.633 ], [ -49.231, -1.638 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.38, -1.685 ], [ -49.4, -1.682 ], [ -49.368, -1.669 ], [ -49.38, -1.685 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.426, -1.673 ], [ -49.429, -1.661 ], [ -49.406, -1.66 ], [ -49.426, -1.673 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.34, -1.672 ], [ -49.358, -1.662 ], [ -49.325, -1.647 ], [ -49.34, -1.672 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.289, -1.726 ], [ -45.305, -1.663 ], [ -45.257, -1.641 ], [ -45.244, -1.678 ], [ -45.28, -1.694 ], [ -45.289, -1.726 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.328, -1.743 ], [ -45.346, -1.719 ], [ -45.301, -1.596 ], [ -45.274, -1.635 ], [ -45.313, -1.654 ], [ -45.328, -1.743 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.886, -1.578 ], [ -48.89, -1.56 ], [ -48.859, -1.536 ], [ -48.856, -1.553 ], [ -48.886, -1.578 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.783, -1.682 ], [ -44.8, -1.595 ], [ -44.775, -1.62 ], [ -44.721, -1.567 ], [ -44.704, -1.611 ], [ -44.684, -1.575 ], [ -44.668, -1.669 ], [ -44.693, -1.638 ], [ -44.783, -1.682 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.816, -1.569 ], [ -44.837, -1.534 ], [ -44.787, -1.488 ], [ -44.825, -1.534 ], [ -44.816, -1.569 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.462, -1.517 ], [ -48.478, -1.499 ], [ -48.421, -1.503 ], [ -48.462, -1.517 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.793, -1.531 ], [ -44.774, -1.47 ], [ -44.763, -1.513 ], [ -44.793, -1.531 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.414, -1.427 ], [ -45.423, -1.416 ], [ -45.409, -1.405 ], [ -45.414, -1.427 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45, -1.296 ], [ -44.922, -1.265 ], [ -44.877, -1.309 ], [ -44.895, -1.34 ], [ -44.922, -1.305 ], [ -44.907, -1.341 ], [ -44.999, -1.405 ], [ -45.033, -1.339 ], [ -45, -1.32 ], [ -44.995, -1.36 ], [ -45, -1.296 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.044, -1.402 ], [ -45.07, -1.33 ], [ -45.052, -1.342 ], [ -45.044, -1.402 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.333, -1.569 ], [ -45.371, -1.544 ], [ -45.347, -1.489 ], [ -45.313, -1.506 ], [ -45.333, -1.569 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.969, -1.522 ], [ -44.976, -1.493 ], [ -44.959, -1.483 ], [ -44.969, -1.522 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.393, -1.512 ], [ -48.371, -1.476 ], [ -48.341, -1.483 ], [ -48.393, -1.512 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.413, -1.498 ], [ -48.426, -1.491 ], [ -48.387, -1.476 ], [ -48.413, -1.498 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.118, -1.47 ], [ -45.132, -1.462 ], [ -45.115, -1.364 ], [ -45.103, -1.373 ], [ -45.118, -1.47 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.593, -1.251 ], [ -45.581, -1.19 ], [ -45.536, -1.205 ], [ -45.532, -1.231 ], [ -45.593, -1.251 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.559, -1.243 ], [ -48.56, -1.202 ], [ -48.523, -1.199 ], [ -48.559, -1.243 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.817, -1.163 ], [ -45.829, -1.141 ], [ -45.804, -1.127 ], [ -45.817, -1.163 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.877, -1.154 ], [ -45.9, -1.117 ], [ -45.883, -1.073 ], [ -45.849, -1.123 ], [ -45.877, -1.154 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.192, -1.05 ], [ -46.201, -1.041 ], [ -46.185, -1.027 ], [ -46.192, -1.05 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.291, -1.01 ], [ -46.307, -0.992 ], [ -46.306, -0.961 ], [ -46.291, -1.01 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.078, -1.095 ], [ -46.065, -1.05 ], [ -46.061, -1.074 ], [ -46.078, -1.095 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.68, -1.295 ], [ -45.687, -1.275 ], [ -45.667, -1.26 ], [ -45.654, -1.285 ], [ -45.68, -1.295 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.538, -1.282 ], [ -48.549, -1.262 ], [ -48.53, -1.25 ], [ -48.538, -1.282 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.51, -1.27 ], [ -48.522, -1.247 ], [ -48.506, -1.236 ], [ -48.51, -1.27 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.694, -1.37 ], [ -45.646, -1.289 ], [ -45.625, -1.126 ], [ -45.634, -1.349 ], [ -45.694, -1.37 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.688, -1.266 ], [ -45.708, -1.228 ], [ -45.685, -1.194 ], [ -45.664, -1.231 ], [ -45.688, -1.266 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.425, -0.914 ], [ -46.454, -0.907 ], [ -46.408, -0.868 ], [ -46.395, -0.899 ], [ -46.425, -0.914 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.72, -0.848 ], [ -46.735, -0.832 ], [ -46.729, -0.796 ], [ -46.72, -0.848 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.611, -0.799 ], [ -46.622, -0.784 ], [ -46.601, -0.789 ], [ -46.611, -0.799 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.586, -0.849 ], [ -46.621, -0.807 ], [ -46.589, -0.815 ], [ -46.586, -0.849 ] ] ], [ [ [ -47.447, -0.748 ], [ -47.453, -0.732 ], [ -47.436, -0.717 ], [ -47.428, -0.738 ], [ -47.447, -0.748 ] ] ], [ [ [ -47.461, -0.741 ], [ -47.463, -0.702 ], [ -47.445, -0.697 ], [ -47.461, -0.741 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.214, -0.411 ], [ -51.211, -0.386 ], [ -51.164, -0.347 ], [ -51.163, -0.383 ], [ -51.214, -0.411 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.352, -0.353 ], [ -51.346, -0.31 ], [ -51.317, -0.268 ], [ -51.327, -0.33 ], [ -51.352, -0.353 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.127, -0.268 ], [ -51.131, -0.237 ], [ -51.091, -0.208 ], [ -51.087, -0.229 ], [ -51.127, -0.268 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.888, -0.198 ], [ -48.91, -0.188 ], [ -48.893, -0.134 ], [ -48.847, -0.177 ], [ -48.888, -0.198 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.174, -0.091 ], [ -51.191, -0.064 ], [ -51.126, -0.057 ], [ -51.174, -0.091 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.114, -0.146 ], [ -49.097, -0.121 ], [ -49.08, -0.13 ], [ -49.114, -0.146 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.166, -0.142 ], [ -49.188, -0.115 ], [ -49.156, -0.128 ], [ -49.166, -0.142 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.119, -0.141 ], [ -49.143, -0.107 ], [ -49.114, -0.11 ], [ -49.119, -0.141 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.127, -0.128 ], [ -51.094, -0.103 ], [ -51.108, -0.127 ], [ -51.127, -0.128 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.414, -0.999 ], [ -46.384, -0.941 ], [ -46.367, -0.948 ], [ -46.414, -0.999 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.647, -0.97 ], [ -46.658, -0.968 ], [ -46.618, -0.957 ], [ -46.647, -0.97 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.488, -0.942 ], [ -46.465, -0.877 ], [ -46.464, -0.924 ], [ -46.44, -0.922 ], [ -46.482, -0.976 ], [ -46.441, -0.999 ], [ -46.525, -1.016 ], [ -46.527, -0.917 ], [ -46.509, -0.984 ], [ -46.488, -0.942 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.632, 0.159 ], [ -49.662, 0.184 ], [ -49.629, 0.202 ], [ -49.61, 0.181 ], [ -49.632, 0.159 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.641, 0.26 ], [ -50.63, 0.293 ], [ -50.586, 0.308 ], [ -50.641, 0.26 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.2, 0.255 ], [ -50.243, 0.248 ], [ -50.147, 0.337 ], [ -50.059, 0.346 ], [ -50.2, 0.255 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.417, 0.159 ], [ -50.535, 0.234 ], [ -50.36, 0.615 ], [ -50.328, 0.383 ], [ -50.285, 0.3 ], [ -50.413, 0.237 ], [ -50.417, 0.159 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.279, 0.338 ], [ -50.271, 0.599 ], [ -50.147, 0.608 ], [ -50.142, 0.576 ], [ -50.107, 0.636 ], [ -50.063, 0.623 ], [ -50.05, 0.518 ], [ -50.279, 0.338 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50, 0.943 ], [ -50.113, 0.907 ], [ -50.018, 1.034 ], [ -49.935, 1.069 ], [ -49.939, 0.996 ], [ -50, 0.943 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.881, 1.227 ], [ -49.909, 1.246 ], [ -49.886, 1.244 ], [ -49.881, 1.227 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.907, 1.278 ], [ -49.885, 1.291 ], [ -49.863, 1.278 ], [ -49.876, 1.252 ], [ -49.907, 1.278 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.204, 1.851 ], [ -50.232, 1.879 ], [ -50.22, 1.915 ], [ -50.169, 1.865 ], [ -50.204, 1.851 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.468, 1.954 ], [ -50.521, 2.026 ], [ -50.497, 2.139 ], [ -50.398, 2.167 ], [ -50.367, 2.19 ], [ -50.276, 1.939 ], [ -50.423, 1.849 ], [ -50.468, 1.954 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.504, 2.255 ], [ -50.414, 2.244 ], [ -50.382, 2.204 ], [ -50.489, 2.15 ], [ -50.564, 2.205 ], [ -50.504, 2.255 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.229, 0.832 ], [ -50.098, 0.839 ], [ -50.027, 0.898 ], [ -50.105, 0.757 ], [ -50.162, 0.775 ], [ -50.249, 0.72 ], [ -50.229, 0.832 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.131, 0.844 ], [ -50.162, 0.867 ], [ -50.132, 0.9 ], [ -50.119, 0.854 ], [ -50.131, 0.844 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.108, 0.85 ], [ -50.111, 0.891 ], [ -50.049, 0.886 ], [ -50.108, 0.85 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.216, -0.055 ], [ -50.235, -0.042 ], [ -50.219, -0.04 ], [ -50.216, -0.055 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.916, -0.052 ], [ -50.926, -0.047 ], [ -50.907, -0.043 ], [ -50.916, -0.052 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.605, -0.061 ], [ -50.618, -0.022 ], [ -50.559, -0.038 ], [ -50.605, -0.061 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.399, -0.061 ], [ -50.44, -0.057 ], [ -50.378, -0.015 ], [ -50.357, -0.049 ], [ -50.399, -0.061 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.75, 0 ], [ -49.609, 0.08 ], [ -49.474, 0.081 ], [ -49.338, -0.017 ], [ -49.487, -0.136 ], [ -49.723, -0.147 ], [ -49.835, -0.088 ], [ -49.75, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.023, -0.019 ], [ -49.039, -0.011 ], [ -49.02, -0.006 ], [ -49.023, -0.019 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.932, 0.052 ], [ -50.918, 0.084 ], [ -50.884, 0.078 ], [ -50.899, 0.057 ], [ -50.932, 0.052 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.928, 0 ], [ -50.786, 0.05 ], [ -50.717, 0.028 ], [ -50.94, -0.041 ], [ -50.928, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.691, 0.025 ], [ -50.655, 0.015 ], [ -50.703, 0.021 ], [ -50.691, 0.025 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.629, -0.043 ], [ -50.642, -0.016 ], [ -50.622, -0.026 ], [ -50.629, -0.043 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.642, 0 ], [ -50.611, 0.007 ], [ -50.595, -0.019 ], [ -50.642, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.536, 0 ], [ -50.653, 0.126 ], [ -50.59, 0.203 ], [ -50.434, 0.126 ], [ -50.436, 0 ], [ -50.536, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50, 0.311 ], [ -49.674, 0.368 ], [ -49.601, 0.283 ], [ -49.86, 0.008 ], [ -49.99, -0.048 ], [ -50.086, 0.034 ], [ -50.351, 0.044 ], [ -50.394, 0.222 ], [ -50.153, 0.227 ], [ -50, 0.311 ] ] ] ] } } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 97835, "end" : 97841 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Brasil" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/d9bd53c3-666f-49cc-9db0-b39f30afcceb", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", 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-42.228, -2.818 ], [ -42.143, -2.808 ], [ -42.256, -2.735 ], [ -42.233, -2.674 ], [ -42.208, -2.712 ], [ -42.098, -2.768 ], [ -42.099, -2.809 ], [ -42.096, -2.747 ], [ -42.216, -2.687 ], [ -42.054, -2.691 ], [ -42.023, -2.775 ], [ -42.017, -2.718 ], [ -41.818, -2.723 ], [ -41.844, -2.773 ], [ -41.797, -2.751 ], [ -41.656, -2.884 ], [ -41.437, -2.939 ], [ -41.395, -2.906 ], [ -41.316, -2.943 ], [ -41.263, -2.887 ], [ -40.838, -2.895 ], [ -40.572, -2.844 ], [ -40.499, -2.787 ], [ -39.888, -2.886 ], [ -39.244, -3.229 ], [ -39.083, -3.394 ], [ -38.978, -3.407 ], [ -38.641, -3.687 ], [ -38.473, -3.7 ], [ -38.377, -3.866 ], [ -38.043, -4.214 ], [ -37.764, -4.399 ], [ -37.588, -4.624 ], [ -37.323, -4.698 ], [ -37.15, -4.943 ], [ -36.958, -4.919 ], [ -36.666, -5.108 ], [ -36.504, -5.061 ], [ -36.297, -5.106 ], [ -35.956, -5.045 ], [ -35.612, -5.11 ], [ -35.385, -5.255 ], [ -35.255, -5.483 ], [ -35.099, -6.169 ], [ -34.983, -6.396 ], [ -34.933, -6.753 ], [ -34.79, -7.159 ], [ -34.842, -7.564 ], [ -34.809, -7.622 ], [ -34.845, -7.69 ], [ -34.827, -8.004 ], [ -35.136, -8.895 ], [ -35.332, -9.237 ], [ -35.689, -9.668 ], [ -35.78, -9.706 ], [ -36.056, -10.083 ], [ -36.266, -10.256 ], [ -36.402, -10.506 ], [ -36.602, -10.567 ], [ -36.934, -10.826 ], [ -37.36, -11.428 ], [ -37.612, -11.979 ], [ -37.996, -12.578 ], [ -38.318, -12.934 ], [ -38.477, -13.022 ], [ -38.532, -13.017 ], [ -38.473, -12.913 ], [ -38.498, -12.722 ], [ -38.603, -12.728 ], [ -38.646, -12.622 ], [ -38.681, -12.661 ], [ -38.718, -12.627 ], [ -38.804, -12.835 ], [ -38.717, -12.873 ], [ -38.769, -12.995 ], [ -38.721, -13.021 ], [ -38.66, -12.963 ], [ -38.686, -12.878 ], [ -38.59, -12.972 ], [ -38.766, -13.129 ], [ -38.807, -13.1 ], [ -38.808, -13.154 ], [ -38.944, -13.243 ], [ -38.973, -13.391 ], [ -38.902, -13.384 ], [ -38.886, -13.45 ], [ -38.95, -13.577 ], [ -38.886, -13.659 ], [ -38.968, -13.67 ], [ -39.006, -13.891 ], [ -39.064, -13.865 ], [ -39.075, -13.887 ], [ -38.986, -13.998 ], [ -38.952, -13.986 ], [ -38.982, -13.912 ], [ -38.938, -13.886 ], [ -38.922, -13.92 ], [ -39.061, -14.716 ], [ -38.962, -15.585 ], [ -38.857, -15.86 ], [ -38.973, -16.211 ], [ -39.032, -16.26 ], [ -39.01, -16.369 ], [ -39.078, -16.454 ], [ -39.143, -16.762 ], [ -39.113, -16.896 ], [ -39.212, -17.155 ], [ -39.193, -17.602 ], [ -39.135, -17.691 ], [ -39.264, -17.869 ], [ -39.435, -17.943 ], [ -39.563, -18.091 ], [ -39.721, -18.493 ], [ -39.749, -18.81 ], [ -39.692, -19.353 ], [ -39.805, -19.65 ], [ -39.951, -19.717 ], [ -40.151, -19.956 ], [ -40.236, -20.285 ], [ -40.353, -20.32 ], [ -40.329, -20.236 ], [ -40.359, -20.291 ], [ -40.365, -20.317 ], [ -40.35, -20.328 ], [ -40.268, -20.327 ], [ -40.402, -20.606 ], [ -40.466, -20.624 ], [ -40.627, -20.845 ], [ -40.65, -20.813 ], [ -40.756, -20.866 ], [ -40.853, -21.133 ], [ -40.955, -21.251 ], [ -40.96, -21.364 ], [ -41.065, -21.495 ], [ -41.051, -21.608 ], [ -41.038, -21.622 ], [ -41.007, -21.618 ], [ -40.99, -22.014 ], [ -41.229, -22.151 ], [ -41.668, -22.294 ], [ -41.962, -22.538 ], [ -41.986, -22.713 ], [ -41.919, -22.774 ], [ -41.864, -22.759 ], [ -42.023, -22.896 ], [ -42.037, -22.94 ], [ -41.99, -22.964 ], [ -42.018, -22.998 ], [ -42.086, -22.957 ], [ -42.529, -22.934 ], [ -43.05, -22.982 ], [ -43.132, -22.941 ], [ -43.025, -22.741 ], [ -43.084, -22.68 ], [ -43.216, -22.725 ], [ -43.287, -22.806 ], [ -43.24, -22.847 ], [ -43.249, -22.797 ], [ -43.156, -22.784 ], [ -43.247, -22.882 ], [ -43.164, -22.899 ], [ -43.187, -22.995 ], [ -43.344, -22.983 ], [ -43.303, -23.02 ], [ -43.549, -23.081 ], [ -44.001, -23.1 ], [ -43.961, -23.042 ], [ -43.877, -23.067 ], [ -43.909, -23.02 ], [ -43.807, -23.063 ], [ -43.555, -23.055 ], [ -43.84, -22.906 ], [ -43.985, -22.937 ], [ -44.034, -23.014 ], [ -44.044, -22.923 ], [ -44.107, -23.03 ], [ -44.234, -23.06 ], [ -44.238, -23.004 ], [ -44.358, -23.02 ], [ -44.296, -22.961 ], [ -44.321, -22.927 ], [ -44.378, -22.972 ], [ -44.407, -22.945 ], [ -44.443, -23.035 ], [ -44.669, -23.06 ], [ -44.712, -23.19 ], [ -44.701, -23.237 ], [ -44.645, -23.191 ], [ -44.612, -23.206 ], [ -44.685, -23.256 ], [ -44.611, -23.238 ], [ -44.652, -23.302 ], [ -44.558, -23.232 ], [ -44.577, -23.275 ], [ -44.498, -23.302 ], [ -44.583, -23.367 ], [ -44.669, -23.341 ], [ -44.84, -23.395 ], [ -44.905, -23.339 ], [ -45.05, -23.418 ], [ -45.016, -23.461 ], [ -45.079, -23.519 ], [ -45.165, -23.495 ], [ -45.159, -23.541 ], [ -45.228, -23.547 ], [ -45.211, -23.582 ], [ -45.41, -23.632 ], [ -45.412, -23.825 ], [ -45.934, -23.771 ], [ -46.124, -23.842 ], [ -46.2, -24.002 ], [ -46.288, -24.044 ], [ -46.321, -24 ], [ -46.458, -24.025 ], [ -46.937, -24.281 ], [ -47.024, -24.382 ], [ -47.004, -24.412 ], [ -47.86, -24.996 ], [ -47.914, -25.061 ], [ -47.915, -25.16 ], [ -48.213, -25.47 ], [ -48.254, -25.435 ], [ -48.222, -25.342 ], [ -48.208, -25.353 ], [ -48.121, -25.267 ], [ -48.253, -25.328 ], [ -48.284, -25.294 ], [ -48.317, -25.363 ], [ -48.327, -25.232 ], [ -48.366, -25.317 ], [ -48.433, -25.237 ], [ -48.428, -25.324 ], [ -48.5, -25.335 ], [ -48.427, -25.39 ], [ -48.449, -25.379 ], [ -48.468, -25.388 ], [ -48.467, -25.432 ], [ -48.449, -25.384 ], [ -48.414, -25.428 ], [ -48.476, -25.485 ], [ -48.637, -25.468 ], [ -48.661, -25.398 ], [ -48.671, -25.435 ], [ -48.739, -25.374 ], [ -48.68, -25.465 ], [ -48.687, -25.499 ], [ -48.737, -25.483 ], [ -48.703, -25.504 ], [ -48.617, -25.536 ], [ -48.512, -25.505 ], [ -48.482, -25.591 ], [ -48.46, -25.552 ], [ -48.35, -25.581 ], [ -48.565, -25.868 ], [ -48.614, -26.06 ], [ -48.586, -26.172 ], [ -48.714, -26.243 ], [ -48.795, -26.073 ], [ -48.837, -26.157 ], [ -48.798, -26.142 ], [ -48.763, -26.199 ], [ -48.805, -26.228 ], [ -48.769, -26.223 ], [ -48.761, -26.286 ], [ -48.803, -26.303 ], [ -48.723, -26.362 ], [ -48.635, -26.374 ], [ -48.714, -26.308 ], [ -48.554, -26.172 ], [ -48.493, -26.224 ], [ -48.695, -26.658 ], [ -48.665, -26.769 ], [ -48.583, -26.786 ], [ -48.655, -26.909 ], [ -48.62, -27.007 ], [ -48.574, -27.011 ], [ -48.607, -27.122 ], [ -48.554, -27.152 ], [ -48.51, -27.108 ], [ -48.469, -27.148 ], [ -48.511, -27.183 ], [ -48.486, -27.218 ], [ -48.531, -27.18 ], [ -48.612, -27.243 ], [ -48.596, -27.318 ], [ -48.529, -27.334 ], [ -48.649, -27.486 ], [ -48.572, -27.592 ], [ -48.653, -27.648 ], [ -48.575, -27.888 ], [ -48.761, -28.535 ], [ -48.813, -28.605 ], [ -49.37, -28.92 ], [ -49.334, -28.921 ], [ -49.702, -29.308 ], [ -50.006, -29.749 ], [ -50.316, -30.472 ], [ -50.848, -31.205 ], [ -51.303, -31.613 ], [ -51.877, -31.952 ], [ -52.071, -32.188 ], [ -52.012, -31.946 ], [ -52.092, -31.837 ], [ -51.851, -31.865 ], [ -51.777, -31.805 ], [ -51.854, -31.797 ], [ -51.65, -31.759 ], [ -51.478, -31.562 ], [ -51.43, -31.622 ], [ -51.458, -31.548 ], [ -51.424, -31.478 ], [ -51.351, -31.529 ], [ -51.234, -31.458 ], [ -51.16, -31.31 ], [ -51.166, -31.063 ], [ -51.109, -31.097 ], [ -50.985, -31.042 ], [ -50.965, -30.893 ], [ -50.888, -30.893 ], [ -50.705, -30.756 ], [ -50.677, -30.61 ], [ -50.725, -30.371 ], [ -50.692, -30.355 ], [ -50.625, -30.409 ], [ -50.641, -30.459 ], [ -50.569, -30.471 ], [ -50.534, -30.278 ], [ -50.601, -30.194 ], [ -50.659, -30.201 ], [ -50.661, -30.293 ], [ -50.918, -30.333 ], [ -50.934, -30.42 ], [ -50.889, -30.439 ], [ -50.921, -30.44 ], [ -51.052, -30.395 ], [ -51.034, -30.276 ], [ -51.146, -30.267 ], [ -51.246, -30.188 ], [ -51.23, -30.043 ], [ -51.295, -30.007 ], [ -51.326, -30.23 ], [ -51.271, -30.25 ], [ -51.293, -30.295 ], [ -51.246, -30.33 ], [ -51.209, -30.3 ], [ -51.179, -30.383 ], [ -51.092, -30.367 ], [ -51.129, -30.436 ], [ -51.202, -30.413 ], [ -51.269, -30.489 ], [ -51.282, -30.811 ], [ -51.33, -30.777 ], [ -51.294, -30.758 ], [ -51.319, -30.64 ], [ -51.375, -30.635 ], [ -51.404, -30.769 ], [ -51.367, -30.874 ], [ -51.457, -30.874 ], [ -51.501, -30.935 ], [ -51.436, -31.088 ], [ -51.611, -31.138 ], [ -51.613, -31.272 ], [ -51.915, -31.313 ], [ -52.002, -31.449 ], [ -52.031, -31.693 ], [ -52.218, -31.747 ], [ -52.247, -31.871 ], [ -52.106, -31.952 ], [ -52.216, -31.963 ], [ -52.263, -32.062 ], [ -52.209, -32.045 ], [ -52.225, -32.096 ], [ -52.082, -32.033 ], [ -52.162, -32.128 ], [ -52.09, -32.069 ], [ -52.084, -32.186 ], [ -52.16, -32.201 ], [ -52.341, -32.43 ], [ -52.488, -32.844 ], [ -52.66, -33.165 ], [ -53.227, -33.658 ], [ -53.421, -33.741 ], [ -53.524, -33.689 ], [ -53.515, -33.163 ], [ -53.434, -33.054 ], [ -53.243, -32.936 ], [ -53.294, -32.911 ], [ -53.074, -32.746 ], [ -53.244, -32.605 ], [ -53.39, -32.583 ], [ -53.46, -32.48 ], [ -53.595, -32.432 ], [ -53.73, -32.157 ], [ -53.714, -32.104 ], [ -53.965, -31.919 ], [ -54.096, -31.906 ], [ -54.466, -31.666 ], [ -54.491, -31.54 ], [ -54.591, -31.448 ], [ -54.836, -31.446 ], [ -54.945, -31.392 ], [ -55.014, -31.285 ], [ -55.091, -31.326 ], [ -55.245, -31.257 ], [ -55.374, -31.038 ], [ -55.594, -30.848 ], [ -55.635, -30.857 ], [ -55.657, -30.956 ], [ -55.87, -31.08 ], [ -56.008, -31.063 ], [ -55.987, -30.86 ], [ -56.021, -30.784 ], [ -56.127, -30.739 ], [ -56.177, -30.614 ], [ -56.384, -30.495 ], [ -56.459, -30.387 ], [ -56.545, -30.364 ], [ -56.54, -30.312 ], [ -56.617, -30.303 ], [ -56.644, -30.205 ], [ -56.776, -30.166 ], [ -56.804, -30.107 ], [ -57.068, -30.088 ], [ -57.207, -30.281 ], [ -57.313, -30.26 ], [ -57.396, -30.303 ], [ -57.538, -30.275 ], [ -57.618, -30.179 ], [ -57.505, -30.143 ], [ -57.342, -30.001 ], [ -57.319, -29.87 ], [ -57.254, -29.794 ], [ -57.105, -29.752 ], [ -56.972, -29.639 ], [ -56.676, -29.321 ], [ -56.593, -29.123 ], [ -56.425, -29.073 ], [ -56.285, -28.794 ], [ -56.185, -28.771 ], [ -56.016, -28.611 ], [ -56.011, -28.509 ], [ -55.888, -28.479 ], [ -55.875, -28.362 ], [ -55.696, -28.425 ], [ -55.671, -28.333 ], [ -55.773, -28.247 ], [ -55.605, -28.123 ], [ -55.554, -28.164 ], [ -55.496, -28.081 ], [ -55.444, -28.097 ], [ -55.323, -27.928 ], [ -55.196, -27.863 ], [ -55.134, -27.895 ], [ -55.117, -27.853 ], [ -55.032, -27.854 ], [ -55.082, -27.789 ], [ -54.941, -27.775 ], [ -54.809, -27.536 ], [ -54.781, -27.586 ], [ -54.683, -27.576 ], [ -54.678, -27.514 ], [ -54.624, -27.55 ], [ -54.576, -27.458 ], [ -54.525, -27.507 ], [ -54.415, -27.412 ], [ -54.353, -27.468 ], [ -54.339, -27.406 ], [ -54.282, -27.447 ], [ -54.176, -27.261 ], [ -54.089, -27.303 ], [ -53.949, -27.158 ], [ -53.799, -27.147 ], [ -53.795, -27.048 ], [ -53.761, -27.068 ], [ -53.662, -26.869 ], [ -53.751, -26.745 ], [ -53.707, -26.563 ], [ -53.738, -26.548 ], [ -53.592, -26.265 ], [ -53.722, -26.13 ], [ -53.733, -26.047 ], [ -53.837, -25.969 ], [ -53.824, -25.793 ], [ -53.891, -25.625 ], [ -53.951, -25.644 ], [ -54.016, -25.569 ], [ -54.101, -25.625 ], [ -54.111, -25.504 ], [ -54.213, -25.554 ], [ -54.184, -25.591 ], [ -54.289, -25.562 ], [ -54.387, -25.608 ], [ -54.43, -25.706 ], [ -54.596, -25.595 ], [ -54.617, -25.459 ], [ -54.437, -25.157 ], [ -54.458, -25.031 ], [ -54.336, -24.649 ], [ -54.333, -24.493 ], [ -54.262, -24.376 ], [ -54.33, -24.225 ], [ -54.282, -24.075 ], [ -54.411, -23.929 ], [ -54.668, -23.815 ], [ -55.061, -23.991 ], [ -55.112, -23.963 ], [ -55.226, -24.013 ], [ -55.413, -23.961 ], [ -55.434, -23.714 ], [ -55.535, -23.614 ], [ -55.522, -23.197 ], [ -55.596, -23.141 ], [ -55.64, -22.994 ], [ -55.685, -22.992 ], [ -55.613, -22.659 ], [ -55.736, -22.532 ], [ -55.74, -22.396 ], [ -55.854, -22.281 ], [ -56.208, -22.281 ], [ -56.341, -22.206 ], [ -56.403, -22.078 ], [ -56.519, -22.103 ], [ -56.643, -22.261 ], [ -56.698, -22.216 ], [ -56.728, -22.26 ], [ -56.808, -22.25 ], [ -56.831, -22.3 ], [ -57.001, -22.225 ], [ -57.203, -22.21 ], [ -57.243, -22.244 ], [ -57.553, -22.181 ], [ -57.616, -22.096 ], [ -57.803, -22.148 ], [ -57.989, -22.085 ], [ -58.005, -22.032 ], [ -57.919, -21.881 ], [ -57.969, -21.844 ], [ -57.913, -21.793 ], [ -57.947, -21.747 ], [ -57.894, -21.687 ], [ -57.968, -21.528 ], [ -57.855, -21.339 ], [ -57.918, -21.278 ], [ -57.854, -21.226 ], [ -57.866, -21.041 ], [ -57.818, -20.976 ], [ -57.927, -20.897 ], [ -57.855, -20.835 ], [ -57.961, -20.784 ], [ -57.869, -20.736 ], [ -57.923, -20.666 ], [ -57.988, -20.696 ], [ -57.994, -20.448 ], [ -58.082, -20.372 ], [ -58.092, -20.257 ], [ -58.154, -20.264 ], [ -58.125, -20.188 ], [ -58.163, -20.162 ], [ -57.872, -19.979 ], [ -58.134, -19.761 ], [ -57.79, -19.051 ], [ -57.709, -19.034 ], [ -57.757, -18.858 ], [ -57.56, -18.263 ], [ -57.458, -18.228 ], [ -57.568, -18.136 ], [ -57.702, -17.86 ], [ -57.715, -17.735 ], [ -57.785, -17.645 ], [ -57.773, -17.553 ], [ -57.878, -17.463 ], [ -58.003, -17.52 ], [ -58.114, -17.456 ], [ -58.395, -17.197 ], [ -58.421, -16.99 ], [ -58.47, -16.939 ], [ -58.468, -16.702 ], [ -58.442, -16.613 ], [ -58.34, -16.542 ], [ -58.309, -16.27 ], [ -58.471, -16.325 ], [ -60.173, -16.265 ], [ -60.236, -15.476 ], [ -60.565, -15.105 ], [ -60.253, -15.101 ], [ -60.257, -14.624 ], [ -60.338, -14.555 ], [ -60.482, -14.181 ], [ -60.468, -14.092 ], [ -60.378, -13.992 ], [ -60.468, -13.886 ], [ -60.468, -13.801 ], [ -60.793, -13.686 ], [ -60.962, -13.539 ], [ -61.044, -13.541 ], [ -61.028, -13.477 ], [ -61.069, -13.463 ], [ -61.139, -13.521 ], [ -61.249, -13.525 ], [ -61.33, -13.473 ], [ -61.486, -13.554 ], [ -61.578, -13.494 ], [ -61.824, -13.539 ], [ -61.866, -13.443 ], [ -62.108, -13.257 ], [ -62.109, -13.149 ], [ -62.165, -13.112 ], [ -62.368, -13.145 ], [ -62.464, -13.07 ], [ -62.637, -13.041 ], [ -62.674, -12.965 ], [ -62.764, -13.023 ], [ -62.923, -12.854 ], [ -62.996, -12.85 ], [ -63.082, -12.653 ], [ -63.327, -12.705 ], [ -63.482, -12.557 ], [ -63.712, -12.458 ], [ -63.875, -12.469 ], [ -63.937, -12.557 ], [ -64.127, -12.494 ], [ -64.152, -12.529 ], [ -64.215, -12.476 ], [ -64.278, -12.511 ], [ -64.493, -12.366 ], [ -64.486, -12.23 ], [ -64.654, -12.186 ], [ -64.683, -12.099 ], [ -64.725, -12.162 ], [ -64.798, -12.035 ], [ -64.993, -11.999 ], [ -65.048, -11.757 ], [ -65.112, -11.741 ], [ -65.106, -11.697 ], [ -65.135, -11.777 ], [ -65.201, -11.745 ], [ -65.161, -11.622 ], [ -65.218, -11.521 ], [ -65.299, -11.5 ], [ -65.338, -11.392 ], [ -65.31, -11.341 ], [ -65.385, -11.269 ], [ -65.349, -11.239 ], [ -65.391, -11.167 ], [ -65.318, -11.105 ], [ -65.336, -11.044 ], [ -65.269, -10.901 ], [ -65.366, -10.798 ], [ -65.349, -10.671 ], [ -65.426, -10.638 ], [ -65.429, -10.473 ], [ -65.28, -10.218 ], [ -65.327, -9.938 ], [ -65.29, -9.851 ], [ -65.377, -9.698 ], [ -65.488, -9.718 ], [ -65.563, -9.834 ], [ -65.669, -9.779 ], [ -65.7, -9.803 ], [ -65.689, -9.749 ], [ -65.748, -9.77 ], [ -65.777, -9.727 ], [ -65.798, -9.786 ], [ -65.81, -9.75 ], [ -65.86, -9.794 ], [ -65.872, -9.757 ], [ -66.018, -9.807 ], [ -66.064, -9.772 ], [ -66.422, -9.895 ], [ -66.616, -9.893 ], [ -66.623, -9.935 ], [ -66.883, -10.081 ], [ -67.029, -10.254 ], [ -67.186, -10.339 ], [ -67.315, -10.316 ], [ -67.327, -10.374 ], [ -67.414, -10.372 ], [ -67.443, -10.45 ], [ -67.594, -10.523 ], [ -67.715, -10.707 ], [ -68.021, -10.661 ], [ -68.119, -10.726 ], [ -68.283, -10.987 ], [ -68.519, -11.048 ], [ -68.587, -11.11 ], [ -68.769, -11.139 ], [ -68.751, -11.007 ], [ -68.787, -10.99 ], [ -68.871, -11.023 ], [ -69.393, -10.929 ], [ -69.728, -10.973 ], [ -69.938, -10.926 ], [ -70.318, -11.066 ], [ -70.428, -11.033 ], [ -70.508, -10.94 ], [ -70.618, -11.007 ], [ -70.622, -9.847 ], [ -70.522, -9.738 ], [ -70.598, -9.574 ], [ -70.561, -9.579 ], [ -70.497, -9.433 ], [ -70.601, -9.453 ], [ -70.982, -9.812 ], [ -71.131, -9.862 ], [ -71.288, -9.996 ], [ -72.165, -10.002 ], [ -72.16, -9.818 ], [ -72.26, -9.755 ], [ -72.289, -9.536 ], [ -72.364, -9.491 ], [ -72.721, -9.417 ], [ -73.196, -9.418 ], [ -72.965, -9.154 ], [ -72.946, -8.99 ], [ -73.059, -8.904 ], [ -73.169, -8.701 ], [ -73.338, -8.609 ], [ -73.338, -8.476 ], [ -73.526, -8.369 ], [ -73.632, -8.022 ], [ -73.765, -7.94 ], [ -73.777, -7.869 ], [ -73.697, -7.865 ], [ -73.69, -7.79 ], [ -73.985, -7.543 ], [ -73.917, -7.461 ], [ -73.954, -7.348 ], [ -73.868, -7.377 ], [ -73.691, -7.313 ], [ -73.797, -7.115 ], [ -73.743, -6.897 ], [ -73.351, -6.561 ], [ -73.211, -6.53 ], [ -73.133, -6.421 ], [ -73.185, -6.04 ], [ -73.131, -5.986 ], [ -73.116, -5.865 ], [ -72.951, -5.643 ], [ -72.948, -5.454 ], [ -72.872, -5.25 ], [ -72.896, -5.136 ], [ -72.734, -5.043 ], [ -72.602, -5.056 ], [ -72.577, -4.992 ], [ -72.455, -4.962 ], [ -72.452, -4.906 ], [ -72.37, -4.88 ], [ -72.356, -4.803 ], [ -72.292, -4.799 ], [ -72.313, -4.769 ], [ -72.223, -4.78 ], [ -72.113, -4.722 ], [ -72.047, -4.625 ], [ -71.94, -4.607 ], [ -71.897, -4.512 ], [ -71.61, -4.465 ], [ -71.597, -4.525 ], [ -71.535, -4.46 ], [ -71.49, -4.479 ], [ -71.506, -4.435 ], [ -71.414, -4.432 ], [ -71.432, -4.469 ], [ -71.342, -4.423 ], [ -71.355, -4.468 ], [ -71.303, -4.458 ], [ -71.269, -4.381 ], [ -71.198, -4.377 ], [ -71.193, -4.42 ], [ -71.147, -4.375 ], [ -71.031, -4.397 ], [ -70.99, -4.34 ], [ -70.935, -4.381 ], [ -70.757, -4.152 ], [ -70.677, -4.2 ], [ -70.622, -4.121 ], [ -70.633, -4.173 ], [ -70.565, -4.168 ], [ -70.566, -4.205 ], [ -70.553, -4.128 ], [ -70.503, -4.19 ], [ -70.434, -4.125 ], [ -70.341, -4.174 ], [ -70.317, -4.136 ], [ -70.291, -4.283 ], [ -70.249, -4.267 ], [ -70.186, -4.357 ], [ -70.169, -4.27 ], [ -70.101, -4.255 ], [ -70.031, -4.339 ], [ -69.929, -4.213 ], [ -69.453, -1.478 ], [ -69.368, -1.334 ], [ -69.422, -0.998 ], [ -69.508, -0.936 ], [ -69.609, -0.755 ], [ -69.551, -0.648 ], [ -69.593, -0.517 ], [ -69.908, -0.316 ], [ -70.068, -0.135 ], [ -70.037, 0.553 ], [ -69.798, 0.585 ], [ -69.664, 0.672 ], [ -69.606, 0.623 ], [ -69.468, 0.734 ], [ -69.357, 0.621 ], [ -69.295, 0.648 ], [ -69.288, 0.609 ], [ -69.202, 0.602 ], [ -69.112, 0.643 ], [ -69.184, 0.73 ], [ -69.137, 0.868 ], [ -69.257, 1.026 ], [ -69.342, 1.064 ], [ -69.416, 1.024 ], [ -69.7, 1.056 ], [ -69.721, 1.097 ], [ -69.854, 1.07 ], [ -69.855, 1.715 ], [ -69.556, 1.775 ], [ -69.395, 1.726 ], [ -68.128, 1.73 ], [ -68.29, 1.841 ], [ -68.205, 2.038 ], [ -68.027, 1.784 ], [ -67.924, 1.751 ], [ -67.797, 1.812 ], [ -67.578, 2.076 ], [ -67.41, 2.141 ], [ -67.117, 1.732 ], [ -67.068, 1.532 ], [ -67.097, 1.17 ], [ -66.855, 1.228 ], [ -66.322, 0.738 ], [ -66.095, 0.754 ], [ -65.952, 0.81 ], [ -65.854, 0.939 ], [ -65.733, 1.005 ], [ -65.583, 1.008 ], [ -65.47, 0.877 ], [ -65.557, 0.705 ], [ -65.504, 0.627 ], [ -65.393, 0.699 ], [ -65.305, 0.916 ], [ -65.152, 0.943 ], [ -65.121, 1.115 ], [ -65.055, 1.144 ], [ -64.968, 1.112 ], [ -64.903, 1.249 ], [ -64.843, 1.237 ], [ -64.783, 1.313 ], [ -64.721, 1.25 ], [ -64.638, 1.286 ], [ -64.387, 1.527 ], [ -64.344, 1.528 ], [ -64.382, 1.419 ], [ -64.344, 1.38 ], [ -64.186, 1.494 ], [ -64.054, 1.708 ], [ -64.057, 1.933 ], [ -64.018, 1.967 ], [ -63.781, 1.989 ], [ -63.604, 2.124 ], [ -63.419, 2.154 ], [ -63.349, 2.281 ], [ -63.382, 2.442 ], [ -63.756, 2.403 ], [ -64.031, 2.509 ], [ -63.987, 2.772 ], [ -64.216, 3.153 ], [ -64.236, 3.476 ], [ -64.186, 3.634 ], [ -64.324, 3.797 ], [ -64.543, 3.882 ], [ -64.8, 4.224 ], [ -64.79, 4.329 ], [ -64.677, 4.297 ], [ -64.555, 4.153 ], [ -64.135, 4.176 ], [ -63.967, 3.93 ], [ -63.806, 4.019 ], [ -63.623, 4.01 ], [ -63.455, 3.91 ], [ -63.411, 4.026 ], [ -63.358, 4.04 ], [ -63.203, 3.952 ], [ -63.189, 3.872 ], [ -62.86, 3.584 ], [ -62.749, 3.642 ], [ -62.705, 3.724 ], [ -62.752, 4.012 ], [ -62.635, 4.056 ], [ -62.557, 4.02 ], [ -62.46, 4.173 ], [ -62.129, 4.084 ], [ -61.961, 4.18 ], [ -61.927, 4.106 ], [ -61.723, 4.262 ], [ -61.528, 4.273 ], [ -61.507, 4.398 ], [ -61.274, 4.471 ], [ -61.293, 4.55 ], [ -61.141, 4.508 ], [ -60.952, 4.549 ], [ -60.907, 4.708 ], [ -60.731, 4.777 ], [ -60.59, 4.951 ], [ -60.744, 5.209 ], [ -60.438, 5.177 ], [ -60.203, 5.265 ], [ -60.176, 5.227 ], [ -60.121, 5.243 ], [ -60.085, 5.149 ], [ -59.969, 5.073 ], [ -60.03, 4.704 ], [ -60.163, 4.521 ], [ -59.927, 4.509 ], [ -59.674, 4.382 ], [ -59.726, 4.191 ], [ -59.628, 4.138 ], [ -59.655, 4.078 ], [ -59.516, 3.94 ], [ -59.581, 3.901 ], [ -59.594, 3.796 ], [ -59.666, 3.777 ], [ -59.664, 3.703 ], [ -59.849, 3.601 ], [ -59.799, 3.355 ], [ -59.909, 3.197 ], [ -59.982, 2.929 ], [ -59.99, 2.683 ], [ -59.903, 2.479 ], [ -59.91, 2.388 ], [ -59.724, 2.277 ], [ -59.754, 1.861 ], [ -59.654, 1.849 ], [ -59.669, 1.764 ], [ -59.549, 1.729 ], [ -59.253, 1.397 ], [ -58.914, 1.299 ], [ -58.904, 1.234 ], [ -58.804, 1.175 ], [ -58.696, 1.288 ], [ -58.507, 1.264 ], [ -58.468, 1.318 ], [ -58.498, 1.458 ], [ -58.382, 1.471 ], [ -58.325, 1.59 ], [ -58.167, 1.558 ], [ -58.13, 1.501 ], [ -58.009, 1.501 ], [ -58, 1.665 ], [ -57.919, 1.645 ], [ -57.77, 1.718 ], [ -57.545, 1.701 ], [ -57.434, 1.895 ], [ -57.302, 1.99 ], [ -57.247, 1.944 ], [ -57.085, 2.021 ], [ -57.012, 1.918 ], [ -56.8, 1.864 ], [ -56.724, 1.92 ], [ -56.454, 1.945 ], [ -55.957, 1.844 ], [ -55.906, 1.889 ], [ -55.913, 2.041 ], [ -56.048, 2.226 ], [ -56.134, 2.263 ], [ -56.09, 2.352 ], [ -55.995, 2.405 ], [ -55.987, 2.517 ], [ -55.948, 2.532 ], [ -55.739, 2.401 ], [ -55.481, 2.443 ], [ -55.37, 2.407 ], [ -55.336, 2.516 ], [ -55.239, 2.495 ], [ -55.137, 2.575 ], [ -55.103, 2.522 ], [ -54.94, 2.632 ], [ -54.969, 2.555 ], [ -54.864, 2.439 ], [ -54.72, 2.469 ], [ -54.702, 2.336 ], [ -54.549, 2.336 ], [ -54.534, 2.268 ], [ -54.314, 2.158 ], [ -54.189, 2.179 ], [ -54.111, 2.127 ], [ -54.078, 2.197 ], [ -53.784, 2.364 ], [ -53.694, 2.287 ], [ -53.472, 2.332 ], [ -53.397, 2.272 ], [ -53.273, 2.292 ], [ -53.188, 2.223 ], [ -52.905, 2.19 ], [ -52.853, 2.285 ], [ -52.673, 2.374 ], [ -52.555, 2.523 ], [ -52.556, 2.646 ], [ -52.382, 2.912 ], [ -52.347, 3.134 ], [ -52.192, 3.296 ], [ -51.92, 3.781 ], [ -51.795, 3.89 ], [ -51.754, 3.996 ], [ -51.658, 4.049 ], [ -51.585, 4.241 ], [ -51.529, 4.171 ], [ -51.545, 4.397 ], [ -51.202, 4.084 ], [ -51.173, 3.767 ], [ -51.127, 3.911 ], [ -51.085, 3.895 ], [ -51.051, 3.283 ], [ -50.913, 2.875 ], [ -50.927, 2.807 ], [ -50.816, 2.644 ], [ -50.851, 2.482 ], [ -50.802, 2.508 ], [ -50.736, 2.414 ], [ -50.765, 2.359 ], [ -50.694, 2.276 ], [ -50.725, 2.252 ], [ -50.675, 2.247 ], [ -50.682, 2.137 ], [ -50.584, 2.091 ], [ -50.586, 2.014 ], [ -50.471, 1.82 ], [ -50.194, 1.794 ], [ -49.954, 1.676 ], [ -49.88, 1.419 ], [ -49.918, 1.289 ], [ -50.073, 1.204 ], [ -49.918, 1.232 ], [ -49.939, 1.103 ], [ -50.003, 1.066 ], [ -50.033, 1.107 ], [ -50.131, 0.949 ], [ -50.274, 0.866 ], [ -50.338, 0.729 ], [ -50.417, 0.685 ], [ -50.455, 0.732 ], [ -50.428, 0.679 ], [ -50.571, 0.424 ], [ -50.691, 0.3 ], [ -50.677, 0.365 ], [ -50.746, 0.227 ], [ -50.801, 0.224 ], [ -50.785, 0.183 ], [ -50.908, 0.171 ], [ -51.087, -0.043 ], [ -51.203, -0.055 ], [ -51.419, -0.412 ], [ -51.409, -0.44 ], [ -51.325, -0.364 ], [ -51.188, -0.14 ], [ -51.111, -0.154 ], [ -51.154, -0.284 ], [ -51.396, -0.493 ], [ -51.243, -0.443 ], [ -51.26, -0.5 ], [ -51.165, -0.431 ], [ -50.953, -0.061 ], [ -50.824, -0.048 ], [ -50.705, 0.002 ], [ -50.613, -0.088 ], [ -50.744, -0.244 ], [ -50.751, -0.429 ], [ -50.845, -0.526 ], [ -50.988, -0.583 ], [ -51.051, -0.682 ], [ -50.826, -0.555 ], [ -50.794, -0.666 ], [ -50.733, -0.557 ], [ -50.684, -0.604 ], [ -50.724, -0.493 ], [ -50.652, -0.276 ], [ -50.409, -0.094 ], [ -49.631, -0.247 ], [ -49.446, -0.23 ], [ -49.289, -0.145 ], [ -49.018, -0.16 ], [ -49, -0.139 ], [ -48.895, -0.224 ], [ -48.539, -0.234 ], [ -48.363, -0.303 ], [ -48.459, -0.513 ], [ -48.522, -0.877 ], [ -48.667, -1.002 ], [ -48.621, -1.005 ], [ -48.65, -1.048 ], [ -48.617, -1.053 ], [ -48.721, -1.137 ], [ -48.837, -1.452 ], [ -49.161, -1.575 ], [ -49.182, -1.623 ], [ -49.362, -1.604 ], [ -49.364, -1.642 ], [ -49.448, -1.637 ], [ -49.5, -1.738 ], [ -49.61, -1.718 ], [ -49.676, -1.78 ], [ -49.696, -1.757 ], [ -49.714, -1.76 ], [ -49.803, -1.822 ], [ -50.035, -1.717 ], [ -50.179, -1.787 ], [ -50.256, -1.776 ], [ -50.415, -1.841 ], [ -50.401, -1.935 ], [ -49.994, -1.819 ], [ -49.844, -1.905 ], [ -49.765, -1.898 ], [ -49.616, -1.79 ], [ -49.276, -1.706 ], [ -49.267, -1.778 ], [ -49.387, -1.977 ], [ -49.383, -2.159 ], [ -48.973, -1.594 ], [ -48.897, -1.573 ], [ -48.955, -1.712 ], [ -48.932, -1.75 ], [ -48.898, -1.743 ], [ -48.656, -1.371 ], [ -48.592, -1.429 ], [ -48.601, -1.306 ], [ -48.524, -1.338 ], [ -48.537, -1.467 ], [ -48.496, -1.553 ], [ -48.491, -1.502 ], [ -48.46, -1.533 ], [ -48.374, -1.511 ], [ -48.319, -1.478 ], [ -48.505, -1.471 ], [ -48.422, -1.168 ], [ -48.475, -1.144 ], [ -48.4, -1.066 ], [ -48.278, -1.111 ], [ -48.304, -0.948 ], [ -48.055, -0.668 ], [ -48.001, -0.731 ], [ -47.893, -0.553 ], [ -47.843, -0.616 ], [ -47.807, -0.547 ], [ -47.702, -0.54 ], [ -47.707, -0.59 ], [ -47.667, -0.569 ], [ -47.633, -0.608 ], [ -47.651, -0.694 ], [ -47.608, -0.684 ], [ -47.577, -0.573 ], [ -47.476, -0.757 ], [ -47.398, -0.76 ], [ -47.428, -0.693 ], [ -47.464, -0.687 ], [ -47.466, -0.594 ], [ -47.399, -0.594 ], [ -47.4, -0.645 ], [ -47.298, -0.589 ], [ -47.253, -0.668 ], [ -47.247, -0.623 ], [ -47.206, -0.633 ], [ -47.23, -0.719 ], [ -47.158, -0.678 ], [ -47.191, -0.754 ], [ -47.146, -0.764 ], [ -47.16, -0.815 ], [ -47.081, -0.661 ], [ -47.055, -0.868 ], [ -47.027, -0.784 ], [ -46.983, -0.806 ], [ -47.016, -0.752 ], [ -46.967, -0.694 ], [ -46.969, -0.78 ], [ -46.891, -0.869 ], [ -46.89, -0.789 ], [ -46.846, -0.799 ], [ -46.82, -0.71 ], [ -46.802, -0.877 ], [ -46.777, -0.905 ], [ -46.75, -0.826 ], [ -46.709, -0.86 ], [ -46.734, -0.944 ], [ -46.687, -0.831 ], [ -46.653, -0.882 ], [ -46.621, -0.818 ], [ -46.601, -0.917 ], [ -46.676, -0.965 ], [ -46.622, -0.987 ], [ -46.57, -0.947 ], [ -46.609, -1.03 ], [ -46.57, -0.988 ], [ -46.525, -1.027 ], [ -46.465, -1.007 ], [ -46.47, -1.044 ], [ -46.395, -1.037 ], [ -46.413, -1.084 ], [ -46.348, -0.982 ], [ -46.36, -1.011 ], [ -46.366, -1.031 ], [ -46.348, -1.079 ], [ -46.339, -1.015 ], [ -46.299, -1.05 ], [ -46.212, -0.946 ], [ -46.242, -0.921 ], [ -46.179, -0.914 ], [ -46.224, -1.053 ], [ -46.206, -1.1 ], [ -46.158, -1.014 ], [ -46.138, -1.032 ], [ -46.193, -1.143 ], [ -46.104, -1.067 ], [ -46.062, -1.133 ], [ -46.15, -1.258 ], [ -45.982, -1.071 ], [ -45.953, -1.147 ], [ -46, -1.151 ], [ -46, -1.199 ], [ -45.95, -1.159 ], [ -45.95, -1.207 ], [ -46, -1.209 ], [ -45.95, -1.25 ], [ -45.902, -1.134 ], [ -45.923, -1.214 ], [ -45.882, -1.167 ], [ -45.873, -1.211 ], [ -45.909, -1.261 ], [ -45.859, -1.231 ], [ -45.891, -1.293 ], [ -45.807, -1.176 ], [ -45.843, -1.301 ], [ -45.809, -1.328 ], [ -45.831, -1.298 ], [ -45.782, -1.278 ], [ -45.726, -1.135 ], [ -45.69, -1.452 ], [ -45.697, -1.38 ], [ -45.632, -1.371 ], [ -45.618, -1.279 ], [ -45.589, -1.329 ], [ -45.537, -1.273 ], [ -45.561, -1.343 ], [ -45.51, -1.352 ], [ -45.567, -1.404 ], [ -45.546, -1.432 ], [ -45.413, -1.296 ], [ -45.489, -1.473 ], [ -45.511, -1.458 ], [ -45.554, -1.503 ], [ -45.507, -1.471 ], [ -45.518, -1.516 ], [ -45.481, -1.495 ], [ -45.463, -1.548 ], [ -45.457, -1.457 ], [ -45.391, -1.434 ], [ -45.363, -1.325 ], [ -45.323, -1.319 ], [ -45.302, -1.424 ], [ -45.392, -1.485 ], [ -45.398, -1.503 ], [ -45.356, -1.487 ], [ -45.392, -1.553 ], [ -45.338, -1.572 ], [ -45.371, -1.722 ], [ -45.338, -1.753 ], [ -45.197, -1.688 ], [ -45.261, -1.607 ], [ -45.16, -1.475 ], [ -45.136, -1.521 ], [ -45.072, -1.435 ], [ -45.07, -1.485 ], [ -44.999, -1.504 ], [ -45.018, -1.547 ], [ -44.969, -1.549 ], [ -45.029, -1.583 ], [ -45.029, -1.602 ], [ -44.979, -1.607 ], [ -44.954, -1.498 ], [ -44.862, -1.426 ], [ -44.857, -1.498 ], [ -44.954, -1.605 ], [ -44.918, -1.649 ], [ -44.968, -1.662 ], [ -44.913, -1.657 ], [ -44.927, -1.62 ], [ -44.886, -1.609 ], [ -44.837, -1.65 ], [ -44.822, -1.591 ], [ -44.826, -1.637 ], [ -44.805, -1.609 ], [ -44.812, -1.665 ], [ -44.779, -1.735 ], [ -44.711, -1.728 ], [ -44.82, -1.819 ], [ -44.738, -1.791 ], [ -44.706, -1.819 ], [ -44.676, -1.808 ], [ -44.661, -1.727 ], [ -44.604, -1.749 ], [ -44.667, -1.849 ], [ -44.601, -1.858 ], [ -44.583, -1.817 ], [ -44.586, -1.873 ], [ -44.543, -1.833 ], [ -44.601, -1.909 ], [ -44.517, -1.907 ], [ -44.484, -2.002 ], [ -44.613, -2.037 ], [ -44.467, -2.017 ], [ -44.626, -2.151 ], [ -44.589, -2.159 ], [ -44.641, -2.232 ], [ -44.708, -2.23 ], [ -44.684, -2.275 ], [ -44.764, -2.265 ], [ -44.654, -2.294 ], [ -44.681, -2.354 ], [ -44.649, -2.373 ], [ -44.666, -2.329 ], [ -44.479, -2.137 ], [ -44.358, -2.335 ], [ -44.401, -2.416 ], [ -44.514, -2.384 ], [ -44.55, -2.4 ], [ -44.491, -2.415 ], [ -44.514, -2.448 ], [ -44.505, -2.476 ], [ -44.665, -2.608 ], [ -44.548, -2.542 ], [ -44.658, -2.781 ], [ -44.688, -2.924 ], [ -44.677, -3.019 ], [ -44.66, -3.02 ], [ -44.657, -3.018 ] ], [ [ -43.318, -2.361 ], [ -43.317, -2.363 ], [ -43.296, -2.363 ], [ -43.318, -2.361 ] ], [ [ -42.438, -2.747 ], [ -42.442, -2.749 ], [ -42.438, -2.75 ], [ -42.438, -2.747 ] ], [ [ -42.442, -2.749 ], [ -42.47, -2.744 ], [ -42.447, -2.753 ], [ -42.442, -2.749 ] ], [ [ -50.851, 2.482 ], [ -50.853, 2.481 ], [ -50.853, 2.48 ], [ -50.851, 2.482 ] ], [ [ -50.853, 2.481 ], [ -50.86, 2.495 ], [ -50.86, 2.477 ], [ -50.853, 2.481 ] ], [ [ -49.976, 1.659 ], [ -49.98, 1.659 ], [ -50, 1.639 ], [ -49.976, 1.659 ] ], [ [ -45.392, -1.553 ], [ -45.393, -1.553 ], [ -45.394, -1.556 ], [ -45.392, -1.553 ] ], [ [ -45.394, -1.556 ], [ -45.406, -1.579 ], [ -45.403, -1.591 ], [ -45.394, -1.556 ] ], [ [ -44.837, -1.65 ], [ -44.834, -1.655 ], [ -44.833, -1.654 ], [ -44.837, -1.65 ] ], [ [ -44.834, -1.655 ], [ -44.841, -1.675 ], [ -44.822, -1.672 ], [ -44.834, -1.655 ] ], [ [ -44.779, -1.735 ], [ -44.777, -1.741 ], [ -44.776, -1.74 ], [ -44.779, -1.735 ] ], [ [ -44.777, -1.741 ], [ -44.833, -1.77 ], [ -44.774, -1.75 ], [ -44.777, -1.741 ] ], [ [ -44.547, -2.22 ], [ -44.536, -2.225 ], [ -44.543, -2.219 ], [ -44.547, -2.22 ] ], [ [ -44.536, -2.225 ], [ -44.507, -2.249 ], [ -44.512, -2.235 ], [ -44.536, -2.225 ] ], [ [ -44.507, -2.249 ], [ -44.504, -2.256 ], [ -44.501, -2.254 ], [ -44.507, -2.249 ] ], [ [ -44.504, -2.256 ], [ -44.514, -2.268 ], [ -44.502, -2.26 ], [ -44.504, -2.256 ] ] ], [ [ [ -29.34, -20.484 ], [ -29.301, -20.521 ], [ -29.341, -20.511 ], [ -29.34, -20.484 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.001, -13.94 ], [ -39.012, -13.915 ], [ -38.994, -13.896 ], [ -39.001, -13.94 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.043, -13.909 ], [ -39.059, -13.904 ], [ -39.054, -13.886 ], [ -39.028, -13.903 ], [ -39.043, -13.909 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.251, -18.015 ], [ -39.283, -18.005 ], [ -39.272, -17.982 ], [ -39.245, -18.006 ], [ -39.251, -18.015 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.131, -17.927 ], [ -39.154, -17.921 ], [ -39.137, -17.91 ], [ -39.131, -17.927 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.212, -17.986 ], [ -39.228, -17.979 ], [ -39.215, -17.944 ], [ -39.202, -17.95 ], [ -39.212, -17.986 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.341, -23.231 ], [ -44.372, -23.174 ], [ -44.232, -23.089 ], [ -44.087, -23.173 ], [ -44.3, -23.184 ], [ -44.341, -23.231 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.356, -23.073 ], [ -44.388, -23.048 ], [ -44.373, -23.033 ], [ -44.343, -23.041 ], [ -44.356, -23.073 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.929, -23.014 ], [ -43.936, -22.999 ], [ -43.916, -22.989 ], [ -43.929, -23.014 ] ] ], [ [ [ -42.002, -23.018 ], [ -42.015, -23.003 ], [ -41.98, -22.975 ], [ -41.975, -22.992 ], [ -42.002, -23.018 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.904, -22.962 ], [ -43.907, -22.936 ], [ -43.868, -22.926 ], [ -43.871, -22.95 ], [ -43.904, -22.962 ] ] ], [ [ [ -41.042, -21.613 ], [ -41.042, -21.6 ], [ -41.019, -21.606 ], [ -41.042, -21.613 ] ] ], [ [ [ -52.112, -32 ], [ -52.18, -32.035 ], [ -52.216, -32.025 ], [ -52.198, -31.978 ], [ -52.112, -32 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.641, -30.388 ], [ -50.629, -30.394 ], [ -50.624, -30.329 ], [ -50.592, -30.399 ], [ -50.609, -30.406 ], [ -50.641, -30.388 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.526, -27.462 ], [ -48.416, -27.38 ], [ -48.358, -27.446 ], [ -48.503, -27.799 ], [ -48.559, -27.842 ], [ -48.526, -27.462 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.354, -27.296 ], [ -48.376, -27.285 ], [ -48.373, -27.271 ], [ -48.36, -27.27 ], [ -48.354, -27.296 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.731, -26.314 ], [ -48.754, -26.297 ], [ -48.735, -26.282 ], [ -48.731, -26.314 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.318, -25.584 ], [ -48.309, -25.546 ], [ -48.381, -25.504 ], [ -48.312, -25.509 ], [ -48.292, -25.545 ], [ -48.318, -25.584 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.414, -25.544 ], [ -48.459, -25.514 ], [ -48.415, -25.527 ], [ -48.414, -25.544 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.424, -25.551 ], [ -48.479, -25.523 ], [ -48.485, -25.502 ], [ -48.424, -25.551 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.298, -25.493 ], [ -48.341, -25.416 ], [ -48.252, -25.341 ], [ -48.265, -25.44 ], [ -48.253, -25.466 ], [ -48.298, -25.493 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.417, -25.386 ], [ -48.424, -25.343 ], [ -48.405, -25.33 ], [ -48.417, -25.386 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.695, -24.112 ], [ -45.688, -24.088 ], [ -45.679, -24.098 ], [ -45.695, -24.112 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.251, -23.962 ], [ -45.301, -23.909 ], [ -45.453, -23.91 ], [ -45.332, -23.721 ], [ -45.227, -23.774 ], [ -45.224, -23.835 ], [ -45.283, -23.857 ], [ -45.221, -23.899 ], [ -45.251, -23.962 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.141, -23.817 ], [ -45.146, -23.791 ], [ -45.114, -23.801 ], [ -45.141, -23.817 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.153, -23.573 ], [ -45.153, -23.558 ], [ -45.141, -23.568 ], [ -45.153, -23.573 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.073, -23.564 ], [ -45.079, -23.525 ], [ -45.036, -23.531 ], [ -45.073, -23.564 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.608, -23.228 ], [ -44.59, -23.208 ], [ -44.577, -23.216 ], [ -44.608, -23.228 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.648, -12.821 ], [ -38.666, -12.777 ], [ -38.624, -12.762 ], [ -38.648, -12.821 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.529, -12.811 ], [ -38.544, -12.757 ], [ -38.532, -12.74 ], [ -38.508, -12.792 ], [ -38.529, -12.811 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.622, -12.752 ], [ -38.622, -12.727 ], [ -38.593, -12.733 ], [ -38.622, -12.752 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.646, -12.683 ], [ -38.648, -12.65 ], [ -38.636, -12.661 ], [ -38.646, -12.683 ] ] ], [ [ [ -32.402, -3.838 ], [ -32.428, -3.877 ], [ -32.483, -3.878 ], [ -32.402, -3.838 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.667, -3.179 ], [ -44.668, -3.16 ], [ -44.643, -3.148 ], [ -44.644, -3.17 ], [ -44.667, -3.179 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.671, -2.943 ], [ -44.67, -2.92 ], [ -44.647, -2.915 ], [ -44.671, -2.943 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.493, -2.641 ], [ -44.48, -2.601 ], [ -44.477, -2.627 ], [ -44.493, -2.641 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.897, -2.573 ], [ -43.896, -2.554 ], [ -43.886, -2.565 ], [ -43.897, -2.573 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.599, -2.503 ], [ -43.577, -2.471 ], [ -43.572, -2.483 ], [ -43.599, -2.503 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.822, -2.526 ], [ -43.829, -2.509 ], [ -43.813, -2.458 ], [ -43.812, -2.553 ], [ -43.82, -2.528 ], [ -43.822, -2.526 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.821, -2.529 ], [ -43.856, -2.502 ], [ -43.832, -2.439 ], [ -43.842, -2.504 ], [ -43.821, -2.529 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.863, -2.56 ], [ -43.875, -2.552 ], [ -43.865, -2.534 ], [ -43.863, -2.56 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.519, -2.536 ], [ -44.529, -2.526 ], [ -44.501, -2.48 ], [ -44.505, -2.444 ], [ -44.455, -2.434 ], [ -44.519, -2.536 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.602, -3.007 ], [ -44.657, -2.972 ], [ -44.613, -2.894 ], [ -44.575, -2.921 ], [ -44.602, -3.007 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.585, -2.978 ], [ -44.563, -2.914 ], [ -44.586, -2.826 ], [ -44.494, -2.705 ], [ -44.494, -2.953 ], [ -44.582, -3.041 ], [ -44.585, -2.978 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.826, -2.434 ], [ -43.842, -2.403 ], [ -43.811, -2.385 ], [ -43.807, -2.412 ], [ -43.826, -2.434 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.581, -2.441 ], [ -43.615, -2.389 ], [ -43.549, -2.377 ], [ -43.545, -2.403 ], [ -43.581, -2.441 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.791, -2.47 ], [ -43.806, -2.443 ], [ -43.78, -2.422 ], [ -43.759, -2.448 ], [ -43.791, -2.47 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.513, -2.424 ], [ -43.537, -2.416 ], [ -43.522, -2.39 ], [ -43.505, -2.414 ], [ -43.513, -2.424 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.792, -2.405 ], [ -43.798, -2.377 ], [ -43.771, -2.37 ], [ -43.792, -2.405 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.689, -2.355 ], [ -43.743, -2.352 ], [ -43.724, -2.305 ], [ -43.617, -2.253 ], [ -43.612, -2.275 ], [ -43.669, -2.301 ], [ -43.689, -2.355 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.73, -2.425 ], [ -43.732, -2.364 ], [ -43.67, -2.377 ], [ -43.681, -2.34 ], [ -43.63, -2.324 ], [ -43.643, -2.394 ], [ -43.73, -2.425 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.473, -2.125 ], [ -44.487, -2.113 ], [ -44.475, -2.096 ], [ -44.463, -2.104 ], [ -44.473, -2.125 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.456, -2.031 ], [ -44.447, -2.008 ], [ -44.439, -2.022 ], [ -44.456, -2.031 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.311, -1.964 ], [ -49.336, -1.996 ], [ -49.309, -1.943 ], [ -49.311, -1.964 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.323, -2.054 ], [ -49.329, -2.019 ], [ -49.316, -2.001 ], [ -49.323, -2.054 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.231, -1.829 ], [ -50.246, -1.824 ], [ -50.229, -1.816 ], [ -50.231, -1.829 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.615, -1.821 ], [ -44.622, -1.797 ], [ -44.597, -1.774 ], [ -44.583, -1.789 ], [ -44.615, -1.821 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.7, -1.811 ], [ -44.703, -1.78 ], [ -44.673, -1.78 ], [ -44.7, -1.811 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.691, -1.793 ], [ -49.721, -1.789 ], [ -49.719, -1.771 ], [ -49.697, -1.766 ], [ -49.691, -1.793 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.924, -1.711 ], [ -48.909, -1.713 ], [ -48.916, -1.734 ], [ -48.935, -1.713 ], [ -48.924, -1.711 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.757, -1.707 ], [ -44.767, -1.694 ], [ -44.736, -1.701 ], [ -44.757, -1.707 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.433, -1.684 ], [ -49.454, -1.706 ], [ -49.46, -1.684 ], [ -49.433, -1.684 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.357, -1.008 ], [ -46.342, -0.994 ], [ -46.353, -1.026 ], [ -46.357, -1.008 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.205, -1.021 ], [ -46.194, -1.014 ], [ -46.202, -1.032 ], [ -46.205, -1.021 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.662, -3.018 ], [ -44.673, -3.012 ], [ -44.664, -3.001 ], [ -44.649, -3.013 ], [ -44.662, -3.018 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.736, -1.683 ], [ -44.745, -1.677 ], [ -44.732, -1.668 ], [ -44.736, -1.683 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.231, -1.638 ], [ -49.237, -1.627 ], [ -49.217, -1.633 ], [ -49.231, -1.638 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.38, -1.685 ], [ -49.4, -1.682 ], [ -49.368, -1.669 ], [ -49.38, -1.685 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.426, -1.673 ], [ -49.429, -1.661 ], [ -49.406, -1.66 ], [ -49.426, -1.673 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.34, -1.672 ], [ -49.358, -1.662 ], [ -49.325, -1.647 ], [ -49.34, -1.672 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.289, -1.726 ], [ -45.305, -1.663 ], [ -45.257, -1.641 ], [ -45.244, -1.678 ], [ -45.28, -1.694 ], [ -45.289, -1.726 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.328, -1.743 ], [ -45.346, -1.719 ], [ -45.301, -1.596 ], [ -45.274, -1.635 ], [ -45.313, -1.654 ], [ -45.328, -1.743 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.886, -1.578 ], [ -48.89, -1.56 ], [ -48.859, -1.536 ], [ -48.856, -1.553 ], [ -48.886, -1.578 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.783, -1.682 ], [ -44.8, -1.595 ], [ -44.775, -1.62 ], [ -44.721, -1.567 ], [ -44.704, -1.611 ], [ -44.684, -1.575 ], [ -44.668, -1.669 ], [ -44.693, -1.638 ], [ -44.783, -1.682 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.816, -1.569 ], [ -44.837, -1.534 ], [ -44.787, -1.488 ], [ -44.825, -1.534 ], [ -44.816, -1.569 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.462, -1.517 ], [ -48.478, -1.499 ], [ -48.421, -1.503 ], [ -48.462, -1.517 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.793, -1.531 ], [ -44.774, -1.47 ], [ -44.763, -1.513 ], [ -44.793, -1.531 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.414, -1.427 ], [ -45.423, -1.416 ], [ -45.409, -1.405 ], [ -45.414, -1.427 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45, -1.296 ], [ -44.922, -1.265 ], [ -44.877, -1.309 ], [ -44.895, -1.34 ], [ -44.922, -1.305 ], [ -44.907, -1.341 ], [ -44.999, -1.405 ], [ -45.033, -1.339 ], [ -45, -1.32 ], [ -44.995, -1.36 ], [ -45, -1.296 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.044, -1.402 ], [ -45.07, -1.33 ], [ -45.052, -1.342 ], [ -45.044, -1.402 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.333, -1.569 ], [ -45.371, -1.544 ], [ -45.347, -1.489 ], [ -45.313, -1.506 ], [ -45.333, -1.569 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.969, -1.522 ], [ -44.976, -1.493 ], [ -44.959, -1.483 ], [ -44.969, -1.522 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.393, -1.512 ], [ -48.371, -1.476 ], [ -48.341, -1.483 ], [ -48.393, -1.512 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.413, -1.498 ], [ -48.426, -1.491 ], [ -48.387, -1.476 ], [ -48.413, -1.498 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.118, -1.47 ], [ -45.132, -1.462 ], [ -45.115, -1.364 ], [ -45.103, -1.373 ], [ -45.118, -1.47 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.593, -1.251 ], [ -45.581, -1.19 ], [ -45.536, -1.205 ], [ -45.532, -1.231 ], [ -45.593, -1.251 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.559, -1.243 ], [ -48.56, -1.202 ], [ -48.523, -1.199 ], [ -48.559, -1.243 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.817, -1.163 ], [ -45.829, -1.141 ], [ -45.804, -1.127 ], [ -45.817, -1.163 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.877, -1.154 ], [ -45.9, -1.117 ], [ -45.883, -1.073 ], [ -45.849, -1.123 ], [ -45.877, -1.154 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.192, -1.05 ], [ -46.201, -1.041 ], [ -46.185, -1.027 ], [ -46.192, -1.05 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.291, -1.01 ], [ -46.307, -0.992 ], [ -46.306, -0.961 ], [ -46.291, -1.01 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.078, -1.095 ], [ -46.065, -1.05 ], [ -46.061, -1.074 ], [ -46.078, -1.095 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.68, -1.295 ], [ -45.687, -1.275 ], [ -45.667, -1.26 ], [ -45.654, -1.285 ], [ -45.68, -1.295 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.538, -1.282 ], [ -48.549, -1.262 ], [ -48.53, -1.25 ], [ -48.538, -1.282 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.51, -1.27 ], [ -48.522, -1.247 ], [ -48.506, -1.236 ], [ -48.51, -1.27 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.694, -1.37 ], [ -45.646, -1.289 ], [ -45.625, -1.126 ], [ -45.634, -1.349 ], [ -45.694, -1.37 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.688, -1.266 ], [ -45.708, -1.228 ], [ -45.685, -1.194 ], [ -45.664, -1.231 ], [ -45.688, -1.266 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.425, -0.914 ], [ -46.454, -0.907 ], [ -46.408, -0.868 ], [ -46.395, -0.899 ], [ -46.425, -0.914 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.72, -0.848 ], [ -46.735, -0.832 ], [ -46.729, -0.796 ], [ -46.72, -0.848 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.611, -0.799 ], [ -46.622, -0.784 ], [ -46.601, -0.789 ], [ -46.611, -0.799 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.586, -0.849 ], [ -46.621, -0.807 ], [ -46.589, -0.815 ], [ -46.586, -0.849 ] ] ], [ [ [ -47.447, -0.748 ], [ -47.453, -0.732 ], [ -47.436, -0.717 ], [ -47.428, -0.738 ], [ -47.447, -0.748 ] ] ], [ [ [ -47.461, -0.741 ], [ -47.463, -0.702 ], [ -47.445, -0.697 ], [ -47.461, -0.741 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.214, -0.411 ], [ -51.211, -0.386 ], [ -51.164, -0.347 ], [ -51.163, -0.383 ], [ -51.214, -0.411 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.352, -0.353 ], [ -51.346, -0.31 ], [ -51.317, -0.268 ], [ -51.327, -0.33 ], [ -51.352, -0.353 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.127, -0.268 ], [ -51.131, -0.237 ], [ -51.091, -0.208 ], [ -51.087, -0.229 ], [ -51.127, -0.268 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.888, -0.198 ], [ -48.91, -0.188 ], [ -48.893, -0.134 ], [ -48.847, -0.177 ], [ -48.888, -0.198 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.174, -0.091 ], [ -51.191, -0.064 ], [ -51.126, -0.057 ], [ -51.174, -0.091 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.114, -0.146 ], [ -49.097, -0.121 ], [ -49.08, -0.13 ], [ -49.114, -0.146 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.166, -0.142 ], [ -49.188, -0.115 ], [ -49.156, -0.128 ], [ -49.166, -0.142 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.119, -0.141 ], [ -49.143, -0.107 ], [ -49.114, -0.11 ], [ -49.119, -0.141 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.127, -0.128 ], [ -51.094, -0.103 ], [ -51.108, -0.127 ], [ -51.127, -0.128 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.414, -0.999 ], [ -46.384, -0.941 ], [ -46.367, -0.948 ], [ -46.414, -0.999 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.647, -0.97 ], [ -46.658, -0.968 ], [ -46.618, -0.957 ], [ -46.647, -0.97 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.488, -0.942 ], [ -46.465, -0.877 ], [ -46.464, -0.924 ], [ -46.44, -0.922 ], [ -46.482, -0.976 ], [ -46.441, -0.999 ], [ -46.525, -1.016 ], [ -46.527, -0.917 ], [ -46.509, -0.984 ], [ -46.488, -0.942 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.632, 0.159 ], [ -49.662, 0.184 ], [ -49.629, 0.202 ], [ -49.61, 0.181 ], [ -49.632, 0.159 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.641, 0.26 ], [ -50.63, 0.293 ], [ -50.586, 0.308 ], [ -50.641, 0.26 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.2, 0.255 ], [ -50.243, 0.248 ], [ -50.147, 0.337 ], [ -50.059, 0.346 ], [ -50.2, 0.255 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.417, 0.159 ], [ -50.535, 0.234 ], [ -50.36, 0.615 ], [ -50.328, 0.383 ], [ -50.285, 0.3 ], [ -50.413, 0.237 ], [ -50.417, 0.159 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.279, 0.338 ], [ -50.271, 0.599 ], [ -50.147, 0.608 ], [ -50.142, 0.576 ], [ -50.107, 0.636 ], [ -50.063, 0.623 ], [ -50.05, 0.518 ], [ -50.279, 0.338 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50, 0.943 ], [ -50.113, 0.907 ], [ -50.018, 1.034 ], [ -49.935, 1.069 ], [ -49.939, 0.996 ], [ -50, 0.943 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.881, 1.227 ], [ -49.909, 1.246 ], [ -49.886, 1.244 ], [ -49.881, 1.227 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.907, 1.278 ], [ -49.885, 1.291 ], [ -49.863, 1.278 ], [ -49.876, 1.252 ], [ -49.907, 1.278 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.204, 1.851 ], [ -50.232, 1.879 ], [ -50.22, 1.915 ], [ -50.169, 1.865 ], [ -50.204, 1.851 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.468, 1.954 ], [ -50.521, 2.026 ], [ -50.497, 2.139 ], [ -50.398, 2.167 ], [ -50.367, 2.19 ], [ -50.276, 1.939 ], [ -50.423, 1.849 ], [ -50.468, 1.954 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.504, 2.255 ], [ -50.414, 2.244 ], [ -50.382, 2.204 ], [ -50.489, 2.15 ], [ -50.564, 2.205 ], [ -50.504, 2.255 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.229, 0.832 ], [ -50.098, 0.839 ], [ -50.027, 0.898 ], [ -50.105, 0.757 ], [ -50.162, 0.775 ], [ -50.249, 0.72 ], [ -50.229, 0.832 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.131, 0.844 ], [ -50.162, 0.867 ], [ -50.132, 0.9 ], [ -50.119, 0.854 ], [ -50.131, 0.844 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.108, 0.85 ], [ -50.111, 0.891 ], [ -50.049, 0.886 ], [ -50.108, 0.85 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.216, -0.055 ], [ -50.235, -0.042 ], [ -50.219, -0.04 ], [ -50.216, -0.055 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.916, -0.052 ], [ -50.926, -0.047 ], [ -50.907, -0.043 ], [ -50.916, -0.052 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.605, -0.061 ], [ -50.618, -0.022 ], [ -50.559, -0.038 ], [ -50.605, -0.061 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.399, -0.061 ], [ -50.44, -0.057 ], [ -50.378, -0.015 ], [ -50.357, -0.049 ], [ -50.399, -0.061 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.75, 0 ], [ -49.609, 0.08 ], [ -49.474, 0.081 ], [ -49.338, -0.017 ], [ -49.487, -0.136 ], [ -49.723, -0.147 ], [ -49.835, -0.088 ], [ -49.75, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.023, -0.019 ], [ -49.039, -0.011 ], [ -49.02, -0.006 ], [ -49.023, -0.019 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.932, 0.052 ], [ -50.918, 0.084 ], [ -50.884, 0.078 ], [ -50.899, 0.057 ], [ -50.932, 0.052 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.928, 0 ], [ -50.786, 0.05 ], [ -50.717, 0.028 ], [ -50.94, -0.041 ], [ -50.928, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.691, 0.025 ], [ -50.655, 0.015 ], [ -50.703, 0.021 ], [ -50.691, 0.025 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.629, -0.043 ], [ -50.642, -0.016 ], [ -50.622, -0.026 ], [ -50.629, -0.043 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.642, 0 ], [ -50.611, 0.007 ], [ -50.595, -0.019 ], [ -50.642, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.536, 0 ], [ -50.653, 0.126 ], [ -50.59, 0.203 ], [ -50.434, 0.126 ], [ -50.436, 0 ], [ -50.536, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50, 0.311 ], [ -49.674, 0.368 ], [ -49.601, 0.283 ], [ -49.86, 0.008 ], [ -49.99, -0.048 ], [ -50.086, 0.034 ], [ 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"2017-12-01T19:20:07+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Capitán: de Guipúzcoa; había militado en Itatin, y en las indias pasa del Perú al Paraguay. Casa con una hija de Irala. Reemplaza a Rodríguez de Vergara en el mando de Ontiveros. La guarnición se resiste a reconocerle; y él vuelve a la Asumpción. Lleva a una nao surta en el puerto de San Gabriel los despachos de Irala para España, y vuelve a la Asumpción. Va a atacar a los indios. Sale de la Asumpción con una compañía de soldados. Acompaña al Gobernador Vergara al Perú, llevando su mujer e hijos.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-01T19:20:07+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 77109, "end" : 77124 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Pedro de Segura" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/d118887b-dbd4-429e-ba13-d93d4d9dfc32", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-01T19:20:07+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Capitán: de Guipúzcoa; había militado en Itatin, y en las indias pasa del Perú al Paraguay. Casa con una hija de Irala. Reemplaza a Rodríguez de Vergara en el mando de Ontiveros. La guarnición se resiste a reconocerle; y él vuelve a la Asumpción. Lleva a una nao surta en el puerto de San Gabriel los despachos de Irala para España, y vuelve a la Asumpción. Va a atacar a los indios. Sale de la Asumpción con una compañía de soldados. Acompaña al Gobernador Vergara al Perú, llevando su mujer e hijos.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-01T19:20:07+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 105401, "end" : 105416 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Pedro de Segura" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/41ff430b-95da-41a7-8280-63d662c943df", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-01T19:20:07+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Capitán: de Guipúzcoa; había militado en Itatin, y en las indias pasa del Perú al Paraguay. Casa con una hija de Irala. Reemplaza a Rodríguez de Vergara en el mando de Ontiveros. La guarnición se resiste a reconocerle; y él vuelve a la Asumpción. Lleva a una nao surta en el puerto de San Gabriel los despachos de Irala para España, y vuelve a la Asumpción. Va a atacar a los indios. Sale de la Asumpción con una compañía de soldados. Acompaña al Gobernador Vergara al Perú, llevando su mujer e hijos.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-01T19:20:07+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 107085, "end" : 107100 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Pedro de Segura" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/692d3587-0f04-4d6d-af88-1fdac2170db2", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Duke", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T17:18:16+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Count", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T17:18:16+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Nobleman", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T17:18:16+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Military", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T17:18:16+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T17:18:16+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Alonso Pérez de Guzmán el Bueno (Sanlúcar de Barrameda, 10 de septiembre de 1550 - ibídem, 1615), VII duque de Medina Sidonia y grande de España, fue un noble y militar español perteneciente a la casa de Medina Sidonia. Fue comandante en jefe de la Armada Española y la dirigió durante la trágica aventura de la conocida Grande y Felicísima Armada (Armada Invencible). Hijo de Juan Claros de Guzmán, IX conde de Niebla y de Leonor de Zúñiga y Sotomayor, se convirtió en X conde de Niebla a la muerte de su padre en 1556. En 1558, cuando falleció su abuelo Juan Alonso Pérez de Guzmán, VI duque de Medina Sidonia, se convirtió en el VII duque, XII señor de Sanlúcar, V marqués de Cazaza en África y poseedor de una de las mayores fortunas de Europa.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T17:18:16+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 34, "end" : 56 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Alonso Pérez de Guzmán" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/0faaf580-00c2-4102-a158-235b41651f51", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/Gimena", "modified" : "2019-07-04T14:38:34+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Otro nombre que se le daba en la región a los guaraníes", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/Gimena", "modified" : "2019-07-04T14:38:34+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 14737, "end" : 14746 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Arachanes" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/fe9b0f7b-38a6-44a5-b3b5-3ffe7274a93f", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-01T13:10:49+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Conquistador español nacido en Orduña en 1517.  Llegó a Rio de la Plata con la expedición de Alonso Cabrera pero regreso muy pronto a España por desaveniencias con el jefe de la expedición.Regresó nuevamente a América en la expedición de Alvar Nuñez hacia el Paraguay y años mas tarde se enemistó con el, tomando parte en la revolución que le quitó el mando. Fue hombre de confianza de Irala y mas tarde lo fue también de Juan Ortiz de Zárate.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2019-07-23T20:04:23+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 40674, "end" : 40688 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Martín de Orué" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/f38d5361-d3d7-4a6b-88e1-66f63a2e11d6", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "EVENT", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-05T01:24:04+00:00" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "El fuerte fue destruido en el ataque que los indios realizaron en 1529. Caboto debió así abandonar la exploración del Río de la Plata súbitamente, sin dejar de forma deliberada a nadie en la región. Años después, los expedicionarios de Pedro de Mendoza hallaron a un supuesto sobreviviente del ataque a Sancti Spititus que había sido dado por muerto en 1529. Esto se produjo en el puesto de Corpus Christi, fundado en cerca de las ruinas de Sancti Spiritus en 1536 y el sobreviviente se identificó como Jerónimo Romero. Bibliografía: Medina, Toribio, El veneciano Sebastián Gaboto al servicio de España. Tomo 1, Santiago de Chile, Imprenta y encuadernación universitaria, 1908, p. 295. Fuente documental: \"Carta de Francisco de Villalta\", en Schmidel, Ulrich, Viaje de Ulrich Schmidel al Río de la Plata (1534-1554), BuenosAires, Cabuat y Cía., 1903 [1557], ed. y traducción de Lafone Quevedo, pp. 307-308 (AHN, Diversos-Colecciones, 24, N. 10), junio de 1556.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2019-06-03T13:00:23+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 61369, "end" : 61376 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "dejando" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/78f2965b-7327-4b16-a704-182a80a45556", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Expedition", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T17:53:09+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Colonization", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T17:53:09+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "EVENT", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T17:53:09+00:00" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Refiere al denominado \"Descubrimiento de América\",  acontecimiento histórico que comenzó con la llegada a América el 12 de octubre de 1492 de una expedición capitaneada por Cristóbal Colón por mandato de los reyes Isabel y Fernando de Castilla que había partido del Puerto de Palos dos meses y nueve días antes y, tras cruzar el océano Atlántico, llegó a una isla del continente americano, Guanahaní, a lo que él creía era la India. Varios años después los europeos fueron dándose cuenta de que las tierras a las que había llegado Colón no estaban conectadas por tierra sino que formaban un continente distinto, y a partir de 1507 se le empezaría a llamar América.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T17:53:09+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 5309, "end" : 5337 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "descubrimiento de las Indias" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/0a792423-2c88-4cbf-b4ea-c79edf18176d", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T17:49:51+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T17:49:51+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Américo Vespucio (en italiano Amerigo Vespuccia; Florencia, 9 de marzo de 1454b​-Sevilla, 22 de febrero de 1512) fue un comerciante y cosmógrafo florentino, naturalizado castellano en 1505, que participó en al menos dos viajes de exploración al \"Nuevo Mundo\", continente que hoy en día se llama América en su honor. Desempeñó cargos importantes en la Casa de Contratación de Sevilla, de la que fue nombrado piloto mayor en 1508; pero su fama universal se debe a dos obras publicadas bajo su nombre entre 1503 y 1505: el Mundus Novus y la Carta a Soderini, que le atribuyen un papel protagonista en el \"Descubrimiento de América\" y su identificación como un nuevo continente. Por esta razón el cartógrafo Martín Waldseemüller en su mapa Universalis Cosmographia, de 1507 acuñó el nombre de «América» en su honor como designación para el Nuevo Mundo. El relato a menudo fantasioso y contradictorio de sus viajes lo han ubicado como una de las figuras más controvertidas de la era de los descubrimientos. Abulafia, David, El descubrimiento de la humanidad. Encuentros atlánticos en la era de Colón, Barcelona, Crítica, 2009 [2008].Metcalf, Alida C., \"Amerigo Vespucci and the Four Finger (Kunstmann II) World Map\", en e Perimetron, vol. 7, núm. 1, 2012, pp. 36-44. Levillier, Roberto (ed.), El Nuevo Mundo. Cartas relativas a sus viajes y descubrimientos, Buenos Aires, Nova,1951.Barrera-Osorio, Antonio, Experiencing Nature. The Spanish American Empire and the Early Scientific Revolution, Austin, University of Texas Press, 2006.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-10-26T18:56:13+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 5168, "end" : 5184 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Américo Vespucio" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/dd3179f3-3a67-48ed-a55f-69d39196f215", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Hay que revisar esta ubicación, porque no refiere a la Guinea actual, sino más bien a la región actual del Golfo de Guinea. En todo caso es un punto costero.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-09-21T00:35:52+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Podremos confirmar el punto?", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-10-26T18:54:55+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 5088, "end" : 5094 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Guinea" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/5034c04f-3f84-4dac-80c8-858e3608e742", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Cape", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-20T19:08:20+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PLACE", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-20T19:08:20+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Se denominaba Cabo Blanco a una punta que se halla en la entrada sur del Río de la Plata, Punta Piedras.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-09-30T22:23:51+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 27069, "end" : 27080 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Cabo Blanco" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/c417f40e-285b-4df4-9cab-410ef65ba5e9", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-01T12:52:59+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Gonzalo de Mendoza nace en Baeza entre 1511-1515. Muere el 21 de julio de 1558. Parte para el Nuevo Mundo desde el puerto de Sanlúcar de Barrameda en 1535, en la nao capitana La Magdalena, con Pedro de Mendoza, Adelantado del Río de la Plata. Co-fundador de la ciudad de Asunción, en Paraguay, en 1537. Participó como elector en la creación de su cabildo y regimiento, a la vieja usanza de los de las ciudades de Castilla. Participó, entre muchas, en la expedición que, en 1547, partiendo de Asunción para la Sierra de la Plata de los Mayas, abrió el camino hasta el Perú. Fue Gobernador del Río de la Plata tras la muerte de Domingo de Irala, en 1556.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-01T12:56:30+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 55721, "end" : 55739 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Gonzalo de Mendoza" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/752d6985-ff06-446c-8842-f4f63d2464e3", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Se refiere a la primera expedición que documenta con certeza el descubrimiento del Río de la Plata,​ realizada al mando del piloto mayor Juan Díaz de Solís, entre 1515 y 1516, por orden del rey Fernando el Católico. La intención de llegar a las islas Molucas descubriendo un paso entre los océanos Atlántico y Pacífico, se vio frustrada por la muerte de Díaz de Solís en el río de la Plata, debiéndose retornar a España. La expedición realizó la formal toma de posesión para España de los territorios que le correspondían al sur del Brasil portugués de acuerdo al Tratado de Tordesillas.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-16T17:48:31+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "EVENT", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T13:39:54+00:00" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 498, "end" : 512 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "descubrimiento" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : 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1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 112446, "end" : 112454 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Trujillo" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/370f5c2c-ff23-497c-853a-5d42639f5bc2", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T16:46:43+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Domingo Martínez de Irala (Vergara de la Hermandad de Guipúzcoa, Corona de Castilla, 1509 - Asunción del Paraguay, Virreinato del Perú, 3 de octubre de 1556) fue un conquistador, explorador y colonizador español que como lugarteniente de Juan de Ayolas quien lo nombrara interinamente hasta que regresara como teniente de gobernador de La Candelaria en 1537, luego lo sería de hecho, y posteriormente elegido por el pueblo según real cédula, como teniente de gobernador general de Asunción.Ocupó tres veces el cargo de gobernador interino del Río de la Plata y del Paraguay, en los períodos de 1539 a 1542, de 1544 hasta 1548 y por último desde 1549. El emperador Carlos V lo nombraría definitivamente como titular en el cargo gubernamental en el año 1555, que lo ostentaría hasta su fallecimiento.En 1543 fundó en el Chaco Boreal el Puerto de los Reyes, a orillas del río Paraguay y del pantano de los Jarayes, sobre las costas de la laguna La Gaiba. Avellaneda, Mercedes; Perusset, Macarena, \"Irala, el primer estratega del Plata\", en Historia Paraguaya. Anuario de la Academia Paraguaya de la Historia, vol. XLVI, 2006, pp. 319-363.Lafuente Machain, Ricardo, El gobernador Domingo de Irala, Asunción, Academia Paraguaya de la Historia, 2005 [1939].", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T16:46:43+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 41588, "end" : 41604 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Domingo de Irala" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/adf7090b-9c19-435f-a0c3-93b56d6dce47", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T16:46:43+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Domingo Martínez de Irala (Vergara de la Hermandad de Guipúzcoa, Corona de Castilla, 1509 - Asunción del Paraguay, Virreinato del Perú, 3 de octubre de 1556) fue un conquistador, explorador y colonizador español que como lugarteniente de Juan de Ayolas quien lo nombrara interinamente hasta que regresara como teniente de gobernador de La Candelaria en 1537, luego lo sería de hecho, y posteriormente elegido por el pueblo según real cédula, como teniente de gobernador general de Asunción.Ocupó tres veces el cargo de gobernador interino del Río de la Plata y del Paraguay, en los períodos de 1539 a 1542, de 1544 hasta 1548 y por último desde 1549. El emperador Carlos V lo nombraría definitivamente como titular en el cargo gubernamental en el año 1555, que lo ostentaría hasta su fallecimiento.En 1543 fundó en el Chaco Boreal el Puerto de los Reyes, a orillas del río Paraguay y del pantano de los Jarayes, sobre las costas de la laguna La Gaiba. Avellaneda, Mercedes; Perusset, Macarena, \"Irala, el primer estratega del Plata\", en Historia Paraguaya. Anuario de la Academia Paraguaya de la Historia, vol. XLVI, 2006, pp. 319-363.Lafuente Machain, Ricardo, El gobernador Domingo de Irala, Asunción, Academia Paraguaya de la Historia, 2005 [1939].", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T16:46:43+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 55398, "end" : 55414 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Domingo de Irala" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/d4768b67-905a-4c99-a121-8e0d4fb7a531", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T16:46:43+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Domingo Martínez de Irala (Vergara de la Hermandad de Guipúzcoa, Corona de Castilla, 1509 - Asunción del Paraguay, Virreinato del Perú, 3 de octubre de 1556) fue un conquistador, explorador y colonizador español que como lugarteniente de Juan de Ayolas quien lo nombrara interinamente hasta que regresara como teniente de gobernador de La Candelaria en 1537, luego lo sería de hecho, y posteriormente elegido por el pueblo según real cédula, como teniente de gobernador general de Asunción.Ocupó tres veces el cargo de gobernador interino del Río de la Plata y del Paraguay, en los períodos de 1539 a 1542, de 1544 hasta 1548 y por último desde 1549. El emperador Carlos V lo nombraría definitivamente como titular en el cargo gubernamental en el año 1555, que lo ostentaría hasta su fallecimiento.En 1543 fundó en el Chaco Boreal el Puerto de los Reyes, a orillas del río Paraguay y del pantano de los Jarayes, sobre las costas de la laguna La Gaiba. Avellaneda, Mercedes; Perusset, Macarena, \"Irala, el primer estratega del Plata\", en Historia Paraguaya. Anuario de la Academia Paraguaya de la Historia, vol. XLVI, 2006, pp. 319-363.Lafuente Machain, Ricardo, El gobernador Domingo de Irala, Asunción, Academia Paraguaya de la Historia, 2005 [1939].", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T16:46:43+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 58533, "end" : 58549 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Domingo de Irala" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/cffa0a6f-a4a3-4d93-9f8d-c3fec3cfe65f", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T16:46:43+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Domingo Martínez de Irala (Vergara de la Hermandad de Guipúzcoa, Corona de Castilla, 1509 - Asunción del Paraguay, Virreinato del Perú, 3 de octubre de 1556) fue un conquistador, explorador y colonizador español que como lugarteniente de Juan de Ayolas quien lo nombrara interinamente hasta que regresara como teniente de gobernador de La Candelaria en 1537, luego lo sería de hecho, y posteriormente elegido por el pueblo según real cédula, como teniente de gobernador general de Asunción.Ocupó tres veces el cargo de gobernador interino del Río de la Plata y del Paraguay, en los períodos de 1539 a 1542, de 1544 hasta 1548 y por último desde 1549. El emperador Carlos V lo nombraría definitivamente como titular en el cargo gubernamental en el año 1555, que lo ostentaría hasta su fallecimiento.En 1543 fundó en el Chaco Boreal el Puerto de los Reyes, a orillas del río Paraguay y del pantano de los Jarayes, sobre las costas de la laguna La Gaiba. Avellaneda, Mercedes; Perusset, Macarena, \"Irala, el primer estratega del Plata\", en Historia Paraguaya. Anuario de la Academia Paraguaya de la Historia, vol. XLVI, 2006, pp. 319-363.Lafuente Machain, Ricardo, El gobernador Domingo de Irala, Asunción, Academia Paraguaya de la Historia, 2005 [1939].", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T16:46:43+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 60444, "end" : 60460 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Domingo de Irala" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/f472cbe2-29f1-4c01-bcbf-bd5eb039559a", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T16:46:43+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Domingo Martínez de Irala (Vergara de la Hermandad de Guipúzcoa, Corona de Castilla, 1509 - Asunción del Paraguay, Virreinato del Perú, 3 de octubre de 1556) fue un conquistador, explorador y colonizador español que como lugarteniente de Juan de Ayolas quien lo nombrara interinamente hasta que regresara como teniente de gobernador de La Candelaria en 1537, luego lo sería de hecho, y posteriormente elegido por el pueblo según real cédula, como teniente de gobernador general de Asunción.Ocupó tres veces el cargo de gobernador interino del Río de la Plata y del Paraguay, en los períodos de 1539 a 1542, de 1544 hasta 1548 y por último desde 1549. El emperador Carlos V lo nombraría definitivamente como titular en el cargo gubernamental en el año 1555, que lo ostentaría hasta su fallecimiento.En 1543 fundó en el Chaco Boreal el Puerto de los Reyes, a orillas del río Paraguay y del pantano de los Jarayes, sobre las costas de la laguna La Gaiba. Avellaneda, Mercedes; Perusset, Macarena, \"Irala, el primer estratega del Plata\", en Historia Paraguaya. Anuario de la Academia Paraguaya de la Historia, vol. XLVI, 2006, pp. 319-363.Lafuente Machain, Ricardo, El gobernador Domingo de Irala, Asunción, Academia Paraguaya de la Historia, 2005 [1939].", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T16:46:43+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 62405, "end" : 62421 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Domingo de Irala" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/8637e349-db33-469b-86e6-3df57a2a38de", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T16:46:43+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Domingo Martínez de Irala (Vergara de la Hermandad de Guipúzcoa, Corona de Castilla, 1509 - Asunción del Paraguay, Virreinato del Perú, 3 de octubre de 1556) fue un conquistador, explorador y colonizador español que como lugarteniente de Juan de Ayolas quien lo nombrara interinamente hasta que regresara como teniente de gobernador de La Candelaria en 1537, luego lo sería de hecho, y posteriormente elegido por el pueblo según real cédula, como teniente de gobernador general de Asunción.Ocupó tres veces el cargo de gobernador interino del Río de la Plata y del Paraguay, en los períodos de 1539 a 1542, de 1544 hasta 1548 y por último desde 1549. El emperador Carlos V lo nombraría definitivamente como titular en el cargo gubernamental en el año 1555, que lo ostentaría hasta su fallecimiento.En 1543 fundó en el Chaco Boreal el Puerto de los Reyes, a orillas del río Paraguay y del pantano de los Jarayes, sobre las costas de la laguna La Gaiba. Avellaneda, Mercedes; Perusset, Macarena, \"Irala, el primer estratega del Plata\", en Historia Paraguaya. Anuario de la Academia Paraguaya de la Historia, vol. XLVI, 2006, pp. 319-363.Lafuente Machain, Ricardo, El gobernador Domingo de Irala, Asunción, Academia Paraguaya de la Historia, 2005 [1939].", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T16:46:43+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 67861, "end" : 67877 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Domingo de Irala" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/723c8999-ba68-43d9-aacd-f24cd7efd979", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T16:46:43+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Domingo Martínez de Irala (Vergara de la Hermandad de Guipúzcoa, Corona de Castilla, 1509 - Asunción del Paraguay, Virreinato del Perú, 3 de octubre de 1556) fue un conquistador, explorador y colonizador español que como lugarteniente de Juan de Ayolas quien lo nombrara interinamente hasta que regresara como teniente de gobernador de La Candelaria en 1537, luego lo sería de hecho, y posteriormente elegido por el pueblo según real cédula, como teniente de gobernador general de Asunción.Ocupó tres veces el cargo de gobernador interino del Río de la Plata y del Paraguay, en los períodos de 1539 a 1542, de 1544 hasta 1548 y por último desde 1549. El emperador Carlos V lo nombraría definitivamente como titular en el cargo gubernamental en el año 1555, que lo ostentaría hasta su fallecimiento.En 1543 fundó en el Chaco Boreal el Puerto de los Reyes, a orillas del río Paraguay y del pantano de los Jarayes, sobre las costas de la laguna La Gaiba. Avellaneda, Mercedes; Perusset, Macarena, \"Irala, el primer estratega del Plata\", en Historia Paraguaya. Anuario de la Academia Paraguaya de la Historia, vol. XLVI, 2006, pp. 319-363.Lafuente Machain, Ricardo, El gobernador Domingo de Irala, Asunción, Academia Paraguaya de la Historia, 2005 [1939].", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T16:46:43+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 85660, "end" : 85676 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Domingo de Irala" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/3ec4248a-1ecc-4c19-96bf-48dd29f189ed", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T18:12:40+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Abreu (Diego), de Sevilla; viene con don Pedro de Mendoza. Derrota a los indios cerca de Corpus. Se le cree autor de la sentencia contra la Maldonado. Vuelve a Buenos Aires, para hacer evacuar el Fuerte, y lleva la gente a la Asumpción. Trae socorros al convoy de Cabeza de Vaca. Es electo Gobernador en ausencia de Irala; se conspira contra su persona. Prende al jefe del complot, y lo condena a muerte. Informa a España de su nombramiento; se resiste a devolver el mando al Gobernador Irala; se retira a las tierras de los indios. No quiere volver a la ciudad. Es sorprendido y herido. Lo llevan muerto a la Asumpción.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T18:12:40+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 69191, "end" : 69205 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Diego de Abreu" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/009bc8e7-2f3c-4f36-8aa0-3f131aa84dac", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T18:12:40+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Abreu (Diego), de Sevilla; viene con don Pedro de Mendoza. Derrota a los indios cerca de Corpus. Se le cree autor de la sentencia contra la Maldonado. Vuelve a Buenos Aires, para hacer evacuar el Fuerte, y lleva la gente a la Asumpción. Trae socorros al convoy de Cabeza de Vaca. Es electo Gobernador en ausencia de Irala; se conspira contra su persona. Prende al jefe del complot, y lo condena a muerte. Informa a España de su nombramiento; se resiste a devolver el mando al Gobernador Irala; se retira a las tierras de los indios. No quiere volver a la ciudad. Es sorprendido y herido. Lo llevan muerto a la Asumpción.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T18:12:40+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 70672, "end" : 70686 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Diego de Abreu" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/2fb3d49b-f9c1-42fc-ab04-84e2e0964ada", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T18:12:40+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Abreu (Diego), de Sevilla; viene con don Pedro de Mendoza. Derrota a los indios cerca de Corpus. Se le cree autor de la sentencia contra la Maldonado. Vuelve a Buenos Aires, para hacer evacuar el Fuerte, y lleva la gente a la Asumpción. Trae socorros al convoy de Cabeza de Vaca. Es electo Gobernador en ausencia de Irala; se conspira contra su persona. Prende al jefe del complot, y lo condena a muerte. Informa a España de su nombramiento; se resiste a devolver el mando al Gobernador Irala; se retira a las tierras de los indios. No quiere volver a la ciudad. Es sorprendido y herido. Lo llevan muerto a la Asumpción.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T18:12:40+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 73802, "end" : 73816 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Diego de Abreu" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/a5e5ce62-16ab-4bd1-ace9-af2b55ea06dc", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T18:03:14+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Salazar de Espinosa, Juan sale de Asumpcion a recibir a Cabeza de Vaca vuelve. Sale en busca de minas. Entra en una conspiración contra de Vaca. Manda la armada de Diego de Sanabria. Hallábase en Portugal al servicio del Duque de Braganza obtiene licencia para pasar a América. Llega a la costa del Brasil toca a Catalina tiene una altercación con el piloto mayor de su escuadra es de su cargo.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T18:09:53+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 9502, "end" : 9529 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Juan de Salazar de Espinosa" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/4ac995ea-a8a7-407b-8a2d-bfc2c056a5d0", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T18:27:52+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Orejones. Indios que habitan una isla del Paraguay; así llamados por tener las orejas horadadas y pendientes. Indios del Perú, habitan cerca de un paraje llamado Puerto de los Reyes. Nombre dado a una tribu que los primeros españoles aseguraron que se hallaba en una isla del Paraguay, al sur de la laguna de los Xarayes, según algunos; y en la misma laguna, según otros. El jesuita Juan Patricio Fernández, que en 1726 publicó en Madrid una Relación historial de las misiones de Chiquitos, hablando de las tentativas que se hicieron para abrir una comunicación entre estas misiones y las del Paraguay, da el itinerario de los padres de la Compañía, que salieron del puerto de la Candelaria el 10 de Mayo de 1703, y, navegando río arriba, llegaron el 31 de octubre siguiente al lago de los Xarayes. En este diario se describe con minuciosa exactitud la isla de los Orejones, «situada, dicen los exploradores, en la boca de este lago, gozando de un clima saludable y templado, aunque está en 17º y pocos minutos de altura. Tiene de longitud 40 leguas, y 10 de ancho, aunque otros la hacen doblado mayor. El terreno es muy fértil y abundante; aunque en partes sobresale en montañas, llenas de árboles, muy a propósito para labrarlos. Los primeros descubridores la llamaron Paraíso: nosotros empero no observamos en ella cosa de más monta que el clima». Por otra parte otro jesuita, que visitó también aquellos lugares, después de haber tratado de fabuloso el lago de los Xarayes, añade, que la isla del Paraíso, o de los Orejones les «es conocida a los portugueses establecidos en los parajes inmediatos de Cuyabá y Matogroso, así como a los españoles modernos que los han frecuentado: que ninguna noticia de ella dan los indios; y por lo mismo cree, que sin la menor dificultad se puede poner a la isla y al lago en el número de las cosas imaginarias». En apoyo de este aserto cita la autoridad del Padre Sánchez, que subió el río Paraguay desde la Asumpción hasta la reducción del Corazón de Jesús, a los 16º, sin encontrar el lago ni la isla, «que solo existen en los mapas de los geógrafos», «nonnisi in geographicis tabubulis extant»61. Con esta opinión está concorde la del Padre Ciriaco Morelli, que en su versión latina de la historia del Paraguay del Padre Charlevoix, dice que, el lago tan decantado de los Xarayes no es más que un inmenso cenagal, y que ninguna isla existe donde se suele poner la de los Orejones. Azara, en el atlas que acompaña sus viajes, pone la Isla del Paraíso al sur de la laguna de los Xarayes, y es donde le corresponde estar. Parece que el nombre de Paraíso ha seducido a todos nuestros historiadores, que se han esmerado en darnos descripciones muy circunstanciadas de este Eden; y para elevar los habitantes a la dignidad de su morada, les representaron como los últimos vástagos de los Incas, de cuyo origen hallaron un testimonio irrefragable en sus orejas, que eran largas y horadadas, como las que, por privilegio de Manco Capac, traían sus descendientes en el Perú. Ni fueron estos los únicos Orejones que vieron los conquistadores y los misioneros. Otros describió con singular esmero el P. Lozano, colocándolos en un valle del Chaco, como a diez o doce leguas de la antigua ciudad de Santiago de Guadalcázar. Para juzgar de la extraordinaria credulidad de este escritor, cuyas obras forman sin embargo el más copioso depósito de noticias históricas de estas provincias, transcribimos el siguiente trozo del libro XI de su Descripción corográfica del Chaco, en que trata de la nación de los Chichas Orejones: «Dicen que serán como 6000: andan vestidos como en el Perú, de lana de carneros de la tierra (allpaca) que tienen; y que labran minas de plata, de cuyo metal forman su ajuar y hacen adornos para sus mujeres; y los hombres chipanas, penachos y pillos para bailar al uso del Inga. Los Chichas Orejones, que viven en dichos valles juntos con los Churumatas, son indios que ocupaban los emperadores Ingas en las minas y conquista de la Cordillera: los cuales, como supieron la entrada de los españoles en el Perú, y muerte que habían dado al Inga Atahualpa en Cajamarca, y que se habían apoderado del Cuzco, no quisieron volver al Perú, y se quedaron en tierras de los Churumatas». Este mismo origen han dado a los Orejones del Paraguay sus historiadores, y nada se arriesga en decir que tan fabuloso es el uno como el otro.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T18:27:52+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 11968, "end" : 11976 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Orejones" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/49f85019-afaf-4465-9865-bd5265ad2907", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T18:16:45+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T18:16:45+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Refiere a Juan de Ayolas (Briviesca de la Bureba, Corona de Castilla, 1493 o ¿ca. 1510? – Candelaria del Chaco Boreal, gobernación del Río de la Plata y del Paraguay, 1538) era un explorador español que fuera vecino fundador de la primera Buenos Aires, acompañando al adelantado Pedro de Mendoza, y que nominalmente fuera nombrado como teniente de gobernador general de Asunción en 1537, para convertirse al poco tiempo y en forma igualmente nominal en gobernador del Río de la Plata y del Paraguay pero nunca ejercería como tal por estar en plena exploración.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T18:16:45+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 11920, "end" : 11934 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Juan de Oyolas" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/98c0c893-e585-4f6c-893e-f08499601396", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T18:35:23+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Natural de Madrid; viene con Cabeza de Vaca. Es atacado por los Taberés; y los asalta en un fuerte de madera. Es ajusticiado por haber conspirado contra la vida del Gobernador Irala.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T18:35:23+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 13791, "end" : 13806 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "capitán Camargo" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/43dfcd13-d162-471e-9465-c98782023dd1", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T18:49:29+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Nagases. Acompañan a Cabeza de Vaca en una de sus expediciones. Estos indios no eran guaranís, según lo indica el texto, y por consiguiente ignoramos lo que pueda significar este nombre.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T18:49:29+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 21977, "end" : 21984 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Nagases" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/bc2433c2-f45f-4bfe-8e97-c77e33e26511", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T18:51:46+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 22138, "end" : 22154 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Domingo de Irala" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/4c781ead-0b39-44c0-bbca-27e25ac404fa", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : 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29.179 ], [ -103.553, 29.154 ], [ -103.429, 29.041 ], [ -103.329, 29.04 ], [ -103.278, 28.985 ], [ -103.115, 28.988 ], [ -102.992, 29.173 ], [ -102.865, 29.219 ], [ -102.904, 29.256 ], [ -102.88, 29.342 ], [ -102.812, 29.396 ], [ -102.802, 29.521 ], [ -102.667, 29.744 ], [ -102.385, 29.763 ], [ -102.314, 29.879 ], [ -102.07, 29.785 ], [ -101.814, 29.81 ], [ -101.644, 29.751 ], [ -101.543, 29.81 ], [ -101.533, 29.756 ], [ -101.401, 29.768 ], [ -101.36, 29.644 ], [ -101.299, 29.639 ], [ -101.306, 29.57 ], [ -101.254, 29.623 ], [ -101.253, 29.524 ], [ -101.057, 29.443 ], [ -100.675, 29.102 ], [ -100.501, 28.672 ], [ -100.333, 28.494 ], [ -100.362, 28.475 ], [ -100.287, 28.277 ], [ -100.079, 28.141 ], [ -99.994, 27.997 ], [ -99.931, 27.977 ], [ -99.874, 27.795 ], [ -99.711, 27.653 ], [ -99.596, 27.634 ], [ -99.515, 27.563 ], [ -99.489, 27.399 ], [ -99.539, 27.312 ], [ -99.445, 27.247 ], [ -99.451, 27.018 ], [ -99.235, 26.79 ], [ -99.172, 26.539 ], [ -99.093, 26.477 ], [ -99.112, 26.419 ], [ -98.807, 26.364 ], [ -98.665, 26.232 ], [ -98.593, 26.257 ], [ -98.451, 26.218 ], [ -98.205, 26.054 ], [ -97.663, 26.031 ], [ -97.423, 25.836 ], [ -97.289, 25.953 ], [ -97.15, 25.948 ], [ -97.203, 25.629 ], [ -97.53, 25.016 ], [ -97.433, 25.351 ], [ -97.429, 25.334 ], [ -97.407, 25.323 ], [ -97.385, 25.366 ], [ -97.455, 25.364 ], [ -97.396, 25.406 ], [ -97.528, 25.468 ], [ -97.547, 25.462 ], [ -97.572, 25.432 ], [ -97.507, 25.406 ], [ -97.559, 25.335 ], [ -97.535, 25.287 ], [ -97.568, 25.276 ], [ -97.572, 25.332 ], [ -97.635, 25.309 ], [ -97.622, 25.369 ], [ -97.722, 25.429 ], [ -97.71, 25.391 ], [ -97.763, 25.366 ], [ -97.708, 25.31 ], [ -97.689, 25.341 ], [ -97.738, 25.242 ], [ -97.679, 25.178 ], [ -97.77, 24.953 ], [ -97.722, 24.983 ], [ -97.642, 24.922 ], [ -97.71, 24.852 ], [ -97.719, 24.897 ], [ -97.747, 24.901 ], [ -97.748, 24.823 ], [ -97.711, 24.805 ], [ -97.786, 24.773 ], [ -97.71, 24.766 ], [ -97.756, 24.679 ], [ -97.71, 24.654 ], [ -97.743, 24.483 ], [ -97.776, 24.57 ], [ -97.782, 24.549 ], [ -97.833, 24.543 ], [ -97.846, 24.591 ], [ -97.841, 24.527 ], [ -97.864, 24.558 ], [ -97.833, 24.413 ], [ -97.747, 24.447 ], [ -97.746, 24.266 ], [ -97.795, 24.201 ], [ -97.776, 24 ], [ -97.741, 24.022 ], [ -97.724, 24.269 ], [ -97.745, 24.221 ], [ -97.676, 24.511 ], [ -97.787, 23.277 ], [ -97.76, 22.896 ], [ -97.85, 22.469 ], [ -97.704, 21.964 ], [ -97.556, 21.762 ], [ -97.332, 21.576 ], [ -97.42, 21.216 ], [ -97.187, 20.706 ], [ -96.446, 19.864 ], [ -96.306, 19.338 ], [ -96.165, 19.216 ], [ -96.126, 19.23 ], [ -96.07, 19.072 ], [ -95.973, 19.06 ], [ -95.936, 18.882 ], [ -95.652, 18.738 ], [ -95.19, 18.71 ], [ -95.039, 18.58 ], [ -94.809, 18.536 ], [ -94.586, 18.187 ], [ -94.488, 18.149 ], [ -94.086, 18.221 ], [ -93.47, 18.441 ], [ -92.926, 18.443 ], [ -92.744, 18.528 ], [ -92.68, 18.613 ], [ -91.991, 18.721 ], [ -91.846, 18.617 ], [ -91.905, 18.541 ], [ -91.866, 18.499 ], [ -91.538, 18.443 ], [ -91.313, 18.563 ], [ -91.221, 18.749 ], [ -91.287, 18.794 ], [ -91.494, 18.813 ], [ -90.979, 19.123 ], [ -90.724, 19.378 ], [ -90.66, 19.752 ], [ -90.512, 19.863 ], [ -90.459, 19.975 ], [ -90.495, 20.175 ], [ -90.46, 20.693 ], [ -90.32, 21.02 ], [ -89.818, 21.261 ], [ -88.847, 21.398 ], [ -88.598, 21.535 ], [ -88.301, 21.539 ], [ -88.172, 21.604 ], [ -88.131, 21.61 ], [ -87.477, 21.485 ], [ -87.349, 21.565 ], [ -87.249, 21.54 ], [ -87.098, 21.606 ], [ -86.992, 21.563 ], [ -86.908, 21.421 ], [ -86.814, 21.417 ], [ -86.808, 21.183 ], [ -86.737, 21.138 ], [ -86.883, 20.824 ], [ -87.235, 20.487 ], [ -87.419, 20.226 ], [ -87.472, 20.07 ], [ -87.423, 19.885 ], [ -87.464, 19.785 ], [ -87.481, 19.838 ], [ -87.556, 19.806 ], [ -87.665, 19.614 ], [ -87.65, 19.676 ], [ -87.729, 19.674 ], [ -87.735, 19.594 ], [ -87.652, 19.557 ], [ -87.658, 19.499 ], [ -87.447, 19.632 ], [ -87.41, 19.572 ], [ -87.447, 19.46 ], [ -87.524, 19.397 ], [ -87.57, 19.392 ], [ -87.543, 19.426 ], [ -87.636, 19.381 ], [ -87.671, 19.343 ], [ -87.686, 19.242 ], [ -87.649, 19.198 ], [ -87.542, 19.316 ], [ -87.497, 19.33 ], [ -87.511, 19.271 ], [ -87.453, 19.321 ], [ -87.533, 19.224 ], [ -87.659, 18.756 ], [ -87.715, 18.691 ], [ -87.832, 18.183 ], [ -87.851, 18.231 ], [ -87.887, 18.216 ], [ -87.901, 18.298 ], [ -87.88, 18.346 ], [ -87.936, 18.44 ], [ -88.075, 18.492 ], [ -88.001, 18.691 ], [ -88.055, 18.865 ], [ -88.279, 18.487 ], [ -88.513, 18.462 ], [ -88.699, 18.063 ], [ -88.847, 17.927 ], [ -88.843, 17.867 ], [ -89.028, 18.004 ], [ -89.145, 17.945 ], [ -89.147, 17.809 ], [ -90.982, 17.815 ], [ -90.99, 17.258 ], [ -91.438, 17.25 ], [ -91.342, 17.167 ], [ -91.275, 17.172 ], [ -91.059, 16.894 ], [ -90.98, 16.854 ], [ -90.956, 16.89 ], [ -90.916, 16.813 ], [ -90.712, 16.721 ], [ -90.657, 16.637 ], [ -90.677, 16.588 ], [ -90.626, 16.574 ], [ -90.631, 16.477 ], [ -90.386, 16.408 ], [ -90.368, 16.363 ], [ -90.409, 16.359 ], [ -90.451, 16.245 ], [ -90.422, 16.162 ], [ -90.456, 16.102 ], [ -90.423, 16.097 ], [ -91.725, 16.08 ], [ -92.214, 15.262 ], [ -92.06, 15.071 ], [ -92.146, 14.984 ], [ -92.183, 14.833 ], [ -92.148, 14.667 ], [ -92.23, 14.533 ], [ -92.909, 15.227 ], [ -93.491, 15.71 ], [ -93.937, 15.986 ], [ -93.854, 16 ], [ -93.958, 15.988 ], [ -94.44, 16.167 ], [ -94.724, 16.195 ], [ -94.58, 16.32 ], [ -94.672, 16.359 ], [ -94.793, 16.267 ], [ -94.767, 16.324 ], [ -94.841, 16.427 ], [ -94.917, 16.417 ], [ -95.063, 16.27 ], [ -94.814, 16.268 ], [ -95.101, 16.237 ], [ -94.877, 16.233 ], [ -94.759, 16.204 ], [ -95.156, 16.195 ], [ -95.446, 15.965 ], [ -95.753, 15.897 ], [ -96.231, 15.671 ], [ -96.564, 15.649 ], [ -96.847, 15.725 ], [ -97.175, 15.904 ], [ -97.795, 15.965 ], [ -98.215, 16.232 ], [ -98.569, 16.325 ], [ -98.77, 16.546 ], [ -99.692, 16.701 ], [ -99.964, 16.894 ], [ -101.058, 17.269 ], [ -101.196, 17.416 ], [ -101.46, 17.531 ], [ -101.507, 17.622 ], [ -101.659, 17.664 ], [ -101.798, 17.874 ], [ -101.959, 17.966 ], [ -102.054, 17.983 ], [ -102.186, 17.91 ], [ -103.482, 18.318 ], [ -103.583, 18.495 ], [ -103.718, 18.586 ], [ -103.706, 18.647 ], [ -103.973, 18.866 ], [ -104.341, 19.018 ], [ -104.318, 19.063 ], [ -104.369, 19.108 ], [ -104.454, 19.087 ], [ -104.695, 19.171 ], [ -104.735, 19.231 ], [ -104.816, 19.223 ], [ -104.808, 19.289 ], [ -104.882, 19.267 ], [ -104.962, 19.314 ], [ -105.086, 19.453 ], [ -105.105, 19.563 ], [ -105.275, 19.678 ], [ -105.564, 20.087 ], [ -105.568, 20.232 ], [ -105.701, 20.406 ], [ -105.682, 20.409 ], [ -105.632, 20.469 ], [ -105.59, 20.486 ], [ -105.454, 20.492 ], [ -105.258, 20.577 ], [ -105.249, 20.654 ], [ -105.347, 20.771 ], [ -105.547, 20.795 ], [ -105.244, 21.063 ], [ -105.218, 21.22 ], [ -105.256, 21.338 ], [ -105.195, 21.458 ], [ -105.241, 21.525 ], [ -105.455, 21.62 ], [ -105.655, 21.989 ], [ -105.685, 22.377 ], [ -105.838, 22.678 ], [ -106.04, 22.823 ], [ -106.284, 23.103 ], [ -106.424, 23.174 ], [ -106.506, 23.365 ], [ -106.808, 23.657 ], [ -106.977, 23.923 ], [ -108.008, 24.661 ], [ -108.069, 24.783 ], [ -107.965, 24.717 ], [ -107.99, 24.752 ], [ -107.964, 24.73 ], [ -107.929, 24.74 ], [ -107.989, 24.762 ], [ -107.996, 24.984 ], [ -108.007, 24.974 ], [ -108.034, 24.987 ], [ -108.044, 25.003 ], [ -107.991, 24.994 ], [ -108.071, 25.093 ], [ -108.164, 25.108 ], [ -108.258, 25.201 ], [ -108.318, 25.198 ], [ -108.355, 25.285 ], [ -108.395, 25.285 ], [ -108.39, 25.184 ], [ -108.494, 25.291 ], [ -108.777, 25.372 ], [ -108.697, 25.527 ], [ -108.791, 25.419 ], [ -108.78, 25.552 ], [ -108.799, 25.548 ], [ -108.815, 25.538 ], [ -108.817, 25.517 ], [ -108.901, 25.572 ], [ -108.909, 25.514 ], [ -108.887, 25.506 ], [ -108.937, 25.453 ], [ -108.95, 25.498 ], [ -109.072, 25.495 ], [ -109.112, 25.55 ], [ -109.026, 25.552 ], [ -109.059, 25.606 ], [ -109.089, 25.581 ], [ -109.084, 25.604 ], [ -109.126, 25.619 ], [ -109.103, 25.582 ], [ -109.164, 25.561 ], [ -109.249, 25.637 ], [ -109.397, 25.639 ], [ -109.37, 25.66 ], [ -109.439, 25.792 ], [ -109.412, 25.891 ], [ -109.449, 25.947 ], [ -109.25, 26.311 ], [ -109.28, 26.532 ], [ -109.433, 26.673 ], [ -109.605, 26.699 ], [ -109.692, 26.678 ], [ -109.79, 26.725 ], [ -109.949, 26.989 ], [ -109.89, 26.929 ], [ -109.963, 27.103 ], [ -110.019, 27.113 ], [ -110.06, 27.08 ], [ -110.297, 27.15 ], [ -110.522, 27.296 ], [ -110.474, 27.368 ], [ -110.557, 27.37 ], [ -110.631, 27.611 ], [ -110.617, 27.824 ], [ -110.615, 27.804 ], [ -110.507, 27.861 ], [ -110.802, 27.922 ], [ -110.884, 27.841 ], [ -110.982, 27.959 ], [ -111.102, 27.938 ], [ -111.455, 28.315 ], [ -111.44, 28.374 ], [ -111.709, 28.458 ], [ -111.769, 28.604 ], [ -111.948, 28.76 ], [ -111.903, 28.786 ], [ -112.166, 28.968 ], [ -112.211, 29.273 ], [ -112.255, 29.325 ], [ -112.347, 29.317 ], [ -112.333, 29.288 ], [ -112.405, 29.337 ], [ -112.382, 29.493 ], [ -112.58, 29.713 ], [ -112.661, 29.888 ], [ -112.743, 29.911 ], [ -112.755, 30.186 ], [ -112.861, 30.267 ], [ -112.863, 30.409 ], [ -113.094, 30.704 ], [ -113.123, 31.053 ], [ -113.081, 30.977 ], [ -113.036, 31.169 ], [ -113.124, 31.23 ], [ -113.158, 31.218 ], [ -113.111, 31.19 ], [ -113.621, 31.327 ], [ -113.662, 31.503 ], [ -113.928, 31.596 ], [ -113.969, 31.655 ], [ -113.992, 31.568 ], [ -113.94, 31.567 ], [ -114.026, 31.491 ], [ -114.17, 31.498 ], [ -114.593, 31.764 ], [ -114.694, 31.764 ], [ -114.956, 31.915 ], [ -114.821, 31.797 ], [ -114.778, 31.659 ], [ -114.857, 31.52 ], [ -114.888, 31.165 ], [ -114.808, 31.046 ], [ -114.829, 30.998 ], [ -114.708, 30.907 ], [ -114.696, 30.629 ], [ -114.627, 30.483 ], [ -114.664, 30.195 ], [ -114.573, 30.034 ], [ -114.405, 29.892 ], [ -114.335, 29.749 ], [ -114.204, 29.745 ], [ -113.724, 29.369 ], [ -113.532, 29.057 ], [ -113.53, 28.91 ], [ -113.482, 28.899 ], [ -113.431, 28.965 ], [ -113.379, 28.94 ], [ -113.346, 28.801 ], [ -113.216, 28.829 ], [ -113.093, 28.503 ], [ -112.842, 28.442 ], [ -112.872, 28.312 ], [ -112.784, 28.195 ], [ -112.803, 28.025 ], [ -112.702, 27.757 ], [ -112.595, 27.652 ], [ -112.353, 27.551 ], [ -112.208, 27.203 ], [ -111.951, 27.096 ], [ -112.025, 27.028 ], [ -112.009, 26.958 ], [ -111.869, 26.832 ], [ -111.903, 26.726 ], [ -111.762, 26.555 ], [ -111.676, 26.592 ], [ -111.816, 26.722 ], [ -111.85, 26.878 ], [ -111.82, 26.899 ], [ -111.566, 26.71 ], [ -111.563, 26.564 ], [ -111.44, 26.522 ], [ -111.462, 26.414 ], [ -111.38, 26.329 ], [ -111.317, 26.098 ], [ -111.355, 25.963 ], [ -111.304, 25.784 ], [ -111.22, 25.726 ], [ -111.117, 25.527 ], [ -111.017, 25.514 ], [ -110.909, 25.155 ], [ -110.756, 25.017 ], [ -110.655, 24.806 ], [ -110.74, 24.619 ], [ -110.672, 24.352 ], [ -110.559, 24.213 ], [ -110.31, 24.166 ], [ -110.332, 24.318 ], [ -110.241, 24.352 ], [ -110.167, 24.253 ], [ -110.009, 24.165 ], [ -109.977, 24.04 ], [ -109.825, 24.059 ], [ -109.823, 23.928 ], [ -109.702, 23.808 ], [ -109.685, 23.672 ], [ -109.473, 23.578 ], [ -109.403, 23.465 ], [ -109.463, 23.182 ], [ -109.666, 23.063 ], [ -109.837, 22.89 ], [ -109.982, 22.879 ], [ -110.079, 22.986 ], [ -110.146, 23.296 ], [ -110.325, 23.579 ], [ -110.624, 23.736 ], [ -111.045, 24.111 ], [ -111.582, 24.415 ], [ -111.635, 24.559 ], [ -111.801, 24.572 ], [ -111.757, 24.517 ], [ -111.806, 24.509 ], [ -111.845, 24.646 ], [ -111.962, 24.776 ], [ -111.96, 24.741 ], [ -112.075, 24.723 ], [ -112.122, 24.871 ], [ -112.074, 24.906 ], [ -112.095, 25.007 ], [ -112.134, 24.948 ], [ -112.139, 24.804 ], [ -112.144, 24.858 ], [ -112.171, 24.814 ], [ -112.156, 24.95 ], [ -112.177, 24.954 ], [ -112.143, 24.965 ], [ -112.123, 25.01 ], [ -112.152, 25.093 ], [ -112.111, 25.237 ], [ -112.074, 25.237 ], [ -112.061, 25.496 ], [ -112.063, 25.64 ], [ -112.088, 25.692 ], [ -112.072, 25.69 ], [ -112.075, 25.724 ], [ -112.098, 25.686 ], [ -112.148, 25.931 ], [ -112.302, 26.066 ], [ -112.386, 26.23 ], [ -112.676, 26.316 ], [ -113.053, 26.598 ], [ -113.053, 26.647 ], [ -113.15, 26.752 ], [ -113.121, 26.796 ], [ -113.179, 26.759 ], [ -113.235, 26.783 ], [ -113.14, 26.854 ], [ -113.154, 26.983 ], [ -113.263, 26.751 ], [ -113.455, 26.808 ], [ -113.545, 26.723 ], [ -113.621, 26.721 ], [ -113.841, 26.967 ], [ -114, 26.971 ], [ -114.148, 27.123 ], [ -114.424, 27.174 ], [ -114.484, 27.227 ], [ -114.52, 27.426 ], [ -114.733, 27.524 ], [ -114.789, 27.614 ], [ -114.871, 27.641 ], [ -114.858, 27.689 ], [ -114.909, 27.666 ], [ -115.022, 27.739 ], [ -115.056, 27.863 ], [ -114.493, 27.777 ], [ -114.314, 27.875 ], [ -114.297, 27.755 ], [ -114.103, 27.601 ], [ -114.044, 27.662 ], [ -114.071, 27.691 ], [ -113.95, 27.656 ], [ -113.914, 27.713 ], [ -114.067, 27.805 ], [ -114.05, 27.72 ], [ -114.141, 27.73 ], [ -114.175, 27.798 ], [ -114.129, 27.883 ], [ -114.155, 27.949 ], [ -114.172, 27.951 ], [ -114.258, 27.891 ], [ -114.27, 27.898 ], [ -114.055, 28.198 ], [ -114.117, 28.259 ], [ -114.05, 28.407 ], [ -114.062, 28.512 ], [ -114.15, 28.567 ], [ -114.179, 28.661 ], [ -114.246, 28.655 ], [ -114.341, 28.733 ], [ -114.401, 28.875 ], [ -114.579, 28.966 ], [ -114.629, 29.096 ], [ -114.704, 29.104 ], [ -114.964, 29.374 ], [ -115.187, 29.429 ], [ -115.245, 29.512 ], [ -115.697, 29.752 ], [ -115.7, 29.896 ], [ -115.745, 29.951 ], [ -115.815, 29.952 ], [ -115.778, 30.081 ], [ -115.813, 30.308 ], [ -115.925, 30.403 ], [ -116.002, 30.362 ], [ -116.044, 30.465 ], [ -116.053, 30.788 ], [ -116.269, 30.963 ], [ -116.331, 30.959 ], [ -116.304, 31.138 ], [ -116.357, 31.242 ], [ -116.682, 31.55 ], [ -116.644, 31.664 ], [ -116.732, 31.741 ], [ -116.643, 31.733 ], [ -116.607, 31.846 ], [ -116.875, 32.017 ], [ -116.918, 32.224 ], [ -117.034, 32.282 ], [ -117.124, 32.535 ], [ -114.717, 32.717 ] ], [ [ -110.554, 27.42 ], [ -110.554, 27.42 ], [ -110.544, 27.433 ], [ -110.554, 27.42 ] ] ], [ [ [ -89.78, 22.549 ], [ -89.784, 22.556 ], [ -89.778, 22.564 ], [ -89.78, 22.549 ] ] ], [ [ [ -97.735, 24.157 ], [ -97.739, 24.113 ], [ -97.747, 24.094 ], [ -97.748, 24.106 ], [ -97.735, 24.157 ] ] ], [ [ [ -97.766, 24.154 ], [ -97.773, 24.165 ], [ -97.767, 24.17 ], [ -97.77, 24.165 ], [ -97.766, 24.154 ] ] ], [ [ [ -109.795, 24.14 ], [ -109.885, 24.193 ], [ -109.924, 24.375 ], [ -109.807, 24.208 ], [ -109.795, 24.14 ] ] ], [ [ [ -111.461, 24.33 ], [ -111.571, 24.365 ], [ -111.666, 24.361 ], [ -111.563, 24.376 ], [ -111.461, 24.33 ] ] ], [ [ [ -106.684, 21.743 ], [ -106.696, 21.792 ], [ -106.678, 21.819 ], [ -106.66, 21.768 ], [ -106.684, 21.743 ] ] ], [ [ [ -105.905, 21.856 ], [ -105.911, 21.875 ], [ -105.909, 21.89 ], [ -105.895, 21.871 ], [ -105.905, 21.856 ] ] ], [ [ [ -91.405, 22.13 ], [ -91.41, 22.131 ], [ -91.412, 22.138 ], [ -91.404, 22.137 ], [ -91.405, 22.13 ] ] ], [ [ [ -89.647, 22.397 ], [ -89.645, 22.404 ], [ -89.633, 22.403 ], [ -89.647, 22.397 ] ] ], [ [ [ -89.683, 22.425 ], [ -89.691, 22.428 ], [ -89.689, 22.432 ], [ -89.679, 22.429 ], [ -89.683, 22.425 ] ] ], [ [ [ -89.73, 22.444 ], [ -89.734, 22.45 ], [ -89.726, 22.452 ], [ -89.73, 22.444 ] ] ], [ [ [ -89.622, 22.518 ], [ -89.628, 22.523 ], [ -89.627, 22.529 ], [ -89.62, 22.522 ], [ -89.622, 22.518 ] ] ], [ [ [ -97.706, 24.392 ], [ -97.71, 24.405 ], [ -97.706, 24.404 ], [ -97.706, 24.392 ] ] ], [ [ [ -110.409, 24.481 ], [ -110.403, 24.492 ], [ -110.395, 24.489 ], [ -110.409, 24.481 ] ] ], [ [ [ -97.818, 24.509 ], [ -97.842, 24.487 ], [ -97.837, 24.499 ], [ -97.818, 24.509 ] ] ], [ [ [ -97.844, 24.501 ], [ -97.845, 24.507 ], [ -97.837, 24.515 ], [ -97.844, 24.501 ] ] ], [ [ [ -111.695, 24.372 ], [ -111.707, 24.303 ], [ -112.014, 24.521 ], [ -111.85, 24.517 ], [ -111.695, 24.372 ] ] ], [ [ [ -97.704, 24.596 ], [ -97.7, 24.603 ], [ -97.684, 24.6 ], [ -97.704, 24.596 ] ] ], [ [ [ -97.722, 24.593 ], [ -97.719, 24.606 ], [ -97.708, 24.603 ], [ -97.722, 24.593 ] ] ], [ [ [ -110.398, 24.596 ], [ -110.394, 24.603 ], [ -110.386, 24.6 ], [ -110.398, 24.596 ] ] ], [ [ [ -110.374, 24.479 ], [ -110.391, 24.523 ], [ -110.304, 24.499 ], [ -110.329, 24.402 ], [ -110.374, 24.479 ] ] ], [ [ [ -110.384, 24.53 ], [ -110.412, 24.567 ], [ -110.395, 24.591 ], [ -110.362, 24.547 ], [ -110.384, 24.53 ] ] ], [ [ [ -97.707, 24.636 ], [ -97.708, 24.652 ], [ -97.704, 24.654 ], [ -97.707, 24.636 ] ] ], [ [ [ -97.656, 24.693 ], [ -97.653, 24.706 ], [ -97.645, 24.712 ], [ -97.656, 24.693 ] ] ], [ [ [ -97.734, 24.669 ], [ -97.734, 24.675 ], [ -97.713, 24.681 ], [ -97.718, 24.671 ], [ -97.734, 24.669 ] ] ], [ [ [ -97.688, 24.72 ], [ -97.696, 24.714 ], [ -97.704, 24.722 ], [ -97.696, 24.728 ], [ -97.688, 24.72 ] ] ], [ [ [ -97.702, 24.695 ], [ -97.7, 24.669 ], [ -97.717, 24.662 ], [ -97.721, 24.665 ], [ -97.702, 24.695 ] ] ], [ [ [ -97.719, 24.699 ], [ -97.724, 24.702 ], [ -97.709, 24.707 ], [ -97.719, 24.699 ] ] ], [ [ [ -97.676, 24.741 ], [ -97.677, 24.748 ], [ -97.691, 24.756 ], [ -97.667, 24.75 ], [ -97.665, 24.734 ], [ -97.676, 24.741 ] ] ], [ [ [ -97.704, 24.753 ], [ -97.704, 24.759 ], [ -97.694, 24.757 ], [ -97.704, 24.753 ] ] ], [ [ [ -107.999, 24.754 ], [ -108.008, 24.761 ], [ -108.006, 24.765 ], [ -107.999, 24.76 ], [ -107.999, 24.754 ] ] ], [ [ [ -112.136, 24.903 ], [ -112.115, 24.926 ], [ -112.127, 24.889 ], [ -112.136, 24.903 ] ] ], [ [ [ -108.067, 24.805 ], [ -108.082, 24.816 ], [ -108.083, 24.822 ], [ -108.064, 24.81 ], [ -108.067, 24.805 ] ] ], [ [ [ -110.572, 24.828 ], [ -110.593, 24.838 ], [ -110.572, 24.855 ], [ -110.567, 24.83 ], [ -110.572, 24.828 ] ] ], [ [ [ -97.649, 24.622 ], [ -97.678, 24.517 ], [ -97.553, 24.969 ], [ -97.547, 24.957 ], [ -97.649, 24.622 ] ] ], [ [ [ -97.684, 24.806 ], [ -97.664, 24.823 ], [ -97.651, 24.818 ], [ -97.667, 24.798 ], [ -97.684, 24.806 ] ] ], [ [ [ -97.71, 24.822 ], [ -97.72, 24.823 ], [ -97.717, 24.831 ], [ -97.709, 24.833 ], [ -97.71, 24.822 ] ] ], [ [ [ -97.613, 24.906 ], [ -97.622, 24.882 ], [ -97.628, 24.924 ], [ -97.613, 24.906 ] ] ], [ [ [ -97.602, 24.925 ], [ -97.614, 24.928 ], [ -97.613, 24.939 ], [ -97.602, 24.931 ], [ -97.602, 24.925 ] ] ], [ [ [ -97.708, 24.838 ], [ -97.728, 24.846 ], [ -97.678, 24.843 ], [ -97.708, 24.838 ] ] ], [ [ [ -108.098, 24.849 ], [ -108.104, 24.861 ], [ -108.101, 24.867 ], [ -108.094, 24.855 ], [ -108.098, 24.849 ] ] ], [ [ [ -97.725, 24.848 ], [ -97.717, 24.866 ], [ -97.718, 24.85 ], [ -97.725, 24.848 ] ] ], [ [ [ -97.682, 24.862 ], [ -97.689, 24.867 ], [ -97.666, 24.872 ], [ -97.682, 24.862 ] ] ], [ [ [ -112.123, 24.948 ], [ -112.117, 24.936 ], [ -112.116, 24.955 ], [ -112.123, 24.948 ] ] ], [ [ [ -97.55, 25 ], [ -97.531, 25.01 ], [ -97.546, 24.965 ], [ -97.54, 24.993 ], [ -97.55, 25 ] ] ], [ [ [ -112.148, 25.022 ], [ -112.157, 25.035 ], [ -112.148, 25.046 ], [ -112.143, 25.029 ], [ -112.148, 25.022 ] ] ], [ [ [ -97.612, 24.978 ], [ -97.614, 24.991 ], [ -97.61, 24.984 ], [ -97.612, 24.978 ] ] ], [ [ [ -97.649, 24.968 ], [ -97.663, 24.979 ], [ -97.659, 24.998 ], [ -97.635, 24.972 ], [ -97.649, 24.968 ] ] ], [ [ [ -108.132, 25 ], [ -108.142, 25.053 ], [ -108.06, 24.994 ], [ -108.049, 24.823 ], [ -108.09, 24.836 ], [ -108.104, 24.924 ], [ -108.146, 24.96 ], [ -108.127, 24.959 ], [ -108.132, 25 ] ] ], [ [ [ -108.048, 24.965 ], [ -108.056, 24.965 ], [ -108.057, 24.97 ], [ -108.045, 24.97 ], [ -108.048, 24.965 ] ] ], [ [ [ -108.152, 24.96 ], [ -108.157, 24.972 ], [ -108.153, 24.982 ], [ -108.139, 24.965 ], [ -108.152, 24.96 ] ] ], [ [ [ -97.691, 25 ], [ -97.674, 24.998 ], [ -97.675, 24.982 ], [ -97.691, 24.986 ], [ -97.691, 25 ] ] ], [ [ [ -108.188, 25.004 ], [ -108.199, 25.019 ], [ -108.193, 25.017 ], [ -108.188, 25.004 ] ] ], [ [ [ -108.156, 25.01 ], [ -108.162, 25.024 ], [ -108.16, 25.028 ], [ -108.15, 25.018 ], [ -108.156, 25.01 ] ] ], [ [ [ -92.924, 15.214 ], [ -92.928, 15.227 ], [ -92.92, 15.217 ], [ -92.924, 15.214 ] ] ], [ [ [ -92.953, 15.248 ], [ -92.937, 15.229 ], [ -92.962, 15.251 ], [ -92.953, 15.248 ] ] ], [ [ [ -101.669, 17.677 ], [ -101.665, 17.673 ], [ -101.669, 17.671 ], [ -101.673, 17.673 ], [ -101.669, 17.677 ] ] ], [ [ [ -87.891, 18.25 ], [ -87.892, 18.26 ], [ -87.885, 18.26 ], [ -87.883, 18.257 ], [ -87.891, 18.25 ] ] ], [ [ [ -114.778, 18.383 ], [ -114.749, 18.382 ], [ -114.688, 18.39 ], [ -114.755, 18.346 ], [ -114.778, 18.383 ] ] ], [ [ [ -94.893, 16.33 ], [ -94.896, 16.334 ], [ -94.887, 16.342 ], [ -94.887, 16.336 ], [ -94.893, 16.33 ] ] ], [ [ [ -94.875, 16.336 ], [ -94.874, 16.35 ], [ -94.844, 16.34 ], [ -94.866, 16.343 ], [ -94.875, 16.336 ] ] ], [ [ [ -94.821, 16.338 ], [ -94.824, 16.348 ], [ -94.82, 16.352 ], [ -94.809, 16.342 ], [ -94.821, 16.338 ] ] ], [ [ [ -87.429, 18.429 ], [ -87.434, 18.435 ], [ -87.435, 18.462 ], [ -87.429, 18.429 ] ] ], [ [ [ -87.444, 18.509 ], [ -87.439, 18.522 ], [ -87.442, 18.475 ], [ -87.444, 18.509 ] ] ], [ [ [ -87.299, 18.563 ], [ -87.299, 18.569 ], [ -87.259, 18.611 ], [ -87.27, 18.579 ], [ -87.299, 18.563 ] ] ], [ [ [ -87.306, 18.595 ], [ -87.317, 18.572 ], [ -87.336, 18.57 ], [ -87.322, 18.599 ], [ -87.306, 18.595 ] ] ], [ [ [ -87.324, 18.486 ], [ -87.331, 18.532 ], [ -87.303, 18.559 ], [ -87.319, 18.455 ], [ -87.336, 18.417 ], [ -87.374, 18.381 ], [ -87.324, 18.486 ] ] ], [ [ [ -87.436, 18.595 ], [ -87.43, 18.589 ], [ -87.444, 18.592 ], [ -87.436, 18.595 ] ] ], [ [ [ -87.249, 18.621 ], [ -87.245, 18.68 ], [ -87.257, 18.733 ], [ -87.235, 18.685 ], [ -87.249, 18.621 ] ] ], [ [ [ -87.415, 18.666 ], [ -87.418, 18.649 ], [ -87.426, 18.638 ], [ -87.415, 18.666 ] ] ], [ [ [ -87.41, 18.672 ], [ -87.412, 18.676 ], [ -87.401, 18.687 ], [ -87.403, 18.679 ], [ -87.41, 18.672 ] ] ], [ [ [ -91.821, 18.633 ], [ -91.844, 18.658 ], [ -91.621, 18.761 ], [ -91.51, 18.767 ], [ -91.684, 18.656 ], [ -91.821, 18.633 ] ] ], [ [ [ -91.512, 18.716 ], [ -91.512, 18.721 ], [ -91.499, 18.72 ], [ -91.512, 18.716 ] ] ], [ [ [ -91.466, 18.74 ], [ -91.475, 18.747 ], [ -91.459, 18.742 ], [ -91.466, 18.74 ] ] ], [ [ [ -91.453, 18.766 ], [ -91.453, 18.76 ], [ -91.459, 18.763 ], [ -91.459, 18.767 ], [ -91.453, 18.766 ] ] ], [ [ [ -91.494, 18.761 ], [ -91.5, 18.766 ], [ -91.493, 18.772 ], [ -91.494, 18.761 ] ] ], [ [ [ -88.092, 18.757 ], [ -88.088, 18.787 ], [ -88.082, 18.795 ], [ -88.078, 18.78 ], [ -88.092, 18.757 ] ] ], [ [ [ -87.315, 18.778 ], [ -87.323, 18.785 ], [ -87.296, 18.776 ], [ -87.303, 18.773 ], [ -87.315, 18.778 ] ] ], [ [ [ -91.461, 18.761 ], [ -91.473, 18.761 ], [ -91.479, 18.776 ], [ -91.473, 18.777 ], [ -91.461, 18.761 ] ] ], [ [ [ -91.475, 18.78 ], [ -91.48, 18.785 ], [ -91.431, 18.776 ], [ -91.437, 18.772 ], [ -91.475, 18.78 ] ] ], [ [ [ -88.219, 18.554 ], [ -88.215, 18.568 ], [ -88.18, 18.622 ], [ -88.192, 18.586 ], [ -88.219, 18.554 ] ] ], [ [ [ -87.435, 18.613 ], [ -87.437, 18.623 ], [ -87.431, 18.629 ], [ -87.435, 18.613 ] ] ], [ [ [ -112.062, 19.006 ], [ -112.063, 18.995 ], [ -112.076, 19.003 ], [ -112.062, 19.006 ] ] ], [ [ [ -96.083, 19.182 ], [ -96.09, 19.183 ], [ -96.096, 19.193 ], [ -96.083, 19.182 ] ] ], [ [ [ -96.067, 19.199 ], [ -96.074, 19.208 ], [ -96.063, 19.204 ], [ -96.067, 19.199 ] ] ], [ [ [ -96.052, 19.22 ], [ -96.063, 19.231 ], [ -96.049, 19.223 ], [ -96.052, 19.22 ] ] ], [ [ [ -96.096, 19.221 ], [ -96.105, 19.227 ], [ -96.103, 19.23 ], [ -96.096, 19.229 ], [ -96.096, 19.221 ] ] ], [ [ [ -110.815, 19.336 ], [ -110.811, 19.315 ], [ -110.829, 19.287 ], [ -110.84, 19.302 ], [ -110.815, 19.336 ] ] ], [ [ [ -87.61, 19.385 ], [ -87.622, 19.381 ], [ -87.615, 19.387 ], [ -87.61, 19.385 ] ] ], [ [ [ -87.509, 19.61 ], [ -87.503, 19.619 ], [ -87.506, 19.598 ], [ -87.512, 19.602 ], [ -87.509, 19.61 ] ] ], [ [ [ -87.702, 19.641 ], [ -87.711, 19.652 ], [ -87.708, 19.654 ], [ -87.702, 19.641 ] ] ], [ [ [ -87.48, 19.696 ], [ -87.499, 19.705 ], [ -87.482, 19.702 ], [ -87.48, 19.696 ] ] ], [ [ [ -87.488, 19.346 ], [ -87.512, 19.358 ], [ -87.519, 19.368 ], [ -87.49, 19.352 ], [ -87.488, 19.346 ] ] ], [ [ [ -87.644, 19.355 ], [ -87.636, 19.373 ], [ -87.627, 19.38 ], [ -87.635, 19.36 ], [ -87.644, 19.355 ] ] ], [ [ [ -86.785, 20.566 ], [ -86.738, 20.596 ], [ -86.815, 20.443 ], [ -86.992, 20.263 ], [ -87.016, 20.411 ], [ -86.93, 20.552 ], [ -86.785, 20.566 ] ] ], [ [ [ -97.212, 21.03 ], [ -97.219, 21.041 ], [ -97.208, 21.033 ], [ -97.212, 21.03 ] ] ], [ [ [ -97.265, 21.068 ], [ -97.27, 21.081 ], [ -97.263, 21.08 ], [ -97.265, 21.068 ] ] ], [ [ [ -97.282, 21.102 ], [ -97.294, 21.11 ], [ -97.291, 21.118 ], [ -97.282, 21.116 ], [ -97.282, 21.102 ] ] ], [ [ [ -86.751, 21.249 ], [ -86.755, 21.266 ], [ -86.704, 21.192 ], [ -86.721, 21.206 ], [ -86.751, 21.249 ] ] ], [ [ [ -106.306, 21.316 ], [ -106.304, 21.325 ], [ -106.299, 21.32 ], [ -106.306, 21.316 ] ] ], [ [ [ -106.295, 21.297 ], [ -106.294, 21.303 ], [ -106.286, 21.295 ], [ -106.295, 21.297 ] ] ], [ [ [ -106.28, 21.328 ], [ -106.205, 21.336 ], [ -106.211, 21.258 ], [ -106.293, 21.312 ], [ -106.28, 21.328 ] ] ], [ [ [ -106.506, 21.473 ], [ -106.478, 21.506 ], [ -106.336, 21.459 ], [ -106.528, 21.422 ], [ -106.506, 21.473 ] ] ], [ [ [ -86.793, 21.463 ], [ -86.812, 21.496 ], [ -86.811, 21.527 ], [ -86.797, 21.497 ], [ -86.793, 21.463 ] ] ], [ [ [ -97.231, 21.448 ], [ -97.24, 21.455 ], [ -97.237, 21.474 ], [ -97.224, 21.468 ], [ -97.231, 21.448 ] ] ], [ [ [ -97.27, 21.494 ], [ -97.277, 21.509 ], [ -97.267, 21.497 ], [ -97.27, 21.494 ] ] ], [ [ [ -88.261, 21.557 ], [ -88.261, 21.553 ], [ -88.272, 21.552 ], [ -88.261, 21.557 ] ] ], [ [ [ -97.296, 21.524 ], [ -97.305, 21.54 ], [ -97.293, 21.533 ], [ -97.296, 21.524 ] ] ], [ [ [ -105.699, 20.375 ], [ -105.693, 20.375 ], [ -105.693, 20.367 ], [ -105.699, 20.375 ] ] ], [ [ [ -105.696, 20.416 ], [ -105.694, 20.42 ], [ -105.688, 20.415 ], [ -105.696, 20.416 ] ] ], [ [ [ -105.69, 20.431 ], [ -105.686, 20.43 ], [ -105.688, 20.423 ], [ -105.69, 20.431 ] ] ], [ [ [ -110.995, 18.844 ], [ -110.917, 18.754 ], [ -110.969, 18.694 ], [ -111.058, 18.774 ], [ -110.995, 18.844 ] ] ], [ [ [ -91.435, 18.784 ], [ -91.457, 18.788 ], [ -91.416, 18.801 ], [ -91.428, 18.781 ], [ -91.435, 18.784 ] ] ], [ [ [ -88.072, 18.8 ], [ -88.079, 18.808 ], [ -88.068, 18.823 ], [ -88.072, 18.8 ] ] ], [ [ [ -106.609, 21.703 ], [ -106.547, 21.691 ], [ -106.505, 21.611 ], [ -106.53, 21.508 ], [ -106.641, 21.564 ], [ -106.664, 21.694 ], [ -106.609, 21.703 ] ] ], [ [ [ -117.247, 32.408 ], [ -117.246, 32.419 ], [ -117.237, 32.39 ], [ -117.244, 32.397 ], [ -117.247, 32.408 ] ] ], [ [ [ -117.293, 32.432 ], [ -117.298, 32.445 ], [ -117.291, 32.435 ], [ -117.293, 32.432 ] ] ], [ [ [ -118.361, 28.856 ], [ -118.369, 28.862 ], [ -118.367, 28.869 ], [ -118.362, 28.867 ], [ -118.361, 28.856 ] ] ], [ [ [ -118.407, 29.168 ], [ -118.369, 29.186 ], [ -118.382, 29.141 ], [ -118.304, 29.045 ], [ -118.328, 28.879 ], [ -118.366, 28.877 ], [ -118.367, 28.964 ], [ -118.449, 29.075 ], [ -118.454, 29.141 ], [ -118.407, 29.168 ] ] ], [ [ [ -112.206, 25 ], [ -112.124, 25.273 ], [ -112.183, 24.947 ], [ -112.161, 24.908 ], [ -112.232, 24.839 ], [ -112.128, 24.733 ], [ -112.115, 24.689 ], [ -112.137, 24.641 ], [ -112.059, 24.543 ], [ -112.168, 24.651 ], [ -112.147, 24.743 ], [ -112.298, 24.792 ], [ -112.206, 25 ] ] ], [ [ [ -108.213, 25 ], [ -108.322, 25.111 ], [ -108.13, 24.92 ], [ -108.094, 24.812 ], [ -108.213, 25 ] ] ], [ [ [ -110.673, 25 ], [ -110.711, 25.098 ], [ -110.587, 25.027 ], [ -110.533, 24.888 ], [ -110.593, 24.872 ], [ -110.673, 25 ] ] ], [ [ [ -108.229, 25.077 ], [ -108.24, 25.088 ], [ -108.232, 25.09 ], [ -108.229, 25.077 ] ] ], [ [ [ -97.536, 25.081 ], [ -97.531, 25.092 ], [ -97.531, 25.082 ], [ -97.536, 25.081 ] ] ], [ [ [ -108.246, 25.09 ], [ -108.253, 25.094 ], [ -108.253, 25.102 ], [ -108.246, 25.09 ] ] ], [ [ [ -108.302, 25.111 ], [ -108.301, 25.118 ], [ -108.29, 25.115 ], [ -108.302, 25.111 ] ] ], [ [ [ -108.236, 25.133 ], [ -108.242, 25.145 ], [ -108.232, 25.14 ], [ -108.236, 25.133 ] ] ], [ [ [ -108.406, 25.142 ], [ -108.406, 25.173 ], [ -108.394, 25.176 ], [ -108.393, 25.148 ], [ -108.406, 25.142 ] ] ], [ [ [ -108.253, 25.165 ], [ -108.27, 25.16 ], [ -108.273, 25.183 ], [ -108.245, 25.18 ], [ -108.253, 25.165 ] ] ], [ [ [ -108.359, 25.151 ], [ -108.371, 25.164 ], [ -108.367, 25.172 ], [ -108.354, 25.159 ], [ -108.359, 25.151 ] ] ], [ [ [ -110.703, 25.192 ], [ -110.703, 25.201 ], [ -110.695, 25.205 ], [ -110.703, 25.192 ] ] ], [ [ [ -97.456, 25.236 ], [ -97.459, 25.236 ], [ -97.452, 25.248 ], [ -97.451, 25.24 ], [ -97.456, 25.236 ] ] ], [ [ [ -112.1, 25.241 ], [ -112.109, 25.248 ], [ -112.086, 25.257 ], [ -112.09, 25.245 ], [ -112.1, 25.241 ] ] ], [ [ [ -97.693, 25.229 ], [ -97.684, 25.253 ], [ -97.661, 25.261 ], [ -97.661, 25.256 ], [ -97.693, 25.229 ] ] ], [ [ [ -112.098, 25.257 ], [ -112.1, 25.274 ], [ -112.083, 25.277 ], [ -112.097, 25.266 ], [ -112.098, 25.257 ] ] ], [ [ [ -108.279, 25.145 ], [ -108.354, 25.166 ], [ -108.373, 25.197 ], [ -108.31, 25.194 ], [ -108.279, 25.145 ] ] ], [ [ [ -97.463, 25.4 ], [ -97.462, 25.405 ], [ -97.446, 25.403 ], [ -97.463, 25.4 ] ] ], [ [ [ -97.463, 25.381 ], [ -97.465, 25.393 ], [ -97.459, 25.397 ], [ -97.463, 25.381 ] ] ], [ [ [ -97.505, 25.395 ], [ -97.505, 25.402 ], [ -97.498, 25.408 ], [ -97.495, 25.405 ], [ -97.505, 25.395 ] ] ], [ [ [ -97.471, 25.41 ], [ -97.475, 25.414 ], [ -97.463, 25.419 ], [ -97.464, 25.413 ], [ -97.471, 25.41 ] ] ], [ [ [ -97.481, 25.336 ], [ -97.499, 25.338 ], [ -97.498, 25.347 ], [ -97.479, 25.348 ], [ -97.481, 25.336 ] ] ], [ [ [ -97.725, 25.363 ], [ -97.73, 25.367 ], [ -97.721, 25.376 ], [ -97.719, 25.371 ], [ -97.725, 25.363 ] ] ], [ [ [ -97.708, 25.371 ], [ -97.699, 25.382 ], [ -97.699, 25.376 ], [ -97.708, 25.371 ] ] ], [ [ [ -97.701, 25.355 ], [ -97.7, 25.361 ], [ -97.691, 25.361 ], [ -97.701, 25.355 ] ] ], [ [ [ -97.476, 25.354 ], [ -97.482, 25.356 ], [ -97.477, 25.364 ], [ -97.476, 25.354 ] ] ], [ [ [ -97.497, 25.352 ], [ -97.524, 25.372 ], [ -97.509, 25.388 ], [ -97.486, 25.362 ], [ -97.497, 25.352 ] ] ], [ [ [ -97.516, 25.28 ], [ -97.502, 25.308 ], [ -97.478, 25.323 ], [ -97.494, 25.293 ], [ -97.516, 25.28 ] ] ], [ [ [ -97.656, 25.261 ], [ -97.623, 25.278 ], [ -97.595, 25.28 ], [ -97.656, 25.261 ] ] ], [ [ [ -110.701, 25.316 ], [ -110.721, 25.27 ], [ -110.738, 25.263 ], [ -110.738, 25.297 ], [ -110.701, 25.316 ] ] ], [ [ [ -112.097, 25.285 ], [ -112.106, 25.309 ], [ -112.094, 25.327 ], [ -112.084, 25.304 ], [ -112.097, 25.285 ] ] ], [ [ [ -112.076, 25.322 ], [ -112.091, 25.335 ], [ -112.08, 25.346 ], [ -112.074, 25.337 ], [ -112.076, 25.322 ] ] ], [ [ [ -108.786, 25.539 ], [ -108.793, 25.539 ], [ -108.797, 25.545 ], [ -108.785, 25.542 ], [ -108.786, 25.539 ] ] ], [ [ [ -108.881, 25.486 ], [ -108.869, 25.513 ], [ -108.84, 25.508 ], [ -108.846, 25.492 ], [ -108.881, 25.486 ] ] ], [ [ [ -108.817, 25.486 ], [ -108.837, 25.497 ], [ -108.822, 25.517 ], [ -108.808, 25.502 ], [ -108.817, 25.486 ] ] ], [ [ [ -108.884, 25.514 ], [ -108.888, 25.527 ], [ -108.874, 25.526 ], [ -108.884, 25.514 ] ] ], [ [ [ -110.797, 25.596 ], [ -110.833, 25.641 ], [ -110.812, 25.695 ], [ -110.796, 25.64 ], [ -110.797, 25.596 ] ] ], [ [ [ -112.071, 25.599 ], [ -112.081, 25.603 ], [ -112.079, 25.624 ], [ -112.065, 25.611 ], [ -112.071, 25.599 ] ] ], [ [ [ -112.077, 25.631 ], [ -112.082, 25.63 ], [ -112.083, 25.643 ], [ -112.077, 25.644 ], [ -112.077, 25.631 ] ] ], [ [ [ -111.041, 25.644 ], [ -111.055, 25.662 ], [ -111.068, 25.707 ], [ -111.029, 25.694 ], [ -111.041, 25.644 ] ] ], [ [ [ -112.078, 25.564 ], [ -112.081, 25.564 ], [ -112.081, 25.594 ], [ -112.071, 25.589 ], [ -112.078, 25.564 ] ] ], [ [ [ -112.071, 25.521 ], [ -112.083, 25.535 ], [ -112.078, 25.554 ], [ -112.072, 25.546 ], [ -112.071, 25.521 ] ] ], [ [ [ -112.091, 25.669 ], [ -112.086, 25.645 ], [ -112.093, 25.505 ], [ -112.105, 25.528 ], [ -112.091, 25.669 ] ] ], [ [ [ -112.09, 25.666 ], [ -112.083, 25.669 ], [ -112.084, 25.651 ], [ -112.09, 25.666 ] ] ], [ [ [ -111.296, 26.085 ], [ -111.289, 26.112 ], [ -111.261, 26.117 ], [ -111.263, 26.09 ], [ -111.296, 26.085 ] ] ], [ [ [ -113.068, 26.607 ], [ -113.074, 26.617 ], [ -113.066, 26.614 ], [ -113.068, 26.607 ] ] ], [ [ [ -113.08, 26.62 ], [ -113.121, 26.635 ], [ -113.125, 26.645 ], [ -113.107, 26.658 ], [ -113.08, 26.62 ] ] ], [ [ [ -109.483, 26.663 ], [ -109.488, 26.672 ], [ -109.485, 26.676 ], [ -109.48, 26.669 ], [ -109.483, 26.663 ] ] ], [ [ [ -113.142, 26.664 ], [ -113.261, 26.704 ], [ -113.263, 26.712 ], [ -113.177, 26.72 ], [ -113.142, 26.664 ] ] ], [ [ [ -113.093, 26.658 ], [ -113.09, 26.666 ], [ -113.079, 26.661 ], [ -113.093, 26.658 ] ] ], [ [ [ -111.422, 26.626 ], [ -111.43, 26.628 ], [ -111.432, 26.646 ], [ -111.426, 26.642 ], [ -111.422, 26.626 ] ] ], [ [ [ -113.211, 26.74 ], [ -113.234, 26.771 ], [ -113.191, 26.75 ], [ -113.211, 26.74 ] ] ], [ [ [ -113.148, 26.891 ], [ -113.16, 26.904 ], [ -113.156, 26.912 ], [ -113.148, 26.908 ], [ -113.148, 26.891 ] ] ], [ [ [ -113.157, 26.92 ], [ -113.163, 26.929 ], [ -113.158, 26.927 ], [ -113.157, 26.92 ] ] ], [ [ [ -109.925, 26.976 ], [ -109.94, 27.002 ], [ -109.934, 26.999 ], [ -109.925, 26.976 ] ] ], [ [ [ -111.917, 27.063 ], [ -111.917, 27.051 ], [ -111.933, 27.045 ], [ -111.929, 27.057 ], [ -111.917, 27.063 ] ] ], [ [ [ -110, 27.069 ], [ -110.045, 27.086 ], [ -109.941, 27.018 ], [ -109.969, 27.053 ], [ -110, 27.069 ] ] ], [ [ [ -111.241, 25.765 ], [ -111.255, 25.784 ], [ -111.257, 25.815 ], [ -111.243, 25.8 ], [ -111.241, 25.765 ] ] ], [ [ [ -111.2, 25.801 ], [ -111.231, 25.835 ], [ -111.184, 26.025 ], [ -111.084, 26.062 ], [ -111.078, 25.966 ], [ -111.126, 25.984 ], [ -111.2, 25.801 ] ] ], [ [ [ -109, 25.435 ], [ -108.825, 25.417 ], [ -108.802, 25.371 ], [ -108.911, 25.421 ], [ -109, 25.435 ] ] ], [ [ [ -112.117, 25.278 ], [ -112.128, 25.284 ], [ -112.097, 25.484 ], [ -112.098, 25.331 ], [ -112.117, 25.278 ] ] ], [ [ [ -97.531, 25.425 ], [ -97.518, 25.439 ], [ -97.481, 25.439 ], [ -97.488, 25.432 ], [ -97.531, 25.425 ] ] ], [ [ [ -97.538, 25.442 ], [ -97.546, 25.445 ], [ -97.529, 25.454 ], [ -97.528, 25.445 ], [ -97.538, 25.442 ] ] ], [ [ [ -114.374, 27.141 ], [ -114.371, 27.15 ], [ -114.365, 27.145 ], [ -114.374, 27.141 ] ] ], [ [ [ -112.074, 27.179 ], [ -112.105, 27.238 ], [ -112.089, 27.257 ], [ -112.043, 27.208 ], [ -112.074, 27.179 ] ] ], [ [ [ -110.529, 27.288 ], [ -110.602, 27.327 ], [ -110.604, 27.362 ], [ -110.591, 27.415 ], [ -110.584, 27.321 ], [ -110.529, 27.288 ] ] ], [ [ [ -111.968, 27.427 ], [ -111.988, 27.431 ], [ -112, 27.449 ], [ -111.972, 27.455 ], [ -111.968, 27.427 ] ] ], [ [ [ -114.152, 27.703 ], [ -114.164, 27.705 ], [ -114.169, 27.714 ], [ -114.152, 27.709 ], [ -114.152, 27.703 ] ] ], [ [ [ -114.234, 27.825 ], [ -114.224, 27.842 ], [ -114.219, 27.843 ], [ -114.222, 27.832 ], [ -114.234, 27.825 ] ] ], [ [ [ -114.187, 27.726 ], [ -114.239, 27.743 ], [ -114.244, 27.754 ], [ -114.22, 27.764 ], [ -114.187, 27.726 ] ] ], [ [ [ -114.152, 27.726 ], [ -114.18, 27.751 ], [ -114.179, 27.771 ], [ -114.164, 27.767 ], [ -114.152, 27.726 ] ] ], [ [ [ -115.174, 27.855 ], [ -115.186, 27.877 ], [ -115.212, 27.898 ], [ -115.16, 27.874 ], [ -115.174, 27.855 ] ] ], [ [ [ -110.847, 27.884 ], [ -110.847, 27.892 ], [ -110.832, 27.905 ], [ -110.847, 27.884 ] ] ], [ [ [ -114.176, 27.887 ], [ -114.172, 27.902 ], [ -114.17, 27.891 ], [ -114.176, 27.887 ] ] ], [ [ [ -111.383, 27.978 ], [ -111.381, 27.987 ], [ -111.362, 27.956 ], [ -111.379, 27.965 ], [ -111.383, 27.978 ] ] ], [ [ [ -115.381, 28.107 ], [ -115.382, 28.111 ], [ -115.369, 28.116 ], [ -115.381, 28.107 ] ] ], [ [ [ -114.182, 27.896 ], [ -114.194, 27.911 ], [ -114.184, 27.907 ], [ -114.182, 27.896 ] ] ], [ [ [ -114.154, 27.906 ], [ -114.182, 27.919 ], [ -114.167, 27.947 ], [ -114.164, 27.915 ], [ -114.154, 27.906 ] ] ], [ [ [ -115.579, 28.296 ], [ -115.596, 28.299 ], [ -115.593, 28.316 ], [ -115.567, 28.307 ], [ -115.579, 28.296 ] ] ], [ [ [ -115.535, 28.291 ], [ -115.542, 28.308 ], [ -115.536, 28.314 ], [ -115.527, 28.305 ], [ -115.535, 28.291 ] ] ], [ [ [ -115.555, 28.309 ], [ -115.562, 28.308 ], [ -115.564, 28.316 ], [ -115.548, 28.31 ], [ -115.555, 28.309 ] ] ], [ [ [ -112.905, 28.682 ], [ -112.848, 28.667 ], [ -112.755, 28.595 ], [ -112.789, 28.581 ], [ -112.905, 28.682 ] ] ], [ [ [ -112.908, 28.686 ], [ -112.942, 28.702 ], [ -112.945, 28.716 ], [ -112.913, 28.704 ], [ -112.908, 28.686 ] ] ], [ [ [ -112.604, 28.688 ], [ -112.609, 28.726 ], [ -112.545, 28.73 ], [ -112.55, 28.673 ], [ -112.604, 28.688 ] ] ], [ [ [ -112.284, 28.712 ], [ -112.295, 28.721 ], [ -112.295, 28.733 ], [ -112.284, 28.725 ], [ -112.284, 28.712 ] ] ], [ [ [ -112.977, 28.741 ], [ -112.979, 28.735 ], [ -112.986, 28.743 ], [ -112.977, 28.741 ] ] ], [ [ [ -115.183, 28.037 ], [ -115.359, 28.099 ], [ -115.25, 28.227 ], [ -115.257, 28.372 ], [ -115.187, 28.323 ], [ -115.159, 28.213 ], [ -115.183, 28.037 ] ] ], [ [ [ -112.338, 28.365 ], [ -112.339, 28.373 ], [ -112.33, 28.378 ], [ -112.328, 28.371 ], [ -112.338, 28.365 ] ] ], [ [ [ -113.484, 28.983 ], [ -113.475, 28.981 ], [ -113.479, 28.97 ], [ -113.484, 28.983 ] ] ], [ [ [ -112.457, 29.267 ], [ -112.454, 29.275 ], [ -112.446, 29.27 ], [ -112.457, 29.267 ] ] ], [ [ [ -114.368, 29.813 ], [ -114.385, 29.818 ], [ -114.391, 29.83 ], [ -114.377, 29.832 ], [ -114.368, 29.813 ] ] ], [ [ [ -113.591, 29.564 ], [ -113.592, 29.579 ], [ -113.581, 29.587 ], [ -113.573, 29.577 ], [ -113.591, 29.564 ] ] ], [ [ [ -114.416, 29.948 ], [ -114.422, 29.974 ], [ -114.418, 29.996 ], [ -114.392, 29.974 ], [ -114.416, 29.948 ] ] ], [ [ [ -114.391, 30 ], [ -114.387, 30.003 ], [ -114.385, 29.992 ], [ -114.391, 30 ] ] ], [ [ [ -114.466, 30.016 ], [ -114.47, 30.017 ], [ -114.472, 30.028 ], [ -114.467, 30.026 ], [ -114.466, 30.016 ] ] ], [ [ [ -114.534, 30.084 ], [ -114.548, 30.095 ], [ -114.537, 30.094 ], [ -114.534, 30.084 ] ] ], [ [ [ -113.502, 29.008 ], [ -113.501, 28.998 ], [ -113.512, 28.995 ], [ -113.512, 29.007 ], [ -113.502, 29.008 ] ] ], [ [ [ -113.508, 29.014 ], [ -113.512, 29.009 ], [ -113.51, 29.022 ], [ -113.508, 29.014 ] ] ], [ [ [ -113.459, 29.017 ], [ -113.466, 29.02 ], [ -113.468, 29.028 ], [ -113.461, 29.023 ], [ -113.459, 29.017 ] ] ], [ [ [ -113.116, 29.069 ], [ -113.115, 29.075 ], [ -113.104, 29.075 ], [ -113.116, 29.069 ] ] ], [ [ [ -113.498, 29.041 ], [ -113.521, 29.089 ], [ -113.517, 29.101 ], [ -113.502, 29.097 ], [ -113.498, 29.041 ] ] ], [ [ [ -113.571, 29.563 ], [ -113.408, 29.475 ], [ -113.363, 29.397 ], [ -113.388, 29.315 ], [ -113.188, 29.288 ], [ -113.201, 29.145 ], [ -113.124, 29.062 ], [ -113.137, 29.002 ], [ -113.513, 29.295 ], [ -113.607, 29.433 ], [ -113.571, 29.563 ] ] ], [ [ [ -116.098, 30.481 ], [ -116.109, 30.479 ], [ -116.124, 30.487 ], [ -116.109, 30.495 ], [ -116.098, 30.481 ] ] ], [ [ [ -113.238, 31.006 ], [ -113.242, 31.017 ], [ -113.233, 31.008 ], [ -113.238, 31.006 ] ] ], [ [ [ -113.889, 31.567 ], [ -113.897, 31.57 ], [ -113.899, 31.578 ], [ -113.892, 31.577 ], [ -113.889, 31.567 ] ] ], [ [ [ -113.922, 31.581 ], [ -113.929, 31.59 ], [ -113.915, 31.584 ], [ -113.922, 31.581 ] ] ], [ [ [ -113.949, 31.59 ], [ -113.958, 31.594 ], [ -113.952, 31.597 ], [ -113.949, 31.59 ] ] ], [ [ [ -116.778, 31.789 ], [ -116.788, 31.803 ], [ -116.778, 31.794 ], [ -116.778, 31.789 ] ] ], [ [ [ -116.801, 31.807 ], [ -116.806, 31.81 ], [ -116.809, 31.821 ], [ -116.798, 31.811 ], [ -116.801, 31.807 ] ] ], [ [ [ -112.974, 28.809 ], [ -112.978, 28.802 ], [ -112.988, 28.809 ], [ -112.974, 28.809 ] ] ], [ [ [ -113.046, 28.9 ], [ -113.045, 28.912 ], [ -113.038, 28.912 ], [ -113.034, 28.904 ], [ -113.046, 28.9 ] ] ], [ [ [ -113.04, 28.865 ], [ -113.042, 28.873 ], [ -113.031, 28.883 ], [ -113.029, 28.874 ], [ -113.04, 28.865 ] ] ], [ [ [ -113.005, 28.88 ], [ -113.002, 28.888 ], [ -112.995, 28.888 ], [ -113.005, 28.88 ] ] ], [ [ [ -112.286, 29.228 ], [ -112.186, 28.974 ], [ -112.265, 28.83 ], [ -112.25, 28.773 ], [ -112.306, 28.746 ], [ -112.581, 28.876 ], [ -112.483, 28.956 ], [ -112.502, 29.064 ], [ -112.455, 29.189 ], [ -112.286, 29.228 ] ] ] ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "El virreinato de Nueva España fue una entidad territorial integrante del Imperio español, establecida en gran parte de América del Norte por la Corona durante su dominio en el Nuevo Mundo, entre los siglos XVI y XIX. Se originó tras la caída de México-Tenochtitlán, evento principal de la conquista, la que propiamente no concluyó sino hasta mucho después, pues su territorio siguió creciendo hacia el norte.Se creó oficialmente el 8 de marzo de 1535. Su primer virrey fue Antonio de Mendoza y Pacheco, y la capital del virreinato fue la Ciudad de México, establecida sobre la antigua Tenochtitlan.Abarcó una superficie enorme que comprendió los territorios de España en América del Norte, América Central, Asia y Oceanía.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-22T18:22:27+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 2648, "end" : 2660 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Nueva España" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/d042f578-f92c-4273-a8df-1d36610e6c03", "type" : "Annotation", 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"https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "tribe", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-29T09:56:32+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "native people", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-29T09:56:32+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-29T09:56:32+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Dentro del tronco\nguaycurú es posible delimitar un grupo norte o guaycurú del norte, la tribu más\nseptentrional de la familia era la de los guachí o guasarapo de la región del\nalto Paraguay, a los que Azara calificaba, a fines del siglo XVIII, de “íntimos\ny antiguos aliados” de los mbayas. Schmidl y Ruy Diaz de Guzmán los ubican, en\nlos inicios de la conquista, al norte de los payaguas, de quienes eran\nenemigos, y les dan el nombre de guajarapos; siendo guachié el que les daban\nlos mbayas. En época de Azara su centro estaba en el río Guachie o Miranda,\nafluente del este del Paraguay, y a pesar de no ser más de 60 guerreros\nconservaban su belicosidad.\nPara mediados del siglo XIX estaban casi extinguidos.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-29T09:56:32+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 14871, "end" : 14881 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Guajarapos" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/9c2d1963-cfb9-430a-abd0-9a0b14637493", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Aborigine", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-20T20:59:58+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Native people", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-20T20:59:58+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-20T20:59:58+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Refiere a Los guaraníes o avá, según su autodenominación étnica original (que significa \"ser humano\"), son un grupo de pueblos indígenas suramericanos que se ubican geográficamente en Paraguay, noreste de Argentina (en ciertas zonas de provincias de la Región del Litoral),​ sur y suroeste de Brasil (en los estados de Río Grande del Sur, Santa Catarina, Paraná y Mato Grosso del Sur) y sureste de Bolivia (en los departamentos de Tarija, Santa Cruz y Chuquisaca) y norte de Uruguay.El muy difundido nombre guaraní lo escucharon los españoles que, al invadir su territorio, habrían oído, entre los gritos de guerra de este pueblo, la frase guará-ny, que significa \"combatir-los\". Por otra parte el nombre dada significa en guaraní 'guerrero', \"ava\" que significa \"hombre\" y se pronuncia en forma grave entre los chiriguanos (ava guaraníes).Otra versión afirma que la denominación fue tomada de la deformación de una palabra guaraní, guariní que significa precisamente \"guerra\" o \"guerrear\". Al parecer los mismos indígenas se denominaron de esa manera, indicando con ello que se consideraban guerreros.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-20T20:59:58+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Los guaraníes se extendían, dividios entre distintas parcialidades, \nentre la costa brasileña y los contrafuertes andinos, teniendo además \nasentamientos en las islasdel Río Paraná y del delta del Río de la \nPlata. Cultivadores selvícolas, producían regulamente excedentes \nagrícolas que serían indispensables para el avance de la conquista \nespañola en el región. Bibliografía:  Silva Noelli, Francisco, \"La \ndistribución geográfica de las evidencias arqueológicasguaraní\", en \nRevista de Indias, vol. LXIV, núm. 30, 2004, pp. 17-34; Susnik, \nBranislava, El indio colonial del Paraguay. El guaraní colonial, \nAsunción, Museo Etnográfico \"Andrés Barbero\", 1965; Susnik, Branislava, \nEl rol de los indígenas en la formación y en la vivencia delParaguay. \nTomo I, Asunción, Universo, 1982; Melià, Bartomeu, El guaraní \nconquistado y reducido: ensayos de etnohistoria, Asunción, Universidad \nCatólica-Centro de Estudios Paraguayos \"AntonioGuasch\", cuarta edición, \n1997 [1986]; Melià, Bartomeu, \"Sociedades fluviales y selvícolas del \neste: Paraguay y Paraná\", en Rojas Rabiela, Teresa; Murra, John (dirs.),\n Historia general de América Latina. Volumen I, París, Editorial \nTrotta-UNESCO, 1999, pp. 335-552; Catafesto de Sousa, José Otávio, \"O \nsistema econômico nas sociedades indígenas guaraní pré-coloniais\", en \nHorizontes Antropológicos, año 8, núm. 18, 2002, pp. 211-253; Monteiro, \nJohn Manuel, \"Os guaraní e a História do Brasil Meridional. Séculos \nXVI-XVII\", en Carneiro Da Cunha, Manuela L. (org.), História dos índios \nno Brasil, San Pablo, Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São \nPaulo-Companhia das Letras-Secretaria Municipal de Cultura Prefeitura do\n Município de São Paulo, 1992 pp. 475-498.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-12-03T14:42:03+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 35806, "end" : 35814 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Guaranís" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/a35bc8fa-e620-4ee5-af42-a0d31735f476", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : 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-13.998 ], [ -38.952, -13.986 ], [ -38.982, -13.912 ], [ -38.938, -13.886 ], [ -38.922, -13.92 ], [ -39.061, -14.716 ], [ -38.962, -15.585 ], [ -38.857, -15.86 ], [ -38.973, -16.211 ], [ -39.032, -16.26 ], [ -39.01, -16.369 ], [ -39.078, -16.454 ], [ -39.143, -16.762 ], [ -39.113, -16.896 ], [ -39.212, -17.155 ], [ -39.193, -17.602 ], [ -39.135, -17.691 ], [ -39.264, -17.869 ], [ -39.435, -17.943 ], [ -39.563, -18.091 ], [ -39.721, -18.493 ], [ -39.749, -18.81 ], [ -39.692, -19.353 ], [ -39.805, -19.65 ], [ -39.951, -19.717 ], [ -40.151, -19.956 ], [ -40.236, -20.285 ], [ -40.353, -20.32 ], [ -40.329, -20.236 ], [ -40.359, -20.291 ], [ -40.365, -20.317 ], [ -40.35, -20.328 ], [ -40.268, -20.327 ], [ -40.402, -20.606 ], [ -40.466, -20.624 ], [ -40.627, -20.845 ], [ -40.65, -20.813 ], [ -40.756, -20.866 ], [ -40.853, -21.133 ], [ -40.955, -21.251 ], [ -40.96, -21.364 ], [ -41.065, -21.495 ], [ -41.051, -21.608 ], [ -41.038, -21.622 ], [ -41.007, -21.618 ], [ -40.99, -22.014 ], [ -41.229, -22.151 ], [ -41.668, -22.294 ], [ -41.962, -22.538 ], [ -41.986, -22.713 ], [ -41.919, -22.774 ], [ -41.864, -22.759 ], [ -42.023, -22.896 ], [ -42.037, -22.94 ], [ -41.99, -22.964 ], [ -42.018, -22.998 ], [ -42.086, -22.957 ], [ -42.529, -22.934 ], [ -43.05, -22.982 ], [ -43.132, -22.941 ], [ -43.025, -22.741 ], [ -43.084, -22.68 ], [ -43.216, -22.725 ], [ -43.287, -22.806 ], [ -43.24, -22.847 ], [ -43.249, -22.797 ], [ -43.156, -22.784 ], [ -43.247, -22.882 ], [ -43.164, -22.899 ], [ -43.187, -22.995 ], [ -43.344, -22.983 ], [ -43.303, -23.02 ], [ -43.549, -23.081 ], [ -44.001, -23.1 ], [ -43.961, -23.042 ], [ -43.877, -23.067 ], [ -43.909, -23.02 ], [ -43.807, -23.063 ], [ -43.555, -23.055 ], [ -43.84, -22.906 ], [ -43.985, -22.937 ], [ -44.034, -23.014 ], [ -44.044, -22.923 ], [ -44.107, -23.03 ], [ -44.234, -23.06 ], [ -44.238, -23.004 ], [ -44.358, -23.02 ], [ -44.296, -22.961 ], [ -44.321, -22.927 ], [ -44.378, -22.972 ], [ -44.407, -22.945 ], [ -44.443, -23.035 ], [ -44.669, -23.06 ], [ -44.712, -23.19 ], [ -44.701, -23.237 ], [ -44.645, -23.191 ], [ -44.612, -23.206 ], [ -44.685, -23.256 ], [ -44.611, -23.238 ], [ -44.652, -23.302 ], [ -44.558, -23.232 ], [ -44.577, -23.275 ], [ -44.498, -23.302 ], [ -44.583, -23.367 ], [ -44.669, -23.341 ], [ -44.84, -23.395 ], [ -44.905, -23.339 ], [ -45.05, -23.418 ], [ -45.016, -23.461 ], [ -45.079, -23.519 ], [ -45.165, -23.495 ], [ -45.159, -23.541 ], [ -45.228, -23.547 ], [ -45.211, -23.582 ], [ -45.41, -23.632 ], [ -45.412, -23.825 ], [ -45.934, -23.771 ], [ -46.124, -23.842 ], [ -46.2, -24.002 ], [ -46.288, -24.044 ], [ -46.321, -24 ], [ -46.458, -24.025 ], [ -46.937, -24.281 ], [ -47.024, -24.382 ], [ -47.004, -24.412 ], [ -47.86, -24.996 ], [ -47.914, -25.061 ], [ -47.915, -25.16 ], [ -48.213, -25.47 ], [ -48.254, -25.435 ], [ -48.222, -25.342 ], [ -48.208, -25.353 ], [ -48.121, -25.267 ], [ -48.253, -25.328 ], [ -48.284, -25.294 ], [ -48.317, -25.363 ], [ -48.327, -25.232 ], [ -48.366, -25.317 ], [ -48.433, -25.237 ], [ -48.428, -25.324 ], [ -48.5, -25.335 ], [ -48.427, -25.39 ], [ -48.449, -25.379 ], [ -48.468, -25.388 ], [ -48.467, -25.432 ], [ -48.449, -25.384 ], [ -48.414, -25.428 ], [ -48.476, -25.485 ], [ -48.637, -25.468 ], [ -48.661, -25.398 ], [ -48.671, -25.435 ], [ -48.739, -25.374 ], [ -48.68, -25.465 ], [ -48.687, -25.499 ], [ -48.737, -25.483 ], [ -48.703, -25.504 ], [ -48.617, -25.536 ], [ -48.512, -25.505 ], [ -48.482, -25.591 ], [ -48.46, -25.552 ], [ -48.35, -25.581 ], [ -48.565, -25.868 ], [ -48.614, -26.06 ], [ -48.586, -26.172 ], [ -48.714, -26.243 ], [ -48.795, -26.073 ], [ -48.837, -26.157 ], [ -48.798, -26.142 ], [ -48.763, -26.199 ], [ -48.805, -26.228 ], [ -48.769, -26.223 ], [ -48.761, -26.286 ], [ -48.803, -26.303 ], [ -48.723, -26.362 ], [ -48.635, -26.374 ], [ -48.714, -26.308 ], [ -48.554, -26.172 ], [ -48.493, -26.224 ], [ -48.695, -26.658 ], [ -48.665, -26.769 ], [ -48.583, -26.786 ], [ -48.655, -26.909 ], [ -48.62, -27.007 ], [ -48.574, -27.011 ], [ -48.607, -27.122 ], [ -48.554, -27.152 ], [ -48.51, -27.108 ], [ -48.469, -27.148 ], [ -48.511, -27.183 ], [ -48.486, -27.218 ], [ -48.531, -27.18 ], [ -48.612, -27.243 ], [ -48.596, -27.318 ], [ -48.529, -27.334 ], [ -48.649, -27.486 ], [ -48.572, -27.592 ], [ -48.653, -27.648 ], [ -48.575, -27.888 ], [ -48.761, -28.535 ], [ -48.813, -28.605 ], [ -49.37, -28.92 ], [ -49.334, -28.921 ], [ -49.702, -29.308 ], [ -50.006, -29.749 ], [ -50.316, -30.472 ], [ -50.848, -31.205 ], [ -51.303, -31.613 ], [ -51.877, -31.952 ], [ -52.071, -32.188 ], [ -52.012, -31.946 ], [ -52.092, -31.837 ], [ -51.851, -31.865 ], [ -51.777, -31.805 ], [ -51.854, -31.797 ], [ -51.65, -31.759 ], [ -51.478, -31.562 ], [ -51.43, -31.622 ], [ -51.458, -31.548 ], [ -51.424, -31.478 ], [ -51.351, -31.529 ], [ -51.234, -31.458 ], [ -51.16, -31.31 ], [ -51.166, -31.063 ], [ -51.109, -31.097 ], [ -50.985, -31.042 ], [ -50.965, -30.893 ], [ -50.888, -30.893 ], [ -50.705, -30.756 ], [ -50.677, -30.61 ], [ -50.725, -30.371 ], [ -50.692, -30.355 ], [ -50.625, -30.409 ], [ -50.641, -30.459 ], [ -50.569, -30.471 ], [ -50.534, -30.278 ], [ -50.601, -30.194 ], [ -50.659, -30.201 ], [ -50.661, -30.293 ], [ -50.918, -30.333 ], [ -50.934, -30.42 ], [ -50.889, -30.439 ], [ -50.921, -30.44 ], [ -51.052, -30.395 ], [ -51.034, -30.276 ], [ -51.146, -30.267 ], [ -51.246, -30.188 ], [ -51.23, -30.043 ], [ -51.295, -30.007 ], [ -51.326, -30.23 ], [ -51.271, -30.25 ], [ -51.293, -30.295 ], [ -51.246, -30.33 ], [ -51.209, -30.3 ], [ -51.179, -30.383 ], [ -51.092, -30.367 ], [ -51.129, -30.436 ], [ -51.202, -30.413 ], [ -51.269, -30.489 ], [ -51.282, -30.811 ], [ -51.33, -30.777 ], [ -51.294, -30.758 ], [ -51.319, -30.64 ], [ -51.375, -30.635 ], [ -51.404, -30.769 ], [ -51.367, -30.874 ], [ -51.457, -30.874 ], [ -51.501, -30.935 ], [ -51.436, -31.088 ], [ -51.611, -31.138 ], [ -51.613, -31.272 ], [ -51.915, -31.313 ], [ -52.002, -31.449 ], [ -52.031, -31.693 ], [ -52.218, -31.747 ], [ -52.247, -31.871 ], [ -52.106, -31.952 ], [ -52.216, -31.963 ], [ -52.263, -32.062 ], [ -52.209, -32.045 ], [ -52.225, -32.096 ], [ -52.082, -32.033 ], [ -52.162, -32.128 ], [ -52.09, -32.069 ], [ -52.084, -32.186 ], [ -52.16, -32.201 ], [ -52.341, -32.43 ], [ -52.488, -32.844 ], [ -52.66, -33.165 ], [ -53.227, -33.658 ], [ -53.421, -33.741 ], [ -53.524, -33.689 ], [ -53.515, -33.163 ], [ -53.434, -33.054 ], [ -53.243, -32.936 ], [ -53.294, -32.911 ], [ -53.074, -32.746 ], [ -53.244, -32.605 ], [ -53.39, -32.583 ], [ -53.46, -32.48 ], [ -53.595, -32.432 ], [ -53.73, -32.157 ], [ -53.714, -32.104 ], [ -53.965, -31.919 ], [ -54.096, -31.906 ], [ -54.466, -31.666 ], [ -54.491, -31.54 ], [ -54.591, -31.448 ], [ -54.836, -31.446 ], [ -54.945, -31.392 ], [ -55.014, -31.285 ], [ -55.091, -31.326 ], [ -55.245, -31.257 ], [ -55.374, -31.038 ], [ -55.594, -30.848 ], [ -55.635, -30.857 ], [ -55.657, -30.956 ], [ -55.87, -31.08 ], [ -56.008, -31.063 ], [ -55.987, -30.86 ], [ -56.021, -30.784 ], [ -56.127, -30.739 ], [ -56.177, -30.614 ], [ -56.384, -30.495 ], [ -56.459, -30.387 ], [ -56.545, -30.364 ], [ -56.54, -30.312 ], [ -56.617, -30.303 ], [ -56.644, -30.205 ], [ -56.776, -30.166 ], [ -56.804, -30.107 ], [ -57.068, -30.088 ], [ -57.207, -30.281 ], [ -57.313, -30.26 ], [ -57.396, -30.303 ], [ -57.538, -30.275 ], [ -57.618, -30.179 ], [ -57.505, -30.143 ], [ -57.342, -30.001 ], [ -57.319, -29.87 ], [ -57.254, -29.794 ], [ -57.105, -29.752 ], [ -56.972, -29.639 ], [ -56.676, -29.321 ], [ -56.593, -29.123 ], [ -56.425, -29.073 ], [ -56.285, -28.794 ], [ -56.185, -28.771 ], [ -56.016, -28.611 ], [ -56.011, -28.509 ], [ -55.888, -28.479 ], [ -55.875, -28.362 ], [ -55.696, -28.425 ], [ -55.671, -28.333 ], [ -55.773, -28.247 ], [ -55.605, -28.123 ], [ -55.554, -28.164 ], [ -55.496, -28.081 ], [ -55.444, -28.097 ], [ -55.323, -27.928 ], [ -55.196, -27.863 ], [ -55.134, -27.895 ], [ -55.117, -27.853 ], [ -55.032, -27.854 ], [ -55.082, -27.789 ], [ -54.941, -27.775 ], [ -54.809, -27.536 ], [ -54.781, -27.586 ], [ -54.683, -27.576 ], [ -54.678, -27.514 ], [ -54.624, -27.55 ], [ -54.576, -27.458 ], [ -54.525, -27.507 ], [ -54.415, -27.412 ], [ -54.353, -27.468 ], [ -54.339, -27.406 ], [ -54.282, -27.447 ], [ -54.176, -27.261 ], [ -54.089, -27.303 ], [ -53.949, -27.158 ], [ -53.799, -27.147 ], [ -53.795, -27.048 ], [ -53.761, -27.068 ], [ -53.662, -26.869 ], [ -53.751, -26.745 ], [ -53.707, -26.563 ], [ -53.738, -26.548 ], [ -53.592, -26.265 ], [ -53.722, -26.13 ], [ -53.733, -26.047 ], [ -53.837, -25.969 ], [ -53.824, -25.793 ], [ -53.891, -25.625 ], [ -53.951, -25.644 ], [ -54.016, -25.569 ], [ -54.101, -25.625 ], [ -54.111, -25.504 ], [ -54.213, -25.554 ], [ -54.184, -25.591 ], [ -54.289, -25.562 ], [ -54.387, -25.608 ], [ -54.43, -25.706 ], [ -54.596, -25.595 ], [ -54.617, -25.459 ], [ -54.437, -25.157 ], [ -54.458, -25.031 ], [ -54.336, -24.649 ], [ -54.333, -24.493 ], [ -54.262, -24.376 ], [ -54.33, -24.225 ], [ -54.282, -24.075 ], [ -54.411, -23.929 ], [ -54.668, -23.815 ], [ -55.061, -23.991 ], [ -55.112, -23.963 ], [ -55.226, -24.013 ], [ -55.413, -23.961 ], [ -55.434, -23.714 ], [ -55.535, -23.614 ], [ -55.522, -23.197 ], [ -55.596, -23.141 ], [ -55.64, -22.994 ], [ -55.685, -22.992 ], [ -55.613, -22.659 ], [ -55.736, -22.532 ], [ -55.74, -22.396 ], [ -55.854, -22.281 ], [ -56.208, -22.281 ], [ -56.341, -22.206 ], [ -56.403, -22.078 ], [ -56.519, -22.103 ], [ -56.643, -22.261 ], [ -56.698, -22.216 ], [ -56.728, -22.26 ], [ -56.808, -22.25 ], [ -56.831, -22.3 ], [ -57.001, -22.225 ], [ -57.203, -22.21 ], [ -57.243, -22.244 ], [ -57.553, -22.181 ], [ -57.616, -22.096 ], [ -57.803, -22.148 ], [ -57.989, -22.085 ], [ -58.005, -22.032 ], [ -57.919, -21.881 ], [ -57.969, -21.844 ], [ -57.913, -21.793 ], [ -57.947, -21.747 ], [ -57.894, -21.687 ], [ -57.968, -21.528 ], [ -57.855, -21.339 ], [ -57.918, -21.278 ], [ -57.854, -21.226 ], [ -57.866, -21.041 ], [ -57.818, -20.976 ], [ -57.927, -20.897 ], [ -57.855, -20.835 ], [ -57.961, -20.784 ], [ -57.869, -20.736 ], [ -57.923, -20.666 ], [ -57.988, -20.696 ], [ -57.994, -20.448 ], [ -58.082, -20.372 ], [ -58.092, -20.257 ], [ -58.154, -20.264 ], [ -58.125, -20.188 ], [ -58.163, -20.162 ], [ -57.872, -19.979 ], [ -58.134, -19.761 ], [ -57.79, -19.051 ], [ -57.709, -19.034 ], [ -57.757, -18.858 ], [ -57.56, -18.263 ], [ -57.458, -18.228 ], [ -57.568, -18.136 ], [ -57.702, -17.86 ], [ -57.715, -17.735 ], [ -57.785, -17.645 ], [ -57.773, -17.553 ], [ -57.878, -17.463 ], [ -58.003, -17.52 ], [ -58.114, -17.456 ], [ -58.395, -17.197 ], [ -58.421, -16.99 ], [ -58.47, -16.939 ], [ -58.468, -16.702 ], [ -58.442, -16.613 ], [ -58.34, -16.542 ], [ -58.309, -16.27 ], [ -58.471, -16.325 ], [ -60.173, -16.265 ], [ -60.236, -15.476 ], [ -60.565, -15.105 ], [ -60.253, -15.101 ], [ -60.257, -14.624 ], [ -60.338, -14.555 ], [ -60.482, -14.181 ], [ -60.468, -14.092 ], [ -60.378, -13.992 ], [ -60.468, -13.886 ], [ -60.468, -13.801 ], [ -60.793, -13.686 ], [ -60.962, -13.539 ], [ -61.044, -13.541 ], [ -61.028, -13.477 ], [ -61.069, -13.463 ], [ -61.139, -13.521 ], [ -61.249, -13.525 ], [ -61.33, -13.473 ], [ -61.486, -13.554 ], [ -61.578, -13.494 ], [ -61.824, -13.539 ], [ -61.866, -13.443 ], [ -62.108, -13.257 ], [ -62.109, -13.149 ], [ -62.165, -13.112 ], [ -62.368, -13.145 ], [ -62.464, -13.07 ], [ -62.637, -13.041 ], [ -62.674, -12.965 ], [ -62.764, -13.023 ], [ -62.923, -12.854 ], [ -62.996, -12.85 ], [ -63.082, -12.653 ], [ -63.327, -12.705 ], [ -63.482, -12.557 ], [ -63.712, -12.458 ], [ -63.875, -12.469 ], [ -63.937, -12.557 ], [ -64.127, -12.494 ], [ -64.152, -12.529 ], [ -64.215, -12.476 ], [ -64.278, -12.511 ], [ -64.493, -12.366 ], [ -64.486, -12.23 ], [ -64.654, -12.186 ], [ -64.683, -12.099 ], [ -64.725, -12.162 ], [ -64.798, -12.035 ], [ -64.993, -11.999 ], [ -65.048, -11.757 ], [ -65.112, -11.741 ], [ -65.106, -11.697 ], [ -65.135, -11.777 ], [ -65.201, -11.745 ], [ -65.161, -11.622 ], [ -65.218, -11.521 ], [ -65.299, -11.5 ], [ -65.338, -11.392 ], [ -65.31, -11.341 ], [ -65.385, -11.269 ], [ -65.349, -11.239 ], [ -65.391, -11.167 ], [ -65.318, -11.105 ], [ -65.336, -11.044 ], [ -65.269, -10.901 ], [ -65.366, -10.798 ], [ -65.349, -10.671 ], [ -65.426, -10.638 ], [ -65.429, -10.473 ], [ -65.28, -10.218 ], [ -65.327, -9.938 ], [ -65.29, -9.851 ], [ -65.377, -9.698 ], [ -65.488, -9.718 ], [ -65.563, -9.834 ], [ -65.669, -9.779 ], [ -65.7, -9.803 ], [ -65.689, -9.749 ], [ -65.748, -9.77 ], [ -65.777, -9.727 ], [ -65.798, -9.786 ], [ -65.81, -9.75 ], [ -65.86, -9.794 ], [ -65.872, -9.757 ], [ -66.018, -9.807 ], [ -66.064, -9.772 ], [ -66.422, -9.895 ], [ -66.616, -9.893 ], [ -66.623, -9.935 ], [ -66.883, -10.081 ], [ -67.029, -10.254 ], [ -67.186, -10.339 ], [ -67.315, -10.316 ], [ -67.327, -10.374 ], [ -67.414, -10.372 ], [ -67.443, -10.45 ], [ -67.594, -10.523 ], [ -67.715, -10.707 ], [ -68.021, -10.661 ], [ -68.119, -10.726 ], [ -68.283, -10.987 ], [ -68.519, -11.048 ], [ -68.587, -11.11 ], [ -68.769, -11.139 ], [ -68.751, -11.007 ], [ -68.787, -10.99 ], [ -68.871, -11.023 ], [ -69.393, -10.929 ], [ -69.728, -10.973 ], [ -69.938, -10.926 ], [ -70.318, -11.066 ], [ -70.428, -11.033 ], [ -70.508, -10.94 ], [ -70.618, -11.007 ], [ -70.622, -9.847 ], [ -70.522, -9.738 ], [ -70.598, -9.574 ], [ -70.561, -9.579 ], [ -70.497, -9.433 ], [ -70.601, -9.453 ], [ -70.982, -9.812 ], [ -71.131, -9.862 ], [ -71.288, -9.996 ], [ -72.165, -10.002 ], [ -72.16, -9.818 ], [ -72.26, -9.755 ], [ -72.289, -9.536 ], [ -72.364, -9.491 ], [ -72.721, -9.417 ], [ -73.196, -9.418 ], [ -72.965, -9.154 ], [ -72.946, -8.99 ], [ -73.059, -8.904 ], [ -73.169, -8.701 ], [ -73.338, -8.609 ], [ -73.338, -8.476 ], [ -73.526, -8.369 ], [ -73.632, -8.022 ], [ -73.765, -7.94 ], [ -73.777, -7.869 ], [ -73.697, -7.865 ], [ -73.69, -7.79 ], [ -73.985, -7.543 ], [ -73.917, -7.461 ], [ -73.954, -7.348 ], [ -73.868, -7.377 ], [ -73.691, -7.313 ], [ -73.797, -7.115 ], [ -73.743, -6.897 ], [ -73.351, -6.561 ], [ -73.211, -6.53 ], [ -73.133, -6.421 ], [ -73.185, -6.04 ], [ -73.131, -5.986 ], [ -73.116, -5.865 ], [ -72.951, -5.643 ], [ -72.948, -5.454 ], [ -72.872, -5.25 ], [ -72.896, -5.136 ], [ -72.734, -5.043 ], [ -72.602, -5.056 ], [ -72.577, -4.992 ], [ -72.455, -4.962 ], [ -72.452, -4.906 ], [ -72.37, -4.88 ], [ -72.356, -4.803 ], [ -72.292, -4.799 ], [ -72.313, -4.769 ], [ -72.223, -4.78 ], [ -72.113, -4.722 ], [ -72.047, -4.625 ], [ -71.94, -4.607 ], [ -71.897, -4.512 ], [ -71.61, -4.465 ], [ -71.597, -4.525 ], [ -71.535, -4.46 ], [ -71.49, -4.479 ], [ -71.506, -4.435 ], [ -71.414, -4.432 ], [ -71.432, -4.469 ], [ -71.342, -4.423 ], [ -71.355, -4.468 ], [ -71.303, -4.458 ], [ -71.269, -4.381 ], [ -71.198, -4.377 ], [ -71.193, -4.42 ], [ -71.147, -4.375 ], [ -71.031, -4.397 ], [ -70.99, -4.34 ], [ -70.935, -4.381 ], [ -70.757, -4.152 ], [ -70.677, -4.2 ], [ -70.622, -4.121 ], [ -70.633, -4.173 ], [ -70.565, -4.168 ], [ -70.566, -4.205 ], [ -70.553, -4.128 ], [ -70.503, -4.19 ], [ -70.434, -4.125 ], [ -70.341, -4.174 ], [ -70.317, -4.136 ], [ -70.291, -4.283 ], [ -70.249, -4.267 ], [ -70.186, -4.357 ], [ -70.169, -4.27 ], [ -70.101, -4.255 ], [ -70.031, -4.339 ], [ -69.929, -4.213 ], [ -69.453, -1.478 ], [ -69.368, -1.334 ], [ -69.422, -0.998 ], [ -69.508, -0.936 ], [ -69.609, -0.755 ], [ -69.551, -0.648 ], [ -69.593, -0.517 ], [ -69.908, -0.316 ], [ -70.068, -0.135 ], [ -70.037, 0.553 ], [ -69.798, 0.585 ], [ -69.664, 0.672 ], [ -69.606, 0.623 ], [ -69.468, 0.734 ], [ -69.357, 0.621 ], [ -69.295, 0.648 ], [ -69.288, 0.609 ], [ -69.202, 0.602 ], [ -69.112, 0.643 ], [ -69.184, 0.73 ], [ -69.137, 0.868 ], [ -69.257, 1.026 ], [ -69.342, 1.064 ], [ -69.416, 1.024 ], [ -69.7, 1.056 ], [ -69.721, 1.097 ], [ -69.854, 1.07 ], [ -69.855, 1.715 ], [ -69.556, 1.775 ], [ -69.395, 1.726 ], [ -68.128, 1.73 ], [ -68.29, 1.841 ], [ -68.205, 2.038 ], [ -68.027, 1.784 ], [ -67.924, 1.751 ], [ -67.797, 1.812 ], [ -67.578, 2.076 ], [ -67.41, 2.141 ], [ -67.117, 1.732 ], [ -67.068, 1.532 ], [ -67.097, 1.17 ], [ -66.855, 1.228 ], [ -66.322, 0.738 ], [ -66.095, 0.754 ], [ -65.952, 0.81 ], [ -65.854, 0.939 ], [ -65.733, 1.005 ], [ -65.583, 1.008 ], [ -65.47, 0.877 ], [ -65.557, 0.705 ], [ -65.504, 0.627 ], [ -65.393, 0.699 ], [ -65.305, 0.916 ], [ -65.152, 0.943 ], [ -65.121, 1.115 ], [ -65.055, 1.144 ], [ -64.968, 1.112 ], [ -64.903, 1.249 ], [ -64.843, 1.237 ], [ -64.783, 1.313 ], [ -64.721, 1.25 ], [ -64.638, 1.286 ], [ -64.387, 1.527 ], [ -64.344, 1.528 ], [ -64.382, 1.419 ], [ -64.344, 1.38 ], [ -64.186, 1.494 ], [ -64.054, 1.708 ], [ -64.057, 1.933 ], [ -64.018, 1.967 ], [ -63.781, 1.989 ], [ -63.604, 2.124 ], [ -63.419, 2.154 ], [ -63.349, 2.281 ], [ -63.382, 2.442 ], [ -63.756, 2.403 ], [ -64.031, 2.509 ], [ -63.987, 2.772 ], [ -64.216, 3.153 ], [ -64.236, 3.476 ], [ -64.186, 3.634 ], [ -64.324, 3.797 ], [ -64.543, 3.882 ], [ -64.8, 4.224 ], [ -64.79, 4.329 ], [ -64.677, 4.297 ], [ -64.555, 4.153 ], [ -64.135, 4.176 ], [ -63.967, 3.93 ], [ -63.806, 4.019 ], [ -63.623, 4.01 ], [ -63.455, 3.91 ], [ -63.411, 4.026 ], [ -63.358, 4.04 ], [ -63.203, 3.952 ], [ -63.189, 3.872 ], [ -62.86, 3.584 ], [ -62.749, 3.642 ], [ -62.705, 3.724 ], [ -62.752, 4.012 ], [ -62.635, 4.056 ], [ -62.557, 4.02 ], [ -62.46, 4.173 ], [ -62.129, 4.084 ], [ -61.961, 4.18 ], [ -61.927, 4.106 ], [ -61.723, 4.262 ], [ -61.528, 4.273 ], [ -61.507, 4.398 ], [ -61.274, 4.471 ], [ -61.293, 4.55 ], [ -61.141, 4.508 ], [ -60.952, 4.549 ], [ -60.907, 4.708 ], [ -60.731, 4.777 ], [ -60.59, 4.951 ], [ -60.744, 5.209 ], [ -60.438, 5.177 ], [ -60.203, 5.265 ], [ -60.176, 5.227 ], [ -60.121, 5.243 ], [ -60.085, 5.149 ], [ -59.969, 5.073 ], [ -60.03, 4.704 ], [ -60.163, 4.521 ], [ -59.927, 4.509 ], [ -59.674, 4.382 ], [ -59.726, 4.191 ], [ -59.628, 4.138 ], [ -59.655, 4.078 ], [ -59.516, 3.94 ], [ -59.581, 3.901 ], [ -59.594, 3.796 ], [ -59.666, 3.777 ], [ -59.664, 3.703 ], [ -59.849, 3.601 ], [ -59.799, 3.355 ], [ -59.909, 3.197 ], [ -59.982, 2.929 ], [ -59.99, 2.683 ], [ -59.903, 2.479 ], [ -59.91, 2.388 ], [ -59.724, 2.277 ], [ -59.754, 1.861 ], [ -59.654, 1.849 ], [ -59.669, 1.764 ], [ -59.549, 1.729 ], [ -59.253, 1.397 ], [ -58.914, 1.299 ], [ -58.904, 1.234 ], [ -58.804, 1.175 ], [ -58.696, 1.288 ], [ -58.507, 1.264 ], [ -58.468, 1.318 ], [ -58.498, 1.458 ], [ -58.382, 1.471 ], [ -58.325, 1.59 ], [ -58.167, 1.558 ], [ -58.13, 1.501 ], [ -58.009, 1.501 ], [ -58, 1.665 ], [ -57.919, 1.645 ], [ -57.77, 1.718 ], [ -57.545, 1.701 ], [ -57.434, 1.895 ], [ -57.302, 1.99 ], [ -57.247, 1.944 ], [ -57.085, 2.021 ], [ -57.012, 1.918 ], [ -56.8, 1.864 ], [ -56.724, 1.92 ], [ -56.454, 1.945 ], [ -55.957, 1.844 ], [ -55.906, 1.889 ], [ -55.913, 2.041 ], [ -56.048, 2.226 ], [ -56.134, 2.263 ], [ -56.09, 2.352 ], [ -55.995, 2.405 ], [ -55.987, 2.517 ], [ -55.948, 2.532 ], [ -55.739, 2.401 ], [ -55.481, 2.443 ], [ -55.37, 2.407 ], [ -55.336, 2.516 ], [ -55.239, 2.495 ], [ -55.137, 2.575 ], [ -55.103, 2.522 ], [ -54.94, 2.632 ], [ -54.969, 2.555 ], [ -54.864, 2.439 ], [ -54.72, 2.469 ], [ -54.702, 2.336 ], [ -54.549, 2.336 ], [ -54.534, 2.268 ], [ -54.314, 2.158 ], [ -54.189, 2.179 ], [ -54.111, 2.127 ], [ -54.078, 2.197 ], [ -53.784, 2.364 ], [ -53.694, 2.287 ], [ -53.472, 2.332 ], [ -53.397, 2.272 ], [ -53.273, 2.292 ], [ -53.188, 2.223 ], [ -52.905, 2.19 ], [ -52.853, 2.285 ], [ -52.673, 2.374 ], [ -52.555, 2.523 ], [ -52.556, 2.646 ], [ -52.382, 2.912 ], [ -52.347, 3.134 ], [ -52.192, 3.296 ], [ -51.92, 3.781 ], [ -51.795, 3.89 ], [ -51.754, 3.996 ], [ -51.658, 4.049 ], [ -51.585, 4.241 ], [ -51.529, 4.171 ], [ -51.545, 4.397 ], [ -51.202, 4.084 ], [ -51.173, 3.767 ], [ -51.127, 3.911 ], [ -51.085, 3.895 ], [ -51.051, 3.283 ], [ -50.913, 2.875 ], [ -50.927, 2.807 ], [ -50.816, 2.644 ], [ -50.851, 2.482 ], [ -50.802, 2.508 ], [ -50.736, 2.414 ], [ -50.765, 2.359 ], [ -50.694, 2.276 ], [ -50.725, 2.252 ], [ -50.675, 2.247 ], [ -50.682, 2.137 ], [ -50.584, 2.091 ], [ -50.586, 2.014 ], [ -50.471, 1.82 ], [ -50.194, 1.794 ], [ -49.954, 1.676 ], [ -49.88, 1.419 ], [ -49.918, 1.289 ], [ -50.073, 1.204 ], [ -49.918, 1.232 ], [ -49.939, 1.103 ], [ -50.003, 1.066 ], [ -50.033, 1.107 ], [ -50.131, 0.949 ], [ -50.274, 0.866 ], [ -50.338, 0.729 ], [ -50.417, 0.685 ], [ -50.455, 0.732 ], [ -50.428, 0.679 ], [ -50.571, 0.424 ], [ -50.691, 0.3 ], [ -50.677, 0.365 ], [ -50.746, 0.227 ], [ -50.801, 0.224 ], [ -50.785, 0.183 ], [ -50.908, 0.171 ], [ -51.087, -0.043 ], [ -51.203, -0.055 ], [ -51.419, -0.412 ], [ -51.409, -0.44 ], [ -51.325, -0.364 ], [ -51.188, -0.14 ], [ -51.111, -0.154 ], [ -51.154, -0.284 ], [ -51.396, -0.493 ], [ -51.243, -0.443 ], [ -51.26, -0.5 ], [ -51.165, -0.431 ], [ -50.953, -0.061 ], [ -50.824, -0.048 ], [ -50.705, 0.002 ], [ -50.613, -0.088 ], [ -50.744, -0.244 ], [ -50.751, -0.429 ], [ -50.845, -0.526 ], [ -50.988, -0.583 ], [ -51.051, -0.682 ], [ -50.826, -0.555 ], [ -50.794, -0.666 ], [ -50.733, -0.557 ], [ -50.684, -0.604 ], [ -50.724, -0.493 ], [ -50.652, -0.276 ], [ -50.409, -0.094 ], [ -49.631, -0.247 ], [ -49.446, -0.23 ], [ -49.289, -0.145 ], [ -49.018, -0.16 ], [ -49, -0.139 ], [ -48.895, -0.224 ], [ -48.539, -0.234 ], [ -48.363, -0.303 ], [ -48.459, -0.513 ], [ -48.522, -0.877 ], [ -48.667, -1.002 ], [ -48.621, -1.005 ], [ -48.65, -1.048 ], [ -48.617, -1.053 ], [ -48.721, -1.137 ], [ -48.837, -1.452 ], [ -49.161, -1.575 ], [ -49.182, -1.623 ], [ -49.362, -1.604 ], [ -49.364, -1.642 ], [ -49.448, -1.637 ], [ -49.5, -1.738 ], [ -49.61, -1.718 ], [ -49.676, -1.78 ], [ -49.696, -1.757 ], [ -49.714, -1.76 ], [ -49.803, -1.822 ], [ -50.035, -1.717 ], [ -50.179, -1.787 ], [ -50.256, -1.776 ], [ -50.415, -1.841 ], [ -50.401, -1.935 ], [ -49.994, -1.819 ], [ -49.844, -1.905 ], [ -49.765, -1.898 ], [ -49.616, -1.79 ], [ -49.276, -1.706 ], [ -49.267, -1.778 ], [ -49.387, -1.977 ], [ -49.383, -2.159 ], [ -48.973, -1.594 ], [ -48.897, -1.573 ], [ -48.955, -1.712 ], [ -48.932, -1.75 ], [ -48.898, -1.743 ], [ -48.656, -1.371 ], [ -48.592, -1.429 ], [ -48.601, -1.306 ], [ -48.524, -1.338 ], [ -48.537, -1.467 ], [ -48.496, -1.553 ], [ -48.491, -1.502 ], [ -48.46, -1.533 ], [ -48.374, -1.511 ], [ -48.319, -1.478 ], [ -48.505, -1.471 ], [ -48.422, -1.168 ], [ -48.475, -1.144 ], [ -48.4, -1.066 ], [ -48.278, -1.111 ], [ -48.304, -0.948 ], [ -48.055, -0.668 ], [ -48.001, -0.731 ], [ -47.893, -0.553 ], [ -47.843, -0.616 ], [ -47.807, -0.547 ], [ -47.702, -0.54 ], [ -47.707, -0.59 ], [ -47.667, -0.569 ], [ -47.633, -0.608 ], [ -47.651, -0.694 ], [ -47.608, -0.684 ], [ -47.577, -0.573 ], [ -47.476, -0.757 ], [ -47.398, -0.76 ], [ -47.428, -0.693 ], [ -47.464, -0.687 ], [ -47.466, -0.594 ], [ -47.399, -0.594 ], [ -47.4, -0.645 ], [ -47.298, -0.589 ], [ -47.253, -0.668 ], [ -47.247, -0.623 ], [ -47.206, -0.633 ], [ -47.23, -0.719 ], [ -47.158, -0.678 ], [ -47.191, -0.754 ], [ -47.146, -0.764 ], [ -47.16, -0.815 ], [ -47.081, -0.661 ], [ -47.055, -0.868 ], [ -47.027, -0.784 ], [ -46.983, -0.806 ], [ -47.016, -0.752 ], [ -46.967, -0.694 ], [ -46.969, -0.78 ], [ -46.891, -0.869 ], [ -46.89, -0.789 ], [ -46.846, -0.799 ], [ -46.82, -0.71 ], [ -46.802, -0.877 ], [ -46.777, -0.905 ], [ -46.75, -0.826 ], [ -46.709, -0.86 ], [ -46.734, -0.944 ], [ -46.687, -0.831 ], [ -46.653, -0.882 ], [ -46.621, -0.818 ], [ -46.601, -0.917 ], [ -46.676, -0.965 ], [ -46.622, -0.987 ], [ -46.57, -0.947 ], [ -46.609, -1.03 ], [ -46.57, -0.988 ], [ -46.525, -1.027 ], [ -46.465, -1.007 ], [ -46.47, -1.044 ], [ -46.395, -1.037 ], [ -46.413, -1.084 ], [ -46.348, -0.982 ], [ -46.36, -1.011 ], [ -46.366, -1.031 ], [ -46.348, -1.079 ], [ -46.339, -1.015 ], [ -46.299, -1.05 ], [ -46.212, -0.946 ], [ -46.242, -0.921 ], [ -46.179, -0.914 ], [ -46.224, -1.053 ], [ -46.206, -1.1 ], [ -46.158, -1.014 ], [ -46.138, -1.032 ], [ -46.193, -1.143 ], [ -46.104, -1.067 ], [ -46.062, -1.133 ], [ -46.15, -1.258 ], [ -45.982, -1.071 ], [ -45.953, -1.147 ], [ -46, -1.151 ], [ -46, -1.199 ], [ -45.95, -1.159 ], [ -45.95, -1.207 ], [ -46, -1.209 ], [ -45.95, -1.25 ], [ -45.902, -1.134 ], [ -45.923, -1.214 ], [ -45.882, -1.167 ], [ -45.873, -1.211 ], [ -45.909, -1.261 ], [ -45.859, -1.231 ], [ -45.891, -1.293 ], [ -45.807, -1.176 ], [ -45.843, -1.301 ], [ -45.809, -1.328 ], [ -45.831, -1.298 ], [ -45.782, -1.278 ], [ -45.726, -1.135 ], [ -45.69, -1.452 ], [ -45.697, -1.38 ], [ -45.632, -1.371 ], [ -45.618, -1.279 ], [ -45.589, -1.329 ], [ -45.537, -1.273 ], [ -45.561, -1.343 ], [ -45.51, -1.352 ], [ -45.567, -1.404 ], [ -45.546, -1.432 ], [ -45.413, -1.296 ], [ -45.489, -1.473 ], [ -45.511, -1.458 ], [ -45.554, -1.503 ], [ -45.507, -1.471 ], [ -45.518, -1.516 ], [ -45.481, -1.495 ], [ -45.463, -1.548 ], [ -45.457, -1.457 ], [ -45.391, -1.434 ], [ -45.363, -1.325 ], [ -45.323, -1.319 ], [ -45.302, -1.424 ], [ -45.392, -1.485 ], [ -45.398, -1.503 ], [ -45.356, -1.487 ], [ -45.392, -1.553 ], [ -45.338, -1.572 ], [ -45.371, -1.722 ], [ -45.338, -1.753 ], [ -45.197, -1.688 ], [ -45.261, -1.607 ], [ -45.16, -1.475 ], [ -45.136, -1.521 ], [ -45.072, -1.435 ], [ -45.07, -1.485 ], [ -44.999, -1.504 ], [ -45.018, -1.547 ], [ -44.969, -1.549 ], [ -45.029, -1.583 ], [ -45.029, -1.602 ], [ -44.979, -1.607 ], [ -44.954, -1.498 ], [ -44.862, -1.426 ], [ -44.857, -1.498 ], [ -44.954, -1.605 ], [ -44.918, -1.649 ], [ -44.968, -1.662 ], [ -44.913, -1.657 ], [ -44.927, -1.62 ], [ -44.886, -1.609 ], [ -44.837, -1.65 ], [ -44.822, -1.591 ], [ -44.826, -1.637 ], [ -44.805, -1.609 ], [ -44.812, -1.665 ], [ -44.779, -1.735 ], [ -44.711, -1.728 ], [ -44.82, -1.819 ], [ -44.738, -1.791 ], [ -44.706, -1.819 ], [ -44.676, -1.808 ], [ -44.661, -1.727 ], [ -44.604, -1.749 ], [ -44.667, -1.849 ], [ -44.601, -1.858 ], [ -44.583, -1.817 ], [ -44.586, -1.873 ], [ -44.543, -1.833 ], [ -44.601, -1.909 ], [ -44.517, -1.907 ], [ -44.484, -2.002 ], [ -44.613, -2.037 ], [ -44.467, -2.017 ], [ -44.626, -2.151 ], [ -44.589, -2.159 ], [ -44.641, -2.232 ], [ -44.708, -2.23 ], [ -44.684, -2.275 ], [ -44.764, -2.265 ], [ -44.654, -2.294 ], [ -44.681, -2.354 ], [ -44.649, -2.373 ], [ -44.666, -2.329 ], [ -44.479, -2.137 ], [ -44.358, -2.335 ], [ -44.401, -2.416 ], [ -44.514, -2.384 ], [ -44.55, -2.4 ], [ -44.491, -2.415 ], [ -44.514, -2.448 ], [ -44.505, -2.476 ], [ -44.665, -2.608 ], [ -44.548, -2.542 ], [ -44.658, -2.781 ], [ -44.688, -2.924 ], [ -44.677, -3.019 ], [ -44.66, -3.02 ], [ -44.657, -3.018 ] ], [ [ -43.318, -2.361 ], [ -43.317, -2.363 ], [ -43.296, -2.363 ], [ -43.318, -2.361 ] ], [ [ -42.438, -2.747 ], [ -42.442, -2.749 ], [ -42.438, -2.75 ], [ -42.438, -2.747 ] ], [ [ -42.442, -2.749 ], [ -42.47, -2.744 ], [ -42.447, -2.753 ], [ -42.442, -2.749 ] ], [ [ -50.851, 2.482 ], [ -50.853, 2.481 ], [ -50.853, 2.48 ], [ -50.851, 2.482 ] ], [ [ -50.853, 2.481 ], [ -50.86, 2.495 ], [ -50.86, 2.477 ], [ -50.853, 2.481 ] ], [ [ -49.976, 1.659 ], [ -49.98, 1.659 ], [ -50, 1.639 ], [ -49.976, 1.659 ] ], [ [ -45.392, -1.553 ], [ -45.393, -1.553 ], [ -45.394, -1.556 ], [ -45.392, -1.553 ] ], [ [ -45.394, -1.556 ], [ -45.406, -1.579 ], [ -45.403, -1.591 ], [ -45.394, -1.556 ] ], [ [ -44.837, -1.65 ], [ -44.834, -1.655 ], [ -44.833, -1.654 ], [ -44.837, -1.65 ] ], [ [ -44.834, -1.655 ], [ -44.841, -1.675 ], [ -44.822, -1.672 ], [ -44.834, -1.655 ] ], [ [ -44.779, -1.735 ], [ -44.777, -1.741 ], [ -44.776, -1.74 ], [ -44.779, -1.735 ] ], [ [ -44.777, -1.741 ], [ -44.833, -1.77 ], [ -44.774, -1.75 ], [ -44.777, -1.741 ] ], [ [ -44.547, -2.22 ], [ -44.536, -2.225 ], [ -44.543, -2.219 ], [ -44.547, -2.22 ] ], [ [ -44.536, -2.225 ], [ -44.507, -2.249 ], [ -44.512, -2.235 ], [ -44.536, -2.225 ] ], [ [ -44.507, -2.249 ], [ -44.504, -2.256 ], [ -44.501, -2.254 ], [ -44.507, -2.249 ] ], [ [ -44.504, -2.256 ], [ -44.514, -2.268 ], [ -44.502, -2.26 ], [ -44.504, -2.256 ] ] ], [ [ [ -29.34, -20.484 ], [ -29.301, -20.521 ], [ -29.341, -20.511 ], [ -29.34, -20.484 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.001, -13.94 ], [ -39.012, -13.915 ], [ -38.994, -13.896 ], [ -39.001, -13.94 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.043, -13.909 ], [ -39.059, -13.904 ], [ -39.054, -13.886 ], [ -39.028, -13.903 ], [ -39.043, -13.909 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.251, -18.015 ], [ -39.283, -18.005 ], [ -39.272, -17.982 ], [ -39.245, -18.006 ], [ -39.251, -18.015 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.131, -17.927 ], [ -39.154, -17.921 ], [ -39.137, -17.91 ], [ -39.131, -17.927 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.212, -17.986 ], [ -39.228, -17.979 ], [ -39.215, -17.944 ], [ -39.202, -17.95 ], [ -39.212, -17.986 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.341, -23.231 ], [ -44.372, -23.174 ], [ -44.232, -23.089 ], [ -44.087, -23.173 ], [ -44.3, -23.184 ], [ -44.341, -23.231 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.356, -23.073 ], [ -44.388, -23.048 ], [ -44.373, -23.033 ], [ -44.343, -23.041 ], [ -44.356, -23.073 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.929, -23.014 ], [ -43.936, -22.999 ], [ -43.916, -22.989 ], [ -43.929, -23.014 ] ] ], [ [ [ -42.002, -23.018 ], [ -42.015, -23.003 ], [ -41.98, -22.975 ], [ -41.975, -22.992 ], [ -42.002, -23.018 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.904, -22.962 ], [ -43.907, -22.936 ], [ -43.868, -22.926 ], [ -43.871, -22.95 ], [ -43.904, -22.962 ] ] ], [ [ [ -41.042, -21.613 ], [ -41.042, -21.6 ], [ -41.019, -21.606 ], [ -41.042, -21.613 ] ] ], [ [ [ -52.112, -32 ], [ -52.18, -32.035 ], [ -52.216, -32.025 ], [ -52.198, -31.978 ], [ -52.112, -32 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.641, -30.388 ], [ -50.629, -30.394 ], [ -50.624, -30.329 ], [ -50.592, -30.399 ], [ -50.609, -30.406 ], [ -50.641, -30.388 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.526, -27.462 ], [ -48.416, -27.38 ], [ -48.358, -27.446 ], [ -48.503, -27.799 ], [ -48.559, -27.842 ], [ -48.526, -27.462 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.354, -27.296 ], [ -48.376, -27.285 ], [ -48.373, -27.271 ], [ -48.36, -27.27 ], [ -48.354, -27.296 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.731, -26.314 ], [ -48.754, -26.297 ], [ -48.735, -26.282 ], [ -48.731, -26.314 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.318, -25.584 ], [ -48.309, -25.546 ], [ -48.381, -25.504 ], [ -48.312, -25.509 ], [ -48.292, -25.545 ], [ -48.318, -25.584 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.414, -25.544 ], [ -48.459, -25.514 ], [ -48.415, -25.527 ], [ -48.414, -25.544 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.424, -25.551 ], [ -48.479, -25.523 ], [ -48.485, -25.502 ], [ -48.424, -25.551 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.298, -25.493 ], [ -48.341, -25.416 ], [ -48.252, -25.341 ], [ -48.265, -25.44 ], [ -48.253, -25.466 ], [ -48.298, -25.493 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.417, -25.386 ], [ -48.424, -25.343 ], [ -48.405, -25.33 ], [ -48.417, -25.386 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.695, -24.112 ], [ -45.688, -24.088 ], [ -45.679, -24.098 ], [ -45.695, -24.112 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.251, -23.962 ], [ -45.301, -23.909 ], [ -45.453, -23.91 ], [ -45.332, -23.721 ], [ -45.227, -23.774 ], [ -45.224, -23.835 ], [ -45.283, -23.857 ], [ -45.221, -23.899 ], [ -45.251, -23.962 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.141, -23.817 ], [ -45.146, -23.791 ], [ -45.114, -23.801 ], [ -45.141, -23.817 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.153, -23.573 ], [ -45.153, -23.558 ], [ -45.141, -23.568 ], [ -45.153, -23.573 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.073, -23.564 ], [ -45.079, -23.525 ], [ -45.036, -23.531 ], [ -45.073, -23.564 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.608, -23.228 ], [ -44.59, -23.208 ], [ -44.577, -23.216 ], [ -44.608, -23.228 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.648, -12.821 ], [ -38.666, -12.777 ], [ -38.624, -12.762 ], [ -38.648, -12.821 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.529, -12.811 ], [ -38.544, -12.757 ], [ -38.532, -12.74 ], [ -38.508, -12.792 ], [ -38.529, -12.811 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.622, -12.752 ], [ -38.622, -12.727 ], [ -38.593, -12.733 ], [ -38.622, -12.752 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.646, -12.683 ], [ -38.648, -12.65 ], [ -38.636, -12.661 ], [ -38.646, -12.683 ] ] ], [ [ [ -32.402, -3.838 ], [ -32.428, -3.877 ], [ -32.483, -3.878 ], [ -32.402, -3.838 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.667, -3.179 ], [ -44.668, -3.16 ], [ -44.643, -3.148 ], [ -44.644, -3.17 ], [ -44.667, -3.179 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.671, -2.943 ], [ -44.67, -2.92 ], [ -44.647, -2.915 ], [ -44.671, -2.943 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.493, -2.641 ], [ -44.48, -2.601 ], [ -44.477, -2.627 ], [ -44.493, -2.641 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.897, -2.573 ], [ -43.896, -2.554 ], [ -43.886, -2.565 ], [ -43.897, -2.573 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.599, -2.503 ], [ -43.577, -2.471 ], [ -43.572, -2.483 ], [ -43.599, -2.503 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.822, -2.526 ], [ -43.829, -2.509 ], [ -43.813, -2.458 ], [ -43.812, -2.553 ], [ -43.82, -2.528 ], [ -43.822, -2.526 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.821, -2.529 ], [ -43.856, -2.502 ], [ -43.832, -2.439 ], [ -43.842, -2.504 ], [ -43.821, -2.529 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.863, -2.56 ], [ -43.875, -2.552 ], [ -43.865, -2.534 ], [ -43.863, -2.56 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.519, -2.536 ], [ -44.529, -2.526 ], [ -44.501, -2.48 ], [ -44.505, -2.444 ], [ -44.455, -2.434 ], [ -44.519, -2.536 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.602, -3.007 ], [ -44.657, -2.972 ], [ -44.613, -2.894 ], [ -44.575, -2.921 ], [ -44.602, -3.007 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.585, -2.978 ], [ -44.563, -2.914 ], [ -44.586, -2.826 ], [ -44.494, -2.705 ], [ -44.494, -2.953 ], [ -44.582, -3.041 ], [ -44.585, -2.978 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.826, -2.434 ], [ -43.842, -2.403 ], [ -43.811, -2.385 ], [ -43.807, -2.412 ], [ -43.826, -2.434 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.581, -2.441 ], [ -43.615, -2.389 ], [ -43.549, -2.377 ], [ -43.545, -2.403 ], [ -43.581, -2.441 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.791, -2.47 ], [ -43.806, -2.443 ], [ -43.78, -2.422 ], [ -43.759, -2.448 ], [ -43.791, -2.47 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.513, -2.424 ], [ -43.537, -2.416 ], [ -43.522, -2.39 ], [ -43.505, -2.414 ], [ -43.513, -2.424 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.792, -2.405 ], [ -43.798, -2.377 ], [ -43.771, -2.37 ], [ -43.792, -2.405 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.689, -2.355 ], [ -43.743, -2.352 ], [ -43.724, -2.305 ], [ -43.617, -2.253 ], [ -43.612, -2.275 ], [ -43.669, -2.301 ], [ -43.689, -2.355 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.73, -2.425 ], [ -43.732, -2.364 ], [ -43.67, -2.377 ], [ -43.681, -2.34 ], [ -43.63, -2.324 ], [ -43.643, -2.394 ], [ -43.73, -2.425 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.473, -2.125 ], [ -44.487, -2.113 ], [ -44.475, -2.096 ], [ -44.463, -2.104 ], [ -44.473, -2.125 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.456, -2.031 ], [ -44.447, -2.008 ], [ -44.439, -2.022 ], [ -44.456, -2.031 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.311, -1.964 ], [ -49.336, -1.996 ], [ -49.309, -1.943 ], [ -49.311, -1.964 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.323, -2.054 ], [ -49.329, -2.019 ], [ -49.316, -2.001 ], [ -49.323, -2.054 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.231, -1.829 ], [ -50.246, -1.824 ], [ -50.229, -1.816 ], [ -50.231, -1.829 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.615, -1.821 ], [ -44.622, -1.797 ], [ -44.597, -1.774 ], [ -44.583, -1.789 ], [ -44.615, -1.821 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.7, -1.811 ], [ -44.703, -1.78 ], [ -44.673, -1.78 ], [ -44.7, -1.811 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.691, -1.793 ], [ -49.721, -1.789 ], [ -49.719, -1.771 ], [ -49.697, -1.766 ], [ -49.691, -1.793 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.924, -1.711 ], [ -48.909, -1.713 ], [ -48.916, -1.734 ], [ -48.935, -1.713 ], [ -48.924, -1.711 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.757, -1.707 ], [ -44.767, -1.694 ], [ -44.736, -1.701 ], [ -44.757, -1.707 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.433, -1.684 ], [ -49.454, -1.706 ], [ -49.46, -1.684 ], [ -49.433, -1.684 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.357, -1.008 ], [ -46.342, -0.994 ], [ -46.353, -1.026 ], [ -46.357, -1.008 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.205, -1.021 ], [ -46.194, -1.014 ], [ -46.202, -1.032 ], [ -46.205, -1.021 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.662, -3.018 ], [ -44.673, -3.012 ], [ -44.664, -3.001 ], [ -44.649, -3.013 ], [ -44.662, -3.018 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.736, -1.683 ], [ -44.745, -1.677 ], [ -44.732, -1.668 ], [ -44.736, -1.683 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.231, -1.638 ], [ -49.237, -1.627 ], [ -49.217, -1.633 ], [ -49.231, -1.638 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.38, -1.685 ], [ -49.4, -1.682 ], [ -49.368, -1.669 ], [ -49.38, -1.685 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.426, -1.673 ], [ -49.429, -1.661 ], [ -49.406, -1.66 ], [ -49.426, -1.673 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.34, -1.672 ], [ -49.358, -1.662 ], [ -49.325, -1.647 ], [ -49.34, -1.672 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.289, -1.726 ], [ -45.305, -1.663 ], [ -45.257, -1.641 ], [ -45.244, -1.678 ], [ -45.28, -1.694 ], [ -45.289, -1.726 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.328, -1.743 ], [ -45.346, -1.719 ], [ -45.301, -1.596 ], [ -45.274, -1.635 ], [ -45.313, -1.654 ], [ -45.328, -1.743 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.886, -1.578 ], [ -48.89, -1.56 ], [ -48.859, -1.536 ], [ -48.856, -1.553 ], [ -48.886, -1.578 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.783, -1.682 ], [ -44.8, -1.595 ], [ -44.775, -1.62 ], [ -44.721, -1.567 ], [ -44.704, -1.611 ], [ -44.684, -1.575 ], [ -44.668, -1.669 ], [ -44.693, -1.638 ], [ -44.783, -1.682 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.816, -1.569 ], [ -44.837, -1.534 ], [ -44.787, -1.488 ], [ -44.825, -1.534 ], [ -44.816, -1.569 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.462, -1.517 ], [ -48.478, -1.499 ], [ -48.421, -1.503 ], [ -48.462, -1.517 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.793, -1.531 ], [ -44.774, -1.47 ], [ -44.763, -1.513 ], [ -44.793, -1.531 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.414, -1.427 ], [ -45.423, -1.416 ], [ -45.409, -1.405 ], [ -45.414, -1.427 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45, -1.296 ], [ -44.922, -1.265 ], [ -44.877, -1.309 ], [ -44.895, -1.34 ], [ -44.922, -1.305 ], [ -44.907, -1.341 ], [ -44.999, -1.405 ], [ -45.033, -1.339 ], [ -45, -1.32 ], [ -44.995, -1.36 ], [ -45, -1.296 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.044, -1.402 ], [ -45.07, -1.33 ], [ -45.052, -1.342 ], [ -45.044, -1.402 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.333, -1.569 ], [ -45.371, -1.544 ], [ -45.347, -1.489 ], [ -45.313, -1.506 ], [ -45.333, -1.569 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.969, -1.522 ], [ -44.976, -1.493 ], [ -44.959, -1.483 ], [ -44.969, -1.522 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.393, -1.512 ], [ -48.371, -1.476 ], [ -48.341, -1.483 ], [ -48.393, -1.512 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.413, -1.498 ], [ -48.426, -1.491 ], [ -48.387, -1.476 ], [ -48.413, -1.498 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.118, -1.47 ], [ -45.132, -1.462 ], [ -45.115, -1.364 ], [ -45.103, -1.373 ], [ -45.118, -1.47 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.593, -1.251 ], [ -45.581, -1.19 ], [ -45.536, -1.205 ], [ -45.532, -1.231 ], [ -45.593, -1.251 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.559, -1.243 ], [ -48.56, -1.202 ], [ -48.523, -1.199 ], [ -48.559, -1.243 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.817, -1.163 ], [ -45.829, -1.141 ], [ -45.804, -1.127 ], [ -45.817, -1.163 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.877, -1.154 ], [ -45.9, -1.117 ], [ -45.883, -1.073 ], [ -45.849, -1.123 ], [ -45.877, -1.154 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.192, -1.05 ], [ -46.201, -1.041 ], [ -46.185, -1.027 ], [ -46.192, -1.05 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.291, -1.01 ], [ -46.307, -0.992 ], [ -46.306, -0.961 ], [ -46.291, -1.01 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.078, -1.095 ], [ -46.065, -1.05 ], [ -46.061, -1.074 ], [ -46.078, -1.095 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.68, -1.295 ], [ -45.687, -1.275 ], [ -45.667, -1.26 ], [ -45.654, -1.285 ], [ -45.68, -1.295 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.538, -1.282 ], [ -48.549, -1.262 ], [ -48.53, -1.25 ], [ -48.538, -1.282 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.51, -1.27 ], [ -48.522, -1.247 ], [ -48.506, -1.236 ], [ -48.51, -1.27 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.694, -1.37 ], [ -45.646, -1.289 ], [ -45.625, -1.126 ], [ -45.634, -1.349 ], [ -45.694, -1.37 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.688, -1.266 ], [ -45.708, -1.228 ], [ -45.685, -1.194 ], [ -45.664, -1.231 ], [ -45.688, -1.266 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.425, -0.914 ], [ -46.454, -0.907 ], [ -46.408, -0.868 ], [ -46.395, -0.899 ], [ -46.425, -0.914 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.72, -0.848 ], [ -46.735, -0.832 ], [ -46.729, -0.796 ], [ -46.72, -0.848 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.611, -0.799 ], [ -46.622, -0.784 ], [ -46.601, -0.789 ], [ -46.611, -0.799 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.586, -0.849 ], [ -46.621, -0.807 ], [ -46.589, -0.815 ], [ -46.586, -0.849 ] ] ], [ [ [ -47.447, -0.748 ], [ -47.453, -0.732 ], [ -47.436, -0.717 ], [ -47.428, -0.738 ], [ -47.447, -0.748 ] ] ], [ [ [ -47.461, -0.741 ], [ -47.463, -0.702 ], [ -47.445, -0.697 ], [ -47.461, -0.741 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.214, -0.411 ], [ -51.211, -0.386 ], [ -51.164, -0.347 ], [ -51.163, -0.383 ], [ -51.214, -0.411 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.352, -0.353 ], [ -51.346, -0.31 ], [ -51.317, -0.268 ], [ -51.327, -0.33 ], [ -51.352, -0.353 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.127, -0.268 ], [ -51.131, -0.237 ], [ -51.091, -0.208 ], [ -51.087, -0.229 ], [ -51.127, -0.268 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.888, -0.198 ], [ -48.91, -0.188 ], [ -48.893, -0.134 ], [ -48.847, -0.177 ], [ -48.888, -0.198 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.174, -0.091 ], [ -51.191, -0.064 ], [ -51.126, -0.057 ], [ -51.174, -0.091 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.114, -0.146 ], [ -49.097, -0.121 ], [ -49.08, -0.13 ], [ -49.114, -0.146 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.166, -0.142 ], [ -49.188, -0.115 ], [ -49.156, -0.128 ], [ -49.166, -0.142 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.119, -0.141 ], [ -49.143, -0.107 ], [ -49.114, -0.11 ], [ -49.119, -0.141 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.127, -0.128 ], [ -51.094, -0.103 ], [ -51.108, -0.127 ], [ -51.127, -0.128 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.414, -0.999 ], [ -46.384, -0.941 ], [ -46.367, -0.948 ], [ -46.414, -0.999 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.647, -0.97 ], [ -46.658, -0.968 ], [ -46.618, -0.957 ], [ -46.647, -0.97 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.488, -0.942 ], [ -46.465, -0.877 ], [ -46.464, -0.924 ], [ -46.44, -0.922 ], [ -46.482, -0.976 ], [ -46.441, -0.999 ], [ -46.525, -1.016 ], [ -46.527, -0.917 ], [ -46.509, -0.984 ], [ -46.488, -0.942 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.632, 0.159 ], [ -49.662, 0.184 ], [ -49.629, 0.202 ], [ -49.61, 0.181 ], [ -49.632, 0.159 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.641, 0.26 ], [ -50.63, 0.293 ], [ -50.586, 0.308 ], [ -50.641, 0.26 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.2, 0.255 ], [ -50.243, 0.248 ], [ -50.147, 0.337 ], [ -50.059, 0.346 ], [ -50.2, 0.255 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.417, 0.159 ], [ -50.535, 0.234 ], [ -50.36, 0.615 ], [ -50.328, 0.383 ], [ -50.285, 0.3 ], [ -50.413, 0.237 ], [ -50.417, 0.159 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.279, 0.338 ], [ -50.271, 0.599 ], [ -50.147, 0.608 ], [ -50.142, 0.576 ], [ -50.107, 0.636 ], [ -50.063, 0.623 ], [ -50.05, 0.518 ], [ -50.279, 0.338 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50, 0.943 ], [ -50.113, 0.907 ], [ -50.018, 1.034 ], [ -49.935, 1.069 ], [ -49.939, 0.996 ], [ -50, 0.943 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.881, 1.227 ], [ -49.909, 1.246 ], [ -49.886, 1.244 ], [ -49.881, 1.227 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.907, 1.278 ], [ -49.885, 1.291 ], [ -49.863, 1.278 ], [ -49.876, 1.252 ], [ -49.907, 1.278 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.204, 1.851 ], [ -50.232, 1.879 ], [ -50.22, 1.915 ], [ -50.169, 1.865 ], [ -50.204, 1.851 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.468, 1.954 ], [ -50.521, 2.026 ], [ -50.497, 2.139 ], [ -50.398, 2.167 ], [ -50.367, 2.19 ], [ -50.276, 1.939 ], [ -50.423, 1.849 ], [ -50.468, 1.954 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.504, 2.255 ], [ -50.414, 2.244 ], [ -50.382, 2.204 ], [ -50.489, 2.15 ], [ -50.564, 2.205 ], [ -50.504, 2.255 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.229, 0.832 ], [ -50.098, 0.839 ], [ -50.027, 0.898 ], [ -50.105, 0.757 ], [ -50.162, 0.775 ], [ -50.249, 0.72 ], [ -50.229, 0.832 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.131, 0.844 ], [ -50.162, 0.867 ], [ -50.132, 0.9 ], [ -50.119, 0.854 ], [ -50.131, 0.844 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.108, 0.85 ], [ -50.111, 0.891 ], [ -50.049, 0.886 ], [ -50.108, 0.85 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.216, -0.055 ], [ -50.235, -0.042 ], [ -50.219, -0.04 ], [ -50.216, -0.055 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.916, -0.052 ], [ -50.926, -0.047 ], [ -50.907, -0.043 ], [ -50.916, -0.052 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.605, -0.061 ], [ -50.618, -0.022 ], [ -50.559, -0.038 ], [ -50.605, -0.061 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.399, -0.061 ], [ -50.44, -0.057 ], [ -50.378, -0.015 ], [ -50.357, -0.049 ], [ -50.399, -0.061 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.75, 0 ], [ -49.609, 0.08 ], [ -49.474, 0.081 ], [ -49.338, -0.017 ], [ -49.487, -0.136 ], [ -49.723, -0.147 ], [ -49.835, -0.088 ], [ -49.75, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.023, -0.019 ], [ -49.039, -0.011 ], [ -49.02, -0.006 ], [ -49.023, -0.019 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.932, 0.052 ], [ -50.918, 0.084 ], [ -50.884, 0.078 ], [ -50.899, 0.057 ], [ -50.932, 0.052 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.928, 0 ], [ -50.786, 0.05 ], [ -50.717, 0.028 ], [ -50.94, -0.041 ], [ -50.928, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.691, 0.025 ], [ -50.655, 0.015 ], [ -50.703, 0.021 ], [ -50.691, 0.025 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.629, -0.043 ], [ -50.642, -0.016 ], [ -50.622, -0.026 ], [ -50.629, -0.043 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.642, 0 ], [ -50.611, 0.007 ], [ -50.595, -0.019 ], [ -50.642, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.536, 0 ], [ -50.653, 0.126 ], [ -50.59, 0.203 ], [ -50.434, 0.126 ], [ -50.436, 0 ], [ -50.536, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50, 0.311 ], [ -49.674, 0.368 ], [ -49.601, 0.283 ], [ -49.86, 0.008 ], [ -49.99, -0.048 ], [ -50.086, 0.034 ], [ -50.351, 0.044 ], [ -50.394, 0.222 ], [ -50.153, 0.227 ], [ -50, 0.311 ] ] ] ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "La costa de lo que hoy es territorio brasileño fue el primer punto al que llegaron los europeos en América del Sur. La primera expedición que exploró la región fue un desprendimiento de la flota portuguesa que Vasco da Gama (c. 1460-1524) llevaba hacia oriente. Las naves dirigidas por Pedro Álvarez de Cabral (1467-1520) se alejaron excesivamente de la costa de África y terminaron en el extremo sur de actual territorio del Estado de Bahía, en que el permanecieron entre abril y mayo del año 1500. Los portuguese establecieron en la costa precarias feitorias para comerciar verzino o palo brasil con los nativos de las sociedades tupí y guaraní nativas. Recién en 1530 la corona brasileña tomaría acciones decididas para organizar la ocupación portuguesa y las actividades de explotación, cuando instaura el régimen de capitanías hereditarias que estructuraría el establecimiento colonial lusitano en brasil. Bibliografía: Johnson, H. B., \"Portuguese Settlement, 1500-1580\", en Bethell, Leslie (ed.), Colonial Brazil, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1987, pp. 1-38; Abulafia, David, El descubrimiento de la humanidad. Encuentros atlánticos en la era de Colón, Barcelona, Crítica, 2009 [2008]; Metcalf, Alida C., Go-Betweens and the Colonization of Brazil, 1500-1600, Austin, University of Texas Press, 2005; Vaz de Caminha, Pêro, Carta del descubrimiento del Brasil, Barcelona, Acantilado, 2009.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-12-03T14:17:24+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 7756, "end" : 7762 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Brasil" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/bf751c4a-d4e0-438a-b37f-c8a7db6d9395", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://sws.geonames.org/3469034", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-12-03T14:17:24+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-12-03T14:17:24+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "MultiPolygon", "coordinates" : [ [ [ [ -44.657, -3.018 ], [ -44.608, -3.041 ], [ -44.72, -3.18 ], [ -44.793, -3.198 ], [ -44.779, -3.312 ], [ -44.736, -3.302 ], [ -44.763, -3.225 ], [ -44.653, -3.196 ], [ -44.431, -2.945 ], [ -44.367, -2.643 ], [ -44.362, -2.726 ], [ -44.355, -2.605 ], [ -44.378, -2.566 ], [ -44.345, -2.528 ], [ -44.29, -2.573 ], [ -44.306, -2.487 ], [ -44.02, -2.403 ], [ -44.03, -2.457 ], [ -44.108, -2.468 ], [ -44.035, -2.518 ], [ -44.131, -2.596 ], [ -44.147, -2.681 ], [ -44.219, -2.67 ], [ -44.209, -2.716 ], [ -44.345, -2.791 ], [ -44.347, -2.838 ], [ -44.315, -2.788 ], [ -44.3, -2.843 ], [ -44.266, -2.777 ], [ -44.225, -2.806 ], [ -44.184, -2.766 ], [ -44.208, -2.857 ], [ -44.111, -2.749 ], [ -44.072, -2.811 ], [ -44.05, -2.685 ], [ -43.981, -2.619 ], [ -43.946, -2.641 ], [ -43.933, -2.553 ], [ -43.883, -2.649 ], [ -43.887, -2.578 ], [ -43.803, -2.56 ], [ -43.76, -2.513 ], [ -43.754, -2.556 ], [ -43.729, -2.481 ], [ -43.727, -2.569 ], [ -43.654, -2.556 ], [ -43.682, -2.534 ], [ -43.653, -2.488 ], [ -43.608, -2.593 ], [ -43.603, -2.518 ], [ -43.548, -2.528 ], [ -43.519, -2.445 ], [ -43.498, -2.55 ], [ -43.46, -2.507 ], [ -43.458, -2.596 ], [ -43.401, -2.552 ], [ -43.448, -2.538 ], [ -43.462, -2.427 ], [ -43.359, -2.44 ], [ -43.479, -2.376 ], [ -43.378, -2.329 ], [ -43.4, -2.353 ], [ -43.232, -2.362 ], [ -42.692, -2.596 ], [ -42.709, -2.56 ], [ -42.572, -2.68 ], [ -42.495, -2.689 ], [ -42.503, -2.727 ], [ -42.393, -2.751 ], [ -42.475, -2.706 ], [ -42.375, -2.717 ], [ -42.228, -2.818 ], [ -42.143, -2.808 ], [ -42.256, -2.735 ], [ -42.233, -2.674 ], [ -42.208, -2.712 ], [ -42.098, -2.768 ], [ -42.099, -2.809 ], [ -42.096, -2.747 ], [ -42.216, -2.687 ], [ -42.054, -2.691 ], [ -42.023, -2.775 ], [ -42.017, -2.718 ], [ -41.818, -2.723 ], [ -41.844, -2.773 ], [ -41.797, -2.751 ], [ -41.656, -2.884 ], [ -41.437, -2.939 ], [ -41.395, -2.906 ], [ -41.316, -2.943 ], [ -41.263, -2.887 ], [ -40.838, -2.895 ], [ -40.572, -2.844 ], [ -40.499, -2.787 ], [ -39.888, -2.886 ], [ -39.244, -3.229 ], [ -39.083, -3.394 ], [ -38.978, -3.407 ], [ -38.641, -3.687 ], [ -38.473, -3.7 ], [ -38.377, -3.866 ], [ -38.043, -4.214 ], [ -37.764, -4.399 ], [ -37.588, -4.624 ], [ -37.323, -4.698 ], [ -37.15, -4.943 ], [ -36.958, -4.919 ], [ -36.666, -5.108 ], [ -36.504, -5.061 ], [ -36.297, -5.106 ], [ -35.956, -5.045 ], [ -35.612, -5.11 ], [ -35.385, -5.255 ], [ -35.255, -5.483 ], [ -35.099, -6.169 ], [ -34.983, -6.396 ], [ -34.933, -6.753 ], [ -34.79, -7.159 ], [ -34.842, -7.564 ], [ -34.809, -7.622 ], [ -34.845, -7.69 ], [ -34.827, -8.004 ], [ -35.136, -8.895 ], [ -35.332, -9.237 ], [ -35.689, -9.668 ], [ -35.78, -9.706 ], [ -36.056, -10.083 ], [ -36.266, -10.256 ], [ -36.402, -10.506 ], [ -36.602, -10.567 ], [ -36.934, -10.826 ], [ -37.36, -11.428 ], [ -37.612, -11.979 ], [ -37.996, -12.578 ], [ -38.318, -12.934 ], [ -38.477, -13.022 ], [ -38.532, -13.017 ], [ -38.473, -12.913 ], [ -38.498, -12.722 ], [ -38.603, -12.728 ], [ -38.646, -12.622 ], [ -38.681, -12.661 ], [ -38.718, -12.627 ], [ -38.804, -12.835 ], [ -38.717, -12.873 ], [ -38.769, -12.995 ], [ -38.721, -13.021 ], [ -38.66, -12.963 ], [ -38.686, -12.878 ], [ -38.59, -12.972 ], [ -38.766, -13.129 ], [ -38.807, -13.1 ], [ -38.808, -13.154 ], [ -38.944, -13.243 ], [ -38.973, -13.391 ], [ -38.902, -13.384 ], [ -38.886, -13.45 ], [ -38.95, -13.577 ], [ -38.886, -13.659 ], [ -38.968, -13.67 ], [ -39.006, -13.891 ], [ -39.064, -13.865 ], [ -39.075, -13.887 ], [ -38.986, -13.998 ], [ -38.952, -13.986 ], [ -38.982, -13.912 ], [ -38.938, -13.886 ], [ -38.922, -13.92 ], [ -39.061, -14.716 ], [ -38.962, -15.585 ], [ -38.857, -15.86 ], [ -38.973, -16.211 ], [ -39.032, -16.26 ], [ -39.01, -16.369 ], [ -39.078, -16.454 ], [ -39.143, -16.762 ], [ -39.113, -16.896 ], [ -39.212, -17.155 ], [ -39.193, -17.602 ], [ -39.135, -17.691 ], [ -39.264, -17.869 ], [ -39.435, -17.943 ], [ -39.563, -18.091 ], [ -39.721, -18.493 ], [ -39.749, -18.81 ], [ -39.692, -19.353 ], [ -39.805, -19.65 ], [ -39.951, -19.717 ], [ -40.151, -19.956 ], [ -40.236, -20.285 ], [ -40.353, -20.32 ], [ -40.329, -20.236 ], [ -40.359, -20.291 ], [ -40.365, -20.317 ], [ -40.35, -20.328 ], [ -40.268, -20.327 ], [ -40.402, -20.606 ], [ -40.466, -20.624 ], [ -40.627, -20.845 ], [ -40.65, -20.813 ], [ -40.756, -20.866 ], [ -40.853, -21.133 ], [ -40.955, -21.251 ], [ -40.96, -21.364 ], [ -41.065, -21.495 ], [ -41.051, -21.608 ], [ -41.038, -21.622 ], [ -41.007, -21.618 ], [ -40.99, -22.014 ], [ -41.229, -22.151 ], [ -41.668, -22.294 ], [ -41.962, -22.538 ], [ -41.986, -22.713 ], [ -41.919, -22.774 ], [ -41.864, -22.759 ], [ -42.023, -22.896 ], [ -42.037, -22.94 ], [ -41.99, -22.964 ], [ -42.018, -22.998 ], [ -42.086, -22.957 ], [ -42.529, -22.934 ], [ -43.05, -22.982 ], [ -43.132, -22.941 ], [ -43.025, -22.741 ], [ -43.084, -22.68 ], [ -43.216, -22.725 ], [ -43.287, -22.806 ], [ -43.24, -22.847 ], [ -43.249, -22.797 ], [ -43.156, -22.784 ], [ -43.247, -22.882 ], [ -43.164, -22.899 ], [ -43.187, -22.995 ], [ -43.344, -22.983 ], [ -43.303, -23.02 ], [ -43.549, -23.081 ], [ -44.001, -23.1 ], [ -43.961, -23.042 ], [ -43.877, -23.067 ], [ -43.909, -23.02 ], [ -43.807, -23.063 ], [ -43.555, -23.055 ], [ -43.84, -22.906 ], [ -43.985, -22.937 ], [ -44.034, -23.014 ], [ -44.044, -22.923 ], [ -44.107, -23.03 ], [ -44.234, -23.06 ], [ -44.238, -23.004 ], [ -44.358, -23.02 ], [ -44.296, -22.961 ], [ -44.321, -22.927 ], [ -44.378, -22.972 ], [ -44.407, -22.945 ], [ -44.443, -23.035 ], [ -44.669, -23.06 ], [ -44.712, -23.19 ], [ -44.701, -23.237 ], [ -44.645, -23.191 ], [ -44.612, -23.206 ], [ -44.685, -23.256 ], [ -44.611, -23.238 ], [ -44.652, -23.302 ], [ -44.558, -23.232 ], [ -44.577, -23.275 ], [ -44.498, -23.302 ], [ -44.583, -23.367 ], [ -44.669, -23.341 ], [ -44.84, -23.395 ], [ -44.905, -23.339 ], [ -45.05, -23.418 ], [ -45.016, -23.461 ], [ -45.079, -23.519 ], [ -45.165, -23.495 ], [ -45.159, -23.541 ], [ -45.228, -23.547 ], [ -45.211, -23.582 ], [ -45.41, -23.632 ], [ -45.412, -23.825 ], [ -45.934, -23.771 ], [ -46.124, -23.842 ], [ -46.2, -24.002 ], [ -46.288, -24.044 ], [ -46.321, -24 ], [ -46.458, -24.025 ], [ -46.937, -24.281 ], [ -47.024, -24.382 ], [ -47.004, -24.412 ], [ -47.86, -24.996 ], [ -47.914, -25.061 ], [ -47.915, -25.16 ], [ -48.213, -25.47 ], [ -48.254, -25.435 ], [ -48.222, -25.342 ], [ -48.208, -25.353 ], [ -48.121, -25.267 ], [ -48.253, -25.328 ], [ -48.284, -25.294 ], [ -48.317, -25.363 ], [ -48.327, -25.232 ], [ -48.366, -25.317 ], [ -48.433, -25.237 ], [ -48.428, -25.324 ], [ -48.5, -25.335 ], [ -48.427, -25.39 ], [ -48.449, -25.379 ], [ -48.468, -25.388 ], [ -48.467, -25.432 ], [ -48.449, -25.384 ], [ -48.414, -25.428 ], [ -48.476, -25.485 ], [ -48.637, -25.468 ], [ -48.661, -25.398 ], [ -48.671, -25.435 ], [ -48.739, -25.374 ], [ -48.68, -25.465 ], [ -48.687, -25.499 ], [ -48.737, -25.483 ], [ -48.703, -25.504 ], [ -48.617, -25.536 ], [ -48.512, -25.505 ], [ -48.482, -25.591 ], [ -48.46, -25.552 ], [ -48.35, -25.581 ], [ -48.565, -25.868 ], [ -48.614, -26.06 ], [ -48.586, -26.172 ], [ -48.714, -26.243 ], [ -48.795, -26.073 ], [ -48.837, -26.157 ], [ -48.798, -26.142 ], [ -48.763, -26.199 ], [ -48.805, -26.228 ], [ -48.769, -26.223 ], [ -48.761, -26.286 ], [ -48.803, -26.303 ], [ -48.723, -26.362 ], [ -48.635, -26.374 ], [ -48.714, -26.308 ], [ -48.554, -26.172 ], [ -48.493, -26.224 ], [ -48.695, -26.658 ], [ -48.665, -26.769 ], [ -48.583, -26.786 ], [ -48.655, -26.909 ], [ -48.62, -27.007 ], [ -48.574, -27.011 ], [ -48.607, -27.122 ], [ -48.554, -27.152 ], [ -48.51, -27.108 ], [ -48.469, -27.148 ], [ -48.511, -27.183 ], [ -48.486, -27.218 ], [ -48.531, -27.18 ], [ -48.612, -27.243 ], [ -48.596, -27.318 ], [ -48.529, -27.334 ], [ -48.649, -27.486 ], [ -48.572, -27.592 ], [ -48.653, -27.648 ], [ -48.575, -27.888 ], [ -48.761, -28.535 ], [ -48.813, -28.605 ], [ -49.37, -28.92 ], [ -49.334, -28.921 ], [ -49.702, -29.308 ], [ -50.006, -29.749 ], [ -50.316, -30.472 ], [ -50.848, -31.205 ], [ -51.303, -31.613 ], [ -51.877, -31.952 ], [ -52.071, -32.188 ], [ -52.012, -31.946 ], [ -52.092, -31.837 ], [ -51.851, -31.865 ], [ -51.777, -31.805 ], [ -51.854, -31.797 ], [ -51.65, -31.759 ], [ -51.478, -31.562 ], [ -51.43, -31.622 ], [ -51.458, -31.548 ], [ -51.424, -31.478 ], [ -51.351, -31.529 ], [ -51.234, -31.458 ], [ -51.16, -31.31 ], [ -51.166, -31.063 ], [ -51.109, -31.097 ], [ -50.985, -31.042 ], [ -50.965, -30.893 ], [ -50.888, -30.893 ], [ -50.705, -30.756 ], [ -50.677, -30.61 ], [ -50.725, -30.371 ], [ -50.692, -30.355 ], [ -50.625, -30.409 ], [ -50.641, -30.459 ], [ -50.569, -30.471 ], [ -50.534, -30.278 ], [ -50.601, -30.194 ], [ -50.659, -30.201 ], [ -50.661, -30.293 ], [ -50.918, -30.333 ], [ -50.934, -30.42 ], [ -50.889, -30.439 ], [ -50.921, -30.44 ], [ -51.052, -30.395 ], [ -51.034, -30.276 ], [ -51.146, -30.267 ], [ -51.246, -30.188 ], [ -51.23, -30.043 ], [ -51.295, -30.007 ], [ -51.326, -30.23 ], [ -51.271, -30.25 ], [ -51.293, -30.295 ], [ -51.246, -30.33 ], [ -51.209, -30.3 ], [ -51.179, -30.383 ], [ -51.092, -30.367 ], [ -51.129, -30.436 ], [ -51.202, -30.413 ], [ -51.269, -30.489 ], [ -51.282, -30.811 ], [ -51.33, -30.777 ], [ -51.294, -30.758 ], [ -51.319, -30.64 ], [ -51.375, -30.635 ], [ -51.404, -30.769 ], [ -51.367, -30.874 ], [ -51.457, -30.874 ], [ -51.501, -30.935 ], [ -51.436, -31.088 ], [ -51.611, -31.138 ], [ -51.613, -31.272 ], [ -51.915, -31.313 ], [ -52.002, -31.449 ], [ -52.031, -31.693 ], [ -52.218, -31.747 ], [ -52.247, -31.871 ], [ -52.106, -31.952 ], [ -52.216, -31.963 ], [ -52.263, -32.062 ], [ -52.209, -32.045 ], [ -52.225, -32.096 ], [ -52.082, -32.033 ], [ -52.162, -32.128 ], [ -52.09, -32.069 ], [ -52.084, -32.186 ], [ -52.16, -32.201 ], [ -52.341, -32.43 ], [ -52.488, -32.844 ], [ -52.66, -33.165 ], [ -53.227, -33.658 ], [ -53.421, -33.741 ], [ -53.524, -33.689 ], [ -53.515, -33.163 ], [ -53.434, -33.054 ], [ -53.243, -32.936 ], [ -53.294, -32.911 ], [ -53.074, -32.746 ], [ -53.244, -32.605 ], [ -53.39, -32.583 ], [ -53.46, -32.48 ], [ -53.595, -32.432 ], [ -53.73, -32.157 ], [ -53.714, -32.104 ], [ -53.965, -31.919 ], [ -54.096, -31.906 ], [ -54.466, -31.666 ], [ -54.491, -31.54 ], [ -54.591, -31.448 ], [ -54.836, -31.446 ], [ -54.945, -31.392 ], [ -55.014, -31.285 ], [ -55.091, -31.326 ], [ -55.245, -31.257 ], [ -55.374, -31.038 ], [ -55.594, -30.848 ], [ -55.635, -30.857 ], [ -55.657, -30.956 ], [ -55.87, -31.08 ], [ -56.008, -31.063 ], [ -55.987, -30.86 ], [ -56.021, -30.784 ], [ -56.127, -30.739 ], [ -56.177, -30.614 ], [ -56.384, -30.495 ], [ -56.459, -30.387 ], [ -56.545, -30.364 ], [ -56.54, -30.312 ], [ -56.617, -30.303 ], [ -56.644, -30.205 ], [ -56.776, -30.166 ], [ -56.804, -30.107 ], [ -57.068, -30.088 ], [ -57.207, -30.281 ], [ -57.313, -30.26 ], [ -57.396, -30.303 ], [ -57.538, -30.275 ], [ -57.618, -30.179 ], [ -57.505, -30.143 ], [ -57.342, -30.001 ], [ -57.319, -29.87 ], [ -57.254, -29.794 ], [ -57.105, -29.752 ], [ -56.972, -29.639 ], [ -56.676, -29.321 ], [ -56.593, -29.123 ], [ -56.425, -29.073 ], [ -56.285, -28.794 ], [ -56.185, -28.771 ], [ -56.016, -28.611 ], [ -56.011, -28.509 ], [ -55.888, -28.479 ], [ -55.875, -28.362 ], [ -55.696, -28.425 ], [ -55.671, -28.333 ], [ -55.773, -28.247 ], [ -55.605, -28.123 ], [ -55.554, -28.164 ], [ -55.496, -28.081 ], [ -55.444, -28.097 ], [ -55.323, -27.928 ], [ -55.196, -27.863 ], [ -55.134, -27.895 ], [ -55.117, -27.853 ], [ -55.032, -27.854 ], [ -55.082, -27.789 ], [ -54.941, -27.775 ], [ -54.809, -27.536 ], [ -54.781, -27.586 ], [ -54.683, -27.576 ], [ -54.678, -27.514 ], [ -54.624, -27.55 ], [ -54.576, -27.458 ], [ -54.525, -27.507 ], [ -54.415, -27.412 ], [ -54.353, -27.468 ], [ -54.339, -27.406 ], [ -54.282, -27.447 ], [ -54.176, -27.261 ], [ -54.089, -27.303 ], [ -53.949, -27.158 ], [ -53.799, -27.147 ], [ -53.795, -27.048 ], [ -53.761, -27.068 ], [ -53.662, -26.869 ], [ -53.751, -26.745 ], [ -53.707, -26.563 ], [ -53.738, -26.548 ], [ -53.592, -26.265 ], [ -53.722, -26.13 ], [ -53.733, -26.047 ], [ -53.837, -25.969 ], [ -53.824, -25.793 ], [ -53.891, -25.625 ], [ -53.951, -25.644 ], [ -54.016, -25.569 ], [ -54.101, -25.625 ], [ -54.111, -25.504 ], [ -54.213, -25.554 ], [ -54.184, -25.591 ], [ -54.289, -25.562 ], [ -54.387, -25.608 ], [ -54.43, -25.706 ], [ -54.596, -25.595 ], [ -54.617, -25.459 ], [ -54.437, -25.157 ], [ -54.458, -25.031 ], [ -54.336, -24.649 ], [ -54.333, -24.493 ], [ -54.262, -24.376 ], [ -54.33, -24.225 ], [ -54.282, -24.075 ], [ -54.411, -23.929 ], [ -54.668, -23.815 ], [ -55.061, -23.991 ], [ -55.112, -23.963 ], [ -55.226, -24.013 ], [ -55.413, -23.961 ], [ -55.434, -23.714 ], [ -55.535, -23.614 ], [ -55.522, -23.197 ], [ -55.596, -23.141 ], [ -55.64, -22.994 ], [ -55.685, -22.992 ], [ -55.613, -22.659 ], [ -55.736, -22.532 ], [ -55.74, -22.396 ], [ -55.854, -22.281 ], [ -56.208, -22.281 ], [ -56.341, -22.206 ], [ -56.403, -22.078 ], [ -56.519, -22.103 ], [ -56.643, -22.261 ], [ -56.698, -22.216 ], [ -56.728, -22.26 ], [ -56.808, -22.25 ], [ -56.831, -22.3 ], [ -57.001, -22.225 ], [ -57.203, -22.21 ], [ -57.243, -22.244 ], [ -57.553, -22.181 ], [ -57.616, -22.096 ], [ -57.803, -22.148 ], [ -57.989, -22.085 ], [ -58.005, -22.032 ], [ -57.919, -21.881 ], [ -57.969, -21.844 ], [ -57.913, -21.793 ], [ -57.947, -21.747 ], [ -57.894, -21.687 ], [ -57.968, -21.528 ], [ -57.855, -21.339 ], [ -57.918, -21.278 ], [ -57.854, -21.226 ], [ -57.866, -21.041 ], [ -57.818, -20.976 ], [ -57.927, -20.897 ], [ -57.855, -20.835 ], [ -57.961, -20.784 ], [ -57.869, -20.736 ], [ -57.923, -20.666 ], [ -57.988, -20.696 ], [ -57.994, -20.448 ], [ -58.082, -20.372 ], [ -58.092, -20.257 ], [ -58.154, -20.264 ], [ -58.125, -20.188 ], [ -58.163, -20.162 ], [ -57.872, -19.979 ], [ -58.134, -19.761 ], [ -57.79, -19.051 ], [ -57.709, -19.034 ], [ -57.757, -18.858 ], [ -57.56, -18.263 ], [ -57.458, -18.228 ], [ -57.568, -18.136 ], [ -57.702, -17.86 ], [ -57.715, -17.735 ], [ -57.785, -17.645 ], [ -57.773, -17.553 ], [ -57.878, -17.463 ], [ -58.003, -17.52 ], [ -58.114, -17.456 ], [ -58.395, -17.197 ], [ -58.421, -16.99 ], [ -58.47, -16.939 ], [ -58.468, -16.702 ], [ -58.442, -16.613 ], [ -58.34, -16.542 ], [ -58.309, -16.27 ], [ -58.471, -16.325 ], [ -60.173, -16.265 ], [ -60.236, -15.476 ], [ -60.565, -15.105 ], [ -60.253, -15.101 ], [ -60.257, -14.624 ], [ -60.338, -14.555 ], [ -60.482, -14.181 ], [ -60.468, -14.092 ], [ -60.378, -13.992 ], [ -60.468, -13.886 ], [ -60.468, -13.801 ], [ -60.793, -13.686 ], [ -60.962, -13.539 ], [ -61.044, -13.541 ], [ -61.028, -13.477 ], [ -61.069, -13.463 ], [ -61.139, -13.521 ], [ -61.249, -13.525 ], [ -61.33, -13.473 ], [ -61.486, -13.554 ], [ -61.578, -13.494 ], [ -61.824, -13.539 ], [ -61.866, -13.443 ], [ -62.108, -13.257 ], [ -62.109, -13.149 ], [ -62.165, -13.112 ], [ -62.368, -13.145 ], [ -62.464, -13.07 ], [ -62.637, -13.041 ], [ -62.674, -12.965 ], [ -62.764, -13.023 ], [ -62.923, -12.854 ], [ -62.996, -12.85 ], [ -63.082, -12.653 ], [ -63.327, -12.705 ], [ -63.482, -12.557 ], [ -63.712, -12.458 ], [ -63.875, -12.469 ], [ -63.937, -12.557 ], [ -64.127, -12.494 ], [ -64.152, -12.529 ], [ -64.215, -12.476 ], [ -64.278, -12.511 ], [ -64.493, -12.366 ], [ -64.486, -12.23 ], [ -64.654, -12.186 ], [ -64.683, -12.099 ], [ -64.725, -12.162 ], [ -64.798, -12.035 ], [ -64.993, -11.999 ], [ -65.048, -11.757 ], [ -65.112, -11.741 ], [ -65.106, -11.697 ], [ -65.135, -11.777 ], [ -65.201, -11.745 ], [ -65.161, -11.622 ], [ -65.218, -11.521 ], [ -65.299, -11.5 ], [ -65.338, -11.392 ], [ -65.31, -11.341 ], [ -65.385, -11.269 ], [ -65.349, -11.239 ], [ -65.391, -11.167 ], [ -65.318, -11.105 ], [ -65.336, -11.044 ], [ -65.269, -10.901 ], [ -65.366, -10.798 ], [ -65.349, -10.671 ], [ -65.426, -10.638 ], [ -65.429, -10.473 ], [ -65.28, -10.218 ], [ -65.327, -9.938 ], [ -65.29, -9.851 ], [ -65.377, -9.698 ], [ -65.488, -9.718 ], [ -65.563, -9.834 ], [ -65.669, -9.779 ], [ -65.7, -9.803 ], [ -65.689, -9.749 ], [ -65.748, -9.77 ], [ -65.777, -9.727 ], [ -65.798, -9.786 ], [ -65.81, -9.75 ], [ -65.86, -9.794 ], [ -65.872, -9.757 ], [ -66.018, -9.807 ], [ -66.064, -9.772 ], [ -66.422, -9.895 ], [ -66.616, -9.893 ], [ -66.623, -9.935 ], [ -66.883, -10.081 ], [ -67.029, -10.254 ], [ -67.186, -10.339 ], [ -67.315, -10.316 ], [ -67.327, -10.374 ], [ -67.414, -10.372 ], [ -67.443, -10.45 ], [ -67.594, -10.523 ], [ -67.715, -10.707 ], [ -68.021, -10.661 ], [ -68.119, -10.726 ], [ -68.283, -10.987 ], [ -68.519, -11.048 ], [ -68.587, -11.11 ], [ -68.769, -11.139 ], [ -68.751, -11.007 ], [ -68.787, -10.99 ], [ -68.871, -11.023 ], [ -69.393, -10.929 ], [ -69.728, -10.973 ], [ -69.938, -10.926 ], [ -70.318, -11.066 ], [ -70.428, -11.033 ], [ -70.508, -10.94 ], [ -70.618, -11.007 ], [ -70.622, -9.847 ], [ -70.522, -9.738 ], [ -70.598, -9.574 ], [ -70.561, -9.579 ], [ -70.497, -9.433 ], [ -70.601, -9.453 ], [ -70.982, -9.812 ], [ -71.131, -9.862 ], [ -71.288, -9.996 ], [ -72.165, -10.002 ], [ -72.16, -9.818 ], [ -72.26, -9.755 ], [ -72.289, -9.536 ], [ -72.364, -9.491 ], [ -72.721, -9.417 ], [ -73.196, -9.418 ], [ -72.965, -9.154 ], [ -72.946, -8.99 ], [ -73.059, -8.904 ], [ -73.169, -8.701 ], [ -73.338, -8.609 ], [ -73.338, -8.476 ], [ -73.526, -8.369 ], [ -73.632, -8.022 ], [ -73.765, -7.94 ], [ -73.777, -7.869 ], [ -73.697, -7.865 ], [ -73.69, -7.79 ], [ -73.985, -7.543 ], [ -73.917, -7.461 ], [ -73.954, -7.348 ], [ -73.868, -7.377 ], [ -73.691, -7.313 ], [ -73.797, -7.115 ], [ -73.743, -6.897 ], [ -73.351, -6.561 ], [ -73.211, -6.53 ], [ -73.133, -6.421 ], [ -73.185, -6.04 ], [ -73.131, -5.986 ], [ -73.116, -5.865 ], [ -72.951, -5.643 ], [ -72.948, -5.454 ], [ -72.872, -5.25 ], [ -72.896, -5.136 ], [ -72.734, -5.043 ], [ -72.602, -5.056 ], [ -72.577, -4.992 ], [ -72.455, -4.962 ], [ -72.452, -4.906 ], [ -72.37, -4.88 ], [ -72.356, -4.803 ], [ -72.292, -4.799 ], [ -72.313, -4.769 ], [ -72.223, -4.78 ], [ -72.113, -4.722 ], [ -72.047, -4.625 ], [ -71.94, -4.607 ], [ -71.897, -4.512 ], [ -71.61, -4.465 ], [ -71.597, -4.525 ], [ -71.535, -4.46 ], [ -71.49, -4.479 ], [ -71.506, -4.435 ], [ -71.414, -4.432 ], [ -71.432, -4.469 ], [ -71.342, -4.423 ], [ -71.355, -4.468 ], [ -71.303, -4.458 ], [ -71.269, -4.381 ], [ -71.198, -4.377 ], [ -71.193, -4.42 ], [ -71.147, -4.375 ], [ -71.031, -4.397 ], [ -70.99, -4.34 ], [ -70.935, -4.381 ], [ -70.757, -4.152 ], [ -70.677, -4.2 ], [ -70.622, -4.121 ], [ -70.633, -4.173 ], [ -70.565, -4.168 ], [ -70.566, -4.205 ], [ -70.553, -4.128 ], [ -70.503, -4.19 ], [ -70.434, -4.125 ], [ -70.341, -4.174 ], [ -70.317, -4.136 ], [ -70.291, -4.283 ], [ -70.249, -4.267 ], [ -70.186, -4.357 ], [ -70.169, -4.27 ], [ -70.101, -4.255 ], [ -70.031, -4.339 ], [ -69.929, -4.213 ], [ -69.453, -1.478 ], [ -69.368, -1.334 ], [ -69.422, -0.998 ], [ -69.508, -0.936 ], [ -69.609, -0.755 ], [ -69.551, -0.648 ], [ -69.593, -0.517 ], [ -69.908, -0.316 ], [ -70.068, -0.135 ], [ -70.037, 0.553 ], [ -69.798, 0.585 ], [ -69.664, 0.672 ], [ -69.606, 0.623 ], [ -69.468, 0.734 ], [ -69.357, 0.621 ], [ -69.295, 0.648 ], [ -69.288, 0.609 ], [ -69.202, 0.602 ], [ -69.112, 0.643 ], [ -69.184, 0.73 ], [ -69.137, 0.868 ], [ -69.257, 1.026 ], [ -69.342, 1.064 ], [ -69.416, 1.024 ], [ -69.7, 1.056 ], [ -69.721, 1.097 ], [ -69.854, 1.07 ], [ -69.855, 1.715 ], [ -69.556, 1.775 ], [ -69.395, 1.726 ], [ -68.128, 1.73 ], [ -68.29, 1.841 ], [ -68.205, 2.038 ], [ -68.027, 1.784 ], [ -67.924, 1.751 ], [ -67.797, 1.812 ], [ -67.578, 2.076 ], [ -67.41, 2.141 ], [ -67.117, 1.732 ], [ -67.068, 1.532 ], [ -67.097, 1.17 ], [ -66.855, 1.228 ], [ -66.322, 0.738 ], [ -66.095, 0.754 ], [ -65.952, 0.81 ], [ -65.854, 0.939 ], [ -65.733, 1.005 ], [ -65.583, 1.008 ], [ -65.47, 0.877 ], [ -65.557, 0.705 ], [ -65.504, 0.627 ], [ -65.393, 0.699 ], [ -65.305, 0.916 ], [ -65.152, 0.943 ], [ -65.121, 1.115 ], [ -65.055, 1.144 ], [ -64.968, 1.112 ], [ -64.903, 1.249 ], [ -64.843, 1.237 ], [ -64.783, 1.313 ], [ -64.721, 1.25 ], [ -64.638, 1.286 ], [ -64.387, 1.527 ], [ -64.344, 1.528 ], [ -64.382, 1.419 ], [ -64.344, 1.38 ], [ -64.186, 1.494 ], [ -64.054, 1.708 ], [ -64.057, 1.933 ], [ -64.018, 1.967 ], [ -63.781, 1.989 ], [ -63.604, 2.124 ], [ -63.419, 2.154 ], [ -63.349, 2.281 ], [ -63.382, 2.442 ], [ -63.756, 2.403 ], [ -64.031, 2.509 ], [ -63.987, 2.772 ], [ -64.216, 3.153 ], [ -64.236, 3.476 ], [ -64.186, 3.634 ], [ -64.324, 3.797 ], [ -64.543, 3.882 ], [ -64.8, 4.224 ], [ -64.79, 4.329 ], [ -64.677, 4.297 ], [ -64.555, 4.153 ], [ -64.135, 4.176 ], [ -63.967, 3.93 ], [ -63.806, 4.019 ], [ -63.623, 4.01 ], [ -63.455, 3.91 ], [ -63.411, 4.026 ], [ -63.358, 4.04 ], [ -63.203, 3.952 ], [ -63.189, 3.872 ], [ -62.86, 3.584 ], [ -62.749, 3.642 ], [ -62.705, 3.724 ], [ -62.752, 4.012 ], [ -62.635, 4.056 ], [ -62.557, 4.02 ], [ -62.46, 4.173 ], [ -62.129, 4.084 ], [ -61.961, 4.18 ], [ -61.927, 4.106 ], [ -61.723, 4.262 ], [ -61.528, 4.273 ], [ -61.507, 4.398 ], [ -61.274, 4.471 ], [ -61.293, 4.55 ], [ -61.141, 4.508 ], [ -60.952, 4.549 ], [ -60.907, 4.708 ], [ -60.731, 4.777 ], [ -60.59, 4.951 ], [ -60.744, 5.209 ], [ -60.438, 5.177 ], [ -60.203, 5.265 ], [ -60.176, 5.227 ], [ -60.121, 5.243 ], [ -60.085, 5.149 ], [ -59.969, 5.073 ], [ -60.03, 4.704 ], [ -60.163, 4.521 ], [ -59.927, 4.509 ], [ -59.674, 4.382 ], [ -59.726, 4.191 ], [ -59.628, 4.138 ], [ -59.655, 4.078 ], [ -59.516, 3.94 ], [ -59.581, 3.901 ], [ -59.594, 3.796 ], [ -59.666, 3.777 ], [ -59.664, 3.703 ], [ -59.849, 3.601 ], [ -59.799, 3.355 ], [ -59.909, 3.197 ], [ -59.982, 2.929 ], [ -59.99, 2.683 ], [ -59.903, 2.479 ], [ -59.91, 2.388 ], [ -59.724, 2.277 ], [ -59.754, 1.861 ], [ -59.654, 1.849 ], [ -59.669, 1.764 ], [ -59.549, 1.729 ], [ -59.253, 1.397 ], [ -58.914, 1.299 ], [ -58.904, 1.234 ], [ -58.804, 1.175 ], [ -58.696, 1.288 ], [ -58.507, 1.264 ], [ -58.468, 1.318 ], [ -58.498, 1.458 ], [ -58.382, 1.471 ], [ -58.325, 1.59 ], [ -58.167, 1.558 ], [ -58.13, 1.501 ], [ -58.009, 1.501 ], [ -58, 1.665 ], [ -57.919, 1.645 ], [ -57.77, 1.718 ], [ -57.545, 1.701 ], [ -57.434, 1.895 ], [ -57.302, 1.99 ], [ -57.247, 1.944 ], [ -57.085, 2.021 ], [ -57.012, 1.918 ], [ -56.8, 1.864 ], [ -56.724, 1.92 ], [ -56.454, 1.945 ], [ -55.957, 1.844 ], [ -55.906, 1.889 ], [ -55.913, 2.041 ], [ -56.048, 2.226 ], [ -56.134, 2.263 ], [ -56.09, 2.352 ], [ -55.995, 2.405 ], [ -55.987, 2.517 ], [ -55.948, 2.532 ], [ -55.739, 2.401 ], [ -55.481, 2.443 ], [ -55.37, 2.407 ], [ -55.336, 2.516 ], [ -55.239, 2.495 ], [ -55.137, 2.575 ], [ -55.103, 2.522 ], [ -54.94, 2.632 ], [ -54.969, 2.555 ], [ -54.864, 2.439 ], [ -54.72, 2.469 ], [ -54.702, 2.336 ], [ -54.549, 2.336 ], [ -54.534, 2.268 ], [ -54.314, 2.158 ], [ -54.189, 2.179 ], [ -54.111, 2.127 ], [ -54.078, 2.197 ], [ -53.784, 2.364 ], [ -53.694, 2.287 ], [ -53.472, 2.332 ], [ -53.397, 2.272 ], [ -53.273, 2.292 ], [ -53.188, 2.223 ], [ -52.905, 2.19 ], [ -52.853, 2.285 ], [ -52.673, 2.374 ], [ -52.555, 2.523 ], [ -52.556, 2.646 ], [ -52.382, 2.912 ], [ -52.347, 3.134 ], [ -52.192, 3.296 ], [ -51.92, 3.781 ], [ -51.795, 3.89 ], [ -51.754, 3.996 ], [ -51.658, 4.049 ], [ -51.585, 4.241 ], [ -51.529, 4.171 ], [ -51.545, 4.397 ], [ -51.202, 4.084 ], [ -51.173, 3.767 ], [ -51.127, 3.911 ], [ -51.085, 3.895 ], [ -51.051, 3.283 ], [ -50.913, 2.875 ], [ -50.927, 2.807 ], [ -50.816, 2.644 ], [ -50.851, 2.482 ], [ -50.802, 2.508 ], [ -50.736, 2.414 ], [ -50.765, 2.359 ], [ -50.694, 2.276 ], [ -50.725, 2.252 ], [ -50.675, 2.247 ], [ -50.682, 2.137 ], [ -50.584, 2.091 ], [ -50.586, 2.014 ], [ -50.471, 1.82 ], [ -50.194, 1.794 ], [ -49.954, 1.676 ], [ -49.88, 1.419 ], [ -49.918, 1.289 ], [ -50.073, 1.204 ], [ -49.918, 1.232 ], [ -49.939, 1.103 ], [ -50.003, 1.066 ], [ -50.033, 1.107 ], [ -50.131, 0.949 ], [ -50.274, 0.866 ], [ -50.338, 0.729 ], [ -50.417, 0.685 ], [ -50.455, 0.732 ], [ -50.428, 0.679 ], [ -50.571, 0.424 ], [ -50.691, 0.3 ], [ -50.677, 0.365 ], [ -50.746, 0.227 ], [ -50.801, 0.224 ], [ -50.785, 0.183 ], [ -50.908, 0.171 ], [ -51.087, -0.043 ], [ -51.203, -0.055 ], [ -51.419, -0.412 ], [ -51.409, -0.44 ], [ -51.325, -0.364 ], [ -51.188, -0.14 ], [ -51.111, -0.154 ], [ -51.154, -0.284 ], [ -51.396, -0.493 ], [ -51.243, -0.443 ], [ -51.26, -0.5 ], [ -51.165, -0.431 ], [ -50.953, -0.061 ], [ -50.824, -0.048 ], [ -50.705, 0.002 ], [ -50.613, -0.088 ], [ -50.744, -0.244 ], [ -50.751, -0.429 ], [ -50.845, -0.526 ], [ -50.988, -0.583 ], [ -51.051, -0.682 ], [ -50.826, -0.555 ], [ -50.794, -0.666 ], [ -50.733, -0.557 ], [ -50.684, -0.604 ], [ -50.724, -0.493 ], [ -50.652, -0.276 ], [ -50.409, -0.094 ], [ -49.631, -0.247 ], [ -49.446, -0.23 ], [ -49.289, -0.145 ], [ -49.018, -0.16 ], [ -49, -0.139 ], [ -48.895, -0.224 ], [ -48.539, -0.234 ], [ -48.363, -0.303 ], [ -48.459, -0.513 ], [ -48.522, -0.877 ], [ -48.667, -1.002 ], [ -48.621, -1.005 ], [ -48.65, -1.048 ], [ -48.617, -1.053 ], [ -48.721, -1.137 ], [ -48.837, -1.452 ], [ -49.161, -1.575 ], [ -49.182, -1.623 ], [ -49.362, -1.604 ], [ -49.364, -1.642 ], [ -49.448, -1.637 ], [ -49.5, -1.738 ], [ -49.61, -1.718 ], [ -49.676, -1.78 ], [ -49.696, -1.757 ], [ -49.714, -1.76 ], [ -49.803, -1.822 ], [ -50.035, -1.717 ], [ -50.179, -1.787 ], [ -50.256, -1.776 ], [ -50.415, -1.841 ], [ -50.401, -1.935 ], [ -49.994, -1.819 ], [ -49.844, -1.905 ], [ -49.765, -1.898 ], [ -49.616, -1.79 ], [ -49.276, -1.706 ], [ -49.267, -1.778 ], [ -49.387, -1.977 ], [ -49.383, -2.159 ], [ -48.973, -1.594 ], [ -48.897, -1.573 ], [ -48.955, -1.712 ], [ -48.932, -1.75 ], [ -48.898, -1.743 ], [ -48.656, -1.371 ], [ -48.592, -1.429 ], [ -48.601, -1.306 ], [ -48.524, -1.338 ], [ -48.537, -1.467 ], [ -48.496, -1.553 ], [ -48.491, -1.502 ], [ -48.46, -1.533 ], [ -48.374, -1.511 ], [ -48.319, -1.478 ], [ -48.505, -1.471 ], [ -48.422, -1.168 ], [ -48.475, -1.144 ], [ -48.4, -1.066 ], [ -48.278, -1.111 ], [ -48.304, -0.948 ], [ -48.055, -0.668 ], [ -48.001, -0.731 ], [ -47.893, -0.553 ], [ -47.843, -0.616 ], [ -47.807, -0.547 ], [ -47.702, -0.54 ], [ -47.707, -0.59 ], [ -47.667, -0.569 ], [ -47.633, -0.608 ], [ -47.651, -0.694 ], [ -47.608, -0.684 ], [ -47.577, -0.573 ], [ -47.476, -0.757 ], [ -47.398, -0.76 ], [ -47.428, -0.693 ], [ -47.464, -0.687 ], [ -47.466, -0.594 ], [ -47.399, -0.594 ], [ -47.4, -0.645 ], [ -47.298, -0.589 ], [ -47.253, -0.668 ], [ -47.247, -0.623 ], [ -47.206, -0.633 ], [ -47.23, -0.719 ], [ -47.158, -0.678 ], [ -47.191, -0.754 ], [ -47.146, -0.764 ], [ -47.16, -0.815 ], [ -47.081, -0.661 ], [ -47.055, -0.868 ], [ -47.027, -0.784 ], [ -46.983, -0.806 ], [ -47.016, -0.752 ], [ -46.967, -0.694 ], [ -46.969, -0.78 ], [ -46.891, -0.869 ], [ -46.89, -0.789 ], [ -46.846, -0.799 ], [ -46.82, -0.71 ], [ -46.802, -0.877 ], [ -46.777, -0.905 ], [ -46.75, -0.826 ], [ -46.709, -0.86 ], [ -46.734, -0.944 ], [ -46.687, -0.831 ], [ -46.653, -0.882 ], [ -46.621, -0.818 ], [ -46.601, -0.917 ], [ -46.676, -0.965 ], [ -46.622, -0.987 ], [ -46.57, -0.947 ], [ -46.609, -1.03 ], [ -46.57, -0.988 ], [ -46.525, -1.027 ], [ -46.465, -1.007 ], [ -46.47, -1.044 ], [ -46.395, -1.037 ], [ -46.413, -1.084 ], [ -46.348, -0.982 ], [ -46.36, -1.011 ], [ -46.366, -1.031 ], [ -46.348, -1.079 ], [ -46.339, -1.015 ], [ -46.299, -1.05 ], [ -46.212, -0.946 ], [ -46.242, -0.921 ], [ -46.179, -0.914 ], [ -46.224, -1.053 ], [ -46.206, -1.1 ], [ -46.158, -1.014 ], [ -46.138, -1.032 ], [ -46.193, -1.143 ], [ -46.104, -1.067 ], [ -46.062, -1.133 ], [ -46.15, -1.258 ], [ -45.982, -1.071 ], [ -45.953, -1.147 ], [ -46, -1.151 ], [ -46, -1.199 ], [ -45.95, -1.159 ], [ -45.95, -1.207 ], [ -46, -1.209 ], [ -45.95, -1.25 ], [ -45.902, -1.134 ], [ -45.923, -1.214 ], [ -45.882, -1.167 ], [ -45.873, -1.211 ], [ -45.909, -1.261 ], [ -45.859, -1.231 ], [ -45.891, -1.293 ], [ -45.807, -1.176 ], [ -45.843, -1.301 ], [ -45.809, -1.328 ], [ -45.831, -1.298 ], [ -45.782, -1.278 ], [ -45.726, -1.135 ], [ -45.69, -1.452 ], [ -45.697, -1.38 ], [ -45.632, -1.371 ], [ -45.618, -1.279 ], [ -45.589, -1.329 ], [ -45.537, -1.273 ], [ -45.561, -1.343 ], [ -45.51, -1.352 ], [ -45.567, -1.404 ], [ -45.546, -1.432 ], [ -45.413, -1.296 ], [ -45.489, -1.473 ], [ -45.511, -1.458 ], [ -45.554, -1.503 ], [ -45.507, -1.471 ], [ -45.518, -1.516 ], [ -45.481, -1.495 ], [ -45.463, -1.548 ], [ -45.457, -1.457 ], [ -45.391, -1.434 ], [ -45.363, -1.325 ], [ -45.323, -1.319 ], [ -45.302, -1.424 ], [ -45.392, -1.485 ], [ -45.398, -1.503 ], [ -45.356, -1.487 ], [ -45.392, -1.553 ], [ -45.338, -1.572 ], [ -45.371, -1.722 ], [ -45.338, -1.753 ], [ -45.197, -1.688 ], [ -45.261, -1.607 ], [ -45.16, -1.475 ], [ -45.136, -1.521 ], [ -45.072, -1.435 ], [ -45.07, -1.485 ], [ -44.999, -1.504 ], [ -45.018, -1.547 ], [ -44.969, -1.549 ], [ -45.029, -1.583 ], [ -45.029, -1.602 ], [ -44.979, -1.607 ], [ -44.954, -1.498 ], [ -44.862, -1.426 ], [ -44.857, -1.498 ], [ -44.954, -1.605 ], [ -44.918, -1.649 ], [ -44.968, -1.662 ], [ -44.913, -1.657 ], [ -44.927, -1.62 ], [ -44.886, -1.609 ], [ -44.837, -1.65 ], [ -44.822, -1.591 ], [ -44.826, -1.637 ], [ -44.805, -1.609 ], [ -44.812, -1.665 ], [ -44.779, -1.735 ], [ -44.711, -1.728 ], [ -44.82, -1.819 ], [ -44.738, -1.791 ], [ -44.706, -1.819 ], [ -44.676, -1.808 ], [ -44.661, -1.727 ], [ -44.604, -1.749 ], [ -44.667, -1.849 ], [ -44.601, -1.858 ], [ -44.583, -1.817 ], [ -44.586, -1.873 ], [ -44.543, -1.833 ], [ -44.601, -1.909 ], [ -44.517, -1.907 ], [ -44.484, -2.002 ], [ -44.613, -2.037 ], [ -44.467, -2.017 ], [ -44.626, -2.151 ], [ -44.589, -2.159 ], [ -44.641, -2.232 ], [ -44.708, -2.23 ], [ -44.684, -2.275 ], [ -44.764, -2.265 ], [ -44.654, -2.294 ], [ -44.681, -2.354 ], [ -44.649, -2.373 ], [ -44.666, -2.329 ], [ -44.479, -2.137 ], [ -44.358, -2.335 ], [ -44.401, -2.416 ], [ -44.514, -2.384 ], [ -44.55, -2.4 ], [ -44.491, -2.415 ], [ -44.514, -2.448 ], [ -44.505, -2.476 ], [ -44.665, -2.608 ], [ -44.548, -2.542 ], [ -44.658, -2.781 ], [ -44.688, -2.924 ], [ -44.677, -3.019 ], [ -44.66, -3.02 ], [ -44.657, -3.018 ] ], [ [ -43.318, -2.361 ], [ -43.317, -2.363 ], [ -43.296, -2.363 ], [ -43.318, -2.361 ] ], [ [ -42.438, -2.747 ], [ -42.442, -2.749 ], [ -42.438, -2.75 ], [ -42.438, -2.747 ] ], [ [ -42.442, -2.749 ], [ -42.47, -2.744 ], [ -42.447, -2.753 ], [ -42.442, -2.749 ] ], [ [ -50.851, 2.482 ], [ -50.853, 2.481 ], [ -50.853, 2.48 ], [ -50.851, 2.482 ] ], [ [ -50.853, 2.481 ], [ -50.86, 2.495 ], [ -50.86, 2.477 ], [ -50.853, 2.481 ] ], [ [ -49.976, 1.659 ], [ -49.98, 1.659 ], [ -50, 1.639 ], [ -49.976, 1.659 ] ], [ [ -45.392, -1.553 ], [ -45.393, -1.553 ], [ -45.394, -1.556 ], [ -45.392, -1.553 ] ], [ [ -45.394, -1.556 ], [ -45.406, -1.579 ], [ -45.403, -1.591 ], [ -45.394, -1.556 ] ], [ [ -44.837, -1.65 ], [ -44.834, -1.655 ], [ -44.833, -1.654 ], [ -44.837, -1.65 ] ], [ [ -44.834, -1.655 ], [ -44.841, -1.675 ], [ -44.822, -1.672 ], [ -44.834, -1.655 ] ], [ [ -44.779, -1.735 ], [ -44.777, -1.741 ], [ -44.776, -1.74 ], [ -44.779, -1.735 ] ], [ [ -44.777, -1.741 ], [ -44.833, -1.77 ], [ -44.774, -1.75 ], [ -44.777, -1.741 ] ], [ [ -44.547, -2.22 ], [ -44.536, -2.225 ], [ -44.543, -2.219 ], [ -44.547, -2.22 ] ], [ [ -44.536, -2.225 ], [ -44.507, -2.249 ], [ -44.512, -2.235 ], [ -44.536, -2.225 ] ], [ [ -44.507, -2.249 ], [ -44.504, -2.256 ], [ -44.501, -2.254 ], [ -44.507, -2.249 ] ], [ [ -44.504, -2.256 ], [ -44.514, -2.268 ], [ -44.502, -2.26 ], [ -44.504, -2.256 ] ] ], [ [ [ -29.34, -20.484 ], [ -29.301, -20.521 ], [ -29.341, -20.511 ], [ -29.34, -20.484 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.001, -13.94 ], [ -39.012, -13.915 ], [ -38.994, -13.896 ], [ -39.001, -13.94 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.043, -13.909 ], [ -39.059, -13.904 ], [ -39.054, -13.886 ], [ -39.028, -13.903 ], [ -39.043, -13.909 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.251, -18.015 ], [ -39.283, -18.005 ], [ -39.272, -17.982 ], [ -39.245, -18.006 ], [ -39.251, -18.015 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.131, -17.927 ], [ -39.154, -17.921 ], [ -39.137, -17.91 ], [ -39.131, -17.927 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.212, -17.986 ], [ -39.228, -17.979 ], [ -39.215, -17.944 ], [ -39.202, -17.95 ], [ -39.212, -17.986 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.341, -23.231 ], [ -44.372, -23.174 ], [ -44.232, -23.089 ], [ -44.087, -23.173 ], [ -44.3, -23.184 ], [ -44.341, -23.231 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.356, -23.073 ], [ -44.388, -23.048 ], [ -44.373, -23.033 ], [ -44.343, -23.041 ], [ -44.356, -23.073 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.929, -23.014 ], [ -43.936, -22.999 ], [ -43.916, -22.989 ], [ -43.929, -23.014 ] ] ], [ [ [ -42.002, -23.018 ], [ -42.015, -23.003 ], [ -41.98, -22.975 ], [ -41.975, -22.992 ], [ -42.002, -23.018 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.904, -22.962 ], [ -43.907, -22.936 ], [ -43.868, -22.926 ], [ -43.871, -22.95 ], [ -43.904, -22.962 ] ] ], [ [ [ -41.042, -21.613 ], [ -41.042, -21.6 ], [ -41.019, -21.606 ], [ -41.042, -21.613 ] ] ], [ [ [ -52.112, -32 ], [ -52.18, -32.035 ], [ -52.216, -32.025 ], [ -52.198, -31.978 ], [ -52.112, -32 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.641, -30.388 ], [ -50.629, -30.394 ], [ -50.624, -30.329 ], [ -50.592, -30.399 ], [ -50.609, -30.406 ], [ -50.641, -30.388 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.526, -27.462 ], [ -48.416, -27.38 ], [ -48.358, -27.446 ], [ -48.503, -27.799 ], [ -48.559, -27.842 ], [ -48.526, -27.462 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.354, -27.296 ], [ -48.376, -27.285 ], [ -48.373, -27.271 ], [ -48.36, -27.27 ], [ -48.354, -27.296 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.731, -26.314 ], [ -48.754, -26.297 ], [ -48.735, -26.282 ], [ -48.731, -26.314 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.318, -25.584 ], [ -48.309, -25.546 ], [ -48.381, -25.504 ], [ -48.312, -25.509 ], [ -48.292, -25.545 ], [ -48.318, -25.584 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.414, -25.544 ], [ -48.459, -25.514 ], [ -48.415, -25.527 ], [ -48.414, -25.544 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.424, -25.551 ], [ -48.479, -25.523 ], [ -48.485, -25.502 ], [ -48.424, -25.551 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.298, -25.493 ], [ -48.341, -25.416 ], [ -48.252, -25.341 ], [ -48.265, -25.44 ], [ -48.253, -25.466 ], [ -48.298, -25.493 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.417, -25.386 ], [ -48.424, -25.343 ], [ -48.405, -25.33 ], [ -48.417, -25.386 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.695, -24.112 ], [ -45.688, -24.088 ], [ -45.679, -24.098 ], [ -45.695, -24.112 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.251, -23.962 ], [ -45.301, -23.909 ], [ -45.453, -23.91 ], [ -45.332, -23.721 ], [ -45.227, -23.774 ], [ -45.224, -23.835 ], [ -45.283, -23.857 ], [ -45.221, -23.899 ], [ -45.251, -23.962 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.141, -23.817 ], [ -45.146, -23.791 ], [ -45.114, -23.801 ], [ -45.141, -23.817 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.153, -23.573 ], [ -45.153, -23.558 ], [ -45.141, -23.568 ], [ -45.153, -23.573 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.073, -23.564 ], [ -45.079, -23.525 ], [ -45.036, -23.531 ], [ -45.073, -23.564 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.608, -23.228 ], [ -44.59, -23.208 ], [ -44.577, -23.216 ], [ -44.608, -23.228 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.648, -12.821 ], [ -38.666, -12.777 ], [ -38.624, -12.762 ], [ -38.648, -12.821 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.529, -12.811 ], [ -38.544, -12.757 ], [ -38.532, -12.74 ], [ -38.508, -12.792 ], [ -38.529, -12.811 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.622, -12.752 ], [ -38.622, -12.727 ], [ -38.593, -12.733 ], [ -38.622, -12.752 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.646, -12.683 ], [ -38.648, -12.65 ], [ -38.636, -12.661 ], [ -38.646, -12.683 ] ] ], [ [ [ -32.402, -3.838 ], [ -32.428, -3.877 ], [ -32.483, -3.878 ], [ -32.402, -3.838 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.667, -3.179 ], [ -44.668, -3.16 ], [ -44.643, -3.148 ], [ -44.644, -3.17 ], [ -44.667, -3.179 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.671, -2.943 ], [ -44.67, -2.92 ], [ -44.647, -2.915 ], [ -44.671, -2.943 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.493, -2.641 ], [ -44.48, -2.601 ], [ -44.477, -2.627 ], [ -44.493, -2.641 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.897, -2.573 ], [ -43.896, -2.554 ], [ -43.886, -2.565 ], [ -43.897, -2.573 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.599, -2.503 ], [ -43.577, -2.471 ], [ -43.572, -2.483 ], [ -43.599, -2.503 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.822, -2.526 ], [ -43.829, -2.509 ], [ -43.813, -2.458 ], [ -43.812, -2.553 ], [ -43.82, -2.528 ], [ -43.822, -2.526 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.821, -2.529 ], [ -43.856, -2.502 ], [ -43.832, -2.439 ], [ -43.842, -2.504 ], [ -43.821, -2.529 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.863, -2.56 ], [ -43.875, -2.552 ], [ -43.865, -2.534 ], [ -43.863, -2.56 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.519, -2.536 ], [ -44.529, -2.526 ], [ -44.501, -2.48 ], [ -44.505, -2.444 ], [ -44.455, -2.434 ], [ -44.519, -2.536 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.602, -3.007 ], [ -44.657, -2.972 ], [ -44.613, -2.894 ], [ -44.575, -2.921 ], [ -44.602, -3.007 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.585, -2.978 ], [ -44.563, -2.914 ], [ -44.586, -2.826 ], [ -44.494, -2.705 ], [ -44.494, -2.953 ], [ -44.582, -3.041 ], [ -44.585, -2.978 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.826, -2.434 ], [ -43.842, -2.403 ], [ -43.811, -2.385 ], [ -43.807, -2.412 ], [ -43.826, -2.434 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.581, -2.441 ], [ -43.615, -2.389 ], [ -43.549, -2.377 ], [ -43.545, -2.403 ], [ -43.581, -2.441 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.791, -2.47 ], [ -43.806, -2.443 ], [ -43.78, -2.422 ], [ -43.759, -2.448 ], [ -43.791, -2.47 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.513, -2.424 ], [ -43.537, -2.416 ], [ -43.522, -2.39 ], [ -43.505, -2.414 ], [ -43.513, -2.424 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.792, -2.405 ], [ -43.798, -2.377 ], [ -43.771, -2.37 ], [ -43.792, -2.405 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.689, -2.355 ], [ -43.743, -2.352 ], [ -43.724, -2.305 ], [ -43.617, -2.253 ], [ -43.612, -2.275 ], [ -43.669, -2.301 ], [ -43.689, -2.355 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.73, -2.425 ], [ -43.732, -2.364 ], [ -43.67, -2.377 ], [ -43.681, -2.34 ], [ -43.63, -2.324 ], [ -43.643, -2.394 ], [ -43.73, -2.425 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.473, -2.125 ], [ -44.487, -2.113 ], [ -44.475, -2.096 ], [ -44.463, -2.104 ], [ -44.473, -2.125 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.456, -2.031 ], [ -44.447, -2.008 ], [ -44.439, -2.022 ], [ -44.456, -2.031 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.311, -1.964 ], [ -49.336, -1.996 ], [ -49.309, -1.943 ], [ -49.311, -1.964 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.323, -2.054 ], [ -49.329, -2.019 ], [ -49.316, -2.001 ], [ -49.323, -2.054 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.231, -1.829 ], [ -50.246, -1.824 ], [ -50.229, -1.816 ], [ -50.231, -1.829 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.615, -1.821 ], [ -44.622, -1.797 ], [ -44.597, -1.774 ], [ -44.583, -1.789 ], [ -44.615, -1.821 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.7, -1.811 ], [ -44.703, -1.78 ], [ -44.673, -1.78 ], [ -44.7, -1.811 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.691, -1.793 ], [ -49.721, -1.789 ], [ -49.719, -1.771 ], [ -49.697, -1.766 ], [ -49.691, -1.793 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.924, -1.711 ], [ -48.909, -1.713 ], [ -48.916, -1.734 ], [ -48.935, -1.713 ], [ -48.924, -1.711 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.757, -1.707 ], [ -44.767, -1.694 ], [ -44.736, -1.701 ], [ -44.757, -1.707 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.433, -1.684 ], [ -49.454, -1.706 ], [ -49.46, -1.684 ], [ -49.433, -1.684 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.357, -1.008 ], [ -46.342, -0.994 ], [ -46.353, -1.026 ], [ -46.357, -1.008 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.205, -1.021 ], [ -46.194, -1.014 ], [ -46.202, -1.032 ], [ -46.205, -1.021 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.662, -3.018 ], [ -44.673, -3.012 ], [ -44.664, -3.001 ], [ -44.649, -3.013 ], [ -44.662, -3.018 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.736, -1.683 ], [ -44.745, -1.677 ], [ -44.732, -1.668 ], [ -44.736, -1.683 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.231, -1.638 ], [ -49.237, -1.627 ], [ -49.217, -1.633 ], [ -49.231, -1.638 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.38, -1.685 ], [ -49.4, -1.682 ], [ -49.368, -1.669 ], [ -49.38, -1.685 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.426, -1.673 ], [ -49.429, -1.661 ], [ -49.406, -1.66 ], [ -49.426, -1.673 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.34, -1.672 ], [ -49.358, -1.662 ], [ -49.325, -1.647 ], [ -49.34, -1.672 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.289, -1.726 ], [ -45.305, -1.663 ], [ -45.257, -1.641 ], [ -45.244, -1.678 ], [ -45.28, -1.694 ], [ -45.289, -1.726 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.328, -1.743 ], [ -45.346, -1.719 ], [ -45.301, -1.596 ], [ -45.274, -1.635 ], [ -45.313, -1.654 ], [ -45.328, -1.743 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.886, -1.578 ], [ -48.89, -1.56 ], [ -48.859, -1.536 ], [ -48.856, -1.553 ], [ -48.886, -1.578 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.783, -1.682 ], [ -44.8, -1.595 ], [ -44.775, -1.62 ], [ -44.721, -1.567 ], [ -44.704, -1.611 ], [ -44.684, -1.575 ], [ -44.668, -1.669 ], [ -44.693, -1.638 ], [ -44.783, -1.682 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.816, -1.569 ], [ -44.837, -1.534 ], [ -44.787, -1.488 ], [ -44.825, -1.534 ], [ -44.816, -1.569 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.462, -1.517 ], [ -48.478, -1.499 ], [ -48.421, -1.503 ], [ -48.462, -1.517 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.793, -1.531 ], [ -44.774, -1.47 ], [ -44.763, -1.513 ], [ -44.793, -1.531 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.414, -1.427 ], [ -45.423, -1.416 ], [ -45.409, -1.405 ], [ -45.414, -1.427 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45, -1.296 ], [ -44.922, -1.265 ], [ -44.877, -1.309 ], [ -44.895, -1.34 ], [ -44.922, -1.305 ], [ -44.907, -1.341 ], [ -44.999, -1.405 ], [ -45.033, -1.339 ], [ -45, -1.32 ], [ -44.995, -1.36 ], [ -45, -1.296 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.044, -1.402 ], [ -45.07, -1.33 ], [ -45.052, -1.342 ], [ -45.044, -1.402 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.333, -1.569 ], [ -45.371, -1.544 ], [ -45.347, -1.489 ], [ -45.313, -1.506 ], [ -45.333, -1.569 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.969, -1.522 ], [ -44.976, -1.493 ], [ -44.959, -1.483 ], [ -44.969, -1.522 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.393, -1.512 ], [ -48.371, -1.476 ], [ -48.341, -1.483 ], [ -48.393, -1.512 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.413, -1.498 ], [ -48.426, -1.491 ], [ -48.387, -1.476 ], [ -48.413, -1.498 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.118, -1.47 ], [ -45.132, -1.462 ], [ -45.115, -1.364 ], [ -45.103, -1.373 ], [ -45.118, -1.47 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.593, -1.251 ], [ -45.581, -1.19 ], [ -45.536, -1.205 ], [ -45.532, -1.231 ], [ -45.593, -1.251 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.559, -1.243 ], [ -48.56, -1.202 ], [ -48.523, -1.199 ], [ -48.559, -1.243 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.817, -1.163 ], [ -45.829, -1.141 ], [ -45.804, -1.127 ], [ -45.817, -1.163 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.877, -1.154 ], [ -45.9, -1.117 ], [ -45.883, -1.073 ], [ -45.849, -1.123 ], [ -45.877, -1.154 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.192, -1.05 ], [ -46.201, -1.041 ], [ -46.185, -1.027 ], [ -46.192, -1.05 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.291, -1.01 ], [ -46.307, -0.992 ], [ -46.306, -0.961 ], [ -46.291, -1.01 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.078, -1.095 ], [ -46.065, -1.05 ], [ -46.061, -1.074 ], [ -46.078, -1.095 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.68, -1.295 ], [ -45.687, -1.275 ], [ -45.667, -1.26 ], [ -45.654, -1.285 ], [ -45.68, -1.295 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.538, -1.282 ], [ -48.549, -1.262 ], [ -48.53, -1.25 ], [ -48.538, -1.282 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.51, -1.27 ], [ -48.522, -1.247 ], [ -48.506, -1.236 ], [ -48.51, -1.27 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.694, -1.37 ], [ -45.646, -1.289 ], [ -45.625, -1.126 ], [ -45.634, -1.349 ], [ -45.694, -1.37 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.688, -1.266 ], [ -45.708, -1.228 ], [ -45.685, -1.194 ], [ -45.664, -1.231 ], [ -45.688, -1.266 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.425, -0.914 ], [ -46.454, -0.907 ], [ -46.408, -0.868 ], [ -46.395, -0.899 ], [ -46.425, -0.914 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.72, -0.848 ], [ -46.735, -0.832 ], [ -46.729, -0.796 ], [ -46.72, -0.848 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.611, -0.799 ], [ -46.622, -0.784 ], [ -46.601, -0.789 ], [ -46.611, -0.799 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.586, -0.849 ], [ -46.621, -0.807 ], [ -46.589, -0.815 ], [ -46.586, -0.849 ] ] ], [ [ [ -47.447, -0.748 ], [ -47.453, -0.732 ], [ -47.436, -0.717 ], [ -47.428, -0.738 ], [ -47.447, -0.748 ] ] ], [ [ [ -47.461, -0.741 ], [ -47.463, -0.702 ], [ -47.445, -0.697 ], [ -47.461, -0.741 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.214, -0.411 ], [ -51.211, -0.386 ], [ -51.164, -0.347 ], [ -51.163, -0.383 ], [ -51.214, -0.411 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.352, -0.353 ], [ -51.346, -0.31 ], [ -51.317, -0.268 ], [ -51.327, -0.33 ], [ -51.352, -0.353 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.127, -0.268 ], [ -51.131, -0.237 ], [ -51.091, -0.208 ], [ -51.087, -0.229 ], [ -51.127, -0.268 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.888, -0.198 ], [ -48.91, -0.188 ], [ -48.893, -0.134 ], [ -48.847, -0.177 ], [ -48.888, -0.198 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.174, -0.091 ], [ -51.191, -0.064 ], [ -51.126, -0.057 ], [ -51.174, -0.091 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.114, -0.146 ], [ -49.097, -0.121 ], [ -49.08, -0.13 ], [ -49.114, -0.146 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.166, -0.142 ], [ -49.188, -0.115 ], [ -49.156, -0.128 ], [ -49.166, -0.142 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.119, -0.141 ], [ -49.143, -0.107 ], [ -49.114, -0.11 ], [ -49.119, -0.141 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.127, -0.128 ], [ -51.094, -0.103 ], [ -51.108, -0.127 ], [ -51.127, -0.128 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.414, -0.999 ], [ -46.384, -0.941 ], [ -46.367, -0.948 ], [ -46.414, -0.999 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.647, -0.97 ], [ -46.658, -0.968 ], [ -46.618, -0.957 ], [ -46.647, -0.97 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.488, -0.942 ], [ -46.465, -0.877 ], [ -46.464, -0.924 ], [ -46.44, -0.922 ], [ -46.482, -0.976 ], [ -46.441, -0.999 ], [ -46.525, -1.016 ], [ -46.527, -0.917 ], [ -46.509, -0.984 ], [ -46.488, -0.942 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.632, 0.159 ], [ -49.662, 0.184 ], [ -49.629, 0.202 ], [ -49.61, 0.181 ], [ -49.632, 0.159 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.641, 0.26 ], [ -50.63, 0.293 ], [ -50.586, 0.308 ], [ -50.641, 0.26 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.2, 0.255 ], [ -50.243, 0.248 ], [ -50.147, 0.337 ], [ -50.059, 0.346 ], [ -50.2, 0.255 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.417, 0.159 ], [ -50.535, 0.234 ], [ -50.36, 0.615 ], [ -50.328, 0.383 ], [ -50.285, 0.3 ], [ -50.413, 0.237 ], [ -50.417, 0.159 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.279, 0.338 ], [ -50.271, 0.599 ], [ -50.147, 0.608 ], [ -50.142, 0.576 ], [ -50.107, 0.636 ], [ -50.063, 0.623 ], [ -50.05, 0.518 ], [ -50.279, 0.338 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50, 0.943 ], [ -50.113, 0.907 ], [ -50.018, 1.034 ], [ -49.935, 1.069 ], [ -49.939, 0.996 ], [ -50, 0.943 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.881, 1.227 ], [ -49.909, 1.246 ], [ -49.886, 1.244 ], [ -49.881, 1.227 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.907, 1.278 ], [ -49.885, 1.291 ], [ -49.863, 1.278 ], [ -49.876, 1.252 ], [ -49.907, 1.278 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.204, 1.851 ], [ -50.232, 1.879 ], [ -50.22, 1.915 ], [ -50.169, 1.865 ], [ -50.204, 1.851 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.468, 1.954 ], [ -50.521, 2.026 ], [ -50.497, 2.139 ], [ -50.398, 2.167 ], [ -50.367, 2.19 ], [ -50.276, 1.939 ], [ -50.423, 1.849 ], [ -50.468, 1.954 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.504, 2.255 ], [ -50.414, 2.244 ], [ -50.382, 2.204 ], [ -50.489, 2.15 ], [ -50.564, 2.205 ], [ -50.504, 2.255 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.229, 0.832 ], [ -50.098, 0.839 ], [ -50.027, 0.898 ], [ -50.105, 0.757 ], [ -50.162, 0.775 ], [ -50.249, 0.72 ], [ -50.229, 0.832 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.131, 0.844 ], [ -50.162, 0.867 ], [ -50.132, 0.9 ], [ -50.119, 0.854 ], [ -50.131, 0.844 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.108, 0.85 ], [ -50.111, 0.891 ], [ -50.049, 0.886 ], [ -50.108, 0.85 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.216, -0.055 ], [ -50.235, -0.042 ], [ -50.219, -0.04 ], [ -50.216, -0.055 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.916, -0.052 ], [ -50.926, -0.047 ], [ -50.907, -0.043 ], [ -50.916, -0.052 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.605, -0.061 ], [ -50.618, -0.022 ], [ -50.559, -0.038 ], [ -50.605, -0.061 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.399, -0.061 ], [ -50.44, -0.057 ], [ -50.378, -0.015 ], [ -50.357, -0.049 ], [ -50.399, -0.061 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.75, 0 ], [ -49.609, 0.08 ], [ -49.474, 0.081 ], [ -49.338, -0.017 ], [ -49.487, -0.136 ], [ -49.723, -0.147 ], [ -49.835, -0.088 ], [ -49.75, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.023, -0.019 ], [ -49.039, -0.011 ], [ -49.02, -0.006 ], [ -49.023, -0.019 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.932, 0.052 ], [ -50.918, 0.084 ], [ -50.884, 0.078 ], [ -50.899, 0.057 ], [ -50.932, 0.052 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.928, 0 ], [ -50.786, 0.05 ], [ -50.717, 0.028 ], [ -50.94, -0.041 ], [ -50.928, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.691, 0.025 ], [ -50.655, 0.015 ], [ -50.703, 0.021 ], [ -50.691, 0.025 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.629, -0.043 ], [ -50.642, -0.016 ], [ -50.622, -0.026 ], [ -50.629, -0.043 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.642, 0 ], [ -50.611, 0.007 ], [ -50.595, -0.019 ], [ -50.642, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.536, 0 ], [ -50.653, 0.126 ], [ -50.59, 0.203 ], [ -50.434, 0.126 ], [ -50.436, 0 ], [ -50.536, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50, 0.311 ], [ -49.674, 0.368 ], [ -49.601, 0.283 ], [ -49.86, 0.008 ], [ -49.99, -0.048 ], [ -50.086, 0.034 ], [ -50.351, 0.044 ], [ -50.394, 0.222 ], [ -50.153, 0.227 ], [ -50, 0.311 ] ] ] ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "La costa de lo que hoy es territorio brasileño fue el primer punto al que llegaron los europeos en América del Sur. La primera expedición que exploró la región fue un desprendimiento de la flota portuguesa que Vasco da Gama (c. 1460-1524) llevaba hacia oriente. Las naves dirigidas por Pedro Álvarez de Cabral (1467-1520) se alejaron excesivamente de la costa de África y terminaron en el extremo sur de actual territorio del Estado de Bahía, en que el permanecieron entre abril y mayo del año 1500. Los portuguese establecieron en la costa precarias feitorias para comerciar verzino o palo brasil con los nativos de las sociedades tupí y guaraní nativas. Recién en 1530 la corona brasileña tomaría acciones decididas para organizar la ocupación portuguesa y las actividades de explotación, cuando instaura el régimen de capitanías hereditarias que estructuraría el establecimiento colonial lusitano en brasil. Bibliografía: Johnson, H. B., \"Portuguese Settlement, 1500-1580\", en Bethell, Leslie (ed.), Colonial Brazil, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1987, pp. 1-38; Abulafia, David, El descubrimiento de la humanidad. Encuentros atlánticos en la era de Colón, Barcelona, Crítica, 2009 [2008]; Metcalf, Alida C., Go-Betweens and the Colonization of Brazil, 1500-1600, Austin, University of Texas Press, 2005; Vaz de Caminha, Pêro, Carta del descubrimiento del Brasil, Barcelona, Acantilado, 2009.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-12-03T14:17:24+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 74304, "end" : 74310 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Brasil" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/33abda5b-69ee-4c6a-b3a5-13e945509a85", "type" : "Annotation", 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-2.689 ], [ -42.503, -2.727 ], [ -42.393, -2.751 ], [ -42.475, -2.706 ], [ -42.375, -2.717 ], [ -42.228, -2.818 ], [ -42.143, -2.808 ], [ -42.256, -2.735 ], [ -42.233, -2.674 ], [ -42.208, -2.712 ], [ -42.098, -2.768 ], [ -42.099, -2.809 ], [ -42.096, -2.747 ], [ -42.216, -2.687 ], [ -42.054, -2.691 ], [ -42.023, -2.775 ], [ -42.017, -2.718 ], [ -41.818, -2.723 ], [ -41.844, -2.773 ], [ -41.797, -2.751 ], [ -41.656, -2.884 ], [ -41.437, -2.939 ], [ -41.395, -2.906 ], [ -41.316, -2.943 ], [ -41.263, -2.887 ], [ -40.838, -2.895 ], [ -40.572, -2.844 ], [ -40.499, -2.787 ], [ -39.888, -2.886 ], [ -39.244, -3.229 ], [ -39.083, -3.394 ], [ -38.978, -3.407 ], [ -38.641, -3.687 ], [ -38.473, -3.7 ], [ -38.377, -3.866 ], [ -38.043, -4.214 ], [ -37.764, -4.399 ], [ -37.588, -4.624 ], [ -37.323, -4.698 ], [ -37.15, -4.943 ], [ -36.958, -4.919 ], [ -36.666, -5.108 ], [ -36.504, -5.061 ], [ -36.297, -5.106 ], [ -35.956, -5.045 ], [ -35.612, -5.11 ], [ -35.385, -5.255 ], [ -35.255, -5.483 ], [ -35.099, -6.169 ], [ -34.983, -6.396 ], [ -34.933, -6.753 ], [ -34.79, -7.159 ], [ -34.842, -7.564 ], [ -34.809, -7.622 ], [ -34.845, -7.69 ], [ -34.827, -8.004 ], [ -35.136, -8.895 ], [ -35.332, -9.237 ], [ -35.689, -9.668 ], [ -35.78, -9.706 ], [ -36.056, -10.083 ], [ -36.266, -10.256 ], [ -36.402, -10.506 ], [ -36.602, -10.567 ], [ -36.934, -10.826 ], [ -37.36, -11.428 ], [ -37.612, -11.979 ], [ -37.996, -12.578 ], [ -38.318, -12.934 ], [ -38.477, -13.022 ], [ -38.532, -13.017 ], [ -38.473, -12.913 ], [ -38.498, -12.722 ], [ -38.603, -12.728 ], [ -38.646, -12.622 ], [ -38.681, -12.661 ], [ -38.718, -12.627 ], [ -38.804, -12.835 ], [ -38.717, -12.873 ], [ -38.769, -12.995 ], [ -38.721, -13.021 ], [ -38.66, -12.963 ], [ -38.686, -12.878 ], [ -38.59, -12.972 ], [ -38.766, -13.129 ], [ -38.807, -13.1 ], [ -38.808, -13.154 ], [ -38.944, -13.243 ], [ -38.973, -13.391 ], [ -38.902, -13.384 ], [ -38.886, -13.45 ], [ -38.95, -13.577 ], [ -38.886, -13.659 ], [ -38.968, -13.67 ], [ -39.006, -13.891 ], [ -39.064, -13.865 ], [ -39.075, -13.887 ], [ -38.986, -13.998 ], [ -38.952, -13.986 ], [ -38.982, -13.912 ], [ -38.938, -13.886 ], [ -38.922, -13.92 ], [ -39.061, -14.716 ], [ -38.962, -15.585 ], [ -38.857, -15.86 ], [ -38.973, -16.211 ], [ -39.032, -16.26 ], [ -39.01, -16.369 ], [ -39.078, -16.454 ], [ -39.143, -16.762 ], [ -39.113, -16.896 ], [ -39.212, -17.155 ], [ -39.193, -17.602 ], [ -39.135, -17.691 ], [ -39.264, -17.869 ], [ -39.435, -17.943 ], [ -39.563, -18.091 ], [ -39.721, -18.493 ], [ -39.749, -18.81 ], [ -39.692, -19.353 ], [ -39.805, -19.65 ], [ -39.951, -19.717 ], [ -40.151, -19.956 ], [ -40.236, -20.285 ], [ -40.353, -20.32 ], [ -40.329, -20.236 ], [ -40.359, -20.291 ], [ -40.365, -20.317 ], [ -40.35, -20.328 ], [ -40.268, -20.327 ], [ -40.402, -20.606 ], [ -40.466, -20.624 ], [ -40.627, -20.845 ], [ -40.65, -20.813 ], [ -40.756, -20.866 ], [ -40.853, -21.133 ], [ -40.955, -21.251 ], [ -40.96, -21.364 ], [ -41.065, -21.495 ], [ -41.051, -21.608 ], [ -41.038, -21.622 ], [ -41.007, -21.618 ], [ -40.99, -22.014 ], [ -41.229, -22.151 ], [ -41.668, -22.294 ], [ -41.962, -22.538 ], [ -41.986, -22.713 ], [ -41.919, -22.774 ], [ -41.864, -22.759 ], [ -42.023, -22.896 ], [ -42.037, -22.94 ], [ -41.99, -22.964 ], [ -42.018, -22.998 ], [ -42.086, -22.957 ], [ -42.529, -22.934 ], [ -43.05, -22.982 ], [ -43.132, -22.941 ], [ -43.025, -22.741 ], [ -43.084, -22.68 ], [ -43.216, -22.725 ], [ -43.287, -22.806 ], [ -43.24, -22.847 ], [ -43.249, -22.797 ], [ -43.156, -22.784 ], [ -43.247, -22.882 ], [ -43.164, -22.899 ], [ -43.187, -22.995 ], [ -43.344, -22.983 ], [ -43.303, -23.02 ], [ -43.549, -23.081 ], [ -44.001, -23.1 ], [ -43.961, -23.042 ], [ -43.877, -23.067 ], [ -43.909, -23.02 ], [ -43.807, -23.063 ], [ -43.555, -23.055 ], [ -43.84, -22.906 ], [ -43.985, -22.937 ], [ -44.034, -23.014 ], [ -44.044, -22.923 ], [ -44.107, -23.03 ], [ -44.234, -23.06 ], [ -44.238, -23.004 ], [ -44.358, -23.02 ], [ -44.296, -22.961 ], [ -44.321, -22.927 ], [ -44.378, -22.972 ], [ -44.407, -22.945 ], [ -44.443, -23.035 ], [ -44.669, -23.06 ], [ -44.712, -23.19 ], [ -44.701, -23.237 ], [ -44.645, -23.191 ], [ -44.612, -23.206 ], [ -44.685, -23.256 ], [ -44.611, -23.238 ], [ -44.652, -23.302 ], [ -44.558, -23.232 ], [ -44.577, -23.275 ], [ -44.498, -23.302 ], [ -44.583, -23.367 ], [ -44.669, -23.341 ], [ -44.84, -23.395 ], [ -44.905, -23.339 ], [ -45.05, -23.418 ], [ -45.016, -23.461 ], [ -45.079, -23.519 ], [ -45.165, -23.495 ], [ -45.159, -23.541 ], [ -45.228, -23.547 ], [ -45.211, -23.582 ], [ -45.41, -23.632 ], [ -45.412, -23.825 ], [ -45.934, -23.771 ], [ -46.124, -23.842 ], [ -46.2, -24.002 ], [ -46.288, -24.044 ], [ -46.321, -24 ], [ -46.458, -24.025 ], [ -46.937, -24.281 ], [ -47.024, -24.382 ], [ -47.004, -24.412 ], [ -47.86, -24.996 ], [ -47.914, -25.061 ], [ -47.915, -25.16 ], [ -48.213, -25.47 ], [ -48.254, -25.435 ], [ -48.222, -25.342 ], [ -48.208, -25.353 ], [ -48.121, -25.267 ], [ -48.253, -25.328 ], [ -48.284, -25.294 ], [ -48.317, -25.363 ], [ -48.327, -25.232 ], [ -48.366, -25.317 ], [ -48.433, -25.237 ], [ -48.428, -25.324 ], [ -48.5, -25.335 ], [ -48.427, -25.39 ], [ -48.449, -25.379 ], [ -48.468, -25.388 ], [ -48.467, -25.432 ], [ -48.449, -25.384 ], [ -48.414, -25.428 ], [ -48.476, -25.485 ], [ -48.637, -25.468 ], [ -48.661, -25.398 ], [ -48.671, -25.435 ], [ -48.739, -25.374 ], [ -48.68, -25.465 ], [ -48.687, -25.499 ], [ -48.737, -25.483 ], [ -48.703, -25.504 ], [ -48.617, -25.536 ], [ -48.512, -25.505 ], [ -48.482, -25.591 ], [ -48.46, -25.552 ], [ -48.35, -25.581 ], [ -48.565, -25.868 ], [ -48.614, -26.06 ], [ -48.586, -26.172 ], [ -48.714, -26.243 ], [ -48.795, -26.073 ], [ -48.837, -26.157 ], [ -48.798, -26.142 ], [ -48.763, -26.199 ], [ -48.805, -26.228 ], [ -48.769, -26.223 ], [ -48.761, -26.286 ], [ -48.803, -26.303 ], [ -48.723, -26.362 ], [ -48.635, -26.374 ], [ -48.714, -26.308 ], [ -48.554, -26.172 ], [ -48.493, -26.224 ], [ -48.695, -26.658 ], [ -48.665, -26.769 ], [ -48.583, -26.786 ], [ -48.655, -26.909 ], [ -48.62, -27.007 ], [ -48.574, -27.011 ], [ -48.607, -27.122 ], [ -48.554, -27.152 ], [ -48.51, -27.108 ], [ -48.469, -27.148 ], [ -48.511, -27.183 ], [ -48.486, -27.218 ], [ -48.531, -27.18 ], [ -48.612, -27.243 ], [ -48.596, -27.318 ], [ -48.529, -27.334 ], [ -48.649, -27.486 ], [ -48.572, -27.592 ], [ -48.653, -27.648 ], [ -48.575, -27.888 ], [ -48.761, -28.535 ], [ -48.813, -28.605 ], [ -49.37, -28.92 ], [ -49.334, -28.921 ], [ -49.702, -29.308 ], [ -50.006, -29.749 ], [ -50.316, -30.472 ], [ -50.848, -31.205 ], [ -51.303, -31.613 ], [ -51.877, -31.952 ], [ -52.071, -32.188 ], [ -52.012, -31.946 ], [ -52.092, -31.837 ], [ -51.851, -31.865 ], [ -51.777, -31.805 ], [ -51.854, -31.797 ], [ -51.65, -31.759 ], [ -51.478, -31.562 ], [ -51.43, -31.622 ], [ -51.458, -31.548 ], [ -51.424, -31.478 ], [ -51.351, -31.529 ], [ -51.234, -31.458 ], [ -51.16, -31.31 ], [ -51.166, -31.063 ], [ -51.109, -31.097 ], [ -50.985, -31.042 ], [ -50.965, -30.893 ], [ -50.888, -30.893 ], [ -50.705, -30.756 ], [ -50.677, -30.61 ], [ -50.725, -30.371 ], [ -50.692, -30.355 ], [ -50.625, -30.409 ], [ -50.641, -30.459 ], [ -50.569, -30.471 ], [ -50.534, -30.278 ], [ -50.601, -30.194 ], [ -50.659, -30.201 ], [ -50.661, -30.293 ], [ -50.918, -30.333 ], [ -50.934, -30.42 ], [ -50.889, -30.439 ], [ -50.921, -30.44 ], [ -51.052, -30.395 ], [ -51.034, -30.276 ], [ -51.146, -30.267 ], [ -51.246, -30.188 ], [ -51.23, -30.043 ], [ -51.295, -30.007 ], [ -51.326, -30.23 ], [ -51.271, -30.25 ], [ -51.293, -30.295 ], [ -51.246, -30.33 ], [ -51.209, -30.3 ], [ -51.179, -30.383 ], [ -51.092, -30.367 ], [ -51.129, -30.436 ], [ -51.202, -30.413 ], [ -51.269, -30.489 ], [ -51.282, -30.811 ], [ -51.33, -30.777 ], [ -51.294, -30.758 ], [ -51.319, -30.64 ], [ -51.375, -30.635 ], [ -51.404, -30.769 ], [ -51.367, -30.874 ], [ -51.457, -30.874 ], [ -51.501, -30.935 ], [ -51.436, -31.088 ], [ -51.611, -31.138 ], [ -51.613, -31.272 ], [ -51.915, -31.313 ], [ -52.002, -31.449 ], [ -52.031, -31.693 ], [ -52.218, -31.747 ], [ -52.247, -31.871 ], [ -52.106, -31.952 ], [ -52.216, -31.963 ], [ -52.263, -32.062 ], [ -52.209, -32.045 ], [ -52.225, -32.096 ], [ -52.082, -32.033 ], [ -52.162, -32.128 ], [ -52.09, -32.069 ], [ -52.084, -32.186 ], [ -52.16, -32.201 ], [ -52.341, -32.43 ], [ -52.488, -32.844 ], [ -52.66, -33.165 ], [ -53.227, -33.658 ], [ -53.421, -33.741 ], [ -53.524, -33.689 ], [ -53.515, -33.163 ], [ -53.434, -33.054 ], [ -53.243, -32.936 ], [ -53.294, -32.911 ], [ -53.074, -32.746 ], [ -53.244, -32.605 ], [ -53.39, -32.583 ], [ -53.46, -32.48 ], [ -53.595, -32.432 ], [ -53.73, -32.157 ], [ -53.714, -32.104 ], [ -53.965, -31.919 ], [ -54.096, -31.906 ], [ -54.466, -31.666 ], [ -54.491, -31.54 ], [ -54.591, -31.448 ], [ -54.836, -31.446 ], [ -54.945, -31.392 ], [ -55.014, -31.285 ], [ -55.091, -31.326 ], [ -55.245, -31.257 ], [ -55.374, -31.038 ], [ -55.594, -30.848 ], [ -55.635, -30.857 ], [ -55.657, -30.956 ], [ -55.87, -31.08 ], [ -56.008, -31.063 ], [ -55.987, -30.86 ], [ -56.021, -30.784 ], [ -56.127, -30.739 ], [ -56.177, -30.614 ], [ -56.384, -30.495 ], [ -56.459, -30.387 ], [ -56.545, -30.364 ], [ -56.54, -30.312 ], [ -56.617, -30.303 ], [ -56.644, -30.205 ], [ -56.776, -30.166 ], [ -56.804, -30.107 ], [ -57.068, -30.088 ], [ -57.207, -30.281 ], [ -57.313, -30.26 ], [ -57.396, -30.303 ], [ -57.538, -30.275 ], [ -57.618, -30.179 ], [ -57.505, -30.143 ], [ -57.342, -30.001 ], [ -57.319, -29.87 ], [ -57.254, -29.794 ], [ -57.105, -29.752 ], [ -56.972, -29.639 ], [ -56.676, -29.321 ], [ -56.593, -29.123 ], [ -56.425, -29.073 ], [ -56.285, -28.794 ], [ -56.185, -28.771 ], [ -56.016, -28.611 ], [ -56.011, -28.509 ], [ -55.888, -28.479 ], [ -55.875, -28.362 ], [ -55.696, -28.425 ], [ -55.671, -28.333 ], [ -55.773, -28.247 ], [ -55.605, -28.123 ], [ -55.554, -28.164 ], [ -55.496, -28.081 ], [ -55.444, -28.097 ], [ -55.323, -27.928 ], [ -55.196, -27.863 ], [ -55.134, -27.895 ], [ -55.117, -27.853 ], [ -55.032, -27.854 ], [ -55.082, -27.789 ], [ -54.941, -27.775 ], [ -54.809, -27.536 ], [ -54.781, -27.586 ], [ -54.683, -27.576 ], [ -54.678, -27.514 ], [ -54.624, -27.55 ], [ -54.576, -27.458 ], [ -54.525, -27.507 ], [ -54.415, -27.412 ], [ -54.353, -27.468 ], [ -54.339, -27.406 ], [ -54.282, -27.447 ], [ -54.176, -27.261 ], [ -54.089, -27.303 ], [ -53.949, -27.158 ], [ -53.799, -27.147 ], [ -53.795, -27.048 ], [ -53.761, -27.068 ], [ -53.662, -26.869 ], [ -53.751, -26.745 ], [ -53.707, -26.563 ], [ -53.738, -26.548 ], [ -53.592, -26.265 ], [ -53.722, -26.13 ], [ -53.733, -26.047 ], [ -53.837, -25.969 ], [ -53.824, -25.793 ], [ -53.891, -25.625 ], [ -53.951, -25.644 ], [ -54.016, -25.569 ], [ -54.101, -25.625 ], [ -54.111, -25.504 ], [ -54.213, -25.554 ], [ -54.184, -25.591 ], [ -54.289, -25.562 ], [ -54.387, -25.608 ], [ -54.43, -25.706 ], [ -54.596, -25.595 ], [ -54.617, -25.459 ], [ -54.437, -25.157 ], [ -54.458, -25.031 ], [ -54.336, -24.649 ], [ -54.333, -24.493 ], [ -54.262, -24.376 ], [ -54.33, -24.225 ], [ -54.282, -24.075 ], [ -54.411, -23.929 ], [ -54.668, -23.815 ], [ -55.061, -23.991 ], [ -55.112, -23.963 ], [ -55.226, -24.013 ], [ -55.413, -23.961 ], [ -55.434, -23.714 ], [ -55.535, -23.614 ], [ -55.522, -23.197 ], [ -55.596, -23.141 ], [ -55.64, -22.994 ], [ -55.685, -22.992 ], [ -55.613, -22.659 ], [ -55.736, -22.532 ], [ -55.74, -22.396 ], [ -55.854, -22.281 ], [ -56.208, -22.281 ], [ -56.341, -22.206 ], [ -56.403, -22.078 ], [ -56.519, -22.103 ], [ -56.643, -22.261 ], [ -56.698, -22.216 ], [ -56.728, -22.26 ], [ -56.808, -22.25 ], [ -56.831, -22.3 ], [ -57.001, -22.225 ], [ -57.203, -22.21 ], [ -57.243, -22.244 ], [ -57.553, -22.181 ], [ -57.616, -22.096 ], [ -57.803, -22.148 ], [ -57.989, -22.085 ], [ -58.005, -22.032 ], [ -57.919, -21.881 ], [ -57.969, -21.844 ], [ -57.913, -21.793 ], [ -57.947, -21.747 ], [ -57.894, -21.687 ], [ -57.968, -21.528 ], [ -57.855, -21.339 ], [ -57.918, -21.278 ], [ -57.854, -21.226 ], [ -57.866, -21.041 ], [ -57.818, -20.976 ], [ -57.927, -20.897 ], [ -57.855, -20.835 ], [ -57.961, -20.784 ], [ -57.869, -20.736 ], [ -57.923, -20.666 ], [ -57.988, -20.696 ], [ -57.994, -20.448 ], [ -58.082, -20.372 ], [ -58.092, -20.257 ], [ -58.154, -20.264 ], [ -58.125, -20.188 ], [ -58.163, -20.162 ], [ -57.872, -19.979 ], [ -58.134, -19.761 ], [ -57.79, -19.051 ], [ -57.709, -19.034 ], [ -57.757, -18.858 ], [ -57.56, -18.263 ], [ -57.458, -18.228 ], [ -57.568, -18.136 ], [ -57.702, -17.86 ], [ -57.715, -17.735 ], [ -57.785, -17.645 ], [ -57.773, -17.553 ], [ -57.878, -17.463 ], [ -58.003, -17.52 ], [ -58.114, -17.456 ], [ -58.395, -17.197 ], [ -58.421, -16.99 ], [ -58.47, -16.939 ], [ -58.468, -16.702 ], [ -58.442, -16.613 ], [ -58.34, -16.542 ], [ -58.309, -16.27 ], [ -58.471, -16.325 ], [ -60.173, -16.265 ], [ -60.236, -15.476 ], [ -60.565, -15.105 ], [ -60.253, -15.101 ], [ -60.257, -14.624 ], [ -60.338, -14.555 ], [ -60.482, -14.181 ], [ -60.468, -14.092 ], [ -60.378, -13.992 ], [ -60.468, -13.886 ], [ -60.468, -13.801 ], [ -60.793, -13.686 ], [ -60.962, -13.539 ], [ -61.044, -13.541 ], [ -61.028, -13.477 ], [ -61.069, -13.463 ], [ -61.139, -13.521 ], [ -61.249, -13.525 ], [ -61.33, -13.473 ], [ -61.486, -13.554 ], [ -61.578, -13.494 ], [ -61.824, -13.539 ], [ -61.866, -13.443 ], [ -62.108, -13.257 ], [ -62.109, -13.149 ], [ -62.165, -13.112 ], [ -62.368, -13.145 ], [ -62.464, -13.07 ], [ -62.637, -13.041 ], [ -62.674, -12.965 ], [ -62.764, -13.023 ], [ -62.923, -12.854 ], [ -62.996, -12.85 ], [ -63.082, -12.653 ], [ -63.327, -12.705 ], [ -63.482, -12.557 ], [ -63.712, -12.458 ], [ -63.875, -12.469 ], [ -63.937, -12.557 ], [ -64.127, -12.494 ], [ -64.152, -12.529 ], [ -64.215, -12.476 ], [ -64.278, -12.511 ], [ -64.493, -12.366 ], [ -64.486, -12.23 ], [ -64.654, -12.186 ], [ -64.683, -12.099 ], [ -64.725, -12.162 ], [ -64.798, -12.035 ], [ -64.993, -11.999 ], [ -65.048, -11.757 ], [ -65.112, -11.741 ], [ -65.106, -11.697 ], [ -65.135, -11.777 ], [ -65.201, -11.745 ], [ -65.161, -11.622 ], [ -65.218, -11.521 ], [ -65.299, -11.5 ], [ -65.338, -11.392 ], [ -65.31, -11.341 ], [ -65.385, -11.269 ], [ -65.349, -11.239 ], [ -65.391, -11.167 ], [ -65.318, -11.105 ], [ -65.336, -11.044 ], [ -65.269, -10.901 ], [ -65.366, -10.798 ], [ -65.349, -10.671 ], [ -65.426, -10.638 ], [ -65.429, -10.473 ], [ -65.28, -10.218 ], [ -65.327, -9.938 ], [ -65.29, -9.851 ], [ -65.377, -9.698 ], [ -65.488, -9.718 ], [ -65.563, -9.834 ], [ -65.669, -9.779 ], [ -65.7, -9.803 ], [ -65.689, -9.749 ], [ -65.748, -9.77 ], [ -65.777, -9.727 ], [ -65.798, -9.786 ], [ -65.81, -9.75 ], [ -65.86, -9.794 ], [ -65.872, -9.757 ], [ -66.018, -9.807 ], [ -66.064, -9.772 ], [ -66.422, -9.895 ], [ -66.616, -9.893 ], [ -66.623, -9.935 ], [ -66.883, -10.081 ], [ -67.029, -10.254 ], [ -67.186, -10.339 ], [ -67.315, -10.316 ], [ -67.327, -10.374 ], [ -67.414, -10.372 ], [ -67.443, -10.45 ], [ -67.594, -10.523 ], [ -67.715, -10.707 ], [ -68.021, -10.661 ], [ -68.119, -10.726 ], [ -68.283, -10.987 ], [ -68.519, -11.048 ], [ -68.587, -11.11 ], [ -68.769, -11.139 ], [ -68.751, -11.007 ], [ -68.787, -10.99 ], [ -68.871, -11.023 ], [ -69.393, -10.929 ], [ -69.728, -10.973 ], [ -69.938, -10.926 ], [ -70.318, -11.066 ], [ -70.428, -11.033 ], [ -70.508, -10.94 ], [ -70.618, -11.007 ], [ -70.622, -9.847 ], [ -70.522, -9.738 ], [ -70.598, -9.574 ], [ -70.561, -9.579 ], [ -70.497, -9.433 ], [ -70.601, -9.453 ], [ -70.982, -9.812 ], [ -71.131, -9.862 ], [ -71.288, -9.996 ], [ -72.165, -10.002 ], [ -72.16, -9.818 ], [ -72.26, -9.755 ], [ -72.289, -9.536 ], [ -72.364, -9.491 ], [ -72.721, -9.417 ], [ -73.196, -9.418 ], [ -72.965, -9.154 ], [ -72.946, -8.99 ], [ -73.059, -8.904 ], [ -73.169, -8.701 ], [ -73.338, -8.609 ], [ -73.338, -8.476 ], [ -73.526, -8.369 ], [ -73.632, -8.022 ], [ -73.765, -7.94 ], [ -73.777, -7.869 ], [ -73.697, -7.865 ], [ -73.69, -7.79 ], [ -73.985, -7.543 ], [ -73.917, -7.461 ], [ -73.954, -7.348 ], [ -73.868, -7.377 ], [ -73.691, -7.313 ], [ -73.797, -7.115 ], [ -73.743, -6.897 ], [ -73.351, -6.561 ], [ -73.211, -6.53 ], [ -73.133, -6.421 ], [ -73.185, -6.04 ], [ -73.131, -5.986 ], [ -73.116, -5.865 ], [ -72.951, -5.643 ], [ -72.948, -5.454 ], [ -72.872, -5.25 ], [ -72.896, -5.136 ], [ -72.734, -5.043 ], [ -72.602, -5.056 ], [ -72.577, -4.992 ], [ -72.455, -4.962 ], [ -72.452, -4.906 ], [ -72.37, -4.88 ], [ -72.356, -4.803 ], [ -72.292, -4.799 ], [ -72.313, -4.769 ], [ -72.223, -4.78 ], [ -72.113, -4.722 ], [ -72.047, -4.625 ], [ -71.94, -4.607 ], [ -71.897, -4.512 ], [ -71.61, -4.465 ], [ -71.597, -4.525 ], [ -71.535, -4.46 ], [ -71.49, -4.479 ], [ -71.506, -4.435 ], [ -71.414, -4.432 ], [ -71.432, -4.469 ], [ -71.342, -4.423 ], [ -71.355, -4.468 ], [ -71.303, -4.458 ], [ -71.269, -4.381 ], [ -71.198, -4.377 ], [ -71.193, -4.42 ], [ -71.147, -4.375 ], [ -71.031, -4.397 ], [ -70.99, -4.34 ], [ -70.935, -4.381 ], [ -70.757, -4.152 ], [ -70.677, -4.2 ], [ -70.622, -4.121 ], [ -70.633, -4.173 ], [ -70.565, -4.168 ], [ -70.566, -4.205 ], [ -70.553, -4.128 ], [ -70.503, -4.19 ], [ -70.434, -4.125 ], [ -70.341, -4.174 ], [ -70.317, -4.136 ], [ -70.291, -4.283 ], [ -70.249, -4.267 ], [ -70.186, -4.357 ], [ -70.169, -4.27 ], [ -70.101, -4.255 ], [ -70.031, -4.339 ], [ -69.929, -4.213 ], [ -69.453, -1.478 ], [ -69.368, -1.334 ], [ -69.422, -0.998 ], [ -69.508, -0.936 ], [ -69.609, -0.755 ], [ -69.551, -0.648 ], [ -69.593, -0.517 ], [ -69.908, -0.316 ], [ -70.068, -0.135 ], [ -70.037, 0.553 ], [ -69.798, 0.585 ], [ -69.664, 0.672 ], [ -69.606, 0.623 ], [ -69.468, 0.734 ], [ -69.357, 0.621 ], [ -69.295, 0.648 ], [ -69.288, 0.609 ], [ -69.202, 0.602 ], [ -69.112, 0.643 ], [ -69.184, 0.73 ], [ -69.137, 0.868 ], [ -69.257, 1.026 ], [ -69.342, 1.064 ], [ -69.416, 1.024 ], [ -69.7, 1.056 ], [ -69.721, 1.097 ], [ -69.854, 1.07 ], [ -69.855, 1.715 ], [ -69.556, 1.775 ], [ -69.395, 1.726 ], [ -68.128, 1.73 ], [ -68.29, 1.841 ], [ -68.205, 2.038 ], [ -68.027, 1.784 ], [ -67.924, 1.751 ], [ -67.797, 1.812 ], [ -67.578, 2.076 ], [ -67.41, 2.141 ], [ -67.117, 1.732 ], [ -67.068, 1.532 ], [ -67.097, 1.17 ], [ -66.855, 1.228 ], [ -66.322, 0.738 ], [ -66.095, 0.754 ], [ -65.952, 0.81 ], [ -65.854, 0.939 ], [ -65.733, 1.005 ], [ -65.583, 1.008 ], [ -65.47, 0.877 ], [ -65.557, 0.705 ], [ -65.504, 0.627 ], [ -65.393, 0.699 ], [ -65.305, 0.916 ], [ -65.152, 0.943 ], [ -65.121, 1.115 ], [ -65.055, 1.144 ], [ -64.968, 1.112 ], [ -64.903, 1.249 ], [ -64.843, 1.237 ], [ -64.783, 1.313 ], [ -64.721, 1.25 ], [ -64.638, 1.286 ], [ -64.387, 1.527 ], [ -64.344, 1.528 ], [ -64.382, 1.419 ], [ -64.344, 1.38 ], [ -64.186, 1.494 ], [ -64.054, 1.708 ], [ -64.057, 1.933 ], [ -64.018, 1.967 ], [ -63.781, 1.989 ], [ -63.604, 2.124 ], [ -63.419, 2.154 ], [ -63.349, 2.281 ], [ -63.382, 2.442 ], [ -63.756, 2.403 ], [ -64.031, 2.509 ], [ -63.987, 2.772 ], [ -64.216, 3.153 ], [ -64.236, 3.476 ], [ -64.186, 3.634 ], [ -64.324, 3.797 ], [ -64.543, 3.882 ], [ -64.8, 4.224 ], [ -64.79, 4.329 ], [ -64.677, 4.297 ], [ -64.555, 4.153 ], [ -64.135, 4.176 ], [ -63.967, 3.93 ], [ -63.806, 4.019 ], [ -63.623, 4.01 ], [ -63.455, 3.91 ], [ -63.411, 4.026 ], [ -63.358, 4.04 ], [ -63.203, 3.952 ], [ -63.189, 3.872 ], [ -62.86, 3.584 ], [ -62.749, 3.642 ], [ -62.705, 3.724 ], [ -62.752, 4.012 ], [ -62.635, 4.056 ], [ -62.557, 4.02 ], [ -62.46, 4.173 ], [ -62.129, 4.084 ], [ -61.961, 4.18 ], [ -61.927, 4.106 ], [ -61.723, 4.262 ], [ -61.528, 4.273 ], [ -61.507, 4.398 ], [ -61.274, 4.471 ], [ -61.293, 4.55 ], [ -61.141, 4.508 ], [ -60.952, 4.549 ], [ -60.907, 4.708 ], [ -60.731, 4.777 ], [ -60.59, 4.951 ], [ -60.744, 5.209 ], [ -60.438, 5.177 ], [ -60.203, 5.265 ], [ -60.176, 5.227 ], [ -60.121, 5.243 ], [ -60.085, 5.149 ], [ -59.969, 5.073 ], [ -60.03, 4.704 ], [ -60.163, 4.521 ], [ -59.927, 4.509 ], [ -59.674, 4.382 ], [ -59.726, 4.191 ], [ -59.628, 4.138 ], [ -59.655, 4.078 ], [ -59.516, 3.94 ], [ -59.581, 3.901 ], [ -59.594, 3.796 ], [ -59.666, 3.777 ], [ -59.664, 3.703 ], [ -59.849, 3.601 ], [ -59.799, 3.355 ], [ -59.909, 3.197 ], [ -59.982, 2.929 ], [ -59.99, 2.683 ], [ -59.903, 2.479 ], [ -59.91, 2.388 ], [ -59.724, 2.277 ], [ -59.754, 1.861 ], [ -59.654, 1.849 ], [ -59.669, 1.764 ], [ -59.549, 1.729 ], [ -59.253, 1.397 ], [ -58.914, 1.299 ], [ -58.904, 1.234 ], [ -58.804, 1.175 ], [ -58.696, 1.288 ], [ -58.507, 1.264 ], [ -58.468, 1.318 ], [ -58.498, 1.458 ], [ -58.382, 1.471 ], [ -58.325, 1.59 ], [ -58.167, 1.558 ], [ -58.13, 1.501 ], [ -58.009, 1.501 ], [ -58, 1.665 ], [ -57.919, 1.645 ], [ -57.77, 1.718 ], [ -57.545, 1.701 ], [ -57.434, 1.895 ], [ -57.302, 1.99 ], [ -57.247, 1.944 ], [ -57.085, 2.021 ], [ -57.012, 1.918 ], [ -56.8, 1.864 ], [ -56.724, 1.92 ], [ -56.454, 1.945 ], [ -55.957, 1.844 ], [ -55.906, 1.889 ], [ -55.913, 2.041 ], [ -56.048, 2.226 ], [ -56.134, 2.263 ], [ -56.09, 2.352 ], [ -55.995, 2.405 ], [ -55.987, 2.517 ], [ -55.948, 2.532 ], [ -55.739, 2.401 ], [ -55.481, 2.443 ], [ -55.37, 2.407 ], [ -55.336, 2.516 ], [ -55.239, 2.495 ], [ -55.137, 2.575 ], [ -55.103, 2.522 ], [ -54.94, 2.632 ], [ -54.969, 2.555 ], [ -54.864, 2.439 ], [ -54.72, 2.469 ], [ -54.702, 2.336 ], [ -54.549, 2.336 ], [ -54.534, 2.268 ], [ -54.314, 2.158 ], [ -54.189, 2.179 ], [ -54.111, 2.127 ], [ -54.078, 2.197 ], [ -53.784, 2.364 ], [ -53.694, 2.287 ], [ -53.472, 2.332 ], [ -53.397, 2.272 ], [ -53.273, 2.292 ], [ -53.188, 2.223 ], [ -52.905, 2.19 ], [ -52.853, 2.285 ], [ -52.673, 2.374 ], [ -52.555, 2.523 ], [ -52.556, 2.646 ], [ -52.382, 2.912 ], [ -52.347, 3.134 ], [ -52.192, 3.296 ], [ -51.92, 3.781 ], [ -51.795, 3.89 ], [ -51.754, 3.996 ], [ -51.658, 4.049 ], [ -51.585, 4.241 ], [ -51.529, 4.171 ], [ -51.545, 4.397 ], [ -51.202, 4.084 ], [ -51.173, 3.767 ], [ -51.127, 3.911 ], [ -51.085, 3.895 ], [ -51.051, 3.283 ], [ -50.913, 2.875 ], [ -50.927, 2.807 ], [ -50.816, 2.644 ], [ -50.851, 2.482 ], [ -50.802, 2.508 ], [ -50.736, 2.414 ], [ -50.765, 2.359 ], [ -50.694, 2.276 ], [ -50.725, 2.252 ], [ -50.675, 2.247 ], [ -50.682, 2.137 ], [ -50.584, 2.091 ], [ -50.586, 2.014 ], [ -50.471, 1.82 ], [ -50.194, 1.794 ], [ -49.954, 1.676 ], [ -49.88, 1.419 ], [ -49.918, 1.289 ], [ -50.073, 1.204 ], [ -49.918, 1.232 ], [ -49.939, 1.103 ], [ -50.003, 1.066 ], [ -50.033, 1.107 ], [ -50.131, 0.949 ], [ -50.274, 0.866 ], [ -50.338, 0.729 ], [ -50.417, 0.685 ], [ -50.455, 0.732 ], [ -50.428, 0.679 ], [ -50.571, 0.424 ], [ -50.691, 0.3 ], [ -50.677, 0.365 ], [ -50.746, 0.227 ], [ -50.801, 0.224 ], [ -50.785, 0.183 ], [ -50.908, 0.171 ], [ -51.087, -0.043 ], [ -51.203, -0.055 ], [ -51.419, -0.412 ], [ -51.409, -0.44 ], [ -51.325, -0.364 ], [ -51.188, -0.14 ], [ -51.111, -0.154 ], [ -51.154, -0.284 ], [ -51.396, -0.493 ], [ -51.243, -0.443 ], [ -51.26, -0.5 ], [ -51.165, -0.431 ], [ -50.953, -0.061 ], [ -50.824, -0.048 ], [ -50.705, 0.002 ], [ -50.613, -0.088 ], [ -50.744, -0.244 ], [ -50.751, -0.429 ], [ -50.845, -0.526 ], [ -50.988, -0.583 ], [ -51.051, -0.682 ], [ -50.826, -0.555 ], [ -50.794, -0.666 ], [ -50.733, -0.557 ], [ -50.684, -0.604 ], [ -50.724, -0.493 ], [ -50.652, -0.276 ], [ -50.409, -0.094 ], [ -49.631, -0.247 ], [ -49.446, -0.23 ], [ -49.289, -0.145 ], [ -49.018, -0.16 ], [ -49, -0.139 ], [ -48.895, -0.224 ], [ -48.539, -0.234 ], [ -48.363, -0.303 ], [ -48.459, -0.513 ], [ -48.522, -0.877 ], [ -48.667, -1.002 ], [ -48.621, -1.005 ], [ -48.65, -1.048 ], [ -48.617, -1.053 ], [ -48.721, -1.137 ], [ -48.837, -1.452 ], [ -49.161, -1.575 ], [ -49.182, -1.623 ], [ -49.362, -1.604 ], [ -49.364, -1.642 ], [ -49.448, -1.637 ], [ -49.5, -1.738 ], [ -49.61, -1.718 ], [ -49.676, -1.78 ], [ -49.696, -1.757 ], [ -49.714, -1.76 ], [ -49.803, -1.822 ], [ -50.035, -1.717 ], [ -50.179, -1.787 ], [ -50.256, -1.776 ], [ -50.415, -1.841 ], [ -50.401, -1.935 ], [ -49.994, -1.819 ], [ -49.844, -1.905 ], [ -49.765, -1.898 ], [ -49.616, -1.79 ], [ -49.276, -1.706 ], [ -49.267, -1.778 ], [ -49.387, -1.977 ], [ -49.383, -2.159 ], [ -48.973, -1.594 ], [ -48.897, -1.573 ], [ -48.955, -1.712 ], [ -48.932, -1.75 ], [ -48.898, -1.743 ], [ -48.656, -1.371 ], [ -48.592, -1.429 ], [ -48.601, -1.306 ], [ -48.524, -1.338 ], [ -48.537, -1.467 ], [ -48.496, -1.553 ], [ -48.491, -1.502 ], [ -48.46, -1.533 ], [ -48.374, -1.511 ], [ -48.319, -1.478 ], [ -48.505, -1.471 ], [ -48.422, -1.168 ], [ -48.475, -1.144 ], [ -48.4, -1.066 ], [ -48.278, -1.111 ], [ -48.304, -0.948 ], [ -48.055, -0.668 ], [ -48.001, -0.731 ], [ -47.893, -0.553 ], [ -47.843, -0.616 ], [ -47.807, -0.547 ], [ -47.702, -0.54 ], [ -47.707, -0.59 ], [ -47.667, -0.569 ], [ -47.633, -0.608 ], [ -47.651, -0.694 ], [ -47.608, -0.684 ], [ -47.577, -0.573 ], [ -47.476, -0.757 ], [ -47.398, -0.76 ], [ -47.428, -0.693 ], [ -47.464, -0.687 ], [ -47.466, -0.594 ], [ -47.399, -0.594 ], [ -47.4, -0.645 ], [ -47.298, -0.589 ], [ -47.253, -0.668 ], [ -47.247, -0.623 ], [ -47.206, -0.633 ], [ -47.23, -0.719 ], [ -47.158, -0.678 ], [ -47.191, -0.754 ], [ -47.146, -0.764 ], [ -47.16, -0.815 ], [ -47.081, -0.661 ], [ -47.055, -0.868 ], [ -47.027, -0.784 ], [ -46.983, -0.806 ], [ -47.016, -0.752 ], [ -46.967, -0.694 ], [ -46.969, -0.78 ], [ -46.891, -0.869 ], [ -46.89, -0.789 ], [ -46.846, -0.799 ], [ -46.82, -0.71 ], [ -46.802, -0.877 ], [ -46.777, -0.905 ], [ -46.75, -0.826 ], [ -46.709, -0.86 ], [ -46.734, -0.944 ], [ -46.687, -0.831 ], [ -46.653, -0.882 ], [ -46.621, -0.818 ], [ -46.601, -0.917 ], [ -46.676, -0.965 ], [ -46.622, -0.987 ], [ -46.57, -0.947 ], [ -46.609, -1.03 ], [ -46.57, -0.988 ], [ -46.525, -1.027 ], [ -46.465, -1.007 ], [ -46.47, -1.044 ], [ -46.395, -1.037 ], [ -46.413, -1.084 ], [ -46.348, -0.982 ], [ -46.36, -1.011 ], [ -46.366, -1.031 ], [ -46.348, -1.079 ], [ -46.339, -1.015 ], [ -46.299, -1.05 ], [ -46.212, -0.946 ], [ -46.242, -0.921 ], [ -46.179, -0.914 ], [ -46.224, -1.053 ], [ -46.206, -1.1 ], [ -46.158, -1.014 ], [ -46.138, -1.032 ], [ -46.193, -1.143 ], [ -46.104, -1.067 ], [ -46.062, -1.133 ], [ -46.15, -1.258 ], [ -45.982, -1.071 ], [ -45.953, -1.147 ], [ -46, -1.151 ], [ -46, -1.199 ], [ -45.95, -1.159 ], [ -45.95, -1.207 ], [ -46, -1.209 ], [ -45.95, -1.25 ], [ -45.902, -1.134 ], [ -45.923, -1.214 ], [ -45.882, -1.167 ], [ -45.873, -1.211 ], [ -45.909, -1.261 ], [ -45.859, -1.231 ], [ -45.891, -1.293 ], [ -45.807, -1.176 ], [ -45.843, -1.301 ], [ -45.809, -1.328 ], [ -45.831, -1.298 ], [ -45.782, -1.278 ], [ -45.726, -1.135 ], [ -45.69, -1.452 ], [ -45.697, -1.38 ], [ -45.632, -1.371 ], [ -45.618, -1.279 ], [ -45.589, -1.329 ], [ -45.537, -1.273 ], [ -45.561, -1.343 ], [ -45.51, -1.352 ], [ -45.567, -1.404 ], [ -45.546, -1.432 ], [ -45.413, -1.296 ], [ -45.489, -1.473 ], [ -45.511, -1.458 ], [ -45.554, -1.503 ], [ -45.507, -1.471 ], [ -45.518, -1.516 ], [ -45.481, -1.495 ], [ -45.463, -1.548 ], [ -45.457, -1.457 ], [ -45.391, -1.434 ], [ -45.363, -1.325 ], [ -45.323, -1.319 ], [ -45.302, -1.424 ], [ -45.392, -1.485 ], [ -45.398, -1.503 ], [ -45.356, -1.487 ], [ -45.392, -1.553 ], [ -45.338, -1.572 ], [ -45.371, -1.722 ], [ -45.338, -1.753 ], [ -45.197, -1.688 ], [ -45.261, -1.607 ], [ -45.16, -1.475 ], [ -45.136, -1.521 ], [ -45.072, -1.435 ], [ -45.07, -1.485 ], [ -44.999, -1.504 ], [ -45.018, -1.547 ], [ -44.969, -1.549 ], [ -45.029, -1.583 ], [ -45.029, -1.602 ], [ -44.979, -1.607 ], [ -44.954, -1.498 ], [ -44.862, -1.426 ], [ -44.857, -1.498 ], [ -44.954, -1.605 ], [ -44.918, -1.649 ], [ -44.968, -1.662 ], [ -44.913, -1.657 ], [ -44.927, -1.62 ], [ -44.886, -1.609 ], [ -44.837, -1.65 ], [ -44.822, -1.591 ], [ -44.826, -1.637 ], [ -44.805, -1.609 ], [ -44.812, -1.665 ], [ -44.779, -1.735 ], [ -44.711, -1.728 ], [ -44.82, -1.819 ], [ -44.738, -1.791 ], [ -44.706, -1.819 ], [ -44.676, -1.808 ], [ -44.661, -1.727 ], [ -44.604, -1.749 ], [ -44.667, -1.849 ], [ -44.601, -1.858 ], [ -44.583, -1.817 ], [ -44.586, -1.873 ], [ -44.543, -1.833 ], [ -44.601, -1.909 ], [ -44.517, -1.907 ], [ -44.484, -2.002 ], [ -44.613, -2.037 ], [ -44.467, -2.017 ], [ -44.626, -2.151 ], [ -44.589, -2.159 ], [ -44.641, -2.232 ], [ -44.708, -2.23 ], [ -44.684, -2.275 ], [ -44.764, -2.265 ], [ -44.654, -2.294 ], [ -44.681, -2.354 ], [ -44.649, -2.373 ], [ -44.666, -2.329 ], [ -44.479, -2.137 ], [ -44.358, -2.335 ], [ -44.401, -2.416 ], [ -44.514, -2.384 ], [ -44.55, -2.4 ], [ -44.491, -2.415 ], [ -44.514, -2.448 ], [ -44.505, -2.476 ], [ -44.665, -2.608 ], [ -44.548, -2.542 ], [ -44.658, -2.781 ], [ -44.688, -2.924 ], [ -44.677, -3.019 ], [ -44.66, -3.02 ], [ -44.657, -3.018 ] ], [ [ -43.318, -2.361 ], [ -43.317, -2.363 ], [ -43.296, -2.363 ], [ -43.318, -2.361 ] ], [ [ -42.438, -2.747 ], [ -42.442, -2.749 ], [ -42.438, -2.75 ], [ -42.438, -2.747 ] ], [ [ -42.442, -2.749 ], [ -42.47, -2.744 ], [ -42.447, -2.753 ], [ -42.442, -2.749 ] ], [ [ -50.851, 2.482 ], [ -50.853, 2.481 ], [ -50.853, 2.48 ], [ -50.851, 2.482 ] ], [ [ -50.853, 2.481 ], [ -50.86, 2.495 ], [ -50.86, 2.477 ], [ -50.853, 2.481 ] ], [ [ -49.976, 1.659 ], [ -49.98, 1.659 ], [ -50, 1.639 ], [ -49.976, 1.659 ] ], [ [ -45.392, -1.553 ], [ -45.393, -1.553 ], [ -45.394, -1.556 ], [ -45.392, -1.553 ] ], [ [ -45.394, -1.556 ], [ -45.406, -1.579 ], [ -45.403, -1.591 ], [ -45.394, -1.556 ] ], [ [ -44.837, -1.65 ], [ -44.834, -1.655 ], [ -44.833, -1.654 ], [ -44.837, -1.65 ] ], [ [ -44.834, -1.655 ], [ -44.841, -1.675 ], [ -44.822, -1.672 ], [ -44.834, -1.655 ] ], [ [ -44.779, -1.735 ], [ -44.777, -1.741 ], [ -44.776, -1.74 ], [ -44.779, -1.735 ] ], [ [ -44.777, -1.741 ], [ -44.833, -1.77 ], [ -44.774, -1.75 ], [ -44.777, -1.741 ] ], [ [ -44.547, -2.22 ], [ -44.536, -2.225 ], [ -44.543, -2.219 ], [ -44.547, -2.22 ] ], [ [ -44.536, -2.225 ], [ -44.507, -2.249 ], [ -44.512, -2.235 ], [ -44.536, -2.225 ] ], [ [ -44.507, -2.249 ], [ -44.504, -2.256 ], [ -44.501, -2.254 ], [ -44.507, -2.249 ] ], [ [ -44.504, -2.256 ], [ -44.514, -2.268 ], [ -44.502, -2.26 ], [ -44.504, -2.256 ] ] ], [ [ [ -29.34, -20.484 ], [ -29.301, -20.521 ], [ -29.341, -20.511 ], [ -29.34, -20.484 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.001, -13.94 ], [ -39.012, -13.915 ], [ -38.994, -13.896 ], [ -39.001, -13.94 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.043, -13.909 ], [ -39.059, -13.904 ], [ -39.054, -13.886 ], [ -39.028, -13.903 ], [ -39.043, -13.909 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.251, -18.015 ], [ -39.283, -18.005 ], [ -39.272, -17.982 ], [ -39.245, -18.006 ], [ -39.251, -18.015 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.131, -17.927 ], [ -39.154, -17.921 ], [ -39.137, -17.91 ], [ -39.131, -17.927 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.212, -17.986 ], [ -39.228, -17.979 ], [ -39.215, -17.944 ], [ -39.202, -17.95 ], [ -39.212, -17.986 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.341, -23.231 ], [ -44.372, -23.174 ], [ -44.232, -23.089 ], [ -44.087, -23.173 ], [ -44.3, -23.184 ], [ -44.341, -23.231 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.356, -23.073 ], [ -44.388, -23.048 ], [ -44.373, -23.033 ], [ -44.343, -23.041 ], [ -44.356, -23.073 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.929, -23.014 ], [ -43.936, -22.999 ], [ -43.916, -22.989 ], [ -43.929, -23.014 ] ] ], [ [ [ -42.002, -23.018 ], [ -42.015, -23.003 ], [ -41.98, -22.975 ], [ -41.975, -22.992 ], [ -42.002, -23.018 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.904, -22.962 ], [ -43.907, -22.936 ], [ -43.868, -22.926 ], [ -43.871, -22.95 ], [ -43.904, -22.962 ] ] ], [ [ [ -41.042, -21.613 ], [ -41.042, -21.6 ], [ -41.019, -21.606 ], [ -41.042, -21.613 ] ] ], [ [ [ -52.112, -32 ], [ -52.18, -32.035 ], [ -52.216, -32.025 ], [ -52.198, -31.978 ], [ -52.112, -32 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.641, -30.388 ], [ -50.629, -30.394 ], [ -50.624, -30.329 ], [ -50.592, -30.399 ], [ -50.609, -30.406 ], [ -50.641, -30.388 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.526, -27.462 ], [ -48.416, -27.38 ], [ -48.358, -27.446 ], [ -48.503, -27.799 ], [ -48.559, -27.842 ], [ -48.526, -27.462 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.354, -27.296 ], [ -48.376, -27.285 ], [ -48.373, -27.271 ], [ -48.36, -27.27 ], [ -48.354, -27.296 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.731, -26.314 ], [ -48.754, -26.297 ], [ -48.735, -26.282 ], [ -48.731, -26.314 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.318, -25.584 ], [ -48.309, -25.546 ], [ -48.381, -25.504 ], [ -48.312, -25.509 ], [ -48.292, -25.545 ], [ -48.318, -25.584 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.414, -25.544 ], [ -48.459, -25.514 ], [ -48.415, -25.527 ], [ -48.414, -25.544 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.424, -25.551 ], [ -48.479, -25.523 ], [ -48.485, -25.502 ], [ -48.424, -25.551 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.298, -25.493 ], [ -48.341, -25.416 ], [ -48.252, -25.341 ], [ -48.265, -25.44 ], [ -48.253, -25.466 ], [ -48.298, -25.493 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.417, -25.386 ], [ -48.424, -25.343 ], [ -48.405, -25.33 ], [ -48.417, -25.386 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.695, -24.112 ], [ -45.688, -24.088 ], [ -45.679, -24.098 ], [ -45.695, -24.112 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.251, -23.962 ], [ -45.301, -23.909 ], [ -45.453, -23.91 ], [ -45.332, -23.721 ], [ -45.227, -23.774 ], [ -45.224, -23.835 ], [ -45.283, -23.857 ], [ -45.221, -23.899 ], [ -45.251, -23.962 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.141, -23.817 ], [ -45.146, -23.791 ], [ -45.114, -23.801 ], [ -45.141, -23.817 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.153, -23.573 ], [ -45.153, -23.558 ], [ -45.141, -23.568 ], [ -45.153, -23.573 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.073, -23.564 ], [ -45.079, -23.525 ], [ -45.036, -23.531 ], [ -45.073, -23.564 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.608, -23.228 ], [ -44.59, -23.208 ], [ -44.577, -23.216 ], [ -44.608, -23.228 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.648, -12.821 ], [ -38.666, -12.777 ], [ -38.624, -12.762 ], [ -38.648, -12.821 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.529, -12.811 ], [ -38.544, -12.757 ], [ -38.532, -12.74 ], [ -38.508, -12.792 ], [ -38.529, -12.811 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.622, -12.752 ], [ -38.622, -12.727 ], [ -38.593, -12.733 ], [ -38.622, -12.752 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.646, -12.683 ], [ -38.648, -12.65 ], [ -38.636, -12.661 ], [ -38.646, -12.683 ] ] ], [ [ [ -32.402, -3.838 ], [ -32.428, -3.877 ], [ -32.483, -3.878 ], [ -32.402, -3.838 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.667, -3.179 ], [ -44.668, -3.16 ], [ -44.643, -3.148 ], [ -44.644, -3.17 ], [ -44.667, -3.179 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.671, -2.943 ], [ -44.67, -2.92 ], [ -44.647, -2.915 ], [ -44.671, -2.943 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.493, -2.641 ], [ -44.48, -2.601 ], [ -44.477, -2.627 ], [ -44.493, -2.641 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.897, -2.573 ], [ -43.896, -2.554 ], [ -43.886, -2.565 ], [ -43.897, -2.573 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.599, -2.503 ], [ -43.577, -2.471 ], [ -43.572, -2.483 ], [ -43.599, -2.503 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.822, -2.526 ], [ -43.829, -2.509 ], [ -43.813, -2.458 ], [ -43.812, -2.553 ], [ -43.82, -2.528 ], [ -43.822, -2.526 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.821, -2.529 ], [ -43.856, -2.502 ], [ -43.832, -2.439 ], [ -43.842, -2.504 ], [ -43.821, -2.529 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.863, -2.56 ], [ -43.875, -2.552 ], [ -43.865, -2.534 ], [ -43.863, -2.56 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.519, -2.536 ], [ -44.529, -2.526 ], [ -44.501, -2.48 ], [ -44.505, -2.444 ], [ -44.455, -2.434 ], [ -44.519, -2.536 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.602, -3.007 ], [ -44.657, -2.972 ], [ -44.613, -2.894 ], [ -44.575, -2.921 ], [ -44.602, -3.007 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.585, -2.978 ], [ -44.563, -2.914 ], [ -44.586, -2.826 ], [ -44.494, -2.705 ], [ -44.494, -2.953 ], [ -44.582, -3.041 ], [ -44.585, -2.978 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.826, -2.434 ], [ -43.842, -2.403 ], [ -43.811, -2.385 ], [ -43.807, -2.412 ], [ -43.826, -2.434 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.581, -2.441 ], [ -43.615, -2.389 ], [ -43.549, -2.377 ], [ -43.545, -2.403 ], [ -43.581, -2.441 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.791, -2.47 ], [ -43.806, -2.443 ], [ -43.78, -2.422 ], [ -43.759, -2.448 ], [ -43.791, -2.47 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.513, -2.424 ], [ -43.537, -2.416 ], [ -43.522, -2.39 ], [ -43.505, -2.414 ], [ -43.513, -2.424 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.792, -2.405 ], [ -43.798, -2.377 ], [ -43.771, -2.37 ], [ -43.792, -2.405 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.689, -2.355 ], [ -43.743, -2.352 ], [ -43.724, -2.305 ], [ -43.617, -2.253 ], [ -43.612, -2.275 ], [ -43.669, -2.301 ], [ -43.689, -2.355 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.73, -2.425 ], [ -43.732, -2.364 ], [ -43.67, -2.377 ], [ -43.681, -2.34 ], [ -43.63, -2.324 ], [ -43.643, -2.394 ], [ -43.73, -2.425 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.473, -2.125 ], [ -44.487, -2.113 ], [ -44.475, -2.096 ], [ -44.463, -2.104 ], [ -44.473, -2.125 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.456, -2.031 ], [ -44.447, -2.008 ], [ -44.439, -2.022 ], [ -44.456, -2.031 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.311, -1.964 ], [ -49.336, -1.996 ], [ -49.309, -1.943 ], [ -49.311, -1.964 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.323, -2.054 ], [ -49.329, -2.019 ], [ -49.316, -2.001 ], [ -49.323, -2.054 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.231, -1.829 ], [ -50.246, -1.824 ], [ -50.229, -1.816 ], [ -50.231, -1.829 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.615, -1.821 ], [ -44.622, -1.797 ], [ -44.597, -1.774 ], [ -44.583, -1.789 ], [ -44.615, -1.821 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.7, -1.811 ], [ -44.703, -1.78 ], [ -44.673, -1.78 ], [ -44.7, -1.811 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.691, -1.793 ], [ -49.721, -1.789 ], [ -49.719, -1.771 ], [ -49.697, -1.766 ], [ -49.691, -1.793 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.924, -1.711 ], [ -48.909, -1.713 ], [ -48.916, -1.734 ], [ -48.935, -1.713 ], [ -48.924, -1.711 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.757, -1.707 ], [ -44.767, -1.694 ], [ -44.736, -1.701 ], [ -44.757, -1.707 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.433, -1.684 ], [ -49.454, -1.706 ], [ -49.46, -1.684 ], [ -49.433, -1.684 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.357, -1.008 ], [ -46.342, -0.994 ], [ -46.353, -1.026 ], [ -46.357, -1.008 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.205, -1.021 ], [ -46.194, -1.014 ], [ -46.202, -1.032 ], [ -46.205, -1.021 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.662, -3.018 ], [ -44.673, -3.012 ], [ -44.664, -3.001 ], [ -44.649, -3.013 ], [ -44.662, -3.018 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.736, -1.683 ], [ -44.745, -1.677 ], [ -44.732, -1.668 ], [ -44.736, -1.683 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.231, -1.638 ], [ -49.237, -1.627 ], [ -49.217, -1.633 ], [ -49.231, -1.638 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.38, -1.685 ], [ -49.4, -1.682 ], [ -49.368, -1.669 ], [ -49.38, -1.685 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.426, -1.673 ], [ -49.429, -1.661 ], [ -49.406, -1.66 ], [ -49.426, -1.673 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.34, -1.672 ], [ -49.358, -1.662 ], [ -49.325, -1.647 ], [ -49.34, -1.672 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.289, -1.726 ], [ -45.305, -1.663 ], [ -45.257, -1.641 ], [ -45.244, -1.678 ], [ -45.28, -1.694 ], [ -45.289, -1.726 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.328, -1.743 ], [ -45.346, -1.719 ], [ -45.301, -1.596 ], [ -45.274, -1.635 ], [ -45.313, -1.654 ], [ -45.328, -1.743 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.886, -1.578 ], [ -48.89, -1.56 ], [ -48.859, -1.536 ], [ -48.856, -1.553 ], [ -48.886, -1.578 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.783, -1.682 ], [ -44.8, -1.595 ], [ -44.775, -1.62 ], [ -44.721, -1.567 ], [ -44.704, -1.611 ], [ -44.684, -1.575 ], [ -44.668, -1.669 ], [ -44.693, -1.638 ], [ -44.783, -1.682 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.816, -1.569 ], [ -44.837, -1.534 ], [ -44.787, -1.488 ], [ -44.825, -1.534 ], [ -44.816, -1.569 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.462, -1.517 ], [ -48.478, -1.499 ], [ -48.421, -1.503 ], [ -48.462, -1.517 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.793, -1.531 ], [ -44.774, -1.47 ], [ -44.763, -1.513 ], [ -44.793, -1.531 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.414, -1.427 ], [ -45.423, -1.416 ], [ -45.409, -1.405 ], [ -45.414, -1.427 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45, -1.296 ], [ -44.922, -1.265 ], [ -44.877, -1.309 ], [ -44.895, -1.34 ], [ -44.922, -1.305 ], [ -44.907, -1.341 ], [ -44.999, -1.405 ], [ -45.033, -1.339 ], [ -45, -1.32 ], [ -44.995, -1.36 ], [ -45, -1.296 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.044, -1.402 ], [ -45.07, -1.33 ], [ -45.052, -1.342 ], [ -45.044, -1.402 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.333, -1.569 ], [ -45.371, -1.544 ], [ -45.347, -1.489 ], [ -45.313, -1.506 ], [ -45.333, -1.569 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.969, -1.522 ], [ -44.976, -1.493 ], [ -44.959, -1.483 ], [ -44.969, -1.522 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.393, -1.512 ], [ -48.371, -1.476 ], [ -48.341, -1.483 ], [ -48.393, -1.512 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.413, -1.498 ], [ -48.426, -1.491 ], [ -48.387, -1.476 ], [ -48.413, -1.498 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.118, -1.47 ], [ -45.132, -1.462 ], [ -45.115, -1.364 ], [ -45.103, -1.373 ], [ -45.118, -1.47 ] ] ], [ [ 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-49.674, 0.368 ], [ -49.601, 0.283 ], [ -49.86, 0.008 ], [ -49.99, -0.048 ], [ -50.086, 0.034 ], [ -50.351, 0.044 ], [ -50.394, 0.222 ], [ -50.153, 0.227 ], [ -50, 0.311 ] ] ] ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "La costa de lo que hoy es territorio brasileño fue el primer punto al que llegaron los europeos en América del Sur. La primera expedición que exploró la región fue un desprendimiento de la flota portuguesa que Vasco da Gama (c. 1460-1524) llevaba hacia oriente. Las naves dirigidas por Pedro Álvarez de Cabral (1467-1520) se alejaron excesivamente de la costa de África y terminaron en el extremo sur de actual territorio del Estado de Bahía, en que el permanecieron entre abril y mayo del año 1500. Los portuguese establecieron en la costa precarias feitorias para comerciar verzino o palo brasil con los nativos de las sociedades tupí y guaraní nativas. Recién en 1530 la corona brasileña tomaría acciones decididas para organizar la ocupación portuguesa y las actividades de explotación, cuando instaura el régimen de capitanías hereditarias que estructuraría el establecimiento colonial lusitano en brasil. Bibliografía: Johnson, H. B., \"Portuguese Settlement, 1500-1580\", en Bethell, Leslie (ed.), Colonial Brazil, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1987, pp. 1-38; Abulafia, David, El descubrimiento de la humanidad. Encuentros atlánticos en la era de Colón, Barcelona, Crítica, 2009 [2008]; Metcalf, Alida C., Go-Betweens and the Colonization of Brazil, 1500-1600, Austin, University of Texas Press, 2005; Vaz de Caminha, Pêro, Carta del descubrimiento del Brasil, Barcelona, Acantilado, 2009.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-12-03T14:17:24+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 92642, "end" : 92648 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Brasil" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/03feb10c-07c1-459c-8816-559c08ff6ed8", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Aborigine", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-20T20:59:58+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Native people", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-20T20:59:58+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-20T20:59:58+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Refiere a Los guaraníes o avá, según su autodenominación étnica original (que significa \"ser humano\"), son un grupo de pueblos indígenas suramericanos que se ubican geográficamente en Paraguay, noreste de Argentina (en ciertas zonas de provincias de la Región del Litoral),​ sur y suroeste de Brasil (en los estados de Río Grande del Sur, Santa Catarina, Paraná y Mato Grosso del Sur) y sureste de Bolivia (en los departamentos de Tarija, Santa Cruz y Chuquisaca) y norte de Uruguay.El muy difundido nombre guaraní lo escucharon los españoles que, al invadir su territorio, habrían oído, entre los gritos de guerra de este pueblo, la frase guará-ny, que significa \"combatir-los\". Por otra parte el nombre dada significa en guaraní 'guerrero', \"ava\" que significa \"hombre\" y se pronuncia en forma grave entre los chiriguanos (ava guaraníes).Otra versión afirma que la denominación fue tomada de la deformación de una palabra guaraní, guariní que significa precisamente \"guerra\" o \"guerrear\". Al parecer los mismos indígenas se denominaron de esa manera, indicando con ello que se consideraban guerreros.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-20T20:59:58+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Los guaraníes se extendían, dividios entre distintas parcialidades, \nentre la costa brasileña y los contrafuertes andinos, teniendo además \nasentamientos en las islasdel Río Paraná y del delta del Río de la \nPlata. Cultivadores selvícolas, producían regulamente excedentes \nagrícolas que serían indispensables para el avance de la conquista \nespañola en el región. Bibliografía:  Silva Noelli, Francisco, \"La \ndistribución geográfica de las evidencias arqueológicasguaraní\", en \nRevista de Indias, vol. LXIV, núm. 30, 2004, pp. 17-34; Susnik, \nBranislava, El indio colonial del Paraguay. El guaraní colonial, \nAsunción, Museo Etnográfico \"Andrés Barbero\", 1965; Susnik, Branislava, \nEl rol de los indígenas en la formación y en la vivencia delParaguay. \nTomo I, Asunción, Universo, 1982; Melià, Bartomeu, El guaraní \nconquistado y reducido: ensayos de etnohistoria, Asunción, Universidad \nCatólica-Centro de Estudios Paraguayos \"AntonioGuasch\", cuarta edición, \n1997 [1986]; Melià, Bartomeu, \"Sociedades fluviales y selvícolas del \neste: Paraguay y Paraná\", en Rojas Rabiela, Teresa; Murra, John (dirs.),\n Historia general de América Latina. Volumen I, París, Editorial \nTrotta-UNESCO, 1999, pp. 335-552; Catafesto de Sousa, José Otávio, \"O \nsistema econômico nas sociedades indígenas guaraní pré-coloniais\", en \nHorizontes Antropológicos, año 8, núm. 18, 2002, pp. 211-253; Monteiro, \nJohn Manuel, \"Os guaraní e a História do Brasil Meridional. Séculos \nXVI-XVII\", en Carneiro Da Cunha, Manuela L. (org.), História dos índios \nno Brasil, San Pablo, Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São \nPaulo-Companhia das Letras-Secretaria Municipal de Cultura Prefeitura do\n Município de São Paulo, 1992 pp. 475-498.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-12-03T14:41:38+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 32800, "end" : 32808 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Guaranís" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/0a97dd08-a6a1-4eba-bc25-3a67ac16bc30", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : 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-2.706 ], [ -42.375, -2.717 ], [ -42.228, -2.818 ], [ -42.143, -2.808 ], [ -42.256, -2.735 ], [ -42.233, -2.674 ], [ -42.208, -2.712 ], [ -42.098, -2.768 ], [ -42.099, -2.809 ], [ -42.096, -2.747 ], [ -42.216, -2.687 ], [ -42.054, -2.691 ], [ -42.023, -2.775 ], [ -42.017, -2.718 ], [ -41.818, -2.723 ], [ -41.844, -2.773 ], [ -41.797, -2.751 ], [ -41.656, -2.884 ], [ -41.437, -2.939 ], [ -41.395, -2.906 ], [ -41.316, -2.943 ], [ -41.263, -2.887 ], [ -40.838, -2.895 ], [ -40.572, -2.844 ], [ -40.499, -2.787 ], [ -39.888, -2.886 ], [ -39.244, -3.229 ], [ -39.083, -3.394 ], [ -38.978, -3.407 ], [ -38.641, -3.687 ], [ -38.473, -3.7 ], [ -38.377, -3.866 ], [ -38.043, -4.214 ], [ -37.764, -4.399 ], [ -37.588, -4.624 ], [ -37.323, -4.698 ], [ -37.15, -4.943 ], [ -36.958, -4.919 ], [ -36.666, -5.108 ], [ -36.504, -5.061 ], [ -36.297, -5.106 ], [ -35.956, -5.045 ], [ -35.612, -5.11 ], [ -35.385, -5.255 ], [ -35.255, -5.483 ], [ -35.099, -6.169 ], [ -34.983, -6.396 ], [ -34.933, -6.753 ], [ -34.79, -7.159 ], [ -34.842, -7.564 ], [ -34.809, -7.622 ], [ -34.845, -7.69 ], [ -34.827, -8.004 ], [ -35.136, -8.895 ], [ -35.332, -9.237 ], [ -35.689, -9.668 ], [ -35.78, -9.706 ], [ -36.056, -10.083 ], [ -36.266, -10.256 ], [ -36.402, -10.506 ], [ -36.602, -10.567 ], [ -36.934, -10.826 ], [ -37.36, -11.428 ], [ -37.612, -11.979 ], [ -37.996, -12.578 ], [ -38.318, -12.934 ], [ -38.477, -13.022 ], [ -38.532, -13.017 ], [ -38.473, -12.913 ], [ -38.498, -12.722 ], [ -38.603, -12.728 ], [ -38.646, -12.622 ], [ -38.681, -12.661 ], [ -38.718, -12.627 ], [ -38.804, -12.835 ], [ -38.717, -12.873 ], [ -38.769, -12.995 ], [ -38.721, -13.021 ], [ -38.66, -12.963 ], [ -38.686, -12.878 ], [ -38.59, -12.972 ], [ -38.766, -13.129 ], [ -38.807, -13.1 ], [ -38.808, -13.154 ], [ -38.944, -13.243 ], [ -38.973, -13.391 ], [ -38.902, -13.384 ], [ -38.886, -13.45 ], [ -38.95, -13.577 ], [ -38.886, -13.659 ], [ -38.968, -13.67 ], [ -39.006, -13.891 ], [ -39.064, -13.865 ], [ -39.075, -13.887 ], [ -38.986, -13.998 ], [ -38.952, -13.986 ], [ -38.982, -13.912 ], [ -38.938, -13.886 ], [ -38.922, -13.92 ], [ -39.061, -14.716 ], [ -38.962, -15.585 ], [ -38.857, -15.86 ], [ -38.973, -16.211 ], [ -39.032, -16.26 ], [ -39.01, -16.369 ], [ -39.078, -16.454 ], [ -39.143, -16.762 ], [ -39.113, -16.896 ], [ -39.212, -17.155 ], [ -39.193, -17.602 ], [ -39.135, -17.691 ], [ -39.264, -17.869 ], [ -39.435, -17.943 ], [ -39.563, -18.091 ], [ -39.721, -18.493 ], [ -39.749, -18.81 ], [ -39.692, -19.353 ], [ -39.805, -19.65 ], [ -39.951, -19.717 ], [ -40.151, -19.956 ], [ -40.236, -20.285 ], [ -40.353, -20.32 ], [ -40.329, -20.236 ], [ -40.359, -20.291 ], [ -40.365, -20.317 ], [ -40.35, -20.328 ], [ -40.268, -20.327 ], [ -40.402, -20.606 ], [ -40.466, -20.624 ], [ -40.627, -20.845 ], [ -40.65, -20.813 ], [ -40.756, -20.866 ], [ -40.853, -21.133 ], [ -40.955, -21.251 ], [ -40.96, -21.364 ], [ -41.065, -21.495 ], [ -41.051, -21.608 ], [ -41.038, -21.622 ], [ -41.007, -21.618 ], [ -40.99, -22.014 ], [ -41.229, -22.151 ], [ -41.668, -22.294 ], [ -41.962, -22.538 ], [ -41.986, -22.713 ], [ -41.919, -22.774 ], [ -41.864, -22.759 ], [ -42.023, -22.896 ], [ -42.037, -22.94 ], [ -41.99, -22.964 ], [ -42.018, -22.998 ], [ -42.086, -22.957 ], [ -42.529, -22.934 ], [ -43.05, -22.982 ], [ -43.132, -22.941 ], [ -43.025, -22.741 ], [ -43.084, -22.68 ], [ -43.216, -22.725 ], [ -43.287, -22.806 ], [ -43.24, -22.847 ], [ -43.249, -22.797 ], [ -43.156, -22.784 ], [ -43.247, -22.882 ], [ -43.164, -22.899 ], [ -43.187, -22.995 ], [ -43.344, -22.983 ], [ -43.303, -23.02 ], [ -43.549, -23.081 ], [ -44.001, -23.1 ], [ -43.961, -23.042 ], [ -43.877, -23.067 ], [ -43.909, -23.02 ], [ -43.807, -23.063 ], [ -43.555, -23.055 ], [ -43.84, -22.906 ], [ -43.985, -22.937 ], [ -44.034, -23.014 ], [ -44.044, -22.923 ], [ -44.107, -23.03 ], [ -44.234, -23.06 ], [ -44.238, -23.004 ], [ -44.358, -23.02 ], [ -44.296, -22.961 ], [ -44.321, -22.927 ], [ -44.378, -22.972 ], [ -44.407, -22.945 ], [ -44.443, -23.035 ], [ -44.669, -23.06 ], [ -44.712, -23.19 ], [ -44.701, -23.237 ], [ -44.645, -23.191 ], [ -44.612, -23.206 ], [ -44.685, -23.256 ], [ -44.611, -23.238 ], [ -44.652, -23.302 ], [ -44.558, -23.232 ], [ -44.577, -23.275 ], [ -44.498, -23.302 ], [ -44.583, -23.367 ], [ -44.669, -23.341 ], [ -44.84, -23.395 ], [ -44.905, -23.339 ], [ -45.05, -23.418 ], [ -45.016, -23.461 ], [ -45.079, -23.519 ], [ -45.165, -23.495 ], [ -45.159, -23.541 ], [ -45.228, -23.547 ], [ -45.211, -23.582 ], [ -45.41, -23.632 ], [ -45.412, -23.825 ], [ -45.934, -23.771 ], [ -46.124, -23.842 ], [ -46.2, -24.002 ], [ -46.288, -24.044 ], [ -46.321, -24 ], [ -46.458, -24.025 ], [ -46.937, -24.281 ], [ -47.024, -24.382 ], [ -47.004, -24.412 ], [ -47.86, -24.996 ], [ -47.914, -25.061 ], [ -47.915, -25.16 ], [ -48.213, -25.47 ], [ -48.254, -25.435 ], [ -48.222, -25.342 ], [ -48.208, -25.353 ], [ -48.121, -25.267 ], [ -48.253, -25.328 ], [ -48.284, -25.294 ], [ -48.317, -25.363 ], [ -48.327, -25.232 ], [ -48.366, -25.317 ], [ -48.433, -25.237 ], [ -48.428, -25.324 ], [ -48.5, -25.335 ], [ -48.427, -25.39 ], [ -48.449, -25.379 ], [ -48.468, -25.388 ], [ -48.467, -25.432 ], [ -48.449, -25.384 ], [ -48.414, -25.428 ], [ -48.476, -25.485 ], [ -48.637, -25.468 ], [ -48.661, -25.398 ], [ -48.671, -25.435 ], [ -48.739, -25.374 ], [ -48.68, -25.465 ], [ -48.687, -25.499 ], [ -48.737, -25.483 ], [ -48.703, -25.504 ], [ -48.617, -25.536 ], [ -48.512, -25.505 ], [ -48.482, -25.591 ], [ -48.46, -25.552 ], [ -48.35, -25.581 ], [ -48.565, -25.868 ], [ -48.614, -26.06 ], [ -48.586, -26.172 ], [ -48.714, -26.243 ], [ -48.795, -26.073 ], [ -48.837, -26.157 ], [ -48.798, -26.142 ], [ -48.763, -26.199 ], [ -48.805, -26.228 ], [ -48.769, -26.223 ], [ -48.761, -26.286 ], [ -48.803, -26.303 ], [ -48.723, -26.362 ], [ -48.635, -26.374 ], [ -48.714, -26.308 ], [ -48.554, -26.172 ], [ -48.493, -26.224 ], [ -48.695, -26.658 ], [ -48.665, -26.769 ], [ -48.583, -26.786 ], [ -48.655, -26.909 ], [ -48.62, -27.007 ], [ -48.574, -27.011 ], [ -48.607, -27.122 ], [ -48.554, -27.152 ], [ -48.51, -27.108 ], [ -48.469, -27.148 ], [ -48.511, -27.183 ], [ -48.486, -27.218 ], [ -48.531, -27.18 ], [ -48.612, -27.243 ], [ -48.596, -27.318 ], [ -48.529, -27.334 ], [ -48.649, -27.486 ], [ -48.572, -27.592 ], [ -48.653, -27.648 ], [ -48.575, -27.888 ], [ -48.761, -28.535 ], [ -48.813, -28.605 ], [ -49.37, -28.92 ], [ -49.334, -28.921 ], [ -49.702, -29.308 ], [ -50.006, -29.749 ], [ -50.316, -30.472 ], [ -50.848, -31.205 ], [ -51.303, -31.613 ], [ -51.877, -31.952 ], [ -52.071, -32.188 ], [ -52.012, -31.946 ], [ -52.092, -31.837 ], [ -51.851, -31.865 ], [ -51.777, -31.805 ], [ -51.854, -31.797 ], [ -51.65, -31.759 ], [ -51.478, -31.562 ], [ -51.43, -31.622 ], [ -51.458, -31.548 ], [ -51.424, -31.478 ], [ -51.351, -31.529 ], [ -51.234, -31.458 ], [ -51.16, -31.31 ], [ -51.166, -31.063 ], [ -51.109, -31.097 ], [ -50.985, -31.042 ], [ -50.965, -30.893 ], [ -50.888, -30.893 ], [ -50.705, -30.756 ], [ -50.677, -30.61 ], [ -50.725, -30.371 ], [ -50.692, -30.355 ], [ -50.625, -30.409 ], [ -50.641, -30.459 ], [ -50.569, -30.471 ], [ -50.534, -30.278 ], [ -50.601, -30.194 ], [ -50.659, -30.201 ], [ -50.661, -30.293 ], [ -50.918, -30.333 ], [ -50.934, -30.42 ], [ -50.889, -30.439 ], [ -50.921, -30.44 ], [ -51.052, -30.395 ], [ -51.034, -30.276 ], [ -51.146, -30.267 ], [ -51.246, -30.188 ], [ -51.23, -30.043 ], [ -51.295, -30.007 ], [ -51.326, -30.23 ], [ -51.271, -30.25 ], [ -51.293, -30.295 ], [ -51.246, -30.33 ], [ -51.209, -30.3 ], [ -51.179, -30.383 ], [ -51.092, -30.367 ], [ -51.129, -30.436 ], [ -51.202, -30.413 ], [ -51.269, -30.489 ], [ -51.282, -30.811 ], [ -51.33, -30.777 ], [ -51.294, -30.758 ], [ -51.319, -30.64 ], [ -51.375, -30.635 ], [ -51.404, -30.769 ], [ -51.367, -30.874 ], [ -51.457, -30.874 ], [ -51.501, -30.935 ], [ -51.436, -31.088 ], [ -51.611, -31.138 ], [ -51.613, -31.272 ], [ -51.915, -31.313 ], [ -52.002, -31.449 ], [ -52.031, -31.693 ], [ -52.218, -31.747 ], [ -52.247, -31.871 ], [ -52.106, -31.952 ], [ -52.216, -31.963 ], [ -52.263, -32.062 ], [ -52.209, -32.045 ], [ -52.225, -32.096 ], [ -52.082, -32.033 ], [ -52.162, -32.128 ], [ -52.09, -32.069 ], [ -52.084, -32.186 ], [ -52.16, -32.201 ], [ -52.341, -32.43 ], [ -52.488, -32.844 ], [ -52.66, -33.165 ], [ -53.227, -33.658 ], [ -53.421, -33.741 ], [ -53.524, -33.689 ], [ -53.515, -33.163 ], [ -53.434, -33.054 ], [ -53.243, -32.936 ], [ -53.294, -32.911 ], [ -53.074, -32.746 ], [ -53.244, -32.605 ], [ -53.39, -32.583 ], [ -53.46, -32.48 ], [ -53.595, -32.432 ], [ -53.73, -32.157 ], [ -53.714, -32.104 ], [ -53.965, -31.919 ], [ -54.096, -31.906 ], [ -54.466, -31.666 ], [ -54.491, -31.54 ], [ -54.591, -31.448 ], [ -54.836, -31.446 ], [ -54.945, -31.392 ], [ -55.014, -31.285 ], [ -55.091, -31.326 ], [ -55.245, -31.257 ], [ -55.374, -31.038 ], [ -55.594, -30.848 ], [ -55.635, -30.857 ], [ -55.657, -30.956 ], [ -55.87, -31.08 ], [ -56.008, -31.063 ], [ -55.987, -30.86 ], [ -56.021, -30.784 ], [ -56.127, -30.739 ], [ -56.177, -30.614 ], [ -56.384, -30.495 ], [ -56.459, -30.387 ], [ -56.545, -30.364 ], [ -56.54, -30.312 ], [ -56.617, -30.303 ], [ -56.644, -30.205 ], [ -56.776, -30.166 ], [ -56.804, -30.107 ], [ -57.068, -30.088 ], [ -57.207, -30.281 ], [ -57.313, -30.26 ], [ -57.396, -30.303 ], [ -57.538, -30.275 ], [ -57.618, -30.179 ], [ -57.505, -30.143 ], [ -57.342, -30.001 ], [ -57.319, -29.87 ], [ -57.254, -29.794 ], [ -57.105, -29.752 ], [ -56.972, -29.639 ], [ -56.676, -29.321 ], [ -56.593, -29.123 ], [ -56.425, -29.073 ], [ -56.285, -28.794 ], [ -56.185, -28.771 ], [ -56.016, -28.611 ], [ -56.011, -28.509 ], [ -55.888, -28.479 ], [ -55.875, -28.362 ], [ -55.696, -28.425 ], [ -55.671, -28.333 ], [ -55.773, -28.247 ], [ -55.605, -28.123 ], [ -55.554, -28.164 ], [ -55.496, -28.081 ], [ -55.444, -28.097 ], [ -55.323, -27.928 ], [ -55.196, -27.863 ], [ -55.134, -27.895 ], [ -55.117, -27.853 ], [ -55.032, -27.854 ], [ -55.082, -27.789 ], [ -54.941, -27.775 ], [ -54.809, -27.536 ], [ -54.781, -27.586 ], [ -54.683, -27.576 ], [ -54.678, -27.514 ], [ -54.624, -27.55 ], [ -54.576, -27.458 ], [ -54.525, -27.507 ], [ -54.415, -27.412 ], [ -54.353, -27.468 ], [ -54.339, -27.406 ], [ -54.282, -27.447 ], [ -54.176, -27.261 ], [ -54.089, -27.303 ], [ -53.949, -27.158 ], [ -53.799, -27.147 ], [ -53.795, -27.048 ], [ -53.761, -27.068 ], [ -53.662, -26.869 ], [ -53.751, -26.745 ], [ -53.707, -26.563 ], [ -53.738, -26.548 ], [ -53.592, -26.265 ], [ -53.722, -26.13 ], [ -53.733, -26.047 ], [ -53.837, -25.969 ], [ -53.824, -25.793 ], [ -53.891, -25.625 ], [ -53.951, -25.644 ], [ -54.016, -25.569 ], [ -54.101, -25.625 ], [ -54.111, -25.504 ], [ -54.213, -25.554 ], [ -54.184, -25.591 ], [ -54.289, -25.562 ], [ -54.387, -25.608 ], [ -54.43, -25.706 ], [ -54.596, -25.595 ], [ -54.617, -25.459 ], [ -54.437, -25.157 ], [ -54.458, -25.031 ], [ -54.336, -24.649 ], [ -54.333, -24.493 ], [ -54.262, -24.376 ], [ -54.33, -24.225 ], [ -54.282, -24.075 ], [ -54.411, -23.929 ], [ -54.668, -23.815 ], [ -55.061, -23.991 ], [ -55.112, -23.963 ], [ -55.226, -24.013 ], [ -55.413, -23.961 ], [ -55.434, -23.714 ], [ -55.535, -23.614 ], [ -55.522, -23.197 ], [ -55.596, -23.141 ], [ -55.64, -22.994 ], [ -55.685, -22.992 ], [ -55.613, -22.659 ], [ -55.736, -22.532 ], [ -55.74, -22.396 ], [ -55.854, -22.281 ], [ -56.208, -22.281 ], [ -56.341, -22.206 ], [ -56.403, -22.078 ], [ -56.519, -22.103 ], [ -56.643, -22.261 ], [ -56.698, -22.216 ], [ -56.728, -22.26 ], [ -56.808, -22.25 ], [ -56.831, -22.3 ], [ -57.001, -22.225 ], [ -57.203, -22.21 ], [ -57.243, -22.244 ], [ -57.553, -22.181 ], [ -57.616, -22.096 ], [ -57.803, -22.148 ], [ -57.989, -22.085 ], [ -58.005, -22.032 ], [ -57.919, -21.881 ], [ -57.969, -21.844 ], [ -57.913, -21.793 ], [ -57.947, -21.747 ], [ -57.894, -21.687 ], [ -57.968, -21.528 ], [ -57.855, -21.339 ], [ -57.918, -21.278 ], [ -57.854, -21.226 ], [ -57.866, -21.041 ], [ -57.818, -20.976 ], [ -57.927, -20.897 ], [ -57.855, -20.835 ], [ -57.961, -20.784 ], [ -57.869, -20.736 ], [ -57.923, -20.666 ], [ -57.988, -20.696 ], [ -57.994, -20.448 ], [ -58.082, -20.372 ], [ -58.092, -20.257 ], [ -58.154, -20.264 ], [ -58.125, -20.188 ], [ -58.163, -20.162 ], [ -57.872, -19.979 ], [ -58.134, -19.761 ], [ -57.79, -19.051 ], [ -57.709, -19.034 ], [ -57.757, -18.858 ], [ -57.56, -18.263 ], [ -57.458, -18.228 ], [ -57.568, -18.136 ], [ -57.702, -17.86 ], [ -57.715, -17.735 ], [ -57.785, -17.645 ], [ -57.773, -17.553 ], [ -57.878, -17.463 ], [ -58.003, -17.52 ], [ -58.114, -17.456 ], [ -58.395, -17.197 ], [ -58.421, -16.99 ], [ -58.47, -16.939 ], [ -58.468, -16.702 ], [ -58.442, -16.613 ], [ -58.34, -16.542 ], [ -58.309, -16.27 ], [ -58.471, -16.325 ], [ -60.173, -16.265 ], [ -60.236, -15.476 ], [ -60.565, -15.105 ], [ -60.253, -15.101 ], [ -60.257, -14.624 ], [ -60.338, -14.555 ], [ -60.482, -14.181 ], [ -60.468, -14.092 ], [ -60.378, -13.992 ], [ -60.468, -13.886 ], [ -60.468, -13.801 ], [ -60.793, -13.686 ], [ -60.962, -13.539 ], [ -61.044, -13.541 ], [ -61.028, -13.477 ], [ -61.069, -13.463 ], [ -61.139, -13.521 ], [ -61.249, -13.525 ], [ -61.33, -13.473 ], [ -61.486, -13.554 ], [ -61.578, -13.494 ], [ -61.824, -13.539 ], [ -61.866, -13.443 ], [ -62.108, -13.257 ], [ -62.109, -13.149 ], [ -62.165, -13.112 ], [ -62.368, -13.145 ], [ -62.464, -13.07 ], [ -62.637, -13.041 ], [ -62.674, -12.965 ], [ -62.764, -13.023 ], [ -62.923, -12.854 ], [ -62.996, -12.85 ], [ -63.082, -12.653 ], [ -63.327, -12.705 ], [ -63.482, -12.557 ], [ -63.712, -12.458 ], [ -63.875, -12.469 ], [ -63.937, -12.557 ], [ -64.127, -12.494 ], [ -64.152, -12.529 ], [ -64.215, -12.476 ], [ -64.278, -12.511 ], [ -64.493, -12.366 ], [ -64.486, -12.23 ], [ -64.654, -12.186 ], [ -64.683, -12.099 ], [ -64.725, -12.162 ], [ -64.798, -12.035 ], [ -64.993, -11.999 ], [ -65.048, -11.757 ], [ -65.112, -11.741 ], [ -65.106, -11.697 ], [ -65.135, -11.777 ], [ -65.201, -11.745 ], [ -65.161, -11.622 ], [ -65.218, -11.521 ], [ -65.299, -11.5 ], [ -65.338, -11.392 ], [ -65.31, -11.341 ], [ -65.385, -11.269 ], [ -65.349, -11.239 ], [ -65.391, -11.167 ], [ -65.318, -11.105 ], [ -65.336, -11.044 ], [ -65.269, -10.901 ], [ -65.366, -10.798 ], [ -65.349, -10.671 ], [ -65.426, -10.638 ], [ -65.429, -10.473 ], [ -65.28, -10.218 ], [ -65.327, -9.938 ], [ -65.29, -9.851 ], [ -65.377, -9.698 ], [ -65.488, -9.718 ], [ -65.563, -9.834 ], [ -65.669, -9.779 ], [ -65.7, -9.803 ], [ -65.689, -9.749 ], [ -65.748, -9.77 ], [ -65.777, -9.727 ], [ -65.798, -9.786 ], [ -65.81, -9.75 ], [ -65.86, -9.794 ], [ -65.872, -9.757 ], [ -66.018, -9.807 ], [ -66.064, -9.772 ], [ -66.422, -9.895 ], [ -66.616, -9.893 ], [ -66.623, -9.935 ], [ -66.883, -10.081 ], [ -67.029, -10.254 ], [ -67.186, -10.339 ], [ -67.315, -10.316 ], [ -67.327, -10.374 ], [ -67.414, -10.372 ], [ -67.443, -10.45 ], [ -67.594, -10.523 ], [ -67.715, -10.707 ], [ -68.021, -10.661 ], [ -68.119, -10.726 ], [ -68.283, -10.987 ], [ -68.519, -11.048 ], [ -68.587, -11.11 ], [ -68.769, -11.139 ], [ -68.751, -11.007 ], [ -68.787, -10.99 ], [ -68.871, -11.023 ], [ -69.393, -10.929 ], [ -69.728, -10.973 ], [ -69.938, -10.926 ], [ -70.318, -11.066 ], [ -70.428, -11.033 ], [ -70.508, -10.94 ], [ -70.618, -11.007 ], [ -70.622, -9.847 ], [ -70.522, -9.738 ], [ -70.598, -9.574 ], [ -70.561, -9.579 ], [ -70.497, -9.433 ], [ -70.601, -9.453 ], [ -70.982, -9.812 ], [ -71.131, -9.862 ], [ -71.288, -9.996 ], [ -72.165, -10.002 ], [ -72.16, -9.818 ], [ -72.26, -9.755 ], [ -72.289, -9.536 ], [ -72.364, -9.491 ], [ -72.721, -9.417 ], [ -73.196, -9.418 ], [ -72.965, -9.154 ], [ -72.946, -8.99 ], [ -73.059, -8.904 ], [ -73.169, -8.701 ], [ -73.338, -8.609 ], [ -73.338, -8.476 ], [ -73.526, -8.369 ], [ -73.632, -8.022 ], [ -73.765, -7.94 ], [ -73.777, -7.869 ], [ -73.697, -7.865 ], [ -73.69, -7.79 ], [ -73.985, -7.543 ], [ -73.917, -7.461 ], [ -73.954, -7.348 ], [ -73.868, -7.377 ], [ -73.691, -7.313 ], [ -73.797, -7.115 ], [ -73.743, -6.897 ], [ -73.351, -6.561 ], [ -73.211, -6.53 ], [ -73.133, -6.421 ], [ -73.185, -6.04 ], [ -73.131, -5.986 ], [ -73.116, -5.865 ], [ -72.951, -5.643 ], [ -72.948, -5.454 ], [ -72.872, -5.25 ], [ -72.896, -5.136 ], [ -72.734, -5.043 ], [ -72.602, -5.056 ], [ -72.577, -4.992 ], [ -72.455, -4.962 ], [ -72.452, -4.906 ], [ -72.37, -4.88 ], [ -72.356, -4.803 ], [ -72.292, -4.799 ], [ -72.313, -4.769 ], [ -72.223, -4.78 ], [ -72.113, -4.722 ], [ -72.047, -4.625 ], [ -71.94, -4.607 ], [ -71.897, -4.512 ], [ -71.61, -4.465 ], [ -71.597, -4.525 ], [ -71.535, -4.46 ], [ -71.49, -4.479 ], [ -71.506, -4.435 ], [ -71.414, -4.432 ], [ -71.432, -4.469 ], [ -71.342, -4.423 ], [ -71.355, -4.468 ], [ -71.303, -4.458 ], [ -71.269, -4.381 ], [ -71.198, -4.377 ], [ -71.193, -4.42 ], [ -71.147, -4.375 ], [ -71.031, -4.397 ], [ -70.99, -4.34 ], [ -70.935, -4.381 ], [ -70.757, -4.152 ], [ -70.677, -4.2 ], [ -70.622, -4.121 ], [ -70.633, -4.173 ], [ -70.565, -4.168 ], [ -70.566, -4.205 ], [ -70.553, -4.128 ], [ -70.503, -4.19 ], [ -70.434, -4.125 ], [ -70.341, -4.174 ], [ -70.317, -4.136 ], [ -70.291, -4.283 ], [ -70.249, -4.267 ], [ -70.186, -4.357 ], [ -70.169, -4.27 ], [ -70.101, -4.255 ], [ -70.031, -4.339 ], [ -69.929, -4.213 ], [ -69.453, -1.478 ], [ -69.368, -1.334 ], [ -69.422, -0.998 ], [ -69.508, -0.936 ], [ -69.609, -0.755 ], [ -69.551, -0.648 ], [ -69.593, -0.517 ], [ -69.908, -0.316 ], [ -70.068, -0.135 ], [ -70.037, 0.553 ], [ -69.798, 0.585 ], [ -69.664, 0.672 ], [ -69.606, 0.623 ], [ -69.468, 0.734 ], [ -69.357, 0.621 ], [ -69.295, 0.648 ], [ -69.288, 0.609 ], [ -69.202, 0.602 ], [ -69.112, 0.643 ], [ -69.184, 0.73 ], [ -69.137, 0.868 ], [ -69.257, 1.026 ], [ -69.342, 1.064 ], [ -69.416, 1.024 ], [ -69.7, 1.056 ], [ -69.721, 1.097 ], [ -69.854, 1.07 ], [ -69.855, 1.715 ], [ -69.556, 1.775 ], [ -69.395, 1.726 ], [ -68.128, 1.73 ], [ -68.29, 1.841 ], [ -68.205, 2.038 ], [ -68.027, 1.784 ], [ -67.924, 1.751 ], [ -67.797, 1.812 ], [ -67.578, 2.076 ], [ -67.41, 2.141 ], [ -67.117, 1.732 ], [ -67.068, 1.532 ], [ -67.097, 1.17 ], [ -66.855, 1.228 ], [ -66.322, 0.738 ], [ -66.095, 0.754 ], [ -65.952, 0.81 ], [ -65.854, 0.939 ], [ -65.733, 1.005 ], [ -65.583, 1.008 ], [ -65.47, 0.877 ], [ -65.557, 0.705 ], [ -65.504, 0.627 ], [ -65.393, 0.699 ], [ -65.305, 0.916 ], [ -65.152, 0.943 ], [ -65.121, 1.115 ], [ -65.055, 1.144 ], [ -64.968, 1.112 ], [ -64.903, 1.249 ], [ -64.843, 1.237 ], [ -64.783, 1.313 ], [ -64.721, 1.25 ], [ -64.638, 1.286 ], [ -64.387, 1.527 ], [ -64.344, 1.528 ], [ -64.382, 1.419 ], [ -64.344, 1.38 ], [ -64.186, 1.494 ], [ -64.054, 1.708 ], [ -64.057, 1.933 ], [ -64.018, 1.967 ], [ -63.781, 1.989 ], [ -63.604, 2.124 ], [ -63.419, 2.154 ], [ -63.349, 2.281 ], [ -63.382, 2.442 ], [ -63.756, 2.403 ], [ -64.031, 2.509 ], [ -63.987, 2.772 ], [ -64.216, 3.153 ], [ -64.236, 3.476 ], [ -64.186, 3.634 ], [ -64.324, 3.797 ], [ -64.543, 3.882 ], [ -64.8, 4.224 ], [ -64.79, 4.329 ], [ -64.677, 4.297 ], [ -64.555, 4.153 ], [ -64.135, 4.176 ], [ -63.967, 3.93 ], [ -63.806, 4.019 ], [ -63.623, 4.01 ], [ -63.455, 3.91 ], [ -63.411, 4.026 ], [ -63.358, 4.04 ], [ -63.203, 3.952 ], [ -63.189, 3.872 ], [ -62.86, 3.584 ], [ -62.749, 3.642 ], [ -62.705, 3.724 ], [ -62.752, 4.012 ], [ -62.635, 4.056 ], [ -62.557, 4.02 ], [ -62.46, 4.173 ], [ -62.129, 4.084 ], [ -61.961, 4.18 ], [ -61.927, 4.106 ], [ -61.723, 4.262 ], [ -61.528, 4.273 ], [ -61.507, 4.398 ], [ -61.274, 4.471 ], [ -61.293, 4.55 ], [ -61.141, 4.508 ], [ -60.952, 4.549 ], [ -60.907, 4.708 ], [ -60.731, 4.777 ], [ -60.59, 4.951 ], [ -60.744, 5.209 ], [ -60.438, 5.177 ], [ -60.203, 5.265 ], [ -60.176, 5.227 ], [ -60.121, 5.243 ], [ -60.085, 5.149 ], [ -59.969, 5.073 ], [ -60.03, 4.704 ], [ -60.163, 4.521 ], [ -59.927, 4.509 ], [ -59.674, 4.382 ], [ -59.726, 4.191 ], [ -59.628, 4.138 ], [ -59.655, 4.078 ], [ -59.516, 3.94 ], [ -59.581, 3.901 ], [ -59.594, 3.796 ], [ -59.666, 3.777 ], [ -59.664, 3.703 ], [ -59.849, 3.601 ], [ -59.799, 3.355 ], [ -59.909, 3.197 ], [ -59.982, 2.929 ], [ -59.99, 2.683 ], [ -59.903, 2.479 ], [ -59.91, 2.388 ], [ -59.724, 2.277 ], [ -59.754, 1.861 ], [ -59.654, 1.849 ], [ -59.669, 1.764 ], [ -59.549, 1.729 ], [ -59.253, 1.397 ], [ -58.914, 1.299 ], [ -58.904, 1.234 ], [ -58.804, 1.175 ], [ -58.696, 1.288 ], [ -58.507, 1.264 ], [ -58.468, 1.318 ], [ -58.498, 1.458 ], [ -58.382, 1.471 ], [ -58.325, 1.59 ], [ -58.167, 1.558 ], [ -58.13, 1.501 ], [ -58.009, 1.501 ], [ -58, 1.665 ], [ -57.919, 1.645 ], [ -57.77, 1.718 ], [ -57.545, 1.701 ], [ -57.434, 1.895 ], [ -57.302, 1.99 ], [ -57.247, 1.944 ], [ -57.085, 2.021 ], [ -57.012, 1.918 ], [ -56.8, 1.864 ], [ -56.724, 1.92 ], [ -56.454, 1.945 ], [ -55.957, 1.844 ], [ -55.906, 1.889 ], [ -55.913, 2.041 ], [ -56.048, 2.226 ], [ -56.134, 2.263 ], [ -56.09, 2.352 ], [ -55.995, 2.405 ], [ -55.987, 2.517 ], [ -55.948, 2.532 ], [ -55.739, 2.401 ], [ -55.481, 2.443 ], [ -55.37, 2.407 ], [ -55.336, 2.516 ], [ -55.239, 2.495 ], [ -55.137, 2.575 ], [ -55.103, 2.522 ], [ -54.94, 2.632 ], [ -54.969, 2.555 ], [ -54.864, 2.439 ], [ -54.72, 2.469 ], [ -54.702, 2.336 ], [ -54.549, 2.336 ], [ -54.534, 2.268 ], [ -54.314, 2.158 ], [ -54.189, 2.179 ], [ -54.111, 2.127 ], [ -54.078, 2.197 ], [ -53.784, 2.364 ], [ -53.694, 2.287 ], [ -53.472, 2.332 ], [ -53.397, 2.272 ], [ -53.273, 2.292 ], [ -53.188, 2.223 ], [ -52.905, 2.19 ], [ -52.853, 2.285 ], [ -52.673, 2.374 ], [ -52.555, 2.523 ], [ -52.556, 2.646 ], [ -52.382, 2.912 ], [ -52.347, 3.134 ], [ -52.192, 3.296 ], [ -51.92, 3.781 ], [ -51.795, 3.89 ], [ -51.754, 3.996 ], [ -51.658, 4.049 ], [ -51.585, 4.241 ], [ -51.529, 4.171 ], [ -51.545, 4.397 ], [ -51.202, 4.084 ], [ -51.173, 3.767 ], [ -51.127, 3.911 ], [ -51.085, 3.895 ], [ -51.051, 3.283 ], [ -50.913, 2.875 ], [ -50.927, 2.807 ], [ -50.816, 2.644 ], [ -50.851, 2.482 ], [ -50.802, 2.508 ], [ -50.736, 2.414 ], [ -50.765, 2.359 ], [ -50.694, 2.276 ], [ -50.725, 2.252 ], [ -50.675, 2.247 ], [ -50.682, 2.137 ], [ -50.584, 2.091 ], [ -50.586, 2.014 ], [ -50.471, 1.82 ], [ -50.194, 1.794 ], [ -49.954, 1.676 ], [ -49.88, 1.419 ], [ -49.918, 1.289 ], [ -50.073, 1.204 ], [ -49.918, 1.232 ], [ -49.939, 1.103 ], [ -50.003, 1.066 ], [ -50.033, 1.107 ], [ -50.131, 0.949 ], [ -50.274, 0.866 ], [ -50.338, 0.729 ], [ -50.417, 0.685 ], [ -50.455, 0.732 ], [ -50.428, 0.679 ], [ -50.571, 0.424 ], [ -50.691, 0.3 ], [ -50.677, 0.365 ], [ -50.746, 0.227 ], [ -50.801, 0.224 ], [ -50.785, 0.183 ], [ -50.908, 0.171 ], [ -51.087, -0.043 ], [ -51.203, -0.055 ], [ -51.419, -0.412 ], [ -51.409, -0.44 ], [ -51.325, -0.364 ], [ -51.188, -0.14 ], [ -51.111, -0.154 ], [ -51.154, -0.284 ], [ -51.396, -0.493 ], [ -51.243, -0.443 ], [ -51.26, -0.5 ], [ -51.165, -0.431 ], [ -50.953, -0.061 ], [ -50.824, -0.048 ], [ -50.705, 0.002 ], [ -50.613, -0.088 ], [ -50.744, -0.244 ], [ -50.751, -0.429 ], [ -50.845, -0.526 ], [ -50.988, -0.583 ], [ -51.051, -0.682 ], [ -50.826, -0.555 ], [ -50.794, -0.666 ], [ -50.733, -0.557 ], [ -50.684, -0.604 ], [ -50.724, -0.493 ], [ -50.652, -0.276 ], [ -50.409, -0.094 ], [ -49.631, -0.247 ], [ -49.446, -0.23 ], [ -49.289, -0.145 ], [ -49.018, -0.16 ], [ -49, -0.139 ], [ -48.895, -0.224 ], [ -48.539, -0.234 ], [ -48.363, -0.303 ], [ -48.459, -0.513 ], [ -48.522, -0.877 ], [ -48.667, -1.002 ], [ -48.621, -1.005 ], [ -48.65, -1.048 ], [ -48.617, -1.053 ], [ -48.721, -1.137 ], [ -48.837, -1.452 ], [ -49.161, -1.575 ], [ -49.182, -1.623 ], [ -49.362, -1.604 ], [ -49.364, -1.642 ], [ -49.448, -1.637 ], [ -49.5, -1.738 ], [ -49.61, -1.718 ], [ -49.676, -1.78 ], [ -49.696, -1.757 ], [ -49.714, -1.76 ], [ -49.803, -1.822 ], [ -50.035, -1.717 ], [ -50.179, -1.787 ], [ -50.256, -1.776 ], [ -50.415, -1.841 ], [ -50.401, -1.935 ], [ -49.994, -1.819 ], [ -49.844, -1.905 ], [ -49.765, -1.898 ], [ -49.616, -1.79 ], [ -49.276, -1.706 ], [ -49.267, -1.778 ], [ -49.387, -1.977 ], [ -49.383, -2.159 ], [ -48.973, -1.594 ], [ -48.897, -1.573 ], [ -48.955, -1.712 ], [ -48.932, -1.75 ], [ -48.898, -1.743 ], [ -48.656, -1.371 ], [ -48.592, -1.429 ], [ -48.601, -1.306 ], [ -48.524, -1.338 ], [ -48.537, -1.467 ], [ -48.496, -1.553 ], [ -48.491, -1.502 ], [ -48.46, -1.533 ], [ -48.374, -1.511 ], [ -48.319, -1.478 ], [ -48.505, -1.471 ], [ -48.422, -1.168 ], [ -48.475, -1.144 ], [ -48.4, -1.066 ], [ -48.278, -1.111 ], [ -48.304, -0.948 ], [ -48.055, -0.668 ], [ -48.001, -0.731 ], [ -47.893, -0.553 ], [ -47.843, -0.616 ], [ -47.807, -0.547 ], [ -47.702, -0.54 ], [ -47.707, -0.59 ], [ -47.667, -0.569 ], [ -47.633, -0.608 ], [ -47.651, -0.694 ], [ -47.608, -0.684 ], [ -47.577, -0.573 ], [ -47.476, -0.757 ], [ -47.398, -0.76 ], [ -47.428, -0.693 ], [ -47.464, -0.687 ], [ -47.466, -0.594 ], [ -47.399, -0.594 ], [ -47.4, -0.645 ], [ -47.298, -0.589 ], [ -47.253, -0.668 ], [ -47.247, -0.623 ], [ -47.206, -0.633 ], [ -47.23, -0.719 ], [ -47.158, -0.678 ], [ -47.191, -0.754 ], [ -47.146, -0.764 ], [ -47.16, -0.815 ], [ -47.081, -0.661 ], [ -47.055, -0.868 ], [ -47.027, -0.784 ], [ -46.983, -0.806 ], [ -47.016, -0.752 ], [ -46.967, -0.694 ], [ -46.969, -0.78 ], [ -46.891, -0.869 ], [ -46.89, -0.789 ], [ -46.846, -0.799 ], [ -46.82, -0.71 ], [ -46.802, -0.877 ], [ -46.777, -0.905 ], [ -46.75, -0.826 ], [ -46.709, -0.86 ], [ -46.734, -0.944 ], [ -46.687, -0.831 ], [ -46.653, -0.882 ], [ -46.621, -0.818 ], [ -46.601, -0.917 ], [ -46.676, -0.965 ], [ -46.622, -0.987 ], [ -46.57, -0.947 ], [ -46.609, -1.03 ], [ -46.57, -0.988 ], [ -46.525, -1.027 ], [ -46.465, -1.007 ], [ -46.47, -1.044 ], [ -46.395, -1.037 ], [ -46.413, -1.084 ], [ -46.348, -0.982 ], [ -46.36, -1.011 ], [ -46.366, -1.031 ], [ -46.348, -1.079 ], [ -46.339, -1.015 ], [ -46.299, -1.05 ], [ -46.212, -0.946 ], [ -46.242, -0.921 ], [ -46.179, -0.914 ], [ -46.224, -1.053 ], [ -46.206, -1.1 ], [ -46.158, -1.014 ], [ -46.138, -1.032 ], [ -46.193, -1.143 ], [ -46.104, -1.067 ], [ -46.062, -1.133 ], [ -46.15, -1.258 ], [ -45.982, -1.071 ], [ -45.953, -1.147 ], [ -46, -1.151 ], [ -46, -1.199 ], [ -45.95, -1.159 ], [ -45.95, -1.207 ], [ -46, -1.209 ], [ -45.95, -1.25 ], [ -45.902, -1.134 ], [ -45.923, -1.214 ], [ -45.882, -1.167 ], [ -45.873, -1.211 ], [ -45.909, -1.261 ], [ -45.859, -1.231 ], [ -45.891, -1.293 ], [ -45.807, -1.176 ], [ -45.843, -1.301 ], [ -45.809, -1.328 ], [ -45.831, -1.298 ], [ -45.782, -1.278 ], [ -45.726, -1.135 ], [ -45.69, -1.452 ], [ -45.697, -1.38 ], [ -45.632, -1.371 ], [ -45.618, -1.279 ], [ -45.589, -1.329 ], [ -45.537, -1.273 ], [ -45.561, -1.343 ], [ -45.51, -1.352 ], [ -45.567, -1.404 ], [ -45.546, -1.432 ], [ -45.413, -1.296 ], [ -45.489, -1.473 ], [ -45.511, -1.458 ], [ -45.554, -1.503 ], [ -45.507, -1.471 ], [ -45.518, -1.516 ], [ -45.481, -1.495 ], [ -45.463, -1.548 ], [ -45.457, -1.457 ], [ -45.391, -1.434 ], [ -45.363, -1.325 ], [ -45.323, -1.319 ], [ -45.302, -1.424 ], [ -45.392, -1.485 ], [ -45.398, -1.503 ], [ -45.356, -1.487 ], [ -45.392, -1.553 ], [ -45.338, -1.572 ], [ -45.371, -1.722 ], [ -45.338, -1.753 ], [ -45.197, -1.688 ], [ -45.261, -1.607 ], [ -45.16, -1.475 ], [ -45.136, -1.521 ], [ -45.072, -1.435 ], [ -45.07, -1.485 ], [ -44.999, -1.504 ], [ -45.018, -1.547 ], [ -44.969, -1.549 ], [ -45.029, -1.583 ], [ -45.029, -1.602 ], [ -44.979, -1.607 ], [ -44.954, -1.498 ], [ -44.862, -1.426 ], [ -44.857, -1.498 ], [ -44.954, -1.605 ], [ -44.918, -1.649 ], [ -44.968, -1.662 ], [ -44.913, -1.657 ], [ -44.927, -1.62 ], [ -44.886, -1.609 ], [ -44.837, -1.65 ], [ -44.822, -1.591 ], [ -44.826, -1.637 ], [ -44.805, -1.609 ], [ -44.812, -1.665 ], [ -44.779, -1.735 ], [ -44.711, -1.728 ], [ -44.82, -1.819 ], [ -44.738, -1.791 ], [ -44.706, -1.819 ], [ -44.676, -1.808 ], [ -44.661, -1.727 ], [ -44.604, -1.749 ], [ -44.667, -1.849 ], [ -44.601, -1.858 ], [ -44.583, -1.817 ], [ -44.586, -1.873 ], [ -44.543, -1.833 ], [ -44.601, -1.909 ], [ -44.517, -1.907 ], [ -44.484, -2.002 ], [ -44.613, -2.037 ], [ -44.467, -2.017 ], [ -44.626, -2.151 ], [ -44.589, -2.159 ], [ -44.641, -2.232 ], [ -44.708, -2.23 ], [ -44.684, -2.275 ], [ -44.764, -2.265 ], [ -44.654, -2.294 ], [ -44.681, -2.354 ], [ -44.649, -2.373 ], [ -44.666, -2.329 ], [ -44.479, -2.137 ], [ -44.358, -2.335 ], [ -44.401, -2.416 ], [ -44.514, -2.384 ], [ -44.55, -2.4 ], [ -44.491, -2.415 ], [ -44.514, -2.448 ], [ -44.505, -2.476 ], [ -44.665, -2.608 ], [ -44.548, -2.542 ], [ -44.658, -2.781 ], [ -44.688, -2.924 ], [ -44.677, -3.019 ], [ -44.66, -3.02 ], [ -44.657, -3.018 ] ], [ [ -43.318, -2.361 ], [ -43.317, -2.363 ], [ -43.296, -2.363 ], [ -43.318, -2.361 ] ], [ [ -42.438, -2.747 ], [ -42.442, -2.749 ], [ -42.438, -2.75 ], [ -42.438, -2.747 ] ], [ [ -42.442, -2.749 ], [ -42.47, -2.744 ], [ -42.447, -2.753 ], [ -42.442, -2.749 ] ], [ [ -50.851, 2.482 ], [ -50.853, 2.481 ], [ -50.853, 2.48 ], [ -50.851, 2.482 ] ], [ [ -50.853, 2.481 ], [ -50.86, 2.495 ], [ -50.86, 2.477 ], [ -50.853, 2.481 ] ], [ [ -49.976, 1.659 ], [ -49.98, 1.659 ], [ -50, 1.639 ], [ -49.976, 1.659 ] ], [ [ -45.392, -1.553 ], [ -45.393, -1.553 ], [ -45.394, -1.556 ], [ -45.392, -1.553 ] ], [ [ -45.394, -1.556 ], [ -45.406, -1.579 ], [ -45.403, -1.591 ], [ -45.394, -1.556 ] ], [ [ -44.837, -1.65 ], [ -44.834, -1.655 ], [ -44.833, -1.654 ], [ -44.837, -1.65 ] ], [ [ -44.834, -1.655 ], [ -44.841, -1.675 ], [ -44.822, -1.672 ], [ -44.834, -1.655 ] ], [ [ -44.779, -1.735 ], [ -44.777, -1.741 ], [ -44.776, -1.74 ], [ -44.779, -1.735 ] ], [ [ -44.777, -1.741 ], [ -44.833, -1.77 ], [ -44.774, -1.75 ], [ -44.777, -1.741 ] ], [ [ -44.547, -2.22 ], [ -44.536, -2.225 ], [ -44.543, -2.219 ], [ -44.547, -2.22 ] ], [ [ -44.536, -2.225 ], [ -44.507, -2.249 ], [ -44.512, -2.235 ], [ -44.536, -2.225 ] ], [ [ -44.507, -2.249 ], [ -44.504, -2.256 ], [ -44.501, -2.254 ], [ -44.507, -2.249 ] ], [ [ -44.504, -2.256 ], [ -44.514, -2.268 ], [ -44.502, -2.26 ], [ -44.504, -2.256 ] ] ], [ [ [ -29.34, -20.484 ], [ -29.301, -20.521 ], [ -29.341, -20.511 ], [ -29.34, -20.484 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.001, -13.94 ], [ -39.012, -13.915 ], [ -38.994, -13.896 ], [ -39.001, -13.94 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.043, -13.909 ], [ -39.059, -13.904 ], [ -39.054, -13.886 ], [ -39.028, -13.903 ], [ -39.043, -13.909 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.251, -18.015 ], [ -39.283, -18.005 ], [ -39.272, -17.982 ], [ -39.245, -18.006 ], [ -39.251, -18.015 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.131, -17.927 ], [ -39.154, -17.921 ], [ -39.137, -17.91 ], [ -39.131, -17.927 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.212, -17.986 ], [ -39.228, -17.979 ], [ -39.215, -17.944 ], [ -39.202, -17.95 ], [ -39.212, -17.986 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.341, -23.231 ], [ -44.372, -23.174 ], [ -44.232, -23.089 ], [ -44.087, -23.173 ], [ -44.3, -23.184 ], [ -44.341, -23.231 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.356, -23.073 ], [ -44.388, -23.048 ], [ -44.373, -23.033 ], [ -44.343, -23.041 ], [ -44.356, -23.073 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.929, -23.014 ], [ -43.936, -22.999 ], [ -43.916, -22.989 ], [ -43.929, -23.014 ] ] ], [ [ [ -42.002, -23.018 ], [ -42.015, -23.003 ], [ -41.98, -22.975 ], [ -41.975, -22.992 ], [ -42.002, -23.018 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.904, -22.962 ], [ -43.907, -22.936 ], [ -43.868, -22.926 ], [ -43.871, -22.95 ], [ -43.904, -22.962 ] ] ], [ [ [ -41.042, -21.613 ], [ -41.042, -21.6 ], [ -41.019, -21.606 ], [ -41.042, -21.613 ] ] ], [ [ [ -52.112, -32 ], [ -52.18, -32.035 ], [ -52.216, -32.025 ], [ -52.198, -31.978 ], [ -52.112, -32 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.641, -30.388 ], [ -50.629, -30.394 ], [ -50.624, -30.329 ], [ -50.592, -30.399 ], [ -50.609, -30.406 ], [ -50.641, -30.388 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.526, -27.462 ], [ -48.416, -27.38 ], [ -48.358, -27.446 ], [ -48.503, -27.799 ], [ -48.559, -27.842 ], [ -48.526, -27.462 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.354, -27.296 ], [ -48.376, -27.285 ], [ -48.373, -27.271 ], [ -48.36, -27.27 ], [ -48.354, -27.296 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.731, -26.314 ], [ -48.754, -26.297 ], [ -48.735, -26.282 ], [ -48.731, -26.314 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.318, -25.584 ], [ -48.309, -25.546 ], [ -48.381, -25.504 ], [ -48.312, -25.509 ], [ -48.292, -25.545 ], [ -48.318, -25.584 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.414, -25.544 ], [ -48.459, -25.514 ], [ -48.415, -25.527 ], [ -48.414, -25.544 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.424, -25.551 ], [ -48.479, -25.523 ], [ -48.485, -25.502 ], [ -48.424, -25.551 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.298, -25.493 ], [ -48.341, -25.416 ], [ -48.252, -25.341 ], [ -48.265, -25.44 ], [ -48.253, -25.466 ], [ -48.298, -25.493 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.417, -25.386 ], [ -48.424, -25.343 ], [ -48.405, -25.33 ], [ -48.417, -25.386 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.695, -24.112 ], [ -45.688, -24.088 ], [ -45.679, -24.098 ], [ -45.695, -24.112 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.251, -23.962 ], [ -45.301, -23.909 ], [ -45.453, -23.91 ], [ -45.332, -23.721 ], [ -45.227, -23.774 ], [ -45.224, -23.835 ], [ -45.283, -23.857 ], [ -45.221, -23.899 ], [ -45.251, -23.962 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.141, -23.817 ], [ -45.146, -23.791 ], [ -45.114, -23.801 ], [ -45.141, -23.817 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.153, -23.573 ], [ -45.153, -23.558 ], [ -45.141, -23.568 ], [ -45.153, -23.573 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.073, -23.564 ], [ -45.079, -23.525 ], [ -45.036, -23.531 ], [ -45.073, -23.564 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.608, -23.228 ], [ -44.59, -23.208 ], [ -44.577, -23.216 ], [ -44.608, -23.228 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.648, -12.821 ], [ -38.666, -12.777 ], [ -38.624, -12.762 ], [ -38.648, -12.821 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.529, -12.811 ], [ -38.544, -12.757 ], [ -38.532, -12.74 ], [ -38.508, -12.792 ], [ -38.529, -12.811 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.622, -12.752 ], [ -38.622, -12.727 ], [ -38.593, -12.733 ], [ -38.622, -12.752 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.646, -12.683 ], [ -38.648, -12.65 ], [ -38.636, -12.661 ], [ -38.646, -12.683 ] ] ], [ [ [ -32.402, -3.838 ], [ -32.428, -3.877 ], [ -32.483, -3.878 ], [ -32.402, -3.838 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.667, -3.179 ], [ -44.668, -3.16 ], [ -44.643, -3.148 ], [ -44.644, -3.17 ], [ -44.667, -3.179 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.671, -2.943 ], [ -44.67, -2.92 ], [ -44.647, -2.915 ], [ -44.671, -2.943 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.493, -2.641 ], [ -44.48, -2.601 ], [ -44.477, -2.627 ], [ -44.493, -2.641 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.897, -2.573 ], [ -43.896, -2.554 ], [ -43.886, -2.565 ], [ -43.897, -2.573 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.599, -2.503 ], [ -43.577, -2.471 ], [ -43.572, -2.483 ], [ -43.599, -2.503 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.822, -2.526 ], [ -43.829, -2.509 ], [ -43.813, -2.458 ], [ -43.812, -2.553 ], [ -43.82, -2.528 ], [ -43.822, -2.526 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.821, -2.529 ], [ -43.856, -2.502 ], [ -43.832, -2.439 ], [ -43.842, -2.504 ], [ -43.821, -2.529 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.863, -2.56 ], [ -43.875, -2.552 ], [ -43.865, -2.534 ], [ -43.863, -2.56 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.519, -2.536 ], [ -44.529, -2.526 ], [ -44.501, -2.48 ], [ -44.505, -2.444 ], [ -44.455, -2.434 ], [ -44.519, -2.536 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.602, -3.007 ], [ -44.657, -2.972 ], [ -44.613, -2.894 ], [ -44.575, -2.921 ], [ -44.602, -3.007 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.585, -2.978 ], [ -44.563, -2.914 ], [ -44.586, -2.826 ], [ -44.494, -2.705 ], [ -44.494, -2.953 ], [ -44.582, -3.041 ], [ -44.585, -2.978 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.826, -2.434 ], [ -43.842, -2.403 ], [ -43.811, -2.385 ], [ -43.807, -2.412 ], [ -43.826, -2.434 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.581, -2.441 ], [ -43.615, -2.389 ], [ -43.549, -2.377 ], [ -43.545, -2.403 ], [ -43.581, -2.441 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.791, -2.47 ], [ -43.806, -2.443 ], [ -43.78, -2.422 ], [ -43.759, -2.448 ], [ -43.791, -2.47 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.513, -2.424 ], [ -43.537, -2.416 ], [ -43.522, -2.39 ], [ -43.505, -2.414 ], [ -43.513, -2.424 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.792, -2.405 ], [ -43.798, -2.377 ], [ -43.771, -2.37 ], [ -43.792, -2.405 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.689, -2.355 ], [ -43.743, -2.352 ], [ -43.724, -2.305 ], [ -43.617, -2.253 ], [ -43.612, -2.275 ], [ -43.669, -2.301 ], [ -43.689, -2.355 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.73, -2.425 ], [ -43.732, -2.364 ], [ -43.67, -2.377 ], [ -43.681, -2.34 ], [ -43.63, -2.324 ], [ -43.643, -2.394 ], [ -43.73, -2.425 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.473, -2.125 ], [ -44.487, -2.113 ], [ -44.475, -2.096 ], [ -44.463, -2.104 ], [ -44.473, -2.125 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.456, -2.031 ], [ -44.447, -2.008 ], [ -44.439, -2.022 ], [ -44.456, -2.031 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.311, -1.964 ], [ -49.336, -1.996 ], [ -49.309, -1.943 ], [ -49.311, -1.964 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.323, -2.054 ], [ -49.329, -2.019 ], [ -49.316, -2.001 ], [ -49.323, -2.054 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.231, -1.829 ], [ -50.246, -1.824 ], [ -50.229, -1.816 ], [ -50.231, -1.829 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.615, -1.821 ], [ -44.622, -1.797 ], [ -44.597, -1.774 ], [ -44.583, -1.789 ], [ -44.615, -1.821 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.7, -1.811 ], [ -44.703, -1.78 ], [ -44.673, -1.78 ], [ -44.7, -1.811 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.691, -1.793 ], [ -49.721, -1.789 ], [ -49.719, -1.771 ], [ -49.697, -1.766 ], [ -49.691, -1.793 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.924, -1.711 ], [ -48.909, -1.713 ], [ -48.916, -1.734 ], [ -48.935, -1.713 ], [ -48.924, -1.711 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.757, -1.707 ], [ -44.767, -1.694 ], [ -44.736, -1.701 ], [ -44.757, -1.707 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.433, -1.684 ], [ -49.454, -1.706 ], [ -49.46, -1.684 ], [ -49.433, -1.684 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.357, -1.008 ], [ -46.342, -0.994 ], [ -46.353, -1.026 ], [ -46.357, -1.008 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.205, -1.021 ], [ -46.194, -1.014 ], [ -46.202, -1.032 ], [ -46.205, -1.021 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.662, -3.018 ], [ -44.673, -3.012 ], [ -44.664, -3.001 ], [ -44.649, -3.013 ], [ -44.662, -3.018 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.736, -1.683 ], [ -44.745, -1.677 ], [ -44.732, -1.668 ], [ -44.736, -1.683 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.231, -1.638 ], [ -49.237, -1.627 ], [ -49.217, -1.633 ], [ -49.231, -1.638 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.38, -1.685 ], [ -49.4, -1.682 ], [ -49.368, -1.669 ], [ -49.38, -1.685 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.426, -1.673 ], [ -49.429, -1.661 ], [ -49.406, -1.66 ], [ -49.426, -1.673 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.34, -1.672 ], [ -49.358, -1.662 ], [ -49.325, -1.647 ], [ -49.34, -1.672 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.289, -1.726 ], [ -45.305, -1.663 ], [ -45.257, -1.641 ], [ -45.244, -1.678 ], [ -45.28, -1.694 ], [ -45.289, -1.726 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.328, -1.743 ], [ -45.346, -1.719 ], [ -45.301, -1.596 ], [ -45.274, -1.635 ], [ -45.313, -1.654 ], [ -45.328, -1.743 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.886, -1.578 ], [ -48.89, -1.56 ], [ -48.859, -1.536 ], [ -48.856, -1.553 ], [ -48.886, -1.578 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.783, -1.682 ], [ -44.8, -1.595 ], [ -44.775, -1.62 ], [ -44.721, -1.567 ], [ -44.704, -1.611 ], [ -44.684, -1.575 ], [ -44.668, -1.669 ], [ -44.693, -1.638 ], [ -44.783, -1.682 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.816, -1.569 ], [ -44.837, -1.534 ], [ -44.787, -1.488 ], [ -44.825, -1.534 ], [ -44.816, -1.569 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.462, -1.517 ], [ -48.478, -1.499 ], [ -48.421, -1.503 ], [ -48.462, -1.517 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.793, -1.531 ], [ -44.774, -1.47 ], [ -44.763, -1.513 ], [ -44.793, -1.531 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.414, -1.427 ], [ -45.423, -1.416 ], [ -45.409, -1.405 ], [ -45.414, -1.427 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45, -1.296 ], [ -44.922, -1.265 ], [ -44.877, -1.309 ], [ -44.895, -1.34 ], [ -44.922, -1.305 ], [ -44.907, -1.341 ], [ -44.999, -1.405 ], [ -45.033, -1.339 ], [ -45, -1.32 ], [ -44.995, -1.36 ], [ -45, -1.296 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.044, -1.402 ], [ -45.07, -1.33 ], [ -45.052, -1.342 ], [ -45.044, -1.402 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.333, -1.569 ], [ -45.371, -1.544 ], [ -45.347, -1.489 ], [ -45.313, -1.506 ], [ -45.333, -1.569 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.969, -1.522 ], [ -44.976, -1.493 ], [ -44.959, -1.483 ], [ -44.969, -1.522 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.393, -1.512 ], [ -48.371, -1.476 ], [ -48.341, -1.483 ], [ -48.393, -1.512 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.413, -1.498 ], [ -48.426, -1.491 ], [ -48.387, -1.476 ], [ -48.413, -1.498 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.118, -1.47 ], [ -45.132, -1.462 ], [ -45.115, -1.364 ], [ -45.103, -1.373 ], [ -45.118, -1.47 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.593, -1.251 ], [ -45.581, -1.19 ], [ -45.536, -1.205 ], [ -45.532, -1.231 ], [ -45.593, -1.251 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.559, -1.243 ], [ -48.56, -1.202 ], [ -48.523, -1.199 ], [ -48.559, -1.243 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.817, -1.163 ], [ -45.829, -1.141 ], [ -45.804, -1.127 ], [ -45.817, -1.163 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.877, -1.154 ], [ -45.9, -1.117 ], [ -45.883, -1.073 ], [ -45.849, -1.123 ], [ -45.877, -1.154 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.192, -1.05 ], [ -46.201, -1.041 ], [ -46.185, -1.027 ], [ -46.192, -1.05 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.291, -1.01 ], [ -46.307, -0.992 ], [ -46.306, -0.961 ], [ -46.291, -1.01 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.078, -1.095 ], [ -46.065, -1.05 ], [ -46.061, -1.074 ], [ -46.078, -1.095 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.68, -1.295 ], [ -45.687, -1.275 ], [ -45.667, -1.26 ], [ -45.654, -1.285 ], [ -45.68, -1.295 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.538, -1.282 ], [ -48.549, -1.262 ], [ -48.53, -1.25 ], [ -48.538, -1.282 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.51, -1.27 ], [ -48.522, -1.247 ], [ -48.506, -1.236 ], [ -48.51, -1.27 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.694, -1.37 ], [ -45.646, -1.289 ], [ -45.625, -1.126 ], [ -45.634, -1.349 ], [ -45.694, -1.37 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.688, -1.266 ], [ -45.708, -1.228 ], [ -45.685, -1.194 ], [ -45.664, -1.231 ], [ -45.688, -1.266 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.425, -0.914 ], [ -46.454, -0.907 ], [ -46.408, -0.868 ], [ -46.395, -0.899 ], [ -46.425, -0.914 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.72, -0.848 ], [ -46.735, -0.832 ], [ -46.729, -0.796 ], [ -46.72, -0.848 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.611, -0.799 ], [ -46.622, -0.784 ], [ -46.601, -0.789 ], [ -46.611, -0.799 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.586, -0.849 ], [ -46.621, -0.807 ], [ -46.589, -0.815 ], [ -46.586, -0.849 ] ] ], [ [ [ -47.447, -0.748 ], [ -47.453, -0.732 ], [ -47.436, -0.717 ], [ -47.428, -0.738 ], [ -47.447, -0.748 ] ] ], [ [ [ -47.461, -0.741 ], [ -47.463, -0.702 ], [ -47.445, -0.697 ], [ -47.461, -0.741 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.214, -0.411 ], [ -51.211, -0.386 ], [ -51.164, -0.347 ], [ -51.163, -0.383 ], [ -51.214, -0.411 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.352, -0.353 ], [ -51.346, -0.31 ], [ -51.317, -0.268 ], [ -51.327, -0.33 ], [ -51.352, -0.353 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.127, -0.268 ], [ -51.131, -0.237 ], [ -51.091, -0.208 ], [ -51.087, -0.229 ], [ -51.127, -0.268 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.888, -0.198 ], [ -48.91, -0.188 ], [ -48.893, -0.134 ], [ -48.847, -0.177 ], [ -48.888, -0.198 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.174, -0.091 ], [ -51.191, -0.064 ], [ -51.126, -0.057 ], [ -51.174, -0.091 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.114, -0.146 ], [ -49.097, -0.121 ], [ -49.08, -0.13 ], [ -49.114, -0.146 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.166, -0.142 ], [ -49.188, -0.115 ], [ -49.156, -0.128 ], [ -49.166, -0.142 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.119, -0.141 ], [ -49.143, -0.107 ], [ -49.114, -0.11 ], [ -49.119, -0.141 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.127, -0.128 ], [ -51.094, -0.103 ], [ -51.108, -0.127 ], [ -51.127, -0.128 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.414, -0.999 ], [ -46.384, -0.941 ], [ -46.367, -0.948 ], [ -46.414, -0.999 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.647, -0.97 ], [ -46.658, -0.968 ], [ -46.618, -0.957 ], [ -46.647, -0.97 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.488, -0.942 ], [ -46.465, -0.877 ], [ -46.464, -0.924 ], [ -46.44, -0.922 ], [ -46.482, -0.976 ], [ -46.441, -0.999 ], [ -46.525, -1.016 ], [ -46.527, -0.917 ], [ -46.509, -0.984 ], [ -46.488, -0.942 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.632, 0.159 ], [ -49.662, 0.184 ], [ -49.629, 0.202 ], [ -49.61, 0.181 ], [ -49.632, 0.159 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.641, 0.26 ], [ -50.63, 0.293 ], [ -50.586, 0.308 ], [ -50.641, 0.26 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.2, 0.255 ], [ -50.243, 0.248 ], [ -50.147, 0.337 ], [ -50.059, 0.346 ], [ -50.2, 0.255 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.417, 0.159 ], [ -50.535, 0.234 ], [ -50.36, 0.615 ], [ -50.328, 0.383 ], [ -50.285, 0.3 ], [ -50.413, 0.237 ], [ -50.417, 0.159 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.279, 0.338 ], [ -50.271, 0.599 ], [ -50.147, 0.608 ], [ -50.142, 0.576 ], [ -50.107, 0.636 ], [ -50.063, 0.623 ], [ -50.05, 0.518 ], [ -50.279, 0.338 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50, 0.943 ], [ -50.113, 0.907 ], [ -50.018, 1.034 ], [ -49.935, 1.069 ], [ -49.939, 0.996 ], [ -50, 0.943 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.881, 1.227 ], [ -49.909, 1.246 ], [ -49.886, 1.244 ], [ -49.881, 1.227 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.907, 1.278 ], [ -49.885, 1.291 ], [ -49.863, 1.278 ], [ -49.876, 1.252 ], [ -49.907, 1.278 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.204, 1.851 ], [ -50.232, 1.879 ], [ -50.22, 1.915 ], [ -50.169, 1.865 ], [ -50.204, 1.851 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.468, 1.954 ], [ -50.521, 2.026 ], [ -50.497, 2.139 ], [ -50.398, 2.167 ], [ -50.367, 2.19 ], [ -50.276, 1.939 ], [ -50.423, 1.849 ], [ -50.468, 1.954 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.504, 2.255 ], [ -50.414, 2.244 ], [ -50.382, 2.204 ], [ -50.489, 2.15 ], [ -50.564, 2.205 ], [ -50.504, 2.255 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.229, 0.832 ], [ -50.098, 0.839 ], [ -50.027, 0.898 ], [ -50.105, 0.757 ], [ -50.162, 0.775 ], [ -50.249, 0.72 ], [ -50.229, 0.832 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.131, 0.844 ], [ -50.162, 0.867 ], [ -50.132, 0.9 ], [ -50.119, 0.854 ], [ -50.131, 0.844 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.108, 0.85 ], [ -50.111, 0.891 ], [ -50.049, 0.886 ], [ -50.108, 0.85 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.216, -0.055 ], [ -50.235, -0.042 ], [ -50.219, -0.04 ], [ -50.216, -0.055 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.916, -0.052 ], [ -50.926, -0.047 ], [ -50.907, -0.043 ], [ -50.916, -0.052 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.605, -0.061 ], [ -50.618, -0.022 ], [ -50.559, -0.038 ], [ -50.605, -0.061 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.399, -0.061 ], [ -50.44, -0.057 ], [ -50.378, -0.015 ], [ -50.357, -0.049 ], [ -50.399, -0.061 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.75, 0 ], [ -49.609, 0.08 ], [ -49.474, 0.081 ], [ -49.338, -0.017 ], [ -49.487, -0.136 ], [ -49.723, -0.147 ], [ -49.835, -0.088 ], [ -49.75, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.023, -0.019 ], [ -49.039, -0.011 ], [ -49.02, -0.006 ], [ -49.023, -0.019 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.932, 0.052 ], [ -50.918, 0.084 ], [ -50.884, 0.078 ], [ -50.899, 0.057 ], [ -50.932, 0.052 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.928, 0 ], [ -50.786, 0.05 ], [ -50.717, 0.028 ], [ -50.94, -0.041 ], [ -50.928, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.691, 0.025 ], [ -50.655, 0.015 ], [ -50.703, 0.021 ], [ -50.691, 0.025 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.629, -0.043 ], [ -50.642, -0.016 ], [ -50.622, -0.026 ], [ -50.629, -0.043 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.642, 0 ], [ -50.611, 0.007 ], [ -50.595, -0.019 ], [ -50.642, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.536, 0 ], [ -50.653, 0.126 ], [ -50.59, 0.203 ], [ -50.434, 0.126 ], [ -50.436, 0 ], [ -50.536, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50, 0.311 ], [ -49.674, 0.368 ], [ -49.601, 0.283 ], [ -49.86, 0.008 ], [ -49.99, -0.048 ], [ -50.086, 0.034 ], [ -50.351, 0.044 ], [ -50.394, 0.222 ], [ -50.153, 0.227 ], [ -50, 0.311 ] ] ] ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "La costa de lo que hoy es territorio brasileño fue el primer punto al que llegaron los europeos en América del Sur. La primera expedición que exploró la región fue un desprendimiento de la flota portuguesa que Vasco da Gama (c. 1460-1524) llevaba hacia oriente. Las naves dirigidas por Pedro Álvarez de Cabral (1467-1520) se alejaron excesivamente de la costa de África y terminaron en el extremo sur de actual territorio del Estado de Bahía, en que el permanecieron entre abril y mayo del año 1500. Los portuguese establecieron en la costa precarias feitorias para comerciar verzino o palo brasil con los nativos de las sociedades tupí y guaraní nativas. Recién en 1530 la corona brasileña tomaría acciones decididas para organizar la ocupación portuguesa y las actividades de explotación, cuando instaura el régimen de capitanías hereditarias que estructuraría el establecimiento colonial lusitano en brasil. Bibliografía: Johnson, H. B., \"Portuguese Settlement, 1500-1580\", en Bethell, Leslie (ed.), Colonial Brazil, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1987, pp. 1-38; Abulafia, David, El descubrimiento de la humanidad. Encuentros atlánticos en la era de Colón, Barcelona, Crítica, 2009 [2008]; Metcalf, Alida C., Go-Betweens and the Colonization of Brazil, 1500-1600, Austin, University of Texas Press, 2005; Vaz de Caminha, Pêro, Carta del descubrimiento del Brasil, Barcelona, Acantilado, 2009.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-12-03T14:17:24+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 131118, "end" : 131124 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Brasil" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/5840b46b-d5ff-4747-9e26-2700f4a9d9f4", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://sws.geonames.org/3469034", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-01T19:08:23+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-01T19:08:23+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "MultiPolygon", "coordinates" : [ [ [ [ -44.657, -3.018 ], [ -44.608, -3.041 ], [ -44.72, -3.18 ], [ -44.793, -3.198 ], [ -44.779, -3.312 ], [ -44.736, -3.302 ], [ -44.763, -3.225 ], [ -44.653, -3.196 ], [ -44.431, -2.945 ], [ -44.367, -2.643 ], [ -44.362, -2.726 ], [ -44.355, -2.605 ], [ -44.378, -2.566 ], [ -44.345, -2.528 ], [ -44.29, -2.573 ], [ -44.306, -2.487 ], [ -44.02, -2.403 ], [ -44.03, -2.457 ], [ -44.108, -2.468 ], [ -44.035, -2.518 ], [ -44.131, -2.596 ], [ -44.147, -2.681 ], [ -44.219, -2.67 ], [ -44.209, -2.716 ], [ -44.345, -2.791 ], [ -44.347, -2.838 ], [ -44.315, -2.788 ], [ -44.3, -2.843 ], [ -44.266, -2.777 ], [ -44.225, -2.806 ], [ -44.184, -2.766 ], [ -44.208, -2.857 ], [ -44.111, -2.749 ], [ -44.072, -2.811 ], [ -44.05, -2.685 ], [ -43.981, -2.619 ], [ -43.946, -2.641 ], [ -43.933, -2.553 ], [ -43.883, -2.649 ], [ -43.887, -2.578 ], [ -43.803, -2.56 ], [ -43.76, -2.513 ], [ -43.754, -2.556 ], [ -43.729, -2.481 ], [ -43.727, -2.569 ], [ -43.654, -2.556 ], [ -43.682, -2.534 ], [ -43.653, -2.488 ], [ -43.608, -2.593 ], [ -43.603, -2.518 ], [ -43.548, -2.528 ], [ -43.519, -2.445 ], [ -43.498, -2.55 ], [ -43.46, -2.507 ], [ -43.458, -2.596 ], [ -43.401, -2.552 ], [ -43.448, -2.538 ], [ -43.462, -2.427 ], [ -43.359, -2.44 ], [ -43.479, -2.376 ], [ -43.378, -2.329 ], [ -43.4, -2.353 ], [ -43.232, -2.362 ], [ -42.692, -2.596 ], [ -42.709, -2.56 ], [ -42.572, -2.68 ], [ -42.495, -2.689 ], [ -42.503, -2.727 ], [ -42.393, -2.751 ], [ -42.475, -2.706 ], [ -42.375, -2.717 ], [ -42.228, -2.818 ], [ -42.143, -2.808 ], [ -42.256, -2.735 ], [ -42.233, -2.674 ], [ -42.208, -2.712 ], [ -42.098, -2.768 ], [ -42.099, -2.809 ], [ -42.096, -2.747 ], [ -42.216, -2.687 ], [ -42.054, -2.691 ], [ -42.023, -2.775 ], [ -42.017, -2.718 ], [ -41.818, -2.723 ], [ -41.844, -2.773 ], [ -41.797, -2.751 ], [ -41.656, -2.884 ], [ -41.437, -2.939 ], [ -41.395, -2.906 ], [ -41.316, -2.943 ], [ -41.263, -2.887 ], [ -40.838, -2.895 ], [ -40.572, -2.844 ], [ -40.499, -2.787 ], [ -39.888, -2.886 ], [ -39.244, -3.229 ], [ -39.083, -3.394 ], [ -38.978, -3.407 ], [ -38.641, -3.687 ], [ -38.473, -3.7 ], [ -38.377, -3.866 ], [ -38.043, -4.214 ], [ -37.764, -4.399 ], [ -37.588, -4.624 ], [ -37.323, -4.698 ], [ -37.15, -4.943 ], [ -36.958, -4.919 ], [ -36.666, -5.108 ], [ -36.504, -5.061 ], [ -36.297, -5.106 ], [ -35.956, -5.045 ], [ -35.612, -5.11 ], [ -35.385, -5.255 ], [ -35.255, -5.483 ], [ -35.099, -6.169 ], [ -34.983, -6.396 ], [ -34.933, -6.753 ], [ -34.79, -7.159 ], [ -34.842, -7.564 ], [ -34.809, -7.622 ], [ -34.845, -7.69 ], [ -34.827, -8.004 ], [ -35.136, -8.895 ], [ -35.332, -9.237 ], [ -35.689, -9.668 ], [ -35.78, -9.706 ], [ -36.056, -10.083 ], [ -36.266, -10.256 ], [ -36.402, -10.506 ], [ -36.602, -10.567 ], [ -36.934, -10.826 ], [ -37.36, -11.428 ], [ -37.612, -11.979 ], [ -37.996, -12.578 ], [ -38.318, -12.934 ], [ -38.477, -13.022 ], [ -38.532, -13.017 ], [ -38.473, -12.913 ], [ -38.498, -12.722 ], [ -38.603, -12.728 ], [ -38.646, -12.622 ], [ -38.681, -12.661 ], [ -38.718, -12.627 ], [ -38.804, -12.835 ], [ -38.717, -12.873 ], [ -38.769, -12.995 ], [ -38.721, -13.021 ], [ -38.66, -12.963 ], [ -38.686, -12.878 ], [ -38.59, -12.972 ], [ -38.766, -13.129 ], [ -38.807, -13.1 ], [ -38.808, -13.154 ], [ -38.944, -13.243 ], [ -38.973, -13.391 ], [ -38.902, -13.384 ], [ -38.886, -13.45 ], [ -38.95, -13.577 ], [ -38.886, -13.659 ], [ -38.968, -13.67 ], [ -39.006, -13.891 ], [ -39.064, -13.865 ], [ -39.075, -13.887 ], [ -38.986, -13.998 ], [ -38.952, -13.986 ], [ -38.982, -13.912 ], [ -38.938, -13.886 ], [ -38.922, -13.92 ], [ -39.061, -14.716 ], [ -38.962, -15.585 ], [ -38.857, -15.86 ], [ -38.973, -16.211 ], [ -39.032, -16.26 ], [ -39.01, -16.369 ], [ -39.078, -16.454 ], [ -39.143, -16.762 ], [ -39.113, -16.896 ], [ -39.212, -17.155 ], [ -39.193, -17.602 ], [ -39.135, -17.691 ], [ -39.264, -17.869 ], [ -39.435, -17.943 ], [ -39.563, -18.091 ], [ -39.721, -18.493 ], [ -39.749, -18.81 ], [ -39.692, -19.353 ], [ -39.805, -19.65 ], [ -39.951, -19.717 ], [ -40.151, -19.956 ], [ -40.236, -20.285 ], [ -40.353, -20.32 ], [ -40.329, -20.236 ], [ -40.359, -20.291 ], [ -40.365, -20.317 ], [ -40.35, -20.328 ], [ -40.268, -20.327 ], [ -40.402, -20.606 ], [ -40.466, -20.624 ], [ -40.627, -20.845 ], [ -40.65, -20.813 ], [ -40.756, -20.866 ], [ -40.853, -21.133 ], [ -40.955, -21.251 ], [ -40.96, -21.364 ], [ -41.065, -21.495 ], [ -41.051, -21.608 ], [ -41.038, -21.622 ], [ -41.007, -21.618 ], [ -40.99, -22.014 ], [ -41.229, -22.151 ], [ -41.668, -22.294 ], [ -41.962, -22.538 ], [ -41.986, -22.713 ], [ -41.919, -22.774 ], [ -41.864, -22.759 ], [ -42.023, -22.896 ], [ -42.037, -22.94 ], [ -41.99, -22.964 ], [ -42.018, -22.998 ], [ -42.086, -22.957 ], [ -42.529, -22.934 ], [ -43.05, -22.982 ], [ -43.132, -22.941 ], [ -43.025, -22.741 ], [ -43.084, -22.68 ], [ -43.216, -22.725 ], [ -43.287, -22.806 ], [ -43.24, -22.847 ], [ -43.249, -22.797 ], [ -43.156, -22.784 ], [ -43.247, -22.882 ], [ -43.164, -22.899 ], [ -43.187, -22.995 ], [ -43.344, -22.983 ], [ -43.303, -23.02 ], [ -43.549, -23.081 ], [ -44.001, -23.1 ], [ -43.961, -23.042 ], [ -43.877, -23.067 ], [ -43.909, -23.02 ], [ -43.807, -23.063 ], [ -43.555, -23.055 ], [ -43.84, -22.906 ], [ -43.985, -22.937 ], [ -44.034, -23.014 ], [ -44.044, -22.923 ], [ -44.107, -23.03 ], [ -44.234, -23.06 ], [ -44.238, -23.004 ], [ -44.358, -23.02 ], [ -44.296, -22.961 ], [ -44.321, -22.927 ], [ -44.378, -22.972 ], [ -44.407, -22.945 ], [ -44.443, -23.035 ], [ -44.669, -23.06 ], [ -44.712, -23.19 ], [ -44.701, -23.237 ], [ -44.645, -23.191 ], [ -44.612, -23.206 ], [ -44.685, -23.256 ], [ -44.611, -23.238 ], [ -44.652, -23.302 ], [ -44.558, -23.232 ], [ -44.577, -23.275 ], [ -44.498, -23.302 ], [ -44.583, -23.367 ], [ -44.669, -23.341 ], [ -44.84, -23.395 ], [ -44.905, -23.339 ], [ -45.05, -23.418 ], [ -45.016, -23.461 ], [ -45.079, -23.519 ], [ -45.165, -23.495 ], [ -45.159, -23.541 ], [ -45.228, -23.547 ], [ -45.211, -23.582 ], [ -45.41, -23.632 ], [ -45.412, -23.825 ], [ -45.934, -23.771 ], [ -46.124, -23.842 ], [ -46.2, -24.002 ], [ -46.288, -24.044 ], [ -46.321, -24 ], [ -46.458, -24.025 ], [ -46.937, -24.281 ], [ -47.024, -24.382 ], [ -47.004, -24.412 ], [ -47.86, -24.996 ], [ -47.914, -25.061 ], [ -47.915, -25.16 ], [ -48.213, -25.47 ], [ -48.254, -25.435 ], [ -48.222, -25.342 ], [ -48.208, -25.353 ], [ -48.121, -25.267 ], [ -48.253, -25.328 ], [ -48.284, -25.294 ], [ -48.317, -25.363 ], [ -48.327, -25.232 ], [ -48.366, -25.317 ], [ -48.433, -25.237 ], [ -48.428, -25.324 ], [ -48.5, -25.335 ], [ -48.427, -25.39 ], [ -48.449, -25.379 ], [ -48.468, -25.388 ], [ -48.467, -25.432 ], [ -48.449, -25.384 ], [ -48.414, -25.428 ], [ -48.476, -25.485 ], [ -48.637, -25.468 ], [ -48.661, -25.398 ], [ -48.671, -25.435 ], [ -48.739, -25.374 ], [ -48.68, -25.465 ], [ -48.687, -25.499 ], [ -48.737, -25.483 ], [ -48.703, -25.504 ], [ -48.617, -25.536 ], [ -48.512, -25.505 ], [ -48.482, -25.591 ], [ -48.46, -25.552 ], [ -48.35, -25.581 ], [ -48.565, -25.868 ], [ -48.614, -26.06 ], [ -48.586, -26.172 ], [ -48.714, -26.243 ], [ -48.795, -26.073 ], [ -48.837, -26.157 ], [ -48.798, -26.142 ], [ -48.763, -26.199 ], [ -48.805, -26.228 ], [ -48.769, -26.223 ], [ -48.761, -26.286 ], [ -48.803, -26.303 ], [ -48.723, -26.362 ], [ -48.635, -26.374 ], [ -48.714, -26.308 ], [ -48.554, -26.172 ], [ -48.493, -26.224 ], [ -48.695, -26.658 ], [ -48.665, -26.769 ], [ -48.583, -26.786 ], [ -48.655, -26.909 ], [ -48.62, -27.007 ], [ -48.574, -27.011 ], [ -48.607, -27.122 ], [ -48.554, -27.152 ], [ -48.51, -27.108 ], [ -48.469, -27.148 ], [ -48.511, -27.183 ], [ -48.486, -27.218 ], [ -48.531, -27.18 ], [ -48.612, -27.243 ], [ -48.596, -27.318 ], [ -48.529, -27.334 ], [ -48.649, -27.486 ], [ -48.572, -27.592 ], [ -48.653, -27.648 ], [ -48.575, -27.888 ], [ -48.761, -28.535 ], [ -48.813, -28.605 ], [ -49.37, -28.92 ], [ -49.334, -28.921 ], [ -49.702, -29.308 ], [ -50.006, -29.749 ], [ -50.316, -30.472 ], [ -50.848, -31.205 ], [ -51.303, -31.613 ], [ -51.877, -31.952 ], [ -52.071, -32.188 ], [ -52.012, -31.946 ], [ -52.092, -31.837 ], [ -51.851, -31.865 ], [ -51.777, -31.805 ], [ -51.854, -31.797 ], [ -51.65, -31.759 ], [ -51.478, -31.562 ], [ -51.43, -31.622 ], [ -51.458, -31.548 ], [ -51.424, -31.478 ], [ -51.351, -31.529 ], [ -51.234, -31.458 ], [ -51.16, -31.31 ], [ -51.166, -31.063 ], [ -51.109, -31.097 ], [ -50.985, -31.042 ], [ -50.965, -30.893 ], [ -50.888, -30.893 ], [ -50.705, -30.756 ], [ -50.677, -30.61 ], [ -50.725, -30.371 ], [ -50.692, -30.355 ], [ -50.625, -30.409 ], [ -50.641, -30.459 ], [ -50.569, -30.471 ], [ -50.534, -30.278 ], [ -50.601, -30.194 ], [ -50.659, -30.201 ], [ -50.661, -30.293 ], [ -50.918, -30.333 ], [ -50.934, -30.42 ], [ -50.889, -30.439 ], [ -50.921, -30.44 ], [ -51.052, -30.395 ], [ -51.034, -30.276 ], [ -51.146, -30.267 ], [ -51.246, -30.188 ], [ -51.23, -30.043 ], [ -51.295, -30.007 ], [ -51.326, -30.23 ], [ -51.271, -30.25 ], [ -51.293, -30.295 ], [ -51.246, -30.33 ], [ -51.209, -30.3 ], [ -51.179, -30.383 ], [ -51.092, -30.367 ], [ -51.129, -30.436 ], [ -51.202, -30.413 ], [ -51.269, -30.489 ], [ -51.282, -30.811 ], [ -51.33, -30.777 ], [ -51.294, -30.758 ], [ -51.319, -30.64 ], [ -51.375, -30.635 ], [ -51.404, -30.769 ], [ -51.367, -30.874 ], [ -51.457, -30.874 ], [ -51.501, -30.935 ], [ -51.436, -31.088 ], [ -51.611, -31.138 ], [ -51.613, -31.272 ], [ -51.915, -31.313 ], [ -52.002, -31.449 ], [ -52.031, -31.693 ], [ -52.218, -31.747 ], [ -52.247, -31.871 ], [ -52.106, -31.952 ], [ -52.216, -31.963 ], [ -52.263, -32.062 ], [ -52.209, -32.045 ], [ -52.225, -32.096 ], [ -52.082, -32.033 ], [ -52.162, -32.128 ], [ -52.09, -32.069 ], [ -52.084, -32.186 ], [ -52.16, -32.201 ], [ -52.341, -32.43 ], [ -52.488, -32.844 ], [ -52.66, -33.165 ], [ -53.227, -33.658 ], [ -53.421, -33.741 ], [ -53.524, -33.689 ], [ -53.515, -33.163 ], [ -53.434, -33.054 ], [ -53.243, -32.936 ], [ -53.294, -32.911 ], [ -53.074, -32.746 ], [ -53.244, -32.605 ], [ -53.39, -32.583 ], [ -53.46, -32.48 ], [ -53.595, -32.432 ], [ -53.73, -32.157 ], [ -53.714, -32.104 ], [ -53.965, -31.919 ], [ -54.096, -31.906 ], [ -54.466, -31.666 ], [ -54.491, -31.54 ], [ -54.591, -31.448 ], [ -54.836, -31.446 ], [ -54.945, -31.392 ], [ -55.014, -31.285 ], [ -55.091, -31.326 ], [ -55.245, -31.257 ], [ -55.374, -31.038 ], [ -55.594, -30.848 ], [ -55.635, -30.857 ], [ -55.657, -30.956 ], [ -55.87, -31.08 ], [ -56.008, -31.063 ], [ -55.987, -30.86 ], [ -56.021, -30.784 ], [ -56.127, -30.739 ], [ -56.177, -30.614 ], [ -56.384, -30.495 ], [ -56.459, -30.387 ], [ -56.545, -30.364 ], [ -56.54, -30.312 ], [ -56.617, -30.303 ], [ -56.644, -30.205 ], [ -56.776, -30.166 ], [ -56.804, -30.107 ], [ -57.068, -30.088 ], [ -57.207, -30.281 ], [ -57.313, -30.26 ], [ -57.396, -30.303 ], [ -57.538, -30.275 ], [ -57.618, -30.179 ], [ -57.505, -30.143 ], [ -57.342, -30.001 ], [ -57.319, -29.87 ], [ -57.254, -29.794 ], [ -57.105, -29.752 ], [ -56.972, -29.639 ], [ -56.676, -29.321 ], [ -56.593, -29.123 ], [ -56.425, -29.073 ], [ -56.285, -28.794 ], [ -56.185, -28.771 ], [ -56.016, -28.611 ], [ -56.011, -28.509 ], [ -55.888, -28.479 ], [ -55.875, -28.362 ], [ -55.696, -28.425 ], [ -55.671, -28.333 ], [ -55.773, -28.247 ], [ -55.605, -28.123 ], [ -55.554, -28.164 ], [ -55.496, -28.081 ], [ -55.444, -28.097 ], [ -55.323, -27.928 ], [ -55.196, -27.863 ], [ -55.134, -27.895 ], [ -55.117, -27.853 ], [ -55.032, -27.854 ], [ -55.082, -27.789 ], [ -54.941, -27.775 ], [ -54.809, -27.536 ], [ -54.781, -27.586 ], [ -54.683, -27.576 ], [ -54.678, -27.514 ], [ -54.624, -27.55 ], [ -54.576, -27.458 ], [ -54.525, -27.507 ], [ -54.415, -27.412 ], [ -54.353, -27.468 ], [ -54.339, -27.406 ], [ -54.282, -27.447 ], [ -54.176, -27.261 ], [ -54.089, -27.303 ], [ -53.949, -27.158 ], [ -53.799, -27.147 ], [ -53.795, -27.048 ], [ -53.761, -27.068 ], [ -53.662, -26.869 ], [ -53.751, -26.745 ], [ -53.707, -26.563 ], [ -53.738, -26.548 ], [ -53.592, -26.265 ], [ -53.722, -26.13 ], [ -53.733, -26.047 ], [ -53.837, -25.969 ], [ -53.824, -25.793 ], [ -53.891, -25.625 ], [ -53.951, -25.644 ], [ -54.016, -25.569 ], [ -54.101, -25.625 ], [ -54.111, -25.504 ], [ -54.213, -25.554 ], [ -54.184, -25.591 ], [ -54.289, -25.562 ], [ -54.387, -25.608 ], [ -54.43, -25.706 ], [ -54.596, -25.595 ], [ -54.617, -25.459 ], [ -54.437, -25.157 ], [ -54.458, -25.031 ], [ -54.336, -24.649 ], [ -54.333, -24.493 ], [ -54.262, -24.376 ], [ -54.33, -24.225 ], [ -54.282, -24.075 ], [ -54.411, -23.929 ], [ -54.668, -23.815 ], [ -55.061, -23.991 ], [ -55.112, -23.963 ], [ -55.226, -24.013 ], [ -55.413, -23.961 ], [ -55.434, -23.714 ], [ -55.535, -23.614 ], [ -55.522, -23.197 ], [ -55.596, -23.141 ], [ -55.64, -22.994 ], [ -55.685, -22.992 ], [ -55.613, -22.659 ], [ -55.736, -22.532 ], [ -55.74, -22.396 ], [ -55.854, -22.281 ], [ -56.208, -22.281 ], [ -56.341, -22.206 ], [ -56.403, -22.078 ], [ -56.519, -22.103 ], [ -56.643, -22.261 ], [ -56.698, -22.216 ], [ -56.728, -22.26 ], [ -56.808, -22.25 ], [ -56.831, -22.3 ], [ -57.001, -22.225 ], [ -57.203, -22.21 ], [ -57.243, -22.244 ], [ -57.553, -22.181 ], [ -57.616, -22.096 ], [ -57.803, -22.148 ], [ -57.989, -22.085 ], [ -58.005, -22.032 ], [ -57.919, -21.881 ], [ -57.969, -21.844 ], [ -57.913, -21.793 ], [ -57.947, -21.747 ], [ -57.894, -21.687 ], [ -57.968, -21.528 ], [ -57.855, -21.339 ], [ -57.918, -21.278 ], [ -57.854, -21.226 ], [ -57.866, -21.041 ], [ -57.818, -20.976 ], [ -57.927, -20.897 ], [ -57.855, -20.835 ], [ -57.961, -20.784 ], [ -57.869, -20.736 ], [ -57.923, -20.666 ], [ -57.988, -20.696 ], [ -57.994, -20.448 ], [ -58.082, -20.372 ], [ -58.092, -20.257 ], [ -58.154, -20.264 ], [ -58.125, -20.188 ], [ -58.163, -20.162 ], [ -57.872, -19.979 ], [ -58.134, -19.761 ], [ -57.79, -19.051 ], [ -57.709, -19.034 ], [ -57.757, -18.858 ], [ -57.56, -18.263 ], [ -57.458, -18.228 ], [ -57.568, -18.136 ], [ -57.702, -17.86 ], [ -57.715, -17.735 ], [ -57.785, -17.645 ], [ -57.773, -17.553 ], [ -57.878, -17.463 ], [ -58.003, -17.52 ], [ -58.114, -17.456 ], [ -58.395, -17.197 ], [ -58.421, -16.99 ], [ -58.47, -16.939 ], [ -58.468, -16.702 ], [ -58.442, -16.613 ], [ -58.34, -16.542 ], [ -58.309, -16.27 ], [ -58.471, -16.325 ], [ -60.173, -16.265 ], [ -60.236, -15.476 ], [ -60.565, -15.105 ], [ -60.253, -15.101 ], [ -60.257, -14.624 ], [ -60.338, -14.555 ], [ -60.482, -14.181 ], [ -60.468, -14.092 ], [ -60.378, -13.992 ], [ -60.468, -13.886 ], [ -60.468, -13.801 ], [ -60.793, -13.686 ], [ -60.962, -13.539 ], [ -61.044, -13.541 ], [ -61.028, -13.477 ], [ -61.069, -13.463 ], [ -61.139, -13.521 ], [ -61.249, -13.525 ], [ -61.33, -13.473 ], [ -61.486, -13.554 ], [ -61.578, -13.494 ], [ -61.824, -13.539 ], [ -61.866, -13.443 ], [ -62.108, -13.257 ], [ -62.109, -13.149 ], [ -62.165, -13.112 ], [ -62.368, -13.145 ], [ -62.464, -13.07 ], [ -62.637, -13.041 ], [ -62.674, -12.965 ], [ -62.764, -13.023 ], [ -62.923, -12.854 ], [ -62.996, -12.85 ], [ -63.082, -12.653 ], [ -63.327, -12.705 ], [ -63.482, -12.557 ], [ -63.712, -12.458 ], [ -63.875, -12.469 ], [ -63.937, -12.557 ], [ -64.127, -12.494 ], [ -64.152, -12.529 ], [ -64.215, -12.476 ], [ -64.278, -12.511 ], [ -64.493, -12.366 ], [ -64.486, -12.23 ], [ -64.654, -12.186 ], [ -64.683, -12.099 ], [ -64.725, -12.162 ], [ -64.798, -12.035 ], [ -64.993, -11.999 ], [ -65.048, -11.757 ], [ -65.112, -11.741 ], [ -65.106, -11.697 ], [ -65.135, -11.777 ], [ -65.201, -11.745 ], [ -65.161, -11.622 ], [ -65.218, -11.521 ], [ -65.299, -11.5 ], [ -65.338, -11.392 ], [ -65.31, -11.341 ], [ -65.385, -11.269 ], [ -65.349, -11.239 ], [ -65.391, -11.167 ], [ -65.318, -11.105 ], [ -65.336, -11.044 ], [ -65.269, -10.901 ], [ -65.366, -10.798 ], [ -65.349, -10.671 ], [ -65.426, -10.638 ], [ -65.429, -10.473 ], [ -65.28, -10.218 ], [ -65.327, -9.938 ], [ -65.29, -9.851 ], [ -65.377, -9.698 ], [ -65.488, -9.718 ], [ -65.563, -9.834 ], [ -65.669, -9.779 ], [ -65.7, -9.803 ], [ -65.689, -9.749 ], [ -65.748, -9.77 ], [ -65.777, -9.727 ], [ -65.798, -9.786 ], [ -65.81, -9.75 ], [ -65.86, -9.794 ], [ -65.872, -9.757 ], [ -66.018, -9.807 ], [ -66.064, -9.772 ], [ -66.422, -9.895 ], [ -66.616, -9.893 ], [ -66.623, -9.935 ], [ -66.883, -10.081 ], [ -67.029, -10.254 ], [ -67.186, -10.339 ], [ -67.315, -10.316 ], [ -67.327, -10.374 ], [ -67.414, -10.372 ], [ -67.443, -10.45 ], [ -67.594, -10.523 ], [ -67.715, -10.707 ], [ -68.021, -10.661 ], [ -68.119, -10.726 ], [ -68.283, -10.987 ], [ -68.519, -11.048 ], [ -68.587, -11.11 ], [ -68.769, -11.139 ], [ -68.751, -11.007 ], [ -68.787, -10.99 ], [ -68.871, -11.023 ], [ -69.393, -10.929 ], [ -69.728, -10.973 ], [ -69.938, -10.926 ], [ -70.318, -11.066 ], [ -70.428, -11.033 ], [ -70.508, -10.94 ], [ -70.618, -11.007 ], [ -70.622, -9.847 ], [ -70.522, -9.738 ], [ -70.598, -9.574 ], [ -70.561, -9.579 ], [ -70.497, -9.433 ], [ -70.601, -9.453 ], [ -70.982, -9.812 ], [ -71.131, -9.862 ], [ -71.288, -9.996 ], [ -72.165, -10.002 ], [ -72.16, -9.818 ], [ -72.26, -9.755 ], [ -72.289, -9.536 ], [ -72.364, -9.491 ], [ -72.721, -9.417 ], [ -73.196, -9.418 ], [ -72.965, -9.154 ], [ -72.946, -8.99 ], [ -73.059, -8.904 ], [ -73.169, -8.701 ], [ -73.338, -8.609 ], [ -73.338, -8.476 ], [ -73.526, -8.369 ], [ -73.632, -8.022 ], [ -73.765, -7.94 ], [ -73.777, -7.869 ], [ -73.697, -7.865 ], [ -73.69, -7.79 ], [ -73.985, -7.543 ], [ -73.917, -7.461 ], [ -73.954, -7.348 ], [ -73.868, -7.377 ], [ -73.691, -7.313 ], [ -73.797, -7.115 ], [ -73.743, -6.897 ], [ -73.351, -6.561 ], [ -73.211, -6.53 ], [ -73.133, -6.421 ], [ -73.185, -6.04 ], [ -73.131, -5.986 ], [ -73.116, -5.865 ], [ -72.951, -5.643 ], [ -72.948, -5.454 ], [ -72.872, -5.25 ], [ -72.896, -5.136 ], [ -72.734, -5.043 ], [ -72.602, -5.056 ], [ -72.577, -4.992 ], [ -72.455, -4.962 ], [ -72.452, -4.906 ], [ -72.37, -4.88 ], [ -72.356, -4.803 ], [ -72.292, -4.799 ], [ -72.313, -4.769 ], [ -72.223, -4.78 ], [ -72.113, -4.722 ], [ -72.047, -4.625 ], [ -71.94, -4.607 ], [ -71.897, -4.512 ], [ -71.61, -4.465 ], [ -71.597, -4.525 ], [ -71.535, -4.46 ], [ -71.49, -4.479 ], [ -71.506, -4.435 ], [ -71.414, -4.432 ], [ -71.432, -4.469 ], [ -71.342, -4.423 ], [ -71.355, -4.468 ], [ -71.303, -4.458 ], [ -71.269, -4.381 ], [ -71.198, -4.377 ], [ -71.193, -4.42 ], [ -71.147, -4.375 ], [ -71.031, -4.397 ], [ -70.99, -4.34 ], [ -70.935, -4.381 ], [ -70.757, -4.152 ], [ -70.677, -4.2 ], [ -70.622, -4.121 ], [ -70.633, -4.173 ], [ -70.565, -4.168 ], [ -70.566, -4.205 ], [ -70.553, -4.128 ], [ -70.503, -4.19 ], [ -70.434, -4.125 ], [ -70.341, -4.174 ], [ -70.317, -4.136 ], [ -70.291, -4.283 ], [ -70.249, -4.267 ], [ -70.186, -4.357 ], [ -70.169, -4.27 ], [ -70.101, -4.255 ], [ -70.031, -4.339 ], [ -69.929, -4.213 ], [ -69.453, -1.478 ], [ -69.368, -1.334 ], [ -69.422, -0.998 ], [ -69.508, -0.936 ], [ -69.609, -0.755 ], [ -69.551, -0.648 ], [ -69.593, -0.517 ], [ -69.908, -0.316 ], [ -70.068, -0.135 ], [ -70.037, 0.553 ], [ -69.798, 0.585 ], [ -69.664, 0.672 ], [ -69.606, 0.623 ], [ -69.468, 0.734 ], [ -69.357, 0.621 ], [ -69.295, 0.648 ], [ -69.288, 0.609 ], [ -69.202, 0.602 ], [ -69.112, 0.643 ], [ -69.184, 0.73 ], [ -69.137, 0.868 ], [ -69.257, 1.026 ], [ -69.342, 1.064 ], [ -69.416, 1.024 ], [ -69.7, 1.056 ], [ -69.721, 1.097 ], [ -69.854, 1.07 ], [ -69.855, 1.715 ], [ -69.556, 1.775 ], [ -69.395, 1.726 ], [ -68.128, 1.73 ], [ -68.29, 1.841 ], [ -68.205, 2.038 ], [ -68.027, 1.784 ], [ -67.924, 1.751 ], [ -67.797, 1.812 ], [ -67.578, 2.076 ], [ -67.41, 2.141 ], [ -67.117, 1.732 ], [ -67.068, 1.532 ], [ -67.097, 1.17 ], [ -66.855, 1.228 ], [ -66.322, 0.738 ], [ -66.095, 0.754 ], [ -65.952, 0.81 ], [ -65.854, 0.939 ], [ -65.733, 1.005 ], [ -65.583, 1.008 ], [ -65.47, 0.877 ], [ -65.557, 0.705 ], [ -65.504, 0.627 ], [ -65.393, 0.699 ], [ -65.305, 0.916 ], [ -65.152, 0.943 ], [ -65.121, 1.115 ], [ -65.055, 1.144 ], [ -64.968, 1.112 ], [ -64.903, 1.249 ], [ -64.843, 1.237 ], [ -64.783, 1.313 ], [ -64.721, 1.25 ], [ -64.638, 1.286 ], [ -64.387, 1.527 ], [ -64.344, 1.528 ], [ -64.382, 1.419 ], [ -64.344, 1.38 ], [ -64.186, 1.494 ], [ -64.054, 1.708 ], [ -64.057, 1.933 ], [ -64.018, 1.967 ], [ -63.781, 1.989 ], [ -63.604, 2.124 ], [ -63.419, 2.154 ], [ -63.349, 2.281 ], [ -63.382, 2.442 ], [ -63.756, 2.403 ], [ -64.031, 2.509 ], [ -63.987, 2.772 ], [ -64.216, 3.153 ], [ -64.236, 3.476 ], [ -64.186, 3.634 ], [ -64.324, 3.797 ], [ -64.543, 3.882 ], [ -64.8, 4.224 ], [ -64.79, 4.329 ], [ -64.677, 4.297 ], [ -64.555, 4.153 ], [ -64.135, 4.176 ], [ -63.967, 3.93 ], [ -63.806, 4.019 ], [ -63.623, 4.01 ], [ -63.455, 3.91 ], [ -63.411, 4.026 ], [ -63.358, 4.04 ], [ -63.203, 3.952 ], [ -63.189, 3.872 ], [ -62.86, 3.584 ], [ -62.749, 3.642 ], [ -62.705, 3.724 ], [ -62.752, 4.012 ], [ -62.635, 4.056 ], [ -62.557, 4.02 ], [ -62.46, 4.173 ], [ -62.129, 4.084 ], [ -61.961, 4.18 ], [ -61.927, 4.106 ], [ -61.723, 4.262 ], [ -61.528, 4.273 ], [ -61.507, 4.398 ], [ -61.274, 4.471 ], [ -61.293, 4.55 ], [ -61.141, 4.508 ], [ -60.952, 4.549 ], [ -60.907, 4.708 ], [ -60.731, 4.777 ], [ -60.59, 4.951 ], [ -60.744, 5.209 ], [ -60.438, 5.177 ], [ -60.203, 5.265 ], [ -60.176, 5.227 ], [ -60.121, 5.243 ], [ -60.085, 5.149 ], [ -59.969, 5.073 ], [ -60.03, 4.704 ], [ -60.163, 4.521 ], [ -59.927, 4.509 ], [ -59.674, 4.382 ], [ -59.726, 4.191 ], [ -59.628, 4.138 ], [ -59.655, 4.078 ], [ -59.516, 3.94 ], [ -59.581, 3.901 ], [ -59.594, 3.796 ], [ -59.666, 3.777 ], [ -59.664, 3.703 ], [ -59.849, 3.601 ], [ -59.799, 3.355 ], [ -59.909, 3.197 ], [ -59.982, 2.929 ], [ -59.99, 2.683 ], [ -59.903, 2.479 ], [ -59.91, 2.388 ], [ -59.724, 2.277 ], [ -59.754, 1.861 ], [ -59.654, 1.849 ], [ -59.669, 1.764 ], [ -59.549, 1.729 ], [ -59.253, 1.397 ], [ -58.914, 1.299 ], [ -58.904, 1.234 ], [ -58.804, 1.175 ], [ -58.696, 1.288 ], [ -58.507, 1.264 ], [ -58.468, 1.318 ], [ -58.498, 1.458 ], [ -58.382, 1.471 ], [ -58.325, 1.59 ], [ -58.167, 1.558 ], [ -58.13, 1.501 ], [ -58.009, 1.501 ], [ -58, 1.665 ], [ -57.919, 1.645 ], [ -57.77, 1.718 ], [ -57.545, 1.701 ], [ -57.434, 1.895 ], [ -57.302, 1.99 ], [ -57.247, 1.944 ], [ -57.085, 2.021 ], [ -57.012, 1.918 ], [ -56.8, 1.864 ], [ -56.724, 1.92 ], [ -56.454, 1.945 ], [ -55.957, 1.844 ], [ -55.906, 1.889 ], [ -55.913, 2.041 ], [ -56.048, 2.226 ], [ -56.134, 2.263 ], [ -56.09, 2.352 ], [ -55.995, 2.405 ], [ -55.987, 2.517 ], [ -55.948, 2.532 ], [ -55.739, 2.401 ], [ -55.481, 2.443 ], [ -55.37, 2.407 ], [ -55.336, 2.516 ], [ -55.239, 2.495 ], [ -55.137, 2.575 ], [ -55.103, 2.522 ], [ -54.94, 2.632 ], [ -54.969, 2.555 ], [ -54.864, 2.439 ], [ -54.72, 2.469 ], [ -54.702, 2.336 ], [ -54.549, 2.336 ], [ -54.534, 2.268 ], [ -54.314, 2.158 ], [ -54.189, 2.179 ], [ -54.111, 2.127 ], [ -54.078, 2.197 ], [ -53.784, 2.364 ], [ -53.694, 2.287 ], [ -53.472, 2.332 ], [ -53.397, 2.272 ], [ -53.273, 2.292 ], [ -53.188, 2.223 ], [ -52.905, 2.19 ], [ -52.853, 2.285 ], [ -52.673, 2.374 ], [ -52.555, 2.523 ], [ -52.556, 2.646 ], [ -52.382, 2.912 ], [ -52.347, 3.134 ], [ -52.192, 3.296 ], [ -51.92, 3.781 ], [ -51.795, 3.89 ], [ -51.754, 3.996 ], [ -51.658, 4.049 ], [ -51.585, 4.241 ], [ -51.529, 4.171 ], [ -51.545, 4.397 ], [ -51.202, 4.084 ], [ -51.173, 3.767 ], [ -51.127, 3.911 ], [ -51.085, 3.895 ], [ -51.051, 3.283 ], [ -50.913, 2.875 ], [ -50.927, 2.807 ], [ -50.816, 2.644 ], [ -50.851, 2.482 ], [ -50.802, 2.508 ], [ -50.736, 2.414 ], [ -50.765, 2.359 ], [ -50.694, 2.276 ], [ -50.725, 2.252 ], [ -50.675, 2.247 ], [ -50.682, 2.137 ], [ -50.584, 2.091 ], [ -50.586, 2.014 ], [ -50.471, 1.82 ], [ -50.194, 1.794 ], [ -49.954, 1.676 ], [ -49.88, 1.419 ], [ -49.918, 1.289 ], [ -50.073, 1.204 ], [ -49.918, 1.232 ], [ -49.939, 1.103 ], [ -50.003, 1.066 ], [ -50.033, 1.107 ], [ -50.131, 0.949 ], [ -50.274, 0.866 ], [ -50.338, 0.729 ], [ -50.417, 0.685 ], [ -50.455, 0.732 ], [ -50.428, 0.679 ], [ -50.571, 0.424 ], [ -50.691, 0.3 ], [ -50.677, 0.365 ], [ -50.746, 0.227 ], [ -50.801, 0.224 ], [ -50.785, 0.183 ], [ -50.908, 0.171 ], [ -51.087, -0.043 ], [ -51.203, -0.055 ], [ -51.419, -0.412 ], [ -51.409, -0.44 ], [ -51.325, -0.364 ], [ -51.188, -0.14 ], [ -51.111, -0.154 ], [ -51.154, -0.284 ], [ -51.396, -0.493 ], [ -51.243, -0.443 ], [ -51.26, -0.5 ], [ -51.165, -0.431 ], [ -50.953, -0.061 ], [ -50.824, -0.048 ], [ -50.705, 0.002 ], [ -50.613, -0.088 ], [ -50.744, -0.244 ], [ -50.751, -0.429 ], [ -50.845, -0.526 ], [ -50.988, -0.583 ], [ -51.051, -0.682 ], [ -50.826, -0.555 ], [ -50.794, -0.666 ], [ -50.733, -0.557 ], [ -50.684, -0.604 ], [ -50.724, -0.493 ], [ -50.652, -0.276 ], [ -50.409, -0.094 ], [ -49.631, -0.247 ], [ -49.446, -0.23 ], [ -49.289, -0.145 ], [ -49.018, -0.16 ], [ -49, -0.139 ], [ -48.895, -0.224 ], [ -48.539, -0.234 ], [ -48.363, -0.303 ], [ -48.459, -0.513 ], [ -48.522, -0.877 ], [ -48.667, -1.002 ], [ -48.621, -1.005 ], [ -48.65, -1.048 ], [ -48.617, -1.053 ], [ -48.721, -1.137 ], [ -48.837, -1.452 ], [ -49.161, -1.575 ], [ -49.182, -1.623 ], [ -49.362, -1.604 ], [ -49.364, -1.642 ], [ -49.448, -1.637 ], [ -49.5, -1.738 ], [ -49.61, -1.718 ], [ -49.676, -1.78 ], [ -49.696, -1.757 ], [ -49.714, -1.76 ], [ -49.803, -1.822 ], [ -50.035, -1.717 ], [ -50.179, -1.787 ], [ -50.256, -1.776 ], [ -50.415, -1.841 ], [ -50.401, -1.935 ], [ -49.994, -1.819 ], [ -49.844, -1.905 ], [ -49.765, -1.898 ], [ -49.616, -1.79 ], [ -49.276, -1.706 ], [ -49.267, -1.778 ], [ -49.387, -1.977 ], [ -49.383, -2.159 ], [ -48.973, -1.594 ], [ -48.897, -1.573 ], [ -48.955, -1.712 ], [ -48.932, -1.75 ], [ -48.898, -1.743 ], [ -48.656, -1.371 ], [ -48.592, -1.429 ], [ -48.601, -1.306 ], [ -48.524, -1.338 ], [ -48.537, -1.467 ], [ -48.496, -1.553 ], [ -48.491, -1.502 ], [ -48.46, -1.533 ], [ -48.374, -1.511 ], [ -48.319, -1.478 ], [ -48.505, -1.471 ], [ -48.422, -1.168 ], [ -48.475, -1.144 ], [ -48.4, -1.066 ], [ -48.278, -1.111 ], [ -48.304, -0.948 ], [ -48.055, -0.668 ], [ -48.001, -0.731 ], [ -47.893, -0.553 ], [ -47.843, -0.616 ], [ -47.807, -0.547 ], [ -47.702, -0.54 ], [ -47.707, -0.59 ], [ -47.667, -0.569 ], [ -47.633, -0.608 ], [ -47.651, -0.694 ], [ -47.608, -0.684 ], [ -47.577, -0.573 ], [ -47.476, -0.757 ], [ -47.398, -0.76 ], [ -47.428, -0.693 ], [ -47.464, -0.687 ], [ -47.466, -0.594 ], [ -47.399, -0.594 ], [ -47.4, -0.645 ], [ -47.298, -0.589 ], [ -47.253, -0.668 ], [ -47.247, -0.623 ], [ -47.206, -0.633 ], [ -47.23, -0.719 ], [ -47.158, -0.678 ], [ -47.191, -0.754 ], [ -47.146, -0.764 ], [ -47.16, -0.815 ], [ -47.081, -0.661 ], [ -47.055, -0.868 ], [ -47.027, -0.784 ], [ -46.983, -0.806 ], [ -47.016, -0.752 ], [ -46.967, -0.694 ], [ -46.969, -0.78 ], [ -46.891, -0.869 ], [ -46.89, -0.789 ], [ -46.846, -0.799 ], [ -46.82, -0.71 ], [ -46.802, -0.877 ], [ -46.777, -0.905 ], [ -46.75, -0.826 ], [ -46.709, -0.86 ], [ -46.734, -0.944 ], [ -46.687, -0.831 ], [ -46.653, -0.882 ], [ -46.621, -0.818 ], [ -46.601, -0.917 ], [ -46.676, -0.965 ], [ -46.622, -0.987 ], [ -46.57, -0.947 ], [ -46.609, -1.03 ], [ -46.57, -0.988 ], [ -46.525, -1.027 ], [ -46.465, -1.007 ], [ -46.47, -1.044 ], [ -46.395, -1.037 ], [ -46.413, -1.084 ], [ -46.348, -0.982 ], [ -46.36, -1.011 ], [ -46.366, -1.031 ], [ -46.348, -1.079 ], [ -46.339, -1.015 ], [ -46.299, -1.05 ], [ -46.212, -0.946 ], [ -46.242, -0.921 ], [ -46.179, -0.914 ], [ -46.224, -1.053 ], [ -46.206, -1.1 ], [ -46.158, -1.014 ], [ -46.138, -1.032 ], [ -46.193, -1.143 ], [ -46.104, -1.067 ], [ -46.062, -1.133 ], [ -46.15, -1.258 ], [ -45.982, -1.071 ], [ -45.953, -1.147 ], [ -46, -1.151 ], [ -46, -1.199 ], [ -45.95, -1.159 ], [ -45.95, -1.207 ], [ -46, -1.209 ], [ -45.95, -1.25 ], [ -45.902, -1.134 ], [ -45.923, -1.214 ], [ -45.882, -1.167 ], [ -45.873, -1.211 ], [ -45.909, -1.261 ], [ -45.859, -1.231 ], [ -45.891, -1.293 ], [ -45.807, -1.176 ], [ -45.843, -1.301 ], [ -45.809, -1.328 ], [ -45.831, -1.298 ], [ -45.782, -1.278 ], [ -45.726, -1.135 ], [ -45.69, -1.452 ], [ -45.697, -1.38 ], [ -45.632, -1.371 ], [ -45.618, -1.279 ], [ -45.589, -1.329 ], [ -45.537, -1.273 ], [ -45.561, -1.343 ], [ -45.51, -1.352 ], [ -45.567, -1.404 ], [ -45.546, -1.432 ], [ -45.413, -1.296 ], [ -45.489, -1.473 ], [ -45.511, -1.458 ], [ -45.554, -1.503 ], [ -45.507, -1.471 ], [ -45.518, -1.516 ], [ -45.481, -1.495 ], [ -45.463, -1.548 ], [ -45.457, -1.457 ], [ -45.391, -1.434 ], [ -45.363, -1.325 ], [ -45.323, -1.319 ], [ -45.302, -1.424 ], [ -45.392, -1.485 ], [ -45.398, -1.503 ], [ -45.356, -1.487 ], [ -45.392, -1.553 ], [ -45.338, -1.572 ], [ -45.371, -1.722 ], [ -45.338, -1.753 ], [ -45.197, -1.688 ], [ -45.261, -1.607 ], [ -45.16, -1.475 ], [ -45.136, -1.521 ], [ -45.072, -1.435 ], [ -45.07, -1.485 ], [ -44.999, -1.504 ], [ -45.018, -1.547 ], [ -44.969, -1.549 ], [ -45.029, -1.583 ], [ -45.029, -1.602 ], [ -44.979, -1.607 ], [ -44.954, -1.498 ], [ -44.862, -1.426 ], [ -44.857, -1.498 ], [ -44.954, -1.605 ], [ -44.918, -1.649 ], [ -44.968, -1.662 ], [ -44.913, -1.657 ], [ -44.927, -1.62 ], [ -44.886, -1.609 ], [ -44.837, -1.65 ], [ -44.822, -1.591 ], [ -44.826, -1.637 ], [ -44.805, -1.609 ], [ -44.812, -1.665 ], [ -44.779, -1.735 ], [ -44.711, -1.728 ], [ -44.82, -1.819 ], [ -44.738, -1.791 ], [ -44.706, -1.819 ], [ -44.676, -1.808 ], [ -44.661, -1.727 ], [ -44.604, -1.749 ], [ -44.667, -1.849 ], [ -44.601, -1.858 ], [ -44.583, -1.817 ], [ -44.586, -1.873 ], [ -44.543, -1.833 ], [ -44.601, -1.909 ], [ -44.517, -1.907 ], [ -44.484, -2.002 ], [ -44.613, -2.037 ], [ -44.467, -2.017 ], [ -44.626, -2.151 ], [ -44.589, -2.159 ], [ -44.641, -2.232 ], [ -44.708, -2.23 ], [ -44.684, -2.275 ], [ -44.764, -2.265 ], [ -44.654, -2.294 ], [ -44.681, -2.354 ], [ -44.649, -2.373 ], [ -44.666, -2.329 ], [ -44.479, -2.137 ], [ -44.358, -2.335 ], [ -44.401, -2.416 ], [ -44.514, -2.384 ], [ -44.55, -2.4 ], [ -44.491, -2.415 ], [ -44.514, -2.448 ], [ -44.505, -2.476 ], [ -44.665, -2.608 ], [ -44.548, -2.542 ], [ -44.658, -2.781 ], [ -44.688, -2.924 ], [ -44.677, -3.019 ], [ -44.66, -3.02 ], [ -44.657, -3.018 ] ], [ [ -43.318, -2.361 ], [ -43.317, -2.363 ], [ -43.296, -2.363 ], [ -43.318, -2.361 ] ], [ [ -42.438, -2.747 ], [ -42.442, -2.749 ], [ -42.438, -2.75 ], [ -42.438, -2.747 ] ], [ [ -42.442, -2.749 ], [ -42.47, -2.744 ], [ -42.447, -2.753 ], [ -42.442, -2.749 ] ], [ [ -50.851, 2.482 ], [ -50.853, 2.481 ], [ -50.853, 2.48 ], [ -50.851, 2.482 ] ], [ [ -50.853, 2.481 ], [ -50.86, 2.495 ], [ -50.86, 2.477 ], [ -50.853, 2.481 ] ], [ [ -49.976, 1.659 ], [ -49.98, 1.659 ], [ -50, 1.639 ], [ -49.976, 1.659 ] ], [ [ -45.392, -1.553 ], [ -45.393, -1.553 ], [ -45.394, -1.556 ], [ -45.392, -1.553 ] ], [ [ -45.394, -1.556 ], [ -45.406, -1.579 ], [ -45.403, -1.591 ], [ -45.394, -1.556 ] ], [ [ -44.837, -1.65 ], [ -44.834, -1.655 ], [ -44.833, -1.654 ], [ -44.837, -1.65 ] ], [ [ -44.834, -1.655 ], [ -44.841, -1.675 ], [ -44.822, -1.672 ], [ -44.834, -1.655 ] ], [ [ -44.779, -1.735 ], [ -44.777, -1.741 ], [ -44.776, -1.74 ], [ -44.779, -1.735 ] ], [ [ -44.777, -1.741 ], [ -44.833, -1.77 ], [ -44.774, -1.75 ], [ -44.777, -1.741 ] ], [ [ -44.547, -2.22 ], [ -44.536, -2.225 ], [ -44.543, -2.219 ], [ -44.547, -2.22 ] ], [ [ -44.536, -2.225 ], [ -44.507, -2.249 ], [ -44.512, -2.235 ], [ -44.536, -2.225 ] ], [ [ -44.507, -2.249 ], [ -44.504, -2.256 ], [ -44.501, -2.254 ], [ -44.507, -2.249 ] ], [ [ -44.504, -2.256 ], [ -44.514, -2.268 ], [ -44.502, -2.26 ], [ -44.504, -2.256 ] ] ], [ [ [ -29.34, -20.484 ], [ -29.301, -20.521 ], [ -29.341, -20.511 ], [ -29.34, -20.484 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.001, -13.94 ], [ -39.012, -13.915 ], [ -38.994, -13.896 ], [ -39.001, -13.94 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.043, -13.909 ], [ -39.059, -13.904 ], [ -39.054, -13.886 ], [ -39.028, -13.903 ], [ -39.043, -13.909 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.251, -18.015 ], [ -39.283, -18.005 ], [ -39.272, -17.982 ], [ -39.245, -18.006 ], [ -39.251, -18.015 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.131, -17.927 ], [ -39.154, -17.921 ], [ -39.137, -17.91 ], [ -39.131, -17.927 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.212, -17.986 ], [ -39.228, -17.979 ], [ -39.215, -17.944 ], [ -39.202, -17.95 ], [ -39.212, -17.986 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.341, -23.231 ], [ -44.372, -23.174 ], [ -44.232, -23.089 ], [ -44.087, -23.173 ], [ -44.3, -23.184 ], [ -44.341, -23.231 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.356, -23.073 ], [ -44.388, -23.048 ], [ -44.373, -23.033 ], [ -44.343, -23.041 ], [ -44.356, -23.073 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.929, -23.014 ], [ -43.936, -22.999 ], [ -43.916, -22.989 ], [ -43.929, -23.014 ] ] ], [ [ [ -42.002, -23.018 ], [ -42.015, -23.003 ], [ -41.98, -22.975 ], [ -41.975, -22.992 ], [ -42.002, -23.018 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.904, -22.962 ], [ -43.907, -22.936 ], [ -43.868, -22.926 ], [ -43.871, -22.95 ], [ -43.904, -22.962 ] ] ], [ [ [ -41.042, -21.613 ], [ -41.042, -21.6 ], [ -41.019, -21.606 ], [ -41.042, -21.613 ] ] ], [ [ [ -52.112, -32 ], [ -52.18, -32.035 ], [ -52.216, -32.025 ], [ -52.198, -31.978 ], [ -52.112, -32 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.641, -30.388 ], [ -50.629, -30.394 ], [ -50.624, -30.329 ], [ -50.592, -30.399 ], [ -50.609, -30.406 ], [ -50.641, -30.388 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.526, -27.462 ], [ -48.416, -27.38 ], [ -48.358, -27.446 ], [ -48.503, -27.799 ], [ -48.559, -27.842 ], [ -48.526, -27.462 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.354, -27.296 ], [ -48.376, -27.285 ], [ -48.373, -27.271 ], [ -48.36, -27.27 ], [ -48.354, -27.296 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.731, -26.314 ], [ -48.754, -26.297 ], [ -48.735, -26.282 ], [ -48.731, -26.314 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.318, -25.584 ], [ -48.309, -25.546 ], [ -48.381, -25.504 ], [ -48.312, -25.509 ], [ -48.292, -25.545 ], [ -48.318, -25.584 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.414, -25.544 ], [ -48.459, -25.514 ], [ -48.415, -25.527 ], [ -48.414, -25.544 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.424, -25.551 ], [ -48.479, -25.523 ], [ -48.485, -25.502 ], [ -48.424, -25.551 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.298, -25.493 ], [ -48.341, -25.416 ], [ -48.252, -25.341 ], [ -48.265, -25.44 ], [ -48.253, -25.466 ], [ -48.298, -25.493 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.417, -25.386 ], [ -48.424, -25.343 ], [ -48.405, -25.33 ], [ -48.417, -25.386 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.695, -24.112 ], [ -45.688, -24.088 ], [ -45.679, -24.098 ], [ -45.695, -24.112 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.251, -23.962 ], [ -45.301, -23.909 ], [ -45.453, -23.91 ], [ -45.332, -23.721 ], [ -45.227, -23.774 ], [ -45.224, -23.835 ], [ -45.283, -23.857 ], [ -45.221, -23.899 ], [ -45.251, -23.962 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.141, -23.817 ], [ -45.146, -23.791 ], [ -45.114, -23.801 ], [ -45.141, -23.817 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.153, -23.573 ], [ -45.153, -23.558 ], [ -45.141, -23.568 ], [ -45.153, -23.573 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.073, -23.564 ], [ -45.079, -23.525 ], [ -45.036, -23.531 ], [ -45.073, -23.564 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.608, -23.228 ], [ -44.59, -23.208 ], [ -44.577, -23.216 ], [ -44.608, -23.228 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.648, -12.821 ], [ -38.666, -12.777 ], [ -38.624, -12.762 ], [ -38.648, -12.821 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.529, -12.811 ], [ -38.544, -12.757 ], [ -38.532, -12.74 ], [ -38.508, -12.792 ], [ -38.529, -12.811 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.622, -12.752 ], [ -38.622, -12.727 ], [ -38.593, -12.733 ], [ -38.622, -12.752 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.646, -12.683 ], [ -38.648, -12.65 ], [ -38.636, -12.661 ], [ -38.646, -12.683 ] ] ], [ [ [ -32.402, -3.838 ], [ -32.428, -3.877 ], [ -32.483, -3.878 ], [ -32.402, -3.838 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.667, -3.179 ], [ -44.668, -3.16 ], [ -44.643, -3.148 ], [ -44.644, -3.17 ], [ -44.667, -3.179 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.671, -2.943 ], [ -44.67, -2.92 ], [ -44.647, -2.915 ], [ -44.671, -2.943 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.493, -2.641 ], [ -44.48, -2.601 ], [ -44.477, -2.627 ], [ -44.493, -2.641 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.897, -2.573 ], [ -43.896, -2.554 ], [ -43.886, -2.565 ], [ -43.897, -2.573 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.599, -2.503 ], [ -43.577, -2.471 ], [ -43.572, -2.483 ], [ -43.599, -2.503 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.822, -2.526 ], [ -43.829, -2.509 ], [ -43.813, -2.458 ], [ -43.812, -2.553 ], [ -43.82, -2.528 ], [ -43.822, -2.526 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.821, -2.529 ], [ -43.856, -2.502 ], [ -43.832, -2.439 ], [ -43.842, -2.504 ], [ -43.821, -2.529 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.863, -2.56 ], [ -43.875, -2.552 ], [ -43.865, -2.534 ], [ -43.863, -2.56 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.519, -2.536 ], [ -44.529, -2.526 ], [ -44.501, -2.48 ], [ -44.505, -2.444 ], [ -44.455, -2.434 ], [ -44.519, -2.536 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.602, -3.007 ], [ -44.657, -2.972 ], [ -44.613, -2.894 ], [ -44.575, -2.921 ], [ -44.602, -3.007 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.585, -2.978 ], [ -44.563, -2.914 ], [ -44.586, -2.826 ], [ -44.494, -2.705 ], [ -44.494, -2.953 ], [ -44.582, -3.041 ], [ -44.585, -2.978 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.826, -2.434 ], [ -43.842, -2.403 ], [ -43.811, -2.385 ], [ -43.807, -2.412 ], [ -43.826, -2.434 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.581, -2.441 ], [ -43.615, -2.389 ], [ -43.549, -2.377 ], [ -43.545, -2.403 ], [ -43.581, -2.441 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.791, -2.47 ], [ -43.806, -2.443 ], [ -43.78, -2.422 ], [ -43.759, -2.448 ], [ -43.791, -2.47 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.513, -2.424 ], [ -43.537, -2.416 ], [ -43.522, -2.39 ], [ -43.505, -2.414 ], [ -43.513, -2.424 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.792, -2.405 ], [ -43.798, -2.377 ], [ -43.771, -2.37 ], [ -43.792, -2.405 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.689, -2.355 ], [ -43.743, -2.352 ], [ -43.724, -2.305 ], [ -43.617, -2.253 ], [ -43.612, -2.275 ], [ -43.669, -2.301 ], [ -43.689, -2.355 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.73, -2.425 ], [ -43.732, -2.364 ], [ -43.67, -2.377 ], [ -43.681, -2.34 ], [ -43.63, -2.324 ], [ -43.643, -2.394 ], [ -43.73, -2.425 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.473, -2.125 ], [ -44.487, -2.113 ], [ -44.475, -2.096 ], [ -44.463, -2.104 ], [ -44.473, -2.125 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.456, -2.031 ], [ -44.447, -2.008 ], [ -44.439, -2.022 ], [ -44.456, -2.031 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.311, -1.964 ], [ -49.336, -1.996 ], [ -49.309, -1.943 ], [ -49.311, -1.964 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.323, -2.054 ], [ -49.329, -2.019 ], [ -49.316, -2.001 ], [ -49.323, -2.054 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.231, -1.829 ], [ -50.246, -1.824 ], [ -50.229, -1.816 ], [ -50.231, -1.829 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.615, -1.821 ], [ -44.622, -1.797 ], [ -44.597, -1.774 ], [ -44.583, -1.789 ], [ -44.615, -1.821 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.7, -1.811 ], [ -44.703, -1.78 ], [ -44.673, -1.78 ], [ -44.7, -1.811 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.691, -1.793 ], [ -49.721, -1.789 ], [ -49.719, -1.771 ], [ -49.697, -1.766 ], [ -49.691, -1.793 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.924, -1.711 ], [ -48.909, -1.713 ], [ -48.916, -1.734 ], [ -48.935, -1.713 ], [ -48.924, -1.711 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.757, -1.707 ], [ -44.767, -1.694 ], [ -44.736, -1.701 ], [ -44.757, -1.707 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.433, -1.684 ], [ -49.454, -1.706 ], [ -49.46, -1.684 ], [ -49.433, -1.684 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.357, -1.008 ], [ -46.342, -0.994 ], [ -46.353, -1.026 ], [ -46.357, -1.008 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.205, -1.021 ], [ -46.194, -1.014 ], [ -46.202, -1.032 ], [ -46.205, -1.021 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.662, -3.018 ], [ -44.673, -3.012 ], [ -44.664, -3.001 ], [ -44.649, -3.013 ], [ -44.662, -3.018 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.736, -1.683 ], [ -44.745, -1.677 ], [ -44.732, -1.668 ], [ -44.736, -1.683 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.231, -1.638 ], [ -49.237, -1.627 ], [ -49.217, -1.633 ], [ -49.231, -1.638 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.38, -1.685 ], [ -49.4, -1.682 ], [ -49.368, -1.669 ], [ -49.38, -1.685 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.426, -1.673 ], [ -49.429, -1.661 ], [ -49.406, -1.66 ], [ -49.426, -1.673 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.34, -1.672 ], [ -49.358, -1.662 ], [ -49.325, -1.647 ], [ -49.34, -1.672 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.289, -1.726 ], [ -45.305, -1.663 ], [ -45.257, -1.641 ], [ -45.244, -1.678 ], [ -45.28, -1.694 ], [ -45.289, -1.726 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.328, -1.743 ], [ -45.346, -1.719 ], [ -45.301, -1.596 ], [ -45.274, -1.635 ], [ -45.313, -1.654 ], [ -45.328, -1.743 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.886, -1.578 ], [ -48.89, -1.56 ], [ -48.859, -1.536 ], [ -48.856, -1.553 ], [ -48.886, -1.578 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.783, -1.682 ], [ -44.8, -1.595 ], [ -44.775, -1.62 ], [ -44.721, -1.567 ], [ -44.704, -1.611 ], [ -44.684, -1.575 ], [ -44.668, -1.669 ], [ -44.693, -1.638 ], [ -44.783, -1.682 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.816, -1.569 ], [ -44.837, -1.534 ], [ -44.787, -1.488 ], [ -44.825, -1.534 ], [ -44.816, -1.569 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.462, -1.517 ], [ -48.478, -1.499 ], [ -48.421, -1.503 ], [ -48.462, -1.517 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.793, -1.531 ], [ -44.774, -1.47 ], [ -44.763, -1.513 ], [ -44.793, -1.531 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.414, -1.427 ], [ -45.423, -1.416 ], [ -45.409, -1.405 ], [ -45.414, -1.427 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45, -1.296 ], [ -44.922, -1.265 ], [ -44.877, -1.309 ], [ -44.895, -1.34 ], [ -44.922, -1.305 ], [ -44.907, -1.341 ], [ -44.999, -1.405 ], [ -45.033, -1.339 ], [ -45, -1.32 ], [ -44.995, -1.36 ], [ -45, -1.296 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.044, -1.402 ], [ -45.07, -1.33 ], [ -45.052, -1.342 ], [ -45.044, -1.402 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.333, -1.569 ], [ -45.371, -1.544 ], [ -45.347, -1.489 ], [ -45.313, -1.506 ], [ -45.333, -1.569 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.969, -1.522 ], [ -44.976, -1.493 ], [ -44.959, -1.483 ], [ -44.969, -1.522 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.393, -1.512 ], [ -48.371, -1.476 ], [ -48.341, -1.483 ], [ -48.393, -1.512 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.413, -1.498 ], [ -48.426, -1.491 ], [ -48.387, -1.476 ], [ -48.413, -1.498 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.118, -1.47 ], [ -45.132, -1.462 ], [ -45.115, -1.364 ], [ -45.103, -1.373 ], [ -45.118, -1.47 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.593, -1.251 ], [ -45.581, -1.19 ], [ -45.536, -1.205 ], [ -45.532, -1.231 ], [ -45.593, -1.251 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.559, -1.243 ], [ -48.56, -1.202 ], [ -48.523, -1.199 ], [ -48.559, -1.243 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.817, -1.163 ], [ -45.829, -1.141 ], [ -45.804, -1.127 ], [ -45.817, -1.163 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.877, -1.154 ], [ -45.9, -1.117 ], [ -45.883, -1.073 ], [ -45.849, -1.123 ], [ -45.877, -1.154 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.192, -1.05 ], [ -46.201, -1.041 ], [ -46.185, -1.027 ], [ -46.192, -1.05 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.291, -1.01 ], [ -46.307, -0.992 ], [ -46.306, -0.961 ], [ -46.291, -1.01 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.078, -1.095 ], [ -46.065, -1.05 ], [ -46.061, -1.074 ], [ -46.078, -1.095 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.68, -1.295 ], [ -45.687, -1.275 ], [ -45.667, -1.26 ], [ -45.654, -1.285 ], [ -45.68, -1.295 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.538, -1.282 ], [ -48.549, -1.262 ], [ -48.53, -1.25 ], [ -48.538, -1.282 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.51, -1.27 ], [ -48.522, -1.247 ], [ -48.506, -1.236 ], [ -48.51, -1.27 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.694, -1.37 ], [ -45.646, -1.289 ], [ -45.625, -1.126 ], [ -45.634, -1.349 ], [ -45.694, -1.37 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.688, -1.266 ], [ -45.708, -1.228 ], [ -45.685, -1.194 ], [ -45.664, -1.231 ], [ -45.688, -1.266 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.425, -0.914 ], [ -46.454, -0.907 ], [ -46.408, -0.868 ], [ -46.395, -0.899 ], [ -46.425, -0.914 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.72, -0.848 ], [ -46.735, -0.832 ], [ -46.729, -0.796 ], [ -46.72, -0.848 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.611, -0.799 ], [ -46.622, -0.784 ], [ -46.601, -0.789 ], [ -46.611, -0.799 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.586, -0.849 ], [ -46.621, -0.807 ], [ -46.589, -0.815 ], [ -46.586, -0.849 ] ] ], [ [ [ -47.447, -0.748 ], [ -47.453, -0.732 ], [ -47.436, -0.717 ], [ -47.428, -0.738 ], [ -47.447, -0.748 ] ] ], [ [ [ -47.461, -0.741 ], [ -47.463, -0.702 ], [ -47.445, -0.697 ], [ -47.461, -0.741 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.214, -0.411 ], [ -51.211, -0.386 ], [ -51.164, -0.347 ], [ -51.163, -0.383 ], [ -51.214, -0.411 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.352, -0.353 ], [ -51.346, -0.31 ], [ -51.317, -0.268 ], [ -51.327, -0.33 ], [ -51.352, -0.353 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.127, -0.268 ], [ -51.131, -0.237 ], [ -51.091, -0.208 ], [ -51.087, -0.229 ], [ -51.127, -0.268 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.888, -0.198 ], [ -48.91, -0.188 ], [ -48.893, -0.134 ], [ -48.847, -0.177 ], [ -48.888, -0.198 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.174, -0.091 ], [ -51.191, -0.064 ], [ -51.126, -0.057 ], [ -51.174, -0.091 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.114, -0.146 ], [ -49.097, -0.121 ], [ -49.08, -0.13 ], [ -49.114, -0.146 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.166, -0.142 ], [ -49.188, -0.115 ], [ -49.156, -0.128 ], [ -49.166, -0.142 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.119, -0.141 ], [ -49.143, -0.107 ], [ -49.114, -0.11 ], [ -49.119, -0.141 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.127, -0.128 ], [ -51.094, -0.103 ], [ -51.108, -0.127 ], [ -51.127, -0.128 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.414, -0.999 ], [ -46.384, -0.941 ], [ -46.367, -0.948 ], [ -46.414, -0.999 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.647, -0.97 ], [ -46.658, -0.968 ], [ -46.618, -0.957 ], [ -46.647, -0.97 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.488, -0.942 ], [ -46.465, -0.877 ], [ -46.464, -0.924 ], [ -46.44, -0.922 ], [ -46.482, -0.976 ], [ -46.441, -0.999 ], [ -46.525, -1.016 ], [ -46.527, -0.917 ], [ -46.509, -0.984 ], [ -46.488, -0.942 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.632, 0.159 ], [ -49.662, 0.184 ], [ -49.629, 0.202 ], [ -49.61, 0.181 ], [ -49.632, 0.159 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.641, 0.26 ], [ -50.63, 0.293 ], [ -50.586, 0.308 ], [ -50.641, 0.26 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.2, 0.255 ], [ -50.243, 0.248 ], [ -50.147, 0.337 ], [ -50.059, 0.346 ], [ -50.2, 0.255 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.417, 0.159 ], [ -50.535, 0.234 ], [ -50.36, 0.615 ], [ -50.328, 0.383 ], [ -50.285, 0.3 ], [ -50.413, 0.237 ], [ -50.417, 0.159 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.279, 0.338 ], [ -50.271, 0.599 ], [ -50.147, 0.608 ], [ -50.142, 0.576 ], [ -50.107, 0.636 ], [ -50.063, 0.623 ], [ -50.05, 0.518 ], [ -50.279, 0.338 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50, 0.943 ], [ -50.113, 0.907 ], [ -50.018, 1.034 ], [ -49.935, 1.069 ], [ -49.939, 0.996 ], [ -50, 0.943 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.881, 1.227 ], [ -49.909, 1.246 ], [ -49.886, 1.244 ], [ -49.881, 1.227 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.907, 1.278 ], [ -49.885, 1.291 ], [ -49.863, 1.278 ], [ -49.876, 1.252 ], [ -49.907, 1.278 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.204, 1.851 ], [ -50.232, 1.879 ], [ -50.22, 1.915 ], [ -50.169, 1.865 ], [ -50.204, 1.851 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.468, 1.954 ], [ -50.521, 2.026 ], [ -50.497, 2.139 ], [ -50.398, 2.167 ], [ -50.367, 2.19 ], [ -50.276, 1.939 ], [ -50.423, 1.849 ], [ -50.468, 1.954 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.504, 2.255 ], [ -50.414, 2.244 ], [ -50.382, 2.204 ], [ -50.489, 2.15 ], [ -50.564, 2.205 ], [ -50.504, 2.255 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.229, 0.832 ], [ -50.098, 0.839 ], [ -50.027, 0.898 ], [ -50.105, 0.757 ], [ -50.162, 0.775 ], [ -50.249, 0.72 ], [ -50.229, 0.832 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.131, 0.844 ], [ -50.162, 0.867 ], [ -50.132, 0.9 ], [ -50.119, 0.854 ], [ -50.131, 0.844 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.108, 0.85 ], [ -50.111, 0.891 ], [ -50.049, 0.886 ], [ -50.108, 0.85 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.216, -0.055 ], [ -50.235, -0.042 ], [ -50.219, -0.04 ], [ -50.216, -0.055 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.916, -0.052 ], [ -50.926, -0.047 ], [ -50.907, -0.043 ], [ -50.916, -0.052 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.605, -0.061 ], [ -50.618, -0.022 ], [ -50.559, -0.038 ], [ -50.605, -0.061 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.399, -0.061 ], [ -50.44, -0.057 ], [ -50.378, -0.015 ], [ -50.357, -0.049 ], [ -50.399, -0.061 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.75, 0 ], [ -49.609, 0.08 ], [ -49.474, 0.081 ], [ -49.338, -0.017 ], [ -49.487, -0.136 ], [ -49.723, -0.147 ], [ -49.835, -0.088 ], [ -49.75, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.023, -0.019 ], [ -49.039, -0.011 ], [ -49.02, -0.006 ], [ -49.023, -0.019 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.932, 0.052 ], [ -50.918, 0.084 ], [ -50.884, 0.078 ], [ -50.899, 0.057 ], [ -50.932, 0.052 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.928, 0 ], [ -50.786, 0.05 ], [ -50.717, 0.028 ], [ -50.94, -0.041 ], [ -50.928, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.691, 0.025 ], [ -50.655, 0.015 ], [ -50.703, 0.021 ], [ -50.691, 0.025 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.629, -0.043 ], [ -50.642, -0.016 ], [ -50.622, -0.026 ], [ -50.629, -0.043 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.642, 0 ], [ -50.611, 0.007 ], [ -50.595, -0.019 ], [ -50.642, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.536, 0 ], [ -50.653, 0.126 ], [ -50.59, 0.203 ], [ -50.434, 0.126 ], [ -50.436, 0 ], [ -50.536, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50, 0.311 ], [ -49.674, 0.368 ], [ -49.601, 0.283 ], [ -49.86, 0.008 ], [ -49.99, -0.048 ], [ -50.086, 0.034 ], [ -50.351, 0.044 ], [ -50.394, 0.222 ], [ -50.153, 0.227 ], [ -50, 0.311 ] ] ] ] } } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 58565, "end" : 58571 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Brasil" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/dbc5b5f0-395c-47cc-a3f3-3998e7ac1cc2", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : 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-2.777 ], [ -44.225, -2.806 ], [ -44.184, -2.766 ], [ -44.208, -2.857 ], [ -44.111, -2.749 ], [ -44.072, -2.811 ], [ -44.05, -2.685 ], [ -43.981, -2.619 ], [ -43.946, -2.641 ], [ -43.933, -2.553 ], [ -43.883, -2.649 ], [ -43.887, -2.578 ], [ -43.803, -2.56 ], [ -43.76, -2.513 ], [ -43.754, -2.556 ], [ -43.729, -2.481 ], [ -43.727, -2.569 ], [ -43.654, -2.556 ], [ -43.682, -2.534 ], [ -43.653, -2.488 ], [ -43.608, -2.593 ], [ -43.603, -2.518 ], [ -43.548, -2.528 ], [ -43.519, -2.445 ], [ -43.498, -2.55 ], [ -43.46, -2.507 ], [ -43.458, -2.596 ], [ -43.401, -2.552 ], [ -43.448, -2.538 ], [ -43.462, -2.427 ], [ -43.359, -2.44 ], [ -43.479, -2.376 ], [ -43.378, -2.329 ], [ -43.4, -2.353 ], [ -43.232, -2.362 ], [ -42.692, -2.596 ], [ -42.709, -2.56 ], [ -42.572, -2.68 ], [ -42.495, -2.689 ], [ -42.503, -2.727 ], [ -42.393, -2.751 ], [ -42.475, -2.706 ], [ -42.375, -2.717 ], [ -42.228, -2.818 ], [ -42.143, -2.808 ], [ -42.256, -2.735 ], [ -42.233, -2.674 ], [ -42.208, -2.712 ], [ -42.098, -2.768 ], [ -42.099, -2.809 ], [ -42.096, -2.747 ], [ -42.216, -2.687 ], [ -42.054, -2.691 ], [ -42.023, -2.775 ], [ -42.017, -2.718 ], [ -41.818, -2.723 ], [ -41.844, -2.773 ], [ -41.797, -2.751 ], [ -41.656, -2.884 ], [ -41.437, -2.939 ], [ -41.395, -2.906 ], [ -41.316, -2.943 ], [ -41.263, -2.887 ], [ -40.838, -2.895 ], [ -40.572, -2.844 ], [ -40.499, -2.787 ], [ -39.888, -2.886 ], [ -39.244, -3.229 ], [ -39.083, -3.394 ], [ -38.978, -3.407 ], [ -38.641, -3.687 ], [ -38.473, -3.7 ], [ -38.377, -3.866 ], [ -38.043, -4.214 ], [ -37.764, -4.399 ], [ -37.588, -4.624 ], [ -37.323, -4.698 ], [ -37.15, -4.943 ], [ -36.958, -4.919 ], [ -36.666, -5.108 ], [ -36.504, -5.061 ], [ -36.297, -5.106 ], [ -35.956, -5.045 ], [ -35.612, -5.11 ], [ -35.385, -5.255 ], [ -35.255, -5.483 ], [ -35.099, -6.169 ], [ -34.983, -6.396 ], [ -34.933, -6.753 ], [ -34.79, -7.159 ], [ -34.842, -7.564 ], [ -34.809, -7.622 ], [ -34.845, -7.69 ], [ -34.827, -8.004 ], [ -35.136, -8.895 ], [ -35.332, -9.237 ], [ -35.689, -9.668 ], [ -35.78, -9.706 ], [ -36.056, -10.083 ], [ -36.266, -10.256 ], [ -36.402, -10.506 ], [ -36.602, -10.567 ], [ -36.934, -10.826 ], [ -37.36, -11.428 ], [ -37.612, -11.979 ], [ -37.996, -12.578 ], [ -38.318, -12.934 ], [ -38.477, -13.022 ], [ -38.532, -13.017 ], [ -38.473, -12.913 ], [ -38.498, -12.722 ], [ -38.603, -12.728 ], [ -38.646, -12.622 ], [ -38.681, -12.661 ], [ -38.718, -12.627 ], [ -38.804, -12.835 ], [ -38.717, -12.873 ], [ -38.769, -12.995 ], [ -38.721, -13.021 ], [ -38.66, -12.963 ], [ -38.686, -12.878 ], [ -38.59, -12.972 ], [ -38.766, -13.129 ], [ -38.807, -13.1 ], [ -38.808, -13.154 ], [ -38.944, -13.243 ], [ -38.973, -13.391 ], [ -38.902, -13.384 ], [ -38.886, -13.45 ], [ -38.95, -13.577 ], [ -38.886, -13.659 ], [ -38.968, -13.67 ], [ -39.006, -13.891 ], [ -39.064, -13.865 ], [ -39.075, -13.887 ], [ -38.986, -13.998 ], [ -38.952, -13.986 ], [ -38.982, -13.912 ], [ -38.938, -13.886 ], [ -38.922, -13.92 ], [ -39.061, -14.716 ], [ -38.962, -15.585 ], [ -38.857, -15.86 ], [ -38.973, -16.211 ], [ -39.032, -16.26 ], [ -39.01, -16.369 ], [ -39.078, -16.454 ], [ -39.143, -16.762 ], [ -39.113, -16.896 ], [ -39.212, -17.155 ], [ -39.193, -17.602 ], [ -39.135, -17.691 ], [ -39.264, -17.869 ], [ -39.435, -17.943 ], [ -39.563, -18.091 ], [ -39.721, -18.493 ], [ -39.749, -18.81 ], [ -39.692, -19.353 ], [ -39.805, -19.65 ], [ -39.951, -19.717 ], [ -40.151, -19.956 ], [ -40.236, -20.285 ], [ -40.353, -20.32 ], [ -40.329, -20.236 ], [ -40.359, -20.291 ], [ -40.365, -20.317 ], [ -40.35, -20.328 ], [ -40.268, -20.327 ], [ -40.402, -20.606 ], [ -40.466, -20.624 ], [ -40.627, -20.845 ], [ -40.65, -20.813 ], [ -40.756, -20.866 ], [ -40.853, -21.133 ], [ -40.955, -21.251 ], [ -40.96, -21.364 ], [ -41.065, -21.495 ], [ -41.051, -21.608 ], [ -41.038, -21.622 ], [ -41.007, -21.618 ], [ -40.99, -22.014 ], [ -41.229, -22.151 ], [ -41.668, -22.294 ], [ -41.962, -22.538 ], [ -41.986, -22.713 ], [ -41.919, -22.774 ], [ -41.864, -22.759 ], [ -42.023, -22.896 ], [ -42.037, -22.94 ], [ -41.99, -22.964 ], [ -42.018, -22.998 ], [ -42.086, -22.957 ], [ -42.529, -22.934 ], [ -43.05, -22.982 ], [ -43.132, -22.941 ], [ -43.025, -22.741 ], [ -43.084, -22.68 ], [ -43.216, -22.725 ], [ -43.287, -22.806 ], [ -43.24, -22.847 ], [ -43.249, -22.797 ], [ -43.156, -22.784 ], [ -43.247, -22.882 ], [ -43.164, -22.899 ], [ -43.187, -22.995 ], [ -43.344, -22.983 ], [ -43.303, -23.02 ], [ -43.549, -23.081 ], [ -44.001, -23.1 ], [ -43.961, -23.042 ], [ -43.877, -23.067 ], [ -43.909, -23.02 ], [ -43.807, -23.063 ], [ -43.555, -23.055 ], [ -43.84, -22.906 ], [ -43.985, -22.937 ], [ -44.034, -23.014 ], [ -44.044, -22.923 ], [ -44.107, -23.03 ], [ -44.234, -23.06 ], [ -44.238, -23.004 ], [ -44.358, -23.02 ], [ -44.296, -22.961 ], [ -44.321, -22.927 ], [ -44.378, -22.972 ], [ -44.407, -22.945 ], [ -44.443, -23.035 ], [ -44.669, -23.06 ], [ -44.712, -23.19 ], [ -44.701, -23.237 ], [ -44.645, -23.191 ], [ -44.612, -23.206 ], [ -44.685, -23.256 ], [ -44.611, -23.238 ], [ -44.652, -23.302 ], [ -44.558, -23.232 ], [ -44.577, -23.275 ], [ -44.498, -23.302 ], [ -44.583, -23.367 ], [ -44.669, -23.341 ], [ -44.84, -23.395 ], [ -44.905, -23.339 ], [ -45.05, -23.418 ], [ -45.016, -23.461 ], [ -45.079, -23.519 ], [ -45.165, -23.495 ], [ -45.159, -23.541 ], [ -45.228, -23.547 ], [ -45.211, -23.582 ], [ -45.41, -23.632 ], [ -45.412, -23.825 ], [ -45.934, -23.771 ], [ -46.124, -23.842 ], [ -46.2, -24.002 ], [ -46.288, -24.044 ], [ -46.321, -24 ], [ -46.458, -24.025 ], [ -46.937, -24.281 ], [ -47.024, -24.382 ], [ -47.004, -24.412 ], [ -47.86, -24.996 ], [ -47.914, -25.061 ], [ -47.915, -25.16 ], [ -48.213, -25.47 ], [ -48.254, -25.435 ], [ -48.222, -25.342 ], [ -48.208, -25.353 ], [ -48.121, -25.267 ], [ -48.253, -25.328 ], [ -48.284, -25.294 ], [ -48.317, -25.363 ], [ -48.327, -25.232 ], [ -48.366, -25.317 ], [ -48.433, -25.237 ], [ -48.428, -25.324 ], [ -48.5, -25.335 ], [ -48.427, -25.39 ], [ -48.449, -25.379 ], [ -48.468, -25.388 ], [ -48.467, -25.432 ], [ -48.449, -25.384 ], [ -48.414, -25.428 ], [ -48.476, -25.485 ], [ -48.637, -25.468 ], [ -48.661, -25.398 ], [ -48.671, -25.435 ], [ -48.739, -25.374 ], [ -48.68, -25.465 ], [ -48.687, -25.499 ], [ -48.737, -25.483 ], [ -48.703, -25.504 ], [ -48.617, -25.536 ], [ -48.512, -25.505 ], [ -48.482, -25.591 ], [ -48.46, -25.552 ], [ -48.35, -25.581 ], [ -48.565, -25.868 ], [ -48.614, -26.06 ], [ -48.586, -26.172 ], [ -48.714, -26.243 ], [ -48.795, -26.073 ], [ -48.837, -26.157 ], [ -48.798, -26.142 ], [ -48.763, -26.199 ], [ -48.805, -26.228 ], [ -48.769, -26.223 ], [ -48.761, -26.286 ], [ -48.803, -26.303 ], [ -48.723, -26.362 ], [ -48.635, -26.374 ], [ -48.714, -26.308 ], [ -48.554, -26.172 ], [ -48.493, -26.224 ], [ -48.695, -26.658 ], [ -48.665, -26.769 ], [ -48.583, -26.786 ], [ -48.655, -26.909 ], [ -48.62, -27.007 ], [ -48.574, -27.011 ], [ -48.607, -27.122 ], [ -48.554, -27.152 ], [ -48.51, -27.108 ], [ -48.469, -27.148 ], [ -48.511, -27.183 ], [ -48.486, -27.218 ], [ -48.531, -27.18 ], [ -48.612, -27.243 ], [ -48.596, -27.318 ], [ -48.529, -27.334 ], [ -48.649, -27.486 ], [ -48.572, -27.592 ], [ -48.653, -27.648 ], [ -48.575, -27.888 ], [ -48.761, -28.535 ], [ -48.813, -28.605 ], [ -49.37, -28.92 ], [ -49.334, -28.921 ], [ -49.702, -29.308 ], [ -50.006, -29.749 ], [ -50.316, -30.472 ], [ -50.848, -31.205 ], [ -51.303, -31.613 ], [ -51.877, -31.952 ], [ -52.071, -32.188 ], [ -52.012, -31.946 ], [ -52.092, -31.837 ], [ -51.851, -31.865 ], [ -51.777, -31.805 ], [ -51.854, -31.797 ], [ -51.65, -31.759 ], [ -51.478, -31.562 ], [ -51.43, -31.622 ], [ -51.458, -31.548 ], [ -51.424, -31.478 ], [ -51.351, -31.529 ], [ -51.234, -31.458 ], [ -51.16, -31.31 ], [ -51.166, -31.063 ], [ -51.109, -31.097 ], [ -50.985, -31.042 ], [ -50.965, -30.893 ], [ -50.888, -30.893 ], [ -50.705, -30.756 ], [ -50.677, -30.61 ], [ -50.725, -30.371 ], [ -50.692, -30.355 ], [ -50.625, -30.409 ], [ -50.641, -30.459 ], [ -50.569, -30.471 ], [ -50.534, -30.278 ], [ -50.601, -30.194 ], [ -50.659, -30.201 ], [ -50.661, -30.293 ], [ -50.918, -30.333 ], [ -50.934, -30.42 ], [ -50.889, -30.439 ], [ -50.921, -30.44 ], [ -51.052, -30.395 ], [ -51.034, -30.276 ], [ -51.146, -30.267 ], [ -51.246, -30.188 ], [ -51.23, -30.043 ], [ -51.295, -30.007 ], [ -51.326, -30.23 ], [ -51.271, -30.25 ], [ -51.293, -30.295 ], [ -51.246, -30.33 ], [ -51.209, -30.3 ], [ -51.179, -30.383 ], [ -51.092, -30.367 ], [ -51.129, -30.436 ], [ -51.202, -30.413 ], [ -51.269, -30.489 ], [ -51.282, -30.811 ], [ -51.33, -30.777 ], [ -51.294, -30.758 ], [ -51.319, -30.64 ], [ -51.375, -30.635 ], [ -51.404, -30.769 ], [ -51.367, -30.874 ], [ -51.457, -30.874 ], [ -51.501, -30.935 ], [ -51.436, -31.088 ], [ -51.611, -31.138 ], [ -51.613, -31.272 ], [ -51.915, -31.313 ], [ -52.002, -31.449 ], [ -52.031, -31.693 ], [ -52.218, -31.747 ], [ -52.247, -31.871 ], [ -52.106, -31.952 ], [ -52.216, -31.963 ], [ -52.263, -32.062 ], [ -52.209, -32.045 ], [ -52.225, -32.096 ], [ -52.082, -32.033 ], [ -52.162, -32.128 ], [ -52.09, -32.069 ], [ -52.084, -32.186 ], [ -52.16, -32.201 ], [ -52.341, -32.43 ], [ -52.488, -32.844 ], [ -52.66, -33.165 ], [ -53.227, -33.658 ], [ -53.421, -33.741 ], [ -53.524, -33.689 ], [ -53.515, -33.163 ], [ -53.434, -33.054 ], [ -53.243, -32.936 ], [ -53.294, -32.911 ], [ -53.074, -32.746 ], [ -53.244, -32.605 ], [ -53.39, -32.583 ], [ -53.46, -32.48 ], [ -53.595, -32.432 ], [ -53.73, -32.157 ], [ -53.714, -32.104 ], [ -53.965, -31.919 ], [ -54.096, -31.906 ], [ -54.466, -31.666 ], [ -54.491, -31.54 ], [ -54.591, -31.448 ], [ -54.836, -31.446 ], [ -54.945, -31.392 ], [ -55.014, -31.285 ], [ -55.091, -31.326 ], [ -55.245, -31.257 ], [ -55.374, -31.038 ], [ -55.594, -30.848 ], [ -55.635, -30.857 ], [ -55.657, -30.956 ], [ -55.87, -31.08 ], [ -56.008, -31.063 ], [ -55.987, -30.86 ], [ -56.021, -30.784 ], [ -56.127, -30.739 ], [ -56.177, -30.614 ], [ -56.384, -30.495 ], [ -56.459, -30.387 ], [ -56.545, -30.364 ], [ -56.54, -30.312 ], [ -56.617, -30.303 ], [ -56.644, -30.205 ], [ -56.776, -30.166 ], [ -56.804, -30.107 ], [ -57.068, -30.088 ], [ -57.207, -30.281 ], [ -57.313, -30.26 ], [ -57.396, -30.303 ], [ -57.538, -30.275 ], [ -57.618, -30.179 ], [ -57.505, -30.143 ], [ -57.342, -30.001 ], [ -57.319, -29.87 ], [ -57.254, -29.794 ], [ -57.105, -29.752 ], [ -56.972, -29.639 ], [ -56.676, -29.321 ], [ -56.593, -29.123 ], [ -56.425, -29.073 ], [ -56.285, -28.794 ], [ -56.185, -28.771 ], [ -56.016, -28.611 ], [ -56.011, -28.509 ], [ -55.888, -28.479 ], [ -55.875, -28.362 ], [ -55.696, -28.425 ], [ -55.671, -28.333 ], [ -55.773, -28.247 ], [ -55.605, -28.123 ], [ -55.554, -28.164 ], [ -55.496, -28.081 ], [ -55.444, -28.097 ], [ -55.323, -27.928 ], [ -55.196, -27.863 ], [ -55.134, -27.895 ], [ -55.117, -27.853 ], [ -55.032, -27.854 ], [ -55.082, -27.789 ], [ -54.941, -27.775 ], [ -54.809, -27.536 ], [ -54.781, -27.586 ], [ -54.683, -27.576 ], [ -54.678, -27.514 ], [ -54.624, -27.55 ], [ -54.576, -27.458 ], [ -54.525, -27.507 ], [ -54.415, -27.412 ], [ -54.353, -27.468 ], [ -54.339, -27.406 ], [ -54.282, -27.447 ], [ -54.176, -27.261 ], [ -54.089, -27.303 ], [ -53.949, -27.158 ], [ -53.799, -27.147 ], [ -53.795, -27.048 ], [ -53.761, -27.068 ], [ -53.662, -26.869 ], [ -53.751, -26.745 ], [ -53.707, -26.563 ], [ -53.738, -26.548 ], [ -53.592, -26.265 ], [ -53.722, -26.13 ], [ -53.733, -26.047 ], [ -53.837, -25.969 ], [ -53.824, -25.793 ], [ -53.891, -25.625 ], [ -53.951, -25.644 ], [ -54.016, -25.569 ], [ -54.101, -25.625 ], [ -54.111, -25.504 ], [ -54.213, -25.554 ], [ -54.184, -25.591 ], [ -54.289, -25.562 ], [ -54.387, -25.608 ], [ -54.43, -25.706 ], [ -54.596, -25.595 ], [ -54.617, -25.459 ], [ -54.437, -25.157 ], [ -54.458, -25.031 ], [ -54.336, -24.649 ], [ -54.333, -24.493 ], [ -54.262, -24.376 ], [ -54.33, -24.225 ], [ -54.282, -24.075 ], [ -54.411, -23.929 ], [ -54.668, -23.815 ], [ -55.061, -23.991 ], [ -55.112, -23.963 ], [ -55.226, -24.013 ], [ -55.413, -23.961 ], [ -55.434, -23.714 ], [ -55.535, -23.614 ], [ -55.522, -23.197 ], [ -55.596, -23.141 ], [ -55.64, -22.994 ], [ -55.685, -22.992 ], [ -55.613, -22.659 ], [ -55.736, -22.532 ], [ -55.74, -22.396 ], [ -55.854, -22.281 ], [ -56.208, -22.281 ], [ -56.341, -22.206 ], [ -56.403, -22.078 ], [ -56.519, -22.103 ], [ -56.643, -22.261 ], [ -56.698, -22.216 ], [ -56.728, -22.26 ], [ -56.808, -22.25 ], [ -56.831, -22.3 ], [ -57.001, -22.225 ], [ -57.203, -22.21 ], [ -57.243, -22.244 ], [ -57.553, -22.181 ], [ -57.616, -22.096 ], [ -57.803, -22.148 ], [ -57.989, -22.085 ], [ -58.005, -22.032 ], [ -57.919, -21.881 ], [ -57.969, -21.844 ], [ -57.913, -21.793 ], [ -57.947, -21.747 ], [ -57.894, -21.687 ], [ -57.968, -21.528 ], [ -57.855, -21.339 ], [ -57.918, -21.278 ], [ -57.854, -21.226 ], [ -57.866, -21.041 ], [ -57.818, -20.976 ], [ -57.927, -20.897 ], [ -57.855, -20.835 ], [ -57.961, -20.784 ], [ -57.869, -20.736 ], [ -57.923, -20.666 ], [ -57.988, -20.696 ], [ -57.994, -20.448 ], [ -58.082, -20.372 ], [ -58.092, -20.257 ], [ -58.154, -20.264 ], [ -58.125, -20.188 ], [ -58.163, -20.162 ], [ -57.872, -19.979 ], [ -58.134, -19.761 ], [ -57.79, -19.051 ], [ -57.709, -19.034 ], [ -57.757, -18.858 ], [ -57.56, -18.263 ], [ -57.458, -18.228 ], [ -57.568, -18.136 ], [ -57.702, -17.86 ], [ -57.715, -17.735 ], [ -57.785, -17.645 ], [ -57.773, -17.553 ], [ -57.878, -17.463 ], [ -58.003, -17.52 ], [ -58.114, -17.456 ], [ -58.395, -17.197 ], [ -58.421, -16.99 ], [ -58.47, -16.939 ], [ -58.468, -16.702 ], [ -58.442, -16.613 ], [ -58.34, -16.542 ], [ -58.309, -16.27 ], [ -58.471, -16.325 ], [ -60.173, -16.265 ], [ -60.236, -15.476 ], [ -60.565, -15.105 ], [ -60.253, -15.101 ], [ -60.257, -14.624 ], [ -60.338, -14.555 ], [ -60.482, -14.181 ], [ -60.468, -14.092 ], [ -60.378, -13.992 ], [ -60.468, -13.886 ], [ -60.468, -13.801 ], [ -60.793, -13.686 ], [ -60.962, -13.539 ], [ -61.044, -13.541 ], [ -61.028, -13.477 ], [ -61.069, -13.463 ], [ -61.139, -13.521 ], [ -61.249, -13.525 ], [ -61.33, -13.473 ], [ -61.486, -13.554 ], [ -61.578, -13.494 ], [ -61.824, -13.539 ], [ -61.866, -13.443 ], [ -62.108, -13.257 ], [ -62.109, -13.149 ], [ -62.165, -13.112 ], [ -62.368, -13.145 ], [ -62.464, -13.07 ], [ -62.637, -13.041 ], [ -62.674, -12.965 ], [ -62.764, -13.023 ], [ -62.923, -12.854 ], [ -62.996, -12.85 ], [ -63.082, -12.653 ], [ -63.327, -12.705 ], [ -63.482, -12.557 ], [ -63.712, -12.458 ], [ -63.875, -12.469 ], [ -63.937, -12.557 ], [ -64.127, -12.494 ], [ -64.152, -12.529 ], [ -64.215, -12.476 ], [ -64.278, -12.511 ], [ -64.493, -12.366 ], [ -64.486, -12.23 ], [ -64.654, -12.186 ], [ -64.683, -12.099 ], [ -64.725, -12.162 ], [ -64.798, -12.035 ], [ -64.993, -11.999 ], [ -65.048, -11.757 ], [ -65.112, -11.741 ], [ -65.106, -11.697 ], [ -65.135, -11.777 ], [ -65.201, -11.745 ], [ -65.161, -11.622 ], [ -65.218, -11.521 ], [ -65.299, -11.5 ], [ -65.338, -11.392 ], [ -65.31, -11.341 ], [ -65.385, -11.269 ], [ -65.349, -11.239 ], [ -65.391, -11.167 ], [ -65.318, -11.105 ], [ -65.336, -11.044 ], [ -65.269, -10.901 ], [ -65.366, -10.798 ], [ -65.349, -10.671 ], [ -65.426, -10.638 ], [ -65.429, -10.473 ], [ -65.28, -10.218 ], [ -65.327, -9.938 ], [ -65.29, -9.851 ], [ -65.377, -9.698 ], [ -65.488, -9.718 ], [ -65.563, -9.834 ], [ -65.669, -9.779 ], [ -65.7, -9.803 ], [ -65.689, -9.749 ], [ -65.748, -9.77 ], [ -65.777, -9.727 ], [ -65.798, -9.786 ], [ -65.81, -9.75 ], [ -65.86, -9.794 ], [ -65.872, -9.757 ], [ -66.018, -9.807 ], [ -66.064, -9.772 ], [ -66.422, -9.895 ], [ -66.616, -9.893 ], [ -66.623, -9.935 ], [ -66.883, -10.081 ], [ -67.029, -10.254 ], [ -67.186, -10.339 ], [ -67.315, -10.316 ], [ -67.327, -10.374 ], [ -67.414, -10.372 ], [ -67.443, -10.45 ], [ -67.594, -10.523 ], [ -67.715, -10.707 ], [ -68.021, -10.661 ], [ -68.119, -10.726 ], [ -68.283, -10.987 ], [ -68.519, -11.048 ], [ -68.587, -11.11 ], [ -68.769, -11.139 ], [ -68.751, -11.007 ], [ -68.787, -10.99 ], [ -68.871, -11.023 ], [ -69.393, -10.929 ], [ -69.728, -10.973 ], [ -69.938, -10.926 ], [ -70.318, -11.066 ], [ -70.428, -11.033 ], [ -70.508, -10.94 ], [ -70.618, -11.007 ], [ -70.622, -9.847 ], [ -70.522, -9.738 ], [ -70.598, -9.574 ], [ -70.561, -9.579 ], [ -70.497, -9.433 ], [ -70.601, -9.453 ], [ -70.982, -9.812 ], [ -71.131, -9.862 ], [ -71.288, -9.996 ], [ -72.165, -10.002 ], [ -72.16, -9.818 ], [ -72.26, -9.755 ], [ -72.289, -9.536 ], [ -72.364, -9.491 ], [ -72.721, -9.417 ], [ -73.196, -9.418 ], [ -72.965, -9.154 ], [ -72.946, -8.99 ], [ -73.059, -8.904 ], [ -73.169, -8.701 ], [ -73.338, -8.609 ], [ -73.338, -8.476 ], [ -73.526, -8.369 ], [ -73.632, -8.022 ], [ -73.765, -7.94 ], [ -73.777, -7.869 ], [ -73.697, -7.865 ], [ -73.69, -7.79 ], [ -73.985, -7.543 ], [ -73.917, -7.461 ], [ -73.954, -7.348 ], [ -73.868, -7.377 ], [ -73.691, -7.313 ], [ -73.797, -7.115 ], [ -73.743, -6.897 ], [ -73.351, -6.561 ], [ -73.211, -6.53 ], [ -73.133, -6.421 ], [ -73.185, -6.04 ], [ -73.131, -5.986 ], [ -73.116, -5.865 ], [ -72.951, -5.643 ], [ -72.948, -5.454 ], [ -72.872, -5.25 ], [ -72.896, -5.136 ], [ -72.734, -5.043 ], [ -72.602, -5.056 ], [ -72.577, -4.992 ], [ -72.455, -4.962 ], [ -72.452, -4.906 ], [ -72.37, -4.88 ], [ -72.356, -4.803 ], [ -72.292, -4.799 ], [ -72.313, -4.769 ], [ -72.223, -4.78 ], [ -72.113, -4.722 ], [ -72.047, -4.625 ], [ -71.94, -4.607 ], [ -71.897, -4.512 ], [ -71.61, -4.465 ], [ -71.597, -4.525 ], [ -71.535, -4.46 ], [ -71.49, -4.479 ], [ -71.506, -4.435 ], [ -71.414, -4.432 ], [ -71.432, -4.469 ], [ -71.342, -4.423 ], [ -71.355, -4.468 ], [ -71.303, -4.458 ], [ -71.269, -4.381 ], [ -71.198, -4.377 ], [ -71.193, -4.42 ], [ -71.147, -4.375 ], [ -71.031, -4.397 ], [ -70.99, -4.34 ], [ -70.935, -4.381 ], [ -70.757, -4.152 ], [ -70.677, -4.2 ], [ -70.622, -4.121 ], [ -70.633, -4.173 ], [ -70.565, -4.168 ], [ -70.566, -4.205 ], [ -70.553, -4.128 ], [ -70.503, -4.19 ], [ -70.434, -4.125 ], [ -70.341, -4.174 ], [ -70.317, -4.136 ], [ -70.291, -4.283 ], [ -70.249, -4.267 ], [ -70.186, -4.357 ], [ -70.169, -4.27 ], [ -70.101, -4.255 ], [ -70.031, -4.339 ], [ -69.929, -4.213 ], [ -69.453, -1.478 ], [ -69.368, -1.334 ], [ -69.422, -0.998 ], [ -69.508, -0.936 ], [ -69.609, -0.755 ], [ -69.551, -0.648 ], [ -69.593, -0.517 ], [ -69.908, -0.316 ], [ -70.068, -0.135 ], [ -70.037, 0.553 ], [ -69.798, 0.585 ], [ -69.664, 0.672 ], [ -69.606, 0.623 ], [ -69.468, 0.734 ], [ -69.357, 0.621 ], [ -69.295, 0.648 ], [ -69.288, 0.609 ], [ -69.202, 0.602 ], [ -69.112, 0.643 ], [ -69.184, 0.73 ], [ -69.137, 0.868 ], [ -69.257, 1.026 ], [ -69.342, 1.064 ], [ -69.416, 1.024 ], [ -69.7, 1.056 ], [ -69.721, 1.097 ], [ -69.854, 1.07 ], [ -69.855, 1.715 ], [ -69.556, 1.775 ], [ -69.395, 1.726 ], [ -68.128, 1.73 ], [ -68.29, 1.841 ], [ -68.205, 2.038 ], [ -68.027, 1.784 ], [ -67.924, 1.751 ], [ -67.797, 1.812 ], [ -67.578, 2.076 ], [ -67.41, 2.141 ], [ -67.117, 1.732 ], [ -67.068, 1.532 ], [ -67.097, 1.17 ], [ -66.855, 1.228 ], [ -66.322, 0.738 ], [ -66.095, 0.754 ], [ -65.952, 0.81 ], [ -65.854, 0.939 ], [ -65.733, 1.005 ], [ -65.583, 1.008 ], [ -65.47, 0.877 ], [ -65.557, 0.705 ], [ -65.504, 0.627 ], [ -65.393, 0.699 ], [ -65.305, 0.916 ], [ -65.152, 0.943 ], [ -65.121, 1.115 ], [ -65.055, 1.144 ], [ -64.968, 1.112 ], [ -64.903, 1.249 ], [ -64.843, 1.237 ], [ -64.783, 1.313 ], [ -64.721, 1.25 ], [ -64.638, 1.286 ], [ -64.387, 1.527 ], [ -64.344, 1.528 ], [ -64.382, 1.419 ], [ -64.344, 1.38 ], [ -64.186, 1.494 ], [ -64.054, 1.708 ], [ -64.057, 1.933 ], [ -64.018, 1.967 ], [ -63.781, 1.989 ], [ -63.604, 2.124 ], [ -63.419, 2.154 ], [ -63.349, 2.281 ], [ -63.382, 2.442 ], [ -63.756, 2.403 ], [ -64.031, 2.509 ], [ -63.987, 2.772 ], [ -64.216, 3.153 ], [ -64.236, 3.476 ], [ -64.186, 3.634 ], [ -64.324, 3.797 ], [ -64.543, 3.882 ], [ -64.8, 4.224 ], [ -64.79, 4.329 ], [ -64.677, 4.297 ], [ -64.555, 4.153 ], [ -64.135, 4.176 ], [ -63.967, 3.93 ], [ -63.806, 4.019 ], [ -63.623, 4.01 ], [ -63.455, 3.91 ], [ -63.411, 4.026 ], [ -63.358, 4.04 ], [ -63.203, 3.952 ], [ -63.189, 3.872 ], [ -62.86, 3.584 ], [ -62.749, 3.642 ], [ -62.705, 3.724 ], [ -62.752, 4.012 ], [ -62.635, 4.056 ], [ -62.557, 4.02 ], [ -62.46, 4.173 ], [ -62.129, 4.084 ], [ -61.961, 4.18 ], [ -61.927, 4.106 ], [ -61.723, 4.262 ], [ -61.528, 4.273 ], [ -61.507, 4.398 ], [ -61.274, 4.471 ], [ -61.293, 4.55 ], [ -61.141, 4.508 ], [ -60.952, 4.549 ], [ -60.907, 4.708 ], [ -60.731, 4.777 ], [ -60.59, 4.951 ], [ -60.744, 5.209 ], [ -60.438, 5.177 ], [ -60.203, 5.265 ], [ -60.176, 5.227 ], [ -60.121, 5.243 ], [ -60.085, 5.149 ], [ -59.969, 5.073 ], [ -60.03, 4.704 ], [ -60.163, 4.521 ], [ -59.927, 4.509 ], [ -59.674, 4.382 ], [ -59.726, 4.191 ], [ -59.628, 4.138 ], [ -59.655, 4.078 ], [ -59.516, 3.94 ], [ -59.581, 3.901 ], [ -59.594, 3.796 ], [ -59.666, 3.777 ], [ -59.664, 3.703 ], [ -59.849, 3.601 ], [ -59.799, 3.355 ], [ -59.909, 3.197 ], [ -59.982, 2.929 ], [ -59.99, 2.683 ], [ -59.903, 2.479 ], [ -59.91, 2.388 ], [ -59.724, 2.277 ], [ -59.754, 1.861 ], [ -59.654, 1.849 ], [ -59.669, 1.764 ], [ -59.549, 1.729 ], [ -59.253, 1.397 ], [ -58.914, 1.299 ], [ -58.904, 1.234 ], [ -58.804, 1.175 ], [ -58.696, 1.288 ], [ -58.507, 1.264 ], [ -58.468, 1.318 ], [ -58.498, 1.458 ], [ -58.382, 1.471 ], [ -58.325, 1.59 ], [ -58.167, 1.558 ], [ -58.13, 1.501 ], [ -58.009, 1.501 ], [ -58, 1.665 ], [ -57.919, 1.645 ], [ -57.77, 1.718 ], [ -57.545, 1.701 ], [ -57.434, 1.895 ], [ -57.302, 1.99 ], [ -57.247, 1.944 ], [ -57.085, 2.021 ], [ -57.012, 1.918 ], [ -56.8, 1.864 ], [ -56.724, 1.92 ], [ -56.454, 1.945 ], [ -55.957, 1.844 ], [ -55.906, 1.889 ], [ -55.913, 2.041 ], [ -56.048, 2.226 ], [ -56.134, 2.263 ], [ -56.09, 2.352 ], [ -55.995, 2.405 ], [ -55.987, 2.517 ], [ -55.948, 2.532 ], [ -55.739, 2.401 ], [ -55.481, 2.443 ], [ -55.37, 2.407 ], [ -55.336, 2.516 ], [ -55.239, 2.495 ], [ -55.137, 2.575 ], [ -55.103, 2.522 ], [ -54.94, 2.632 ], [ -54.969, 2.555 ], [ -54.864, 2.439 ], [ -54.72, 2.469 ], [ -54.702, 2.336 ], [ -54.549, 2.336 ], [ -54.534, 2.268 ], [ -54.314, 2.158 ], [ -54.189, 2.179 ], [ -54.111, 2.127 ], [ -54.078, 2.197 ], [ -53.784, 2.364 ], [ -53.694, 2.287 ], [ -53.472, 2.332 ], [ -53.397, 2.272 ], [ -53.273, 2.292 ], [ -53.188, 2.223 ], [ -52.905, 2.19 ], [ -52.853, 2.285 ], [ -52.673, 2.374 ], [ -52.555, 2.523 ], [ -52.556, 2.646 ], [ -52.382, 2.912 ], [ -52.347, 3.134 ], [ -52.192, 3.296 ], [ -51.92, 3.781 ], [ -51.795, 3.89 ], [ -51.754, 3.996 ], [ -51.658, 4.049 ], [ -51.585, 4.241 ], [ -51.529, 4.171 ], [ -51.545, 4.397 ], [ -51.202, 4.084 ], [ -51.173, 3.767 ], [ -51.127, 3.911 ], [ -51.085, 3.895 ], [ -51.051, 3.283 ], [ -50.913, 2.875 ], [ -50.927, 2.807 ], [ -50.816, 2.644 ], [ -50.851, 2.482 ], [ -50.802, 2.508 ], [ -50.736, 2.414 ], [ -50.765, 2.359 ], [ -50.694, 2.276 ], [ -50.725, 2.252 ], [ -50.675, 2.247 ], [ -50.682, 2.137 ], [ -50.584, 2.091 ], [ -50.586, 2.014 ], [ -50.471, 1.82 ], [ -50.194, 1.794 ], [ -49.954, 1.676 ], [ -49.88, 1.419 ], [ -49.918, 1.289 ], [ -50.073, 1.204 ], [ -49.918, 1.232 ], [ -49.939, 1.103 ], [ -50.003, 1.066 ], [ -50.033, 1.107 ], [ -50.131, 0.949 ], [ -50.274, 0.866 ], [ -50.338, 0.729 ], [ -50.417, 0.685 ], [ -50.455, 0.732 ], [ -50.428, 0.679 ], [ -50.571, 0.424 ], [ -50.691, 0.3 ], [ -50.677, 0.365 ], [ -50.746, 0.227 ], [ -50.801, 0.224 ], [ -50.785, 0.183 ], [ -50.908, 0.171 ], [ -51.087, -0.043 ], [ -51.203, -0.055 ], [ -51.419, -0.412 ], [ -51.409, -0.44 ], [ -51.325, -0.364 ], [ -51.188, -0.14 ], [ -51.111, -0.154 ], [ -51.154, -0.284 ], [ -51.396, -0.493 ], [ -51.243, -0.443 ], [ -51.26, -0.5 ], [ -51.165, -0.431 ], [ -50.953, -0.061 ], [ -50.824, -0.048 ], [ -50.705, 0.002 ], [ -50.613, -0.088 ], [ -50.744, -0.244 ], [ -50.751, -0.429 ], [ -50.845, -0.526 ], [ -50.988, -0.583 ], [ -51.051, -0.682 ], [ -50.826, -0.555 ], [ -50.794, -0.666 ], [ -50.733, -0.557 ], [ -50.684, -0.604 ], [ -50.724, -0.493 ], [ -50.652, -0.276 ], [ -50.409, -0.094 ], [ -49.631, -0.247 ], [ -49.446, -0.23 ], [ -49.289, -0.145 ], [ -49.018, -0.16 ], [ -49, -0.139 ], [ -48.895, -0.224 ], [ -48.539, -0.234 ], [ -48.363, -0.303 ], [ -48.459, -0.513 ], [ -48.522, -0.877 ], [ -48.667, -1.002 ], [ -48.621, -1.005 ], [ -48.65, -1.048 ], [ -48.617, -1.053 ], [ -48.721, -1.137 ], [ -48.837, -1.452 ], [ -49.161, -1.575 ], [ -49.182, -1.623 ], [ -49.362, -1.604 ], [ -49.364, -1.642 ], [ -49.448, -1.637 ], [ -49.5, -1.738 ], [ -49.61, -1.718 ], [ -49.676, -1.78 ], [ -49.696, -1.757 ], [ -49.714, -1.76 ], [ -49.803, -1.822 ], [ -50.035, -1.717 ], [ -50.179, -1.787 ], [ -50.256, -1.776 ], [ -50.415, -1.841 ], [ -50.401, -1.935 ], [ -49.994, -1.819 ], [ -49.844, -1.905 ], [ -49.765, -1.898 ], [ -49.616, -1.79 ], [ -49.276, -1.706 ], [ -49.267, -1.778 ], [ -49.387, -1.977 ], [ -49.383, -2.159 ], [ -48.973, -1.594 ], [ -48.897, -1.573 ], [ -48.955, -1.712 ], [ -48.932, -1.75 ], [ -48.898, -1.743 ], [ -48.656, -1.371 ], [ -48.592, -1.429 ], [ -48.601, -1.306 ], [ -48.524, -1.338 ], [ -48.537, -1.467 ], [ -48.496, -1.553 ], [ -48.491, -1.502 ], [ -48.46, -1.533 ], [ -48.374, -1.511 ], [ -48.319, -1.478 ], [ -48.505, -1.471 ], [ -48.422, -1.168 ], [ -48.475, -1.144 ], [ -48.4, -1.066 ], [ -48.278, -1.111 ], [ -48.304, -0.948 ], [ -48.055, -0.668 ], [ -48.001, -0.731 ], [ -47.893, -0.553 ], [ -47.843, -0.616 ], [ -47.807, -0.547 ], [ -47.702, -0.54 ], [ -47.707, -0.59 ], [ -47.667, -0.569 ], [ -47.633, -0.608 ], [ -47.651, -0.694 ], [ -47.608, -0.684 ], [ -47.577, -0.573 ], [ -47.476, -0.757 ], [ -47.398, -0.76 ], [ -47.428, -0.693 ], [ -47.464, -0.687 ], [ -47.466, -0.594 ], [ -47.399, -0.594 ], [ -47.4, -0.645 ], [ -47.298, -0.589 ], [ -47.253, -0.668 ], [ -47.247, -0.623 ], [ -47.206, -0.633 ], [ -47.23, -0.719 ], [ -47.158, -0.678 ], [ -47.191, -0.754 ], [ -47.146, -0.764 ], [ -47.16, -0.815 ], [ -47.081, -0.661 ], [ -47.055, -0.868 ], [ -47.027, -0.784 ], [ -46.983, -0.806 ], [ -47.016, -0.752 ], [ -46.967, -0.694 ], [ -46.969, -0.78 ], [ -46.891, -0.869 ], [ -46.89, -0.789 ], [ -46.846, -0.799 ], [ -46.82, -0.71 ], [ -46.802, -0.877 ], [ -46.777, -0.905 ], [ -46.75, -0.826 ], [ -46.709, -0.86 ], [ -46.734, -0.944 ], [ -46.687, -0.831 ], [ -46.653, -0.882 ], [ -46.621, -0.818 ], [ -46.601, -0.917 ], [ -46.676, -0.965 ], [ -46.622, -0.987 ], [ -46.57, -0.947 ], [ -46.609, -1.03 ], [ -46.57, -0.988 ], [ -46.525, -1.027 ], [ -46.465, -1.007 ], [ -46.47, -1.044 ], [ -46.395, -1.037 ], [ -46.413, -1.084 ], [ -46.348, -0.982 ], [ -46.36, -1.011 ], [ -46.366, -1.031 ], [ -46.348, -1.079 ], [ -46.339, -1.015 ], [ -46.299, -1.05 ], [ -46.212, -0.946 ], [ -46.242, -0.921 ], [ -46.179, -0.914 ], [ -46.224, -1.053 ], [ -46.206, -1.1 ], [ -46.158, -1.014 ], [ -46.138, -1.032 ], [ -46.193, -1.143 ], [ -46.104, -1.067 ], [ -46.062, -1.133 ], [ -46.15, -1.258 ], [ -45.982, -1.071 ], [ -45.953, -1.147 ], [ -46, -1.151 ], [ -46, -1.199 ], [ -45.95, -1.159 ], [ -45.95, -1.207 ], [ -46, -1.209 ], [ -45.95, -1.25 ], [ -45.902, -1.134 ], [ -45.923, -1.214 ], [ -45.882, -1.167 ], [ -45.873, -1.211 ], [ -45.909, -1.261 ], [ -45.859, -1.231 ], [ -45.891, -1.293 ], [ -45.807, -1.176 ], [ -45.843, -1.301 ], [ -45.809, -1.328 ], [ -45.831, -1.298 ], [ -45.782, -1.278 ], [ -45.726, -1.135 ], [ -45.69, -1.452 ], [ -45.697, -1.38 ], [ -45.632, -1.371 ], [ -45.618, -1.279 ], [ -45.589, -1.329 ], [ -45.537, -1.273 ], [ -45.561, -1.343 ], [ -45.51, -1.352 ], [ -45.567, -1.404 ], [ -45.546, -1.432 ], [ -45.413, -1.296 ], [ -45.489, -1.473 ], [ -45.511, -1.458 ], [ -45.554, -1.503 ], [ -45.507, -1.471 ], [ -45.518, -1.516 ], [ -45.481, -1.495 ], [ -45.463, -1.548 ], [ -45.457, -1.457 ], [ -45.391, -1.434 ], [ -45.363, -1.325 ], [ -45.323, -1.319 ], [ -45.302, -1.424 ], [ -45.392, -1.485 ], [ -45.398, -1.503 ], [ -45.356, -1.487 ], [ -45.392, -1.553 ], [ -45.338, -1.572 ], [ -45.371, -1.722 ], [ -45.338, -1.753 ], [ -45.197, -1.688 ], [ -45.261, -1.607 ], [ -45.16, -1.475 ], [ -45.136, -1.521 ], [ -45.072, -1.435 ], [ -45.07, -1.485 ], [ -44.999, -1.504 ], [ -45.018, -1.547 ], [ -44.969, -1.549 ], [ -45.029, -1.583 ], [ -45.029, -1.602 ], [ -44.979, -1.607 ], [ -44.954, -1.498 ], [ -44.862, -1.426 ], [ -44.857, -1.498 ], [ -44.954, -1.605 ], [ -44.918, -1.649 ], [ -44.968, -1.662 ], [ -44.913, -1.657 ], [ -44.927, -1.62 ], [ -44.886, -1.609 ], [ -44.837, -1.65 ], [ -44.822, -1.591 ], [ -44.826, -1.637 ], [ -44.805, -1.609 ], [ -44.812, -1.665 ], [ -44.779, -1.735 ], [ -44.711, -1.728 ], [ -44.82, -1.819 ], [ -44.738, -1.791 ], [ -44.706, -1.819 ], [ -44.676, -1.808 ], [ -44.661, -1.727 ], [ -44.604, -1.749 ], [ -44.667, -1.849 ], [ -44.601, -1.858 ], [ -44.583, -1.817 ], [ -44.586, -1.873 ], [ -44.543, -1.833 ], [ -44.601, -1.909 ], [ -44.517, -1.907 ], [ -44.484, -2.002 ], [ -44.613, -2.037 ], [ -44.467, -2.017 ], [ -44.626, -2.151 ], [ -44.589, -2.159 ], [ -44.641, -2.232 ], [ -44.708, -2.23 ], [ -44.684, -2.275 ], [ -44.764, -2.265 ], [ -44.654, -2.294 ], [ -44.681, -2.354 ], [ -44.649, -2.373 ], [ -44.666, -2.329 ], [ -44.479, -2.137 ], [ -44.358, -2.335 ], [ -44.401, -2.416 ], [ -44.514, -2.384 ], [ -44.55, -2.4 ], [ -44.491, -2.415 ], [ -44.514, -2.448 ], [ -44.505, -2.476 ], [ -44.665, -2.608 ], [ -44.548, -2.542 ], [ -44.658, -2.781 ], [ -44.688, -2.924 ], [ -44.677, -3.019 ], [ -44.66, -3.02 ], [ -44.657, -3.018 ] ], [ [ -43.318, -2.361 ], [ -43.317, -2.363 ], [ -43.296, -2.363 ], [ -43.318, -2.361 ] ], [ [ -42.438, -2.747 ], [ -42.442, -2.749 ], [ -42.438, -2.75 ], [ -42.438, -2.747 ] ], [ [ -42.442, -2.749 ], [ -42.47, -2.744 ], [ -42.447, -2.753 ], [ -42.442, -2.749 ] ], [ [ -50.851, 2.482 ], [ -50.853, 2.481 ], [ -50.853, 2.48 ], [ -50.851, 2.482 ] ], [ [ -50.853, 2.481 ], [ -50.86, 2.495 ], [ -50.86, 2.477 ], [ -50.853, 2.481 ] ], [ [ -49.976, 1.659 ], [ -49.98, 1.659 ], [ -50, 1.639 ], [ -49.976, 1.659 ] ], [ [ -45.392, -1.553 ], [ -45.393, -1.553 ], [ -45.394, -1.556 ], [ -45.392, -1.553 ] ], [ [ -45.394, -1.556 ], [ -45.406, -1.579 ], [ -45.403, -1.591 ], [ -45.394, -1.556 ] ], [ [ -44.837, -1.65 ], [ -44.834, -1.655 ], [ -44.833, -1.654 ], [ -44.837, -1.65 ] ], [ [ -44.834, -1.655 ], [ -44.841, -1.675 ], [ -44.822, -1.672 ], [ -44.834, -1.655 ] ], [ [ -44.779, -1.735 ], [ -44.777, -1.741 ], [ -44.776, -1.74 ], [ -44.779, -1.735 ] ], [ [ -44.777, -1.741 ], [ -44.833, -1.77 ], [ -44.774, -1.75 ], [ -44.777, -1.741 ] ], [ [ -44.547, -2.22 ], [ -44.536, -2.225 ], [ -44.543, -2.219 ], [ -44.547, -2.22 ] ], [ [ -44.536, -2.225 ], [ -44.507, -2.249 ], [ -44.512, -2.235 ], [ -44.536, -2.225 ] ], [ [ -44.507, -2.249 ], [ -44.504, -2.256 ], [ -44.501, -2.254 ], [ -44.507, -2.249 ] ], [ [ -44.504, -2.256 ], [ -44.514, -2.268 ], [ -44.502, -2.26 ], [ -44.504, -2.256 ] ] ], [ [ [ -29.34, -20.484 ], [ -29.301, -20.521 ], [ -29.341, -20.511 ], [ -29.34, -20.484 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.001, -13.94 ], [ -39.012, -13.915 ], [ -38.994, -13.896 ], [ -39.001, -13.94 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.043, -13.909 ], [ -39.059, -13.904 ], [ -39.054, -13.886 ], [ -39.028, -13.903 ], [ -39.043, -13.909 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.251, -18.015 ], [ -39.283, -18.005 ], [ -39.272, -17.982 ], [ -39.245, -18.006 ], [ -39.251, -18.015 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.131, -17.927 ], [ -39.154, -17.921 ], [ -39.137, -17.91 ], [ -39.131, -17.927 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.212, -17.986 ], [ -39.228, -17.979 ], [ -39.215, -17.944 ], [ -39.202, -17.95 ], [ -39.212, -17.986 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.341, -23.231 ], [ -44.372, -23.174 ], [ -44.232, -23.089 ], [ -44.087, -23.173 ], [ -44.3, -23.184 ], [ -44.341, -23.231 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.356, -23.073 ], [ -44.388, -23.048 ], [ -44.373, -23.033 ], [ -44.343, -23.041 ], [ -44.356, -23.073 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.929, -23.014 ], [ -43.936, -22.999 ], [ -43.916, -22.989 ], [ -43.929, -23.014 ] ] ], [ [ [ -42.002, -23.018 ], [ -42.015, -23.003 ], [ -41.98, -22.975 ], [ -41.975, -22.992 ], [ -42.002, -23.018 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.904, -22.962 ], [ -43.907, -22.936 ], [ -43.868, -22.926 ], [ -43.871, -22.95 ], [ -43.904, -22.962 ] ] ], [ [ [ -41.042, -21.613 ], [ -41.042, -21.6 ], [ -41.019, -21.606 ], [ -41.042, -21.613 ] ] ], [ [ [ -52.112, -32 ], [ -52.18, -32.035 ], [ -52.216, -32.025 ], [ -52.198, -31.978 ], [ -52.112, -32 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.641, -30.388 ], [ -50.629, -30.394 ], [ -50.624, -30.329 ], [ -50.592, -30.399 ], [ -50.609, -30.406 ], [ -50.641, -30.388 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.526, -27.462 ], [ -48.416, -27.38 ], [ -48.358, -27.446 ], [ -48.503, -27.799 ], [ -48.559, -27.842 ], [ -48.526, -27.462 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.354, -27.296 ], [ -48.376, -27.285 ], [ -48.373, -27.271 ], [ -48.36, -27.27 ], [ -48.354, -27.296 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.731, -26.314 ], [ -48.754, -26.297 ], [ -48.735, -26.282 ], [ -48.731, -26.314 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.318, -25.584 ], [ -48.309, -25.546 ], [ -48.381, -25.504 ], [ -48.312, -25.509 ], [ -48.292, -25.545 ], [ -48.318, -25.584 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.414, -25.544 ], [ -48.459, -25.514 ], [ -48.415, -25.527 ], [ -48.414, -25.544 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.424, -25.551 ], [ -48.479, -25.523 ], [ -48.485, -25.502 ], [ -48.424, -25.551 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.298, -25.493 ], [ -48.341, -25.416 ], [ -48.252, -25.341 ], [ -48.265, -25.44 ], [ -48.253, -25.466 ], [ -48.298, -25.493 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.417, -25.386 ], [ -48.424, -25.343 ], [ -48.405, -25.33 ], [ -48.417, -25.386 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.695, -24.112 ], [ -45.688, -24.088 ], [ -45.679, -24.098 ], [ -45.695, -24.112 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.251, -23.962 ], [ -45.301, -23.909 ], [ -45.453, -23.91 ], [ -45.332, -23.721 ], [ -45.227, -23.774 ], [ -45.224, -23.835 ], [ -45.283, -23.857 ], [ -45.221, -23.899 ], [ -45.251, -23.962 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.141, -23.817 ], [ -45.146, -23.791 ], [ -45.114, -23.801 ], [ -45.141, -23.817 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.153, -23.573 ], [ -45.153, -23.558 ], [ -45.141, -23.568 ], [ -45.153, -23.573 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.073, -23.564 ], [ -45.079, -23.525 ], [ -45.036, -23.531 ], [ -45.073, -23.564 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.608, -23.228 ], [ -44.59, -23.208 ], [ -44.577, -23.216 ], [ -44.608, -23.228 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.648, -12.821 ], [ -38.666, -12.777 ], [ -38.624, -12.762 ], [ -38.648, -12.821 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.529, -12.811 ], [ -38.544, -12.757 ], [ -38.532, -12.74 ], [ -38.508, -12.792 ], [ -38.529, -12.811 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.622, -12.752 ], [ -38.622, -12.727 ], [ -38.593, -12.733 ], [ -38.622, -12.752 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.646, -12.683 ], [ -38.648, -12.65 ], [ -38.636, -12.661 ], [ -38.646, -12.683 ] ] ], [ [ [ -32.402, -3.838 ], [ -32.428, -3.877 ], [ -32.483, -3.878 ], [ -32.402, -3.838 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.667, -3.179 ], [ -44.668, -3.16 ], [ -44.643, -3.148 ], [ -44.644, -3.17 ], [ -44.667, -3.179 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.671, -2.943 ], [ -44.67, -2.92 ], [ -44.647, -2.915 ], [ -44.671, -2.943 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.493, -2.641 ], [ -44.48, -2.601 ], [ -44.477, -2.627 ], [ -44.493, -2.641 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.897, -2.573 ], [ -43.896, -2.554 ], [ -43.886, -2.565 ], [ -43.897, -2.573 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.599, -2.503 ], [ -43.577, -2.471 ], [ -43.572, -2.483 ], [ -43.599, -2.503 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.822, -2.526 ], [ -43.829, -2.509 ], [ -43.813, -2.458 ], [ -43.812, -2.553 ], [ -43.82, -2.528 ], [ -43.822, -2.526 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.821, -2.529 ], [ -43.856, -2.502 ], [ -43.832, -2.439 ], [ -43.842, -2.504 ], [ -43.821, -2.529 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.863, -2.56 ], [ -43.875, -2.552 ], [ -43.865, -2.534 ], [ -43.863, -2.56 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.519, -2.536 ], [ -44.529, -2.526 ], [ -44.501, -2.48 ], [ -44.505, -2.444 ], [ -44.455, -2.434 ], [ -44.519, -2.536 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.602, -3.007 ], [ -44.657, -2.972 ], [ -44.613, -2.894 ], [ -44.575, -2.921 ], [ -44.602, -3.007 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.585, -2.978 ], [ -44.563, -2.914 ], [ -44.586, -2.826 ], [ -44.494, -2.705 ], [ -44.494, -2.953 ], [ -44.582, -3.041 ], [ -44.585, -2.978 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.826, -2.434 ], [ -43.842, -2.403 ], [ -43.811, -2.385 ], [ -43.807, -2.412 ], [ -43.826, -2.434 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.581, -2.441 ], [ -43.615, -2.389 ], [ -43.549, -2.377 ], [ -43.545, -2.403 ], [ -43.581, -2.441 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.791, -2.47 ], [ -43.806, -2.443 ], [ -43.78, -2.422 ], [ -43.759, -2.448 ], [ -43.791, -2.47 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.513, -2.424 ], [ -43.537, -2.416 ], [ -43.522, -2.39 ], [ -43.505, -2.414 ], [ -43.513, -2.424 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.792, -2.405 ], [ -43.798, -2.377 ], [ -43.771, -2.37 ], [ -43.792, -2.405 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.689, -2.355 ], [ -43.743, -2.352 ], [ -43.724, -2.305 ], [ -43.617, -2.253 ], [ -43.612, -2.275 ], [ -43.669, -2.301 ], [ -43.689, -2.355 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.73, -2.425 ], [ -43.732, -2.364 ], [ -43.67, -2.377 ], [ -43.681, -2.34 ], [ -43.63, -2.324 ], [ -43.643, -2.394 ], [ -43.73, -2.425 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.473, -2.125 ], [ -44.487, -2.113 ], [ -44.475, -2.096 ], [ -44.463, -2.104 ], [ -44.473, -2.125 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.456, -2.031 ], [ -44.447, -2.008 ], [ -44.439, -2.022 ], [ -44.456, -2.031 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.311, -1.964 ], [ -49.336, -1.996 ], [ -49.309, -1.943 ], [ -49.311, -1.964 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.323, -2.054 ], [ -49.329, -2.019 ], [ -49.316, -2.001 ], [ -49.323, -2.054 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.231, -1.829 ], [ -50.246, -1.824 ], [ -50.229, -1.816 ], [ -50.231, -1.829 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.615, -1.821 ], [ -44.622, -1.797 ], [ -44.597, -1.774 ], [ -44.583, -1.789 ], [ -44.615, -1.821 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.7, -1.811 ], [ -44.703, -1.78 ], [ -44.673, -1.78 ], [ -44.7, -1.811 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.691, -1.793 ], [ -49.721, -1.789 ], [ -49.719, -1.771 ], [ -49.697, -1.766 ], [ -49.691, -1.793 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.924, -1.711 ], [ -48.909, -1.713 ], [ -48.916, -1.734 ], [ -48.935, -1.713 ], [ -48.924, -1.711 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.757, -1.707 ], [ -44.767, -1.694 ], [ -44.736, -1.701 ], [ -44.757, -1.707 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.433, -1.684 ], [ -49.454, -1.706 ], [ -49.46, -1.684 ], [ -49.433, -1.684 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.357, -1.008 ], [ -46.342, -0.994 ], [ -46.353, -1.026 ], [ -46.357, -1.008 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.205, -1.021 ], [ -46.194, -1.014 ], [ -46.202, -1.032 ], [ -46.205, -1.021 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.662, -3.018 ], [ -44.673, -3.012 ], [ -44.664, -3.001 ], [ -44.649, -3.013 ], [ -44.662, -3.018 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.736, -1.683 ], [ -44.745, -1.677 ], [ -44.732, -1.668 ], [ -44.736, -1.683 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.231, -1.638 ], [ -49.237, -1.627 ], [ -49.217, -1.633 ], [ -49.231, -1.638 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.38, -1.685 ], [ -49.4, -1.682 ], [ -49.368, -1.669 ], [ -49.38, -1.685 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.426, -1.673 ], [ -49.429, -1.661 ], [ -49.406, -1.66 ], [ -49.426, -1.673 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.34, -1.672 ], [ -49.358, -1.662 ], [ -49.325, -1.647 ], [ -49.34, -1.672 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.289, -1.726 ], [ -45.305, -1.663 ], [ -45.257, -1.641 ], [ -45.244, -1.678 ], [ -45.28, -1.694 ], [ -45.289, -1.726 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.328, -1.743 ], [ -45.346, -1.719 ], [ -45.301, -1.596 ], [ -45.274, -1.635 ], [ -45.313, -1.654 ], [ -45.328, -1.743 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.886, -1.578 ], [ -48.89, -1.56 ], [ -48.859, -1.536 ], [ -48.856, -1.553 ], [ -48.886, -1.578 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.783, -1.682 ], [ -44.8, -1.595 ], [ -44.775, -1.62 ], [ -44.721, -1.567 ], [ -44.704, -1.611 ], [ -44.684, -1.575 ], [ -44.668, -1.669 ], [ -44.693, -1.638 ], [ -44.783, -1.682 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.816, -1.569 ], [ -44.837, -1.534 ], [ -44.787, -1.488 ], [ -44.825, -1.534 ], [ -44.816, -1.569 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.462, -1.517 ], [ -48.478, -1.499 ], [ -48.421, -1.503 ], [ -48.462, -1.517 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.793, -1.531 ], [ -44.774, -1.47 ], [ -44.763, -1.513 ], [ -44.793, -1.531 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.414, -1.427 ], [ -45.423, -1.416 ], [ -45.409, -1.405 ], [ -45.414, -1.427 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45, -1.296 ], [ -44.922, -1.265 ], [ -44.877, -1.309 ], [ -44.895, -1.34 ], [ -44.922, -1.305 ], [ -44.907, -1.341 ], [ -44.999, -1.405 ], [ -45.033, -1.339 ], [ -45, -1.32 ], [ -44.995, -1.36 ], [ -45, -1.296 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.044, -1.402 ], [ -45.07, -1.33 ], [ -45.052, -1.342 ], [ -45.044, -1.402 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.333, -1.569 ], [ -45.371, -1.544 ], [ -45.347, -1.489 ], [ -45.313, -1.506 ], [ -45.333, -1.569 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.969, -1.522 ], [ -44.976, -1.493 ], [ -44.959, -1.483 ], [ -44.969, -1.522 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.393, -1.512 ], [ -48.371, -1.476 ], [ -48.341, -1.483 ], [ -48.393, -1.512 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.413, -1.498 ], [ -48.426, -1.491 ], [ -48.387, -1.476 ], [ -48.413, -1.498 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.118, -1.47 ], [ -45.132, -1.462 ], [ -45.115, -1.364 ], [ -45.103, -1.373 ], [ -45.118, -1.47 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.593, -1.251 ], [ -45.581, -1.19 ], [ -45.536, -1.205 ], [ -45.532, -1.231 ], [ -45.593, -1.251 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.559, -1.243 ], [ -48.56, -1.202 ], [ -48.523, -1.199 ], [ -48.559, -1.243 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.817, -1.163 ], [ -45.829, -1.141 ], [ -45.804, -1.127 ], [ -45.817, -1.163 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.877, -1.154 ], [ -45.9, -1.117 ], [ -45.883, -1.073 ], [ -45.849, -1.123 ], [ -45.877, -1.154 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.192, -1.05 ], [ -46.201, -1.041 ], [ -46.185, -1.027 ], [ -46.192, -1.05 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.291, -1.01 ], [ -46.307, -0.992 ], [ -46.306, -0.961 ], [ -46.291, -1.01 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.078, -1.095 ], [ -46.065, -1.05 ], [ -46.061, -1.074 ], [ -46.078, -1.095 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.68, -1.295 ], [ -45.687, -1.275 ], [ -45.667, -1.26 ], [ -45.654, -1.285 ], [ -45.68, -1.295 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.538, -1.282 ], [ -48.549, -1.262 ], [ -48.53, -1.25 ], [ -48.538, -1.282 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.51, -1.27 ], [ -48.522, -1.247 ], [ -48.506, -1.236 ], [ -48.51, -1.27 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.694, -1.37 ], [ -45.646, -1.289 ], [ -45.625, -1.126 ], [ -45.634, -1.349 ], [ -45.694, -1.37 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.688, -1.266 ], [ -45.708, -1.228 ], [ -45.685, -1.194 ], [ -45.664, -1.231 ], [ -45.688, -1.266 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.425, -0.914 ], [ -46.454, -0.907 ], [ -46.408, -0.868 ], [ -46.395, -0.899 ], [ -46.425, -0.914 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.72, -0.848 ], [ -46.735, -0.832 ], [ -46.729, -0.796 ], [ -46.72, -0.848 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.611, -0.799 ], [ -46.622, -0.784 ], [ -46.601, -0.789 ], [ -46.611, -0.799 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.586, -0.849 ], [ -46.621, -0.807 ], [ -46.589, -0.815 ], [ -46.586, -0.849 ] ] ], [ [ [ -47.447, -0.748 ], [ -47.453, -0.732 ], [ -47.436, -0.717 ], [ -47.428, -0.738 ], [ -47.447, -0.748 ] ] ], [ [ [ -47.461, -0.741 ], [ -47.463, -0.702 ], [ -47.445, -0.697 ], [ -47.461, -0.741 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.214, -0.411 ], [ -51.211, -0.386 ], [ -51.164, -0.347 ], [ -51.163, -0.383 ], [ -51.214, -0.411 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.352, -0.353 ], [ -51.346, -0.31 ], [ -51.317, -0.268 ], [ -51.327, -0.33 ], [ -51.352, -0.353 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.127, -0.268 ], [ -51.131, -0.237 ], [ -51.091, -0.208 ], [ -51.087, -0.229 ], [ -51.127, -0.268 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.888, -0.198 ], [ -48.91, -0.188 ], [ -48.893, -0.134 ], [ -48.847, -0.177 ], [ -48.888, -0.198 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.174, -0.091 ], [ -51.191, -0.064 ], [ -51.126, -0.057 ], [ -51.174, -0.091 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.114, -0.146 ], [ -49.097, -0.121 ], [ -49.08, -0.13 ], [ -49.114, -0.146 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.166, -0.142 ], [ -49.188, -0.115 ], [ -49.156, -0.128 ], [ -49.166, -0.142 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.119, -0.141 ], [ -49.143, -0.107 ], [ -49.114, -0.11 ], [ -49.119, -0.141 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.127, -0.128 ], [ -51.094, -0.103 ], [ -51.108, -0.127 ], [ -51.127, -0.128 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.414, -0.999 ], [ -46.384, -0.941 ], [ -46.367, -0.948 ], [ -46.414, -0.999 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.647, -0.97 ], [ -46.658, -0.968 ], [ -46.618, -0.957 ], [ -46.647, -0.97 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.488, -0.942 ], [ -46.465, -0.877 ], [ -46.464, -0.924 ], [ -46.44, -0.922 ], [ -46.482, -0.976 ], [ -46.441, -0.999 ], [ -46.525, -1.016 ], [ -46.527, -0.917 ], [ -46.509, -0.984 ], [ -46.488, -0.942 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.632, 0.159 ], [ -49.662, 0.184 ], [ -49.629, 0.202 ], [ -49.61, 0.181 ], [ -49.632, 0.159 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.641, 0.26 ], [ -50.63, 0.293 ], [ -50.586, 0.308 ], [ -50.641, 0.26 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.2, 0.255 ], [ -50.243, 0.248 ], [ -50.147, 0.337 ], [ -50.059, 0.346 ], [ -50.2, 0.255 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.417, 0.159 ], [ -50.535, 0.234 ], [ -50.36, 0.615 ], [ -50.328, 0.383 ], [ -50.285, 0.3 ], [ -50.413, 0.237 ], [ -50.417, 0.159 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.279, 0.338 ], [ -50.271, 0.599 ], [ -50.147, 0.608 ], [ -50.142, 0.576 ], [ -50.107, 0.636 ], [ -50.063, 0.623 ], [ -50.05, 0.518 ], [ -50.279, 0.338 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50, 0.943 ], [ -50.113, 0.907 ], [ -50.018, 1.034 ], [ -49.935, 1.069 ], [ -49.939, 0.996 ], [ -50, 0.943 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.881, 1.227 ], [ -49.909, 1.246 ], [ -49.886, 1.244 ], [ -49.881, 1.227 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.907, 1.278 ], [ -49.885, 1.291 ], [ -49.863, 1.278 ], [ -49.876, 1.252 ], [ -49.907, 1.278 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.204, 1.851 ], [ -50.232, 1.879 ], [ -50.22, 1.915 ], [ -50.169, 1.865 ], [ -50.204, 1.851 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.468, 1.954 ], [ -50.521, 2.026 ], [ -50.497, 2.139 ], [ -50.398, 2.167 ], [ -50.367, 2.19 ], [ -50.276, 1.939 ], [ -50.423, 1.849 ], [ -50.468, 1.954 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.504, 2.255 ], [ -50.414, 2.244 ], [ -50.382, 2.204 ], [ -50.489, 2.15 ], [ -50.564, 2.205 ], [ -50.504, 2.255 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.229, 0.832 ], [ -50.098, 0.839 ], [ -50.027, 0.898 ], [ -50.105, 0.757 ], [ -50.162, 0.775 ], [ -50.249, 0.72 ], [ -50.229, 0.832 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.131, 0.844 ], [ -50.162, 0.867 ], [ -50.132, 0.9 ], [ -50.119, 0.854 ], [ -50.131, 0.844 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.108, 0.85 ], [ -50.111, 0.891 ], [ -50.049, 0.886 ], [ -50.108, 0.85 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.216, -0.055 ], [ -50.235, -0.042 ], [ -50.219, -0.04 ], [ -50.216, -0.055 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.916, -0.052 ], [ -50.926, -0.047 ], [ -50.907, -0.043 ], [ -50.916, -0.052 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.605, -0.061 ], [ -50.618, -0.022 ], [ -50.559, -0.038 ], [ -50.605, -0.061 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.399, -0.061 ], [ -50.44, -0.057 ], [ -50.378, -0.015 ], [ -50.357, -0.049 ], [ -50.399, -0.061 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.75, 0 ], [ -49.609, 0.08 ], [ -49.474, 0.081 ], [ -49.338, -0.017 ], [ -49.487, -0.136 ], [ -49.723, -0.147 ], [ -49.835, -0.088 ], [ -49.75, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.023, -0.019 ], [ -49.039, -0.011 ], [ -49.02, -0.006 ], [ -49.023, -0.019 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.932, 0.052 ], [ -50.918, 0.084 ], [ -50.884, 0.078 ], [ -50.899, 0.057 ], [ -50.932, 0.052 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.928, 0 ], [ -50.786, 0.05 ], [ -50.717, 0.028 ], [ -50.94, -0.041 ], [ -50.928, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.691, 0.025 ], [ -50.655, 0.015 ], [ -50.703, 0.021 ], [ -50.691, 0.025 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.629, -0.043 ], [ -50.642, -0.016 ], [ -50.622, -0.026 ], [ -50.629, -0.043 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.642, 0 ], [ -50.611, 0.007 ], [ -50.595, -0.019 ], [ -50.642, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.536, 0 ], [ -50.653, 0.126 ], [ -50.59, 0.203 ], [ -50.434, 0.126 ], [ -50.436, 0 ], [ -50.536, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50, 0.311 ], [ -49.674, 0.368 ], [ -49.601, 0.283 ], [ -49.86, 0.008 ], [ -49.99, -0.048 ], [ -50.086, 0.034 ], [ -50.351, 0.044 ], [ -50.394, 0.222 ], [ -50.153, 0.227 ], [ -50, 0.311 ] ] ] ] } } ], "target" : { 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[ -43.887, -2.578 ], [ -43.803, -2.56 ], [ -43.76, -2.513 ], [ -43.754, -2.556 ], [ -43.729, -2.481 ], [ -43.727, -2.569 ], [ -43.654, -2.556 ], [ -43.682, -2.534 ], [ -43.653, -2.488 ], [ -43.608, -2.593 ], [ -43.603, -2.518 ], [ -43.548, -2.528 ], [ -43.519, -2.445 ], [ -43.498, -2.55 ], [ -43.46, -2.507 ], [ -43.458, -2.596 ], [ -43.401, -2.552 ], [ -43.448, -2.538 ], [ -43.462, -2.427 ], [ -43.359, -2.44 ], [ -43.479, -2.376 ], [ -43.378, -2.329 ], [ -43.4, -2.353 ], [ -43.232, -2.362 ], [ -42.692, -2.596 ], [ -42.709, -2.56 ], [ -42.572, -2.68 ], [ -42.495, -2.689 ], [ -42.503, -2.727 ], [ -42.393, -2.751 ], [ -42.475, -2.706 ], [ -42.375, -2.717 ], [ -42.228, -2.818 ], [ -42.143, -2.808 ], [ -42.256, -2.735 ], [ -42.233, -2.674 ], [ -42.208, -2.712 ], [ -42.098, -2.768 ], [ -42.099, -2.809 ], [ -42.096, -2.747 ], [ -42.216, -2.687 ], [ -42.054, -2.691 ], [ -42.023, -2.775 ], [ -42.017, -2.718 ], [ -41.818, -2.723 ], [ -41.844, -2.773 ], [ -41.797, -2.751 ], [ -41.656, -2.884 ], [ -41.437, -2.939 ], [ -41.395, -2.906 ], [ -41.316, -2.943 ], [ -41.263, -2.887 ], [ -40.838, -2.895 ], [ -40.572, -2.844 ], [ -40.499, -2.787 ], [ -39.888, -2.886 ], [ -39.244, -3.229 ], [ -39.083, -3.394 ], [ -38.978, -3.407 ], [ -38.641, -3.687 ], [ -38.473, -3.7 ], [ -38.377, -3.866 ], [ -38.043, -4.214 ], [ -37.764, -4.399 ], [ -37.588, -4.624 ], [ -37.323, -4.698 ], [ -37.15, -4.943 ], [ -36.958, -4.919 ], [ -36.666, -5.108 ], [ -36.504, -5.061 ], [ -36.297, -5.106 ], [ -35.956, -5.045 ], [ -35.612, -5.11 ], [ -35.385, -5.255 ], [ -35.255, -5.483 ], [ -35.099, -6.169 ], [ -34.983, -6.396 ], [ -34.933, -6.753 ], [ -34.79, -7.159 ], [ -34.842, -7.564 ], [ -34.809, -7.622 ], [ -34.845, -7.69 ], [ -34.827, -8.004 ], [ -35.136, -8.895 ], [ -35.332, -9.237 ], [ -35.689, -9.668 ], [ -35.78, -9.706 ], [ -36.056, -10.083 ], [ -36.266, -10.256 ], [ -36.402, -10.506 ], [ -36.602, -10.567 ], [ -36.934, -10.826 ], [ -37.36, -11.428 ], [ -37.612, -11.979 ], [ -37.996, -12.578 ], [ -38.318, -12.934 ], [ -38.477, -13.022 ], [ -38.532, -13.017 ], [ -38.473, -12.913 ], [ -38.498, -12.722 ], [ -38.603, -12.728 ], [ -38.646, -12.622 ], [ -38.681, -12.661 ], [ -38.718, -12.627 ], [ -38.804, -12.835 ], [ -38.717, -12.873 ], [ -38.769, -12.995 ], [ -38.721, -13.021 ], [ -38.66, -12.963 ], [ -38.686, -12.878 ], [ -38.59, -12.972 ], [ -38.766, -13.129 ], [ -38.807, -13.1 ], [ -38.808, -13.154 ], [ -38.944, -13.243 ], [ -38.973, -13.391 ], [ -38.902, -13.384 ], [ -38.886, -13.45 ], [ -38.95, -13.577 ], [ -38.886, -13.659 ], [ -38.968, -13.67 ], [ -39.006, -13.891 ], [ -39.064, -13.865 ], [ -39.075, -13.887 ], [ -38.986, -13.998 ], [ -38.952, -13.986 ], [ -38.982, -13.912 ], [ -38.938, -13.886 ], [ -38.922, -13.92 ], [ -39.061, -14.716 ], [ -38.962, -15.585 ], [ -38.857, -15.86 ], [ -38.973, -16.211 ], [ -39.032, -16.26 ], [ -39.01, -16.369 ], [ -39.078, -16.454 ], [ -39.143, -16.762 ], [ -39.113, -16.896 ], [ -39.212, -17.155 ], [ -39.193, -17.602 ], [ -39.135, -17.691 ], [ -39.264, -17.869 ], [ -39.435, -17.943 ], [ -39.563, -18.091 ], [ -39.721, -18.493 ], [ -39.749, -18.81 ], [ -39.692, -19.353 ], [ -39.805, -19.65 ], [ -39.951, -19.717 ], [ -40.151, -19.956 ], [ -40.236, -20.285 ], [ -40.353, -20.32 ], [ -40.329, -20.236 ], [ -40.359, -20.291 ], [ -40.365, -20.317 ], [ -40.35, -20.328 ], [ -40.268, -20.327 ], [ -40.402, -20.606 ], [ -40.466, -20.624 ], [ -40.627, -20.845 ], [ -40.65, -20.813 ], [ -40.756, -20.866 ], [ -40.853, -21.133 ], [ -40.955, -21.251 ], [ -40.96, -21.364 ], [ -41.065, -21.495 ], [ -41.051, -21.608 ], [ -41.038, -21.622 ], [ -41.007, -21.618 ], [ -40.99, -22.014 ], [ -41.229, -22.151 ], [ -41.668, -22.294 ], [ -41.962, -22.538 ], [ -41.986, -22.713 ], [ -41.919, -22.774 ], [ -41.864, -22.759 ], [ -42.023, -22.896 ], [ -42.037, -22.94 ], [ -41.99, -22.964 ], [ -42.018, -22.998 ], [ -42.086, -22.957 ], [ -42.529, -22.934 ], [ -43.05, -22.982 ], [ -43.132, -22.941 ], [ -43.025, -22.741 ], [ -43.084, -22.68 ], [ -43.216, -22.725 ], [ -43.287, -22.806 ], [ -43.24, -22.847 ], [ -43.249, -22.797 ], [ -43.156, -22.784 ], [ -43.247, -22.882 ], [ -43.164, -22.899 ], [ -43.187, -22.995 ], [ -43.344, -22.983 ], [ -43.303, -23.02 ], [ -43.549, -23.081 ], [ -44.001, -23.1 ], [ -43.961, -23.042 ], [ -43.877, -23.067 ], [ -43.909, -23.02 ], [ -43.807, -23.063 ], [ -43.555, -23.055 ], [ -43.84, -22.906 ], [ -43.985, -22.937 ], [ -44.034, -23.014 ], [ -44.044, -22.923 ], [ -44.107, -23.03 ], [ -44.234, -23.06 ], [ -44.238, -23.004 ], [ -44.358, -23.02 ], [ -44.296, -22.961 ], [ -44.321, -22.927 ], [ -44.378, -22.972 ], [ -44.407, -22.945 ], [ -44.443, -23.035 ], [ -44.669, -23.06 ], [ -44.712, -23.19 ], [ -44.701, -23.237 ], [ -44.645, -23.191 ], [ -44.612, -23.206 ], [ -44.685, -23.256 ], [ -44.611, -23.238 ], [ -44.652, -23.302 ], [ -44.558, -23.232 ], [ -44.577, -23.275 ], [ -44.498, -23.302 ], [ -44.583, -23.367 ], [ -44.669, -23.341 ], [ -44.84, -23.395 ], [ -44.905, -23.339 ], [ -45.05, -23.418 ], [ -45.016, -23.461 ], [ -45.079, -23.519 ], [ -45.165, -23.495 ], [ -45.159, -23.541 ], [ -45.228, -23.547 ], [ -45.211, -23.582 ], [ -45.41, -23.632 ], [ -45.412, -23.825 ], [ -45.934, -23.771 ], [ -46.124, -23.842 ], [ -46.2, -24.002 ], [ -46.288, -24.044 ], [ -46.321, -24 ], [ -46.458, -24.025 ], [ -46.937, -24.281 ], [ -47.024, -24.382 ], [ -47.004, -24.412 ], [ -47.86, -24.996 ], [ -47.914, -25.061 ], [ -47.915, -25.16 ], [ -48.213, -25.47 ], [ -48.254, -25.435 ], [ -48.222, -25.342 ], [ -48.208, -25.353 ], [ -48.121, -25.267 ], [ -48.253, -25.328 ], [ -48.284, -25.294 ], [ -48.317, -25.363 ], [ -48.327, -25.232 ], [ -48.366, -25.317 ], [ -48.433, -25.237 ], [ -48.428, -25.324 ], [ -48.5, -25.335 ], [ -48.427, -25.39 ], [ -48.449, -25.379 ], [ -48.468, -25.388 ], [ -48.467, -25.432 ], [ -48.449, -25.384 ], [ -48.414, -25.428 ], [ -48.476, -25.485 ], [ -48.637, -25.468 ], [ -48.661, -25.398 ], [ -48.671, -25.435 ], [ -48.739, -25.374 ], [ -48.68, -25.465 ], [ -48.687, -25.499 ], [ -48.737, -25.483 ], [ -48.703, -25.504 ], [ -48.617, -25.536 ], [ -48.512, -25.505 ], [ -48.482, -25.591 ], [ -48.46, -25.552 ], [ -48.35, -25.581 ], [ -48.565, -25.868 ], [ -48.614, -26.06 ], [ -48.586, -26.172 ], [ -48.714, -26.243 ], [ -48.795, -26.073 ], [ -48.837, -26.157 ], [ -48.798, -26.142 ], [ -48.763, -26.199 ], [ -48.805, -26.228 ], [ -48.769, -26.223 ], [ -48.761, -26.286 ], [ -48.803, -26.303 ], [ -48.723, -26.362 ], [ -48.635, -26.374 ], [ -48.714, -26.308 ], [ -48.554, -26.172 ], [ -48.493, -26.224 ], [ -48.695, -26.658 ], [ -48.665, -26.769 ], [ -48.583, -26.786 ], [ -48.655, -26.909 ], [ -48.62, -27.007 ], [ -48.574, -27.011 ], [ -48.607, -27.122 ], [ -48.554, -27.152 ], [ -48.51, -27.108 ], [ -48.469, -27.148 ], [ -48.511, -27.183 ], [ -48.486, -27.218 ], [ -48.531, -27.18 ], [ -48.612, -27.243 ], [ -48.596, -27.318 ], [ -48.529, -27.334 ], [ -48.649, -27.486 ], [ -48.572, -27.592 ], [ -48.653, -27.648 ], [ -48.575, -27.888 ], [ -48.761, -28.535 ], [ -48.813, -28.605 ], [ -49.37, -28.92 ], [ -49.334, -28.921 ], [ -49.702, -29.308 ], [ -50.006, -29.749 ], [ -50.316, -30.472 ], [ -50.848, -31.205 ], [ -51.303, -31.613 ], [ -51.877, -31.952 ], [ -52.071, -32.188 ], [ -52.012, -31.946 ], [ -52.092, -31.837 ], [ -51.851, -31.865 ], [ -51.777, -31.805 ], [ -51.854, -31.797 ], [ -51.65, -31.759 ], [ -51.478, -31.562 ], [ -51.43, -31.622 ], [ -51.458, -31.548 ], [ -51.424, -31.478 ], [ -51.351, -31.529 ], [ -51.234, -31.458 ], [ -51.16, -31.31 ], [ -51.166, -31.063 ], [ -51.109, -31.097 ], [ -50.985, -31.042 ], [ -50.965, -30.893 ], [ -50.888, -30.893 ], [ -50.705, -30.756 ], [ -50.677, -30.61 ], [ -50.725, -30.371 ], [ -50.692, -30.355 ], [ -50.625, -30.409 ], [ -50.641, -30.459 ], [ -50.569, -30.471 ], [ -50.534, -30.278 ], [ -50.601, -30.194 ], [ -50.659, -30.201 ], [ -50.661, -30.293 ], [ -50.918, -30.333 ], [ -50.934, -30.42 ], [ -50.889, -30.439 ], [ -50.921, -30.44 ], [ -51.052, -30.395 ], [ -51.034, -30.276 ], [ -51.146, -30.267 ], [ -51.246, -30.188 ], [ -51.23, -30.043 ], [ -51.295, -30.007 ], [ -51.326, -30.23 ], [ -51.271, -30.25 ], [ -51.293, -30.295 ], [ -51.246, -30.33 ], [ -51.209, -30.3 ], [ -51.179, -30.383 ], [ -51.092, -30.367 ], [ -51.129, -30.436 ], [ -51.202, -30.413 ], [ -51.269, -30.489 ], [ -51.282, -30.811 ], [ -51.33, -30.777 ], [ -51.294, -30.758 ], [ -51.319, -30.64 ], [ -51.375, -30.635 ], [ -51.404, -30.769 ], [ -51.367, -30.874 ], [ -51.457, -30.874 ], [ -51.501, -30.935 ], [ -51.436, -31.088 ], [ -51.611, -31.138 ], [ -51.613, -31.272 ], [ -51.915, -31.313 ], [ -52.002, -31.449 ], [ -52.031, -31.693 ], [ -52.218, -31.747 ], [ -52.247, -31.871 ], [ -52.106, -31.952 ], [ -52.216, -31.963 ], [ -52.263, -32.062 ], [ -52.209, -32.045 ], [ -52.225, -32.096 ], [ -52.082, -32.033 ], [ -52.162, -32.128 ], [ -52.09, -32.069 ], [ -52.084, -32.186 ], [ -52.16, -32.201 ], [ -52.341, -32.43 ], [ -52.488, -32.844 ], [ -52.66, -33.165 ], [ -53.227, -33.658 ], [ -53.421, -33.741 ], [ -53.524, -33.689 ], [ -53.515, -33.163 ], [ -53.434, -33.054 ], [ -53.243, -32.936 ], [ -53.294, -32.911 ], [ -53.074, -32.746 ], [ -53.244, -32.605 ], [ -53.39, -32.583 ], [ -53.46, -32.48 ], [ -53.595, -32.432 ], [ -53.73, -32.157 ], [ -53.714, -32.104 ], [ -53.965, -31.919 ], [ -54.096, -31.906 ], [ -54.466, -31.666 ], [ -54.491, -31.54 ], [ -54.591, -31.448 ], [ -54.836, -31.446 ], [ -54.945, -31.392 ], [ -55.014, -31.285 ], [ -55.091, -31.326 ], [ -55.245, -31.257 ], [ -55.374, -31.038 ], [ -55.594, -30.848 ], [ -55.635, -30.857 ], [ -55.657, -30.956 ], [ -55.87, -31.08 ], [ -56.008, -31.063 ], [ -55.987, -30.86 ], [ -56.021, -30.784 ], [ -56.127, -30.739 ], [ -56.177, -30.614 ], [ -56.384, -30.495 ], [ -56.459, -30.387 ], [ -56.545, -30.364 ], [ -56.54, -30.312 ], [ -56.617, -30.303 ], [ -56.644, -30.205 ], [ -56.776, -30.166 ], [ -56.804, -30.107 ], [ -57.068, -30.088 ], [ -57.207, -30.281 ], [ -57.313, -30.26 ], [ -57.396, -30.303 ], [ -57.538, -30.275 ], [ -57.618, -30.179 ], [ -57.505, -30.143 ], [ -57.342, -30.001 ], [ -57.319, -29.87 ], [ -57.254, -29.794 ], [ -57.105, -29.752 ], [ -56.972, -29.639 ], [ -56.676, -29.321 ], [ -56.593, -29.123 ], [ -56.425, -29.073 ], [ -56.285, -28.794 ], [ -56.185, -28.771 ], [ -56.016, -28.611 ], [ -56.011, -28.509 ], [ -55.888, -28.479 ], [ -55.875, -28.362 ], [ -55.696, -28.425 ], [ -55.671, -28.333 ], [ -55.773, -28.247 ], [ -55.605, -28.123 ], [ -55.554, -28.164 ], [ -55.496, -28.081 ], [ -55.444, -28.097 ], [ -55.323, -27.928 ], [ -55.196, -27.863 ], [ -55.134, -27.895 ], [ -55.117, -27.853 ], [ -55.032, -27.854 ], [ -55.082, -27.789 ], [ -54.941, -27.775 ], [ -54.809, -27.536 ], [ -54.781, -27.586 ], [ -54.683, -27.576 ], [ -54.678, -27.514 ], [ -54.624, -27.55 ], [ -54.576, -27.458 ], [ -54.525, -27.507 ], [ -54.415, -27.412 ], [ -54.353, -27.468 ], [ -54.339, -27.406 ], [ -54.282, -27.447 ], [ -54.176, -27.261 ], [ -54.089, -27.303 ], [ -53.949, -27.158 ], [ -53.799, -27.147 ], [ -53.795, -27.048 ], [ -53.761, -27.068 ], [ -53.662, -26.869 ], [ -53.751, -26.745 ], [ -53.707, -26.563 ], [ -53.738, -26.548 ], [ -53.592, -26.265 ], [ -53.722, -26.13 ], [ -53.733, -26.047 ], [ -53.837, -25.969 ], [ -53.824, -25.793 ], [ -53.891, -25.625 ], [ -53.951, -25.644 ], [ -54.016, -25.569 ], [ -54.101, -25.625 ], [ -54.111, -25.504 ], [ -54.213, -25.554 ], [ -54.184, -25.591 ], [ -54.289, -25.562 ], [ -54.387, -25.608 ], [ -54.43, -25.706 ], [ -54.596, -25.595 ], [ -54.617, -25.459 ], [ -54.437, -25.157 ], [ -54.458, -25.031 ], [ -54.336, -24.649 ], [ -54.333, -24.493 ], [ -54.262, -24.376 ], [ -54.33, -24.225 ], [ -54.282, -24.075 ], [ -54.411, -23.929 ], [ -54.668, -23.815 ], [ -55.061, -23.991 ], [ -55.112, -23.963 ], [ -55.226, -24.013 ], [ -55.413, -23.961 ], [ -55.434, -23.714 ], [ -55.535, -23.614 ], [ -55.522, -23.197 ], [ -55.596, -23.141 ], [ -55.64, -22.994 ], [ -55.685, -22.992 ], [ -55.613, -22.659 ], [ -55.736, -22.532 ], [ -55.74, -22.396 ], [ -55.854, -22.281 ], [ -56.208, -22.281 ], [ -56.341, -22.206 ], [ -56.403, -22.078 ], [ -56.519, -22.103 ], [ -56.643, -22.261 ], [ -56.698, -22.216 ], [ -56.728, -22.26 ], [ -56.808, -22.25 ], [ -56.831, -22.3 ], [ -57.001, -22.225 ], [ -57.203, -22.21 ], [ -57.243, -22.244 ], [ -57.553, -22.181 ], [ -57.616, -22.096 ], [ -57.803, -22.148 ], [ -57.989, -22.085 ], [ -58.005, -22.032 ], [ -57.919, -21.881 ], [ -57.969, -21.844 ], [ -57.913, -21.793 ], [ -57.947, -21.747 ], [ -57.894, -21.687 ], [ -57.968, -21.528 ], [ -57.855, -21.339 ], [ -57.918, -21.278 ], [ -57.854, -21.226 ], [ -57.866, -21.041 ], [ -57.818, -20.976 ], [ -57.927, -20.897 ], [ -57.855, -20.835 ], [ -57.961, -20.784 ], [ -57.869, -20.736 ], [ -57.923, -20.666 ], [ -57.988, -20.696 ], [ -57.994, -20.448 ], [ -58.082, -20.372 ], [ -58.092, -20.257 ], [ -58.154, -20.264 ], [ -58.125, -20.188 ], [ -58.163, -20.162 ], [ -57.872, -19.979 ], [ -58.134, -19.761 ], [ -57.79, -19.051 ], [ -57.709, -19.034 ], [ -57.757, -18.858 ], [ -57.56, -18.263 ], [ -57.458, -18.228 ], [ -57.568, -18.136 ], [ -57.702, -17.86 ], [ -57.715, -17.735 ], [ -57.785, -17.645 ], [ -57.773, -17.553 ], [ -57.878, -17.463 ], [ -58.003, -17.52 ], [ -58.114, -17.456 ], [ -58.395, -17.197 ], [ -58.421, -16.99 ], [ -58.47, -16.939 ], [ -58.468, -16.702 ], [ -58.442, -16.613 ], [ -58.34, -16.542 ], [ -58.309, -16.27 ], [ -58.471, -16.325 ], [ -60.173, -16.265 ], [ -60.236, -15.476 ], [ -60.565, -15.105 ], [ -60.253, -15.101 ], [ -60.257, -14.624 ], [ -60.338, -14.555 ], [ -60.482, -14.181 ], [ -60.468, -14.092 ], [ -60.378, -13.992 ], [ -60.468, -13.886 ], [ -60.468, -13.801 ], [ -60.793, -13.686 ], [ -60.962, -13.539 ], [ -61.044, -13.541 ], [ -61.028, -13.477 ], [ -61.069, -13.463 ], [ -61.139, -13.521 ], [ -61.249, -13.525 ], [ -61.33, -13.473 ], [ -61.486, -13.554 ], [ -61.578, -13.494 ], [ -61.824, -13.539 ], [ -61.866, -13.443 ], [ -62.108, -13.257 ], [ -62.109, -13.149 ], [ -62.165, -13.112 ], [ -62.368, -13.145 ], [ -62.464, -13.07 ], [ -62.637, -13.041 ], [ -62.674, -12.965 ], [ -62.764, -13.023 ], [ -62.923, -12.854 ], [ -62.996, -12.85 ], [ -63.082, -12.653 ], [ -63.327, -12.705 ], [ -63.482, -12.557 ], [ -63.712, -12.458 ], [ -63.875, -12.469 ], [ -63.937, -12.557 ], [ -64.127, -12.494 ], [ -64.152, -12.529 ], [ -64.215, -12.476 ], [ -64.278, -12.511 ], [ -64.493, -12.366 ], [ -64.486, -12.23 ], [ -64.654, -12.186 ], [ -64.683, -12.099 ], [ -64.725, -12.162 ], [ -64.798, -12.035 ], [ -64.993, -11.999 ], [ -65.048, -11.757 ], [ -65.112, -11.741 ], [ -65.106, -11.697 ], [ -65.135, -11.777 ], [ -65.201, -11.745 ], [ -65.161, -11.622 ], [ -65.218, -11.521 ], [ -65.299, -11.5 ], [ -65.338, -11.392 ], [ -65.31, -11.341 ], [ -65.385, -11.269 ], [ -65.349, -11.239 ], [ -65.391, -11.167 ], [ -65.318, -11.105 ], [ -65.336, -11.044 ], [ -65.269, -10.901 ], [ -65.366, -10.798 ], [ -65.349, -10.671 ], [ -65.426, -10.638 ], [ -65.429, -10.473 ], [ -65.28, -10.218 ], [ -65.327, -9.938 ], [ -65.29, -9.851 ], [ -65.377, -9.698 ], [ -65.488, -9.718 ], [ -65.563, -9.834 ], [ -65.669, -9.779 ], [ -65.7, -9.803 ], [ -65.689, -9.749 ], [ -65.748, -9.77 ], [ -65.777, -9.727 ], [ -65.798, -9.786 ], [ -65.81, -9.75 ], [ -65.86, -9.794 ], [ -65.872, -9.757 ], [ -66.018, -9.807 ], [ -66.064, -9.772 ], [ -66.422, -9.895 ], [ -66.616, -9.893 ], [ -66.623, -9.935 ], [ -66.883, -10.081 ], [ -67.029, -10.254 ], [ -67.186, -10.339 ], [ -67.315, -10.316 ], [ -67.327, -10.374 ], [ -67.414, -10.372 ], [ -67.443, -10.45 ], [ -67.594, -10.523 ], [ -67.715, -10.707 ], [ -68.021, -10.661 ], [ -68.119, -10.726 ], [ -68.283, -10.987 ], [ -68.519, -11.048 ], [ -68.587, -11.11 ], [ -68.769, -11.139 ], [ -68.751, -11.007 ], [ -68.787, -10.99 ], [ -68.871, -11.023 ], [ -69.393, -10.929 ], [ -69.728, -10.973 ], [ -69.938, -10.926 ], [ -70.318, -11.066 ], [ -70.428, -11.033 ], [ -70.508, -10.94 ], [ -70.618, -11.007 ], [ -70.622, -9.847 ], [ -70.522, -9.738 ], [ -70.598, -9.574 ], [ -70.561, -9.579 ], [ -70.497, -9.433 ], [ -70.601, -9.453 ], [ -70.982, -9.812 ], [ -71.131, -9.862 ], [ -71.288, -9.996 ], [ -72.165, -10.002 ], [ -72.16, -9.818 ], [ -72.26, -9.755 ], [ -72.289, -9.536 ], [ -72.364, -9.491 ], [ -72.721, -9.417 ], [ -73.196, -9.418 ], [ -72.965, -9.154 ], [ -72.946, -8.99 ], [ -73.059, -8.904 ], [ -73.169, -8.701 ], [ -73.338, -8.609 ], [ -73.338, -8.476 ], [ -73.526, -8.369 ], [ -73.632, -8.022 ], [ -73.765, -7.94 ], [ -73.777, -7.869 ], [ -73.697, -7.865 ], [ -73.69, -7.79 ], [ -73.985, -7.543 ], [ -73.917, -7.461 ], [ -73.954, -7.348 ], [ -73.868, -7.377 ], [ -73.691, -7.313 ], [ -73.797, -7.115 ], [ -73.743, -6.897 ], [ -73.351, -6.561 ], [ -73.211, -6.53 ], [ -73.133, -6.421 ], [ -73.185, -6.04 ], [ -73.131, -5.986 ], [ -73.116, -5.865 ], [ -72.951, -5.643 ], [ -72.948, -5.454 ], [ -72.872, -5.25 ], [ -72.896, -5.136 ], [ -72.734, -5.043 ], [ -72.602, -5.056 ], [ -72.577, -4.992 ], [ -72.455, -4.962 ], [ -72.452, -4.906 ], [ -72.37, -4.88 ], [ -72.356, -4.803 ], [ -72.292, -4.799 ], [ -72.313, -4.769 ], [ -72.223, -4.78 ], [ -72.113, -4.722 ], [ -72.047, -4.625 ], [ -71.94, -4.607 ], [ -71.897, -4.512 ], [ -71.61, -4.465 ], [ -71.597, -4.525 ], [ -71.535, -4.46 ], [ -71.49, -4.479 ], [ -71.506, -4.435 ], [ -71.414, -4.432 ], [ -71.432, -4.469 ], [ -71.342, -4.423 ], [ -71.355, -4.468 ], [ -71.303, -4.458 ], [ -71.269, -4.381 ], [ -71.198, -4.377 ], [ -71.193, -4.42 ], [ -71.147, -4.375 ], [ -71.031, -4.397 ], [ -70.99, -4.34 ], [ -70.935, -4.381 ], [ -70.757, -4.152 ], [ -70.677, -4.2 ], [ -70.622, -4.121 ], [ -70.633, -4.173 ], [ -70.565, -4.168 ], [ -70.566, -4.205 ], [ -70.553, -4.128 ], [ -70.503, -4.19 ], [ -70.434, -4.125 ], [ -70.341, -4.174 ], [ -70.317, -4.136 ], [ -70.291, -4.283 ], [ -70.249, -4.267 ], [ -70.186, -4.357 ], [ -70.169, -4.27 ], [ -70.101, -4.255 ], [ -70.031, -4.339 ], [ -69.929, -4.213 ], [ -69.453, -1.478 ], [ -69.368, -1.334 ], [ -69.422, -0.998 ], [ -69.508, -0.936 ], [ -69.609, -0.755 ], [ -69.551, -0.648 ], [ -69.593, -0.517 ], [ -69.908, -0.316 ], [ -70.068, -0.135 ], [ -70.037, 0.553 ], [ -69.798, 0.585 ], [ -69.664, 0.672 ], [ -69.606, 0.623 ], [ -69.468, 0.734 ], [ -69.357, 0.621 ], [ -69.295, 0.648 ], [ -69.288, 0.609 ], [ -69.202, 0.602 ], [ -69.112, 0.643 ], [ -69.184, 0.73 ], [ -69.137, 0.868 ], [ -69.257, 1.026 ], [ -69.342, 1.064 ], [ -69.416, 1.024 ], [ -69.7, 1.056 ], [ -69.721, 1.097 ], [ -69.854, 1.07 ], [ -69.855, 1.715 ], [ -69.556, 1.775 ], [ -69.395, 1.726 ], [ -68.128, 1.73 ], [ -68.29, 1.841 ], [ -68.205, 2.038 ], [ -68.027, 1.784 ], [ -67.924, 1.751 ], [ -67.797, 1.812 ], [ -67.578, 2.076 ], [ -67.41, 2.141 ], [ -67.117, 1.732 ], [ -67.068, 1.532 ], [ -67.097, 1.17 ], [ -66.855, 1.228 ], [ -66.322, 0.738 ], [ -66.095, 0.754 ], [ -65.952, 0.81 ], [ -65.854, 0.939 ], [ -65.733, 1.005 ], [ -65.583, 1.008 ], [ -65.47, 0.877 ], [ -65.557, 0.705 ], [ -65.504, 0.627 ], [ -65.393, 0.699 ], [ -65.305, 0.916 ], [ -65.152, 0.943 ], [ -65.121, 1.115 ], [ -65.055, 1.144 ], [ -64.968, 1.112 ], [ -64.903, 1.249 ], [ -64.843, 1.237 ], [ -64.783, 1.313 ], [ -64.721, 1.25 ], [ -64.638, 1.286 ], [ -64.387, 1.527 ], [ -64.344, 1.528 ], [ -64.382, 1.419 ], [ -64.344, 1.38 ], [ -64.186, 1.494 ], [ -64.054, 1.708 ], [ -64.057, 1.933 ], [ -64.018, 1.967 ], [ -63.781, 1.989 ], [ -63.604, 2.124 ], [ -63.419, 2.154 ], [ -63.349, 2.281 ], [ -63.382, 2.442 ], [ -63.756, 2.403 ], [ -64.031, 2.509 ], [ -63.987, 2.772 ], [ -64.216, 3.153 ], [ -64.236, 3.476 ], [ -64.186, 3.634 ], [ -64.324, 3.797 ], [ -64.543, 3.882 ], [ -64.8, 4.224 ], [ -64.79, 4.329 ], [ -64.677, 4.297 ], [ -64.555, 4.153 ], [ -64.135, 4.176 ], [ -63.967, 3.93 ], [ -63.806, 4.019 ], [ -63.623, 4.01 ], [ -63.455, 3.91 ], [ -63.411, 4.026 ], [ -63.358, 4.04 ], [ -63.203, 3.952 ], [ -63.189, 3.872 ], [ -62.86, 3.584 ], [ -62.749, 3.642 ], [ -62.705, 3.724 ], [ -62.752, 4.012 ], [ -62.635, 4.056 ], [ -62.557, 4.02 ], [ -62.46, 4.173 ], [ -62.129, 4.084 ], [ -61.961, 4.18 ], [ -61.927, 4.106 ], [ -61.723, 4.262 ], [ -61.528, 4.273 ], [ -61.507, 4.398 ], [ -61.274, 4.471 ], [ -61.293, 4.55 ], [ -61.141, 4.508 ], [ -60.952, 4.549 ], [ -60.907, 4.708 ], [ -60.731, 4.777 ], [ -60.59, 4.951 ], [ -60.744, 5.209 ], [ -60.438, 5.177 ], [ -60.203, 5.265 ], [ -60.176, 5.227 ], [ -60.121, 5.243 ], [ -60.085, 5.149 ], [ -59.969, 5.073 ], [ -60.03, 4.704 ], [ -60.163, 4.521 ], [ -59.927, 4.509 ], [ -59.674, 4.382 ], [ -59.726, 4.191 ], [ -59.628, 4.138 ], [ -59.655, 4.078 ], [ -59.516, 3.94 ], [ -59.581, 3.901 ], [ -59.594, 3.796 ], [ -59.666, 3.777 ], [ -59.664, 3.703 ], [ -59.849, 3.601 ], [ -59.799, 3.355 ], [ -59.909, 3.197 ], [ -59.982, 2.929 ], [ -59.99, 2.683 ], [ -59.903, 2.479 ], [ -59.91, 2.388 ], [ -59.724, 2.277 ], [ -59.754, 1.861 ], [ -59.654, 1.849 ], [ -59.669, 1.764 ], [ -59.549, 1.729 ], [ -59.253, 1.397 ], [ -58.914, 1.299 ], [ -58.904, 1.234 ], [ -58.804, 1.175 ], [ -58.696, 1.288 ], [ -58.507, 1.264 ], [ -58.468, 1.318 ], [ -58.498, 1.458 ], [ -58.382, 1.471 ], [ -58.325, 1.59 ], [ -58.167, 1.558 ], [ -58.13, 1.501 ], [ -58.009, 1.501 ], [ -58, 1.665 ], [ -57.919, 1.645 ], [ -57.77, 1.718 ], [ -57.545, 1.701 ], [ -57.434, 1.895 ], [ -57.302, 1.99 ], [ -57.247, 1.944 ], [ -57.085, 2.021 ], [ -57.012, 1.918 ], [ -56.8, 1.864 ], [ -56.724, 1.92 ], [ -56.454, 1.945 ], [ -55.957, 1.844 ], [ -55.906, 1.889 ], [ -55.913, 2.041 ], [ -56.048, 2.226 ], [ -56.134, 2.263 ], [ -56.09, 2.352 ], [ -55.995, 2.405 ], [ -55.987, 2.517 ], [ -55.948, 2.532 ], [ -55.739, 2.401 ], [ -55.481, 2.443 ], [ -55.37, 2.407 ], [ -55.336, 2.516 ], [ -55.239, 2.495 ], [ -55.137, 2.575 ], [ -55.103, 2.522 ], [ -54.94, 2.632 ], [ -54.969, 2.555 ], [ -54.864, 2.439 ], [ -54.72, 2.469 ], [ -54.702, 2.336 ], [ -54.549, 2.336 ], [ -54.534, 2.268 ], [ -54.314, 2.158 ], [ -54.189, 2.179 ], [ -54.111, 2.127 ], [ -54.078, 2.197 ], [ -53.784, 2.364 ], [ -53.694, 2.287 ], [ -53.472, 2.332 ], [ -53.397, 2.272 ], [ -53.273, 2.292 ], [ -53.188, 2.223 ], [ -52.905, 2.19 ], [ -52.853, 2.285 ], [ -52.673, 2.374 ], [ -52.555, 2.523 ], [ -52.556, 2.646 ], [ -52.382, 2.912 ], [ -52.347, 3.134 ], [ -52.192, 3.296 ], [ -51.92, 3.781 ], [ -51.795, 3.89 ], [ -51.754, 3.996 ], [ -51.658, 4.049 ], [ -51.585, 4.241 ], [ -51.529, 4.171 ], [ -51.545, 4.397 ], [ -51.202, 4.084 ], [ -51.173, 3.767 ], [ -51.127, 3.911 ], [ -51.085, 3.895 ], [ -51.051, 3.283 ], [ -50.913, 2.875 ], [ -50.927, 2.807 ], [ -50.816, 2.644 ], [ -50.851, 2.482 ], [ -50.802, 2.508 ], [ -50.736, 2.414 ], [ -50.765, 2.359 ], [ -50.694, 2.276 ], [ -50.725, 2.252 ], [ -50.675, 2.247 ], [ -50.682, 2.137 ], [ -50.584, 2.091 ], [ -50.586, 2.014 ], [ -50.471, 1.82 ], [ -50.194, 1.794 ], [ -49.954, 1.676 ], [ -49.88, 1.419 ], [ -49.918, 1.289 ], [ -50.073, 1.204 ], [ -49.918, 1.232 ], [ -49.939, 1.103 ], [ -50.003, 1.066 ], [ -50.033, 1.107 ], [ -50.131, 0.949 ], [ -50.274, 0.866 ], [ -50.338, 0.729 ], [ -50.417, 0.685 ], [ -50.455, 0.732 ], [ -50.428, 0.679 ], [ -50.571, 0.424 ], [ -50.691, 0.3 ], [ -50.677, 0.365 ], [ -50.746, 0.227 ], [ -50.801, 0.224 ], [ -50.785, 0.183 ], [ -50.908, 0.171 ], [ -51.087, -0.043 ], [ -51.203, -0.055 ], [ -51.419, -0.412 ], [ -51.409, -0.44 ], [ -51.325, -0.364 ], [ -51.188, -0.14 ], [ -51.111, -0.154 ], [ -51.154, -0.284 ], [ -51.396, -0.493 ], [ -51.243, -0.443 ], [ -51.26, -0.5 ], [ -51.165, -0.431 ], [ -50.953, -0.061 ], [ -50.824, -0.048 ], [ -50.705, 0.002 ], [ -50.613, -0.088 ], [ -50.744, -0.244 ], [ -50.751, -0.429 ], [ -50.845, -0.526 ], [ -50.988, -0.583 ], [ -51.051, -0.682 ], [ -50.826, -0.555 ], [ -50.794, -0.666 ], [ -50.733, -0.557 ], [ -50.684, -0.604 ], [ -50.724, -0.493 ], [ -50.652, -0.276 ], [ -50.409, -0.094 ], [ -49.631, -0.247 ], [ -49.446, -0.23 ], [ -49.289, -0.145 ], [ -49.018, -0.16 ], [ -49, -0.139 ], [ -48.895, -0.224 ], [ -48.539, -0.234 ], [ -48.363, -0.303 ], [ -48.459, -0.513 ], [ -48.522, -0.877 ], [ -48.667, -1.002 ], [ -48.621, -1.005 ], [ -48.65, -1.048 ], [ -48.617, -1.053 ], [ -48.721, -1.137 ], [ -48.837, -1.452 ], [ -49.161, -1.575 ], [ -49.182, -1.623 ], [ -49.362, -1.604 ], [ -49.364, -1.642 ], [ -49.448, -1.637 ], [ -49.5, -1.738 ], [ -49.61, -1.718 ], [ -49.676, -1.78 ], [ -49.696, -1.757 ], [ -49.714, -1.76 ], [ -49.803, -1.822 ], [ -50.035, -1.717 ], [ -50.179, -1.787 ], [ -50.256, -1.776 ], [ -50.415, -1.841 ], [ -50.401, -1.935 ], [ -49.994, -1.819 ], [ -49.844, -1.905 ], [ -49.765, -1.898 ], [ -49.616, -1.79 ], [ -49.276, -1.706 ], [ -49.267, -1.778 ], [ -49.387, -1.977 ], [ -49.383, -2.159 ], [ -48.973, -1.594 ], [ -48.897, -1.573 ], [ -48.955, -1.712 ], [ -48.932, -1.75 ], [ -48.898, -1.743 ], [ -48.656, -1.371 ], [ -48.592, -1.429 ], [ -48.601, -1.306 ], [ -48.524, -1.338 ], [ -48.537, -1.467 ], [ -48.496, -1.553 ], [ -48.491, -1.502 ], [ -48.46, -1.533 ], [ -48.374, -1.511 ], [ -48.319, -1.478 ], [ -48.505, -1.471 ], [ -48.422, -1.168 ], [ -48.475, -1.144 ], [ -48.4, -1.066 ], [ -48.278, -1.111 ], [ -48.304, -0.948 ], [ -48.055, -0.668 ], [ -48.001, -0.731 ], [ -47.893, -0.553 ], [ -47.843, -0.616 ], [ -47.807, -0.547 ], [ -47.702, -0.54 ], [ -47.707, -0.59 ], [ -47.667, -0.569 ], [ -47.633, -0.608 ], [ -47.651, -0.694 ], [ -47.608, -0.684 ], [ -47.577, -0.573 ], [ -47.476, -0.757 ], [ -47.398, -0.76 ], [ -47.428, -0.693 ], [ -47.464, -0.687 ], [ -47.466, -0.594 ], [ -47.399, -0.594 ], [ -47.4, -0.645 ], [ -47.298, -0.589 ], [ -47.253, -0.668 ], [ -47.247, -0.623 ], [ -47.206, -0.633 ], [ -47.23, -0.719 ], [ -47.158, -0.678 ], [ -47.191, -0.754 ], [ -47.146, -0.764 ], [ -47.16, -0.815 ], [ -47.081, -0.661 ], [ -47.055, -0.868 ], [ -47.027, -0.784 ], [ -46.983, -0.806 ], [ -47.016, -0.752 ], [ -46.967, -0.694 ], [ -46.969, -0.78 ], [ -46.891, -0.869 ], [ -46.89, -0.789 ], [ -46.846, -0.799 ], [ -46.82, -0.71 ], [ -46.802, -0.877 ], [ -46.777, -0.905 ], [ -46.75, -0.826 ], [ -46.709, -0.86 ], [ -46.734, -0.944 ], [ -46.687, -0.831 ], [ -46.653, -0.882 ], [ -46.621, -0.818 ], [ -46.601, -0.917 ], [ -46.676, -0.965 ], [ -46.622, -0.987 ], [ -46.57, -0.947 ], [ -46.609, -1.03 ], [ -46.57, -0.988 ], [ -46.525, -1.027 ], [ -46.465, -1.007 ], [ -46.47, -1.044 ], [ -46.395, -1.037 ], [ -46.413, -1.084 ], [ -46.348, -0.982 ], [ -46.36, -1.011 ], [ -46.366, -1.031 ], [ -46.348, -1.079 ], [ -46.339, -1.015 ], [ -46.299, -1.05 ], [ -46.212, -0.946 ], [ -46.242, -0.921 ], [ -46.179, -0.914 ], [ -46.224, -1.053 ], [ -46.206, -1.1 ], [ -46.158, -1.014 ], [ -46.138, -1.032 ], [ -46.193, -1.143 ], [ -46.104, -1.067 ], [ -46.062, -1.133 ], [ -46.15, -1.258 ], [ -45.982, -1.071 ], [ -45.953, -1.147 ], [ -46, -1.151 ], [ -46, -1.199 ], [ -45.95, -1.159 ], [ -45.95, -1.207 ], [ -46, -1.209 ], [ -45.95, -1.25 ], [ -45.902, -1.134 ], [ -45.923, -1.214 ], [ -45.882, -1.167 ], [ -45.873, -1.211 ], [ -45.909, -1.261 ], [ -45.859, -1.231 ], [ -45.891, -1.293 ], [ -45.807, -1.176 ], [ -45.843, -1.301 ], [ -45.809, -1.328 ], [ -45.831, -1.298 ], [ -45.782, -1.278 ], [ -45.726, -1.135 ], [ -45.69, -1.452 ], [ -45.697, -1.38 ], [ -45.632, -1.371 ], [ -45.618, -1.279 ], [ -45.589, -1.329 ], [ -45.537, -1.273 ], [ -45.561, -1.343 ], [ -45.51, -1.352 ], [ -45.567, -1.404 ], [ -45.546, -1.432 ], [ -45.413, -1.296 ], [ -45.489, -1.473 ], [ -45.511, -1.458 ], [ -45.554, -1.503 ], [ -45.507, -1.471 ], [ -45.518, -1.516 ], [ -45.481, -1.495 ], [ -45.463, -1.548 ], [ -45.457, -1.457 ], [ -45.391, -1.434 ], [ -45.363, -1.325 ], [ -45.323, -1.319 ], [ -45.302, -1.424 ], [ -45.392, -1.485 ], [ -45.398, -1.503 ], [ -45.356, -1.487 ], [ -45.392, -1.553 ], [ -45.338, -1.572 ], [ -45.371, -1.722 ], [ -45.338, -1.753 ], [ -45.197, -1.688 ], [ -45.261, -1.607 ], [ -45.16, -1.475 ], [ -45.136, -1.521 ], [ -45.072, -1.435 ], [ -45.07, -1.485 ], [ -44.999, -1.504 ], [ -45.018, -1.547 ], [ -44.969, -1.549 ], [ -45.029, -1.583 ], [ -45.029, -1.602 ], [ -44.979, -1.607 ], [ -44.954, -1.498 ], [ -44.862, -1.426 ], [ -44.857, -1.498 ], [ -44.954, -1.605 ], [ -44.918, -1.649 ], [ -44.968, -1.662 ], [ -44.913, -1.657 ], [ -44.927, -1.62 ], [ -44.886, -1.609 ], [ -44.837, -1.65 ], [ -44.822, -1.591 ], [ -44.826, -1.637 ], [ -44.805, -1.609 ], [ -44.812, -1.665 ], [ -44.779, -1.735 ], [ -44.711, -1.728 ], [ -44.82, -1.819 ], [ -44.738, -1.791 ], [ -44.706, -1.819 ], [ -44.676, -1.808 ], [ -44.661, -1.727 ], [ -44.604, -1.749 ], [ -44.667, -1.849 ], [ -44.601, -1.858 ], [ -44.583, -1.817 ], [ -44.586, -1.873 ], [ -44.543, -1.833 ], [ -44.601, -1.909 ], [ -44.517, -1.907 ], [ -44.484, -2.002 ], [ -44.613, -2.037 ], [ -44.467, -2.017 ], [ -44.626, -2.151 ], [ -44.589, -2.159 ], [ -44.641, -2.232 ], [ -44.708, -2.23 ], [ -44.684, -2.275 ], [ -44.764, -2.265 ], [ -44.654, -2.294 ], [ -44.681, -2.354 ], [ -44.649, -2.373 ], [ -44.666, -2.329 ], [ -44.479, -2.137 ], [ -44.358, -2.335 ], [ -44.401, -2.416 ], [ -44.514, -2.384 ], [ -44.55, -2.4 ], [ -44.491, -2.415 ], [ -44.514, -2.448 ], [ -44.505, -2.476 ], [ -44.665, -2.608 ], [ -44.548, -2.542 ], [ -44.658, -2.781 ], [ -44.688, -2.924 ], [ -44.677, -3.019 ], [ -44.66, -3.02 ], [ -44.657, -3.018 ] ], [ [ -43.318, -2.361 ], [ -43.317, -2.363 ], [ -43.296, -2.363 ], [ -43.318, -2.361 ] ], [ [ -42.438, -2.747 ], [ -42.442, -2.749 ], [ -42.438, -2.75 ], [ -42.438, -2.747 ] ], [ [ -42.442, -2.749 ], [ -42.47, -2.744 ], [ -42.447, -2.753 ], [ -42.442, -2.749 ] ], [ [ -50.851, 2.482 ], [ -50.853, 2.481 ], [ -50.853, 2.48 ], [ -50.851, 2.482 ] ], [ [ -50.853, 2.481 ], [ -50.86, 2.495 ], [ -50.86, 2.477 ], [ -50.853, 2.481 ] ], [ [ -49.976, 1.659 ], [ -49.98, 1.659 ], [ -50, 1.639 ], [ -49.976, 1.659 ] ], [ [ -45.392, -1.553 ], [ -45.393, -1.553 ], [ -45.394, -1.556 ], [ -45.392, -1.553 ] ], [ [ -45.394, -1.556 ], [ -45.406, -1.579 ], [ -45.403, -1.591 ], [ -45.394, -1.556 ] ], [ [ -44.837, -1.65 ], [ -44.834, -1.655 ], [ -44.833, -1.654 ], [ -44.837, -1.65 ] ], [ [ -44.834, -1.655 ], [ -44.841, -1.675 ], [ -44.822, -1.672 ], [ -44.834, -1.655 ] ], [ [ -44.779, -1.735 ], [ -44.777, -1.741 ], [ -44.776, -1.74 ], [ -44.779, -1.735 ] ], [ [ -44.777, -1.741 ], [ -44.833, -1.77 ], [ -44.774, -1.75 ], [ -44.777, -1.741 ] ], [ [ -44.547, -2.22 ], [ -44.536, -2.225 ], [ -44.543, -2.219 ], [ -44.547, -2.22 ] ], [ [ -44.536, -2.225 ], [ -44.507, -2.249 ], [ -44.512, -2.235 ], [ -44.536, -2.225 ] ], [ [ -44.507, -2.249 ], [ -44.504, -2.256 ], [ -44.501, -2.254 ], [ -44.507, -2.249 ] ], [ [ -44.504, -2.256 ], [ -44.514, -2.268 ], [ -44.502, -2.26 ], [ -44.504, -2.256 ] ] ], [ [ [ -29.34, -20.484 ], [ -29.301, -20.521 ], [ -29.341, -20.511 ], [ -29.34, -20.484 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.001, -13.94 ], [ -39.012, -13.915 ], [ -38.994, -13.896 ], [ -39.001, -13.94 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.043, -13.909 ], [ -39.059, -13.904 ], [ -39.054, -13.886 ], [ -39.028, -13.903 ], [ -39.043, -13.909 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.251, -18.015 ], [ -39.283, -18.005 ], [ -39.272, -17.982 ], [ -39.245, -18.006 ], [ -39.251, -18.015 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.131, -17.927 ], [ -39.154, -17.921 ], [ -39.137, -17.91 ], [ -39.131, -17.927 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.212, -17.986 ], [ -39.228, -17.979 ], [ -39.215, -17.944 ], [ -39.202, -17.95 ], [ -39.212, -17.986 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.341, -23.231 ], [ -44.372, -23.174 ], [ -44.232, -23.089 ], [ -44.087, -23.173 ], [ -44.3, -23.184 ], [ -44.341, -23.231 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.356, -23.073 ], [ -44.388, -23.048 ], [ -44.373, -23.033 ], [ -44.343, -23.041 ], [ -44.356, -23.073 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.929, -23.014 ], [ -43.936, -22.999 ], [ -43.916, -22.989 ], [ -43.929, -23.014 ] ] ], [ [ [ -42.002, -23.018 ], [ -42.015, -23.003 ], [ -41.98, -22.975 ], [ -41.975, -22.992 ], [ -42.002, -23.018 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.904, -22.962 ], [ -43.907, -22.936 ], [ -43.868, -22.926 ], [ -43.871, -22.95 ], [ -43.904, -22.962 ] ] ], [ [ [ -41.042, -21.613 ], [ -41.042, -21.6 ], [ -41.019, -21.606 ], [ -41.042, -21.613 ] ] ], [ [ [ -52.112, -32 ], [ -52.18, -32.035 ], [ -52.216, -32.025 ], [ -52.198, -31.978 ], [ -52.112, -32 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.641, -30.388 ], [ -50.629, -30.394 ], [ -50.624, -30.329 ], [ -50.592, -30.399 ], [ -50.609, -30.406 ], [ -50.641, -30.388 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.526, -27.462 ], [ -48.416, -27.38 ], [ -48.358, -27.446 ], [ -48.503, -27.799 ], [ -48.559, -27.842 ], [ -48.526, -27.462 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.354, -27.296 ], [ -48.376, -27.285 ], [ -48.373, -27.271 ], [ -48.36, -27.27 ], [ -48.354, -27.296 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.731, -26.314 ], [ -48.754, -26.297 ], [ -48.735, -26.282 ], [ -48.731, -26.314 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.318, -25.584 ], [ -48.309, -25.546 ], [ -48.381, -25.504 ], [ -48.312, -25.509 ], [ -48.292, -25.545 ], [ -48.318, -25.584 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.414, -25.544 ], [ -48.459, -25.514 ], [ -48.415, -25.527 ], [ -48.414, -25.544 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.424, -25.551 ], [ -48.479, -25.523 ], [ -48.485, -25.502 ], [ -48.424, -25.551 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.298, -25.493 ], [ -48.341, -25.416 ], [ -48.252, -25.341 ], [ -48.265, -25.44 ], [ -48.253, -25.466 ], [ -48.298, -25.493 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.417, -25.386 ], [ -48.424, -25.343 ], [ -48.405, -25.33 ], [ -48.417, -25.386 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.695, -24.112 ], [ -45.688, -24.088 ], [ -45.679, -24.098 ], [ -45.695, -24.112 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.251, -23.962 ], [ -45.301, -23.909 ], [ -45.453, -23.91 ], [ -45.332, -23.721 ], [ -45.227, -23.774 ], [ -45.224, -23.835 ], [ -45.283, -23.857 ], [ -45.221, -23.899 ], [ -45.251, -23.962 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.141, -23.817 ], [ -45.146, -23.791 ], [ -45.114, -23.801 ], [ -45.141, -23.817 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.153, -23.573 ], [ -45.153, -23.558 ], [ -45.141, -23.568 ], [ -45.153, -23.573 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.073, -23.564 ], [ -45.079, -23.525 ], [ -45.036, -23.531 ], [ -45.073, -23.564 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.608, -23.228 ], [ -44.59, -23.208 ], [ -44.577, -23.216 ], [ -44.608, -23.228 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.648, -12.821 ], [ -38.666, -12.777 ], [ -38.624, -12.762 ], [ -38.648, -12.821 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.529, -12.811 ], [ -38.544, -12.757 ], [ -38.532, -12.74 ], [ -38.508, -12.792 ], [ -38.529, -12.811 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.622, -12.752 ], [ -38.622, -12.727 ], [ -38.593, -12.733 ], [ -38.622, -12.752 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.646, -12.683 ], [ -38.648, -12.65 ], [ -38.636, -12.661 ], [ -38.646, -12.683 ] ] ], [ [ [ -32.402, -3.838 ], [ -32.428, -3.877 ], [ -32.483, -3.878 ], [ -32.402, -3.838 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.667, -3.179 ], [ -44.668, -3.16 ], [ -44.643, -3.148 ], [ -44.644, -3.17 ], [ -44.667, -3.179 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.671, -2.943 ], [ -44.67, -2.92 ], [ -44.647, -2.915 ], [ -44.671, -2.943 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.493, -2.641 ], [ -44.48, -2.601 ], [ -44.477, -2.627 ], [ -44.493, -2.641 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.897, -2.573 ], [ -43.896, -2.554 ], [ -43.886, -2.565 ], [ -43.897, -2.573 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.599, -2.503 ], [ -43.577, -2.471 ], [ -43.572, -2.483 ], [ -43.599, -2.503 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.822, -2.526 ], [ -43.829, -2.509 ], [ -43.813, -2.458 ], [ -43.812, -2.553 ], [ -43.82, -2.528 ], [ -43.822, -2.526 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.821, -2.529 ], [ -43.856, -2.502 ], [ -43.832, -2.439 ], [ -43.842, -2.504 ], [ -43.821, -2.529 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.863, -2.56 ], [ -43.875, -2.552 ], [ -43.865, -2.534 ], [ -43.863, -2.56 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.519, -2.536 ], [ -44.529, -2.526 ], [ -44.501, -2.48 ], [ -44.505, -2.444 ], [ -44.455, -2.434 ], [ -44.519, -2.536 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.602, -3.007 ], [ -44.657, -2.972 ], [ -44.613, -2.894 ], [ -44.575, -2.921 ], [ -44.602, -3.007 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.585, -2.978 ], [ -44.563, -2.914 ], [ -44.586, -2.826 ], [ -44.494, -2.705 ], [ -44.494, -2.953 ], [ -44.582, -3.041 ], [ -44.585, -2.978 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.826, -2.434 ], [ -43.842, -2.403 ], [ -43.811, -2.385 ], [ -43.807, -2.412 ], [ -43.826, -2.434 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.581, -2.441 ], [ -43.615, -2.389 ], [ -43.549, -2.377 ], [ -43.545, -2.403 ], [ -43.581, -2.441 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.791, -2.47 ], [ -43.806, -2.443 ], [ -43.78, -2.422 ], [ -43.759, -2.448 ], [ -43.791, -2.47 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.513, -2.424 ], [ -43.537, -2.416 ], [ -43.522, -2.39 ], [ -43.505, -2.414 ], [ -43.513, -2.424 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.792, -2.405 ], [ -43.798, -2.377 ], [ -43.771, -2.37 ], [ -43.792, -2.405 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.689, -2.355 ], [ -43.743, -2.352 ], [ -43.724, -2.305 ], [ -43.617, -2.253 ], [ -43.612, -2.275 ], [ -43.669, -2.301 ], [ -43.689, -2.355 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.73, -2.425 ], [ -43.732, -2.364 ], [ -43.67, -2.377 ], [ -43.681, -2.34 ], [ -43.63, -2.324 ], [ -43.643, -2.394 ], [ -43.73, -2.425 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.473, -2.125 ], [ -44.487, -2.113 ], [ -44.475, -2.096 ], [ -44.463, -2.104 ], [ -44.473, -2.125 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.456, -2.031 ], [ -44.447, -2.008 ], [ -44.439, -2.022 ], [ -44.456, -2.031 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.311, -1.964 ], [ -49.336, -1.996 ], [ -49.309, -1.943 ], [ -49.311, -1.964 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.323, -2.054 ], [ -49.329, -2.019 ], [ -49.316, -2.001 ], [ -49.323, -2.054 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.231, -1.829 ], [ -50.246, -1.824 ], [ -50.229, -1.816 ], [ -50.231, -1.829 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.615, -1.821 ], [ -44.622, -1.797 ], [ -44.597, -1.774 ], [ -44.583, -1.789 ], [ -44.615, -1.821 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.7, -1.811 ], [ -44.703, -1.78 ], [ -44.673, -1.78 ], [ -44.7, -1.811 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.691, -1.793 ], [ -49.721, -1.789 ], [ -49.719, -1.771 ], [ -49.697, -1.766 ], [ -49.691, -1.793 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.924, -1.711 ], [ -48.909, -1.713 ], [ -48.916, -1.734 ], [ -48.935, -1.713 ], [ -48.924, -1.711 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.757, -1.707 ], [ -44.767, -1.694 ], [ -44.736, -1.701 ], [ -44.757, -1.707 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.433, -1.684 ], [ -49.454, -1.706 ], [ -49.46, -1.684 ], [ -49.433, -1.684 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.357, -1.008 ], [ -46.342, -0.994 ], [ -46.353, -1.026 ], [ -46.357, -1.008 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.205, -1.021 ], [ -46.194, -1.014 ], [ -46.202, -1.032 ], [ -46.205, -1.021 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.662, -3.018 ], [ -44.673, -3.012 ], [ -44.664, -3.001 ], [ -44.649, -3.013 ], [ -44.662, -3.018 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.736, -1.683 ], [ -44.745, -1.677 ], [ -44.732, -1.668 ], [ -44.736, -1.683 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.231, -1.638 ], [ -49.237, -1.627 ], [ -49.217, -1.633 ], [ -49.231, -1.638 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.38, -1.685 ], [ -49.4, -1.682 ], [ -49.368, -1.669 ], [ -49.38, -1.685 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.426, -1.673 ], [ -49.429, -1.661 ], [ -49.406, -1.66 ], [ -49.426, -1.673 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.34, -1.672 ], [ -49.358, -1.662 ], [ -49.325, -1.647 ], [ -49.34, -1.672 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.289, -1.726 ], [ -45.305, -1.663 ], [ -45.257, -1.641 ], [ -45.244, -1.678 ], [ -45.28, -1.694 ], [ -45.289, -1.726 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.328, -1.743 ], [ -45.346, -1.719 ], [ -45.301, -1.596 ], [ -45.274, -1.635 ], [ -45.313, -1.654 ], [ -45.328, -1.743 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.886, -1.578 ], [ -48.89, -1.56 ], [ -48.859, -1.536 ], [ -48.856, -1.553 ], [ -48.886, -1.578 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.783, -1.682 ], [ -44.8, -1.595 ], [ -44.775, -1.62 ], [ -44.721, -1.567 ], [ -44.704, -1.611 ], [ -44.684, -1.575 ], [ -44.668, -1.669 ], [ -44.693, -1.638 ], [ -44.783, -1.682 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.816, -1.569 ], [ -44.837, -1.534 ], [ -44.787, -1.488 ], [ -44.825, -1.534 ], [ -44.816, -1.569 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.462, -1.517 ], [ -48.478, -1.499 ], [ -48.421, -1.503 ], [ -48.462, -1.517 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.793, -1.531 ], [ -44.774, -1.47 ], [ -44.763, -1.513 ], [ -44.793, -1.531 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.414, -1.427 ], [ -45.423, -1.416 ], [ -45.409, -1.405 ], [ -45.414, -1.427 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45, -1.296 ], [ -44.922, -1.265 ], [ -44.877, -1.309 ], [ -44.895, -1.34 ], [ -44.922, -1.305 ], [ -44.907, -1.341 ], [ -44.999, -1.405 ], [ -45.033, -1.339 ], [ -45, -1.32 ], [ -44.995, -1.36 ], [ -45, -1.296 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.044, -1.402 ], [ -45.07, -1.33 ], [ -45.052, -1.342 ], [ -45.044, -1.402 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.333, -1.569 ], [ -45.371, -1.544 ], [ -45.347, -1.489 ], [ -45.313, -1.506 ], [ -45.333, -1.569 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.969, -1.522 ], [ -44.976, -1.493 ], [ -44.959, -1.483 ], [ -44.969, -1.522 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.393, -1.512 ], [ -48.371, -1.476 ], [ -48.341, -1.483 ], [ -48.393, -1.512 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.413, -1.498 ], [ -48.426, -1.491 ], [ -48.387, -1.476 ], [ -48.413, -1.498 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.118, -1.47 ], [ -45.132, -1.462 ], [ -45.115, -1.364 ], [ -45.103, -1.373 ], [ -45.118, -1.47 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.593, -1.251 ], [ -45.581, -1.19 ], [ -45.536, -1.205 ], [ -45.532, -1.231 ], [ -45.593, -1.251 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.559, -1.243 ], [ -48.56, -1.202 ], [ -48.523, -1.199 ], [ -48.559, -1.243 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.817, -1.163 ], [ -45.829, -1.141 ], [ -45.804, -1.127 ], [ -45.817, -1.163 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.877, -1.154 ], [ -45.9, -1.117 ], [ -45.883, -1.073 ], [ -45.849, -1.123 ], [ -45.877, -1.154 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.192, -1.05 ], [ -46.201, -1.041 ], [ -46.185, -1.027 ], [ -46.192, -1.05 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.291, -1.01 ], [ -46.307, -0.992 ], [ -46.306, -0.961 ], [ -46.291, -1.01 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.078, -1.095 ], [ -46.065, -1.05 ], [ -46.061, -1.074 ], [ -46.078, -1.095 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.68, -1.295 ], [ -45.687, -1.275 ], [ -45.667, -1.26 ], [ -45.654, -1.285 ], [ -45.68, -1.295 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.538, -1.282 ], [ -48.549, -1.262 ], [ -48.53, -1.25 ], [ -48.538, -1.282 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.51, -1.27 ], [ -48.522, -1.247 ], [ -48.506, -1.236 ], [ -48.51, -1.27 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.694, -1.37 ], [ -45.646, -1.289 ], [ -45.625, -1.126 ], [ -45.634, -1.349 ], [ -45.694, -1.37 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.688, -1.266 ], [ -45.708, -1.228 ], [ -45.685, -1.194 ], [ -45.664, -1.231 ], [ -45.688, -1.266 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.425, -0.914 ], [ -46.454, -0.907 ], [ -46.408, -0.868 ], [ -46.395, -0.899 ], [ -46.425, -0.914 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.72, -0.848 ], [ -46.735, -0.832 ], [ -46.729, -0.796 ], [ -46.72, -0.848 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.611, -0.799 ], [ -46.622, -0.784 ], [ -46.601, -0.789 ], [ -46.611, -0.799 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.586, -0.849 ], [ -46.621, -0.807 ], [ -46.589, -0.815 ], [ -46.586, -0.849 ] ] ], [ [ [ -47.447, -0.748 ], [ -47.453, -0.732 ], [ -47.436, -0.717 ], [ -47.428, -0.738 ], [ -47.447, -0.748 ] ] ], [ [ [ -47.461, -0.741 ], [ -47.463, -0.702 ], [ -47.445, -0.697 ], [ -47.461, -0.741 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.214, -0.411 ], [ -51.211, -0.386 ], [ -51.164, -0.347 ], [ -51.163, -0.383 ], [ -51.214, -0.411 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.352, -0.353 ], [ -51.346, -0.31 ], [ -51.317, -0.268 ], [ -51.327, -0.33 ], [ -51.352, -0.353 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.127, -0.268 ], [ -51.131, -0.237 ], [ -51.091, -0.208 ], [ -51.087, -0.229 ], [ -51.127, -0.268 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.888, -0.198 ], [ -48.91, -0.188 ], [ -48.893, -0.134 ], [ -48.847, -0.177 ], [ -48.888, -0.198 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.174, -0.091 ], [ -51.191, -0.064 ], [ -51.126, -0.057 ], [ -51.174, -0.091 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.114, -0.146 ], [ -49.097, -0.121 ], [ -49.08, -0.13 ], [ -49.114, -0.146 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.166, -0.142 ], [ -49.188, -0.115 ], [ -49.156, -0.128 ], [ -49.166, -0.142 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.119, -0.141 ], [ -49.143, -0.107 ], [ -49.114, -0.11 ], [ -49.119, -0.141 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.127, -0.128 ], [ -51.094, -0.103 ], [ -51.108, -0.127 ], [ -51.127, -0.128 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.414, -0.999 ], [ -46.384, -0.941 ], [ -46.367, -0.948 ], [ -46.414, -0.999 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.647, -0.97 ], [ -46.658, -0.968 ], [ -46.618, -0.957 ], [ -46.647, -0.97 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.488, -0.942 ], [ -46.465, -0.877 ], [ -46.464, -0.924 ], [ -46.44, -0.922 ], [ -46.482, -0.976 ], [ -46.441, -0.999 ], [ -46.525, -1.016 ], [ -46.527, -0.917 ], [ -46.509, -0.984 ], [ -46.488, -0.942 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.632, 0.159 ], [ -49.662, 0.184 ], [ -49.629, 0.202 ], [ -49.61, 0.181 ], [ -49.632, 0.159 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.641, 0.26 ], [ -50.63, 0.293 ], [ -50.586, 0.308 ], [ -50.641, 0.26 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.2, 0.255 ], [ -50.243, 0.248 ], [ -50.147, 0.337 ], [ -50.059, 0.346 ], [ -50.2, 0.255 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.417, 0.159 ], [ -50.535, 0.234 ], [ -50.36, 0.615 ], [ -50.328, 0.383 ], [ -50.285, 0.3 ], [ -50.413, 0.237 ], [ -50.417, 0.159 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.279, 0.338 ], [ -50.271, 0.599 ], [ -50.147, 0.608 ], [ -50.142, 0.576 ], [ -50.107, 0.636 ], [ -50.063, 0.623 ], [ -50.05, 0.518 ], [ -50.279, 0.338 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50, 0.943 ], [ -50.113, 0.907 ], [ -50.018, 1.034 ], [ -49.935, 1.069 ], [ -49.939, 0.996 ], [ -50, 0.943 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.881, 1.227 ], [ -49.909, 1.246 ], [ -49.886, 1.244 ], [ -49.881, 1.227 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.907, 1.278 ], [ -49.885, 1.291 ], [ -49.863, 1.278 ], [ -49.876, 1.252 ], [ -49.907, 1.278 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.204, 1.851 ], [ -50.232, 1.879 ], [ -50.22, 1.915 ], [ -50.169, 1.865 ], [ -50.204, 1.851 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.468, 1.954 ], [ -50.521, 2.026 ], [ -50.497, 2.139 ], [ -50.398, 2.167 ], [ -50.367, 2.19 ], [ -50.276, 1.939 ], [ -50.423, 1.849 ], [ -50.468, 1.954 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.504, 2.255 ], [ -50.414, 2.244 ], [ -50.382, 2.204 ], [ -50.489, 2.15 ], [ -50.564, 2.205 ], [ -50.504, 2.255 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.229, 0.832 ], [ -50.098, 0.839 ], [ -50.027, 0.898 ], [ -50.105, 0.757 ], [ -50.162, 0.775 ], [ -50.249, 0.72 ], [ -50.229, 0.832 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.131, 0.844 ], [ -50.162, 0.867 ], [ -50.132, 0.9 ], [ -50.119, 0.854 ], [ -50.131, 0.844 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.108, 0.85 ], [ -50.111, 0.891 ], [ -50.049, 0.886 ], [ -50.108, 0.85 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.216, -0.055 ], [ -50.235, -0.042 ], [ -50.219, -0.04 ], [ -50.216, -0.055 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.916, -0.052 ], [ -50.926, -0.047 ], [ -50.907, -0.043 ], [ -50.916, -0.052 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.605, -0.061 ], [ -50.618, -0.022 ], [ -50.559, -0.038 ], [ -50.605, -0.061 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.399, -0.061 ], [ -50.44, -0.057 ], [ -50.378, -0.015 ], [ -50.357, -0.049 ], [ -50.399, -0.061 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.75, 0 ], [ -49.609, 0.08 ], [ -49.474, 0.081 ], [ -49.338, -0.017 ], [ -49.487, -0.136 ], [ -49.723, -0.147 ], [ -49.835, -0.088 ], [ -49.75, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.023, -0.019 ], [ -49.039, -0.011 ], [ -49.02, -0.006 ], [ -49.023, -0.019 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.932, 0.052 ], [ -50.918, 0.084 ], [ -50.884, 0.078 ], [ -50.899, 0.057 ], [ -50.932, 0.052 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.928, 0 ], [ -50.786, 0.05 ], [ -50.717, 0.028 ], [ -50.94, -0.041 ], [ -50.928, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.691, 0.025 ], [ -50.655, 0.015 ], [ -50.703, 0.021 ], [ -50.691, 0.025 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.629, -0.043 ], [ -50.642, -0.016 ], [ -50.622, -0.026 ], [ -50.629, -0.043 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.642, 0 ], [ -50.611, 0.007 ], [ -50.595, -0.019 ], [ -50.642, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.536, 0 ], [ -50.653, 0.126 ], [ -50.59, 0.203 ], [ -50.434, 0.126 ], [ -50.436, 0 ], [ -50.536, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50, 0.311 ], [ -49.674, 0.368 ], [ -49.601, 0.283 ], [ -49.86, 0.008 ], [ -49.99, -0.048 ], [ -50.086, 0.034 ], [ -50.351, 0.044 ], [ -50.394, 0.222 ], [ -50.153, 0.227 ], [ -50, 0.311 ] ] ] ] } } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy 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[ -43.548, -2.528 ], [ -43.519, -2.445 ], [ -43.498, -2.55 ], [ -43.46, -2.507 ], [ -43.458, -2.596 ], [ -43.401, -2.552 ], [ -43.448, -2.538 ], [ -43.462, -2.427 ], [ -43.359, -2.44 ], [ -43.479, -2.376 ], [ -43.378, -2.329 ], [ -43.4, -2.353 ], [ -43.232, -2.362 ], [ -42.692, -2.596 ], [ -42.709, -2.56 ], [ -42.572, -2.68 ], [ -42.495, -2.689 ], [ -42.503, -2.727 ], [ -42.393, -2.751 ], [ -42.475, -2.706 ], [ -42.375, -2.717 ], [ -42.228, -2.818 ], [ -42.143, -2.808 ], [ -42.256, -2.735 ], [ -42.233, -2.674 ], [ -42.208, -2.712 ], [ -42.098, -2.768 ], [ -42.099, -2.809 ], [ -42.096, -2.747 ], [ -42.216, -2.687 ], [ -42.054, -2.691 ], [ -42.023, -2.775 ], [ -42.017, -2.718 ], [ -41.818, -2.723 ], [ -41.844, -2.773 ], [ -41.797, -2.751 ], [ -41.656, -2.884 ], [ -41.437, -2.939 ], [ -41.395, -2.906 ], [ -41.316, -2.943 ], [ -41.263, -2.887 ], [ -40.838, -2.895 ], [ -40.572, -2.844 ], [ -40.499, -2.787 ], [ -39.888, -2.886 ], [ -39.244, -3.229 ], [ -39.083, -3.394 ], [ -38.978, -3.407 ], [ -38.641, -3.687 ], [ -38.473, -3.7 ], [ -38.377, -3.866 ], [ -38.043, -4.214 ], [ -37.764, -4.399 ], [ -37.588, -4.624 ], [ -37.323, -4.698 ], [ -37.15, -4.943 ], [ -36.958, -4.919 ], [ -36.666, -5.108 ], [ -36.504, -5.061 ], [ -36.297, -5.106 ], [ -35.956, -5.045 ], [ -35.612, -5.11 ], [ -35.385, -5.255 ], [ -35.255, -5.483 ], [ -35.099, -6.169 ], [ -34.983, -6.396 ], [ -34.933, -6.753 ], [ -34.79, -7.159 ], [ -34.842, -7.564 ], [ -34.809, -7.622 ], [ -34.845, -7.69 ], [ -34.827, -8.004 ], [ -35.136, -8.895 ], [ -35.332, -9.237 ], [ -35.689, -9.668 ], [ -35.78, -9.706 ], [ -36.056, -10.083 ], [ -36.266, -10.256 ], [ -36.402, -10.506 ], [ -36.602, -10.567 ], [ -36.934, -10.826 ], [ -37.36, -11.428 ], [ -37.612, -11.979 ], [ -37.996, -12.578 ], [ -38.318, -12.934 ], [ -38.477, -13.022 ], [ -38.532, -13.017 ], [ -38.473, -12.913 ], [ -38.498, -12.722 ], [ -38.603, -12.728 ], [ -38.646, -12.622 ], [ -38.681, -12.661 ], [ -38.718, -12.627 ], [ -38.804, -12.835 ], [ -38.717, -12.873 ], [ -38.769, -12.995 ], [ -38.721, -13.021 ], [ -38.66, -12.963 ], [ -38.686, -12.878 ], [ -38.59, -12.972 ], [ -38.766, -13.129 ], [ -38.807, -13.1 ], [ -38.808, -13.154 ], [ -38.944, -13.243 ], [ -38.973, -13.391 ], [ -38.902, -13.384 ], [ -38.886, -13.45 ], [ -38.95, -13.577 ], [ -38.886, -13.659 ], [ -38.968, -13.67 ], [ -39.006, -13.891 ], [ -39.064, -13.865 ], [ -39.075, -13.887 ], [ -38.986, -13.998 ], [ -38.952, -13.986 ], [ -38.982, -13.912 ], [ -38.938, -13.886 ], [ -38.922, -13.92 ], [ -39.061, -14.716 ], [ -38.962, -15.585 ], [ -38.857, -15.86 ], [ -38.973, -16.211 ], [ -39.032, -16.26 ], [ -39.01, -16.369 ], [ -39.078, -16.454 ], [ -39.143, -16.762 ], [ -39.113, -16.896 ], [ -39.212, -17.155 ], [ -39.193, -17.602 ], [ -39.135, -17.691 ], [ -39.264, -17.869 ], [ -39.435, -17.943 ], [ -39.563, -18.091 ], [ -39.721, -18.493 ], [ -39.749, -18.81 ], [ -39.692, -19.353 ], [ -39.805, -19.65 ], [ -39.951, -19.717 ], [ -40.151, -19.956 ], [ -40.236, -20.285 ], [ -40.353, -20.32 ], [ -40.329, -20.236 ], [ -40.359, -20.291 ], [ -40.365, -20.317 ], [ -40.35, -20.328 ], [ -40.268, -20.327 ], [ -40.402, -20.606 ], [ -40.466, -20.624 ], [ -40.627, -20.845 ], [ -40.65, -20.813 ], [ -40.756, -20.866 ], [ -40.853, -21.133 ], [ -40.955, -21.251 ], [ -40.96, -21.364 ], [ -41.065, -21.495 ], [ -41.051, -21.608 ], [ -41.038, -21.622 ], [ -41.007, -21.618 ], [ -40.99, -22.014 ], [ -41.229, -22.151 ], [ -41.668, -22.294 ], [ -41.962, -22.538 ], [ -41.986, -22.713 ], [ -41.919, -22.774 ], [ -41.864, -22.759 ], [ -42.023, -22.896 ], [ -42.037, -22.94 ], [ -41.99, -22.964 ], [ -42.018, -22.998 ], [ -42.086, -22.957 ], [ -42.529, -22.934 ], [ -43.05, -22.982 ], [ -43.132, -22.941 ], [ -43.025, -22.741 ], [ -43.084, -22.68 ], [ -43.216, -22.725 ], [ -43.287, -22.806 ], [ -43.24, -22.847 ], [ -43.249, -22.797 ], [ -43.156, -22.784 ], [ -43.247, -22.882 ], [ -43.164, -22.899 ], [ -43.187, -22.995 ], [ -43.344, -22.983 ], [ -43.303, -23.02 ], [ -43.549, -23.081 ], [ -44.001, -23.1 ], [ -43.961, -23.042 ], [ -43.877, -23.067 ], [ -43.909, -23.02 ], [ -43.807, -23.063 ], [ -43.555, -23.055 ], [ -43.84, -22.906 ], [ -43.985, -22.937 ], [ -44.034, -23.014 ], [ -44.044, -22.923 ], [ -44.107, -23.03 ], [ -44.234, -23.06 ], [ -44.238, -23.004 ], [ -44.358, -23.02 ], [ -44.296, -22.961 ], [ -44.321, -22.927 ], [ -44.378, -22.972 ], [ -44.407, -22.945 ], [ -44.443, -23.035 ], [ -44.669, -23.06 ], [ -44.712, -23.19 ], [ -44.701, -23.237 ], [ -44.645, -23.191 ], [ -44.612, -23.206 ], [ -44.685, -23.256 ], [ -44.611, -23.238 ], [ -44.652, -23.302 ], [ -44.558, -23.232 ], [ -44.577, -23.275 ], [ -44.498, -23.302 ], [ -44.583, -23.367 ], [ -44.669, -23.341 ], [ -44.84, -23.395 ], [ -44.905, -23.339 ], [ -45.05, -23.418 ], [ -45.016, -23.461 ], [ -45.079, -23.519 ], [ -45.165, -23.495 ], [ -45.159, -23.541 ], [ -45.228, -23.547 ], [ -45.211, -23.582 ], [ -45.41, -23.632 ], [ -45.412, -23.825 ], [ -45.934, -23.771 ], [ -46.124, -23.842 ], [ -46.2, -24.002 ], [ -46.288, -24.044 ], [ -46.321, -24 ], [ -46.458, -24.025 ], [ -46.937, -24.281 ], [ -47.024, -24.382 ], [ -47.004, -24.412 ], [ -47.86, -24.996 ], [ -47.914, -25.061 ], [ -47.915, -25.16 ], [ -48.213, -25.47 ], [ -48.254, -25.435 ], [ -48.222, -25.342 ], [ -48.208, -25.353 ], [ -48.121, -25.267 ], [ -48.253, -25.328 ], [ -48.284, -25.294 ], [ -48.317, -25.363 ], [ -48.327, -25.232 ], [ -48.366, -25.317 ], [ -48.433, -25.237 ], [ -48.428, -25.324 ], [ -48.5, -25.335 ], [ -48.427, -25.39 ], [ -48.449, -25.379 ], [ -48.468, -25.388 ], [ -48.467, -25.432 ], [ -48.449, -25.384 ], [ -48.414, -25.428 ], [ -48.476, -25.485 ], [ -48.637, -25.468 ], [ -48.661, -25.398 ], [ -48.671, -25.435 ], [ -48.739, -25.374 ], [ -48.68, -25.465 ], [ -48.687, -25.499 ], [ -48.737, -25.483 ], [ -48.703, -25.504 ], [ -48.617, -25.536 ], [ -48.512, -25.505 ], [ -48.482, -25.591 ], [ -48.46, -25.552 ], [ -48.35, -25.581 ], [ -48.565, -25.868 ], [ -48.614, -26.06 ], [ -48.586, -26.172 ], [ -48.714, -26.243 ], [ -48.795, -26.073 ], [ -48.837, -26.157 ], [ -48.798, -26.142 ], [ -48.763, -26.199 ], [ -48.805, -26.228 ], [ -48.769, -26.223 ], [ -48.761, -26.286 ], [ -48.803, -26.303 ], [ -48.723, -26.362 ], [ -48.635, -26.374 ], [ -48.714, -26.308 ], [ -48.554, -26.172 ], [ -48.493, -26.224 ], [ -48.695, -26.658 ], [ -48.665, -26.769 ], [ -48.583, -26.786 ], [ -48.655, -26.909 ], [ -48.62, -27.007 ], [ -48.574, -27.011 ], [ -48.607, -27.122 ], [ -48.554, -27.152 ], [ -48.51, -27.108 ], [ -48.469, -27.148 ], [ -48.511, -27.183 ], [ -48.486, -27.218 ], [ -48.531, -27.18 ], [ -48.612, -27.243 ], [ -48.596, -27.318 ], [ -48.529, -27.334 ], [ -48.649, -27.486 ], [ -48.572, -27.592 ], [ -48.653, -27.648 ], [ -48.575, -27.888 ], [ -48.761, -28.535 ], [ -48.813, -28.605 ], [ -49.37, -28.92 ], [ -49.334, -28.921 ], [ -49.702, -29.308 ], [ -50.006, -29.749 ], [ -50.316, -30.472 ], [ -50.848, -31.205 ], [ -51.303, -31.613 ], [ -51.877, -31.952 ], [ -52.071, -32.188 ], [ -52.012, -31.946 ], [ -52.092, -31.837 ], [ -51.851, -31.865 ], [ -51.777, -31.805 ], [ -51.854, -31.797 ], [ -51.65, -31.759 ], [ -51.478, -31.562 ], [ -51.43, -31.622 ], [ -51.458, -31.548 ], [ -51.424, -31.478 ], [ -51.351, -31.529 ], [ -51.234, -31.458 ], [ -51.16, -31.31 ], [ -51.166, -31.063 ], [ -51.109, -31.097 ], [ -50.985, -31.042 ], [ -50.965, -30.893 ], [ -50.888, -30.893 ], [ -50.705, -30.756 ], [ -50.677, -30.61 ], [ -50.725, -30.371 ], [ -50.692, -30.355 ], [ -50.625, -30.409 ], [ -50.641, -30.459 ], [ -50.569, -30.471 ], [ -50.534, -30.278 ], [ -50.601, -30.194 ], [ -50.659, -30.201 ], [ -50.661, -30.293 ], [ -50.918, -30.333 ], [ -50.934, -30.42 ], [ -50.889, -30.439 ], [ -50.921, -30.44 ], [ -51.052, -30.395 ], [ -51.034, -30.276 ], [ -51.146, -30.267 ], [ -51.246, -30.188 ], [ -51.23, -30.043 ], [ -51.295, -30.007 ], [ -51.326, -30.23 ], [ -51.271, -30.25 ], [ -51.293, -30.295 ], [ -51.246, -30.33 ], [ -51.209, -30.3 ], [ -51.179, -30.383 ], [ -51.092, -30.367 ], [ -51.129, -30.436 ], [ -51.202, -30.413 ], [ -51.269, -30.489 ], [ -51.282, -30.811 ], [ -51.33, -30.777 ], [ -51.294, -30.758 ], [ -51.319, -30.64 ], [ -51.375, -30.635 ], [ -51.404, -30.769 ], [ -51.367, -30.874 ], [ -51.457, -30.874 ], [ -51.501, -30.935 ], [ -51.436, -31.088 ], [ -51.611, -31.138 ], [ -51.613, -31.272 ], [ -51.915, -31.313 ], [ -52.002, -31.449 ], [ -52.031, -31.693 ], [ -52.218, -31.747 ], [ -52.247, -31.871 ], [ -52.106, -31.952 ], [ -52.216, -31.963 ], [ -52.263, -32.062 ], [ -52.209, -32.045 ], [ -52.225, -32.096 ], [ -52.082, -32.033 ], [ -52.162, -32.128 ], [ -52.09, -32.069 ], [ -52.084, -32.186 ], [ -52.16, -32.201 ], [ -52.341, -32.43 ], [ -52.488, -32.844 ], [ -52.66, -33.165 ], [ -53.227, -33.658 ], [ -53.421, -33.741 ], [ -53.524, -33.689 ], [ -53.515, -33.163 ], [ -53.434, -33.054 ], [ -53.243, -32.936 ], [ -53.294, -32.911 ], [ -53.074, -32.746 ], [ -53.244, -32.605 ], [ -53.39, -32.583 ], [ -53.46, -32.48 ], [ -53.595, -32.432 ], [ -53.73, -32.157 ], [ -53.714, -32.104 ], [ -53.965, -31.919 ], [ -54.096, -31.906 ], [ -54.466, -31.666 ], [ -54.491, -31.54 ], [ -54.591, -31.448 ], [ -54.836, -31.446 ], [ -54.945, -31.392 ], [ -55.014, -31.285 ], [ -55.091, -31.326 ], [ -55.245, -31.257 ], [ -55.374, -31.038 ], [ -55.594, -30.848 ], [ -55.635, -30.857 ], [ -55.657, -30.956 ], [ -55.87, -31.08 ], [ -56.008, -31.063 ], [ -55.987, -30.86 ], [ -56.021, -30.784 ], [ -56.127, -30.739 ], [ -56.177, -30.614 ], [ -56.384, -30.495 ], [ -56.459, -30.387 ], [ -56.545, -30.364 ], [ -56.54, -30.312 ], [ -56.617, -30.303 ], [ -56.644, -30.205 ], [ -56.776, -30.166 ], [ -56.804, -30.107 ], [ -57.068, -30.088 ], [ -57.207, -30.281 ], [ -57.313, -30.26 ], [ -57.396, -30.303 ], [ -57.538, -30.275 ], [ -57.618, -30.179 ], [ -57.505, -30.143 ], [ -57.342, -30.001 ], [ -57.319, -29.87 ], [ -57.254, -29.794 ], [ -57.105, -29.752 ], [ -56.972, -29.639 ], [ -56.676, -29.321 ], [ -56.593, -29.123 ], [ -56.425, -29.073 ], [ -56.285, -28.794 ], [ -56.185, -28.771 ], [ -56.016, -28.611 ], [ -56.011, -28.509 ], [ -55.888, -28.479 ], [ -55.875, -28.362 ], [ -55.696, -28.425 ], [ -55.671, -28.333 ], [ -55.773, -28.247 ], [ -55.605, -28.123 ], [ -55.554, -28.164 ], [ -55.496, -28.081 ], [ -55.444, -28.097 ], [ -55.323, -27.928 ], [ -55.196, -27.863 ], [ -55.134, -27.895 ], [ -55.117, -27.853 ], [ -55.032, -27.854 ], [ -55.082, -27.789 ], [ -54.941, -27.775 ], [ -54.809, -27.536 ], [ -54.781, -27.586 ], [ -54.683, -27.576 ], [ -54.678, -27.514 ], [ -54.624, -27.55 ], [ -54.576, -27.458 ], [ -54.525, -27.507 ], [ -54.415, -27.412 ], [ -54.353, -27.468 ], [ -54.339, -27.406 ], [ -54.282, -27.447 ], [ -54.176, -27.261 ], [ -54.089, -27.303 ], [ -53.949, -27.158 ], [ -53.799, -27.147 ], [ -53.795, -27.048 ], [ -53.761, -27.068 ], [ -53.662, -26.869 ], [ -53.751, -26.745 ], [ -53.707, -26.563 ], [ -53.738, -26.548 ], [ -53.592, -26.265 ], [ -53.722, -26.13 ], [ -53.733, -26.047 ], [ -53.837, -25.969 ], [ -53.824, -25.793 ], [ -53.891, -25.625 ], [ -53.951, -25.644 ], [ -54.016, -25.569 ], [ -54.101, -25.625 ], [ -54.111, -25.504 ], [ -54.213, -25.554 ], [ -54.184, -25.591 ], [ -54.289, -25.562 ], [ -54.387, -25.608 ], [ -54.43, -25.706 ], [ -54.596, -25.595 ], [ -54.617, -25.459 ], [ -54.437, -25.157 ], [ -54.458, -25.031 ], [ -54.336, -24.649 ], [ -54.333, -24.493 ], [ -54.262, -24.376 ], [ -54.33, -24.225 ], [ -54.282, -24.075 ], [ -54.411, -23.929 ], [ -54.668, -23.815 ], [ -55.061, -23.991 ], [ -55.112, -23.963 ], [ -55.226, -24.013 ], [ -55.413, -23.961 ], [ -55.434, -23.714 ], [ -55.535, -23.614 ], [ -55.522, -23.197 ], [ -55.596, -23.141 ], [ -55.64, -22.994 ], [ -55.685, -22.992 ], [ -55.613, -22.659 ], [ -55.736, -22.532 ], [ -55.74, -22.396 ], [ -55.854, -22.281 ], [ -56.208, -22.281 ], [ -56.341, -22.206 ], [ -56.403, -22.078 ], [ -56.519, -22.103 ], [ -56.643, -22.261 ], [ -56.698, -22.216 ], [ -56.728, -22.26 ], [ -56.808, -22.25 ], [ -56.831, -22.3 ], [ -57.001, -22.225 ], [ -57.203, -22.21 ], [ -57.243, -22.244 ], [ -57.553, -22.181 ], [ -57.616, -22.096 ], [ -57.803, -22.148 ], [ -57.989, -22.085 ], [ -58.005, -22.032 ], [ -57.919, -21.881 ], [ -57.969, -21.844 ], [ -57.913, -21.793 ], [ -57.947, -21.747 ], [ -57.894, -21.687 ], [ -57.968, -21.528 ], [ -57.855, -21.339 ], [ -57.918, -21.278 ], [ -57.854, -21.226 ], [ -57.866, -21.041 ], [ -57.818, -20.976 ], [ -57.927, -20.897 ], [ -57.855, -20.835 ], [ -57.961, -20.784 ], [ -57.869, -20.736 ], [ -57.923, -20.666 ], [ -57.988, -20.696 ], [ -57.994, -20.448 ], [ -58.082, -20.372 ], [ -58.092, -20.257 ], [ -58.154, -20.264 ], [ -58.125, -20.188 ], [ -58.163, -20.162 ], [ -57.872, -19.979 ], [ -58.134, -19.761 ], [ -57.79, -19.051 ], [ -57.709, -19.034 ], [ -57.757, -18.858 ], [ -57.56, -18.263 ], [ -57.458, -18.228 ], [ -57.568, -18.136 ], [ -57.702, -17.86 ], [ -57.715, -17.735 ], [ -57.785, -17.645 ], [ -57.773, -17.553 ], [ -57.878, -17.463 ], [ -58.003, -17.52 ], [ -58.114, -17.456 ], [ -58.395, -17.197 ], [ -58.421, -16.99 ], [ -58.47, -16.939 ], [ -58.468, -16.702 ], [ -58.442, -16.613 ], [ -58.34, -16.542 ], [ -58.309, -16.27 ], [ -58.471, -16.325 ], [ -60.173, -16.265 ], [ -60.236, -15.476 ], [ -60.565, -15.105 ], [ -60.253, -15.101 ], [ -60.257, -14.624 ], [ -60.338, -14.555 ], [ -60.482, -14.181 ], [ -60.468, -14.092 ], [ -60.378, -13.992 ], [ -60.468, -13.886 ], [ -60.468, -13.801 ], [ -60.793, -13.686 ], [ -60.962, -13.539 ], [ -61.044, -13.541 ], [ -61.028, -13.477 ], [ -61.069, -13.463 ], [ -61.139, -13.521 ], [ -61.249, -13.525 ], [ -61.33, -13.473 ], [ -61.486, -13.554 ], [ -61.578, -13.494 ], [ -61.824, -13.539 ], [ -61.866, -13.443 ], [ -62.108, -13.257 ], [ -62.109, -13.149 ], [ -62.165, -13.112 ], [ -62.368, -13.145 ], [ -62.464, -13.07 ], [ -62.637, -13.041 ], [ -62.674, -12.965 ], [ -62.764, -13.023 ], [ -62.923, -12.854 ], [ -62.996, -12.85 ], [ -63.082, -12.653 ], [ -63.327, -12.705 ], [ -63.482, -12.557 ], [ -63.712, -12.458 ], [ -63.875, -12.469 ], [ -63.937, -12.557 ], [ -64.127, -12.494 ], [ -64.152, -12.529 ], [ -64.215, -12.476 ], [ -64.278, -12.511 ], [ -64.493, -12.366 ], [ -64.486, -12.23 ], [ -64.654, -12.186 ], [ -64.683, -12.099 ], [ -64.725, -12.162 ], [ -64.798, -12.035 ], [ -64.993, -11.999 ], [ -65.048, -11.757 ], [ -65.112, -11.741 ], [ -65.106, -11.697 ], [ -65.135, -11.777 ], [ -65.201, -11.745 ], [ -65.161, -11.622 ], [ -65.218, -11.521 ], [ -65.299, -11.5 ], [ -65.338, -11.392 ], [ -65.31, -11.341 ], [ -65.385, -11.269 ], [ -65.349, -11.239 ], [ -65.391, -11.167 ], [ -65.318, -11.105 ], [ -65.336, -11.044 ], [ -65.269, -10.901 ], [ -65.366, -10.798 ], [ -65.349, -10.671 ], [ -65.426, -10.638 ], [ -65.429, -10.473 ], [ -65.28, -10.218 ], [ -65.327, -9.938 ], [ -65.29, -9.851 ], [ -65.377, -9.698 ], [ -65.488, -9.718 ], [ -65.563, -9.834 ], [ -65.669, -9.779 ], [ -65.7, -9.803 ], [ -65.689, -9.749 ], [ -65.748, -9.77 ], [ -65.777, -9.727 ], [ -65.798, -9.786 ], [ -65.81, -9.75 ], [ -65.86, -9.794 ], [ -65.872, -9.757 ], [ -66.018, -9.807 ], [ -66.064, -9.772 ], [ -66.422, -9.895 ], [ -66.616, -9.893 ], [ -66.623, -9.935 ], [ -66.883, -10.081 ], [ -67.029, -10.254 ], [ -67.186, -10.339 ], [ -67.315, -10.316 ], [ -67.327, -10.374 ], [ -67.414, -10.372 ], [ -67.443, -10.45 ], [ -67.594, -10.523 ], [ -67.715, -10.707 ], [ -68.021, -10.661 ], [ -68.119, -10.726 ], [ -68.283, -10.987 ], [ -68.519, -11.048 ], [ -68.587, -11.11 ], [ -68.769, -11.139 ], [ -68.751, -11.007 ], [ -68.787, -10.99 ], [ -68.871, -11.023 ], [ -69.393, -10.929 ], [ -69.728, -10.973 ], [ -69.938, -10.926 ], [ -70.318, -11.066 ], [ -70.428, -11.033 ], [ -70.508, -10.94 ], [ -70.618, -11.007 ], [ -70.622, -9.847 ], [ -70.522, -9.738 ], [ -70.598, -9.574 ], [ -70.561, -9.579 ], [ -70.497, -9.433 ], [ -70.601, -9.453 ], [ -70.982, -9.812 ], [ -71.131, -9.862 ], [ -71.288, -9.996 ], [ -72.165, -10.002 ], [ -72.16, -9.818 ], [ -72.26, -9.755 ], [ -72.289, -9.536 ], [ -72.364, -9.491 ], [ -72.721, -9.417 ], [ -73.196, -9.418 ], [ -72.965, -9.154 ], [ -72.946, -8.99 ], [ -73.059, -8.904 ], [ -73.169, -8.701 ], [ -73.338, -8.609 ], [ -73.338, -8.476 ], [ -73.526, -8.369 ], [ -73.632, -8.022 ], [ -73.765, -7.94 ], [ -73.777, -7.869 ], [ -73.697, -7.865 ], [ -73.69, -7.79 ], [ -73.985, -7.543 ], [ -73.917, -7.461 ], [ -73.954, -7.348 ], [ -73.868, -7.377 ], [ -73.691, -7.313 ], [ -73.797, -7.115 ], [ -73.743, -6.897 ], [ -73.351, -6.561 ], [ -73.211, -6.53 ], [ -73.133, -6.421 ], [ -73.185, -6.04 ], [ -73.131, -5.986 ], [ -73.116, -5.865 ], [ -72.951, -5.643 ], [ -72.948, -5.454 ], [ -72.872, -5.25 ], [ -72.896, -5.136 ], [ -72.734, -5.043 ], [ -72.602, -5.056 ], [ -72.577, -4.992 ], [ -72.455, -4.962 ], [ -72.452, -4.906 ], [ -72.37, -4.88 ], [ -72.356, -4.803 ], [ -72.292, -4.799 ], [ -72.313, -4.769 ], [ -72.223, -4.78 ], [ -72.113, -4.722 ], [ -72.047, -4.625 ], [ -71.94, -4.607 ], [ -71.897, -4.512 ], [ -71.61, -4.465 ], [ -71.597, -4.525 ], [ -71.535, -4.46 ], [ -71.49, -4.479 ], [ -71.506, -4.435 ], [ -71.414, -4.432 ], [ -71.432, -4.469 ], [ -71.342, -4.423 ], [ -71.355, -4.468 ], [ -71.303, -4.458 ], [ -71.269, -4.381 ], [ -71.198, -4.377 ], [ -71.193, -4.42 ], [ -71.147, -4.375 ], [ -71.031, -4.397 ], [ -70.99, -4.34 ], [ -70.935, -4.381 ], [ -70.757, -4.152 ], [ -70.677, -4.2 ], [ -70.622, -4.121 ], [ -70.633, -4.173 ], [ -70.565, -4.168 ], [ -70.566, -4.205 ], [ -70.553, -4.128 ], [ -70.503, -4.19 ], [ -70.434, -4.125 ], [ -70.341, -4.174 ], [ -70.317, -4.136 ], [ -70.291, -4.283 ], [ -70.249, -4.267 ], [ -70.186, -4.357 ], [ -70.169, -4.27 ], [ -70.101, -4.255 ], [ -70.031, -4.339 ], [ -69.929, -4.213 ], [ -69.453, -1.478 ], [ -69.368, -1.334 ], [ -69.422, -0.998 ], [ -69.508, -0.936 ], [ -69.609, -0.755 ], [ -69.551, -0.648 ], [ -69.593, -0.517 ], [ -69.908, -0.316 ], [ -70.068, -0.135 ], [ -70.037, 0.553 ], [ -69.798, 0.585 ], [ -69.664, 0.672 ], [ -69.606, 0.623 ], [ -69.468, 0.734 ], [ -69.357, 0.621 ], [ -69.295, 0.648 ], [ -69.288, 0.609 ], [ -69.202, 0.602 ], [ -69.112, 0.643 ], [ -69.184, 0.73 ], [ -69.137, 0.868 ], [ -69.257, 1.026 ], [ -69.342, 1.064 ], [ -69.416, 1.024 ], [ -69.7, 1.056 ], [ -69.721, 1.097 ], [ -69.854, 1.07 ], [ -69.855, 1.715 ], [ -69.556, 1.775 ], [ -69.395, 1.726 ], [ -68.128, 1.73 ], [ -68.29, 1.841 ], [ -68.205, 2.038 ], [ -68.027, 1.784 ], [ -67.924, 1.751 ], [ -67.797, 1.812 ], [ -67.578, 2.076 ], [ -67.41, 2.141 ], [ -67.117, 1.732 ], [ -67.068, 1.532 ], [ -67.097, 1.17 ], [ -66.855, 1.228 ], [ -66.322, 0.738 ], [ -66.095, 0.754 ], [ -65.952, 0.81 ], [ -65.854, 0.939 ], [ -65.733, 1.005 ], [ -65.583, 1.008 ], [ -65.47, 0.877 ], [ -65.557, 0.705 ], [ -65.504, 0.627 ], [ -65.393, 0.699 ], [ -65.305, 0.916 ], [ -65.152, 0.943 ], [ -65.121, 1.115 ], [ -65.055, 1.144 ], [ -64.968, 1.112 ], [ -64.903, 1.249 ], [ -64.843, 1.237 ], [ -64.783, 1.313 ], [ -64.721, 1.25 ], [ -64.638, 1.286 ], [ -64.387, 1.527 ], [ -64.344, 1.528 ], [ -64.382, 1.419 ], [ -64.344, 1.38 ], [ -64.186, 1.494 ], [ -64.054, 1.708 ], [ -64.057, 1.933 ], [ -64.018, 1.967 ], [ -63.781, 1.989 ], [ -63.604, 2.124 ], [ -63.419, 2.154 ], [ -63.349, 2.281 ], [ -63.382, 2.442 ], [ -63.756, 2.403 ], [ -64.031, 2.509 ], [ -63.987, 2.772 ], [ -64.216, 3.153 ], [ -64.236, 3.476 ], [ -64.186, 3.634 ], [ -64.324, 3.797 ], [ -64.543, 3.882 ], [ -64.8, 4.224 ], [ -64.79, 4.329 ], [ -64.677, 4.297 ], [ -64.555, 4.153 ], [ -64.135, 4.176 ], [ -63.967, 3.93 ], [ -63.806, 4.019 ], [ -63.623, 4.01 ], [ -63.455, 3.91 ], [ -63.411, 4.026 ], [ -63.358, 4.04 ], [ -63.203, 3.952 ], [ -63.189, 3.872 ], [ -62.86, 3.584 ], [ -62.749, 3.642 ], [ -62.705, 3.724 ], [ -62.752, 4.012 ], [ -62.635, 4.056 ], [ -62.557, 4.02 ], [ -62.46, 4.173 ], [ -62.129, 4.084 ], [ -61.961, 4.18 ], [ -61.927, 4.106 ], [ -61.723, 4.262 ], [ -61.528, 4.273 ], [ -61.507, 4.398 ], [ -61.274, 4.471 ], [ -61.293, 4.55 ], [ -61.141, 4.508 ], [ -60.952, 4.549 ], [ -60.907, 4.708 ], [ -60.731, 4.777 ], [ -60.59, 4.951 ], [ -60.744, 5.209 ], [ -60.438, 5.177 ], [ -60.203, 5.265 ], [ -60.176, 5.227 ], [ -60.121, 5.243 ], [ -60.085, 5.149 ], [ -59.969, 5.073 ], [ -60.03, 4.704 ], [ -60.163, 4.521 ], [ -59.927, 4.509 ], [ -59.674, 4.382 ], [ -59.726, 4.191 ], [ -59.628, 4.138 ], [ -59.655, 4.078 ], [ -59.516, 3.94 ], [ -59.581, 3.901 ], [ -59.594, 3.796 ], [ -59.666, 3.777 ], [ -59.664, 3.703 ], [ -59.849, 3.601 ], [ -59.799, 3.355 ], [ -59.909, 3.197 ], [ -59.982, 2.929 ], [ -59.99, 2.683 ], [ -59.903, 2.479 ], [ -59.91, 2.388 ], [ -59.724, 2.277 ], [ -59.754, 1.861 ], [ -59.654, 1.849 ], [ -59.669, 1.764 ], [ -59.549, 1.729 ], [ -59.253, 1.397 ], [ -58.914, 1.299 ], [ -58.904, 1.234 ], [ -58.804, 1.175 ], [ -58.696, 1.288 ], [ -58.507, 1.264 ], [ -58.468, 1.318 ], [ -58.498, 1.458 ], [ -58.382, 1.471 ], [ -58.325, 1.59 ], [ -58.167, 1.558 ], [ -58.13, 1.501 ], [ -58.009, 1.501 ], [ -58, 1.665 ], [ -57.919, 1.645 ], [ -57.77, 1.718 ], [ -57.545, 1.701 ], [ -57.434, 1.895 ], [ -57.302, 1.99 ], [ -57.247, 1.944 ], [ -57.085, 2.021 ], [ -57.012, 1.918 ], [ -56.8, 1.864 ], [ -56.724, 1.92 ], [ -56.454, 1.945 ], [ -55.957, 1.844 ], [ -55.906, 1.889 ], [ -55.913, 2.041 ], [ -56.048, 2.226 ], [ -56.134, 2.263 ], [ -56.09, 2.352 ], [ -55.995, 2.405 ], [ -55.987, 2.517 ], [ -55.948, 2.532 ], [ -55.739, 2.401 ], [ -55.481, 2.443 ], [ -55.37, 2.407 ], [ -55.336, 2.516 ], [ -55.239, 2.495 ], [ -55.137, 2.575 ], [ -55.103, 2.522 ], [ -54.94, 2.632 ], [ -54.969, 2.555 ], [ -54.864, 2.439 ], [ -54.72, 2.469 ], [ -54.702, 2.336 ], [ -54.549, 2.336 ], [ -54.534, 2.268 ], [ -54.314, 2.158 ], [ -54.189, 2.179 ], [ -54.111, 2.127 ], [ -54.078, 2.197 ], [ -53.784, 2.364 ], [ -53.694, 2.287 ], [ -53.472, 2.332 ], [ -53.397, 2.272 ], [ -53.273, 2.292 ], [ -53.188, 2.223 ], [ -52.905, 2.19 ], [ -52.853, 2.285 ], [ -52.673, 2.374 ], [ -52.555, 2.523 ], [ -52.556, 2.646 ], [ -52.382, 2.912 ], [ -52.347, 3.134 ], [ -52.192, 3.296 ], [ -51.92, 3.781 ], [ -51.795, 3.89 ], [ -51.754, 3.996 ], [ -51.658, 4.049 ], [ -51.585, 4.241 ], [ -51.529, 4.171 ], [ -51.545, 4.397 ], [ -51.202, 4.084 ], [ -51.173, 3.767 ], [ -51.127, 3.911 ], [ -51.085, 3.895 ], [ -51.051, 3.283 ], [ -50.913, 2.875 ], [ -50.927, 2.807 ], [ -50.816, 2.644 ], [ -50.851, 2.482 ], [ -50.802, 2.508 ], [ -50.736, 2.414 ], [ -50.765, 2.359 ], [ -50.694, 2.276 ], [ -50.725, 2.252 ], [ -50.675, 2.247 ], [ -50.682, 2.137 ], [ -50.584, 2.091 ], [ -50.586, 2.014 ], [ -50.471, 1.82 ], [ -50.194, 1.794 ], [ -49.954, 1.676 ], [ -49.88, 1.419 ], [ -49.918, 1.289 ], [ -50.073, 1.204 ], [ -49.918, 1.232 ], [ -49.939, 1.103 ], [ -50.003, 1.066 ], [ -50.033, 1.107 ], [ -50.131, 0.949 ], [ -50.274, 0.866 ], [ -50.338, 0.729 ], [ -50.417, 0.685 ], [ -50.455, 0.732 ], [ -50.428, 0.679 ], [ -50.571, 0.424 ], [ -50.691, 0.3 ], [ -50.677, 0.365 ], [ -50.746, 0.227 ], [ -50.801, 0.224 ], [ -50.785, 0.183 ], [ -50.908, 0.171 ], [ -51.087, -0.043 ], [ -51.203, -0.055 ], [ -51.419, -0.412 ], [ -51.409, -0.44 ], [ -51.325, -0.364 ], [ -51.188, -0.14 ], [ -51.111, -0.154 ], [ -51.154, -0.284 ], [ -51.396, -0.493 ], [ -51.243, -0.443 ], [ -51.26, -0.5 ], [ -51.165, -0.431 ], [ -50.953, -0.061 ], [ -50.824, -0.048 ], [ -50.705, 0.002 ], [ -50.613, -0.088 ], [ -50.744, -0.244 ], [ -50.751, -0.429 ], [ -50.845, -0.526 ], [ -50.988, -0.583 ], [ -51.051, -0.682 ], [ -50.826, -0.555 ], [ -50.794, -0.666 ], [ -50.733, -0.557 ], [ -50.684, -0.604 ], [ -50.724, -0.493 ], [ -50.652, -0.276 ], [ -50.409, -0.094 ], [ -49.631, -0.247 ], [ -49.446, -0.23 ], [ -49.289, -0.145 ], [ -49.018, -0.16 ], [ -49, -0.139 ], [ -48.895, -0.224 ], [ -48.539, -0.234 ], [ -48.363, -0.303 ], [ -48.459, -0.513 ], [ -48.522, -0.877 ], [ -48.667, -1.002 ], [ -48.621, -1.005 ], [ -48.65, -1.048 ], [ -48.617, -1.053 ], [ -48.721, -1.137 ], [ -48.837, -1.452 ], [ -49.161, -1.575 ], [ -49.182, -1.623 ], [ -49.362, -1.604 ], [ -49.364, -1.642 ], [ -49.448, -1.637 ], [ -49.5, -1.738 ], [ -49.61, -1.718 ], [ -49.676, -1.78 ], [ -49.696, -1.757 ], [ -49.714, -1.76 ], [ -49.803, -1.822 ], [ -50.035, -1.717 ], [ -50.179, -1.787 ], [ -50.256, -1.776 ], [ -50.415, -1.841 ], [ -50.401, -1.935 ], [ -49.994, -1.819 ], [ -49.844, -1.905 ], [ -49.765, -1.898 ], [ -49.616, -1.79 ], [ -49.276, -1.706 ], [ -49.267, -1.778 ], [ -49.387, -1.977 ], [ -49.383, -2.159 ], [ -48.973, -1.594 ], [ -48.897, -1.573 ], [ -48.955, -1.712 ], [ -48.932, -1.75 ], [ -48.898, -1.743 ], [ -48.656, -1.371 ], [ -48.592, -1.429 ], [ -48.601, -1.306 ], [ -48.524, -1.338 ], [ -48.537, -1.467 ], [ -48.496, -1.553 ], [ -48.491, -1.502 ], [ -48.46, -1.533 ], [ -48.374, -1.511 ], [ -48.319, -1.478 ], [ -48.505, -1.471 ], [ -48.422, -1.168 ], [ -48.475, -1.144 ], [ -48.4, -1.066 ], [ -48.278, -1.111 ], [ -48.304, -0.948 ], [ -48.055, -0.668 ], [ -48.001, -0.731 ], [ -47.893, -0.553 ], [ -47.843, -0.616 ], [ -47.807, -0.547 ], [ -47.702, -0.54 ], [ -47.707, -0.59 ], [ -47.667, -0.569 ], [ -47.633, -0.608 ], [ -47.651, -0.694 ], [ -47.608, -0.684 ], [ -47.577, -0.573 ], [ -47.476, -0.757 ], [ -47.398, -0.76 ], [ -47.428, -0.693 ], [ -47.464, -0.687 ], [ -47.466, -0.594 ], [ -47.399, -0.594 ], [ -47.4, -0.645 ], [ -47.298, -0.589 ], [ -47.253, -0.668 ], [ -47.247, -0.623 ], [ -47.206, -0.633 ], [ -47.23, -0.719 ], [ -47.158, -0.678 ], [ -47.191, -0.754 ], [ -47.146, -0.764 ], [ -47.16, -0.815 ], [ -47.081, -0.661 ], [ -47.055, -0.868 ], [ -47.027, -0.784 ], [ -46.983, -0.806 ], [ -47.016, -0.752 ], [ -46.967, -0.694 ], [ -46.969, -0.78 ], [ -46.891, -0.869 ], [ -46.89, -0.789 ], [ -46.846, -0.799 ], [ -46.82, -0.71 ], [ -46.802, -0.877 ], [ -46.777, -0.905 ], [ -46.75, -0.826 ], [ -46.709, -0.86 ], [ -46.734, -0.944 ], [ -46.687, -0.831 ], [ -46.653, -0.882 ], [ -46.621, -0.818 ], [ -46.601, -0.917 ], [ -46.676, -0.965 ], [ -46.622, -0.987 ], [ -46.57, -0.947 ], [ -46.609, -1.03 ], [ -46.57, -0.988 ], [ -46.525, -1.027 ], [ -46.465, -1.007 ], [ -46.47, -1.044 ], [ -46.395, -1.037 ], [ -46.413, -1.084 ], [ -46.348, -0.982 ], [ -46.36, -1.011 ], [ -46.366, -1.031 ], [ -46.348, -1.079 ], [ -46.339, -1.015 ], [ -46.299, -1.05 ], [ -46.212, -0.946 ], [ -46.242, -0.921 ], [ -46.179, -0.914 ], [ -46.224, -1.053 ], [ -46.206, -1.1 ], [ -46.158, -1.014 ], [ -46.138, -1.032 ], [ -46.193, -1.143 ], [ -46.104, -1.067 ], [ -46.062, -1.133 ], [ -46.15, -1.258 ], [ -45.982, -1.071 ], [ -45.953, -1.147 ], [ -46, -1.151 ], [ -46, -1.199 ], [ -45.95, -1.159 ], [ -45.95, -1.207 ], [ -46, -1.209 ], [ -45.95, -1.25 ], [ -45.902, -1.134 ], [ -45.923, -1.214 ], [ -45.882, -1.167 ], [ -45.873, -1.211 ], [ -45.909, -1.261 ], [ -45.859, -1.231 ], [ -45.891, -1.293 ], [ -45.807, -1.176 ], [ -45.843, -1.301 ], [ -45.809, -1.328 ], [ -45.831, -1.298 ], [ -45.782, -1.278 ], [ -45.726, -1.135 ], [ -45.69, -1.452 ], [ -45.697, -1.38 ], [ -45.632, -1.371 ], [ -45.618, -1.279 ], [ -45.589, -1.329 ], [ -45.537, -1.273 ], [ -45.561, -1.343 ], [ -45.51, -1.352 ], [ -45.567, -1.404 ], [ -45.546, -1.432 ], [ -45.413, -1.296 ], [ -45.489, -1.473 ], [ -45.511, -1.458 ], [ -45.554, -1.503 ], [ -45.507, -1.471 ], [ -45.518, -1.516 ], [ -45.481, -1.495 ], [ -45.463, -1.548 ], [ -45.457, -1.457 ], [ -45.391, -1.434 ], [ -45.363, -1.325 ], [ -45.323, -1.319 ], [ -45.302, -1.424 ], [ -45.392, -1.485 ], [ -45.398, -1.503 ], [ -45.356, -1.487 ], [ -45.392, -1.553 ], [ -45.338, -1.572 ], [ -45.371, -1.722 ], [ -45.338, -1.753 ], [ -45.197, -1.688 ], [ -45.261, -1.607 ], [ -45.16, -1.475 ], [ -45.136, -1.521 ], [ -45.072, -1.435 ], [ -45.07, -1.485 ], [ -44.999, -1.504 ], [ -45.018, -1.547 ], [ -44.969, -1.549 ], [ -45.029, -1.583 ], [ -45.029, -1.602 ], [ -44.979, -1.607 ], [ -44.954, -1.498 ], [ -44.862, -1.426 ], [ -44.857, -1.498 ], [ -44.954, -1.605 ], [ -44.918, -1.649 ], [ -44.968, -1.662 ], [ -44.913, -1.657 ], [ -44.927, -1.62 ], [ -44.886, -1.609 ], [ -44.837, -1.65 ], [ -44.822, -1.591 ], [ -44.826, -1.637 ], [ -44.805, -1.609 ], [ -44.812, -1.665 ], [ -44.779, -1.735 ], [ -44.711, -1.728 ], [ -44.82, -1.819 ], [ -44.738, -1.791 ], [ -44.706, -1.819 ], [ -44.676, -1.808 ], [ -44.661, -1.727 ], [ -44.604, -1.749 ], [ -44.667, -1.849 ], [ -44.601, -1.858 ], [ -44.583, -1.817 ], [ -44.586, -1.873 ], [ -44.543, -1.833 ], [ -44.601, -1.909 ], [ -44.517, -1.907 ], [ -44.484, -2.002 ], [ -44.613, -2.037 ], [ -44.467, -2.017 ], [ -44.626, -2.151 ], [ -44.589, -2.159 ], [ -44.641, -2.232 ], [ -44.708, -2.23 ], [ -44.684, -2.275 ], [ -44.764, -2.265 ], [ -44.654, -2.294 ], [ -44.681, -2.354 ], [ -44.649, -2.373 ], [ -44.666, -2.329 ], [ -44.479, -2.137 ], [ -44.358, -2.335 ], [ -44.401, -2.416 ], [ -44.514, -2.384 ], [ -44.55, -2.4 ], [ -44.491, -2.415 ], [ -44.514, -2.448 ], [ -44.505, -2.476 ], [ -44.665, -2.608 ], [ -44.548, -2.542 ], [ -44.658, -2.781 ], [ -44.688, -2.924 ], [ -44.677, -3.019 ], [ -44.66, -3.02 ], [ -44.657, -3.018 ] ], [ [ -43.318, -2.361 ], [ -43.317, -2.363 ], [ -43.296, -2.363 ], [ -43.318, -2.361 ] ], [ [ -42.438, -2.747 ], [ -42.442, -2.749 ], [ -42.438, -2.75 ], [ -42.438, -2.747 ] ], [ [ -42.442, -2.749 ], [ -42.47, -2.744 ], [ -42.447, -2.753 ], [ -42.442, -2.749 ] ], [ [ -50.851, 2.482 ], [ -50.853, 2.481 ], [ -50.853, 2.48 ], [ -50.851, 2.482 ] ], [ [ -50.853, 2.481 ], [ -50.86, 2.495 ], [ -50.86, 2.477 ], [ -50.853, 2.481 ] ], [ [ -49.976, 1.659 ], [ -49.98, 1.659 ], [ -50, 1.639 ], [ -49.976, 1.659 ] ], [ [ -45.392, -1.553 ], [ -45.393, -1.553 ], [ -45.394, -1.556 ], [ -45.392, -1.553 ] ], [ [ -45.394, -1.556 ], [ -45.406, -1.579 ], [ -45.403, -1.591 ], [ -45.394, -1.556 ] ], [ [ -44.837, -1.65 ], [ -44.834, -1.655 ], [ -44.833, -1.654 ], [ -44.837, -1.65 ] ], [ [ -44.834, -1.655 ], [ -44.841, -1.675 ], [ -44.822, -1.672 ], [ -44.834, -1.655 ] ], [ [ -44.779, -1.735 ], [ -44.777, -1.741 ], [ -44.776, -1.74 ], [ -44.779, -1.735 ] ], [ [ -44.777, -1.741 ], [ -44.833, -1.77 ], [ -44.774, -1.75 ], [ -44.777, -1.741 ] ], [ [ -44.547, -2.22 ], [ -44.536, -2.225 ], [ -44.543, -2.219 ], [ -44.547, -2.22 ] ], [ [ -44.536, -2.225 ], [ -44.507, -2.249 ], [ -44.512, -2.235 ], [ -44.536, -2.225 ] ], [ [ -44.507, -2.249 ], [ -44.504, -2.256 ], [ -44.501, -2.254 ], [ -44.507, -2.249 ] ], [ [ -44.504, -2.256 ], [ -44.514, -2.268 ], [ -44.502, -2.26 ], [ -44.504, -2.256 ] ] ], [ [ [ -29.34, -20.484 ], [ -29.301, -20.521 ], [ -29.341, -20.511 ], [ -29.34, -20.484 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.001, -13.94 ], [ -39.012, -13.915 ], [ -38.994, -13.896 ], [ -39.001, -13.94 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.043, -13.909 ], [ -39.059, -13.904 ], [ -39.054, -13.886 ], [ -39.028, -13.903 ], [ -39.043, -13.909 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.251, -18.015 ], [ -39.283, -18.005 ], [ -39.272, -17.982 ], [ -39.245, -18.006 ], [ -39.251, -18.015 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.131, -17.927 ], [ -39.154, -17.921 ], [ -39.137, -17.91 ], [ -39.131, -17.927 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.212, -17.986 ], [ -39.228, -17.979 ], [ -39.215, -17.944 ], [ -39.202, -17.95 ], [ -39.212, -17.986 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.341, -23.231 ], [ -44.372, -23.174 ], [ -44.232, -23.089 ], [ -44.087, -23.173 ], [ -44.3, -23.184 ], [ -44.341, -23.231 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.356, -23.073 ], [ -44.388, -23.048 ], [ -44.373, -23.033 ], [ -44.343, -23.041 ], [ -44.356, -23.073 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.929, -23.014 ], [ -43.936, -22.999 ], [ -43.916, -22.989 ], [ -43.929, -23.014 ] ] ], [ [ [ -42.002, -23.018 ], [ -42.015, -23.003 ], [ -41.98, -22.975 ], [ -41.975, -22.992 ], [ -42.002, -23.018 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.904, -22.962 ], [ -43.907, -22.936 ], [ -43.868, -22.926 ], [ -43.871, -22.95 ], [ -43.904, -22.962 ] ] ], [ [ [ -41.042, -21.613 ], [ -41.042, -21.6 ], [ -41.019, -21.606 ], [ -41.042, -21.613 ] ] ], [ [ [ -52.112, -32 ], [ -52.18, -32.035 ], [ -52.216, -32.025 ], [ -52.198, -31.978 ], [ -52.112, -32 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.641, -30.388 ], [ -50.629, -30.394 ], [ -50.624, -30.329 ], [ -50.592, -30.399 ], [ -50.609, -30.406 ], [ -50.641, -30.388 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.526, -27.462 ], [ -48.416, -27.38 ], [ -48.358, -27.446 ], [ -48.503, -27.799 ], [ -48.559, -27.842 ], [ -48.526, -27.462 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.354, -27.296 ], [ -48.376, -27.285 ], [ -48.373, -27.271 ], [ -48.36, -27.27 ], [ -48.354, -27.296 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.731, -26.314 ], [ -48.754, -26.297 ], [ -48.735, -26.282 ], [ -48.731, -26.314 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.318, -25.584 ], [ -48.309, -25.546 ], [ -48.381, -25.504 ], [ -48.312, -25.509 ], [ -48.292, -25.545 ], [ -48.318, -25.584 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.414, -25.544 ], [ -48.459, -25.514 ], [ -48.415, -25.527 ], [ -48.414, -25.544 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.424, -25.551 ], [ -48.479, -25.523 ], [ -48.485, -25.502 ], [ -48.424, -25.551 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.298, -25.493 ], [ -48.341, -25.416 ], [ -48.252, -25.341 ], [ -48.265, -25.44 ], [ -48.253, -25.466 ], [ -48.298, -25.493 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.417, -25.386 ], [ -48.424, -25.343 ], [ -48.405, -25.33 ], [ -48.417, -25.386 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.695, -24.112 ], [ -45.688, -24.088 ], [ -45.679, -24.098 ], [ -45.695, -24.112 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.251, -23.962 ], [ -45.301, -23.909 ], [ -45.453, -23.91 ], [ -45.332, -23.721 ], [ -45.227, -23.774 ], [ -45.224, -23.835 ], [ -45.283, -23.857 ], [ -45.221, -23.899 ], [ -45.251, -23.962 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.141, -23.817 ], [ -45.146, -23.791 ], [ -45.114, -23.801 ], [ -45.141, -23.817 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.153, -23.573 ], [ -45.153, -23.558 ], [ -45.141, -23.568 ], [ -45.153, -23.573 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.073, -23.564 ], [ -45.079, -23.525 ], [ -45.036, -23.531 ], [ -45.073, -23.564 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.608, -23.228 ], [ -44.59, -23.208 ], [ -44.577, -23.216 ], [ -44.608, -23.228 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.648, -12.821 ], [ -38.666, -12.777 ], [ -38.624, -12.762 ], [ -38.648, -12.821 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.529, -12.811 ], [ -38.544, -12.757 ], [ -38.532, -12.74 ], [ -38.508, -12.792 ], [ -38.529, -12.811 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.622, -12.752 ], [ -38.622, -12.727 ], [ -38.593, -12.733 ], [ -38.622, -12.752 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.646, -12.683 ], [ -38.648, -12.65 ], [ -38.636, -12.661 ], [ -38.646, -12.683 ] ] ], [ [ [ -32.402, -3.838 ], [ -32.428, -3.877 ], [ -32.483, -3.878 ], [ -32.402, -3.838 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.667, -3.179 ], [ -44.668, -3.16 ], [ -44.643, -3.148 ], [ -44.644, -3.17 ], [ -44.667, -3.179 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.671, -2.943 ], [ -44.67, -2.92 ], [ -44.647, -2.915 ], [ -44.671, -2.943 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.493, -2.641 ], [ -44.48, -2.601 ], [ -44.477, -2.627 ], [ -44.493, -2.641 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.897, -2.573 ], [ -43.896, -2.554 ], [ -43.886, -2.565 ], [ -43.897, -2.573 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.599, -2.503 ], [ -43.577, -2.471 ], [ -43.572, -2.483 ], [ -43.599, -2.503 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.822, -2.526 ], [ -43.829, -2.509 ], [ -43.813, -2.458 ], [ -43.812, -2.553 ], [ -43.82, -2.528 ], [ -43.822, -2.526 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.821, -2.529 ], [ -43.856, -2.502 ], [ -43.832, -2.439 ], [ -43.842, -2.504 ], [ -43.821, -2.529 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.863, -2.56 ], [ -43.875, -2.552 ], [ -43.865, -2.534 ], [ -43.863, -2.56 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.519, -2.536 ], [ -44.529, -2.526 ], [ -44.501, -2.48 ], [ -44.505, -2.444 ], [ -44.455, -2.434 ], [ -44.519, -2.536 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.602, -3.007 ], [ -44.657, -2.972 ], [ -44.613, -2.894 ], [ -44.575, -2.921 ], [ -44.602, -3.007 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.585, -2.978 ], [ -44.563, -2.914 ], [ -44.586, -2.826 ], [ -44.494, -2.705 ], [ -44.494, -2.953 ], [ -44.582, -3.041 ], [ -44.585, -2.978 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.826, -2.434 ], [ -43.842, -2.403 ], [ -43.811, -2.385 ], [ -43.807, -2.412 ], [ -43.826, -2.434 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.581, -2.441 ], [ -43.615, -2.389 ], [ -43.549, -2.377 ], [ -43.545, -2.403 ], [ -43.581, -2.441 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.791, -2.47 ], [ -43.806, -2.443 ], [ -43.78, -2.422 ], [ -43.759, -2.448 ], [ -43.791, -2.47 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.513, -2.424 ], [ -43.537, -2.416 ], [ -43.522, -2.39 ], [ -43.505, -2.414 ], [ -43.513, -2.424 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.792, -2.405 ], [ -43.798, -2.377 ], [ -43.771, -2.37 ], [ -43.792, -2.405 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.689, -2.355 ], [ -43.743, -2.352 ], [ -43.724, -2.305 ], [ -43.617, -2.253 ], [ -43.612, -2.275 ], [ -43.669, -2.301 ], [ -43.689, -2.355 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.73, -2.425 ], [ -43.732, -2.364 ], [ -43.67, -2.377 ], [ -43.681, -2.34 ], [ -43.63, -2.324 ], [ -43.643, -2.394 ], [ -43.73, -2.425 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.473, -2.125 ], [ -44.487, -2.113 ], [ -44.475, -2.096 ], [ -44.463, -2.104 ], [ -44.473, -2.125 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.456, -2.031 ], [ -44.447, -2.008 ], [ -44.439, -2.022 ], [ -44.456, -2.031 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.311, -1.964 ], [ -49.336, -1.996 ], [ -49.309, -1.943 ], [ -49.311, -1.964 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.323, -2.054 ], [ -49.329, -2.019 ], [ -49.316, -2.001 ], [ -49.323, -2.054 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.231, -1.829 ], [ -50.246, -1.824 ], [ -50.229, -1.816 ], [ -50.231, -1.829 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.615, -1.821 ], [ -44.622, -1.797 ], [ -44.597, -1.774 ], [ -44.583, -1.789 ], [ -44.615, -1.821 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.7, -1.811 ], [ -44.703, -1.78 ], [ -44.673, -1.78 ], [ -44.7, -1.811 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.691, -1.793 ], [ -49.721, -1.789 ], [ -49.719, -1.771 ], [ -49.697, -1.766 ], [ -49.691, -1.793 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.924, -1.711 ], [ -48.909, -1.713 ], [ -48.916, -1.734 ], [ -48.935, -1.713 ], [ -48.924, -1.711 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.757, -1.707 ], [ -44.767, -1.694 ], [ -44.736, -1.701 ], [ -44.757, -1.707 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.433, -1.684 ], [ -49.454, -1.706 ], [ -49.46, -1.684 ], [ -49.433, -1.684 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.357, -1.008 ], [ -46.342, -0.994 ], [ -46.353, -1.026 ], [ -46.357, -1.008 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.205, -1.021 ], [ -46.194, -1.014 ], [ -46.202, -1.032 ], [ -46.205, -1.021 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.662, -3.018 ], [ -44.673, -3.012 ], [ -44.664, -3.001 ], [ -44.649, -3.013 ], [ -44.662, -3.018 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.736, -1.683 ], [ -44.745, -1.677 ], [ -44.732, -1.668 ], [ -44.736, -1.683 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.231, -1.638 ], [ -49.237, -1.627 ], [ -49.217, -1.633 ], [ -49.231, -1.638 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.38, -1.685 ], [ -49.4, -1.682 ], [ -49.368, -1.669 ], [ -49.38, -1.685 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.426, -1.673 ], [ -49.429, -1.661 ], [ -49.406, -1.66 ], [ -49.426, -1.673 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.34, -1.672 ], [ -49.358, -1.662 ], [ -49.325, -1.647 ], [ -49.34, -1.672 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.289, -1.726 ], [ -45.305, -1.663 ], [ -45.257, -1.641 ], [ -45.244, -1.678 ], [ -45.28, -1.694 ], [ -45.289, -1.726 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.328, -1.743 ], [ -45.346, -1.719 ], [ -45.301, -1.596 ], [ -45.274, -1.635 ], [ -45.313, -1.654 ], [ -45.328, -1.743 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.886, -1.578 ], [ -48.89, -1.56 ], [ -48.859, -1.536 ], [ -48.856, -1.553 ], [ -48.886, -1.578 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.783, -1.682 ], [ -44.8, -1.595 ], [ -44.775, -1.62 ], [ -44.721, -1.567 ], [ -44.704, -1.611 ], [ -44.684, -1.575 ], [ -44.668, -1.669 ], [ -44.693, -1.638 ], [ -44.783, -1.682 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.816, -1.569 ], [ -44.837, -1.534 ], [ -44.787, -1.488 ], [ -44.825, -1.534 ], [ -44.816, -1.569 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.462, -1.517 ], [ -48.478, -1.499 ], [ -48.421, -1.503 ], [ -48.462, -1.517 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.793, -1.531 ], [ -44.774, -1.47 ], [ -44.763, -1.513 ], [ -44.793, -1.531 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.414, -1.427 ], [ -45.423, -1.416 ], [ -45.409, -1.405 ], [ -45.414, -1.427 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45, -1.296 ], [ -44.922, -1.265 ], [ -44.877, -1.309 ], [ -44.895, -1.34 ], [ -44.922, -1.305 ], [ -44.907, -1.341 ], [ -44.999, -1.405 ], [ -45.033, -1.339 ], [ -45, -1.32 ], [ -44.995, -1.36 ], [ -45, -1.296 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.044, -1.402 ], [ -45.07, -1.33 ], [ -45.052, -1.342 ], [ -45.044, -1.402 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.333, -1.569 ], [ -45.371, -1.544 ], [ -45.347, -1.489 ], [ -45.313, -1.506 ], [ -45.333, -1.569 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.969, -1.522 ], [ -44.976, -1.493 ], [ -44.959, -1.483 ], [ -44.969, -1.522 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.393, -1.512 ], [ -48.371, -1.476 ], [ -48.341, -1.483 ], [ -48.393, -1.512 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.413, -1.498 ], [ -48.426, -1.491 ], [ -48.387, -1.476 ], [ -48.413, -1.498 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.118, -1.47 ], [ -45.132, -1.462 ], [ -45.115, -1.364 ], [ -45.103, -1.373 ], [ -45.118, -1.47 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.593, -1.251 ], [ -45.581, -1.19 ], [ -45.536, -1.205 ], [ -45.532, -1.231 ], [ -45.593, -1.251 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.559, -1.243 ], [ -48.56, -1.202 ], [ -48.523, -1.199 ], [ -48.559, -1.243 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.817, -1.163 ], [ -45.829, -1.141 ], [ -45.804, -1.127 ], [ -45.817, -1.163 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.877, -1.154 ], [ -45.9, -1.117 ], [ -45.883, -1.073 ], [ -45.849, -1.123 ], [ -45.877, -1.154 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.192, -1.05 ], [ -46.201, -1.041 ], [ -46.185, -1.027 ], [ -46.192, -1.05 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.291, -1.01 ], [ -46.307, -0.992 ], [ -46.306, -0.961 ], [ -46.291, -1.01 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.078, -1.095 ], [ -46.065, -1.05 ], [ -46.061, -1.074 ], [ -46.078, -1.095 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.68, -1.295 ], [ -45.687, -1.275 ], [ -45.667, -1.26 ], [ -45.654, -1.285 ], [ -45.68, -1.295 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.538, -1.282 ], [ -48.549, -1.262 ], [ -48.53, -1.25 ], [ -48.538, -1.282 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.51, -1.27 ], [ -48.522, -1.247 ], [ -48.506, -1.236 ], [ -48.51, -1.27 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.694, -1.37 ], [ -45.646, -1.289 ], [ -45.625, -1.126 ], [ -45.634, -1.349 ], [ -45.694, -1.37 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.688, -1.266 ], [ -45.708, -1.228 ], [ -45.685, -1.194 ], [ -45.664, -1.231 ], [ -45.688, -1.266 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.425, -0.914 ], [ -46.454, -0.907 ], [ -46.408, -0.868 ], [ -46.395, -0.899 ], [ -46.425, -0.914 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.72, -0.848 ], [ -46.735, -0.832 ], [ -46.729, -0.796 ], [ -46.72, -0.848 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.611, -0.799 ], [ -46.622, -0.784 ], [ -46.601, -0.789 ], [ -46.611, -0.799 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.586, -0.849 ], [ -46.621, -0.807 ], [ -46.589, -0.815 ], [ -46.586, -0.849 ] ] ], [ [ [ -47.447, -0.748 ], [ -47.453, -0.732 ], [ -47.436, -0.717 ], [ -47.428, -0.738 ], [ -47.447, -0.748 ] ] ], [ [ [ -47.461, -0.741 ], [ -47.463, -0.702 ], [ -47.445, -0.697 ], [ -47.461, -0.741 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.214, -0.411 ], [ -51.211, -0.386 ], [ -51.164, -0.347 ], [ -51.163, -0.383 ], [ -51.214, -0.411 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.352, -0.353 ], [ -51.346, -0.31 ], [ -51.317, -0.268 ], [ -51.327, -0.33 ], [ -51.352, -0.353 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.127, -0.268 ], [ -51.131, -0.237 ], [ -51.091, -0.208 ], [ -51.087, -0.229 ], [ -51.127, -0.268 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.888, -0.198 ], [ -48.91, -0.188 ], [ -48.893, -0.134 ], [ -48.847, -0.177 ], [ -48.888, -0.198 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.174, -0.091 ], [ -51.191, -0.064 ], [ -51.126, -0.057 ], [ -51.174, -0.091 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.114, -0.146 ], [ -49.097, -0.121 ], [ -49.08, -0.13 ], [ -49.114, -0.146 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.166, -0.142 ], [ -49.188, -0.115 ], [ -49.156, -0.128 ], [ -49.166, -0.142 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.119, -0.141 ], [ -49.143, -0.107 ], [ -49.114, -0.11 ], [ -49.119, -0.141 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.127, -0.128 ], [ -51.094, -0.103 ], [ -51.108, -0.127 ], [ -51.127, -0.128 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.414, -0.999 ], [ -46.384, -0.941 ], [ -46.367, -0.948 ], [ -46.414, -0.999 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.647, -0.97 ], [ -46.658, -0.968 ], [ -46.618, -0.957 ], [ -46.647, -0.97 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.488, -0.942 ], [ -46.465, -0.877 ], [ -46.464, -0.924 ], [ -46.44, -0.922 ], [ -46.482, -0.976 ], [ -46.441, -0.999 ], [ -46.525, -1.016 ], [ -46.527, -0.917 ], [ -46.509, -0.984 ], [ -46.488, -0.942 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.632, 0.159 ], [ -49.662, 0.184 ], [ -49.629, 0.202 ], [ -49.61, 0.181 ], [ -49.632, 0.159 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.641, 0.26 ], [ -50.63, 0.293 ], [ -50.586, 0.308 ], [ -50.641, 0.26 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.2, 0.255 ], [ -50.243, 0.248 ], [ -50.147, 0.337 ], [ -50.059, 0.346 ], [ -50.2, 0.255 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.417, 0.159 ], [ -50.535, 0.234 ], [ -50.36, 0.615 ], [ -50.328, 0.383 ], [ -50.285, 0.3 ], [ -50.413, 0.237 ], [ -50.417, 0.159 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.279, 0.338 ], [ -50.271, 0.599 ], [ -50.147, 0.608 ], [ -50.142, 0.576 ], [ -50.107, 0.636 ], [ -50.063, 0.623 ], [ -50.05, 0.518 ], [ -50.279, 0.338 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50, 0.943 ], [ -50.113, 0.907 ], [ -50.018, 1.034 ], [ -49.935, 1.069 ], [ -49.939, 0.996 ], [ -50, 0.943 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.881, 1.227 ], [ -49.909, 1.246 ], [ -49.886, 1.244 ], [ -49.881, 1.227 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.907, 1.278 ], [ -49.885, 1.291 ], [ -49.863, 1.278 ], [ -49.876, 1.252 ], [ -49.907, 1.278 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.204, 1.851 ], [ -50.232, 1.879 ], [ -50.22, 1.915 ], [ -50.169, 1.865 ], [ -50.204, 1.851 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.468, 1.954 ], [ -50.521, 2.026 ], [ -50.497, 2.139 ], [ -50.398, 2.167 ], [ -50.367, 2.19 ], [ -50.276, 1.939 ], [ -50.423, 1.849 ], [ -50.468, 1.954 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.504, 2.255 ], [ -50.414, 2.244 ], [ -50.382, 2.204 ], [ -50.489, 2.15 ], [ -50.564, 2.205 ], [ -50.504, 2.255 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.229, 0.832 ], [ -50.098, 0.839 ], [ -50.027, 0.898 ], [ -50.105, 0.757 ], [ -50.162, 0.775 ], [ -50.249, 0.72 ], [ -50.229, 0.832 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.131, 0.844 ], [ -50.162, 0.867 ], [ -50.132, 0.9 ], [ -50.119, 0.854 ], [ -50.131, 0.844 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.108, 0.85 ], [ -50.111, 0.891 ], [ -50.049, 0.886 ], [ -50.108, 0.85 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.216, -0.055 ], [ -50.235, -0.042 ], [ -50.219, -0.04 ], [ -50.216, -0.055 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.916, -0.052 ], [ -50.926, -0.047 ], [ -50.907, -0.043 ], [ -50.916, -0.052 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.605, -0.061 ], [ -50.618, -0.022 ], [ -50.559, -0.038 ], [ -50.605, -0.061 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.399, -0.061 ], [ -50.44, -0.057 ], [ -50.378, -0.015 ], [ -50.357, -0.049 ], [ -50.399, -0.061 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.75, 0 ], [ -49.609, 0.08 ], [ -49.474, 0.081 ], [ -49.338, -0.017 ], [ -49.487, -0.136 ], [ -49.723, -0.147 ], [ -49.835, -0.088 ], [ -49.75, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.023, -0.019 ], [ -49.039, -0.011 ], [ -49.02, -0.006 ], [ -49.023, -0.019 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.932, 0.052 ], [ -50.918, 0.084 ], [ -50.884, 0.078 ], [ -50.899, 0.057 ], [ -50.932, 0.052 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.928, 0 ], [ -50.786, 0.05 ], [ -50.717, 0.028 ], [ -50.94, -0.041 ], [ -50.928, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.691, 0.025 ], [ -50.655, 0.015 ], [ -50.703, 0.021 ], [ -50.691, 0.025 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.629, -0.043 ], [ -50.642, -0.016 ], [ -50.622, -0.026 ], [ -50.629, -0.043 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.642, 0 ], [ -50.611, 0.007 ], [ -50.595, -0.019 ], [ -50.642, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.536, 0 ], [ -50.653, 0.126 ], [ -50.59, 0.203 ], [ -50.434, 0.126 ], [ -50.436, 0 ], [ -50.536, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50, 0.311 ], [ -49.674, 0.368 ], [ -49.601, 0.283 ], [ -49.86, 0.008 ], [ -49.99, -0.048 ], [ -50.086, 0.034 ], [ -50.351, 0.044 ], [ -50.394, 0.222 ], [ -50.153, 0.227 ], [ -50, 0.311 ] ] ] ] } } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 114270, "end" : 114276 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Brasil" } ] } }, { "@context" : 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-44.355, -2.605 ], [ -44.378, -2.566 ], [ -44.345, -2.528 ], [ -44.29, -2.573 ], [ -44.306, -2.487 ], [ -44.02, -2.403 ], [ -44.03, -2.457 ], [ -44.108, -2.468 ], [ -44.035, -2.518 ], [ -44.131, -2.596 ], [ -44.147, -2.681 ], [ -44.219, -2.67 ], [ -44.209, -2.716 ], [ -44.345, -2.791 ], [ -44.347, -2.838 ], [ -44.315, -2.788 ], [ -44.3, -2.843 ], [ -44.266, -2.777 ], [ -44.225, -2.806 ], [ -44.184, -2.766 ], [ -44.208, -2.857 ], [ -44.111, -2.749 ], [ -44.072, -2.811 ], [ -44.05, -2.685 ], [ -43.981, -2.619 ], [ -43.946, -2.641 ], [ -43.933, -2.553 ], [ -43.883, -2.649 ], [ -43.887, -2.578 ], [ -43.803, -2.56 ], [ -43.76, -2.513 ], [ -43.754, -2.556 ], [ -43.729, -2.481 ], [ -43.727, -2.569 ], [ -43.654, -2.556 ], [ -43.682, -2.534 ], [ -43.653, -2.488 ], [ -43.608, -2.593 ], [ -43.603, -2.518 ], [ -43.548, -2.528 ], [ -43.519, -2.445 ], [ -43.498, -2.55 ], [ -43.46, -2.507 ], [ -43.458, -2.596 ], [ -43.401, -2.552 ], [ -43.448, -2.538 ], [ -43.462, -2.427 ], [ -43.359, -2.44 ], [ -43.479, -2.376 ], [ -43.378, -2.329 ], [ -43.4, -2.353 ], [ -43.232, -2.362 ], [ -42.692, -2.596 ], [ -42.709, -2.56 ], [ -42.572, -2.68 ], [ -42.495, -2.689 ], [ -42.503, -2.727 ], [ -42.393, -2.751 ], [ -42.475, -2.706 ], [ -42.375, -2.717 ], [ -42.228, -2.818 ], [ -42.143, -2.808 ], [ -42.256, -2.735 ], [ -42.233, -2.674 ], [ -42.208, -2.712 ], [ -42.098, -2.768 ], [ -42.099, -2.809 ], [ -42.096, -2.747 ], [ -42.216, -2.687 ], [ -42.054, -2.691 ], [ -42.023, -2.775 ], [ -42.017, -2.718 ], [ -41.818, -2.723 ], [ -41.844, -2.773 ], [ -41.797, -2.751 ], [ -41.656, -2.884 ], [ -41.437, -2.939 ], [ -41.395, -2.906 ], [ -41.316, -2.943 ], [ -41.263, -2.887 ], [ -40.838, -2.895 ], [ -40.572, -2.844 ], [ -40.499, -2.787 ], [ -39.888, -2.886 ], [ -39.244, -3.229 ], [ -39.083, -3.394 ], [ -38.978, -3.407 ], [ -38.641, -3.687 ], [ -38.473, -3.7 ], [ -38.377, -3.866 ], [ -38.043, -4.214 ], [ -37.764, -4.399 ], [ -37.588, -4.624 ], [ -37.323, -4.698 ], [ -37.15, -4.943 ], [ -36.958, -4.919 ], [ -36.666, -5.108 ], [ -36.504, -5.061 ], [ -36.297, -5.106 ], [ -35.956, -5.045 ], [ -35.612, -5.11 ], [ -35.385, -5.255 ], [ -35.255, -5.483 ], [ -35.099, -6.169 ], [ -34.983, -6.396 ], [ -34.933, -6.753 ], [ -34.79, -7.159 ], [ -34.842, -7.564 ], [ -34.809, -7.622 ], [ -34.845, -7.69 ], [ -34.827, -8.004 ], [ -35.136, -8.895 ], [ -35.332, -9.237 ], [ -35.689, -9.668 ], [ -35.78, -9.706 ], [ -36.056, -10.083 ], [ -36.266, -10.256 ], [ -36.402, -10.506 ], [ -36.602, -10.567 ], [ -36.934, -10.826 ], [ -37.36, -11.428 ], [ -37.612, -11.979 ], [ -37.996, -12.578 ], [ -38.318, -12.934 ], [ -38.477, -13.022 ], [ -38.532, -13.017 ], [ -38.473, -12.913 ], [ -38.498, -12.722 ], [ -38.603, -12.728 ], [ -38.646, -12.622 ], [ -38.681, -12.661 ], [ -38.718, -12.627 ], [ -38.804, -12.835 ], [ -38.717, -12.873 ], [ -38.769, -12.995 ], [ -38.721, -13.021 ], [ -38.66, -12.963 ], [ -38.686, -12.878 ], [ -38.59, -12.972 ], [ -38.766, -13.129 ], [ -38.807, -13.1 ], [ -38.808, -13.154 ], [ -38.944, -13.243 ], [ -38.973, -13.391 ], [ -38.902, -13.384 ], [ -38.886, -13.45 ], [ -38.95, -13.577 ], [ -38.886, -13.659 ], [ -38.968, -13.67 ], [ -39.006, -13.891 ], [ -39.064, -13.865 ], [ -39.075, -13.887 ], [ -38.986, -13.998 ], [ -38.952, -13.986 ], [ -38.982, -13.912 ], [ -38.938, -13.886 ], [ -38.922, -13.92 ], [ -39.061, -14.716 ], [ -38.962, -15.585 ], [ -38.857, -15.86 ], [ -38.973, -16.211 ], [ -39.032, -16.26 ], [ -39.01, -16.369 ], [ -39.078, -16.454 ], [ -39.143, -16.762 ], [ -39.113, -16.896 ], [ -39.212, -17.155 ], [ -39.193, -17.602 ], [ -39.135, -17.691 ], [ -39.264, -17.869 ], [ -39.435, -17.943 ], [ -39.563, -18.091 ], [ -39.721, -18.493 ], [ -39.749, -18.81 ], [ -39.692, -19.353 ], [ -39.805, -19.65 ], [ -39.951, -19.717 ], [ -40.151, -19.956 ], [ -40.236, -20.285 ], [ -40.353, -20.32 ], [ -40.329, -20.236 ], [ -40.359, -20.291 ], [ -40.365, -20.317 ], [ -40.35, -20.328 ], [ -40.268, -20.327 ], [ -40.402, -20.606 ], [ -40.466, -20.624 ], [ -40.627, -20.845 ], [ -40.65, -20.813 ], [ -40.756, -20.866 ], [ -40.853, -21.133 ], [ -40.955, -21.251 ], [ -40.96, -21.364 ], [ -41.065, -21.495 ], [ -41.051, -21.608 ], [ -41.038, -21.622 ], [ -41.007, -21.618 ], [ -40.99, -22.014 ], [ -41.229, -22.151 ], [ -41.668, -22.294 ], [ -41.962, -22.538 ], [ -41.986, -22.713 ], [ -41.919, -22.774 ], [ -41.864, -22.759 ], [ -42.023, -22.896 ], [ -42.037, -22.94 ], [ -41.99, -22.964 ], [ -42.018, -22.998 ], [ -42.086, -22.957 ], [ -42.529, -22.934 ], [ -43.05, -22.982 ], [ -43.132, -22.941 ], [ -43.025, -22.741 ], [ -43.084, -22.68 ], [ -43.216, -22.725 ], [ -43.287, -22.806 ], [ -43.24, -22.847 ], [ -43.249, -22.797 ], [ -43.156, -22.784 ], [ -43.247, -22.882 ], [ -43.164, -22.899 ], [ -43.187, -22.995 ], [ -43.344, -22.983 ], [ -43.303, -23.02 ], [ -43.549, -23.081 ], [ -44.001, -23.1 ], [ -43.961, -23.042 ], [ -43.877, -23.067 ], [ -43.909, -23.02 ], [ -43.807, -23.063 ], [ -43.555, -23.055 ], [ -43.84, -22.906 ], [ -43.985, -22.937 ], [ -44.034, -23.014 ], [ -44.044, -22.923 ], [ -44.107, -23.03 ], [ -44.234, -23.06 ], [ -44.238, -23.004 ], [ -44.358, -23.02 ], [ -44.296, -22.961 ], [ -44.321, -22.927 ], [ -44.378, -22.972 ], [ -44.407, -22.945 ], [ -44.443, -23.035 ], [ -44.669, -23.06 ], [ -44.712, -23.19 ], [ -44.701, -23.237 ], [ -44.645, -23.191 ], [ -44.612, -23.206 ], [ -44.685, -23.256 ], [ -44.611, -23.238 ], [ -44.652, -23.302 ], [ -44.558, -23.232 ], [ -44.577, -23.275 ], [ -44.498, -23.302 ], [ -44.583, -23.367 ], [ -44.669, -23.341 ], [ -44.84, -23.395 ], [ -44.905, -23.339 ], [ -45.05, -23.418 ], [ -45.016, -23.461 ], [ -45.079, -23.519 ], [ -45.165, -23.495 ], [ -45.159, -23.541 ], [ -45.228, -23.547 ], [ -45.211, -23.582 ], [ -45.41, -23.632 ], [ -45.412, -23.825 ], [ -45.934, -23.771 ], [ -46.124, -23.842 ], [ -46.2, -24.002 ], [ -46.288, -24.044 ], [ -46.321, -24 ], [ -46.458, -24.025 ], [ -46.937, -24.281 ], [ -47.024, -24.382 ], [ -47.004, -24.412 ], [ -47.86, -24.996 ], [ -47.914, -25.061 ], [ -47.915, -25.16 ], [ -48.213, -25.47 ], [ -48.254, -25.435 ], [ -48.222, -25.342 ], [ -48.208, -25.353 ], [ -48.121, -25.267 ], [ -48.253, -25.328 ], [ -48.284, -25.294 ], [ -48.317, -25.363 ], [ -48.327, -25.232 ], [ -48.366, -25.317 ], [ -48.433, -25.237 ], [ -48.428, -25.324 ], [ -48.5, -25.335 ], [ -48.427, -25.39 ], [ -48.449, -25.379 ], [ -48.468, -25.388 ], [ -48.467, -25.432 ], [ -48.449, -25.384 ], [ -48.414, -25.428 ], [ -48.476, -25.485 ], [ -48.637, -25.468 ], [ -48.661, -25.398 ], [ -48.671, -25.435 ], [ -48.739, -25.374 ], [ -48.68, -25.465 ], [ -48.687, -25.499 ], [ -48.737, -25.483 ], [ -48.703, -25.504 ], [ -48.617, -25.536 ], [ -48.512, -25.505 ], [ -48.482, -25.591 ], [ -48.46, -25.552 ], [ -48.35, -25.581 ], [ -48.565, -25.868 ], [ -48.614, -26.06 ], [ -48.586, -26.172 ], [ -48.714, -26.243 ], [ -48.795, -26.073 ], [ -48.837, -26.157 ], [ -48.798, -26.142 ], [ -48.763, -26.199 ], [ -48.805, -26.228 ], [ -48.769, -26.223 ], [ -48.761, -26.286 ], [ -48.803, -26.303 ], [ -48.723, -26.362 ], [ -48.635, -26.374 ], [ -48.714, -26.308 ], [ -48.554, -26.172 ], [ -48.493, -26.224 ], [ -48.695, -26.658 ], [ -48.665, -26.769 ], [ -48.583, -26.786 ], [ -48.655, -26.909 ], [ -48.62, -27.007 ], [ -48.574, -27.011 ], [ -48.607, -27.122 ], [ -48.554, -27.152 ], [ -48.51, -27.108 ], [ -48.469, -27.148 ], [ -48.511, -27.183 ], [ -48.486, -27.218 ], [ -48.531, -27.18 ], [ -48.612, -27.243 ], [ -48.596, -27.318 ], [ -48.529, -27.334 ], [ -48.649, -27.486 ], [ -48.572, -27.592 ], [ -48.653, -27.648 ], [ -48.575, -27.888 ], [ -48.761, -28.535 ], [ -48.813, -28.605 ], [ -49.37, -28.92 ], [ -49.334, -28.921 ], [ -49.702, -29.308 ], [ -50.006, -29.749 ], [ -50.316, -30.472 ], [ -50.848, -31.205 ], [ -51.303, -31.613 ], [ -51.877, -31.952 ], [ -52.071, -32.188 ], [ -52.012, -31.946 ], [ -52.092, -31.837 ], [ -51.851, -31.865 ], [ -51.777, -31.805 ], [ -51.854, -31.797 ], [ -51.65, -31.759 ], [ -51.478, -31.562 ], [ -51.43, -31.622 ], [ -51.458, -31.548 ], [ -51.424, -31.478 ], [ -51.351, -31.529 ], [ -51.234, -31.458 ], [ -51.16, -31.31 ], [ -51.166, -31.063 ], [ -51.109, -31.097 ], [ -50.985, -31.042 ], [ -50.965, -30.893 ], [ -50.888, -30.893 ], [ -50.705, -30.756 ], [ -50.677, -30.61 ], [ -50.725, -30.371 ], [ -50.692, -30.355 ], [ -50.625, -30.409 ], [ -50.641, -30.459 ], [ -50.569, -30.471 ], [ -50.534, -30.278 ], [ -50.601, -30.194 ], [ -50.659, -30.201 ], [ -50.661, -30.293 ], [ -50.918, -30.333 ], [ -50.934, -30.42 ], [ -50.889, -30.439 ], [ -50.921, -30.44 ], [ -51.052, -30.395 ], [ -51.034, -30.276 ], [ -51.146, -30.267 ], [ -51.246, -30.188 ], [ -51.23, -30.043 ], [ -51.295, -30.007 ], [ -51.326, -30.23 ], [ -51.271, -30.25 ], [ -51.293, -30.295 ], [ -51.246, -30.33 ], [ -51.209, -30.3 ], [ -51.179, -30.383 ], [ -51.092, -30.367 ], [ -51.129, -30.436 ], [ -51.202, -30.413 ], [ -51.269, -30.489 ], [ -51.282, -30.811 ], [ -51.33, -30.777 ], [ -51.294, -30.758 ], [ -51.319, -30.64 ], [ -51.375, -30.635 ], [ -51.404, -30.769 ], [ -51.367, -30.874 ], [ -51.457, -30.874 ], [ -51.501, -30.935 ], [ -51.436, -31.088 ], [ -51.611, -31.138 ], [ -51.613, -31.272 ], [ -51.915, -31.313 ], [ -52.002, -31.449 ], [ -52.031, -31.693 ], [ -52.218, -31.747 ], [ -52.247, -31.871 ], [ -52.106, -31.952 ], [ -52.216, -31.963 ], [ -52.263, -32.062 ], [ -52.209, -32.045 ], [ -52.225, -32.096 ], [ -52.082, -32.033 ], [ -52.162, -32.128 ], [ -52.09, -32.069 ], [ -52.084, -32.186 ], [ -52.16, -32.201 ], [ -52.341, -32.43 ], [ -52.488, -32.844 ], [ -52.66, -33.165 ], [ -53.227, -33.658 ], [ -53.421, -33.741 ], [ -53.524, -33.689 ], [ -53.515, -33.163 ], [ -53.434, -33.054 ], [ -53.243, -32.936 ], [ -53.294, -32.911 ], [ -53.074, -32.746 ], [ -53.244, -32.605 ], [ -53.39, -32.583 ], [ -53.46, -32.48 ], [ -53.595, -32.432 ], [ -53.73, -32.157 ], [ -53.714, -32.104 ], [ -53.965, -31.919 ], [ -54.096, -31.906 ], [ -54.466, -31.666 ], [ -54.491, -31.54 ], [ -54.591, -31.448 ], [ -54.836, -31.446 ], [ -54.945, -31.392 ], [ -55.014, -31.285 ], [ -55.091, -31.326 ], [ -55.245, -31.257 ], [ -55.374, -31.038 ], [ -55.594, -30.848 ], [ -55.635, -30.857 ], [ -55.657, -30.956 ], [ -55.87, -31.08 ], [ -56.008, -31.063 ], [ -55.987, -30.86 ], [ -56.021, -30.784 ], [ -56.127, -30.739 ], [ -56.177, -30.614 ], [ -56.384, -30.495 ], [ -56.459, -30.387 ], [ -56.545, -30.364 ], [ -56.54, -30.312 ], [ -56.617, -30.303 ], [ -56.644, -30.205 ], [ -56.776, -30.166 ], [ -56.804, -30.107 ], [ -57.068, -30.088 ], [ -57.207, -30.281 ], [ -57.313, -30.26 ], [ -57.396, -30.303 ], [ -57.538, -30.275 ], [ -57.618, -30.179 ], [ -57.505, -30.143 ], [ -57.342, -30.001 ], [ -57.319, -29.87 ], [ -57.254, -29.794 ], [ -57.105, -29.752 ], [ -56.972, -29.639 ], [ -56.676, -29.321 ], [ -56.593, -29.123 ], [ -56.425, -29.073 ], [ -56.285, -28.794 ], [ -56.185, -28.771 ], [ -56.016, -28.611 ], [ -56.011, -28.509 ], [ -55.888, -28.479 ], [ -55.875, -28.362 ], [ -55.696, -28.425 ], [ -55.671, -28.333 ], [ -55.773, -28.247 ], [ -55.605, -28.123 ], [ -55.554, -28.164 ], [ -55.496, -28.081 ], [ -55.444, -28.097 ], [ -55.323, -27.928 ], [ -55.196, -27.863 ], [ -55.134, -27.895 ], [ -55.117, -27.853 ], [ -55.032, -27.854 ], [ -55.082, -27.789 ], [ -54.941, -27.775 ], [ -54.809, -27.536 ], [ -54.781, -27.586 ], [ -54.683, -27.576 ], [ -54.678, -27.514 ], [ -54.624, -27.55 ], [ -54.576, -27.458 ], [ -54.525, -27.507 ], [ -54.415, -27.412 ], [ -54.353, -27.468 ], [ -54.339, -27.406 ], [ -54.282, -27.447 ], [ -54.176, -27.261 ], [ -54.089, -27.303 ], [ -53.949, -27.158 ], [ -53.799, -27.147 ], [ -53.795, -27.048 ], [ -53.761, -27.068 ], [ -53.662, -26.869 ], [ -53.751, -26.745 ], [ -53.707, -26.563 ], [ -53.738, -26.548 ], [ -53.592, -26.265 ], [ -53.722, -26.13 ], [ -53.733, -26.047 ], [ -53.837, -25.969 ], [ -53.824, -25.793 ], [ -53.891, -25.625 ], [ -53.951, -25.644 ], [ -54.016, -25.569 ], [ -54.101, -25.625 ], [ -54.111, -25.504 ], [ -54.213, -25.554 ], [ -54.184, -25.591 ], [ -54.289, -25.562 ], [ -54.387, -25.608 ], [ -54.43, -25.706 ], [ -54.596, -25.595 ], [ -54.617, -25.459 ], [ -54.437, -25.157 ], [ -54.458, -25.031 ], [ -54.336, -24.649 ], [ -54.333, -24.493 ], [ -54.262, -24.376 ], [ -54.33, -24.225 ], [ -54.282, -24.075 ], [ -54.411, -23.929 ], [ -54.668, -23.815 ], [ -55.061, -23.991 ], [ -55.112, -23.963 ], [ -55.226, -24.013 ], [ -55.413, -23.961 ], [ -55.434, -23.714 ], [ -55.535, -23.614 ], [ -55.522, -23.197 ], [ -55.596, -23.141 ], [ -55.64, -22.994 ], [ -55.685, -22.992 ], [ -55.613, -22.659 ], [ -55.736, -22.532 ], [ -55.74, -22.396 ], [ -55.854, -22.281 ], [ -56.208, -22.281 ], [ -56.341, -22.206 ], [ -56.403, -22.078 ], [ -56.519, -22.103 ], [ -56.643, -22.261 ], [ -56.698, -22.216 ], [ -56.728, -22.26 ], [ -56.808, -22.25 ], [ -56.831, -22.3 ], [ -57.001, -22.225 ], [ -57.203, -22.21 ], [ -57.243, -22.244 ], [ -57.553, -22.181 ], [ -57.616, -22.096 ], [ -57.803, -22.148 ], [ -57.989, -22.085 ], [ -58.005, -22.032 ], [ -57.919, -21.881 ], [ -57.969, -21.844 ], [ -57.913, -21.793 ], [ -57.947, -21.747 ], [ -57.894, -21.687 ], [ -57.968, -21.528 ], [ -57.855, -21.339 ], [ -57.918, -21.278 ], [ -57.854, -21.226 ], [ -57.866, -21.041 ], [ -57.818, -20.976 ], [ -57.927, -20.897 ], [ -57.855, -20.835 ], [ -57.961, -20.784 ], [ -57.869, -20.736 ], [ -57.923, -20.666 ], [ -57.988, -20.696 ], [ -57.994, -20.448 ], [ -58.082, -20.372 ], [ -58.092, -20.257 ], [ -58.154, -20.264 ], [ -58.125, -20.188 ], [ -58.163, -20.162 ], [ -57.872, -19.979 ], [ -58.134, -19.761 ], [ -57.79, -19.051 ], [ -57.709, -19.034 ], [ -57.757, -18.858 ], [ -57.56, -18.263 ], [ -57.458, -18.228 ], [ -57.568, -18.136 ], [ -57.702, -17.86 ], [ -57.715, -17.735 ], [ -57.785, -17.645 ], [ -57.773, -17.553 ], [ -57.878, -17.463 ], [ -58.003, -17.52 ], [ -58.114, -17.456 ], [ -58.395, -17.197 ], [ -58.421, -16.99 ], [ -58.47, -16.939 ], [ -58.468, -16.702 ], [ -58.442, -16.613 ], [ -58.34, -16.542 ], [ -58.309, -16.27 ], [ -58.471, -16.325 ], [ -60.173, -16.265 ], [ -60.236, -15.476 ], [ -60.565, -15.105 ], [ -60.253, -15.101 ], [ -60.257, -14.624 ], [ -60.338, -14.555 ], [ -60.482, -14.181 ], [ -60.468, -14.092 ], [ -60.378, -13.992 ], [ -60.468, -13.886 ], [ -60.468, -13.801 ], [ -60.793, -13.686 ], [ -60.962, -13.539 ], [ -61.044, -13.541 ], [ -61.028, -13.477 ], [ -61.069, -13.463 ], [ -61.139, -13.521 ], [ -61.249, -13.525 ], [ -61.33, -13.473 ], [ -61.486, -13.554 ], [ -61.578, -13.494 ], [ -61.824, -13.539 ], [ -61.866, -13.443 ], [ -62.108, -13.257 ], [ -62.109, -13.149 ], [ -62.165, -13.112 ], [ -62.368, -13.145 ], [ -62.464, -13.07 ], [ -62.637, -13.041 ], [ -62.674, -12.965 ], [ -62.764, -13.023 ], [ -62.923, -12.854 ], [ -62.996, -12.85 ], [ -63.082, -12.653 ], [ -63.327, -12.705 ], [ -63.482, -12.557 ], [ -63.712, -12.458 ], [ -63.875, -12.469 ], [ -63.937, -12.557 ], [ -64.127, -12.494 ], [ -64.152, -12.529 ], [ -64.215, -12.476 ], [ -64.278, -12.511 ], [ -64.493, -12.366 ], [ -64.486, -12.23 ], [ -64.654, -12.186 ], [ -64.683, -12.099 ], [ -64.725, -12.162 ], [ -64.798, -12.035 ], [ -64.993, -11.999 ], [ -65.048, -11.757 ], [ -65.112, -11.741 ], [ -65.106, -11.697 ], [ -65.135, -11.777 ], [ -65.201, -11.745 ], [ -65.161, -11.622 ], [ -65.218, -11.521 ], [ -65.299, -11.5 ], [ -65.338, -11.392 ], [ -65.31, -11.341 ], [ -65.385, -11.269 ], [ -65.349, -11.239 ], [ -65.391, -11.167 ], [ -65.318, -11.105 ], [ -65.336, -11.044 ], [ -65.269, -10.901 ], [ -65.366, -10.798 ], [ -65.349, -10.671 ], [ -65.426, -10.638 ], [ -65.429, -10.473 ], [ -65.28, -10.218 ], [ -65.327, -9.938 ], [ -65.29, -9.851 ], [ -65.377, -9.698 ], [ -65.488, -9.718 ], [ -65.563, -9.834 ], [ -65.669, -9.779 ], [ -65.7, -9.803 ], [ -65.689, -9.749 ], [ -65.748, -9.77 ], [ -65.777, -9.727 ], [ -65.798, -9.786 ], [ -65.81, -9.75 ], [ -65.86, -9.794 ], [ -65.872, -9.757 ], [ -66.018, -9.807 ], [ -66.064, -9.772 ], [ -66.422, -9.895 ], [ -66.616, -9.893 ], [ -66.623, -9.935 ], [ -66.883, -10.081 ], [ -67.029, -10.254 ], [ -67.186, -10.339 ], [ -67.315, -10.316 ], [ -67.327, -10.374 ], [ -67.414, -10.372 ], [ -67.443, -10.45 ], [ -67.594, -10.523 ], [ -67.715, -10.707 ], [ -68.021, -10.661 ], [ -68.119, -10.726 ], [ -68.283, -10.987 ], [ -68.519, -11.048 ], [ -68.587, -11.11 ], [ -68.769, -11.139 ], [ -68.751, -11.007 ], [ -68.787, -10.99 ], [ -68.871, -11.023 ], [ -69.393, -10.929 ], [ -69.728, -10.973 ], [ -69.938, -10.926 ], [ -70.318, -11.066 ], [ -70.428, -11.033 ], [ -70.508, -10.94 ], [ -70.618, -11.007 ], [ -70.622, -9.847 ], [ -70.522, -9.738 ], [ -70.598, -9.574 ], [ -70.561, -9.579 ], [ -70.497, -9.433 ], [ -70.601, -9.453 ], [ -70.982, -9.812 ], [ -71.131, -9.862 ], [ -71.288, -9.996 ], [ -72.165, -10.002 ], [ -72.16, -9.818 ], [ -72.26, -9.755 ], [ -72.289, -9.536 ], [ -72.364, -9.491 ], [ -72.721, -9.417 ], [ -73.196, -9.418 ], [ -72.965, -9.154 ], [ -72.946, -8.99 ], [ -73.059, -8.904 ], [ -73.169, -8.701 ], [ -73.338, -8.609 ], [ -73.338, -8.476 ], [ -73.526, -8.369 ], [ -73.632, -8.022 ], [ -73.765, -7.94 ], [ -73.777, -7.869 ], [ -73.697, -7.865 ], [ -73.69, -7.79 ], [ -73.985, -7.543 ], [ -73.917, -7.461 ], [ -73.954, -7.348 ], [ -73.868, -7.377 ], [ -73.691, -7.313 ], [ -73.797, -7.115 ], [ -73.743, -6.897 ], [ -73.351, -6.561 ], [ -73.211, -6.53 ], [ -73.133, -6.421 ], [ -73.185, -6.04 ], [ -73.131, -5.986 ], [ -73.116, -5.865 ], [ -72.951, -5.643 ], [ -72.948, -5.454 ], [ -72.872, -5.25 ], [ -72.896, -5.136 ], [ -72.734, -5.043 ], [ -72.602, -5.056 ], [ -72.577, -4.992 ], [ -72.455, -4.962 ], [ -72.452, -4.906 ], [ -72.37, -4.88 ], [ -72.356, -4.803 ], [ -72.292, -4.799 ], [ -72.313, -4.769 ], [ -72.223, -4.78 ], [ -72.113, -4.722 ], [ -72.047, -4.625 ], [ -71.94, -4.607 ], [ -71.897, -4.512 ], [ -71.61, -4.465 ], [ -71.597, -4.525 ], [ -71.535, -4.46 ], [ -71.49, -4.479 ], [ -71.506, -4.435 ], [ -71.414, -4.432 ], [ -71.432, -4.469 ], [ -71.342, -4.423 ], [ -71.355, -4.468 ], [ -71.303, -4.458 ], [ -71.269, -4.381 ], [ -71.198, -4.377 ], [ -71.193, -4.42 ], [ -71.147, -4.375 ], [ -71.031, -4.397 ], [ -70.99, -4.34 ], [ -70.935, -4.381 ], [ -70.757, -4.152 ], [ -70.677, -4.2 ], [ -70.622, -4.121 ], [ -70.633, -4.173 ], [ -70.565, -4.168 ], [ -70.566, -4.205 ], [ -70.553, -4.128 ], [ -70.503, -4.19 ], [ -70.434, -4.125 ], [ -70.341, -4.174 ], [ -70.317, -4.136 ], [ -70.291, -4.283 ], [ -70.249, -4.267 ], [ -70.186, -4.357 ], [ -70.169, -4.27 ], [ -70.101, -4.255 ], [ -70.031, -4.339 ], [ -69.929, -4.213 ], [ -69.453, -1.478 ], [ -69.368, -1.334 ], [ -69.422, -0.998 ], [ -69.508, -0.936 ], [ -69.609, -0.755 ], [ -69.551, -0.648 ], [ -69.593, -0.517 ], [ -69.908, -0.316 ], [ -70.068, -0.135 ], [ -70.037, 0.553 ], [ -69.798, 0.585 ], [ -69.664, 0.672 ], [ -69.606, 0.623 ], [ -69.468, 0.734 ], [ -69.357, 0.621 ], [ -69.295, 0.648 ], [ -69.288, 0.609 ], [ -69.202, 0.602 ], [ -69.112, 0.643 ], [ -69.184, 0.73 ], [ -69.137, 0.868 ], [ -69.257, 1.026 ], [ -69.342, 1.064 ], [ -69.416, 1.024 ], [ -69.7, 1.056 ], [ -69.721, 1.097 ], [ -69.854, 1.07 ], [ -69.855, 1.715 ], [ -69.556, 1.775 ], [ -69.395, 1.726 ], [ -68.128, 1.73 ], [ -68.29, 1.841 ], [ -68.205, 2.038 ], [ -68.027, 1.784 ], [ -67.924, 1.751 ], [ -67.797, 1.812 ], [ -67.578, 2.076 ], [ -67.41, 2.141 ], [ -67.117, 1.732 ], [ -67.068, 1.532 ], [ -67.097, 1.17 ], [ -66.855, 1.228 ], [ -66.322, 0.738 ], [ -66.095, 0.754 ], [ -65.952, 0.81 ], [ -65.854, 0.939 ], [ -65.733, 1.005 ], [ -65.583, 1.008 ], [ -65.47, 0.877 ], [ -65.557, 0.705 ], [ -65.504, 0.627 ], [ -65.393, 0.699 ], [ -65.305, 0.916 ], [ -65.152, 0.943 ], [ -65.121, 1.115 ], [ -65.055, 1.144 ], [ -64.968, 1.112 ], [ -64.903, 1.249 ], [ -64.843, 1.237 ], [ -64.783, 1.313 ], [ -64.721, 1.25 ], [ -64.638, 1.286 ], [ -64.387, 1.527 ], [ -64.344, 1.528 ], [ -64.382, 1.419 ], [ -64.344, 1.38 ], [ -64.186, 1.494 ], [ -64.054, 1.708 ], [ -64.057, 1.933 ], [ -64.018, 1.967 ], [ -63.781, 1.989 ], [ -63.604, 2.124 ], [ -63.419, 2.154 ], [ -63.349, 2.281 ], [ -63.382, 2.442 ], [ -63.756, 2.403 ], [ -64.031, 2.509 ], [ -63.987, 2.772 ], [ -64.216, 3.153 ], [ -64.236, 3.476 ], [ -64.186, 3.634 ], [ -64.324, 3.797 ], [ -64.543, 3.882 ], [ -64.8, 4.224 ], [ -64.79, 4.329 ], [ -64.677, 4.297 ], [ -64.555, 4.153 ], [ -64.135, 4.176 ], [ -63.967, 3.93 ], [ -63.806, 4.019 ], [ -63.623, 4.01 ], [ -63.455, 3.91 ], [ -63.411, 4.026 ], [ -63.358, 4.04 ], [ -63.203, 3.952 ], [ -63.189, 3.872 ], [ -62.86, 3.584 ], [ -62.749, 3.642 ], [ -62.705, 3.724 ], [ -62.752, 4.012 ], [ -62.635, 4.056 ], [ -62.557, 4.02 ], [ -62.46, 4.173 ], [ -62.129, 4.084 ], [ -61.961, 4.18 ], [ -61.927, 4.106 ], [ -61.723, 4.262 ], [ -61.528, 4.273 ], [ -61.507, 4.398 ], [ -61.274, 4.471 ], [ -61.293, 4.55 ], [ -61.141, 4.508 ], [ -60.952, 4.549 ], [ -60.907, 4.708 ], [ -60.731, 4.777 ], [ -60.59, 4.951 ], [ -60.744, 5.209 ], [ -60.438, 5.177 ], [ -60.203, 5.265 ], [ -60.176, 5.227 ], [ -60.121, 5.243 ], [ -60.085, 5.149 ], [ -59.969, 5.073 ], [ -60.03, 4.704 ], [ -60.163, 4.521 ], [ -59.927, 4.509 ], [ -59.674, 4.382 ], [ -59.726, 4.191 ], [ -59.628, 4.138 ], [ -59.655, 4.078 ], [ -59.516, 3.94 ], [ -59.581, 3.901 ], [ -59.594, 3.796 ], [ -59.666, 3.777 ], [ -59.664, 3.703 ], [ -59.849, 3.601 ], [ -59.799, 3.355 ], [ -59.909, 3.197 ], [ -59.982, 2.929 ], [ -59.99, 2.683 ], [ -59.903, 2.479 ], [ -59.91, 2.388 ], [ -59.724, 2.277 ], [ -59.754, 1.861 ], [ -59.654, 1.849 ], [ -59.669, 1.764 ], [ -59.549, 1.729 ], [ -59.253, 1.397 ], [ -58.914, 1.299 ], [ -58.904, 1.234 ], [ -58.804, 1.175 ], [ -58.696, 1.288 ], [ -58.507, 1.264 ], [ -58.468, 1.318 ], [ -58.498, 1.458 ], [ -58.382, 1.471 ], [ -58.325, 1.59 ], [ -58.167, 1.558 ], [ -58.13, 1.501 ], [ -58.009, 1.501 ], [ -58, 1.665 ], [ -57.919, 1.645 ], [ -57.77, 1.718 ], [ -57.545, 1.701 ], [ -57.434, 1.895 ], [ -57.302, 1.99 ], [ -57.247, 1.944 ], [ -57.085, 2.021 ], [ -57.012, 1.918 ], [ -56.8, 1.864 ], [ -56.724, 1.92 ], [ -56.454, 1.945 ], [ -55.957, 1.844 ], [ -55.906, 1.889 ], [ -55.913, 2.041 ], [ -56.048, 2.226 ], [ -56.134, 2.263 ], [ -56.09, 2.352 ], [ -55.995, 2.405 ], [ -55.987, 2.517 ], [ -55.948, 2.532 ], [ -55.739, 2.401 ], [ -55.481, 2.443 ], [ -55.37, 2.407 ], [ -55.336, 2.516 ], [ -55.239, 2.495 ], [ -55.137, 2.575 ], [ -55.103, 2.522 ], [ -54.94, 2.632 ], [ -54.969, 2.555 ], [ -54.864, 2.439 ], [ -54.72, 2.469 ], [ -54.702, 2.336 ], [ -54.549, 2.336 ], [ -54.534, 2.268 ], [ -54.314, 2.158 ], [ -54.189, 2.179 ], [ -54.111, 2.127 ], [ -54.078, 2.197 ], [ -53.784, 2.364 ], [ -53.694, 2.287 ], [ -53.472, 2.332 ], [ -53.397, 2.272 ], [ -53.273, 2.292 ], [ -53.188, 2.223 ], [ -52.905, 2.19 ], [ -52.853, 2.285 ], [ -52.673, 2.374 ], [ -52.555, 2.523 ], [ -52.556, 2.646 ], [ -52.382, 2.912 ], [ -52.347, 3.134 ], [ -52.192, 3.296 ], [ -51.92, 3.781 ], [ -51.795, 3.89 ], [ -51.754, 3.996 ], [ -51.658, 4.049 ], [ -51.585, 4.241 ], [ -51.529, 4.171 ], [ -51.545, 4.397 ], [ -51.202, 4.084 ], [ -51.173, 3.767 ], [ -51.127, 3.911 ], [ -51.085, 3.895 ], [ -51.051, 3.283 ], [ -50.913, 2.875 ], [ -50.927, 2.807 ], [ -50.816, 2.644 ], [ -50.851, 2.482 ], [ -50.802, 2.508 ], [ -50.736, 2.414 ], [ -50.765, 2.359 ], [ -50.694, 2.276 ], [ -50.725, 2.252 ], [ -50.675, 2.247 ], [ -50.682, 2.137 ], [ -50.584, 2.091 ], [ -50.586, 2.014 ], [ -50.471, 1.82 ], [ -50.194, 1.794 ], [ -49.954, 1.676 ], [ -49.88, 1.419 ], [ -49.918, 1.289 ], [ -50.073, 1.204 ], [ -49.918, 1.232 ], [ -49.939, 1.103 ], [ -50.003, 1.066 ], [ -50.033, 1.107 ], [ -50.131, 0.949 ], [ -50.274, 0.866 ], [ -50.338, 0.729 ], [ -50.417, 0.685 ], [ -50.455, 0.732 ], [ -50.428, 0.679 ], [ -50.571, 0.424 ], [ -50.691, 0.3 ], [ -50.677, 0.365 ], [ -50.746, 0.227 ], [ -50.801, 0.224 ], [ -50.785, 0.183 ], [ -50.908, 0.171 ], [ -51.087, -0.043 ], [ -51.203, -0.055 ], [ -51.419, -0.412 ], [ -51.409, -0.44 ], [ -51.325, -0.364 ], [ -51.188, -0.14 ], [ -51.111, -0.154 ], [ -51.154, -0.284 ], [ -51.396, -0.493 ], [ -51.243, -0.443 ], [ -51.26, -0.5 ], [ -51.165, -0.431 ], [ -50.953, -0.061 ], [ -50.824, -0.048 ], [ -50.705, 0.002 ], [ -50.613, -0.088 ], [ -50.744, -0.244 ], [ -50.751, -0.429 ], [ -50.845, -0.526 ], [ -50.988, -0.583 ], [ -51.051, -0.682 ], [ -50.826, -0.555 ], [ -50.794, -0.666 ], [ -50.733, -0.557 ], [ -50.684, -0.604 ], [ -50.724, -0.493 ], [ -50.652, -0.276 ], [ -50.409, -0.094 ], [ -49.631, -0.247 ], [ -49.446, -0.23 ], [ -49.289, -0.145 ], [ -49.018, -0.16 ], [ -49, -0.139 ], [ -48.895, -0.224 ], [ -48.539, -0.234 ], [ -48.363, -0.303 ], [ -48.459, -0.513 ], [ -48.522, -0.877 ], [ -48.667, -1.002 ], [ -48.621, -1.005 ], [ -48.65, -1.048 ], [ -48.617, -1.053 ], [ -48.721, -1.137 ], [ -48.837, -1.452 ], [ -49.161, -1.575 ], [ -49.182, -1.623 ], [ -49.362, -1.604 ], [ -49.364, -1.642 ], [ -49.448, -1.637 ], [ -49.5, -1.738 ], [ -49.61, -1.718 ], [ -49.676, -1.78 ], [ -49.696, -1.757 ], [ -49.714, -1.76 ], [ -49.803, -1.822 ], [ -50.035, -1.717 ], [ -50.179, -1.787 ], [ -50.256, -1.776 ], [ -50.415, -1.841 ], [ -50.401, -1.935 ], [ -49.994, -1.819 ], [ -49.844, -1.905 ], [ -49.765, -1.898 ], [ -49.616, -1.79 ], [ -49.276, -1.706 ], [ -49.267, -1.778 ], [ -49.387, -1.977 ], [ -49.383, -2.159 ], [ -48.973, -1.594 ], [ -48.897, -1.573 ], [ -48.955, -1.712 ], [ -48.932, -1.75 ], [ -48.898, -1.743 ], [ -48.656, -1.371 ], [ -48.592, -1.429 ], [ -48.601, -1.306 ], [ -48.524, -1.338 ], [ -48.537, -1.467 ], [ -48.496, -1.553 ], [ -48.491, -1.502 ], [ -48.46, -1.533 ], [ -48.374, -1.511 ], [ -48.319, -1.478 ], [ -48.505, -1.471 ], [ -48.422, -1.168 ], [ -48.475, -1.144 ], [ -48.4, -1.066 ], [ -48.278, -1.111 ], [ -48.304, -0.948 ], [ -48.055, -0.668 ], [ -48.001, -0.731 ], [ -47.893, -0.553 ], [ -47.843, -0.616 ], [ -47.807, -0.547 ], [ -47.702, -0.54 ], [ -47.707, -0.59 ], [ -47.667, -0.569 ], [ -47.633, -0.608 ], [ -47.651, -0.694 ], [ -47.608, -0.684 ], [ -47.577, -0.573 ], [ -47.476, -0.757 ], [ -47.398, -0.76 ], [ -47.428, -0.693 ], [ -47.464, -0.687 ], [ -47.466, -0.594 ], [ -47.399, -0.594 ], [ -47.4, -0.645 ], [ -47.298, -0.589 ], [ -47.253, -0.668 ], [ -47.247, -0.623 ], [ -47.206, -0.633 ], [ -47.23, -0.719 ], [ -47.158, -0.678 ], [ -47.191, -0.754 ], [ -47.146, -0.764 ], [ -47.16, -0.815 ], [ -47.081, -0.661 ], [ -47.055, -0.868 ], [ -47.027, -0.784 ], [ -46.983, -0.806 ], [ -47.016, -0.752 ], [ -46.967, -0.694 ], [ -46.969, -0.78 ], [ -46.891, -0.869 ], [ -46.89, -0.789 ], [ -46.846, -0.799 ], [ -46.82, -0.71 ], [ -46.802, -0.877 ], [ -46.777, -0.905 ], [ -46.75, -0.826 ], [ -46.709, -0.86 ], [ -46.734, -0.944 ], [ -46.687, -0.831 ], [ -46.653, -0.882 ], [ -46.621, -0.818 ], [ -46.601, -0.917 ], [ -46.676, -0.965 ], [ -46.622, -0.987 ], [ -46.57, -0.947 ], [ -46.609, -1.03 ], [ -46.57, -0.988 ], [ -46.525, -1.027 ], [ -46.465, -1.007 ], [ -46.47, -1.044 ], [ -46.395, -1.037 ], [ -46.413, -1.084 ], [ -46.348, -0.982 ], [ -46.36, -1.011 ], [ -46.366, -1.031 ], [ -46.348, -1.079 ], [ -46.339, -1.015 ], [ -46.299, -1.05 ], [ -46.212, -0.946 ], [ -46.242, -0.921 ], [ -46.179, -0.914 ], [ -46.224, -1.053 ], [ -46.206, -1.1 ], [ -46.158, -1.014 ], [ -46.138, -1.032 ], [ -46.193, -1.143 ], [ -46.104, -1.067 ], [ -46.062, -1.133 ], [ -46.15, -1.258 ], [ -45.982, -1.071 ], [ -45.953, -1.147 ], [ -46, -1.151 ], [ -46, -1.199 ], [ -45.95, -1.159 ], [ -45.95, -1.207 ], [ -46, -1.209 ], [ -45.95, -1.25 ], [ -45.902, -1.134 ], [ -45.923, -1.214 ], [ -45.882, -1.167 ], [ -45.873, -1.211 ], [ -45.909, -1.261 ], [ -45.859, -1.231 ], [ -45.891, -1.293 ], [ -45.807, -1.176 ], [ -45.843, -1.301 ], [ -45.809, -1.328 ], [ -45.831, -1.298 ], [ -45.782, -1.278 ], [ -45.726, -1.135 ], [ -45.69, -1.452 ], [ -45.697, -1.38 ], [ -45.632, -1.371 ], [ -45.618, -1.279 ], [ -45.589, -1.329 ], [ -45.537, -1.273 ], [ -45.561, -1.343 ], [ -45.51, -1.352 ], [ -45.567, -1.404 ], [ -45.546, -1.432 ], [ -45.413, -1.296 ], [ -45.489, -1.473 ], [ -45.511, -1.458 ], [ -45.554, -1.503 ], [ -45.507, -1.471 ], [ -45.518, -1.516 ], [ -45.481, -1.495 ], [ -45.463, -1.548 ], [ -45.457, -1.457 ], [ -45.391, -1.434 ], [ -45.363, -1.325 ], [ -45.323, -1.319 ], [ -45.302, -1.424 ], [ -45.392, -1.485 ], [ -45.398, -1.503 ], [ -45.356, -1.487 ], [ -45.392, -1.553 ], [ -45.338, -1.572 ], [ -45.371, -1.722 ], [ -45.338, -1.753 ], [ -45.197, -1.688 ], [ -45.261, -1.607 ], [ -45.16, -1.475 ], [ -45.136, -1.521 ], [ -45.072, -1.435 ], [ -45.07, -1.485 ], [ -44.999, -1.504 ], [ -45.018, -1.547 ], [ -44.969, -1.549 ], [ -45.029, -1.583 ], [ -45.029, -1.602 ], [ -44.979, -1.607 ], [ -44.954, -1.498 ], [ -44.862, -1.426 ], [ -44.857, -1.498 ], [ -44.954, -1.605 ], [ -44.918, -1.649 ], [ -44.968, -1.662 ], [ -44.913, -1.657 ], [ -44.927, -1.62 ], [ -44.886, -1.609 ], [ -44.837, -1.65 ], [ -44.822, -1.591 ], [ -44.826, -1.637 ], [ -44.805, -1.609 ], [ -44.812, -1.665 ], [ -44.779, -1.735 ], [ -44.711, -1.728 ], [ -44.82, -1.819 ], [ -44.738, -1.791 ], [ -44.706, -1.819 ], [ -44.676, -1.808 ], [ -44.661, -1.727 ], [ -44.604, -1.749 ], [ -44.667, -1.849 ], [ -44.601, -1.858 ], [ -44.583, -1.817 ], [ -44.586, -1.873 ], [ -44.543, -1.833 ], [ -44.601, -1.909 ], [ -44.517, -1.907 ], [ -44.484, -2.002 ], [ -44.613, -2.037 ], [ -44.467, -2.017 ], [ -44.626, -2.151 ], [ -44.589, -2.159 ], [ -44.641, -2.232 ], [ -44.708, -2.23 ], [ -44.684, -2.275 ], [ -44.764, -2.265 ], [ -44.654, -2.294 ], [ -44.681, -2.354 ], [ -44.649, -2.373 ], [ -44.666, -2.329 ], [ -44.479, -2.137 ], [ -44.358, -2.335 ], [ -44.401, -2.416 ], [ -44.514, -2.384 ], [ -44.55, -2.4 ], [ -44.491, -2.415 ], [ -44.514, -2.448 ], [ -44.505, -2.476 ], [ -44.665, -2.608 ], [ -44.548, -2.542 ], [ -44.658, -2.781 ], [ -44.688, -2.924 ], [ -44.677, -3.019 ], [ -44.66, -3.02 ], [ -44.657, -3.018 ] ], [ [ -43.318, -2.361 ], [ -43.317, -2.363 ], [ -43.296, -2.363 ], [ -43.318, -2.361 ] ], [ [ -42.438, -2.747 ], [ -42.442, -2.749 ], [ -42.438, -2.75 ], [ -42.438, -2.747 ] ], [ [ -42.442, -2.749 ], [ -42.47, -2.744 ], [ -42.447, -2.753 ], [ -42.442, -2.749 ] ], [ [ -50.851, 2.482 ], [ -50.853, 2.481 ], [ -50.853, 2.48 ], [ -50.851, 2.482 ] ], [ [ -50.853, 2.481 ], [ -50.86, 2.495 ], [ -50.86, 2.477 ], [ -50.853, 2.481 ] ], [ [ -49.976, 1.659 ], [ -49.98, 1.659 ], [ -50, 1.639 ], [ -49.976, 1.659 ] ], [ [ -45.392, -1.553 ], [ -45.393, -1.553 ], [ -45.394, -1.556 ], [ -45.392, -1.553 ] ], [ [ -45.394, -1.556 ], [ -45.406, -1.579 ], [ -45.403, -1.591 ], [ -45.394, -1.556 ] ], [ [ -44.837, -1.65 ], [ -44.834, -1.655 ], [ -44.833, -1.654 ], [ -44.837, -1.65 ] ], [ [ -44.834, -1.655 ], [ -44.841, -1.675 ], [ -44.822, -1.672 ], [ -44.834, -1.655 ] ], [ [ -44.779, -1.735 ], [ -44.777, -1.741 ], [ -44.776, -1.74 ], [ -44.779, -1.735 ] ], [ [ -44.777, -1.741 ], [ -44.833, -1.77 ], [ -44.774, -1.75 ], [ -44.777, -1.741 ] ], [ [ -44.547, -2.22 ], [ -44.536, -2.225 ], [ -44.543, -2.219 ], [ -44.547, -2.22 ] ], [ [ -44.536, -2.225 ], [ -44.507, -2.249 ], [ -44.512, -2.235 ], [ -44.536, -2.225 ] ], [ [ -44.507, -2.249 ], [ -44.504, -2.256 ], [ -44.501, -2.254 ], [ -44.507, -2.249 ] ], [ [ -44.504, -2.256 ], [ -44.514, -2.268 ], [ -44.502, -2.26 ], [ -44.504, -2.256 ] ] ], [ [ [ -29.34, -20.484 ], [ -29.301, -20.521 ], [ -29.341, -20.511 ], [ -29.34, -20.484 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.001, -13.94 ], [ -39.012, -13.915 ], [ -38.994, -13.896 ], [ -39.001, -13.94 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.043, -13.909 ], [ -39.059, -13.904 ], [ -39.054, -13.886 ], [ -39.028, -13.903 ], [ -39.043, -13.909 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.251, -18.015 ], [ -39.283, -18.005 ], [ -39.272, -17.982 ], [ -39.245, -18.006 ], [ -39.251, -18.015 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.131, -17.927 ], [ -39.154, -17.921 ], [ -39.137, -17.91 ], [ -39.131, -17.927 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.212, -17.986 ], [ -39.228, -17.979 ], [ -39.215, -17.944 ], [ -39.202, -17.95 ], [ -39.212, -17.986 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.341, -23.231 ], [ -44.372, -23.174 ], [ -44.232, -23.089 ], [ -44.087, -23.173 ], [ -44.3, -23.184 ], [ -44.341, -23.231 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.356, -23.073 ], [ -44.388, -23.048 ], [ -44.373, -23.033 ], [ -44.343, -23.041 ], [ -44.356, -23.073 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.929, -23.014 ], [ -43.936, -22.999 ], [ -43.916, -22.989 ], [ -43.929, -23.014 ] ] ], [ [ [ -42.002, -23.018 ], [ -42.015, -23.003 ], [ -41.98, -22.975 ], [ -41.975, -22.992 ], [ -42.002, -23.018 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.904, -22.962 ], [ -43.907, -22.936 ], [ -43.868, -22.926 ], [ -43.871, -22.95 ], [ -43.904, -22.962 ] ] ], [ [ [ -41.042, -21.613 ], [ -41.042, -21.6 ], [ -41.019, -21.606 ], [ -41.042, -21.613 ] ] ], [ [ [ -52.112, -32 ], [ -52.18, -32.035 ], [ -52.216, -32.025 ], [ -52.198, -31.978 ], [ -52.112, -32 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.641, -30.388 ], [ -50.629, -30.394 ], [ -50.624, -30.329 ], [ -50.592, -30.399 ], [ -50.609, -30.406 ], [ -50.641, -30.388 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.526, -27.462 ], [ -48.416, -27.38 ], [ -48.358, -27.446 ], [ -48.503, -27.799 ], [ -48.559, -27.842 ], [ -48.526, -27.462 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.354, -27.296 ], [ -48.376, -27.285 ], [ -48.373, -27.271 ], [ -48.36, -27.27 ], [ -48.354, -27.296 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.731, -26.314 ], [ -48.754, -26.297 ], [ -48.735, -26.282 ], [ -48.731, -26.314 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.318, -25.584 ], [ -48.309, -25.546 ], [ -48.381, -25.504 ], [ -48.312, -25.509 ], [ -48.292, -25.545 ], [ -48.318, -25.584 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.414, -25.544 ], [ -48.459, -25.514 ], [ -48.415, -25.527 ], [ -48.414, -25.544 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.424, -25.551 ], [ -48.479, -25.523 ], [ -48.485, -25.502 ], [ -48.424, -25.551 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.298, -25.493 ], [ -48.341, -25.416 ], [ -48.252, -25.341 ], [ -48.265, -25.44 ], [ -48.253, -25.466 ], [ -48.298, -25.493 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.417, -25.386 ], [ -48.424, -25.343 ], [ -48.405, -25.33 ], [ -48.417, -25.386 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.695, -24.112 ], [ -45.688, -24.088 ], [ -45.679, -24.098 ], [ -45.695, -24.112 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.251, -23.962 ], [ -45.301, -23.909 ], [ -45.453, -23.91 ], [ -45.332, -23.721 ], [ -45.227, -23.774 ], [ -45.224, -23.835 ], [ -45.283, -23.857 ], [ -45.221, -23.899 ], [ -45.251, -23.962 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.141, -23.817 ], [ -45.146, -23.791 ], [ -45.114, -23.801 ], [ -45.141, -23.817 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.153, -23.573 ], [ -45.153, -23.558 ], [ -45.141, -23.568 ], [ -45.153, -23.573 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.073, -23.564 ], [ -45.079, -23.525 ], [ -45.036, -23.531 ], [ -45.073, -23.564 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.608, -23.228 ], [ -44.59, -23.208 ], [ -44.577, -23.216 ], [ -44.608, -23.228 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.648, -12.821 ], [ -38.666, -12.777 ], [ -38.624, -12.762 ], [ -38.648, -12.821 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.529, -12.811 ], [ -38.544, -12.757 ], [ -38.532, -12.74 ], [ -38.508, -12.792 ], [ -38.529, -12.811 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.622, -12.752 ], [ -38.622, -12.727 ], [ -38.593, -12.733 ], [ -38.622, -12.752 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.646, -12.683 ], [ -38.648, -12.65 ], [ -38.636, -12.661 ], [ -38.646, -12.683 ] ] ], [ [ [ -32.402, -3.838 ], [ -32.428, -3.877 ], [ -32.483, -3.878 ], [ -32.402, -3.838 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.667, -3.179 ], [ -44.668, -3.16 ], [ -44.643, -3.148 ], [ -44.644, -3.17 ], [ -44.667, -3.179 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.671, -2.943 ], [ -44.67, -2.92 ], [ -44.647, -2.915 ], [ -44.671, -2.943 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.493, -2.641 ], [ -44.48, -2.601 ], [ -44.477, -2.627 ], [ -44.493, -2.641 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.897, -2.573 ], [ -43.896, -2.554 ], [ -43.886, -2.565 ], [ -43.897, -2.573 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.599, -2.503 ], [ -43.577, -2.471 ], [ -43.572, -2.483 ], [ -43.599, -2.503 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.822, -2.526 ], [ -43.829, -2.509 ], [ -43.813, -2.458 ], [ -43.812, -2.553 ], [ -43.82, -2.528 ], [ -43.822, -2.526 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.821, -2.529 ], [ -43.856, -2.502 ], [ -43.832, -2.439 ], [ -43.842, -2.504 ], [ -43.821, -2.529 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.863, -2.56 ], [ -43.875, -2.552 ], [ -43.865, -2.534 ], [ -43.863, -2.56 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.519, -2.536 ], [ -44.529, -2.526 ], [ -44.501, -2.48 ], [ -44.505, -2.444 ], [ -44.455, -2.434 ], [ -44.519, -2.536 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.602, -3.007 ], [ -44.657, -2.972 ], [ -44.613, -2.894 ], [ -44.575, -2.921 ], [ -44.602, -3.007 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.585, -2.978 ], [ -44.563, -2.914 ], [ -44.586, -2.826 ], [ -44.494, -2.705 ], [ -44.494, -2.953 ], [ -44.582, -3.041 ], [ -44.585, -2.978 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.826, -2.434 ], [ -43.842, -2.403 ], [ -43.811, -2.385 ], [ -43.807, -2.412 ], [ -43.826, -2.434 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.581, -2.441 ], [ -43.615, -2.389 ], [ -43.549, -2.377 ], [ -43.545, -2.403 ], [ -43.581, -2.441 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.791, -2.47 ], [ -43.806, -2.443 ], [ -43.78, -2.422 ], [ -43.759, -2.448 ], [ -43.791, -2.47 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.513, -2.424 ], [ -43.537, -2.416 ], [ -43.522, -2.39 ], [ -43.505, -2.414 ], [ -43.513, -2.424 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.792, -2.405 ], [ -43.798, -2.377 ], [ -43.771, -2.37 ], [ -43.792, -2.405 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.689, -2.355 ], [ -43.743, -2.352 ], [ -43.724, -2.305 ], [ -43.617, -2.253 ], [ -43.612, -2.275 ], [ -43.669, -2.301 ], [ -43.689, -2.355 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.73, -2.425 ], [ -43.732, -2.364 ], [ -43.67, -2.377 ], [ -43.681, -2.34 ], [ -43.63, -2.324 ], [ -43.643, -2.394 ], [ -43.73, -2.425 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.473, -2.125 ], [ -44.487, -2.113 ], [ -44.475, -2.096 ], [ -44.463, -2.104 ], [ -44.473, -2.125 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.456, -2.031 ], [ -44.447, -2.008 ], [ -44.439, -2.022 ], [ -44.456, -2.031 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.311, -1.964 ], [ -49.336, -1.996 ], [ -49.309, -1.943 ], [ -49.311, -1.964 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.323, -2.054 ], [ -49.329, -2.019 ], [ -49.316, -2.001 ], [ -49.323, -2.054 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.231, -1.829 ], [ -50.246, -1.824 ], [ -50.229, -1.816 ], [ -50.231, -1.829 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.615, -1.821 ], [ -44.622, -1.797 ], [ -44.597, -1.774 ], [ -44.583, -1.789 ], [ -44.615, -1.821 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.7, -1.811 ], [ -44.703, -1.78 ], [ -44.673, -1.78 ], [ -44.7, -1.811 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.691, -1.793 ], [ -49.721, -1.789 ], [ -49.719, -1.771 ], [ -49.697, -1.766 ], [ -49.691, -1.793 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.924, -1.711 ], [ -48.909, -1.713 ], [ -48.916, -1.734 ], [ -48.935, -1.713 ], [ -48.924, -1.711 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.757, -1.707 ], [ -44.767, -1.694 ], [ -44.736, -1.701 ], [ -44.757, -1.707 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.433, -1.684 ], [ -49.454, -1.706 ], [ -49.46, -1.684 ], [ -49.433, -1.684 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.357, -1.008 ], [ -46.342, -0.994 ], [ -46.353, -1.026 ], [ -46.357, -1.008 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.205, -1.021 ], [ -46.194, -1.014 ], [ -46.202, -1.032 ], [ -46.205, -1.021 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.662, -3.018 ], [ -44.673, -3.012 ], [ -44.664, -3.001 ], [ -44.649, -3.013 ], [ -44.662, -3.018 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.736, -1.683 ], [ -44.745, -1.677 ], [ -44.732, -1.668 ], [ -44.736, -1.683 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.231, -1.638 ], [ -49.237, -1.627 ], [ -49.217, -1.633 ], [ -49.231, -1.638 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.38, -1.685 ], [ -49.4, -1.682 ], [ -49.368, -1.669 ], [ -49.38, -1.685 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.426, -1.673 ], [ -49.429, -1.661 ], [ -49.406, -1.66 ], [ -49.426, -1.673 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.34, -1.672 ], [ -49.358, -1.662 ], [ -49.325, -1.647 ], [ -49.34, -1.672 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.289, -1.726 ], [ -45.305, -1.663 ], [ -45.257, -1.641 ], [ -45.244, -1.678 ], [ -45.28, -1.694 ], [ -45.289, -1.726 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.328, -1.743 ], [ -45.346, -1.719 ], [ -45.301, -1.596 ], [ -45.274, -1.635 ], [ -45.313, -1.654 ], [ -45.328, -1.743 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.886, -1.578 ], [ -48.89, -1.56 ], [ -48.859, -1.536 ], [ -48.856, -1.553 ], [ -48.886, -1.578 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.783, -1.682 ], [ -44.8, -1.595 ], [ -44.775, -1.62 ], [ -44.721, -1.567 ], [ -44.704, -1.611 ], [ -44.684, -1.575 ], [ -44.668, -1.669 ], [ -44.693, -1.638 ], [ -44.783, -1.682 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.816, -1.569 ], [ -44.837, -1.534 ], [ -44.787, -1.488 ], [ -44.825, -1.534 ], [ -44.816, -1.569 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.462, -1.517 ], [ -48.478, -1.499 ], [ -48.421, -1.503 ], [ -48.462, -1.517 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.793, -1.531 ], [ -44.774, -1.47 ], [ -44.763, -1.513 ], [ -44.793, -1.531 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.414, -1.427 ], [ -45.423, -1.416 ], [ -45.409, -1.405 ], [ -45.414, -1.427 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45, -1.296 ], [ -44.922, -1.265 ], [ -44.877, -1.309 ], [ -44.895, -1.34 ], [ -44.922, -1.305 ], [ -44.907, -1.341 ], [ -44.999, -1.405 ], [ -45.033, -1.339 ], [ -45, -1.32 ], [ -44.995, -1.36 ], [ -45, -1.296 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.044, -1.402 ], [ -45.07, -1.33 ], [ -45.052, -1.342 ], [ -45.044, -1.402 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.333, -1.569 ], [ -45.371, -1.544 ], [ -45.347, -1.489 ], [ -45.313, -1.506 ], [ -45.333, -1.569 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.969, -1.522 ], [ -44.976, -1.493 ], [ -44.959, -1.483 ], [ -44.969, -1.522 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.393, -1.512 ], [ -48.371, -1.476 ], [ -48.341, -1.483 ], [ -48.393, -1.512 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.413, -1.498 ], [ -48.426, -1.491 ], [ -48.387, -1.476 ], [ -48.413, -1.498 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.118, -1.47 ], [ -45.132, -1.462 ], [ -45.115, -1.364 ], [ -45.103, -1.373 ], [ -45.118, -1.47 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.593, -1.251 ], [ -45.581, -1.19 ], [ -45.536, -1.205 ], [ -45.532, -1.231 ], [ -45.593, -1.251 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.559, -1.243 ], [ -48.56, -1.202 ], [ -48.523, -1.199 ], [ -48.559, -1.243 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.817, -1.163 ], [ -45.829, -1.141 ], [ -45.804, -1.127 ], [ -45.817, -1.163 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.877, -1.154 ], [ -45.9, -1.117 ], [ -45.883, -1.073 ], [ -45.849, -1.123 ], [ -45.877, -1.154 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.192, -1.05 ], [ -46.201, -1.041 ], [ -46.185, -1.027 ], [ -46.192, -1.05 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.291, -1.01 ], [ -46.307, -0.992 ], [ -46.306, -0.961 ], [ -46.291, -1.01 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.078, -1.095 ], [ -46.065, -1.05 ], [ -46.061, -1.074 ], [ -46.078, -1.095 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.68, -1.295 ], [ -45.687, -1.275 ], [ -45.667, -1.26 ], [ -45.654, -1.285 ], [ -45.68, -1.295 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.538, -1.282 ], [ -48.549, -1.262 ], [ -48.53, -1.25 ], [ -48.538, -1.282 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.51, -1.27 ], [ -48.522, -1.247 ], [ -48.506, -1.236 ], [ -48.51, -1.27 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.694, -1.37 ], [ -45.646, -1.289 ], [ -45.625, -1.126 ], [ -45.634, -1.349 ], [ -45.694, -1.37 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.688, -1.266 ], [ -45.708, -1.228 ], [ -45.685, -1.194 ], [ -45.664, -1.231 ], [ -45.688, -1.266 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.425, -0.914 ], [ -46.454, -0.907 ], [ -46.408, -0.868 ], [ -46.395, -0.899 ], [ -46.425, -0.914 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.72, -0.848 ], [ -46.735, -0.832 ], [ -46.729, -0.796 ], [ -46.72, -0.848 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.611, -0.799 ], [ -46.622, -0.784 ], [ -46.601, -0.789 ], [ -46.611, -0.799 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.586, -0.849 ], [ -46.621, -0.807 ], [ -46.589, -0.815 ], [ -46.586, -0.849 ] ] ], [ [ [ -47.447, -0.748 ], [ -47.453, -0.732 ], [ -47.436, -0.717 ], [ -47.428, -0.738 ], [ -47.447, -0.748 ] ] ], [ [ [ -47.461, -0.741 ], [ -47.463, -0.702 ], [ -47.445, -0.697 ], [ -47.461, -0.741 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.214, -0.411 ], [ -51.211, -0.386 ], [ -51.164, -0.347 ], [ -51.163, -0.383 ], [ -51.214, -0.411 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.352, -0.353 ], [ -51.346, -0.31 ], [ -51.317, -0.268 ], [ -51.327, -0.33 ], [ -51.352, -0.353 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.127, -0.268 ], [ -51.131, -0.237 ], [ -51.091, -0.208 ], [ -51.087, -0.229 ], [ -51.127, -0.268 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.888, -0.198 ], [ -48.91, -0.188 ], [ -48.893, -0.134 ], [ -48.847, -0.177 ], [ -48.888, -0.198 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.174, -0.091 ], [ -51.191, -0.064 ], [ -51.126, -0.057 ], [ -51.174, -0.091 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.114, -0.146 ], [ -49.097, -0.121 ], [ -49.08, -0.13 ], [ -49.114, -0.146 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.166, -0.142 ], [ -49.188, -0.115 ], [ -49.156, -0.128 ], [ -49.166, -0.142 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.119, -0.141 ], [ -49.143, -0.107 ], [ -49.114, -0.11 ], [ -49.119, -0.141 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.127, -0.128 ], [ -51.094, -0.103 ], [ -51.108, -0.127 ], [ -51.127, -0.128 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.414, -0.999 ], [ -46.384, -0.941 ], [ -46.367, -0.948 ], [ -46.414, -0.999 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.647, -0.97 ], [ -46.658, -0.968 ], [ -46.618, -0.957 ], [ -46.647, -0.97 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.488, -0.942 ], [ -46.465, -0.877 ], [ -46.464, -0.924 ], [ -46.44, -0.922 ], [ -46.482, -0.976 ], [ -46.441, -0.999 ], [ -46.525, -1.016 ], [ -46.527, -0.917 ], [ -46.509, -0.984 ], [ -46.488, -0.942 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.632, 0.159 ], [ -49.662, 0.184 ], [ -49.629, 0.202 ], [ -49.61, 0.181 ], [ -49.632, 0.159 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.641, 0.26 ], [ -50.63, 0.293 ], [ -50.586, 0.308 ], [ -50.641, 0.26 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.2, 0.255 ], [ -50.243, 0.248 ], [ -50.147, 0.337 ], [ -50.059, 0.346 ], [ -50.2, 0.255 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.417, 0.159 ], [ -50.535, 0.234 ], [ -50.36, 0.615 ], [ -50.328, 0.383 ], [ -50.285, 0.3 ], [ -50.413, 0.237 ], [ -50.417, 0.159 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.279, 0.338 ], [ -50.271, 0.599 ], [ -50.147, 0.608 ], [ -50.142, 0.576 ], [ -50.107, 0.636 ], [ -50.063, 0.623 ], [ -50.05, 0.518 ], [ -50.279, 0.338 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50, 0.943 ], [ -50.113, 0.907 ], [ -50.018, 1.034 ], [ -49.935, 1.069 ], [ -49.939, 0.996 ], [ -50, 0.943 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.881, 1.227 ], [ -49.909, 1.246 ], [ -49.886, 1.244 ], [ -49.881, 1.227 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.907, 1.278 ], [ -49.885, 1.291 ], [ -49.863, 1.278 ], [ -49.876, 1.252 ], [ -49.907, 1.278 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.204, 1.851 ], [ -50.232, 1.879 ], [ -50.22, 1.915 ], [ -50.169, 1.865 ], [ -50.204, 1.851 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.468, 1.954 ], [ -50.521, 2.026 ], [ -50.497, 2.139 ], [ -50.398, 2.167 ], [ -50.367, 2.19 ], [ -50.276, 1.939 ], [ -50.423, 1.849 ], [ -50.468, 1.954 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.504, 2.255 ], [ -50.414, 2.244 ], [ -50.382, 2.204 ], [ -50.489, 2.15 ], [ -50.564, 2.205 ], [ -50.504, 2.255 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.229, 0.832 ], [ -50.098, 0.839 ], [ -50.027, 0.898 ], [ -50.105, 0.757 ], [ -50.162, 0.775 ], [ -50.249, 0.72 ], [ -50.229, 0.832 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.131, 0.844 ], [ -50.162, 0.867 ], [ -50.132, 0.9 ], [ -50.119, 0.854 ], [ -50.131, 0.844 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.108, 0.85 ], [ -50.111, 0.891 ], [ -50.049, 0.886 ], [ -50.108, 0.85 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.216, -0.055 ], [ -50.235, -0.042 ], [ -50.219, -0.04 ], [ -50.216, -0.055 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.916, -0.052 ], [ -50.926, -0.047 ], [ -50.907, -0.043 ], [ -50.916, -0.052 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.605, -0.061 ], [ -50.618, -0.022 ], [ -50.559, -0.038 ], [ -50.605, -0.061 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.399, -0.061 ], [ -50.44, -0.057 ], [ -50.378, -0.015 ], [ -50.357, -0.049 ], [ -50.399, -0.061 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.75, 0 ], [ -49.609, 0.08 ], [ -49.474, 0.081 ], [ -49.338, -0.017 ], [ -49.487, -0.136 ], [ -49.723, -0.147 ], [ -49.835, -0.088 ], [ -49.75, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.023, -0.019 ], [ -49.039, -0.011 ], [ -49.02, -0.006 ], [ -49.023, -0.019 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.932, 0.052 ], [ -50.918, 0.084 ], [ -50.884, 0.078 ], [ -50.899, 0.057 ], [ -50.932, 0.052 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.928, 0 ], [ -50.786, 0.05 ], [ -50.717, 0.028 ], [ -50.94, -0.041 ], [ -50.928, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.691, 0.025 ], [ -50.655, 0.015 ], [ -50.703, 0.021 ], [ -50.691, 0.025 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.629, -0.043 ], [ -50.642, -0.016 ], [ -50.622, -0.026 ], [ -50.629, -0.043 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.642, 0 ], [ -50.611, 0.007 ], [ -50.595, -0.019 ], [ -50.642, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.536, 0 ], [ -50.653, 0.126 ], [ -50.59, 0.203 ], [ -50.434, 0.126 ], [ -50.436, 0 ], [ -50.536, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50, 0.311 ], [ -49.674, 0.368 ], [ -49.601, 0.283 ], [ -49.86, 0.008 ], [ -49.99, -0.048 ], [ -50.086, 0.034 ], [ -50.351, 0.044 ], [ -50.394, 0.222 ], [ -50.153, 0.227 ], [ -50, 0.311 ] ] ] ] } } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 118885, "end" : 118891 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Brasil" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/31939977-34ac-444a-9884-cf0aa2c93d95", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-01T19:21:26+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Vergara (García Rodríguez); capitán, natural de Castilla la Vieja; viene con Cabeza de Vaca. Se opone al nombramiento de un gobernador propietario, durante la ausencia de Irala. Asiste a la elección de su sucesor", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-01T19:21:26+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 104899, "end" : 104915 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "García Rodríguez" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/d1b263a5-75d5-4a6a-911c-e655249cd9dd", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-01T19:27:24+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Mestizo; intérprete de los indios; mozo mal inclinado; engaña a Irala, y lo expone a hundirse en el Paraná. Es preso, y condenado a la horca; se evade de la cárcel, pasa al Brasil, donde comete otros delitos, por lo que se le inflige la pena de un destierro perpetuo.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-01T19:27:24+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 102037, "end" : 102050 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Hernando Díaz" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/707c00e4-81f7-44f1-acad-ef56d518e1c8", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-01T19:18:46+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Inglés; encabeza un motín contra Pedro de Segura en Ontiveros. Nombrado Gobernador de Guayra en lugar de Riquelme de Guzmán.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-01T19:18:46+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 106813, "end" : 106827 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Nicolás Colman" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/e272a468-6b64-4d44-bdfb-afb1abfa0510", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-01T19:20:07+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Capitán: de Guipúzcoa; había militado en Itatin, y en las indias pasa del Perú al Paraguay. Casa con una hija de Irala. Reemplaza a Rodríguez de Vergara en el mando de Ontiveros. La guarnición se resiste a reconocerle; y él vuelve a la Asumpción. Lleva a una nao surta en el puerto de San Gabriel los despachos de Irala para España, y vuelve a la Asumpción. Va a atacar a los indios. Sale de la Asumpción con una compañía de soldados. Acompaña al Gobernador Vergara al Perú, llevando su mujer e hijos.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-01T19:20:07+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 108316, "end" : 108331 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Pedro de Segura" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/050a8f8e-0b74-442e-b648-2f57bff15195", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-01T19:21:26+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Vergara (García Rodríguez); capitán, natural de Castilla la Vieja; viene con Cabeza de Vaca. Se opone al nombramiento de un gobernador propietario, durante la ausencia de Irala. 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Acompaña al Gobernador Vergara al Perú, con su mujer e hijos.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-01T19:12:13+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 114025, "end" : 114046 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Cristóbal de Saavedra" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/ae480e2c-e4e8-424d-8c11-a43b451fb77d", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { 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: { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-01T19:27:24+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Mestizo; intérprete de los indios; mozo mal inclinado; engaña a Irala, y lo expone a hundirse en el Paraná. Es preso, y condenado a la horca; se evade de la cárcel, pasa al Brasil, donde comete otros delitos, por lo que se le inflige la pena de un destierro perpetuo.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-01T19:27:24+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 98328, "end" : 98341 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Hernando Díaz" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/054a5093-2ab7-4434-9f74-61fc96be0e96", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "conqueror", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T12:38:19+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T12:38:19+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "colonizer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T12:38:19+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T12:38:19+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Francisco de Aguirre también conocido como Francisco de Aguirre \"el\nViejo\" (Talavera de la Reina, Corona de\nCastilla, 1500 - La Serena, Capitanía General de Chile, 1581) fue un conquistador\nespañol que participó en la conquista de Chile y del noroeste de Argentina. En\nsu juventud se incorporó a las tropas imperiales de Carlos I de España. En 1525,\nAguirre tuvo una destacada actuación en la memorable batalla de Pavía, en la\nque los soldados de Carlos I derrotaron a los franceses y aprehendieron al rey Francisco\nI de Francia y en 1527 participó del “saqueo de Roma”. Las cartas y sus\ndocumentos revelan que poseía una inteligencia cultivada. De entre los\nconquistadores, fue uno de los que más legítimos títulos podía blasonar de la\nnobleza de su cuna.\n\nEn 1534, se embarcó hacia América. Desde la isla de Cuba viajó al Perú en 1537,\njunto a 400 soldados castellanos que venían a socorrer a Francisco Pizarro, que\nluchaba contra los incas. En Panamá se hizo de caballos, armas, un negro y\ncriados españoles. Arribó al Perú al tiempo que Pizarro había capturado al Inca\nAtahualpa, al que ejecutó. De inmediato, Aguirre se puso a las órdenes del\nconquistador del Perú y tuvo destacada actuación en todas las campañas y en la\ndominación de los incas. Más tarde ayudó al capitán Diego de Rojas a dominar y\npoblar la Provincia de Charcas, donde fue durante dos años teniente.Asignado como gobernador de Chile a la muerte\nde Pedro de Valdivia, fue también gobernador del Tucumán en tres oportunidades\ny fundador de las ciudades de La Serena (Chile) y Santiago del Estero\n(Argentina).", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T12:38:19+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 70462, "end" : 70482 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Francisco de Aguirre" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/430ea039-0d3e-493e-a96a-b72d3b2c824f", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2018-06-01T13:18:57+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 4954, "end" : 4969 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Rey de Portugal" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/f7b96162-5575-4536-9835-fe78bdffb6ea", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PLACE", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T19:02:14+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Araguay. Río, a cuatro leguas de la Asumpción, llamado Itica por los Chiriguanos, y Pilcomayo por los indios del Perú; nace en los Charcas. El Pilcomayo, antes de desembocar en el Paraguay, se divide en dos brazos: el inferior conserva el nombre primitivo de Pilcomayo; y el otro, que es el que más se acerca a la ciudad de la Asumpción, toma el de Araquaaî, que en el idioma guaraní quiere decir río del entendimiento; porque se necesita reflexión, esto es, hacer uso del entendimiento, para navegarle, sin perderse en las infinitas vueltas que da, y en las dilatadas lagunas que forma en sus márgenes.http://www.geonames.org/3436308/riacho-araguay.html", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T19:02:46+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 23786, "end" : 23801 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "río del Araguay" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/2062043d-f6c2-4294-8935-13c6e4d71cf3", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T19:00:04+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Guajarapos. Puerto y frontera del río Aracay, en la provincia de Itatin.Guarapayos. Indios de la Candelaria; son los más traidores o inconstantes. Están poblados cerca del puerto de San Fernando, y sobre el río Aracay. Una de las más pequeñas tribus del Paraguay, establecida en un paraje cenagoso, al sur de los Xarayes. En el día son más conocidos bajo el nombre de Guachís que les dan sus vecinos los Mbayás; y que expresa con más propiedad la naturaleza del país que habitan: porque guá quiere decir «paso», y chî, «resbaladizo». Su primer nombre le fue dado por los españoles, por el mucho guarapo que estos indios sacaban de la fruta del algarrobo, tan abundante en su territorio. El Padre Charlevoix los llama Guararapos y Guararopos; Azara, Guasarapos y Guasaropos; y nuestro autor usa indistintamente las voces de Guajarapos y Guarapayos. De todos estos nombres el último nos parece más correcto.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T19:00:04+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "tribe", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-25T17:37:41+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 23684, "end" : 23694 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Guajarapos" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/683c3e4a-978c-4c0b-84e3-628a5abaed5a", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-25T17:35:17+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 117432, "end" : 117440 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Saavedra" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/1daf9004-a964-4a9c-8637-846c0c7015d1", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-25T17:35:17+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 116972, "end" : 116980 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Saavedra" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/7a0f8087-d20b-43d0-8d75-d69072a74d79", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-01T19:09:46+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca (Jerez de la Frontera, 1488/1490 - Sevilla, \n27 de mayo de 1559) fue un descubridor y conquistador español que \nexploró la costa sur de Norteamérica desde la actual Florida pasando por\n Alabama, Misisipi y Luisiana y se adentró en Texas, Nuevo México, \nArizona y en el norte de México hasta llegar al Golfo de California, \nterritorios que pasaron a anexionarse al Imperio Español dentro del \nVirreinato de Nueva España. El rey Carlos I de España le otorgó el \ntítulo de Segundo Adelantado y lo nombró capitán general y gobernador \ndel Río de la Plata, Paranáguazu y sus anexos, fue el primer europeo en \nllegar a las cataratas del Iguazú y que exploró el curso del río \nParaguay.Fue el primer europeo del cual tenemos pruebas documentales \nrespecto de sus exploraciones en la región de las cataratas del Iguazú. \nEstán documentadas numerosas referencias sobre entradas que antiguos \nnáufragos de los barcos de Juan Díaz de Solís (1470-1516) y Rodrigo de \nAcuña habrían realizado en la zona, siendo la más famosa la de Alejo o \nAleixo García.Cabeza de Vaca llegó a la isla de Santa Catalina en 1541 y\n de allí entró en tierra firme con el objetivo de alcanzar la ciudad de \nAsunción del Paraguay. La misma se había convertido en el centro de la \nconquista del Río de la Plata. Si bien los conquistadores viejos de la \nexpedición de Pedro de Mendoza aceptaron sus credenciales cuando entró \nen la ciudad en 1542, las políticas que Cabeza de Vaca intentó instalar \nen la región rápidamente entraron en conflicto con aquellas que \npretendían sostener sus fundadores y primeros conquistadores. La \nsituación se deterioró progresivamente hasta que, después de una \nfracasada entrada al Gran Chaco, Cabeza de Vaca fue encarcelado y luego \nexpulsado de la provincia en 1545.Tras regresar a España, el antiguo \nadelantado debió responder a los procesos que contra él entablaron los \nconquistadores del Río de la Plata y el propio fiscal del rey, que se \nextendieron hasta entrada la década de 1550. Si bien Álvar Núñez no \nlogró recuperar la gobernación del Río de la Plata, tampoco debió \nenfretar las penas que originalmente se le habían impuesto (multas y un \ntemido destierro a Argel). Una clara señal de cierto beneplácito regio \nrespecto de sus acciones en Indias es la reedición, en 1555, de su \nRelación (Zamora, 1542) acompañada de un nuevo libro titulado \nComentarios (valladolid, 1555). Este último constituye la primera obra \nhistoriográfica de largo aliento sobre la conquista del Río de la Plata,\n considerando en particular el período de su \ngobernación.BibliografíaAdorno, Rolena; Pautz, Patrick Charles, Álvar \nNúñez Cabeza de Vaca. His Account, his Life, and the Expedition of \nPánfilo de Narváez, Lincoln y Londres, University of Nebraska Press, \n1999. Tres Tomos.FuentesÁlvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca, La relación que dio \nAlvar Núñez Cabeça de Vaca de lo acaecido en las Indias en la armada \ndonde iua por gobernador Panfhilo de Narváez desde el año veinte y siete\n hasta el año treinta y seis que volvió a Sevilla con tres de su \ncompañía, Zamora, 1542.Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca, La relación y \ncomentarios del Gobernador Álvar Núñez Cabeça de Vaca, de lo acaecido en\n las dos jornadas que hizo a las Indias, Valladolid, 1555.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-25T17:54:41+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 52788, "end" : 52802 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Cabeza de Vaca" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/68f17475-9051-4e27-898f-678dcb22eb1b", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PLACE", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-09-06T19:34:47+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-25T17:45:39+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Domingo Martínez de Irala (Vergara de la Hermandad de Guipúzcoa, Corona \nde Castilla, 1509 - Asunción del Paraguay, Virreinato del Perú, 3 de \noctubre de 1556) fue un conquistador, explorador y colonizador español \nque como lugarteniente de Juan de Ayolas quien lo nombrara interinamente\n hasta que regresara como teniente de gobernador de La Candelaria en \n1537, luego lo sería de hecho, y posteriormente elegido por el pueblo \nsegún real cédula, como teniente de gobernador general de Asunción.Ocupó\n tres veces el cargo de gobernador interino del Río de la Plata y del \nParaguay, en los períodos de 1539 a 1542, de 1544 hasta 1548 y por \núltimo desde 1549. El emperador Carlos V lo nombraría definitivamente \ncomo titular en el cargo gubernamental en el año 1555, que lo ostentaría\n hasta su fallecimiento.En 1543 fundó en el Chaco Boreal el Puerto de \nlos Reyes, a orillas del río Paraguay y del pantano de los Jarayes, \nsobre las costas de la laguna La Gaiba. Avellaneda, Mercedes; Perusset, \nMacarena, \"Irala, el primer estratega del Plata\", en Historia Paraguaya.\n Anuario de la Academia Paraguaya de la Historia, vol. XLVI, 2006, pp. \n319-363.Lafuente Machain, Ricardo, El gobernador Domingo de Irala, \nAsunción, Academia Paraguaya de la Historia, 2005 [1939].", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-25T17:46:02+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 120341, "end" : 120346 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Irala" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/d6f93100-0cfc-4373-aca4-2133dcc63751", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-25T17:45:39+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Domingo Martínez de Irala (Vergara de la Hermandad de Guipúzcoa, Corona \nde Castilla, 1509 - Asunción del Paraguay, Virreinato del Perú, 3 de \noctubre de 1556) fue un conquistador, explorador y colonizador español \nque como lugarteniente de Juan de Ayolas quien lo nombrara interinamente\n hasta que regresara como teniente de gobernador de La Candelaria en \n1537, luego lo sería de hecho, y posteriormente elegido por el pueblo \nsegún real cédula, como teniente de gobernador general de Asunción.Ocupó\n tres veces el cargo de gobernador interino del Río de la Plata y del \nParaguay, en los períodos de 1539 a 1542, de 1544 hasta 1548 y por \núltimo desde 1549. El emperador Carlos V lo nombraría definitivamente \ncomo titular en el cargo gubernamental en el año 1555, que lo ostentaría\n hasta su fallecimiento.En 1543 fundó en el Chaco Boreal el Puerto de \nlos Reyes, a orillas del río Paraguay y del pantano de los Jarayes, \nsobre las costas de la laguna La Gaiba. Avellaneda, Mercedes; Perusset, \nMacarena, \"Irala, el primer estratega del Plata\", en Historia Paraguaya.\n Anuario de la Academia Paraguaya de la Historia, vol. XLVI, 2006, pp. \n319-363.Lafuente Machain, Ricardo, El gobernador Domingo de Irala, \nAsunción, Academia Paraguaya de la Historia, 2005 [1939].", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-25T17:46:02+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 39505, "end" : 39510 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Irala" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/716fe863-c425-4f3b-854e-9e8d8c1e824c", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-25T17:58:45+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 119571, "end" : 119578 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Salazar" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/928aecbe-0b6e-4471-9c03-df40f4cc38cc", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : 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-23.7 ], [ -66.38, -23.63 ], [ -66.38, -23.61 ], [ -66.4, -23.56 ], [ -66.41, -23.55 ], [ -66.41, -23.52 ], [ -66.4, -23.49 ], [ -66.38, -23.39 ], [ -66.38, -23.39 ], [ -66.37, -23.38 ], [ -66.36, -23.37 ], [ -66.36, -23.37 ], [ -66.35, -23.37 ], [ -66.34, -23.37 ], [ -66.33, -23.37 ], [ -66.28, -23.39 ], [ -66.26, -23.39 ], [ -66.23, -23.41 ], [ -66.21, -23.42 ], [ -66.2, -23.42 ], [ -66.19, -23.42 ], [ -66.18, -23.42 ], [ -66.18, -23.42 ], [ -66.17, -23.42 ], [ -66.03, -23.5 ], [ -66, -23.53 ], [ -65.99, -23.53 ], [ -65.99, -23.54 ], [ -65.99, -23.55 ], [ -65.99, -23.56 ], [ -65.99, -23.6 ], [ -65.99, -23.62 ], [ -65.99, -23.66 ], [ -66, -23.68 ], [ -66, -23.69 ], [ -66, -23.69 ], [ -65.99, -23.71 ], [ -65.99, -23.72 ], [ -65.99, -23.73 ], [ -66, -23.74 ], [ -66.01, -23.74 ], [ -66.02, -23.76 ], [ -66.02, -23.77 ], [ -66.02, -23.78 ], [ -66.03, -23.85 ], [ -66.03, -23.85 ], [ -66.02, -23.86 ], [ -66.02, -23.86 ], [ -66.01, -23.86 ], [ -66.01, -23.86 ], [ -66.01, -23.87 ], [ -66.01, -23.88 ], [ -66, -23.89 ], [ -66, -23.89 ], [ -66, -23.89 ], [ -65.99, -23.9 ], [ -65.99, -23.9 ], [ -65.99, -23.91 ], [ -66, -23.92 ], [ -66, -23.93 ], [ -66, -23.94 ], [ -65.98, -23.97 ], [ -65.97, -23.98 ], [ -65.96, -23.99 ], [ -65.96, -23.99 ], [ -65.95, -24 ], [ -65.94, -24 ], [ -65.94, -23.99 ], [ -65.93, -23.99 ], [ -65.93, -23.99 ], [ -65.93, -23.98 ], [ -65.92, -23.98 ], [ -65.92, -23.98 ], [ -65.91, -23.98 ], [ -65.9, -23.98 ], [ -65.89, -23.98 ], [ -65.88, -23.99 ], [ -65.84, -24.03 ], [ -65.83, -24.04 ], [ -65.83, -24.04 ], [ -65.78, -24.06 ], [ -65.76, -24.08 ], [ -65.76, -24.11 ], [ -65.76, -24.16 ], [ -65.75, -24.18 ], [ -65.72, -24.23 ], [ -65.62, -24.35 ], [ -65.6, -24.39 ], [ -65.59, -24.4 ], [ -65.58, -24.41 ], [ -65.57, -24.41 ], [ -65.54, -24.43 ], [ -65.53, -24.43 ], [ -65.52, -24.43 ], [ -65.51, -24.43 ], [ -65.5, -24.42 ], [ -65.5, -24.42 ], [ -65.5, -24.42 ], [ -65.49, -24.42 ], [ -65.49, -24.42 ], [ -65.48, -24.42 ], [ -65.47, -24.42 ], [ -65.46, -24.43 ], [ -65.44, -24.45 ], [ -65.43, -24.46 ], [ -65.4, -24.47 ], [ -65.38, -24.47 ], [ -65.37, -24.47 ], [ -65.36, -24.47 ], [ -65.32, -24.49 ], [ -65.28, -24.5 ], [ -65.25, -24.5 ], [ -65.24, -24.49 ], [ -65.22, -24.48 ], [ -65.17, -24.45 ], [ -65.17, -24.45 ], [ -65.16, -24.45 ], [ -65.16, -24.46 ], [ -65.16, -24.46 ], [ -65.15, -24.47 ], [ -65.15, -24.48 ], [ -65.15, -24.48 ], [ -65.06, -24.55 ], [ -65.03, -24.56 ], [ -64.94, -24.6 ], [ -64.92, -24.6 ], [ -64.92, -24.6 ], [ -64.91, -24.6 ], [ -64.91, -24.6 ], [ -64.9, -24.59 ], [ -64.86, -24.49 ], [ -64.84, -24.47 ], [ -64.83, -24.46 ], [ -64.82, -24.46 ], [ -64.63, -24.61 ], [ -64.62, -24.61 ], [ -64.61, -24.61 ], [ -64.61, -24.61 ], [ -64.6, -24.61 ], [ -64.6, -24.6 ], [ -64.59, -24.58 ], [ -64.58, -24.56 ], [ -64.57, -24.54 ], [ -64.56, -24.53 ], [ -64.5, -24.48 ], [ -64.45, -24.47 ], [ -64.45, -24.47 ], [ -64.44, -24.46 ], [ -64.43, -24.44 ], [ -64.42, -24.43 ], [ -64.42, -24.43 ], [ -64.41, -24.43 ], [ -64.4, -24.42 ], [ -64.38, -24.42 ], [ -64.37, -24.42 ], [ -64.37, -24.42 ], [ -64.36, -24.42 ], [ -64.34, -24.42 ], [ -64.33, -24.42 ], [ -64.32, -24.42 ], [ -64.31, -24.41 ], [ -64.31, -24.41 ], [ -64.3, -24.4 ], [ -64.27, -24.38 ], [ -64.21, -24.3 ], [ -64.18, -24.24 ], [ -64.16, -24.2 ], [ -64.16, -24.18 ], [ -64.18, -23.54 ], [ -64.18, -23.53 ], [ -64.19, -23.51 ], [ -64.2, -23.51 ], [ -64.22, -23.51 ], [ -64.35, -23.5 ], [ -64.36, -23.51 ], [ -64.37, -23.51 ], [ -64.37, -23.52 ], [ -64.39, -23.54 ], [ -64.4, -23.55 ], [ -64.41, -23.59 ], [ -64.42, -23.6 ], [ -64.44, -23.62 ], [ -64.46, -23.6 ], [ -64.47, -23.59 ], [ -64.48, -23.59 ], [ -64.48, -23.58 ], [ -64.5, -23.56 ], [ -64.52, -23.54 ], [ -64.52, -23.53 ], [ -64.54, -23.52 ], [ -64.56, -23.51 ], [ -64.59, -23.49 ], [ -64.63, -23.48 ], [ -64.63, -23.48 ], [ -64.64, -23.48 ], [ -64.64, -23.47 ], [ -64.65, -23.46 ], [ -64.66, -23.45 ], [ -64.67, -23.45 ], [ -64.68, -23.45 ], [ -64.7, -23.46 ], [ -64.74, -23.46 ], [ -64.75, -23.47 ], [ -64.76, -23.47 ], [ -64.78, -23.49 ], [ -64.78, -23.49 ], [ -64.78, -23.5 ], [ -64.79, -23.5 ], [ -64.8, -23.5 ], [ -64.82, -23.5 ], [ -64.84, -23.5 ], [ -64.86, -23.5 ], [ -64.87, -23.5 ], [ -64.87, -23.49 ], [ -64.88, -23.49 ], [ -64.88, -23.48 ], [ -64.88, -23.45 ], [ -64.89, -23.44 ], [ -64.89, -23.43 ], [ -64.92, -23.37 ], [ -64.94, -23.34 ], [ -64.95, -23.31 ], [ -64.96, -23.3 ], [ -65, -23.28 ], [ -65, -23.28 ], [ -65.03, -23.28 ], [ -65.03, -23.27 ], [ -65.03, -23.27 ], [ -65.04, -23.27 ], [ -65.04, -23.26 ], [ -65.04, -23.26 ], [ -65.04, -23.25 ], [ -65.04, -23.24 ], [ -65.04, -23.22 ], [ -65.02, -23.16 ], [ -65.01, -23.07 ], [ -65.01, -23.05 ], [ -65.01, -23.04 ], [ -65.01, -23.03 ], [ -65.02, -23.03 ], [ -65.02, -23.02 ], [ -65.04, -23 ], [ -65.05, -23 ], [ -65.06, -22.99 ], [ -65.08, -22.99 ], [ -65.17, -22.99 ], [ -65.18, -22.98 ], [ -65.19, -22.98 ], [ -65.21, -22.96 ], [ -65.23, -22.95 ], [ -65.23, -22.95 ], [ -65.23, -22.94 ], [ -65.25, -22.87 ], [ -65.26, -22.86 ], [ -65.27, -22.85 ], [ -65.27, -22.84 ], [ -65.28, -22.75 ], [ -65.28, -22.74 ], [ -65.29, -22.73 ], [ -65.29, -22.72 ], [ -65.29, -22.7 ], [ -65.29, -22.68 ], [ -65.28, -22.67 ], [ -65.27, -22.64 ], [ -65.27, -22.63 ], [ -65.3, -22.6 ], [ -65.31, -22.6 ], [ -65.33, -22.6 ], [ -65.34, -22.6 ], [ -65.34, -22.6 ], [ -65.35, -22.59 ], [ -65.34, -22.54 ], [ -65.34, -22.52 ], [ -65.34, -22.51 ], [ -65.33, -22.5 ], [ -65.31, -22.46 ], [ -65.31, -22.45 ], [ -65.3, -22.43 ], [ -65.27, -22.37 ], [ -65.26, -22.36 ], [ -65.26, -22.35 ], [ -65.24, -22.33 ], [ -65.24, -22.32 ], [ -65.24, -22.31 ], [ -65.24, -22.25 ], [ -65.24, -22.22 ], [ -65.23, -22.18 ], [ -65.22, -22.17 ], [ -65.21, -22.15 ], [ -65.2, -22.13 ], [ -65.19, -22.12 ], [ -65.19, -22.1 ], [ -65.02, -22.1 ], [ -64.83, -22.14 ], [ -64.76, -22.17 ], [ -64.72, -22.18 ], [ -64.71, -22.18 ], [ -64.7, -22.17 ], [ -64.69, -22.17 ], [ -64.68, -22.18 ], [ -64.66, -22.18 ], [ -64.64, -22.19 ], [ -64.62, -22.2 ], [ -64.6, -22.21 ], [ -64.59, -22.21 ], [ -64.56, -22.24 ], [ -64.55, -22.26 ], [ -64.54, -22.28 ], [ -64.54, -22.29 ], [ -64.55, -22.31 ], [ -64.56, -22.32 ], [ -64.57, -22.34 ], [ -64.56, -22.36 ], [ -64.54, -22.37 ], [ -64.52, -22.39 ], [ -64.52, -22.4 ], [ -64.53, -22.42 ], [ -64.53, -22.43 ], [ -64.53, -22.43 ], [ -64.51, -22.44 ], [ -64.5, -22.45 ], [ -64.5, -22.47 ], [ -64.48, -22.49 ], [ -64.43, -22.54 ], [ -64.43, -22.56 ], [ -64.44, -22.57 ], [ -64.45, -22.58 ], [ -64.45, -22.59 ], [ -64.45, -22.6 ], [ -64.46, -22.62 ], [ -64.46, -22.63 ], [ -64.45, -22.64 ], [ -64.45, -22.65 ], [ -64.44, -22.65 ], [ -64.43, -22.66 ], [ -64.4, -22.71 ], [ -64.39, -22.72 ], [ -64.37, -22.73 ], [ -64.36, -22.75 ], [ -64.35, -22.78 ], [ -64.36, -22.8 ], [ -64.35, -22.82 ], [ -64.34, -22.86 ], [ -64.33, -22.87 ], [ -64.33, -22.86 ], [ -64.3, -22.78 ], [ -64.29, -22.76 ], [ -64.29, -22.69 ], [ -64.25, -22.54 ], [ -64.24, -22.52 ], [ -64.18, -22.47 ], [ -64.16, -22.44 ], [ -64.09, -22.26 ], [ -64.08, -22.25 ], [ -64.06, -22.24 ], [ -64.05, -22.23 ], [ -64.02, -22.16 ], [ -64, -22.1 ], [ -64, -22.08 ], [ -63.99, -22.08 ], [ -63.98, -22.08 ], [ -63.98, -22.07 ], [ -63.97, -22.07 ], [ -63.96, -22.06 ], [ -63.96, -22.04 ], [ -63.95, -22.02 ], [ -63.95, -22.01 ], [ -63.95, -22.01 ], [ -63.93, -22 ], [ -63.91, -22 ], [ -63.81, -22 ], [ -63.79, -22.01 ], [ -63.75, -22.05 ], [ -63.74, -22.05 ], [ -63.69, -22.01 ], [ -63.68, -22 ], [ -63.64, -22 ], [ -63.32, -22 ], [ -63.01, -22 ], [ -63.01, -22 ], [ -62.86, -21.99 ], [ -62.82, -22 ], [ -62.8, -22 ], [ -62.8, -22.01 ], [ -62.79, -22.05 ], [ -62.8, -22.06 ], [ -62.8, -22.07 ], [ -62.79, -22.08 ], [ -62.79, -22.11 ], [ -62.78, -22.13 ], [ -62.77, -22.14 ], [ -62.72, -22.17 ], [ -62.68, -22.19 ], [ -62.67, -22.21 ], [ -62.66, -22.22 ], [ -62.66, -22.22 ], [ -62.66, -22.23 ], [ -62.65, -22.23 ] ] ] ] } } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 46642, "end" : 46647 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Salta" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/9205334b-102d-4648-aa34-f46c345de45c", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PLACE", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-25T18:03:47+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 46200, "end" : 46210 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Cordillera" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/23eca726-5e57-4587-b14d-b187a04038f6", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-04T16:57:27+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Timbús. Pueblos a 40 leguas de Buenos Aires; afables, y labradores: tienen las narices horadadas, son más de 8000-10. Indios de Santa Fe; gente labradora y de buena índole. Indios que pueblan las orillas del Carcarañal; gente dispuesta y agigantada; reciben a Francisco de Mendoza; levantan las palas de sus buques, una señal de amistad. Indios del Perú; se oponen A los españoles; les dan noticias del Marañón, de la tierra del Dorado, y del país de las Amazonas. Esta costumbre de recibir a un extranjero ha pasado de los salvajes a los pueblos civilizados; porque las tripulaciones de los buques de guerra, cuando se embarca en sus botes algún personaje de distinción, levantan los remos en señal de hospitalidad y de obsequio. Timbú, en el idioma guaraní significa «nariz agujereada.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-04T16:57:27+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "tribe", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-25T18:11:27+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 58114, "end" : 58120 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Timbús" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/119902b6-797f-426d-9e79-2053c2ec33d9", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PLACE", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-04T16:10:53+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Talcanco; río. De este río nada más sabemos que lo que dice el autor, esto es, que se halla en el territorio de los Juris, o de Santiago del Estero, hacia la frontera de Córdoba. Se habrá verificado con él lo que ha sucedido con otros parajes, de los que se ha perdido la huella por el cambio continuo de los nombres. Los misioneros sobre todo han sido intemperantes en esta costumbre: por la menor reducción, capilla u oratorio que fundaban, daban nuevos nombres, y borraban el recuerdo de los antiguos.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-04T16:10:53+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 47602, "end" : 47614 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "río Talcanco" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/3f2af523-2357-45b1-8312-5ca55b6b43cc", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PLACE", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-04T16:17:36+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Carcarañal. Río, cuyo nombre era el de un cacique. Poblado de indios Timbús. El río Tercero de Córdoba toma este nombre, después de juntarse con el Saladillo. Es un confluente del Paraná y fue visitado por Gaboto, que fundó en sus orillas el fuerte de Sancti Espíritu. Su verdadero nombre es Caracarañá, del que, por la elisión de una vocal, se ha hecho Carcarañá o Carcarañal. Caracará es un ave de rapiña, del que se ha hablado ya, y ña es listado. Así pues, río Caracará-ñá, o Carcarañal, quiere decir río, listado de caracarás; esto es, en cuyas orillas se desplegan en listas o bandas estos animales.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-04T16:17:36+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 48709, "end" : 48719 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Carcarañal" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/33a9d6fa-b47d-4eca-9fc3-fd581fe53371", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : 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En esta circunstancia, los partidarios de Cabeza de Vaca \nrecusaron su nombramiento y tras haber instaurado a Diego de Abreu como \ngobernador, ejecutaron a Mendoza.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-25T18:36:17+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 54099, "end" : 54119 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Francisco de Mendoza" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/1158757f-6e75-417c-ae38-ddbb8febfa15", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-01T12:51:38+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Don Francisco de Mendoza (n. 1515-1547), capitán de la caballería. 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En esta circunstancia, los partidarios de Cabeza de Vaca \nrecusaron su nombramiento y tras haber instaurado a Diego de Abreu como \ngobernador, ejecutaron a Mendoza.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-25T18:36:17+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 50894, "end" : 50914 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Francisco de Mendoza" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/27938da8-6e97-4d6b-9797-011d3df7f793", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-01T12:51:38+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Don Francisco de Mendoza (n. 1515-1547), capitán de la caballería. 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En esta circunstancia, los partidarios de Cabeza de Vaca \nrecusaron su nombramiento y tras haber instaurado a Diego de Abreu como \ngobernador, ejecutaron a Mendoza.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-25T18:36:17+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 50398, "end" : 50418 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Francisco de Mendoza" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/9ba09a05-21d9-4e0a-842d-36444decd6a1", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", 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-49.275 ], [ -74.011, -49.268 ], [ -73.964, -49.324 ], [ -73.831, -49.357 ], [ -73.812, -49.401 ], [ -73.817, -49.346 ], [ -73.951, -49.314 ], [ -74.012, -49.251 ], [ -73.945, -49.168 ], [ -74.017, -49.086 ], [ -74.011, -49.152 ], [ -74.107, -49.256 ], [ -74.191, -49.211 ], [ -74.131, -49.271 ], [ -74.176, -49.533 ], [ -74.267, -49.501 ], [ -74.26, -49.561 ], [ -74.391, -49.618 ], [ -74.435, -49.484 ], [ -74.415, -49.39 ], [ -74.386, -49.406 ], [ -74.392, -49.188 ], [ -74.334, -49.192 ], [ -74.408, -49.066 ], [ -74.437, -49.122 ], [ -74.397, -49.293 ], [ -74.447, -49.471 ], [ -74.545, -49.501 ], [ -74.45, -49.525 ], [ -74.446, -49.599 ], [ -74.508, -49.604 ], [ -74.507, -49.664 ], [ -74.558, -49.672 ], [ -74.497, -49.67 ], [ -74.505, -49.629 ], [ -74.454, -49.609 ], [ -74.386, -49.652 ], [ -74.375, -49.753 ], [ -74.477, -49.733 ], [ -74.387, -49.771 ], [ -74.388, -49.897 ], [ -74.459, -49.835 ], [ -74.42, -49.919 ], [ -74.484, -49.965 ], [ -74.6, -49.869 ], [ -74.497, -49.977 ], [ -74.614, -50.052 ], [ -74.608, -50.02 ], [ -74.667, -50.032 ], [ -74.614, -49.986 ], [ -74.784, -50.045 ], [ -74.856, -49.987 ], [ -74.796, -49.942 ], [ -74.672, -49.905 ], [ -74.598, -49.939 ], [ -74.685, -49.892 ], [ -74.816, -49.938 ], [ -74.838, -49.964 ], [ -74.886, -49.934 ], [ -74.844, -49.87 ], [ -74.886, -49.832 ], [ -74.75, -49.874 ], [ -74.592, -49.785 ], [ -74.809, -49.833 ], [ -74.696, -49.715 ], [ -74.819, -49.803 ], [ -74.861, -49.774 ], [ -74.834, -49.716 ], [ -74.894, -49.673 ], [ -74.791, -49.673 ], [ -74.868, -49.635 ], [ -74.861, -49.597 ], [ -74.74, -49.628 ], [ -74.659, -49.623 ], [ -74.759, -49.614 ], [ -74.718, -49.576 ], [ -74.716, -49.547 ], [ -74.777, -49.604 ], [ -74.865, -49.543 ], [ -74.747, -49.463 ], [ -74.694, -49.511 ], [ -74.739, -49.445 ], [ -74.601, -49.427 ], [ -74.694, -49.413 ], [ -74.58, -49.301 ], [ -74.704, -49.395 ], [ -74.791, -49.35 ], [ -74.718, -49.41 ], [ -74.849, -49.5 ], [ -74.858, -49.391 ], [ -74.906, -49.537 ], [ -74.933, -49.446 ], [ -74.888, -49.412 ], [ -74.946, -49.423 ], [ -74.949, -49.488 ], [ -75.018, -49.455 ], [ -75.071, -49.485 ], [ -74.957, -49.5 ], [ -74.952, -49.536 ], [ -74.99, -49.519 ], [ -74.913, -49.623 ], [ -74.984, -49.73 ], [ -74.99, -49.789 ], [ -74.954, -49.71 ], [ -74.899, -49.746 ], [ -74.988, -49.857 ], [ -74.953, -49.861 ], [ -74.973, -49.896 ], [ -75.031, -49.902 ], [ -74.994, -49.811 ], [ -75.036, -49.861 ], [ -75.104, -49.851 ], [ -75.145, -49.775 ], [ -75.1, -49.749 ], [ -75.164, -49.757 ], [ -75.203, -49.692 ], [ -75.173, -49.675 ], [ -75.234, -49.665 ], [ -75.114, -49.647 ], [ -75.206, -49.641 ], [ -75.129, -49.582 ], [ -75.224, -49.639 ], [ -75.202, -49.616 ], [ -75.277, -49.611 ], [ -75.125, -49.508 ], [ -75.234, -49.562 ], [ -75.288, -49.541 ], [ -75.173, -49.486 ], [ -75.216, -49.485 ], [ -75.198, -49.444 ], [ -75.302, -49.521 ], [ -75.33, -49.476 ], [ -75.282, -49.428 ], [ -75.378, -49.495 ], [ -75.299, -49.388 ], [ -75.398, -49.448 ], [ -75.445, -49.279 ], [ -75.319, -49.266 ], [ -75.412, -49.334 ], [ -75.32, -49.286 ], [ -75.242, -49.407 ], [ -75.109, -49.483 ], [ -75.186, -49.422 ], [ -74.943, -49.407 ], [ -75.196, -49.415 ], [ -75.126, -49.397 ], [ -75.232, -49.38 ], [ -75.269, -49.323 ], [ -75.187, -49.33 ], [ -75.275, -49.313 ], [ -75.301, -49.27 ], [ -75.241, -49.276 ], [ -75.303, -49.256 ], [ -75.226, -49.237 ], [ -75.219, -49.191 ], [ -74.972, -49.294 ], [ -75.076, -49.181 ], [ -74.981, -49.182 ], [ -75.208, -49.172 ], [ -75.093, -49.14 ], [ -75.127, -49.111 ], [ -75.23, -49.159 ], [ -75.132, -49.032 ], [ -75.052, -49.064 ], [ -75.105, -49.014 ], [ -74.969, -49.088 ], [ -74.969, -49.034 ], [ -75.077, -48.975 ], [ -75.206, -49.005 ], [ -75.247, -48.889 ], [ -75.219, -48.897 ], [ -75.184, -48.846 ], [ -75.263, -48.866 ], [ -75.348, -48.794 ], [ -75.322, -48.771 ], [ -75.092, -48.867 ], [ -75.061, -48.922 ], [ -75.174, -48.909 ], [ -75.155, -48.94 ], [ -74.987, -48.974 ], [ -74.862, -49.091 ], [ -74.916, -49.172 ], [ -74.862, -49.147 ], [ -74.893, -49.297 ], [ -74.855, -49.367 ], [ -74.856, -49.219 ], [ -74.785, -49.231 ], [ -74.855, -49.185 ], [ -74.822, -49.156 ], [ -74.75, -49.193 ], [ -74.819, -49.117 ], [ -74.733, -49.082 ], [ -74.912, -48.995 ], [ -74.816, -48.946 ], [ -74.77, -49.009 ], [ -74.722, -49.021 ], [ -74.789, -48.975 ], [ -74.788, -48.916 ], [ -74.953, -48.969 ], [ -74.889, -48.935 ], [ -74.966, -48.931 ], [ -74.842, -48.88 ], [ -74.998, -48.894 ], [ -74.816, -48.802 ], [ -74.992, -48.867 ], [ -75.037, -48.819 ], [ -75.014, -48.771 ], [ -74.924, -48.807 ], [ -74.915, -48.751 ], [ -74.99, -48.762 ], [ -74.79, -48.67 ], [ -74.773, -48.708 ], [ -74.826, -48.744 ], [ -74.753, -48.819 ], [ -74.776, -48.677 ], [ -74.695, -48.671 ], [ -74.717, -48.636 ], [ -74.8, -48.652 ], [ -74.905, -48.722 ], [ -75.001, -48.741 ], [ -74.994, -48.671 ], [ -74.878, -48.693 ], [ -74.978, -48.657 ], [ -74.99, -48.623 ], [ -74.961, -48.645 ], [ -74.831, -48.644 ], [ -75.007, -48.601 ], [ -75.022, -48.506 ], [ -74.816, -48.402 ], [ -74.818, -48.53 ], [ -74.788, -48.472 ], [ -74.756, -48.56 ], [ -74.706, -48.463 ], [ -74.777, -48.414 ], [ -74.813, -48.307 ], [ -74.735, -48.134 ], [ -74.678, -48.19 ], [ -74.736, -48.208 ], [ -74.697, -48.221 ], [ -74.714, -48.273 ], [ -74.653, -48.251 ], [ -74.672, -48.301 ], [ -74.586, -48.398 ], [ -74.684, -48.426 ], [ -74.595, -48.476 ], [ -74.61, -48.603 ], [ -74.523, -48.641 ], [ -74.519, -48.575 ], [ -74.472, -48.64 ], [ -74.596, -48.711 ], [ -74.628, -48.841 ], [ -74.565, -48.719 ], [ -74.488, -48.699 ], [ -74.486, -48.854 ], [ -74.578, -48.933 ], [ -74.477, -48.872 ], [ -74.42, -48.94 ], [ -74.527, -49.01 ], [ -74.412, -49.013 ], [ -74.409, -48.944 ], [ -74.327, -48.949 ], [ -74.446, -48.884 ], [ -74.365, -48.877 ], [ -74.442, -48.852 ], [ -74.384, -48.724 ], [ -74.221, -48.855 ], [ -74.196, -48.835 ], [ -74.318, -48.751 ], [ -74.195, -48.719 ], [ -74.057, -48.749 ], [ -74.134, -48.707 ], [ -74.29, -48.736 ], [ -74.308, -48.694 ], [ -74.221, -48.657 ], [ -74.355, -48.69 ], [ -74.4, -48.618 ], [ -74.361, -48.577 ], [ -74.225, -48.556 ], [ -74.271, -48.526 ], [ -74.192, -48.483 ], [ -73.967, -48.608 ], [ -74.041, -48.536 ], [ -74.028, -48.452 ], [ -73.881, -48.432 ], [ -74.019, -48.422 ], [ -74.144, -48.362 ], [ -74.241, -48.355 ], [ -73.954, -48.326 ], [ -74.273, -48.344 ], [ -74.239, -48.299 ], [ -74.303, -48.219 ], [ -74.434, -48.191 ], [ -74.513, -48.104 ], [ -74.403, -48.014 ], [ -74.599, -48.102 ], [ -74.646, -48.071 ], [ -74.632, -47.994 ], [ -74.53, -47.942 ], [ -74.332, -48.016 ], [ -74.386, -48.015 ], [ -74.257, -48.16 ], [ -74.261, -48.266 ], [ -74.238, -48.197 ], [ -74.187, -48.252 ], [ -74.144, -48.229 ], [ -74.224, -48.192 ], [ -74.297, -48.014 ], [ -74.189, -48.001 ], [ -74.156, -48.085 ], [ -74.179, -48.001 ], [ -74.105, -47.984 ], [ -74.041, -48.05 ], [ -73.898, -48.035 ], [ -73.872, -48.124 ], [ -73.762, -48.04 ], [ -73.805, -48.117 ], [ -73.789, -48.162 ], [ -73.743, -48.1 ], [ -73.593, -48.151 ], [ -73.639, -48.266 ], [ -73.584, -48.214 ], [ -73.529, -48.254 ], [ -73.487, -48.185 ], [ -73.4, -48.22 ], [ -73.275, -48.161 ], [ -73.263, -48.035 ], [ -73.293, -48.144 ], [ -73.364, -48.19 ], [ -73.589, -48.04 ], [ -73.525, -48.001 ], [ -73.639, -48.012 ], [ -73.647, -47.888 ], [ -73.541, -47.885 ], [ -73.607, -47.841 ], [ -73.585, -47.807 ], [ -73.711, -47.775 ], [ -73.73, -47.696 ], [ -73.671, -47.644 ], [ -73.723, -47.566 ], [ -73.748, -47.784 ], [ -73.924, -47.842 ], [ -74.034, -47.791 ], [ -74.361, -47.788 ], [ -74.381, -47.74 ], [ -74.515, -47.787 ], [ -74.717, -47.728 ], [ -74.633, -47.584 ], [ -74.535, -47.521 ], [ -74.401, -47.55 ], [ -74.431, -47.676 ], [ -74.144, -47.602 ], [ -74.316, -47.591 ], [ -74.452, -47.482 ], [ -74.428, -47.426 ], [ -74.478, -47.468 ], [ -74.515, -47.42 ], [ -74.304, -47.203 ], [ -74.138, -47.213 ], [ -74.03, -47.164 ], [ -74.051, -47.13 ], [ -74.121, -47.177 ], [ -74.223, -47.153 ], [ -74.179, -47.014 ], [ -73.999, -46.974 ], [ -74.103, -46.99 ], [ -74.309, -46.802 ], [ -74.233, -46.811 ], [ -74.267, -46.756 ], [ -74.641, -46.804 ], [ -74.419, -46.859 ], [ -74.434, -46.887 ], [ -74.369, -46.866 ], [ -74.387, -46.903 ], [ -74.672, -46.885 ], [ -74.79, -46.789 ], [ -74.834, -46.817 ], [ -74.983, -46.76 ], [ -75.051, -46.687 ], [ -75.069, -46.618 ], [ -74.937, -46.513 ], [ -74.974, -46.5 ], [ -75.181, -46.627 ], [ -75.325, -46.618 ], [ -75.361, -46.66 ], [ -75.394, -46.61 ], [ -75.516, -46.655 ], [ -75.536, -46.687 ], [ -75.482, -46.716 ], [ -75.364, -46.714 ], [ -75.419, -46.744 ], [ -75.303, -46.855 ], [ -75.368, -46.928 ], [ -75.55, -46.94 ], [ -75.633, -46.808 ], [ -75.687, -46.801 ], [ -75.691, -46.718 ], [ -75.623, -46.561 ], [ -75.534, -46.578 ], [ -75.486, -46.542 ], [ -75.519, -46.505 ], [ -75.337, -46.483 ], [ -75.364, -46.423 ], [ -75.2, -46.363 ], [ -75.196, -46.298 ], [ -75.133, -46.328 ], [ -75.05, -46.217 ], [ -74.932, -46.239 ], [ -74.89, -46.183 ], [ -74.886, -46.152 ], [ -74.738, -46.185 ], [ -74.79, -46.12 ], [ -74.763, -46.056 ], [ -74.702, -46.046 ], [ -74.703, -45.952 ], [ -74.901, -46.116 ], [ -75.025, -46.12 ], [ -75.073, -46.038 ], [ -74.976, -46.021 ], [ -75.095, -45.892 ], [ -75.033, -45.857 ], [ -74.841, -45.885 ], [ -74.727, -45.818 ], [ -74.512, -45.853 ], [ -74.427, -45.95 ], [ -74.476, -46.028 ], [ -74.434, -46.046 ], [ -74.375, -45.949 ], [ -74.458, -45.867 ], [ -74.447, -45.805 ], [ -74.296, -45.815 ], [ -74.278, -45.878 ], [ -74.23, -45.821 ], [ -74.073, -45.847 ], [ -74.089, -45.82 ], [ -74.045, -45.89 ], [ -74.077, -45.904 ], [ -73.949, -46.079 ], [ -74.031, -46.172 ], [ -73.877, -46.142 ], [ -73.74, -46.242 ], [ -73.779, -46.369 ], [ -73.879, -46.464 ], [ -73.866, -46.535 ], [ -73.89, -46.469 ], [ -73.963, -46.54 ], [ -73.911, -46.602 ], [ -73.835, -46.594 ], [ -73.762, -46.409 ], [ -73.609, -46.319 ], [ -73.492, -46.315 ], [ -73.557, -46.259 ], [ -73.329, -46.022 ], [ -73.404, -46.022 ], [ -73.608, -46.223 ], [ -73.586, -46.263 ], [ -73.682, -46.331 ], [ -73.62, -46.117 ], [ -73.642, -45.981 ], [ -73.534, -45.828 ], [ -73.343, -45.686 ], [ -73.15, -45.674 ], [ -73.344, -45.629 ], [ -73.568, -45.787 ], [ -73.48, -45.447 ], [ -73.207, -45.29 ], [ -72.99, -45.449 ], [ -72.877, -45.473 ], [ -72.797, -45.432 ], [ -72.809, -45.373 ], [ -72.917, -45.421 ], [ -73.012, -45.39 ], [ -73.201, -45.243 ], [ -73.337, -45.291 ], [ -73.446, -45.259 ], [ -73.433, -45.188 ], [ -73.307, -45.173 ], [ -73.421, -45.144 ], [ -73.418, -45.076 ], [ -73.337, -45.161 ], [ -73.282, -45.15 ], [ -73.38, -45.043 ], [ -73.361, -44.957 ], [ -73.1, -44.951 ], [ -72.712, -44.746 ], [ -72.729, -44.678 ], [ -72.668, -44.537 ], [ -72.573, -44.503 ], [ -72.602, -44.384 ], [ -72.68, -44.503 ], [ -72.723, -44.498 ], [ -72.817, -44.383 ], [ -72.92, -44.375 ], [ -72.917, -44.317 ], [ -73.187, -44.25 ], [ -73.135, -44.198 ], [ -73.289, -44.165 ], [ -73.275, -44.11 ], [ -73.212, -44.125 ], [ -73.2, -44.057 ], [ -73.092, -44.091 ], [ -73.133, -44.015 ], [ -73.042, -43.921 ], [ -73.067, -43.862 ], [ -72.943, -43.759 ], [ -73.054, -43.735 ], [ -72.881, -43.618 ], [ -72.891, -43.584 ], [ -72.998, -43.595 ], [ -73.094, -43.445 ], [ -73.051, -43.397 ], [ -73.066, -43.317 ], [ -72.876, -43.243 ], [ -72.915, -43.134 ], [ -72.857, -43.026 ], [ -72.744, -43.052 ], [ -72.809, -42.938 ], [ -72.707, -42.943 ], [ -72.856, -42.777 ], [ -72.798, -42.684 ], [ -72.86, -42.676 ], [ -72.821, -42.53 ], [ -72.527, -42.562 ], [ -72.626, -42.521 ], [ -72.84, -42.303 ], [ -72.587, -42.194 ], [ -72.516, -42.25 ], [ -72.446, -42.478 ], [ -72.394, -42.492 ], [ -72.47, -42.305 ], [ -72.431, -41.976 ], [ -72.494, -41.973 ], [ -72.581, -42.047 ], [ -72.879, -41.914 ], [ -72.653, -41.732 ], [ -72.357, -41.677 ], [ -72.286, -41.508 ], [ -72.339, -41.517 ], [ -72.387, -41.666 ], [ -72.572, -41.717 ], [ -72.649, -41.699 ], [ -72.787, -41.516 ], [ -72.938, -41.478 ], [ -73.089, -41.582 ], [ -73.039, -41.704 ], [ -73.138, -41.766 ], [ -73.189, -41.778 ], [ -73.191, -41.748 ], [ -73.259, -41.715 ], [ -73.259, -41.787 ], [ -73.41, -41.773 ], [ -73.354, -41.811 ], [ -73.759, -41.745 ], [ -73.655, -41.612 ], [ -73.752, -41.563 ], [ -73.796, -41.591 ], [ -73.804, -41.508 ], [ -73.862, -41.467 ], [ -73.835, -41.347 ], [ -73.933, -41.113 ], [ -73.944, -40.977 ], [ -73.847, -40.916 ], [ -73.89, -40.866 ], [ -73.806, -40.717 ], [ -73.838, -40.669 ], [ -73.72, -40.538 ], [ -73.779, -40.464 ], [ -73.731, -40.204 ], [ -73.658, -40.136 ], [ -73.713, -40.007 ], [ -73.466, -39.85 ], [ -73.373, -39.939 ], [ -73.405, -39.694 ], [ -73.254, -39.536 ], [ -73.262, -39.456 ], [ -73.204, -39.452 ], [ -73.239, -39.382 ], [ -73.211, -39.398 ], [ -73.192, -39.387 ], [ -73.233, -39.309 ], [ -73.211, -39.233 ], [ -73.489, -38.659 ], [ -73.533, -38.387 ], [ -73.451, -38.12 ], [ -73.49, -37.966 ], [ -73.666, -37.723 ], [ -73.679, -37.628 ], [ -73.59, -37.463 ], [ -73.683, -37.334 ], [ -73.585, -37.151 ], [ -73.559, -37.198 ], [ -73.448, -37.207 ], [ -73.448, -37.257 ], [ -73.276, -37.237 ], [ -73.155, -37.117 ], [ -73.19, -37.004 ], [ -73.155, -36.846 ], [ -73.217, -36.774 ], [ -73.135, -36.747 ], [ -73.161, -36.71 ], [ -73.114, -36.612 ], [ -73.105, -36.728 ], [ -72.992, -36.731 ], [ -72.961, -36.628 ], [ -73.004, -36.579 ], [ -72.978, -36.525 ], [ -72.935, -36.542 ], [ -72.81, -36.274 ], [ -72.788, -35.974 ], [ -72.567, -35.788 ], [ -72.631, -35.577 ], [ -72.498, -35.461 ], [ -72.496, -35.381 ], [ -72.432, -35.319 ], [ -72.377, -35.352 ], [ -72.385, -35.217 ], [ -72.193, -35.081 ], [ -72.181, -34.9 ], [ -72, -34.491 ], [ -72.054, -34.431 ], [ -71.973, -34.33 ], [ -72.01, -34.124 ], [ -71.853, -33.939 ], [ -71.788, -33.774 ], [ -71.645, -33.691 ], [ -71.601, -33.539 ], [ -71.709, -33.43 ], [ -71.655, -33.305 ], [ -71.757, -33.102 ], [ -71.681, -33.101 ], [ -71.661, -33.024 ], [ -71.563, -33.006 ], [ -71.567, -32.935 ], [ -71.524, -32.918 ], [ -71.557, -32.791 ], [ -71.452, -32.679 ], [ -71.487, -32.526 ], [ -71.41, -32.396 ], [ -71.544, -32.188 ], [ -71.495, -31.972 ], [ -71.502, -31.875 ], [ -71.559, -31.845 ], [ -71.508, -31.77 ], [ -71.671, -31.149 ], [ -71.648, -31.007 ], [ -71.716, -30.599 ], [ -71.649, -30.266 ], [ -71.626, -30.236 ], [ -71.603, -30.295 ], [ -71.525, -30.291 ], [ -71.453, -30.169 ], [ -71.395, -30.184 ], [ -71.371, -30.078 ], [ -71.419, -30.003 ], [ -71.35, -29.979 ], [ -71.348, -29.936 ], [ -71.294, -29.95 ], [ -71.275, -29.889 ], [ -71.344, -29.753 ], [ -71.286, -29.617 ], [ -71.332, -29.552 ], [ -71.309, -29.418 ], [ -71.34, -29.331 ], [ -71.495, -29.198 ], [ -71.466, -29.106 ], [ -71.53, -28.983 ], [ -71.495, -28.856 ], [ -71.301, -28.679 ], [ -71.319, -28.567 ], [ -71.166, -28.354 ], [ -71.201, -28.297 ], [ -71.157, -28.219 ], [ -71.185, -28.111 ], [ -71.038, -27.67 ], [ -71.003, -27.69 ], [ -70.905, -27.624 ], [ -70.889, -27.479 ], [ -70.961, -27.37 ], [ -70.928, -27.312 ], [ -70.97, -27.169 ], [ -70.931, -27.112 ], [ -70.874, -27.138 ], [ -70.811, -27.055 ], [ -70.828, -26.876 ], [ -70.688, -26.577 ], [ -70.697, -26.39 ], [ -70.628, -26.337 ], [ -70.676, -26.291 ], [ -70.631, -25.991 ], [ -70.736, -25.817 ], [ -70.686, -25.665 ], [ -70.64, -25.646 ], [ -70.65, -25.536 ], [ -70.539, -25.481 ], [ -70.522, -25.397 ], [ -70.45, -25.363 ], [ -70.441, -25.192 ], [ -70.508, -25.11 ], [ -70.471, -24.995 ], [ -70.58, -24.716 ], [ -70.579, -24.545 ], [ -70.499, -24.167 ], [ -70.515, -23.861 ], [ -70.391, -23.612 ], [ -70.404, -23.532 ], [ -70.479, -23.466 ], [ -70.547, -23.534 ], [ -70.624, -23.514 ], [ -70.598, -23.244 ], [ -70.557, -23.181 ], [ -70.579, -23.083 ], [ -70.509, -23.021 ], [ -70.479, -23.098 ], [ -70.408, -23.085 ], [ -70.287, -22.911 ], [ -70.31, -22.761 ], [ -70.237, -22.49 ], [ -70.191, -21.899 ], [ -70.145, -21.849 ], [ -70.147, -21.633 ], [ -70.095, -21.593 ], [ -70.056, -21.434 ], [ -70.083, -21.23 ], [ -70.178, -21.023 ], [ -70.137, -20.89 ], [ -70.208, -20.812 ], [ -70.123, -19.994 ], [ -70.169, -19.656 ], [ -70.235, -19.602 ], [ -70.2, -19.503 ], [ -70.285, -19.306 ], [ -70.268, -19.143 ], [ -70.36, -18.796 ], [ -70.303, -18.446 ], [ -70.374, -18.35 ], [ -69.948, -18.248 ], [ -69.753, -17.982 ], [ -69.819, -17.747 ], [ -69.799, -17.65 ], [ -69.662, -17.658 ], [ -69.463, -17.508 ], [ -69.461, -17.606 ], [ -69.308, -17.801 ], [ -69.296, -17.95 ], [ -69.069, -18.067 ], [ -69.139, -18.157 ], [ -69.036, -18.324 ], [ -68.978, -18.75 ], [ -68.909, -18.876 ], [ -68.957, -18.941 ], [ -68.884, -19.045 ], [ -68.407, -19.408 ], [ -68.691, -19.739 ], [ -68.53, -19.843 ], [ -68.524, -19.927 ], [ -68.56, -20.045 ], [ -68.78, -20.082 ], [ -68.705, -20.142 ], [ -68.663, -20.324 ], [ -68.756, -20.392 ], [ -68.678, -20.498 ], [ -68.439, -20.632 ], [ -68.549, -20.726 ], [ -68.547, -20.88 ], [ -68.515, -20.933 ], [ -68.401, -20.938 ], [ -68.172, -21.297 ], [ -68.177, -21.6 ], [ -68.057, -21.763 ], [ -68.064, -21.976 ], [ -67.943, -22.091 ], [ -67.946, -22.321 ], [ -67.848, -22.546 ], [ -67.875, -22.826 ], [ -67.572, -22.896 ], [ -67.178, -22.806 ], [ -66.988, -22.992 ], [ -67.338, -24.034 ], [ -68.214, -24.38 ], [ -68.317, -24.484 ], [ -68.391, -24.474 ], [ -68.567, -24.748 ], [ -68.572, -24.834 ], [ -68.337, -25.072 ], [ -68.505, -25.134 ], [ -68.551, -25.228 ], [ -68.533, -25.329 ], [ -68.598, -25.399 ], [ -68.487, -25.657 ], [ -68.39, -26.19 ], [ -68.57, -26.307 ], [ -68.588, -26.509 ], [ -68.272, -26.917 ], [ -68.327, -27.047 ], [ -68.481, -27.064 ], [ -68.544, -27.188 ], [ -68.684, -27.083 ], [ -68.797, -27.133 ], [ -68.849, -27.204 ], [ -68.82, -27.291 ], [ -69.062, -27.642 ], [ -69.104, -27.889 ], [ -69.242, -27.996 ], [ -69.37, -28.201 ], [ -69.437, -28.172 ], [ -69.482, -28.312 ], [ -69.632, -28.378 ], [ -69.634, -28.52 ], [ -69.706, -28.683 ], [ -69.672, -28.773 ], [ -69.766, -28.892 ], [ -69.785, -29.109 ], [ -69.95, -29.169 ], [ -70.018, -29.325 ], [ -69.882, -29.692 ], [ -69.94, -30.09 ], [ -69.827, -30.123 ], [ -69.807, -30.187 ], [ -69.975, -30.398 ], [ -70.154, -30.349 ], [ -70.129, -30.457 ], [ -70.305, -30.891 ], [ -70.267, -31.024 ], [ -70.391, -31.171 ], [ -70.445, -31.09 ], [ -70.511, -31.163 ], [ -70.553, -31.56 ], [ -70.465, -31.701 ], [ -70.44, -31.848 ], [ -70.268, -31.896 ], [ -70.202, -31.97 ], [ -70.278, -32.044 ], [ -70.386, -32.051 ], [ -70.299, -32.145 ], [ -70.318, -32.267 ], [ -70.224, -32.332 ], [ -70.234, -32.432 ], [ -70.142, -32.484 ], [ -70.146, -32.731 ], [ -69.997, -32.902 ], [ -70.093, -33.042 ], [ -70.025, -33.314 ], [ -69.964, -33.321 ], [ -69.888, -33.222 ], [ -69.747, -33.408 ], [ -69.865, -33.547 ], [ -69.885, -33.68 ], [ -69.89, -33.829 ], [ -69.83, -33.99 ], [ -69.876, -34.126 ], [ -69.815, -34.224 ], [ -69.914, -34.297 ], [ -69.976, -34.253 ], [ -70.042, -34.287 ], [ -70.011, -34.402 ], [ -70.134, -34.495 ], [ -70.226, -34.678 ], [ -70.315, -34.749 ], [ -70.262, -34.804 ], [ -70.37, -35.031 ], [ -70.363, -35.142 ], [ -70.426, -35.196 ], [ -70.548, -35.206 ], [ -70.578, -35.258 ], [ -70.424, -35.343 ], [ -70.401, -35.648 ], [ -70.326, -35.811 ], [ -70.423, -35.91 ], [ -70.381, -35.923 ], [ -70.372, -36.027 ], [ -70.419, -36.145 ], [ -70.471, -36.171 ], [ -70.577, -36.13 ], [ -70.699, -36.255 ], [ -70.694, -36.407 ], [ -70.886, -36.383 ], [ -70.936, -36.473 ], [ -71.034, -36.465 ], [ -71.024, -36.664 ], [ -71.066, -36.695 ], [ -71.112, -36.659 ], [ -71.17, -36.839 ], [ -71.102, -36.95 ], [ -71.203, -36.975 ], [ -71.092, -37.103 ], [ -71.213, -37.298 ], [ -71.116, -37.472 ], [ -71.129, -37.581 ], [ -71.202, -37.672 ], [ -71.136, -37.819 ], [ -71.191, -37.864 ], [ -71.125, -37.894 ], [ -70.999, -38.094 ], [ -71.043, -38.133 ], [ -71.002, -38.41 ], [ -70.833, -38.573 ], [ -70.948, -38.745 ], [ -71.241, -38.806 ], [ -71.428, -38.93 ], [ -71.386, -39.284 ], [ -71.472, -39.402 ], [ -71.467, -39.484 ], [ -71.533, -39.522 ], [ -71.481, -39.59 ], [ -71.606, -39.627 ], [ -71.688, -39.571 ], [ -71.716, -39.63 ], [ -71.689, -39.841 ], [ -71.59, -39.903 ], [ -71.684, -40.026 ], [ -71.671, -40.104 ], [ -71.816, -40.088 ], [ -71.831, -40.222 ], [ -71.749, -40.307 ], [ -71.681, -40.3 ], [ -71.654, -40.369 ], [ -71.719, -40.438 ], [ -71.805, -40.412 ], [ -71.85, -40.56 ], [ -71.883, -40.558 ], [ -71.833, -40.633 ], [ -71.947, -40.74 ], [ -71.858, -40.913 ], [ -71.894, -40.978 ], [ -71.828, -41.061 ], [ -71.843, -41.167 ], [ -71.879, -41.171 ], [ -71.842, -41.256 ], [ -71.906, -41.361 ], [ -71.819, -41.571 ], [ -71.855, -41.608 ], [ -71.826, -41.707 ], [ -71.746, -41.821 ], [ -71.728, -42.115 ], [ -71.919, -42.187 ], [ -72.028, -42.141 ], [ -72.125, -42.307 ], [ -72.05, -42.378 ], [ -72.029, -42.494 ], [ -72.134, -42.6 ], [ -72.11, -42.915 ], [ -71.979, -43.086 ], [ -71.74, -43.171 ], [ -71.729, -43.211 ], [ -71.734, -43.317 ], [ -71.891, -43.328 ], [ -71.933, -43.457 ], [ -71.846, -43.485 ], [ -71.86, -43.552 ], [ -71.775, -43.545 ], [ -71.693, -43.63 ], [ -71.583, -43.66 ], [ -71.755, -43.81 ], [ -71.658, -43.938 ], [ -71.755, -44.067 ], [ -71.844, -44.105 ], [ -71.79, -44.212 ], [ -71.837, -44.376 ], [ -71.224, -44.425 ], [ -71.11, -44.523 ], [ -71.131, -44.58 ], [ -71.209, -44.606 ], [ -71.219, -44.739 ], [ -71.303, -44.808 ], [ -71.475, -44.736 ], [ -71.632, -44.785 ], [ -72.07, -44.768 ], [ -72.047, -44.901 ], [ -71.56, -44.98 ], [ -71.297, -45.293 ], [ -71.505, -45.399 ], [ -71.46, -45.466 ], [ -71.483, -45.508 ], [ -71.758, -45.562 ], [ -71.722, -45.582 ], [ -71.773, -45.712 ], [ -71.747, -45.835 ], [ -71.63, -45.888 ], [ -71.598, -45.975 ], [ -71.757, -46.111 ], [ -71.892, -46.148 ], [ -71.763, -46.2 ], [ -71.646, -46.683 ], [ -71.931, -46.811 ], [ -71.913, -47.013 ], [ -71.985, -47.075 ], [ -71.854, -47.138 ], [ -71.86, -47.231 ], [ -72.022, -47.206 ], [ -72.019, -47.284 ], [ -72.146, -47.411 ], [ -72.336, -47.464 ], [ -72.288, -47.504 ], [ -72.281, -47.615 ], [ -72.391, -47.651 ], [ -72.429, -47.758 ], [ -72.499, -47.732 ], [ -72.452, -47.8 ], [ -72.52, -47.925 ], [ -72.334, -48.074 ], [ -72.281, -48.338 ], [ -72.379, -48.368 ], [ -72.355, -48.393 ], [ -72.425, -48.421 ], [ -72.391, -48.45 ], [ -72.451, -48.491 ], [ -72.598, -48.483 ], [ -72.55, -48.791 ], [ -72.736, -48.918 ], [ -72.928, -48.946 ], [ -73.093, -49.134 ], [ -73.493, -49.18 ], [ -73.45, -49.377 ], [ -73.523, -49.448 ], [ -73.501, -49.513 ], [ -73.583, -49.524 ], [ -73.495, -49.632 ], [ -73.53, -49.693 ], [ -73.452, -49.732 ], [ -73.434, -49.81 ], [ -73.545, -49.924 ], [ -73.497, -50.047 ], [ -73.541, -50.078 ], [ -73.576, -50.261 ], [ -73.438, -50.431 ], [ -73.119, -50.683 ], [ -73.171, -50.735 ], [ -73.133, -50.775 ], [ -72.738, -50.616 ], [ -72.602, -50.676 ], [ -72.474, -50.603 ], [ -72.278, -50.655 ], [ -72.327, -50.745 ], [ -72.231, -50.855 ], [ -72.25, -51.025 ], [ -72.342, -51.045 ], [ -72.402, -51.119 ], [ -72.26, -51.254 ], [ -72.321, -51.304 ], [ -72.35, -51.486 ], [ -72.438, -51.569 ], [ -72.342, -51.598 ], [ -72.293, -51.699 ], [ -72.148, -51.738 ], [ -71.955, -51.868 ], [ -72.002, -51.975 ], [ -70.019, -51.998 ], [ -69.484, -52.147 ], [ -69.203, -52.152 ], [ -68.824, -52.278 ], [ -68.427, -52.335 ], [ -68.424, -52.379 ], [ -68.497, -52.336 ], [ -69, -52.283 ], [ -69.204, -52.197 ], [ -69.447, -52.264 ], [ -69.489, -52.392 ], [ -69.573, -52.424 ], [ -69.544, -52.466 ], [ -69.668, -52.544 ], [ -69.852, -52.49 ], [ -70.16, -52.588 ], [ -70.216, -52.659 ], [ -70.324, -52.64 ], [ -70.551, -52.726 ], [ -70.519, -52.656 ], [ -70.724, -52.745 ], [ -70.747, -52.712 ], [ -70.805, -52.757 ], [ -70.875, -52.736 ], [ -70.738, -52.789 ], [ -70.831, -52.82 ], [ -70.852, -52.908 ], [ -70.898, -52.916 ], [ -70.792, -52.939 ], [ -70.836, -52.962 ], [ -70.864, -53.13 ], [ -70.932, -53.173 ], [ -70.932, -53.311 ], [ -70.983, -53.382 ], [ -70.907, -53.627 ], [ -70.939, -53.624 ], [ -70.962, -53.789 ], [ -71.289, -53.903 ], [ -71.721, -53.8 ], [ -71.902, -53.715 ], [ -71.867, -53.69 ], [ -71.929, -53.729 ], [ -72.095, -53.699 ], [ -72.401, -53.5 ], [ -72.473, -53.399 ], [ -72.411, -53.362 ], [ -72.436, -53.316 ], [ -72.314, -53.249 ], [ -72.131, -53.242 ], [ -72.108, -53.384 ], [ -72.283, -53.425 ], [ -72.211, -53.449 ], [ -72.012, -53.379 ], [ -72.034, -53.239 ], [ -71.869, -53.223 ], [ -71.758, -53.437 ], [ -71.904, -53.527 ], [ -72.067, -53.548 ], [ -71.946, -53.569 ], [ -71.776, -53.512 ], [ -71.74, -53.447 ], [ -71.773, -53.314 ], [ -71.736, -53.316 ], [ -71.73, -53.21 ], [ -71.35, -53.113 ], [ -71.125, -52.865 ], [ -71.181, -52.816 ], [ -71.379, -52.798 ], [ -71.396, -52.716 ], [ -71.558, -52.561 ], [ -72.335, -52.524 ], [ -72.455, -52.615 ], [ -72.413, -52.621 ], [ -72.438, -52.67 ], [ -72.57, -52.593 ], [ -72.397, -52.548 ], [ -72.408, -52.495 ], [ -72.583, -52.578 ], [ -72.655, -52.553 ], [ -72.618, -52.514 ], [ -72.776, -52.561 ], [ -72.878, -52.523 ], [ -72.869, -52.558 ], [ -72.913, -52.57 ], [ -72.875, -52.584 ], [ -72.941, -52.58 ], [ -72.892, -52.605 ], [ -73.012, -52.745 ], [ -72.829, -52.598 ], [ -72.682, -52.668 ], [ -72.892, -52.81 ], [ -72.964, -52.766 ], [ -72.943, -52.804 ], [ -73.056, -52.851 ], [ -72.957, -52.902 ], [ -72.993, -52.972 ], [ -72.955, -53.025 ], [ -73.006, -53.073 ], [ -73.055, -53.033 ], [ -73.037, -53.07 ], [ -73.147, -53.105 ], [ -73.189, -53.042 ], [ -73.145, -53.018 ], [ -73.207, -53.014 ], [ -73.228, -53.052 ], [ -73.172, -53.089 ], [ -73.245, -53.098 ], [ -73.448, -53.013 ], [ -73.323, -53.003 ], [ -73.402, -52.972 ], [ -73.256, -52.972 ], [ -73.288, -52.944 ], [ -73.183, -52.897 ], [ -73.293, -52.929 ], [ -73.326, -52.894 ], [ -73.402, -52.97 ], [ -73.499, -52.941 ], [ -73.415, -52.93 ], [ -73.522, -52.888 ], [ -73.802, -52.923 ], [ -73.729, -52.903 ], [ -73.75, -52.864 ], [ -73.589, -52.868 ], [ -73.605, -52.829 ], [ -73.352, -52.906 ], [ -73.582, -52.809 ], [ -73.453, -52.809 ], [ -73.48, -52.836 ], [ -73.421, -52.805 ], [ -73.467, -52.77 ], [ -73.394, -52.794 ], [ -73.407, -52.837 ], [ -73.239, -52.805 ], [ -73.265, -52.754 ], [ -73.317, -52.777 ], [ -73.311, -52.713 ], [ -73.289, -52.748 ], [ -73.246, -52.665 ], [ -73.131, -52.661 ], [ -73.168, -52.631 ], [ -73.149, -52.566 ], [ -72.995, -52.58 ], [ -73.142, -52.558 ], [ -73.082, -52.51 ], [ -73.161, -52.499 ], [ -73.224, -52.409 ], [ -73.203, -52.493 ], [ -73.289, -52.501 ], [ -73.205, -52.508 ], [ -73.162, -52.583 ], [ -73.271, -52.688 ], [ -73.327, -52.693 ], [ -73.355, -52.645 ], [ -73.311, -52.601 ], [ -73.353, -52.626 ], [ -73.424, -52.553 ], [ -73.375, -52.646 ], [ -73.659, -52.721 ], [ -73.607, -52.747 ], [ -73.626, -52.777 ], [ -73.677, -52.721 ], [ -73.736, -52.745 ], [ -73.574, -52.654 ], [ -73.688, -52.624 ], [ -73.594, -52.579 ], [ -73.637, -52.547 ], [ -73.551, -52.577 ], [ -73.62, -52.514 ], [ -73.494, -52.493 ], [ -73.559, -52.477 ], [ -73.533, -52.421 ], [ -73.598, -52.471 ], [ -73.675, -52.433 ], [ -73.673, -52.395 ], [ -73.587, -52.389 ], [ -73.61, -52.344 ], [ -73.573, -52.339 ], [ -73.656, -52.283 ], [ -73.591, -52.225 ], [ -73.741, -52.103 ], [ -73.682, -52.254 ], [ -73.854, -52.115 ], [ -74.103, -52.023 ], [ -73.974, -52.039 ], [ -74.096, -51.987 ], [ -74.103, -51.95 ], [ -74.061, -51.965 ], [ -74.102, -51.918 ], [ -73.991, -51.933 ], [ -74.007, -51.995 ], [ -73.964, -51.945 ], [ -73.756, -52.083 ], [ -73.715, -52.037 ], [ -73.561, -52.217 ], [ -73.5, -52.189 ], [ -73.558, -52.155 ], [ -73.469, -52.151 ], [ -73.347, -52.253 ], [ -73.252, -52.223 ], [ -73.245, -52.124 ], [ -73.168, -52.153 ], [ -73.036, -52.078 ], [ -73.111, -52.083 ], [ -73.084, -51.959 ], [ -72.909, -51.911 ], [ -72.882, -51.881 ], [ -73.033, -52.078 ], [ -72.995, -52.078 ], [ -72.995, -52.151 ], [ -73.082, -52.159 ], [ -73.121, -52.25 ], [ -73.08, -52.268 ], [ -73.066, -52.214 ], [ -72.991, -52.201 ], [ -72.936, -52.237 ], [ -72.957, -52.267 ], [ -72.871, -52.281 ], [ -72.898, -52.263 ], [ -72.846, -52.242 ], [ -72.812, -52.096 ], [ -72.741, -52.087 ], [ -72.776, -52.053 ], [ -72.841, -52.095 ], [ -72.898, -52.223 ], [ -72.959, -52.199 ], [ -72.96, -52.06 ], [ -72.936, -52.038 ], [ -72.908, -52.09 ], [ -72.9, -51.992 ], [ -72.776, -51.963 ], [ -72.725, -52.08 ], [ -72.664, -52.136 ], [ -72.621, -52.118 ], [ -72.54, -52.218 ], [ -72.62, -52.366 ], [ -72.715, -52.334 ], [ -72.782, -52.408 ], [ -72.853, -52.388 ], [ -72.833, -52.421 ], [ -72.978, -52.462 ], [ -72.739, -52.418 ], [ -72.625, -52.443 ], [ -72.671, -52.416 ], [ -72.557, -52.475 ], [ -72.514, -52.437 ], [ -72.671, -52.4 ], [ -72.524, -52.347 ], [ -72.476, -52.213 ], [ -72.658, -52.064 ], [ -72.666, -51.976 ], [ -72.629, -51.918 ], [ -72.571, -51.984 ], [ -72.582, -51.932 ], [ -72.45, -51.917 ], [ -72.519, -51.844 ], [ -72.463, -51.786 ], [ -72.556, -51.698 ], [ -72.653, -51.669 ], [ -72.651, -51.635 ], [ -72.697, -51.578 ], [ -72.679, -51.652 ], [ -72.718, -51.578 ], [ -73.087, -51.482 ], [ -73.07, -51.402 ], [ -73.084, -51.366 ], [ -73.129, -51.326 ], [ -73.113, -51.265 ], [ -73.021, -51.246 ], [ -73.086, -51.241 ], [ -73.129, -51.264 ], [ -73.141, -51.327 ], [ -73.097, -51.424 ], [ -73.269, -51.501 ], [ -73.058, -51.513 ], [ -73.04, -51.547 ], [ -73.114, -51.619 ], [ -72.991, -51.535 ], [ -72.77, -51.611 ], [ -72.691, -51.708 ], [ -72.535, -51.748 ], [ -72.617, -51.828 ], [ -72.734, -51.855 ], [ -72.817, -51.776 ], [ -72.966, -51.785 ], [ -73.05, -51.701 ], [ -73.196, -51.694 ], [ -73.201, -51.618 ], [ -73.236, -51.638 ], [ -73.297, -51.586 ], [ -73.223, -51.661 ], [ -73.288, -51.7 ], [ -73.089, -51.717 ], [ -72.997, -51.8 ], [ -73.083, -51.758 ], [ -73.171, -51.786 ], [ -73.074, -51.769 ], [ -73.042, -51.834 ], [ -73.219, -51.904 ], [ -73.093, -51.893 ], [ -72.988, -51.817 ], [ -72.917, -51.872 ], [ -73.136, -51.952 ], [ -73.163, -52.116 ], [ -73.242, -52.108 ], [ -73.271, -51.895 ], [ -73.343, -51.705 ], [ -73.4, -51.647 ], [ -73.287, -51.981 ], [ -73.273, -52.18 ], [ -73.407, -52.149 ], [ -73.593, -52.023 ], [ -73.601, -51.944 ], [ -73.563, -51.945 ], [ -73.652, -51.853 ], [ -73.598, -51.821 ], [ -73.507, -51.937 ], [ -73.534, -51.963 ], [ -73.456, -51.989 ], [ -73.42, -52.06 ], [ -73.388, -52.052 ], [ -73.478, -51.916 ], [ -73.425, -51.915 ], [ -73.529, -51.858 ], [ -73.514, -51.803 ], [ -73.601, -51.759 ], [ -73.64, -51.792 ], [ -73.623, -51.76 ], [ -73.566, -51.743 ], [ -73.56, -51.769 ], [ -73.499, -51.705 ], [ -73.621, -51.734 ], [ -73.628, -51.661 ], [ -73.69, -51.798 ], [ -73.777, -51.72 ], [ -73.749, -51.774 ], [ -73.797, -51.817 ], [ -73.94, -51.683 ], [ -73.935, -51.649 ], [ -73.832, -51.683 ], [ -73.839, -51.764 ], [ -73.792, -51.736 ], [ -73.813, -51.686 ], [ -73.701, -51.631 ], [ -73.927, -51.63 ], [ -73.917, -51.582 ], [ -73.837, -51.596 ], [ -73.864, -51.557 ], [ -73.791, -51.552 ], [ -73.91, -51.559 ], [ -73.903, -51.515 ], [ -73.971, -51.496 ], [ -73.915, -51.468 ], [ -73.947, -51.449 ], [ -73.915, -51.419 ], [ -73.966, -51.424 ], [ -73.893, -51.372 ], [ -73.723, -51.472 ], [ -73.653, -51.622 ], [ -73.585, -51.622 ], [ -73.614, -51.604 ], [ -73.69, -51.489 ], [ -73.652, -51.54 ], [ -73.586, -51.556 ], [ -73.649, -51.472 ], [ -73.57, -51.458 ], [ -73.684, -51.443 ], [ -73.719, -51.339 ], [ -73.727, -51.373 ], [ -73.847, -51.365 ], [ -73.861, -51.336 ], [ -73.782, -51.311 ], [ -73.891, -51.297 ], [ -73.813, -51.248 ], [ -73.736, -51.268 ], [ -73.785, -51.219 ], [ -73.732, -51.194 ], [ -73.677, -51.29 ], [ -73.697, -51.218 ], [ -73.644, -51.2 ], [ -73.707, -51.19 ], [ -73.682, -51.144 ], [ -73.726, -51.17 ], [ -73.816, -51.075 ], [ -73.742, -51.177 ], [ -73.905, -51.266 ], [ -73.999, -51.122 ], [ -74.029, -51.218 ], [ -74.129, -51.199 ], [ -74.164, -51.098 ], [ -74.137, -51.113 ], [ -74.118, -51.103 ], [ -74.094, -51.075 ], [ -74.157, -51.074 ], [ -74.134, -51.038 ], [ -74.045, -51.007 ], [ -74.077, -50.937 ], [ -74.207, -51.063 ], [ -74.154, -51.206 ], [ -74.259, -51.229 ], [ -74.315, -50.976 ], [ -74.273, -50.977 ], [ -74.323, -50.905 ], [ -74.226, -51.023 ], [ -74.202, -50.966 ], [ -74.245, -50.975 ], [ -74.239, -50.934 ], [ -74.191, -50.89 ], [ -73.92, -50.911 ], [ -73.942, -50.882 ], [ -73.9, -50.874 ], [ -73.803, -51.009 ], [ -73.764, -50.992 ], [ -73.776, -50.929 ], [ -73.883, -50.841 ], [ -73.819, -50.8 ], [ -73.732, -50.837 ], [ -73.787, -50.8 ], [ -73.787, -50.694 ], [ -73.63, -50.648 ], [ -73.54, -50.721 ], [ -73.538, -50.677 ], [ -73.382, -50.688 ], [ -73.74, -50.574 ], [ -73.705, -50.516 ], [ -73.627, -50.514 ], [ -73.598, -50.485 ], [ -73.575, -50.392 ], [ -73.644, -50.507 ], [ -73.73, -50.512 ], [ -73.767, -50.541 ], [ -73.817, -50.772 ], [ -73.939, -50.848 ], [ -74.033, -50.857 ], [ -74.076, -50.815 ], [ -74.085, -50.809 ] ], [ [ -74.406, -50.095 ], [ -74.406, -50.095 ], [ -74.406, -50.095 ], [ -74.406, -50.095 ] ], [ [ -74.406, -50.095 ], [ -74.403, -50.111 ], [ -74.383, -50.097 ], [ -74.406, -50.095 ] ], [ [ -74.015, -50.219 ], [ -73.996, -50.219 ], [ -74.011, -50.214 ], [ -74.015, -50.219 ] ], [ [ -73.996, -50.219 ], [ -73.946, -50.236 ], [ -73.946, -50.201 ], [ -73.964, -50.219 ], [ -73.996, -50.219 ] ], [ [ -74.209, -48.156 ], [ -74.204, -48.156 ], [ -74.164, -48.138 ], [ -74.209, -48.156 ] ], [ [ -72.984, -41.498 ], [ -72.953, -41.483 ], [ -72.98, -41.494 ], [ -72.984, -41.498 ] ], [ [ -73.082, -52.51 ], [ -73.05, -52.509 ], [ -73.059, -52.507 ], [ -73.082, -52.51 ] ], [ [ -73.05, -52.509 ], [ -72.936, -52.521 ], [ -72.881, -52.55 ], [ -72.918, -52.503 ], [ -73.05, -52.509 ] ], [ [ -73.499, -51.705 ], [ -73.499, -51.705 ], [ -73.499, -51.705 ], [ -73.499, -51.705 ] ], [ [ -73.499, -51.705 ], [ -73.467, -51.702 ], [ -73.456, -51.685 ], [ -73.499, -51.705 ] ], [ [ -73.721, -51.308 ], [ -73.723, -51.327 ], [ -73.701, -51.296 ], [ -73.727, -51.287 ], [ -73.721, -51.308 ] ], [ [ -74.965, -49.634 ], [ -74.944, -49.628 ], [ -74.991, -49.632 ], [ -74.965, -49.634 ] ], [ [ -74.966, -49.602 ], [ -74.963, -49.588 ], [ -75.083, -49.534 ], [ -74.966, -49.602 ] ], [ [ -74.69, -48.673 ], [ -74.623, -48.697 ], [ -74.645, -48.73 ], [ -74.605, -48.708 ], [ -74.632, -48.683 ], [ -74.69, -48.673 ] ], [ [ -75.215, -49.246 ], [ -75.119, -49.34 ], [ -75.174, -49.337 ], [ -75.104, -49.362 ], [ -75.018, -49.351 ], [ -75.1, -49.347 ], [ -75.13, -49.311 ], [ -75.084, -49.293 ], [ -75.215, -49.246 ] ], [ [ -75.1, -49.268 ], [ -75.034, -49.336 ], [ -75.066, -49.267 ], [ -75.1, -49.268 ] ], [ [ -74.338, -49.432 ], [ -74.321, -49.436 ], [ -74.31, -49.419 ], [ -74.324, -49.411 ], [ -74.338, -49.432 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.826, -51.626 ], [ -74.754, -51.646 ], [ -74.744, -51.717 ], [ -74.789, -51.743 ], [ -74.744, -51.731 ], [ -74.746, -51.816 ], [ -74.855, -51.945 ], [ -74.811, -51.941 ], [ -74.824, -51.971 ], [ -74.873, -51.967 ], [ -74.833, -51.979 ], [ -74.878, -52.079 ], [ -74.957, -52.111 ], [ -74.923, -52.044 ], [ -74.963, -52.107 ], [ -75.014, -52.115 ], [ -74.949, -52.042 ], [ -75.015, -52.069 ], [ -74.967, -52.03 ], [ -75.02, -52.046 ], [ -75.065, -51.995 ], [ -74.957, -51.94 ], [ -75.006, -51.921 ], [ -74.931, -51.796 ], [ -74.886, -51.841 ], [ -74.936, -51.917 ], [ -74.865, -51.864 ], [ -74.858, -51.927 ], [ -74.795, -51.849 ], [ -74.871, -51.778 ], [ -74.796, -51.759 ], [ -74.922, -51.65 ], [ -74.826, -51.626 ] ], [ [ -74.865, -52.001 ], [ -74.865, -52.001 ], [ -74.905, -51.991 ], [ -74.865, -52.001 ] ], [ [ -74.957, -51.94 ], [ -74.929, -51.941 ], [ -74.955, -51.939 ], [ -74.957, -51.94 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.97, -54.014 ], [ -72.76, -54.047 ], [ -72.911, -53.997 ], [ -72.779, -53.981 ], [ -72.881, -53.964 ], [ -72.666, -53.864 ], [ -72.78, -53.886 ], [ -72.737, -53.85 ], [ -72.832, -53.867 ], [ -72.779, -53.832 ], [ -72.818, -53.82 ], [ -73.04, -53.885 ], [ -73.065, -53.806 ], [ -73.117, -53.932 ], [ -73.045, -53.994 ], [ -73.101, -54.044 ], [ -73.199, -53.984 ], [ -73.351, -53.977 ], [ -73.358, -53.94 ], [ -73.275, -53.943 ], [ -73.23, -53.893 ], [ -73.358, -53.844 ], [ -73.257, -53.806 ], [ -73.257, -53.763 ], [ -73.336, -53.736 ], [ -73.252, -53.713 ], [ -73.597, -53.75 ], [ -73.487, -53.663 ], [ -73.633, -53.661 ], [ -73.607, -53.562 ], [ -73.531, -53.596 ], [ -73.415, -53.57 ], [ -73.248, -53.659 ], [ -73.331, -53.602 ], [ -73.276, -53.556 ], [ -73.356, -53.557 ], [ -73.477, -53.447 ], [ -73.298, -53.48 ], [ -73.281, -53.53 ], [ -73.238, -53.478 ], [ -73.075, -53.548 ], [ -73.172, -53.495 ], [ -73.142, -53.458 ], [ -73.209, -53.393 ], [ -73.076, -53.377 ], [ -73.025, -53.492 ], [ -73.032, -53.401 ], [ -72.939, -53.438 ], [ -72.961, -53.542 ], [ -72.893, -53.509 ], [ -72.874, -53.544 ], [ -72.927, -53.555 ], [ -72.877, -53.553 ], [ -72.883, -53.62 ], [ -72.825, -53.582 ], [ -72.874, -53.456 ], [ -72.749, -53.51 ], [ -72.749, -53.587 ], [ -72.684, -53.615 ], [ -72.723, -53.64 ], [ -72.7, -53.679 ], [ -72.653, -53.668 ], [ -72.691, -53.526 ], [ -72.659, -53.568 ], [ -72.458, -53.59 ], [ -72.479, -53.617 ], [ -72.396, -53.649 ], [ -72.508, -53.67 ], [ -72.45, -53.71 ], [ -72.498, -53.746 ], [ -72.441, -53.751 ], [ -72.386, -53.689 ], [ -72.24, -53.733 ], [ -72.333, -53.761 ], [ -72.222, -53.751 ], [ -72.149, -53.798 ], [ -72.283, -53.822 ], [ -72.194, -53.835 ], [ -72.218, -53.867 ], [ -72.433, -53.838 ], [ -72.337, -53.863 ], [ -72.324, -53.929 ], [ -72.451, -53.894 ], [ -72.39, -53.945 ], [ -72.448, -53.967 ], [ -72.331, -54.006 ], [ -72.366, -54.054 ], [ -72.472, -54.052 ], [ -72.472, -53.96 ], [ -72.494, -54.003 ], [ -72.548, -53.986 ], [ -72.548, -54.098 ], [ -72.623, -54.086 ], [ -72.598, -54.02 ], [ -72.659, -54.079 ], [ -72.619, -54.008 ], [ -72.678, -54.083 ], [ -72.746, -54.088 ], [ -72.7, -54.099 ], [ -72.804, -54.088 ], [ -72.856, -54.134 ], [ -72.958, -54.112 ], [ -72.872, -54.111 ], [ -72.917, -54.1 ], [ -72.882, -54.077 ], [ -73.078, -54.076 ], [ -72.862, -54.059 ], [ -73.004, -54.027 ], [ -72.97, -54.014 ] ], [ [ -72.862, -54.059 ], [ -72.775, -54.079 ], [ -72.858, -54.06 ], [ -72.862, -54.059 ] ] ], [ [ [ -67.278, -55.932 ], [ -67.205, -55.98 ], [ -67.298, -55.979 ], [ -67.323, -55.936 ], [ -67.278, -55.932 ] ] ], [ [ [ -67.029, -55.933 ], [ -67.043, -55.919 ], [ -67.016, -55.931 ], [ -67.029, -55.933 ] ] ], [ [ [ -66.781, -55.825 ], [ -66.807, -55.821 ], [ -66.773, -55.816 ], [ -66.781, -55.825 ] ] ], [ [ [ -67.414, -55.903 ], [ -67.435, -55.875 ], [ -67.404, -55.883 ], [ -67.414, -55.903 ] ] ], [ [ [ -67.056, -55.834 ], [ -67.097, -55.856 ], [ -67.051, -55.926 ], [ -67.155, -55.881 ], [ -67.056, -55.834 ] ] ], [ [ [ -67.292, -55.823 ], [ -67.189, -55.867 ], [ -67.179, -55.901 ], [ -67.392, -55.837 ], [ -67.292, -55.823 ] ] ], [ [ [ -67.55, -55.814 ], [ -67.479, -55.83 ], [ -67.595, -55.914 ], [ -67.596, -55.853 ], [ -67.756, -55.886 ], [ -67.843, -55.834 ], [ -67.536, -55.842 ], [ -67.55, -55.814 ] ] ], [ [ [ -67.435, -55.821 ], [ -67.439, -55.85 ], [ -67.454, -55.851 ], [ -67.464, -55.822 ], [ -67.435, -55.821 ] ] ], [ [ [ -67.134, -55.779 ], [ -67.19, -55.821 ], [ -67.238, -55.811 ], [ -67.183, -55.774 ], [ -67.134, -55.779 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.95, -55.362 ], [ -69.963, -55.351 ], [ -69.925, -55.348 ], [ -69.95, -55.362 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.76, -55.349 ], [ -69.667, -55.365 ], [ -69.645, -55.395 ], [ -69.795, -55.42 ], [ -69.76, -55.349 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.84, -55.334 ], [ -69.803, -55.339 ], [ -69.804, -55.355 ], [ -69.868, -55.325 ], [ -69.84, -55.334 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.897, -55.363 ], [ -69.921, -55.317 ], [ -69.893, -55.345 ], [ -69.897, -55.363 ] ] ], [ [ [ -66.579, -55.29 ], [ -66.637, -55.278 ], [ -66.62, -55.198 ], [ -66.418, -55.191 ], [ -66.499, -55.277 ], [ -66.579, -55.29 ] ] ], [ [ [ -66.766, -55.333 ], [ -66.782, -55.305 ], [ -66.762, -55.306 ], [ -66.766, -55.333 ] ] ], [ [ [ -66.674, -55.285 ], [ -66.685, -55.276 ], [ -66.662, -55.266 ], [ -66.674, -55.285 ] ] ], [ [ [ -67.003, -55.352 ], [ -67.059, -55.274 ], [ -66.943, -55.222 ], [ -66.842, -55.239 ], [ -66.842, -55.328 ], [ -67.003, -55.352 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.954, -55.296 ], [ -69.931, -55.32 ], [ -69.977, -55.323 ], [ -69.94, -55.334 ], [ -70.011, -55.365 ], [ -70.125, -55.327 ], [ -69.954, -55.296 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.13, -55.258 ], [ -70.036, -55.282 ], [ -70.189, -55.261 ], [ -70.13, -55.258 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.146, -55.274 ], [ -69.158, -55.268 ], [ -69.134, -55.264 ], [ -69.146, -55.274 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.249, -55.278 ], [ -69.207, -55.294 ], [ -69.42, -55.271 ], [ -69.3, -55.244 ], [ -69.249, -55.278 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.015, -55.296 ], [ -68.994, -55.289 ], [ -68.984, -55.329 ], [ -69.043, -55.295 ], [ -69.015, -55.296 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.883, -55.237 ], [ -68.92, -55.335 ], [ -68.978, -55.346 ], [ -68.973, -55.284 ], [ -68.883, -55.237 ] ] ], [ [ [ -67.923, -55.243 ], [ -67.947, -55.257 ], [ -67.975, -55.246 ], [ -67.914, -55.209 ], [ -67.923, -55.243 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.209, -55.235 ], [ -69.215, -55.227 ], [ -69.184, -55.227 ], [ -69.209, -55.235 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.969, -55.614 ], [ -68.967, -55.601 ], [ -68.946, -55.608 ], [ -68.969, -55.614 ] ] ], [ [ [ -67.333, -55.591 ], [ -67.339, -55.652 ], [ -67.298, -55.658 ], [ -67.354, -55.721 ], [ -67.232, -55.733 ], [ -67.287, -55.743 ], [ -67.223, -55.765 ], [ -67.238, -55.801 ], [ -67.54, -55.745 ], [ -67.48, -55.726 ], [ -67.537, -55.695 ], [ -67.505, -55.662 ], [ -67.385, -55.734 ], [ -67.387, -55.656 ], [ -67.458, -55.633 ], [ -67.333, -55.591 ] ] ], [ [ [ -67.549, -55.626 ], [ -67.517, -55.649 ], [ -67.558, -55.697 ], [ -67.662, -55.694 ], [ -67.573, -55.661 ], [ -67.586, -55.61 ], [ -67.549, -55.626 ] ] ], [ [ [ -67.626, -55.515 ], [ -67.534, -55.612 ], [ -67.577, -55.602 ], [ -67.706, -55.635 ], [ -67.65, -55.584 ], [ -67.664, -55.518 ], [ -67.626, -55.515 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.096, -55.405 ], [ -68.118, -55.402 ], [ -68.067, -55.4 ], [ -68.096, -55.405 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.555, -55.452 ], [ -69.567, -55.48 ], [ -69.595, -55.477 ], [ -69.584, -55.451 ], [ -69.555, -55.452 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.601, -55.445 ], [ -69.618, -55.398 ], [ -69.478, -55.455 ], [ -69.52, -55.479 ], [ -69.544, -55.441 ], [ -69.601, -55.445 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.34, -55.505 ], [ -69.304, -55.496 ], [ -69.28, -55.515 ], [ -69.333, -55.548 ], [ -69.34, -55.505 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.181, -55.604 ], [ -69.208, -55.618 ], [ -69.221, -55.568 ], [ -69.19, -55.582 ], [ -69.181, -55.604 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.059, -55.563 ], [ -69.035, -55.623 ], [ -69.081, -55.635 ], [ -69.1, -55.551 ], [ -69.059, -55.563 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.754, -55.531 ], [ -68.656, -55.57 ], [ -68.656, -55.605 ], [ -68.785, -55.538 ], [ -68.754, -55.531 ] ] ], [ [ [ -67.99, -55.55 ], [ -67.963, -55.552 ], [ -68.029, -55.561 ], [ -68.016, -55.544 ], [ -67.99, -55.55 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.927, -55.519 ], [ -68.958, -55.513 ], [ -68.961, -55.486 ], [ -68.944, -55.482 ], [ -68.927, -55.519 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.527, -55.588 ], [ -68.58, -55.571 ], [ -68.595, -55.552 ], [ -68.545, -55.538 ], [ -68.527, -55.588 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.17, -55.565 ], [ -69.202, -55.554 ], [ -69.174, -55.544 ], [ -69.17, -55.565 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.909, -55.536 ], [ -68.869, -55.541 ], [ -68.845, -55.566 ], [ -68.922, -55.561 ], [ -68.909, -55.536 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.216, -55.55 ], [ -69.233, -55.545 ], [ -69.199, -55.545 ], [ -69.216, -55.55 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.31, -55.55 ], [ -68.323, -55.537 ], [ -68.293, -55.537 ], [ -68.31, -55.55 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.439, -55.56 ], [ -68.454, -55.537 ], [ -68.432, -55.53 ], [ -68.416, -55.546 ], [ -68.439, -55.56 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.677, -55.549 ], [ -68.71, -55.525 ], [ -68.675, -55.533 ], [ -68.677, -55.549 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.398, -55.538 ], [ -68.399, -55.514 ], [ -68.382, -55.526 ], [ -68.398, -55.538 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.584, -55.53 ], [ -68.56, -55.533 ], [ -68.62, -55.533 ], [ -68.577, -55.514 ], [ -68.584, -55.53 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.602, -55.485 ], [ -68.638, -55.536 ], [ -68.704, -55.514 ], [ -68.602, -55.485 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.625, -55.386 ], [ -69.627, -55.411 ], [ -69.65, -55.41 ], [ -69.625, -55.386 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.054, -55.421 ], [ -69, -55.436 ], [ -69.063, -55.442 ], [ -69.218, -55.32 ], [ -69.054, -55.421 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.129, -54.982 ], [ -71.084, -54.986 ], [ -71.179, -55.015 ], [ -71.171, -54.972 ], [ -71.129, -54.982 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.896, -55.14 ], [ -70.907, -55.11 ], [ -70.882, -55.106 ], [ -70.896, -55.14 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.804, -55.126 ], [ -70.825, -55.11 ], [ -70.806, -55.105 ], [ -70.804, -55.126 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.619, -55.13 ], [ -70.649, -55.181 ], [ -70.692, -55.163 ], [ -70.668, -55.138 ], [ -70.619, -55.13 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.307, -55.128 ], [ -68.319, -55.127 ], [ -68.298, -55.121 ], [ -68.307, -55.128 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.417, -55.126 ], [ -68.456, -55.147 ], [ -68.498, -55.133 ], [ -68.417, -55.126 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.019, -55.252 ], [ -70.078, -55.237 ], [ -70.115, -55.187 ], [ -69.974, -55.24 ], [ -70.019, -55.252 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.933, -55.216 ], [ -69.945, -55.199 ], [ -69.915, -55.208 ], [ -69.933, -55.216 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.207, -55.198 ], [ -68.308, -55.205 ], [ -68.335, -55.164 ], [ -68.261, -55.157 ], [ -68.207, -55.198 ] ] ], [ [ [ -67.927, -54.901 ], [ -67.288, -54.919 ], [ -67.155, -54.969 ], [ -67.043, -55.078 ], [ -67.036, -55.141 ], [ -67.242, -55.314 ], [ -67.428, -55.294 ], [ -67.395, -55.195 ], [ -67.502, -55.171 ], [ -67.592, -55.195 ], [ -67.607, -55.277 ], [ -67.856, -55.255 ], [ -67.875, -55.221 ], [ -67.726, -55.236 ], [ -67.89, -55.158 ], [ -67.978, -55.226 ], [ -68.117, -55.225 ], [ -68.124, -55.174 ], [ -68.048, -55.176 ], [ -68.155, -55.143 ], [ -68.17, -54.998 ], [ -68.3, -55.012 ], [ -68.369, -54.945 ], [ -68.213, -54.92 ], [ -68.215, -54.899 ], [ -67.927, -54.901 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.668, -55.164 ], [ -68.685, -55.163 ], [ -68.658, -55.162 ], [ -68.668, -55.164 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.765, -55.167 ], [ -68.792, -55.147 ], [ -68.72, -55.16 ], [ -68.765, -55.167 ] ] ], [ [ [ -67.003, -54.988 ], [ -66.854, -55.026 ], [ -66.829, -55.094 ], [ -67.054, -54.993 ], [ -67.003, -54.988 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.245, -55.011 ], [ -68.227, -55.023 ], [ -68.241, -55.052 ], [ -68.28, -55.015 ], [ -68.245, -55.011 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.991, -55.011 ], [ -70.039, -55.066 ], [ -70.089, -55.055 ], [ -70.08, -55.019 ], [ -69.991, -55.011 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.941, -55.037 ], [ -70.004, -55.057 ], [ -69.938, -54.99 ], [ -69.941, -55.037 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.351, -55.01 ], [ -70.371, -55.027 ], [ -70.453, -55.035 ], [ -70.403, -55.01 ], [ -70.351, -55.01 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.557, -55 ], [ -70.469, -55.011 ], [ -70.562, -55.025 ], [ -70.557, -55 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.266, -54.92 ], [ -68.291, -54.916 ], [ -68.276, -54.908 ], [ -68.266, -54.92 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.173, -54.099 ], [ -73.169, -54.121 ], [ -73.198, -54.126 ], [ -73.193, -54.1 ], [ -73.173, -54.099 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.373, -54.018 ], [ -73.243, -54.03 ], [ -73.236, -54.085 ], [ -73.18, -54.05 ], [ -73.268, -54.136 ], [ -73.345, -54.118 ], [ -73.307, -54.103 ], [ -73.342, -54.064 ], [ -73.48, -54.067 ], [ -73.373, -54.018 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.021, -54.188 ], [ -73.046, -54.176 ], [ -73.009, -54.165 ], [ -73.021, -54.188 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.935, -54.196 ], [ -72.952, -54.231 ], [ -73.006, -54.226 ], [ -72.981, -54.202 ], [ -72.935, -54.196 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.057, -54.153 ], [ -73.029, -54.149 ], [ -73.094, -54.17 ], [ -73.087, -54.143 ], [ -73.057, -54.153 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.874, -54.152 ], [ -72.879, -54.14 ], [ -72.846, -54.142 ], [ -72.874, -54.152 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.224, -54.028 ], [ -71.2, -54.071 ], [ -71.168, -54.089 ], [ -71.224, -54.098 ], [ -71.224, -54.028 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.107, -54.102 ], [ -73.11, -54.158 ], [ -73.148, -54.154 ], [ -73.142, -54.106 ], [ -73.107, -54.102 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.753, -54.135 ], [ -72.742, -54.114 ], [ -72.729, -54.117 ], [ -72.753, -54.135 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.374, -54.261 ], [ -72.398, -54.259 ], [ -72.375, -54.25 ], [ -72.344, -54.272 ], [ -72.374, -54.261 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.243, -54.253 ], [ -72.259, -54.259 ], [ -72.263, -54.243 ], [ -72.243, -54.253 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.636, -54.243 ], [ -72.68, -54.269 ], [ -72.7, -54.25 ], [ -72.655, -54.227 ], [ -72.636, -54.243 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.57, -54.242 ], [ -72.579, -54.236 ], [ -72.566, -54.232 ], [ -72.57, -54.242 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.273, -54.22 ], [ -72.282, -54.215 ], [ -72.261, -54.215 ], [ -72.273, -54.22 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.654, -54.257 ], [ -71.66, -54.243 ], [ -71.639, -54.254 ], [ -71.654, -54.257 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.918, -54.223 ], [ -71.934, -54.242 ], [ -72.001, -54.225 ], [ -71.918, -54.223 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.037, -54.231 ], [ -72.059, -54.22 ], [ -72.031, -54.222 ], [ -72.037, -54.231 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.228, -54.206 ], [ -72.217, -54.224 ], [ -72.232, -54.227 ], [ -72.228, -54.206 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.277, -54.189 ], [ -70.296, -54.178 ], [ -70.282, -54.171 ], [ -70.277, -54.189 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.474, -54.121 ], [ -72.491, -54.152 ], [ -72.515, -54.153 ], [ -72.503, -54.12 ], [ -72.474, -54.121 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.277, -54.086 ], [ -70.303, -54.152 ], [ -70.357, -54.162 ], [ -70.51, -54.072 ], [ -70.39, -54.085 ], [ -70.31, -54.051 ], [ -70.277, -54.086 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.641, -54.105 ], [ -72.544, -54.132 ], [ -72.695, -54.131 ], [ -72.641, -54.105 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.164, -53.928 ], [ -72.174, -53.919 ], [ -72.148, -53.927 ], [ -72.164, -53.928 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.13, -54.071 ], [ -71.14, -54.053 ], [ -71.113, -54.045 ], [ -71.13, -54.071 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.326, -53.994 ], [ -72.305, -53.955 ], [ -72.305, -53.996 ], [ -72.326, -53.994 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.033, -53.963 ], [ -73.022, -53.962 ], [ -73.034, -53.976 ], [ -73.033, -53.963 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.972, -53.945 ], [ -72.953, -53.947 ], [ -72.995, -53.949 ], [ -72.972, -53.945 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.366, -53.936 ], [ -73.378, -53.932 ], [ -73.344, -53.932 ], [ -73.366, -53.936 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.007, -53.953 ], [ -73.017, -53.948 ], [ -73.003, -53.943 ], [ -73.007, -53.953 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.058, -53.943 ], [ -73.098, -53.934 ], [ -73.067, -53.919 ], [ -73.058, -53.943 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.078, -53.936 ], [ -72.093, -53.925 ], [ -72.04, -53.918 ], [ -72.078, -53.936 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.339, -54.802 ], [ -71.349, -54.797 ], [ -71.337, -54.787 ], [ -71.339, -54.802 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.906, -54.837 ], [ -70.885, -54.848 ], [ -70.932, -54.835 ], [ -70.922, -54.823 ], [ -70.906, -54.837 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.212, -54.821 ], [ -71.231, -54.796 ], [ -71.194, -54.816 ], [ -71.212, -54.821 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.432, -54.938 ], [ -71.458, -54.932 ], [ -71.429, -54.92 ], [ -71.432, -54.938 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.165, -54.955 ], [ -71.194, -55.023 ], [ -71.256, -55.015 ], [ -71.264, -54.971 ], [ -71.165, -54.955 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70, -54.876 ], [ -69.982, -54.877 ], [ -70.091, -54.881 ], [ -70, -54.876 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.259, -54.898 ], [ -70.278, -54.89 ], [ -70.236, -54.884 ], [ -70.259, -54.898 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.301, -54.884 ], [ -70.312, -54.88 ], [ -70.293, -54.876 ], [ -70.301, -54.884 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.997, -54.67 ], [ -71.009, -54.657 ], [ -70.99, -54.64 ], [ -70.997, -54.67 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.868, -54.672 ], [ -71.88, -54.661 ], [ -71.846, -54.667 ], [ -71.868, -54.672 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.068, -54.618 ], [ -72.104, -54.619 ], [ -72.106, -54.606 ], [ -72.068, -54.618 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.03, -54.537 ], [ -72.011, -54.566 ], [ -71.952, -54.594 ], [ -72.076, -54.574 ], [ -72.03, -54.537 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.782, -54.524 ], [ -71.789, -54.495 ], [ -71.765, -54.509 ], [ -71.782, -54.524 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.973, -54.473 ], [ -73.01, -54.506 ], [ -73.103, -54.5 ], [ -73.078, -54.483 ], [ -72.973, -54.473 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.131, -54.474 ], [ -72.146, -54.458 ], [ -72.112, -54.473 ], [ -72.131, -54.474 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.27, -54.375 ], [ -71.245, -54.379 ], [ -71.291, -54.374 ], [ -71.27, -54.375 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.955, -54.367 ], [ -71.942, -54.378 ], [ -72, -54.383 ], [ -71.955, -54.367 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.992, -54.331 ], [ -71.007, -54.326 ], [ -70.98, -54.329 ], [ -70.992, -54.331 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.667, -54.307 ], [ -72.647, -54.322 ], [ -72.694, -54.312 ], [ -72.667, -54.307 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.629, -54.339 ], [ -72.625, -54.322 ], [ -72.612, -54.325 ], [ -72.629, -54.339 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.795, -54.317 ], [ -71.793, -54.305 ], [ -71.779, -54.313 ], [ -71.795, -54.317 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.594, -54.333 ], [ -71.621, -54.332 ], [ -71.636, -54.308 ], [ -71.594, -54.333 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.284, -54.286 ], [ -72.251, -54.33 ], [ -72.342, -54.311 ], [ -72.334, -54.286 ], [ -72.284, -54.286 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.679, -54.285 ], [ -71.64, -54.329 ], [ -71.753, -54.294 ], [ -71.7, -54.278 ], [ -71.679, -54.285 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.173, -54.325 ], [ -72.196, -54.314 ], [ -72.169, -54.309 ], [ -72.173, -54.325 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.622, -54.423 ], [ -71.598, -54.454 ], [ -71.666, -54.398 ], [ -71.655, -54.392 ], [ -71.622, -54.423 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.411, -54.431 ], [ -72.387, -54.431 ], [ -72.376, -54.459 ], [ -72.438, -54.451 ], [ -72.411, -54.431 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.083, -54.433 ], [ -72.064, -54.457 ], [ -72.125, -54.434 ], [ -72.098, -54.417 ], [ -72.083, -54.433 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.294, -54.414 ], [ -72.258, -54.411 ], [ -72.231, -54.462 ], [ -72.309, -54.439 ], [ -72.321, -54.472 ], [ -72.37, -54.417 ], [ -72.294, -54.414 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.383, -54.42 ], [ -72.399, -54.413 ], [ -72.381, -54.41 ], [ -72.383, -54.42 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.497, -54.392 ], [ -71.512, -54.373 ], [ -71.481, -54.371 ], [ -71.497, -54.392 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.415, -54.406 ], [ -72.426, -54.397 ], [ -72.396, -54.387 ], [ -72.415, -54.406 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.54, -54.376 ], [ -71.531, -54.389 ], [ -71.604, -54.38 ], [ -71.54, -54.376 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.179, -54.375 ], [ -72.093, -54.41 ], [ -72.159, -54.441 ], [ -72.162, -54.399 ], [ -72.235, -54.384 ], [ -72.179, -54.375 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.915, -54.39 ], [ -71.9, -54.393 ], [ -71.974, -54.392 ], [ -71.915, -54.39 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.406, -54.325 ], [ -72.29, -54.344 ], [ -72.445, -54.362 ], [ -72.46, -54.435 ], [ -72.543, -54.381 ], [ -72.544, -54.343 ], [ -72.406, -54.325 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.091, -54.726 ], [ -71.101, -54.711 ], [ -71.074, -54.727 ], [ -71.091, -54.726 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.027, -54.736 ], [ -72.033, -54.704 ], [ -72.017, -54.7 ], [ -72.007, -54.721 ], [ -72.027, -54.736 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.839, -54.743 ], [ -71.795, -54.748 ], [ -71.767, -54.776 ], [ -71.835, -54.769 ], [ -71.869, -54.726 ], [ -71.839, -54.743 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.564, -54.714 ], [ -71.529, -54.746 ], [ -71.622, -54.763 ], [ -71.629, -54.7 ], [ -71.564, -54.714 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.15, -54.72 ], [ -71.108, -54.728 ], [ -71.147, -54.746 ], [ -71.15, -54.72 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.196, -54.717 ], [ -71.225, -54.744 ], [ -71.275, -54.73 ], [ -71.196, -54.717 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.729, -54.709 ], [ -71.775, -54.732 ], [ -71.789, -54.701 ], [ -71.763, -54.694 ], [ -71.729, -54.709 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.809, -54.717 ], [ -71.827, -54.697 ], [ -71.795, -54.689 ], [ -71.809, -54.717 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.045, -54.635 ], [ -71.961, -54.666 ], [ -71.902, -54.734 ], [ -71.981, -54.755 ], [ -71.968, -54.703 ], [ -72.033, -54.653 ], [ -72.103, -54.673 ], [ -72.045, -54.635 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.679, -54.691 ], [ -71.717, -54.708 ], [ -71.772, -54.659 ], [ -71.722, -54.655 ], [ -71.679, -54.691 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.218, -55.486 ], [ -69.338, -55.486 ], [ -69.366, -55.398 ], [ -69.404, -55.521 ], [ -69.43, -55.405 ], [ -69.511, -55.41 ], [ -69.397, -55.379 ], [ -69.501, -55.378 ], [ -69.452, -55.345 ], [ -69.547, -55.386 ], [ -69.596, -55.367 ], [ -69.525, -55.33 ], [ -69.79, -55.317 ], [ -69.542, -55.28 ], [ -69.681, -55.275 ], [ -69.455, -55.193 ], [ -69.862, -55.279 ], [ -69.896, -55.26 ], [ -69.848, -55.241 ], [ -69.963, -55.24 ], [ -69.857, -55.212 ], [ -69.968, -55.184 ], [ -69.856, -55.194 ], [ -70.027, -55.162 ], [ -70.027, -55.126 ], [ -69.929, -55.133 ], [ -69.966, -55.113 ], [ -69.903, -55.069 ], [ -69.669, -55.085 ], [ -69.58, -55.038 ], [ -69.564, -55.169 ], [ -69.546, -55.035 ], [ -69.325, -55.057 ], [ -69.393, -55.024 ], [ -68.437, -54.936 ], [ -68.31, -55.034 ], [ -68.329, -55.076 ], [ -68.449, -55.021 ], [ -68.427, -55.093 ], [ -68.635, -55.081 ], [ -68.549, -55.129 ], [ -68.658, -55.153 ], [ -69.021, -55.02 ], [ -69.074, -55.071 ], [ -68.978, -55.068 ], [ -68.985, -55.108 ], [ -68.743, -55.182 ], [ -68.367, -55.18 ], [ -68.342, -55.214 ], [ -68.25, -55.224 ], [ -68.333, -55.238 ], [ -68.188, -55.295 ], [ -68.556, -55.328 ], [ -68.66, -55.253 ], [ -68.749, -55.275 ], [ -68.645, -55.276 ], [ -68.68, -55.293 ], [ -68.619, -55.315 ], [ -68.634, -55.344 ], [ -68.54, -55.336 ], [ -68.59, -55.375 ], [ -68.406, -55.331 ], [ -68.273, -55.381 ], [ -68.32, -55.413 ], [ -68.139, -55.395 ], [ -68.164, -55.482 ], [ -68.023, -55.485 ], [ -68.116, -55.533 ], [ -67.973, -55.6 ], [ -68.015, -55.621 ], [ -67.97, -55.646 ], [ -68.021, -55.66 ], [ -67.968, -55.683 ], [ -68.092, -55.724 ], [ -68.137, -55.606 ], [ -68.278, -55.62 ], [ -68.218, -55.545 ], [ -68.355, -55.492 ], [ -68.442, -55.515 ], [ -68.556, -55.464 ], [ -68.549, -55.411 ], [ -68.632, -55.405 ], [ -68.598, -55.47 ], [ -68.794, -55.431 ], [ -68.775, -55.507 ], [ -68.916, -55.484 ], [ -68.87, -55.457 ], [ -68.927, -55.468 ], [ -68.963, -55.414 ], [ -68.739, -55.387 ], [ -68.809, -55.373 ], [ -68.752, -55.354 ], [ -68.783, -55.347 ], [ -68.975, -55.399 ], [ -68.87, -55.317 ], [ -68.89, -55.274 ], [ -68.831, -55.248 ], [ -68.872, -55.228 ], [ -68.797, -55.18 ], [ -69.029, -55.275 ], [ -69.136, -55.185 ], [ -69.12, -55.248 ], [ -69.218, -55.212 ], [ -69.258, -55.153 ], [ -69.226, -55.115 ], [ -69.318, -55.155 ], [ -69.247, -55.236 ], [ -69.499, -55.244 ], [ -69.433, -55.252 ], [ -69.469, -55.264 ], [ -69.436, -55.304 ], [ -69.323, -55.305 ], [ -69.355, -55.319 ], [ -69.27, -55.36 ], [ -69.308, -55.37 ], [ -69.231, -55.37 ], [ -69.262, -55.398 ], [ -69.22, -55.408 ], [ -69.285, -55.414 ], [ -69.246, -55.43 ], [ -69.287, -55.451 ], [ -69.116, -55.461 ], [ -69.187, -55.458 ], [ -69.125, -55.489 ], [ -69.15, -55.515 ], [ -69.218, -55.486 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.645, -54.892 ], [ -69.484, -54.901 ], [ -69.533, -54.956 ], [ -69.432, -54.901 ], [ -69.133, -54.961 ], [ -69.929, -55.04 ], [ -69.893, -55.016 ], [ -69.934, -54.957 ], [ -69.807, -54.952 ], [ -69.927, -54.904 ], [ -69.778, -54.889 ], [ -69.748, -54.973 ], [ -69.667, -54.948 ], [ -69.753, -54.874 ], [ -69.645, -54.892 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.97, -55 ], [ -70.903, -55 ], [ -71.001, -54.97 ], [ -70.838, -54.926 ], [ -70.84, -54.983 ], [ -70.779, -54.978 ], [ -70.768, -54.928 ], [ -70.696, -54.965 ], [ -70.735, -54.981 ], [ -70.551, -54.98 ], [ -70.587, -54.948 ], [ -70.487, -54.901 ], [ -70.332, -54.89 ], [ -70.291, -54.914 ], [ -70.475, -54.946 ], [ -70.511, -54.967 ], [ -70.48, -54.996 ], [ -70.71, -54.982 ], [ -70.726, -55.013 ], [ -70.563, -55.043 ], [ -70.492, -55.021 ], [ -70.453, -55.06 ], [ -70.282, -55.03 ], [ -70.267, -55.072 ], [ -70.356, -55.077 ], [ -70.239, -55.109 ], [ -70.432, -55.093 ], [ -70.345, -55.168 ], [ -70.448, -55.209 ], [ -70.521, -55.15 ], [ -70.539, -55.177 ], [ -70.485, -55.19 ], [ -70.524, -55.205 ], [ -70.556, -55.18 ], [ -70.5, -55.102 ], [ -70.564, -55.06 ], [ -70.622, -55.053 ], [ -70.571, -55.086 ], [ -70.639, -55.073 ], [ -70.675, -55.129 ], [ -70.741, -55.103 ], [ -70.695, -55.073 ], [ -70.732, -55.049 ], [ -70.796, -55.096 ], [ -70.853, -55.049 ], [ -70.905, -55.09 ], [ -70.939, -55.037 ], [ -70.996, -55.053 ], [ -70.945, -55.026 ], [ -70.97, -55 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.269, -55.013 ], [ -70.312, -54.998 ], [ -70.282, -54.979 ], [ -70.29, -54.954 ], [ -70.39, -55.004 ], [ -70.45, -54.959 ], [ -70.223, -54.941 ], [ -70.269, -55.013 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.007, -54.923 ], [ -69.935, -54.942 ], [ -70.203, -55.01 ], [ -70.162, -54.957 ], [ -70.007, -54.923 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.113, -54.91 ], [ -70.057, -54.915 ], [ -70.186, -54.93 ], [ -70.133, -54.899 ], [ -70.113, -54.91 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.228, -54.902 ], [ -70.239, -54.899 ], [ -70.221, -54.889 ], [ -70.228, -54.902 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.121, -54.834 ], [ -71.128, -54.867 ], [ -70.975, -54.859 ], [ -70.976, -54.901 ], [ -70.924, -54.908 ], [ -70.986, -54.918 ], [ -70.896, -54.924 ], [ -71.064, -54.958 ], [ -71.158, -54.93 ], [ -71.072, -54.905 ], [ -71.283, -54.859 ], [ -71.333, -54.955 ], [ -71.353, -54.881 ], [ -71.42, -54.943 ], [ -71.403, -54.912 ], [ -71.454, -54.883 ], [ -71.383, -54.859 ], [ -71.399, -54.828 ], [ -71.121, -54.834 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.555, -54.83 ], [ -70.452, -54.834 ], [ -70.351, -54.866 ], [ -70.574, -54.912 ], [ -70.742, -54.869 ], [ -70.555, -54.83 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.931, -54.292 ], [ -69.96, -54.271 ], [ -69.925, -54.275 ], [ -69.931, -54.292 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.792, -54.284 ], [ -72.789, -54.27 ], [ -72.773, -54.276 ], [ -72.792, -54.284 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.564, -54.314 ], [ -71.61, -54.282 ], [ -71.566, -54.298 ], [ -71.564, -54.314 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.471, -54.264 ], [ -71.389, -54.265 ], [ -71.416, -54.287 ], [ -71.378, -54.332 ], [ -71.497, -54.333 ], [ -71.493, -54.233 ], [ -71.471, -54.264 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72, -54.3 ], [ -72.055, -54.289 ], [ -72.088, -54.262 ], [ -71.992, -54.251 ], [ -72, -54.3 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.195, -54.218 ], [ -72.148, -54.283 ], [ -72.16, -54.305 ], [ -72.208, -54.291 ], [ -72.195, -54.218 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.284, -54.287 ], [ -70.474, -54.236 ], [ -70.521, -54.159 ], [ -70.219, -54.238 ], [ -70.284, -54.287 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.106, -54.4 ], [ -71.165, -54.332 ], [ -71.189, -54.376 ], [ -71.345, -54.317 ], [ -71.166, -54.244 ], [ -71.232, -54.207 ], [ -71.254, -54.255 ], [ -71.321, -54.261 ], [ -71.322, -54.215 ], [ -71.37, -54.256 ], [ -71.439, -54.211 ], [ -71.354, -54.15 ], [ -71.405, -54.154 ], [ -71.386, -54.117 ], [ -71.43, -54.154 ], [ -71.5, -54.13 ], [ -71.439, -54.166 ], [ -71.489, -54.188 ], [ -71.509, -54.284 ], [ -71.577, -54.23 ], [ -71.514, -54.183 ], [ -71.581, -54.193 ], [ -71.589, -54.243 ], [ -71.654, -54.228 ], [ -71.691, -54.16 ], [ -71.554, -54.088 ], [ -71.602, -54.088 ], [ -71.638, -54.018 ], [ -71.606, -53.954 ], [ -71.523, -53.953 ], [ -71.487, -54.012 ], [ -71.49, -53.956 ], [ -71.433, -53.956 ], [ -71.391, -54.094 ], [ -71.379, -53.978 ], [ -71.262, -54.005 ], [ -71.236, -54.095 ], [ -71.288, -54.112 ], [ -71.207, -54.119 ], [ -71.192, -54.206 ], [ -71.155, -54.089 ], [ -71.107, -54.167 ], [ -71.08, -54.067 ], [ -70.99, -54.096 ], [ -70.986, -54.156 ], [ -71.066, -54.202 ], [ -70.962, -54.174 ], [ -70.97, -54.241 ], [ -71.03, -54.242 ], [ -70.965, -54.312 ], [ -71.042, -54.299 ], [ -71.038, -54.344 ], [ -71.14, -54.302 ], [ -71.058, -54.354 ], [ -71.106, -54.4 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.475, -54.295 ], [ -72.553, -54.272 ], [ -72.458, -54.235 ], [ -72.496, -54.194 ], [ -72.377, -54.172 ], [ -72.415, -54.124 ], [ -72.284, -54.098 ], [ -72.417, -54.085 ], [ -72.317, -54.058 ], [ -72.196, -54.142 ], [ -72.285, -54.145 ], [ -72.255, -54.198 ], [ -72.326, -54.2 ], [ -72.314, -54.263 ], [ -72.393, -54.217 ], [ -72.475, -54.295 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.519, -37.079 ], [ -73.556, -37.026 ], [ -73.525, -36.972 ], [ -73.455, -37.052 ], [ -73.519, -37.079 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.056, -36.644 ], [ -73.072, -36.648 ], [ -73.048, -36.605 ], [ -73.056, -36.644 ] ] ], [ [ [ -109.291, -27.094 ], [ -109.234, -27.125 ], [ -109.452, -27.197 ], [ -109.396, -27.063 ], [ -109.291, -27.094 ] ] ], [ [ [ -80.733, -33.706 ], [ -80.72, -33.783 ], [ -80.762, -33.79 ], [ -80.785, -33.72 ], [ -80.733, -33.706 ] ] ], [ [ [ -78.938, -33.7 ], [ -78.922, -33.711 ], [ -78.96, -33.701 ], [ -78.938, -33.7 ] ] ], [ [ [ -78.891, -33.593 ], [ -78.788, -33.624 ], [ -78.761, -33.656 ], [ -79.006, -33.668 ], [ -78.891, -33.593 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.586, -29.022 ], [ -71.571, -29.026 ], [ -71.572, -29.043 ], [ -71.59, -29.046 ], [ -71.586, -29.022 ] ] ], [ [ [ -79.89, -26.356 ], [ -79.894, -26.369 ], [ -79.918, -26.365 ], [ -79.89, -26.356 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.81, -41.749 ], [ -73.822, -41.74 ], [ -73.814, -41.73 ], [ -73.8, -41.742 ], [ -73.81, -41.749 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.951, -41.719 ], [ -73.001, -41.706 ], [ -72.99, -41.667 ], [ -72.886, -41.697 ], [ -72.951, -41.719 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.977, -41.592 ], [ -73.008, -41.594 ], [ -73.019, -41.562 ], [ -72.973, -41.557 ], [ -72.977, -41.592 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.902, -38.417 ], [ -73.939, -38.417 ], [ -73.959, -38.318 ], [ -73.864, -38.37 ], [ -73.902, -38.417 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.717, -44.07 ], [ -73.699, -44.086 ], [ -73.729, -44.071 ], [ -73.717, -44.07 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.884, -44.071 ], [ -73.852, -44.074 ], [ -73.845, -44.091 ], [ -73.914, -44.076 ], [ -73.884, -44.071 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.113, -44.046 ], [ -74.16, -44.073 ], [ -74.203, -44.065 ], [ -74.113, -44.046 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.941, -44.048 ], [ -73.933, -44.059 ], [ -73.95, -44.071 ], [ -73.941, -44.048 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.702, -43.923 ], [ -73.688, -43.934 ], [ -73.708, -43.933 ], [ -73.702, -43.923 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.672, -43.878 ], [ -73.662, -43.885 ], [ -73.673, -43.89 ], [ -73.682, -43.882 ], [ -73.672, -43.878 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.776, -43.829 ], [ -73.739, -43.902 ], [ -73.895, -43.872 ], [ -73.781, -43.86 ], [ -73.776, -43.829 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.771, -43.684 ], [ -74.838, -43.563 ], [ -74.745, -43.567 ], [ -74.744, -43.518 ], [ -74.552, -43.627 ], [ -74.771, -43.684 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.204, -43.466 ], [ -74.213, -43.473 ], [ -74.2, -43.455 ], [ -74.204, -43.466 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.018, -43.801 ], [ -74.025, -43.818 ], [ -74.046, -43.811 ], [ -74.018, -43.801 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.003, -43.787 ], [ -73.987, -43.805 ], [ -73.997, -43.818 ], [ -74.01, -43.808 ], [ -74.003, -43.787 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.263, -44.015 ], [ -73.241, -44.023 ], [ -73.234, -44.052 ], [ -73.279, -44.028 ], [ -73.263, -44.015 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.243, -44.012 ], [ -74.174, -44.028 ], [ -74.287, -44.025 ], [ -74.243, -44.012 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.223, -43.985 ], [ -74.153, -44.005 ], [ -74.243, -44.002 ], [ -74.223, -43.985 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.575, -44.033 ], [ -73.538, -44.044 ], [ -73.529, -44.08 ], [ -73.614, -44.036 ], [ -73.575, -44.033 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.896, -43.934 ], [ -73.781, -43.976 ], [ -73.865, -43.991 ], [ -73.927, -43.961 ], [ -73.896, -43.934 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.735, -44.03 ], [ -73.721, -44.038 ], [ -73.735, -44.065 ], [ -73.748, -44.039 ], [ -73.735, -44.03 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.133, -43.887 ], [ -73.145, -44.032 ], [ -73.212, -44.037 ], [ -73.186, -44.021 ], [ -73.266, -43.974 ], [ -73.244, -43.915 ], [ -73.133, -43.887 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.138, -43.954 ], [ -74.175, -43.94 ], [ -74.117, -43.95 ], [ -74.138, -43.954 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.765, -43.908 ], [ -73.788, -43.951 ], [ -73.854, -43.926 ], [ -73.843, -43.91 ], [ -73.765, -43.908 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.86, -43.774 ], [ -73.787, -43.84 ], [ -73.943, -43.855 ], [ -73.864, -43.917 ], [ -73.918, -43.909 ], [ -73.941, -43.956 ], [ -74.01, -43.891 ], [ -74.16, -43.864 ], [ -74.074, -43.808 ], [ -73.978, -43.847 ], [ -73.902, -43.843 ], [ -73.907, -43.802 ], [ -73.831, -43.804 ], [ -73.86, -43.774 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.076, -42.682 ], [ -73.083, -42.653 ], [ -73.067, -42.667 ], [ -73.076, -42.682 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.441, -43.068 ], [ -73.475, -43.042 ], [ -73.453, -43.045 ], [ -73.441, -43.068 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.326, -43.016 ], [ -73.464, -42.994 ], [ -73.605, -42.931 ], [ -73.518, -42.917 ], [ -73.326, -43.016 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.95, -42.81 ], [ -73.031, -42.721 ], [ -73.031, -42.697 ], [ -72.924, -42.725 ], [ -72.919, -42.783 ], [ -72.97, -42.752 ], [ -72.95, -42.81 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.075, -42.755 ], [ -73.093, -42.728 ], [ -73.072, -42.741 ], [ -73.075, -42.755 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.061, -42.752 ], [ -73.079, -42.715 ], [ -73.052, -42.722 ], [ -73.061, -42.752 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.51, -42.17 ], [ -72.609, -42.134 ], [ -72.574, -42.08 ], [ -72.477, -42.09 ], [ -72.51, -42.17 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.247, -42.666 ], [ -73.358, -42.63 ], [ -73.233, -42.635 ], [ -73.247, -42.666 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.032, -42.63 ], [ -73.064, -42.609 ], [ -73.004, -42.603 ], [ -73.006, -42.653 ], [ -73.032, -42.63 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.531, -42.647 ], [ -73.482, -42.638 ], [ -73.502, -42.604 ], [ -73.423, -42.622 ], [ -73.469, -42.648 ], [ -73.531, -42.647 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.267, -42.612 ], [ -73.329, -42.601 ], [ -73.284, -42.589 ], [ -73.267, -42.612 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.538, -42.701 ], [ -73.577, -42.709 ], [ -73.597, -42.653 ], [ -73.743, -42.617 ], [ -73.594, -42.571 ], [ -73.538, -42.701 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.207, -42.63 ], [ -73.214, -42.591 ], [ -73.243, -42.613 ], [ -73.223, -42.56 ], [ -73.196, -42.617 ], [ -73.207, -42.63 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.516, -42.603 ], [ -73.538, -42.58 ], [ -73.491, -42.55 ], [ -73.516, -42.603 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.264, -42.514 ], [ -73.294, -42.463 ], [ -73.248, -42.482 ], [ -73.264, -42.514 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.337, -42.489 ], [ -73.377, -42.49 ], [ -73.373, -42.453 ], [ -73.297, -42.472 ], [ -73.337, -42.489 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.428, -42.44 ], [ -73.462, -42.425 ], [ -73.433, -42.424 ], [ -73.428, -42.44 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.195, -42.32 ], [ -73.207, -42.329 ], [ -73.222, -42.307 ], [ -73.195, -42.32 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.386, -42.184 ], [ -73.408, -42.153 ], [ -73.46, -42.139 ], [ -73.385, -42.109 ], [ -73.348, -42.178 ], [ -73.386, -42.184 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.13, -42.342 ], [ -73.172, -42.267 ], [ -73.14, -42.302 ], [ -73.11, -42.258 ], [ -73.057, -42.274 ], [ -73.13, -42.342 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.24, -42.316 ], [ -73.314, -42.306 ], [ -73.271, -42.286 ], [ -73.24, -42.316 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.215, -42.304 ], [ -73.198, -42.294 ], [ -73.262, -42.27 ], [ -73.207, -42.282 ], [ -73.186, -42.303 ], [ -73.215, -42.304 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.145, -42.277 ], [ -73.186, -42.244 ], [ -73.149, -42.253 ], [ -73.145, -42.277 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.124, -42.399 ], [ -73.152, -42.398 ], [ -73.103, -42.377 ], [ -73.124, -42.399 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.514, -42.455 ], [ -73.394, -42.543 ], [ -73.389, -42.584 ], [ -73.539, -42.469 ], [ -73.633, -42.473 ], [ -73.603, -42.439 ], [ -73.659, -42.391 ], [ -73.528, -42.393 ], [ -73.514, -42.455 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.306, -42.44 ], [ -73.345, -42.421 ], [ -73.291, -42.389 ], [ -73.282, -42.419 ], [ -73.306, -42.44 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.455, -42.385 ], [ -73.444, -42.366 ], [ -73.414, -42.393 ], [ -73.436, -42.408 ], [ -73.455, -42.385 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.276, -43.423 ], [ -74.278, -43.362 ], [ -74.254, -43.349 ], [ -74.232, -43.41 ], [ -74.276, -43.423 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.726, -43.399 ], [ -73.775, -43.382 ], [ -73.806, -43.317 ], [ -73.661, -43.354 ], [ -73.726, -43.399 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.585, -43.273 ], [ -73.625, -43.239 ], [ -73.618, -43.165 ], [ -73.569, -43.249 ], [ -73.585, -43.273 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.667, -43.247 ], [ -73.744, -43.198 ], [ -73.661, -43.194 ], [ -73.667, -43.247 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.498, -43.174 ], [ -73.535, -43.196 ], [ -73.589, -43.201 ], [ -73.581, -43.138 ], [ -73.498, -43.174 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.51, -43.156 ], [ -73.509, -43.156 ], [ -73.509, -43.157 ], [ -73.51, -43.156 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.51, -43.156 ], [ -73.532, -43.156 ], [ -73.518, -43.142 ], [ -73.51, -43.156 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.631, -42.077 ], [ -72.642, -42.081 ], [ -72.644, -42.065 ], [ -72.618, -42.067 ], [ -72.631, -42.077 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.484, -42.07 ], [ -72.513, -42.054 ], [ -72.461, -41.984 ], [ -72.462, -42.031 ], [ -72.484, -42.07 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.105, -41.904 ], [ -73.103, -41.903 ], [ -73.104, -41.904 ], [ -73.105, -41.904 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.068, -41.901 ], [ -73.103, -41.903 ], [ -73.078, -41.891 ], [ -73.068, -41.901 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.105, -41.904 ], [ -73.161, -41.907 ], [ -73.137, -41.882 ], [ -73.105, -41.904 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.894, -41.898 ], [ -72.938, -41.875 ], [ -72.895, -41.87 ], [ -72.894, -41.898 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.349, -41.834 ], [ -73.329, -41.817 ], [ -73.339, -41.799 ], [ -73.32, -41.816 ], [ -73.349, -41.834 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.157, -41.809 ], [ -73.185, -41.796 ], [ -73.157, -41.797 ], [ -73.127, -41.769 ], [ -73.157, -41.809 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.235, -41.801 ], [ -73.246, -41.797 ], [ -73.251, -41.725 ], [ -73.197, -41.779 ], [ -73.16, -41.785 ], [ -73.235, -41.801 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.099, -41.854 ], [ -73.097, -41.834 ], [ -73.123, -41.816 ], [ -73.085, -41.833 ], [ -73.099, -41.854 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.144, -41.84 ], [ -73.162, -41.817 ], [ -73.132, -41.832 ], [ -73.144, -41.84 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.078, -41.75 ], [ -73.055, -41.732 ], [ -72.985, -41.858 ], [ -73.116, -41.807 ], [ -73.05, -41.813 ], [ -73.078, -41.75 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.48, -44.276 ], [ -73.476, -44.292 ], [ -73.49, -44.299 ], [ -73.498, -44.285 ], [ -73.48, -44.276 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.626, -44.288 ], [ -73.615, -44.296 ], [ -73.64, -44.297 ], [ -73.626, -44.288 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.204, -44.243 ], [ -73.197, -44.259 ], [ -73.217, -44.248 ], [ -73.204, -44.243 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.901, -44.248 ], [ -73.842, -44.264 ], [ -73.855, -44.29 ], [ -73.934, -44.256 ], [ -73.901, -44.248 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.832, -44.214 ], [ -73.804, -44.235 ], [ -73.836, -44.255 ], [ -73.85, -44.219 ], [ -73.832, -44.214 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.234, -44.218 ], [ -73.209, -44.233 ], [ -73.236, -44.237 ], [ -73.234, -44.218 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.325, -44.215 ], [ -74.334, -44.231 ], [ -74.364, -44.223 ], [ -74.325, -44.215 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.742, -44.219 ], [ -73.726, -44.228 ], [ -73.754, -44.241 ], [ -73.742, -44.219 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.29, -44.21 ], [ -74.262, -44.213 ], [ -74.22, -44.255 ], [ -74.319, -44.219 ], [ -74.29, -44.21 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.554, -44.127 ], [ -73.541, -44.148 ], [ -73.581, -44.162 ], [ -73.587, -44.145 ], [ -73.554, -44.127 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.142, -44.115 ], [ -74.13, -44.124 ], [ -74.167, -44.153 ], [ -74.142, -44.115 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.346, -44.099 ], [ -74.181, -44.134 ], [ -74.351, -44.129 ], [ -74.346, -44.099 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.351, -44.189 ], [ -74.363, -44.172 ], [ -74.305, -44.188 ], [ -74.354, -44.2 ], [ -74.351, -44.189 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.307, -44.182 ], [ -74.307, -44.182 ], [ -74.308, -44.182 ], [ -74.307, -44.182 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.211, -44.189 ], [ -74.161, -44.192 ], [ -74.147, -44.213 ], [ -74.196, -44.211 ], [ -74.211, -44.189 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.623, -44.187 ], [ -73.623, -44.205 ], [ -73.655, -44.213 ], [ -73.623, -44.187 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.512, -44.104 ], [ -73.448, -44.126 ], [ -73.496, -44.183 ], [ -73.543, -44.127 ], [ -73.512, -44.104 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.67, -44.15 ], [ -73.658, -44.205 ], [ -73.72, -44.201 ], [ -73.724, -44.172 ], [ -73.67, -44.15 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.307, -44.182 ], [ -74.359, -44.149 ], [ -74.234, -44.177 ], [ -74.307, -44.182 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.06, -44.12 ], [ -74.123, -44.193 ], [ -74.156, -44.186 ], [ -74.124, -44.141 ], [ -74.06, -44.12 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.927, -44.099 ], [ -73.84, -44.128 ], [ -73.898, -44.177 ], [ -73.815, -44.185 ], [ -73.829, -44.152 ], [ -73.804, -44.188 ], [ -73.96, -44.193 ], [ -73.996, -44.145 ], [ -73.927, -44.099 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.409, -44.328 ], [ -74.4, -44.338 ], [ -74.415, -44.349 ], [ -74.409, -44.328 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.716, -44.333 ], [ -73.703, -44.354 ], [ -73.735, -44.352 ], [ -73.716, -44.333 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.599, -44.329 ], [ -73.578, -44.344 ], [ -73.597, -44.357 ], [ -73.612, -44.341 ], [ -73.599, -44.329 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.149, -44.302 ], [ -73.089, -44.32 ], [ -73.148, -44.34 ], [ -73.149, -44.302 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.665, -44.341 ], [ -73.684, -44.346 ], [ -73.698, -44.33 ], [ -73.663, -44.318 ], [ -73.665, -44.341 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.258, -44.32 ], [ -74.264, -44.333 ], [ -74.302, -44.333 ], [ -74.295, -44.319 ], [ -74.258, -44.32 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.279, -44.305 ], [ -73.276, -44.322 ], [ -73.297, -44.33 ], [ -73.279, -44.305 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.733, -44.306 ], [ -73.726, -44.317 ], [ -73.745, -44.316 ], [ -73.733, -44.306 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.67, -44.24 ], [ -73.635, -44.267 ], [ -73.718, -44.31 ], [ -73.746, -44.256 ], [ -73.67, -44.24 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.421, -44.256 ], [ -74.276, -44.252 ], [ -74.233, -44.305 ], [ -74.344, -44.307 ], [ -74.421, -44.256 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.142, -44.228 ], [ -74.102, -44.262 ], [ -74.116, -44.31 ], [ -74.203, -44.252 ], [ -74.142, -44.228 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.784, -44.287 ], [ -73.801, -44.352 ], [ -74.015, -44.339 ], [ -73.972, -44.33 ], [ -74.061, -44.299 ], [ -74.105, -44.208 ], [ -74.066, -44.181 ], [ -74.047, -44.21 ], [ -73.984, -44.245 ], [ -74.068, -44.179 ], [ -74.021, -44.146 ], [ -73.929, -44.22 ], [ -73.857, -44.227 ], [ -74.003, -44.254 ], [ -73.964, -44.318 ], [ -73.952, -44.262 ], [ -73.899, -44.301 ], [ -73.852, -44.295 ], [ -73.815, -44.259 ], [ -73.784, -44.287 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.047, -44.09 ], [ -74.028, -44.1 ], [ -74.051, -44.106 ], [ -74.047, -44.09 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.23, -44.073 ], [ -74.171, -44.094 ], [ -74.341, -44.085 ], [ -74.334, -44.073 ], [ -74.23, -44.073 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.076, -44.071 ], [ -74.082, -44.102 ], [ -74.133, -44.089 ], [ -74.076, -44.071 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.665, -44.082 ], [ -73.67, -44.087 ], [ -73.695, -44.072 ], [ -73.674, -44.063 ], [ -73.665, -44.082 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.663, -44.075 ], [ -73.738, -43.997 ], [ -73.694, -43.936 ], [ -73.6, -44.006 ], [ -73.652, -44.036 ], [ -73.582, -44.105 ], [ -73.638, -44.14 ], [ -73.663, -44.075 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.028, -49.948 ], [ -75.038, -49.94 ], [ -75.014, -49.943 ], [ -75.028, -49.948 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.986, -49.905 ], [ -74.986, -49.924 ], [ -75.022, -49.919 ], [ -75.022, -49.906 ], [ -74.986, -49.905 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.079, -49.917 ], [ -75.088, -49.91 ], [ -75.07, -49.907 ], [ -75.079, -49.917 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.076, -49.9 ], [ -75.108, -49.895 ], [ -75.063, -49.891 ], [ -75.076, -49.9 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.88, -49.828 ], [ -74.897, -49.806 ], [ -74.878, -49.809 ], [ -74.88, -49.828 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.389, -49.825 ], [ -75.39, -49.789 ], [ -75.327, -49.753 ], [ -75.366, -49.683 ], [ -75.378, -49.739 ], [ -75.578, -49.819 ], [ -75.594, -49.754 ], [ -75.516, -49.733 ], [ -75.481, -49.704 ], [ -75.609, -49.638 ], [ -75.57, -49.595 ], [ -75.463, -49.611 ], [ -75.46, -49.568 ], [ -75.371, -49.618 ], [ -75.363, -49.574 ], [ -75.161, -49.868 ], [ -75.281, -49.804 ], [ -75.258, -49.874 ], [ -75.337, -49.859 ], [ -75.377, -49.794 ], [ -75.389, -49.825 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.296, -49.596 ], [ -75.305, -49.549 ], [ -75.248, -49.564 ], [ -75.296, -49.596 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.369, -49.555 ], [ -75.383, -49.57 ], [ -75.424, -49.561 ], [ -75.334, -49.53 ], [ -75.369, -49.555 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.486, -49.449 ], [ -75.429, -49.477 ], [ -75.43, -49.529 ], [ -75.581, -49.428 ], [ -75.541, -49.404 ], [ -75.486, -49.449 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.007, -48.914 ], [ -74.993, -48.928 ], [ -75.051, -48.914 ], [ -75.007, -48.914 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.608, -48.375 ], [ -75.617, -48.387 ], [ -75.618, -48.37 ], [ -75.608, -48.375 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.053, -48.514 ], [ -74.188, -48.455 ], [ -74.176, -48.439 ], [ -74.25, -48.38 ], [ -74.033, -48.427 ], [ -74.053, -48.514 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.425, -48.589 ], [ -74.436, -48.56 ], [ -74.417, -48.571 ], [ -74.305, -48.531 ], [ -74.425, -48.589 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.495, -48.511 ], [ -74.524, -48.492 ], [ -74.509, -48.475 ], [ -74.484, -48.498 ], [ -74.495, -48.511 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.017, -48.686 ], [ -75.076, -48.828 ], [ -75.239, -48.769 ], [ -75.017, -48.617 ], [ -75.017, -48.686 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.459, -48.794 ], [ -75.432, -48.746 ], [ -75.59, -48.816 ], [ -75.645, -48.694 ], [ -75.497, -48.744 ], [ -75.304, -48.622 ], [ -75.336, -48.679 ], [ -75.281, -48.653 ], [ -75.265, -48.725 ], [ -75.459, -48.794 ] ], [ [ -75.443, -48.771 ], [ -75.383, -48.745 ], [ -75.339, -48.69 ], [ -75.443, -48.771 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.483, -48.484 ], [ -75.358, -48.439 ], [ -75.404, -48.51 ], [ -75.36, -48.532 ], [ -75.349, -48.453 ], [ -75.307, -48.46 ], [ -75.333, -48.492 ], [ -75.317, -48.531 ], [ -75.398, -48.562 ], [ -75.31, -48.547 ], [ -75.29, -48.621 ], [ -75.315, -48.604 ], [ -75.511, -48.72 ], [ -75.618, -48.689 ], [ -75.467, -48.673 ], [ -75.387, -48.6 ], [ -75.49, -48.653 ], [ -75.545, -48.654 ], [ -75.411, -48.571 ], [ -75.548, -48.649 ], [ -75.639, -48.641 ], [ -75.665, -48.49 ], [ -75.616, -48.493 ], [ -75.615, -48.453 ], [ -75.483, -48.484 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.442, -48.511 ], [ -74.507, -48.386 ], [ -74.28, -48.488 ], [ -74.406, -48.554 ], [ -74.442, -48.511 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.677, -49.234 ], [ -75.696, -49.225 ], [ -75.681, -49.221 ], [ -75.677, -49.234 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.085, -49.241 ], [ -75.147, -49.218 ], [ -75.155, -49.201 ], [ -75.113, -49.204 ], [ -75.085, -49.241 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.25, -49.151 ], [ -75.226, -49.134 ], [ -75.263, -49.174 ], [ -75.303, -49.183 ], [ -75.25, -49.151 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.618, -49.159 ], [ -75.625, -49.143 ], [ -75.608, -49.125 ], [ -75.618, -49.159 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.587, -49.138 ], [ -75.598, -49.128 ], [ -75.571, -49.122 ], [ -75.587, -49.138 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.414, -49.201 ], [ -75.396, -49.214 ], [ -75.414, -49.216 ], [ -75.414, -49.201 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.669, -49.205 ], [ -75.681, -49.2 ], [ -75.644, -49.178 ], [ -75.64, -49.193 ], [ -75.669, -49.205 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.64, -49.126 ], [ -75.667, -49.079 ], [ -75.654, -49.068 ], [ -75.619, -49.111 ], [ -75.64, -49.126 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.51, -48.159 ], [ -73.488, -48.176 ], [ -73.521, -48.178 ], [ -73.51, -48.159 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.57, -48.125 ], [ -73.661, -48.079 ], [ -73.665, -48.057 ], [ -73.58, -48.089 ], [ -73.57, -48.125 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.678, -47.87 ], [ -73.687, -47.864 ], [ -73.672, -47.861 ], [ -73.678, -47.87 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.626, -47.872 ], [ -73.662, -47.857 ], [ -73.627, -47.849 ], [ -73.626, -47.872 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.73, -48 ], [ -73.779, -47.949 ], [ -73.743, -47.878 ], [ -73.656, -47.945 ], [ -73.692, -47.944 ], [ -73.67, -48.001 ], [ -73.73, -48 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.823, -47.961 ], [ -73.84, -47.979 ], [ -73.872, -47.98 ], [ -73.871, -47.967 ], [ -73.823, -47.961 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.919, -47.98 ], [ -73.932, -47.974 ], [ -73.901, -47.966 ], [ -73.919, -47.98 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.289, -47.982 ], [ -75.282, -47.962 ], [ -75.253, -47.97 ], [ -75.289, -47.982 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.641, -47.975 ], [ -74.638, -47.914 ], [ -74.547, -47.926 ], [ -74.641, -47.975 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.25, -47.921 ], [ -75.255, -47.912 ], [ -75.237, -47.908 ], [ -75.25, -47.921 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.242, -47.963 ], [ -75.259, -47.955 ], [ -75.093, -47.894 ], [ -75.13, -47.925 ], [ -75.242, -47.963 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.23, -47.911 ], [ -75.233, -47.891 ], [ -75.199, -47.876 ], [ -75.23, -47.911 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.188, -47.917 ], [ -75.166, -47.864 ], [ -75.099, -47.875 ], [ -75.188, -47.917 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75, -47.905 ], [ -75.002, -47.952 ], [ -75.043, -47.908 ], [ -75.017, -47.851 ], [ -75, -47.905 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.269, -48.484 ], [ -74.341, -48.443 ], [ -74.301, -48.46 ], [ -74.264, -48.449 ], [ -74.49, -48.362 ], [ -74.423, -48.347 ], [ -74.277, -48.427 ], [ -74.411, -48.341 ], [ -74.316, -48.287 ], [ -74.255, -48.412 ], [ -74.192, -48.443 ], [ -74.269, -48.484 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.515, -48.083 ], [ -75.438, -48.065 ], [ -75.47, -48.129 ], [ -75.404, -48.028 ], [ -75.342, -48.029 ], [ -75.381, -48.143 ], [ -75.34, -48.088 ], [ -75.297, -48.107 ], [ -75.336, -48.13 ], [ -75.364, -48.179 ], [ -75.262, -48.151 ], [ -75.308, -48.209 ], [ -75.256, -48.175 ], [ -75.259, -48.205 ], [ -75.321, -48.235 ], [ -75.256, -48.226 ], [ -75.275, -48.27 ], [ -75.217, -48.298 ], [ -75.26, -48.326 ], [ -75.206, -48.31 ], [ -75.218, -48.371 ], [ -75.155, -48.39 ], [ -75.214, -48.452 ], [ -75.141, -48.407 ], [ -75.073, -48.493 ], [ -75.199, -48.463 ], [ -75.226, -48.516 ], [ -75.084, -48.511 ], [ -75.065, -48.624 ], [ -75.236, -48.715 ], [ -75.26, -48.667 ], [ -75.163, -48.627 ], [ -75.269, -48.657 ], [ -75.218, -48.598 ], [ -75.285, -48.614 ], [ -75.29, -48.555 ], [ -75.244, -48.532 ], [ -75.316, -48.495 ], [ -75.228, -48.424 ], [ -75.336, -48.419 ], [ -75.277, -48.336 ], [ -75.353, -48.41 ], [ -75.545, -48.433 ], [ -75.571, -48.39 ], [ -75.389, -48.356 ], [ -75.364, -48.293 ], [ -75.418, -48.338 ], [ -75.38, -48.245 ], [ -75.445, -48.353 ], [ -75.501, -48.35 ], [ -75.478, -48.307 ], [ -75.547, -48.351 ], [ -75.56, -48.3 ], [ -75.43, -48.246 ], [ -75.394, -48.202 ], [ -75.517, -48.259 ], [ -75.59, -48.112 ], [ -75.519, -48.052 ], [ -75.515, -48.083 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75, -48.114 ], [ -74.932, -48.167 ], [ -74.998, -48.178 ], [ -74.892, -48.177 ], [ -74.926, -48.237 ], [ -74.979, -48.224 ], [ -74.936, -48.247 ], [ -74.883, -48.215 ], [ -74.948, -48.279 ], [ -74.83, -48.223 ], [ -74.811, -48.148 ], [ -74.742, -48.139 ], [ -74.891, -48.307 ], [ -74.822, -48.256 ], [ -74.83, -48.383 ], [ -74.881, -48.398 ], [ -74.871, -48.361 ], [ -75.02, -48.473 ], [ -75.109, -48.358 ], [ -75.082, -48.342 ], [ -75.156, -48.317 ], [ -75.048, -48.271 ], [ -75.168, -48.284 ], [ -75.088, -48.265 ], [ -75.145, -48.263 ], [ -75.08, -48.222 ], [ -75.175, -48.26 ], [ -75.166, -48.203 ], [ -75.208, -48.213 ], [ -75.124, -48.175 ], [ -75.216, -48.192 ], [ -75.149, -48.156 ], [ -75.217, -48.165 ], [ -75.265, -48.09 ], [ -75.016, -48.143 ], [ -75.096, -48.098 ], [ -75, -48.114 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.342, -48.231 ], [ -74.304, -48.266 ], [ -74.374, -48.244 ], [ -74.342, -48.231 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.518, -48.049 ], [ -75.54, -48.037 ], [ -75.482, -48.043 ], [ -75.518, -48.049 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.315, -48.148 ], [ -75.333, -48.142 ], [ -75.285, -48.129 ], [ -75.288, -48.146 ], [ -75.315, -48.148 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.886, -48.173 ], [ -74.904, -48.153 ], [ -74.847, -48.115 ], [ -74.837, -48.143 ], [ -74.886, -48.173 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.552, -48.183 ], [ -74.603, -48.156 ], [ -74.502, -48.173 ], [ -74.605, -48.125 ], [ -74.48, -48.172 ], [ -74.36, -48.281 ], [ -74.52, -48.36 ], [ -74.567, -48.294 ], [ -74.478, -48.196 ], [ -74.595, -48.287 ], [ -74.603, -48.191 ], [ -74.552, -48.183 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.521, -48.135 ], [ -74.551, -48.115 ], [ -74.525, -48.112 ], [ -74.521, -48.135 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.014, -48 ], [ -74.035, -48.024 ], [ -74.061, -48.003 ], [ -74.045, -47.99 ], [ -74.014, -48 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.128, -48.051 ], [ -75.103, -48.029 ], [ -75.207, -48.044 ], [ -75.121, -48.015 ], [ -75.278, -48.028 ], [ -75.127, -47.991 ], [ -75.128, -47.957 ], [ -75.254, -47.989 ], [ -75.055, -47.909 ], [ -74.972, -47.998 ], [ -74.801, -48.049 ], [ -74.873, -48.099 ], [ -75.076, -48.045 ], [ -74.894, -48.118 ], [ -74.917, -48.152 ], [ -74.968, -48.107 ], [ -75.166, -48.075 ], [ -75.128, -48.051 ] ], [ [ -75.077, -48.017 ], [ -75.05, -48.043 ], [ -75.026, -48.033 ], [ -75.077, -48.017 ] ], [ [ -75.104, -48.013 ], [ -75.07, -47.998 ], [ -74.981, -48.021 ], [ -75.069, -47.985 ], [ -75.104, -48.013 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.741, -48.08 ], [ -74.731, -48.114 ], [ -74.801, -48.077 ], [ -74.76, -48.049 ], [ -74.789, -48.023 ], [ -74.743, -48.037 ], [ -74.793, -48.007 ], [ -74.783, -47.912 ], [ -74.695, -48.063 ], [ -74.741, -48.08 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.167, -47.657 ], [ -75.181, -47.65 ], [ -75.164, -47.646 ], [ -75.167, -47.657 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.91, -47.713 ], [ -74.929, -47.693 ], [ -74.9, -47.704 ], [ -74.91, -47.713 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.223, -47.608 ], [ -74.232, -47.603 ], [ -74.192, -47.606 ], [ -74.223, -47.608 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.459, -47.186 ], [ -74.474, -47.181 ], [ -74.458, -47.173 ], [ -74.459, -47.186 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.288, -47.027 ], [ -74.247, -47.039 ], [ -74.262, -47.077 ], [ -74.421, -47.168 ], [ -74.442, -47.071 ], [ -74.288, -47.027 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.567, -46.915 ], [ -74.568, -46.938 ], [ -74.597, -46.935 ], [ -74.6, -46.918 ], [ -74.567, -46.915 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.278, -46.8 ], [ -74.353, -46.793 ], [ -74.361, -46.78 ], [ -74.278, -46.8 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.762, -47.59 ], [ -74.764, -47.576 ], [ -74.751, -47.583 ], [ -74.762, -47.59 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.301, -46.726 ], [ -75.306, -46.715 ], [ -75.292, -46.72 ], [ -75.301, -46.726 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.171, -46.728 ], [ -75.251, -46.689 ], [ -75.252, -46.677 ], [ -75.173, -46.695 ], [ -75.171, -46.728 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.303, -46.687 ], [ -75.32, -46.711 ], [ -75.359, -46.688 ], [ -75.303, -46.687 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.282, -46.672 ], [ -75.283, -46.684 ], [ -75.333, -46.681 ], [ -75.282, -46.672 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.262, -46.682 ], [ -75.28, -46.668 ], [ -75.258, -46.669 ], [ -75.262, -46.682 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.581, -46.229 ], [ -73.588, -46.221 ], [ -73.562, -46.211 ], [ -73.581, -46.229 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.903, -46.181 ], [ -74.917, -46.178 ], [ -74.891, -46.175 ], [ -74.903, -46.181 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.963, -46.162 ], [ -74.944, -46.179 ], [ -74.968, -46.182 ], [ -74.963, -46.162 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.992, -46.157 ], [ -74.984, -46.179 ], [ -75.03, -46.179 ], [ -74.992, -46.157 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.916, -46.097 ], [ -73.881, -46.106 ], [ -73.874, -46.123 ], [ -73.94, -46.131 ], [ -73.916, -46.097 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.979, -45.949 ], [ -73.951, -45.985 ], [ -73.963, -46.016 ], [ -73.984, -45.998 ], [ -73.979, -45.949 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.224, -46.785 ], [ -75.232, -46.768 ], [ -75.217, -46.767 ], [ -75.208, -46.778 ], [ -75.224, -46.785 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.208, -46.756 ], [ -75.266, -46.719 ], [ -75.232, -46.7 ], [ -75.16, -46.767 ], [ -75.208, -46.756 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.899, -45.628 ], [ -74.903, -45.659 ], [ -74.938, -45.631 ], [ -74.899, -45.628 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.868, -45.675 ], [ -74.854, -45.698 ], [ -74.885, -45.695 ], [ -74.868, -45.675 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.225, -45.482 ], [ -74.175, -45.521 ], [ -74.161, -45.569 ], [ -74.229, -45.496 ], [ -74.225, -45.482 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.5, -45.631 ], [ -74.476, -45.657 ], [ -74.514, -45.686 ], [ -74.52, -45.653 ], [ -74.5, -45.631 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.797, -45.62 ], [ -73.811, -45.661 ], [ -73.816, -45.627 ], [ -73.797, -45.62 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.581, -45.792 ], [ -74.594, -45.793 ], [ -74.57, -45.774 ], [ -74.581, -45.792 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.861, -45.752 ], [ -73.845, -45.762 ], [ -73.892, -45.789 ], [ -73.894, -45.772 ], [ -73.861, -45.752 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.09, -45.764 ], [ -74.073, -45.772 ], [ -74.096, -45.785 ], [ -74.09, -45.764 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.101, -45.744 ], [ -74.067, -45.762 ], [ -74.1, -45.757 ], [ -74.101, -45.744 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.514, -45.705 ], [ -74.499, -45.732 ], [ -74.551, -45.751 ], [ -74.514, -45.705 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.159, -45.731 ], [ -74.149, -45.738 ], [ -74.164, -45.741 ], [ -74.159, -45.731 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.141, -45.723 ], [ -74.117, -45.744 ], [ -74.148, -45.732 ], [ -74.141, -45.723 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.805, -45.697 ], [ -74.796, -45.705 ], [ -74.82, -45.699 ], [ -74.805, -45.697 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.835, -45.598 ], [ -74.768, -45.63 ], [ -74.832, -45.623 ], [ -74.725, -45.72 ], [ -74.859, -45.66 ], [ -74.835, -45.598 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.796, -45.675 ], [ -73.71, -45.729 ], [ -73.707, -45.767 ], [ -73.758, -45.758 ], [ -73.796, -45.675 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.462, -45.667 ], [ -74.448, -45.688 ], [ -74.485, -45.723 ], [ -74.501, -45.699 ], [ -74.462, -45.667 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.524, -45.58 ], [ -74.572, -45.754 ], [ -74.662, -45.757 ], [ -74.657, -45.654 ], [ -74.524, -45.58 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.986, -45.538 ], [ -73.864, -45.607 ], [ -73.88, -45.711 ], [ -73.958, -45.739 ], [ -74.05, -45.706 ], [ -74.099, -45.603 ], [ -73.986, -45.538 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.93, -45.947 ], [ -73.939, -45.953 ], [ -73.93, -45.934 ], [ -73.93, -45.947 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.718, -46.031 ], [ -73.651, -46.091 ], [ -73.738, -46.213 ], [ -73.829, -46.164 ], [ -73.759, -46.146 ], [ -73.845, -46.142 ], [ -73.875, -46.101 ], [ -73.929, -46.092 ], [ -73.903, -45.894 ], [ -73.778, -45.86 ], [ -73.708, -45.802 ], [ -73.653, -45.894 ], [ -73.691, -45.91 ], [ -73.664, -46.019 ], [ -73.718, -46.031 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.963, -45.794 ], [ -74.967, -45.814 ], [ -74.99, -45.801 ], [ -74.963, -45.794 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.817, -45.858 ], [ -73.818, -45.838 ], [ -73.779, -45.827 ], [ -73.783, -45.855 ], [ -73.817, -45.858 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.906, -45.806 ], [ -73.925, -45.794 ], [ -73.901, -45.792 ], [ -73.906, -45.806 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.636, -45.773 ], [ -73.63, -45.797 ], [ -73.653, -45.805 ], [ -73.636, -45.773 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.877, -45.8 ], [ -73.834, -45.768 ], [ -73.765, -45.81 ], [ -73.864, -45.857 ], [ -73.826, -45.821 ], [ -73.877, -45.8 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.352, -45.779 ], [ -74.377, -45.809 ], [ -74.432, -45.799 ], [ -74.352, -45.779 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.549, -45.768 ], [ -74.49, -45.743 ], [ -74.469, -45.815 ], [ -74.575, -45.798 ], [ -74.549, -45.768 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.254, -45.71 ], [ -74.194, -45.749 ], [ -74.289, -45.759 ], [ -74.149, -45.75 ], [ -74.116, -45.804 ], [ -74.312, -45.797 ], [ -74.323, -45.754 ], [ -74.254, -45.71 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.717, -47.859 ], [ -73.746, -47.833 ], [ -73.621, -47.827 ], [ -73.717, -47.859 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.938, -47.816 ], [ -74.947, -47.833 ], [ -74.964, -47.831 ], [ -74.938, -47.816 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.046, -47.827 ], [ -75.058, -47.821 ], [ -75.031, -47.818 ], [ -75.046, -47.827 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.357, -47.824 ], [ -74.225, -47.791 ], [ -73.888, -47.883 ], [ -73.865, -47.842 ], [ -73.803, -47.825 ], [ -73.846, -47.854 ], [ -73.784, -47.873 ], [ -73.86, -47.958 ], [ -73.932, -47.949 ], [ -73.903, -47.91 ], [ -74.001, -47.959 ], [ -74.304, -47.976 ], [ -74.375, -47.917 ], [ -74.5, -47.904 ], [ -74.357, -47.824 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.904, -47.838 ], [ -74.881, -47.8 ], [ -74.801, -47.826 ], [ -74.806, -47.917 ], [ -74.854, -47.897 ], [ -74.821, -47.927 ], [ -74.883, -47.95 ], [ -74.825, -47.944 ], [ -74.811, -48.003 ], [ -74.988, -47.96 ], [ -74.936, -47.878 ], [ -74.982, -47.841 ], [ -74.904, -47.838 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.075, -47.911 ], [ -75.076, -47.843 ], [ -75.046, -47.859 ], [ -75.075, -47.911 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.649, -47.884 ], [ -74.636, -47.914 ], [ -74.731, -47.891 ], [ -74.732, -47.825 ], [ -74.677, -47.804 ], [ -74.649, -47.884 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.572, -47.887 ], [ -74.652, -47.852 ], [ -74.653, -47.811 ], [ -74.556, -47.818 ], [ -74.572, -47.887 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.518, -47.896 ], [ -74.476, -47.792 ], [ -74.38, -47.799 ], [ -74.518, -47.896 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.995, -47.802 ], [ -74.999, -47.816 ], [ -75.023, -47.812 ], [ -74.995, -47.802 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.661, -47.771 ], [ -74.644, -47.776 ], [ -74.688, -47.775 ], [ -74.661, -47.771 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.287, -47.726 ], [ -75.201, -47.742 ], [ -75.113, -47.67 ], [ -75.079, -47.751 ], [ -75.114, -47.774 ], [ -75.029, -47.789 ], [ -75.206, -47.845 ], [ -75.196, -47.791 ], [ -75.247, -47.789 ], [ -75.223, -47.84 ], [ -75.4, -47.734 ], [ -75.287, -47.726 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.908, -47.774 ], [ -74.926, -47.761 ], [ -74.918, -47.737 ], [ -74.883, -47.759 ], [ -74.908, -47.774 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75, -47.693 ], [ -74.946, -47.703 ], [ -74.934, -47.776 ], [ -75.092, -47.694 ], [ -75, -47.693 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.552, -45.402 ], [ -73.529, -45.415 ], [ -73.576, -45.409 ], [ -73.552, -45.402 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.126, -45.398 ], [ -74.139, -45.43 ], [ -74.164, -45.41 ], [ -74.126, -45.398 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.728, -45.395 ], [ -73.748, -45.416 ], [ -73.76, -45.406 ], [ -73.728, -45.395 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.604, -45.318 ], [ -74.573, -45.347 ], [ -74.624, -45.33 ], [ -74.604, -45.318 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.484, -45.313 ], [ -73.474, -45.321 ], [ -73.5, -45.315 ], [ -73.484, -45.313 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.308, -45.326 ], [ -74.261, -45.34 ], [ -74.237, -45.404 ], [ -74.281, -45.379 ], [ -74.308, -45.326 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.175, -45.325 ], [ -74.129, -45.37 ], [ -74.206, -45.387 ], [ -74.216, -45.373 ], [ -74.175, -45.325 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.517, -45.36 ], [ -73.578, -45.365 ], [ -73.589, -45.334 ], [ -73.458, -45.339 ], [ -73.517, -45.36 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.736, -45.332 ], [ -73.723, -45.335 ], [ -73.726, -45.349 ], [ -73.746, -45.341 ], [ -73.736, -45.332 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.15, -45.313 ], [ -74.13, -45.338 ], [ -74.161, -45.318 ], [ -74.15, -45.313 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.15, -45.313 ], [ -74.15, -45.313 ], [ -74.15, -45.313 ], [ -74.15, -45.313 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.716, -45.308 ], [ -73.712, -45.322 ], [ -73.738, -45.326 ], [ -73.716, -45.308 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.411, -45.042 ], [ -73.406, -45.059 ], [ -73.437, -45.088 ], [ -73.411, -45.042 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.521, -45.071 ], [ -73.505, -45.077 ], [ -73.5, -45.106 ], [ -73.521, -45.095 ], [ -73.521, -45.071 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.438, -45.05 ], [ -73.46, -45.107 ], [ -73.467, -45.072 ], [ -73.438, -45.05 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.073, -44.931 ], [ -75.153, -44.823 ], [ -75.112, -44.781 ], [ -75.012, -44.858 ], [ -75.012, -44.907 ], [ -75.073, -44.931 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.667, -44.964 ], [ -73.657, -44.98 ], [ -73.685, -44.977 ], [ -73.667, -44.964 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.525, -45.017 ], [ -73.504, -45.038 ], [ -73.551, -45.028 ], [ -73.525, -45.017 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.438, -44.987 ], [ -73.434, -45.018 ], [ -73.473, -45.047 ], [ -73.463, -45.004 ], [ -73.438, -44.987 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.674, -45.013 ], [ -73.667, -45.048 ], [ -73.721, -44.987 ], [ -73.679, -44.989 ], [ -73.674, -45.013 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.327, -45.303 ], [ -73.385, -45.338 ], [ -73.428, -45.34 ], [ -73.424, -45.303 ], [ -73.327, -45.303 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.62, -45.274 ], [ -73.609, -45.263 ], [ -73.62, -45.274 ], [ -73.62, -45.274 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.62, -45.274 ], [ -73.631, -45.284 ], [ -73.651, -45.266 ], [ -73.613, -45.25 ], [ -73.62, -45.274 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.452, -45.257 ], [ -74.438, -45.267 ], [ -74.471, -45.266 ], [ -74.452, -45.257 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.583, -45.271 ], [ -74.549, -45.294 ], [ -74.562, -45.312 ], [ -74.593, -45.3 ], [ -74.556, -45.292 ], [ -74.583, -45.271 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.398, -45.285 ], [ -74.32, -45.315 ], [ -74.264, -45.412 ], [ -74.343, -45.429 ], [ -74.523, -45.332 ], [ -74.398, -45.285 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.074, -45.376 ], [ -74.07, -45.346 ], [ -73.974, -45.382 ], [ -74.047, -45.413 ], [ -74.074, -45.376 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.07, -45.346 ], [ -74.135, -45.33 ], [ -74.156, -45.238 ], [ -74.024, -45.208 ], [ -73.987, -45.266 ], [ -73.808, -45.253 ], [ -73.758, -45.354 ], [ -74.07, -45.346 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.512, -45.3 ], [ -73.555, -45.318 ], [ -73.591, -45.302 ], [ -73.542, -45.243 ], [ -73.487, -45.27 ], [ -73.512, -45.3 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.162, -45.298 ], [ -74.15, -45.313 ], [ -74.172, -45.303 ], [ -74.162, -45.298 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.36, -45.165 ], [ -74.196, -45.226 ], [ -74.193, -45.278 ], [ -74.237, -45.279 ], [ -74.192, -45.285 ], [ -74.201, -45.35 ], [ -74.263, -45.316 ], [ -74.258, -45.218 ], [ -74.295, -45.239 ], [ -74.276, -45.291 ], [ -74.321, -45.255 ], [ -74.29, -45.331 ], [ -74.38, -45.275 ], [ -74.401, -45.17 ], [ -74.36, -45.165 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.446, -45.259 ], [ -73.446, -45.259 ], [ -73.446, -45.26 ], [ -73.446, -45.259 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.499, -45.159 ], [ -74.489, -45.219 ], [ -74.572, -45.213 ], [ -74.499, -45.159 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.446, -45.259 ], [ -73.505, -45.242 ], [ -73.516, -45.193 ], [ -73.473, -45.205 ], [ -73.446, -45.259 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.525, -45.18 ], [ -73.515, -45.189 ], [ -73.528, -45.206 ], [ -73.537, -45.186 ], [ -73.525, -45.18 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.243, -45.178 ], [ -74.234, -45.184 ], [ -74.257, -45.18 ], [ -74.243, -45.178 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.542, -45.171 ], [ -73.535, -45.178 ], [ -73.551, -45.18 ], [ -73.542, -45.171 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.514, -45.142 ], [ -73.504, -45.152 ], [ -73.526, -45.169 ], [ -73.538, -45.144 ], [ -73.514, -45.142 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.382, -45.055 ], [ -74.28, -45.077 ], [ -74.335, -45.09 ], [ -74.321, -45.13 ], [ -74.381, -45.076 ], [ -74.321, -45.146 ], [ -74.264, -45.097 ], [ -74.249, -45.169 ], [ -74.42, -45.117 ], [ -74.382, -45.055 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.808, -44.988 ], [ -73.687, -45.115 ], [ -73.672, -45.179 ], [ -73.721, -45.194 ], [ -73.678, -45.203 ], [ -73.723, -45.236 ], [ -73.691, -45.289 ], [ -73.757, -45.305 ], [ -73.812, -45.24 ], [ -73.983, -45.255 ], [ -73.982, -45.198 ], [ -73.847, -45.21 ], [ -73.962, -45.192 ], [ -74.013, -45.205 ], [ -74.073, -45.179 ], [ -74.059, -45.139 ], [ -74.13, -45.167 ], [ -74.151, -45.055 ], [ -74.151, -45.164 ], [ -74.217, -45.172 ], [ -74.237, -45.082 ], [ -74.174, -45.034 ], [ -74.037, -45.053 ], [ -73.808, -44.988 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.67, -44.654 ], [ -74.62, -44.609 ], [ -74.516, -44.622 ], [ -74.436, -44.695 ], [ -74.613, -44.695 ], [ -74.67, -44.654 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.855, -44.764 ], [ -73.841, -44.772 ], [ -73.878, -44.767 ], [ -73.855, -44.764 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.95, -44.755 ], [ -73.939, -44.761 ], [ -73.967, -44.758 ], [ -73.95, -44.755 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.953, -44.743 ], [ -73.949, -44.754 ], [ -73.974, -44.744 ], [ -73.953, -44.743 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.924, -44.737 ], [ -73.912, -44.75 ], [ -73.933, -44.749 ], [ -73.924, -44.737 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.847, -44.718 ], [ -73.819, -44.746 ], [ -73.933, -44.731 ], [ -73.847, -44.718 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.571, -44.704 ], [ -73.747, -44.755 ], [ -73.882, -44.596 ], [ -73.833, -44.591 ], [ -73.791, -44.662 ], [ -73.803, -44.565 ], [ -73.661, -44.541 ], [ -73.592, -44.629 ], [ -73.718, -44.739 ], [ -73.619, -44.675 ], [ -73.571, -44.704 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.504, -44.955 ], [ -73.519, -44.936 ], [ -73.498, -44.926 ], [ -73.49, -44.944 ], [ -73.504, -44.955 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.337, -44.928 ], [ -73.324, -44.941 ], [ -73.344, -44.935 ], [ -73.337, -44.928 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.64, -44.936 ], [ -74.618, -44.958 ], [ -74.656, -44.943 ], [ -74.64, -44.936 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.68, -44.896 ], [ -73.671, -44.906 ], [ -73.692, -44.905 ], [ -73.68, -44.896 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.629, -44.868 ], [ -73.63, -44.89 ], [ -73.66, -44.882 ], [ -73.629, -44.868 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.416, -44.881 ], [ -74.399, -44.888 ], [ -74.407, -44.9 ], [ -74.432, -44.888 ], [ -74.416, -44.881 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.34, -44.872 ], [ -74.322, -44.902 ], [ -74.365, -44.911 ], [ -74.343, -44.897 ], [ -74.34, -44.872 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.359, -44.873 ], [ -74.377, -44.907 ], [ -74.384, -44.88 ], [ -74.359, -44.873 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.867, -44.775 ], [ -73.728, -44.912 ], [ -73.769, -44.907 ], [ -73.764, -44.957 ], [ -73.829, -44.962 ], [ -73.919, -44.867 ], [ -73.843, -44.902 ], [ -73.799, -44.899 ], [ -73.913, -44.824 ], [ -73.867, -44.775 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.685, -44.859 ], [ -73.698, -44.878 ], [ -73.738, -44.863 ], [ -73.685, -44.859 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.234, -44.854 ], [ -74.216, -44.86 ], [ -74.248, -44.869 ], [ -74.234, -44.854 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.145, -44.866 ], [ -73.956, -44.897 ], [ -73.894, -44.967 ], [ -74.016, -44.995 ], [ -74.085, -44.958 ], [ -74.023, -45 ], [ -74.269, -45.041 ], [ -74.387, -45.005 ], [ -74.145, -44.866 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.308, -44.897 ], [ -74.371, -44.963 ], [ -74.458, -44.927 ], [ -74.454, -44.896 ], [ -74.331, -44.92 ], [ -74.308, -44.897 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.299, -44.911 ], [ -74.3, -44.892 ], [ -74.277, -44.87 ], [ -74.261, -44.902 ], [ -74.299, -44.911 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.666, -44.753 ], [ -73.585, -44.747 ], [ -73.598, -44.833 ], [ -73.719, -44.825 ], [ -73.738, -44.757 ], [ -73.666, -44.753 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.753, -44.807 ], [ -73.741, -44.83 ], [ -73.761, -44.833 ], [ -73.753, -44.807 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.767, -44.78 ], [ -73.751, -44.801 ], [ -73.765, -44.802 ], [ -73.767, -44.78 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.462, -44.714 ], [ -74.431, -44.715 ], [ -74.301, -44.843 ], [ -74.45, -44.845 ], [ -74.537, -44.744 ], [ -74.462, -44.714 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.995, -44.773 ], [ -73.934, -44.791 ], [ -73.933, -44.837 ], [ -74.018, -44.865 ], [ -74.191, -44.824 ], [ -73.995, -44.773 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.413, -44.658 ], [ -74.394, -44.618 ], [ -74.286, -44.636 ], [ -74.291, -44.602 ], [ -73.97, -44.602 ], [ -73.842, -44.703 ], [ -73.964, -44.713 ], [ -73.956, -44.661 ], [ -73.989, -44.662 ], [ -73.987, -44.725 ], [ -74.247, -44.81 ], [ -74.369, -44.726 ], [ -74.086, -44.743 ], [ -74.383, -44.708 ], [ -74.413, -44.658 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.97, -44.602 ], [ -73.908, -44.568 ], [ -73.886, -44.628 ], [ -73.97, -44.602 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.058, -45.434 ], [ -73.864, -45.489 ], [ -73.778, -45.465 ], [ -73.843, -45.578 ], [ -73.908, -45.554 ], [ -73.884, -45.511 ], [ -73.985, -45.53 ], [ -73.941, -45.511 ], [ -74.05, -45.522 ], [ -74.105, -45.596 ], [ -74.124, -45.554 ], [ -74.068, -45.525 ], [ -74.102, -45.499 ], [ -74.065, -45.459 ], [ -73.962, -45.462 ], [ -74.058, -45.434 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.463, -45.572 ], [ -74.395, -45.448 ], [ -74.321, -45.462 ], [ -74.263, -45.494 ], [ -74.353, -45.526 ], [ -74.261, -45.499 ], [ -74.211, -45.561 ], [ -74.296, -45.552 ], [ -74.36, -45.57 ], [ -74.207, -45.576 ], [ -74.18, -45.625 ], [ -74.195, -45.69 ], [ -74.422, -45.694 ], [ -74.291, -45.717 ], [ -74.449, -45.788 ], [ -74.489, -45.731 ], [ -74.428, -45.693 ], [ -74.486, -45.61 ], [ -74.419, -45.593 ], [ -74.463, -45.572 ] ], [ [ -74.196, -45.624 ], [ -74.249, -45.638 ], [ -74.283, -45.624 ], [ -74.25, -45.643 ], [ -74.196, -45.624 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.463, -45.574 ], [ -74.489, -45.6 ], [ -74.544, -45.517 ], [ -74.498, -45.449 ], [ -74.412, -45.439 ], [ -74.469, -45.526 ], [ -74.463, -45.574 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.674, -45.438 ], [ -73.545, -45.488 ], [ -73.595, -45.605 ], [ -73.559, -45.646 ], [ -73.674, -45.612 ], [ -73.582, -45.689 ], [ -73.63, -45.772 ], [ -73.795, -45.67 ], [ -73.753, -45.52 ], [ -73.674, -45.438 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.1, -45.459 ], [ -74.105, -45.477 ], [ -74.112, -45.466 ], [ -74.1, -45.459 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.624, -45.424 ], [ -73.611, -45.431 ], [ -73.662, -45.434 ], [ -73.662, -45.423 ], [ -73.624, -45.424 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.135, -45.443 ], [ -74.115, -45.449 ], [ -74.117, -45.468 ], [ -74.135, -45.443 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.106, -45.438 ], [ -74.114, -45.447 ], [ -74.117, -45.432 ], [ -74.106, -45.438 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.107, -45.404 ], [ -74.084, -45.44 ], [ -74.114, -45.424 ], [ -74.107, -45.404 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.796, -45.373 ], [ -73.79, -45.416 ], [ -73.878, -45.454 ], [ -74.04, -45.418 ], [ -73.796, -45.373 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.801, -44.643 ], [ -74.808, -44.546 ], [ -74.734, -44.557 ], [ -74.718, -44.657 ], [ -74.782, -44.677 ], [ -74.801, -44.643 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.131, -44.573 ], [ -73.146, -44.571 ], [ -73.141, -44.554 ], [ -73.131, -44.573 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.292, -44.574 ], [ -73.28, -44.577 ], [ -73.304, -44.588 ], [ -73.292, -44.574 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.821, -44.403 ], [ -72.804, -44.421 ], [ -72.843, -44.414 ], [ -72.821, -44.403 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.628, -44.394 ], [ -73.623, -44.408 ], [ -73.653, -44.413 ], [ -73.628, -44.394 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.885, -44.398 ], [ -73.872, -44.359 ], [ -73.835, -44.371 ], [ -73.885, -44.398 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.407, -44.357 ], [ -74.373, -44.394 ], [ -74.424, -44.397 ], [ -74.407, -44.357 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.333, -44.515 ], [ -73.312, -44.523 ], [ -73.329, -44.586 ], [ -73.369, -44.54 ], [ -73.333, -44.515 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.768, -44.53 ], [ -73.748, -44.543 ], [ -73.778, -44.538 ], [ -73.768, -44.53 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.373, -44.546 ], [ -74.367, -44.558 ], [ -74.384, -44.556 ], [ -74.373, -44.546 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.675, -44.478 ], [ -73.576, -44.516 ], [ -73.673, -44.53 ], [ -73.675, -44.478 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.757, -44.483 ], [ -73.697, -44.508 ], [ -73.697, -44.526 ], [ -73.751, -44.52 ], [ -73.757, -44.483 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.321, -44.581 ], [ -74.371, -44.517 ], [ -74.189, -44.477 ], [ -74.11, -44.557 ], [ -74.321, -44.581 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.344, -44.51 ], [ -74.452, -44.492 ], [ -74.389, -44.55 ], [ -74.559, -44.488 ], [ -74.493, -44.428 ], [ -74.388, -44.441 ], [ -74.32, -44.397 ], [ -74.209, -44.473 ], [ -74.344, -44.51 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.758, -44.516 ], [ -73.757, -44.531 ], [ -73.768, -44.527 ], [ -73.758, -44.516 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.782, -44.493 ], [ -73.787, -44.52 ], [ -73.833, -44.503 ], [ -73.801, -44.484 ], [ -73.782, -44.493 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.848, -44.48 ], [ -73.836, -44.515 ], [ -73.894, -44.519 ], [ -73.896, -44.489 ], [ -73.848, -44.48 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.167, -44.418 ], [ -73.974, -44.45 ], [ -73.924, -44.541 ], [ -74.095, -44.547 ], [ -74.125, -44.515 ], [ -74.123, -44.494 ], [ -73.949, -44.503 ], [ -74.13, -44.474 ], [ -74.08, -44.471 ], [ -74.167, -44.418 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.6, -44.427 ], [ -73.569, -44.487 ], [ -73.619, -44.497 ], [ -73.652, -44.451 ], [ -73.584, -44.464 ], [ -73.6, -44.427 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.885, -44.398 ], [ -73.823, -44.377 ], [ -73.88, -44.44 ], [ -73.798, -44.403 ], [ -73.751, -44.448 ], [ -73.899, -44.459 ], [ -73.885, -44.398 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.054, -44.312 ], [ -72.982, -44.358 ], [ -73.087, -44.349 ], [ -73.112, -44.385 ], [ -73.136, -44.346 ], [ -73.054, -44.312 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.239, -44.313 ], [ -73.193, -44.326 ], [ -73.154, -44.386 ], [ -73.28, -44.393 ], [ -73.288, -44.342 ], [ -73.239, -44.313 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.319, -44.33 ], [ -74.258, -44.352 ], [ -74.246, -44.375 ], [ -74.363, -44.387 ], [ -74.383, -44.348 ], [ -74.319, -44.33 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.773, -44.369 ], [ -73.649, -44.382 ], [ -73.659, -44.342 ], [ -73.626, -44.372 ], [ -73.65, -44.393 ], [ -73.718, -44.392 ], [ -73.644, -44.421 ], [ -73.668, -44.446 ], [ -73.773, -44.369 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.006, -44.345 ], [ -73.889, -44.359 ], [ -73.906, -44.446 ], [ -74.053, -44.396 ], [ -74.083, -44.3 ], [ -74.006, -44.345 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.144, -44.304 ], [ -74.117, -44.322 ], [ -74.075, -44.42 ], [ -74.189, -44.383 ], [ -74.144, -44.304 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.076, -50.818 ], [ -74.128, -50.832 ], [ -74.134, -50.776 ], [ -74.076, -50.818 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.372, -50.385 ], [ -74.358, -50.409 ], [ -74.398, -50.391 ], [ -74.372, -50.385 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.387, -47.6 ], [ -74.365, -47.572 ], [ -74.32, -47.616 ], [ -74.403, -47.658 ], [ -74.387, -47.6 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.743, -53.696 ], [ -73.737, -53.677 ], [ -73.714, -53.676 ], [ -73.743, -53.696 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.652, -53.681 ], [ -73.631, -53.676 ], [ -73.646, -53.691 ], [ -73.652, -53.681 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.656, -53.66 ], [ -73.707, -53.629 ], [ -73.656, -53.597 ], [ -73.656, -53.66 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.11, -53.762 ], [ -72.101, -53.732 ], [ -72.058, -53.759 ], [ -72.11, -53.762 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.362, -53.79 ], [ -73.371, -53.782 ], [ -73.353, -53.779 ], [ -73.362, -53.79 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.123, -53.729 ], [ -72.112, -53.742 ], [ -72.172, -53.732 ], [ -72.123, -53.729 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.406, -53.572 ], [ -72.277, -53.627 ], [ -72.255, -53.66 ], [ -72.38, -53.656 ], [ -72.444, -53.588 ], [ -72.406, -53.572 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.664, -53.695 ], [ -70.542, -53.569 ], [ -70.466, -53.576 ], [ -70.485, -53.678 ], [ -70.413, -53.808 ], [ -70.451, -53.805 ], [ -70.416, -53.88 ], [ -70.451, -53.89 ], [ -70.342, -54.037 ], [ -70.445, -54.055 ], [ -70.681, -53.927 ], [ -70.462, -54.258 ], [ -70.753, -54.164 ], [ -70.878, -54.068 ], [ -70.895, -53.934 ], [ -70.836, -53.938 ], [ -70.894, -53.889 ], [ -70.777, -53.833 ], [ -70.597, -53.858 ], [ -70.707, -53.782 ], [ -70.704, -53.7 ], [ -70.664, -53.695 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.379, -53.886 ], [ -73.399, -53.875 ], [ -73.365, -53.877 ], [ -73.379, -53.886 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.049, -53.885 ], [ -72.119, -53.921 ], [ -72.203, -53.889 ], [ -72.072, -53.827 ], [ -72.049, -53.885 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.976, -53.896 ], [ -72.947, -53.917 ], [ -73.023, -53.91 ], [ -73.01, -53.889 ], [ -72.976, -53.896 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.858, -53.931 ], [ -72.918, -53.94 ], [ -72.885, -53.871 ], [ -72.794, -53.891 ], [ -72.858, -53.931 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.379, -53.862 ], [ -73.39, -53.857 ], [ -73.363, -53.855 ], [ -73.379, -53.862 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.911, -53.852 ], [ -71.809, -53.927 ], [ -71.837, -53.98 ], [ -71.772, -53.889 ], [ -71.646, -53.925 ], [ -71.777, -54.011 ], [ -71.687, -54.009 ], [ -71.685, -54.054 ], [ -71.759, -54.047 ], [ -71.701, -54.065 ], [ -71.729, -54.098 ], [ -71.661, -54.051 ], [ -71.616, -54.088 ], [ -71.739, -54.168 ], [ -71.911, -54.053 ], [ -71.903, -54.014 ], [ -71.943, -54.043 ], [ -71.88, -54.119 ], [ -71.912, -54.133 ], [ -71.853, -54.122 ], [ -71.72, -54.245 ], [ -71.888, -54.293 ], [ -71.819, -54.293 ], [ -71.857, -54.303 ], [ -71.804, -54.351 ], [ -71.971, -54.34 ], [ -71.937, -54.254 ], [ -71.877, -54.239 ], [ -71.936, -54.213 ], [ -72.04, -54.214 ], [ -72.122, -54.156 ], [ -72.002, -54.139 ], [ -72.147, -54.126 ], [ -72.019, -54.104 ], [ -72.114, -54.046 ], [ -72.185, -54.115 ], [ -72.251, -54.05 ], [ -72.204, -54.009 ], [ -72.261, -53.992 ], [ -72.263, -53.921 ], [ -72.047, -53.993 ], [ -72.1, -53.95 ], [ -72.017, -53.969 ], [ -72.052, -53.952 ], [ -72.025, -53.904 ], [ -71.935, -53.907 ], [ -71.969, -53.871 ], [ -71.911, -53.852 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.463, -52.581 ], [ -74.476, -52.559 ], [ -74.45, -52.553 ], [ -74.463, -52.581 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.466, -52.549 ], [ -74.478, -52.544 ], [ -74.469, -52.536 ], [ -74.466, -52.549 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.389, -52.549 ], [ -74.383, -52.57 ], [ -74.442, -52.549 ], [ -74.41, -52.528 ], [ -74.389, -52.549 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.433, -52.532 ], [ -74.457, -52.523 ], [ -74.434, -52.517 ], [ -74.433, -52.532 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.488, -52.479 ], [ -74.489, -52.511 ], [ -74.523, -52.505 ], [ -74.498, -52.474 ], [ -74.488, -52.479 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.538, -52.45 ], [ -74.511, -52.473 ], [ -74.563, -52.498 ], [ -74.611, -52.468 ], [ -74.538, -52.45 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.002, -52.419 ], [ -74.046, -52.451 ], [ -74.092, -52.44 ], [ -74.002, -52.419 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.279, -52.453 ], [ -74.289, -52.434 ], [ -74.271, -52.428 ], [ -74.279, -52.453 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.202, -52.438 ], [ -74.208, -52.424 ], [ -74.191, -52.421 ], [ -74.202, -52.438 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.358, -52.62 ], [ -74.387, -52.639 ], [ -74.382, -52.621 ], [ -74.358, -52.62 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.869, -52.279 ], [ -74.843, -52.314 ], [ -74.929, -52.277 ], [ -74.91, -52.257 ], [ -74.869, -52.279 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.275, -52.189 ], [ -73.272, -52.205 ], [ -73.312, -52.193 ], [ -73.275, -52.189 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.311, -52.221 ], [ -73.323, -52.212 ], [ -73.3, -52.217 ], [ -73.311, -52.221 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.733, -52.333 ], [ -73.756, -52.321 ], [ -73.75, -52.307 ], [ -73.731, -52.31 ], [ -73.733, -52.333 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.287, -52.306 ], [ -74.294, -52.291 ], [ -74.249, -52.28 ], [ -74.287, -52.306 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.345, -52.296 ], [ -74.34, -52.268 ], [ -74.314, -52.266 ], [ -74.345, -52.296 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.36, -52.249 ], [ -74.337, -52.257 ], [ -74.405, -52.286 ], [ -74.408, -52.266 ], [ -74.36, -52.249 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.414, -52.354 ], [ -74.448, -52.355 ], [ -74.451, -52.343 ], [ -74.414, -52.354 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.8, -52.327 ], [ -74.784, -52.341 ], [ -74.821, -52.328 ], [ -74.8, -52.327 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.524, -52.341 ], [ -74.56, -52.369 ], [ -74.498, -52.297 ], [ -74.524, -52.341 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.611, -52.335 ], [ -74.65, -52.33 ], [ -74.635, -52.317 ], [ -74.611, -52.335 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.573, -52.244 ], [ -74.571, -52.308 ], [ -74.628, -52.303 ], [ -74.618, -52.253 ], [ -74.573, -52.244 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.854, -52.196 ], [ -74.812, -52.258 ], [ -74.786, -52.221 ], [ -74.606, -52.218 ], [ -74.639, -52.307 ], [ -74.743, -52.334 ], [ -74.908, -52.241 ], [ -74.901, -52.195 ], [ -74.854, -52.196 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.43, -52.246 ], [ -74.428, -52.227 ], [ -74.404, -52.232 ], [ -74.43, -52.246 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.73, -52.245 ], [ -73.719, -52.297 ], [ -73.788, -52.244 ], [ -73.767, -52.216 ], [ -73.73, -52.245 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.244, -52.212 ], [ -74.285, -52.257 ], [ -74.33, -52.236 ], [ -74.244, -52.212 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.301, -52.193 ], [ -74.281, -52.207 ], [ -74.334, -52.213 ], [ -74.301, -52.193 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.226, -52.181 ], [ -74.262, -52.195 ], [ -74.309, -52.185 ], [ -74.284, -52.167 ], [ -74.226, -52.181 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.729, -51.931 ], [ -72.749, -51.926 ], [ -72.752, -51.903 ], [ -72.733, -51.9 ], [ -72.729, -51.931 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.753, -51.832 ], [ -73.701, -51.897 ], [ -73.712, -51.948 ], [ -73.797, -51.86 ], [ -73.753, -51.832 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.695, -51.832 ], [ -73.702, -51.82 ], [ -73.684, -51.817 ], [ -73.695, -51.832 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.931, -51.789 ], [ -72.907, -51.809 ], [ -72.959, -51.785 ], [ -72.931, -51.789 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.094, -52.059 ], [ -74.116, -52.059 ], [ -74.116, -52.043 ], [ -74.094, -52.059 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.319, -51.99 ], [ -74.349, -51.987 ], [ -74.33, -51.973 ], [ -74.319, -51.99 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.621, -51.963 ], [ -74.611, -51.966 ], [ -74.626, -51.973 ], [ -74.621, -51.963 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.515, -51.919 ], [ -74.491, -51.914 ], [ -74.51, -51.935 ], [ -74.532, -51.923 ], [ -74.515, -51.919 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.152, -52.055 ], [ -74.16, -52.04 ], [ -74.148, -52.041 ], [ -74.152, -52.055 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.397, -52.017 ], [ -74.367, -52.035 ], [ -74.422, -52.03 ], [ -74.397, -52.017 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.347, -52.055 ], [ -74.339, -52.029 ], [ -74.313, -52.035 ], [ -74.347, -52.055 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.247, -52.038 ], [ -74.245, -52.017 ], [ -74.223, -52.013 ], [ -74.216, -52.022 ], [ -74.247, -52.038 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.145, -52.011 ], [ -74.154, -51.996 ], [ -74.138, -52.001 ], [ -74.145, -52.011 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.28, -52.009 ], [ -74.304, -52.008 ], [ -74.3, -51.987 ], [ -74.271, -52 ], [ -74.28, -52.009 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.356, -51.999 ], [ -74.337, -52.008 ], [ -74.374, -52.02 ], [ -74.36, -51.981 ], [ -74.356, -51.999 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.54, -51.834 ], [ -74.561, -51.913 ], [ -74.645, -51.935 ], [ -74.562, -51.834 ], [ -74.54, -51.834 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.575, -52.108 ], [ -74.605, -52.125 ], [ -74.614, -52.115 ], [ -74.575, -52.108 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.964, -52.107 ], [ -73.935, -52.13 ], [ -74.059, -52.068 ], [ -73.999, -52.079 ], [ -73.964, -52.107 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.593, -52.082 ], [ -74.573, -52.086 ], [ -74.626, -52.11 ], [ -74.651, -52.184 ], [ -74.78, -52.203 ], [ -74.761, -52.134 ], [ -74.593, -52.082 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.538, -52.13 ], [ -74.562, -52.151 ], [ -74.595, -52.151 ], [ -74.581, -52.128 ], [ -74.538, -52.13 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.359, -52.183 ], [ -74.324, -52.188 ], [ -74.49, -52.194 ], [ -74.425, -52.147 ], [ -74.359, -52.183 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.22, -52.084 ], [ -74.132, -52.082 ], [ -74.05, -52.128 ], [ -74.129, -52.165 ], [ -74.251, -52.088 ], [ -74.22, -52.084 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.742, -52.096 ], [ -74.82, -52.095 ], [ -74.789, -52.119 ], [ -74.829, -52.147 ], [ -74.898, -52.131 ], [ -74.853, -52.062 ], [ -74.755, -52.033 ], [ -74.836, -52.046 ], [ -74.754, -51.954 ], [ -74.812, -51.961 ], [ -74.737, -51.826 ], [ -74.662, -51.878 ], [ -74.576, -51.836 ], [ -74.673, -51.922 ], [ -74.642, -51.953 ], [ -74.727, -51.997 ], [ -74.644, -51.962 ], [ -74.705, -52.013 ], [ -74.742, -52.096 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.459, -52.03 ], [ -74.441, -52.03 ], [ -74.566, -52.083 ], [ -74.544, -52.049 ], [ -74.459, -52.03 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.28, -52.091 ], [ -74.29, -52.071 ], [ -74.274, -52.079 ], [ -74.28, -52.091 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.361, -52.054 ], [ -74.319, -52.083 ], [ -74.384, -52.096 ], [ -74.361, -52.054 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.54, -51.942 ], [ -74.463, -51.99 ], [ -74.714, -52.105 ], [ -74.687, -52.021 ], [ -74.567, -52.004 ], [ -74.6, -51.977 ], [ -74.54, -51.942 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.22, -52.39 ], [ -74.234, -52.386 ], [ -74.211, -52.373 ], [ -74.22, -52.39 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.548, -52.39 ], [ -74.532, -52.372 ], [ -74.529, -52.388 ], [ -74.548, -52.39 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.397, -52.401 ], [ -74.415, -52.399 ], [ -74.381, -52.389 ], [ -74.397, -52.401 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.433, -52.378 ], [ -74.417, -52.389 ], [ -74.434, -52.394 ], [ -74.433, -52.378 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.282, -52.426 ], [ -74.311, -52.427 ], [ -74.316, -52.414 ], [ -74.282, -52.426 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.509, -52.397 ], [ -74.483, -52.445 ], [ -74.567, -52.41 ], [ -74.509, -52.397 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.195, -52.41 ], [ -74.228, -52.421 ], [ -74.187, -52.388 ], [ -74.195, -52.41 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.628, -52.353 ], [ -74.628, -52.387 ], [ -74.712, -52.378 ], [ -74.688, -52.35 ], [ -74.628, -52.353 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.506, -52.382 ], [ -74.516, -52.371 ], [ -74.493, -52.35 ], [ -74.506, -52.382 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.889, -52.214 ], [ -73.774, -52.283 ], [ -73.788, -52.34 ], [ -73.734, -52.415 ], [ -73.824, -52.416 ], [ -73.892, -52.385 ], [ -73.78, -52.355 ], [ -73.965, -52.292 ], [ -74.1, -52.17 ], [ -74.026, -52.144 ], [ -74.028, -52.173 ], [ -73.894, -52.213 ], [ -73.889, -52.214 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.897, -52.212 ], [ -73.955, -52.173 ], [ -73.935, -52.14 ], [ -73.798, -52.184 ], [ -73.811, -52.224 ], [ -73.897, -52.212 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.923, -52.348 ], [ -73.887, -52.342 ], [ -73.934, -52.367 ], [ -74.002, -52.332 ], [ -73.98, -52.386 ], [ -74.048, -52.336 ], [ -73.992, -52.39 ], [ -74.05, -52.363 ], [ -74.042, -52.4 ], [ -74.174, -52.415 ], [ -74.147, -52.389 ], [ -74.193, -52.368 ], [ -74.127, -52.319 ], [ -74.261, -52.369 ], [ -74.15, -52.304 ], [ -74.222, -52.285 ], [ -74.212, -52.242 ], [ -74.066, -52.299 ], [ -74.159, -52.213 ], [ -74.249, -52.199 ], [ -74.093, -52.22 ], [ -74.248, -52.146 ], [ -74.34, -52.177 ], [ -74.433, -52.133 ], [ -74.299, -52.092 ], [ -74.212, -52.115 ], [ -73.923, -52.348 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.061, -51.501 ], [ -75.049, -51.519 ], [ -75.081, -51.506 ], [ -75.061, -51.501 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.711, -51.568 ], [ -74.7, -51.573 ], [ -74.74, -51.573 ], [ -74.711, -51.568 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.554, -51.618 ], [ -74.596, -51.595 ], [ -74.55, -51.598 ], [ -74.554, -51.618 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.966, -51.613 ], [ -73.966, -51.598 ], [ -73.942, -51.592 ], [ -73.966, -51.613 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.707, -51.54 ], [ -74.703, -51.552 ], [ -74.762, -51.546 ], [ -74.707, -51.54 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.742, -51.418 ], [ -73.779, -51.381 ], [ -73.739, -51.383 ], [ -73.742, -51.418 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.971, -51.448 ], [ -73.974, -51.433 ], [ -73.963, -51.437 ], [ -73.971, -51.448 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.35, -51.441 ], [ -74.357, -51.422 ], [ -74.335, -51.435 ], [ -74.35, -51.441 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.98, -51.533 ], [ -74.904, -51.463 ], [ -74.87, -51.523 ], [ -74.911, -51.552 ], [ -74.913, -51.519 ], [ -74.98, -51.533 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.87, -51.475 ], [ -74.822, -51.457 ], [ -74.839, -51.507 ], [ -74.87, -51.475 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.768, -51.456 ], [ -74.755, -51.467 ], [ -74.832, -51.488 ], [ -74.812, -51.453 ], [ -74.768, -51.456 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.369, -51.25 ], [ -74.387, -51.242 ], [ -74.359, -51.242 ], [ -74.369, -51.25 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.676, -51.439 ], [ -74.74, -51.434 ], [ -74.662, -51.329 ], [ -74.647, -51.347 ], [ -74.676, -51.439 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.912, -51.377 ], [ -73.951, -51.389 ], [ -73.908, -51.363 ], [ -73.912, -51.377 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.325, -51.361 ], [ -74.292, -51.385 ], [ -74.383, -51.376 ], [ -74.325, -51.361 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.413, -51.377 ], [ -74.418, -51.368 ], [ -74.4, -51.372 ], [ -74.413, -51.377 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.16, -51.444 ], [ -74.227, -51.409 ], [ -74.148, -51.38 ], [ -74.247, -51.36 ], [ -74.229, -51.29 ], [ -74.127, -51.316 ], [ -74.113, -51.358 ], [ -74.168, -51.344 ], [ -74.2, -51.356 ], [ -74.077, -51.408 ], [ -74.1, -51.452 ], [ -74.145, -51.401 ], [ -74.16, -51.444 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.281, -51.352 ], [ -74.275, -51.366 ], [ -74.317, -51.356 ], [ -74.281, -51.352 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.372, -51.362 ], [ -74.395, -51.348 ], [ -74.359, -51.359 ], [ -74.372, -51.362 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.508, -51.356 ], [ -74.513, -51.315 ], [ -74.468, -51.329 ], [ -74.503, -51.336 ], [ -74.508, -51.356 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.14, -51.28 ], [ -74.132, -51.305 ], [ -74.173, -51.287 ], [ -74.14, -51.28 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.458, -51.303 ], [ -74.491, -51.276 ], [ -74.484, -51.262 ], [ -74.442, -51.278 ], [ -74.458, -51.303 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.086, -51.159 ], [ -75.104, -51.134 ], [ -75.07, -51.131 ], [ -75.086, -51.159 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.976, -50.948 ], [ -74.956, -50.98 ], [ -74.993, -50.961 ], [ -74.976, -50.948 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.842, -50.982 ], [ -74.811, -50.988 ], [ -74.959, -51.061 ], [ -74.9, -51.031 ], [ -74.915, -50.992 ], [ -74.842, -50.982 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.876, -51.092 ], [ -74.826, -51.094 ], [ -74.821, -51.151 ], [ -75.009, -51.175 ], [ -74.982, -51.109 ], [ -74.876, -51.092 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75, -50.988 ], [ -75.014, -51.023 ], [ -75.081, -51.008 ], [ -75.057, -50.978 ], [ -75, -50.988 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.459, -50.532 ], [ -74.459, -50.548 ], [ -74.532, -50.597 ], [ -74.504, -50.533 ], [ -74.459, -50.532 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.591, -50.504 ], [ -74.566, -50.554 ], [ -74.654, -50.594 ], [ -74.663, -50.51 ], [ -74.591, -50.504 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.837, -50.554 ], [ -74.854, -50.547 ], [ -74.855, -50.521 ], [ -74.829, -50.533 ], [ -74.837, -50.554 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.723, -50.525 ], [ -74.737, -50.521 ], [ -74.721, -50.51 ], [ -74.723, -50.525 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.584, -50.683 ], [ -74.596, -50.675 ], [ -74.582, -50.671 ], [ -74.584, -50.683 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.65, -50.71 ], [ -74.668, -50.687 ], [ -74.649, -50.679 ], [ -74.627, -50.699 ], [ -74.65, -50.71 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.703, -50.664 ], [ -74.691, -50.664 ], [ -74.708, -50.673 ], [ -74.726, -50.652 ], [ -74.703, -50.664 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.599, -50.652 ], [ -74.609, -50.664 ], [ -74.621, -50.65 ], [ -74.597, -50.637 ], [ -74.599, -50.652 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.747, -50.633 ], [ -74.753, -50.655 ], [ -74.788, -50.647 ], [ -74.747, -50.633 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.902, -50.627 ], [ -74.877, -50.639 ], [ -74.919, -50.629 ], [ -74.902, -50.627 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.316, -50.888 ], [ -74.34, -50.86 ], [ -74.292, -50.858 ], [ -74.316, -50.888 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.042, -50.821 ], [ -75.053, -50.817 ], [ -75.031, -50.82 ], [ -75.042, -50.821 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.947, -50.829 ], [ -74.944, -50.806 ], [ -74.934, -50.819 ], [ -74.947, -50.829 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.587, -50.722 ], [ -74.534, -50.733 ], [ -74.531, -50.782 ], [ -74.511, -50.734 ], [ -74.423, -50.796 ], [ -74.464, -50.812 ], [ -74.504, -50.858 ], [ -74.388, -50.808 ], [ -74.361, -50.88 ], [ -74.418, -50.879 ], [ -74.467, -50.952 ], [ -74.384, -50.893 ], [ -74.418, -50.968 ], [ -74.387, -50.916 ], [ -74.365, -50.91 ], [ -74.401, -50.967 ], [ -74.347, -50.985 ], [ -74.35, -51.028 ], [ -74.391, -51.009 ], [ -74.36, -51.077 ], [ -74.456, -50.992 ], [ -74.575, -51.049 ], [ -74.59, -51.014 ], [ -74.619, -51.093 ], [ -74.679, -51.112 ], [ -74.763, -51.065 ], [ -74.676, -51.06 ], [ -74.741, -51.037 ], [ -74.606, -50.994 ], [ -74.758, -51.002 ], [ -74.75, -51.026 ], [ -74.786, -51.079 ], [ -74.818, -51.061 ], [ -74.773, -51.045 ], [ -74.88, -51.05 ], [ -74.766, -50.988 ], [ -74.852, -50.964 ], [ -74.754, -50.975 ], [ -74.824, -50.926 ], [ -74.935, -50.988 ], [ -74.929, -50.917 ], [ -74.849, -50.911 ], [ -74.926, -50.88 ], [ -74.658, -50.9 ], [ -74.601, -50.951 ], [ -74.588, -50.899 ], [ -74.523, -50.913 ], [ -74.633, -50.877 ], [ -74.608, -50.821 ], [ -74.551, -50.861 ], [ -74.511, -50.809 ], [ -74.556, -50.824 ], [ -74.665, -50.738 ], [ -74.587, -50.722 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.961, -50.672 ], [ -74.964, -50.793 ], [ -74.989, -50.818 ], [ -75.098, -50.702 ], [ -75.03, -50.721 ], [ -75.015, -50.686 ], [ -75.061, -50.679 ], [ -75.032, -50.643 ], [ -74.979, -50.641 ], [ -74.989, -50.671 ], [ -74.95, -50.635 ], [ -74.961, -50.672 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.796, -50.651 ], [ -74.705, -50.684 ], [ -74.747, -50.702 ], [ -74.722, -50.745 ], [ -74.777, -50.735 ], [ -74.675, -50.799 ], [ -74.771, -50.801 ], [ -74.691, -50.828 ], [ -74.712, -50.878 ], [ -74.664, -50.799 ], [ -74.624, -50.812 ], [ -74.676, -50.897 ], [ -74.931, -50.839 ], [ -74.845, -50.826 ], [ -74.921, -50.797 ], [ -74.84, -50.8 ], [ -74.941, -50.782 ], [ -74.864, -50.773 ], [ -74.933, -50.712 ], [ -74.801, -50.723 ], [ -74.924, -50.68 ], [ -74.917, -50.666 ], [ -74.757, -50.697 ], [ -74.828, -50.653 ], [ -74.796, -50.651 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.468, -51.192 ], [ -74.396, -51.234 ], [ -74.519, -51.201 ], [ -74.468, -51.192 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.898, -51.231 ], [ -74.86, -51.245 ], [ -74.966, -51.309 ], [ -75.05, -51.282 ], [ -74.898, -51.231 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.922, -51.34 ], [ -73.957, -51.309 ], [ -73.983, -51.369 ], [ -74.053, -51.375 ], [ -74.094, -51.224 ], [ -73.939, -51.233 ], [ -73.922, -51.34 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.745, -51.414 ], [ -74.975, -51.479 ], [ -75.023, -51.436 ], [ -74.771, -51.328 ], [ -74.939, -51.381 ], [ -74.927, -51.337 ], [ -74.969, -51.339 ], [ -74.891, -51.277 ], [ -74.782, -51.281 ], [ -74.835, -51.258 ], [ -74.757, -51.241 ], [ -74.783, -51.207 ], [ -74.719, -51.222 ], [ -74.6, -51.183 ], [ -74.482, -51.242 ], [ -74.503, -51.293 ], [ -74.539, -51.261 ], [ -74.525, -51.308 ], [ -74.576, -51.258 ], [ -74.638, -51.242 ], [ -74.559, -51.294 ], [ -74.57, -51.351 ], [ -74.52, -51.345 ], [ -74.54, -51.386 ], [ -74.61, -51.402 ], [ -74.654, -51.272 ], [ -74.663, -51.311 ], [ -74.714, -51.295 ], [ -74.679, -51.323 ], [ -74.745, -51.414 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.972, -51.217 ], [ -73.978, -51.201 ], [ -73.961, -51.199 ], [ -73.972, -51.217 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.829, -51.167 ], [ -74.792, -51.184 ], [ -74.831, -51.238 ], [ -74.854, -51.192 ], [ -75.015, -51.222 ], [ -74.829, -51.167 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.746, -51.173 ], [ -74.751, -51.202 ], [ -74.793, -51.169 ], [ -74.746, -51.173 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.763, -51.125 ], [ -74.67, -51.147 ], [ -74.603, -51.084 ], [ -74.546, -51.173 ], [ -74.623, -51.147 ], [ -74.654, -51.194 ], [ -74.802, -51.145 ], [ -74.763, -51.125 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.42, -51.032 ], [ -74.446, -51.068 ], [ -74.49, -51.034 ], [ -74.494, -51.078 ], [ -74.362, -51.105 ], [ -74.363, -51.187 ], [ -74.425, -51.175 ], [ -74.372, -51.216 ], [ -74.543, -51.156 ], [ -74.578, -51.095 ], [ -74.468, -51.008 ], [ -74.42, -51.032 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.515, -50.375 ], [ -74.539, -50.348 ], [ -74.517, -50.353 ], [ -74.515, -50.375 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.608, -50.272 ], [ -74.552, -50.288 ], [ -74.729, -50.299 ], [ -74.688, -50.272 ], [ -74.608, -50.272 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.885, -50.234 ], [ -74.812, -50.242 ], [ -74.852, -50.285 ], [ -74.885, -50.234 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.886, -50.124 ], [ -74.93, -50.15 ], [ -74.916, -50.108 ], [ -74.886, -50.124 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.082, -50.033 ], [ -75.096, -50.022 ], [ -75.076, -50.015 ], [ -75.082, -50.033 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.66, -50.069 ], [ -74.705, -50.12 ], [ -74.739, -50.095 ], [ -74.685, -50.063 ], [ -74.66, -50.069 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.741, -50.072 ], [ -74.773, -50.061 ], [ -74.729, -50.062 ], [ -74.741, -50.072 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75, -50.314 ], [ -74.93, -50.278 ], [ -74.878, -50.322 ], [ -74.925, -50.369 ], [ -75.002, -50.353 ], [ -75, -50.314 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.231, -50.682 ], [ -75.309, -50.705 ], [ -75.229, -50.74 ], [ -75.267, -50.788 ], [ -75.315, -50.8 ], [ -75.311, -50.738 ], [ -75.318, -50.776 ], [ -75.436, -50.762 ], [ -75.393, -50.733 ], [ -75.443, -50.696 ], [ -75.327, -50.68 ], [ -75.502, -50.653 ], [ -75.393, -50.637 ], [ -75.447, -50.625 ], [ -75.408, -50.592 ], [ -75.301, -50.593 ], [ -75.458, -50.491 ], [ -75.356, -50.454 ], [ -75.323, -50.501 ], [ -75.254, -50.478 ], [ -75.284, -50.52 ], [ -75.233, -50.48 ], [ -75.045, -50.491 ], [ -75.099, -50.545 ], [ -75.154, -50.53 ], [ -75.134, -50.562 ], [ -75.202, -50.546 ], [ -75.152, -50.584 ], [ -75.195, -50.61 ], [ -75.265, -50.567 ], [ -75.245, -50.535 ], [ -75.307, -50.547 ], [ -75.214, -50.619 ], [ -75.291, -50.632 ], [ -75.231, -50.682 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.511, -50.409 ], [ -74.45, -50.466 ], [ -74.34, -50.455 ], [ -74.288, -50.614 ], [ -74.198, -50.674 ], [ -74.412, -50.64 ], [ -74.259, -50.684 ], [ -74.245, -50.726 ], [ -74.199, -50.698 ], [ -74.141, -50.838 ], [ -74.216, -50.841 ], [ -74.23, -50.751 ], [ -74.279, -50.799 ], [ -74.316, -50.756 ], [ -74.276, -50.837 ], [ -74.331, -50.836 ], [ -74.404, -50.755 ], [ -74.354, -50.724 ], [ -74.474, -50.735 ], [ -74.496, -50.71 ], [ -74.454, -50.698 ], [ -74.515, -50.691 ], [ -74.459, -50.667 ], [ -74.541, -50.684 ], [ -74.59, -50.634 ], [ -74.531, -50.641 ], [ -74.383, -50.538 ], [ -74.442, -50.519 ], [ -74.373, -50.527 ], [ -74.364, -50.558 ], [ -74.337, -50.527 ], [ -74.467, -50.507 ], [ -74.457, -50.472 ], [ -74.506, -50.505 ], [ -74.675, -50.479 ], [ -74.511, -50.409 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.108, -50.489 ], [ -74.122, -50.481 ], [ -74.095, -50.486 ], [ -74.108, -50.489 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.096, -50.479 ], [ -75.12, -50.474 ], [ -75.102, -50.465 ], [ -75.096, -50.479 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.384, -50.411 ], [ -75.36, -50.374 ], [ -75.318, -50.375 ], [ -75.328, -50.401 ], [ -75.384, -50.411 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.611, -50.347 ], [ -74.525, -50.397 ], [ -74.725, -50.497 ], [ -74.769, -50.476 ], [ -74.712, -50.408 ], [ -74.778, -50.422 ], [ -74.73, -50.367 ], [ -74.611, -50.347 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.988, -50.457 ], [ -75.056, -50.464 ], [ -75.054, -50.411 ], [ -75.08, -50.399 ], [ -75.122, -50.462 ], [ -75.18, -50.44 ], [ -75.031, -50.333 ], [ -75.001, -50.368 ], [ -75.039, -50.386 ], [ -74.945, -50.39 ], [ -74.988, -50.457 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.379, -50.352 ], [ -75.411, -50.419 ], [ -75.479, -50.423 ], [ -75.388, -50.359 ], [ -75.428, -50.37 ], [ -75.444, -50.297 ], [ -75.361, -50.254 ], [ -75.408, -50.231 ], [ -75.369, -50.152 ], [ -75.192, -50.174 ], [ -75.33, -50.197 ], [ -75.195, -50.213 ], [ -75.18, -50.253 ], [ -75.11, -50.251 ], [ -75.139, -50.208 ], [ -75.075, -50.169 ], [ -75.077, -50.127 ], [ -75.149, -50.173 ], [ -75.302, -50.118 ], [ -75.37, -50.069 ], [ -75.339, -50.001 ], [ -75.321, -50.035 ], [ -75.246, -49.994 ], [ -75.281, -50.035 ], [ -75.248, -50.013 ], [ -75.238, -50.066 ], [ -75.115, -50.015 ], [ -75.066, -50.054 ], [ -75.104, -50.089 ], [ -75.048, -50.067 ], [ -75.061, -50.104 ], [ -75.038, -50.08 ], [ -75, -50.133 ], [ -75.042, -50.033 ], [ -74.993, -50.02 ], [ -75.014, -50.082 ], [ -74.911, -50.093 ], [ -75.035, -50.174 ], [ -75.009, -50.196 ], [ -74.942, -50.132 ], [ -74.924, -50.168 ], [ -74.876, -50.129 ], [ -74.843, -50.168 ], [ -74.849, -50.13 ], [ -74.788, -50.15 ], [ -74.861, -50.116 ], [ -74.822, -50.097 ], [ -74.75, -50.138 ], [ -74.791, -50.121 ], [ -74.76, -50.174 ], [ -74.858, -50.184 ], [ -74.795, -50.201 ], [ -74.942, -50.202 ], [ -74.917, -50.248 ], [ -75.135, -50.343 ], [ -75.201, -50.442 ], [ -75.32, -50.427 ], [ -75.172, -50.288 ], [ -75.379, -50.352 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.952, -51.724 ], [ -74.992, -51.886 ], [ -75.101, -51.91 ], [ -75.054, -51.842 ], [ -75.112, -51.806 ], [ -75.041, -51.719 ], [ -74.952, -51.724 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.789, -51.916 ], [ -73.697, -51.981 ], [ -73.786, -52.021 ], [ -73.87, -51.96 ], [ -73.814, -51.933 ], [ -73.868, -51.914 ], [ -73.852, -51.891 ], [ -73.959, -51.893 ], [ -73.945, -51.845 ], [ -73.989, -51.821 ], [ -73.937, -51.817 ], [ -73.9, -51.788 ], [ -73.794, -51.88 ], [ -73.847, -51.912 ], [ -73.789, -51.916 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.212, -51.762 ], [ -74.234, -51.754 ], [ -74.201, -51.759 ], [ -74.212, -51.762 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.551, -51.727 ], [ -74.59, -51.779 ], [ -74.584, -51.719 ], [ -74.551, -51.727 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.652, -51.693 ], [ -74.694, -51.708 ], [ -74.651, -51.712 ], [ -74.715, -51.775 ], [ -74.72, -51.711 ], [ -74.652, -51.693 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.397, -51.738 ], [ -74.333, -51.755 ], [ -74.365, -51.781 ], [ -74.285, -51.761 ], [ -74.326, -51.786 ], [ -74.275, -51.78 ], [ -74.304, -51.828 ], [ -74.155, -51.843 ], [ -74.195, -51.895 ], [ -74.061, -51.887 ], [ -74.117, -51.925 ], [ -74.113, -51.977 ], [ -74.372, -51.885 ], [ -74.414, -51.833 ], [ -74.361, -51.806 ], [ -74.424, -51.81 ], [ -74.466, -51.757 ], [ -74.413, -51.766 ], [ -74.503, -51.703 ], [ -74.397, -51.738 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.05, -51.812 ], [ -74.017, -51.82 ], [ -74.061, -51.837 ], [ -74.158, -51.768 ], [ -74.05, -51.812 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.672, -51.777 ], [ -74.62, -51.784 ], [ -74.597, -51.815 ], [ -74.686, -51.835 ], [ -74.719, -51.803 ], [ -74.672, -51.777 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.492, -51.674 ], [ -74.431, -51.689 ], [ -74.427, -51.705 ], [ -74.526, -51.674 ], [ -74.492, -51.674 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.821, -51.675 ], [ -73.819, -51.664 ], [ -73.78, -51.663 ], [ -73.821, -51.675 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.864, -51.664 ], [ -73.881, -51.648 ], [ -73.837, -51.653 ], [ -73.864, -51.664 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.559, -51.639 ], [ -74.579, -51.631 ], [ -74.544, -51.634 ], [ -74.559, -51.639 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.04, -51.551 ], [ -74.079, -51.552 ], [ -74.028, -51.578 ], [ -73.976, -51.701 ], [ -74.058, -51.723 ], [ -73.941, -51.727 ], [ -73.913, -51.775 ], [ -73.959, -51.812 ], [ -74.147, -51.75 ], [ -74.146, -51.713 ], [ -74.173, -51.745 ], [ -74.236, -51.72 ], [ -74.19, -51.723 ], [ -74.223, -51.675 ], [ -74.159, -51.691 ], [ -74.17, -51.632 ], [ -74.148, -51.671 ], [ -74.078, -51.679 ], [ -74.131, -51.667 ], [ -74.144, -51.593 ], [ -74.07, -51.616 ], [ -74.036, -51.596 ], [ -74.115, -51.545 ], [ -74.04, -51.551 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.09, -51.27 ], [ -75.124, -51.381 ], [ -75.052, -51.291 ], [ -74.963, -51.316 ], [ -74.979, -51.369 ], [ -75.016, -51.357 ], [ -74.987, -51.397 ], [ -75.06, -51.36 ], [ -75.024, -51.398 ], [ -75.089, -51.426 ], [ -75.081, -51.48 ], [ -75.133, -51.407 ], [ -75.116, -51.56 ], [ -75.142, -51.592 ], [ -75.19, -51.561 ], [ -75.164, -51.618 ], [ -75.278, -51.639 ], [ -75.305, -51.542 ], [ -75.175, -51.493 ], [ -75.207, -51.403 ], [ -75.135, -51.389 ], [ -75.212, -51.335 ], [ -75.09, -51.27 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.742, -53.577 ], [ -73.885, -53.593 ], [ -73.851, -53.549 ], [ -73.919, -53.534 ], [ -73.86, -53.51 ], [ -73.898, -53.457 ], [ -73.704, -53.52 ], [ -73.814, -53.541 ], [ -73.705, -53.539 ], [ -73.742, -53.577 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.326, -53.17 ], [ -74.319, -53.185 ], [ -74.338, -53.186 ], [ -74.326, -53.17 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.097, -53.25 ], [ -74.154, -53.328 ], [ -74.288, -53.313 ], [ -74.124, -53.242 ], [ -74.097, -53.25 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.28, -53.28 ], [ -74.255, -53.288 ], [ -74.314, -53.294 ], [ -74.302, -53.266 ], [ -74.28, -53.28 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.312, -53.452 ], [ -73.304, -53.431 ], [ -73.254, -53.466 ], [ -73.276, -53.478 ], [ -73.312, -53.452 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.336, -53.459 ], [ -73.354, -53.451 ], [ -73.348, -53.44 ], [ -73.317, -53.458 ], [ -73.336, -53.459 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.698, -53.512 ], [ -73.843, -53.419 ], [ -73.558, -53.504 ], [ -73.701, -53.447 ], [ -73.542, -53.443 ], [ -73.636, -53.419 ], [ -73.622, -53.371 ], [ -73.523, -53.413 ], [ -73.552, -53.382 ], [ -73.438, -53.385 ], [ -73.415, -53.412 ], [ -73.545, -53.484 ], [ -73.471, -53.465 ], [ -73.39, -53.556 ], [ -73.52, -53.59 ], [ -73.565, -53.523 ], [ -73.555, -53.56 ], [ -73.698, -53.512 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.58, -53.439 ], [ -73.58, -53.439 ], [ -73.555, -53.441 ], [ -73.56, -53.441 ], [ -73.58, -53.439 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.387, -53.429 ], [ -73.381, -53.447 ], [ -73.429, -53.433 ], [ -73.409, -53.417 ], [ -73.387, -53.429 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.884, -53.39 ], [ -73.841, -53.393 ], [ -73.854, -53.426 ], [ -73.933, -53.407 ], [ -73.884, -53.39 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.75, -53.393 ], [ -73.748, -53.42 ], [ -73.779, -53.394 ], [ -73.75, -53.393 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.672, -53.383 ], [ -73.665, -53.407 ], [ -73.714, -53.385 ], [ -73.702, -53.373 ], [ -73.672, -53.383 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.568, -53.38 ], [ -73.577, -53.369 ], [ -73.554, -53.374 ], [ -73.568, -53.38 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.481, -53.331 ], [ -72.503, -53.322 ], [ -72.504, -53.301 ], [ -72.478, -53.313 ], [ -72.481, -53.331 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.436, -53.342 ], [ -73.444, -53.333 ], [ -73.424, -53.333 ], [ -73.436, -53.342 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.935, -53.2 ], [ -73.959, -53.177 ], [ -73.898, -53.196 ], [ -73.935, -53.2 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.773, -53.279 ], [ -73.742, -53.29 ], [ -73.793, -53.274 ], [ -73.773, -53.279 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.078, -53.376 ], [ -73.068, -53.362 ], [ -73.059, -53.371 ], [ -73.078, -53.376 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.313, -53.373 ], [ -73.29, -53.371 ], [ -73.276, -53.393 ], [ -73.351, -53.362 ], [ -73.313, -53.373 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.643, -53.354 ], [ -73.655, -53.38 ], [ -73.722, -53.355 ], [ -73.668, -53.37 ], [ -73.643, -53.354 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.869, -53.32 ], [ -73.804, -53.343 ], [ -73.906, -53.321 ], [ -73.869, -53.32 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.599, -54.537 ], [ -71.705, -54.484 ], [ -71.662, -54.466 ], [ -71.866, -54.442 ], [ -71.737, -54.4 ], [ -71.533, -54.513 ], [ -71.566, -54.479 ], [ -71.43, -54.494 ], [ -71.587, -54.461 ], [ -71.604, -54.4 ], [ -71.356, -54.465 ], [ -71.294, -54.438 ], [ -71.41, -54.422 ], [ -71.399, -54.38 ], [ -71.327, -54.382 ], [ -71.186, -54.427 ], [ -71.224, -54.463 ], [ -71.143, -54.43 ], [ -71.064, -54.527 ], [ -71.119, -54.442 ], [ -70.97, -54.458 ], [ -70.927, -54.522 ], [ -70.916, -54.365 ], [ -70.758, -54.332 ], [ -70.718, -54.37 ], [ -70.57, -54.361 ], [ -70.695, -54.438 ], [ -70.755, -54.622 ], [ -70.707, -54.552 ], [ -70.607, -54.606 ], [ -70.692, -54.538 ], [ -70.548, -54.403 ], [ -70.246, -54.573 ], [ -70.189, -54.578 ], [ -70.287, -54.499 ], [ -70.104, -54.552 ], [ -70.507, -54.39 ], [ -70.523, -54.307 ], [ -70.86, -54.261 ], [ -70.899, -54.175 ], [ -70.808, -54.198 ], [ -70.923, -54.127 ], [ -70.279, -54.343 ], [ -70.107, -54.443 ], [ -70.155, -54.398 ], [ -70.038, -54.385 ], [ -70.198, -54.318 ], [ -69.991, -54.27 ], [ -69.939, -54.309 ], [ -69.98, -54.33 ], [ -69.953, -54.395 ], [ -69.911, -54.376 ], [ -69.893, -54.436 ], [ -69.826, -54.446 ], [ -69.902, -54.508 ], [ -69.798, -54.472 ], [ -69.75, -54.513 ], [ -69.835, -54.568 ], [ -69.761, -54.543 ], [ -69.753, -54.588 ], [ -69.719, -54.496 ], [ -69.798, -54.431 ], [ -69.853, -54.29 ], [ -69.644, -54.345 ], [ -69.629, -54.406 ], [ -69.529, -54.444 ], [ -69.491, -54.445 ], [ -69.557, -54.399 ], [ -69.545, -54.341 ], [ -69.2, -54.452 ], [ -69.483, -54.677 ], [ -69.386, -54.645 ], [ -69.346, -54.71 ], [ -69.363, -54.632 ], [ -69.207, -54.526 ], [ -69.13, -54.602 ], [ -69.17, -54.512 ], [ -69.126, -54.46 ], [ -68.969, -54.486 ], [ -68.966, -54.449 ], [ -70.048, -54.106 ], [ -70.189, -53.819 ], [ -70.15, -53.744 ], [ -69.676, -53.646 ], [ -69.35, -53.523 ], [ -69.303, -53.475 ], [ -69.349, -53.368 ], [ -69.861, -53.372 ], [ -70.21, -53.477 ], [ -70.46, -53.377 ], [ -70.437, -53.014 ], [ -70.33, -52.965 ], [ -70.348, -53.058 ], [ -70.253, -53.051 ], [ -70.134, -53.006 ], [ -70.089, -52.918 ], [ -70.217, -52.881 ], [ -70.303, -52.912 ], [ -70.25, -52.853 ], [ -70.281, -52.795 ], [ -70.434, -52.784 ], [ -70.128, -52.729 ], [ -69.995, -52.837 ], [ -69.898, -52.84 ], [ -69.707, -52.764 ], [ -69.58, -52.651 ], [ -69.59, -52.537 ], [ -69.407, -52.454 ], [ -69.14, -52.698 ], [ -68.786, -52.614 ], [ -68.755, -52.545 ], [ -68.611, -52.653 ], [ -68.61, -54.89 ], [ -68.962, -54.785 ], [ -68.703, -54.908 ], [ -69.077, -54.957 ], [ -69.637, -54.84 ], [ -69.604, -54.728 ], [ -69.663, -54.788 ], [ -69.708, -54.697 ], [ -69.682, -54.821 ], [ -69.754, -54.825 ], [ -69.727, -54.761 ], [ -69.764, -54.724 ], [ -69.769, -54.821 ], [ -69.908, -54.836 ], [ -69.964, -54.726 ], [ -69.936, -54.685 ], [ -69.98, -54.723 ], [ -69.95, -54.846 ], [ -70.079, -54.853 ], [ -70.053, -54.788 ], [ -70.137, -54.792 ], [ -70.081, -54.83 ], [ -70.126, -54.85 ], [ -70.218, -54.833 ], [ -70.161, -54.864 ], [ -70.298, -54.852 ], [ -70.313, -54.807 ], [ -70.212, -54.685 ], [ -70.296, -54.745 ], [ -70.33, -54.843 ], [ -70.574, -54.771 ], [ -70.609, -54.78 ], [ -70.581, -54.801 ], [ -70.745, -54.851 ], [ -70.827, -54.825 ], [ -70.769, -54.801 ], [ -70.794, -54.77 ], [ -70.469, -54.7 ], [ -70.43, -54.637 ], [ -70.532, -54.627 ], [ -70.618, -54.676 ], [ -70.563, -54.715 ], [ -70.779, -54.763 ], [ -70.927, -54.758 ], [ -70.883, -54.705 ], [ -70.742, -54.694 ], [ -70.902, -54.67 ], [ -71.014, -54.783 ], [ -70.955, -54.72 ], [ -70.953, -54.682 ], [ -71.007, -54.706 ], [ -70.985, -54.672 ], [ -70.906, -54.619 ], [ -71.046, -54.597 ], [ -71.014, -54.632 ], [ -71.049, -54.665 ], [ -71.255, -54.686 ], [ -71.284, -54.648 ], [ -71.12, -54.626 ], [ -71.236, -54.623 ], [ -71.243, -54.591 ], [ -71.169, -54.58 ], [ -71.236, -54.583 ], [ -71.205, -54.538 ], [ -71.29, -54.576 ], [ -71.329, -54.517 ], [ -71.315, -54.572 ], [ -71.395, -54.532 ], [ -71.371, -54.566 ], [ -71.429, -54.571 ], [ -71.331, -54.593 ], [ -71.316, -54.619 ], [ -71.396, -54.611 ], [ -71.381, -54.66 ], [ -71.441, -54.64 ], [ -71.473, -54.696 ], [ -71.495, -54.595 ], [ -71.501, -54.717 ], [ -71.589, -54.689 ], [ -71.528, -54.669 ], [ -71.582, -54.651 ], [ -71.558, -54.623 ], [ -71.609, -54.641 ], [ -71.55, -54.588 ], [ -71.602, -54.583 ], [ -71.648, -54.673 ], [ -71.677, -54.619 ], [ -71.63, -54.589 ], [ -71.785, -54.582 ], [ -71.711, -54.613 ], [ -71.853, -54.601 ], [ -71.789, -54.65 ], [ -71.906, -54.656 ], [ -71.979, -54.611 ], [ -71.864, -54.62 ], [ -71.942, -54.577 ], [ -71.905, -54.554 ], [ -71.972, -54.572 ], [ -72.025, -54.516 ], [ -71.921, -54.526 ], [ -72.021, -54.483 ], [ -71.911, -54.45 ], [ -71.886, -54.514 ], [ -71.857, -54.472 ], [ -71.832, -54.537 ], [ -71.748, -54.566 ], [ -71.632, -54.583 ], [ -71.753, -54.5 ], [ -71.606, -54.546 ], [ -71.513, -54.55 ], [ -71.599, -54.537 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.854, -53.104 ], [ -71.875, -53.088 ], [ -71.849, -53.068 ], [ -71.854, -53.104 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.45, -53.037 ], [ -73.471, -53.015 ], [ -73.443, -53.027 ], [ -73.45, -53.037 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.5, -52.944 ], [ -73.488, -52.968 ], [ -73.592, -52.987 ], [ -73.561, -52.926 ], [ -73.5, -52.944 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.301, -53.177 ], [ -74.282, -53.142 ], [ -74.245, -53.149 ], [ -74.257, -53.176 ], [ -74.301, -53.177 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.36, -53.126 ], [ -74.298, -53.149 ], [ -74.357, -53.17 ], [ -74.36, -53.126 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.282, -53.143 ], [ -73.336, -53.135 ], [ -73.3, -53.123 ], [ -73.282, -53.143 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.194, -53.12 ], [ -73.204, -53.115 ], [ -73.184, -53.105 ], [ -73.194, -53.12 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.274, -53.095 ], [ -72.249, -53.104 ], [ -72.247, -53.119 ], [ -72.307, -53.099 ], [ -72.274, -53.095 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.901, -53.106 ], [ -73.771, -53.21 ], [ -73.843, -53.224 ], [ -73.907, -53.145 ], [ -73.922, -53.174 ], [ -73.988, -53.129 ], [ -73.901, -53.106 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.938, -53.172 ], [ -74.052, -53.187 ], [ -74.086, -53.15 ], [ -74.002, -53.129 ], [ -73.938, -53.172 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.17, -53.136 ], [ -74.202, -53.133 ], [ -74.211, -53.115 ], [ -74.163, -53.129 ], [ -74.17, -53.136 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.069, -53.108 ], [ -73.078, -53.104 ], [ -73.065, -53.098 ], [ -73.069, -53.108 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.656, -52.87 ], [ -70.732, -52.91 ], [ -70.773, -52.908 ], [ -70.625, -52.846 ], [ -70.656, -52.87 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.806, -52.906 ], [ -73.837, -52.901 ], [ -73.838, -52.881 ], [ -73.789, -52.878 ], [ -73.806, -52.906 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.285, -52.795 ], [ -73.311, -52.782 ], [ -73.292, -52.781 ], [ -73.285, -52.795 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.47, -52.78 ], [ -73.458, -52.789 ], [ -73.511, -52.777 ], [ -73.47, -52.78 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.709, -52.787 ], [ -73.7, -52.757 ], [ -73.659, -52.756 ], [ -73.663, -52.784 ], [ -73.709, -52.787 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.522, -52.794 ], [ -72.533, -52.767 ], [ -72.512, -52.784 ], [ -72.522, -52.794 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.246, -52.585 ], [ -72.28, -52.605 ], [ -72.3, -52.539 ], [ -72.246, -52.585 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.625, -52.575 ], [ -72.675, -52.568 ], [ -72.641, -52.561 ], [ -72.625, -52.575 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.861, -52.573 ], [ -72.842, -52.567 ], [ -72.851, -52.581 ], [ -72.861, -52.573 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.714, -52.57 ], [ -72.715, -52.553 ], [ -72.696, -52.553 ], [ -72.714, -52.57 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.067, -52.58 ], [ -74.121, -52.616 ], [ -74.206, -52.593 ], [ -74.123, -52.568 ], [ -74.067, -52.58 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.684, -52.547 ], [ -73.649, -52.568 ], [ -73.688, -52.574 ], [ -73.684, -52.547 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.292, -52.513 ], [ -74.302, -52.509 ], [ -74.278, -52.501 ], [ -74.292, -52.513 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.67, -52.527 ], [ -73.681, -52.512 ], [ -73.654, -52.512 ], [ -73.652, -52.523 ], [ -73.67, -52.527 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.977, -52.539 ], [ -74.017, -52.529 ], [ -73.89, -52.477 ], [ -73.977, -52.539 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.623, -52.483 ], [ -73.629, -52.463 ], [ -73.603, -52.47 ], [ -73.623, -52.483 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.113, -52.474 ], [ -74.128, -52.461 ], [ -74.114, -52.452 ], [ -74.097, -52.462 ], [ -74.113, -52.474 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.015, -52.462 ], [ -74.016, -52.449 ], [ -73.98, -52.431 ], [ -73.983, -52.449 ], [ -74.015, -52.462 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.3, -52.464 ], [ -74.333, -52.45 ], [ -74.328, -52.432 ], [ -74.3, -52.434 ], [ -74.3, -52.464 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72, -53.101 ], [ -72.121, -53.137 ], [ -72.349, -53.032 ], [ -72.244, -53.086 ], [ -72.4, -53.034 ], [ -72.602, -53.072 ], [ -72.388, -53.078 ], [ -72.204, -53.188 ], [ -72.363, -53.177 ], [ -72.401, -53.196 ], [ -72.316, -53.223 ], [ -72.361, -53.235 ], [ -72.508, -53.185 ], [ -72.457, -53.237 ], [ -72.541, -53.172 ], [ -72.606, -53.191 ], [ -72.415, -53.255 ], [ -72.463, -53.302 ], [ -72.53, -53.26 ], [ -72.554, -53.266 ], [ -72.5, -53.352 ], [ -72.557, -53.381 ], [ -72.676, -53.317 ], [ -72.586, -53.433 ], [ -72.508, -53.401 ], [ -72.383, -53.532 ], [ -72.531, -53.559 ], [ -72.741, -53.458 ], [ -72.758, -53.391 ], [ -72.793, -53.455 ], [ -72.808, -53.372 ], [ -72.914, -53.384 ], [ -72.885, -53.353 ], [ -73.172, -53.266 ], [ -73.325, -53.157 ], [ -73.13, -53.201 ], [ -72.95, -53.169 ], [ -72.753, -53.238 ], [ -72.76, -53.281 ], [ -72.829, -53.278 ], [ -72.718, -53.298 ], [ -72.728, -53.254 ], [ -72.682, -53.256 ], [ -72.849, -53.181 ], [ -72.719, -53.192 ], [ -72.801, -53.156 ], [ -72.656, -53.148 ], [ -72.736, -53.102 ], [ -72.857, -53.152 ], [ -72.975, -53.1 ], [ -72.851, -53.033 ], [ -72.926, -53.048 ], [ -72.972, -52.934 ], [ -72.939, -52.906 ], [ -73.02, -52.85 ], [ -72.92, -52.836 ], [ -72.801, -52.776 ], [ -72.813, -52.811 ], [ -72.711, -52.713 ], [ -72.609, -52.767 ], [ -72.738, -52.863 ], [ -72.719, -52.898 ], [ -72.589, -52.798 ], [ -72.536, -52.806 ], [ -72.65, -52.87 ], [ -72.483, -52.819 ], [ -72.442, -52.876 ], [ -72.445, -52.812 ], [ -72.181, -52.638 ], [ -72.056, -52.679 ], [ -71.975, -52.638 ], [ -71.824, -52.697 ], [ -71.494, -52.643 ], [ -71.409, -52.722 ], [ -71.421, -52.836 ], [ -71.911, -53.002 ], [ -72, -53.101 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.42, -53.331 ], [ -73.642, -53.323 ], [ -73.616, -53.289 ], [ -73.5, -53.302 ], [ -73.631, -53.273 ], [ -73.593, -53.236 ], [ -73.636, -53.185 ], [ -73.668, -53.212 ], [ -73.633, -53.235 ], [ -73.688, -53.236 ], [ -73.731, -53.14 ], [ -73.73, -53.182 ], [ -73.776, -53.182 ], [ -73.812, -53.104 ], [ -73.843, -53.109 ], [ -73.812, -53.174 ], [ -73.902, -53.059 ], [ -73.98, -53.1 ], [ -74.127, -53.051 ], [ -74.01, -53.1 ], [ -74.089, -53.13 ], [ -74.119, -53.091 ], [ -74.202, -53.112 ], [ -74.262, -53.036 ], [ -74.243, -53.133 ], [ -74.329, -53.12 ], [ -74.315, -53.053 ], [ -74.348, -53.029 ], [ -74.378, -53.081 ], [ -74.445, -53.01 ], [ -74.4, -52.994 ], [ -74.47, -52.961 ], [ -74.45, -52.993 ], [ -74.471, -53.008 ], [ -74.512, -52.962 ], [ -74.483, -52.93 ], [ -74.575, -52.945 ], [ -74.569, -52.903 ], [ -74.647, -52.851 ], [ -74.591, -52.877 ], [ -74.547, -52.875 ], [ -74.577, -52.835 ], [ -74.677, -52.835 ], [ -74.63, -52.804 ], [ -74.707, -52.811 ], [ -74.736, -52.738 ], [ -74.689, -52.721 ], [ -74.427, -52.848 ], [ -74.51, -52.851 ], [ -74.416, -52.856 ], [ -74.469, -52.866 ], [ -74.47, -52.892 ], [ -74.348, -52.872 ], [ -74.408, -52.932 ], [ -74.328, -52.979 ], [ -74.309, -52.906 ], [ -74.267, -52.986 ], [ -74.182, -52.957 ], [ -74.136, -53.01 ], [ -74.091, -52.989 ], [ -74.142, -52.936 ], [ -74.052, -52.995 ], [ -73.937, -52.996 ], [ -73.992, -53.025 ], [ -73.928, -53.062 ], [ -73.948, -53.033 ], [ -73.905, -53.013 ], [ -73.819, -53.09 ], [ -73.849, -53.039 ], [ -73.814, -53.033 ], [ -73.648, -53.169 ], [ -73.672, -53.082 ], [ -73.626, -53.076 ], [ -73.56, -53.156 ], [ -73.602, -53.168 ], [ -73.566, -53.275 ], [ -73.521, -53.275 ], [ -73.532, -53.224 ], [ -73.461, -53.236 ], [ -73.535, -53.201 ], [ -73.527, -53.123 ], [ -73.489, -53.127 ], [ -73.415, -53.173 ], [ -73.458, -53.184 ], [ -73.397, -53.186 ], [ -73.46, -53.203 ], [ -73.346, -53.231 ], [ -73.43, -53.247 ], [ -73.409, -53.271 ], [ -73.316, -53.262 ], [ -73.212, -53.306 ], [ -73.264, -53.326 ], [ -73.122, -53.353 ], [ -73.189, -53.379 ], [ -73.42, -53.331 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.489, -52.724 ], [ -72.501, -52.72 ], [ -72.485, -52.715 ], [ -72.489, -52.724 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.321, -52.685 ], [ -72.347, -52.685 ], [ -72.313, -52.65 ], [ -72.321, -52.685 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.159, -52.643 ], [ -74.092, -52.663 ], [ -74.132, -52.658 ], [ -74.089, -52.693 ], [ -74.173, -52.711 ], [ -74.134, -52.683 ], [ -74.201, -52.645 ], [ -74.159, -52.643 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.655, -52.656 ], [ -73.687, -52.68 ], [ -73.707, -52.665 ], [ -73.689, -52.642 ], [ -73.655, -52.656 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.493, -52.722 ], [ -73.502, -52.711 ], [ -73.483, -52.703 ], [ -73.477, -52.716 ], [ -73.493, -52.722 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.357, -52.677 ], [ -73.388, -52.721 ], [ -73.448, -52.721 ], [ -73.376, -52.658 ], [ -73.357, -52.677 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.537, -52.74 ], [ -72.542, -52.758 ], [ -72.57, -52.75 ], [ -72.569, -52.733 ], [ -72.537, -52.74 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.377, -52.724 ], [ -72.38, -52.76 ], [ -72.46, -52.781 ], [ -72.499, -52.765 ], [ -72.377, -52.724 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.328, -52.698 ], [ -73.33, -52.732 ], [ -73.39, -52.752 ], [ -73.419, -52.745 ], [ -73.328, -52.698 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.654, -52.604 ], [ -72.595, -52.608 ], [ -72.585, -52.623 ], [ -72.656, -52.625 ], [ -72.654, -52.604 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.715, -52.429 ], [ -73.66, -52.486 ], [ -73.736, -52.502 ], [ -73.702, -52.519 ], [ -73.727, -52.575 ], [ -73.807, -52.552 ], [ -73.718, -52.594 ], [ -73.802, -52.713 ], [ -73.953, -52.728 ], [ -73.854, -52.609 ], [ -73.983, -52.67 ], [ -73.869, -52.574 ], [ -74.085, -52.641 ], [ -73.838, -52.438 ], [ -73.715, -52.429 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.884, -52.41 ], [ -73.859, -52.425 ], [ -73.882, -52.473 ], [ -73.99, -52.466 ], [ -73.884, -52.41 ] ] ] ] } } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 83972, "end" : 83977 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Chile" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : 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-42.386 ], [ -73.641, -42.437 ], [ -73.683, -42.481 ], [ -73.578, -42.535 ], [ -73.721, -42.569 ], [ -73.781, -42.533 ], [ -73.723, -42.46 ], [ -73.755, -42.428 ], [ -73.803, -42.524 ], [ -73.751, -42.552 ], [ -73.788, -42.612 ], [ -73.489, -42.792 ], [ -73.465, -42.884 ], [ -73.571, -42.887 ], [ -73.615, -42.805 ], [ -73.643, -42.846 ], [ -73.586, -42.889 ], [ -73.738, -42.855 ] ], [ [ -73.796, -41.87 ], [ -73.797, -41.87 ], [ -73.796, -41.87 ], [ -73.796, -41.87 ] ], [ [ -73.796, -41.87 ], [ -73.758, -41.927 ], [ -73.808, -41.953 ], [ -73.73, -41.958 ], [ -73.711, -41.928 ], [ -73.796, -41.87 ] ], [ [ -73.375, -42.246 ], [ -73.376, -42.246 ], [ -73.405, -42.259 ], [ -73.375, -42.246 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.437, -49.249 ], [ -75.587, -49.231 ], [ -75.617, -49.186 ], [ -75.563, -49.212 ], [ -75.554, -49.115 ], [ -75.495, -49.093 ], [ -75.542, -49.168 ], [ -75.441, -49.12 ], [ -75.48, -49.093 ], [ -75.284, -49.019 ], [ -75.294, -48.947 ], [ -75.364, -48.952 ], [ -75.475, -49.079 ], [ -75.687, -49.037 ], [ -75.615, -48.984 ], [ -75.551, -49.011 ], [ -75.461, -48.976 ], [ -75.482, -48.945 ], [ -75.537, -48.999 ], [ -75.653, -48.971 ], [ -75.654, -48.898 ], [ -75.592, -48.851 ], [ -75.562, -48.89 ], [ -75.554, -48.831 ], [ -75.517, -48.878 ], [ -75.536, -48.828 ], [ -75.437, -48.841 ], [ -75.541, -48.923 ], [ -75.401, -48.833 ], [ -75.389, -48.921 ], [ -75.323, -48.936 ], [ -75.369, -48.844 ], [ -75.263, -48.88 ], [ -75.233, -49.016 ], [ -75.172, -49.029 ], [ -75.366, -49.184 ], [ -75.382, -49.146 ], [ -75.457, -49.153 ], [ -75.437, -49.249 ] ], [ [ -75.382, -49.146 ], [ -75.361, -49.109 ], [ -75.364, -49.11 ], [ -75.382, -49.146 ] ], [ [ -75.361, -49.109 ], [ -75.332, -49.104 ], [ -75.346, -49.085 ], [ -75.361, -49.109 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.087, -45.791 ], [ -74.035, -45.74 ], [ -73.875, -45.752 ], [ -73.958, -45.792 ], [ -73.934, -45.871 ], [ -73.998, -45.937 ], [ -74.003, -45.85 ], [ -74.034, -45.859 ], [ -74.087, -45.791 ] ], [ [ -74.033, -45.838 ], [ -74.032, -45.838 ], [ -74.032, -45.815 ], [ -74.033, -45.838 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.455, -44.648 ], [ -73.389, -44.57 ], [ -73.355, -44.64 ], [ -73.313, -44.606 ], [ -73.214, -44.639 ], [ -73.281, -44.546 ], [ -73.128, -44.588 ], [ -73.121, -44.55 ], [ -73.253, -44.498 ], [ -73.248, -44.439 ], [ -73.16, -44.404 ], [ -73.102, -44.462 ], [ -73.093, -44.377 ], [ -72.975, -44.368 ], [ -72.905, -44.43 ], [ -72.984, -44.58 ], [ -72.867, -44.431 ], [ -72.687, -44.532 ], [ -72.807, -44.65 ], [ -72.97, -44.587 ], [ -72.962, -44.632 ], [ -72.796, -44.673 ], [ -72.818, -44.732 ], [ -73.212, -44.94 ], [ -73.396, -44.823 ], [ -73.163, -44.81 ], [ -73.265, -44.783 ], [ -73.261, -44.746 ], [ -73.36, -44.805 ], [ -73.393, -44.765 ], [ -73.351, -44.739 ], [ -73.432, -44.737 ], [ -73.455, -44.648 ] ], [ [ -73.076, -44.418 ], [ -73.074, -44.419 ], [ -73.073, -44.418 ], [ -73.076, -44.418 ] ], [ [ -73.074, -44.419 ], [ -73.038, -44.485 ], [ -73.001, -44.496 ], [ -73.04, -44.42 ], [ -73.074, -44.419 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.085, -50.809 ], [ -74.126, -50.772 ], [ -74.061, -50.704 ], [ -74.131, -50.698 ], [ -74.139, -50.76 ], [ -74.23, -50.616 ], [ -74.162, -50.562 ], [ -74.088, -50.593 ], [ -74.134, -50.555 ], [ -74.233, -50.565 ], [ -74.302, -50.475 ], [ -74.185, -50.474 ], [ -74.153, -50.544 ], [ -74.109, -50.516 ], [ -74.166, -50.492 ], [ -74, -50.541 ], [ -73.989, -50.572 ], [ -73.867, -50.565 ], [ -74.146, -50.444 ], [ -73.999, -50.379 ], [ -74.256, -50.453 ], [ -74.331, -50.411 ], [ -74.292, -50.358 ], [ -74.152, -50.347 ], [ -74.264, -50.327 ], [ -74.208, -50.296 ], [ -74.28, -50.318 ], [ -74.293, -50.253 ], [ -74.334, -50.39 ], [ -74.374, -50.381 ], [ -74.434, -50.377 ], [ -74.437, -50.395 ], [ -74.472, -50.352 ], [ -74.423, -50.323 ], [ -74.55, -50.303 ], [ -74.492, -50.301 ], [ -74.453, -50.241 ], [ -74.519, -50.28 ], [ -74.633, -50.242 ], [ -74.573, -50.181 ], [ -74.654, -50.253 ], [ -74.719, -50.24 ], [ -74.604, -50.123 ], [ -74.52, -50.113 ], [ -74.536, -50.167 ], [ -74.475, -50.135 ], [ -74.516, -50.089 ], [ -74.458, -50.12 ], [ -74.406, -50.095 ], [ -74.484, -50.074 ], [ -74.609, -50.108 ], [ -74.439, -50.023 ], [ -74.368, -50.058 ], [ -74.374, -50.103 ], [ -74.26, -50.137 ], [ -74.349, -50.198 ], [ -74.251, -50.161 ], [ -74.167, -50.293 ], [ -74.095, -50.23 ], [ -73.996, -50.287 ], [ -73.854, -50.301 ], [ -73.978, -50.274 ], [ -74.015, -50.219 ], [ -74.158, -50.218 ], [ -74.238, -50.07 ], [ -74.293, -50.077 ], [ -74.355, -49.998 ], [ -74.315, -49.924 ], [ -74.298, -49.967 ], [ -74.21, -49.939 ], [ -74.033, -50.052 ], [ -73.901, -50.032 ], [ -73.853, -50.075 ], [ -73.875, -50.024 ], [ -74.019, -50 ], [ -73.949, -49.936 ], [ -73.812, -49.924 ], [ -73.903, -49.918 ], [ -73.841, -49.835 ], [ -74.027, -49.984 ], [ -74.159, -49.894 ], [ -74.312, -49.883 ], [ -74.34, -49.789 ], [ -74.289, -49.806 ], [ -74.175, -49.741 ], [ -74.033, -49.763 ], [ -74.033, -49.705 ], [ -74.282, -49.755 ], [ -74.309, -49.715 ], [ -74.303, -49.617 ], [ -74.084, -49.538 ], [ -74.002, -49.558 ], [ -74.043, -49.645 ], [ -73.98, -49.563 ], [ -73.907, -49.561 ], [ -73.879, -49.654 ], [ -73.782, -49.678 ], [ -73.698, -49.802 ], [ -73.661, -49.725 ], [ -73.844, -49.649 ], [ -73.861, -49.536 ], [ -74.098, -49.501 ], [ -74.072, -49.275 ], [ -74.011, -49.268 ], [ -73.964, -49.324 ], [ -73.831, -49.357 ], [ -73.812, -49.401 ], [ -73.817, -49.346 ], [ -73.951, -49.314 ], [ -74.012, -49.251 ], [ -73.945, -49.168 ], [ -74.017, -49.086 ], [ -74.011, -49.152 ], [ -74.107, -49.256 ], [ -74.191, -49.211 ], [ -74.131, -49.271 ], [ -74.176, -49.533 ], [ -74.267, -49.501 ], [ -74.26, -49.561 ], [ -74.391, -49.618 ], [ -74.435, -49.484 ], [ -74.415, -49.39 ], [ -74.386, -49.406 ], [ -74.392, -49.188 ], [ -74.334, -49.192 ], [ -74.408, -49.066 ], [ -74.437, -49.122 ], [ -74.397, -49.293 ], [ -74.447, -49.471 ], [ -74.545, -49.501 ], [ -74.45, -49.525 ], [ -74.446, -49.599 ], [ -74.508, -49.604 ], [ -74.507, -49.664 ], [ -74.558, -49.672 ], [ -74.497, -49.67 ], [ -74.505, -49.629 ], [ -74.454, -49.609 ], [ -74.386, -49.652 ], [ -74.375, -49.753 ], [ -74.477, -49.733 ], [ -74.387, -49.771 ], [ -74.388, -49.897 ], [ -74.459, -49.835 ], [ -74.42, -49.919 ], [ -74.484, -49.965 ], [ -74.6, -49.869 ], [ -74.497, -49.977 ], [ -74.614, -50.052 ], [ -74.608, -50.02 ], [ -74.667, -50.032 ], [ -74.614, -49.986 ], [ -74.784, -50.045 ], [ -74.856, -49.987 ], [ -74.796, -49.942 ], [ -74.672, -49.905 ], [ -74.598, -49.939 ], [ -74.685, -49.892 ], [ -74.816, -49.938 ], [ -74.838, -49.964 ], [ -74.886, -49.934 ], [ -74.844, -49.87 ], [ -74.886, -49.832 ], [ -74.75, -49.874 ], [ -74.592, -49.785 ], [ -74.809, -49.833 ], [ -74.696, -49.715 ], [ -74.819, -49.803 ], [ -74.861, -49.774 ], [ -74.834, -49.716 ], [ -74.894, -49.673 ], [ -74.791, -49.673 ], [ -74.868, -49.635 ], [ -74.861, -49.597 ], [ -74.74, -49.628 ], [ -74.659, -49.623 ], [ -74.759, -49.614 ], [ -74.718, -49.576 ], [ -74.716, -49.547 ], [ -74.777, -49.604 ], [ -74.865, -49.543 ], [ -74.747, -49.463 ], [ -74.694, -49.511 ], [ -74.739, -49.445 ], [ -74.601, -49.427 ], [ -74.694, -49.413 ], [ -74.58, -49.301 ], [ -74.704, -49.395 ], [ -74.791, -49.35 ], [ -74.718, -49.41 ], [ -74.849, -49.5 ], [ -74.858, -49.391 ], [ -74.906, -49.537 ], [ -74.933, -49.446 ], [ -74.888, -49.412 ], [ -74.946, -49.423 ], [ -74.949, -49.488 ], [ -75.018, -49.455 ], [ -75.071, -49.485 ], [ -74.957, -49.5 ], [ -74.952, -49.536 ], [ -74.99, -49.519 ], [ -74.913, -49.623 ], [ -74.984, -49.73 ], [ -74.99, -49.789 ], [ -74.954, -49.71 ], [ -74.899, -49.746 ], [ -74.988, -49.857 ], [ -74.953, -49.861 ], [ -74.973, -49.896 ], [ -75.031, -49.902 ], [ -74.994, -49.811 ], [ -75.036, -49.861 ], [ -75.104, -49.851 ], [ -75.145, -49.775 ], [ -75.1, -49.749 ], [ -75.164, -49.757 ], [ -75.203, -49.692 ], [ -75.173, -49.675 ], [ -75.234, -49.665 ], [ -75.114, -49.647 ], [ -75.206, -49.641 ], [ -75.129, -49.582 ], [ -75.224, -49.639 ], [ -75.202, -49.616 ], [ -75.277, -49.611 ], [ -75.125, -49.508 ], [ -75.234, -49.562 ], [ -75.288, -49.541 ], [ -75.173, -49.486 ], [ -75.216, -49.485 ], [ -75.198, -49.444 ], [ -75.302, -49.521 ], [ -75.33, -49.476 ], [ -75.282, -49.428 ], [ -75.378, -49.495 ], [ -75.299, -49.388 ], [ -75.398, -49.448 ], [ -75.445, -49.279 ], [ -75.319, -49.266 ], [ -75.412, -49.334 ], [ -75.32, -49.286 ], [ -75.242, -49.407 ], [ -75.109, -49.483 ], [ -75.186, -49.422 ], [ -74.943, -49.407 ], [ -75.196, -49.415 ], [ -75.126, -49.397 ], [ -75.232, -49.38 ], [ -75.269, -49.323 ], [ -75.187, -49.33 ], [ -75.275, -49.313 ], [ -75.301, -49.27 ], [ -75.241, -49.276 ], [ -75.303, -49.256 ], [ -75.226, -49.237 ], [ -75.219, -49.191 ], [ -74.972, -49.294 ], [ -75.076, -49.181 ], [ -74.981, -49.182 ], [ -75.208, -49.172 ], [ -75.093, -49.14 ], [ -75.127, -49.111 ], [ -75.23, -49.159 ], [ -75.132, -49.032 ], [ -75.052, -49.064 ], [ -75.105, -49.014 ], [ -74.969, -49.088 ], [ -74.969, -49.034 ], [ -75.077, -48.975 ], [ -75.206, -49.005 ], [ -75.247, -48.889 ], [ -75.219, -48.897 ], [ -75.184, -48.846 ], [ -75.263, -48.866 ], [ -75.348, -48.794 ], [ -75.322, -48.771 ], [ -75.092, -48.867 ], [ -75.061, -48.922 ], [ -75.174, -48.909 ], [ -75.155, -48.94 ], [ -74.987, -48.974 ], [ -74.862, -49.091 ], [ -74.916, -49.172 ], [ -74.862, -49.147 ], [ -74.893, -49.297 ], [ -74.855, -49.367 ], [ -74.856, -49.219 ], [ -74.785, -49.231 ], [ -74.855, -49.185 ], [ -74.822, -49.156 ], [ -74.75, -49.193 ], [ -74.819, -49.117 ], [ -74.733, -49.082 ], [ -74.912, -48.995 ], [ -74.816, -48.946 ], [ -74.77, -49.009 ], [ -74.722, -49.021 ], [ -74.789, -48.975 ], [ -74.788, -48.916 ], [ -74.953, -48.969 ], [ -74.889, -48.935 ], [ -74.966, -48.931 ], [ -74.842, -48.88 ], [ -74.998, -48.894 ], [ -74.816, -48.802 ], [ -74.992, -48.867 ], [ -75.037, -48.819 ], [ -75.014, -48.771 ], [ -74.924, -48.807 ], [ -74.915, -48.751 ], [ -74.99, -48.762 ], [ -74.79, -48.67 ], [ -74.773, -48.708 ], [ -74.826, -48.744 ], [ -74.753, -48.819 ], [ -74.776, -48.677 ], [ -74.695, -48.671 ], [ -74.717, -48.636 ], [ -74.8, -48.652 ], [ -74.905, -48.722 ], [ -75.001, -48.741 ], [ -74.994, -48.671 ], [ -74.878, -48.693 ], [ -74.978, -48.657 ], [ -74.99, -48.623 ], [ -74.961, -48.645 ], [ -74.831, -48.644 ], [ -75.007, -48.601 ], [ -75.022, -48.506 ], [ -74.816, -48.402 ], [ -74.818, -48.53 ], [ -74.788, -48.472 ], [ -74.756, -48.56 ], [ -74.706, -48.463 ], [ -74.777, -48.414 ], [ -74.813, -48.307 ], [ -74.735, -48.134 ], [ -74.678, -48.19 ], [ -74.736, -48.208 ], [ -74.697, -48.221 ], [ -74.714, -48.273 ], [ -74.653, -48.251 ], [ -74.672, -48.301 ], [ -74.586, -48.398 ], [ -74.684, -48.426 ], [ -74.595, -48.476 ], [ -74.61, -48.603 ], [ -74.523, -48.641 ], [ -74.519, -48.575 ], [ -74.472, -48.64 ], [ -74.596, -48.711 ], [ -74.628, -48.841 ], [ -74.565, -48.719 ], [ -74.488, -48.699 ], [ -74.486, -48.854 ], [ -74.578, -48.933 ], [ -74.477, -48.872 ], [ -74.42, -48.94 ], [ -74.527, -49.01 ], [ -74.412, -49.013 ], [ -74.409, -48.944 ], [ -74.327, -48.949 ], [ -74.446, -48.884 ], [ -74.365, -48.877 ], [ -74.442, -48.852 ], [ -74.384, -48.724 ], [ -74.221, -48.855 ], [ -74.196, -48.835 ], [ -74.318, -48.751 ], [ -74.195, -48.719 ], [ -74.057, -48.749 ], [ -74.134, -48.707 ], [ -74.29, -48.736 ], [ -74.308, -48.694 ], [ -74.221, -48.657 ], [ -74.355, -48.69 ], [ -74.4, -48.618 ], [ -74.361, -48.577 ], [ -74.225, -48.556 ], [ -74.271, -48.526 ], [ -74.192, -48.483 ], [ -73.967, -48.608 ], [ -74.041, -48.536 ], [ -74.028, -48.452 ], [ -73.881, -48.432 ], [ -74.019, -48.422 ], [ -74.144, -48.362 ], [ -74.241, -48.355 ], [ -73.954, -48.326 ], [ -74.273, -48.344 ], [ -74.239, -48.299 ], [ -74.303, -48.219 ], [ -74.434, -48.191 ], [ -74.513, -48.104 ], [ -74.403, -48.014 ], [ -74.599, -48.102 ], [ -74.646, -48.071 ], [ -74.632, -47.994 ], [ -74.53, -47.942 ], [ -74.332, -48.016 ], [ -74.386, -48.015 ], [ -74.257, -48.16 ], [ -74.261, -48.266 ], [ -74.238, -48.197 ], [ -74.187, -48.252 ], [ -74.144, -48.229 ], [ -74.224, -48.192 ], [ -74.297, -48.014 ], [ -74.189, -48.001 ], [ -74.156, -48.085 ], [ -74.179, -48.001 ], [ -74.105, -47.984 ], [ -74.041, -48.05 ], [ -73.898, -48.035 ], [ -73.872, -48.124 ], [ -73.762, -48.04 ], [ -73.805, -48.117 ], [ -73.789, -48.162 ], [ -73.743, -48.1 ], [ -73.593, -48.151 ], [ -73.639, -48.266 ], [ -73.584, -48.214 ], [ -73.529, -48.254 ], [ -73.487, -48.185 ], [ -73.4, -48.22 ], [ -73.275, -48.161 ], [ -73.263, -48.035 ], [ -73.293, -48.144 ], [ -73.364, -48.19 ], [ -73.589, -48.04 ], [ -73.525, -48.001 ], [ -73.639, -48.012 ], [ -73.647, -47.888 ], [ -73.541, -47.885 ], [ -73.607, -47.841 ], [ -73.585, -47.807 ], [ -73.711, -47.775 ], [ -73.73, -47.696 ], [ -73.671, -47.644 ], [ -73.723, -47.566 ], [ -73.748, -47.784 ], [ -73.924, -47.842 ], [ -74.034, -47.791 ], [ -74.361, -47.788 ], [ -74.381, -47.74 ], [ -74.515, -47.787 ], [ -74.717, -47.728 ], [ -74.633, -47.584 ], [ -74.535, -47.521 ], [ -74.401, -47.55 ], [ -74.431, -47.676 ], [ -74.144, -47.602 ], [ -74.316, -47.591 ], [ -74.452, -47.482 ], [ -74.428, -47.426 ], [ -74.478, -47.468 ], [ -74.515, -47.42 ], [ -74.304, -47.203 ], [ -74.138, -47.213 ], [ -74.03, -47.164 ], [ -74.051, -47.13 ], [ -74.121, -47.177 ], [ -74.223, -47.153 ], [ -74.179, -47.014 ], [ -73.999, -46.974 ], [ -74.103, -46.99 ], [ -74.309, -46.802 ], [ -74.233, -46.811 ], [ -74.267, -46.756 ], [ -74.641, -46.804 ], [ -74.419, -46.859 ], [ -74.434, -46.887 ], [ -74.369, -46.866 ], [ -74.387, -46.903 ], [ -74.672, -46.885 ], [ -74.79, -46.789 ], [ -74.834, -46.817 ], [ -74.983, -46.76 ], [ -75.051, -46.687 ], [ -75.069, -46.618 ], [ -74.937, -46.513 ], [ -74.974, -46.5 ], [ -75.181, -46.627 ], [ -75.325, -46.618 ], [ -75.361, -46.66 ], [ -75.394, -46.61 ], [ -75.516, -46.655 ], [ -75.536, -46.687 ], [ -75.482, -46.716 ], [ -75.364, -46.714 ], [ -75.419, -46.744 ], [ -75.303, -46.855 ], [ -75.368, -46.928 ], [ -75.55, -46.94 ], [ -75.633, -46.808 ], [ -75.687, -46.801 ], [ -75.691, -46.718 ], [ -75.623, -46.561 ], [ -75.534, -46.578 ], [ -75.486, -46.542 ], [ -75.519, -46.505 ], [ -75.337, -46.483 ], [ -75.364, -46.423 ], [ -75.2, -46.363 ], [ -75.196, -46.298 ], [ -75.133, -46.328 ], [ -75.05, -46.217 ], [ -74.932, -46.239 ], [ -74.89, -46.183 ], [ -74.886, -46.152 ], [ -74.738, -46.185 ], [ -74.79, -46.12 ], [ -74.763, -46.056 ], [ -74.702, -46.046 ], [ -74.703, -45.952 ], [ -74.901, -46.116 ], [ -75.025, -46.12 ], [ -75.073, -46.038 ], [ -74.976, -46.021 ], [ -75.095, -45.892 ], [ -75.033, -45.857 ], [ -74.841, -45.885 ], [ -74.727, -45.818 ], [ -74.512, -45.853 ], [ -74.427, -45.95 ], [ -74.476, -46.028 ], [ -74.434, -46.046 ], [ -74.375, -45.949 ], [ -74.458, -45.867 ], [ -74.447, -45.805 ], [ -74.296, -45.815 ], [ -74.278, -45.878 ], [ -74.23, -45.821 ], [ -74.073, -45.847 ], [ -74.089, -45.82 ], [ -74.045, -45.89 ], [ -74.077, -45.904 ], [ -73.949, -46.079 ], [ -74.031, -46.172 ], [ -73.877, -46.142 ], [ -73.74, -46.242 ], [ -73.779, -46.369 ], [ -73.879, -46.464 ], [ -73.866, -46.535 ], [ -73.89, -46.469 ], [ -73.963, -46.54 ], [ -73.911, -46.602 ], [ -73.835, -46.594 ], [ -73.762, -46.409 ], [ -73.609, -46.319 ], [ -73.492, -46.315 ], [ -73.557, -46.259 ], [ -73.329, -46.022 ], [ -73.404, -46.022 ], [ -73.608, -46.223 ], [ -73.586, -46.263 ], [ -73.682, -46.331 ], [ -73.62, -46.117 ], [ -73.642, -45.981 ], [ -73.534, -45.828 ], [ -73.343, -45.686 ], [ -73.15, -45.674 ], [ -73.344, -45.629 ], [ -73.568, -45.787 ], [ -73.48, -45.447 ], [ -73.207, -45.29 ], [ -72.99, -45.449 ], [ -72.877, -45.473 ], [ -72.797, -45.432 ], [ -72.809, -45.373 ], [ -72.917, -45.421 ], [ -73.012, -45.39 ], [ -73.201, -45.243 ], [ -73.337, -45.291 ], [ -73.446, -45.259 ], [ -73.433, -45.188 ], [ -73.307, -45.173 ], [ -73.421, -45.144 ], [ -73.418, -45.076 ], [ -73.337, -45.161 ], [ -73.282, -45.15 ], [ -73.38, -45.043 ], [ -73.361, -44.957 ], [ -73.1, -44.951 ], [ -72.712, -44.746 ], [ -72.729, -44.678 ], [ -72.668, -44.537 ], [ -72.573, -44.503 ], [ -72.602, -44.384 ], [ -72.68, -44.503 ], [ -72.723, -44.498 ], [ -72.817, -44.383 ], [ -72.92, -44.375 ], [ -72.917, -44.317 ], [ -73.187, -44.25 ], [ -73.135, -44.198 ], [ -73.289, -44.165 ], [ -73.275, -44.11 ], [ -73.212, -44.125 ], [ -73.2, -44.057 ], [ -73.092, -44.091 ], [ -73.133, -44.015 ], [ -73.042, -43.921 ], [ -73.067, -43.862 ], [ -72.943, -43.759 ], [ -73.054, -43.735 ], [ -72.881, -43.618 ], [ -72.891, -43.584 ], [ -72.998, -43.595 ], [ -73.094, -43.445 ], [ -73.051, -43.397 ], [ -73.066, -43.317 ], [ -72.876, -43.243 ], [ -72.915, -43.134 ], [ -72.857, -43.026 ], [ -72.744, -43.052 ], [ -72.809, -42.938 ], [ -72.707, -42.943 ], [ -72.856, -42.777 ], [ -72.798, -42.684 ], [ -72.86, -42.676 ], [ -72.821, -42.53 ], [ -72.527, -42.562 ], [ -72.626, -42.521 ], [ -72.84, -42.303 ], [ -72.587, -42.194 ], [ -72.516, -42.25 ], [ -72.446, -42.478 ], [ -72.394, -42.492 ], [ -72.47, -42.305 ], [ -72.431, -41.976 ], [ -72.494, -41.973 ], [ -72.581, -42.047 ], [ -72.879, -41.914 ], [ -72.653, -41.732 ], [ -72.357, -41.677 ], [ -72.286, -41.508 ], [ -72.339, -41.517 ], [ -72.387, -41.666 ], [ -72.572, -41.717 ], [ -72.649, -41.699 ], [ -72.787, -41.516 ], [ -72.938, -41.478 ], [ -73.089, -41.582 ], [ -73.039, -41.704 ], [ -73.138, -41.766 ], [ -73.189, -41.778 ], [ -73.191, -41.748 ], [ -73.259, -41.715 ], [ -73.259, -41.787 ], [ -73.41, -41.773 ], [ -73.354, -41.811 ], [ -73.759, -41.745 ], [ -73.655, -41.612 ], [ -73.752, -41.563 ], [ -73.796, -41.591 ], [ -73.804, -41.508 ], [ -73.862, -41.467 ], [ -73.835, -41.347 ], [ -73.933, -41.113 ], [ -73.944, -40.977 ], [ -73.847, -40.916 ], [ -73.89, -40.866 ], [ -73.806, -40.717 ], [ -73.838, -40.669 ], [ -73.72, -40.538 ], [ -73.779, -40.464 ], [ -73.731, -40.204 ], [ -73.658, -40.136 ], [ -73.713, -40.007 ], [ -73.466, -39.85 ], [ -73.373, -39.939 ], [ -73.405, -39.694 ], [ -73.254, -39.536 ], [ -73.262, -39.456 ], [ -73.204, -39.452 ], [ -73.239, -39.382 ], [ -73.211, -39.398 ], [ -73.192, -39.387 ], [ -73.233, -39.309 ], [ -73.211, -39.233 ], [ -73.489, -38.659 ], [ -73.533, -38.387 ], [ -73.451, -38.12 ], [ -73.49, -37.966 ], [ -73.666, -37.723 ], [ -73.679, -37.628 ], [ -73.59, -37.463 ], [ -73.683, -37.334 ], [ -73.585, -37.151 ], [ -73.559, -37.198 ], [ -73.448, -37.207 ], [ -73.448, -37.257 ], [ -73.276, -37.237 ], [ -73.155, -37.117 ], [ -73.19, -37.004 ], [ -73.155, -36.846 ], [ -73.217, -36.774 ], [ -73.135, -36.747 ], [ -73.161, -36.71 ], [ -73.114, -36.612 ], [ -73.105, -36.728 ], [ -72.992, -36.731 ], [ -72.961, -36.628 ], [ -73.004, -36.579 ], [ -72.978, -36.525 ], [ -72.935, -36.542 ], [ -72.81, -36.274 ], [ -72.788, -35.974 ], [ -72.567, -35.788 ], [ -72.631, -35.577 ], [ -72.498, -35.461 ], [ -72.496, -35.381 ], [ -72.432, -35.319 ], [ -72.377, -35.352 ], [ -72.385, -35.217 ], [ -72.193, -35.081 ], [ -72.181, -34.9 ], [ -72, -34.491 ], [ -72.054, -34.431 ], [ -71.973, -34.33 ], [ -72.01, -34.124 ], [ -71.853, -33.939 ], [ -71.788, -33.774 ], [ -71.645, -33.691 ], [ -71.601, -33.539 ], [ -71.709, -33.43 ], [ -71.655, -33.305 ], [ -71.757, -33.102 ], [ -71.681, -33.101 ], [ -71.661, -33.024 ], [ -71.563, -33.006 ], [ -71.567, -32.935 ], [ -71.524, -32.918 ], [ -71.557, -32.791 ], [ -71.452, -32.679 ], [ -71.487, -32.526 ], [ -71.41, -32.396 ], [ -71.544, -32.188 ], [ -71.495, -31.972 ], [ -71.502, -31.875 ], [ -71.559, -31.845 ], [ -71.508, -31.77 ], [ -71.671, -31.149 ], [ -71.648, -31.007 ], [ -71.716, -30.599 ], [ -71.649, -30.266 ], [ -71.626, -30.236 ], [ -71.603, -30.295 ], [ -71.525, -30.291 ], [ -71.453, -30.169 ], [ -71.395, -30.184 ], [ -71.371, -30.078 ], [ -71.419, -30.003 ], [ -71.35, -29.979 ], [ -71.348, -29.936 ], [ -71.294, -29.95 ], [ -71.275, -29.889 ], [ -71.344, -29.753 ], [ -71.286, -29.617 ], [ -71.332, -29.552 ], [ -71.309, -29.418 ], [ -71.34, -29.331 ], [ -71.495, -29.198 ], [ -71.466, -29.106 ], [ -71.53, -28.983 ], [ -71.495, -28.856 ], [ -71.301, -28.679 ], [ -71.319, -28.567 ], [ -71.166, -28.354 ], [ -71.201, -28.297 ], [ -71.157, -28.219 ], [ -71.185, -28.111 ], [ -71.038, -27.67 ], [ -71.003, -27.69 ], [ -70.905, -27.624 ], [ -70.889, -27.479 ], [ -70.961, -27.37 ], [ -70.928, -27.312 ], [ -70.97, -27.169 ], [ -70.931, -27.112 ], [ -70.874, -27.138 ], [ -70.811, -27.055 ], [ -70.828, -26.876 ], [ -70.688, -26.577 ], [ -70.697, -26.39 ], [ -70.628, -26.337 ], [ -70.676, -26.291 ], [ -70.631, -25.991 ], [ -70.736, -25.817 ], [ -70.686, -25.665 ], [ -70.64, -25.646 ], [ -70.65, -25.536 ], [ -70.539, -25.481 ], [ -70.522, -25.397 ], [ -70.45, -25.363 ], [ -70.441, -25.192 ], [ -70.508, -25.11 ], [ -70.471, -24.995 ], [ -70.58, -24.716 ], [ -70.579, -24.545 ], [ -70.499, -24.167 ], [ -70.515, -23.861 ], [ -70.391, -23.612 ], [ -70.404, -23.532 ], [ -70.479, -23.466 ], [ -70.547, -23.534 ], [ -70.624, -23.514 ], [ -70.598, -23.244 ], [ -70.557, -23.181 ], [ -70.579, -23.083 ], [ -70.509, -23.021 ], [ -70.479, -23.098 ], [ -70.408, -23.085 ], [ -70.287, -22.911 ], [ -70.31, -22.761 ], [ -70.237, -22.49 ], [ -70.191, -21.899 ], [ -70.145, -21.849 ], [ -70.147, -21.633 ], [ -70.095, -21.593 ], [ -70.056, -21.434 ], [ -70.083, -21.23 ], [ -70.178, -21.023 ], [ -70.137, -20.89 ], [ -70.208, -20.812 ], [ -70.123, -19.994 ], [ -70.169, -19.656 ], [ -70.235, -19.602 ], [ -70.2, -19.503 ], [ -70.285, -19.306 ], [ -70.268, -19.143 ], [ -70.36, -18.796 ], [ -70.303, -18.446 ], [ -70.374, -18.35 ], [ -69.948, -18.248 ], [ -69.753, -17.982 ], [ -69.819, -17.747 ], [ -69.799, -17.65 ], [ -69.662, -17.658 ], [ -69.463, -17.508 ], [ -69.461, -17.606 ], [ -69.308, -17.801 ], [ -69.296, -17.95 ], [ -69.069, -18.067 ], [ -69.139, -18.157 ], [ -69.036, -18.324 ], [ -68.978, -18.75 ], [ -68.909, -18.876 ], [ -68.957, -18.941 ], [ -68.884, -19.045 ], [ -68.407, -19.408 ], [ -68.691, -19.739 ], [ -68.53, -19.843 ], [ -68.524, -19.927 ], [ -68.56, -20.045 ], [ -68.78, -20.082 ], [ -68.705, -20.142 ], [ -68.663, -20.324 ], [ -68.756, -20.392 ], [ -68.678, -20.498 ], [ -68.439, -20.632 ], [ -68.549, -20.726 ], [ -68.547, -20.88 ], [ -68.515, -20.933 ], [ -68.401, -20.938 ], [ -68.172, -21.297 ], [ -68.177, -21.6 ], [ -68.057, -21.763 ], [ -68.064, -21.976 ], [ -67.943, -22.091 ], [ -67.946, -22.321 ], [ -67.848, -22.546 ], [ -67.875, -22.826 ], [ -67.572, -22.896 ], [ -67.178, -22.806 ], [ -66.988, -22.992 ], [ -67.338, -24.034 ], [ -68.214, -24.38 ], [ -68.317, -24.484 ], [ -68.391, -24.474 ], [ -68.567, -24.748 ], [ -68.572, -24.834 ], [ -68.337, -25.072 ], [ -68.505, -25.134 ], [ -68.551, -25.228 ], [ -68.533, -25.329 ], [ -68.598, -25.399 ], [ -68.487, -25.657 ], [ -68.39, -26.19 ], [ -68.57, -26.307 ], [ -68.588, -26.509 ], [ -68.272, -26.917 ], [ -68.327, -27.047 ], [ -68.481, -27.064 ], [ -68.544, -27.188 ], [ -68.684, -27.083 ], [ -68.797, -27.133 ], [ -68.849, -27.204 ], [ -68.82, -27.291 ], [ -69.062, -27.642 ], [ -69.104, -27.889 ], [ -69.242, -27.996 ], [ -69.37, -28.201 ], [ -69.437, -28.172 ], [ -69.482, -28.312 ], [ -69.632, -28.378 ], [ -69.634, -28.52 ], [ -69.706, -28.683 ], [ -69.672, -28.773 ], [ -69.766, -28.892 ], [ -69.785, -29.109 ], [ -69.95, -29.169 ], [ -70.018, -29.325 ], [ -69.882, -29.692 ], [ -69.94, -30.09 ], [ -69.827, -30.123 ], [ -69.807, -30.187 ], [ -69.975, -30.398 ], [ -70.154, -30.349 ], [ -70.129, -30.457 ], [ -70.305, -30.891 ], [ -70.267, -31.024 ], [ -70.391, -31.171 ], [ -70.445, -31.09 ], [ -70.511, -31.163 ], [ -70.553, -31.56 ], [ -70.465, -31.701 ], [ -70.44, -31.848 ], [ -70.268, -31.896 ], [ -70.202, -31.97 ], [ -70.278, -32.044 ], [ -70.386, -32.051 ], [ -70.299, -32.145 ], [ -70.318, -32.267 ], [ -70.224, -32.332 ], [ -70.234, -32.432 ], [ -70.142, -32.484 ], [ -70.146, -32.731 ], [ -69.997, -32.902 ], [ -70.093, -33.042 ], [ -70.025, -33.314 ], [ -69.964, -33.321 ], [ -69.888, -33.222 ], [ -69.747, -33.408 ], [ -69.865, -33.547 ], [ -69.885, -33.68 ], [ -69.89, -33.829 ], [ -69.83, -33.99 ], [ -69.876, -34.126 ], [ -69.815, -34.224 ], [ -69.914, -34.297 ], [ -69.976, -34.253 ], [ -70.042, -34.287 ], [ -70.011, -34.402 ], [ -70.134, -34.495 ], [ -70.226, -34.678 ], [ -70.315, -34.749 ], [ -70.262, -34.804 ], [ -70.37, -35.031 ], [ -70.363, -35.142 ], [ -70.426, -35.196 ], [ -70.548, -35.206 ], [ -70.578, -35.258 ], [ -70.424, -35.343 ], [ -70.401, -35.648 ], [ -70.326, -35.811 ], [ -70.423, -35.91 ], [ -70.381, -35.923 ], [ -70.372, -36.027 ], [ -70.419, -36.145 ], [ -70.471, -36.171 ], [ -70.577, -36.13 ], [ -70.699, -36.255 ], [ -70.694, -36.407 ], [ -70.886, -36.383 ], [ -70.936, -36.473 ], [ -71.034, -36.465 ], [ -71.024, -36.664 ], [ -71.066, -36.695 ], [ -71.112, -36.659 ], [ -71.17, -36.839 ], [ -71.102, -36.95 ], [ -71.203, -36.975 ], [ -71.092, -37.103 ], [ -71.213, -37.298 ], [ -71.116, -37.472 ], [ -71.129, -37.581 ], [ -71.202, -37.672 ], [ -71.136, -37.819 ], [ -71.191, -37.864 ], [ -71.125, -37.894 ], [ -70.999, -38.094 ], [ -71.043, -38.133 ], [ -71.002, -38.41 ], [ -70.833, -38.573 ], [ -70.948, -38.745 ], [ -71.241, -38.806 ], [ -71.428, -38.93 ], [ -71.386, -39.284 ], [ -71.472, -39.402 ], [ -71.467, -39.484 ], [ -71.533, -39.522 ], [ -71.481, -39.59 ], [ -71.606, -39.627 ], [ -71.688, -39.571 ], [ -71.716, -39.63 ], [ -71.689, -39.841 ], [ -71.59, -39.903 ], [ -71.684, -40.026 ], [ -71.671, -40.104 ], [ -71.816, -40.088 ], [ -71.831, -40.222 ], [ -71.749, -40.307 ], [ -71.681, -40.3 ], [ -71.654, -40.369 ], [ -71.719, -40.438 ], [ -71.805, -40.412 ], [ -71.85, -40.56 ], [ -71.883, -40.558 ], [ -71.833, -40.633 ], [ -71.947, -40.74 ], [ -71.858, -40.913 ], [ -71.894, -40.978 ], [ -71.828, -41.061 ], [ -71.843, -41.167 ], [ -71.879, -41.171 ], [ -71.842, -41.256 ], [ -71.906, -41.361 ], [ -71.819, -41.571 ], [ -71.855, -41.608 ], [ -71.826, -41.707 ], [ -71.746, -41.821 ], [ -71.728, -42.115 ], [ -71.919, -42.187 ], [ -72.028, -42.141 ], [ -72.125, -42.307 ], [ -72.05, -42.378 ], [ -72.029, -42.494 ], [ -72.134, -42.6 ], [ -72.11, -42.915 ], [ -71.979, -43.086 ], [ -71.74, -43.171 ], [ -71.729, -43.211 ], [ -71.734, -43.317 ], [ -71.891, -43.328 ], [ -71.933, -43.457 ], [ -71.846, -43.485 ], [ -71.86, -43.552 ], [ -71.775, -43.545 ], [ -71.693, -43.63 ], [ -71.583, -43.66 ], [ -71.755, -43.81 ], [ -71.658, -43.938 ], [ -71.755, -44.067 ], [ -71.844, -44.105 ], [ -71.79, -44.212 ], [ -71.837, -44.376 ], [ -71.224, -44.425 ], [ -71.11, -44.523 ], [ -71.131, -44.58 ], [ -71.209, -44.606 ], [ -71.219, -44.739 ], [ -71.303, -44.808 ], [ -71.475, -44.736 ], [ -71.632, -44.785 ], [ -72.07, -44.768 ], [ -72.047, -44.901 ], [ -71.56, -44.98 ], [ -71.297, -45.293 ], [ -71.505, -45.399 ], [ -71.46, -45.466 ], [ -71.483, -45.508 ], [ -71.758, -45.562 ], [ -71.722, -45.582 ], [ -71.773, -45.712 ], [ -71.747, -45.835 ], [ -71.63, -45.888 ], [ -71.598, -45.975 ], [ -71.757, -46.111 ], [ -71.892, -46.148 ], [ -71.763, -46.2 ], [ -71.646, -46.683 ], [ -71.931, -46.811 ], [ -71.913, -47.013 ], [ -71.985, -47.075 ], [ -71.854, -47.138 ], [ -71.86, -47.231 ], [ -72.022, -47.206 ], [ -72.019, -47.284 ], [ -72.146, -47.411 ], [ -72.336, -47.464 ], [ -72.288, -47.504 ], [ -72.281, -47.615 ], [ -72.391, -47.651 ], [ -72.429, -47.758 ], [ -72.499, -47.732 ], [ -72.452, -47.8 ], [ -72.52, -47.925 ], [ -72.334, -48.074 ], [ -72.281, -48.338 ], [ -72.379, -48.368 ], [ -72.355, -48.393 ], [ -72.425, -48.421 ], [ -72.391, -48.45 ], [ -72.451, -48.491 ], [ -72.598, -48.483 ], [ -72.55, -48.791 ], [ -72.736, -48.918 ], [ -72.928, -48.946 ], [ -73.093, -49.134 ], [ -73.493, -49.18 ], [ -73.45, -49.377 ], [ -73.523, -49.448 ], [ -73.501, -49.513 ], [ -73.583, -49.524 ], [ -73.495, -49.632 ], [ -73.53, -49.693 ], [ -73.452, -49.732 ], [ -73.434, -49.81 ], [ -73.545, -49.924 ], [ -73.497, -50.047 ], [ -73.541, -50.078 ], [ -73.576, -50.261 ], [ -73.438, -50.431 ], [ -73.119, -50.683 ], [ -73.171, -50.735 ], [ -73.133, -50.775 ], [ -72.738, -50.616 ], [ -72.602, -50.676 ], [ -72.474, -50.603 ], [ -72.278, -50.655 ], [ -72.327, -50.745 ], [ -72.231, -50.855 ], [ -72.25, -51.025 ], [ -72.342, -51.045 ], [ -72.402, -51.119 ], [ -72.26, -51.254 ], [ -72.321, -51.304 ], [ -72.35, -51.486 ], [ -72.438, -51.569 ], [ -72.342, -51.598 ], [ -72.293, -51.699 ], [ -72.148, -51.738 ], [ -71.955, -51.868 ], [ -72.002, -51.975 ], [ -70.019, -51.998 ], [ -69.484, -52.147 ], [ -69.203, -52.152 ], [ -68.824, -52.278 ], [ -68.427, -52.335 ], [ -68.424, -52.379 ], [ -68.497, -52.336 ], [ -69, -52.283 ], [ -69.204, -52.197 ], [ -69.447, -52.264 ], [ -69.489, -52.392 ], [ -69.573, -52.424 ], [ -69.544, -52.466 ], [ -69.668, -52.544 ], [ -69.852, -52.49 ], [ -70.16, -52.588 ], [ -70.216, -52.659 ], [ -70.324, -52.64 ], [ -70.551, -52.726 ], [ -70.519, -52.656 ], [ -70.724, -52.745 ], [ -70.747, -52.712 ], [ -70.805, -52.757 ], [ -70.875, -52.736 ], [ -70.738, -52.789 ], [ -70.831, -52.82 ], [ -70.852, -52.908 ], [ -70.898, -52.916 ], [ -70.792, -52.939 ], [ -70.836, -52.962 ], [ -70.864, -53.13 ], [ -70.932, -53.173 ], [ -70.932, -53.311 ], [ -70.983, -53.382 ], [ -70.907, -53.627 ], [ -70.939, -53.624 ], [ -70.962, -53.789 ], [ -71.289, -53.903 ], [ -71.721, -53.8 ], [ -71.902, -53.715 ], [ -71.867, -53.69 ], [ -71.929, -53.729 ], [ -72.095, -53.699 ], [ -72.401, -53.5 ], [ -72.473, -53.399 ], [ -72.411, -53.362 ], [ -72.436, -53.316 ], [ -72.314, -53.249 ], [ -72.131, -53.242 ], [ -72.108, -53.384 ], [ -72.283, -53.425 ], [ -72.211, -53.449 ], [ -72.012, -53.379 ], [ -72.034, -53.239 ], [ -71.869, -53.223 ], [ -71.758, -53.437 ], [ -71.904, -53.527 ], [ -72.067, -53.548 ], [ -71.946, -53.569 ], [ -71.776, -53.512 ], [ -71.74, -53.447 ], [ -71.773, -53.314 ], [ -71.736, -53.316 ], [ -71.73, -53.21 ], [ -71.35, -53.113 ], [ -71.125, -52.865 ], [ -71.181, -52.816 ], [ -71.379, -52.798 ], [ -71.396, -52.716 ], [ -71.558, -52.561 ], [ -72.335, -52.524 ], [ -72.455, -52.615 ], [ -72.413, -52.621 ], [ -72.438, -52.67 ], [ -72.57, -52.593 ], [ -72.397, -52.548 ], [ -72.408, -52.495 ], [ -72.583, -52.578 ], [ -72.655, -52.553 ], [ -72.618, -52.514 ], [ -72.776, -52.561 ], [ -72.878, -52.523 ], [ -72.869, -52.558 ], [ -72.913, -52.57 ], [ -72.875, -52.584 ], [ -72.941, -52.58 ], [ -72.892, -52.605 ], [ -73.012, -52.745 ], [ -72.829, -52.598 ], [ -72.682, -52.668 ], [ -72.892, -52.81 ], [ -72.964, -52.766 ], [ -72.943, -52.804 ], [ -73.056, -52.851 ], [ -72.957, -52.902 ], [ -72.993, -52.972 ], [ -72.955, -53.025 ], [ -73.006, -53.073 ], [ -73.055, -53.033 ], [ -73.037, -53.07 ], [ -73.147, -53.105 ], [ -73.189, -53.042 ], [ -73.145, -53.018 ], [ -73.207, -53.014 ], [ -73.228, -53.052 ], [ -73.172, -53.089 ], [ -73.245, -53.098 ], [ -73.448, -53.013 ], [ -73.323, -53.003 ], [ -73.402, -52.972 ], [ -73.256, -52.972 ], [ -73.288, -52.944 ], [ -73.183, -52.897 ], [ -73.293, -52.929 ], [ -73.326, -52.894 ], [ -73.402, -52.97 ], [ -73.499, -52.941 ], [ -73.415, -52.93 ], [ -73.522, -52.888 ], [ -73.802, -52.923 ], [ -73.729, -52.903 ], [ -73.75, -52.864 ], [ -73.589, -52.868 ], [ -73.605, -52.829 ], [ -73.352, -52.906 ], [ -73.582, -52.809 ], [ -73.453, -52.809 ], [ -73.48, -52.836 ], [ -73.421, -52.805 ], [ -73.467, -52.77 ], [ -73.394, -52.794 ], [ -73.407, -52.837 ], [ -73.239, -52.805 ], [ -73.265, -52.754 ], [ -73.317, -52.777 ], [ -73.311, -52.713 ], [ -73.289, -52.748 ], [ -73.246, -52.665 ], [ -73.131, -52.661 ], [ -73.168, -52.631 ], [ -73.149, -52.566 ], [ -72.995, -52.58 ], [ -73.142, -52.558 ], [ -73.082, -52.51 ], [ -73.161, -52.499 ], [ -73.224, -52.409 ], [ -73.203, -52.493 ], [ -73.289, -52.501 ], [ -73.205, -52.508 ], [ -73.162, -52.583 ], [ -73.271, -52.688 ], [ -73.327, -52.693 ], [ -73.355, -52.645 ], [ -73.311, -52.601 ], [ -73.353, -52.626 ], [ -73.424, -52.553 ], [ -73.375, -52.646 ], [ -73.659, -52.721 ], [ -73.607, -52.747 ], [ -73.626, -52.777 ], [ -73.677, -52.721 ], [ -73.736, -52.745 ], [ -73.574, -52.654 ], [ -73.688, -52.624 ], [ -73.594, -52.579 ], [ -73.637, -52.547 ], [ -73.551, -52.577 ], [ -73.62, -52.514 ], [ -73.494, -52.493 ], [ -73.559, -52.477 ], [ -73.533, -52.421 ], [ -73.598, -52.471 ], [ -73.675, -52.433 ], [ -73.673, -52.395 ], [ -73.587, -52.389 ], [ -73.61, -52.344 ], [ -73.573, -52.339 ], [ -73.656, -52.283 ], [ -73.591, -52.225 ], [ -73.741, -52.103 ], [ -73.682, -52.254 ], [ -73.854, -52.115 ], [ -74.103, -52.023 ], [ -73.974, -52.039 ], [ -74.096, -51.987 ], [ -74.103, -51.95 ], [ -74.061, -51.965 ], [ -74.102, -51.918 ], [ -73.991, -51.933 ], [ -74.007, -51.995 ], [ -73.964, -51.945 ], [ -73.756, -52.083 ], [ -73.715, -52.037 ], [ -73.561, -52.217 ], [ -73.5, -52.189 ], [ -73.558, -52.155 ], [ -73.469, -52.151 ], [ -73.347, -52.253 ], [ -73.252, -52.223 ], [ -73.245, -52.124 ], [ -73.168, -52.153 ], [ -73.036, -52.078 ], [ -73.111, -52.083 ], [ -73.084, -51.959 ], [ -72.909, -51.911 ], [ -72.882, -51.881 ], [ -73.033, -52.078 ], [ -72.995, -52.078 ], [ -72.995, -52.151 ], [ -73.082, -52.159 ], [ -73.121, -52.25 ], [ -73.08, -52.268 ], [ -73.066, -52.214 ], [ -72.991, -52.201 ], [ -72.936, -52.237 ], [ -72.957, -52.267 ], [ -72.871, -52.281 ], [ -72.898, -52.263 ], [ -72.846, -52.242 ], [ -72.812, -52.096 ], [ -72.741, -52.087 ], [ -72.776, -52.053 ], [ -72.841, -52.095 ], [ -72.898, -52.223 ], [ -72.959, -52.199 ], [ -72.96, -52.06 ], [ -72.936, -52.038 ], [ -72.908, -52.09 ], [ -72.9, -51.992 ], [ -72.776, -51.963 ], [ -72.725, -52.08 ], [ -72.664, -52.136 ], [ -72.621, -52.118 ], [ -72.54, -52.218 ], [ -72.62, -52.366 ], [ -72.715, -52.334 ], [ -72.782, -52.408 ], [ -72.853, -52.388 ], [ -72.833, -52.421 ], [ -72.978, -52.462 ], [ -72.739, -52.418 ], [ -72.625, -52.443 ], [ -72.671, -52.416 ], [ -72.557, -52.475 ], [ -72.514, -52.437 ], [ -72.671, -52.4 ], [ -72.524, -52.347 ], [ -72.476, -52.213 ], [ -72.658, -52.064 ], [ -72.666, -51.976 ], [ -72.629, -51.918 ], [ -72.571, -51.984 ], [ -72.582, -51.932 ], [ -72.45, -51.917 ], [ -72.519, -51.844 ], [ -72.463, -51.786 ], [ -72.556, -51.698 ], [ -72.653, -51.669 ], [ -72.651, -51.635 ], [ -72.697, -51.578 ], [ -72.679, -51.652 ], [ -72.718, -51.578 ], [ -73.087, -51.482 ], [ -73.07, -51.402 ], [ -73.084, -51.366 ], [ -73.129, -51.326 ], [ -73.113, -51.265 ], [ -73.021, -51.246 ], [ -73.086, -51.241 ], [ -73.129, -51.264 ], [ -73.141, -51.327 ], [ -73.097, -51.424 ], [ -73.269, -51.501 ], [ -73.058, -51.513 ], [ -73.04, -51.547 ], [ -73.114, -51.619 ], [ -72.991, -51.535 ], [ -72.77, -51.611 ], [ -72.691, -51.708 ], [ -72.535, -51.748 ], [ -72.617, -51.828 ], [ -72.734, -51.855 ], [ -72.817, -51.776 ], [ -72.966, -51.785 ], [ -73.05, -51.701 ], [ -73.196, -51.694 ], [ -73.201, -51.618 ], [ -73.236, -51.638 ], [ -73.297, -51.586 ], [ -73.223, -51.661 ], [ -73.288, -51.7 ], [ -73.089, -51.717 ], [ -72.997, -51.8 ], [ -73.083, -51.758 ], [ -73.171, -51.786 ], [ -73.074, -51.769 ], [ -73.042, -51.834 ], [ -73.219, -51.904 ], [ -73.093, -51.893 ], [ -72.988, -51.817 ], [ -72.917, -51.872 ], [ -73.136, -51.952 ], [ -73.163, -52.116 ], [ -73.242, -52.108 ], [ -73.271, -51.895 ], [ -73.343, -51.705 ], [ -73.4, -51.647 ], [ -73.287, -51.981 ], [ -73.273, -52.18 ], [ -73.407, -52.149 ], [ -73.593, -52.023 ], [ -73.601, -51.944 ], [ -73.563, -51.945 ], [ -73.652, -51.853 ], [ -73.598, -51.821 ], [ -73.507, -51.937 ], [ -73.534, -51.963 ], [ -73.456, -51.989 ], [ -73.42, -52.06 ], [ -73.388, -52.052 ], [ -73.478, -51.916 ], [ -73.425, -51.915 ], [ -73.529, -51.858 ], [ -73.514, -51.803 ], [ -73.601, -51.759 ], [ -73.64, -51.792 ], [ -73.623, -51.76 ], [ -73.566, -51.743 ], [ -73.56, -51.769 ], [ -73.499, -51.705 ], [ -73.621, -51.734 ], [ -73.628, -51.661 ], [ -73.69, -51.798 ], [ -73.777, -51.72 ], [ -73.749, -51.774 ], [ -73.797, -51.817 ], [ -73.94, -51.683 ], [ -73.935, -51.649 ], [ -73.832, -51.683 ], [ -73.839, -51.764 ], [ -73.792, -51.736 ], [ -73.813, -51.686 ], [ -73.701, -51.631 ], [ -73.927, -51.63 ], [ -73.917, -51.582 ], [ -73.837, -51.596 ], [ -73.864, -51.557 ], [ -73.791, -51.552 ], [ -73.91, -51.559 ], [ -73.903, -51.515 ], [ -73.971, -51.496 ], [ -73.915, -51.468 ], [ -73.947, -51.449 ], [ -73.915, -51.419 ], [ -73.966, -51.424 ], [ -73.893, -51.372 ], [ -73.723, -51.472 ], [ -73.653, -51.622 ], [ -73.585, -51.622 ], [ -73.614, -51.604 ], [ -73.69, -51.489 ], [ -73.652, -51.54 ], [ -73.586, -51.556 ], [ -73.649, -51.472 ], [ -73.57, -51.458 ], [ -73.684, -51.443 ], [ -73.719, -51.339 ], [ -73.727, -51.373 ], [ -73.847, -51.365 ], [ -73.861, -51.336 ], [ -73.782, -51.311 ], [ -73.891, -51.297 ], [ -73.813, -51.248 ], [ -73.736, -51.268 ], [ -73.785, -51.219 ], [ -73.732, -51.194 ], [ -73.677, -51.29 ], [ -73.697, -51.218 ], [ -73.644, -51.2 ], [ -73.707, -51.19 ], [ -73.682, -51.144 ], [ -73.726, -51.17 ], [ -73.816, -51.075 ], [ -73.742, -51.177 ], [ -73.905, -51.266 ], [ -73.999, -51.122 ], [ -74.029, -51.218 ], [ -74.129, -51.199 ], [ -74.164, -51.098 ], [ -74.137, -51.113 ], [ -74.118, -51.103 ], [ -74.094, -51.075 ], [ -74.157, -51.074 ], [ -74.134, -51.038 ], [ -74.045, -51.007 ], [ -74.077, -50.937 ], [ -74.207, -51.063 ], [ -74.154, -51.206 ], [ -74.259, -51.229 ], [ -74.315, -50.976 ], [ -74.273, -50.977 ], [ -74.323, -50.905 ], [ -74.226, -51.023 ], [ -74.202, -50.966 ], [ -74.245, -50.975 ], [ -74.239, -50.934 ], [ -74.191, -50.89 ], [ -73.92, -50.911 ], [ -73.942, -50.882 ], [ -73.9, -50.874 ], [ -73.803, -51.009 ], [ -73.764, -50.992 ], [ -73.776, -50.929 ], [ -73.883, -50.841 ], [ -73.819, -50.8 ], [ -73.732, -50.837 ], [ -73.787, -50.8 ], [ -73.787, -50.694 ], [ -73.63, -50.648 ], [ -73.54, -50.721 ], [ -73.538, -50.677 ], [ -73.382, -50.688 ], [ -73.74, -50.574 ], [ -73.705, -50.516 ], [ -73.627, -50.514 ], [ -73.598, -50.485 ], [ -73.575, -50.392 ], [ -73.644, -50.507 ], [ -73.73, -50.512 ], [ -73.767, -50.541 ], [ -73.817, -50.772 ], [ -73.939, -50.848 ], [ -74.033, -50.857 ], [ -74.076, -50.815 ], [ -74.085, -50.809 ] ], [ [ -74.406, -50.095 ], [ -74.406, -50.095 ], [ -74.406, -50.095 ], [ -74.406, -50.095 ] ], [ [ -74.406, -50.095 ], [ -74.403, -50.111 ], [ -74.383, -50.097 ], [ -74.406, -50.095 ] ], [ [ -74.015, -50.219 ], [ -73.996, -50.219 ], [ -74.011, -50.214 ], [ -74.015, -50.219 ] ], [ [ -73.996, -50.219 ], [ -73.946, -50.236 ], [ -73.946, -50.201 ], [ -73.964, -50.219 ], [ -73.996, -50.219 ] ], [ [ -74.209, -48.156 ], [ -74.204, -48.156 ], [ -74.164, -48.138 ], [ -74.209, -48.156 ] ], [ [ -72.984, -41.498 ], [ -72.953, -41.483 ], [ -72.98, -41.494 ], [ -72.984, -41.498 ] ], [ [ -73.082, -52.51 ], [ -73.05, -52.509 ], [ -73.059, -52.507 ], [ -73.082, -52.51 ] ], [ [ -73.05, -52.509 ], [ -72.936, -52.521 ], [ -72.881, -52.55 ], [ -72.918, -52.503 ], [ -73.05, -52.509 ] ], [ [ -73.499, -51.705 ], [ -73.499, -51.705 ], [ -73.499, -51.705 ], [ -73.499, -51.705 ] ], [ [ -73.499, -51.705 ], [ -73.467, -51.702 ], [ -73.456, -51.685 ], [ -73.499, -51.705 ] ], [ [ -73.721, -51.308 ], [ -73.723, -51.327 ], [ -73.701, -51.296 ], [ -73.727, -51.287 ], [ -73.721, -51.308 ] ], [ [ -74.965, -49.634 ], [ -74.944, -49.628 ], [ -74.991, -49.632 ], [ -74.965, -49.634 ] ], [ [ -74.966, -49.602 ], [ -74.963, -49.588 ], [ -75.083, -49.534 ], [ -74.966, -49.602 ] ], [ [ -74.69, -48.673 ], [ -74.623, -48.697 ], [ -74.645, -48.73 ], [ -74.605, -48.708 ], [ -74.632, -48.683 ], [ -74.69, -48.673 ] ], [ [ -75.215, -49.246 ], [ -75.119, -49.34 ], [ -75.174, -49.337 ], [ -75.104, -49.362 ], [ -75.018, -49.351 ], [ -75.1, -49.347 ], [ -75.13, -49.311 ], [ -75.084, -49.293 ], [ -75.215, -49.246 ] ], [ [ -75.1, -49.268 ], [ -75.034, -49.336 ], [ -75.066, -49.267 ], [ -75.1, -49.268 ] ], [ [ -74.338, -49.432 ], [ -74.321, -49.436 ], [ -74.31, -49.419 ], [ -74.324, -49.411 ], [ -74.338, -49.432 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.826, -51.626 ], [ -74.754, -51.646 ], [ -74.744, -51.717 ], [ -74.789, -51.743 ], [ -74.744, -51.731 ], [ -74.746, -51.816 ], [ -74.855, -51.945 ], [ -74.811, -51.941 ], [ -74.824, -51.971 ], [ -74.873, -51.967 ], [ -74.833, -51.979 ], [ -74.878, -52.079 ], [ -74.957, -52.111 ], [ -74.923, -52.044 ], [ -74.963, -52.107 ], [ -75.014, -52.115 ], [ -74.949, -52.042 ], [ -75.015, -52.069 ], [ -74.967, -52.03 ], [ -75.02, -52.046 ], [ -75.065, -51.995 ], [ -74.957, -51.94 ], [ -75.006, -51.921 ], [ -74.931, -51.796 ], [ -74.886, -51.841 ], [ -74.936, -51.917 ], [ -74.865, -51.864 ], [ -74.858, -51.927 ], [ -74.795, -51.849 ], [ -74.871, -51.778 ], [ -74.796, -51.759 ], [ -74.922, -51.65 ], [ -74.826, -51.626 ] ], [ [ -74.865, -52.001 ], [ -74.865, -52.001 ], [ -74.905, -51.991 ], [ -74.865, -52.001 ] ], [ [ -74.957, -51.94 ], [ -74.929, -51.941 ], [ -74.955, -51.939 ], [ -74.957, -51.94 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.97, -54.014 ], [ -72.76, -54.047 ], [ -72.911, -53.997 ], [ -72.779, -53.981 ], [ -72.881, -53.964 ], [ -72.666, -53.864 ], [ -72.78, -53.886 ], [ -72.737, -53.85 ], [ -72.832, -53.867 ], [ -72.779, -53.832 ], [ -72.818, -53.82 ], [ -73.04, -53.885 ], [ -73.065, -53.806 ], [ -73.117, -53.932 ], [ -73.045, -53.994 ], [ -73.101, -54.044 ], [ -73.199, -53.984 ], [ -73.351, -53.977 ], [ -73.358, -53.94 ], [ -73.275, -53.943 ], [ -73.23, -53.893 ], [ -73.358, -53.844 ], [ -73.257, -53.806 ], [ -73.257, -53.763 ], [ -73.336, -53.736 ], [ -73.252, -53.713 ], [ -73.597, -53.75 ], [ -73.487, -53.663 ], [ -73.633, -53.661 ], [ -73.607, -53.562 ], [ -73.531, -53.596 ], [ -73.415, -53.57 ], [ -73.248, -53.659 ], [ -73.331, -53.602 ], [ -73.276, -53.556 ], [ -73.356, -53.557 ], [ -73.477, -53.447 ], [ -73.298, -53.48 ], [ -73.281, -53.53 ], [ -73.238, -53.478 ], [ -73.075, -53.548 ], [ -73.172, -53.495 ], [ -73.142, -53.458 ], [ -73.209, -53.393 ], [ -73.076, -53.377 ], [ -73.025, -53.492 ], [ -73.032, -53.401 ], [ -72.939, -53.438 ], [ -72.961, -53.542 ], [ -72.893, -53.509 ], [ -72.874, -53.544 ], [ -72.927, -53.555 ], [ -72.877, -53.553 ], [ -72.883, -53.62 ], [ -72.825, -53.582 ], [ -72.874, -53.456 ], [ -72.749, -53.51 ], [ -72.749, -53.587 ], [ -72.684, -53.615 ], [ -72.723, -53.64 ], [ -72.7, -53.679 ], [ -72.653, -53.668 ], [ -72.691, -53.526 ], [ -72.659, -53.568 ], [ -72.458, -53.59 ], [ -72.479, -53.617 ], [ -72.396, -53.649 ], [ -72.508, -53.67 ], [ -72.45, -53.71 ], [ -72.498, -53.746 ], [ -72.441, -53.751 ], [ -72.386, -53.689 ], [ -72.24, -53.733 ], [ -72.333, -53.761 ], [ -72.222, -53.751 ], [ -72.149, -53.798 ], [ -72.283, -53.822 ], [ -72.194, -53.835 ], [ -72.218, -53.867 ], [ -72.433, -53.838 ], [ -72.337, -53.863 ], [ -72.324, -53.929 ], [ -72.451, -53.894 ], [ -72.39, -53.945 ], [ -72.448, -53.967 ], [ -72.331, -54.006 ], [ -72.366, -54.054 ], [ -72.472, -54.052 ], [ -72.472, -53.96 ], [ -72.494, -54.003 ], [ -72.548, -53.986 ], [ -72.548, -54.098 ], [ -72.623, -54.086 ], [ -72.598, -54.02 ], [ -72.659, -54.079 ], [ -72.619, -54.008 ], [ -72.678, -54.083 ], [ -72.746, -54.088 ], [ -72.7, -54.099 ], [ -72.804, -54.088 ], [ -72.856, -54.134 ], [ -72.958, -54.112 ], [ -72.872, -54.111 ], [ -72.917, -54.1 ], [ -72.882, -54.077 ], [ -73.078, -54.076 ], [ -72.862, -54.059 ], [ -73.004, -54.027 ], [ -72.97, -54.014 ] ], [ [ -72.862, -54.059 ], [ -72.775, -54.079 ], [ -72.858, -54.06 ], [ -72.862, -54.059 ] ] ], [ [ [ -67.278, -55.932 ], [ -67.205, -55.98 ], [ -67.298, -55.979 ], [ -67.323, -55.936 ], [ -67.278, -55.932 ] ] ], [ [ [ -67.029, -55.933 ], [ -67.043, -55.919 ], [ -67.016, -55.931 ], [ -67.029, -55.933 ] ] ], [ [ [ -66.781, -55.825 ], [ -66.807, -55.821 ], [ -66.773, -55.816 ], [ -66.781, -55.825 ] ] ], [ [ [ -67.414, -55.903 ], [ -67.435, -55.875 ], [ -67.404, -55.883 ], [ -67.414, -55.903 ] ] ], [ [ [ -67.056, -55.834 ], [ -67.097, -55.856 ], [ -67.051, -55.926 ], [ -67.155, -55.881 ], [ -67.056, -55.834 ] ] ], [ [ [ -67.292, -55.823 ], [ -67.189, -55.867 ], [ -67.179, -55.901 ], [ -67.392, -55.837 ], [ -67.292, -55.823 ] ] ], [ [ [ -67.55, -55.814 ], [ -67.479, -55.83 ], [ -67.595, -55.914 ], [ -67.596, -55.853 ], [ -67.756, -55.886 ], [ -67.843, -55.834 ], [ -67.536, -55.842 ], [ -67.55, -55.814 ] ] ], [ [ [ -67.435, -55.821 ], [ -67.439, -55.85 ], [ -67.454, -55.851 ], [ -67.464, -55.822 ], [ -67.435, -55.821 ] ] ], [ [ [ -67.134, -55.779 ], [ -67.19, -55.821 ], [ -67.238, -55.811 ], [ -67.183, -55.774 ], [ -67.134, -55.779 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.95, -55.362 ], [ -69.963, -55.351 ], [ -69.925, -55.348 ], [ -69.95, -55.362 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.76, -55.349 ], [ -69.667, -55.365 ], [ -69.645, -55.395 ], [ -69.795, -55.42 ], [ -69.76, -55.349 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.84, -55.334 ], [ -69.803, -55.339 ], [ -69.804, -55.355 ], [ -69.868, -55.325 ], [ -69.84, -55.334 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.897, -55.363 ], [ -69.921, -55.317 ], [ -69.893, -55.345 ], [ -69.897, -55.363 ] ] ], [ [ [ -66.579, -55.29 ], [ -66.637, -55.278 ], [ -66.62, -55.198 ], [ -66.418, -55.191 ], [ -66.499, -55.277 ], [ -66.579, -55.29 ] ] ], [ [ [ -66.766, -55.333 ], [ -66.782, -55.305 ], [ -66.762, -55.306 ], [ -66.766, -55.333 ] ] ], [ [ [ -66.674, -55.285 ], [ -66.685, -55.276 ], [ -66.662, -55.266 ], [ -66.674, -55.285 ] ] ], [ [ [ -67.003, -55.352 ], [ -67.059, -55.274 ], [ -66.943, -55.222 ], [ -66.842, -55.239 ], [ -66.842, -55.328 ], [ -67.003, -55.352 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.954, -55.296 ], [ -69.931, -55.32 ], [ -69.977, -55.323 ], [ -69.94, -55.334 ], [ -70.011, -55.365 ], [ -70.125, -55.327 ], [ -69.954, -55.296 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.13, -55.258 ], [ -70.036, -55.282 ], [ -70.189, -55.261 ], [ -70.13, -55.258 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.146, -55.274 ], [ -69.158, -55.268 ], [ -69.134, -55.264 ], [ -69.146, -55.274 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.249, -55.278 ], [ -69.207, -55.294 ], [ -69.42, -55.271 ], [ -69.3, -55.244 ], [ -69.249, -55.278 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.015, -55.296 ], [ -68.994, -55.289 ], [ -68.984, -55.329 ], [ -69.043, -55.295 ], [ -69.015, -55.296 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.883, -55.237 ], [ -68.92, -55.335 ], [ -68.978, -55.346 ], [ -68.973, -55.284 ], [ -68.883, -55.237 ] ] ], [ [ [ -67.923, -55.243 ], [ -67.947, -55.257 ], [ -67.975, -55.246 ], [ -67.914, -55.209 ], [ -67.923, -55.243 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.209, -55.235 ], [ -69.215, -55.227 ], [ -69.184, -55.227 ], [ -69.209, -55.235 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.969, -55.614 ], [ -68.967, -55.601 ], [ -68.946, -55.608 ], [ -68.969, -55.614 ] ] ], [ [ [ -67.333, -55.591 ], [ -67.339, -55.652 ], [ -67.298, -55.658 ], [ -67.354, -55.721 ], [ -67.232, -55.733 ], [ -67.287, -55.743 ], [ -67.223, -55.765 ], [ -67.238, -55.801 ], [ -67.54, -55.745 ], [ -67.48, -55.726 ], [ -67.537, -55.695 ], [ -67.505, -55.662 ], [ -67.385, -55.734 ], [ -67.387, -55.656 ], [ -67.458, -55.633 ], [ -67.333, -55.591 ] ] ], [ [ [ -67.549, -55.626 ], [ -67.517, -55.649 ], [ -67.558, -55.697 ], [ -67.662, -55.694 ], [ -67.573, -55.661 ], [ -67.586, -55.61 ], [ -67.549, -55.626 ] ] ], [ [ [ -67.626, -55.515 ], [ -67.534, -55.612 ], [ -67.577, -55.602 ], [ -67.706, -55.635 ], [ -67.65, -55.584 ], [ -67.664, -55.518 ], [ -67.626, -55.515 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.096, -55.405 ], [ -68.118, -55.402 ], [ -68.067, -55.4 ], [ -68.096, -55.405 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.555, -55.452 ], [ -69.567, -55.48 ], [ -69.595, -55.477 ], [ -69.584, -55.451 ], [ -69.555, -55.452 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.601, -55.445 ], [ -69.618, -55.398 ], [ -69.478, -55.455 ], [ -69.52, -55.479 ], [ -69.544, -55.441 ], [ -69.601, -55.445 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.34, -55.505 ], [ -69.304, -55.496 ], [ -69.28, -55.515 ], [ -69.333, -55.548 ], [ -69.34, -55.505 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.181, -55.604 ], [ -69.208, -55.618 ], [ -69.221, -55.568 ], [ -69.19, -55.582 ], [ -69.181, -55.604 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.059, -55.563 ], [ -69.035, -55.623 ], [ -69.081, -55.635 ], [ -69.1, -55.551 ], [ -69.059, -55.563 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.754, -55.531 ], [ -68.656, -55.57 ], [ -68.656, -55.605 ], [ -68.785, -55.538 ], [ -68.754, -55.531 ] ] ], [ [ [ -67.99, -55.55 ], [ -67.963, -55.552 ], [ -68.029, -55.561 ], [ -68.016, -55.544 ], [ -67.99, -55.55 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.927, -55.519 ], [ -68.958, -55.513 ], [ -68.961, -55.486 ], [ -68.944, -55.482 ], [ -68.927, -55.519 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.527, -55.588 ], [ -68.58, -55.571 ], [ -68.595, -55.552 ], [ -68.545, -55.538 ], [ -68.527, -55.588 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.17, -55.565 ], [ -69.202, -55.554 ], [ -69.174, -55.544 ], [ -69.17, -55.565 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.909, -55.536 ], [ -68.869, -55.541 ], [ -68.845, -55.566 ], [ -68.922, -55.561 ], [ -68.909, -55.536 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.216, -55.55 ], [ -69.233, -55.545 ], [ -69.199, -55.545 ], [ -69.216, -55.55 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.31, -55.55 ], [ -68.323, -55.537 ], [ -68.293, -55.537 ], [ -68.31, -55.55 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.439, -55.56 ], [ -68.454, -55.537 ], [ -68.432, -55.53 ], [ -68.416, -55.546 ], [ -68.439, -55.56 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.677, -55.549 ], [ -68.71, -55.525 ], [ -68.675, -55.533 ], [ -68.677, -55.549 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.398, -55.538 ], [ -68.399, -55.514 ], [ -68.382, -55.526 ], [ -68.398, -55.538 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.584, -55.53 ], [ -68.56, -55.533 ], [ -68.62, -55.533 ], [ -68.577, -55.514 ], [ -68.584, -55.53 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.602, -55.485 ], [ -68.638, -55.536 ], [ -68.704, -55.514 ], [ -68.602, -55.485 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.625, -55.386 ], [ -69.627, -55.411 ], [ -69.65, -55.41 ], [ -69.625, -55.386 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.054, -55.421 ], [ -69, -55.436 ], [ -69.063, -55.442 ], [ -69.218, -55.32 ], [ -69.054, -55.421 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.129, -54.982 ], [ -71.084, -54.986 ], [ -71.179, -55.015 ], [ -71.171, -54.972 ], [ -71.129, -54.982 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.896, -55.14 ], [ -70.907, -55.11 ], [ -70.882, -55.106 ], [ -70.896, -55.14 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.804, -55.126 ], [ -70.825, -55.11 ], [ -70.806, -55.105 ], [ -70.804, -55.126 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.619, -55.13 ], [ -70.649, -55.181 ], [ -70.692, -55.163 ], [ -70.668, -55.138 ], [ -70.619, -55.13 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.307, -55.128 ], [ -68.319, -55.127 ], [ -68.298, -55.121 ], [ -68.307, -55.128 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.417, -55.126 ], [ -68.456, -55.147 ], [ -68.498, -55.133 ], [ -68.417, -55.126 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.019, -55.252 ], [ -70.078, -55.237 ], [ -70.115, -55.187 ], [ -69.974, -55.24 ], [ -70.019, -55.252 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.933, -55.216 ], [ -69.945, -55.199 ], [ -69.915, -55.208 ], [ -69.933, -55.216 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.207, -55.198 ], [ -68.308, -55.205 ], [ -68.335, -55.164 ], [ -68.261, -55.157 ], [ -68.207, -55.198 ] ] ], [ [ [ -67.927, -54.901 ], [ -67.288, -54.919 ], [ -67.155, -54.969 ], [ -67.043, -55.078 ], [ -67.036, -55.141 ], [ -67.242, -55.314 ], [ -67.428, -55.294 ], [ -67.395, -55.195 ], [ -67.502, -55.171 ], [ -67.592, -55.195 ], [ -67.607, -55.277 ], [ -67.856, -55.255 ], [ -67.875, -55.221 ], [ -67.726, -55.236 ], [ -67.89, -55.158 ], [ -67.978, -55.226 ], [ -68.117, -55.225 ], [ -68.124, -55.174 ], [ -68.048, -55.176 ], [ -68.155, -55.143 ], [ -68.17, -54.998 ], [ -68.3, -55.012 ], [ -68.369, -54.945 ], [ -68.213, -54.92 ], [ -68.215, -54.899 ], [ -67.927, -54.901 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.668, -55.164 ], [ -68.685, -55.163 ], [ -68.658, -55.162 ], [ -68.668, -55.164 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.765, -55.167 ], [ -68.792, -55.147 ], [ -68.72, -55.16 ], [ -68.765, -55.167 ] ] ], [ [ [ -67.003, -54.988 ], [ -66.854, -55.026 ], [ -66.829, -55.094 ], [ -67.054, -54.993 ], [ -67.003, -54.988 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.245, -55.011 ], [ -68.227, -55.023 ], [ -68.241, -55.052 ], [ -68.28, -55.015 ], [ -68.245, -55.011 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.991, -55.011 ], [ -70.039, -55.066 ], [ -70.089, -55.055 ], [ -70.08, -55.019 ], [ -69.991, -55.011 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.941, -55.037 ], [ -70.004, -55.057 ], [ -69.938, -54.99 ], [ -69.941, -55.037 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.351, -55.01 ], [ -70.371, -55.027 ], [ -70.453, -55.035 ], [ -70.403, -55.01 ], [ -70.351, -55.01 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.557, -55 ], [ -70.469, -55.011 ], [ -70.562, -55.025 ], [ -70.557, -55 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.266, -54.92 ], [ -68.291, -54.916 ], [ -68.276, -54.908 ], [ -68.266, -54.92 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.173, -54.099 ], [ -73.169, -54.121 ], [ -73.198, -54.126 ], [ -73.193, -54.1 ], [ -73.173, -54.099 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.373, -54.018 ], [ -73.243, -54.03 ], [ -73.236, -54.085 ], [ -73.18, -54.05 ], [ -73.268, -54.136 ], [ -73.345, -54.118 ], [ -73.307, -54.103 ], [ -73.342, -54.064 ], [ -73.48, -54.067 ], [ -73.373, -54.018 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.021, -54.188 ], [ -73.046, -54.176 ], [ -73.009, -54.165 ], [ -73.021, -54.188 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.935, -54.196 ], [ -72.952, -54.231 ], [ -73.006, -54.226 ], [ -72.981, -54.202 ], [ -72.935, -54.196 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.057, -54.153 ], [ -73.029, -54.149 ], [ -73.094, -54.17 ], [ -73.087, -54.143 ], [ -73.057, -54.153 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.874, -54.152 ], [ -72.879, -54.14 ], [ -72.846, -54.142 ], [ -72.874, -54.152 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.224, -54.028 ], [ -71.2, -54.071 ], [ -71.168, -54.089 ], [ -71.224, -54.098 ], [ -71.224, -54.028 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.107, -54.102 ], [ -73.11, -54.158 ], [ -73.148, -54.154 ], [ -73.142, -54.106 ], [ -73.107, -54.102 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.753, -54.135 ], [ -72.742, -54.114 ], [ -72.729, -54.117 ], [ -72.753, -54.135 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.374, -54.261 ], [ -72.398, -54.259 ], [ -72.375, -54.25 ], [ -72.344, -54.272 ], [ -72.374, -54.261 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.243, -54.253 ], [ -72.259, -54.259 ], [ -72.263, -54.243 ], [ -72.243, -54.253 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.636, -54.243 ], [ -72.68, -54.269 ], [ -72.7, -54.25 ], [ -72.655, -54.227 ], [ -72.636, -54.243 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.57, -54.242 ], [ -72.579, -54.236 ], [ -72.566, -54.232 ], [ -72.57, -54.242 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.273, -54.22 ], [ -72.282, -54.215 ], [ -72.261, -54.215 ], [ -72.273, -54.22 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.654, -54.257 ], [ -71.66, -54.243 ], [ -71.639, -54.254 ], [ -71.654, -54.257 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.918, -54.223 ], [ -71.934, -54.242 ], [ -72.001, -54.225 ], [ -71.918, -54.223 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.037, -54.231 ], [ -72.059, -54.22 ], [ -72.031, -54.222 ], [ -72.037, -54.231 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.228, -54.206 ], [ -72.217, -54.224 ], [ -72.232, -54.227 ], [ -72.228, -54.206 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.277, -54.189 ], [ -70.296, -54.178 ], [ -70.282, -54.171 ], [ -70.277, -54.189 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.474, -54.121 ], [ -72.491, -54.152 ], [ -72.515, -54.153 ], [ -72.503, -54.12 ], [ -72.474, -54.121 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.277, -54.086 ], [ -70.303, -54.152 ], [ -70.357, -54.162 ], [ -70.51, -54.072 ], [ -70.39, -54.085 ], [ -70.31, -54.051 ], [ -70.277, -54.086 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.641, -54.105 ], [ -72.544, -54.132 ], [ -72.695, -54.131 ], [ -72.641, -54.105 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.164, -53.928 ], [ -72.174, -53.919 ], [ -72.148, -53.927 ], [ -72.164, -53.928 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.13, -54.071 ], [ -71.14, -54.053 ], [ -71.113, -54.045 ], [ -71.13, -54.071 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.326, -53.994 ], [ -72.305, -53.955 ], [ -72.305, -53.996 ], [ -72.326, -53.994 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.033, -53.963 ], [ -73.022, -53.962 ], [ -73.034, -53.976 ], [ -73.033, -53.963 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.972, -53.945 ], [ -72.953, -53.947 ], [ -72.995, -53.949 ], [ -72.972, -53.945 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.366, -53.936 ], [ -73.378, -53.932 ], [ -73.344, -53.932 ], [ -73.366, -53.936 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.007, -53.953 ], [ -73.017, -53.948 ], [ -73.003, -53.943 ], [ -73.007, -53.953 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.058, -53.943 ], [ -73.098, -53.934 ], [ -73.067, -53.919 ], [ -73.058, -53.943 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.078, -53.936 ], [ -72.093, -53.925 ], [ -72.04, -53.918 ], [ -72.078, -53.936 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.339, -54.802 ], [ -71.349, -54.797 ], [ -71.337, -54.787 ], [ -71.339, -54.802 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.906, -54.837 ], [ -70.885, -54.848 ], [ -70.932, -54.835 ], [ -70.922, -54.823 ], [ -70.906, -54.837 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.212, -54.821 ], [ -71.231, -54.796 ], [ -71.194, -54.816 ], [ -71.212, -54.821 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.432, -54.938 ], [ -71.458, -54.932 ], [ -71.429, -54.92 ], [ -71.432, -54.938 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.165, -54.955 ], [ -71.194, -55.023 ], [ -71.256, -55.015 ], [ -71.264, -54.971 ], [ -71.165, -54.955 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70, -54.876 ], [ -69.982, -54.877 ], [ -70.091, -54.881 ], [ -70, -54.876 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.259, -54.898 ], [ -70.278, -54.89 ], [ -70.236, -54.884 ], [ -70.259, -54.898 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.301, -54.884 ], [ -70.312, -54.88 ], [ -70.293, -54.876 ], [ -70.301, -54.884 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.997, -54.67 ], [ -71.009, -54.657 ], [ -70.99, -54.64 ], [ -70.997, -54.67 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.868, -54.672 ], [ -71.88, -54.661 ], [ -71.846, -54.667 ], [ -71.868, -54.672 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.068, -54.618 ], [ -72.104, -54.619 ], [ -72.106, -54.606 ], [ -72.068, -54.618 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.03, -54.537 ], [ -72.011, -54.566 ], [ -71.952, -54.594 ], [ -72.076, -54.574 ], [ -72.03, -54.537 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.782, -54.524 ], [ -71.789, -54.495 ], [ -71.765, -54.509 ], [ -71.782, -54.524 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.973, -54.473 ], [ -73.01, -54.506 ], [ -73.103, -54.5 ], [ -73.078, -54.483 ], [ -72.973, -54.473 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.131, -54.474 ], [ -72.146, -54.458 ], [ -72.112, -54.473 ], [ -72.131, -54.474 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.27, -54.375 ], [ -71.245, -54.379 ], [ -71.291, -54.374 ], [ -71.27, -54.375 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.955, -54.367 ], [ -71.942, -54.378 ], [ -72, -54.383 ], [ -71.955, -54.367 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.992, -54.331 ], [ -71.007, -54.326 ], [ -70.98, -54.329 ], [ -70.992, -54.331 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.667, -54.307 ], [ -72.647, -54.322 ], [ -72.694, -54.312 ], [ -72.667, -54.307 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.629, -54.339 ], [ -72.625, -54.322 ], [ -72.612, -54.325 ], [ -72.629, -54.339 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.795, -54.317 ], [ -71.793, -54.305 ], [ -71.779, -54.313 ], [ -71.795, -54.317 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.594, -54.333 ], [ -71.621, -54.332 ], [ -71.636, -54.308 ], [ -71.594, -54.333 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.284, -54.286 ], [ -72.251, -54.33 ], [ -72.342, -54.311 ], [ -72.334, -54.286 ], [ -72.284, -54.286 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.679, -54.285 ], [ -71.64, -54.329 ], [ -71.753, -54.294 ], [ -71.7, -54.278 ], [ -71.679, -54.285 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.173, -54.325 ], [ -72.196, -54.314 ], [ -72.169, -54.309 ], [ -72.173, -54.325 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.622, -54.423 ], [ -71.598, -54.454 ], [ -71.666, -54.398 ], [ -71.655, -54.392 ], [ -71.622, -54.423 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.411, -54.431 ], [ -72.387, -54.431 ], [ -72.376, -54.459 ], [ -72.438, -54.451 ], [ -72.411, -54.431 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.083, -54.433 ], [ -72.064, -54.457 ], [ -72.125, -54.434 ], [ -72.098, -54.417 ], [ -72.083, -54.433 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.294, -54.414 ], [ -72.258, -54.411 ], [ -72.231, -54.462 ], [ -72.309, -54.439 ], [ -72.321, -54.472 ], [ -72.37, -54.417 ], [ -72.294, -54.414 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.383, -54.42 ], [ -72.399, -54.413 ], [ -72.381, -54.41 ], [ -72.383, -54.42 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.497, -54.392 ], [ -71.512, -54.373 ], [ -71.481, -54.371 ], [ -71.497, -54.392 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.415, -54.406 ], [ -72.426, -54.397 ], [ -72.396, -54.387 ], [ -72.415, -54.406 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.54, -54.376 ], [ -71.531, -54.389 ], [ -71.604, -54.38 ], [ -71.54, -54.376 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.179, -54.375 ], [ -72.093, -54.41 ], [ -72.159, -54.441 ], [ -72.162, -54.399 ], [ -72.235, -54.384 ], [ -72.179, -54.375 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.915, -54.39 ], [ -71.9, -54.393 ], [ -71.974, -54.392 ], [ -71.915, -54.39 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.406, -54.325 ], [ -72.29, -54.344 ], [ -72.445, -54.362 ], [ -72.46, -54.435 ], [ -72.543, -54.381 ], [ -72.544, -54.343 ], [ -72.406, -54.325 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.091, -54.726 ], [ -71.101, -54.711 ], [ -71.074, -54.727 ], [ -71.091, -54.726 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.027, -54.736 ], [ -72.033, -54.704 ], [ -72.017, -54.7 ], [ -72.007, -54.721 ], [ -72.027, -54.736 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.839, -54.743 ], [ -71.795, -54.748 ], [ -71.767, -54.776 ], [ -71.835, -54.769 ], [ -71.869, -54.726 ], [ -71.839, -54.743 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.564, -54.714 ], [ -71.529, -54.746 ], [ -71.622, -54.763 ], [ -71.629, -54.7 ], [ -71.564, -54.714 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.15, -54.72 ], [ -71.108, -54.728 ], [ -71.147, -54.746 ], [ -71.15, -54.72 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.196, -54.717 ], [ -71.225, -54.744 ], [ -71.275, -54.73 ], [ -71.196, -54.717 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.729, -54.709 ], [ -71.775, -54.732 ], [ -71.789, -54.701 ], [ -71.763, -54.694 ], [ -71.729, -54.709 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.809, -54.717 ], [ -71.827, -54.697 ], [ -71.795, -54.689 ], [ -71.809, -54.717 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.045, -54.635 ], [ -71.961, -54.666 ], [ -71.902, -54.734 ], [ -71.981, -54.755 ], [ -71.968, -54.703 ], [ -72.033, -54.653 ], [ -72.103, -54.673 ], [ -72.045, -54.635 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.679, -54.691 ], [ -71.717, -54.708 ], [ -71.772, -54.659 ], [ -71.722, -54.655 ], [ -71.679, -54.691 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.218, -55.486 ], [ -69.338, -55.486 ], [ -69.366, -55.398 ], [ -69.404, -55.521 ], [ -69.43, -55.405 ], [ -69.511, -55.41 ], [ -69.397, -55.379 ], [ -69.501, -55.378 ], [ -69.452, -55.345 ], [ -69.547, -55.386 ], [ -69.596, -55.367 ], [ -69.525, -55.33 ], [ -69.79, -55.317 ], [ -69.542, -55.28 ], [ -69.681, -55.275 ], [ -69.455, -55.193 ], [ -69.862, -55.279 ], [ -69.896, -55.26 ], [ -69.848, -55.241 ], [ -69.963, -55.24 ], [ -69.857, -55.212 ], [ -69.968, -55.184 ], [ -69.856, -55.194 ], [ -70.027, -55.162 ], [ -70.027, -55.126 ], [ -69.929, -55.133 ], [ -69.966, -55.113 ], [ -69.903, -55.069 ], [ -69.669, -55.085 ], [ -69.58, -55.038 ], [ -69.564, -55.169 ], [ -69.546, -55.035 ], [ -69.325, -55.057 ], [ -69.393, -55.024 ], [ -68.437, -54.936 ], [ -68.31, -55.034 ], [ -68.329, -55.076 ], [ -68.449, -55.021 ], [ -68.427, -55.093 ], [ -68.635, -55.081 ], [ -68.549, -55.129 ], [ -68.658, -55.153 ], [ -69.021, -55.02 ], [ -69.074, -55.071 ], [ -68.978, -55.068 ], [ -68.985, -55.108 ], [ -68.743, -55.182 ], [ -68.367, -55.18 ], [ -68.342, -55.214 ], [ -68.25, -55.224 ], [ -68.333, -55.238 ], [ -68.188, -55.295 ], [ -68.556, -55.328 ], [ -68.66, -55.253 ], [ -68.749, -55.275 ], [ -68.645, -55.276 ], [ -68.68, -55.293 ], [ -68.619, -55.315 ], [ -68.634, -55.344 ], [ -68.54, -55.336 ], [ -68.59, -55.375 ], [ -68.406, -55.331 ], [ -68.273, -55.381 ], [ -68.32, -55.413 ], [ -68.139, -55.395 ], [ -68.164, -55.482 ], [ -68.023, -55.485 ], [ -68.116, -55.533 ], [ -67.973, -55.6 ], [ -68.015, -55.621 ], [ -67.97, -55.646 ], [ -68.021, -55.66 ], [ -67.968, -55.683 ], [ -68.092, -55.724 ], [ -68.137, -55.606 ], [ -68.278, -55.62 ], [ -68.218, -55.545 ], [ -68.355, -55.492 ], [ -68.442, -55.515 ], [ -68.556, -55.464 ], [ -68.549, -55.411 ], [ -68.632, -55.405 ], [ -68.598, -55.47 ], [ -68.794, -55.431 ], [ -68.775, -55.507 ], [ -68.916, -55.484 ], [ -68.87, -55.457 ], [ -68.927, -55.468 ], [ -68.963, -55.414 ], [ -68.739, -55.387 ], [ -68.809, -55.373 ], [ -68.752, -55.354 ], [ -68.783, -55.347 ], [ -68.975, -55.399 ], [ -68.87, -55.317 ], [ -68.89, -55.274 ], [ -68.831, -55.248 ], [ -68.872, -55.228 ], [ -68.797, -55.18 ], [ -69.029, -55.275 ], [ -69.136, -55.185 ], [ -69.12, -55.248 ], [ -69.218, -55.212 ], [ -69.258, -55.153 ], [ -69.226, -55.115 ], [ -69.318, -55.155 ], [ -69.247, -55.236 ], [ -69.499, -55.244 ], [ -69.433, -55.252 ], [ -69.469, -55.264 ], [ -69.436, -55.304 ], [ -69.323, -55.305 ], [ -69.355, -55.319 ], [ -69.27, -55.36 ], [ -69.308, -55.37 ], [ -69.231, -55.37 ], [ -69.262, -55.398 ], [ -69.22, -55.408 ], [ -69.285, -55.414 ], [ -69.246, -55.43 ], [ -69.287, -55.451 ], [ -69.116, -55.461 ], [ -69.187, -55.458 ], [ -69.125, -55.489 ], [ -69.15, -55.515 ], [ -69.218, -55.486 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.645, -54.892 ], [ -69.484, -54.901 ], [ -69.533, -54.956 ], [ -69.432, -54.901 ], [ -69.133, -54.961 ], [ -69.929, -55.04 ], [ -69.893, -55.016 ], [ -69.934, -54.957 ], [ -69.807, -54.952 ], [ -69.927, -54.904 ], [ -69.778, -54.889 ], [ -69.748, -54.973 ], [ -69.667, -54.948 ], [ -69.753, -54.874 ], [ -69.645, -54.892 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.97, -55 ], [ -70.903, -55 ], [ -71.001, -54.97 ], [ -70.838, -54.926 ], [ -70.84, -54.983 ], [ -70.779, -54.978 ], [ -70.768, -54.928 ], [ -70.696, -54.965 ], [ -70.735, -54.981 ], [ -70.551, -54.98 ], [ -70.587, -54.948 ], [ -70.487, -54.901 ], [ -70.332, -54.89 ], [ -70.291, -54.914 ], [ -70.475, -54.946 ], [ -70.511, -54.967 ], [ -70.48, -54.996 ], [ -70.71, -54.982 ], [ -70.726, -55.013 ], [ -70.563, -55.043 ], [ -70.492, -55.021 ], [ -70.453, -55.06 ], [ -70.282, -55.03 ], [ -70.267, -55.072 ], [ -70.356, -55.077 ], [ -70.239, -55.109 ], [ -70.432, -55.093 ], [ -70.345, -55.168 ], [ -70.448, -55.209 ], [ -70.521, -55.15 ], [ -70.539, -55.177 ], [ -70.485, -55.19 ], [ -70.524, -55.205 ], [ -70.556, -55.18 ], [ -70.5, -55.102 ], [ -70.564, -55.06 ], [ -70.622, -55.053 ], [ -70.571, -55.086 ], [ -70.639, -55.073 ], [ -70.675, -55.129 ], [ -70.741, -55.103 ], [ -70.695, -55.073 ], [ -70.732, -55.049 ], [ -70.796, -55.096 ], [ -70.853, -55.049 ], [ -70.905, -55.09 ], [ -70.939, -55.037 ], [ -70.996, -55.053 ], [ -70.945, -55.026 ], [ -70.97, -55 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.269, -55.013 ], [ -70.312, -54.998 ], [ -70.282, -54.979 ], [ -70.29, -54.954 ], [ -70.39, -55.004 ], [ -70.45, -54.959 ], [ -70.223, -54.941 ], [ -70.269, -55.013 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.007, -54.923 ], [ -69.935, -54.942 ], [ -70.203, -55.01 ], [ -70.162, -54.957 ], [ -70.007, -54.923 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.113, -54.91 ], [ -70.057, -54.915 ], [ -70.186, -54.93 ], [ -70.133, -54.899 ], [ -70.113, -54.91 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.228, -54.902 ], [ -70.239, -54.899 ], [ -70.221, -54.889 ], [ -70.228, -54.902 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.121, -54.834 ], [ -71.128, -54.867 ], [ -70.975, -54.859 ], [ -70.976, -54.901 ], [ -70.924, -54.908 ], [ -70.986, -54.918 ], [ -70.896, -54.924 ], [ -71.064, -54.958 ], [ -71.158, -54.93 ], [ -71.072, -54.905 ], [ -71.283, -54.859 ], [ -71.333, -54.955 ], [ -71.353, -54.881 ], [ -71.42, -54.943 ], [ -71.403, -54.912 ], [ -71.454, -54.883 ], [ -71.383, -54.859 ], [ -71.399, -54.828 ], [ -71.121, -54.834 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.555, -54.83 ], [ -70.452, -54.834 ], [ -70.351, -54.866 ], [ -70.574, -54.912 ], [ -70.742, -54.869 ], [ -70.555, -54.83 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.931, -54.292 ], [ -69.96, -54.271 ], [ -69.925, -54.275 ], [ -69.931, -54.292 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.792, -54.284 ], [ -72.789, -54.27 ], [ -72.773, -54.276 ], [ -72.792, -54.284 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.564, -54.314 ], [ -71.61, -54.282 ], [ -71.566, -54.298 ], [ -71.564, -54.314 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.471, -54.264 ], [ -71.389, -54.265 ], [ -71.416, -54.287 ], [ -71.378, -54.332 ], [ -71.497, -54.333 ], [ -71.493, -54.233 ], [ -71.471, -54.264 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72, -54.3 ], [ -72.055, -54.289 ], [ -72.088, -54.262 ], [ -71.992, -54.251 ], [ -72, -54.3 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.195, -54.218 ], [ -72.148, -54.283 ], [ -72.16, -54.305 ], [ -72.208, -54.291 ], [ -72.195, -54.218 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.284, -54.287 ], [ -70.474, -54.236 ], [ -70.521, -54.159 ], [ -70.219, -54.238 ], [ -70.284, -54.287 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.106, -54.4 ], [ -71.165, -54.332 ], [ -71.189, -54.376 ], [ -71.345, -54.317 ], [ -71.166, -54.244 ], [ -71.232, -54.207 ], [ -71.254, -54.255 ], [ -71.321, -54.261 ], [ -71.322, -54.215 ], [ -71.37, -54.256 ], [ -71.439, -54.211 ], [ -71.354, -54.15 ], [ -71.405, -54.154 ], [ -71.386, -54.117 ], [ -71.43, -54.154 ], [ -71.5, -54.13 ], [ -71.439, -54.166 ], [ -71.489, -54.188 ], [ -71.509, -54.284 ], [ -71.577, -54.23 ], [ -71.514, -54.183 ], [ -71.581, -54.193 ], [ -71.589, -54.243 ], [ -71.654, -54.228 ], [ -71.691, -54.16 ], [ -71.554, -54.088 ], [ -71.602, -54.088 ], [ -71.638, -54.018 ], [ -71.606, -53.954 ], [ -71.523, -53.953 ], [ -71.487, -54.012 ], [ -71.49, -53.956 ], [ -71.433, -53.956 ], [ -71.391, -54.094 ], [ -71.379, -53.978 ], [ -71.262, -54.005 ], [ -71.236, -54.095 ], [ -71.288, -54.112 ], [ -71.207, -54.119 ], [ -71.192, -54.206 ], [ -71.155, -54.089 ], [ -71.107, -54.167 ], [ -71.08, -54.067 ], [ -70.99, -54.096 ], [ -70.986, -54.156 ], [ -71.066, -54.202 ], [ -70.962, -54.174 ], [ -70.97, -54.241 ], [ -71.03, -54.242 ], [ -70.965, -54.312 ], [ -71.042, -54.299 ], [ -71.038, -54.344 ], [ -71.14, -54.302 ], [ -71.058, -54.354 ], [ -71.106, -54.4 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.475, -54.295 ], [ -72.553, -54.272 ], [ -72.458, -54.235 ], [ -72.496, -54.194 ], [ -72.377, -54.172 ], [ -72.415, -54.124 ], [ -72.284, -54.098 ], [ -72.417, -54.085 ], [ -72.317, -54.058 ], [ -72.196, -54.142 ], [ -72.285, -54.145 ], [ -72.255, -54.198 ], [ -72.326, -54.2 ], [ -72.314, -54.263 ], [ -72.393, -54.217 ], [ -72.475, -54.295 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.519, -37.079 ], [ -73.556, -37.026 ], [ -73.525, -36.972 ], [ -73.455, -37.052 ], [ -73.519, -37.079 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.056, -36.644 ], [ -73.072, -36.648 ], [ -73.048, -36.605 ], [ -73.056, -36.644 ] ] ], [ [ [ -109.291, -27.094 ], [ -109.234, -27.125 ], [ -109.452, -27.197 ], [ -109.396, -27.063 ], [ -109.291, -27.094 ] ] ], [ [ [ -80.733, -33.706 ], [ -80.72, -33.783 ], [ -80.762, -33.79 ], [ -80.785, -33.72 ], [ -80.733, -33.706 ] ] ], [ [ [ -78.938, -33.7 ], [ -78.922, -33.711 ], [ -78.96, -33.701 ], [ -78.938, -33.7 ] ] ], [ [ [ -78.891, -33.593 ], [ -78.788, -33.624 ], [ -78.761, -33.656 ], [ -79.006, -33.668 ], [ -78.891, -33.593 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.586, -29.022 ], [ -71.571, -29.026 ], [ -71.572, -29.043 ], [ -71.59, -29.046 ], [ -71.586, -29.022 ] ] ], [ [ [ -79.89, -26.356 ], [ -79.894, -26.369 ], [ -79.918, -26.365 ], [ -79.89, -26.356 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.81, -41.749 ], [ -73.822, -41.74 ], [ -73.814, -41.73 ], [ -73.8, -41.742 ], [ -73.81, -41.749 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.951, -41.719 ], [ -73.001, -41.706 ], [ -72.99, -41.667 ], [ -72.886, -41.697 ], [ -72.951, -41.719 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.977, -41.592 ], [ -73.008, -41.594 ], [ -73.019, -41.562 ], [ -72.973, -41.557 ], [ -72.977, -41.592 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.902, -38.417 ], [ -73.939, -38.417 ], [ -73.959, -38.318 ], [ -73.864, -38.37 ], [ -73.902, -38.417 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.717, -44.07 ], [ -73.699, -44.086 ], [ -73.729, -44.071 ], [ -73.717, -44.07 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.884, -44.071 ], [ -73.852, -44.074 ], [ -73.845, -44.091 ], [ -73.914, -44.076 ], [ -73.884, -44.071 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.113, -44.046 ], [ -74.16, -44.073 ], [ -74.203, -44.065 ], [ -74.113, -44.046 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.941, -44.048 ], [ -73.933, -44.059 ], [ -73.95, -44.071 ], [ -73.941, -44.048 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.702, -43.923 ], [ -73.688, -43.934 ], [ -73.708, -43.933 ], [ -73.702, -43.923 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.672, -43.878 ], [ -73.662, -43.885 ], [ -73.673, -43.89 ], [ -73.682, -43.882 ], [ -73.672, -43.878 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.776, -43.829 ], [ -73.739, -43.902 ], [ -73.895, -43.872 ], [ -73.781, -43.86 ], [ -73.776, -43.829 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.771, -43.684 ], [ -74.838, -43.563 ], [ -74.745, -43.567 ], [ -74.744, -43.518 ], [ -74.552, -43.627 ], [ -74.771, -43.684 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.204, -43.466 ], [ -74.213, -43.473 ], [ -74.2, -43.455 ], [ -74.204, -43.466 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.018, -43.801 ], [ -74.025, -43.818 ], [ -74.046, -43.811 ], [ -74.018, -43.801 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.003, -43.787 ], [ -73.987, -43.805 ], [ -73.997, -43.818 ], [ -74.01, -43.808 ], [ -74.003, -43.787 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.263, -44.015 ], [ -73.241, -44.023 ], [ -73.234, -44.052 ], [ -73.279, -44.028 ], [ -73.263, -44.015 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.243, -44.012 ], [ -74.174, -44.028 ], [ -74.287, -44.025 ], [ -74.243, -44.012 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.223, -43.985 ], [ -74.153, -44.005 ], [ -74.243, -44.002 ], [ -74.223, -43.985 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.575, -44.033 ], [ -73.538, -44.044 ], [ -73.529, -44.08 ], [ -73.614, -44.036 ], [ -73.575, -44.033 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.896, -43.934 ], [ -73.781, -43.976 ], [ -73.865, -43.991 ], [ -73.927, -43.961 ], [ -73.896, -43.934 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.735, -44.03 ], [ -73.721, -44.038 ], [ -73.735, -44.065 ], [ -73.748, -44.039 ], [ -73.735, -44.03 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.133, -43.887 ], [ -73.145, -44.032 ], [ -73.212, -44.037 ], [ -73.186, -44.021 ], [ -73.266, -43.974 ], [ -73.244, -43.915 ], [ -73.133, -43.887 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.138, -43.954 ], [ -74.175, -43.94 ], [ -74.117, -43.95 ], [ -74.138, -43.954 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.765, -43.908 ], [ -73.788, -43.951 ], [ -73.854, -43.926 ], [ -73.843, -43.91 ], [ -73.765, -43.908 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.86, -43.774 ], [ -73.787, -43.84 ], [ -73.943, -43.855 ], [ -73.864, -43.917 ], [ -73.918, -43.909 ], [ -73.941, -43.956 ], [ -74.01, -43.891 ], [ -74.16, -43.864 ], [ -74.074, -43.808 ], [ -73.978, -43.847 ], [ -73.902, -43.843 ], [ -73.907, -43.802 ], [ -73.831, -43.804 ], [ -73.86, -43.774 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.076, -42.682 ], [ -73.083, -42.653 ], [ -73.067, -42.667 ], [ -73.076, -42.682 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.441, -43.068 ], [ -73.475, -43.042 ], [ -73.453, -43.045 ], [ -73.441, -43.068 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.326, -43.016 ], [ -73.464, -42.994 ], [ -73.605, -42.931 ], [ -73.518, -42.917 ], [ -73.326, -43.016 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.95, -42.81 ], [ -73.031, -42.721 ], [ -73.031, -42.697 ], [ -72.924, -42.725 ], [ -72.919, -42.783 ], [ -72.97, -42.752 ], [ -72.95, -42.81 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.075, -42.755 ], [ -73.093, -42.728 ], [ -73.072, -42.741 ], [ -73.075, -42.755 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.061, -42.752 ], [ -73.079, -42.715 ], [ -73.052, -42.722 ], [ -73.061, -42.752 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.51, -42.17 ], [ -72.609, -42.134 ], [ -72.574, -42.08 ], [ -72.477, -42.09 ], [ -72.51, -42.17 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.247, -42.666 ], [ -73.358, -42.63 ], [ -73.233, -42.635 ], [ -73.247, -42.666 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.032, -42.63 ], [ -73.064, -42.609 ], [ -73.004, -42.603 ], [ -73.006, -42.653 ], [ -73.032, -42.63 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.531, -42.647 ], [ -73.482, -42.638 ], [ -73.502, -42.604 ], [ -73.423, -42.622 ], [ -73.469, -42.648 ], [ -73.531, -42.647 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.267, -42.612 ], [ -73.329, -42.601 ], [ -73.284, -42.589 ], [ -73.267, -42.612 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.538, -42.701 ], [ -73.577, -42.709 ], [ -73.597, -42.653 ], [ -73.743, -42.617 ], [ -73.594, -42.571 ], [ -73.538, -42.701 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.207, -42.63 ], [ -73.214, -42.591 ], [ -73.243, -42.613 ], [ -73.223, -42.56 ], [ -73.196, -42.617 ], [ -73.207, -42.63 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.516, -42.603 ], [ -73.538, -42.58 ], [ -73.491, -42.55 ], [ -73.516, -42.603 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.264, -42.514 ], [ -73.294, -42.463 ], [ -73.248, -42.482 ], [ -73.264, -42.514 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.337, -42.489 ], [ -73.377, -42.49 ], [ -73.373, -42.453 ], [ -73.297, -42.472 ], [ -73.337, -42.489 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.428, -42.44 ], [ -73.462, -42.425 ], [ -73.433, -42.424 ], [ -73.428, -42.44 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.195, -42.32 ], [ -73.207, -42.329 ], [ -73.222, -42.307 ], [ -73.195, -42.32 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.386, -42.184 ], [ -73.408, -42.153 ], [ -73.46, -42.139 ], [ -73.385, -42.109 ], [ -73.348, -42.178 ], [ -73.386, -42.184 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.13, -42.342 ], [ -73.172, -42.267 ], [ -73.14, -42.302 ], [ -73.11, -42.258 ], [ -73.057, -42.274 ], [ -73.13, -42.342 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.24, -42.316 ], [ -73.314, -42.306 ], [ -73.271, -42.286 ], [ -73.24, -42.316 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.215, -42.304 ], [ -73.198, -42.294 ], [ -73.262, -42.27 ], [ -73.207, -42.282 ], [ -73.186, -42.303 ], [ -73.215, -42.304 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.145, -42.277 ], [ -73.186, -42.244 ], [ -73.149, -42.253 ], [ -73.145, -42.277 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.124, -42.399 ], [ -73.152, -42.398 ], [ -73.103, -42.377 ], [ -73.124, -42.399 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.514, -42.455 ], [ -73.394, -42.543 ], [ -73.389, -42.584 ], [ -73.539, -42.469 ], [ -73.633, -42.473 ], [ -73.603, -42.439 ], [ -73.659, -42.391 ], [ -73.528, -42.393 ], [ -73.514, -42.455 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.306, -42.44 ], [ -73.345, -42.421 ], [ -73.291, -42.389 ], [ -73.282, -42.419 ], [ -73.306, -42.44 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.455, -42.385 ], [ -73.444, -42.366 ], [ -73.414, -42.393 ], [ -73.436, -42.408 ], [ -73.455, -42.385 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.276, -43.423 ], [ -74.278, -43.362 ], [ -74.254, -43.349 ], [ -74.232, -43.41 ], [ -74.276, -43.423 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.726, -43.399 ], [ -73.775, -43.382 ], [ -73.806, -43.317 ], [ -73.661, -43.354 ], [ -73.726, -43.399 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.585, -43.273 ], [ -73.625, -43.239 ], [ -73.618, -43.165 ], [ -73.569, -43.249 ], [ -73.585, -43.273 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.667, -43.247 ], [ -73.744, -43.198 ], [ -73.661, -43.194 ], [ -73.667, -43.247 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.498, -43.174 ], [ -73.535, -43.196 ], [ -73.589, -43.201 ], [ -73.581, -43.138 ], [ -73.498, -43.174 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.51, -43.156 ], [ -73.509, -43.156 ], [ -73.509, -43.157 ], [ -73.51, -43.156 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.51, -43.156 ], [ -73.532, -43.156 ], [ -73.518, -43.142 ], [ -73.51, -43.156 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.631, -42.077 ], [ -72.642, -42.081 ], [ -72.644, -42.065 ], [ -72.618, -42.067 ], [ -72.631, -42.077 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.484, -42.07 ], [ -72.513, -42.054 ], [ -72.461, -41.984 ], [ -72.462, -42.031 ], [ -72.484, -42.07 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.105, -41.904 ], [ -73.103, -41.903 ], [ -73.104, -41.904 ], [ -73.105, -41.904 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.068, -41.901 ], [ -73.103, -41.903 ], [ -73.078, -41.891 ], [ -73.068, -41.901 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.105, -41.904 ], [ -73.161, -41.907 ], [ -73.137, -41.882 ], [ -73.105, -41.904 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.894, -41.898 ], [ -72.938, -41.875 ], [ -72.895, -41.87 ], [ -72.894, -41.898 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.349, -41.834 ], [ -73.329, -41.817 ], [ -73.339, -41.799 ], [ -73.32, -41.816 ], [ -73.349, -41.834 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.157, -41.809 ], [ -73.185, -41.796 ], [ -73.157, -41.797 ], [ -73.127, -41.769 ], [ -73.157, -41.809 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.235, -41.801 ], [ -73.246, -41.797 ], [ -73.251, -41.725 ], [ -73.197, -41.779 ], [ -73.16, -41.785 ], [ -73.235, -41.801 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.099, -41.854 ], [ -73.097, -41.834 ], [ -73.123, -41.816 ], [ -73.085, -41.833 ], [ -73.099, -41.854 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.144, -41.84 ], [ -73.162, -41.817 ], [ -73.132, -41.832 ], [ -73.144, -41.84 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.078, -41.75 ], [ -73.055, -41.732 ], [ -72.985, -41.858 ], [ -73.116, -41.807 ], [ -73.05, -41.813 ], [ -73.078, -41.75 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.48, -44.276 ], [ -73.476, -44.292 ], [ -73.49, -44.299 ], [ -73.498, -44.285 ], [ -73.48, -44.276 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.626, -44.288 ], [ -73.615, -44.296 ], [ -73.64, -44.297 ], [ -73.626, -44.288 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.204, -44.243 ], [ -73.197, -44.259 ], [ -73.217, -44.248 ], [ -73.204, -44.243 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.901, -44.248 ], [ -73.842, -44.264 ], [ -73.855, -44.29 ], [ -73.934, -44.256 ], [ -73.901, -44.248 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.832, -44.214 ], [ -73.804, -44.235 ], [ -73.836, -44.255 ], [ -73.85, -44.219 ], [ -73.832, -44.214 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.234, -44.218 ], [ -73.209, -44.233 ], [ -73.236, -44.237 ], [ -73.234, -44.218 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.325, -44.215 ], [ -74.334, -44.231 ], [ -74.364, -44.223 ], [ -74.325, -44.215 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.742, -44.219 ], [ -73.726, -44.228 ], [ -73.754, -44.241 ], [ -73.742, -44.219 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.29, -44.21 ], [ -74.262, -44.213 ], [ -74.22, -44.255 ], [ -74.319, -44.219 ], [ -74.29, -44.21 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.554, -44.127 ], [ -73.541, -44.148 ], [ -73.581, -44.162 ], [ -73.587, -44.145 ], [ -73.554, -44.127 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.142, -44.115 ], [ -74.13, -44.124 ], [ -74.167, -44.153 ], [ -74.142, -44.115 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.346, -44.099 ], [ -74.181, -44.134 ], [ -74.351, -44.129 ], [ -74.346, -44.099 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.351, -44.189 ], [ -74.363, -44.172 ], [ -74.305, -44.188 ], [ -74.354, -44.2 ], [ -74.351, -44.189 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.307, -44.182 ], [ -74.307, -44.182 ], [ -74.308, -44.182 ], [ -74.307, -44.182 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.211, -44.189 ], [ -74.161, -44.192 ], [ -74.147, -44.213 ], [ -74.196, -44.211 ], [ -74.211, -44.189 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.623, -44.187 ], [ -73.623, -44.205 ], [ -73.655, -44.213 ], [ -73.623, -44.187 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.512, -44.104 ], [ -73.448, -44.126 ], [ -73.496, -44.183 ], [ -73.543, -44.127 ], [ -73.512, -44.104 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.67, -44.15 ], [ -73.658, -44.205 ], [ -73.72, -44.201 ], [ -73.724, -44.172 ], [ -73.67, -44.15 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.307, -44.182 ], [ -74.359, -44.149 ], [ -74.234, -44.177 ], [ -74.307, -44.182 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.06, -44.12 ], [ -74.123, -44.193 ], [ -74.156, -44.186 ], [ -74.124, -44.141 ], [ -74.06, -44.12 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.927, -44.099 ], [ -73.84, -44.128 ], [ -73.898, -44.177 ], [ -73.815, -44.185 ], [ -73.829, -44.152 ], [ -73.804, -44.188 ], [ -73.96, -44.193 ], [ -73.996, -44.145 ], [ -73.927, -44.099 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.409, -44.328 ], [ -74.4, -44.338 ], [ -74.415, -44.349 ], [ -74.409, -44.328 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.716, -44.333 ], [ -73.703, -44.354 ], [ -73.735, -44.352 ], [ -73.716, -44.333 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.599, -44.329 ], [ -73.578, -44.344 ], [ -73.597, -44.357 ], [ -73.612, -44.341 ], [ -73.599, -44.329 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.149, -44.302 ], [ -73.089, -44.32 ], [ -73.148, -44.34 ], [ -73.149, -44.302 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.665, -44.341 ], [ -73.684, -44.346 ], [ -73.698, -44.33 ], [ -73.663, -44.318 ], [ -73.665, -44.341 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.258, -44.32 ], [ -74.264, -44.333 ], [ -74.302, -44.333 ], [ -74.295, -44.319 ], [ -74.258, -44.32 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.279, -44.305 ], [ -73.276, -44.322 ], [ -73.297, -44.33 ], [ -73.279, -44.305 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.733, -44.306 ], [ -73.726, -44.317 ], [ -73.745, -44.316 ], [ -73.733, -44.306 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.67, -44.24 ], [ -73.635, -44.267 ], [ -73.718, -44.31 ], [ -73.746, -44.256 ], [ -73.67, -44.24 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.421, -44.256 ], [ -74.276, -44.252 ], [ -74.233, -44.305 ], [ -74.344, -44.307 ], [ -74.421, -44.256 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.142, -44.228 ], [ -74.102, -44.262 ], [ -74.116, -44.31 ], [ -74.203, -44.252 ], [ -74.142, -44.228 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.784, -44.287 ], [ -73.801, -44.352 ], [ -74.015, -44.339 ], [ -73.972, -44.33 ], [ -74.061, -44.299 ], [ -74.105, -44.208 ], [ -74.066, -44.181 ], [ -74.047, -44.21 ], [ -73.984, -44.245 ], [ -74.068, -44.179 ], [ -74.021, -44.146 ], [ -73.929, -44.22 ], [ -73.857, -44.227 ], [ -74.003, -44.254 ], [ -73.964, -44.318 ], [ -73.952, -44.262 ], [ -73.899, -44.301 ], [ -73.852, -44.295 ], [ -73.815, -44.259 ], [ -73.784, -44.287 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.047, -44.09 ], [ -74.028, -44.1 ], [ -74.051, -44.106 ], [ -74.047, -44.09 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.23, -44.073 ], [ -74.171, -44.094 ], [ -74.341, -44.085 ], [ -74.334, -44.073 ], [ -74.23, -44.073 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.076, -44.071 ], [ -74.082, -44.102 ], [ -74.133, -44.089 ], [ -74.076, -44.071 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.665, -44.082 ], [ -73.67, -44.087 ], [ -73.695, -44.072 ], [ -73.674, -44.063 ], [ -73.665, -44.082 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.663, -44.075 ], [ -73.738, -43.997 ], [ -73.694, -43.936 ], [ -73.6, -44.006 ], [ -73.652, -44.036 ], [ -73.582, -44.105 ], [ -73.638, -44.14 ], [ -73.663, -44.075 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.028, -49.948 ], [ -75.038, -49.94 ], [ -75.014, -49.943 ], [ -75.028, -49.948 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.986, -49.905 ], [ -74.986, -49.924 ], [ -75.022, -49.919 ], [ -75.022, -49.906 ], [ -74.986, -49.905 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.079, -49.917 ], [ -75.088, -49.91 ], [ -75.07, -49.907 ], [ -75.079, -49.917 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.076, -49.9 ], [ -75.108, -49.895 ], [ -75.063, -49.891 ], [ -75.076, -49.9 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.88, -49.828 ], [ -74.897, -49.806 ], [ -74.878, -49.809 ], [ -74.88, -49.828 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.389, -49.825 ], [ -75.39, -49.789 ], [ -75.327, -49.753 ], [ -75.366, -49.683 ], [ -75.378, -49.739 ], [ -75.578, -49.819 ], [ -75.594, -49.754 ], [ -75.516, -49.733 ], [ -75.481, -49.704 ], [ -75.609, -49.638 ], [ -75.57, -49.595 ], [ -75.463, -49.611 ], [ -75.46, -49.568 ], [ -75.371, -49.618 ], [ -75.363, -49.574 ], [ -75.161, -49.868 ], [ -75.281, -49.804 ], [ -75.258, -49.874 ], [ -75.337, -49.859 ], [ -75.377, -49.794 ], [ -75.389, -49.825 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.296, -49.596 ], [ -75.305, -49.549 ], [ -75.248, -49.564 ], [ -75.296, -49.596 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.369, -49.555 ], [ -75.383, -49.57 ], [ -75.424, -49.561 ], [ -75.334, -49.53 ], [ -75.369, -49.555 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.486, -49.449 ], [ -75.429, -49.477 ], [ -75.43, -49.529 ], [ -75.581, -49.428 ], [ -75.541, -49.404 ], [ -75.486, -49.449 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.007, -48.914 ], [ -74.993, -48.928 ], [ -75.051, -48.914 ], [ -75.007, -48.914 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.608, -48.375 ], [ -75.617, -48.387 ], [ -75.618, -48.37 ], [ -75.608, -48.375 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.053, -48.514 ], [ -74.188, -48.455 ], [ -74.176, -48.439 ], [ -74.25, -48.38 ], [ -74.033, -48.427 ], [ -74.053, -48.514 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.425, -48.589 ], [ -74.436, -48.56 ], [ -74.417, -48.571 ], [ -74.305, -48.531 ], [ -74.425, -48.589 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.495, -48.511 ], [ -74.524, -48.492 ], [ -74.509, -48.475 ], [ -74.484, -48.498 ], [ -74.495, -48.511 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.017, -48.686 ], [ -75.076, -48.828 ], [ -75.239, -48.769 ], [ -75.017, -48.617 ], [ -75.017, -48.686 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.459, -48.794 ], [ -75.432, -48.746 ], [ -75.59, -48.816 ], [ -75.645, -48.694 ], [ -75.497, -48.744 ], [ -75.304, -48.622 ], [ -75.336, -48.679 ], [ -75.281, -48.653 ], [ -75.265, -48.725 ], [ -75.459, -48.794 ] ], [ [ -75.443, -48.771 ], [ -75.383, -48.745 ], [ -75.339, -48.69 ], [ -75.443, -48.771 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.483, -48.484 ], [ -75.358, -48.439 ], [ -75.404, -48.51 ], [ -75.36, -48.532 ], [ -75.349, -48.453 ], [ -75.307, -48.46 ], [ -75.333, -48.492 ], [ -75.317, -48.531 ], [ -75.398, -48.562 ], [ -75.31, -48.547 ], [ -75.29, -48.621 ], [ -75.315, -48.604 ], [ -75.511, -48.72 ], [ -75.618, -48.689 ], [ -75.467, -48.673 ], [ -75.387, -48.6 ], [ -75.49, -48.653 ], [ -75.545, -48.654 ], [ -75.411, -48.571 ], [ -75.548, -48.649 ], [ -75.639, -48.641 ], [ -75.665, -48.49 ], [ -75.616, -48.493 ], [ -75.615, -48.453 ], [ -75.483, -48.484 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.442, -48.511 ], [ -74.507, -48.386 ], [ -74.28, -48.488 ], [ -74.406, -48.554 ], [ -74.442, -48.511 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.677, -49.234 ], [ -75.696, -49.225 ], [ -75.681, -49.221 ], [ -75.677, -49.234 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.085, -49.241 ], [ -75.147, -49.218 ], [ -75.155, -49.201 ], [ -75.113, -49.204 ], [ -75.085, -49.241 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.25, -49.151 ], [ -75.226, -49.134 ], [ -75.263, -49.174 ], [ -75.303, -49.183 ], [ -75.25, -49.151 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.618, -49.159 ], [ -75.625, -49.143 ], [ -75.608, -49.125 ], [ -75.618, -49.159 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.587, -49.138 ], [ -75.598, -49.128 ], [ -75.571, -49.122 ], [ -75.587, -49.138 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.414, -49.201 ], [ -75.396, -49.214 ], [ -75.414, -49.216 ], [ -75.414, -49.201 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.669, -49.205 ], [ -75.681, -49.2 ], [ -75.644, -49.178 ], [ -75.64, -49.193 ], [ -75.669, -49.205 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.64, -49.126 ], [ -75.667, -49.079 ], [ -75.654, -49.068 ], [ -75.619, -49.111 ], [ -75.64, -49.126 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.51, -48.159 ], [ -73.488, -48.176 ], [ -73.521, -48.178 ], [ -73.51, -48.159 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.57, -48.125 ], [ -73.661, -48.079 ], [ -73.665, -48.057 ], [ -73.58, -48.089 ], [ -73.57, -48.125 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.678, -47.87 ], [ -73.687, -47.864 ], [ -73.672, -47.861 ], [ -73.678, -47.87 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.626, -47.872 ], [ -73.662, -47.857 ], [ -73.627, -47.849 ], [ -73.626, -47.872 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.73, -48 ], [ -73.779, -47.949 ], [ -73.743, -47.878 ], [ -73.656, -47.945 ], [ -73.692, -47.944 ], [ -73.67, -48.001 ], [ -73.73, -48 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.823, -47.961 ], [ -73.84, -47.979 ], [ -73.872, -47.98 ], [ -73.871, -47.967 ], [ -73.823, -47.961 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.919, -47.98 ], [ -73.932, -47.974 ], [ -73.901, -47.966 ], [ -73.919, -47.98 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.289, -47.982 ], [ -75.282, -47.962 ], [ -75.253, -47.97 ], [ -75.289, -47.982 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.641, -47.975 ], [ -74.638, -47.914 ], [ -74.547, -47.926 ], [ -74.641, -47.975 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.25, -47.921 ], [ -75.255, -47.912 ], [ -75.237, -47.908 ], [ -75.25, -47.921 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.242, -47.963 ], [ -75.259, -47.955 ], [ -75.093, -47.894 ], [ -75.13, -47.925 ], [ -75.242, -47.963 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.23, -47.911 ], [ -75.233, -47.891 ], [ -75.199, -47.876 ], [ -75.23, -47.911 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.188, -47.917 ], [ -75.166, -47.864 ], [ -75.099, -47.875 ], [ -75.188, -47.917 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75, -47.905 ], [ -75.002, -47.952 ], [ -75.043, -47.908 ], [ -75.017, -47.851 ], [ -75, -47.905 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.269, -48.484 ], [ -74.341, -48.443 ], [ -74.301, -48.46 ], [ -74.264, -48.449 ], [ -74.49, -48.362 ], [ -74.423, -48.347 ], [ -74.277, -48.427 ], [ -74.411, -48.341 ], [ -74.316, -48.287 ], [ -74.255, -48.412 ], [ -74.192, -48.443 ], [ -74.269, -48.484 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.515, -48.083 ], [ -75.438, -48.065 ], [ -75.47, -48.129 ], [ -75.404, -48.028 ], [ -75.342, -48.029 ], [ -75.381, -48.143 ], [ -75.34, -48.088 ], [ -75.297, -48.107 ], [ -75.336, -48.13 ], [ -75.364, -48.179 ], [ -75.262, -48.151 ], [ -75.308, -48.209 ], [ -75.256, -48.175 ], [ -75.259, -48.205 ], [ -75.321, -48.235 ], [ -75.256, -48.226 ], [ -75.275, -48.27 ], [ -75.217, -48.298 ], [ -75.26, -48.326 ], [ -75.206, -48.31 ], [ -75.218, -48.371 ], [ -75.155, -48.39 ], [ -75.214, -48.452 ], [ -75.141, -48.407 ], [ -75.073, -48.493 ], [ -75.199, -48.463 ], [ -75.226, -48.516 ], [ -75.084, -48.511 ], [ -75.065, -48.624 ], [ -75.236, -48.715 ], [ -75.26, -48.667 ], [ -75.163, -48.627 ], [ -75.269, -48.657 ], [ -75.218, -48.598 ], [ -75.285, -48.614 ], [ -75.29, -48.555 ], [ -75.244, -48.532 ], [ -75.316, -48.495 ], [ -75.228, -48.424 ], [ -75.336, -48.419 ], [ -75.277, -48.336 ], [ -75.353, -48.41 ], [ -75.545, -48.433 ], [ -75.571, -48.39 ], [ -75.389, -48.356 ], [ -75.364, -48.293 ], [ -75.418, -48.338 ], [ -75.38, -48.245 ], [ -75.445, -48.353 ], [ -75.501, -48.35 ], [ -75.478, -48.307 ], [ -75.547, -48.351 ], [ -75.56, -48.3 ], [ -75.43, -48.246 ], [ -75.394, -48.202 ], [ -75.517, -48.259 ], [ -75.59, -48.112 ], [ -75.519, -48.052 ], [ -75.515, -48.083 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75, -48.114 ], [ -74.932, -48.167 ], [ -74.998, -48.178 ], [ -74.892, -48.177 ], [ -74.926, -48.237 ], [ -74.979, -48.224 ], [ -74.936, -48.247 ], [ -74.883, -48.215 ], [ -74.948, -48.279 ], [ -74.83, -48.223 ], [ -74.811, -48.148 ], [ -74.742, -48.139 ], [ -74.891, -48.307 ], [ -74.822, -48.256 ], [ -74.83, -48.383 ], [ -74.881, -48.398 ], [ -74.871, -48.361 ], [ -75.02, -48.473 ], [ -75.109, -48.358 ], [ -75.082, -48.342 ], [ -75.156, -48.317 ], [ -75.048, -48.271 ], [ -75.168, -48.284 ], [ -75.088, -48.265 ], [ -75.145, -48.263 ], [ -75.08, -48.222 ], [ -75.175, -48.26 ], [ -75.166, -48.203 ], [ -75.208, -48.213 ], [ -75.124, -48.175 ], [ -75.216, -48.192 ], [ -75.149, -48.156 ], [ -75.217, -48.165 ], [ -75.265, -48.09 ], [ -75.016, -48.143 ], [ -75.096, -48.098 ], [ -75, -48.114 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.342, -48.231 ], [ -74.304, -48.266 ], [ -74.374, -48.244 ], [ -74.342, -48.231 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.518, -48.049 ], [ -75.54, -48.037 ], [ -75.482, -48.043 ], [ -75.518, -48.049 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.315, -48.148 ], [ -75.333, -48.142 ], [ -75.285, -48.129 ], [ -75.288, -48.146 ], [ -75.315, -48.148 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.886, -48.173 ], [ -74.904, -48.153 ], [ -74.847, -48.115 ], [ -74.837, -48.143 ], [ -74.886, -48.173 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.552, -48.183 ], [ -74.603, -48.156 ], [ -74.502, -48.173 ], [ -74.605, -48.125 ], [ -74.48, -48.172 ], [ -74.36, -48.281 ], [ -74.52, -48.36 ], [ -74.567, -48.294 ], [ -74.478, -48.196 ], [ -74.595, -48.287 ], [ -74.603, -48.191 ], [ -74.552, -48.183 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.521, -48.135 ], [ -74.551, -48.115 ], [ -74.525, -48.112 ], [ -74.521, -48.135 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.014, -48 ], [ -74.035, -48.024 ], [ -74.061, -48.003 ], [ -74.045, -47.99 ], [ -74.014, -48 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.128, -48.051 ], [ -75.103, -48.029 ], [ -75.207, -48.044 ], [ -75.121, -48.015 ], [ -75.278, -48.028 ], [ -75.127, -47.991 ], [ -75.128, -47.957 ], [ -75.254, -47.989 ], [ -75.055, -47.909 ], [ -74.972, -47.998 ], [ -74.801, -48.049 ], [ -74.873, -48.099 ], [ -75.076, -48.045 ], [ -74.894, -48.118 ], [ -74.917, -48.152 ], [ -74.968, -48.107 ], [ -75.166, -48.075 ], [ -75.128, -48.051 ] ], [ [ -75.077, -48.017 ], [ -75.05, -48.043 ], [ -75.026, -48.033 ], [ -75.077, -48.017 ] ], [ [ -75.104, -48.013 ], [ -75.07, -47.998 ], [ -74.981, -48.021 ], [ -75.069, -47.985 ], [ -75.104, -48.013 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.741, -48.08 ], [ -74.731, -48.114 ], [ -74.801, -48.077 ], [ -74.76, -48.049 ], [ -74.789, -48.023 ], [ -74.743, -48.037 ], [ -74.793, -48.007 ], [ -74.783, -47.912 ], [ -74.695, -48.063 ], [ -74.741, -48.08 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.167, -47.657 ], [ -75.181, -47.65 ], [ -75.164, -47.646 ], [ -75.167, -47.657 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.91, -47.713 ], [ -74.929, -47.693 ], [ -74.9, -47.704 ], [ -74.91, -47.713 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.223, -47.608 ], [ -74.232, -47.603 ], [ -74.192, -47.606 ], [ -74.223, -47.608 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.459, -47.186 ], [ -74.474, -47.181 ], [ -74.458, -47.173 ], [ -74.459, -47.186 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.288, -47.027 ], [ -74.247, -47.039 ], [ -74.262, -47.077 ], [ -74.421, -47.168 ], [ -74.442, -47.071 ], [ -74.288, -47.027 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.567, -46.915 ], [ -74.568, -46.938 ], [ -74.597, -46.935 ], [ -74.6, -46.918 ], [ -74.567, -46.915 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.278, -46.8 ], [ -74.353, -46.793 ], [ -74.361, -46.78 ], [ -74.278, -46.8 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.762, -47.59 ], [ -74.764, -47.576 ], [ -74.751, -47.583 ], [ -74.762, -47.59 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.301, -46.726 ], [ -75.306, -46.715 ], [ -75.292, -46.72 ], [ -75.301, -46.726 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.171, -46.728 ], [ -75.251, -46.689 ], [ -75.252, -46.677 ], [ -75.173, -46.695 ], [ -75.171, -46.728 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.303, -46.687 ], [ -75.32, -46.711 ], [ -75.359, -46.688 ], [ -75.303, -46.687 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.282, -46.672 ], [ -75.283, -46.684 ], [ -75.333, -46.681 ], [ -75.282, -46.672 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.262, -46.682 ], [ -75.28, -46.668 ], [ -75.258, -46.669 ], [ -75.262, -46.682 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.581, -46.229 ], [ -73.588, -46.221 ], [ -73.562, -46.211 ], [ -73.581, -46.229 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.903, -46.181 ], [ -74.917, -46.178 ], [ -74.891, -46.175 ], [ -74.903, -46.181 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.963, -46.162 ], [ -74.944, -46.179 ], [ -74.968, -46.182 ], [ -74.963, -46.162 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.992, -46.157 ], [ -74.984, -46.179 ], [ -75.03, -46.179 ], [ -74.992, -46.157 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.916, -46.097 ], [ -73.881, -46.106 ], [ -73.874, -46.123 ], [ -73.94, -46.131 ], [ -73.916, -46.097 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.979, -45.949 ], [ -73.951, -45.985 ], [ -73.963, -46.016 ], [ -73.984, -45.998 ], [ -73.979, -45.949 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.224, -46.785 ], [ -75.232, -46.768 ], [ -75.217, -46.767 ], [ -75.208, -46.778 ], [ -75.224, -46.785 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.208, -46.756 ], [ -75.266, -46.719 ], [ -75.232, -46.7 ], [ -75.16, -46.767 ], [ -75.208, -46.756 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.899, -45.628 ], [ -74.903, -45.659 ], [ -74.938, -45.631 ], [ -74.899, -45.628 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.868, -45.675 ], [ -74.854, -45.698 ], [ -74.885, -45.695 ], [ -74.868, -45.675 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.225, -45.482 ], [ -74.175, -45.521 ], [ -74.161, -45.569 ], [ -74.229, -45.496 ], [ -74.225, -45.482 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.5, -45.631 ], [ -74.476, -45.657 ], [ -74.514, -45.686 ], [ -74.52, -45.653 ], [ -74.5, -45.631 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.797, -45.62 ], [ -73.811, -45.661 ], [ -73.816, -45.627 ], [ -73.797, -45.62 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.581, -45.792 ], [ -74.594, -45.793 ], [ -74.57, -45.774 ], [ -74.581, -45.792 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.861, -45.752 ], [ -73.845, -45.762 ], [ -73.892, -45.789 ], [ -73.894, -45.772 ], [ -73.861, -45.752 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.09, -45.764 ], [ -74.073, -45.772 ], [ -74.096, -45.785 ], [ -74.09, -45.764 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.101, -45.744 ], [ -74.067, -45.762 ], [ -74.1, -45.757 ], [ -74.101, -45.744 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.514, -45.705 ], [ -74.499, -45.732 ], [ -74.551, -45.751 ], [ -74.514, -45.705 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.159, -45.731 ], [ -74.149, -45.738 ], [ -74.164, -45.741 ], [ -74.159, -45.731 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.141, -45.723 ], [ -74.117, -45.744 ], [ -74.148, -45.732 ], [ -74.141, -45.723 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.805, -45.697 ], [ -74.796, -45.705 ], [ -74.82, -45.699 ], [ -74.805, -45.697 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.835, -45.598 ], [ -74.768, -45.63 ], [ -74.832, -45.623 ], [ -74.725, -45.72 ], [ -74.859, -45.66 ], [ -74.835, -45.598 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.796, -45.675 ], [ -73.71, -45.729 ], [ -73.707, -45.767 ], [ -73.758, -45.758 ], [ -73.796, -45.675 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.462, -45.667 ], [ -74.448, -45.688 ], [ -74.485, -45.723 ], [ -74.501, -45.699 ], [ -74.462, -45.667 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.524, -45.58 ], [ -74.572, -45.754 ], [ -74.662, -45.757 ], [ -74.657, -45.654 ], [ -74.524, -45.58 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.986, -45.538 ], [ -73.864, -45.607 ], [ -73.88, -45.711 ], [ -73.958, -45.739 ], [ -74.05, -45.706 ], [ -74.099, -45.603 ], [ -73.986, -45.538 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.93, -45.947 ], [ -73.939, -45.953 ], [ -73.93, -45.934 ], [ -73.93, -45.947 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.718, -46.031 ], [ -73.651, -46.091 ], [ -73.738, -46.213 ], [ -73.829, -46.164 ], [ -73.759, -46.146 ], [ -73.845, -46.142 ], [ -73.875, -46.101 ], [ -73.929, -46.092 ], [ -73.903, -45.894 ], [ -73.778, -45.86 ], [ -73.708, -45.802 ], [ -73.653, -45.894 ], [ -73.691, -45.91 ], [ -73.664, -46.019 ], [ -73.718, -46.031 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.963, -45.794 ], [ -74.967, -45.814 ], [ -74.99, -45.801 ], [ -74.963, -45.794 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.817, -45.858 ], [ -73.818, -45.838 ], [ -73.779, -45.827 ], [ -73.783, -45.855 ], [ -73.817, -45.858 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.906, -45.806 ], [ -73.925, -45.794 ], [ -73.901, -45.792 ], [ -73.906, -45.806 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.636, -45.773 ], [ -73.63, -45.797 ], [ -73.653, -45.805 ], [ -73.636, -45.773 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.877, -45.8 ], [ -73.834, -45.768 ], [ -73.765, -45.81 ], [ -73.864, -45.857 ], [ -73.826, -45.821 ], [ -73.877, -45.8 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.352, -45.779 ], [ -74.377, -45.809 ], [ -74.432, -45.799 ], [ -74.352, -45.779 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.549, -45.768 ], [ -74.49, -45.743 ], [ -74.469, -45.815 ], [ -74.575, -45.798 ], [ -74.549, -45.768 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.254, -45.71 ], [ -74.194, -45.749 ], [ -74.289, -45.759 ], [ -74.149, -45.75 ], [ -74.116, -45.804 ], [ -74.312, -45.797 ], [ -74.323, -45.754 ], [ -74.254, -45.71 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.717, -47.859 ], [ -73.746, -47.833 ], [ -73.621, -47.827 ], [ -73.717, -47.859 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.938, -47.816 ], [ -74.947, -47.833 ], [ -74.964, -47.831 ], [ -74.938, -47.816 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.046, -47.827 ], [ -75.058, -47.821 ], [ -75.031, -47.818 ], [ -75.046, -47.827 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.357, -47.824 ], [ -74.225, -47.791 ], [ -73.888, -47.883 ], [ -73.865, -47.842 ], [ -73.803, -47.825 ], [ -73.846, -47.854 ], [ -73.784, -47.873 ], [ -73.86, -47.958 ], [ -73.932, -47.949 ], [ -73.903, -47.91 ], [ -74.001, -47.959 ], [ -74.304, -47.976 ], [ -74.375, -47.917 ], [ -74.5, -47.904 ], [ -74.357, -47.824 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.904, -47.838 ], [ -74.881, -47.8 ], [ -74.801, -47.826 ], [ -74.806, -47.917 ], [ -74.854, -47.897 ], [ -74.821, -47.927 ], [ -74.883, -47.95 ], [ -74.825, -47.944 ], [ -74.811, -48.003 ], [ -74.988, -47.96 ], [ -74.936, -47.878 ], [ -74.982, -47.841 ], [ -74.904, -47.838 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.075, -47.911 ], [ -75.076, -47.843 ], [ -75.046, -47.859 ], [ -75.075, -47.911 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.649, -47.884 ], [ -74.636, -47.914 ], [ -74.731, -47.891 ], [ -74.732, -47.825 ], [ -74.677, -47.804 ], [ -74.649, -47.884 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.572, -47.887 ], [ -74.652, -47.852 ], [ -74.653, -47.811 ], [ -74.556, -47.818 ], [ -74.572, -47.887 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.518, -47.896 ], [ -74.476, -47.792 ], [ -74.38, -47.799 ], [ -74.518, -47.896 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.995, -47.802 ], [ -74.999, -47.816 ], [ -75.023, -47.812 ], [ -74.995, -47.802 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.661, -47.771 ], [ -74.644, -47.776 ], [ -74.688, -47.775 ], [ -74.661, -47.771 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.287, -47.726 ], [ -75.201, -47.742 ], [ -75.113, -47.67 ], [ -75.079, -47.751 ], [ -75.114, -47.774 ], [ -75.029, -47.789 ], [ -75.206, -47.845 ], [ -75.196, -47.791 ], [ -75.247, -47.789 ], [ -75.223, -47.84 ], [ -75.4, -47.734 ], [ -75.287, -47.726 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.908, -47.774 ], [ -74.926, -47.761 ], [ -74.918, -47.737 ], [ -74.883, -47.759 ], [ -74.908, -47.774 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75, -47.693 ], [ -74.946, -47.703 ], [ -74.934, -47.776 ], [ -75.092, -47.694 ], [ -75, -47.693 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.552, -45.402 ], [ -73.529, -45.415 ], [ -73.576, -45.409 ], [ -73.552, -45.402 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.126, -45.398 ], [ -74.139, -45.43 ], [ -74.164, -45.41 ], [ -74.126, -45.398 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.728, -45.395 ], [ -73.748, -45.416 ], [ -73.76, -45.406 ], [ -73.728, -45.395 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.604, -45.318 ], [ -74.573, -45.347 ], [ -74.624, -45.33 ], [ -74.604, -45.318 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.484, -45.313 ], [ -73.474, -45.321 ], [ -73.5, -45.315 ], [ -73.484, -45.313 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.308, -45.326 ], [ -74.261, -45.34 ], [ -74.237, -45.404 ], [ -74.281, -45.379 ], [ -74.308, -45.326 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.175, -45.325 ], [ -74.129, -45.37 ], [ -74.206, -45.387 ], [ -74.216, -45.373 ], [ -74.175, -45.325 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.517, -45.36 ], [ -73.578, -45.365 ], [ -73.589, -45.334 ], [ -73.458, -45.339 ], [ -73.517, -45.36 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.736, -45.332 ], [ -73.723, -45.335 ], [ -73.726, -45.349 ], [ -73.746, -45.341 ], [ -73.736, -45.332 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.15, -45.313 ], [ -74.13, -45.338 ], [ -74.161, -45.318 ], [ -74.15, -45.313 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.15, -45.313 ], [ -74.15, -45.313 ], [ -74.15, -45.313 ], [ -74.15, -45.313 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.716, -45.308 ], [ -73.712, -45.322 ], [ -73.738, -45.326 ], [ -73.716, -45.308 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.411, -45.042 ], [ -73.406, -45.059 ], [ -73.437, -45.088 ], [ -73.411, -45.042 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.521, -45.071 ], [ -73.505, -45.077 ], [ -73.5, -45.106 ], [ -73.521, -45.095 ], [ -73.521, -45.071 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.438, -45.05 ], [ -73.46, -45.107 ], [ -73.467, -45.072 ], [ -73.438, -45.05 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.073, -44.931 ], [ -75.153, -44.823 ], [ -75.112, -44.781 ], [ -75.012, -44.858 ], [ -75.012, -44.907 ], [ -75.073, -44.931 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.667, -44.964 ], [ -73.657, -44.98 ], [ -73.685, -44.977 ], [ -73.667, -44.964 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.525, -45.017 ], [ -73.504, -45.038 ], [ -73.551, -45.028 ], [ -73.525, -45.017 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.438, -44.987 ], [ -73.434, -45.018 ], [ -73.473, -45.047 ], [ -73.463, -45.004 ], [ -73.438, -44.987 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.674, -45.013 ], [ -73.667, -45.048 ], [ -73.721, -44.987 ], [ -73.679, -44.989 ], [ -73.674, -45.013 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.327, -45.303 ], [ -73.385, -45.338 ], [ -73.428, -45.34 ], [ -73.424, -45.303 ], [ -73.327, -45.303 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.62, -45.274 ], [ -73.609, -45.263 ], [ -73.62, -45.274 ], [ -73.62, -45.274 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.62, -45.274 ], [ -73.631, -45.284 ], [ -73.651, -45.266 ], [ -73.613, -45.25 ], [ -73.62, -45.274 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.452, -45.257 ], [ -74.438, -45.267 ], [ -74.471, -45.266 ], [ -74.452, -45.257 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.583, -45.271 ], [ -74.549, -45.294 ], [ -74.562, -45.312 ], [ -74.593, -45.3 ], [ -74.556, -45.292 ], [ -74.583, -45.271 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.398, -45.285 ], [ -74.32, -45.315 ], [ -74.264, -45.412 ], [ -74.343, -45.429 ], [ -74.523, -45.332 ], [ -74.398, -45.285 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.074, -45.376 ], [ -74.07, -45.346 ], [ -73.974, -45.382 ], [ -74.047, -45.413 ], [ -74.074, -45.376 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.07, -45.346 ], [ -74.135, -45.33 ], [ -74.156, -45.238 ], [ -74.024, -45.208 ], [ -73.987, -45.266 ], [ -73.808, -45.253 ], [ -73.758, -45.354 ], [ -74.07, -45.346 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.512, -45.3 ], [ -73.555, -45.318 ], [ -73.591, -45.302 ], [ -73.542, -45.243 ], [ -73.487, -45.27 ], [ -73.512, -45.3 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.162, -45.298 ], [ -74.15, -45.313 ], [ -74.172, -45.303 ], [ -74.162, -45.298 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.36, -45.165 ], [ -74.196, -45.226 ], [ -74.193, -45.278 ], [ -74.237, -45.279 ], [ -74.192, -45.285 ], [ -74.201, -45.35 ], [ -74.263, -45.316 ], [ -74.258, -45.218 ], [ -74.295, -45.239 ], [ -74.276, -45.291 ], [ -74.321, -45.255 ], [ -74.29, -45.331 ], [ -74.38, -45.275 ], [ -74.401, -45.17 ], [ -74.36, -45.165 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.446, -45.259 ], [ -73.446, -45.259 ], [ -73.446, -45.26 ], [ -73.446, -45.259 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.499, -45.159 ], [ -74.489, -45.219 ], [ -74.572, -45.213 ], [ -74.499, -45.159 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.446, -45.259 ], [ -73.505, -45.242 ], [ -73.516, -45.193 ], [ -73.473, -45.205 ], [ -73.446, -45.259 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.525, -45.18 ], [ -73.515, -45.189 ], [ -73.528, -45.206 ], [ -73.537, -45.186 ], [ -73.525, -45.18 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.243, -45.178 ], [ -74.234, -45.184 ], [ -74.257, -45.18 ], [ -74.243, -45.178 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.542, -45.171 ], [ -73.535, -45.178 ], [ -73.551, -45.18 ], [ -73.542, -45.171 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.514, -45.142 ], [ -73.504, -45.152 ], [ -73.526, -45.169 ], [ -73.538, -45.144 ], [ -73.514, -45.142 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.382, -45.055 ], [ -74.28, -45.077 ], [ -74.335, -45.09 ], [ -74.321, -45.13 ], [ -74.381, -45.076 ], [ -74.321, -45.146 ], [ -74.264, -45.097 ], [ -74.249, -45.169 ], [ -74.42, -45.117 ], [ -74.382, -45.055 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.808, -44.988 ], [ -73.687, -45.115 ], [ -73.672, -45.179 ], [ -73.721, -45.194 ], [ -73.678, -45.203 ], [ -73.723, -45.236 ], [ -73.691, -45.289 ], [ -73.757, -45.305 ], [ -73.812, -45.24 ], [ -73.983, -45.255 ], [ -73.982, -45.198 ], [ -73.847, -45.21 ], [ -73.962, -45.192 ], [ -74.013, -45.205 ], [ -74.073, -45.179 ], [ -74.059, -45.139 ], [ -74.13, -45.167 ], [ -74.151, -45.055 ], [ -74.151, -45.164 ], [ -74.217, -45.172 ], [ -74.237, -45.082 ], [ -74.174, -45.034 ], [ -74.037, -45.053 ], [ -73.808, -44.988 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.67, -44.654 ], [ -74.62, -44.609 ], [ -74.516, -44.622 ], [ -74.436, -44.695 ], [ -74.613, -44.695 ], [ -74.67, -44.654 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.855, -44.764 ], [ -73.841, -44.772 ], [ -73.878, -44.767 ], [ -73.855, -44.764 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.95, -44.755 ], [ -73.939, -44.761 ], [ -73.967, -44.758 ], [ -73.95, -44.755 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.953, -44.743 ], [ -73.949, -44.754 ], [ -73.974, -44.744 ], [ -73.953, -44.743 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.924, -44.737 ], [ -73.912, -44.75 ], [ -73.933, -44.749 ], [ -73.924, -44.737 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.847, -44.718 ], [ -73.819, -44.746 ], [ -73.933, -44.731 ], [ -73.847, -44.718 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.571, -44.704 ], [ -73.747, -44.755 ], [ -73.882, -44.596 ], [ -73.833, -44.591 ], [ -73.791, -44.662 ], [ -73.803, -44.565 ], [ -73.661, -44.541 ], [ -73.592, -44.629 ], [ -73.718, -44.739 ], [ -73.619, -44.675 ], [ -73.571, -44.704 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.504, -44.955 ], [ -73.519, -44.936 ], [ -73.498, -44.926 ], [ -73.49, -44.944 ], [ -73.504, -44.955 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.337, -44.928 ], [ -73.324, -44.941 ], [ -73.344, -44.935 ], [ -73.337, -44.928 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.64, -44.936 ], [ -74.618, -44.958 ], [ -74.656, -44.943 ], [ -74.64, -44.936 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.68, -44.896 ], [ -73.671, -44.906 ], [ -73.692, -44.905 ], [ -73.68, -44.896 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.629, -44.868 ], [ -73.63, -44.89 ], [ -73.66, -44.882 ], [ -73.629, -44.868 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.416, -44.881 ], [ -74.399, -44.888 ], [ -74.407, -44.9 ], [ -74.432, -44.888 ], [ -74.416, -44.881 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.34, -44.872 ], [ -74.322, -44.902 ], [ -74.365, -44.911 ], [ -74.343, -44.897 ], [ -74.34, -44.872 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.359, -44.873 ], [ -74.377, -44.907 ], [ -74.384, -44.88 ], [ -74.359, -44.873 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.867, -44.775 ], [ -73.728, -44.912 ], [ -73.769, -44.907 ], [ -73.764, -44.957 ], [ -73.829, -44.962 ], [ -73.919, -44.867 ], [ -73.843, -44.902 ], [ -73.799, -44.899 ], [ -73.913, -44.824 ], [ -73.867, -44.775 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.685, -44.859 ], [ -73.698, -44.878 ], [ -73.738, -44.863 ], [ -73.685, -44.859 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.234, -44.854 ], [ -74.216, -44.86 ], [ -74.248, -44.869 ], [ -74.234, -44.854 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.145, -44.866 ], [ -73.956, -44.897 ], [ -73.894, -44.967 ], [ -74.016, -44.995 ], [ -74.085, -44.958 ], [ -74.023, -45 ], [ -74.269, -45.041 ], [ -74.387, -45.005 ], [ -74.145, -44.866 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.308, -44.897 ], [ -74.371, -44.963 ], [ -74.458, -44.927 ], [ -74.454, -44.896 ], [ -74.331, -44.92 ], [ -74.308, -44.897 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.299, -44.911 ], [ -74.3, -44.892 ], [ -74.277, -44.87 ], [ -74.261, -44.902 ], [ -74.299, -44.911 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.666, -44.753 ], [ -73.585, -44.747 ], [ -73.598, -44.833 ], [ -73.719, -44.825 ], [ -73.738, -44.757 ], [ -73.666, -44.753 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.753, -44.807 ], [ -73.741, -44.83 ], [ -73.761, -44.833 ], [ -73.753, -44.807 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.767, -44.78 ], [ -73.751, -44.801 ], [ -73.765, -44.802 ], [ -73.767, -44.78 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.462, -44.714 ], [ -74.431, -44.715 ], [ -74.301, -44.843 ], [ -74.45, -44.845 ], [ -74.537, -44.744 ], [ -74.462, -44.714 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.995, -44.773 ], [ -73.934, -44.791 ], [ -73.933, -44.837 ], [ -74.018, -44.865 ], [ -74.191, -44.824 ], [ -73.995, -44.773 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.413, -44.658 ], [ -74.394, -44.618 ], [ -74.286, -44.636 ], [ -74.291, -44.602 ], [ -73.97, -44.602 ], [ -73.842, -44.703 ], [ -73.964, -44.713 ], [ -73.956, -44.661 ], [ -73.989, -44.662 ], [ -73.987, -44.725 ], [ -74.247, -44.81 ], [ -74.369, -44.726 ], [ -74.086, -44.743 ], [ -74.383, -44.708 ], [ -74.413, -44.658 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.97, -44.602 ], [ -73.908, -44.568 ], [ -73.886, -44.628 ], [ -73.97, -44.602 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.058, -45.434 ], [ -73.864, -45.489 ], [ -73.778, -45.465 ], [ -73.843, -45.578 ], [ -73.908, -45.554 ], [ -73.884, -45.511 ], [ -73.985, -45.53 ], [ -73.941, -45.511 ], [ -74.05, -45.522 ], [ -74.105, -45.596 ], [ -74.124, -45.554 ], [ -74.068, -45.525 ], [ -74.102, -45.499 ], [ -74.065, -45.459 ], [ -73.962, -45.462 ], [ -74.058, -45.434 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.463, -45.572 ], [ -74.395, -45.448 ], [ -74.321, -45.462 ], [ -74.263, -45.494 ], [ -74.353, -45.526 ], [ -74.261, -45.499 ], [ -74.211, -45.561 ], [ -74.296, -45.552 ], [ -74.36, -45.57 ], [ -74.207, -45.576 ], [ -74.18, -45.625 ], [ -74.195, -45.69 ], [ -74.422, -45.694 ], [ -74.291, -45.717 ], [ -74.449, -45.788 ], [ -74.489, -45.731 ], [ -74.428, -45.693 ], [ -74.486, -45.61 ], [ -74.419, -45.593 ], [ -74.463, -45.572 ] ], [ [ -74.196, -45.624 ], [ -74.249, -45.638 ], [ -74.283, -45.624 ], [ -74.25, -45.643 ], [ -74.196, -45.624 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.463, -45.574 ], [ -74.489, -45.6 ], [ -74.544, -45.517 ], [ -74.498, -45.449 ], [ -74.412, -45.439 ], [ -74.469, -45.526 ], [ -74.463, -45.574 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.674, -45.438 ], [ -73.545, -45.488 ], [ -73.595, -45.605 ], [ -73.559, -45.646 ], [ -73.674, -45.612 ], [ -73.582, -45.689 ], [ -73.63, -45.772 ], [ -73.795, -45.67 ], [ -73.753, -45.52 ], [ -73.674, -45.438 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.1, -45.459 ], [ -74.105, -45.477 ], [ -74.112, -45.466 ], [ -74.1, -45.459 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.624, -45.424 ], [ -73.611, -45.431 ], [ -73.662, -45.434 ], [ -73.662, -45.423 ], [ -73.624, -45.424 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.135, -45.443 ], [ -74.115, -45.449 ], [ -74.117, -45.468 ], [ -74.135, -45.443 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.106, -45.438 ], [ -74.114, -45.447 ], [ -74.117, -45.432 ], [ -74.106, -45.438 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.107, -45.404 ], [ -74.084, -45.44 ], [ -74.114, -45.424 ], [ -74.107, -45.404 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.796, -45.373 ], [ -73.79, -45.416 ], [ -73.878, -45.454 ], [ -74.04, -45.418 ], [ -73.796, -45.373 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.801, -44.643 ], [ -74.808, -44.546 ], [ -74.734, -44.557 ], [ -74.718, -44.657 ], [ -74.782, -44.677 ], [ -74.801, -44.643 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.131, -44.573 ], [ -73.146, -44.571 ], [ -73.141, -44.554 ], [ -73.131, -44.573 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.292, -44.574 ], [ -73.28, -44.577 ], [ -73.304, -44.588 ], [ -73.292, -44.574 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.821, -44.403 ], [ -72.804, -44.421 ], [ -72.843, -44.414 ], [ -72.821, -44.403 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.628, -44.394 ], [ -73.623, -44.408 ], [ -73.653, -44.413 ], [ -73.628, -44.394 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.885, -44.398 ], [ -73.872, -44.359 ], [ -73.835, -44.371 ], [ -73.885, -44.398 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.407, -44.357 ], [ -74.373, -44.394 ], [ -74.424, -44.397 ], [ -74.407, -44.357 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.333, -44.515 ], [ -73.312, -44.523 ], [ -73.329, -44.586 ], [ -73.369, -44.54 ], [ -73.333, -44.515 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.768, -44.53 ], [ -73.748, -44.543 ], [ -73.778, -44.538 ], [ -73.768, -44.53 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.373, -44.546 ], [ -74.367, -44.558 ], [ -74.384, -44.556 ], [ -74.373, -44.546 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.675, -44.478 ], [ -73.576, -44.516 ], [ -73.673, -44.53 ], [ -73.675, -44.478 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.757, -44.483 ], [ -73.697, -44.508 ], [ -73.697, -44.526 ], [ -73.751, -44.52 ], [ -73.757, -44.483 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.321, -44.581 ], [ -74.371, -44.517 ], [ -74.189, -44.477 ], [ -74.11, -44.557 ], [ -74.321, -44.581 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.344, -44.51 ], [ -74.452, -44.492 ], [ -74.389, -44.55 ], [ -74.559, -44.488 ], [ -74.493, -44.428 ], [ -74.388, -44.441 ], [ -74.32, -44.397 ], [ -74.209, -44.473 ], [ -74.344, -44.51 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.758, -44.516 ], [ -73.757, -44.531 ], [ -73.768, -44.527 ], [ -73.758, -44.516 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.782, -44.493 ], [ -73.787, -44.52 ], [ -73.833, -44.503 ], [ -73.801, -44.484 ], [ -73.782, -44.493 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.848, -44.48 ], [ -73.836, -44.515 ], [ -73.894, -44.519 ], [ -73.896, -44.489 ], [ -73.848, -44.48 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.167, -44.418 ], [ -73.974, -44.45 ], [ -73.924, -44.541 ], [ -74.095, -44.547 ], [ -74.125, -44.515 ], [ -74.123, -44.494 ], [ -73.949, -44.503 ], [ -74.13, -44.474 ], [ -74.08, -44.471 ], [ -74.167, -44.418 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.6, -44.427 ], [ -73.569, -44.487 ], [ -73.619, -44.497 ], [ -73.652, -44.451 ], [ -73.584, -44.464 ], [ -73.6, -44.427 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.885, -44.398 ], [ -73.823, -44.377 ], [ -73.88, -44.44 ], [ -73.798, -44.403 ], [ -73.751, -44.448 ], [ -73.899, -44.459 ], [ -73.885, -44.398 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.054, -44.312 ], [ -72.982, -44.358 ], [ -73.087, -44.349 ], [ -73.112, -44.385 ], [ -73.136, -44.346 ], [ -73.054, -44.312 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.239, -44.313 ], [ -73.193, -44.326 ], [ -73.154, -44.386 ], [ -73.28, -44.393 ], [ -73.288, -44.342 ], [ -73.239, -44.313 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.319, -44.33 ], [ -74.258, -44.352 ], [ -74.246, -44.375 ], [ -74.363, -44.387 ], [ -74.383, -44.348 ], [ -74.319, -44.33 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.773, -44.369 ], [ -73.649, -44.382 ], [ -73.659, -44.342 ], [ -73.626, -44.372 ], [ -73.65, -44.393 ], [ -73.718, -44.392 ], [ -73.644, -44.421 ], [ -73.668, -44.446 ], [ -73.773, -44.369 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.006, -44.345 ], [ -73.889, -44.359 ], [ -73.906, -44.446 ], [ -74.053, -44.396 ], [ -74.083, -44.3 ], [ -74.006, -44.345 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.144, -44.304 ], [ -74.117, -44.322 ], [ -74.075, -44.42 ], [ -74.189, -44.383 ], [ -74.144, -44.304 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.076, -50.818 ], [ -74.128, -50.832 ], [ -74.134, -50.776 ], [ -74.076, -50.818 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.372, -50.385 ], [ -74.358, -50.409 ], [ -74.398, -50.391 ], [ -74.372, -50.385 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.387, -47.6 ], [ -74.365, -47.572 ], [ -74.32, -47.616 ], [ -74.403, -47.658 ], [ -74.387, -47.6 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.743, -53.696 ], [ -73.737, -53.677 ], [ -73.714, -53.676 ], [ -73.743, -53.696 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.652, -53.681 ], [ -73.631, -53.676 ], [ -73.646, -53.691 ], [ -73.652, -53.681 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.656, -53.66 ], [ -73.707, -53.629 ], [ -73.656, -53.597 ], [ -73.656, -53.66 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.11, -53.762 ], [ -72.101, -53.732 ], [ -72.058, -53.759 ], [ -72.11, -53.762 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.362, -53.79 ], [ -73.371, -53.782 ], [ -73.353, -53.779 ], [ -73.362, -53.79 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.123, -53.729 ], [ -72.112, -53.742 ], [ -72.172, -53.732 ], [ -72.123, -53.729 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.406, -53.572 ], [ -72.277, -53.627 ], [ -72.255, -53.66 ], [ -72.38, -53.656 ], [ -72.444, -53.588 ], [ -72.406, -53.572 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.664, -53.695 ], [ -70.542, -53.569 ], [ -70.466, -53.576 ], [ -70.485, -53.678 ], [ -70.413, -53.808 ], [ -70.451, -53.805 ], [ -70.416, -53.88 ], [ -70.451, -53.89 ], [ -70.342, -54.037 ], [ -70.445, -54.055 ], [ -70.681, -53.927 ], [ -70.462, -54.258 ], [ -70.753, -54.164 ], [ -70.878, -54.068 ], [ -70.895, -53.934 ], [ -70.836, -53.938 ], [ -70.894, -53.889 ], [ -70.777, -53.833 ], [ -70.597, -53.858 ], [ -70.707, -53.782 ], [ -70.704, -53.7 ], [ -70.664, -53.695 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.379, -53.886 ], [ -73.399, -53.875 ], [ -73.365, -53.877 ], [ -73.379, -53.886 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.049, -53.885 ], [ -72.119, -53.921 ], [ -72.203, -53.889 ], [ -72.072, -53.827 ], [ -72.049, -53.885 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.976, -53.896 ], [ -72.947, -53.917 ], [ -73.023, -53.91 ], [ -73.01, -53.889 ], [ -72.976, -53.896 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.858, -53.931 ], [ -72.918, -53.94 ], [ -72.885, -53.871 ], [ -72.794, -53.891 ], [ -72.858, -53.931 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.379, -53.862 ], [ -73.39, -53.857 ], [ -73.363, -53.855 ], [ -73.379, -53.862 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.911, -53.852 ], [ -71.809, -53.927 ], [ -71.837, -53.98 ], [ -71.772, -53.889 ], [ -71.646, -53.925 ], [ -71.777, -54.011 ], [ -71.687, -54.009 ], [ -71.685, -54.054 ], [ -71.759, -54.047 ], [ -71.701, -54.065 ], [ -71.729, -54.098 ], [ -71.661, -54.051 ], [ -71.616, -54.088 ], [ -71.739, -54.168 ], [ -71.911, -54.053 ], [ -71.903, -54.014 ], [ -71.943, -54.043 ], [ -71.88, -54.119 ], [ -71.912, -54.133 ], [ -71.853, -54.122 ], [ -71.72, -54.245 ], [ -71.888, -54.293 ], [ -71.819, -54.293 ], [ -71.857, -54.303 ], [ -71.804, -54.351 ], [ -71.971, -54.34 ], [ -71.937, -54.254 ], [ -71.877, -54.239 ], [ -71.936, -54.213 ], [ -72.04, -54.214 ], [ -72.122, -54.156 ], [ -72.002, -54.139 ], [ -72.147, -54.126 ], [ -72.019, -54.104 ], [ -72.114, -54.046 ], [ -72.185, -54.115 ], [ -72.251, -54.05 ], [ -72.204, -54.009 ], [ -72.261, -53.992 ], [ -72.263, -53.921 ], [ -72.047, -53.993 ], [ -72.1, -53.95 ], [ -72.017, -53.969 ], [ -72.052, -53.952 ], [ -72.025, -53.904 ], [ -71.935, -53.907 ], [ -71.969, -53.871 ], [ -71.911, -53.852 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.463, -52.581 ], [ -74.476, -52.559 ], [ -74.45, -52.553 ], [ -74.463, -52.581 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.466, -52.549 ], [ -74.478, -52.544 ], [ -74.469, -52.536 ], [ -74.466, -52.549 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.389, -52.549 ], [ -74.383, -52.57 ], [ -74.442, -52.549 ], [ -74.41, -52.528 ], [ -74.389, -52.549 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.433, -52.532 ], [ -74.457, -52.523 ], [ -74.434, -52.517 ], [ -74.433, -52.532 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.488, -52.479 ], [ -74.489, -52.511 ], [ -74.523, -52.505 ], [ -74.498, -52.474 ], [ -74.488, -52.479 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.538, -52.45 ], [ -74.511, -52.473 ], [ -74.563, -52.498 ], [ -74.611, -52.468 ], [ -74.538, -52.45 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.002, -52.419 ], [ -74.046, -52.451 ], [ -74.092, -52.44 ], [ -74.002, -52.419 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.279, -52.453 ], [ -74.289, -52.434 ], [ -74.271, -52.428 ], [ -74.279, -52.453 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.202, -52.438 ], [ -74.208, -52.424 ], [ -74.191, -52.421 ], [ -74.202, -52.438 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.358, -52.62 ], [ -74.387, -52.639 ], [ -74.382, -52.621 ], [ -74.358, -52.62 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.869, -52.279 ], [ -74.843, -52.314 ], [ -74.929, -52.277 ], [ -74.91, -52.257 ], [ -74.869, -52.279 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.275, -52.189 ], [ -73.272, -52.205 ], [ -73.312, -52.193 ], [ -73.275, -52.189 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.311, -52.221 ], [ -73.323, -52.212 ], [ -73.3, -52.217 ], [ -73.311, -52.221 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.733, -52.333 ], [ -73.756, -52.321 ], [ -73.75, -52.307 ], [ -73.731, -52.31 ], [ -73.733, -52.333 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.287, -52.306 ], [ -74.294, -52.291 ], [ -74.249, -52.28 ], [ -74.287, -52.306 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.345, -52.296 ], [ -74.34, -52.268 ], [ -74.314, -52.266 ], [ -74.345, -52.296 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.36, -52.249 ], [ -74.337, -52.257 ], [ -74.405, -52.286 ], [ -74.408, -52.266 ], [ -74.36, -52.249 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.414, -52.354 ], [ -74.448, -52.355 ], [ -74.451, -52.343 ], [ -74.414, -52.354 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.8, -52.327 ], [ -74.784, -52.341 ], [ -74.821, -52.328 ], [ -74.8, -52.327 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.524, -52.341 ], [ -74.56, -52.369 ], [ -74.498, -52.297 ], [ -74.524, -52.341 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.611, -52.335 ], [ -74.65, -52.33 ], [ -74.635, -52.317 ], [ -74.611, -52.335 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.573, -52.244 ], [ -74.571, -52.308 ], [ -74.628, -52.303 ], [ -74.618, -52.253 ], [ -74.573, -52.244 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.854, -52.196 ], [ -74.812, -52.258 ], [ -74.786, -52.221 ], [ -74.606, -52.218 ], [ -74.639, -52.307 ], [ -74.743, -52.334 ], [ -74.908, -52.241 ], [ -74.901, -52.195 ], [ -74.854, -52.196 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.43, -52.246 ], [ -74.428, -52.227 ], [ -74.404, -52.232 ], [ -74.43, -52.246 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.73, -52.245 ], [ -73.719, -52.297 ], [ -73.788, -52.244 ], [ -73.767, -52.216 ], [ -73.73, -52.245 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.244, -52.212 ], [ -74.285, -52.257 ], [ -74.33, -52.236 ], [ -74.244, -52.212 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.301, -52.193 ], [ -74.281, -52.207 ], [ -74.334, -52.213 ], [ -74.301, -52.193 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.226, -52.181 ], [ -74.262, -52.195 ], [ -74.309, -52.185 ], [ -74.284, -52.167 ], [ -74.226, -52.181 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.729, -51.931 ], [ -72.749, -51.926 ], [ -72.752, -51.903 ], [ -72.733, -51.9 ], [ -72.729, -51.931 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.753, -51.832 ], [ -73.701, -51.897 ], [ -73.712, -51.948 ], [ -73.797, -51.86 ], [ -73.753, -51.832 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.695, -51.832 ], [ -73.702, -51.82 ], [ -73.684, -51.817 ], [ -73.695, -51.832 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.931, -51.789 ], [ -72.907, -51.809 ], [ -72.959, -51.785 ], [ -72.931, -51.789 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.094, -52.059 ], [ -74.116, -52.059 ], [ -74.116, -52.043 ], [ -74.094, -52.059 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.319, -51.99 ], [ -74.349, -51.987 ], [ -74.33, -51.973 ], [ -74.319, -51.99 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.621, -51.963 ], [ -74.611, -51.966 ], [ -74.626, -51.973 ], [ -74.621, -51.963 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.515, -51.919 ], [ -74.491, -51.914 ], [ -74.51, -51.935 ], [ -74.532, -51.923 ], [ -74.515, -51.919 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.152, -52.055 ], [ -74.16, -52.04 ], [ -74.148, -52.041 ], [ -74.152, -52.055 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.397, -52.017 ], [ -74.367, -52.035 ], [ -74.422, -52.03 ], [ -74.397, -52.017 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.347, -52.055 ], [ -74.339, -52.029 ], [ -74.313, -52.035 ], [ -74.347, -52.055 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.247, -52.038 ], [ -74.245, -52.017 ], [ -74.223, -52.013 ], [ -74.216, -52.022 ], [ -74.247, -52.038 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.145, -52.011 ], [ -74.154, -51.996 ], [ -74.138, -52.001 ], [ -74.145, -52.011 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.28, -52.009 ], [ -74.304, -52.008 ], [ -74.3, -51.987 ], [ -74.271, -52 ], [ -74.28, -52.009 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.356, -51.999 ], [ -74.337, -52.008 ], [ -74.374, -52.02 ], [ -74.36, -51.981 ], [ -74.356, -51.999 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.54, -51.834 ], [ -74.561, -51.913 ], [ -74.645, -51.935 ], [ -74.562, -51.834 ], [ -74.54, -51.834 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.575, -52.108 ], [ -74.605, -52.125 ], [ -74.614, -52.115 ], [ -74.575, -52.108 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.964, -52.107 ], [ -73.935, -52.13 ], [ -74.059, -52.068 ], [ -73.999, -52.079 ], [ -73.964, -52.107 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.593, -52.082 ], [ -74.573, -52.086 ], [ -74.626, -52.11 ], [ -74.651, -52.184 ], [ -74.78, -52.203 ], [ -74.761, -52.134 ], [ -74.593, -52.082 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.538, -52.13 ], [ -74.562, -52.151 ], [ -74.595, -52.151 ], [ -74.581, -52.128 ], [ -74.538, -52.13 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.359, -52.183 ], [ -74.324, -52.188 ], [ -74.49, -52.194 ], [ -74.425, -52.147 ], [ -74.359, -52.183 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.22, -52.084 ], [ -74.132, -52.082 ], [ -74.05, -52.128 ], [ -74.129, -52.165 ], [ -74.251, -52.088 ], [ -74.22, -52.084 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.742, -52.096 ], [ -74.82, -52.095 ], [ -74.789, -52.119 ], [ -74.829, -52.147 ], [ -74.898, -52.131 ], [ -74.853, -52.062 ], [ -74.755, -52.033 ], [ -74.836, -52.046 ], [ -74.754, -51.954 ], [ -74.812, -51.961 ], [ -74.737, -51.826 ], [ -74.662, -51.878 ], [ -74.576, -51.836 ], [ -74.673, -51.922 ], [ -74.642, -51.953 ], [ -74.727, -51.997 ], [ -74.644, -51.962 ], [ -74.705, -52.013 ], [ -74.742, -52.096 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.459, -52.03 ], [ -74.441, -52.03 ], [ -74.566, -52.083 ], [ -74.544, -52.049 ], [ -74.459, -52.03 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.28, -52.091 ], [ -74.29, -52.071 ], [ -74.274, -52.079 ], [ -74.28, -52.091 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.361, -52.054 ], [ -74.319, -52.083 ], [ -74.384, -52.096 ], [ -74.361, -52.054 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.54, -51.942 ], [ -74.463, -51.99 ], [ -74.714, -52.105 ], [ -74.687, -52.021 ], [ -74.567, -52.004 ], [ -74.6, -51.977 ], [ -74.54, -51.942 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.22, -52.39 ], [ -74.234, -52.386 ], [ -74.211, -52.373 ], [ -74.22, -52.39 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.548, -52.39 ], [ -74.532, -52.372 ], [ -74.529, -52.388 ], [ -74.548, -52.39 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.397, -52.401 ], [ -74.415, -52.399 ], [ -74.381, -52.389 ], [ -74.397, -52.401 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.433, -52.378 ], [ -74.417, -52.389 ], [ -74.434, -52.394 ], [ -74.433, -52.378 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.282, -52.426 ], [ -74.311, -52.427 ], [ -74.316, -52.414 ], [ -74.282, -52.426 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.509, -52.397 ], [ -74.483, -52.445 ], [ -74.567, -52.41 ], [ -74.509, -52.397 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.195, -52.41 ], [ -74.228, -52.421 ], [ -74.187, -52.388 ], [ -74.195, -52.41 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.628, -52.353 ], [ -74.628, -52.387 ], [ -74.712, -52.378 ], [ -74.688, -52.35 ], [ -74.628, -52.353 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.506, -52.382 ], [ -74.516, -52.371 ], [ -74.493, -52.35 ], [ -74.506, -52.382 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.889, -52.214 ], [ -73.774, -52.283 ], [ -73.788, -52.34 ], [ -73.734, -52.415 ], [ -73.824, -52.416 ], [ -73.892, -52.385 ], [ -73.78, -52.355 ], [ -73.965, -52.292 ], [ -74.1, -52.17 ], [ -74.026, -52.144 ], [ -74.028, -52.173 ], [ -73.894, -52.213 ], [ -73.889, -52.214 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.897, -52.212 ], [ -73.955, -52.173 ], [ -73.935, -52.14 ], [ -73.798, -52.184 ], [ -73.811, -52.224 ], [ -73.897, -52.212 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.923, -52.348 ], [ -73.887, -52.342 ], [ -73.934, -52.367 ], [ -74.002, -52.332 ], [ -73.98, -52.386 ], [ -74.048, -52.336 ], [ -73.992, -52.39 ], [ -74.05, -52.363 ], [ -74.042, -52.4 ], [ -74.174, -52.415 ], [ -74.147, -52.389 ], [ -74.193, -52.368 ], [ -74.127, -52.319 ], [ -74.261, -52.369 ], [ -74.15, -52.304 ], [ -74.222, -52.285 ], [ -74.212, -52.242 ], [ -74.066, -52.299 ], [ -74.159, -52.213 ], [ -74.249, -52.199 ], [ -74.093, -52.22 ], [ -74.248, -52.146 ], [ -74.34, -52.177 ], [ -74.433, -52.133 ], [ -74.299, -52.092 ], [ -74.212, -52.115 ], [ -73.923, -52.348 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.061, -51.501 ], [ -75.049, -51.519 ], [ -75.081, -51.506 ], [ -75.061, -51.501 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.711, -51.568 ], [ -74.7, -51.573 ], [ -74.74, -51.573 ], [ -74.711, -51.568 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.554, -51.618 ], [ -74.596, -51.595 ], [ -74.55, -51.598 ], [ -74.554, -51.618 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.966, -51.613 ], [ -73.966, -51.598 ], [ -73.942, -51.592 ], [ -73.966, -51.613 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.707, -51.54 ], [ -74.703, -51.552 ], [ -74.762, -51.546 ], [ -74.707, -51.54 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.742, -51.418 ], [ -73.779, -51.381 ], [ -73.739, -51.383 ], [ -73.742, -51.418 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.971, -51.448 ], [ -73.974, -51.433 ], [ -73.963, -51.437 ], [ -73.971, -51.448 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.35, -51.441 ], [ -74.357, -51.422 ], [ -74.335, -51.435 ], [ -74.35, -51.441 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.98, -51.533 ], [ -74.904, -51.463 ], [ -74.87, -51.523 ], [ -74.911, -51.552 ], [ -74.913, -51.519 ], [ -74.98, -51.533 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.87, -51.475 ], [ -74.822, -51.457 ], [ -74.839, -51.507 ], [ -74.87, -51.475 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.768, -51.456 ], [ -74.755, -51.467 ], [ -74.832, -51.488 ], [ -74.812, -51.453 ], [ -74.768, -51.456 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.369, -51.25 ], [ -74.387, -51.242 ], [ -74.359, -51.242 ], [ -74.369, -51.25 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.676, -51.439 ], [ -74.74, -51.434 ], [ -74.662, -51.329 ], [ -74.647, -51.347 ], [ -74.676, -51.439 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.912, -51.377 ], [ -73.951, -51.389 ], [ -73.908, -51.363 ], [ -73.912, -51.377 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.325, -51.361 ], [ -74.292, -51.385 ], [ -74.383, -51.376 ], [ -74.325, -51.361 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.413, -51.377 ], [ -74.418, -51.368 ], [ -74.4, -51.372 ], [ -74.413, -51.377 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.16, -51.444 ], [ -74.227, -51.409 ], [ -74.148, -51.38 ], [ -74.247, -51.36 ], [ -74.229, -51.29 ], [ -74.127, -51.316 ], [ -74.113, -51.358 ], [ -74.168, -51.344 ], [ -74.2, -51.356 ], [ -74.077, -51.408 ], [ -74.1, -51.452 ], [ -74.145, -51.401 ], [ -74.16, -51.444 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.281, -51.352 ], [ -74.275, -51.366 ], [ -74.317, -51.356 ], [ -74.281, -51.352 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.372, -51.362 ], [ -74.395, -51.348 ], [ -74.359, -51.359 ], [ -74.372, -51.362 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.508, -51.356 ], [ -74.513, -51.315 ], [ -74.468, -51.329 ], [ -74.503, -51.336 ], [ -74.508, -51.356 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.14, -51.28 ], [ -74.132, -51.305 ], [ -74.173, -51.287 ], [ -74.14, -51.28 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.458, -51.303 ], [ -74.491, -51.276 ], [ -74.484, -51.262 ], [ -74.442, -51.278 ], [ -74.458, -51.303 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.086, -51.159 ], [ -75.104, -51.134 ], [ -75.07, -51.131 ], [ -75.086, -51.159 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.976, -50.948 ], [ -74.956, -50.98 ], [ -74.993, -50.961 ], [ -74.976, -50.948 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.842, -50.982 ], [ -74.811, -50.988 ], [ -74.959, -51.061 ], [ -74.9, -51.031 ], [ -74.915, -50.992 ], [ -74.842, -50.982 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.876, -51.092 ], [ -74.826, -51.094 ], [ -74.821, -51.151 ], [ -75.009, -51.175 ], [ -74.982, -51.109 ], [ -74.876, -51.092 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75, -50.988 ], [ -75.014, -51.023 ], [ -75.081, -51.008 ], [ -75.057, -50.978 ], [ -75, -50.988 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.459, -50.532 ], [ -74.459, -50.548 ], [ -74.532, -50.597 ], [ -74.504, -50.533 ], [ -74.459, -50.532 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.591, -50.504 ], [ -74.566, -50.554 ], [ -74.654, -50.594 ], [ -74.663, -50.51 ], [ -74.591, -50.504 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.837, -50.554 ], [ -74.854, -50.547 ], [ -74.855, -50.521 ], [ -74.829, -50.533 ], [ -74.837, -50.554 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.723, -50.525 ], [ -74.737, -50.521 ], [ -74.721, -50.51 ], [ -74.723, -50.525 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.584, -50.683 ], [ -74.596, -50.675 ], [ -74.582, -50.671 ], [ -74.584, -50.683 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.65, -50.71 ], [ -74.668, -50.687 ], [ -74.649, -50.679 ], [ -74.627, -50.699 ], [ -74.65, -50.71 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.703, -50.664 ], [ -74.691, -50.664 ], [ -74.708, -50.673 ], [ -74.726, -50.652 ], [ -74.703, -50.664 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.599, -50.652 ], [ -74.609, -50.664 ], [ -74.621, -50.65 ], [ -74.597, -50.637 ], [ -74.599, -50.652 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.747, -50.633 ], [ -74.753, -50.655 ], [ -74.788, -50.647 ], [ -74.747, -50.633 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.902, -50.627 ], [ -74.877, -50.639 ], [ -74.919, -50.629 ], [ -74.902, -50.627 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.316, -50.888 ], [ -74.34, -50.86 ], [ -74.292, -50.858 ], [ -74.316, -50.888 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.042, -50.821 ], [ -75.053, -50.817 ], [ -75.031, -50.82 ], [ -75.042, -50.821 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.947, -50.829 ], [ -74.944, -50.806 ], [ -74.934, -50.819 ], [ -74.947, -50.829 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.587, -50.722 ], [ -74.534, -50.733 ], [ -74.531, -50.782 ], [ -74.511, -50.734 ], [ -74.423, -50.796 ], [ -74.464, -50.812 ], [ -74.504, -50.858 ], [ -74.388, -50.808 ], [ -74.361, -50.88 ], [ -74.418, -50.879 ], [ -74.467, -50.952 ], [ -74.384, -50.893 ], [ -74.418, -50.968 ], [ -74.387, -50.916 ], [ -74.365, -50.91 ], [ -74.401, -50.967 ], [ -74.347, -50.985 ], [ -74.35, -51.028 ], [ -74.391, -51.009 ], [ -74.36, -51.077 ], [ -74.456, -50.992 ], [ -74.575, -51.049 ], [ -74.59, -51.014 ], [ -74.619, -51.093 ], [ -74.679, -51.112 ], [ -74.763, -51.065 ], [ -74.676, -51.06 ], [ -74.741, -51.037 ], [ -74.606, -50.994 ], [ -74.758, -51.002 ], [ -74.75, -51.026 ], [ -74.786, -51.079 ], [ -74.818, -51.061 ], [ -74.773, -51.045 ], [ -74.88, -51.05 ], [ -74.766, -50.988 ], [ -74.852, -50.964 ], [ -74.754, -50.975 ], [ -74.824, -50.926 ], [ -74.935, -50.988 ], [ -74.929, -50.917 ], [ -74.849, -50.911 ], [ -74.926, -50.88 ], [ -74.658, -50.9 ], [ -74.601, -50.951 ], [ -74.588, -50.899 ], [ -74.523, -50.913 ], [ -74.633, -50.877 ], [ -74.608, -50.821 ], [ -74.551, -50.861 ], [ -74.511, -50.809 ], [ -74.556, -50.824 ], [ -74.665, -50.738 ], [ -74.587, -50.722 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.961, -50.672 ], [ -74.964, -50.793 ], [ -74.989, -50.818 ], [ -75.098, -50.702 ], [ -75.03, -50.721 ], [ -75.015, -50.686 ], [ -75.061, -50.679 ], [ -75.032, -50.643 ], [ -74.979, -50.641 ], [ -74.989, -50.671 ], [ -74.95, -50.635 ], [ -74.961, -50.672 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.796, -50.651 ], [ -74.705, -50.684 ], [ -74.747, -50.702 ], [ -74.722, -50.745 ], [ -74.777, -50.735 ], [ -74.675, -50.799 ], [ -74.771, -50.801 ], [ -74.691, -50.828 ], [ -74.712, -50.878 ], [ -74.664, -50.799 ], [ -74.624, -50.812 ], [ -74.676, -50.897 ], [ -74.931, -50.839 ], [ -74.845, -50.826 ], [ -74.921, -50.797 ], [ -74.84, -50.8 ], [ -74.941, -50.782 ], [ -74.864, -50.773 ], [ -74.933, -50.712 ], [ -74.801, -50.723 ], [ -74.924, -50.68 ], [ -74.917, -50.666 ], [ -74.757, -50.697 ], [ -74.828, -50.653 ], [ -74.796, -50.651 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.468, -51.192 ], [ -74.396, -51.234 ], [ -74.519, -51.201 ], [ -74.468, -51.192 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.898, -51.231 ], [ -74.86, -51.245 ], [ -74.966, -51.309 ], [ -75.05, -51.282 ], [ -74.898, -51.231 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.922, -51.34 ], [ -73.957, -51.309 ], [ -73.983, -51.369 ], [ -74.053, -51.375 ], [ -74.094, -51.224 ], [ -73.939, -51.233 ], [ -73.922, -51.34 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.745, -51.414 ], [ -74.975, -51.479 ], [ -75.023, -51.436 ], [ -74.771, -51.328 ], [ -74.939, -51.381 ], [ -74.927, -51.337 ], [ -74.969, -51.339 ], [ -74.891, -51.277 ], [ -74.782, -51.281 ], [ -74.835, -51.258 ], [ -74.757, -51.241 ], [ -74.783, -51.207 ], [ -74.719, -51.222 ], [ -74.6, -51.183 ], [ -74.482, -51.242 ], [ -74.503, -51.293 ], [ -74.539, -51.261 ], [ -74.525, -51.308 ], [ -74.576, -51.258 ], [ -74.638, -51.242 ], [ -74.559, -51.294 ], [ -74.57, -51.351 ], [ -74.52, -51.345 ], [ -74.54, -51.386 ], [ -74.61, -51.402 ], [ -74.654, -51.272 ], [ -74.663, -51.311 ], [ -74.714, -51.295 ], [ -74.679, -51.323 ], [ -74.745, -51.414 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.972, -51.217 ], [ -73.978, -51.201 ], [ -73.961, -51.199 ], [ -73.972, -51.217 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.829, -51.167 ], [ -74.792, -51.184 ], [ -74.831, -51.238 ], [ -74.854, -51.192 ], [ -75.015, -51.222 ], [ -74.829, -51.167 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.746, -51.173 ], [ -74.751, -51.202 ], [ -74.793, -51.169 ], [ -74.746, -51.173 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.763, -51.125 ], [ -74.67, -51.147 ], [ -74.603, -51.084 ], [ -74.546, -51.173 ], [ -74.623, -51.147 ], [ -74.654, -51.194 ], [ -74.802, -51.145 ], [ -74.763, -51.125 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.42, -51.032 ], [ -74.446, -51.068 ], [ -74.49, -51.034 ], [ -74.494, -51.078 ], [ -74.362, -51.105 ], [ -74.363, -51.187 ], [ -74.425, -51.175 ], [ -74.372, -51.216 ], [ -74.543, -51.156 ], [ -74.578, -51.095 ], [ -74.468, -51.008 ], [ -74.42, -51.032 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.515, -50.375 ], [ -74.539, -50.348 ], [ -74.517, -50.353 ], [ -74.515, -50.375 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.608, -50.272 ], [ -74.552, -50.288 ], [ -74.729, -50.299 ], [ -74.688, -50.272 ], [ -74.608, -50.272 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.885, -50.234 ], [ -74.812, -50.242 ], [ -74.852, -50.285 ], [ -74.885, -50.234 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.886, -50.124 ], [ -74.93, -50.15 ], [ -74.916, -50.108 ], [ -74.886, -50.124 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.082, -50.033 ], [ -75.096, -50.022 ], [ -75.076, -50.015 ], [ -75.082, -50.033 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.66, -50.069 ], [ -74.705, -50.12 ], [ -74.739, -50.095 ], [ -74.685, -50.063 ], [ -74.66, -50.069 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.741, -50.072 ], [ -74.773, -50.061 ], [ -74.729, -50.062 ], [ -74.741, -50.072 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75, -50.314 ], [ -74.93, -50.278 ], [ -74.878, -50.322 ], [ -74.925, -50.369 ], [ -75.002, -50.353 ], [ -75, -50.314 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.231, -50.682 ], [ -75.309, -50.705 ], [ -75.229, -50.74 ], [ -75.267, -50.788 ], [ -75.315, -50.8 ], [ -75.311, -50.738 ], [ -75.318, -50.776 ], [ -75.436, -50.762 ], [ -75.393, -50.733 ], [ -75.443, -50.696 ], [ -75.327, -50.68 ], [ -75.502, -50.653 ], [ -75.393, -50.637 ], [ -75.447, -50.625 ], [ -75.408, -50.592 ], [ -75.301, -50.593 ], [ -75.458, -50.491 ], [ -75.356, -50.454 ], [ -75.323, -50.501 ], [ -75.254, -50.478 ], [ -75.284, -50.52 ], [ -75.233, -50.48 ], [ -75.045, -50.491 ], [ -75.099, -50.545 ], [ -75.154, -50.53 ], [ -75.134, -50.562 ], [ -75.202, -50.546 ], [ -75.152, -50.584 ], [ -75.195, -50.61 ], [ -75.265, -50.567 ], [ -75.245, -50.535 ], [ -75.307, -50.547 ], [ -75.214, -50.619 ], [ -75.291, -50.632 ], [ -75.231, -50.682 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.511, -50.409 ], [ -74.45, -50.466 ], [ -74.34, -50.455 ], [ -74.288, -50.614 ], [ -74.198, -50.674 ], [ -74.412, -50.64 ], [ -74.259, -50.684 ], [ -74.245, -50.726 ], [ -74.199, -50.698 ], [ -74.141, -50.838 ], [ -74.216, -50.841 ], [ -74.23, -50.751 ], [ -74.279, -50.799 ], [ -74.316, -50.756 ], [ -74.276, -50.837 ], [ -74.331, -50.836 ], [ -74.404, -50.755 ], [ -74.354, -50.724 ], [ -74.474, -50.735 ], [ -74.496, -50.71 ], [ -74.454, -50.698 ], [ -74.515, -50.691 ], [ -74.459, -50.667 ], [ -74.541, -50.684 ], [ -74.59, -50.634 ], [ -74.531, -50.641 ], [ -74.383, -50.538 ], [ -74.442, -50.519 ], [ -74.373, -50.527 ], [ -74.364, -50.558 ], [ -74.337, -50.527 ], [ -74.467, -50.507 ], [ -74.457, -50.472 ], [ -74.506, -50.505 ], [ -74.675, -50.479 ], [ -74.511, -50.409 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.108, -50.489 ], [ -74.122, -50.481 ], [ -74.095, -50.486 ], [ -74.108, -50.489 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.096, -50.479 ], [ -75.12, -50.474 ], [ -75.102, -50.465 ], [ -75.096, -50.479 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.384, -50.411 ], [ -75.36, -50.374 ], [ -75.318, -50.375 ], [ -75.328, -50.401 ], [ -75.384, -50.411 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.611, -50.347 ], [ -74.525, -50.397 ], [ -74.725, -50.497 ], [ -74.769, -50.476 ], [ -74.712, -50.408 ], [ -74.778, -50.422 ], [ -74.73, -50.367 ], [ -74.611, -50.347 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.988, -50.457 ], [ -75.056, -50.464 ], [ -75.054, -50.411 ], [ -75.08, -50.399 ], [ -75.122, -50.462 ], [ -75.18, -50.44 ], [ -75.031, -50.333 ], [ -75.001, -50.368 ], [ -75.039, -50.386 ], [ -74.945, -50.39 ], [ -74.988, -50.457 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.379, -50.352 ], [ -75.411, -50.419 ], [ -75.479, -50.423 ], [ -75.388, -50.359 ], [ -75.428, -50.37 ], [ -75.444, -50.297 ], [ -75.361, -50.254 ], [ -75.408, -50.231 ], [ -75.369, -50.152 ], [ -75.192, -50.174 ], [ -75.33, -50.197 ], [ -75.195, -50.213 ], [ -75.18, -50.253 ], [ -75.11, -50.251 ], [ -75.139, -50.208 ], [ -75.075, -50.169 ], [ -75.077, -50.127 ], [ -75.149, -50.173 ], [ -75.302, -50.118 ], [ -75.37, -50.069 ], [ -75.339, -50.001 ], [ -75.321, -50.035 ], [ -75.246, -49.994 ], [ -75.281, -50.035 ], [ -75.248, -50.013 ], [ -75.238, -50.066 ], [ -75.115, -50.015 ], [ -75.066, -50.054 ], [ -75.104, -50.089 ], [ -75.048, -50.067 ], [ -75.061, -50.104 ], [ -75.038, -50.08 ], [ -75, -50.133 ], [ -75.042, -50.033 ], [ -74.993, -50.02 ], [ -75.014, -50.082 ], [ -74.911, -50.093 ], [ -75.035, -50.174 ], [ -75.009, -50.196 ], [ -74.942, -50.132 ], [ -74.924, -50.168 ], [ -74.876, -50.129 ], [ -74.843, -50.168 ], [ -74.849, -50.13 ], [ -74.788, -50.15 ], [ -74.861, -50.116 ], [ -74.822, -50.097 ], [ -74.75, -50.138 ], [ -74.791, -50.121 ], [ -74.76, -50.174 ], [ -74.858, -50.184 ], [ -74.795, -50.201 ], [ -74.942, -50.202 ], [ -74.917, -50.248 ], [ -75.135, -50.343 ], [ -75.201, -50.442 ], [ -75.32, -50.427 ], [ -75.172, -50.288 ], [ -75.379, -50.352 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.952, -51.724 ], [ -74.992, -51.886 ], [ -75.101, -51.91 ], [ -75.054, -51.842 ], [ -75.112, -51.806 ], [ -75.041, -51.719 ], [ -74.952, -51.724 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.789, -51.916 ], [ -73.697, -51.981 ], [ -73.786, -52.021 ], [ -73.87, -51.96 ], [ -73.814, -51.933 ], [ -73.868, -51.914 ], [ -73.852, -51.891 ], [ -73.959, -51.893 ], [ -73.945, -51.845 ], [ -73.989, -51.821 ], [ -73.937, -51.817 ], [ -73.9, -51.788 ], [ -73.794, -51.88 ], [ -73.847, -51.912 ], [ -73.789, -51.916 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.212, -51.762 ], [ -74.234, -51.754 ], [ -74.201, -51.759 ], [ -74.212, -51.762 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.551, -51.727 ], [ -74.59, -51.779 ], [ -74.584, -51.719 ], [ -74.551, -51.727 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.652, -51.693 ], [ -74.694, -51.708 ], [ -74.651, -51.712 ], [ -74.715, -51.775 ], [ -74.72, -51.711 ], [ -74.652, -51.693 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.397, -51.738 ], [ -74.333, -51.755 ], [ -74.365, -51.781 ], [ -74.285, -51.761 ], [ -74.326, -51.786 ], [ -74.275, -51.78 ], [ -74.304, -51.828 ], [ -74.155, -51.843 ], [ -74.195, -51.895 ], [ -74.061, -51.887 ], [ -74.117, -51.925 ], [ -74.113, -51.977 ], [ -74.372, -51.885 ], [ -74.414, -51.833 ], [ -74.361, -51.806 ], [ -74.424, -51.81 ], [ -74.466, -51.757 ], [ -74.413, -51.766 ], [ -74.503, -51.703 ], [ -74.397, -51.738 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.05, -51.812 ], [ -74.017, -51.82 ], [ -74.061, -51.837 ], [ -74.158, -51.768 ], [ -74.05, -51.812 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.672, -51.777 ], [ -74.62, -51.784 ], [ -74.597, -51.815 ], [ -74.686, -51.835 ], [ -74.719, -51.803 ], [ -74.672, -51.777 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.492, -51.674 ], [ -74.431, -51.689 ], [ -74.427, -51.705 ], [ -74.526, -51.674 ], [ -74.492, -51.674 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.821, -51.675 ], [ -73.819, -51.664 ], [ -73.78, -51.663 ], [ -73.821, -51.675 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.864, -51.664 ], [ -73.881, -51.648 ], [ -73.837, -51.653 ], [ -73.864, -51.664 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.559, -51.639 ], [ -74.579, -51.631 ], [ -74.544, -51.634 ], [ -74.559, -51.639 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.04, -51.551 ], [ -74.079, -51.552 ], [ -74.028, -51.578 ], [ -73.976, -51.701 ], [ -74.058, -51.723 ], [ -73.941, -51.727 ], [ -73.913, -51.775 ], [ -73.959, -51.812 ], [ -74.147, -51.75 ], [ -74.146, -51.713 ], [ -74.173, -51.745 ], [ -74.236, -51.72 ], [ -74.19, -51.723 ], [ -74.223, -51.675 ], [ -74.159, -51.691 ], [ -74.17, -51.632 ], [ -74.148, -51.671 ], [ -74.078, -51.679 ], [ -74.131, -51.667 ], [ -74.144, -51.593 ], [ -74.07, -51.616 ], [ -74.036, -51.596 ], [ -74.115, -51.545 ], [ -74.04, -51.551 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.09, -51.27 ], [ -75.124, -51.381 ], [ -75.052, -51.291 ], [ -74.963, -51.316 ], [ -74.979, -51.369 ], [ -75.016, -51.357 ], [ -74.987, -51.397 ], [ -75.06, -51.36 ], [ -75.024, -51.398 ], [ -75.089, -51.426 ], [ -75.081, -51.48 ], [ -75.133, -51.407 ], [ -75.116, -51.56 ], [ -75.142, -51.592 ], [ -75.19, -51.561 ], [ -75.164, -51.618 ], [ -75.278, -51.639 ], [ -75.305, -51.542 ], [ -75.175, -51.493 ], [ -75.207, -51.403 ], [ -75.135, -51.389 ], [ -75.212, -51.335 ], [ -75.09, -51.27 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.742, -53.577 ], [ -73.885, -53.593 ], [ -73.851, -53.549 ], [ -73.919, -53.534 ], [ -73.86, -53.51 ], [ -73.898, -53.457 ], [ -73.704, -53.52 ], [ -73.814, -53.541 ], [ -73.705, -53.539 ], [ -73.742, -53.577 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.326, -53.17 ], [ -74.319, -53.185 ], [ -74.338, -53.186 ], [ -74.326, -53.17 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.097, -53.25 ], [ -74.154, -53.328 ], [ -74.288, -53.313 ], [ -74.124, -53.242 ], [ -74.097, -53.25 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.28, -53.28 ], [ -74.255, -53.288 ], [ -74.314, -53.294 ], [ -74.302, -53.266 ], [ -74.28, -53.28 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.312, -53.452 ], [ -73.304, -53.431 ], [ -73.254, -53.466 ], [ -73.276, -53.478 ], [ -73.312, -53.452 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.336, -53.459 ], [ -73.354, -53.451 ], [ -73.348, -53.44 ], [ -73.317, -53.458 ], [ -73.336, -53.459 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.698, -53.512 ], [ -73.843, -53.419 ], [ -73.558, -53.504 ], [ -73.701, -53.447 ], [ -73.542, -53.443 ], [ -73.636, -53.419 ], [ -73.622, -53.371 ], [ -73.523, -53.413 ], [ -73.552, -53.382 ], [ -73.438, -53.385 ], [ -73.415, -53.412 ], [ -73.545, -53.484 ], [ -73.471, -53.465 ], [ -73.39, -53.556 ], [ -73.52, -53.59 ], [ -73.565, -53.523 ], [ -73.555, -53.56 ], [ -73.698, -53.512 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.58, -53.439 ], [ -73.58, -53.439 ], [ -73.555, -53.441 ], [ -73.56, -53.441 ], [ -73.58, -53.439 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.387, -53.429 ], [ -73.381, -53.447 ], [ -73.429, -53.433 ], [ -73.409, -53.417 ], [ -73.387, -53.429 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.884, -53.39 ], [ -73.841, -53.393 ], [ -73.854, -53.426 ], [ -73.933, -53.407 ], [ -73.884, -53.39 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.75, -53.393 ], [ -73.748, -53.42 ], [ -73.779, -53.394 ], [ -73.75, -53.393 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.672, -53.383 ], [ -73.665, -53.407 ], [ -73.714, -53.385 ], [ -73.702, -53.373 ], [ -73.672, -53.383 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.568, -53.38 ], [ -73.577, -53.369 ], [ -73.554, -53.374 ], [ -73.568, -53.38 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.481, -53.331 ], [ -72.503, -53.322 ], [ -72.504, -53.301 ], [ -72.478, -53.313 ], [ -72.481, -53.331 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.436, -53.342 ], [ -73.444, -53.333 ], [ -73.424, -53.333 ], [ -73.436, -53.342 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.935, -53.2 ], [ -73.959, -53.177 ], [ -73.898, -53.196 ], [ -73.935, -53.2 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.773, -53.279 ], [ -73.742, -53.29 ], [ -73.793, -53.274 ], [ -73.773, -53.279 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.078, -53.376 ], [ -73.068, -53.362 ], [ -73.059, -53.371 ], [ -73.078, -53.376 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.313, -53.373 ], [ -73.29, -53.371 ], [ -73.276, -53.393 ], [ -73.351, -53.362 ], [ -73.313, -53.373 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.643, -53.354 ], [ -73.655, -53.38 ], [ -73.722, -53.355 ], [ -73.668, -53.37 ], [ -73.643, -53.354 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.869, -53.32 ], [ -73.804, -53.343 ], [ -73.906, -53.321 ], [ -73.869, -53.32 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.599, -54.537 ], [ -71.705, -54.484 ], [ -71.662, -54.466 ], [ -71.866, -54.442 ], [ -71.737, -54.4 ], [ -71.533, -54.513 ], [ -71.566, -54.479 ], [ -71.43, -54.494 ], [ -71.587, -54.461 ], [ -71.604, -54.4 ], [ -71.356, -54.465 ], [ -71.294, -54.438 ], [ -71.41, -54.422 ], [ -71.399, -54.38 ], [ -71.327, -54.382 ], [ -71.186, -54.427 ], [ -71.224, -54.463 ], [ -71.143, -54.43 ], [ -71.064, -54.527 ], [ -71.119, -54.442 ], [ -70.97, -54.458 ], [ -70.927, -54.522 ], [ -70.916, -54.365 ], [ -70.758, -54.332 ], [ -70.718, -54.37 ], [ -70.57, -54.361 ], [ -70.695, -54.438 ], [ -70.755, -54.622 ], [ -70.707, -54.552 ], [ -70.607, -54.606 ], [ -70.692, -54.538 ], [ -70.548, -54.403 ], [ -70.246, -54.573 ], [ -70.189, -54.578 ], [ -70.287, -54.499 ], [ -70.104, -54.552 ], [ -70.507, -54.39 ], [ -70.523, -54.307 ], [ -70.86, -54.261 ], [ -70.899, -54.175 ], [ -70.808, -54.198 ], [ -70.923, -54.127 ], [ -70.279, -54.343 ], [ -70.107, -54.443 ], [ -70.155, -54.398 ], [ -70.038, -54.385 ], [ -70.198, -54.318 ], [ -69.991, -54.27 ], [ -69.939, -54.309 ], [ -69.98, -54.33 ], [ -69.953, -54.395 ], [ -69.911, -54.376 ], [ -69.893, -54.436 ], [ -69.826, -54.446 ], [ -69.902, -54.508 ], [ -69.798, -54.472 ], [ -69.75, -54.513 ], [ -69.835, -54.568 ], [ -69.761, -54.543 ], [ -69.753, -54.588 ], [ -69.719, -54.496 ], [ -69.798, -54.431 ], [ -69.853, -54.29 ], [ -69.644, -54.345 ], [ -69.629, -54.406 ], [ -69.529, -54.444 ], [ -69.491, -54.445 ], [ -69.557, -54.399 ], [ -69.545, -54.341 ], [ -69.2, -54.452 ], [ -69.483, -54.677 ], [ -69.386, -54.645 ], [ -69.346, -54.71 ], [ -69.363, -54.632 ], [ -69.207, -54.526 ], [ -69.13, -54.602 ], [ -69.17, -54.512 ], [ -69.126, -54.46 ], [ -68.969, -54.486 ], [ -68.966, -54.449 ], [ -70.048, -54.106 ], [ -70.189, -53.819 ], [ -70.15, -53.744 ], [ -69.676, -53.646 ], [ -69.35, -53.523 ], [ -69.303, -53.475 ], [ -69.349, -53.368 ], [ -69.861, -53.372 ], [ -70.21, -53.477 ], [ -70.46, -53.377 ], [ -70.437, -53.014 ], [ -70.33, -52.965 ], [ -70.348, -53.058 ], [ -70.253, -53.051 ], [ -70.134, -53.006 ], [ -70.089, -52.918 ], [ -70.217, -52.881 ], [ -70.303, -52.912 ], [ -70.25, -52.853 ], [ -70.281, -52.795 ], [ -70.434, -52.784 ], [ -70.128, -52.729 ], [ -69.995, -52.837 ], [ -69.898, -52.84 ], [ -69.707, -52.764 ], [ -69.58, -52.651 ], [ -69.59, -52.537 ], [ -69.407, -52.454 ], [ -69.14, -52.698 ], [ -68.786, -52.614 ], [ -68.755, -52.545 ], [ -68.611, -52.653 ], [ -68.61, -54.89 ], [ -68.962, -54.785 ], [ -68.703, -54.908 ], [ -69.077, -54.957 ], [ -69.637, -54.84 ], [ -69.604, -54.728 ], [ -69.663, -54.788 ], [ -69.708, -54.697 ], [ -69.682, -54.821 ], [ -69.754, -54.825 ], [ -69.727, -54.761 ], [ -69.764, -54.724 ], [ -69.769, -54.821 ], [ -69.908, -54.836 ], [ -69.964, -54.726 ], [ -69.936, -54.685 ], [ -69.98, -54.723 ], [ -69.95, -54.846 ], [ -70.079, -54.853 ], [ -70.053, -54.788 ], [ -70.137, -54.792 ], [ -70.081, -54.83 ], [ -70.126, -54.85 ], [ -70.218, -54.833 ], [ -70.161, -54.864 ], [ -70.298, -54.852 ], [ -70.313, -54.807 ], [ -70.212, -54.685 ], [ -70.296, -54.745 ], [ -70.33, -54.843 ], [ -70.574, -54.771 ], [ -70.609, -54.78 ], [ -70.581, -54.801 ], [ -70.745, -54.851 ], [ -70.827, -54.825 ], [ -70.769, -54.801 ], [ -70.794, -54.77 ], [ -70.469, -54.7 ], [ -70.43, -54.637 ], [ -70.532, -54.627 ], [ -70.618, -54.676 ], [ -70.563, -54.715 ], [ -70.779, -54.763 ], [ -70.927, -54.758 ], [ -70.883, -54.705 ], [ -70.742, -54.694 ], [ -70.902, -54.67 ], [ -71.014, -54.783 ], [ -70.955, -54.72 ], [ -70.953, -54.682 ], [ -71.007, -54.706 ], [ -70.985, -54.672 ], [ -70.906, -54.619 ], [ -71.046, -54.597 ], [ -71.014, -54.632 ], [ -71.049, -54.665 ], [ -71.255, -54.686 ], [ -71.284, -54.648 ], [ -71.12, -54.626 ], [ -71.236, -54.623 ], [ -71.243, -54.591 ], [ -71.169, -54.58 ], [ -71.236, -54.583 ], [ -71.205, -54.538 ], [ -71.29, -54.576 ], [ -71.329, -54.517 ], [ -71.315, -54.572 ], [ -71.395, -54.532 ], [ -71.371, -54.566 ], [ -71.429, -54.571 ], [ -71.331, -54.593 ], [ -71.316, -54.619 ], [ -71.396, -54.611 ], [ -71.381, -54.66 ], [ -71.441, -54.64 ], [ -71.473, -54.696 ], [ -71.495, -54.595 ], [ -71.501, -54.717 ], [ -71.589, -54.689 ], [ -71.528, -54.669 ], [ -71.582, -54.651 ], [ -71.558, -54.623 ], [ -71.609, -54.641 ], [ -71.55, -54.588 ], [ -71.602, -54.583 ], [ -71.648, -54.673 ], [ -71.677, -54.619 ], [ -71.63, -54.589 ], [ -71.785, -54.582 ], [ -71.711, -54.613 ], [ -71.853, -54.601 ], [ -71.789, -54.65 ], [ -71.906, -54.656 ], [ -71.979, -54.611 ], [ -71.864, -54.62 ], [ -71.942, -54.577 ], [ -71.905, -54.554 ], [ -71.972, -54.572 ], [ -72.025, -54.516 ], [ -71.921, -54.526 ], [ -72.021, -54.483 ], [ -71.911, -54.45 ], [ -71.886, -54.514 ], [ -71.857, -54.472 ], [ -71.832, -54.537 ], [ -71.748, -54.566 ], [ -71.632, -54.583 ], [ -71.753, -54.5 ], [ -71.606, -54.546 ], [ -71.513, -54.55 ], [ -71.599, -54.537 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.854, -53.104 ], [ -71.875, -53.088 ], [ -71.849, -53.068 ], [ -71.854, -53.104 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.45, -53.037 ], [ -73.471, -53.015 ], [ -73.443, -53.027 ], [ -73.45, -53.037 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.5, -52.944 ], [ -73.488, -52.968 ], [ -73.592, -52.987 ], [ -73.561, -52.926 ], [ -73.5, -52.944 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.301, -53.177 ], [ -74.282, -53.142 ], [ -74.245, -53.149 ], [ -74.257, -53.176 ], [ -74.301, -53.177 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.36, -53.126 ], [ -74.298, -53.149 ], [ -74.357, -53.17 ], [ -74.36, -53.126 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.282, -53.143 ], [ -73.336, -53.135 ], [ -73.3, -53.123 ], [ -73.282, -53.143 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.194, -53.12 ], [ -73.204, -53.115 ], [ -73.184, -53.105 ], [ -73.194, -53.12 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.274, -53.095 ], [ -72.249, -53.104 ], [ -72.247, -53.119 ], [ -72.307, -53.099 ], [ -72.274, -53.095 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.901, -53.106 ], [ -73.771, -53.21 ], [ -73.843, -53.224 ], [ -73.907, -53.145 ], [ -73.922, -53.174 ], [ -73.988, -53.129 ], [ -73.901, -53.106 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.938, -53.172 ], [ -74.052, -53.187 ], [ -74.086, -53.15 ], [ -74.002, -53.129 ], [ -73.938, -53.172 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.17, -53.136 ], [ -74.202, -53.133 ], [ -74.211, -53.115 ], [ -74.163, -53.129 ], [ -74.17, -53.136 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.069, -53.108 ], [ -73.078, -53.104 ], [ -73.065, -53.098 ], [ -73.069, -53.108 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.656, -52.87 ], [ -70.732, -52.91 ], [ -70.773, -52.908 ], [ -70.625, -52.846 ], [ -70.656, -52.87 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.806, -52.906 ], [ -73.837, -52.901 ], [ -73.838, -52.881 ], [ -73.789, -52.878 ], [ -73.806, -52.906 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.285, -52.795 ], [ -73.311, -52.782 ], [ -73.292, -52.781 ], [ -73.285, -52.795 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.47, -52.78 ], [ -73.458, -52.789 ], [ -73.511, -52.777 ], [ -73.47, -52.78 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.709, -52.787 ], [ -73.7, -52.757 ], [ -73.659, -52.756 ], [ -73.663, -52.784 ], [ -73.709, -52.787 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.522, -52.794 ], [ -72.533, -52.767 ], [ -72.512, -52.784 ], [ -72.522, -52.794 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.246, -52.585 ], [ -72.28, -52.605 ], [ -72.3, -52.539 ], [ -72.246, -52.585 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.625, -52.575 ], [ -72.675, -52.568 ], [ -72.641, -52.561 ], [ -72.625, -52.575 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.861, -52.573 ], [ -72.842, -52.567 ], [ -72.851, -52.581 ], [ -72.861, -52.573 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.714, -52.57 ], [ -72.715, -52.553 ], [ -72.696, -52.553 ], [ -72.714, -52.57 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.067, -52.58 ], [ -74.121, -52.616 ], [ -74.206, -52.593 ], [ -74.123, -52.568 ], [ -74.067, -52.58 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.684, -52.547 ], [ -73.649, -52.568 ], [ -73.688, -52.574 ], [ -73.684, -52.547 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.292, -52.513 ], [ -74.302, -52.509 ], [ -74.278, -52.501 ], [ -74.292, -52.513 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.67, -52.527 ], [ -73.681, -52.512 ], [ -73.654, -52.512 ], [ -73.652, -52.523 ], [ -73.67, -52.527 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.977, -52.539 ], [ -74.017, -52.529 ], [ -73.89, -52.477 ], [ -73.977, -52.539 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.623, -52.483 ], [ -73.629, -52.463 ], [ -73.603, -52.47 ], [ -73.623, -52.483 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.113, -52.474 ], [ -74.128, -52.461 ], [ -74.114, -52.452 ], [ -74.097, -52.462 ], [ -74.113, -52.474 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.015, -52.462 ], [ -74.016, -52.449 ], [ -73.98, -52.431 ], [ -73.983, -52.449 ], [ -74.015, -52.462 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.3, -52.464 ], [ -74.333, -52.45 ], [ -74.328, -52.432 ], [ -74.3, -52.434 ], [ -74.3, -52.464 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72, -53.101 ], [ -72.121, -53.137 ], [ -72.349, -53.032 ], [ -72.244, -53.086 ], [ -72.4, -53.034 ], [ -72.602, -53.072 ], [ -72.388, -53.078 ], [ -72.204, -53.188 ], [ -72.363, -53.177 ], [ -72.401, -53.196 ], [ -72.316, -53.223 ], [ -72.361, -53.235 ], [ -72.508, -53.185 ], [ -72.457, -53.237 ], [ -72.541, -53.172 ], [ -72.606, -53.191 ], [ -72.415, -53.255 ], [ -72.463, -53.302 ], [ -72.53, -53.26 ], [ -72.554, -53.266 ], [ -72.5, -53.352 ], [ -72.557, -53.381 ], [ -72.676, -53.317 ], [ -72.586, -53.433 ], [ -72.508, -53.401 ], [ -72.383, -53.532 ], [ -72.531, -53.559 ], [ -72.741, -53.458 ], [ -72.758, -53.391 ], [ -72.793, -53.455 ], [ -72.808, -53.372 ], [ -72.914, -53.384 ], [ -72.885, -53.353 ], [ -73.172, -53.266 ], [ -73.325, -53.157 ], [ -73.13, -53.201 ], [ -72.95, -53.169 ], [ -72.753, 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Su vida estuvo marcada por guerras, conspiraciones, persecuciones\ny conflictos familiares.\n\nJunto a Juan de Salazar, Alonso Riquelme de Guzmán y Diego de Abreu se opuso\nal gobierno asunceno de Domingo Martínez de Irala, apoyando al deportado Álvar\nNúñez Cabeza de Vaca.\n\nGobernó de manera casi absoluta e independiente la antigua provincia\nasuncena del Guayrá, fácticamente durante 20 años, y luego de separarla de Asunción\nen 1575, con el título de teniente de gobernador del Guayrá unos 15 años más.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T20:31:25+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 120359, "end" : 120377 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Rui Díaz Melgarejo" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/cfa50b54-9fd2-43d4-8e2c-265b6ad32a9c", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T14:47:53+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Felipe de Cáceres (n. Madrid, ca. 1538) fueun conquistador, explorador y\n colonizador español.Se desempeñó como gobernador interino del Ríode la \nPlata y del Paraguay, con sede en Asunción,entre el 11 de diciembre de \n1568 hasta el 14 dejulio de 1572.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T20:33:29+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 4822, "end" : 4839 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Felipe de Cáceres" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/a36f039f-4d17-45b4-9ba2-3a7dce9d6162", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T18:34:22+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Alonso Riquelme de Guzmán (1519-1573) fue un conquistador oriundo de \nJeréz de la Frontera y sobrino del Segundo Adelantado al Río de la \nPlata, Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca, con quien llegó al Río de la Plata en\n 1541. Fue uno de sus más acérrimos partidarios durante la gobernación \nde Cabeza de Vaca y se convirtió en una de las figuras más prominentes \nde la facción de los \"leales\" una vez que aquel fuera expulsado de la \nprovincia en 1545.Fue forzado por Domigo de Irala a casarse con una de \nsus hijas mestizas, unión de la cual nació Ruy Díaz de \nGuzmán.Bibliografía:Ricardo Lafuente Machaín, Alonso Riquelme de Guzmán,\n Buenos Aires, Amorrurtu, 1942.Tieffemberg, Silvia, \"Estudio \nIntroductorio\", en Díaz de Guzmán, Ruy, Argentina. Historia del \nDescubrimiento y Conquista del Río de la Plata de Ruy Díaz de Guzmán, \nBuenos Aires, Editorial de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras-UBA, \n2012.Fuentes \"Información hecha en Jerez de la Frontera a pedimento de \nCabeza de Vaca para verificar ciertas cartas\", en Núñez Cabeza de Vaca, \nÁlvar, Relación de los Naufragios y Comentarios de Álvar Núñez Cabeza de\n Vaca, adelantado y gobernador del Río de la Plata. Ilustrado con varios\n documentos inéditos. Tomo Segundo, Madrid, Imprenta General de \nVictoriano Suárez, 1906, p. 289 (GGV 52/975; AGI Justicia 1131), 1545.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-22T18:43:24+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 32359, "end" : 32374 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Alonso Riquelme" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/f77ddd9f-ea74-4afc-ad47-901a6a90c50f", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-22T18:44:22+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Ruy Díaz de Melgarejo (Salteras\nde Sevilla, 1519 – Santa Fe la Vieja, 1602) fue un militar, conquistador, explorador,\nestadista, minero y burócrata colonial español establecido en la región del Río\nde la Plata. Su vida estuvo marcada por guerras, conspiraciones, persecuciones\ny conflictos familiares.\n\nJunto a Juan de Salazar, Alonso Riquelme de Guzmán y Diego de Abreu se opuso\nal gobierno asunceno de Domingo Martínez de Irala, apoyando al deportado Álvar\nNúñez Cabeza de Vaca.\n\nGobernó de manera casi absoluta e independiente la antigua provincia\nasuncena del Guayrá, fácticamente durante 20 años, y luego de separarla de Asunción\nen 1575, con el título de teniente de gobernador del Guayrá unos 15 años más.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-22T18:44:22+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 88946, "end" : 88955 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Melgarejo" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/f7caf42e-2b4c-4dc9-a340-51e96471f9b8", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-18T23:43:55+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Diego de Mendoza\n(1540-1571) fue un conquistador y colonizador español, hijo del gobernador de\nAsunción Francisco Mendoza y de María de Angulo. Hermano de Elvira de Mendoza,\nquien fue esposa de Ñuflo de Chaves. Su esposa fue Ana de la Torre, sobrina del\nObispo del Paraguay.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-20T20:28:04+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 60438, "end" : 60454 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Diego de Mendoza" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/fab559f6-baf4-469f-b392-cfc19e460bdf", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-20T20:28:21+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Diego de Mendoza\n(1540-1571) fue un conquistador y colonizador español, hijo del gobernador de\nAsunción Francisco Mendoza y de María de Angulo. Hermano de Elvira de Mendoza,\nquien fue esposa de Ñuflo de Chaves. Su esposa fue Ana de la Torre, sobrina del\nObispo del Paraguay.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-20T20:28:21+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 79531, "end" : 79540 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "don Diego" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/9550084a-c33a-4ccd-bf09-f7944ef76009", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-20T20:28:21+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Diego de Mendoza\n(1540-1571) fue un conquistador y colonizador español, hijo del gobernador de\nAsunción Francisco Mendoza y de María de Angulo. Hermano de Elvira de Mendoza,\nquien fue esposa de Ñuflo de Chaves. Su esposa fue Ana de la Torre, sobrina del\nObispo del Paraguay.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-20T20:28:21+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 77260, "end" : 77269 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "don Diego" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/9c4a4b4f-07de-48ee-83cb-55282ef496cf", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : 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"https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T10:08:20+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Felipe II de España, llamado «el Prudente» (Valladolid, 21 de mayo de 1527-San Lorenzo de El Escorial, 13 de septiembre de 1598), fue rey de España​ desde el 15 de enero de 1556 hasta su muerte, de Nápoles y Sicilia desde 1554 y de Portugal y los Algarves —como Felipe I— desde 1580, realizando la tan ansiada unión dinástica que duró sesenta años. Fue asimismo rey de Inglaterra e Irlanda iure uxoris, por su matrimonio con María I, entre 1554 y 1558. Hijo y heredero de Carlos I de España e Isabel de Portugal, hermano de María de Austria y Juana de Austria, nieto por vía paterna de Juana I de Castilla y Felipe I de Castilla y de Manuel I de Portugal y María de Aragón por vía materna; murió el 13 de septiembre de 1598 a los 71 años de edad, en el monasterio de San Lorenzo de El EscorialSu reinado se caracterizó por la exploración global y la expansión territorial a través de los océanos Atlántico y Pacífico. Con Felipe II la Monarquía Hispánica llegó a ser la primera potencia de Europa y el Imperio español alcanzó su apogeo. Fue el primer imperio de ámbito mundial. Por primera vez en la historia, un imperio integraba territorios de todos los continentes habitados.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T10:53:12+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 107509, "end" : 107523 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Rey don Felipe" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/c501ee44-6ae7-4692-816d-500619dfe601", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : 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Se destacó por su actuación en la gobernación del Río de la Plata y del Paraguay por haber sido el fundador de la ciudad de Santa Fe en 1573 en su primera ubicación, por lo cual fue asignado al año siguiente como su teniente de gobernador, para convertirse en 1577 en el teniente de gobernador general de Asunción. En 1580 fundó la ciudad de Buenos Aires, con el nombre de \"Ciudad de la Trinidad\", en el lugar donde en 1536 Pedro de Mendoza había fundado un fuerte con el nombre de \" Real de Nuestra Señora Santa María del Buen Ayre\".", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T10:57:28+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 115326, "end" : 115339 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Juan de Garay" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/bcd74e68-e882-4a45-ab65-314aebc6a757", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T10:57:28+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Juan de Garay (1528 - 1583) fue un hidalgo, explorador, conquistador y gobernante colonial español. Se destacó por su actuación en la gobernación del Río de la Plata y del Paraguay por haber sido el fundador de la ciudad de Santa Fe en 1573 en su primera ubicación, por lo cual fue asignado al año siguiente como su teniente de gobernador, para convertirse en 1577 en el teniente de gobernador general de Asunción. En 1580 fundó la ciudad de Buenos Aires, con el nombre de \"Ciudad de la Trinidad\", en el lugar donde en 1536 Pedro de Mendoza había fundado un fuerte con el nombre de \" Real de Nuestra Señora Santa María del Buen Ayre\".", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T10:57:28+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 120471, "end" : 120484 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Juan de Garay" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/4276806d-4117-4549-9a84-1eb82a937a2c", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T11:31:47+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Juan de Garay (1528 - 1583) fue un hidalgo, explorador, conquistador y \ngobernante colonial español. Se destacó por su actuación en la \ngobernación del Río de la Plata y del Paraguay por haber sido el \nfundador de la ciudad de Santa Fe en 1573 en su primera ubicación, por \nlo cual fue asignado al año siguiente como su teniente de gobernador, \npara convertirse en 1577 en el teniente de gobernador general de \nAsunción. En 1580 fundó la ciudad de Buenos Aires, con el nombre de \n\"Ciudad de la Trinidad\", en el lugar donde en 1536 Pedro de Mendoza \nhabía fundado un fuerte con el nombre de \" Real de Nuestra Señora Santa \nMaría del Buen Ayre\".", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T11:32:17+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 118883, "end" : 118888 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Garay" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/d7b8cc9f-eba1-46dd-a952-429b7333bbbc", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T11:31:47+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Juan de Garay (1528 - 1583) fue un hidalgo, explorador, conquistador y \ngobernante colonial español. Se destacó por su actuación en la \ngobernación del Río de la Plata y del Paraguay por haber sido el \nfundador de la ciudad de Santa Fe en 1573 en su primera ubicación, por \nlo cual fue asignado al año siguiente como su teniente de gobernador, \npara convertirse en 1577 en el teniente de gobernador general de \nAsunción. En 1580 fundó la ciudad de Buenos Aires, con el nombre de \n\"Ciudad de la Trinidad\", en el lugar donde en 1536 Pedro de Mendoza \nhabía fundado un fuerte con el nombre de \" Real de Nuestra Señora Santa \nMaría del Buen Ayre\".", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T11:32:17+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 119609, "end" : 119614 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Garay" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/4ad11375-d300-4aac-8945-51b330da8dff", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T11:32:47+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 120494, "end" : 120510 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Nuflo de Aguilar" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/51a3cf06-af20-470a-bd62-1c9532827be0", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-19T12:22:37+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Juan Ortiz de Zárate (Orduña de Vizcaya, Corona de Castilla, ca. 1515 - Asunción, gobernación del Río de la Plata y del Paraguay, 26 de enero de 1576) era un conquistador y colonizador español que reemplazó al gobernador Francisco Ortiz de Vergara, con sede en Asunción y que más tarde, en 1567, fuera nombrado tercer adelantado del Río de la Plata en forma interina por disposición del virrey del Perú, el licenciado Lope García de Castro, y confirmado para dos generaciones por el rey Felipe II de España.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T12:02:11+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 107202, "end" : 107222 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Juan Ortiz de Zárate" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/342195d9-8dd3-4de0-b2d5-c7ecbcb0bd2c", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-20T22:16:56+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Martín Suárez de Toledo nacido como Martín II Suárez de Toledo y Saavedra fue un hidalgo, militar y explorador español que se desempeñó como teniente de gobernador de Asunción desde 1569 y luego como administrador interino de la gobernación del Río de la Plata y del Paraguay, entre 1572 y 1574, al ser depuesto Felipe de Cáceres quien a su vez estaba suplantando al adelantado Juan Ortiz de Zárate, siendo este hecho perpetrado por el obispo Pedro Fernández de la Torre. En el año 1573 comisionó al entonces alguacil mayor del Río de la Plata, Juan de Garay, para que fundara una nueva ciudad que sirviera de conexión marítima, la cual se llamaría \"Santa Fe de la Vera Cruz\".", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T12:04:36+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 107901, "end" : 107924 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Martín Suárez de Toledo" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/8aa92517-7365-4e1b-ae98-772468ec6baf", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-19T12:22:37+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Juan Ortiz de Zárate (Orduña de Vizcaya, Corona de Castilla, ca. 1515 - Asunción, gobernación del Río de la Plata y del Paraguay, 26 de enero de 1576) era un conquistador y colonizador español que reemplazó al gobernador Francisco Ortiz de Vergara, con sede en Asunción y que más tarde, en 1567, fuera nombrado tercer adelantado del Río de la Plata en forma interina por disposición del virrey del Perú, el licenciado Lope García de Castro, y confirmado para dos generaciones por el rey Felipe II de España.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T12:02:11+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 119685, "end" : 119705 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Juan Ortiz de Zárate" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/80a649fc-9901-4dd1-b461-77f6353e947e", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-19T12:22:37+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Juan Ortiz de Zárate (Orduña de Vizcaya, Corona de Castilla, ca. 1515 - Asunción, gobernación del Río de la Plata y del Paraguay, 26 de enero de 1576) era un conquistador y colonizador español que reemplazó al gobernador Francisco Ortiz de Vergara, con sede en Asunción y que más tarde, en 1567, fuera nombrado tercer adelantado del Río de la Plata en forma interina por disposición del virrey del Perú, el licenciado Lope García de Castro, y confirmado para dos generaciones por el rey Felipe II de España.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T12:02:11+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 101599, "end" : 101619 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Juan Ortiz de Zárate" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/b3634619-9c0c-48e7-8487-0c5b586eadb9", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://www.hgis-indias.net/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=gazetteer:8000009", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-19T00:11:50+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-19T00:11:50+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ -60.78447137, -17.84921636 ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Este asentamiento fue efectivamente fundado por un conquistador de \nAsunción, Nuflo de Chávez en 1561. La ciudad sufrió varios traslados en \nel curso de su historia hasta establecerse dónde se encuentra hoy en \ndía. El primer sitio de la fundación fue en la serranía de Chiquitos, a \norilla del río Sutó.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T12:29:25+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 36948, "end" : 36958 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Santa Cruz" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/62dcf43d-997e-442e-8c4f-281c811da7be", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://www.hgis-indias.net/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=gazetteer:9000002", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-19T00:29:36+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-19T00:29:36+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ -64.18855, -31.4213 ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Se refiere a la ciudad de Córdoba (Argentina). La misma había sido \nfundada en 1573, pero 1577 fue trasladada a su ubicación actual sobre el\n río Suquía (en ese entonces, San Juan).", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T12:24:27+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 67300, "end" : 67307 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Córdoba" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/d3c90adb-73d4-4517-bf9c-c9644b55fd83", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://www.hgis-indias.net/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=gazetteer:9000004", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-19T12:32:59+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-19T12:32:59+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ -65.58590412, -27.21712553 ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Si bien la gobernación de Tucumán se establece en 1563, los territorios \nque la integraban (las actuales provincias argentinas de Tucumán, Jujuy,\n Salta, Santiago del Estero y Catamarca) ya habían sido objeto de \nconquista y colonización en la primera mitad del siglo XVI a partir de \navanzadas provenientes de Asunción, Chile y Perú.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T12:27:23+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 68257, "end" : 68264 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Tucumán" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/809b7006-1449-4b72-9e1a-52017146bd97", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://www.hgis-indias.net/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=gazetteer:8000009", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-19T00:11:50+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-19T00:11:50+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ -60.78447137, -17.84921636 ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Este asentamiento fue efectivamente fundado por un conquistador de \nAsunción, Nuflo de Chávez en 1561. La ciudad sufrió varios traslados en \nel curso de su historia hasta establecerse dónde se encuentra hoy en \ndía. El primer sitio de la fundación fue en la serranía de Chiquitos, a \norilla del río Sutó.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T12:29:25+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 62488, "end" : 62498 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Santa Cruz" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/eccf34df-370b-4224-b3ce-390c84a49a5f", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://sws.geonames.org/3932488", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:10:56+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:10:56+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "MultiPolygon", "coordinates" : [ [ [ [ -78.621, -9.126 ], [ -78.632, -9.119 ], [ -78.633, -9.086 ], [ -78.62, -9.104 ], [ -78.621, -9.126 ] ] ], [ [ [ -78.45, -9.388 ], [ -78.454, -9.381 ], [ -78.447, -9.375 ], [ -78.443, -9.378 ], [ -78.45, -9.388 ] ] ], [ [ [ -78.471, -9.354 ], [ -78.477, -9.347 ], [ -78.469, -9.34 ], [ -78.465, -9.343 ], [ -78.471, -9.354 ] ] ], [ [ [ -78.682, -9.043 ], [ -78.693, -9.028 ], [ -78.684, -9.017 ], [ -78.672, -9.035 ], [ -78.682, -9.043 ] ] ], [ [ [ -79.495, -7.796 ], [ -79.499, -7.789 ], [ -79.499, -7.785 ], [ -79.491, -7.793 ], [ 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-73.797, -7.115 ], [ -73.691, -7.313 ], [ -73.868, -7.377 ], [ -73.954, -7.348 ], [ -73.917, -7.461 ], [ -73.986, -7.537 ], [ -73.69, -7.79 ], [ -73.697, -7.865 ], [ -73.777, -7.869 ], [ -73.765, -7.94 ], [ -73.632, -8.022 ], [ -73.526, -8.369 ], [ -73.338, -8.476 ], [ -73.338, -8.609 ], [ -73.169, -8.701 ], [ -73.059, -8.904 ], [ -72.946, -8.99 ], [ -72.965, -9.154 ], [ -73.196, -9.418 ], [ -72.721, -9.417 ], [ -72.364, -9.491 ], [ -72.289, -9.536 ], [ -72.26, -9.755 ], [ -72.16, -9.818 ], [ -72.165, -10.002 ], [ -71.288, -9.996 ], [ -71.131, -9.862 ], [ -70.982, -9.812 ], [ -70.601, -9.453 ], [ -70.497, -9.433 ], [ -70.561, -9.579 ], [ -70.598, -9.574 ], [ -70.522, -9.738 ], [ -70.622, -9.847 ], [ -70.618, -11.007 ], [ -70.508, -10.94 ], [ -70.337, -11.067 ], [ -69.938, -10.926 ], [ -69.728, -10.973 ], [ -69.568, -10.954 ], [ -68.924, -11.994 ], [ -68.679, -12.497 ], [ -68.764, -12.612 ], [ -68.738, -12.705 ], [ -68.85, -12.728 ], [ -68.961, -12.852 ], [ -68.942, -13.486 ], [ -68.997, -13.652 ], [ -69.076, -13.654 ], [ -68.988, -13.769 ], [ -68.965, -13.98 ], [ -68.881, -14.065 ], [ -68.841, -14.21 ], [ -68.982, -14.237 ], [ -68.98, -14.387 ], [ -69.152, -14.508 ], [ -69.149, -14.584 ], [ -69.225, -14.584 ], [ -69.244, -14.753 ], [ -69.363, -14.804 ], [ -69.365, -14.98 ], [ -69.126, -15.256 ], [ -69.265, -15.336 ], [ -69.274, -15.421 ], [ -69.414, -15.621 ], [ -69.236, -16.143 ], [ -69.099, -16.219 ], [ -68.963, -16.189 ], [ -68.814, -16.338 ], [ -68.982, -16.433 ], [ -69.032, -16.566 ], [ -69.006, -16.677 ], [ -69.168, -16.731 ], [ -69.392, -17.021 ], [ -69.375, -17.078 ], [ -69.551, -17.162 ], [ -69.641, -17.282 ], [ -69.463, -17.376 ], [ -69.463, -17.508 ], [ -69.662, -17.658 ], [ -69.799, -17.65 ], [ -69.819, -17.747 ], [ -69.753, -17.982 ], [ -69.948, -18.248 ], [ -70.374, -18.35 ], [ -70.879, -18.01 ], [ -70.925, -17.924 ], [ -71.383, -17.708 ], [ -71.342, -17.636 ], [ -71.382, -17.419 ], [ -71.515, -17.265 ], [ -71.819, -17.18 ], [ -71.974, -17.048 ], [ -72.113, -17.027 ], [ -72.123, -16.97 ], [ -72.45, -16.705 ], [ -72.758, -16.636 ], [ -73.112, -16.433 ], [ -73.291, -16.402 ], [ -73.3, -16.349 ], [ -73.414, -16.294 ], [ -73.701, -16.24 ], [ -74.057, -15.961 ], [ -74.285, -15.846 ], [ -74.371, -15.85 ], [ -74.476, -15.726 ], [ -75.141, -15.419 ], [ -75.2, -15.381 ], [ -75.157, -15.338 ], [ -75.252, -15.268 ], [ -75.23, -15.22 ], [ -75.376, -15.161 ], [ -75.509, -14.922 ], [ -75.921, -14.662 ], [ -75.98, -14.483 ], [ -76.151, -14.345 ], [ -76.105, -14.326 ], [ -76.135, -14.245 ], [ -76.222, -14.165 ], [ -76.274, -14.151 ], [ -76.273, -14.211 ], [ -76.296, -14.175 ], [ -76.286, -13.917 ], [ -76.395, -13.908 ], [ -76.332, -13.799 ], [ -76.261, -13.872 ], [ -76.191, -13.607 ], [ -76.206, -13.4 ], [ -76.492, -13.049 ], [ -76.52, -12.871 ], [ -76.641, -12.752 ], [ -76.693, -12.608 ], [ -76.811, -12.512 ], [ -76.784, -12.402 ], [ -76.84, -12.323 ], [ -77.042, -12.215 ], [ -77.072, -12.113 ], [ -77.172, -12.087 ], [ -77.136, -11.984 ], [ -77.201, -11.79 ], [ -77.176, -11.739 ], [ -77.301, -11.521 ], [ -77.663, -11.297 ], [ -77.656, -11.228 ], [ -77.604, -11.205 ], [ -77.671, -10.949 ], [ -78.196, -10.11 ], [ -78.241, -9.793 ], [ -78.378, -9.635 ], [ -78.431, -9.345 ], [ -78.536, -9.274 ], [ -78.507, -9.186 ], [ -78.555, -9.184 ], [ -78.575, -9.248 ], [ -78.621, -9.185 ], [ -78.563, -9.134 ], [ -78.641, -9.076 ], [ -78.654, -8.916 ], [ -78.766, -8.773 ], [ -78.755, -8.616 ], [ -78.934, -8.455 ], [ -78.905, -8.389 ], [ -78.97, -8.252 ], [ -79.359, -7.859 ], [ -79.566, -7.465 ], [ -79.581, -7.322 ], [ -79.678, -7.12 ], [ -79.916, -6.884 ], [ -79.983, -6.743 ], [ -80.298, -6.53 ], [ -80.773, -6.306 ], [ -81.11, -6.057 ], [ -81.144, -5.89 ], [ -81.076, -5.791 ], [ -80.942, -5.848 ], [ -80.866, -5.784 ], [ -80.858, -5.819 ], [ -80.841, -5.841 ], [ -80.848, -5.534 ], [ -80.872, -5.558 ], [ -80.945, -5.432 ], [ -81.191, -5.216 ], [ -81.167, -5.083 ], [ -81.085, -5.081 ], [ -81.072, -5 ] ] ] ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", 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-76.897, -12.352 ], [ -76.899, -12.361 ] ] ], [ [ [ -76.915, -12.314 ], [ -76.917, -12.312 ], [ -76.909, -12.302 ], [ -76.909, -12.312 ], [ -76.915, -12.314 ] ] ], [ [ [ -77.19, -12.134 ], [ -77.189, -12.125 ], [ -77.185, -12.124 ], [ -77.182, -12.129 ], [ -77.19, -12.134 ] ] ], [ [ [ -77.208, -12.124 ], [ -77.253, -12.095 ], [ -77.254, -12.074 ], [ -77.202, -12.103 ], [ -77.208, -12.124 ] ] ], [ [ [ -77.717, -11.974 ], [ -77.725, -11.969 ], [ -77.724, -11.965 ], [ -77.718, -11.965 ], [ -77.717, -11.974 ] ] ], [ [ [ -77.723, -11.954 ], [ -77.733, -11.953 ], [ -77.734, -11.948 ], [ -77.722, -11.946 ], [ -77.723, -11.954 ] ] ], [ [ [ -77.851, -11.494 ], [ -77.852, -11.486 ], [ -77.844, -11.48 ], [ -77.844, -11.488 ], [ -77.851, -11.494 ] ] ], [ [ [ -81.072, -5 ], [ -81.326, -4.68 ], [ -81.25, -4.27 ], [ -80.837, -3.877 ], [ -80.786, -3.749 ], [ -80.574, -3.628 ], [ -80.501, -3.505 ], [ -80.366, -3.499 ], [ -80.304, -3.405 ], [ -80.219, -3.438 ], [ -80.154, -3.905 ], [ -80.286, -4.018 ], [ -80.398, -3.984 ], [ -80.475, -4.054 ], [ -80.444, -4.194 ], [ -80.305, -4.201 ], [ -80.443, -4.371 ], [ -80.443, -4.437 ], [ -80.335, -4.47 ], [ -80.136, -4.285 ], [ -79.895, -4.394 ], [ -79.812, -4.486 ], [ -79.631, -4.435 ], [ -79.541, -4.528 ], [ -79.482, -4.529 ], [ -79.416, -4.799 ], [ -79.26, -4.967 ], [ -79, -4.979 ], [ -78.881, -4.72 ], [ -78.736, -4.654 ], [ -78.621, -4.497 ], [ -78.627, -4.319 ], [ -78.572, -4.255 ], [ -78.499, -3.949 ], [ -78.377, -3.787 ], [ -78.319, -3.429 ], [ -78.249, -3.429 ], [ -78.232, -3.534 ], [ -78.137, -3.522 ], [ -78.19, -3.354 ], [ -77.824, -2.998 ], [ -76.627, -2.591 ], [ -76.045, -2.128 ], [ -75.538, -1.536 ], [ -75.364, -0.956 ], [ -75.185, -0.971 ], [ -75.28, -0.711 ], [ -75.245, -0.535 ], [ -75.415, -0.424 ], [ -75.449, -0.329 ], [ -75.622, -0.263 ], [ -75.622, -0.109 ], [ -75.304, -0.134 ], [ -75.219, -0.015 ], [ -75.115, -0.039 ], [ -74.904, -0.195 ], [ -74.824, -0.145 ], [ -74.78, -0.214 ], [ -74.801, -0.29 ], [ -74.659, -0.332 ], [ -74.52, -0.479 ], [ -74.425, -0.511 ], [ -74.342, -0.695 ], [ -74.378, -0.745 ], [ -74.258, -0.843 ], [ -74.272, -0.899 ], [ -74.318, -0.9 ], [ -74.266, -1.007 ], [ -74.074, -1.081 ], [ -74.033, -1.028 ], [ -74.013, -1.123 ], [ -73.905, -1.15 ], [ -73.861, -1.25 ], [ -73.777, -1.277 ], [ -73.75, -1.22 ], [ -73.732, -1.267 ], [ -73.624, -1.283 ], [ -73.552, -1.429 ], [ -73.586, -1.445 ], [ -73.539, -1.452 ], [ -73.46, -1.6 ], [ -73.532, -1.733 ], [ -73.314, -1.855 ], [ -73.293, -1.803 ], [ -73.231, -1.823 ], [ -73.222, -1.774 ], [ -73.143, -1.834 ], [ -73.095, -2.113 ], [ -73.059, -2.125 ], [ -73.153, -2.276 ], [ -73.044, -2.4 ], [ -73.021, -2.355 ], [ -72.962, -2.382 ], [ -72.921, -2.5 ], [ -72.769, -2.42 ], [ -72.733, -2.459 ], [ -72.707, -2.416 ], [ -72.67, -2.486 ], [ -72.618, -2.396 ], [ -72.383, -2.416 ], [ -72.346, -2.49 ], [ -72.221, -2.433 ], [ -72.126, -2.468 ], [ -72.035, -2.331 ], [ -71.907, -2.373 ], [ -71.919, -2.312 ], [ -71.861, -2.3 ], [ -71.822, -2.187 ], [ -71.722, -2.128 ], [ -71.707, -2.214 ], [ -71.628, -2.191 ], [ -71.5, -2.245 ], [ -71.484, -2.336 ], [ -71.444, -2.263 ], [ -71.375, -2.398 ], [ -71.284, -2.338 ], [ -71.165, -2.376 ], [ -71.057, -2.264 ], [ -70.986, -2.298 ], [ -70.993, -2.205 ], [ -70.928, -2.245 ], [ -70.857, -2.217 ], [ -70.822, -2.283 ], [ -70.658, -2.351 ], [ -70.608, -2.481 ], [ -70.55, -2.47 ], [ -70.562, -2.415 ], [ -70.418, -2.525 ], [ -70.307, -2.498 ], [ -70.342, -2.573 ], [ -70.246, -2.548 ], [ -70.15, -2.705 ], [ -70.076, -2.662 ], [ -70.034, -2.761 ], [ -70.703, -3.795 ], [ -70.485, -3.885 ], [ -70.295, -3.813 ], [ -70.186, -3.891 ], [ -70.158, -4.021 ], [ -69.948, -4.219 ], [ -69.978, -4.295 ], [ -70.036, -4.339 ], [ -70.076, -4.309 ], [ -70.042, -4.284 ], [ -70.164, -4.268 ], [ -70.19, -4.357 ], [ -70.249, -4.267 ], [ -70.291, -4.283 ], [ -70.317, -4.136 ], [ -70.341, -4.174 ], [ -70.434, -4.125 ], [ -70.503, -4.19 ], [ -70.553, -4.128 ], [ -70.566, -4.205 ], [ -70.565, -4.168 ], [ -70.633, -4.173 ], [ -70.622, -4.121 ], [ -70.677, -4.2 ], [ -70.757, -4.152 ], [ -70.935, -4.381 ], [ -70.99, -4.34 ], [ -71.031, -4.397 ], [ -71.147, -4.375 ], [ -71.193, -4.42 ], [ -71.198, -4.377 ], [ -71.269, -4.381 ], [ -71.303, -4.458 ], [ -71.355, -4.468 ], [ -71.342, -4.423 ], [ -71.432, -4.469 ], [ -71.414, -4.432 ], [ -71.506, -4.435 ], [ -71.49, -4.479 ], [ -71.535, -4.46 ], [ -71.597, -4.525 ], [ -71.61, -4.465 ], [ -71.897, -4.512 ], [ -71.94, -4.607 ], [ -72.047, -4.625 ], [ -72.113, -4.722 ], [ -72.223, -4.78 ], [ -72.313, -4.769 ], [ -72.292, -4.799 ], [ -72.356, -4.803 ], [ -72.37, -4.88 ], [ -72.452, -4.906 ], [ -72.455, -4.962 ], [ -72.577, -4.992 ], [ -72.602, -5.056 ], [ -72.734, -5.043 ], [ -72.896, -5.136 ], [ -72.872, -5.25 ], [ -72.948, -5.454 ], [ -72.951, -5.643 ], [ -73.116, -5.865 ], [ -73.131, -5.986 ], [ -73.185, -6.04 ], [ -73.133, -6.421 ], [ -73.211, -6.53 ], [ -73.351, -6.561 ], [ -73.743, -6.897 ], [ -73.797, -7.115 ], [ -73.691, -7.313 ], [ -73.868, -7.377 ], [ -73.954, -7.348 ], [ -73.917, -7.461 ], [ -73.986, -7.537 ], [ -73.69, -7.79 ], [ -73.697, -7.865 ], [ -73.777, -7.869 ], [ -73.765, -7.94 ], [ -73.632, -8.022 ], [ -73.526, -8.369 ], [ -73.338, -8.476 ], [ -73.338, -8.609 ], [ -73.169, -8.701 ], [ -73.059, -8.904 ], [ -72.946, -8.99 ], [ -72.965, -9.154 ], [ -73.196, -9.418 ], [ -72.721, -9.417 ], [ -72.364, -9.491 ], [ -72.289, -9.536 ], [ -72.26, -9.755 ], [ -72.16, -9.818 ], [ -72.165, -10.002 ], [ -71.288, -9.996 ], [ -71.131, -9.862 ], [ -70.982, -9.812 ], [ -70.601, -9.453 ], [ -70.497, -9.433 ], [ -70.561, -9.579 ], [ -70.598, -9.574 ], [ -70.522, -9.738 ], [ -70.622, -9.847 ], [ -70.618, -11.007 ], [ -70.508, -10.94 ], [ -70.337, -11.067 ], [ -69.938, -10.926 ], [ -69.728, -10.973 ], [ -69.568, -10.954 ], [ -68.924, -11.994 ], [ -68.679, -12.497 ], [ -68.764, -12.612 ], [ -68.738, -12.705 ], [ -68.85, -12.728 ], [ -68.961, -12.852 ], [ -68.942, -13.486 ], [ -68.997, -13.652 ], [ -69.076, -13.654 ], [ -68.988, -13.769 ], [ -68.965, -13.98 ], [ -68.881, -14.065 ], [ -68.841, -14.21 ], [ -68.982, -14.237 ], [ -68.98, -14.387 ], [ -69.152, -14.508 ], [ -69.149, -14.584 ], [ -69.225, -14.584 ], [ -69.244, -14.753 ], [ -69.363, -14.804 ], [ -69.365, -14.98 ], [ -69.126, -15.256 ], [ -69.265, -15.336 ], [ -69.274, -15.421 ], [ -69.414, -15.621 ], [ -69.236, -16.143 ], [ -69.099, -16.219 ], [ -68.963, -16.189 ], [ -68.814, -16.338 ], [ -68.982, -16.433 ], [ -69.032, -16.566 ], [ -69.006, -16.677 ], [ -69.168, -16.731 ], [ -69.392, -17.021 ], [ -69.375, -17.078 ], [ -69.551, -17.162 ], [ -69.641, -17.282 ], [ -69.463, -17.376 ], [ -69.463, -17.508 ], [ -69.662, -17.658 ], [ -69.799, -17.65 ], [ -69.819, -17.747 ], [ -69.753, -17.982 ], [ -69.948, -18.248 ], [ -70.374, -18.35 ], [ -70.879, -18.01 ], [ -70.925, -17.924 ], [ -71.383, -17.708 ], [ -71.342, -17.636 ], [ -71.382, -17.419 ], [ -71.515, -17.265 ], [ -71.819, -17.18 ], [ -71.974, -17.048 ], [ -72.113, -17.027 ], [ -72.123, -16.97 ], [ -72.45, -16.705 ], [ -72.758, -16.636 ], [ -73.112, -16.433 ], [ -73.291, -16.402 ], [ -73.3, -16.349 ], [ -73.414, -16.294 ], [ -73.701, -16.24 ], [ -74.057, -15.961 ], [ -74.285, -15.846 ], [ -74.371, -15.85 ], [ -74.476, -15.726 ], [ -75.141, -15.419 ], [ -75.2, -15.381 ], [ -75.157, -15.338 ], [ -75.252, -15.268 ], [ -75.23, -15.22 ], [ -75.376, -15.161 ], [ -75.509, -14.922 ], [ -75.921, -14.662 ], [ -75.98, -14.483 ], [ -76.151, -14.345 ], [ -76.105, -14.326 ], [ -76.135, -14.245 ], [ -76.222, -14.165 ], [ -76.274, -14.151 ], [ -76.273, -14.211 ], [ -76.296, -14.175 ], [ -76.286, -13.917 ], [ -76.395, -13.908 ], [ -76.332, -13.799 ], [ -76.261, -13.872 ], [ -76.191, -13.607 ], [ -76.206, -13.4 ], [ -76.492, -13.049 ], [ -76.52, -12.871 ], [ -76.641, -12.752 ], [ -76.693, -12.608 ], [ -76.811, -12.512 ], [ -76.784, -12.402 ], [ -76.84, -12.323 ], [ -77.042, -12.215 ], [ -77.072, -12.113 ], [ -77.172, -12.087 ], [ -77.136, -11.984 ], [ -77.201, -11.79 ], [ -77.176, -11.739 ], [ -77.301, -11.521 ], [ -77.663, -11.297 ], [ 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La misma había sido \nfundada en 1573, pero 1577 fue trasladada a su ubicación actual sobre el\n río Suquía (en ese entonces, San Juan).", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T12:24:27+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 120795, "end" : 120802 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Córdoba" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/e7fa8022-4841-4a7b-b06b-59684200f207", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : 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"https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T13:18:19+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T13:18:19+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "colonizer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T13:18:19+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T13:18:19+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Ñuflo de Chaves nació en Santa Cruz de la Sierra, de Extremadura,\nen 1518. Llegó a territorio americano con el segundo adelantado del Río de la\nPlata, Don Alvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca”. Cuando la flota llega al puerto de\nSanta Catalina en el año 1541, ya ostentaba el grado de Capitán. Cuando el\ngobernador Martínez de Irala le encomienda fundar al norte de Asunción, Chaves\nse convierte así en General. El 26 de febrero de 1561 fundó Santa Cruz de la\nSierra a orillas del arroyo Sutó. Después de fundada Santa Cruz de la\nSierra, Ñuflo de Chaves se dirige a Asunción, en 1564,  para recoger\na su familia. En 1550 se había casado con Doña Elvira Manrique, hija de don\nFrancisco de Mendoza, gobernador del Río de la Plata, con quien tuvo cinco\nhijos: Francisco y Alvaro, ambos militares; María, Catalina y Elvira; las\ndos menores monjas y la mayor se casó en 1574 con un soldado de apellido\nOssorio. El nieto de Ñuflo, Cap. Francisco Ossorio de Chaves, estuvo como\nAlcalde durante la traslación de  la ciudad, hasta su\nasiento definitivo a orillas del Piraí (1621).", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T12:56:17+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 78370, "end" : 78385 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Nuflo de Chaves" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/adcf025c-531f-46cd-a387-44b6ae8869ef", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "conqueror", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T13:18:19+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T13:18:19+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "colonizer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T13:18:19+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T13:18:19+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Ñuflo de Chaves nació en Santa Cruz de la Sierra, de Extremadura,\nen 1518. Llegó a territorio americano con el segundo adelantado del Río de la\nPlata, Don Alvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca”. Cuando la flota llega al puerto de\nSanta Catalina en el año 1541, ya ostentaba el grado de Capitán. Cuando el\ngobernador Martínez de Irala le encomienda fundar al norte de Asunción, Chaves\nse convierte así en General. El 26 de febrero de 1561 fundó Santa Cruz de la\nSierra a orillas del arroyo Sutó. Después de fundada Santa Cruz de la\nSierra, Ñuflo de Chaves se dirige a Asunción, en 1564,  para recoger\na su familia. En 1550 se había casado con Doña Elvira Manrique, hija de don\nFrancisco de Mendoza, gobernador del Río de la Plata, con quien tuvo cinco\nhijos: Francisco y Alvaro, ambos militares; María, Catalina y Elvira; las\ndos menores monjas y la mayor se casó en 1574 con un soldado de apellido\nOssorio. El nieto de Ñuflo, Cap. Francisco Ossorio de Chaves, estuvo como\nAlcalde durante la traslación de  la ciudad, hasta su\nasiento definitivo a orillas del Piraí (1621).", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T12:56:17+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 74366, "end" : 74381 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Nuflo de Chaves" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/9ab7d295-5438-4bf9-aa49-9ad7a8d4dc1b", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "conqueror", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T13:18:19+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T13:18:19+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "colonizer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T13:18:19+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T13:18:19+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Ñuflo de Chaves nació en Santa Cruz de la Sierra, de Extremadura,\nen 1518. Llegó a territorio americano con el segundo adelantado del Río de la\nPlata, Don Alvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca”. Cuando la flota llega al puerto de\nSanta Catalina en el año 1541, ya ostentaba el grado de Capitán. Cuando el\ngobernador Martínez de Irala le encomienda fundar al norte de Asunción, Chaves\nse convierte así en General. El 26 de febrero de 1561 fundó Santa Cruz de la\nSierra a orillas del arroyo Sutó. Después de fundada Santa Cruz de la\nSierra, Ñuflo de Chaves se dirige a Asunción, en 1564,  para recoger\na su familia. En 1550 se había casado con Doña Elvira Manrique, hija de don\nFrancisco de Mendoza, gobernador del Río de la Plata, con quien tuvo cinco\nhijos: Francisco y Alvaro, ambos militares; María, Catalina y Elvira; las\ndos menores monjas y la mayor se casó en 1574 con un soldado de apellido\nOssorio. El nieto de Ñuflo, Cap. Francisco Ossorio de Chaves, estuvo como\nAlcalde durante la traslación de  la ciudad, hasta su\nasiento definitivo a orillas del Piraí (1621).", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T12:56:17+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 33405, "end" : 33420 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Nuflo de Chaves" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/cc376634-bc13-4956-ab1f-538d0d67e833", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "conqueror", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T13:18:19+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T13:18:19+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "colonizer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T13:18:19+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T13:18:19+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Ñuflo de Chaves nació en Santa Cruz de la Sierra, de Extremadura,\nen 1518. Llegó a territorio americano con el segundo adelantado del Río de la\nPlata, Don Alvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca”. Cuando la flota llega al puerto de\nSanta Catalina en el año 1541, ya ostentaba el grado de Capitán. Cuando el\ngobernador Martínez de Irala le encomienda fundar al norte de Asunción, Chaves\nse convierte así en General. El 26 de febrero de 1561 fundó Santa Cruz de la\nSierra a orillas del arroyo Sutó. Después de fundada Santa Cruz de la\nSierra, Ñuflo de Chaves se dirige a Asunción, en 1564,  para recoger\na su familia. En 1550 se había casado con Doña Elvira Manrique, hija de don\nFrancisco de Mendoza, gobernador del Río de la Plata, con quien tuvo cinco\nhijos: Francisco y Alvaro, ambos militares; María, Catalina y Elvira; las\ndos menores monjas y la mayor se casó en 1574 con un soldado de apellido\nOssorio. El nieto de Ñuflo, Cap. Francisco Ossorio de Chaves, estuvo como\nAlcalde durante la traslación de  la ciudad, hasta su\nasiento definitivo a orillas del Piraí (1621).", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T12:56:17+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 32375, "end" : 32390 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Nuflo de Chaves" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/3697390a-d484-4850-bb65-a799b98c772b", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "conqueror", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T13:18:19+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T13:18:19+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "colonizer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T13:18:19+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T13:18:19+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Ñuflo de Chaves nació en Santa Cruz de la Sierra, de Extremadura,\nen 1518. Llegó a territorio americano con el segundo adelantado del Río de la\nPlata, Don Alvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca”. Cuando la flota llega al puerto de\nSanta Catalina en el año 1541, ya ostentaba el grado de Capitán. Cuando el\ngobernador Martínez de Irala le encomienda fundar al norte de Asunción, Chaves\nse convierte así en General. El 26 de febrero de 1561 fundó Santa Cruz de la\nSierra a orillas del arroyo Sutó. Después de fundada Santa Cruz de la\nSierra, Ñuflo de Chaves se dirige a Asunción, en 1564,  para recoger\na su familia. En 1550 se había casado con Doña Elvira Manrique, hija de don\nFrancisco de Mendoza, gobernador del Río de la Plata, con quien tuvo cinco\nhijos: Francisco y Alvaro, ambos militares; María, Catalina y Elvira; las\ndos menores monjas y la mayor se casó en 1574 con un soldado de apellido\nOssorio. El nieto de Ñuflo, Cap. Francisco Ossorio de Chaves, estuvo como\nAlcalde durante la traslación de  la ciudad, hasta su\nasiento definitivo a orillas del Piraí (1621).", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T12:56:17+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 19530, "end" : 19545 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Nuflo de Chaves" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/a9ad49eb-d111-442b-bf61-96708b57b680", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "conqueror", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T13:18:19+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T13:18:19+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "colonizer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T13:18:19+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T13:18:19+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Ñuflo de Chaves nació en Santa Cruz de la Sierra, de Extremadura,\nen 1518. Llegó a territorio americano con el segundo adelantado del Río de la\nPlata, Don Alvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca”. Cuando la flota llega al puerto de\nSanta Catalina en el año 1541, ya ostentaba el grado de Capitán. Cuando el\ngobernador Martínez de Irala le encomienda fundar al norte de Asunción, Chaves\nse convierte así en General. El 26 de febrero de 1561 fundó Santa Cruz de la\nSierra a orillas del arroyo Sutó. Después de fundada Santa Cruz de la\nSierra, Ñuflo de Chaves se dirige a Asunción, en 1564,  para recoger\na su familia. En 1550 se había casado con Doña Elvira Manrique, hija de don\nFrancisco de Mendoza, gobernador del Río de la Plata, con quien tuvo cinco\nhijos: Francisco y Alvaro, ambos militares; María, Catalina y Elvira; las\ndos menores monjas y la mayor se casó en 1574 con un soldado de apellido\nOssorio. El nieto de Ñuflo, Cap. Francisco Ossorio de Chaves, estuvo como\nAlcalde durante la traslación de  la ciudad, hasta su\nasiento definitivo a orillas del Piraí (1621).", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T12:56:17+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 34367, "end" : 34382 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Nuflo de Chaves" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/4bf2265e-7b75-4fc5-9f42-c57d8edf2f20", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://www.hgis-indias.net/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=gazetteer:9000001", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T13:53:06+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T13:53:06+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ -58.373221, -34.6079 ] } } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 5560, "end" : 5572 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Buenos Aires" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/69a2de82-de09-454f-88ae-648945b3d604", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://www.hgis-indias.net/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=gazetteer:9001006", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T20:16:14+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T20:16:14+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ -58.35179869, -33.67232101 ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Refiere a la Provincia del Río de la Plata, un espacio creado a partir de las capitulaciones que firmó el primer adelantado Pedro de Mendoza con Carlos I en 1534.La misma limitaba al norte con los territorios otorgados a Diego de Almagro, ocupando una franja que se extendería entre el Mar del Sur y el Mar Océano Austral. La exploración y ocupación efectiva del terreno delimitarían el espacio de la provincia del Río de la Plata al sector atlántico y específicamente, al eje fluvial Paraná-Plata", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-16T17:49:05+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 48042, "end" : 48057 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Río de la Plata" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/b5e46979-9011-4b0b-82c0-7f35cc1a2778", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://www.hgis-indias.net/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=gazetteer:3000126", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T20:17:48+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T20:17:48+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ -81.311533, 29.897784 ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "No sé a que lugar exacto refiere", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-22T18:14:12+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 1710, "end" : 1717 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Florida" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/85df6790-3564-4489-92e3-3263b5500349", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PLACE", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-06T19:34:45+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Sierra del Paraguay.Si hubiesen tenido conocimiento del idioma guaraní los que en el siglo anterior se ocuparon tanto de la formación de un lenguaje filosófico, se hubieran ahorrado muchas tareas, y tal vez lo hubieran adoptado por base de sus trabajos. Cuando se descompone uno de sus polisílabos, se halla casi siempre una definición exacta del objeto que indica. Sirva de ejemplo la palabra ibitirucú, sierra o cordillera, que se compone de ibitú, viento; ru estar, y cu detener: ibiturucú, «lo que está deteniendo el viento».", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T17:57:49+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 9026, "end" : 9045 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Sierra de Ibitirucú" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/5b99018e-ee8a-4e47-9886-1a40d18cf485", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" 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], [ -73.351, -6.561 ], [ -73.743, -6.897 ], [ -73.797, -7.115 ], [ -73.691, -7.313 ], [ -73.868, -7.377 ], [ -73.954, -7.348 ], [ -73.917, -7.461 ], [ -73.986, -7.537 ], [ -73.69, -7.79 ], [ -73.697, -7.865 ], [ -73.777, -7.869 ], [ -73.765, -7.94 ], [ -73.632, -8.022 ], [ -73.526, -8.369 ], [ -73.338, -8.476 ], [ -73.338, -8.609 ], [ -73.169, -8.701 ], [ -73.059, -8.904 ], [ -72.946, -8.99 ], [ -72.965, -9.154 ], [ -73.196, -9.418 ], [ -72.721, -9.417 ], [ -72.364, -9.491 ], [ -72.289, -9.536 ], [ -72.26, -9.755 ], [ -72.16, -9.818 ], [ -72.165, -10.002 ], [ -71.288, -9.996 ], [ -71.131, -9.862 ], [ -70.982, -9.812 ], [ -70.601, -9.453 ], [ -70.497, -9.433 ], [ -70.561, -9.579 ], [ -70.598, -9.574 ], [ -70.522, -9.738 ], [ -70.622, -9.847 ], [ -70.618, -11.007 ], [ -70.508, -10.94 ], [ -70.337, -11.067 ], [ -69.938, -10.926 ], [ -69.728, -10.973 ], [ -69.568, -10.954 ], [ -68.924, -11.994 ], [ -68.679, -12.497 ], [ -68.764, -12.612 ], [ -68.738, -12.705 ], [ -68.85, -12.728 ], [ -68.961, -12.852 ], [ -68.942, -13.486 ], [ -68.997, -13.652 ], [ -69.076, -13.654 ], [ -68.988, -13.769 ], [ -68.965, -13.98 ], [ -68.881, -14.065 ], [ -68.841, -14.21 ], [ -68.982, -14.237 ], [ -68.98, -14.387 ], [ -69.152, -14.508 ], [ -69.149, -14.584 ], [ -69.225, -14.584 ], [ -69.244, -14.753 ], [ -69.363, -14.804 ], [ -69.365, -14.98 ], [ -69.126, -15.256 ], [ -69.265, -15.336 ], [ -69.274, -15.421 ], [ -69.414, -15.621 ], [ -69.236, -16.143 ], [ -69.099, -16.219 ], [ -68.963, -16.189 ], [ -68.814, -16.338 ], [ -68.982, -16.433 ], [ -69.032, -16.566 ], [ -69.006, -16.677 ], [ -69.168, -16.731 ], [ -69.392, -17.021 ], [ -69.375, -17.078 ], [ -69.551, -17.162 ], [ -69.641, -17.282 ], [ -69.463, -17.376 ], [ -69.463, -17.508 ], [ -69.662, -17.658 ], [ -69.799, -17.65 ], [ -69.819, -17.747 ], [ -69.753, -17.982 ], [ -69.948, -18.248 ], [ -70.374, -18.35 ], [ -70.879, -18.01 ], [ -70.925, -17.924 ], [ -71.383, -17.708 ], [ -71.342, -17.636 ], [ -71.382, -17.419 ], [ -71.515, -17.265 ], [ -71.819, -17.18 ], [ -71.974, -17.048 ], [ -72.113, -17.027 ], [ -72.123, -16.97 ], [ -72.45, -16.705 ], [ -72.758, -16.636 ], [ -73.112, -16.433 ], [ -73.291, -16.402 ], [ -73.3, -16.349 ], [ -73.414, -16.294 ], [ -73.701, -16.24 ], [ -74.057, -15.961 ], [ -74.285, -15.846 ], [ -74.371, -15.85 ], [ -74.476, -15.726 ], [ -75.141, -15.419 ], [ -75.2, -15.381 ], [ -75.157, -15.338 ], [ -75.252, -15.268 ], [ -75.23, -15.22 ], [ -75.376, -15.161 ], [ -75.509, -14.922 ], [ -75.921, -14.662 ], [ -75.98, -14.483 ], [ -76.151, -14.345 ], [ -76.105, -14.326 ], [ -76.135, -14.245 ], [ -76.222, -14.165 ], [ -76.274, -14.151 ], [ -76.273, -14.211 ], [ -76.296, -14.175 ], [ -76.286, -13.917 ], [ -76.395, -13.908 ], [ -76.332, -13.799 ], [ -76.261, -13.872 ], [ -76.191, -13.607 ], [ -76.206, -13.4 ], [ -76.492, -13.049 ], [ -76.52, -12.871 ], [ -76.641, -12.752 ], [ -76.693, -12.608 ], [ -76.811, -12.512 ], [ -76.784, -12.402 ], [ -76.84, -12.323 ], [ -77.042, -12.215 ], [ -77.072, -12.113 ], [ -77.172, -12.087 ], [ -77.136, -11.984 ], [ -77.201, -11.79 ], [ -77.176, -11.739 ], [ -77.301, -11.521 ], [ -77.663, -11.297 ], [ -77.656, -11.228 ], [ -77.604, -11.205 ], [ -77.671, -10.949 ], [ -78.196, -10.11 ], [ -78.241, -9.793 ], [ -78.378, -9.635 ], [ -78.431, -9.345 ], [ -78.536, -9.274 ], [ -78.507, -9.186 ], [ -78.555, -9.184 ], [ -78.575, -9.248 ], [ -78.621, -9.185 ], [ -78.563, -9.134 ], [ -78.641, -9.076 ], [ -78.654, -8.916 ], [ -78.766, -8.773 ], [ -78.755, -8.616 ], [ -78.934, -8.455 ], [ -78.905, -8.389 ], [ -78.97, -8.252 ], [ -79.359, -7.859 ], [ -79.566, -7.465 ], [ -79.581, -7.322 ], [ -79.678, -7.12 ], [ -79.916, -6.884 ], [ -79.983, -6.743 ], [ -80.298, -6.53 ], [ -80.773, -6.306 ], [ -81.11, -6.057 ], [ -81.144, -5.89 ], [ -81.076, -5.791 ], [ -80.942, -5.848 ], [ -80.866, -5.784 ], [ -80.858, -5.819 ], [ -80.841, -5.841 ], [ -80.848, -5.534 ], [ -80.872, -5.558 ], [ -80.945, -5.432 ], [ -81.191, -5.216 ], [ -81.167, -5.083 ], [ -81.085, -5.081 ], [ -81.072, 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-76.905, -12.355 ], [ -76.901, -12.347 ], [ -76.897, -12.352 ], [ -76.899, -12.361 ] ] ], [ [ [ -76.915, -12.314 ], [ -76.917, -12.312 ], [ -76.909, -12.302 ], [ -76.909, -12.312 ], [ -76.915, -12.314 ] ] ], [ [ [ -77.19, -12.134 ], [ -77.189, -12.125 ], [ -77.185, -12.124 ], [ -77.182, -12.129 ], [ -77.19, -12.134 ] ] ], [ [ [ -77.208, -12.124 ], [ -77.253, -12.095 ], [ -77.254, -12.074 ], [ -77.202, -12.103 ], [ -77.208, -12.124 ] ] ], [ [ [ -77.717, -11.974 ], [ -77.725, -11.969 ], [ -77.724, -11.965 ], [ -77.718, -11.965 ], [ -77.717, -11.974 ] ] ], [ [ [ -77.723, -11.954 ], [ -77.733, -11.953 ], [ -77.734, -11.948 ], [ -77.722, -11.946 ], [ -77.723, -11.954 ] ] ], [ [ [ -77.851, -11.494 ], [ -77.852, -11.486 ], [ -77.844, -11.48 ], [ -77.844, -11.488 ], [ -77.851, -11.494 ] ] ], [ [ [ -81.072, -5 ], [ -81.326, -4.68 ], [ -81.25, -4.27 ], [ -80.837, -3.877 ], [ -80.786, -3.749 ], [ -80.574, -3.628 ], [ -80.501, -3.505 ], [ -80.366, -3.499 ], [ -80.304, -3.405 ], [ -80.219, -3.438 ], [ -80.154, -3.905 ], [ -80.286, -4.018 ], [ -80.398, -3.984 ], [ -80.475, -4.054 ], [ -80.444, -4.194 ], [ -80.305, -4.201 ], [ -80.443, -4.371 ], [ -80.443, -4.437 ], [ -80.335, -4.47 ], [ -80.136, -4.285 ], [ -79.895, -4.394 ], [ -79.812, -4.486 ], [ -79.631, -4.435 ], [ -79.541, -4.528 ], [ -79.482, -4.529 ], [ -79.416, -4.799 ], [ -79.26, -4.967 ], [ -79, -4.979 ], [ -78.881, -4.72 ], [ -78.736, -4.654 ], [ -78.621, -4.497 ], [ -78.627, -4.319 ], [ -78.572, -4.255 ], [ -78.499, -3.949 ], [ -78.377, -3.787 ], [ -78.319, -3.429 ], [ -78.249, -3.429 ], [ -78.232, -3.534 ], [ -78.137, -3.522 ], [ -78.19, -3.354 ], [ -77.824, -2.998 ], [ -76.627, -2.591 ], [ -76.045, -2.128 ], [ -75.538, -1.536 ], [ -75.364, -0.956 ], [ -75.185, -0.971 ], [ -75.28, -0.711 ], [ -75.245, -0.535 ], [ -75.415, -0.424 ], [ -75.449, -0.329 ], [ -75.622, -0.263 ], [ -75.622, -0.109 ], [ -75.304, -0.134 ], [ -75.219, -0.015 ], [ -75.115, -0.039 ], [ -74.904, -0.195 ], [ -74.824, -0.145 ], [ -74.78, -0.214 ], [ -74.801, -0.29 ], [ -74.659, -0.332 ], [ -74.52, -0.479 ], [ -74.425, -0.511 ], [ -74.342, -0.695 ], [ -74.378, -0.745 ], [ -74.258, -0.843 ], [ -74.272, -0.899 ], [ -74.318, -0.9 ], [ -74.266, -1.007 ], [ -74.074, -1.081 ], [ -74.033, -1.028 ], [ -74.013, -1.123 ], [ -73.905, -1.15 ], [ -73.861, -1.25 ], [ -73.777, -1.277 ], [ -73.75, -1.22 ], [ -73.732, -1.267 ], [ -73.624, -1.283 ], [ -73.552, -1.429 ], [ -73.586, -1.445 ], [ -73.539, -1.452 ], [ -73.46, -1.6 ], [ -73.532, -1.733 ], [ -73.314, -1.855 ], [ -73.293, -1.803 ], [ -73.231, -1.823 ], [ -73.222, -1.774 ], [ -73.143, -1.834 ], [ -73.095, -2.113 ], [ -73.059, -2.125 ], [ -73.153, -2.276 ], [ -73.044, -2.4 ], [ -73.021, -2.355 ], [ -72.962, -2.382 ], [ -72.921, -2.5 ], [ -72.769, -2.42 ], [ -72.733, -2.459 ], [ -72.707, -2.416 ], [ -72.67, -2.486 ], [ -72.618, -2.396 ], [ -72.383, -2.416 ], [ -72.346, -2.49 ], [ -72.221, -2.433 ], [ -72.126, -2.468 ], [ -72.035, -2.331 ], [ -71.907, -2.373 ], [ -71.919, -2.312 ], [ -71.861, -2.3 ], [ -71.822, -2.187 ], [ -71.722, -2.128 ], [ -71.707, -2.214 ], [ -71.628, -2.191 ], [ -71.5, -2.245 ], [ -71.484, -2.336 ], [ -71.444, -2.263 ], [ -71.375, -2.398 ], [ -71.284, -2.338 ], [ -71.165, -2.376 ], [ -71.057, -2.264 ], [ -70.986, -2.298 ], [ -70.993, -2.205 ], [ -70.928, -2.245 ], [ -70.857, -2.217 ], [ -70.822, -2.283 ], [ -70.658, -2.351 ], [ -70.608, -2.481 ], [ -70.55, -2.47 ], [ -70.562, -2.415 ], [ -70.418, -2.525 ], [ -70.307, -2.498 ], [ -70.342, -2.573 ], [ -70.246, -2.548 ], [ -70.15, -2.705 ], [ -70.076, -2.662 ], [ -70.034, -2.761 ], [ -70.703, -3.795 ], [ -70.485, -3.885 ], [ -70.295, -3.813 ], [ -70.186, -3.891 ], [ -70.158, -4.021 ], [ -69.948, -4.219 ], [ -69.978, -4.295 ], [ -70.036, -4.339 ], [ -70.076, -4.309 ], [ -70.042, -4.284 ], [ -70.164, -4.268 ], [ -70.19, -4.357 ], [ -70.249, -4.267 ], [ -70.291, -4.283 ], [ -70.317, -4.136 ], [ -70.341, -4.174 ], [ -70.434, -4.125 ], [ -70.503, -4.19 ], [ -70.553, -4.128 ], [ -70.566, -4.205 ], [ -70.565, -4.168 ], [ -70.633, -4.173 ], [ -70.622, -4.121 ], [ -70.677, -4.2 ], [ -70.757, -4.152 ], [ -70.935, -4.381 ], [ -70.99, -4.34 ], [ -71.031, -4.397 ], [ -71.147, -4.375 ], [ -71.193, -4.42 ], [ -71.198, -4.377 ], [ -71.269, -4.381 ], [ -71.303, -4.458 ], [ -71.355, -4.468 ], [ -71.342, -4.423 ], [ -71.432, -4.469 ], [ -71.414, -4.432 ], [ -71.506, -4.435 ], [ -71.49, -4.479 ], [ -71.535, -4.46 ], [ -71.597, -4.525 ], [ -71.61, -4.465 ], [ -71.897, -4.512 ], [ -71.94, -4.607 ], [ -72.047, -4.625 ], [ -72.113, -4.722 ], [ -72.223, -4.78 ], [ -72.313, -4.769 ], [ -72.292, -4.799 ], [ -72.356, -4.803 ], [ -72.37, -4.88 ], [ -72.452, -4.906 ], [ -72.455, -4.962 ], [ -72.577, -4.992 ], [ -72.602, -5.056 ], [ -72.734, -5.043 ], [ -72.896, -5.136 ], [ -72.872, -5.25 ], [ -72.948, -5.454 ], [ -72.951, -5.643 ], [ -73.116, -5.865 ], [ -73.131, -5.986 ], [ -73.185, -6.04 ], [ -73.133, -6.421 ], [ -73.211, -6.53 ], [ -73.351, -6.561 ], [ -73.743, -6.897 ], [ -73.797, -7.115 ], [ -73.691, -7.313 ], [ -73.868, -7.377 ], [ -73.954, -7.348 ], [ -73.917, -7.461 ], [ -73.986, -7.537 ], [ -73.69, -7.79 ], [ -73.697, -7.865 ], [ -73.777, -7.869 ], [ -73.765, -7.94 ], [ -73.632, -8.022 ], [ -73.526, -8.369 ], [ -73.338, -8.476 ], [ -73.338, -8.609 ], [ -73.169, -8.701 ], [ -73.059, -8.904 ], [ -72.946, -8.99 ], [ -72.965, -9.154 ], [ -73.196, -9.418 ], [ -72.721, -9.417 ], [ -72.364, -9.491 ], [ -72.289, -9.536 ], [ -72.26, -9.755 ], [ -72.16, -9.818 ], [ -72.165, -10.002 ], [ -71.288, -9.996 ], [ -71.131, -9.862 ], [ -70.982, -9.812 ], [ -70.601, -9.453 ], [ -70.497, -9.433 ], [ -70.561, -9.579 ], [ -70.598, -9.574 ], [ -70.522, -9.738 ], [ -70.622, -9.847 ], [ -70.618, -11.007 ], [ -70.508, -10.94 ], [ -70.337, -11.067 ], [ -69.938, -10.926 ], [ -69.728, -10.973 ], [ -69.568, -10.954 ], [ -68.924, -11.994 ], [ -68.679, -12.497 ], [ -68.764, -12.612 ], [ -68.738, -12.705 ], [ -68.85, -12.728 ], [ -68.961, -12.852 ], [ -68.942, -13.486 ], [ -68.997, -13.652 ], [ -69.076, -13.654 ], [ -68.988, -13.769 ], [ -68.965, -13.98 ], [ -68.881, -14.065 ], [ -68.841, -14.21 ], [ -68.982, -14.237 ], [ -68.98, -14.387 ], [ -69.152, -14.508 ], [ -69.149, -14.584 ], [ -69.225, -14.584 ], [ -69.244, -14.753 ], [ -69.363, -14.804 ], [ -69.365, -14.98 ], [ -69.126, -15.256 ], [ -69.265, -15.336 ], [ -69.274, -15.421 ], [ -69.414, -15.621 ], [ -69.236, -16.143 ], [ -69.099, -16.219 ], [ -68.963, -16.189 ], [ -68.814, -16.338 ], [ -68.982, -16.433 ], [ -69.032, -16.566 ], [ -69.006, -16.677 ], [ -69.168, -16.731 ], [ -69.392, -17.021 ], [ -69.375, -17.078 ], [ -69.551, -17.162 ], [ -69.641, -17.282 ], [ -69.463, -17.376 ], [ -69.463, -17.508 ], [ -69.662, -17.658 ], [ -69.799, -17.65 ], [ -69.819, -17.747 ], [ -69.753, -17.982 ], [ -69.948, -18.248 ], [ -70.374, -18.35 ], [ -70.879, -18.01 ], [ -70.925, -17.924 ], [ -71.383, -17.708 ], [ -71.342, -17.636 ], [ -71.382, -17.419 ], [ -71.515, -17.265 ], [ -71.819, -17.18 ], [ -71.974, -17.048 ], [ -72.113, -17.027 ], [ -72.123, -16.97 ], [ -72.45, -16.705 ], [ -72.758, -16.636 ], [ -73.112, -16.433 ], [ -73.291, -16.402 ], [ -73.3, -16.349 ], [ -73.414, -16.294 ], [ -73.701, -16.24 ], [ -74.057, -15.961 ], [ -74.285, -15.846 ], [ -74.371, -15.85 ], [ -74.476, -15.726 ], [ -75.141, -15.419 ], [ -75.2, -15.381 ], [ -75.157, -15.338 ], [ -75.252, -15.268 ], [ -75.23, -15.22 ], [ -75.376, -15.161 ], [ -75.509, -14.922 ], [ -75.921, -14.662 ], [ -75.98, -14.483 ], [ -76.151, -14.345 ], [ -76.105, -14.326 ], [ -76.135, -14.245 ], [ -76.222, -14.165 ], [ -76.274, -14.151 ], [ -76.273, -14.211 ], [ -76.296, -14.175 ], [ -76.286, -13.917 ], [ -76.395, -13.908 ], [ -76.332, -13.799 ], [ -76.261, -13.872 ], [ -76.191, -13.607 ], [ -76.206, -13.4 ], [ -76.492, -13.049 ], [ -76.52, -12.871 ], [ -76.641, -12.752 ], [ -76.693, -12.608 ], [ -76.811, -12.512 ], [ -76.784, -12.402 ], [ -76.84, -12.323 ], [ -77.042, -12.215 ], [ -77.072, -12.113 ], [ -77.172, -12.087 ], [ -77.136, -11.984 ], [ -77.201, -11.79 ], [ -77.176, -11.739 ], [ 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-4.152 ], [ -70.935, -4.381 ], [ -70.99, -4.34 ], [ -71.031, -4.397 ], [ -71.147, -4.375 ], [ -71.193, -4.42 ], [ -71.198, -4.377 ], [ -71.269, -4.381 ], [ -71.303, -4.458 ], [ -71.355, -4.468 ], [ -71.342, -4.423 ], [ -71.432, -4.469 ], [ -71.414, -4.432 ], [ -71.506, -4.435 ], [ -71.49, -4.479 ], [ -71.535, -4.46 ], [ -71.597, -4.525 ], [ -71.61, -4.465 ], [ -71.897, -4.512 ], [ -71.94, -4.607 ], [ -72.047, -4.625 ], [ -72.113, -4.722 ], [ -72.223, -4.78 ], [ -72.313, -4.769 ], [ -72.292, -4.799 ], [ -72.356, -4.803 ], [ -72.37, -4.88 ], [ -72.452, -4.906 ], [ -72.455, -4.962 ], [ -72.577, -4.992 ], [ -72.602, -5.056 ], [ -72.734, -5.043 ], [ -72.896, -5.136 ], [ -72.872, -5.25 ], [ -72.948, -5.454 ], [ -72.951, -5.643 ], [ -73.116, -5.865 ], [ -73.131, -5.986 ], [ -73.185, -6.04 ], [ -73.133, -6.421 ], [ -73.211, -6.53 ], [ -73.351, -6.561 ], [ -73.743, -6.897 ], [ -73.797, -7.115 ], [ -73.691, -7.313 ], [ -73.868, -7.377 ], [ -73.954, -7.348 ], [ -73.917, -7.461 ], [ -73.986, -7.537 ], [ -73.69, -7.79 ], [ -73.697, -7.865 ], [ -73.777, -7.869 ], [ -73.765, -7.94 ], [ -73.632, -8.022 ], [ -73.526, -8.369 ], [ -73.338, -8.476 ], [ -73.338, -8.609 ], [ -73.169, -8.701 ], [ -73.059, -8.904 ], [ -72.946, -8.99 ], [ -72.965, -9.154 ], [ -73.196, -9.418 ], [ -72.721, -9.417 ], [ -72.364, -9.491 ], [ -72.289, -9.536 ], [ -72.26, -9.755 ], [ -72.16, -9.818 ], [ -72.165, -10.002 ], [ -71.288, -9.996 ], [ -71.131, -9.862 ], [ -70.982, -9.812 ], [ -70.601, -9.453 ], [ -70.497, -9.433 ], [ -70.561, -9.579 ], [ -70.598, -9.574 ], [ -70.522, -9.738 ], [ -70.622, -9.847 ], [ -70.618, -11.007 ], [ -70.508, -10.94 ], [ -70.337, -11.067 ], [ -69.938, -10.926 ], [ -69.728, -10.973 ], [ -69.568, -10.954 ], [ -68.924, -11.994 ], [ -68.679, -12.497 ], [ -68.764, -12.612 ], [ -68.738, -12.705 ], [ -68.85, -12.728 ], [ -68.961, -12.852 ], [ -68.942, -13.486 ], [ -68.997, -13.652 ], [ -69.076, -13.654 ], [ -68.988, -13.769 ], [ -68.965, -13.98 ], [ -68.881, -14.065 ], [ -68.841, -14.21 ], [ -68.982, -14.237 ], [ -68.98, -14.387 ], [ -69.152, -14.508 ], [ -69.149, -14.584 ], [ -69.225, -14.584 ], [ -69.244, -14.753 ], [ -69.363, -14.804 ], [ -69.365, -14.98 ], [ -69.126, -15.256 ], [ -69.265, -15.336 ], [ -69.274, -15.421 ], [ -69.414, -15.621 ], [ -69.236, -16.143 ], [ -69.099, -16.219 ], [ -68.963, -16.189 ], [ -68.814, -16.338 ], [ -68.982, -16.433 ], [ -69.032, -16.566 ], [ -69.006, -16.677 ], [ -69.168, -16.731 ], [ -69.392, -17.021 ], [ -69.375, -17.078 ], [ -69.551, -17.162 ], [ -69.641, -17.282 ], [ -69.463, -17.376 ], [ -69.463, -17.508 ], [ -69.662, -17.658 ], [ -69.799, -17.65 ], [ -69.819, -17.747 ], [ -69.753, -17.982 ], [ -69.948, -18.248 ], [ -70.374, -18.35 ], [ -70.879, -18.01 ], [ -70.925, -17.924 ], [ -71.383, -17.708 ], [ -71.342, -17.636 ], [ -71.382, -17.419 ], [ -71.515, -17.265 ], [ -71.819, -17.18 ], [ -71.974, -17.048 ], [ -72.113, -17.027 ], [ -72.123, -16.97 ], [ -72.45, -16.705 ], [ -72.758, -16.636 ], [ -73.112, -16.433 ], [ 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"SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T20:18:54+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca (Jerez de la Frontera, 1488/1490 - Sevilla, \n27 de mayo de 1559) fue un descubridor y conquistador español que \nexploró la costa sur de Norteamérica desde la actual Florida pasando por\n Alabama, Misisipi y Luisiana y se adentró en Texas, Nuevo México, \nArizona y en el norte de México hasta llegar al Golfo de California, \nterritorios que pasaron a anexionarse al Imperio Español dentro del \nVirreinato de Nueva España. El rey Carlos I de España le otorgó el \ntítulo de Segundo Adelantado y lo nombró capitán general y gobernador \ndel Río de la Plata, Paranáguazu y sus anexos, fue el primer europeo en \nllegar a las cataratas del Iguazú y que exploró el curso del río \nParaguay.Fue el primer europeo del cual tenemos pruebas documentales \nrespecto de sus exploraciones en la región de las cataratas del Iguazú. \nEstán documentadas numerosas referencias sobre entradas que antiguos \nnáufragos de los barcos de Juan Díaz de Solís (1470-1516) y Rodrigo de \nAcuña habrían realizado en la zona, siendo la más famosa la de Alejo o \nAleixo García.Cabeza de Vaca llegó a la isla de Santa Catalina en 1541 y\n de allí entró en tierra firme con el objetivo de alcanzar la ciudad de \nAsunción del Paraguay. La misma se había convertido en el centro de la \nconquista del Río de la Plata. Si bien los conquistadores viejos de la \nexpedición de Pedro de Mendoza aceptaron sus credenciales cuando entró \nen la ciudad en 1542, las políticas que Cabeza de Vaca intentó instalar \nen la región rápidamente entraron en conflicto con aquellas que \npretendían sostener sus fundadores y primeros conquistadores. La \nsituación se deterioró progresivamente hasta que, después de una \nfracasada entrada al Gran Chaco, Cabeza de Vaca fue encarcelado y luego \nexpulsado de la provincia en 1545.Tras regresar a España, el antiguo \nadelantado debió responder a los procesos que contra él entablaron los \nconquistadores del Río de la Plata y el propio fiscal del rey, que se \nextendieron hasta entrada la década de 1550. Si bien Álvar Núñez no \nlogró recuperar la gobernación del Río de la Plata, tampoco debió \nenfretar las penas que originalmente se le habían impuesto (multas y un \ntemido destierro a Argel). Una clara señal de cierto beneplácito regio \nrespecto de sus acciones en Indias es la reedición, en 1555, de su \nRelación (Zamora, 1542) acompañada de un nuevo libro titulado \nComentarios (valladolid, 1555). Este último constituye la primera obra \nhistoriográfica de largo aliento sobre la conquista del Río de la Plata,\n considerando en particular el período de su \ngobernación.BibliografíaAdorno, Rolena; Pautz, Patrick Charles, Álvar \nNúñez Cabeza de Vaca. His Account, his Life, and the Expedition of \nPánfilo de Narváez, Lincoln y Londres, University of Nebraska Press, \n1999. Tres Tomos.FuentesÁlvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca, La relación que dio \nAlvar Núñez Cabeça de Vaca de lo acaecido en las Indias en la armada \ndonde iua por gobernador Panfhilo de Narváez desde el año veinte y siete\n hasta el año treinta y seis que volvió a Sevilla con tres de su \ncompañía, Zamora, 1542.Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca, La relación y \ncomentarios del Gobernador Álvar Núñez Cabeça de Vaca, de lo acaecido en\n las dos jornadas que hizo a las Indias, Valladolid, 1555.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T20:18:54+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 1692, "end" : 1704 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Álvaro Núñez" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/8ade5828-924a-4a6b-909b-f10c1e657791", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://sws.geonames.org/3437598", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-09-06T19:34:45+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-09-06T19:34:45+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "Polygon", "coordinates" : [ [ [ -61.884, -20 ], [ -61.734, -19.628 ], [ -60.599, -19.455 ], [ -59.984, -19.294 ], [ -59.12, -19.347 ], [ -58.192, -19.798 ], [ -58.158, -19.848 ], [ -58.207, 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"http://www.geonames.org/3437596/rio-paraguai.html", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T16:48:25+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 8818, "end" : 8834 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "río del Paraguay" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/1bbe47da-807a-4909-b2cf-cf22eac155f8", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PLACE", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T16:58:12+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "http://www.geonames.org/3437717/rio-monday.htmlRío del Paraguay. Sale de los bosques de Taruma, cerca del castillo de San Joaquín, y desemboca en el Paraná por la margen occidental, casi enfrente del Iguazú. En los montes inmediatos a este río se recoge el mejor bálsamo de copaibá, que destila de un árbol corpulento, alto y frondoso. La ortografía y etimología de este nombre son las mismas en que el artículo anterior: mundá, ladrón, e î, río: «el río de los ladrones».", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T17:54:41+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 8962, "end" : 8968 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Monday" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/815001a1-3f16-4781-8a04-88b3c17728a6", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, 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-57.853052, -34.472623 ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Se refiere a la isla del mismo nombre en la costa uruguaya frente a Colonia.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T20:38:15+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 92500, "end" : 92511 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "San Gabriel" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/e848ac1e-f895-4604-9a26-c8176808c931", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Puede que refiera a la desembocadura del Río Arrecifes?", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T16:00:42+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PLACE", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T20:44:08+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 108199, "end" : 108204 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Salto" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/d1a2ec8c-957f-48c3-9078-9363680db42b", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Itatín\n(Itatim en idioma portugués) o Itatí fue una región histórico geográfica\ndel Imperio español coincidente, luego de las sangrientas invasiones\nlusobrasileñas con la parte sur del actual estado de Mato Grosso del Sur, que\nformó parte del Imperio español como un territorio perteneciente a la gobernación\ndel Río de la Plata y del Paraguay hasta su división en 1617, fecha a partir de\nla cual quedó incluida en la gobernación del Paraguay, llamada inicialmente\nGobernación del Guayrá.\n\nLos límites de la\nregión de Itatín eran: al este la sierra de Amambay, al oeste el río Paraguay,\nal sur el río Apa y al norte el río Tacuarí.\n\nYa desde el s.\nXVIII gran parte del Itatín quedó en poder de Brasil (entonces el Brasil\nportugués) y tras la Guerra de la Triple Alianza toda la región pasó a estar\nbajo el dominio brasileño.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-29T10:39:30+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://www.hgis-indias.net/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=gazetteer:9000266", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-18T20:32:57+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-18T20:32:57+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ -58.240799, -27.27191 ] } } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 81816, "end" : 81822 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Itatin" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/89dec020-0a80-4b4c-86e9-69ffc1d7a3e2", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Itatín\n(Itatim en idioma portugués) o Itatí fue una región histórico geográfica\ndel Imperio español coincidente, luego de las sangrientas invasiones\nlusobrasileñas con la parte sur del actual estado de Mato Grosso del Sur, que\nformó parte del Imperio español como un territorio perteneciente a la gobernación\ndel Río de la Plata y del Paraguay hasta su división en 1617, fecha a partir de\nla cual quedó incluida en la gobernación del Paraguay, llamada inicialmente\nGobernación del Guayrá.\n\nLos límites de la\nregión de Itatín eran: al este la sierra de Amambay, al oeste el río Paraguay,\nal sur el río Apa y al norte el río Tacuarí.\n\nYa desde el s.\nXVIII gran parte del Itatín quedó en poder de Brasil (entonces el Brasil\nportugués) y tras la Guerra de la Triple Alianza toda la región pasó a estar\nbajo el dominio brasileño.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-29T10:39:30+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://www.hgis-indias.net/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=gazetteer:9000266", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-18T20:32:57+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-18T20:32:57+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ -58.240799, -27.27191 ] } } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 62581, "end" : 62587 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Itatin" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/a85b3645-1240-4d97-881d-7edf533eaf9c", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Itatín\n(Itatim en idioma portugués) o Itatí fue una región histórico geográfica\ndel Imperio español coincidente, luego de las sangrientas invasiones\nlusobrasileñas con la parte sur del actual estado de Mato Grosso del Sur, que\nformó parte del Imperio español como un territorio perteneciente a la gobernación\ndel Río de la Plata y del Paraguay hasta su división en 1617, fecha a partir de\nla cual quedó incluida en la gobernación del Paraguay, llamada inicialmente\nGobernación del Guayrá.\n\nLos límites de la\nregión de Itatín eran: al este la sierra de Amambay, al oeste el río Paraguay,\nal sur el río Apa y al norte el río Tacuarí.\n\nYa desde el s.\nXVIII gran parte del Itatín quedó en poder de Brasil (entonces el Brasil\nportugués) y tras la Guerra de la Triple Alianza toda la región pasó a estar\nbajo el dominio brasileño.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-29T10:39:30+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://www.hgis-indias.net/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=gazetteer:9000266", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-18T20:32:57+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-18T20:32:57+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ -58.240799, -27.27191 ] } } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 62085, "end" : 62091 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Itatin" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/1f2a2aa5-e729-4398-9dd7-de2e8d068f75", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", 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de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 16665, "end" : 16672 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Paysurí" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/77ee9f69-1231-4225-ae23-b8b395835690", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-18T21:31:01+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Domingo Martínez de Irala (Vergara de la Hermandad de Guipúzcoa, Corona \nde Castilla, 1509 - Asunción del Paraguay, Virreinato del Perú, 3 de \noctubre de 1556) fue un conquistador, explorador y colonizador español \nque como lugarteniente de Juan de Ayolas quien lo nombrara interinamente\n hasta que regresara como teniente de gobernador de La Candelaria en \n1537, luego lo sería de hecho, y posteriormente elegido por el pueblo \nsegún real cédula, como teniente de gobernador general de Asunción.Ocupó\n tres veces el cargo de gobernador interino del Río de la Plata y del \nParaguay, en los períodos de 1539 a 1542, de 1544 hasta 1548 y por \núltimo desde 1549. El emperador Carlos V lo nombraría definitivamente \ncomo titular en el cargo gubernamental en el año 1555, que lo ostentaría\n hasta su fallecimiento.En 1543 fundó en el Chaco Boreal el Puerto de \nlos Reyes, a orillas del río Paraguay y del pantano de los Jarayes, \nsobre las costas de la laguna La Gaiba.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-18T21:31:01+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 22826, "end" : 22842 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Domingo de Irala" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : 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dentro de la Gobernación del Río de la \nPlata y el océano Atlántico, en el actual territorio brasileño. Fue \ncolonizada desde Asunción del Paraguay, pero las constantes incursiones \nde los bandeirantes portugueses frenaron su expansión.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T12:42:33+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 88847, "end" : 88853 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Guayra" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/f7ca0cac-cfff-42af-ab17-1d31715ee18b", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://sws.geonames.org/3461995", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T12:42:33+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T12:42:33+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ -48.31056, -20.31833 ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Es una amplia región comprendida dentro de la Gobernación del Río de la \nPlata y el océano Atlántico, en el actual territorio brasileño. Fue \ncolonizada desde Asunción del Paraguay, pero las constantes incursiones \nde los bandeirantes portugueses frenaron su expansión.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T12:42:33+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 56913, "end" : 56919 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Guayra" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/7201ee75-eabd-42c6-84c6-9e34458d4c09", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://sws.geonames.org/3461995", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T12:42:33+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T12:42:33+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ -48.31056, -20.31833 ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Es una amplia región comprendida dentro de la Gobernación del Río de la \nPlata y el océano Atlántico, en el actual territorio brasileño. Fue \ncolonizada desde Asunción del Paraguay, pero las constantes incursiones \nde los bandeirantes portugueses frenaron su expansión.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T12:42:33+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 11189, "end" : 11195 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Guayra" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/c9d9c04a-b30f-446e-9160-4fc2a558cc28", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-18T23:42:41+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "tribe", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-18T23:43:26+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Refiere a Los guaraníes o avá, según su autodenominación étnica original\n (que significa \"ser humano\"), son un grupo de pueblos indígenas \nsuramericanos que se ubican geográficamente en Paraguay, noreste de \nArgentina (en ciertas zonas de provincias de la Región del Litoral),​ \nsur y suroeste de Brasil (en los estados de Río Grande del Sur, Santa \nCatarina, Paraná y Mato Grosso del Sur) y sureste de Bolivia (en los \ndepartamentos de Tarija, Santa Cruz y Chuquisaca) y norte de Uruguay.El \nmuy difundido nombre guaraní lo escucharon los españoles que, al invadir\n su territorio, habrían oído, entre los gritos de guerra de este pueblo,\n la frase guará-ny, que significa \"combatir-los\". Por otra parte el \nnombre dada significa en guaraní 'guerrero', \"ava\" que significa \n\"hombre\" y se pronuncia en forma grave entre los chiriguanos (ava \nguaraníes).Otra versión afirma que la denominación fue tomada de la \ndeformación de una palabra guaraní, guariní que significa precisamente \n\"guerra\" o \"guerrear\". Al parecer los mismos indígenas se denominaron de\n esa manera, indicando con ello que se consideraban guerreros.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-18T23:43:26+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 57442, "end" : 57449 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Guaraní" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/fb2be133-ddac-4b3f-88d6-e8467a37a247", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-19T00:13:39+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 64422, "end" : 64432 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Rui García" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/c126f5d1-18d8-42a2-862b-137625322efb", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-19T12:06:02+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 69709, "end" : 69722 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Diego Pacheco" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/f5d28602-1b95-42a6-ba79-4fab3f152a0b", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://www.hgis-indias.net/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=gazetteer:9001006", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-19T12:28:13+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-19T12:28:13+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ -58.35179869, -33.67232101 ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Refiere a la Provincia del Río de la Plata, un espacio creado a partir \nde las capitulaciones que firmó el primer adelantado Pedro de Mendoza \ncon Carlos I en 1534.La misma limitaba al norte con los territorios \notorgados a Diego de Almagro, ocupando una franja que se extendería \nentre el Mar del Sur y el Mar Océano Austral. La exploración y ocupación\n efectiva del terreno delimitarían el espacio de la provincia del Río de\n la Plata al sector atlántico y específicamente, al eje fluvial \nParaná-Plata.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-19T12:28:13+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 119379, "end" : 119394 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Río de la Plata" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/939613e8-1f0b-4c0e-b408-486d85866072", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://www.hgis-indias.net/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=gazetteer:9001006", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-19T12:28:13+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-19T12:28:13+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ -58.35179869, -33.67232101 ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Refiere a la Provincia del Río de la Plata, un espacio creado a partir \nde las capitulaciones que firmó el primer adelantado Pedro de Mendoza \ncon Carlos I en 1534.La misma limitaba al norte con los territorios \notorgados a Diego de Almagro, ocupando una franja que se extendería \nentre el Mar del Sur y el Mar Océano Austral. La exploración y ocupación\n efectiva del terreno delimitarían el espacio de la provincia del Río de\n la Plata al sector atlántico y específicamente, al eje fluvial \nParaná-Plata.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-19T12:28:13+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 118355, "end" : 118370 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Río de la Plata" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/f3f197e8-524f-47ff-99cb-0dd0ed698fb5", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://www.hgis-indias.net/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=gazetteer:9001006", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-19T12:28:13+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-19T12:28:13+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ -58.35179869, -33.67232101 ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Refiere a la Provincia del Río de la Plata, un espacio creado a partir \nde las capitulaciones que firmó el primer adelantado Pedro de Mendoza \ncon Carlos I en 1534.La misma limitaba al norte con los territorios \notorgados a Diego de Almagro, ocupando una franja que se extendería \nentre el Mar del Sur y el Mar Océano Austral. La exploración y ocupación\n efectiva del terreno delimitarían el espacio de la provincia del Río de\n la Plata al sector atlántico y específicamente, al eje fluvial \nParaná-Plata.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-19T12:28:13+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 33788, "end" : 33803 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Río de la Plata" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/e708b15f-2bc8-41a7-9e4e-870a68e8aceb", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://www.hgis-indias.net/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=gazetteer:9001006", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-19T12:28:13+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-19T12:28:13+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ -58.35179869, -33.67232101 ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Refiere a la Provincia del Río de la Plata, un espacio creado a partir \nde las capitulaciones que firmó el primer adelantado Pedro de Mendoza \ncon Carlos I en 1534.La misma limitaba al norte con los territorios \notorgados a Diego de Almagro, ocupando una franja que se extendería \nentre el Mar del Sur y el Mar Océano Austral. La exploración y ocupación\n efectiva del terreno delimitarían el espacio de la provincia del Río de\n la Plata al sector atlántico y específicamente, al eje fluvial \nParaná-Plata.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-19T12:28:13+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 5719, "end" : 5734 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Río de la Plata" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/97ff3bad-b037-4f96-ab3a-775d74b7bf8a", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://www.hgis-indias.net/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=gazetteer:9001006", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-19T12:28:13+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-19T12:28:13+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ -58.35179869, -33.67232101 ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Refiere a la Provincia del Río de la Plata, un espacio creado a partir \nde las capitulaciones que firmó el primer adelantado Pedro de Mendoza \ncon Carlos I en 1534.La misma limitaba al norte con los territorios \notorgados a Diego de Almagro, ocupando una franja que se extendería \nentre el Mar del Sur y el Mar Océano Austral. La exploración y ocupación\n efectiva del terreno delimitarían el espacio de la provincia del Río de\n la Plata al sector atlántico y específicamente, al eje fluvial \nParaná-Plata.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-19T12:28:13+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 66142, "end" : 66157 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Río de la Plata" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/223764cb-768c-41f9-a36c-ac60b55ec304", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://www.hgis-indias.net/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=gazetteer:9001006", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-19T12:28:13+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-19T12:28:13+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ -58.35179869, -33.67232101 ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Refiere a la Provincia del Río de la Plata, un espacio creado a partir \nde las capitulaciones que firmó el primer adelantado Pedro de Mendoza \ncon Carlos I en 1534.La misma limitaba al norte con los territorios \notorgados a Diego de Almagro, ocupando una franja que se extendería \nentre el Mar del Sur y el Mar Océano Austral. La exploración y ocupación\n efectiva del terreno delimitarían el espacio de la provincia del Río de\n la Plata al sector atlántico y específicamente, al eje fluvial \nParaná-Plata.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-19T12:28:13+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 95370, "end" : 95385 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Río de la Plata" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/ad68caa9-b823-42b9-8368-aebe59807f2d", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : 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Su vida estuvo marcada por guerras, conspiraciones, persecuciones\ny conflictos familiares.\n\nJunto a Juan de Salazar, Alonso Riquelme de Guzmán y Diego de Abreu se opuso\nal gobierno asunceno de Domingo Martínez de Irala, apoyando al deportado Álvar\nNúñez Cabeza de Vaca.\n\nGobernó de manera casi absoluta e independiente la antigua provincia\nasuncena del Guayrá, fácticamente durante 20 años, y luego de separarla de Asunción\nen 1575, con el título de teniente de gobernador del Guayrá unos 15 años más.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-18T23:33:32+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 11932, "end" : 11941 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Melgarejo" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/fd516665-ce3f-4a1e-ab4d-2a4e17a1dea2", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-18T23:34:53+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Ruy Díaz de Melgarejo (Salteras\nde Sevilla, 1519 – Santa Fe la Vieja, 1602) fue un militar, conquistador, explorador,\nestadista, minero y burócrata colonial español establecido en la región del Río\nde la Plata. Su vida estuvo marcada por guerras, conspiraciones, persecuciones\ny conflictos familiares.\n\nJunto a Juan de Salazar, Alonso Riquelme de Guzmán y Diego de Abreu se opuso\nal gobierno asunceno de Domingo Martínez de Irala, apoyando al deportado Álvar\nNúñez Cabeza de Vaca.\n\nGobernó de manera casi absoluta e independiente la antigua provincia\nasuncena del Guayrá, fácticamente durante 20 años, y luego de separarla de Asunción\nen 1575, con el título de teniente de gobernador del Guayrá unos 15 años más.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-18T23:34:53+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 112619, "end" : 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-31.622 ], [ -51.458, -31.548 ], [ -51.424, -31.478 ], [ -51.351, -31.529 ], [ -51.234, -31.458 ], [ -51.16, -31.31 ], [ -51.166, -31.063 ], [ -51.109, -31.097 ], [ -50.985, -31.042 ], [ -50.965, -30.893 ], [ -50.888, -30.893 ], [ -50.705, -30.756 ], [ -50.677, -30.61 ], [ -50.725, -30.371 ], [ -50.692, -30.355 ], [ -50.625, -30.409 ], [ -50.641, -30.459 ], [ -50.569, -30.471 ], [ -50.534, -30.278 ], [ -50.601, -30.194 ], [ -50.659, -30.201 ], [ -50.661, -30.293 ], [ -50.918, -30.333 ], [ -50.934, -30.42 ], [ -50.889, -30.439 ], [ -50.921, -30.44 ], [ -51.052, -30.395 ], [ -51.034, -30.276 ], [ -51.146, -30.267 ], [ -51.246, -30.188 ], [ -51.23, -30.043 ], [ -51.295, -30.007 ], [ -51.326, -30.23 ], [ -51.271, -30.25 ], [ -51.293, -30.295 ], [ -51.246, -30.33 ], [ -51.209, -30.3 ], [ -51.179, -30.383 ], [ -51.092, -30.367 ], [ -51.129, -30.436 ], [ -51.202, -30.413 ], [ -51.269, -30.489 ], [ -51.282, -30.811 ], [ -51.33, -30.777 ], [ -51.294, -30.758 ], [ -51.319, -30.64 ], [ -51.375, -30.635 ], [ -51.404, -30.769 ], [ -51.367, -30.874 ], [ -51.457, -30.874 ], [ -51.501, -30.935 ], [ -51.436, -31.088 ], [ -51.611, -31.138 ], [ -51.613, -31.272 ], [ -51.915, -31.313 ], [ -52.002, -31.449 ], [ -52.031, -31.693 ], [ -52.218, -31.747 ], [ -52.247, -31.871 ], [ -52.106, -31.952 ], [ -52.216, -31.963 ], [ -52.263, -32.062 ], [ -52.209, -32.045 ], [ -52.225, -32.096 ], [ -52.082, -32.033 ], [ -52.162, -32.128 ], [ -52.09, -32.069 ], [ -52.084, -32.186 ], [ -52.16, -32.201 ], [ -52.341, -32.43 ], [ -52.488, -32.844 ], [ -52.66, -33.165 ], [ -53.227, -33.658 ], [ -53.421, -33.741 ], [ -53.524, -33.689 ], [ -53.515, -33.163 ], [ -53.434, -33.054 ], [ -53.243, -32.936 ], [ -53.294, -32.911 ], [ -53.074, -32.746 ], [ -53.244, -32.605 ], [ -53.39, -32.583 ], [ -53.46, -32.48 ], [ -53.595, -32.432 ], [ -53.73, -32.157 ], [ -53.714, -32.104 ], [ -53.965, -31.919 ], [ -54.096, -31.906 ], [ -54.466, -31.666 ], [ -54.491, -31.54 ], [ -54.591, -31.448 ], [ -54.836, -31.446 ], [ -54.945, -31.392 ], [ -55.014, -31.285 ], [ -55.091, -31.326 ], [ -55.245, -31.257 ], [ -55.374, -31.038 ], [ -55.594, -30.848 ], [ -55.635, -30.857 ], [ -55.657, -30.956 ], [ -55.87, -31.08 ], [ -56.008, -31.063 ], [ -55.987, -30.86 ], [ -56.021, -30.784 ], [ -56.127, -30.739 ], [ -56.177, -30.614 ], [ -56.384, -30.495 ], [ -56.459, -30.387 ], [ -56.545, -30.364 ], [ -56.54, -30.312 ], [ -56.617, -30.303 ], [ -56.644, -30.205 ], [ -56.776, -30.166 ], [ -56.804, -30.107 ], [ -57.068, -30.088 ], [ -57.207, -30.281 ], [ -57.313, -30.26 ], [ -57.396, -30.303 ], [ -57.538, -30.275 ], [ -57.618, -30.179 ], [ -57.505, -30.143 ], [ -57.342, -30.001 ], [ -57.319, -29.87 ], [ -57.254, -29.794 ], [ -57.105, -29.752 ], [ -56.972, -29.639 ], [ -56.676, -29.321 ], [ -56.593, -29.123 ], [ -56.425, -29.073 ], [ -56.285, -28.794 ], [ -56.185, -28.771 ], [ -56.016, -28.611 ], [ -56.011, -28.509 ], [ -55.888, -28.479 ], [ -55.875, -28.362 ], [ -55.696, -28.425 ], [ -55.671, -28.333 ], [ -55.773, -28.247 ], [ -55.605, -28.123 ], [ -55.554, -28.164 ], [ -55.496, -28.081 ], [ -55.444, -28.097 ], [ -55.323, -27.928 ], [ -55.196, -27.863 ], [ -55.134, -27.895 ], [ -55.117, -27.853 ], [ -55.032, -27.854 ], [ -55.082, -27.789 ], [ -54.941, -27.775 ], [ -54.809, -27.536 ], [ -54.781, -27.586 ], [ -54.683, -27.576 ], [ -54.678, -27.514 ], [ -54.624, -27.55 ], [ -54.576, -27.458 ], [ -54.525, -27.507 ], [ -54.415, -27.412 ], [ -54.353, -27.468 ], [ -54.339, -27.406 ], [ -54.282, -27.447 ], [ -54.176, -27.261 ], [ -54.089, -27.303 ], [ -53.949, -27.158 ], [ -53.799, -27.147 ], [ -53.795, -27.048 ], [ -53.761, -27.068 ], [ -53.662, -26.869 ], [ -53.751, -26.745 ], [ -53.707, -26.563 ], [ -53.738, -26.548 ], [ -53.592, -26.265 ], [ -53.722, -26.13 ], [ -53.733, -26.047 ], [ -53.837, -25.969 ], [ -53.824, -25.793 ], [ -53.891, -25.625 ], [ -53.951, -25.644 ], [ -54.016, -25.569 ], [ -54.101, -25.625 ], [ -54.111, -25.504 ], [ -54.213, -25.554 ], [ -54.184, -25.591 ], [ -54.289, -25.562 ], [ -54.387, -25.608 ], [ -54.43, -25.706 ], [ -54.596, -25.595 ], [ -54.617, -25.459 ], [ -54.437, -25.157 ], [ -54.458, -25.031 ], [ -54.336, -24.649 ], [ -54.333, -24.493 ], [ -54.262, -24.376 ], [ -54.33, -24.225 ], [ -54.282, -24.075 ], [ -54.411, -23.929 ], [ -54.668, -23.815 ], [ -55.061, -23.991 ], [ -55.112, -23.963 ], [ -55.226, -24.013 ], [ -55.413, -23.961 ], [ -55.434, -23.714 ], [ -55.535, -23.614 ], [ -55.522, -23.197 ], [ -55.596, -23.141 ], [ -55.64, -22.994 ], [ -55.685, -22.992 ], [ -55.613, -22.659 ], [ -55.736, -22.532 ], [ -55.74, -22.396 ], [ -55.854, -22.281 ], [ -56.208, -22.281 ], [ -56.341, -22.206 ], [ -56.403, -22.078 ], [ -56.519, -22.103 ], [ -56.643, -22.261 ], [ -56.698, -22.216 ], [ -56.728, -22.26 ], [ -56.808, -22.25 ], [ -56.831, -22.3 ], [ -57.001, -22.225 ], [ -57.203, -22.21 ], [ -57.243, -22.244 ], [ -57.553, -22.181 ], [ -57.616, -22.096 ], [ -57.803, -22.148 ], [ -57.989, -22.085 ], [ -58.005, -22.032 ], [ -57.919, -21.881 ], [ -57.969, -21.844 ], [ -57.913, -21.793 ], [ -57.947, -21.747 ], [ -57.894, -21.687 ], [ -57.968, -21.528 ], [ -57.855, -21.339 ], [ -57.918, -21.278 ], [ -57.854, -21.226 ], [ -57.866, -21.041 ], [ -57.818, -20.976 ], [ -57.927, -20.897 ], [ -57.855, -20.835 ], [ -57.961, -20.784 ], [ -57.869, -20.736 ], [ -57.923, -20.666 ], [ -57.988, -20.696 ], [ -57.994, -20.448 ], [ -58.082, -20.372 ], [ -58.092, -20.257 ], [ -58.154, -20.264 ], [ -58.125, -20.188 ], [ -58.163, -20.162 ], [ -57.872, -19.979 ], [ -58.134, -19.761 ], [ -57.79, -19.051 ], [ -57.709, -19.034 ], [ -57.757, -18.858 ], [ -57.56, -18.263 ], [ -57.458, -18.228 ], [ -57.568, -18.136 ], [ -57.702, -17.86 ], [ -57.715, -17.735 ], [ -57.785, -17.645 ], [ -57.773, -17.553 ], [ -57.878, -17.463 ], [ -58.003, -17.52 ], [ -58.114, -17.456 ], [ -58.395, -17.197 ], [ -58.421, -16.99 ], [ -58.47, -16.939 ], [ -58.468, -16.702 ], [ -58.442, -16.613 ], [ -58.34, -16.542 ], [ -58.309, -16.27 ], [ -58.471, -16.325 ], [ -60.173, -16.265 ], [ -60.236, -15.476 ], [ -60.565, -15.105 ], [ -60.253, -15.101 ], [ -60.257, -14.624 ], [ -60.338, -14.555 ], [ -60.482, -14.181 ], [ -60.468, -14.092 ], [ -60.378, -13.992 ], [ -60.468, -13.886 ], [ -60.468, -13.801 ], [ -60.793, -13.686 ], [ -60.962, -13.539 ], [ -61.044, -13.541 ], [ -61.028, -13.477 ], [ -61.069, -13.463 ], [ -61.139, -13.521 ], [ -61.249, -13.525 ], [ -61.33, -13.473 ], [ -61.486, -13.554 ], [ -61.578, -13.494 ], [ -61.824, -13.539 ], [ -61.866, -13.443 ], [ -62.108, -13.257 ], [ -62.109, -13.149 ], [ -62.165, -13.112 ], [ -62.368, -13.145 ], [ -62.464, -13.07 ], [ -62.637, -13.041 ], [ -62.674, -12.965 ], [ -62.764, -13.023 ], [ -62.923, -12.854 ], [ -62.996, -12.85 ], [ -63.082, -12.653 ], [ -63.327, -12.705 ], [ -63.482, -12.557 ], [ -63.712, -12.458 ], [ -63.875, -12.469 ], [ -63.937, -12.557 ], [ -64.127, -12.494 ], [ -64.152, -12.529 ], [ -64.215, -12.476 ], [ -64.278, -12.511 ], [ -64.493, -12.366 ], [ -64.486, -12.23 ], [ -64.654, -12.186 ], [ -64.683, -12.099 ], [ -64.725, -12.162 ], [ -64.798, -12.035 ], [ -64.993, -11.999 ], [ -65.048, -11.757 ], [ -65.112, -11.741 ], [ -65.106, -11.697 ], [ -65.135, -11.777 ], [ -65.201, -11.745 ], [ -65.161, -11.622 ], [ -65.218, -11.521 ], [ -65.299, -11.5 ], [ -65.338, -11.392 ], [ -65.31, -11.341 ], [ -65.385, -11.269 ], [ -65.349, -11.239 ], [ -65.391, -11.167 ], [ -65.318, -11.105 ], [ -65.336, -11.044 ], [ -65.269, -10.901 ], [ -65.366, -10.798 ], [ -65.349, -10.671 ], [ -65.426, -10.638 ], [ -65.429, -10.473 ], [ -65.28, -10.218 ], [ -65.327, -9.938 ], [ -65.29, -9.851 ], [ -65.377, -9.698 ], [ -65.488, -9.718 ], [ -65.563, -9.834 ], [ -65.669, -9.779 ], [ -65.7, -9.803 ], [ -65.689, -9.749 ], [ -65.748, -9.77 ], [ -65.777, -9.727 ], [ -65.798, -9.786 ], [ -65.81, -9.75 ], [ -65.86, -9.794 ], [ -65.872, -9.757 ], [ -66.018, -9.807 ], [ -66.064, -9.772 ], [ -66.422, -9.895 ], [ -66.616, -9.893 ], [ -66.623, -9.935 ], [ -66.883, -10.081 ], [ -67.029, -10.254 ], [ -67.186, -10.339 ], [ -67.315, -10.316 ], [ -67.327, -10.374 ], [ -67.414, -10.372 ], [ -67.443, -10.45 ], [ -67.594, -10.523 ], [ -67.715, -10.707 ], [ -68.021, -10.661 ], [ -68.119, -10.726 ], [ -68.283, -10.987 ], [ -68.519, -11.048 ], [ -68.587, -11.11 ], [ -68.769, -11.139 ], [ -68.751, -11.007 ], [ -68.787, -10.99 ], [ -68.871, -11.023 ], [ -69.393, -10.929 ], [ -69.728, -10.973 ], [ -69.938, -10.926 ], [ -70.318, -11.066 ], [ -70.428, -11.033 ], [ -70.508, -10.94 ], [ -70.618, -11.007 ], [ -70.622, -9.847 ], [ -70.522, -9.738 ], [ -70.598, -9.574 ], [ -70.561, -9.579 ], [ -70.497, -9.433 ], [ -70.601, -9.453 ], [ -70.982, -9.812 ], [ -71.131, -9.862 ], [ -71.288, -9.996 ], [ -72.165, -10.002 ], [ -72.16, -9.818 ], [ -72.26, -9.755 ], [ -72.289, -9.536 ], [ -72.364, -9.491 ], [ -72.721, -9.417 ], [ -73.196, -9.418 ], [ -72.965, -9.154 ], [ -72.946, -8.99 ], [ -73.059, -8.904 ], [ -73.169, -8.701 ], [ -73.338, -8.609 ], [ -73.338, -8.476 ], [ -73.526, -8.369 ], [ -73.632, -8.022 ], [ -73.765, -7.94 ], [ -73.777, -7.869 ], [ -73.697, -7.865 ], [ -73.69, -7.79 ], [ -73.985, -7.543 ], [ -73.917, -7.461 ], [ -73.954, -7.348 ], [ -73.868, -7.377 ], [ -73.691, -7.313 ], [ -73.797, -7.115 ], [ -73.743, -6.897 ], [ -73.351, -6.561 ], [ -73.211, -6.53 ], [ -73.133, -6.421 ], [ -73.185, -6.04 ], [ -73.131, -5.986 ], [ -73.116, -5.865 ], [ -72.951, -5.643 ], [ -72.948, -5.454 ], [ -72.872, -5.25 ], [ -72.896, -5.136 ], [ -72.734, -5.043 ], [ -72.602, -5.056 ], [ -72.577, -4.992 ], [ -72.455, -4.962 ], [ -72.452, -4.906 ], [ -72.37, -4.88 ], [ -72.356, -4.803 ], [ -72.292, -4.799 ], [ -72.313, -4.769 ], [ -72.223, -4.78 ], [ -72.113, -4.722 ], [ -72.047, -4.625 ], [ -71.94, -4.607 ], [ -71.897, -4.512 ], [ -71.61, -4.465 ], [ -71.597, -4.525 ], [ -71.535, -4.46 ], [ -71.49, -4.479 ], [ -71.506, -4.435 ], [ -71.414, -4.432 ], [ -71.432, -4.469 ], [ -71.342, -4.423 ], [ -71.355, -4.468 ], [ -71.303, -4.458 ], [ -71.269, -4.381 ], [ -71.198, -4.377 ], [ -71.193, -4.42 ], [ -71.147, -4.375 ], [ -71.031, -4.397 ], [ -70.99, -4.34 ], [ -70.935, -4.381 ], [ -70.757, -4.152 ], [ -70.677, -4.2 ], [ -70.622, -4.121 ], [ -70.633, -4.173 ], [ -70.565, -4.168 ], [ -70.566, -4.205 ], [ -70.553, -4.128 ], [ -70.503, -4.19 ], [ -70.434, -4.125 ], [ -70.341, -4.174 ], [ -70.317, -4.136 ], [ -70.291, -4.283 ], [ -70.249, -4.267 ], [ -70.186, -4.357 ], [ -70.169, -4.27 ], [ -70.101, -4.255 ], [ -70.031, -4.339 ], [ -69.929, -4.213 ], [ -69.453, -1.478 ], [ -69.368, -1.334 ], [ -69.422, -0.998 ], [ -69.508, -0.936 ], [ -69.609, -0.755 ], [ -69.551, -0.648 ], [ -69.593, -0.517 ], [ -69.908, -0.316 ], [ -70.068, -0.135 ], [ -70.037, 0.553 ], [ -69.798, 0.585 ], [ -69.664, 0.672 ], [ -69.606, 0.623 ], [ -69.468, 0.734 ], [ -69.357, 0.621 ], [ -69.295, 0.648 ], [ -69.288, 0.609 ], [ -69.202, 0.602 ], [ -69.112, 0.643 ], [ -69.184, 0.73 ], [ -69.137, 0.868 ], [ -69.257, 1.026 ], [ -69.342, 1.064 ], [ -69.416, 1.024 ], [ -69.7, 1.056 ], [ -69.721, 1.097 ], [ -69.854, 1.07 ], [ -69.855, 1.715 ], [ -69.556, 1.775 ], [ -69.395, 1.726 ], [ -68.128, 1.73 ], [ -68.29, 1.841 ], [ -68.205, 2.038 ], [ -68.027, 1.784 ], [ -67.924, 1.751 ], [ -67.797, 1.812 ], [ -67.578, 2.076 ], [ -67.41, 2.141 ], [ -67.117, 1.732 ], [ -67.068, 1.532 ], [ -67.097, 1.17 ], [ -66.855, 1.228 ], [ -66.322, 0.738 ], [ -66.095, 0.754 ], [ -65.952, 0.81 ], [ -65.854, 0.939 ], [ -65.733, 1.005 ], [ -65.583, 1.008 ], [ -65.47, 0.877 ], [ -65.557, 0.705 ], [ -65.504, 0.627 ], [ -65.393, 0.699 ], [ -65.305, 0.916 ], [ -65.152, 0.943 ], [ -65.121, 1.115 ], [ -65.055, 1.144 ], [ -64.968, 1.112 ], [ -64.903, 1.249 ], [ -64.843, 1.237 ], [ -64.783, 1.313 ], [ -64.721, 1.25 ], [ -64.638, 1.286 ], [ -64.387, 1.527 ], [ -64.344, 1.528 ], [ -64.382, 1.419 ], [ -64.344, 1.38 ], [ -64.186, 1.494 ], [ -64.054, 1.708 ], [ -64.057, 1.933 ], [ -64.018, 1.967 ], [ -63.781, 1.989 ], [ -63.604, 2.124 ], [ -63.419, 2.154 ], [ -63.349, 2.281 ], [ -63.382, 2.442 ], [ -63.756, 2.403 ], [ -64.031, 2.509 ], [ -63.987, 2.772 ], [ -64.216, 3.153 ], [ -64.236, 3.476 ], [ -64.186, 3.634 ], [ -64.324, 3.797 ], [ -64.543, 3.882 ], [ -64.8, 4.224 ], [ -64.79, 4.329 ], [ -64.677, 4.297 ], [ -64.555, 4.153 ], [ -64.135, 4.176 ], [ -63.967, 3.93 ], [ -63.806, 4.019 ], [ -63.623, 4.01 ], [ -63.455, 3.91 ], [ -63.411, 4.026 ], [ -63.358, 4.04 ], [ -63.203, 3.952 ], [ -63.189, 3.872 ], [ -62.86, 3.584 ], [ -62.749, 3.642 ], [ -62.705, 3.724 ], [ -62.752, 4.012 ], [ -62.635, 4.056 ], [ -62.557, 4.02 ], [ -62.46, 4.173 ], [ -62.129, 4.084 ], [ -61.961, 4.18 ], [ -61.927, 4.106 ], [ -61.723, 4.262 ], [ -61.528, 4.273 ], [ -61.507, 4.398 ], [ -61.274, 4.471 ], [ -61.293, 4.55 ], [ -61.141, 4.508 ], [ -60.952, 4.549 ], [ -60.907, 4.708 ], [ -60.731, 4.777 ], [ -60.59, 4.951 ], [ -60.744, 5.209 ], [ -60.438, 5.177 ], [ -60.203, 5.265 ], [ -60.176, 5.227 ], [ -60.121, 5.243 ], [ -60.085, 5.149 ], [ -59.969, 5.073 ], [ -60.03, 4.704 ], [ -60.163, 4.521 ], [ -59.927, 4.509 ], [ -59.674, 4.382 ], [ -59.726, 4.191 ], [ -59.628, 4.138 ], [ -59.655, 4.078 ], [ -59.516, 3.94 ], [ -59.581, 3.901 ], [ -59.594, 3.796 ], [ -59.666, 3.777 ], [ -59.664, 3.703 ], [ -59.849, 3.601 ], [ -59.799, 3.355 ], [ -59.909, 3.197 ], [ -59.982, 2.929 ], [ -59.99, 2.683 ], [ -59.903, 2.479 ], [ -59.91, 2.388 ], [ -59.724, 2.277 ], [ -59.754, 1.861 ], [ -59.654, 1.849 ], [ -59.669, 1.764 ], [ -59.549, 1.729 ], [ -59.253, 1.397 ], [ -58.914, 1.299 ], [ -58.904, 1.234 ], [ -58.804, 1.175 ], [ -58.696, 1.288 ], [ -58.507, 1.264 ], [ -58.468, 1.318 ], [ -58.498, 1.458 ], [ -58.382, 1.471 ], [ -58.325, 1.59 ], [ -58.167, 1.558 ], [ -58.13, 1.501 ], [ -58.009, 1.501 ], [ -58, 1.665 ], [ -57.919, 1.645 ], [ -57.77, 1.718 ], [ -57.545, 1.701 ], [ -57.434, 1.895 ], [ -57.302, 1.99 ], [ -57.247, 1.944 ], [ -57.085, 2.021 ], [ -57.012, 1.918 ], [ -56.8, 1.864 ], [ -56.724, 1.92 ], [ -56.454, 1.945 ], [ -55.957, 1.844 ], [ -55.906, 1.889 ], [ -55.913, 2.041 ], [ -56.048, 2.226 ], [ -56.134, 2.263 ], [ -56.09, 2.352 ], [ -55.995, 2.405 ], [ -55.987, 2.517 ], [ -55.948, 2.532 ], [ -55.739, 2.401 ], [ -55.481, 2.443 ], [ -55.37, 2.407 ], [ -55.336, 2.516 ], [ -55.239, 2.495 ], [ -55.137, 2.575 ], [ -55.103, 2.522 ], [ -54.94, 2.632 ], [ -54.969, 2.555 ], [ -54.864, 2.439 ], [ -54.72, 2.469 ], [ -54.702, 2.336 ], [ -54.549, 2.336 ], [ -54.534, 2.268 ], [ -54.314, 2.158 ], [ -54.189, 2.179 ], [ -54.111, 2.127 ], [ -54.078, 2.197 ], [ -53.784, 2.364 ], [ -53.694, 2.287 ], [ -53.472, 2.332 ], [ -53.397, 2.272 ], [ -53.273, 2.292 ], [ -53.188, 2.223 ], [ -52.905, 2.19 ], [ -52.853, 2.285 ], [ -52.673, 2.374 ], [ -52.555, 2.523 ], [ -52.556, 2.646 ], [ -52.382, 2.912 ], [ -52.347, 3.134 ], [ -52.192, 3.296 ], [ -51.92, 3.781 ], [ -51.795, 3.89 ], [ -51.754, 3.996 ], [ -51.658, 4.049 ], [ -51.585, 4.241 ], [ -51.529, 4.171 ], [ -51.545, 4.397 ], [ -51.202, 4.084 ], [ -51.173, 3.767 ], [ -51.127, 3.911 ], [ -51.085, 3.895 ], [ -51.051, 3.283 ], [ -50.913, 2.875 ], [ -50.927, 2.807 ], [ -50.816, 2.644 ], [ -50.851, 2.482 ], [ -50.802, 2.508 ], [ -50.736, 2.414 ], [ -50.765, 2.359 ], [ -50.694, 2.276 ], [ -50.725, 2.252 ], [ -50.675, 2.247 ], [ -50.682, 2.137 ], [ -50.584, 2.091 ], [ -50.586, 2.014 ], [ -50.471, 1.82 ], [ -50.194, 1.794 ], [ -49.954, 1.676 ], [ -49.88, 1.419 ], [ -49.918, 1.289 ], [ -50.073, 1.204 ], [ -49.918, 1.232 ], [ -49.939, 1.103 ], [ -50.003, 1.066 ], [ -50.033, 1.107 ], [ -50.131, 0.949 ], [ -50.274, 0.866 ], [ -50.338, 0.729 ], [ -50.417, 0.685 ], [ -50.455, 0.732 ], [ -50.428, 0.679 ], [ -50.571, 0.424 ], [ -50.691, 0.3 ], [ -50.677, 0.365 ], [ -50.746, 0.227 ], [ -50.801, 0.224 ], [ -50.785, 0.183 ], [ -50.908, 0.171 ], [ -51.087, -0.043 ], [ -51.203, -0.055 ], [ -51.419, -0.412 ], [ -51.409, -0.44 ], [ -51.325, -0.364 ], [ -51.188, -0.14 ], [ -51.111, -0.154 ], [ -51.154, -0.284 ], [ -51.396, -0.493 ], [ -51.243, -0.443 ], [ -51.26, -0.5 ], [ -51.165, -0.431 ], [ -50.953, -0.061 ], [ -50.824, -0.048 ], [ -50.705, 0.002 ], [ -50.613, -0.088 ], [ -50.744, -0.244 ], [ -50.751, -0.429 ], [ -50.845, -0.526 ], [ -50.988, -0.583 ], [ -51.051, -0.682 ], [ -50.826, -0.555 ], [ -50.794, -0.666 ], [ -50.733, -0.557 ], [ -50.684, -0.604 ], [ -50.724, -0.493 ], [ -50.652, -0.276 ], [ -50.409, -0.094 ], [ -49.631, -0.247 ], [ -49.446, -0.23 ], [ -49.289, -0.145 ], [ -49.018, -0.16 ], [ -49, -0.139 ], [ -48.895, -0.224 ], [ -48.539, -0.234 ], [ -48.363, -0.303 ], [ -48.459, -0.513 ], [ -48.522, -0.877 ], [ -48.667, -1.002 ], [ -48.621, -1.005 ], [ -48.65, -1.048 ], [ -48.617, -1.053 ], [ -48.721, -1.137 ], [ -48.837, -1.452 ], [ -49.161, -1.575 ], [ -49.182, -1.623 ], [ -49.362, -1.604 ], [ -49.364, -1.642 ], [ -49.448, -1.637 ], [ -49.5, -1.738 ], [ -49.61, -1.718 ], [ -49.676, -1.78 ], [ -49.696, -1.757 ], [ -49.714, -1.76 ], [ -49.803, -1.822 ], [ -50.035, -1.717 ], [ -50.179, -1.787 ], [ -50.256, -1.776 ], [ -50.415, -1.841 ], [ -50.401, -1.935 ], [ -49.994, -1.819 ], [ -49.844, -1.905 ], [ -49.765, -1.898 ], [ -49.616, -1.79 ], [ -49.276, -1.706 ], [ -49.267, -1.778 ], [ -49.387, -1.977 ], [ -49.383, -2.159 ], [ -48.973, -1.594 ], [ -48.897, -1.573 ], [ -48.955, -1.712 ], [ -48.932, -1.75 ], [ -48.898, -1.743 ], [ -48.656, -1.371 ], [ -48.592, -1.429 ], [ -48.601, -1.306 ], [ -48.524, -1.338 ], [ -48.537, -1.467 ], [ -48.496, -1.553 ], [ -48.491, -1.502 ], [ -48.46, -1.533 ], [ -48.374, -1.511 ], [ -48.319, -1.478 ], [ -48.505, -1.471 ], [ -48.422, -1.168 ], [ -48.475, -1.144 ], [ -48.4, -1.066 ], [ -48.278, -1.111 ], [ -48.304, -0.948 ], [ -48.055, -0.668 ], [ -48.001, -0.731 ], [ -47.893, -0.553 ], [ -47.843, -0.616 ], [ -47.807, -0.547 ], [ -47.702, -0.54 ], [ -47.707, -0.59 ], [ -47.667, -0.569 ], [ -47.633, -0.608 ], [ -47.651, -0.694 ], [ -47.608, -0.684 ], [ -47.577, -0.573 ], [ -47.476, -0.757 ], [ -47.398, -0.76 ], [ -47.428, -0.693 ], [ -47.464, -0.687 ], [ -47.466, -0.594 ], [ -47.399, -0.594 ], [ -47.4, -0.645 ], [ -47.298, -0.589 ], [ -47.253, -0.668 ], [ -47.247, -0.623 ], [ -47.206, -0.633 ], [ -47.23, -0.719 ], [ -47.158, -0.678 ], [ -47.191, -0.754 ], [ -47.146, -0.764 ], [ -47.16, -0.815 ], [ -47.081, -0.661 ], [ -47.055, -0.868 ], [ -47.027, -0.784 ], [ -46.983, -0.806 ], [ -47.016, -0.752 ], [ -46.967, -0.694 ], [ -46.969, -0.78 ], [ -46.891, -0.869 ], [ -46.89, -0.789 ], [ -46.846, -0.799 ], [ -46.82, -0.71 ], [ -46.802, -0.877 ], [ -46.777, -0.905 ], [ -46.75, -0.826 ], [ -46.709, -0.86 ], [ -46.734, -0.944 ], [ -46.687, -0.831 ], [ -46.653, -0.882 ], [ -46.621, -0.818 ], [ -46.601, -0.917 ], [ -46.676, -0.965 ], [ -46.622, -0.987 ], [ -46.57, -0.947 ], [ -46.609, -1.03 ], [ -46.57, -0.988 ], [ -46.525, -1.027 ], [ -46.465, -1.007 ], [ -46.47, -1.044 ], [ -46.395, -1.037 ], [ -46.413, -1.084 ], [ -46.348, -0.982 ], [ -46.36, -1.011 ], [ -46.366, -1.031 ], [ -46.348, -1.079 ], [ -46.339, -1.015 ], [ -46.299, -1.05 ], [ -46.212, -0.946 ], [ -46.242, -0.921 ], [ -46.179, -0.914 ], [ -46.224, -1.053 ], [ -46.206, -1.1 ], [ -46.158, -1.014 ], [ -46.138, -1.032 ], [ -46.193, -1.143 ], [ -46.104, -1.067 ], [ -46.062, -1.133 ], [ -46.15, -1.258 ], [ -45.982, -1.071 ], [ -45.953, -1.147 ], [ -46, -1.151 ], [ -46, -1.199 ], [ -45.95, -1.159 ], [ -45.95, -1.207 ], [ -46, -1.209 ], [ -45.95, -1.25 ], [ -45.902, -1.134 ], [ -45.923, -1.214 ], [ -45.882, -1.167 ], [ -45.873, -1.211 ], [ -45.909, -1.261 ], [ -45.859, -1.231 ], [ -45.891, -1.293 ], [ -45.807, -1.176 ], [ -45.843, -1.301 ], [ -45.809, -1.328 ], [ -45.831, -1.298 ], [ -45.782, -1.278 ], [ -45.726, -1.135 ], [ -45.69, -1.452 ], [ -45.697, -1.38 ], [ -45.632, -1.371 ], [ -45.618, -1.279 ], [ -45.589, -1.329 ], [ -45.537, -1.273 ], [ -45.561, -1.343 ], [ -45.51, -1.352 ], [ -45.567, -1.404 ], [ -45.546, -1.432 ], [ -45.413, -1.296 ], [ -45.489, -1.473 ], [ -45.511, -1.458 ], [ -45.554, -1.503 ], [ -45.507, -1.471 ], [ -45.518, -1.516 ], [ -45.481, -1.495 ], [ -45.463, -1.548 ], [ -45.457, -1.457 ], [ -45.391, -1.434 ], [ -45.363, -1.325 ], [ -45.323, -1.319 ], [ -45.302, -1.424 ], [ -45.392, -1.485 ], [ -45.398, -1.503 ], [ -45.356, -1.487 ], [ -45.392, -1.553 ], [ -45.338, -1.572 ], [ -45.371, -1.722 ], [ -45.338, -1.753 ], [ -45.197, -1.688 ], [ -45.261, -1.607 ], [ -45.16, -1.475 ], [ -45.136, -1.521 ], [ -45.072, -1.435 ], [ -45.07, -1.485 ], [ -44.999, -1.504 ], [ -45.018, -1.547 ], [ -44.969, -1.549 ], [ -45.029, -1.583 ], [ -45.029, -1.602 ], [ -44.979, -1.607 ], [ -44.954, -1.498 ], [ -44.862, -1.426 ], [ -44.857, -1.498 ], [ -44.954, -1.605 ], [ -44.918, -1.649 ], [ -44.968, -1.662 ], [ -44.913, -1.657 ], [ -44.927, -1.62 ], [ -44.886, -1.609 ], [ -44.837, -1.65 ], [ -44.822, -1.591 ], [ -44.826, -1.637 ], [ -44.805, -1.609 ], [ -44.812, -1.665 ], [ -44.779, -1.735 ], [ -44.711, -1.728 ], [ -44.82, -1.819 ], [ -44.738, -1.791 ], [ -44.706, -1.819 ], [ -44.676, -1.808 ], [ -44.661, -1.727 ], [ -44.604, -1.749 ], [ -44.667, -1.849 ], [ -44.601, -1.858 ], [ -44.583, -1.817 ], [ -44.586, -1.873 ], [ -44.543, -1.833 ], [ -44.601, -1.909 ], [ -44.517, -1.907 ], [ -44.484, -2.002 ], [ -44.613, -2.037 ], [ -44.467, -2.017 ], [ -44.626, -2.151 ], [ -44.589, -2.159 ], [ -44.641, -2.232 ], [ -44.708, -2.23 ], [ -44.684, -2.275 ], [ -44.764, -2.265 ], [ -44.654, -2.294 ], [ -44.681, -2.354 ], [ -44.649, -2.373 ], [ -44.666, -2.329 ], [ -44.479, -2.137 ], [ -44.358, -2.335 ], [ -44.401, -2.416 ], [ -44.514, -2.384 ], [ -44.55, -2.4 ], [ -44.491, -2.415 ], [ -44.514, -2.448 ], [ -44.505, -2.476 ], [ -44.665, -2.608 ], [ -44.548, -2.542 ], [ -44.658, -2.781 ], [ -44.688, -2.924 ], [ -44.677, -3.019 ], [ -44.66, -3.02 ], [ -44.657, -3.018 ] ], [ [ -43.318, -2.361 ], [ -43.317, -2.363 ], [ -43.296, -2.363 ], [ -43.318, -2.361 ] ], [ [ -42.438, -2.747 ], [ -42.442, -2.749 ], [ -42.438, -2.75 ], [ -42.438, -2.747 ] ], [ [ -42.442, -2.749 ], [ -42.47, -2.744 ], [ -42.447, -2.753 ], [ -42.442, -2.749 ] ], [ [ -50.851, 2.482 ], [ -50.853, 2.481 ], [ -50.853, 2.48 ], [ -50.851, 2.482 ] ], [ [ -50.853, 2.481 ], [ -50.86, 2.495 ], [ -50.86, 2.477 ], [ -50.853, 2.481 ] ], [ [ -49.976, 1.659 ], [ -49.98, 1.659 ], [ -50, 1.639 ], [ -49.976, 1.659 ] ], [ [ -45.392, -1.553 ], [ -45.393, -1.553 ], [ -45.394, -1.556 ], [ -45.392, -1.553 ] ], [ [ -45.394, -1.556 ], [ -45.406, -1.579 ], [ -45.403, -1.591 ], [ -45.394, -1.556 ] ], [ [ -44.837, -1.65 ], [ -44.834, -1.655 ], [ -44.833, -1.654 ], [ -44.837, -1.65 ] ], [ [ -44.834, -1.655 ], [ -44.841, -1.675 ], [ -44.822, -1.672 ], [ -44.834, -1.655 ] ], [ [ -44.779, -1.735 ], [ -44.777, -1.741 ], [ -44.776, -1.74 ], [ -44.779, -1.735 ] ], [ [ -44.777, -1.741 ], [ -44.833, -1.77 ], [ -44.774, -1.75 ], [ -44.777, -1.741 ] ], [ [ -44.547, -2.22 ], [ -44.536, -2.225 ], [ -44.543, -2.219 ], [ -44.547, -2.22 ] ], [ [ -44.536, -2.225 ], [ -44.507, -2.249 ], [ -44.512, -2.235 ], [ -44.536, -2.225 ] ], [ [ -44.507, -2.249 ], [ -44.504, -2.256 ], [ -44.501, -2.254 ], [ -44.507, -2.249 ] ], [ [ -44.504, -2.256 ], [ -44.514, -2.268 ], [ -44.502, -2.26 ], [ -44.504, -2.256 ] ] ], [ [ [ -29.34, -20.484 ], [ -29.301, -20.521 ], [ -29.341, -20.511 ], [ -29.34, -20.484 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.001, -13.94 ], [ -39.012, -13.915 ], [ -38.994, -13.896 ], [ -39.001, -13.94 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.043, -13.909 ], [ -39.059, -13.904 ], [ -39.054, -13.886 ], [ -39.028, -13.903 ], [ -39.043, -13.909 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.251, -18.015 ], [ -39.283, -18.005 ], [ -39.272, -17.982 ], [ -39.245, -18.006 ], [ -39.251, -18.015 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.131, -17.927 ], [ -39.154, -17.921 ], [ -39.137, -17.91 ], [ -39.131, -17.927 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.212, -17.986 ], [ -39.228, -17.979 ], [ -39.215, -17.944 ], [ -39.202, -17.95 ], [ -39.212, -17.986 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.341, -23.231 ], [ -44.372, -23.174 ], [ -44.232, -23.089 ], [ -44.087, -23.173 ], [ -44.3, -23.184 ], [ -44.341, -23.231 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.356, -23.073 ], [ -44.388, -23.048 ], [ -44.373, -23.033 ], [ -44.343, -23.041 ], [ -44.356, -23.073 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.929, -23.014 ], [ -43.936, -22.999 ], [ -43.916, -22.989 ], [ -43.929, -23.014 ] ] ], [ [ [ -42.002, -23.018 ], [ -42.015, -23.003 ], [ -41.98, -22.975 ], [ -41.975, -22.992 ], [ -42.002, -23.018 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.904, -22.962 ], [ -43.907, -22.936 ], [ -43.868, -22.926 ], [ -43.871, -22.95 ], [ -43.904, -22.962 ] ] ], [ [ [ -41.042, -21.613 ], [ -41.042, -21.6 ], [ -41.019, -21.606 ], [ -41.042, -21.613 ] ] ], [ [ [ -52.112, -32 ], [ -52.18, -32.035 ], [ -52.216, -32.025 ], [ -52.198, -31.978 ], [ -52.112, -32 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.641, -30.388 ], [ -50.629, -30.394 ], [ -50.624, -30.329 ], [ -50.592, -30.399 ], [ -50.609, -30.406 ], [ -50.641, -30.388 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.526, -27.462 ], [ -48.416, -27.38 ], [ -48.358, -27.446 ], [ -48.503, -27.799 ], [ -48.559, -27.842 ], [ -48.526, -27.462 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.354, -27.296 ], [ -48.376, -27.285 ], [ -48.373, -27.271 ], [ -48.36, -27.27 ], [ -48.354, -27.296 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.731, -26.314 ], [ -48.754, -26.297 ], [ -48.735, -26.282 ], [ -48.731, -26.314 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.318, -25.584 ], [ -48.309, -25.546 ], [ -48.381, -25.504 ], [ -48.312, -25.509 ], [ -48.292, -25.545 ], [ -48.318, -25.584 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.414, -25.544 ], [ -48.459, -25.514 ], [ -48.415, -25.527 ], [ -48.414, -25.544 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.424, -25.551 ], [ -48.479, -25.523 ], [ -48.485, -25.502 ], [ -48.424, -25.551 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.298, -25.493 ], [ -48.341, -25.416 ], [ -48.252, -25.341 ], [ -48.265, -25.44 ], [ -48.253, -25.466 ], [ -48.298, -25.493 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.417, -25.386 ], [ -48.424, -25.343 ], [ -48.405, -25.33 ], [ -48.417, -25.386 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.695, -24.112 ], [ -45.688, -24.088 ], [ -45.679, -24.098 ], [ -45.695, -24.112 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.251, -23.962 ], [ -45.301, -23.909 ], [ -45.453, -23.91 ], [ -45.332, -23.721 ], [ -45.227, -23.774 ], [ -45.224, -23.835 ], [ -45.283, -23.857 ], [ -45.221, -23.899 ], [ -45.251, -23.962 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.141, -23.817 ], [ -45.146, -23.791 ], [ -45.114, -23.801 ], [ -45.141, -23.817 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.153, -23.573 ], [ -45.153, -23.558 ], [ -45.141, -23.568 ], [ -45.153, -23.573 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.073, -23.564 ], [ -45.079, -23.525 ], [ -45.036, -23.531 ], [ -45.073, -23.564 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.608, -23.228 ], [ -44.59, -23.208 ], [ -44.577, -23.216 ], [ -44.608, -23.228 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.648, -12.821 ], [ -38.666, -12.777 ], [ -38.624, -12.762 ], [ -38.648, -12.821 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.529, -12.811 ], [ -38.544, -12.757 ], [ -38.532, -12.74 ], [ -38.508, -12.792 ], [ -38.529, -12.811 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.622, -12.752 ], [ -38.622, -12.727 ], [ -38.593, -12.733 ], [ -38.622, -12.752 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.646, -12.683 ], [ -38.648, -12.65 ], [ -38.636, -12.661 ], [ -38.646, -12.683 ] ] ], [ [ [ -32.402, -3.838 ], [ -32.428, -3.877 ], [ -32.483, -3.878 ], [ -32.402, -3.838 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.667, -3.179 ], [ -44.668, -3.16 ], [ -44.643, -3.148 ], [ -44.644, -3.17 ], [ -44.667, -3.179 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.671, -2.943 ], [ -44.67, -2.92 ], [ -44.647, -2.915 ], [ -44.671, -2.943 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.493, -2.641 ], [ -44.48, -2.601 ], [ -44.477, -2.627 ], [ -44.493, -2.641 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.897, -2.573 ], [ -43.896, -2.554 ], [ -43.886, -2.565 ], [ -43.897, -2.573 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.599, -2.503 ], [ -43.577, -2.471 ], [ -43.572, -2.483 ], [ -43.599, -2.503 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.822, -2.526 ], [ -43.829, -2.509 ], [ -43.813, -2.458 ], [ -43.812, -2.553 ], [ -43.82, -2.528 ], [ -43.822, -2.526 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.821, -2.529 ], [ -43.856, -2.502 ], [ -43.832, -2.439 ], [ -43.842, -2.504 ], [ -43.821, -2.529 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.863, -2.56 ], [ -43.875, -2.552 ], [ -43.865, -2.534 ], [ -43.863, -2.56 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.519, -2.536 ], [ -44.529, -2.526 ], [ -44.501, -2.48 ], [ -44.505, -2.444 ], [ -44.455, -2.434 ], [ -44.519, -2.536 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.602, -3.007 ], [ -44.657, -2.972 ], [ -44.613, -2.894 ], [ -44.575, -2.921 ], [ -44.602, -3.007 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.585, -2.978 ], [ -44.563, -2.914 ], [ -44.586, -2.826 ], [ -44.494, -2.705 ], [ -44.494, -2.953 ], [ -44.582, -3.041 ], [ -44.585, -2.978 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.826, -2.434 ], [ -43.842, -2.403 ], [ -43.811, -2.385 ], [ -43.807, -2.412 ], [ -43.826, -2.434 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.581, -2.441 ], [ -43.615, -2.389 ], [ -43.549, -2.377 ], [ -43.545, -2.403 ], [ -43.581, -2.441 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.791, -2.47 ], [ -43.806, -2.443 ], [ -43.78, -2.422 ], [ -43.759, -2.448 ], [ -43.791, -2.47 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.513, -2.424 ], [ -43.537, -2.416 ], [ -43.522, -2.39 ], [ -43.505, -2.414 ], [ -43.513, -2.424 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.792, -2.405 ], [ -43.798, -2.377 ], [ -43.771, -2.37 ], [ -43.792, -2.405 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.689, -2.355 ], [ -43.743, -2.352 ], [ -43.724, -2.305 ], [ -43.617, -2.253 ], [ -43.612, -2.275 ], [ -43.669, -2.301 ], [ -43.689, -2.355 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.73, -2.425 ], [ -43.732, -2.364 ], [ -43.67, -2.377 ], [ -43.681, -2.34 ], [ -43.63, -2.324 ], [ -43.643, -2.394 ], [ -43.73, -2.425 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.473, -2.125 ], [ -44.487, -2.113 ], [ -44.475, -2.096 ], [ -44.463, -2.104 ], [ -44.473, -2.125 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.456, -2.031 ], [ -44.447, -2.008 ], [ -44.439, -2.022 ], [ -44.456, -2.031 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.311, -1.964 ], [ -49.336, -1.996 ], [ -49.309, -1.943 ], [ -49.311, -1.964 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.323, -2.054 ], [ -49.329, -2.019 ], [ -49.316, -2.001 ], [ -49.323, -2.054 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.231, -1.829 ], [ -50.246, -1.824 ], [ -50.229, -1.816 ], [ -50.231, -1.829 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.615, -1.821 ], [ -44.622, -1.797 ], [ -44.597, -1.774 ], [ -44.583, -1.789 ], [ -44.615, -1.821 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.7, -1.811 ], [ -44.703, -1.78 ], [ -44.673, -1.78 ], [ -44.7, -1.811 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.691, -1.793 ], [ -49.721, -1.789 ], [ -49.719, -1.771 ], [ -49.697, -1.766 ], [ -49.691, -1.793 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.924, -1.711 ], [ -48.909, -1.713 ], [ -48.916, -1.734 ], [ -48.935, -1.713 ], [ -48.924, -1.711 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.757, -1.707 ], [ -44.767, -1.694 ], [ -44.736, -1.701 ], [ -44.757, -1.707 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.433, -1.684 ], [ -49.454, -1.706 ], [ -49.46, -1.684 ], [ -49.433, -1.684 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.357, -1.008 ], [ -46.342, -0.994 ], [ -46.353, -1.026 ], [ -46.357, -1.008 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.205, -1.021 ], [ -46.194, -1.014 ], [ -46.202, -1.032 ], [ -46.205, -1.021 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.662, -3.018 ], [ -44.673, -3.012 ], [ -44.664, -3.001 ], [ -44.649, -3.013 ], [ -44.662, -3.018 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.736, -1.683 ], [ -44.745, -1.677 ], [ -44.732, -1.668 ], [ -44.736, -1.683 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.231, -1.638 ], [ -49.237, -1.627 ], [ -49.217, -1.633 ], [ -49.231, -1.638 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.38, -1.685 ], [ -49.4, -1.682 ], [ -49.368, -1.669 ], [ -49.38, -1.685 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.426, -1.673 ], [ -49.429, -1.661 ], [ -49.406, -1.66 ], [ -49.426, -1.673 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.34, -1.672 ], [ -49.358, -1.662 ], [ -49.325, -1.647 ], [ -49.34, -1.672 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.289, -1.726 ], [ -45.305, -1.663 ], [ -45.257, -1.641 ], [ -45.244, -1.678 ], [ -45.28, -1.694 ], [ -45.289, -1.726 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.328, -1.743 ], [ -45.346, -1.719 ], [ -45.301, -1.596 ], [ -45.274, -1.635 ], [ -45.313, -1.654 ], [ -45.328, -1.743 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.886, -1.578 ], [ -48.89, -1.56 ], [ -48.859, -1.536 ], [ -48.856, -1.553 ], [ -48.886, -1.578 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.783, -1.682 ], [ -44.8, -1.595 ], [ -44.775, -1.62 ], [ -44.721, -1.567 ], [ -44.704, -1.611 ], [ -44.684, -1.575 ], [ -44.668, -1.669 ], [ -44.693, -1.638 ], [ -44.783, -1.682 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.816, -1.569 ], [ -44.837, -1.534 ], [ -44.787, -1.488 ], [ -44.825, -1.534 ], [ -44.816, -1.569 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.462, -1.517 ], [ -48.478, -1.499 ], [ -48.421, -1.503 ], [ -48.462, -1.517 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.793, -1.531 ], [ -44.774, -1.47 ], [ -44.763, -1.513 ], [ -44.793, -1.531 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.414, -1.427 ], [ -45.423, -1.416 ], [ -45.409, -1.405 ], [ -45.414, -1.427 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45, -1.296 ], [ -44.922, -1.265 ], [ -44.877, -1.309 ], [ -44.895, -1.34 ], [ -44.922, -1.305 ], [ -44.907, -1.341 ], [ -44.999, -1.405 ], [ -45.033, -1.339 ], [ -45, -1.32 ], [ -44.995, -1.36 ], [ -45, -1.296 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.044, -1.402 ], [ -45.07, -1.33 ], [ -45.052, -1.342 ], [ -45.044, -1.402 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.333, -1.569 ], [ -45.371, -1.544 ], [ -45.347, -1.489 ], [ -45.313, -1.506 ], [ -45.333, -1.569 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.969, -1.522 ], [ -44.976, -1.493 ], [ -44.959, -1.483 ], [ -44.969, -1.522 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.393, -1.512 ], [ -48.371, -1.476 ], [ -48.341, -1.483 ], [ -48.393, -1.512 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.413, -1.498 ], [ -48.426, -1.491 ], [ -48.387, -1.476 ], [ -48.413, -1.498 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.118, -1.47 ], [ -45.132, -1.462 ], [ -45.115, -1.364 ], [ -45.103, -1.373 ], [ -45.118, -1.47 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.593, -1.251 ], [ -45.581, -1.19 ], [ -45.536, -1.205 ], [ -45.532, -1.231 ], [ -45.593, -1.251 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.559, -1.243 ], [ -48.56, -1.202 ], [ -48.523, -1.199 ], [ -48.559, -1.243 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.817, -1.163 ], [ -45.829, -1.141 ], [ -45.804, -1.127 ], [ -45.817, -1.163 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.877, -1.154 ], [ -45.9, -1.117 ], [ -45.883, -1.073 ], [ -45.849, -1.123 ], [ -45.877, -1.154 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.192, -1.05 ], [ -46.201, -1.041 ], [ -46.185, -1.027 ], [ -46.192, -1.05 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.291, -1.01 ], [ -46.307, -0.992 ], [ -46.306, -0.961 ], [ -46.291, -1.01 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.078, -1.095 ], [ -46.065, -1.05 ], [ -46.061, -1.074 ], [ -46.078, -1.095 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.68, -1.295 ], [ -45.687, -1.275 ], [ -45.667, -1.26 ], [ -45.654, -1.285 ], [ -45.68, -1.295 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.538, -1.282 ], [ -48.549, -1.262 ], [ -48.53, -1.25 ], [ -48.538, -1.282 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.51, -1.27 ], [ -48.522, -1.247 ], [ -48.506, -1.236 ], [ -48.51, -1.27 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.694, -1.37 ], [ -45.646, -1.289 ], [ -45.625, -1.126 ], [ -45.634, -1.349 ], [ -45.694, -1.37 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.688, -1.266 ], [ -45.708, -1.228 ], [ -45.685, -1.194 ], [ -45.664, -1.231 ], [ -45.688, -1.266 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.425, -0.914 ], [ -46.454, -0.907 ], [ -46.408, -0.868 ], [ -46.395, -0.899 ], [ -46.425, -0.914 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.72, -0.848 ], [ -46.735, -0.832 ], [ -46.729, -0.796 ], [ -46.72, -0.848 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.611, -0.799 ], [ -46.622, -0.784 ], [ -46.601, -0.789 ], [ -46.611, -0.799 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.586, -0.849 ], [ -46.621, -0.807 ], [ -46.589, -0.815 ], [ -46.586, -0.849 ] ] ], [ [ [ -47.447, -0.748 ], [ -47.453, -0.732 ], [ -47.436, -0.717 ], [ -47.428, -0.738 ], [ -47.447, -0.748 ] ] ], [ [ [ -47.461, -0.741 ], [ -47.463, -0.702 ], [ -47.445, -0.697 ], [ -47.461, -0.741 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.214, -0.411 ], [ -51.211, -0.386 ], [ -51.164, -0.347 ], [ -51.163, -0.383 ], [ -51.214, -0.411 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.352, -0.353 ], [ -51.346, -0.31 ], [ -51.317, -0.268 ], [ -51.327, -0.33 ], [ -51.352, -0.353 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.127, -0.268 ], [ -51.131, -0.237 ], [ -51.091, -0.208 ], [ -51.087, -0.229 ], [ -51.127, -0.268 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.888, -0.198 ], [ -48.91, -0.188 ], [ -48.893, -0.134 ], [ -48.847, -0.177 ], [ -48.888, -0.198 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.174, -0.091 ], [ -51.191, -0.064 ], [ -51.126, -0.057 ], [ -51.174, -0.091 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.114, -0.146 ], [ -49.097, -0.121 ], [ -49.08, -0.13 ], [ -49.114, -0.146 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.166, -0.142 ], [ -49.188, -0.115 ], [ -49.156, -0.128 ], [ -49.166, -0.142 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.119, -0.141 ], [ -49.143, -0.107 ], [ -49.114, -0.11 ], [ -49.119, -0.141 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.127, -0.128 ], [ -51.094, -0.103 ], [ -51.108, -0.127 ], [ -51.127, -0.128 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.414, -0.999 ], [ -46.384, -0.941 ], [ -46.367, -0.948 ], [ -46.414, -0.999 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.647, -0.97 ], [ -46.658, -0.968 ], [ -46.618, -0.957 ], [ -46.647, -0.97 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.488, -0.942 ], [ -46.465, -0.877 ], [ -46.464, -0.924 ], [ -46.44, -0.922 ], [ -46.482, -0.976 ], [ -46.441, -0.999 ], [ -46.525, -1.016 ], [ -46.527, -0.917 ], [ -46.509, -0.984 ], [ -46.488, -0.942 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.632, 0.159 ], [ -49.662, 0.184 ], [ -49.629, 0.202 ], [ -49.61, 0.181 ], [ -49.632, 0.159 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.641, 0.26 ], [ -50.63, 0.293 ], [ -50.586, 0.308 ], [ -50.641, 0.26 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.2, 0.255 ], [ -50.243, 0.248 ], [ -50.147, 0.337 ], [ -50.059, 0.346 ], [ -50.2, 0.255 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.417, 0.159 ], [ -50.535, 0.234 ], [ -50.36, 0.615 ], [ -50.328, 0.383 ], [ -50.285, 0.3 ], [ -50.413, 0.237 ], [ -50.417, 0.159 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.279, 0.338 ], [ -50.271, 0.599 ], [ -50.147, 0.608 ], [ -50.142, 0.576 ], [ -50.107, 0.636 ], [ -50.063, 0.623 ], [ -50.05, 0.518 ], [ -50.279, 0.338 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50, 0.943 ], [ -50.113, 0.907 ], [ -50.018, 1.034 ], [ -49.935, 1.069 ], [ -49.939, 0.996 ], [ -50, 0.943 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.881, 1.227 ], [ -49.909, 1.246 ], [ -49.886, 1.244 ], [ -49.881, 1.227 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.907, 1.278 ], [ -49.885, 1.291 ], [ -49.863, 1.278 ], [ -49.876, 1.252 ], [ -49.907, 1.278 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.204, 1.851 ], [ -50.232, 1.879 ], [ -50.22, 1.915 ], [ -50.169, 1.865 ], [ -50.204, 1.851 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.468, 1.954 ], [ -50.521, 2.026 ], [ -50.497, 2.139 ], [ -50.398, 2.167 ], [ -50.367, 2.19 ], [ -50.276, 1.939 ], [ -50.423, 1.849 ], [ -50.468, 1.954 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.504, 2.255 ], [ -50.414, 2.244 ], [ -50.382, 2.204 ], [ -50.489, 2.15 ], [ -50.564, 2.205 ], [ -50.504, 2.255 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.229, 0.832 ], [ -50.098, 0.839 ], [ -50.027, 0.898 ], [ -50.105, 0.757 ], [ -50.162, 0.775 ], [ -50.249, 0.72 ], [ -50.229, 0.832 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.131, 0.844 ], [ -50.162, 0.867 ], [ -50.132, 0.9 ], [ -50.119, 0.854 ], [ -50.131, 0.844 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.108, 0.85 ], [ -50.111, 0.891 ], [ -50.049, 0.886 ], [ -50.108, 0.85 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.216, -0.055 ], [ -50.235, -0.042 ], [ -50.219, -0.04 ], [ -50.216, -0.055 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.916, -0.052 ], [ -50.926, -0.047 ], [ -50.907, -0.043 ], [ -50.916, -0.052 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.605, -0.061 ], [ -50.618, -0.022 ], [ -50.559, -0.038 ], [ -50.605, -0.061 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.399, -0.061 ], [ -50.44, -0.057 ], [ -50.378, -0.015 ], [ -50.357, -0.049 ], [ -50.399, -0.061 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.75, 0 ], [ -49.609, 0.08 ], [ -49.474, 0.081 ], [ -49.338, -0.017 ], [ -49.487, -0.136 ], [ -49.723, -0.147 ], [ -49.835, -0.088 ], [ -49.75, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.023, -0.019 ], [ -49.039, -0.011 ], [ -49.02, -0.006 ], [ -49.023, -0.019 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.932, 0.052 ], [ -50.918, 0.084 ], [ -50.884, 0.078 ], [ -50.899, 0.057 ], [ -50.932, 0.052 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.928, 0 ], [ -50.786, 0.05 ], [ -50.717, 0.028 ], [ -50.94, -0.041 ], [ -50.928, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.691, 0.025 ], [ -50.655, 0.015 ], [ -50.703, 0.021 ], [ -50.691, 0.025 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.629, -0.043 ], [ -50.642, -0.016 ], [ -50.622, -0.026 ], [ -50.629, -0.043 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.642, 0 ], [ -50.611, 0.007 ], [ -50.595, -0.019 ], [ -50.642, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.536, 0 ], [ -50.653, 0.126 ], [ -50.59, 0.203 ], [ -50.434, 0.126 ], [ -50.436, 0 ], [ -50.536, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50, 0.311 ], [ -49.674, 0.368 ], [ -49.601, 0.283 ], [ -49.86, 0.008 ], [ -49.99, -0.048 ], [ -50.086, 0.034 ], [ -50.351, 0.044 ], [ -50.394, 0.222 ], [ -50.153, 0.227 ], [ -50, 0.311 ] ] ] ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "La costa de lo que hoy es territorio brasileño fue el primer punto al \nque llegaron los europeos en América del Sur. La primera expedición que \nexploró la región fue un desprendimiento de la flota portuguesa que \nVasco da Gama (c. 1460-1524) llevaba hacia oriente. Las naves dirigidas \npor Pedro Álvarez de Cabral (1467-1520) se alejaron excesivamente de la \ncosta de África y terminaron en el extremo sur de actual territorio del \nEstado de Bahía, en que el permanecieron entre abril y mayo del año \n1500. Los portuguese establecieron en la costa precarias feitorias para \ncomerciar verzino o palo brasil con los nativos de las sociedades tupí y\n guaraní nativas. Recién en 1530 la corona brasileña tomaría acciones \ndecididas para organizar la ocupación portuguesa y las actividades de \nexplotación, cuando instaura el régimen de capitanías hereditarias que \nestructuraría el establecimiento colonial lusitano en brasil. \nBibliografía: Johnson, H. B., \"Portuguese Settlement, 1500-1580\", en \nBethell, Leslie (ed.), Colonial Brazil, Cambridge, Cambridge University \nPress, 1987, pp. 1-38; Abulafia, David, El descubrimiento de la \nhumanidad. Encuentros atlánticos en la era de Colón, Barcelona, Crítica,\n 2009 [2008]; Metcalf, Alida C., Go-Betweens and the Colonization of \nBrazil, 1500-1600, Austin, University of Texas Press, 2005; Vaz de \nCaminha, Pêro, Carta del descubrimiento del Brasil, Barcelona, \nAcantilado, 2009.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-19T00:00:49+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 8404, "end" : 8410 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Brasil" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/2c0c12f9-629f-4227-82d9-04102805f6ee", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://www.hgis-indias.net/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=gazetteer:9001006", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-19T00:04:11+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-19T00:04:11+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ -58.35179869, -33.67232101 ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Refiere a la Provincia del Río de la Plata, un espacio creado a partir \nde las capitulaciones que firmó el primer adelantado Pedro de Mendoza \ncon Carlos I en 1534.La misma limitaba al norte con los territorios \notorgados a Diego de Almagro, ocupando una franja que se extendería \nentre el Mar del Sur y el Mar Océano Austral. La exploración y ocupación\n efectiva del terreno delimitarían el espacio de la provincia del Río de\n la Plata al sector atlántico y específicamente, al eje fluvial \nParaná-Plata.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-19T00:04:11+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 19238, "end" : 19266 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Gobierno del Río de la Plata" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/a7235f9f-dce3-4d5b-a5a6-95e33f1283e5", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : 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La exploración y ocupación efectiva del terreno delimitarían el espacio de la provincia del Río de la Plata al sector atlántico y específicamente, al eje fluvial Paraná-Plata.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-10-26T18:46:59+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Viceroyalty", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T17:31:21+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "spanish colony", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T17:31:21+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Podemos pensar en una nota explicando el territorio (aprox.) del que se habla? @mjgandini", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/Gimena", "modified" : "2017-09-21T02:07:25+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://www.hgis-indias.net/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=gazetteer:9001006", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-10-17T09:43:21+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-10-17T09:43:21+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ -58.35179869, -33.67232101 ] } } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 4447, "end" : 4477 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "provincias del Río de la Plata" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/2629b6cf-5ed6-4963-a0d2-18aa43d1cc0d", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://sws.geonames.org/3461995", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-09-27T02:03:33+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-09-27T02:03:33+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ -48.31056, -20.31833 ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Es una amplia región comprendida dentro de la Gobernación del Río de la Plata y el océano Atlántico, en el actual territorio brasileño. Fue colonizada desde Asunción del Paraguay, pero las constantes incursiones de los bandeirantes portugueses frenaron su expansión.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-09-27T02:03:33+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 18226, "end" : 18233 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Guayra." } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/9a7a8f3b-6dab-4987-bef4-72b43ee31f9b", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://www.hgis-indias.net/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=gazetteer:9001006", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-10-17T09:50:55+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-10-17T09:50:55+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ -58.35179869, -33.67232101 ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Refiere al Río de la Plata, nombre utilizados por población nativa", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T18:41:46+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "River", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T18:41:53+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 8483, "end" : 8495 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Paraná guazú" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/75b2831f-1047-4a01-bbe5-0291a7ed0fca", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Point", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-20T19:19:03+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Refiere a Punta Piedras http://www.geonames.org/3429998/punta-piedras.htmlEste está sobre la costa Uruguaya, probablemente en lo el balneario de La Paloma en el Departamento de Rocha.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-10-27T14:50:21+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PLACE", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-10-17T09:56:27+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 12970, "end" : 12981 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Santa María" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/ad22a97b-537d-44f4-bfc0-db847ad27373", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://sws.geonames.org/3461995", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-09-27T19:17:19+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-09-27T19:17:19+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ -48.31056, -20.31833 ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Es una amplia región comprendida dentro de la Gobernación del Río de la \nPlata y el océano Atlántico, en el actual territorio brasileño. Fue \ncolonizada desde Asunción del Paraguay, pero las constantes incursiones \nde los bandeirantes portugueses frenaron su expansión.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-09-27T19:17:19+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 24107, "end" : 24113 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Guayra" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/5b94b72b-903b-41c9-a1ea-fb485ce59cb5", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, 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-50.24, -22.94 ], [ -50.23, -22.94 ], [ -50.21, -22.95 ], [ -50.12, -22.94 ], [ -50.11, -22.94 ], [ -50.1, -22.93 ], [ -50.03, -22.91 ], [ -50.02, -22.91 ], [ -50, -22.92 ], [ -50, -22.9 ], [ -49.99, -22.9 ], [ -49.98, -22.9 ], [ -49.97, -22.91 ], [ -49.97, -22.93 ], [ -49.97, -22.95 ], [ -49.96, -22.96 ], [ -49.93, -22.98 ], [ -49.91, -22.99 ], [ -49.91, -23 ], [ -49.91, -23.03 ], [ -49.91, -23.04 ], [ -49.89, -23.05 ], [ -49.88, -23.06 ], [ -49.87, -23.06 ], [ -49.84, -23.06 ], [ -49.83, -23.07 ], [ -49.8, -23.08 ], [ -49.79, -23.09 ], [ -49.77, -23.1 ], [ -49.76, -23.1 ], [ -49.76, -23.1 ], [ -49.75, -23.1 ], [ -49.74, -23.1 ], [ -49.73, -23.1 ], [ -49.73, -23.11 ], [ -49.73, -23.12 ], [ -49.73, -23.13 ], [ -49.72, -23.13 ], [ -49.72, -23.14 ], [ -49.7, -23.16 ], [ -49.67, -23.2 ], [ -49.64, -23.26 ], [ -49.62, -23.35 ], [ -49.61, -23.39 ], [ -49.62, -23.41 ], [ -49.64, -23.47 ], [ -49.65, -23.49 ], [ -49.65, -23.49 ], [ -49.65, -23.5 ], [ -49.65, -23.5 ], [ -49.65, -23.51 ], [ -49.65, -23.51 ], [ -49.65, -23.52 ], [ -49.64, -23.53 ], [ -49.63, -23.53 ], [ -49.63, -23.54 ], [ -49.63, -23.55 ], [ -49.62, -23.59 ], [ -49.62, -23.61 ], [ -49.61, -23.64 ], [ -49.59, -23.67 ], [ -49.58, -23.68 ], [ -49.56, -23.69 ], [ -49.56, -23.7 ], [ -49.55, -23.7 ], [ -49.55, -23.71 ], [ -49.56, -23.76 ], [ -49.56, -23.81 ], [ -49.57, -23.82 ], [ -49.57, -23.83 ], [ -49.57, -23.84 ], [ -49.58, -23.85 ], [ -49.58, -23.85 ], [ -49.59, -23.85 ], [ -49.6, -23.85 ], [ -49.6, -23.86 ], [ -49.6, -23.86 ], [ -49.6, -23.88 ], [ -49.59, -23.89 ], [ -49.59, -23.89 ], [ -49.58, -23.89 ], [ -49.57, -23.9 ], [ -49.57, -23.9 ], [ -49.55, -23.93 ], [ -49.54, -23.94 ], [ -49.53, -23.94 ], [ -49.53, -23.94 ], [ -49.52, -23.93 ], [ -49.52, -23.93 ], [ -49.51, -23.94 ], [ -49.51, -23.94 ], [ -49.51, -23.95 ], [ -49.51, -23.96 ], [ -49.51, -23.96 ], [ -49.51, -23.97 ], [ -49.5, -23.98 ], [ -49.49, -23.99 ], [ -49.48, -24.01 ], [ -49.46, -24.03 ], [ -49.45, -24.05 ], [ -49.45, -24.05 ], [ -49.44, -24.06 ], [ -49.43, -24.06 ], [ -49.43, -24.06 ], [ -49.42, -24.07 ], [ -49.42, -24.08 ], [ -49.41, -24.09 ], [ -49.4, -24.09 ], [ -49.4, -24.09 ], [ -49.38, -24.1 ], [ -49.37, -24.1 ], [ -49.36, -24.1 ], [ -49.36, -24.11 ], [ -49.35, -24.11 ], [ -49.34, -24.13 ], [ -49.34, -24.13 ], [ -49.33, -24.14 ], [ -49.33, -24.15 ], [ -49.33, -24.19 ], [ -49.33, -24.2 ], [ -49.34, -24.21 ], [ -49.34, -24.22 ], [ -49.34, -24.22 ], [ -49.33, -24.23 ], [ -49.32, -24.24 ], [ -49.32, -24.24 ], [ -49.31, -24.24 ], [ -49.31, -24.24 ], [ -49.3, -24.25 ], [ -49.29, -24.3 ], [ -49.28, -24.31 ], [ -49.27, -24.32 ], [ -49.27, -24.32 ], [ -49.26, -24.32 ], [ -49.25, -24.33 ], [ -49.25, -24.33 ], [ -49.24, -24.33 ], [ -49.24, -24.33 ], [ -49.23, -24.34 ], [ -49.23, -24.34 ], [ -49.22, -24.34 ], [ -49.22, -24.35 ], [ -49.22, -24.36 ], [ -49.23, -24.37 ], [ -49.24, -24.38 ], [ -49.25, -24.38 ], [ -49.25, -24.39 ], [ -49.25, -24.39 ], [ -49.25, -24.4 ], [ -49.24, -24.41 ], [ -49.24, -24.41 ], [ -49.24, -24.42 ], [ -49.25, -24.43 ], [ -49.26, -24.43 ], [ -49.28, -24.44 ], [ -49.29, -24.44 ], [ -49.29, -24.44 ], [ -49.3, -24.45 ], [ -49.29, -24.45 ], [ -49.29, -24.46 ], [ -49.27, -24.47 ], [ -49.28, -24.5 ], [ -49.28, -24.51 ], [ -49.28, -24.52 ], [ -49.28, -24.52 ], [ -49.28, -24.53 ], [ -49.29, -24.53 ], [ -49.31, -24.53 ], [ -49.32, -24.54 ], [ -49.32, -24.54 ], [ -49.32, -24.55 ], [ -49.32, -24.55 ], [ -49.32, -24.56 ], [ -49.32, -24.57 ], [ -49.3, -24.59 ], [ -49.3, -24.6 ], [ -49.3, -24.6 ], [ -49.3, -24.63 ], [ -49.3, -24.64 ], [ -49.3, -24.65 ], [ -49.3, -24.66 ], [ -49.3, -24.66 ], [ -49.3, -24.67 ], [ -49.28, -24.67 ], [ -49.22, -24.69 ], [ -49.2, -24.69 ], [ -49.19, -24.69 ], [ -49.17, -24.68 ], [ -49.15, -24.68 ], [ -49.09, -24.69 ], [ -49.05, -24.68 ], [ -49.03, -24.67 ], [ -49.03, -24.63 ], [ -49.01, -24.64 ], [ -48.98, -24.67 ], [ -48.95, -24.68 ], [ -48.87, -24.67 ], [ -48.85, -24.67 ], [ -48.85, -24.67 ], [ -48.85, -24.67 ], [ -48.85, -24.66 ], [ -48.83, -24.66 ], [ -48.81, -24.67 ], [ -48.8, -24.69 ], [ -48.78, -24.7 ], [ -48.78, -24.7 ], [ -48.77, -24.69 ], [ -48.77, -24.69 ], [ -48.76, -24.69 ], [ -48.75, -24.69 ], [ -48.74, -24.69 ], [ -48.71, -24.69 ], [ -48.69, -24.68 ], [ -48.69, -24.67 ], [ -48.68, -24.67 ], [ -48.67, -24.69 ], [ -48.67, -24.7 ], [ -48.66, -24.71 ], [ -48.65, -24.71 ], [ -48.65, -24.7 ], [ -48.64, -24.7 ], [ -48.63, -24.69 ], [ -48.61, -24.68 ], [ -48.61, -24.68 ], [ -48.6, -24.68 ], [ -48.59, -24.68 ], [ -48.59, -24.68 ], [ -48.58, -24.68 ], [ -48.58, -24.69 ], [ -48.57, -24.69 ], [ -48.57, -24.7 ], [ -48.57, -24.7 ], [ -48.56, -24.71 ], [ -48.56, -24.71 ], [ -48.55, -24.72 ], [ -48.55, -24.72 ], [ -48.49, -24.74 ], [ -48.49, -24.74 ], [ -48.49, -24.75 ], [ -48.49, -24.76 ], [ -48.5, -24.78 ], [ -48.51, -24.79 ], [ -48.52, -24.79 ], [ -48.53, -24.8 ], [ -48.54, -24.81 ], [ -48.55, -24.82 ], [ -48.55, -24.83 ], [ -48.54, -24.86 ], [ -48.54, -24.87 ], [ -48.54, -24.88 ], [ -48.55, -24.89 ], [ -48.56, -24.89 ], [ -48.56, -24.9 ], [ -48.56, -24.91 ], [ -48.56, -24.94 ], [ -48.56, -24.97 ], [ -48.56, -24.98 ], [ -48.57, -24.98 ], [ -48.57, -24.98 ], [ -48.59, -25 ], [ -48.59, -25 ], [ -48.59, -25 ], [ -48.59, -25 ], [ -48.59, -25 ], [ -48.59, -25.01 ], [ -48.59, -25.02 ], [ -48.57, -25.05 ], [ -48.57, -25.05 ], [ -48.57, -25.06 ], [ -48.54, -25.07 ], [ -48.51, -25.08 ], [ -48.51, -25.08 ], [ -48.5, -25.08 ], [ -48.49, -25.08 ], [ -48.49, -25.07 ], [ -48.49, -25.06 ], [ -48.48, -25.06 ], [ -48.48, -25.05 ], [ -48.48, -25.05 ], [ -48.47, -25.04 ], [ -48.47, -25.04 ], [ -48.46, -25.03 ], [ -48.46, -25.03 ], [ -48.46, -25.02 ], [ -48.46, -25.01 ], [ -48.46, -25 ], [ -48.46, -25 ], [ -48.46, -25 ], [ -48.46, -24.99 ], [ -48.46, -24.99 ], [ -48.45, -24.98 ], [ -48.43, -24.97 ], [ -48.43, -24.97 ], [ -48.42, -24.96 ], [ -48.42, -24.96 ], [ -48.41, -24.96 ], [ -48.4, -24.97 ], [ -48.39, -24.97 ], [ -48.37, -24.97 ], [ -48.36, -24.98 ], [ -48.35, -24.98 ], [ -48.35, -24.99 ], [ -48.34, -24.99 ], [ -48.34, -25 ], [ -48.34, -25 ], [ -48.34, -25 ], [ -48.34, -25.01 ], [ -48.34, -25.01 ], [ -48.33, -25.02 ], [ -48.32, -25.02 ], [ -48.3, -25.01 ], [ -48.29, -25.01 ], [ -48.28, -25.02 ], [ -48.28, -25.02 ], [ -48.28, -25.03 ], [ -48.28, -25.03 ], [ -48.27, -25.03 ], [ -48.26, -25.03 ], [ -48.23, -25.01 ], [ -48.21, -25.07 ], [ -48.21, -25.09 ], [ -48.21, -25.1 ], [ -48.19, -25.15 ], [ -48.18, -25.16 ], [ -48.18, -25.17 ], [ -48.19, -25.18 ], [ -48.19, -25.19 ], [ -48.18, -25.2 ], [ -48.18, -25.2 ], [ -48.17, -25.21 ], [ -48.16, -25.22 ], [ -48.15, -25.22 ], [ -48.09, -25.24 ], [ -48.09, -25.24 ], [ -48.08, -25.24 ], [ -48.07, -25.24 ], [ -48.07, -25.23 ], [ -48.07, -25.23 ], [ -48.06, -25.23 ], [ -48.06, -25.22 ], [ -48.05, -25.22 ], [ -48.05, -25.22 ], [ -48.04, -25.22 ], [ -48.04, -25.22 ], [ -48.03, -25.23 ], [ -48.04, -25.24 ], [ -48.07, -25.28 ], [ -48.08, -25.28 ], [ -48.08, -25.3 ], [ -48.08, -25.31 ], [ -48.08, -25.31 ], [ -48.09, -25.33 ], [ -48.17, -25.37 ], [ -48.17, -25.38 ], [ -48.2, -25.42 ], [ -48.21, -25.46 ], [ -48.23, -25.46 ], [ -48.24, -25.45 ], [ -48.25, -25.43 ], [ -48.25, -25.41 ], [ -48.22, -25.35 ], [ -48.22, -25.34 ], [ -48.22, -25.34 ], [ -48.22, -25.33 ], [ -48.21, -25.32 ], [ -48.2, -25.32 ], [ -48.18, -25.31 ], [ -48.14, -25.29 ], [ -48.13, -25.28 ], [ -48.14, -25.27 ], [ -48.15, -25.28 ], [ -48.17, -25.29 ], [ -48.2, -25.3 ], [ -48.22, -25.3 ], [ -48.23, -25.3 ], [ -48.24, -25.32 ], [ -48.25, -25.32 ], [ -48.26, -25.31 ], [ -48.27, -25.3 ], [ -48.28, -25.29 ], [ -48.28, -25.31 ], [ -48.28, -25.32 ], [ -48.29, -25.32 ], [ -48.3, -25.34 ], [ -48.31, -25.35 ], [ -48.32, -25.36 ], [ -48.33, -25.36 ], [ -48.32, -25.32 ], [ -48.33, -25.32 ], [ -48.33, -25.33 ], [ -48.34, -25.32 ], [ -48.33, -25.27 ], [ -48.33, -25.24 ], [ -48.33, -25.23 ], [ -48.34, -25.24 ], [ -48.35, -25.25 ], [ -48.36, -25.26 ], [ -48.36, -25.27 ], [ -48.37, -25.27 ], [ -48.37, -25.28 ], [ -48.37, -25.28 ], [ -48.36, -25.28 ], [ -48.36, -25.29 ], [ -48.35, -25.29 ], [ -48.35, -25.29 ], [ -48.35, -25.3 ], [ -48.36, -25.3 ], [ -48.36, -25.3 ], [ -48.37, -25.3 ], [ -48.38, -25.3 ], [ -48.41, -25.28 ], [ -48.41, -25.27 ], [ -48.42, -25.25 ], [ -48.43, -25.24 ], [ -48.43, -25.26 ], [ -48.44, -25.26 ], [ -48.45, -25.26 ], [ -48.45, -25.25 ], [ -48.45, -25.25 ], [ -48.46, -25.25 ], [ -48.45, -25.26 ], [ -48.43, -25.32 ], [ -48.45, -25.32 ], [ -48.48, -25.33 ], [ -48.5, -25.33 ], [ -48.5, -25.34 ], [ -48.46, -25.34 ], [ -48.45, -25.35 ], [ -48.43, -25.36 ], [ -48.45, -25.37 ], [ -48.46, -25.38 ], [ -48.45, -25.39 ], [ -48.43, -25.38 ], [ -48.43, -25.39 ], [ -48.42, -25.4 ], [ -48.41, -25.41 ], [ -48.42, -25.43 ], [ -48.43, -25.43 ], [ -48.44, -25.43 ], [ -48.45, -25.43 ], [ -48.45, -25.45 ], [ -48.46, -25.46 ], [ -48.46, -25.47 ], [ -48.47, -25.48 ], [ -48.49, -25.47 ], [ -48.5, -25.47 ], [ -48.52, -25.45 ], [ -48.53, -25.45 ], [ -48.54, -25.45 ], [ -48.55, -25.45 ], [ -48.56, -25.45 ], [ -48.56, -25.46 ], [ -48.58, -25.46 ], [ -48.62, -25.45 ], [ -48.64, -25.44 ], [ -48.68, -25.41 ], [ -48.69, -25.41 ], [ -48.73, -25.36 ], [ -48.74, -25.35 ], [ -48.74, -25.37 ], [ -48.72, -25.41 ], [ -48.72, -25.42 ], [ -48.72, -25.43 ], [ -48.71, -25.43 ], [ -48.7, -25.44 ], [ -48.7, -25.44 ], [ -48.68, -25.46 ], [ -48.69, -25.47 ], [ -48.71, -25.47 ], [ -48.73, -25.47 ], [ -48.71, -25.5 ], [ -48.68, -25.5 ], [ -48.65, -25.49 ], [ -48.62, -25.5 ], [ -48.62, -25.5 ], [ -48.62, -25.51 ], [ -48.63, -25.51 ], [ -48.64, -25.5 ], [ -48.64, -25.5 ], [ -48.65, -25.51 ], [ -48.65, -25.52 ], [ -48.64, -25.52 ], [ -48.63, -25.52 ], [ -48.62, -25.53 ], [ -48.61, -25.54 ], [ -48.6, -25.53 ], [ -48.58, -25.53 ], [ -48.56, -25.53 ], [ -48.52, -25.51 ], [ -48.51, -25.52 ], [ -48.49, -25.54 ], [ -48.47, -25.54 ], [ -48.48, -25.56 ], [ -48.48, -25.56 ], [ -48.48, -25.55 ], [ -48.49, -25.56 ], [ -48.5, -25.57 ], [ -48.5, -25.57 ], [ -48.48, -25.58 ], [ -48.47, -25.57 ], [ -48.46, -25.56 ], [ -48.46, -25.55 ], [ -48.44, -25.55 ], [ -48.42, -25.55 ], [ -48.41, -25.56 ], [ -48.39, -25.54 ], [ -48.36, -25.57 ], [ -48.39, -25.6 ], [ -48.43, -25.62 ], [ -48.52, -25.77 ], [ -48.52, -25.8 ], [ -48.54, -25.84 ], [ -48.54, -25.85 ], [ -48.56, -25.84 ], [ -48.57, -25.82 ], [ -48.59, -25.82 ], [ -48.58, -25.8 ], [ -48.58, -25.8 ], [ -48.59, -25.8 ], [ -48.6, -25.8 ], [ -48.61, -25.81 ], [ -48.62, -25.82 ], [ -48.61, -25.82 ], [ -48.6, -25.82 ], [ -48.59, -25.83 ], [ -48.59, -25.84 ], [ -48.58, -25.85 ], [ -48.58, -25.85 ], [ -48.65, -25.84 ], [ -48.74, -25.85 ], [ -48.75, -25.86 ], [ -48.76, -25.86 ], [ -48.77, -25.87 ], [ -48.77, -25.88 ], [ -48.77, -25.89 ], [ -48.76, -25.88 ], [ -48.75, -25.88 ], [ -48.74, -25.87 ], [ -48.58, -25.87 ], [ -48.57, -25.87 ], [ -48.57, -25.86 ], [ -48.56, -25.87 ], [ -48.56, -25.88 ], [ -48.56, -25.89 ], [ -48.56, -25.9 ], [ -48.58, -25.96 ], [ -48.58, -25.98 ], [ -48.58, -25.98 ], [ -48.61, -25.98 ], [ -48.62, -25.98 ], [ -48.65, -25.97 ], [ -48.92, -25.98 ], [ -48.92, -25.98 ], [ -48.93, -25.99 ], [ -48.93, -25.99 ], [ -48.93, -26 ], [ -48.95, -26.01 ], [ -48.97, -26.01 ], [ -48.98, -26.01 ], [ -49, -26.01 ], [ -49.02, -26 ], [ -49.03, -26 ], [ -49.03, -26 ], [ -49.04, -26 ], [ -49.04, -26.01 ], [ -49.04, -26.01 ], [ -49.05, -26.02 ], [ -49.05, -26.02 ], [ -49.07, -26.01 ], [ -49.08, -26.01 ], [ -49.09, -26.02 ], [ -49.1, -26.02 ], [ -49.1, -26.01 ], [ -49.1, -26.01 ], [ -49.1, -26 ], [ -49.1, -26 ], [ -49.1, -26 ], [ -49.1, -26 ], [ -49.11, -26 ], [ -49.11, -25.99 ], [ -49.12, -25.99 ], [ -49.12, -25.99 ], [ -49.12, -26 ], [ -49.13, -26 ], [ -49.13, -26 ], [ -49.13, -26 ], [ -49.13, -26 ], [ -49.14, -26.01 ], [ -49.18, -26.01 ], [ -49.2, -26.02 ], [ -49.21, -26.03 ], [ -49.24, -26.04 ], [ -49.25, -26.06 ], [ -49.28, -26.09 ], [ -49.29, -26.1 ], [ -49.3, -26.11 ], [ -49.38, -26.15 ], [ -49.43, -26.16 ], [ -49.44, -26.16 ], [ -49.45, -26.17 ], [ -49.46, -26.17 ], [ -49.46, -26.18 ], [ -49.47, -26.18 ], [ -49.48, -26.19 ], [ -49.48, -26.21 ], [ -49.49, -26.22 ], [ -49.51, -26.23 ], [ -49.55, -26.23 ], [ -49.58, -26.23 ], [ -49.59, -26.22 ], [ -49.67, -26.19 ], [ -49.72, -26.16 ], [ -49.73, -26.15 ], [ -49.73, -26.14 ], [ -49.74, -26.13 ], [ -49.75, -26.12 ], [ -49.82, -26.09 ], [ -49.83, -26.08 ], [ -49.85, -26.06 ], [ -49.85, -26.06 ], [ -49.87, -26.05 ], [ -49.88, -26.04 ], [ -49.89, -26.03 ], [ -49.9, -26.03 ], [ -49.92, -26.03 ], [ -49.93, -26.03 ], [ -49.93, -26.02 ], [ -49.94, -26.02 ], [ -49.94, -26.01 ], [ -49.95, -26.01 ], [ -49.97, -26.02 ], [ -49.99, -26.01 ], [ -50.01, -26.02 ], [ -50.01, -26.03 ], [ -50.03, -26.03 ], [ -50.12, -26.05 ], [ -50.15, -26.04 ], [ -50.16, -26.05 ], [ -50.18, -26.05 ], [ -50.18, -26.05 ], [ -50.19, -26.05 ], [ -50.21, -26.05 ], [ -50.21, -26.05 ], [ -50.22, -26.05 ], [ -50.22, -26.04 ], [ -50.23, -26.04 ], [ -50.24, -26.04 ], [ -50.27, -26.04 ], [ -50.28, -26.04 ], [ -50.29, -26.04 ], [ -50.3, -26.04 ], [ -50.32, -26.05 ], [ -50.32, -26.06 ], [ -50.33, -26.07 ], [ -50.33, -26.07 ], [ -50.33, -26.08 ], [ -50.33, -26.08 ], [ -50.33, -26.09 ], [ -50.33, -26.09 ], [ -50.32, -26.1 ], [ -50.33, -26.1 ], [ -50.33, -26.11 ], [ -50.34, -26.11 ], [ -50.34, -26.11 ], [ -50.35, -26.11 ], [ -50.36, -26.11 ], [ -50.36, -26.1 ], [ -50.36, -26.1 ], [ -50.37, -26.08 ], [ -50.37, -26.07 ], [ -50.38, -26.07 ], [ -50.38, -26.06 ], [ -50.38, -26.06 ], [ -50.39, -26.06 ], [ -50.4, -26.06 ], [ -50.43, -26.05 ], [ -50.44, -26.05 ], [ -50.44, -26.05 ], [ -50.45, -26.05 ], [ -50.45, -26.04 ], [ -50.45, -26.04 ], [ -50.45, -26.03 ], [ -50.46, -26.03 ], [ -50.48, -26.02 ], [ -50.54, -26.02 ], [ -50.55, -26.02 ], [ -50.56, -26.02 ], [ -50.57, -26.01 ], [ -50.58, -26.01 ], [ -50.59, -26.01 ], [ -50.59, -26.01 ], [ -50.6, -26.01 ], [ -50.59, -26.02 ], [ -50.59, -26.02 ], [ -50.59, -26.02 ], [ -50.57, -26.03 ], [ -50.56, -26.04 ], [ -50.56, -26.04 ], [ -50.56, -26.04 ], [ -50.56, -26.05 ], [ -50.58, -26.05 ], [ -50.62, -26.06 ], [ -50.64, -26.06 ], [ -50.64, -26.06 ], [ -50.65, -26.07 ], [ -50.66, -26.12 ], [ -50.67, -26.15 ], [ -50.68, -26.16 ], [ -50.7, -26.17 ], [ -50.72, -26.2 ], [ -50.73, -26.21 ], [ -50.73, -26.22 ], [ -50.73, -26.23 ], [ -50.74, -26.24 ], [ -50.74, -26.24 ], [ -50.75, -26.23 ], [ -50.76, -26.22 ], [ -50.76, -26.22 ], [ -50.77, -26.22 ], [ -50.78, -26.22 ], [ -50.79, -26.22 ], [ -50.8, -26.23 ], [ -50.83, -26.25 ], [ -50.84, -26.25 ], [ -50.84, -26.26 ], [ -50.85, -26.26 ], [ -50.86, -26.26 ], [ -50.86, -26.25 ], [ -50.88, -26.25 ], [ -50.89, -26.25 ], [ -50.89, -26.26 ], [ -50.89, -26.26 ], [ -50.9, -26.27 ], [ -50.9, -26.28 ], [ -50.91, -26.28 ], [ -50.91, -26.28 ], [ -50.91, -26.28 ], [ -50.91, -26.26 ], [ -50.92, -26.26 ], [ -50.92, -26.25 ], [ -50.92, -26.25 ], [ -50.93, -26.25 ], [ -50.93, -26.25 ], [ -50.94, -26.25 ], [ -50.95, -26.25 ], [ -50.95, -26.26 ], [ -50.96, -26.26 ], [ -50.96, -26.27 ], [ -50.97, -26.27 ], [ -50.97, -26.26 ], [ -50.98, -26.25 ], [ -50.99, -26.24 ], [ -50.99, -26.24 ], [ -51, -26.24 ], [ -51, -26.24 ], [ -51, -26.24 ], [ -51, -26.24 ], [ -51.02, -26.24 ], [ -51.03, -26.25 ], [ -51.04, -26.25 ], [ -51.05, -26.25 ], [ -51.06, -26.24 ], [ -51.06, -26.24 ], [ -51.07, -26.24 ], [ -51.07, -26.24 ], [ -51.08, -26.24 ], [ -51.08, -26.24 ], [ -51.09, -26.25 ], [ -51.1, -26.26 ], [ -51.11, -26.27 ], [ -51.12, -26.28 ], [ -51.13, -26.28 ], [ -51.14, -26.29 ], [ -51.2, -26.3 ], [ -51.21, -26.31 ], [ -51.21, -26.31 ], [ -51.22, -26.33 ], [ -51.24, -26.34 ], [ -51.24, -26.34 ], [ -51.25, -26.35 ], [ -51.25, -26.35 ], [ -51.25, -26.36 ], [ -51.26, -26.38 ], [ -51.26, -26.39 ], [ -51.27, -26.4 ], [ -51.28, -26.42 ], [ -51.29, -26.42 ], [ -51.29, -26.43 ], [ -51.29, -26.44 ], [ -51.29, -26.44 ], [ -51.29, -26.45 ], [ -51.28, -26.45 ], [ -51.27, -26.46 ], [ -51.27, -26.47 ], [ -51.27, -26.47 ], [ -51.27, -26.48 ], [ -51.28, -26.49 ], [ -51.28, -26.5 ], [ -51.28, -26.5 ], [ -51.25, -26.55 ], [ -51.24, -26.57 ], [ -51.24, -26.58 ], [ -51.24, -26.59 ], [ -51.24, -26.61 ], [ -51.25, -26.63 ], [ -51.29, -26.65 ], [ -51.29, -26.66 ], [ -51.3, -26.66 ], [ -51.33, -26.66 ], [ -51.39, -26.68 ], [ -51.4, -26.68 ], [ -51.4, -26.68 ], [ -51.41, -26.7 ], [ -51.41, -26.7 ], [ -51.42, -26.7 ], [ -51.42, -26.7 ], [ -51.42, -26.7 ], [ -51.43, -26.68 ], [ -51.44, -26.67 ], [ -51.45, -26.66 ], [ -51.45, -26.65 ], [ -51.46, -26.65 ], [ -51.47, -26.64 ], [ -51.48, -26.64 ], [ -51.48, -26.63 ], [ -51.48, -26.63 ], [ -51.48, -26.62 ], [ -51.48, -26.61 ], [ -51.49, -26.61 ], [ -51.49, -26.61 ], [ -51.49, -26.6 ], [ -51.5, -26.6 ], [ -51.5, -26.6 ], [ -51.5, -26.6 ], [ -51.61, -26.6 ], [ -51.62, -26.6 ], [ -51.63, -26.6 ], [ -51.63, -26.59 ], [ -51.64, -26.59 ], [ -51.65, -26.58 ], [ -51.65, -26.58 ], [ -51.66, -26.58 ], [ -51.66, -26.59 ], [ -51.68, -26.6 ], [ -51.69, -26.6 ], [ -51.71, -26.6 ], [ -51.87, -26.6 ], [ -51.94, -26.58 ], [ -51.96, -26.58 ], [ -52, -26.58 ], [ -52.01, -26.58 ], [ -52.01, -26.58 ], [ -52.02, -26.58 ], [ -52.04, -26.56 ], [ -52.09, -26.53 ], [ -52.11, -26.51 ], [ -52.11, -26.51 ], [ -52.12, -26.5 ], [ -52.12, -26.49 ], [ -52.13, -26.49 ], [ -52.18, -26.46 ], [ -52.19, -26.45 ], [ -52.2, -26.45 ], [ -52.21, -26.45 ], [ -52.23, -26.45 ], [ -52.25, -26.45 ], [ -52.28, -26.44 ], [ -52.3, -26.44 ], [ -52.33, -26.44 ], [ -52.34, -26.44 ], [ -52.36, -26.44 ], [ -52.4, -26.43 ], [ -52.46, -26.43 ], [ -52.46, -26.43 ], [ -52.47, -26.43 ], [ -52.5, -26.41 ], [ -52.54, -26.4 ], [ -52.62, -26.41 ], [ -52.64, -26.4 ], [ -52.65, -26.4 ], [ -52.65, -26.39 ], [ -52.65, -26.39 ], [ -52.67, -26.38 ], [ -52.82, -26.34 ], [ -52.83, -26.34 ], [ -52.85, -26.34 ], [ -52.86, -26.34 ], [ -52.88, -26.35 ], [ -52.91, -26.36 ], [ -52.94, -26.37 ], [ -52.95, -26.37 ], [ -52.96, -26.37 ], [ -52.97, -26.36 ], [ -52.98, -26.35 ], [ -52.99, -26.35 ], [ -52.99, -26.35 ], [ -53, -26.35 ], [ -53.04, -26.37 ], [ -53.1, -26.37 ], [ -53.11, -26.37 ], [ -53.12, -26.37 ], [ -53.13, -26.36 ], [ -53.13, -26.36 ], [ -53.14, -26.35 ], [ -53.14, -26.35 ], [ -53.15, -26.34 ], [ -53.18, -26.33 ], [ -53.2, -26.32 ], [ -53.25, -26.29 ], [ -53.25, -26.29 ], [ -53.25, -26.28 ], [ -53.26, -26.28 ], [ -53.27, -26.27 ], [ -53.28, -26.26 ], [ -53.34, -26.24 ], [ -53.36, -26.24 ], [ -53.37, -26.24 ], [ -53.37, -26.24 ], [ -53.38, -26.25 ], [ -53.46, -26.29 ], [ -53.47, -26.29 ], [ -53.48, -26.29 ], [ -53.5, -26.29 ], [ -53.51, -26.29 ], [ -53.52, -26.29 ], [ -53.55, -26.27 ], [ -53.61, -26.26 ], [ -53.62, -26.26 ], [ -53.63, -26.26 ], [ -53.65, -26.26 ], [ -53.66, -26.26 ], [ -53.67, -26.22 ], [ -53.69, -26.19 ], [ -53.73, -26.13 ], [ -53.75, -26.09 ], [ -53.75, -26.06 ], [ -53.77, -26.03 ], [ -53.79, -26 ], [ -53.79, -26 ], [ -53.79, -26 ], [ -53.83, -25.97 ], [ -53.83, -25.96 ], [ -53.84, -25.95 ], [ -53.83, -25.94 ], [ -53.83, -25.93 ], [ -53.83, -25.92 ], [ -53.84, -25.87 ], [ -53.84, -25.81 ], [ -53.84, -25.79 ], [ -53.85, -25.77 ], [ -53.86, -25.76 ], [ -53.88, -25.75 ], [ -53.88, -25.74 ], [ -53.89, -25.72 ], [ -53.88, -25.71 ], [ -53.88, -25.71 ], [ -53.88, -25.7 ], [ -53.89, -25.66 ], [ -53.9, -25.64 ], [ -53.91, -25.63 ], [ -53.95, -25.65 ], [ -53.97, -25.65 ], [ -53.98, -25.63 ], [ -53.98, -25.61 ], [ -53.98, -25.59 ], [ -54, -25.57 ], [ -54.02, -25.57 ], [ -54.03, -25.56 ], [ -54.04, -25.56 ], [ -54.04, -25.57 ], [ -54.06, -25.57 ], [ -54.07, -25.56 ], [ -54.08, -25.55 ], [ -54.09, -25.56 ], [ -54.09, -25.57 ], [ -54.09, -25.58 ], [ -54.09, -25.59 ], [ -54.09, -25.6 ], [ -54.1, -25.6 ], [ -54.11, -25.59 ], [ -54.12, -25.58 ], [ -54.12, -25.57 ], [ -54.13, -25.55 ], [ -54.12, -25.54 ], [ -54.11, -25.52 ], [ -54.11, -25.5 ], [ -54.11, -25.5 ], [ -54.12, -25.49 ], [ -54.12, -25.5 ], [ -54.13, -25.5 ], [ -54.15, -25.53 ], [ -54.17, -25.53 ], [ -54.18, -25.54 ], [ -54.2, -25.53 ], [ -54.21, -25.53 ], [ -54.21, -25.53 ], [ -54.19, -25.56 ], [ -54.19, -25.58 ], [ -54.21, -25.58 ], [ -54.23, -25.58 ], [ -54.24, -25.58 ], [ -54.24, -25.58 ], [ -54.25, -25.59 ], [ -54.26, -25.6 ], [ -54.26, -25.59 ], [ -54.27, -25.57 ], [ -54.28, -25.56 ], [ -54.3, -25.55 ], [ -54.32, -25.56 ], [ -54.33, -25.56 ], [ -54.35, -25.58 ], [ -54.36, -25.58 ], [ -54.38, -25.58 ], [ -54.39, -25.58 ], [ -54.4, -25.58 ], [ -54.4, -25.59 ], [ -54.4, -25.6 ], [ -54.4, -25.61 ], [ -54.41, -25.62 ], [ -54.41, -25.63 ], [ -54.43, -25.64 ], [ -54.44, -25.65 ], [ -54.44, -25.66 ], [ -54.43, -25.68 ], [ -54.44, -25.69 ], [ -54.45, -25.69 ], [ -54.45, -25.68 ], [ -54.46, -25.67 ], [ -54.46, -25.66 ], [ -54.46, -25.64 ], [ -54.47, -25.63 ], [ -54.49, -25.61 ], [ -54.51, -25.61 ], [ -54.53, -25.61 ], [ -54.54, -25.6 ], [ -54.54, -25.59 ], [ -54.55, -25.57 ], [ -54.56, -25.57 ], [ -54.6, -25.57 ], [ -54.6, -25.57 ], [ -54.59, -25.55 ], [ -54.59, -25.52 ], [ -54.6, -25.51 ], [ -54.61, -25.49 ], [ -54.61, -25.47 ], [ -54.61, -25.44 ], [ -54.61, -25.43 ], [ -54.6, -25.4 ], [ -54.58, -25.36 ], [ -54.55, -25.34 ], [ -54.53, -25.31 ], [ -54.5, -25.28 ], [ -54.48, -25.21 ], [ -54.47, -25.2 ], [ -54.44, -25.17 ], [ -54.43, -25.15 ], [ -54.43, -25.13 ], [ -54.46, -25.09 ], [ -54.46, -25.07 ], [ -54.46, -25.06 ], [ -54.46, -25.04 ], [ -54.45, -25 ], [ -54.41, -24.82 ], [ -54.4, -24.8 ], [ -54.37, -24.77 ], [ -54.36, -24.73 ], [ -54.32, -24.63 ], [ -54.32, -24.6 ], [ -54.33, -24.53 ], [ -54.33, -24.5 ], [ -54.32, -24.46 ], [ -54.28, -24.41 ], [ -54.27, -24.39 ], [ -54.26, -24.36 ], [ -54.26, -24.33 ], [ -54.27, -24.3 ], [ -54.28, -24.28 ], [ -54.31, -24.25 ], [ -54.31, -24.23 ], [ -54.32, -24.2 ], [ -54.33, -24.17 ], [ -54.33, -24.15 ], [ -54.32, -24.12 ], [ -54.3, -24.09 ], [ -54.27, -24.07 ], [ -54.25, -24.05 ], [ -54.25, -24.05 ], [ -54.2, -24.03 ], [ -54.19, -24.02 ], [ -54.18, -24.01 ], [ -54.1, -23.97 ], [ -54.08, -23.95 ], [ -54.07, -23.91 ], [ -54.07, -23.82 ], [ -54.06, -23.77 ], [ -54.03, -23.7 ], [ -54.02, -23.64 ], [ -53.97, -23.49 ], [ -53.97, -23.45 ], [ -53.97, -23.44 ], [ -53.95, -23.42 ], [ -53.86, -23.39 ], [ -53.75, -23.33 ], [ -53.73, -23.3 ], [ -53.71, -23.26 ], [ -53.68, -23.18 ], [ -53.66, -23.15 ], [ -53.64, -23.11 ], [ -53.63, -23.02 ], [ -53.62, -22.98 ], [ -53.6, -22.92 ], [ -53.58, -22.9 ], [ -53.55, -22.87 ], [ -53.48, -22.83 ], [ -53.17, -22.7 ], [ -53.17, -22.7 ], [ -53.15, -22.7 ], [ -53.12, -22.69 ], [ -53.1, -22.68 ], [ -53.06, -22.63 ], [ -53.01, -22.6 ], [ -52.99, -22.59 ], [ -52.97, -22.58 ], [ -52.95, -22.57 ], [ -52.89, -22.57 ], [ -52.88, -22.57 ], [ -52.85, -22.59 ], [ -52.84, -22.59 ], [ -52.79, -22.59 ], [ -52.69, -22.6 ], [ -52.67, -22.6 ], [ -52.61, -22.57 ], [ -52.58, -22.57 ], [ -52.55, -22.6 ], [ -52.52, -22.61 ], [ -52.48, -22.61 ], [ -52.46, -22.6 ], [ -52.45, -22.6 ], [ -52.41, -22.6 ], [ -52.38, -22.61 ], [ -52.34, -22.62 ], [ -52.31, -22.62 ], [ -52.29, -22.6 ], [ -52.28, -22.6 ], [ -52.26, -22.6 ], [ -52.25, -22.6 ], [ -52.25, -22.61 ], [ -52.24, -22.61 ], [ -52.23, -22.62 ], [ -52.23, -22.63 ], [ -52.22, -22.64 ], [ -52.19, -22.64 ], [ -52.17, -22.62 ], [ -52.16, -22.6 ], [ -52.15, -22.58 ], [ -52.15, -22.56 ], [ -52.14, -22.54 ], [ -52.12, -22.53 ], [ -52.09, -22.52 ], [ -52.07, -22.52 ], [ -52.03, -22.53 ], [ -51.98, -22.55 ], [ -51.87, -22.61 ], [ -51.86, -22.62 ] ] ] ] } } ], "target" : { 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Bibliografía:  Díaz de Guzmán, Ruy, Argentina. Historia del Descubrimiento y Conquista del Río de la Plata de Ruy Díaz de Guzmán, Buenos Aires, Editorial de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras-UBA,2012, p. 77. Silvia Tieffemberg ed.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-09-27T20:01:44+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 24869, "end" : 24878 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Atiuajiua" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/b747ae59-57c4-4014-92b3-51bd0e6f599b", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PLACE", "creator" 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Véase Díaz de Guzmán, Ruy, Argentina. Historia del Descubrimiento y Conquista del Río de la Plata, Buenos Aires, Editorial de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, 2012, p. 93, nota 242. Edición de Silvia Tieffemberg", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-02T01:15:38+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 45171, "end" : 45177 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Serton" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/5a1f2f02-7559-4365-b9c4-c866eedc1f6c", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Un puerto ubicado 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} ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 55302, "end" : 55310 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "San Juan" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/eee90e43-d76d-4b01-a8fd-2154826445fa", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PLACE", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-10-17T12:42:19+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "El fuerte fuerte fue establecido en la confluencia de los ríos Caracarañá y Coronda en mayo de 1527. El fuerte fue la base de las exploraciones de Caboto hasta que fue destruido por un ataque de los nativos en septiembre de 1529. Si el piloto mayor no se hallaba en él, quien quedaba a su mando era Gregorio Caro.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-05T00:51:16+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 56905, "end" : 56920 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Sancti Spiritus" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/1a269bd8-fa3a-4894-944b-816d24f12d67", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", 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nombrado caballero de la Orden de Santiago y consejero del Tribunal del Santo Oficio. Fue designado en 1546 como presidente de la Real Audiencia de Lima con la misión de acabar con la rebelión de Gonzalo Pizarro en el Virreinato del Perú, cumpliendo cabalmente su cometido, y ha pasado a la historia con el apelativo de Pacificador. Hizo luego un ordenamiento general del territorio y culminó su brillante carrera como obispo de Palencia desde 1550 y luego de Sigüenza desde 1561 hasta su fallecimiento.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-25T18:51:04+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 83160, "end" : 83165 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Gasca" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/640f4c45-f8c3-4693-9a3d-2fbde2338750", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-25T18:51:04+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Pedro de la Gasca o bien Pedro Lagasca (Navarregadilla de Ávila, Corona de Castilla, agosto de 1493 – Sigüenza de Guadalajara, Corona de España, 13 de noviembre de 1567) era un sacerdote, funcionario, diplomático y militar español del siglo XVI que fue nombrado caballero de la Orden de Santiago y consejero del Tribunal del Santo Oficio. Fue designado en 1546 como presidente de la Real Audiencia de Lima con la misión de acabar con la rebelión de Gonzalo Pizarro en el Virreinato del Perú, cumpliendo cabalmente su cometido, y ha pasado a la historia con el apelativo de Pacificador. Hizo luego un ordenamiento general del territorio y culminó su brillante carrera como obispo de Palencia desde 1550 y luego de Sigüenza desde 1561 hasta su fallecimiento.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-25T18:51:04+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 60412, "end" : 60417 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Gasca" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/742018a4-972e-4c61-9eeb-486da4650338", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Corpus Christi. Puerto fundado en las cercanías del río Coronda en 1536 por los homnres de Juan de Ayolas, en las cercanías de varias aldeas timbúes.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-08T01:20:39+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PLACE", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-10-17T12:58:05+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 104424, "end" : 104430 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Corpus" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : 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-78.684, -9.017 ], [ -78.672, -9.035 ], [ -78.682, -9.043 ] ] ], [ [ [ -79.495, -7.796 ], [ -79.499, -7.789 ], [ -79.499, -7.785 ], [ -79.491, -7.793 ], [ -79.495, -7.796 ] ] ], [ [ [ -80.699, -6.973 ], [ -80.702, -6.972 ], [ -80.704, -6.961 ], [ -80.696, -6.972 ], [ -80.699, -6.973 ] ] ], [ [ [ -80.698, -6.962 ], [ -80.698, -6.948 ], [ -80.694, -6.956 ], [ -80.698, -6.962 ] ] ], [ [ [ -80.845, -6.472 ], [ -80.868, -6.436 ], [ -80.844, -6.383 ], [ -80.851, -6.407 ], [ -80.845, -6.472 ] ] ], [ [ [ -81.205, -5.216 ], [ -81.211, -5.206 ], [ -81.201, -5.21 ], [ -81.205, -5.216 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.259, -15.273 ], [ -75.269, -15.267 ], [ -75.269, -15.264 ], [ -75.257, -15.264 ], [ -75.259, -15.273 ] ] ], [ [ [ -76.179, -14.318 ], [ -76.219, -14.293 ], [ -76.219, -14.267 ], [ -76.188, -14.28 ], [ -76.179, -14.318 ] ] ], [ [ [ -76.455, -13.868 ], [ -76.471, -13.858 ], [ -76.458, -13.828 ], [ -76.441, -13.848 ], [ -76.455, -13.868 ] ] ], [ [ [ -76.406, -13.75 ], [ -76.406, -13.746 ], [ -76.397, -13.741 ], [ -76.397, -13.746 ], [ -76.406, -13.75 ] ] ], [ [ [ -76.633, -12.805 ], [ -76.634, -12.794 ], [ -76.621, -12.798 ], [ -76.633, -12.805 ] ] ], [ [ [ -76.899, -12.361 ], [ -76.905, -12.355 ], [ -76.901, -12.347 ], [ -76.897, -12.352 ], [ -76.899, -12.361 ] ] ], [ [ [ -76.915, -12.314 ], [ -76.917, -12.312 ], [ -76.909, -12.302 ], [ -76.909, -12.312 ], [ -76.915, -12.314 ] ] ], [ [ [ -77.19, -12.134 ], [ -77.189, -12.125 ], [ -77.185, -12.124 ], [ -77.182, -12.129 ], [ -77.19, -12.134 ] ] ], [ [ [ -77.208, -12.124 ], [ -77.253, -12.095 ], [ -77.254, -12.074 ], [ -77.202, -12.103 ], [ -77.208, -12.124 ] ] ], [ [ [ -77.717, -11.974 ], [ -77.725, -11.969 ], [ -77.724, -11.965 ], [ -77.718, -11.965 ], [ -77.717, -11.974 ] ] ], [ [ [ -77.723, -11.954 ], [ -77.733, -11.953 ], [ -77.734, -11.948 ], [ -77.722, -11.946 ], [ -77.723, -11.954 ] ] ], [ [ [ -77.851, -11.494 ], [ -77.852, -11.486 ], [ -77.844, -11.48 ], [ -77.844, -11.488 ], [ -77.851, -11.494 ] ] ], [ [ [ -81.072, -5 ], [ -81.326, -4.68 ], [ -81.25, -4.27 ], [ -80.837, -3.877 ], [ -80.786, -3.749 ], [ -80.574, -3.628 ], [ -80.501, -3.505 ], [ -80.366, -3.499 ], [ -80.304, -3.405 ], [ -80.219, -3.438 ], [ -80.154, -3.905 ], [ -80.286, -4.018 ], [ -80.398, -3.984 ], [ -80.475, -4.054 ], [ -80.444, -4.194 ], [ -80.305, -4.201 ], [ -80.443, -4.371 ], [ -80.443, -4.437 ], [ -80.335, -4.47 ], [ -80.136, -4.285 ], [ -79.895, -4.394 ], [ -79.812, -4.486 ], [ -79.631, -4.435 ], [ -79.541, -4.528 ], [ -79.482, -4.529 ], [ -79.416, -4.799 ], [ -79.26, -4.967 ], [ -79, -4.979 ], [ -78.881, -4.72 ], [ -78.736, -4.654 ], [ -78.621, -4.497 ], [ -78.627, -4.319 ], [ -78.572, -4.255 ], [ -78.499, -3.949 ], [ -78.377, -3.787 ], [ -78.319, -3.429 ], [ -78.249, -3.429 ], [ -78.232, -3.534 ], [ -78.137, -3.522 ], [ -78.19, -3.354 ], [ -77.824, -2.998 ], [ -76.627, -2.591 ], [ -76.045, -2.128 ], [ -75.538, -1.536 ], [ -75.364, -0.956 ], [ -75.185, -0.971 ], [ -75.28, -0.711 ], [ -75.245, -0.535 ], [ -75.415, -0.424 ], [ -75.449, -0.329 ], [ -75.622, -0.263 ], [ -75.622, -0.109 ], [ -75.304, -0.134 ], [ -75.219, -0.015 ], [ -75.115, -0.039 ], [ -74.904, -0.195 ], [ -74.824, -0.145 ], [ -74.78, -0.214 ], [ -74.801, -0.29 ], [ -74.659, -0.332 ], [ -74.52, -0.479 ], [ -74.425, -0.511 ], [ -74.342, -0.695 ], [ -74.378, -0.745 ], [ -74.258, -0.843 ], [ -74.272, -0.899 ], [ -74.318, -0.9 ], [ -74.266, -1.007 ], [ -74.074, -1.081 ], [ -74.033, -1.028 ], [ -74.013, -1.123 ], [ -73.905, -1.15 ], [ -73.861, -1.25 ], [ -73.777, -1.277 ], [ -73.75, -1.22 ], [ -73.732, -1.267 ], [ -73.624, -1.283 ], [ -73.552, -1.429 ], [ -73.586, -1.445 ], [ -73.539, -1.452 ], [ -73.46, -1.6 ], [ -73.532, -1.733 ], [ -73.314, -1.855 ], [ -73.293, -1.803 ], [ -73.231, -1.823 ], [ -73.222, -1.774 ], [ -73.143, -1.834 ], [ -73.095, -2.113 ], [ -73.059, -2.125 ], [ -73.153, -2.276 ], [ -73.044, -2.4 ], [ -73.021, -2.355 ], [ -72.962, -2.382 ], [ -72.921, -2.5 ], [ -72.769, -2.42 ], [ -72.733, -2.459 ], [ -72.707, -2.416 ], [ -72.67, -2.486 ], [ -72.618, -2.396 ], [ -72.383, -2.416 ], [ -72.346, -2.49 ], [ -72.221, -2.433 ], [ -72.126, -2.468 ], [ -72.035, -2.331 ], [ -71.907, -2.373 ], [ -71.919, -2.312 ], [ -71.861, -2.3 ], [ -71.822, -2.187 ], [ -71.722, -2.128 ], [ -71.707, -2.214 ], [ -71.628, -2.191 ], [ -71.5, -2.245 ], [ -71.484, -2.336 ], [ -71.444, -2.263 ], [ -71.375, -2.398 ], [ -71.284, -2.338 ], [ -71.165, -2.376 ], [ -71.057, -2.264 ], [ -70.986, -2.298 ], [ -70.993, -2.205 ], [ -70.928, -2.245 ], [ -70.857, -2.217 ], [ -70.822, -2.283 ], [ -70.658, -2.351 ], [ -70.608, -2.481 ], [ -70.55, -2.47 ], [ -70.562, -2.415 ], [ -70.418, -2.525 ], [ -70.307, -2.498 ], [ -70.342, -2.573 ], [ -70.246, -2.548 ], [ -70.15, -2.705 ], [ -70.076, -2.662 ], [ -70.034, -2.761 ], [ -70.703, -3.795 ], [ -70.485, -3.885 ], [ -70.295, -3.813 ], [ -70.186, -3.891 ], [ -70.158, -4.021 ], [ -69.948, -4.219 ], [ -69.978, -4.295 ], [ -70.036, -4.339 ], [ -70.076, -4.309 ], [ -70.042, -4.284 ], [ -70.164, -4.268 ], [ -70.19, -4.357 ], [ -70.249, -4.267 ], [ -70.291, -4.283 ], [ -70.317, -4.136 ], [ -70.341, -4.174 ], [ -70.434, -4.125 ], [ -70.503, -4.19 ], [ -70.553, -4.128 ], [ -70.566, -4.205 ], [ -70.565, -4.168 ], [ -70.633, -4.173 ], [ -70.622, -4.121 ], [ -70.677, -4.2 ], [ -70.757, -4.152 ], [ -70.935, -4.381 ], [ -70.99, -4.34 ], [ -71.031, -4.397 ], [ -71.147, -4.375 ], [ -71.193, -4.42 ], [ -71.198, -4.377 ], [ -71.269, -4.381 ], [ -71.303, -4.458 ], [ -71.355, -4.468 ], [ -71.342, -4.423 ], [ -71.432, -4.469 ], [ -71.414, -4.432 ], [ -71.506, -4.435 ], [ -71.49, -4.479 ], [ -71.535, -4.46 ], [ -71.597, -4.525 ], [ -71.61, -4.465 ], [ -71.897, -4.512 ], [ -71.94, -4.607 ], [ -72.047, -4.625 ], [ -72.113, -4.722 ], [ -72.223, -4.78 ], [ -72.313, -4.769 ], [ -72.292, -4.799 ], [ -72.356, -4.803 ], [ -72.37, -4.88 ], [ -72.452, -4.906 ], [ -72.455, -4.962 ], [ -72.577, -4.992 ], [ -72.602, -5.056 ], [ -72.734, -5.043 ], [ -72.896, -5.136 ], [ -72.872, -5.25 ], [ -72.948, -5.454 ], [ -72.951, -5.643 ], [ -73.116, -5.865 ], [ -73.131, -5.986 ], [ -73.185, -6.04 ], [ -73.133, -6.421 ], [ -73.211, -6.53 ], [ -73.351, -6.561 ], [ -73.743, -6.897 ], [ -73.797, -7.115 ], [ -73.691, -7.313 ], [ -73.868, -7.377 ], [ -73.954, -7.348 ], [ -73.917, -7.461 ], [ -73.986, -7.537 ], [ -73.69, -7.79 ], [ -73.697, -7.865 ], [ -73.777, -7.869 ], [ -73.765, -7.94 ], [ -73.632, -8.022 ], [ -73.526, -8.369 ], [ -73.338, -8.476 ], [ -73.338, -8.609 ], [ -73.169, -8.701 ], [ -73.059, -8.904 ], [ -72.946, -8.99 ], [ -72.965, -9.154 ], [ -73.196, -9.418 ], [ -72.721, -9.417 ], [ -72.364, -9.491 ], [ -72.289, -9.536 ], [ -72.26, -9.755 ], [ -72.16, -9.818 ], [ -72.165, -10.002 ], [ -71.288, -9.996 ], [ -71.131, -9.862 ], [ -70.982, -9.812 ], [ -70.601, -9.453 ], [ -70.497, -9.433 ], [ -70.561, -9.579 ], [ -70.598, -9.574 ], [ -70.522, -9.738 ], [ -70.622, -9.847 ], [ -70.618, -11.007 ], [ -70.508, -10.94 ], [ -70.337, -11.067 ], [ -69.938, -10.926 ], [ -69.728, -10.973 ], [ -69.568, -10.954 ], [ -68.924, -11.994 ], [ -68.679, -12.497 ], [ -68.764, -12.612 ], [ -68.738, -12.705 ], [ -68.85, -12.728 ], [ -68.961, -12.852 ], [ -68.942, -13.486 ], [ -68.997, -13.652 ], [ -69.076, -13.654 ], [ -68.988, -13.769 ], [ -68.965, -13.98 ], [ -68.881, -14.065 ], [ -68.841, -14.21 ], [ -68.982, -14.237 ], [ -68.98, -14.387 ], [ -69.152, -14.508 ], [ -69.149, -14.584 ], [ -69.225, -14.584 ], [ -69.244, -14.753 ], [ -69.363, -14.804 ], [ -69.365, -14.98 ], [ -69.126, -15.256 ], [ -69.265, -15.336 ], [ -69.274, -15.421 ], [ -69.414, -15.621 ], [ -69.236, -16.143 ], [ -69.099, -16.219 ], [ -68.963, -16.189 ], [ -68.814, -16.338 ], [ -68.982, -16.433 ], [ -69.032, -16.566 ], [ -69.006, -16.677 ], [ -69.168, -16.731 ], [ -69.392, -17.021 ], [ -69.375, -17.078 ], [ -69.551, -17.162 ], [ -69.641, -17.282 ], [ -69.463, -17.376 ], [ -69.463, -17.508 ], [ -69.662, -17.658 ], [ -69.799, -17.65 ], [ -69.819, -17.747 ], [ -69.753, -17.982 ], [ -69.948, -18.248 ], [ -70.374, -18.35 ], [ -70.879, -18.01 ], [ -70.925, -17.924 ], [ -71.383, -17.708 ], [ -71.342, -17.636 ], [ -71.382, -17.419 ], [ -71.515, -17.265 ], [ -71.819, -17.18 ], [ -71.974, -17.048 ], [ -72.113, -17.027 ], [ -72.123, -16.97 ], [ -72.45, -16.705 ], [ -72.758, -16.636 ], [ -73.112, -16.433 ], [ -73.291, -16.402 ], [ -73.3, -16.349 ], [ -73.414, -16.294 ], [ -73.701, -16.24 ], [ -74.057, -15.961 ], [ -74.285, -15.846 ], [ -74.371, -15.85 ], [ -74.476, -15.726 ], [ -75.141, -15.419 ], [ -75.2, -15.381 ], [ -75.157, -15.338 ], [ -75.252, -15.268 ], [ -75.23, -15.22 ], [ -75.376, -15.161 ], [ -75.509, -14.922 ], [ -75.921, -14.662 ], [ -75.98, -14.483 ], [ -76.151, -14.345 ], [ -76.105, -14.326 ], [ -76.135, -14.245 ], [ -76.222, -14.165 ], [ -76.274, -14.151 ], [ -76.273, -14.211 ], [ -76.296, -14.175 ], [ -76.286, -13.917 ], [ -76.395, -13.908 ], [ -76.332, -13.799 ], [ -76.261, -13.872 ], [ -76.191, -13.607 ], [ -76.206, -13.4 ], [ -76.492, -13.049 ], [ -76.52, -12.871 ], [ -76.641, -12.752 ], [ -76.693, -12.608 ], [ -76.811, -12.512 ], [ -76.784, -12.402 ], [ -76.84, -12.323 ], [ -77.042, -12.215 ], [ -77.072, -12.113 ], [ -77.172, -12.087 ], [ -77.136, -11.984 ], [ -77.201, -11.79 ], [ -77.176, -11.739 ], [ -77.301, -11.521 ], [ -77.663, -11.297 ], [ -77.656, -11.228 ], [ -77.604, -11.205 ], [ -77.671, -10.949 ], [ -78.196, -10.11 ], [ -78.241, -9.793 ], [ -78.378, -9.635 ], [ -78.431, -9.345 ], [ -78.536, -9.274 ], [ -78.507, -9.186 ], [ -78.555, -9.184 ], [ -78.575, -9.248 ], [ -78.621, -9.185 ], [ -78.563, -9.134 ], [ -78.641, -9.076 ], [ -78.654, -8.916 ], [ -78.766, -8.773 ], [ -78.755, -8.616 ], [ -78.934, -8.455 ], [ -78.905, -8.389 ], [ -78.97, -8.252 ], [ -79.359, -7.859 ], [ -79.566, -7.465 ], [ -79.581, -7.322 ], [ -79.678, -7.12 ], [ -79.916, -6.884 ], [ -79.983, -6.743 ], [ -80.298, -6.53 ], [ -80.773, -6.306 ], [ -81.11, -6.057 ], [ -81.144, -5.89 ], [ -81.076, -5.791 ], [ -80.942, -5.848 ], [ -80.866, -5.784 ], [ -80.858, -5.819 ], [ -80.841, -5.841 ], [ -80.848, -5.534 ], [ -80.872, -5.558 ], [ -80.945, -5.432 ], [ -81.191, -5.216 ], [ -81.167, -5.083 ], [ -81.085, -5.081 ], [ -81.072, -5 ] ] ] ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Entendido como virreinato del Perú.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-02T00:44:43+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 51801, "end" : 51806 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Perú," } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/d6c188ea-67df-4e89-8385-42f2937751b1", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" 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-79.499, -7.789 ], [ -79.499, -7.785 ], [ -79.491, -7.793 ], [ -79.495, -7.796 ] ] ], [ [ [ -80.699, -6.973 ], [ -80.702, -6.972 ], [ -80.704, -6.961 ], [ -80.696, -6.972 ], [ -80.699, -6.973 ] ] ], [ [ [ -80.698, -6.962 ], [ -80.698, -6.948 ], [ -80.694, -6.956 ], [ -80.698, -6.962 ] ] ], [ [ [ -80.845, -6.472 ], [ -80.868, -6.436 ], [ -80.844, -6.383 ], [ -80.851, -6.407 ], [ -80.845, -6.472 ] ] ], [ [ [ -81.205, -5.216 ], [ -81.211, -5.206 ], [ -81.201, -5.21 ], [ -81.205, -5.216 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.259, -15.273 ], [ -75.269, -15.267 ], [ -75.269, -15.264 ], [ -75.257, -15.264 ], [ -75.259, -15.273 ] ] ], [ [ [ -76.179, -14.318 ], [ -76.219, -14.293 ], [ -76.219, -14.267 ], [ -76.188, -14.28 ], [ -76.179, -14.318 ] ] ], [ [ [ -76.455, -13.868 ], [ -76.471, -13.858 ], [ -76.458, -13.828 ], [ -76.441, -13.848 ], [ -76.455, -13.868 ] ] ], [ [ [ -76.406, -13.75 ], [ -76.406, -13.746 ], [ -76.397, -13.741 ], [ -76.397, -13.746 ], [ -76.406, -13.75 ] ] ], [ [ [ -76.633, -12.805 ], [ -76.634, -12.794 ], [ -76.621, -12.798 ], [ -76.633, -12.805 ] ] ], [ [ [ -76.899, -12.361 ], [ -76.905, -12.355 ], [ -76.901, -12.347 ], [ -76.897, -12.352 ], [ -76.899, -12.361 ] ] ], [ [ [ -76.915, -12.314 ], [ -76.917, -12.312 ], [ -76.909, -12.302 ], [ -76.909, -12.312 ], [ -76.915, -12.314 ] ] ], [ [ [ -77.19, -12.134 ], [ -77.189, -12.125 ], [ -77.185, -12.124 ], [ -77.182, -12.129 ], [ -77.19, -12.134 ] ] ], [ [ [ -77.208, -12.124 ], [ -77.253, -12.095 ], [ -77.254, -12.074 ], [ -77.202, -12.103 ], [ -77.208, -12.124 ] ] ], [ [ [ -77.717, -11.974 ], [ -77.725, -11.969 ], [ -77.724, -11.965 ], [ -77.718, -11.965 ], [ -77.717, -11.974 ] ] ], [ [ [ -77.723, -11.954 ], [ -77.733, -11.953 ], [ -77.734, -11.948 ], [ -77.722, -11.946 ], [ -77.723, -11.954 ] ] ], [ [ [ -77.851, -11.494 ], [ -77.852, -11.486 ], [ -77.844, -11.48 ], [ -77.844, -11.488 ], [ -77.851, -11.494 ] ] ], [ [ [ -81.072, -5 ], [ -81.326, -4.68 ], [ -81.25, -4.27 ], [ -80.837, -3.877 ], [ -80.786, -3.749 ], [ -80.574, 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En el actual pueblo boliviano de \nCarmargo (Departamento de Chuquisaca).", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-02T02:11:33+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://www.hgis-indias.net/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=gazetteer:8000316", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2018-10-22T18:19:39+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2018-10-22T18:19:39+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ -64.712118, -21.88628 ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Otro corregimiento de Charcas, desprendido del de Tarija posteriormente. Aparece más abajo como Paspaia. 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Aparece más abajo como Paspaia. En el actual pueblo boliviano de Carmargo (Departamento de Chuquisaca).", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-01T20:38:59+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 32875, "end" : 32882 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Paspaya" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/5b868315-c1d2-43ce-98c4-bf0a34244ac2", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-28T17:40:13+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 4317, "end" : 4337 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Antonio de Navarrete" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/34f8d603-9d06-477a-8d9c-a67121e31f37", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "EVENT", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-10-31T15:12:45+00:00" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "En efecto, en Sancti Spiritus los expedicionarios europeos tomaron contacto con querandías, chaná-timbúes y guaraníes, quienes se acercaban al fuerte a intercambiar alimentos por diversas mercancías.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-10-31T15:12:45+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 57081, "end" : 57093 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "comunicación" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/3ff1c093-0c4d-4390-b006-442c4e05cd04", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Mariner", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T18:54:15+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T18:54:15+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T18:54:15+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Juan Sebastián Elcano, también escrito Juan Sebastián de Elcano, Juan Sebastián del Cano o Juan Sebastián de El Cano (Guetaria, 1476-océano Pacífico, 4 de agosto de 1526), fue un marino español que completó la primera vuelta a la Tierra en la Expedición de Magallanes-Elcano, quedando al frente de la expedición tras la muerte de Fernando de Magallanes.Elcano participó luego del frustrado intento de realizar una segunda circunnavegación bajo el mando del comendador Fray Francisco José García Jofre de Loaísa (1490-1526), quien partió de La Coruña en julio de 1525 al mando de siete naves. Elcano, que comandaba una de ellos, murió ahogado cuando su nave naufragó cerca del Estrecho.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-10-26T19:50:11+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 11095, "end" : 11114 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Juan Sebastián Cano" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/50a9a9b5-30bb-41fc-aea4-bf59cf5c93cb", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T18:58:32+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "islas Malvinas", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T18:58:32+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T18:58:32+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Álvaro de Mezquita (también llamado Álvaro de Mesquita) era un navegante portugués pariente de Hernando de Magallanes. Participó como supernumerario en la primera expedición de circunnavegación del globo, donde asumió la capitanía del buque San Antonio de Coca, hasta que fue depuesto por el motín del año 1520 liderado por Esteban Gómez, que hizo retornar la nave a España. En el trayecto de regreso, el San Antonio habría avistado las islas Malvinas, que fueron bautizadas como islas de San Antón en honor al barco. Esta hipótesis se ha visto respaldada por la abundante cartografía europea del siglo XVI que señala a las islas con las grafías progresivamente deformadas de San Antón, S. Antón, S.Antón, Santón, Sansón y San són, y por las investigaciones del destacado historiador uruguayo Rolando Laguarda Trías, quien encontró documentación en la Biblioteca Nacional de París que narra el testimonio de testigos directos del avistaje.No obstante, las tradiciones más firmes sobre el descubrimiento de las islas Malvinas se deben a Sebald de Weert (1563-1603), un capitán holandés de la Compañía de las Indias Orientales en su viaje de 1598.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-10-26T19:52:26+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 11368, "end" : 11386 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Álvaro de 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Dependían políticamente de Asunción.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-04T23:44:43+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://www.hgis-indias.net/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=gazetteer:9001003", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2018-09-07T19:10:59+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2018-09-07T19:10:59+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ -55.9288521, -20.51980816 ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Se refiere a Santiago de Jerez (1593) fundada en la confluencia de los ríos Miranda y Aquidauana.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-04T23:49:32+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", 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e historiográfica. En nombre se debe probablemente a \nla advocación de Nuestra Señora del Buen Aire, virgen patrona de los \nnavegantes de Cerdeña y que tenía ya una cofradía en Sevilla a \nprincipios del siglo XVI.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-11T15:20:46+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://www.hgis-indias.net/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=gazetteer:9000001", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2018-09-07T19:36:56+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2018-09-07T19:36:56+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ -58.373221, -34.6079 ] } } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias 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Murió en un enfrentamiento con \nnativos cerca de Buenos Aires, el día de Corpus Christi de 1536.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-08T00:34:21+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 88782, "end" : 88798 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Diego de Mendoza" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/18261aff-ddce-484a-82a8-a903dcf93f65", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "EVENT", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-08T00:56:43+00:00" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "En hambre que sobrevino en Buenos Aires en el curso de 1536 fue uno de los episodios más célebres de la conquista del Río de la Plata. Asimismo, fue uno de los condicionantes de la explotación y ocupación del espacio rioplatense, ya que río arriba en Asunción del Paraguay, los contactos sostenidos con los guaraníes carios brindó la base de alimentos y trabajo necesarios para sostener la población de conquistadores.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-08T00:56:43+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 98253, "end" : 98259 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "hambre" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/2ce0ea86-bb4d-403d-9807-041c85afdfa5", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-08T00:57:38+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Francisco de Alvarado.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-08T01:06:27+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 100507, "end" : 100523 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "capitán Alvarado" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/5f58db80-91bf-4932-9063-586fe7bf71e6", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-08T01:00:57+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Probablemente una parcialidad timbú.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-08T01:00:57+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 100450, "end" : 100457 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Cararas" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/eb639ca0-5e6d-4a11-8743-7523d8de3f20", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-08T01:42:06+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Francisco de Rivera fue un importante legua. Había llegado al Río de la \nPlata en 1527 con Diego García de Moguer y se quedó en la costa de \nBrasil donde aprendió justamente, la lengua guaraní. Volvió a la región \nplatense en 1538, cuando el veedor Alonso Cabrera lo trajo en su barco \ndesde Brasil. Participó como lengua de varias entradas en el Chaco, \nentre las que se cuentan la de Irala en 1541 y la de Cabeza de Vaca en \n1544.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-08T01:42:06+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 107984, "end" : 108003 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Francisco de Rivera" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/a0466a44-3bb3-4c08-85e5-e821dfe60b7d", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "conqueror", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-08T20:25:34+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-08T20:25:34+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "colonizer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-08T20:25:34+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-08T20:25:34+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Conquistador español nacido en Orduña en 1517. Llegó a Rio\nde la Plata con la expedición de Alonso Cabrera pero regreso muy pronto a\nEspaña por desaveniencias con el jefe de la expedición. Regresó nuevamente a\nAmérica en la expedición de Alvar Nuñez hacia el Paraguay y años más tarde se\nenemistó con él, tomando parte en la revolución que le quitó el mando. Fue\nhombre de confianza de Irala y más tarde lo fue también de Juan Ortiz de Zárate.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-08T20:25:34+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 5037, "end" : 5051 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Martín de Orue" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/7d00f21d-0047-4928-b34c-dfb26890008d", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://sws.geonames.org/3428455", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-09-27T18:54:00+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-09-27T18:54:00+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ -55.58091, -27.3674 ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Este puerto había sido establecido por la expedición de Sebastián Caboto gracias a la guía del náufrago y lengua Francisco del Puerto.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-09-27T18:54:39+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 22495, "end" : 22504 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Santa Ana" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/0a6ccb70-508c-4e7a-9c97-aa10dfe2efd3", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-09-27T20:09:50+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Francisco de Sousa (c. 1540-1611) fue un fidalgo portugués y sépimo gobernador de Brasil.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-09-27T20:09:50+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 25292, "end" : 25309 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Francisco de Sosa" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/f1db5456-dc1d-42cc-8f29-a14c3f7847bf", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "EVENT", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-01T15:49:01+00:00" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "En efecto, el puerto de Buenos Aires fue despoblado en 1541 por orden de Domingo de Irala y el veedor Alonso Cabrera, quienes deseaban concentrar toda la población blanca de la región río arriba en la próspera ciudad de Asunción. Esta orden fue objeto de intensos debates y resistencias, tanto en el momento de su ejecución como posteriormente. Fuentes Documentales: Carta de Domingo de Irala al Emperador...\", en Comisión Oficial del IV Centenario de la Primera Fundación de Buenos Aires (1536-1936), Documentos Históricos y Geográficos Relativos a la Conquista y Colonización Rioplatense. Tomo 2: Expedición de Don Pedro de Mendoza: Establecimiento y Despoblación de Buenos Aires. 1530-1572, Buenos Aires, Jacobo Peuser, 1941 (GGV, 50/955; AGI Justicia 1130, 1545); \"Relación que dejó Domingo Martínez de Irala en el puerto de Buenos Aires cuando lo despobló a instancias del requerimiento que le hizo Alonso de Cabrera. 1541\", en Núñez Cabeza de Vaca, Álvar, Relación de los Naufragios y Comentarios de Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca, adelantado y gobernador del Río de la Plata. Ilustrado con varios documentos inéditos, Madrid, Librería General Victoriano Suárez, 1906, Tomo Segundo (GGV 45/915; AGI Justicia 1131, Pieza 10, abril de 1541).", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-01T15:49:01+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 29041, "end" : 29050 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "despoblar" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/7b571e89-04ee-42d8-a08f-e402466a1333", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://sws.geonames.org/3860259", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-01T16:40:55+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-01T16:40:55+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ -64.18105, -31.4135 ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Se refiere a la ciudad de Córdoba (Argentina). La misma había sido fundada en 1573, pero 1577 fue trasladada a su ubicación actual sobre el río Suquía (en ese entonces, San Juan).", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-01T16:40:55+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 31028, "end" : 31035 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Córdoba" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/c9fefb97-e110-46e6-9906-97d1186e08f4", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-01T18:43:27+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Los chiriguanos componían la parcialidad más occidental de los guaraníes, asentados en actual territorio boliviano sobre los contrafuertes andinos. Ruy Díaz dirigió varias campañas en su contra. Bibliografía: Saignes, Thierry, \"El sureste entre la conquista inca y la invasión chiriguano\", en Combès, Isabelle (comp.), Historia del pueblo Chiriguano, La Paz, Instituto Francés de Estudios Andinos- Embajada de Francia en Bolivia, 2007, pp. 41-54; Saignes, Thierry, Ava y Karai: Ensayos sobre la frontera Chiriguano (siglo XVIXX),Hisbol, La Paz, 1990; e Historia del Pueblo Chiriguano, La Paz, IFEA Instituto Francés de Estudios Andinos, 2007.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-01T18:43:27+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 51783, "end" : 51794 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Chiriguanos" } ] 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El emperador Carlos V lo nombraría definitivamente \ncomo titular en el cargo gubernamental en el año 1555, que lo ostentaría\n hasta su fallecimiento.En 1543 fundó en el Chaco Boreal el Puerto de \nlos Reyes, a orillas del río Paraguay y del pantano de los Jarayes, \nsobre las costas de la laguna La Gaiba.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-08T01:19:38+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 135838, "end" : 135854 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Domingo de Irala" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : 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Debió vender toda su mercancía entre los habitantes del Río de la Plata, quienes le pagaron con promesas sobre el primer oro o plata que descubrieran en la región.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-08T02:46:18+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 138045, "end" : 138062 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "fulano Palchando," } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/c1b84bdf-fd79-4655-a7d8-1d998bd25783", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PLACE", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-08T02:43:46+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 137107, "end" : 137129 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "estrecho de Magallanes" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/d7d979ed-ee3d-454d-9bbd-7aacc943b03b", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Probablemente se refiera al intento de levantamiento que los caciques guaraníes habían planeado en la pascua de 1541, que fue abortado cuando el tesorero Garci Venegas, a cargo del fuerte, se enteró de estos planes  a través de algunas indias que los españoles tenían a su servicio.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-08T03:04:40+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "EVENT", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-08T03:04:45+00:00" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 141267, "end" : 141273 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Sangre" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/0a359155-a697-46b1-87b5-f15c6e4daa65", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "adelantado", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-09T20:04:29+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-09T20:04:29+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "author", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-09T20:04:29+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "conqueror", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-09T20:04:29+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-09T20:04:29+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca (Jerez de la Frontera, 1488/1490 - Sevilla, \n27 de mayo de 1559) fue un descubridor y conquistador español que \nexploró la costa sur de Norteamérica desde la actual Florida pasando por\n Alabama, Misisipi y Luisiana y se adentró en Texas, Nuevo México, \nArizona​ y en el norte de México hasta llegar al Golfo de California, \nterritorios que pasaron a anexionarse al Imperio Español dentro del \nVirreinato de Nueva España. El rey Carlos I de España le otorgó el \ntítulo de Segundo Adelantado y lo nombró capitán general y gobernador \ndel Río de la Plata, Paranáguazu y sus anexos.​ Fue el primer europeo del cual tenemos pruebas documentales respecto de \nsus exploraciones en la región de las cataratas del Iguazú. Están \ndocumentadas numerosas referencias sobre entradas que antiguos náufragos\n de los barcos de Juan Díaz de Solís (1470-1516) y Rodrigo de Acuña \nhabrían realizado en la zona, siendo la más famosa la de Alejo o Aleixo \nGarcía.Cabeza de Vaca llegó a la isla de Santa Catalina en 1541 y de \nallí entró en tierra firme con el objetivo de alcanzar la ciudad de \nAsunción del Paraguay. La misma se había convertido en el centro de la \nconquista del Río de la Plata. Si bien los conquistadores viejos de la \nexpedición de Pedro de Mendoza aceptaron sus credenciales cuando entró \nen la ciudad en 1542, las políticas que Cabeza de Vaca intentó instalar \nen la región rápidamente entraron en conflicto con aquellas que \npretendían sostener sus fundadores y primeros conquistadores. La \nsituación se deterioró progresivamente hasta que, después de una \nfracasada entrada al Gran Chaco, Cabeza de Vaca fue encarcelado y luego \nexpulsado de la provincia en 1545.Tras regresar a España, el antiguo \nadelantado debió responder a los procesos que contra él entablaron los \nconquistadores del Río de la Plata y el propio fiscal del rey, que se \nextendieron hasta entrada la década de 1550. Si bien Álvar Núñez no \nlogró recuperar la gobernación del Río de la Plata, tampoco debió \nenfretar las penas que originalmente se le habían impuesto (multas y un \ntemido destierro a Argel). Una clara señal de cierto beneplácito regio \nrespecto de sus acciones en Indias es la reedición, en 1555, de su \nRelación (Zamora, 1542) acompañada de un nuevo libro titulado \nComentarios (valladolid, 1555). Este último constituye la primera obra \nhistoriográfica de largo aliento sobre la conquista del Río de la Plata,\n considerando en particular el período de su \ngobernación.BibliografíaAdorno, Rolena; Pautz, Patrick Charles, Álvar \nNúñez Cabeza de Vaca. His Account, his Life, and the Expedition of \nPánfilo de Narváez, Lincoln y Londres, University of Nebraska Press, \n1999. Tres Tomos.FuentesÁlvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca, La relación que dio \nAlvar Núñez Cabeça de Vaca de lo acaecido en las Indias en la armada \ndonde iua por gobernador Panfhilo de Narváez desde el año veinte y siete\n hasta el año treinta y seis que volvió a Sevilla con tres de su \ncompañía, Zamora, 1542.Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca, La relación y \ncomentarios del Gobernador Álvar Núñez Cabeça de Vaca, de lo acaecido en\n las dos jornadas que hizo a las Indias, Valladolid, 1555.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-09T20:04:29+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 7373, "end" : 7400 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Álvaro Núñez Cabeza de Vaca" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/7806f6ae-32ea-490d-9b8c-b25a04455699", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "tribe", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T12:55:03+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T12:55:03+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Los guató (una sociedad nativa que habiataba el Gran Pantanal) eran \nhabitualmente referidos en las fuentes coloniales como Xarajes.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T12:55:03+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 14257, "end" : 14264 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Jarayes" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/d3cabf9b-f511-4350-bcf4-4d8b062e76ac", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "tribe", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T12:55:03+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T12:55:03+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Los guató (una sociedad nativa que habiataba el Gran Pantanal) eran \nhabitualmente referidos en las fuentes coloniales como Xarajes.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T12:55:03+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 16487, "end" : 16494 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Jarayes" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/dbf36e10-8b93-44d7-ad35-cc2df1a71c3d", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "tribe", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T12:55:22+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T12:55:22+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Tupíes, parcialidad perteneciente al tronco lingüístico Tupí-Guaraní y \nque tenía uno de sus principales asentamientos en la Bahía de Guanabara.\n Más arriba aparecen mecionado como tupinamás.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T12:55:22+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 8789, "end" : 8794 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Tupís" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/5394540d-04da-4872-a580-fdf3ed24bafe", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-09-27T18:22:50+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Los tapés constituían una parcialidad guaraní que habitaba en los territorios  de lo que hoy constituye el estado brasileño de Río Grande Do Sul. Bibliografía: Susnik, Branislava, El rol de los indígenas en la formación y en la vivencia del Paraguay. Tomo I, Asunción, Universo, 1982, pp. 49-50.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-09-27T18:29:53+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 21461, "end" : 21466 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Tapes" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/e00f2ab5-cb31-4d38-92a5-90b0b2e3a41f", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : 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Dado que los carios fueron derrotado en este enfrentamiento, cedieron una importante cantidad de mujeres a los conqusitadores y acordaron con ellos realizar distintas incursiones de guerra y exploración en el Chaco.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-08T01:56:53+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 114424, "end" : 114432 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "langosta" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/4e00c2be-423d-4d60-99d1-8bc9423ca2d0", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : 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"geometry" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ -6.294444, 36.528381 ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Le expedición de Caboto partió en verdad de Sanlúcar de Barrameda.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-05T00:32:26+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 54628, "end" : 54633 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Cádiz" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/b35288a0-6ae2-41ac-99d8-66ca36f47c28", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-05T00:45:52+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Sebastián Caboto (1477-1557) fue, como su padre Juan, un piloto y \nexplorador que sirvió a las coronas de España e Inglaterra. Entró al \nservicio de esta última en 1518 como piloto mayor y bajo sus auspicios \nrealizó el viaje que lo llevaría a explorar el Río de Solís. Si bien el \npropósito inicial de su expedición de 1526 era repetir la \ncircunnavegación de Magallanes (tal y como consta en la capitulación que\n firmó con Carlos I), Caboto decidió alterar el rumbo de su armada \natraído por las noticias recolectadas en la costa brasileña, que \nindicaban la existencia de una sierra argentífera remontando el río \naustral. Caboto y sus tripulantes exploraron la región hasta entrado \n1529, cuando los ataques de los indios, los dudosos resultados de sus \nexploraciones y la falta de bastimentos lo obligarona  a abandonar el \nRío de Solís. Bibliografía: Medina, José Toribio, El Veneciano Sebastián\n Gaboto al servicio de España. Dos Tomos, Santiago de Chile, Imprenta y \nEncuadernación Universitaria, 1908.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-05T00:45:52+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 60563, "end" : 60569 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Gaboto" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/d259be62-498b-411c-8ac0-427d9d12d57c", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-05T00:57:38+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Francisco César. Caboto autorizó al capitán Francisco César a realizar una expedición por tierra hacia el oeste acompañado por quince hombres. Esta ruta, que según los querandíes con los que entraron en contacto en las inmediaciones de Sancti Spiritus los llevaría a la Sierra de la Plata, había sido desaconsejada por ellos dado que no había fuentes de agua. La expedición de Francisco César habría tenido lugar recién a principios de 1529 y daría origen a la leyenda de la Ciudad de los Césares. Bibliografía: Gandía, Enrique de, Historia crítica de los mitos de la conquista de América, Buenos Aires y Madrid, Juan Roldán y Cía, 1929, pp. 250-253; Guérin, Miguel Alberto, \"La organización inicial del espacio rioplatense\", en Tandeter, Enrique (dir.), Nueva Historia Argentina. Tomo 2: La Sociedad Colonial, Buenos Aires, Sudamericana, 2000, pp.p. 28; Tieffemberg, Silvia, \"Derroteros y viajes a la ciudad encantada de los Césares. Relatos y constelaciones\", en Anales de Literatura Chilena, vol. 16, núm. 23, 2014, pp. 13-27.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-05T00:57:38+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 57630, "end" : 57635 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "César" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/4acb616f-3f8a-4e83-885d-0063d220f9c5", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-05T00:57:38+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Francisco César. Caboto autorizó al capitán Francisco César a realizar una expedición por tierra hacia el oeste acompañado por quince hombres. Esta ruta, que según los querandíes con los que entraron en contacto en las inmediaciones de Sancti Spiritus los llevaría a la Sierra de la Plata, había sido desaconsejada por ellos dado que no había fuentes de agua. La expedición de Francisco César habría tenido lugar recién a principios de 1529 y daría origen a la leyenda de la Ciudad de los Césares. Bibliografía: Gandía, Enrique de, Historia crítica de los mitos de la conquista de América, Buenos Aires y Madrid, Juan Roldán y Cía, 1929, pp. 250-253; Guérin, Miguel Alberto, \"La organización inicial del espacio rioplatense\", en Tandeter, Enrique (dir.), Nueva Historia Argentina. Tomo 2: La Sociedad Colonial, Buenos Aires, Sudamericana, 2000, pp.p. 28; Tieffemberg, Silvia, \"Derroteros y viajes a la ciudad encantada de los Césares. Relatos y constelaciones\", en Anales de Literatura Chilena, vol. 16, núm. 23, 2014, pp. 13-27.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-05T00:57:38+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 80583, "end" : 80588 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "César" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/738446f9-4081-44fb-b11d-c77e2379e186", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://sws.geonames.org/3428455", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-05T01:00:11+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-05T01:00:11+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ -55.58091, -27.3674 ] } } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 58382, "end" : 58391 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Santa Ana" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/ecf6c01d-7f6a-4443-8a8f-9b9430146559", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-05T01:07:56+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 60045, "end" : 60059 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Juan de Justes" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/1f1d3990-eb80-42b8-b4b7-86d5135395a2", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-07T16:05:33+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Pedro de Mendoza (1499-1537), fue un noble español nacido de Cádiz. Tuvo una destacada actividad militar en las campañas militares de Carlos I en Italia, y con la fortuna que logró en ellas, solicitó la conquista del Río de la Plata. Por capitulación firmada con en el rey en 1534 se lo designa gobernador y primer adelantando a la provincia del mismo bombre. Su armanda, una de las más grandes en términos de hombres y barcos que cruzaron el océano a América, llegó a las costas del Río de la Plata en 1536. En la margen izquierda del río, al sur de la actual ciudad de Buenos Aires, Mendoza ordenó el establecimiento de un puerto llamado Nuestra Señora del Buen Ayre, pero sus intencionres eran continuar las exploraciones río arriba, en busca de la Sierra de la Plata. El asentamiento en Buenos Aires rápidamenta sufrió hambre y ataques de las sociedades nativas. Al mismo tiempo, Pedro de Mendoza delegó gran parte de las tareas de exploración de la región en su teniente gobernador, Juan de Ayolas. Debido a las dificultades que enfrentaba la población de Buenos Aires y de los dos asentamientos establecidos Paraná arriba (Buena Esperanza y Corpus Christi) y la ausencia de noticias del Juan de Ayolas (quien luego se sabría, habría alcanzado tierras chiriguanas) Pedro de Mendoza decide abandonar su conquista, delegando el mando general de la armada en Juan de Ayolas y el gobierno de Buenos Aires en Ruiz Galán. Moriría cruzando el Atlántico en 1537. Bibliografía: Lafuente Machaín, Conquistadores del Río de la Plata, Buenos Aires, Amorrurtu, 1937; Guérin, Miguel Alberto, \"La organización inicial del espacio rioplatense\", en Tandeter, Enrique (dir.), Nueva Historia Argentina. La Sociedad Colonial, Buenos Aires, Sudamericana, 2000, pp. 14-54.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-07T16:05:33+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 104399, "end" : 104415 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Pedro de Mendoza" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/66ecd8c2-5383-4c11-bdd2-cecb92f7c2c7", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-07T16:05:33+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Pedro de Mendoza (1499-1537), fue un noble español nacido de Cádiz. Tuvo una destacada actividad militar en las campañas militares de Carlos I en Italia, y con la fortuna que logró en ellas, solicitó la conquista del Río de la Plata. Por capitulación firmada con en el rey en 1534 se lo designa gobernador y primer adelantando a la provincia del mismo bombre. Su armanda, una de las más grandes en términos de hombres y barcos que cruzaron el océano a América, llegó a las costas del Río de la Plata en 1536. En la margen izquierda del río, al sur de la actual ciudad de Buenos Aires, Mendoza ordenó el establecimiento de un puerto llamado Nuestra Señora del Buen Ayre, pero sus intencionres eran continuar las exploraciones río arriba, en busca de la Sierra de la Plata. El asentamiento en Buenos Aires rápidamenta sufrió hambre y ataques de las sociedades nativas. Al mismo tiempo, Pedro de Mendoza delegó gran parte de las tareas de exploración de la región en su teniente gobernador, Juan de Ayolas. Debido a las dificultades que enfrentaba la población de Buenos Aires y de los dos asentamientos establecidos Paraná arriba (Buena Esperanza y Corpus Christi) y la ausencia de noticias del Juan de Ayolas (quien luego se sabría, habría alcanzado tierras chiriguanas) Pedro de Mendoza decide abandonar su conquista, delegando el mando general de la armada en Juan de Ayolas y el gobierno de Buenos Aires en Ruiz Galán. Moriría cruzando el Atlántico en 1537. Bibliografía: Lafuente Machaín, Conquistadores del Río de la Plata, Buenos Aires, Amorrurtu, 1937; Guérin, Miguel Alberto, \"La organización inicial del espacio rioplatense\", en Tandeter, Enrique (dir.), Nueva Historia Argentina. La Sociedad Colonial, Buenos Aires, Sudamericana, 2000, pp. 14-54.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-07T16:05:33+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 108129, "end" : 108145 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Pedro de Mendoza" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/087c3599-9ac4-403b-8d2b-2b82d172e45e", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-07T16:05:33+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Pedro de Mendoza (1499-1537), fue un noble español nacido de Cádiz. Tuvo una destacada actividad militar en las campañas militares de Carlos I en Italia, y con la fortuna que logró en ellas, solicitó la conquista del Río de la Plata. Por capitulación firmada con en el rey en 1534 se lo designa gobernador y primer adelantando a la provincia del mismo bombre. Su armanda, una de las más grandes en términos de hombres y barcos que cruzaron el océano a América, llegó a las costas del Río de la Plata en 1536. En la margen izquierda del río, al sur de la actual ciudad de Buenos Aires, Mendoza ordenó el establecimiento de un puerto llamado Nuestra Señora del Buen Ayre, pero sus intencionres eran continuar las exploraciones río arriba, en busca de la Sierra de la Plata. El asentamiento en Buenos Aires rápidamenta sufrió hambre y ataques de las sociedades nativas. Al mismo tiempo, Pedro de Mendoza delegó gran parte de las tareas de exploración de la región en su teniente gobernador, Juan de Ayolas. Debido a las dificultades que enfrentaba la población de Buenos Aires y de los dos asentamientos establecidos Paraná arriba (Buena Esperanza y Corpus Christi) y la ausencia de noticias del Juan de Ayolas (quien luego se sabría, habría alcanzado tierras chiriguanas) Pedro de Mendoza decide abandonar su conquista, delegando el mando general de la armada en Juan de Ayolas y el gobierno de Buenos Aires en Ruiz Galán. Moriría cruzando el Atlántico en 1537. Bibliografía: Lafuente Machaín, Conquistadores del Río de la Plata, Buenos Aires, Amorrurtu, 1937; Guérin, Miguel Alberto, \"La organización inicial del espacio rioplatense\", en Tandeter, Enrique (dir.), Nueva Historia Argentina. La Sociedad Colonial, Buenos Aires, Sudamericana, 2000, pp. 14-54.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-07T16:05:33+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 101878, "end" : 101894 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Pedro de Mendoza" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/90a98890-2d0e-4b51-a8fb-714a923c2b0e", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "conqueror", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:34:45+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:34:45+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "colonizer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:34:45+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:34:45+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Ruy Díaz de Melgarejo (Salteras\nde Sevilla, 1519 – Santa Fe la Vieja, 1602) fue un militar, conquistador, explorador,\nestadista, minero y burócrata colonial español establecido en la región del Río\nde la Plata. Su vida estuvo marcada por guerras, conspiraciones, persecuciones\ny conflictos familiares.\n\nJunto a Juan de Salazar, Alonso Riquelme de Guzmán y Diego de Abreu se opuso\nal gobierno asunceno de Domingo Martínez de Irala, apoyando al deportado Álvar\nNúñez Cabeza de Vaca.\n\nGobernó de manera casi absoluta e independiente la antigua provincia\nasuncena del Guayrá, fácticamente durante 20 años, y luego de separarla de Asunción\nen 1575, con el título de teniente de gobernador del Guayrá unos 15 años más.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:34:45+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 113289, "end" : 113307 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Rui Díaz Melgarejo" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/a2c49a3e-f382-4006-ab3f-5308c092355e", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "conqueror", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:49:55+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:49:55+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "colonizer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:49:55+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:49:55+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Francisco Ortiz de Vergara (Sevilla, 1524\n– Ciudad Zaratina de la Banda Oriental,  2\nde diciembre de 1574) fue un hidalgo, Conquistador, explorador, poblador español.\nHijo de Francisco de Vergara y de Beatriz de Roelas, además de hermano del teniente\nde gobernador del Guayrá, el capitán Ruy Díaz de Melgarejo. Fue nombrado\npor los vocales del cabildo asunceno gobernador interino del Río de la Plata y\ndel Paraguay, luego del fallecimiento del predecesor Gonzalo de Mendoza, y\nconfirmado por el obispo Pedro Fernández de la Torre, el día 22 de julio de 1558.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:49:55+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 41599, "end" : 41619 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Francisco de Vergara" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/7f604da5-1149-48c7-bbb9-d592b3d82872", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "conqueror", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:49:55+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:49:55+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "colonizer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:49:55+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:49:55+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Francisco Ortiz de Vergara (Sevilla, 1524\n– Ciudad Zaratina de la Banda Oriental,  2\nde diciembre de 1574) fue un hidalgo, Conquistador, explorador, poblador español.\nHijo de Francisco de Vergara y de Beatriz de Roelas, además de hermano del teniente\nde gobernador del Guayrá, el capitán Ruy Díaz de Melgarejo. Fue nombrado\npor los vocales del cabildo asunceno gobernador interino del Río de la Plata y\ndel Paraguay, luego del fallecimiento del predecesor Gonzalo de Mendoza, y\nconfirmado por el obispo Pedro Fernández de la Torre, el día 22 de julio de 1558.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:49:55+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 63974, "end" : 63994 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Francisco de Vergara" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/c76c0fda-9c22-4d75-85ab-616b3221b990", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "conqueror", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:49:55+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:49:55+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "colonizer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:49:55+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:49:55+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Francisco Ortiz de Vergara (Sevilla, 1524\n– Ciudad Zaratina de la Banda Oriental,  2\nde diciembre de 1574) fue un hidalgo, Conquistador, explorador, poblador español.\nHijo de Francisco de Vergara y de Beatriz de Roelas, además de hermano del teniente\nde gobernador del Guayrá, el capitán Ruy Díaz de Melgarejo. Fue nombrado\npor los vocales del cabildo asunceno gobernador interino del Río de la Plata y\ndel Paraguay, luego del fallecimiento del predecesor Gonzalo de Mendoza, y\nconfirmado por el obispo Pedro Fernández de la Torre, el día 22 de julio de 1558.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:49:55+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 70942, "end" : 70962 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Francisco de Vergara" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/bcbb5e77-7583-4e8c-a08d-5bd7674a310b", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "conqueror", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:49:55+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:49:55+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "colonizer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:49:55+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:49:55+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Francisco Ortiz de Vergara (Sevilla, 1524\n– Ciudad Zaratina de la Banda Oriental,  2\nde diciembre de 1574) fue un hidalgo, Conquistador, explorador, poblador español.\nHijo de Francisco de Vergara y de Beatriz de Roelas, además de hermano del teniente\nde gobernador del Guayrá, el capitán Ruy Díaz de Melgarejo. Fue nombrado\npor los vocales del cabildo asunceno gobernador interino del Río de la Plata y\ndel Paraguay, luego del fallecimiento del predecesor Gonzalo de Mendoza, y\nconfirmado por el obispo Pedro Fernández de la Torre, el día 22 de julio de 1558.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:49:55+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 73640, "end" : 73660 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Francisco de Vergara" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/376c61fc-8695-4a80-9e78-a96e13fa459e", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "conqueror", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:36:24+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "colonizer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:36:24+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:36:24+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:36:24+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Ruy Díaz de Melgarejo (Salteras\nde Sevilla, 1519 – Santa Fe la Vieja, 1602) fue un militar, conquistador, explorador,\nestadista, minero y burócrata colonial español establecido en la región del Río\nde la Plata. Su vida estuvo marcada por guerras, conspiraciones, persecuciones\ny conflictos familiares.\n\nJunto a Juan de Salazar, Alonso Riquelme de Guzmán y Diego de Abreu se opuso\nal gobierno asunceno de Domingo Martínez de Irala, apoyando al deportado Álvar\nNúñez Cabeza de Vaca.\n\nGobernó de manera casi absoluta e independiente la antigua provincia\nasuncena del Guayrá, fácticamente durante 20 años, y luego de separarla de Asunción\nen 1575, con el título de teniente de gobernador del Guayrá unos 15 años más.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:36:24+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 56192, "end" : 56208 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "capitán Rui Díaz" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/9fe0275e-1d2b-4dec-8711-7f32af97fc3c", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "conqueror", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:36:24+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "colonizer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:36:24+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:36:24+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:36:24+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Ruy Díaz de Melgarejo (Salteras\nde Sevilla, 1519 – Santa Fe la Vieja, 1602) fue un militar, conquistador, explorador,\nestadista, minero y burócrata colonial español establecido en la región del Río\nde la Plata. Su vida estuvo marcada por guerras, conspiraciones, persecuciones\ny conflictos familiares.\n\nJunto a Juan de Salazar, Alonso Riquelme de Guzmán y Diego de Abreu se opuso\nal gobierno asunceno de Domingo Martínez de Irala, apoyando al deportado Álvar\nNúñez Cabeza de Vaca.\n\nGobernó de manera casi absoluta e independiente la antigua provincia\nasuncena del Guayrá, fácticamente durante 20 años, y luego de separarla de Asunción\nen 1575, con el título de teniente de gobernador del Guayrá unos 15 años más.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:36:24+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 59443, "end" : 59459 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "capitán Rui Díaz" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/3862c8b2-bbf9-4ce3-b073-ed2fdcf2b5c9", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "tribe", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:18:03+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "native people", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:18:03+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:18:03+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Refiere a Los guaraníes o avá, según su autodenominación étnica original\n (que significa \"ser humano\"), son un grupo de pueblos indígenas \nsuramericanos que se ubican geográficamente en Paraguay, noreste de \nArgentina (en ciertas zonas de provincias de la Región del Litoral),​ \nsur y suroeste de Brasil (en los estados de Río Grande del Sur, Santa \nCatarina, Paraná y Mato Grosso del Sur) y sureste de Bolivia (en los \ndepartamentos de Tarija, Santa Cruz y Chuquisaca) y norte de Uruguay.El \nmuy difundido nombre guaraní lo escucharon los españoles que, al invadir\n su territorio, habrían oído, entre los gritos de guerra de este pueblo,\n la frase guará-ny, que significa \"combatir-los\". Por otra parte el \nnombre dada significa en guaraní 'guerrero', \"ava\" que significa \n\"hombre\" y se pronuncia en forma grave entre los chiriguanos (ava \nguaraníes).Otra versión afirma que la denominación fue tomada de la \ndeformación de una palabra guaraní, guariní que significa precisamente \n\"guerra\" o \"guerrear\". Al parecer los mismos indígenas se denominaron de\n esa manera, indicando con ello que se consideraban guerreros.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:18:03+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 24950, "end" : 24958 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Guaranís" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/c02ae0da-5151-4f6c-93eb-964acb1ae6ae", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "tribe", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:18:03+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "native people", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:18:03+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:18:03+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Refiere a Los guaraníes o avá, según su autodenominación étnica original\n (que significa \"ser humano\"), son un grupo de pueblos indígenas \nsuramericanos que se ubican geográficamente en Paraguay, noreste de \nArgentina (en ciertas zonas de provincias de la Región del Litoral),​ \nsur y suroeste de Brasil (en los estados de Río Grande del Sur, Santa \nCatarina, Paraná y Mato Grosso del Sur) y sureste de Bolivia (en los \ndepartamentos de Tarija, Santa Cruz y Chuquisaca) y norte de Uruguay.El \nmuy difundido nombre guaraní lo escucharon los españoles que, al invadir\n su territorio, habrían oído, entre los gritos de guerra de este pueblo,\n la frase guará-ny, que significa \"combatir-los\". Por otra parte el \nnombre dada significa en guaraní 'guerrero', \"ava\" que significa \n\"hombre\" y se pronuncia en forma grave entre los chiriguanos (ava \nguaraníes).Otra versión afirma que la denominación fue tomada de la \ndeformación de una palabra guaraní, guariní que significa precisamente \n\"guerra\" o \"guerrear\". Al parecer los mismos indígenas se denominaron de\n esa manera, indicando con ello que se consideraban guerreros.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:18:03+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 75020, "end" : 75028 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Guaranís" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/3d4509dd-1303-46e5-ac9e-e767992afea9", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Tribe", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:17:04+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "native people", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:17:04+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:17:04+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Los Chiriguanos, son grupo de lengua Tupí - Guaraní\nque desde el Amazonas ocuparon sectores de Paraguay, Bolivia y Argentina. Fue el punto culminante de su expansión hacia el\nsur, en la búsqueda mesiánica de la \"Tierra sin mal\" o de\nnuevas tierras para cultivo. Eran agricultores sedentarios, a base de mandioca,\nzapallos, batata y maíz. La técnica de cultivo era la típica \"milpa\"\namazónica: talado de árboles, corte de la maleza, incendio y posterior cultivo\nsobre el terreno quemado. Entre los siglos XV y XVI sometieron a los Chané a\nlos que esclavizaron. Algunas crónicas indican que ese dominio se sustentó en\nuna sistemática antropofagia que prácticamente devastó a los Chané.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:17:04+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 37668, "end" : 37679 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Chiriguanos" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/db35f8f6-017e-477b-a196-45fdff0ae875", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "bishop", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:23:38+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "colonizer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:23:38+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:23:38+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Fray Pedro Fernández de la Torre llega a Asunción para hacerse cargo de la diócesis del Paraguay. El obispo Juan de los Barrios murió el \n12 de febrero de 1569. El primer obispo que ejerció jurisdicción en \nnuestras tierras fue fray Pedro Fernández de la Torre, entre 1556 y \n1573. Pero fray Barrios, por muerte o renuncia, no llegó nunca a su diócesis. Siete años después de aquel acto, víspera del Domingo de Ramos del \naño 1555, hizo su solemne entrada en Asunción D. fray Pedro Fernández de\n la Torre, franciscano, primer Obispo del Paraguay.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:23:38+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 70980, "end" : 71002 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Fray Pedro de la Torre" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/46e51550-fecd-4bd6-ae68-a75fc67f3677", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-27T15:16:46+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 21174, "end" : 21180 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Chovas" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/3ae382ba-0f97-4c4e-924f-f7f7ad86e55e", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "conqueror", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T12:53:45+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T12:53:45+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "colonizer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T12:53:45+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T12:53:45+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Alonso Riquelme\nde Guzmán y Ponce de León - nació en Jerez de la Frontera por 1519. Ruy Díaz de\nGuzmán - su padre - le declaró hijo suyo y de Violante Ponce de León, el\n13-VIII-1528, en una escritura de poder general a favor de Juan de Xerez,\nprocurador de Sevilla. Desde su infancia y hasta su primera juventud sirvió de\npaje y luego como secretario de sus presuntos deudos los Duques de Medina\nSidonia, Juan Alonso de Guzmán y Ana de Aragón. Tenía 21 años cuando se alistó\nen la armada de su pariente Alvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca (tío carnal de su\nmadrastra y del mismo linaje de su abuela Catalina de Zurita), y zarpó con rumbo\nal Río de la Plata.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T12:53:45+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 39507, "end" : 39522 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Alonso Riquelme" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/b74916cf-1540-49ff-b7da-f6b7a24ff2a6", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "conqueror", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T12:53:45+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T12:53:45+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "colonizer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T12:53:45+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T12:53:45+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Alonso Riquelme\nde Guzmán y Ponce de León - nació en Jerez de la Frontera por 1519. Ruy Díaz de\nGuzmán - su padre - le declaró hijo suyo y de Violante Ponce de León, el\n13-VIII-1528, en una escritura de poder general a favor de Juan de Xerez,\nprocurador de Sevilla. Desde su infancia y hasta su primera juventud sirvió de\npaje y luego como secretario de sus presuntos deudos los Duques de Medina\nSidonia, Juan Alonso de Guzmán y Ana de Aragón. Tenía 21 años cuando se alistó\nen la armada de su pariente Alvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca (tío carnal de su\nmadrastra y del mismo linaje de su abuela Catalina de Zurita), y zarpó con rumbo\nal Río de la Plata.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T12:53:45+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 46271, "end" : 46286 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Alonso Riquelme" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/e3549e6f-14c4-48a6-a5d6-fb7c8be5f7c8", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "conqueror", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T12:53:45+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T12:53:45+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "colonizer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T12:53:45+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T12:53:45+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Alonso Riquelme\nde Guzmán y Ponce de León - nació en Jerez de la Frontera por 1519. Ruy Díaz de\nGuzmán - su padre - le declaró hijo suyo y de Violante Ponce de León, el\n13-VIII-1528, en una escritura de poder general a favor de Juan de Xerez,\nprocurador de Sevilla. Desde su infancia y hasta su primera juventud sirvió de\npaje y luego como secretario de sus presuntos deudos los Duques de Medina\nSidonia, Juan Alonso de Guzmán y Ana de Aragón. Tenía 21 años cuando se alistó\nen la armada de su pariente Alvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca (tío carnal de su\nmadrastra y del mismo linaje de su abuela Catalina de Zurita), y zarpó con rumbo\nal Río de la Plata.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T12:53:45+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 49664, "end" : 49679 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Alonso Riquelme" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/8777b381-e46f-47b2-b168-9d9699fe4764", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "conqueror", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T12:53:45+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T12:53:45+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "colonizer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T12:53:45+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T12:53:45+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Alonso Riquelme\nde Guzmán y Ponce de León - nació en Jerez de la Frontera por 1519. Ruy Díaz de\nGuzmán - su padre - le declaró hijo suyo y de Violante Ponce de León, el\n13-VIII-1528, en una escritura de poder general a favor de Juan de Xerez,\nprocurador de Sevilla. Desde su infancia y hasta su primera juventud sirvió de\npaje y luego como secretario de sus presuntos deudos los Duques de Medina\nSidonia, Juan Alonso de Guzmán y Ana de Aragón. Tenía 21 años cuando se alistó\nen la armada de su pariente Alvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca (tío carnal de su\nmadrastra y del mismo linaje de su abuela Catalina de Zurita), y zarpó con rumbo\nal Río de la Plata.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T12:53:45+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 56803, "end" : 56818 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Alonso Riquelme" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/532f52d3-b447-4f1f-a203-4222a916910c", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "conqueror", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T12:53:45+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T12:53:45+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "colonizer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T12:53:45+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T12:53:45+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Alonso Riquelme\nde Guzmán y Ponce de León - nació en Jerez de la Frontera por 1519. Ruy Díaz de\nGuzmán - su padre - le declaró hijo suyo y de Violante Ponce de León, el\n13-VIII-1528, en una escritura de poder general a favor de Juan de Xerez,\nprocurador de Sevilla. Desde su infancia y hasta su primera juventud sirvió de\npaje y luego como secretario de sus presuntos deudos los Duques de Medina\nSidonia, Juan Alonso de Guzmán y Ana de Aragón. Tenía 21 años cuando se alistó\nen la armada de su pariente Alvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca (tío carnal de su\nmadrastra y del mismo linaje de su abuela Catalina de Zurita), y zarpó con rumbo\nal Río de la Plata.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T12:53:45+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 94909, "end" : 94924 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Alonso Riquelme" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/9a3d0cca-1eb1-4a58-8260-28af30df64ac", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "conqueror", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T12:53:45+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T12:53:45+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "colonizer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T12:53:45+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T12:53:45+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Alonso Riquelme\nde Guzmán y Ponce de León - nació en Jerez de la Frontera por 1519. Ruy Díaz de\nGuzmán - su padre - le declaró hijo suyo y de Violante Ponce de León, el\n13-VIII-1528, en una escritura de poder general a favor de Juan de Xerez,\nprocurador de Sevilla. Desde su infancia y hasta su primera juventud sirvió de\npaje y luego como secretario de sus presuntos deudos los Duques de Medina\nSidonia, Juan Alonso de Guzmán y Ana de Aragón. Tenía 21 años cuando se alistó\nen la armada de su pariente Alvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca (tío carnal de su\nmadrastra y del mismo linaje de su abuela Catalina de Zurita), y zarpó con rumbo\nal Río de la Plata.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T12:53:45+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 97269, "end" : 97284 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Alonso Riquelme" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/fdcb0bb2-2cf9-4cad-b3d1-ccce33d50458", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://sws.geonames.org/3904906", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:10:39+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:10:39+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ -63.18117, -17.78629 ] } } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 58462, "end" : 58485 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Santa Cruz de 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"target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 132334, "end" : 132348 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "real provisión" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/ece81005-4efd-4213-899b-6bf00fb93f48", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-22T18:56:12+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Véase Pedro de Estopuiñan", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-22T18:56:12+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 4209, "end" : 4219 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Pedro Vaca" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/51c4046e-7eb3-4d6e-b6f8-40612d1c96fd", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-22T18:54:25+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Pedro de Estopiñán y Virués o simplemente Pedro Estopiñán y también conocido como Pedro de Estopiñán el Conquistador de Melilla (Jerez de la Frontera, ca. 1470 – Monasterio de Guadalupe, 3 de septiembre de 1505) fue un militar castellano vinculado desde su juventud al servicio de la casa ducal de Medina-Sidonia, y debe su fama a ser el comandante en jefe del ejército del duque Juan Pérez de Guzmán, que conquistó la ciudad de Melilla en el año 1497.Al ser encarcelados a finales de 1500 el virrey y gobernador general Cristóbal Colón y el adelantado Bartolomé Colón, quedarían vacantes los títulos citados, por lo cual, a principios de 1504 los Reyes Católicos lo nombraron como adelantado y gobernador general de las Indias pero al demorar su viaje para tomar el mando, falleció antes de pasar al Nuevo Mundo, y como los hermanos Colón fueron indultados por los soberanos, ambos conservarían sus títulos y cargos.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-22T18:54:25+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 24845, "end" : 24863 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Pedro de Estopiñán" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/2b68b5af-15e3-4a85-8403-196e37aa0e87", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-04T16:05:48+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Diego de Rojas (Burgos, España, 1500 - Maquijata, actual Provincia de Santiago del Estero, 1544) fue un militar, explorador y conquistador español de mediados del siglo XVI.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-04T16:14:40+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 47041, "end" : 47052 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Diego Rojas" } ] } }, { "@context" 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"Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 46867, "end" : 46881 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Diego de Rojas" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/95a5304e-659d-4468-8a9e-286cdb59f22a", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-04T16:13:09+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del 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Tuvo noticia de las Amazonas. Tirano del Perú, derrotado en Xaqui-xaguana.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-04T17:01:58+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 77822, "end" : 77837 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Gonzalo Pizarro" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/8172ebbe-d41c-4e82-9ec0-5d57de96aa80", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T17:23:42+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Domingo Martínez de Irala (Vergara de la Hermandad de Guipúzcoa, Corona de Castilla, 1509 - Asunción del Paraguay, Virreinato del Perú, 3 de octubre de 1556) fue un conquistador, explorador y colonizador español que como lugarteniente de Juan de Ayolas quien lo nombrara interinamente hasta que regresara como teniente de gobernador de La Candelaria en 1537, luego lo sería de hecho, y posteriormente elegido por el pueblo según real cédula, como teniente de gobernador general de Asunción.Ocupó tres veces el cargo de gobernador interino del Río de la Plata y del Paraguay, en los períodos de 1539 a 1542, de 1544 hasta 1548 y por último desde 1549. El emperador Carlos V lo nombraría definitivamente como titular en el cargo gubernamental en el año 1555, que lo ostentaría hasta su fallecimiento.En 1543 fundó en el Chaco Boreal el Puerto de los Reyes, a orillas del río Paraguay y del pantano de los Jarayes, sobre las costas de la laguna La Gaiba.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T17:23:42+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 135202, "end" : 135227 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Domingo Martínez de Irala" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/8e85b50e-cf56-48a6-a69d-6324bfc79da8", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Expedition", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T17:53:09+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Colonization", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T17:53:09+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "EVENT", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T17:53:09+00:00" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Refiere al denominado \"Descubrimiento de América\",  acontecimiento histórico que comenzó con la llegada a América el 12 de octubre de 1492 de una expedición capitaneada por Cristóbal Colón por mandato de los reyes Isabel y Fernando de Castilla que había partido del Puerto de Palos dos meses y nueve días antes y, tras cruzar el océano Atlántico, llegó a una isla del continente americano, Guanahaní, a lo que él creía era la India. Varios años después los europeos fueron dándose cuenta de que las tierras a las que había llegado Colón no estaban conectadas por tierra sino que formaban un continente distinto, y a partir de 1507 se le empezaría a llamar América.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T17:53:09+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 8200, "end" : 8228 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "descubrimiento de las Indias" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/06115988-6c31-430f-854f-a9ca73c5b7da", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Strait", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T19:01:15+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://sws.geonames.org/3874787", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T19:01:15+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T19:01:15+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ -70.91129, -53.15483 ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Refiere al Estrecho de Magallanes", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T19:01:15+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 9352, "end" : 9360 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "estrecho" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/1ac116f8-85df-4fc7-a8e8-79a17cdf3f93", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Militar", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T18:59:41+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T18:59:41+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Nobleman", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T18:59:41+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Adelantado", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T18:59:41+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T18:59:41+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Fernando de Magallanes, también conocido como Hernando de Magallanes (en portugués, Fernão de Magalhães; Sabrosa, Región Norte, Portugal, primavera de 1480-Mactán, Islas Filipinas, 27 de abril de 1521), fue un militar, marino y navegante portugués de linaje noble, nombrado por la Monarquía Hispánica adelantado, capitán general de la «Armada para el descubrimiento de la especería» y caballero de la Orden de Santiago y comendador en la misma.Al servicio de Carlos I, descubrió el canal natural navegable que hoy recibe el nombre de estrecho de Magallanes. Su expedición fue la primera de origen europeo en navegar desde el océano Atlántico hasta el océano Pacífico, llamado hasta entonces mar del Sur. Inició en 1519 la gran expedición que capitaneada por Juan Sebastián Elcano se convertiría en la primera circunnavegación de la Tierra, regresando a España en 1522.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T18:59:41+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 10476, "end" : 10486 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Magallanes" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/d9115dd4-0bde-4fed-a132-bcb29837bccb", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://sws.geonames.org/7732904", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T18:48:56+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T18:48:56+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ -6.35389, 36.77889 ] } } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 9719, "end" : 9728 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "San Lúcar" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" 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131.04, -7.71 ], [ 130.99, -7.71 ], [ 130.97, -7.7 ], [ 130.98, -7.67 ], [ 130.99, -7.66 ], [ 131, -7.66 ], [ 131.01, -7.65 ], [ 131.04, -7.65 ], [ 131.05, -7.65 ], [ 131.07, -7.64 ], [ 131.08, -7.63 ], [ 131.08, -7.63 ], [ 131.08, -7.64 ], [ 131.09, -7.64 ], [ 131.09, -7.64 ], [ 131.1, -7.63 ], [ 131.12, -7.62 ], [ 131.13, -7.62 ], [ 131.13, -7.62 ] ] ], [ [ [ 126.72, -7.67 ], [ 126.74, -7.67 ], [ 126.8, -7.66 ], [ 126.81, -7.67 ], [ 126.82, -7.68 ], [ 126.83, -7.7 ], [ 126.83, -7.71 ], [ 126.84, -7.73 ], [ 126.84, -7.74 ], [ 126.84, -7.75 ], [ 126.83, -7.76 ], [ 126.82, -7.76 ], [ 126.81, -7.76 ], [ 126.8, -7.75 ], [ 126.79, -7.75 ], [ 126.75, -7.75 ], [ 126.73, -7.75 ], [ 126.71, -7.75 ], [ 126.63, -7.78 ], [ 126.62, -7.78 ], [ 126.6, -7.8 ], [ 126.59, -7.81 ], [ 126.57, -7.81 ], [ 126.56, -7.82 ], [ 126.5, -7.89 ], [ 126.5, -7.89 ], [ 126.5, -7.9 ], [ 126.5, -7.91 ], [ 126.5, -7.92 ], [ 126.49, -7.93 ], [ 126.48, -7.96 ], [ 126.47, -7.97 ], [ 126.45, -7.96 ], [ 126.43, -7.94 ], [ 126.42, -7.93 ], [ 126.37, -7.93 ], [ 126.35, -7.93 ], [ 126.3, -7.92 ], [ 126.27, -7.91 ], [ 126.19, -7.92 ], [ 126.17, -7.92 ], [ 126.16, -7.9 ], [ 126.14, -7.89 ], [ 126.11, -7.88 ], [ 126.09, -7.89 ], [ 126.07, -7.88 ], [ 126.05, -7.88 ], [ 126, -7.89 ], [ 125.98, -7.9 ], [ 125.97, -7.91 ], [ 125.95, -7.91 ], [ 125.94, -7.91 ], [ 125.93, -7.91 ], [ 125.92, -7.92 ], [ 125.92, -7.93 ], [ 125.92, -7.93 ], [ 125.91, -7.93 ], [ 125.9, -7.94 ], [ 125.9, -7.94 ], [ 125.81, -8.01 ], [ 125.79, -8.02 ], [ 125.77, -8.01 ], [ 125.78, -7.99 ], [ 125.79, -7.97 ], [ 125.8, -7.95 ], [ 125.81, -7.95 ], [ 125.81, -7.93 ], [ 125.81, -7.86 ], [ 125.81, -7.85 ], [ 125.83, -7.84 ], [ 125.84, -7.83 ], [ 125.85, -7.82 ], [ 125.87, -7.81 ], [ 125.88, -7.79 ], [ 125.88, -7.77 ], [ 125.88, -7.75 ], [ 125.89, -7.75 ], [ 125.9, -7.75 ], [ 125.91, -7.74 ], [ 125.91, -7.74 ], [ 125.92, -7.72 ], [ 125.95, -7.68 ], [ 125.96, -7.67 ], [ 125.97, -7.66 ], [ 125.98, -7.66 ], [ 125.99, -7.66 ], [ 126.02, -7.68 ], [ 126.03, -7.68 ], [ 126.03, -7.69 ], [ 126.05, -7.69 ], [ 126.2, -7.71 ], [ 126.21, -7.71 ], [ 126.25, -7.69 ], [ 126.26, -7.69 ], [ 126.28, -7.69 ], [ 126.3, -7.69 ], [ 126.33, -7.7 ], [ 126.35, -7.69 ], [ 126.4, -7.64 ], [ 126.45, -7.62 ], [ 126.48, -7.6 ], [ 126.5, -7.59 ], [ 126.6, -7.57 ], [ 126.62, -7.56 ], [ 126.63, -7.56 ], [ 126.63, -7.57 ], [ 126.63, -7.59 ], [ 126.63, -7.6 ], [ 126.63, -7.61 ], [ 126.65, -7.62 ], [ 126.69, -7.64 ], [ 126.7, -7.65 ], [ 126.71, -7.66 ], [ 126.72, -7.67 ] ] ], [ [ [ 129.68, -7.55 ], [ 129.69, -7.56 ], [ 129.7, -7.56 ], [ 129.71, -7.55 ], [ 129.71, -7.56 ], [ 129.71, -7.57 ], [ 129.69, -7.58 ], [ 129.68, -7.58 ], [ 129.68, -7.57 ], [ 129.66, -7.56 ], [ 129.65, -7.55 ], [ 129.66, -7.54 ], [ 129.66, -7.54 ], [ 129.68, -7.55 ] ] ], [ [ [ 127.39, -7.65 ], [ 127.37, -7.66 ], [ 127.36, -7.66 ], [ 127.35, -7.64 ], [ 127.35, -7.62 ], [ 127.35, -7.62 ], [ 127.35, -7.61 ], [ 127.36, -7.6 ], [ 127.37, -7.6 ], [ 127.38, -7.6 ], [ 127.38, -7.59 ], [ 127.38, -7.57 ], [ 127.36, -7.54 ], [ 127.36, -7.52 ], [ 127.37, -7.51 ], [ 127.38, -7.5 ], [ 127.42, -7.51 ], [ 127.44, -7.52 ], [ 127.45, -7.53 ], [ 127.47, -7.53 ], [ 127.48, -7.53 ], [ 127.49, -7.54 ], [ 127.49, -7.58 ], [ 127.48, -7.59 ], [ 127.47, -7.6 ], [ 127.43, -7.61 ], [ 127.42, -7.61 ], [ 127.41, -7.62 ], [ 127.41, -7.62 ], [ 127.4, -7.64 ], [ 127.39, -7.65 ] ] ], [ [ [ 130.86, -7.49 ], [ 130.89, -7.51 ], [ 130.91, -7.51 ], [ 130.92, -7.51 ], [ 130.93, -7.52 ], [ 130.94, -7.52 ], [ 130.98, -7.52 ], [ 130.98, -7.52 ], [ 130.97, -7.53 ], [ 130.98, -7.54 ], [ 130.98, -7.54 ], [ 130.99, -7.55 ], [ 130.99, -7.55 ], [ 130.98, -7.56 ], [ 130.97, -7.55 ], [ 130.97, -7.55 ], [ 130.96, -7.54 ], [ 130.95, -7.54 ], [ 130.94, -7.55 ], [ 130.94, -7.56 ], [ 130.9, -7.55 ], [ 130.86, -7.55 ], [ 130.85, -7.54 ], [ 130.84, -7.53 ], [ 130.84, -7.51 ], [ 130.86, -7.49 ], [ 130.86, -7.49 ] ] ], [ [ [ 131.18, -7.42 ], [ 131.17, -7.42 ], [ 131.13, -7.47 ], [ 131.12, -7.47 ], [ 131.11, -7.48 ], [ 131.1, -7.48 ], [ 131.09, -7.5 ], [ 131.08, -7.5 ], [ 131.07, -7.51 ], [ 131.06, -7.51 ], [ 131.06, -7.5 ], [ 131.06, -7.5 ], [ 131.07, -7.49 ], [ 131.07, -7.48 ], [ 131.05, -7.48 ], [ 131.02, -7.49 ], [ 131, -7.49 ], [ 130.99, -7.47 ], [ 130.99, -7.46 ], [ 130.99, -7.44 ], [ 131, -7.42 ], [ 131.02, -7.42 ], [ 131.03, -7.41 ], [ 131.04, -7.41 ], [ 131.05, -7.42 ], [ 131.07, -7.42 ], [ 131.12, -7.41 ], [ 131.14, -7.41 ], [ 131.15, -7.4 ], [ 131.16, -7.4 ], [ 131.16, -7.4 ], [ 131.17, -7.4 ], [ 131.17, -7.4 ], [ 131.18, -7.41 ], [ 131.18, -7.41 ], [ 131.18, -7.42 ] ] ], [ [ [ 131.28, -7.32 ], [ 131.28, -7.33 ], [ 131.29, -7.32 ], [ 131.3, -7.32 ], [ 131.3, -7.33 ], [ 131.3, -7.34 ], [ 131.29, -7.34 ], [ 131.27, -7.36 ], [ 131.28, -7.37 ], [ 131.23, -7.36 ], [ 131.22, -7.36 ], [ 131.22, -7.35 ], [ 131.23, -7.34 ], [ 131.24, -7.33 ], [ 131.26, -7.3 ], [ 131.26, -7.3 ], [ 131.27, -7.3 ], [ 131.28, -7.32 ] ] ], [ [ [ 131.65, -7.17 ], [ 131.65, -7.17 ], [ 131.67, -7.17 ], [ 131.68, -7.16 ], [ 131.69, -7.14 ], [ 131.7, -7.13 ], [ 131.71, -7.14 ], [ 131.71, -7.15 ], [ 131.74, -7.2 ], [ 131.74, -7.2 ], [ 131.74, -7.21 ], [ 131.73, -7.22 ], [ 131.71, -7.22 ], [ 131.7, -7.23 ], [ 131.68, -7.23 ], [ 131.67, -7.22 ], [ 131.67, -7.22 ], [ 131.65, -7.23 ], [ 131.65, -7.24 ], [ 131.64, -7.25 ], [ 131.65, -7.28 ], [ 131.65, -7.3 ], [ 131.65, -7.31 ], [ 131.65, -7.31 ], [ 131.67, -7.34 ], [ 131.68, -7.36 ], [ 131.67, -7.37 ], [ 131.66, -7.38 ], [ 131.67, -7.39 ], [ 131.68, -7.4 ], [ 131.69, -7.41 ], [ 131.69, -7.41 ], [ 131.7, -7.41 ], [ 131.7, -7.41 ], [ 131.71, -7.41 ], [ 131.71, -7.42 ], [ 131.71, -7.42 ], [ 131.7, -7.43 ], [ 131.7, -7.43 ], [ 131.69, -7.43 ], [ 131.68, -7.45 ], [ 131.68, -7.47 ], [ 131.68, -7.48 ], [ 131.67, -7.48 ], [ 131.66, -7.49 ], [ 131.67, -7.51 ], [ 131.66, -7.53 ], [ 131.65, -7.55 ], [ 131.64, -7.6 ], [ 131.63, -7.62 ], [ 131.62, -7.64 ], [ 131.6, -7.64 ], [ 131.6, -7.65 ], [ 131.58, -7.69 ], [ 131.57, -7.69 ], [ 131.56, -7.71 ], [ 131.54, -7.71 ], [ 131.51, -7.72 ], [ 131.5, -7.73 ], [ 131.5, -7.75 ], [ 131.5, -7.76 ], [ 131.49, -7.76 ], [ 131.48, -7.77 ], [ 131.47, -7.76 ], [ 131.47, -7.78 ], [ 131.46, -7.79 ], [ 131.45, -7.8 ], [ 131.44, -7.81 ], [ 131.43, -7.81 ], [ 131.39, -7.85 ], [ 131.38, -7.86 ], [ 131.38, -7.87 ], [ 131.38, -7.89 ], [ 131.37, -7.9 ], [ 131.36, -7.91 ], [ 131.35, -7.92 ], [ 131.34, -7.94 ], [ 131.35, -7.94 ], [ 131.36, -7.94 ], [ 131.36, -7.95 ], [ 131.36, -7.96 ], [ 131.35, -7.96 ], [ 131.35, -7.97 ], [ 131.35, -7.98 ], [ 131.35, -7.99 ], [ 131.34, -8 ], [ 131.32, -8.02 ], [ 131.3, -8.03 ], [ 131.29, -8.01 ], [ 131.31, -7.97 ], [ 131.31, -7.95 ], [ 131.3, -7.95 ], [ 131.29, -7.94 ], [ 131.29, -7.94 ], [ 131.28, -7.94 ], [ 131.27, -7.95 ], [ 131.27, -7.95 ], [ 131.26, -7.98 ], [ 131.26, -7.99 ], [ 131.23, -8 ], [ 131.19, -8.01 ], [ 131.12, -8 ], [ 131.11, -7.99 ], [ 131.11, -7.97 ], [ 131.13, -7.93 ], [ 131.12, -7.91 ], [ 131.12, -7.9 ], [ 131.1, -7.89 ], [ 131.09, -7.89 ], [ 131.09, -7.87 ], [ 131.09, -7.85 ], [ 131.1, -7.83 ], [ 131.12, -7.82 ], [ 131.13, -7.82 ], [ 131.14, -7.82 ], [ 131.15, -7.82 ], [ 131.16, -7.81 ], [ 131.16, -7.8 ], [ 131.16, -7.79 ], [ 131.15, -7.79 ], [ 131.14, -7.78 ], [ 131.14, -7.78 ], [ 131.16, -7.77 ], [ 131.16, -7.77 ], [ 131.15, -7.75 ], [ 131.15, -7.74 ], [ 131.14, -7.74 ], [ 131.14, -7.74 ], [ 131.13, -7.74 ], [ 131.13, -7.73 ], [ 131.13, -7.73 ], [ 131.13, -7.73 ], [ 131.12, -7.73 ], [ 131.11, -7.71 ], [ 131.12, -7.69 ], [ 131.14, -7.69 ], [ 131.16, -7.69 ], [ 131.2, -7.71 ], [ 131.22, -7.71 ], [ 131.25, -7.71 ], [ 131.23, -7.7 ], [ 131.21, -7.69 ], [ 131.19, -7.68 ], [ 131.18, -7.65 ], [ 131.18, -7.64 ], [ 131.19, -7.64 ], [ 131.19, -7.63 ], [ 131.2, -7.6 ], [ 131.2, -7.58 ], [ 131.22, -7.55 ], [ 131.23, -7.53 ], [ 131.23, -7.51 ], [ 131.24, -7.49 ], [ 131.25, -7.47 ], [ 131.32, -7.42 ], [ 131.33, -7.42 ], [ 131.34, -7.42 ], [ 131.34, -7.43 ], [ 131.35, -7.44 ], [ 131.36, -7.44 ], [ 131.36, -7.43 ], [ 131.37, -7.4 ], [ 131.38, -7.39 ], [ 131.38, -7.39 ], [ 131.39, -7.38 ], [ 131.39, -7.37 ], [ 131.39, -7.37 ], [ 131.39, -7.36 ], [ 131.39, -7.35 ], [ 131.4, -7.34 ], [ 131.45, -7.33 ], [ 131.45, -7.33 ], [ 131.45, -7.32 ], [ 131.45, -7.31 ], [ 131.46, -7.29 ], [ 131.46, -7.28 ], [ 131.48, -7.25 ], [ 131.49, -7.25 ], [ 131.49, -7.24 ], [ 131.49, -7.23 ], [ 131.51, -7.23 ], [ 131.53, -7.23 ], [ 131.54, -7.22 ], [ 131.54, -7.22 ], [ 131.53, -7.19 ], [ 131.53, -7.17 ], [ 131.54, -7.15 ], [ 131.57, -7.13 ], [ 131.59, -7.12 ], [ 131.62, -7.11 ], [ 131.64, -7.11 ], [ 131.65, -7.11 ], [ 131.66, -7.13 ], [ 131.65, -7.17 ] ] ], [ [ [ 131.92, -7.1 ], [ 131.93, -7.11 ], [ 131.94, -7.13 ], [ 131.95, -7.14 ], [ 131.95, -7.15 ], [ 131.98, -7.17 ], [ 131.98, -7.19 ], [ 131.99, -7.23 ], [ 131.98, -7.25 ], [ 131.97, -7.25 ], [ 131.96, -7.25 ], [ 131.92, -7.22 ], [ 131.91, -7.22 ], [ 131.9, -7.18 ], [ 131.88, -7.16 ], [ 131.84, -7.16 ], [ 131.77, -7.16 ], [ 131.74, -7.16 ], [ 131.73, -7.14 ], [ 131.76, -7.11 ], [ 131.88, -7.11 ], [ 131.9, -7.11 ], [ 131.92, -7.1 ] ] ], [ [ [ 128.68, -7.18 ], [ 128.64, -7.22 ], [ 128.62, -7.21 ], [ 128.58, -7.18 ], [ 128.55, -7.16 ], [ 128.53, -7.15 ], [ 128.53, -7.13 ], [ 128.54, -7.11 ], [ 128.56, -7.09 ], [ 128.59, -7.07 ], [ 128.62, -7.06 ], [ 128.63, -7.07 ], [ 128.64, -7.08 ], [ 128.65, -7.09 ], [ 128.66, -7.09 ], [ 128.68, -7.09 ], [ 128.69, -7.1 ], [ 128.7, -7.11 ], [ 128.7, -7.12 ], [ 128.69, -7.13 ], [ 128.67, -7.14 ], [ 128.66, -7.14 ], [ 128.67, -7.16 ], [ 128.68, -7.17 ], [ 128.68, -7.18 ] ] ], [ [ [ 129.14, -7 ], [ 129.14, -7 ], [ 129.13, -6.99 ], [ 129.12, -6.98 ], [ 129.12, -6.97 ], [ 129.13, -6.97 ], [ 129.13, -6.96 ], [ 129.14, -6.96 ], [ 129.15, -6.98 ], [ 129.15, -6.99 ], [ 129.14, -7 ] ] ], [ [ [ 129.53, -6.72 ], [ 129.53, -6.73 ], [ 129.53, -6.74 ], [ 129.52, -6.76 ], [ 129.51, -6.77 ], [ 129.5, -6.77 ], [ 129.49, -6.77 ], [ 129.49, -6.76 ], [ 129.49, -6.75 ], [ 129.48, -6.76 ], [ 129.48, -6.76 ], [ 129.48, -6.76 ], [ 129.48, -6.74 ], [ 129.49, -6.73 ], [ 129.5, -6.72 ], [ 129.51, -6.72 ], [ 129.52, -6.72 ], [ 129.53, -6.72 ] ] ], [ [ [ 131.62, -6.71 ], [ 131.61, -6.73 ], [ 131.58, -6.72 ], [ 131.57, -6.73 ], [ 131.57, -6.75 ], [ 131.59, -6.77 ], [ 131.58, -6.78 ], [ 131.56, -6.8 ], [ 131.55, -6.8 ], [ 131.53, -6.78 ], [ 131.54, -6.74 ], [ 131.57, -6.7 ], [ 131.6, -6.68 ], [ 131.62, -6.68 ], [ 131.63, -6.69 ], [ 131.62, -6.71 ] ] ], [ [ [ 134.68, -6.76 ], [ 134.67, -6.77 ], [ 134.65, -6.77 ], [ 134.62, -6.75 ], [ 134.63, -6.74 ], [ 134.63, -6.73 ], [ 134.63, -6.71 ], [ 134.63, -6.7 ], [ 134.67, -6.65 ], [ 134.68, -6.61 ], [ 134.68, -6.6 ], [ 134.69, -6.59 ], [ 134.7, -6.59 ], [ 134.71, -6.59 ], [ 134.72, -6.6 ], [ 134.73, -6.6 ], [ 134.74, -6.62 ], [ 134.74, -6.63 ], [ 134.73, -6.66 ], [ 134.72, -6.68 ], [ 134.71, -6.7 ], [ 134.7, -6.71 ], [ 134.68, -6.74 ], [ 134.68, -6.76 ] ] ], [ [ [ 134.73, -6.55 ], [ 134.72, -6.55 ], [ 134.7, -6.55 ], [ 134.69, -6.55 ], [ 134.69, -6.56 ], [ 134.67, -6.56 ], [ 134.66, -6.56 ], [ 134.65, -6.54 ], [ 134.64, -6.52 ], [ 134.64, -6.51 ], [ 134.63, -6.5 ], [ 134.62, -6.49 ], [ 134.63, -6.48 ], [ 134.64, -6.46 ], [ 134.66, -6.45 ], [ 134.68, -6.46 ], [ 134.7, -6.47 ], [ 134.72, -6.49 ], [ 134.73, -6.5 ], [ 134.73, -6.51 ], [ 134.73, -6.53 ], [ 134.73, -6.55 ] ] ], [ [ [ 130.02, -6.32 ], [ 130.01, -6.33 ], [ 130.01, -6.32 ], [ 130, -6.32 ], [ 130, -6.31 ], [ 130, -6.31 ], [ 130.02, -6.31 ], [ 130.03, -6.32 ], [ 130.02, -6.32 ] ] ], [ [ [ 134.61, -6.42 ], [ 134.6, -6.44 ], [ 134.59, -6.46 ], [ 134.55, -6.47 ], [ 134.57, -6.49 ], [ 134.56, -6.52 ], [ 134.54, -6.53 ], [ 134.51, -6.51 ], [ 134.5, -6.5 ], [ 134.5, -6.49 ], [ 134.49, -6.47 ], [ 134.49, -6.46 ], [ 134.49, -6.45 ], [ 134.46, -6.42 ], [ 134.45, -6.42 ], [ 134.44, -6.43 ], [ 134.43, -6.43 ], [ 134.42, -6.41 ], [ 134.42, -6.41 ], [ 134.36, -6.38 ], [ 134.35, -6.37 ], [ 134.35, -6.36 ], [ 134.35, -6.35 ], [ 134.36, -6.34 ], [ 134.36, -6.33 ], [ 134.37, -6.33 ], [ 134.39, -6.32 ], [ 134.39, -6.32 ], [ 134.41, -6.3 ], [ 134.41, -6.29 ], [ 134.42, -6.29 ], [ 134.43, -6.29 ], [ 134.44, -6.29 ], [ 134.45, -6.29 ], [ 134.45, -6.29 ], [ 134.46, -6.3 ], [ 134.49, -6.31 ], [ 134.5, -6.32 ], [ 134.53, -6.35 ], [ 134.54, -6.36 ], [ 134.56, -6.37 ], [ 134.57, -6.37 ], [ 134.59, -6.39 ], [ 134.6, -6.4 ], [ 134.61, -6.42 ] ] ], [ [ [ 134.84, -6.46 ], [ 134.83, -6.47 ], [ 134.81, -6.46 ], [ 134.8, -6.45 ], [ 134.79, -6.44 ], [ 134.81, -6.43 ], [ 134.81, -6.42 ], [ 134.79, -6.4 ], [ 134.8, -6.37 ], [ 134.81, -6.35 ], [ 134.83, -6.34 ], [ 134.83, -6.31 ], [ 134.84, -6.3 ], [ 134.84, -6.29 ], [ 134.86, -6.28 ], [ 134.87, -6.29 ], [ 134.88, -6.3 ], [ 134.89, -6.31 ], [ 134.89, -6.34 ], [ 134.88, -6.36 ], [ 134.86, -6.39 ], [ 134.84, -6.46 ] ] ], [ [ [ 134.44, -6.45 ], [ 134.44, -6.45 ], [ 134.45, -6.44 ], [ 134.45, -6.44 ], [ 134.46, -6.45 ], [ 134.46, -6.45 ], [ 134.46, -6.46 ], [ 134.46, -6.46 ], [ 134.46, -6.47 ], [ 134.48, -6.5 ], [ 134.49, -6.51 ], [ 134.49, -6.51 ], [ 134.49, -6.51 ], [ 134.49, -6.52 ], [ 134.49, -6.52 ], [ 134.48, -6.52 ], [ 134.48, -6.53 ], [ 134.48, -6.53 ], [ 134.48, -6.58 ], [ 134.51, -6.58 ], [ 134.52, -6.59 ], [ 134.52, -6.6 ], [ 134.51, -6.61 ], [ 134.5, -6.63 ], [ 134.5, -6.64 ], [ 134.47, -6.66 ], [ 134.45, -6.66 ], [ 134.43, -6.65 ], [ 134.4, -6.66 ], [ 134.4, -6.66 ], [ 134.42, -6.66 ], [ 134.43, -6.68 ], [ 134.44, -6.68 ], [ 134.43, -6.69 ], [ 134.42, -6.7 ], [ 134.41, -6.72 ], [ 134.4, -6.72 ], [ 134.35, -6.8 ], [ 134.36, -6.81 ], [ 134.36, -6.82 ], [ 134.31, -6.86 ], [ 134.24, -6.88 ], [ 134.21, -6.91 ], [ 134.19, -6.92 ], [ 134.16, -6.87 ], [ 134.15, -6.86 ], [ 134.14, -6.85 ], [ 134.13, -6.85 ], [ 134.09, -6.84 ], [ 134.07, -6.83 ], [ 134.06, -6.8 ], [ 134.06, -6.78 ], [ 134.05, -6.76 ], [ 134.05, -6.75 ], [ 134.07, -6.72 ], [ 134.09, -6.64 ], [ 134.1, -6.47 ], [ 134.11, -6.46 ], [ 134.12, -6.45 ], [ 134.12, -6.46 ], [ 134.13, -6.48 ], [ 134.19, -6.49 ], [ 134.21, -6.51 ], [ 134.21, -6.49 ], [ 134.19, -6.46 ], [ 134.19, -6.45 ], [ 134.14, -6.45 ], [ 134.12, -6.42 ], [ 134.13, -6.33 ], [ 134.12, -6.29 ], [ 134.1, -6.23 ], [ 134.1, -6.19 ], [ 134.1, -6.18 ], [ 134.11, -6.17 ], [ 134.12, -6.17 ], [ 134.14, -6.18 ], [ 134.15, -6.19 ], [ 134.15, -6.2 ], [ 134.16, -6.22 ], [ 134.2, -6.22 ], [ 134.21, -6.23 ], [ 134.25, -6.27 ], [ 134.28, -6.29 ], [ 134.29, -6.29 ], [ 134.29, -6.3 ], [ 134.3, -6.31 ], [ 134.3, -6.32 ], [ 134.3, -6.33 ], [ 134.29, -6.34 ], [ 134.29, -6.34 ], [ 134.31, -6.37 ], [ 134.33, -6.39 ], [ 134.35, -6.4 ], [ 134.39, -6.41 ], [ 134.41, -6.42 ], [ 134.42, -6.43 ], [ 134.44, -6.45 ] ] ], [ [ [ 134.16, -6.01 ], [ 134.16, -6.05 ], [ 134.16, -6.04 ], [ 134.21, -6.03 ], [ 134.22, -6.02 ], [ 134.23, -6.03 ], [ 134.24, -6.06 ], [ 134.24, -6.07 ], [ 134.24, -6.08 ], [ 134.25, -6.07 ], [ 134.27, -6.06 ], [ 134.27, -6.08 ], [ 134.25, -6.1 ], [ 134.24, -6.11 ], [ 134.23, -6.13 ], [ 134.24, -6.14 ], [ 134.26, -6.16 ], [ 134.27, -6.18 ], [ 134.29, -6.17 ], [ 134.3, -6.18 ], [ 134.33, -6.23 ], [ 134.34, -6.24 ], [ 134.36, -6.24 ], [ 134.35, -6.25 ], [ 134.36, -6.25 ], [ 134.38, -6.25 ], [ 134.39, -6.26 ], [ 134.4, -6.26 ], [ 134.41, -6.27 ], [ 134.42, -6.27 ], [ 134.42, -6.28 ], [ 134.4, -6.28 ], [ 134.38, -6.3 ], [ 134.37, -6.32 ], [ 134.35, -6.33 ], [ 134.34, -6.33 ], [ 134.33, -6.33 ], [ 134.33, -6.32 ], [ 134.33, -6.31 ], [ 134.3, -6.29 ], [ 134.29, -6.28 ], [ 134.29, -6.28 ], [ 134.28, -6.28 ], [ 134.23, -6.24 ], [ 134.22, -6.21 ], [ 134.2, -6.19 ], [ 134.18, -6.21 ], [ 134.16, -6.2 ], [ 134.17, -6.18 ], [ 134.18, -6.17 ], [ 134.19, -6.15 ], [ 134.19, -6.13 ], [ 134.17, -6.14 ], [ 134.14, -6.16 ], [ 134.12, -6.12 ], [ 134.11, -6.08 ], [ 134.13, -6.03 ], [ 134.16, -6.01 ] ] ], [ [ [ 134.21, -5.83 ], [ 134.19, -5.83 ], [ 134.18, -5.83 ], [ 134.17, -5.81 ], [ 134.17, -5.79 ], [ 134.17, -5.77 ], [ 134.18, -5.75 ], [ 134.19, -5.75 ], [ 134.2, -5.76 ], [ 134.2, -5.76 ], [ 134.21, -5.76 ], [ 134.23, -5.77 ], [ 134.23, -5.77 ], [ 134.23, -5.79 ], [ 134.22, -5.82 ], [ 134.21, -5.83 ] ] ], [ [ [ 132.7, -5.62 ], [ 132.7, -5.63 ], [ 132.69, -5.64 ], [ 132.69, -5.65 ], [ 132.7, -5.66 ], [ 132.71, -5.66 ], [ 132.73, -5.65 ], [ 132.73, -5.66 ], [ 132.74, -5.66 ], [ 132.74, -5.67 ], [ 132.75, -5.69 ], [ 132.76, -5.72 ], [ 132.76, -5.73 ], [ 132.76, -5.72 ], [ 132.76, -5.72 ], [ 132.77, -5.72 ], [ 132.78, -5.74 ], [ 132.78, -5.76 ], [ 132.79, -5.78 ], [ 132.8, -5.79 ], [ 132.81, -5.8 ], [ 132.81, -5.82 ], [ 132.81, -5.86 ], [ 132.8, -5.89 ], [ 132.79, -5.91 ], [ 132.78, -5.92 ], [ 132.76, -5.94 ], [ 132.74, -5.95 ], [ 132.73, -5.93 ], [ 132.72, -5.91 ], [ 132.72, -5.9 ], [ 132.72, -5.91 ], [ 132.71, -5.92 ], [ 132.71, -5.93 ], [ 132.7, -5.93 ], [ 132.69, -5.93 ], [ 132.69, -5.92 ], [ 132.68, -5.9 ], [ 132.68, -5.91 ], [ 132.67, -5.9 ], [ 132.67, -5.89 ], [ 132.67, -5.86 ], [ 132.67, -5.86 ], [ 132.66, -5.86 ], [ 132.66, -5.85 ], [ 132.66, -5.85 ], [ 132.66, -5.84 ], [ 132.67, -5.84 ], [ 132.67, -5.84 ], [ 132.68, -5.84 ], [ 132.67, -5.78 ], [ 132.67, -5.76 ], [ 132.69, -5.76 ], [ 132.68, -5.75 ], [ 132.68, -5.71 ], [ 132.67, -5.71 ], [ 132.66, -5.71 ], [ 132.66, -5.71 ], [ 132.66, -5.7 ], [ 132.66, -5.7 ], [ 132.66, -5.69 ], [ 132.66, -5.68 ], [ 132.66, -5.68 ], [ 132.66, -5.68 ], [ 132.65, -5.68 ], [ 132.64, -5.68 ], [ 132.64, -5.67 ], [ 132.64, -5.65 ], [ 132.64, -5.64 ], [ 132.63, -5.63 ], [ 132.63, -5.63 ], [ 132.62, -5.62 ], [ 132.62, -5.6 ], [ 132.66, -5.62 ], [ 132.66, -5.62 ], [ 132.68, -5.61 ], [ 132.69, -5.6 ], [ 132.7, -5.6 ], [ 132.7, -5.62 ] ] ], [ [ [ 132.79, -5.55 ], [ 132.78, -5.56 ], [ 132.79, -5.56 ], [ 132.8, -5.55 ], [ 132.81, -5.55 ], [ 132.81, -5.56 ], [ 132.81, -5.57 ], [ 132.8, -5.61 ], [ 132.8, -5.63 ], [ 132.8, -5.64 ], [ 132.8, -5.66 ], [ 132.81, -5.67 ], [ 132.81, -5.68 ], [ 132.81, -5.68 ], [ 132.8, -5.68 ], [ 132.79, -5.67 ], [ 132.79, -5.67 ], [ 132.78, -5.66 ], [ 132.78, -5.67 ], [ 132.78, -5.68 ], [ 132.77, -5.68 ], [ 132.76, -5.68 ], [ 132.76, -5.67 ], [ 132.74, -5.63 ], [ 132.74, -5.6 ], [ 132.75, -5.57 ], [ 132.77, -5.55 ], [ 132.78, -5.53 ], [ 132.79, -5.54 ], [ 132.79, -5.54 ], [ 132.79, -5.55 ] ] ], [ [ [ 132.35, -5.54 ], [ 132.36, -5.54 ], [ 132.38, -5.53 ], [ 132.38, -5.54 ], [ 132.37, -5.55 ], [ 132.36, -5.56 ], [ 132.35, -5.57 ], [ 132.34, -5.57 ], [ 132.33, -5.57 ], [ 132.33, -5.57 ], [ 132.32, -5.55 ], [ 132.31, -5.54 ], [ 132.31, -5.52 ], [ 132.32, -5.51 ], [ 132.35, -5.54 ] ] ], [ [ [ 127.56, -5.51 ], [ 127.56, -5.52 ], [ 127.55, -5.51 ], [ 127.56, -5.51 ] ] ], [ [ [ 127.55, -5.49 ], [ 127.56, -5.5 ], [ 127.55, -5.5 ], [ 127.55, -5.49 ] ] ], [ [ [ 134.58, -5.42 ], [ 134.63, -5.44 ], [ 134.64, -5.46 ], [ 134.65, -5.49 ], [ 134.66, -5.5 ], [ 134.69, -5.52 ], [ 134.7, -5.53 ], [ 134.69, -5.54 ], [ 134.67, -5.55 ], [ 134.68, -5.55 ], [ 134.68, -5.56 ], [ 134.68, -5.58 ], [ 134.68, -5.58 ], [ 134.68, -5.57 ], [ 134.65, -5.57 ], [ 134.64, -5.58 ], [ 134.64, -5.59 ], [ 134.64, -5.59 ], [ 134.67, -5.59 ], [ 134.68, -5.59 ], [ 134.69, -5.6 ], [ 134.71, -5.61 ], [ 134.74, -5.64 ], [ 134.76, -5.67 ], [ 134.74, -5.69 ], [ 134.73, -5.71 ], [ 134.72, -5.74 ], [ 134.72, -5.75 ], [ 134.73, -5.75 ], [ 134.73, -5.76 ], [ 134.74, -5.76 ], [ 134.74, -5.77 ], [ 134.74, -5.77 ], [ 134.74, -5.79 ], [ 134.73, -5.8 ], [ 134.71, -5.82 ], [ 134.7, -5.84 ], [ 134.72, -5.84 ], [ 134.74, -5.85 ], [ 134.75, -5.86 ], [ 134.75, -5.88 ], [ 134.76, -5.88 ], [ 134.76, -5.89 ], [ 134.76, -5.89 ], [ 134.75, -5.9 ], [ 134.73, -5.91 ], [ 134.72, -5.92 ], [ 134.72, -5.9 ], [ 134.71, -5.9 ], [ 134.7, -5.9 ], [ 134.7, -5.92 ], [ 134.7, -5.93 ], [ 134.73, -5.94 ], [ 134.74, -5.95 ], [ 134.73, -5.94 ], [ 134.72, -5.95 ], [ 134.74, -5.97 ], [ 134.72, -5.97 ], [ 134.7, -5.96 ], [ 134.68, -5.95 ], [ 134.67, -5.94 ], [ 134.66, -5.94 ], [ 134.65, -5.93 ], [ 134.64, -5.93 ], [ 134.63, -5.93 ], [ 134.61, -5.94 ], [ 134.61, -5.94 ], [ 134.6, -5.95 ], [ 134.64, -5.95 ], [ 134.66, -5.95 ], [ 134.66, -5.98 ], [ 134.67, -5.99 ], [ 134.71, -6.02 ], [ 134.73, -6.03 ], [ 134.77, -6.08 ], [ 134.77, -6.09 ], [ 134.77, -6.11 ], [ 134.75, -6.14 ], [ 134.74, -6.15 ], [ 134.72, -6.16 ], [ 134.71, -6.16 ], [ 134.71, -6.16 ], [ 134.7, -6.16 ], [ 134.7, -6.17 ], [ 134.7, -6.18 ], [ 134.69, -6.19 ], [ 134.74, -6.17 ], [ 134.76, -6.16 ], [ 134.76, -6.17 ], [ 134.76, -6.18 ], [ 134.75, -6.18 ], [ 134.75, -6.19 ], [ 134.74, -6.2 ], [ 134.75, -6.22 ], [ 134.75, -6.23 ], [ 134.74, -6.24 ], [ 134.72, -6.28 ], [ 134.72, -6.3 ], [ 134.7, -6.32 ], [ 134.63, -6.35 ], [ 134.61, -6.37 ], [ 134.58, -6.35 ], [ 134.57, -6.35 ], [ 134.56, -6.36 ], [ 134.55, -6.36 ], [ 134.54, -6.34 ], [ 134.54, -6.34 ], [ 134.53, -6.33 ], [ 134.52, -6.31 ], [ 134.51, -6.31 ], [ 134.5, -6.3 ], [ 134.46, -6.28 ], [ 134.45, -6.26 ], [ 134.44, -6.26 ], [ 134.38, -6.24 ], [ 134.37, -6.24 ], [ 134.37, -6.23 ], [ 134.37, -6.23 ], [ 134.36, -6.22 ], [ 134.36, -6.22 ], [ 134.35, -6.22 ], [ 134.35, -6.22 ], [ 134.34, -6.23 ], [ 134.33, -6.22 ], [ 134.33, -6.21 ], [ 134.32, -6.2 ], [ 134.32, -6.19 ], [ 134.29, -6.16 ], [ 134.28, -6.12 ], [ 134.28, -6.08 ], [ 134.29, -6.05 ], [ 134.31, -6.05 ], [ 134.33, -6.05 ], [ 134.35, -6.05 ], [ 134.37, -6.03 ], [ 134.37, -6.02 ], [ 134.33, -6.03 ], [ 134.31, -6.03 ], [ 134.3, -6.02 ], [ 134.31, -6 ], [ 134.32, -5.98 ], [ 134.32, -5.97 ], [ 134.31, -5.95 ], [ 134.29, -5.92 ], [ 134.29, -5.92 ], [ 134.3, -5.91 ], [ 134.31, -5.9 ], [ 134.32, -5.89 ], [ 134.32, -5.87 ], [ 134.36, -5.85 ], [ 134.35, -5.84 ], [ 134.35, -5.83 ], [ 134.38, -5.81 ], [ 134.38, -5.79 ], [ 134.36, -5.78 ], [ 134.35, -5.79 ], [ 134.34, -5.8 ], [ 134.33, -5.8 ], [ 134.33, -5.78 ], [ 134.32, -5.77 ], [ 134.3, -5.77 ], [ 134.27, -5.77 ], [ 134.25, -5.76 ], [ 134.23, -5.75 ], [ 134.21, -5.73 ], [ 134.2, -5.71 ], [ 134.22, -5.7 ], [ 134.24, -5.68 ], [ 134.26, -5.68 ], [ 134.28, -5.69 ], [ 134.31, -5.71 ], [ 134.33, -5.72 ], [ 134.35, -5.71 ], [ 134.36, -5.7 ], [ 134.36, -5.69 ], [ 134.37, -5.67 ], [ 134.38, -5.66 ], [ 134.39, -5.65 ], [ 134.4, -5.64 ], [ 134.41, -5.63 ], [ 134.41, -5.61 ], [ 134.46, -5.53 ], [ 134.46, -5.55 ], [ 134.47, -5.56 ], [ 134.48, -5.55 ], [ 134.49, -5.54 ], [ 134.49, -5.54 ], [ 134.5, -5.55 ], [ 134.51, -5.53 ], [ 134.51, -5.52 ], [ 134.5, -5.51 ], [ 134.49, -5.5 ], [ 134.49, -5.5 ], [ 134.49, -5.45 ], [ 134.49, -5.44 ], [ 134.5, -5.44 ], [ 134.5, -5.43 ], [ 134.51, -5.43 ], [ 134.52, -5.43 ], [ 134.52, -5.43 ], [ 134.52, -5.44 ], [ 134.53, -5.44 ], [ 134.54, -5.44 ], [ 134.57, -5.43 ], [ 134.58, -5.42 ] ] ], [ [ [ 127.8, -5.41 ], [ 127.79, -5.41 ], [ 127.8, -5.4 ], [ 127.8, -5.41 ] ] ], [ [ [ 127.78, -5.34 ], [ 127.79, -5.35 ], [ 127.78, -5.35 ], [ 127.78, -5.34 ] ] ], [ [ [ 131.98, -5.39 ], [ 131.97, -5.39 ], [ 131.96, -5.37 ], [ 131.96, -5.34 ], [ 131.98, -5.32 ], [ 131.99, -5.32 ], [ 132, -5.31 ], [ 132.01, -5.31 ], [ 132.02, -5.33 ], [ 132, -5.37 ], [ 131.99, -5.38 ], [ 131.99, -5.38 ], [ 131.98, -5.38 ], [ 131.98, -5.39 ] ] ], [ [ [ 133.05, -5.65 ], [ 133.03, -5.65 ], [ 133.03, -5.66 ], [ 133.02, -5.68 ], [ 133, -5.7 ], [ 132.98, -5.73 ], [ 132.96, -5.76 ], [ 132.95, -5.79 ], [ 132.95, -5.81 ], [ 132.96, -5.84 ], [ 132.96, -5.86 ], [ 132.95, -5.87 ], [ 132.86, -5.99 ], [ 132.84, -6 ], [ 132.84, -5.98 ], [ 132.9, -5.81 ], [ 132.92, -5.79 ], [ 132.93, -5.78 ], [ 132.93, -5.71 ], [ 132.93, -5.7 ], [ 132.96, -5.64 ], [ 132.98, -5.64 ], [ 133, -5.65 ], [ 133, -5.65 ], [ 133.01, -5.61 ], [ 133.02, -5.57 ], [ 133.02, -5.55 ], [ 133.04, -5.51 ], [ 133.08, -5.4 ], [ 133.1, -5.37 ], [ 133.1, -5.35 ], [ 133.11, -5.31 ], [ 133.12, -5.29 ], [ 133.14, -5.29 ], [ 133.16, -5.29 ], [ 133.17, -5.3 ], [ 133.18, -5.31 ], [ 133.19, -5.32 ], [ 133.19, -5.34 ], [ 133.18, -5.36 ], [ 133.17, -5.37 ], [ 133.17, -5.38 ], [ 133.14, -5.52 ], [ 133.11, -5.6 ], [ 133.11, -5.61 ], [ 133.08, -5.63 ], [ 133.07, -5.64 ], [ 133.06, -5.64 ], [ 133.05, -5.65 ] ] ], [ [ [ 131.75, -4.76 ], [ 131.74, -4.77 ], [ 131.73, -4.75 ], [ 131.73, -4.73 ], [ 131.73, -4.71 ], [ 131.73, -4.69 ], [ 131.75, -4.71 ], [ 131.75, -4.74 ], [ 131.75, -4.76 ] ] ], [ [ [ 129.78, -4.52 ], [ 129.77, -4.54 ], [ 129.76, -4.52 ], [ 129.76, -4.52 ], [ 129.78, -4.52 ] ] ], [ [ [ 129.95, -4.51 ], [ 129.95, -4.56 ], [ 129.93, -4.56 ], [ 129.92, -4.56 ], [ 129.9, -4.57 ], [ 129.89, -4.56 ], [ 129.88, -4.56 ], [ 129.87, -4.55 ], [ 129.86, -4.55 ], [ 129.87, -4.55 ], [ 129.92, -4.54 ], [ 129.93, -4.53 ], [ 129.93, -4.52 ], [ 129.94, -4.51 ], [ 129.95, -4.51 ] ] ], [ [ [ 131.68, -4.52 ], [ 131.66, -4.53 ], [ 131.66, -4.53 ], [ 131.62, -4.44 ], [ 131.61, -4.43 ], [ 131.61, -4.43 ], [ 131.62, -4.42 ], [ 131.63, -4.43 ], [ 131.63, -4.43 ], [ 131.65, -4.45 ], [ 131.67, -4.49 ], [ 131.68, -4.52 ] ] ], [ [ [ 131.39, -4.15 ], [ 131.39, -4.16 ], [ 131.35, -4.13 ], [ 131.31, -4.12 ], [ 131.3, -4.11 ], [ 131.29, -4.1 ], [ 131.28, -4.09 ], [ 131.28, -4.08 ], [ 131.28, -4.07 ], [ 131.28, -4.07 ], [ 131.28, -4.07 ], [ 131.29, -4.06 ], [ 131.29, -4.06 ], [ 131.3, -4.07 ], [ 131.3, -4.07 ], [ 131.32, -4.09 ], [ 131.37, -4.12 ], [ 131.39, -4.14 ], [ 131.39, -4.15 ] ] ], [ [ [ 131.25, -4.04 ], [ 131.24, -4.05 ], [ 131.23, -4.04 ], [ 131.22, -4.02 ], [ 131.21, -4 ], [ 131.21, -3.98 ], [ 131.24, -3.99 ], [ 131.24, -3.99 ], [ 131.25, -4 ], [ 131.25, -4 ], [ 131.25, -4.01 ], [ 131.25, -4.03 ], [ 131.25, -4.04 ] ] ], [ [ [ 131.45, -4.06 ], [ 131.44, -4.07 ], [ 131.42, -4.06 ], [ 131.4, -4.05 ], [ 131.39, -4.03 ], [ 131.37, -3.99 ], [ 131.37, -3.97 ], [ 131.37, -3.96 ], [ 131.38, -3.96 ], [ 131.39, -3.95 ], [ 131.42, -3.96 ], [ 131.43, -3.98 ], [ 131.43, -4.01 ], [ 131.44, -4.04 ], [ 131.45, -4.06 ] ] ], [ [ [ 127.24, -3.91 ], [ 127.23, -3.92 ], [ 127.21, -3.91 ], [ 127.19, -3.91 ], [ 127.17, -3.91 ], [ 127.16, -3.9 ], [ 127.15, -3.88 ], [ 127.14, -3.87 ], [ 127.14, -3.85 ], [ 127.17, -3.81 ], [ 127.18, -3.81 ], [ 127.2, -3.81 ], [ 127.23, -3.82 ], [ 127.25, -3.84 ], [ 127.25, -3.85 ], [ 127.26, -3.87 ], [ 127.25, -3.89 ], [ 127.24, -3.9 ], [ 127.24, -3.91 ] ] ], [ [ [ 128.8, -3.69 ], [ 128.78, -3.7 ], [ 128.76, -3.7 ], [ 128.75, -3.68 ], [ 128.75, -3.66 ], [ 128.76, -3.64 ], [ 128.78, -3.64 ], [ 128.8, -3.64 ], [ 128.8, -3.65 ], [ 128.8, -3.66 ], [ 128.8, -3.67 ], [ 128.81, -3.68 ], [ 128.8, -3.69 ] ] ], [ [ [ 128.43, -3.63 ], [ 128.39, -3.64 ], [ 128.39, -3.63 ], [ 128.39, -3.61 ], [ 128.4, -3.59 ], [ 128.41, -3.57 ], [ 128.41, -3.56 ], [ 128.41, -3.54 ], [ 128.42, -3.53 ], [ 128.43, -3.52 ], [ 128.46, -3.51 ], [ 128.48, -3.52 ], [ 128.51, -3.53 ], [ 128.53, -3.53 ], [ 128.54, -3.55 ], [ 128.56, -3.57 ], [ 128.56, -3.59 ], [ 128.55, -3.6 ], [ 128.53, -3.6 ], [ 128.49, -3.62 ], [ 128.45, -3.62 ], [ 128.43, -3.63 ] ] ], [ [ [ 128.32, -3.57 ], [ 128.33, -3.59 ], [ 128.34, -3.61 ], [ 128.33, -3.63 ], [ 128.31, -3.64 ], [ 128.3, -3.63 ], [ 128.28, -3.62 ], [ 128.27, -3.62 ], [ 128.26, -3.62 ], [ 128.25, -3.61 ], [ 128.25, -3.62 ], [ 128.25, -3.63 ], [ 128.28, -3.67 ], [ 128.28, -3.67 ], [ 128.27, -3.68 ], [ 128.25, -3.71 ], [ 128.24, -3.72 ], [ 128.21, -3.73 ], [ 128.18, -3.73 ], [ 128.16, -3.74 ], [ 128.15, -3.76 ], [ 128.13, -3.77 ], [ 128.1, -3.77 ], [ 128.1, -3.76 ], [ 128.13, -3.75 ], [ 128.13, -3.74 ], [ 128.15, -3.7 ], [ 128.2, -3.67 ], [ 128.22, -3.65 ], [ 128.2, -3.64 ], [ 128.18, -3.65 ], [ 128.15, -3.68 ], [ 128.11, -3.69 ], [ 128.08, -3.71 ], [ 128.06, -3.71 ], [ 128.04, -3.72 ], [ 128.02, -3.74 ], [ 128.01, -3.76 ], [ 127.99, -3.77 ], [ 127.95, -3.77 ], [ 127.93, -3.76 ], [ 127.93, -3.75 ], [ 127.92, -3.73 ], [ 127.91, -3.7 ], [ 127.92, -3.69 ], [ 127.96, -3.64 ], [ 127.98, -3.62 ], [ 128.03, -3.59 ], [ 128.05, -3.58 ], [ 128.06, -3.58 ], [ 128.15, -3.59 ], [ 128.16, -3.58 ], [ 128.24, -3.52 ], [ 128.29, -3.5 ], [ 128.33, -3.51 ], [ 128.35, -3.53 ], [ 128.34, -3.54 ], [ 128.33, -3.55 ], [ 128.32, -3.57 ] ] ], [ [ [ 128.66, -3.53 ], [ 128.67, -3.54 ], [ 128.68, -3.52 ], [ 128.69, -3.5 ], [ 128.71, -3.5 ], [ 128.72, -3.53 ], [ 128.73, -3.55 ], [ 128.73, -3.61 ], [ 128.71, -3.6 ], [ 128.69, -3.58 ], [ 128.67, -3.57 ], [ 128.65, -3.58 ], [ 128.65, -3.59 ], [ 128.66, -3.6 ], [ 128.66, -3.61 ], [ 128.65, -3.62 ], [ 128.64, -3.62 ], [ 128.63, -3.62 ], [ 128.62, -3.61 ], [ 128.61, -3.59 ], [ 128.62, -3.59 ], [ 128.6, -3.58 ], [ 128.59, -3.57 ], [ 128.59, -3.55 ], [ 128.57, -3.53 ], [ 128.56, -3.51 ], [ 128.56, -3.49 ], [ 128.58, -3.49 ], [ 128.6, -3.49 ], [ 128.61, -3.5 ], [ 128.62, -3.52 ], [ 128.63, -3.52 ], [ 128.66, -3.53 ] ] ], [ [ [ 127.53, -3.25 ], [ 127.53, -3.26 ], [ 127.56, -3.26 ], [ 127.58, -3.27 ], [ 127.62, -3.31 ], [ 127.63, -3.32 ], [ 127.64, -3.34 ], [ 127.64, -3.36 ], [ 127.62, -3.36 ], [ 127.6, -3.36 ], [ 127.57, -3.34 ], [ 127.52, -3.33 ], [ 127.5, -3.32 ], [ 127.49, -3.31 ], [ 127.48, -3.29 ], [ 127.49, -3.29 ], [ 127.51, -3.28 ], [ 127.51, -3.27 ], [ 127.52, -3.26 ], [ 127.52, -3.26 ], [ 127.53, -3.25 ], [ 127.53, -3.25 ], [ 127.53, -3.25 ] ] ], [ [ [ 127.78, -3.24 ], [ 127.77, -3.25 ], [ 127.74, -3.25 ], [ 127.68, -3.25 ], [ 127.66, -3.25 ], [ 127.64, -3.22 ], [ 127.66, -3.2 ], [ 127.69, -3.18 ], [ 127.71, -3.16 ], [ 127.74, -3.16 ], [ 127.75, -3.15 ], [ 127.76, -3.15 ], [ 127.76, -3.15 ], [ 127.76, -3.16 ], [ 127.77, -3.16 ], [ 127.77, -3.16 ], [ 127.78, -3.17 ], [ 127.79, -3.18 ], [ 127.79, -3.2 ], [ 127.8, -3.21 ], [ 127.79, -3.23 ], [ 127.78, -3.24 ] ] ], [ [ [ 126.88, -3.11 ], [ 126.89, -3.13 ], [ 126.92, -3.11 ], [ 126.93, -3.13 ], [ 126.96, -3.14 ], [ 126.98, -3.14 ], [ 127, -3.15 ], [ 127.04, -3.17 ], [ 127.05, -3.18 ], [ 127.08, -3.19 ], [ 127.09, -3.2 ], [ 127.1, -3.21 ], [ 127.11, -3.22 ], [ 127.11, -3.23 ], [ 127.11, -3.26 ], [ 127.11, -3.27 ], [ 127.11, -3.27 ], [ 127.09, -3.27 ], [ 127.08, -3.27 ], [ 127.07, -3.26 ], [ 127.06, -3.26 ], [ 127.04, -3.27 ], [ 127.04, -3.29 ], [ 127.05, -3.31 ], [ 127.05, -3.32 ], [ 127.06, -3.33 ], [ 127.07, -3.34 ], [ 127.08, -3.35 ], [ 127.09, -3.36 ], [ 127.11, -3.37 ], [ 127.12, -3.36 ], [ 127.14, -3.34 ], [ 127.15, -3.33 ], [ 127.16, -3.34 ], [ 127.19, -3.36 ], [ 127.24, -3.36 ], [ 127.26, -3.37 ], [ 127.27, -3.39 ], [ 127.26, -3.4 ], [ 127.25, -3.45 ], [ 127.24, -3.47 ], [ 127.24, -3.61 ], [ 127.23, -3.64 ], [ 127.21, -3.66 ], [ 127.19, -3.66 ], [ 127.17, -3.65 ], [ 127.14, -3.65 ], [ 127.12, -3.65 ], [ 127, -3.71 ], [ 126.99, -3.72 ], [ 126.98, -3.72 ], [ 126.96, -3.76 ], [ 126.95, -3.77 ], [ 126.91, -3.79 ], [ 126.83, -3.81 ], [ 126.78, -3.83 ], [ 126.74, -3.86 ], [ 126.72, -3.85 ], [ 126.7, -3.86 ], [ 126.67, -3.84 ], [ 126.66, -3.83 ], [ 126.59, -3.82 ], [ 126.56, -3.79 ], [ 126.53, -3.79 ], [ 126.44, -3.75 ], [ 126.38, -3.7 ], [ 126.36, -3.7 ], [ 126.32, -3.69 ], [ 126.27, -3.66 ], [ 126.26, -3.64 ], [ 126.24, -3.63 ], [ 126.2, -3.63 ], [ 126.17, -3.6 ], [ 126.17, -3.57 ], [ 126.15, -3.53 ], [ 126.09, -3.48 ], [ 126.07, -3.47 ], [ 126.05, -3.45 ], [ 126.04, -3.42 ], [ 126.04, -3.41 ], [ 126.01, -3.36 ], [ 125.99, -3.25 ], [ 126.02, -3.17 ], [ 126.04, -3.15 ], [ 126.06, -3.13 ], [ 126.09, -3.11 ], [ 126.11, -3.12 ], [ 126.12, -3.15 ], [ 126.14, -3.16 ], [ 126.16, -3.17 ], [ 126.19, -3.18 ], [ 126.2, -3.18 ], [ 126.23, -3.17 ], [ 126.23, -3.15 ], [ 126.26, -3.12 ], [ 126.3, -3.11 ], [ 126.42, -3.07 ], [ 126.72, -3.06 ], [ 126.84, -3.07 ], [ 126.86, -3.09 ], [ 126.88, -3.11 ] ] ], [ [ [ 127.98, -2.95 ], [ 127.97, -2.97 ], [ 127.96, -2.98 ], [ 127.96, -2.98 ], [ 127.95, -3.01 ], [ 127.95, -3.02 ], [ 127.93, -3.03 ], [ 127.92, -3.03 ], [ 127.84, -3.03 ], [ 127.83, -3.03 ], [ 127.83, -3.02 ], [ 127.84, -3 ], [ 127.85, -2.99 ], [ 127.87, -2.98 ], [ 127.88, -2.98 ], [ 127.88, -2.98 ], [ 127.89, -2.97 ], [ 127.9, -2.96 ], [ 127.9, -2.96 ], [ 127.91, -2.96 ], [ 127.91, -2.96 ], [ 127.93, -2.96 ], [ 127.93, -2.95 ], [ 127.93, -2.93 ], [ 127.93, -2.92 ], [ 127.95, -2.92 ], [ 127.97, -2.92 ], [ 127.99, -2.93 ], [ 127.99, -2.94 ], [ 127.99, -2.94 ], [ 127.98, -2.95 ] ] ], [ [ [ 129.54, -2.78 ], [ 129.54, -2.79 ], [ 129.55, -2.79 ], [ 129.55, -2.8 ], [ 129.55, -2.8 ], [ 129.61, -2.81 ], [ 129.75, -2.87 ], [ 129.77, -2.87 ], [ 129.78, -2.88 ], [ 129.8, -2.91 ], [ 129.81, -2.92 ], [ 129.83, -2.92 ], [ 129.84, -2.91 ], [ 129.85, -2.91 ], [ 129.86, -2.9 ], [ 129.87, -2.91 ], [ 129.87, -2.92 ], [ 129.87, -2.93 ], [ 129.89, -2.94 ], [ 129.9, -2.93 ], [ 129.91, -2.93 ], [ 129.93, -2.95 ], [ 129.94, -2.96 ], [ 129.96, -2.97 ], [ 130.05, -2.99 ], [ 130.21, -2.99 ], [ 130.3, -2.98 ], [ 130.34, -2.98 ], [ 130.39, -2.99 ], [ 130.49, -3.09 ], [ 130.5, -3.09 ], [ 130.58, -3.12 ], [ 130.59, -3.13 ], [ 130.59, -3.14 ], [ 130.6, -3.17 ], [ 130.6, -3.18 ], [ 130.62, -3.21 ], [ 130.63, -3.25 ], [ 130.63, -3.34 ], [ 130.64, -3.35 ], [ 130.66, -3.38 ], [ 130.66, -3.39 ], [ 130.67, -3.4 ], [ 130.68, -3.41 ], [ 130.72, -3.4 ], [ 130.76, -3.41 ], [ 130.79, -3.42 ], [ 130.82, -3.43 ], [ 130.83, -3.46 ], [ 130.81, -3.46 ], [ 130.81, -3.48 ], [ 130.82, -3.51 ], [ 130.83, -3.53 ], [ 130.86, -3.56 ], [ 130.87, -3.57 ], [ 130.88, -3.59 ], [ 130.88, -3.6 ], [ 130.87, -3.61 ], [ 130.87, -3.63 ], [ 130.85, -3.65 ], [ 130.85, -3.65 ], [ 130.85, -3.66 ], [ 130.83, -3.68 ], [ 130.83, -3.69 ], [ 130.82, -3.82 ], [ 130.83, -3.84 ], [ 130.84, -3.85 ], [ 130.84, -3.87 ], [ 130.82, -3.87 ], [ 130.8, -3.86 ], [ 130.77, -3.83 ], [ 130.75, -3.83 ], [ 130.73, -3.83 ], [ 130.63, -3.79 ], [ 130.62, -3.79 ], [ 130.61, -3.78 ], [ 130.56, -3.73 ], [ 130.55, -3.72 ], [ 130.54, -3.71 ], [ 130.52, -3.71 ], [ 130.49, -3.7 ], [ 130.48, -3.7 ], [ 130.47, -3.68 ], [ 130.45, -3.66 ], [ 130.44, -3.65 ], [ 130.42, -3.64 ], [ 130.4, -3.63 ], [ 130.38, -3.63 ], [ 130.36, -3.62 ], [ 130.31, -3.59 ], [ 130.13, -3.53 ], [ 130.11, -3.51 ], [ 130.1, -3.51 ], [ 130.09, -3.51 ], [ 130.04, -3.49 ], [ 130, -3.47 ], [ 129.98, -3.46 ], [ 129.98, -3.45 ], [ 129.97, -3.44 ], [ 129.96, -3.43 ], [ 129.96, -3.42 ], [ 129.96, -3.39 ], [ 129.96, -3.38 ], [ 129.93, -3.35 ], [ 129.89, -3.33 ], [ 129.54, -3.3 ], [ 129.51, -3.3 ], [ 129.5, -3.33 ], [ 129.55, -3.4 ], [ 129.56, -3.44 ], [ 129.53, -3.46 ], [ 129.49, -3.46 ], [ 129.4, -3.42 ], [ 129.36, -3.41 ], [ 129.24, -3.4 ], [ 129.19, -3.39 ], [ 129.11, -3.35 ], [ 129.08, -3.34 ], [ 129.06, -3.34 ], [ 128.98, -3.35 ], [ 128.96, -3.36 ], [ 128.94, -3.33 ], [ 128.94, -3.32 ], [ 128.95, -3.3 ], [ 128.98, -3.25 ], [ 128.97, -3.23 ], [ 128.95, -3.22 ], [ 128.93, -3.21 ], [ 128.91, -3.21 ], [ 128.89, -3.2 ], [ 128.88, -3.2 ], [ 128.87, -3.21 ], [ 128.87, -3.21 ], [ 128.85, -3.24 ], [ 128.79, -3.26 ], [ 128.78, -3.27 ], [ 128.78, -3.28 ], [ 128.69, -3.35 ], [ 128.69, -3.36 ], [ 128.68, -3.36 ], [ 128.68, -3.37 ], [ 128.67, -3.38 ], [ 128.67, -3.39 ], [ 128.68, -3.39 ], [ 128.68, -3.4 ], [ 128.69, -3.41 ], [ 128.69, -3.41 ], [ 128.68, -3.43 ], [ 128.64, -3.44 ], [ 128.59, -3.43 ], [ 128.55, -3.44 ], [ 128.51, -3.46 ], [ 128.48, -3.46 ], [ 128.46, -3.45 ], [ 128.45, -3.44 ], [ 128.42, -3.43 ], [ 128.4, -3.41 ], [ 128.28, -3.22 ], [ 128.27, -3.21 ], [ 128.23, -3.21 ], [ 128.21, -3.2 ], [ 128.18, -3.19 ], [ 128.18, -3.19 ], [ 128.18, -3.19 ], [ 128.18, -3.17 ], [ 128.19, -3.14 ], [ 128.2, -3.11 ], [ 128.2, -3.09 ], [ 128.18, -3.07 ], [ 128.17, -3.07 ], [ 128.14, -3.08 ], [ 128.11, -3.1 ], [ 128.09, -3.13 ], [ 128.08, -3.16 ], [ 128.07, -3.2 ], [ 128.06, -3.3 ], [ 128.05, -3.31 ], [ 128.04, -3.33 ], [ 128.03, -3.36 ], [ 128.02, -3.37 ], [ 128.01, -3.37 ], [ 127.99, -3.37 ], [ 127.99, -3.38 ], [ 127.98, -3.39 ], [ 127.98, -3.41 ], [ 127.96, -3.43 ], [ 127.95, -3.44 ], [ 127.94, -3.48 ], [ 127.94, -3.5 ], [ 127.94, -3.51 ], [ 127.94, -3.52 ], [ 127.94, -3.52 ], [ 127.93, -3.54 ], [ 127.93, -3.55 ], [ 127.9, -3.52 ], [ 127.9, -3.48 ], [ 127.93, -3.39 ], [ 127.93, -3.35 ], [ 127.93, -3.32 ], [ 127.92, -3.31 ], [ 127.92, -3.31 ], [ 127.89, -3.27 ], [ 127.88, -3.21 ], [ 127.87, -3.19 ], [ 127.84, -3.17 ], [ 127.84, -3.17 ], [ 127.86, -3.16 ], [ 127.87, -3.15 ], [ 127.9, -3.15 ], [ 127.91, -3.15 ], [ 127.92, -3.14 ], [ 127.94, -3.11 ], [ 127.95, -3.11 ], [ 127.97, -3.1 ], [ 127.99, -3.08 ], [ 128.01, -3.07 ], [ 128.03, -3.07 ], [ 128.05, -3.07 ], [ 128.07, -3.07 ], [ 128.08, -3.07 ], [ 128.1, -3.07 ], [ 128.09, -3.03 ], [ 128.09, -3.02 ], [ 128.09, -3.01 ], [ 128.11, -2.99 ], [ 128.12, -2.98 ], [ 128.11, -2.98 ], [ 128.08, -2.97 ], [ 128.07, -2.97 ], [ 128.08, -2.96 ], [ 128.09, -2.95 ], [ 128.11, -2.95 ], [ 128.12, -2.94 ], [ 128.14, -2.91 ], [ 128.14, -2.91 ], [ 128.14, -2.91 ], [ 128.14, -2.9 ], [ 128.14, -2.9 ], [ 128.14, -2.89 ], [ 128.15, -2.89 ], [ 128.16, -2.89 ], [ 128.16, -2.89 ], [ 128.16, -2.87 ], [ 128.17, -2.86 ], [ 128.18, -2.86 ], [ 128.19, -2.85 ], [ 128.21, -2.86 ], [ 128.38, -2.86 ], [ 128.42, -2.85 ], [ 128.46, -2.85 ], [ 128.5, -2.84 ], [ 128.52, -2.83 ], [ 128.54, -2.84 ], [ 128.58, -2.85 ], [ 128.6, -2.85 ], [ 128.8, -2.86 ], [ 128.84, -2.86 ], [ 128.87, -2.86 ], [ 128.91, -2.86 ], [ 128.95, -2.84 ], [ 129.02, -2.81 ], [ 129.05, -2.8 ], [ 129.07, -2.82 ], [ 129.07, -2.85 ], [ 129.06, -2.9 ], [ 129.08, -2.91 ], [ 129.11, -2.95 ], [ 129.12, -2.96 ], [ 129.13, -2.96 ], [ 129.15, -2.95 ], [ 129.16, -2.95 ], [ 129.17, -2.95 ], [ 129.17, -2.95 ], [ 129.17, -2.96 ], [ 129.18, -2.96 ], [ 129.19, -2.96 ], [ 129.18, -2.95 ], [ 129.18, -2.94 ], [ 129.18, -2.94 ], [ 129.18, -2.93 ], [ 129.18, -2.93 ], [ 129.18, -2.93 ], [ 129.19, -2.92 ], [ 129.19, -2.92 ], [ 129.2, -2.93 ], [ 129.2, -2.93 ], [ 129.21, -2.94 ], [ 129.22, -2.94 ], [ 129.22, -2.93 ], [ 129.23, -2.92 ], [ 129.24, -2.91 ], [ 129.28, -2.9 ], [ 129.33, -2.87 ], [ 129.36, -2.86 ], [ 129.36, -2.84 ], [ 129.37, -2.82 ], [ 129.37, -2.81 ], [ 129.4, -2.79 ], [ 129.44, -2.78 ], [ 129.52, -2.79 ], [ 129.53, -2.78 ], [ 129.54, -2.78 ] ] ] ] } } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 11065, "end" : 11072 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Malucas" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/6fb3ee42-b17e-458d-a179-63a354a6aba5", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : 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"identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca (Jerez de la Frontera, 1488/1490 - Sevilla, 27 de mayo de 1559) fue un descubridor y conquistador español que exploró la costa sur de Norteamérica desde la actual Florida pasando por Alabama, Misisipi y Luisiana y se adentró en Texas, Nuevo México, Arizona​ y en el norte de México hasta llegar al Golfo de California, territorios que pasaron a anexionarse al Imperio Español dentro del Virreinato de Nueva España. El rey Carlos I de España le otorgó el título de Segundo Adelantado y lo nombró capitán general y gobernador del Río de la Plata, Paranáguazu y sus anexos.​ y fue el primer europeo en llegar a las cataratas del Iguazú y que exploró el curso del río Paraguay.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-20T20:46:11+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 14072, "end" : 14099 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Álvaro Núñez Cabeza de Vaca" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/50e3d96f-136c-418f-a871-5eb5a7920fa3", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T17:34:00+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T17:34:00+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Refiere a Juan de Ayolas (Briviesca de la Bureba, Corona de Castilla, 1493 o ¿ca. 1510? – Candelaria del Chaco Boreal, gobernación del Río de la Plata y del Paraguay, 1538) era un explorador español que fuera vecino fundador de la primera Buenos Aires, acompañando al adelantado Pedro de Mendoza, y que nominalmente fuera nombrado como teniente de gobernador general de Asunción en 1537, para convertirse al poco tiempo y en forma igualmente nominal en gobernador del Río de la Plata y del Paraguay pero nunca ejercería como tal por estar en plena exploración.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T17:34:00+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 115135, "end" : 115149 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Juan de Oyolas" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/7fc97807-120b-47f2-baf0-a50401b850ed", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T17:34:00+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T17:34:00+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Refiere a Juan de Ayolas (Briviesca de la Bureba, Corona de Castilla, 1493 o ¿ca. 1510? – Candelaria del Chaco Boreal, gobernación del Río de la Plata y del Paraguay, 1538) era un explorador español que fuera vecino fundador de la primera Buenos Aires, acompañando al adelantado Pedro de Mendoza, y que nominalmente fuera nombrado como teniente de gobernador general de Asunción en 1537, para convertirse al poco tiempo y en forma igualmente nominal en gobernador del Río de la Plata y del Paraguay pero nunca ejercería como tal por estar en plena exploración.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T17:34:00+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 121793, "end" : 121807 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Juan de Oyolas" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/89cce12c-6be9-4f74-b4e6-45048521e47e", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T17:34:00+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T17:34:00+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Refiere a Juan de Ayolas (Briviesca de la Bureba, Corona de Castilla, 1493 o ¿ca. 1510? – Candelaria del Chaco Boreal, gobernación del Río de la Plata y del Paraguay, 1538) era un explorador español que fuera vecino fundador de la primera Buenos Aires, acompañando al adelantado Pedro de Mendoza, y que nominalmente fuera nombrado como teniente de gobernador general de Asunción en 1537, para convertirse al poco tiempo y en forma igualmente nominal en gobernador del Río de la Plata y del Paraguay pero nunca ejercería como tal por estar en plena exploración.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T17:34:00+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 99273, "end" : 99287 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Juan de Oyolas" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/3e7471b0-9661-4c07-8eee-39cf73274cbf", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T17:34:00+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T17:34:00+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Refiere a Juan de Ayolas (Briviesca de la Bureba, Corona de Castilla, 1493 o ¿ca. 1510? – Candelaria del Chaco Boreal, gobernación del Río de la Plata y del Paraguay, 1538) era un explorador español que fuera vecino fundador de la primera Buenos Aires, acompañando al adelantado Pedro de Mendoza, y que nominalmente fuera nombrado como teniente de gobernador general de Asunción en 1537, para convertirse al poco tiempo y en forma igualmente nominal en gobernador del Río de la Plata y del Paraguay pero nunca ejercería como tal por estar en plena exploración.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T17:34:00+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 122556, "end" : 122570 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Juan de Oyolas" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/4e2c6f75-0b43-4d02-8b2f-120e5b916542", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T17:34:00+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T17:34:00+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Refiere a Juan de Ayolas (Briviesca de la Bureba, Corona de Castilla, 1493 o ¿ca. 1510? – Candelaria del Chaco Boreal, gobernación del Río de la Plata y del Paraguay, 1538) era un explorador español que fuera vecino fundador de la primera Buenos Aires, acompañando al adelantado Pedro de Mendoza, y que nominalmente fuera nombrado como teniente de gobernador general de Asunción en 1537, para convertirse al poco tiempo y en forma igualmente nominal en gobernador del Río de la Plata y del Paraguay pero nunca ejercería como tal por estar en plena exploración.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T17:34:00+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 106184, "end" : 106198 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Juan de Oyolas" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/45636da1-77c6-4a65-b6c8-5428aa4a7094", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T17:34:00+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T17:34:00+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Refiere a Juan de Ayolas (Briviesca de la Bureba, Corona de Castilla, 1493 o ¿ca. 1510? – Candelaria del Chaco Boreal, gobernación del Río de la Plata y del Paraguay, 1538) era un explorador español que fuera vecino fundador de la primera Buenos Aires, acompañando al adelantado Pedro de Mendoza, y que nominalmente fuera nombrado como teniente de gobernador general de Asunción en 1537, para convertirse al poco tiempo y en forma igualmente nominal en gobernador del Río de la Plata y del Paraguay pero nunca ejercería como tal por estar en plena exploración.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T17:34:00+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 109545, "end" : 109559 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Juan de Oyolas" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/48386fba-d407-4fb9-8530-c12551536134", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T17:34:00+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T17:34:00+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Refiere a Juan de Ayolas (Briviesca de la Bureba, Corona de Castilla, 1493 o ¿ca. 1510? – Candelaria del Chaco Boreal, gobernación del Río de la Plata y del Paraguay, 1538) era un explorador español que fuera vecino fundador de la primera Buenos Aires, acompañando al adelantado Pedro de Mendoza, y que nominalmente fuera nombrado como teniente de gobernador general de Asunción en 1537, para convertirse al poco tiempo y en forma igualmente nominal en gobernador del Río de la Plata y del Paraguay pero nunca ejercería como tal por estar en plena exploración.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T17:34:00+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 108364, "end" : 108378 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Juan de Oyolas" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/3ceeb8d5-b213-445e-a4c6-6ad5b5702145", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T17:34:00+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T17:34:00+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Refiere a Juan de Ayolas (Briviesca de la Bureba, Corona de Castilla, 1493 o ¿ca. 1510? – Candelaria del Chaco Boreal, gobernación del Río de la Plata y del Paraguay, 1538) era un explorador español que fuera vecino fundador de la primera Buenos Aires, acompañando al adelantado Pedro de Mendoza, y que nominalmente fuera nombrado como teniente de gobernador general de Asunción en 1537, para convertirse al poco tiempo y en forma igualmente nominal en gobernador del Río de la Plata y del Paraguay pero nunca ejercería como tal por estar en plena exploración.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T17:34:00+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 127898, "end" : 127912 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Juan de Oyolas" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/caee16d3-30c8-4d77-ac6b-7798bab0d6bf", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T17:34:00+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T17:34:00+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Refiere a Juan de Ayolas (Briviesca de la Bureba, Corona de Castilla, 1493 o ¿ca. 1510? – Candelaria del Chaco Boreal, gobernación del Río de la Plata y del Paraguay, 1538) era un explorador español que fuera vecino fundador de la primera Buenos Aires, acompañando al adelantado Pedro de Mendoza, y que nominalmente fuera nombrado como teniente de gobernador general de Asunción en 1537, para convertirse al poco tiempo y en forma igualmente nominal en gobernador del Río de la Plata y del Paraguay pero nunca ejercería como tal por estar en plena exploración.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T17:34:00+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 86392, "end" : 86406 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Juan de Oyolas" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/3de1b7b5-53c9-478a-a79e-a74487da8b0d", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Pope", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T18:02:40+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Catholic religion", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T18:02:40+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T18:02:40+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Alejandro VI (Játiva, Valencia, c. 1431–Roma, 18 de agosto de 1503) fue el papa n.º 214 de la Iglesia católica entre 1492 y 1503. Su nombre de nacimiento, en valenciano, era Roderic de Borja (Rodrigo de Borja en castellano o Borgia en italiano). Hijo de Jofré de Borja y Escrivà y de Isabel de Borja, hermana de Alfonso de Borja, obispo de Valencia y futuro papa Calixto III. Rodrigo Borja alcanzó el poder gracias al nepotismo y lo mantuvo por él, consiguiendo su ascenso dentro de la jerarquía de la Iglesia católica gracias a su relación con el papa Calixto III, de quien era sobrino. Esta relación familiar le facilitó el acceso a Cardenal diácono y el desempeño de numerosos cargos de gran importancia dentro y fuera de la Curia Romana, que le permitieron hacerse con las influencias políticas y el prestigio que, finalmente, le llevaron al solio pontificio en 1492.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T18:02:40+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 6173, "end" : 6193 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Papa Alejandro Sexto" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/54a07d26-a143-4a30-96fb-742c53b95679", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Nobleman", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T18:07:07+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Militar", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T18:07:07+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T18:07:07+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Martim Afonso de Sousa (Vila Viçosa, 1500 - Lisboa, 21 de julio de 1571), fue un noble, marino y militar portugués, recordado por haber participado en la primera expedición colonizadora de Brasil y por haber sido gobernador de la India portuguesa (1542-1545).", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T18:07:07+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 47640, "end" : 47662 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Martín Alfonso de Sosa" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/96dc62bf-e2f0-41dd-8589-7df8b238e1f1", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-01T18:57:34+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Tieffemberg indica que de la lectura de los manuscritos pueda leerse calchinass, en Díaz de Guzmán, Ruy, Argentina. Historia del Descubrimiento y\n Conquista del Río de la Plata, Buenos Aires, Editorial de la Facultad \nde Filosofía y Letras, 2012, p. 83, nota 169. Edición de Silvia \nTieffemberg.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-12-03T15:54:24+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 33481, "end" : 33490 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Calchenas" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/4b5f9f8a-bf66-4d96-bd6c-b90b2996646d", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "EVENT", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-12-03T16:50:54+00:00" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "La expedición sólo se habría extendido por un par de semanas.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-12-03T16:50:54+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 57555, "end" : 57560 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "meses" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/390dc0b1-225b-4415-9844-b8681af2f5f6", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-08T01:44:22+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Los payaguás formaban parte del grupo lingüístico mataco-guaycurú. Han \nsido insistentemente descriptos por la literatura etnográfica clásica \ncomo irredimibles \"corsarios\" del Paraguay, que atacaban por igual a \nguaraníes y españoles río arriba, siendo actores cruciales de la \nhistoria de la temprana explotación y conquista de la región platense. \nEstudios más recientes criticaron esta evaluación etnocéntrica. \nBibliografía: Mandrini, Raúl José, La Argentina Aborigen. De los \nprimeros pobladores a 1910, Buenos Aires, Siglo Veintiuno, 2008; Susnik,\n Branislava, El rol de los indígenas en la formación y en la vivencia \ndel Paraguay. Tomo II, Asunción, Universo, 1983; cultural. Suas relações\n com a bacia do Paraná e o Sul mato-grossense\", enCarneiro Da Cunha, \nManuela M. (org.), História dos índios no Brasil, San Pablo, Fundação de\n Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo-Companhia das \nLetras-Secretaria Municipal de Cultura Prefeitura do Município de São \nPaulo, 1992, pp. 457-474; Roulet, Florencia, La resistencia de los \nguaraní del Paraguay a la conquista española (1537-1556), Posadas, \nEditorial Universitaria de la Universidad Nacional de Misiones, 1993; Wright, Robin M.; Carneiro da Cunha, Manuela; et al, \"Destruction, \nResistance, and Transformation -Southern, Coastal and Northen Brazil \n(1580-1890), en Salomon, Frank; Schwartz, Stuart B. (eds.), The \nCambridge History of the Native Peoples of the Americas. Volume III. \nPart II, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1999, pp. 287, 295, 299,\n 315, 324-328.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-12-03T17:21:04+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 128101, "end" : 128109 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Payaguás" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/81a5c3d8-4f5a-48eb-a4d6-3cd79062136c", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-08T01:44:22+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Los payaguás formaban parte del grupo lingüístico mataco-guaycurú. Han \nsido insistentemente descriptos por la literatura etnográfica clásica \ncomo irredimibles \"corsarios\" del Paraguay, que atacaban por igual a \nguaraníes y españoles río arriba, siendo actores cruciales de la \nhistoria de la temprana explotación y conquista de la región platense. \nEstudios más recientes criticaron esta evaluación etnocéntrica. \nBibliografía: Mandrini, Raúl José, La Argentina Aborigen. De los \nprimeros pobladores a 1910, Buenos Aires, Siglo Veintiuno, 2008; Susnik,\n Branislava, El rol de los indígenas en la formación y en la vivencia \ndel Paraguay. Tomo II, Asunción, Universo, 1983; cultural. Suas relações\n com a bacia do Paraná e o Sul mato-grossense\", enCarneiro Da Cunha, \nManuela M. (org.), História dos índios no Brasil, San Pablo, Fundação de\n Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo-Companhia das \nLetras-Secretaria Municipal de Cultura Prefeitura do Município de São \nPaulo, 1992, pp. 457-474; Roulet, Florencia, La resistencia de los \nguaraní del Paraguay a la conquista española (1537-1556), Posadas, \nEditorial Universitaria de la Universidad Nacional de Misiones, 1993; Wright, Robin M.; Carneiro da Cunha, Manuela; et al, \"Destruction, \nResistance, and Transformation -Southern, Coastal and Northen Brazil \n(1580-1890), en Salomon, Frank; Schwartz, Stuart B. (eds.), The \nCambridge History of the Native Peoples of the Americas. Volume III. \nPart II, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1999, pp. 287, 295, 299,\n 315, 324-328.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-12-03T17:20:46+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 109589, "end" : 109597 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Payaguás" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/9cf01c3f-d9cc-4aba-a494-e5cdbb811e9c", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-04T16:50:14+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 55741, "end" : 55756 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Miguel de Rutia" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/ebc9f143-a963-4c83-8be0-bbeab761bf66", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T16:00:56+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Ñuflo de Chaves o menos conocido como Nufrio de Chávez (Cáceres de la Extremadura leonesa, Corona de España, 1518 – aldea Mitimi de la laguna de los Xarayes, gobernación de Santa Cruz de la Sierra del Virreinato del Perú, 3 de octubre de 1568) era un explorador y conquistador español, conocido por sus exploraciones del actual territorio del Paraguay y la zona suroriental de la actual Bolivia y por haber fundado la ciudad de Santa Cruz de la Sierra en 1561. Fue el continuador de la política colonizadora de Domingo Martínez de Irala.Su actividad permitió extender la colonización por esas regiones. Fue el primer hombre que atravesó el continente, partiendo del Atlántico al Pacífico, para lograr la conquista del centro de América meridional. Su temprana muerte no supuso la interrupción de la actividad conquistadora de todo el territorio que hoy conforma esa extensa comarca, porque su legado quedó en las gentes de la vieja ciudad, quienes extendieron su cultura por todo lo que hoy se conoce como el Oriente Boliviano.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-01T12:58:54+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 61008, "end" : 61023 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Nuflo de Chaves" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/b7c5562c-140a-40b9-9a29-aa1b66df31e2", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Vaca de Castro. Virrey del Perú; prende a Diego de Almagro en la batalla de Chupas. Nombra a Diego de Rojas, Gobernador de Tucumán. Fue el segundo gobernador del Perú, y reemplazó a su conquistador Pizarro. A pesar de haberse presentado a ocupar la silla del gobierno con poderes, autógrafos del Rey, tuvo que vencer la resistencia que le opuso Diego de Almagro, el mozo, que la había usurpado; y la llanura de Chupas, cerca de Huamanga, fue el campo de batalla en que se decidió esta lucha, el día 16 de setiembre de 1542. La victoria se declara a favor del licenciado, que abusó de ella, haciendo perecer en los cadalsos a Almagro y a la mayor parte de sus compañeros. Una conducta tan inhumana no le hizo desmerecer en el concepto de sus compatriotas; y un historiador juicioso no trepida en decir «que las providencias de este magistrado, acompañadas de su gran capacidad, madurez y suavidad, le hicieron amable en aquellos países».Juan y Ulloa, Viajes a la América Meridional, Tom. IV, pág. LXXIII del resumen histórico.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T18:24:06+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-01T13:06:03+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 45791, "end" : 45805 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Vaca de Castro" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/7c44c2b5-7857-44b8-a066-8736f64f4e86", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Aborigine", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-20T20:59:58+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Native people", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-20T20:59:58+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-20T20:59:58+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Refiere a Los guaraníes o avá, según su autodenominación étnica original (que significa \"ser humano\"), son un grupo de pueblos indígenas suramericanos que se ubican geográficamente en Paraguay, noreste de Argentina (en ciertas zonas de provincias de la Región del Litoral),​ sur y suroeste de Brasil (en los estados de Río Grande del Sur, Santa Catarina, Paraná y Mato Grosso del Sur) y sureste de Bolivia (en los departamentos de Tarija, Santa Cruz y Chuquisaca) y norte de Uruguay.El muy difundido nombre guaraní lo escucharon los españoles que, al invadir su territorio, habrían oído, entre los gritos de guerra de este pueblo, la frase guará-ny, que significa \"combatir-los\". Por otra parte el nombre dada significa en guaraní 'guerrero', \"ava\" que significa \"hombre\" y se pronuncia en forma grave entre los chiriguanos (ava guaraníes).Otra versión afirma que la denominación fue tomada de la deformación de una palabra guaraní, guariní que significa precisamente \"guerra\" o \"guerrear\". Al parecer los mismos indígenas se denominaron de esa manera, indicando con ello que se consideraban guerreros.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-20T20:59:58+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Los guaraníes se extendían, dividios entre distintas parcialidades, \nentre la costa brasileña y los contrafuertes andinos, teniendo además \nasentamientos en las islasdel Río Paraná y del delta del Río de la \nPlata. Cultivadores selvícolas, producían regulamente excedentes \nagrícolas que serían indispensables para el avance de la conquista \nespañola en el región. Bibliografía:  Silva Noelli, Francisco, \"La \ndistribución geográfica de las evidencias arqueológicasguaraní\", en \nRevista de Indias, vol. LXIV, núm. 30, 2004, pp. 17-34; Susnik, \nBranislava, El indio colonial del Paraguay. El guaraní colonial, \nAsunción, Museo Etnográfico \"Andrés Barbero\", 1965; Susnik, Branislava, \nEl rol de los indígenas en la formación y en la vivencia delParaguay. \nTomo I, Asunción, Universo, 1982; Melià, Bartomeu, El guaraní \nconquistado y reducido: ensayos de etnohistoria, Asunción, Universidad \nCatólica-Centro de Estudios Paraguayos \"AntonioGuasch\", cuarta edición, \n1997 [1986]; Melià, Bartomeu, \"Sociedades fluviales y selvícolas del \neste: Paraguay y Paraná\", en Rojas Rabiela, Teresa; Murra, John (dirs.),\n Historia general de América Latina. Volumen I, París, Editorial \nTrotta-UNESCO, 1999, pp. 335-552; Catafesto de Sousa, José Otávio, \"O \nsistema econômico nas sociedades indígenas guaraní pré-coloniais\", en \nHorizontes Antropológicos, año 8, núm. 18, 2002, pp. 211-253; Monteiro, \nJohn Manuel, \"Os guaraní e a História do Brasil Meridional. Séculos \nXVI-XVII\", en Carneiro Da Cunha, Manuela L. (org.), História dos índios \nno Brasil, San Pablo, Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São \nPaulo-Companhia das Letras-Secretaria Municipal de Cultura Prefeitura do\n Município de São Paulo, 1992 pp. 475-498.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-12-03T14:43:31+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 105880, "end" : 105888 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Guaranís" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/ce8a4f8a-0aeb-4e99-9e55-b81c683f6ed2", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Aborigine", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-20T20:59:58+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Native people", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-20T20:59:58+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-20T20:59:58+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Refiere a Los guaraníes o avá, según su autodenominación étnica original (que significa \"ser humano\"), son un grupo de pueblos indígenas suramericanos que se ubican geográficamente en Paraguay, noreste de Argentina (en ciertas zonas de provincias de la Región del Litoral),​ sur y suroeste de Brasil (en los estados de Río Grande del Sur, Santa Catarina, Paraná y Mato Grosso del Sur) y sureste de Bolivia (en los departamentos de Tarija, Santa Cruz y Chuquisaca) y norte de Uruguay.El muy difundido nombre guaraní lo escucharon los españoles que, al invadir su territorio, habrían oído, entre los gritos de guerra de este pueblo, la frase guará-ny, que significa \"combatir-los\". Por otra parte el nombre dada significa en guaraní 'guerrero', \"ava\" que significa \"hombre\" y se pronuncia en forma grave entre los chiriguanos (ava guaraníes).Otra versión afirma que la denominación fue tomada de la deformación de una palabra guaraní, guariní que significa precisamente \"guerra\" o \"guerrear\". Al parecer los mismos indígenas se denominaron de esa manera, indicando con ello que se consideraban guerreros.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-20T20:59:58+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Los guaraníes se extendían, dividios entre distintas parcialidades, \nentre la costa brasileña y los contrafuertes andinos, teniendo además \nasentamientos en las islasdel Río Paraná y del delta del Río de la \nPlata. Cultivadores selvícolas, producían regulamente excedentes \nagrícolas que serían indispensables para el avance de la conquista \nespañola en el región. Bibliografía:  Silva Noelli, Francisco, \"La \ndistribución geográfica de las evidencias arqueológicasguaraní\", en \nRevista de Indias, vol. LXIV, núm. 30, 2004, pp. 17-34; Susnik, \nBranislava, El indio colonial del Paraguay. El guaraní colonial, \nAsunción, Museo Etnográfico \"Andrés Barbero\", 1965; Susnik, Branislava, \nEl rol de los indígenas en la formación y en la vivencia delParaguay. \nTomo I, Asunción, Universo, 1982; Melià, Bartomeu, El guaraní \nconquistado y reducido: ensayos de etnohistoria, Asunción, Universidad \nCatólica-Centro de Estudios Paraguayos \"AntonioGuasch\", cuarta edición, \n1997 [1986]; Melià, Bartomeu, \"Sociedades fluviales y selvícolas del \neste: Paraguay y Paraná\", en Rojas Rabiela, Teresa; Murra, John (dirs.),\n Historia general de América Latina. Volumen I, París, Editorial \nTrotta-UNESCO, 1999, pp. 335-552; Catafesto de Sousa, José Otávio, \"O \nsistema econômico nas sociedades indígenas guaraní pré-coloniais\", en \nHorizontes Antropológicos, año 8, núm. 18, 2002, pp. 211-253; Monteiro, \nJohn Manuel, \"Os guaraní e a História do Brasil Meridional. Séculos \nXVI-XVII\", en Carneiro Da Cunha, Manuela L. (org.), História dos índios \nno Brasil, San Pablo, Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São \nPaulo-Companhia das Letras-Secretaria Municipal de Cultura Prefeitura do\n Município de São Paulo, 1992 pp. 475-498.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-12-03T14:42:43+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 51845, "end" : 51853 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Guaranís" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/9eded678-bf7f-4015-bf1a-58c9a7d6a72e", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "EVENT", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-12-03T14:47:09+00:00" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "En 1536, Pedro de Mendoza, primer adelantado a la región, estableción el\n puerto de Buenos Aires sobre el Atlántico con el fin de asegurar las \ncomunicaciones con España y el Brasil (donde se podían conseguir abastos\n con cierta facilidad). Por tanto, fue siempre referida en este primer \nmomento como un puerto, sin el correspondiente acto de fundación que \nsolo sería realizado décadas después por Juan de Garay en un \nemplazamiento levemente distinto del original.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-12-03T14:47:09+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 28942, "end" : 28949 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "poblado" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/af6def91-02af-4fac-b3e3-aedf498fb9fb", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-08T01:44:22+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Los payaguás formaban parte del grupo lingüístico mataco-guaycurú. Han \nsido insistentemente descriptos por la literatura etnográfica clásica \ncomo irredimibles \"corsarios\" del Paraguay, que atacaban por igual a \nguaraníes y españoles río arriba, siendo actores cruciales de la \nhistoria de la temprana explotación y conquista de la región platense. \nEstudios más recientes criticaron esta evaluación etnocéntrica. \nBibliografía: Mandrini, Raúl José, La Argentina Aborigen. De los \nprimeros pobladores a 1910, Buenos Aires, Siglo Veintiuno, 2008; Susnik,\n Branislava, El rol de los indígenas en la formación y en la vivencia \ndel Paraguay. Tomo II, Asunción, Universo, 1983; cultural. Suas relações\n com a bacia do Paraná e o Sul mato-grossense\", enCarneiro Da Cunha, \nManuela M. (org.), História dos índios no Brasil, San Pablo, Fundação de\n Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo-Companhia das \nLetras-Secretaria Municipal de Cultura Prefeitura do Município de São \nPaulo, 1992, pp. 457-474; Roulet, Florencia, La resistencia de los \nguaraní del Paraguay a la conquista española (1537-1556), Posadas, \nEditorial Universitaria de la Universidad Nacional de Misiones, 1993; Wright, Robin M.; Carneiro da Cunha, Manuela; et al, \"Destruction, \nResistance, and Transformation -Southern, Coastal and Northen Brazil \n(1580-1890), en Salomon, Frank; Schwartz, Stuart B. (eds.), The \nCambridge History of the Native Peoples of the Americas. Volume III. \nPart II, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1999, pp. 287, 295, 299,\n 315, 324-328.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-12-03T17:21:43+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 129210, "end" : 129218 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Payaguás" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/7cc7a1d0-f564-4619-8dd6-6724b54905b9", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-11T15:19:01+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Maximiliano I de Habsburgo (1459-1519), Archiduque de Austria, rey de \nRomanos y emperador electo del Sacro Imperio Romano Germánico \n(1508-1519).", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-11T15:19:01+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 87022, "end" : 87048 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Maximiliano rey de Romanos" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/ac9f8b21-3f41-4c02-8107-f6469e612e6c", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://pleiades.stoa.org/places/1052", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-11T15:18:30+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-11T15:18:30+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ 12.5, 42.5 ] } } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 136968, "end" : 136974 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Italia" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/37f6fa91-c793-4a77-a6aa-7a904acb1263", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-07T16:52:48+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Juan de Osorio (1511-1536), capitán de la expedición de Pedro de Mendoza. Cuando la armada llegó a la región de Río de Janeiro, fue acusado de intentar un motín contra el adelantado y ejecutado por su orden en el acto junto a otros supuestos conjurados. Esto repercutió muy negativamente entre gran parte de los hombres de la armada, quienes consideraban a Osorio un hombre valiente y respetable. Las extrañas circuntancias de su acusación y muerte fueron consideradas luego como un presagio (cuando no la causa directa) de las dificutades de la conquista en el Río de la Plata. De ello se hicieron eco Gonzalo de Oviedo en su Historia General y Natural de las Indias (Libro XXIII, Capítulo VIII) y Martín del Barco Centenera en su Argentina.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-07T16:52:48+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 98735, "end" : 98749 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Juan de Osorio" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/9e7d92a2-3906-431a-b7c9-eb9266cfddac", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://sws.geonames.org/2593110", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-07T16:46:12+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-07T16:46:12+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 85865, "end" : 85873 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Canarias" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/3bb0ec2c-3472-4a98-b881-ff69c66e8ab7", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://sws.geonames.org/3111108", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-07T22:50:44+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-07T22:50:44+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ -5.66388, 40.96882 ] } } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 88222, "end" : 88231 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Salamanca" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/8a9ca2ec-2c22-4b69-9fa3-8fc97e060d44", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-07T22:46:12+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Felipe de Cáceres cumplió funciones como contador y tesorero en la armada \nde Pedro de Mendoza y luego, en la conquista del Río de la Plata. Uno de\n los líderes de la facción contraria Cabeza de Vaca, estuvo implicado en\n todas las maniobras que condujeron a su destitución, prisión y \ndestierro.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-07T22:46:12+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 113966, "end" : 113983 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Felipe de Cáceres" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/b9ea8c6e-3842-4e75-9c2d-4f81569addd6", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-07T22:49:41+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Expedicionario con Pedro de Mendoza al Río de la PLata, capitán de Corpus Christi en 1538 donde falleció poco después.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-07T22:49:41+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 120696, "end" : 120714 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Antonio de Mendoza" } ] } }, { "@context" 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escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 104749, "end" : 104766 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Carlos de Guevara" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/42c9fa2c-4647-404a-a0ca-5e25ce35c8bf", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-07T23:29:21+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Pedro de Mendoza (1499-1537), fue un noble español nacido de Cádiz. Tuvo\n una destacada actividad militar en las campañas militares de Carlos I \nen Italia, y con la fortuna que logró en ellas, solicitó la conquista \ndel Río de la Plata. Por capitulación firmada con en el rey en 1534 se \nlo designa gobernador y primer adelantando a la provincia del mismo \nbombre. Su armanda, una de las más grandes en términos de hombres y \nbarcos que cruzaron el océano a América, llegó a las costas del Río de \nla Plata en 1536. En la margen izquierda del río, al sur de la actual \nciudad de Buenos Aires, Mendoza ordenó el establecimiento de un puerto \nllamado Nuestra Señora del Buen Ayre, pero sus intencionres eran \ncontinuar las exploraciones río arriba, en busca de la Sierra de la \nPlata. El asentamiento en Buenos Aires rápidamenta sufrió hambre y \nataques de las sociedades nativas. Al mismo tiempo, Pedro de Mendoza \ndelegó gran parte de las tareas de exploración de la región en su \nteniente gobernador, Juan de Ayolas. Debido a las dificultades que \nenfrentaba la población de Buenos Aires y de los dos asentamientos \nestablecidos Paraná arriba (Buena Esperanza y Corpus Christi) y la \nausencia de noticias del Juan de Ayolas (quien luego se sabría, habría \nalcanzado tierras chiriguanas) Pedro de Mendoza decide abandonar su \nconquista, delegando el mando general de la armada en Juan de Ayolas y \nel gobierno de Buenos Aires en Ruiz Galán. Moriría cruzando el Atlántico\n en 1537. Bibliografía: Lafuente Machaín, Conquistadores del Río de la \nPlata, Buenos Aires, Amorrurtu, 1937; Guérin, Miguel Alberto, \"La \norganización inicial del espacio rioplatense\", en Tandeter, Enrique \n(dir.), Nueva Historia Argentina. La Sociedad Colonial, Buenos Aires, \nSudamericana, 2000, pp. 14-54.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-07T23:29:21+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 108556, "end" : 108565 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "don Pedro" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/f7a01553-3a32-4c6c-b925-e44cbb9a69fc", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-07T23:26:53+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Se refiere a Juan de Salazar y Espinoza (1508-1560), una de las figuras políticas \nmás importantes de la temprana colonización del Río de la Plata. Fue un \ncapitán de Pedro de Mendoza a quien el Adelantado le encargó la \nimportante   misión de seguir la huella de Juan de Ayolas río arriba. En\n 1537 fundó un fuerte en la confluencia de los ríos Paraguay y \nPilcomayo, con el acuerdo de los guaraníes carios de la región. De \nhecho, Salazar fue uno de los primeros capitanes en emparentase con los \ncaciques carios y se constituyó en uno de los negociadores españoles más\n eficaces y respectados entre ellos. Juan de Salazar aceptó a Domingo de\n Irala como teniente de gobernador en 1539, aunque después pareció \nalinearse más bien con el adelantado Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca. De \nhecho, fue nombrado por este último como su teniente de gobernador una \nvez encarcelado por la facción de Domingo de Irala. Esto le valió se \nexpulsado de la provincia con Cabeza de Vaca en 1545. En 1550 volvió a \nembarcarse hacia el Río de la Plata con el cargo de regidor en la armada\n de Juan de Sanabria. Recién llegaría a Asunción en 1555, donde fue \nreconocido como Regidor y Tesorero después de reconocer a Irala como \ngobernador, de acuerdo al nombramiento regio que había recibido.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-07T23:26:53+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 113572, "end" : 113579 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Salazar" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/804252d4-9abe-409e-a27a-94dbba82251d", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-07T23:29:21+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Pedro de Mendoza (1499-1537), fue un noble español nacido de Cádiz. Tuvo\n una destacada actividad militar en las campañas militares de Carlos I \nen Italia, y con la fortuna que logró en ellas, solicitó la conquista \ndel Río de la Plata. Por capitulación firmada con en el rey en 1534 se \nlo designa gobernador y primer adelantando a la provincia del mismo \nbombre. Su armanda, una de las más grandes en términos de hombres y \nbarcos que cruzaron el océano a América, llegó a las costas del Río de \nla Plata en 1536. En la margen izquierda del río, al sur de la actual \nciudad de Buenos Aires, Mendoza ordenó el establecimiento de un puerto \nllamado Nuestra Señora del Buen Ayre, pero sus intencionres eran \ncontinuar las exploraciones río arriba, en busca de la Sierra de la \nPlata. El asentamiento en Buenos Aires rápidamenta sufrió hambre y \nataques de las sociedades nativas. Al mismo tiempo, Pedro de Mendoza \ndelegó gran parte de las tareas de exploración de la región en su \nteniente gobernador, Juan de Ayolas. Debido a las dificultades que \nenfrentaba la población de Buenos Aires y de los dos asentamientos \nestablecidos Paraná arriba (Buena Esperanza y Corpus Christi) y la \nausencia de noticias del Juan de Ayolas (quien luego se sabría, habría \nalcanzado tierras chiriguanas) Pedro de Mendoza decide abandonar su \nconquista, delegando el mando general de la armada en Juan de Ayolas y \nel gobierno de Buenos Aires en Ruiz Galán. Moriría cruzando el Atlántico\n en 1537. Bibliografía: Lafuente Machaín, Conquistadores del Río de la \nPlata, Buenos Aires, Amorrurtu, 1937; Guérin, Miguel Alberto, \"La \norganización inicial del espacio rioplatense\", en Tandeter, Enrique \n(dir.), Nueva Historia Argentina. La Sociedad Colonial, Buenos Aires, \nSudamericana, 2000, pp. 14-54.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-07T23:29:21+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 108914, "end" : 108923 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "don Pedro" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/5038c756-3df1-4173-85a6-d23360392ed5", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-07T23:29:21+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Pedro de Mendoza (1499-1537), fue un noble español nacido de Cádiz. Tuvo\n una destacada actividad militar en las campañas militares de Carlos I \nen Italia, y con la fortuna que logró en ellas, solicitó la conquista \ndel Río de la Plata. Por capitulación firmada con en el rey en 1534 se \nlo designa gobernador y primer adelantando a la provincia del mismo \nbombre. Su armanda, una de las más grandes en términos de hombres y \nbarcos que cruzaron el océano a América, llegó a las costas del Río de \nla Plata en 1536. En la margen izquierda del río, al sur de la actual \nciudad de Buenos Aires, Mendoza ordenó el establecimiento de un puerto \nllamado Nuestra Señora del Buen Ayre, pero sus intencionres eran \ncontinuar las exploraciones río arriba, en busca de la Sierra de la \nPlata. El asentamiento en Buenos Aires rápidamenta sufrió hambre y \nataques de las sociedades nativas. Al mismo tiempo, Pedro de Mendoza \ndelegó gran parte de las tareas de exploración de la región en su \nteniente gobernador, Juan de Ayolas. Debido a las dificultades que \nenfrentaba la población de Buenos Aires y de los dos asentamientos \nestablecidos Paraná arriba (Buena Esperanza y Corpus Christi) y la \nausencia de noticias del Juan de Ayolas (quien luego se sabría, habría \nalcanzado tierras chiriguanas) Pedro de Mendoza decide abandonar su \nconquista, delegando el mando general de la armada en Juan de Ayolas y \nel gobierno de Buenos Aires en Ruiz Galán. Moriría cruzando el Atlántico\n en 1537. Bibliografía: Lafuente Machaín, Conquistadores del Río de la \nPlata, Buenos Aires, Amorrurtu, 1937; Guérin, Miguel Alberto, \"La \norganización inicial del espacio rioplatense\", en Tandeter, Enrique \n(dir.), Nueva Historia Argentina. La Sociedad Colonial, Buenos Aires, \nSudamericana, 2000, pp. 14-54.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-07T23:29:21+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 110539, "end" : 110548 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "don Pedro" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/93e5d3b4-1e36-4af3-8a4f-1f2500e6afef", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-07T23:26:53+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Se refiere a Juan de Salazar y Espinoza (1508-1560), una de las figuras políticas \nmás importantes de la temprana colonización del Río de la Plata. Fue un \ncapitán de Pedro de Mendoza a quien el Adelantado le encargó la \nimportante   misión de seguir la huella de Juan de Ayolas río arriba. En\n 1537 fundó un fuerte en la confluencia de los ríos Paraguay y \nPilcomayo, con el acuerdo de los guaraníes carios de la región. De \nhecho, Salazar fue uno de los primeros capitanes en emparentase con los \ncaciques carios y se constituyó en uno de los negociadores españoles más\n eficaces y respectados entre ellos. Juan de Salazar aceptó a Domingo de\n Irala como teniente de gobernador en 1539, aunque después pareció \nalinearse más bien con el adelantado Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca. De \nhecho, fue nombrado por este último como su teniente de gobernador una \nvez encarcelado por la facción de Domingo de Irala. Esto le valió se \nexpulsado de la provincia con Cabeza de Vaca en 1545. En 1550 volvió a \nembarcarse hacia el Río de la Plata con el cargo de regidor en la armada\n de Juan de Sanabria. Recién llegaría a Asunción en 1555, donde fue \nreconocido como Regidor y Tesorero después de reconocer a Irala como \ngobernador, de acuerdo al nombramiento regio que había recibido.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-07T23:26:53+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 89318, "end" : 89325 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Salazar" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/22625003-f5b8-45ba-b812-870709242c29", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "EVENT", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-08T03:05:44+00:00" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "El cuñadazgo fue un principio organizador de la sociedad colonial rioplatense en el Paraguay. En el contexto guaraní precolonial, el hombre que se casaba con una mujer quedaba \"endeudado\" con los hombres de la familia de su esposa, obligado a trabajar para ellos en tareas de desmonte o acompañarlos en la guerra. En un primer momento, los españoles que tomaron mujeres guaraníes  trocaron estos servicios por mercancías de origen europeo (hachas y anzuelos de metal) altamente apreciados por los guaraníes. Pero a medida que la posición de los conquistadores se fortaleció, fueron desligándose progresivamente de estos lazos que supuestamente debían unirlos a los padres y hermanos de sus mujeres. Así, la supuesta alianza hispano-guaraní (que muchos historiadores paraguayos siguen considerando constitutiva de la \"raza paraguaya\") fue en verdad un inestable equilibrio de fuerzas donde los conquistadores paulatinamente se impusieron militarmente frente a los carios. En este proceso, el sentido de las relaciones de parentesco guaraníes quedó completamente vacío. Ruy Díaz se ocupó en resaltar el parentesco entre blancos y guaraníes porque él era, justamente, nieto de guaraníes por parte de su madre mestiza.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-08T03:28:17+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 142979, "end" : 142986 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "cuñados" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/7f5e8866-a982-4c03-9970-4576b9fe1b03", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "EVENT", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-11T14:33:13+00:00" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Se refiere a la fundación de la ciudad de Corrientes por el adelantado \nJuan Torres de Vera y Aragón, junto a Alonso de Vera y Aragón y Hernando\n Arias de Saavedra.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-11T14:33:13+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 22258, "end" : 22279 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "fundación y conquista" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/3414ddea-23f3-4441-8ff6-e742454038aa", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PLACE", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-10-10T16:23:03+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Refiere al Océano Pacífico", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-10-10T16:23:03+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de 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"Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-11T14:48:11+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ -63.18117, -17.78629 ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Este asentamiento fue efectivamente fundado por un conquistador de \nAsunción, Nuflo de Chávez en 1561. La ciudad sufrió varios traslados en \nel curso de su historia hasta establecerse dónde se encuentra hoy en \ndía. El primer sitio de la fundación fue en la serranía de Chiquitos, a \norilla del río Sutó.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-11T14:48:11+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 36857, "end" : 36877 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "ciudad de Santa Cruz" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/ff848d19-0efe-4577-97ae-88deb455b53f", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-11T15:08:43+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Juan Álvarez Ramón.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-11T15:08:43+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 56218, "end" : 56231 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "capitán Ramón" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/a61ba440-dc65-4dc3-9212-87ff774b6444", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "EVENT", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-11T15:27:41+00:00" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Esta cédula real, de enorme importancia para la historia temprana del Río\n de la Plata, permitía a los pobladores la posibilidad de elegir un \nnuevo teniente de gobernador en caso de que la persona nombrada por \nPedro de Mendoza (Juan de Ayolas) hubiera muerto y no hubiera nombrado \nsucesor.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-11T15:27:41+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y 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"identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Gonzalo de Mendoza (m. 1558) fue un destacado capitán de la armada de \nPedro de Mendoza y luego de la conqusita del Río de la Plata y Paraguay.\n Realizó varios viajes desde le puerto de Buenos Aires a la costa de \nBrasil con la intención de obtener bastimentos y trajo consigo varios \nnáufragos y lenguas instalados en el Brasil. Ya en el Paraguay, fue uno \nde los primeros capitanes españoles en emparentarse con los caciques \ncarios de las cercanías de Asunción. Ocupó importantes cargos políticos y\n militares bajo los gobiernos de Domingo de Irala y Álvar Núñez Cabeza \nde Vaca, actuando como teniente de gobernador y como gobernador \ninterino. Bibliografía: Lafuente Machain, Ricardo, Conquistadores del \nRío de la Plata, Buenos Aires, Amorrurtu, 1937.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-07T15:46:05+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 107620, "end" : 107638 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Gonzalo de Mendoza" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/1b001f8e-25ba-4a8e-9370-78f8ead79765", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-07T15:46:05+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Gonzalo de Mendoza (m. 1558) fue un destacado capitán de la armada de \nPedro de Mendoza y luego de la conqusita del Río de la Plata y Paraguay.\n Realizó varios viajes desde le puerto de Buenos Aires a la costa de \nBrasil con la intención de obtener bastimentos y trajo consigo varios \nnáufragos y lenguas instalados en el Brasil. Ya en el Paraguay, fue uno \nde los primeros capitanes españoles en emparentarse con los caciques \ncarios de las cercanías de Asunción. Ocupó importantes cargos políticos y\n militares bajo los gobiernos de Domingo de Irala y Álvar Núñez Cabeza \nde Vaca, actuando como teniente de gobernador y como gobernador \ninterino. Bibliografía: Lafuente Machain, Ricardo, Conquistadores del \nRío de la Plata, Buenos Aires, Amorrurtu, 1937.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-07T15:46:05+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 131578, "end" : 131596 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Gonzalo de Mendoza" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/4fb67d13-0fad-4a36-9214-35635853302a", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-07T15:46:05+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Gonzalo de Mendoza (m. 1558) fue un destacado capitán de la armada de \nPedro de Mendoza y luego de la conqusita del Río de la Plata y Paraguay.\n Realizó varios viajes desde le puerto de Buenos Aires a la costa de \nBrasil con la intención de obtener bastimentos y trajo consigo varios \nnáufragos y lenguas instalados en el Brasil. Ya en el Paraguay, fue uno \nde los primeros capitanes españoles en emparentarse con los caciques \ncarios de las cercanías de Asunción. Ocupó importantes cargos políticos y\n militares bajo los gobiernos de Domingo de Irala y Álvar Núñez Cabeza \nde Vaca, actuando como teniente de gobernador y como gobernador \ninterino. Bibliografía: Lafuente Machain, Ricardo, Conquistadores del \nRío de la Plata, Buenos Aires, Amorrurtu, 1937.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-07T15:46:05+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 79936, "end" : 79954 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Gonzalo de Mendoza" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/42365c32-61e3-43b5-bfda-d230ee6455bf", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://sws.geonames.org/3106090", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-07T17:32:58+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-07T17:32:58+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ -2.4175, 43.1151 ] } } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 86715, "end" : 86722 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Bergara" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/d9521a22-5d6e-4cd7-88eb-67949e8a621a", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-08T01:27:01+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 106727, "end" : 106740 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Carlos Dubrin" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/182c5327-29e3-44da-a501-5409f06c1c59", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-08T01:35:41+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Hernando de Ribera era un legua que había llegado a Brasil con Diego García de Moguer; no está claro si en la primera que realizó al Río de la Plata (cuando Moguer habría sido un capitán de Juan Díaz de Solís) o en la segunda (donde se encontró con Sebastián Caboto). Fue de suma importancia en el Río de la Plata ya que realizó las negociaciones que llevaron al asentamiento del fuerte de Asunción entre los carios. Sirvió en varias entradas al Chaco, en particular en la que condujo Cabeza de Vaca en 1544. Una relación atribuida a él, que se condice con una declaración secreta que realizó en Asunción a los partidarios de Cabeza de Vaca en 1545 fue publicada por el segundo adelantado en sus Comentarios.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-08T01:35:41+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 107912, "end" : 107930 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Hernando de Rivera" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/4ae24ba4-cb73-4e5e-be2b-4f73dae492aa", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-08T01:35:45+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 107932, "end" : 107943 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Pedro Morón" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/cab1e507-b76a-477f-8c32-028dfe7f9cf9", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : 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"identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Felipe de Cáceres (n. Madrid, ca. 1538) fueun conquistador, explorador y\n colonizador español.Se desempeñó como gobernador interino del Ríode la \nPlata y del Paraguay, con sede en Asunción,entre el 11 de diciembre de \n1568 hasta el 14 dejulio de 1572.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-09-23T14:56:05+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 40183, "end" : 40200 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Felipe de Cáceres" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/20b77323-d272-482d-b3a3-8ff77e68e246", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Conqueror", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-09-23T14:56:05+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-09-23T14:56:05+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "colonizer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-09-23T14:56:05+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-09-23T14:56:05+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Felipe de Cáceres (n. 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Muere el 21 de julio de 1558. Parte para el Nuevo Mundo desde el\npuerto de Sanlúcar de Barrameda en 1535, en la nao capitana La Magdalena, con Pedro\nde Mendoza, Adelantado del Río de la Plata. Co-fundador de la ciudad de\nAsunción, en Paraguay, en 1537. Participó como elector en la creación de su\ncabildo y regimiento, a la vieja usanza de los de las ciudades de Castilla. Participó,\nentre muchas, en la expedición que, en 1547, partiendo de Asunción para la Sierra\nde la Plata de los Mayas, abrió el camino hasta el Perú. Fue Gobernador del Río\nde la Plata tras la muerte de Domingo de Irala, en 1556.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-09-23T21:26:14+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 39486, "end" : 39504 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Gonzalo de Mendoza" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/86200a28-0100-4b00-98e5-bdefcb0311c7", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "conqueror", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-09-23T21:26:14+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-09-23T21:26:14+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "colonizer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-09-23T21:26:14+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-09-23T21:26:14+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Gonzalo de Mendoza nace en Baeza entre\n1511-1515. Muere el 21 de julio de 1558. Parte para el Nuevo Mundo desde el\npuerto de Sanlúcar de Barrameda en 1535, en la nao capitana La Magdalena, con Pedro\nde Mendoza, Adelantado del Río de la Plata. Co-fundador de la ciudad de\nAsunción, en Paraguay, en 1537. Participó como elector en la creación de su\ncabildo y regimiento, a la vieja usanza de los de las ciudades de Castilla. Participó,\nentre muchas, en la expedición que, en 1547, partiendo de Asunción para la Sierra\nde la Plata de los Mayas, abrió el camino hasta el Perú. Fue Gobernador del Río\nde la Plata tras la muerte de Domingo de Irala, en 1556.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-09-23T21:26:14+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 3764, "end" : 3782 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Gonzalo de Mendoza" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/83111de2-607c-4807-aa96-99dbc57a3eb6", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "conqueror", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-09-23T21:26:14+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-09-23T21:26:14+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "colonizer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-09-23T21:26:14+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-09-23T21:26:14+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Gonzalo de Mendoza nace en Baeza entre\n1511-1515. Muere el 21 de julio de 1558. Parte para el Nuevo Mundo desde el\npuerto de Sanlúcar de Barrameda en 1535, en la nao capitana La Magdalena, con Pedro\nde Mendoza, Adelantado del Río de la Plata. Co-fundador de la ciudad de\nAsunción, en Paraguay, en 1537. Participó como elector en la creación de su\ncabildo y regimiento, a la vieja usanza de los de las ciudades de Castilla. Participó,\nentre muchas, en la expedición que, en 1547, partiendo de Asunción para la Sierra\nde la Plata de los Mayas, abrió el camino hasta el Perú. Fue Gobernador del Río\nde la Plata tras la muerte de Domingo de Irala, en 1556.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-09-23T21:26:14+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 20801, "end" : 20819 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Gonzalo de Mendoza" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/764250e9-72c7-427e-b725-cae2c26a8e74", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PLACE", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-01T21:33:52+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Río del Paraguay, actualmente llamado Ypané. Desemboca en la ribera este del Paraguay unos kilómetros al sur de la ciudad de Concepción.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-01T21:33:52+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 36118, "end" : 36122 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Pané" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/69ce2b89-3870-4955-882e-1c7a0e7ecb81", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://sws.geonames.org/3904906", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-01T22:29:24+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-01T22:29:24+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ -63.18117, -17.78629 ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Este asentamiento fue efectivamente fundado por un conquistador de Asunción, Nuflo de Chávez en 1561. La ciudad sufrió varios traslados en el curso de su historia hasta establecerse dónde se encuentra hoy en día. El primer sitio de la fundación fue en la serranía de Chiquitos, a orilla del río Sutó.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-01T22:29:24+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 36467, "end" : 36490 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Santa Cruz de la Sierra" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/17152d4c-d04d-472f-b5f1-957c7866c2a2", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : 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Se desempeñó como gobernador interino del Río de la \nPlata y del Paraguay, con sede en Asunción, entre el 11 de diciembre de \n1568 y el 14 dejulio de 1572.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-02T20:51:50+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 184, "end" : 201 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Felipe de Cáceres" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/c8cb6bd5-b563-4b87-be2b-9469ea4148dd", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : 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Hija de Domingo Martínez de Irala y la guaraní Leonor (Iboty-I Yu) de Irala.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T17:23:19+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 1027, "end" : 1042 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Úrsula de Irala" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/2f776c55-a92e-4488-8f56-12f84a6667d3", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Sería uno de los nombres que recibieron los nativos Kaigang y puede \nidentificárselos con la tradición Taquara, constructures de \nasentamientos bajo nivel. Eran parte del grupo lingüístico gé, que se \nextendía en el Brasil entre \nla costa (ocupada por tupíes) y las áreas del interior (hasta las \ntierras ocupadas por los guaraníes) . Bibliografía:  Schmitz, Pedro \nIgnácio; Basile Becker, Ítala Irene, \"Os Primitivos Engenheiros do \nPlanalto esuas Estruturas Subterrâneas: a tradição Taquara\", en AAVV, \nArqueologia do Rio Grande DoSul, Brasil, São Leopoldo, Instituto de \nPesquisas- UNISINOS, 2006, p. 86; Meliá, Bartomeu, \"Sociedadesfluviales y\n selvícolas del este: Paraguay y Paraná\", en Rojas Rabiela, Teresa; \nMurra, John (dirs.), Historia general de América Latina. Volumen I, \nParís, Editorial Trotta-UNESCO, 1999, p. 549; Politis, Gustavo G., \"The \nPampas and the Campos of South America\", en Silverman, Helaine; Isbell, \nWilliam H. (eds.), Handbook of South American Archaeology, Nueva York, \nSpringer, 2008, pp 254-255.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-09-30T22:54:50+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 15044, "end" : 15052 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Guayanás" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/fc5a64c4-6a7a-4f84-b852-a38feaae2a0a", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", 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"SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T12:45:50+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca (Jerez de la Frontera, 1488/1490 - Sevilla, \n27 de mayo de 1559) fue un descubridor y conquistador español que \nexploró la costa sur de Norteamérica desde la actual Florida pasando por\n Alabama, Misisipi y Luisiana y se adentró en Texas, Nuevo México, \nArizona​ y en el norte de México hasta llegar al Golfo de California, \nterritorios que pasaron a anexionarse al Imperio Español dentro del \nVirreinato de Nueva España. El rey Carlos I de España le otorgó el \ntítulo de Segundo Adelantado y lo nombró capitán general y gobernador \ndel Río de la Plata, Paranáguazu y sus anexos.​ Fue el primer europeo del cual tenemos pruebas documentales respecto de \nsus exploraciones en la región de las cataratas del Iguazú. Están \ndocumentadas numerosas referencias sobre entradas que antiguos náufragos\n de los barcos de Juan Díaz de Solís (1470-1516) y Rodrigo de Acuña \nhabrían realizado en la zona, siendo la más famosa la de Alejo o Aleixo \nGarcía.Cabeza de Vaca llegó a la isla de Santa Catalina en 1541 y de \nallí entró en tierra firme con el objetivo de alcanzar la ciudad de \nAsunción del Paraguay. La misma se había convertido en el centro de la \nconquista del Río de la Plata. Si bien los conquistadores viejos de la \nexpedición de Pedro de Mendoza aceptaron sus credenciales cuando entró \nen la ciudad en 1542, las políticas que Cabeza de Vaca intentó instalar \nen la región rápidamente entraron en conflicto con aquellas que \npretendían sostener sus fundadores y primeros conquistadores. La \nsituación se deterioró progresivamente hasta que, después de una \nfracasada entrada al Gran Chaco, Cabeza de Vaca fue encarcelado y luego \nexpulsado de la provincia en 1545.Tras regresar a España, el antiguo \nadelantado debió responder a los procesos que contra él entablaron los \nconquistadores del Río de la Plata y el propio fiscal del rey, que se \nextendieron hasta entrada la década de 1550. Si bien Álvar Núñez no \nlogró recuperar la gobernación del Río de la Plata, tampoco debió \nenfretar las penas que originalmente se le habían impuesto (multas y un \ntemido destierro a Argel). Una clara señal de cierto beneplácito regio \nrespecto de sus acciones en Indias es la reedición, en 1555, de su \nRelación (Zamora, 1542) acompañada de un nuevo libro titulado \nComentarios (valladolid, 1555). Este último constituye la primera obra \nhistoriográfica de largo aliento sobre la conquista del Río de la Plata,\n considerando en particular el período de su \ngobernación.BibliografíaAdorno, Rolena; Pautz, Patrick Charles, Álvar \nNúñez Cabeza de Vaca. His Account, his Life, and the Expedition of \nPánfilo de Narváez, Lincoln y Londres, University of Nebraska Press, \n1999. Tres Tomos.FuentesÁlvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca, La relación que dio \nAlvar Núñez Cabeça de Vaca de lo acaecido en las Indias en la armada \ndonde iua por gobernador Panfhilo de Narváez desde el año veinte y siete\n hasta el año treinta y seis que volvió a Sevilla con tres de su \ncompañía, Zamora, 1542.Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca, La relación y \ncomentarios del Gobernador Álvar Núñez Cabeça de Vaca, de lo acaecido en\n las dos jornadas que hizo a las Indias, Valladolid, 1555.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T12:45:50+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 94218, "end" : 94232 }, { "type" : 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-70.561, -9.579 ], [ -70.598, -9.574 ], [ -70.522, -9.738 ], [ -70.622, -9.847 ], [ -70.618, -11.007 ], [ -70.508, -10.94 ], [ -70.337, -11.067 ], [ -69.938, -10.926 ], [ -69.728, -10.973 ], [ -69.568, -10.954 ], [ -68.924, -11.994 ], [ -68.679, -12.497 ], [ -68.764, -12.612 ], [ -68.738, -12.705 ], [ -68.85, -12.728 ], [ -68.961, -12.852 ], [ -68.942, -13.486 ], [ -68.997, -13.652 ], [ -69.076, -13.654 ], [ -68.988, -13.769 ], [ -68.965, -13.98 ], [ -68.881, -14.065 ], [ -68.841, -14.21 ], [ -68.982, -14.237 ], [ -68.98, -14.387 ], [ -69.152, -14.508 ], [ -69.149, -14.584 ], [ -69.225, -14.584 ], [ -69.244, -14.753 ], [ -69.363, -14.804 ], [ -69.365, -14.98 ], [ -69.126, -15.256 ], [ -69.265, -15.336 ], [ -69.274, -15.421 ], [ -69.414, -15.621 ], [ -69.236, -16.143 ], [ -69.099, -16.219 ], [ -68.963, -16.189 ], [ -68.814, -16.338 ], [ -68.982, -16.433 ], [ -69.032, -16.566 ], [ -69.006, -16.677 ], [ -69.168, -16.731 ], [ -69.392, -17.021 ], [ -69.375, -17.078 ], [ -69.551, -17.162 ], [ -69.641, -17.282 ], [ -69.463, -17.376 ], [ -69.463, -17.508 ], [ -69.662, -17.658 ], [ -69.799, -17.65 ], [ -69.819, -17.747 ], [ -69.753, -17.982 ], [ -69.948, -18.248 ], [ -70.374, -18.35 ], [ -70.879, -18.01 ], [ -70.925, -17.924 ], [ -71.383, -17.708 ], [ -71.342, -17.636 ], [ -71.382, -17.419 ], [ -71.515, -17.265 ], [ -71.819, -17.18 ], [ -71.974, -17.048 ], [ -72.113, -17.027 ], [ -72.123, -16.97 ], [ -72.45, -16.705 ], [ -72.758, -16.636 ], [ -73.112, -16.433 ], [ -73.291, -16.402 ], [ -73.3, -16.349 ], [ -73.414, -16.294 ], [ -73.701, -16.24 ], [ -74.057, -15.961 ], [ -74.285, -15.846 ], [ -74.371, -15.85 ], [ -74.476, -15.726 ], [ -75.141, -15.419 ], [ -75.2, -15.381 ], [ -75.157, -15.338 ], [ -75.252, -15.268 ], [ -75.23, -15.22 ], [ -75.376, -15.161 ], [ -75.509, -14.922 ], [ -75.921, -14.662 ], [ -75.98, -14.483 ], [ -76.151, -14.345 ], [ -76.105, -14.326 ], [ -76.135, -14.245 ], [ -76.222, -14.165 ], [ -76.274, -14.151 ], [ -76.273, -14.211 ], [ -76.296, -14.175 ], [ -76.286, -13.917 ], [ -76.395, -13.908 ], [ -76.332, -13.799 ], [ -76.261, -13.872 ], [ -76.191, -13.607 ], [ -76.206, -13.4 ], [ -76.492, -13.049 ], [ -76.52, -12.871 ], [ -76.641, -12.752 ], [ -76.693, -12.608 ], [ -76.811, -12.512 ], [ -76.784, -12.402 ], [ -76.84, -12.323 ], [ -77.042, -12.215 ], [ -77.072, -12.113 ], [ -77.172, -12.087 ], [ -77.136, -11.984 ], [ -77.201, -11.79 ], [ -77.176, -11.739 ], [ -77.301, -11.521 ], [ -77.663, -11.297 ], [ -77.656, -11.228 ], [ -77.604, -11.205 ], [ -77.671, -10.949 ], [ -78.196, -10.11 ], [ -78.241, -9.793 ], [ -78.378, -9.635 ], [ -78.431, -9.345 ], [ -78.536, -9.274 ], [ -78.507, -9.186 ], [ -78.555, -9.184 ], [ -78.575, -9.248 ], [ -78.621, -9.185 ], [ -78.563, -9.134 ], [ -78.641, -9.076 ], [ -78.654, -8.916 ], [ -78.766, -8.773 ], [ -78.755, -8.616 ], [ -78.934, -8.455 ], [ -78.905, -8.389 ], [ -78.97, -8.252 ], [ -79.359, -7.859 ], [ -79.566, -7.465 ], [ -79.581, -7.322 ], [ -79.678, -7.12 ], [ -79.916, -6.884 ], [ -79.983, -6.743 ], [ -80.298, -6.53 ], [ -80.773, -6.306 ], [ -81.11, -6.057 ], [ -81.144, -5.89 ], [ -81.076, -5.791 ], [ -80.942, -5.848 ], [ -80.866, -5.784 ], [ -80.858, -5.819 ], [ -80.841, -5.841 ], [ -80.848, -5.534 ], [ -80.872, -5.558 ], [ -80.945, -5.432 ], [ -81.191, -5.216 ], [ -81.167, -5.083 ], [ -81.085, -5.081 ], [ -81.072, -5 ] ] ] ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Entendido como virreinato del Perú.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-02T00:44:43+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 54264, "end" : 54269 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Perú," } ] } }, { "@context" : 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-76.471, -13.858 ], [ -76.458, -13.828 ], [ -76.441, -13.848 ], [ -76.455, -13.868 ] ] ], [ [ [ -76.406, -13.75 ], [ -76.406, -13.746 ], [ -76.397, -13.741 ], [ -76.397, -13.746 ], [ -76.406, -13.75 ] ] ], [ [ [ -76.633, -12.805 ], [ -76.634, -12.794 ], [ -76.621, -12.798 ], [ -76.633, -12.805 ] ] ], [ [ [ -76.899, -12.361 ], [ -76.905, -12.355 ], [ -76.901, -12.347 ], [ -76.897, -12.352 ], [ -76.899, -12.361 ] ] ], [ [ [ -76.915, -12.314 ], [ -76.917, -12.312 ], [ -76.909, -12.302 ], [ -76.909, -12.312 ], [ -76.915, -12.314 ] ] ], [ [ [ -77.19, -12.134 ], [ -77.189, -12.125 ], [ -77.185, -12.124 ], [ -77.182, -12.129 ], [ -77.19, -12.134 ] ] ], [ [ [ -77.208, -12.124 ], [ -77.253, -12.095 ], [ -77.254, -12.074 ], [ -77.202, -12.103 ], [ -77.208, -12.124 ] ] ], [ [ [ -77.717, -11.974 ], [ -77.725, -11.969 ], [ -77.724, -11.965 ], [ -77.718, -11.965 ], [ -77.717, -11.974 ] ] ], [ [ [ -77.723, -11.954 ], [ -77.733, -11.953 ], [ -77.734, -11.948 ], [ -77.722, -11.946 ], [ -77.723, -11.954 ] ] ], [ [ [ -77.851, -11.494 ], [ -77.852, -11.486 ], [ -77.844, -11.48 ], [ -77.844, -11.488 ], [ -77.851, -11.494 ] ] ], [ [ [ -81.072, -5 ], [ -81.326, -4.68 ], [ -81.25, -4.27 ], [ -80.837, -3.877 ], [ -80.786, -3.749 ], [ -80.574, -3.628 ], [ -80.501, -3.505 ], [ -80.366, -3.499 ], [ -80.304, -3.405 ], [ -80.219, -3.438 ], [ -80.154, -3.905 ], [ -80.286, -4.018 ], [ -80.398, -3.984 ], [ -80.475, -4.054 ], [ -80.444, -4.194 ], [ -80.305, -4.201 ], [ -80.443, -4.371 ], [ -80.443, -4.437 ], [ -80.335, -4.47 ], [ -80.136, -4.285 ], [ -79.895, -4.394 ], [ -79.812, -4.486 ], [ -79.631, -4.435 ], [ -79.541, -4.528 ], [ -79.482, -4.529 ], [ -79.416, -4.799 ], [ -79.26, -4.967 ], [ -79, -4.979 ], [ -78.881, -4.72 ], [ -78.736, -4.654 ], [ -78.621, -4.497 ], [ -78.627, -4.319 ], [ -78.572, -4.255 ], [ -78.499, -3.949 ], [ -78.377, -3.787 ], [ -78.319, -3.429 ], [ -78.249, -3.429 ], [ -78.232, -3.534 ], [ -78.137, -3.522 ], [ -78.19, -3.354 ], [ -77.824, -2.998 ], [ -76.627, -2.591 ], [ -76.045, -2.128 ], [ -75.538, -1.536 ], [ -75.364, -0.956 ], [ -75.185, -0.971 ], [ -75.28, -0.711 ], [ -75.245, -0.535 ], [ -75.415, -0.424 ], [ -75.449, -0.329 ], [ -75.622, -0.263 ], [ -75.622, -0.109 ], [ -75.304, -0.134 ], [ -75.219, -0.015 ], [ -75.115, -0.039 ], [ -74.904, -0.195 ], [ -74.824, -0.145 ], [ -74.78, -0.214 ], [ -74.801, -0.29 ], [ -74.659, -0.332 ], [ -74.52, -0.479 ], [ -74.425, -0.511 ], [ -74.342, -0.695 ], [ -74.378, -0.745 ], [ -74.258, -0.843 ], [ -74.272, -0.899 ], [ -74.318, -0.9 ], [ -74.266, -1.007 ], [ -74.074, -1.081 ], [ -74.033, -1.028 ], [ -74.013, -1.123 ], [ -73.905, -1.15 ], [ -73.861, -1.25 ], [ -73.777, -1.277 ], [ -73.75, -1.22 ], [ -73.732, -1.267 ], [ -73.624, -1.283 ], [ -73.552, -1.429 ], [ -73.586, -1.445 ], [ -73.539, -1.452 ], [ -73.46, -1.6 ], [ -73.532, -1.733 ], [ -73.314, -1.855 ], [ -73.293, -1.803 ], [ -73.231, -1.823 ], [ -73.222, -1.774 ], [ -73.143, -1.834 ], [ -73.095, -2.113 ], [ -73.059, -2.125 ], [ -73.153, -2.276 ], [ -73.044, -2.4 ], [ -73.021, -2.355 ], [ -72.962, -2.382 ], [ -72.921, -2.5 ], [ -72.769, -2.42 ], [ -72.733, -2.459 ], [ -72.707, -2.416 ], [ -72.67, -2.486 ], [ -72.618, -2.396 ], [ -72.383, -2.416 ], [ -72.346, -2.49 ], [ -72.221, -2.433 ], [ -72.126, -2.468 ], [ -72.035, -2.331 ], [ -71.907, -2.373 ], [ -71.919, -2.312 ], [ -71.861, -2.3 ], [ -71.822, -2.187 ], [ -71.722, -2.128 ], [ -71.707, -2.214 ], [ -71.628, -2.191 ], [ -71.5, -2.245 ], [ -71.484, -2.336 ], [ -71.444, -2.263 ], [ -71.375, -2.398 ], [ -71.284, -2.338 ], [ -71.165, -2.376 ], [ -71.057, -2.264 ], [ -70.986, -2.298 ], [ -70.993, -2.205 ], [ -70.928, -2.245 ], [ -70.857, -2.217 ], [ -70.822, -2.283 ], [ -70.658, -2.351 ], [ -70.608, -2.481 ], [ -70.55, -2.47 ], [ -70.562, -2.415 ], [ -70.418, -2.525 ], [ -70.307, -2.498 ], [ -70.342, -2.573 ], [ -70.246, -2.548 ], [ -70.15, -2.705 ], [ -70.076, -2.662 ], [ -70.034, -2.761 ], [ -70.703, -3.795 ], [ -70.485, -3.885 ], [ -70.295, -3.813 ], [ -70.186, -3.891 ], [ -70.158, -4.021 ], [ -69.948, -4.219 ], [ -69.978, -4.295 ], [ -70.036, -4.339 ], [ -70.076, -4.309 ], [ -70.042, -4.284 ], [ -70.164, -4.268 ], [ -70.19, -4.357 ], [ -70.249, -4.267 ], [ -70.291, -4.283 ], [ -70.317, -4.136 ], [ -70.341, -4.174 ], [ -70.434, -4.125 ], [ -70.503, -4.19 ], [ -70.553, -4.128 ], [ -70.566, -4.205 ], [ -70.565, -4.168 ], [ -70.633, -4.173 ], [ -70.622, -4.121 ], [ -70.677, -4.2 ], [ -70.757, -4.152 ], [ -70.935, -4.381 ], [ -70.99, -4.34 ], [ -71.031, -4.397 ], [ -71.147, -4.375 ], [ -71.193, -4.42 ], [ -71.198, -4.377 ], [ -71.269, -4.381 ], [ -71.303, -4.458 ], [ -71.355, -4.468 ], [ -71.342, -4.423 ], [ -71.432, -4.469 ], [ -71.414, -4.432 ], [ -71.506, -4.435 ], [ -71.49, -4.479 ], [ -71.535, -4.46 ], [ -71.597, -4.525 ], [ -71.61, -4.465 ], [ -71.897, -4.512 ], [ -71.94, -4.607 ], [ -72.047, -4.625 ], [ -72.113, -4.722 ], [ -72.223, -4.78 ], [ -72.313, -4.769 ], [ -72.292, -4.799 ], [ -72.356, -4.803 ], [ -72.37, -4.88 ], [ -72.452, -4.906 ], [ 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inicialmente\nGobernación del Guayrá.\n\nLos límites de la\nregión de Itatín eran: al este la sierra de Amambay, al oeste el río Paraguay,\nal sur el río Apa y al norte el río Tacuarí.\n\nYa desde el s.\nXVIII gran parte del Itatín quedó en poder de Brasil (entonces el Brasil\nportugués) y tras la Guerra de la Triple Alianza toda la región pasó a estar\nbajo el dominio brasileño.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-29T10:39:30+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://www.hgis-indias.net/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=gazetteer:9000266", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-18T20:32:57+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-18T20:32:57+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ -58.240799, -27.27191 ] } } ], "target" 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Su vida estuvo marcada por guerras, conspiraciones, persecuciones\ny conflictos familiares.\n\nJunto a Juan de Salazar, Alonso Riquelme de Guzmán y Diego de Abreu se opuso\nal gobierno asunceno de Domingo Martínez de Irala, apoyando al deportado Álvar\nNúñez Cabeza de Vaca.\n\nGobernó de manera casi absoluta e independiente la antigua provincia\nasuncena del Guayrá, fácticamente durante 20 años, y luego de separarla de Asunción\nen 1575, con el título de teniente de gobernador del Guayrá unos 15 años más.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-18T23:34:53+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 99806, "end" : 99814 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Rui Díaz" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/7aecf84e-5d1b-4469-8b0a-e487923c6e09", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-18T23:30:44+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Alonso Riquelme\nde Guzmán y Ponce de León - nació en Jerez de la Frontera por 1519. Ruy Díaz de\nGuzmán - su padre - le declaró hijo suyo y de Violante Ponce de León, el\n13-VIII-1528, en una escritura de poder general a favor de Juan de Xerez,\nprocurador de Sevilla. Desde su infancia y hasta su primera juventud sirvió de\npaje y luego como secretario de sus presuntos deudos los Duques de Medina\nSidonia, Juan Alonso de Guzmán y Ana de Aragón. Tenía 21 años cuando se alistó\nen la armada de su pariente Alvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca (tío carnal de su\nmadrastra y del mismo linaje de su abuela Catalina de Zurita), y zarpó con rumbo\nal Río de la Plata.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-18T23:31:15+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 49790, "end" : 49798 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Riquelme" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/c60cd383-eaf2-4531-877a-173d0f336c6b", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : 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La exploración y ocupación\n efectiva del terreno delimitarían el espacio de la provincia del Río de\n la Plata al sector atlántico y específicamente, al eje fluvial \nParaná-Plata.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-19T12:28:13+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 75072, "end" : 75087 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Río de la Plata" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/ba110086-7e1d-4b32-8b70-b83840ced219", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://www.hgis-indias.net/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=gazetteer:9001006", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-19T12:28:13+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-19T12:28:13+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ -58.35179869, -33.67232101 ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Refiere a la Provincia del Río de la Plata, un espacio creado a partir \nde las capitulaciones que firmó el primer adelantado Pedro de Mendoza \ncon Carlos I en 1534.La misma limitaba al norte con los territorios \notorgados a Diego de Almagro, ocupando una franja que se extendería \nentre el Mar del Sur y el Mar Océano Austral. La exploración y ocupación\n efectiva del terreno delimitarían el espacio de la provincia del Río de\n la Plata al sector atlántico y específicamente, al eje fluvial \nParaná-Plata.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-19T12:28:13+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 32131, "end" : 32146 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Río de la Plata" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/568153e9-339b-4a53-882e-f5b70b097f7a", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://www.hgis-indias.net/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=gazetteer:9001006", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-19T12:28:13+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-19T12:28:13+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ -58.35179869, -33.67232101 ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Refiere a la Provincia del Río de la Plata, un espacio creado a partir \nde las capitulaciones que firmó el primer adelantado Pedro de Mendoza \ncon Carlos I en 1534.La misma limitaba al norte con los territorios \notorgados a Diego de Almagro, ocupando una franja que se extendería \nentre el Mar del Sur y el Mar Océano Austral. La exploración y ocupación\n efectiva del terreno delimitarían el espacio de la provincia del Río de\n la Plata al sector atlántico y específicamente, al eje fluvial \nParaná-Plata.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-19T12:28:13+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 74048, "end" : 74063 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Río de la Plata" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/a275b819-7b1d-4a73-99c3-c3db951fd102", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://www.hgis-indias.net/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=gazetteer:9001006", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-19T12:28:13+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-19T12:28:13+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ -58.35179869, -33.67232101 ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Refiere a la Provincia del Río de la Plata, un espacio creado a partir \nde las capitulaciones que firmó el primer adelantado Pedro de Mendoza \ncon Carlos I en 1534.La misma limitaba al norte con los territorios \notorgados a Diego de Almagro, ocupando una franja que se extendería \nentre el Mar del Sur y el Mar Océano Austral. La exploración y ocupación\n efectiva del terreno delimitarían el espacio de la provincia del Río de\n la Plata al sector atlántico y específicamente, al eje fluvial \nParaná-Plata.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-19T12:28:13+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 119379, "end" : 119394 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Río de la Plata" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/bd3e1150-c26d-4c6c-a976-2c15e95a5462", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://www.hgis-indias.net/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=gazetteer:9001006", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-19T12:28:13+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-19T12:28:13+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ -58.35179869, -33.67232101 ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Refiere a la Provincia del Río de la Plata, un espacio creado a partir \nde las capitulaciones que firmó el primer adelantado Pedro de Mendoza \ncon Carlos I en 1534.La misma limitaba al norte con los territorios \notorgados a Diego de Almagro, ocupando una franja que se extendería \nentre el Mar del Sur y el Mar Océano Austral. La exploración y ocupación\n efectiva del terreno delimitarían el espacio de la provincia del Río de\n la Plata al sector atlántico y específicamente, al eje fluvial \nParaná-Plata.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-19T12:28:13+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 71352, "end" : 71367 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Río de la Plata" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/66013f0f-21a7-4ab9-92c1-d78cfaeefb26", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://www.hgis-indias.net/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=gazetteer:9001006", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-19T12:28:13+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-19T12:28:13+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ -58.35179869, -33.67232101 ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Refiere a la Provincia del Río de la Plata, un espacio creado a partir \nde las capitulaciones que firmó el primer adelantado Pedro de Mendoza \ncon Carlos I en 1534.La misma limitaba al norte con los territorios \notorgados a Diego de Almagro, ocupando una franja que se extendería \nentre el Mar del Sur y el Mar Océano Austral. La exploración y ocupación\n efectiva del terreno delimitarían el espacio de la provincia del Río de\n la Plata al sector atlántico y específicamente, al eje fluvial \nParaná-Plata.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-19T12:28:13+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 66142, "end" : 66157 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Río de la Plata" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/6e324778-644d-4716-8891-4f3ea7e759f4", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-19T12:51:53+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 75997, "end" : 76005 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Porrilla" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/0e8dadd5-54cc-4adf-8ffc-bcf116cc10c1", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://www.hgis-indias.net/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=gazetteer:9001006", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T20:16:14+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T20:16:14+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ -58.35179869, -33.67232101 ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Refiere a la Provincia del Río de la Plata, un espacio creado a partir de las capitulaciones que firmó el primer adelantado Pedro de Mendoza con Carlos I en 1534.La misma limitaba al norte con los territorios otorgados a Diego de Almagro, ocupando una franja que se extendería entre el Mar del Sur y el Mar Océano Austral. La exploración y ocupación efectiva del terreno delimitarían el espacio de la provincia del Río de la Plata al sector atlántico y específicamente, al eje fluvial Paraná-Plata", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-16T17:49:05+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 517, "end" : 532 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Río de la Plata" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/89c9749d-d5e5-4a95-b8ca-46ef97a07326", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://www.hgis-indias.net/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=gazetteer:9001006", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T20:16:14+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T20:16:14+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ -58.35179869, -33.67232101 ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Refiere a la Provincia del Río de la Plata, un espacio creado a partir de las capitulaciones que firmó el primer adelantado Pedro de Mendoza con Carlos I en 1534.La misma limitaba al norte con los territorios otorgados a Diego de Almagro, ocupando una franja que se extendería entre el Mar del Sur y el Mar Océano Austral. La exploración y ocupación efectiva del terreno delimitarían el espacio de la provincia del Río de la Plata al sector atlántico y específicamente, al eje fluvial Paraná-Plata", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-16T17:49:05+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 45671, "end" : 45686 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Río de la Plata" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/438465f4-566c-493b-8e6c-1a0a5d53453a", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://www.hgis-indias.net/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=gazetteer:9001006", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T20:16:14+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T20:16:14+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ -58.35179869, -33.67232101 ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Refiere a la Provincia del Río de la Plata, un espacio creado a partir de las capitulaciones que firmó el primer adelantado Pedro de Mendoza con Carlos I en 1534.La misma limitaba al norte con los territorios otorgados a Diego de Almagro, ocupando una franja que se extendería entre el Mar del Sur y el Mar Océano Austral. La exploración y ocupación efectiva del terreno delimitarían el espacio de la provincia del Río de la Plata al sector atlántico y específicamente, al eje fluvial Paraná-Plata", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-16T17:49:05+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 115369, "end" : 115384 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Río de la Plata" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/616e891a-f4e1-4027-9115-583e603fcaaf", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://www.hgis-indias.net/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=gazetteer:9001006", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T20:16:14+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T20:16:14+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ -58.35179869, -33.67232101 ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Refiere a la Provincia del Río de la Plata, un espacio creado a partir de las capitulaciones que firmó el primer adelantado Pedro de Mendoza con Carlos I en 1534.La misma limitaba al norte con los territorios otorgados a Diego de Almagro, ocupando una franja que se extendería entre el Mar del Sur y el Mar Océano Austral. La exploración y ocupación efectiva del terreno delimitarían el espacio de la provincia del Río de la Plata al sector atlántico y específicamente, al eje fluvial Paraná-Plata", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-16T17:49:05+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 58602, "end" : 58617 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Río de la Plata" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/f2806fc0-4c76-4755-a3f0-6c071abe7b82", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://www.hgis-indias.net/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=gazetteer:9001006", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T20:16:14+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T20:16:14+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ -58.35179869, -33.67232101 ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Refiere a la Provincia del Río de la Plata, un espacio creado a partir de las capitulaciones que firmó el primer adelantado Pedro de Mendoza con Carlos I en 1534.La misma limitaba al norte con los territorios otorgados a Diego de Almagro, ocupando una franja que se extendería entre el Mar del Sur y el Mar Océano Austral. La exploración y ocupación efectiva del terreno delimitarían el espacio de la provincia del Río de la Plata al sector atlántico y específicamente, al eje fluvial Paraná-Plata", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-16T17:49:05+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 46244, "end" : 46259 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Río de la Plata" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/2f2f0c96-bed6-42eb-9645-0b0cba874251", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T20:18:54+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca (Jerez de la Frontera, 1488/1490 - Sevilla, \n27 de mayo de 1559) fue un descubridor y conquistador español que \nexploró la costa sur de Norteamérica desde la actual Florida pasando por\n Alabama, Misisipi y Luisiana y se adentró en Texas, Nuevo México, \nArizona y en el norte de México hasta llegar al Golfo de California, \nterritorios que pasaron a anexionarse al Imperio Español dentro del \nVirreinato de Nueva España. El rey Carlos I de España le otorgó el \ntítulo de Segundo Adelantado y lo nombró capitán general y gobernador \ndel Río de la Plata, Paranáguazu y sus anexos, fue el primer europeo en \nllegar a las cataratas del Iguazú y que exploró el curso del río \nParaguay.Fue el primer europeo del cual tenemos pruebas documentales \nrespecto de sus exploraciones en la región de las cataratas del Iguazú. \nEstán documentadas numerosas referencias sobre entradas que antiguos \nnáufragos de los barcos de Juan Díaz de Solís (1470-1516) y Rodrigo de \nAcuña habrían realizado en la zona, siendo la más famosa la de Alejo o \nAleixo García.Cabeza de Vaca llegó a la isla de Santa Catalina en 1541 y\n de allí entró en tierra firme con el objetivo de alcanzar la ciudad de \nAsunción del Paraguay. La misma se había convertido en el centro de la \nconquista del Río de la Plata. Si bien los conquistadores viejos de la \nexpedición de Pedro de Mendoza aceptaron sus credenciales cuando entró \nen la ciudad en 1542, las políticas que Cabeza de Vaca intentó instalar \nen la región rápidamente entraron en conflicto con aquellas que \npretendían sostener sus fundadores y primeros conquistadores. La \nsituación se deterioró progresivamente hasta que, después de una \nfracasada entrada al Gran Chaco, Cabeza de Vaca fue encarcelado y luego \nexpulsado de la provincia en 1545.Tras regresar a España, el antiguo \nadelantado debió responder a los procesos que contra él entablaron los \nconquistadores del Río de la Plata y el propio fiscal del rey, que se \nextendieron hasta entrada la década de 1550. Si bien Álvar Núñez no \nlogró recuperar la gobernación del Río de la Plata, tampoco debió \nenfretar las penas que originalmente se le habían impuesto (multas y un \ntemido destierro a Argel). Una clara señal de cierto beneplácito regio \nrespecto de sus acciones en Indias es la reedición, en 1555, de su \nRelación (Zamora, 1542) acompañada de un nuevo libro titulado \nComentarios (valladolid, 1555). Este último constituye la primera obra \nhistoriográfica de largo aliento sobre la conquista del Río de la Plata,\n considerando en particular el período de su \ngobernación.BibliografíaAdorno, Rolena; Pautz, Patrick Charles, Álvar \nNúñez Cabeza de Vaca. His Account, his Life, and the Expedition of \nPánfilo de Narváez, Lincoln y Londres, University of Nebraska Press, \n1999. Tres Tomos.FuentesÁlvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca, La relación que dio \nAlvar Núñez Cabeça de Vaca de lo acaecido en las Indias en la armada \ndonde iua por gobernador Panfhilo de Narváez desde el año veinte y siete\n hasta el año treinta y seis que volvió a Sevilla con tres de su \ncompañía, Zamora, 1542.Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca, La relación y \ncomentarios del Gobernador Álvar Núñez Cabeça de Vaca, de lo acaecido en\n las dos jornadas que hizo a las Indias, Valladolid, 1555.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T20:18:54+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 39873, "end" : 39885 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Álvaro Núñez" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/76300dfa-1cd5-4033-bfb1-1ab1823205fe", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://www.hgis-indias.net/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=gazetteer:3000126", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T20:17:48+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T20:17:48+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ -81.311533, 29.897784 ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "No sé a que lugar exacto refiere", "creator" : 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Pasa cerca de un pueblo, llamado Asiento de la Iglesia. Río del Guayra, muy poblado de indios. Uno de los ríos principales y caudalos del Guayra, y tan abundante de pescado, que los portugueses le dieron también el nombre de Río de los peces. Corre un espacio extenso, y es navegable hasta cerca de su origen; arrojándose al Paraná por una boca de más de sesenta brazas. El nombre de este río no es Ubay, ni tampoco Ivahy; sino Huibaî, que en el idioma guaraní, quiere decir: « río de las cañas bravas», de las que los indios hacen sus flechas, que llaman hui.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T17:38:20+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 7789, "end" : 7793 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Ubuy" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/b9fd3e97-4eab-4533-bd50-ef7bcb6dca07", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", 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-73.211, -6.53 ], [ -73.351, -6.561 ], [ -73.743, -6.897 ], [ -73.797, -7.115 ], [ -73.691, -7.313 ], [ -73.868, -7.377 ], [ -73.954, -7.348 ], [ -73.917, -7.461 ], [ -73.986, -7.537 ], [ -73.69, -7.79 ], [ -73.697, -7.865 ], [ -73.777, -7.869 ], [ -73.765, -7.94 ], [ -73.632, -8.022 ], [ -73.526, -8.369 ], [ -73.338, -8.476 ], [ -73.338, -8.609 ], [ -73.169, -8.701 ], [ -73.059, -8.904 ], [ -72.946, -8.99 ], [ -72.965, -9.154 ], [ -73.196, -9.418 ], [ -72.721, -9.417 ], [ -72.364, -9.491 ], [ -72.289, -9.536 ], [ -72.26, -9.755 ], [ -72.16, -9.818 ], [ -72.165, -10.002 ], [ -71.288, -9.996 ], [ -71.131, -9.862 ], [ -70.982, -9.812 ], [ -70.601, -9.453 ], [ -70.497, -9.433 ], [ -70.561, -9.579 ], [ -70.598, -9.574 ], [ -70.522, -9.738 ], [ -70.622, -9.847 ], [ -70.618, -11.007 ], [ -70.508, -10.94 ], [ -70.337, -11.067 ], [ -69.938, -10.926 ], [ -69.728, -10.973 ], [ -69.568, -10.954 ], [ -68.924, -11.994 ], [ -68.679, -12.497 ], [ -68.764, -12.612 ], [ -68.738, -12.705 ], [ -68.85, 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-79.495, -7.796 ] ] ], [ [ [ -80.699, -6.973 ], [ -80.702, -6.972 ], [ -80.704, -6.961 ], [ -80.696, -6.972 ], [ -80.699, -6.973 ] ] ], [ [ [ -80.698, -6.962 ], [ -80.698, -6.948 ], [ -80.694, -6.956 ], [ -80.698, -6.962 ] ] ], [ [ [ -80.845, -6.472 ], [ -80.868, -6.436 ], [ -80.844, -6.383 ], [ -80.851, -6.407 ], [ -80.845, -6.472 ] ] ], [ [ [ -81.205, -5.216 ], [ -81.211, -5.206 ], [ -81.201, -5.21 ], [ -81.205, -5.216 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.259, -15.273 ], [ -75.269, -15.267 ], [ -75.269, -15.264 ], [ -75.257, -15.264 ], [ -75.259, -15.273 ] ] ], [ [ [ -76.179, -14.318 ], [ -76.219, -14.293 ], [ -76.219, -14.267 ], [ -76.188, -14.28 ], [ -76.179, -14.318 ] ] ], [ [ [ -76.455, -13.868 ], [ -76.471, -13.858 ], [ -76.458, -13.828 ], [ -76.441, -13.848 ], [ -76.455, -13.868 ] ] ], [ [ [ -76.406, -13.75 ], [ -76.406, -13.746 ], [ -76.397, -13.741 ], [ -76.397, -13.746 ], [ -76.406, -13.75 ] ] ], [ [ [ -76.633, -12.805 ], [ -76.634, -12.794 ], [ -76.621, -12.798 ], [ -76.633, -12.805 ] ] ], [ [ [ -76.899, -12.361 ], [ -76.905, -12.355 ], [ -76.901, -12.347 ], [ -76.897, -12.352 ], [ -76.899, -12.361 ] ] ], [ [ [ -76.915, -12.314 ], [ -76.917, -12.312 ], [ -76.909, -12.302 ], [ -76.909, -12.312 ], [ -76.915, -12.314 ] ] ], [ [ [ -77.19, -12.134 ], [ -77.189, -12.125 ], [ -77.185, -12.124 ], [ -77.182, -12.129 ], [ -77.19, -12.134 ] ] ], [ [ [ -77.208, -12.124 ], [ -77.253, -12.095 ], [ -77.254, -12.074 ], [ -77.202, -12.103 ], [ -77.208, -12.124 ] ] ], [ [ [ -77.717, -11.974 ], [ -77.725, -11.969 ], [ -77.724, -11.965 ], [ -77.718, -11.965 ], [ -77.717, -11.974 ] ] ], [ [ [ -77.723, -11.954 ], [ -77.733, -11.953 ], [ -77.734, -11.948 ], [ -77.722, -11.946 ], [ -77.723, -11.954 ] ] ], [ [ [ -77.851, -11.494 ], [ -77.852, -11.486 ], [ -77.844, -11.48 ], [ -77.844, -11.488 ], [ -77.851, -11.494 ] ] ], [ [ [ -81.072, -5 ], [ -81.326, -4.68 ], [ -81.25, -4.27 ], [ -80.837, -3.877 ], [ -80.786, -3.749 ], [ -80.574, -3.628 ], [ -80.501, -3.505 ], [ -80.366, -3.499 ], [ -80.304, -3.405 ], [ -80.219, -3.438 ], [ -80.154, -3.905 ], [ -80.286, -4.018 ], [ -80.398, -3.984 ], [ -80.475, -4.054 ], [ -80.444, -4.194 ], [ -80.305, -4.201 ], [ -80.443, -4.371 ], [ -80.443, -4.437 ], [ -80.335, -4.47 ], [ -80.136, -4.285 ], [ -79.895, -4.394 ], [ -79.812, -4.486 ], [ -79.631, -4.435 ], [ -79.541, -4.528 ], [ -79.482, -4.529 ], [ -79.416, -4.799 ], [ -79.26, -4.967 ], [ -79, -4.979 ], [ -78.881, -4.72 ], [ -78.736, -4.654 ], [ -78.621, -4.497 ], [ -78.627, -4.319 ], [ -78.572, -4.255 ], [ -78.499, -3.949 ], [ -78.377, -3.787 ], [ -78.319, -3.429 ], [ -78.249, -3.429 ], [ -78.232, -3.534 ], [ -78.137, -3.522 ], [ -78.19, -3.354 ], [ -77.824, -2.998 ], [ -76.627, -2.591 ], [ -76.045, -2.128 ], [ -75.538, -1.536 ], [ -75.364, -0.956 ], [ -75.185, -0.971 ], [ -75.28, -0.711 ], [ -75.245, -0.535 ], [ -75.415, -0.424 ], [ -75.449, -0.329 ], [ -75.622, -0.263 ], [ -75.622, -0.109 ], [ -75.304, -0.134 ], [ -75.219, -0.015 ], [ -75.115, -0.039 ], [ -74.904, -0.195 ], [ -74.824, -0.145 ], [ -74.78, -0.214 ], [ -74.801, -0.29 ], [ -74.659, -0.332 ], [ -74.52, -0.479 ], [ -74.425, -0.511 ], [ -74.342, -0.695 ], [ -74.378, -0.745 ], [ -74.258, -0.843 ], [ -74.272, -0.899 ], [ -74.318, -0.9 ], [ -74.266, -1.007 ], [ -74.074, -1.081 ], [ -74.033, -1.028 ], [ -74.013, -1.123 ], [ -73.905, -1.15 ], [ -73.861, -1.25 ], [ -73.777, -1.277 ], [ -73.75, -1.22 ], [ -73.732, -1.267 ], [ -73.624, -1.283 ], [ -73.552, -1.429 ], [ -73.586, -1.445 ], [ -73.539, -1.452 ], [ -73.46, -1.6 ], [ -73.532, -1.733 ], [ -73.314, -1.855 ], [ -73.293, -1.803 ], [ -73.231, -1.823 ], [ -73.222, -1.774 ], [ -73.143, -1.834 ], [ -73.095, -2.113 ], [ -73.059, -2.125 ], [ -73.153, -2.276 ], [ -73.044, -2.4 ], [ -73.021, -2.355 ], [ -72.962, -2.382 ], [ -72.921, -2.5 ], [ -72.769, -2.42 ], [ -72.733, -2.459 ], [ -72.707, -2.416 ], [ -72.67, -2.486 ], [ -72.618, -2.396 ], [ -72.383, -2.416 ], [ -72.346, -2.49 ], [ -72.221, -2.433 ], [ -72.126, -2.468 ], [ -72.035, -2.331 ], [ -71.907, -2.373 ], [ -71.919, -2.312 ], [ -71.861, -2.3 ], [ -71.822, -2.187 ], [ -71.722, -2.128 ], [ -71.707, -2.214 ], [ -71.628, -2.191 ], [ -71.5, -2.245 ], [ -71.484, -2.336 ], [ -71.444, -2.263 ], [ -71.375, -2.398 ], [ -71.284, -2.338 ], [ -71.165, -2.376 ], [ -71.057, -2.264 ], [ -70.986, -2.298 ], [ -70.993, -2.205 ], [ -70.928, -2.245 ], [ -70.857, -2.217 ], [ -70.822, -2.283 ], [ -70.658, -2.351 ], [ -70.608, -2.481 ], [ -70.55, -2.47 ], [ -70.562, -2.415 ], [ -70.418, -2.525 ], [ -70.307, -2.498 ], [ -70.342, -2.573 ], [ -70.246, -2.548 ], [ -70.15, -2.705 ], [ -70.076, -2.662 ], [ -70.034, -2.761 ], [ -70.703, -3.795 ], [ -70.485, -3.885 ], [ -70.295, -3.813 ], [ -70.186, -3.891 ], [ -70.158, -4.021 ], [ -69.948, -4.219 ], [ -69.978, -4.295 ], [ -70.036, -4.339 ], [ -70.076, -4.309 ], [ -70.042, -4.284 ], [ -70.164, -4.268 ], [ -70.19, -4.357 ], [ -70.249, -4.267 ], [ -70.291, -4.283 ], [ -70.317, -4.136 ], [ -70.341, -4.174 ], [ -70.434, -4.125 ], [ -70.503, -4.19 ], [ -70.553, -4.128 ], [ -70.566, -4.205 ], [ -70.565, -4.168 ], [ -70.633, -4.173 ], [ -70.622, -4.121 ], [ -70.677, -4.2 ], [ -70.757, -4.152 ], [ -70.935, -4.381 ], [ -70.99, -4.34 ], [ -71.031, -4.397 ], [ -71.147, -4.375 ], [ -71.193, -4.42 ], [ -71.198, -4.377 ], [ -71.269, -4.381 ], [ -71.303, -4.458 ], [ -71.355, -4.468 ], [ -71.342, -4.423 ], [ -71.432, -4.469 ], [ -71.414, -4.432 ], [ -71.506, -4.435 ], [ -71.49, -4.479 ], [ -71.535, -4.46 ], [ -71.597, -4.525 ], [ -71.61, -4.465 ], [ -71.897, -4.512 ], [ -71.94, -4.607 ], [ -72.047, -4.625 ], [ -72.113, -4.722 ], [ -72.223, -4.78 ], [ -72.313, -4.769 ], [ -72.292, -4.799 ], [ -72.356, -4.803 ], [ -72.37, -4.88 ], [ -72.452, -4.906 ], [ -72.455, -4.962 ], [ -72.577, -4.992 ], [ -72.602, -5.056 ], [ -72.734, -5.043 ], [ -72.896, -5.136 ], [ -72.872, -5.25 ], [ -72.948, -5.454 ], [ -72.951, -5.643 ], [ -73.116, -5.865 ], [ -73.131, -5.986 ], [ -73.185, -6.04 ], [ -73.133, -6.421 ], [ -73.211, -6.53 ], [ -73.351, -6.561 ], [ -73.743, -6.897 ], [ -73.797, -7.115 ], [ -73.691, -7.313 ], [ -73.868, -7.377 ], [ -73.954, -7.348 ], [ -73.917, -7.461 ], [ -73.986, -7.537 ], [ -73.69, -7.79 ], [ -73.697, -7.865 ], [ -73.777, -7.869 ], [ -73.765, -7.94 ], [ -73.632, -8.022 ], [ -73.526, -8.369 ], [ -73.338, -8.476 ], [ -73.338, -8.609 ], [ -73.169, -8.701 ], [ -73.059, -8.904 ], [ -72.946, -8.99 ], [ -72.965, -9.154 ], [ -73.196, -9.418 ], [ -72.721, -9.417 ], [ -72.364, -9.491 ], [ -72.289, -9.536 ], [ -72.26, -9.755 ], [ -72.16, -9.818 ], [ -72.165, -10.002 ], [ -71.288, -9.996 ], [ -71.131, -9.862 ], [ -70.982, -9.812 ], [ -70.601, -9.453 ], [ -70.497, -9.433 ], [ -70.561, -9.579 ], [ -70.598, -9.574 ], [ -70.522, -9.738 ], [ -70.622, -9.847 ], [ -70.618, -11.007 ], [ -70.508, -10.94 ], [ -70.337, -11.067 ], [ -69.938, -10.926 ], [ -69.728, -10.973 ], [ -69.568, -10.954 ], [ -68.924, -11.994 ], [ -68.679, -12.497 ], [ -68.764, -12.612 ], [ -68.738, -12.705 ], [ -68.85, -12.728 ], [ -68.961, -12.852 ], [ -68.942, -13.486 ], [ -68.997, -13.652 ], [ -69.076, -13.654 ], [ -68.988, -13.769 ], [ -68.965, -13.98 ], [ -68.881, -14.065 ], [ -68.841, -14.21 ], [ -68.982, -14.237 ], [ -68.98, -14.387 ], [ -69.152, -14.508 ], [ -69.149, -14.584 ], [ -69.225, -14.584 ], [ -69.244, -14.753 ], [ -69.363, -14.804 ], [ -69.365, -14.98 ], [ -69.126, -15.256 ], [ -69.265, -15.336 ], [ -69.274, -15.421 ], [ -69.414, -15.621 ], [ -69.236, -16.143 ], [ -69.099, -16.219 ], [ -68.963, -16.189 ], [ -68.814, -16.338 ], [ -68.982, -16.433 ], [ -69.032, -16.566 ], [ -69.006, -16.677 ], [ -69.168, -16.731 ], [ -69.392, -17.021 ], [ -69.375, -17.078 ], [ -69.551, -17.162 ], [ -69.641, -17.282 ], [ -69.463, -17.376 ], [ -69.463, -17.508 ], [ -69.662, -17.658 ], [ -69.799, -17.65 ], [ -69.819, -17.747 ], [ -69.753, -17.982 ], [ -69.948, -18.248 ], [ -70.374, -18.35 ], [ -70.879, -18.01 ], [ -70.925, -17.924 ], [ -71.383, -17.708 ], [ -71.342, -17.636 ], [ -71.382, -17.419 ], [ -71.515, -17.265 ], [ -71.819, -17.18 ], [ -71.974, -17.048 ], [ -72.113, -17.027 ], [ -72.123, -16.97 ], [ -72.45, -16.705 ], [ -72.758, -16.636 ], [ -73.112, -16.433 ], [ -73.291, -16.402 ], [ -73.3, -16.349 ], [ -73.414, -16.294 ], [ -73.701, -16.24 ], [ -74.057, -15.961 ], [ -74.285, -15.846 ], [ -74.371, -15.85 ], [ -74.476, -15.726 ], [ -75.141, -15.419 ], [ -75.2, -15.381 ], [ -75.157, -15.338 ], [ -75.252, -15.268 ], [ -75.23, -15.22 ], [ -75.376, -15.161 ], [ -75.509, -14.922 ], [ -75.921, -14.662 ], [ -75.98, -14.483 ], [ -76.151, -14.345 ], [ -76.105, -14.326 ], [ -76.135, -14.245 ], [ -76.222, -14.165 ], [ -76.274, -14.151 ], [ -76.273, -14.211 ], [ -76.296, -14.175 ], [ -76.286, -13.917 ], [ -76.395, -13.908 ], [ -76.332, -13.799 ], [ -76.261, -13.872 ], [ -76.191, -13.607 ], [ -76.206, -13.4 ], [ -76.492, -13.049 ], [ -76.52, -12.871 ], [ -76.641, -12.752 ], [ -76.693, -12.608 ], [ -76.811, -12.512 ], [ -76.784, -12.402 ], [ -76.84, -12.323 ], [ -77.042, -12.215 ], [ -77.072, -12.113 ], [ -77.172, -12.087 ], [ -77.136, -11.984 ], [ -77.201, -11.79 ], [ -77.176, -11.739 ], [ -77.301, -11.521 ], [ -77.663, -11.297 ], [ -77.656, -11.228 ], [ -77.604, -11.205 ], [ -77.671, -10.949 ], [ -78.196, -10.11 ], [ -78.241, -9.793 ], [ -78.378, -9.635 ], [ -78.431, -9.345 ], [ -78.536, -9.274 ], [ -78.507, -9.186 ], [ -78.555, -9.184 ], [ -78.575, -9.248 ], [ -78.621, -9.185 ], [ -78.563, -9.134 ], [ -78.641, -9.076 ], [ -78.654, -8.916 ], [ -78.766, -8.773 ], [ -78.755, -8.616 ], [ -78.934, -8.455 ], [ -78.905, -8.389 ], [ -78.97, -8.252 ], [ -79.359, -7.859 ], [ -79.566, -7.465 ], [ -79.581, -7.322 ], [ -79.678, -7.12 ], [ -79.916, -6.884 ], [ -79.983, -6.743 ], [ -80.298, -6.53 ], [ -80.773, -6.306 ], [ -81.11, -6.057 ], [ -81.144, -5.89 ], [ -81.076, -5.791 ], [ -80.942, -5.848 ], [ -80.866, -5.784 ], [ -80.858, -5.819 ], [ -80.841, -5.841 ], [ -80.848, -5.534 ], [ -80.872, -5.558 ], [ -80.945, -5.432 ], [ -81.191, -5.216 ], [ -81.167, -5.083 ], [ -81.085, -5.081 ], [ -81.072, -5 ] ] ] ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", 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-80.704, -6.961 ], [ -80.696, -6.972 ], [ -80.699, -6.973 ] ] ], [ [ [ -80.698, -6.962 ], [ -80.698, -6.948 ], [ -80.694, -6.956 ], [ -80.698, -6.962 ] ] ], [ [ [ -80.845, -6.472 ], [ -80.868, -6.436 ], [ -80.844, -6.383 ], [ -80.851, -6.407 ], [ -80.845, -6.472 ] ] ], [ [ [ -81.205, -5.216 ], [ -81.211, -5.206 ], [ -81.201, -5.21 ], [ -81.205, -5.216 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.259, -15.273 ], [ -75.269, -15.267 ], [ -75.269, -15.264 ], [ -75.257, -15.264 ], [ -75.259, -15.273 ] ] ], [ [ [ -76.179, -14.318 ], [ -76.219, -14.293 ], [ -76.219, -14.267 ], [ -76.188, -14.28 ], [ -76.179, -14.318 ] ] ], [ [ [ -76.455, -13.868 ], [ -76.471, -13.858 ], [ -76.458, -13.828 ], [ -76.441, -13.848 ], [ -76.455, -13.868 ] ] ], [ [ [ -76.406, -13.75 ], [ -76.406, -13.746 ], [ -76.397, -13.741 ], [ -76.397, -13.746 ], [ -76.406, -13.75 ] ] ], [ [ [ -76.633, -12.805 ], [ -76.634, -12.794 ], [ -76.621, -12.798 ], [ -76.633, -12.805 ] ] ], [ [ [ -76.899, -12.361 ], [ -76.905, -12.355 ], [ -76.901, -12.347 ], [ -76.897, -12.352 ], [ -76.899, -12.361 ] ] ], [ [ [ -76.915, -12.314 ], [ -76.917, -12.312 ], [ -76.909, -12.302 ], [ -76.909, -12.312 ], [ -76.915, -12.314 ] ] ], [ [ [ -77.19, -12.134 ], [ -77.189, -12.125 ], [ -77.185, -12.124 ], [ -77.182, -12.129 ], [ -77.19, -12.134 ] ] ], [ [ [ -77.208, -12.124 ], [ -77.253, -12.095 ], [ -77.254, -12.074 ], [ -77.202, -12.103 ], [ -77.208, -12.124 ] ] ], [ [ [ -77.717, -11.974 ], [ -77.725, -11.969 ], [ -77.724, -11.965 ], [ -77.718, -11.965 ], [ -77.717, -11.974 ] ] ], [ [ [ -77.723, -11.954 ], [ -77.733, -11.953 ], [ -77.734, -11.948 ], [ -77.722, -11.946 ], [ -77.723, -11.954 ] ] ], [ [ [ -77.851, -11.494 ], [ -77.852, -11.486 ], [ -77.844, -11.48 ], [ -77.844, -11.488 ], [ -77.851, -11.494 ] ] ], [ [ [ -81.072, -5 ], [ -81.326, -4.68 ], [ -81.25, -4.27 ], [ -80.837, -3.877 ], [ -80.786, -3.749 ], [ -80.574, -3.628 ], [ -80.501, -3.505 ], [ -80.366, -3.499 ], [ -80.304, -3.405 ], [ -80.219, -3.438 ], [ -80.154, -3.905 ], [ -80.286, -4.018 ], [ -80.398, -3.984 ], [ -80.475, -4.054 ], [ -80.444, -4.194 ], [ -80.305, -4.201 ], [ -80.443, -4.371 ], [ -80.443, -4.437 ], [ -80.335, -4.47 ], [ -80.136, -4.285 ], [ -79.895, -4.394 ], [ -79.812, -4.486 ], [ -79.631, -4.435 ], [ -79.541, -4.528 ], [ -79.482, -4.529 ], [ -79.416, -4.799 ], [ -79.26, -4.967 ], [ -79, -4.979 ], [ -78.881, -4.72 ], [ -78.736, -4.654 ], [ -78.621, -4.497 ], [ -78.627, -4.319 ], [ -78.572, -4.255 ], [ -78.499, -3.949 ], [ -78.377, -3.787 ], [ -78.319, -3.429 ], [ -78.249, -3.429 ], [ -78.232, -3.534 ], [ -78.137, -3.522 ], [ -78.19, -3.354 ], [ -77.824, -2.998 ], [ -76.627, -2.591 ], [ -76.045, -2.128 ], [ -75.538, -1.536 ], [ -75.364, -0.956 ], [ -75.185, -0.971 ], [ -75.28, -0.711 ], [ -75.245, -0.535 ], [ -75.415, -0.424 ], [ -75.449, -0.329 ], [ -75.622, -0.263 ], [ -75.622, -0.109 ], [ -75.304, -0.134 ], [ -75.219, -0.015 ], [ -75.115, -0.039 ], [ -74.904, -0.195 ], [ -74.824, -0.145 ], [ -74.78, -0.214 ], [ -74.801, -0.29 ], [ -74.659, -0.332 ], [ -74.52, -0.479 ], [ -74.425, -0.511 ], [ -74.342, -0.695 ], [ -74.378, -0.745 ], [ -74.258, -0.843 ], [ -74.272, -0.899 ], [ -74.318, -0.9 ], [ -74.266, -1.007 ], [ -74.074, -1.081 ], [ -74.033, -1.028 ], [ -74.013, -1.123 ], [ -73.905, -1.15 ], [ -73.861, -1.25 ], [ -73.777, -1.277 ], [ -73.75, -1.22 ], [ -73.732, -1.267 ], [ -73.624, -1.283 ], [ -73.552, -1.429 ], [ -73.586, -1.445 ], [ -73.539, -1.452 ], [ -73.46, -1.6 ], [ -73.532, -1.733 ], [ -73.314, -1.855 ], [ -73.293, -1.803 ], [ -73.231, -1.823 ], [ -73.222, -1.774 ], [ -73.143, -1.834 ], [ -73.095, -2.113 ], [ -73.059, -2.125 ], [ -73.153, -2.276 ], [ -73.044, -2.4 ], [ -73.021, -2.355 ], [ -72.962, -2.382 ], [ -72.921, -2.5 ], [ -72.769, -2.42 ], [ -72.733, -2.459 ], [ -72.707, -2.416 ], [ -72.67, -2.486 ], [ -72.618, -2.396 ], [ -72.383, -2.416 ], [ -72.346, -2.49 ], [ -72.221, -2.433 ], [ -72.126, -2.468 ], [ -72.035, -2.331 ], [ -71.907, -2.373 ], [ -71.919, -2.312 ], [ -71.861, -2.3 ], [ -71.822, -2.187 ], [ -71.722, -2.128 ], [ -71.707, -2.214 ], [ -71.628, -2.191 ], [ -71.5, -2.245 ], [ -71.484, -2.336 ], [ -71.444, -2.263 ], [ -71.375, -2.398 ], [ -71.284, -2.338 ], [ -71.165, -2.376 ], [ -71.057, -2.264 ], [ -70.986, -2.298 ], [ -70.993, -2.205 ], [ -70.928, -2.245 ], [ -70.857, -2.217 ], [ -70.822, -2.283 ], [ -70.658, -2.351 ], [ -70.608, -2.481 ], [ -70.55, -2.47 ], [ -70.562, -2.415 ], [ -70.418, -2.525 ], [ -70.307, -2.498 ], [ -70.342, -2.573 ], [ -70.246, -2.548 ], [ -70.15, -2.705 ], [ -70.076, -2.662 ], [ -70.034, -2.761 ], [ -70.703, -3.795 ], [ -70.485, -3.885 ], [ -70.295, -3.813 ], [ -70.186, -3.891 ], [ -70.158, -4.021 ], [ -69.948, -4.219 ], [ -69.978, -4.295 ], [ -70.036, -4.339 ], [ -70.076, -4.309 ], [ -70.042, -4.284 ], [ -70.164, -4.268 ], [ -70.19, -4.357 ], [ -70.249, -4.267 ], [ -70.291, -4.283 ], [ -70.317, -4.136 ], [ -70.341, -4.174 ], [ -70.434, -4.125 ], [ -70.503, -4.19 ], [ -70.553, -4.128 ], [ -70.566, -4.205 ], [ -70.565, -4.168 ], [ -70.633, -4.173 ], [ -70.622, -4.121 ], [ -70.677, -4.2 ], [ -70.757, -4.152 ], [ -70.935, -4.381 ], [ -70.99, -4.34 ], [ -71.031, -4.397 ], [ -71.147, -4.375 ], [ -71.193, -4.42 ], [ -71.198, -4.377 ], [ -71.269, -4.381 ], [ -71.303, -4.458 ], [ -71.355, -4.468 ], [ -71.342, -4.423 ], [ -71.432, -4.469 ], [ -71.414, -4.432 ], [ -71.506, -4.435 ], [ -71.49, -4.479 ], [ -71.535, -4.46 ], [ -71.597, -4.525 ], [ -71.61, -4.465 ], [ -71.897, -4.512 ], [ -71.94, -4.607 ], [ -72.047, -4.625 ], [ -72.113, -4.722 ], [ -72.223, -4.78 ], [ -72.313, -4.769 ], [ -72.292, -4.799 ], [ -72.356, -4.803 ], [ -72.37, -4.88 ], [ -72.452, -4.906 ], [ -72.455, -4.962 ], [ -72.577, -4.992 ], [ -72.602, -5.056 ], [ -72.734, -5.043 ], [ -72.896, -5.136 ], [ -72.872, -5.25 ], [ -72.948, -5.454 ], [ -72.951, -5.643 ], [ -73.116, -5.865 ], [ -73.131, -5.986 ], [ -73.185, -6.04 ], [ -73.133, -6.421 ], [ -73.211, -6.53 ], [ -73.351, -6.561 ], [ -73.743, -6.897 ], [ -73.797, -7.115 ], [ -73.691, -7.313 ], [ -73.868, -7.377 ], [ -73.954, -7.348 ], [ -73.917, -7.461 ], [ -73.986, -7.537 ], [ -73.69, -7.79 ], [ -73.697, -7.865 ], [ -73.777, -7.869 ], [ -73.765, -7.94 ], [ -73.632, -8.022 ], [ -73.526, -8.369 ], [ -73.338, -8.476 ], [ -73.338, -8.609 ], [ -73.169, -8.701 ], [ -73.059, -8.904 ], [ -72.946, -8.99 ], [ -72.965, -9.154 ], [ -73.196, -9.418 ], [ -72.721, -9.417 ], [ -72.364, -9.491 ], [ -72.289, -9.536 ], [ -72.26, -9.755 ], [ -72.16, -9.818 ], [ -72.165, -10.002 ], [ -71.288, -9.996 ], [ -71.131, -9.862 ], [ -70.982, -9.812 ], [ -70.601, -9.453 ], [ -70.497, -9.433 ], [ -70.561, -9.579 ], [ -70.598, -9.574 ], [ -70.522, -9.738 ], [ -70.622, -9.847 ], [ -70.618, -11.007 ], [ -70.508, -10.94 ], [ -70.337, -11.067 ], [ -69.938, -10.926 ], [ -69.728, -10.973 ], [ -69.568, -10.954 ], [ -68.924, -11.994 ], [ -68.679, -12.497 ], [ -68.764, -12.612 ], [ -68.738, -12.705 ], [ -68.85, -12.728 ], [ -68.961, -12.852 ], [ -68.942, -13.486 ], [ -68.997, -13.652 ], [ -69.076, -13.654 ], [ -68.988, -13.769 ], [ -68.965, -13.98 ], [ -68.881, -14.065 ], [ -68.841, -14.21 ], [ -68.982, -14.237 ], [ -68.98, -14.387 ], [ -69.152, -14.508 ], [ -69.149, -14.584 ], [ -69.225, -14.584 ], [ -69.244, -14.753 ], [ -69.363, -14.804 ], [ -69.365, -14.98 ], [ -69.126, -15.256 ], [ -69.265, -15.336 ], [ -69.274, -15.421 ], [ -69.414, -15.621 ], [ -69.236, -16.143 ], [ -69.099, -16.219 ], [ -68.963, -16.189 ], [ -68.814, -16.338 ], [ -68.982, -16.433 ], [ -69.032, -16.566 ], [ -69.006, -16.677 ], [ -69.168, -16.731 ], [ -69.392, -17.021 ], [ -69.375, -17.078 ], [ -69.551, -17.162 ], [ -69.641, -17.282 ], [ -69.463, -17.376 ], [ -69.463, -17.508 ], [ -69.662, -17.658 ], [ -69.799, -17.65 ], [ -69.819, -17.747 ], [ -69.753, -17.982 ], [ -69.948, -18.248 ], [ -70.374, -18.35 ], [ -70.879, -18.01 ], [ -70.925, -17.924 ], [ -71.383, -17.708 ], [ -71.342, -17.636 ], [ -71.382, -17.419 ], [ -71.515, -17.265 ], [ -71.819, -17.18 ], [ -71.974, -17.048 ], [ -72.113, -17.027 ], [ -72.123, -16.97 ], [ -72.45, -16.705 ], [ -72.758, -16.636 ], [ -73.112, -16.433 ], [ -73.291, -16.402 ], [ -73.3, -16.349 ], [ -73.414, -16.294 ], [ -73.701, -16.24 ], [ -74.057, -15.961 ], [ -74.285, -15.846 ], [ -74.371, -15.85 ], [ -74.476, -15.726 ], [ -75.141, -15.419 ], [ -75.2, -15.381 ], [ -75.157, -15.338 ], [ -75.252, -15.268 ], [ -75.23, -15.22 ], [ -75.376, -15.161 ], [ -75.509, -14.922 ], [ -75.921, -14.662 ], [ -75.98, -14.483 ], [ -76.151, -14.345 ], [ -76.105, -14.326 ], [ -76.135, -14.245 ], [ -76.222, -14.165 ], [ -76.274, -14.151 ], [ -76.273, -14.211 ], [ -76.296, -14.175 ], [ -76.286, -13.917 ], [ -76.395, -13.908 ], [ -76.332, -13.799 ], [ -76.261, -13.872 ], [ -76.191, -13.607 ], [ -76.206, -13.4 ], [ -76.492, -13.049 ], [ -76.52, -12.871 ], [ -76.641, -12.752 ], [ -76.693, -12.608 ], [ -76.811, -12.512 ], [ -76.784, -12.402 ], [ -76.84, -12.323 ], [ -77.042, -12.215 ], [ -77.072, -12.113 ], [ -77.172, -12.087 ], [ -77.136, -11.984 ], [ -77.201, -11.79 ], [ -77.176, -11.739 ], [ -77.301, -11.521 ], [ -77.663, -11.297 ], [ -77.656, -11.228 ], [ -77.604, -11.205 ], [ -77.671, -10.949 ], [ -78.196, -10.11 ], [ -78.241, -9.793 ], [ -78.378, -9.635 ], [ -78.431, -9.345 ], [ -78.536, -9.274 ], [ -78.507, -9.186 ], [ -78.555, -9.184 ], [ -78.575, -9.248 ], [ -78.621, -9.185 ], [ -78.563, -9.134 ], [ -78.641, -9.076 ], [ -78.654, -8.916 ], [ -78.766, -8.773 ], [ -78.755, -8.616 ], [ -78.934, -8.455 ], [ -78.905, -8.389 ], [ -78.97, -8.252 ], [ -79.359, -7.859 ], [ -79.566, -7.465 ], [ -79.581, -7.322 ], [ -79.678, -7.12 ], [ -79.916, -6.884 ], [ -79.983, -6.743 ], [ -80.298, -6.53 ], [ -80.773, -6.306 ], [ -81.11, -6.057 ], [ -81.144, -5.89 ], [ -81.076, -5.791 ], [ -80.942, -5.848 ], [ -80.866, -5.784 ], [ -80.858, -5.819 ], [ -80.841, -5.841 ], [ -80.848, -5.534 ], [ -80.872, -5.558 ], [ -80.945, -5.432 ], [ -81.191, -5.216 ], [ -81.167, -5.083 ], [ -81.085, -5.081 ], [ -81.072, -5 ] ] ] ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Entendido como virreinato del Perú.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T20:48:20+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 115983, "end" : 115987 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Perú" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/c996a048-909a-43eb-b4e7-93a7337f851f", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-22T18:43:48+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Alonso Riquelme de Guzmán (1519-1573) fue un conquistador oriundo de \nJeréz de la Frontera y sobrino del Segundo Adelantado al Río de la \nPlata, Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca, con quien llegó al Río de la Plata en\n 1541. Fue uno de sus más acérrimos partidarios durante la gobernación \nde Cabeza de Vaca y se convirtió en una de las figuras más prominentes \nde la facción de los \"leales\" una vez que aquel fuera expulsado de la \nprovincia en 1545.Fue forzado por Domigo de Irala a casarse con una de \nsus hijas mestizas, unión de la cual nació Ruy Díaz de \nGuzmán.Bibliografía:Ricardo Lafuente Machaín, Alonso Riquelme de Guzmán,\n Buenos Aires, Amorrurtu, 1942.Tieffemberg, Silvia, \"Estudio \nIntroductorio\", en Díaz de Guzmán, Ruy, Argentina. Historia del \nDescubrimiento y Conquista del Río de la Plata de Ruy Díaz de Guzmán, \nBuenos Aires, Editorial de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras-UBA, \n2012.Fuentes \"Información hecha en Jerez de la Frontera a pedimento de \nCabeza de Vaca para verificar ciertas cartas\", en Núñez Cabeza de Vaca, \nÁlvar, Relación de los Naufragios y Comentarios de Álvar Núñez Cabeza de\n Vaca, adelantado y gobernador del Río de la Plata. Ilustrado con varios\n documentos inéditos. Tomo Segundo, Madrid, Imprenta General de \nVictoriano Suárez, 1906, p. 289 (GGV 52/975; AGI Justicia 1131), 1545.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-22T18:43:48+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 16098, "end" : 16106 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Riquelme" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/e3a9cec7-c57e-413a-bdb3-8a83072e9d04", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-22T18:44:22+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Ruy Díaz de Melgarejo (Salteras\nde Sevilla, 1519 – Santa Fe la Vieja, 1602) fue un militar, conquistador, explorador,\nestadista, minero y burócrata colonial español establecido en la región del Río\nde la Plata. Su vida estuvo marcada por guerras, conspiraciones, persecuciones\ny conflictos familiares.\n\nJunto a Juan de Salazar, Alonso Riquelme de Guzmán y Diego de Abreu se opuso\nal gobierno asunceno de Domingo Martínez de Irala, apoyando al deportado Álvar\nNúñez Cabeza de Vaca.\n\nGobernó de manera casi absoluta e independiente la antigua provincia\nasuncena del Guayrá, fácticamente durante 20 años, y luego de separarla de Asunción\nen 1575, con el título de teniente de gobernador del Guayrá unos 15 años más.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-22T18:44:22+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 16949, "end" : 16958 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Melgarejo" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/66b153b0-5c77-4e3e-9b70-b54e2e65322d", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-22T18:44:22+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Ruy Díaz de Melgarejo (Salteras\nde Sevilla, 1519 – Santa Fe la Vieja, 1602) fue un militar, conquistador, explorador,\nestadista, minero y burócrata colonial español establecido en la región del Río\nde la Plata. Su vida estuvo marcada por guerras, conspiraciones, persecuciones\ny conflictos familiares.\n\nJunto a Juan de Salazar, Alonso Riquelme de Guzmán y Diego de Abreu se opuso\nal gobierno asunceno de Domingo Martínez de Irala, apoyando al deportado Álvar\nNúñez Cabeza de Vaca.\n\nGobernó de manera casi absoluta e independiente la antigua provincia\nasuncena del Guayrá, fácticamente durante 20 años, y luego de separarla de Asunción\nen 1575, con el título de teniente de gobernador del Guayrá unos 15 años más.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-22T18:44:22+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 89513, "end" : 89522 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Melgarejo" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/5a5a0ab5-055e-4196-83fb-a61d127fca93", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-25T17:45:39+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Domingo Martínez de Irala (Vergara de la Hermandad de Guipúzcoa, Corona \nde Castilla, 1509 - Asunción del Paraguay, Virreinato del Perú, 3 de \noctubre de 1556) fue un conquistador, explorador y colonizador español \nque como lugarteniente de Juan de Ayolas quien lo nombrara interinamente\n hasta que regresara como teniente de gobernador de La Candelaria en \n1537, luego lo sería de hecho, y posteriormente elegido por el pueblo \nsegún real cédula, como teniente de gobernador general de Asunción.Ocupó\n tres veces el cargo de gobernador interino del Río de la Plata y del \nParaguay, en los períodos de 1539 a 1542, de 1544 hasta 1548 y por \núltimo desde 1549. El emperador Carlos V lo nombraría definitivamente \ncomo titular en el cargo gubernamental en el año 1555, que lo ostentaría\n hasta su fallecimiento.En 1543 fundó en el Chaco Boreal el Puerto de \nlos Reyes, a orillas del río Paraguay y del pantano de los Jarayes, \nsobre las costas de la laguna La Gaiba. Avellaneda, Mercedes; Perusset, \nMacarena, \"Irala, el primer estratega del Plata\", en Historia Paraguaya.\n Anuario de la Academia Paraguaya de la Historia, vol. XLVI, 2006, pp. \n319-363.Lafuente Machain, Ricardo, El gobernador Domingo de Irala, \nAsunción, Academia Paraguaya de la Historia, 2005 [1939].", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-25T17:46:02+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 119222, "end" : 119227 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Irala" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/c06b3a63-6165-4f4f-a2bd-aa0b18fa8bd9", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-01T19:09:46+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca (Jerez de la Frontera, 1488/1490 - Sevilla, \n27 de mayo de 1559) fue un descubridor y conquistador español que \nexploró la costa sur de Norteamérica desde la actual Florida pasando por\n Alabama, Misisipi y Luisiana y se adentró en Texas, Nuevo México, \nArizona y en el norte de México hasta llegar al Golfo de California, \nterritorios que pasaron a anexionarse al Imperio Español dentro del \nVirreinato de Nueva España. El rey Carlos I de España le otorgó el \ntítulo de Segundo Adelantado y lo nombró capitán general y gobernador \ndel Río de la Plata, Paranáguazu y sus anexos, fue el primer europeo en \nllegar a las cataratas del Iguazú y que exploró el curso del río \nParaguay.Fue el primer europeo del cual tenemos pruebas documentales \nrespecto de sus exploraciones en la región de las cataratas del Iguazú. \nEstán documentadas numerosas referencias sobre entradas que antiguos \nnáufragos de los barcos de Juan Díaz de Solís (1470-1516) y Rodrigo de \nAcuña habrían realizado en la zona, siendo la más famosa la de Alejo o \nAleixo García.Cabeza de Vaca llegó a la isla de Santa Catalina en 1541 y\n de allí entró en tierra firme con el objetivo de alcanzar la ciudad de \nAsunción del Paraguay. La misma se había convertido en el centro de la \nconquista del Río de la Plata. Si bien los conquistadores viejos de la \nexpedición de Pedro de Mendoza aceptaron sus credenciales cuando entró \nen la ciudad en 1542, las políticas que Cabeza de Vaca intentó instalar \nen la región rápidamente entraron en conflicto con aquellas que \npretendían sostener sus fundadores y primeros conquistadores. La \nsituación se deterioró progresivamente hasta que, después de una \nfracasada entrada al Gran Chaco, Cabeza de Vaca fue encarcelado y luego \nexpulsado de la provincia en 1545.Tras regresar a España, el antiguo \nadelantado debió responder a los procesos que contra él entablaron los \nconquistadores del Río de la Plata y el propio fiscal del rey, que se \nextendieron hasta entrada la década de 1550. Si bien Álvar Núñez no \nlogró recuperar la gobernación del Río de la Plata, tampoco debió \nenfretar las penas que originalmente se le habían impuesto (multas y un \ntemido destierro a Argel). Una clara señal de cierto beneplácito regio \nrespecto de sus acciones en Indias es la reedición, en 1555, de su \nRelación (Zamora, 1542) acompañada de un nuevo libro titulado \nComentarios (valladolid, 1555). Este último constituye la primera obra \nhistoriográfica de largo aliento sobre la conquista del Río de la Plata,\n considerando en particular el período de su \ngobernación.BibliografíaAdorno, Rolena; Pautz, Patrick Charles, Álvar \nNúñez Cabeza de Vaca. His Account, his Life, and the Expedition of \nPánfilo de Narváez, Lincoln y Londres, University of Nebraska Press, \n1999. Tres Tomos.FuentesÁlvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca, La relación que dio \nAlvar Núñez Cabeça de Vaca de lo acaecido en las Indias en la armada \ndonde iua por gobernador Panfhilo de Narváez desde el año veinte y siete\n hasta el año treinta y seis que volvió a Sevilla con tres de su \ncompañía, Zamora, 1542.Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca, La relación y \ncomentarios del Gobernador Álvar Núñez Cabeça de Vaca, de lo acaecido en\n las dos jornadas que hizo a las Indias, Valladolid, 1555.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-25T17:54:41+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 116896, "end" : 116910 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Cabeza de Vaca" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/b37d2e25-5a32-4700-a328-f025930677f3", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PLACE", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-25T17:59:19+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "El fuerte Sancti Spiritus fue el primer asentamiento español levantado \nen el actual territorio argentino. Fue fundado por el navegante \nveneciano Sebastián Gaboto (1484-1557) el 9 de junio de 1527, a orillas \ndel río Carcarañá.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-25T17:59:19+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 43144, "end" : 43159 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Sancti Spiritus" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/4a4d959e-f83b-4d76-b2df-1c882680bfdc", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-25T17:58:45+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 42668, "end" : 42675 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Salazar" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/7da5f208-ca63-41a1-91d0-48a666129d5a", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-25T17:58:45+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 120380, "end" : 120387 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Salazar" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/b93bf849-24eb-4d54-88ea-cd8169bfef65", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PLACE", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-01T15:06:22+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Río del Estero. Sale de la Cordillera Nevada; corre por los llanos, y se sume en ellos, dejando pantanos, y lagunas. Es el mismo río que pasa cerca de la ciudad de Tucumán, y al que se da más comúnmente el nombre de Río Dulce. Baja de la cordillera de Aconquija, que divide la Jurisdicción de Tucumán de la de Salta. Las lagunas, de que habla el autor, son las de los Porongos, que cubren más de 16 leguas de superficie.Actualmente se denomina Río Dulcehttps://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=-28.791733&mlon=-63.358869", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-01T15:06:22+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 47381, "end" : 47395 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Río del Estero" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/3f4c3e9a-9aad-4eb3-a804-bb5de2cbf56d", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PLACE", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-25T18:03:47+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 79719, "end" : 79729 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Cordillera" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/70076ca1-0153-442e-ba82-350f2cfe5628", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PLACE", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-25T18:10:04+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Yungulo. Provincia al sud de Córdoba, y según decían los indios, muy rica de plata y oro, conocida también por la Noticia de los Césares. Lo mismo decimos de yungulo, cuya significación ignramos, aunque sea fácil entender que se habla de un paraje hacia las Pampas.]", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-04T16:16:36+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 47986, "end" : 47993 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Yungulo" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/e7254c68-b6fd-4252-bbcd-f4936f121bd4", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-25T18:14:44+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 51966, "end" : 51973 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Mendoza" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/631f22f8-3fbd-4ef2-8b8a-d4ac9b28592e", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-25T18:15:07+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 52584, "end" : 52591 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Vergara" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/1651233f-77db-4ff0-8a7d-26cc420917d1", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-04T16:54:26+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Perabazanes. Indios Xarayes, del lado de Xerez. Indios del Perú: gente de más policía. Las mujeres se labran el cuerpo y el rostro con agujas; son blancas, y las pinturas que se hacen son negras y azules. Viven en casas muy abrigadas, redondas y cerradas a modo de campanas. Algunos de sus pueblos tienen hasta 60000 casas. El origen que se atribuye a estos indios parece justificado por el uso de picarse el cuerpo, ignorado por los Guaranís, que solo acostumbran pintarse superficialmente. La inmediación en que estaba la parte septentrional del territorio del Paraguay a las fronteras del Perú, puede haber facilitado la emigración de estos pueblos, que la férvida imaginación de los conquistadores transformó después en descendientes de los Incas. Esta indicación está de acuerdo con los límites que el autor de esta historia asigna a la nación guaraní. No deja de ser singular la correspondencia de la forma de sus habitaciones con las de los indios del Paria, de que habla Vespucio en la relación de su primer viaje: «Las habitaciones son comunes a todos, dice este, célebre viajero, y las casas construidas a manera de campanas». El nombre de Perabazanes, que dieron los Guaranís al país ha bitado por estos indios, indica la dificultad de comunicar con ellos: porque pê, es torcido, rá, señal, baafirmación, ça, ver: esto es «asoman los rastros extraviados».", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-04T16:54:26+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "tribe", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-25T18:23:47+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 57012, "end" : 57023 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Perabazanes" } ] } }, { "@context" : 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Sus \nactuaciones incluyen haber mediado entre Domingo de Irala y Ruiz Galán \nen 1537 y 1539, participado en la represión del levantamiento de cacique\n guarambarense Aracaré y ser parte de la facción de Domingo de Irala \ncontra la de Cabeza de Vaca en 1545. De hecho, sirvió como teniente de \ngobernador bajo su administración cuando Irala condujo una entrada al \nChaco en 1547. En esta circunstancia, los partidarios de Cabeza de Vaca \nrecusaron su nombramiento y tras haber instaurado a Diego de Abreu como \ngobernador, ejecutaron a Mendoza.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-25T18:36:17+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 76053, "end" : 76073 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Francisco de Mendoza" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/b1d57829-72c8-4bd3-bccb-7c601b83dcdc", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-01T12:51:38+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Don Francisco de Mendoza (n. 1515-1547), capitán de la caballería. 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En esta circunstancia, los partidarios de Cabeza de Vaca \nrecusaron su nombramiento y tras haber instaurado a Diego de Abreu como \ngobernador, ejecutaron a Mendoza.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-25T18:36:17+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 65838, "end" : 65858 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Francisco de Mendoza" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/b015d827-0cfc-4555-ab50-e665717d9229", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-01T12:51:38+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Don Francisco de Mendoza (n. 1515-1547), capitán de la caballería. 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En esta circunstancia, los partidarios de Cabeza de Vaca \nrecusaron su nombramiento y tras haber instaurado a Diego de Abreu como \ngobernador, ejecutaron a Mendoza.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-25T18:36:17+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 55923, "end" : 55943 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Francisco de Mendoza" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/8b868fd6-f561-40f3-8e61-ea4631b4a04a", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-01T12:51:38+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Don Francisco de Mendoza (n. 1515-1547), capitán de la caballería. Sus \nactuaciones incluyen haber mediado entre Domingo de Irala y Ruiz Galán \nen 1537 y 1539, participado en la represión del levantamiento de cacique\n guarambarense Aracaré y ser parte de la facción de Domingo de Irala \ncontra la de Cabeza de Vaca en 1545. De hecho, sirvió como teniente de \ngobernador bajo su administración cuando Irala condujo una entrada al \nChaco en 1547. En esta circunstancia, los partidarios de Cabeza de Vaca \nrecusaron su nombramiento y tras haber instaurado a Diego de Abreu como \ngobernador, ejecutaron a Mendoza.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-25T18:36:17+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 47132, "end" : 47152 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Francisco de Mendoza" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/6f7c025e-7d98-487e-aff5-77332e5242d4", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-01T12:51:38+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Don Francisco de Mendoza (n. 1515-1547), capitán de la caballería. Sus \nactuaciones incluyen haber mediado entre Domingo de Irala y Ruiz Galán \nen 1537 y 1539, participado en la represión del levantamiento de cacique\n guarambarense Aracaré y ser parte de la facción de Domingo de Irala \ncontra la de Cabeza de Vaca en 1545. De hecho, sirvió como teniente de \ngobernador bajo su administración cuando Irala condujo una entrada al \nChaco en 1547. En esta circunstancia, los partidarios de Cabeza de Vaca \nrecusaron su nombramiento y tras haber instaurado a Diego de Abreu como \ngobernador, ejecutaron a Mendoza.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-25T18:36:17+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 33214, "end" : 33234 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Francisco de Mendoza" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/6c73b5ef-2428-4e60-8bda-1187bc97abc6", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", 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-48.952 ], [ -75.475, -49.079 ], [ -75.687, -49.037 ], [ -75.615, -48.984 ], [ -75.551, -49.011 ], [ -75.461, -48.976 ], [ -75.482, -48.945 ], [ -75.537, -48.999 ], [ -75.653, -48.971 ], [ -75.654, -48.898 ], [ -75.592, -48.851 ], [ -75.562, -48.89 ], [ -75.554, -48.831 ], [ -75.517, -48.878 ], [ -75.536, -48.828 ], [ -75.437, -48.841 ], [ -75.541, -48.923 ], [ -75.401, -48.833 ], [ -75.389, -48.921 ], [ -75.323, -48.936 ], [ -75.369, -48.844 ], [ -75.263, -48.88 ], [ -75.233, -49.016 ], [ -75.172, -49.029 ], [ -75.366, -49.184 ], [ -75.382, -49.146 ], [ -75.457, -49.153 ], [ -75.437, -49.249 ] ], [ [ -75.382, -49.146 ], [ -75.361, -49.109 ], [ -75.364, -49.11 ], [ -75.382, -49.146 ] ], [ [ -75.361, -49.109 ], [ -75.332, -49.104 ], [ -75.346, -49.085 ], [ -75.361, -49.109 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.087, -45.791 ], [ -74.035, -45.74 ], [ -73.875, -45.752 ], [ -73.958, -45.792 ], [ -73.934, -45.871 ], [ -73.998, -45.937 ], [ -74.003, -45.85 ], [ -74.034, -45.859 ], [ -74.087, -45.791 ] ], [ [ -74.033, -45.838 ], [ -74.032, -45.838 ], [ -74.032, -45.815 ], [ -74.033, -45.838 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.455, -44.648 ], [ -73.389, -44.57 ], [ -73.355, -44.64 ], [ -73.313, -44.606 ], [ -73.214, -44.639 ], [ -73.281, -44.546 ], [ -73.128, -44.588 ], [ -73.121, -44.55 ], [ -73.253, -44.498 ], [ -73.248, -44.439 ], [ -73.16, -44.404 ], [ -73.102, -44.462 ], [ -73.093, -44.377 ], [ -72.975, -44.368 ], [ -72.905, -44.43 ], [ -72.984, -44.58 ], [ -72.867, -44.431 ], [ -72.687, -44.532 ], [ -72.807, -44.65 ], [ -72.97, -44.587 ], [ -72.962, -44.632 ], [ -72.796, -44.673 ], [ -72.818, -44.732 ], [ -73.212, -44.94 ], [ -73.396, -44.823 ], [ -73.163, -44.81 ], [ -73.265, -44.783 ], [ -73.261, -44.746 ], [ -73.36, -44.805 ], [ -73.393, -44.765 ], [ -73.351, -44.739 ], [ -73.432, -44.737 ], [ -73.455, -44.648 ] ], [ [ -73.076, -44.418 ], [ -73.074, -44.419 ], [ -73.073, -44.418 ], [ -73.076, -44.418 ] ], [ [ -73.074, -44.419 ], [ -73.038, -44.485 ], [ -73.001, -44.496 ], [ -73.04, -44.42 ], [ -73.074, -44.419 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.085, -50.809 ], [ -74.126, -50.772 ], [ -74.061, -50.704 ], [ -74.131, -50.698 ], [ -74.139, -50.76 ], [ -74.23, -50.616 ], [ -74.162, -50.562 ], [ -74.088, -50.593 ], [ -74.134, -50.555 ], [ -74.233, -50.565 ], [ -74.302, -50.475 ], [ -74.185, -50.474 ], [ -74.153, -50.544 ], [ -74.109, -50.516 ], [ -74.166, -50.492 ], [ -74, -50.541 ], [ -73.989, -50.572 ], [ -73.867, -50.565 ], [ -74.146, -50.444 ], [ -73.999, -50.379 ], [ -74.256, -50.453 ], [ -74.331, -50.411 ], [ -74.292, -50.358 ], [ -74.152, -50.347 ], [ -74.264, -50.327 ], [ -74.208, -50.296 ], [ -74.28, -50.318 ], [ -74.293, -50.253 ], [ -74.334, -50.39 ], [ -74.374, -50.381 ], [ -74.434, -50.377 ], [ -74.437, -50.395 ], [ -74.472, -50.352 ], [ -74.423, -50.323 ], [ -74.55, -50.303 ], [ -74.492, -50.301 ], [ -74.453, -50.241 ], [ -74.519, -50.28 ], [ -74.633, -50.242 ], [ -74.573, -50.181 ], [ -74.654, -50.253 ], [ -74.719, -50.24 ], [ -74.604, -50.123 ], [ -74.52, -50.113 ], [ -74.536, -50.167 ], [ -74.475, -50.135 ], [ -74.516, -50.089 ], [ -74.458, -50.12 ], [ -74.406, -50.095 ], [ -74.484, -50.074 ], [ -74.609, -50.108 ], [ -74.439, -50.023 ], [ -74.368, -50.058 ], [ -74.374, -50.103 ], [ -74.26, -50.137 ], [ -74.349, -50.198 ], [ -74.251, -50.161 ], [ -74.167, -50.293 ], [ -74.095, -50.23 ], [ -73.996, -50.287 ], [ -73.854, -50.301 ], [ -73.978, -50.274 ], [ -74.015, -50.219 ], [ -74.158, -50.218 ], [ -74.238, -50.07 ], [ -74.293, -50.077 ], [ -74.355, -49.998 ], [ -74.315, -49.924 ], [ -74.298, -49.967 ], [ -74.21, -49.939 ], [ -74.033, -50.052 ], [ -73.901, -50.032 ], [ -73.853, -50.075 ], [ -73.875, -50.024 ], [ -74.019, -50 ], [ -73.949, -49.936 ], [ -73.812, -49.924 ], [ -73.903, -49.918 ], [ -73.841, -49.835 ], [ -74.027, -49.984 ], [ -74.159, -49.894 ], [ -74.312, -49.883 ], [ -74.34, -49.789 ], [ -74.289, -49.806 ], [ -74.175, -49.741 ], [ -74.033, -49.763 ], [ -74.033, -49.705 ], [ -74.282, -49.755 ], [ -74.309, -49.715 ], [ -74.303, -49.617 ], [ -74.084, -49.538 ], [ -74.002, -49.558 ], [ -74.043, -49.645 ], [ -73.98, -49.563 ], [ -73.907, -49.561 ], [ -73.879, -49.654 ], [ -73.782, -49.678 ], [ -73.698, -49.802 ], [ -73.661, -49.725 ], [ -73.844, -49.649 ], [ -73.861, -49.536 ], [ -74.098, -49.501 ], [ -74.072, -49.275 ], [ -74.011, -49.268 ], [ -73.964, -49.324 ], [ -73.831, -49.357 ], [ -73.812, -49.401 ], [ -73.817, -49.346 ], [ -73.951, -49.314 ], [ -74.012, -49.251 ], [ -73.945, -49.168 ], [ -74.017, -49.086 ], [ -74.011, -49.152 ], [ -74.107, -49.256 ], [ -74.191, -49.211 ], [ -74.131, -49.271 ], [ -74.176, -49.533 ], [ -74.267, -49.501 ], [ -74.26, -49.561 ], [ -74.391, -49.618 ], [ -74.435, -49.484 ], [ -74.415, -49.39 ], [ -74.386, -49.406 ], [ -74.392, -49.188 ], [ -74.334, -49.192 ], [ -74.408, -49.066 ], [ -74.437, -49.122 ], [ -74.397, -49.293 ], [ -74.447, -49.471 ], [ -74.545, -49.501 ], [ -74.45, -49.525 ], [ -74.446, -49.599 ], [ -74.508, -49.604 ], [ -74.507, -49.664 ], [ -74.558, -49.672 ], [ -74.497, -49.67 ], [ -74.505, -49.629 ], [ -74.454, -49.609 ], [ -74.386, -49.652 ], [ -74.375, -49.753 ], [ -74.477, -49.733 ], [ -74.387, -49.771 ], [ -74.388, -49.897 ], [ -74.459, -49.835 ], [ -74.42, -49.919 ], [ -74.484, -49.965 ], [ -74.6, -49.869 ], [ -74.497, -49.977 ], [ -74.614, -50.052 ], [ -74.608, -50.02 ], [ -74.667, -50.032 ], [ -74.614, -49.986 ], [ -74.784, -50.045 ], [ -74.856, -49.987 ], [ -74.796, -49.942 ], [ -74.672, -49.905 ], [ -74.598, -49.939 ], [ -74.685, -49.892 ], [ -74.816, -49.938 ], [ -74.838, -49.964 ], [ -74.886, -49.934 ], [ -74.844, -49.87 ], [ -74.886, -49.832 ], [ -74.75, -49.874 ], [ -74.592, -49.785 ], [ -74.809, -49.833 ], [ -74.696, -49.715 ], [ -74.819, -49.803 ], [ -74.861, -49.774 ], [ -74.834, -49.716 ], [ -74.894, -49.673 ], [ -74.791, -49.673 ], [ -74.868, -49.635 ], [ -74.861, -49.597 ], [ -74.74, -49.628 ], [ -74.659, -49.623 ], [ -74.759, -49.614 ], [ -74.718, -49.576 ], [ -74.716, -49.547 ], [ -74.777, -49.604 ], [ -74.865, -49.543 ], [ -74.747, -49.463 ], [ -74.694, -49.511 ], [ -74.739, -49.445 ], [ -74.601, -49.427 ], [ -74.694, -49.413 ], [ -74.58, -49.301 ], [ -74.704, -49.395 ], [ -74.791, -49.35 ], [ -74.718, -49.41 ], [ -74.849, -49.5 ], [ -74.858, -49.391 ], [ -74.906, -49.537 ], [ -74.933, -49.446 ], [ -74.888, -49.412 ], [ -74.946, -49.423 ], [ -74.949, -49.488 ], [ -75.018, -49.455 ], [ -75.071, -49.485 ], [ -74.957, -49.5 ], [ -74.952, -49.536 ], [ -74.99, -49.519 ], [ -74.913, -49.623 ], [ -74.984, -49.73 ], [ -74.99, -49.789 ], [ -74.954, -49.71 ], [ -74.899, -49.746 ], [ -74.988, -49.857 ], [ -74.953, -49.861 ], [ -74.973, -49.896 ], [ -75.031, -49.902 ], [ -74.994, -49.811 ], [ -75.036, -49.861 ], [ -75.104, -49.851 ], [ -75.145, -49.775 ], [ -75.1, -49.749 ], [ -75.164, -49.757 ], [ -75.203, -49.692 ], [ -75.173, -49.675 ], [ -75.234, -49.665 ], [ -75.114, -49.647 ], [ -75.206, -49.641 ], [ -75.129, -49.582 ], [ -75.224, -49.639 ], [ -75.202, -49.616 ], [ -75.277, -49.611 ], [ -75.125, -49.508 ], [ -75.234, -49.562 ], [ -75.288, -49.541 ], [ -75.173, -49.486 ], [ -75.216, -49.485 ], [ -75.198, -49.444 ], [ -75.302, -49.521 ], [ -75.33, -49.476 ], [ -75.282, -49.428 ], [ -75.378, -49.495 ], [ -75.299, -49.388 ], [ -75.398, -49.448 ], [ -75.445, -49.279 ], [ -75.319, -49.266 ], [ -75.412, -49.334 ], [ -75.32, -49.286 ], [ -75.242, -49.407 ], [ -75.109, -49.483 ], [ -75.186, -49.422 ], [ -74.943, -49.407 ], [ -75.196, -49.415 ], [ -75.126, -49.397 ], [ -75.232, -49.38 ], [ -75.269, -49.323 ], [ -75.187, -49.33 ], [ -75.275, -49.313 ], [ -75.301, -49.27 ], [ -75.241, -49.276 ], [ -75.303, -49.256 ], [ -75.226, -49.237 ], [ -75.219, -49.191 ], [ -74.972, -49.294 ], [ -75.076, -49.181 ], [ -74.981, -49.182 ], [ -75.208, -49.172 ], [ -75.093, -49.14 ], [ -75.127, -49.111 ], [ -75.23, -49.159 ], [ -75.132, -49.032 ], [ -75.052, -49.064 ], [ -75.105, -49.014 ], [ -74.969, -49.088 ], [ -74.969, -49.034 ], [ -75.077, -48.975 ], [ -75.206, -49.005 ], [ -75.247, -48.889 ], [ -75.219, -48.897 ], [ -75.184, -48.846 ], [ -75.263, -48.866 ], [ -75.348, -48.794 ], [ -75.322, -48.771 ], [ -75.092, -48.867 ], [ -75.061, -48.922 ], [ -75.174, -48.909 ], [ -75.155, -48.94 ], [ -74.987, -48.974 ], [ -74.862, -49.091 ], [ -74.916, -49.172 ], [ -74.862, -49.147 ], [ -74.893, -49.297 ], [ -74.855, -49.367 ], [ -74.856, -49.219 ], [ -74.785, -49.231 ], [ -74.855, -49.185 ], [ -74.822, -49.156 ], [ -74.75, -49.193 ], [ -74.819, -49.117 ], [ -74.733, -49.082 ], [ -74.912, -48.995 ], [ -74.816, -48.946 ], [ -74.77, -49.009 ], [ -74.722, -49.021 ], [ -74.789, -48.975 ], [ -74.788, -48.916 ], [ -74.953, -48.969 ], [ -74.889, -48.935 ], [ -74.966, -48.931 ], [ -74.842, -48.88 ], [ -74.998, -48.894 ], [ -74.816, -48.802 ], [ -74.992, -48.867 ], [ -75.037, -48.819 ], [ -75.014, -48.771 ], [ -74.924, -48.807 ], [ -74.915, -48.751 ], [ -74.99, -48.762 ], [ -74.79, -48.67 ], [ -74.773, -48.708 ], [ -74.826, -48.744 ], [ -74.753, -48.819 ], [ -74.776, -48.677 ], [ -74.695, -48.671 ], [ -74.717, -48.636 ], [ -74.8, -48.652 ], [ -74.905, -48.722 ], [ -75.001, -48.741 ], [ -74.994, -48.671 ], [ -74.878, -48.693 ], [ -74.978, -48.657 ], [ -74.99, -48.623 ], [ -74.961, -48.645 ], [ -74.831, -48.644 ], [ -75.007, -48.601 ], [ -75.022, -48.506 ], [ -74.816, -48.402 ], [ -74.818, -48.53 ], [ -74.788, -48.472 ], [ -74.756, -48.56 ], [ -74.706, -48.463 ], [ -74.777, -48.414 ], [ -74.813, -48.307 ], [ -74.735, -48.134 ], [ -74.678, -48.19 ], [ -74.736, -48.208 ], [ -74.697, -48.221 ], [ -74.714, -48.273 ], [ -74.653, -48.251 ], [ -74.672, -48.301 ], [ -74.586, -48.398 ], [ -74.684, -48.426 ], [ -74.595, -48.476 ], [ -74.61, -48.603 ], [ -74.523, -48.641 ], [ -74.519, -48.575 ], [ -74.472, -48.64 ], [ -74.596, -48.711 ], [ -74.628, -48.841 ], [ -74.565, -48.719 ], [ -74.488, -48.699 ], [ -74.486, -48.854 ], [ -74.578, -48.933 ], [ -74.477, -48.872 ], [ -74.42, -48.94 ], [ -74.527, -49.01 ], [ -74.412, -49.013 ], [ -74.409, -48.944 ], [ -74.327, -48.949 ], [ -74.446, -48.884 ], [ -74.365, -48.877 ], [ -74.442, -48.852 ], [ -74.384, -48.724 ], [ -74.221, -48.855 ], [ -74.196, -48.835 ], [ -74.318, -48.751 ], [ -74.195, -48.719 ], [ -74.057, -48.749 ], [ -74.134, -48.707 ], [ -74.29, -48.736 ], [ -74.308, -48.694 ], [ -74.221, -48.657 ], [ -74.355, -48.69 ], [ -74.4, -48.618 ], [ -74.361, -48.577 ], [ -74.225, -48.556 ], [ -74.271, -48.526 ], [ -74.192, -48.483 ], [ -73.967, -48.608 ], [ -74.041, -48.536 ], [ -74.028, -48.452 ], [ -73.881, -48.432 ], [ -74.019, -48.422 ], [ -74.144, -48.362 ], [ -74.241, -48.355 ], [ -73.954, -48.326 ], [ -74.273, -48.344 ], [ -74.239, -48.299 ], [ -74.303, -48.219 ], [ -74.434, -48.191 ], [ -74.513, -48.104 ], [ -74.403, -48.014 ], [ -74.599, -48.102 ], [ -74.646, -48.071 ], [ -74.632, -47.994 ], [ -74.53, -47.942 ], [ -74.332, -48.016 ], [ -74.386, -48.015 ], [ -74.257, -48.16 ], [ -74.261, -48.266 ], [ -74.238, -48.197 ], [ -74.187, -48.252 ], [ -74.144, -48.229 ], [ -74.224, -48.192 ], [ -74.297, -48.014 ], [ -74.189, -48.001 ], [ -74.156, -48.085 ], [ -74.179, -48.001 ], [ -74.105, -47.984 ], [ -74.041, -48.05 ], [ -73.898, -48.035 ], [ -73.872, -48.124 ], [ -73.762, -48.04 ], [ -73.805, -48.117 ], [ -73.789, -48.162 ], [ -73.743, -48.1 ], [ -73.593, -48.151 ], [ -73.639, -48.266 ], [ -73.584, -48.214 ], [ -73.529, -48.254 ], [ -73.487, -48.185 ], [ -73.4, -48.22 ], [ -73.275, -48.161 ], [ -73.263, -48.035 ], [ -73.293, -48.144 ], [ -73.364, -48.19 ], [ -73.589, -48.04 ], [ -73.525, -48.001 ], [ -73.639, -48.012 ], [ -73.647, -47.888 ], [ -73.541, -47.885 ], [ -73.607, -47.841 ], [ -73.585, -47.807 ], [ -73.711, -47.775 ], [ -73.73, -47.696 ], [ -73.671, -47.644 ], [ -73.723, -47.566 ], [ -73.748, -47.784 ], [ -73.924, -47.842 ], [ -74.034, -47.791 ], [ -74.361, -47.788 ], [ -74.381, -47.74 ], [ -74.515, -47.787 ], [ -74.717, -47.728 ], [ -74.633, -47.584 ], [ -74.535, -47.521 ], [ -74.401, -47.55 ], [ -74.431, -47.676 ], [ -74.144, -47.602 ], [ -74.316, -47.591 ], [ -74.452, -47.482 ], [ -74.428, -47.426 ], [ -74.478, -47.468 ], [ -74.515, -47.42 ], [ -74.304, -47.203 ], [ -74.138, -47.213 ], [ -74.03, -47.164 ], [ -74.051, -47.13 ], [ -74.121, -47.177 ], [ -74.223, -47.153 ], [ -74.179, -47.014 ], [ -73.999, -46.974 ], [ -74.103, -46.99 ], [ -74.309, -46.802 ], [ -74.233, -46.811 ], [ -74.267, -46.756 ], [ -74.641, -46.804 ], [ -74.419, -46.859 ], [ -74.434, -46.887 ], [ -74.369, -46.866 ], [ -74.387, -46.903 ], [ -74.672, -46.885 ], [ -74.79, -46.789 ], [ -74.834, -46.817 ], [ -74.983, -46.76 ], [ -75.051, -46.687 ], [ -75.069, -46.618 ], [ -74.937, -46.513 ], [ -74.974, -46.5 ], [ -75.181, -46.627 ], [ -75.325, -46.618 ], [ -75.361, -46.66 ], [ -75.394, -46.61 ], [ -75.516, -46.655 ], [ -75.536, -46.687 ], [ -75.482, -46.716 ], [ -75.364, -46.714 ], [ -75.419, -46.744 ], [ -75.303, -46.855 ], [ -75.368, -46.928 ], [ -75.55, -46.94 ], [ -75.633, -46.808 ], [ -75.687, -46.801 ], [ -75.691, -46.718 ], [ -75.623, -46.561 ], [ -75.534, -46.578 ], [ -75.486, -46.542 ], [ -75.519, -46.505 ], [ -75.337, -46.483 ], [ -75.364, -46.423 ], [ -75.2, -46.363 ], [ -75.196, -46.298 ], [ -75.133, -46.328 ], [ -75.05, -46.217 ], [ -74.932, -46.239 ], [ -74.89, -46.183 ], [ -74.886, -46.152 ], [ -74.738, -46.185 ], [ -74.79, -46.12 ], [ -74.763, -46.056 ], [ -74.702, -46.046 ], [ -74.703, -45.952 ], [ -74.901, -46.116 ], [ -75.025, -46.12 ], [ -75.073, -46.038 ], [ -74.976, -46.021 ], [ -75.095, -45.892 ], [ -75.033, -45.857 ], [ -74.841, -45.885 ], [ -74.727, -45.818 ], [ -74.512, -45.853 ], [ -74.427, -45.95 ], [ -74.476, -46.028 ], [ -74.434, -46.046 ], [ -74.375, -45.949 ], [ -74.458, -45.867 ], [ -74.447, -45.805 ], [ -74.296, -45.815 ], [ -74.278, -45.878 ], [ -74.23, -45.821 ], [ -74.073, -45.847 ], [ -74.089, -45.82 ], [ -74.045, -45.89 ], [ -74.077, -45.904 ], [ -73.949, -46.079 ], [ -74.031, -46.172 ], [ -73.877, -46.142 ], [ -73.74, -46.242 ], [ -73.779, -46.369 ], [ -73.879, -46.464 ], [ -73.866, -46.535 ], [ -73.89, -46.469 ], [ -73.963, -46.54 ], [ -73.911, -46.602 ], [ -73.835, -46.594 ], [ -73.762, -46.409 ], [ -73.609, -46.319 ], [ -73.492, -46.315 ], [ -73.557, -46.259 ], [ -73.329, -46.022 ], [ -73.404, -46.022 ], [ -73.608, -46.223 ], [ -73.586, -46.263 ], [ -73.682, -46.331 ], [ -73.62, -46.117 ], [ -73.642, -45.981 ], [ -73.534, -45.828 ], [ -73.343, -45.686 ], [ -73.15, -45.674 ], [ -73.344, -45.629 ], [ -73.568, -45.787 ], [ -73.48, -45.447 ], [ -73.207, -45.29 ], [ -72.99, -45.449 ], [ -72.877, -45.473 ], [ -72.797, -45.432 ], [ -72.809, -45.373 ], [ -72.917, -45.421 ], [ -73.012, -45.39 ], [ -73.201, -45.243 ], [ -73.337, -45.291 ], [ -73.446, -45.259 ], [ -73.433, -45.188 ], [ -73.307, -45.173 ], [ -73.421, -45.144 ], [ -73.418, -45.076 ], [ -73.337, -45.161 ], [ -73.282, -45.15 ], [ -73.38, -45.043 ], [ -73.361, -44.957 ], [ -73.1, -44.951 ], [ -72.712, -44.746 ], [ -72.729, -44.678 ], [ -72.668, -44.537 ], [ -72.573, -44.503 ], [ -72.602, -44.384 ], [ -72.68, -44.503 ], [ -72.723, -44.498 ], [ -72.817, -44.383 ], [ -72.92, -44.375 ], [ -72.917, -44.317 ], [ -73.187, -44.25 ], [ -73.135, -44.198 ], [ -73.289, -44.165 ], [ -73.275, -44.11 ], [ -73.212, -44.125 ], [ -73.2, -44.057 ], [ -73.092, -44.091 ], [ -73.133, -44.015 ], [ -73.042, -43.921 ], [ -73.067, -43.862 ], [ -72.943, -43.759 ], [ -73.054, -43.735 ], [ -72.881, -43.618 ], [ -72.891, -43.584 ], [ -72.998, -43.595 ], [ -73.094, -43.445 ], [ -73.051, -43.397 ], [ -73.066, -43.317 ], [ -72.876, -43.243 ], [ -72.915, -43.134 ], [ -72.857, -43.026 ], [ -72.744, -43.052 ], [ -72.809, -42.938 ], [ -72.707, -42.943 ], [ -72.856, -42.777 ], [ -72.798, -42.684 ], [ -72.86, -42.676 ], [ -72.821, -42.53 ], [ -72.527, -42.562 ], [ -72.626, -42.521 ], [ -72.84, -42.303 ], [ -72.587, -42.194 ], [ -72.516, -42.25 ], [ -72.446, -42.478 ], [ -72.394, -42.492 ], [ -72.47, -42.305 ], [ -72.431, -41.976 ], [ -72.494, -41.973 ], [ -72.581, -42.047 ], [ -72.879, -41.914 ], [ -72.653, -41.732 ], [ -72.357, -41.677 ], [ -72.286, -41.508 ], [ -72.339, -41.517 ], [ -72.387, -41.666 ], [ -72.572, -41.717 ], [ -72.649, -41.699 ], [ -72.787, -41.516 ], [ -72.938, -41.478 ], [ -73.089, -41.582 ], [ -73.039, -41.704 ], [ -73.138, -41.766 ], [ -73.189, -41.778 ], [ -73.191, -41.748 ], [ -73.259, -41.715 ], [ -73.259, -41.787 ], [ -73.41, -41.773 ], [ -73.354, -41.811 ], [ -73.759, -41.745 ], [ -73.655, -41.612 ], [ -73.752, -41.563 ], [ -73.796, -41.591 ], [ -73.804, -41.508 ], [ -73.862, -41.467 ], [ -73.835, -41.347 ], [ -73.933, -41.113 ], [ -73.944, -40.977 ], [ -73.847, -40.916 ], [ -73.89, -40.866 ], [ -73.806, -40.717 ], [ -73.838, -40.669 ], [ -73.72, -40.538 ], [ -73.779, -40.464 ], [ -73.731, -40.204 ], [ -73.658, -40.136 ], [ -73.713, -40.007 ], [ -73.466, -39.85 ], [ -73.373, -39.939 ], [ -73.405, -39.694 ], [ -73.254, -39.536 ], [ -73.262, -39.456 ], [ -73.204, -39.452 ], [ -73.239, -39.382 ], [ -73.211, -39.398 ], [ -73.192, -39.387 ], [ -73.233, -39.309 ], [ -73.211, -39.233 ], [ -73.489, -38.659 ], [ -73.533, -38.387 ], [ -73.451, -38.12 ], [ -73.49, -37.966 ], [ -73.666, -37.723 ], [ -73.679, -37.628 ], [ -73.59, -37.463 ], [ -73.683, -37.334 ], [ -73.585, -37.151 ], [ -73.559, -37.198 ], [ -73.448, -37.207 ], [ -73.448, -37.257 ], [ -73.276, -37.237 ], [ -73.155, -37.117 ], [ -73.19, -37.004 ], [ -73.155, -36.846 ], [ -73.217, -36.774 ], [ -73.135, -36.747 ], [ -73.161, -36.71 ], [ -73.114, -36.612 ], [ -73.105, -36.728 ], [ -72.992, -36.731 ], [ -72.961, -36.628 ], [ -73.004, -36.579 ], [ -72.978, -36.525 ], [ -72.935, -36.542 ], [ -72.81, -36.274 ], [ -72.788, -35.974 ], [ -72.567, -35.788 ], [ -72.631, -35.577 ], [ -72.498, -35.461 ], [ -72.496, -35.381 ], [ -72.432, -35.319 ], [ -72.377, -35.352 ], [ -72.385, -35.217 ], [ -72.193, -35.081 ], [ -72.181, -34.9 ], [ -72, -34.491 ], [ -72.054, -34.431 ], [ -71.973, -34.33 ], [ -72.01, -34.124 ], [ -71.853, -33.939 ], [ -71.788, -33.774 ], [ -71.645, -33.691 ], [ -71.601, -33.539 ], [ -71.709, -33.43 ], [ -71.655, -33.305 ], [ -71.757, -33.102 ], [ -71.681, -33.101 ], [ -71.661, -33.024 ], [ -71.563, -33.006 ], [ -71.567, -32.935 ], [ -71.524, -32.918 ], [ -71.557, -32.791 ], [ -71.452, -32.679 ], [ -71.487, -32.526 ], [ -71.41, -32.396 ], [ -71.544, -32.188 ], [ -71.495, -31.972 ], [ -71.502, -31.875 ], [ -71.559, -31.845 ], [ -71.508, -31.77 ], [ -71.671, -31.149 ], [ -71.648, -31.007 ], [ -71.716, -30.599 ], [ -71.649, -30.266 ], [ -71.626, -30.236 ], [ -71.603, -30.295 ], [ -71.525, -30.291 ], [ -71.453, -30.169 ], [ -71.395, -30.184 ], [ -71.371, -30.078 ], [ -71.419, -30.003 ], [ -71.35, -29.979 ], [ -71.348, -29.936 ], [ -71.294, -29.95 ], [ -71.275, -29.889 ], [ -71.344, -29.753 ], [ -71.286, -29.617 ], [ -71.332, -29.552 ], [ -71.309, -29.418 ], [ -71.34, -29.331 ], [ -71.495, -29.198 ], [ -71.466, -29.106 ], [ -71.53, -28.983 ], [ -71.495, -28.856 ], [ -71.301, -28.679 ], [ -71.319, -28.567 ], [ -71.166, -28.354 ], [ -71.201, -28.297 ], [ -71.157, -28.219 ], [ -71.185, -28.111 ], [ -71.038, -27.67 ], [ -71.003, -27.69 ], [ -70.905, -27.624 ], [ -70.889, -27.479 ], [ -70.961, -27.37 ], [ -70.928, -27.312 ], [ -70.97, -27.169 ], [ -70.931, -27.112 ], [ -70.874, -27.138 ], [ -70.811, -27.055 ], [ -70.828, -26.876 ], [ -70.688, -26.577 ], [ -70.697, -26.39 ], [ -70.628, -26.337 ], [ -70.676, -26.291 ], [ -70.631, -25.991 ], [ -70.736, -25.817 ], [ -70.686, -25.665 ], [ -70.64, -25.646 ], [ -70.65, -25.536 ], [ -70.539, -25.481 ], [ -70.522, -25.397 ], [ -70.45, -25.363 ], [ -70.441, -25.192 ], [ -70.508, -25.11 ], [ -70.471, -24.995 ], [ -70.58, -24.716 ], [ -70.579, -24.545 ], [ -70.499, -24.167 ], [ -70.515, -23.861 ], [ -70.391, -23.612 ], [ -70.404, -23.532 ], [ -70.479, -23.466 ], [ -70.547, -23.534 ], [ -70.624, -23.514 ], [ -70.598, -23.244 ], [ -70.557, -23.181 ], [ -70.579, -23.083 ], [ -70.509, -23.021 ], [ -70.479, -23.098 ], [ -70.408, -23.085 ], [ -70.287, -22.911 ], [ -70.31, -22.761 ], [ -70.237, -22.49 ], [ -70.191, -21.899 ], [ -70.145, -21.849 ], [ -70.147, -21.633 ], [ -70.095, -21.593 ], [ -70.056, -21.434 ], [ -70.083, -21.23 ], [ -70.178, -21.023 ], [ -70.137, -20.89 ], [ -70.208, -20.812 ], [ -70.123, -19.994 ], [ -70.169, -19.656 ], [ -70.235, -19.602 ], [ -70.2, -19.503 ], [ -70.285, -19.306 ], [ -70.268, -19.143 ], [ -70.36, -18.796 ], [ -70.303, -18.446 ], [ -70.374, -18.35 ], [ -69.948, -18.248 ], [ -69.753, -17.982 ], [ -69.819, -17.747 ], [ -69.799, -17.65 ], [ -69.662, -17.658 ], [ -69.463, -17.508 ], [ -69.461, -17.606 ], [ -69.308, -17.801 ], [ -69.296, -17.95 ], [ -69.069, -18.067 ], [ -69.139, -18.157 ], [ -69.036, -18.324 ], [ -68.978, -18.75 ], [ -68.909, -18.876 ], [ -68.957, -18.941 ], [ -68.884, -19.045 ], [ -68.407, -19.408 ], [ -68.691, -19.739 ], [ -68.53, -19.843 ], [ -68.524, -19.927 ], [ -68.56, -20.045 ], [ -68.78, -20.082 ], [ -68.705, -20.142 ], [ -68.663, -20.324 ], [ -68.756, -20.392 ], [ -68.678, -20.498 ], [ -68.439, -20.632 ], [ -68.549, -20.726 ], [ -68.547, -20.88 ], [ -68.515, -20.933 ], [ -68.401, -20.938 ], [ -68.172, -21.297 ], [ -68.177, -21.6 ], [ -68.057, -21.763 ], [ -68.064, -21.976 ], [ -67.943, -22.091 ], [ -67.946, -22.321 ], [ -67.848, -22.546 ], [ -67.875, -22.826 ], [ -67.572, -22.896 ], [ -67.178, -22.806 ], [ -66.988, -22.992 ], [ -67.338, -24.034 ], [ -68.214, -24.38 ], [ -68.317, -24.484 ], [ -68.391, -24.474 ], [ -68.567, -24.748 ], [ -68.572, -24.834 ], [ -68.337, -25.072 ], [ -68.505, -25.134 ], [ -68.551, -25.228 ], [ -68.533, -25.329 ], [ -68.598, -25.399 ], [ -68.487, -25.657 ], [ -68.39, -26.19 ], [ -68.57, -26.307 ], [ -68.588, -26.509 ], [ -68.272, -26.917 ], [ -68.327, -27.047 ], [ -68.481, -27.064 ], [ -68.544, -27.188 ], [ -68.684, -27.083 ], [ -68.797, -27.133 ], [ -68.849, -27.204 ], [ -68.82, -27.291 ], [ -69.062, -27.642 ], [ -69.104, -27.889 ], [ -69.242, -27.996 ], [ -69.37, -28.201 ], [ -69.437, -28.172 ], [ -69.482, -28.312 ], [ -69.632, -28.378 ], [ -69.634, -28.52 ], [ -69.706, -28.683 ], [ -69.672, -28.773 ], [ -69.766, -28.892 ], [ -69.785, -29.109 ], [ -69.95, -29.169 ], [ -70.018, -29.325 ], [ -69.882, -29.692 ], [ -69.94, -30.09 ], [ -69.827, -30.123 ], [ -69.807, -30.187 ], [ -69.975, -30.398 ], [ -70.154, -30.349 ], [ -70.129, -30.457 ], [ -70.305, -30.891 ], [ -70.267, -31.024 ], [ -70.391, -31.171 ], [ -70.445, -31.09 ], [ -70.511, -31.163 ], [ -70.553, -31.56 ], [ -70.465, -31.701 ], [ -70.44, -31.848 ], [ -70.268, -31.896 ], [ -70.202, -31.97 ], [ -70.278, -32.044 ], [ -70.386, -32.051 ], [ -70.299, -32.145 ], [ -70.318, -32.267 ], [ -70.224, -32.332 ], [ -70.234, -32.432 ], [ -70.142, -32.484 ], [ -70.146, -32.731 ], [ -69.997, -32.902 ], [ -70.093, -33.042 ], [ -70.025, -33.314 ], [ -69.964, -33.321 ], [ -69.888, -33.222 ], [ -69.747, -33.408 ], [ -69.865, -33.547 ], [ -69.885, -33.68 ], [ -69.89, -33.829 ], [ -69.83, -33.99 ], [ -69.876, -34.126 ], [ -69.815, -34.224 ], [ -69.914, -34.297 ], [ -69.976, -34.253 ], [ -70.042, -34.287 ], [ -70.011, -34.402 ], [ -70.134, -34.495 ], [ -70.226, -34.678 ], [ -70.315, -34.749 ], [ -70.262, -34.804 ], [ -70.37, -35.031 ], [ -70.363, -35.142 ], [ -70.426, -35.196 ], [ -70.548, -35.206 ], [ -70.578, -35.258 ], [ -70.424, -35.343 ], [ -70.401, -35.648 ], [ -70.326, -35.811 ], [ -70.423, -35.91 ], [ -70.381, -35.923 ], [ -70.372, -36.027 ], [ -70.419, -36.145 ], [ -70.471, -36.171 ], [ -70.577, -36.13 ], [ -70.699, -36.255 ], [ -70.694, -36.407 ], [ -70.886, -36.383 ], [ -70.936, -36.473 ], [ -71.034, -36.465 ], [ -71.024, -36.664 ], [ -71.066, -36.695 ], [ -71.112, -36.659 ], [ -71.17, -36.839 ], [ -71.102, -36.95 ], [ -71.203, -36.975 ], [ -71.092, -37.103 ], [ -71.213, -37.298 ], [ -71.116, -37.472 ], [ -71.129, -37.581 ], [ -71.202, -37.672 ], [ -71.136, -37.819 ], [ -71.191, -37.864 ], [ -71.125, -37.894 ], [ -70.999, -38.094 ], [ -71.043, -38.133 ], [ -71.002, -38.41 ], [ -70.833, -38.573 ], [ -70.948, -38.745 ], [ -71.241, -38.806 ], [ -71.428, -38.93 ], [ -71.386, -39.284 ], [ -71.472, -39.402 ], [ -71.467, -39.484 ], [ -71.533, -39.522 ], [ -71.481, -39.59 ], [ -71.606, -39.627 ], [ -71.688, -39.571 ], [ -71.716, -39.63 ], [ -71.689, -39.841 ], [ -71.59, -39.903 ], [ -71.684, -40.026 ], [ -71.671, -40.104 ], [ -71.816, -40.088 ], [ -71.831, -40.222 ], [ -71.749, -40.307 ], [ -71.681, -40.3 ], [ -71.654, -40.369 ], [ -71.719, -40.438 ], [ -71.805, -40.412 ], [ -71.85, -40.56 ], [ -71.883, -40.558 ], [ -71.833, -40.633 ], [ -71.947, -40.74 ], [ -71.858, -40.913 ], [ -71.894, -40.978 ], [ -71.828, -41.061 ], [ -71.843, -41.167 ], [ -71.879, -41.171 ], [ -71.842, -41.256 ], [ -71.906, -41.361 ], [ -71.819, -41.571 ], [ -71.855, -41.608 ], [ -71.826, -41.707 ], [ -71.746, -41.821 ], [ -71.728, -42.115 ], [ -71.919, -42.187 ], [ -72.028, -42.141 ], [ -72.125, -42.307 ], [ -72.05, -42.378 ], [ -72.029, -42.494 ], [ -72.134, -42.6 ], [ -72.11, -42.915 ], [ -71.979, -43.086 ], [ -71.74, -43.171 ], [ -71.729, -43.211 ], [ -71.734, -43.317 ], [ -71.891, -43.328 ], [ -71.933, -43.457 ], [ -71.846, -43.485 ], [ -71.86, -43.552 ], [ -71.775, -43.545 ], [ -71.693, -43.63 ], [ -71.583, -43.66 ], [ -71.755, -43.81 ], [ -71.658, -43.938 ], [ -71.755, -44.067 ], [ -71.844, -44.105 ], [ -71.79, -44.212 ], [ -71.837, -44.376 ], [ -71.224, -44.425 ], [ -71.11, -44.523 ], [ -71.131, -44.58 ], [ -71.209, -44.606 ], [ -71.219, -44.739 ], [ -71.303, -44.808 ], [ -71.475, -44.736 ], [ -71.632, -44.785 ], [ -72.07, -44.768 ], [ -72.047, -44.901 ], [ -71.56, -44.98 ], [ -71.297, -45.293 ], [ -71.505, -45.399 ], [ -71.46, -45.466 ], [ -71.483, -45.508 ], [ -71.758, -45.562 ], [ -71.722, -45.582 ], [ -71.773, -45.712 ], [ -71.747, -45.835 ], [ -71.63, -45.888 ], [ -71.598, -45.975 ], [ -71.757, -46.111 ], [ -71.892, -46.148 ], [ -71.763, -46.2 ], [ -71.646, -46.683 ], [ -71.931, -46.811 ], [ -71.913, -47.013 ], [ -71.985, -47.075 ], [ -71.854, -47.138 ], [ -71.86, -47.231 ], [ -72.022, -47.206 ], [ -72.019, -47.284 ], [ -72.146, -47.411 ], [ -72.336, -47.464 ], [ -72.288, -47.504 ], [ -72.281, -47.615 ], [ -72.391, -47.651 ], [ -72.429, -47.758 ], [ -72.499, -47.732 ], [ -72.452, -47.8 ], [ -72.52, -47.925 ], [ -72.334, -48.074 ], [ -72.281, -48.338 ], [ -72.379, -48.368 ], [ -72.355, -48.393 ], [ -72.425, -48.421 ], [ -72.391, -48.45 ], [ -72.451, -48.491 ], [ -72.598, -48.483 ], [ -72.55, -48.791 ], [ -72.736, -48.918 ], [ -72.928, -48.946 ], [ -73.093, -49.134 ], [ -73.493, -49.18 ], [ -73.45, -49.377 ], [ -73.523, -49.448 ], [ -73.501, -49.513 ], [ -73.583, -49.524 ], [ -73.495, -49.632 ], [ -73.53, -49.693 ], [ -73.452, -49.732 ], [ -73.434, -49.81 ], [ -73.545, -49.924 ], [ -73.497, -50.047 ], [ -73.541, -50.078 ], [ -73.576, -50.261 ], [ -73.438, -50.431 ], [ -73.119, -50.683 ], [ -73.171, -50.735 ], [ -73.133, -50.775 ], [ -72.738, -50.616 ], [ -72.602, -50.676 ], [ -72.474, -50.603 ], [ -72.278, -50.655 ], [ -72.327, -50.745 ], [ -72.231, -50.855 ], [ -72.25, -51.025 ], [ -72.342, -51.045 ], [ -72.402, -51.119 ], [ -72.26, -51.254 ], [ -72.321, -51.304 ], [ -72.35, -51.486 ], [ -72.438, -51.569 ], [ -72.342, -51.598 ], [ -72.293, -51.699 ], [ -72.148, -51.738 ], [ -71.955, -51.868 ], [ -72.002, -51.975 ], [ -70.019, -51.998 ], [ -69.484, -52.147 ], [ -69.203, -52.152 ], [ -68.824, -52.278 ], [ -68.427, -52.335 ], [ -68.424, -52.379 ], [ -68.497, -52.336 ], [ -69, -52.283 ], [ -69.204, -52.197 ], [ -69.447, -52.264 ], [ -69.489, -52.392 ], [ -69.573, -52.424 ], [ -69.544, -52.466 ], [ -69.668, -52.544 ], [ -69.852, -52.49 ], [ -70.16, -52.588 ], [ -70.216, -52.659 ], [ -70.324, -52.64 ], [ -70.551, -52.726 ], [ -70.519, -52.656 ], [ -70.724, -52.745 ], [ -70.747, -52.712 ], [ -70.805, -52.757 ], [ -70.875, -52.736 ], [ -70.738, -52.789 ], [ -70.831, -52.82 ], [ -70.852, -52.908 ], [ -70.898, -52.916 ], [ -70.792, -52.939 ], [ -70.836, -52.962 ], [ -70.864, -53.13 ], [ -70.932, -53.173 ], [ -70.932, -53.311 ], [ -70.983, -53.382 ], [ -70.907, -53.627 ], [ -70.939, -53.624 ], [ -70.962, -53.789 ], [ -71.289, -53.903 ], [ -71.721, -53.8 ], [ -71.902, -53.715 ], [ -71.867, -53.69 ], [ -71.929, -53.729 ], [ -72.095, -53.699 ], [ -72.401, -53.5 ], [ -72.473, -53.399 ], [ -72.411, -53.362 ], [ -72.436, -53.316 ], [ -72.314, -53.249 ], [ -72.131, -53.242 ], [ -72.108, -53.384 ], [ -72.283, -53.425 ], [ -72.211, -53.449 ], [ -72.012, -53.379 ], [ -72.034, -53.239 ], [ -71.869, -53.223 ], [ -71.758, -53.437 ], [ -71.904, -53.527 ], [ -72.067, -53.548 ], [ -71.946, -53.569 ], [ -71.776, -53.512 ], [ -71.74, -53.447 ], [ -71.773, -53.314 ], [ -71.736, -53.316 ], [ -71.73, -53.21 ], [ -71.35, -53.113 ], [ -71.125, -52.865 ], [ -71.181, -52.816 ], [ -71.379, -52.798 ], [ -71.396, -52.716 ], [ -71.558, -52.561 ], [ -72.335, -52.524 ], [ -72.455, -52.615 ], [ -72.413, -52.621 ], [ -72.438, -52.67 ], [ -72.57, -52.593 ], [ -72.397, -52.548 ], [ -72.408, -52.495 ], [ -72.583, -52.578 ], [ -72.655, -52.553 ], [ -72.618, -52.514 ], [ -72.776, -52.561 ], [ -72.878, -52.523 ], [ -72.869, -52.558 ], [ -72.913, -52.57 ], [ -72.875, -52.584 ], [ -72.941, -52.58 ], [ -72.892, -52.605 ], [ -73.012, -52.745 ], [ -72.829, -52.598 ], [ -72.682, -52.668 ], [ -72.892, -52.81 ], [ -72.964, -52.766 ], [ -72.943, -52.804 ], [ -73.056, -52.851 ], [ -72.957, -52.902 ], [ -72.993, -52.972 ], [ -72.955, -53.025 ], [ -73.006, -53.073 ], [ -73.055, -53.033 ], [ -73.037, -53.07 ], [ -73.147, -53.105 ], [ -73.189, -53.042 ], [ -73.145, -53.018 ], [ -73.207, -53.014 ], [ -73.228, -53.052 ], [ -73.172, -53.089 ], [ -73.245, -53.098 ], [ -73.448, -53.013 ], [ -73.323, -53.003 ], [ -73.402, -52.972 ], [ -73.256, -52.972 ], [ -73.288, -52.944 ], [ -73.183, -52.897 ], [ -73.293, -52.929 ], [ -73.326, -52.894 ], [ -73.402, -52.97 ], [ -73.499, -52.941 ], [ -73.415, -52.93 ], [ -73.522, -52.888 ], [ -73.802, -52.923 ], [ -73.729, -52.903 ], [ -73.75, -52.864 ], [ -73.589, -52.868 ], [ -73.605, -52.829 ], [ -73.352, -52.906 ], [ -73.582, -52.809 ], [ -73.453, -52.809 ], [ -73.48, -52.836 ], [ -73.421, -52.805 ], [ -73.467, -52.77 ], [ -73.394, -52.794 ], [ -73.407, -52.837 ], [ -73.239, -52.805 ], [ -73.265, -52.754 ], [ -73.317, -52.777 ], [ -73.311, -52.713 ], [ -73.289, -52.748 ], [ -73.246, -52.665 ], [ -73.131, -52.661 ], [ -73.168, -52.631 ], [ -73.149, -52.566 ], [ -72.995, -52.58 ], [ -73.142, -52.558 ], [ -73.082, -52.51 ], [ -73.161, -52.499 ], [ -73.224, -52.409 ], [ -73.203, -52.493 ], [ -73.289, -52.501 ], [ -73.205, -52.508 ], [ -73.162, -52.583 ], [ -73.271, -52.688 ], [ -73.327, -52.693 ], [ -73.355, -52.645 ], [ -73.311, -52.601 ], [ -73.353, -52.626 ], [ -73.424, -52.553 ], [ -73.375, -52.646 ], [ -73.659, -52.721 ], [ -73.607, -52.747 ], [ -73.626, -52.777 ], [ -73.677, -52.721 ], [ -73.736, -52.745 ], [ -73.574, -52.654 ], [ -73.688, -52.624 ], [ -73.594, -52.579 ], [ -73.637, -52.547 ], [ -73.551, -52.577 ], [ -73.62, -52.514 ], [ -73.494, -52.493 ], [ -73.559, -52.477 ], [ -73.533, -52.421 ], [ -73.598, -52.471 ], [ -73.675, -52.433 ], [ -73.673, -52.395 ], [ -73.587, -52.389 ], [ -73.61, -52.344 ], [ -73.573, -52.339 ], [ -73.656, -52.283 ], [ -73.591, -52.225 ], [ -73.741, -52.103 ], [ -73.682, -52.254 ], [ -73.854, -52.115 ], [ -74.103, -52.023 ], [ -73.974, -52.039 ], [ -74.096, -51.987 ], [ -74.103, -51.95 ], [ -74.061, -51.965 ], [ -74.102, -51.918 ], [ -73.991, -51.933 ], [ -74.007, -51.995 ], [ -73.964, -51.945 ], [ -73.756, -52.083 ], [ -73.715, -52.037 ], [ -73.561, -52.217 ], [ -73.5, -52.189 ], [ -73.558, -52.155 ], [ -73.469, -52.151 ], [ -73.347, -52.253 ], [ -73.252, -52.223 ], [ -73.245, -52.124 ], [ -73.168, -52.153 ], [ -73.036, -52.078 ], [ -73.111, -52.083 ], [ -73.084, -51.959 ], [ -72.909, -51.911 ], [ -72.882, -51.881 ], [ -73.033, -52.078 ], [ -72.995, -52.078 ], [ -72.995, -52.151 ], [ -73.082, -52.159 ], [ -73.121, -52.25 ], [ -73.08, -52.268 ], [ -73.066, -52.214 ], [ -72.991, -52.201 ], [ -72.936, -52.237 ], [ -72.957, -52.267 ], [ -72.871, -52.281 ], [ -72.898, -52.263 ], [ -72.846, -52.242 ], [ -72.812, -52.096 ], [ -72.741, -52.087 ], [ -72.776, -52.053 ], [ -72.841, -52.095 ], [ -72.898, -52.223 ], [ -72.959, -52.199 ], [ -72.96, -52.06 ], [ -72.936, -52.038 ], [ -72.908, -52.09 ], [ -72.9, -51.992 ], [ -72.776, -51.963 ], [ -72.725, -52.08 ], [ -72.664, -52.136 ], [ -72.621, -52.118 ], [ -72.54, -52.218 ], [ -72.62, -52.366 ], [ -72.715, -52.334 ], [ -72.782, -52.408 ], [ -72.853, -52.388 ], [ -72.833, -52.421 ], [ -72.978, -52.462 ], [ -72.739, -52.418 ], [ -72.625, -52.443 ], [ -72.671, -52.416 ], [ -72.557, -52.475 ], [ -72.514, -52.437 ], [ -72.671, -52.4 ], [ -72.524, -52.347 ], [ -72.476, -52.213 ], [ -72.658, -52.064 ], [ -72.666, -51.976 ], [ -72.629, -51.918 ], [ -72.571, -51.984 ], [ -72.582, -51.932 ], [ -72.45, -51.917 ], [ -72.519, -51.844 ], [ -72.463, -51.786 ], [ -72.556, -51.698 ], [ -72.653, -51.669 ], [ -72.651, -51.635 ], [ -72.697, -51.578 ], [ -72.679, -51.652 ], [ -72.718, -51.578 ], [ -73.087, -51.482 ], [ -73.07, -51.402 ], [ -73.084, -51.366 ], [ -73.129, -51.326 ], [ -73.113, -51.265 ], [ -73.021, -51.246 ], [ -73.086, -51.241 ], [ -73.129, -51.264 ], [ -73.141, -51.327 ], [ -73.097, -51.424 ], [ -73.269, -51.501 ], [ -73.058, -51.513 ], [ -73.04, -51.547 ], [ -73.114, -51.619 ], [ -72.991, -51.535 ], [ -72.77, -51.611 ], [ -72.691, -51.708 ], [ -72.535, -51.748 ], [ -72.617, -51.828 ], [ -72.734, -51.855 ], [ -72.817, -51.776 ], [ -72.966, -51.785 ], [ -73.05, -51.701 ], [ -73.196, -51.694 ], [ -73.201, -51.618 ], [ -73.236, -51.638 ], [ -73.297, -51.586 ], [ -73.223, -51.661 ], [ -73.288, -51.7 ], [ -73.089, -51.717 ], [ -72.997, -51.8 ], [ -73.083, -51.758 ], [ -73.171, -51.786 ], [ -73.074, -51.769 ], [ -73.042, -51.834 ], [ -73.219, -51.904 ], [ -73.093, -51.893 ], [ -72.988, -51.817 ], [ -72.917, -51.872 ], [ -73.136, -51.952 ], [ -73.163, -52.116 ], [ -73.242, -52.108 ], [ -73.271, -51.895 ], [ -73.343, -51.705 ], [ -73.4, -51.647 ], [ -73.287, -51.981 ], [ -73.273, -52.18 ], [ -73.407, -52.149 ], [ -73.593, -52.023 ], [ -73.601, -51.944 ], [ -73.563, -51.945 ], [ -73.652, -51.853 ], [ -73.598, -51.821 ], [ -73.507, -51.937 ], [ -73.534, -51.963 ], [ -73.456, -51.989 ], [ -73.42, -52.06 ], [ -73.388, -52.052 ], [ -73.478, -51.916 ], [ -73.425, -51.915 ], [ -73.529, -51.858 ], [ -73.514, -51.803 ], [ -73.601, -51.759 ], [ -73.64, -51.792 ], [ -73.623, -51.76 ], [ -73.566, -51.743 ], [ -73.56, -51.769 ], [ -73.499, -51.705 ], [ -73.621, -51.734 ], [ -73.628, -51.661 ], [ -73.69, -51.798 ], [ -73.777, -51.72 ], [ -73.749, -51.774 ], [ -73.797, -51.817 ], [ -73.94, -51.683 ], [ -73.935, -51.649 ], [ -73.832, -51.683 ], [ -73.839, -51.764 ], [ -73.792, -51.736 ], [ -73.813, -51.686 ], [ -73.701, -51.631 ], [ -73.927, -51.63 ], [ -73.917, -51.582 ], [ -73.837, -51.596 ], [ -73.864, -51.557 ], [ -73.791, -51.552 ], [ -73.91, -51.559 ], [ -73.903, -51.515 ], [ -73.971, -51.496 ], [ -73.915, -51.468 ], [ -73.947, -51.449 ], [ -73.915, -51.419 ], [ -73.966, -51.424 ], [ -73.893, -51.372 ], [ -73.723, -51.472 ], [ -73.653, -51.622 ], [ -73.585, -51.622 ], [ -73.614, -51.604 ], [ -73.69, -51.489 ], [ -73.652, -51.54 ], [ -73.586, -51.556 ], [ -73.649, -51.472 ], [ -73.57, -51.458 ], [ -73.684, -51.443 ], [ -73.719, -51.339 ], [ -73.727, -51.373 ], [ -73.847, -51.365 ], [ -73.861, -51.336 ], [ -73.782, -51.311 ], [ -73.891, -51.297 ], [ -73.813, -51.248 ], [ -73.736, -51.268 ], [ -73.785, -51.219 ], [ -73.732, -51.194 ], [ -73.677, -51.29 ], [ -73.697, -51.218 ], [ -73.644, -51.2 ], [ -73.707, -51.19 ], [ -73.682, -51.144 ], [ -73.726, -51.17 ], [ -73.816, -51.075 ], [ -73.742, -51.177 ], [ -73.905, -51.266 ], [ -73.999, -51.122 ], [ -74.029, -51.218 ], [ -74.129, -51.199 ], [ -74.164, -51.098 ], [ -74.137, -51.113 ], [ -74.118, -51.103 ], [ -74.094, -51.075 ], [ -74.157, -51.074 ], [ -74.134, -51.038 ], [ -74.045, -51.007 ], [ -74.077, -50.937 ], [ -74.207, -51.063 ], [ -74.154, -51.206 ], [ -74.259, -51.229 ], [ -74.315, -50.976 ], [ -74.273, -50.977 ], [ -74.323, -50.905 ], [ -74.226, -51.023 ], [ -74.202, -50.966 ], [ -74.245, -50.975 ], [ -74.239, -50.934 ], [ -74.191, -50.89 ], [ -73.92, -50.911 ], [ -73.942, -50.882 ], [ -73.9, -50.874 ], [ -73.803, -51.009 ], [ -73.764, -50.992 ], [ -73.776, -50.929 ], [ -73.883, -50.841 ], [ -73.819, -50.8 ], [ -73.732, -50.837 ], [ -73.787, -50.8 ], [ -73.787, -50.694 ], [ -73.63, -50.648 ], [ -73.54, -50.721 ], [ -73.538, -50.677 ], [ -73.382, -50.688 ], [ -73.74, -50.574 ], [ -73.705, -50.516 ], [ -73.627, -50.514 ], [ -73.598, -50.485 ], [ -73.575, -50.392 ], [ -73.644, -50.507 ], [ -73.73, -50.512 ], [ -73.767, -50.541 ], [ -73.817, -50.772 ], [ -73.939, -50.848 ], [ -74.033, -50.857 ], [ -74.076, -50.815 ], [ -74.085, -50.809 ] ], [ [ -74.406, -50.095 ], [ -74.406, -50.095 ], [ -74.406, -50.095 ], [ -74.406, -50.095 ] ], [ [ -74.406, -50.095 ], [ -74.403, -50.111 ], [ -74.383, -50.097 ], [ -74.406, -50.095 ] ], [ [ -74.015, -50.219 ], [ -73.996, -50.219 ], [ -74.011, -50.214 ], [ -74.015, -50.219 ] ], [ [ -73.996, -50.219 ], [ -73.946, -50.236 ], [ -73.946, -50.201 ], [ -73.964, -50.219 ], [ -73.996, -50.219 ] ], [ [ -74.209, -48.156 ], [ -74.204, -48.156 ], [ -74.164, -48.138 ], [ -74.209, -48.156 ] ], [ [ -72.984, -41.498 ], [ -72.953, -41.483 ], [ -72.98, -41.494 ], [ -72.984, -41.498 ] ], [ [ -73.082, -52.51 ], [ -73.05, -52.509 ], [ -73.059, -52.507 ], [ -73.082, -52.51 ] ], [ [ -73.05, -52.509 ], [ -72.936, -52.521 ], [ -72.881, -52.55 ], [ -72.918, -52.503 ], [ -73.05, -52.509 ] ], [ [ -73.499, -51.705 ], [ -73.499, -51.705 ], [ -73.499, -51.705 ], [ -73.499, -51.705 ] ], [ [ -73.499, -51.705 ], [ -73.467, -51.702 ], [ -73.456, -51.685 ], [ -73.499, -51.705 ] ], [ [ -73.721, -51.308 ], [ -73.723, -51.327 ], [ -73.701, -51.296 ], [ -73.727, -51.287 ], [ -73.721, -51.308 ] ], [ [ -74.965, -49.634 ], [ -74.944, -49.628 ], [ -74.991, -49.632 ], [ -74.965, -49.634 ] ], [ [ -74.966, -49.602 ], [ -74.963, -49.588 ], [ -75.083, -49.534 ], [ -74.966, -49.602 ] ], [ [ -74.69, -48.673 ], [ -74.623, -48.697 ], [ -74.645, -48.73 ], [ -74.605, -48.708 ], [ -74.632, -48.683 ], [ -74.69, -48.673 ] ], [ [ -75.215, -49.246 ], [ -75.119, -49.34 ], [ -75.174, -49.337 ], [ -75.104, -49.362 ], [ -75.018, -49.351 ], [ -75.1, -49.347 ], [ -75.13, -49.311 ], [ -75.084, -49.293 ], [ -75.215, -49.246 ] ], [ [ -75.1, -49.268 ], [ -75.034, -49.336 ], [ -75.066, -49.267 ], [ -75.1, -49.268 ] ], [ [ -74.338, -49.432 ], [ -74.321, -49.436 ], [ -74.31, -49.419 ], [ -74.324, -49.411 ], [ -74.338, -49.432 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.826, -51.626 ], [ -74.754, -51.646 ], [ -74.744, -51.717 ], [ -74.789, -51.743 ], [ -74.744, -51.731 ], [ -74.746, -51.816 ], [ -74.855, -51.945 ], [ -74.811, -51.941 ], [ -74.824, -51.971 ], [ -74.873, -51.967 ], [ -74.833, -51.979 ], [ -74.878, -52.079 ], [ -74.957, -52.111 ], [ -74.923, -52.044 ], [ -74.963, -52.107 ], [ -75.014, -52.115 ], [ -74.949, -52.042 ], [ -75.015, -52.069 ], [ -74.967, -52.03 ], [ -75.02, -52.046 ], [ -75.065, -51.995 ], [ -74.957, -51.94 ], [ -75.006, -51.921 ], [ -74.931, -51.796 ], [ -74.886, -51.841 ], [ -74.936, -51.917 ], [ -74.865, -51.864 ], [ -74.858, -51.927 ], [ -74.795, -51.849 ], [ -74.871, -51.778 ], [ -74.796, -51.759 ], [ -74.922, -51.65 ], [ -74.826, -51.626 ] ], [ [ -74.865, -52.001 ], [ -74.865, -52.001 ], [ -74.905, -51.991 ], [ -74.865, -52.001 ] ], [ [ -74.957, -51.94 ], [ -74.929, -51.941 ], [ -74.955, -51.939 ], [ -74.957, -51.94 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.97, -54.014 ], [ -72.76, -54.047 ], [ -72.911, -53.997 ], [ -72.779, -53.981 ], [ -72.881, -53.964 ], [ -72.666, -53.864 ], [ -72.78, -53.886 ], [ -72.737, -53.85 ], [ -72.832, -53.867 ], [ -72.779, -53.832 ], [ -72.818, -53.82 ], [ -73.04, -53.885 ], [ -73.065, -53.806 ], [ -73.117, -53.932 ], [ -73.045, -53.994 ], [ -73.101, -54.044 ], [ -73.199, -53.984 ], [ -73.351, -53.977 ], [ -73.358, -53.94 ], [ -73.275, -53.943 ], [ -73.23, -53.893 ], [ -73.358, -53.844 ], [ -73.257, -53.806 ], [ -73.257, -53.763 ], [ -73.336, -53.736 ], [ -73.252, -53.713 ], [ -73.597, -53.75 ], [ -73.487, -53.663 ], [ -73.633, -53.661 ], [ -73.607, -53.562 ], [ -73.531, -53.596 ], [ -73.415, -53.57 ], [ -73.248, -53.659 ], [ -73.331, -53.602 ], [ -73.276, -53.556 ], [ -73.356, -53.557 ], [ -73.477, -53.447 ], [ -73.298, -53.48 ], [ -73.281, -53.53 ], [ -73.238, -53.478 ], [ -73.075, -53.548 ], [ -73.172, -53.495 ], [ -73.142, -53.458 ], [ -73.209, -53.393 ], [ -73.076, -53.377 ], [ -73.025, -53.492 ], [ -73.032, -53.401 ], [ -72.939, -53.438 ], [ -72.961, -53.542 ], [ -72.893, -53.509 ], [ -72.874, -53.544 ], [ -72.927, -53.555 ], [ -72.877, -53.553 ], [ -72.883, -53.62 ], [ -72.825, -53.582 ], [ -72.874, -53.456 ], [ -72.749, -53.51 ], [ -72.749, -53.587 ], [ -72.684, -53.615 ], [ -72.723, -53.64 ], [ -72.7, -53.679 ], [ -72.653, -53.668 ], [ -72.691, -53.526 ], [ -72.659, -53.568 ], [ -72.458, -53.59 ], [ -72.479, -53.617 ], [ -72.396, -53.649 ], [ -72.508, -53.67 ], [ -72.45, -53.71 ], [ -72.498, -53.746 ], [ -72.441, -53.751 ], [ -72.386, -53.689 ], [ -72.24, -53.733 ], [ -72.333, -53.761 ], [ -72.222, -53.751 ], [ -72.149, -53.798 ], [ -72.283, -53.822 ], [ -72.194, -53.835 ], [ -72.218, -53.867 ], [ -72.433, -53.838 ], [ -72.337, -53.863 ], [ -72.324, -53.929 ], [ -72.451, -53.894 ], [ -72.39, -53.945 ], [ -72.448, -53.967 ], [ -72.331, -54.006 ], [ -72.366, -54.054 ], [ -72.472, -54.052 ], [ -72.472, -53.96 ], [ -72.494, -54.003 ], [ -72.548, -53.986 ], [ -72.548, -54.098 ], [ -72.623, -54.086 ], [ -72.598, -54.02 ], [ -72.659, -54.079 ], [ -72.619, -54.008 ], [ -72.678, -54.083 ], [ -72.746, -54.088 ], [ -72.7, -54.099 ], [ -72.804, -54.088 ], [ -72.856, -54.134 ], [ -72.958, -54.112 ], [ -72.872, -54.111 ], [ -72.917, -54.1 ], [ -72.882, -54.077 ], [ -73.078, -54.076 ], [ -72.862, -54.059 ], [ -73.004, -54.027 ], [ -72.97, -54.014 ] ], [ [ -72.862, -54.059 ], [ -72.775, -54.079 ], [ -72.858, -54.06 ], [ -72.862, -54.059 ] ] ], [ [ [ -67.278, -55.932 ], [ -67.205, -55.98 ], [ -67.298, -55.979 ], [ -67.323, -55.936 ], [ -67.278, -55.932 ] ] ], [ [ [ -67.029, -55.933 ], [ -67.043, -55.919 ], [ -67.016, -55.931 ], [ -67.029, -55.933 ] ] ], [ [ [ -66.781, -55.825 ], [ -66.807, -55.821 ], [ -66.773, -55.816 ], [ -66.781, -55.825 ] ] ], [ [ [ -67.414, -55.903 ], [ -67.435, -55.875 ], [ -67.404, -55.883 ], [ -67.414, -55.903 ] ] ], [ [ [ -67.056, -55.834 ], [ -67.097, -55.856 ], [ -67.051, -55.926 ], [ -67.155, -55.881 ], [ -67.056, -55.834 ] ] ], [ [ [ -67.292, -55.823 ], [ -67.189, -55.867 ], [ -67.179, -55.901 ], [ -67.392, -55.837 ], [ -67.292, -55.823 ] ] ], [ [ [ -67.55, -55.814 ], [ -67.479, -55.83 ], [ -67.595, -55.914 ], [ -67.596, -55.853 ], [ -67.756, -55.886 ], [ -67.843, -55.834 ], [ -67.536, -55.842 ], [ -67.55, -55.814 ] ] ], [ [ [ -67.435, -55.821 ], [ -67.439, -55.85 ], [ -67.454, -55.851 ], [ -67.464, -55.822 ], [ -67.435, -55.821 ] ] ], [ [ [ -67.134, -55.779 ], [ -67.19, -55.821 ], [ -67.238, -55.811 ], [ -67.183, -55.774 ], [ -67.134, -55.779 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.95, -55.362 ], [ -69.963, -55.351 ], [ -69.925, -55.348 ], [ -69.95, -55.362 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.76, -55.349 ], [ -69.667, -55.365 ], [ -69.645, -55.395 ], [ -69.795, -55.42 ], [ -69.76, -55.349 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.84, -55.334 ], [ -69.803, -55.339 ], [ -69.804, -55.355 ], [ -69.868, -55.325 ], [ -69.84, -55.334 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.897, -55.363 ], [ -69.921, -55.317 ], [ -69.893, -55.345 ], [ -69.897, -55.363 ] ] ], [ [ [ -66.579, -55.29 ], [ -66.637, -55.278 ], [ -66.62, -55.198 ], [ -66.418, -55.191 ], [ -66.499, -55.277 ], [ -66.579, -55.29 ] ] ], [ [ [ -66.766, -55.333 ], [ -66.782, -55.305 ], [ -66.762, -55.306 ], [ -66.766, -55.333 ] ] ], [ [ [ -66.674, -55.285 ], [ -66.685, -55.276 ], [ -66.662, -55.266 ], [ -66.674, -55.285 ] ] ], [ [ [ -67.003, -55.352 ], [ -67.059, -55.274 ], [ -66.943, -55.222 ], [ -66.842, -55.239 ], [ -66.842, -55.328 ], [ -67.003, -55.352 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.954, -55.296 ], [ -69.931, -55.32 ], [ -69.977, -55.323 ], [ -69.94, -55.334 ], [ -70.011, -55.365 ], [ -70.125, -55.327 ], [ -69.954, -55.296 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.13, -55.258 ], [ -70.036, -55.282 ], [ -70.189, -55.261 ], [ -70.13, -55.258 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.146, -55.274 ], [ -69.158, -55.268 ], [ -69.134, -55.264 ], [ -69.146, -55.274 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.249, -55.278 ], [ -69.207, -55.294 ], [ -69.42, -55.271 ], [ -69.3, -55.244 ], [ -69.249, -55.278 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.015, -55.296 ], [ -68.994, -55.289 ], [ -68.984, -55.329 ], [ -69.043, -55.295 ], [ -69.015, -55.296 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.883, -55.237 ], [ -68.92, -55.335 ], [ -68.978, -55.346 ], [ -68.973, -55.284 ], [ -68.883, -55.237 ] ] ], [ [ [ -67.923, -55.243 ], [ -67.947, -55.257 ], [ -67.975, -55.246 ], [ -67.914, -55.209 ], [ -67.923, -55.243 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.209, -55.235 ], [ -69.215, -55.227 ], [ -69.184, -55.227 ], [ -69.209, -55.235 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.969, -55.614 ], [ -68.967, -55.601 ], [ -68.946, -55.608 ], [ -68.969, -55.614 ] ] ], [ [ [ -67.333, -55.591 ], [ -67.339, -55.652 ], [ -67.298, -55.658 ], [ -67.354, -55.721 ], [ -67.232, -55.733 ], [ -67.287, -55.743 ], [ -67.223, -55.765 ], [ -67.238, -55.801 ], [ -67.54, -55.745 ], [ -67.48, -55.726 ], [ -67.537, -55.695 ], [ -67.505, -55.662 ], [ -67.385, -55.734 ], [ -67.387, -55.656 ], [ -67.458, -55.633 ], [ -67.333, -55.591 ] ] ], [ [ [ -67.549, -55.626 ], [ -67.517, -55.649 ], [ -67.558, -55.697 ], [ -67.662, -55.694 ], [ -67.573, -55.661 ], [ -67.586, -55.61 ], [ -67.549, -55.626 ] ] ], [ [ [ -67.626, -55.515 ], [ -67.534, -55.612 ], [ -67.577, -55.602 ], [ -67.706, -55.635 ], [ -67.65, -55.584 ], [ -67.664, -55.518 ], [ -67.626, -55.515 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.096, -55.405 ], [ -68.118, -55.402 ], [ -68.067, -55.4 ], [ -68.096, -55.405 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.555, -55.452 ], [ -69.567, -55.48 ], [ -69.595, -55.477 ], [ -69.584, -55.451 ], [ -69.555, -55.452 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.601, -55.445 ], [ -69.618, -55.398 ], [ -69.478, -55.455 ], [ -69.52, -55.479 ], [ -69.544, -55.441 ], [ -69.601, -55.445 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.34, -55.505 ], [ -69.304, -55.496 ], [ -69.28, -55.515 ], [ -69.333, -55.548 ], [ -69.34, -55.505 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.181, -55.604 ], [ -69.208, -55.618 ], [ -69.221, -55.568 ], [ -69.19, -55.582 ], [ -69.181, -55.604 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.059, -55.563 ], [ -69.035, -55.623 ], [ -69.081, -55.635 ], [ -69.1, -55.551 ], [ -69.059, -55.563 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.754, -55.531 ], [ -68.656, -55.57 ], [ -68.656, -55.605 ], [ -68.785, -55.538 ], [ -68.754, -55.531 ] ] ], [ [ [ -67.99, -55.55 ], [ -67.963, -55.552 ], [ -68.029, -55.561 ], [ -68.016, -55.544 ], [ -67.99, -55.55 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.927, -55.519 ], [ -68.958, -55.513 ], [ -68.961, -55.486 ], [ -68.944, -55.482 ], [ -68.927, -55.519 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.527, -55.588 ], [ -68.58, -55.571 ], [ -68.595, -55.552 ], [ -68.545, -55.538 ], [ -68.527, -55.588 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.17, -55.565 ], [ -69.202, -55.554 ], [ -69.174, -55.544 ], [ -69.17, -55.565 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.909, -55.536 ], [ -68.869, -55.541 ], [ -68.845, -55.566 ], [ -68.922, -55.561 ], [ -68.909, -55.536 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.216, -55.55 ], [ -69.233, -55.545 ], [ -69.199, -55.545 ], [ -69.216, -55.55 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.31, -55.55 ], [ -68.323, -55.537 ], [ -68.293, -55.537 ], [ -68.31, -55.55 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.439, -55.56 ], [ -68.454, -55.537 ], [ -68.432, -55.53 ], [ -68.416, -55.546 ], [ -68.439, -55.56 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.677, -55.549 ], [ -68.71, -55.525 ], [ -68.675, -55.533 ], [ -68.677, -55.549 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.398, -55.538 ], [ -68.399, -55.514 ], [ -68.382, -55.526 ], [ -68.398, -55.538 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.584, -55.53 ], [ -68.56, -55.533 ], [ -68.62, -55.533 ], [ -68.577, -55.514 ], [ -68.584, -55.53 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.602, -55.485 ], [ -68.638, -55.536 ], [ -68.704, -55.514 ], [ -68.602, -55.485 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.625, -55.386 ], [ -69.627, -55.411 ], [ -69.65, -55.41 ], [ -69.625, -55.386 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.054, -55.421 ], [ -69, -55.436 ], [ -69.063, -55.442 ], [ -69.218, -55.32 ], [ -69.054, -55.421 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.129, -54.982 ], [ -71.084, -54.986 ], [ -71.179, -55.015 ], [ -71.171, -54.972 ], [ -71.129, -54.982 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.896, -55.14 ], [ -70.907, -55.11 ], [ -70.882, -55.106 ], [ -70.896, -55.14 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.804, -55.126 ], [ -70.825, -55.11 ], [ -70.806, -55.105 ], [ -70.804, -55.126 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.619, -55.13 ], [ -70.649, -55.181 ], [ -70.692, -55.163 ], [ -70.668, -55.138 ], [ -70.619, -55.13 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.307, -55.128 ], [ -68.319, -55.127 ], [ -68.298, -55.121 ], [ -68.307, -55.128 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.417, -55.126 ], [ -68.456, -55.147 ], [ -68.498, -55.133 ], [ -68.417, -55.126 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.019, -55.252 ], [ -70.078, -55.237 ], [ -70.115, -55.187 ], [ -69.974, -55.24 ], [ -70.019, -55.252 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.933, -55.216 ], [ -69.945, -55.199 ], [ -69.915, -55.208 ], [ -69.933, -55.216 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.207, -55.198 ], [ -68.308, -55.205 ], [ -68.335, -55.164 ], [ -68.261, -55.157 ], [ -68.207, -55.198 ] ] ], [ [ [ -67.927, -54.901 ], [ -67.288, -54.919 ], [ -67.155, -54.969 ], [ -67.043, -55.078 ], [ -67.036, -55.141 ], [ -67.242, -55.314 ], [ -67.428, -55.294 ], [ -67.395, -55.195 ], [ -67.502, -55.171 ], [ -67.592, -55.195 ], [ -67.607, -55.277 ], [ -67.856, -55.255 ], [ -67.875, -55.221 ], [ -67.726, -55.236 ], [ -67.89, -55.158 ], [ -67.978, -55.226 ], [ -68.117, -55.225 ], [ -68.124, -55.174 ], [ -68.048, -55.176 ], [ -68.155, -55.143 ], [ -68.17, -54.998 ], [ -68.3, -55.012 ], [ -68.369, -54.945 ], [ -68.213, -54.92 ], [ -68.215, -54.899 ], [ -67.927, -54.901 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.668, -55.164 ], [ -68.685, -55.163 ], [ -68.658, -55.162 ], [ -68.668, -55.164 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.765, -55.167 ], [ -68.792, -55.147 ], [ -68.72, -55.16 ], [ -68.765, -55.167 ] ] ], [ [ [ -67.003, -54.988 ], [ -66.854, -55.026 ], [ -66.829, -55.094 ], [ -67.054, -54.993 ], [ -67.003, -54.988 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.245, -55.011 ], [ -68.227, -55.023 ], [ -68.241, -55.052 ], [ -68.28, -55.015 ], [ -68.245, -55.011 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.991, -55.011 ], [ -70.039, -55.066 ], [ -70.089, -55.055 ], [ -70.08, -55.019 ], [ -69.991, -55.011 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.941, -55.037 ], [ -70.004, -55.057 ], [ -69.938, -54.99 ], [ -69.941, -55.037 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.351, -55.01 ], [ -70.371, -55.027 ], [ -70.453, -55.035 ], [ -70.403, -55.01 ], [ -70.351, -55.01 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.557, -55 ], [ -70.469, -55.011 ], [ -70.562, -55.025 ], [ -70.557, -55 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.266, -54.92 ], [ -68.291, -54.916 ], [ -68.276, -54.908 ], [ -68.266, -54.92 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.173, -54.099 ], [ -73.169, -54.121 ], [ -73.198, -54.126 ], [ -73.193, -54.1 ], [ -73.173, -54.099 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.373, -54.018 ], [ -73.243, -54.03 ], [ -73.236, -54.085 ], [ -73.18, -54.05 ], [ -73.268, -54.136 ], [ -73.345, -54.118 ], [ -73.307, -54.103 ], [ -73.342, -54.064 ], [ -73.48, -54.067 ], [ -73.373, -54.018 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.021, -54.188 ], [ -73.046, -54.176 ], [ -73.009, -54.165 ], [ -73.021, -54.188 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.935, -54.196 ], [ -72.952, -54.231 ], [ -73.006, -54.226 ], [ -72.981, -54.202 ], [ -72.935, -54.196 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.057, -54.153 ], [ -73.029, -54.149 ], [ -73.094, -54.17 ], [ -73.087, -54.143 ], [ -73.057, -54.153 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.874, -54.152 ], [ -72.879, -54.14 ], [ -72.846, -54.142 ], [ -72.874, -54.152 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.224, -54.028 ], [ -71.2, -54.071 ], [ -71.168, -54.089 ], [ -71.224, -54.098 ], [ -71.224, -54.028 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.107, -54.102 ], [ -73.11, -54.158 ], [ -73.148, -54.154 ], [ -73.142, -54.106 ], [ -73.107, -54.102 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.753, -54.135 ], [ -72.742, -54.114 ], [ -72.729, -54.117 ], [ -72.753, -54.135 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.374, -54.261 ], [ -72.398, -54.259 ], [ -72.375, -54.25 ], [ -72.344, -54.272 ], [ -72.374, -54.261 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.243, -54.253 ], [ -72.259, -54.259 ], [ -72.263, -54.243 ], [ -72.243, -54.253 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.636, -54.243 ], [ -72.68, -54.269 ], [ -72.7, -54.25 ], [ -72.655, -54.227 ], [ -72.636, -54.243 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.57, -54.242 ], [ -72.579, -54.236 ], [ -72.566, -54.232 ], [ -72.57, -54.242 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.273, -54.22 ], [ -72.282, -54.215 ], [ -72.261, -54.215 ], [ -72.273, -54.22 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.654, -54.257 ], [ -71.66, -54.243 ], [ -71.639, -54.254 ], [ -71.654, -54.257 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.918, -54.223 ], [ -71.934, -54.242 ], [ -72.001, -54.225 ], [ -71.918, -54.223 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.037, -54.231 ], [ -72.059, -54.22 ], [ -72.031, -54.222 ], [ -72.037, -54.231 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.228, -54.206 ], [ -72.217, -54.224 ], [ -72.232, -54.227 ], [ -72.228, -54.206 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.277, -54.189 ], [ -70.296, -54.178 ], [ -70.282, -54.171 ], [ -70.277, -54.189 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.474, -54.121 ], [ -72.491, -54.152 ], [ -72.515, -54.153 ], [ -72.503, -54.12 ], [ -72.474, -54.121 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.277, -54.086 ], [ -70.303, -54.152 ], [ -70.357, -54.162 ], [ -70.51, -54.072 ], [ -70.39, -54.085 ], [ -70.31, -54.051 ], [ -70.277, -54.086 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.641, -54.105 ], [ -72.544, -54.132 ], [ -72.695, -54.131 ], [ -72.641, -54.105 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.164, -53.928 ], [ -72.174, -53.919 ], [ -72.148, -53.927 ], [ -72.164, -53.928 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.13, -54.071 ], [ -71.14, -54.053 ], [ -71.113, -54.045 ], [ -71.13, -54.071 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.326, -53.994 ], [ -72.305, -53.955 ], [ -72.305, -53.996 ], [ -72.326, -53.994 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.033, -53.963 ], [ -73.022, -53.962 ], [ -73.034, -53.976 ], [ -73.033, -53.963 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.972, -53.945 ], [ -72.953, -53.947 ], [ -72.995, -53.949 ], [ -72.972, -53.945 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.366, -53.936 ], [ -73.378, -53.932 ], [ -73.344, -53.932 ], [ -73.366, -53.936 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.007, -53.953 ], [ -73.017, -53.948 ], [ -73.003, -53.943 ], [ -73.007, -53.953 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.058, -53.943 ], [ -73.098, -53.934 ], [ -73.067, -53.919 ], [ -73.058, -53.943 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.078, -53.936 ], [ -72.093, -53.925 ], [ -72.04, -53.918 ], [ -72.078, -53.936 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.339, -54.802 ], [ -71.349, -54.797 ], [ -71.337, -54.787 ], [ -71.339, -54.802 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.906, -54.837 ], [ -70.885, -54.848 ], [ -70.932, -54.835 ], [ -70.922, -54.823 ], [ -70.906, -54.837 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.212, -54.821 ], [ -71.231, -54.796 ], [ -71.194, -54.816 ], [ -71.212, -54.821 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.432, -54.938 ], [ -71.458, -54.932 ], [ -71.429, -54.92 ], [ -71.432, -54.938 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.165, -54.955 ], [ -71.194, -55.023 ], [ -71.256, -55.015 ], [ -71.264, -54.971 ], [ -71.165, -54.955 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70, -54.876 ], [ -69.982, -54.877 ], [ -70.091, -54.881 ], [ -70, -54.876 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.259, -54.898 ], [ -70.278, -54.89 ], [ -70.236, -54.884 ], [ -70.259, -54.898 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.301, -54.884 ], [ -70.312, -54.88 ], [ -70.293, -54.876 ], [ -70.301, -54.884 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.997, -54.67 ], [ -71.009, -54.657 ], [ -70.99, -54.64 ], [ -70.997, -54.67 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.868, -54.672 ], [ -71.88, -54.661 ], [ -71.846, -54.667 ], [ -71.868, -54.672 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.068, -54.618 ], [ -72.104, -54.619 ], [ -72.106, -54.606 ], [ -72.068, -54.618 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.03, -54.537 ], [ -72.011, -54.566 ], [ -71.952, -54.594 ], [ -72.076, -54.574 ], [ -72.03, -54.537 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.782, -54.524 ], [ -71.789, -54.495 ], [ -71.765, -54.509 ], [ -71.782, -54.524 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.973, -54.473 ], [ -73.01, -54.506 ], [ -73.103, -54.5 ], [ -73.078, -54.483 ], [ -72.973, -54.473 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.131, -54.474 ], [ -72.146, -54.458 ], [ -72.112, -54.473 ], [ -72.131, -54.474 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.27, -54.375 ], [ -71.245, -54.379 ], [ -71.291, -54.374 ], [ -71.27, -54.375 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.955, -54.367 ], [ -71.942, -54.378 ], [ -72, -54.383 ], [ -71.955, -54.367 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.992, -54.331 ], [ -71.007, -54.326 ], [ -70.98, -54.329 ], [ -70.992, -54.331 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.667, -54.307 ], [ -72.647, -54.322 ], [ -72.694, -54.312 ], [ -72.667, -54.307 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.629, -54.339 ], [ -72.625, -54.322 ], [ -72.612, -54.325 ], [ -72.629, -54.339 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.795, -54.317 ], [ -71.793, -54.305 ], [ -71.779, -54.313 ], [ -71.795, -54.317 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.594, -54.333 ], [ -71.621, -54.332 ], [ -71.636, -54.308 ], [ -71.594, -54.333 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.284, -54.286 ], [ -72.251, -54.33 ], [ -72.342, -54.311 ], [ -72.334, -54.286 ], [ -72.284, -54.286 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.679, -54.285 ], [ -71.64, -54.329 ], [ -71.753, -54.294 ], [ -71.7, -54.278 ], [ -71.679, -54.285 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.173, -54.325 ], [ -72.196, -54.314 ], [ -72.169, -54.309 ], [ -72.173, -54.325 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.622, -54.423 ], [ -71.598, -54.454 ], [ -71.666, -54.398 ], [ -71.655, -54.392 ], [ -71.622, -54.423 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.411, -54.431 ], [ -72.387, -54.431 ], [ -72.376, -54.459 ], [ -72.438, -54.451 ], [ -72.411, -54.431 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.083, -54.433 ], [ -72.064, -54.457 ], [ -72.125, -54.434 ], [ -72.098, -54.417 ], [ -72.083, -54.433 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.294, -54.414 ], [ -72.258, -54.411 ], [ -72.231, -54.462 ], [ -72.309, -54.439 ], [ -72.321, -54.472 ], [ -72.37, -54.417 ], [ -72.294, -54.414 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.383, -54.42 ], [ -72.399, -54.413 ], [ -72.381, -54.41 ], [ -72.383, -54.42 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.497, -54.392 ], [ -71.512, -54.373 ], [ -71.481, -54.371 ], [ -71.497, -54.392 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.415, -54.406 ], [ -72.426, -54.397 ], [ -72.396, -54.387 ], [ -72.415, -54.406 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.54, -54.376 ], [ -71.531, -54.389 ], [ -71.604, -54.38 ], [ -71.54, -54.376 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.179, -54.375 ], [ -72.093, -54.41 ], [ -72.159, -54.441 ], [ -72.162, -54.399 ], [ -72.235, -54.384 ], [ -72.179, -54.375 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.915, -54.39 ], [ -71.9, -54.393 ], [ -71.974, -54.392 ], [ -71.915, -54.39 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.406, -54.325 ], [ -72.29, -54.344 ], [ -72.445, -54.362 ], [ -72.46, -54.435 ], [ -72.543, -54.381 ], [ -72.544, -54.343 ], [ -72.406, -54.325 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.091, -54.726 ], [ -71.101, -54.711 ], [ -71.074, -54.727 ], [ -71.091, -54.726 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.027, -54.736 ], [ -72.033, -54.704 ], [ -72.017, -54.7 ], [ -72.007, -54.721 ], [ -72.027, -54.736 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.839, -54.743 ], [ -71.795, -54.748 ], [ -71.767, -54.776 ], [ -71.835, -54.769 ], [ -71.869, -54.726 ], [ -71.839, -54.743 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.564, -54.714 ], [ -71.529, -54.746 ], [ -71.622, -54.763 ], [ -71.629, -54.7 ], [ -71.564, -54.714 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.15, -54.72 ], [ -71.108, -54.728 ], [ -71.147, -54.746 ], [ -71.15, -54.72 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.196, -54.717 ], [ -71.225, -54.744 ], [ -71.275, -54.73 ], [ -71.196, -54.717 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.729, -54.709 ], [ -71.775, -54.732 ], [ -71.789, -54.701 ], [ -71.763, -54.694 ], [ -71.729, -54.709 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.809, -54.717 ], [ -71.827, -54.697 ], [ -71.795, -54.689 ], [ -71.809, -54.717 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.045, -54.635 ], [ -71.961, -54.666 ], [ -71.902, -54.734 ], [ -71.981, -54.755 ], [ -71.968, -54.703 ], [ -72.033, -54.653 ], [ -72.103, -54.673 ], [ -72.045, -54.635 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.679, -54.691 ], [ -71.717, -54.708 ], [ -71.772, -54.659 ], [ -71.722, -54.655 ], [ -71.679, -54.691 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.218, -55.486 ], [ -69.338, -55.486 ], [ -69.366, -55.398 ], [ -69.404, -55.521 ], [ -69.43, -55.405 ], [ -69.511, -55.41 ], [ -69.397, -55.379 ], [ -69.501, -55.378 ], [ -69.452, -55.345 ], [ -69.547, -55.386 ], [ -69.596, -55.367 ], [ -69.525, -55.33 ], [ -69.79, -55.317 ], [ -69.542, -55.28 ], [ -69.681, -55.275 ], [ -69.455, -55.193 ], [ -69.862, -55.279 ], [ -69.896, -55.26 ], [ -69.848, -55.241 ], [ -69.963, -55.24 ], [ -69.857, -55.212 ], [ -69.968, -55.184 ], [ -69.856, -55.194 ], [ -70.027, -55.162 ], [ -70.027, -55.126 ], [ -69.929, -55.133 ], [ -69.966, -55.113 ], [ -69.903, -55.069 ], [ -69.669, -55.085 ], [ -69.58, -55.038 ], [ -69.564, -55.169 ], [ -69.546, -55.035 ], [ -69.325, -55.057 ], [ -69.393, -55.024 ], [ -68.437, -54.936 ], [ -68.31, -55.034 ], [ -68.329, -55.076 ], [ -68.449, -55.021 ], [ -68.427, -55.093 ], [ -68.635, -55.081 ], [ -68.549, -55.129 ], [ -68.658, -55.153 ], [ -69.021, -55.02 ], [ -69.074, -55.071 ], [ -68.978, -55.068 ], [ -68.985, -55.108 ], [ -68.743, -55.182 ], [ -68.367, -55.18 ], [ -68.342, -55.214 ], [ -68.25, -55.224 ], [ -68.333, -55.238 ], [ -68.188, -55.295 ], [ -68.556, -55.328 ], [ -68.66, -55.253 ], [ -68.749, -55.275 ], [ -68.645, -55.276 ], [ -68.68, -55.293 ], [ -68.619, -55.315 ], [ -68.634, -55.344 ], [ -68.54, -55.336 ], [ -68.59, -55.375 ], [ -68.406, -55.331 ], [ -68.273, -55.381 ], [ -68.32, -55.413 ], [ -68.139, -55.395 ], [ -68.164, -55.482 ], [ -68.023, -55.485 ], [ -68.116, -55.533 ], [ -67.973, -55.6 ], [ -68.015, -55.621 ], [ -67.97, -55.646 ], [ -68.021, -55.66 ], [ -67.968, -55.683 ], [ -68.092, -55.724 ], [ -68.137, -55.606 ], [ -68.278, -55.62 ], [ -68.218, -55.545 ], [ -68.355, -55.492 ], [ -68.442, -55.515 ], [ -68.556, -55.464 ], [ -68.549, -55.411 ], [ -68.632, -55.405 ], [ -68.598, -55.47 ], [ -68.794, -55.431 ], [ -68.775, -55.507 ], [ -68.916, -55.484 ], [ -68.87, -55.457 ], [ -68.927, -55.468 ], [ -68.963, -55.414 ], [ -68.739, -55.387 ], [ -68.809, -55.373 ], [ -68.752, -55.354 ], [ -68.783, -55.347 ], [ -68.975, -55.399 ], [ -68.87, -55.317 ], [ -68.89, -55.274 ], [ -68.831, -55.248 ], [ -68.872, -55.228 ], [ -68.797, -55.18 ], [ -69.029, -55.275 ], [ -69.136, -55.185 ], [ -69.12, -55.248 ], [ -69.218, -55.212 ], [ -69.258, -55.153 ], [ -69.226, -55.115 ], [ -69.318, -55.155 ], [ -69.247, -55.236 ], [ -69.499, -55.244 ], [ -69.433, -55.252 ], [ -69.469, -55.264 ], [ -69.436, -55.304 ], [ -69.323, -55.305 ], [ -69.355, -55.319 ], [ -69.27, -55.36 ], [ -69.308, -55.37 ], [ -69.231, -55.37 ], [ -69.262, -55.398 ], [ -69.22, -55.408 ], [ -69.285, -55.414 ], [ -69.246, -55.43 ], [ -69.287, -55.451 ], [ -69.116, -55.461 ], [ -69.187, -55.458 ], [ -69.125, -55.489 ], [ -69.15, -55.515 ], [ -69.218, -55.486 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.645, -54.892 ], [ -69.484, -54.901 ], [ -69.533, -54.956 ], [ -69.432, -54.901 ], [ -69.133, -54.961 ], [ -69.929, -55.04 ], [ -69.893, -55.016 ], [ -69.934, -54.957 ], [ -69.807, -54.952 ], [ -69.927, -54.904 ], [ -69.778, -54.889 ], [ -69.748, -54.973 ], [ -69.667, -54.948 ], [ -69.753, -54.874 ], [ -69.645, -54.892 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.97, -55 ], [ -70.903, -55 ], [ -71.001, -54.97 ], [ -70.838, -54.926 ], [ -70.84, -54.983 ], [ -70.779, -54.978 ], [ -70.768, -54.928 ], [ -70.696, -54.965 ], [ -70.735, -54.981 ], [ -70.551, -54.98 ], [ -70.587, -54.948 ], [ -70.487, -54.901 ], [ -70.332, -54.89 ], [ -70.291, -54.914 ], [ -70.475, -54.946 ], [ -70.511, -54.967 ], [ -70.48, -54.996 ], [ -70.71, -54.982 ], [ -70.726, -55.013 ], [ -70.563, -55.043 ], [ -70.492, -55.021 ], [ -70.453, -55.06 ], [ -70.282, -55.03 ], [ -70.267, -55.072 ], [ -70.356, -55.077 ], [ -70.239, -55.109 ], [ -70.432, -55.093 ], [ -70.345, -55.168 ], [ -70.448, -55.209 ], [ -70.521, -55.15 ], [ -70.539, -55.177 ], [ -70.485, -55.19 ], [ -70.524, -55.205 ], [ -70.556, -55.18 ], [ -70.5, -55.102 ], [ -70.564, -55.06 ], [ -70.622, -55.053 ], [ -70.571, -55.086 ], [ -70.639, -55.073 ], [ -70.675, -55.129 ], [ -70.741, -55.103 ], [ -70.695, -55.073 ], [ -70.732, -55.049 ], [ -70.796, -55.096 ], [ -70.853, -55.049 ], [ -70.905, -55.09 ], [ -70.939, -55.037 ], [ -70.996, -55.053 ], [ -70.945, -55.026 ], [ -70.97, -55 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.269, -55.013 ], [ -70.312, -54.998 ], [ -70.282, -54.979 ], [ -70.29, -54.954 ], [ -70.39, -55.004 ], [ -70.45, -54.959 ], [ -70.223, -54.941 ], [ -70.269, -55.013 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.007, -54.923 ], [ -69.935, -54.942 ], [ -70.203, -55.01 ], [ -70.162, -54.957 ], [ -70.007, -54.923 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.113, -54.91 ], [ -70.057, -54.915 ], [ -70.186, -54.93 ], [ -70.133, -54.899 ], [ -70.113, -54.91 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.228, -54.902 ], [ -70.239, -54.899 ], [ -70.221, -54.889 ], [ -70.228, -54.902 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.121, -54.834 ], [ -71.128, -54.867 ], [ -70.975, -54.859 ], [ -70.976, -54.901 ], [ -70.924, -54.908 ], [ -70.986, -54.918 ], [ -70.896, -54.924 ], [ -71.064, -54.958 ], [ -71.158, -54.93 ], [ -71.072, -54.905 ], [ -71.283, -54.859 ], [ -71.333, -54.955 ], [ -71.353, -54.881 ], [ -71.42, -54.943 ], [ -71.403, -54.912 ], [ -71.454, -54.883 ], [ -71.383, -54.859 ], [ -71.399, -54.828 ], [ -71.121, -54.834 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.555, -54.83 ], [ -70.452, -54.834 ], [ -70.351, -54.866 ], [ -70.574, -54.912 ], [ -70.742, -54.869 ], [ -70.555, -54.83 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.931, -54.292 ], [ -69.96, -54.271 ], [ -69.925, -54.275 ], [ -69.931, -54.292 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.792, -54.284 ], [ -72.789, -54.27 ], [ -72.773, -54.276 ], [ -72.792, -54.284 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.564, -54.314 ], [ -71.61, -54.282 ], [ -71.566, -54.298 ], [ -71.564, -54.314 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.471, -54.264 ], [ -71.389, -54.265 ], [ -71.416, -54.287 ], [ -71.378, -54.332 ], [ -71.497, -54.333 ], [ -71.493, -54.233 ], [ -71.471, -54.264 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72, -54.3 ], [ -72.055, -54.289 ], [ -72.088, -54.262 ], [ -71.992, -54.251 ], [ -72, -54.3 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.195, -54.218 ], [ -72.148, -54.283 ], [ -72.16, -54.305 ], [ -72.208, -54.291 ], [ -72.195, -54.218 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.284, -54.287 ], [ -70.474, -54.236 ], [ -70.521, -54.159 ], [ -70.219, -54.238 ], [ -70.284, -54.287 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.106, -54.4 ], [ -71.165, -54.332 ], [ -71.189, -54.376 ], [ -71.345, -54.317 ], [ -71.166, -54.244 ], [ -71.232, -54.207 ], [ -71.254, -54.255 ], [ -71.321, -54.261 ], [ -71.322, -54.215 ], [ -71.37, -54.256 ], [ -71.439, -54.211 ], [ -71.354, -54.15 ], [ -71.405, -54.154 ], [ -71.386, -54.117 ], [ -71.43, -54.154 ], [ -71.5, -54.13 ], [ -71.439, -54.166 ], [ -71.489, -54.188 ], [ -71.509, -54.284 ], [ -71.577, -54.23 ], [ -71.514, -54.183 ], [ -71.581, -54.193 ], [ -71.589, -54.243 ], [ -71.654, -54.228 ], [ -71.691, -54.16 ], [ -71.554, -54.088 ], [ -71.602, -54.088 ], [ -71.638, -54.018 ], [ -71.606, -53.954 ], [ -71.523, -53.953 ], [ -71.487, -54.012 ], [ -71.49, -53.956 ], [ -71.433, -53.956 ], [ -71.391, -54.094 ], [ -71.379, -53.978 ], [ -71.262, -54.005 ], [ -71.236, -54.095 ], [ -71.288, -54.112 ], [ -71.207, -54.119 ], [ -71.192, -54.206 ], [ -71.155, -54.089 ], [ -71.107, -54.167 ], [ -71.08, -54.067 ], [ -70.99, -54.096 ], [ -70.986, -54.156 ], [ -71.066, -54.202 ], [ -70.962, -54.174 ], [ -70.97, -54.241 ], [ -71.03, -54.242 ], [ -70.965, -54.312 ], [ -71.042, -54.299 ], [ -71.038, -54.344 ], [ -71.14, -54.302 ], [ -71.058, -54.354 ], [ -71.106, -54.4 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.475, -54.295 ], [ -72.553, -54.272 ], [ -72.458, -54.235 ], [ -72.496, -54.194 ], [ -72.377, -54.172 ], [ -72.415, -54.124 ], [ -72.284, -54.098 ], [ -72.417, -54.085 ], [ -72.317, -54.058 ], [ -72.196, -54.142 ], [ -72.285, -54.145 ], [ -72.255, -54.198 ], [ -72.326, -54.2 ], [ -72.314, -54.263 ], [ -72.393, -54.217 ], [ -72.475, -54.295 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.519, -37.079 ], [ -73.556, -37.026 ], [ -73.525, -36.972 ], [ -73.455, -37.052 ], [ -73.519, -37.079 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.056, -36.644 ], [ -73.072, -36.648 ], [ -73.048, -36.605 ], [ -73.056, -36.644 ] ] ], [ [ [ -109.291, -27.094 ], [ -109.234, -27.125 ], [ -109.452, -27.197 ], [ -109.396, -27.063 ], [ -109.291, -27.094 ] ] ], [ [ [ -80.733, -33.706 ], [ -80.72, -33.783 ], [ -80.762, -33.79 ], [ -80.785, -33.72 ], [ -80.733, -33.706 ] ] ], [ [ [ -78.938, -33.7 ], [ -78.922, -33.711 ], [ -78.96, -33.701 ], [ -78.938, -33.7 ] ] ], [ [ [ -78.891, -33.593 ], [ -78.788, -33.624 ], [ -78.761, -33.656 ], [ -79.006, -33.668 ], [ -78.891, -33.593 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.586, -29.022 ], [ -71.571, -29.026 ], [ -71.572, -29.043 ], [ -71.59, -29.046 ], [ -71.586, -29.022 ] ] ], [ [ [ -79.89, -26.356 ], [ -79.894, -26.369 ], [ -79.918, -26.365 ], [ -79.89, -26.356 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.81, -41.749 ], [ -73.822, -41.74 ], [ -73.814, -41.73 ], [ -73.8, -41.742 ], [ -73.81, -41.749 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.951, -41.719 ], [ -73.001, -41.706 ], [ -72.99, -41.667 ], [ -72.886, -41.697 ], [ -72.951, -41.719 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.977, -41.592 ], [ -73.008, -41.594 ], [ -73.019, -41.562 ], [ -72.973, -41.557 ], [ -72.977, -41.592 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.902, -38.417 ], [ -73.939, -38.417 ], [ -73.959, -38.318 ], [ -73.864, -38.37 ], [ -73.902, -38.417 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.717, -44.07 ], [ -73.699, -44.086 ], [ -73.729, -44.071 ], [ -73.717, -44.07 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.884, -44.071 ], [ -73.852, -44.074 ], [ -73.845, -44.091 ], [ -73.914, -44.076 ], [ -73.884, -44.071 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.113, -44.046 ], [ -74.16, -44.073 ], [ -74.203, -44.065 ], [ -74.113, -44.046 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.941, -44.048 ], [ -73.933, -44.059 ], [ -73.95, -44.071 ], [ -73.941, -44.048 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.702, -43.923 ], [ -73.688, -43.934 ], [ -73.708, -43.933 ], [ -73.702, -43.923 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.672, -43.878 ], [ -73.662, -43.885 ], [ -73.673, -43.89 ], [ -73.682, -43.882 ], [ -73.672, -43.878 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.776, -43.829 ], [ -73.739, -43.902 ], [ -73.895, -43.872 ], [ -73.781, -43.86 ], [ -73.776, -43.829 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.771, -43.684 ], [ -74.838, -43.563 ], [ -74.745, -43.567 ], [ -74.744, -43.518 ], [ -74.552, -43.627 ], [ -74.771, -43.684 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.204, -43.466 ], [ -74.213, -43.473 ], [ -74.2, -43.455 ], [ -74.204, -43.466 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.018, -43.801 ], [ -74.025, -43.818 ], [ -74.046, -43.811 ], [ -74.018, -43.801 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.003, -43.787 ], [ -73.987, -43.805 ], [ -73.997, -43.818 ], [ -74.01, -43.808 ], [ -74.003, -43.787 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.263, -44.015 ], [ -73.241, -44.023 ], [ -73.234, -44.052 ], [ -73.279, -44.028 ], [ -73.263, -44.015 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.243, -44.012 ], [ -74.174, -44.028 ], [ -74.287, -44.025 ], [ -74.243, -44.012 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.223, -43.985 ], [ -74.153, -44.005 ], [ -74.243, -44.002 ], [ -74.223, -43.985 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.575, -44.033 ], [ -73.538, -44.044 ], [ -73.529, -44.08 ], [ -73.614, -44.036 ], [ -73.575, -44.033 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.896, -43.934 ], [ -73.781, -43.976 ], [ -73.865, -43.991 ], [ -73.927, -43.961 ], [ -73.896, -43.934 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.735, -44.03 ], [ -73.721, -44.038 ], [ -73.735, -44.065 ], [ -73.748, -44.039 ], [ -73.735, -44.03 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.133, -43.887 ], [ -73.145, -44.032 ], [ -73.212, -44.037 ], [ -73.186, -44.021 ], [ -73.266, -43.974 ], [ -73.244, -43.915 ], [ -73.133, -43.887 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.138, -43.954 ], [ -74.175, -43.94 ], [ -74.117, -43.95 ], [ -74.138, -43.954 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.765, -43.908 ], [ -73.788, -43.951 ], [ -73.854, -43.926 ], [ -73.843, -43.91 ], [ -73.765, -43.908 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.86, -43.774 ], [ -73.787, -43.84 ], [ -73.943, -43.855 ], [ -73.864, -43.917 ], [ -73.918, -43.909 ], [ -73.941, -43.956 ], [ -74.01, -43.891 ], [ -74.16, -43.864 ], [ -74.074, -43.808 ], [ -73.978, -43.847 ], [ -73.902, -43.843 ], [ -73.907, -43.802 ], [ -73.831, -43.804 ], [ -73.86, -43.774 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.076, -42.682 ], [ -73.083, -42.653 ], [ -73.067, -42.667 ], [ -73.076, -42.682 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.441, -43.068 ], [ -73.475, -43.042 ], [ -73.453, -43.045 ], [ -73.441, -43.068 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.326, -43.016 ], [ -73.464, -42.994 ], [ -73.605, -42.931 ], [ -73.518, -42.917 ], [ -73.326, -43.016 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.95, -42.81 ], [ -73.031, -42.721 ], [ -73.031, -42.697 ], [ -72.924, -42.725 ], [ -72.919, -42.783 ], [ -72.97, -42.752 ], [ -72.95, -42.81 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.075, -42.755 ], [ -73.093, -42.728 ], [ -73.072, -42.741 ], [ -73.075, -42.755 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.061, -42.752 ], [ -73.079, -42.715 ], [ -73.052, -42.722 ], [ -73.061, -42.752 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.51, -42.17 ], [ -72.609, -42.134 ], [ -72.574, -42.08 ], [ -72.477, -42.09 ], [ -72.51, -42.17 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.247, -42.666 ], [ -73.358, -42.63 ], [ -73.233, -42.635 ], [ -73.247, -42.666 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.032, -42.63 ], [ -73.064, -42.609 ], [ -73.004, -42.603 ], [ -73.006, -42.653 ], [ -73.032, -42.63 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.531, -42.647 ], [ -73.482, -42.638 ], [ -73.502, -42.604 ], [ -73.423, -42.622 ], [ -73.469, -42.648 ], [ -73.531, -42.647 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.267, -42.612 ], [ -73.329, -42.601 ], [ -73.284, -42.589 ], [ -73.267, -42.612 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.538, -42.701 ], [ -73.577, -42.709 ], [ -73.597, -42.653 ], [ -73.743, -42.617 ], [ -73.594, -42.571 ], [ -73.538, -42.701 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.207, -42.63 ], [ -73.214, -42.591 ], [ -73.243, -42.613 ], [ -73.223, -42.56 ], [ -73.196, -42.617 ], [ -73.207, -42.63 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.516, -42.603 ], [ -73.538, -42.58 ], [ -73.491, -42.55 ], [ -73.516, -42.603 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.264, -42.514 ], [ -73.294, -42.463 ], [ -73.248, -42.482 ], [ -73.264, -42.514 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.337, -42.489 ], [ -73.377, -42.49 ], [ -73.373, -42.453 ], [ -73.297, -42.472 ], [ -73.337, -42.489 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.428, -42.44 ], [ -73.462, -42.425 ], [ -73.433, -42.424 ], [ -73.428, -42.44 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.195, -42.32 ], [ -73.207, -42.329 ], [ -73.222, -42.307 ], [ -73.195, -42.32 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.386, -42.184 ], [ -73.408, -42.153 ], [ -73.46, -42.139 ], [ -73.385, -42.109 ], [ -73.348, -42.178 ], [ -73.386, -42.184 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.13, -42.342 ], [ -73.172, -42.267 ], [ -73.14, -42.302 ], [ -73.11, -42.258 ], [ -73.057, -42.274 ], [ -73.13, -42.342 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.24, -42.316 ], [ -73.314, -42.306 ], [ -73.271, -42.286 ], [ -73.24, -42.316 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.215, -42.304 ], [ -73.198, -42.294 ], [ -73.262, -42.27 ], [ -73.207, -42.282 ], [ -73.186, -42.303 ], [ -73.215, -42.304 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.145, -42.277 ], [ -73.186, -42.244 ], [ -73.149, -42.253 ], [ -73.145, -42.277 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.124, -42.399 ], [ -73.152, -42.398 ], [ -73.103, -42.377 ], [ -73.124, -42.399 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.514, -42.455 ], [ -73.394, -42.543 ], [ -73.389, -42.584 ], [ -73.539, -42.469 ], [ -73.633, -42.473 ], [ -73.603, -42.439 ], [ -73.659, -42.391 ], [ -73.528, -42.393 ], [ -73.514, -42.455 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.306, -42.44 ], [ -73.345, -42.421 ], [ -73.291, -42.389 ], [ -73.282, -42.419 ], [ -73.306, -42.44 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.455, -42.385 ], [ -73.444, -42.366 ], [ -73.414, -42.393 ], [ -73.436, -42.408 ], [ -73.455, -42.385 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.276, -43.423 ], [ -74.278, -43.362 ], [ -74.254, -43.349 ], [ -74.232, -43.41 ], [ -74.276, -43.423 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.726, -43.399 ], [ -73.775, -43.382 ], [ -73.806, -43.317 ], [ -73.661, -43.354 ], [ -73.726, -43.399 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.585, -43.273 ], [ -73.625, -43.239 ], [ -73.618, -43.165 ], [ -73.569, -43.249 ], [ -73.585, -43.273 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.667, -43.247 ], [ -73.744, -43.198 ], [ -73.661, -43.194 ], [ -73.667, -43.247 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.498, -43.174 ], [ -73.535, -43.196 ], [ -73.589, -43.201 ], [ -73.581, -43.138 ], [ -73.498, -43.174 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.51, -43.156 ], [ -73.509, -43.156 ], [ -73.509, -43.157 ], [ -73.51, -43.156 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.51, -43.156 ], [ -73.532, -43.156 ], [ -73.518, -43.142 ], [ -73.51, -43.156 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.631, -42.077 ], [ -72.642, -42.081 ], [ -72.644, -42.065 ], [ -72.618, -42.067 ], [ -72.631, -42.077 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.484, -42.07 ], [ -72.513, -42.054 ], [ -72.461, -41.984 ], [ -72.462, -42.031 ], [ -72.484, -42.07 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.105, -41.904 ], [ -73.103, -41.903 ], [ -73.104, -41.904 ], [ -73.105, -41.904 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.068, -41.901 ], [ -73.103, -41.903 ], [ -73.078, -41.891 ], [ -73.068, -41.901 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.105, -41.904 ], [ -73.161, -41.907 ], [ -73.137, -41.882 ], [ -73.105, -41.904 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.894, -41.898 ], [ -72.938, -41.875 ], [ -72.895, -41.87 ], [ -72.894, -41.898 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.349, -41.834 ], [ -73.329, -41.817 ], [ -73.339, -41.799 ], [ -73.32, -41.816 ], [ -73.349, -41.834 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.157, -41.809 ], [ -73.185, -41.796 ], [ -73.157, -41.797 ], [ -73.127, -41.769 ], [ -73.157, -41.809 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.235, -41.801 ], [ -73.246, -41.797 ], [ -73.251, -41.725 ], [ -73.197, -41.779 ], [ -73.16, -41.785 ], [ -73.235, -41.801 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.099, -41.854 ], [ -73.097, -41.834 ], [ -73.123, -41.816 ], [ -73.085, -41.833 ], [ -73.099, -41.854 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.144, -41.84 ], [ -73.162, -41.817 ], [ -73.132, -41.832 ], [ -73.144, -41.84 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.078, -41.75 ], [ -73.055, -41.732 ], [ -72.985, -41.858 ], [ -73.116, -41.807 ], [ -73.05, -41.813 ], [ -73.078, -41.75 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.48, -44.276 ], [ -73.476, -44.292 ], [ -73.49, -44.299 ], [ -73.498, -44.285 ], [ -73.48, -44.276 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.626, -44.288 ], [ -73.615, -44.296 ], [ -73.64, -44.297 ], [ -73.626, -44.288 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.204, -44.243 ], [ -73.197, -44.259 ], [ -73.217, -44.248 ], [ -73.204, -44.243 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.901, -44.248 ], [ -73.842, -44.264 ], [ -73.855, -44.29 ], [ -73.934, -44.256 ], [ -73.901, -44.248 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.832, -44.214 ], [ -73.804, -44.235 ], [ -73.836, -44.255 ], [ -73.85, -44.219 ], [ -73.832, -44.214 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.234, -44.218 ], [ -73.209, -44.233 ], [ -73.236, -44.237 ], [ -73.234, -44.218 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.325, -44.215 ], [ -74.334, -44.231 ], [ -74.364, -44.223 ], [ -74.325, -44.215 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.742, -44.219 ], [ -73.726, -44.228 ], [ -73.754, -44.241 ], [ -73.742, -44.219 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.29, -44.21 ], [ -74.262, -44.213 ], [ -74.22, -44.255 ], [ -74.319, -44.219 ], [ -74.29, -44.21 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.554, -44.127 ], [ -73.541, -44.148 ], [ -73.581, -44.162 ], [ -73.587, -44.145 ], [ -73.554, -44.127 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.142, -44.115 ], [ -74.13, -44.124 ], [ -74.167, -44.153 ], [ -74.142, -44.115 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.346, -44.099 ], [ -74.181, -44.134 ], [ -74.351, -44.129 ], [ -74.346, -44.099 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.351, -44.189 ], [ -74.363, -44.172 ], [ -74.305, -44.188 ], [ -74.354, -44.2 ], [ -74.351, -44.189 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.307, -44.182 ], [ -74.307, -44.182 ], [ -74.308, -44.182 ], [ -74.307, -44.182 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.211, -44.189 ], [ -74.161, -44.192 ], [ -74.147, -44.213 ], [ -74.196, -44.211 ], [ -74.211, -44.189 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.623, -44.187 ], [ -73.623, -44.205 ], [ -73.655, -44.213 ], [ -73.623, -44.187 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.512, -44.104 ], [ -73.448, -44.126 ], [ -73.496, -44.183 ], [ -73.543, -44.127 ], [ -73.512, -44.104 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.67, -44.15 ], [ -73.658, -44.205 ], [ -73.72, -44.201 ], [ -73.724, -44.172 ], [ -73.67, -44.15 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.307, -44.182 ], [ -74.359, -44.149 ], [ -74.234, -44.177 ], [ -74.307, -44.182 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.06, -44.12 ], [ -74.123, -44.193 ], [ -74.156, -44.186 ], [ -74.124, -44.141 ], [ -74.06, -44.12 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.927, -44.099 ], [ -73.84, -44.128 ], [ -73.898, -44.177 ], [ -73.815, -44.185 ], [ -73.829, -44.152 ], [ -73.804, -44.188 ], [ -73.96, -44.193 ], [ -73.996, -44.145 ], [ -73.927, -44.099 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.409, -44.328 ], [ -74.4, -44.338 ], [ -74.415, -44.349 ], [ -74.409, -44.328 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.716, -44.333 ], [ -73.703, -44.354 ], [ -73.735, -44.352 ], [ -73.716, -44.333 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.599, -44.329 ], [ -73.578, -44.344 ], [ -73.597, -44.357 ], [ -73.612, -44.341 ], [ -73.599, -44.329 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.149, -44.302 ], [ -73.089, -44.32 ], [ -73.148, -44.34 ], [ -73.149, -44.302 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.665, -44.341 ], [ -73.684, -44.346 ], [ -73.698, -44.33 ], [ -73.663, -44.318 ], [ -73.665, -44.341 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.258, -44.32 ], [ -74.264, -44.333 ], [ -74.302, -44.333 ], [ -74.295, -44.319 ], [ -74.258, -44.32 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.279, -44.305 ], [ -73.276, -44.322 ], [ -73.297, -44.33 ], [ -73.279, -44.305 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.733, -44.306 ], [ -73.726, -44.317 ], [ -73.745, -44.316 ], [ -73.733, -44.306 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.67, -44.24 ], [ -73.635, -44.267 ], [ -73.718, -44.31 ], [ -73.746, -44.256 ], [ -73.67, -44.24 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.421, -44.256 ], [ -74.276, -44.252 ], [ -74.233, -44.305 ], [ -74.344, -44.307 ], [ -74.421, -44.256 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.142, -44.228 ], [ -74.102, -44.262 ], [ -74.116, -44.31 ], [ -74.203, -44.252 ], [ -74.142, -44.228 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.784, -44.287 ], [ -73.801, -44.352 ], [ -74.015, -44.339 ], [ -73.972, -44.33 ], [ -74.061, -44.299 ], [ -74.105, -44.208 ], [ -74.066, -44.181 ], [ -74.047, -44.21 ], [ -73.984, -44.245 ], [ -74.068, -44.179 ], [ -74.021, -44.146 ], [ -73.929, -44.22 ], [ -73.857, -44.227 ], [ -74.003, -44.254 ], [ -73.964, -44.318 ], [ -73.952, -44.262 ], [ -73.899, -44.301 ], [ -73.852, -44.295 ], [ -73.815, -44.259 ], [ -73.784, -44.287 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.047, -44.09 ], [ -74.028, -44.1 ], [ -74.051, -44.106 ], [ -74.047, -44.09 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.23, -44.073 ], [ -74.171, -44.094 ], [ -74.341, -44.085 ], [ -74.334, -44.073 ], [ -74.23, -44.073 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.076, -44.071 ], [ -74.082, -44.102 ], [ -74.133, -44.089 ], [ -74.076, -44.071 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.665, -44.082 ], [ -73.67, -44.087 ], [ -73.695, -44.072 ], [ -73.674, -44.063 ], [ -73.665, -44.082 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.663, -44.075 ], [ -73.738, -43.997 ], [ -73.694, -43.936 ], [ -73.6, -44.006 ], [ -73.652, -44.036 ], [ -73.582, -44.105 ], [ -73.638, -44.14 ], [ -73.663, -44.075 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.028, -49.948 ], [ -75.038, -49.94 ], [ -75.014, -49.943 ], [ -75.028, -49.948 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.986, -49.905 ], [ -74.986, -49.924 ], [ -75.022, -49.919 ], [ -75.022, -49.906 ], [ -74.986, -49.905 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.079, -49.917 ], [ -75.088, -49.91 ], [ -75.07, -49.907 ], [ -75.079, -49.917 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.076, -49.9 ], [ -75.108, -49.895 ], [ -75.063, -49.891 ], [ -75.076, -49.9 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.88, -49.828 ], [ -74.897, -49.806 ], [ -74.878, -49.809 ], [ -74.88, -49.828 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.389, -49.825 ], [ -75.39, -49.789 ], [ -75.327, -49.753 ], [ -75.366, -49.683 ], [ -75.378, -49.739 ], [ -75.578, -49.819 ], [ -75.594, -49.754 ], [ -75.516, -49.733 ], [ -75.481, -49.704 ], [ -75.609, -49.638 ], [ -75.57, -49.595 ], [ -75.463, -49.611 ], [ -75.46, -49.568 ], [ -75.371, -49.618 ], [ -75.363, -49.574 ], [ -75.161, -49.868 ], [ -75.281, -49.804 ], [ -75.258, -49.874 ], [ -75.337, -49.859 ], [ -75.377, -49.794 ], [ -75.389, -49.825 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.296, -49.596 ], [ -75.305, -49.549 ], [ -75.248, -49.564 ], [ -75.296, -49.596 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.369, -49.555 ], [ -75.383, -49.57 ], [ -75.424, -49.561 ], [ -75.334, -49.53 ], [ -75.369, -49.555 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.486, -49.449 ], [ -75.429, -49.477 ], [ -75.43, -49.529 ], [ -75.581, -49.428 ], [ -75.541, -49.404 ], [ -75.486, -49.449 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.007, -48.914 ], [ -74.993, -48.928 ], [ -75.051, -48.914 ], [ -75.007, -48.914 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.608, -48.375 ], [ -75.617, -48.387 ], [ -75.618, -48.37 ], [ -75.608, -48.375 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.053, -48.514 ], [ -74.188, -48.455 ], [ -74.176, -48.439 ], [ -74.25, -48.38 ], [ -74.033, -48.427 ], [ -74.053, -48.514 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.425, -48.589 ], [ -74.436, -48.56 ], [ -74.417, -48.571 ], [ -74.305, -48.531 ], [ -74.425, -48.589 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.495, -48.511 ], [ -74.524, -48.492 ], [ -74.509, -48.475 ], [ -74.484, -48.498 ], [ -74.495, -48.511 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.017, -48.686 ], [ -75.076, -48.828 ], [ -75.239, -48.769 ], [ -75.017, -48.617 ], [ -75.017, -48.686 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.459, -48.794 ], [ -75.432, -48.746 ], [ -75.59, -48.816 ], [ -75.645, -48.694 ], [ -75.497, -48.744 ], [ -75.304, -48.622 ], [ -75.336, -48.679 ], [ -75.281, -48.653 ], [ -75.265, -48.725 ], [ -75.459, -48.794 ] ], [ [ -75.443, -48.771 ], [ -75.383, -48.745 ], [ -75.339, -48.69 ], [ -75.443, -48.771 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.483, -48.484 ], [ -75.358, -48.439 ], [ -75.404, -48.51 ], [ -75.36, -48.532 ], [ -75.349, -48.453 ], [ -75.307, -48.46 ], [ -75.333, -48.492 ], [ -75.317, -48.531 ], [ -75.398, -48.562 ], [ -75.31, -48.547 ], [ -75.29, -48.621 ], [ -75.315, -48.604 ], [ -75.511, -48.72 ], [ -75.618, -48.689 ], [ -75.467, -48.673 ], [ -75.387, -48.6 ], [ -75.49, -48.653 ], [ -75.545, -48.654 ], [ -75.411, -48.571 ], [ -75.548, -48.649 ], [ -75.639, -48.641 ], [ -75.665, -48.49 ], [ -75.616, -48.493 ], [ -75.615, -48.453 ], [ -75.483, -48.484 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.442, -48.511 ], [ -74.507, -48.386 ], [ -74.28, -48.488 ], [ -74.406, -48.554 ], [ -74.442, -48.511 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.677, -49.234 ], [ -75.696, -49.225 ], [ -75.681, -49.221 ], [ -75.677, -49.234 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.085, -49.241 ], [ -75.147, -49.218 ], [ -75.155, -49.201 ], [ -75.113, -49.204 ], [ -75.085, -49.241 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.25, -49.151 ], [ -75.226, -49.134 ], [ -75.263, -49.174 ], [ -75.303, -49.183 ], [ -75.25, -49.151 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.618, -49.159 ], [ -75.625, -49.143 ], [ -75.608, -49.125 ], [ -75.618, -49.159 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.587, -49.138 ], [ -75.598, -49.128 ], [ -75.571, -49.122 ], [ -75.587, -49.138 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.414, -49.201 ], [ -75.396, -49.214 ], [ -75.414, -49.216 ], [ -75.414, -49.201 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.669, -49.205 ], [ -75.681, -49.2 ], [ -75.644, -49.178 ], [ -75.64, -49.193 ], [ -75.669, -49.205 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.64, -49.126 ], [ -75.667, -49.079 ], [ -75.654, -49.068 ], [ -75.619, -49.111 ], [ -75.64, -49.126 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.51, -48.159 ], [ -73.488, -48.176 ], [ -73.521, -48.178 ], [ -73.51, -48.159 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.57, -48.125 ], [ -73.661, -48.079 ], [ -73.665, -48.057 ], [ -73.58, -48.089 ], [ -73.57, -48.125 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.678, -47.87 ], [ -73.687, -47.864 ], [ -73.672, -47.861 ], [ -73.678, -47.87 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.626, -47.872 ], [ -73.662, -47.857 ], [ -73.627, -47.849 ], [ -73.626, -47.872 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.73, -48 ], [ -73.779, -47.949 ], [ -73.743, -47.878 ], [ -73.656, -47.945 ], [ -73.692, -47.944 ], [ -73.67, -48.001 ], [ -73.73, -48 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.823, -47.961 ], [ -73.84, -47.979 ], [ -73.872, -47.98 ], [ -73.871, -47.967 ], [ -73.823, -47.961 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.919, -47.98 ], [ -73.932, -47.974 ], [ -73.901, -47.966 ], [ -73.919, -47.98 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.289, -47.982 ], [ -75.282, -47.962 ], [ -75.253, -47.97 ], [ -75.289, -47.982 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.641, -47.975 ], [ -74.638, -47.914 ], [ -74.547, -47.926 ], [ -74.641, -47.975 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.25, -47.921 ], [ -75.255, -47.912 ], [ -75.237, -47.908 ], [ -75.25, -47.921 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.242, -47.963 ], [ -75.259, -47.955 ], [ -75.093, -47.894 ], [ -75.13, -47.925 ], [ -75.242, -47.963 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.23, -47.911 ], [ -75.233, -47.891 ], [ -75.199, -47.876 ], [ -75.23, -47.911 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.188, -47.917 ], [ -75.166, -47.864 ], [ -75.099, -47.875 ], [ -75.188, -47.917 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75, -47.905 ], [ -75.002, -47.952 ], [ -75.043, -47.908 ], [ -75.017, -47.851 ], [ -75, -47.905 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.269, -48.484 ], [ -74.341, -48.443 ], [ -74.301, -48.46 ], [ -74.264, -48.449 ], [ -74.49, -48.362 ], [ -74.423, -48.347 ], [ -74.277, -48.427 ], [ -74.411, -48.341 ], [ -74.316, -48.287 ], [ -74.255, -48.412 ], [ -74.192, -48.443 ], [ -74.269, -48.484 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.515, -48.083 ], [ -75.438, -48.065 ], [ -75.47, -48.129 ], [ -75.404, -48.028 ], [ -75.342, -48.029 ], [ -75.381, -48.143 ], [ -75.34, -48.088 ], [ -75.297, -48.107 ], [ -75.336, -48.13 ], [ -75.364, -48.179 ], [ -75.262, -48.151 ], [ -75.308, -48.209 ], [ -75.256, -48.175 ], [ -75.259, -48.205 ], [ -75.321, -48.235 ], [ -75.256, -48.226 ], [ -75.275, -48.27 ], [ -75.217, -48.298 ], [ -75.26, -48.326 ], [ -75.206, -48.31 ], [ -75.218, -48.371 ], [ -75.155, -48.39 ], [ -75.214, -48.452 ], [ -75.141, -48.407 ], [ -75.073, -48.493 ], [ -75.199, -48.463 ], [ -75.226, -48.516 ], [ -75.084, -48.511 ], [ -75.065, -48.624 ], [ -75.236, -48.715 ], [ -75.26, -48.667 ], [ -75.163, -48.627 ], [ -75.269, -48.657 ], [ -75.218, -48.598 ], [ -75.285, -48.614 ], [ -75.29, -48.555 ], [ -75.244, -48.532 ], [ -75.316, -48.495 ], [ -75.228, -48.424 ], [ -75.336, -48.419 ], [ -75.277, -48.336 ], [ -75.353, -48.41 ], [ -75.545, -48.433 ], [ -75.571, -48.39 ], [ -75.389, -48.356 ], [ -75.364, -48.293 ], [ -75.418, -48.338 ], [ -75.38, -48.245 ], [ -75.445, -48.353 ], [ -75.501, -48.35 ], [ -75.478, -48.307 ], [ -75.547, -48.351 ], [ -75.56, -48.3 ], [ -75.43, -48.246 ], [ -75.394, -48.202 ], [ -75.517, -48.259 ], [ -75.59, -48.112 ], [ -75.519, -48.052 ], [ -75.515, -48.083 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75, -48.114 ], [ -74.932, -48.167 ], [ -74.998, -48.178 ], [ -74.892, -48.177 ], [ -74.926, -48.237 ], [ -74.979, -48.224 ], [ -74.936, -48.247 ], [ -74.883, -48.215 ], [ -74.948, -48.279 ], [ -74.83, -48.223 ], [ -74.811, -48.148 ], [ -74.742, -48.139 ], [ -74.891, -48.307 ], [ -74.822, -48.256 ], [ -74.83, -48.383 ], [ -74.881, -48.398 ], [ -74.871, -48.361 ], [ -75.02, -48.473 ], [ -75.109, -48.358 ], [ -75.082, -48.342 ], [ -75.156, -48.317 ], [ -75.048, -48.271 ], [ -75.168, -48.284 ], [ -75.088, -48.265 ], [ -75.145, -48.263 ], [ -75.08, -48.222 ], [ -75.175, -48.26 ], [ -75.166, -48.203 ], [ -75.208, -48.213 ], [ -75.124, -48.175 ], [ -75.216, -48.192 ], [ -75.149, -48.156 ], [ -75.217, -48.165 ], [ -75.265, -48.09 ], [ -75.016, -48.143 ], [ -75.096, -48.098 ], [ -75, -48.114 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.342, -48.231 ], [ -74.304, -48.266 ], [ -74.374, -48.244 ], [ -74.342, -48.231 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.518, -48.049 ], [ -75.54, -48.037 ], [ -75.482, -48.043 ], [ -75.518, -48.049 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.315, -48.148 ], [ -75.333, -48.142 ], [ -75.285, -48.129 ], [ -75.288, -48.146 ], [ -75.315, -48.148 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.886, -48.173 ], [ -74.904, -48.153 ], [ -74.847, -48.115 ], [ -74.837, -48.143 ], [ -74.886, -48.173 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.552, -48.183 ], [ -74.603, -48.156 ], [ -74.502, -48.173 ], [ -74.605, -48.125 ], [ -74.48, -48.172 ], [ -74.36, -48.281 ], [ -74.52, -48.36 ], [ -74.567, -48.294 ], [ -74.478, -48.196 ], [ -74.595, -48.287 ], [ -74.603, -48.191 ], [ -74.552, -48.183 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.521, -48.135 ], [ -74.551, -48.115 ], [ -74.525, -48.112 ], [ -74.521, -48.135 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.014, -48 ], [ -74.035, -48.024 ], [ -74.061, -48.003 ], [ -74.045, -47.99 ], [ -74.014, -48 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.128, -48.051 ], [ -75.103, -48.029 ], [ -75.207, -48.044 ], [ -75.121, -48.015 ], [ -75.278, -48.028 ], [ -75.127, -47.991 ], [ -75.128, -47.957 ], [ -75.254, -47.989 ], [ -75.055, -47.909 ], [ -74.972, -47.998 ], [ -74.801, -48.049 ], [ -74.873, -48.099 ], [ -75.076, -48.045 ], [ -74.894, -48.118 ], [ -74.917, -48.152 ], [ -74.968, -48.107 ], [ -75.166, -48.075 ], [ -75.128, -48.051 ] ], [ [ -75.077, -48.017 ], [ -75.05, -48.043 ], [ -75.026, -48.033 ], [ -75.077, -48.017 ] ], [ [ -75.104, -48.013 ], [ -75.07, -47.998 ], [ -74.981, -48.021 ], [ -75.069, -47.985 ], [ -75.104, -48.013 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.741, -48.08 ], [ -74.731, -48.114 ], [ -74.801, -48.077 ], [ -74.76, -48.049 ], [ -74.789, -48.023 ], [ -74.743, -48.037 ], [ -74.793, -48.007 ], [ -74.783, -47.912 ], [ -74.695, -48.063 ], [ -74.741, -48.08 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.167, -47.657 ], [ -75.181, -47.65 ], [ -75.164, -47.646 ], [ -75.167, -47.657 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.91, -47.713 ], [ -74.929, -47.693 ], [ -74.9, -47.704 ], [ -74.91, -47.713 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.223, -47.608 ], [ -74.232, -47.603 ], [ -74.192, -47.606 ], [ -74.223, -47.608 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.459, -47.186 ], [ -74.474, -47.181 ], [ -74.458, -47.173 ], [ -74.459, -47.186 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.288, -47.027 ], [ -74.247, -47.039 ], [ -74.262, -47.077 ], [ -74.421, -47.168 ], [ -74.442, -47.071 ], [ -74.288, -47.027 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.567, -46.915 ], [ -74.568, -46.938 ], [ -74.597, -46.935 ], [ -74.6, -46.918 ], [ -74.567, -46.915 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.278, -46.8 ], [ -74.353, -46.793 ], [ -74.361, -46.78 ], [ -74.278, -46.8 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.762, -47.59 ], [ -74.764, -47.576 ], [ -74.751, -47.583 ], [ -74.762, -47.59 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.301, -46.726 ], [ -75.306, -46.715 ], [ -75.292, -46.72 ], [ -75.301, -46.726 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.171, -46.728 ], [ -75.251, -46.689 ], [ -75.252, -46.677 ], [ -75.173, -46.695 ], [ -75.171, -46.728 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.303, -46.687 ], [ -75.32, -46.711 ], [ -75.359, -46.688 ], [ -75.303, -46.687 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.282, -46.672 ], [ -75.283, -46.684 ], [ -75.333, -46.681 ], [ -75.282, -46.672 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.262, -46.682 ], [ -75.28, -46.668 ], [ -75.258, -46.669 ], [ -75.262, -46.682 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.581, -46.229 ], [ -73.588, -46.221 ], [ -73.562, -46.211 ], [ -73.581, -46.229 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.903, -46.181 ], [ -74.917, -46.178 ], [ -74.891, -46.175 ], [ -74.903, -46.181 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.963, -46.162 ], [ -74.944, -46.179 ], [ -74.968, -46.182 ], [ -74.963, -46.162 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.992, -46.157 ], [ -74.984, -46.179 ], [ -75.03, -46.179 ], [ -74.992, -46.157 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.916, -46.097 ], [ -73.881, -46.106 ], [ -73.874, -46.123 ], [ -73.94, -46.131 ], [ -73.916, -46.097 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.979, -45.949 ], [ -73.951, -45.985 ], [ -73.963, -46.016 ], [ -73.984, -45.998 ], [ -73.979, -45.949 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.224, -46.785 ], [ -75.232, -46.768 ], [ -75.217, -46.767 ], [ -75.208, -46.778 ], [ -75.224, -46.785 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.208, -46.756 ], [ -75.266, -46.719 ], [ -75.232, -46.7 ], [ -75.16, -46.767 ], [ -75.208, -46.756 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.899, -45.628 ], [ -74.903, -45.659 ], [ -74.938, -45.631 ], [ -74.899, -45.628 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.868, -45.675 ], [ -74.854, -45.698 ], [ -74.885, -45.695 ], [ -74.868, -45.675 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.225, -45.482 ], [ -74.175, -45.521 ], [ -74.161, -45.569 ], [ -74.229, -45.496 ], [ -74.225, -45.482 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.5, -45.631 ], [ -74.476, -45.657 ], [ -74.514, -45.686 ], [ -74.52, -45.653 ], [ -74.5, -45.631 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.797, -45.62 ], [ -73.811, -45.661 ], [ -73.816, -45.627 ], [ -73.797, -45.62 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.581, -45.792 ], [ -74.594, -45.793 ], [ -74.57, -45.774 ], [ -74.581, -45.792 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.861, -45.752 ], [ -73.845, -45.762 ], [ -73.892, -45.789 ], [ -73.894, -45.772 ], [ -73.861, -45.752 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.09, -45.764 ], [ -74.073, -45.772 ], [ -74.096, -45.785 ], [ -74.09, -45.764 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.101, -45.744 ], [ -74.067, -45.762 ], [ -74.1, -45.757 ], [ -74.101, -45.744 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.514, -45.705 ], [ -74.499, -45.732 ], [ -74.551, -45.751 ], [ -74.514, -45.705 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.159, -45.731 ], [ -74.149, -45.738 ], [ -74.164, -45.741 ], [ -74.159, -45.731 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.141, -45.723 ], [ -74.117, -45.744 ], [ -74.148, -45.732 ], [ -74.141, -45.723 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.805, -45.697 ], [ -74.796, -45.705 ], [ -74.82, -45.699 ], [ -74.805, -45.697 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.835, -45.598 ], [ -74.768, -45.63 ], [ -74.832, -45.623 ], [ -74.725, -45.72 ], [ -74.859, -45.66 ], [ -74.835, -45.598 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.796, -45.675 ], [ -73.71, -45.729 ], [ -73.707, -45.767 ], [ -73.758, -45.758 ], [ -73.796, -45.675 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.462, -45.667 ], [ -74.448, -45.688 ], [ -74.485, -45.723 ], [ -74.501, -45.699 ], [ -74.462, -45.667 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.524, -45.58 ], [ -74.572, -45.754 ], [ -74.662, -45.757 ], [ -74.657, -45.654 ], [ -74.524, -45.58 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.986, -45.538 ], [ -73.864, -45.607 ], [ -73.88, -45.711 ], [ -73.958, -45.739 ], [ -74.05, -45.706 ], [ -74.099, -45.603 ], [ -73.986, -45.538 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.93, -45.947 ], [ -73.939, -45.953 ], [ -73.93, -45.934 ], [ -73.93, -45.947 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.718, -46.031 ], [ -73.651, -46.091 ], [ -73.738, -46.213 ], [ -73.829, -46.164 ], [ -73.759, -46.146 ], [ -73.845, -46.142 ], [ -73.875, -46.101 ], [ -73.929, -46.092 ], [ -73.903, -45.894 ], [ -73.778, -45.86 ], [ -73.708, -45.802 ], [ -73.653, -45.894 ], [ -73.691, -45.91 ], [ -73.664, -46.019 ], [ -73.718, -46.031 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.963, -45.794 ], [ -74.967, -45.814 ], [ -74.99, -45.801 ], [ -74.963, -45.794 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.817, -45.858 ], [ -73.818, -45.838 ], [ -73.779, -45.827 ], [ -73.783, -45.855 ], [ -73.817, -45.858 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.906, -45.806 ], [ -73.925, -45.794 ], [ -73.901, -45.792 ], [ -73.906, -45.806 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.636, -45.773 ], [ -73.63, -45.797 ], [ -73.653, -45.805 ], [ -73.636, -45.773 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.877, -45.8 ], [ -73.834, -45.768 ], [ -73.765, -45.81 ], [ -73.864, -45.857 ], [ -73.826, -45.821 ], [ -73.877, -45.8 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.352, -45.779 ], [ -74.377, -45.809 ], [ -74.432, -45.799 ], [ -74.352, -45.779 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.549, -45.768 ], [ -74.49, -45.743 ], [ -74.469, -45.815 ], [ -74.575, -45.798 ], [ -74.549, -45.768 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.254, -45.71 ], [ -74.194, -45.749 ], [ -74.289, -45.759 ], [ -74.149, -45.75 ], [ -74.116, -45.804 ], [ -74.312, -45.797 ], [ -74.323, -45.754 ], [ -74.254, -45.71 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.717, -47.859 ], [ -73.746, -47.833 ], [ -73.621, -47.827 ], [ -73.717, -47.859 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.938, -47.816 ], [ -74.947, -47.833 ], [ -74.964, -47.831 ], [ -74.938, -47.816 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.046, -47.827 ], [ -75.058, -47.821 ], [ -75.031, -47.818 ], [ -75.046, -47.827 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.357, -47.824 ], [ -74.225, -47.791 ], [ -73.888, -47.883 ], [ -73.865, -47.842 ], [ -73.803, -47.825 ], [ -73.846, -47.854 ], [ -73.784, -47.873 ], [ -73.86, -47.958 ], [ -73.932, -47.949 ], [ -73.903, -47.91 ], [ -74.001, -47.959 ], [ -74.304, -47.976 ], [ -74.375, -47.917 ], [ -74.5, -47.904 ], [ -74.357, -47.824 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.904, -47.838 ], [ -74.881, -47.8 ], [ -74.801, -47.826 ], [ -74.806, -47.917 ], [ -74.854, -47.897 ], [ -74.821, -47.927 ], [ -74.883, -47.95 ], [ -74.825, -47.944 ], [ -74.811, -48.003 ], [ -74.988, -47.96 ], [ -74.936, -47.878 ], [ -74.982, -47.841 ], [ -74.904, -47.838 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.075, -47.911 ], [ -75.076, -47.843 ], [ -75.046, -47.859 ], [ -75.075, -47.911 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.649, -47.884 ], [ -74.636, -47.914 ], [ -74.731, -47.891 ], [ -74.732, -47.825 ], [ -74.677, -47.804 ], [ -74.649, -47.884 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.572, -47.887 ], [ -74.652, -47.852 ], [ -74.653, -47.811 ], [ -74.556, -47.818 ], [ -74.572, -47.887 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.518, -47.896 ], [ -74.476, -47.792 ], [ -74.38, -47.799 ], [ -74.518, -47.896 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.995, -47.802 ], [ -74.999, -47.816 ], [ -75.023, -47.812 ], [ -74.995, -47.802 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.661, -47.771 ], [ -74.644, -47.776 ], [ -74.688, -47.775 ], [ -74.661, -47.771 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.287, -47.726 ], [ -75.201, -47.742 ], [ -75.113, -47.67 ], [ -75.079, -47.751 ], [ -75.114, -47.774 ], [ -75.029, -47.789 ], [ -75.206, -47.845 ], [ -75.196, -47.791 ], [ -75.247, -47.789 ], [ -75.223, -47.84 ], [ -75.4, -47.734 ], [ -75.287, -47.726 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.908, -47.774 ], [ -74.926, -47.761 ], [ -74.918, -47.737 ], [ -74.883, -47.759 ], [ -74.908, -47.774 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75, -47.693 ], [ -74.946, -47.703 ], [ -74.934, -47.776 ], [ -75.092, -47.694 ], [ -75, -47.693 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.552, -45.402 ], [ -73.529, -45.415 ], [ -73.576, -45.409 ], [ -73.552, -45.402 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.126, -45.398 ], [ -74.139, -45.43 ], [ -74.164, -45.41 ], [ -74.126, -45.398 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.728, -45.395 ], [ -73.748, -45.416 ], [ -73.76, -45.406 ], [ -73.728, -45.395 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.604, -45.318 ], [ -74.573, -45.347 ], [ -74.624, -45.33 ], [ -74.604, -45.318 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.484, -45.313 ], [ -73.474, -45.321 ], [ -73.5, -45.315 ], [ -73.484, -45.313 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.308, -45.326 ], [ -74.261, -45.34 ], [ -74.237, -45.404 ], [ -74.281, -45.379 ], [ -74.308, -45.326 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.175, -45.325 ], [ -74.129, -45.37 ], [ -74.206, -45.387 ], [ -74.216, -45.373 ], [ -74.175, -45.325 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.517, -45.36 ], [ -73.578, -45.365 ], [ -73.589, -45.334 ], [ -73.458, -45.339 ], [ -73.517, -45.36 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.736, -45.332 ], [ -73.723, -45.335 ], [ -73.726, -45.349 ], [ -73.746, -45.341 ], [ -73.736, -45.332 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.15, -45.313 ], [ -74.13, -45.338 ], [ -74.161, -45.318 ], [ -74.15, -45.313 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.15, -45.313 ], [ -74.15, -45.313 ], [ -74.15, -45.313 ], [ -74.15, -45.313 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.716, -45.308 ], [ -73.712, -45.322 ], [ -73.738, -45.326 ], [ -73.716, -45.308 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.411, -45.042 ], [ -73.406, -45.059 ], [ -73.437, -45.088 ], [ -73.411, -45.042 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.521, -45.071 ], [ -73.505, -45.077 ], [ -73.5, -45.106 ], [ -73.521, -45.095 ], [ -73.521, -45.071 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.438, -45.05 ], [ -73.46, -45.107 ], [ -73.467, -45.072 ], [ -73.438, -45.05 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.073, -44.931 ], [ -75.153, -44.823 ], [ -75.112, -44.781 ], [ -75.012, -44.858 ], [ -75.012, -44.907 ], [ -75.073, -44.931 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.667, -44.964 ], [ -73.657, -44.98 ], [ -73.685, -44.977 ], [ -73.667, -44.964 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.525, -45.017 ], [ -73.504, -45.038 ], [ -73.551, -45.028 ], [ -73.525, -45.017 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.438, -44.987 ], [ -73.434, -45.018 ], [ -73.473, -45.047 ], [ -73.463, -45.004 ], [ -73.438, -44.987 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.674, -45.013 ], [ -73.667, -45.048 ], [ -73.721, -44.987 ], [ -73.679, -44.989 ], [ -73.674, -45.013 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.327, -45.303 ], [ -73.385, -45.338 ], [ -73.428, -45.34 ], [ -73.424, -45.303 ], [ -73.327, -45.303 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.62, -45.274 ], [ -73.609, -45.263 ], [ -73.62, -45.274 ], [ -73.62, -45.274 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.62, -45.274 ], [ -73.631, -45.284 ], [ -73.651, -45.266 ], [ -73.613, -45.25 ], [ -73.62, -45.274 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.452, -45.257 ], [ -74.438, -45.267 ], [ -74.471, -45.266 ], [ -74.452, -45.257 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.583, -45.271 ], [ -74.549, -45.294 ], [ -74.562, -45.312 ], [ -74.593, -45.3 ], [ -74.556, -45.292 ], [ -74.583, -45.271 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.398, -45.285 ], [ -74.32, -45.315 ], [ -74.264, -45.412 ], [ -74.343, -45.429 ], [ -74.523, -45.332 ], [ -74.398, -45.285 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.074, -45.376 ], [ -74.07, -45.346 ], [ -73.974, -45.382 ], [ -74.047, -45.413 ], [ -74.074, -45.376 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.07, -45.346 ], [ -74.135, -45.33 ], [ -74.156, -45.238 ], [ -74.024, -45.208 ], [ -73.987, -45.266 ], [ -73.808, -45.253 ], [ -73.758, -45.354 ], [ -74.07, -45.346 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.512, -45.3 ], [ -73.555, -45.318 ], [ -73.591, -45.302 ], [ -73.542, -45.243 ], [ -73.487, -45.27 ], [ -73.512, -45.3 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.162, -45.298 ], [ -74.15, -45.313 ], [ -74.172, -45.303 ], [ -74.162, -45.298 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.36, -45.165 ], [ -74.196, -45.226 ], [ -74.193, -45.278 ], [ -74.237, -45.279 ], [ -74.192, -45.285 ], [ -74.201, -45.35 ], [ -74.263, -45.316 ], [ -74.258, -45.218 ], [ -74.295, -45.239 ], [ -74.276, -45.291 ], [ -74.321, -45.255 ], [ -74.29, -45.331 ], [ -74.38, -45.275 ], [ -74.401, -45.17 ], [ -74.36, -45.165 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.446, -45.259 ], [ -73.446, -45.259 ], [ -73.446, -45.26 ], [ -73.446, -45.259 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.499, -45.159 ], [ -74.489, -45.219 ], [ -74.572, -45.213 ], [ -74.499, -45.159 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.446, -45.259 ], [ -73.505, -45.242 ], [ -73.516, -45.193 ], [ -73.473, -45.205 ], [ -73.446, -45.259 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.525, -45.18 ], [ -73.515, -45.189 ], [ -73.528, -45.206 ], [ -73.537, -45.186 ], [ -73.525, -45.18 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.243, -45.178 ], [ -74.234, -45.184 ], [ -74.257, -45.18 ], [ -74.243, -45.178 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.542, -45.171 ], [ -73.535, -45.178 ], [ -73.551, -45.18 ], [ -73.542, -45.171 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.514, -45.142 ], [ -73.504, -45.152 ], [ -73.526, -45.169 ], [ -73.538, -45.144 ], [ -73.514, -45.142 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.382, -45.055 ], [ -74.28, -45.077 ], [ -74.335, -45.09 ], [ -74.321, -45.13 ], [ -74.381, -45.076 ], [ -74.321, -45.146 ], [ -74.264, -45.097 ], [ -74.249, -45.169 ], [ -74.42, -45.117 ], [ -74.382, -45.055 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.808, -44.988 ], [ -73.687, -45.115 ], [ -73.672, -45.179 ], [ -73.721, -45.194 ], [ -73.678, -45.203 ], [ -73.723, -45.236 ], [ -73.691, -45.289 ], [ -73.757, -45.305 ], [ -73.812, -45.24 ], [ -73.983, -45.255 ], [ -73.982, -45.198 ], [ -73.847, -45.21 ], [ -73.962, -45.192 ], [ -74.013, -45.205 ], [ -74.073, -45.179 ], [ -74.059, -45.139 ], [ -74.13, -45.167 ], [ -74.151, -45.055 ], [ -74.151, -45.164 ], [ -74.217, -45.172 ], [ -74.237, -45.082 ], [ -74.174, -45.034 ], [ -74.037, -45.053 ], [ -73.808, -44.988 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.67, -44.654 ], [ -74.62, -44.609 ], [ -74.516, -44.622 ], [ -74.436, -44.695 ], [ -74.613, -44.695 ], [ -74.67, -44.654 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.855, -44.764 ], [ -73.841, -44.772 ], [ -73.878, -44.767 ], [ -73.855, -44.764 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.95, -44.755 ], [ -73.939, -44.761 ], [ -73.967, -44.758 ], [ -73.95, -44.755 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.953, -44.743 ], [ -73.949, -44.754 ], [ -73.974, -44.744 ], [ -73.953, -44.743 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.924, -44.737 ], [ -73.912, -44.75 ], [ -73.933, -44.749 ], [ -73.924, -44.737 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.847, -44.718 ], [ -73.819, -44.746 ], [ -73.933, -44.731 ], [ -73.847, -44.718 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.571, -44.704 ], [ -73.747, -44.755 ], [ -73.882, -44.596 ], [ -73.833, -44.591 ], [ -73.791, -44.662 ], [ -73.803, -44.565 ], [ -73.661, -44.541 ], [ -73.592, -44.629 ], [ -73.718, -44.739 ], [ -73.619, -44.675 ], [ -73.571, -44.704 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.504, -44.955 ], [ -73.519, -44.936 ], [ -73.498, -44.926 ], [ -73.49, -44.944 ], [ -73.504, -44.955 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.337, -44.928 ], [ -73.324, -44.941 ], [ -73.344, -44.935 ], [ -73.337, -44.928 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.64, -44.936 ], [ -74.618, -44.958 ], [ -74.656, -44.943 ], [ -74.64, -44.936 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.68, -44.896 ], [ -73.671, -44.906 ], [ -73.692, -44.905 ], [ -73.68, -44.896 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.629, -44.868 ], [ -73.63, -44.89 ], [ -73.66, -44.882 ], [ -73.629, -44.868 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.416, -44.881 ], [ -74.399, -44.888 ], [ -74.407, -44.9 ], [ -74.432, -44.888 ], [ -74.416, -44.881 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.34, -44.872 ], [ -74.322, -44.902 ], [ -74.365, -44.911 ], [ -74.343, -44.897 ], [ -74.34, -44.872 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.359, -44.873 ], [ -74.377, -44.907 ], [ -74.384, -44.88 ], [ -74.359, -44.873 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.867, -44.775 ], [ -73.728, -44.912 ], [ -73.769, -44.907 ], [ -73.764, -44.957 ], [ -73.829, -44.962 ], [ -73.919, -44.867 ], [ -73.843, -44.902 ], [ -73.799, -44.899 ], [ -73.913, -44.824 ], [ -73.867, -44.775 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.685, -44.859 ], [ -73.698, -44.878 ], [ -73.738, -44.863 ], [ -73.685, -44.859 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.234, -44.854 ], [ -74.216, -44.86 ], [ -74.248, -44.869 ], [ -74.234, -44.854 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.145, -44.866 ], [ -73.956, -44.897 ], [ -73.894, -44.967 ], [ -74.016, -44.995 ], [ -74.085, -44.958 ], [ -74.023, -45 ], [ -74.269, -45.041 ], [ -74.387, -45.005 ], [ -74.145, -44.866 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.308, -44.897 ], [ -74.371, -44.963 ], [ -74.458, -44.927 ], [ -74.454, -44.896 ], [ -74.331, -44.92 ], [ -74.308, -44.897 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.299, -44.911 ], [ -74.3, -44.892 ], [ -74.277, -44.87 ], [ -74.261, -44.902 ], [ -74.299, -44.911 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.666, -44.753 ], [ -73.585, -44.747 ], [ -73.598, -44.833 ], [ -73.719, -44.825 ], [ -73.738, -44.757 ], [ -73.666, -44.753 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.753, -44.807 ], [ -73.741, -44.83 ], [ -73.761, -44.833 ], [ -73.753, -44.807 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.767, -44.78 ], [ -73.751, -44.801 ], [ -73.765, -44.802 ], [ -73.767, -44.78 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.462, -44.714 ], [ -74.431, -44.715 ], [ -74.301, -44.843 ], [ -74.45, -44.845 ], [ -74.537, -44.744 ], [ -74.462, -44.714 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.995, -44.773 ], [ -73.934, -44.791 ], [ -73.933, -44.837 ], [ -74.018, -44.865 ], [ -74.191, -44.824 ], [ -73.995, -44.773 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.413, -44.658 ], [ -74.394, -44.618 ], [ -74.286, -44.636 ], [ -74.291, -44.602 ], [ -73.97, -44.602 ], [ -73.842, -44.703 ], [ -73.964, -44.713 ], [ -73.956, -44.661 ], [ -73.989, -44.662 ], [ -73.987, -44.725 ], [ -74.247, -44.81 ], [ -74.369, -44.726 ], [ -74.086, -44.743 ], [ -74.383, -44.708 ], [ -74.413, -44.658 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.97, -44.602 ], [ -73.908, -44.568 ], [ -73.886, -44.628 ], [ -73.97, -44.602 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.058, -45.434 ], [ -73.864, -45.489 ], [ -73.778, -45.465 ], [ -73.843, -45.578 ], [ -73.908, -45.554 ], [ -73.884, -45.511 ], [ -73.985, -45.53 ], [ -73.941, -45.511 ], [ -74.05, -45.522 ], [ -74.105, -45.596 ], [ -74.124, -45.554 ], [ -74.068, -45.525 ], [ -74.102, -45.499 ], [ -74.065, -45.459 ], [ -73.962, -45.462 ], [ -74.058, -45.434 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.463, -45.572 ], [ -74.395, -45.448 ], [ -74.321, -45.462 ], [ -74.263, -45.494 ], [ -74.353, -45.526 ], [ -74.261, -45.499 ], [ -74.211, -45.561 ], [ -74.296, -45.552 ], [ -74.36, -45.57 ], [ -74.207, -45.576 ], [ -74.18, -45.625 ], [ -74.195, -45.69 ], [ -74.422, -45.694 ], [ -74.291, -45.717 ], [ -74.449, -45.788 ], [ -74.489, -45.731 ], [ -74.428, -45.693 ], [ -74.486, -45.61 ], [ -74.419, -45.593 ], [ -74.463, -45.572 ] ], [ [ -74.196, -45.624 ], [ -74.249, -45.638 ], [ -74.283, -45.624 ], [ -74.25, -45.643 ], [ -74.196, -45.624 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.463, -45.574 ], [ -74.489, -45.6 ], [ -74.544, -45.517 ], [ -74.498, -45.449 ], [ -74.412, -45.439 ], [ -74.469, -45.526 ], [ -74.463, -45.574 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.674, -45.438 ], [ -73.545, -45.488 ], [ -73.595, -45.605 ], [ -73.559, -45.646 ], [ -73.674, -45.612 ], [ -73.582, -45.689 ], [ -73.63, -45.772 ], [ -73.795, -45.67 ], [ -73.753, -45.52 ], [ -73.674, -45.438 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.1, -45.459 ], [ -74.105, -45.477 ], [ -74.112, -45.466 ], [ -74.1, -45.459 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.624, -45.424 ], [ -73.611, -45.431 ], [ -73.662, -45.434 ], [ -73.662, -45.423 ], [ -73.624, -45.424 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.135, -45.443 ], [ -74.115, -45.449 ], [ -74.117, -45.468 ], [ -74.135, -45.443 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.106, -45.438 ], [ -74.114, -45.447 ], [ -74.117, -45.432 ], [ -74.106, -45.438 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.107, -45.404 ], [ -74.084, -45.44 ], [ -74.114, -45.424 ], [ -74.107, -45.404 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.796, -45.373 ], [ -73.79, -45.416 ], [ -73.878, -45.454 ], [ -74.04, -45.418 ], [ -73.796, -45.373 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.801, -44.643 ], [ -74.808, -44.546 ], [ -74.734, -44.557 ], [ -74.718, -44.657 ], [ -74.782, -44.677 ], [ -74.801, -44.643 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.131, -44.573 ], [ -73.146, -44.571 ], [ -73.141, -44.554 ], [ -73.131, -44.573 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.292, -44.574 ], [ -73.28, -44.577 ], [ -73.304, -44.588 ], [ -73.292, -44.574 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.821, -44.403 ], [ -72.804, -44.421 ], [ -72.843, -44.414 ], [ -72.821, -44.403 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.628, -44.394 ], [ -73.623, -44.408 ], [ -73.653, -44.413 ], [ -73.628, -44.394 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.885, -44.398 ], [ -73.872, -44.359 ], [ -73.835, -44.371 ], [ -73.885, -44.398 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.407, -44.357 ], [ -74.373, -44.394 ], [ -74.424, -44.397 ], [ -74.407, -44.357 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.333, -44.515 ], [ -73.312, -44.523 ], [ -73.329, -44.586 ], [ -73.369, -44.54 ], [ -73.333, -44.515 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.768, -44.53 ], [ -73.748, -44.543 ], [ -73.778, -44.538 ], [ -73.768, -44.53 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.373, -44.546 ], [ -74.367, -44.558 ], [ -74.384, -44.556 ], [ -74.373, -44.546 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.675, -44.478 ], [ -73.576, -44.516 ], [ -73.673, -44.53 ], [ -73.675, -44.478 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.757, -44.483 ], [ -73.697, -44.508 ], [ -73.697, -44.526 ], [ -73.751, -44.52 ], [ -73.757, -44.483 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.321, -44.581 ], [ -74.371, -44.517 ], [ -74.189, -44.477 ], [ -74.11, -44.557 ], [ -74.321, -44.581 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.344, -44.51 ], [ -74.452, -44.492 ], [ -74.389, -44.55 ], [ -74.559, -44.488 ], [ -74.493, -44.428 ], [ -74.388, -44.441 ], [ -74.32, -44.397 ], [ -74.209, -44.473 ], [ -74.344, -44.51 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.758, -44.516 ], [ -73.757, -44.531 ], [ -73.768, -44.527 ], [ -73.758, -44.516 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.782, -44.493 ], [ -73.787, -44.52 ], [ -73.833, -44.503 ], [ -73.801, -44.484 ], [ -73.782, -44.493 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.848, -44.48 ], [ -73.836, -44.515 ], [ -73.894, -44.519 ], [ -73.896, -44.489 ], [ -73.848, -44.48 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.167, -44.418 ], [ -73.974, -44.45 ], [ -73.924, -44.541 ], [ -74.095, -44.547 ], [ -74.125, -44.515 ], [ -74.123, -44.494 ], [ -73.949, -44.503 ], [ -74.13, -44.474 ], [ -74.08, -44.471 ], [ -74.167, -44.418 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.6, -44.427 ], [ -73.569, -44.487 ], [ -73.619, -44.497 ], [ -73.652, -44.451 ], [ -73.584, -44.464 ], [ -73.6, -44.427 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.885, -44.398 ], [ -73.823, -44.377 ], [ -73.88, -44.44 ], [ -73.798, -44.403 ], [ -73.751, -44.448 ], [ -73.899, -44.459 ], [ -73.885, -44.398 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.054, -44.312 ], [ -72.982, -44.358 ], [ -73.087, -44.349 ], [ -73.112, -44.385 ], [ -73.136, -44.346 ], [ -73.054, -44.312 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.239, -44.313 ], [ -73.193, -44.326 ], [ -73.154, -44.386 ], [ -73.28, -44.393 ], [ -73.288, -44.342 ], [ -73.239, -44.313 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.319, -44.33 ], [ -74.258, -44.352 ], [ -74.246, -44.375 ], [ -74.363, -44.387 ], [ -74.383, -44.348 ], [ -74.319, -44.33 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.773, -44.369 ], [ -73.649, -44.382 ], [ -73.659, -44.342 ], [ -73.626, -44.372 ], [ -73.65, -44.393 ], [ -73.718, -44.392 ], [ -73.644, -44.421 ], [ -73.668, -44.446 ], [ -73.773, -44.369 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.006, -44.345 ], [ -73.889, -44.359 ], [ -73.906, -44.446 ], [ -74.053, -44.396 ], [ -74.083, -44.3 ], [ -74.006, -44.345 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.144, -44.304 ], [ -74.117, -44.322 ], [ -74.075, -44.42 ], [ -74.189, -44.383 ], [ -74.144, -44.304 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.076, -50.818 ], [ -74.128, -50.832 ], [ -74.134, -50.776 ], [ -74.076, -50.818 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.372, -50.385 ], [ -74.358, -50.409 ], [ -74.398, -50.391 ], [ -74.372, -50.385 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.387, -47.6 ], [ -74.365, -47.572 ], [ -74.32, -47.616 ], [ -74.403, -47.658 ], [ -74.387, -47.6 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.743, -53.696 ], [ -73.737, -53.677 ], [ -73.714, -53.676 ], [ -73.743, -53.696 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.652, -53.681 ], [ -73.631, -53.676 ], [ -73.646, -53.691 ], [ -73.652, -53.681 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.656, -53.66 ], [ -73.707, -53.629 ], [ -73.656, -53.597 ], [ -73.656, -53.66 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.11, -53.762 ], [ -72.101, -53.732 ], [ -72.058, -53.759 ], [ -72.11, -53.762 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.362, -53.79 ], [ -73.371, -53.782 ], [ -73.353, -53.779 ], [ -73.362, -53.79 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.123, -53.729 ], [ -72.112, -53.742 ], [ -72.172, -53.732 ], [ -72.123, -53.729 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.406, -53.572 ], [ -72.277, -53.627 ], [ -72.255, -53.66 ], [ -72.38, -53.656 ], [ -72.444, -53.588 ], [ -72.406, -53.572 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.664, -53.695 ], [ -70.542, -53.569 ], [ -70.466, -53.576 ], [ -70.485, -53.678 ], [ -70.413, -53.808 ], [ -70.451, -53.805 ], [ -70.416, -53.88 ], [ -70.451, -53.89 ], [ -70.342, -54.037 ], [ -70.445, -54.055 ], [ -70.681, -53.927 ], [ -70.462, -54.258 ], [ -70.753, -54.164 ], [ -70.878, -54.068 ], [ -70.895, -53.934 ], [ -70.836, -53.938 ], [ -70.894, -53.889 ], [ -70.777, -53.833 ], [ -70.597, -53.858 ], [ -70.707, -53.782 ], [ -70.704, -53.7 ], [ -70.664, -53.695 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.379, -53.886 ], [ -73.399, -53.875 ], [ -73.365, -53.877 ], [ -73.379, -53.886 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.049, -53.885 ], [ -72.119, -53.921 ], [ -72.203, -53.889 ], [ -72.072, -53.827 ], [ -72.049, -53.885 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.976, -53.896 ], [ -72.947, -53.917 ], [ -73.023, -53.91 ], [ -73.01, -53.889 ], [ -72.976, -53.896 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.858, -53.931 ], [ -72.918, -53.94 ], [ -72.885, -53.871 ], [ -72.794, -53.891 ], [ -72.858, -53.931 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.379, -53.862 ], [ -73.39, -53.857 ], [ -73.363, -53.855 ], [ -73.379, -53.862 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.911, -53.852 ], [ -71.809, -53.927 ], [ -71.837, -53.98 ], [ -71.772, -53.889 ], [ -71.646, -53.925 ], [ -71.777, -54.011 ], [ -71.687, -54.009 ], [ -71.685, -54.054 ], [ -71.759, -54.047 ], [ -71.701, -54.065 ], [ -71.729, -54.098 ], [ -71.661, -54.051 ], [ -71.616, -54.088 ], [ -71.739, -54.168 ], [ -71.911, -54.053 ], [ -71.903, -54.014 ], [ -71.943, -54.043 ], [ -71.88, -54.119 ], [ -71.912, -54.133 ], [ -71.853, -54.122 ], [ -71.72, -54.245 ], [ -71.888, -54.293 ], [ -71.819, -54.293 ], [ -71.857, -54.303 ], [ -71.804, -54.351 ], [ -71.971, -54.34 ], [ -71.937, -54.254 ], [ -71.877, -54.239 ], [ -71.936, -54.213 ], [ -72.04, -54.214 ], [ -72.122, -54.156 ], [ -72.002, -54.139 ], [ -72.147, -54.126 ], [ -72.019, -54.104 ], [ -72.114, -54.046 ], [ -72.185, -54.115 ], [ -72.251, -54.05 ], [ -72.204, -54.009 ], [ -72.261, -53.992 ], [ -72.263, -53.921 ], [ -72.047, -53.993 ], [ -72.1, -53.95 ], [ -72.017, -53.969 ], [ -72.052, -53.952 ], [ -72.025, -53.904 ], [ -71.935, -53.907 ], [ -71.969, -53.871 ], [ -71.911, -53.852 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.463, -52.581 ], [ -74.476, -52.559 ], [ -74.45, -52.553 ], [ -74.463, -52.581 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.466, -52.549 ], [ -74.478, -52.544 ], [ -74.469, -52.536 ], [ -74.466, -52.549 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.389, -52.549 ], [ -74.383, -52.57 ], [ -74.442, -52.549 ], [ -74.41, -52.528 ], [ -74.389, -52.549 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.433, -52.532 ], [ -74.457, -52.523 ], [ -74.434, -52.517 ], [ -74.433, -52.532 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.488, -52.479 ], [ -74.489, -52.511 ], [ -74.523, -52.505 ], [ -74.498, -52.474 ], [ -74.488, -52.479 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.538, -52.45 ], [ -74.511, -52.473 ], [ -74.563, -52.498 ], [ -74.611, -52.468 ], [ -74.538, -52.45 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.002, -52.419 ], [ -74.046, -52.451 ], [ -74.092, -52.44 ], [ -74.002, -52.419 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.279, -52.453 ], [ -74.289, -52.434 ], [ -74.271, -52.428 ], [ -74.279, -52.453 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.202, -52.438 ], [ -74.208, -52.424 ], [ -74.191, -52.421 ], [ -74.202, -52.438 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.358, -52.62 ], [ -74.387, -52.639 ], [ -74.382, -52.621 ], [ -74.358, -52.62 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.869, -52.279 ], [ -74.843, -52.314 ], [ -74.929, -52.277 ], [ -74.91, -52.257 ], [ -74.869, -52.279 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.275, -52.189 ], [ -73.272, -52.205 ], [ -73.312, -52.193 ], [ -73.275, -52.189 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.311, -52.221 ], [ -73.323, -52.212 ], [ -73.3, -52.217 ], [ -73.311, -52.221 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.733, -52.333 ], [ -73.756, -52.321 ], [ -73.75, -52.307 ], [ -73.731, -52.31 ], [ -73.733, -52.333 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.287, -52.306 ], [ -74.294, -52.291 ], [ -74.249, -52.28 ], [ -74.287, -52.306 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.345, -52.296 ], [ -74.34, -52.268 ], [ -74.314, -52.266 ], [ -74.345, -52.296 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.36, -52.249 ], [ -74.337, -52.257 ], [ -74.405, -52.286 ], [ -74.408, -52.266 ], [ -74.36, -52.249 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.414, -52.354 ], [ -74.448, -52.355 ], [ -74.451, -52.343 ], [ -74.414, -52.354 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.8, -52.327 ], [ -74.784, -52.341 ], [ -74.821, -52.328 ], [ -74.8, -52.327 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.524, -52.341 ], [ -74.56, -52.369 ], [ -74.498, -52.297 ], [ -74.524, -52.341 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.611, -52.335 ], [ -74.65, -52.33 ], [ -74.635, -52.317 ], [ -74.611, -52.335 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.573, -52.244 ], [ -74.571, -52.308 ], [ -74.628, -52.303 ], [ -74.618, -52.253 ], [ -74.573, -52.244 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.854, -52.196 ], [ -74.812, -52.258 ], [ -74.786, -52.221 ], [ -74.606, -52.218 ], [ -74.639, -52.307 ], [ -74.743, -52.334 ], [ -74.908, -52.241 ], [ -74.901, -52.195 ], [ -74.854, -52.196 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.43, -52.246 ], [ -74.428, -52.227 ], [ -74.404, -52.232 ], [ -74.43, -52.246 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.73, -52.245 ], [ -73.719, -52.297 ], [ -73.788, -52.244 ], [ -73.767, -52.216 ], [ -73.73, -52.245 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.244, -52.212 ], [ -74.285, -52.257 ], [ -74.33, -52.236 ], [ -74.244, -52.212 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.301, -52.193 ], [ -74.281, -52.207 ], [ -74.334, -52.213 ], [ -74.301, -52.193 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.226, -52.181 ], [ -74.262, -52.195 ], [ -74.309, -52.185 ], [ -74.284, -52.167 ], [ -74.226, -52.181 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.729, -51.931 ], [ -72.749, -51.926 ], [ -72.752, -51.903 ], [ -72.733, -51.9 ], [ -72.729, -51.931 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.753, -51.832 ], [ -73.701, -51.897 ], [ -73.712, -51.948 ], [ -73.797, -51.86 ], [ -73.753, -51.832 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.695, -51.832 ], [ -73.702, -51.82 ], [ -73.684, -51.817 ], [ -73.695, -51.832 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.931, -51.789 ], [ -72.907, -51.809 ], [ -72.959, -51.785 ], [ -72.931, -51.789 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.094, -52.059 ], [ -74.116, -52.059 ], [ -74.116, -52.043 ], [ -74.094, -52.059 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.319, -51.99 ], [ -74.349, -51.987 ], [ -74.33, -51.973 ], [ -74.319, -51.99 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.621, -51.963 ], [ -74.611, -51.966 ], [ -74.626, -51.973 ], [ -74.621, -51.963 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.515, -51.919 ], [ -74.491, -51.914 ], [ -74.51, -51.935 ], [ -74.532, -51.923 ], [ -74.515, -51.919 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.152, -52.055 ], [ -74.16, -52.04 ], [ -74.148, -52.041 ], [ -74.152, -52.055 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.397, -52.017 ], [ -74.367, -52.035 ], [ -74.422, -52.03 ], [ -74.397, -52.017 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.347, -52.055 ], [ -74.339, -52.029 ], [ -74.313, -52.035 ], [ -74.347, -52.055 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.247, -52.038 ], [ -74.245, -52.017 ], [ -74.223, -52.013 ], [ -74.216, -52.022 ], [ -74.247, -52.038 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.145, -52.011 ], [ -74.154, -51.996 ], [ -74.138, -52.001 ], [ -74.145, -52.011 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.28, -52.009 ], [ -74.304, -52.008 ], [ -74.3, -51.987 ], [ -74.271, -52 ], [ -74.28, -52.009 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.356, -51.999 ], [ -74.337, -52.008 ], [ -74.374, -52.02 ], [ -74.36, -51.981 ], [ -74.356, -51.999 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.54, -51.834 ], [ -74.561, -51.913 ], [ -74.645, -51.935 ], [ -74.562, -51.834 ], [ -74.54, -51.834 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.575, -52.108 ], [ -74.605, -52.125 ], [ -74.614, -52.115 ], [ -74.575, -52.108 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.964, -52.107 ], [ -73.935, -52.13 ], [ -74.059, -52.068 ], [ -73.999, -52.079 ], [ -73.964, -52.107 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.593, -52.082 ], [ -74.573, -52.086 ], [ -74.626, -52.11 ], [ -74.651, -52.184 ], [ -74.78, -52.203 ], [ -74.761, -52.134 ], [ -74.593, -52.082 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.538, -52.13 ], [ -74.562, -52.151 ], [ -74.595, -52.151 ], [ -74.581, -52.128 ], [ -74.538, -52.13 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.359, -52.183 ], [ -74.324, -52.188 ], [ -74.49, -52.194 ], [ -74.425, -52.147 ], [ -74.359, -52.183 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.22, -52.084 ], [ -74.132, -52.082 ], [ -74.05, -52.128 ], [ -74.129, -52.165 ], [ -74.251, -52.088 ], [ -74.22, -52.084 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.742, -52.096 ], [ -74.82, -52.095 ], [ -74.789, -52.119 ], [ -74.829, -52.147 ], [ -74.898, -52.131 ], [ -74.853, -52.062 ], [ -74.755, -52.033 ], [ -74.836, -52.046 ], [ -74.754, -51.954 ], [ -74.812, -51.961 ], [ -74.737, -51.826 ], [ -74.662, -51.878 ], [ -74.576, -51.836 ], [ -74.673, -51.922 ], [ -74.642, -51.953 ], [ -74.727, -51.997 ], [ -74.644, -51.962 ], [ -74.705, -52.013 ], [ -74.742, -52.096 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.459, -52.03 ], [ -74.441, -52.03 ], [ -74.566, -52.083 ], [ -74.544, -52.049 ], [ -74.459, -52.03 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.28, -52.091 ], [ -74.29, -52.071 ], [ -74.274, -52.079 ], [ -74.28, -52.091 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.361, -52.054 ], [ -74.319, -52.083 ], [ -74.384, -52.096 ], [ -74.361, -52.054 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.54, -51.942 ], [ -74.463, -51.99 ], [ -74.714, -52.105 ], [ -74.687, -52.021 ], [ -74.567, -52.004 ], [ -74.6, -51.977 ], [ -74.54, -51.942 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.22, -52.39 ], [ -74.234, -52.386 ], [ -74.211, -52.373 ], [ -74.22, -52.39 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.548, -52.39 ], [ -74.532, -52.372 ], [ -74.529, -52.388 ], [ -74.548, -52.39 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.397, -52.401 ], [ -74.415, -52.399 ], [ -74.381, -52.389 ], [ -74.397, -52.401 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.433, -52.378 ], [ -74.417, -52.389 ], [ -74.434, -52.394 ], [ -74.433, -52.378 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.282, -52.426 ], [ -74.311, -52.427 ], [ -74.316, -52.414 ], [ -74.282, -52.426 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.509, -52.397 ], [ -74.483, -52.445 ], [ -74.567, -52.41 ], [ -74.509, -52.397 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.195, -52.41 ], [ -74.228, -52.421 ], [ -74.187, -52.388 ], [ -74.195, -52.41 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.628, -52.353 ], [ -74.628, -52.387 ], [ -74.712, -52.378 ], [ -74.688, -52.35 ], [ -74.628, -52.353 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.506, -52.382 ], [ -74.516, -52.371 ], [ -74.493, -52.35 ], [ -74.506, -52.382 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.889, -52.214 ], [ -73.774, -52.283 ], [ -73.788, -52.34 ], [ -73.734, -52.415 ], [ -73.824, -52.416 ], [ -73.892, -52.385 ], [ -73.78, -52.355 ], [ -73.965, -52.292 ], [ -74.1, -52.17 ], [ -74.026, -52.144 ], [ -74.028, -52.173 ], [ -73.894, -52.213 ], [ -73.889, -52.214 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.897, -52.212 ], [ -73.955, -52.173 ], [ -73.935, -52.14 ], [ -73.798, -52.184 ], [ -73.811, -52.224 ], [ -73.897, -52.212 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.923, -52.348 ], [ -73.887, -52.342 ], [ -73.934, -52.367 ], [ -74.002, -52.332 ], [ -73.98, -52.386 ], [ -74.048, -52.336 ], [ -73.992, -52.39 ], [ -74.05, -52.363 ], [ -74.042, -52.4 ], [ -74.174, -52.415 ], [ -74.147, -52.389 ], [ -74.193, -52.368 ], [ -74.127, -52.319 ], [ -74.261, -52.369 ], [ -74.15, -52.304 ], [ -74.222, -52.285 ], [ -74.212, -52.242 ], [ -74.066, -52.299 ], [ -74.159, -52.213 ], [ -74.249, -52.199 ], [ -74.093, -52.22 ], [ -74.248, -52.146 ], [ -74.34, -52.177 ], [ -74.433, -52.133 ], [ -74.299, -52.092 ], [ -74.212, -52.115 ], [ -73.923, -52.348 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.061, -51.501 ], [ -75.049, -51.519 ], [ -75.081, -51.506 ], [ -75.061, -51.501 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.711, -51.568 ], [ -74.7, -51.573 ], [ -74.74, -51.573 ], [ -74.711, -51.568 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.554, -51.618 ], [ -74.596, -51.595 ], [ -74.55, -51.598 ], [ -74.554, -51.618 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.966, -51.613 ], [ -73.966, -51.598 ], [ -73.942, -51.592 ], [ -73.966, -51.613 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.707, -51.54 ], [ -74.703, -51.552 ], [ -74.762, -51.546 ], [ -74.707, -51.54 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.742, -51.418 ], [ -73.779, -51.381 ], [ -73.739, -51.383 ], [ -73.742, -51.418 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.971, -51.448 ], [ -73.974, -51.433 ], [ -73.963, -51.437 ], [ -73.971, -51.448 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.35, -51.441 ], [ -74.357, -51.422 ], [ -74.335, -51.435 ], [ -74.35, -51.441 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.98, -51.533 ], [ -74.904, -51.463 ], [ -74.87, -51.523 ], [ -74.911, -51.552 ], [ -74.913, -51.519 ], [ -74.98, -51.533 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.87, -51.475 ], [ -74.822, -51.457 ], [ -74.839, -51.507 ], [ -74.87, -51.475 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.768, -51.456 ], [ -74.755, -51.467 ], [ -74.832, -51.488 ], [ -74.812, -51.453 ], [ -74.768, -51.456 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.369, -51.25 ], [ -74.387, -51.242 ], [ -74.359, -51.242 ], [ -74.369, -51.25 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.676, -51.439 ], [ -74.74, -51.434 ], [ -74.662, -51.329 ], [ -74.647, -51.347 ], [ -74.676, -51.439 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.912, -51.377 ], [ -73.951, -51.389 ], [ -73.908, -51.363 ], [ -73.912, -51.377 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.325, -51.361 ], [ -74.292, -51.385 ], [ -74.383, -51.376 ], [ -74.325, -51.361 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.413, -51.377 ], [ -74.418, -51.368 ], [ -74.4, -51.372 ], [ -74.413, -51.377 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.16, -51.444 ], [ -74.227, -51.409 ], [ -74.148, -51.38 ], [ -74.247, -51.36 ], [ -74.229, -51.29 ], [ -74.127, -51.316 ], [ -74.113, -51.358 ], [ -74.168, -51.344 ], [ -74.2, -51.356 ], [ -74.077, -51.408 ], [ -74.1, -51.452 ], [ -74.145, -51.401 ], [ -74.16, -51.444 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.281, -51.352 ], [ -74.275, -51.366 ], [ -74.317, -51.356 ], [ -74.281, -51.352 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.372, -51.362 ], [ -74.395, -51.348 ], [ -74.359, -51.359 ], [ -74.372, -51.362 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.508, -51.356 ], [ -74.513, -51.315 ], [ -74.468, -51.329 ], [ -74.503, -51.336 ], [ -74.508, -51.356 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.14, -51.28 ], [ -74.132, -51.305 ], [ -74.173, -51.287 ], [ -74.14, -51.28 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.458, -51.303 ], [ -74.491, -51.276 ], [ -74.484, -51.262 ], [ -74.442, -51.278 ], [ -74.458, -51.303 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.086, -51.159 ], [ -75.104, -51.134 ], [ -75.07, -51.131 ], [ -75.086, -51.159 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.976, -50.948 ], [ -74.956, -50.98 ], [ -74.993, -50.961 ], [ -74.976, -50.948 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.842, -50.982 ], [ -74.811, -50.988 ], [ -74.959, -51.061 ], [ -74.9, -51.031 ], [ -74.915, -50.992 ], [ -74.842, -50.982 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.876, -51.092 ], [ -74.826, -51.094 ], [ -74.821, -51.151 ], [ -75.009, -51.175 ], [ -74.982, -51.109 ], [ -74.876, -51.092 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75, -50.988 ], [ -75.014, -51.023 ], [ -75.081, -51.008 ], [ -75.057, -50.978 ], [ -75, -50.988 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.459, -50.532 ], [ -74.459, -50.548 ], [ -74.532, -50.597 ], [ -74.504, -50.533 ], [ -74.459, -50.532 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.591, -50.504 ], [ -74.566, -50.554 ], [ -74.654, -50.594 ], [ -74.663, -50.51 ], [ -74.591, -50.504 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.837, -50.554 ], [ -74.854, -50.547 ], [ -74.855, -50.521 ], [ -74.829, -50.533 ], [ -74.837, -50.554 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.723, -50.525 ], [ -74.737, -50.521 ], [ -74.721, -50.51 ], [ -74.723, -50.525 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.584, -50.683 ], [ -74.596, -50.675 ], [ -74.582, -50.671 ], [ -74.584, -50.683 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.65, -50.71 ], [ -74.668, -50.687 ], [ -74.649, -50.679 ], [ -74.627, -50.699 ], [ -74.65, -50.71 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.703, -50.664 ], [ -74.691, -50.664 ], [ -74.708, -50.673 ], [ -74.726, -50.652 ], [ -74.703, -50.664 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.599, -50.652 ], [ -74.609, -50.664 ], [ -74.621, -50.65 ], [ -74.597, -50.637 ], [ -74.599, -50.652 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.747, -50.633 ], [ -74.753, -50.655 ], [ -74.788, -50.647 ], [ -74.747, -50.633 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.902, -50.627 ], [ -74.877, -50.639 ], [ -74.919, -50.629 ], [ -74.902, -50.627 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.316, -50.888 ], [ -74.34, -50.86 ], [ -74.292, -50.858 ], [ -74.316, -50.888 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.042, -50.821 ], [ -75.053, -50.817 ], [ -75.031, -50.82 ], [ -75.042, -50.821 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.947, -50.829 ], [ -74.944, -50.806 ], [ -74.934, -50.819 ], [ -74.947, -50.829 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.587, -50.722 ], [ -74.534, -50.733 ], [ -74.531, -50.782 ], [ -74.511, -50.734 ], [ -74.423, -50.796 ], [ -74.464, -50.812 ], [ -74.504, -50.858 ], [ -74.388, -50.808 ], [ -74.361, -50.88 ], [ -74.418, -50.879 ], [ -74.467, -50.952 ], [ -74.384, -50.893 ], [ -74.418, -50.968 ], [ -74.387, -50.916 ], [ -74.365, -50.91 ], [ -74.401, -50.967 ], [ -74.347, -50.985 ], [ -74.35, -51.028 ], [ -74.391, -51.009 ], [ -74.36, -51.077 ], [ -74.456, -50.992 ], [ -74.575, -51.049 ], [ -74.59, -51.014 ], [ -74.619, -51.093 ], [ -74.679, -51.112 ], [ -74.763, -51.065 ], [ -74.676, -51.06 ], [ -74.741, -51.037 ], [ -74.606, -50.994 ], [ -74.758, -51.002 ], [ -74.75, -51.026 ], [ -74.786, -51.079 ], [ -74.818, -51.061 ], [ -74.773, -51.045 ], [ -74.88, -51.05 ], [ -74.766, -50.988 ], [ -74.852, -50.964 ], [ -74.754, -50.975 ], [ -74.824, -50.926 ], [ -74.935, -50.988 ], [ -74.929, -50.917 ], [ -74.849, -50.911 ], [ -74.926, -50.88 ], [ -74.658, -50.9 ], [ -74.601, -50.951 ], [ -74.588, -50.899 ], [ -74.523, -50.913 ], [ -74.633, -50.877 ], [ -74.608, -50.821 ], [ -74.551, -50.861 ], [ -74.511, -50.809 ], [ -74.556, -50.824 ], [ -74.665, -50.738 ], [ -74.587, -50.722 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.961, -50.672 ], [ -74.964, -50.793 ], [ -74.989, -50.818 ], [ -75.098, -50.702 ], [ -75.03, -50.721 ], [ -75.015, -50.686 ], [ -75.061, -50.679 ], [ -75.032, -50.643 ], [ -74.979, -50.641 ], [ -74.989, -50.671 ], [ -74.95, -50.635 ], [ -74.961, -50.672 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.796, -50.651 ], [ -74.705, -50.684 ], [ -74.747, -50.702 ], [ -74.722, -50.745 ], [ -74.777, -50.735 ], [ -74.675, -50.799 ], [ -74.771, -50.801 ], [ -74.691, -50.828 ], [ -74.712, -50.878 ], [ -74.664, -50.799 ], [ -74.624, -50.812 ], [ -74.676, -50.897 ], [ -74.931, -50.839 ], [ -74.845, -50.826 ], [ -74.921, -50.797 ], [ -74.84, -50.8 ], [ -74.941, -50.782 ], [ -74.864, -50.773 ], [ -74.933, -50.712 ], [ -74.801, -50.723 ], [ -74.924, -50.68 ], [ -74.917, -50.666 ], [ -74.757, -50.697 ], [ -74.828, -50.653 ], [ -74.796, -50.651 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.468, -51.192 ], [ -74.396, -51.234 ], [ -74.519, -51.201 ], [ -74.468, -51.192 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.898, -51.231 ], [ -74.86, -51.245 ], [ -74.966, -51.309 ], [ -75.05, -51.282 ], [ -74.898, -51.231 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.922, -51.34 ], [ -73.957, -51.309 ], [ -73.983, -51.369 ], [ -74.053, -51.375 ], [ -74.094, -51.224 ], [ -73.939, -51.233 ], [ -73.922, -51.34 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.745, -51.414 ], [ -74.975, -51.479 ], [ -75.023, -51.436 ], [ -74.771, -51.328 ], [ -74.939, -51.381 ], [ -74.927, -51.337 ], [ -74.969, -51.339 ], [ -74.891, -51.277 ], [ -74.782, -51.281 ], [ -74.835, -51.258 ], [ -74.757, -51.241 ], [ -74.783, -51.207 ], [ -74.719, -51.222 ], [ -74.6, -51.183 ], [ -74.482, -51.242 ], [ -74.503, -51.293 ], [ -74.539, -51.261 ], [ -74.525, -51.308 ], [ -74.576, -51.258 ], [ -74.638, -51.242 ], [ -74.559, -51.294 ], [ -74.57, -51.351 ], [ -74.52, -51.345 ], [ -74.54, -51.386 ], [ -74.61, -51.402 ], [ -74.654, -51.272 ], [ -74.663, -51.311 ], [ -74.714, -51.295 ], [ -74.679, -51.323 ], [ -74.745, -51.414 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.972, -51.217 ], [ -73.978, -51.201 ], [ -73.961, -51.199 ], [ -73.972, -51.217 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.829, -51.167 ], [ -74.792, -51.184 ], [ -74.831, -51.238 ], [ -74.854, -51.192 ], [ -75.015, -51.222 ], [ -74.829, -51.167 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.746, -51.173 ], [ -74.751, -51.202 ], [ -74.793, -51.169 ], [ -74.746, -51.173 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.763, -51.125 ], [ -74.67, -51.147 ], [ -74.603, -51.084 ], [ -74.546, -51.173 ], [ -74.623, -51.147 ], [ -74.654, -51.194 ], [ -74.802, -51.145 ], [ -74.763, -51.125 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.42, -51.032 ], [ -74.446, -51.068 ], [ -74.49, -51.034 ], [ -74.494, -51.078 ], [ -74.362, -51.105 ], [ -74.363, -51.187 ], [ -74.425, -51.175 ], [ -74.372, -51.216 ], [ -74.543, -51.156 ], [ -74.578, -51.095 ], [ -74.468, -51.008 ], [ -74.42, -51.032 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.515, -50.375 ], [ -74.539, -50.348 ], [ -74.517, -50.353 ], [ -74.515, -50.375 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.608, -50.272 ], [ -74.552, -50.288 ], [ -74.729, -50.299 ], [ -74.688, -50.272 ], [ -74.608, -50.272 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.885, -50.234 ], [ -74.812, -50.242 ], [ -74.852, -50.285 ], [ -74.885, -50.234 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.886, -50.124 ], [ -74.93, -50.15 ], [ -74.916, -50.108 ], [ -74.886, -50.124 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.082, -50.033 ], [ -75.096, -50.022 ], [ -75.076, -50.015 ], [ -75.082, -50.033 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.66, -50.069 ], [ -74.705, -50.12 ], [ -74.739, -50.095 ], [ -74.685, -50.063 ], [ -74.66, -50.069 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.741, -50.072 ], [ -74.773, -50.061 ], [ -74.729, -50.062 ], [ -74.741, -50.072 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75, -50.314 ], [ -74.93, -50.278 ], [ -74.878, -50.322 ], [ -74.925, -50.369 ], [ -75.002, -50.353 ], [ -75, -50.314 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.231, -50.682 ], [ -75.309, -50.705 ], [ -75.229, -50.74 ], [ -75.267, -50.788 ], [ -75.315, -50.8 ], [ -75.311, -50.738 ], [ -75.318, -50.776 ], [ -75.436, -50.762 ], [ -75.393, -50.733 ], [ -75.443, -50.696 ], [ -75.327, -50.68 ], [ -75.502, -50.653 ], [ -75.393, -50.637 ], [ -75.447, -50.625 ], [ -75.408, -50.592 ], [ -75.301, -50.593 ], [ -75.458, -50.491 ], [ -75.356, -50.454 ], [ -75.323, -50.501 ], [ -75.254, -50.478 ], [ -75.284, -50.52 ], [ -75.233, -50.48 ], [ -75.045, -50.491 ], [ -75.099, -50.545 ], [ -75.154, -50.53 ], [ -75.134, -50.562 ], [ -75.202, -50.546 ], [ -75.152, -50.584 ], [ -75.195, -50.61 ], [ -75.265, -50.567 ], [ -75.245, -50.535 ], [ -75.307, -50.547 ], [ -75.214, -50.619 ], [ -75.291, -50.632 ], [ -75.231, -50.682 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.511, -50.409 ], [ -74.45, -50.466 ], [ -74.34, -50.455 ], [ -74.288, -50.614 ], [ -74.198, -50.674 ], [ -74.412, -50.64 ], [ -74.259, -50.684 ], [ -74.245, -50.726 ], [ -74.199, -50.698 ], [ -74.141, -50.838 ], [ -74.216, -50.841 ], [ -74.23, -50.751 ], [ -74.279, -50.799 ], [ -74.316, -50.756 ], [ -74.276, -50.837 ], [ -74.331, -50.836 ], [ -74.404, -50.755 ], [ -74.354, -50.724 ], [ -74.474, -50.735 ], [ -74.496, -50.71 ], [ -74.454, -50.698 ], [ -74.515, -50.691 ], [ -74.459, -50.667 ], [ -74.541, -50.684 ], [ -74.59, -50.634 ], [ -74.531, -50.641 ], [ -74.383, -50.538 ], [ -74.442, -50.519 ], [ -74.373, -50.527 ], [ -74.364, -50.558 ], [ -74.337, -50.527 ], [ -74.467, -50.507 ], [ -74.457, -50.472 ], [ -74.506, -50.505 ], [ -74.675, -50.479 ], [ -74.511, -50.409 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.108, -50.489 ], [ -74.122, -50.481 ], [ -74.095, -50.486 ], [ -74.108, -50.489 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.096, -50.479 ], [ -75.12, -50.474 ], [ -75.102, -50.465 ], [ -75.096, -50.479 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.384, -50.411 ], [ -75.36, -50.374 ], [ -75.318, -50.375 ], [ -75.328, -50.401 ], [ -75.384, -50.411 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.611, -50.347 ], [ -74.525, -50.397 ], [ -74.725, -50.497 ], [ -74.769, -50.476 ], [ -74.712, -50.408 ], [ -74.778, -50.422 ], [ -74.73, -50.367 ], [ -74.611, -50.347 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.988, -50.457 ], [ -75.056, -50.464 ], [ -75.054, -50.411 ], [ -75.08, -50.399 ], [ -75.122, -50.462 ], [ -75.18, -50.44 ], [ -75.031, -50.333 ], [ -75.001, -50.368 ], [ -75.039, -50.386 ], [ -74.945, -50.39 ], [ -74.988, -50.457 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.379, -50.352 ], [ -75.411, -50.419 ], [ -75.479, -50.423 ], [ -75.388, -50.359 ], [ -75.428, -50.37 ], [ -75.444, -50.297 ], [ -75.361, -50.254 ], [ -75.408, -50.231 ], [ -75.369, -50.152 ], [ -75.192, -50.174 ], [ -75.33, -50.197 ], [ -75.195, -50.213 ], [ -75.18, -50.253 ], [ -75.11, -50.251 ], [ -75.139, -50.208 ], [ -75.075, -50.169 ], [ -75.077, -50.127 ], [ -75.149, -50.173 ], [ -75.302, -50.118 ], [ -75.37, -50.069 ], [ -75.339, -50.001 ], [ -75.321, -50.035 ], [ -75.246, -49.994 ], [ -75.281, -50.035 ], [ -75.248, -50.013 ], [ -75.238, -50.066 ], [ -75.115, -50.015 ], [ -75.066, -50.054 ], [ -75.104, -50.089 ], [ -75.048, -50.067 ], [ -75.061, -50.104 ], [ -75.038, -50.08 ], [ -75, -50.133 ], [ -75.042, -50.033 ], [ -74.993, -50.02 ], [ -75.014, -50.082 ], [ -74.911, -50.093 ], [ -75.035, -50.174 ], [ -75.009, -50.196 ], [ -74.942, -50.132 ], [ -74.924, -50.168 ], [ -74.876, -50.129 ], [ -74.843, -50.168 ], [ -74.849, -50.13 ], [ -74.788, -50.15 ], [ -74.861, -50.116 ], [ -74.822, -50.097 ], [ -74.75, -50.138 ], [ -74.791, -50.121 ], [ -74.76, -50.174 ], [ -74.858, -50.184 ], [ -74.795, -50.201 ], [ -74.942, -50.202 ], [ -74.917, -50.248 ], [ -75.135, -50.343 ], [ -75.201, -50.442 ], [ -75.32, -50.427 ], [ -75.172, -50.288 ], [ -75.379, -50.352 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.952, -51.724 ], [ -74.992, -51.886 ], [ -75.101, -51.91 ], [ -75.054, -51.842 ], [ -75.112, -51.806 ], [ -75.041, -51.719 ], [ -74.952, -51.724 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.789, -51.916 ], [ -73.697, -51.981 ], [ -73.786, -52.021 ], [ -73.87, -51.96 ], [ -73.814, -51.933 ], [ -73.868, -51.914 ], [ -73.852, -51.891 ], [ -73.959, -51.893 ], [ -73.945, -51.845 ], [ -73.989, -51.821 ], [ -73.937, -51.817 ], [ -73.9, -51.788 ], [ -73.794, -51.88 ], [ -73.847, -51.912 ], [ -73.789, -51.916 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.212, -51.762 ], [ -74.234, -51.754 ], [ -74.201, -51.759 ], [ -74.212, -51.762 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.551, -51.727 ], [ -74.59, -51.779 ], [ -74.584, -51.719 ], [ -74.551, -51.727 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.652, -51.693 ], [ -74.694, -51.708 ], [ -74.651, -51.712 ], [ -74.715, -51.775 ], [ -74.72, -51.711 ], [ -74.652, -51.693 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.397, -51.738 ], [ -74.333, -51.755 ], [ -74.365, -51.781 ], [ -74.285, -51.761 ], [ -74.326, -51.786 ], [ -74.275, -51.78 ], [ -74.304, -51.828 ], [ -74.155, -51.843 ], [ -74.195, -51.895 ], [ -74.061, -51.887 ], [ -74.117, -51.925 ], [ -74.113, -51.977 ], [ -74.372, -51.885 ], [ -74.414, -51.833 ], [ -74.361, -51.806 ], [ -74.424, -51.81 ], [ -74.466, -51.757 ], [ -74.413, -51.766 ], [ -74.503, -51.703 ], [ -74.397, -51.738 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.05, -51.812 ], [ -74.017, -51.82 ], [ -74.061, -51.837 ], [ -74.158, -51.768 ], [ -74.05, -51.812 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.672, -51.777 ], [ -74.62, -51.784 ], [ -74.597, -51.815 ], [ -74.686, -51.835 ], [ -74.719, -51.803 ], [ -74.672, -51.777 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.492, -51.674 ], [ -74.431, -51.689 ], [ -74.427, -51.705 ], [ -74.526, -51.674 ], [ -74.492, -51.674 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.821, -51.675 ], [ -73.819, -51.664 ], [ -73.78, -51.663 ], [ -73.821, -51.675 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.864, -51.664 ], [ -73.881, -51.648 ], [ -73.837, -51.653 ], [ -73.864, -51.664 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.559, -51.639 ], [ -74.579, -51.631 ], [ -74.544, -51.634 ], [ -74.559, -51.639 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.04, -51.551 ], [ -74.079, -51.552 ], [ -74.028, -51.578 ], [ -73.976, -51.701 ], [ -74.058, -51.723 ], [ -73.941, -51.727 ], [ -73.913, -51.775 ], [ -73.959, -51.812 ], [ -74.147, -51.75 ], [ -74.146, -51.713 ], [ -74.173, -51.745 ], [ -74.236, -51.72 ], [ -74.19, -51.723 ], [ -74.223, -51.675 ], [ -74.159, -51.691 ], [ -74.17, -51.632 ], [ -74.148, -51.671 ], [ -74.078, -51.679 ], [ -74.131, -51.667 ], [ -74.144, -51.593 ], [ -74.07, -51.616 ], [ -74.036, -51.596 ], [ -74.115, -51.545 ], [ -74.04, -51.551 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.09, -51.27 ], [ -75.124, -51.381 ], [ -75.052, -51.291 ], [ -74.963, -51.316 ], [ -74.979, -51.369 ], [ -75.016, -51.357 ], [ -74.987, -51.397 ], [ -75.06, -51.36 ], [ -75.024, -51.398 ], [ -75.089, -51.426 ], [ -75.081, -51.48 ], [ -75.133, -51.407 ], [ -75.116, -51.56 ], [ -75.142, -51.592 ], [ -75.19, -51.561 ], [ -75.164, -51.618 ], [ -75.278, -51.639 ], [ -75.305, -51.542 ], [ -75.175, -51.493 ], [ -75.207, -51.403 ], [ -75.135, -51.389 ], [ -75.212, -51.335 ], [ -75.09, -51.27 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.742, -53.577 ], [ -73.885, -53.593 ], [ -73.851, -53.549 ], [ -73.919, -53.534 ], [ -73.86, -53.51 ], [ -73.898, -53.457 ], [ -73.704, -53.52 ], [ -73.814, -53.541 ], [ -73.705, -53.539 ], [ -73.742, -53.577 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.326, -53.17 ], [ -74.319, -53.185 ], [ -74.338, -53.186 ], [ -74.326, -53.17 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.097, -53.25 ], [ -74.154, -53.328 ], [ -74.288, -53.313 ], [ -74.124, -53.242 ], [ -74.097, -53.25 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.28, -53.28 ], [ -74.255, -53.288 ], [ -74.314, -53.294 ], [ -74.302, -53.266 ], [ -74.28, -53.28 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.312, -53.452 ], [ -73.304, -53.431 ], [ -73.254, -53.466 ], [ -73.276, -53.478 ], [ -73.312, -53.452 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.336, -53.459 ], [ -73.354, -53.451 ], [ -73.348, -53.44 ], [ -73.317, -53.458 ], [ -73.336, -53.459 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.698, -53.512 ], [ -73.843, -53.419 ], [ -73.558, -53.504 ], [ -73.701, -53.447 ], [ -73.542, -53.443 ], [ -73.636, -53.419 ], [ -73.622, -53.371 ], [ -73.523, -53.413 ], [ -73.552, -53.382 ], [ -73.438, -53.385 ], [ -73.415, -53.412 ], [ -73.545, -53.484 ], [ -73.471, -53.465 ], [ -73.39, -53.556 ], [ -73.52, -53.59 ], [ -73.565, -53.523 ], [ -73.555, -53.56 ], [ -73.698, -53.512 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.58, -53.439 ], [ -73.58, -53.439 ], [ -73.555, -53.441 ], [ -73.56, -53.441 ], [ -73.58, -53.439 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.387, -53.429 ], [ -73.381, -53.447 ], [ -73.429, -53.433 ], [ -73.409, -53.417 ], [ -73.387, -53.429 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.884, -53.39 ], [ -73.841, -53.393 ], [ -73.854, -53.426 ], [ -73.933, -53.407 ], [ -73.884, -53.39 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.75, -53.393 ], [ -73.748, -53.42 ], [ -73.779, -53.394 ], [ -73.75, -53.393 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.672, -53.383 ], [ -73.665, -53.407 ], [ -73.714, -53.385 ], [ -73.702, -53.373 ], [ -73.672, -53.383 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.568, -53.38 ], [ -73.577, -53.369 ], [ -73.554, -53.374 ], [ -73.568, -53.38 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.481, -53.331 ], [ -72.503, -53.322 ], [ -72.504, -53.301 ], [ -72.478, -53.313 ], [ -72.481, -53.331 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.436, -53.342 ], [ -73.444, -53.333 ], [ -73.424, -53.333 ], [ -73.436, -53.342 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.935, -53.2 ], [ -73.959, -53.177 ], [ -73.898, -53.196 ], [ -73.935, -53.2 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.773, -53.279 ], [ -73.742, -53.29 ], [ -73.793, -53.274 ], [ -73.773, -53.279 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.078, -53.376 ], [ -73.068, -53.362 ], [ -73.059, -53.371 ], [ -73.078, -53.376 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.313, -53.373 ], [ -73.29, -53.371 ], [ -73.276, -53.393 ], [ -73.351, -53.362 ], [ -73.313, -53.373 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.643, -53.354 ], [ -73.655, -53.38 ], [ -73.722, -53.355 ], [ -73.668, -53.37 ], [ -73.643, -53.354 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.869, -53.32 ], [ -73.804, -53.343 ], [ -73.906, -53.321 ], [ -73.869, -53.32 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.599, -54.537 ], [ -71.705, -54.484 ], [ -71.662, -54.466 ], [ -71.866, -54.442 ], [ -71.737, -54.4 ], [ -71.533, -54.513 ], [ -71.566, -54.479 ], [ -71.43, -54.494 ], [ -71.587, -54.461 ], [ -71.604, -54.4 ], [ -71.356, -54.465 ], [ -71.294, -54.438 ], [ -71.41, -54.422 ], [ -71.399, -54.38 ], [ -71.327, -54.382 ], [ -71.186, -54.427 ], [ -71.224, -54.463 ], [ -71.143, -54.43 ], [ -71.064, -54.527 ], [ -71.119, -54.442 ], [ -70.97, -54.458 ], [ -70.927, -54.522 ], [ -70.916, -54.365 ], [ -70.758, -54.332 ], [ -70.718, -54.37 ], [ -70.57, -54.361 ], [ -70.695, -54.438 ], [ -70.755, -54.622 ], [ -70.707, -54.552 ], [ -70.607, -54.606 ], [ -70.692, -54.538 ], [ -70.548, -54.403 ], [ -70.246, -54.573 ], [ -70.189, -54.578 ], [ -70.287, -54.499 ], [ -70.104, -54.552 ], [ -70.507, -54.39 ], [ -70.523, -54.307 ], [ -70.86, -54.261 ], [ -70.899, -54.175 ], [ -70.808, -54.198 ], [ -70.923, -54.127 ], [ -70.279, -54.343 ], [ -70.107, -54.443 ], [ -70.155, -54.398 ], [ -70.038, -54.385 ], [ -70.198, -54.318 ], [ -69.991, -54.27 ], [ -69.939, -54.309 ], [ -69.98, -54.33 ], [ -69.953, -54.395 ], [ -69.911, -54.376 ], [ -69.893, -54.436 ], [ -69.826, -54.446 ], [ -69.902, -54.508 ], [ -69.798, -54.472 ], [ -69.75, -54.513 ], [ -69.835, -54.568 ], [ -69.761, -54.543 ], [ -69.753, -54.588 ], [ -69.719, -54.496 ], [ -69.798, -54.431 ], [ -69.853, -54.29 ], [ -69.644, -54.345 ], [ -69.629, -54.406 ], [ -69.529, -54.444 ], [ -69.491, -54.445 ], [ -69.557, -54.399 ], [ -69.545, -54.341 ], [ -69.2, -54.452 ], [ -69.483, -54.677 ], [ -69.386, -54.645 ], [ -69.346, -54.71 ], [ -69.363, -54.632 ], [ -69.207, -54.526 ], [ -69.13, -54.602 ], [ -69.17, -54.512 ], [ -69.126, -54.46 ], [ -68.969, -54.486 ], [ -68.966, -54.449 ], [ -70.048, -54.106 ], [ -70.189, -53.819 ], [ -70.15, -53.744 ], [ -69.676, -53.646 ], [ -69.35, -53.523 ], [ -69.303, -53.475 ], [ -69.349, -53.368 ], [ -69.861, -53.372 ], [ -70.21, -53.477 ], [ -70.46, -53.377 ], [ -70.437, -53.014 ], [ -70.33, -52.965 ], [ -70.348, -53.058 ], [ -70.253, -53.051 ], [ -70.134, -53.006 ], [ -70.089, -52.918 ], [ -70.217, -52.881 ], [ -70.303, -52.912 ], [ -70.25, -52.853 ], [ -70.281, -52.795 ], [ -70.434, -52.784 ], [ -70.128, -52.729 ], [ -69.995, -52.837 ], [ -69.898, -52.84 ], [ -69.707, -52.764 ], [ -69.58, -52.651 ], [ -69.59, -52.537 ], [ -69.407, -52.454 ], [ -69.14, -52.698 ], [ -68.786, -52.614 ], [ -68.755, -52.545 ], [ -68.611, -52.653 ], [ -68.61, -54.89 ], [ -68.962, -54.785 ], [ -68.703, -54.908 ], [ -69.077, -54.957 ], [ -69.637, -54.84 ], [ -69.604, -54.728 ], [ -69.663, -54.788 ], [ -69.708, -54.697 ], [ -69.682, -54.821 ], [ -69.754, -54.825 ], [ -69.727, -54.761 ], [ -69.764, -54.724 ], [ -69.769, -54.821 ], [ -69.908, -54.836 ], [ -69.964, -54.726 ], [ -69.936, -54.685 ], [ -69.98, -54.723 ], [ -69.95, -54.846 ], [ -70.079, -54.853 ], [ -70.053, -54.788 ], [ -70.137, -54.792 ], [ -70.081, -54.83 ], [ -70.126, -54.85 ], [ -70.218, -54.833 ], [ -70.161, -54.864 ], [ -70.298, -54.852 ], [ -70.313, -54.807 ], [ -70.212, -54.685 ], [ -70.296, -54.745 ], [ -70.33, -54.843 ], [ -70.574, -54.771 ], [ -70.609, -54.78 ], [ -70.581, -54.801 ], [ -70.745, -54.851 ], [ -70.827, -54.825 ], [ -70.769, -54.801 ], [ -70.794, -54.77 ], [ -70.469, -54.7 ], [ -70.43, -54.637 ], [ -70.532, -54.627 ], [ -70.618, -54.676 ], [ -70.563, -54.715 ], [ -70.779, -54.763 ], [ -70.927, -54.758 ], [ -70.883, -54.705 ], [ -70.742, -54.694 ], [ -70.902, -54.67 ], [ -71.014, -54.783 ], [ -70.955, -54.72 ], [ -70.953, -54.682 ], [ -71.007, -54.706 ], [ -70.985, -54.672 ], [ -70.906, -54.619 ], [ -71.046, -54.597 ], [ -71.014, -54.632 ], [ -71.049, -54.665 ], [ -71.255, -54.686 ], [ -71.284, -54.648 ], [ -71.12, -54.626 ], [ -71.236, -54.623 ], [ -71.243, -54.591 ], [ -71.169, -54.58 ], [ -71.236, -54.583 ], [ -71.205, -54.538 ], [ -71.29, -54.576 ], [ -71.329, -54.517 ], [ -71.315, -54.572 ], [ -71.395, -54.532 ], [ -71.371, -54.566 ], [ -71.429, -54.571 ], [ -71.331, -54.593 ], [ -71.316, -54.619 ], [ -71.396, -54.611 ], [ -71.381, -54.66 ], [ -71.441, -54.64 ], [ -71.473, -54.696 ], [ -71.495, -54.595 ], [ -71.501, -54.717 ], [ -71.589, -54.689 ], [ -71.528, -54.669 ], [ -71.582, -54.651 ], [ -71.558, -54.623 ], [ -71.609, -54.641 ], [ -71.55, -54.588 ], [ -71.602, -54.583 ], [ -71.648, -54.673 ], [ -71.677, -54.619 ], [ -71.63, -54.589 ], [ -71.785, -54.582 ], [ -71.711, -54.613 ], [ -71.853, -54.601 ], [ -71.789, -54.65 ], [ -71.906, -54.656 ], [ -71.979, -54.611 ], [ -71.864, -54.62 ], [ -71.942, -54.577 ], [ -71.905, -54.554 ], [ -71.972, -54.572 ], [ -72.025, -54.516 ], [ -71.921, -54.526 ], [ -72.021, -54.483 ], [ -71.911, -54.45 ], [ -71.886, -54.514 ], [ -71.857, -54.472 ], [ -71.832, -54.537 ], [ -71.748, -54.566 ], [ -71.632, -54.583 ], [ -71.753, -54.5 ], [ -71.606, -54.546 ], [ -71.513, -54.55 ], [ -71.599, -54.537 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.854, -53.104 ], [ 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Sigue al de las Carabelas. Este río, así como el de las Carabelas, son más bien brazos del Paraná que ríos; en algunos mapas se le da el nombre de Paraná de las Palmas.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-04T17:23:13+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 71289, "end" : 71306 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "río de las Palmas" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/6282ada9-55f0-427f-99dc-4bc8ac1ace09", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PLACE", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-25T19:48:53+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 97361, "end" : 97377 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Salto del Ayembí" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/ad817cf7-cb43-4aba-8824-d8e8746e6a74", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PLACE", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-25T19:39:16+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 92576, "end" : 92591 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "río de San Juan" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/5e00408c-f780-4f28-b327-ec403edd3889", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://www.hgis-indias.net/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=gazetteer:9001006", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-25T20:00:00+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-25T20:00:00+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ -58.35179869, -33.67232101 ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Refiere a la Provincia del Río de la Plata, un espacio creado a partir de las capitulaciones que firmó el primer adelantado Pedro de Mendoza con Carlos I en 1534.La misma limitaba al norte con los territorios otorgados a Diego de Almagro, ocupando una franja que se extendería entre el Mar del Sur y el Mar Océano Austral. La exploración y ocupación efectiva del terreno delimitarían el espacio de la provincia del Río de la Plata al sector atlántico y específicamente, al eje fluvial Paraná-Plata.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-01T19:23:11+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 102568, "end" : 102597 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "provincia del Río de la Plata" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/3315e1f5-933c-4d84-afda-6eb1ecb432a5", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" 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-72.602, -5.056 ], [ -72.734, -5.043 ], [ -72.896, -5.136 ], [ -72.872, -5.25 ], [ -72.948, -5.454 ], [ -72.951, -5.643 ], [ -73.116, -5.865 ], [ -73.131, -5.986 ], [ -73.185, -6.04 ], [ -73.133, -6.421 ], [ -73.211, -6.53 ], [ -73.351, -6.561 ], [ -73.743, -6.897 ], [ -73.797, -7.115 ], [ -73.691, -7.313 ], [ -73.868, -7.377 ], [ -73.954, -7.348 ], [ -73.917, -7.461 ], [ -73.986, -7.537 ], [ -73.69, -7.79 ], [ -73.697, -7.865 ], [ -73.777, -7.869 ], [ -73.765, -7.94 ], [ -73.632, -8.022 ], [ -73.526, -8.369 ], [ -73.338, -8.476 ], [ -73.338, -8.609 ], [ -73.169, -8.701 ], [ -73.059, -8.904 ], [ -72.946, -8.99 ], [ -72.965, -9.154 ], [ -73.196, -9.418 ], [ -72.721, -9.417 ], [ -72.364, -9.491 ], [ -72.289, -9.536 ], [ -72.26, -9.755 ], [ -72.16, -9.818 ], [ -72.165, -10.002 ], [ -71.288, -9.996 ], [ -71.131, -9.862 ], [ -70.982, -9.812 ], [ -70.601, -9.453 ], [ -70.497, -9.433 ], [ -70.561, -9.579 ], [ -70.598, -9.574 ], [ -70.522, -9.738 ], [ -70.622, -9.847 ], [ -70.618, -11.007 ], [ -70.508, -10.94 ], [ -70.337, -11.067 ], [ -69.938, -10.926 ], [ -69.728, -10.973 ], [ -69.568, -10.954 ], [ -68.924, -11.994 ], [ -68.679, -12.497 ], [ -68.764, -12.612 ], [ -68.738, -12.705 ], [ -68.85, -12.728 ], [ -68.961, -12.852 ], [ -68.942, -13.486 ], [ -68.997, -13.652 ], [ -69.076, -13.654 ], [ -68.988, -13.769 ], [ -68.965, -13.98 ], [ -68.881, -14.065 ], [ -68.841, -14.21 ], [ -68.982, -14.237 ], [ -68.98, -14.387 ], [ -69.152, -14.508 ], [ -69.149, -14.584 ], [ -69.225, -14.584 ], [ -69.244, -14.753 ], [ -69.363, -14.804 ], [ -69.365, -14.98 ], [ -69.126, -15.256 ], [ -69.265, -15.336 ], [ -69.274, -15.421 ], [ -69.414, -15.621 ], [ -69.236, -16.143 ], [ -69.099, -16.219 ], [ -68.963, -16.189 ], [ -68.814, -16.338 ], [ -68.982, -16.433 ], [ -69.032, -16.566 ], [ -69.006, -16.677 ], [ -69.168, -16.731 ], [ -69.392, -17.021 ], [ -69.375, -17.078 ], [ -69.551, -17.162 ], [ -69.641, -17.282 ], [ -69.463, -17.376 ], [ -69.463, -17.508 ], [ -69.662, -17.658 ], [ -69.799, -17.65 ], [ -69.819, -17.747 ], [ -69.753, -17.982 ], [ -69.948, -18.248 ], [ -70.374, -18.35 ], [ -70.879, -18.01 ], [ -70.925, -17.924 ], [ -71.383, -17.708 ], [ -71.342, -17.636 ], [ -71.382, -17.419 ], [ -71.515, -17.265 ], [ -71.819, -17.18 ], [ -71.974, -17.048 ], [ -72.113, -17.027 ], [ -72.123, -16.97 ], [ -72.45, -16.705 ], [ -72.758, -16.636 ], [ -73.112, -16.433 ], [ -73.291, -16.402 ], [ -73.3, -16.349 ], [ -73.414, -16.294 ], [ -73.701, -16.24 ], [ -74.057, -15.961 ], [ -74.285, -15.846 ], [ -74.371, -15.85 ], [ -74.476, -15.726 ], [ -75.141, -15.419 ], [ -75.2, -15.381 ], [ -75.157, -15.338 ], [ -75.252, -15.268 ], [ -75.23, -15.22 ], [ -75.376, -15.161 ], [ -75.509, -14.922 ], [ -75.921, -14.662 ], [ -75.98, -14.483 ], [ -76.151, -14.345 ], [ -76.105, -14.326 ], [ -76.135, -14.245 ], [ -76.222, -14.165 ], [ -76.274, -14.151 ], [ -76.273, -14.211 ], [ -76.296, -14.175 ], [ -76.286, -13.917 ], [ -76.395, -13.908 ], [ -76.332, -13.799 ], [ -76.261, -13.872 ], [ -76.191, -13.607 ], [ -76.206, -13.4 ], [ -76.492, -13.049 ], [ -76.52, -12.871 ], [ -76.641, -12.752 ], [ -76.693, -12.608 ], [ -76.811, -12.512 ], [ -76.784, -12.402 ], [ -76.84, -12.323 ], [ -77.042, -12.215 ], [ -77.072, -12.113 ], [ -77.172, -12.087 ], [ -77.136, -11.984 ], [ -77.201, -11.79 ], [ -77.176, -11.739 ], [ -77.301, -11.521 ], [ -77.663, -11.297 ], [ -77.656, -11.228 ], [ -77.604, -11.205 ], [ -77.671, -10.949 ], [ -78.196, -10.11 ], [ -78.241, -9.793 ], [ -78.378, -9.635 ], [ -78.431, -9.345 ], [ -78.536, -9.274 ], [ -78.507, -9.186 ], [ -78.555, -9.184 ], [ -78.575, -9.248 ], [ -78.621, -9.185 ], [ -78.563, -9.134 ], [ -78.641, -9.076 ], [ -78.654, -8.916 ], [ -78.766, -8.773 ], [ -78.755, -8.616 ], [ -78.934, -8.455 ], [ -78.905, -8.389 ], [ -78.97, -8.252 ], [ -79.359, -7.859 ], [ -79.566, -7.465 ], [ -79.581, -7.322 ], [ -79.678, -7.12 ], [ -79.916, -6.884 ], [ -79.983, -6.743 ], [ -80.298, -6.53 ], [ -80.773, -6.306 ], [ -81.11, -6.057 ], [ -81.144, -5.89 ], [ -81.076, -5.791 ], [ -80.942, -5.848 ], [ -80.866, -5.784 ], [ -80.858, -5.819 ], [ -80.841, -5.841 ], [ -80.848, -5.534 ], [ -80.872, -5.558 ], [ -80.945, -5.432 ], [ -81.191, -5.216 ], [ -81.167, -5.083 ], [ -81.085, -5.081 ], [ -81.072, -5 ] ] ] ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Entendido como virreinato del Perú.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T12:28:07+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 66465, "end" : 66469 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Perú" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : 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], [ -76.441, -13.848 ], [ -76.455, -13.868 ] ] ], [ [ [ -76.406, -13.75 ], [ -76.406, -13.746 ], [ -76.397, -13.741 ], [ -76.397, -13.746 ], [ -76.406, -13.75 ] ] ], [ [ [ -76.633, -12.805 ], [ -76.634, -12.794 ], [ -76.621, -12.798 ], [ -76.633, -12.805 ] ] ], [ [ [ -76.899, -12.361 ], [ -76.905, -12.355 ], [ -76.901, -12.347 ], [ -76.897, -12.352 ], [ -76.899, -12.361 ] ] ], [ [ [ -76.915, -12.314 ], [ -76.917, -12.312 ], [ -76.909, -12.302 ], [ -76.909, -12.312 ], [ -76.915, -12.314 ] ] ], [ [ [ -77.19, -12.134 ], [ -77.189, -12.125 ], [ -77.185, -12.124 ], [ -77.182, -12.129 ], [ -77.19, -12.134 ] ] ], [ [ [ -77.208, -12.124 ], [ -77.253, -12.095 ], [ -77.254, -12.074 ], [ -77.202, -12.103 ], [ -77.208, -12.124 ] ] ], [ [ [ -77.717, -11.974 ], [ -77.725, -11.969 ], [ -77.724, -11.965 ], [ -77.718, -11.965 ], [ -77.717, -11.974 ] ] ], [ [ [ -77.723, -11.954 ], [ -77.733, -11.953 ], [ -77.734, -11.948 ], [ -77.722, -11.946 ], [ -77.723, -11.954 ] ] ], [ [ [ -77.851, -11.494 ], [ -77.852, -11.486 ], [ -77.844, -11.48 ], [ -77.844, -11.488 ], [ -77.851, -11.494 ] ] ], [ [ [ -81.072, -5 ], [ -81.326, -4.68 ], [ -81.25, -4.27 ], [ -80.837, -3.877 ], [ -80.786, -3.749 ], [ -80.574, -3.628 ], [ -80.501, -3.505 ], [ -80.366, -3.499 ], [ -80.304, -3.405 ], [ -80.219, -3.438 ], [ -80.154, -3.905 ], [ -80.286, -4.018 ], [ -80.398, -3.984 ], [ -80.475, -4.054 ], [ -80.444, -4.194 ], [ -80.305, -4.201 ], [ -80.443, -4.371 ], [ -80.443, -4.437 ], [ -80.335, -4.47 ], [ -80.136, -4.285 ], [ -79.895, -4.394 ], [ -79.812, -4.486 ], [ -79.631, -4.435 ], [ -79.541, -4.528 ], [ -79.482, -4.529 ], [ -79.416, -4.799 ], [ -79.26, -4.967 ], [ -79, -4.979 ], [ -78.881, -4.72 ], [ -78.736, -4.654 ], [ -78.621, -4.497 ], [ -78.627, -4.319 ], [ -78.572, -4.255 ], [ -78.499, -3.949 ], [ -78.377, -3.787 ], [ -78.319, -3.429 ], [ -78.249, -3.429 ], [ -78.232, -3.534 ], [ -78.137, -3.522 ], [ -78.19, -3.354 ], [ -77.824, -2.998 ], [ -76.627, -2.591 ], [ -76.045, -2.128 ], [ -75.538, -1.536 ], [ -75.364, -0.956 ], [ -75.185, -0.971 ], [ -75.28, -0.711 ], [ -75.245, -0.535 ], [ -75.415, -0.424 ], [ -75.449, -0.329 ], [ -75.622, -0.263 ], [ -75.622, -0.109 ], [ -75.304, -0.134 ], [ -75.219, -0.015 ], [ -75.115, -0.039 ], [ -74.904, -0.195 ], [ -74.824, -0.145 ], [ -74.78, -0.214 ], [ -74.801, -0.29 ], [ -74.659, -0.332 ], [ -74.52, -0.479 ], [ -74.425, -0.511 ], [ -74.342, -0.695 ], [ -74.378, -0.745 ], [ -74.258, -0.843 ], [ -74.272, -0.899 ], [ -74.318, -0.9 ], [ -74.266, -1.007 ], [ -74.074, -1.081 ], [ -74.033, -1.028 ], [ -74.013, -1.123 ], [ -73.905, -1.15 ], [ -73.861, -1.25 ], [ -73.777, -1.277 ], [ -73.75, -1.22 ], [ -73.732, -1.267 ], [ -73.624, -1.283 ], [ -73.552, -1.429 ], [ -73.586, -1.445 ], [ -73.539, -1.452 ], [ -73.46, -1.6 ], [ -73.532, -1.733 ], [ -73.314, -1.855 ], [ -73.293, -1.803 ], [ -73.231, -1.823 ], [ -73.222, -1.774 ], [ -73.143, -1.834 ], [ -73.095, -2.113 ], [ -73.059, -2.125 ], [ -73.153, -2.276 ], [ -73.044, -2.4 ], [ -73.021, -2.355 ], [ -72.962, -2.382 ], [ -72.921, -2.5 ], [ -72.769, -2.42 ], [ -72.733, -2.459 ], [ -72.707, -2.416 ], [ -72.67, -2.486 ], [ -72.618, -2.396 ], [ -72.383, -2.416 ], [ -72.346, -2.49 ], [ -72.221, -2.433 ], [ -72.126, -2.468 ], [ -72.035, -2.331 ], [ -71.907, -2.373 ], [ -71.919, -2.312 ], [ -71.861, -2.3 ], [ -71.822, -2.187 ], [ -71.722, -2.128 ], [ -71.707, -2.214 ], [ -71.628, -2.191 ], [ -71.5, -2.245 ], [ -71.484, -2.336 ], [ -71.444, -2.263 ], [ -71.375, -2.398 ], [ -71.284, -2.338 ], [ -71.165, -2.376 ], [ -71.057, -2.264 ], [ -70.986, -2.298 ], [ -70.993, -2.205 ], [ -70.928, -2.245 ], [ -70.857, -2.217 ], [ -70.822, -2.283 ], [ -70.658, -2.351 ], [ -70.608, -2.481 ], [ -70.55, -2.47 ], [ -70.562, -2.415 ], [ -70.418, -2.525 ], [ -70.307, -2.498 ], [ -70.342, -2.573 ], [ -70.246, -2.548 ], [ -70.15, -2.705 ], [ -70.076, -2.662 ], [ -70.034, -2.761 ], [ -70.703, -3.795 ], [ -70.485, -3.885 ], [ -70.295, -3.813 ], [ -70.186, -3.891 ], [ -70.158, -4.021 ], [ -69.948, -4.219 ], [ -69.978, -4.295 ], [ -70.036, -4.339 ], [ -70.076, -4.309 ], [ -70.042, -4.284 ], [ -70.164, -4.268 ], [ -70.19, -4.357 ], [ -70.249, -4.267 ], [ -70.291, -4.283 ], [ -70.317, -4.136 ], [ -70.341, -4.174 ], [ -70.434, -4.125 ], [ -70.503, -4.19 ], [ -70.553, -4.128 ], [ -70.566, -4.205 ], [ -70.565, -4.168 ], [ -70.633, -4.173 ], [ -70.622, -4.121 ], [ -70.677, -4.2 ], [ -70.757, -4.152 ], [ -70.935, -4.381 ], [ -70.99, -4.34 ], [ -71.031, -4.397 ], [ -71.147, -4.375 ], [ -71.193, -4.42 ], [ -71.198, -4.377 ], [ -71.269, -4.381 ], [ -71.303, -4.458 ], [ -71.355, -4.468 ], [ -71.342, -4.423 ], [ -71.432, -4.469 ], [ -71.414, -4.432 ], [ -71.506, -4.435 ], [ -71.49, -4.479 ], [ -71.535, -4.46 ], [ -71.597, -4.525 ], [ -71.61, -4.465 ], [ -71.897, -4.512 ], [ -71.94, -4.607 ], [ -72.047, -4.625 ], [ -72.113, -4.722 ], [ -72.223, -4.78 ], [ -72.313, -4.769 ], [ -72.292, -4.799 ], [ -72.356, -4.803 ], [ -72.37, -4.88 ], [ -72.452, -4.906 ], [ -72.455, -4.962 ], [ -72.577, -4.992 ], [ -72.602, -5.056 ], [ -72.734, -5.043 ], [ -72.896, -5.136 ], [ -72.872, -5.25 ], [ -72.948, -5.454 ], [ -72.951, -5.643 ], [ -73.116, -5.865 ], [ -73.131, -5.986 ], [ -73.185, -6.04 ], [ -73.133, -6.421 ], [ -73.211, -6.53 ], [ -73.351, -6.561 ], [ -73.743, -6.897 ], [ -73.797, -7.115 ], [ -73.691, -7.313 ], [ -73.868, -7.377 ], [ -73.954, -7.348 ], [ -73.917, -7.461 ], [ -73.986, -7.537 ], [ -73.69, -7.79 ], [ -73.697, -7.865 ], [ -73.777, -7.869 ], [ -73.765, -7.94 ], [ -73.632, -8.022 ], [ -73.526, -8.369 ], [ -73.338, -8.476 ], [ -73.338, -8.609 ], [ -73.169, -8.701 ], [ -73.059, -8.904 ], [ -72.946, -8.99 ], [ -72.965, -9.154 ], [ -73.196, -9.418 ], [ -72.721, -9.417 ], [ -72.364, -9.491 ], [ -72.289, -9.536 ], [ -72.26, -9.755 ], [ -72.16, -9.818 ], [ -72.165, -10.002 ], [ -71.288, -9.996 ], [ -71.131, -9.862 ], [ -70.982, -9.812 ], [ -70.601, -9.453 ], [ -70.497, -9.433 ], [ -70.561, -9.579 ], [ -70.598, -9.574 ], [ -70.522, -9.738 ], [ -70.622, -9.847 ], [ -70.618, -11.007 ], [ -70.508, -10.94 ], [ -70.337, -11.067 ], [ -69.938, -10.926 ], [ -69.728, -10.973 ], [ -69.568, -10.954 ], [ -68.924, -11.994 ], [ -68.679, -12.497 ], [ -68.764, -12.612 ], [ -68.738, -12.705 ], [ -68.85, -12.728 ], [ -68.961, -12.852 ], [ -68.942, -13.486 ], [ -68.997, -13.652 ], [ -69.076, -13.654 ], [ -68.988, -13.769 ], [ -68.965, -13.98 ], [ -68.881, -14.065 ], [ -68.841, -14.21 ], [ -68.982, -14.237 ], [ -68.98, -14.387 ], [ -69.152, -14.508 ], [ -69.149, -14.584 ], [ -69.225, -14.584 ], [ -69.244, -14.753 ], [ -69.363, -14.804 ], [ -69.365, -14.98 ], [ -69.126, -15.256 ], [ -69.265, -15.336 ], [ -69.274, -15.421 ], [ -69.414, -15.621 ], [ -69.236, -16.143 ], [ -69.099, -16.219 ], [ -68.963, -16.189 ], [ -68.814, -16.338 ], [ -68.982, -16.433 ], [ -69.032, -16.566 ], [ -69.006, -16.677 ], [ -69.168, -16.731 ], [ -69.392, -17.021 ], [ -69.375, -17.078 ], [ -69.551, -17.162 ], [ -69.641, -17.282 ], [ -69.463, -17.376 ], [ -69.463, -17.508 ], [ -69.662, -17.658 ], [ -69.799, -17.65 ], [ -69.819, -17.747 ], [ -69.753, -17.982 ], [ -69.948, -18.248 ], [ -70.374, -18.35 ], [ -70.879, -18.01 ], [ -70.925, -17.924 ], [ -71.383, -17.708 ], [ -71.342, -17.636 ], [ -71.382, -17.419 ], [ -71.515, -17.265 ], [ -71.819, -17.18 ], [ -71.974, -17.048 ], [ -72.113, -17.027 ], [ -72.123, -16.97 ], [ -72.45, -16.705 ], [ -72.758, -16.636 ], [ -73.112, -16.433 ], [ -73.291, -16.402 ], [ -73.3, -16.349 ], [ -73.414, -16.294 ], [ -73.701, -16.24 ], [ -74.057, -15.961 ], [ -74.285, -15.846 ], [ -74.371, -15.85 ], [ -74.476, -15.726 ], [ -75.141, -15.419 ], [ -75.2, -15.381 ], [ -75.157, -15.338 ], [ -75.252, -15.268 ], [ -75.23, -15.22 ], [ -75.376, -15.161 ], [ -75.509, -14.922 ], [ -75.921, -14.662 ], [ -75.98, -14.483 ], [ -76.151, -14.345 ], [ -76.105, -14.326 ], [ -76.135, -14.245 ], [ -76.222, -14.165 ], [ -76.274, -14.151 ], [ -76.273, -14.211 ], [ -76.296, -14.175 ], [ -76.286, -13.917 ], [ -76.395, -13.908 ], [ -76.332, -13.799 ], [ -76.261, -13.872 ], [ -76.191, -13.607 ], [ -76.206, -13.4 ], [ -76.492, -13.049 ], [ -76.52, -12.871 ], [ -76.641, -12.752 ], [ -76.693, -12.608 ], [ -76.811, -12.512 ], [ -76.784, -12.402 ], [ -76.84, -12.323 ], [ -77.042, -12.215 ], [ -77.072, -12.113 ], [ -77.172, -12.087 ], [ -77.136, -11.984 ], [ -77.201, -11.79 ], [ -77.176, -11.739 ], [ -77.301, -11.521 ], [ -77.663, -11.297 ], [ -77.656, -11.228 ], [ -77.604, -11.205 ], [ -77.671, -10.949 ], [ -78.196, -10.11 ], [ -78.241, -9.793 ], [ -78.378, -9.635 ], [ -78.431, -9.345 ], [ -78.536, -9.274 ], [ -78.507, -9.186 ], [ -78.555, -9.184 ], [ -78.575, -9.248 ], [ -78.621, -9.185 ], [ -78.563, -9.134 ], [ -78.641, -9.076 ], [ -78.654, -8.916 ], [ -78.766, -8.773 ], [ -78.755, -8.616 ], [ -78.934, -8.455 ], [ -78.905, -8.389 ], [ -78.97, -8.252 ], [ -79.359, -7.859 ], [ -79.566, -7.465 ], [ -79.581, -7.322 ], [ -79.678, -7.12 ], [ -79.916, -6.884 ], [ -79.983, -6.743 ], [ -80.298, -6.53 ], [ -80.773, -6.306 ], [ -81.11, -6.057 ], [ -81.144, -5.89 ], [ -81.076, -5.791 ], [ -80.942, -5.848 ], [ -80.866, -5.784 ], [ -80.858, -5.819 ], [ -80.841, -5.841 ], [ -80.848, -5.534 ], [ -80.872, -5.558 ], [ -80.945, -5.432 ], [ -81.191, -5.216 ], [ -81.167, -5.083 ], [ -81.085, -5.081 ], [ -81.072, -5 ] ] ] ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Entendido como virreinato del Perú.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T12:28:07+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 65196, "end" : 65200 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Perú" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : 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], [ -76.441, -13.848 ], [ -76.455, -13.868 ] ] ], [ [ [ -76.406, -13.75 ], [ -76.406, -13.746 ], [ -76.397, -13.741 ], [ -76.397, -13.746 ], [ -76.406, -13.75 ] ] ], [ [ [ -76.633, -12.805 ], [ -76.634, -12.794 ], [ -76.621, -12.798 ], [ -76.633, -12.805 ] ] ], [ [ [ -76.899, -12.361 ], [ -76.905, -12.355 ], [ -76.901, -12.347 ], [ -76.897, -12.352 ], [ -76.899, -12.361 ] ] ], [ [ [ -76.915, -12.314 ], [ -76.917, -12.312 ], [ -76.909, -12.302 ], [ -76.909, -12.312 ], [ -76.915, -12.314 ] ] ], [ [ [ -77.19, -12.134 ], [ -77.189, -12.125 ], [ -77.185, -12.124 ], [ -77.182, -12.129 ], [ -77.19, -12.134 ] ] ], [ [ [ -77.208, -12.124 ], [ -77.253, -12.095 ], [ -77.254, -12.074 ], [ -77.202, -12.103 ], [ -77.208, -12.124 ] ] ], [ [ [ -77.717, -11.974 ], [ -77.725, -11.969 ], [ -77.724, -11.965 ], [ -77.718, -11.965 ], [ -77.717, -11.974 ] ] ], [ [ [ -77.723, -11.954 ], [ -77.733, -11.953 ], [ -77.734, -11.948 ], [ -77.722, -11.946 ], [ -77.723, -11.954 ] ] ], [ [ [ -77.851, -11.494 ], [ -77.852, -11.486 ], [ -77.844, -11.48 ], [ -77.844, -11.488 ], [ -77.851, -11.494 ] ] ], [ [ [ -81.072, -5 ], [ -81.326, -4.68 ], [ -81.25, -4.27 ], [ -80.837, -3.877 ], [ -80.786, -3.749 ], [ -80.574, -3.628 ], [ -80.501, -3.505 ], [ -80.366, -3.499 ], [ -80.304, -3.405 ], [ -80.219, -3.438 ], [ -80.154, -3.905 ], [ -80.286, -4.018 ], [ -80.398, -3.984 ], [ -80.475, -4.054 ], [ -80.444, -4.194 ], [ -80.305, -4.201 ], [ -80.443, -4.371 ], [ -80.443, -4.437 ], [ -80.335, -4.47 ], [ -80.136, -4.285 ], [ -79.895, -4.394 ], [ -79.812, -4.486 ], [ -79.631, -4.435 ], [ -79.541, -4.528 ], [ -79.482, -4.529 ], [ -79.416, -4.799 ], [ -79.26, -4.967 ], [ -79, -4.979 ], [ -78.881, -4.72 ], [ -78.736, -4.654 ], [ -78.621, -4.497 ], [ -78.627, -4.319 ], [ -78.572, -4.255 ], [ -78.499, -3.949 ], [ -78.377, -3.787 ], [ -78.319, -3.429 ], [ -78.249, -3.429 ], [ -78.232, -3.534 ], [ -78.137, -3.522 ], [ -78.19, -3.354 ], [ -77.824, -2.998 ], [ -76.627, -2.591 ], [ -76.045, -2.128 ], [ -75.538, -1.536 ], [ -75.364, -0.956 ], [ -75.185, -0.971 ], [ -75.28, -0.711 ], [ -75.245, -0.535 ], [ -75.415, -0.424 ], [ -75.449, -0.329 ], [ -75.622, -0.263 ], [ -75.622, -0.109 ], [ -75.304, -0.134 ], [ -75.219, -0.015 ], [ -75.115, -0.039 ], [ -74.904, -0.195 ], [ -74.824, -0.145 ], [ -74.78, -0.214 ], [ -74.801, -0.29 ], [ -74.659, -0.332 ], [ -74.52, -0.479 ], [ -74.425, -0.511 ], [ -74.342, -0.695 ], [ -74.378, -0.745 ], [ -74.258, -0.843 ], [ -74.272, -0.899 ], [ -74.318, -0.9 ], [ -74.266, -1.007 ], [ -74.074, -1.081 ], [ -74.033, -1.028 ], [ -74.013, -1.123 ], [ -73.905, -1.15 ], [ -73.861, -1.25 ], [ -73.777, -1.277 ], [ -73.75, -1.22 ], [ -73.732, -1.267 ], [ -73.624, -1.283 ], [ -73.552, -1.429 ], [ -73.586, -1.445 ], [ -73.539, -1.452 ], [ -73.46, -1.6 ], [ -73.532, -1.733 ], [ -73.314, -1.855 ], [ -73.293, -1.803 ], [ -73.231, -1.823 ], [ -73.222, -1.774 ], [ -73.143, -1.834 ], [ -73.095, -2.113 ], [ -73.059, -2.125 ], [ -73.153, -2.276 ], [ -73.044, -2.4 ], [ -73.021, -2.355 ], [ -72.962, -2.382 ], [ -72.921, -2.5 ], [ -72.769, -2.42 ], [ -72.733, -2.459 ], [ -72.707, -2.416 ], [ -72.67, -2.486 ], [ -72.618, -2.396 ], [ -72.383, -2.416 ], [ -72.346, -2.49 ], [ -72.221, -2.433 ], [ -72.126, -2.468 ], [ -72.035, -2.331 ], [ -71.907, -2.373 ], [ -71.919, -2.312 ], [ -71.861, -2.3 ], [ -71.822, -2.187 ], [ -71.722, -2.128 ], [ -71.707, -2.214 ], [ -71.628, -2.191 ], [ -71.5, -2.245 ], [ -71.484, -2.336 ], [ -71.444, -2.263 ], [ -71.375, -2.398 ], [ -71.284, -2.338 ], [ -71.165, -2.376 ], [ -71.057, -2.264 ], [ -70.986, -2.298 ], [ -70.993, -2.205 ], [ -70.928, -2.245 ], [ -70.857, -2.217 ], [ -70.822, -2.283 ], [ -70.658, -2.351 ], [ -70.608, -2.481 ], [ -70.55, -2.47 ], [ -70.562, -2.415 ], [ -70.418, -2.525 ], [ -70.307, -2.498 ], [ -70.342, -2.573 ], [ -70.246, -2.548 ], [ -70.15, -2.705 ], [ -70.076, -2.662 ], [ -70.034, -2.761 ], [ -70.703, -3.795 ], [ -70.485, -3.885 ], [ -70.295, -3.813 ], [ -70.186, -3.891 ], [ -70.158, -4.021 ], [ -69.948, -4.219 ], [ -69.978, -4.295 ], [ -70.036, -4.339 ], [ -70.076, -4.309 ], [ -70.042, -4.284 ], [ -70.164, -4.268 ], [ -70.19, -4.357 ], [ -70.249, -4.267 ], [ -70.291, -4.283 ], [ -70.317, -4.136 ], [ -70.341, -4.174 ], [ -70.434, -4.125 ], [ -70.503, -4.19 ], [ -70.553, -4.128 ], [ -70.566, -4.205 ], [ -70.565, -4.168 ], [ -70.633, -4.173 ], [ -70.622, -4.121 ], [ -70.677, -4.2 ], [ -70.757, -4.152 ], [ -70.935, -4.381 ], [ -70.99, -4.34 ], [ -71.031, -4.397 ], [ -71.147, -4.375 ], [ -71.193, -4.42 ], [ -71.198, -4.377 ], [ -71.269, -4.381 ], [ -71.303, -4.458 ], [ -71.355, -4.468 ], [ -71.342, -4.423 ], [ -71.432, -4.469 ], [ -71.414, -4.432 ], [ -71.506, -4.435 ], [ -71.49, -4.479 ], [ -71.535, -4.46 ], [ -71.597, -4.525 ], [ -71.61, -4.465 ], [ -71.897, -4.512 ], [ -71.94, -4.607 ], [ -72.047, -4.625 ], [ -72.113, -4.722 ], [ -72.223, -4.78 ], [ -72.313, -4.769 ], [ -72.292, -4.799 ], [ -72.356, -4.803 ], [ -72.37, -4.88 ], [ -72.452, -4.906 ], [ -72.455, -4.962 ], [ -72.577, -4.992 ], [ -72.602, -5.056 ], [ -72.734, -5.043 ], [ -72.896, -5.136 ], [ -72.872, -5.25 ], [ -72.948, -5.454 ], [ -72.951, -5.643 ], [ -73.116, -5.865 ], [ -73.131, -5.986 ], [ -73.185, -6.04 ], [ -73.133, -6.421 ], [ -73.211, -6.53 ], [ -73.351, -6.561 ], [ -73.743, -6.897 ], [ -73.797, -7.115 ], [ -73.691, -7.313 ], [ -73.868, -7.377 ], [ -73.954, -7.348 ], [ -73.917, -7.461 ], [ -73.986, -7.537 ], [ -73.69, -7.79 ], [ -73.697, -7.865 ], [ -73.777, -7.869 ], [ -73.765, -7.94 ], [ -73.632, -8.022 ], [ -73.526, -8.369 ], [ -73.338, -8.476 ], [ -73.338, -8.609 ], [ -73.169, -8.701 ], [ -73.059, -8.904 ], [ -72.946, -8.99 ], [ -72.965, -9.154 ], [ -73.196, -9.418 ], [ -72.721, -9.417 ], [ -72.364, -9.491 ], [ -72.289, -9.536 ], [ -72.26, -9.755 ], [ -72.16, -9.818 ], [ -72.165, -10.002 ], [ -71.288, -9.996 ], [ -71.131, -9.862 ], [ -70.982, -9.812 ], [ -70.601, -9.453 ], [ -70.497, -9.433 ], [ -70.561, -9.579 ], [ -70.598, -9.574 ], [ -70.522, -9.738 ], [ -70.622, -9.847 ], [ -70.618, -11.007 ], [ -70.508, -10.94 ], [ -70.337, -11.067 ], [ -69.938, -10.926 ], [ -69.728, -10.973 ], [ -69.568, -10.954 ], [ -68.924, -11.994 ], [ -68.679, -12.497 ], [ -68.764, -12.612 ], [ -68.738, -12.705 ], [ -68.85, -12.728 ], [ -68.961, -12.852 ], [ -68.942, -13.486 ], [ -68.997, -13.652 ], [ -69.076, -13.654 ], [ -68.988, -13.769 ], [ -68.965, -13.98 ], [ -68.881, -14.065 ], [ -68.841, -14.21 ], [ -68.982, -14.237 ], [ -68.98, -14.387 ], [ -69.152, -14.508 ], [ -69.149, -14.584 ], [ -69.225, -14.584 ], [ -69.244, -14.753 ], [ -69.363, -14.804 ], [ -69.365, -14.98 ], [ -69.126, -15.256 ], [ -69.265, -15.336 ], [ -69.274, -15.421 ], [ -69.414, -15.621 ], [ -69.236, -16.143 ], [ -69.099, -16.219 ], [ -68.963, -16.189 ], [ -68.814, -16.338 ], [ -68.982, -16.433 ], [ -69.032, -16.566 ], [ -69.006, -16.677 ], [ -69.168, -16.731 ], [ -69.392, -17.021 ], [ -69.375, -17.078 ], [ -69.551, -17.162 ], [ -69.641, -17.282 ], [ -69.463, -17.376 ], [ -69.463, -17.508 ], [ -69.662, -17.658 ], [ -69.799, -17.65 ], [ -69.819, -17.747 ], [ -69.753, -17.982 ], [ -69.948, -18.248 ], [ -70.374, -18.35 ], [ -70.879, -18.01 ], [ -70.925, -17.924 ], [ -71.383, -17.708 ], [ -71.342, -17.636 ], [ -71.382, -17.419 ], [ -71.515, -17.265 ], [ -71.819, -17.18 ], [ -71.974, -17.048 ], [ -72.113, -17.027 ], [ -72.123, -16.97 ], [ -72.45, -16.705 ], [ -72.758, -16.636 ], [ -73.112, -16.433 ], [ -73.291, -16.402 ], [ -73.3, -16.349 ], [ -73.414, -16.294 ], [ -73.701, -16.24 ], [ -74.057, -15.961 ], [ -74.285, -15.846 ], [ -74.371, -15.85 ], [ -74.476, -15.726 ], [ -75.141, -15.419 ], [ -75.2, -15.381 ], [ -75.157, -15.338 ], [ -75.252, -15.268 ], [ -75.23, -15.22 ], [ -75.376, -15.161 ], [ -75.509, -14.922 ], [ -75.921, -14.662 ], [ -75.98, -14.483 ], [ -76.151, -14.345 ], [ -76.105, -14.326 ], [ -76.135, -14.245 ], [ -76.222, -14.165 ], [ -76.274, -14.151 ], [ -76.273, -14.211 ], [ -76.296, -14.175 ], [ -76.286, -13.917 ], [ -76.395, -13.908 ], [ -76.332, -13.799 ], [ -76.261, -13.872 ], [ -76.191, -13.607 ], [ -76.206, -13.4 ], [ -76.492, -13.049 ], [ -76.52, -12.871 ], [ -76.641, -12.752 ], [ -76.693, -12.608 ], [ -76.811, -12.512 ], [ -76.784, -12.402 ], [ -76.84, -12.323 ], [ -77.042, -12.215 ], [ -77.072, -12.113 ], [ -77.172, -12.087 ], [ -77.136, -11.984 ], [ -77.201, -11.79 ], [ -77.176, -11.739 ], [ -77.301, -11.521 ], [ -77.663, -11.297 ], [ -77.656, -11.228 ], [ -77.604, -11.205 ], [ -77.671, -10.949 ], [ -78.196, -10.11 ], [ -78.241, -9.793 ], [ -78.378, -9.635 ], [ -78.431, -9.345 ], [ -78.536, -9.274 ], [ -78.507, -9.186 ], [ -78.555, -9.184 ], [ -78.575, -9.248 ], [ -78.621, -9.185 ], [ -78.563, -9.134 ], [ -78.641, -9.076 ], [ -78.654, -8.916 ], [ -78.766, -8.773 ], [ -78.755, -8.616 ], [ -78.934, -8.455 ], [ -78.905, -8.389 ], [ -78.97, -8.252 ], [ -79.359, -7.859 ], [ -79.566, -7.465 ], [ -79.581, -7.322 ], [ -79.678, -7.12 ], [ -79.916, -6.884 ], [ -79.983, -6.743 ], [ -80.298, -6.53 ], [ -80.773, -6.306 ], [ -81.11, -6.057 ], [ -81.144, -5.89 ], [ -81.076, -5.791 ], [ -80.942, -5.848 ], [ -80.866, -5.784 ], [ -80.858, -5.819 ], [ -80.841, -5.841 ], [ -80.848, -5.534 ], [ -80.872, -5.558 ], [ -80.945, -5.432 ], [ -81.191, -5.216 ], [ -81.167, -5.083 ], [ -81.085, -5.081 ], [ -81.072, -5 ] ] ] ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Entendido como virreinato del Perú.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T12:28:07+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 64294, "end" : 64298 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Perú" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : 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], [ -76.441, -13.848 ], [ -76.455, -13.868 ] ] ], [ [ [ -76.406, -13.75 ], [ -76.406, -13.746 ], [ -76.397, -13.741 ], [ -76.397, -13.746 ], [ -76.406, -13.75 ] ] ], [ [ [ -76.633, -12.805 ], [ -76.634, -12.794 ], [ -76.621, -12.798 ], [ -76.633, -12.805 ] ] ], [ [ [ -76.899, -12.361 ], [ -76.905, -12.355 ], [ -76.901, -12.347 ], [ -76.897, -12.352 ], [ -76.899, -12.361 ] ] ], [ [ [ -76.915, -12.314 ], [ -76.917, -12.312 ], [ -76.909, -12.302 ], [ -76.909, -12.312 ], [ -76.915, -12.314 ] ] ], [ [ [ -77.19, -12.134 ], [ -77.189, -12.125 ], [ -77.185, -12.124 ], [ -77.182, -12.129 ], [ -77.19, -12.134 ] ] ], [ [ [ -77.208, -12.124 ], [ -77.253, -12.095 ], [ -77.254, -12.074 ], [ -77.202, -12.103 ], [ -77.208, -12.124 ] ] ], [ [ [ -77.717, -11.974 ], [ -77.725, -11.969 ], [ -77.724, -11.965 ], [ -77.718, -11.965 ], [ -77.717, -11.974 ] ] ], [ [ [ -77.723, -11.954 ], [ -77.733, -11.953 ], [ -77.734, -11.948 ], [ -77.722, -11.946 ], [ -77.723, -11.954 ] ] ], [ [ [ -77.851, -11.494 ], [ -77.852, -11.486 ], [ -77.844, -11.48 ], [ -77.844, -11.488 ], [ -77.851, -11.494 ] ] ], [ [ [ -81.072, -5 ], [ -81.326, -4.68 ], [ -81.25, -4.27 ], [ -80.837, -3.877 ], [ -80.786, -3.749 ], [ -80.574, -3.628 ], [ -80.501, -3.505 ], [ -80.366, -3.499 ], [ -80.304, -3.405 ], [ -80.219, -3.438 ], [ -80.154, -3.905 ], [ -80.286, -4.018 ], [ -80.398, -3.984 ], [ -80.475, -4.054 ], [ -80.444, -4.194 ], [ -80.305, -4.201 ], [ -80.443, -4.371 ], [ -80.443, -4.437 ], [ -80.335, -4.47 ], [ -80.136, -4.285 ], [ -79.895, -4.394 ], [ -79.812, -4.486 ], [ -79.631, -4.435 ], [ -79.541, -4.528 ], [ -79.482, -4.529 ], [ -79.416, -4.799 ], [ -79.26, -4.967 ], [ -79, -4.979 ], [ -78.881, -4.72 ], [ -78.736, -4.654 ], [ -78.621, -4.497 ], [ -78.627, -4.319 ], [ -78.572, -4.255 ], [ -78.499, -3.949 ], [ -78.377, -3.787 ], [ -78.319, -3.429 ], [ -78.249, -3.429 ], [ -78.232, -3.534 ], [ -78.137, -3.522 ], [ -78.19, -3.354 ], [ -77.824, -2.998 ], [ -76.627, -2.591 ], [ -76.045, -2.128 ], [ -75.538, -1.536 ], [ -75.364, -0.956 ], [ -75.185, -0.971 ], [ -75.28, -0.711 ], [ -75.245, -0.535 ], [ -75.415, -0.424 ], [ -75.449, -0.329 ], [ -75.622, -0.263 ], [ -75.622, -0.109 ], [ -75.304, -0.134 ], [ -75.219, -0.015 ], [ -75.115, -0.039 ], [ -74.904, -0.195 ], [ -74.824, -0.145 ], [ -74.78, -0.214 ], [ -74.801, -0.29 ], [ -74.659, -0.332 ], [ -74.52, -0.479 ], [ -74.425, -0.511 ], [ -74.342, -0.695 ], [ -74.378, -0.745 ], [ -74.258, -0.843 ], [ -74.272, -0.899 ], [ -74.318, -0.9 ], [ -74.266, -1.007 ], [ -74.074, -1.081 ], [ -74.033, -1.028 ], [ -74.013, -1.123 ], [ -73.905, -1.15 ], [ -73.861, -1.25 ], [ -73.777, -1.277 ], [ -73.75, -1.22 ], [ -73.732, -1.267 ], [ -73.624, -1.283 ], [ -73.552, -1.429 ], [ -73.586, -1.445 ], [ -73.539, -1.452 ], [ -73.46, -1.6 ], [ -73.532, -1.733 ], [ -73.314, -1.855 ], [ -73.293, -1.803 ], [ -73.231, -1.823 ], [ -73.222, -1.774 ], [ -73.143, -1.834 ], [ -73.095, -2.113 ], [ -73.059, -2.125 ], [ -73.153, -2.276 ], [ -73.044, -2.4 ], [ -73.021, -2.355 ], [ -72.962, -2.382 ], [ -72.921, -2.5 ], [ -72.769, -2.42 ], [ -72.733, -2.459 ], [ -72.707, -2.416 ], [ -72.67, -2.486 ], [ -72.618, -2.396 ], [ -72.383, -2.416 ], [ -72.346, -2.49 ], [ -72.221, -2.433 ], [ -72.126, -2.468 ], [ -72.035, -2.331 ], [ -71.907, -2.373 ], [ -71.919, -2.312 ], [ -71.861, -2.3 ], [ -71.822, -2.187 ], [ -71.722, -2.128 ], [ -71.707, -2.214 ], [ -71.628, -2.191 ], [ -71.5, -2.245 ], [ -71.484, -2.336 ], [ -71.444, -2.263 ], [ -71.375, -2.398 ], [ -71.284, -2.338 ], [ -71.165, -2.376 ], [ -71.057, -2.264 ], [ -70.986, -2.298 ], [ -70.993, -2.205 ], [ -70.928, -2.245 ], [ -70.857, -2.217 ], [ -70.822, -2.283 ], [ -70.658, -2.351 ], [ -70.608, -2.481 ], [ -70.55, -2.47 ], [ -70.562, -2.415 ], [ -70.418, -2.525 ], [ -70.307, -2.498 ], [ -70.342, -2.573 ], [ -70.246, -2.548 ], [ -70.15, -2.705 ], [ -70.076, -2.662 ], [ -70.034, -2.761 ], [ -70.703, -3.795 ], [ -70.485, -3.885 ], [ -70.295, -3.813 ], [ -70.186, -3.891 ], [ -70.158, -4.021 ], [ -69.948, -4.219 ], [ -69.978, -4.295 ], [ -70.036, -4.339 ], [ -70.076, -4.309 ], [ -70.042, -4.284 ], [ -70.164, -4.268 ], [ -70.19, -4.357 ], [ -70.249, -4.267 ], [ -70.291, -4.283 ], [ -70.317, -4.136 ], [ -70.341, -4.174 ], [ -70.434, -4.125 ], [ -70.503, -4.19 ], [ -70.553, -4.128 ], [ -70.566, -4.205 ], [ -70.565, -4.168 ], [ -70.633, -4.173 ], [ -70.622, -4.121 ], [ -70.677, -4.2 ], [ -70.757, -4.152 ], [ -70.935, -4.381 ], [ -70.99, -4.34 ], [ -71.031, -4.397 ], [ -71.147, -4.375 ], [ -71.193, -4.42 ], [ -71.198, -4.377 ], [ -71.269, -4.381 ], [ -71.303, -4.458 ], [ -71.355, -4.468 ], [ -71.342, -4.423 ], [ -71.432, -4.469 ], [ -71.414, -4.432 ], [ -71.506, -4.435 ], [ -71.49, -4.479 ], [ -71.535, -4.46 ], [ -71.597, -4.525 ], [ -71.61, -4.465 ], [ -71.897, -4.512 ], [ -71.94, -4.607 ], [ -72.047, -4.625 ], [ -72.113, -4.722 ], [ -72.223, -4.78 ], [ -72.313, -4.769 ], [ -72.292, -4.799 ], [ -72.356, -4.803 ], [ -72.37, -4.88 ], [ -72.452, -4.906 ], [ -72.455, -4.962 ], [ -72.577, -4.992 ], [ -72.602, -5.056 ], [ -72.734, -5.043 ], [ -72.896, -5.136 ], [ -72.872, -5.25 ], [ -72.948, -5.454 ], [ -72.951, -5.643 ], [ -73.116, -5.865 ], [ -73.131, -5.986 ], [ -73.185, -6.04 ], [ -73.133, -6.421 ], [ -73.211, -6.53 ], [ -73.351, -6.561 ], [ -73.743, -6.897 ], [ -73.797, -7.115 ], [ -73.691, -7.313 ], [ -73.868, -7.377 ], [ -73.954, -7.348 ], [ -73.917, -7.461 ], [ -73.986, -7.537 ], [ -73.69, -7.79 ], [ -73.697, -7.865 ], [ -73.777, -7.869 ], [ -73.765, -7.94 ], [ -73.632, -8.022 ], [ -73.526, -8.369 ], [ -73.338, -8.476 ], [ -73.338, -8.609 ], [ -73.169, -8.701 ], [ -73.059, -8.904 ], [ -72.946, -8.99 ], [ -72.965, -9.154 ], [ -73.196, -9.418 ], [ -72.721, -9.417 ], [ -72.364, -9.491 ], [ -72.289, -9.536 ], [ -72.26, -9.755 ], [ -72.16, -9.818 ], [ -72.165, -10.002 ], [ -71.288, -9.996 ], [ -71.131, -9.862 ], [ -70.982, -9.812 ], [ -70.601, -9.453 ], [ -70.497, -9.433 ], [ -70.561, -9.579 ], [ -70.598, -9.574 ], [ -70.522, -9.738 ], [ -70.622, -9.847 ], [ -70.618, -11.007 ], [ -70.508, -10.94 ], [ -70.337, -11.067 ], [ -69.938, -10.926 ], [ -69.728, -10.973 ], [ -69.568, -10.954 ], [ -68.924, -11.994 ], [ -68.679, -12.497 ], [ -68.764, -12.612 ], [ -68.738, -12.705 ], [ -68.85, -12.728 ], [ -68.961, -12.852 ], [ -68.942, -13.486 ], [ -68.997, -13.652 ], [ -69.076, -13.654 ], [ -68.988, -13.769 ], [ -68.965, -13.98 ], [ -68.881, -14.065 ], [ -68.841, -14.21 ], [ -68.982, -14.237 ], [ -68.98, -14.387 ], [ -69.152, -14.508 ], [ -69.149, -14.584 ], [ -69.225, -14.584 ], [ -69.244, -14.753 ], [ -69.363, -14.804 ], [ -69.365, -14.98 ], [ -69.126, -15.256 ], [ -69.265, -15.336 ], [ -69.274, -15.421 ], [ -69.414, -15.621 ], [ -69.236, -16.143 ], [ -69.099, -16.219 ], [ -68.963, -16.189 ], [ -68.814, -16.338 ], [ -68.982, -16.433 ], [ -69.032, -16.566 ], [ -69.006, -16.677 ], [ -69.168, -16.731 ], [ -69.392, -17.021 ], [ -69.375, -17.078 ], [ -69.551, -17.162 ], [ -69.641, -17.282 ], [ -69.463, -17.376 ], [ -69.463, -17.508 ], [ -69.662, -17.658 ], [ -69.799, -17.65 ], [ -69.819, -17.747 ], [ -69.753, -17.982 ], [ -69.948, -18.248 ], [ -70.374, -18.35 ], [ -70.879, -18.01 ], [ -70.925, -17.924 ], [ -71.383, -17.708 ], [ -71.342, -17.636 ], [ -71.382, -17.419 ], [ -71.515, -17.265 ], [ -71.819, -17.18 ], [ -71.974, -17.048 ], [ -72.113, -17.027 ], [ -72.123, -16.97 ], [ -72.45, -16.705 ], [ -72.758, -16.636 ], [ -73.112, -16.433 ], [ -73.291, -16.402 ], [ -73.3, -16.349 ], [ -73.414, -16.294 ], [ -73.701, -16.24 ], [ -74.057, -15.961 ], [ -74.285, -15.846 ], [ -74.371, -15.85 ], [ -74.476, -15.726 ], [ -75.141, -15.419 ], [ -75.2, -15.381 ], [ -75.157, -15.338 ], [ -75.252, -15.268 ], [ -75.23, -15.22 ], [ -75.376, -15.161 ], [ -75.509, -14.922 ], [ -75.921, -14.662 ], [ -75.98, -14.483 ], [ -76.151, -14.345 ], [ -76.105, -14.326 ], [ -76.135, -14.245 ], [ -76.222, -14.165 ], [ -76.274, -14.151 ], [ -76.273, -14.211 ], [ -76.296, -14.175 ], [ -76.286, -13.917 ], [ -76.395, -13.908 ], [ -76.332, -13.799 ], [ -76.261, -13.872 ], [ -76.191, -13.607 ], [ -76.206, -13.4 ], [ -76.492, -13.049 ], [ -76.52, -12.871 ], [ -76.641, -12.752 ], [ -76.693, -12.608 ], [ -76.811, -12.512 ], [ -76.784, -12.402 ], [ -76.84, -12.323 ], [ -77.042, -12.215 ], [ -77.072, -12.113 ], [ -77.172, -12.087 ], [ -77.136, -11.984 ], [ -77.201, -11.79 ], [ -77.176, -11.739 ], [ -77.301, -11.521 ], [ -77.663, -11.297 ], [ -77.656, -11.228 ], [ -77.604, -11.205 ], [ -77.671, -10.949 ], [ -78.196, -10.11 ], [ -78.241, -9.793 ], [ -78.378, -9.635 ], [ -78.431, -9.345 ], [ -78.536, -9.274 ], [ -78.507, -9.186 ], [ -78.555, -9.184 ], [ -78.575, -9.248 ], [ -78.621, -9.185 ], [ -78.563, -9.134 ], [ -78.641, -9.076 ], [ -78.654, -8.916 ], [ -78.766, -8.773 ], [ -78.755, -8.616 ], [ -78.934, -8.455 ], [ -78.905, -8.389 ], [ -78.97, -8.252 ], [ -79.359, -7.859 ], [ -79.566, -7.465 ], [ -79.581, -7.322 ], [ -79.678, -7.12 ], [ -79.916, -6.884 ], [ -79.983, -6.743 ], [ -80.298, -6.53 ], [ -80.773, -6.306 ], [ -81.11, -6.057 ], [ -81.144, -5.89 ], [ -81.076, -5.791 ], [ 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], [ -76.441, -13.848 ], [ -76.455, -13.868 ] ] ], [ [ [ -76.406, -13.75 ], [ -76.406, -13.746 ], [ -76.397, -13.741 ], [ -76.397, -13.746 ], [ -76.406, -13.75 ] ] ], [ [ [ -76.633, -12.805 ], [ -76.634, -12.794 ], [ -76.621, -12.798 ], [ -76.633, -12.805 ] ] ], [ [ [ -76.899, -12.361 ], [ -76.905, -12.355 ], [ -76.901, -12.347 ], [ -76.897, -12.352 ], [ -76.899, -12.361 ] ] ], [ [ [ -76.915, -12.314 ], [ -76.917, -12.312 ], [ -76.909, -12.302 ], [ -76.909, -12.312 ], [ -76.915, -12.314 ] ] ], [ [ [ -77.19, -12.134 ], [ -77.189, -12.125 ], [ -77.185, -12.124 ], [ -77.182, -12.129 ], [ -77.19, -12.134 ] ] ], [ [ [ -77.208, -12.124 ], [ -77.253, -12.095 ], [ -77.254, -12.074 ], [ -77.202, -12.103 ], [ -77.208, -12.124 ] ] ], [ [ [ -77.717, -11.974 ], [ -77.725, -11.969 ], [ -77.724, -11.965 ], [ -77.718, -11.965 ], [ -77.717, -11.974 ] ] ], [ [ [ -77.723, -11.954 ], [ -77.733, -11.953 ], [ -77.734, -11.948 ], [ -77.722, -11.946 ], [ -77.723, -11.954 ] ] ], [ [ [ -77.851, -11.494 ], [ 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-72.602, -5.056 ], [ -72.734, -5.043 ], [ -72.896, -5.136 ], [ -72.872, -5.25 ], [ -72.948, -5.454 ], [ -72.951, -5.643 ], [ -73.116, -5.865 ], [ -73.131, -5.986 ], [ -73.185, -6.04 ], [ -73.133, -6.421 ], [ -73.211, -6.53 ], [ -73.351, -6.561 ], [ -73.743, -6.897 ], [ -73.797, -7.115 ], [ -73.691, -7.313 ], [ -73.868, -7.377 ], [ -73.954, -7.348 ], [ -73.917, -7.461 ], [ -73.986, -7.537 ], [ -73.69, -7.79 ], [ -73.697, -7.865 ], [ -73.777, -7.869 ], [ -73.765, -7.94 ], [ -73.632, -8.022 ], [ -73.526, -8.369 ], [ -73.338, -8.476 ], [ -73.338, -8.609 ], [ -73.169, -8.701 ], [ -73.059, -8.904 ], [ -72.946, -8.99 ], [ -72.965, -9.154 ], [ -73.196, -9.418 ], [ -72.721, -9.417 ], [ -72.364, -9.491 ], [ -72.289, -9.536 ], [ -72.26, -9.755 ], [ -72.16, -9.818 ], [ -72.165, -10.002 ], [ -71.288, -9.996 ], [ -71.131, -9.862 ], [ -70.982, -9.812 ], [ -70.601, -9.453 ], [ -70.497, -9.433 ], [ -70.561, -9.579 ], [ -70.598, -9.574 ], [ -70.522, -9.738 ], [ -70.622, -9.847 ], [ -70.618, -11.007 ], [ -70.508, -10.94 ], [ -70.337, -11.067 ], [ -69.938, -10.926 ], [ -69.728, -10.973 ], [ -69.568, -10.954 ], [ -68.924, -11.994 ], [ -68.679, -12.497 ], [ -68.764, -12.612 ], [ -68.738, -12.705 ], [ -68.85, -12.728 ], [ -68.961, -12.852 ], [ -68.942, -13.486 ], [ -68.997, -13.652 ], [ -69.076, -13.654 ], [ -68.988, -13.769 ], [ -68.965, -13.98 ], [ -68.881, -14.065 ], [ -68.841, -14.21 ], [ -68.982, -14.237 ], [ -68.98, -14.387 ], [ -69.152, -14.508 ], [ -69.149, -14.584 ], [ -69.225, -14.584 ], [ -69.244, -14.753 ], [ -69.363, -14.804 ], [ -69.365, -14.98 ], [ -69.126, -15.256 ], [ -69.265, -15.336 ], [ -69.274, -15.421 ], [ -69.414, -15.621 ], [ -69.236, -16.143 ], [ -69.099, -16.219 ], [ -68.963, -16.189 ], [ -68.814, -16.338 ], [ -68.982, -16.433 ], [ -69.032, -16.566 ], [ -69.006, -16.677 ], [ -69.168, -16.731 ], [ -69.392, -17.021 ], [ -69.375, -17.078 ], [ -69.551, -17.162 ], [ -69.641, -17.282 ], [ -69.463, -17.376 ], [ -69.463, -17.508 ], [ -69.662, -17.658 ], [ -69.799, -17.65 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[ -76.206, -13.4 ], [ -76.492, -13.049 ], [ -76.52, -12.871 ], [ -76.641, -12.752 ], [ -76.693, -12.608 ], [ -76.811, -12.512 ], [ -76.784, -12.402 ], [ -76.84, -12.323 ], [ -77.042, -12.215 ], [ -77.072, -12.113 ], [ -77.172, -12.087 ], [ -77.136, -11.984 ], [ -77.201, -11.79 ], [ -77.176, -11.739 ], [ -77.301, -11.521 ], [ -77.663, -11.297 ], [ -77.656, -11.228 ], [ -77.604, -11.205 ], [ -77.671, -10.949 ], [ -78.196, -10.11 ], [ -78.241, -9.793 ], [ -78.378, -9.635 ], [ -78.431, -9.345 ], [ -78.536, -9.274 ], [ -78.507, -9.186 ], [ -78.555, -9.184 ], [ -78.575, -9.248 ], [ -78.621, -9.185 ], [ -78.563, -9.134 ], [ -78.641, -9.076 ], [ -78.654, -8.916 ], [ -78.766, -8.773 ], [ -78.755, -8.616 ], [ -78.934, -8.455 ], [ -78.905, -8.389 ], [ -78.97, -8.252 ], [ -79.359, -7.859 ], [ -79.566, -7.465 ], [ -79.581, -7.322 ], [ -79.678, -7.12 ], [ -79.916, -6.884 ], [ -79.983, -6.743 ], [ -80.298, -6.53 ], [ -80.773, -6.306 ], [ -81.11, -6.057 ], [ -81.144, -5.89 ], [ -81.076, -5.791 ], [ 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], [ -69.819, -17.747 ], [ -69.753, -17.982 ], [ -69.948, -18.248 ], [ -70.374, -18.35 ], [ -70.879, -18.01 ], [ -70.925, -17.924 ], [ -71.383, -17.708 ], [ -71.342, -17.636 ], [ -71.382, -17.419 ], [ -71.515, -17.265 ], [ -71.819, -17.18 ], [ -71.974, -17.048 ], [ -72.113, -17.027 ], [ -72.123, -16.97 ], [ -72.45, -16.705 ], [ -72.758, -16.636 ], [ -73.112, -16.433 ], [ -73.291, -16.402 ], [ -73.3, -16.349 ], [ -73.414, -16.294 ], [ -73.701, -16.24 ], [ -74.057, -15.961 ], [ -74.285, -15.846 ], [ -74.371, -15.85 ], [ -74.476, -15.726 ], [ -75.141, -15.419 ], [ -75.2, -15.381 ], [ -75.157, -15.338 ], [ -75.252, -15.268 ], [ -75.23, -15.22 ], [ -75.376, -15.161 ], [ -75.509, -14.922 ], [ -75.921, -14.662 ], [ -75.98, -14.483 ], [ -76.151, -14.345 ], [ -76.105, -14.326 ], [ -76.135, -14.245 ], [ -76.222, -14.165 ], [ -76.274, -14.151 ], [ -76.273, -14.211 ], [ -76.296, -14.175 ], [ -76.286, -13.917 ], [ -76.395, -13.908 ], [ -76.332, -13.799 ], [ -76.261, -13.872 ], [ -76.191, -13.607 ], [ -76.206, -13.4 ], [ -76.492, -13.049 ], [ -76.52, -12.871 ], [ -76.641, -12.752 ], [ -76.693, -12.608 ], [ -76.811, -12.512 ], [ -76.784, -12.402 ], [ -76.84, -12.323 ], [ -77.042, -12.215 ], [ -77.072, -12.113 ], [ -77.172, -12.087 ], [ -77.136, -11.984 ], [ -77.201, -11.79 ], [ -77.176, -11.739 ], [ -77.301, -11.521 ], [ -77.663, -11.297 ], [ -77.656, -11.228 ], [ -77.604, -11.205 ], [ -77.671, -10.949 ], [ -78.196, -10.11 ], [ -78.241, -9.793 ], [ -78.378, -9.635 ], [ -78.431, -9.345 ], [ -78.536, -9.274 ], [ -78.507, -9.186 ], [ -78.555, -9.184 ], [ -78.575, -9.248 ], [ -78.621, -9.185 ], [ -78.563, -9.134 ], [ -78.641, -9.076 ], [ -78.654, -8.916 ], [ -78.766, -8.773 ], [ -78.755, -8.616 ], [ -78.934, -8.455 ], [ -78.905, -8.389 ], [ -78.97, -8.252 ], [ -79.359, -7.859 ], [ -79.566, -7.465 ], [ -79.581, -7.322 ], [ -79.678, -7.12 ], [ -79.916, -6.884 ], [ -79.983, -6.743 ], [ -80.298, -6.53 ], [ -80.773, -6.306 ], [ -81.11, -6.057 ], [ -81.144, -5.89 ], [ -81.076, -5.791 ], [ 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-77.852, -11.486 ], [ -77.844, -11.48 ], [ -77.844, -11.488 ], [ -77.851, -11.494 ] ] ], [ [ [ -81.072, -5 ], [ -81.326, -4.68 ], [ -81.25, -4.27 ], [ -80.837, -3.877 ], [ -80.786, -3.749 ], [ -80.574, -3.628 ], [ -80.501, -3.505 ], [ -80.366, -3.499 ], [ -80.304, -3.405 ], [ -80.219, -3.438 ], [ -80.154, -3.905 ], [ -80.286, -4.018 ], [ -80.398, -3.984 ], [ -80.475, -4.054 ], [ -80.444, -4.194 ], [ -80.305, -4.201 ], [ -80.443, -4.371 ], [ -80.443, -4.437 ], [ -80.335, -4.47 ], [ -80.136, -4.285 ], [ -79.895, -4.394 ], [ -79.812, -4.486 ], [ -79.631, -4.435 ], [ -79.541, -4.528 ], [ -79.482, -4.529 ], [ -79.416, -4.799 ], [ -79.26, -4.967 ], [ -79, -4.979 ], [ -78.881, -4.72 ], [ -78.736, -4.654 ], [ -78.621, -4.497 ], [ -78.627, -4.319 ], [ -78.572, -4.255 ], [ -78.499, -3.949 ], [ -78.377, -3.787 ], [ -78.319, -3.429 ], [ -78.249, -3.429 ], [ -78.232, -3.534 ], [ -78.137, -3.522 ], [ -78.19, -3.354 ], [ -77.824, -2.998 ], [ -76.627, -2.591 ], [ -76.045, -2.128 ], [ -75.538, -1.536 ], [ -75.364, -0.956 ], [ -75.185, -0.971 ], [ -75.28, -0.711 ], [ -75.245, -0.535 ], [ -75.415, -0.424 ], [ -75.449, -0.329 ], [ -75.622, -0.263 ], [ -75.622, -0.109 ], [ -75.304, -0.134 ], [ -75.219, -0.015 ], [ -75.115, -0.039 ], [ -74.904, -0.195 ], [ -74.824, -0.145 ], [ -74.78, -0.214 ], [ -74.801, -0.29 ], [ -74.659, -0.332 ], [ -74.52, -0.479 ], [ -74.425, -0.511 ], [ -74.342, -0.695 ], [ -74.378, -0.745 ], [ -74.258, -0.843 ], [ -74.272, -0.899 ], [ -74.318, -0.9 ], [ -74.266, -1.007 ], [ -74.074, -1.081 ], [ -74.033, -1.028 ], [ -74.013, -1.123 ], [ -73.905, -1.15 ], [ -73.861, -1.25 ], [ -73.777, -1.277 ], [ -73.75, -1.22 ], [ -73.732, -1.267 ], [ -73.624, -1.283 ], [ -73.552, -1.429 ], [ -73.586, -1.445 ], [ -73.539, -1.452 ], [ -73.46, -1.6 ], [ -73.532, -1.733 ], [ -73.314, -1.855 ], [ -73.293, -1.803 ], [ -73.231, -1.823 ], [ -73.222, -1.774 ], [ -73.143, -1.834 ], [ -73.095, -2.113 ], [ -73.059, -2.125 ], [ -73.153, -2.276 ], [ -73.044, -2.4 ], [ -73.021, -2.355 ], [ -72.962, -2.382 ], [ -72.921, -2.5 ], [ -72.769, -2.42 ], [ -72.733, -2.459 ], [ -72.707, -2.416 ], [ -72.67, -2.486 ], [ -72.618, -2.396 ], [ -72.383, -2.416 ], [ -72.346, -2.49 ], [ -72.221, -2.433 ], [ -72.126, -2.468 ], [ -72.035, -2.331 ], [ -71.907, -2.373 ], [ -71.919, -2.312 ], [ -71.861, -2.3 ], [ -71.822, -2.187 ], [ -71.722, -2.128 ], [ -71.707, -2.214 ], [ -71.628, -2.191 ], [ -71.5, -2.245 ], [ -71.484, -2.336 ], [ -71.444, -2.263 ], [ -71.375, -2.398 ], [ -71.284, -2.338 ], [ -71.165, -2.376 ], [ -71.057, -2.264 ], [ -70.986, -2.298 ], [ -70.993, -2.205 ], [ -70.928, -2.245 ], [ -70.857, -2.217 ], [ -70.822, -2.283 ], [ -70.658, -2.351 ], [ -70.608, -2.481 ], [ -70.55, -2.47 ], [ -70.562, -2.415 ], [ -70.418, -2.525 ], [ -70.307, -2.498 ], [ -70.342, -2.573 ], [ -70.246, -2.548 ], [ -70.15, -2.705 ], [ -70.076, -2.662 ], [ -70.034, -2.761 ], [ -70.703, -3.795 ], [ -70.485, -3.885 ], [ -70.295, -3.813 ], [ -70.186, -3.891 ], [ -70.158, -4.021 ], [ -69.948, -4.219 ], [ -69.978, -4.295 ], [ -70.036, -4.339 ], [ -70.076, -4.309 ], [ -70.042, -4.284 ], [ -70.164, -4.268 ], [ -70.19, -4.357 ], [ -70.249, -4.267 ], [ -70.291, -4.283 ], [ -70.317, -4.136 ], [ -70.341, -4.174 ], [ -70.434, -4.125 ], [ -70.503, -4.19 ], [ -70.553, -4.128 ], [ -70.566, -4.205 ], [ -70.565, -4.168 ], [ -70.633, -4.173 ], [ -70.622, -4.121 ], [ -70.677, -4.2 ], [ -70.757, -4.152 ], [ -70.935, -4.381 ], [ -70.99, -4.34 ], [ -71.031, -4.397 ], [ -71.147, -4.375 ], [ -71.193, -4.42 ], [ -71.198, -4.377 ], [ -71.269, -4.381 ], [ -71.303, -4.458 ], [ -71.355, -4.468 ], [ -71.342, -4.423 ], [ -71.432, -4.469 ], [ -71.414, -4.432 ], [ -71.506, -4.435 ], [ -71.49, -4.479 ], [ -71.535, -4.46 ], [ -71.597, -4.525 ], [ -71.61, -4.465 ], [ -71.897, -4.512 ], [ -71.94, -4.607 ], [ -72.047, -4.625 ], [ -72.113, -4.722 ], [ -72.223, -4.78 ], [ -72.313, -4.769 ], [ -72.292, -4.799 ], [ -72.356, -4.803 ], [ -72.37, -4.88 ], [ -72.452, -4.906 ], [ -72.455, -4.962 ], [ -72.577, -4.992 ], [ -72.602, -5.056 ], [ -72.734, -5.043 ], [ -72.896, -5.136 ], [ -72.872, -5.25 ], [ -72.948, -5.454 ], [ -72.951, -5.643 ], [ -73.116, -5.865 ], [ -73.131, -5.986 ], [ -73.185, -6.04 ], [ -73.133, -6.421 ], [ -73.211, -6.53 ], [ -73.351, -6.561 ], [ -73.743, -6.897 ], [ -73.797, -7.115 ], [ -73.691, -7.313 ], [ -73.868, -7.377 ], [ -73.954, -7.348 ], [ -73.917, -7.461 ], [ -73.986, -7.537 ], [ -73.69, -7.79 ], [ -73.697, -7.865 ], [ -73.777, -7.869 ], [ -73.765, -7.94 ], [ -73.632, -8.022 ], [ -73.526, -8.369 ], [ -73.338, -8.476 ], [ -73.338, -8.609 ], [ -73.169, -8.701 ], [ -73.059, -8.904 ], [ -72.946, -8.99 ], [ -72.965, -9.154 ], [ -73.196, -9.418 ], [ -72.721, -9.417 ], [ -72.364, -9.491 ], [ -72.289, -9.536 ], [ -72.26, -9.755 ], [ -72.16, -9.818 ], [ -72.165, -10.002 ], [ -71.288, -9.996 ], [ -71.131, -9.862 ], [ -70.982, -9.812 ], [ -70.601, -9.453 ], [ -70.497, -9.433 ], [ -70.561, -9.579 ], [ -70.598, -9.574 ], [ -70.522, -9.738 ], [ -70.622, -9.847 ], [ -70.618, -11.007 ], [ -70.508, -10.94 ], [ -70.337, -11.067 ], [ -69.938, -10.926 ], [ -69.728, -10.973 ], [ -69.568, -10.954 ], [ -68.924, -11.994 ], [ -68.679, -12.497 ], [ -68.764, -12.612 ], [ -68.738, -12.705 ], [ -68.85, -12.728 ], [ -68.961, -12.852 ], [ -68.942, -13.486 ], [ -68.997, -13.652 ], [ -69.076, -13.654 ], [ -68.988, -13.769 ], [ -68.965, -13.98 ], [ -68.881, -14.065 ], [ -68.841, -14.21 ], [ -68.982, -14.237 ], [ -68.98, -14.387 ], [ -69.152, -14.508 ], [ -69.149, -14.584 ], [ -69.225, -14.584 ], [ -69.244, -14.753 ], [ -69.363, -14.804 ], [ -69.365, -14.98 ], [ -69.126, -15.256 ], [ -69.265, -15.336 ], [ -69.274, -15.421 ], [ -69.414, -15.621 ], [ -69.236, -16.143 ], [ -69.099, -16.219 ], [ -68.963, -16.189 ], [ -68.814, -16.338 ], [ -68.982, -16.433 ], [ -69.032, -16.566 ], [ -69.006, -16.677 ], [ -69.168, -16.731 ], [ -69.392, -17.021 ], [ -69.375, -17.078 ], [ -69.551, -17.162 ], [ -69.641, -17.282 ], [ -69.463, -17.376 ], [ -69.463, -17.508 ], [ -69.662, -17.658 ], [ -69.799, -17.65 ], [ -69.819, -17.747 ], [ -69.753, -17.982 ], [ -69.948, -18.248 ], [ -70.374, -18.35 ], [ -70.879, -18.01 ], [ -70.925, -17.924 ], [ -71.383, -17.708 ], [ -71.342, -17.636 ], [ -71.382, -17.419 ], [ -71.515, -17.265 ], [ -71.819, -17.18 ], [ -71.974, -17.048 ], [ -72.113, -17.027 ], [ -72.123, -16.97 ], [ -72.45, -16.705 ], [ -72.758, -16.636 ], [ -73.112, -16.433 ], [ -73.291, -16.402 ], [ -73.3, -16.349 ], [ -73.414, -16.294 ], [ -73.701, -16.24 ], [ -74.057, -15.961 ], [ -74.285, -15.846 ], [ -74.371, -15.85 ], [ -74.476, -15.726 ], [ -75.141, -15.419 ], [ -75.2, -15.381 ], [ -75.157, -15.338 ], [ -75.252, -15.268 ], [ -75.23, -15.22 ], [ -75.376, -15.161 ], [ -75.509, -14.922 ], [ -75.921, -14.662 ], [ -75.98, -14.483 ], [ -76.151, -14.345 ], [ -76.105, -14.326 ], [ -76.135, -14.245 ], [ -76.222, -14.165 ], [ -76.274, -14.151 ], [ -76.273, -14.211 ], [ -76.296, -14.175 ], [ -76.286, -13.917 ], [ -76.395, -13.908 ], [ -76.332, -13.799 ], [ -76.261, -13.872 ], [ -76.191, -13.607 ], [ -76.206, -13.4 ], [ -76.492, -13.049 ], [ -76.52, -12.871 ], [ -76.641, -12.752 ], [ -76.693, -12.608 ], [ -76.811, -12.512 ], [ -76.784, -12.402 ], [ -76.84, -12.323 ], [ -77.042, -12.215 ], [ -77.072, -12.113 ], [ -77.172, -12.087 ], [ -77.136, -11.984 ], [ -77.201, -11.79 ], [ -77.176, -11.739 ], [ -77.301, -11.521 ], [ -77.663, -11.297 ], [ -77.656, -11.228 ], [ -77.604, -11.205 ], [ -77.671, -10.949 ], [ -78.196, -10.11 ], [ -78.241, -9.793 ], [ -78.378, -9.635 ], [ -78.431, -9.345 ], [ -78.536, -9.274 ], [ -78.507, -9.186 ], [ -78.555, -9.184 ], [ -78.575, -9.248 ], [ -78.621, -9.185 ], [ -78.563, -9.134 ], [ -78.641, -9.076 ], [ -78.654, -8.916 ], [ -78.766, -8.773 ], [ -78.755, -8.616 ], [ -78.934, -8.455 ], [ -78.905, -8.389 ], [ -78.97, -8.252 ], [ -79.359, -7.859 ], [ -79.566, -7.465 ], [ -79.581, -7.322 ], [ -79.678, -7.12 ], [ -79.916, -6.884 ], [ -79.983, -6.743 ], [ -80.298, -6.53 ], [ -80.773, -6.306 ], [ -81.11, -6.057 ], [ -81.144, -5.89 ], [ -81.076, -5.791 ], [ 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Catamarca) ya habían sido objeto de \nconquista y colonización en la primera mitad del siglo XVI a partir de \navanzadas provenientes de Asunción, Chile y Perú.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T12:27:23+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 110822, "end" : 110829 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Tucumán" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/2c1cd6dc-9f74-476d-bf42-b4d2e4f13bc9", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : 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"coordinates" : [ -60.78447137, -17.84921636 ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Este asentamiento fue efectivamente fundado por un conquistador de \nAsunción, Nuflo de Chávez en 1561. La ciudad sufrió varios traslados en \nel curso de su historia hasta establecerse dónde se encuentra hoy en \ndía. El primer sitio de la fundación fue en la serranía de Chiquitos, a \norilla del río Sutó.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T12:29:25+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 79169, "end" : 79179 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Santa Cruz" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/7d98dae7-a27d-4aef-9775-53939218667d", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://www.hgis-indias.net/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=gazetteer:8000009", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-19T00:11:50+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-19T00:11:50+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ -60.78447137, -17.84921636 ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Este asentamiento fue efectivamente fundado por un conquistador de \nAsunción, Nuflo de Chávez en 1561. La ciudad sufrió varios traslados en \nel curso de su historia hasta establecerse dónde se encuentra hoy en \ndía. El primer sitio de la fundación fue en la serranía de Chiquitos, a \norilla del río Sutó.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T12:29:25+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 35489, "end" : 35499 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Santa Cruz" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/10db5af0-b7d6-4514-b193-b3c38a3128aa", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://www.hgis-indias.net/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=gazetteer:8000001", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-19T00:22:22+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-19T00:22:22+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ -65.259602, -19.047862 ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "La provincia de Charcas, cuyos límites se superponen con la Audiencia de\n Charchas, tenía su sede en Sucre (Ciudad de la Plata, 1538).", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T12:31:42+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 36135, "end" : 36156 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "la ciudad de la Plata" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/8f0b0e53-a70c-4aa1-8152-fba0bc59de49", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-20T22:16:56+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Martín Suárez de Toledo nacido como Martín II Suárez de Toledo y Saavedra fue un hidalgo, militar y explorador español que se desempeñó como teniente de gobernador de Asunción desde 1569 y luego como administrador interino de la gobernación del Río de la Plata y del Paraguay, entre 1572 y 1574, al ser depuesto Felipe de Cáceres quien a su vez estaba suplantando al adelantado Juan Ortiz de Zárate, siendo este hecho perpetrado por el obispo Pedro Fernández de la Torre. En el año 1573 comisionó al entonces alguacil mayor del Río de la Plata, Juan de Garay, para que fundara una nueva ciudad que sirviera de conexión marítima, la cual se llamaría \"Santa Fe de la Vera Cruz\".", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T12:04:36+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 88417, "end" : 88440 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Martín Suárez de Toledo" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/1924b9c4-62b6-4629-9f2b-cc6dcd13b831", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", 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argentino, como  San Miguel de Tucumán, Córdoba,\n Salta, La Rioja, San Salvador de Jujuy y Catamarca.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T12:23:26+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 68456, "end" : 68462 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Estero" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/894a27df-798c-484f-a441-2e19937d4731", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : 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Hermano de Elvira de Mendoza,\nquien fue esposa de Ñuflo de Chaves. Su esposa fue Ana de la Torre, sobrina del\nObispo del Paraguay.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-20T20:28:21+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 77989, "end" : 77998 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "don Diego" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/bdd46834-9754-48c0-b0db-9d533d848e4d", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-20T20:31:16+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 83002, "end" : 83008 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Jácome" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/0c64fdbc-c021-43c6-9d1f-87466acde40d", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-20T22:59:44+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 107679, "end" : 107696 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Alonso de Segovia" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/d9ef3ecd-86bf-443a-984c-b4c17e050b6a", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T10:57:28+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Juan de Garay (1528 - 1583) fue un hidalgo, explorador, conquistador y gobernante colonial español. Se destacó por su actuación en la gobernación del Río de la Plata y del Paraguay por haber sido el fundador de la ciudad de Santa Fe en 1573 en su primera ubicación, por lo cual fue asignado al año siguiente como su teniente de gobernador, para convertirse en 1577 en el teniente de gobernador general de Asunción. En 1580 fundó la ciudad de Buenos Aires, con el nombre de \"Ciudad de la Trinidad\", en el lugar donde en 1536 Pedro de Mendoza había fundado un fuerte con el nombre de \" Real de Nuestra Señora Santa María del Buen Ayre\".", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T10:57:28+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 114432, "end" : 114445 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Juan de Garay" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/c5151886-3c44-4c8f-9e3e-d953696e6e21", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T10:57:28+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Juan de Garay (1528 - 1583) fue un hidalgo, explorador, conquistador y gobernante colonial español. Se destacó por su actuación en la gobernación del Río de la Plata y del Paraguay por haber sido el fundador de la ciudad de Santa Fe en 1573 en su primera ubicación, por lo cual fue asignado al año siguiente como su teniente de gobernador, para convertirse en 1577 en el teniente de gobernador general de Asunción. En 1580 fundó la ciudad de Buenos Aires, con el nombre de \"Ciudad de la Trinidad\", en el lugar donde en 1536 Pedro de Mendoza había fundado un fuerte con el nombre de \" Real de Nuestra Señora Santa María del Buen Ayre\".", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T10:57:28+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 118786, "end" : 118799 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Juan de Garay" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/72a09ae0-9831-43ab-ad37-07e18502de2f", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "conqueror", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T13:18:19+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T13:18:19+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "colonizer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T13:18:19+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T13:18:19+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Ñuflo de Chaves nació en Santa Cruz de la Sierra, de Extremadura,\nen 1518. Llegó a territorio americano con el segundo adelantado del Río de la\nPlata, Don Alvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca”. Cuando la flota llega al puerto de\nSanta Catalina en el año 1541, ya ostentaba el grado de Capitán. Cuando el\ngobernador Martínez de Irala le encomienda fundar al norte de Asunción, Chaves\nse convierte así en General. El 26 de febrero de 1561 fundó Santa Cruz de la\nSierra a orillas del arroyo Sutó. Después de fundada Santa Cruz de la\nSierra, Ñuflo de Chaves se dirige a Asunción, en 1564,  para recoger\na su familia. En 1550 se había casado con Doña Elvira Manrique, hija de don\nFrancisco de Mendoza, gobernador del Río de la Plata, con quien tuvo cinco\nhijos: Francisco y Alvaro, ambos militares; María, Catalina y Elvira; las\ndos menores monjas y la mayor se casó en 1574 con un soldado de apellido\nOssorio. El nieto de Ñuflo, Cap. Francisco Ossorio de Chaves, estuvo como\nAlcalde durante la traslación de  la ciudad, hasta su\nasiento definitivo a orillas del Piraí (1621).", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T12:56:17+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 80238, "end" : 80253 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Nuflo de Chaves" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/302f4c89-afe2-4db2-a231-1599cd298c0e", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "conqueror", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T13:18:19+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T13:18:19+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "colonizer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T13:18:19+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T13:18:19+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Ñuflo de Chaves nació en Santa Cruz de la Sierra, de Extremadura,\nen 1518. Llegó a territorio americano con el segundo adelantado del Río de la\nPlata, Don Alvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca”. Cuando la flota llega al puerto de\nSanta Catalina en el año 1541, ya ostentaba el grado de Capitán. Cuando el\ngobernador Martínez de Irala le encomienda fundar al norte de Asunción, Chaves\nse convierte así en General. El 26 de febrero de 1561 fundó Santa Cruz de la\nSierra a orillas del arroyo Sutó. Después de fundada Santa Cruz de la\nSierra, Ñuflo de Chaves se dirige a Asunción, en 1564,  para recoger\na su familia. En 1550 se había casado con Doña Elvira Manrique, hija de don\nFrancisco de Mendoza, gobernador del Río de la Plata, con quien tuvo cinco\nhijos: Francisco y Alvaro, ambos militares; María, Catalina y Elvira; las\ndos menores monjas y la mayor se casó en 1574 con un soldado de apellido\nOssorio. El nieto de Ñuflo, Cap. Francisco Ossorio de Chaves, estuvo como\nAlcalde durante la traslación de  la ciudad, hasta su\nasiento definitivo a orillas del Piraí (1621).", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T12:56:17+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 59916, "end" : 59931 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Nuflo de Chaves" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/70ca4a8b-5de9-4a33-9ef0-c78bdcb9e3f6", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "conqueror", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T13:18:19+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T13:18:19+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "colonizer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T13:18:19+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T13:18:19+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Ñuflo de Chaves nació en Santa Cruz de la Sierra, de Extremadura,\nen 1518. Llegó a territorio americano con el segundo adelantado del Río de la\nPlata, Don Alvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca”. Cuando la flota llega al puerto de\nSanta Catalina en el año 1541, ya ostentaba el grado de Capitán. Cuando el\ngobernador Martínez de Irala le encomienda fundar al norte de Asunción, Chaves\nse convierte así en General. El 26 de febrero de 1561 fundó Santa Cruz de la\nSierra a orillas del arroyo Sutó. Después de fundada Santa Cruz de la\nSierra, Ñuflo de Chaves se dirige a Asunción, en 1564,  para recoger\na su familia. En 1550 se había casado con Doña Elvira Manrique, hija de don\nFrancisco de Mendoza, gobernador del Río de la Plata, con quien tuvo cinco\nhijos: Francisco y Alvaro, ambos militares; María, Catalina y Elvira; las\ndos menores monjas y la mayor se casó en 1574 con un soldado de apellido\nOssorio. El nieto de Ñuflo, Cap. Francisco Ossorio de Chaves, estuvo como\nAlcalde durante la traslación de  la ciudad, hasta su\nasiento definitivo a orillas del Piraí (1621).", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T12:56:17+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 58363, "end" : 58378 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Nuflo de Chaves" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/44be3f5e-61cc-428c-910d-c5684f016d70", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "conqueror", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T13:18:19+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T13:18:19+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "colonizer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T13:18:19+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T13:18:19+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Ñuflo de Chaves nació en Santa Cruz de la Sierra, de Extremadura,\nen 1518. Llegó a territorio americano con el segundo adelantado del Río de la\nPlata, Don Alvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca”. Cuando la flota llega al puerto de\nSanta Catalina en el año 1541, ya ostentaba el grado de Capitán. Cuando el\ngobernador Martínez de Irala le encomienda fundar al norte de Asunción, Chaves\nse convierte así en General. El 26 de febrero de 1561 fundó Santa Cruz de la\nSierra a orillas del arroyo Sutó. Después de fundada Santa Cruz de la\nSierra, Ñuflo de Chaves se dirige a Asunción, en 1564,  para recoger\na su familia. En 1550 se había casado con Doña Elvira Manrique, hija de don\nFrancisco de Mendoza, gobernador del Río de la Plata, con quien tuvo cinco\nhijos: Francisco y Alvaro, ambos militares; María, Catalina y Elvira; las\ndos menores monjas y la mayor se casó en 1574 con un soldado de apellido\nOssorio. El nieto de Ñuflo, Cap. Francisco Ossorio de Chaves, estuvo como\nAlcalde durante la traslación de  la ciudad, hasta su\nasiento definitivo a orillas del Piraí (1621).", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T12:56:17+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 14219, "end" : 14234 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Nuflo de Chaves" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/03795654-b57d-4a41-a699-d7398bb04fc9", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "conqueror", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T13:18:19+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T13:18:19+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "colonizer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T13:18:19+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T13:18:19+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Ñuflo de Chaves nació en Santa Cruz de la Sierra, de Extremadura,\nen 1518. Llegó a territorio americano con el segundo adelantado del Río de la\nPlata, Don Alvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca”. Cuando la flota llega al puerto de\nSanta Catalina en el año 1541, ya ostentaba el grado de Capitán. Cuando el\ngobernador Martínez de Irala le encomienda fundar al norte de Asunción, Chaves\nse convierte así en General. El 26 de febrero de 1561 fundó Santa Cruz de la\nSierra a orillas del arroyo Sutó. Después de fundada Santa Cruz de la\nSierra, Ñuflo de Chaves se dirige a Asunción, en 1564,  para recoger\na su familia. En 1550 se había casado con Doña Elvira Manrique, hija de don\nFrancisco de Mendoza, gobernador del Río de la Plata, con quien tuvo cinco\nhijos: Francisco y Alvaro, ambos militares; María, Catalina y Elvira; las\ndos menores monjas y la mayor se casó en 1574 con un soldado de apellido\nOssorio. El nieto de Ñuflo, Cap. Francisco Ossorio de Chaves, estuvo como\nAlcalde durante la traslación de  la ciudad, hasta su\nasiento definitivo a orillas del Piraí (1621).", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T12:56:17+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 11756, "end" : 11771 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Nuflo de Chaves" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/519711a7-41ce-4da3-ae5a-8f3bf0e0a223", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "conqueror", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T13:18:19+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T13:18:19+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "colonizer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T13:18:19+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T13:18:19+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Ñuflo de Chaves nació en Santa Cruz de la Sierra, de Extremadura,\nen 1518. Llegó a territorio americano con el segundo adelantado del Río de la\nPlata, Don Alvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca”. Cuando la flota llega al puerto de\nSanta Catalina en el año 1541, ya ostentaba el grado de Capitán. Cuando el\ngobernador Martínez de Irala le encomienda fundar al norte de Asunción, Chaves\nse convierte así en General. El 26 de febrero de 1561 fundó Santa Cruz de la\nSierra a orillas del arroyo Sutó. Después de fundada Santa Cruz de la\nSierra, Ñuflo de Chaves se dirige a Asunción, en 1564,  para recoger\na su familia. En 1550 se había casado con Doña Elvira Manrique, hija de don\nFrancisco de Mendoza, gobernador del Río de la Plata, con quien tuvo cinco\nhijos: Francisco y Alvaro, ambos militares; María, Catalina y Elvira; las\ndos menores monjas y la mayor se casó en 1574 con un soldado de apellido\nOssorio. El nieto de Ñuflo, Cap. Francisco Ossorio de Chaves, estuvo como\nAlcalde durante la traslación de  la ciudad, hasta su\nasiento definitivo a orillas del Piraí (1621).", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T12:56:17+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 8160, "end" : 8175 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Nuflo de Chaves" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/3171ddad-d062-4055-b139-41b11de4238a", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : 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Guayrá (Gobernación del Río de la Plata y del Paraguay). Su ubicación corresponde al municipio de Terra Roxa do Oeste en el actual noroeste del Estado de Paraná (Brasil).", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T12:48:08+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 109359, "end" : 109370 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Ciudad Real" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/aa85ff4a-a32c-4534-9d70-6231ffbbf1a3", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://www.hgis-indias.net/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=gazetteer:9001002", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-18T21:13:14+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-18T21:13:14+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ -54.25591044, -24.08742586 ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Ciudad Real del Guayrá fue una antigua población española fundada en 1557 en la margen izquierda del río Paraná junto a la desembocadura del río Piquirí, en la provincia del Guayrá (Gobernación del Río de la Plata y del Paraguay). Su ubicación corresponde al municipio de Terra Roxa do Oeste en el actual noroeste del Estado de Paraná (Brasil).", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T12:48:08+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 98644, "end" : 98655 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Ciudad Real" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/28fc9982-5e39-4dd9-8dda-6f4f14a9c6b0", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2018-06-01T13:33:38+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Pueblos\nseptentrionales del Brasil. Enemigos de los del Guayra (Nota del autor).\n[Fueron los primeros aliados de los portugueses en el Brasil.\nHabitaban las cercanías de Pernambuco, y ayudaron a Duarte\nCoelho Pereyra a rechazar a los Cahélés, que lo\nestorbaban en la fundación de Olinda. El Rey de Portugal\ncondecoró con la orden de Cristo a un cacique de esta tribu,\npor los servicios que le había prestado. Tobayaras es voz genuina del idioma\nguaraní, lo que prueba cuan dilatado fue su imperio. Este\nnombre equivale a competidor, o adversario, de toba, cara, y ya estar: «el que está en\ncara, o al frente de alguno»; que expresa la enemistad, que,\nsegún el autor, estos pueblos tenían con los del\nGuayra. (Nota del editor)]", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2018-06-01T13:33:38+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 8797, "end" : 8806 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Tobayarás" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/42782211-e0de-4f28-b74f-17f709889fcd", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Cape", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2018-05-16T21:01:25+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PLACE", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2018-05-16T21:01:25+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Se denominaba Cabo Blanco a una punta que se halla en la entrada sur del Río de la Plata, Punta Piedras. Actualmente refiere a Cabo San Antonio.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2018-05-16T21:01:25+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "http://www.geonames.org/3430406/punta-rasa.html", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2018-05-16T21:01:25+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 12898, "end" : 12909 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Cabo Blanco" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/88b6c150-30d8-4d25-9fb0-2af3f50a93f2", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Refiere a la Provincia del Río de la Plata, un espacio creado a partir de las capitulaciones que firmó el primer adelantado Pedro de Mendoza con Carlos I en 1534.La misma limitaba al norte con los territorios otorgados a Diego de Almagro, ocupando una franja que se extendería entre el Mar del Sur y el Mar Océano Austral. La exploración y ocupación efectiva del terreno delimitarían el espacio de la provincia del Río de la Plata al sector atlántico y específicamente, al eje fluvial Paraná-Plata.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-10-26T18:51:00+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Viceroyalty", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T17:34:46+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "spanish colony", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T17:34:46+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "El Virreinato del Río de la Plata nació de una escisión del Virreinato \ndel Perú e integró los territorios de las gobernaciones de Buenos Aires,\n Paraguay, Tucumán y Santa Cruz de la Sierra, el corregimiento de Cuyo \nde la capitanía general de Chile y los corregimientos de la provincia de\n Charcas. Actualmente este territorio forma las repúblicas de Argentina,\n Uruguay, Paraguay, Bolivia, partes del sur de Brasil, del norte de \nChile y del sureste de Perú, así como también las disputadas islas \nMalvinas.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2018-06-24T17:41:43+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://www.hgis-indias.net/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=gazetteer:9001006", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-10-17T09:43:21+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-10-17T09:43:21+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ -58.35179869, -33.67232101 ] } } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 4713, "end" : 4743 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "provincias del Río de la Plata" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/23d57ba9-fa9b-4d5d-bffb-d6553f2afa08", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PLACE", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-20T18:36:08+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Las Indias Occidentales se refiere, comúnmente, a las islas del Caribe denominadas Antillas y Bahamas. La aplicación de Indias Occidentales a esta región es, según la RAE, «admisible siempre que no haya posible confusión con la denominación tradicional de todo el continente», aunque precisa que es uso influido por la denominación inglesa West Indies. Por tanto, originalmente se aplicó a América, aunque con este valor es un arcaísmo.Tradicionalmente, el nombre fue dado a las posesiones europeas en los nuevos territorios descubiertos y por descubrir en América, y que se dio inicio con la llegada de Cristóbal Colón en el siglo XV, quien por otro lado desconocía que en su viaje de circunnavegación había llegado a un Nuevo Mundo, en lugar de a las Indias. De aquí deriva el título de Rey de las Islas y Tierra Firme del mar Océano que por tradición histórica está vinculado a la monarquía española.Con la exploración y la cartografía del Nuevo Mundo por España, las más alejadas costas de Asia fueron llamadas \"Indias Orientales\" para distinguirlos de las nuevas tierras descubiertas más próximas al oeste, y que se denominaron Indias Occidentales. Las exploraciones y los estudios de cartografía extendieron la denominación de América en Europa para designar popularmente las nuevas tierras descubiertas.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-20T18:36:08+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 7969, "end" : 7988 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Indias Occidentales" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/c4407351-2020-4084-81aa-6b74e626abd5", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : 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-49.73, -23.1 ], [ -49.73, -23.11 ], [ -49.73, -23.12 ], [ -49.73, -23.13 ], [ -49.72, -23.13 ], [ -49.72, -23.14 ], [ -49.7, -23.16 ], [ -49.67, -23.2 ], [ -49.64, -23.26 ], [ -49.62, -23.35 ], [ -49.61, -23.39 ], [ -49.62, -23.41 ], [ -49.64, -23.47 ], [ -49.65, -23.49 ], [ -49.65, -23.49 ], [ -49.65, -23.5 ], [ -49.65, -23.5 ], [ -49.65, -23.51 ], [ -49.65, -23.51 ], [ -49.65, -23.52 ], [ -49.64, -23.53 ], [ -49.63, -23.53 ], [ -49.63, -23.54 ], [ -49.63, -23.55 ], [ -49.62, -23.59 ], [ -49.62, -23.61 ], [ -49.61, -23.64 ], [ -49.59, -23.67 ], [ -49.58, -23.68 ], [ -49.56, -23.69 ], [ -49.56, -23.7 ], [ -49.55, -23.7 ], [ -49.55, -23.71 ], [ -49.56, -23.76 ], [ -49.56, -23.81 ], [ -49.57, -23.82 ], [ -49.57, -23.83 ], [ -49.57, -23.84 ], [ -49.58, -23.85 ], [ -49.58, -23.85 ], [ -49.59, -23.85 ], [ -49.6, -23.85 ], [ -49.6, -23.86 ], [ -49.6, -23.86 ], [ -49.6, -23.88 ], [ -49.59, -23.89 ], [ -49.59, -23.89 ], [ -49.58, -23.89 ], [ -49.57, -23.9 ], [ -49.57, -23.9 ], [ -49.55, -23.93 ], [ -49.54, -23.94 ], [ -49.53, -23.94 ], [ -49.53, -23.94 ], [ -49.52, -23.93 ], [ -49.52, -23.93 ], [ -49.51, -23.94 ], [ -49.51, -23.94 ], [ -49.51, -23.95 ], [ -49.51, -23.96 ], [ -49.51, -23.96 ], [ -49.51, -23.97 ], [ -49.5, -23.98 ], [ -49.49, -23.99 ], [ -49.48, -24.01 ], [ -49.46, -24.03 ], [ -49.45, -24.05 ], [ -49.45, -24.05 ], [ -49.44, -24.06 ], [ -49.43, -24.06 ], [ -49.43, -24.06 ], [ -49.42, -24.07 ], [ -49.42, -24.08 ], [ -49.41, -24.09 ], [ -49.4, -24.09 ], [ -49.4, -24.09 ], [ -49.38, -24.1 ], [ -49.37, -24.1 ], [ -49.36, -24.1 ], [ -49.36, -24.11 ], [ -49.35, -24.11 ], [ -49.34, -24.13 ], [ -49.34, -24.13 ], [ -49.33, -24.14 ], [ -49.33, -24.15 ], [ -49.33, -24.19 ], [ -49.33, -24.2 ], [ -49.34, -24.21 ], [ -49.34, -24.22 ], [ -49.34, -24.22 ], [ -49.33, -24.23 ], [ -49.32, -24.24 ], [ -49.32, -24.24 ], [ -49.31, -24.24 ], [ -49.31, -24.24 ], [ -49.3, -24.25 ], [ -49.29, -24.3 ], [ -49.28, -24.31 ], [ -49.27, -24.32 ], [ -49.27, -24.32 ], [ -49.26, -24.32 ], [ -49.25, -24.33 ], [ -49.25, -24.33 ], [ -49.24, -24.33 ], [ -49.24, -24.33 ], [ -49.23, -24.34 ], [ -49.23, -24.34 ], [ -49.22, -24.34 ], [ -49.22, -24.35 ], [ -49.22, -24.36 ], [ -49.23, -24.37 ], [ -49.24, -24.38 ], [ -49.25, -24.38 ], [ -49.25, -24.39 ], [ -49.25, -24.39 ], [ -49.25, -24.4 ], [ -49.24, -24.41 ], [ -49.24, -24.41 ], [ -49.24, -24.42 ], [ -49.25, -24.43 ], [ -49.26, -24.43 ], [ -49.28, -24.44 ], [ -49.29, -24.44 ], [ -49.29, -24.44 ], [ -49.3, -24.45 ], [ -49.29, -24.45 ], [ -49.29, -24.46 ], [ -49.27, -24.47 ], [ -49.28, -24.5 ], [ -49.28, -24.51 ], [ -49.28, -24.52 ], [ -49.28, -24.52 ], [ -49.28, -24.53 ], [ -49.29, -24.53 ], [ -49.31, -24.53 ], [ -49.32, -24.54 ], [ -49.32, -24.54 ], [ -49.32, -24.55 ], [ -49.32, -24.55 ], [ -49.32, -24.56 ], [ -49.32, -24.57 ], [ -49.3, -24.59 ], [ -49.3, -24.6 ], [ -49.3, -24.6 ], [ -49.3, -24.63 ], [ -49.3, -24.64 ], [ -49.3, -24.65 ], [ -49.3, -24.66 ], [ -49.3, -24.66 ], [ -49.3, -24.67 ], [ -49.28, -24.67 ], [ -49.22, -24.69 ], [ -49.2, -24.69 ], [ -49.19, -24.69 ], [ -49.17, -24.68 ], [ -49.15, -24.68 ], [ -49.09, -24.69 ], [ -49.05, -24.68 ], [ -49.03, -24.67 ], [ -49.03, -24.63 ], [ -49.01, -24.64 ], [ -48.98, -24.67 ], [ -48.95, -24.68 ], [ -48.87, -24.67 ], [ -48.85, -24.67 ], [ -48.85, -24.67 ], [ -48.85, -24.67 ], [ -48.85, -24.66 ], [ -48.83, -24.66 ], [ -48.81, -24.67 ], [ -48.8, -24.69 ], [ -48.78, -24.7 ], [ -48.78, -24.7 ], [ -48.77, -24.69 ], [ -48.77, -24.69 ], [ -48.76, -24.69 ], [ -48.75, -24.69 ], [ -48.74, -24.69 ], [ -48.71, -24.69 ], [ -48.69, -24.68 ], [ -48.69, -24.67 ], [ -48.68, -24.67 ], [ -48.67, -24.69 ], [ -48.67, -24.7 ], [ -48.66, -24.71 ], [ -48.65, -24.71 ], [ -48.65, -24.7 ], [ -48.64, -24.7 ], [ -48.63, -24.69 ], [ -48.61, -24.68 ], [ -48.61, -24.68 ], [ -48.6, -24.68 ], [ -48.59, -24.68 ], [ -48.59, -24.68 ], [ -48.58, -24.68 ], [ -48.58, -24.69 ], [ -48.57, -24.69 ], [ -48.57, -24.7 ], [ -48.57, -24.7 ], [ -48.56, -24.71 ], [ -48.56, -24.71 ], [ -48.55, -24.72 ], [ -48.55, -24.72 ], [ -48.49, -24.74 ], [ -48.49, -24.74 ], [ -48.49, -24.75 ], [ -48.49, -24.76 ], [ -48.5, -24.78 ], [ -48.51, -24.79 ], [ -48.52, -24.79 ], [ -48.53, -24.8 ], [ -48.54, -24.81 ], [ -48.55, -24.82 ], [ -48.55, -24.83 ], [ -48.54, -24.86 ], [ -48.54, -24.87 ], [ -48.54, -24.88 ], [ -48.55, -24.89 ], [ -48.56, -24.89 ], [ -48.56, -24.9 ], [ -48.56, -24.91 ], [ -48.56, -24.94 ], [ -48.56, -24.97 ], [ -48.56, -24.98 ], [ -48.57, -24.98 ], [ -48.57, -24.98 ], [ -48.59, -25 ], [ -48.59, -25 ], [ -48.59, -25 ], [ -48.59, -25 ], [ -48.59, -25 ], [ -48.59, -25.01 ], [ -48.59, -25.02 ], [ -48.57, -25.05 ], [ -48.57, -25.05 ], [ -48.57, -25.06 ], [ -48.54, -25.07 ], [ -48.51, -25.08 ], [ -48.51, -25.08 ], [ -48.5, -25.08 ], [ -48.49, -25.08 ], [ -48.49, -25.07 ], [ -48.49, -25.06 ], [ -48.48, -25.06 ], [ -48.48, -25.05 ], [ -48.48, -25.05 ], [ -48.47, -25.04 ], [ -48.47, -25.04 ], [ -48.46, -25.03 ], [ -48.46, -25.03 ], [ -48.46, -25.02 ], [ -48.46, -25.01 ], [ -48.46, -25 ], [ 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-48.07, -25.23 ], [ -48.06, -25.23 ], [ -48.06, -25.22 ], [ -48.05, -25.22 ], [ -48.05, -25.22 ], [ -48.04, -25.22 ], [ -48.04, -25.22 ], [ -48.03, -25.23 ], [ -48.04, -25.24 ], [ -48.07, -25.28 ], [ -48.08, -25.28 ], [ -48.08, -25.3 ], [ -48.08, -25.31 ], [ -48.08, -25.31 ], [ -48.09, -25.33 ], [ -48.17, -25.37 ], [ -48.17, -25.38 ], [ -48.2, -25.42 ], [ -48.21, -25.46 ], [ -48.23, -25.46 ], [ -48.24, -25.45 ], [ -48.25, -25.43 ], [ -48.25, -25.41 ], [ -48.22, -25.35 ], [ -48.22, -25.34 ], [ -48.22, -25.34 ], [ -48.22, -25.33 ], [ -48.21, -25.32 ], [ -48.2, -25.32 ], [ -48.18, -25.31 ], [ -48.14, -25.29 ], [ -48.13, -25.28 ], [ -48.14, -25.27 ], [ -48.15, -25.28 ], [ -48.17, -25.29 ], [ -48.2, -25.3 ], [ -48.22, -25.3 ], [ -48.23, -25.3 ], [ -48.24, -25.32 ], [ -48.25, -25.32 ], [ -48.26, -25.31 ], [ -48.27, -25.3 ], [ -48.28, -25.29 ], [ -48.28, -25.31 ], [ -48.28, -25.32 ], [ -48.29, -25.32 ], [ -48.3, -25.34 ], [ -48.31, -25.35 ], [ -48.32, -25.36 ], [ -48.33, -25.36 ], [ -48.32, -25.32 ], [ -48.33, -25.32 ], [ -48.33, -25.33 ], [ -48.34, -25.32 ], [ -48.33, -25.27 ], [ -48.33, -25.24 ], [ -48.33, -25.23 ], [ -48.34, -25.24 ], [ -48.35, -25.25 ], [ -48.36, -25.26 ], [ -48.36, -25.27 ], [ -48.37, -25.27 ], [ -48.37, -25.28 ], [ -48.37, -25.28 ], [ -48.36, -25.28 ], [ -48.36, -25.29 ], [ -48.35, -25.29 ], [ -48.35, -25.29 ], [ -48.35, -25.3 ], [ -48.36, -25.3 ], [ -48.36, -25.3 ], [ -48.37, -25.3 ], [ -48.38, -25.3 ], [ -48.41, -25.28 ], [ -48.41, -25.27 ], [ -48.42, -25.25 ], [ -48.43, -25.24 ], [ -48.43, -25.26 ], [ -48.44, -25.26 ], [ -48.45, -25.26 ], [ -48.45, -25.25 ], [ -48.45, -25.25 ], [ -48.46, -25.25 ], [ -48.45, -25.26 ], [ -48.43, -25.32 ], [ -48.45, -25.32 ], [ -48.48, -25.33 ], [ -48.5, -25.33 ], [ -48.5, -25.34 ], [ -48.46, -25.34 ], [ -48.45, -25.35 ], [ -48.43, -25.36 ], [ -48.45, -25.37 ], [ -48.46, -25.38 ], [ -48.45, -25.39 ], [ -48.43, -25.38 ], [ -48.43, -25.39 ], [ -48.42, -25.4 ], [ -48.41, -25.41 ], [ -48.42, -25.43 ], [ -48.43, -25.43 ], [ -48.44, -25.43 ], [ -48.45, -25.43 ], [ -48.45, -25.45 ], [ -48.46, -25.46 ], [ -48.46, -25.47 ], [ -48.47, -25.48 ], [ -48.49, -25.47 ], [ -48.5, -25.47 ], [ -48.52, -25.45 ], [ -48.53, -25.45 ], [ -48.54, -25.45 ], [ -48.55, -25.45 ], [ -48.56, -25.45 ], [ -48.56, -25.46 ], [ -48.58, -25.46 ], [ -48.62, -25.45 ], [ -48.64, -25.44 ], [ -48.68, -25.41 ], [ -48.69, -25.41 ], [ -48.73, -25.36 ], [ -48.74, -25.35 ], [ -48.74, -25.37 ], [ -48.72, -25.41 ], [ -48.72, -25.42 ], [ -48.72, -25.43 ], [ -48.71, -25.43 ], [ -48.7, -25.44 ], [ -48.7, -25.44 ], [ -48.68, -25.46 ], [ -48.69, -25.47 ], [ -48.71, -25.47 ], [ -48.73, -25.47 ], [ -48.71, -25.5 ], [ -48.68, -25.5 ], [ -48.65, -25.49 ], [ -48.62, -25.5 ], [ -48.62, -25.5 ], [ -48.62, -25.51 ], [ -48.63, -25.51 ], [ -48.64, -25.5 ], [ -48.64, -25.5 ], [ -48.65, -25.51 ], [ -48.65, -25.52 ], [ -48.64, -25.52 ], [ -48.63, -25.52 ], [ -48.62, -25.53 ], [ -48.61, -25.54 ], [ -48.6, -25.53 ], [ -48.58, -25.53 ], [ -48.56, -25.53 ], [ -48.52, -25.51 ], [ -48.51, -25.52 ], [ -48.49, -25.54 ], [ -48.47, -25.54 ], [ -48.48, -25.56 ], [ -48.48, -25.56 ], [ -48.48, -25.55 ], [ -48.49, -25.56 ], [ -48.5, -25.57 ], [ -48.5, -25.57 ], [ -48.48, -25.58 ], [ -48.47, -25.57 ], [ -48.46, -25.56 ], [ -48.46, -25.55 ], [ -48.44, -25.55 ], [ -48.42, -25.55 ], [ -48.41, -25.56 ], [ -48.39, -25.54 ], [ -48.36, -25.57 ], [ -48.39, -25.6 ], [ -48.43, -25.62 ], [ -48.52, -25.77 ], [ -48.52, -25.8 ], [ -48.54, -25.84 ], [ -48.54, -25.85 ], [ -48.56, -25.84 ], [ -48.57, -25.82 ], [ -48.59, -25.82 ], [ -48.58, -25.8 ], [ -48.58, -25.8 ], [ -48.59, -25.8 ], [ -48.6, -25.8 ], [ -48.61, -25.81 ], [ -48.62, -25.82 ], [ -48.61, -25.82 ], [ -48.6, -25.82 ], [ -48.59, -25.83 ], [ -48.59, -25.84 ], [ -48.58, -25.85 ], [ -48.58, -25.85 ], [ -48.65, -25.84 ], [ -48.74, -25.85 ], [ -48.75, -25.86 ], [ -48.76, -25.86 ], [ -48.77, -25.87 ], [ -48.77, -25.88 ], [ -48.77, -25.89 ], [ -48.76, -25.88 ], [ -48.75, -25.88 ], [ -48.74, -25.87 ], [ -48.58, -25.87 ], [ -48.57, -25.87 ], [ -48.57, -25.86 ], [ -48.56, -25.87 ], [ -48.56, -25.88 ], [ -48.56, -25.89 ], [ -48.56, -25.9 ], [ -48.58, -25.96 ], [ -48.58, -25.98 ], [ -48.58, -25.98 ], [ -48.61, -25.98 ], [ -48.62, -25.98 ], [ -48.65, -25.97 ], [ -48.92, -25.98 ], [ -48.92, -25.98 ], [ -48.93, -25.99 ], [ -48.93, -25.99 ], [ -48.93, -26 ], [ -48.95, -26.01 ], [ -48.97, -26.01 ], [ -48.98, -26.01 ], [ -49, -26.01 ], [ -49.02, -26 ], [ -49.03, -26 ], [ -49.03, -26 ], [ -49.04, -26 ], [ -49.04, -26.01 ], [ -49.04, -26.01 ], [ -49.05, -26.02 ], [ -49.05, -26.02 ], [ -49.07, -26.01 ], [ -49.08, -26.01 ], [ -49.09, -26.02 ], [ -49.1, -26.02 ], [ -49.1, -26.01 ], [ -49.1, -26.01 ], [ -49.1, -26 ], [ -49.1, -26 ], [ -49.1, -26 ], [ -49.1, -26 ], [ -49.11, -26 ], [ -49.11, -25.99 ], [ -49.12, -25.99 ], [ -49.12, -25.99 ], [ -49.12, -26 ], [ -49.13, -26 ], [ -49.13, -26 ], [ -49.13, -26 ], [ -49.13, -26 ], [ -49.14, -26.01 ], [ -49.18, -26.01 ], [ -49.2, -26.02 ], [ -49.21, -26.03 ], [ -49.24, -26.04 ], [ -49.25, -26.06 ], [ -49.28, -26.09 ], [ -49.29, -26.1 ], [ -49.3, -26.11 ], [ -49.38, -26.15 ], [ -49.43, -26.16 ], [ -49.44, -26.16 ], [ -49.45, -26.17 ], [ -49.46, -26.17 ], [ -49.46, -26.18 ], [ -49.47, -26.18 ], [ -49.48, -26.19 ], [ -49.48, -26.21 ], [ -49.49, -26.22 ], [ -49.51, -26.23 ], [ -49.55, -26.23 ], [ -49.58, -26.23 ], [ -49.59, -26.22 ], [ -49.67, -26.19 ], [ -49.72, -26.16 ], [ -49.73, -26.15 ], [ -49.73, -26.14 ], [ -49.74, -26.13 ], [ -49.75, -26.12 ], [ -49.82, -26.09 ], [ -49.83, -26.08 ], [ -49.85, -26.06 ], [ -49.85, -26.06 ], [ -49.87, -26.05 ], [ -49.88, -26.04 ], [ -49.89, -26.03 ], [ -49.9, -26.03 ], [ -49.92, -26.03 ], [ -49.93, -26.03 ], [ -49.93, -26.02 ], [ -49.94, -26.02 ], [ -49.94, -26.01 ], [ -49.95, -26.01 ], [ -49.97, -26.02 ], [ -49.99, -26.01 ], [ -50.01, -26.02 ], [ -50.01, -26.03 ], [ -50.03, -26.03 ], [ -50.12, -26.05 ], [ -50.15, -26.04 ], [ -50.16, -26.05 ], [ -50.18, -26.05 ], [ -50.18, -26.05 ], [ -50.19, -26.05 ], [ -50.21, -26.05 ], [ -50.21, -26.05 ], [ -50.22, -26.05 ], [ -50.22, -26.04 ], [ -50.23, -26.04 ], [ -50.24, -26.04 ], [ -50.27, -26.04 ], [ -50.28, -26.04 ], [ -50.29, -26.04 ], [ -50.3, -26.04 ], [ -50.32, -26.05 ], [ -50.32, -26.06 ], [ -50.33, -26.07 ], [ -50.33, -26.07 ], [ -50.33, -26.08 ], [ -50.33, -26.08 ], [ -50.33, -26.09 ], [ -50.33, -26.09 ], [ -50.32, -26.1 ], [ -50.33, -26.1 ], [ -50.33, -26.11 ], [ -50.34, -26.11 ], [ -50.34, -26.11 ], [ -50.35, -26.11 ], [ -50.36, -26.11 ], [ -50.36, -26.1 ], [ -50.36, -26.1 ], [ -50.37, -26.08 ], [ -50.37, -26.07 ], [ -50.38, -26.07 ], [ -50.38, -26.06 ], [ -50.38, -26.06 ], [ -50.39, -26.06 ], [ -50.4, -26.06 ], [ -50.43, -26.05 ], [ -50.44, -26.05 ], [ -50.44, -26.05 ], [ -50.45, -26.05 ], [ -50.45, -26.04 ], [ -50.45, -26.04 ], [ -50.45, -26.03 ], [ -50.46, -26.03 ], [ -50.48, -26.02 ], [ -50.54, -26.02 ], [ -50.55, -26.02 ], [ -50.56, -26.02 ], [ -50.57, -26.01 ], [ -50.58, -26.01 ], [ -50.59, -26.01 ], [ -50.59, -26.01 ], [ -50.6, -26.01 ], [ -50.59, -26.02 ], [ -50.59, -26.02 ], [ -50.59, -26.02 ], [ -50.57, -26.03 ], [ -50.56, -26.04 ], [ -50.56, -26.04 ], [ -50.56, -26.04 ], [ -50.56, -26.05 ], [ -50.58, -26.05 ], [ -50.62, -26.06 ], [ -50.64, -26.06 ], [ -50.64, -26.06 ], [ -50.65, -26.07 ], [ -50.66, -26.12 ], [ -50.67, -26.15 ], [ -50.68, -26.16 ], [ -50.7, -26.17 ], [ -50.72, -26.2 ], [ -50.73, -26.21 ], [ -50.73, -26.22 ], [ -50.73, -26.23 ], [ -50.74, -26.24 ], [ -50.74, -26.24 ], [ -50.75, -26.23 ], [ -50.76, -26.22 ], [ -50.76, -26.22 ], [ -50.77, -26.22 ], [ -50.78, -26.22 ], [ -50.79, -26.22 ], [ -50.8, -26.23 ], [ -50.83, -26.25 ], [ -50.84, -26.25 ], [ -50.84, -26.26 ], [ -50.85, -26.26 ], [ -50.86, -26.26 ], [ -50.86, -26.25 ], [ -50.88, -26.25 ], [ -50.89, -26.25 ], [ -50.89, -26.26 ], [ -50.89, -26.26 ], [ -50.9, -26.27 ], [ -50.9, -26.28 ], [ -50.91, -26.28 ], [ -50.91, -26.28 ], [ -50.91, -26.28 ], [ -50.91, -26.26 ], [ -50.92, -26.26 ], [ -50.92, -26.25 ], [ -50.92, -26.25 ], [ -50.93, -26.25 ], [ -50.93, -26.25 ], [ -50.94, -26.25 ], [ -50.95, -26.25 ], [ -50.95, -26.26 ], [ -50.96, -26.26 ], [ -50.96, -26.27 ], [ -50.97, -26.27 ], [ -50.97, -26.26 ], [ -50.98, -26.25 ], [ -50.99, -26.24 ], [ -50.99, -26.24 ], [ -51, -26.24 ], [ -51, -26.24 ], [ -51, -26.24 ], [ -51, -26.24 ], [ -51.02, -26.24 ], [ -51.03, -26.25 ], [ -51.04, -26.25 ], [ -51.05, -26.25 ], [ -51.06, -26.24 ], [ -51.06, -26.24 ], [ -51.07, -26.24 ], [ -51.07, -26.24 ], [ -51.08, -26.24 ], [ -51.08, -26.24 ], [ -51.09, -26.25 ], [ -51.1, -26.26 ], [ -51.11, -26.27 ], [ -51.12, -26.28 ], [ -51.13, -26.28 ], [ -51.14, -26.29 ], [ -51.2, -26.3 ], [ -51.21, -26.31 ], [ -51.21, -26.31 ], [ -51.22, -26.33 ], [ -51.24, -26.34 ], [ -51.24, -26.34 ], [ -51.25, -26.35 ], [ -51.25, -26.35 ], [ -51.25, -26.36 ], [ -51.26, -26.38 ], [ -51.26, -26.39 ], [ -51.27, -26.4 ], [ -51.28, -26.42 ], [ -51.29, -26.42 ], [ -51.29, -26.43 ], [ -51.29, -26.44 ], [ -51.29, -26.44 ], [ -51.29, -26.45 ], [ -51.28, -26.45 ], [ -51.27, -26.46 ], [ -51.27, -26.47 ], [ -51.27, -26.47 ], [ -51.27, -26.48 ], [ -51.28, -26.49 ], [ -51.28, -26.5 ], [ -51.28, -26.5 ], [ -51.25, -26.55 ], [ -51.24, -26.57 ], [ -51.24, -26.58 ], [ -51.24, -26.59 ], [ -51.24, -26.61 ], [ -51.25, -26.63 ], [ -51.29, -26.65 ], [ -51.29, -26.66 ], [ -51.3, -26.66 ], [ -51.33, -26.66 ], [ -51.39, -26.68 ], [ -51.4, -26.68 ], [ -51.4, -26.68 ], [ -51.41, -26.7 ], [ -51.41, -26.7 ], [ -51.42, -26.7 ], [ -51.42, -26.7 ], [ -51.42, -26.7 ], [ -51.43, -26.68 ], [ -51.44, -26.67 ], [ -51.45, -26.66 ], [ -51.45, -26.65 ], [ -51.46, -26.65 ], [ -51.47, -26.64 ], [ -51.48, -26.64 ], [ -51.48, -26.63 ], [ -51.48, -26.63 ], [ -51.48, -26.62 ], [ -51.48, -26.61 ], [ -51.49, -26.61 ], [ -51.49, -26.61 ], [ -51.49, -26.6 ], [ -51.5, -26.6 ], [ -51.5, -26.6 ], [ -51.5, -26.6 ], [ -51.61, -26.6 ], [ -51.62, -26.6 ], [ -51.63, -26.6 ], [ -51.63, -26.59 ], [ -51.64, -26.59 ], [ -51.65, -26.58 ], [ -51.65, -26.58 ], [ -51.66, -26.58 ], [ -51.66, -26.59 ], [ -51.68, -26.6 ], [ -51.69, -26.6 ], [ -51.71, -26.6 ], [ -51.87, -26.6 ], [ -51.94, -26.58 ], [ -51.96, -26.58 ], [ -52, -26.58 ], [ -52.01, -26.58 ], [ -52.01, -26.58 ], [ -52.02, -26.58 ], [ -52.04, -26.56 ], [ -52.09, -26.53 ], [ -52.11, -26.51 ], [ -52.11, -26.51 ], [ -52.12, -26.5 ], [ -52.12, -26.49 ], [ -52.13, -26.49 ], [ -52.18, -26.46 ], [ -52.19, -26.45 ], [ -52.2, -26.45 ], [ -52.21, -26.45 ], [ -52.23, -26.45 ], [ -52.25, -26.45 ], [ -52.28, -26.44 ], [ -52.3, -26.44 ], [ -52.33, -26.44 ], [ -52.34, -26.44 ], [ -52.36, -26.44 ], [ -52.4, -26.43 ], [ -52.46, -26.43 ], [ -52.46, -26.43 ], [ -52.47, -26.43 ], [ -52.5, -26.41 ], [ -52.54, -26.4 ], [ -52.62, -26.41 ], [ -52.64, -26.4 ], [ -52.65, -26.4 ], [ -52.65, -26.39 ], [ -52.65, -26.39 ], [ -52.67, -26.38 ], [ -52.82, -26.34 ], [ -52.83, -26.34 ], [ -52.85, -26.34 ], [ -52.86, -26.34 ], [ -52.88, -26.35 ], [ -52.91, -26.36 ], [ -52.94, -26.37 ], [ -52.95, -26.37 ], [ -52.96, -26.37 ], [ -52.97, -26.36 ], [ -52.98, -26.35 ], [ -52.99, -26.35 ], [ -52.99, -26.35 ], [ -53, -26.35 ], [ -53.04, -26.37 ], [ -53.1, -26.37 ], [ -53.11, -26.37 ], [ -53.12, -26.37 ], [ -53.13, -26.36 ], [ -53.13, -26.36 ], [ -53.14, -26.35 ], [ -53.14, -26.35 ], [ -53.15, -26.34 ], [ -53.18, -26.33 ], [ -53.2, -26.32 ], [ -53.25, -26.29 ], [ -53.25, -26.29 ], [ -53.25, -26.28 ], [ -53.26, -26.28 ], [ -53.27, -26.27 ], [ -53.28, -26.26 ], [ -53.34, -26.24 ], [ -53.36, -26.24 ], [ -53.37, -26.24 ], [ -53.37, -26.24 ], [ -53.38, -26.25 ], [ -53.46, -26.29 ], [ -53.47, -26.29 ], [ -53.48, -26.29 ], [ -53.5, -26.29 ], [ -53.51, -26.29 ], [ -53.52, -26.29 ], [ -53.55, -26.27 ], [ -53.61, -26.26 ], [ -53.62, -26.26 ], [ -53.63, -26.26 ], [ -53.65, -26.26 ], [ -53.66, -26.26 ], [ -53.67, -26.22 ], [ -53.69, -26.19 ], [ -53.73, -26.13 ], [ -53.75, -26.09 ], [ -53.75, -26.06 ], [ -53.77, -26.03 ], [ -53.79, -26 ], [ -53.79, -26 ], [ -53.79, -26 ], [ -53.83, -25.97 ], [ -53.83, -25.96 ], [ -53.84, -25.95 ], [ -53.83, -25.94 ], [ -53.83, -25.93 ], [ -53.83, -25.92 ], [ -53.84, -25.87 ], [ -53.84, -25.81 ], [ -53.84, -25.79 ], [ -53.85, -25.77 ], [ -53.86, -25.76 ], [ -53.88, -25.75 ], [ -53.88, -25.74 ], [ -53.89, -25.72 ], [ -53.88, -25.71 ], [ -53.88, -25.71 ], [ -53.88, -25.7 ], [ -53.89, -25.66 ], [ -53.9, -25.64 ], [ -53.91, -25.63 ], [ -53.95, -25.65 ], [ -53.97, -25.65 ], [ -53.98, -25.63 ], [ -53.98, -25.61 ], [ -53.98, -25.59 ], [ -54, -25.57 ], [ -54.02, -25.57 ], [ -54.03, -25.56 ], [ -54.04, -25.56 ], [ -54.04, -25.57 ], [ -54.06, -25.57 ], [ -54.07, -25.56 ], [ -54.08, -25.55 ], [ -54.09, -25.56 ], [ -54.09, -25.57 ], [ -54.09, -25.58 ], [ -54.09, -25.59 ], [ -54.09, -25.6 ], [ -54.1, -25.6 ], [ -54.11, -25.59 ], [ -54.12, -25.58 ], [ -54.12, -25.57 ], [ -54.13, -25.55 ], [ -54.12, -25.54 ], [ -54.11, -25.52 ], [ -54.11, -25.5 ], [ -54.11, -25.5 ], [ -54.12, -25.49 ], [ -54.12, -25.5 ], [ -54.13, -25.5 ], [ -54.15, -25.53 ], [ -54.17, -25.53 ], [ -54.18, -25.54 ], [ -54.2, -25.53 ], [ -54.21, -25.53 ], [ -54.21, -25.53 ], [ -54.19, -25.56 ], [ -54.19, -25.58 ], [ -54.21, -25.58 ], [ -54.23, -25.58 ], [ -54.24, -25.58 ], [ -54.24, -25.58 ], [ -54.25, -25.59 ], [ -54.26, -25.6 ], [ -54.26, -25.59 ], [ -54.27, -25.57 ], [ -54.28, -25.56 ], [ -54.3, -25.55 ], [ -54.32, -25.56 ], [ -54.33, -25.56 ], [ -54.35, -25.58 ], [ -54.36, -25.58 ], [ -54.38, -25.58 ], [ -54.39, -25.58 ], [ -54.4, -25.58 ], [ -54.4, -25.59 ], [ -54.4, -25.6 ], [ -54.4, -25.61 ], [ -54.41, -25.62 ], [ -54.41, -25.63 ], [ -54.43, -25.64 ], [ -54.44, -25.65 ], [ -54.44, -25.66 ], [ -54.43, -25.68 ], [ -54.44, -25.69 ], [ -54.45, -25.69 ], [ -54.45, -25.68 ], [ -54.46, -25.67 ], [ -54.46, -25.66 ], [ -54.46, -25.64 ], [ -54.47, -25.63 ], [ -54.49, -25.61 ], [ -54.51, -25.61 ], [ -54.53, -25.61 ], [ -54.54, -25.6 ], [ -54.54, -25.59 ], [ -54.55, -25.57 ], [ -54.56, -25.57 ], [ -54.6, -25.57 ], [ -54.6, -25.57 ], [ -54.59, -25.55 ], [ -54.59, -25.52 ], [ -54.6, -25.51 ], [ -54.61, -25.49 ], [ -54.61, -25.47 ], [ -54.61, -25.44 ], [ -54.61, -25.43 ], [ -54.6, -25.4 ], [ -54.58, -25.36 ], [ -54.55, -25.34 ], [ -54.53, -25.31 ], [ -54.5, -25.28 ], [ -54.48, -25.21 ], [ -54.47, -25.2 ], [ -54.44, -25.17 ], [ -54.43, -25.15 ], [ -54.43, -25.13 ], [ -54.46, -25.09 ], [ -54.46, -25.07 ], [ -54.46, -25.06 ], [ -54.46, -25.04 ], [ -54.45, -25 ], [ -54.41, -24.82 ], [ -54.4, -24.8 ], [ -54.37, -24.77 ], [ -54.36, -24.73 ], [ -54.32, -24.63 ], [ -54.32, -24.6 ], [ -54.33, -24.53 ], [ -54.33, -24.5 ], [ -54.32, -24.46 ], [ -54.28, -24.41 ], [ -54.27, -24.39 ], [ -54.26, -24.36 ], [ -54.26, -24.33 ], [ -54.27, -24.3 ], [ -54.28, -24.28 ], [ -54.31, -24.25 ], [ -54.31, -24.23 ], [ -54.32, -24.2 ], [ -54.33, -24.17 ], [ -54.33, -24.15 ], [ -54.32, -24.12 ], [ -54.3, -24.09 ], [ -54.27, -24.07 ], [ -54.25, -24.05 ], [ -54.25, -24.05 ], [ -54.2, -24.03 ], [ -54.19, -24.02 ], [ -54.18, -24.01 ], [ -54.1, -23.97 ], [ -54.08, -23.95 ], [ -54.07, -23.91 ], [ -54.07, -23.82 ], [ -54.06, -23.77 ], [ -54.03, -23.7 ], [ -54.02, -23.64 ], [ -53.97, -23.49 ], [ -53.97, -23.45 ], [ -53.97, -23.44 ], [ -53.95, -23.42 ], [ -53.86, -23.39 ], [ -53.75, -23.33 ], [ -53.73, -23.3 ], [ -53.71, -23.26 ], [ -53.68, -23.18 ], [ -53.66, -23.15 ], [ -53.64, -23.11 ], [ -53.63, -23.02 ], [ -53.62, -22.98 ], [ -53.6, -22.92 ], [ -53.58, -22.9 ], [ -53.55, -22.87 ], [ -53.48, -22.83 ], [ -53.17, -22.7 ], [ -53.17, -22.7 ], [ -53.15, -22.7 ], [ -53.12, -22.69 ], [ -53.1, -22.68 ], [ -53.06, -22.63 ], [ -53.01, -22.6 ], [ -52.99, -22.59 ], [ -52.97, -22.58 ], [ -52.95, -22.57 ], [ -52.89, -22.57 ], [ -52.88, -22.57 ], [ -52.85, -22.59 ], [ -52.84, -22.59 ], [ -52.79, -22.59 ], [ -52.69, -22.6 ], [ -52.67, -22.6 ], [ -52.61, -22.57 ], [ -52.58, -22.57 ], [ -52.55, -22.6 ], [ -52.52, -22.61 ], [ -52.48, -22.61 ], [ -52.46, -22.6 ], [ -52.45, -22.6 ], [ -52.41, -22.6 ], [ -52.38, -22.61 ], [ -52.34, -22.62 ], [ -52.31, -22.62 ], [ -52.29, -22.6 ], [ -52.28, -22.6 ], [ -52.26, -22.6 ], [ -52.25, -22.6 ], [ -52.25, -22.61 ], [ -52.24, -22.61 ], [ -52.23, -22.62 ], [ -52.23, -22.63 ], [ -52.22, -22.64 ], [ -52.19, -22.64 ], [ -52.17, -22.62 ], [ -52.16, -22.6 ], [ -52.15, -22.58 ], [ -52.15, -22.56 ], [ -52.14, -22.54 ], [ -52.12, -22.53 ], [ -52.09, -22.52 ], [ -52.07, -22.52 ], [ -52.03, -22.53 ], [ -51.98, -22.55 ], [ -51.87, -22.61 ], [ -51.86, -22.62 ] ] ] ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Se refiere al Río Paraná.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-09-27T18:39:19+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 105110, "end" : 105116 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Paraná" } ] } }, { "@context" : 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-51.47, -22.68 ], [ -51.46, -22.67 ], [ -51.44, -22.66 ], [ -51.44, -22.66 ], [ -51.43, -22.65 ], [ -51.42, -22.65 ], [ -51.4, -22.66 ], [ -51.39, -22.66 ], [ -51.38, -22.66 ], [ -51.37, -22.65 ], [ -51.36, -22.65 ], [ -51.36, -22.65 ], [ -51.35, -22.65 ], [ -51.33, -22.66 ], [ -51.32, -22.67 ], [ -51.29, -22.68 ], [ -51.26, -22.69 ], [ -51.18, -22.74 ], [ -51.11, -22.77 ], [ -51, -22.79 ], [ -50.88, -22.82 ], [ -50.87, -22.83 ], [ -50.86, -22.84 ], [ -50.82, -22.89 ], [ -50.81, -22.9 ], [ -50.8, -22.92 ], [ -50.79, -22.93 ], [ -50.79, -22.94 ], [ -50.78, -22.95 ], [ -50.76, -22.95 ], [ -50.75, -22.95 ], [ -50.73, -22.95 ], [ -50.71, -22.95 ], [ -50.7, -22.94 ], [ -50.68, -22.93 ], [ -50.66, -22.92 ], [ -50.63, -22.92 ], [ -50.54, -22.93 ], [ -50.52, -22.94 ], [ -50.52, -22.94 ], [ -50.51, -22.94 ], [ -50.51, -22.95 ], [ -50.5, -22.95 ], [ -50.44, -22.94 ], [ -50.43, -22.95 ], [ -50.41, -22.92 ], [ -50.4, -22.92 ], [ -50.38, -22.91 ], [ -50.37, -22.92 ], [ -50.35, -22.92 ], [ -50.33, -22.94 ], [ -50.32, -22.95 ], [ -50.31, -22.95 ], [ -50.29, -22.95 ], [ -50.28, -22.94 ], [ -50.28, -22.94 ], [ -50.26, -22.94 ], [ -50.24, -22.94 ], [ -50.23, -22.94 ], [ -50.21, -22.95 ], [ -50.12, -22.94 ], [ -50.11, -22.94 ], [ -50.1, -22.93 ], [ -50.03, -22.91 ], [ -50.02, -22.91 ], [ -50, -22.92 ], [ -50, -22.9 ], [ -49.99, -22.9 ], [ -49.98, -22.9 ], [ -49.97, -22.91 ], [ -49.97, -22.93 ], [ -49.97, -22.95 ], [ -49.96, -22.96 ], [ -49.93, -22.98 ], [ -49.91, -22.99 ], [ -49.91, -23 ], [ -49.91, -23.03 ], [ -49.91, -23.04 ], [ -49.89, -23.05 ], [ -49.88, -23.06 ], [ -49.87, -23.06 ], [ -49.84, -23.06 ], [ -49.83, -23.07 ], [ -49.8, -23.08 ], [ -49.79, -23.09 ], [ -49.77, -23.1 ], [ -49.76, -23.1 ], [ -49.76, -23.1 ], [ -49.75, -23.1 ], [ -49.74, -23.1 ], [ -49.73, -23.1 ], [ -49.73, -23.11 ], [ -49.73, -23.12 ], [ -49.73, -23.13 ], [ -49.72, -23.13 ], [ -49.72, -23.14 ], [ -49.7, -23.16 ], [ -49.67, -23.2 ], [ -49.64, -23.26 ], [ -49.62, -23.35 ], [ -49.61, -23.39 ], [ -49.62, -23.41 ], [ -49.64, -23.47 ], [ -49.65, -23.49 ], [ -49.65, -23.49 ], [ -49.65, -23.5 ], [ -49.65, -23.5 ], [ -49.65, -23.51 ], [ -49.65, -23.51 ], [ -49.65, -23.52 ], [ -49.64, -23.53 ], [ -49.63, -23.53 ], [ -49.63, -23.54 ], [ -49.63, -23.55 ], [ -49.62, -23.59 ], [ -49.62, -23.61 ], [ -49.61, -23.64 ], [ -49.59, -23.67 ], [ -49.58, -23.68 ], [ -49.56, -23.69 ], [ -49.56, -23.7 ], [ -49.55, -23.7 ], [ -49.55, -23.71 ], [ -49.56, -23.76 ], [ -49.56, -23.81 ], [ -49.57, -23.82 ], [ -49.57, -23.83 ], [ -49.57, -23.84 ], [ -49.58, -23.85 ], [ -49.58, -23.85 ], [ -49.59, -23.85 ], [ -49.6, -23.85 ], [ -49.6, -23.86 ], [ -49.6, -23.86 ], [ -49.6, -23.88 ], [ -49.59, -23.89 ], [ -49.59, -23.89 ], [ -49.58, -23.89 ], [ -49.57, -23.9 ], [ -49.57, -23.9 ], [ -49.55, -23.93 ], [ -49.54, -23.94 ], [ -49.53, -23.94 ], [ -49.53, -23.94 ], [ -49.52, -23.93 ], [ -49.52, -23.93 ], [ -49.51, -23.94 ], [ -49.51, -23.94 ], [ -49.51, -23.95 ], [ -49.51, -23.96 ], [ -49.51, -23.96 ], [ -49.51, -23.97 ], [ -49.5, -23.98 ], [ -49.49, -23.99 ], [ -49.48, -24.01 ], [ -49.46, -24.03 ], [ -49.45, -24.05 ], [ -49.45, -24.05 ], [ -49.44, -24.06 ], [ -49.43, -24.06 ], [ -49.43, -24.06 ], [ -49.42, -24.07 ], [ -49.42, -24.08 ], [ -49.41, -24.09 ], [ -49.4, -24.09 ], [ -49.4, -24.09 ], [ -49.38, -24.1 ], [ -49.37, -24.1 ], [ -49.36, -24.1 ], [ -49.36, -24.11 ], [ -49.35, -24.11 ], [ -49.34, -24.13 ], [ -49.34, -24.13 ], [ -49.33, -24.14 ], [ -49.33, -24.15 ], [ -49.33, -24.19 ], [ -49.33, -24.2 ], [ -49.34, -24.21 ], [ -49.34, -24.22 ], [ -49.34, -24.22 ], [ -49.33, -24.23 ], [ -49.32, -24.24 ], [ -49.32, -24.24 ], [ -49.31, -24.24 ], [ -49.31, -24.24 ], [ -49.3, -24.25 ], [ -49.29, -24.3 ], [ -49.28, -24.31 ], [ -49.27, -24.32 ], [ -49.27, -24.32 ], [ -49.26, -24.32 ], [ -49.25, -24.33 ], [ -49.25, -24.33 ], [ -49.24, -24.33 ], [ -49.24, -24.33 ], [ -49.23, -24.34 ], [ -49.23, -24.34 ], [ -49.22, -24.34 ], [ -49.22, -24.35 ], [ -49.22, -24.36 ], [ -49.23, -24.37 ], [ -49.24, -24.38 ], [ -49.25, -24.38 ], [ -49.25, -24.39 ], [ -49.25, -24.39 ], [ -49.25, -24.4 ], [ -49.24, -24.41 ], [ -49.24, -24.41 ], [ -49.24, -24.42 ], [ -49.25, -24.43 ], [ -49.26, -24.43 ], [ -49.28, -24.44 ], [ -49.29, -24.44 ], [ -49.29, -24.44 ], [ -49.3, -24.45 ], [ -49.29, -24.45 ], [ -49.29, -24.46 ], [ -49.27, -24.47 ], [ -49.28, -24.5 ], [ -49.28, -24.51 ], [ -49.28, -24.52 ], [ -49.28, -24.52 ], [ -49.28, -24.53 ], [ -49.29, -24.53 ], [ -49.31, -24.53 ], [ -49.32, -24.54 ], [ -49.32, -24.54 ], [ -49.32, -24.55 ], [ -49.32, -24.55 ], [ -49.32, -24.56 ], [ -49.32, -24.57 ], [ -49.3, -24.59 ], [ -49.3, -24.6 ], [ -49.3, -24.6 ], [ -49.3, -24.63 ], [ -49.3, -24.64 ], [ -49.3, -24.65 ], [ -49.3, -24.66 ], [ -49.3, -24.66 ], [ -49.3, -24.67 ], [ -49.28, -24.67 ], [ -49.22, -24.69 ], [ -49.2, -24.69 ], [ -49.19, -24.69 ], [ -49.17, -24.68 ], [ -49.15, -24.68 ], [ -49.09, -24.69 ], [ -49.05, -24.68 ], [ -49.03, -24.67 ], [ -49.03, -24.63 ], [ -49.01, -24.64 ], [ -48.98, -24.67 ], [ -48.95, -24.68 ], [ -48.87, -24.67 ], [ -48.85, -24.67 ], [ -48.85, -24.67 ], [ -48.85, -24.67 ], [ -48.85, -24.66 ], [ -48.83, -24.66 ], [ -48.81, -24.67 ], [ -48.8, -24.69 ], [ -48.78, -24.7 ], [ -48.78, -24.7 ], [ -48.77, -24.69 ], [ -48.77, -24.69 ], [ -48.76, -24.69 ], [ -48.75, -24.69 ], [ -48.74, -24.69 ], [ -48.71, -24.69 ], [ -48.69, -24.68 ], [ -48.69, -24.67 ], [ -48.68, -24.67 ], [ -48.67, -24.69 ], [ -48.67, -24.7 ], [ -48.66, -24.71 ], [ -48.65, -24.71 ], [ -48.65, -24.7 ], [ -48.64, -24.7 ], [ -48.63, -24.69 ], [ -48.61, -24.68 ], [ -48.61, -24.68 ], [ -48.6, -24.68 ], [ -48.59, -24.68 ], [ -48.59, -24.68 ], [ -48.58, -24.68 ], [ -48.58, -24.69 ], [ -48.57, -24.69 ], [ -48.57, -24.7 ], [ -48.57, -24.7 ], [ -48.56, -24.71 ], [ -48.56, -24.71 ], [ -48.55, -24.72 ], [ -48.55, -24.72 ], [ -48.49, -24.74 ], [ -48.49, -24.74 ], [ -48.49, -24.75 ], [ -48.49, -24.76 ], [ -48.5, -24.78 ], [ -48.51, -24.79 ], [ -48.52, -24.79 ], [ -48.53, -24.8 ], [ -48.54, -24.81 ], [ -48.55, -24.82 ], [ -48.55, -24.83 ], [ -48.54, -24.86 ], [ -48.54, -24.87 ], [ -48.54, -24.88 ], [ -48.55, -24.89 ], [ -48.56, -24.89 ], [ -48.56, -24.9 ], [ -48.56, -24.91 ], [ -48.56, -24.94 ], [ -48.56, -24.97 ], [ -48.56, -24.98 ], [ -48.57, -24.98 ], [ -48.57, -24.98 ], [ -48.59, -25 ], [ -48.59, -25 ], [ -48.59, -25 ], [ -48.59, -25 ], [ -48.59, -25 ], [ -48.59, -25.01 ], [ -48.59, -25.02 ], [ -48.57, -25.05 ], [ -48.57, -25.05 ], [ -48.57, -25.06 ], [ -48.54, -25.07 ], [ -48.51, -25.08 ], [ -48.51, -25.08 ], [ -48.5, -25.08 ], [ -48.49, -25.08 ], [ -48.49, -25.07 ], [ -48.49, -25.06 ], [ -48.48, -25.06 ], [ -48.48, -25.05 ], [ -48.48, -25.05 ], [ -48.47, -25.04 ], [ -48.47, -25.04 ], [ -48.46, -25.03 ], [ -48.46, -25.03 ], [ -48.46, -25.02 ], [ -48.46, -25.01 ], [ -48.46, -25 ], [ -48.46, -25 ], [ -48.46, -25 ], [ -48.46, -24.99 ], [ -48.46, -24.99 ], [ -48.45, -24.98 ], [ -48.43, -24.97 ], [ -48.43, -24.97 ], [ -48.42, -24.96 ], [ -48.42, -24.96 ], [ -48.41, -24.96 ], [ -48.4, -24.97 ], [ -48.39, -24.97 ], [ -48.37, -24.97 ], [ -48.36, -24.98 ], [ -48.35, -24.98 ], [ -48.35, -24.99 ], [ -48.34, -24.99 ], [ -48.34, -25 ], [ -48.34, -25 ], [ -48.34, -25 ], [ -48.34, -25.01 ], [ -48.34, -25.01 ], [ -48.33, -25.02 ], [ -48.32, -25.02 ], [ -48.3, -25.01 ], [ -48.29, -25.01 ], [ -48.28, -25.02 ], [ -48.28, -25.02 ], [ -48.28, -25.03 ], [ -48.28, -25.03 ], [ -48.27, -25.03 ], [ -48.26, -25.03 ], [ -48.23, -25.01 ], [ -48.21, -25.07 ], [ -48.21, -25.09 ], [ -48.21, -25.1 ], [ -48.19, -25.15 ], [ -48.18, -25.16 ], [ -48.18, -25.17 ], [ -48.19, -25.18 ], [ -48.19, -25.19 ], [ -48.18, -25.2 ], [ -48.18, -25.2 ], [ -48.17, -25.21 ], [ -48.16, -25.22 ], [ -48.15, -25.22 ], [ -48.09, -25.24 ], [ -48.09, -25.24 ], [ -48.08, -25.24 ], [ -48.07, -25.24 ], [ -48.07, -25.23 ], [ -48.07, -25.23 ], [ -48.06, -25.23 ], [ -48.06, -25.22 ], [ -48.05, -25.22 ], [ -48.05, -25.22 ], [ -48.04, -25.22 ], [ -48.04, -25.22 ], [ -48.03, -25.23 ], [ -48.04, -25.24 ], [ -48.07, -25.28 ], [ -48.08, -25.28 ], [ -48.08, -25.3 ], [ -48.08, -25.31 ], [ -48.08, -25.31 ], [ -48.09, -25.33 ], [ -48.17, -25.37 ], [ -48.17, -25.38 ], [ -48.2, -25.42 ], [ -48.21, -25.46 ], [ -48.23, -25.46 ], [ -48.24, -25.45 ], [ -48.25, -25.43 ], [ -48.25, -25.41 ], [ -48.22, -25.35 ], [ -48.22, -25.34 ], [ -48.22, -25.34 ], [ -48.22, -25.33 ], [ -48.21, -25.32 ], [ -48.2, -25.32 ], [ -48.18, -25.31 ], [ -48.14, -25.29 ], [ -48.13, -25.28 ], [ -48.14, -25.27 ], [ -48.15, -25.28 ], [ -48.17, -25.29 ], [ -48.2, -25.3 ], [ -48.22, -25.3 ], [ -48.23, -25.3 ], [ -48.24, -25.32 ], [ -48.25, -25.32 ], [ -48.26, -25.31 ], [ -48.27, -25.3 ], [ -48.28, -25.29 ], [ -48.28, -25.31 ], [ -48.28, -25.32 ], [ -48.29, -25.32 ], [ -48.3, -25.34 ], [ -48.31, -25.35 ], [ -48.32, -25.36 ], [ -48.33, -25.36 ], [ -48.32, -25.32 ], [ -48.33, -25.32 ], [ -48.33, -25.33 ], [ -48.34, -25.32 ], [ -48.33, -25.27 ], [ -48.33, -25.24 ], [ -48.33, -25.23 ], [ -48.34, -25.24 ], [ -48.35, -25.25 ], [ -48.36, -25.26 ], [ -48.36, -25.27 ], [ -48.37, -25.27 ], [ -48.37, -25.28 ], [ -48.37, -25.28 ], [ -48.36, -25.28 ], [ -48.36, -25.29 ], [ -48.35, -25.29 ], [ -48.35, -25.29 ], [ -48.35, -25.3 ], [ -48.36, -25.3 ], [ -48.36, -25.3 ], [ -48.37, -25.3 ], [ -48.38, -25.3 ], [ -48.41, -25.28 ], [ -48.41, -25.27 ], [ -48.42, -25.25 ], [ -48.43, -25.24 ], [ -48.43, -25.26 ], [ -48.44, -25.26 ], [ -48.45, -25.26 ], [ -48.45, -25.25 ], [ -48.45, -25.25 ], [ -48.46, -25.25 ], [ -48.45, -25.26 ], [ -48.43, -25.32 ], [ -48.45, -25.32 ], [ -48.48, -25.33 ], [ -48.5, -25.33 ], [ -48.5, -25.34 ], [ -48.46, -25.34 ], [ -48.45, -25.35 ], [ -48.43, -25.36 ], [ -48.45, -25.37 ], [ -48.46, -25.38 ], [ -48.45, -25.39 ], [ -48.43, -25.38 ], [ -48.43, -25.39 ], [ -48.42, -25.4 ], [ -48.41, -25.41 ], [ -48.42, -25.43 ], [ -48.43, -25.43 ], [ -48.44, -25.43 ], [ -48.45, -25.43 ], [ -48.45, -25.45 ], [ -48.46, -25.46 ], [ -48.46, -25.47 ], [ -48.47, -25.48 ], [ -48.49, -25.47 ], [ -48.5, -25.47 ], [ -48.52, -25.45 ], [ -48.53, -25.45 ], [ -48.54, -25.45 ], [ -48.55, -25.45 ], [ -48.56, -25.45 ], [ -48.56, -25.46 ], [ -48.58, -25.46 ], [ -48.62, -25.45 ], [ -48.64, -25.44 ], [ -48.68, -25.41 ], [ -48.69, -25.41 ], [ -48.73, -25.36 ], [ -48.74, -25.35 ], [ -48.74, -25.37 ], [ -48.72, -25.41 ], [ -48.72, -25.42 ], [ -48.72, -25.43 ], [ -48.71, -25.43 ], [ -48.7, -25.44 ], [ -48.7, -25.44 ], [ -48.68, -25.46 ], [ -48.69, -25.47 ], [ -48.71, -25.47 ], [ -48.73, -25.47 ], [ -48.71, -25.5 ], [ -48.68, -25.5 ], [ -48.65, -25.49 ], [ -48.62, -25.5 ], [ -48.62, -25.5 ], [ -48.62, -25.51 ], [ -48.63, -25.51 ], [ -48.64, -25.5 ], [ -48.64, -25.5 ], [ -48.65, -25.51 ], [ -48.65, -25.52 ], [ -48.64, -25.52 ], [ -48.63, -25.52 ], [ -48.62, -25.53 ], [ -48.61, -25.54 ], [ -48.6, -25.53 ], [ -48.58, -25.53 ], [ -48.56, -25.53 ], [ -48.52, -25.51 ], [ -48.51, -25.52 ], [ -48.49, -25.54 ], [ -48.47, -25.54 ], [ -48.48, -25.56 ], [ -48.48, -25.56 ], [ -48.48, -25.55 ], [ -48.49, -25.56 ], [ -48.5, -25.57 ], [ -48.5, -25.57 ], [ -48.48, -25.58 ], [ -48.47, -25.57 ], [ -48.46, -25.56 ], [ -48.46, -25.55 ], [ -48.44, -25.55 ], [ -48.42, -25.55 ], [ -48.41, -25.56 ], [ -48.39, -25.54 ], [ -48.36, -25.57 ], [ -48.39, -25.6 ], [ -48.43, -25.62 ], [ -48.52, -25.77 ], [ -48.52, -25.8 ], [ -48.54, -25.84 ], [ -48.54, -25.85 ], [ -48.56, -25.84 ], [ -48.57, -25.82 ], [ -48.59, -25.82 ], [ -48.58, -25.8 ], [ -48.58, -25.8 ], [ -48.59, -25.8 ], [ -48.6, -25.8 ], [ -48.61, -25.81 ], [ -48.62, -25.82 ], [ -48.61, -25.82 ], [ -48.6, -25.82 ], [ -48.59, -25.83 ], [ -48.59, -25.84 ], [ -48.58, -25.85 ], [ -48.58, -25.85 ], [ -48.65, -25.84 ], [ -48.74, -25.85 ], [ -48.75, -25.86 ], [ -48.76, -25.86 ], [ -48.77, -25.87 ], [ -48.77, -25.88 ], [ -48.77, -25.89 ], [ -48.76, -25.88 ], [ -48.75, -25.88 ], [ -48.74, -25.87 ], [ -48.58, -25.87 ], [ -48.57, -25.87 ], [ -48.57, -25.86 ], [ -48.56, -25.87 ], [ -48.56, -25.88 ], [ -48.56, -25.89 ], [ -48.56, -25.9 ], [ -48.58, -25.96 ], [ -48.58, -25.98 ], [ -48.58, -25.98 ], [ -48.61, -25.98 ], [ -48.62, -25.98 ], [ -48.65, -25.97 ], [ -48.92, -25.98 ], [ -48.92, -25.98 ], [ -48.93, -25.99 ], [ -48.93, -25.99 ], [ -48.93, -26 ], [ -48.95, -26.01 ], [ -48.97, -26.01 ], [ -48.98, -26.01 ], [ -49, -26.01 ], [ -49.02, -26 ], [ -49.03, -26 ], [ -49.03, -26 ], [ -49.04, -26 ], [ -49.04, -26.01 ], [ -49.04, -26.01 ], [ -49.05, -26.02 ], [ -49.05, -26.02 ], [ -49.07, -26.01 ], [ -49.08, -26.01 ], [ -49.09, -26.02 ], [ -49.1, -26.02 ], [ -49.1, -26.01 ], [ -49.1, -26.01 ], [ -49.1, -26 ], [ -49.1, -26 ], [ -49.1, -26 ], [ -49.1, -26 ], [ -49.11, -26 ], [ -49.11, -25.99 ], [ -49.12, -25.99 ], [ -49.12, -25.99 ], [ -49.12, -26 ], [ -49.13, -26 ], [ -49.13, -26 ], [ -49.13, -26 ], [ -49.13, -26 ], [ -49.14, -26.01 ], [ -49.18, -26.01 ], [ -49.2, -26.02 ], [ -49.21, -26.03 ], [ -49.24, -26.04 ], [ -49.25, -26.06 ], [ -49.28, -26.09 ], [ -49.29, -26.1 ], [ -49.3, -26.11 ], [ -49.38, -26.15 ], [ -49.43, -26.16 ], [ -49.44, -26.16 ], [ -49.45, -26.17 ], [ -49.46, -26.17 ], [ -49.46, -26.18 ], [ -49.47, -26.18 ], [ -49.48, -26.19 ], [ -49.48, -26.21 ], [ -49.49, -26.22 ], [ -49.51, -26.23 ], [ -49.55, -26.23 ], [ -49.58, -26.23 ], [ -49.59, -26.22 ], [ -49.67, -26.19 ], [ -49.72, -26.16 ], [ -49.73, -26.15 ], [ -49.73, -26.14 ], [ -49.74, -26.13 ], [ -49.75, -26.12 ], [ -49.82, -26.09 ], [ -49.83, -26.08 ], [ -49.85, -26.06 ], [ -49.85, -26.06 ], [ -49.87, -26.05 ], [ -49.88, -26.04 ], [ -49.89, -26.03 ], [ -49.9, -26.03 ], [ -49.92, -26.03 ], [ -49.93, -26.03 ], [ -49.93, -26.02 ], [ -49.94, -26.02 ], [ -49.94, -26.01 ], [ -49.95, -26.01 ], [ -49.97, -26.02 ], [ -49.99, -26.01 ], [ -50.01, -26.02 ], [ -50.01, -26.03 ], [ -50.03, -26.03 ], [ -50.12, -26.05 ], [ -50.15, -26.04 ], [ -50.16, -26.05 ], [ -50.18, -26.05 ], [ -50.18, -26.05 ], [ -50.19, -26.05 ], [ -50.21, -26.05 ], [ -50.21, -26.05 ], [ -50.22, -26.05 ], [ -50.22, -26.04 ], [ -50.23, -26.04 ], [ -50.24, -26.04 ], [ -50.27, -26.04 ], [ -50.28, -26.04 ], [ -50.29, -26.04 ], [ -50.3, -26.04 ], [ -50.32, -26.05 ], [ -50.32, -26.06 ], [ -50.33, -26.07 ], [ -50.33, -26.07 ], [ -50.33, -26.08 ], [ -50.33, -26.08 ], [ -50.33, -26.09 ], [ -50.33, -26.09 ], [ -50.32, -26.1 ], [ -50.33, -26.1 ], [ -50.33, -26.11 ], [ -50.34, -26.11 ], [ -50.34, -26.11 ], [ -50.35, -26.11 ], [ -50.36, -26.11 ], [ -50.36, -26.1 ], [ -50.36, -26.1 ], [ -50.37, -26.08 ], [ -50.37, -26.07 ], [ -50.38, -26.07 ], [ -50.38, -26.06 ], [ -50.38, -26.06 ], [ -50.39, -26.06 ], [ -50.4, -26.06 ], [ -50.43, -26.05 ], [ -50.44, -26.05 ], [ -50.44, -26.05 ], [ -50.45, -26.05 ], [ -50.45, -26.04 ], [ -50.45, -26.04 ], [ -50.45, -26.03 ], [ -50.46, -26.03 ], [ -50.48, -26.02 ], [ -50.54, -26.02 ], [ -50.55, -26.02 ], [ -50.56, -26.02 ], [ -50.57, -26.01 ], [ -50.58, -26.01 ], [ -50.59, -26.01 ], [ -50.59, -26.01 ], [ -50.6, -26.01 ], [ -50.59, -26.02 ], [ -50.59, -26.02 ], [ -50.59, -26.02 ], [ -50.57, -26.03 ], [ -50.56, -26.04 ], [ -50.56, -26.04 ], [ -50.56, -26.04 ], [ -50.56, -26.05 ], [ -50.58, -26.05 ], [ -50.62, -26.06 ], [ -50.64, -26.06 ], [ -50.64, -26.06 ], [ -50.65, -26.07 ], [ -50.66, -26.12 ], [ -50.67, -26.15 ], [ -50.68, -26.16 ], [ -50.7, -26.17 ], [ -50.72, -26.2 ], [ -50.73, -26.21 ], [ -50.73, -26.22 ], [ -50.73, -26.23 ], [ -50.74, -26.24 ], [ -50.74, -26.24 ], [ -50.75, -26.23 ], [ -50.76, -26.22 ], [ -50.76, -26.22 ], [ -50.77, -26.22 ], [ -50.78, -26.22 ], [ -50.79, -26.22 ], [ -50.8, -26.23 ], [ -50.83, -26.25 ], [ -50.84, -26.25 ], [ -50.84, -26.26 ], [ -50.85, -26.26 ], [ -50.86, -26.26 ], [ -50.86, -26.25 ], [ -50.88, -26.25 ], [ -50.89, -26.25 ], [ -50.89, -26.26 ], [ -50.89, -26.26 ], [ -50.9, -26.27 ], [ -50.9, -26.28 ], [ -50.91, -26.28 ], [ -50.91, -26.28 ], [ -50.91, -26.28 ], [ -50.91, -26.26 ], [ -50.92, -26.26 ], [ -50.92, -26.25 ], [ -50.92, -26.25 ], [ -50.93, -26.25 ], [ -50.93, -26.25 ], [ -50.94, -26.25 ], [ -50.95, -26.25 ], [ -50.95, -26.26 ], [ -50.96, -26.26 ], [ -50.96, -26.27 ], [ -50.97, -26.27 ], [ -50.97, -26.26 ], [ -50.98, -26.25 ], [ -50.99, -26.24 ], [ -50.99, -26.24 ], [ -51, -26.24 ], [ -51, -26.24 ], [ -51, -26.24 ], [ -51, -26.24 ], [ -51.02, -26.24 ], [ -51.03, -26.25 ], [ -51.04, -26.25 ], [ -51.05, -26.25 ], [ -51.06, -26.24 ], [ -51.06, -26.24 ], [ -51.07, -26.24 ], [ -51.07, -26.24 ], [ -51.08, -26.24 ], [ -51.08, -26.24 ], [ -51.09, -26.25 ], [ -51.1, -26.26 ], [ -51.11, -26.27 ], [ -51.12, -26.28 ], [ -51.13, -26.28 ], [ -51.14, -26.29 ], [ -51.2, -26.3 ], [ -51.21, -26.31 ], [ -51.21, -26.31 ], [ -51.22, -26.33 ], [ -51.24, -26.34 ], [ -51.24, -26.34 ], [ -51.25, -26.35 ], [ -51.25, -26.35 ], [ -51.25, -26.36 ], [ -51.26, -26.38 ], [ -51.26, -26.39 ], [ -51.27, -26.4 ], [ -51.28, -26.42 ], [ -51.29, -26.42 ], [ -51.29, -26.43 ], [ -51.29, -26.44 ], [ -51.29, -26.44 ], [ -51.29, -26.45 ], [ -51.28, -26.45 ], [ -51.27, -26.46 ], [ -51.27, -26.47 ], [ -51.27, -26.47 ], [ -51.27, -26.48 ], [ -51.28, -26.49 ], [ -51.28, -26.5 ], [ -51.28, -26.5 ], [ -51.25, -26.55 ], [ -51.24, -26.57 ], [ -51.24, -26.58 ], [ -51.24, -26.59 ], [ -51.24, -26.61 ], [ -51.25, -26.63 ], [ -51.29, -26.65 ], [ -51.29, -26.66 ], [ -51.3, -26.66 ], [ -51.33, -26.66 ], [ -51.39, -26.68 ], [ -51.4, -26.68 ], [ -51.4, -26.68 ], [ -51.41, -26.7 ], [ -51.41, -26.7 ], [ -51.42, -26.7 ], [ -51.42, -26.7 ], [ -51.42, -26.7 ], [ -51.43, -26.68 ], [ -51.44, -26.67 ], [ -51.45, -26.66 ], [ -51.45, -26.65 ], [ -51.46, -26.65 ], [ -51.47, -26.64 ], [ -51.48, -26.64 ], [ -51.48, -26.63 ], [ -51.48, -26.63 ], [ -51.48, -26.62 ], [ -51.48, -26.61 ], [ -51.49, -26.61 ], [ -51.49, -26.61 ], [ -51.49, -26.6 ], [ -51.5, -26.6 ], [ -51.5, -26.6 ], [ -51.5, -26.6 ], [ -51.61, -26.6 ], [ -51.62, -26.6 ], [ -51.63, -26.6 ], [ -51.63, -26.59 ], [ -51.64, -26.59 ], [ -51.65, -26.58 ], [ -51.65, -26.58 ], [ -51.66, -26.58 ], [ -51.66, -26.59 ], [ -51.68, -26.6 ], [ -51.69, -26.6 ], [ -51.71, -26.6 ], [ -51.87, -26.6 ], [ -51.94, -26.58 ], [ -51.96, -26.58 ], [ -52, -26.58 ], [ -52.01, -26.58 ], [ -52.01, -26.58 ], [ -52.02, -26.58 ], [ -52.04, -26.56 ], [ -52.09, -26.53 ], [ -52.11, -26.51 ], [ -52.11, -26.51 ], [ -52.12, -26.5 ], [ -52.12, -26.49 ], [ -52.13, -26.49 ], [ -52.18, -26.46 ], [ -52.19, -26.45 ], [ -52.2, -26.45 ], [ -52.21, -26.45 ], [ -52.23, -26.45 ], [ -52.25, -26.45 ], [ -52.28, -26.44 ], [ -52.3, -26.44 ], [ -52.33, -26.44 ], [ -52.34, -26.44 ], [ -52.36, -26.44 ], [ -52.4, -26.43 ], [ -52.46, -26.43 ], [ -52.46, -26.43 ], [ -52.47, -26.43 ], [ -52.5, -26.41 ], [ -52.54, -26.4 ], [ -52.62, -26.41 ], [ -52.64, -26.4 ], [ -52.65, -26.4 ], [ -52.65, -26.39 ], [ -52.65, -26.39 ], [ -52.67, -26.38 ], [ -52.82, -26.34 ], [ -52.83, -26.34 ], [ -52.85, -26.34 ], [ -52.86, -26.34 ], [ -52.88, -26.35 ], [ -52.91, -26.36 ], [ -52.94, -26.37 ], [ -52.95, -26.37 ], [ -52.96, -26.37 ], [ -52.97, -26.36 ], [ -52.98, -26.35 ], [ -52.99, -26.35 ], [ -52.99, -26.35 ], [ -53, -26.35 ], [ -53.04, -26.37 ], [ -53.1, -26.37 ], [ -53.11, -26.37 ], [ -53.12, -26.37 ], [ -53.13, -26.36 ], [ -53.13, -26.36 ], [ -53.14, -26.35 ], [ -53.14, -26.35 ], [ -53.15, -26.34 ], [ -53.18, -26.33 ], [ -53.2, -26.32 ], [ -53.25, -26.29 ], [ -53.25, -26.29 ], [ -53.25, -26.28 ], [ -53.26, -26.28 ], [ -53.27, -26.27 ], [ -53.28, -26.26 ], [ -53.34, -26.24 ], [ -53.36, -26.24 ], [ -53.37, -26.24 ], [ -53.37, -26.24 ], [ -53.38, -26.25 ], [ -53.46, -26.29 ], [ -53.47, -26.29 ], [ -53.48, -26.29 ], [ -53.5, -26.29 ], [ -53.51, -26.29 ], [ -53.52, -26.29 ], [ -53.55, -26.27 ], [ -53.61, -26.26 ], [ -53.62, -26.26 ], [ -53.63, -26.26 ], [ -53.65, -26.26 ], [ -53.66, -26.26 ], [ -53.67, -26.22 ], [ -53.69, -26.19 ], [ -53.73, -26.13 ], [ -53.75, -26.09 ], [ -53.75, -26.06 ], [ -53.77, -26.03 ], [ -53.79, -26 ], [ -53.79, -26 ], [ -53.79, -26 ], [ -53.83, -25.97 ], [ -53.83, -25.96 ], [ -53.84, -25.95 ], [ -53.83, -25.94 ], [ -53.83, -25.93 ], [ -53.83, -25.92 ], [ -53.84, -25.87 ], [ -53.84, -25.81 ], [ -53.84, -25.79 ], [ -53.85, -25.77 ], [ -53.86, -25.76 ], [ -53.88, -25.75 ], [ -53.88, -25.74 ], [ -53.89, -25.72 ], [ -53.88, -25.71 ], [ -53.88, -25.71 ], [ -53.88, -25.7 ], [ -53.89, -25.66 ], [ -53.9, -25.64 ], [ -53.91, -25.63 ], [ -53.95, -25.65 ], [ -53.97, -25.65 ], [ -53.98, -25.63 ], [ -53.98, -25.61 ], [ -53.98, -25.59 ], [ -54, -25.57 ], [ -54.02, -25.57 ], [ -54.03, -25.56 ], [ -54.04, -25.56 ], [ -54.04, -25.57 ], [ -54.06, -25.57 ], [ -54.07, -25.56 ], [ -54.08, -25.55 ], [ -54.09, -25.56 ], [ -54.09, -25.57 ], [ -54.09, -25.58 ], [ -54.09, -25.59 ], [ -54.09, -25.6 ], [ -54.1, -25.6 ], [ -54.11, -25.59 ], [ -54.12, -25.58 ], [ -54.12, -25.57 ], [ -54.13, -25.55 ], [ -54.12, -25.54 ], [ -54.11, -25.52 ], [ -54.11, -25.5 ], [ -54.11, -25.5 ], [ -54.12, -25.49 ], [ -54.12, -25.5 ], [ -54.13, -25.5 ], [ -54.15, -25.53 ], [ -54.17, -25.53 ], [ -54.18, -25.54 ], [ -54.2, -25.53 ], [ -54.21, -25.53 ], [ -54.21, -25.53 ], [ -54.19, -25.56 ], [ -54.19, -25.58 ], [ -54.21, -25.58 ], [ -54.23, -25.58 ], [ -54.24, -25.58 ], [ -54.24, -25.58 ], [ -54.25, -25.59 ], [ -54.26, -25.6 ], [ -54.26, -25.59 ], [ -54.27, -25.57 ], [ -54.28, -25.56 ], [ -54.3, -25.55 ], [ -54.32, -25.56 ], [ -54.33, -25.56 ], [ -54.35, -25.58 ], [ -54.36, -25.58 ], [ -54.38, -25.58 ], [ -54.39, -25.58 ], [ -54.4, -25.58 ], [ -54.4, -25.59 ], [ -54.4, -25.6 ], [ -54.4, -25.61 ], [ -54.41, -25.62 ], [ -54.41, -25.63 ], [ -54.43, -25.64 ], [ -54.44, -25.65 ], [ -54.44, -25.66 ], [ -54.43, -25.68 ], [ -54.44, -25.69 ], [ -54.45, -25.69 ], [ -54.45, -25.68 ], [ -54.46, -25.67 ], [ -54.46, -25.66 ], [ -54.46, -25.64 ], [ -54.47, -25.63 ], [ -54.49, -25.61 ], [ -54.51, -25.61 ], [ -54.53, -25.61 ], [ -54.54, -25.6 ], [ -54.54, -25.59 ], [ -54.55, -25.57 ], [ -54.56, -25.57 ], [ -54.6, -25.57 ], [ -54.6, -25.57 ], [ -54.59, -25.55 ], [ -54.59, -25.52 ], [ -54.6, -25.51 ], [ -54.61, -25.49 ], [ -54.61, -25.47 ], [ -54.61, -25.44 ], [ -54.61, -25.43 ], [ -54.6, -25.4 ], [ -54.58, -25.36 ], [ -54.55, -25.34 ], [ -54.53, -25.31 ], [ -54.5, -25.28 ], [ -54.48, -25.21 ], [ -54.47, -25.2 ], [ -54.44, -25.17 ], [ -54.43, -25.15 ], [ -54.43, -25.13 ], [ -54.46, -25.09 ], [ -54.46, -25.07 ], [ -54.46, -25.06 ], [ -54.46, -25.04 ], [ -54.45, -25 ], [ -54.41, -24.82 ], [ -54.4, -24.8 ], [ -54.37, -24.77 ], [ -54.36, -24.73 ], [ -54.32, -24.63 ], [ -54.32, -24.6 ], [ -54.33, -24.53 ], [ -54.33, -24.5 ], [ -54.32, -24.46 ], [ -54.28, -24.41 ], [ -54.27, -24.39 ], [ -54.26, -24.36 ], [ -54.26, -24.33 ], [ -54.27, -24.3 ], [ -54.28, -24.28 ], [ -54.31, -24.25 ], [ -54.31, -24.23 ], [ -54.32, -24.2 ], [ -54.33, -24.17 ], [ -54.33, -24.15 ], [ -54.32, -24.12 ], [ -54.3, -24.09 ], [ -54.27, -24.07 ], [ -54.25, -24.05 ], [ -54.25, -24.05 ], [ -54.2, -24.03 ], [ -54.19, -24.02 ], [ -54.18, -24.01 ], [ -54.1, -23.97 ], [ -54.08, -23.95 ], [ -54.07, -23.91 ], [ -54.07, -23.82 ], [ -54.06, -23.77 ], [ -54.03, -23.7 ], [ -54.02, -23.64 ], [ -53.97, -23.49 ], [ -53.97, -23.45 ], [ -53.97, -23.44 ], [ -53.95, -23.42 ], [ -53.86, -23.39 ], [ -53.75, -23.33 ], [ -53.73, -23.3 ], [ -53.71, -23.26 ], [ -53.68, -23.18 ], [ -53.66, -23.15 ], [ -53.64, -23.11 ], [ -53.63, -23.02 ], [ -53.62, -22.98 ], [ -53.6, -22.92 ], [ -53.58, -22.9 ], [ -53.55, -22.87 ], [ -53.48, -22.83 ], [ -53.17, -22.7 ], [ -53.17, -22.7 ], [ -53.15, -22.7 ], [ -53.12, -22.69 ], [ -53.1, -22.68 ], [ -53.06, -22.63 ], [ -53.01, -22.6 ], [ -52.99, -22.59 ], [ -52.97, -22.58 ], [ -52.95, -22.57 ], [ -52.89, -22.57 ], [ -52.88, -22.57 ], [ -52.85, -22.59 ], [ -52.84, -22.59 ], [ -52.79, -22.59 ], [ -52.69, -22.6 ], [ -52.67, -22.6 ], [ -52.61, -22.57 ], [ -52.58, -22.57 ], [ -52.55, -22.6 ], [ -52.52, -22.61 ], [ -52.48, -22.61 ], [ -52.46, -22.6 ], [ -52.45, -22.6 ], [ -52.41, -22.6 ], [ -52.38, -22.61 ], [ -52.34, -22.62 ], [ -52.31, -22.62 ], [ -52.29, -22.6 ], [ -52.28, -22.6 ], [ -52.26, -22.6 ], [ -52.25, -22.6 ], [ -52.25, -22.61 ], [ -52.24, -22.61 ], [ -52.23, -22.62 ], [ -52.23, -22.63 ], [ -52.22, -22.64 ], [ -52.19, -22.64 ], [ -52.17, -22.62 ], [ -52.16, -22.6 ], [ -52.15, -22.58 ], [ -52.15, -22.56 ], [ -52.14, -22.54 ], [ -52.12, -22.53 ], [ -52.09, -22.52 ], [ -52.07, -22.52 ], [ -52.03, -22.53 ], [ -51.98, -22.55 ], [ -51.87, -22.61 ], [ -51.86, -22.62 ] ] ] ] } } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 45240, "end" : 45246 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Paraná" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/20534454-488e-4f88-99e2-882e05e53b08", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Se refiere al Río Paraná.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-09-27T18:39:19+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://sws.geonames.org/3455077", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-10-17T10:16:00+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-10-17T10:16:00+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "MultiPolygon", "coordinates" : [ [ [ [ -48.31, -25.52 ], [ -48.3, -25.54 ], [ -48.29, -25.54 ], [ -48.29, -25.55 ], [ -48.31, -25.57 ], [ -48.32, -25.56 ], [ -48.31, -25.55 ], [ -48.31, -25.54 ], [ -48.33, -25.53 ], [ -48.35, -25.53 ], [ -48.37, -25.52 ], [ -48.38, -25.51 ], [ -48.38, -25.5 ], [ -48.36, -25.49 ], [ -48.33, -25.5 ], [ -48.31, -25.51 ], [ -48.31, -25.52 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.27, -25.48 ], [ -48.29, -25.49 ], [ -48.31, -25.49 ], [ -48.32, -25.47 ], [ -48.32, -25.45 ], [ -48.32, -25.44 ], [ -48.34, -25.43 ], [ -48.34, -25.41 ], [ -48.32, -25.38 ], [ -48.3, -25.37 ], [ -48.27, -25.35 ], [ -48.26, -25.35 ], [ -48.25, -25.36 ], [ -48.26, -25.39 ], [ -48.27, -25.43 ], [ -48.27, -25.45 ], [ -48.26, -25.47 ], [ -48.27, -25.48 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.86, -22.62 ], [ -51.83, -22.62 ], [ -51.77, -22.61 ], [ -51.74, -22.62 ], [ -51.71, -22.65 ], [ -51.7, -22.66 ], [ -51.68, -22.66 ], [ -51.66, -22.65 ], [ -51.64, -22.65 ], [ -51.62, -22.66 ], [ -51.59, -22.68 ], [ -51.57, -22.68 ], [ -51.55, -22.69 ], [ -51.51, -22.69 ], [ -51.49, -22.68 ], [ -51.47, -22.68 ], [ -51.47, -22.68 ], [ -51.46, -22.67 ], [ -51.44, -22.66 ], [ -51.44, -22.66 ], [ -51.43, -22.65 ], [ -51.42, -22.65 ], [ -51.4, -22.66 ], [ -51.39, -22.66 ], [ -51.38, -22.66 ], [ -51.37, -22.65 ], [ -51.36, -22.65 ], [ -51.36, -22.65 ], [ -51.35, -22.65 ], [ -51.33, -22.66 ], [ -51.32, -22.67 ], [ -51.29, -22.68 ], [ -51.26, -22.69 ], [ -51.18, -22.74 ], [ -51.11, -22.77 ], [ -51, -22.79 ], [ -50.88, -22.82 ], [ -50.87, -22.83 ], [ -50.86, -22.84 ], [ -50.82, -22.89 ], [ -50.81, -22.9 ], [ -50.8, -22.92 ], [ -50.79, -22.93 ], [ -50.79, -22.94 ], [ -50.78, -22.95 ], [ -50.76, -22.95 ], [ -50.75, -22.95 ], [ -50.73, -22.95 ], [ -50.71, -22.95 ], [ -50.7, -22.94 ], [ -50.68, -22.93 ], [ -50.66, -22.92 ], [ -50.63, -22.92 ], [ -50.54, -22.93 ], [ -50.52, -22.94 ], [ -50.52, -22.94 ], [ -50.51, -22.94 ], [ -50.51, -22.95 ], [ -50.5, -22.95 ], [ -50.44, -22.94 ], [ -50.43, -22.95 ], [ -50.41, -22.92 ], [ -50.4, -22.92 ], [ -50.38, -22.91 ], [ -50.37, -22.92 ], [ -50.35, -22.92 ], [ -50.33, -22.94 ], [ -50.32, -22.95 ], [ -50.31, -22.95 ], [ -50.29, -22.95 ], [ -50.28, -22.94 ], [ -50.28, -22.94 ], [ -50.26, -22.94 ], [ -50.24, -22.94 ], [ -50.23, -22.94 ], [ -50.21, -22.95 ], [ -50.12, -22.94 ], [ -50.11, -22.94 ], [ -50.1, -22.93 ], [ -50.03, -22.91 ], [ -50.02, -22.91 ], [ -50, -22.92 ], [ -50, -22.9 ], [ -49.99, -22.9 ], [ -49.98, -22.9 ], [ -49.97, -22.91 ], [ -49.97, -22.93 ], [ -49.97, -22.95 ], [ -49.96, -22.96 ], [ -49.93, -22.98 ], [ -49.91, -22.99 ], [ -49.91, -23 ], [ -49.91, -23.03 ], [ -49.91, -23.04 ], [ -49.89, -23.05 ], [ -49.88, -23.06 ], [ -49.87, -23.06 ], [ -49.84, -23.06 ], [ -49.83, -23.07 ], [ -49.8, -23.08 ], [ -49.79, -23.09 ], [ -49.77, -23.1 ], [ -49.76, -23.1 ], [ -49.76, -23.1 ], [ -49.75, -23.1 ], [ -49.74, -23.1 ], [ -49.73, -23.1 ], [ -49.73, -23.11 ], [ -49.73, -23.12 ], [ -49.73, -23.13 ], [ -49.72, -23.13 ], [ -49.72, -23.14 ], [ -49.7, -23.16 ], [ -49.67, -23.2 ], [ -49.64, -23.26 ], [ -49.62, -23.35 ], [ -49.61, -23.39 ], [ -49.62, -23.41 ], [ -49.64, -23.47 ], [ -49.65, -23.49 ], [ -49.65, -23.49 ], [ -49.65, -23.5 ], [ -49.65, -23.5 ], [ -49.65, -23.51 ], [ -49.65, -23.51 ], [ -49.65, -23.52 ], [ -49.64, -23.53 ], [ -49.63, -23.53 ], [ -49.63, -23.54 ], [ -49.63, -23.55 ], [ -49.62, -23.59 ], [ -49.62, -23.61 ], [ -49.61, -23.64 ], [ -49.59, -23.67 ], [ -49.58, -23.68 ], [ -49.56, -23.69 ], [ -49.56, -23.7 ], [ -49.55, -23.7 ], [ -49.55, -23.71 ], [ -49.56, -23.76 ], [ -49.56, -23.81 ], [ -49.57, -23.82 ], [ -49.57, -23.83 ], [ -49.57, -23.84 ], [ -49.58, -23.85 ], [ -49.58, -23.85 ], [ -49.59, -23.85 ], [ -49.6, -23.85 ], [ -49.6, -23.86 ], [ -49.6, -23.86 ], [ -49.6, -23.88 ], [ -49.59, -23.89 ], [ -49.59, -23.89 ], [ -49.58, -23.89 ], [ -49.57, -23.9 ], [ -49.57, -23.9 ], [ -49.55, -23.93 ], [ -49.54, -23.94 ], [ -49.53, -23.94 ], [ -49.53, -23.94 ], [ -49.52, -23.93 ], [ -49.52, -23.93 ], [ -49.51, -23.94 ], [ -49.51, -23.94 ], [ -49.51, -23.95 ], [ -49.51, -23.96 ], [ -49.51, -23.96 ], [ -49.51, -23.97 ], [ -49.5, -23.98 ], [ -49.49, -23.99 ], [ -49.48, -24.01 ], [ -49.46, -24.03 ], [ -49.45, -24.05 ], [ -49.45, -24.05 ], [ -49.44, -24.06 ], [ -49.43, -24.06 ], [ -49.43, -24.06 ], [ -49.42, -24.07 ], [ -49.42, -24.08 ], [ -49.41, -24.09 ], [ -49.4, -24.09 ], [ -49.4, -24.09 ], [ -49.38, -24.1 ], [ -49.37, -24.1 ], [ -49.36, -24.1 ], [ -49.36, -24.11 ], [ -49.35, -24.11 ], [ -49.34, -24.13 ], [ -49.34, -24.13 ], [ -49.33, -24.14 ], [ -49.33, -24.15 ], [ -49.33, -24.19 ], [ -49.33, -24.2 ], [ -49.34, -24.21 ], [ -49.34, -24.22 ], [ -49.34, -24.22 ], [ -49.33, -24.23 ], [ -49.32, -24.24 ], [ -49.32, -24.24 ], [ -49.31, -24.24 ], [ -49.31, -24.24 ], [ -49.3, -24.25 ], [ -49.29, -24.3 ], [ -49.28, -24.31 ], [ -49.27, -24.32 ], [ -49.27, -24.32 ], [ -49.26, -24.32 ], [ -49.25, -24.33 ], [ -49.25, -24.33 ], [ -49.24, -24.33 ], [ -49.24, -24.33 ], [ -49.23, -24.34 ], [ -49.23, -24.34 ], [ -49.22, -24.34 ], [ -49.22, -24.35 ], [ -49.22, -24.36 ], [ -49.23, -24.37 ], [ -49.24, -24.38 ], [ -49.25, -24.38 ], [ -49.25, -24.39 ], [ -49.25, -24.39 ], [ -49.25, -24.4 ], [ -49.24, -24.41 ], [ -49.24, -24.41 ], [ -49.24, -24.42 ], [ -49.25, -24.43 ], [ -49.26, -24.43 ], [ -49.28, -24.44 ], [ -49.29, -24.44 ], [ -49.29, -24.44 ], [ -49.3, -24.45 ], [ -49.29, -24.45 ], [ -49.29, -24.46 ], [ -49.27, -24.47 ], [ -49.28, -24.5 ], [ -49.28, -24.51 ], [ -49.28, -24.52 ], [ -49.28, -24.52 ], [ -49.28, -24.53 ], [ -49.29, -24.53 ], [ -49.31, -24.53 ], [ -49.32, -24.54 ], [ -49.32, -24.54 ], [ -49.32, -24.55 ], [ -49.32, -24.55 ], [ -49.32, -24.56 ], [ -49.32, -24.57 ], [ -49.3, -24.59 ], [ -49.3, -24.6 ], [ -49.3, -24.6 ], [ -49.3, -24.63 ], [ -49.3, -24.64 ], [ -49.3, -24.65 ], [ -49.3, -24.66 ], [ -49.3, -24.66 ], [ -49.3, -24.67 ], [ -49.28, -24.67 ], [ -49.22, -24.69 ], [ -49.2, -24.69 ], [ -49.19, -24.69 ], [ -49.17, -24.68 ], [ -49.15, -24.68 ], [ -49.09, -24.69 ], [ -49.05, -24.68 ], [ -49.03, -24.67 ], [ -49.03, -24.63 ], [ -49.01, -24.64 ], [ -48.98, -24.67 ], [ -48.95, -24.68 ], [ -48.87, -24.67 ], [ -48.85, -24.67 ], [ -48.85, -24.67 ], [ -48.85, -24.67 ], [ -48.85, -24.66 ], [ -48.83, -24.66 ], [ -48.81, -24.67 ], [ -48.8, -24.69 ], [ -48.78, -24.7 ], [ -48.78, -24.7 ], [ -48.77, -24.69 ], [ -48.77, -24.69 ], [ -48.76, -24.69 ], [ -48.75, -24.69 ], [ -48.74, -24.69 ], [ -48.71, -24.69 ], [ -48.69, -24.68 ], [ -48.69, -24.67 ], [ -48.68, -24.67 ], [ -48.67, -24.69 ], [ -48.67, -24.7 ], [ -48.66, -24.71 ], [ -48.65, -24.71 ], [ -48.65, -24.7 ], [ -48.64, -24.7 ], [ -48.63, -24.69 ], [ -48.61, -24.68 ], [ -48.61, -24.68 ], [ -48.6, -24.68 ], [ -48.59, -24.68 ], [ -48.59, -24.68 ], [ -48.58, -24.68 ], [ -48.58, -24.69 ], [ -48.57, -24.69 ], [ -48.57, -24.7 ], [ -48.57, -24.7 ], [ -48.56, -24.71 ], [ -48.56, -24.71 ], [ -48.55, -24.72 ], [ -48.55, -24.72 ], [ -48.49, -24.74 ], [ -48.49, -24.74 ], [ -48.49, -24.75 ], [ -48.49, -24.76 ], [ -48.5, -24.78 ], [ -48.51, -24.79 ], [ -48.52, -24.79 ], [ -48.53, -24.8 ], [ -48.54, -24.81 ], [ -48.55, -24.82 ], [ -48.55, -24.83 ], [ -48.54, -24.86 ], [ -48.54, -24.87 ], [ -48.54, -24.88 ], [ -48.55, -24.89 ], [ -48.56, -24.89 ], [ -48.56, -24.9 ], [ -48.56, -24.91 ], [ -48.56, -24.94 ], [ -48.56, -24.97 ], [ -48.56, -24.98 ], [ -48.57, -24.98 ], [ -48.57, -24.98 ], [ -48.59, -25 ], [ -48.59, -25 ], [ -48.59, -25 ], [ -48.59, -25 ], [ -48.59, -25 ], [ -48.59, -25.01 ], [ -48.59, -25.02 ], [ -48.57, -25.05 ], [ -48.57, -25.05 ], [ -48.57, -25.06 ], [ -48.54, -25.07 ], [ -48.51, -25.08 ], [ -48.51, -25.08 ], [ -48.5, -25.08 ], [ -48.49, -25.08 ], [ -48.49, -25.07 ], [ -48.49, -25.06 ], [ -48.48, -25.06 ], [ -48.48, -25.05 ], [ -48.48, -25.05 ], [ -48.47, -25.04 ], [ -48.47, -25.04 ], [ -48.46, -25.03 ], [ -48.46, -25.03 ], [ -48.46, -25.02 ], [ -48.46, -25.01 ], [ -48.46, -25 ], [ -48.46, -25 ], [ -48.46, -25 ], [ -48.46, -24.99 ], [ -48.46, -24.99 ], [ -48.45, -24.98 ], [ -48.43, -24.97 ], [ -48.43, -24.97 ], [ -48.42, -24.96 ], [ -48.42, -24.96 ], [ -48.41, -24.96 ], [ -48.4, -24.97 ], [ -48.39, -24.97 ], [ -48.37, -24.97 ], [ -48.36, -24.98 ], [ -48.35, -24.98 ], [ -48.35, -24.99 ], [ -48.34, -24.99 ], [ -48.34, -25 ], [ -48.34, -25 ], [ -48.34, -25 ], [ -48.34, -25.01 ], [ -48.34, -25.01 ], [ -48.33, -25.02 ], [ -48.32, -25.02 ], [ -48.3, -25.01 ], [ -48.29, -25.01 ], [ -48.28, -25.02 ], [ -48.28, -25.02 ], [ -48.28, -25.03 ], [ -48.28, -25.03 ], [ -48.27, -25.03 ], [ -48.26, -25.03 ], [ -48.23, -25.01 ], [ -48.21, -25.07 ], [ -48.21, -25.09 ], [ -48.21, -25.1 ], [ -48.19, -25.15 ], [ -48.18, -25.16 ], [ -48.18, -25.17 ], [ -48.19, -25.18 ], [ -48.19, -25.19 ], [ -48.18, -25.2 ], [ -48.18, -25.2 ], [ -48.17, -25.21 ], [ -48.16, -25.22 ], [ -48.15, -25.22 ], [ -48.09, -25.24 ], [ -48.09, -25.24 ], [ -48.08, -25.24 ], [ -48.07, -25.24 ], [ -48.07, -25.23 ], [ -48.07, -25.23 ], [ -48.06, -25.23 ], [ -48.06, -25.22 ], [ -48.05, -25.22 ], [ -48.05, -25.22 ], [ -48.04, -25.22 ], [ -48.04, -25.22 ], [ -48.03, -25.23 ], [ -48.04, -25.24 ], [ -48.07, -25.28 ], [ -48.08, -25.28 ], [ -48.08, -25.3 ], [ -48.08, -25.31 ], [ -48.08, -25.31 ], [ -48.09, -25.33 ], [ -48.17, -25.37 ], [ -48.17, -25.38 ], [ -48.2, -25.42 ], [ -48.21, -25.46 ], [ -48.23, -25.46 ], [ -48.24, -25.45 ], [ -48.25, -25.43 ], [ -48.25, -25.41 ], [ -48.22, -25.35 ], [ -48.22, -25.34 ], [ -48.22, -25.34 ], [ -48.22, -25.33 ], [ -48.21, -25.32 ], [ -48.2, -25.32 ], [ -48.18, -25.31 ], [ -48.14, -25.29 ], [ -48.13, -25.28 ], [ -48.14, -25.27 ], [ -48.15, -25.28 ], [ -48.17, -25.29 ], [ -48.2, -25.3 ], [ -48.22, -25.3 ], [ -48.23, -25.3 ], [ -48.24, -25.32 ], [ -48.25, -25.32 ], [ -48.26, -25.31 ], [ -48.27, -25.3 ], [ -48.28, -25.29 ], [ -48.28, -25.31 ], [ -48.28, -25.32 ], [ -48.29, -25.32 ], [ -48.3, -25.34 ], [ -48.31, -25.35 ], [ -48.32, -25.36 ], [ -48.33, -25.36 ], [ -48.32, -25.32 ], [ -48.33, -25.32 ], [ -48.33, -25.33 ], [ -48.34, -25.32 ], [ -48.33, -25.27 ], [ -48.33, -25.24 ], [ -48.33, -25.23 ], [ -48.34, -25.24 ], [ -48.35, -25.25 ], [ -48.36, -25.26 ], [ -48.36, -25.27 ], [ -48.37, -25.27 ], [ -48.37, -25.28 ], [ -48.37, -25.28 ], [ -48.36, -25.28 ], [ -48.36, -25.29 ], [ -48.35, -25.29 ], [ -48.35, -25.29 ], [ -48.35, -25.3 ], [ -48.36, -25.3 ], [ -48.36, -25.3 ], [ -48.37, -25.3 ], [ -48.38, -25.3 ], [ -48.41, -25.28 ], [ -48.41, -25.27 ], [ -48.42, -25.25 ], [ -48.43, -25.24 ], [ -48.43, -25.26 ], [ -48.44, -25.26 ], [ -48.45, -25.26 ], [ -48.45, -25.25 ], [ -48.45, -25.25 ], [ -48.46, -25.25 ], [ -48.45, -25.26 ], [ -48.43, -25.32 ], [ -48.45, -25.32 ], [ -48.48, -25.33 ], [ -48.5, -25.33 ], [ -48.5, -25.34 ], [ -48.46, -25.34 ], [ -48.45, -25.35 ], [ -48.43, -25.36 ], [ -48.45, -25.37 ], [ -48.46, -25.38 ], [ -48.45, -25.39 ], [ -48.43, -25.38 ], [ -48.43, -25.39 ], [ -48.42, -25.4 ], [ -48.41, -25.41 ], [ -48.42, -25.43 ], [ -48.43, -25.43 ], [ -48.44, -25.43 ], [ -48.45, -25.43 ], [ -48.45, -25.45 ], [ -48.46, -25.46 ], [ -48.46, -25.47 ], [ -48.47, -25.48 ], [ -48.49, -25.47 ], [ -48.5, -25.47 ], [ -48.52, -25.45 ], [ -48.53, -25.45 ], [ -48.54, -25.45 ], [ -48.55, -25.45 ], [ -48.56, -25.45 ], [ -48.56, -25.46 ], [ -48.58, -25.46 ], [ -48.62, -25.45 ], [ -48.64, -25.44 ], [ -48.68, -25.41 ], [ -48.69, -25.41 ], [ -48.73, -25.36 ], [ -48.74, -25.35 ], [ -48.74, -25.37 ], [ -48.72, -25.41 ], [ -48.72, -25.42 ], [ -48.72, -25.43 ], [ -48.71, -25.43 ], [ -48.7, -25.44 ], [ -48.7, -25.44 ], [ -48.68, -25.46 ], [ -48.69, -25.47 ], [ -48.71, -25.47 ], [ -48.73, -25.47 ], [ -48.71, -25.5 ], [ -48.68, -25.5 ], [ -48.65, -25.49 ], [ -48.62, -25.5 ], [ -48.62, -25.5 ], [ -48.62, -25.51 ], [ -48.63, -25.51 ], [ -48.64, -25.5 ], [ -48.64, -25.5 ], [ -48.65, -25.51 ], [ -48.65, -25.52 ], [ -48.64, -25.52 ], [ -48.63, -25.52 ], [ -48.62, -25.53 ], [ -48.61, -25.54 ], [ -48.6, -25.53 ], [ -48.58, -25.53 ], [ -48.56, -25.53 ], [ -48.52, -25.51 ], [ -48.51, -25.52 ], [ -48.49, -25.54 ], [ -48.47, -25.54 ], [ -48.48, -25.56 ], [ -48.48, -25.56 ], [ -48.48, -25.55 ], [ -48.49, -25.56 ], [ -48.5, -25.57 ], [ -48.5, -25.57 ], [ -48.48, -25.58 ], [ -48.47, -25.57 ], [ -48.46, -25.56 ], [ -48.46, -25.55 ], [ -48.44, -25.55 ], [ -48.42, -25.55 ], [ -48.41, -25.56 ], [ -48.39, -25.54 ], [ -48.36, -25.57 ], [ -48.39, -25.6 ], [ -48.43, -25.62 ], [ -48.52, -25.77 ], [ -48.52, -25.8 ], [ -48.54, -25.84 ], [ -48.54, -25.85 ], [ -48.56, -25.84 ], [ -48.57, -25.82 ], [ -48.59, -25.82 ], [ -48.58, -25.8 ], [ -48.58, -25.8 ], [ -48.59, -25.8 ], [ -48.6, -25.8 ], [ -48.61, -25.81 ], [ -48.62, -25.82 ], [ -48.61, -25.82 ], [ -48.6, -25.82 ], [ -48.59, -25.83 ], [ -48.59, -25.84 ], [ -48.58, -25.85 ], [ -48.58, -25.85 ], [ -48.65, -25.84 ], [ -48.74, -25.85 ], [ -48.75, -25.86 ], [ -48.76, -25.86 ], [ -48.77, -25.87 ], [ -48.77, -25.88 ], [ -48.77, -25.89 ], [ -48.76, -25.88 ], [ -48.75, -25.88 ], [ -48.74, -25.87 ], [ -48.58, -25.87 ], [ -48.57, -25.87 ], [ -48.57, -25.86 ], [ -48.56, -25.87 ], [ -48.56, -25.88 ], [ -48.56, -25.89 ], [ -48.56, -25.9 ], [ -48.58, -25.96 ], [ -48.58, -25.98 ], [ -48.58, -25.98 ], [ -48.61, -25.98 ], [ -48.62, -25.98 ], [ -48.65, -25.97 ], [ -48.92, -25.98 ], [ -48.92, -25.98 ], [ -48.93, -25.99 ], [ -48.93, -25.99 ], [ -48.93, -26 ], [ -48.95, -26.01 ], [ -48.97, -26.01 ], [ -48.98, -26.01 ], [ -49, -26.01 ], [ -49.02, -26 ], [ -49.03, -26 ], [ -49.03, -26 ], [ -49.04, -26 ], [ -49.04, -26.01 ], [ -49.04, -26.01 ], [ -49.05, -26.02 ], [ -49.05, -26.02 ], [ -49.07, -26.01 ], [ -49.08, -26.01 ], [ -49.09, -26.02 ], [ -49.1, -26.02 ], [ -49.1, -26.01 ], [ -49.1, -26.01 ], [ -49.1, -26 ], [ -49.1, -26 ], [ -49.1, -26 ], [ -49.1, -26 ], [ -49.11, -26 ], [ -49.11, -25.99 ], [ -49.12, -25.99 ], [ -49.12, -25.99 ], [ -49.12, -26 ], [ -49.13, -26 ], [ -49.13, -26 ], [ -49.13, -26 ], [ -49.13, -26 ], [ -49.14, -26.01 ], [ -49.18, -26.01 ], [ -49.2, -26.02 ], [ -49.21, -26.03 ], [ -49.24, -26.04 ], [ -49.25, -26.06 ], [ -49.28, -26.09 ], [ -49.29, -26.1 ], [ -49.3, -26.11 ], [ -49.38, -26.15 ], [ -49.43, -26.16 ], [ -49.44, -26.16 ], [ -49.45, -26.17 ], [ -49.46, -26.17 ], [ -49.46, -26.18 ], [ -49.47, -26.18 ], [ -49.48, -26.19 ], [ -49.48, -26.21 ], [ -49.49, -26.22 ], [ -49.51, -26.23 ], [ -49.55, -26.23 ], [ -49.58, -26.23 ], [ -49.59, -26.22 ], [ -49.67, -26.19 ], [ -49.72, -26.16 ], [ -49.73, -26.15 ], [ -49.73, -26.14 ], [ -49.74, -26.13 ], [ -49.75, -26.12 ], [ -49.82, -26.09 ], [ -49.83, -26.08 ], [ -49.85, -26.06 ], [ -49.85, -26.06 ], [ -49.87, -26.05 ], [ -49.88, -26.04 ], [ -49.89, -26.03 ], [ -49.9, -26.03 ], [ -49.92, -26.03 ], [ -49.93, -26.03 ], [ -49.93, -26.02 ], [ -49.94, -26.02 ], [ -49.94, -26.01 ], [ -49.95, -26.01 ], [ -49.97, -26.02 ], [ -49.99, -26.01 ], [ -50.01, -26.02 ], [ -50.01, -26.03 ], [ -50.03, -26.03 ], [ -50.12, -26.05 ], [ -50.15, -26.04 ], [ -50.16, -26.05 ], [ -50.18, -26.05 ], [ -50.18, -26.05 ], [ -50.19, -26.05 ], [ -50.21, -26.05 ], [ -50.21, -26.05 ], [ -50.22, -26.05 ], [ -50.22, -26.04 ], [ -50.23, -26.04 ], [ -50.24, -26.04 ], [ -50.27, -26.04 ], [ -50.28, -26.04 ], [ -50.29, -26.04 ], [ -50.3, -26.04 ], [ -50.32, -26.05 ], [ -50.32, -26.06 ], [ -50.33, -26.07 ], [ -50.33, -26.07 ], [ -50.33, -26.08 ], [ -50.33, -26.08 ], [ -50.33, -26.09 ], [ -50.33, -26.09 ], [ -50.32, -26.1 ], [ -50.33, -26.1 ], [ -50.33, -26.11 ], [ -50.34, -26.11 ], [ -50.34, -26.11 ], [ -50.35, -26.11 ], [ -50.36, -26.11 ], [ -50.36, -26.1 ], [ -50.36, -26.1 ], [ -50.37, -26.08 ], [ -50.37, -26.07 ], [ -50.38, -26.07 ], [ -50.38, -26.06 ], [ -50.38, -26.06 ], [ -50.39, -26.06 ], [ -50.4, -26.06 ], [ -50.43, -26.05 ], [ -50.44, -26.05 ], [ -50.44, -26.05 ], [ -50.45, -26.05 ], [ -50.45, -26.04 ], [ -50.45, -26.04 ], [ -50.45, -26.03 ], [ -50.46, -26.03 ], [ -50.48, -26.02 ], [ -50.54, -26.02 ], [ -50.55, -26.02 ], [ -50.56, -26.02 ], [ -50.57, -26.01 ], [ -50.58, -26.01 ], [ -50.59, -26.01 ], [ -50.59, -26.01 ], [ -50.6, -26.01 ], [ -50.59, -26.02 ], [ -50.59, -26.02 ], [ -50.59, -26.02 ], [ -50.57, -26.03 ], [ -50.56, -26.04 ], [ -50.56, -26.04 ], [ -50.56, -26.04 ], [ -50.56, -26.05 ], [ -50.58, -26.05 ], [ -50.62, -26.06 ], [ -50.64, -26.06 ], [ -50.64, -26.06 ], [ -50.65, -26.07 ], [ -50.66, -26.12 ], [ -50.67, -26.15 ], [ -50.68, -26.16 ], [ -50.7, -26.17 ], [ -50.72, -26.2 ], [ -50.73, -26.21 ], [ -50.73, -26.22 ], [ -50.73, -26.23 ], [ -50.74, -26.24 ], [ -50.74, -26.24 ], [ -50.75, -26.23 ], [ -50.76, -26.22 ], [ -50.76, -26.22 ], [ -50.77, -26.22 ], [ -50.78, -26.22 ], [ -50.79, -26.22 ], [ -50.8, -26.23 ], [ -50.83, -26.25 ], [ -50.84, -26.25 ], [ -50.84, -26.26 ], [ -50.85, -26.26 ], [ -50.86, -26.26 ], [ -50.86, -26.25 ], [ -50.88, -26.25 ], [ -50.89, -26.25 ], [ -50.89, -26.26 ], [ -50.89, -26.26 ], [ -50.9, -26.27 ], [ -50.9, -26.28 ], [ -50.91, -26.28 ], [ -50.91, -26.28 ], [ -50.91, -26.28 ], [ -50.91, -26.26 ], [ -50.92, -26.26 ], [ -50.92, -26.25 ], [ -50.92, -26.25 ], [ -50.93, -26.25 ], [ -50.93, -26.25 ], [ -50.94, -26.25 ], [ -50.95, -26.25 ], [ -50.95, -26.26 ], [ -50.96, -26.26 ], [ -50.96, -26.27 ], [ -50.97, -26.27 ], [ -50.97, -26.26 ], [ -50.98, -26.25 ], [ -50.99, -26.24 ], [ -50.99, -26.24 ], [ -51, -26.24 ], [ -51, -26.24 ], [ -51, -26.24 ], [ -51, -26.24 ], [ -51.02, -26.24 ], [ -51.03, -26.25 ], [ -51.04, -26.25 ], [ -51.05, -26.25 ], [ -51.06, -26.24 ], [ -51.06, -26.24 ], [ -51.07, -26.24 ], [ -51.07, -26.24 ], [ -51.08, -26.24 ], [ -51.08, -26.24 ], [ -51.09, -26.25 ], [ -51.1, -26.26 ], [ -51.11, -26.27 ], [ -51.12, -26.28 ], [ -51.13, -26.28 ], [ -51.14, -26.29 ], [ -51.2, -26.3 ], [ -51.21, -26.31 ], [ -51.21, -26.31 ], [ -51.22, -26.33 ], [ -51.24, -26.34 ], [ -51.24, -26.34 ], [ -51.25, -26.35 ], [ -51.25, -26.35 ], [ -51.25, -26.36 ], [ -51.26, -26.38 ], [ -51.26, -26.39 ], [ -51.27, -26.4 ], [ -51.28, -26.42 ], [ -51.29, -26.42 ], [ -51.29, -26.43 ], [ -51.29, -26.44 ], [ -51.29, -26.44 ], [ -51.29, -26.45 ], [ -51.28, -26.45 ], [ -51.27, -26.46 ], [ -51.27, -26.47 ], [ -51.27, -26.47 ], [ -51.27, -26.48 ], [ -51.28, -26.49 ], [ -51.28, -26.5 ], [ -51.28, -26.5 ], [ -51.25, -26.55 ], [ -51.24, -26.57 ], [ -51.24, -26.58 ], [ -51.24, -26.59 ], [ -51.24, -26.61 ], [ -51.25, -26.63 ], [ -51.29, -26.65 ], [ -51.29, -26.66 ], [ -51.3, -26.66 ], [ -51.33, -26.66 ], [ -51.39, -26.68 ], [ -51.4, -26.68 ], [ -51.4, -26.68 ], [ -51.41, -26.7 ], [ -51.41, -26.7 ], [ -51.42, -26.7 ], [ -51.42, -26.7 ], [ -51.42, -26.7 ], [ -51.43, -26.68 ], [ -51.44, -26.67 ], [ -51.45, -26.66 ], [ -51.45, -26.65 ], [ -51.46, -26.65 ], [ -51.47, -26.64 ], [ -51.48, -26.64 ], [ -51.48, -26.63 ], [ -51.48, -26.63 ], [ -51.48, -26.62 ], [ -51.48, -26.61 ], [ -51.49, -26.61 ], [ -51.49, -26.61 ], [ -51.49, -26.6 ], [ -51.5, -26.6 ], [ -51.5, -26.6 ], [ -51.5, -26.6 ], [ -51.61, -26.6 ], [ -51.62, -26.6 ], [ -51.63, -26.6 ], [ -51.63, -26.59 ], [ -51.64, -26.59 ], [ -51.65, -26.58 ], [ -51.65, -26.58 ], [ -51.66, -26.58 ], [ -51.66, -26.59 ], [ -51.68, -26.6 ], [ -51.69, -26.6 ], [ -51.71, -26.6 ], [ -51.87, -26.6 ], [ -51.94, -26.58 ], [ -51.96, -26.58 ], [ -52, -26.58 ], [ -52.01, -26.58 ], [ -52.01, -26.58 ], [ -52.02, -26.58 ], [ -52.04, -26.56 ], [ -52.09, -26.53 ], [ -52.11, -26.51 ], [ -52.11, -26.51 ], [ -52.12, -26.5 ], [ -52.12, -26.49 ], [ -52.13, -26.49 ], [ -52.18, -26.46 ], [ -52.19, -26.45 ], [ -52.2, -26.45 ], [ -52.21, -26.45 ], [ -52.23, -26.45 ], [ -52.25, -26.45 ], [ -52.28, -26.44 ], [ -52.3, -26.44 ], [ -52.33, -26.44 ], [ -52.34, -26.44 ], [ -52.36, -26.44 ], [ -52.4, -26.43 ], [ -52.46, -26.43 ], [ -52.46, -26.43 ], [ -52.47, -26.43 ], [ -52.5, -26.41 ], [ -52.54, -26.4 ], [ -52.62, -26.41 ], [ -52.64, -26.4 ], [ -52.65, -26.4 ], [ -52.65, -26.39 ], [ -52.65, -26.39 ], [ -52.67, -26.38 ], [ -52.82, -26.34 ], [ -52.83, -26.34 ], [ -52.85, -26.34 ], [ -52.86, -26.34 ], [ -52.88, -26.35 ], [ -52.91, -26.36 ], [ -52.94, -26.37 ], [ -52.95, -26.37 ], [ -52.96, -26.37 ], [ -52.97, -26.36 ], [ -52.98, -26.35 ], [ -52.99, -26.35 ], [ -52.99, -26.35 ], [ -53, -26.35 ], [ -53.04, -26.37 ], [ -53.1, -26.37 ], [ -53.11, -26.37 ], [ -53.12, -26.37 ], [ -53.13, -26.36 ], [ -53.13, -26.36 ], [ -53.14, -26.35 ], [ -53.14, -26.35 ], [ -53.15, -26.34 ], [ -53.18, -26.33 ], [ -53.2, -26.32 ], [ -53.25, -26.29 ], [ -53.25, -26.29 ], [ -53.25, -26.28 ], [ -53.26, -26.28 ], [ -53.27, -26.27 ], [ -53.28, -26.26 ], [ -53.34, -26.24 ], [ -53.36, -26.24 ], [ -53.37, -26.24 ], [ -53.37, -26.24 ], [ -53.38, -26.25 ], [ -53.46, -26.29 ], [ -53.47, -26.29 ], [ -53.48, -26.29 ], [ -53.5, -26.29 ], [ -53.51, -26.29 ], [ -53.52, -26.29 ], [ -53.55, -26.27 ], [ -53.61, -26.26 ], 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"San Juan" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/8c0bd073-98ce-4180-a9b3-4119987f51cd", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PLACE", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-20T18:36:08+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Las Indias Occidentales se refiere, comúnmente, a las islas del Caribe denominadas Antillas y Bahamas. La aplicación de Indias Occidentales a esta región es, según la RAE, «admisible siempre que no haya posible confusión con la denominación tradicional de todo el continente», aunque precisa que es uso influido por la denominación inglesa West Indies. Por tanto, originalmente se aplicó a América, aunque con este valor es un arcaísmo.Tradicionalmente, el nombre fue dado a las posesiones europeas en los nuevos territorios descubiertos y por descubrir en América, y que se dio inicio con la llegada de Cristóbal Colón en el siglo XV, quien por otro lado desconocía que en su viaje de circunnavegación había llegado a un Nuevo Mundo, en lugar de a las Indias. De aquí deriva el título de Rey de las Islas y Tierra Firme del mar Océano que por tradición histórica está vinculado a la monarquía española.Con la exploración y la cartografía del Nuevo Mundo por España, las más alejadas costas de Asia fueron llamadas \"Indias Orientales\" para distinguirlos de las nuevas tierras descubiertas más próximas al oeste, y que se denominaron Indias Occidentales. Las exploraciones y los estudios de cartografía extendieron la denominación de América en Europa para designar popularmente las nuevas tierras descubiertas.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-20T18:36:08+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 80119, "end" : 80138 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Indias Occidentales" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/ce1a52ee-0f54-4a4a-ad36-cca7f5f197bd", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PLACE", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-10-17T12:54:31+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Corpus Christi. Puerto fundado en las cercanías del río Coronda en 1536 \npor los homnres de Juan de Ayolas, en las cercanías de varias aldeas \ntimbúes.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-08T01:54:07+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 113774, "end" : 113788 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Corpus Christi" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/c8a35e63-5595-47ae-b4d5-2741f7fb81bf", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PLACE", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-10-17T13:00:58+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Actual río Bermejo. Debe considerarse que su curso ha cambiado sensiblemente desde tiempos coloniales.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-01T17:04:09+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 33344, "end" : 33351 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Bermejo" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/922f7c37-6d56-40f9-9fdb-5832eac2e437", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PLACE", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-01T16:05:27+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Se refiere al actual Río Luján en la Provincia de Buenos Aires.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-01T16:05:27+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 30172, "end" : 30184 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Río de Luján" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/65e8b47c-02ba-4dc5-9915-0b40e275edea", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PLACE", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-11T14:50:38+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 42998, "end" : 43012 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "reino del Perú" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/1779a80b-8727-484b-8b41-90a3fc1c7bee", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "\"Capitulación concedida a don Pedro de Mendoza para conquistar y poblar las provincias del Río de la Plata\", en Comisión Oficial del IV Centenario de la Primera Fundación de Buenos Aires (1536-1936), Documentos históricos y geográficos relativos a la conquista y colonización rioplatense. Tomo 2: Expedición de Don Pedro de Mendoza: Establecimiento y Despoblación de Buenos Aires. 1530-1572, Buenos Aires, Jacobo Peuser, 1941 p. 41 (GGV 27/823; AGI Indiferente, 415, L.1 , ff. 148v-152v), mayo de 1534", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-10-10T16:27:29+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 85132, "end" : 85143 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "gobernación" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/ebac8883-c39e-412c-b358-accd45adbb75", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PLACE", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-11T15:15:29+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 80515, "end" : 80529 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "reino del Perú" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/3c0a3713-189b-48b7-9719-0917c4d80050", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-07T22:46:12+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Felipe de Cáceres cumplió funciones como contador y tesorero en la armada \nde Pedro de Mendoza y luego, en la conquista del Río de la Plata. Uno de\n los líderes de la facción contraria Cabeza de Vaca, estuvo implicado en\n todas las maniobras que condujeron a su destitución, prisión y \ndestierro.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-07T22:46:12+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 116556, "end" : 116573 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Felipe de Cáceres" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/648b9bd6-c93d-490b-8a6c-4fb25b9f6fda", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-07T22:47:39+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Garci Venegas (c. 1541-) Expedicionario con Pedro de Mendoza, capitán del puerto de Buena Esperanza y luego prestó varios servicios en Asunción bajo las órdenes de Domingo de Irala, de quien recibió el cargo de Regidor de su Cabildo. Este le encargó que saliera al encuentro de las balsas que Cabeza de Vaca había enviado por el Paraná cuando realizó su entrada en la región. Cabeza de Vaca lo encarceló por ejercer el cargo de tesorero sin nombramiento real en 1543. Participó activamente en el derrocamiento del segundo adelantado y lo acompañó a España para seguir los procesos en su contra. Murió allí poco después.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-07T23:00:12+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 87251, "end" : 87265 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "García Venegas" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/4766e6af-b820-437a-89da-3ee4b7bde3d0", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : 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"https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-07T23:26:53+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Se refiere a Juan de Salazar y Espinoza (1508-1560), una de las figuras políticas \nmás importantes de la temprana colonización del Río de la Plata. Fue un \ncapitán de Pedro de Mendoza a quien el Adelantado le encargó la \nimportante   misión de seguir la huella de Juan de Ayolas río arriba. En\n 1537 fundó un fuerte en la confluencia de los ríos Paraguay y \nPilcomayo, con el acuerdo de los guaraníes carios de la región. De \nhecho, Salazar fue uno de los primeros capitanes en emparentase con los \ncaciques carios y se constituyó en uno de los negociadores españoles más\n eficaces y respectados entre ellos. Juan de Salazar aceptó a Domingo de\n Irala como teniente de gobernador en 1539, aunque después pareció \nalinearse más bien con el adelantado Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca. De \nhecho, fue nombrado por este último como su teniente de gobernador una \nvez encarcelado por la facción de Domingo de Irala. Esto le valió se \nexpulsado de la provincia con Cabeza de Vaca en 1545. En 1550 volvió a \nembarcarse hacia el Río de la Plata con el cargo de regidor en la armada\n de Juan de Sanabria. Recién llegaría a Asunción en 1555, donde fue \nreconocido como Regidor y Tesorero después de reconocer a Irala como \ngobernador, de acuerdo al nombramiento regio que había recibido.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-07T23:26:53+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 141617, "end" : 141624 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Salazar" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/ff2dee8f-a968-4703-b748-a4422c3d1231", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-07T23:26:53+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Se refiere a Juan de Salazar y Espinoza (1508-1560), una de las figuras políticas \nmás importantes de la temprana colonización del Río de la Plata. Fue un \ncapitán de Pedro de Mendoza a quien el Adelantado le encargó la \nimportante   misión de seguir la huella de Juan de Ayolas río arriba. En\n 1537 fundó un fuerte en la confluencia de los ríos Paraguay y \nPilcomayo, con el acuerdo de los guaraníes carios de la región. De \nhecho, Salazar fue uno de los primeros capitanes en emparentase con los \ncaciques carios y se constituyó en uno de los negociadores españoles más\n eficaces y respectados entre ellos. Juan de Salazar aceptó a Domingo de\n Irala como teniente de gobernador en 1539, aunque después pareció \nalinearse más bien con el adelantado Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca. De \nhecho, fue nombrado por este último como su teniente de gobernador una \nvez encarcelado por la facción de Domingo de Irala. Esto le valió se \nexpulsado de la provincia con Cabeza de Vaca en 1545. En 1550 volvió a \nembarcarse hacia el Río de la Plata con el cargo de regidor en la armada\n de Juan de Sanabria. Recién llegaría a Asunción en 1555, donde fue \nreconocido como Regidor y Tesorero después de reconocer a Irala como \ngobernador, de acuerdo al nombramiento regio que había recibido.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-07T23:26:53+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 113294, "end" : 113301 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Salazar" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/b4b2069c-0f56-4a89-86f8-d5a73802ceed", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-07T23:24:31+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 87957, "end" : 87968 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Diego Barba" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/8016d1dc-c091-4276-86df-0e3340c3d2a1", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-07T23:24:10+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 87932, "end" : 87939 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Medrano" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/990a110f-99be-4bf4-8720-efe703ce74ad", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-07T23:29:21+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Pedro de Mendoza (1499-1537), fue un noble español nacido de Cádiz. Tuvo\n una destacada actividad militar en las campañas militares de Carlos I \nen Italia, y con la fortuna que logró en ellas, solicitó la conquista \ndel Río de la Plata. Por capitulación firmada con en el rey en 1534 se \nlo designa gobernador y primer adelantando a la provincia del mismo \nbombre. Su armanda, una de las más grandes en términos de hombres y \nbarcos que cruzaron el océano a América, llegó a las costas del Río de \nla Plata en 1536. En la margen izquierda del río, al sur de la actual \nciudad de Buenos Aires, Mendoza ordenó el establecimiento de un puerto \nllamado Nuestra Señora del Buen Ayre, pero sus intencionres eran \ncontinuar las exploraciones río arriba, en busca de la Sierra de la \nPlata. El asentamiento en Buenos Aires rápidamenta sufrió hambre y \nataques de las sociedades nativas. Al mismo tiempo, Pedro de Mendoza \ndelegó gran parte de las tareas de exploración de la región en su \nteniente gobernador, Juan de Ayolas. Debido a las dificultades que \nenfrentaba la población de Buenos Aires y de los dos asentamientos \nestablecidos Paraná arriba (Buena Esperanza y Corpus Christi) y la \nausencia de noticias del Juan de Ayolas (quien luego se sabría, habría \nalcanzado tierras chiriguanas) Pedro de Mendoza decide abandonar su \nconquista, delegando el mando general de la armada en Juan de Ayolas y \nel gobierno de Buenos Aires en Ruiz Galán. Moriría cruzando el Atlántico\n en 1537. Bibliografía: Lafuente Machaín, Conquistadores del Río de la \nPlata, Buenos Aires, Amorrurtu, 1937; Guérin, Miguel Alberto, \"La \norganización inicial del espacio rioplatense\", en Tandeter, Enrique \n(dir.), Nueva Historia Argentina. La Sociedad Colonial, Buenos Aires, \nSudamericana, 2000, pp. 14-54.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-07T23:29:21+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 93505, "end" : 93514 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "don Pedro" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/e351b20a-bb64-421e-a3a5-e3ac89efd7e5", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-07T23:29:21+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Pedro de Mendoza (1499-1537), fue un noble español nacido de Cádiz. Tuvo\n una destacada actividad militar en las campañas militares de Carlos I \nen Italia, y con la fortuna que logró en ellas, solicitó la conquista \ndel Río de la Plata. Por capitulación firmada con en el rey en 1534 se \nlo designa gobernador y primer adelantando a la provincia del mismo \nbombre. Su armanda, una de las más grandes en términos de hombres y \nbarcos que cruzaron el océano a América, llegó a las costas del Río de \nla Plata en 1536. En la margen izquierda del río, al sur de la actual \nciudad de Buenos Aires, Mendoza ordenó el establecimiento de un puerto \nllamado Nuestra Señora del Buen Ayre, pero sus intencionres eran \ncontinuar las exploraciones río arriba, en busca de la Sierra de la \nPlata. El asentamiento en Buenos Aires rápidamenta sufrió hambre y \nataques de las sociedades nativas. Al mismo tiempo, Pedro de Mendoza \ndelegó gran parte de las tareas de exploración de la región en su \nteniente gobernador, Juan de Ayolas. Debido a las dificultades que \nenfrentaba la población de Buenos Aires y de los dos asentamientos \nestablecidos Paraná arriba (Buena Esperanza y Corpus Christi) y la \nausencia de noticias del Juan de Ayolas (quien luego se sabría, habría \nalcanzado tierras chiriguanas) Pedro de Mendoza decide abandonar su \nconquista, delegando el mando general de la armada en Juan de Ayolas y \nel gobierno de Buenos Aires en Ruiz Galán. Moriría cruzando el Atlántico\n en 1537. Bibliografía: Lafuente Machaín, Conquistadores del Río de la \nPlata, Buenos Aires, Amorrurtu, 1937; Guérin, Miguel Alberto, \"La \norganización inicial del espacio rioplatense\", en Tandeter, Enrique \n(dir.), Nueva Historia Argentina. La Sociedad Colonial, Buenos Aires, \nSudamericana, 2000, pp. 14-54.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-07T23:29:21+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 98312, "end" : 98321 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "don Pedro" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/1d1554f2-eece-4f6a-a7e6-73b8c55018e1", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-07T23:29:21+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Pedro de Mendoza (1499-1537), fue un noble español nacido de Cádiz. Tuvo\n una destacada actividad militar en las campañas militares de Carlos I \nen Italia, y con la fortuna que logró en ellas, solicitó la conquista \ndel Río de la Plata. Por capitulación firmada con en el rey en 1534 se \nlo designa gobernador y primer adelantando a la provincia del mismo \nbombre. Su armanda, una de las más grandes en términos de hombres y \nbarcos que cruzaron el océano a América, llegó a las costas del Río de \nla Plata en 1536. En la margen izquierda del río, al sur de la actual \nciudad de Buenos Aires, Mendoza ordenó el establecimiento de un puerto \nllamado Nuestra Señora del Buen Ayre, pero sus intencionres eran \ncontinuar las exploraciones río arriba, en busca de la Sierra de la \nPlata. El asentamiento en Buenos Aires rápidamenta sufrió hambre y \nataques de las sociedades nativas. Al mismo tiempo, Pedro de Mendoza \ndelegó gran parte de las tareas de exploración de la región en su \nteniente gobernador, Juan de Ayolas. Debido a las dificultades que \nenfrentaba la población de Buenos Aires y de los dos asentamientos \nestablecidos Paraná arriba (Buena Esperanza y Corpus Christi) y la \nausencia de noticias del Juan de Ayolas (quien luego se sabría, habría \nalcanzado tierras chiriguanas) Pedro de Mendoza decide abandonar su \nconquista, delegando el mando general de la armada en Juan de Ayolas y \nel gobierno de Buenos Aires en Ruiz Galán. Moriría cruzando el Atlántico\n en 1537. Bibliografía: Lafuente Machaín, Conquistadores del Río de la \nPlata, Buenos Aires, Amorrurtu, 1937; Guérin, Miguel Alberto, \"La \norganización inicial del espacio rioplatense\", en Tandeter, Enrique \n(dir.), Nueva Historia Argentina. La Sociedad Colonial, Buenos Aires, \nSudamericana, 2000, pp. 14-54.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-07T23:29:21+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 100632, "end" : 100641 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "don Pedro" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/3921e187-0bf5-4f52-9b5e-4d2c8fb5ed47", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-07T23:29:21+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Pedro de Mendoza (1499-1537), fue un noble español nacido de Cádiz. Tuvo\n una destacada actividad militar en las campañas militares de Carlos I \nen Italia, y con la fortuna que logró en ellas, solicitó la conquista \ndel Río de la Plata. Por capitulación firmada con en el rey en 1534 se \nlo designa gobernador y primer adelantando a la provincia del mismo \nbombre. Su armanda, una de las más grandes en términos de hombres y \nbarcos que cruzaron el océano a América, llegó a las costas del Río de \nla Plata en 1536. En la margen izquierda del río, al sur de la actual \nciudad de Buenos Aires, Mendoza ordenó el establecimiento de un puerto \nllamado Nuestra Señora del Buen Ayre, pero sus intencionres eran \ncontinuar las exploraciones río arriba, en busca de la Sierra de la \nPlata. El asentamiento en Buenos Aires rápidamenta sufrió hambre y \nataques de las sociedades nativas. Al mismo tiempo, Pedro de Mendoza \ndelegó gran parte de las tareas de exploración de la región en su \nteniente gobernador, Juan de Ayolas. Debido a las dificultades que \nenfrentaba la población de Buenos Aires y de los dos asentamientos \nestablecidos Paraná arriba (Buena Esperanza y Corpus Christi) y la \nausencia de noticias del Juan de Ayolas (quien luego se sabría, habría \nalcanzado tierras chiriguanas) Pedro de Mendoza decide abandonar su \nconquista, delegando el mando general de la armada en Juan de Ayolas y \nel gobierno de Buenos Aires en Ruiz Galán. Moriría cruzando el Atlántico\n en 1537. Bibliografía: Lafuente Machaín, Conquistadores del Río de la \nPlata, Buenos Aires, Amorrurtu, 1937; Guérin, Miguel Alberto, \"La \norganización inicial del espacio rioplatense\", en Tandeter, Enrique \n(dir.), Nueva Historia Argentina. La Sociedad Colonial, Buenos Aires, \nSudamericana, 2000, pp. 14-54.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-07T23:29:21+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 99663, "end" : 99672 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "don Pedro" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/7029cb81-2131-47e3-8bee-129236728131", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PLACE", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-07T23:32:15+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 91440, "end" : 91462 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Arrecifes de don Pedro" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/6b73aacc-af5d-4b26-af06-1164c658b09a", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-07T23:34:35+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 97143, "end" : 97159 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Sancho del Campo" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/547faf00-28f1-4b7b-9cc0-cdb5ac31e5a2", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-07T17:27:24+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Diego de Mendoza, hermano de Pedro. Murió en un enfrentamiento con \nnativos cerca de Buenos Aires, el día de Corpus Christi de 1536.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-08T00:34:41+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 91013, "end" : 91029 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Diego de Mendoza" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/4dc0d556-95f6-4ad3-b355-8de9e225082f", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-08T00:45:36+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Diego de Mendoza, hermano de Pedro. 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"https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-08T20:12:08+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-08T20:12:08+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "El capitán Pedro de Segura Zabala, hidalgo de Guipuzcoa, había sido \nsoldado imperial en Italia y más tarde viajó al \nParaguay con Ñuflo de Chaves en 1549. Tuvo un rol destacado en Asunción y\n se casó con Ginebra Martínez de Irala, hija mestiza del gobernador \nMartínez de Irala. Falleció en 1601 en Tomina, alto Perú.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-08T20:12:08+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 6444, "end" : 6459 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Pedro de Segura" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/05f79793-d9a5-4bee-8f94-d37f92f85e3e", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "conqueror", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-08T20:10:01+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-08T20:10:01+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "colinez", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-08T20:10:01+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-08T20:10:01+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "El capitán Pedro de Segura Zabala, hidalgo de Guipuzcoa, había sido soldado imperial en Italia y más tarde viajó al \nParaguay con Ñuflo de Chaves en 1549. Tuvo un rol destacado en Asunción y se casó con Ginebra Martínez de Irala, hija mestiza del gobernador Martínez de Irala. Falleció en 1601 en Tomina, alto Perú.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-08T20:11:24+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 4911, "end" : 4933 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Pedro de Zabala Segura" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/eb1550b6-b3ae-47ae-aaaa-b2be789f261f", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", 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"http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/d0e3374c-0048-4373-a3f3-f832845d6178", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "EVENT", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-07T15:47:10+00:00" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Refiere a una de las leyendes más célebres de la exploración del Río de \nla Plata. En 1529, un capitán de la expedición de Sebastián Caboto \nllamado Francisco César, se adentró hacia el oeste por el río Carcarañá \nseguiendo un camino hacia tierra adentro que, según sus informantes \nquerandíes, los conduciría a la Sierra de la Plata. A su regreso al \nFuerte de Sancti Spíritus, César informó que había dado con un rico \nasentamiento indígena pródigo de oro, plata y piedras preciosas. Dado \nque la expedición de Caboto debió abandonar la región precipitadamente \ntras la destrucción del fuerte, nunca pudo comprobarse lo dicho por \nFrancisco César. Pero su historia dio origen al mito de la Ciudad de los\n Césares, una rica civilización nativa que los conquistadores del Río de\n la Plata y de Chile buscarían insistentemente por los siglos venideros \nubicándola convenientemente fuera de las fronteras conocidas. \nBibliografía: Gandía, Enrique de, Historia crítica de los mitos de la \nconquista de América, Buenos Aires y Madrid, Juan Roldán y Cía, 1929, \npp. 250-253; Guérin, Miguel Alberto, \"La organización inicial del \nespacio rioplatense\", en Tandeter, Enrique (dir.), Nueva Historia \nArgentina. Tomo 2: La Sociedad Colonial, Buenos Aires, Sudamericana, \n2000, pp.p. 28; Tieffemberg, Silvia, \"Derroteros y viajes a la ciudad \nencantada de los Césares. Relatos y constelaciones\", en Anales de \nLiteratura Chilena, vol. 16, núm. 23, 2014, pp. 13-27.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-07T15:47:10+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 13622, "end" : 13629 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Césares" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/df21a23c-61f7-4354-ae87-058cbc9d7cf1", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-08T01:19:38+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Domingo Martínez de Irala (Vergara de la Hermandad de Guipúzcoa, Corona \nde Castilla, 1509 - Asunción del Paraguay, Virreinato del Perú, 3 de \noctubre de 1556) fue un conquistador, explorador y colonizador español \nque como lugarteniente de Juan de Ayolas quien lo nombrara interinamente\n hasta que regresara como teniente de gobernador de La Candelaria en \n1537, luego lo sería de hecho, y posteriormente elegido por el pueblo \nsegún real cédula, como teniente de gobernador general de Asunción.Ocupó\n tres veces el cargo de gobernador interino del Río de la Plata y del \nParaguay, en los períodos de 1539 a 1542, de 1544 hasta 1548 y por \núltimo desde 1549. El emperador Carlos V lo nombraría definitivamente \ncomo titular en el cargo gubernamental en el año 1555, que lo ostentaría\n hasta su fallecimiento.En 1543 fundó en el Chaco Boreal el Puerto de \nlos Reyes, a orillas del río Paraguay y del pantano de los Jarayes, \nsobre las costas de la laguna La Gaiba.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-08T01:19:38+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 115039, "end" : 115055 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Domingo de Irala" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/f3c166f5-956d-45ef-bc3d-9c14fb7cd897", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-08T01:22:03+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 104774, "end" : 104792 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Juan Ponce de León" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/f655eee5-509d-4e50-bded-6e5bcb79fd68", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "conqueror", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T12:32:58+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T12:32:58+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "colonizer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T12:32:58+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T12:32:58+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Natural de\nla ciudad de Fontiveros en la provincia de Ávila. En 1554 fundó la villa de Ontiveros\npor orden de Martínez de Irala, en la margen izquierda del río Paraná entre los\nríos Iguazú y Piquirí, unos 50 kilómetros al norte del Salto del Guairá, en\ntierras del cacique Canendiyú, con el objeto de servir como enlace con el\nBrasil.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T12:32:58+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 6191, "end" : 6207 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "García Rodríguez" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/e72d0978-c9e0-4622-a99f-7415f2daabbd", "type" : 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"modified" : "2017-10-11T14:47:27+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Un puerto ubicado sobre la orilla oriental del Paraguay, algo más al norte que el Cerro Pan de Azúcar.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-11T14:47:27+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 36301, "end" : 36323 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "puerto de San Fernando" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/379937ac-12d9-40e4-a486-7510a0fa6c65", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Esta identidad es muy discutible considerando las menciones al \"Rey Blanco\" que aparecen en documentos muy dispersos de la primera mitad del siglo XVI. Las primeras menciones, que se registran en la costa del Brasil durante las expediciones de Sebastián Caboto y Diego García de Moguer en la segunda mitad de la década de 1520 refieren a un rico rey que gobierna una montaña de oro. Menciones posteriores siguen estas líneas sin ligarlas al Incario. Sin embargo, para el momento en que Ruy Díaz escribe su crónica, parece haberse establecido la identidad entre el Rey Blanco y el Inca, como así también aquella de la Sierra de la Plata y Potosí.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-05T00:26:07+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 54326, "end" : 54336 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "rey blanco" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/6620fa4b-7772-4624-b250-33fe204984d9", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://sws.geonames.org/3841956", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T12:50:53+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T12:50:53+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ -60.5238, -31.73197 ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Se refiere al Río Paraná.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T12:50:53+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 12000, "end" : 12006 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Paraná" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/9e7a4f9e-6b1f-423a-9002-8291efae4fb6", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://sws.geonames.org/3841956", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T12:50:53+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T12:50:53+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ -60.5238, -31.73197 ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Se refiere al Río Paraná.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T12:50:53+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 42342, "end" : 42348 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Paraná" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/505b369a-6253-41dc-ba10-243bc249787d", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-07T16:05:33+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Pedro de Mendoza (1499-1537), fue un noble español nacido de Cádiz. Tuvo una destacada actividad militar en las campañas militares de Carlos I en Italia, y con la fortuna que logró en ellas, solicitó la conquista del Río de la Plata. Por capitulación firmada con en el rey en 1534 se lo designa gobernador y primer adelantando a la provincia del mismo bombre. Su armanda, una de las más grandes en términos de hombres y barcos que cruzaron el océano a América, llegó a las costas del Río de la Plata en 1536. En la margen izquierda del río, al sur de la actual ciudad de Buenos Aires, Mendoza ordenó el establecimiento de un puerto llamado Nuestra Señora del Buen Ayre, pero sus intencionres eran continuar las exploraciones río arriba, en busca de la Sierra de la Plata. El asentamiento en Buenos Aires rápidamenta sufrió hambre y ataques de las sociedades nativas. Al mismo tiempo, Pedro de Mendoza delegó gran parte de las tareas de exploración de la región en su teniente gobernador, Juan de Ayolas. Debido a las dificultades que enfrentaba la población de Buenos Aires y de los dos asentamientos establecidos Paraná arriba (Buena Esperanza y Corpus Christi) y la ausencia de noticias del Juan de Ayolas (quien luego se sabría, habría alcanzado tierras chiriguanas) Pedro de Mendoza decide abandonar su conquista, delegando el mando general de la armada en Juan de Ayolas y el gobierno de Buenos Aires en Ruiz Galán. Moriría cruzando el Atlántico en 1537. Bibliografía: Lafuente Machaín, Conquistadores del Río de la Plata, Buenos Aires, Amorrurtu, 1937; Guérin, Miguel Alberto, \"La organización inicial del espacio rioplatense\", en Tandeter, Enrique (dir.), Nueva Historia Argentina. La Sociedad Colonial, Buenos Aires, Sudamericana, 2000, pp. 14-54.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-07T16:05:33+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 84961, "end" : 84977 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Pedro de Mendoza" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/9158e1d4-2791-404b-9d9c-731aeb1dc7ab", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-07T16:09:03+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Cómo dice el texto, María de Mendoza era pariente de Pedro de Mendoza y se había casado en 1522 con Francisco de los Cobos y Molina, un noble súmamente influyente en la corte real.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-07T16:09:03+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 85005, "end" : 85021 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "María de Mendoza" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/4b347352-76b4-4649-a1e8-c5eb7f56a272", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "EVENT", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-07T16:06:07+00:00" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Sebastián Caboto había llegado tres años antes, en 1530.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-07T16:06:07+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 84534, "end" : 84543 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "año de 33" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/2ca6c081-1bde-4420-a60f-a9b1df989a39", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-08T02:04:14+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "El veedor Cabrera fue una figura importantísima del período 1538-1545 en el Río de la Plata. Habái sido enviado a la región por el rey para reorganizar la conquista tras el abandono de Pedro de Mendoza, y su primera obligación era determinar quién había sido designado por el adelantado como sucesor. Después de varias desaveniencias con Ruiz Galán, se inclina por nombrar como teniente de gobernador a Domingo de Irala, esperando que Juan de Ayolas (la persona designada por Pedro de Mendoza) regresase de sus exploraciones para ponerse al mando de la conquista. Esta sociedad con Irala será fundamental para realizar la despoblación de Buenos Aires en 1541 y, luego, para enfrentar a Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca. Cabrera será fundamental en la construcción de los argumentos judiciales que justificarían su derrocamiento, y viajó a España junto a él para representar a los primeros conquistadores del Río de la Plata. Moriría poco después de haber llegado a España.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-08T02:04:14+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 132730, "end" : 132744 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Alonso Cabrera" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/f1975bb8-f8f9-44ff-83be-45445ba85d79", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-08T02:06:58+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 116367, "end" : 116380 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Antón Cabrera" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/998f9663-1cee-4ff9-bcfc-6a91ea388fe2", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-08T02:09:44+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 119762, "end" : 119777 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Juan de Paredes" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/0281aeeb-5ea0-4929-a87f-28439004f828", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://sws.geonames.org/3336900", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-08T19:28:17+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-08T19:28:17+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 7105, "end" : 7113 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Castilla" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/28d03b4e-d108-44b0-858e-8d54d81c35c9", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "La provincia de Charcas, cuyos límites se superponen con la Audiencia de Charchas, tenía su sede en Sucre (Ciudad de la Plata, 1538).", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-01T19:16:26+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-02T01:32:21+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Los indios Charcas habitaban desde tiempos pre-incaicos la región de Chuquisaca en el actual territorio boliviano. Fueron conquistados por los quechuas desde fines del siglo XV y un poco más adelante en el tiempo comenzaron a sufrir los reiterados ataques de los chiriguanos.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-02T01:32:21+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 46693, "end" : 46700 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Charcas" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/30ab1454-1d6c-4b6c-9b02-2e9117e8120f", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Todos los personajes y los eventos relatados en la historia de Lucía Miranda son ficcionales y tuvieron una larga vida en la historiografía y la literatura posteriores. Bibliografía: Tieffemberg, \"Lucía Miranda en el espejo. Primeras cautivas blancas en el río de la Plata”, en M. Donoso, M. Insúa y C. Mata (ed.), El cautiverio en la literatura del Nuevo Mundo. Pamplona/Madrid/Frankfurt am Main, Universidad de Navarra/Iberoamericana/Vervuert, 2011, pp. 253-261.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-05T01:33:48+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 61697, "end" : 61709 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Capítulo VII" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/5e2d8904-eda0-4e34-8abf-27fcf3951972", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "EVENT", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-11T15:25:33+00:00" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Esta cédula real, de enorme importancia para la historia temprana del Río\n de la Plata, permitía a los pobladores la posibilidad de elegir un \nnuevo teniente de gobernador en caso de que la persona nombrada por \nPedro de Mendoza (Juan de Ayolas) hubiera muerto y no hubiera nombrado \nsucesor.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-11T15:27:33+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 135276, 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Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 104824, "end" : 104837 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Carlos Dubrin" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/6892c8b1-545a-4420-8d7a-82a1af73e34e", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://sws.geonames.org/3936456", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-09-06T19:34:54+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-09-06T19:34:54+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ -77.02824, 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franceses eran frecuentes merodeadores de la costa brasileña, interesados en principio en acopiar palo brasil. En la segunda mitad del siglo XVI intentarían una instalación colonial en la zona de la Bahía de Guanabara a la que denominaron Francia Antártica. Bibliografía: Martínez, Carolina, \"Tras las huellas de una singular experiencia colonial: la Francia Antártica en los orígenes de la modernidad temprana europea\", en Gandini, María Juliana; López Palmero, Malena; Martínez, Carolina; Paredes, Rogelio C., Fragmentos Imperiales. Textos e imágenes de los imperios coloniales en América. Siglos XVI-XVIII, Buenos Aires, Biblos, 2013, pp. 47-68; Metcalf, Alida C., Go-Betweens and the Colonization of Brazil, 1500-1600, Austin, University of Texas Press, 2005.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-07T15:35:57+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 76659, "end" : 76678 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "franceses corsarios" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/22600c9b-6d82-4bb5-ae23-1ee7da5c71ec", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", 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"Juan de Osorio (1511-1536), capitán de la expedición de Pedro de Mendoza. Cuando la armada llegó a la región de Río de Janeiro, fue acusado de intentar un motín contra el adelantado y ejecutado por su orden en el acto junto a otros supuestos conjurados. Esto repercutió muy negativamente entre gran parte de los hombres de la armada, quienes consideraban a Osorio un hombre valiente y respetable. Las extrañas circuntancias de su acusación y muerte fueron consideradas luego como un presagio (cuando no la causa directa) de las dificutades de la conquista en el Río de la Plata. De ello se hicieron eco Gonzalo de Oviedo en su Historia General y Natural de las Indias (Libro XXIII, Capítulo VIII) y Martín del Barco Centenera en su Argentina.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-07T16:52:48+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 86150, "end" : 86164 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Juan de Osorio" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/3171d6c6-fed7-4603-8578-f3bea2312e39", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-08T02:19:15+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 125666, "end" : 125674 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Zéspedes" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/2da9dacb-fd8f-46d9-9d53-f86db2ce25ca", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-08T02:28:21+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Carlos I de España, V de Alemania (1500-1558) fue rey de España entre \n1516 y 1558 y Emperador de Alemancia entre 1520-1558. Heredó y consolidó\n un amplio conjunto territorial dinástico que incluía territorios en \nEspaña, Italia, los Países Bajos y Alemania.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-08T02:28:21+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 132532, "end" : 132542 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Don Carlos" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/70a25fbb-069d-42e0-a847-3f7303490096", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-08T02:19:37+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 125677, "end" : 125684 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Almaráz" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/0ad1ea33-f628-4f69-bfa0-5c9294c2e84b", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://sws.geonames.org/3439389", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-08T02:27:35+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-08T02:27:35+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ -57.63591, -25.30066 ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Asunción.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-08T02:27:35+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 131963, "end" : 131987 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "fuerte de Nuestra Señora" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/76619f85-7db2-4f81-9aa6-293689b23c3c", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "conqueror", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-08T20:12:08+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-08T20:12:08+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "colonizer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-08T20:12:08+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-08T20:12:08+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "El capitán Pedro de Segura Zabala, hidalgo de Guipuzcoa, había sido \nsoldado imperial en Italia y más tarde viajó al \nParaguay con Ñuflo de Chaves en 1549. Tuvo un rol destacado en Asunción y\n se casó con Ginebra Martínez de Irala, hija mestiza del gobernador \nMartínez de Irala. Falleció en 1601 en Tomina, alto Perú.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-08T20:12:08+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 57622, "end" : 57637 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Pedro de Segura" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/ca4faa25-967e-4c17-bd7b-dab52f51e931", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Bishop", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-08T20:48:16+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-08T20:48:16+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Fray Pedro\nFernández de la Torre, franciscano nacido en Baeza, España.,  hizo su solemne entrada en Asunción oficiar\ncomo primer Obispo del Paraguay, en la víspera del Domingo de Ramos del año\n1555. Llega con la armada de Martín de Orue, portador del Nombramiento real de\nMartínez de Irala como Gobernador de aquella Provincia.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-08T20:48:16+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 22634, "end" : 22656 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Fray Pedro de La-Torre" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/c6a3272c-9857-4a92-89e9-a388b52fccc6", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : 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Fue lugarteniente de Pedro de Mendoza en la expedición de 1536. Estaba loco y debido a su enfermedad abandonó esta expedición y en vez de dirigirse a Rio de la Plata con su nave, lo hizo hacia Santo Domingo. Fue fatal para Pedro de Mendoza ya que se vió obligado a retrasar la expedición y lo esperó inútilmente en Rio de la Plata, sin embargo ello dió origen a la fundación de lo que seria mas tarde la ciudad de Buenos Aires en 1535. Alonso Cabrera sin embargo llegó a Rio de la Plata tres años mas tarde, en 1538, a la ciudad recién fundada de Buenos Aires y sembró el desconcierto entre los conquistadores y sus habitantes. Convenció a Domingo de Irala en incendiar Buenos Aires, para así verse obligados los colonos a trasladarse a la Asunción y él estar mas cerca de Sierra de la Plata. Se incendió la ciudad en 1538 a los tres años de su fundación. Una vez trasladado a la Asunción, Alonso Cabrera instigó para quitar el mando a Alvar Nuñez Cabeza de Vaca, al que acusaba de traidor y de rebelarse contra el rey de España. De regreso en España enloqueció de forma definitiva y mató a su mujer. Murió en el olvido.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-01T13:03:56+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 9485, "end" : 9499 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Alonso Cabrera" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/6c69829c-0e6f-4829-ba7e-73e59d89eec6", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-16T17:50:56+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Conquistador español. Fue lugarteniente de Pedro de Mendoza en la expedición de 1536. Estaba loco y debido a su enfermedad abandonó esta expedición y en vez de dirigirse a Rio de la Plata con su nave, lo hizo hacia Santo Domingo. Fue fatal para Pedro de Mendoza ya que se vió obligado a retrasar la expedición y lo esperó inútilmente en Rio de la Plata, sin embargo ello dió origen a la fundación de lo que seria mas tarde la ciudad de Buenos Aires en 1535. Alonso Cabrera sin embargo llegó a Rio de la Plata tres años mas tarde, en 1538, a la ciudad recién fundada de Buenos Aires y sembró el desconcierto entre los conquistadores y sus habitantes. Convenció a Domingo de Irala en incendiar Buenos Aires, para así verse obligados los colonos a trasladarse a la Asunción y él estar mas cerca de Sierra de la Plata. Se incendió la ciudad en 1538 a los tres años de su fundación. Una vez trasladado a la Asunción, Alonso Cabrera instigó para quitar el mando a Alvar Nuñez Cabeza de Vaca, al que acusaba de traidor y de rebelarse contra el rey de España. De regreso en España enloqueció de forma definitiva y mató a su mujer. Murió en el olvido.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-01T13:04:31+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 22053, "end" : 22067 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Alonso Cabrera" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/c933e8a6-1214-4bc5-89cf-209d975a51d9", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-16T17:50:56+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Conquistador español. Fue lugarteniente de Pedro de Mendoza en la expedición de 1536. Estaba loco y debido a su enfermedad abandonó esta expedición y en vez de dirigirse a Rio de la Plata con su nave, lo hizo hacia Santo Domingo. Fue fatal para Pedro de Mendoza ya que se vió obligado a retrasar la expedición y lo esperó inútilmente en Rio de la Plata, sin embargo ello dió origen a la fundación de lo que seria mas tarde la ciudad de Buenos Aires en 1535. Alonso Cabrera sin embargo llegó a Rio de la Plata tres años mas tarde, en 1538, a la ciudad recién fundada de Buenos Aires y sembró el desconcierto entre los conquistadores y sus habitantes. Convenció a Domingo de Irala en incendiar Buenos Aires, para así verse obligados los colonos a trasladarse a la Asunción y él estar mas cerca de Sierra de la Plata. Se incendió la ciudad en 1538 a los tres años de su fundación. Una vez trasladado a la Asunción, Alonso Cabrera instigó para quitar el mando a Alvar Nuñez Cabeza de Vaca, al que acusaba de traidor y de rebelarse contra el rey de España. De regreso en España enloqueció de forma definitiva y mató a su mujer. Murió en el olvido.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-01T13:05:08+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 44884, "end" : 44898 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Alonso Cabrera" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/6f9d3611-e3d8-4ecc-994c-2a02cc180065", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-01T13:10:23+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Clérigo en la Asumpción. Encabeza un motín contra el gobernador de Guayra.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-01T13:17:32+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 123323, "end" : 123342 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Antonio de Escalera" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/45f6b6f1-21ff-41f8-a0e0-a9b74777bab1", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://sws.geonames.org/3469034", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-01T19:08:23+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-01T19:08:23+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "MultiPolygon", "coordinates" : [ [ [ [ -44.657, -3.018 ], [ -44.608, -3.041 ], [ -44.72, -3.18 ], [ -44.793, -3.198 ], [ -44.779, -3.312 ], [ -44.736, -3.302 ], [ -44.763, -3.225 ], [ -44.653, -3.196 ], [ -44.431, -2.945 ], [ -44.367, -2.643 ], [ -44.362, -2.726 ], [ -44.355, -2.605 ], [ -44.378, -2.566 ], [ -44.345, -2.528 ], [ -44.29, -2.573 ], [ -44.306, -2.487 ], [ -44.02, -2.403 ], [ -44.03, -2.457 ], [ -44.108, -2.468 ], [ -44.035, -2.518 ], [ -44.131, -2.596 ], [ -44.147, -2.681 ], [ -44.219, -2.67 ], [ -44.209, -2.716 ], [ -44.345, -2.791 ], [ -44.347, -2.838 ], [ -44.315, -2.788 ], [ -44.3, -2.843 ], [ -44.266, 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[ -42.037, -22.94 ], [ -41.99, -22.964 ], [ -42.018, -22.998 ], [ -42.086, -22.957 ], [ -42.529, -22.934 ], [ -43.05, -22.982 ], [ -43.132, -22.941 ], [ -43.025, -22.741 ], [ -43.084, -22.68 ], [ -43.216, -22.725 ], [ -43.287, -22.806 ], [ -43.24, -22.847 ], [ -43.249, -22.797 ], [ -43.156, -22.784 ], [ -43.247, -22.882 ], [ -43.164, -22.899 ], [ -43.187, -22.995 ], [ -43.344, -22.983 ], [ -43.303, -23.02 ], [ -43.549, -23.081 ], [ -44.001, -23.1 ], [ -43.961, -23.042 ], [ -43.877, -23.067 ], [ -43.909, -23.02 ], [ -43.807, -23.063 ], [ -43.555, -23.055 ], [ -43.84, -22.906 ], [ -43.985, -22.937 ], [ -44.034, -23.014 ], [ -44.044, -22.923 ], [ -44.107, -23.03 ], [ -44.234, -23.06 ], [ -44.238, -23.004 ], [ -44.358, -23.02 ], [ -44.296, -22.961 ], [ -44.321, -22.927 ], [ -44.378, -22.972 ], [ -44.407, -22.945 ], [ -44.443, -23.035 ], [ -44.669, -23.06 ], [ -44.712, -23.19 ], [ -44.701, -23.237 ], [ -44.645, -23.191 ], [ -44.612, -23.206 ], [ -44.685, -23.256 ], [ -44.611, -23.238 ], [ 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-48.449, -25.384 ], [ -48.414, -25.428 ], [ -48.476, -25.485 ], [ -48.637, -25.468 ], [ -48.661, -25.398 ], [ -48.671, -25.435 ], [ -48.739, -25.374 ], [ -48.68, -25.465 ], [ -48.687, -25.499 ], [ -48.737, -25.483 ], [ -48.703, -25.504 ], [ -48.617, -25.536 ], [ -48.512, -25.505 ], [ -48.482, -25.591 ], [ -48.46, -25.552 ], [ -48.35, -25.581 ], [ -48.565, -25.868 ], [ -48.614, -26.06 ], [ -48.586, -26.172 ], [ -48.714, -26.243 ], [ -48.795, -26.073 ], [ -48.837, -26.157 ], [ -48.798, -26.142 ], [ -48.763, -26.199 ], [ -48.805, -26.228 ], [ -48.769, -26.223 ], [ -48.761, -26.286 ], [ -48.803, -26.303 ], [ -48.723, -26.362 ], [ -48.635, -26.374 ], [ -48.714, -26.308 ], [ -48.554, -26.172 ], [ -48.493, -26.224 ], [ -48.695, -26.658 ], [ -48.665, -26.769 ], [ -48.583, -26.786 ], [ -48.655, -26.909 ], [ -48.62, -27.007 ], [ -48.574, -27.011 ], [ -48.607, -27.122 ], [ -48.554, -27.152 ], [ -48.51, -27.108 ], [ -48.469, -27.148 ], [ -48.511, -27.183 ], [ -48.486, -27.218 ], [ -48.531, -27.18 ], [ -48.612, -27.243 ], [ -48.596, -27.318 ], [ -48.529, -27.334 ], [ -48.649, -27.486 ], [ -48.572, -27.592 ], [ -48.653, -27.648 ], [ -48.575, -27.888 ], [ -48.761, -28.535 ], [ -48.813, -28.605 ], [ -49.37, -28.92 ], [ -49.334, -28.921 ], [ -49.702, -29.308 ], [ -50.006, -29.749 ], [ -50.316, -30.472 ], [ -50.848, -31.205 ], [ -51.303, -31.613 ], [ -51.877, -31.952 ], [ -52.071, -32.188 ], [ -52.012, -31.946 ], [ -52.092, -31.837 ], [ -51.851, -31.865 ], [ -51.777, -31.805 ], [ -51.854, -31.797 ], [ -51.65, -31.759 ], [ -51.478, -31.562 ], [ -51.43, -31.622 ], [ -51.458, -31.548 ], [ -51.424, -31.478 ], [ -51.351, -31.529 ], [ -51.234, -31.458 ], [ -51.16, -31.31 ], [ -51.166, -31.063 ], [ -51.109, -31.097 ], [ -50.985, -31.042 ], [ -50.965, -30.893 ], [ -50.888, -30.893 ], [ -50.705, -30.756 ], [ -50.677, -30.61 ], [ -50.725, -30.371 ], [ -50.692, -30.355 ], [ -50.625, -30.409 ], [ -50.641, -30.459 ], [ -50.569, -30.471 ], [ -50.534, -30.278 ], [ -50.601, -30.194 ], [ -50.659, -30.201 ], [ -50.661, -30.293 ], [ -50.918, -30.333 ], [ -50.934, -30.42 ], [ -50.889, -30.439 ], [ -50.921, -30.44 ], [ -51.052, -30.395 ], [ -51.034, -30.276 ], [ -51.146, -30.267 ], [ -51.246, -30.188 ], [ -51.23, -30.043 ], [ -51.295, -30.007 ], [ -51.326, -30.23 ], [ -51.271, -30.25 ], [ -51.293, -30.295 ], [ -51.246, -30.33 ], [ -51.209, -30.3 ], [ -51.179, -30.383 ], [ -51.092, -30.367 ], [ -51.129, -30.436 ], [ -51.202, -30.413 ], [ -51.269, -30.489 ], [ -51.282, -30.811 ], [ -51.33, -30.777 ], [ -51.294, -30.758 ], [ -51.319, -30.64 ], [ -51.375, -30.635 ], [ -51.404, -30.769 ], [ -51.367, -30.874 ], [ -51.457, -30.874 ], [ -51.501, -30.935 ], [ -51.436, -31.088 ], [ -51.611, -31.138 ], [ -51.613, -31.272 ], [ -51.915, -31.313 ], [ -52.002, -31.449 ], [ -52.031, -31.693 ], [ -52.218, -31.747 ], [ -52.247, -31.871 ], [ -52.106, -31.952 ], [ -52.216, -31.963 ], [ -52.263, -32.062 ], [ -52.209, -32.045 ], [ -52.225, -32.096 ], [ -52.082, -32.033 ], [ -52.162, -32.128 ], [ -52.09, -32.069 ], [ -52.084, -32.186 ], [ -52.16, -32.201 ], [ -52.341, -32.43 ], [ -52.488, -32.844 ], [ -52.66, -33.165 ], [ -53.227, -33.658 ], [ -53.421, -33.741 ], [ -53.524, -33.689 ], [ -53.515, -33.163 ], [ -53.434, -33.054 ], [ -53.243, -32.936 ], [ -53.294, -32.911 ], [ -53.074, -32.746 ], [ -53.244, -32.605 ], [ -53.39, -32.583 ], [ -53.46, -32.48 ], [ -53.595, -32.432 ], [ -53.73, -32.157 ], [ -53.714, -32.104 ], [ -53.965, -31.919 ], [ -54.096, -31.906 ], [ -54.466, -31.666 ], [ -54.491, -31.54 ], [ -54.591, -31.448 ], [ -54.836, -31.446 ], [ -54.945, -31.392 ], [ -55.014, -31.285 ], [ -55.091, -31.326 ], [ -55.245, -31.257 ], [ -55.374, -31.038 ], [ -55.594, -30.848 ], [ -55.635, -30.857 ], [ -55.657, -30.956 ], [ -55.87, -31.08 ], [ -56.008, -31.063 ], [ -55.987, -30.86 ], [ -56.021, -30.784 ], [ -56.127, -30.739 ], [ -56.177, -30.614 ], [ -56.384, -30.495 ], [ -56.459, -30.387 ], [ -56.545, -30.364 ], [ -56.54, -30.312 ], [ -56.617, -30.303 ], [ -56.644, -30.205 ], [ -56.776, -30.166 ], [ -56.804, -30.107 ], [ -57.068, -30.088 ], [ -57.207, -30.281 ], [ -57.313, -30.26 ], [ -57.396, -30.303 ], [ -57.538, -30.275 ], [ -57.618, -30.179 ], [ -57.505, -30.143 ], [ -57.342, -30.001 ], [ -57.319, -29.87 ], [ -57.254, -29.794 ], [ -57.105, -29.752 ], [ -56.972, -29.639 ], [ -56.676, -29.321 ], [ -56.593, -29.123 ], [ -56.425, -29.073 ], [ -56.285, -28.794 ], [ -56.185, -28.771 ], [ -56.016, -28.611 ], [ -56.011, -28.509 ], [ -55.888, -28.479 ], [ -55.875, -28.362 ], [ -55.696, -28.425 ], [ -55.671, -28.333 ], [ -55.773, -28.247 ], [ -55.605, -28.123 ], [ -55.554, -28.164 ], [ -55.496, -28.081 ], [ -55.444, -28.097 ], [ -55.323, -27.928 ], [ -55.196, -27.863 ], [ -55.134, -27.895 ], [ -55.117, -27.853 ], [ -55.032, -27.854 ], [ -55.082, -27.789 ], [ -54.941, -27.775 ], [ -54.809, -27.536 ], [ -54.781, -27.586 ], [ -54.683, -27.576 ], [ -54.678, -27.514 ], [ -54.624, -27.55 ], [ -54.576, -27.458 ], [ -54.525, -27.507 ], [ -54.415, -27.412 ], [ -54.353, -27.468 ], [ -54.339, -27.406 ], [ -54.282, -27.447 ], [ -54.176, -27.261 ], [ -54.089, -27.303 ], [ -53.949, -27.158 ], [ -53.799, -27.147 ], [ -53.795, -27.048 ], [ -53.761, -27.068 ], [ -53.662, -26.869 ], [ -53.751, -26.745 ], [ -53.707, -26.563 ], [ -53.738, -26.548 ], [ -53.592, -26.265 ], [ -53.722, -26.13 ], [ -53.733, -26.047 ], [ -53.837, -25.969 ], [ -53.824, -25.793 ], [ -53.891, -25.625 ], [ -53.951, -25.644 ], [ -54.016, -25.569 ], [ -54.101, -25.625 ], [ -54.111, -25.504 ], [ -54.213, -25.554 ], [ -54.184, -25.591 ], [ -54.289, -25.562 ], [ -54.387, -25.608 ], [ -54.43, -25.706 ], [ -54.596, -25.595 ], [ -54.617, -25.459 ], [ -54.437, -25.157 ], [ -54.458, -25.031 ], [ -54.336, -24.649 ], [ -54.333, -24.493 ], [ -54.262, -24.376 ], [ -54.33, -24.225 ], [ -54.282, -24.075 ], [ -54.411, -23.929 ], [ -54.668, -23.815 ], [ -55.061, -23.991 ], [ -55.112, -23.963 ], [ -55.226, -24.013 ], [ -55.413, -23.961 ], [ -55.434, -23.714 ], [ -55.535, -23.614 ], [ -55.522, -23.197 ], [ -55.596, -23.141 ], [ -55.64, -22.994 ], [ -55.685, -22.992 ], [ -55.613, -22.659 ], [ -55.736, -22.532 ], [ -55.74, -22.396 ], [ -55.854, -22.281 ], [ -56.208, -22.281 ], [ -56.341, -22.206 ], [ -56.403, -22.078 ], [ -56.519, -22.103 ], [ -56.643, -22.261 ], [ -56.698, -22.216 ], [ -56.728, -22.26 ], [ -56.808, -22.25 ], [ -56.831, -22.3 ], [ -57.001, -22.225 ], [ -57.203, -22.21 ], [ -57.243, -22.244 ], [ -57.553, -22.181 ], [ -57.616, -22.096 ], [ -57.803, -22.148 ], [ -57.989, -22.085 ], [ -58.005, -22.032 ], [ -57.919, -21.881 ], [ -57.969, -21.844 ], [ -57.913, -21.793 ], [ -57.947, -21.747 ], [ -57.894, -21.687 ], [ -57.968, -21.528 ], [ -57.855, -21.339 ], [ -57.918, -21.278 ], [ -57.854, -21.226 ], [ -57.866, -21.041 ], [ -57.818, -20.976 ], [ -57.927, -20.897 ], [ -57.855, -20.835 ], [ -57.961, -20.784 ], [ -57.869, -20.736 ], [ -57.923, -20.666 ], [ -57.988, -20.696 ], [ -57.994, -20.448 ], [ -58.082, -20.372 ], [ -58.092, -20.257 ], [ -58.154, -20.264 ], [ -58.125, -20.188 ], [ -58.163, -20.162 ], [ -57.872, -19.979 ], [ -58.134, -19.761 ], [ -57.79, -19.051 ], [ -57.709, -19.034 ], [ -57.757, -18.858 ], [ -57.56, -18.263 ], [ -57.458, -18.228 ], [ -57.568, -18.136 ], [ -57.702, -17.86 ], [ -57.715, -17.735 ], [ -57.785, -17.645 ], [ -57.773, -17.553 ], [ -57.878, -17.463 ], [ -58.003, -17.52 ], [ -58.114, -17.456 ], [ -58.395, -17.197 ], [ -58.421, -16.99 ], [ -58.47, -16.939 ], [ -58.468, -16.702 ], [ -58.442, -16.613 ], [ -58.34, -16.542 ], [ -58.309, -16.27 ], [ -58.471, -16.325 ], [ -60.173, -16.265 ], [ -60.236, -15.476 ], [ -60.565, -15.105 ], [ -60.253, -15.101 ], [ -60.257, -14.624 ], [ -60.338, -14.555 ], [ -60.482, -14.181 ], [ -60.468, -14.092 ], [ -60.378, -13.992 ], [ -60.468, -13.886 ], [ -60.468, -13.801 ], [ -60.793, -13.686 ], [ -60.962, -13.539 ], [ -61.044, -13.541 ], [ -61.028, -13.477 ], [ -61.069, -13.463 ], [ -61.139, -13.521 ], [ -61.249, -13.525 ], [ -61.33, -13.473 ], [ -61.486, -13.554 ], [ -61.578, -13.494 ], [ -61.824, -13.539 ], [ -61.866, -13.443 ], [ -62.108, -13.257 ], [ -62.109, -13.149 ], [ -62.165, -13.112 ], [ -62.368, -13.145 ], [ -62.464, -13.07 ], [ -62.637, -13.041 ], [ -62.674, -12.965 ], [ -62.764, -13.023 ], [ -62.923, -12.854 ], [ -62.996, -12.85 ], [ -63.082, -12.653 ], [ -63.327, -12.705 ], [ -63.482, -12.557 ], [ -63.712, -12.458 ], [ -63.875, -12.469 ], [ -63.937, -12.557 ], [ -64.127, -12.494 ], [ -64.152, -12.529 ], [ -64.215, -12.476 ], [ -64.278, -12.511 ], [ -64.493, -12.366 ], [ -64.486, -12.23 ], [ -64.654, -12.186 ], [ -64.683, -12.099 ], [ -64.725, -12.162 ], [ -64.798, -12.035 ], [ -64.993, -11.999 ], [ -65.048, -11.757 ], [ -65.112, -11.741 ], [ -65.106, -11.697 ], [ -65.135, -11.777 ], [ -65.201, -11.745 ], [ -65.161, -11.622 ], [ -65.218, -11.521 ], [ -65.299, -11.5 ], [ -65.338, -11.392 ], [ -65.31, -11.341 ], [ -65.385, -11.269 ], [ -65.349, -11.239 ], [ -65.391, -11.167 ], [ -65.318, -11.105 ], [ -65.336, -11.044 ], [ -65.269, -10.901 ], [ -65.366, -10.798 ], [ -65.349, -10.671 ], [ -65.426, -10.638 ], [ -65.429, -10.473 ], [ -65.28, -10.218 ], [ -65.327, -9.938 ], [ -65.29, -9.851 ], [ -65.377, -9.698 ], [ -65.488, -9.718 ], [ -65.563, -9.834 ], [ -65.669, -9.779 ], [ -65.7, -9.803 ], [ -65.689, -9.749 ], [ -65.748, -9.77 ], [ -65.777, -9.727 ], [ -65.798, -9.786 ], [ -65.81, -9.75 ], [ -65.86, -9.794 ], [ -65.872, -9.757 ], [ -66.018, -9.807 ], [ -66.064, -9.772 ], [ -66.422, -9.895 ], [ -66.616, -9.893 ], [ -66.623, -9.935 ], [ -66.883, -10.081 ], [ -67.029, -10.254 ], [ -67.186, -10.339 ], [ -67.315, -10.316 ], [ -67.327, -10.374 ], [ -67.414, -10.372 ], [ -67.443, -10.45 ], [ -67.594, -10.523 ], [ -67.715, -10.707 ], [ -68.021, -10.661 ], [ -68.119, -10.726 ], [ -68.283, -10.987 ], [ -68.519, -11.048 ], [ -68.587, -11.11 ], [ -68.769, -11.139 ], [ -68.751, -11.007 ], [ -68.787, -10.99 ], [ -68.871, -11.023 ], [ -69.393, -10.929 ], [ -69.728, -10.973 ], [ -69.938, -10.926 ], [ -70.318, -11.066 ], [ -70.428, -11.033 ], [ -70.508, -10.94 ], [ -70.618, -11.007 ], [ -70.622, -9.847 ], [ -70.522, -9.738 ], [ -70.598, -9.574 ], [ -70.561, -9.579 ], [ -70.497, -9.433 ], [ -70.601, -9.453 ], [ -70.982, -9.812 ], [ -71.131, -9.862 ], [ -71.288, -9.996 ], [ -72.165, -10.002 ], [ -72.16, -9.818 ], [ -72.26, -9.755 ], [ -72.289, -9.536 ], [ -72.364, -9.491 ], [ -72.721, -9.417 ], [ -73.196, -9.418 ], [ -72.965, -9.154 ], [ -72.946, -8.99 ], [ -73.059, -8.904 ], [ -73.169, -8.701 ], [ -73.338, -8.609 ], [ -73.338, -8.476 ], [ -73.526, -8.369 ], [ -73.632, -8.022 ], [ -73.765, -7.94 ], [ -73.777, -7.869 ], [ -73.697, -7.865 ], [ -73.69, -7.79 ], [ -73.985, -7.543 ], [ -73.917, -7.461 ], [ -73.954, -7.348 ], [ -73.868, -7.377 ], [ -73.691, -7.313 ], [ -73.797, -7.115 ], [ -73.743, -6.897 ], [ -73.351, -6.561 ], [ -73.211, -6.53 ], [ -73.133, -6.421 ], [ -73.185, -6.04 ], [ -73.131, -5.986 ], [ -73.116, -5.865 ], [ -72.951, -5.643 ], [ -72.948, -5.454 ], [ -72.872, -5.25 ], [ -72.896, -5.136 ], [ -72.734, -5.043 ], [ -72.602, -5.056 ], [ -72.577, -4.992 ], [ -72.455, -4.962 ], [ -72.452, -4.906 ], [ -72.37, -4.88 ], [ -72.356, -4.803 ], [ -72.292, -4.799 ], [ -72.313, -4.769 ], [ -72.223, -4.78 ], [ -72.113, -4.722 ], [ -72.047, -4.625 ], [ -71.94, -4.607 ], [ -71.897, -4.512 ], [ -71.61, -4.465 ], [ -71.597, -4.525 ], [ -71.535, -4.46 ], [ -71.49, -4.479 ], [ -71.506, -4.435 ], [ -71.414, -4.432 ], [ -71.432, -4.469 ], [ -71.342, -4.423 ], [ -71.355, -4.468 ], [ -71.303, -4.458 ], [ -71.269, -4.381 ], [ -71.198, -4.377 ], [ -71.193, -4.42 ], [ -71.147, -4.375 ], [ -71.031, -4.397 ], [ -70.99, -4.34 ], [ -70.935, -4.381 ], [ -70.757, -4.152 ], [ -70.677, -4.2 ], [ -70.622, -4.121 ], [ -70.633, -4.173 ], [ -70.565, -4.168 ], [ -70.566, -4.205 ], [ -70.553, -4.128 ], [ -70.503, -4.19 ], [ -70.434, -4.125 ], [ -70.341, -4.174 ], [ -70.317, -4.136 ], [ -70.291, -4.283 ], [ -70.249, -4.267 ], [ -70.186, -4.357 ], [ -70.169, -4.27 ], [ -70.101, -4.255 ], [ -70.031, -4.339 ], [ -69.929, -4.213 ], [ -69.453, -1.478 ], [ -69.368, -1.334 ], [ -69.422, -0.998 ], [ -69.508, -0.936 ], [ -69.609, -0.755 ], [ -69.551, -0.648 ], [ -69.593, -0.517 ], [ -69.908, -0.316 ], [ -70.068, -0.135 ], [ -70.037, 0.553 ], [ -69.798, 0.585 ], [ -69.664, 0.672 ], [ -69.606, 0.623 ], [ -69.468, 0.734 ], [ -69.357, 0.621 ], [ -69.295, 0.648 ], [ -69.288, 0.609 ], [ -69.202, 0.602 ], [ -69.112, 0.643 ], [ -69.184, 0.73 ], [ -69.137, 0.868 ], [ -69.257, 1.026 ], [ -69.342, 1.064 ], [ -69.416, 1.024 ], [ -69.7, 1.056 ], [ -69.721, 1.097 ], [ -69.854, 1.07 ], [ -69.855, 1.715 ], [ -69.556, 1.775 ], [ -69.395, 1.726 ], [ -68.128, 1.73 ], [ -68.29, 1.841 ], [ -68.205, 2.038 ], [ -68.027, 1.784 ], [ -67.924, 1.751 ], [ -67.797, 1.812 ], [ -67.578, 2.076 ], [ -67.41, 2.141 ], [ -67.117, 1.732 ], [ -67.068, 1.532 ], [ -67.097, 1.17 ], [ -66.855, 1.228 ], [ -66.322, 0.738 ], [ -66.095, 0.754 ], [ -65.952, 0.81 ], [ -65.854, 0.939 ], [ -65.733, 1.005 ], [ -65.583, 1.008 ], [ -65.47, 0.877 ], [ -65.557, 0.705 ], [ -65.504, 0.627 ], [ -65.393, 0.699 ], [ -65.305, 0.916 ], [ -65.152, 0.943 ], [ -65.121, 1.115 ], [ -65.055, 1.144 ], [ -64.968, 1.112 ], [ -64.903, 1.249 ], [ -64.843, 1.237 ], [ -64.783, 1.313 ], [ -64.721, 1.25 ], [ -64.638, 1.286 ], [ -64.387, 1.527 ], [ -64.344, 1.528 ], [ -64.382, 1.419 ], [ -64.344, 1.38 ], [ -64.186, 1.494 ], [ -64.054, 1.708 ], [ -64.057, 1.933 ], [ -64.018, 1.967 ], [ -63.781, 1.989 ], [ -63.604, 2.124 ], [ -63.419, 2.154 ], [ -63.349, 2.281 ], [ -63.382, 2.442 ], [ -63.756, 2.403 ], [ -64.031, 2.509 ], [ -63.987, 2.772 ], [ -64.216, 3.153 ], [ -64.236, 3.476 ], [ -64.186, 3.634 ], [ -64.324, 3.797 ], [ -64.543, 3.882 ], [ -64.8, 4.224 ], [ -64.79, 4.329 ], [ -64.677, 4.297 ], [ -64.555, 4.153 ], [ -64.135, 4.176 ], [ -63.967, 3.93 ], [ -63.806, 4.019 ], [ -63.623, 4.01 ], [ -63.455, 3.91 ], [ -63.411, 4.026 ], [ -63.358, 4.04 ], [ -63.203, 3.952 ], [ -63.189, 3.872 ], [ -62.86, 3.584 ], [ -62.749, 3.642 ], [ -62.705, 3.724 ], [ -62.752, 4.012 ], [ -62.635, 4.056 ], [ -62.557, 4.02 ], [ -62.46, 4.173 ], [ -62.129, 4.084 ], [ -61.961, 4.18 ], [ -61.927, 4.106 ], [ -61.723, 4.262 ], [ -61.528, 4.273 ], [ -61.507, 4.398 ], [ -61.274, 4.471 ], [ -61.293, 4.55 ], [ -61.141, 4.508 ], [ -60.952, 4.549 ], [ -60.907, 4.708 ], [ -60.731, 4.777 ], [ -60.59, 4.951 ], [ -60.744, 5.209 ], [ -60.438, 5.177 ], [ -60.203, 5.265 ], [ -60.176, 5.227 ], [ -60.121, 5.243 ], [ -60.085, 5.149 ], [ -59.969, 5.073 ], [ -60.03, 4.704 ], [ -60.163, 4.521 ], [ -59.927, 4.509 ], [ -59.674, 4.382 ], [ -59.726, 4.191 ], [ -59.628, 4.138 ], [ -59.655, 4.078 ], [ -59.516, 3.94 ], [ -59.581, 3.901 ], [ -59.594, 3.796 ], [ -59.666, 3.777 ], [ -59.664, 3.703 ], [ -59.849, 3.601 ], [ -59.799, 3.355 ], [ -59.909, 3.197 ], [ -59.982, 2.929 ], [ -59.99, 2.683 ], [ -59.903, 2.479 ], [ -59.91, 2.388 ], [ -59.724, 2.277 ], [ -59.754, 1.861 ], [ -59.654, 1.849 ], [ -59.669, 1.764 ], [ -59.549, 1.729 ], [ -59.253, 1.397 ], [ -58.914, 1.299 ], [ -58.904, 1.234 ], [ -58.804, 1.175 ], [ -58.696, 1.288 ], [ -58.507, 1.264 ], [ -58.468, 1.318 ], [ -58.498, 1.458 ], [ -58.382, 1.471 ], [ -58.325, 1.59 ], [ -58.167, 1.558 ], [ -58.13, 1.501 ], [ -58.009, 1.501 ], [ -58, 1.665 ], [ -57.919, 1.645 ], [ -57.77, 1.718 ], [ -57.545, 1.701 ], [ -57.434, 1.895 ], [ -57.302, 1.99 ], [ -57.247, 1.944 ], [ -57.085, 2.021 ], [ -57.012, 1.918 ], [ -56.8, 1.864 ], [ -56.724, 1.92 ], [ -56.454, 1.945 ], [ -55.957, 1.844 ], [ -55.906, 1.889 ], [ -55.913, 2.041 ], [ -56.048, 2.226 ], [ -56.134, 2.263 ], [ -56.09, 2.352 ], [ -55.995, 2.405 ], [ -55.987, 2.517 ], [ -55.948, 2.532 ], [ -55.739, 2.401 ], [ -55.481, 2.443 ], [ -55.37, 2.407 ], [ -55.336, 2.516 ], [ -55.239, 2.495 ], [ -55.137, 2.575 ], [ -55.103, 2.522 ], [ -54.94, 2.632 ], [ -54.969, 2.555 ], [ -54.864, 2.439 ], [ -54.72, 2.469 ], [ -54.702, 2.336 ], [ -54.549, 2.336 ], [ -54.534, 2.268 ], [ -54.314, 2.158 ], [ -54.189, 2.179 ], [ -54.111, 2.127 ], [ -54.078, 2.197 ], [ -53.784, 2.364 ], [ -53.694, 2.287 ], [ -53.472, 2.332 ], [ -53.397, 2.272 ], [ -53.273, 2.292 ], [ -53.188, 2.223 ], [ -52.905, 2.19 ], [ -52.853, 2.285 ], [ -52.673, 2.374 ], [ -52.555, 2.523 ], [ -52.556, 2.646 ], [ -52.382, 2.912 ], [ -52.347, 3.134 ], [ -52.192, 3.296 ], [ -51.92, 3.781 ], [ -51.795, 3.89 ], [ -51.754, 3.996 ], [ -51.658, 4.049 ], [ -51.585, 4.241 ], [ -51.529, 4.171 ], [ -51.545, 4.397 ], [ -51.202, 4.084 ], [ -51.173, 3.767 ], [ -51.127, 3.911 ], [ -51.085, 3.895 ], [ -51.051, 3.283 ], [ -50.913, 2.875 ], [ -50.927, 2.807 ], [ -50.816, 2.644 ], [ -50.851, 2.482 ], [ -50.802, 2.508 ], [ -50.736, 2.414 ], [ -50.765, 2.359 ], [ -50.694, 2.276 ], [ -50.725, 2.252 ], [ -50.675, 2.247 ], [ -50.682, 2.137 ], [ -50.584, 2.091 ], [ -50.586, 2.014 ], [ -50.471, 1.82 ], [ -50.194, 1.794 ], [ -49.954, 1.676 ], [ -49.88, 1.419 ], [ -49.918, 1.289 ], [ -50.073, 1.204 ], [ -49.918, 1.232 ], [ -49.939, 1.103 ], [ -50.003, 1.066 ], [ -50.033, 1.107 ], [ -50.131, 0.949 ], [ -50.274, 0.866 ], [ -50.338, 0.729 ], [ -50.417, 0.685 ], [ -50.455, 0.732 ], [ -50.428, 0.679 ], [ -50.571, 0.424 ], [ -50.691, 0.3 ], [ -50.677, 0.365 ], [ -50.746, 0.227 ], [ -50.801, 0.224 ], [ -50.785, 0.183 ], [ -50.908, 0.171 ], [ -51.087, -0.043 ], [ -51.203, -0.055 ], [ -51.419, -0.412 ], [ -51.409, -0.44 ], [ -51.325, -0.364 ], [ -51.188, -0.14 ], [ -51.111, -0.154 ], [ -51.154, -0.284 ], [ -51.396, -0.493 ], [ -51.243, -0.443 ], [ -51.26, -0.5 ], [ -51.165, -0.431 ], [ -50.953, -0.061 ], [ -50.824, -0.048 ], [ -50.705, 0.002 ], [ -50.613, -0.088 ], [ -50.744, -0.244 ], [ -50.751, -0.429 ], [ -50.845, -0.526 ], [ -50.988, -0.583 ], [ -51.051, -0.682 ], [ -50.826, -0.555 ], [ -50.794, -0.666 ], [ -50.733, -0.557 ], [ -50.684, -0.604 ], [ -50.724, -0.493 ], [ -50.652, -0.276 ], [ -50.409, -0.094 ], [ -49.631, -0.247 ], [ -49.446, -0.23 ], [ -49.289, -0.145 ], [ -49.018, -0.16 ], [ -49, -0.139 ], [ -48.895, -0.224 ], [ -48.539, -0.234 ], [ -48.363, -0.303 ], [ -48.459, -0.513 ], [ -48.522, -0.877 ], [ -48.667, -1.002 ], [ -48.621, -1.005 ], [ -48.65, -1.048 ], [ -48.617, -1.053 ], [ -48.721, -1.137 ], [ -48.837, -1.452 ], [ -49.161, -1.575 ], [ -49.182, -1.623 ], [ -49.362, -1.604 ], [ -49.364, -1.642 ], [ -49.448, -1.637 ], [ -49.5, -1.738 ], [ -49.61, -1.718 ], [ -49.676, -1.78 ], [ -49.696, -1.757 ], [ -49.714, -1.76 ], [ -49.803, -1.822 ], [ -50.035, -1.717 ], [ -50.179, -1.787 ], [ -50.256, -1.776 ], [ -50.415, -1.841 ], [ -50.401, -1.935 ], [ -49.994, -1.819 ], [ -49.844, -1.905 ], [ -49.765, -1.898 ], [ -49.616, -1.79 ], [ -49.276, -1.706 ], [ -49.267, -1.778 ], [ -49.387, -1.977 ], [ -49.383, -2.159 ], [ -48.973, -1.594 ], [ -48.897, -1.573 ], [ -48.955, -1.712 ], [ -48.932, -1.75 ], [ -48.898, -1.743 ], [ -48.656, -1.371 ], [ -48.592, -1.429 ], [ -48.601, -1.306 ], [ -48.524, -1.338 ], [ -48.537, -1.467 ], [ -48.496, -1.553 ], [ -48.491, -1.502 ], [ -48.46, -1.533 ], [ -48.374, -1.511 ], [ -48.319, -1.478 ], [ -48.505, -1.471 ], [ -48.422, -1.168 ], [ -48.475, -1.144 ], [ -48.4, -1.066 ], [ -48.278, -1.111 ], [ -48.304, -0.948 ], [ -48.055, -0.668 ], [ -48.001, -0.731 ], [ -47.893, -0.553 ], [ -47.843, -0.616 ], [ -47.807, -0.547 ], [ -47.702, -0.54 ], [ -47.707, -0.59 ], [ -47.667, -0.569 ], [ -47.633, -0.608 ], [ -47.651, -0.694 ], [ -47.608, -0.684 ], [ -47.577, -0.573 ], [ -47.476, -0.757 ], [ -47.398, -0.76 ], [ -47.428, -0.693 ], [ -47.464, -0.687 ], [ -47.466, -0.594 ], [ -47.399, -0.594 ], [ -47.4, -0.645 ], [ -47.298, -0.589 ], [ -47.253, -0.668 ], [ -47.247, -0.623 ], [ -47.206, -0.633 ], [ -47.23, -0.719 ], [ -47.158, -0.678 ], [ -47.191, -0.754 ], [ -47.146, -0.764 ], [ -47.16, -0.815 ], [ -47.081, -0.661 ], [ -47.055, -0.868 ], [ -47.027, -0.784 ], [ -46.983, -0.806 ], [ -47.016, -0.752 ], [ -46.967, -0.694 ], [ -46.969, -0.78 ], [ -46.891, -0.869 ], [ -46.89, -0.789 ], [ -46.846, -0.799 ], [ -46.82, -0.71 ], [ -46.802, -0.877 ], [ -46.777, -0.905 ], [ -46.75, -0.826 ], [ -46.709, -0.86 ], [ -46.734, -0.944 ], [ -46.687, -0.831 ], [ -46.653, -0.882 ], [ -46.621, -0.818 ], [ -46.601, -0.917 ], [ -46.676, -0.965 ], [ -46.622, -0.987 ], [ -46.57, -0.947 ], [ -46.609, -1.03 ], [ -46.57, -0.988 ], [ -46.525, -1.027 ], [ -46.465, -1.007 ], [ -46.47, -1.044 ], [ -46.395, -1.037 ], [ -46.413, -1.084 ], [ -46.348, -0.982 ], [ -46.36, -1.011 ], [ -46.366, -1.031 ], [ -46.348, -1.079 ], [ -46.339, -1.015 ], [ -46.299, -1.05 ], [ -46.212, -0.946 ], [ -46.242, -0.921 ], [ -46.179, -0.914 ], [ -46.224, -1.053 ], [ -46.206, -1.1 ], [ -46.158, -1.014 ], [ -46.138, -1.032 ], [ -46.193, -1.143 ], [ -46.104, -1.067 ], [ -46.062, -1.133 ], [ -46.15, -1.258 ], [ -45.982, -1.071 ], [ -45.953, -1.147 ], [ -46, -1.151 ], [ -46, -1.199 ], [ -45.95, -1.159 ], [ -45.95, -1.207 ], [ -46, -1.209 ], [ -45.95, -1.25 ], [ -45.902, -1.134 ], [ -45.923, -1.214 ], [ -45.882, -1.167 ], [ -45.873, -1.211 ], [ -45.909, -1.261 ], [ -45.859, -1.231 ], [ -45.891, -1.293 ], [ -45.807, -1.176 ], [ -45.843, -1.301 ], [ -45.809, -1.328 ], [ -45.831, -1.298 ], [ -45.782, -1.278 ], [ -45.726, -1.135 ], [ -45.69, -1.452 ], [ -45.697, -1.38 ], [ -45.632, -1.371 ], [ -45.618, -1.279 ], [ -45.589, -1.329 ], [ -45.537, -1.273 ], [ -45.561, -1.343 ], [ -45.51, -1.352 ], [ -45.567, -1.404 ], [ -45.546, -1.432 ], [ -45.413, -1.296 ], [ -45.489, -1.473 ], [ -45.511, -1.458 ], [ -45.554, -1.503 ], [ -45.507, -1.471 ], [ -45.518, -1.516 ], [ -45.481, -1.495 ], [ -45.463, -1.548 ], [ -45.457, -1.457 ], [ -45.391, -1.434 ], [ -45.363, -1.325 ], [ -45.323, -1.319 ], [ -45.302, -1.424 ], [ -45.392, -1.485 ], [ -45.398, -1.503 ], [ -45.356, -1.487 ], [ -45.392, -1.553 ], [ -45.338, -1.572 ], [ -45.371, -1.722 ], [ -45.338, -1.753 ], [ -45.197, -1.688 ], [ -45.261, -1.607 ], [ -45.16, -1.475 ], [ -45.136, -1.521 ], [ -45.072, -1.435 ], [ -45.07, -1.485 ], [ -44.999, -1.504 ], [ -45.018, -1.547 ], [ -44.969, -1.549 ], [ -45.029, -1.583 ], [ -45.029, -1.602 ], [ -44.979, -1.607 ], [ -44.954, -1.498 ], [ -44.862, -1.426 ], [ -44.857, -1.498 ], [ -44.954, -1.605 ], [ -44.918, -1.649 ], [ -44.968, -1.662 ], [ -44.913, -1.657 ], [ -44.927, -1.62 ], [ -44.886, -1.609 ], [ -44.837, -1.65 ], [ -44.822, -1.591 ], [ -44.826, -1.637 ], [ -44.805, -1.609 ], [ -44.812, -1.665 ], [ -44.779, -1.735 ], [ -44.711, -1.728 ], [ -44.82, -1.819 ], [ -44.738, -1.791 ], [ -44.706, -1.819 ], [ -44.676, -1.808 ], [ -44.661, -1.727 ], [ -44.604, -1.749 ], [ -44.667, -1.849 ], [ -44.601, -1.858 ], [ -44.583, -1.817 ], [ -44.586, -1.873 ], [ -44.543, -1.833 ], [ -44.601, -1.909 ], [ -44.517, -1.907 ], [ -44.484, -2.002 ], [ -44.613, -2.037 ], [ -44.467, -2.017 ], [ -44.626, -2.151 ], [ -44.589, -2.159 ], [ -44.641, -2.232 ], [ -44.708, -2.23 ], [ -44.684, -2.275 ], [ -44.764, -2.265 ], [ -44.654, -2.294 ], [ -44.681, -2.354 ], [ -44.649, -2.373 ], [ -44.666, -2.329 ], [ -44.479, -2.137 ], [ -44.358, -2.335 ], [ -44.401, -2.416 ], [ -44.514, -2.384 ], [ -44.55, -2.4 ], [ -44.491, -2.415 ], [ -44.514, -2.448 ], [ -44.505, -2.476 ], [ -44.665, -2.608 ], [ -44.548, -2.542 ], [ -44.658, -2.781 ], [ -44.688, -2.924 ], [ -44.677, -3.019 ], [ -44.66, -3.02 ], [ -44.657, -3.018 ] ], [ [ -43.318, -2.361 ], [ -43.317, -2.363 ], [ -43.296, -2.363 ], [ -43.318, -2.361 ] ], [ [ -42.438, -2.747 ], [ -42.442, -2.749 ], [ -42.438, -2.75 ], [ -42.438, -2.747 ] ], [ [ -42.442, -2.749 ], [ -42.47, -2.744 ], [ -42.447, -2.753 ], [ -42.442, -2.749 ] ], [ [ -50.851, 2.482 ], [ -50.853, 2.481 ], [ -50.853, 2.48 ], [ -50.851, 2.482 ] ], [ [ -50.853, 2.481 ], [ -50.86, 2.495 ], [ -50.86, 2.477 ], [ -50.853, 2.481 ] ], [ [ -49.976, 1.659 ], [ -49.98, 1.659 ], [ -50, 1.639 ], [ -49.976, 1.659 ] ], [ [ -45.392, -1.553 ], [ -45.393, -1.553 ], [ -45.394, -1.556 ], [ -45.392, -1.553 ] ], [ [ -45.394, -1.556 ], [ -45.406, -1.579 ], [ -45.403, -1.591 ], [ -45.394, -1.556 ] ], [ [ -44.837, -1.65 ], [ -44.834, -1.655 ], [ -44.833, -1.654 ], [ -44.837, -1.65 ] ], [ [ -44.834, -1.655 ], [ -44.841, -1.675 ], [ -44.822, -1.672 ], [ -44.834, -1.655 ] ], [ [ -44.779, -1.735 ], [ -44.777, -1.741 ], [ -44.776, -1.74 ], [ -44.779, -1.735 ] ], [ [ -44.777, -1.741 ], [ -44.833, -1.77 ], [ -44.774, -1.75 ], [ -44.777, -1.741 ] ], [ [ -44.547, -2.22 ], [ -44.536, -2.225 ], [ -44.543, -2.219 ], [ -44.547, -2.22 ] ], [ [ -44.536, -2.225 ], [ -44.507, -2.249 ], [ -44.512, -2.235 ], [ -44.536, -2.225 ] ], [ [ -44.507, -2.249 ], [ -44.504, -2.256 ], [ -44.501, -2.254 ], [ -44.507, -2.249 ] ], [ [ -44.504, -2.256 ], [ -44.514, -2.268 ], [ -44.502, -2.26 ], [ -44.504, -2.256 ] ] ], [ [ [ -29.34, -20.484 ], [ -29.301, -20.521 ], [ -29.341, -20.511 ], [ -29.34, -20.484 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.001, -13.94 ], [ -39.012, -13.915 ], [ -38.994, -13.896 ], [ -39.001, -13.94 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.043, -13.909 ], [ -39.059, -13.904 ], [ -39.054, -13.886 ], [ -39.028, -13.903 ], [ -39.043, -13.909 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.251, -18.015 ], [ -39.283, -18.005 ], [ -39.272, -17.982 ], [ -39.245, -18.006 ], [ -39.251, -18.015 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.131, -17.927 ], [ -39.154, -17.921 ], [ -39.137, -17.91 ], [ -39.131, -17.927 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.212, -17.986 ], [ -39.228, -17.979 ], [ -39.215, -17.944 ], [ -39.202, -17.95 ], [ -39.212, -17.986 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.341, -23.231 ], [ -44.372, -23.174 ], [ -44.232, -23.089 ], [ -44.087, -23.173 ], [ -44.3, -23.184 ], [ -44.341, -23.231 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.356, -23.073 ], [ -44.388, -23.048 ], [ -44.373, -23.033 ], [ -44.343, -23.041 ], [ -44.356, -23.073 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.929, -23.014 ], [ -43.936, -22.999 ], [ -43.916, -22.989 ], [ -43.929, -23.014 ] ] ], [ [ [ -42.002, -23.018 ], [ -42.015, -23.003 ], [ -41.98, -22.975 ], [ -41.975, -22.992 ], [ -42.002, -23.018 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.904, -22.962 ], [ -43.907, -22.936 ], [ -43.868, -22.926 ], [ -43.871, -22.95 ], [ -43.904, -22.962 ] ] ], [ [ [ -41.042, -21.613 ], [ -41.042, -21.6 ], [ -41.019, -21.606 ], [ -41.042, -21.613 ] ] ], [ [ [ -52.112, -32 ], [ -52.18, -32.035 ], [ -52.216, -32.025 ], [ -52.198, -31.978 ], [ -52.112, -32 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.641, -30.388 ], [ -50.629, -30.394 ], [ -50.624, -30.329 ], [ -50.592, -30.399 ], [ -50.609, -30.406 ], [ -50.641, -30.388 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.526, -27.462 ], [ -48.416, -27.38 ], [ -48.358, -27.446 ], [ -48.503, -27.799 ], [ -48.559, -27.842 ], [ -48.526, -27.462 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.354, -27.296 ], [ -48.376, -27.285 ], [ -48.373, -27.271 ], [ -48.36, -27.27 ], [ -48.354, -27.296 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.731, -26.314 ], [ -48.754, -26.297 ], [ -48.735, -26.282 ], [ -48.731, -26.314 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.318, -25.584 ], [ -48.309, -25.546 ], [ -48.381, -25.504 ], [ -48.312, -25.509 ], [ -48.292, -25.545 ], [ -48.318, -25.584 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.414, -25.544 ], [ -48.459, -25.514 ], [ -48.415, -25.527 ], [ -48.414, -25.544 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.424, -25.551 ], [ -48.479, -25.523 ], [ -48.485, -25.502 ], [ -48.424, -25.551 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.298, -25.493 ], [ -48.341, -25.416 ], [ -48.252, -25.341 ], [ -48.265, -25.44 ], [ -48.253, -25.466 ], [ -48.298, -25.493 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.417, -25.386 ], [ -48.424, -25.343 ], [ -48.405, -25.33 ], [ -48.417, -25.386 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.695, -24.112 ], [ -45.688, -24.088 ], [ -45.679, -24.098 ], [ -45.695, -24.112 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.251, -23.962 ], [ -45.301, -23.909 ], [ -45.453, -23.91 ], [ -45.332, -23.721 ], [ -45.227, -23.774 ], [ -45.224, -23.835 ], [ -45.283, -23.857 ], [ -45.221, -23.899 ], [ -45.251, -23.962 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.141, -23.817 ], [ -45.146, -23.791 ], [ -45.114, -23.801 ], [ -45.141, -23.817 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.153, -23.573 ], [ -45.153, -23.558 ], [ -45.141, -23.568 ], [ -45.153, -23.573 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.073, -23.564 ], [ -45.079, -23.525 ], [ -45.036, -23.531 ], [ -45.073, -23.564 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.608, -23.228 ], [ -44.59, -23.208 ], [ -44.577, -23.216 ], [ -44.608, -23.228 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.648, -12.821 ], [ -38.666, -12.777 ], [ -38.624, -12.762 ], [ -38.648, -12.821 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.529, -12.811 ], [ -38.544, -12.757 ], [ -38.532, -12.74 ], [ -38.508, -12.792 ], [ -38.529, -12.811 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.622, -12.752 ], [ -38.622, -12.727 ], [ -38.593, -12.733 ], [ -38.622, -12.752 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.646, -12.683 ], [ -38.648, -12.65 ], [ -38.636, -12.661 ], [ -38.646, -12.683 ] ] ], [ [ [ -32.402, -3.838 ], [ -32.428, -3.877 ], [ -32.483, -3.878 ], [ -32.402, -3.838 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.667, -3.179 ], [ -44.668, -3.16 ], [ -44.643, -3.148 ], [ -44.644, -3.17 ], [ -44.667, -3.179 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.671, -2.943 ], [ -44.67, -2.92 ], [ -44.647, -2.915 ], [ -44.671, -2.943 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.493, -2.641 ], [ -44.48, -2.601 ], [ -44.477, -2.627 ], [ -44.493, -2.641 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.897, -2.573 ], [ -43.896, -2.554 ], [ -43.886, -2.565 ], [ -43.897, -2.573 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.599, -2.503 ], [ -43.577, -2.471 ], [ -43.572, -2.483 ], [ -43.599, -2.503 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.822, -2.526 ], [ -43.829, -2.509 ], [ -43.813, -2.458 ], [ -43.812, -2.553 ], [ -43.82, -2.528 ], [ -43.822, -2.526 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.821, -2.529 ], [ -43.856, -2.502 ], [ -43.832, -2.439 ], [ -43.842, -2.504 ], [ -43.821, -2.529 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.863, -2.56 ], [ -43.875, -2.552 ], [ -43.865, -2.534 ], [ -43.863, -2.56 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.519, -2.536 ], [ -44.529, -2.526 ], [ -44.501, -2.48 ], [ -44.505, -2.444 ], [ -44.455, -2.434 ], [ -44.519, -2.536 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.602, -3.007 ], [ -44.657, -2.972 ], [ -44.613, -2.894 ], [ -44.575, -2.921 ], [ -44.602, -3.007 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.585, -2.978 ], [ -44.563, -2.914 ], [ -44.586, -2.826 ], [ -44.494, -2.705 ], [ -44.494, -2.953 ], [ -44.582, -3.041 ], [ -44.585, -2.978 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.826, -2.434 ], [ -43.842, -2.403 ], [ -43.811, -2.385 ], [ -43.807, -2.412 ], [ -43.826, -2.434 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.581, -2.441 ], [ -43.615, -2.389 ], [ -43.549, -2.377 ], [ -43.545, -2.403 ], [ -43.581, -2.441 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.791, -2.47 ], [ -43.806, -2.443 ], [ -43.78, -2.422 ], [ -43.759, -2.448 ], [ -43.791, -2.47 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.513, -2.424 ], [ -43.537, -2.416 ], [ -43.522, -2.39 ], [ -43.505, -2.414 ], [ -43.513, -2.424 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.792, -2.405 ], [ -43.798, -2.377 ], [ -43.771, -2.37 ], [ -43.792, -2.405 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.689, -2.355 ], [ -43.743, -2.352 ], [ -43.724, -2.305 ], [ -43.617, -2.253 ], [ -43.612, -2.275 ], [ -43.669, -2.301 ], [ -43.689, -2.355 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.73, -2.425 ], [ -43.732, -2.364 ], [ -43.67, -2.377 ], [ -43.681, -2.34 ], [ -43.63, -2.324 ], [ -43.643, -2.394 ], [ -43.73, -2.425 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.473, -2.125 ], [ -44.487, -2.113 ], [ -44.475, -2.096 ], [ -44.463, -2.104 ], [ -44.473, -2.125 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.456, -2.031 ], [ -44.447, -2.008 ], [ -44.439, -2.022 ], [ -44.456, -2.031 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.311, -1.964 ], [ -49.336, -1.996 ], [ -49.309, -1.943 ], [ -49.311, -1.964 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.323, -2.054 ], [ -49.329, -2.019 ], [ -49.316, -2.001 ], [ -49.323, -2.054 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.231, -1.829 ], [ -50.246, -1.824 ], [ -50.229, -1.816 ], [ -50.231, -1.829 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.615, -1.821 ], [ -44.622, -1.797 ], [ -44.597, -1.774 ], [ -44.583, -1.789 ], [ -44.615, -1.821 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.7, -1.811 ], [ -44.703, -1.78 ], [ -44.673, -1.78 ], [ -44.7, -1.811 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.691, -1.793 ], [ -49.721, -1.789 ], [ -49.719, -1.771 ], [ -49.697, -1.766 ], [ -49.691, -1.793 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.924, -1.711 ], [ -48.909, -1.713 ], [ -48.916, -1.734 ], [ -48.935, -1.713 ], [ -48.924, -1.711 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.757, -1.707 ], [ -44.767, -1.694 ], [ -44.736, -1.701 ], [ -44.757, -1.707 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.433, -1.684 ], [ -49.454, -1.706 ], [ -49.46, -1.684 ], [ -49.433, -1.684 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.357, -1.008 ], [ -46.342, -0.994 ], [ -46.353, -1.026 ], [ -46.357, -1.008 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.205, -1.021 ], [ -46.194, -1.014 ], [ -46.202, -1.032 ], [ -46.205, -1.021 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.662, -3.018 ], [ -44.673, -3.012 ], [ -44.664, -3.001 ], [ -44.649, -3.013 ], [ -44.662, -3.018 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.736, -1.683 ], [ -44.745, -1.677 ], [ -44.732, -1.668 ], [ -44.736, -1.683 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.231, -1.638 ], [ -49.237, -1.627 ], [ -49.217, -1.633 ], [ -49.231, -1.638 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.38, -1.685 ], [ -49.4, -1.682 ], [ -49.368, -1.669 ], [ -49.38, -1.685 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.426, -1.673 ], [ -49.429, -1.661 ], [ -49.406, -1.66 ], [ -49.426, -1.673 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.34, -1.672 ], [ -49.358, -1.662 ], [ -49.325, -1.647 ], [ -49.34, -1.672 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.289, -1.726 ], [ -45.305, -1.663 ], [ -45.257, -1.641 ], [ -45.244, -1.678 ], [ -45.28, -1.694 ], [ -45.289, -1.726 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.328, -1.743 ], [ -45.346, -1.719 ], [ -45.301, -1.596 ], [ -45.274, -1.635 ], [ -45.313, -1.654 ], [ -45.328, -1.743 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.886, -1.578 ], [ -48.89, -1.56 ], [ -48.859, -1.536 ], [ -48.856, -1.553 ], [ -48.886, -1.578 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.783, -1.682 ], [ -44.8, -1.595 ], [ -44.775, -1.62 ], [ -44.721, -1.567 ], [ -44.704, -1.611 ], [ -44.684, -1.575 ], [ -44.668, -1.669 ], [ -44.693, -1.638 ], [ -44.783, -1.682 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.816, -1.569 ], [ -44.837, -1.534 ], [ -44.787, -1.488 ], [ -44.825, -1.534 ], [ -44.816, -1.569 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.462, -1.517 ], [ -48.478, -1.499 ], [ -48.421, -1.503 ], [ -48.462, -1.517 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.793, -1.531 ], [ -44.774, -1.47 ], [ -44.763, -1.513 ], [ -44.793, -1.531 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.414, -1.427 ], [ -45.423, -1.416 ], [ -45.409, -1.405 ], [ -45.414, -1.427 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45, -1.296 ], [ -44.922, -1.265 ], [ -44.877, -1.309 ], [ -44.895, -1.34 ], [ -44.922, -1.305 ], [ -44.907, -1.341 ], [ -44.999, -1.405 ], [ -45.033, -1.339 ], [ -45, -1.32 ], [ -44.995, -1.36 ], [ -45, -1.296 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.044, -1.402 ], [ -45.07, -1.33 ], [ -45.052, -1.342 ], [ -45.044, -1.402 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.333, -1.569 ], [ -45.371, -1.544 ], [ -45.347, -1.489 ], [ -45.313, -1.506 ], [ -45.333, -1.569 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.969, -1.522 ], [ -44.976, -1.493 ], [ -44.959, -1.483 ], [ -44.969, -1.522 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.393, -1.512 ], [ -48.371, -1.476 ], [ -48.341, -1.483 ], [ -48.393, -1.512 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.413, -1.498 ], [ -48.426, -1.491 ], [ -48.387, -1.476 ], [ -48.413, -1.498 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.118, -1.47 ], [ -45.132, -1.462 ], [ -45.115, -1.364 ], [ -45.103, -1.373 ], [ -45.118, -1.47 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.593, -1.251 ], [ -45.581, -1.19 ], [ -45.536, -1.205 ], [ -45.532, -1.231 ], [ -45.593, -1.251 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.559, -1.243 ], [ -48.56, -1.202 ], [ -48.523, -1.199 ], [ -48.559, -1.243 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.817, -1.163 ], [ -45.829, -1.141 ], [ -45.804, -1.127 ], [ -45.817, -1.163 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.877, -1.154 ], [ -45.9, -1.117 ], [ -45.883, -1.073 ], [ -45.849, -1.123 ], [ -45.877, -1.154 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.192, -1.05 ], [ -46.201, -1.041 ], [ -46.185, -1.027 ], [ -46.192, -1.05 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.291, -1.01 ], [ -46.307, -0.992 ], [ -46.306, -0.961 ], [ -46.291, -1.01 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.078, -1.095 ], [ -46.065, -1.05 ], [ -46.061, -1.074 ], [ -46.078, -1.095 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.68, -1.295 ], [ -45.687, -1.275 ], [ -45.667, -1.26 ], [ -45.654, -1.285 ], [ -45.68, -1.295 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.538, -1.282 ], [ -48.549, -1.262 ], [ -48.53, -1.25 ], [ -48.538, -1.282 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.51, -1.27 ], [ -48.522, -1.247 ], [ -48.506, -1.236 ], [ -48.51, -1.27 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.694, -1.37 ], [ -45.646, -1.289 ], [ -45.625, -1.126 ], [ -45.634, -1.349 ], [ -45.694, -1.37 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.688, -1.266 ], [ -45.708, -1.228 ], [ -45.685, -1.194 ], [ -45.664, -1.231 ], [ -45.688, -1.266 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.425, -0.914 ], [ -46.454, -0.907 ], [ -46.408, -0.868 ], [ -46.395, -0.899 ], [ -46.425, -0.914 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.72, -0.848 ], [ -46.735, -0.832 ], [ -46.729, -0.796 ], [ -46.72, -0.848 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.611, -0.799 ], [ -46.622, -0.784 ], [ -46.601, -0.789 ], [ -46.611, -0.799 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.586, -0.849 ], [ -46.621, -0.807 ], [ -46.589, -0.815 ], [ -46.586, -0.849 ] ] ], [ [ [ -47.447, -0.748 ], [ -47.453, -0.732 ], [ -47.436, -0.717 ], [ -47.428, -0.738 ], [ -47.447, -0.748 ] ] ], [ [ [ -47.461, -0.741 ], [ -47.463, -0.702 ], [ -47.445, -0.697 ], [ -47.461, -0.741 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.214, -0.411 ], [ -51.211, -0.386 ], [ -51.164, -0.347 ], [ -51.163, -0.383 ], [ -51.214, -0.411 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.352, -0.353 ], [ -51.346, -0.31 ], [ -51.317, -0.268 ], [ -51.327, -0.33 ], [ -51.352, -0.353 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.127, -0.268 ], [ -51.131, -0.237 ], [ -51.091, -0.208 ], [ -51.087, -0.229 ], [ -51.127, -0.268 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.888, -0.198 ], [ -48.91, -0.188 ], [ -48.893, -0.134 ], [ -48.847, -0.177 ], [ -48.888, -0.198 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.174, -0.091 ], [ -51.191, -0.064 ], [ -51.126, -0.057 ], [ -51.174, -0.091 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.114, -0.146 ], [ -49.097, -0.121 ], [ -49.08, -0.13 ], [ -49.114, -0.146 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.166, -0.142 ], [ -49.188, -0.115 ], [ -49.156, -0.128 ], [ -49.166, -0.142 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.119, -0.141 ], [ -49.143, -0.107 ], [ -49.114, -0.11 ], [ -49.119, -0.141 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.127, -0.128 ], [ -51.094, -0.103 ], [ -51.108, -0.127 ], [ -51.127, -0.128 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.414, -0.999 ], [ -46.384, -0.941 ], [ -46.367, -0.948 ], [ -46.414, -0.999 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.647, -0.97 ], [ -46.658, -0.968 ], [ -46.618, -0.957 ], [ -46.647, -0.97 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.488, -0.942 ], [ -46.465, -0.877 ], [ -46.464, -0.924 ], [ -46.44, -0.922 ], [ -46.482, -0.976 ], [ -46.441, -0.999 ], [ -46.525, -1.016 ], [ -46.527, -0.917 ], [ -46.509, -0.984 ], [ -46.488, -0.942 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.632, 0.159 ], [ -49.662, 0.184 ], [ -49.629, 0.202 ], [ -49.61, 0.181 ], [ -49.632, 0.159 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.641, 0.26 ], [ -50.63, 0.293 ], [ -50.586, 0.308 ], [ -50.641, 0.26 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.2, 0.255 ], [ -50.243, 0.248 ], [ -50.147, 0.337 ], [ -50.059, 0.346 ], [ -50.2, 0.255 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.417, 0.159 ], [ -50.535, 0.234 ], [ -50.36, 0.615 ], [ -50.328, 0.383 ], [ -50.285, 0.3 ], [ -50.413, 0.237 ], [ -50.417, 0.159 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.279, 0.338 ], [ -50.271, 0.599 ], [ -50.147, 0.608 ], [ -50.142, 0.576 ], [ -50.107, 0.636 ], [ -50.063, 0.623 ], [ -50.05, 0.518 ], [ -50.279, 0.338 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50, 0.943 ], [ -50.113, 0.907 ], [ -50.018, 1.034 ], [ -49.935, 1.069 ], [ -49.939, 0.996 ], [ -50, 0.943 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.881, 1.227 ], [ -49.909, 1.246 ], [ -49.886, 1.244 ], [ -49.881, 1.227 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.907, 1.278 ], [ -49.885, 1.291 ], [ -49.863, 1.278 ], [ -49.876, 1.252 ], [ -49.907, 1.278 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.204, 1.851 ], [ -50.232, 1.879 ], [ -50.22, 1.915 ], [ -50.169, 1.865 ], [ -50.204, 1.851 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.468, 1.954 ], [ -50.521, 2.026 ], [ -50.497, 2.139 ], [ -50.398, 2.167 ], [ -50.367, 2.19 ], [ -50.276, 1.939 ], [ -50.423, 1.849 ], [ -50.468, 1.954 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.504, 2.255 ], [ -50.414, 2.244 ], [ -50.382, 2.204 ], [ -50.489, 2.15 ], [ -50.564, 2.205 ], [ -50.504, 2.255 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.229, 0.832 ], [ -50.098, 0.839 ], [ -50.027, 0.898 ], [ -50.105, 0.757 ], [ -50.162, 0.775 ], [ -50.249, 0.72 ], [ -50.229, 0.832 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.131, 0.844 ], [ -50.162, 0.867 ], [ -50.132, 0.9 ], [ -50.119, 0.854 ], [ -50.131, 0.844 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.108, 0.85 ], [ -50.111, 0.891 ], [ -50.049, 0.886 ], [ -50.108, 0.85 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.216, -0.055 ], [ -50.235, -0.042 ], [ -50.219, -0.04 ], [ -50.216, -0.055 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.916, -0.052 ], [ -50.926, -0.047 ], [ -50.907, -0.043 ], [ -50.916, -0.052 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.605, -0.061 ], [ -50.618, -0.022 ], [ -50.559, -0.038 ], [ -50.605, -0.061 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.399, -0.061 ], [ -50.44, -0.057 ], [ -50.378, -0.015 ], [ -50.357, -0.049 ], [ -50.399, -0.061 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.75, 0 ], [ -49.609, 0.08 ], [ -49.474, 0.081 ], [ -49.338, -0.017 ], [ -49.487, -0.136 ], [ -49.723, -0.147 ], [ -49.835, -0.088 ], [ -49.75, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.023, -0.019 ], [ -49.039, -0.011 ], [ -49.02, -0.006 ], [ -49.023, -0.019 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.932, 0.052 ], [ -50.918, 0.084 ], [ -50.884, 0.078 ], [ -50.899, 0.057 ], [ -50.932, 0.052 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.928, 0 ], [ -50.786, 0.05 ], [ -50.717, 0.028 ], [ -50.94, -0.041 ], [ -50.928, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.691, 0.025 ], [ -50.655, 0.015 ], [ -50.703, 0.021 ], [ -50.691, 0.025 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.629, -0.043 ], [ -50.642, -0.016 ], [ -50.622, -0.026 ], [ -50.629, -0.043 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.642, 0 ], [ -50.611, 0.007 ], [ -50.595, -0.019 ], [ -50.642, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.536, 0 ], [ -50.653, 0.126 ], [ -50.59, 0.203 ], [ -50.434, 0.126 ], [ -50.436, 0 ], [ -50.536, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50, 0.311 ], [ -49.674, 0.368 ], [ -49.601, 0.283 ], [ -49.86, 0.008 ], [ -49.99, -0.048 ], [ -50.086, 0.034 ], [ -50.351, 0.044 ], [ -50.394, 0.222 ], [ -50.153, 0.227 ], [ -50, 0.311 ] ] ] ] } } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 104653, "end" : 104659 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Brasil" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/86a02932-33d2-442f-805d-6efa624902a4", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-01T19:15:27+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Sanabria (María y Mencía). Hijas del Adelantado Juan de Sanabria, pasan con su madre a América. Llegan a la laguna de los Patos. María casa con Hernando del Trejo, y es madre de Hernando, Obispo del Tucumán", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-01T19:15:27+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 113622, "end" : 113627 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "María" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/d13aa28e-0084-41ec-8801-520b8ae09b23", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-01T19:21:26+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Vergara (García Rodríguez); capitán, natural de Castilla la Vieja; viene con Cabeza de Vaca. Se opone al nombramiento de un gobernador propietario, durante la ausencia de Irala. Asiste a la elección de su sucesor", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-01T19:21:26+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 66414, "end" : 66430 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "García Rodríguez" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/060a06d0-9959-4b0d-ae51-b1638717860e", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T16:00:56+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Ñuflo de Chaves o menos conocido como Nufrio de Chávez (Cáceres de la Extremadura leonesa, Corona de España, 1518 – aldea Mitimi de la laguna de los Xarayes, gobernación de Santa Cruz de la Sierra del Virreinato del Perú, 3 de octubre de 1568) era un explorador y conquistador español, conocido por sus exploraciones del actual territorio del Paraguay y la zona suroriental de la actual Bolivia y por haber fundado la ciudad de Santa Cruz de la Sierra en 1561. Fue el continuador de la política colonizadora de Domingo Martínez de Irala.Su actividad permitió extender la colonización por esas regiones. Fue el primer hombre que atravesó el continente, partiendo del Atlántico al Pacífico, para lograr la conquista del centro de América meridional. Su temprana muerte no supuso la interrupción de la actividad conquistadora de todo el territorio que hoy conforma esa extensa comarca, porque su legado quedó en las gentes de la vieja ciudad, quienes extendieron su cultura por todo lo que hoy se conoce como el Oriente Boliviano.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-01T12:58:22+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 37260, "end" : 37275 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Nuflo de Chaves" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/3298ed65-4731-41fa-8202-6f51e56f357d", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-01T12:54:39+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Ñuflo de Chaves o menos conocido como Nufrio de Chávez (Cáceres de la Extremadura leonesa, Corona de España, 1518 – aldea Mitimi de la laguna de los Xarayes, gobernación de Santa Cruz de la Sierra del Virreinato del Perú, 3 de octubre de 1568) era un explorador y conquistador español, conocido por sus exploraciones del actual territorio del Paraguay y la zona suroriental de la actual Bolivia y por haber fundado la ciudad de Santa Cruz de la Sierra en 1561. Fue el continuador de la política colonizadora de Domingo Martínez de Irala.Su actividad permitió extender la colonización por esas regiones. Fue el primer hombre que atravesó el continente, partiendo del Atlántico al Pacífico, para lograr la conquista del centro de América meridional. Su temprana muerte no supuso la interrupción de la actividad conquistadora de todo el territorio que hoy conforma esa extensa comarca, porque su legado quedó en las gentes de la vieja ciudad, quienes extendieron su cultura por todo lo que hoy se conoce como el Oriente Boliviano.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-01T12:58:01+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 21673, "end" : 21688 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Nuflo de Chaves" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/d46aa6b5-cb8a-4102-9cef-616af8cb0692", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T16:00:56+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Ñuflo de Chaves o menos conocido como Nufrio de Chávez (Cáceres de la Extremadura leonesa, Corona de España, 1518 – aldea Mitimi de la laguna de los Xarayes, gobernación de Santa Cruz de la Sierra del Virreinato del Perú, 3 de octubre de 1568) era un explorador y conquistador español, conocido por sus exploraciones del actual territorio del Paraguay y la zona suroriental de la actual Bolivia y por haber fundado la ciudad de Santa Cruz de la Sierra en 1561. Fue el continuador de la política colonizadora de Domingo Martínez de Irala.Su actividad permitió extender la colonización por esas regiones. Fue el primer hombre que atravesó el continente, partiendo del Atlántico al Pacífico, para lograr la conquista del centro de América meridional. Su temprana muerte no supuso la interrupción de la actividad conquistadora de todo el territorio que hoy conforma esa extensa comarca, porque su legado quedó en las gentes de la vieja ciudad, quienes extendieron su cultura por todo lo que hoy se conoce como el Oriente Boliviano.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-01T12:58:13+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 33244, "end" : 33259 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Nuflo de Chaves" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/bcb4d04b-7ceb-4b36-be93-ca4e7f09e2ab", "type" : 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conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 123353, "end" : 123368 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Martín González" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/b2179fe5-3325-4d2c-bd11-f399ee29a0e8", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-01T16:02:21+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Se refiere a los Chaná-timbúes, habitantes nativos de las riberas del Paraná y del Uruguay y que estarían conectados con la construcción de \"Cerritos\" en estos espacios, propios de la cultura Goya-Malabrigo. Los chaná-timúes practicaban un amplio número de estrategias de explotación del medio, combinando pesca, caza, recolección y horticultura. Bibliografía: Politis, Gustavo; León, Diego, \"Patrones adaptativos de los cazadores-recolectores-pescadores de la margen occidental del Paraná inferior-Plata\", en Cocco, Gabriel; Feuillet Terzaghi, María Rosario (comp.), Arqueología de cazadores recolectores de la cuenca del Plata, Santa Fe, Centro de Estudios Hispanoamericanos, 2010, pp. 63-86; Bonomo, Mariano; Politis, Gustavo G.; Gianotti, Camila, \"Montículos, jerarquía social y horticultura en las sociedades indígenas del delta del Río Paraná (Argentina)\", en Latin American Antiquity, vol. 22. núm. 3, 2011, pp. 297-333; Politis, Gustavo G., \"The Pampas and the Campos of South America\", en Silverman, Helaine; Isbell, William H. (eds.), Handbook of South American Archaeology, Nueva York, Springer, 2008, p. 254.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-01T16:02:21+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 29718, "end" : 29724 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Timbús" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/26cae0a9-8c67-4bc9-b30e-8332366b04cc", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-01T18:43:27+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Los chiriguanos componían la parcialidad más occidental de los guaraníes, asentados en actual territorio boliviano sobre los contrafuertes andinos. Ruy Díaz dirigió varias campañas en su contra. Bibliografía: Saignes, Thierry, \"El sureste entre la conquista inca y la invasión chiriguano\", en Combès, Isabelle (comp.), Historia del pueblo Chiriguano, La Paz, Instituto Francés de Estudios Andinos- Embajada de Francia en Bolivia, 2007, pp. 41-54; Saignes, Thierry, Ava y Karai: Ensayos sobre la frontera Chiriguano (siglo XVIXX),Hisbol, La Paz, 1990; e Historia del Pueblo Chiriguano, La Paz, IFEA Instituto Francés de Estudios Andinos, 2007.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-01T18:43:27+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 34195, "end" : 34206 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Chiriguanos" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/82b7f939-7802-490d-8cac-44e3b0816787", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-01T18:43:27+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Los chiriguanos componían la parcialidad más occidental de los guaraníes, asentados en actual territorio boliviano sobre los contrafuertes andinos. Ruy Díaz dirigió varias campañas en su contra. Bibliografía: Saignes, Thierry, \"El sureste entre la conquista inca y la invasión chiriguano\", en Combès, Isabelle (comp.), Historia del pueblo Chiriguano, La Paz, Instituto Francés de Estudios Andinos- Embajada de Francia en Bolivia, 2007, pp. 41-54; Saignes, Thierry, Ava y Karai: Ensayos sobre la frontera Chiriguano (siglo XVIXX),Hisbol, La Paz, 1990; e Historia del Pueblo Chiriguano, La Paz, IFEA Instituto Francés de Estudios Andinos, 2007.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-01T18:43:27+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 34966, "end" : 34977 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Chiriguanos" } ] 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: { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 135740, "end" : 135749 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Asumpción" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/7e446803-fff1-43af-8808-6ef366740311", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://sws.geonames.org/3907584", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-01T19:18:30+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-01T19:18:30+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ -65.75306, -19.58361 ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "La Villa Imperial de Potosí,en las cercanías del Cerro Rico en la provincia de Charcas.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-01T19:18:30+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 34330, "end" : 34336 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Potosí" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : 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"https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 34352, "end" : 34357 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Oruro" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/c7a7738f-0af2-423a-89f7-d68fda3aae4a", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PLACE", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-01T20:45:30+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "EVENT", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-01T20:45:30+00:00" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "La fundación de la ciudad de Asunción del Paraguay fue crucial para el sostenimiento y el avance de la conquista en la región del Río de la Plata. La misma se levantó sobre un precario fuerte construido en 1537 por el capitán Juan de Salazar. Posteriormente, dada su situación privilegiada para realizas intercambios con la parcialidad guaraní caria y para proseguir las exploraciones en sentido nordeste en busca de la Siarra de la Plata, fue transformada en ciudad con la creación de un cabildo por orden de Domingo de Irala en 1541.  Bibliografía: Roulet, Florencia, La resistencia de los guaraní del Paraguay a la conquistaespañola (1537-1556), Posadas, Editorial Universitaria de la Universidad Nacional de Misiones, 1993.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-01T20:46:01+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 35295, "end" : 35302 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "fundada" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/696cef94-9817-4aec-abee-7324f0f4ae7a", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-01T22:30:01+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Domingo Martínez de Irala (Vergara de la Hermandad de Guipúzcoa, Corona de Castilla, 1509 - Asunción del Paraguay, Virreinato del Perú, 3 de octubre de 1556) fue un conquistador, explorador y colonizador español que como lugarteniente de Juan de Ayolas quien lo nombrara interinamente hasta que regresara como teniente de gobernador de La Candelaria en 1537, luego lo sería de hecho, y posteriormente elegido por el pueblo según real cédula, como teniente de gobernador general de Asunción.Ocupó tres veces el cargo de gobernador interino del Río de la Plata y del Paraguay, en los períodos de 1539 a 1542, de 1544 hasta 1548 y por último desde 1549. El emperador Carlos V lo nombraría definitivamente como titular en el cargo gubernamental en el año 1555, que lo ostentaría hasta su fallecimiento.En 1543 fundó en el Chaco Boreal el Puerto de los Reyes, a orillas del río Paraguay y del pantano de los Jarayes, sobre las costas de la laguna La Gaiba.Avellaneda, Mercedes; Perusset, Macarena, \"Irala, el primer estratega del Plata\", en Historia Paraguaya. Anuario de la Academia Paraguaya de la Historia, vol. XLVI, 2006, pp. 319-363.Lafuente Machain, Ricardo, El gobernador Domingo de Irala, Asunción, Academia Paraguaya de la Historia, 2005 [1939].", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-01T22:32:10+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 36684, "end" : 36700 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Domingo de Irala" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/1c7c662a-b940-42c7-95b2-9a3ad23960b1", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PLACE", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-01T21:45:03+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "O Piray, es un río que también desemboca en el Paraguay en su ribera este, actualmente recibe el nombre de Aquidabán.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-01T21:45:03+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 36126, "end" : 36131 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Picay" } ] } }, { "@context" : 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-18.65 ], [ -65.08, -18.66 ], [ -65.09, -18.65 ], [ -65.14, -18.62 ], [ -65.16, -18.61 ], [ -65.18, -18.61 ], [ -65.21, -18.62 ], [ -65.23, -18.62 ], [ -65.24, -18.6 ], [ -65.25, -18.58 ], [ -65.25, -18.55 ], [ -65.25, -18.53 ], [ -65.26, -18.52 ], [ -65.27, -18.52 ], [ -65.28, -18.51 ], [ -65.29, -18.5 ], [ -65.3, -18.49 ], [ -65.31, -18.45 ], [ -65.32, -18.45 ], [ -65.33, -18.45 ], [ -65.34, -18.45 ], [ -65.34, -18.44 ], [ -65.34, -18.43 ], [ -65.34, -18.42 ], [ -65.35, -18.41 ], [ -65.35, -18.41 ], [ -65.36, -18.41 ], [ -65.4, -18.39 ], [ -65.4, -18.38 ], [ -65.41, -18.38 ], [ -65.42, -18.37 ], [ -65.43, -18.37 ], [ -65.44, -18.37 ], [ -65.47, -18.34 ], [ -65.51, -18.27 ], [ -65.55, -18.24 ], [ -65.56, -18.23 ], [ -65.58, -18.22 ], [ -65.6, -18.2 ], [ -65.61, -18.17 ], [ -65.62, -18.16 ], [ -65.64, -18.13 ], [ -65.68, -18.11 ], [ -65.7, -18.09 ], [ -65.7, -18.08 ], [ -65.77, -18.03 ], [ -65.83, -17.99 ], [ -65.84, -17.97 ], [ -65.86, -17.97 ], [ -65.93, -17.98 ], [ -65.94, -17.98 ], [ -65.95, -17.96 ], [ -65.95, -17.95 ], [ -65.96, -17.94 ], [ -65.97, -17.94 ], [ -65.99, -17.93 ], [ -66, -17.91 ], [ -66.01, -17.88 ], [ -66.02, -17.86 ], [ -66.04, -17.86 ], [ -66.05, -17.86 ], [ -66.06, -17.86 ], [ -66.1, -17.85 ], [ -66.14, -17.86 ], [ -66.16, -17.86 ], [ -66.18, -17.87 ], [ -66.26, -17.92 ], [ -66.28, -17.94 ], [ -66.34, -17.98 ], [ -66.35, -17.99 ], [ -66.36, -17.99 ], [ -66.37, -17.99 ], [ -66.42, -17.98 ], [ -66.48, -17.98 ], [ -66.52, -17.98 ], [ -66.52, -17.98 ], [ -66.53, -17.98 ], [ -66.56, -17.98 ], [ -66.62, -17.99 ], [ -66.68, -17.86 ], [ -66.76, -17.75 ], [ -66.81, -17.69 ], [ -66.83, -17.67 ], [ -66.99, -17.55 ], [ -66.86, -17.49 ], [ -66.85, -17.48 ], [ -66.84, -17.47 ], [ -66.84, -17.45 ], [ -66.85, -17.45 ], [ -66.86, -17.44 ], [ -66.87, -17.43 ], [ -66.87, -17.42 ], [ -66.85, -17.38 ], [ -66.87, -17.32 ], [ -66.87, -17.31 ], [ -66.88, -17.3 ], [ -66.89, -17.29 ], [ -66.89, -17.28 ], [ -66.88, -17.25 ], [ -66.9, -17.17 ], [ -66.9, -17.16 ], [ -66.91, -17.15 ], [ -66.92, -17.13 ], [ -66.94, -17.11 ], [ -66.95, -17.1 ], [ -66.99, -17.08 ], [ -67.01, -17.07 ], [ -67.02, -17.05 ], [ -67.01, -17.03 ], [ -67, -17.01 ], [ -67, -17 ], [ -66.98, -16.97 ], [ -66.98, -16.96 ], [ -66.98, -16.95 ], [ -66.98, -16.93 ], [ -66.98, -16.91 ], [ -66.97, -16.9 ], [ -66.95, -16.86 ], [ -66.93, -16.84 ], [ -66.91, -16.82 ], [ -66.85, -16.82 ], [ -66.82, -16.81 ], [ -66.8, -16.8 ], [ -66.77, -16.78 ], [ -66.76, -16.76 ], [ -66.76, -16.74 ], [ -66.76, -16.72 ], [ -66.77, -16.68 ], [ -66.77, -16.67 ], [ -66.77, -16.59 ], [ -66.77, -16.56 ], [ -66.8, -16.51 ], [ -66.82, -16.48 ], [ -66.82, -16.46 ], [ -66.8, -16.41 ], [ -66.8, -16.28 ], [ -66.81, -16.27 ], [ -66.83, -16.24 ], [ -66.83, -16.23 ], [ -66.84, -16.23 ], [ -66.87, -16.22 ], [ -66.87, -16.21 ], [ -66.87, -16.19 ], [ -66.87, -16.17 ], [ -66.88, -16.15 ], [ -66.91, -16.12 ], [ -66.93, -16.1 ], [ -66.95, -16.08 ], [ -66.95, -16.07 ], [ -66.95, -16.06 ], [ -66.94, -15.98 ], [ -66.94, -15.96 ], [ -66.94, -15.94 ], [ -66.94, -15.92 ], [ -66.94, -15.91 ], [ -66.93, -15.9 ], [ -66.93, -15.89 ], [ -66.92, -15.88 ], [ -66.92, -15.86 ], [ -66.92, -15.86 ], [ -66.92, -15.85 ], [ -66.93, -15.85 ], [ -66.93, -15.85 ], [ -66.93, -15.84 ], [ -66.9, -15.81 ], [ -66.87, -15.77 ], [ -66.78, -15.7 ], [ -66.5, -15.97 ], [ -66.49, -15.99 ], [ -66.48, -16.03 ], [ -66.47, -16.06 ], [ -66.46, -16.07 ], [ -66.4, -16.15 ], [ -66.24, -16.32 ], [ -66.22, -16.33 ], [ -66.12, -16.4 ], [ -66.07, -16.42 ], [ -65.99, -16.44 ], [ -65.89, -16.47 ], [ -65.84, -16.47 ] ] ] ] } } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 43471, "end" : 43481 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Cochabamba" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/16778b38-a9e1-4f48-be67-b679fd73df69", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-02T01:05:22+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Alejo o Alexo García resultó vital en la construcción del Río de la Plata como una atractiva frontera de exploración tras la expedición de Solís. Si bien se lo considera un personaje histórico, predominan las referencias que de él dieron otros náufragos de la expedición de Solís como Enrique Montes y Melchor Ramírez. Según se consigna en diversos documentos Alejo García habría avanzado por tierra, partiendo desde la costa del Brasil a la altura de la Isla de Santa Catalina, hasta alcanzar el Incario. Habría ido seguido o acompañado de una multitud de indios guaraníes deseosos de apoderarse también de las riquezas del país del metal. Tras alcanzar los Andes, García y sus aliados se habrían hecho de un fabuloso tesoro en metales preciosos, pero cuando ya estaban retornado, fueron mortalmente atacados por indios en el río Paraguay, alrededor del año 1525. Alejo García habría muerto en el enfrentamiento y el tesoro se perdió con él, pero algunos sobrevivientes habrían podido alcanzar la costa brasileña con pequeñas muestras de metal precioso. Bibliografía: RRubio, Julián María, Exploración y conquista del Río de la Plata, Siglos XVI y XVII, Barcelona, Salvat, 1942, pp. 41-45; Domínguez, Manuel, El alma de la raza, Asunción, Casa Editora de Cándido Zamphirópolos, 1918; Gandía, Enrique de, Historia del Gran Chaco, Buenos Aires, Roldán, 1929, pp. 77 y 85; Domínguez, Manuel, Historia crítica de los mitos de la conquista de América, Buenos Aires y Madrid, Juan Roldán y Cía, 1929, pp. 161-167; Moreno, Fulgencio, La ciudad de Asunción, Buenos Aires, Librería J. Suárez, 1926, p. 8-9 y 35 y Cardozo Efraím, El Paraguay de la conquista, Asunción, El Lector, 1996 [1959], pp. 35-36; Guérin, Miguel Alberto, \"La organización inicial del espacio rioplatense\", en Tandeter, Enrique (dir.), Nueva Historia Argentina. Tomo 2: La Sociedad Colonial, Buenos Aires, Sudamericana, 2000, pp. 13-54 pp. 27; Quarleri, Lía, Rebelión y guerra en las fronteras del Plata. Guaraníes, jesuitas e imperios coloniales, Buenos Aires, FCE, 2007, p. 46; Fradkin, R.; Garavaglia, Juan Carlos, La Argentina colonial. El Río de la Plata entre los siglos XVI y XIX, Buenos Aires, Siglo Veintiuno, 2009, p. 15. Más allá de la realización o no del viaje de García y de su calidad histórica, lo cierto es que fue una referencia tenida por cierta en varios de los principales documentos de la temprana exploración y conquista del Río de la Plata.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-02T01:05:22+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 44985, "end" : 44998 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Alejos García" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/8305e1c5-7815-446c-827e-80b9a3cc789f", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-02T01:05:22+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Alejo o Alexo García resultó vital en la construcción del Río de la Plata como una atractiva frontera de exploración tras la expedición de Solís. Si bien se lo considera un personaje histórico, predominan las referencias que de él dieron otros náufragos de la expedición de Solís como Enrique Montes y Melchor Ramírez. Según se consigna en diversos documentos Alejo García habría avanzado por tierra, partiendo desde la costa del Brasil a la altura de la Isla de Santa Catalina, hasta alcanzar el Incario. Habría ido seguido o acompañado de una multitud de indios guaraníes deseosos de apoderarse también de las riquezas del país del metal. Tras alcanzar los Andes, García y sus aliados se habrían hecho de un fabuloso tesoro en metales preciosos, pero cuando ya estaban retornado, fueron mortalmente atacados por indios en el río Paraguay, alrededor del año 1525. Alejo García habría muerto en el enfrentamiento y el tesoro se perdió con él, pero algunos sobrevivientes habrían podido alcanzar la costa brasileña con pequeñas muestras de metal precioso. Bibliografía: RRubio, Julián María, Exploración y conquista del Río de la Plata, Siglos XVI y XVII, Barcelona, Salvat, 1942, pp. 41-45; Domínguez, Manuel, El alma de la raza, Asunción, Casa Editora de Cándido Zamphirópolos, 1918; Gandía, Enrique de, Historia del Gran Chaco, Buenos Aires, Roldán, 1929, pp. 77 y 85; Domínguez, Manuel, Historia crítica de los mitos de la conquista de América, Buenos Aires y Madrid, Juan Roldán y Cía, 1929, pp. 161-167; Moreno, Fulgencio, La ciudad de Asunción, Buenos Aires, Librería J. Suárez, 1926, p. 8-9 y 35 y Cardozo Efraím, El Paraguay de la conquista, Asunción, El Lector, 1996 [1959], pp. 35-36; Guérin, Miguel Alberto, \"La organización inicial del espacio rioplatense\", en Tandeter, Enrique (dir.), Nueva Historia Argentina. Tomo 2: La Sociedad Colonial, Buenos Aires, Sudamericana, 2000, pp. 13-54 pp. 27; Quarleri, Lía, Rebelión y guerra en las fronteras del Plata. Guaraníes, jesuitas e imperios coloniales, Buenos Aires, FCE, 2007, p. 46; Fradkin, R.; Garavaglia, Juan Carlos, La Argentina colonial. El Río de la Plata entre los siglos XVI y XIX, Buenos Aires, Siglo Veintiuno, 2009, p. 15. Más allá de la realización o no del viaje de García y de su calidad histórica, lo cierto es que fue una referencia tenida por cierta en varios de los principales documentos de la temprana exploración y conquista del Río de la Plata.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-02T01:05:22+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 47556, "end" : 47569 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Alejos García" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/fec2cfe3-4a43-4cc4-aedc-1bcbe5fa8d92", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-02T01:05:22+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Alejo o Alexo García resultó vital en la construcción del Río de la Plata como una atractiva frontera de exploración tras la expedición de Solís. Si bien se lo considera un personaje histórico, predominan las referencias que de él dieron otros náufragos de la expedición de Solís como Enrique Montes y Melchor Ramírez. Según se consigna en diversos documentos Alejo García habría avanzado por tierra, partiendo desde la costa del Brasil a la altura de la Isla de Santa Catalina, hasta alcanzar el Incario. Habría ido seguido o acompañado de una multitud de indios guaraníes deseosos de apoderarse también de las riquezas del país del metal. Tras alcanzar los Andes, García y sus aliados se habrían hecho de un fabuloso tesoro en metales preciosos, pero cuando ya estaban retornado, fueron mortalmente atacados por indios en el río Paraguay, alrededor del año 1525. Alejo García habría muerto en el enfrentamiento y el tesoro se perdió con él, pero algunos sobrevivientes habrían podido alcanzar la costa brasileña con pequeñas muestras de metal precioso. Bibliografía: RRubio, Julián María, Exploración y conquista del Río de la Plata, Siglos XVI y XVII, Barcelona, Salvat, 1942, pp. 41-45; Domínguez, Manuel, El alma de la raza, Asunción, Casa Editora de Cándido Zamphirópolos, 1918; Gandía, Enrique de, Historia del Gran Chaco, Buenos Aires, Roldán, 1929, pp. 77 y 85; Domínguez, Manuel, Historia crítica de los mitos de la conquista de América, Buenos Aires y Madrid, Juan Roldán y Cía, 1929, pp. 161-167; Moreno, Fulgencio, La ciudad de Asunción, Buenos Aires, Librería J. Suárez, 1926, p. 8-9 y 35 y Cardozo Efraím, El Paraguay de la conquista, Asunción, El Lector, 1996 [1959], pp. 35-36; Guérin, Miguel Alberto, \"La organización inicial del espacio rioplatense\", en Tandeter, Enrique (dir.), Nueva Historia Argentina. Tomo 2: La Sociedad Colonial, Buenos Aires, Sudamericana, 2000, pp. 13-54 pp. 27; Quarleri, Lía, Rebelión y guerra en las fronteras del Plata. Guaraníes, jesuitas e imperios coloniales, Buenos Aires, FCE, 2007, p. 46; Fradkin, R.; Garavaglia, Juan Carlos, La Argentina colonial. El Río de la Plata entre los siglos XVI y XIX, Buenos Aires, Siglo Veintiuno, 2009, p. 15. Más allá de la realización o no del viaje de García y de su calidad histórica, lo cierto es que fue una referencia tenida por cierta en varios de los principales documentos de la temprana exploración y conquista del Río de la Plata.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-02T01:05:22+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 48341, "end" : 48354 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Alejos García" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/f1dcb595-e3d0-4c78-91a9-5dcf085e17fd", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Nobleman", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T18:07:07+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Militar", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T18:07:07+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T18:07:07+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Martim Afonso de Sousa (Vila Viçosa, 1500 - Lisboa, 21 de julio de 1571), fue un noble, marino y militar portugués, recordado por haber participado en la primera expedición colonizadora de Brasil y por haber sido gobernador de la India portuguesa (1542-1545).", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T18:07:07+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Esta referencia pareceriera un embellecimiento de la historia, ya que de haber ocurrido, esta expedición de la costa del Brasil a los Andes se habría generado entre los núafragos de Solís y de Rodrigo de Acuña sin ninguna mediación oficial.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-02T00:50:28+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 44751, "end" : 44773 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Martín Alfonso de Sosa" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/456a5365-1e34-4640-8796-893e53c1bf76", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-02T02:17:09+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 60150, "end" : 60166 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Sebastián Gaboto" } ] } }, { "@context" : 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"http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/6cd508f3-691b-4ab2-b390-d7155ce75f0e", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "conqueror", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-02T20:58:54+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-02T20:58:54+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "colonizer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-02T20:58:54+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-02T20:58:54+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Alonso Riquelme de Guzmán (1519-1573) fue un conquistador oriundo de \nJeréz de la Frontera y sobrino del Segundo Adelantado al Río de la \nPlata, Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca, con quien llegó al Río de la Plata en\n 1541. Fue uno de sus más acérrimos partidarios durante la gobernación \nde Cabeza de Vaca y se convirtió en una de las figuras más prominentes \nde la facción de los \"leales\" una vez que aquel fuera expulsado de la \nprovincia en 1545.Fue forzado por Domigo de Irala a casarse con una de \nsus hijas mestizas, unión de la cual nació Ruy Díaz de \nGuzmán.Bibliografía:Ricardo Lafuente Machaín, Alonso Riquelme de Guzmán,\n Buenos Aires, Amorrurtu, 1942.Tieffemberg, Silvia, \"Estudio \nIntroductorio\", en Díaz de Guzmán, Ruy, Argentina. Historia del \nDescubrimiento y Conquista del Río de la Plata de Ruy Díaz de Guzmán, \nBuenos Aires, Editorial de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras-UBA, \n2012.Fuentes \"Información hecha en Jerez de la Frontera a pedimento de \nCabeza de Vaca para verificar ciertas cartas\", en Núñez Cabeza de Vaca, \nÁlvar, Relación de los Naufragios y Comentarios de Álvar Núñez Cabeza de\n Vaca, adelantado y gobernador del Río de la Plata. Ilustrado con varios\n documentos inéditos. Tomo Segundo, Madrid, Imprenta General de \nVictoriano Suárez, 1906, p. 289 (GGV 52/975; AGI Justicia 1131), 1545.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-02T20:58:54+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 3700, "end" : 3725 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Alonso Riquelme de Guzmán" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/58f11058-8ef1-4d0c-882b-eb2b0c5a52f5", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "conqueror", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-02T20:59:53+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-02T20:59:53+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "colonizer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-02T20:59:53+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-02T20:59:53+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Francisco Ortiz\nde Vergara fue un conquistador y colonizador español. Sucedió a Gonzalo de\nMendoza en el gobierno del Río de la Plata con sede en Asunción. Hijo de\nFrancisco de Vergara y Beatriz de Roelas. Fue nombrado por los conquistadores y\nconfirmado por el obispo Pedro de Latorre en 1558. Fue depuesto por la Real\nAudiencia de Charcas en 1564 y regresó a España en 1565. Hermano de Ruy Díaz de\nMelgarejo\nEn 1559 enfrento la rebelión de dos manzebos, Pablo y Don Narazio, hijos de un\nPrincipal local llamado a Curupiratí de la tribu xaraje junto a Nufrio de\nChaves, el 3 de mayo de 1560 en los campos de Acahai o del Acaraiba Ortiz les\nvence, el ejército rebelde dividido en cuatro cuerpos o columnas sumaba 16.000\nguerreros guaraníes, la victoria se logró gracias a la llegada oportuna de\nindios amigos, se mataron más de 1.000 rebeldes.\nDurante su gobierno hubo numerosos intentos fallidos de crear nuevos\nasentamientos (Sancti Spiritus, San Francisco y Santa Cruz de la Sierra). Este\núltimo, en el sur de la Cuenca del Amazonas, fue un éxito, pero sólo después de\nque la ciudad se había movido más de 200 kilómetros desde el lugar elegido por\nÑuflo de Chaves. El contrato de arrendamiento anterior fue cerca de San José de\nChiquitos, y es hoy un sitio arqueológico conocido como Santa Cruz la Vieja. Lo\nsucedió el adelantado Juan Ortiz de Zárate.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-02T20:59:53+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 3587, "end" : 3613 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Francisco Ortiz de Vergara" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/249a7a12-000e-467d-8795-7e96d8829fa8", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://sws.geonames.org/3448136", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T18:08:47+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T18:08:47+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ -46.39194, -23.96306 ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Refiere a la zona de Sao Pablo, Brasil. Primer asentamiento en la zona.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-10-26T19:04:40+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 7267, "end" : 7278 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "San Vicente" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/1769c04c-8bbf-49e8-82fd-d5c1d786d1cd", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-05T00:21:44+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Carlos I de España, V de Alemania (1500-1558) fue rey de España entre 1516 y 1558 y Emperador de Alemancia entre 1520-1558. Heredó y consolidó un amplio conjunto territorial dinástico que incluía territorios en España, Italia, los Países Bajos y Alemania.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-05T00:21:44+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 87732, "end" : 87742 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "don Carlos" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/ebfef42e-3850-4701-a4a1-259de3a0362e", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-02T02:17:09+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Sebastián Caboto (1477-1557) fue, como su padre Juan, un piloto y explorador que sirvió a las coronas de España e Inglaterra. Entró al servicio de esta última en 1518 como piloto mayor y bajo sus auspicios realizó el viaje que lo llevaría a explorar el Río de Solís. Si bien el propósito inicial de su expedición de 1526 era repetir la circunnavegación de Magallanes (tal y como consta en la capitulación que firmó con Carlos I), Caboto decidió alterar el rumbo de su armada atraído por las noticias recolectadas en la costa brasileña, que indicaban la existencia de una sierra argentífera remontando el río austral. Caboto y sus tripulantes exploraron la región hasta entrado 1529, cuando los ataques de los indios, los dudosos resultados de sus exploraciones y la falta de bastimentos lo obligarona  a abandonar el Río de Solís. Bibliografía: Medina, José Toribio, El Veneciano Sebastián Gaboto al servicio de España. Dos Tomos, Santiago de Chile, Imprenta y Encuadernación Universitaria, 1908.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-05T00:09:27+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 53897, "end" : 53913 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Sebastián Gaboto" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/9aa7956a-4e4c-4932-93a1-f844a12db72c", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : 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"target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 115964, "end" : 115972 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Castilla" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/95012823-309a-4e34-80b2-890ebbbf660e", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "EVENT", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-05T00:31:12+00:00" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Ruy Díaz comente aquí un anacronismo. Caboto firma las capitulaciones del viaje que lo llevarían al Río de la Plata en 1525, y la conquista del Perú no se producíría sino hasta 1532. Hay que mencionar además que el propósito original del viaje de Caboto era alcanzar la Especiería y repetir la circunnavegación de Magallanes y no, como finalmente hizo, explorar el Río de Solís.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-05T00:31:12+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 54395, "end" : 54413 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "relación y noticia" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/8f15f576-ffdd-4e76-96fe-366bc14398ba", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-05T00:45:52+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Sebastián Caboto (1477-1557) fue, como su padre Juan, un piloto y \nexplorador que sirvió a las coronas de España e Inglaterra. Entró al \nservicio de esta última en 1518 como piloto mayor y bajo sus auspicios \nrealizó el viaje que lo llevaría a explorar el Río de Solís. Si bien el \npropósito inicial de su expedición de 1526 era repetir la \ncircunnavegación de Magallanes (tal y como consta en la capitulación que\n firmó con Carlos I), Caboto decidió alterar el rumbo de su armada \natraído por las noticias recolectadas en la costa brasileña, que \nindicaban la existencia de una sierra argentífera remontando el río \naustral. Caboto y sus tripulantes exploraron la región hasta entrado \n1529, cuando los ataques de los indios, los dudosos resultados de sus \nexploraciones y la falta de bastimentos lo obligarona  a abandonar el \nRío de Solís. Bibliografía: Medina, José Toribio, El Veneciano Sebastián\n Gaboto al servicio de España. Dos Tomos, Santiago de Chile, Imprenta y \nEncuadernación Universitaria, 1908.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-05T00:45:52+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 105237, "end" : 105243 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Gaboto" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/2998ea4b-0b68-48a3-ba5d-7ca452c336bd", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-05T00:44:26+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 56085, "end" : 56091 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Chayos" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/57bf3919-68fd-490a-ad14-c0b9f02c9499", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-05T00:57:38+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Francisco César. Caboto autorizó al capitán Francisco César a realizar una expedición por tierra hacia el oeste acompañado por quince hombres. Esta ruta, que según los querandíes con los que entraron en contacto en las inmediaciones de Sancti Spiritus los llevaría a la Sierra de la Plata, había sido desaconsejada por ellos dado que no había fuentes de agua. La expedición de Francisco César habría tenido lugar recién a principios de 1529 y daría origen a la leyenda de la Ciudad de los Césares. Bibliografía: Gandía, Enrique de, Historia crítica de los mitos de la conquista de América, Buenos Aires y Madrid, Juan Roldán y Cía, 1929, pp. 250-253; Guérin, Miguel Alberto, \"La organización inicial del espacio rioplatense\", en Tandeter, Enrique (dir.), Nueva Historia Argentina. Tomo 2: La Sociedad Colonial, Buenos Aires, Sudamericana, 2000, pp.p. 28; Tieffemberg, Silvia, \"Derroteros y viajes a la ciudad encantada de los Césares. Relatos y constelaciones\", en Anales de Literatura Chilena, vol. 16, núm. 23, 2014, pp. 13-27.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-05T00:57:38+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 80177, "end" : 80182 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "César" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/a81cfc0b-582a-4d88-b02a-d8c2b7c262b0", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-05T00:57:38+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Francisco César. Caboto autorizó al capitán Francisco César a realizar una expedición por tierra hacia el oeste acompañado por quince hombres. Esta ruta, que según los querandíes con los que entraron en contacto en las inmediaciones de Sancti Spiritus los llevaría a la Sierra de la Plata, había sido desaconsejada por ellos dado que no había fuentes de agua. La expedición de Francisco César habría tenido lugar recién a principios de 1529 y daría origen a la leyenda de la Ciudad de los Césares. Bibliografía: Gandía, Enrique de, Historia crítica de los mitos de la conquista de América, Buenos Aires y Madrid, Juan Roldán y Cía, 1929, pp. 250-253; Guérin, Miguel Alberto, \"La organización inicial del espacio rioplatense\", en Tandeter, Enrique (dir.), Nueva Historia Argentina. Tomo 2: La Sociedad Colonial, Buenos Aires, Sudamericana, 2000, pp.p. 28; Tieffemberg, Silvia, \"Derroteros y viajes a la ciudad encantada de los Césares. Relatos y constelaciones\", en Anales de Literatura Chilena, vol. 16, núm. 23, 2014, pp. 13-27.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-05T00:57:38+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 84274, "end" : 84279 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "César" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/3d9c43dc-f384-4389-a7c6-beeea0fcefe9", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-05T00:57:38+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Francisco César. Caboto autorizó al capitán Francisco César a realizar una expedición por tierra hacia el oeste acompañado por quince hombres. Esta ruta, que según los querandíes con los que entraron en contacto en las inmediaciones de Sancti Spiritus los llevaría a la Sierra de la Plata, había sido desaconsejada por ellos dado que no había fuentes de agua. La expedición de Francisco César habría tenido lugar recién a principios de 1529 y daría origen a la leyenda de la Ciudad de los Césares. Bibliografía: Gandía, Enrique de, Historia crítica de los mitos de la conquista de América, Buenos Aires y Madrid, Juan Roldán y Cía, 1929, pp. 250-253; Guérin, Miguel Alberto, \"La organización inicial del espacio rioplatense\", en Tandeter, Enrique (dir.), Nueva Historia Argentina. Tomo 2: La Sociedad Colonial, Buenos Aires, Sudamericana, 2000, pp.p. 28; Tieffemberg, Silvia, \"Derroteros y viajes a la ciudad encantada de los Césares. Relatos y constelaciones\", en Anales de Literatura Chilena, vol. 16, núm. 23, 2014, pp. 13-27.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-05T00:57:38+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 57354, "end" : 57359 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "César" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/49651b51-7f9b-4e9e-9423-89cdc00ff6b2", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://sws.geonames.org/3439137", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-05T01:14:38+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-05T01:14:38+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "MultiPolygon", "coordinates" : [ [ [ [ -57.48, -25.11 ], [ -57.45, -25.11 ], [ -57.43, -25.14 ], [ -57.43, -25.15 ], [ -57.39, -25.17 ], [ -57.38, -25.18 ], [ -57.35, -25.23 ], [ -57.32, -25.26 ], [ -57.31, -25.27 ], [ -57.3, -25.29 ], [ -57.3, -25.3 ], [ -57.29, -25.32 ], [ -57.26, -25.38 ], [ -57.25, -25.39 ], [ -57.24, -25.39 ], [ -57.23, -25.4 ], [ -57.23, -25.4 ], [ -57.22, -25.4 ], [ -57.22, -25.39 ], [ -57.21, -25.39 ], [ -57.2, -25.38 ], [ -57.2, -25.38 ], [ -57.19, -25.38 ], [ -57.18, -25.4 ], [ -57.16, -25.43 ], [ -57.2, -25.45 ], [ -57.23, -25.47 ], [ -57.24, -25.48 ], [ -57.32, -25.6 ], [ -57.36, -25.64 ], [ -57.39, -25.67 ], [ -57.4, -25.68 ], [ -57.41, -25.7 ], [ -57.43, -25.74 ], [ -57.43, -25.77 ], [ -57.43, -25.79 ], [ -57.41, -25.86 ], [ -57.4, -25.88 ], [ -57.41, -25.9 ], [ -57.43, -25.94 ], [ -57.46, -25.97 ], [ -57.5, -26.01 ], [ -57.52, -25.98 ], [ -57.54, -25.95 ], [ -57.55, -25.94 ], [ -57.55, -25.93 ], [ -57.55, -25.92 ], [ -57.56, -25.92 ], [ -57.56, -25.91 ], [ -57.58, -25.91 ], [ -57.59, -25.9 ], [ -57.62, -25.88 ], [ -57.64, -25.87 ], [ -57.66, -25.85 ], [ -57.68, -25.84 ], [ -57.69, -25.82 ], [ -57.7, -25.81 ], [ -57.7, -25.81 ], [ -57.71, -25.81 ], [ -57.73, -25.81 ], [ -57.74, -25.81 ], [ -57.74, -25.81 ], [ -57.76, -25.81 ], [ -57.77, -25.81 ], [ -57.77, -25.81 ], [ -57.78, -25.81 ], [ -57.78, -25.81 ], [ -57.78, -25.82 ], [ -57.78, -25.84 ], [ -57.78, -25.85 ], [ -57.78, -25.85 ], [ -57.79, -25.85 ], [ -57.79, -25.86 ], [ -57.82, -25.85 ], [ -57.82, -25.85 ], [ -57.81, -25.85 ], [ -57.8, -25.83 ], [ -57.82, -25.8 ], [ -57.82, -25.78 ], [ -57.81, -25.77 ], [ -57.79, -25.76 ], [ -57.77, -25.75 ], [ -57.75, -25.73 ], [ -57.74, -25.72 ], [ -57.75, -25.72 ], [ -57.76, -25.72 ], [ -57.77, -25.71 ], [ -57.77, -25.7 ], [ -57.75, -25.67 ], [ -57.74, -25.66 ], [ -57.72, -25.65 ], [ -57.71, -25.65 ], [ -57.7, -25.65 ], [ -57.69, -25.65 ], [ -57.68, -25.65 ], [ -57.68, -25.64 ], [ -57.67, -25.62 ], [ -57.67, -25.61 ], [ -57.64, -25.62 ], [ -57.62, -25.62 ], [ -57.62, -25.61 ], [ -57.61, -25.59 ], [ -57.6, -25.58 ], [ -57.59, -25.58 ], [ -57.58, -25.56 ], [ -57.57, -25.55 ], [ -57.56, -25.46 ], [ -57.56, -25.44 ], [ -57.57, -25.43 ], [ -57.58, -25.42 ], [ -57.6, -25.4 ], [ -57.57, -25.38 ], [ -57.55, -25.36 ], [ -57.54, -25.32 ], [ -57.54, -25.28 ], [ -57.56, -25.26 ], [ -57.58, -25.23 ], [ -57.57, -25.22 ], [ -57.55, -25.2 ], [ -57.54, -25.18 ], [ -57.53, -25.15 ], [ -57.53, -25.12 ], [ -57.52, -25.11 ], [ -57.51, -25.11 ], [ -57.48, -25.11 ] ] ] ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "La Frontera refiere a una región al sur del Pilcomayo, que se consideraba el límite sur del guará de los carios. Hoy es la localidad de Villeta. Bibliografía: Roulet, Florencia, La resistencia de los guaraní del Paraguay a la conquista española (1537- 1556), Posadas, Editorial Universitaria de la Universidad Nacional de Misiones, 1993.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-05T01:14:38+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 60197, "end" : 60208 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "la Frontera" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/38f1f602-2143-4d49-a77f-d33a51f77b53", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-05T02:04:49+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 75614, "end" : 75628 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "rey don Manuel" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/6dd4f0ca-d1d3-4755-9b4a-24365d8c701f", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PLACE", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-09-27T17:34:37+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Se refiere a la isla que se encunetra al sureste de Punta del Este en Uruguay. Esta isla resultaba clave, por su colonia de lobos marinos, para el abstecimiento de los barcos que salían o entraban al Río de la Plata en su exploración temprana.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-09-27T17:34:37+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 19183, "end" : 19188 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Lobos" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/a27191b6-5add-46c5-bc8e-e1509b01c0e7", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : 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Bibliografía: Politis, Gustavo G., \"The Pampas and the Campos of South America\", en Silverman, Helaine; Isbell, William H. (eds.), Handbook of South American Archaeology, Nueva York, Springer, 2008, pp. 235-260.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-09-27T01:30:50+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 19311, "end" : 19319 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Charrúas" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/ce352a2d-e10c-42ca-8c44-d5a44ddd3ae9", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-09-27T01:30:50+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Los charrúas constituían una sociedad de cazadores-recoletores que habitaban en los actuales territorios de Uruguay. Bibliografía: Politis, Gustavo G., \"The Pampas and the Campos of South America\", en Silverman, Helaine; Isbell, William H. (eds.), Handbook of South American Archaeology, Nueva York, Springer, 2008, pp. 235-260.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-09-27T01:30:50+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 56094, "end" : 56102 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Charrúas" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/88069e51-9e9e-40e7-8dfe-fc96ae63644f", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Aborigine", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-20T20:59:58+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Native people", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-20T20:59:58+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-20T20:59:58+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Refiere a Los guaraníes o avá, según su autodenominación étnica original (que significa \"ser humano\"), son un grupo de pueblos indígenas suramericanos que se ubican geográficamente en Paraguay, noreste de Argentina (en ciertas zonas de provincias de la Región del Litoral),​ sur y suroeste de Brasil (en los estados de Río Grande del Sur, Santa Catarina, Paraná y Mato Grosso del Sur) y sureste de Bolivia (en los departamentos de Tarija, Santa Cruz y Chuquisaca) y norte de Uruguay.El muy difundido nombre guaraní lo escucharon los españoles que, al invadir su territorio, habrían oído, entre los gritos de guerra de este pueblo, la frase guará-ny, que significa \"combatir-los\". Por otra parte el nombre dada significa en guaraní 'guerrero', \"ava\" que significa \"hombre\" y se pronuncia en forma grave entre los chiriguanos (ava guaraníes).Otra versión afirma que la denominación fue tomada de la deformación de una palabra guaraní, guariní que significa precisamente \"guerra\" o \"guerrear\". Al parecer los mismos indígenas se denominaron de esa manera, indicando con ello que se consideraban guerreros.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-20T20:59:58+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Los guaraníes se extendían, dividios entre distintas parcialidades, \nentre la costa brasileña y los contrafuertes andinos, teniendo además \nasentamientos en las islasdel Río Paraná y del delta del Río de la \nPlata. Cultivadores selvícolas, producían regulamente excedentes \nagrícolas que serían indispensables para el avance de la conquista \nespañola en el región. Bibliografía:  Silva Noelli, Francisco, \"La \ndistribución geográfica de las evidencias arqueológicasguaraní\", en \nRevista de Indias, vol. LXIV, núm. 30, 2004, pp. 17-34; Susnik, \nBranislava, El indio colonial del Paraguay. El guaraní colonial, \nAsunción, Museo Etnográfico \"Andrés Barbero\", 1965; Susnik, Branislava, \nEl rol de los indígenas en la formación y en la vivencia delParaguay. \nTomo I, Asunción, Universo, 1982; Melià, Bartomeu, El guaraní \nconquistado y reducido: ensayos de etnohistoria, Asunción, Universidad \nCatólica-Centro de Estudios Paraguayos \"AntonioGuasch\", cuarta edición, \n1997 [1986]; Melià, Bartomeu, \"Sociedades fluviales y selvícolas del \neste: Paraguay y Paraná\", en Rojas Rabiela, Teresa; Murra, John (dirs.),\n Historia general de América Latina. Volumen I, París, Editorial \nTrotta-UNESCO, 1999, pp. 335-552; Catafesto de Sousa, José Otávio, \"O \nsistema econômico nas sociedades indígenas guaraní pré-coloniais\", en \nHorizontes Antropológicos, año 8, núm. 18, 2002, pp. 211-253; Monteiro, \nJohn Manuel, \"Os guaraní e a História do Brasil Meridional. Séculos \nXVI-XVII\", en Carneiro Da Cunha, Manuela L. (org.), História dos índios \nno Brasil, San Pablo, Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São \nPaulo-Companhia das Letras-Secretaria Municipal de Cultura Prefeitura do\n Município de São Paulo, 1992 pp. 475-498.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-12-03T14:41:02+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 21440, "end" : 21448 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Guaranís" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/46c6d29e-ca99-4eb6-a055-6d85c58188c0", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Aborigine", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-20T20:59:58+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Native people", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-20T20:59:58+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-20T20:59:58+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Refiere a Los guaraníes o avá, según su autodenominación étnica original (que significa \"ser humano\"), son un grupo de pueblos indígenas suramericanos que se ubican geográficamente en Paraguay, noreste de Argentina (en ciertas zonas de provincias de la Región del Litoral),​ sur y suroeste de Brasil (en los estados de Río Grande del Sur, Santa Catarina, Paraná y Mato Grosso del Sur) y sureste de Bolivia (en los departamentos de Tarija, Santa Cruz y Chuquisaca) y norte de Uruguay.El muy difundido nombre guaraní lo escucharon los españoles que, al invadir su territorio, habrían oído, entre los gritos de guerra de este pueblo, la frase guará-ny, que significa \"combatir-los\". Por otra parte el nombre dada significa en guaraní 'guerrero', \"ava\" que significa \"hombre\" y se pronuncia en forma grave entre los chiriguanos (ava guaraníes).Otra versión afirma que la denominación fue tomada de la deformación de una palabra guaraní, guariní que significa precisamente \"guerra\" o \"guerrear\". Al parecer los mismos indígenas se denominaron de esa manera, indicando con ello que se consideraban guerreros.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-20T20:59:58+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Los guaraníes se extendían, dividios entre distintas parcialidades, \nentre la costa brasileña y los contrafuertes andinos, teniendo además \nasentamientos en las islasdel Río Paraná y del delta del Río de la \nPlata. Cultivadores selvícolas, producían regulamente excedentes \nagrícolas que serían indispensables para el avance de la conquista \nespañola en el región. Bibliografía:  Silva Noelli, Francisco, \"La \ndistribución geográfica de las evidencias arqueológicasguaraní\", en \nRevista de Indias, vol. LXIV, núm. 30, 2004, pp. 17-34; Susnik, \nBranislava, El indio colonial del Paraguay. El guaraní colonial, \nAsunción, Museo Etnográfico \"Andrés Barbero\", 1965; Susnik, Branislava, \nEl rol de los indígenas en la formación y en la vivencia delParaguay. \nTomo I, Asunción, Universo, 1982; Melià, Bartomeu, El guaraní \nconquistado y reducido: ensayos de etnohistoria, Asunción, Universidad \nCatólica-Centro de Estudios Paraguayos \"AntonioGuasch\", cuarta edición, \n1997 [1986]; Melià, Bartomeu, \"Sociedades fluviales y selvícolas del \neste: Paraguay y Paraná\", en Rojas Rabiela, Teresa; Murra, John (dirs.),\n Historia general de América Latina. Volumen I, París, Editorial \nTrotta-UNESCO, 1999, pp. 335-552; Catafesto de Sousa, José Otávio, \"O \nsistema econômico nas sociedades indígenas guaraní pré-coloniais\", en \nHorizontes Antropológicos, año 8, núm. 18, 2002, pp. 211-253; Monteiro, \nJohn Manuel, \"Os guaraní e a História do Brasil Meridional. Séculos \nXVI-XVII\", en Carneiro Da Cunha, Manuela L. (org.), História dos índios \nno Brasil, San Pablo, Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São \nPaulo-Companhia das Letras-Secretaria Municipal de Cultura Prefeitura do\n Município de São Paulo, 1992 pp. 475-498.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-12-03T14:39:30+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 15100, "end" : 15108 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Guaranís" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/04a39fe1-e687-41d3-9ab0-78f4fcfbc72b", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : 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-2.706 ], [ -42.375, -2.717 ], [ -42.228, -2.818 ], [ -42.143, -2.808 ], [ -42.256, -2.735 ], [ -42.233, -2.674 ], [ -42.208, -2.712 ], [ -42.098, -2.768 ], [ -42.099, -2.809 ], [ -42.096, -2.747 ], [ -42.216, -2.687 ], [ -42.054, -2.691 ], [ -42.023, -2.775 ], [ -42.017, -2.718 ], [ -41.818, -2.723 ], [ -41.844, -2.773 ], [ -41.797, -2.751 ], [ -41.656, -2.884 ], [ -41.437, -2.939 ], [ -41.395, -2.906 ], [ -41.316, -2.943 ], [ -41.263, -2.887 ], [ -40.838, -2.895 ], [ -40.572, -2.844 ], [ -40.499, -2.787 ], [ -39.888, -2.886 ], [ -39.244, -3.229 ], [ -39.083, -3.394 ], [ -38.978, -3.407 ], [ -38.641, -3.687 ], [ -38.473, -3.7 ], [ -38.377, -3.866 ], [ -38.043, -4.214 ], [ -37.764, -4.399 ], [ -37.588, -4.624 ], [ -37.323, -4.698 ], [ -37.15, -4.943 ], [ -36.958, -4.919 ], [ -36.666, -5.108 ], [ -36.504, -5.061 ], [ -36.297, -5.106 ], [ -35.956, -5.045 ], [ -35.612, -5.11 ], [ -35.385, -5.255 ], [ -35.255, -5.483 ], [ -35.099, -6.169 ], [ -34.983, -6.396 ], [ -34.933, -6.753 ], [ -34.79, -7.159 ], [ -34.842, -7.564 ], [ -34.809, -7.622 ], [ -34.845, -7.69 ], [ -34.827, -8.004 ], [ -35.136, -8.895 ], [ -35.332, -9.237 ], [ -35.689, -9.668 ], [ -35.78, -9.706 ], [ -36.056, -10.083 ], [ -36.266, -10.256 ], [ -36.402, -10.506 ], [ -36.602, -10.567 ], [ -36.934, -10.826 ], [ -37.36, -11.428 ], [ -37.612, -11.979 ], [ -37.996, -12.578 ], [ -38.318, -12.934 ], [ -38.477, -13.022 ], [ -38.532, -13.017 ], [ -38.473, -12.913 ], [ -38.498, -12.722 ], [ -38.603, -12.728 ], [ -38.646, -12.622 ], [ -38.681, -12.661 ], [ -38.718, -12.627 ], [ -38.804, -12.835 ], [ -38.717, -12.873 ], [ -38.769, -12.995 ], [ -38.721, -13.021 ], [ -38.66, -12.963 ], [ -38.686, -12.878 ], [ -38.59, -12.972 ], [ -38.766, -13.129 ], [ -38.807, -13.1 ], [ -38.808, -13.154 ], [ -38.944, -13.243 ], [ -38.973, -13.391 ], [ -38.902, -13.384 ], [ -38.886, -13.45 ], [ -38.95, -13.577 ], [ -38.886, -13.659 ], [ -38.968, -13.67 ], [ -39.006, -13.891 ], [ -39.064, -13.865 ], [ -39.075, -13.887 ], [ -38.986, -13.998 ], [ -38.952, -13.986 ], [ -38.982, -13.912 ], [ -38.938, -13.886 ], [ -38.922, -13.92 ], [ -39.061, -14.716 ], [ -38.962, -15.585 ], [ -38.857, -15.86 ], [ -38.973, -16.211 ], [ -39.032, -16.26 ], [ -39.01, -16.369 ], [ -39.078, -16.454 ], [ -39.143, -16.762 ], [ -39.113, -16.896 ], [ -39.212, -17.155 ], [ -39.193, -17.602 ], [ -39.135, -17.691 ], [ -39.264, -17.869 ], [ -39.435, -17.943 ], [ -39.563, -18.091 ], [ -39.721, -18.493 ], [ -39.749, -18.81 ], [ -39.692, -19.353 ], [ -39.805, -19.65 ], [ -39.951, -19.717 ], [ -40.151, -19.956 ], [ -40.236, -20.285 ], [ -40.353, -20.32 ], [ -40.329, -20.236 ], [ -40.359, -20.291 ], [ -40.365, -20.317 ], [ -40.35, -20.328 ], [ -40.268, -20.327 ], [ -40.402, -20.606 ], [ -40.466, -20.624 ], [ -40.627, -20.845 ], [ -40.65, -20.813 ], [ -40.756, -20.866 ], [ -40.853, -21.133 ], [ -40.955, -21.251 ], [ -40.96, -21.364 ], [ -41.065, -21.495 ], [ -41.051, -21.608 ], [ -41.038, -21.622 ], [ -41.007, -21.618 ], [ -40.99, -22.014 ], [ -41.229, -22.151 ], [ -41.668, -22.294 ], [ -41.962, -22.538 ], [ -41.986, -22.713 ], [ -41.919, -22.774 ], [ -41.864, -22.759 ], [ -42.023, -22.896 ], [ -42.037, -22.94 ], [ -41.99, -22.964 ], [ -42.018, -22.998 ], [ -42.086, -22.957 ], [ -42.529, -22.934 ], [ -43.05, -22.982 ], [ -43.132, -22.941 ], [ -43.025, -22.741 ], [ -43.084, -22.68 ], [ -43.216, -22.725 ], [ -43.287, -22.806 ], [ -43.24, -22.847 ], [ -43.249, -22.797 ], [ -43.156, -22.784 ], [ -43.247, -22.882 ], [ -43.164, -22.899 ], [ -43.187, -22.995 ], [ -43.344, -22.983 ], [ -43.303, -23.02 ], [ -43.549, -23.081 ], [ -44.001, -23.1 ], [ -43.961, -23.042 ], [ -43.877, -23.067 ], [ -43.909, -23.02 ], [ -43.807, -23.063 ], [ -43.555, -23.055 ], [ -43.84, -22.906 ], [ -43.985, -22.937 ], [ -44.034, -23.014 ], [ -44.044, -22.923 ], [ -44.107, -23.03 ], [ -44.234, -23.06 ], [ -44.238, -23.004 ], [ -44.358, -23.02 ], [ -44.296, -22.961 ], [ -44.321, -22.927 ], [ -44.378, -22.972 ], [ -44.407, -22.945 ], [ -44.443, -23.035 ], [ -44.669, -23.06 ], [ -44.712, -23.19 ], [ -44.701, -23.237 ], [ -44.645, -23.191 ], [ -44.612, -23.206 ], [ -44.685, -23.256 ], [ -44.611, -23.238 ], [ -44.652, -23.302 ], [ -44.558, -23.232 ], [ -44.577, -23.275 ], [ -44.498, -23.302 ], [ -44.583, -23.367 ], [ -44.669, -23.341 ], [ -44.84, -23.395 ], [ -44.905, -23.339 ], [ -45.05, -23.418 ], [ -45.016, -23.461 ], [ -45.079, -23.519 ], [ -45.165, -23.495 ], [ -45.159, -23.541 ], [ -45.228, -23.547 ], [ -45.211, -23.582 ], [ -45.41, -23.632 ], [ -45.412, -23.825 ], [ -45.934, -23.771 ], [ -46.124, -23.842 ], [ -46.2, -24.002 ], [ -46.288, -24.044 ], [ -46.321, -24 ], [ -46.458, -24.025 ], [ -46.937, -24.281 ], [ -47.024, -24.382 ], [ -47.004, -24.412 ], [ -47.86, -24.996 ], [ -47.914, -25.061 ], [ -47.915, -25.16 ], [ -48.213, -25.47 ], [ -48.254, -25.435 ], [ -48.222, -25.342 ], [ -48.208, -25.353 ], [ -48.121, -25.267 ], [ -48.253, -25.328 ], [ -48.284, -25.294 ], [ -48.317, -25.363 ], [ -48.327, -25.232 ], [ -48.366, -25.317 ], [ -48.433, -25.237 ], [ -48.428, -25.324 ], [ -48.5, -25.335 ], [ -48.427, -25.39 ], [ -48.449, -25.379 ], [ -48.468, -25.388 ], [ -48.467, -25.432 ], [ -48.449, -25.384 ], [ -48.414, -25.428 ], [ -48.476, -25.485 ], [ -48.637, -25.468 ], [ -48.661, -25.398 ], [ -48.671, -25.435 ], [ -48.739, -25.374 ], [ -48.68, -25.465 ], [ -48.687, -25.499 ], [ -48.737, -25.483 ], [ -48.703, -25.504 ], [ -48.617, -25.536 ], [ -48.512, -25.505 ], [ -48.482, -25.591 ], [ -48.46, -25.552 ], [ -48.35, -25.581 ], [ -48.565, -25.868 ], [ -48.614, -26.06 ], [ -48.586, -26.172 ], [ -48.714, -26.243 ], [ -48.795, -26.073 ], [ -48.837, -26.157 ], [ -48.798, -26.142 ], [ -48.763, -26.199 ], [ -48.805, -26.228 ], [ -48.769, -26.223 ], [ -48.761, -26.286 ], [ -48.803, -26.303 ], [ -48.723, -26.362 ], [ -48.635, -26.374 ], [ -48.714, -26.308 ], [ -48.554, -26.172 ], [ -48.493, -26.224 ], [ -48.695, -26.658 ], [ -48.665, -26.769 ], [ -48.583, -26.786 ], [ -48.655, -26.909 ], [ -48.62, -27.007 ], [ -48.574, -27.011 ], [ -48.607, -27.122 ], [ -48.554, -27.152 ], [ -48.51, -27.108 ], [ -48.469, -27.148 ], [ -48.511, -27.183 ], [ -48.486, -27.218 ], [ -48.531, -27.18 ], [ -48.612, -27.243 ], [ -48.596, -27.318 ], [ -48.529, -27.334 ], [ -48.649, -27.486 ], [ -48.572, -27.592 ], [ -48.653, -27.648 ], [ -48.575, -27.888 ], [ -48.761, -28.535 ], [ -48.813, -28.605 ], [ -49.37, -28.92 ], [ -49.334, -28.921 ], [ -49.702, -29.308 ], [ -50.006, -29.749 ], [ -50.316, -30.472 ], [ -50.848, -31.205 ], [ -51.303, -31.613 ], [ -51.877, -31.952 ], [ -52.071, -32.188 ], [ -52.012, -31.946 ], [ -52.092, -31.837 ], [ -51.851, -31.865 ], [ -51.777, -31.805 ], [ -51.854, -31.797 ], [ -51.65, -31.759 ], [ -51.478, -31.562 ], [ -51.43, -31.622 ], [ -51.458, -31.548 ], [ -51.424, -31.478 ], [ -51.351, -31.529 ], [ -51.234, -31.458 ], [ -51.16, -31.31 ], [ -51.166, -31.063 ], [ -51.109, -31.097 ], [ -50.985, -31.042 ], [ -50.965, -30.893 ], [ -50.888, -30.893 ], [ -50.705, -30.756 ], [ -50.677, -30.61 ], [ -50.725, -30.371 ], [ -50.692, -30.355 ], [ -50.625, -30.409 ], [ -50.641, -30.459 ], [ -50.569, -30.471 ], [ -50.534, -30.278 ], [ -50.601, -30.194 ], [ -50.659, -30.201 ], [ -50.661, -30.293 ], [ -50.918, -30.333 ], [ -50.934, -30.42 ], [ -50.889, -30.439 ], [ -50.921, -30.44 ], [ -51.052, -30.395 ], [ -51.034, -30.276 ], [ -51.146, -30.267 ], [ -51.246, -30.188 ], [ -51.23, -30.043 ], [ -51.295, -30.007 ], [ -51.326, -30.23 ], [ -51.271, -30.25 ], [ -51.293, -30.295 ], [ -51.246, -30.33 ], [ -51.209, -30.3 ], [ -51.179, -30.383 ], [ -51.092, -30.367 ], [ -51.129, -30.436 ], [ -51.202, -30.413 ], [ -51.269, -30.489 ], [ -51.282, -30.811 ], [ -51.33, -30.777 ], [ -51.294, -30.758 ], [ -51.319, -30.64 ], [ -51.375, -30.635 ], [ -51.404, -30.769 ], [ -51.367, -30.874 ], [ -51.457, -30.874 ], [ -51.501, -30.935 ], [ -51.436, -31.088 ], [ -51.611, -31.138 ], [ -51.613, -31.272 ], [ -51.915, -31.313 ], [ -52.002, -31.449 ], [ -52.031, -31.693 ], [ -52.218, -31.747 ], [ -52.247, -31.871 ], [ -52.106, -31.952 ], [ -52.216, -31.963 ], [ -52.263, -32.062 ], [ -52.209, -32.045 ], [ -52.225, -32.096 ], [ -52.082, -32.033 ], [ -52.162, -32.128 ], [ -52.09, -32.069 ], [ -52.084, -32.186 ], [ -52.16, -32.201 ], [ -52.341, -32.43 ], [ -52.488, -32.844 ], [ -52.66, -33.165 ], [ -53.227, -33.658 ], [ -53.421, -33.741 ], [ -53.524, -33.689 ], [ -53.515, -33.163 ], [ -53.434, -33.054 ], [ -53.243, -32.936 ], [ -53.294, -32.911 ], [ -53.074, -32.746 ], [ -53.244, -32.605 ], [ -53.39, -32.583 ], [ -53.46, -32.48 ], [ -53.595, -32.432 ], [ -53.73, -32.157 ], [ -53.714, -32.104 ], [ -53.965, -31.919 ], [ -54.096, -31.906 ], [ -54.466, -31.666 ], [ -54.491, -31.54 ], [ -54.591, -31.448 ], [ -54.836, -31.446 ], [ -54.945, -31.392 ], [ -55.014, -31.285 ], [ -55.091, -31.326 ], [ -55.245, -31.257 ], [ -55.374, -31.038 ], [ -55.594, -30.848 ], [ -55.635, -30.857 ], [ -55.657, -30.956 ], [ -55.87, -31.08 ], [ -56.008, -31.063 ], [ -55.987, -30.86 ], [ -56.021, -30.784 ], [ -56.127, -30.739 ], [ -56.177, -30.614 ], [ -56.384, -30.495 ], [ -56.459, -30.387 ], [ -56.545, -30.364 ], [ -56.54, -30.312 ], [ -56.617, -30.303 ], [ -56.644, -30.205 ], [ -56.776, -30.166 ], [ -56.804, -30.107 ], [ -57.068, -30.088 ], [ -57.207, -30.281 ], [ -57.313, -30.26 ], [ -57.396, -30.303 ], [ -57.538, -30.275 ], [ -57.618, -30.179 ], [ -57.505, -30.143 ], [ -57.342, -30.001 ], [ -57.319, -29.87 ], [ -57.254, -29.794 ], [ -57.105, -29.752 ], [ -56.972, -29.639 ], [ -56.676, -29.321 ], [ -56.593, -29.123 ], [ -56.425, -29.073 ], [ -56.285, -28.794 ], [ -56.185, -28.771 ], [ -56.016, -28.611 ], [ -56.011, -28.509 ], [ -55.888, -28.479 ], [ -55.875, -28.362 ], [ -55.696, -28.425 ], [ -55.671, -28.333 ], [ -55.773, -28.247 ], [ -55.605, -28.123 ], [ -55.554, -28.164 ], [ -55.496, -28.081 ], [ -55.444, -28.097 ], [ -55.323, -27.928 ], [ -55.196, -27.863 ], [ -55.134, -27.895 ], [ -55.117, -27.853 ], [ -55.032, -27.854 ], [ -55.082, -27.789 ], [ -54.941, -27.775 ], [ -54.809, -27.536 ], [ -54.781, -27.586 ], [ -54.683, -27.576 ], [ -54.678, -27.514 ], [ -54.624, -27.55 ], [ -54.576, -27.458 ], [ -54.525, -27.507 ], [ -54.415, -27.412 ], [ -54.353, -27.468 ], [ -54.339, -27.406 ], [ -54.282, -27.447 ], [ -54.176, -27.261 ], [ -54.089, -27.303 ], [ -53.949, -27.158 ], [ -53.799, -27.147 ], [ -53.795, -27.048 ], [ -53.761, -27.068 ], [ -53.662, -26.869 ], [ -53.751, -26.745 ], [ -53.707, -26.563 ], [ -53.738, -26.548 ], [ -53.592, -26.265 ], [ -53.722, -26.13 ], [ -53.733, -26.047 ], [ -53.837, -25.969 ], [ -53.824, -25.793 ], [ -53.891, -25.625 ], [ -53.951, -25.644 ], [ -54.016, -25.569 ], [ -54.101, -25.625 ], [ -54.111, -25.504 ], [ -54.213, -25.554 ], [ -54.184, -25.591 ], [ -54.289, -25.562 ], [ -54.387, -25.608 ], [ -54.43, -25.706 ], [ -54.596, -25.595 ], [ -54.617, -25.459 ], [ -54.437, -25.157 ], [ -54.458, -25.031 ], [ -54.336, -24.649 ], [ -54.333, -24.493 ], [ -54.262, -24.376 ], [ -54.33, -24.225 ], [ -54.282, -24.075 ], [ -54.411, -23.929 ], [ -54.668, -23.815 ], [ -55.061, -23.991 ], [ -55.112, -23.963 ], [ -55.226, -24.013 ], [ -55.413, -23.961 ], [ -55.434, -23.714 ], [ -55.535, -23.614 ], [ -55.522, -23.197 ], [ -55.596, -23.141 ], [ -55.64, -22.994 ], [ -55.685, -22.992 ], [ -55.613, -22.659 ], [ -55.736, -22.532 ], [ -55.74, -22.396 ], [ -55.854, -22.281 ], [ -56.208, -22.281 ], [ -56.341, -22.206 ], [ -56.403, -22.078 ], [ -56.519, -22.103 ], [ -56.643, -22.261 ], [ -56.698, -22.216 ], [ -56.728, -22.26 ], [ -56.808, -22.25 ], [ -56.831, -22.3 ], [ -57.001, -22.225 ], [ -57.203, -22.21 ], [ -57.243, -22.244 ], [ -57.553, -22.181 ], [ -57.616, -22.096 ], [ -57.803, -22.148 ], [ -57.989, -22.085 ], [ -58.005, -22.032 ], [ -57.919, -21.881 ], [ -57.969, -21.844 ], [ -57.913, -21.793 ], [ -57.947, -21.747 ], [ -57.894, -21.687 ], [ -57.968, -21.528 ], [ -57.855, -21.339 ], [ -57.918, -21.278 ], [ -57.854, -21.226 ], [ -57.866, -21.041 ], [ -57.818, -20.976 ], [ -57.927, -20.897 ], [ -57.855, -20.835 ], [ -57.961, -20.784 ], [ -57.869, -20.736 ], [ -57.923, -20.666 ], [ -57.988, -20.696 ], [ -57.994, -20.448 ], [ -58.082, -20.372 ], [ -58.092, -20.257 ], [ -58.154, -20.264 ], [ -58.125, -20.188 ], [ -58.163, -20.162 ], [ -57.872, -19.979 ], [ -58.134, -19.761 ], [ -57.79, -19.051 ], [ -57.709, -19.034 ], [ -57.757, -18.858 ], [ -57.56, -18.263 ], [ -57.458, -18.228 ], [ -57.568, -18.136 ], [ -57.702, -17.86 ], [ -57.715, -17.735 ], [ -57.785, -17.645 ], [ -57.773, -17.553 ], [ -57.878, -17.463 ], [ -58.003, -17.52 ], [ -58.114, -17.456 ], [ -58.395, -17.197 ], [ -58.421, -16.99 ], [ -58.47, -16.939 ], [ -58.468, -16.702 ], [ -58.442, -16.613 ], [ -58.34, -16.542 ], [ -58.309, -16.27 ], [ -58.471, -16.325 ], [ -60.173, -16.265 ], [ -60.236, -15.476 ], [ -60.565, -15.105 ], [ -60.253, -15.101 ], [ -60.257, -14.624 ], [ -60.338, -14.555 ], [ -60.482, -14.181 ], [ -60.468, -14.092 ], [ -60.378, -13.992 ], [ -60.468, -13.886 ], [ -60.468, -13.801 ], [ -60.793, -13.686 ], [ -60.962, -13.539 ], [ -61.044, -13.541 ], [ -61.028, -13.477 ], [ -61.069, -13.463 ], [ -61.139, -13.521 ], [ -61.249, -13.525 ], [ -61.33, -13.473 ], [ -61.486, -13.554 ], [ -61.578, -13.494 ], [ -61.824, -13.539 ], [ -61.866, -13.443 ], [ -62.108, -13.257 ], [ -62.109, -13.149 ], [ -62.165, -13.112 ], [ -62.368, -13.145 ], [ -62.464, -13.07 ], [ -62.637, -13.041 ], [ -62.674, -12.965 ], [ -62.764, -13.023 ], [ -62.923, -12.854 ], [ -62.996, -12.85 ], [ -63.082, -12.653 ], [ -63.327, -12.705 ], [ -63.482, -12.557 ], [ -63.712, -12.458 ], [ -63.875, -12.469 ], [ -63.937, -12.557 ], [ -64.127, -12.494 ], [ -64.152, -12.529 ], [ -64.215, -12.476 ], [ -64.278, -12.511 ], [ -64.493, -12.366 ], [ -64.486, -12.23 ], [ -64.654, -12.186 ], [ -64.683, -12.099 ], [ -64.725, -12.162 ], [ -64.798, -12.035 ], [ -64.993, -11.999 ], [ -65.048, -11.757 ], [ -65.112, -11.741 ], [ -65.106, -11.697 ], [ -65.135, -11.777 ], [ -65.201, -11.745 ], [ -65.161, -11.622 ], [ -65.218, -11.521 ], [ -65.299, -11.5 ], [ -65.338, -11.392 ], [ -65.31, -11.341 ], [ -65.385, -11.269 ], [ -65.349, -11.239 ], [ -65.391, -11.167 ], [ -65.318, -11.105 ], [ -65.336, -11.044 ], [ -65.269, -10.901 ], [ -65.366, -10.798 ], [ -65.349, -10.671 ], [ -65.426, -10.638 ], [ -65.429, -10.473 ], [ -65.28, -10.218 ], [ -65.327, -9.938 ], [ -65.29, -9.851 ], [ -65.377, -9.698 ], [ -65.488, -9.718 ], [ -65.563, -9.834 ], [ -65.669, -9.779 ], [ -65.7, -9.803 ], [ -65.689, -9.749 ], [ -65.748, -9.77 ], [ -65.777, -9.727 ], [ -65.798, -9.786 ], [ -65.81, -9.75 ], [ -65.86, -9.794 ], [ -65.872, -9.757 ], [ -66.018, -9.807 ], [ -66.064, -9.772 ], [ -66.422, -9.895 ], [ -66.616, -9.893 ], [ -66.623, -9.935 ], [ -66.883, -10.081 ], [ -67.029, -10.254 ], [ -67.186, -10.339 ], [ -67.315, -10.316 ], [ -67.327, -10.374 ], [ -67.414, -10.372 ], [ -67.443, -10.45 ], [ -67.594, -10.523 ], [ -67.715, -10.707 ], [ -68.021, -10.661 ], [ -68.119, -10.726 ], [ -68.283, -10.987 ], [ -68.519, -11.048 ], [ -68.587, -11.11 ], [ -68.769, -11.139 ], [ -68.751, -11.007 ], [ -68.787, -10.99 ], [ -68.871, -11.023 ], [ -69.393, -10.929 ], [ -69.728, -10.973 ], [ -69.938, -10.926 ], [ -70.318, -11.066 ], [ -70.428, -11.033 ], [ -70.508, -10.94 ], [ -70.618, -11.007 ], [ -70.622, -9.847 ], [ -70.522, -9.738 ], [ -70.598, -9.574 ], [ -70.561, -9.579 ], [ -70.497, -9.433 ], [ -70.601, -9.453 ], [ -70.982, -9.812 ], [ -71.131, -9.862 ], [ -71.288, -9.996 ], [ -72.165, -10.002 ], [ -72.16, -9.818 ], [ -72.26, -9.755 ], [ -72.289, -9.536 ], [ -72.364, -9.491 ], [ -72.721, -9.417 ], [ -73.196, -9.418 ], [ -72.965, -9.154 ], [ -72.946, -8.99 ], [ -73.059, -8.904 ], [ -73.169, -8.701 ], [ -73.338, -8.609 ], [ -73.338, -8.476 ], [ -73.526, -8.369 ], [ -73.632, -8.022 ], [ -73.765, -7.94 ], [ -73.777, -7.869 ], [ -73.697, -7.865 ], [ -73.69, -7.79 ], [ -73.985, -7.543 ], [ -73.917, -7.461 ], [ -73.954, -7.348 ], [ -73.868, -7.377 ], [ -73.691, -7.313 ], [ -73.797, -7.115 ], [ -73.743, -6.897 ], [ -73.351, -6.561 ], [ -73.211, -6.53 ], [ -73.133, -6.421 ], [ -73.185, -6.04 ], [ -73.131, -5.986 ], [ -73.116, -5.865 ], [ -72.951, -5.643 ], [ -72.948, -5.454 ], [ -72.872, -5.25 ], [ -72.896, -5.136 ], [ -72.734, -5.043 ], [ -72.602, -5.056 ], [ -72.577, -4.992 ], [ -72.455, -4.962 ], [ -72.452, -4.906 ], [ -72.37, -4.88 ], [ -72.356, -4.803 ], [ -72.292, -4.799 ], [ -72.313, -4.769 ], [ -72.223, -4.78 ], [ -72.113, -4.722 ], [ -72.047, -4.625 ], [ -71.94, -4.607 ], [ -71.897, -4.512 ], [ -71.61, -4.465 ], [ -71.597, -4.525 ], [ -71.535, -4.46 ], [ -71.49, -4.479 ], [ -71.506, -4.435 ], [ -71.414, -4.432 ], [ -71.432, -4.469 ], [ -71.342, -4.423 ], [ -71.355, -4.468 ], [ -71.303, -4.458 ], [ -71.269, -4.381 ], [ -71.198, -4.377 ], [ -71.193, -4.42 ], [ -71.147, -4.375 ], [ -71.031, -4.397 ], [ -70.99, -4.34 ], [ -70.935, -4.381 ], [ -70.757, -4.152 ], [ -70.677, -4.2 ], [ -70.622, -4.121 ], [ -70.633, -4.173 ], [ -70.565, -4.168 ], [ -70.566, -4.205 ], [ -70.553, -4.128 ], [ -70.503, -4.19 ], [ -70.434, -4.125 ], [ -70.341, -4.174 ], [ -70.317, -4.136 ], [ -70.291, -4.283 ], [ -70.249, -4.267 ], [ -70.186, -4.357 ], [ -70.169, -4.27 ], [ -70.101, -4.255 ], [ -70.031, -4.339 ], [ -69.929, -4.213 ], [ -69.453, -1.478 ], [ -69.368, -1.334 ], [ -69.422, -0.998 ], [ -69.508, -0.936 ], [ -69.609, -0.755 ], [ -69.551, -0.648 ], [ -69.593, -0.517 ], [ -69.908, -0.316 ], [ -70.068, -0.135 ], [ -70.037, 0.553 ], [ -69.798, 0.585 ], [ -69.664, 0.672 ], [ -69.606, 0.623 ], [ -69.468, 0.734 ], [ -69.357, 0.621 ], [ -69.295, 0.648 ], [ -69.288, 0.609 ], [ -69.202, 0.602 ], [ -69.112, 0.643 ], [ -69.184, 0.73 ], [ -69.137, 0.868 ], [ -69.257, 1.026 ], [ -69.342, 1.064 ], [ -69.416, 1.024 ], [ -69.7, 1.056 ], [ -69.721, 1.097 ], [ -69.854, 1.07 ], [ -69.855, 1.715 ], [ -69.556, 1.775 ], [ -69.395, 1.726 ], [ -68.128, 1.73 ], [ -68.29, 1.841 ], [ -68.205, 2.038 ], [ -68.027, 1.784 ], [ -67.924, 1.751 ], [ -67.797, 1.812 ], [ -67.578, 2.076 ], [ -67.41, 2.141 ], [ -67.117, 1.732 ], [ -67.068, 1.532 ], [ -67.097, 1.17 ], [ -66.855, 1.228 ], [ -66.322, 0.738 ], [ -66.095, 0.754 ], [ -65.952, 0.81 ], [ -65.854, 0.939 ], [ -65.733, 1.005 ], [ -65.583, 1.008 ], [ -65.47, 0.877 ], [ -65.557, 0.705 ], [ -65.504, 0.627 ], [ -65.393, 0.699 ], [ -65.305, 0.916 ], [ -65.152, 0.943 ], [ -65.121, 1.115 ], [ -65.055, 1.144 ], [ -64.968, 1.112 ], [ -64.903, 1.249 ], [ -64.843, 1.237 ], [ -64.783, 1.313 ], [ -64.721, 1.25 ], [ -64.638, 1.286 ], [ -64.387, 1.527 ], [ -64.344, 1.528 ], [ -64.382, 1.419 ], [ -64.344, 1.38 ], [ -64.186, 1.494 ], [ -64.054, 1.708 ], [ -64.057, 1.933 ], [ -64.018, 1.967 ], [ -63.781, 1.989 ], [ -63.604, 2.124 ], [ -63.419, 2.154 ], [ -63.349, 2.281 ], [ -63.382, 2.442 ], [ -63.756, 2.403 ], [ -64.031, 2.509 ], [ -63.987, 2.772 ], [ -64.216, 3.153 ], [ -64.236, 3.476 ], [ -64.186, 3.634 ], [ -64.324, 3.797 ], [ -64.543, 3.882 ], [ -64.8, 4.224 ], [ -64.79, 4.329 ], [ -64.677, 4.297 ], [ -64.555, 4.153 ], [ -64.135, 4.176 ], [ -63.967, 3.93 ], [ -63.806, 4.019 ], [ -63.623, 4.01 ], [ -63.455, 3.91 ], [ -63.411, 4.026 ], [ -63.358, 4.04 ], [ -63.203, 3.952 ], [ -63.189, 3.872 ], [ -62.86, 3.584 ], [ -62.749, 3.642 ], [ -62.705, 3.724 ], [ -62.752, 4.012 ], [ -62.635, 4.056 ], [ -62.557, 4.02 ], [ -62.46, 4.173 ], [ -62.129, 4.084 ], [ -61.961, 4.18 ], [ -61.927, 4.106 ], [ -61.723, 4.262 ], [ -61.528, 4.273 ], [ -61.507, 4.398 ], [ -61.274, 4.471 ], [ -61.293, 4.55 ], [ -61.141, 4.508 ], [ -60.952, 4.549 ], [ -60.907, 4.708 ], [ -60.731, 4.777 ], [ -60.59, 4.951 ], [ -60.744, 5.209 ], [ -60.438, 5.177 ], [ -60.203, 5.265 ], [ -60.176, 5.227 ], [ -60.121, 5.243 ], [ -60.085, 5.149 ], [ -59.969, 5.073 ], [ -60.03, 4.704 ], [ -60.163, 4.521 ], [ -59.927, 4.509 ], [ -59.674, 4.382 ], [ -59.726, 4.191 ], [ -59.628, 4.138 ], [ -59.655, 4.078 ], [ -59.516, 3.94 ], [ -59.581, 3.901 ], [ -59.594, 3.796 ], [ -59.666, 3.777 ], [ -59.664, 3.703 ], [ -59.849, 3.601 ], [ -59.799, 3.355 ], [ -59.909, 3.197 ], [ -59.982, 2.929 ], [ -59.99, 2.683 ], [ -59.903, 2.479 ], [ -59.91, 2.388 ], [ -59.724, 2.277 ], [ -59.754, 1.861 ], [ -59.654, 1.849 ], [ -59.669, 1.764 ], [ -59.549, 1.729 ], [ -59.253, 1.397 ], [ -58.914, 1.299 ], [ -58.904, 1.234 ], [ -58.804, 1.175 ], [ -58.696, 1.288 ], [ -58.507, 1.264 ], [ -58.468, 1.318 ], [ -58.498, 1.458 ], [ -58.382, 1.471 ], [ -58.325, 1.59 ], [ -58.167, 1.558 ], [ -58.13, 1.501 ], [ -58.009, 1.501 ], [ -58, 1.665 ], [ -57.919, 1.645 ], [ -57.77, 1.718 ], [ -57.545, 1.701 ], [ -57.434, 1.895 ], [ -57.302, 1.99 ], [ -57.247, 1.944 ], [ -57.085, 2.021 ], [ -57.012, 1.918 ], [ -56.8, 1.864 ], [ -56.724, 1.92 ], [ -56.454, 1.945 ], [ -55.957, 1.844 ], [ -55.906, 1.889 ], [ -55.913, 2.041 ], [ -56.048, 2.226 ], [ -56.134, 2.263 ], [ -56.09, 2.352 ], [ -55.995, 2.405 ], [ -55.987, 2.517 ], [ -55.948, 2.532 ], [ -55.739, 2.401 ], [ -55.481, 2.443 ], [ -55.37, 2.407 ], [ -55.336, 2.516 ], [ -55.239, 2.495 ], [ -55.137, 2.575 ], [ -55.103, 2.522 ], [ -54.94, 2.632 ], [ -54.969, 2.555 ], [ -54.864, 2.439 ], [ -54.72, 2.469 ], [ -54.702, 2.336 ], [ -54.549, 2.336 ], [ -54.534, 2.268 ], [ -54.314, 2.158 ], [ -54.189, 2.179 ], [ -54.111, 2.127 ], [ -54.078, 2.197 ], [ -53.784, 2.364 ], [ -53.694, 2.287 ], [ -53.472, 2.332 ], [ -53.397, 2.272 ], [ -53.273, 2.292 ], [ -53.188, 2.223 ], [ -52.905, 2.19 ], [ -52.853, 2.285 ], [ -52.673, 2.374 ], [ -52.555, 2.523 ], [ -52.556, 2.646 ], [ -52.382, 2.912 ], [ -52.347, 3.134 ], [ -52.192, 3.296 ], [ -51.92, 3.781 ], [ -51.795, 3.89 ], [ -51.754, 3.996 ], [ -51.658, 4.049 ], [ -51.585, 4.241 ], [ -51.529, 4.171 ], [ -51.545, 4.397 ], [ -51.202, 4.084 ], [ -51.173, 3.767 ], [ -51.127, 3.911 ], [ -51.085, 3.895 ], [ -51.051, 3.283 ], [ -50.913, 2.875 ], [ -50.927, 2.807 ], [ -50.816, 2.644 ], [ -50.851, 2.482 ], [ -50.802, 2.508 ], [ -50.736, 2.414 ], [ -50.765, 2.359 ], [ -50.694, 2.276 ], [ -50.725, 2.252 ], [ -50.675, 2.247 ], [ -50.682, 2.137 ], [ -50.584, 2.091 ], [ -50.586, 2.014 ], [ -50.471, 1.82 ], [ -50.194, 1.794 ], [ -49.954, 1.676 ], [ -49.88, 1.419 ], [ -49.918, 1.289 ], [ -50.073, 1.204 ], [ -49.918, 1.232 ], [ -49.939, 1.103 ], [ -50.003, 1.066 ], [ -50.033, 1.107 ], [ -50.131, 0.949 ], [ -50.274, 0.866 ], [ -50.338, 0.729 ], [ -50.417, 0.685 ], [ -50.455, 0.732 ], [ -50.428, 0.679 ], [ -50.571, 0.424 ], [ -50.691, 0.3 ], [ -50.677, 0.365 ], [ -50.746, 0.227 ], [ -50.801, 0.224 ], [ -50.785, 0.183 ], [ -50.908, 0.171 ], [ -51.087, -0.043 ], [ -51.203, -0.055 ], [ -51.419, -0.412 ], [ -51.409, -0.44 ], [ -51.325, -0.364 ], [ -51.188, -0.14 ], [ -51.111, -0.154 ], [ -51.154, -0.284 ], [ -51.396, -0.493 ], [ -51.243, -0.443 ], [ -51.26, -0.5 ], [ -51.165, -0.431 ], [ -50.953, -0.061 ], [ -50.824, -0.048 ], [ -50.705, 0.002 ], [ -50.613, -0.088 ], [ -50.744, -0.244 ], [ -50.751, -0.429 ], [ -50.845, -0.526 ], [ -50.988, -0.583 ], [ -51.051, -0.682 ], [ -50.826, -0.555 ], [ -50.794, -0.666 ], [ -50.733, -0.557 ], [ -50.684, -0.604 ], [ -50.724, -0.493 ], [ -50.652, -0.276 ], [ -50.409, -0.094 ], [ -49.631, -0.247 ], [ -49.446, -0.23 ], [ -49.289, -0.145 ], [ -49.018, -0.16 ], [ -49, -0.139 ], [ -48.895, -0.224 ], [ -48.539, -0.234 ], [ -48.363, -0.303 ], [ -48.459, -0.513 ], [ -48.522, -0.877 ], [ -48.667, -1.002 ], [ -48.621, -1.005 ], [ -48.65, -1.048 ], [ -48.617, -1.053 ], [ -48.721, -1.137 ], [ -48.837, -1.452 ], [ -49.161, -1.575 ], [ -49.182, -1.623 ], [ -49.362, -1.604 ], [ -49.364, -1.642 ], [ -49.448, -1.637 ], [ -49.5, -1.738 ], [ -49.61, -1.718 ], [ -49.676, -1.78 ], [ -49.696, -1.757 ], [ -49.714, -1.76 ], [ -49.803, -1.822 ], [ -50.035, -1.717 ], [ -50.179, -1.787 ], [ -50.256, -1.776 ], [ -50.415, -1.841 ], [ -50.401, -1.935 ], [ -49.994, -1.819 ], [ -49.844, -1.905 ], [ -49.765, -1.898 ], [ -49.616, -1.79 ], [ -49.276, -1.706 ], [ -49.267, -1.778 ], [ -49.387, -1.977 ], [ -49.383, -2.159 ], [ -48.973, -1.594 ], [ -48.897, -1.573 ], [ -48.955, -1.712 ], [ -48.932, -1.75 ], [ -48.898, -1.743 ], [ -48.656, -1.371 ], [ -48.592, -1.429 ], [ -48.601, -1.306 ], [ -48.524, -1.338 ], [ -48.537, -1.467 ], [ -48.496, -1.553 ], [ -48.491, -1.502 ], [ -48.46, -1.533 ], [ -48.374, -1.511 ], [ -48.319, -1.478 ], [ -48.505, -1.471 ], [ -48.422, -1.168 ], [ -48.475, -1.144 ], [ -48.4, -1.066 ], [ -48.278, -1.111 ], [ -48.304, -0.948 ], [ -48.055, -0.668 ], [ -48.001, -0.731 ], [ -47.893, -0.553 ], [ -47.843, -0.616 ], [ -47.807, -0.547 ], [ -47.702, -0.54 ], [ -47.707, -0.59 ], [ -47.667, -0.569 ], [ -47.633, -0.608 ], [ -47.651, -0.694 ], [ -47.608, -0.684 ], [ -47.577, -0.573 ], [ -47.476, -0.757 ], [ -47.398, -0.76 ], [ -47.428, -0.693 ], [ -47.464, -0.687 ], [ -47.466, -0.594 ], [ -47.399, -0.594 ], [ -47.4, -0.645 ], [ -47.298, -0.589 ], [ -47.253, -0.668 ], [ -47.247, -0.623 ], [ -47.206, -0.633 ], [ -47.23, -0.719 ], [ -47.158, -0.678 ], [ -47.191, -0.754 ], [ -47.146, -0.764 ], [ -47.16, -0.815 ], [ -47.081, -0.661 ], [ -47.055, -0.868 ], [ -47.027, -0.784 ], [ -46.983, -0.806 ], [ -47.016, -0.752 ], [ -46.967, -0.694 ], [ -46.969, -0.78 ], [ -46.891, -0.869 ], [ -46.89, -0.789 ], [ -46.846, -0.799 ], [ -46.82, -0.71 ], [ -46.802, -0.877 ], [ -46.777, -0.905 ], [ -46.75, -0.826 ], [ -46.709, -0.86 ], [ -46.734, -0.944 ], [ -46.687, -0.831 ], [ -46.653, -0.882 ], [ -46.621, -0.818 ], [ -46.601, -0.917 ], [ -46.676, -0.965 ], [ -46.622, -0.987 ], [ -46.57, -0.947 ], [ -46.609, -1.03 ], [ -46.57, -0.988 ], [ -46.525, -1.027 ], [ -46.465, -1.007 ], [ -46.47, -1.044 ], [ -46.395, -1.037 ], [ -46.413, -1.084 ], [ -46.348, -0.982 ], [ -46.36, -1.011 ], [ -46.366, -1.031 ], [ -46.348, -1.079 ], [ -46.339, -1.015 ], [ -46.299, -1.05 ], [ -46.212, -0.946 ], [ -46.242, -0.921 ], [ -46.179, -0.914 ], [ -46.224, -1.053 ], [ -46.206, -1.1 ], [ -46.158, -1.014 ], [ -46.138, -1.032 ], [ -46.193, -1.143 ], [ -46.104, -1.067 ], [ -46.062, -1.133 ], [ -46.15, -1.258 ], [ -45.982, -1.071 ], [ -45.953, -1.147 ], [ -46, -1.151 ], [ -46, -1.199 ], [ -45.95, -1.159 ], [ -45.95, -1.207 ], [ -46, -1.209 ], [ -45.95, -1.25 ], [ -45.902, -1.134 ], [ -45.923, -1.214 ], [ -45.882, -1.167 ], [ -45.873, -1.211 ], [ -45.909, -1.261 ], [ -45.859, -1.231 ], [ -45.891, -1.293 ], [ -45.807, -1.176 ], [ -45.843, -1.301 ], [ -45.809, -1.328 ], [ -45.831, -1.298 ], [ -45.782, -1.278 ], [ -45.726, -1.135 ], [ -45.69, -1.452 ], [ -45.697, -1.38 ], [ -45.632, -1.371 ], [ -45.618, -1.279 ], [ -45.589, -1.329 ], [ -45.537, -1.273 ], [ -45.561, -1.343 ], [ -45.51, -1.352 ], [ -45.567, -1.404 ], [ -45.546, -1.432 ], [ -45.413, -1.296 ], [ -45.489, -1.473 ], [ -45.511, -1.458 ], [ -45.554, -1.503 ], [ -45.507, -1.471 ], [ -45.518, -1.516 ], [ -45.481, -1.495 ], [ -45.463, -1.548 ], [ -45.457, -1.457 ], [ -45.391, -1.434 ], [ -45.363, -1.325 ], [ -45.323, -1.319 ], [ -45.302, -1.424 ], [ -45.392, -1.485 ], [ -45.398, -1.503 ], [ -45.356, -1.487 ], [ -45.392, -1.553 ], [ -45.338, -1.572 ], [ -45.371, -1.722 ], [ -45.338, -1.753 ], [ -45.197, -1.688 ], [ -45.261, -1.607 ], [ -45.16, -1.475 ], [ -45.136, -1.521 ], [ -45.072, -1.435 ], [ -45.07, -1.485 ], [ -44.999, -1.504 ], [ -45.018, -1.547 ], [ -44.969, -1.549 ], [ -45.029, -1.583 ], [ -45.029, -1.602 ], [ -44.979, -1.607 ], [ -44.954, -1.498 ], [ -44.862, -1.426 ], [ -44.857, -1.498 ], [ -44.954, -1.605 ], [ -44.918, -1.649 ], [ -44.968, -1.662 ], [ -44.913, -1.657 ], [ -44.927, -1.62 ], [ -44.886, -1.609 ], [ -44.837, -1.65 ], [ -44.822, -1.591 ], [ -44.826, -1.637 ], [ -44.805, -1.609 ], [ -44.812, -1.665 ], [ -44.779, -1.735 ], [ -44.711, -1.728 ], [ -44.82, -1.819 ], [ -44.738, -1.791 ], [ -44.706, -1.819 ], [ -44.676, -1.808 ], [ -44.661, -1.727 ], [ -44.604, -1.749 ], [ -44.667, -1.849 ], [ -44.601, -1.858 ], [ -44.583, -1.817 ], [ -44.586, -1.873 ], [ -44.543, -1.833 ], [ -44.601, -1.909 ], [ -44.517, -1.907 ], [ -44.484, -2.002 ], [ -44.613, -2.037 ], [ -44.467, -2.017 ], [ -44.626, -2.151 ], [ -44.589, -2.159 ], [ -44.641, -2.232 ], [ -44.708, -2.23 ], [ -44.684, -2.275 ], [ -44.764, -2.265 ], [ -44.654, -2.294 ], [ -44.681, -2.354 ], [ -44.649, -2.373 ], [ -44.666, -2.329 ], [ -44.479, -2.137 ], [ -44.358, -2.335 ], [ -44.401, -2.416 ], [ -44.514, -2.384 ], [ -44.55, -2.4 ], [ -44.491, -2.415 ], [ -44.514, -2.448 ], [ -44.505, -2.476 ], [ -44.665, -2.608 ], [ -44.548, -2.542 ], [ -44.658, -2.781 ], [ -44.688, -2.924 ], [ -44.677, -3.019 ], [ -44.66, -3.02 ], [ -44.657, -3.018 ] ], [ [ -43.318, -2.361 ], [ -43.317, -2.363 ], [ -43.296, -2.363 ], [ -43.318, -2.361 ] ], [ [ -42.438, -2.747 ], [ -42.442, -2.749 ], [ -42.438, -2.75 ], [ -42.438, -2.747 ] ], [ [ -42.442, -2.749 ], [ -42.47, -2.744 ], [ -42.447, -2.753 ], [ -42.442, -2.749 ] ], [ [ -50.851, 2.482 ], [ -50.853, 2.481 ], [ -50.853, 2.48 ], [ -50.851, 2.482 ] ], [ [ -50.853, 2.481 ], [ -50.86, 2.495 ], [ -50.86, 2.477 ], [ -50.853, 2.481 ] ], [ [ -49.976, 1.659 ], [ -49.98, 1.659 ], [ -50, 1.639 ], [ -49.976, 1.659 ] ], [ [ -45.392, -1.553 ], [ -45.393, -1.553 ], [ -45.394, -1.556 ], [ -45.392, -1.553 ] ], [ [ -45.394, -1.556 ], [ -45.406, -1.579 ], [ -45.403, -1.591 ], [ -45.394, -1.556 ] ], [ [ -44.837, -1.65 ], [ -44.834, -1.655 ], [ -44.833, -1.654 ], [ -44.837, -1.65 ] ], [ [ -44.834, -1.655 ], [ -44.841, -1.675 ], [ -44.822, -1.672 ], [ -44.834, -1.655 ] ], [ [ -44.779, -1.735 ], [ -44.777, -1.741 ], [ -44.776, -1.74 ], [ -44.779, -1.735 ] ], [ [ -44.777, -1.741 ], [ -44.833, -1.77 ], [ -44.774, -1.75 ], [ -44.777, -1.741 ] ], [ [ -44.547, -2.22 ], [ -44.536, -2.225 ], [ -44.543, -2.219 ], [ -44.547, -2.22 ] ], [ [ -44.536, -2.225 ], [ -44.507, -2.249 ], [ -44.512, -2.235 ], [ -44.536, -2.225 ] ], [ [ -44.507, -2.249 ], [ -44.504, -2.256 ], [ -44.501, -2.254 ], [ -44.507, -2.249 ] ], [ [ -44.504, -2.256 ], [ -44.514, -2.268 ], [ -44.502, -2.26 ], [ -44.504, -2.256 ] ] ], [ [ [ -29.34, -20.484 ], [ -29.301, -20.521 ], [ -29.341, -20.511 ], [ -29.34, -20.484 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.001, -13.94 ], [ -39.012, -13.915 ], [ -38.994, -13.896 ], [ -39.001, -13.94 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.043, -13.909 ], [ -39.059, -13.904 ], [ -39.054, -13.886 ], [ -39.028, -13.903 ], [ -39.043, -13.909 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.251, -18.015 ], [ -39.283, -18.005 ], [ -39.272, -17.982 ], [ -39.245, -18.006 ], [ -39.251, -18.015 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.131, -17.927 ], [ -39.154, -17.921 ], [ -39.137, -17.91 ], [ -39.131, -17.927 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.212, -17.986 ], [ -39.228, -17.979 ], [ -39.215, -17.944 ], [ -39.202, -17.95 ], [ -39.212, -17.986 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.341, -23.231 ], [ -44.372, -23.174 ], [ -44.232, -23.089 ], [ -44.087, -23.173 ], [ -44.3, -23.184 ], [ -44.341, -23.231 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.356, -23.073 ], [ -44.388, -23.048 ], [ -44.373, -23.033 ], [ -44.343, -23.041 ], [ -44.356, -23.073 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.929, -23.014 ], [ -43.936, -22.999 ], [ -43.916, -22.989 ], [ -43.929, -23.014 ] ] ], [ [ [ -42.002, -23.018 ], [ -42.015, -23.003 ], [ -41.98, -22.975 ], [ -41.975, -22.992 ], [ -42.002, -23.018 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.904, -22.962 ], [ -43.907, -22.936 ], [ -43.868, -22.926 ], [ -43.871, -22.95 ], [ -43.904, -22.962 ] ] ], [ [ [ -41.042, -21.613 ], [ -41.042, -21.6 ], [ -41.019, -21.606 ], [ -41.042, -21.613 ] ] ], [ [ [ -52.112, -32 ], [ -52.18, -32.035 ], [ -52.216, -32.025 ], [ -52.198, -31.978 ], [ -52.112, -32 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.641, -30.388 ], [ -50.629, -30.394 ], [ -50.624, -30.329 ], [ -50.592, -30.399 ], [ -50.609, -30.406 ], [ -50.641, -30.388 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.526, -27.462 ], [ -48.416, -27.38 ], [ -48.358, -27.446 ], [ -48.503, -27.799 ], [ -48.559, -27.842 ], [ -48.526, -27.462 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.354, -27.296 ], [ -48.376, -27.285 ], [ -48.373, -27.271 ], [ -48.36, -27.27 ], [ -48.354, -27.296 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.731, -26.314 ], [ -48.754, -26.297 ], [ -48.735, -26.282 ], [ -48.731, -26.314 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.318, -25.584 ], [ -48.309, -25.546 ], [ -48.381, -25.504 ], [ -48.312, -25.509 ], [ -48.292, -25.545 ], [ -48.318, -25.584 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.414, -25.544 ], [ -48.459, -25.514 ], [ -48.415, -25.527 ], [ -48.414, -25.544 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.424, -25.551 ], [ -48.479, -25.523 ], [ -48.485, -25.502 ], [ -48.424, -25.551 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.298, -25.493 ], [ -48.341, -25.416 ], [ -48.252, -25.341 ], [ -48.265, -25.44 ], [ -48.253, -25.466 ], [ -48.298, -25.493 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.417, -25.386 ], [ -48.424, -25.343 ], [ -48.405, -25.33 ], [ -48.417, -25.386 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.695, -24.112 ], [ -45.688, -24.088 ], [ -45.679, -24.098 ], [ -45.695, -24.112 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.251, -23.962 ], [ -45.301, -23.909 ], [ -45.453, -23.91 ], [ -45.332, -23.721 ], [ -45.227, -23.774 ], [ -45.224, -23.835 ], [ -45.283, -23.857 ], [ -45.221, -23.899 ], [ -45.251, -23.962 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.141, -23.817 ], [ -45.146, -23.791 ], [ -45.114, -23.801 ], [ -45.141, -23.817 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.153, -23.573 ], [ -45.153, -23.558 ], [ -45.141, -23.568 ], [ -45.153, -23.573 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.073, -23.564 ], [ -45.079, -23.525 ], [ -45.036, -23.531 ], [ -45.073, -23.564 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.608, -23.228 ], [ -44.59, -23.208 ], [ -44.577, -23.216 ], [ -44.608, -23.228 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.648, -12.821 ], [ -38.666, -12.777 ], [ -38.624, -12.762 ], [ -38.648, -12.821 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.529, -12.811 ], [ -38.544, -12.757 ], [ -38.532, -12.74 ], [ -38.508, -12.792 ], [ -38.529, -12.811 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.622, -12.752 ], [ -38.622, -12.727 ], [ -38.593, -12.733 ], [ -38.622, -12.752 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.646, -12.683 ], [ -38.648, -12.65 ], [ -38.636, -12.661 ], [ -38.646, -12.683 ] ] ], [ [ [ -32.402, -3.838 ], [ -32.428, -3.877 ], [ -32.483, -3.878 ], [ -32.402, -3.838 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.667, -3.179 ], [ -44.668, -3.16 ], [ -44.643, -3.148 ], [ -44.644, -3.17 ], [ -44.667, -3.179 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.671, -2.943 ], [ -44.67, -2.92 ], [ -44.647, -2.915 ], [ -44.671, -2.943 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.493, -2.641 ], [ -44.48, -2.601 ], [ -44.477, -2.627 ], [ -44.493, -2.641 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.897, -2.573 ], [ -43.896, -2.554 ], [ -43.886, -2.565 ], [ -43.897, -2.573 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.599, -2.503 ], [ -43.577, -2.471 ], [ -43.572, -2.483 ], [ -43.599, -2.503 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.822, -2.526 ], [ -43.829, -2.509 ], [ -43.813, -2.458 ], [ -43.812, -2.553 ], [ -43.82, -2.528 ], [ -43.822, -2.526 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.821, -2.529 ], [ -43.856, -2.502 ], [ -43.832, -2.439 ], [ -43.842, -2.504 ], [ -43.821, -2.529 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.863, -2.56 ], [ -43.875, -2.552 ], [ -43.865, -2.534 ], [ -43.863, -2.56 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.519, -2.536 ], [ -44.529, -2.526 ], [ -44.501, -2.48 ], [ -44.505, -2.444 ], [ -44.455, -2.434 ], [ -44.519, -2.536 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.602, -3.007 ], [ -44.657, -2.972 ], [ -44.613, -2.894 ], [ -44.575, -2.921 ], [ -44.602, -3.007 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.585, -2.978 ], [ -44.563, -2.914 ], [ -44.586, -2.826 ], [ -44.494, -2.705 ], [ -44.494, -2.953 ], [ -44.582, -3.041 ], [ -44.585, -2.978 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.826, -2.434 ], [ -43.842, -2.403 ], [ -43.811, -2.385 ], [ -43.807, -2.412 ], [ -43.826, -2.434 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.581, -2.441 ], [ -43.615, -2.389 ], [ -43.549, -2.377 ], [ -43.545, -2.403 ], [ -43.581, -2.441 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.791, -2.47 ], [ -43.806, -2.443 ], [ -43.78, -2.422 ], [ -43.759, -2.448 ], [ -43.791, -2.47 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.513, -2.424 ], [ -43.537, -2.416 ], [ -43.522, -2.39 ], [ -43.505, -2.414 ], [ -43.513, -2.424 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.792, -2.405 ], [ -43.798, -2.377 ], [ -43.771, -2.37 ], [ -43.792, -2.405 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.689, -2.355 ], [ -43.743, -2.352 ], [ -43.724, -2.305 ], [ -43.617, -2.253 ], [ -43.612, -2.275 ], [ -43.669, -2.301 ], [ -43.689, -2.355 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.73, -2.425 ], [ -43.732, -2.364 ], [ -43.67, -2.377 ], [ -43.681, -2.34 ], [ -43.63, -2.324 ], [ -43.643, -2.394 ], [ -43.73, -2.425 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.473, -2.125 ], [ -44.487, -2.113 ], [ -44.475, -2.096 ], [ -44.463, -2.104 ], [ -44.473, -2.125 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.456, -2.031 ], [ -44.447, -2.008 ], [ -44.439, -2.022 ], [ -44.456, -2.031 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.311, -1.964 ], [ -49.336, -1.996 ], [ -49.309, -1.943 ], [ -49.311, -1.964 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.323, -2.054 ], [ -49.329, -2.019 ], [ -49.316, -2.001 ], [ -49.323, -2.054 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.231, -1.829 ], [ -50.246, -1.824 ], [ -50.229, -1.816 ], [ -50.231, -1.829 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.615, -1.821 ], [ -44.622, -1.797 ], [ -44.597, -1.774 ], [ -44.583, -1.789 ], [ -44.615, -1.821 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.7, -1.811 ], [ -44.703, -1.78 ], [ -44.673, -1.78 ], [ -44.7, -1.811 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.691, -1.793 ], [ -49.721, -1.789 ], [ -49.719, -1.771 ], [ -49.697, -1.766 ], [ -49.691, -1.793 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.924, -1.711 ], [ -48.909, -1.713 ], [ -48.916, -1.734 ], [ -48.935, -1.713 ], [ -48.924, -1.711 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.757, -1.707 ], [ -44.767, -1.694 ], [ -44.736, -1.701 ], [ -44.757, -1.707 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.433, -1.684 ], [ -49.454, -1.706 ], [ -49.46, -1.684 ], [ -49.433, -1.684 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.357, -1.008 ], [ -46.342, -0.994 ], [ -46.353, -1.026 ], [ -46.357, -1.008 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.205, -1.021 ], [ -46.194, -1.014 ], [ -46.202, -1.032 ], [ -46.205, -1.021 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.662, -3.018 ], [ -44.673, -3.012 ], [ -44.664, -3.001 ], [ -44.649, -3.013 ], [ -44.662, -3.018 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.736, -1.683 ], [ -44.745, -1.677 ], [ -44.732, -1.668 ], [ -44.736, -1.683 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.231, -1.638 ], [ -49.237, -1.627 ], [ -49.217, -1.633 ], [ -49.231, -1.638 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.38, -1.685 ], [ -49.4, -1.682 ], [ -49.368, -1.669 ], [ -49.38, -1.685 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.426, -1.673 ], [ -49.429, -1.661 ], [ -49.406, -1.66 ], [ -49.426, -1.673 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.34, -1.672 ], [ -49.358, -1.662 ], [ -49.325, -1.647 ], [ -49.34, -1.672 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.289, -1.726 ], [ -45.305, -1.663 ], [ -45.257, -1.641 ], [ -45.244, -1.678 ], [ -45.28, -1.694 ], [ -45.289, -1.726 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.328, -1.743 ], [ -45.346, -1.719 ], [ -45.301, -1.596 ], [ -45.274, -1.635 ], [ -45.313, -1.654 ], [ -45.328, -1.743 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.886, -1.578 ], [ -48.89, -1.56 ], [ -48.859, -1.536 ], [ -48.856, -1.553 ], [ -48.886, -1.578 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.783, -1.682 ], [ -44.8, -1.595 ], [ -44.775, -1.62 ], [ -44.721, -1.567 ], [ -44.704, -1.611 ], [ -44.684, -1.575 ], [ -44.668, -1.669 ], [ -44.693, -1.638 ], [ -44.783, -1.682 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.816, -1.569 ], [ -44.837, -1.534 ], [ -44.787, -1.488 ], [ -44.825, -1.534 ], [ -44.816, -1.569 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.462, -1.517 ], [ -48.478, -1.499 ], [ -48.421, -1.503 ], [ -48.462, -1.517 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.793, -1.531 ], [ -44.774, -1.47 ], [ -44.763, -1.513 ], [ -44.793, -1.531 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.414, -1.427 ], [ -45.423, -1.416 ], [ -45.409, -1.405 ], [ -45.414, -1.427 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45, -1.296 ], [ -44.922, -1.265 ], [ -44.877, -1.309 ], [ -44.895, -1.34 ], [ -44.922, -1.305 ], [ -44.907, -1.341 ], [ -44.999, -1.405 ], [ -45.033, -1.339 ], [ -45, -1.32 ], [ -44.995, -1.36 ], [ -45, -1.296 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.044, -1.402 ], [ -45.07, -1.33 ], [ -45.052, -1.342 ], [ -45.044, -1.402 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.333, -1.569 ], [ -45.371, -1.544 ], [ -45.347, -1.489 ], [ -45.313, -1.506 ], [ -45.333, -1.569 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.969, -1.522 ], [ -44.976, -1.493 ], [ -44.959, -1.483 ], [ -44.969, -1.522 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.393, -1.512 ], [ -48.371, -1.476 ], [ -48.341, -1.483 ], [ -48.393, -1.512 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.413, -1.498 ], [ -48.426, -1.491 ], [ -48.387, -1.476 ], [ -48.413, -1.498 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.118, -1.47 ], [ -45.132, -1.462 ], [ -45.115, -1.364 ], [ -45.103, -1.373 ], [ -45.118, -1.47 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.593, -1.251 ], [ -45.581, -1.19 ], [ -45.536, -1.205 ], [ -45.532, -1.231 ], [ -45.593, -1.251 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.559, -1.243 ], [ -48.56, -1.202 ], [ -48.523, -1.199 ], [ -48.559, -1.243 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.817, -1.163 ], [ -45.829, -1.141 ], [ -45.804, -1.127 ], [ -45.817, -1.163 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.877, -1.154 ], [ -45.9, -1.117 ], [ -45.883, -1.073 ], [ -45.849, -1.123 ], [ -45.877, -1.154 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.192, -1.05 ], [ -46.201, -1.041 ], [ -46.185, -1.027 ], [ -46.192, -1.05 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.291, -1.01 ], [ -46.307, -0.992 ], [ -46.306, -0.961 ], [ -46.291, -1.01 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.078, -1.095 ], [ -46.065, -1.05 ], [ -46.061, -1.074 ], [ -46.078, -1.095 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.68, -1.295 ], [ -45.687, -1.275 ], [ -45.667, -1.26 ], [ -45.654, -1.285 ], [ -45.68, -1.295 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.538, -1.282 ], [ -48.549, -1.262 ], [ -48.53, -1.25 ], [ -48.538, -1.282 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.51, -1.27 ], [ -48.522, -1.247 ], [ -48.506, -1.236 ], [ -48.51, -1.27 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.694, -1.37 ], [ -45.646, -1.289 ], [ -45.625, -1.126 ], [ -45.634, -1.349 ], [ -45.694, -1.37 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.688, -1.266 ], [ -45.708, -1.228 ], [ -45.685, -1.194 ], [ -45.664, -1.231 ], [ -45.688, -1.266 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.425, -0.914 ], [ -46.454, -0.907 ], [ -46.408, -0.868 ], [ -46.395, -0.899 ], [ -46.425, -0.914 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.72, -0.848 ], [ -46.735, -0.832 ], [ -46.729, -0.796 ], [ -46.72, -0.848 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.611, -0.799 ], [ -46.622, -0.784 ], [ -46.601, -0.789 ], [ -46.611, -0.799 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.586, -0.849 ], [ -46.621, -0.807 ], [ -46.589, -0.815 ], [ -46.586, -0.849 ] ] ], [ [ [ -47.447, -0.748 ], [ -47.453, -0.732 ], [ -47.436, -0.717 ], [ -47.428, -0.738 ], [ -47.447, -0.748 ] ] ], [ [ [ -47.461, -0.741 ], [ -47.463, -0.702 ], [ -47.445, -0.697 ], [ -47.461, -0.741 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.214, -0.411 ], [ -51.211, -0.386 ], [ -51.164, -0.347 ], [ -51.163, -0.383 ], [ -51.214, -0.411 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.352, -0.353 ], [ -51.346, -0.31 ], [ -51.317, -0.268 ], [ -51.327, -0.33 ], [ -51.352, -0.353 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.127, -0.268 ], [ -51.131, -0.237 ], [ -51.091, -0.208 ], [ -51.087, -0.229 ], [ -51.127, -0.268 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.888, -0.198 ], [ -48.91, -0.188 ], [ -48.893, -0.134 ], [ -48.847, -0.177 ], [ -48.888, -0.198 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.174, -0.091 ], [ -51.191, -0.064 ], [ -51.126, -0.057 ], [ -51.174, -0.091 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.114, -0.146 ], [ -49.097, -0.121 ], [ -49.08, -0.13 ], [ -49.114, -0.146 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.166, -0.142 ], [ -49.188, -0.115 ], [ -49.156, -0.128 ], [ -49.166, -0.142 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.119, -0.141 ], [ -49.143, -0.107 ], [ -49.114, -0.11 ], [ -49.119, -0.141 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.127, -0.128 ], [ -51.094, -0.103 ], [ -51.108, -0.127 ], [ -51.127, -0.128 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.414, -0.999 ], [ -46.384, -0.941 ], [ -46.367, -0.948 ], [ -46.414, -0.999 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.647, -0.97 ], [ -46.658, -0.968 ], [ -46.618, -0.957 ], [ -46.647, -0.97 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.488, -0.942 ], [ -46.465, -0.877 ], [ -46.464, -0.924 ], [ -46.44, -0.922 ], [ -46.482, -0.976 ], [ -46.441, -0.999 ], [ -46.525, -1.016 ], [ -46.527, -0.917 ], [ -46.509, -0.984 ], [ -46.488, -0.942 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.632, 0.159 ], [ -49.662, 0.184 ], [ -49.629, 0.202 ], [ -49.61, 0.181 ], [ -49.632, 0.159 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.641, 0.26 ], [ -50.63, 0.293 ], [ -50.586, 0.308 ], [ -50.641, 0.26 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.2, 0.255 ], [ -50.243, 0.248 ], [ -50.147, 0.337 ], [ -50.059, 0.346 ], [ -50.2, 0.255 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.417, 0.159 ], [ -50.535, 0.234 ], [ -50.36, 0.615 ], [ -50.328, 0.383 ], [ -50.285, 0.3 ], [ -50.413, 0.237 ], [ -50.417, 0.159 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.279, 0.338 ], [ -50.271, 0.599 ], [ -50.147, 0.608 ], [ -50.142, 0.576 ], [ -50.107, 0.636 ], [ -50.063, 0.623 ], [ -50.05, 0.518 ], [ -50.279, 0.338 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50, 0.943 ], [ -50.113, 0.907 ], [ -50.018, 1.034 ], [ -49.935, 1.069 ], [ -49.939, 0.996 ], [ -50, 0.943 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.881, 1.227 ], [ -49.909, 1.246 ], [ -49.886, 1.244 ], [ -49.881, 1.227 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.907, 1.278 ], [ -49.885, 1.291 ], [ -49.863, 1.278 ], [ -49.876, 1.252 ], [ -49.907, 1.278 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.204, 1.851 ], [ -50.232, 1.879 ], [ -50.22, 1.915 ], [ -50.169, 1.865 ], [ -50.204, 1.851 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.468, 1.954 ], [ -50.521, 2.026 ], [ -50.497, 2.139 ], [ -50.398, 2.167 ], [ -50.367, 2.19 ], [ -50.276, 1.939 ], [ -50.423, 1.849 ], [ -50.468, 1.954 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.504, 2.255 ], [ -50.414, 2.244 ], [ -50.382, 2.204 ], [ -50.489, 2.15 ], [ -50.564, 2.205 ], [ -50.504, 2.255 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.229, 0.832 ], [ -50.098, 0.839 ], [ -50.027, 0.898 ], [ -50.105, 0.757 ], [ -50.162, 0.775 ], [ -50.249, 0.72 ], [ -50.229, 0.832 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.131, 0.844 ], [ -50.162, 0.867 ], [ -50.132, 0.9 ], [ -50.119, 0.854 ], [ -50.131, 0.844 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.108, 0.85 ], [ -50.111, 0.891 ], [ -50.049, 0.886 ], [ -50.108, 0.85 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.216, -0.055 ], [ -50.235, -0.042 ], [ -50.219, -0.04 ], [ -50.216, -0.055 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.916, -0.052 ], [ -50.926, -0.047 ], [ -50.907, -0.043 ], [ -50.916, -0.052 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.605, -0.061 ], [ -50.618, -0.022 ], [ -50.559, -0.038 ], [ -50.605, -0.061 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.399, -0.061 ], [ -50.44, -0.057 ], [ -50.378, -0.015 ], [ -50.357, -0.049 ], [ -50.399, -0.061 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.75, 0 ], [ -49.609, 0.08 ], [ -49.474, 0.081 ], [ -49.338, -0.017 ], [ -49.487, -0.136 ], [ -49.723, -0.147 ], [ -49.835, -0.088 ], [ -49.75, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.023, -0.019 ], [ -49.039, -0.011 ], [ -49.02, -0.006 ], [ -49.023, -0.019 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.932, 0.052 ], [ -50.918, 0.084 ], [ -50.884, 0.078 ], [ -50.899, 0.057 ], [ -50.932, 0.052 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.928, 0 ], [ -50.786, 0.05 ], [ -50.717, 0.028 ], [ -50.94, -0.041 ], [ -50.928, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.691, 0.025 ], [ -50.655, 0.015 ], [ -50.703, 0.021 ], [ -50.691, 0.025 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.629, -0.043 ], [ -50.642, -0.016 ], [ -50.622, -0.026 ], [ -50.629, -0.043 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.642, 0 ], [ -50.611, 0.007 ], [ -50.595, -0.019 ], [ -50.642, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.536, 0 ], [ -50.653, 0.126 ], [ -50.59, 0.203 ], [ -50.434, 0.126 ], [ -50.436, 0 ], [ -50.536, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50, 0.311 ], [ -49.674, 0.368 ], [ -49.601, 0.283 ], [ -49.86, 0.008 ], [ -49.99, -0.048 ], [ -50.086, 0.034 ], [ -50.351, 0.044 ], [ -50.394, 0.222 ], [ -50.153, 0.227 ], [ -50, 0.311 ] ] ] ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "La costa de lo que hoy es territorio brasileño fue el primer punto al que llegaron los europeos en América del Sur. La primera expedición que exploró la región fue un desprendimiento de la flota portuguesa que Vasco da Gama (c. 1460-1524) llevaba hacia oriente. Las naves dirigidas por Pedro Álvarez de Cabral (1467-1520) se alejaron excesivamente de la costa de África y terminaron en el extremo sur de actual territorio del Estado de Bahía, en que el permanecieron entre abril y mayo del año 1500. Los portuguese establecieron en la costa precarias feitorias para comerciar verzino o palo brasil con los nativos de las sociedades tupí y guaraní nativas. Recién en 1530 la corona brasileña tomaría acciones decididas para organizar la ocupación portuguesa y las actividades de explotación, cuando instaura el régimen de capitanías hereditarias que estructuraría el establecimiento colonial lusitano en brasil. Bibliografía: Johnson, H. B., \"Portuguese Settlement, 1500-1580\", en Bethell, Leslie (ed.), Colonial Brazil, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1987, pp. 1-38; Abulafia, David, El descubrimiento de la humanidad. Encuentros atlánticos en la era de Colón, Barcelona, Crítica, 2009 [2008]; Metcalf, Alida C., Go-Betweens and the Colonization of Brazil, 1500-1600, Austin, University of Texas Press, 2005; Vaz de Caminha, Pêro, Carta del descubrimiento del Brasil, Barcelona, Acantilado, 2009.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-12-03T14:17:24+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 19921, "end" : 19927 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Brasil" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/cdbe876c-5b7c-4c1c-8617-3e6180f0afd7", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://sws.geonames.org/3469034", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-12-03T14:17:24+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-12-03T14:17:24+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "MultiPolygon", "coordinates" : [ [ [ [ -44.657, -3.018 ], [ -44.608, -3.041 ], [ -44.72, -3.18 ], [ -44.793, -3.198 ], [ -44.779, -3.312 ], [ -44.736, -3.302 ], [ -44.763, -3.225 ], [ -44.653, -3.196 ], [ -44.431, -2.945 ], [ -44.367, -2.643 ], [ -44.362, -2.726 ], [ -44.355, -2.605 ], [ -44.378, -2.566 ], [ -44.345, -2.528 ], [ -44.29, -2.573 ], [ -44.306, -2.487 ], [ -44.02, -2.403 ], [ -44.03, -2.457 ], [ -44.108, -2.468 ], [ -44.035, -2.518 ], [ -44.131, -2.596 ], [ -44.147, -2.681 ], [ -44.219, -2.67 ], [ -44.209, -2.716 ], [ -44.345, -2.791 ], [ -44.347, -2.838 ], [ -44.315, -2.788 ], [ -44.3, -2.843 ], [ -44.266, -2.777 ], [ -44.225, -2.806 ], [ -44.184, -2.766 ], [ -44.208, -2.857 ], [ -44.111, -2.749 ], [ -44.072, -2.811 ], [ -44.05, -2.685 ], [ -43.981, -2.619 ], [ -43.946, -2.641 ], [ -43.933, -2.553 ], [ -43.883, -2.649 ], [ -43.887, -2.578 ], [ -43.803, -2.56 ], [ -43.76, -2.513 ], [ -43.754, -2.556 ], [ -43.729, -2.481 ], [ -43.727, -2.569 ], [ -43.654, -2.556 ], [ -43.682, -2.534 ], [ -43.653, -2.488 ], [ -43.608, -2.593 ], [ -43.603, -2.518 ], [ -43.548, -2.528 ], [ -43.519, -2.445 ], [ -43.498, -2.55 ], [ -43.46, -2.507 ], [ -43.458, -2.596 ], [ -43.401, -2.552 ], [ -43.448, -2.538 ], [ -43.462, -2.427 ], [ -43.359, -2.44 ], [ -43.479, -2.376 ], [ -43.378, -2.329 ], [ -43.4, -2.353 ], [ -43.232, -2.362 ], [ -42.692, -2.596 ], [ -42.709, -2.56 ], [ -42.572, -2.68 ], [ -42.495, -2.689 ], [ -42.503, -2.727 ], [ -42.393, -2.751 ], [ -42.475, -2.706 ], [ -42.375, -2.717 ], [ -42.228, -2.818 ], [ -42.143, -2.808 ], [ -42.256, -2.735 ], [ -42.233, -2.674 ], [ -42.208, -2.712 ], [ -42.098, -2.768 ], [ -42.099, -2.809 ], [ -42.096, -2.747 ], [ -42.216, -2.687 ], [ -42.054, -2.691 ], [ -42.023, -2.775 ], [ -42.017, -2.718 ], [ -41.818, -2.723 ], [ -41.844, -2.773 ], [ -41.797, -2.751 ], [ -41.656, -2.884 ], [ -41.437, -2.939 ], [ -41.395, -2.906 ], [ -41.316, -2.943 ], [ -41.263, -2.887 ], [ -40.838, -2.895 ], [ -40.572, -2.844 ], [ -40.499, -2.787 ], [ -39.888, -2.886 ], [ -39.244, -3.229 ], [ -39.083, -3.394 ], [ -38.978, -3.407 ], [ -38.641, -3.687 ], [ -38.473, -3.7 ], [ -38.377, -3.866 ], [ -38.043, -4.214 ], [ -37.764, -4.399 ], [ -37.588, -4.624 ], [ -37.323, -4.698 ], [ -37.15, -4.943 ], [ -36.958, -4.919 ], [ -36.666, -5.108 ], [ -36.504, -5.061 ], [ -36.297, -5.106 ], [ -35.956, -5.045 ], [ -35.612, -5.11 ], [ -35.385, -5.255 ], [ -35.255, -5.483 ], [ -35.099, -6.169 ], [ -34.983, -6.396 ], [ -34.933, -6.753 ], [ -34.79, -7.159 ], [ -34.842, -7.564 ], [ -34.809, -7.622 ], [ -34.845, -7.69 ], [ -34.827, -8.004 ], [ -35.136, -8.895 ], [ -35.332, -9.237 ], [ -35.689, -9.668 ], [ -35.78, -9.706 ], [ -36.056, -10.083 ], [ -36.266, -10.256 ], [ -36.402, -10.506 ], [ -36.602, -10.567 ], [ -36.934, -10.826 ], [ -37.36, -11.428 ], [ -37.612, -11.979 ], [ -37.996, -12.578 ], [ -38.318, -12.934 ], [ -38.477, -13.022 ], [ -38.532, -13.017 ], [ -38.473, -12.913 ], [ -38.498, -12.722 ], [ -38.603, -12.728 ], [ -38.646, -12.622 ], [ -38.681, -12.661 ], [ -38.718, -12.627 ], [ -38.804, -12.835 ], [ -38.717, -12.873 ], [ -38.769, -12.995 ], [ -38.721, -13.021 ], [ -38.66, -12.963 ], [ -38.686, -12.878 ], [ -38.59, -12.972 ], [ -38.766, -13.129 ], [ -38.807, -13.1 ], [ -38.808, -13.154 ], [ -38.944, -13.243 ], [ -38.973, -13.391 ], [ -38.902, -13.384 ], [ -38.886, -13.45 ], [ -38.95, -13.577 ], [ -38.886, -13.659 ], [ -38.968, -13.67 ], [ -39.006, -13.891 ], [ -39.064, -13.865 ], [ -39.075, -13.887 ], [ -38.986, -13.998 ], [ -38.952, -13.986 ], [ -38.982, -13.912 ], [ -38.938, -13.886 ], [ -38.922, -13.92 ], [ -39.061, -14.716 ], [ -38.962, -15.585 ], [ -38.857, -15.86 ], [ -38.973, -16.211 ], [ -39.032, -16.26 ], [ -39.01, -16.369 ], [ -39.078, -16.454 ], [ -39.143, -16.762 ], [ -39.113, -16.896 ], [ -39.212, -17.155 ], [ -39.193, -17.602 ], [ -39.135, -17.691 ], [ -39.264, -17.869 ], [ -39.435, -17.943 ], [ -39.563, -18.091 ], [ -39.721, -18.493 ], [ -39.749, -18.81 ], [ -39.692, -19.353 ], [ -39.805, -19.65 ], [ -39.951, -19.717 ], [ -40.151, -19.956 ], [ -40.236, -20.285 ], [ -40.353, -20.32 ], [ -40.329, -20.236 ], [ -40.359, -20.291 ], [ -40.365, -20.317 ], [ -40.35, -20.328 ], [ -40.268, -20.327 ], [ -40.402, -20.606 ], [ -40.466, -20.624 ], [ -40.627, -20.845 ], [ -40.65, -20.813 ], [ -40.756, -20.866 ], [ -40.853, -21.133 ], [ -40.955, -21.251 ], [ -40.96, -21.364 ], [ -41.065, -21.495 ], [ -41.051, -21.608 ], [ -41.038, -21.622 ], [ -41.007, -21.618 ], [ -40.99, -22.014 ], [ -41.229, -22.151 ], [ -41.668, -22.294 ], [ -41.962, -22.538 ], [ -41.986, -22.713 ], [ -41.919, -22.774 ], [ -41.864, -22.759 ], [ -42.023, -22.896 ], [ -42.037, -22.94 ], [ -41.99, -22.964 ], [ -42.018, -22.998 ], [ -42.086, -22.957 ], [ -42.529, -22.934 ], [ -43.05, -22.982 ], [ -43.132, -22.941 ], [ -43.025, -22.741 ], [ -43.084, -22.68 ], [ -43.216, -22.725 ], [ -43.287, -22.806 ], [ -43.24, -22.847 ], [ -43.249, -22.797 ], [ -43.156, -22.784 ], [ -43.247, -22.882 ], [ -43.164, -22.899 ], [ -43.187, -22.995 ], [ -43.344, -22.983 ], [ -43.303, -23.02 ], [ -43.549, -23.081 ], [ -44.001, -23.1 ], [ -43.961, -23.042 ], [ -43.877, -23.067 ], [ -43.909, -23.02 ], [ -43.807, -23.063 ], [ -43.555, -23.055 ], [ -43.84, -22.906 ], [ -43.985, -22.937 ], [ -44.034, -23.014 ], [ -44.044, -22.923 ], [ -44.107, -23.03 ], [ -44.234, -23.06 ], [ -44.238, -23.004 ], [ -44.358, -23.02 ], [ -44.296, -22.961 ], [ -44.321, -22.927 ], [ -44.378, -22.972 ], [ -44.407, -22.945 ], [ -44.443, -23.035 ], [ -44.669, -23.06 ], [ -44.712, -23.19 ], [ -44.701, -23.237 ], [ -44.645, -23.191 ], [ -44.612, -23.206 ], [ -44.685, -23.256 ], [ -44.611, -23.238 ], [ -44.652, -23.302 ], [ -44.558, -23.232 ], [ -44.577, -23.275 ], [ -44.498, -23.302 ], [ -44.583, -23.367 ], [ -44.669, -23.341 ], [ -44.84, -23.395 ], [ -44.905, -23.339 ], [ -45.05, -23.418 ], [ -45.016, -23.461 ], [ -45.079, -23.519 ], [ -45.165, -23.495 ], [ -45.159, -23.541 ], [ -45.228, -23.547 ], [ -45.211, -23.582 ], [ -45.41, -23.632 ], [ -45.412, -23.825 ], [ -45.934, -23.771 ], [ -46.124, -23.842 ], [ -46.2, -24.002 ], [ -46.288, -24.044 ], [ -46.321, -24 ], [ -46.458, -24.025 ], [ -46.937, -24.281 ], [ -47.024, -24.382 ], [ -47.004, -24.412 ], [ -47.86, -24.996 ], [ -47.914, -25.061 ], [ -47.915, -25.16 ], [ -48.213, -25.47 ], [ -48.254, -25.435 ], [ -48.222, -25.342 ], [ -48.208, -25.353 ], [ -48.121, -25.267 ], [ -48.253, -25.328 ], [ -48.284, -25.294 ], [ -48.317, -25.363 ], [ -48.327, -25.232 ], [ -48.366, -25.317 ], [ -48.433, -25.237 ], [ -48.428, -25.324 ], [ -48.5, -25.335 ], [ -48.427, -25.39 ], [ -48.449, -25.379 ], [ -48.468, -25.388 ], [ -48.467, -25.432 ], [ -48.449, -25.384 ], [ -48.414, -25.428 ], [ -48.476, -25.485 ], [ -48.637, -25.468 ], [ -48.661, -25.398 ], [ -48.671, -25.435 ], [ -48.739, -25.374 ], [ -48.68, -25.465 ], [ -48.687, -25.499 ], [ -48.737, -25.483 ], [ -48.703, -25.504 ], [ -48.617, -25.536 ], [ -48.512, -25.505 ], [ -48.482, -25.591 ], [ -48.46, -25.552 ], [ -48.35, -25.581 ], [ -48.565, -25.868 ], [ -48.614, -26.06 ], [ -48.586, -26.172 ], [ -48.714, -26.243 ], [ -48.795, -26.073 ], [ -48.837, -26.157 ], [ -48.798, -26.142 ], [ -48.763, -26.199 ], [ -48.805, -26.228 ], [ -48.769, -26.223 ], [ -48.761, -26.286 ], [ -48.803, -26.303 ], [ -48.723, -26.362 ], [ -48.635, -26.374 ], [ -48.714, -26.308 ], [ -48.554, -26.172 ], [ -48.493, -26.224 ], [ -48.695, -26.658 ], [ -48.665, -26.769 ], [ -48.583, -26.786 ], [ -48.655, -26.909 ], [ -48.62, -27.007 ], [ -48.574, -27.011 ], [ -48.607, -27.122 ], [ -48.554, -27.152 ], [ -48.51, -27.108 ], [ -48.469, -27.148 ], [ -48.511, -27.183 ], [ -48.486, -27.218 ], [ -48.531, -27.18 ], [ -48.612, -27.243 ], [ -48.596, -27.318 ], [ -48.529, -27.334 ], [ -48.649, -27.486 ], [ -48.572, -27.592 ], [ -48.653, -27.648 ], [ -48.575, -27.888 ], [ -48.761, -28.535 ], [ -48.813, -28.605 ], [ -49.37, -28.92 ], [ -49.334, -28.921 ], [ -49.702, -29.308 ], [ -50.006, -29.749 ], [ -50.316, -30.472 ], [ -50.848, -31.205 ], [ -51.303, -31.613 ], [ -51.877, -31.952 ], [ -52.071, -32.188 ], [ -52.012, -31.946 ], [ -52.092, -31.837 ], [ -51.851, -31.865 ], [ -51.777, -31.805 ], [ -51.854, -31.797 ], [ -51.65, -31.759 ], [ -51.478, -31.562 ], [ -51.43, -31.622 ], [ -51.458, -31.548 ], [ -51.424, -31.478 ], [ -51.351, -31.529 ], [ -51.234, -31.458 ], [ -51.16, -31.31 ], [ -51.166, -31.063 ], [ -51.109, -31.097 ], [ -50.985, -31.042 ], [ -50.965, -30.893 ], [ -50.888, -30.893 ], [ -50.705, -30.756 ], [ -50.677, -30.61 ], [ -50.725, -30.371 ], [ -50.692, -30.355 ], [ -50.625, -30.409 ], [ -50.641, -30.459 ], [ -50.569, -30.471 ], [ -50.534, -30.278 ], [ -50.601, -30.194 ], [ -50.659, -30.201 ], [ -50.661, -30.293 ], [ -50.918, -30.333 ], [ -50.934, -30.42 ], [ -50.889, -30.439 ], [ -50.921, -30.44 ], [ -51.052, -30.395 ], [ -51.034, -30.276 ], [ -51.146, -30.267 ], [ -51.246, -30.188 ], [ -51.23, -30.043 ], [ -51.295, -30.007 ], [ -51.326, -30.23 ], [ -51.271, -30.25 ], [ -51.293, -30.295 ], [ -51.246, -30.33 ], [ -51.209, -30.3 ], [ -51.179, -30.383 ], [ -51.092, -30.367 ], [ -51.129, -30.436 ], [ -51.202, -30.413 ], [ -51.269, -30.489 ], [ -51.282, -30.811 ], [ -51.33, -30.777 ], [ -51.294, -30.758 ], [ -51.319, -30.64 ], [ -51.375, -30.635 ], [ -51.404, -30.769 ], [ -51.367, -30.874 ], [ -51.457, -30.874 ], [ -51.501, -30.935 ], [ -51.436, -31.088 ], [ -51.611, -31.138 ], [ -51.613, -31.272 ], [ -51.915, -31.313 ], [ -52.002, -31.449 ], [ -52.031, -31.693 ], [ -52.218, -31.747 ], [ -52.247, -31.871 ], [ -52.106, -31.952 ], [ -52.216, -31.963 ], [ -52.263, -32.062 ], [ -52.209, -32.045 ], [ -52.225, -32.096 ], [ -52.082, -32.033 ], [ -52.162, -32.128 ], [ -52.09, -32.069 ], [ -52.084, -32.186 ], [ -52.16, -32.201 ], [ -52.341, -32.43 ], [ -52.488, -32.844 ], [ -52.66, -33.165 ], [ -53.227, -33.658 ], [ -53.421, -33.741 ], [ -53.524, -33.689 ], [ -53.515, -33.163 ], [ -53.434, -33.054 ], [ -53.243, -32.936 ], [ -53.294, -32.911 ], [ -53.074, -32.746 ], [ -53.244, -32.605 ], [ -53.39, -32.583 ], [ -53.46, -32.48 ], [ -53.595, -32.432 ], [ -53.73, -32.157 ], [ -53.714, -32.104 ], [ -53.965, -31.919 ], [ -54.096, -31.906 ], [ -54.466, -31.666 ], [ -54.491, -31.54 ], [ -54.591, -31.448 ], [ -54.836, -31.446 ], [ -54.945, -31.392 ], [ -55.014, -31.285 ], [ -55.091, -31.326 ], [ -55.245, -31.257 ], [ -55.374, -31.038 ], [ -55.594, -30.848 ], [ -55.635, -30.857 ], [ -55.657, -30.956 ], [ -55.87, -31.08 ], [ -56.008, -31.063 ], [ -55.987, -30.86 ], [ -56.021, -30.784 ], [ -56.127, -30.739 ], [ -56.177, -30.614 ], [ -56.384, -30.495 ], [ -56.459, -30.387 ], [ -56.545, -30.364 ], [ -56.54, -30.312 ], [ -56.617, -30.303 ], [ -56.644, -30.205 ], [ -56.776, -30.166 ], [ -56.804, -30.107 ], [ -57.068, -30.088 ], [ -57.207, -30.281 ], [ -57.313, -30.26 ], [ -57.396, -30.303 ], [ -57.538, -30.275 ], [ -57.618, -30.179 ], [ -57.505, -30.143 ], [ -57.342, -30.001 ], [ -57.319, -29.87 ], [ -57.254, -29.794 ], [ -57.105, -29.752 ], [ -56.972, -29.639 ], [ -56.676, -29.321 ], [ -56.593, -29.123 ], [ -56.425, -29.073 ], [ -56.285, -28.794 ], [ -56.185, -28.771 ], [ -56.016, -28.611 ], [ -56.011, -28.509 ], [ -55.888, -28.479 ], [ -55.875, -28.362 ], [ -55.696, -28.425 ], [ -55.671, -28.333 ], [ -55.773, -28.247 ], [ -55.605, -28.123 ], [ -55.554, -28.164 ], [ -55.496, -28.081 ], [ -55.444, -28.097 ], [ -55.323, -27.928 ], [ -55.196, -27.863 ], [ -55.134, -27.895 ], [ -55.117, -27.853 ], [ -55.032, -27.854 ], [ -55.082, -27.789 ], [ -54.941, -27.775 ], [ -54.809, -27.536 ], [ -54.781, -27.586 ], [ -54.683, -27.576 ], [ -54.678, -27.514 ], [ -54.624, -27.55 ], [ -54.576, -27.458 ], [ -54.525, -27.507 ], [ -54.415, -27.412 ], [ -54.353, -27.468 ], [ -54.339, -27.406 ], [ -54.282, -27.447 ], [ -54.176, -27.261 ], [ -54.089, -27.303 ], [ -53.949, -27.158 ], [ -53.799, -27.147 ], [ -53.795, -27.048 ], [ -53.761, -27.068 ], [ -53.662, -26.869 ], [ -53.751, -26.745 ], [ -53.707, -26.563 ], [ -53.738, -26.548 ], [ -53.592, -26.265 ], [ -53.722, -26.13 ], [ -53.733, -26.047 ], [ -53.837, -25.969 ], [ -53.824, -25.793 ], [ -53.891, -25.625 ], [ -53.951, -25.644 ], [ -54.016, -25.569 ], [ -54.101, -25.625 ], [ -54.111, -25.504 ], [ -54.213, -25.554 ], [ -54.184, -25.591 ], [ -54.289, -25.562 ], [ -54.387, -25.608 ], [ -54.43, -25.706 ], [ -54.596, -25.595 ], [ -54.617, -25.459 ], [ -54.437, -25.157 ], [ -54.458, -25.031 ], [ -54.336, -24.649 ], [ -54.333, -24.493 ], [ -54.262, -24.376 ], [ -54.33, -24.225 ], [ -54.282, -24.075 ], [ -54.411, -23.929 ], [ -54.668, -23.815 ], [ -55.061, -23.991 ], [ -55.112, -23.963 ], [ -55.226, -24.013 ], [ -55.413, -23.961 ], [ -55.434, -23.714 ], [ -55.535, -23.614 ], [ -55.522, -23.197 ], [ -55.596, -23.141 ], [ -55.64, -22.994 ], [ -55.685, -22.992 ], [ -55.613, -22.659 ], [ -55.736, -22.532 ], [ -55.74, -22.396 ], [ -55.854, -22.281 ], [ -56.208, -22.281 ], [ -56.341, -22.206 ], [ -56.403, -22.078 ], [ -56.519, -22.103 ], [ -56.643, -22.261 ], [ -56.698, -22.216 ], [ -56.728, -22.26 ], [ -56.808, -22.25 ], [ -56.831, -22.3 ], [ -57.001, -22.225 ], [ -57.203, -22.21 ], [ -57.243, -22.244 ], [ -57.553, -22.181 ], [ -57.616, -22.096 ], [ -57.803, -22.148 ], [ -57.989, -22.085 ], [ -58.005, -22.032 ], [ -57.919, -21.881 ], [ -57.969, -21.844 ], [ -57.913, -21.793 ], [ -57.947, -21.747 ], [ -57.894, -21.687 ], [ -57.968, -21.528 ], [ -57.855, -21.339 ], [ -57.918, -21.278 ], [ -57.854, -21.226 ], [ -57.866, -21.041 ], [ -57.818, -20.976 ], [ -57.927, -20.897 ], [ -57.855, -20.835 ], [ -57.961, -20.784 ], [ -57.869, -20.736 ], [ -57.923, -20.666 ], [ -57.988, -20.696 ], [ -57.994, -20.448 ], [ -58.082, -20.372 ], [ -58.092, -20.257 ], [ -58.154, -20.264 ], [ -58.125, -20.188 ], [ -58.163, -20.162 ], [ -57.872, -19.979 ], [ -58.134, -19.761 ], [ -57.79, -19.051 ], [ -57.709, -19.034 ], [ -57.757, -18.858 ], [ -57.56, -18.263 ], [ -57.458, -18.228 ], [ -57.568, -18.136 ], [ -57.702, -17.86 ], [ -57.715, -17.735 ], [ -57.785, -17.645 ], [ -57.773, -17.553 ], [ -57.878, -17.463 ], [ -58.003, -17.52 ], [ -58.114, -17.456 ], [ -58.395, -17.197 ], [ -58.421, -16.99 ], [ -58.47, -16.939 ], [ -58.468, -16.702 ], [ -58.442, -16.613 ], [ -58.34, -16.542 ], [ -58.309, -16.27 ], [ -58.471, -16.325 ], [ -60.173, -16.265 ], [ -60.236, -15.476 ], [ -60.565, -15.105 ], [ -60.253, -15.101 ], [ -60.257, -14.624 ], [ -60.338, -14.555 ], [ -60.482, -14.181 ], [ -60.468, -14.092 ], [ -60.378, -13.992 ], [ -60.468, -13.886 ], [ -60.468, -13.801 ], [ -60.793, -13.686 ], [ -60.962, -13.539 ], [ -61.044, -13.541 ], [ -61.028, -13.477 ], [ -61.069, -13.463 ], [ -61.139, -13.521 ], [ -61.249, -13.525 ], [ -61.33, -13.473 ], [ -61.486, -13.554 ], [ -61.578, -13.494 ], [ -61.824, -13.539 ], [ -61.866, -13.443 ], [ -62.108, -13.257 ], [ -62.109, -13.149 ], [ -62.165, -13.112 ], [ -62.368, -13.145 ], [ -62.464, -13.07 ], [ -62.637, -13.041 ], [ -62.674, -12.965 ], [ -62.764, -13.023 ], [ -62.923, -12.854 ], [ -62.996, -12.85 ], [ -63.082, -12.653 ], [ -63.327, -12.705 ], [ -63.482, -12.557 ], [ -63.712, -12.458 ], [ -63.875, -12.469 ], [ -63.937, -12.557 ], [ -64.127, -12.494 ], [ -64.152, -12.529 ], [ -64.215, -12.476 ], [ -64.278, -12.511 ], [ -64.493, -12.366 ], [ -64.486, -12.23 ], [ -64.654, -12.186 ], [ -64.683, -12.099 ], [ -64.725, -12.162 ], [ -64.798, -12.035 ], [ -64.993, -11.999 ], [ -65.048, -11.757 ], [ -65.112, -11.741 ], [ -65.106, -11.697 ], [ -65.135, -11.777 ], [ -65.201, -11.745 ], [ -65.161, -11.622 ], [ -65.218, -11.521 ], [ -65.299, -11.5 ], [ -65.338, -11.392 ], [ -65.31, -11.341 ], [ -65.385, -11.269 ], [ -65.349, -11.239 ], [ -65.391, -11.167 ], [ -65.318, -11.105 ], [ -65.336, -11.044 ], [ -65.269, -10.901 ], [ -65.366, -10.798 ], [ -65.349, -10.671 ], [ -65.426, -10.638 ], [ -65.429, -10.473 ], [ -65.28, -10.218 ], [ -65.327, -9.938 ], [ -65.29, -9.851 ], [ -65.377, -9.698 ], [ -65.488, -9.718 ], [ -65.563, -9.834 ], [ -65.669, -9.779 ], [ -65.7, -9.803 ], [ -65.689, -9.749 ], [ -65.748, -9.77 ], [ -65.777, -9.727 ], [ -65.798, -9.786 ], [ -65.81, -9.75 ], [ -65.86, -9.794 ], [ -65.872, -9.757 ], [ -66.018, -9.807 ], [ -66.064, -9.772 ], [ -66.422, -9.895 ], [ -66.616, -9.893 ], [ -66.623, -9.935 ], [ -66.883, -10.081 ], [ -67.029, -10.254 ], [ -67.186, -10.339 ], [ -67.315, -10.316 ], [ -67.327, -10.374 ], [ -67.414, -10.372 ], [ -67.443, -10.45 ], [ -67.594, -10.523 ], [ -67.715, -10.707 ], [ -68.021, -10.661 ], [ -68.119, -10.726 ], [ -68.283, -10.987 ], [ -68.519, -11.048 ], [ -68.587, -11.11 ], [ -68.769, -11.139 ], [ -68.751, -11.007 ], [ -68.787, -10.99 ], [ -68.871, -11.023 ], [ -69.393, -10.929 ], [ -69.728, -10.973 ], [ -69.938, -10.926 ], [ -70.318, -11.066 ], [ -70.428, -11.033 ], [ -70.508, -10.94 ], [ -70.618, -11.007 ], [ -70.622, -9.847 ], [ -70.522, -9.738 ], [ -70.598, -9.574 ], [ -70.561, -9.579 ], [ -70.497, -9.433 ], [ -70.601, -9.453 ], [ -70.982, -9.812 ], [ -71.131, -9.862 ], [ -71.288, -9.996 ], [ -72.165, -10.002 ], [ -72.16, -9.818 ], [ -72.26, -9.755 ], [ -72.289, -9.536 ], [ -72.364, -9.491 ], [ -72.721, -9.417 ], [ -73.196, -9.418 ], [ -72.965, -9.154 ], [ -72.946, -8.99 ], [ -73.059, -8.904 ], [ -73.169, -8.701 ], [ -73.338, -8.609 ], [ -73.338, -8.476 ], [ -73.526, -8.369 ], [ -73.632, -8.022 ], [ -73.765, -7.94 ], [ -73.777, -7.869 ], [ -73.697, -7.865 ], [ -73.69, -7.79 ], [ -73.985, -7.543 ], [ -73.917, -7.461 ], [ -73.954, -7.348 ], [ -73.868, -7.377 ], [ -73.691, -7.313 ], [ -73.797, -7.115 ], [ -73.743, -6.897 ], [ -73.351, -6.561 ], [ -73.211, -6.53 ], [ -73.133, -6.421 ], [ -73.185, -6.04 ], [ -73.131, -5.986 ], [ -73.116, -5.865 ], [ -72.951, -5.643 ], [ -72.948, -5.454 ], [ -72.872, -5.25 ], [ -72.896, -5.136 ], [ -72.734, -5.043 ], [ -72.602, -5.056 ], [ -72.577, -4.992 ], [ -72.455, -4.962 ], [ -72.452, -4.906 ], [ -72.37, -4.88 ], [ -72.356, -4.803 ], [ -72.292, -4.799 ], [ -72.313, -4.769 ], [ -72.223, -4.78 ], [ -72.113, -4.722 ], [ -72.047, -4.625 ], [ -71.94, -4.607 ], [ -71.897, -4.512 ], [ -71.61, -4.465 ], [ -71.597, -4.525 ], [ -71.535, -4.46 ], [ -71.49, -4.479 ], [ -71.506, -4.435 ], [ -71.414, -4.432 ], [ -71.432, -4.469 ], [ -71.342, -4.423 ], [ -71.355, -4.468 ], [ -71.303, -4.458 ], [ -71.269, -4.381 ], [ -71.198, -4.377 ], [ -71.193, -4.42 ], [ -71.147, -4.375 ], [ -71.031, -4.397 ], [ -70.99, -4.34 ], [ -70.935, -4.381 ], [ -70.757, -4.152 ], [ -70.677, -4.2 ], [ -70.622, -4.121 ], [ -70.633, -4.173 ], [ -70.565, -4.168 ], [ -70.566, -4.205 ], [ -70.553, -4.128 ], [ -70.503, -4.19 ], [ -70.434, -4.125 ], [ -70.341, -4.174 ], [ -70.317, -4.136 ], [ -70.291, -4.283 ], [ -70.249, -4.267 ], [ -70.186, -4.357 ], [ -70.169, -4.27 ], [ -70.101, -4.255 ], [ -70.031, -4.339 ], [ -69.929, -4.213 ], [ -69.453, -1.478 ], [ -69.368, -1.334 ], [ -69.422, -0.998 ], [ -69.508, -0.936 ], [ -69.609, -0.755 ], [ -69.551, -0.648 ], [ -69.593, -0.517 ], [ -69.908, -0.316 ], [ -70.068, -0.135 ], [ -70.037, 0.553 ], [ -69.798, 0.585 ], [ -69.664, 0.672 ], [ -69.606, 0.623 ], [ -69.468, 0.734 ], [ -69.357, 0.621 ], [ -69.295, 0.648 ], [ -69.288, 0.609 ], [ -69.202, 0.602 ], [ -69.112, 0.643 ], [ -69.184, 0.73 ], [ -69.137, 0.868 ], [ -69.257, 1.026 ], [ -69.342, 1.064 ], [ -69.416, 1.024 ], [ -69.7, 1.056 ], [ -69.721, 1.097 ], [ -69.854, 1.07 ], [ -69.855, 1.715 ], [ -69.556, 1.775 ], [ -69.395, 1.726 ], [ -68.128, 1.73 ], [ -68.29, 1.841 ], [ -68.205, 2.038 ], [ -68.027, 1.784 ], [ -67.924, 1.751 ], [ -67.797, 1.812 ], [ -67.578, 2.076 ], [ -67.41, 2.141 ], [ -67.117, 1.732 ], [ -67.068, 1.532 ], [ -67.097, 1.17 ], [ -66.855, 1.228 ], [ -66.322, 0.738 ], [ -66.095, 0.754 ], [ -65.952, 0.81 ], [ -65.854, 0.939 ], [ -65.733, 1.005 ], [ -65.583, 1.008 ], [ -65.47, 0.877 ], [ -65.557, 0.705 ], [ -65.504, 0.627 ], [ -65.393, 0.699 ], [ -65.305, 0.916 ], [ -65.152, 0.943 ], [ -65.121, 1.115 ], [ -65.055, 1.144 ], [ -64.968, 1.112 ], [ -64.903, 1.249 ], [ -64.843, 1.237 ], [ -64.783, 1.313 ], [ -64.721, 1.25 ], [ -64.638, 1.286 ], [ -64.387, 1.527 ], [ -64.344, 1.528 ], [ -64.382, 1.419 ], [ -64.344, 1.38 ], [ -64.186, 1.494 ], [ -64.054, 1.708 ], [ -64.057, 1.933 ], [ -64.018, 1.967 ], [ -63.781, 1.989 ], [ -63.604, 2.124 ], [ -63.419, 2.154 ], [ -63.349, 2.281 ], [ -63.382, 2.442 ], [ -63.756, 2.403 ], [ -64.031, 2.509 ], [ -63.987, 2.772 ], [ -64.216, 3.153 ], [ -64.236, 3.476 ], [ -64.186, 3.634 ], [ -64.324, 3.797 ], [ -64.543, 3.882 ], [ -64.8, 4.224 ], [ -64.79, 4.329 ], [ -64.677, 4.297 ], [ -64.555, 4.153 ], [ -64.135, 4.176 ], [ -63.967, 3.93 ], [ -63.806, 4.019 ], [ -63.623, 4.01 ], [ -63.455, 3.91 ], [ -63.411, 4.026 ], [ -63.358, 4.04 ], [ -63.203, 3.952 ], [ -63.189, 3.872 ], [ -62.86, 3.584 ], [ -62.749, 3.642 ], [ -62.705, 3.724 ], [ -62.752, 4.012 ], [ -62.635, 4.056 ], [ -62.557, 4.02 ], [ -62.46, 4.173 ], [ -62.129, 4.084 ], [ -61.961, 4.18 ], [ -61.927, 4.106 ], [ -61.723, 4.262 ], [ -61.528, 4.273 ], [ -61.507, 4.398 ], [ -61.274, 4.471 ], [ -61.293, 4.55 ], [ -61.141, 4.508 ], [ -60.952, 4.549 ], [ -60.907, 4.708 ], [ -60.731, 4.777 ], [ -60.59, 4.951 ], [ -60.744, 5.209 ], [ -60.438, 5.177 ], [ -60.203, 5.265 ], [ -60.176, 5.227 ], [ -60.121, 5.243 ], [ -60.085, 5.149 ], [ -59.969, 5.073 ], [ -60.03, 4.704 ], [ -60.163, 4.521 ], [ -59.927, 4.509 ], [ -59.674, 4.382 ], [ -59.726, 4.191 ], [ -59.628, 4.138 ], [ -59.655, 4.078 ], [ -59.516, 3.94 ], [ -59.581, 3.901 ], [ -59.594, 3.796 ], [ -59.666, 3.777 ], [ -59.664, 3.703 ], [ -59.849, 3.601 ], [ -59.799, 3.355 ], [ -59.909, 3.197 ], [ -59.982, 2.929 ], [ -59.99, 2.683 ], [ -59.903, 2.479 ], [ -59.91, 2.388 ], [ -59.724, 2.277 ], [ -59.754, 1.861 ], [ -59.654, 1.849 ], [ -59.669, 1.764 ], [ -59.549, 1.729 ], [ -59.253, 1.397 ], [ -58.914, 1.299 ], [ -58.904, 1.234 ], [ -58.804, 1.175 ], [ -58.696, 1.288 ], [ -58.507, 1.264 ], [ -58.468, 1.318 ], [ -58.498, 1.458 ], [ -58.382, 1.471 ], [ -58.325, 1.59 ], [ -58.167, 1.558 ], [ -58.13, 1.501 ], [ -58.009, 1.501 ], [ -58, 1.665 ], [ -57.919, 1.645 ], [ -57.77, 1.718 ], [ -57.545, 1.701 ], [ -57.434, 1.895 ], [ -57.302, 1.99 ], [ -57.247, 1.944 ], [ -57.085, 2.021 ], [ -57.012, 1.918 ], [ -56.8, 1.864 ], [ -56.724, 1.92 ], [ -56.454, 1.945 ], [ -55.957, 1.844 ], [ -55.906, 1.889 ], [ -55.913, 2.041 ], [ -56.048, 2.226 ], [ -56.134, 2.263 ], [ -56.09, 2.352 ], [ -55.995, 2.405 ], [ -55.987, 2.517 ], [ -55.948, 2.532 ], [ -55.739, 2.401 ], [ -55.481, 2.443 ], [ -55.37, 2.407 ], [ -55.336, 2.516 ], [ -55.239, 2.495 ], [ -55.137, 2.575 ], [ -55.103, 2.522 ], [ -54.94, 2.632 ], [ -54.969, 2.555 ], [ -54.864, 2.439 ], [ -54.72, 2.469 ], [ -54.702, 2.336 ], [ -54.549, 2.336 ], [ -54.534, 2.268 ], [ -54.314, 2.158 ], [ -54.189, 2.179 ], [ -54.111, 2.127 ], [ -54.078, 2.197 ], [ -53.784, 2.364 ], [ -53.694, 2.287 ], [ -53.472, 2.332 ], [ -53.397, 2.272 ], [ -53.273, 2.292 ], [ -53.188, 2.223 ], [ -52.905, 2.19 ], [ -52.853, 2.285 ], [ -52.673, 2.374 ], [ -52.555, 2.523 ], [ -52.556, 2.646 ], [ -52.382, 2.912 ], [ -52.347, 3.134 ], [ -52.192, 3.296 ], [ -51.92, 3.781 ], [ -51.795, 3.89 ], [ -51.754, 3.996 ], [ -51.658, 4.049 ], [ -51.585, 4.241 ], [ -51.529, 4.171 ], [ -51.545, 4.397 ], [ -51.202, 4.084 ], [ -51.173, 3.767 ], [ -51.127, 3.911 ], [ -51.085, 3.895 ], [ -51.051, 3.283 ], [ -50.913, 2.875 ], [ -50.927, 2.807 ], [ -50.816, 2.644 ], [ -50.851, 2.482 ], [ -50.802, 2.508 ], [ -50.736, 2.414 ], [ -50.765, 2.359 ], [ -50.694, 2.276 ], [ -50.725, 2.252 ], [ -50.675, 2.247 ], [ -50.682, 2.137 ], [ -50.584, 2.091 ], [ -50.586, 2.014 ], [ -50.471, 1.82 ], [ -50.194, 1.794 ], [ -49.954, 1.676 ], [ -49.88, 1.419 ], [ -49.918, 1.289 ], [ -50.073, 1.204 ], [ -49.918, 1.232 ], [ -49.939, 1.103 ], [ -50.003, 1.066 ], [ -50.033, 1.107 ], [ -50.131, 0.949 ], [ -50.274, 0.866 ], [ -50.338, 0.729 ], [ -50.417, 0.685 ], [ -50.455, 0.732 ], [ -50.428, 0.679 ], [ -50.571, 0.424 ], [ -50.691, 0.3 ], [ -50.677, 0.365 ], [ -50.746, 0.227 ], [ -50.801, 0.224 ], [ -50.785, 0.183 ], [ -50.908, 0.171 ], [ -51.087, -0.043 ], [ -51.203, -0.055 ], [ -51.419, -0.412 ], [ -51.409, -0.44 ], [ -51.325, -0.364 ], [ -51.188, -0.14 ], [ -51.111, -0.154 ], [ -51.154, -0.284 ], [ -51.396, -0.493 ], [ -51.243, -0.443 ], [ -51.26, -0.5 ], [ -51.165, -0.431 ], [ -50.953, -0.061 ], [ -50.824, -0.048 ], [ -50.705, 0.002 ], [ -50.613, -0.088 ], [ -50.744, -0.244 ], [ -50.751, -0.429 ], [ -50.845, -0.526 ], [ -50.988, -0.583 ], [ -51.051, -0.682 ], [ -50.826, -0.555 ], [ -50.794, -0.666 ], [ -50.733, -0.557 ], [ -50.684, -0.604 ], [ -50.724, -0.493 ], [ -50.652, -0.276 ], [ -50.409, -0.094 ], [ -49.631, -0.247 ], [ -49.446, -0.23 ], [ -49.289, -0.145 ], [ -49.018, -0.16 ], [ -49, -0.139 ], [ -48.895, -0.224 ], [ -48.539, -0.234 ], [ -48.363, -0.303 ], [ -48.459, -0.513 ], [ -48.522, -0.877 ], [ -48.667, -1.002 ], [ -48.621, -1.005 ], [ -48.65, -1.048 ], [ -48.617, -1.053 ], [ -48.721, -1.137 ], [ -48.837, -1.452 ], [ -49.161, -1.575 ], [ -49.182, -1.623 ], [ -49.362, -1.604 ], [ -49.364, -1.642 ], [ -49.448, -1.637 ], [ -49.5, -1.738 ], [ -49.61, -1.718 ], [ -49.676, -1.78 ], [ -49.696, -1.757 ], [ -49.714, -1.76 ], [ -49.803, -1.822 ], [ -50.035, -1.717 ], [ -50.179, -1.787 ], [ -50.256, -1.776 ], [ -50.415, -1.841 ], [ -50.401, -1.935 ], [ -49.994, -1.819 ], [ -49.844, -1.905 ], [ -49.765, -1.898 ], [ -49.616, -1.79 ], [ -49.276, -1.706 ], [ -49.267, -1.778 ], [ -49.387, -1.977 ], [ -49.383, -2.159 ], [ -48.973, -1.594 ], [ -48.897, -1.573 ], [ -48.955, -1.712 ], [ -48.932, -1.75 ], [ -48.898, -1.743 ], [ -48.656, -1.371 ], [ -48.592, -1.429 ], [ -48.601, -1.306 ], [ -48.524, -1.338 ], [ -48.537, -1.467 ], [ -48.496, -1.553 ], [ -48.491, -1.502 ], [ -48.46, -1.533 ], [ -48.374, -1.511 ], [ -48.319, -1.478 ], [ -48.505, -1.471 ], [ -48.422, -1.168 ], [ -48.475, -1.144 ], [ -48.4, -1.066 ], [ -48.278, -1.111 ], [ -48.304, -0.948 ], [ -48.055, -0.668 ], [ -48.001, -0.731 ], [ -47.893, -0.553 ], [ -47.843, -0.616 ], [ -47.807, -0.547 ], [ -47.702, -0.54 ], [ -47.707, -0.59 ], [ -47.667, -0.569 ], [ -47.633, -0.608 ], [ -47.651, -0.694 ], [ -47.608, -0.684 ], [ -47.577, -0.573 ], [ -47.476, -0.757 ], [ -47.398, -0.76 ], [ -47.428, -0.693 ], [ -47.464, -0.687 ], [ -47.466, -0.594 ], [ -47.399, -0.594 ], [ -47.4, -0.645 ], [ -47.298, -0.589 ], [ -47.253, -0.668 ], [ -47.247, -0.623 ], [ -47.206, -0.633 ], [ -47.23, -0.719 ], [ -47.158, -0.678 ], [ -47.191, -0.754 ], [ -47.146, -0.764 ], [ -47.16, -0.815 ], [ -47.081, -0.661 ], [ -47.055, -0.868 ], [ -47.027, -0.784 ], [ -46.983, -0.806 ], [ -47.016, -0.752 ], [ -46.967, -0.694 ], [ -46.969, -0.78 ], [ -46.891, -0.869 ], [ -46.89, -0.789 ], [ -46.846, -0.799 ], [ -46.82, -0.71 ], [ -46.802, -0.877 ], [ -46.777, -0.905 ], [ -46.75, -0.826 ], [ -46.709, -0.86 ], [ -46.734, -0.944 ], [ -46.687, -0.831 ], [ -46.653, -0.882 ], [ -46.621, -0.818 ], [ -46.601, -0.917 ], [ -46.676, -0.965 ], [ -46.622, -0.987 ], [ -46.57, -0.947 ], [ -46.609, -1.03 ], [ -46.57, -0.988 ], [ -46.525, -1.027 ], [ -46.465, -1.007 ], [ -46.47, -1.044 ], [ -46.395, -1.037 ], [ -46.413, -1.084 ], [ -46.348, -0.982 ], [ -46.36, -1.011 ], [ -46.366, -1.031 ], [ -46.348, -1.079 ], [ -46.339, -1.015 ], [ -46.299, -1.05 ], [ -46.212, -0.946 ], [ -46.242, -0.921 ], [ -46.179, -0.914 ], [ -46.224, -1.053 ], [ -46.206, -1.1 ], [ -46.158, -1.014 ], [ -46.138, -1.032 ], [ -46.193, -1.143 ], [ -46.104, -1.067 ], [ -46.062, -1.133 ], [ -46.15, -1.258 ], [ -45.982, -1.071 ], [ -45.953, -1.147 ], [ -46, -1.151 ], [ -46, -1.199 ], [ -45.95, -1.159 ], [ -45.95, -1.207 ], [ -46, -1.209 ], [ -45.95, -1.25 ], [ -45.902, -1.134 ], [ -45.923, -1.214 ], [ -45.882, -1.167 ], [ -45.873, -1.211 ], [ -45.909, -1.261 ], [ -45.859, -1.231 ], [ -45.891, -1.293 ], [ -45.807, -1.176 ], [ -45.843, -1.301 ], [ -45.809, -1.328 ], [ -45.831, -1.298 ], [ -45.782, -1.278 ], [ -45.726, -1.135 ], [ -45.69, -1.452 ], [ -45.697, -1.38 ], [ -45.632, -1.371 ], [ -45.618, -1.279 ], [ -45.589, -1.329 ], [ -45.537, -1.273 ], [ -45.561, -1.343 ], [ -45.51, -1.352 ], [ -45.567, -1.404 ], [ -45.546, -1.432 ], [ -45.413, -1.296 ], [ -45.489, -1.473 ], [ -45.511, -1.458 ], [ -45.554, -1.503 ], [ -45.507, -1.471 ], [ -45.518, -1.516 ], [ -45.481, -1.495 ], [ -45.463, -1.548 ], [ -45.457, -1.457 ], [ -45.391, -1.434 ], [ -45.363, -1.325 ], [ -45.323, -1.319 ], [ -45.302, -1.424 ], [ -45.392, -1.485 ], [ -45.398, -1.503 ], [ -45.356, -1.487 ], [ -45.392, -1.553 ], [ -45.338, -1.572 ], [ -45.371, -1.722 ], [ -45.338, -1.753 ], [ -45.197, -1.688 ], [ -45.261, -1.607 ], [ -45.16, -1.475 ], [ -45.136, -1.521 ], [ -45.072, -1.435 ], [ -45.07, -1.485 ], [ -44.999, -1.504 ], [ -45.018, -1.547 ], [ -44.969, -1.549 ], [ -45.029, -1.583 ], [ -45.029, -1.602 ], [ -44.979, -1.607 ], [ -44.954, -1.498 ], [ -44.862, -1.426 ], [ -44.857, -1.498 ], [ -44.954, -1.605 ], [ -44.918, -1.649 ], [ -44.968, -1.662 ], [ -44.913, -1.657 ], [ -44.927, -1.62 ], [ -44.886, -1.609 ], [ -44.837, -1.65 ], [ -44.822, -1.591 ], [ -44.826, -1.637 ], [ -44.805, -1.609 ], [ -44.812, -1.665 ], [ -44.779, -1.735 ], [ -44.711, -1.728 ], [ -44.82, -1.819 ], [ -44.738, -1.791 ], [ -44.706, -1.819 ], [ -44.676, -1.808 ], [ -44.661, -1.727 ], [ -44.604, -1.749 ], [ -44.667, -1.849 ], [ -44.601, -1.858 ], [ -44.583, -1.817 ], [ -44.586, -1.873 ], [ -44.543, -1.833 ], [ -44.601, -1.909 ], [ -44.517, -1.907 ], [ -44.484, -2.002 ], [ -44.613, -2.037 ], [ -44.467, -2.017 ], [ -44.626, -2.151 ], [ -44.589, -2.159 ], [ -44.641, -2.232 ], [ -44.708, -2.23 ], [ -44.684, -2.275 ], [ -44.764, -2.265 ], [ -44.654, -2.294 ], [ -44.681, -2.354 ], [ -44.649, -2.373 ], [ -44.666, -2.329 ], [ -44.479, -2.137 ], [ -44.358, -2.335 ], [ -44.401, -2.416 ], [ -44.514, -2.384 ], [ -44.55, -2.4 ], [ -44.491, -2.415 ], [ -44.514, -2.448 ], [ -44.505, -2.476 ], [ -44.665, -2.608 ], [ -44.548, -2.542 ], [ -44.658, -2.781 ], [ -44.688, -2.924 ], [ -44.677, -3.019 ], [ -44.66, -3.02 ], [ -44.657, -3.018 ] ], [ [ -43.318, -2.361 ], [ -43.317, -2.363 ], [ -43.296, -2.363 ], [ -43.318, -2.361 ] ], [ [ -42.438, -2.747 ], [ -42.442, -2.749 ], [ -42.438, -2.75 ], [ -42.438, -2.747 ] ], [ [ -42.442, -2.749 ], [ -42.47, -2.744 ], [ -42.447, -2.753 ], [ -42.442, -2.749 ] ], [ [ -50.851, 2.482 ], [ -50.853, 2.481 ], [ -50.853, 2.48 ], [ -50.851, 2.482 ] ], [ [ -50.853, 2.481 ], [ -50.86, 2.495 ], [ -50.86, 2.477 ], [ -50.853, 2.481 ] ], [ [ -49.976, 1.659 ], [ -49.98, 1.659 ], [ -50, 1.639 ], [ -49.976, 1.659 ] ], [ [ -45.392, -1.553 ], [ -45.393, -1.553 ], [ -45.394, -1.556 ], [ -45.392, -1.553 ] ], [ [ -45.394, -1.556 ], [ -45.406, -1.579 ], [ -45.403, -1.591 ], [ -45.394, -1.556 ] ], [ [ -44.837, -1.65 ], [ -44.834, -1.655 ], [ -44.833, -1.654 ], [ -44.837, -1.65 ] ], [ [ -44.834, -1.655 ], [ -44.841, -1.675 ], [ -44.822, -1.672 ], [ -44.834, -1.655 ] ], [ [ -44.779, -1.735 ], [ -44.777, -1.741 ], [ -44.776, -1.74 ], [ -44.779, -1.735 ] ], [ [ -44.777, -1.741 ], [ -44.833, -1.77 ], [ -44.774, -1.75 ], [ -44.777, -1.741 ] ], [ [ -44.547, -2.22 ], [ -44.536, -2.225 ], [ -44.543, -2.219 ], [ -44.547, -2.22 ] ], [ [ -44.536, -2.225 ], [ -44.507, -2.249 ], [ -44.512, -2.235 ], [ -44.536, -2.225 ] ], [ [ -44.507, -2.249 ], [ -44.504, -2.256 ], [ -44.501, -2.254 ], [ -44.507, -2.249 ] ], [ [ -44.504, -2.256 ], [ -44.514, -2.268 ], [ -44.502, -2.26 ], [ -44.504, -2.256 ] ] ], [ [ [ -29.34, -20.484 ], [ -29.301, -20.521 ], [ -29.341, -20.511 ], [ -29.34, -20.484 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.001, -13.94 ], [ -39.012, -13.915 ], [ -38.994, -13.896 ], [ -39.001, -13.94 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.043, -13.909 ], [ -39.059, -13.904 ], [ -39.054, -13.886 ], [ -39.028, -13.903 ], [ -39.043, -13.909 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.251, -18.015 ], [ -39.283, -18.005 ], [ -39.272, -17.982 ], [ -39.245, -18.006 ], [ -39.251, -18.015 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.131, -17.927 ], [ -39.154, -17.921 ], [ -39.137, -17.91 ], [ -39.131, -17.927 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.212, -17.986 ], [ -39.228, -17.979 ], [ -39.215, -17.944 ], [ -39.202, -17.95 ], [ -39.212, -17.986 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.341, -23.231 ], [ -44.372, -23.174 ], [ -44.232, -23.089 ], [ -44.087, -23.173 ], [ -44.3, -23.184 ], [ -44.341, -23.231 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.356, -23.073 ], [ -44.388, -23.048 ], [ -44.373, -23.033 ], [ -44.343, -23.041 ], [ -44.356, -23.073 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.929, -23.014 ], [ -43.936, -22.999 ], [ -43.916, -22.989 ], [ -43.929, -23.014 ] ] ], [ [ [ -42.002, -23.018 ], [ -42.015, -23.003 ], [ -41.98, -22.975 ], [ -41.975, -22.992 ], [ -42.002, -23.018 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.904, -22.962 ], [ -43.907, -22.936 ], [ -43.868, -22.926 ], [ -43.871, -22.95 ], [ -43.904, -22.962 ] ] ], [ [ [ -41.042, -21.613 ], [ -41.042, -21.6 ], [ -41.019, -21.606 ], [ -41.042, -21.613 ] ] ], [ [ [ -52.112, -32 ], [ -52.18, -32.035 ], [ -52.216, -32.025 ], [ -52.198, -31.978 ], [ -52.112, -32 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.641, -30.388 ], [ -50.629, -30.394 ], [ -50.624, -30.329 ], [ -50.592, -30.399 ], [ -50.609, -30.406 ], [ -50.641, -30.388 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.526, -27.462 ], [ -48.416, -27.38 ], [ -48.358, -27.446 ], [ -48.503, -27.799 ], [ -48.559, -27.842 ], [ -48.526, -27.462 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.354, -27.296 ], [ -48.376, -27.285 ], [ -48.373, -27.271 ], [ -48.36, -27.27 ], [ -48.354, -27.296 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.731, -26.314 ], [ -48.754, -26.297 ], [ -48.735, -26.282 ], [ -48.731, -26.314 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.318, -25.584 ], [ -48.309, -25.546 ], [ -48.381, -25.504 ], [ -48.312, -25.509 ], [ -48.292, -25.545 ], [ -48.318, -25.584 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.414, -25.544 ], [ -48.459, -25.514 ], [ -48.415, -25.527 ], [ -48.414, -25.544 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.424, -25.551 ], [ -48.479, -25.523 ], [ -48.485, -25.502 ], [ -48.424, -25.551 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.298, -25.493 ], [ -48.341, -25.416 ], [ -48.252, -25.341 ], [ -48.265, -25.44 ], [ -48.253, -25.466 ], [ -48.298, -25.493 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.417, -25.386 ], [ -48.424, -25.343 ], [ -48.405, -25.33 ], [ -48.417, -25.386 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.695, -24.112 ], [ -45.688, -24.088 ], [ -45.679, -24.098 ], [ -45.695, -24.112 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.251, -23.962 ], [ -45.301, -23.909 ], [ -45.453, -23.91 ], [ -45.332, -23.721 ], [ -45.227, -23.774 ], [ -45.224, -23.835 ], [ -45.283, -23.857 ], [ -45.221, -23.899 ], [ -45.251, -23.962 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.141, -23.817 ], [ -45.146, -23.791 ], [ -45.114, -23.801 ], [ -45.141, -23.817 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.153, -23.573 ], [ -45.153, -23.558 ], [ -45.141, -23.568 ], [ -45.153, -23.573 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.073, -23.564 ], [ -45.079, -23.525 ], [ -45.036, -23.531 ], [ -45.073, -23.564 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.608, -23.228 ], [ -44.59, -23.208 ], [ -44.577, -23.216 ], [ -44.608, -23.228 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.648, -12.821 ], [ -38.666, -12.777 ], [ -38.624, -12.762 ], [ -38.648, -12.821 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.529, -12.811 ], [ -38.544, -12.757 ], [ -38.532, -12.74 ], [ -38.508, -12.792 ], [ -38.529, -12.811 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.622, -12.752 ], [ -38.622, -12.727 ], [ -38.593, -12.733 ], [ -38.622, -12.752 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.646, -12.683 ], [ -38.648, -12.65 ], [ -38.636, -12.661 ], [ -38.646, -12.683 ] ] ], [ [ [ -32.402, -3.838 ], [ -32.428, -3.877 ], [ -32.483, -3.878 ], [ -32.402, -3.838 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.667, -3.179 ], [ -44.668, -3.16 ], [ -44.643, -3.148 ], [ -44.644, -3.17 ], [ -44.667, -3.179 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.671, -2.943 ], [ -44.67, -2.92 ], [ -44.647, -2.915 ], [ -44.671, -2.943 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.493, -2.641 ], [ -44.48, -2.601 ], [ -44.477, -2.627 ], [ -44.493, -2.641 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.897, -2.573 ], [ -43.896, -2.554 ], [ -43.886, -2.565 ], [ -43.897, -2.573 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.599, -2.503 ], [ -43.577, -2.471 ], [ -43.572, -2.483 ], [ -43.599, -2.503 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.822, -2.526 ], [ -43.829, -2.509 ], [ -43.813, -2.458 ], [ -43.812, -2.553 ], [ -43.82, -2.528 ], [ -43.822, -2.526 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.821, -2.529 ], [ -43.856, -2.502 ], [ -43.832, -2.439 ], [ -43.842, -2.504 ], [ -43.821, -2.529 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.863, -2.56 ], [ -43.875, -2.552 ], [ -43.865, -2.534 ], [ -43.863, -2.56 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.519, -2.536 ], [ -44.529, -2.526 ], [ -44.501, -2.48 ], [ -44.505, -2.444 ], [ -44.455, -2.434 ], [ -44.519, -2.536 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.602, -3.007 ], [ -44.657, -2.972 ], [ -44.613, -2.894 ], [ -44.575, -2.921 ], [ -44.602, -3.007 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.585, -2.978 ], [ -44.563, -2.914 ], [ -44.586, -2.826 ], [ -44.494, -2.705 ], [ -44.494, -2.953 ], [ -44.582, -3.041 ], [ -44.585, -2.978 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.826, -2.434 ], [ -43.842, -2.403 ], [ -43.811, -2.385 ], [ -43.807, -2.412 ], [ -43.826, -2.434 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.581, -2.441 ], [ -43.615, -2.389 ], [ -43.549, -2.377 ], [ -43.545, -2.403 ], [ -43.581, -2.441 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.791, -2.47 ], [ -43.806, -2.443 ], [ -43.78, -2.422 ], [ -43.759, -2.448 ], [ -43.791, -2.47 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.513, -2.424 ], [ -43.537, -2.416 ], [ -43.522, -2.39 ], [ -43.505, -2.414 ], [ -43.513, -2.424 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.792, -2.405 ], [ -43.798, -2.377 ], [ -43.771, -2.37 ], [ -43.792, -2.405 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.689, -2.355 ], [ -43.743, -2.352 ], [ -43.724, -2.305 ], [ -43.617, -2.253 ], [ -43.612, -2.275 ], [ -43.669, -2.301 ], [ -43.689, -2.355 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.73, -2.425 ], [ -43.732, -2.364 ], [ -43.67, -2.377 ], [ -43.681, -2.34 ], [ -43.63, -2.324 ], [ -43.643, -2.394 ], [ -43.73, -2.425 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.473, -2.125 ], [ -44.487, -2.113 ], [ -44.475, -2.096 ], [ -44.463, -2.104 ], [ -44.473, -2.125 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.456, -2.031 ], [ -44.447, -2.008 ], [ -44.439, -2.022 ], [ -44.456, -2.031 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.311, -1.964 ], [ -49.336, -1.996 ], [ -49.309, -1.943 ], [ -49.311, -1.964 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.323, -2.054 ], [ -49.329, -2.019 ], [ -49.316, -2.001 ], [ -49.323, -2.054 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.231, -1.829 ], [ -50.246, -1.824 ], [ -50.229, -1.816 ], [ -50.231, -1.829 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.615, -1.821 ], [ -44.622, -1.797 ], [ -44.597, -1.774 ], [ -44.583, -1.789 ], [ -44.615, -1.821 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.7, -1.811 ], [ -44.703, -1.78 ], [ -44.673, -1.78 ], [ -44.7, -1.811 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.691, -1.793 ], [ -49.721, -1.789 ], [ -49.719, -1.771 ], [ -49.697, -1.766 ], [ -49.691, -1.793 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.924, -1.711 ], [ -48.909, -1.713 ], [ -48.916, -1.734 ], [ -48.935, -1.713 ], [ -48.924, -1.711 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.757, -1.707 ], [ -44.767, -1.694 ], [ -44.736, -1.701 ], [ -44.757, -1.707 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.433, -1.684 ], [ -49.454, -1.706 ], [ -49.46, -1.684 ], [ -49.433, -1.684 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.357, -1.008 ], [ -46.342, -0.994 ], [ -46.353, -1.026 ], [ -46.357, -1.008 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.205, -1.021 ], [ -46.194, -1.014 ], [ -46.202, -1.032 ], [ -46.205, -1.021 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.662, -3.018 ], [ -44.673, -3.012 ], [ -44.664, -3.001 ], [ -44.649, -3.013 ], [ -44.662, -3.018 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.736, -1.683 ], [ -44.745, -1.677 ], [ -44.732, -1.668 ], [ -44.736, -1.683 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.231, -1.638 ], [ -49.237, -1.627 ], [ -49.217, -1.633 ], [ -49.231, -1.638 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.38, -1.685 ], [ -49.4, -1.682 ], [ -49.368, -1.669 ], [ -49.38, -1.685 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.426, -1.673 ], [ -49.429, -1.661 ], [ -49.406, -1.66 ], [ -49.426, -1.673 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.34, -1.672 ], [ -49.358, -1.662 ], [ -49.325, -1.647 ], [ -49.34, -1.672 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.289, -1.726 ], [ -45.305, -1.663 ], [ -45.257, -1.641 ], [ -45.244, -1.678 ], [ -45.28, -1.694 ], [ -45.289, -1.726 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.328, -1.743 ], [ -45.346, -1.719 ], [ -45.301, -1.596 ], [ -45.274, -1.635 ], [ -45.313, -1.654 ], [ -45.328, -1.743 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.886, -1.578 ], [ -48.89, -1.56 ], [ -48.859, -1.536 ], [ -48.856, -1.553 ], [ -48.886, -1.578 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.783, -1.682 ], [ -44.8, -1.595 ], [ -44.775, -1.62 ], [ -44.721, -1.567 ], [ -44.704, -1.611 ], [ -44.684, -1.575 ], [ -44.668, -1.669 ], [ -44.693, -1.638 ], [ -44.783, -1.682 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.816, -1.569 ], [ -44.837, -1.534 ], [ -44.787, -1.488 ], [ -44.825, -1.534 ], [ -44.816, -1.569 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.462, -1.517 ], [ -48.478, -1.499 ], [ -48.421, -1.503 ], [ -48.462, -1.517 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.793, -1.531 ], [ -44.774, -1.47 ], [ -44.763, -1.513 ], [ -44.793, -1.531 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.414, -1.427 ], [ -45.423, -1.416 ], [ -45.409, -1.405 ], [ -45.414, -1.427 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45, -1.296 ], [ -44.922, -1.265 ], [ -44.877, -1.309 ], [ -44.895, -1.34 ], [ -44.922, -1.305 ], [ -44.907, -1.341 ], [ -44.999, -1.405 ], [ -45.033, -1.339 ], [ -45, -1.32 ], [ -44.995, -1.36 ], [ -45, -1.296 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.044, -1.402 ], [ -45.07, -1.33 ], [ -45.052, -1.342 ], [ -45.044, -1.402 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.333, -1.569 ], [ -45.371, -1.544 ], [ -45.347, -1.489 ], [ -45.313, -1.506 ], [ -45.333, -1.569 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.969, -1.522 ], [ -44.976, -1.493 ], [ -44.959, -1.483 ], [ -44.969, -1.522 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.393, -1.512 ], [ -48.371, -1.476 ], [ -48.341, -1.483 ], [ -48.393, -1.512 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.413, -1.498 ], [ -48.426, -1.491 ], [ -48.387, -1.476 ], [ -48.413, -1.498 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.118, -1.47 ], [ -45.132, -1.462 ], [ -45.115, -1.364 ], [ -45.103, -1.373 ], [ -45.118, -1.47 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.593, -1.251 ], [ -45.581, -1.19 ], [ -45.536, -1.205 ], [ -45.532, -1.231 ], [ -45.593, -1.251 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.559, -1.243 ], [ -48.56, -1.202 ], [ -48.523, -1.199 ], [ -48.559, -1.243 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.817, -1.163 ], [ -45.829, -1.141 ], [ -45.804, -1.127 ], [ -45.817, -1.163 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.877, -1.154 ], [ -45.9, -1.117 ], [ -45.883, -1.073 ], [ -45.849, -1.123 ], [ -45.877, -1.154 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.192, -1.05 ], [ -46.201, -1.041 ], [ -46.185, -1.027 ], [ -46.192, -1.05 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.291, -1.01 ], [ -46.307, -0.992 ], [ -46.306, -0.961 ], [ -46.291, -1.01 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.078, -1.095 ], [ -46.065, -1.05 ], [ -46.061, -1.074 ], [ -46.078, -1.095 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.68, -1.295 ], [ -45.687, -1.275 ], [ -45.667, -1.26 ], [ -45.654, -1.285 ], [ -45.68, -1.295 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.538, -1.282 ], [ -48.549, -1.262 ], [ -48.53, -1.25 ], [ -48.538, -1.282 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.51, -1.27 ], [ -48.522, -1.247 ], [ -48.506, -1.236 ], [ -48.51, -1.27 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.694, -1.37 ], [ -45.646, -1.289 ], [ -45.625, -1.126 ], [ -45.634, -1.349 ], [ -45.694, -1.37 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.688, -1.266 ], [ -45.708, -1.228 ], [ -45.685, -1.194 ], [ -45.664, -1.231 ], [ -45.688, -1.266 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.425, -0.914 ], [ -46.454, -0.907 ], [ -46.408, -0.868 ], [ -46.395, -0.899 ], [ -46.425, -0.914 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.72, -0.848 ], [ -46.735, -0.832 ], [ -46.729, -0.796 ], [ -46.72, -0.848 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.611, -0.799 ], [ -46.622, -0.784 ], [ -46.601, -0.789 ], [ -46.611, -0.799 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.586, -0.849 ], [ -46.621, -0.807 ], [ -46.589, -0.815 ], [ -46.586, -0.849 ] ] ], [ [ [ -47.447, -0.748 ], [ -47.453, -0.732 ], [ -47.436, -0.717 ], [ -47.428, -0.738 ], [ -47.447, -0.748 ] ] ], [ [ [ -47.461, -0.741 ], [ -47.463, -0.702 ], [ -47.445, -0.697 ], [ -47.461, -0.741 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.214, -0.411 ], [ -51.211, -0.386 ], [ -51.164, -0.347 ], [ -51.163, -0.383 ], [ -51.214, -0.411 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.352, -0.353 ], [ -51.346, -0.31 ], [ -51.317, -0.268 ], [ -51.327, -0.33 ], [ -51.352, -0.353 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.127, -0.268 ], [ -51.131, -0.237 ], [ -51.091, -0.208 ], [ -51.087, -0.229 ], [ -51.127, -0.268 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.888, -0.198 ], [ -48.91, -0.188 ], [ -48.893, -0.134 ], [ -48.847, -0.177 ], [ -48.888, -0.198 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.174, -0.091 ], [ -51.191, -0.064 ], [ -51.126, -0.057 ], [ -51.174, -0.091 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.114, -0.146 ], [ -49.097, -0.121 ], [ -49.08, -0.13 ], [ -49.114, -0.146 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.166, -0.142 ], [ -49.188, -0.115 ], [ -49.156, -0.128 ], [ -49.166, -0.142 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.119, -0.141 ], [ -49.143, -0.107 ], [ -49.114, -0.11 ], [ -49.119, -0.141 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.127, -0.128 ], [ -51.094, -0.103 ], [ -51.108, -0.127 ], [ -51.127, -0.128 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.414, -0.999 ], [ -46.384, -0.941 ], [ -46.367, -0.948 ], [ -46.414, -0.999 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.647, -0.97 ], [ -46.658, -0.968 ], [ -46.618, -0.957 ], [ -46.647, -0.97 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.488, -0.942 ], [ -46.465, -0.877 ], [ -46.464, -0.924 ], [ -46.44, -0.922 ], [ -46.482, -0.976 ], [ -46.441, -0.999 ], [ -46.525, -1.016 ], [ -46.527, -0.917 ], [ -46.509, -0.984 ], [ -46.488, -0.942 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.632, 0.159 ], [ -49.662, 0.184 ], [ -49.629, 0.202 ], [ -49.61, 0.181 ], [ -49.632, 0.159 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.641, 0.26 ], [ -50.63, 0.293 ], [ -50.586, 0.308 ], [ -50.641, 0.26 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.2, 0.255 ], [ -50.243, 0.248 ], [ -50.147, 0.337 ], [ -50.059, 0.346 ], [ -50.2, 0.255 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.417, 0.159 ], [ -50.535, 0.234 ], [ -50.36, 0.615 ], [ -50.328, 0.383 ], [ -50.285, 0.3 ], [ -50.413, 0.237 ], [ -50.417, 0.159 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.279, 0.338 ], [ -50.271, 0.599 ], [ -50.147, 0.608 ], [ -50.142, 0.576 ], [ -50.107, 0.636 ], [ -50.063, 0.623 ], [ -50.05, 0.518 ], [ -50.279, 0.338 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50, 0.943 ], [ -50.113, 0.907 ], [ -50.018, 1.034 ], [ -49.935, 1.069 ], [ -49.939, 0.996 ], [ -50, 0.943 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.881, 1.227 ], [ -49.909, 1.246 ], [ -49.886, 1.244 ], [ -49.881, 1.227 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.907, 1.278 ], [ -49.885, 1.291 ], [ -49.863, 1.278 ], [ -49.876, 1.252 ], [ -49.907, 1.278 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.204, 1.851 ], [ -50.232, 1.879 ], [ -50.22, 1.915 ], [ -50.169, 1.865 ], [ -50.204, 1.851 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.468, 1.954 ], [ -50.521, 2.026 ], [ -50.497, 2.139 ], [ -50.398, 2.167 ], [ -50.367, 2.19 ], [ -50.276, 1.939 ], [ -50.423, 1.849 ], [ -50.468, 1.954 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.504, 2.255 ], [ -50.414, 2.244 ], [ -50.382, 2.204 ], [ -50.489, 2.15 ], [ -50.564, 2.205 ], [ -50.504, 2.255 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.229, 0.832 ], [ -50.098, 0.839 ], [ -50.027, 0.898 ], [ -50.105, 0.757 ], [ -50.162, 0.775 ], [ -50.249, 0.72 ], [ -50.229, 0.832 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.131, 0.844 ], [ -50.162, 0.867 ], [ -50.132, 0.9 ], [ -50.119, 0.854 ], [ -50.131, 0.844 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.108, 0.85 ], [ -50.111, 0.891 ], [ -50.049, 0.886 ], [ -50.108, 0.85 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.216, -0.055 ], [ -50.235, -0.042 ], [ -50.219, -0.04 ], [ -50.216, -0.055 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.916, -0.052 ], [ -50.926, -0.047 ], [ -50.907, -0.043 ], [ -50.916, -0.052 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.605, -0.061 ], [ -50.618, -0.022 ], [ -50.559, -0.038 ], [ -50.605, -0.061 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.399, -0.061 ], [ -50.44, -0.057 ], [ -50.378, -0.015 ], [ -50.357, -0.049 ], [ -50.399, -0.061 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.75, 0 ], [ -49.609, 0.08 ], [ -49.474, 0.081 ], [ -49.338, -0.017 ], [ -49.487, -0.136 ], [ -49.723, -0.147 ], [ -49.835, -0.088 ], [ -49.75, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.023, -0.019 ], [ -49.039, -0.011 ], [ -49.02, -0.006 ], [ -49.023, -0.019 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.932, 0.052 ], [ -50.918, 0.084 ], [ -50.884, 0.078 ], [ -50.899, 0.057 ], [ -50.932, 0.052 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.928, 0 ], [ -50.786, 0.05 ], [ -50.717, 0.028 ], [ -50.94, -0.041 ], [ -50.928, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.691, 0.025 ], [ -50.655, 0.015 ], [ -50.703, 0.021 ], [ -50.691, 0.025 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.629, -0.043 ], [ -50.642, -0.016 ], [ -50.622, -0.026 ], [ -50.629, -0.043 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.642, 0 ], [ -50.611, 0.007 ], [ -50.595, -0.019 ], [ -50.642, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.536, 0 ], [ -50.653, 0.126 ], [ -50.59, 0.203 ], [ -50.434, 0.126 ], [ -50.436, 0 ], [ -50.536, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50, 0.311 ], [ -49.674, 0.368 ], [ -49.601, 0.283 ], [ -49.86, 0.008 ], [ -49.99, -0.048 ], [ -50.086, 0.034 ], [ -50.351, 0.044 ], [ -50.394, 0.222 ], [ -50.153, 0.227 ], [ -50, 0.311 ] ] ] ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "La costa de lo que hoy es territorio brasileño fue el primer punto al que llegaron los europeos en América del Sur. La primera expedición que exploró la región fue un desprendimiento de la flota portuguesa que Vasco da Gama (c. 1460-1524) llevaba hacia oriente. Las naves dirigidas por Pedro Álvarez de Cabral (1467-1520) se alejaron excesivamente de la costa de África y terminaron en el extremo sur de actual territorio del Estado de Bahía, en que el permanecieron entre abril y mayo del año 1500. Los portuguese establecieron en la costa precarias feitorias para comerciar verzino o palo brasil con los nativos de las sociedades tupí y guaraní nativas. Recién en 1530 la corona brasileña tomaría acciones decididas para organizar la ocupación portuguesa y las actividades de explotación, cuando instaura el régimen de capitanías hereditarias que estructuraría el establecimiento colonial lusitano en brasil. Bibliografía: Johnson, H. B., \"Portuguese Settlement, 1500-1580\", en Bethell, Leslie (ed.), Colonial Brazil, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1987, pp. 1-38; Abulafia, David, El descubrimiento de la humanidad. Encuentros atlánticos en la era de Colón, Barcelona, Crítica, 2009 [2008]; Metcalf, Alida C., Go-Betweens and the Colonization of Brazil, 1500-1600, Austin, University of Texas Press, 2005; Vaz de Caminha, Pêro, Carta del descubrimiento del Brasil, Barcelona, Acantilado, 2009.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-12-03T14:17:24+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 24750, "end" : 24756 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Brasil" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/21263122-4f4b-4408-9b35-dadc9e0515ad", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://sws.geonames.org/3469034", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-12-03T14:17:24+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-12-03T14:17:24+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "MultiPolygon", "coordinates" : [ [ [ [ -44.657, -3.018 ], [ -44.608, -3.041 ], [ -44.72, -3.18 ], [ -44.793, -3.198 ], [ -44.779, -3.312 ], [ -44.736, -3.302 ], [ -44.763, -3.225 ], [ -44.653, -3.196 ], [ -44.431, -2.945 ], [ -44.367, -2.643 ], [ -44.362, -2.726 ], [ -44.355, -2.605 ], [ -44.378, -2.566 ], [ -44.345, -2.528 ], [ -44.29, -2.573 ], [ -44.306, -2.487 ], [ -44.02, -2.403 ], [ -44.03, -2.457 ], [ -44.108, -2.468 ], [ -44.035, -2.518 ], [ -44.131, -2.596 ], [ -44.147, -2.681 ], [ -44.219, -2.67 ], [ -44.209, -2.716 ], [ -44.345, -2.791 ], [ -44.347, -2.838 ], [ -44.315, -2.788 ], [ -44.3, -2.843 ], [ -44.266, -2.777 ], [ -44.225, -2.806 ], [ -44.184, -2.766 ], [ -44.208, -2.857 ], [ -44.111, -2.749 ], [ -44.072, -2.811 ], [ -44.05, -2.685 ], [ -43.981, -2.619 ], [ -43.946, -2.641 ], [ -43.933, -2.553 ], [ -43.883, -2.649 ], [ -43.887, -2.578 ], [ -43.803, -2.56 ], [ -43.76, -2.513 ], [ -43.754, -2.556 ], [ -43.729, -2.481 ], [ -43.727, -2.569 ], [ -43.654, -2.556 ], [ -43.682, -2.534 ], [ -43.653, -2.488 ], [ -43.608, -2.593 ], [ -43.603, -2.518 ], [ -43.548, -2.528 ], [ -43.519, -2.445 ], [ -43.498, -2.55 ], [ -43.46, -2.507 ], [ -43.458, -2.596 ], [ -43.401, -2.552 ], [ -43.448, -2.538 ], [ -43.462, -2.427 ], [ -43.359, -2.44 ], [ -43.479, -2.376 ], [ -43.378, -2.329 ], [ -43.4, -2.353 ], [ -43.232, -2.362 ], [ -42.692, -2.596 ], [ -42.709, -2.56 ], [ -42.572, -2.68 ], [ -42.495, -2.689 ], [ -42.503, -2.727 ], [ -42.393, -2.751 ], [ -42.475, -2.706 ], [ -42.375, -2.717 ], [ -42.228, -2.818 ], [ -42.143, -2.808 ], [ -42.256, -2.735 ], [ -42.233, -2.674 ], [ -42.208, -2.712 ], [ -42.098, -2.768 ], [ -42.099, -2.809 ], [ -42.096, -2.747 ], [ -42.216, -2.687 ], [ -42.054, -2.691 ], [ -42.023, -2.775 ], [ -42.017, -2.718 ], [ -41.818, -2.723 ], [ -41.844, -2.773 ], [ -41.797, -2.751 ], [ -41.656, -2.884 ], [ -41.437, -2.939 ], [ -41.395, -2.906 ], [ -41.316, -2.943 ], [ -41.263, -2.887 ], [ -40.838, -2.895 ], [ -40.572, -2.844 ], [ -40.499, -2.787 ], [ -39.888, -2.886 ], [ -39.244, -3.229 ], [ -39.083, -3.394 ], [ -38.978, -3.407 ], [ -38.641, -3.687 ], [ -38.473, -3.7 ], [ -38.377, -3.866 ], [ -38.043, -4.214 ], [ -37.764, -4.399 ], [ -37.588, -4.624 ], [ -37.323, -4.698 ], [ -37.15, -4.943 ], [ -36.958, -4.919 ], [ -36.666, -5.108 ], [ -36.504, -5.061 ], [ -36.297, -5.106 ], [ -35.956, -5.045 ], [ -35.612, -5.11 ], [ -35.385, -5.255 ], [ -35.255, -5.483 ], [ -35.099, -6.169 ], [ -34.983, -6.396 ], [ -34.933, -6.753 ], [ -34.79, -7.159 ], [ -34.842, -7.564 ], [ -34.809, -7.622 ], [ -34.845, -7.69 ], [ -34.827, -8.004 ], [ -35.136, -8.895 ], [ -35.332, -9.237 ], [ -35.689, -9.668 ], [ -35.78, -9.706 ], [ -36.056, -10.083 ], [ -36.266, -10.256 ], [ -36.402, -10.506 ], [ -36.602, -10.567 ], [ -36.934, -10.826 ], [ -37.36, -11.428 ], [ -37.612, -11.979 ], [ -37.996, -12.578 ], [ -38.318, -12.934 ], [ -38.477, -13.022 ], [ -38.532, -13.017 ], [ -38.473, -12.913 ], [ -38.498, -12.722 ], [ -38.603, -12.728 ], [ -38.646, -12.622 ], [ -38.681, -12.661 ], [ -38.718, -12.627 ], [ -38.804, -12.835 ], [ -38.717, -12.873 ], [ -38.769, -12.995 ], [ -38.721, -13.021 ], [ -38.66, -12.963 ], [ -38.686, -12.878 ], [ -38.59, -12.972 ], [ -38.766, -13.129 ], [ -38.807, -13.1 ], [ -38.808, -13.154 ], [ -38.944, -13.243 ], [ -38.973, -13.391 ], [ -38.902, -13.384 ], [ -38.886, -13.45 ], [ -38.95, -13.577 ], [ -38.886, -13.659 ], [ -38.968, -13.67 ], [ -39.006, -13.891 ], [ -39.064, -13.865 ], [ -39.075, -13.887 ], [ -38.986, -13.998 ], [ -38.952, -13.986 ], [ -38.982, -13.912 ], [ -38.938, -13.886 ], [ -38.922, -13.92 ], [ -39.061, -14.716 ], [ -38.962, -15.585 ], [ -38.857, -15.86 ], [ -38.973, -16.211 ], [ -39.032, -16.26 ], [ -39.01, -16.369 ], [ -39.078, -16.454 ], [ -39.143, -16.762 ], [ -39.113, -16.896 ], [ -39.212, -17.155 ], [ -39.193, -17.602 ], [ -39.135, -17.691 ], [ -39.264, -17.869 ], [ -39.435, -17.943 ], [ -39.563, -18.091 ], [ -39.721, -18.493 ], [ -39.749, -18.81 ], [ -39.692, -19.353 ], [ -39.805, -19.65 ], [ -39.951, -19.717 ], [ -40.151, -19.956 ], [ -40.236, -20.285 ], [ -40.353, -20.32 ], [ -40.329, -20.236 ], [ -40.359, -20.291 ], [ -40.365, -20.317 ], [ -40.35, -20.328 ], [ -40.268, -20.327 ], [ -40.402, -20.606 ], [ -40.466, -20.624 ], [ -40.627, -20.845 ], [ -40.65, -20.813 ], [ -40.756, -20.866 ], [ -40.853, -21.133 ], [ -40.955, -21.251 ], [ -40.96, -21.364 ], [ -41.065, -21.495 ], [ -41.051, -21.608 ], [ -41.038, -21.622 ], [ -41.007, -21.618 ], [ -40.99, -22.014 ], [ -41.229, -22.151 ], [ -41.668, -22.294 ], [ -41.962, -22.538 ], [ -41.986, -22.713 ], [ -41.919, -22.774 ], [ -41.864, -22.759 ], [ -42.023, -22.896 ], [ -42.037, -22.94 ], [ -41.99, -22.964 ], [ -42.018, -22.998 ], [ -42.086, -22.957 ], [ -42.529, -22.934 ], [ -43.05, -22.982 ], [ -43.132, -22.941 ], [ -43.025, -22.741 ], [ -43.084, -22.68 ], [ -43.216, -22.725 ], [ -43.287, -22.806 ], [ -43.24, -22.847 ], [ -43.249, -22.797 ], [ -43.156, -22.784 ], [ -43.247, -22.882 ], [ -43.164, -22.899 ], [ -43.187, -22.995 ], [ -43.344, -22.983 ], [ -43.303, -23.02 ], [ -43.549, -23.081 ], [ -44.001, -23.1 ], [ -43.961, -23.042 ], [ -43.877, -23.067 ], [ -43.909, -23.02 ], [ -43.807, -23.063 ], [ -43.555, -23.055 ], [ -43.84, -22.906 ], [ -43.985, -22.937 ], [ -44.034, -23.014 ], [ -44.044, -22.923 ], [ -44.107, -23.03 ], [ -44.234, -23.06 ], [ -44.238, -23.004 ], [ -44.358, -23.02 ], [ -44.296, -22.961 ], [ -44.321, -22.927 ], [ -44.378, -22.972 ], [ -44.407, -22.945 ], [ -44.443, -23.035 ], [ -44.669, -23.06 ], [ -44.712, -23.19 ], [ -44.701, -23.237 ], [ -44.645, -23.191 ], [ -44.612, -23.206 ], [ -44.685, -23.256 ], [ -44.611, -23.238 ], [ -44.652, -23.302 ], [ -44.558, -23.232 ], [ -44.577, -23.275 ], [ -44.498, -23.302 ], [ -44.583, -23.367 ], [ -44.669, -23.341 ], [ -44.84, -23.395 ], [ -44.905, -23.339 ], [ -45.05, -23.418 ], [ -45.016, -23.461 ], [ -45.079, -23.519 ], [ -45.165, -23.495 ], [ -45.159, -23.541 ], [ -45.228, -23.547 ], [ -45.211, -23.582 ], [ -45.41, -23.632 ], [ -45.412, -23.825 ], [ -45.934, -23.771 ], [ -46.124, -23.842 ], [ -46.2, -24.002 ], [ -46.288, -24.044 ], [ -46.321, -24 ], [ -46.458, -24.025 ], [ -46.937, -24.281 ], [ -47.024, -24.382 ], [ -47.004, -24.412 ], [ -47.86, -24.996 ], [ -47.914, -25.061 ], [ -47.915, -25.16 ], [ -48.213, -25.47 ], [ -48.254, -25.435 ], [ -48.222, -25.342 ], [ -48.208, -25.353 ], [ -48.121, -25.267 ], [ -48.253, -25.328 ], [ -48.284, -25.294 ], [ -48.317, -25.363 ], [ -48.327, -25.232 ], [ -48.366, -25.317 ], [ -48.433, -25.237 ], [ -48.428, -25.324 ], [ -48.5, -25.335 ], [ -48.427, -25.39 ], [ -48.449, -25.379 ], [ -48.468, -25.388 ], [ -48.467, -25.432 ], [ -48.449, -25.384 ], [ -48.414, -25.428 ], [ -48.476, -25.485 ], [ -48.637, -25.468 ], [ -48.661, -25.398 ], [ -48.671, -25.435 ], [ -48.739, -25.374 ], [ -48.68, -25.465 ], [ -48.687, -25.499 ], [ -48.737, -25.483 ], [ -48.703, -25.504 ], [ -48.617, -25.536 ], [ -48.512, -25.505 ], [ -48.482, -25.591 ], [ -48.46, -25.552 ], [ -48.35, -25.581 ], [ -48.565, -25.868 ], [ -48.614, -26.06 ], [ -48.586, -26.172 ], [ -48.714, -26.243 ], [ -48.795, -26.073 ], [ -48.837, -26.157 ], [ -48.798, -26.142 ], [ -48.763, -26.199 ], [ -48.805, -26.228 ], [ -48.769, -26.223 ], [ -48.761, -26.286 ], [ -48.803, -26.303 ], [ -48.723, -26.362 ], [ -48.635, -26.374 ], [ -48.714, -26.308 ], [ -48.554, -26.172 ], [ -48.493, -26.224 ], [ -48.695, -26.658 ], [ -48.665, -26.769 ], [ -48.583, -26.786 ], [ -48.655, -26.909 ], [ -48.62, -27.007 ], [ -48.574, -27.011 ], [ -48.607, -27.122 ], [ -48.554, -27.152 ], [ -48.51, -27.108 ], [ -48.469, -27.148 ], [ -48.511, -27.183 ], [ -48.486, -27.218 ], [ -48.531, -27.18 ], [ -48.612, -27.243 ], [ -48.596, -27.318 ], [ -48.529, -27.334 ], [ -48.649, -27.486 ], [ -48.572, -27.592 ], [ -48.653, -27.648 ], [ -48.575, -27.888 ], [ -48.761, -28.535 ], [ -48.813, -28.605 ], [ -49.37, -28.92 ], [ -49.334, -28.921 ], [ -49.702, -29.308 ], [ -50.006, -29.749 ], [ -50.316, -30.472 ], [ -50.848, -31.205 ], [ -51.303, -31.613 ], [ -51.877, -31.952 ], [ -52.071, -32.188 ], [ -52.012, -31.946 ], [ -52.092, -31.837 ], [ -51.851, -31.865 ], [ -51.777, -31.805 ], [ -51.854, -31.797 ], [ -51.65, -31.759 ], [ -51.478, -31.562 ], [ -51.43, -31.622 ], [ -51.458, -31.548 ], [ -51.424, -31.478 ], [ -51.351, -31.529 ], [ -51.234, -31.458 ], [ -51.16, -31.31 ], [ -51.166, -31.063 ], [ -51.109, -31.097 ], [ -50.985, -31.042 ], [ -50.965, -30.893 ], [ -50.888, -30.893 ], [ -50.705, -30.756 ], [ -50.677, -30.61 ], [ -50.725, -30.371 ], [ -50.692, -30.355 ], [ -50.625, -30.409 ], [ -50.641, -30.459 ], [ -50.569, -30.471 ], [ -50.534, -30.278 ], [ -50.601, -30.194 ], [ -50.659, -30.201 ], [ -50.661, -30.293 ], [ -50.918, -30.333 ], [ -50.934, -30.42 ], [ -50.889, -30.439 ], [ -50.921, -30.44 ], [ -51.052, -30.395 ], [ -51.034, -30.276 ], [ -51.146, -30.267 ], [ -51.246, -30.188 ], [ -51.23, -30.043 ], [ -51.295, -30.007 ], [ -51.326, -30.23 ], [ -51.271, -30.25 ], [ -51.293, -30.295 ], [ -51.246, -30.33 ], [ -51.209, -30.3 ], [ -51.179, -30.383 ], [ -51.092, -30.367 ], [ -51.129, -30.436 ], [ -51.202, -30.413 ], [ -51.269, -30.489 ], [ -51.282, -30.811 ], [ -51.33, -30.777 ], [ -51.294, -30.758 ], [ -51.319, -30.64 ], [ -51.375, -30.635 ], [ -51.404, -30.769 ], [ -51.367, -30.874 ], [ -51.457, -30.874 ], [ -51.501, -30.935 ], [ -51.436, -31.088 ], [ -51.611, -31.138 ], [ -51.613, -31.272 ], [ -51.915, -31.313 ], [ -52.002, -31.449 ], [ -52.031, -31.693 ], [ -52.218, -31.747 ], [ -52.247, -31.871 ], [ -52.106, -31.952 ], [ -52.216, -31.963 ], [ -52.263, -32.062 ], [ -52.209, -32.045 ], [ -52.225, -32.096 ], [ -52.082, -32.033 ], [ -52.162, -32.128 ], [ -52.09, -32.069 ], [ -52.084, -32.186 ], [ -52.16, -32.201 ], [ -52.341, -32.43 ], [ -52.488, -32.844 ], [ -52.66, -33.165 ], [ -53.227, -33.658 ], [ -53.421, -33.741 ], [ -53.524, -33.689 ], [ -53.515, -33.163 ], [ -53.434, -33.054 ], [ -53.243, -32.936 ], [ -53.294, -32.911 ], [ -53.074, -32.746 ], [ -53.244, -32.605 ], [ -53.39, -32.583 ], [ -53.46, -32.48 ], [ -53.595, -32.432 ], [ -53.73, -32.157 ], [ -53.714, -32.104 ], [ -53.965, -31.919 ], [ -54.096, -31.906 ], [ -54.466, -31.666 ], [ -54.491, -31.54 ], [ -54.591, -31.448 ], [ -54.836, -31.446 ], [ -54.945, -31.392 ], [ -55.014, -31.285 ], [ -55.091, -31.326 ], [ -55.245, -31.257 ], [ -55.374, -31.038 ], [ -55.594, -30.848 ], [ -55.635, -30.857 ], [ -55.657, -30.956 ], [ -55.87, -31.08 ], [ -56.008, -31.063 ], [ -55.987, -30.86 ], [ -56.021, -30.784 ], [ -56.127, -30.739 ], [ -56.177, -30.614 ], [ -56.384, -30.495 ], [ -56.459, -30.387 ], [ -56.545, -30.364 ], [ -56.54, -30.312 ], [ -56.617, -30.303 ], [ -56.644, -30.205 ], [ -56.776, -30.166 ], [ -56.804, -30.107 ], [ -57.068, -30.088 ], [ -57.207, -30.281 ], [ -57.313, -30.26 ], [ -57.396, -30.303 ], [ -57.538, -30.275 ], [ -57.618, -30.179 ], [ -57.505, -30.143 ], [ -57.342, -30.001 ], [ -57.319, -29.87 ], [ -57.254, -29.794 ], [ -57.105, -29.752 ], [ -56.972, -29.639 ], [ -56.676, -29.321 ], [ -56.593, -29.123 ], [ -56.425, -29.073 ], [ -56.285, -28.794 ], [ -56.185, -28.771 ], [ -56.016, -28.611 ], [ -56.011, -28.509 ], [ -55.888, -28.479 ], [ -55.875, -28.362 ], [ -55.696, -28.425 ], [ -55.671, -28.333 ], [ -55.773, -28.247 ], [ -55.605, -28.123 ], [ -55.554, -28.164 ], [ -55.496, -28.081 ], [ -55.444, -28.097 ], [ -55.323, -27.928 ], [ -55.196, -27.863 ], [ -55.134, -27.895 ], [ -55.117, -27.853 ], [ -55.032, -27.854 ], [ -55.082, -27.789 ], [ -54.941, -27.775 ], [ -54.809, -27.536 ], [ -54.781, -27.586 ], [ -54.683, -27.576 ], [ -54.678, -27.514 ], [ -54.624, -27.55 ], [ -54.576, -27.458 ], [ -54.525, -27.507 ], [ -54.415, -27.412 ], [ -54.353, -27.468 ], [ -54.339, -27.406 ], [ -54.282, -27.447 ], [ -54.176, -27.261 ], [ -54.089, -27.303 ], [ -53.949, -27.158 ], [ -53.799, -27.147 ], [ -53.795, -27.048 ], [ -53.761, -27.068 ], [ -53.662, -26.869 ], [ -53.751, -26.745 ], [ -53.707, -26.563 ], [ -53.738, -26.548 ], [ -53.592, -26.265 ], [ -53.722, -26.13 ], [ -53.733, -26.047 ], [ -53.837, -25.969 ], [ -53.824, -25.793 ], [ -53.891, -25.625 ], [ -53.951, -25.644 ], [ -54.016, -25.569 ], [ -54.101, -25.625 ], [ -54.111, -25.504 ], [ -54.213, -25.554 ], [ -54.184, -25.591 ], [ -54.289, -25.562 ], [ -54.387, -25.608 ], [ -54.43, -25.706 ], [ -54.596, -25.595 ], [ -54.617, -25.459 ], [ -54.437, -25.157 ], [ -54.458, -25.031 ], [ -54.336, -24.649 ], [ -54.333, -24.493 ], [ -54.262, -24.376 ], [ -54.33, -24.225 ], [ -54.282, -24.075 ], [ -54.411, -23.929 ], [ -54.668, -23.815 ], [ -55.061, -23.991 ], [ -55.112, -23.963 ], [ -55.226, -24.013 ], [ -55.413, -23.961 ], [ -55.434, -23.714 ], [ -55.535, -23.614 ], [ -55.522, -23.197 ], [ -55.596, -23.141 ], [ -55.64, -22.994 ], [ -55.685, -22.992 ], [ -55.613, -22.659 ], [ -55.736, -22.532 ], [ -55.74, -22.396 ], [ -55.854, -22.281 ], [ -56.208, -22.281 ], [ -56.341, -22.206 ], [ -56.403, -22.078 ], [ -56.519, -22.103 ], [ -56.643, -22.261 ], [ -56.698, -22.216 ], [ -56.728, -22.26 ], [ -56.808, -22.25 ], [ -56.831, -22.3 ], [ -57.001, -22.225 ], [ -57.203, -22.21 ], [ -57.243, -22.244 ], [ -57.553, -22.181 ], [ -57.616, -22.096 ], [ -57.803, -22.148 ], [ -57.989, -22.085 ], [ -58.005, -22.032 ], [ -57.919, -21.881 ], [ -57.969, -21.844 ], [ -57.913, -21.793 ], [ -57.947, -21.747 ], [ -57.894, -21.687 ], [ -57.968, -21.528 ], [ -57.855, -21.339 ], [ -57.918, -21.278 ], [ -57.854, -21.226 ], [ -57.866, -21.041 ], [ -57.818, -20.976 ], [ -57.927, -20.897 ], [ -57.855, -20.835 ], [ -57.961, -20.784 ], [ -57.869, -20.736 ], [ -57.923, -20.666 ], [ -57.988, -20.696 ], [ -57.994, -20.448 ], [ -58.082, -20.372 ], [ -58.092, -20.257 ], [ -58.154, -20.264 ], [ -58.125, -20.188 ], [ -58.163, -20.162 ], [ -57.872, -19.979 ], [ -58.134, -19.761 ], [ -57.79, -19.051 ], [ -57.709, -19.034 ], [ -57.757, -18.858 ], [ -57.56, -18.263 ], [ -57.458, -18.228 ], [ -57.568, -18.136 ], [ -57.702, -17.86 ], [ -57.715, -17.735 ], [ -57.785, -17.645 ], [ -57.773, -17.553 ], [ -57.878, -17.463 ], [ -58.003, -17.52 ], [ -58.114, -17.456 ], [ -58.395, -17.197 ], [ -58.421, -16.99 ], [ -58.47, -16.939 ], [ -58.468, -16.702 ], [ -58.442, -16.613 ], [ -58.34, -16.542 ], [ -58.309, -16.27 ], [ -58.471, -16.325 ], [ -60.173, -16.265 ], [ -60.236, -15.476 ], [ -60.565, -15.105 ], [ -60.253, -15.101 ], [ -60.257, -14.624 ], [ -60.338, -14.555 ], [ -60.482, -14.181 ], [ -60.468, -14.092 ], [ -60.378, -13.992 ], [ -60.468, -13.886 ], [ -60.468, -13.801 ], [ -60.793, -13.686 ], [ -60.962, -13.539 ], [ -61.044, -13.541 ], [ -61.028, -13.477 ], [ -61.069, -13.463 ], [ -61.139, -13.521 ], [ -61.249, -13.525 ], [ -61.33, -13.473 ], [ -61.486, -13.554 ], [ -61.578, -13.494 ], [ -61.824, -13.539 ], [ -61.866, -13.443 ], [ -62.108, -13.257 ], [ -62.109, -13.149 ], [ -62.165, -13.112 ], [ -62.368, -13.145 ], [ -62.464, -13.07 ], [ -62.637, -13.041 ], [ -62.674, -12.965 ], [ -62.764, -13.023 ], [ -62.923, -12.854 ], [ -62.996, -12.85 ], [ -63.082, -12.653 ], [ -63.327, -12.705 ], [ -63.482, -12.557 ], [ -63.712, -12.458 ], [ -63.875, -12.469 ], [ -63.937, -12.557 ], [ -64.127, -12.494 ], [ -64.152, -12.529 ], [ -64.215, -12.476 ], [ -64.278, -12.511 ], [ -64.493, -12.366 ], [ -64.486, -12.23 ], [ -64.654, -12.186 ], [ -64.683, -12.099 ], [ -64.725, -12.162 ], [ -64.798, -12.035 ], [ -64.993, -11.999 ], [ -65.048, -11.757 ], [ -65.112, -11.741 ], [ -65.106, -11.697 ], [ -65.135, -11.777 ], [ -65.201, -11.745 ], [ -65.161, -11.622 ], [ -65.218, -11.521 ], [ -65.299, -11.5 ], [ -65.338, -11.392 ], [ -65.31, -11.341 ], [ -65.385, -11.269 ], [ -65.349, -11.239 ], [ -65.391, -11.167 ], [ -65.318, -11.105 ], [ -65.336, -11.044 ], [ -65.269, -10.901 ], [ -65.366, -10.798 ], [ -65.349, -10.671 ], [ -65.426, -10.638 ], [ -65.429, -10.473 ], [ -65.28, -10.218 ], [ -65.327, -9.938 ], [ -65.29, -9.851 ], [ -65.377, -9.698 ], [ -65.488, -9.718 ], [ -65.563, -9.834 ], [ -65.669, -9.779 ], [ -65.7, -9.803 ], [ -65.689, -9.749 ], [ -65.748, -9.77 ], [ -65.777, -9.727 ], [ -65.798, -9.786 ], [ -65.81, -9.75 ], [ -65.86, -9.794 ], [ -65.872, -9.757 ], [ -66.018, -9.807 ], [ -66.064, -9.772 ], [ -66.422, -9.895 ], [ -66.616, -9.893 ], [ -66.623, -9.935 ], [ -66.883, -10.081 ], [ -67.029, -10.254 ], [ -67.186, -10.339 ], [ -67.315, -10.316 ], [ -67.327, -10.374 ], [ -67.414, -10.372 ], [ -67.443, -10.45 ], [ -67.594, -10.523 ], [ -67.715, -10.707 ], [ -68.021, -10.661 ], [ -68.119, -10.726 ], [ -68.283, -10.987 ], [ -68.519, -11.048 ], [ -68.587, -11.11 ], [ -68.769, -11.139 ], [ -68.751, -11.007 ], [ -68.787, -10.99 ], [ -68.871, -11.023 ], [ -69.393, -10.929 ], [ -69.728, -10.973 ], [ -69.938, -10.926 ], [ -70.318, -11.066 ], [ -70.428, -11.033 ], [ -70.508, -10.94 ], [ -70.618, -11.007 ], [ -70.622, -9.847 ], [ -70.522, -9.738 ], [ -70.598, -9.574 ], [ -70.561, -9.579 ], [ -70.497, -9.433 ], [ -70.601, -9.453 ], [ -70.982, -9.812 ], [ -71.131, -9.862 ], [ -71.288, -9.996 ], [ -72.165, -10.002 ], [ -72.16, -9.818 ], [ -72.26, -9.755 ], [ -72.289, -9.536 ], [ -72.364, -9.491 ], [ -72.721, -9.417 ], [ -73.196, -9.418 ], [ -72.965, -9.154 ], [ -72.946, -8.99 ], [ -73.059, -8.904 ], [ -73.169, -8.701 ], [ -73.338, -8.609 ], [ -73.338, -8.476 ], [ -73.526, -8.369 ], [ -73.632, -8.022 ], [ -73.765, -7.94 ], [ -73.777, -7.869 ], [ -73.697, -7.865 ], [ -73.69, -7.79 ], [ -73.985, -7.543 ], [ -73.917, -7.461 ], [ -73.954, -7.348 ], [ -73.868, -7.377 ], [ -73.691, -7.313 ], [ -73.797, -7.115 ], [ -73.743, -6.897 ], [ -73.351, -6.561 ], [ -73.211, -6.53 ], [ -73.133, -6.421 ], [ -73.185, -6.04 ], [ -73.131, -5.986 ], [ -73.116, -5.865 ], [ -72.951, -5.643 ], [ -72.948, -5.454 ], [ -72.872, -5.25 ], [ -72.896, -5.136 ], [ -72.734, -5.043 ], [ -72.602, -5.056 ], [ -72.577, -4.992 ], [ -72.455, -4.962 ], [ -72.452, -4.906 ], [ -72.37, -4.88 ], [ -72.356, -4.803 ], [ -72.292, -4.799 ], [ -72.313, -4.769 ], [ -72.223, -4.78 ], [ -72.113, -4.722 ], [ -72.047, -4.625 ], [ -71.94, -4.607 ], [ -71.897, -4.512 ], [ -71.61, -4.465 ], [ -71.597, -4.525 ], [ -71.535, -4.46 ], [ -71.49, -4.479 ], [ -71.506, -4.435 ], [ -71.414, -4.432 ], [ -71.432, -4.469 ], [ -71.342, -4.423 ], [ -71.355, -4.468 ], [ -71.303, -4.458 ], [ -71.269, -4.381 ], [ -71.198, -4.377 ], [ -71.193, -4.42 ], [ -71.147, -4.375 ], [ -71.031, -4.397 ], [ -70.99, -4.34 ], [ -70.935, -4.381 ], [ -70.757, -4.152 ], [ -70.677, -4.2 ], [ -70.622, -4.121 ], [ -70.633, -4.173 ], [ -70.565, -4.168 ], [ -70.566, -4.205 ], [ -70.553, -4.128 ], [ -70.503, -4.19 ], [ -70.434, -4.125 ], [ -70.341, -4.174 ], [ -70.317, -4.136 ], [ -70.291, -4.283 ], [ -70.249, -4.267 ], [ -70.186, -4.357 ], [ -70.169, -4.27 ], [ -70.101, -4.255 ], [ -70.031, -4.339 ], [ -69.929, -4.213 ], [ -69.453, -1.478 ], [ -69.368, -1.334 ], [ -69.422, -0.998 ], [ -69.508, -0.936 ], [ -69.609, -0.755 ], [ -69.551, -0.648 ], [ -69.593, -0.517 ], [ -69.908, -0.316 ], [ -70.068, -0.135 ], [ -70.037, 0.553 ], [ -69.798, 0.585 ], [ -69.664, 0.672 ], [ -69.606, 0.623 ], [ -69.468, 0.734 ], [ -69.357, 0.621 ], [ -69.295, 0.648 ], [ -69.288, 0.609 ], [ -69.202, 0.602 ], [ -69.112, 0.643 ], [ -69.184, 0.73 ], [ -69.137, 0.868 ], [ -69.257, 1.026 ], [ -69.342, 1.064 ], [ -69.416, 1.024 ], [ -69.7, 1.056 ], [ -69.721, 1.097 ], [ -69.854, 1.07 ], [ -69.855, 1.715 ], [ -69.556, 1.775 ], [ -69.395, 1.726 ], [ -68.128, 1.73 ], [ -68.29, 1.841 ], [ -68.205, 2.038 ], [ -68.027, 1.784 ], [ -67.924, 1.751 ], [ -67.797, 1.812 ], [ -67.578, 2.076 ], [ -67.41, 2.141 ], [ -67.117, 1.732 ], [ -67.068, 1.532 ], [ -67.097, 1.17 ], [ -66.855, 1.228 ], [ -66.322, 0.738 ], [ -66.095, 0.754 ], [ -65.952, 0.81 ], [ -65.854, 0.939 ], [ -65.733, 1.005 ], [ -65.583, 1.008 ], [ -65.47, 0.877 ], [ -65.557, 0.705 ], [ -65.504, 0.627 ], [ -65.393, 0.699 ], [ -65.305, 0.916 ], [ -65.152, 0.943 ], [ -65.121, 1.115 ], [ -65.055, 1.144 ], [ -64.968, 1.112 ], [ -64.903, 1.249 ], [ -64.843, 1.237 ], [ -64.783, 1.313 ], [ -64.721, 1.25 ], [ -64.638, 1.286 ], [ -64.387, 1.527 ], [ -64.344, 1.528 ], [ -64.382, 1.419 ], [ -64.344, 1.38 ], [ -64.186, 1.494 ], [ -64.054, 1.708 ], [ -64.057, 1.933 ], [ -64.018, 1.967 ], [ -63.781, 1.989 ], [ -63.604, 2.124 ], [ -63.419, 2.154 ], [ -63.349, 2.281 ], [ -63.382, 2.442 ], [ -63.756, 2.403 ], [ -64.031, 2.509 ], [ -63.987, 2.772 ], [ -64.216, 3.153 ], [ -64.236, 3.476 ], [ -64.186, 3.634 ], [ -64.324, 3.797 ], [ -64.543, 3.882 ], [ -64.8, 4.224 ], [ -64.79, 4.329 ], [ -64.677, 4.297 ], [ -64.555, 4.153 ], [ -64.135, 4.176 ], [ -63.967, 3.93 ], [ -63.806, 4.019 ], [ -63.623, 4.01 ], [ -63.455, 3.91 ], [ -63.411, 4.026 ], [ -63.358, 4.04 ], [ -63.203, 3.952 ], [ -63.189, 3.872 ], [ -62.86, 3.584 ], [ -62.749, 3.642 ], [ -62.705, 3.724 ], [ -62.752, 4.012 ], [ -62.635, 4.056 ], [ -62.557, 4.02 ], [ -62.46, 4.173 ], [ -62.129, 4.084 ], [ -61.961, 4.18 ], [ -61.927, 4.106 ], [ -61.723, 4.262 ], [ -61.528, 4.273 ], [ -61.507, 4.398 ], [ -61.274, 4.471 ], [ -61.293, 4.55 ], [ -61.141, 4.508 ], [ -60.952, 4.549 ], [ -60.907, 4.708 ], [ -60.731, 4.777 ], [ -60.59, 4.951 ], [ -60.744, 5.209 ], [ -60.438, 5.177 ], [ -60.203, 5.265 ], [ -60.176, 5.227 ], [ -60.121, 5.243 ], [ -60.085, 5.149 ], [ -59.969, 5.073 ], [ -60.03, 4.704 ], [ -60.163, 4.521 ], [ -59.927, 4.509 ], [ -59.674, 4.382 ], [ -59.726, 4.191 ], [ -59.628, 4.138 ], [ -59.655, 4.078 ], [ -59.516, 3.94 ], [ -59.581, 3.901 ], [ -59.594, 3.796 ], [ -59.666, 3.777 ], [ -59.664, 3.703 ], [ -59.849, 3.601 ], [ -59.799, 3.355 ], [ -59.909, 3.197 ], [ -59.982, 2.929 ], [ -59.99, 2.683 ], [ -59.903, 2.479 ], [ -59.91, 2.388 ], [ -59.724, 2.277 ], [ -59.754, 1.861 ], [ -59.654, 1.849 ], [ -59.669, 1.764 ], [ -59.549, 1.729 ], [ -59.253, 1.397 ], [ -58.914, 1.299 ], [ -58.904, 1.234 ], [ -58.804, 1.175 ], [ -58.696, 1.288 ], [ -58.507, 1.264 ], [ -58.468, 1.318 ], [ -58.498, 1.458 ], [ -58.382, 1.471 ], [ -58.325, 1.59 ], [ -58.167, 1.558 ], [ -58.13, 1.501 ], [ -58.009, 1.501 ], [ -58, 1.665 ], [ -57.919, 1.645 ], [ -57.77, 1.718 ], [ -57.545, 1.701 ], [ -57.434, 1.895 ], [ -57.302, 1.99 ], [ -57.247, 1.944 ], [ -57.085, 2.021 ], [ -57.012, 1.918 ], [ -56.8, 1.864 ], [ -56.724, 1.92 ], [ -56.454, 1.945 ], [ -55.957, 1.844 ], [ -55.906, 1.889 ], [ -55.913, 2.041 ], [ -56.048, 2.226 ], [ -56.134, 2.263 ], [ -56.09, 2.352 ], [ -55.995, 2.405 ], [ -55.987, 2.517 ], [ -55.948, 2.532 ], [ -55.739, 2.401 ], [ -55.481, 2.443 ], [ -55.37, 2.407 ], [ -55.336, 2.516 ], [ -55.239, 2.495 ], [ -55.137, 2.575 ], [ -55.103, 2.522 ], [ -54.94, 2.632 ], [ -54.969, 2.555 ], [ -54.864, 2.439 ], [ -54.72, 2.469 ], [ -54.702, 2.336 ], [ -54.549, 2.336 ], [ -54.534, 2.268 ], [ -54.314, 2.158 ], [ -54.189, 2.179 ], [ -54.111, 2.127 ], [ -54.078, 2.197 ], [ -53.784, 2.364 ], [ -53.694, 2.287 ], [ -53.472, 2.332 ], [ -53.397, 2.272 ], [ -53.273, 2.292 ], [ -53.188, 2.223 ], [ -52.905, 2.19 ], [ -52.853, 2.285 ], [ -52.673, 2.374 ], [ -52.555, 2.523 ], [ -52.556, 2.646 ], [ -52.382, 2.912 ], [ -52.347, 3.134 ], [ -52.192, 3.296 ], [ -51.92, 3.781 ], [ -51.795, 3.89 ], [ -51.754, 3.996 ], [ -51.658, 4.049 ], [ -51.585, 4.241 ], [ -51.529, 4.171 ], [ -51.545, 4.397 ], [ -51.202, 4.084 ], [ -51.173, 3.767 ], [ -51.127, 3.911 ], [ -51.085, 3.895 ], [ -51.051, 3.283 ], [ -50.913, 2.875 ], [ -50.927, 2.807 ], [ -50.816, 2.644 ], [ -50.851, 2.482 ], [ -50.802, 2.508 ], [ -50.736, 2.414 ], [ -50.765, 2.359 ], [ -50.694, 2.276 ], [ -50.725, 2.252 ], [ -50.675, 2.247 ], [ -50.682, 2.137 ], [ -50.584, 2.091 ], [ -50.586, 2.014 ], [ -50.471, 1.82 ], [ -50.194, 1.794 ], [ -49.954, 1.676 ], [ -49.88, 1.419 ], [ -49.918, 1.289 ], [ -50.073, 1.204 ], [ -49.918, 1.232 ], [ -49.939, 1.103 ], [ -50.003, 1.066 ], [ -50.033, 1.107 ], [ -50.131, 0.949 ], [ -50.274, 0.866 ], [ -50.338, 0.729 ], [ -50.417, 0.685 ], [ -50.455, 0.732 ], [ -50.428, 0.679 ], [ -50.571, 0.424 ], [ -50.691, 0.3 ], [ -50.677, 0.365 ], [ -50.746, 0.227 ], [ -50.801, 0.224 ], [ -50.785, 0.183 ], [ -50.908, 0.171 ], [ -51.087, -0.043 ], [ -51.203, -0.055 ], [ -51.419, -0.412 ], [ -51.409, -0.44 ], [ -51.325, -0.364 ], [ -51.188, -0.14 ], [ -51.111, -0.154 ], [ -51.154, -0.284 ], [ -51.396, -0.493 ], [ -51.243, -0.443 ], [ -51.26, -0.5 ], [ -51.165, -0.431 ], [ -50.953, -0.061 ], [ -50.824, -0.048 ], [ -50.705, 0.002 ], [ -50.613, -0.088 ], [ -50.744, -0.244 ], [ -50.751, -0.429 ], [ -50.845, -0.526 ], [ -50.988, -0.583 ], [ -51.051, -0.682 ], [ -50.826, -0.555 ], [ -50.794, -0.666 ], [ -50.733, -0.557 ], [ -50.684, -0.604 ], [ -50.724, -0.493 ], [ -50.652, -0.276 ], [ -50.409, -0.094 ], [ -49.631, -0.247 ], [ -49.446, -0.23 ], [ -49.289, -0.145 ], [ -49.018, -0.16 ], [ -49, -0.139 ], [ -48.895, -0.224 ], [ -48.539, -0.234 ], [ -48.363, -0.303 ], [ -48.459, -0.513 ], [ -48.522, -0.877 ], [ -48.667, -1.002 ], [ -48.621, -1.005 ], [ -48.65, -1.048 ], [ -48.617, -1.053 ], [ -48.721, -1.137 ], [ -48.837, -1.452 ], [ -49.161, -1.575 ], [ -49.182, -1.623 ], [ -49.362, -1.604 ], [ -49.364, -1.642 ], [ -49.448, -1.637 ], [ -49.5, -1.738 ], [ -49.61, -1.718 ], [ -49.676, -1.78 ], [ -49.696, -1.757 ], [ -49.714, -1.76 ], [ -49.803, -1.822 ], [ -50.035, -1.717 ], [ -50.179, -1.787 ], [ -50.256, -1.776 ], [ -50.415, -1.841 ], [ -50.401, -1.935 ], [ -49.994, -1.819 ], [ -49.844, -1.905 ], [ -49.765, -1.898 ], [ -49.616, -1.79 ], [ -49.276, -1.706 ], [ -49.267, -1.778 ], [ -49.387, -1.977 ], [ -49.383, -2.159 ], [ -48.973, -1.594 ], [ -48.897, -1.573 ], [ -48.955, -1.712 ], [ -48.932, -1.75 ], [ -48.898, -1.743 ], [ -48.656, -1.371 ], [ -48.592, -1.429 ], [ -48.601, -1.306 ], [ -48.524, -1.338 ], [ -48.537, -1.467 ], [ -48.496, -1.553 ], [ -48.491, -1.502 ], [ -48.46, -1.533 ], [ -48.374, -1.511 ], [ -48.319, -1.478 ], [ -48.505, -1.471 ], [ -48.422, -1.168 ], [ -48.475, -1.144 ], [ -48.4, -1.066 ], [ -48.278, -1.111 ], [ -48.304, -0.948 ], [ -48.055, -0.668 ], [ -48.001, -0.731 ], [ -47.893, -0.553 ], [ -47.843, -0.616 ], [ -47.807, -0.547 ], [ -47.702, -0.54 ], [ -47.707, -0.59 ], [ -47.667, -0.569 ], [ -47.633, -0.608 ], [ -47.651, -0.694 ], [ -47.608, -0.684 ], [ -47.577, -0.573 ], [ -47.476, -0.757 ], [ -47.398, -0.76 ], [ -47.428, -0.693 ], [ -47.464, -0.687 ], [ -47.466, -0.594 ], [ -47.399, -0.594 ], [ -47.4, -0.645 ], [ -47.298, -0.589 ], [ -47.253, -0.668 ], [ -47.247, -0.623 ], [ -47.206, -0.633 ], [ -47.23, -0.719 ], [ -47.158, -0.678 ], [ -47.191, -0.754 ], [ -47.146, -0.764 ], [ -47.16, -0.815 ], [ -47.081, -0.661 ], [ -47.055, -0.868 ], [ -47.027, -0.784 ], [ -46.983, -0.806 ], [ -47.016, -0.752 ], [ -46.967, -0.694 ], [ -46.969, -0.78 ], [ -46.891, -0.869 ], [ -46.89, -0.789 ], [ -46.846, -0.799 ], [ -46.82, -0.71 ], [ -46.802, -0.877 ], [ -46.777, -0.905 ], [ -46.75, -0.826 ], [ -46.709, -0.86 ], [ -46.734, -0.944 ], [ -46.687, -0.831 ], [ -46.653, -0.882 ], [ -46.621, -0.818 ], [ -46.601, -0.917 ], [ -46.676, -0.965 ], [ -46.622, -0.987 ], [ -46.57, -0.947 ], [ -46.609, -1.03 ], [ -46.57, -0.988 ], [ -46.525, -1.027 ], [ -46.465, -1.007 ], [ -46.47, -1.044 ], [ -46.395, -1.037 ], [ -46.413, -1.084 ], [ -46.348, -0.982 ], [ -46.36, -1.011 ], [ -46.366, -1.031 ], [ -46.348, -1.079 ], [ -46.339, -1.015 ], [ -46.299, -1.05 ], [ -46.212, -0.946 ], [ -46.242, -0.921 ], [ -46.179, -0.914 ], [ -46.224, -1.053 ], [ -46.206, -1.1 ], [ -46.158, -1.014 ], [ -46.138, -1.032 ], [ -46.193, -1.143 ], [ -46.104, -1.067 ], [ -46.062, -1.133 ], [ -46.15, -1.258 ], [ -45.982, -1.071 ], [ -45.953, -1.147 ], [ -46, -1.151 ], [ -46, -1.199 ], [ -45.95, -1.159 ], [ -45.95, -1.207 ], [ -46, -1.209 ], [ -45.95, -1.25 ], [ -45.902, -1.134 ], [ -45.923, -1.214 ], [ -45.882, -1.167 ], [ -45.873, -1.211 ], [ -45.909, -1.261 ], [ -45.859, -1.231 ], [ -45.891, -1.293 ], [ -45.807, -1.176 ], [ -45.843, -1.301 ], [ -45.809, -1.328 ], [ -45.831, -1.298 ], [ -45.782, -1.278 ], [ -45.726, -1.135 ], [ -45.69, -1.452 ], [ -45.697, -1.38 ], [ -45.632, -1.371 ], [ -45.618, -1.279 ], [ -45.589, -1.329 ], [ -45.537, -1.273 ], [ -45.561, -1.343 ], [ -45.51, -1.352 ], [ -45.567, -1.404 ], [ -45.546, -1.432 ], [ -45.413, -1.296 ], [ -45.489, -1.473 ], [ -45.511, -1.458 ], [ -45.554, -1.503 ], [ -45.507, -1.471 ], [ -45.518, -1.516 ], [ -45.481, -1.495 ], [ -45.463, -1.548 ], [ -45.457, -1.457 ], [ -45.391, -1.434 ], [ -45.363, -1.325 ], [ -45.323, -1.319 ], [ -45.302, -1.424 ], [ -45.392, -1.485 ], [ -45.398, -1.503 ], [ -45.356, -1.487 ], [ -45.392, -1.553 ], [ -45.338, -1.572 ], [ -45.371, -1.722 ], [ -45.338, -1.753 ], [ -45.197, -1.688 ], [ -45.261, -1.607 ], [ -45.16, -1.475 ], [ -45.136, -1.521 ], [ -45.072, -1.435 ], [ -45.07, -1.485 ], [ -44.999, -1.504 ], [ -45.018, -1.547 ], [ -44.969, -1.549 ], [ -45.029, -1.583 ], [ -45.029, -1.602 ], [ -44.979, -1.607 ], [ -44.954, -1.498 ], [ -44.862, -1.426 ], [ -44.857, -1.498 ], [ -44.954, -1.605 ], [ -44.918, -1.649 ], [ -44.968, -1.662 ], [ -44.913, -1.657 ], [ -44.927, -1.62 ], [ -44.886, -1.609 ], [ -44.837, -1.65 ], [ -44.822, -1.591 ], [ -44.826, -1.637 ], [ -44.805, -1.609 ], [ -44.812, -1.665 ], [ -44.779, -1.735 ], [ -44.711, -1.728 ], [ -44.82, -1.819 ], [ -44.738, -1.791 ], [ -44.706, -1.819 ], [ -44.676, -1.808 ], [ -44.661, -1.727 ], [ -44.604, -1.749 ], [ -44.667, -1.849 ], [ -44.601, -1.858 ], [ -44.583, -1.817 ], [ -44.586, -1.873 ], [ -44.543, -1.833 ], [ -44.601, -1.909 ], [ -44.517, -1.907 ], [ -44.484, -2.002 ], [ -44.613, -2.037 ], [ -44.467, -2.017 ], [ -44.626, -2.151 ], [ -44.589, -2.159 ], [ -44.641, -2.232 ], [ -44.708, -2.23 ], [ -44.684, -2.275 ], [ -44.764, -2.265 ], [ -44.654, -2.294 ], [ -44.681, -2.354 ], [ -44.649, -2.373 ], [ -44.666, -2.329 ], [ -44.479, -2.137 ], [ -44.358, -2.335 ], [ -44.401, -2.416 ], [ -44.514, -2.384 ], [ -44.55, -2.4 ], [ -44.491, -2.415 ], [ -44.514, -2.448 ], [ -44.505, -2.476 ], [ -44.665, -2.608 ], [ -44.548, -2.542 ], [ -44.658, -2.781 ], [ -44.688, -2.924 ], [ -44.677, -3.019 ], [ -44.66, -3.02 ], [ -44.657, -3.018 ] ], [ [ -43.318, -2.361 ], [ -43.317, -2.363 ], [ -43.296, -2.363 ], [ -43.318, -2.361 ] ], [ [ -42.438, -2.747 ], [ -42.442, -2.749 ], [ -42.438, -2.75 ], [ -42.438, -2.747 ] ], [ [ -42.442, -2.749 ], [ -42.47, -2.744 ], [ -42.447, -2.753 ], [ -42.442, -2.749 ] ], [ [ -50.851, 2.482 ], [ -50.853, 2.481 ], [ -50.853, 2.48 ], [ -50.851, 2.482 ] ], [ [ -50.853, 2.481 ], [ -50.86, 2.495 ], [ -50.86, 2.477 ], [ -50.853, 2.481 ] ], [ [ -49.976, 1.659 ], [ -49.98, 1.659 ], [ -50, 1.639 ], [ -49.976, 1.659 ] ], [ [ -45.392, -1.553 ], [ -45.393, -1.553 ], [ -45.394, -1.556 ], [ -45.392, -1.553 ] ], [ [ -45.394, -1.556 ], [ -45.406, -1.579 ], [ -45.403, -1.591 ], [ -45.394, -1.556 ] ], [ [ -44.837, -1.65 ], [ -44.834, -1.655 ], [ -44.833, -1.654 ], [ -44.837, -1.65 ] ], [ [ -44.834, -1.655 ], [ -44.841, -1.675 ], [ -44.822, -1.672 ], [ -44.834, -1.655 ] ], [ [ -44.779, -1.735 ], [ -44.777, -1.741 ], [ -44.776, -1.74 ], [ -44.779, -1.735 ] ], [ [ -44.777, -1.741 ], [ -44.833, -1.77 ], [ -44.774, -1.75 ], [ -44.777, -1.741 ] ], [ [ -44.547, -2.22 ], [ -44.536, -2.225 ], [ -44.543, -2.219 ], [ -44.547, -2.22 ] ], [ [ -44.536, -2.225 ], [ -44.507, -2.249 ], [ -44.512, -2.235 ], [ -44.536, -2.225 ] ], [ [ -44.507, -2.249 ], [ -44.504, -2.256 ], [ -44.501, -2.254 ], [ -44.507, -2.249 ] ], [ [ -44.504, -2.256 ], [ -44.514, -2.268 ], [ -44.502, -2.26 ], [ -44.504, -2.256 ] ] ], [ [ [ -29.34, -20.484 ], [ -29.301, -20.521 ], [ -29.341, -20.511 ], [ -29.34, -20.484 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.001, -13.94 ], [ -39.012, -13.915 ], [ -38.994, -13.896 ], [ -39.001, -13.94 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.043, -13.909 ], [ -39.059, -13.904 ], [ -39.054, -13.886 ], [ -39.028, -13.903 ], [ -39.043, -13.909 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.251, -18.015 ], [ -39.283, -18.005 ], [ -39.272, -17.982 ], [ -39.245, -18.006 ], [ -39.251, -18.015 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.131, -17.927 ], [ -39.154, -17.921 ], [ -39.137, -17.91 ], [ -39.131, -17.927 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.212, -17.986 ], [ -39.228, -17.979 ], [ -39.215, -17.944 ], [ -39.202, -17.95 ], [ -39.212, -17.986 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.341, -23.231 ], [ -44.372, -23.174 ], [ -44.232, -23.089 ], [ -44.087, -23.173 ], [ -44.3, -23.184 ], [ -44.341, -23.231 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.356, -23.073 ], [ -44.388, -23.048 ], [ -44.373, -23.033 ], [ -44.343, -23.041 ], [ -44.356, -23.073 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.929, -23.014 ], [ -43.936, -22.999 ], [ -43.916, -22.989 ], [ -43.929, -23.014 ] ] ], [ [ [ -42.002, -23.018 ], [ -42.015, -23.003 ], [ -41.98, -22.975 ], [ -41.975, -22.992 ], [ -42.002, -23.018 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.904, -22.962 ], [ -43.907, -22.936 ], [ -43.868, -22.926 ], [ -43.871, -22.95 ], [ -43.904, -22.962 ] ] ], [ [ [ -41.042, -21.613 ], [ -41.042, -21.6 ], [ -41.019, -21.606 ], [ -41.042, -21.613 ] ] ], [ [ [ -52.112, -32 ], [ -52.18, -32.035 ], [ -52.216, -32.025 ], [ -52.198, -31.978 ], [ -52.112, -32 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.641, -30.388 ], [ -50.629, -30.394 ], [ -50.624, -30.329 ], [ -50.592, -30.399 ], [ -50.609, -30.406 ], [ -50.641, -30.388 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.526, -27.462 ], [ -48.416, -27.38 ], [ -48.358, -27.446 ], [ -48.503, -27.799 ], [ -48.559, -27.842 ], [ -48.526, -27.462 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.354, -27.296 ], [ -48.376, -27.285 ], [ -48.373, -27.271 ], [ -48.36, -27.27 ], [ -48.354, -27.296 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.731, -26.314 ], [ -48.754, -26.297 ], [ -48.735, -26.282 ], [ -48.731, -26.314 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.318, -25.584 ], [ -48.309, -25.546 ], [ -48.381, -25.504 ], [ -48.312, -25.509 ], [ -48.292, -25.545 ], [ -48.318, -25.584 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.414, -25.544 ], [ -48.459, -25.514 ], [ -48.415, -25.527 ], [ -48.414, -25.544 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.424, -25.551 ], [ -48.479, -25.523 ], [ -48.485, -25.502 ], [ -48.424, -25.551 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.298, -25.493 ], [ -48.341, -25.416 ], [ -48.252, -25.341 ], [ -48.265, -25.44 ], [ -48.253, -25.466 ], [ -48.298, -25.493 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.417, -25.386 ], [ -48.424, -25.343 ], [ -48.405, -25.33 ], [ -48.417, -25.386 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.695, -24.112 ], [ -45.688, -24.088 ], [ -45.679, -24.098 ], [ -45.695, -24.112 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.251, -23.962 ], [ -45.301, -23.909 ], [ -45.453, -23.91 ], [ -45.332, -23.721 ], [ -45.227, -23.774 ], [ -45.224, -23.835 ], [ -45.283, -23.857 ], [ -45.221, -23.899 ], [ -45.251, -23.962 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.141, -23.817 ], [ -45.146, -23.791 ], [ -45.114, -23.801 ], [ -45.141, -23.817 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.153, -23.573 ], [ -45.153, -23.558 ], [ -45.141, -23.568 ], [ -45.153, -23.573 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.073, -23.564 ], [ -45.079, -23.525 ], [ -45.036, -23.531 ], [ -45.073, -23.564 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.608, -23.228 ], [ -44.59, -23.208 ], [ -44.577, -23.216 ], [ -44.608, -23.228 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.648, -12.821 ], [ -38.666, -12.777 ], [ -38.624, -12.762 ], [ -38.648, -12.821 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.529, -12.811 ], [ -38.544, -12.757 ], [ -38.532, -12.74 ], [ -38.508, -12.792 ], [ -38.529, -12.811 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.622, -12.752 ], [ -38.622, -12.727 ], [ -38.593, -12.733 ], [ -38.622, -12.752 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.646, -12.683 ], [ -38.648, -12.65 ], [ -38.636, -12.661 ], [ -38.646, -12.683 ] ] ], [ [ [ -32.402, -3.838 ], [ -32.428, -3.877 ], [ -32.483, -3.878 ], [ -32.402, -3.838 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.667, -3.179 ], [ -44.668, -3.16 ], [ -44.643, -3.148 ], [ -44.644, -3.17 ], [ -44.667, -3.179 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.671, -2.943 ], [ -44.67, -2.92 ], [ -44.647, -2.915 ], [ -44.671, -2.943 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.493, -2.641 ], [ -44.48, -2.601 ], [ -44.477, -2.627 ], [ -44.493, -2.641 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.897, -2.573 ], [ -43.896, -2.554 ], [ -43.886, -2.565 ], [ -43.897, -2.573 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.599, -2.503 ], [ -43.577, -2.471 ], [ -43.572, -2.483 ], [ -43.599, -2.503 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.822, -2.526 ], [ -43.829, -2.509 ], [ -43.813, -2.458 ], [ -43.812, -2.553 ], [ -43.82, -2.528 ], [ -43.822, -2.526 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.821, -2.529 ], [ -43.856, -2.502 ], [ -43.832, -2.439 ], [ -43.842, -2.504 ], [ -43.821, -2.529 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.863, -2.56 ], [ -43.875, -2.552 ], [ -43.865, -2.534 ], [ -43.863, -2.56 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.519, -2.536 ], [ -44.529, -2.526 ], [ -44.501, -2.48 ], [ -44.505, -2.444 ], [ -44.455, -2.434 ], [ -44.519, -2.536 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.602, -3.007 ], [ -44.657, -2.972 ], [ -44.613, -2.894 ], [ -44.575, -2.921 ], [ -44.602, -3.007 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.585, -2.978 ], [ -44.563, -2.914 ], [ -44.586, -2.826 ], [ -44.494, -2.705 ], [ -44.494, -2.953 ], [ -44.582, -3.041 ], [ -44.585, -2.978 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.826, -2.434 ], [ -43.842, -2.403 ], [ -43.811, -2.385 ], [ -43.807, -2.412 ], [ -43.826, -2.434 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.581, -2.441 ], [ -43.615, -2.389 ], [ -43.549, -2.377 ], [ -43.545, -2.403 ], [ -43.581, -2.441 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.791, -2.47 ], [ -43.806, -2.443 ], [ -43.78, -2.422 ], [ -43.759, -2.448 ], [ -43.791, -2.47 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.513, -2.424 ], [ -43.537, -2.416 ], [ -43.522, -2.39 ], [ -43.505, -2.414 ], [ -43.513, -2.424 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.792, -2.405 ], [ -43.798, -2.377 ], [ -43.771, -2.37 ], [ -43.792, -2.405 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.689, -2.355 ], [ -43.743, -2.352 ], [ -43.724, -2.305 ], [ -43.617, -2.253 ], [ -43.612, -2.275 ], [ -43.669, -2.301 ], [ -43.689, -2.355 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.73, -2.425 ], [ -43.732, -2.364 ], [ -43.67, -2.377 ], [ -43.681, -2.34 ], [ -43.63, -2.324 ], [ -43.643, -2.394 ], [ -43.73, -2.425 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.473, -2.125 ], [ -44.487, -2.113 ], [ -44.475, -2.096 ], [ -44.463, -2.104 ], [ -44.473, -2.125 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.456, -2.031 ], [ -44.447, -2.008 ], [ -44.439, -2.022 ], [ -44.456, -2.031 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.311, -1.964 ], [ -49.336, -1.996 ], [ -49.309, -1.943 ], [ -49.311, -1.964 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.323, -2.054 ], [ -49.329, -2.019 ], [ -49.316, -2.001 ], [ -49.323, -2.054 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.231, -1.829 ], [ -50.246, -1.824 ], [ -50.229, -1.816 ], [ -50.231, -1.829 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.615, -1.821 ], [ -44.622, -1.797 ], [ -44.597, -1.774 ], [ -44.583, -1.789 ], [ -44.615, -1.821 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.7, -1.811 ], [ -44.703, -1.78 ], [ -44.673, -1.78 ], [ -44.7, -1.811 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.691, -1.793 ], [ -49.721, -1.789 ], [ -49.719, -1.771 ], [ -49.697, -1.766 ], [ -49.691, -1.793 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.924, -1.711 ], [ -48.909, -1.713 ], [ -48.916, -1.734 ], [ -48.935, -1.713 ], [ -48.924, -1.711 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.757, -1.707 ], [ -44.767, -1.694 ], [ -44.736, -1.701 ], [ -44.757, -1.707 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.433, -1.684 ], [ -49.454, -1.706 ], [ -49.46, -1.684 ], [ -49.433, -1.684 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.357, -1.008 ], [ -46.342, -0.994 ], [ -46.353, -1.026 ], [ -46.357, -1.008 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.205, -1.021 ], [ -46.194, -1.014 ], [ -46.202, -1.032 ], [ -46.205, -1.021 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.662, -3.018 ], [ -44.673, -3.012 ], [ -44.664, -3.001 ], [ -44.649, -3.013 ], [ -44.662, -3.018 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.736, -1.683 ], [ -44.745, -1.677 ], [ -44.732, -1.668 ], [ -44.736, -1.683 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.231, -1.638 ], [ -49.237, -1.627 ], [ -49.217, -1.633 ], [ -49.231, -1.638 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.38, -1.685 ], [ -49.4, -1.682 ], [ -49.368, -1.669 ], [ -49.38, -1.685 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.426, -1.673 ], [ -49.429, -1.661 ], [ -49.406, -1.66 ], [ -49.426, -1.673 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.34, -1.672 ], [ -49.358, -1.662 ], [ -49.325, -1.647 ], [ -49.34, -1.672 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.289, -1.726 ], [ -45.305, -1.663 ], [ -45.257, -1.641 ], [ -45.244, -1.678 ], [ -45.28, -1.694 ], [ -45.289, -1.726 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.328, -1.743 ], [ -45.346, -1.719 ], [ -45.301, -1.596 ], [ -45.274, -1.635 ], [ -45.313, -1.654 ], [ -45.328, -1.743 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.886, -1.578 ], [ -48.89, -1.56 ], [ -48.859, -1.536 ], [ -48.856, -1.553 ], [ -48.886, -1.578 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.783, -1.682 ], [ -44.8, -1.595 ], [ -44.775, -1.62 ], [ -44.721, -1.567 ], [ -44.704, -1.611 ], [ -44.684, -1.575 ], [ -44.668, -1.669 ], [ -44.693, -1.638 ], [ -44.783, -1.682 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.816, -1.569 ], [ -44.837, -1.534 ], [ -44.787, -1.488 ], [ -44.825, -1.534 ], [ -44.816, -1.569 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.462, -1.517 ], [ -48.478, -1.499 ], [ -48.421, -1.503 ], [ -48.462, -1.517 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.793, -1.531 ], [ -44.774, -1.47 ], [ -44.763, -1.513 ], [ -44.793, -1.531 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.414, -1.427 ], [ -45.423, -1.416 ], [ -45.409, -1.405 ], [ -45.414, -1.427 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45, -1.296 ], [ -44.922, -1.265 ], [ -44.877, -1.309 ], [ -44.895, -1.34 ], [ -44.922, -1.305 ], [ -44.907, -1.341 ], [ -44.999, -1.405 ], [ -45.033, -1.339 ], [ -45, -1.32 ], [ -44.995, -1.36 ], [ -45, -1.296 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.044, -1.402 ], [ -45.07, -1.33 ], [ -45.052, -1.342 ], [ -45.044, -1.402 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.333, -1.569 ], [ -45.371, -1.544 ], [ -45.347, -1.489 ], [ -45.313, -1.506 ], [ -45.333, -1.569 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.969, -1.522 ], [ -44.976, -1.493 ], [ -44.959, -1.483 ], [ -44.969, -1.522 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.393, -1.512 ], [ -48.371, -1.476 ], [ -48.341, -1.483 ], [ -48.393, -1.512 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.413, -1.498 ], [ -48.426, -1.491 ], [ -48.387, -1.476 ], [ -48.413, -1.498 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.118, -1.47 ], [ -45.132, -1.462 ], [ -45.115, -1.364 ], [ -45.103, -1.373 ], [ -45.118, -1.47 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.593, -1.251 ], [ -45.581, -1.19 ], [ -45.536, -1.205 ], [ -45.532, -1.231 ], [ -45.593, -1.251 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.559, -1.243 ], [ -48.56, -1.202 ], [ -48.523, -1.199 ], [ -48.559, -1.243 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.817, -1.163 ], [ -45.829, -1.141 ], [ -45.804, -1.127 ], [ -45.817, -1.163 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.877, -1.154 ], [ -45.9, -1.117 ], [ -45.883, -1.073 ], [ -45.849, -1.123 ], [ -45.877, -1.154 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.192, -1.05 ], [ -46.201, -1.041 ], [ -46.185, -1.027 ], [ -46.192, -1.05 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.291, -1.01 ], [ -46.307, -0.992 ], [ -46.306, -0.961 ], [ -46.291, -1.01 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.078, -1.095 ], [ -46.065, -1.05 ], [ -46.061, -1.074 ], [ -46.078, -1.095 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.68, -1.295 ], [ -45.687, -1.275 ], [ -45.667, -1.26 ], [ -45.654, -1.285 ], [ -45.68, -1.295 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.538, -1.282 ], [ -48.549, -1.262 ], [ -48.53, -1.25 ], [ -48.538, -1.282 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.51, -1.27 ], [ -48.522, -1.247 ], [ -48.506, -1.236 ], [ -48.51, -1.27 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.694, -1.37 ], [ -45.646, -1.289 ], [ -45.625, -1.126 ], [ -45.634, -1.349 ], [ -45.694, -1.37 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.688, -1.266 ], [ -45.708, -1.228 ], [ -45.685, -1.194 ], [ -45.664, -1.231 ], [ -45.688, -1.266 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.425, -0.914 ], [ -46.454, -0.907 ], [ -46.408, -0.868 ], [ -46.395, -0.899 ], [ -46.425, -0.914 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.72, -0.848 ], [ -46.735, -0.832 ], [ -46.729, -0.796 ], [ -46.72, -0.848 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.611, -0.799 ], [ -46.622, -0.784 ], [ -46.601, -0.789 ], [ -46.611, -0.799 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.586, -0.849 ], [ -46.621, -0.807 ], [ -46.589, -0.815 ], [ -46.586, -0.849 ] ] ], [ [ [ -47.447, -0.748 ], [ -47.453, -0.732 ], [ -47.436, -0.717 ], [ -47.428, -0.738 ], [ -47.447, -0.748 ] ] ], [ [ [ -47.461, -0.741 ], [ -47.463, -0.702 ], [ -47.445, -0.697 ], [ -47.461, -0.741 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.214, -0.411 ], [ -51.211, -0.386 ], [ -51.164, -0.347 ], [ -51.163, -0.383 ], [ -51.214, -0.411 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.352, -0.353 ], [ -51.346, -0.31 ], [ -51.317, -0.268 ], [ -51.327, -0.33 ], [ -51.352, -0.353 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.127, -0.268 ], [ -51.131, -0.237 ], [ -51.091, -0.208 ], [ -51.087, -0.229 ], [ -51.127, -0.268 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.888, -0.198 ], [ -48.91, -0.188 ], [ -48.893, -0.134 ], [ -48.847, -0.177 ], [ -48.888, -0.198 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.174, -0.091 ], [ -51.191, -0.064 ], [ -51.126, -0.057 ], [ -51.174, -0.091 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.114, -0.146 ], [ -49.097, -0.121 ], [ -49.08, -0.13 ], [ -49.114, -0.146 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.166, -0.142 ], [ -49.188, -0.115 ], [ -49.156, -0.128 ], [ -49.166, -0.142 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.119, -0.141 ], [ -49.143, -0.107 ], [ -49.114, -0.11 ], [ -49.119, -0.141 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.127, -0.128 ], [ -51.094, -0.103 ], [ -51.108, -0.127 ], [ -51.127, -0.128 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.414, -0.999 ], [ -46.384, -0.941 ], [ -46.367, -0.948 ], [ -46.414, -0.999 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.647, -0.97 ], [ -46.658, -0.968 ], [ -46.618, -0.957 ], [ -46.647, -0.97 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.488, -0.942 ], [ -46.465, -0.877 ], [ -46.464, -0.924 ], [ -46.44, -0.922 ], [ -46.482, -0.976 ], [ -46.441, -0.999 ], [ -46.525, -1.016 ], [ -46.527, -0.917 ], [ -46.509, -0.984 ], [ -46.488, -0.942 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.632, 0.159 ], [ -49.662, 0.184 ], [ -49.629, 0.202 ], [ -49.61, 0.181 ], [ -49.632, 0.159 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.641, 0.26 ], [ -50.63, 0.293 ], [ -50.586, 0.308 ], [ -50.641, 0.26 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.2, 0.255 ], [ -50.243, 0.248 ], [ -50.147, 0.337 ], [ -50.059, 0.346 ], [ -50.2, 0.255 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.417, 0.159 ], [ -50.535, 0.234 ], [ -50.36, 0.615 ], [ -50.328, 0.383 ], [ -50.285, 0.3 ], [ -50.413, 0.237 ], [ -50.417, 0.159 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.279, 0.338 ], [ -50.271, 0.599 ], [ -50.147, 0.608 ], [ -50.142, 0.576 ], [ -50.107, 0.636 ], [ -50.063, 0.623 ], [ -50.05, 0.518 ], [ -50.279, 0.338 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50, 0.943 ], [ -50.113, 0.907 ], [ -50.018, 1.034 ], [ -49.935, 1.069 ], [ -49.939, 0.996 ], [ -50, 0.943 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.881, 1.227 ], [ -49.909, 1.246 ], [ -49.886, 1.244 ], [ -49.881, 1.227 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.907, 1.278 ], [ -49.885, 1.291 ], [ -49.863, 1.278 ], [ -49.876, 1.252 ], [ -49.907, 1.278 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.204, 1.851 ], [ -50.232, 1.879 ], [ -50.22, 1.915 ], [ -50.169, 1.865 ], [ -50.204, 1.851 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.468, 1.954 ], [ -50.521, 2.026 ], [ -50.497, 2.139 ], [ -50.398, 2.167 ], [ -50.367, 2.19 ], [ -50.276, 1.939 ], [ -50.423, 1.849 ], [ -50.468, 1.954 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.504, 2.255 ], [ -50.414, 2.244 ], [ -50.382, 2.204 ], [ -50.489, 2.15 ], [ -50.564, 2.205 ], [ -50.504, 2.255 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.229, 0.832 ], [ -50.098, 0.839 ], [ -50.027, 0.898 ], [ -50.105, 0.757 ], [ -50.162, 0.775 ], [ -50.249, 0.72 ], [ -50.229, 0.832 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.131, 0.844 ], [ -50.162, 0.867 ], [ -50.132, 0.9 ], [ -50.119, 0.854 ], [ -50.131, 0.844 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.108, 0.85 ], [ -50.111, 0.891 ], [ -50.049, 0.886 ], [ -50.108, 0.85 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.216, -0.055 ], [ -50.235, -0.042 ], [ -50.219, -0.04 ], [ -50.216, -0.055 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.916, -0.052 ], [ -50.926, -0.047 ], [ -50.907, -0.043 ], [ -50.916, -0.052 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.605, -0.061 ], [ -50.618, -0.022 ], [ -50.559, -0.038 ], [ -50.605, -0.061 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.399, -0.061 ], [ -50.44, -0.057 ], [ -50.378, -0.015 ], [ -50.357, -0.049 ], [ -50.399, -0.061 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.75, 0 ], [ -49.609, 0.08 ], [ -49.474, 0.081 ], [ -49.338, -0.017 ], [ -49.487, -0.136 ], [ -49.723, -0.147 ], [ -49.835, -0.088 ], [ -49.75, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.023, -0.019 ], [ -49.039, -0.011 ], [ -49.02, -0.006 ], [ -49.023, -0.019 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.932, 0.052 ], [ -50.918, 0.084 ], [ -50.884, 0.078 ], [ -50.899, 0.057 ], [ -50.932, 0.052 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.928, 0 ], [ -50.786, 0.05 ], [ -50.717, 0.028 ], [ -50.94, -0.041 ], [ -50.928, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.691, 0.025 ], [ -50.655, 0.015 ], [ -50.703, 0.021 ], [ -50.691, 0.025 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.629, -0.043 ], [ -50.642, -0.016 ], [ -50.622, -0.026 ], [ -50.629, -0.043 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.642, 0 ], [ -50.611, 0.007 ], [ -50.595, -0.019 ], [ -50.642, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.536, 0 ], [ -50.653, 0.126 ], [ -50.59, 0.203 ], [ -50.434, 0.126 ], [ -50.436, 0 ], [ -50.536, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50, 0.311 ], [ -49.674, 0.368 ], [ -49.601, 0.283 ], [ -49.86, 0.008 ], [ -49.99, -0.048 ], [ -50.086, 0.034 ], [ -50.351, 0.044 ], [ -50.394, 0.222 ], [ -50.153, 0.227 ], [ -50, 0.311 ] ] ] ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "La costa de lo que hoy es territorio brasileño fue el primer punto al que llegaron los europeos en América del Sur. La primera expedición que exploró la región fue un desprendimiento de la flota portuguesa que Vasco da Gama (c. 1460-1524) llevaba hacia oriente. Las naves dirigidas por Pedro Álvarez de Cabral (1467-1520) se alejaron excesivamente de la costa de África y terminaron en el extremo sur de actual territorio del Estado de Bahía, en que el permanecieron entre abril y mayo del año 1500. Los portuguese establecieron en la costa precarias feitorias para comerciar verzino o palo brasil con los nativos de las sociedades tupí y guaraní nativas. Recién en 1530 la corona brasileña tomaría acciones decididas para organizar la ocupación portuguesa y las actividades de explotación, cuando instaura el régimen de capitanías hereditarias que estructuraría el establecimiento colonial lusitano en brasil. Bibliografía: Johnson, H. B., \"Portuguese Settlement, 1500-1580\", en Bethell, Leslie (ed.), Colonial Brazil, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1987, pp. 1-38; Abulafia, David, El descubrimiento de la humanidad. Encuentros atlánticos en la era de Colón, Barcelona, Crítica, 2009 [2008]; Metcalf, Alida C., Go-Betweens and the Colonization of Brazil, 1500-1600, Austin, University of Texas Press, 2005; Vaz de Caminha, Pêro, Carta del descubrimiento del Brasil, Barcelona, Acantilado, 2009.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-12-03T14:17:24+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 99900, "end" : 99906 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Brasil" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/de0e1ea7-025d-4a93-8740-13d61c02a52a", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Aborigine", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-20T20:59:58+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Native people", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-20T20:59:58+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-20T20:59:58+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Refiere a Los guaraníes o avá, según su autodenominación étnica original (que significa \"ser humano\"), son un grupo de pueblos indígenas suramericanos que se ubican geográficamente en Paraguay, noreste de Argentina (en ciertas zonas de provincias de la Región del Litoral),​ sur y suroeste de Brasil (en los estados de Río Grande del Sur, Santa Catarina, Paraná y Mato Grosso del Sur) y sureste de Bolivia (en los departamentos de Tarija, Santa Cruz y Chuquisaca) y norte de Uruguay.El muy difundido nombre guaraní lo escucharon los españoles que, al invadir su territorio, habrían oído, entre los gritos de guerra de este pueblo, la frase guará-ny, que significa \"combatir-los\". Por otra parte el nombre dada significa en guaraní 'guerrero', \"ava\" que significa \"hombre\" y se pronuncia en forma grave entre los chiriguanos (ava guaraníes).Otra versión afirma que la denominación fue tomada de la deformación de una palabra guaraní, guariní que significa precisamente \"guerra\" o \"guerrear\". Al parecer los mismos indígenas se denominaron de esa manera, indicando con ello que se consideraban guerreros.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-20T20:59:58+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Los guaraníes se extendían, dividios entre distintas parcialidades, \nentre la costa brasileña y los contrafuertes andinos, teniendo además \nasentamientos en las islasdel Río Paraná y del delta del Río de la \nPlata. Cultivadores selvícolas, producían regulamente excedentes \nagrícolas que serían indispensables para el avance de la conquista \nespañola en el región. Bibliografía:  Silva Noelli, Francisco, \"La \ndistribución geográfica de las evidencias arqueológicasguaraní\", en \nRevista de Indias, vol. LXIV, núm. 30, 2004, pp. 17-34; Susnik, \nBranislava, El indio colonial del Paraguay. El guaraní colonial, \nAsunción, Museo Etnográfico \"Andrés Barbero\", 1965; Susnik, Branislava, \nEl rol de los indígenas en la formación y en la vivencia delParaguay. \nTomo I, Asunción, Universo, 1982; Melià, Bartomeu, El guaraní \nconquistado y reducido: ensayos de etnohistoria, Asunción, Universidad \nCatólica-Centro de Estudios Paraguayos \"AntonioGuasch\", cuarta edición, \n1997 [1986]; Melià, Bartomeu, \"Sociedades fluviales y selvícolas del \neste: Paraguay y Paraná\", en Rojas Rabiela, Teresa; Murra, John (dirs.),\n Historia general de América Latina. Volumen I, París, Editorial \nTrotta-UNESCO, 1999, pp. 335-552; Catafesto de Sousa, José Otávio, \"O \nsistema econômico nas sociedades indígenas guaraní pré-coloniais\", en \nHorizontes Antropológicos, año 8, núm. 18, 2002, pp. 211-253; Monteiro, \nJohn Manuel, \"Os guaraní e a História do Brasil Meridional. Séculos \nXVI-XVII\", en Carneiro Da Cunha, Manuela L. (org.), História dos índios \nno Brasil, San Pablo, Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São \nPaulo-Companhia das Letras-Secretaria Municipal de Cultura Prefeitura do\n Município de São Paulo, 1992 pp. 475-498.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-12-03T14:41:14+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 22752, "end" : 22760 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Guaranís" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/1bf21851-afe8-4276-85cd-62ad144bcc1d", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Aborigine", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-20T20:59:58+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Native people", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-20T20:59:58+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-20T20:59:58+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Refiere a Los guaraníes o avá, según su autodenominación étnica original (que significa \"ser humano\"), son un grupo de pueblos indígenas suramericanos que se ubican geográficamente en Paraguay, noreste de Argentina (en ciertas zonas de provincias de la Región del Litoral),​ sur y suroeste de Brasil (en los estados de Río Grande del Sur, Santa Catarina, Paraná y Mato Grosso del Sur) y sureste de Bolivia (en los departamentos de Tarija, Santa Cruz y Chuquisaca) y norte de Uruguay.El muy difundido nombre guaraní lo escucharon los españoles que, al invadir su territorio, habrían oído, entre los gritos de guerra de este pueblo, la frase guará-ny, que significa \"combatir-los\". Por otra parte el nombre dada significa en guaraní 'guerrero', \"ava\" que significa \"hombre\" y se pronuncia en forma grave entre los chiriguanos (ava guaraníes).Otra versión afirma que la denominación fue tomada de la deformación de una palabra guaraní, guariní que significa precisamente \"guerra\" o \"guerrear\". Al parecer los mismos indígenas se denominaron de esa manera, indicando con ello que se consideraban guerreros.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-20T20:59:58+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Los guaraníes se extendían, dividios entre distintas parcialidades, \nentre la costa brasileña y los contrafuertes andinos, teniendo además \nasentamientos en las islasdel Río Paraná y del delta del Río de la \nPlata. Cultivadores selvícolas, producían regulamente excedentes \nagrícolas que serían indispensables para el avance de la conquista \nespañola en el región. Bibliografía:  Silva Noelli, Francisco, \"La \ndistribución geográfica de las evidencias arqueológicasguaraní\", en \nRevista de Indias, vol. LXIV, núm. 30, 2004, pp. 17-34; Susnik, \nBranislava, El indio colonial del Paraguay. El guaraní colonial, \nAsunción, Museo Etnográfico \"Andrés Barbero\", 1965; Susnik, Branislava, \nEl rol de los indígenas en la formación y en la vivencia delParaguay. \nTomo I, Asunción, Universo, 1982; Melià, Bartomeu, El guaraní \nconquistado y reducido: ensayos de etnohistoria, Asunción, Universidad \nCatólica-Centro de Estudios Paraguayos \"AntonioGuasch\", cuarta edición, \n1997 [1986]; Melià, Bartomeu, \"Sociedades fluviales y selvícolas del \neste: Paraguay y Paraná\", en Rojas Rabiela, Teresa; Murra, John (dirs.),\n Historia general de América Latina. Volumen I, París, Editorial \nTrotta-UNESCO, 1999, pp. 335-552; Catafesto de Sousa, José Otávio, \"O \nsistema econômico nas sociedades indígenas guaraní pré-coloniais\", en \nHorizontes Antropológicos, año 8, núm. 18, 2002, pp. 211-253; Monteiro, \nJohn Manuel, \"Os guaraní e a História do Brasil Meridional. Séculos \nXVI-XVII\", en Carneiro Da Cunha, Manuela L. (org.), História dos índios \nno Brasil, San Pablo, Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São \nPaulo-Companhia das Letras-Secretaria Municipal de Cultura Prefeitura do\n Município de São Paulo, 1992 pp. 475-498.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-12-03T14:41:29+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 24541, "end" : 24549 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Guaranís" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/61cd4d96-2fb1-4f38-993f-0b9cfc4d59f9", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Aborigine", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-20T20:59:58+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Native people", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-20T20:59:58+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-20T20:59:58+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Refiere a Los guaraníes o avá, según su autodenominación étnica original (que significa \"ser humano\"), son un grupo de pueblos indígenas suramericanos que se ubican geográficamente en Paraguay, noreste de Argentina (en ciertas zonas de provincias de la Región del Litoral),​ sur y suroeste de Brasil (en los estados de Río Grande del Sur, Santa Catarina, Paraná y Mato Grosso del Sur) y sureste de Bolivia (en los departamentos de Tarija, Santa Cruz y Chuquisaca) y norte de Uruguay.El muy difundido nombre guaraní lo escucharon los españoles que, al invadir su territorio, habrían oído, entre los gritos de guerra de este pueblo, la frase guará-ny, que significa \"combatir-los\". Por otra parte el nombre dada significa en guaraní 'guerrero', \"ava\" que significa \"hombre\" y se pronuncia en forma grave entre los chiriguanos (ava guaraníes).Otra versión afirma que la denominación fue tomada de la deformación de una palabra guaraní, guariní que significa precisamente \"guerra\" o \"guerrear\". Al parecer los mismos indígenas se denominaron de esa manera, indicando con ello que se consideraban guerreros.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-20T20:59:58+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Los guaraníes se extendían, dividios entre distintas parcialidades, \nentre la costa brasileña y los contrafuertes andinos, teniendo además \nasentamientos en las islasdel Río Paraná y del delta del Río de la \nPlata. Cultivadores selvícolas, producían regulamente excedentes \nagrícolas que serían indispensables para el avance de la conquista \nespañola en el región. Bibliografía:  Silva Noelli, Francisco, \"La \ndistribución geográfica de las evidencias arqueológicasguaraní\", en \nRevista de Indias, vol. LXIV, núm. 30, 2004, pp. 17-34; Susnik, \nBranislava, El indio colonial del Paraguay. El guaraní colonial, \nAsunción, Museo Etnográfico \"Andrés Barbero\", 1965; Susnik, Branislava, \nEl rol de los indígenas en la formación y en la vivencia delParaguay. \nTomo I, Asunción, Universo, 1982; Melià, Bartomeu, El guaraní \nconquistado y reducido: ensayos de etnohistoria, Asunción, Universidad \nCatólica-Centro de Estudios Paraguayos \"AntonioGuasch\", cuarta edición, \n1997 [1986]; Melià, Bartomeu, \"Sociedades fluviales y selvícolas del \neste: Paraguay y Paraná\", en Rojas Rabiela, Teresa; Murra, John (dirs.),\n Historia general de América Latina. Volumen I, París, Editorial \nTrotta-UNESCO, 1999, pp. 335-552; Catafesto de Sousa, José Otávio, \"O \nsistema econômico nas sociedades indígenas guaraní pré-coloniais\", en \nHorizontes Antropológicos, año 8, núm. 18, 2002, pp. 211-253; Monteiro, \nJohn Manuel, \"Os guaraní e a História do Brasil Meridional. Séculos \nXVI-XVII\", en Carneiro Da Cunha, Manuela L. (org.), História dos índios \nno Brasil, San Pablo, Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São \nPaulo-Companhia das Letras-Secretaria Municipal de Cultura Prefeitura do\n Município de São Paulo, 1992 pp. 475-498.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-12-03T14:41:53+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 35188, "end" : 35196 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Guaranís" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/96fafe70-5241-458c-b9fc-bc7484138119", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Aborigine", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-20T20:59:58+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Native people", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-20T20:59:58+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-20T20:59:58+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Refiere a Los guaraníes o avá, según su autodenominación étnica original (que significa \"ser humano\"), son un grupo de pueblos indígenas suramericanos que se ubican geográficamente en Paraguay, noreste de Argentina (en ciertas zonas de provincias de la Región del Litoral),​ sur y suroeste de Brasil (en los estados de Río Grande del Sur, Santa Catarina, Paraná y Mato Grosso del Sur) y sureste de Bolivia (en los departamentos de Tarija, Santa Cruz y Chuquisaca) y norte de Uruguay.El muy difundido nombre guaraní lo escucharon los españoles que, al invadir su territorio, habrían oído, entre los gritos de guerra de este pueblo, la frase guará-ny, que significa \"combatir-los\". Por otra parte el nombre dada significa en guaraní 'guerrero', \"ava\" que significa \"hombre\" y se pronuncia en forma grave entre los chiriguanos (ava guaraníes).Otra versión afirma que la denominación fue tomada de la deformación de una palabra guaraní, guariní que significa precisamente \"guerra\" o \"guerrear\". Al parecer los mismos indígenas se denominaron de esa manera, indicando con ello que se consideraban guerreros.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-20T20:59:58+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Los guaraníes se extendían, dividios entre distintas parcialidades, \nentre la costa brasileña y los contrafuertes andinos, teniendo además \nasentamientos en las islasdel Río Paraná y del delta del Río de la \nPlata. Cultivadores selvícolas, producían regulamente excedentes \nagrícolas que serían indispensables para el avance de la conquista \nespañola en el región. Bibliografía:  Silva Noelli, Francisco, \"La \ndistribución geográfica de las evidencias arqueológicasguaraní\", en \nRevista de Indias, vol. LXIV, núm. 30, 2004, pp. 17-34; Susnik, \nBranislava, El indio colonial del Paraguay. El guaraní colonial, \nAsunción, Museo Etnográfico \"Andrés Barbero\", 1965; Susnik, Branislava, \nEl rol de los indígenas en la formación y en la vivencia delParaguay. \nTomo I, Asunción, Universo, 1982; Melià, Bartomeu, El guaraní \nconquistado y reducido: ensayos de etnohistoria, Asunción, Universidad \nCatólica-Centro de Estudios Paraguayos \"AntonioGuasch\", cuarta edición, \n1997 [1986]; Melià, Bartomeu, \"Sociedades fluviales y selvícolas del \neste: Paraguay y Paraná\", en Rojas Rabiela, Teresa; Murra, John (dirs.),\n Historia general de América Latina. Volumen I, París, Editorial \nTrotta-UNESCO, 1999, pp. 335-552; Catafesto de Sousa, José Otávio, \"O \nsistema econômico nas sociedades indígenas guaraní pré-coloniais\", en \nHorizontes Antropológicos, año 8, núm. 18, 2002, pp. 211-253; Monteiro, \nJohn Manuel, \"Os guaraní e a História do Brasil Meridional. Séculos \nXVI-XVII\", en Carneiro Da Cunha, Manuela L. (org.), História dos índios \nno Brasil, San Pablo, Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São \nPaulo-Companhia das Letras-Secretaria Municipal de Cultura Prefeitura do\n Município de São Paulo, 1992 pp. 475-498.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-12-03T14:43:16+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 60237, "end" : 60245 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Guaranís" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/cc335983-67a5-4518-b35b-424a8c51c8cf", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-09-27T17:21:17+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "En este caso, se refiere a los carijós, que pertenecen al tronco lingüístico guaraní. La referencia a los caribes, realizada primero por Cristóbal Colón para \nnombrar a los supuestos enemigos de los taínos de Guanahaní, fue \nutilizada repetidamente en el curso del siglo XVI para caracterizar a \nlas sociedades americanas que practicaban canibalismo ritual. \nBIbliografía: Abulafia, David, El descubrimiento de la humanidad. \nEncuentros atlánticos en la era de Colón, Barcelona, Crítica, 2009 \n[2008]; Carneiro Da Cunha, Manuela L.; Viveiros de Castro, \"Vingança e \ntemporalidade: os tupinamba\", en JSA, vol. LXXI, 1985, pp. 191-208. \nFausto, Carlos, \"Fragmentos de histórica e cultura tupinambá. Da \netnologia como instrumento crítico de conhecimento etno-histórico\", en \nCarneiro Da Cunha, Manuela L. (org.), História dos índios no Brasil, San\n Pablo, Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo-Companhia \ndas Letras-Secretaria Municipal de Cultura Prefeitura do Município de \nSão Paulo, 1992, pp. 381-396;  Lestringant, Frank, The Discovery and \nRepresentation of the Cannibal from Columbus to Jules Verne, Berkeley, \nUniversity of California Press, 1997 [1994].", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-12-03T14:44:43+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 17379, "end" : 17386 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Caribes" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/3d834d25-92ac-4ba9-969d-1ac66e54d3d3", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-01T16:14:46+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Podría tratarse de una parcialidad Kaigang, referidos también en el texto como Guayanás. Los nativos Kaigang pueden \nidentificarse con la tradición Taquara, constructures de \nasentamientos bajo nivel. Eran parte del grupo lingüístico gé, que se \nextendía en el Brasil entre \nla costa (ocupada por tupíes) y las áreas del interior (hasta las \ntierras ocupadas por los guaraníes) . Bibliografía:  Schmitz, Pedro \nIgnácio; Basile Becker, Ítala Irene, \"Os Primitivos Engenheiros do \nPlanalto esuas Estruturas Subterrâneas: a tradição Taquara\", en AAVV, \nArqueologia do Rio Grande DoSul, Brasil, São Leopoldo, Instituto de \nPesquisas- UNISINOS, 2006, p. 86; Meliá, Bartomeu, \"Sociedadesfluviales y\n selvícolas del este: Paraguay y Paraná\", en Rojas Rabiela, Teresa; \nMurra, John (dirs.), Historia general de América Latina. Volumen I, \nParís, Editorial Trotta-UNESCO, 1999, p. 549; Politis, Gustavo G., \"The \nPampas and the Campos of South America\", en Silverman, Helaine; Isbell, \nWilliam H. (eds.), Handbook of South American Archaeology, Nueva York, \nSpringer, 2008, pp 254-255.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-12-03T15:36:03+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 30428, "end" : 30437 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Gualachos" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/9d7078a3-b352-4ef6-9c90-ebc635ed018d", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-01T19:04:19+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Los guaycurúes constituían una sociedad chaqueña de cazadores-recolectores (aunque también practicaban agricultura estacional) que constituyeron uno de los más serios adversarios de los avances coloniales en el Chaco. Adaptados a subsistir en la región chaqueña, donde se alternan estaciones secas y húmedas muy marcadas, los guaycurúes desarrollaron estrategias de subsistencia basadas en la movilidad y poco tiempo después de sus primeros contactos con los españoles de Asunción integraron a ellas el caballo. Los guaycurúes integran la familia lingüística mataco-guaycurú, en la que se incluyen mayoría catalogados dentro de la familia lingüística mataco-guaycurú, en la que se incluyen tobas y abipones (cerca del Bermejo), agaces (en el Pilcomayo y en el curso inferior del Paraguay), yapirus, pilagás y guatatas (en la banda occidental del Paraguay y hacia el oeste), payaguás y guasarapos (en el curso medio del Paraguay) y mbyás (hacia el noroeste del Chaco), entre otros. Bibliografía: Mandrini, Raúl José, La Argentina Aborigen. De los primeros pobladores a\n 1910, Buenos Aires, Siglo Veintiuno, 2008; Susnik, Branislava, El rol \nde los indígenas en la formación y en la vivencia del Paraguay. Tomo II,\n Asunción, Universo, 1983; cultural. Suas relações com a bacia do Paraná\n e o Sul mato-grossense\", enCarneiro Da Cunha, Manuela M. (org.), \nHistória dos índios no Brasil, San Pablo, Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa \ndo Estado de São Paulo-Companhia das Letras-Secretaria Municipal de \nCultura Prefeitura do Município de São Paulo, 1992, pp. 457-474.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-12-03T15:41:13+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 33675, "end" : 33684 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Guaycurús" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/3ad84863-a9b7-4d69-9b6b-d95f66685f73", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Aborigines", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T17:58:40+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Native people", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T17:58:40+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T17:58:40+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Por tamoios o tamoyos se conocen a los indígenas que habitaban las costas de los actuales estados brasileños de San Pablo y Río de Janeiro.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T17:58:40+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Carneiro Da Cunha, Manuela L. (org.), História dos índios no Brasil, San\n Pablo, Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo-Companhia \ndas Letras-Secretaria Municipal de Cultura Prefeitura do Município de \nSão Paulo, 1992; Monteiro, John M., \"The Crises and Transformations of Invaded Societies: Coastal Brazil in the Sixteenth Century\" en en Salomon, Frank; Schwartz, Stuart B. (eds.), The Cambridge History of the Native Peoples of the Americas. Volume III. Part I, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1999, p. 973-1023.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-12-03T16:26:52+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 5802, "end" : 5809 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Tamoios" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/7ac0d714-538c-44bb-ba0b-8e8708dce6a4", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-08T01:44:22+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Los payaguás formaban parte del grupo lingüístico mataco-guaycurú. Han \nsido insistentemente descriptos por la literatura etnográfica clásica \ncomo irredimibles \"corsarios\" del Paraguay, que atacaban por igual a \nguaraníes y españoles río arriba, siendo actores cruciales de la \nhistoria de la temprana explotación y conquista de la región platense. \nEstudios más recientes criticaron esta evaluación etnocéntrica. \nBibliografía: Mandrini, Raúl José, La Argentina Aborigen. De los \nprimeros pobladores a 1910, Buenos Aires, Siglo Veintiuno, 2008; Susnik,\n Branislava, El rol de los indígenas en la formación y en la vivencia \ndel Paraguay. Tomo II, Asunción, Universo, 1983; cultural. Suas relações\n com a bacia do Paraná e o Sul mato-grossense\", enCarneiro Da Cunha, \nManuela M. (org.), História dos índios no Brasil, San Pablo, Fundação de\n Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo-Companhia das \nLetras-Secretaria Municipal de Cultura Prefeitura do Município de São \nPaulo, 1992, pp. 457-474; Roulet, Florencia, La resistencia de los \nguaraní del Paraguay a la conquista española (1537-1556), Posadas, \nEditorial Universitaria de la Universidad Nacional de Misiones, 1993; Wright, Robin M.; Carneiro da Cunha, Manuela; et al, \"Destruction, \nResistance, and Transformation -Southern, Coastal and Northen Brazil \n(1580-1890), en Salomon, Frank; Schwartz, Stuart B. (eds.), The \nCambridge History of the Native Peoples of the Americas. Volume III. \nPart II, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1999, pp. 287, 295, 299,\n 315, 324-328.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-12-03T17:20:14+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 122836, "end" : 122844 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Payaguás" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/e7aa194b-0b95-4313-a594-29b81741cd01", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-08T01:44:22+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Los payaguás formaban parte del grupo lingüístico mataco-guaycurú. Han \nsido insistentemente descriptos por la literatura etnográfica clásica \ncomo irredimibles \"corsarios\" del Paraguay, que atacaban por igual a \nguaraníes y españoles río arriba, siendo actores cruciales de la \nhistoria de la temprana explotación y conquista de la región platense. \nEstudios más recientes criticaron esta evaluación etnocéntrica. \nBibliografía: Mandrini, Raúl José, La Argentina Aborigen. De los \nprimeros pobladores a 1910, Buenos Aires, Siglo Veintiuno, 2008; Susnik,\n Branislava, El rol de los indígenas en la formación y en la vivencia \ndel Paraguay. Tomo II, Asunción, Universo, 1983; cultural. Suas relações\n com a bacia do Paraná e o Sul mato-grossense\", enCarneiro Da Cunha, \nManuela M. (org.), História dos índios no Brasil, San Pablo, Fundação de\n Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo-Companhia das \nLetras-Secretaria Municipal de Cultura Prefeitura do Município de São \nPaulo, 1992, pp. 457-474; Roulet, Florencia, La resistencia de los \nguaraní del Paraguay a la conquista española (1537-1556), Posadas, \nEditorial Universitaria de la Universidad Nacional de Misiones, 1993; Wright, Robin M.; Carneiro da Cunha, Manuela; et al, \"Destruction, Resistance, and Transformation -Southern, Coastal and Northen Brazil (1580-1890), en Salomon, Frank; Schwartz, Stuart B. (eds.), The Cambridge History of the Native Peoples of the Americas. Volume III. Part II, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1999, pp. 287, 295, 299, 315, 324-328.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-12-03T17:20:05+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 123201, "end" : 123209 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Payaguás" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/29f35941-749c-46c1-9cf6-5836f57fe624", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-02T02:17:09+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Sebastián Caboto (1477-1557) fue, como su padre Juan, un piloto y explorador que sirvió a las coronas de España e Inglaterra. Entró al servicio de esta última en 1518 como piloto mayor y bajo sus auspicios realizó el viaje que lo llevaría a explorar el Río de Solís. Si bien el propósito inicial de su expedición de 1526 era repetir la circunnavegación de Magallanes (tal y como consta en la capitulación que firmó con Carlos I), Caboto decidió alterar el rumbo de su armada atraído por las noticias recolectadas en la costa brasileña, que indicaban la existencia de una sierra argentífera remontando el río austral. Caboto y sus tripulantes exploraron la región hasta entrado 1529, cuando los ataques de los indios, los dudosos resultados de sus exploraciones y la falta de bastimentos lo obligarona  a abandonar el Río de Solís. Bibliografía: Medina, José Toribio, El Veneciano Sebastián Gaboto al servicio de España. Dos Tomos, Santiago de Chile, Imprenta y Encuadernación Universitaria, 1908.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-04T16:18:36+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 53786, "end" : 53802 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Sebastián Gaboto" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/fd980bfe-4d53-47f4-b72b-e5253cd0964f", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-04T16:05:53+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 47219, "end" : 47235 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Felipe Gutiérrez" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/8874948e-3bef-4547-aa7c-2d19e0373bad", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-04T17:01:58+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Pizarro (Gonzalo). Tuvo noticia de las Amazonas. Tirano del Perú, derrotado en Xaqui-xaguana.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-04T17:01:58+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 60371, "end" : 60386 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Gonzalo Pizarro" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/4b593702-641f-46f5-ad76-bf28a9fde3fd", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-04T17:19:43+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 69216, "end" : 69235 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Ruiz Díaz Melgarejo" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/e29f8439-9fc0-4668-bf09-fdcaeb8aa5c4", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PLACE", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-04T17:21:34+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Flores (Isla de). En el río de la Plata, cerca de la costa de Montevideo. Se le dio este nombre, no porque produzca flores, sino porque fue descubierta el día de Pascua florida. Este escollo, por su inmediación a la costa, lo hallaron los españoles habitado por los Charrúas, que huyan de los Minuanes. El Gobierno oriental ha establecido en él un farol para alejar a los buques de los peligros del banco inglés, que obstruye la navegación del río en aquel punto.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-04T17:21:34+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 71353, "end" : 71367 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "isla de Flores" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/b506cb53-5afd-4829-99c1-559999f98b69", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : 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de Asunción.Ocupó tres veces el cargo de gobernador interino del Río de la Plata y del Paraguay, en los períodos de 1539 a 1542, de 1544 hasta 1548 y por último desde 1549. El emperador Carlos V lo nombraría definitivamente como titular en el cargo gubernamental en el año 1555, que lo ostentaría hasta su fallecimiento.En 1543 fundó en el Chaco Boreal el Puerto de los Reyes, a orillas del río Paraguay y del pantano de los Jarayes, sobre las costas de la laguna La Gaiba. Avellaneda, Mercedes; Perusset, Macarena, \"Irala, el primer estratega del Plata\", en Historia Paraguaya. Anuario de la Academia Paraguaya de la Historia, vol. XLVI, 2006, pp. 319-363.Lafuente Machain, Ricardo, El gobernador Domingo de Irala, Asunción, Academia Paraguaya de la Historia, 2005 [1939].", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T16:46:43+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 55266, "end" : 55282 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Domingo de Irala" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/44bcb0dc-d5b8-40ff-a82b-f9d46a905f15", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T16:46:43+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Domingo Martínez de Irala (Vergara de la Hermandad de Guipúzcoa, Corona de Castilla, 1509 - Asunción del Paraguay, Virreinato del Perú, 3 de octubre de 1556) fue un conquistador, explorador y colonizador español que como lugarteniente de Juan de Ayolas quien lo nombrara interinamente hasta que regresara como teniente de gobernador de La Candelaria en 1537, luego lo sería de hecho, y posteriormente elegido por el pueblo según real cédula, como teniente de gobernador general de Asunción.Ocupó tres veces el cargo de gobernador interino del Río de la Plata y del Paraguay, en los períodos de 1539 a 1542, de 1544 hasta 1548 y por último desde 1549. El emperador Carlos V lo nombraría definitivamente como titular en el cargo gubernamental en el año 1555, que lo ostentaría hasta su fallecimiento.En 1543 fundó en el Chaco Boreal el Puerto de los Reyes, a orillas del río Paraguay y del pantano de los Jarayes, sobre las costas de la laguna La Gaiba. Avellaneda, Mercedes; Perusset, Macarena, \"Irala, el primer estratega del Plata\", en Historia Paraguaya. Anuario de la Academia Paraguaya de la Historia, vol. XLVI, 2006, pp. 319-363.Lafuente Machain, Ricardo, El gobernador Domingo de Irala, Asunción, Academia Paraguaya de la Historia, 2005 [1939].", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T16:46:43+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 95854, "end" : 95870 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Domingo de Irala" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/0bacf5c5-b288-4896-add4-5c1e8c14da36", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T16:46:43+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Domingo Martínez de Irala (Vergara de la Hermandad de Guipúzcoa, Corona de Castilla, 1509 - Asunción del Paraguay, Virreinato del Perú, 3 de octubre de 1556) fue un conquistador, explorador y colonizador español que como lugarteniente de Juan de Ayolas quien lo nombrara interinamente hasta que regresara como teniente de gobernador de La Candelaria en 1537, luego lo sería de hecho, y posteriormente elegido por el pueblo según real cédula, como teniente de gobernador general de Asunción.Ocupó tres veces el cargo de gobernador interino del Río de la Plata y del Paraguay, en los períodos de 1539 a 1542, de 1544 hasta 1548 y por último desde 1549. El emperador Carlos V lo nombraría definitivamente como titular en el cargo gubernamental en el año 1555, que lo ostentaría hasta su fallecimiento.En 1543 fundó en el Chaco Boreal el Puerto de los Reyes, a orillas del río Paraguay y del pantano de los Jarayes, sobre las costas de la laguna La Gaiba. Avellaneda, Mercedes; Perusset, Macarena, \"Irala, el primer estratega del Plata\", en Historia Paraguaya. Anuario de la Academia Paraguaya de la Historia, vol. XLVI, 2006, pp. 319-363.Lafuente Machain, Ricardo, El gobernador Domingo de Irala, Asunción, Academia Paraguaya de la Historia, 2005 [1939].", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T16:46:43+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 118834, "end" : 118850 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Domingo de Irala" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/3a7bb8f0-d402-40b4-a445-25231b0fc871", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "tribe", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:18:03+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "native people", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:18:03+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:18:03+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Refiere a Los guaraníes o avá, según su autodenominación étnica original\n (que significa \"ser humano\"), son un grupo de pueblos indígenas \nsuramericanos que se ubican geográficamente en Paraguay, noreste de \nArgentina (en ciertas zonas de provincias de la Región del Litoral),​ \nsur y suroeste de Brasil (en los estados de Río Grande del Sur, Santa \nCatarina, Paraná y Mato Grosso del Sur) y sureste de Bolivia (en los \ndepartamentos de Tarija, Santa Cruz y Chuquisaca) y norte de Uruguay.El \nmuy difundido nombre guaraní lo escucharon los españoles que, al invadir\n su territorio, habrían oído, entre los gritos de guerra de este pueblo,\n la frase guará-ny, que significa \"combatir-los\". Por otra parte el \nnombre dada significa en guaraní 'guerrero', \"ava\" que significa \n\"hombre\" y se pronuncia en forma grave entre los chiriguanos (ava \nguaraníes).Otra versión afirma que la denominación fue tomada de la \ndeformación de una palabra guaraní, guariní que significa precisamente \n\"guerra\" o \"guerrear\". Al parecer los mismos indígenas se denominaron de\n esa manera, indicando con ello que se consideraban guerreros.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:18:03+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 25251, "end" : 25259 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Guaranís" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/dff8fc42-769e-43b6-92b9-11e0b9519140", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "tribe", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:18:03+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "native people", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:18:03+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:18:03+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Refiere a Los guaraníes o avá, según su autodenominación étnica original\n (que significa \"ser humano\"), son un grupo de pueblos indígenas \nsuramericanos que se ubican geográficamente en Paraguay, noreste de \nArgentina (en ciertas zonas de provincias de la Región del Litoral),​ \nsur y suroeste de Brasil (en los estados de Río Grande del Sur, Santa \nCatarina, Paraná y Mato Grosso del Sur) y sureste de Bolivia (en los \ndepartamentos de Tarija, Santa Cruz y Chuquisaca) y norte de Uruguay.El \nmuy difundido nombre guaraní lo escucharon los españoles que, al invadir\n su territorio, habrían oído, entre los gritos de guerra de este pueblo,\n la frase guará-ny, que significa \"combatir-los\". Por otra parte el \nnombre dada significa en guaraní 'guerrero', \"ava\" que significa \n\"hombre\" y se pronuncia en forma grave entre los chiriguanos (ava \nguaraníes).Otra versión afirma que la denominación fue tomada de la \ndeformación de una palabra guaraní, guariní que significa precisamente \n\"guerra\" o \"guerrear\". Al parecer los mismos indígenas se denominaron de\n esa manera, indicando con ello que se consideraban guerreros.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:18:03+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 44806, "end" : 44814 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Guaranís" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/503675c9-4b35-4e8e-9e74-1901df4031df", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "tribe", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:18:03+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "native people", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:18:03+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:18:03+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Refiere a Los guaraníes o avá, según su autodenominación étnica original\n (que significa \"ser humano\"), son un grupo de pueblos indígenas \nsuramericanos que se ubican geográficamente en Paraguay, noreste de \nArgentina (en ciertas zonas de provincias de la Región del Litoral),​ \nsur y suroeste de Brasil (en los estados de Río Grande del Sur, Santa \nCatarina, Paraná y Mato Grosso del Sur) y sureste de Bolivia (en los \ndepartamentos de Tarija, Santa Cruz y Chuquisaca) y norte de Uruguay.El \nmuy difundido nombre guaraní lo escucharon los españoles que, al invadir\n su territorio, habrían oído, entre los gritos de guerra de este pueblo,\n la frase guará-ny, que significa \"combatir-los\". Por otra parte el \nnombre dada significa en guaraní 'guerrero', \"ava\" que significa \n\"hombre\" y se pronuncia en forma grave entre los chiriguanos (ava \nguaraníes).Otra versión afirma que la denominación fue tomada de la \ndeformación de una palabra guaraní, guariní que significa precisamente \n\"guerra\" o \"guerrear\". Al parecer los mismos indígenas se denominaron de\n esa manera, indicando con ello que se consideraban guerreros.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:18:03+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 46395, "end" : 46403 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Guaranís" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/af7362de-892a-4534-a63b-d3107857dc94", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "tribe", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:18:03+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "native people", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:18:03+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:18:03+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Refiere a Los guaraníes o avá, según su autodenominación étnica original\n (que significa \"ser humano\"), son un grupo de pueblos indígenas \nsuramericanos que se ubican geográficamente en Paraguay, noreste de \nArgentina (en ciertas zonas de provincias de la Región del Litoral),​ \nsur y suroeste de Brasil (en los estados de Río Grande del Sur, Santa \nCatarina, Paraná y Mato Grosso del Sur) y sureste de Bolivia (en los \ndepartamentos de Tarija, Santa Cruz y Chuquisaca) y norte de Uruguay.El \nmuy difundido nombre guaraní lo escucharon los españoles que, al invadir\n su territorio, habrían oído, entre los gritos de guerra de este pueblo,\n la frase guará-ny, que significa \"combatir-los\". Por otra parte el \nnombre dada significa en guaraní 'guerrero', \"ava\" que significa \n\"hombre\" y se pronuncia en forma grave entre los chiriguanos (ava \nguaraníes).Otra versión afirma que la denominación fue tomada de la \ndeformación de una palabra guaraní, guariní que significa precisamente \n\"guerra\" o \"guerrear\". Al parecer los mismos indígenas se denominaron de\n esa manera, indicando con ello que se consideraban guerreros.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:18:03+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 95674, "end" : 95682 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Guaranís" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/b6651185-2d6e-40ce-9173-f6ff5a52abea", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "tribe", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:18:03+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "native people", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:18:03+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:18:03+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Refiere a Los guaraníes o avá, según su autodenominación étnica original\n (que significa \"ser humano\"), son un grupo de pueblos indígenas \nsuramericanos que se ubican geográficamente en Paraguay, noreste de \nArgentina (en ciertas zonas de provincias de la Región del Litoral),​ \nsur y suroeste de Brasil (en los estados de Río Grande del Sur, Santa \nCatarina, Paraná y Mato Grosso del Sur) y sureste de Bolivia (en los \ndepartamentos de Tarija, Santa Cruz y Chuquisaca) y norte de Uruguay.El \nmuy difundido nombre guaraní lo escucharon los españoles que, al invadir\n su territorio, habrían oído, entre los gritos de guerra de este pueblo,\n la frase guará-ny, que significa \"combatir-los\". Por otra parte el \nnombre dada significa en guaraní 'guerrero', \"ava\" que significa \n\"hombre\" y se pronuncia en forma grave entre los chiriguanos (ava \nguaraníes).Otra versión afirma que la denominación fue tomada de la \ndeformación de una palabra guaraní, guariní que significa precisamente \n\"guerra\" o \"guerrear\". Al parecer los mismos indígenas se denominaron de\n esa manera, indicando con ello que se consideraban guerreros.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:18:03+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 119483, "end" : 119491 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Guaranís" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/a8216b51-b6a4-4942-bc94-08b32b6bd66e", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "conqueror", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:19:15+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:19:15+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "colonizer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:19:15+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:19:15+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Nació en Santa Cruz de la Sierra, de Extremadura,\nen 1518. Llegó a territorio americano con el segundo adelantado del Río de la\nPlata, Don Alvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca”. Cuando la flota llega al puerto de\nSanta Catalina en el año 1541, ya ostentaba el grado de Capitán. Cuando el\ngobernador Martínez de Irala le encomienda fundar al norte de Asunción, Chaves\nse convierte así en General. El 26 de febrero de 1561 fundó Santa Cruz de la\nSierra a orillas del arroyo Sutó. Después de fundada Santa Cruz de la\nSierra, Ñuflo de Chaves se dirige a Asunción, en 1564,  para recoger\na su familia. En 1550 se había casado con Doña Elvira Manrique, hija de don\nFrancisco de Mendoza, gobernador del Río de la Plata, con quien tuvo cinco\nhijos: Francisco y Alvaro, ambos militares; María, Catalina y Elvira; las\ndos menores monjas y la mayor se casó en 1574 con un soldado de apellido\nOssorio. El nieto de Ñuflo, Cap. Francisco Ossorio de Chaves, estuvo como\nAlcalde durante la traslación de  la ciudad, hasta su\nasiento definitivo a orillas del Piraí (1621).", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:19:15+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 65319, "end" : 65324 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Nuflo" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/365c0d38-820d-4726-9682-62cb8c798aac", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Tribe", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:17:04+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "native people", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:17:04+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:17:04+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Los Chiriguanos, son grupo de lengua Tupí - Guaraní\nque desde el Amazonas ocuparon sectores de Paraguay, Bolivia y Argentina. Fue el punto culminante de su expansión hacia el\nsur, en la búsqueda mesiánica de la \"Tierra sin mal\" o de\nnuevas tierras para cultivo. Eran agricultores sedentarios, a base de mandioca,\nzapallos, batata y maíz. La técnica de cultivo era la típica \"milpa\"\namazónica: talado de árboles, corte de la maleza, incendio y posterior cultivo\nsobre el terreno quemado. Entre los siglos XV y XVI sometieron a los Chané a\nlos que esclavizaron. Algunas crónicas indican que ese dominio se sustentó en\nuna sistemática antropofagia que prácticamente devastó a los Chané.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:17:04+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 36576, "end" : 36587 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Chiriguanos" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/521552dc-a371-43fa-af5b-5603de72afad", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Tribe", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:17:04+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "native people", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:17:04+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:17:04+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Los Chiriguanos, son grupo de lengua Tupí - Guaraní\nque desde el Amazonas ocuparon sectores de Paraguay, Bolivia y Argentina. Fue el punto culminante de su expansión hacia el\nsur, en la búsqueda mesiánica de la \"Tierra sin mal\" o de\nnuevas tierras para cultivo. Eran agricultores sedentarios, a base de mandioca,\nzapallos, batata y maíz. La técnica de cultivo era la típica \"milpa\"\namazónica: talado de árboles, corte de la maleza, incendio y posterior cultivo\nsobre el terreno quemado. Entre los siglos XV y XVI sometieron a los Chané a\nlos que esclavizaron. Algunas crónicas indican que ese dominio se sustentó en\nuna sistemática antropofagia que prácticamente devastó a los Chané.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:17:04+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 38090, "end" : 38101 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Chiriguanos" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/7f32e899-c76f-4865-88fe-8053456bbd3e", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "tribe", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:18:03+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "native people", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:18:03+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:18:03+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Refiere a Los guaraníes o avá, según su autodenominación étnica original\n (que significa \"ser humano\"), son un grupo de pueblos indígenas \nsuramericanos que se ubican geográficamente en Paraguay, noreste de \nArgentina (en ciertas zonas de provincias de la Región del Litoral),​ \nsur y suroeste de Brasil (en los estados de Río Grande del Sur, Santa \nCatarina, Paraná y Mato Grosso del Sur) y sureste de Bolivia (en los \ndepartamentos de Tarija, Santa Cruz y Chuquisaca) y norte de Uruguay.El \nmuy difundido nombre guaraní lo escucharon los españoles que, al invadir\n su territorio, habrían oído, entre los gritos de guerra de este pueblo,\n la frase guará-ny, que significa \"combatir-los\". Por otra parte el \nnombre dada significa en guaraní 'guerrero', \"ava\" que significa \n\"hombre\" y se pronuncia en forma grave entre los chiriguanos (ava \nguaraníes).Otra versión afirma que la denominación fue tomada de la \ndeformación de una palabra guaraní, guariní que significa precisamente \n\"guerra\" o \"guerrear\". Al parecer los mismos indígenas se denominaron de\n esa manera, indicando con ello que se consideraban guerreros.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:18:03+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 33098, "end" : 33106 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Guaranís" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/b6098c06-d9f1-414f-84e3-179efd1286ea", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "conqueror", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:49:55+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:49:55+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "colonizer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:49:55+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:49:55+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Francisco Ortiz de Vergara (Sevilla, 1524\n– Ciudad Zaratina de la Banda Oriental,  2\nde diciembre de 1574) fue un hidalgo, Conquistador, explorador, poblador español.\nHijo de Francisco de Vergara y de Beatriz de Roelas, además de hermano del teniente\nde gobernador del Guayrá, el capitán Ruy Díaz de Melgarejo. Fue nombrado\npor los vocales del cabildo asunceno gobernador interino del Río de la Plata y\ndel Paraguay, luego del fallecimiento del predecesor Gonzalo de Mendoza, y\nconfirmado por el obispo Pedro Fernández de la Torre, el día 22 de julio de 1558.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:49:55+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 98121, "end" : 98141 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Francisco de Vergara" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/2014fb14-94a2-4042-88f2-64f21033794e", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://sws.geonames.org/3439441", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:53:53+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:53:53+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "MultiPolygon", "coordinates" : [ [ [ [ -58.16, -20.17 ], [ -58.16, -20.18 ], [ -58.15, -20.18 ], [ -58.14, -20.18 ], [ -58.14, -20.19 ], [ -58.13, -20.19 ], [ -58.12, -20.2 ], [ -58.12, -20.21 ], [ -58.16, -20.23 ], [ -58.16, -20.24 ], [ -58.16, -20.26 ], [ -58.14, -20.27 ], [ -58.13, -20.27 ], [ -58.13, -20.27 ], [ -58.12, -20.26 ], [ -58.11, -20.26 ], [ -58.1, -20.26 ], [ -58.1, -20.27 ], [ -58.09, -20.28 ], [ -58.1, 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en el territorio del Alto Paraguay, habitado entonces\n por el pueblo Xerey.  El nombre de Perabazanes, que dieron los Guaranís\n al país ha bitado por estos indios, indica la dificultad de comunicar \ncon ellos: porque pê, es torcido, rá, señal, ba afirmación, ça, ver: \nesto es «asoman los rastros extraviados».]", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:53:53+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 23648, "end" : 23673 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "puerto de los Perabazanes" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : 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La misma había sido fundada en 1573, pero 1577 fue trasladada a su ubicación actual sobre el río Suquía (en ese entonces, San Juan).", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-01T16:40:55+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 101818, "end" : 101825 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Córdoba" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/33fe3cdd-e97e-431e-80bc-9c95119483b0", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, 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"https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-10-27T14:54:03+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 13889, "end" : 13901 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Santa Úrsula" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/bca1d898-a94b-4291-9b0b-bbdddcb744a1", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T17:34:00+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T17:34:00+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Refiere a Juan de Ayolas (Briviesca de la Bureba, Corona de Castilla, 1493 o ¿ca. 1510? – Candelaria del Chaco Boreal, gobernación del Río de la Plata y del Paraguay, 1538) era un explorador español que fuera vecino fundador de la primera Buenos Aires, acompañando al adelantado Pedro de Mendoza, y que nominalmente fuera nombrado como teniente de gobernador general de Asunción en 1537, para convertirse al poco tiempo y en forma igualmente nominal en gobernador del Río de la Plata y del Paraguay pero nunca ejercería como tal por estar en plena exploración.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T17:34:00+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 4570, "end" : 4584 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Juan de Oyolas" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/39b42761-a2f3-4da3-9917-499170179c50", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "King", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T18:06:35+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Portugal", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T18:06:35+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T18:06:35+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Manuel I de Portugal, apodado El Afortunado (Alcochete, 31 de mayo de 1469 - Lisboa, 13 de diciembre de 1521) fue rey de Portugal. Fue el octavo hijo del infante Fernando de Portugal, duque de Viseu e hijo de Eduardo I, y de la infanta Beatriz de Aveiro, nieta de Juan I. En 1495 sucedió en el trono de Portugal a su primo Juan II quien, a la sazón, era también su cuñado al estar casado con su hermana Leonor de Viseu. Se le apodó O Venturoso y O Bem-Aventurado por los grandes logros y acontecimientos acaecidos durante su reinado, entre ellos el descubrimiento de la ruta Atlántica hacia las Indias por el cabo de Buena Esperanza y el descubrimiento de Brasil.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T18:06:35+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 7030, "end" : 7044 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Rey don Manuel" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/ec75af8b-0ea4-46ae-b217-f0e7af6d6d26", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://sws.geonames.org/3107952", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T18:03:07+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T18:03:07+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ -5.00146, 41.50202 ] } } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 6330, "end" : 6341 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Tordesillas" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/e9d60eee-b61e-4977-9b26-44e0e9d0f7f5", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Militar", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T18:59:41+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T18:59:41+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Nobleman", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T18:59:41+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Adelantado", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T18:59:41+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T18:59:41+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Fernando de Magallanes, también conocido como Hernando de Magallanes (en portugués, Fernão de Magalhães; Sabrosa, Región Norte, Portugal, primavera de 1480-Mactán, Islas Filipinas, 27 de abril de 1521), fue un militar, marino y navegante portugués de linaje noble, nombrado por la Monarquía Hispánica adelantado, capitán general de la «Armada para el descubrimiento de la especería» y caballero de la Orden de Santiago y comendador en la misma.Al servicio de Carlos I, descubrió el canal natural navegable que hoy recibe el nombre de estrecho de Magallanes. Su expedición fue la primera de origen europeo en navegar desde el océano Atlántico hasta el océano Pacífico, llamado hasta entonces mar del Sur. Inició en 1519 la gran expedición que capitaneada por Juan Sebastián Elcano se convertiría en la primera circunnavegación de la Tierra, regresando a España en 1522.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T18:59:41+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 11779, "end" : 11789 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Magallanes" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/9f488cad-ec7d-4c2d-8262-2f42df668c87", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Nobleman", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T18:07:07+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Militar", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T18:07:07+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T18:07:07+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Martim Afonso de Sousa (Vila Viçosa, 1500 - Lisboa, 21 de julio de 1571), fue un noble, marino y militar portugués, recordado por haber participado en la primera expedición colonizadora de Brasil y por haber sido gobernador de la India portuguesa (1542-1545).", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T18:07:07+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Es difícil la identificación de este personaje, ya que el Martín Alfonso de Sousa (1500-1571) referido tendría tres años al momento de las cesiones que meciona Ruy Díaz. Podría quizás tratarse de un homónimo. La gran figura posrtuguesa en el Brasil durante ese período fue Gonzalo Coelho (c. 1450-1512) quien condujo la segunda expedición portuguesa al Brasil en 1501 que desembarcó en el cabo de San Agustín, exploró la costas brasileñas y habría llevado a Américo Vespucio en su supuesto primer viaje. Coelho volvió a Brasil entre 1503 y 1504, cuando fundó Porto Seguro. Esta actidad fue realizada con la primera concesión firmada por el Rey de Portugal autorizando la explotación del palo brasil. Bibliografía: Johnson, H. B., \"Portuguese Settlement, 1500-1580\", en Bethell, Leslie (ed.), Colonial Brazil, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1987;  Metcalf, Alida, Go-Betweens and the Colonization of Brazil, 1500-1600, Austin, University of Texas Press, 2005,", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-09-22T18:29:35+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 7218, "end" : 7240 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Martín Alfonso de Sosa" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/da20a29a-e138-42da-bcf3-35033e797665", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://sws.geonames.org/3336900", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-09-23T21:30:31+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-09-23T21:30:31+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 90433, "end" : 90441 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Castilla" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/b3980f10-4aa1-4037-9a66-91f4215672bc", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "conqueror", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-09-23T21:26:14+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-09-23T21:26:14+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "colonizer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-09-23T21:26:14+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-09-23T21:26:14+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Gonzalo de Mendoza nace en Baeza entre\n1511-1515. Muere el 21 de julio de 1558. Parte para el Nuevo Mundo desde el\npuerto de Sanlúcar de Barrameda en 1535, en la nao capitana La Magdalena, con Pedro\nde Mendoza, Adelantado del Río de la Plata. Co-fundador de la ciudad de\nAsunción, en Paraguay, en 1537. Participó como elector en la creación de su\ncabildo y regimiento, a la vieja usanza de los de las ciudades de Castilla. Participó,\nentre muchas, en la expedición que, en 1547, partiendo de Asunción para la Sierra\nde la Plata de los Mayas, abrió el camino hasta el Perú. Fue Gobernador del Río\nde la Plata tras la muerte de Domingo de Irala, en 1556.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-09-23T21:26:14+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 39116, "end" : 39134 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Gonzalo de Mendoza" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/eee9c93a-4341-486b-ace7-a2eda82f7399", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "conqueror", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-09-24T00:09:48+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-09-24T00:09:48+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "colonizer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-09-24T00:09:48+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-09-24T00:09:48+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Alonso Riquelme de Guzmán y Ponce de León, padre de Ruy Díaz de Guzmán, nacido en  Jerez de la Frontera, Cádiz, España, enn 1518, y fallecido en Asunción, Paraguay, en 1577. Era sobrino de Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca y en 1552 contrajo matrimonio con Úrsula de Irala, hija mestiza de Domingo Martínez de Irala.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-09-24T00:09:48+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 110383, "end" : 110408 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Alonso Riquelme de Guzmán" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/a9ebb06d-adbf-4314-ba78-2129896cb0fb", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : 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[ [ -8.192, 43.485 ], [ -8.192, 43.485 ], [ -8.186, 43.485 ], [ -8.192, 43.485 ] ] ], [ [ [ 3.026, 39.288 ], [ 2.958, 39.363 ], [ 2.787, 39.363 ], [ 2.722, 39.476 ], [ 2.749, 39.51 ], [ 2.67, 39.562 ], [ 2.541, 39.525 ], [ 2.522, 39.457 ], [ 2.452, 39.537 ], [ 2.364, 39.531 ], [ 2.347, 39.595 ], [ 2.778, 39.856 ], [ 3.214, 39.963 ], [ 3.08, 39.902 ], [ 3.106, 39.858 ], [ 3.204, 39.889 ], [ 3.121, 39.832 ], [ 3.135, 39.783 ], [ 3.253, 39.729 ], [ 3.348, 39.789 ], [ 3.479, 39.715 ], [ 3.232, 39.362 ], [ 3.069, 39.267 ], [ 3.026, 39.288 ] ], [ [ 2.466, 39.513 ], [ 2.466, 39.513 ], [ 2.47, 39.51 ], [ 2.466, 39.513 ] ] ], [ [ [ -5.351, 36.153 ], [ -5.384, 36.18 ], [ -5.427, 36.176 ], [ -5.429, 36.071 ], [ -5.611, 36 ], [ -5.915, 36.185 ], [ -6.034, 36.181 ], [ -6.31, 36.529 ], [ -6.279, 36.543 ], [ -6.23, 36.463 ], [ -6.173, 36.521 ], [ -6.242, 36.506 ], [ -6.233, 36.585 ], [ -6.249, 36.572 ], [ -6.395, 36.634 ], [ -6.443, 36.738 ], [ -6.342, 36.795 ], [ -6.397, 36.807 ], [ -6.498, 36.958 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42.636 ], [ -8.845, 42.687 ], [ -8.857, 42.606 ], [ -8.901, 42.643 ], [ -9.011, 42.518 ], [ -9.089, 42.571 ], [ -9.009, 42.727 ], [ -8.954, 42.749 ], [ -8.904, 42.788 ], [ -8.904, 42.814 ], [ -8.879, 42.816 ], [ -8.876, 42.829 ], [ -8.909, 42.825 ], [ -8.963, 42.779 ], [ -9.064, 42.787 ], [ -9.086, 42.738 ], [ -9.151, 42.798 ], [ -9.108, 42.836 ], [ -9.173, 42.944 ], [ -9.274, 42.881 ], [ -9.257, 43.002 ], [ -9.299, 43.056 ], [ -9.167, 43.105 ], [ -9.165, 43.153 ], [ -9.216, 43.152 ], [ -9.175, 43.192 ], [ -8.94, 43.227 ], [ -8.991, 43.275 ], [ -8.841, 43.345 ], [ -8.712, 43.29 ], [ -8.401, 43.39 ], [ -8.356, 43.344 ], [ -8.307, 43.406 ], [ -8.209, 43.328 ], [ -8.223, 43.387 ], [ -8.174, 43.42 ], [ -8.317, 43.445 ], [ -8.201, 43.46 ], [ -8.151, 43.517 ], [ -8.341, 43.458 ], [ -8.296, 43.535 ], [ -8.322, 43.565 ], [ -8.054, 43.649 ], [ -8.064, 43.704 ], [ -7.904, 43.77 ], [ -7.849, 43.71 ], [ -7.876, 43.723 ], [ -7.904, 43.671 ], [ -7.847, 43.668 ], [ -7.86, 43.707 ], [ -7.725, 43.747 ], [ -7.689, 43.791 ], [ -7.692, 43.732 ], [ -7.636, 43.753 ], [ -7.609, 43.672 ], [ -7.557, 43.73 ], [ -7.468, 43.724 ], [ -7.357, 43.671 ], [ -7.256, 43.547 ], [ -6.356, 43.551 ], [ -6.245, 43.595 ], [ -6.113, 43.555 ], [ -5.956, 43.58 ], [ -5.841, 43.661 ], [ -5.679, 43.541 ], [ -5.413, 43.555 ], [ -5.216, 43.475 ], [ -4.619, 43.395 ], [ -4.28, 43.388 ], [ -3.812, 43.495 ], [ -3.763, 43.467 ], [ -3.825, 43.452 ], [ -3.836, 43.407 ], [ -3.809, 43.393 ], [ -3.767, 43.406 ], [ -3.815, 43.408 ], [ -3.776, 43.449 ], [ -3.757, 43.431 ], [ -3.736, 43.432 ], [ -3.726, 43.442 ], [ -3.717, 43.422 ], [ -3.712, 43.423 ], [ -3.709, 43.411 ], [ -3.712, 43.423 ], [ -3.726, 43.443 ], [ -3.777, 43.458 ], [ -3.591, 43.514 ], [ -3.431, 43.462 ], [ -3.43, 43.441 ], [ -3.465, 43.445 ], [ -3.492, 43.425 ], [ -3.465, 43.404 ], [ -3.45, 43.436 ], [ -3.161, 43.351 ], [ -3.084, 43.378 ], [ -3.024, 43.325 ], [ -3.01, 43.337 ], [ -3.028, 43.342 ], [ -3.013, 43.348 ], [ -3.04, 43.373 ], [ -2.947, 43.436 ], [ -2.752, 43.457 ], [ -2.353, 43.299 ], [ -2.202, 43.312 ], [ -2.127, 43.29 ], [ -1.791, 43.396 ], [ -1.73, 43.295 ], [ -1.625, 43.307 ], [ -1.609, 43.252 ], [ -1.536, 43.295 ], [ -1.39, 43.259 ], [ -1.381, 43.19 ], [ -1.473, 43.087 ], [ -1.441, 43.046 ], [ -1.354, 43.028 ], [ -1.345, 43.095 ], [ -1.273, 43.119 ], [ -1.309, 43.069 ], [ -1.142, 43.007 ], [ -0.945, 42.953 ], [ -0.752, 42.967 ], [ -0.727, 42.894 ], [ -0.566, 42.782 ], [ -0.313, 42.849 ], [ -0.017, 42.685 ], [ 0.176, 42.737 ], [ 0.295, 42.673 ], [ 0.36, 42.724 ], [ 0.669, 42.689 ], [ 0.645, 42.783 ], [ 0.709, 42.861 ], [ 1.079, 42.788 ], [ 1.166, 42.709 ], [ 1.357, 42.72 ], [ 1.443, 42.603 ], [ 1.414, 42.535 ], [ 1.468, 42.51 ], [ 1.419, 42.484 ], [ 1.455, 42.436 ], [ 1.726, 42.504 ], [ 1.937, 42.454 ], [ 2.015, 42.347 ], [ 2.257, 42.439 ], [ 2.533, 42.333 ], [ 2.672, 42.341 ], [ 2.674, 42.405 ], [ 2.947, 42.482 ], [ 3.175, 42.435 ], [ 3.163, 42.36 ], [ 3.322, 42.32 ], [ 3.264, 42.238 ], [ 3.163, 42.264 ], [ 3.112, 42.206 ], [ 3.124, 42.128 ], [ 3.215, 42.061 ], [ 3.203, 41.892 ], [ 2.935, 41.715 ], [ 2.277, 41.465 ], [ 2.099, 41.284 ], [ 0.988, 41.041 ], [ 0.7, 40.805 ], [ 0.872, 40.735 ], [ 0.872, 40.699 ], [ 0.674, 40.562 ], [ 0.618, 40.553 ], [ 0.595, 40.578 ], [ 0.745, 40.636 ], [ 0.602, 40.622 ], [ 0.538, 40.568 ], [ 0.408, 40.357 ], [ 0.148, 40.083 ], [ 0.049, 40.035 ], [ -0.323, 39.5 ], [ -0.325, 39.387 ], [ -0.161, 38.992 ], [ -0.018, 38.873 ], [ 0.197, 38.804 ], [ 0.234, 38.737 ], [ 0.084, 38.631 ], [ -0.016, 38.627 ], [ -0.098, 38.523 ], [ -0.312, 38.477 ], [ -0.387, 38.431 ], [ -0.404, 38.352 ], [ -0.506, 38.332 ], [ -0.51, 38.203 ], [ -0.628, 38.154 ], [ -0.648, 38 ], [ -0.761, 37.865 ], [ -0.748, 37.79 ], [ -0.784, 37.819 ], [ -0.86, 37.723 ], [ -0.728, 37.634 ], [ -0.72, 37.649 ], [ -0.74, 37.66 ], [ -0.745, 37.759 ], [ -0.728, 37.75 ], [ -0.688, 37.634 ], [ -0.718, 37.607 ], [ -0.919, 37.554 ], [ -0.992, 37.601 ], [ -1.111, 37.534 ], [ -1.326, 37.563 ], [ -1.46, 37.487 ], [ -1.486, 37.423 ], [ -1.672, 37.357 ], [ -1.805, 37.217 ], [ -1.896, 36.948 ], [ -2.124, 36.732 ], [ -2.193, 36.721 ], [ -2.361, 36.842 ], [ -2.562, 36.816 ], [ -2.7, 36.683 ], [ -2.849, 36.695 ], [ -2.927, 36.752 ], [ -3.259, 36.753 ], [ -3.42, 36.694 ], [ -3.835, 36.754 ], [ -4.394, 36.722 ], [ -4.638, 36.507 ], [ -4.913, 36.505 ], [ -5.177, 36.414 ], [ -5.351, 36.153 ] ], [ [ -5.603, 36.008 ], [ -5.603, 36.009 ], [ -5.603, 36.009 ], [ -5.603, 36.008 ] ], [ [ -5.603, 36.009 ], [ -5.602, 36.01 ], [ -5.605, 36.01 ], [ -5.603, 36.009 ] ], [ [ -7.823, 43.7 ], [ -7.82, 43.7 ], [ -7.821, 43.701 ], [ -7.823, 43.7 ] ], [ [ -7.82, 43.7 ], [ -7.815, 43.695 ], [ -7.813, 43.698 ], [ -7.82, 43.7 ] ], [ [ -7.695, 43.739 ], [ -7.695, 43.739 ], [ -7.701, 43.736 ], [ -7.695, 43.739 ] ], [ [ -7.597, 43.674 ], [ -7.596, 43.673 ], [ -7.596, 43.674 ], [ -7.597, 43.674 ] ], [ [ -7.596, 43.673 ], [ -7.599, 43.663 ], [ -7.594, 43.668 ], [ -7.596, 43.673 ] ], [ [ -2.132, 43.292 ], [ -2.132, 43.292 ], [ -2.131, 43.287 ], [ -2.132, 43.292 ] ], [ [ 0.019, 39.968 ], [ 0.013, 39.968 ], [ 0.02, 39.968 ], [ 0.019, 39.968 ] ], [ [ -0.273, 39.279 ], [ -0.273, 39.279 ], [ -0.279, 39.278 ], [ -0.273, 39.279 ] ], [ [ -0.729, 37.744 ], [ -0.728, 37.744 ], [ -0.733, 37.747 ], [ -0.729, 37.744 ] ], [ [ -5.229, 36.354 ], [ -5.228, 36.355 ], [ -5.232, 36.356 ], [ -5.229, 36.354 ] ], [ [ -5.271, 36.288 ], [ -5.271, 36.288 ], [ -5.274, 36.292 ], [ -5.271, 36.288 ] ] ], [ [ [ -5.432, 36.128 ], [ -5.43, 36.141 ], [ -5.432, 36.128 ], [ -5.432, 36.128 ] ] ], [ [ [ -5.417, 36.175 ], [ -5.417, 36.175 ], [ -5.42, 36.173 ], [ -5.417, 36.175 ] ] ], [ [ [ -4.509, 36.597 ], [ -4.509, 36.597 ], [ -4.512, 36.593 ], [ -4.509, 36.597 ] ] ], [ [ [ -6.333, 36.62 ], [ -6.326, 36.61 ], [ -6.335, 36.621 ], [ -6.333, 36.62 ] ] ], [ [ [ -2.791, 36.695 ], [ -2.791, 36.694 ], [ -2.798, 36.696 ], [ -2.791, 36.695 ] ] ], [ [ [ -6.949, 37.168 ], [ -6.948, 37.167 ], [ -6.949, 37.164 ], [ -6.949, 37.168 ] ] ], [ [ [ -0.77, 37.69 ], [ -0.776, 37.696 ], [ -0.772, 37.703 ], [ -0.765, 37.694 ], [ -0.77, 37.69 ] ] ], [ [ [ -0.798, 37.696 ], [ -0.803, 37.703 ], [ -0.797, 37.702 ], [ -0.798, 37.696 ] ] ], [ [ [ -0.681, 37.971 ], [ -0.68, 37.969 ], [ -0.687, 37.964 ], [ -0.681, 37.971 ] ] ], [ [ [ -0.471, 38.162 ], [ -0.484, 38.167 ], [ -0.465, 38.164 ], [ -0.471, 38.162 ] ] ], [ [ [ 1.389, 38.64 ], [ 1.38, 38.719 ], [ 1.433, 38.772 ], [ 1.496, 38.689 ], [ 1.585, 38.67 ], [ 1.447, 38.685 ], [ 1.389, 38.64 ] ] ], [ [ [ -0.745, 37.759 ], [ -0.745, 37.759 ], [ -0.745, 37.759 ], [ -0.745, 37.759 ] ] ], [ [ [ -0.745, 37.759 ], [ -0.758, 37.78 ], [ -0.753, 37.783 ], [ -0.74, 37.772 ], [ -0.745, 37.759 ] ] ], [ [ [ 1.48, 38.788 ], [ 1.474, 38.797 ], [ 1.478, 38.805 ], [ 1.482, 38.799 ], [ 1.48, 38.788 ] ] ], [ [ [ 1.432, 38.774 ], [ 1.419, 38.779 ], [ 1.422, 38.797 ], [ 1.432, 38.784 ], [ 1.432, 38.774 ] ] ], [ [ [ 1.198, 38.956 ], [ 1.19, 38.958 ], [ 1.198, 38.96 ], [ 1.198, 38.956 ] ] ], [ [ [ 1.216, 38.967 ], [ 1.215, 38.973 ], [ 1.22, 38.969 ], [ 1.216, 38.967 ] ] ], [ [ [ 1.189, 38.863 ], [ 1.196, 38.87 ], [ 1.203, 38.869 ], [ 1.202, 38.864 ], [ 1.189, 38.863 ] ] ], [ [ [ 1.213, 38.866 ], [ 1.207, 38.868 ], [ 1.215, 38.869 ], [ 1.213, 38.866 ] ] ], [ [ [ 1.649, 39.032 ], [ 1.636, 39.041 ], [ 1.646, 39.041 ], [ 1.649, 39.032 ] ] ], [ [ [ 2.947, 39.125 ], [ 2.919, 39.129 ], [ 2.917, 39.162 ], [ 2.977, 39.158 ], [ 2.947, 39.125 ] ] ], [ [ [ 2.962, 39.175 ], [ 2.956, 39.184 ], [ 2.97, 39.19 ], [ 2.973, 39.187 ], [ 2.962, 39.175 ] ] ], [ [ [ 2.306, 39.572 ], [ 2.308, 39.582 ], [ 2.339, 39.598 ], [ 2.319, 39.577 ], [ 2.306, 39.572 ] ] ], [ [ [ 4.285, 39.799 ], [ 4.282, 39.802 ], [ 4.296, 39.8 ], [ 4.285, 39.799 ] ] ], [ [ [ 2.571, 39.531 ], [ 2.571, 39.531 ], [ 2.565, 39.528 ], [ 2.571, 39.531 ] ] ], [ [ [ 1.371, 38.83 ], [ 1.345, 38.871 ], [ 1.224, 38.871 ], [ 1.229, 38.975 ], [ 1.303, 38.97 ], [ 1.29, 39.028 ], [ 1.36, 39.074 ], [ 1.533, 39.118 ], [ 1.604, 39.091 ], [ 1.621, 39.028 ], [ 1.371, 38.83 ] ] ], [ [ [ 1.214, 38.976 ], [ 1.206, 38.984 ], [ 1.214, 38.995 ], [ 1.219, 38.978 ], [ 1.214, 38.976 ] ] ], [ [ [ 0.687, 39.893 ], [ 0.684, 39.897 ], [ 0.688, 39.901 ], [ 0.684, 39.897 ], [ 0.687, 39.893 ] ] ], [ [ [ 4.271, 39.809 ], [ 3.99, 39.931 ], [ 3.824, 39.922 ], [ 3.836, 40.002 ], [ 3.792, 40.02 ], [ 4.082, 40.089 ], [ 4.127, 40.026 ], [ 4.137, 40.067 ], [ 4.173, 40.061 ], [ 4.205, 39.993 ], [ 4.27, 39.997 ], [ 4.328, 39.877 ], [ 4.257, 39.897 ], [ 4.308, 39.865 ], [ 4.271, 39.809 ] ] ], [ [ [ 4.277, 39.956 ], [ 4.274, 39.964 ], [ 4.278, 39.967 ], [ 4.284, 39.96 ], [ 4.277, 39.956 ] ] ], [ [ [ 3.147, 39.92 ], [ 3.144, 39.923 ], [ 3.15, 39.92 ], [ 3.147, 39.92 ] ] ] ] } } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 44776, "end" : 44782 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "España" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/cfcaa2a4-d060-41bf-993f-c4127efda236", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://sws.geonames.org/2510769", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-28T16:54:29+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-28T16:54:29+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "MultiPolygon", "coordinates" : [ [ [ [ -17.987, 27.638 ], [ -18.157, 27.711 ], [ -18.155, 27.754 ], [ -18.037, 27.762 ], [ -17.917, 27.848 ], [ -17.884, 27.803 ], [ -17.987, 27.638 ] ] ], [ [ [ -14.333, 28.044 ], [ -14.51, 28.069 ], [ -14.223, 28.215 ], [ -14.204, 28.328 ], [ -14.033, 28.593 ], [ -14.016, 28.715 ], [ -13.866, 28.746 ], [ -13.824, 28.553 ], [ -13.901, 28.276 ], [ -14.218, 28.166 ], [ -14.333, 28.044 ] ] ], [ [ [ -13.818, 28.736 ], [ -13.836, 28.752 ], [ -13.813, 28.766 ], [ -13.81, 28.755 ], [ -13.818, 28.736 ] ] ], [ [ [ -15.428, 27.805 ], [ -15.599, 27.735 ], [ -15.788, 27.835 ], [ -15.835, 27.971 ], [ -15.711, 28.083 ], [ -15.709, 28.166 ], [ -15.467, 28.126 ], [ -15.404, 28.175 ], [ -15.42, 28.06 ], [ -15.358, 27.931 ], [ -15.428, 27.805 ] ] ], [ [ [ -17.199, 28.024 ], [ -17.27, 28.025 ], [ -17.349, 28.098 ], [ -17.319, 28.206 ], [ -17.112, 28.144 ], [ -17.098, 28.096 ], [ -17.199, 28.024 ] ] ], [ [ [ -16.679, 27.998 ], [ -16.923, 28.356 ], [ -16.514, 28.419 ], [ -16.329, 28.577 ], [ -16.136, 28.583 ], [ -16.126, 28.532 ], [ -16.36, 28.379 ], [ -16.427, 28.147 ], [ -16.547, 28.025 ], [ -16.679, 27.998 ] ] ], [ [ [ -17.841, 28.453 ], [ -18.007, 28.758 ], [ -17.92, 28.857 ], [ -17.778, 28.84 ], [ -17.725, 28.743 ], [ -17.77, 28.677 ], [ -17.76, 28.57 ], [ -17.841, 28.453 ] ] ], [ [ [ -13.521, 29.383 ], [ -13.524, 29.411 ], [ -13.489, 29.405 ], [ -13.507, 29.384 ], [ -13.521, 29.383 ] ] ], [ [ [ -13.534, 29.216 ], [ -13.513, 29.289 ], [ -13.482, 29.278 ], [ -13.501, 29.228 ], [ -13.534, 29.216 ] ] ], [ [ [ -13.538, 29.289 ], [ -13.54, 29.302 ], [ -13.535, 29.307 ], [ -13.53, 29.299 ], [ -13.538, 29.289 ] ] ], [ [ [ -2.953, 35.32 ], [ -2.923, 35.29 ], [ -2.951, 35.265 ], [ -2.97, 35.289 ], [ -2.953, 35.32 ] ] ], [ [ [ -5.345, 35.871 ], [ -5.379, 35.916 ], [ -5.279, 35.9 ], [ -5.288, 35.89 ], [ -5.345, 35.871 ] ] ], [ [ [ -13.54, 28.96 ], [ -13.534, 28.968 ], [ -13.54, 28.96 ], [ -13.54, 28.96 ] ] ], [ [ [ -13.605, 28.942 ], [ -13.736, 28.907 ], [ -13.787, 28.839 ], [ -13.877, 28.86 ], [ -13.815, 29.033 ], [ -13.658, 29.124 ], [ -13.546, 29.119 ], [ -13.47, 29.239 ], [ -13.419, 29.198 ], [ -13.465, 29.019 ], [ -13.605, 28.942 ] ] ], [ [ [ 1.737, 41.212 ], [ 1.737, 41.211 ], [ 1.732, 41.207 ], [ 1.737, 41.212 ] ] ], [ [ [ 1.826, 41.234 ], [ 1.826, 41.234 ], [ 1.824, 41.232 ], [ 1.826, 41.234 ] ] ], [ [ [ 2.16, 41.342 ], [ 2.16, 41.342 ], [ 2.166, 41.341 ], [ 2.16, 41.342 ] ] ], [ [ [ 3.223, 42.045 ], [ 3.219, 42.048 ], [ 3.225, 42.05 ], [ 3.223, 42.045 ] ] ], [ [ [ 2.182, 41.362 ], [ 2.176, 41.352 ], [ 2.172, 41.335 ], [ 2.175, 41.353 ], [ 2.182, 41.362 ] ] ], [ [ [ 2.182, 41.362 ], [ 2.186, 41.368 ], [ 2.187, 41.367 ], [ 2.182, 41.362 ] ] ], [ [ [ -8.892, 42.191 ], [ -8.913, 42.196 ], [ -8.912, 42.206 ], [ -8.892, 42.196 ], [ -8.892, 42.191 ] ] ], [ [ [ -8.914, 42.211 ], [ -8.904, 42.224 ], [ -8.914, 42.252 ], [ -8.895, 42.227 ], [ -8.914, 42.211 ] ] ], [ [ [ -8.785, 42.259 ], [ -8.78, 42.26 ], [ -8.785, 42.259 ], [ -8.785, 42.259 ] ] ], [ [ [ -8.938, 42.343 ], [ -8.938, 42.349 ], [ -8.933, 42.349 ], [ -8.938, 42.343 ] ] ], [ [ [ -8.939, 42.355 ], [ -8.945, 42.38 ], [ -8.921, 42.4 ], [ -8.939, 42.355 ] ] ], [ [ [ -8.708, 42.408 ], [ -8.713, 42.411 ], [ -8.709, 42.415 ], [ -8.705, 42.412 ], [ -8.708, 42.408 ] ] ], [ [ [ 1.984, 42.447 ], [ 1.957, 42.458 ], [ 1.979, 42.495 ], [ 2.014, 42.452 ], [ 1.984, 42.447 ] ] ], [ [ [ -9.01, 42.463 ], [ -9.02, 42.474 ], [ -9.016, 42.486 ], [ -8.999, 42.469 ], [ -9.01, 42.463 ] ] ], [ [ [ -8.818, 42.519 ], [ -8.826, 42.515 ], [ -8.818, 42.519 ], [ -8.818, 42.519 ] ] ], [ [ [ -8.863, 42.497 ], [ -8.863, 42.497 ], [ -8.859, 42.498 ], [ -8.863, 42.497 ] ] ], [ [ [ -8.901, 42.537 ], [ -8.904, 42.541 ], [ -8.897, 42.543 ], [ -8.901, 42.537 ] ] ], [ [ [ -8.872, 42.524 ], [ -8.892, 42.568 ], [ -8.877, 42.575 ], [ -8.856, 42.566 ], [ -8.872, 42.524 ] ] ], [ [ [ -8.787, 42.614 ], [ -8.789, 42.62 ], [ -8.78, 42.622 ], [ -8.778, 42.619 ], [ -8.787, 42.614 ] ] ], [ [ [ -3.025, 43.328 ], [ -3.027, 43.332 ], [ -3.023, 43.327 ], [ -3.025, 43.328 ] ] ], [ [ [ -8.847, 42.482 ], [ -8.853, 42.489 ], [ -8.842, 42.501 ], [ -8.847, 42.482 ] ] ], [ [ [ -8.384, 43.353 ], [ -8.382, 43.354 ], [ -8.379, 43.348 ], [ -8.384, 43.353 ] ] ], [ [ [ -8.845, 43.355 ], [ -8.85, 43.361 ], [ -8.837, 43.362 ], [ -8.836, 43.358 ], [ -8.845, 43.355 ] ] ], [ [ [ -8.834, 43.356 ], [ -8.834, 43.362 ], [ -8.831, 43.358 ], [ -8.834, 43.356 ] ] ], [ [ [ -8.395, 43.361 ], [ -8.396, 43.361 ], [ -8.388, 43.361 ], [ -8.395, 43.361 ] ] ], [ [ [ -8.192, 43.485 ], [ -8.192, 43.485 ], [ -8.186, 43.485 ], [ -8.192, 43.485 ] ] ], [ [ [ 3.026, 39.288 ], [ 2.958, 39.363 ], [ 2.787, 39.363 ], [ 2.722, 39.476 ], [ 2.749, 39.51 ], [ 2.67, 39.562 ], [ 2.541, 39.525 ], [ 2.522, 39.457 ], [ 2.452, 39.537 ], [ 2.364, 39.531 ], [ 2.347, 39.595 ], [ 2.778, 39.856 ], [ 3.214, 39.963 ], [ 3.08, 39.902 ], [ 3.106, 39.858 ], [ 3.204, 39.889 ], [ 3.121, 39.832 ], [ 3.135, 39.783 ], [ 3.253, 39.729 ], [ 3.348, 39.789 ], [ 3.479, 39.715 ], [ 3.232, 39.362 ], [ 3.069, 39.267 ], [ 3.026, 39.288 ] ], [ [ 2.466, 39.513 ], [ 2.466, 39.513 ], [ 2.47, 39.51 ], [ 2.466, 39.513 ] ] ], [ [ [ -5.351, 36.153 ], [ -5.384, 36.18 ], [ -5.427, 36.176 ], [ -5.429, 36.071 ], [ -5.611, 36 ], [ -5.915, 36.185 ], [ -6.034, 36.181 ], [ -6.31, 36.529 ], [ -6.279, 36.543 ], [ -6.23, 36.463 ], [ -6.173, 36.521 ], [ -6.242, 36.506 ], [ -6.233, 36.585 ], [ -6.249, 36.572 ], [ -6.395, 36.634 ], [ -6.443, 36.738 ], [ -6.342, 36.795 ], [ -6.397, 36.807 ], [ -6.498, 36.958 ], [ -6.773, 37.111 ], [ -7.044, 37.207 ], [ -7.402, 37.175 ], [ -7.464, 37.487 ], [ -7.523, 37.553 ], [ -7.421, 37.759 ], [ -7.283, 37.869 ], [ -7.263, 37.98 ], [ -7.099, 38.044 ], [ -7.002, 38.023 ], [ -6.932, 38.208 ], [ -7.086, 38.169 ], [ -7.281, 38.42 ], [ -7.336, 38.435 ], [ -7.244, 38.624 ], [ -7.255, 38.726 ], [ -7.039, 38.865 ], [ -6.959, 39.055 ], [ -7.033, 39.118 ], [ -7.144, 39.109 ], [ -7.135, 39.171 ], [ -7.241, 39.209 ], [ -7.231, 39.278 ], [ -7.323, 39.382 ], [ -7.296, 39.459 ], [ -7.545, 39.663 ], [ -7.015, 39.671 ], [ -6.987, 39.81 ], [ -6.904, 39.871 ], [ -6.864, 40.012 ], [ -7.029, 40.186 ], [ -6.781, 40.365 ], [ -6.85, 40.453 ], [ -6.795, 40.512 ], [ -6.845, 40.566 ], [ -6.794, 40.662 ], [ -6.831, 40.753 ], [ -6.802, 40.861 ], [ -6.93, 41.03 ], [ -6.808, 41.036 ], [ -6.648, 41.248 ], [ -6.497, 41.266 ], [ -6.39, 41.385 ], [ -6.318, 41.386 ], [ -6.197, 41.59 ], [ -6.302, 41.663 ], [ -6.548, 41.686 ], [ -6.569, 41.743 ], [ -6.516, 41.871 ], [ -6.571, 41.884 ], [ -6.546, 41.936 ], [ -6.588, 41.968 ], [ -6.699, 41.933 ], [ -6.811, 41.993 ], [ -6.821, 41.946 ], [ -6.893, 41.94 ], [ -7.141, 41.991 ], [ -7.187, 41.97 ], [ -7.197, 41.88 ], [ -7.427, 41.807 ], [ -7.453, 41.865 ], [ -7.614, 41.829 ], [ -7.586, 41.882 ], [ -7.701, 41.908 ], [ -7.876, 41.849 ], [ -7.906, 41.927 ], [ -8.013, 41.829 ], [ -8.165, 41.818 ], [ -8.217, 41.914 ], [ -8.083, 42.036 ], [ -8.119, 42.082 ], [ -8.182, 42.067 ], [ -8.199, 42.154 ], [ -8.332, 42.084 ], [ -8.637, 42.047 ], [ -8.872, 41.866 ], [ -8.901, 42.112 ], [ -8.826, 42.115 ], [ -8.85, 42.157 ], [ -8.775, 42.222 ], [ -8.611, 42.288 ], [ -8.612, 42.346 ], [ -8.66, 42.291 ], [ -8.873, 42.25 ], [ -8.856, 42.31 ], [ -8.817, 42.279 ], [ -8.839, 42.339 ], [ -8.755, 42.34 ], [ -8.652, 42.428 ], [ -8.839, 42.384 ], [ -8.942, 42.463 ], [ -8.872, 42.501 ], [ -8.869, 42.448 ], [ -8.82, 42.452 ], [ -8.835, 42.565 ], [ -8.772, 42.593 ], [ -8.779, 42.614 ], [ -8.741, 42.649 ], [ -8.724, 42.679 ], [ -8.727, 42.688 ], [ -8.8, 42.636 ], [ -8.845, 42.687 ], [ -8.857, 42.606 ], [ -8.901, 42.643 ], [ -9.011, 42.518 ], [ -9.089, 42.571 ], [ -9.009, 42.727 ], [ -8.954, 42.749 ], [ -8.904, 42.788 ], [ -8.904, 42.814 ], [ -8.879, 42.816 ], [ -8.876, 42.829 ], [ -8.909, 42.825 ], [ -8.963, 42.779 ], [ -9.064, 42.787 ], [ -9.086, 42.738 ], [ -9.151, 42.798 ], [ -9.108, 42.836 ], [ -9.173, 42.944 ], [ -9.274, 42.881 ], [ -9.257, 43.002 ], [ -9.299, 43.056 ], [ -9.167, 43.105 ], [ -9.165, 43.153 ], [ -9.216, 43.152 ], [ -9.175, 43.192 ], [ -8.94, 43.227 ], [ -8.991, 43.275 ], [ -8.841, 43.345 ], [ -8.712, 43.29 ], [ -8.401, 43.39 ], [ -8.356, 43.344 ], [ -8.307, 43.406 ], [ -8.209, 43.328 ], [ -8.223, 43.387 ], [ -8.174, 43.42 ], [ -8.317, 43.445 ], [ -8.201, 43.46 ], [ -8.151, 43.517 ], [ -8.341, 43.458 ], [ -8.296, 43.535 ], [ -8.322, 43.565 ], [ -8.054, 43.649 ], [ -8.064, 43.704 ], [ -7.904, 43.77 ], [ -7.849, 43.71 ], [ -7.876, 43.723 ], [ -7.904, 43.671 ], [ -7.847, 43.668 ], [ -7.86, 43.707 ], [ -7.725, 43.747 ], [ -7.689, 43.791 ], [ -7.692, 43.732 ], [ -7.636, 43.753 ], [ -7.609, 43.672 ], [ -7.557, 43.73 ], [ -7.468, 43.724 ], [ -7.357, 43.671 ], [ -7.256, 43.547 ], [ -6.356, 43.551 ], [ -6.245, 43.595 ], [ -6.113, 43.555 ], [ -5.956, 43.58 ], [ -5.841, 43.661 ], [ -5.679, 43.541 ], [ -5.413, 43.555 ], [ -5.216, 43.475 ], [ -4.619, 43.395 ], [ -4.28, 43.388 ], [ -3.812, 43.495 ], [ -3.763, 43.467 ], [ -3.825, 43.452 ], [ -3.836, 43.407 ], [ -3.809, 43.393 ], [ -3.767, 43.406 ], [ -3.815, 43.408 ], [ -3.776, 43.449 ], [ -3.757, 43.431 ], [ -3.736, 43.432 ], [ -3.726, 43.442 ], [ -3.717, 43.422 ], [ -3.712, 43.423 ], [ -3.709, 43.411 ], [ -3.712, 43.423 ], [ -3.726, 43.443 ], [ -3.777, 43.458 ], [ -3.591, 43.514 ], [ -3.431, 43.462 ], [ -3.43, 43.441 ], [ -3.465, 43.445 ], [ -3.492, 43.425 ], [ -3.465, 43.404 ], [ -3.45, 43.436 ], [ -3.161, 43.351 ], [ -3.084, 43.378 ], [ -3.024, 43.325 ], [ -3.01, 43.337 ], [ -3.028, 43.342 ], [ -3.013, 43.348 ], [ -3.04, 43.373 ], [ -2.947, 43.436 ], [ -2.752, 43.457 ], [ -2.353, 43.299 ], [ -2.202, 43.312 ], [ -2.127, 43.29 ], [ -1.791, 43.396 ], [ -1.73, 43.295 ], [ -1.625, 43.307 ], [ -1.609, 43.252 ], [ -1.536, 43.295 ], [ -1.39, 43.259 ], [ -1.381, 43.19 ], [ -1.473, 43.087 ], [ -1.441, 43.046 ], [ -1.354, 43.028 ], [ -1.345, 43.095 ], [ -1.273, 43.119 ], [ -1.309, 43.069 ], [ -1.142, 43.007 ], [ -0.945, 42.953 ], [ -0.752, 42.967 ], [ -0.727, 42.894 ], [ -0.566, 42.782 ], [ -0.313, 42.849 ], [ -0.017, 42.685 ], [ 0.176, 42.737 ], [ 0.295, 42.673 ], [ 0.36, 42.724 ], [ 0.669, 42.689 ], [ 0.645, 42.783 ], [ 0.709, 42.861 ], [ 1.079, 42.788 ], [ 1.166, 42.709 ], [ 1.357, 42.72 ], [ 1.443, 42.603 ], [ 1.414, 42.535 ], [ 1.468, 42.51 ], [ 1.419, 42.484 ], [ 1.455, 42.436 ], [ 1.726, 42.504 ], [ 1.937, 42.454 ], [ 2.015, 42.347 ], [ 2.257, 42.439 ], [ 2.533, 42.333 ], [ 2.672, 42.341 ], [ 2.674, 42.405 ], [ 2.947, 42.482 ], [ 3.175, 42.435 ], [ 3.163, 42.36 ], [ 3.322, 42.32 ], [ 3.264, 42.238 ], [ 3.163, 42.264 ], [ 3.112, 42.206 ], [ 3.124, 42.128 ], [ 3.215, 42.061 ], [ 3.203, 41.892 ], [ 2.935, 41.715 ], [ 2.277, 41.465 ], [ 2.099, 41.284 ], [ 0.988, 41.041 ], [ 0.7, 40.805 ], [ 0.872, 40.735 ], [ 0.872, 40.699 ], [ 0.674, 40.562 ], [ 0.618, 40.553 ], [ 0.595, 40.578 ], [ 0.745, 40.636 ], [ 0.602, 40.622 ], [ 0.538, 40.568 ], [ 0.408, 40.357 ], [ 0.148, 40.083 ], [ 0.049, 40.035 ], [ -0.323, 39.5 ], [ -0.325, 39.387 ], [ -0.161, 38.992 ], [ -0.018, 38.873 ], [ 0.197, 38.804 ], [ 0.234, 38.737 ], [ 0.084, 38.631 ], [ -0.016, 38.627 ], [ -0.098, 38.523 ], [ -0.312, 38.477 ], [ -0.387, 38.431 ], [ -0.404, 38.352 ], [ -0.506, 38.332 ], [ -0.51, 38.203 ], [ -0.628, 38.154 ], [ -0.648, 38 ], [ -0.761, 37.865 ], [ -0.748, 37.79 ], [ -0.784, 37.819 ], [ -0.86, 37.723 ], [ -0.728, 37.634 ], [ -0.72, 37.649 ], [ -0.74, 37.66 ], [ -0.745, 37.759 ], [ -0.728, 37.75 ], [ -0.688, 37.634 ], [ -0.718, 37.607 ], [ -0.919, 37.554 ], [ -0.992, 37.601 ], [ -1.111, 37.534 ], [ -1.326, 37.563 ], [ -1.46, 37.487 ], [ -1.486, 37.423 ], [ -1.672, 37.357 ], [ -1.805, 37.217 ], [ -1.896, 36.948 ], [ -2.124, 36.732 ], [ -2.193, 36.721 ], [ -2.361, 36.842 ], [ -2.562, 36.816 ], [ -2.7, 36.683 ], [ -2.849, 36.695 ], [ -2.927, 36.752 ], [ -3.259, 36.753 ], [ -3.42, 36.694 ], [ -3.835, 36.754 ], [ -4.394, 36.722 ], [ -4.638, 36.507 ], [ -4.913, 36.505 ], [ -5.177, 36.414 ], [ -5.351, 36.153 ] ], [ [ -5.603, 36.008 ], [ -5.603, 36.009 ], [ -5.603, 36.009 ], [ -5.603, 36.008 ] ], [ [ -5.603, 36.009 ], [ -5.602, 36.01 ], [ -5.605, 36.01 ], [ -5.603, 36.009 ] ], [ [ -7.823, 43.7 ], [ -7.82, 43.7 ], [ -7.821, 43.701 ], [ -7.823, 43.7 ] ], [ [ -7.82, 43.7 ], [ -7.815, 43.695 ], [ -7.813, 43.698 ], [ -7.82, 43.7 ] ], [ [ -7.695, 43.739 ], [ -7.695, 43.739 ], [ -7.701, 43.736 ], [ -7.695, 43.739 ] ], [ [ -7.597, 43.674 ], [ -7.596, 43.673 ], [ -7.596, 43.674 ], [ -7.597, 43.674 ] ], [ [ -7.596, 43.673 ], [ -7.599, 43.663 ], [ -7.594, 43.668 ], [ -7.596, 43.673 ] ], [ [ -2.132, 43.292 ], [ -2.132, 43.292 ], [ -2.131, 43.287 ], [ -2.132, 43.292 ] ], [ [ 0.019, 39.968 ], [ 0.013, 39.968 ], [ 0.02, 39.968 ], [ 0.019, 39.968 ] ], [ [ -0.273, 39.279 ], [ -0.273, 39.279 ], [ -0.279, 39.278 ], [ -0.273, 39.279 ] ], [ [ -0.729, 37.744 ], [ -0.728, 37.744 ], [ -0.733, 37.747 ], [ -0.729, 37.744 ] ], [ [ -5.229, 36.354 ], [ -5.228, 36.355 ], [ -5.232, 36.356 ], [ -5.229, 36.354 ] ], [ [ -5.271, 36.288 ], [ -5.271, 36.288 ], [ -5.274, 36.292 ], [ -5.271, 36.288 ] ] ], [ [ [ -5.432, 36.128 ], [ -5.43, 36.141 ], [ -5.432, 36.128 ], [ -5.432, 36.128 ] ] ], [ [ [ -5.417, 36.175 ], [ -5.417, 36.175 ], [ -5.42, 36.173 ], [ -5.417, 36.175 ] ] ], [ [ [ -4.509, 36.597 ], [ -4.509, 36.597 ], [ -4.512, 36.593 ], [ -4.509, 36.597 ] ] ], [ [ [ -6.333, 36.62 ], [ -6.326, 36.61 ], [ -6.335, 36.621 ], [ -6.333, 36.62 ] ] ], [ [ [ -2.791, 36.695 ], [ -2.791, 36.694 ], [ -2.798, 36.696 ], [ -2.791, 36.695 ] ] ], [ [ [ -6.949, 37.168 ], [ -6.948, 37.167 ], [ -6.949, 37.164 ], [ -6.949, 37.168 ] ] ], [ [ [ -0.77, 37.69 ], [ -0.776, 37.696 ], [ -0.772, 37.703 ], [ -0.765, 37.694 ], [ -0.77, 37.69 ] ] ], [ [ [ -0.798, 37.696 ], [ -0.803, 37.703 ], [ -0.797, 37.702 ], [ -0.798, 37.696 ] ] ], [ [ [ -0.681, 37.971 ], [ -0.68, 37.969 ], [ -0.687, 37.964 ], [ -0.681, 37.971 ] ] ], [ [ [ -0.471, 38.162 ], [ -0.484, 38.167 ], [ -0.465, 38.164 ], [ -0.471, 38.162 ] ] ], [ [ [ 1.389, 38.64 ], [ 1.38, 38.719 ], [ 1.433, 38.772 ], [ 1.496, 38.689 ], [ 1.585, 38.67 ], [ 1.447, 38.685 ], [ 1.389, 38.64 ] ] ], [ [ [ -0.745, 37.759 ], [ -0.745, 37.759 ], [ -0.745, 37.759 ], [ -0.745, 37.759 ] ] ], [ [ [ -0.745, 37.759 ], [ -0.758, 37.78 ], [ -0.753, 37.783 ], [ -0.74, 37.772 ], [ -0.745, 37.759 ] ] ], [ [ [ 1.48, 38.788 ], [ 1.474, 38.797 ], [ 1.478, 38.805 ], [ 1.482, 38.799 ], [ 1.48, 38.788 ] ] ], [ [ [ 1.432, 38.774 ], [ 1.419, 38.779 ], [ 1.422, 38.797 ], [ 1.432, 38.784 ], [ 1.432, 38.774 ] ] ], [ [ [ 1.198, 38.956 ], [ 1.19, 38.958 ], [ 1.198, 38.96 ], [ 1.198, 38.956 ] ] ], [ [ [ 1.216, 38.967 ], [ 1.215, 38.973 ], [ 1.22, 38.969 ], [ 1.216, 38.967 ] ] ], [ [ [ 1.189, 38.863 ], [ 1.196, 38.87 ], [ 1.203, 38.869 ], [ 1.202, 38.864 ], [ 1.189, 38.863 ] ] ], [ [ [ 1.213, 38.866 ], [ 1.207, 38.868 ], [ 1.215, 38.869 ], [ 1.213, 38.866 ] ] ], [ [ [ 1.649, 39.032 ], [ 1.636, 39.041 ], [ 1.646, 39.041 ], [ 1.649, 39.032 ] ] ], [ [ [ 2.947, 39.125 ], [ 2.919, 39.129 ], [ 2.917, 39.162 ], [ 2.977, 39.158 ], [ 2.947, 39.125 ] ] ], [ [ [ 2.962, 39.175 ], [ 2.956, 39.184 ], [ 2.97, 39.19 ], [ 2.973, 39.187 ], [ 2.962, 39.175 ] ] ], [ [ [ 2.306, 39.572 ], [ 2.308, 39.582 ], [ 2.339, 39.598 ], [ 2.319, 39.577 ], [ 2.306, 39.572 ] ] ], [ [ [ 4.285, 39.799 ], [ 4.282, 39.802 ], [ 4.296, 39.8 ], [ 4.285, 39.799 ] ] ], [ [ [ 2.571, 39.531 ], [ 2.571, 39.531 ], [ 2.565, 39.528 ], [ 2.571, 39.531 ] ] ], [ [ [ 1.371, 38.83 ], [ 1.345, 38.871 ], [ 1.224, 38.871 ], [ 1.229, 38.975 ], [ 1.303, 38.97 ], [ 1.29, 39.028 ], [ 1.36, 39.074 ], [ 1.533, 39.118 ], [ 1.604, 39.091 ], [ 1.621, 39.028 ], [ 1.371, 38.83 ] ] ], [ [ [ 1.214, 38.976 ], [ 1.206, 38.984 ], [ 1.214, 38.995 ], [ 1.219, 38.978 ], [ 1.214, 38.976 ] ] ], [ [ [ 0.687, 39.893 ], [ 0.684, 39.897 ], [ 0.688, 39.901 ], [ 0.684, 39.897 ], [ 0.687, 39.893 ] ] ], [ [ [ 4.271, 39.809 ], [ 3.99, 39.931 ], [ 3.824, 39.922 ], [ 3.836, 40.002 ], [ 3.792, 40.02 ], [ 4.082, 40.089 ], [ 4.127, 40.026 ], [ 4.137, 40.067 ], [ 4.173, 40.061 ], [ 4.205, 39.993 ], [ 4.27, 39.997 ], [ 4.328, 39.877 ], [ 4.257, 39.897 ], [ 4.308, 39.865 ], [ 4.271, 39.809 ] ] ], [ [ [ 4.277, 39.956 ], [ 4.274, 39.964 ], [ 4.278, 39.967 ], [ 4.284, 39.96 ], [ 4.277, 39.956 ] ] ], [ [ [ 3.147, 39.92 ], [ 3.144, 39.923 ], [ 3.15, 39.92 ], [ 3.147, 39.92 ] ] ] ] } } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 53852, "end" : 53858 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "España" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/a7009071-87f2-403e-b9e1-f3e6b5a5726c", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://sws.geonames.org/2510769", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-28T16:54:29+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-28T16:54:29+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "MultiPolygon", "coordinates" : [ [ [ [ -17.987, 27.638 ], [ -18.157, 27.711 ], [ -18.155, 27.754 ], [ -18.037, 27.762 ], [ -17.917, 27.848 ], [ -17.884, 27.803 ], [ -17.987, 27.638 ] ] ], [ [ [ -14.333, 28.044 ], [ -14.51, 28.069 ], [ -14.223, 28.215 ], [ -14.204, 28.328 ], [ -14.033, 28.593 ], [ -14.016, 28.715 ], [ -13.866, 28.746 ], [ -13.824, 28.553 ], [ -13.901, 28.276 ], [ -14.218, 28.166 ], [ -14.333, 28.044 ] ] ], [ [ [ -13.818, 28.736 ], [ -13.836, 28.752 ], [ -13.813, 28.766 ], [ -13.81, 28.755 ], [ -13.818, 28.736 ] ] ], [ [ [ -15.428, 27.805 ], [ -15.599, 27.735 ], [ -15.788, 27.835 ], [ -15.835, 27.971 ], [ -15.711, 28.083 ], [ -15.709, 28.166 ], [ -15.467, 28.126 ], [ -15.404, 28.175 ], [ -15.42, 28.06 ], [ -15.358, 27.931 ], [ -15.428, 27.805 ] ] ], [ [ [ -17.199, 28.024 ], [ -17.27, 28.025 ], [ -17.349, 28.098 ], [ -17.319, 28.206 ], [ -17.112, 28.144 ], [ -17.098, 28.096 ], [ -17.199, 28.024 ] ] ], [ [ [ -16.679, 27.998 ], [ -16.923, 28.356 ], [ -16.514, 28.419 ], [ -16.329, 28.577 ], [ -16.136, 28.583 ], [ -16.126, 28.532 ], [ -16.36, 28.379 ], [ -16.427, 28.147 ], [ -16.547, 28.025 ], [ -16.679, 27.998 ] ] ], [ [ [ -17.841, 28.453 ], [ -18.007, 28.758 ], [ -17.92, 28.857 ], [ -17.778, 28.84 ], [ -17.725, 28.743 ], [ -17.77, 28.677 ], [ -17.76, 28.57 ], [ -17.841, 28.453 ] ] ], [ [ [ -13.521, 29.383 ], [ -13.524, 29.411 ], [ -13.489, 29.405 ], [ -13.507, 29.384 ], [ -13.521, 29.383 ] ] ], [ [ [ -13.534, 29.216 ], [ -13.513, 29.289 ], [ -13.482, 29.278 ], [ -13.501, 29.228 ], [ -13.534, 29.216 ] ] ], [ [ [ -13.538, 29.289 ], [ -13.54, 29.302 ], [ -13.535, 29.307 ], [ -13.53, 29.299 ], [ -13.538, 29.289 ] ] ], [ [ [ -2.953, 35.32 ], [ -2.923, 35.29 ], [ -2.951, 35.265 ], [ -2.97, 35.289 ], [ -2.953, 35.32 ] ] ], [ [ [ -5.345, 35.871 ], [ -5.379, 35.916 ], [ -5.279, 35.9 ], [ -5.288, 35.89 ], [ -5.345, 35.871 ] ] ], [ [ [ -13.54, 28.96 ], [ -13.534, 28.968 ], [ -13.54, 28.96 ], [ -13.54, 28.96 ] ] ], [ [ [ -13.605, 28.942 ], [ -13.736, 28.907 ], [ -13.787, 28.839 ], [ -13.877, 28.86 ], [ -13.815, 29.033 ], [ -13.658, 29.124 ], [ -13.546, 29.119 ], [ -13.47, 29.239 ], [ -13.419, 29.198 ], [ -13.465, 29.019 ], [ -13.605, 28.942 ] ] ], [ [ [ 1.737, 41.212 ], [ 1.737, 41.211 ], [ 1.732, 41.207 ], [ 1.737, 41.212 ] ] ], [ [ [ 1.826, 41.234 ], [ 1.826, 41.234 ], [ 1.824, 41.232 ], [ 1.826, 41.234 ] ] ], [ [ [ 2.16, 41.342 ], [ 2.16, 41.342 ], [ 2.166, 41.341 ], [ 2.16, 41.342 ] ] ], [ [ [ 3.223, 42.045 ], [ 3.219, 42.048 ], [ 3.225, 42.05 ], [ 3.223, 42.045 ] ] ], [ [ [ 2.182, 41.362 ], [ 2.176, 41.352 ], [ 2.172, 41.335 ], [ 2.175, 41.353 ], [ 2.182, 41.362 ] ] ], [ [ [ 2.182, 41.362 ], [ 2.186, 41.368 ], [ 2.187, 41.367 ], [ 2.182, 41.362 ] ] ], [ [ [ -8.892, 42.191 ], [ -8.913, 42.196 ], [ -8.912, 42.206 ], [ -8.892, 42.196 ], [ -8.892, 42.191 ] ] ], [ [ [ -8.914, 42.211 ], [ -8.904, 42.224 ], [ -8.914, 42.252 ], [ -8.895, 42.227 ], [ -8.914, 42.211 ] ] ], [ [ [ -8.785, 42.259 ], [ -8.78, 42.26 ], [ -8.785, 42.259 ], [ -8.785, 42.259 ] ] ], [ [ [ -8.938, 42.343 ], [ -8.938, 42.349 ], [ -8.933, 42.349 ], [ -8.938, 42.343 ] ] ], [ [ [ -8.939, 42.355 ], [ -8.945, 42.38 ], [ -8.921, 42.4 ], [ -8.939, 42.355 ] ] ], [ [ [ -8.708, 42.408 ], [ -8.713, 42.411 ], [ -8.709, 42.415 ], [ -8.705, 42.412 ], [ -8.708, 42.408 ] ] ], [ [ [ 1.984, 42.447 ], [ 1.957, 42.458 ], [ 1.979, 42.495 ], [ 2.014, 42.452 ], [ 1.984, 42.447 ] ] ], [ [ [ -9.01, 42.463 ], [ -9.02, 42.474 ], [ -9.016, 42.486 ], [ -8.999, 42.469 ], [ -9.01, 42.463 ] ] ], [ [ [ -8.818, 42.519 ], [ -8.826, 42.515 ], [ -8.818, 42.519 ], [ -8.818, 42.519 ] ] ], [ [ [ -8.863, 42.497 ], [ -8.863, 42.497 ], [ -8.859, 42.498 ], [ -8.863, 42.497 ] ] ], [ [ [ -8.901, 42.537 ], [ -8.904, 42.541 ], [ -8.897, 42.543 ], [ -8.901, 42.537 ] ] ], [ [ [ -8.872, 42.524 ], [ -8.892, 42.568 ], [ -8.877, 42.575 ], [ -8.856, 42.566 ], [ -8.872, 42.524 ] ] ], [ [ [ -8.787, 42.614 ], [ -8.789, 42.62 ], [ -8.78, 42.622 ], [ -8.778, 42.619 ], [ -8.787, 42.614 ] ] ], [ [ [ -3.025, 43.328 ], [ -3.027, 43.332 ], [ -3.023, 43.327 ], [ -3.025, 43.328 ] ] ], [ [ [ -8.847, 42.482 ], [ -8.853, 42.489 ], [ -8.842, 42.501 ], [ -8.847, 42.482 ] ] ], [ [ [ -8.384, 43.353 ], [ -8.382, 43.354 ], [ -8.379, 43.348 ], [ -8.384, 43.353 ] ] ], [ [ [ -8.845, 43.355 ], [ -8.85, 43.361 ], [ -8.837, 43.362 ], [ -8.836, 43.358 ], [ -8.845, 43.355 ] ] ], [ [ [ -8.834, 43.356 ], [ -8.834, 43.362 ], [ -8.831, 43.358 ], [ -8.834, 43.356 ] ] ], [ [ [ -8.395, 43.361 ], [ -8.396, 43.361 ], [ -8.388, 43.361 ], [ -8.395, 43.361 ] ] ], [ [ [ -8.192, 43.485 ], [ -8.192, 43.485 ], [ -8.186, 43.485 ], [ -8.192, 43.485 ] ] ], [ [ [ 3.026, 39.288 ], [ 2.958, 39.363 ], [ 2.787, 39.363 ], [ 2.722, 39.476 ], [ 2.749, 39.51 ], [ 2.67, 39.562 ], [ 2.541, 39.525 ], [ 2.522, 39.457 ], [ 2.452, 39.537 ], [ 2.364, 39.531 ], [ 2.347, 39.595 ], [ 2.778, 39.856 ], [ 3.214, 39.963 ], [ 3.08, 39.902 ], [ 3.106, 39.858 ], [ 3.204, 39.889 ], [ 3.121, 39.832 ], [ 3.135, 39.783 ], [ 3.253, 39.729 ], [ 3.348, 39.789 ], [ 3.479, 39.715 ], [ 3.232, 39.362 ], [ 3.069, 39.267 ], [ 3.026, 39.288 ] ], [ [ 2.466, 39.513 ], [ 2.466, 39.513 ], [ 2.47, 39.51 ], [ 2.466, 39.513 ] ] ], [ [ [ -5.351, 36.153 ], [ -5.384, 36.18 ], [ -5.427, 36.176 ], [ -5.429, 36.071 ], [ -5.611, 36 ], [ -5.915, 36.185 ], [ -6.034, 36.181 ], [ -6.31, 36.529 ], [ -6.279, 36.543 ], [ -6.23, 36.463 ], [ -6.173, 36.521 ], [ -6.242, 36.506 ], [ -6.233, 36.585 ], [ -6.249, 36.572 ], [ -6.395, 36.634 ], [ -6.443, 36.738 ], [ -6.342, 36.795 ], [ -6.397, 36.807 ], [ -6.498, 36.958 ], [ -6.773, 37.111 ], [ -7.044, 37.207 ], [ -7.402, 37.175 ], [ -7.464, 37.487 ], [ -7.523, 37.553 ], [ -7.421, 37.759 ], [ -7.283, 37.869 ], [ -7.263, 37.98 ], [ -7.099, 38.044 ], [ -7.002, 38.023 ], [ -6.932, 38.208 ], [ -7.086, 38.169 ], [ -7.281, 38.42 ], [ -7.336, 38.435 ], [ -7.244, 38.624 ], [ -7.255, 38.726 ], [ -7.039, 38.865 ], [ -6.959, 39.055 ], [ -7.033, 39.118 ], [ -7.144, 39.109 ], [ -7.135, 39.171 ], [ -7.241, 39.209 ], [ -7.231, 39.278 ], [ -7.323, 39.382 ], [ -7.296, 39.459 ], [ -7.545, 39.663 ], [ -7.015, 39.671 ], [ -6.987, 39.81 ], [ -6.904, 39.871 ], [ -6.864, 40.012 ], [ -7.029, 40.186 ], [ -6.781, 40.365 ], [ -6.85, 40.453 ], [ -6.795, 40.512 ], [ -6.845, 40.566 ], [ -6.794, 40.662 ], [ -6.831, 40.753 ], [ -6.802, 40.861 ], [ -6.93, 41.03 ], [ -6.808, 41.036 ], [ -6.648, 41.248 ], [ -6.497, 41.266 ], [ -6.39, 41.385 ], [ -6.318, 41.386 ], [ -6.197, 41.59 ], [ -6.302, 41.663 ], [ -6.548, 41.686 ], [ -6.569, 41.743 ], [ -6.516, 41.871 ], [ -6.571, 41.884 ], [ -6.546, 41.936 ], [ -6.588, 41.968 ], [ -6.699, 41.933 ], [ -6.811, 41.993 ], [ -6.821, 41.946 ], [ -6.893, 41.94 ], [ -7.141, 41.991 ], [ -7.187, 41.97 ], [ -7.197, 41.88 ], [ -7.427, 41.807 ], [ -7.453, 41.865 ], [ -7.614, 41.829 ], [ -7.586, 41.882 ], [ -7.701, 41.908 ], [ -7.876, 41.849 ], [ -7.906, 41.927 ], [ -8.013, 41.829 ], [ -8.165, 41.818 ], [ -8.217, 41.914 ], [ -8.083, 42.036 ], [ -8.119, 42.082 ], [ -8.182, 42.067 ], [ -8.199, 42.154 ], [ -8.332, 42.084 ], [ -8.637, 42.047 ], [ -8.872, 41.866 ], [ -8.901, 42.112 ], [ -8.826, 42.115 ], [ -8.85, 42.157 ], [ -8.775, 42.222 ], [ -8.611, 42.288 ], [ -8.612, 42.346 ], [ -8.66, 42.291 ], [ -8.873, 42.25 ], [ -8.856, 42.31 ], [ -8.817, 42.279 ], [ -8.839, 42.339 ], [ -8.755, 42.34 ], [ -8.652, 42.428 ], [ -8.839, 42.384 ], [ -8.942, 42.463 ], [ -8.872, 42.501 ], [ -8.869, 42.448 ], [ -8.82, 42.452 ], [ -8.835, 42.565 ], [ -8.772, 42.593 ], [ -8.779, 42.614 ], [ -8.741, 42.649 ], [ -8.724, 42.679 ], [ -8.727, 42.688 ], [ -8.8, 42.636 ], [ -8.845, 42.687 ], [ -8.857, 42.606 ], [ -8.901, 42.643 ], [ -9.011, 42.518 ], [ -9.089, 42.571 ], [ -9.009, 42.727 ], [ -8.954, 42.749 ], [ -8.904, 42.788 ], [ -8.904, 42.814 ], [ -8.879, 42.816 ], [ -8.876, 42.829 ], [ -8.909, 42.825 ], [ -8.963, 42.779 ], [ -9.064, 42.787 ], [ -9.086, 42.738 ], [ -9.151, 42.798 ], [ -9.108, 42.836 ], [ -9.173, 42.944 ], [ -9.274, 42.881 ], [ -9.257, 43.002 ], [ -9.299, 43.056 ], [ -9.167, 43.105 ], [ -9.165, 43.153 ], [ -9.216, 43.152 ], [ -9.175, 43.192 ], [ -8.94, 43.227 ], [ -8.991, 43.275 ], [ -8.841, 43.345 ], [ -8.712, 43.29 ], [ -8.401, 43.39 ], [ -8.356, 43.344 ], [ -8.307, 43.406 ], [ -8.209, 43.328 ], [ -8.223, 43.387 ], [ -8.174, 43.42 ], [ -8.317, 43.445 ], [ -8.201, 43.46 ], [ -8.151, 43.517 ], [ -8.341, 43.458 ], [ -8.296, 43.535 ], [ -8.322, 43.565 ], [ -8.054, 43.649 ], [ -8.064, 43.704 ], [ -7.904, 43.77 ], [ -7.849, 43.71 ], [ -7.876, 43.723 ], [ -7.904, 43.671 ], [ -7.847, 43.668 ], [ -7.86, 43.707 ], [ -7.725, 43.747 ], [ -7.689, 43.791 ], [ -7.692, 43.732 ], [ -7.636, 43.753 ], [ -7.609, 43.672 ], [ -7.557, 43.73 ], [ -7.468, 43.724 ], [ -7.357, 43.671 ], [ -7.256, 43.547 ], [ -6.356, 43.551 ], [ -6.245, 43.595 ], [ -6.113, 43.555 ], [ -5.956, 43.58 ], [ -5.841, 43.661 ], [ -5.679, 43.541 ], [ -5.413, 43.555 ], [ -5.216, 43.475 ], [ -4.619, 43.395 ], [ -4.28, 43.388 ], [ -3.812, 43.495 ], [ -3.763, 43.467 ], [ -3.825, 43.452 ], [ -3.836, 43.407 ], [ -3.809, 43.393 ], [ -3.767, 43.406 ], [ -3.815, 43.408 ], [ -3.776, 43.449 ], [ -3.757, 43.431 ], [ -3.736, 43.432 ], [ -3.726, 43.442 ], [ -3.717, 43.422 ], [ -3.712, 43.423 ], [ -3.709, 43.411 ], [ -3.712, 43.423 ], [ -3.726, 43.443 ], [ -3.777, 43.458 ], [ -3.591, 43.514 ], [ -3.431, 43.462 ], [ -3.43, 43.441 ], [ -3.465, 43.445 ], [ -3.492, 43.425 ], [ -3.465, 43.404 ], [ -3.45, 43.436 ], [ -3.161, 43.351 ], [ -3.084, 43.378 ], [ -3.024, 43.325 ], [ -3.01, 43.337 ], [ -3.028, 43.342 ], [ -3.013, 43.348 ], [ -3.04, 43.373 ], [ -2.947, 43.436 ], [ -2.752, 43.457 ], [ -2.353, 43.299 ], [ -2.202, 43.312 ], [ -2.127, 43.29 ], [ -1.791, 43.396 ], [ -1.73, 43.295 ], [ -1.625, 43.307 ], [ -1.609, 43.252 ], [ -1.536, 43.295 ], [ -1.39, 43.259 ], [ -1.381, 43.19 ], [ -1.473, 43.087 ], [ -1.441, 43.046 ], [ -1.354, 43.028 ], [ -1.345, 43.095 ], [ -1.273, 43.119 ], [ -1.309, 43.069 ], [ -1.142, 43.007 ], [ -0.945, 42.953 ], [ -0.752, 42.967 ], [ -0.727, 42.894 ], [ -0.566, 42.782 ], [ -0.313, 42.849 ], [ -0.017, 42.685 ], [ 0.176, 42.737 ], [ 0.295, 42.673 ], [ 0.36, 42.724 ], [ 0.669, 42.689 ], [ 0.645, 42.783 ], [ 0.709, 42.861 ], [ 1.079, 42.788 ], [ 1.166, 42.709 ], [ 1.357, 42.72 ], [ 1.443, 42.603 ], [ 1.414, 42.535 ], [ 1.468, 42.51 ], [ 1.419, 42.484 ], [ 1.455, 42.436 ], [ 1.726, 42.504 ], [ 1.937, 42.454 ], [ 2.015, 42.347 ], [ 2.257, 42.439 ], [ 2.533, 42.333 ], [ 2.672, 42.341 ], [ 2.674, 42.405 ], [ 2.947, 42.482 ], [ 3.175, 42.435 ], [ 3.163, 42.36 ], [ 3.322, 42.32 ], [ 3.264, 42.238 ], [ 3.163, 42.264 ], [ 3.112, 42.206 ], [ 3.124, 42.128 ], [ 3.215, 42.061 ], [ 3.203, 41.892 ], [ 2.935, 41.715 ], [ 2.277, 41.465 ], [ 2.099, 41.284 ], [ 0.988, 41.041 ], [ 0.7, 40.805 ], [ 0.872, 40.735 ], [ 0.872, 40.699 ], [ 0.674, 40.562 ], [ 0.618, 40.553 ], [ 0.595, 40.578 ], [ 0.745, 40.636 ], [ 0.602, 40.622 ], [ 0.538, 40.568 ], [ 0.408, 40.357 ], [ 0.148, 40.083 ], [ 0.049, 40.035 ], [ -0.323, 39.5 ], [ -0.325, 39.387 ], [ -0.161, 38.992 ], [ -0.018, 38.873 ], [ 0.197, 38.804 ], [ 0.234, 38.737 ], [ 0.084, 38.631 ], [ -0.016, 38.627 ], [ -0.098, 38.523 ], [ -0.312, 38.477 ], [ -0.387, 38.431 ], [ -0.404, 38.352 ], [ -0.506, 38.332 ], [ -0.51, 38.203 ], [ -0.628, 38.154 ], [ -0.648, 38 ], [ -0.761, 37.865 ], [ -0.748, 37.79 ], [ -0.784, 37.819 ], [ -0.86, 37.723 ], [ -0.728, 37.634 ], [ -0.72, 37.649 ], [ -0.74, 37.66 ], [ -0.745, 37.759 ], [ -0.728, 37.75 ], [ -0.688, 37.634 ], [ -0.718, 37.607 ], [ -0.919, 37.554 ], [ -0.992, 37.601 ], [ -1.111, 37.534 ], [ -1.326, 37.563 ], [ -1.46, 37.487 ], [ -1.486, 37.423 ], [ -1.672, 37.357 ], [ -1.805, 37.217 ], [ -1.896, 36.948 ], [ -2.124, 36.732 ], [ -2.193, 36.721 ], [ -2.361, 36.842 ], [ -2.562, 36.816 ], [ -2.7, 36.683 ], [ -2.849, 36.695 ], [ -2.927, 36.752 ], [ -3.259, 36.753 ], [ -3.42, 36.694 ], [ -3.835, 36.754 ], [ -4.394, 36.722 ], [ -4.638, 36.507 ], [ -4.913, 36.505 ], [ -5.177, 36.414 ], [ -5.351, 36.153 ] ], [ [ -5.603, 36.008 ], [ -5.603, 36.009 ], [ -5.603, 36.009 ], [ -5.603, 36.008 ] ], [ [ -5.603, 36.009 ], [ -5.602, 36.01 ], [ -5.605, 36.01 ], [ -5.603, 36.009 ] ], [ [ -7.823, 43.7 ], [ -7.82, 43.7 ], [ -7.821, 43.701 ], [ -7.823, 43.7 ] ], [ [ -7.82, 43.7 ], [ -7.815, 43.695 ], [ -7.813, 43.698 ], [ -7.82, 43.7 ] ], [ [ -7.695, 43.739 ], [ -7.695, 43.739 ], [ -7.701, 43.736 ], [ -7.695, 43.739 ] ], [ [ -7.597, 43.674 ], [ -7.596, 43.673 ], [ -7.596, 43.674 ], [ -7.597, 43.674 ] ], [ [ -7.596, 43.673 ], [ -7.599, 43.663 ], [ -7.594, 43.668 ], [ -7.596, 43.673 ] ], [ [ -2.132, 43.292 ], [ -2.132, 43.292 ], [ -2.131, 43.287 ], [ -2.132, 43.292 ] ], [ [ 0.019, 39.968 ], [ 0.013, 39.968 ], [ 0.02, 39.968 ], [ 0.019, 39.968 ] ], [ [ -0.273, 39.279 ], [ -0.273, 39.279 ], [ -0.279, 39.278 ], [ -0.273, 39.279 ] ], [ [ -0.729, 37.744 ], [ -0.728, 37.744 ], [ -0.733, 37.747 ], [ -0.729, 37.744 ] ], [ [ -5.229, 36.354 ], [ -5.228, 36.355 ], [ -5.232, 36.356 ], [ -5.229, 36.354 ] ], [ [ -5.271, 36.288 ], [ -5.271, 36.288 ], [ -5.274, 36.292 ], [ -5.271, 36.288 ] ] ], [ [ [ -5.432, 36.128 ], [ -5.43, 36.141 ], [ -5.432, 36.128 ], [ -5.432, 36.128 ] ] ], [ [ [ -5.417, 36.175 ], [ -5.417, 36.175 ], [ -5.42, 36.173 ], [ -5.417, 36.175 ] ] ], [ [ [ -4.509, 36.597 ], [ -4.509, 36.597 ], [ -4.512, 36.593 ], [ -4.509, 36.597 ] ] ], [ [ [ -6.333, 36.62 ], [ -6.326, 36.61 ], [ -6.335, 36.621 ], [ -6.333, 36.62 ] ] ], [ [ [ -2.791, 36.695 ], [ -2.791, 36.694 ], [ -2.798, 36.696 ], [ -2.791, 36.695 ] ] ], [ [ [ -6.949, 37.168 ], [ -6.948, 37.167 ], [ -6.949, 37.164 ], [ -6.949, 37.168 ] ] ], [ [ [ -0.77, 37.69 ], [ -0.776, 37.696 ], [ -0.772, 37.703 ], [ -0.765, 37.694 ], [ -0.77, 37.69 ] ] ], [ [ [ -0.798, 37.696 ], [ -0.803, 37.703 ], [ -0.797, 37.702 ], [ -0.798, 37.696 ] ] ], [ [ [ -0.681, 37.971 ], [ -0.68, 37.969 ], [ -0.687, 37.964 ], [ -0.681, 37.971 ] ] ], [ [ [ -0.471, 38.162 ], [ -0.484, 38.167 ], [ -0.465, 38.164 ], [ -0.471, 38.162 ] ] ], [ [ [ 1.389, 38.64 ], [ 1.38, 38.719 ], [ 1.433, 38.772 ], [ 1.496, 38.689 ], [ 1.585, 38.67 ], [ 1.447, 38.685 ], [ 1.389, 38.64 ] ] ], [ [ [ -0.745, 37.759 ], [ -0.745, 37.759 ], [ -0.745, 37.759 ], [ -0.745, 37.759 ] ] ], [ [ [ -0.745, 37.759 ], [ -0.758, 37.78 ], [ -0.753, 37.783 ], [ -0.74, 37.772 ], [ -0.745, 37.759 ] ] ], [ [ [ 1.48, 38.788 ], [ 1.474, 38.797 ], [ 1.478, 38.805 ], [ 1.482, 38.799 ], [ 1.48, 38.788 ] ] ], [ [ [ 1.432, 38.774 ], [ 1.419, 38.779 ], [ 1.422, 38.797 ], [ 1.432, 38.784 ], [ 1.432, 38.774 ] ] ], [ [ [ 1.198, 38.956 ], [ 1.19, 38.958 ], [ 1.198, 38.96 ], [ 1.198, 38.956 ] ] ], [ [ [ 1.216, 38.967 ], [ 1.215, 38.973 ], [ 1.22, 38.969 ], [ 1.216, 38.967 ] ] ], [ [ [ 1.189, 38.863 ], [ 1.196, 38.87 ], [ 1.203, 38.869 ], [ 1.202, 38.864 ], [ 1.189, 38.863 ] ] ], [ [ [ 1.213, 38.866 ], [ 1.207, 38.868 ], [ 1.215, 38.869 ], [ 1.213, 38.866 ] ] ], [ [ [ 1.649, 39.032 ], [ 1.636, 39.041 ], [ 1.646, 39.041 ], [ 1.649, 39.032 ] ] ], [ [ [ 2.947, 39.125 ], [ 2.919, 39.129 ], [ 2.917, 39.162 ], [ 2.977, 39.158 ], [ 2.947, 39.125 ] ] ], [ [ [ 2.962, 39.175 ], [ 2.956, 39.184 ], [ 2.97, 39.19 ], [ 2.973, 39.187 ], [ 2.962, 39.175 ] ] ], [ [ [ 2.306, 39.572 ], [ 2.308, 39.582 ], [ 2.339, 39.598 ], [ 2.319, 39.577 ], [ 2.306, 39.572 ] ] ], [ [ [ 4.285, 39.799 ], [ 4.282, 39.802 ], [ 4.296, 39.8 ], [ 4.285, 39.799 ] ] ], [ [ [ 2.571, 39.531 ], [ 2.571, 39.531 ], [ 2.565, 39.528 ], [ 2.571, 39.531 ] ] ], [ [ [ 1.371, 38.83 ], [ 1.345, 38.871 ], [ 1.224, 38.871 ], [ 1.229, 38.975 ], [ 1.303, 38.97 ], [ 1.29, 39.028 ], [ 1.36, 39.074 ], [ 1.533, 39.118 ], [ 1.604, 39.091 ], [ 1.621, 39.028 ], [ 1.371, 38.83 ] ] ], [ [ [ 1.214, 38.976 ], [ 1.206, 38.984 ], [ 1.214, 38.995 ], [ 1.219, 38.978 ], [ 1.214, 38.976 ] ] ], [ [ [ 0.687, 39.893 ], [ 0.684, 39.897 ], [ 0.688, 39.901 ], [ 0.684, 39.897 ], [ 0.687, 39.893 ] ] ], [ [ [ 4.271, 39.809 ], [ 3.99, 39.931 ], [ 3.824, 39.922 ], [ 3.836, 40.002 ], [ 3.792, 40.02 ], [ 4.082, 40.089 ], [ 4.127, 40.026 ], [ 4.137, 40.067 ], [ 4.173, 40.061 ], [ 4.205, 39.993 ], [ 4.27, 39.997 ], [ 4.328, 39.877 ], [ 4.257, 39.897 ], [ 4.308, 39.865 ], [ 4.271, 39.809 ] ] ], [ [ [ 4.277, 39.956 ], [ 4.274, 39.964 ], [ 4.278, 39.967 ], [ 4.284, 39.96 ], [ 4.277, 39.956 ] ] ], [ [ [ 3.147, 39.92 ], [ 3.144, 39.923 ], [ 3.15, 39.92 ], [ 3.147, 39.92 ] ] ] ] } } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 70349, "end" : 70355 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "España" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/c3c333e4-ebd2-48e3-a53b-e9a81dbefe0c", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://sws.geonames.org/2510769", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-28T16:54:29+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-28T16:54:29+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "MultiPolygon", "coordinates" : [ [ [ [ -17.987, 27.638 ], [ -18.157, 27.711 ], [ -18.155, 27.754 ], [ -18.037, 27.762 ], [ -17.917, 27.848 ], [ -17.884, 27.803 ], [ -17.987, 27.638 ] ] ], [ [ [ -14.333, 28.044 ], [ -14.51, 28.069 ], [ -14.223, 28.215 ], [ -14.204, 28.328 ], [ -14.033, 28.593 ], [ -14.016, 28.715 ], [ -13.866, 28.746 ], [ -13.824, 28.553 ], [ -13.901, 28.276 ], [ -14.218, 28.166 ], [ -14.333, 28.044 ] ] ], [ [ [ -13.818, 28.736 ], [ -13.836, 28.752 ], [ -13.813, 28.766 ], [ -13.81, 28.755 ], [ -13.818, 28.736 ] ] ], [ [ [ -15.428, 27.805 ], [ -15.599, 27.735 ], [ -15.788, 27.835 ], [ -15.835, 27.971 ], [ -15.711, 28.083 ], [ -15.709, 28.166 ], [ -15.467, 28.126 ], [ -15.404, 28.175 ], [ -15.42, 28.06 ], [ -15.358, 27.931 ], [ -15.428, 27.805 ] ] ], [ [ [ -17.199, 28.024 ], [ -17.27, 28.025 ], [ -17.349, 28.098 ], [ -17.319, 28.206 ], [ -17.112, 28.144 ], [ -17.098, 28.096 ], [ -17.199, 28.024 ] ] ], [ [ [ -16.679, 27.998 ], [ -16.923, 28.356 ], [ -16.514, 28.419 ], [ -16.329, 28.577 ], [ -16.136, 28.583 ], [ -16.126, 28.532 ], [ -16.36, 28.379 ], [ -16.427, 28.147 ], [ -16.547, 28.025 ], [ -16.679, 27.998 ] ] ], [ [ [ -17.841, 28.453 ], [ -18.007, 28.758 ], [ -17.92, 28.857 ], [ -17.778, 28.84 ], [ -17.725, 28.743 ], [ -17.77, 28.677 ], [ -17.76, 28.57 ], [ -17.841, 28.453 ] ] ], [ [ [ -13.521, 29.383 ], [ -13.524, 29.411 ], [ -13.489, 29.405 ], [ -13.507, 29.384 ], [ -13.521, 29.383 ] ] ], [ [ [ -13.534, 29.216 ], [ -13.513, 29.289 ], [ -13.482, 29.278 ], [ -13.501, 29.228 ], [ -13.534, 29.216 ] ] ], [ [ [ -13.538, 29.289 ], [ -13.54, 29.302 ], [ -13.535, 29.307 ], [ -13.53, 29.299 ], [ -13.538, 29.289 ] ] ], [ [ [ -2.953, 35.32 ], [ -2.923, 35.29 ], [ -2.951, 35.265 ], [ -2.97, 35.289 ], [ -2.953, 35.32 ] ] ], [ [ [ -5.345, 35.871 ], [ -5.379, 35.916 ], [ -5.279, 35.9 ], [ -5.288, 35.89 ], [ -5.345, 35.871 ] ] ], [ [ [ -13.54, 28.96 ], [ -13.534, 28.968 ], [ -13.54, 28.96 ], [ -13.54, 28.96 ] ] ], [ [ [ -13.605, 28.942 ], [ -13.736, 28.907 ], [ -13.787, 28.839 ], [ -13.877, 28.86 ], [ -13.815, 29.033 ], [ -13.658, 29.124 ], [ -13.546, 29.119 ], [ -13.47, 29.239 ], [ -13.419, 29.198 ], [ -13.465, 29.019 ], [ -13.605, 28.942 ] ] ], [ [ [ 1.737, 41.212 ], [ 1.737, 41.211 ], [ 1.732, 41.207 ], [ 1.737, 41.212 ] ] ], [ [ [ 1.826, 41.234 ], [ 1.826, 41.234 ], [ 1.824, 41.232 ], [ 1.826, 41.234 ] ] ], [ [ [ 2.16, 41.342 ], [ 2.16, 41.342 ], [ 2.166, 41.341 ], [ 2.16, 41.342 ] ] ], [ [ [ 3.223, 42.045 ], [ 3.219, 42.048 ], [ 3.225, 42.05 ], [ 3.223, 42.045 ] ] ], [ [ [ 2.182, 41.362 ], [ 2.176, 41.352 ], [ 2.172, 41.335 ], [ 2.175, 41.353 ], [ 2.182, 41.362 ] ] ], [ [ [ 2.182, 41.362 ], [ 2.186, 41.368 ], [ 2.187, 41.367 ], [ 2.182, 41.362 ] ] ], [ [ [ -8.892, 42.191 ], [ -8.913, 42.196 ], [ -8.912, 42.206 ], [ -8.892, 42.196 ], [ -8.892, 42.191 ] ] ], [ [ [ -8.914, 42.211 ], [ -8.904, 42.224 ], [ -8.914, 42.252 ], [ -8.895, 42.227 ], [ -8.914, 42.211 ] ] ], [ [ [ -8.785, 42.259 ], [ -8.78, 42.26 ], [ -8.785, 42.259 ], [ -8.785, 42.259 ] ] ], [ [ [ -8.938, 42.343 ], [ -8.938, 42.349 ], [ -8.933, 42.349 ], [ -8.938, 42.343 ] ] ], [ [ [ -8.939, 42.355 ], [ -8.945, 42.38 ], [ -8.921, 42.4 ], [ -8.939, 42.355 ] ] ], [ [ [ -8.708, 42.408 ], [ -8.713, 42.411 ], [ -8.709, 42.415 ], [ -8.705, 42.412 ], [ -8.708, 42.408 ] ] ], [ [ [ 1.984, 42.447 ], [ 1.957, 42.458 ], [ 1.979, 42.495 ], [ 2.014, 42.452 ], [ 1.984, 42.447 ] ] ], [ [ [ -9.01, 42.463 ], [ -9.02, 42.474 ], [ -9.016, 42.486 ], [ -8.999, 42.469 ], [ -9.01, 42.463 ] ] ], [ [ [ -8.818, 42.519 ], [ -8.826, 42.515 ], [ -8.818, 42.519 ], [ -8.818, 42.519 ] ] ], [ [ [ -8.863, 42.497 ], [ -8.863, 42.497 ], [ -8.859, 42.498 ], [ -8.863, 42.497 ] ] ], [ [ [ -8.901, 42.537 ], [ -8.904, 42.541 ], [ -8.897, 42.543 ], [ -8.901, 42.537 ] ] ], [ [ [ -8.872, 42.524 ], [ -8.892, 42.568 ], [ -8.877, 42.575 ], [ -8.856, 42.566 ], [ -8.872, 42.524 ] ] ], [ [ [ -8.787, 42.614 ], [ -8.789, 42.62 ], [ -8.78, 42.622 ], [ -8.778, 42.619 ], [ -8.787, 42.614 ] ] ], [ [ [ -3.025, 43.328 ], [ -3.027, 43.332 ], [ -3.023, 43.327 ], [ -3.025, 43.328 ] ] ], [ [ [ -8.847, 42.482 ], [ -8.853, 42.489 ], [ -8.842, 42.501 ], [ -8.847, 42.482 ] ] ], [ [ [ -8.384, 43.353 ], [ -8.382, 43.354 ], [ -8.379, 43.348 ], [ -8.384, 43.353 ] ] ], [ [ [ -8.845, 43.355 ], [ -8.85, 43.361 ], [ -8.837, 43.362 ], [ -8.836, 43.358 ], [ -8.845, 43.355 ] ] ], [ [ [ -8.834, 43.356 ], [ -8.834, 43.362 ], [ -8.831, 43.358 ], [ -8.834, 43.356 ] ] ], [ [ [ -8.395, 43.361 ], [ -8.396, 43.361 ], [ -8.388, 43.361 ], [ -8.395, 43.361 ] ] ], [ [ [ -8.192, 43.485 ], [ -8.192, 43.485 ], [ -8.186, 43.485 ], [ -8.192, 43.485 ] ] ], [ [ [ 3.026, 39.288 ], [ 2.958, 39.363 ], [ 2.787, 39.363 ], [ 2.722, 39.476 ], [ 2.749, 39.51 ], [ 2.67, 39.562 ], [ 2.541, 39.525 ], [ 2.522, 39.457 ], [ 2.452, 39.537 ], [ 2.364, 39.531 ], [ 2.347, 39.595 ], [ 2.778, 39.856 ], [ 3.214, 39.963 ], [ 3.08, 39.902 ], [ 3.106, 39.858 ], [ 3.204, 39.889 ], [ 3.121, 39.832 ], [ 3.135, 39.783 ], [ 3.253, 39.729 ], [ 3.348, 39.789 ], [ 3.479, 39.715 ], [ 3.232, 39.362 ], [ 3.069, 39.267 ], [ 3.026, 39.288 ] ], [ [ 2.466, 39.513 ], [ 2.466, 39.513 ], [ 2.47, 39.51 ], [ 2.466, 39.513 ] ] ], [ [ [ -5.351, 36.153 ], [ -5.384, 36.18 ], [ -5.427, 36.176 ], [ -5.429, 36.071 ], [ -5.611, 36 ], [ -5.915, 36.185 ], [ -6.034, 36.181 ], [ -6.31, 36.529 ], [ -6.279, 36.543 ], [ -6.23, 36.463 ], [ -6.173, 36.521 ], [ -6.242, 36.506 ], [ -6.233, 36.585 ], [ -6.249, 36.572 ], [ -6.395, 36.634 ], [ -6.443, 36.738 ], [ -6.342, 36.795 ], [ -6.397, 36.807 ], [ -6.498, 36.958 ], [ -6.773, 37.111 ], [ -7.044, 37.207 ], [ -7.402, 37.175 ], [ -7.464, 37.487 ], [ -7.523, 37.553 ], [ -7.421, 37.759 ], [ -7.283, 37.869 ], [ -7.263, 37.98 ], [ -7.099, 38.044 ], [ -7.002, 38.023 ], [ -6.932, 38.208 ], [ -7.086, 38.169 ], [ -7.281, 38.42 ], [ -7.336, 38.435 ], [ -7.244, 38.624 ], [ -7.255, 38.726 ], [ -7.039, 38.865 ], [ -6.959, 39.055 ], [ -7.033, 39.118 ], [ -7.144, 39.109 ], [ -7.135, 39.171 ], [ -7.241, 39.209 ], [ -7.231, 39.278 ], [ -7.323, 39.382 ], [ -7.296, 39.459 ], [ -7.545, 39.663 ], [ -7.015, 39.671 ], [ -6.987, 39.81 ], [ -6.904, 39.871 ], [ -6.864, 40.012 ], [ -7.029, 40.186 ], [ -6.781, 40.365 ], [ -6.85, 40.453 ], [ -6.795, 40.512 ], [ -6.845, 40.566 ], [ -6.794, 40.662 ], [ -6.831, 40.753 ], [ -6.802, 40.861 ], [ -6.93, 41.03 ], [ -6.808, 41.036 ], [ -6.648, 41.248 ], [ -6.497, 41.266 ], [ -6.39, 41.385 ], [ -6.318, 41.386 ], [ -6.197, 41.59 ], [ -6.302, 41.663 ], [ -6.548, 41.686 ], [ -6.569, 41.743 ], [ -6.516, 41.871 ], [ -6.571, 41.884 ], [ -6.546, 41.936 ], [ -6.588, 41.968 ], [ -6.699, 41.933 ], [ -6.811, 41.993 ], [ -6.821, 41.946 ], [ -6.893, 41.94 ], [ -7.141, 41.991 ], [ -7.187, 41.97 ], [ -7.197, 41.88 ], [ -7.427, 41.807 ], [ -7.453, 41.865 ], [ -7.614, 41.829 ], [ -7.586, 41.882 ], [ -7.701, 41.908 ], [ -7.876, 41.849 ], [ -7.906, 41.927 ], [ -8.013, 41.829 ], [ -8.165, 41.818 ], [ -8.217, 41.914 ], [ -8.083, 42.036 ], [ -8.119, 42.082 ], [ -8.182, 42.067 ], [ -8.199, 42.154 ], [ -8.332, 42.084 ], [ -8.637, 42.047 ], [ -8.872, 41.866 ], [ -8.901, 42.112 ], [ -8.826, 42.115 ], [ -8.85, 42.157 ], [ -8.775, 42.222 ], [ -8.611, 42.288 ], [ -8.612, 42.346 ], [ -8.66, 42.291 ], [ -8.873, 42.25 ], [ -8.856, 42.31 ], [ -8.817, 42.279 ], [ -8.839, 42.339 ], [ -8.755, 42.34 ], [ -8.652, 42.428 ], [ -8.839, 42.384 ], [ -8.942, 42.463 ], [ -8.872, 42.501 ], [ -8.869, 42.448 ], [ -8.82, 42.452 ], [ -8.835, 42.565 ], [ -8.772, 42.593 ], [ -8.779, 42.614 ], [ -8.741, 42.649 ], [ -8.724, 42.679 ], [ -8.727, 42.688 ], [ -8.8, 42.636 ], [ -8.845, 42.687 ], [ -8.857, 42.606 ], [ -8.901, 42.643 ], [ -9.011, 42.518 ], [ -9.089, 42.571 ], [ -9.009, 42.727 ], [ -8.954, 42.749 ], [ -8.904, 42.788 ], [ -8.904, 42.814 ], [ -8.879, 42.816 ], [ -8.876, 42.829 ], [ -8.909, 42.825 ], [ -8.963, 42.779 ], [ -9.064, 42.787 ], [ -9.086, 42.738 ], [ -9.151, 42.798 ], [ -9.108, 42.836 ], [ -9.173, 42.944 ], [ -9.274, 42.881 ], [ -9.257, 43.002 ], [ -9.299, 43.056 ], [ -9.167, 43.105 ], [ -9.165, 43.153 ], [ -9.216, 43.152 ], [ -9.175, 43.192 ], [ -8.94, 43.227 ], [ -8.991, 43.275 ], [ -8.841, 43.345 ], [ -8.712, 43.29 ], [ -8.401, 43.39 ], [ -8.356, 43.344 ], [ -8.307, 43.406 ], [ -8.209, 43.328 ], [ -8.223, 43.387 ], [ -8.174, 43.42 ], [ -8.317, 43.445 ], [ -8.201, 43.46 ], [ -8.151, 43.517 ], [ -8.341, 43.458 ], [ -8.296, 43.535 ], [ -8.322, 43.565 ], [ -8.054, 43.649 ], [ -8.064, 43.704 ], [ -7.904, 43.77 ], [ -7.849, 43.71 ], [ -7.876, 43.723 ], [ -7.904, 43.671 ], [ -7.847, 43.668 ], [ -7.86, 43.707 ], [ -7.725, 43.747 ], [ -7.689, 43.791 ], [ -7.692, 43.732 ], [ -7.636, 43.753 ], [ -7.609, 43.672 ], [ -7.557, 43.73 ], [ -7.468, 43.724 ], [ -7.357, 43.671 ], [ -7.256, 43.547 ], [ -6.356, 43.551 ], [ -6.245, 43.595 ], [ -6.113, 43.555 ], [ -5.956, 43.58 ], [ -5.841, 43.661 ], [ -5.679, 43.541 ], [ -5.413, 43.555 ], [ -5.216, 43.475 ], [ -4.619, 43.395 ], [ -4.28, 43.388 ], [ -3.812, 43.495 ], [ -3.763, 43.467 ], [ -3.825, 43.452 ], [ -3.836, 43.407 ], [ -3.809, 43.393 ], [ -3.767, 43.406 ], [ -3.815, 43.408 ], [ -3.776, 43.449 ], [ -3.757, 43.431 ], [ -3.736, 43.432 ], [ -3.726, 43.442 ], [ -3.717, 43.422 ], [ -3.712, 43.423 ], [ -3.709, 43.411 ], [ -3.712, 43.423 ], [ -3.726, 43.443 ], [ -3.777, 43.458 ], [ -3.591, 43.514 ], [ -3.431, 43.462 ], [ -3.43, 43.441 ], [ -3.465, 43.445 ], [ -3.492, 43.425 ], [ -3.465, 43.404 ], [ -3.45, 43.436 ], [ -3.161, 43.351 ], [ -3.084, 43.378 ], [ -3.024, 43.325 ], [ -3.01, 43.337 ], [ -3.028, 43.342 ], [ -3.013, 43.348 ], [ -3.04, 43.373 ], [ -2.947, 43.436 ], [ -2.752, 43.457 ], [ -2.353, 43.299 ], [ -2.202, 43.312 ], [ -2.127, 43.29 ], [ -1.791, 43.396 ], [ -1.73, 43.295 ], [ -1.625, 43.307 ], [ -1.609, 43.252 ], [ -1.536, 43.295 ], [ -1.39, 43.259 ], [ -1.381, 43.19 ], [ -1.473, 43.087 ], [ -1.441, 43.046 ], [ -1.354, 43.028 ], [ -1.345, 43.095 ], [ -1.273, 43.119 ], [ -1.309, 43.069 ], [ -1.142, 43.007 ], [ -0.945, 42.953 ], [ -0.752, 42.967 ], [ -0.727, 42.894 ], [ -0.566, 42.782 ], [ -0.313, 42.849 ], [ -0.017, 42.685 ], [ 0.176, 42.737 ], [ 0.295, 42.673 ], [ 0.36, 42.724 ], [ 0.669, 42.689 ], [ 0.645, 42.783 ], [ 0.709, 42.861 ], [ 1.079, 42.788 ], [ 1.166, 42.709 ], [ 1.357, 42.72 ], [ 1.443, 42.603 ], [ 1.414, 42.535 ], [ 1.468, 42.51 ], [ 1.419, 42.484 ], [ 1.455, 42.436 ], [ 1.726, 42.504 ], [ 1.937, 42.454 ], [ 2.015, 42.347 ], [ 2.257, 42.439 ], [ 2.533, 42.333 ], [ 2.672, 42.341 ], [ 2.674, 42.405 ], [ 2.947, 42.482 ], [ 3.175, 42.435 ], [ 3.163, 42.36 ], [ 3.322, 42.32 ], [ 3.264, 42.238 ], [ 3.163, 42.264 ], [ 3.112, 42.206 ], [ 3.124, 42.128 ], [ 3.215, 42.061 ], [ 3.203, 41.892 ], [ 2.935, 41.715 ], [ 2.277, 41.465 ], [ 2.099, 41.284 ], [ 0.988, 41.041 ], [ 0.7, 40.805 ], [ 0.872, 40.735 ], [ 0.872, 40.699 ], [ 0.674, 40.562 ], [ 0.618, 40.553 ], [ 0.595, 40.578 ], [ 0.745, 40.636 ], [ 0.602, 40.622 ], [ 0.538, 40.568 ], [ 0.408, 40.357 ], [ 0.148, 40.083 ], [ 0.049, 40.035 ], [ -0.323, 39.5 ], [ -0.325, 39.387 ], [ -0.161, 38.992 ], [ -0.018, 38.873 ], [ 0.197, 38.804 ], [ 0.234, 38.737 ], [ 0.084, 38.631 ], [ -0.016, 38.627 ], [ -0.098, 38.523 ], [ -0.312, 38.477 ], [ -0.387, 38.431 ], [ -0.404, 38.352 ], [ -0.506, 38.332 ], [ -0.51, 38.203 ], [ -0.628, 38.154 ], [ -0.648, 38 ], [ -0.761, 37.865 ], [ -0.748, 37.79 ], [ -0.784, 37.819 ], [ -0.86, 37.723 ], [ -0.728, 37.634 ], [ -0.72, 37.649 ], [ -0.74, 37.66 ], [ -0.745, 37.759 ], [ -0.728, 37.75 ], [ -0.688, 37.634 ], [ -0.718, 37.607 ], [ -0.919, 37.554 ], [ -0.992, 37.601 ], [ -1.111, 37.534 ], [ -1.326, 37.563 ], [ -1.46, 37.487 ], [ -1.486, 37.423 ], [ -1.672, 37.357 ], [ -1.805, 37.217 ], [ -1.896, 36.948 ], [ -2.124, 36.732 ], [ -2.193, 36.721 ], [ -2.361, 36.842 ], [ -2.562, 36.816 ], [ -2.7, 36.683 ], [ -2.849, 36.695 ], [ -2.927, 36.752 ], [ -3.259, 36.753 ], [ -3.42, 36.694 ], [ -3.835, 36.754 ], [ -4.394, 36.722 ], [ -4.638, 36.507 ], [ -4.913, 36.505 ], [ -5.177, 36.414 ], [ -5.351, 36.153 ] ], [ [ -5.603, 36.008 ], [ -5.603, 36.009 ], [ -5.603, 36.009 ], [ -5.603, 36.008 ] ], [ [ -5.603, 36.009 ], [ -5.602, 36.01 ], [ -5.605, 36.01 ], [ -5.603, 36.009 ] ], [ [ -7.823, 43.7 ], [ -7.82, 43.7 ], [ -7.821, 43.701 ], [ -7.823, 43.7 ] ], [ [ -7.82, 43.7 ], [ -7.815, 43.695 ], [ -7.813, 43.698 ], [ -7.82, 43.7 ] ], [ [ -7.695, 43.739 ], [ -7.695, 43.739 ], [ -7.701, 43.736 ], [ -7.695, 43.739 ] ], [ [ -7.597, 43.674 ], [ -7.596, 43.673 ], [ -7.596, 43.674 ], [ -7.597, 43.674 ] ], [ [ -7.596, 43.673 ], [ -7.599, 43.663 ], [ -7.594, 43.668 ], [ -7.596, 43.673 ] ], [ [ -2.132, 43.292 ], [ -2.132, 43.292 ], [ -2.131, 43.287 ], [ -2.132, 43.292 ] ], [ [ 0.019, 39.968 ], [ 0.013, 39.968 ], [ 0.02, 39.968 ], [ 0.019, 39.968 ] ], [ [ -0.273, 39.279 ], [ -0.273, 39.279 ], [ -0.279, 39.278 ], [ -0.273, 39.279 ] ], [ [ -0.729, 37.744 ], [ -0.728, 37.744 ], [ -0.733, 37.747 ], [ -0.729, 37.744 ] ], [ [ -5.229, 36.354 ], [ -5.228, 36.355 ], [ -5.232, 36.356 ], [ -5.229, 36.354 ] ], [ [ -5.271, 36.288 ], [ -5.271, 36.288 ], [ -5.274, 36.292 ], [ -5.271, 36.288 ] ] ], [ [ [ -5.432, 36.128 ], [ -5.43, 36.141 ], [ -5.432, 36.128 ], [ -5.432, 36.128 ] ] ], [ [ [ -5.417, 36.175 ], [ -5.417, 36.175 ], [ -5.42, 36.173 ], [ -5.417, 36.175 ] ] ], [ [ [ -4.509, 36.597 ], [ -4.509, 36.597 ], [ -4.512, 36.593 ], [ -4.509, 36.597 ] ] ], [ [ [ -6.333, 36.62 ], [ -6.326, 36.61 ], [ -6.335, 36.621 ], [ -6.333, 36.62 ] ] ], [ [ [ -2.791, 36.695 ], [ -2.791, 36.694 ], [ -2.798, 36.696 ], [ -2.791, 36.695 ] ] ], [ [ [ -6.949, 37.168 ], [ -6.948, 37.167 ], [ -6.949, 37.164 ], [ -6.949, 37.168 ] ] ], [ [ [ -0.77, 37.69 ], [ -0.776, 37.696 ], [ -0.772, 37.703 ], [ -0.765, 37.694 ], [ -0.77, 37.69 ] ] ], [ [ [ -0.798, 37.696 ], [ -0.803, 37.703 ], [ -0.797, 37.702 ], [ -0.798, 37.696 ] ] ], [ [ [ -0.681, 37.971 ], [ -0.68, 37.969 ], [ -0.687, 37.964 ], [ -0.681, 37.971 ] ] ], [ [ [ -0.471, 38.162 ], [ -0.484, 38.167 ], [ -0.465, 38.164 ], [ -0.471, 38.162 ] ] ], [ [ [ 1.389, 38.64 ], [ 1.38, 38.719 ], [ 1.433, 38.772 ], [ 1.496, 38.689 ], [ 1.585, 38.67 ], [ 1.447, 38.685 ], [ 1.389, 38.64 ] ] ], [ [ [ -0.745, 37.759 ], [ -0.745, 37.759 ], [ -0.745, 37.759 ], [ -0.745, 37.759 ] ] ], [ [ [ -0.745, 37.759 ], [ -0.758, 37.78 ], [ -0.753, 37.783 ], [ -0.74, 37.772 ], [ -0.745, 37.759 ] ] ], [ [ [ 1.48, 38.788 ], [ 1.474, 38.797 ], [ 1.478, 38.805 ], [ 1.482, 38.799 ], [ 1.48, 38.788 ] ] ], [ [ [ 1.432, 38.774 ], [ 1.419, 38.779 ], [ 1.422, 38.797 ], [ 1.432, 38.784 ], [ 1.432, 38.774 ] ] ], [ [ [ 1.198, 38.956 ], [ 1.19, 38.958 ], [ 1.198, 38.96 ], [ 1.198, 38.956 ] ] ], [ [ [ 1.216, 38.967 ], [ 1.215, 38.973 ], [ 1.22, 38.969 ], [ 1.216, 38.967 ] ] ], [ [ [ 1.189, 38.863 ], [ 1.196, 38.87 ], [ 1.203, 38.869 ], [ 1.202, 38.864 ], [ 1.189, 38.863 ] ] ], [ [ [ 1.213, 38.866 ], [ 1.207, 38.868 ], [ 1.215, 38.869 ], [ 1.213, 38.866 ] ] ], [ [ [ 1.649, 39.032 ], [ 1.636, 39.041 ], [ 1.646, 39.041 ], [ 1.649, 39.032 ] ] ], [ [ [ 2.947, 39.125 ], [ 2.919, 39.129 ], [ 2.917, 39.162 ], [ 2.977, 39.158 ], [ 2.947, 39.125 ] ] ], [ [ [ 2.962, 39.175 ], [ 2.956, 39.184 ], [ 2.97, 39.19 ], [ 2.973, 39.187 ], [ 2.962, 39.175 ] ] ], [ [ [ 2.306, 39.572 ], [ 2.308, 39.582 ], [ 2.339, 39.598 ], [ 2.319, 39.577 ], [ 2.306, 39.572 ] ] ], [ [ [ 4.285, 39.799 ], [ 4.282, 39.802 ], [ 4.296, 39.8 ], [ 4.285, 39.799 ] ] ], [ [ [ 2.571, 39.531 ], [ 2.571, 39.531 ], [ 2.565, 39.528 ], [ 2.571, 39.531 ] ] ], [ [ [ 1.371, 38.83 ], [ 1.345, 38.871 ], [ 1.224, 38.871 ], [ 1.229, 38.975 ], [ 1.303, 38.97 ], [ 1.29, 39.028 ], [ 1.36, 39.074 ], [ 1.533, 39.118 ], [ 1.604, 39.091 ], [ 1.621, 39.028 ], [ 1.371, 38.83 ] ] ], [ [ [ 1.214, 38.976 ], [ 1.206, 38.984 ], [ 1.214, 38.995 ], [ 1.219, 38.978 ], [ 1.214, 38.976 ] ] ], [ [ [ 0.687, 39.893 ], [ 0.684, 39.897 ], [ 0.688, 39.901 ], [ 0.684, 39.897 ], [ 0.687, 39.893 ] ] ], [ [ [ 4.271, 39.809 ], [ 3.99, 39.931 ], [ 3.824, 39.922 ], [ 3.836, 40.002 ], [ 3.792, 40.02 ], [ 4.082, 40.089 ], [ 4.127, 40.026 ], [ 4.137, 40.067 ], [ 4.173, 40.061 ], [ 4.205, 39.993 ], [ 4.27, 39.997 ], [ 4.328, 39.877 ], [ 4.257, 39.897 ], [ 4.308, 39.865 ], [ 4.271, 39.809 ] ] ], [ [ [ 4.277, 39.956 ], [ 4.274, 39.964 ], [ 4.278, 39.967 ], [ 4.284, 39.96 ], [ 4.277, 39.956 ] ] ], [ [ [ 3.147, 39.92 ], [ 3.144, 39.923 ], [ 3.15, 39.92 ], [ 3.147, 39.92 ] ] ] ] } } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las 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: [ [ [ [ -17.987, 27.638 ], [ -18.157, 27.711 ], [ -18.155, 27.754 ], [ -18.037, 27.762 ], [ -17.917, 27.848 ], [ -17.884, 27.803 ], [ -17.987, 27.638 ] ] ], [ [ [ -14.333, 28.044 ], [ -14.51, 28.069 ], [ -14.223, 28.215 ], [ -14.204, 28.328 ], [ -14.033, 28.593 ], [ -14.016, 28.715 ], [ -13.866, 28.746 ], [ -13.824, 28.553 ], [ -13.901, 28.276 ], [ -14.218, 28.166 ], [ -14.333, 28.044 ] ] ], [ [ [ -13.818, 28.736 ], [ -13.836, 28.752 ], [ -13.813, 28.766 ], [ -13.81, 28.755 ], [ -13.818, 28.736 ] ] ], [ [ [ -15.428, 27.805 ], [ -15.599, 27.735 ], [ -15.788, 27.835 ], [ -15.835, 27.971 ], [ -15.711, 28.083 ], [ -15.709, 28.166 ], [ -15.467, 28.126 ], [ -15.404, 28.175 ], [ -15.42, 28.06 ], [ -15.358, 27.931 ], [ -15.428, 27.805 ] ] ], [ [ [ -17.199, 28.024 ], [ -17.27, 28.025 ], [ -17.349, 28.098 ], [ -17.319, 28.206 ], [ -17.112, 28.144 ], [ -17.098, 28.096 ], [ -17.199, 28.024 ] ] ], [ [ [ -16.679, 27.998 ], [ -16.923, 28.356 ], [ -16.514, 28.419 ], [ -16.329, 28.577 ], [ -16.136, 28.583 ], [ -16.126, 28.532 ], [ -16.36, 28.379 ], [ -16.427, 28.147 ], [ -16.547, 28.025 ], [ -16.679, 27.998 ] ] ], [ [ [ -17.841, 28.453 ], [ -18.007, 28.758 ], [ -17.92, 28.857 ], [ -17.778, 28.84 ], [ -17.725, 28.743 ], [ -17.77, 28.677 ], [ -17.76, 28.57 ], [ -17.841, 28.453 ] ] ], [ [ [ -13.521, 29.383 ], [ -13.524, 29.411 ], [ -13.489, 29.405 ], [ -13.507, 29.384 ], [ -13.521, 29.383 ] ] ], [ [ [ -13.534, 29.216 ], [ -13.513, 29.289 ], [ -13.482, 29.278 ], [ -13.501, 29.228 ], [ -13.534, 29.216 ] ] ], [ [ [ -13.538, 29.289 ], [ -13.54, 29.302 ], [ -13.535, 29.307 ], [ -13.53, 29.299 ], [ -13.538, 29.289 ] ] ], [ [ [ -2.953, 35.32 ], [ -2.923, 35.29 ], [ -2.951, 35.265 ], [ -2.97, 35.289 ], [ -2.953, 35.32 ] ] ], [ [ [ -5.345, 35.871 ], [ -5.379, 35.916 ], [ -5.279, 35.9 ], [ -5.288, 35.89 ], [ -5.345, 35.871 ] ] ], [ [ [ -13.54, 28.96 ], [ -13.534, 28.968 ], [ -13.54, 28.96 ], [ -13.54, 28.96 ] ] ], [ [ [ -13.605, 28.942 ], [ -13.736, 28.907 ], [ -13.787, 28.839 ], [ -13.877, 28.86 ], [ -13.815, 29.033 ], [ -13.658, 29.124 ], [ -13.546, 29.119 ], [ -13.47, 29.239 ], [ -13.419, 29.198 ], [ -13.465, 29.019 ], [ -13.605, 28.942 ] ] ], [ [ [ 1.737, 41.212 ], [ 1.737, 41.211 ], [ 1.732, 41.207 ], [ 1.737, 41.212 ] ] ], [ [ [ 1.826, 41.234 ], [ 1.826, 41.234 ], [ 1.824, 41.232 ], [ 1.826, 41.234 ] ] ], [ [ [ 2.16, 41.342 ], [ 2.16, 41.342 ], [ 2.166, 41.341 ], [ 2.16, 41.342 ] ] ], [ [ [ 3.223, 42.045 ], [ 3.219, 42.048 ], [ 3.225, 42.05 ], [ 3.223, 42.045 ] ] ], [ [ [ 2.182, 41.362 ], [ 2.176, 41.352 ], [ 2.172, 41.335 ], [ 2.175, 41.353 ], [ 2.182, 41.362 ] ] ], [ [ [ 2.182, 41.362 ], [ 2.186, 41.368 ], [ 2.187, 41.367 ], [ 2.182, 41.362 ] ] ], [ [ [ -8.892, 42.191 ], [ -8.913, 42.196 ], [ -8.912, 42.206 ], [ -8.892, 42.196 ], [ -8.892, 42.191 ] ] ], [ [ [ -8.914, 42.211 ], [ -8.904, 42.224 ], [ -8.914, 42.252 ], [ -8.895, 42.227 ], [ -8.914, 42.211 ] ] ], [ [ [ -8.785, 42.259 ], [ -8.78, 42.26 ], [ -8.785, 42.259 ], [ -8.785, 42.259 ] ] ], [ [ [ -8.938, 42.343 ], [ -8.938, 42.349 ], [ -8.933, 42.349 ], [ -8.938, 42.343 ] ] ], [ [ [ -8.939, 42.355 ], [ -8.945, 42.38 ], [ -8.921, 42.4 ], [ -8.939, 42.355 ] ] ], [ [ [ -8.708, 42.408 ], [ -8.713, 42.411 ], [ -8.709, 42.415 ], [ -8.705, 42.412 ], [ -8.708, 42.408 ] ] ], [ [ [ 1.984, 42.447 ], [ 1.957, 42.458 ], [ 1.979, 42.495 ], [ 2.014, 42.452 ], [ 1.984, 42.447 ] ] ], [ [ [ -9.01, 42.463 ], [ -9.02, 42.474 ], [ -9.016, 42.486 ], [ -8.999, 42.469 ], [ -9.01, 42.463 ] ] ], [ [ [ -8.818, 42.519 ], [ -8.826, 42.515 ], [ -8.818, 42.519 ], [ -8.818, 42.519 ] ] ], [ [ [ -8.863, 42.497 ], [ -8.863, 42.497 ], [ -8.859, 42.498 ], [ -8.863, 42.497 ] ] ], [ [ [ -8.901, 42.537 ], [ -8.904, 42.541 ], [ -8.897, 42.543 ], [ -8.901, 42.537 ] ] ], [ [ [ -8.872, 42.524 ], [ -8.892, 42.568 ], [ -8.877, 42.575 ], [ -8.856, 42.566 ], [ -8.872, 42.524 ] ] ], [ [ [ -8.787, 42.614 ], [ -8.789, 42.62 ], [ -8.78, 42.622 ], [ -8.778, 42.619 ], [ -8.787, 42.614 ] ] ], [ [ [ -3.025, 43.328 ], [ -3.027, 43.332 ], [ -3.023, 43.327 ], [ -3.025, 43.328 ] ] ], [ [ [ -8.847, 42.482 ], [ -8.853, 42.489 ], [ -8.842, 42.501 ], [ -8.847, 42.482 ] ] ], [ [ [ -8.384, 43.353 ], [ -8.382, 43.354 ], [ -8.379, 43.348 ], [ -8.384, 43.353 ] ] ], [ [ [ -8.845, 43.355 ], [ -8.85, 43.361 ], [ -8.837, 43.362 ], [ -8.836, 43.358 ], [ -8.845, 43.355 ] ] ], [ [ [ -8.834, 43.356 ], [ -8.834, 43.362 ], [ -8.831, 43.358 ], [ -8.834, 43.356 ] ] ], [ [ [ -8.395, 43.361 ], [ -8.396, 43.361 ], [ -8.388, 43.361 ], [ -8.395, 43.361 ] ] ], [ [ [ -8.192, 43.485 ], [ -8.192, 43.485 ], [ -8.186, 43.485 ], [ -8.192, 43.485 ] ] ], [ [ [ 3.026, 39.288 ], [ 2.958, 39.363 ], [ 2.787, 39.363 ], [ 2.722, 39.476 ], [ 2.749, 39.51 ], [ 2.67, 39.562 ], [ 2.541, 39.525 ], [ 2.522, 39.457 ], [ 2.452, 39.537 ], [ 2.364, 39.531 ], [ 2.347, 39.595 ], [ 2.778, 39.856 ], [ 3.214, 39.963 ], [ 3.08, 39.902 ], [ 3.106, 39.858 ], [ 3.204, 39.889 ], [ 3.121, 39.832 ], [ 3.135, 39.783 ], [ 3.253, 39.729 ], [ 3.348, 39.789 ], [ 3.479, 39.715 ], [ 3.232, 39.362 ], [ 3.069, 39.267 ], [ 3.026, 39.288 ] ], [ [ 2.466, 39.513 ], [ 2.466, 39.513 ], [ 2.47, 39.51 ], [ 2.466, 39.513 ] ] ], [ [ [ -5.351, 36.153 ], [ -5.384, 36.18 ], [ -5.427, 36.176 ], [ -5.429, 36.071 ], [ -5.611, 36 ], [ -5.915, 36.185 ], [ -6.034, 36.181 ], [ -6.31, 36.529 ], [ -6.279, 36.543 ], [ -6.23, 36.463 ], [ -6.173, 36.521 ], [ -6.242, 36.506 ], [ -6.233, 36.585 ], [ -6.249, 36.572 ], [ -6.395, 36.634 ], [ -6.443, 36.738 ], [ -6.342, 36.795 ], [ -6.397, 36.807 ], [ -6.498, 36.958 ], [ -6.773, 37.111 ], [ -7.044, 37.207 ], [ -7.402, 37.175 ], [ -7.464, 37.487 ], [ -7.523, 37.553 ], [ -7.421, 37.759 ], [ -7.283, 37.869 ], [ -7.263, 37.98 ], [ -7.099, 38.044 ], [ -7.002, 38.023 ], [ -6.932, 38.208 ], [ -7.086, 38.169 ], [ -7.281, 38.42 ], [ -7.336, 38.435 ], [ -7.244, 38.624 ], [ -7.255, 38.726 ], [ -7.039, 38.865 ], [ -6.959, 39.055 ], [ -7.033, 39.118 ], [ -7.144, 39.109 ], [ -7.135, 39.171 ], [ -7.241, 39.209 ], [ -7.231, 39.278 ], [ -7.323, 39.382 ], [ -7.296, 39.459 ], [ -7.545, 39.663 ], [ -7.015, 39.671 ], [ -6.987, 39.81 ], [ -6.904, 39.871 ], [ -6.864, 40.012 ], [ -7.029, 40.186 ], [ -6.781, 40.365 ], [ -6.85, 40.453 ], [ -6.795, 40.512 ], [ -6.845, 40.566 ], [ -6.794, 40.662 ], [ -6.831, 40.753 ], [ -6.802, 40.861 ], [ -6.93, 41.03 ], [ -6.808, 41.036 ], [ -6.648, 41.248 ], [ -6.497, 41.266 ], [ -6.39, 41.385 ], [ -6.318, 41.386 ], [ -6.197, 41.59 ], [ -6.302, 41.663 ], [ -6.548, 41.686 ], [ -6.569, 41.743 ], [ -6.516, 41.871 ], [ -6.571, 41.884 ], [ -6.546, 41.936 ], [ -6.588, 41.968 ], [ -6.699, 41.933 ], [ -6.811, 41.993 ], [ -6.821, 41.946 ], [ -6.893, 41.94 ], [ -7.141, 41.991 ], [ -7.187, 41.97 ], [ -7.197, 41.88 ], [ -7.427, 41.807 ], [ -7.453, 41.865 ], [ -7.614, 41.829 ], [ -7.586, 41.882 ], [ -7.701, 41.908 ], [ -7.876, 41.849 ], [ -7.906, 41.927 ], [ -8.013, 41.829 ], [ -8.165, 41.818 ], [ -8.217, 41.914 ], [ -8.083, 42.036 ], [ -8.119, 42.082 ], [ -8.182, 42.067 ], [ -8.199, 42.154 ], [ -8.332, 42.084 ], [ -8.637, 42.047 ], [ -8.872, 41.866 ], [ -8.901, 42.112 ], [ -8.826, 42.115 ], [ -8.85, 42.157 ], [ -8.775, 42.222 ], [ -8.611, 42.288 ], [ -8.612, 42.346 ], [ -8.66, 42.291 ], [ -8.873, 42.25 ], [ -8.856, 42.31 ], [ -8.817, 42.279 ], [ -8.839, 42.339 ], [ -8.755, 42.34 ], [ -8.652, 42.428 ], [ -8.839, 42.384 ], [ -8.942, 42.463 ], [ -8.872, 42.501 ], [ -8.869, 42.448 ], [ -8.82, 42.452 ], [ -8.835, 42.565 ], [ -8.772, 42.593 ], [ -8.779, 42.614 ], [ -8.741, 42.649 ], [ -8.724, 42.679 ], [ -8.727, 42.688 ], [ -8.8, 42.636 ], [ -8.845, 42.687 ], [ -8.857, 42.606 ], [ -8.901, 42.643 ], [ -9.011, 42.518 ], [ -9.089, 42.571 ], [ -9.009, 42.727 ], [ -8.954, 42.749 ], [ -8.904, 42.788 ], [ -8.904, 42.814 ], [ -8.879, 42.816 ], [ -8.876, 42.829 ], [ -8.909, 42.825 ], [ -8.963, 42.779 ], [ -9.064, 42.787 ], [ -9.086, 42.738 ], [ -9.151, 42.798 ], [ -9.108, 42.836 ], [ -9.173, 42.944 ], [ -9.274, 42.881 ], [ -9.257, 43.002 ], [ -9.299, 43.056 ], [ -9.167, 43.105 ], [ -9.165, 43.153 ], [ -9.216, 43.152 ], [ -9.175, 43.192 ], [ -8.94, 43.227 ], [ -8.991, 43.275 ], [ -8.841, 43.345 ], [ -8.712, 43.29 ], [ -8.401, 43.39 ], [ -8.356, 43.344 ], [ -8.307, 43.406 ], [ -8.209, 43.328 ], [ -8.223, 43.387 ], [ -8.174, 43.42 ], [ -8.317, 43.445 ], [ -8.201, 43.46 ], [ -8.151, 43.517 ], [ -8.341, 43.458 ], [ -8.296, 43.535 ], [ -8.322, 43.565 ], [ -8.054, 43.649 ], [ -8.064, 43.704 ], [ -7.904, 43.77 ], [ -7.849, 43.71 ], [ -7.876, 43.723 ], [ -7.904, 43.671 ], [ -7.847, 43.668 ], [ -7.86, 43.707 ], [ -7.725, 43.747 ], [ -7.689, 43.791 ], [ -7.692, 43.732 ], [ -7.636, 43.753 ], [ -7.609, 43.672 ], [ -7.557, 43.73 ], [ -7.468, 43.724 ], [ -7.357, 43.671 ], [ -7.256, 43.547 ], [ -6.356, 43.551 ], [ -6.245, 43.595 ], [ -6.113, 43.555 ], [ -5.956, 43.58 ], [ -5.841, 43.661 ], [ -5.679, 43.541 ], [ -5.413, 43.555 ], [ -5.216, 43.475 ], [ -4.619, 43.395 ], [ -4.28, 43.388 ], [ -3.812, 43.495 ], [ -3.763, 43.467 ], [ -3.825, 43.452 ], [ -3.836, 43.407 ], [ -3.809, 43.393 ], [ -3.767, 43.406 ], [ -3.815, 43.408 ], [ -3.776, 43.449 ], [ -3.757, 43.431 ], [ -3.736, 43.432 ], [ -3.726, 43.442 ], [ -3.717, 43.422 ], [ -3.712, 43.423 ], [ -3.709, 43.411 ], [ -3.712, 43.423 ], [ -3.726, 43.443 ], [ -3.777, 43.458 ], [ -3.591, 43.514 ], [ -3.431, 43.462 ], [ -3.43, 43.441 ], [ -3.465, 43.445 ], [ -3.492, 43.425 ], [ -3.465, 43.404 ], [ -3.45, 43.436 ], [ -3.161, 43.351 ], [ -3.084, 43.378 ], [ -3.024, 43.325 ], [ -3.01, 43.337 ], [ -3.028, 43.342 ], [ -3.013, 43.348 ], [ -3.04, 43.373 ], [ -2.947, 43.436 ], [ -2.752, 43.457 ], [ -2.353, 43.299 ], [ -2.202, 43.312 ], [ -2.127, 43.29 ], [ -1.791, 43.396 ], [ -1.73, 43.295 ], [ -1.625, 43.307 ], [ -1.609, 43.252 ], [ -1.536, 43.295 ], [ -1.39, 43.259 ], [ -1.381, 43.19 ], [ -1.473, 43.087 ], [ -1.441, 43.046 ], [ -1.354, 43.028 ], [ -1.345, 43.095 ], [ -1.273, 43.119 ], [ -1.309, 43.069 ], [ -1.142, 43.007 ], [ -0.945, 42.953 ], [ -0.752, 42.967 ], [ -0.727, 42.894 ], [ -0.566, 42.782 ], [ -0.313, 42.849 ], [ -0.017, 42.685 ], [ 0.176, 42.737 ], [ 0.295, 42.673 ], [ 0.36, 42.724 ], [ 0.669, 42.689 ], [ 0.645, 42.783 ], [ 0.709, 42.861 ], [ 1.079, 42.788 ], [ 1.166, 42.709 ], [ 1.357, 42.72 ], [ 1.443, 42.603 ], [ 1.414, 42.535 ], [ 1.468, 42.51 ], [ 1.419, 42.484 ], [ 1.455, 42.436 ], [ 1.726, 42.504 ], [ 1.937, 42.454 ], [ 2.015, 42.347 ], [ 2.257, 42.439 ], [ 2.533, 42.333 ], [ 2.672, 42.341 ], [ 2.674, 42.405 ], [ 2.947, 42.482 ], [ 3.175, 42.435 ], [ 3.163, 42.36 ], [ 3.322, 42.32 ], [ 3.264, 42.238 ], [ 3.163, 42.264 ], [ 3.112, 42.206 ], [ 3.124, 42.128 ], [ 3.215, 42.061 ], [ 3.203, 41.892 ], [ 2.935, 41.715 ], [ 2.277, 41.465 ], [ 2.099, 41.284 ], [ 0.988, 41.041 ], [ 0.7, 40.805 ], [ 0.872, 40.735 ], [ 0.872, 40.699 ], [ 0.674, 40.562 ], [ 0.618, 40.553 ], [ 0.595, 40.578 ], [ 0.745, 40.636 ], [ 0.602, 40.622 ], [ 0.538, 40.568 ], [ 0.408, 40.357 ], [ 0.148, 40.083 ], [ 0.049, 40.035 ], [ -0.323, 39.5 ], [ -0.325, 39.387 ], [ -0.161, 38.992 ], [ -0.018, 38.873 ], [ 0.197, 38.804 ], [ 0.234, 38.737 ], [ 0.084, 38.631 ], [ -0.016, 38.627 ], [ -0.098, 38.523 ], [ -0.312, 38.477 ], [ -0.387, 38.431 ], [ -0.404, 38.352 ], [ -0.506, 38.332 ], [ -0.51, 38.203 ], [ -0.628, 38.154 ], [ -0.648, 38 ], [ -0.761, 37.865 ], [ -0.748, 37.79 ], [ -0.784, 37.819 ], [ -0.86, 37.723 ], [ -0.728, 37.634 ], [ -0.72, 37.649 ], [ -0.74, 37.66 ], [ -0.745, 37.759 ], [ -0.728, 37.75 ], [ -0.688, 37.634 ], [ -0.718, 37.607 ], [ -0.919, 37.554 ], [ -0.992, 37.601 ], [ -1.111, 37.534 ], [ -1.326, 37.563 ], [ -1.46, 37.487 ], [ -1.486, 37.423 ], [ -1.672, 37.357 ], [ -1.805, 37.217 ], [ -1.896, 36.948 ], [ -2.124, 36.732 ], [ -2.193, 36.721 ], [ -2.361, 36.842 ], [ -2.562, 36.816 ], [ -2.7, 36.683 ], [ -2.849, 36.695 ], [ -2.927, 36.752 ], [ -3.259, 36.753 ], [ -3.42, 36.694 ], [ -3.835, 36.754 ], [ -4.394, 36.722 ], [ -4.638, 36.507 ], [ -4.913, 36.505 ], [ -5.177, 36.414 ], [ -5.351, 36.153 ] ], [ [ -5.603, 36.008 ], [ -5.603, 36.009 ], [ -5.603, 36.009 ], [ -5.603, 36.008 ] ], [ [ -5.603, 36.009 ], [ -5.602, 36.01 ], [ -5.605, 36.01 ], [ -5.603, 36.009 ] ], [ [ -7.823, 43.7 ], [ -7.82, 43.7 ], [ -7.821, 43.701 ], [ -7.823, 43.7 ] ], [ [ -7.82, 43.7 ], [ -7.815, 43.695 ], [ -7.813, 43.698 ], [ -7.82, 43.7 ] ], [ [ -7.695, 43.739 ], [ -7.695, 43.739 ], [ -7.701, 43.736 ], [ -7.695, 43.739 ] ], [ [ -7.597, 43.674 ], [ -7.596, 43.673 ], [ -7.596, 43.674 ], [ -7.597, 43.674 ] ], [ [ -7.596, 43.673 ], [ -7.599, 43.663 ], [ -7.594, 43.668 ], [ -7.596, 43.673 ] ], [ [ -2.132, 43.292 ], [ -2.132, 43.292 ], [ -2.131, 43.287 ], [ -2.132, 43.292 ] ], [ [ 0.019, 39.968 ], [ 0.013, 39.968 ], [ 0.02, 39.968 ], [ 0.019, 39.968 ] ], [ [ -0.273, 39.279 ], [ -0.273, 39.279 ], [ -0.279, 39.278 ], [ -0.273, 39.279 ] ], [ [ -0.729, 37.744 ], [ -0.728, 37.744 ], [ -0.733, 37.747 ], [ -0.729, 37.744 ] ], [ [ -5.229, 36.354 ], [ -5.228, 36.355 ], [ -5.232, 36.356 ], [ -5.229, 36.354 ] ], [ [ -5.271, 36.288 ], [ -5.271, 36.288 ], [ -5.274, 36.292 ], [ -5.271, 36.288 ] ] ], [ [ [ -5.432, 36.128 ], [ -5.43, 36.141 ], [ -5.432, 36.128 ], [ -5.432, 36.128 ] ] ], [ [ [ -5.417, 36.175 ], [ -5.417, 36.175 ], [ -5.42, 36.173 ], [ -5.417, 36.175 ] ] ], [ [ [ -4.509, 36.597 ], [ -4.509, 36.597 ], [ -4.512, 36.593 ], [ -4.509, 36.597 ] ] ], [ [ [ -6.333, 36.62 ], [ -6.326, 36.61 ], [ -6.335, 36.621 ], [ -6.333, 36.62 ] ] ], [ [ [ -2.791, 36.695 ], [ -2.791, 36.694 ], [ -2.798, 36.696 ], [ -2.791, 36.695 ] ] ], [ [ [ -6.949, 37.168 ], [ -6.948, 37.167 ], [ -6.949, 37.164 ], [ -6.949, 37.168 ] ] ], [ [ [ -0.77, 37.69 ], [ -0.776, 37.696 ], [ -0.772, 37.703 ], [ -0.765, 37.694 ], [ -0.77, 37.69 ] ] ], [ [ [ -0.798, 37.696 ], [ -0.803, 37.703 ], [ -0.797, 37.702 ], [ -0.798, 37.696 ] ] ], [ [ [ -0.681, 37.971 ], [ -0.68, 37.969 ], [ -0.687, 37.964 ], [ -0.681, 37.971 ] ] ], [ [ [ -0.471, 38.162 ], [ -0.484, 38.167 ], [ -0.465, 38.164 ], [ -0.471, 38.162 ] ] ], [ [ [ 1.389, 38.64 ], [ 1.38, 38.719 ], [ 1.433, 38.772 ], [ 1.496, 38.689 ], [ 1.585, 38.67 ], [ 1.447, 38.685 ], [ 1.389, 38.64 ] ] ], [ [ [ -0.745, 37.759 ], [ -0.745, 37.759 ], [ -0.745, 37.759 ], [ -0.745, 37.759 ] ] ], [ [ [ -0.745, 37.759 ], [ -0.758, 37.78 ], [ -0.753, 37.783 ], [ -0.74, 37.772 ], [ -0.745, 37.759 ] ] ], [ [ [ 1.48, 38.788 ], [ 1.474, 38.797 ], [ 1.478, 38.805 ], [ 1.482, 38.799 ], [ 1.48, 38.788 ] ] ], [ [ [ 1.432, 38.774 ], [ 1.419, 38.779 ], [ 1.422, 38.797 ], [ 1.432, 38.784 ], [ 1.432, 38.774 ] ] ], [ [ [ 1.198, 38.956 ], [ 1.19, 38.958 ], [ 1.198, 38.96 ], [ 1.198, 38.956 ] ] ], [ [ [ 1.216, 38.967 ], [ 1.215, 38.973 ], [ 1.22, 38.969 ], [ 1.216, 38.967 ] ] ], [ [ [ 1.189, 38.863 ], [ 1.196, 38.87 ], [ 1.203, 38.869 ], [ 1.202, 38.864 ], [ 1.189, 38.863 ] ] ], [ [ [ 1.213, 38.866 ], [ 1.207, 38.868 ], [ 1.215, 38.869 ], [ 1.213, 38.866 ] ] ], [ [ [ 1.649, 39.032 ], [ 1.636, 39.041 ], [ 1.646, 39.041 ], [ 1.649, 39.032 ] ] ], [ [ [ 2.947, 39.125 ], [ 2.919, 39.129 ], [ 2.917, 39.162 ], [ 2.977, 39.158 ], [ 2.947, 39.125 ] ] ], [ [ [ 2.962, 39.175 ], [ 2.956, 39.184 ], [ 2.97, 39.19 ], [ 2.973, 39.187 ], [ 2.962, 39.175 ] ] ], [ [ [ 2.306, 39.572 ], [ 2.308, 39.582 ], [ 2.339, 39.598 ], [ 2.319, 39.577 ], [ 2.306, 39.572 ] ] ], [ [ [ 4.285, 39.799 ], [ 4.282, 39.802 ], [ 4.296, 39.8 ], [ 4.285, 39.799 ] ] ], [ [ [ 2.571, 39.531 ], [ 2.571, 39.531 ], [ 2.565, 39.528 ], [ 2.571, 39.531 ] ] ], [ [ [ 1.371, 38.83 ], [ 1.345, 38.871 ], [ 1.224, 38.871 ], [ 1.229, 38.975 ], [ 1.303, 38.97 ], [ 1.29, 39.028 ], [ 1.36, 39.074 ], [ 1.533, 39.118 ], [ 1.604, 39.091 ], [ 1.621, 39.028 ], [ 1.371, 38.83 ] ] ], [ [ [ 1.214, 38.976 ], [ 1.206, 38.984 ], [ 1.214, 38.995 ], [ 1.219, 38.978 ], [ 1.214, 38.976 ] ] ], [ [ [ 0.687, 39.893 ], [ 0.684, 39.897 ], [ 0.688, 39.901 ], [ 0.684, 39.897 ], [ 0.687, 39.893 ] ] ], [ [ [ 4.271, 39.809 ], [ 3.99, 39.931 ], [ 3.824, 39.922 ], [ 3.836, 40.002 ], [ 3.792, 40.02 ], [ 4.082, 40.089 ], [ 4.127, 40.026 ], [ 4.137, 40.067 ], [ 4.173, 40.061 ], [ 4.205, 39.993 ], [ 4.27, 39.997 ], [ 4.328, 39.877 ], [ 4.257, 39.897 ], [ 4.308, 39.865 ], [ 4.271, 39.809 ] ] ], [ [ [ 4.277, 39.956 ], [ 4.274, 39.964 ], [ 4.278, 39.967 ], [ 4.284, 39.96 ], [ 4.277, 39.956 ] ] ], [ [ [ 3.147, 39.92 ], [ 3.144, 39.923 ], [ 3.15, 39.92 ], [ 3.147, 39.92 ] ] ] ] } } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 123009, "end" : 123015 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "España" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/4a285280-c05c-46f2-910a-092c1a9551dd", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-28T17:31:06+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Alonso Riquelme de Guzmán (1519-1573) fue un conquistador oriundo de Jeréz de la Frontera y sobrino del Segundo Adelantado al Río de la Plata, Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca, con quien llegó al Río de la Plata en 1541. Fue uno de sus más acérrimos partidarios durante la gobernación de Cabeza de Vaca y se convirtió en una de las figuras más prominentes de la facción de los \"leales\" una vez que aquel fuera expulsado de la provincia en 1545.Fue forzado por Domigo de Irala a casarse con una de sus hijas mestizas, unión de la cual nació Ruy Díaz de Guzmán. Bibliografía: Ricardo Lafuente Machaín, Alonso Riquelme de Guzmán, Buenos Aires, Amorrurtu, 1942.Tieffemberg, Silvia, \"Estudio Introductorio\", en Díaz de Guzmán, Ruy, Argentina. Historia del Descubrimiento y Conquista del Río de la Plata de Ruy Díaz de Guzmán, Buenos Aires, Editorial de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras-UBA, 2012.Fuentes \"Información hecha en Jerez de la Frontera a pedimento de Cabeza de Vaca para verificar ciertas cartas\", en Núñez Cabeza de Vaca, Álvar, Relación de los Naufragios y Comentarios de Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca, adelantado y gobernador del Río de la Plata. Ilustrado con varios documentos inéditos. Tomo Segundo, Madrid, Imprenta General de Victoriano Suárez, 1906, p. 289 (GGV 52/975; AGI Justicia 1131), 1545.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-28T17:31:06+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 70916, "end" : 70941 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Alonso Riquelme de Guzmán" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/68fc6ea1-4e8a-44a1-86fb-b70940ca52b7", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-28T17:40:27+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 4369, "end" : 4389 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Francisco de Peralta" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/b8f43b25-00a9-4635-a57e-7695d0eb6806", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "river", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-29T09:44:05+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://sws.geonames.org/3439317", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-29T09:44:05+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-29T09:44:05+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ -56.01667, -25.45 ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "El Acaray\n(del guaraní; Akaray), es un río del este de Paraguay, que nace en la cordillera\nde Caaguazú y recibe a su vez las aguas del Itakyry e Yguazú. Discurre por los\ndepartamentos de Caaguazú y Alto Paraná, hasta su desembocadura en el río\nParaná.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-29T09:44:05+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 15080, "end" : 15086 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Aracay" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/bf6a7ddd-a1a4-421f-968a-015c8831b0e7", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "bishop", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-29T10:32:55+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-29T10:32:55+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Fray Pedro\nFernández de la Torre, franciscano nacido en Baeza, España.,  hizo su solemne entrada en Asunción oficiar\ncomo primer Obispo del Paraguay, en la víspera del Domingo de Ramos del año\n1555. Llega con la armada de Martín de Orue, portador del Nombramiento real de\nMartínez de Irala como Gobernador de aquella Provincia.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-29T10:32:55+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 61294, "end" : 61326 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Fray Pedro Fernández de la Torre" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/14d6ac76-982e-44f4-9878-58735d527bb4", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : 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Derrota a los indios cerca de Corpus. Se le cree autor de la sentencia contra la Maldonado. Vuelve a Buenos Aires, para hacer evacuar el Fuerte, y lleva la gente a la Asumpción. Trae socorros al convoy de Cabeza de Vaca. Es electo Gobernador en ausencia de Irala; se conspira contra su persona. Prende al jefe del complot, y lo condena a muerte. Informa a España de su nombramiento; se resiste a devolver el mando al Gobernador Irala; se retira a las tierras de los indios. No quiere volver a la ciudad. Es sorprendido y herido. Lo llevan muerto a la Asumpción.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T18:12:40+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 67010, "end" : 67024 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Diego de Abreu" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/a3ceb10e-6cf5-44fc-b019-ac9e2d0a58ef", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T18:12:40+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Abreu (Diego), de Sevilla; viene con don Pedro de Mendoza. Derrota a los indios cerca de Corpus. Se le cree autor de la sentencia contra la Maldonado. Vuelve a Buenos Aires, para hacer evacuar el Fuerte, y lleva la gente a la Asumpción. Trae socorros al convoy de Cabeza de Vaca. Es electo Gobernador en ausencia de Irala; se conspira contra su persona. Prende al jefe del complot, y lo condena a muerte. Informa a España de su nombramiento; se resiste a devolver el mando al Gobernador Irala; se retira a las tierras de los indios. No quiere volver a la ciudad. Es sorprendido y herido. Lo llevan muerto a la Asumpción.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T18:12:40+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 70008, "end" : 70022 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Diego de Abreu" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/4a27ae84-4a9e-4626-961a-4a61db79723f", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T18:12:40+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Abreu (Diego), de Sevilla; viene con don Pedro de Mendoza. Derrota a los indios cerca de Corpus. Se le cree autor de la sentencia contra la Maldonado. Vuelve a Buenos Aires, para hacer evacuar el Fuerte, y lleva la gente a la Asumpción. Trae socorros al convoy de Cabeza de Vaca. Es electo Gobernador en ausencia de Irala; se conspira contra su persona. Prende al jefe del complot, y lo condena a muerte. Informa a España de su nombramiento; se resiste a devolver el mando al Gobernador Irala; se retira a las tierras de los indios. No quiere volver a la ciudad. Es sorprendido y herido. Lo llevan muerto a la Asumpción.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T18:12:40+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 70788, "end" : 70802 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Diego de Abreu" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/6cfa0a6d-a898-4207-9cc0-48388b0c170e", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T18:12:40+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Abreu (Diego), de Sevilla; viene con don Pedro de Mendoza. Derrota a los indios cerca de Corpus. Se le cree autor de la sentencia contra la Maldonado. Vuelve a Buenos Aires, para hacer evacuar el Fuerte, y lleva la gente a la Asumpción. Trae socorros al convoy de Cabeza de Vaca. Es electo Gobernador en ausencia de Irala; se conspira contra su persona. Prende al jefe del complot, y lo condena a muerte. Informa a España de su nombramiento; se resiste a devolver el mando al Gobernador Irala; se retira a las tierras de los indios. No quiere volver a la ciudad. Es sorprendido y herido. Lo llevan muerto a la Asumpción.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T18:12:40+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 77384, "end" : 77398 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Diego de Abreu" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/12d3e255-2f80-40e4-88d7-ea5895884f37", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T18:12:40+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Abreu (Diego), de Sevilla; viene con don Pedro de Mendoza. Derrota a los indios cerca de Corpus. Se le cree autor de la sentencia contra la Maldonado. Vuelve a Buenos Aires, para hacer evacuar el Fuerte, y lleva la gente a la Asumpción. Trae socorros al convoy de Cabeza de Vaca. Es electo Gobernador en ausencia de Irala; se conspira contra su persona. Prende al jefe del complot, y lo condena a muerte. Informa a España de su nombramiento; se resiste a devolver el mando al Gobernador Irala; se retira a las tierras de los indios. No quiere volver a la ciudad. Es sorprendido y herido. Lo llevan muerto a la Asumpción.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T18:12:40+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 86902, "end" : 86916 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Diego de Abreu" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/c59c0e89-1a70-4459-9497-85db5dc41982", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T18:12:40+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Abreu (Diego), de Sevilla; viene con don Pedro de Mendoza. Derrota a los indios cerca de Corpus. Se le cree autor de la sentencia contra la Maldonado. Vuelve a Buenos Aires, para hacer evacuar el Fuerte, y lleva la gente a la Asumpción. Trae socorros al convoy de Cabeza de Vaca. Es electo Gobernador en ausencia de Irala; se conspira contra su persona. Prende al jefe del complot, y lo condena a muerte. Informa a España de su nombramiento; se resiste a devolver el mando al Gobernador Irala; se retira a las tierras de los indios. No quiere volver a la ciudad. Es sorprendido y herido. Lo llevan muerto a la Asumpción.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T18:12:40+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 87571, "end" : 87585 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Diego de Abreu" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/423f9804-8d86-4a56-87b8-78e2e5ab6a73", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "conqueror", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T12:38:19+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T12:38:19+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "colonizer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T12:38:19+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T12:38:19+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Francisco de Aguirre también conocido como Francisco de Aguirre \"el\nViejo\" (Talavera de la Reina, Corona de\nCastilla, 1500 - La Serena, Capitanía General de Chile, 1581) fue un conquistador\nespañol que participó en la conquista de Chile y del noroeste de Argentina. En\nsu juventud se incorporó a las tropas imperiales de Carlos I de España. En 1525,\nAguirre tuvo una destacada actuación en la memorable batalla de Pavía, en la\nque los soldados de Carlos I derrotaron a los franceses y aprehendieron al rey Francisco\nI de Francia y en 1527 participó del “saqueo de Roma”. Las cartas y sus\ndocumentos revelan que poseía una inteligencia cultivada. De entre los\nconquistadores, fue uno de los que más legítimos títulos podía blasonar de la\nnobleza de su cuna.\n\nEn 1534, se embarcó hacia América. Desde la isla de Cuba viajó al Perú en 1537,\njunto a 400 soldados castellanos que venían a socorrer a Francisco Pizarro, que\nluchaba contra los incas. En Panamá se hizo de caballos, armas, un negro y\ncriados españoles. Arribó al Perú al tiempo que Pizarro había capturado al Inca\nAtahualpa, al que ejecutó. De inmediato, Aguirre se puso a las órdenes del\nconquistador del Perú y tuvo destacada actuación en todas las campañas y en la\ndominación de los incas. Más tarde ayudó al capitán Diego de Rojas a dominar y\npoblar la Provincia de Charcas, donde fue durante dos años teniente.Asignado como gobernador de Chile a la muerte\nde Pedro de Valdivia, fue también gobernador del Tucumán en tres oportunidades\ny fundador de las ciudades de La Serena (Chile) y Santiago del Estero\n(Argentina).", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T12:38:19+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 69631, "end" : 69651 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Francisco de Aguirre" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/93aa7871-b559-4acf-91b2-525734cfde30", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "conqueror", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T12:53:45+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T12:53:45+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "colonizer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T12:53:45+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T12:53:45+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Alonso Riquelme\nde Guzmán y Ponce de León - nació en Jerez de la Frontera por 1519. Ruy Díaz de\nGuzmán - su padre - le declaró hijo suyo y de Violante Ponce de León, el\n13-VIII-1528, en una escritura de poder general a favor de Juan de Xerez,\nprocurador de Sevilla. Desde su infancia y hasta su primera juventud sirvió de\npaje y luego como secretario de sus presuntos deudos los Duques de Medina\nSidonia, Juan Alonso de Guzmán y Ana de Aragón. Tenía 21 años cuando se alistó\nen la armada de su pariente Alvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca (tío carnal de su\nmadrastra y del mismo linaje de su abuela Catalina de Zurita), y zarpó con rumbo\nal Río de la Plata.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T12:53:45+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 48113, "end" : 48128 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Alonso Riquelme" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/3005d201-a8c2-4157-b7e2-ca57c0089572", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "conqueror", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T12:53:45+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T12:53:45+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "colonizer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T12:53:45+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T12:53:45+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Alonso Riquelme\nde Guzmán y Ponce de León - nació en Jerez de la Frontera por 1519. Ruy Díaz de\nGuzmán - su padre - le declaró hijo suyo y de Violante Ponce de León, el\n13-VIII-1528, en una escritura de poder general a favor de Juan de Xerez,\nprocurador de Sevilla. Desde su infancia y hasta su primera juventud sirvió de\npaje y luego como secretario de sus presuntos deudos los Duques de Medina\nSidonia, Juan Alonso de Guzmán y Ana de Aragón. Tenía 21 años cuando se alistó\nen la armada de su pariente Alvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca (tío carnal de su\nmadrastra y del mismo linaje de su abuela Catalina de Zurita), y zarpó con rumbo\nal Río de la Plata.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T12:53:45+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 50525, "end" : 50540 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Alonso Riquelme" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/704080ce-7b21-42fb-9070-df1389d3b79c", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "conqueror", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T12:53:45+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T12:53:45+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "colonizer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T12:53:45+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T12:53:45+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Alonso Riquelme\nde Guzmán y Ponce de León - nació en Jerez de la Frontera por 1519. Ruy Díaz de\nGuzmán - su padre - le declaró hijo suyo y de Violante Ponce de León, el\n13-VIII-1528, en una escritura de poder general a favor de Juan de Xerez,\nprocurador de Sevilla. Desde su infancia y hasta su primera juventud sirvió de\npaje y luego como secretario de sus presuntos deudos los Duques de Medina\nSidonia, Juan Alonso de Guzmán y Ana de Aragón. Tenía 21 años cuando se alistó\nen la armada de su pariente Alvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca (tío carnal de su\nmadrastra y del mismo linaje de su abuela Catalina de Zurita), y zarpó con rumbo\nal Río de la Plata.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T12:53:45+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 91836, "end" : 91851 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Alonso Riquelme" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/18ff7eea-bc38-488c-8bd9-2cceb81fae7d", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "conqueror", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:34:45+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:34:45+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "colonizer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:34:45+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:34:45+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Ruy Díaz de Melgarejo (Salteras\nde Sevilla, 1519 – Santa Fe la Vieja, 1602) fue un militar, conquistador, explorador,\nestadista, minero y burócrata colonial español establecido en la región del Río\nde la Plata. Su vida estuvo marcada por guerras, conspiraciones, persecuciones\ny conflictos familiares.\n\nJunto a Juan de Salazar, Alonso Riquelme de Guzmán y Diego de Abreu se opuso\nal gobierno asunceno de Domingo Martínez de Irala, apoyando al deportado Álvar\nNúñez Cabeza de Vaca.\n\nGobernó de manera casi absoluta e independiente la antigua provincia\nasuncena del Guayrá, fácticamente durante 20 años, y luego de separarla de Asunción\nen 1575, con el título de teniente de gobernador del Guayrá unos 15 años más.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:34:45+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 56477, "end" : 56495 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Rui Díaz Melgarejo" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/bf84d024-c691-4410-b98b-f6875f2bb274", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "conqueror", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:34:45+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:34:45+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "colonizer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:34:45+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:34:45+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Ruy Díaz de Melgarejo (Salteras\nde Sevilla, 1519 – Santa Fe la Vieja, 1602) fue un militar, conquistador, explorador,\nestadista, minero y burócrata colonial español establecido en la región del Río\nde la Plata. Su vida estuvo marcada por guerras, conspiraciones, persecuciones\ny conflictos familiares.\n\nJunto a Juan de Salazar, Alonso Riquelme de Guzmán y Diego de Abreu se opuso\nal gobierno asunceno de Domingo Martínez de Irala, apoyando al deportado Álvar\nNúñez Cabeza de Vaca.\n\nGobernó de manera casi absoluta e independiente la antigua provincia\nasuncena del Guayrá, fácticamente durante 20 años, y luego de separarla de Asunción\nen 1575, con el título de teniente de gobernador del Guayrá unos 15 años más.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:34:45+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 91982, "end" : 92000 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Rui Díaz Melgarejo" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/8115e7b3-0ffb-4bb5-9acd-d3ad29a5821e", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "conqueror", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:36:24+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "colonizer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:36:24+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:36:24+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:36:24+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Ruy Díaz de Melgarejo (Salteras\nde Sevilla, 1519 – Santa Fe la Vieja, 1602) fue un militar, conquistador, explorador,\nestadista, minero y burócrata colonial español establecido en la región del Río\nde la Plata. Su vida estuvo marcada por guerras, conspiraciones, persecuciones\ny conflictos familiares.\n\nJunto a Juan de Salazar, Alonso Riquelme de Guzmán y Diego de Abreu se opuso\nal gobierno asunceno de Domingo Martínez de Irala, apoyando al deportado Álvar\nNúñez Cabeza de Vaca.\n\nGobernó de manera casi absoluta e independiente la antigua provincia\nasuncena del Guayrá, fácticamente durante 20 años, y luego de separarla de Asunción\nen 1575, con el título de teniente de gobernador del Guayrá unos 15 años más.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:36:24+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 111935, "end" : 111951 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "capitán Rui Díaz" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/0dc1a967-c22f-4976-857e-89c21f0fd2ec", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T17:34:00+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T17:34:00+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Refiere a Juan de Ayolas (Briviesca de la Bureba, Corona de Castilla, 1493 o ¿ca. 1510? – Candelaria del Chaco Boreal, gobernación del Río de la Plata y del Paraguay, 1538) era un explorador español que fuera vecino fundador de la primera Buenos Aires, acompañando al adelantado Pedro de Mendoza, y que nominalmente fuera nombrado como teniente de gobernador general de Asunción en 1537, para convertirse al poco tiempo y en forma igualmente nominal en gobernador del Río de la Plata y del Paraguay pero nunca ejercería como tal por estar en plena exploración.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T17:34:00+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 114645, "end" : 114659 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Juan de Oyolas" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/df4af056-5306-4439-8b53-0f407d2e0e39", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T17:34:00+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T17:34:00+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Refiere a Juan de Ayolas (Briviesca de la Bureba, Corona de Castilla, 1493 o ¿ca. 1510? – Candelaria del Chaco Boreal, gobernación del Río de la Plata y del Paraguay, 1538) era un explorador español que fuera vecino fundador de la primera Buenos Aires, acompañando al adelantado Pedro de Mendoza, y que nominalmente fuera nombrado como teniente de gobernador general de Asunción en 1537, para convertirse al poco tiempo y en forma igualmente nominal en gobernador del Río de la Plata y del Paraguay pero nunca ejercería como tal por estar en plena exploración.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T17:34:00+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 132112, "end" : 132126 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Juan de Oyolas" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/1a1d720d-9714-4d2b-9e0c-4351ae8bb849", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T17:34:00+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T17:34:00+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Refiere a Juan de Ayolas (Briviesca de la Bureba, Corona de Castilla, 1493 o ¿ca. 1510? – Candelaria del Chaco Boreal, gobernación del Río de la Plata y del Paraguay, 1538) era un explorador español que fuera vecino fundador de la primera Buenos Aires, acompañando al adelantado Pedro de Mendoza, y que nominalmente fuera nombrado como teniente de gobernador general de Asunción en 1537, para convertirse al poco tiempo y en forma igualmente nominal en gobernador del Río de la Plata y del Paraguay pero nunca ejercería como tal por estar en plena exploración.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T17:34:00+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 121640, "end" : 121654 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Juan de Oyolas" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/f9372909-25f5-4d1d-aaad-4708f95bf934", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", 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"2017-09-19T18:27:02+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Creo que refiere a Jorge de Albuquerque Coelho, hijo de Duarte Coelho Pereira (Porto, ca. 1485 - Lisboa, 7 de agosto de 1554) fue un militar y administrador colonial portugués. Fue el primer Capitán-donatario de la Capitanía de Pernambuco y fundador de Olinda.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T18:27:02+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 7463, "end" : 7485 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Alfonso de Albuquerque" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/65ee1b8c-30c2-42bf-8674-c955c6de1815", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-01T13:10:49+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Conquistador español nacido en Orduña en 1517.  Llegó a Rio de la Plata con la expedición de Alonso Cabrera pero regreso muy pronto a España por desaveniencias con el jefe de la expedición.Regresó nuevamente a América en la expedición de Alvar Nuñez hacia el Paraguay y años mas tarde se enemistó con el, tomando parte en la revolución que le quitó el mando. Fue hombre de confianza de Irala y mas tarde lo fue también de Juan Ortiz de Zárate.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2019-07-23T20:04:23+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 121697, "end" : 121711 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Martín de Orué" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/f9599f3a-2b88-4307-a257-8eb250cf98b7", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T17:20:24+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Ruy Díaz de Guzmán Riquelme. N. 1475, Jerez de la Frontera, Cádiz, España.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2018-08-31T22:33:31+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 350, "end" : 368 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Rui Díaz de Guzmán" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/4f855f22-d14e-4880-8882-591ccc632d58", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", 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"2017-09-19T17:34:00+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 36636, "end" : 36650 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Juan de Oyolas" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/1e02a2f2-b62c-4037-879d-3c8655f2995b", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T17:34:00+00:00", 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del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 128354, "end" : 128368 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Juan de Oyolas" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/4a8fb184-da97-4c67-b098-8b7f686eaddf", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T17:34:00+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T17:34:00+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Refiere a Juan de Ayolas (Briviesca de la Bureba, Corona de Castilla, 1493 o ¿ca. 1510? – Candelaria del Chaco Boreal, gobernación del Río de la Plata y del Paraguay, 1538) era un explorador español que fuera vecino fundador de la primera Buenos Aires, acompañando al adelantado Pedro de Mendoza, y que nominalmente fuera nombrado como teniente de gobernador general de Asunción en 1537, para convertirse al poco tiempo y en forma igualmente nominal en gobernador del Río de la Plata y del Paraguay pero nunca ejercería como tal por estar en plena exploración.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T17:34:00+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 135322, "end" : 135336 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Juan de Oyolas" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/9f24ec67-d791-476a-b7da-5014635b1ae5", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Nobleman", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T18:07:07+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Militar", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T18:07:07+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T18:07:07+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Martim Afonso de Sousa (Vila Viçosa, 1500 - Lisboa, 21 de julio de 1571), fue un noble, marino y militar portugués, recordado por haber participado en la primera expedición colonizadora de Brasil y por haber sido gobernador de la India portuguesa (1542-1545).", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T18:07:07+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 76139, "end" : 76161 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Martín Alfonso de Sosa" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : 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"https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T18:41:05+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 8264, "end" : 8283 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Cabo de San Agustín" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/d59f98d4-c7d0-4c0d-85ef-0bb32b4e4c44", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://sws.geonames.org/1636627", "creator" : 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[ 131.08, -8.13 ], [ 131.08, -8.14 ] ] ], [ [ [ 127.22, -8.11 ], [ 127.2, -8.11 ], [ 127.15, -8.1 ], [ 127.15, -8.09 ], [ 127.16, -8.08 ], [ 127.16, -8.05 ], [ 127.16, -8.03 ], [ 127.17, -8.02 ], [ 127.19, -8.02 ], [ 127.2, -8.02 ], [ 127.22, -8.03 ], [ 127.23, -8.04 ], [ 127.23, -8.05 ], [ 127.23, -8.07 ], [ 127.23, -8.09 ], [ 127.22, -8.11 ] ] ], [ [ [ 129.77, -7.81 ], [ 129.78, -7.82 ], [ 129.81, -7.82 ], [ 129.82, -7.82 ], [ 129.83, -7.82 ], [ 129.84, -7.83 ], [ 129.84, -7.84 ], [ 129.84, -7.85 ], [ 129.84, -7.87 ], [ 129.84, -7.88 ], [ 129.85, -7.88 ], [ 129.86, -7.9 ], [ 129.86, -7.92 ], [ 129.86, -7.93 ], [ 129.85, -7.95 ], [ 129.81, -7.98 ], [ 129.78, -8.05 ], [ 129.78, -8.06 ], [ 129.76, -8.05 ], [ 129.69, -8.04 ], [ 129.69, -8.03 ], [ 129.59, -7.92 ], [ 129.59, -7.9 ], [ 129.59, -7.84 ], [ 129.6, -7.81 ], [ 129.63, -7.8 ], [ 129.72, -7.8 ], [ 129.73, -7.8 ], [ 129.76, -7.81 ], [ 129.77, -7.81 ] ] ], [ [ [ 130.07, -7.76 ], [ 130.08, -7.77 ], [ 130.08, -7.77 ], [ 130.08, -7.79 ], [ 130.07, -7.79 ], [ 130.05, -7.78 ], [ 130.05, -7.78 ], [ 130.03, -7.77 ], [ 130.03, -7.77 ], [ 130.03, -7.77 ], [ 130.03, -7.76 ], [ 130.04, -7.76 ], [ 130.05, -7.76 ], [ 130.06, -7.76 ], [ 130.07, -7.76 ] ] ], [ [ [ 130.02, -7.74 ], [ 130.01, -7.75 ], [ 130, -7.75 ], [ 129.99, -7.74 ], [ 129.99, -7.74 ], [ 129.98, -7.73 ], [ 129.98, -7.72 ], [ 129.98, -7.71 ], [ 129.98, -7.7 ], [ 129.99, -7.7 ], [ 130, -7.71 ], [ 130.01, -7.71 ], [ 130.01, -7.72 ], [ 130.02, -7.74 ] ] ], [ [ [ 131.13, -7.62 ], [ 131.12, -7.66 ], [ 131.11, -7.68 ], [ 131.09, -7.69 ], [ 131.05, -7.68 ], [ 131.04, -7.69 ], [ 131.04, -7.71 ], [ 130.99, -7.71 ], [ 130.97, -7.7 ], [ 130.98, -7.67 ], [ 130.99, -7.66 ], [ 131, -7.66 ], [ 131.01, -7.65 ], [ 131.04, -7.65 ], [ 131.05, -7.65 ], [ 131.07, -7.64 ], [ 131.08, -7.63 ], [ 131.08, -7.63 ], [ 131.08, -7.64 ], [ 131.09, -7.64 ], [ 131.09, -7.64 ], [ 131.1, -7.63 ], [ 131.12, -7.62 ], [ 131.13, -7.62 ], [ 131.13, -7.62 ] ] ], [ [ [ 126.72, -7.67 ], [ 126.74, -7.67 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126.63, -7.61 ], [ 126.65, -7.62 ], [ 126.69, -7.64 ], [ 126.7, -7.65 ], [ 126.71, -7.66 ], [ 126.72, -7.67 ] ] ], [ [ [ 129.68, -7.55 ], [ 129.69, -7.56 ], [ 129.7, -7.56 ], [ 129.71, -7.55 ], [ 129.71, -7.56 ], [ 129.71, -7.57 ], [ 129.69, -7.58 ], [ 129.68, -7.58 ], [ 129.68, -7.57 ], [ 129.66, -7.56 ], [ 129.65, -7.55 ], [ 129.66, -7.54 ], [ 129.66, -7.54 ], [ 129.68, -7.55 ] ] ], [ [ [ 127.39, -7.65 ], [ 127.37, -7.66 ], [ 127.36, -7.66 ], [ 127.35, -7.64 ], [ 127.35, -7.62 ], [ 127.35, -7.62 ], [ 127.35, -7.61 ], [ 127.36, -7.6 ], [ 127.37, -7.6 ], [ 127.38, -7.6 ], [ 127.38, -7.59 ], [ 127.38, -7.57 ], [ 127.36, -7.54 ], [ 127.36, -7.52 ], [ 127.37, -7.51 ], [ 127.38, -7.5 ], [ 127.42, -7.51 ], [ 127.44, -7.52 ], [ 127.45, -7.53 ], [ 127.47, -7.53 ], [ 127.48, -7.53 ], [ 127.49, -7.54 ], [ 127.49, -7.58 ], [ 127.48, -7.59 ], [ 127.47, -7.6 ], [ 127.43, -7.61 ], [ 127.42, -7.61 ], [ 127.41, -7.62 ], [ 127.41, -7.62 ], [ 127.4, -7.64 ], [ 127.39, -7.65 ] ] ], [ [ [ 130.86, -7.49 ], [ 130.89, -7.51 ], [ 130.91, -7.51 ], [ 130.92, -7.51 ], [ 130.93, -7.52 ], [ 130.94, -7.52 ], [ 130.98, -7.52 ], [ 130.98, -7.52 ], [ 130.97, -7.53 ], [ 130.98, -7.54 ], [ 130.98, -7.54 ], [ 130.99, -7.55 ], [ 130.99, -7.55 ], [ 130.98, -7.56 ], [ 130.97, -7.55 ], [ 130.97, -7.55 ], [ 130.96, -7.54 ], [ 130.95, -7.54 ], [ 130.94, -7.55 ], [ 130.94, -7.56 ], [ 130.9, -7.55 ], [ 130.86, -7.55 ], [ 130.85, -7.54 ], [ 130.84, -7.53 ], [ 130.84, -7.51 ], [ 130.86, -7.49 ], [ 130.86, -7.49 ] ] ], [ [ [ 131.18, -7.42 ], [ 131.17, -7.42 ], [ 131.13, -7.47 ], [ 131.12, -7.47 ], [ 131.11, -7.48 ], [ 131.1, -7.48 ], [ 131.09, -7.5 ], [ 131.08, -7.5 ], [ 131.07, -7.51 ], [ 131.06, -7.51 ], [ 131.06, -7.5 ], [ 131.06, -7.5 ], [ 131.07, -7.49 ], [ 131.07, -7.48 ], [ 131.05, -7.48 ], [ 131.02, -7.49 ], [ 131, -7.49 ], [ 130.99, -7.47 ], [ 130.99, -7.46 ], [ 130.99, -7.44 ], [ 131, -7.42 ], [ 131.02, -7.42 ], [ 131.03, -7.41 ], [ 131.04, -7.41 ], [ 131.05, -7.42 ], [ 131.07, -7.42 ], [ 131.12, -7.41 ], [ 131.14, -7.41 ], [ 131.15, -7.4 ], [ 131.16, -7.4 ], [ 131.16, -7.4 ], [ 131.17, -7.4 ], [ 131.17, -7.4 ], [ 131.18, -7.41 ], [ 131.18, -7.41 ], [ 131.18, -7.42 ] ] ], [ [ [ 131.28, -7.32 ], [ 131.28, -7.33 ], [ 131.29, -7.32 ], [ 131.3, -7.32 ], [ 131.3, -7.33 ], [ 131.3, -7.34 ], [ 131.29, -7.34 ], [ 131.27, -7.36 ], [ 131.28, -7.37 ], [ 131.23, -7.36 ], [ 131.22, -7.36 ], [ 131.22, -7.35 ], [ 131.23, -7.34 ], [ 131.24, -7.33 ], [ 131.26, -7.3 ], [ 131.26, -7.3 ], [ 131.27, -7.3 ], [ 131.28, -7.32 ] ] ], [ [ [ 131.65, -7.17 ], [ 131.65, -7.17 ], [ 131.67, -7.17 ], [ 131.68, -7.16 ], [ 131.69, -7.14 ], [ 131.7, -7.13 ], [ 131.71, -7.14 ], [ 131.71, -7.15 ], [ 131.74, -7.2 ], [ 131.74, -7.2 ], [ 131.74, -7.21 ], [ 131.73, -7.22 ], [ 131.71, -7.22 ], [ 131.7, -7.23 ], [ 131.68, -7.23 ], [ 131.67, -7.22 ], [ 131.67, -7.22 ], [ 131.65, -7.23 ], [ 131.65, -7.24 ], [ 131.64, -7.25 ], [ 131.65, -7.28 ], [ 131.65, -7.3 ], [ 131.65, -7.31 ], [ 131.65, -7.31 ], [ 131.67, -7.34 ], [ 131.68, -7.36 ], [ 131.67, -7.37 ], [ 131.66, -7.38 ], [ 131.67, -7.39 ], [ 131.68, -7.4 ], [ 131.69, -7.41 ], [ 131.69, -7.41 ], [ 131.7, -7.41 ], [ 131.7, -7.41 ], [ 131.71, -7.41 ], [ 131.71, -7.42 ], [ 131.71, -7.42 ], [ 131.7, -7.43 ], [ 131.7, -7.43 ], [ 131.69, -7.43 ], [ 131.68, -7.45 ], [ 131.68, -7.47 ], [ 131.68, -7.48 ], [ 131.67, -7.48 ], [ 131.66, -7.49 ], [ 131.67, -7.51 ], [ 131.66, -7.53 ], [ 131.65, -7.55 ], [ 131.64, -7.6 ], [ 131.63, -7.62 ], [ 131.62, -7.64 ], [ 131.6, -7.64 ], [ 131.6, -7.65 ], [ 131.58, -7.69 ], [ 131.57, -7.69 ], [ 131.56, -7.71 ], [ 131.54, -7.71 ], [ 131.51, -7.72 ], [ 131.5, -7.73 ], [ 131.5, -7.75 ], [ 131.5, -7.76 ], [ 131.49, -7.76 ], [ 131.48, -7.77 ], [ 131.47, -7.76 ], [ 131.47, -7.78 ], [ 131.46, -7.79 ], [ 131.45, -7.8 ], [ 131.44, -7.81 ], [ 131.43, -7.81 ], [ 131.39, -7.85 ], [ 131.38, -7.86 ], [ 131.38, -7.87 ], [ 131.38, -7.89 ], [ 131.37, -7.9 ], [ 131.36, -7.91 ], [ 131.35, -7.92 ], [ 131.34, -7.94 ], [ 131.35, -7.94 ], [ 131.36, -7.94 ], [ 131.36, -7.95 ], [ 131.36, -7.96 ], [ 131.35, -7.96 ], [ 131.35, -7.97 ], [ 131.35, -7.98 ], [ 131.35, -7.99 ], [ 131.34, -8 ], [ 131.32, -8.02 ], [ 131.3, -8.03 ], [ 131.29, -8.01 ], [ 131.31, -7.97 ], [ 131.31, -7.95 ], [ 131.3, -7.95 ], [ 131.29, -7.94 ], [ 131.29, -7.94 ], [ 131.28, -7.94 ], [ 131.27, -7.95 ], [ 131.27, -7.95 ], [ 131.26, -7.98 ], [ 131.26, -7.99 ], [ 131.23, -8 ], [ 131.19, -8.01 ], [ 131.12, -8 ], [ 131.11, -7.99 ], [ 131.11, -7.97 ], [ 131.13, -7.93 ], [ 131.12, -7.91 ], [ 131.12, -7.9 ], [ 131.1, -7.89 ], [ 131.09, -7.89 ], [ 131.09, -7.87 ], [ 131.09, -7.85 ], [ 131.1, -7.83 ], [ 131.12, -7.82 ], [ 131.13, -7.82 ], [ 131.14, -7.82 ], [ 131.15, -7.82 ], [ 131.16, -7.81 ], [ 131.16, -7.8 ], [ 131.16, -7.79 ], [ 131.15, -7.79 ], [ 131.14, -7.78 ], [ 131.14, -7.78 ], [ 131.16, -7.77 ], [ 131.16, -7.77 ], [ 131.15, -7.75 ], [ 131.15, -7.74 ], [ 131.14, -7.74 ], [ 131.14, -7.74 ], [ 131.13, -7.74 ], [ 131.13, -7.73 ], [ 131.13, -7.73 ], [ 131.13, -7.73 ], [ 131.12, -7.73 ], [ 131.11, -7.71 ], [ 131.12, -7.69 ], [ 131.14, -7.69 ], [ 131.16, -7.69 ], [ 131.2, -7.71 ], [ 131.22, -7.71 ], [ 131.25, -7.71 ], [ 131.23, -7.7 ], [ 131.21, -7.69 ], [ 131.19, -7.68 ], [ 131.18, -7.65 ], [ 131.18, -7.64 ], [ 131.19, -7.64 ], [ 131.19, -7.63 ], [ 131.2, -7.6 ], [ 131.2, -7.58 ], [ 131.22, -7.55 ], [ 131.23, -7.53 ], [ 131.23, -7.51 ], [ 131.24, -7.49 ], [ 131.25, -7.47 ], [ 131.32, -7.42 ], [ 131.33, -7.42 ], [ 131.34, -7.42 ], [ 131.34, -7.43 ], [ 131.35, -7.44 ], [ 131.36, -7.44 ], [ 131.36, -7.43 ], [ 131.37, -7.4 ], [ 131.38, -7.39 ], [ 131.38, -7.39 ], [ 131.39, -7.38 ], [ 131.39, -7.37 ], [ 131.39, -7.37 ], [ 131.39, -7.36 ], [ 131.39, -7.35 ], [ 131.4, -7.34 ], [ 131.45, -7.33 ], [ 131.45, -7.33 ], [ 131.45, -7.32 ], [ 131.45, -7.31 ], [ 131.46, -7.29 ], [ 131.46, -7.28 ], [ 131.48, -7.25 ], [ 131.49, -7.25 ], [ 131.49, -7.24 ], [ 131.49, -7.23 ], [ 131.51, -7.23 ], [ 131.53, -7.23 ], [ 131.54, -7.22 ], [ 131.54, -7.22 ], [ 131.53, -7.19 ], [ 131.53, -7.17 ], [ 131.54, -7.15 ], [ 131.57, -7.13 ], [ 131.59, -7.12 ], [ 131.62, -7.11 ], [ 131.64, -7.11 ], [ 131.65, -7.11 ], [ 131.66, -7.13 ], [ 131.65, -7.17 ] ] ], [ [ [ 131.92, -7.1 ], [ 131.93, -7.11 ], [ 131.94, -7.13 ], [ 131.95, -7.14 ], [ 131.95, -7.15 ], [ 131.98, -7.17 ], [ 131.98, -7.19 ], [ 131.99, -7.23 ], [ 131.98, -7.25 ], [ 131.97, -7.25 ], [ 131.96, -7.25 ], [ 131.92, -7.22 ], [ 131.91, -7.22 ], [ 131.9, -7.18 ], [ 131.88, -7.16 ], [ 131.84, -7.16 ], [ 131.77, -7.16 ], [ 131.74, -7.16 ], [ 131.73, -7.14 ], [ 131.76, -7.11 ], [ 131.88, -7.11 ], [ 131.9, -7.11 ], [ 131.92, -7.1 ] ] ], [ [ [ 128.68, -7.18 ], [ 128.64, -7.22 ], [ 128.62, -7.21 ], [ 128.58, -7.18 ], [ 128.55, -7.16 ], [ 128.53, -7.15 ], [ 128.53, -7.13 ], [ 128.54, -7.11 ], [ 128.56, -7.09 ], [ 128.59, -7.07 ], [ 128.62, -7.06 ], [ 128.63, -7.07 ], [ 128.64, -7.08 ], [ 128.65, -7.09 ], [ 128.66, -7.09 ], [ 128.68, -7.09 ], [ 128.69, -7.1 ], [ 128.7, -7.11 ], [ 128.7, -7.12 ], [ 128.69, -7.13 ], [ 128.67, -7.14 ], [ 128.66, -7.14 ], [ 128.67, -7.16 ], [ 128.68, -7.17 ], [ 128.68, -7.18 ] ] ], [ [ [ 129.14, -7 ], [ 129.14, -7 ], [ 129.13, -6.99 ], [ 129.12, -6.98 ], [ 129.12, -6.97 ], [ 129.13, -6.97 ], [ 129.13, -6.96 ], [ 129.14, -6.96 ], [ 129.15, -6.98 ], [ 129.15, -6.99 ], [ 129.14, -7 ] ] ], [ [ [ 129.53, -6.72 ], [ 129.53, -6.73 ], [ 129.53, -6.74 ], [ 129.52, -6.76 ], [ 129.51, -6.77 ], [ 129.5, -6.77 ], [ 129.49, -6.77 ], [ 129.49, -6.76 ], [ 129.49, -6.75 ], [ 129.48, -6.76 ], [ 129.48, -6.76 ], [ 129.48, -6.76 ], [ 129.48, -6.74 ], [ 129.49, -6.73 ], [ 129.5, -6.72 ], [ 129.51, -6.72 ], [ 129.52, -6.72 ], [ 129.53, -6.72 ] ] ], [ [ [ 131.62, -6.71 ], [ 131.61, -6.73 ], [ 131.58, -6.72 ], [ 131.57, -6.73 ], [ 131.57, -6.75 ], [ 131.59, -6.77 ], [ 131.58, -6.78 ], [ 131.56, -6.8 ], [ 131.55, -6.8 ], [ 131.53, -6.78 ], [ 131.54, -6.74 ], [ 131.57, -6.7 ], [ 131.6, -6.68 ], [ 131.62, -6.68 ], [ 131.63, -6.69 ], [ 131.62, -6.71 ] ] ], [ [ [ 134.68, -6.76 ], [ 134.67, -6.77 ], [ 134.65, -6.77 ], [ 134.62, -6.75 ], [ 134.63, -6.74 ], [ 134.63, -6.73 ], [ 134.63, -6.71 ], [ 134.63, -6.7 ], [ 134.67, -6.65 ], [ 134.68, -6.61 ], [ 134.68, -6.6 ], [ 134.69, -6.59 ], [ 134.7, -6.59 ], [ 134.71, -6.59 ], [ 134.72, -6.6 ], [ 134.73, -6.6 ], [ 134.74, -6.62 ], [ 134.74, -6.63 ], [ 134.73, -6.66 ], [ 134.72, -6.68 ], [ 134.71, -6.7 ], [ 134.7, -6.71 ], [ 134.68, -6.74 ], [ 134.68, -6.76 ] ] ], [ [ [ 134.73, -6.55 ], [ 134.72, -6.55 ], [ 134.7, -6.55 ], [ 134.69, -6.55 ], [ 134.69, -6.56 ], [ 134.67, -6.56 ], [ 134.66, -6.56 ], [ 134.65, -6.54 ], [ 134.64, -6.52 ], [ 134.64, -6.51 ], [ 134.63, -6.5 ], [ 134.62, -6.49 ], [ 134.63, -6.48 ], [ 134.64, -6.46 ], [ 134.66, -6.45 ], [ 134.68, -6.46 ], [ 134.7, -6.47 ], [ 134.72, -6.49 ], [ 134.73, -6.5 ], [ 134.73, -6.51 ], [ 134.73, -6.53 ], [ 134.73, -6.55 ] ] ], [ [ [ 130.02, -6.32 ], [ 130.01, -6.33 ], [ 130.01, -6.32 ], [ 130, -6.32 ], [ 130, -6.31 ], [ 130, -6.31 ], [ 130.02, -6.31 ], [ 130.03, -6.32 ], [ 130.02, -6.32 ] ] ], [ [ [ 134.61, -6.42 ], [ 134.6, -6.44 ], [ 134.59, -6.46 ], [ 134.55, -6.47 ], [ 134.57, -6.49 ], [ 134.56, -6.52 ], [ 134.54, -6.53 ], [ 134.51, -6.51 ], [ 134.5, -6.5 ], [ 134.5, -6.49 ], [ 134.49, -6.47 ], [ 134.49, -6.46 ], [ 134.49, -6.45 ], [ 134.46, -6.42 ], [ 134.45, -6.42 ], [ 134.44, -6.43 ], [ 134.43, -6.43 ], [ 134.42, -6.41 ], [ 134.42, -6.41 ], [ 134.36, -6.38 ], [ 134.35, -6.37 ], [ 134.35, -6.36 ], [ 134.35, -6.35 ], [ 134.36, -6.34 ], [ 134.36, -6.33 ], [ 134.37, -6.33 ], [ 134.39, -6.32 ], [ 134.39, -6.32 ], [ 134.41, -6.3 ], [ 134.41, -6.29 ], [ 134.42, -6.29 ], [ 134.43, -6.29 ], [ 134.44, -6.29 ], [ 134.45, -6.29 ], [ 134.45, -6.29 ], [ 134.46, -6.3 ], [ 134.49, -6.31 ], [ 134.5, -6.32 ], [ 134.53, -6.35 ], [ 134.54, -6.36 ], [ 134.56, -6.37 ], [ 134.57, -6.37 ], [ 134.59, -6.39 ], [ 134.6, -6.4 ], [ 134.61, -6.42 ] ] ], [ [ [ 134.84, -6.46 ], [ 134.83, -6.47 ], [ 134.81, -6.46 ], [ 134.8, -6.45 ], [ 134.79, -6.44 ], [ 134.81, -6.43 ], [ 134.81, -6.42 ], [ 134.79, -6.4 ], [ 134.8, -6.37 ], [ 134.81, -6.35 ], [ 134.83, -6.34 ], [ 134.83, -6.31 ], [ 134.84, -6.3 ], [ 134.84, -6.29 ], [ 134.86, -6.28 ], [ 134.87, -6.29 ], [ 134.88, -6.3 ], [ 134.89, -6.31 ], [ 134.89, -6.34 ], [ 134.88, -6.36 ], [ 134.86, -6.39 ], [ 134.84, -6.46 ] ] ], [ [ [ 134.44, -6.45 ], [ 134.44, -6.45 ], [ 134.45, -6.44 ], [ 134.45, -6.44 ], [ 134.46, -6.45 ], [ 134.46, -6.45 ], [ 134.46, -6.46 ], [ 134.46, -6.46 ], [ 134.46, -6.47 ], [ 134.48, -6.5 ], [ 134.49, -6.51 ], [ 134.49, -6.51 ], [ 134.49, -6.51 ], [ 134.49, -6.52 ], [ 134.49, -6.52 ], [ 134.48, -6.52 ], [ 134.48, -6.53 ], [ 134.48, -6.53 ], [ 134.48, -6.58 ], [ 134.51, -6.58 ], [ 134.52, -6.59 ], [ 134.52, -6.6 ], [ 134.51, -6.61 ], [ 134.5, -6.63 ], [ 134.5, -6.64 ], [ 134.47, -6.66 ], [ 134.45, -6.66 ], [ 134.43, -6.65 ], [ 134.4, -6.66 ], [ 134.4, -6.66 ], [ 134.42, -6.66 ], [ 134.43, -6.68 ], [ 134.44, -6.68 ], [ 134.43, -6.69 ], [ 134.42, -6.7 ], [ 134.41, -6.72 ], [ 134.4, -6.72 ], [ 134.35, -6.8 ], [ 134.36, -6.81 ], [ 134.36, -6.82 ], [ 134.31, -6.86 ], [ 134.24, -6.88 ], [ 134.21, -6.91 ], [ 134.19, -6.92 ], [ 134.16, -6.87 ], [ 134.15, -6.86 ], [ 134.14, -6.85 ], [ 134.13, -6.85 ], [ 134.09, -6.84 ], [ 134.07, -6.83 ], [ 134.06, -6.8 ], [ 134.06, -6.78 ], [ 134.05, -6.76 ], [ 134.05, -6.75 ], [ 134.07, -6.72 ], [ 134.09, -6.64 ], [ 134.1, -6.47 ], [ 134.11, -6.46 ], [ 134.12, -6.45 ], [ 134.12, -6.46 ], [ 134.13, -6.48 ], [ 134.19, -6.49 ], [ 134.21, -6.51 ], [ 134.21, -6.49 ], [ 134.19, -6.46 ], [ 134.19, -6.45 ], [ 134.14, -6.45 ], [ 134.12, -6.42 ], [ 134.13, -6.33 ], [ 134.12, -6.29 ], [ 134.1, -6.23 ], [ 134.1, -6.19 ], [ 134.1, -6.18 ], [ 134.11, -6.17 ], [ 134.12, -6.17 ], [ 134.14, -6.18 ], [ 134.15, -6.19 ], [ 134.15, -6.2 ], [ 134.16, -6.22 ], [ 134.2, -6.22 ], [ 134.21, -6.23 ], [ 134.25, -6.27 ], [ 134.28, -6.29 ], [ 134.29, -6.29 ], [ 134.29, -6.3 ], [ 134.3, -6.31 ], [ 134.3, -6.32 ], [ 134.3, -6.33 ], [ 134.29, -6.34 ], [ 134.29, -6.34 ], [ 134.31, -6.37 ], [ 134.33, -6.39 ], [ 134.35, -6.4 ], [ 134.39, -6.41 ], [ 134.41, -6.42 ], [ 134.42, -6.43 ], [ 134.44, -6.45 ] ] ], [ [ [ 134.16, -6.01 ], [ 134.16, -6.05 ], [ 134.16, -6.04 ], [ 134.21, -6.03 ], [ 134.22, -6.02 ], [ 134.23, -6.03 ], [ 134.24, -6.06 ], [ 134.24, -6.07 ], [ 134.24, -6.08 ], [ 134.25, -6.07 ], [ 134.27, -6.06 ], [ 134.27, -6.08 ], [ 134.25, -6.1 ], [ 134.24, -6.11 ], [ 134.23, -6.13 ], [ 134.24, -6.14 ], [ 134.26, -6.16 ], [ 134.27, -6.18 ], [ 134.29, -6.17 ], [ 134.3, -6.18 ], [ 134.33, -6.23 ], [ 134.34, -6.24 ], [ 134.36, -6.24 ], [ 134.35, -6.25 ], [ 134.36, -6.25 ], [ 134.38, -6.25 ], [ 134.39, -6.26 ], [ 134.4, -6.26 ], [ 134.41, -6.27 ], [ 134.42, -6.27 ], [ 134.42, -6.28 ], [ 134.4, -6.28 ], [ 134.38, -6.3 ], [ 134.37, -6.32 ], [ 134.35, -6.33 ], [ 134.34, -6.33 ], [ 134.33, -6.33 ], [ 134.33, -6.32 ], [ 134.33, -6.31 ], [ 134.3, -6.29 ], [ 134.29, -6.28 ], [ 134.29, -6.28 ], [ 134.28, -6.28 ], [ 134.23, -6.24 ], [ 134.22, -6.21 ], [ 134.2, -6.19 ], [ 134.18, -6.21 ], [ 134.16, -6.2 ], [ 134.17, -6.18 ], [ 134.18, -6.17 ], [ 134.19, -6.15 ], [ 134.19, -6.13 ], [ 134.17, -6.14 ], [ 134.14, -6.16 ], [ 134.12, -6.12 ], [ 134.11, -6.08 ], [ 134.13, -6.03 ], [ 134.16, -6.01 ] ] ], [ [ [ 134.21, -5.83 ], [ 134.19, -5.83 ], [ 134.18, -5.83 ], [ 134.17, -5.81 ], [ 134.17, -5.79 ], [ 134.17, -5.77 ], [ 134.18, -5.75 ], [ 134.19, -5.75 ], [ 134.2, -5.76 ], [ 134.2, -5.76 ], [ 134.21, -5.76 ], [ 134.23, -5.77 ], [ 134.23, -5.77 ], [ 134.23, -5.79 ], [ 134.22, -5.82 ], [ 134.21, -5.83 ] ] ], [ [ [ 132.7, -5.62 ], [ 132.7, -5.63 ], [ 132.69, -5.64 ], [ 132.69, -5.65 ], [ 132.7, -5.66 ], [ 132.71, -5.66 ], [ 132.73, -5.65 ], [ 132.73, -5.66 ], [ 132.74, -5.66 ], [ 132.74, -5.67 ], [ 132.75, -5.69 ], [ 132.76, -5.72 ], [ 132.76, -5.73 ], [ 132.76, -5.72 ], [ 132.76, -5.72 ], [ 132.77, -5.72 ], [ 132.78, -5.74 ], [ 132.78, -5.76 ], [ 132.79, -5.78 ], [ 132.8, -5.79 ], [ 132.81, -5.8 ], [ 132.81, -5.82 ], [ 132.81, -5.86 ], [ 132.8, -5.89 ], [ 132.79, -5.91 ], [ 132.78, -5.92 ], [ 132.76, -5.94 ], [ 132.74, -5.95 ], [ 132.73, -5.93 ], [ 132.72, -5.91 ], [ 132.72, -5.9 ], [ 132.72, -5.91 ], [ 132.71, -5.92 ], [ 132.71, -5.93 ], [ 132.7, -5.93 ], [ 132.69, -5.93 ], [ 132.69, -5.92 ], [ 132.68, -5.9 ], [ 132.68, -5.91 ], [ 132.67, -5.9 ], [ 132.67, -5.89 ], [ 132.67, -5.86 ], [ 132.67, -5.86 ], [ 132.66, -5.86 ], [ 132.66, -5.85 ], [ 132.66, -5.85 ], [ 132.66, -5.84 ], [ 132.67, -5.84 ], [ 132.67, -5.84 ], [ 132.68, -5.84 ], [ 132.67, -5.78 ], [ 132.67, -5.76 ], [ 132.69, -5.76 ], [ 132.68, -5.75 ], [ 132.68, -5.71 ], [ 132.67, -5.71 ], [ 132.66, -5.71 ], [ 132.66, -5.71 ], [ 132.66, -5.7 ], [ 132.66, -5.7 ], [ 132.66, -5.69 ], [ 132.66, -5.68 ], [ 132.66, -5.68 ], [ 132.66, -5.68 ], [ 132.65, -5.68 ], [ 132.64, -5.68 ], [ 132.64, -5.67 ], [ 132.64, -5.65 ], [ 132.64, -5.64 ], [ 132.63, -5.63 ], [ 132.63, -5.63 ], [ 132.62, -5.62 ], [ 132.62, -5.6 ], [ 132.66, -5.62 ], [ 132.66, -5.62 ], [ 132.68, -5.61 ], [ 132.69, -5.6 ], [ 132.7, -5.6 ], [ 132.7, -5.62 ] ] ], [ [ [ 132.79, -5.55 ], [ 132.78, -5.56 ], [ 132.79, -5.56 ], [ 132.8, -5.55 ], [ 132.81, -5.55 ], [ 132.81, -5.56 ], [ 132.81, -5.57 ], [ 132.8, -5.61 ], [ 132.8, -5.63 ], [ 132.8, -5.64 ], [ 132.8, -5.66 ], [ 132.81, -5.67 ], [ 132.81, -5.68 ], [ 132.81, -5.68 ], [ 132.8, -5.68 ], [ 132.79, -5.67 ], [ 132.79, -5.67 ], [ 132.78, -5.66 ], [ 132.78, -5.67 ], [ 132.78, -5.68 ], [ 132.77, -5.68 ], [ 132.76, -5.68 ], [ 132.76, -5.67 ], [ 132.74, -5.63 ], [ 132.74, -5.6 ], [ 132.75, -5.57 ], [ 132.77, -5.55 ], [ 132.78, -5.53 ], [ 132.79, -5.54 ], [ 132.79, -5.54 ], [ 132.79, -5.55 ] ] ], [ [ [ 132.35, -5.54 ], [ 132.36, -5.54 ], [ 132.38, -5.53 ], [ 132.38, -5.54 ], [ 132.37, -5.55 ], [ 132.36, -5.56 ], [ 132.35, -5.57 ], [ 132.34, -5.57 ], [ 132.33, -5.57 ], [ 132.33, -5.57 ], [ 132.32, -5.55 ], [ 132.31, -5.54 ], [ 132.31, -5.52 ], [ 132.32, -5.51 ], [ 132.35, -5.54 ] ] ], [ [ [ 127.56, -5.51 ], [ 127.56, -5.52 ], [ 127.55, -5.51 ], [ 127.56, -5.51 ] ] ], [ [ [ 127.55, -5.49 ], [ 127.56, -5.5 ], [ 127.55, -5.5 ], [ 127.55, -5.49 ] ] ], [ [ [ 134.58, -5.42 ], [ 134.63, -5.44 ], [ 134.64, -5.46 ], [ 134.65, -5.49 ], [ 134.66, -5.5 ], [ 134.69, -5.52 ], [ 134.7, -5.53 ], [ 134.69, -5.54 ], [ 134.67, -5.55 ], [ 134.68, -5.55 ], [ 134.68, -5.56 ], [ 134.68, -5.58 ], [ 134.68, -5.58 ], [ 134.68, -5.57 ], [ 134.65, -5.57 ], [ 134.64, -5.58 ], [ 134.64, -5.59 ], [ 134.64, -5.59 ], [ 134.67, -5.59 ], [ 134.68, -5.59 ], [ 134.69, -5.6 ], [ 134.71, -5.61 ], [ 134.74, -5.64 ], [ 134.76, -5.67 ], [ 134.74, -5.69 ], [ 134.73, -5.71 ], [ 134.72, -5.74 ], [ 134.72, -5.75 ], [ 134.73, -5.75 ], [ 134.73, -5.76 ], [ 134.74, -5.76 ], [ 134.74, -5.77 ], [ 134.74, -5.77 ], [ 134.74, -5.79 ], [ 134.73, -5.8 ], [ 134.71, -5.82 ], [ 134.7, -5.84 ], [ 134.72, -5.84 ], [ 134.74, -5.85 ], [ 134.75, -5.86 ], [ 134.75, -5.88 ], [ 134.76, -5.88 ], [ 134.76, -5.89 ], [ 134.76, -5.89 ], [ 134.75, -5.9 ], [ 134.73, -5.91 ], [ 134.72, -5.92 ], [ 134.72, -5.9 ], [ 134.71, -5.9 ], [ 134.7, -5.9 ], [ 134.7, -5.92 ], [ 134.7, -5.93 ], [ 134.73, -5.94 ], [ 134.74, -5.95 ], [ 134.73, -5.94 ], [ 134.72, -5.95 ], [ 134.74, -5.97 ], [ 134.72, -5.97 ], [ 134.7, -5.96 ], [ 134.68, -5.95 ], [ 134.67, -5.94 ], [ 134.66, -5.94 ], [ 134.65, -5.93 ], [ 134.64, -5.93 ], [ 134.63, -5.93 ], [ 134.61, -5.94 ], [ 134.61, -5.94 ], [ 134.6, -5.95 ], [ 134.64, -5.95 ], [ 134.66, -5.95 ], [ 134.66, -5.98 ], [ 134.67, -5.99 ], [ 134.71, -6.02 ], [ 134.73, -6.03 ], [ 134.77, -6.08 ], [ 134.77, -6.09 ], [ 134.77, -6.11 ], [ 134.75, -6.14 ], [ 134.74, -6.15 ], [ 134.72, -6.16 ], [ 134.71, -6.16 ], [ 134.71, -6.16 ], [ 134.7, -6.16 ], [ 134.7, -6.17 ], [ 134.7, -6.18 ], [ 134.69, -6.19 ], [ 134.74, -6.17 ], [ 134.76, -6.16 ], [ 134.76, -6.17 ], [ 134.76, -6.18 ], [ 134.75, -6.18 ], [ 134.75, -6.19 ], [ 134.74, -6.2 ], [ 134.75, -6.22 ], [ 134.75, -6.23 ], [ 134.74, -6.24 ], [ 134.72, -6.28 ], [ 134.72, -6.3 ], [ 134.7, -6.32 ], [ 134.63, -6.35 ], [ 134.61, -6.37 ], [ 134.58, -6.35 ], [ 134.57, -6.35 ], [ 134.56, -6.36 ], [ 134.55, -6.36 ], [ 134.54, -6.34 ], [ 134.54, -6.34 ], [ 134.53, -6.33 ], [ 134.52, -6.31 ], [ 134.51, -6.31 ], [ 134.5, -6.3 ], [ 134.46, -6.28 ], [ 134.45, -6.26 ], [ 134.44, -6.26 ], [ 134.38, -6.24 ], [ 134.37, -6.24 ], [ 134.37, -6.23 ], [ 134.37, -6.23 ], [ 134.36, -6.22 ], [ 134.36, -6.22 ], [ 134.35, -6.22 ], [ 134.35, -6.22 ], [ 134.34, -6.23 ], [ 134.33, -6.22 ], [ 134.33, -6.21 ], [ 134.32, -6.2 ], [ 134.32, -6.19 ], [ 134.29, -6.16 ], [ 134.28, -6.12 ], [ 134.28, -6.08 ], [ 134.29, -6.05 ], [ 134.31, -6.05 ], [ 134.33, -6.05 ], [ 134.35, -6.05 ], [ 134.37, -6.03 ], [ 134.37, -6.02 ], [ 134.33, -6.03 ], [ 134.31, -6.03 ], [ 134.3, -6.02 ], [ 134.31, -6 ], [ 134.32, -5.98 ], [ 134.32, -5.97 ], [ 134.31, -5.95 ], [ 134.29, -5.92 ], [ 134.29, -5.92 ], [ 134.3, -5.91 ], [ 134.31, -5.9 ], [ 134.32, -5.89 ], [ 134.32, -5.87 ], [ 134.36, -5.85 ], [ 134.35, -5.84 ], [ 134.35, -5.83 ], [ 134.38, -5.81 ], [ 134.38, -5.79 ], [ 134.36, -5.78 ], [ 134.35, -5.79 ], [ 134.34, -5.8 ], [ 134.33, -5.8 ], [ 134.33, -5.78 ], [ 134.32, -5.77 ], [ 134.3, -5.77 ], [ 134.27, -5.77 ], [ 134.25, -5.76 ], [ 134.23, -5.75 ], [ 134.21, -5.73 ], [ 134.2, -5.71 ], [ 134.22, -5.7 ], [ 134.24, -5.68 ], [ 134.26, -5.68 ], [ 134.28, -5.69 ], [ 134.31, -5.71 ], [ 134.33, -5.72 ], [ 134.35, -5.71 ], [ 134.36, -5.7 ], [ 134.36, -5.69 ], [ 134.37, -5.67 ], [ 134.38, -5.66 ], [ 134.39, -5.65 ], [ 134.4, -5.64 ], [ 134.41, -5.63 ], [ 134.41, -5.61 ], [ 134.46, -5.53 ], [ 134.46, -5.55 ], [ 134.47, -5.56 ], [ 134.48, -5.55 ], [ 134.49, -5.54 ], [ 134.49, -5.54 ], [ 134.5, -5.55 ], [ 134.51, -5.53 ], [ 134.51, -5.52 ], [ 134.5, -5.51 ], [ 134.49, -5.5 ], [ 134.49, -5.5 ], [ 134.49, -5.45 ], [ 134.49, -5.44 ], [ 134.5, -5.44 ], [ 134.5, -5.43 ], [ 134.51, -5.43 ], [ 134.52, -5.43 ], [ 134.52, -5.43 ], [ 134.52, -5.44 ], [ 134.53, -5.44 ], [ 134.54, -5.44 ], [ 134.57, -5.43 ], [ 134.58, -5.42 ] ] ], [ [ [ 127.8, -5.41 ], [ 127.79, -5.41 ], [ 127.8, -5.4 ], [ 127.8, -5.41 ] ] ], [ [ [ 127.78, -5.34 ], [ 127.79, -5.35 ], [ 127.78, -5.35 ], [ 127.78, -5.34 ] ] ], [ [ [ 131.98, -5.39 ], [ 131.97, -5.39 ], [ 131.96, -5.37 ], [ 131.96, -5.34 ], [ 131.98, -5.32 ], [ 131.99, -5.32 ], [ 132, -5.31 ], [ 132.01, -5.31 ], [ 132.02, -5.33 ], [ 132, -5.37 ], [ 131.99, -5.38 ], [ 131.99, -5.38 ], [ 131.98, -5.38 ], [ 131.98, -5.39 ] ] ], [ [ [ 133.05, -5.65 ], [ 133.03, -5.65 ], [ 133.03, -5.66 ], [ 133.02, -5.68 ], [ 133, -5.7 ], [ 132.98, -5.73 ], [ 132.96, -5.76 ], [ 132.95, -5.79 ], [ 132.95, -5.81 ], [ 132.96, -5.84 ], [ 132.96, -5.86 ], [ 132.95, -5.87 ], [ 132.86, -5.99 ], [ 132.84, -6 ], [ 132.84, -5.98 ], [ 132.9, -5.81 ], [ 132.92, -5.79 ], [ 132.93, -5.78 ], [ 132.93, -5.71 ], [ 132.93, -5.7 ], [ 132.96, -5.64 ], [ 132.98, -5.64 ], [ 133, -5.65 ], [ 133, -5.65 ], [ 133.01, -5.61 ], [ 133.02, -5.57 ], [ 133.02, -5.55 ], [ 133.04, -5.51 ], [ 133.08, -5.4 ], [ 133.1, -5.37 ], [ 133.1, -5.35 ], [ 133.11, -5.31 ], [ 133.12, -5.29 ], [ 133.14, -5.29 ], [ 133.16, -5.29 ], [ 133.17, -5.3 ], [ 133.18, -5.31 ], [ 133.19, -5.32 ], [ 133.19, -5.34 ], [ 133.18, -5.36 ], [ 133.17, -5.37 ], [ 133.17, -5.38 ], [ 133.14, -5.52 ], [ 133.11, -5.6 ], [ 133.11, -5.61 ], [ 133.08, -5.63 ], [ 133.07, -5.64 ], [ 133.06, -5.64 ], [ 133.05, -5.65 ] ] ], [ [ [ 131.75, -4.76 ], [ 131.74, -4.77 ], [ 131.73, -4.75 ], [ 131.73, -4.73 ], [ 131.73, -4.71 ], [ 131.73, -4.69 ], [ 131.75, -4.71 ], [ 131.75, -4.74 ], [ 131.75, -4.76 ] ] ], [ [ [ 129.78, -4.52 ], [ 129.77, -4.54 ], [ 129.76, -4.52 ], [ 129.76, -4.52 ], [ 129.78, -4.52 ] ] ], [ [ [ 129.95, -4.51 ], [ 129.95, -4.56 ], [ 129.93, -4.56 ], [ 129.92, -4.56 ], [ 129.9, -4.57 ], [ 129.89, -4.56 ], [ 129.88, -4.56 ], [ 129.87, -4.55 ], [ 129.86, -4.55 ], [ 129.87, -4.55 ], [ 129.92, -4.54 ], [ 129.93, -4.53 ], [ 129.93, -4.52 ], [ 129.94, -4.51 ], [ 129.95, -4.51 ] ] ], [ [ [ 131.68, -4.52 ], [ 131.66, -4.53 ], [ 131.66, -4.53 ], [ 131.62, -4.44 ], [ 131.61, -4.43 ], [ 131.61, -4.43 ], [ 131.62, -4.42 ], [ 131.63, -4.43 ], [ 131.63, -4.43 ], [ 131.65, -4.45 ], [ 131.67, -4.49 ], [ 131.68, -4.52 ] ] ], [ [ [ 131.39, -4.15 ], [ 131.39, -4.16 ], [ 131.35, -4.13 ], [ 131.31, -4.12 ], [ 131.3, -4.11 ], [ 131.29, -4.1 ], [ 131.28, -4.09 ], [ 131.28, -4.08 ], [ 131.28, -4.07 ], [ 131.28, -4.07 ], [ 131.28, -4.07 ], [ 131.29, -4.06 ], [ 131.29, -4.06 ], [ 131.3, -4.07 ], [ 131.3, -4.07 ], [ 131.32, -4.09 ], [ 131.37, -4.12 ], [ 131.39, -4.14 ], [ 131.39, -4.15 ] ] ], [ [ [ 131.25, -4.04 ], [ 131.24, -4.05 ], [ 131.23, -4.04 ], [ 131.22, -4.02 ], [ 131.21, -4 ], [ 131.21, -3.98 ], [ 131.24, -3.99 ], [ 131.24, -3.99 ], [ 131.25, -4 ], [ 131.25, -4 ], [ 131.25, -4.01 ], [ 131.25, -4.03 ], [ 131.25, -4.04 ] ] ], [ [ [ 131.45, -4.06 ], [ 131.44, -4.07 ], [ 131.42, -4.06 ], [ 131.4, -4.05 ], [ 131.39, -4.03 ], [ 131.37, -3.99 ], [ 131.37, -3.97 ], [ 131.37, -3.96 ], [ 131.38, -3.96 ], [ 131.39, -3.95 ], [ 131.42, -3.96 ], [ 131.43, -3.98 ], [ 131.43, -4.01 ], [ 131.44, -4.04 ], [ 131.45, -4.06 ] ] ], [ [ [ 127.24, -3.91 ], [ 127.23, -3.92 ], [ 127.21, -3.91 ], [ 127.19, -3.91 ], [ 127.17, -3.91 ], [ 127.16, -3.9 ], [ 127.15, -3.88 ], [ 127.14, -3.87 ], [ 127.14, -3.85 ], [ 127.17, -3.81 ], [ 127.18, -3.81 ], [ 127.2, -3.81 ], [ 127.23, -3.82 ], [ 127.25, -3.84 ], [ 127.25, -3.85 ], [ 127.26, -3.87 ], [ 127.25, -3.89 ], [ 127.24, -3.9 ], [ 127.24, -3.91 ] ] ], [ [ [ 128.8, -3.69 ], [ 128.78, -3.7 ], [ 128.76, -3.7 ], [ 128.75, -3.68 ], [ 128.75, -3.66 ], [ 128.76, -3.64 ], [ 128.78, -3.64 ], [ 128.8, -3.64 ], [ 128.8, -3.65 ], [ 128.8, -3.66 ], [ 128.8, -3.67 ], [ 128.81, -3.68 ], [ 128.8, -3.69 ] ] ], [ [ [ 128.43, -3.63 ], [ 128.39, -3.64 ], [ 128.39, -3.63 ], [ 128.39, -3.61 ], [ 128.4, -3.59 ], [ 128.41, -3.57 ], [ 128.41, -3.56 ], [ 128.41, -3.54 ], [ 128.42, -3.53 ], [ 128.43, -3.52 ], [ 128.46, -3.51 ], [ 128.48, -3.52 ], [ 128.51, -3.53 ], [ 128.53, -3.53 ], [ 128.54, -3.55 ], [ 128.56, -3.57 ], [ 128.56, -3.59 ], [ 128.55, -3.6 ], [ 128.53, -3.6 ], [ 128.49, -3.62 ], [ 128.45, -3.62 ], [ 128.43, -3.63 ] ] ], [ [ [ 128.32, -3.57 ], [ 128.33, -3.59 ], [ 128.34, -3.61 ], [ 128.33, -3.63 ], [ 128.31, -3.64 ], [ 128.3, -3.63 ], [ 128.28, -3.62 ], [ 128.27, -3.62 ], [ 128.26, -3.62 ], [ 128.25, -3.61 ], [ 128.25, -3.62 ], [ 128.25, -3.63 ], [ 128.28, -3.67 ], [ 128.28, -3.67 ], [ 128.27, -3.68 ], [ 128.25, -3.71 ], [ 128.24, -3.72 ], [ 128.21, -3.73 ], [ 128.18, -3.73 ], [ 128.16, -3.74 ], [ 128.15, -3.76 ], [ 128.13, -3.77 ], [ 128.1, -3.77 ], [ 128.1, -3.76 ], [ 128.13, -3.75 ], [ 128.13, -3.74 ], [ 128.15, -3.7 ], [ 128.2, -3.67 ], [ 128.22, -3.65 ], [ 128.2, -3.64 ], [ 128.18, -3.65 ], [ 128.15, -3.68 ], [ 128.11, -3.69 ], [ 128.08, -3.71 ], [ 128.06, -3.71 ], [ 128.04, -3.72 ], [ 128.02, -3.74 ], [ 128.01, -3.76 ], [ 127.99, -3.77 ], [ 127.95, -3.77 ], [ 127.93, -3.76 ], [ 127.93, -3.75 ], [ 127.92, -3.73 ], [ 127.91, -3.7 ], [ 127.92, -3.69 ], [ 127.96, -3.64 ], [ 127.98, -3.62 ], [ 128.03, -3.59 ], [ 128.05, -3.58 ], [ 128.06, -3.58 ], [ 128.15, -3.59 ], [ 128.16, -3.58 ], [ 128.24, -3.52 ], [ 128.29, -3.5 ], [ 128.33, -3.51 ], [ 128.35, -3.53 ], [ 128.34, -3.54 ], [ 128.33, -3.55 ], [ 128.32, -3.57 ] ] ], [ [ [ 128.66, -3.53 ], [ 128.67, -3.54 ], [ 128.68, -3.52 ], [ 128.69, -3.5 ], [ 128.71, -3.5 ], [ 128.72, -3.53 ], [ 128.73, -3.55 ], [ 128.73, -3.61 ], [ 128.71, -3.6 ], [ 128.69, -3.58 ], [ 128.67, -3.57 ], [ 128.65, -3.58 ], [ 128.65, -3.59 ], [ 128.66, -3.6 ], [ 128.66, -3.61 ], [ 128.65, -3.62 ], [ 128.64, -3.62 ], [ 128.63, -3.62 ], [ 128.62, -3.61 ], [ 128.61, -3.59 ], [ 128.62, -3.59 ], [ 128.6, -3.58 ], [ 128.59, -3.57 ], [ 128.59, -3.55 ], [ 128.57, -3.53 ], [ 128.56, -3.51 ], [ 128.56, -3.49 ], [ 128.58, -3.49 ], [ 128.6, -3.49 ], [ 128.61, -3.5 ], [ 128.62, -3.52 ], [ 128.63, -3.52 ], [ 128.66, -3.53 ] ] ], [ [ [ 127.53, -3.25 ], [ 127.53, -3.26 ], [ 127.56, -3.26 ], [ 127.58, -3.27 ], [ 127.62, -3.31 ], [ 127.63, -3.32 ], [ 127.64, -3.34 ], [ 127.64, -3.36 ], [ 127.62, -3.36 ], [ 127.6, -3.36 ], [ 127.57, -3.34 ], [ 127.52, -3.33 ], [ 127.5, -3.32 ], [ 127.49, -3.31 ], [ 127.48, -3.29 ], [ 127.49, -3.29 ], [ 127.51, -3.28 ], [ 127.51, -3.27 ], [ 127.52, -3.26 ], [ 127.52, -3.26 ], [ 127.53, -3.25 ], [ 127.53, -3.25 ], [ 127.53, -3.25 ] ] ], [ [ [ 127.78, -3.24 ], [ 127.77, -3.25 ], [ 127.74, -3.25 ], [ 127.68, -3.25 ], [ 127.66, -3.25 ], [ 127.64, -3.22 ], [ 127.66, -3.2 ], [ 127.69, -3.18 ], [ 127.71, -3.16 ], [ 127.74, -3.16 ], [ 127.75, -3.15 ], [ 127.76, -3.15 ], [ 127.76, -3.15 ], [ 127.76, -3.16 ], [ 127.77, -3.16 ], [ 127.77, -3.16 ], [ 127.78, -3.17 ], [ 127.79, -3.18 ], [ 127.79, -3.2 ], [ 127.8, -3.21 ], [ 127.79, -3.23 ], [ 127.78, -3.24 ] ] ], [ [ [ 126.88, -3.11 ], [ 126.89, -3.13 ], [ 126.92, -3.11 ], [ 126.93, -3.13 ], [ 126.96, -3.14 ], [ 126.98, -3.14 ], [ 127, -3.15 ], [ 127.04, -3.17 ], [ 127.05, -3.18 ], [ 127.08, -3.19 ], [ 127.09, -3.2 ], [ 127.1, -3.21 ], [ 127.11, -3.22 ], [ 127.11, -3.23 ], [ 127.11, -3.26 ], [ 127.11, -3.27 ], [ 127.11, -3.27 ], [ 127.09, -3.27 ], [ 127.08, -3.27 ], [ 127.07, -3.26 ], [ 127.06, -3.26 ], [ 127.04, -3.27 ], [ 127.04, -3.29 ], [ 127.05, -3.31 ], [ 127.05, -3.32 ], [ 127.06, -3.33 ], [ 127.07, -3.34 ], [ 127.08, -3.35 ], [ 127.09, -3.36 ], [ 127.11, -3.37 ], [ 127.12, -3.36 ], [ 127.14, -3.34 ], [ 127.15, -3.33 ], [ 127.16, -3.34 ], [ 127.19, -3.36 ], [ 127.24, -3.36 ], [ 127.26, -3.37 ], [ 127.27, -3.39 ], [ 127.26, -3.4 ], [ 127.25, -3.45 ], [ 127.24, -3.47 ], [ 127.24, -3.61 ], [ 127.23, -3.64 ], [ 127.21, -3.66 ], [ 127.19, -3.66 ], [ 127.17, -3.65 ], [ 127.14, -3.65 ], [ 127.12, -3.65 ], [ 127, -3.71 ], [ 126.99, -3.72 ], [ 126.98, -3.72 ], [ 126.96, -3.76 ], [ 126.95, -3.77 ], [ 126.91, -3.79 ], [ 126.83, -3.81 ], [ 126.78, -3.83 ], [ 126.74, -3.86 ], [ 126.72, -3.85 ], [ 126.7, -3.86 ], [ 126.67, -3.84 ], [ 126.66, -3.83 ], [ 126.59, -3.82 ], [ 126.56, -3.79 ], [ 126.53, -3.79 ], [ 126.44, -3.75 ], [ 126.38, -3.7 ], [ 126.36, -3.7 ], [ 126.32, -3.69 ], [ 126.27, -3.66 ], [ 126.26, -3.64 ], [ 126.24, -3.63 ], [ 126.2, -3.63 ], [ 126.17, -3.6 ], [ 126.17, -3.57 ], [ 126.15, -3.53 ], [ 126.09, -3.48 ], [ 126.07, -3.47 ], [ 126.05, -3.45 ], [ 126.04, -3.42 ], [ 126.04, -3.41 ], [ 126.01, -3.36 ], [ 125.99, -3.25 ], [ 126.02, -3.17 ], [ 126.04, -3.15 ], [ 126.06, -3.13 ], [ 126.09, -3.11 ], [ 126.11, -3.12 ], [ 126.12, -3.15 ], [ 126.14, -3.16 ], [ 126.16, -3.17 ], [ 126.19, -3.18 ], [ 126.2, -3.18 ], [ 126.23, -3.17 ], [ 126.23, -3.15 ], [ 126.26, -3.12 ], [ 126.3, -3.11 ], [ 126.42, -3.07 ], [ 126.72, -3.06 ], [ 126.84, -3.07 ], [ 126.86, -3.09 ], [ 126.88, -3.11 ] ] ], [ [ [ 127.98, -2.95 ], [ 127.97, -2.97 ], [ 127.96, -2.98 ], [ 127.96, -2.98 ], [ 127.95, -3.01 ], [ 127.95, -3.02 ], [ 127.93, -3.03 ], [ 127.92, -3.03 ], [ 127.84, -3.03 ], [ 127.83, -3.03 ], [ 127.83, -3.02 ], [ 127.84, -3 ], [ 127.85, -2.99 ], [ 127.87, -2.98 ], [ 127.88, -2.98 ], [ 127.88, -2.98 ], [ 127.89, -2.97 ], [ 127.9, -2.96 ], [ 127.9, -2.96 ], [ 127.91, -2.96 ], [ 127.91, -2.96 ], [ 127.93, -2.96 ], [ 127.93, -2.95 ], [ 127.93, -2.93 ], [ 127.93, -2.92 ], [ 127.95, -2.92 ], [ 127.97, -2.92 ], [ 127.99, -2.93 ], [ 127.99, -2.94 ], [ 127.99, -2.94 ], [ 127.98, -2.95 ] ] ], [ [ [ 129.54, -2.78 ], [ 129.54, -2.79 ], [ 129.55, -2.79 ], [ 129.55, -2.8 ], [ 129.55, -2.8 ], [ 129.61, -2.81 ], [ 129.75, -2.87 ], [ 129.77, -2.87 ], [ 129.78, -2.88 ], [ 129.8, -2.91 ], [ 129.81, -2.92 ], [ 129.83, -2.92 ], [ 129.84, -2.91 ], [ 129.85, -2.91 ], [ 129.86, -2.9 ], [ 129.87, -2.91 ], [ 129.87, -2.92 ], [ 129.87, -2.93 ], [ 129.89, -2.94 ], [ 129.9, -2.93 ], [ 129.91, -2.93 ], [ 129.93, -2.95 ], [ 129.94, -2.96 ], [ 129.96, -2.97 ], [ 130.05, -2.99 ], [ 130.21, -2.99 ], [ 130.3, -2.98 ], [ 130.34, -2.98 ], [ 130.39, -2.99 ], [ 130.49, -3.09 ], [ 130.5, -3.09 ], [ 130.58, -3.12 ], [ 130.59, -3.13 ], [ 130.59, -3.14 ], [ 130.6, -3.17 ], [ 130.6, -3.18 ], [ 130.62, -3.21 ], [ 130.63, -3.25 ], [ 130.63, -3.34 ], [ 130.64, -3.35 ], [ 130.66, -3.38 ], [ 130.66, -3.39 ], [ 130.67, -3.4 ], [ 130.68, -3.41 ], [ 130.72, -3.4 ], [ 130.76, -3.41 ], [ 130.79, -3.42 ], [ 130.82, -3.43 ], [ 130.83, -3.46 ], [ 130.81, -3.46 ], [ 130.81, -3.48 ], [ 130.82, -3.51 ], [ 130.83, -3.53 ], [ 130.86, -3.56 ], [ 130.87, -3.57 ], [ 130.88, -3.59 ], [ 130.88, -3.6 ], [ 130.87, -3.61 ], [ 130.87, -3.63 ], [ 130.85, -3.65 ], [ 130.85, -3.65 ], [ 130.85, -3.66 ], [ 130.83, -3.68 ], [ 130.83, -3.69 ], [ 130.82, -3.82 ], [ 130.83, -3.84 ], [ 130.84, -3.85 ], [ 130.84, -3.87 ], [ 130.82, -3.87 ], [ 130.8, -3.86 ], [ 130.77, -3.83 ], [ 130.75, -3.83 ], [ 130.73, -3.83 ], [ 130.63, -3.79 ], [ 130.62, -3.79 ], [ 130.61, -3.78 ], [ 130.56, -3.73 ], [ 130.55, -3.72 ], [ 130.54, -3.71 ], [ 130.52, -3.71 ], [ 130.49, -3.7 ], [ 130.48, -3.7 ], [ 130.47, -3.68 ], [ 130.45, -3.66 ], [ 130.44, -3.65 ], [ 130.42, -3.64 ], [ 130.4, -3.63 ], [ 130.38, -3.63 ], [ 130.36, -3.62 ], [ 130.31, -3.59 ], [ 130.13, -3.53 ], [ 130.11, -3.51 ], [ 130.1, -3.51 ], [ 130.09, -3.51 ], [ 130.04, -3.49 ], [ 130, -3.47 ], [ 129.98, -3.46 ], [ 129.98, -3.45 ], [ 129.97, -3.44 ], [ 129.96, -3.43 ], [ 129.96, -3.42 ], [ 129.96, -3.39 ], [ 129.96, -3.38 ], [ 129.93, -3.35 ], [ 129.89, -3.33 ], [ 129.54, -3.3 ], [ 129.51, -3.3 ], [ 129.5, -3.33 ], [ 129.55, -3.4 ], [ 129.56, -3.44 ], [ 129.53, -3.46 ], [ 129.49, -3.46 ], [ 129.4, -3.42 ], [ 129.36, -3.41 ], [ 129.24, -3.4 ], [ 129.19, -3.39 ], [ 129.11, -3.35 ], [ 129.08, -3.34 ], [ 129.06, -3.34 ], [ 128.98, -3.35 ], [ 128.96, -3.36 ], [ 128.94, -3.33 ], [ 128.94, -3.32 ], [ 128.95, -3.3 ], [ 128.98, -3.25 ], [ 128.97, -3.23 ], [ 128.95, -3.22 ], [ 128.93, -3.21 ], [ 128.91, -3.21 ], [ 128.89, -3.2 ], [ 128.88, -3.2 ], [ 128.87, -3.21 ], [ 128.87, -3.21 ], [ 128.85, -3.24 ], [ 128.79, -3.26 ], [ 128.78, -3.27 ], [ 128.78, -3.28 ], [ 128.69, -3.35 ], [ 128.69, -3.36 ], [ 128.68, -3.36 ], [ 128.68, -3.37 ], [ 128.67, -3.38 ], [ 128.67, -3.39 ], [ 128.68, -3.39 ], [ 128.68, -3.4 ], [ 128.69, -3.41 ], [ 128.69, -3.41 ], [ 128.68, -3.43 ], [ 128.64, -3.44 ], [ 128.59, -3.43 ], [ 128.55, -3.44 ], [ 128.51, -3.46 ], [ 128.48, -3.46 ], [ 128.46, -3.45 ], [ 128.45, -3.44 ], [ 128.42, -3.43 ], [ 128.4, -3.41 ], [ 128.28, -3.22 ], [ 128.27, -3.21 ], [ 128.23, -3.21 ], [ 128.21, -3.2 ], [ 128.18, -3.19 ], [ 128.18, -3.19 ], [ 128.18, -3.19 ], [ 128.18, -3.17 ], [ 128.19, -3.14 ], [ 128.2, -3.11 ], [ 128.2, -3.09 ], [ 128.18, -3.07 ], [ 128.17, -3.07 ], [ 128.14, -3.08 ], [ 128.11, -3.1 ], [ 128.09, -3.13 ], [ 128.08, -3.16 ], [ 128.07, -3.2 ], [ 128.06, -3.3 ], [ 128.05, -3.31 ], [ 128.04, -3.33 ], [ 128.03, -3.36 ], [ 128.02, -3.37 ], [ 128.01, -3.37 ], [ 127.99, -3.37 ], [ 127.99, -3.38 ], [ 127.98, -3.39 ], [ 127.98, -3.41 ], [ 127.96, -3.43 ], [ 127.95, -3.44 ], [ 127.94, -3.48 ], [ 127.94, -3.5 ], [ 127.94, -3.51 ], [ 127.94, -3.52 ], [ 127.94, -3.52 ], [ 127.93, -3.54 ], [ 127.93, -3.55 ], [ 127.9, -3.52 ], [ 127.9, -3.48 ], [ 127.93, -3.39 ], [ 127.93, -3.35 ], [ 127.93, -3.32 ], [ 127.92, -3.31 ], [ 127.92, -3.31 ], [ 127.89, -3.27 ], [ 127.88, -3.21 ], [ 127.87, -3.19 ], [ 127.84, -3.17 ], [ 127.84, -3.17 ], [ 127.86, -3.16 ], [ 127.87, -3.15 ], [ 127.9, -3.15 ], [ 127.91, -3.15 ], [ 127.92, -3.14 ], [ 127.94, -3.11 ], [ 127.95, -3.11 ], [ 127.97, -3.1 ], [ 127.99, -3.08 ], [ 128.01, -3.07 ], [ 128.03, -3.07 ], [ 128.05, -3.07 ], [ 128.07, -3.07 ], [ 128.08, -3.07 ], [ 128.1, -3.07 ], [ 128.09, -3.03 ], [ 128.09, -3.02 ], [ 128.09, -3.01 ], [ 128.11, -2.99 ], [ 128.12, -2.98 ], [ 128.11, -2.98 ], [ 128.08, -2.97 ], [ 128.07, -2.97 ], [ 128.08, -2.96 ], [ 128.09, -2.95 ], [ 128.11, -2.95 ], [ 128.12, -2.94 ], [ 128.14, -2.91 ], [ 128.14, -2.91 ], [ 128.14, -2.91 ], [ 128.14, -2.9 ], [ 128.14, -2.9 ], [ 128.14, -2.89 ], [ 128.15, -2.89 ], [ 128.16, -2.89 ], [ 128.16, -2.89 ], [ 128.16, -2.87 ], [ 128.17, -2.86 ], [ 128.18, -2.86 ], [ 128.19, -2.85 ], [ 128.21, -2.86 ], [ 128.38, -2.86 ], [ 128.42, -2.85 ], [ 128.46, -2.85 ], [ 128.5, -2.84 ], [ 128.52, -2.83 ], [ 128.54, -2.84 ], [ 128.58, -2.85 ], [ 128.6, -2.85 ], [ 128.8, -2.86 ], [ 128.84, -2.86 ], [ 128.87, -2.86 ], [ 128.91, -2.86 ], [ 128.95, -2.84 ], [ 129.02, -2.81 ], [ 129.05, -2.8 ], [ 129.07, -2.82 ], [ 129.07, -2.85 ], [ 129.06, -2.9 ], [ 129.08, -2.91 ], [ 129.11, -2.95 ], [ 129.12, -2.96 ], [ 129.13, -2.96 ], [ 129.15, -2.95 ], [ 129.16, -2.95 ], [ 129.17, -2.95 ], [ 129.17, -2.95 ], [ 129.17, -2.96 ], [ 129.18, -2.96 ], [ 129.19, -2.96 ], [ 129.18, -2.95 ], [ 129.18, -2.94 ], [ 129.18, -2.94 ], [ 129.18, -2.93 ], [ 129.18, -2.93 ], [ 129.18, -2.93 ], [ 129.19, -2.92 ], [ 129.19, -2.92 ], [ 129.2, -2.93 ], [ 129.2, -2.93 ], [ 129.21, -2.94 ], [ 129.22, -2.94 ], [ 129.22, -2.93 ], [ 129.23, -2.92 ], [ 129.24, -2.91 ], [ 129.28, -2.9 ], [ 129.33, -2.87 ], [ 129.36, -2.86 ], [ 129.36, -2.84 ], [ 129.37, -2.82 ], [ 129.37, -2.81 ], [ 129.4, -2.79 ], [ 129.44, -2.78 ], [ 129.52, -2.79 ], [ 129.53, -2.78 ], [ 129.54, -2.78 ] ] ] ] } } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 9447, "end" : 9460 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Islas Malucas" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/398ecef9-e756-4611-9a3b-577af76ff471", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Militar", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T18:59:41+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T18:59:41+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Nobleman", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T18:59:41+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Adelantado", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T18:59:41+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T18:59:41+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Fernando de Magallanes, también conocido como Hernando de Magallanes (en portugués, Fernão de Magalhães; Sabrosa, Región Norte, Portugal, primavera de 1480-Mactán, Islas Filipinas, 27 de abril de 1521), fue un militar, marino y navegante portugués de linaje noble, nombrado por la Monarquía Hispánica adelantado, capitán general de la «Armada para el descubrimiento de la especería» y caballero de la Orden de Santiago y comendador en la misma.Al servicio de Carlos I, descubrió el canal natural navegable que hoy recibe el nombre de estrecho de Magallanes. Su expedición fue la primera de origen europeo en navegar desde el océano Atlántico hasta el océano Pacífico, llamado hasta entonces mar del Sur. Inició en 1519 la gran expedición que capitaneada por Juan Sebastián Elcano se convertiría en la primera circunnavegación de la Tierra, regresando a España en 1522.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T18:59:41+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 10962, "end" : 10972 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Magallanes" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/8f0e49a7-69c4-4d0e-a170-301a015e43d2", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://sws.geonames.org/3467609", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-20T20:43:46+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-20T20:43:46+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ -47.92667, -25.01472 ] } } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 14040, "end" : 14047 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Cananea" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/14a61401-ffc2-4547-a103-ac643782e058", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PLACE", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-20T20:25:19+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Refiere al Río de Ajó?", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-20T20:25:19+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 13376, "end" : 13383 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Inglés," } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/f0416f75-deb2-4baa-adc3-2152caca6e90", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Se refiere a las islas Afortunadas de la tradición clásica latina, que se identificaron con las islas Canarias. Bibliografía: Martínez Hernández, Marcos, \"Islas míticas en relación con Canarias\", en Cuadernos de Filología Clásica. Estudios griegos e indoeuropeos, vol. 20, 2010, pp. 139-158.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-09-21T00:34:12+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://pleiades.stoa.org/places/149334673", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-21T14:23:47+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-21T14:23:47+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ -16.09, 28.0983335 ] } } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 4933, "end" : 4943 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Fortunadas" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/2b51897e-ae66-4cd9-b1be-9a184f415976", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Conqueror", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-09-23T14:56:05+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-09-23T14:56:05+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "colonizer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-09-23T14:56:05+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-09-23T14:56:05+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Felipe de Cáceres (n. Madrid, ca. 1538) fueun conquistador, explorador y\n colonizador español.Se desempeñó como gobernador interino del Ríode la \nPlata y del Paraguay, con sede en Asunción,entre el 11 de diciembre de \n1568 hasta el 14 dejulio de 1572.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-09-23T14:56:05+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 61060, "end" : 61077 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Felipe de Cáceres" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/436126c5-d5b1-44f5-804e-4efb58045714", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Conqueror", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-09-23T14:56:05+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-09-23T14:56:05+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "colonizer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-09-23T14:56:05+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-09-23T14:56:05+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Felipe de Cáceres (n. Madrid, ca. 1538) fueun conquistador, explorador y\n colonizador español.Se desempeñó como gobernador interino del Ríode la \nPlata y del Paraguay, con sede en Asunción,entre el 11 de diciembre de \n1568 hasta el 14 dejulio de 1572.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-09-23T14:56:05+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 80127, "end" : 80144 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Felipe de Cáceres" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/12f3ebbe-a1d9-42eb-9fe5-8b9736edee18", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Conqueror", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-09-23T14:56:05+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-09-23T14:56:05+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "colonizer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-09-23T14:56:05+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-09-23T14:56:05+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Felipe de Cáceres (n. Madrid, ca. 1538) fueun conquistador, explorador y\n colonizador español.Se desempeñó como gobernador interino del Ríode la \nPlata y del Paraguay, con sede en Asunción,entre el 11 de diciembre de \n1568 hasta el 14 dejulio de 1572.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-09-23T14:56:05+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 74066, "end" : 74083 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Felipe de Cáceres" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/605c91cd-2fee-4d54-982a-333a0d5aaa08", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Conqueror", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-09-23T14:56:05+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-09-23T14:56:05+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "colonizer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-09-23T14:56:05+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-09-23T14:56:05+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Felipe de Cáceres (n. Madrid, ca. 1538) fueun conquistador, explorador y\n colonizador español.Se desempeñó como gobernador interino del Ríode la \nPlata y del Paraguay, con sede en Asunción,entre el 11 de diciembre de \n1568 hasta el 14 dejulio de 1572.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-09-23T14:56:05+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 111786, "end" : 111803 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Felipe de Cáceres" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/82011d94-2023-4302-ba2c-04a355c88975", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "conqueror", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-09-23T21:26:14+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-09-23T21:26:14+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "colonizer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-09-23T21:26:14+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-09-23T21:26:14+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Gonzalo de Mendoza nace en Baeza entre\n1511-1515. Muere el 21 de julio de 1558. Parte para el Nuevo Mundo desde el\npuerto de Sanlúcar de Barrameda en 1535, en la nao capitana La Magdalena, con Pedro\nde Mendoza, Adelantado del Río de la Plata. Co-fundador de la ciudad de\nAsunción, en Paraguay, en 1537. Participó como elector en la creación de su\ncabildo y regimiento, a la vieja usanza de los de las ciudades de Castilla. Participó,\nentre muchas, en la expedición que, en 1547, partiendo de Asunción para la Sierra\nde la Plata de los Mayas, abrió el camino hasta el Perú. Fue Gobernador del Río\nde la Plata tras la muerte de Domingo de Irala, en 1556.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-09-23T21:26:14+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 39837, "end" : 39855 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Gonzalo de Mendoza" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/aa2810c8-d117-4218-a1da-71beb11d3d5a", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : 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"https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T17:52:21+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T17:52:21+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Cristóbal Colón, Cristoforo Colombo en italiano o Christophorus Columbus en latín (Génova,n. 1​1​2​ c. 1436-14513​-Valladolid, 20 de mayo de 1506), fue un navegante, cartógrafo, almirante, virrey y gobernador general de las Indias Occidentales al servicio de la Corona de Castilla. Es famoso por haber realizado el \"descubrimiento\" de América, el 12 de octubre de 1492, al llegar a la isla de Guanahani, actualmente en las Bahamas.Efectuó cuatro viajes a las Indias —denominación del continente americano hasta la publicación del Planisferio de Martín Waldseemüller en 1507— y aunque posiblemente no fue el primer explorador europeo de América, se le considera el descubridor de un nuevo continente —por eso llamado el Nuevo Mundo— para Europa, al ser el primero que trazó una ruta de ida y vuelta a través del océano Atlántico y dio a conocer la noticia. Este hecho impulsó decisivamente la expansión mundial de la civilización europea, y la conquista y colonización por varias de sus potencias del continente americano.Abulafia, David, El descubrimiento de la humanidad. Encuentros atlánticos en la era de Colón, Barcelona, Crítica, 2009 [2008].", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-10-26T18:57:25+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 5273, "end" : 5288 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Cristóbal Colón" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/243b69dd-3555-4d01-9fd5-1b51ce022f6f", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-01T16:03:59+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Se trataría de una parcialidad Chaná-Timbú.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-01T16:03:59+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 115407, "end" : 115416 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Caracarás" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/706d4e8a-ec30-4a78-8c5b-14d041e967d5", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-01T23:26:57+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Los guató (una sociedad nativa que habitaba el Gran Pantanal) eran habitualmente referidos en las fuentes coloniales como Xarajes.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-01T23:27:47+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PLACE", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-01T23:27:47+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Puede indicar al mismo tiempo la Laguna de los Xarajes (Gran Pantanal).", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-01T23:27:47+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 40053, "end" : 40060 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Jarayes" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/ff5b9301-a0df-4e4a-87fb-cc82c0c93ef8", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-01T16:35:10+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Tonocotes y juríes constituirían la misma etnia, nativa de la región \ncentro-norte de Argentina. Los juríes habitaban la región de las yungas tucumanas y constituían jefaturas con características \npróximas a las del área andina. Bibliografía: Villamarín, Juan y Judith,\n \"Chiefdoms: The Prevalence and persistence of 'señoríos naturales'. \n1400 to European Conquest, en Salomon, Frank; Schwartz, Stuart B. \n(eds.), The Cambridge History of the Native Peoples of the Americas. \nVolume III. Part I, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1999, p. 632,\n 641; Garavaglia, Juan Carlos, \"Invaded Societies: La Plata Basin \n(1535-1650)\" y Schofield Saeger, James, \"Warfare, reorganization and \nreadaptation at the margins of Spanish rule- The Chaco and Paraguay \n(1537-1882)\" en Salomon, Frank; Schwartz, Stuart B. (eds.), The \nCambridge History of the Native Peoples of the Americas. Volume III. \nPart II, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1999, p. 39, 258.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-12-03T15:29:38+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 30769, "end" : 30774 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Juris" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/3a96651d-d4b2-4030-8045-a0d9080d7d68", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-11T14:49:01+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Puede referirse a los Icaguates, una etnia del grupo Tukano que habitaba\n en la región del curso superior de Amazonas. Bibliografía: Taylor, Anne\n Christine, \"The Western Margins of Amazonia from the Early Sixteenth \nCentury to the Early Nineteenth Century\", en Salomon, Frank; Schwartz, \nStuart B. (eds.), The Cambridge History of the Native Peoples of the \nAmericas. Volume III. Part II, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, \n1999, p. 204.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-12-03T16:04:43+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 39656, "end" : 39664 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Orejones" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/114d647f-c789-4fd6-be12-3c7f7af36226", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "EVENT", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-12-03T16:43:35+00:00" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Los testimonios en Santa Ana fueron recogidos pos Francisco del Puerto, a\n quien Caboto halló en la desembocadura del Paraná y que el texto de Ruy\n Díaz no menciona.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-12-03T16:43:35+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 58502, "end" : 58508 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "lengua" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/86fc01fe-9888-4571-b621-5ff841b60afc", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-05T01:03:22+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Agaces. Una sociedad nativa que habitaba en el curso inferior del río paraguay. Pertenecían al tronco lingüístico mataco-guaycurú y eran muy hábiles canoeros y pescadores. Solían tener conflictos con los guaraníes carios que vivían río arriba y luego por extensión con los cristianos de Asunción. Bibliografía: Schmuziger Carvallho, Silvia, M., \"Chaco: encruzilhada de \npovos e 'melting pot' cultural. Suas relações com a bacia do Paraná e o \nSul mato-grossense\", en Carneiro Da Cunha, Manuela M. (org.), História \ndos índios no Brasil, San Pablo, Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado\n de São Paulo-Companhia das Letras-Secretaria Municipal de Cultura \nPrefeitura do Município de São Paulo, 1992, pp. 457-474;  Maccormack, \nSabine, \"Ethnography in South America: The Fisrt Two Hundred years\", en \nSalomon, Frank; Schwartz, Stuart B. (eds.), The Cambridge History of the\n Native Peoples of the Americas. Volume III. Part I, Cambridge, \nCambridge University Press, 1999, p. 104, 106; Susnik, Branislava, El \nrol de los indígenas en la formación y en la vivencia del Paraguay. Tomo\n II, Asunción, Universo, 1983.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-12-03T16:49:00+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 105591, "end" : 105597 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Agases" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/e3385651-796f-41e2-8710-2e624072f705", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-02T01:09:55+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Más arriba aparecen mencionados como tamoios y pueden identificarse también con los tupí-nambá. Bibliografía: Carneiro Da Cunha, Manuela L. (org.), História dos índios no Brasil, San Pablo, Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo-Companhia das Letras-Secretaria Municipal de Cultura Prefeitura do Município de São Paulo, 1992; Monteiro, John M., \"The Crises and Transformations of Invaded Societies: Coastal Brazil in the Sixteenth Century\" en en Salomon, Frank; Schwartz, Stuart B. (eds.), The Cambridge History of the Native Peoples of the Americas. Volume III. Part I, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1999, p. 973-1023.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-12-03T16:27:16+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 45120, "end" : 45127 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Tamoyos" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/2f5338c4-2925-4fa7-ac6a-f9512351b17a", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-02T02:02:45+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Tieffemberg anota \"Jeruquizava\", en Díaz de Guzmán, Ruy, Argentina. Historia del Descubrimiento y Conquista del Río de la Plata, Buenos Aires, Editorial de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, 2012, p. 97. Edición de Silvia Tieffemberg.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-12-03T16:41:36+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 50959, "end" : 50970 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Jeruquisaba" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/2987bd97-49e5-49a4-9ccb-ede130029ba9", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-08T01:44:22+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Los payaguás formaban parte del grupo lingüístico mataco-guaycurú. Han \nsido insistentemente descriptos por la literatura etnográfica clásica \ncomo irredimibles \"corsarios\" del Paraguay, que atacaban por igual a \nguaraníes y españoles río arriba, siendo actores cruciales de la \nhistoria de la temprana explotación y conquista de la región platense. \nEstudios más recientes criticaron esta evaluación etnocéntrica. \nBibliografía: Mandrini, Raúl José, La Argentina Aborigen. De los \nprimeros pobladores a 1910, Buenos Aires, Siglo Veintiuno, 2008; Susnik,\n Branislava, El rol de los indígenas en la formación y en la vivencia \ndel Paraguay. Tomo II, Asunción, Universo, 1983; cultural. Suas relações\n com a bacia do Paraná e o Sul mato-grossense\", enCarneiro Da Cunha, \nManuela M. (org.), História dos índios no Brasil, San Pablo, Fundação de\n Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo-Companhia das \nLetras-Secretaria Municipal de Cultura Prefeitura do Município de São \nPaulo, 1992, pp. 457-474; Roulet, Florencia, La resistencia de los \nguaraní del Paraguay a la conquista española (1537-1556), Posadas, \nEditorial Universitaria de la Universidad Nacional de Misiones, 1993; Wright, Robin M.; Carneiro da Cunha, Manuela; et al, \"Destruction, \nResistance, and Transformation -Southern, Coastal and Northen Brazil \n(1580-1890), en Salomon, Frank; Schwartz, Stuart B. (eds.), The \nCambridge History of the Native Peoples of the Americas. Volume III. \nPart II, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1999, pp. 287, 295, 299,\n 315, 324-328.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-12-03T17:21:31+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 129090, "end" : 129098 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Payaguás" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/1ca9e0d7-7e0b-4a2d-89ae-76119988a3a8", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Aborigine", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-20T20:59:58+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Native people", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-20T20:59:58+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-20T20:59:58+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Refiere a Los guaraníes o avá, según su autodenominación étnica original (que significa \"ser humano\"), son un grupo de pueblos indígenas suramericanos que se ubican geográficamente en Paraguay, noreste de Argentina (en ciertas zonas de provincias de la Región del Litoral),​ sur y suroeste de Brasil (en los estados de Río Grande del Sur, Santa Catarina, Paraná y Mato Grosso del Sur) y sureste de Bolivia (en los departamentos de Tarija, Santa Cruz y Chuquisaca) y norte de Uruguay.El muy difundido nombre guaraní lo escucharon los españoles que, al invadir su territorio, habrían oído, entre los gritos de guerra de este pueblo, la frase guará-ny, que significa \"combatir-los\". Por otra parte el nombre dada significa en guaraní 'guerrero', \"ava\" que significa \"hombre\" y se pronuncia en forma grave entre los chiriguanos (ava guaraníes).Otra versión afirma que la denominación fue tomada de la deformación de una palabra guaraní, guariní que significa precisamente \"guerra\" o \"guerrear\". Al parecer los mismos indígenas se denominaron de esa manera, indicando con ello que se consideraban guerreros.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-20T20:59:58+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Los guaraníes se extendían, dividios entre distintas parcialidades, \nentre la costa brasileña y los contrafuertes andinos, teniendo además \nasentamientos en las islasdel Río Paraná y del delta del Río de la \nPlata. Cultivadores selvícolas, producían regulamente excedentes \nagrícolas que serían indispensables para el avance de la conquista \nespañola en el región. Bibliografía:  Silva Noelli, Francisco, \"La \ndistribución geográfica de las evidencias arqueológicasguaraní\", en \nRevista de Indias, vol. LXIV, núm. 30, 2004, pp. 17-34; Susnik, \nBranislava, El indio colonial del Paraguay. El guaraní colonial, \nAsunción, Museo Etnográfico \"Andrés Barbero\", 1965; Susnik, Branislava, \nEl rol de los indígenas en la formación y en la vivencia delParaguay. \nTomo I, Asunción, Universo, 1982; Melià, Bartomeu, El guaraní \nconquistado y reducido: ensayos de etnohistoria, Asunción, Universidad \nCatólica-Centro de Estudios Paraguayos \"AntonioGuasch\", cuarta edición, \n1997 [1986]; Melià, Bartomeu, \"Sociedades fluviales y selvícolas del \neste: Paraguay y Paraná\", en Rojas Rabiela, Teresa; Murra, John (dirs.),\n Historia general de América Latina. Volumen I, París, Editorial \nTrotta-UNESCO, 1999, pp. 335-552; Catafesto de Sousa, José Otávio, \"O \nsistema econômico nas sociedades indígenas guaraní pré-coloniais\", en \nHorizontes Antropológicos, año 8, núm. 18, 2002, pp. 211-253; Monteiro, \nJohn Manuel, \"Os guaraní e a História do Brasil Meridional. Séculos \nXVI-XVII\", en Carneiro Da Cunha, Manuela L. (org.), História dos índios \nno Brasil, San Pablo, Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São \nPaulo-Companhia das Letras-Secretaria Municipal de Cultura Prefeitura do\n Município de São Paulo, 1992 pp. 475-498.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-12-03T14:42:32+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 45301, "end" : 45309 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Guaranís" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/9f1ef1f2-4259-4272-84c7-a94c18d121ac", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Aborigine", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-20T20:59:58+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Native people", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-20T20:59:58+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-20T20:59:58+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Refiere a Los guaraníes o avá, según su autodenominación étnica original (que significa \"ser humano\"), son un grupo de pueblos indígenas suramericanos que se ubican geográficamente en Paraguay, noreste de Argentina (en ciertas zonas de provincias de la Región del Litoral),​ sur y suroeste de Brasil (en los estados de Río Grande del Sur, Santa Catarina, Paraná y Mato Grosso del Sur) y sureste de Bolivia (en los departamentos de Tarija, Santa Cruz y Chuquisaca) y norte de Uruguay.El muy difundido nombre guaraní lo escucharon los españoles que, al invadir su territorio, habrían oído, entre los gritos de guerra de este pueblo, la frase guará-ny, que significa \"combatir-los\". Por otra parte el nombre dada significa en guaraní 'guerrero', \"ava\" que significa \"hombre\" y se pronuncia en forma grave entre los chiriguanos (ava guaraníes).Otra versión afirma que la denominación fue tomada de la deformación de una palabra guaraní, guariní que significa precisamente \"guerra\" o \"guerrear\". Al parecer los mismos indígenas se denominaron de esa manera, indicando con ello que se consideraban guerreros.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-20T20:59:58+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Los guaraníes se extendían, dividios entre distintas parcialidades, \nentre la costa brasileña y los contrafuertes andinos, teniendo además \nasentamientos en las islasdel Río Paraná y del delta del Río de la \nPlata. Cultivadores selvícolas, producían regulamente excedentes \nagrícolas que serían indispensables para el avance de la conquista \nespañola en el región. Bibliografía:  Silva Noelli, Francisco, \"La \ndistribución geográfica de las evidencias arqueológicasguaraní\", en \nRevista de Indias, vol. LXIV, núm. 30, 2004, pp. 17-34; Susnik, \nBranislava, El indio colonial del Paraguay. El guaraní colonial, \nAsunción, Museo Etnográfico \"Andrés Barbero\", 1965; Susnik, Branislava, \nEl rol de los indígenas en la formación y en la vivencia delParaguay. \nTomo I, Asunción, Universo, 1982; Melià, Bartomeu, El guaraní \nconquistado y reducido: ensayos de etnohistoria, Asunción, Universidad \nCatólica-Centro de Estudios Paraguayos \"AntonioGuasch\", cuarta edición, \n1997 [1986]; Melià, Bartomeu, \"Sociedades fluviales y selvícolas del \neste: Paraguay y Paraná\", en Rojas Rabiela, Teresa; Murra, John (dirs.),\n Historia general de América Latina. Volumen I, París, Editorial \nTrotta-UNESCO, 1999, pp. 335-552; Catafesto de Sousa, José Otávio, \"O \nsistema econômico nas sociedades indígenas guaraní pré-coloniais\", en \nHorizontes Antropológicos, año 8, núm. 18, 2002, pp. 211-253; Monteiro, \nJohn Manuel, \"Os guaraní e a História do Brasil Meridional. Séculos \nXVI-XVII\", en Carneiro Da Cunha, Manuela L. (org.), História dos índios \nno Brasil, San Pablo, Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São \nPaulo-Companhia das Letras-Secretaria Municipal de Cultura Prefeitura do\n Município de São Paulo, 1992 pp. 475-498.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-12-03T14:43:41+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 114323, "end" : 114331 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Guaranís" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/429ed10b-271f-4665-a85e-f431c68b3e30", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Aborigine", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-20T20:59:58+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Native people", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-20T20:59:58+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-20T20:59:58+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Refiere a Los guaraníes o avá, según su autodenominación étnica original (que significa \"ser humano\"), son un grupo de pueblos indígenas suramericanos que se ubican geográficamente en Paraguay, noreste de Argentina (en ciertas zonas de provincias de la Región del Litoral),​ sur y suroeste de Brasil (en los estados de Río Grande del Sur, Santa Catarina, Paraná y Mato Grosso del Sur) y sureste de Bolivia (en los departamentos de Tarija, Santa Cruz y Chuquisaca) y norte de Uruguay.El muy difundido nombre guaraní lo escucharon los españoles que, al invadir su territorio, habrían oído, entre los gritos de guerra de este pueblo, la frase guará-ny, que significa \"combatir-los\". Por otra parte el nombre dada significa en guaraní 'guerrero', \"ava\" que significa \"hombre\" y se pronuncia en forma grave entre los chiriguanos (ava guaraníes).Otra versión afirma que la denominación fue tomada de la deformación de una palabra guaraní, guariní que significa precisamente \"guerra\" o \"guerrear\". Al parecer los mismos indígenas se denominaron de esa manera, indicando con ello que se consideraban guerreros.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-20T20:59:58+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Los guaraníes se extendían, dividios entre distintas parcialidades, \nentre la costa brasileña y los contrafuertes andinos, teniendo además \nasentamientos en las islasdel Río Paraná y del delta del Río de la \nPlata. Cultivadores selvícolas, producían regulamente excedentes \nagrícolas que serían indispensables para el avance de la conquista \nespañola en el región. Bibliografía:  Silva Noelli, Francisco, \"La \ndistribución geográfica de las evidencias arqueológicasguaraní\", en \nRevista de Indias, vol. LXIV, núm. 30, 2004, pp. 17-34; Susnik, \nBranislava, El indio colonial del Paraguay. El guaraní colonial, \nAsunción, Museo Etnográfico \"Andrés Barbero\", 1965; Susnik, Branislava, \nEl rol de los indígenas en la formación y en la vivencia delParaguay. \nTomo I, Asunción, Universo, 1982; Melià, Bartomeu, El guaraní \nconquistado y reducido: ensayos de etnohistoria, Asunción, Universidad \nCatólica-Centro de Estudios Paraguayos \"AntonioGuasch\", cuarta edición, \n1997 [1986]; Melià, Bartomeu, \"Sociedades fluviales y selvícolas del \neste: Paraguay y Paraná\", en Rojas Rabiela, Teresa; Murra, John (dirs.),\n Historia general de América Latina. Volumen I, París, Editorial \nTrotta-UNESCO, 1999, pp. 335-552; Catafesto de Sousa, José Otávio, \"O \nsistema econômico nas sociedades indígenas guaraní pré-coloniais\", en \nHorizontes Antropológicos, año 8, núm. 18, 2002, pp. 211-253; Monteiro, \nJohn Manuel, \"Os guaraní e a História do Brasil Meridional. Séculos \nXVI-XVII\", en Carneiro Da Cunha, Manuela L. (org.), História dos índios \nno Brasil, San Pablo, Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São \nPaulo-Companhia das Letras-Secretaria Municipal de Cultura Prefeitura do\n Município de São Paulo, 1992 pp. 475-498.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-12-03T14:43:54+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 140723, "end" : 140731 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Guaranís" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/a70ccc3c-9c15-4ea8-ad95-59dc27a59b0a", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Aborigine", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-20T20:59:58+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Native people", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-20T20:59:58+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-20T20:59:58+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Refiere a Los guaraníes o avá, según su autodenominación étnica original (que significa \"ser humano\"), son un grupo de pueblos indígenas suramericanos que se ubican geográficamente en Paraguay, noreste de Argentina (en ciertas zonas de provincias de la Región del Litoral),​ sur y suroeste de Brasil (en los estados de Río Grande del Sur, Santa Catarina, Paraná y Mato Grosso del Sur) y sureste de Bolivia (en los departamentos de Tarija, Santa Cruz y Chuquisaca) y norte de Uruguay.El muy difundido nombre guaraní lo escucharon los españoles que, al invadir su territorio, habrían oído, entre los gritos de guerra de este pueblo, la frase guará-ny, que significa \"combatir-los\". Por otra parte el nombre dada significa en guaraní 'guerrero', \"ava\" que significa \"hombre\" y se pronuncia en forma grave entre los chiriguanos (ava guaraníes).Otra versión afirma que la denominación fue tomada de la deformación de una palabra guaraní, guariní que significa precisamente \"guerra\" o \"guerrear\". Al parecer los mismos indígenas se denominaron de esa manera, indicando con ello que se consideraban guerreros.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-20T20:59:58+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Los guaraníes se extendían, dividios entre distintas parcialidades, \nentre la costa brasileña y los contrafuertes andinos, teniendo además \nasentamientos en las islasdel Río Paraná y del delta del Río de la \nPlata. Cultivadores selvícolas, producían regulamente excedentes \nagrícolas que serían indispensables para el avance de la conquista \nespañola en el región. Bibliografía:  Silva Noelli, Francisco, \"La \ndistribución geográfica de las evidencias arqueológicasguaraní\", en \nRevista de Indias, vol. LXIV, núm. 30, 2004, pp. 17-34; Susnik, \nBranislava, El indio colonial del Paraguay. El guaraní colonial, \nAsunción, Museo Etnográfico \"Andrés Barbero\", 1965; Susnik, Branislava, \nEl rol de los indígenas en la formación y en la vivencia delParaguay. \nTomo I, Asunción, Universo, 1982; Melià, Bartomeu, El guaraní \nconquistado y reducido: ensayos de etnohistoria, Asunción, Universidad \nCatólica-Centro de Estudios Paraguayos \"AntonioGuasch\", cuarta edición, \n1997 [1986]; Melià, Bartomeu, \"Sociedades fluviales y selvícolas del \neste: Paraguay y Paraná\", en Rojas Rabiela, Teresa; Murra, John (dirs.),\n Historia general de América Latina. Volumen I, París, Editorial \nTrotta-UNESCO, 1999, pp. 335-552; Catafesto de Sousa, José Otávio, \"O \nsistema econômico nas sociedades indígenas guaraní pré-coloniais\", en \nHorizontes Antropológicos, año 8, núm. 18, 2002, pp. 211-253; Monteiro, \nJohn Manuel, \"Os guaraní e a História do Brasil Meridional. Séculos \nXVI-XVII\", en Carneiro Da Cunha, Manuela L. (org.), História dos índios \nno Brasil, San Pablo, Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São \nPaulo-Companhia das Letras-Secretaria Municipal de Cultura Prefeitura do\n Município de São Paulo, 1992 pp. 475-498.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-12-03T14:42:21+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 45090, "end" : 45098 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Guaranís" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/63d00012-9304-48c5-8f8d-8f4b9f609dc1", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-08T02:49:44+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Incluidos dentro de la familia mataco-guaycurú, los yapirúes habitaban \nla banda occidental del Paraguay y practicaban la casa y la recolección.\n Bibliografía: Susnik, Branislava, El rol de los indígenas en la \nformación y en la vivencia del Paraguay. Tomo II, Asunción, Universo, \n1983; Maccormack, Sabine, \"Ethnography in South America: The Fisrt Two Hundred\n years\", en Salomon, Frank; Schwartz, Stuart B. (eds.), The Cambridge \nHistory of the Native Peoples of the Americas. Volume III. Part I, \nCambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1999, p. 104.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-12-03T18:03:39+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 140693, "end" : 140700 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Yapirús" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/9de96ff1-17d9-4d23-96b4-65267ce68993", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-05T01:03:22+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Agaces. Una sociedad nativa que habitaba en el curso inferior del río paraguay. Pertenecían al tronco lingüístico mataco-guaycurú y eran muy hábiles canoeros y pescadores. Solían tener conflictos con los guaraníes carios que vivían río arriba y luego por extensión con los cristianos de Asunción. Bibliografía: Schmuziger Carvallho, Silvia, M., \"Chaco: encruzilhada de povos e 'melting pot' cultural. Suas relações com a bacia do Paraná e o Sul mato-grossense\", en Carneiro Da Cunha, Manuela M. (org.), História dos índios no Brasil, San Pablo, Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo-Companhia das Letras-Secretaria Municipal de Cultura Prefeitura do Município de São Paulo, 1992, pp. 457-474;  Maccormack, Sabine, \"Ethnography in South America: The Fisrt Two Hundred years\", en Salomon, Frank; Schwartz, Stuart B. (eds.), The Cambridge History of the Native Peoples of the Americas. Volume III. Part I, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1999, pp. 104, 106; Susnik, Branislava, El rol de los indígenas en la formación y en la vivencia del Paraguay. Tomo II, Asunción, Universo, 1983.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-12-03T18:03:02+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 58909, "end" : 58915 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Agases" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/d668c5c3-1c2f-4885-902f-86865869b423", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://sws.geonames.org/2523228", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-04T17:20:18+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-04T17:20:18+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 70632, "end" : 70639 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Cerdeña" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/74385f9f-953d-4bb5-8565-d87dfe2ab6e7", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-04T17:06:49+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Peranzules. Fundador de la ciudad de la Plata. 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-30.278 ], [ -50.601, -30.194 ], [ -50.659, -30.201 ], [ -50.661, -30.293 ], [ -50.918, -30.333 ], [ -50.934, -30.42 ], [ -50.889, -30.439 ], [ -50.921, -30.44 ], [ -51.052, -30.395 ], [ -51.034, -30.276 ], [ -51.146, -30.267 ], [ -51.246, -30.188 ], [ -51.23, -30.043 ], [ -51.295, -30.007 ], [ -51.326, -30.23 ], [ -51.271, -30.25 ], [ -51.293, -30.295 ], [ -51.246, -30.33 ], [ -51.209, -30.3 ], [ -51.179, -30.383 ], [ -51.092, -30.367 ], [ -51.129, -30.436 ], [ -51.202, -30.413 ], [ -51.269, -30.489 ], [ -51.282, -30.811 ], [ -51.33, -30.777 ], [ -51.294, -30.758 ], [ -51.319, -30.64 ], [ -51.375, -30.635 ], [ -51.404, -30.769 ], [ -51.367, -30.874 ], [ -51.457, -30.874 ], [ -51.501, -30.935 ], [ -51.436, -31.088 ], [ -51.611, -31.138 ], [ -51.613, -31.272 ], [ -51.915, -31.313 ], [ -52.002, -31.449 ], [ -52.031, -31.693 ], [ -52.218, -31.747 ], [ -52.247, -31.871 ], [ -52.106, -31.952 ], [ -52.216, -31.963 ], [ -52.263, -32.062 ], [ -52.209, -32.045 ], [ -52.225, -32.096 ], [ -52.082, -32.033 ], [ -52.162, -32.128 ], [ -52.09, -32.069 ], [ -52.084, -32.186 ], [ -52.16, -32.201 ], [ -52.341, -32.43 ], [ -52.488, -32.844 ], [ -52.66, -33.165 ], [ -53.227, -33.658 ], [ -53.421, -33.741 ], [ -53.524, -33.689 ], [ -53.515, -33.163 ], [ -53.434, -33.054 ], [ -53.243, -32.936 ], [ -53.294, -32.911 ], [ -53.074, -32.746 ], [ -53.244, -32.605 ], [ -53.39, -32.583 ], [ -53.46, -32.48 ], [ -53.595, -32.432 ], [ -53.73, -32.157 ], [ -53.714, -32.104 ], [ -53.965, -31.919 ], [ -54.096, -31.906 ], [ -54.466, -31.666 ], [ -54.491, -31.54 ], [ -54.591, -31.448 ], [ -54.836, -31.446 ], [ -54.945, -31.392 ], [ -55.014, -31.285 ], [ -55.091, -31.326 ], [ -55.245, -31.257 ], [ -55.374, -31.038 ], [ -55.594, -30.848 ], [ -55.635, -30.857 ], [ -55.657, -30.956 ], [ -55.87, -31.08 ], [ -56.008, -31.063 ], [ -55.987, -30.86 ], [ -56.021, -30.784 ], [ -56.127, -30.739 ], [ -56.177, -30.614 ], [ -56.384, -30.495 ], [ -56.459, -30.387 ], [ -56.545, -30.364 ], [ -56.54, -30.312 ], [ -56.617, -30.303 ], [ -56.644, -30.205 ], [ -56.776, -30.166 ], [ -56.804, -30.107 ], [ -57.068, -30.088 ], [ -57.207, -30.281 ], [ -57.313, -30.26 ], [ -57.396, -30.303 ], [ -57.538, -30.275 ], [ -57.618, -30.179 ], [ -57.505, -30.143 ], [ -57.342, -30.001 ], [ -57.319, -29.87 ], [ -57.254, -29.794 ], [ -57.105, -29.752 ], [ -56.972, -29.639 ], [ -56.676, -29.321 ], [ -56.593, -29.123 ], [ -56.425, -29.073 ], [ -56.285, -28.794 ], [ -56.185, -28.771 ], [ -56.016, -28.611 ], [ -56.011, -28.509 ], [ -55.888, -28.479 ], [ -55.875, -28.362 ], [ -55.696, -28.425 ], [ -55.671, -28.333 ], [ -55.773, -28.247 ], [ -55.605, -28.123 ], [ -55.554, -28.164 ], [ -55.496, -28.081 ], [ -55.444, -28.097 ], [ -55.323, -27.928 ], [ -55.196, -27.863 ], [ -55.134, -27.895 ], [ -55.117, -27.853 ], [ -55.032, -27.854 ], [ -55.082, -27.789 ], [ -54.941, -27.775 ], [ -54.809, -27.536 ], [ -54.781, -27.586 ], [ -54.683, -27.576 ], [ -54.678, -27.514 ], [ -54.624, -27.55 ], [ -54.576, -27.458 ], [ -54.525, -27.507 ], [ -54.415, -27.412 ], [ -54.353, -27.468 ], [ -54.339, -27.406 ], [ -54.282, -27.447 ], [ -54.176, -27.261 ], [ -54.089, -27.303 ], [ -53.949, -27.158 ], [ -53.799, -27.147 ], [ -53.795, -27.048 ], [ -53.761, -27.068 ], [ -53.662, -26.869 ], [ -53.751, -26.745 ], [ -53.707, -26.563 ], [ -53.738, -26.548 ], [ -53.592, -26.265 ], [ -53.722, -26.13 ], [ -53.733, -26.047 ], [ -53.837, -25.969 ], [ -53.824, -25.793 ], [ -53.891, -25.625 ], [ -53.951, -25.644 ], [ -54.016, -25.569 ], [ -54.101, -25.625 ], [ -54.111, -25.504 ], [ -54.213, -25.554 ], [ -54.184, -25.591 ], [ -54.289, -25.562 ], [ -54.387, -25.608 ], [ -54.43, -25.706 ], [ -54.596, -25.595 ], [ -54.617, -25.459 ], [ -54.437, -25.157 ], [ -54.458, -25.031 ], [ -54.336, -24.649 ], [ -54.333, -24.493 ], [ -54.262, -24.376 ], [ -54.33, -24.225 ], [ -54.282, -24.075 ], [ -54.411, -23.929 ], [ -54.668, -23.815 ], [ -55.061, -23.991 ], [ -55.112, -23.963 ], [ -55.226, -24.013 ], [ -55.413, -23.961 ], [ -55.434, -23.714 ], [ -55.535, -23.614 ], [ -55.522, -23.197 ], [ -55.596, -23.141 ], [ -55.64, -22.994 ], [ -55.685, -22.992 ], [ -55.613, -22.659 ], [ -55.736, -22.532 ], [ -55.74, -22.396 ], [ -55.854, -22.281 ], [ -56.208, -22.281 ], [ -56.341, -22.206 ], [ -56.403, -22.078 ], [ -56.519, -22.103 ], [ -56.643, -22.261 ], [ -56.698, -22.216 ], [ -56.728, -22.26 ], [ -56.808, -22.25 ], [ -56.831, -22.3 ], [ -57.001, -22.225 ], [ -57.203, -22.21 ], [ -57.243, -22.244 ], [ -57.553, -22.181 ], [ -57.616, -22.096 ], [ -57.803, -22.148 ], [ -57.989, -22.085 ], [ -58.005, -22.032 ], [ -57.919, -21.881 ], [ -57.969, -21.844 ], [ -57.913, -21.793 ], [ -57.947, -21.747 ], [ -57.894, -21.687 ], [ -57.968, -21.528 ], [ -57.855, -21.339 ], [ -57.918, -21.278 ], [ -57.854, -21.226 ], [ -57.866, -21.041 ], [ -57.818, -20.976 ], [ -57.927, -20.897 ], [ -57.855, -20.835 ], [ -57.961, -20.784 ], [ -57.869, -20.736 ], [ -57.923, -20.666 ], [ -57.988, -20.696 ], [ -57.994, -20.448 ], [ -58.082, -20.372 ], [ -58.092, -20.257 ], [ -58.154, -20.264 ], [ -58.125, -20.188 ], [ -58.163, -20.162 ], [ -57.872, -19.979 ], [ -58.134, -19.761 ], [ -57.79, -19.051 ], [ -57.709, -19.034 ], [ -57.757, -18.858 ], [ -57.56, -18.263 ], [ -57.458, -18.228 ], [ -57.568, -18.136 ], [ -57.702, -17.86 ], [ -57.715, -17.735 ], [ -57.785, -17.645 ], [ -57.773, -17.553 ], [ -57.878, -17.463 ], [ -58.003, -17.52 ], [ -58.114, -17.456 ], [ -58.395, -17.197 ], [ -58.421, -16.99 ], [ -58.47, -16.939 ], [ -58.468, -16.702 ], [ -58.442, -16.613 ], [ -58.34, -16.542 ], [ -58.309, -16.27 ], [ -58.471, -16.325 ], [ -60.173, -16.265 ], [ -60.236, -15.476 ], [ -60.565, -15.105 ], [ -60.253, -15.101 ], [ -60.257, -14.624 ], [ -60.338, -14.555 ], [ -60.482, -14.181 ], [ -60.468, -14.092 ], [ -60.378, -13.992 ], [ -60.468, -13.886 ], [ -60.468, -13.801 ], [ -60.793, -13.686 ], [ -60.962, -13.539 ], [ -61.044, -13.541 ], [ -61.028, -13.477 ], [ -61.069, -13.463 ], [ -61.139, -13.521 ], [ -61.249, -13.525 ], [ -61.33, -13.473 ], [ -61.486, -13.554 ], [ -61.578, -13.494 ], [ -61.824, -13.539 ], [ -61.866, -13.443 ], [ -62.108, -13.257 ], [ -62.109, -13.149 ], [ -62.165, -13.112 ], [ -62.368, -13.145 ], [ -62.464, -13.07 ], [ -62.637, -13.041 ], [ -62.674, -12.965 ], [ -62.764, -13.023 ], [ -62.923, -12.854 ], [ -62.996, -12.85 ], [ -63.082, -12.653 ], [ -63.327, -12.705 ], [ -63.482, -12.557 ], [ -63.712, -12.458 ], [ -63.875, -12.469 ], [ -63.937, -12.557 ], [ -64.127, -12.494 ], [ -64.152, -12.529 ], [ -64.215, -12.476 ], [ -64.278, -12.511 ], [ -64.493, -12.366 ], [ -64.486, -12.23 ], [ -64.654, -12.186 ], [ -64.683, -12.099 ], [ -64.725, -12.162 ], [ -64.798, -12.035 ], [ -64.993, -11.999 ], [ -65.048, -11.757 ], [ -65.112, -11.741 ], [ -65.106, -11.697 ], [ -65.135, -11.777 ], [ -65.201, -11.745 ], [ -65.161, -11.622 ], [ -65.218, -11.521 ], [ -65.299, -11.5 ], [ -65.338, -11.392 ], [ -65.31, -11.341 ], [ -65.385, -11.269 ], [ -65.349, -11.239 ], [ -65.391, -11.167 ], [ -65.318, -11.105 ], [ -65.336, -11.044 ], [ -65.269, -10.901 ], [ -65.366, -10.798 ], [ -65.349, -10.671 ], [ -65.426, -10.638 ], [ -65.429, -10.473 ], [ -65.28, -10.218 ], [ -65.327, -9.938 ], [ -65.29, -9.851 ], [ -65.377, -9.698 ], [ -65.488, -9.718 ], [ -65.563, -9.834 ], [ -65.669, -9.779 ], [ -65.7, -9.803 ], [ -65.689, -9.749 ], [ -65.748, -9.77 ], [ -65.777, -9.727 ], [ -65.798, -9.786 ], [ -65.81, -9.75 ], [ -65.86, -9.794 ], [ -65.872, -9.757 ], [ -66.018, -9.807 ], [ -66.064, -9.772 ], [ -66.422, -9.895 ], [ -66.616, -9.893 ], [ -66.623, -9.935 ], [ -66.883, -10.081 ], [ -67.029, -10.254 ], [ -67.186, -10.339 ], [ -67.315, -10.316 ], [ -67.327, -10.374 ], [ -67.414, -10.372 ], [ -67.443, -10.45 ], [ -67.594, -10.523 ], [ -67.715, -10.707 ], [ -68.021, -10.661 ], [ -68.119, -10.726 ], [ -68.283, -10.987 ], [ -68.519, -11.048 ], [ -68.587, -11.11 ], [ -68.769, -11.139 ], [ -68.751, -11.007 ], [ -68.787, -10.99 ], [ -68.871, -11.023 ], [ -69.393, -10.929 ], [ -69.728, -10.973 ], [ -69.938, -10.926 ], [ -70.318, -11.066 ], [ -70.428, -11.033 ], [ -70.508, -10.94 ], [ -70.618, -11.007 ], [ -70.622, -9.847 ], [ -70.522, -9.738 ], [ -70.598, -9.574 ], [ -70.561, -9.579 ], [ -70.497, -9.433 ], [ -70.601, -9.453 ], [ -70.982, -9.812 ], [ -71.131, -9.862 ], [ -71.288, -9.996 ], [ -72.165, -10.002 ], [ -72.16, -9.818 ], [ -72.26, -9.755 ], [ -72.289, -9.536 ], [ -72.364, -9.491 ], [ -72.721, -9.417 ], [ -73.196, -9.418 ], [ -72.965, -9.154 ], [ -72.946, -8.99 ], [ -73.059, -8.904 ], [ -73.169, -8.701 ], [ -73.338, -8.609 ], [ -73.338, -8.476 ], [ -73.526, -8.369 ], [ -73.632, -8.022 ], [ -73.765, -7.94 ], [ -73.777, -7.869 ], [ -73.697, -7.865 ], [ -73.69, -7.79 ], [ -73.985, -7.543 ], [ -73.917, -7.461 ], [ -73.954, -7.348 ], [ -73.868, -7.377 ], [ -73.691, -7.313 ], [ -73.797, -7.115 ], [ -73.743, -6.897 ], [ -73.351, -6.561 ], [ -73.211, -6.53 ], [ -73.133, -6.421 ], [ -73.185, -6.04 ], [ -73.131, -5.986 ], [ -73.116, -5.865 ], [ -72.951, -5.643 ], [ -72.948, -5.454 ], [ -72.872, -5.25 ], [ -72.896, -5.136 ], [ -72.734, -5.043 ], [ -72.602, -5.056 ], [ -72.577, -4.992 ], [ -72.455, -4.962 ], [ -72.452, -4.906 ], [ -72.37, -4.88 ], [ -72.356, -4.803 ], [ -72.292, -4.799 ], [ -72.313, -4.769 ], [ -72.223, -4.78 ], [ -72.113, -4.722 ], [ -72.047, -4.625 ], [ -71.94, -4.607 ], [ -71.897, -4.512 ], [ -71.61, -4.465 ], [ -71.597, -4.525 ], [ -71.535, -4.46 ], [ -71.49, -4.479 ], [ -71.506, -4.435 ], [ -71.414, -4.432 ], [ -71.432, -4.469 ], [ -71.342, -4.423 ], [ -71.355, -4.468 ], [ -71.303, -4.458 ], [ -71.269, -4.381 ], [ -71.198, -4.377 ], [ -71.193, -4.42 ], [ -71.147, -4.375 ], [ -71.031, -4.397 ], [ -70.99, -4.34 ], [ -70.935, -4.381 ], [ -70.757, -4.152 ], [ -70.677, -4.2 ], [ -70.622, -4.121 ], [ -70.633, -4.173 ], [ -70.565, -4.168 ], [ -70.566, -4.205 ], [ -70.553, -4.128 ], [ -70.503, -4.19 ], [ -70.434, -4.125 ], [ -70.341, -4.174 ], [ -70.317, -4.136 ], [ -70.291, -4.283 ], [ -70.249, -4.267 ], [ -70.186, -4.357 ], [ -70.169, -4.27 ], [ -70.101, -4.255 ], [ -70.031, -4.339 ], [ -69.929, -4.213 ], [ -69.453, -1.478 ], [ -69.368, -1.334 ], [ -69.422, -0.998 ], [ -69.508, -0.936 ], [ -69.609, -0.755 ], [ -69.551, -0.648 ], [ -69.593, -0.517 ], [ -69.908, -0.316 ], [ -70.068, -0.135 ], [ -70.037, 0.553 ], [ -69.798, 0.585 ], [ -69.664, 0.672 ], [ -69.606, 0.623 ], [ -69.468, 0.734 ], [ -69.357, 0.621 ], [ -69.295, 0.648 ], [ -69.288, 0.609 ], [ -69.202, 0.602 ], [ -69.112, 0.643 ], [ -69.184, 0.73 ], [ -69.137, 0.868 ], [ -69.257, 1.026 ], [ -69.342, 1.064 ], [ -69.416, 1.024 ], [ -69.7, 1.056 ], [ -69.721, 1.097 ], [ -69.854, 1.07 ], [ -69.855, 1.715 ], [ -69.556, 1.775 ], [ -69.395, 1.726 ], [ -68.128, 1.73 ], [ -68.29, 1.841 ], [ -68.205, 2.038 ], [ -68.027, 1.784 ], [ -67.924, 1.751 ], [ -67.797, 1.812 ], [ -67.578, 2.076 ], [ -67.41, 2.141 ], [ -67.117, 1.732 ], [ -67.068, 1.532 ], [ -67.097, 1.17 ], [ -66.855, 1.228 ], [ -66.322, 0.738 ], [ -66.095, 0.754 ], [ -65.952, 0.81 ], [ -65.854, 0.939 ], [ -65.733, 1.005 ], [ -65.583, 1.008 ], [ -65.47, 0.877 ], [ -65.557, 0.705 ], [ -65.504, 0.627 ], [ -65.393, 0.699 ], [ -65.305, 0.916 ], [ -65.152, 0.943 ], [ -65.121, 1.115 ], [ -65.055, 1.144 ], [ -64.968, 1.112 ], [ -64.903, 1.249 ], [ -64.843, 1.237 ], [ -64.783, 1.313 ], [ -64.721, 1.25 ], [ -64.638, 1.286 ], [ -64.387, 1.527 ], [ -64.344, 1.528 ], [ -64.382, 1.419 ], [ -64.344, 1.38 ], [ -64.186, 1.494 ], [ -64.054, 1.708 ], [ -64.057, 1.933 ], [ -64.018, 1.967 ], [ -63.781, 1.989 ], [ -63.604, 2.124 ], [ -63.419, 2.154 ], [ -63.349, 2.281 ], [ -63.382, 2.442 ], [ -63.756, 2.403 ], [ -64.031, 2.509 ], [ -63.987, 2.772 ], [ -64.216, 3.153 ], [ -64.236, 3.476 ], [ -64.186, 3.634 ], [ -64.324, 3.797 ], [ -64.543, 3.882 ], [ -64.8, 4.224 ], [ -64.79, 4.329 ], [ -64.677, 4.297 ], [ -64.555, 4.153 ], [ -64.135, 4.176 ], [ -63.967, 3.93 ], [ -63.806, 4.019 ], [ -63.623, 4.01 ], [ -63.455, 3.91 ], [ -63.411, 4.026 ], [ -63.358, 4.04 ], [ -63.203, 3.952 ], [ -63.189, 3.872 ], [ -62.86, 3.584 ], [ -62.749, 3.642 ], [ -62.705, 3.724 ], [ -62.752, 4.012 ], [ -62.635, 4.056 ], [ -62.557, 4.02 ], [ -62.46, 4.173 ], [ -62.129, 4.084 ], [ -61.961, 4.18 ], [ -61.927, 4.106 ], [ -61.723, 4.262 ], [ -61.528, 4.273 ], [ -61.507, 4.398 ], [ -61.274, 4.471 ], [ -61.293, 4.55 ], [ -61.141, 4.508 ], [ -60.952, 4.549 ], [ -60.907, 4.708 ], [ -60.731, 4.777 ], [ -60.59, 4.951 ], [ -60.744, 5.209 ], [ -60.438, 5.177 ], [ -60.203, 5.265 ], [ -60.176, 5.227 ], [ -60.121, 5.243 ], [ -60.085, 5.149 ], [ -59.969, 5.073 ], [ -60.03, 4.704 ], [ -60.163, 4.521 ], [ -59.927, 4.509 ], [ -59.674, 4.382 ], [ -59.726, 4.191 ], [ -59.628, 4.138 ], [ -59.655, 4.078 ], [ -59.516, 3.94 ], [ -59.581, 3.901 ], [ -59.594, 3.796 ], [ -59.666, 3.777 ], [ -59.664, 3.703 ], [ -59.849, 3.601 ], [ -59.799, 3.355 ], [ -59.909, 3.197 ], [ -59.982, 2.929 ], [ -59.99, 2.683 ], [ -59.903, 2.479 ], [ -59.91, 2.388 ], [ -59.724, 2.277 ], [ -59.754, 1.861 ], [ -59.654, 1.849 ], [ -59.669, 1.764 ], [ -59.549, 1.729 ], [ -59.253, 1.397 ], [ -58.914, 1.299 ], [ -58.904, 1.234 ], [ -58.804, 1.175 ], [ -58.696, 1.288 ], [ -58.507, 1.264 ], [ -58.468, 1.318 ], [ -58.498, 1.458 ], [ -58.382, 1.471 ], [ -58.325, 1.59 ], [ -58.167, 1.558 ], [ -58.13, 1.501 ], [ -58.009, 1.501 ], [ -58, 1.665 ], [ -57.919, 1.645 ], [ -57.77, 1.718 ], [ -57.545, 1.701 ], [ -57.434, 1.895 ], [ -57.302, 1.99 ], [ -57.247, 1.944 ], [ -57.085, 2.021 ], [ -57.012, 1.918 ], [ -56.8, 1.864 ], [ -56.724, 1.92 ], [ -56.454, 1.945 ], [ -55.957, 1.844 ], [ -55.906, 1.889 ], [ -55.913, 2.041 ], [ -56.048, 2.226 ], [ -56.134, 2.263 ], [ -56.09, 2.352 ], [ -55.995, 2.405 ], [ -55.987, 2.517 ], [ -55.948, 2.532 ], [ -55.739, 2.401 ], [ -55.481, 2.443 ], [ -55.37, 2.407 ], [ -55.336, 2.516 ], [ -55.239, 2.495 ], [ -55.137, 2.575 ], [ -55.103, 2.522 ], [ -54.94, 2.632 ], [ -54.969, 2.555 ], [ -54.864, 2.439 ], [ -54.72, 2.469 ], [ -54.702, 2.336 ], [ -54.549, 2.336 ], [ -54.534, 2.268 ], [ -54.314, 2.158 ], [ -54.189, 2.179 ], [ -54.111, 2.127 ], [ -54.078, 2.197 ], [ -53.784, 2.364 ], [ -53.694, 2.287 ], [ -53.472, 2.332 ], [ -53.397, 2.272 ], [ -53.273, 2.292 ], [ -53.188, 2.223 ], [ -52.905, 2.19 ], [ -52.853, 2.285 ], [ -52.673, 2.374 ], [ -52.555, 2.523 ], [ -52.556, 2.646 ], [ -52.382, 2.912 ], [ -52.347, 3.134 ], [ -52.192, 3.296 ], [ -51.92, 3.781 ], [ -51.795, 3.89 ], [ -51.754, 3.996 ], [ -51.658, 4.049 ], [ -51.585, 4.241 ], [ -51.529, 4.171 ], [ -51.545, 4.397 ], [ -51.202, 4.084 ], [ -51.173, 3.767 ], [ -51.127, 3.911 ], [ -51.085, 3.895 ], [ -51.051, 3.283 ], [ -50.913, 2.875 ], [ -50.927, 2.807 ], [ -50.816, 2.644 ], [ -50.851, 2.482 ], [ -50.802, 2.508 ], [ -50.736, 2.414 ], [ -50.765, 2.359 ], [ -50.694, 2.276 ], [ -50.725, 2.252 ], [ -50.675, 2.247 ], [ -50.682, 2.137 ], [ -50.584, 2.091 ], [ -50.586, 2.014 ], [ -50.471, 1.82 ], [ -50.194, 1.794 ], [ -49.954, 1.676 ], [ -49.88, 1.419 ], [ -49.918, 1.289 ], [ -50.073, 1.204 ], [ -49.918, 1.232 ], [ -49.939, 1.103 ], [ -50.003, 1.066 ], [ -50.033, 1.107 ], [ -50.131, 0.949 ], [ -50.274, 0.866 ], [ -50.338, 0.729 ], [ -50.417, 0.685 ], [ -50.455, 0.732 ], [ -50.428, 0.679 ], [ -50.571, 0.424 ], [ -50.691, 0.3 ], [ -50.677, 0.365 ], [ -50.746, 0.227 ], [ -50.801, 0.224 ], [ -50.785, 0.183 ], [ -50.908, 0.171 ], [ -51.087, -0.043 ], [ -51.203, -0.055 ], [ -51.419, -0.412 ], [ -51.409, -0.44 ], [ -51.325, -0.364 ], [ -51.188, -0.14 ], [ -51.111, -0.154 ], [ -51.154, -0.284 ], [ -51.396, -0.493 ], [ -51.243, -0.443 ], [ -51.26, -0.5 ], [ -51.165, -0.431 ], [ -50.953, -0.061 ], [ -50.824, -0.048 ], [ -50.705, 0.002 ], [ -50.613, -0.088 ], [ -50.744, -0.244 ], [ -50.751, -0.429 ], [ -50.845, -0.526 ], [ -50.988, -0.583 ], [ -51.051, -0.682 ], [ -50.826, -0.555 ], [ -50.794, -0.666 ], [ -50.733, -0.557 ], [ -50.684, -0.604 ], [ -50.724, -0.493 ], [ -50.652, -0.276 ], [ -50.409, -0.094 ], [ -49.631, -0.247 ], [ -49.446, -0.23 ], [ -49.289, -0.145 ], [ -49.018, -0.16 ], [ -49, -0.139 ], [ -48.895, -0.224 ], [ -48.539, -0.234 ], [ -48.363, -0.303 ], [ -48.459, -0.513 ], [ -48.522, -0.877 ], [ -48.667, -1.002 ], [ -48.621, -1.005 ], [ -48.65, -1.048 ], [ -48.617, -1.053 ], [ -48.721, -1.137 ], [ -48.837, -1.452 ], [ -49.161, -1.575 ], [ -49.182, -1.623 ], [ -49.362, -1.604 ], [ -49.364, -1.642 ], [ -49.448, -1.637 ], [ -49.5, -1.738 ], [ -49.61, -1.718 ], [ -49.676, -1.78 ], [ -49.696, -1.757 ], [ -49.714, -1.76 ], [ -49.803, -1.822 ], [ -50.035, -1.717 ], [ -50.179, -1.787 ], [ -50.256, -1.776 ], [ -50.415, -1.841 ], [ -50.401, -1.935 ], [ -49.994, -1.819 ], [ -49.844, -1.905 ], [ -49.765, -1.898 ], [ -49.616, -1.79 ], [ -49.276, -1.706 ], [ -49.267, -1.778 ], [ -49.387, -1.977 ], [ -49.383, -2.159 ], [ -48.973, -1.594 ], [ -48.897, -1.573 ], [ -48.955, -1.712 ], [ -48.932, -1.75 ], [ -48.898, -1.743 ], [ -48.656, -1.371 ], [ -48.592, -1.429 ], [ -48.601, -1.306 ], [ -48.524, -1.338 ], [ -48.537, -1.467 ], [ -48.496, -1.553 ], [ -48.491, -1.502 ], [ -48.46, -1.533 ], [ -48.374, -1.511 ], [ -48.319, -1.478 ], [ -48.505, -1.471 ], [ -48.422, -1.168 ], [ -48.475, -1.144 ], [ -48.4, -1.066 ], [ -48.278, -1.111 ], [ -48.304, -0.948 ], [ -48.055, -0.668 ], [ -48.001, -0.731 ], [ -47.893, -0.553 ], [ -47.843, -0.616 ], [ -47.807, -0.547 ], [ -47.702, -0.54 ], [ -47.707, -0.59 ], [ -47.667, -0.569 ], [ -47.633, -0.608 ], [ -47.651, -0.694 ], [ -47.608, -0.684 ], [ -47.577, -0.573 ], [ -47.476, -0.757 ], [ -47.398, -0.76 ], [ -47.428, -0.693 ], [ -47.464, -0.687 ], [ -47.466, -0.594 ], [ -47.399, -0.594 ], [ -47.4, -0.645 ], [ -47.298, -0.589 ], [ -47.253, -0.668 ], [ -47.247, -0.623 ], [ -47.206, -0.633 ], [ -47.23, -0.719 ], [ -47.158, -0.678 ], [ -47.191, -0.754 ], [ -47.146, -0.764 ], [ -47.16, -0.815 ], [ -47.081, -0.661 ], [ -47.055, -0.868 ], [ -47.027, -0.784 ], [ -46.983, -0.806 ], [ -47.016, -0.752 ], [ -46.967, -0.694 ], [ -46.969, -0.78 ], [ -46.891, -0.869 ], [ -46.89, -0.789 ], [ -46.846, -0.799 ], [ -46.82, -0.71 ], [ -46.802, -0.877 ], [ -46.777, -0.905 ], [ -46.75, -0.826 ], [ -46.709, -0.86 ], [ -46.734, -0.944 ], [ -46.687, -0.831 ], [ -46.653, -0.882 ], [ -46.621, -0.818 ], [ -46.601, -0.917 ], [ -46.676, -0.965 ], [ -46.622, -0.987 ], [ -46.57, -0.947 ], [ -46.609, -1.03 ], [ -46.57, -0.988 ], [ -46.525, -1.027 ], [ -46.465, -1.007 ], [ -46.47, -1.044 ], [ -46.395, -1.037 ], [ -46.413, -1.084 ], [ -46.348, -0.982 ], [ -46.36, -1.011 ], [ -46.366, -1.031 ], [ -46.348, -1.079 ], [ -46.339, -1.015 ], [ -46.299, -1.05 ], [ -46.212, -0.946 ], [ -46.242, -0.921 ], [ -46.179, -0.914 ], [ -46.224, -1.053 ], [ -46.206, -1.1 ], [ -46.158, -1.014 ], [ -46.138, -1.032 ], [ -46.193, -1.143 ], [ -46.104, -1.067 ], [ -46.062, -1.133 ], [ -46.15, -1.258 ], [ -45.982, -1.071 ], [ -45.953, -1.147 ], [ -46, -1.151 ], [ -46, -1.199 ], [ -45.95, -1.159 ], [ -45.95, -1.207 ], [ -46, -1.209 ], [ -45.95, -1.25 ], [ -45.902, -1.134 ], [ -45.923, -1.214 ], [ -45.882, -1.167 ], [ -45.873, -1.211 ], [ -45.909, -1.261 ], [ -45.859, -1.231 ], [ -45.891, -1.293 ], [ -45.807, -1.176 ], [ -45.843, -1.301 ], [ -45.809, -1.328 ], [ -45.831, -1.298 ], [ -45.782, -1.278 ], [ -45.726, -1.135 ], [ -45.69, -1.452 ], [ -45.697, -1.38 ], [ -45.632, -1.371 ], [ -45.618, -1.279 ], [ -45.589, -1.329 ], [ -45.537, -1.273 ], [ -45.561, -1.343 ], [ -45.51, -1.352 ], [ -45.567, -1.404 ], [ -45.546, -1.432 ], [ -45.413, -1.296 ], [ -45.489, -1.473 ], [ -45.511, -1.458 ], [ -45.554, -1.503 ], [ -45.507, -1.471 ], [ -45.518, -1.516 ], [ -45.481, -1.495 ], [ -45.463, -1.548 ], [ -45.457, -1.457 ], [ -45.391, -1.434 ], [ -45.363, -1.325 ], [ -45.323, -1.319 ], [ -45.302, -1.424 ], [ -45.392, -1.485 ], [ -45.398, -1.503 ], [ -45.356, -1.487 ], [ -45.392, -1.553 ], [ -45.338, -1.572 ], [ -45.371, -1.722 ], [ -45.338, -1.753 ], [ -45.197, -1.688 ], [ -45.261, -1.607 ], [ -45.16, -1.475 ], [ -45.136, -1.521 ], [ -45.072, -1.435 ], [ -45.07, -1.485 ], [ -44.999, -1.504 ], [ -45.018, -1.547 ], [ -44.969, -1.549 ], [ -45.029, -1.583 ], [ -45.029, -1.602 ], [ -44.979, -1.607 ], [ -44.954, -1.498 ], [ -44.862, -1.426 ], [ -44.857, -1.498 ], [ -44.954, -1.605 ], [ -44.918, -1.649 ], [ -44.968, -1.662 ], [ -44.913, -1.657 ], [ -44.927, -1.62 ], [ -44.886, -1.609 ], [ -44.837, -1.65 ], [ -44.822, -1.591 ], [ -44.826, -1.637 ], [ -44.805, -1.609 ], [ -44.812, -1.665 ], [ -44.779, -1.735 ], [ -44.711, -1.728 ], [ -44.82, -1.819 ], [ -44.738, -1.791 ], [ -44.706, -1.819 ], [ -44.676, -1.808 ], [ -44.661, -1.727 ], [ -44.604, -1.749 ], [ -44.667, -1.849 ], [ -44.601, -1.858 ], [ -44.583, -1.817 ], [ -44.586, -1.873 ], [ -44.543, -1.833 ], [ -44.601, -1.909 ], [ -44.517, -1.907 ], [ -44.484, -2.002 ], [ -44.613, -2.037 ], [ -44.467, -2.017 ], [ -44.626, -2.151 ], [ -44.589, -2.159 ], [ -44.641, -2.232 ], [ -44.708, -2.23 ], [ -44.684, -2.275 ], [ -44.764, -2.265 ], [ -44.654, -2.294 ], [ -44.681, -2.354 ], [ -44.649, -2.373 ], [ -44.666, -2.329 ], [ -44.479, -2.137 ], [ -44.358, -2.335 ], [ -44.401, -2.416 ], [ -44.514, -2.384 ], [ -44.55, -2.4 ], [ -44.491, -2.415 ], [ -44.514, -2.448 ], [ -44.505, -2.476 ], [ -44.665, -2.608 ], [ -44.548, -2.542 ], [ -44.658, -2.781 ], [ -44.688, -2.924 ], [ -44.677, -3.019 ], [ -44.66, -3.02 ], [ -44.657, -3.018 ] ], [ [ -43.318, -2.361 ], [ -43.317, -2.363 ], [ -43.296, -2.363 ], [ -43.318, -2.361 ] ], [ [ -42.438, -2.747 ], [ -42.442, -2.749 ], [ -42.438, -2.75 ], [ -42.438, -2.747 ] ], [ [ -42.442, -2.749 ], [ -42.47, -2.744 ], [ -42.447, -2.753 ], [ -42.442, -2.749 ] ], [ [ -50.851, 2.482 ], [ -50.853, 2.481 ], [ -50.853, 2.48 ], [ -50.851, 2.482 ] ], [ [ -50.853, 2.481 ], [ -50.86, 2.495 ], [ -50.86, 2.477 ], [ -50.853, 2.481 ] ], [ [ -49.976, 1.659 ], [ -49.98, 1.659 ], [ -50, 1.639 ], [ -49.976, 1.659 ] ], [ [ -45.392, -1.553 ], [ -45.393, -1.553 ], [ -45.394, -1.556 ], [ -45.392, -1.553 ] ], [ [ -45.394, -1.556 ], [ -45.406, -1.579 ], [ -45.403, -1.591 ], [ -45.394, -1.556 ] ], [ [ -44.837, -1.65 ], [ -44.834, -1.655 ], [ -44.833, -1.654 ], [ -44.837, -1.65 ] ], [ [ -44.834, -1.655 ], [ -44.841, -1.675 ], [ -44.822, -1.672 ], [ -44.834, -1.655 ] ], [ [ -44.779, -1.735 ], [ -44.777, -1.741 ], [ -44.776, -1.74 ], [ -44.779, -1.735 ] ], [ [ -44.777, -1.741 ], [ -44.833, -1.77 ], [ -44.774, -1.75 ], [ -44.777, -1.741 ] ], [ [ -44.547, -2.22 ], [ -44.536, -2.225 ], [ -44.543, -2.219 ], [ -44.547, -2.22 ] ], [ [ -44.536, -2.225 ], [ -44.507, -2.249 ], [ -44.512, -2.235 ], [ -44.536, -2.225 ] ], [ [ -44.507, -2.249 ], [ -44.504, -2.256 ], [ -44.501, -2.254 ], [ -44.507, -2.249 ] ], [ [ -44.504, -2.256 ], [ -44.514, -2.268 ], [ -44.502, -2.26 ], [ -44.504, -2.256 ] ] ], [ [ [ -29.34, -20.484 ], [ -29.301, -20.521 ], [ -29.341, -20.511 ], [ -29.34, -20.484 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.001, -13.94 ], [ -39.012, -13.915 ], [ -38.994, -13.896 ], [ -39.001, -13.94 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.043, -13.909 ], [ -39.059, -13.904 ], [ -39.054, -13.886 ], [ -39.028, -13.903 ], [ -39.043, -13.909 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.251, -18.015 ], [ -39.283, -18.005 ], [ -39.272, -17.982 ], [ -39.245, -18.006 ], [ -39.251, -18.015 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.131, -17.927 ], [ -39.154, -17.921 ], [ -39.137, -17.91 ], [ -39.131, -17.927 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.212, -17.986 ], [ -39.228, -17.979 ], [ -39.215, -17.944 ], [ -39.202, -17.95 ], [ -39.212, -17.986 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.341, -23.231 ], [ -44.372, -23.174 ], [ -44.232, -23.089 ], [ -44.087, -23.173 ], [ -44.3, -23.184 ], [ -44.341, -23.231 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.356, -23.073 ], [ -44.388, -23.048 ], [ -44.373, -23.033 ], [ -44.343, -23.041 ], [ -44.356, -23.073 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.929, -23.014 ], [ -43.936, -22.999 ], [ -43.916, -22.989 ], [ -43.929, -23.014 ] ] ], [ [ [ -42.002, -23.018 ], [ -42.015, -23.003 ], [ -41.98, -22.975 ], [ -41.975, -22.992 ], [ -42.002, -23.018 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.904, -22.962 ], [ -43.907, -22.936 ], [ -43.868, -22.926 ], [ -43.871, -22.95 ], [ -43.904, -22.962 ] ] ], [ [ [ -41.042, -21.613 ], [ -41.042, -21.6 ], [ -41.019, -21.606 ], [ -41.042, -21.613 ] ] ], [ [ [ -52.112, -32 ], [ -52.18, -32.035 ], [ -52.216, -32.025 ], [ -52.198, -31.978 ], [ -52.112, -32 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.641, -30.388 ], [ -50.629, -30.394 ], [ -50.624, -30.329 ], [ -50.592, -30.399 ], [ -50.609, -30.406 ], [ -50.641, -30.388 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.526, -27.462 ], [ -48.416, -27.38 ], [ -48.358, -27.446 ], [ -48.503, -27.799 ], [ -48.559, -27.842 ], [ -48.526, -27.462 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.354, -27.296 ], [ -48.376, -27.285 ], [ -48.373, -27.271 ], [ -48.36, -27.27 ], [ -48.354, -27.296 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.731, -26.314 ], [ -48.754, -26.297 ], [ -48.735, -26.282 ], [ -48.731, -26.314 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.318, -25.584 ], [ -48.309, -25.546 ], [ -48.381, -25.504 ], [ -48.312, -25.509 ], [ -48.292, -25.545 ], [ -48.318, -25.584 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.414, -25.544 ], [ -48.459, -25.514 ], [ -48.415, -25.527 ], [ -48.414, -25.544 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.424, -25.551 ], [ -48.479, -25.523 ], [ -48.485, -25.502 ], [ -48.424, -25.551 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.298, -25.493 ], [ -48.341, -25.416 ], [ -48.252, -25.341 ], [ -48.265, -25.44 ], [ -48.253, -25.466 ], [ -48.298, -25.493 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.417, -25.386 ], [ -48.424, -25.343 ], [ -48.405, -25.33 ], [ -48.417, -25.386 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.695, -24.112 ], [ -45.688, -24.088 ], [ -45.679, -24.098 ], [ -45.695, -24.112 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.251, -23.962 ], [ -45.301, -23.909 ], [ -45.453, -23.91 ], [ -45.332, -23.721 ], [ -45.227, -23.774 ], [ -45.224, -23.835 ], [ -45.283, -23.857 ], [ -45.221, -23.899 ], [ -45.251, -23.962 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.141, -23.817 ], [ -45.146, -23.791 ], [ -45.114, -23.801 ], [ -45.141, -23.817 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.153, -23.573 ], [ -45.153, -23.558 ], [ -45.141, -23.568 ], [ -45.153, -23.573 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.073, -23.564 ], [ -45.079, -23.525 ], [ -45.036, -23.531 ], [ -45.073, -23.564 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.608, -23.228 ], [ -44.59, -23.208 ], [ -44.577, -23.216 ], [ -44.608, -23.228 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.648, -12.821 ], [ -38.666, -12.777 ], [ -38.624, -12.762 ], [ -38.648, -12.821 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.529, -12.811 ], [ -38.544, -12.757 ], [ -38.532, -12.74 ], [ -38.508, -12.792 ], [ -38.529, -12.811 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.622, -12.752 ], [ -38.622, -12.727 ], [ -38.593, -12.733 ], [ -38.622, -12.752 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.646, -12.683 ], [ -38.648, -12.65 ], [ -38.636, -12.661 ], [ -38.646, -12.683 ] ] ], [ [ [ -32.402, -3.838 ], [ -32.428, -3.877 ], [ -32.483, -3.878 ], [ -32.402, -3.838 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.667, -3.179 ], [ -44.668, -3.16 ], [ -44.643, -3.148 ], [ -44.644, -3.17 ], [ -44.667, -3.179 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.671, -2.943 ], [ -44.67, -2.92 ], [ -44.647, -2.915 ], [ -44.671, -2.943 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.493, -2.641 ], [ -44.48, -2.601 ], [ -44.477, -2.627 ], [ -44.493, -2.641 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.897, -2.573 ], [ -43.896, -2.554 ], [ -43.886, -2.565 ], [ -43.897, -2.573 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.599, -2.503 ], [ -43.577, -2.471 ], [ -43.572, -2.483 ], [ -43.599, -2.503 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.822, -2.526 ], [ -43.829, -2.509 ], [ -43.813, -2.458 ], [ -43.812, -2.553 ], [ -43.82, -2.528 ], [ -43.822, -2.526 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.821, -2.529 ], [ -43.856, -2.502 ], [ -43.832, -2.439 ], [ -43.842, -2.504 ], [ -43.821, -2.529 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.863, -2.56 ], [ -43.875, -2.552 ], [ -43.865, -2.534 ], [ -43.863, -2.56 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.519, -2.536 ], [ -44.529, -2.526 ], [ -44.501, -2.48 ], [ -44.505, -2.444 ], [ -44.455, -2.434 ], [ -44.519, -2.536 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.602, -3.007 ], [ -44.657, -2.972 ], [ -44.613, -2.894 ], [ -44.575, -2.921 ], [ -44.602, -3.007 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.585, -2.978 ], [ -44.563, -2.914 ], [ -44.586, -2.826 ], [ -44.494, -2.705 ], [ -44.494, -2.953 ], [ -44.582, -3.041 ], [ -44.585, -2.978 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.826, -2.434 ], [ -43.842, -2.403 ], [ -43.811, -2.385 ], [ -43.807, -2.412 ], [ -43.826, -2.434 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.581, -2.441 ], [ -43.615, -2.389 ], [ -43.549, -2.377 ], [ -43.545, -2.403 ], [ -43.581, -2.441 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.791, -2.47 ], [ -43.806, -2.443 ], [ -43.78, -2.422 ], [ -43.759, -2.448 ], [ -43.791, -2.47 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.513, -2.424 ], [ -43.537, -2.416 ], [ -43.522, -2.39 ], [ -43.505, -2.414 ], [ -43.513, -2.424 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.792, -2.405 ], [ -43.798, -2.377 ], [ -43.771, -2.37 ], [ -43.792, -2.405 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.689, -2.355 ], [ -43.743, -2.352 ], [ -43.724, -2.305 ], [ -43.617, -2.253 ], [ -43.612, -2.275 ], [ -43.669, -2.301 ], [ -43.689, -2.355 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.73, -2.425 ], [ -43.732, -2.364 ], [ -43.67, -2.377 ], [ -43.681, -2.34 ], [ -43.63, -2.324 ], [ -43.643, -2.394 ], [ -43.73, -2.425 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.473, -2.125 ], [ -44.487, -2.113 ], [ -44.475, -2.096 ], [ -44.463, -2.104 ], [ -44.473, -2.125 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.456, -2.031 ], [ -44.447, -2.008 ], [ -44.439, -2.022 ], [ -44.456, -2.031 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.311, -1.964 ], [ -49.336, -1.996 ], [ -49.309, -1.943 ], [ -49.311, -1.964 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.323, -2.054 ], [ -49.329, -2.019 ], [ -49.316, -2.001 ], [ -49.323, -2.054 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.231, -1.829 ], [ -50.246, -1.824 ], [ -50.229, -1.816 ], [ -50.231, -1.829 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.615, -1.821 ], [ -44.622, -1.797 ], [ -44.597, -1.774 ], [ -44.583, -1.789 ], [ -44.615, -1.821 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.7, -1.811 ], [ -44.703, -1.78 ], [ -44.673, -1.78 ], [ -44.7, -1.811 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.691, -1.793 ], [ -49.721, -1.789 ], [ -49.719, -1.771 ], [ -49.697, -1.766 ], [ -49.691, -1.793 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.924, -1.711 ], [ -48.909, -1.713 ], [ -48.916, -1.734 ], [ -48.935, -1.713 ], [ -48.924, -1.711 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.757, -1.707 ], [ -44.767, -1.694 ], [ -44.736, -1.701 ], [ -44.757, -1.707 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.433, -1.684 ], [ -49.454, -1.706 ], [ -49.46, -1.684 ], [ -49.433, -1.684 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.357, -1.008 ], [ -46.342, -0.994 ], [ -46.353, -1.026 ], [ -46.357, -1.008 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.205, -1.021 ], [ -46.194, -1.014 ], [ -46.202, -1.032 ], [ -46.205, -1.021 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.662, -3.018 ], [ -44.673, -3.012 ], [ -44.664, -3.001 ], [ -44.649, -3.013 ], [ -44.662, -3.018 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.736, -1.683 ], [ -44.745, -1.677 ], [ -44.732, -1.668 ], [ -44.736, -1.683 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.231, -1.638 ], [ -49.237, -1.627 ], [ -49.217, -1.633 ], [ -49.231, -1.638 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.38, -1.685 ], [ -49.4, -1.682 ], [ -49.368, -1.669 ], [ -49.38, -1.685 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.426, -1.673 ], [ -49.429, -1.661 ], [ -49.406, -1.66 ], [ -49.426, -1.673 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.34, -1.672 ], [ -49.358, -1.662 ], [ -49.325, -1.647 ], [ -49.34, -1.672 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.289, -1.726 ], [ -45.305, -1.663 ], [ -45.257, -1.641 ], [ -45.244, -1.678 ], [ -45.28, -1.694 ], [ -45.289, -1.726 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.328, -1.743 ], [ -45.346, -1.719 ], [ -45.301, -1.596 ], [ -45.274, -1.635 ], [ -45.313, -1.654 ], [ -45.328, -1.743 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.886, -1.578 ], [ -48.89, -1.56 ], [ -48.859, -1.536 ], [ -48.856, -1.553 ], [ -48.886, -1.578 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.783, -1.682 ], [ -44.8, -1.595 ], [ -44.775, -1.62 ], [ -44.721, -1.567 ], [ -44.704, -1.611 ], [ -44.684, -1.575 ], [ -44.668, -1.669 ], [ -44.693, -1.638 ], [ -44.783, -1.682 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.816, -1.569 ], [ -44.837, -1.534 ], [ -44.787, -1.488 ], [ -44.825, -1.534 ], [ -44.816, -1.569 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.462, -1.517 ], [ -48.478, -1.499 ], [ -48.421, -1.503 ], [ -48.462, -1.517 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.793, -1.531 ], [ -44.774, -1.47 ], [ -44.763, -1.513 ], [ -44.793, -1.531 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.414, -1.427 ], [ -45.423, -1.416 ], [ -45.409, -1.405 ], [ -45.414, -1.427 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45, -1.296 ], [ -44.922, -1.265 ], [ -44.877, -1.309 ], [ -44.895, -1.34 ], [ -44.922, -1.305 ], [ -44.907, -1.341 ], [ -44.999, -1.405 ], [ -45.033, -1.339 ], [ -45, -1.32 ], [ -44.995, -1.36 ], [ -45, -1.296 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.044, -1.402 ], [ -45.07, -1.33 ], [ -45.052, -1.342 ], [ -45.044, -1.402 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.333, -1.569 ], [ -45.371, -1.544 ], [ -45.347, -1.489 ], [ -45.313, -1.506 ], [ -45.333, -1.569 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.969, -1.522 ], [ -44.976, -1.493 ], [ -44.959, -1.483 ], [ -44.969, -1.522 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.393, -1.512 ], [ -48.371, -1.476 ], [ -48.341, -1.483 ], [ -48.393, -1.512 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.413, -1.498 ], [ -48.426, -1.491 ], [ -48.387, -1.476 ], [ -48.413, -1.498 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.118, -1.47 ], [ -45.132, -1.462 ], [ -45.115, -1.364 ], [ -45.103, -1.373 ], [ -45.118, -1.47 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.593, -1.251 ], [ -45.581, -1.19 ], [ -45.536, -1.205 ], [ -45.532, -1.231 ], [ -45.593, -1.251 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.559, -1.243 ], [ -48.56, -1.202 ], [ -48.523, -1.199 ], [ -48.559, -1.243 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.817, -1.163 ], [ -45.829, -1.141 ], [ -45.804, -1.127 ], [ -45.817, -1.163 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.877, -1.154 ], [ -45.9, -1.117 ], [ -45.883, -1.073 ], [ -45.849, -1.123 ], [ -45.877, -1.154 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.192, -1.05 ], [ -46.201, -1.041 ], [ -46.185, -1.027 ], [ -46.192, -1.05 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.291, -1.01 ], [ -46.307, -0.992 ], [ -46.306, -0.961 ], [ -46.291, -1.01 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.078, -1.095 ], [ -46.065, -1.05 ], [ -46.061, -1.074 ], [ -46.078, -1.095 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.68, -1.295 ], [ -45.687, -1.275 ], [ -45.667, -1.26 ], [ -45.654, -1.285 ], [ -45.68, -1.295 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.538, -1.282 ], [ -48.549, -1.262 ], [ -48.53, -1.25 ], [ -48.538, -1.282 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.51, -1.27 ], [ -48.522, -1.247 ], [ -48.506, -1.236 ], [ -48.51, -1.27 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.694, -1.37 ], [ -45.646, -1.289 ], [ -45.625, -1.126 ], [ -45.634, -1.349 ], [ -45.694, -1.37 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.688, -1.266 ], [ -45.708, -1.228 ], [ -45.685, -1.194 ], [ -45.664, -1.231 ], [ -45.688, -1.266 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.425, -0.914 ], [ -46.454, -0.907 ], [ -46.408, -0.868 ], [ -46.395, -0.899 ], [ -46.425, -0.914 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.72, -0.848 ], [ -46.735, -0.832 ], [ -46.729, -0.796 ], [ -46.72, -0.848 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.611, -0.799 ], [ -46.622, -0.784 ], [ -46.601, -0.789 ], [ -46.611, -0.799 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.586, -0.849 ], [ -46.621, -0.807 ], [ -46.589, -0.815 ], [ -46.586, -0.849 ] ] ], [ [ [ -47.447, -0.748 ], [ -47.453, -0.732 ], [ -47.436, -0.717 ], [ -47.428, -0.738 ], [ -47.447, -0.748 ] ] ], [ [ [ -47.461, -0.741 ], [ -47.463, -0.702 ], [ -47.445, -0.697 ], [ -47.461, -0.741 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.214, -0.411 ], [ -51.211, -0.386 ], [ -51.164, -0.347 ], [ -51.163, -0.383 ], [ -51.214, -0.411 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.352, -0.353 ], [ -51.346, -0.31 ], [ -51.317, -0.268 ], [ -51.327, -0.33 ], [ -51.352, -0.353 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.127, -0.268 ], [ -51.131, -0.237 ], [ -51.091, -0.208 ], [ -51.087, -0.229 ], [ -51.127, -0.268 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.888, -0.198 ], [ -48.91, -0.188 ], [ -48.893, -0.134 ], [ -48.847, -0.177 ], [ -48.888, -0.198 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.174, -0.091 ], [ -51.191, -0.064 ], [ -51.126, -0.057 ], [ -51.174, -0.091 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.114, -0.146 ], [ -49.097, -0.121 ], [ -49.08, -0.13 ], [ -49.114, -0.146 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.166, -0.142 ], [ -49.188, -0.115 ], [ -49.156, -0.128 ], [ -49.166, -0.142 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.119, -0.141 ], [ -49.143, -0.107 ], [ -49.114, -0.11 ], [ -49.119, -0.141 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.127, -0.128 ], [ -51.094, -0.103 ], [ -51.108, -0.127 ], [ -51.127, -0.128 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.414, -0.999 ], [ -46.384, -0.941 ], [ -46.367, -0.948 ], [ -46.414, -0.999 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.647, -0.97 ], [ -46.658, -0.968 ], [ -46.618, -0.957 ], [ -46.647, -0.97 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.488, -0.942 ], [ -46.465, -0.877 ], [ -46.464, -0.924 ], [ -46.44, -0.922 ], [ -46.482, -0.976 ], [ -46.441, -0.999 ], [ -46.525, -1.016 ], [ -46.527, -0.917 ], [ -46.509, -0.984 ], [ -46.488, -0.942 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.632, 0.159 ], [ -49.662, 0.184 ], [ -49.629, 0.202 ], [ -49.61, 0.181 ], [ -49.632, 0.159 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.641, 0.26 ], [ -50.63, 0.293 ], [ -50.586, 0.308 ], [ -50.641, 0.26 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.2, 0.255 ], [ -50.243, 0.248 ], [ -50.147, 0.337 ], [ -50.059, 0.346 ], [ -50.2, 0.255 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.417, 0.159 ], [ -50.535, 0.234 ], [ -50.36, 0.615 ], [ -50.328, 0.383 ], [ -50.285, 0.3 ], [ -50.413, 0.237 ], [ -50.417, 0.159 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.279, 0.338 ], [ -50.271, 0.599 ], [ -50.147, 0.608 ], [ -50.142, 0.576 ], [ -50.107, 0.636 ], [ -50.063, 0.623 ], [ -50.05, 0.518 ], [ -50.279, 0.338 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50, 0.943 ], [ -50.113, 0.907 ], [ -50.018, 1.034 ], [ -49.935, 1.069 ], [ -49.939, 0.996 ], [ -50, 0.943 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.881, 1.227 ], [ -49.909, 1.246 ], [ -49.886, 1.244 ], [ -49.881, 1.227 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.907, 1.278 ], [ -49.885, 1.291 ], [ -49.863, 1.278 ], [ -49.876, 1.252 ], [ -49.907, 1.278 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.204, 1.851 ], [ -50.232, 1.879 ], [ -50.22, 1.915 ], [ -50.169, 1.865 ], [ -50.204, 1.851 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.468, 1.954 ], [ -50.521, 2.026 ], [ -50.497, 2.139 ], [ -50.398, 2.167 ], [ -50.367, 2.19 ], [ -50.276, 1.939 ], [ -50.423, 1.849 ], [ -50.468, 1.954 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.504, 2.255 ], [ -50.414, 2.244 ], [ -50.382, 2.204 ], [ -50.489, 2.15 ], [ -50.564, 2.205 ], [ -50.504, 2.255 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.229, 0.832 ], [ -50.098, 0.839 ], [ -50.027, 0.898 ], [ -50.105, 0.757 ], [ -50.162, 0.775 ], [ -50.249, 0.72 ], [ -50.229, 0.832 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.131, 0.844 ], [ -50.162, 0.867 ], [ -50.132, 0.9 ], [ -50.119, 0.854 ], [ -50.131, 0.844 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.108, 0.85 ], [ -50.111, 0.891 ], [ -50.049, 0.886 ], [ -50.108, 0.85 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.216, -0.055 ], [ -50.235, -0.042 ], [ -50.219, -0.04 ], [ -50.216, -0.055 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.916, -0.052 ], [ -50.926, -0.047 ], [ -50.907, -0.043 ], [ -50.916, -0.052 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.605, -0.061 ], [ -50.618, -0.022 ], [ -50.559, -0.038 ], [ -50.605, -0.061 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.399, -0.061 ], [ -50.44, -0.057 ], [ -50.378, -0.015 ], [ -50.357, -0.049 ], [ -50.399, -0.061 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.75, 0 ], [ -49.609, 0.08 ], [ -49.474, 0.081 ], [ -49.338, -0.017 ], [ -49.487, -0.136 ], [ -49.723, -0.147 ], [ -49.835, -0.088 ], [ -49.75, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.023, -0.019 ], [ -49.039, -0.011 ], [ -49.02, -0.006 ], [ -49.023, -0.019 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.932, 0.052 ], [ -50.918, 0.084 ], [ -50.884, 0.078 ], [ -50.899, 0.057 ], [ -50.932, 0.052 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.928, 0 ], [ -50.786, 0.05 ], [ -50.717, 0.028 ], [ -50.94, -0.041 ], [ -50.928, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.691, 0.025 ], [ -50.655, 0.015 ], [ -50.703, 0.021 ], [ -50.691, 0.025 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.629, -0.043 ], [ -50.642, -0.016 ], [ -50.622, -0.026 ], [ -50.629, -0.043 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.642, 0 ], [ -50.611, 0.007 ], [ -50.595, -0.019 ], [ -50.642, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.536, 0 ], [ -50.653, 0.126 ], [ -50.59, 0.203 ], [ -50.434, 0.126 ], [ -50.436, 0 ], [ -50.536, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50, 0.311 ], [ -49.674, 0.368 ], [ -49.601, 0.283 ], [ -49.86, 0.008 ], [ -49.99, -0.048 ], [ -50.086, 0.034 ], [ -50.351, 0.044 ], [ -50.394, 0.222 ], [ -50.153, 0.227 ], [ -50, 0.311 ] ] ] ] } } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 96088, "end" : 96094 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Brasil" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/a8997479-0289-431b-bfeb-17cdfaa498f4", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://sws.geonames.org/3469034", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-01T19:08:23+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-01T19:08:23+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "MultiPolygon", "coordinates" : [ [ [ [ -44.657, -3.018 ], [ -44.608, -3.041 ], [ -44.72, -3.18 ], [ -44.793, -3.198 ], [ -44.779, -3.312 ], [ -44.736, -3.302 ], [ -44.763, -3.225 ], [ -44.653, -3.196 ], [ -44.431, -2.945 ], [ -44.367, -2.643 ], [ -44.362, -2.726 ], [ -44.355, -2.605 ], [ -44.378, -2.566 ], [ -44.345, -2.528 ], [ -44.29, -2.573 ], [ -44.306, -2.487 ], [ -44.02, -2.403 ], [ -44.03, -2.457 ], [ -44.108, -2.468 ], [ -44.035, -2.518 ], [ -44.131, -2.596 ], [ -44.147, -2.681 ], [ -44.219, -2.67 ], [ -44.209, -2.716 ], [ -44.345, -2.791 ], [ -44.347, -2.838 ], [ -44.315, -2.788 ], [ -44.3, -2.843 ], [ -44.266, -2.777 ], [ -44.225, -2.806 ], [ -44.184, -2.766 ], [ -44.208, -2.857 ], [ -44.111, -2.749 ], [ -44.072, -2.811 ], [ -44.05, -2.685 ], [ -43.981, -2.619 ], [ -43.946, -2.641 ], [ -43.933, -2.553 ], [ -43.883, -2.649 ], [ -43.887, -2.578 ], [ -43.803, -2.56 ], [ -43.76, -2.513 ], [ -43.754, -2.556 ], [ -43.729, -2.481 ], [ -43.727, -2.569 ], [ -43.654, -2.556 ], [ -43.682, -2.534 ], [ -43.653, -2.488 ], [ -43.608, -2.593 ], [ -43.603, -2.518 ], [ -43.548, -2.528 ], [ -43.519, -2.445 ], [ -43.498, -2.55 ], [ -43.46, -2.507 ], [ -43.458, -2.596 ], [ -43.401, -2.552 ], [ -43.448, -2.538 ], [ -43.462, -2.427 ], [ -43.359, -2.44 ], [ -43.479, -2.376 ], [ -43.378, -2.329 ], [ -43.4, -2.353 ], [ -43.232, -2.362 ], [ -42.692, -2.596 ], [ -42.709, -2.56 ], [ -42.572, -2.68 ], [ -42.495, -2.689 ], [ -42.503, -2.727 ], [ -42.393, -2.751 ], [ -42.475, -2.706 ], [ -42.375, -2.717 ], [ -42.228, -2.818 ], [ -42.143, -2.808 ], [ -42.256, -2.735 ], [ -42.233, -2.674 ], [ -42.208, -2.712 ], [ -42.098, -2.768 ], [ -42.099, -2.809 ], [ -42.096, -2.747 ], [ -42.216, -2.687 ], [ -42.054, -2.691 ], [ -42.023, -2.775 ], [ -42.017, -2.718 ], [ -41.818, -2.723 ], [ -41.844, -2.773 ], [ -41.797, -2.751 ], [ -41.656, -2.884 ], [ -41.437, -2.939 ], [ -41.395, -2.906 ], [ -41.316, -2.943 ], [ -41.263, -2.887 ], [ -40.838, -2.895 ], [ -40.572, -2.844 ], [ -40.499, -2.787 ], [ -39.888, -2.886 ], [ -39.244, -3.229 ], [ -39.083, -3.394 ], [ -38.978, -3.407 ], [ -38.641, -3.687 ], [ -38.473, -3.7 ], [ -38.377, -3.866 ], [ -38.043, -4.214 ], [ -37.764, -4.399 ], [ -37.588, -4.624 ], [ -37.323, -4.698 ], [ -37.15, -4.943 ], [ -36.958, -4.919 ], [ -36.666, -5.108 ], [ -36.504, -5.061 ], [ -36.297, -5.106 ], [ -35.956, -5.045 ], [ -35.612, -5.11 ], [ -35.385, -5.255 ], [ -35.255, -5.483 ], [ -35.099, -6.169 ], [ -34.983, -6.396 ], [ -34.933, -6.753 ], [ -34.79, -7.159 ], [ -34.842, -7.564 ], [ -34.809, -7.622 ], [ -34.845, -7.69 ], [ -34.827, -8.004 ], [ -35.136, -8.895 ], [ -35.332, -9.237 ], [ -35.689, -9.668 ], [ -35.78, -9.706 ], [ -36.056, -10.083 ], [ -36.266, -10.256 ], [ -36.402, -10.506 ], [ -36.602, -10.567 ], [ -36.934, -10.826 ], [ -37.36, -11.428 ], [ -37.612, -11.979 ], [ -37.996, -12.578 ], [ -38.318, -12.934 ], [ -38.477, -13.022 ], [ -38.532, -13.017 ], [ -38.473, -12.913 ], [ -38.498, -12.722 ], [ -38.603, -12.728 ], [ -38.646, -12.622 ], [ -38.681, -12.661 ], [ -38.718, -12.627 ], [ -38.804, -12.835 ], [ -38.717, -12.873 ], [ -38.769, -12.995 ], [ -38.721, -13.021 ], [ -38.66, -12.963 ], [ -38.686, -12.878 ], [ -38.59, -12.972 ], [ -38.766, -13.129 ], [ -38.807, -13.1 ], [ -38.808, -13.154 ], [ -38.944, -13.243 ], [ -38.973, -13.391 ], [ -38.902, -13.384 ], [ -38.886, -13.45 ], [ -38.95, -13.577 ], [ -38.886, -13.659 ], [ -38.968, -13.67 ], [ -39.006, -13.891 ], [ -39.064, -13.865 ], [ -39.075, -13.887 ], [ -38.986, -13.998 ], [ -38.952, -13.986 ], [ -38.982, -13.912 ], [ -38.938, -13.886 ], [ -38.922, -13.92 ], [ -39.061, -14.716 ], [ -38.962, -15.585 ], [ -38.857, -15.86 ], [ -38.973, -16.211 ], [ -39.032, -16.26 ], [ -39.01, -16.369 ], [ -39.078, -16.454 ], [ -39.143, -16.762 ], [ -39.113, -16.896 ], [ -39.212, -17.155 ], [ -39.193, -17.602 ], [ -39.135, -17.691 ], [ -39.264, -17.869 ], [ -39.435, -17.943 ], [ -39.563, -18.091 ], [ -39.721, -18.493 ], [ -39.749, -18.81 ], [ -39.692, -19.353 ], [ -39.805, -19.65 ], [ -39.951, -19.717 ], [ -40.151, -19.956 ], [ -40.236, -20.285 ], [ -40.353, -20.32 ], [ -40.329, -20.236 ], [ -40.359, -20.291 ], [ -40.365, -20.317 ], [ -40.35, -20.328 ], [ -40.268, -20.327 ], [ -40.402, -20.606 ], [ -40.466, -20.624 ], [ -40.627, -20.845 ], [ -40.65, -20.813 ], [ -40.756, -20.866 ], [ -40.853, -21.133 ], [ -40.955, -21.251 ], [ -40.96, -21.364 ], [ -41.065, -21.495 ], [ -41.051, -21.608 ], [ -41.038, -21.622 ], [ -41.007, -21.618 ], [ -40.99, -22.014 ], [ -41.229, -22.151 ], [ -41.668, -22.294 ], [ -41.962, -22.538 ], [ -41.986, -22.713 ], [ -41.919, -22.774 ], [ -41.864, -22.759 ], [ -42.023, -22.896 ], [ -42.037, -22.94 ], [ -41.99, -22.964 ], [ -42.018, -22.998 ], [ -42.086, -22.957 ], [ -42.529, -22.934 ], [ -43.05, -22.982 ], [ -43.132, -22.941 ], [ -43.025, -22.741 ], [ -43.084, -22.68 ], [ -43.216, -22.725 ], [ -43.287, -22.806 ], [ -43.24, -22.847 ], [ -43.249, -22.797 ], [ -43.156, -22.784 ], [ -43.247, -22.882 ], [ -43.164, -22.899 ], [ -43.187, -22.995 ], [ -43.344, -22.983 ], [ -43.303, -23.02 ], [ -43.549, -23.081 ], [ -44.001, -23.1 ], [ -43.961, -23.042 ], [ -43.877, -23.067 ], [ -43.909, -23.02 ], [ -43.807, -23.063 ], [ -43.555, -23.055 ], [ -43.84, -22.906 ], [ -43.985, -22.937 ], [ -44.034, -23.014 ], [ -44.044, -22.923 ], [ -44.107, -23.03 ], [ -44.234, -23.06 ], [ -44.238, -23.004 ], [ -44.358, -23.02 ], [ -44.296, -22.961 ], [ -44.321, -22.927 ], [ -44.378, -22.972 ], [ -44.407, -22.945 ], [ -44.443, -23.035 ], [ -44.669, -23.06 ], [ -44.712, -23.19 ], [ -44.701, -23.237 ], [ -44.645, -23.191 ], [ -44.612, -23.206 ], [ -44.685, -23.256 ], [ -44.611, -23.238 ], [ -44.652, -23.302 ], [ -44.558, -23.232 ], [ -44.577, -23.275 ], [ -44.498, -23.302 ], [ -44.583, -23.367 ], [ -44.669, -23.341 ], [ -44.84, -23.395 ], [ -44.905, -23.339 ], [ -45.05, -23.418 ], [ -45.016, -23.461 ], [ -45.079, -23.519 ], [ -45.165, -23.495 ], [ -45.159, -23.541 ], [ -45.228, -23.547 ], [ -45.211, -23.582 ], [ -45.41, -23.632 ], [ -45.412, -23.825 ], [ -45.934, -23.771 ], [ -46.124, -23.842 ], [ -46.2, -24.002 ], [ -46.288, -24.044 ], [ -46.321, -24 ], [ -46.458, -24.025 ], [ -46.937, -24.281 ], [ -47.024, -24.382 ], [ -47.004, -24.412 ], [ -47.86, -24.996 ], [ -47.914, -25.061 ], [ -47.915, -25.16 ], [ -48.213, -25.47 ], [ -48.254, -25.435 ], [ -48.222, -25.342 ], [ -48.208, -25.353 ], [ -48.121, -25.267 ], [ -48.253, -25.328 ], [ -48.284, -25.294 ], [ -48.317, -25.363 ], [ -48.327, -25.232 ], [ -48.366, -25.317 ], [ -48.433, -25.237 ], [ -48.428, -25.324 ], [ -48.5, -25.335 ], [ -48.427, -25.39 ], [ -48.449, -25.379 ], [ -48.468, -25.388 ], [ -48.467, -25.432 ], [ -48.449, -25.384 ], [ -48.414, -25.428 ], [ -48.476, -25.485 ], [ -48.637, -25.468 ], [ -48.661, -25.398 ], [ -48.671, -25.435 ], [ -48.739, -25.374 ], [ -48.68, -25.465 ], [ -48.687, -25.499 ], [ -48.737, -25.483 ], [ -48.703, -25.504 ], [ -48.617, -25.536 ], [ -48.512, -25.505 ], [ -48.482, -25.591 ], [ -48.46, -25.552 ], [ -48.35, -25.581 ], [ -48.565, -25.868 ], [ -48.614, -26.06 ], [ -48.586, -26.172 ], [ -48.714, -26.243 ], [ -48.795, -26.073 ], [ -48.837, -26.157 ], [ -48.798, -26.142 ], [ -48.763, -26.199 ], [ -48.805, -26.228 ], [ -48.769, -26.223 ], [ -48.761, -26.286 ], [ -48.803, -26.303 ], [ -48.723, -26.362 ], [ -48.635, -26.374 ], [ -48.714, -26.308 ], [ -48.554, -26.172 ], [ -48.493, -26.224 ], [ -48.695, -26.658 ], [ -48.665, -26.769 ], [ -48.583, -26.786 ], [ -48.655, -26.909 ], [ -48.62, -27.007 ], [ -48.574, -27.011 ], [ -48.607, -27.122 ], [ -48.554, -27.152 ], [ -48.51, -27.108 ], [ -48.469, -27.148 ], [ -48.511, -27.183 ], [ -48.486, -27.218 ], [ -48.531, -27.18 ], [ -48.612, -27.243 ], [ -48.596, -27.318 ], [ -48.529, -27.334 ], [ -48.649, -27.486 ], [ -48.572, -27.592 ], [ -48.653, -27.648 ], [ -48.575, -27.888 ], [ -48.761, -28.535 ], [ -48.813, -28.605 ], [ -49.37, -28.92 ], [ -49.334, -28.921 ], [ -49.702, -29.308 ], [ -50.006, -29.749 ], [ -50.316, -30.472 ], [ -50.848, -31.205 ], [ -51.303, -31.613 ], [ -51.877, -31.952 ], [ -52.071, -32.188 ], [ -52.012, -31.946 ], [ -52.092, -31.837 ], [ -51.851, -31.865 ], [ -51.777, -31.805 ], [ -51.854, -31.797 ], [ -51.65, -31.759 ], [ -51.478, -31.562 ], [ -51.43, -31.622 ], [ -51.458, -31.548 ], [ -51.424, -31.478 ], [ -51.351, -31.529 ], [ -51.234, -31.458 ], [ -51.16, -31.31 ], [ -51.166, -31.063 ], [ -51.109, -31.097 ], [ -50.985, -31.042 ], [ -50.965, -30.893 ], [ -50.888, -30.893 ], [ -50.705, -30.756 ], [ -50.677, -30.61 ], [ -50.725, -30.371 ], [ -50.692, -30.355 ], [ -50.625, -30.409 ], [ -50.641, -30.459 ], [ -50.569, -30.471 ], [ -50.534, -30.278 ], [ -50.601, -30.194 ], [ -50.659, -30.201 ], [ -50.661, -30.293 ], [ -50.918, -30.333 ], [ -50.934, -30.42 ], [ -50.889, -30.439 ], [ -50.921, -30.44 ], [ -51.052, -30.395 ], [ -51.034, -30.276 ], [ -51.146, -30.267 ], [ -51.246, -30.188 ], [ -51.23, -30.043 ], [ -51.295, -30.007 ], [ -51.326, -30.23 ], [ -51.271, -30.25 ], [ -51.293, -30.295 ], [ -51.246, -30.33 ], [ -51.209, -30.3 ], [ -51.179, -30.383 ], [ -51.092, -30.367 ], [ -51.129, -30.436 ], [ -51.202, -30.413 ], [ -51.269, -30.489 ], [ -51.282, -30.811 ], [ -51.33, -30.777 ], [ -51.294, -30.758 ], [ -51.319, -30.64 ], [ -51.375, -30.635 ], [ -51.404, -30.769 ], [ -51.367, -30.874 ], [ -51.457, -30.874 ], [ -51.501, -30.935 ], [ -51.436, -31.088 ], [ -51.611, -31.138 ], [ -51.613, -31.272 ], [ -51.915, -31.313 ], [ -52.002, -31.449 ], [ -52.031, -31.693 ], [ -52.218, -31.747 ], [ -52.247, -31.871 ], [ -52.106, -31.952 ], [ -52.216, -31.963 ], [ -52.263, -32.062 ], [ -52.209, -32.045 ], [ -52.225, -32.096 ], [ -52.082, -32.033 ], [ -52.162, -32.128 ], [ -52.09, -32.069 ], [ -52.084, -32.186 ], [ -52.16, -32.201 ], [ -52.341, -32.43 ], [ -52.488, -32.844 ], [ -52.66, -33.165 ], [ -53.227, -33.658 ], [ -53.421, -33.741 ], [ -53.524, -33.689 ], [ -53.515, -33.163 ], [ -53.434, -33.054 ], [ -53.243, -32.936 ], [ -53.294, -32.911 ], [ -53.074, -32.746 ], [ -53.244, -32.605 ], [ -53.39, -32.583 ], [ -53.46, -32.48 ], [ -53.595, -32.432 ], [ -53.73, -32.157 ], [ -53.714, -32.104 ], [ -53.965, -31.919 ], [ -54.096, -31.906 ], [ -54.466, -31.666 ], [ -54.491, -31.54 ], [ -54.591, -31.448 ], [ -54.836, -31.446 ], [ -54.945, -31.392 ], [ -55.014, -31.285 ], [ -55.091, -31.326 ], [ -55.245, -31.257 ], [ -55.374, -31.038 ], [ -55.594, -30.848 ], [ -55.635, -30.857 ], [ -55.657, -30.956 ], [ -55.87, -31.08 ], [ -56.008, -31.063 ], [ -55.987, -30.86 ], [ -56.021, -30.784 ], [ -56.127, -30.739 ], [ -56.177, -30.614 ], [ -56.384, -30.495 ], [ -56.459, -30.387 ], [ -56.545, -30.364 ], [ -56.54, -30.312 ], [ -56.617, -30.303 ], [ -56.644, -30.205 ], [ -56.776, -30.166 ], [ -56.804, -30.107 ], [ -57.068, -30.088 ], [ -57.207, -30.281 ], [ -57.313, -30.26 ], [ -57.396, -30.303 ], [ -57.538, -30.275 ], [ -57.618, -30.179 ], [ -57.505, -30.143 ], [ -57.342, -30.001 ], [ -57.319, -29.87 ], [ -57.254, -29.794 ], [ -57.105, -29.752 ], [ -56.972, -29.639 ], [ -56.676, -29.321 ], [ -56.593, -29.123 ], [ -56.425, -29.073 ], [ -56.285, -28.794 ], [ -56.185, -28.771 ], [ -56.016, -28.611 ], [ -56.011, -28.509 ], [ -55.888, -28.479 ], [ -55.875, -28.362 ], [ -55.696, -28.425 ], [ -55.671, -28.333 ], [ -55.773, -28.247 ], [ -55.605, -28.123 ], [ -55.554, -28.164 ], [ -55.496, -28.081 ], [ -55.444, -28.097 ], [ -55.323, -27.928 ], [ -55.196, -27.863 ], [ -55.134, -27.895 ], [ -55.117, -27.853 ], [ -55.032, -27.854 ], [ -55.082, -27.789 ], [ -54.941, -27.775 ], [ -54.809, -27.536 ], [ -54.781, -27.586 ], [ -54.683, -27.576 ], [ -54.678, -27.514 ], [ -54.624, -27.55 ], [ -54.576, -27.458 ], [ -54.525, -27.507 ], [ -54.415, -27.412 ], [ -54.353, -27.468 ], [ -54.339, -27.406 ], [ -54.282, -27.447 ], [ -54.176, -27.261 ], [ -54.089, -27.303 ], [ -53.949, -27.158 ], [ -53.799, -27.147 ], [ -53.795, -27.048 ], [ -53.761, -27.068 ], [ -53.662, -26.869 ], [ -53.751, -26.745 ], [ -53.707, -26.563 ], [ -53.738, -26.548 ], [ -53.592, -26.265 ], [ -53.722, -26.13 ], [ -53.733, -26.047 ], [ -53.837, -25.969 ], [ -53.824, -25.793 ], [ -53.891, -25.625 ], [ -53.951, -25.644 ], [ -54.016, -25.569 ], [ -54.101, -25.625 ], [ -54.111, -25.504 ], [ -54.213, -25.554 ], [ -54.184, -25.591 ], [ -54.289, -25.562 ], [ -54.387, -25.608 ], [ -54.43, -25.706 ], [ -54.596, -25.595 ], [ -54.617, -25.459 ], [ -54.437, -25.157 ], [ -54.458, -25.031 ], [ -54.336, -24.649 ], [ -54.333, -24.493 ], [ -54.262, -24.376 ], [ -54.33, -24.225 ], [ -54.282, -24.075 ], [ -54.411, -23.929 ], [ -54.668, -23.815 ], [ -55.061, -23.991 ], [ -55.112, -23.963 ], [ -55.226, -24.013 ], [ -55.413, -23.961 ], [ -55.434, -23.714 ], [ -55.535, -23.614 ], [ -55.522, -23.197 ], [ -55.596, -23.141 ], [ -55.64, -22.994 ], [ -55.685, -22.992 ], [ -55.613, -22.659 ], [ -55.736, -22.532 ], [ -55.74, -22.396 ], [ -55.854, -22.281 ], [ -56.208, -22.281 ], [ -56.341, -22.206 ], [ -56.403, -22.078 ], [ -56.519, -22.103 ], [ -56.643, -22.261 ], [ -56.698, -22.216 ], [ -56.728, -22.26 ], [ -56.808, -22.25 ], [ -56.831, -22.3 ], [ -57.001, -22.225 ], [ -57.203, -22.21 ], [ -57.243, -22.244 ], [ -57.553, -22.181 ], [ -57.616, -22.096 ], [ -57.803, -22.148 ], [ -57.989, -22.085 ], [ -58.005, -22.032 ], [ -57.919, -21.881 ], [ -57.969, -21.844 ], [ -57.913, -21.793 ], [ -57.947, -21.747 ], [ -57.894, -21.687 ], [ -57.968, -21.528 ], [ -57.855, -21.339 ], [ -57.918, -21.278 ], [ -57.854, -21.226 ], [ -57.866, -21.041 ], [ -57.818, -20.976 ], [ -57.927, -20.897 ], [ -57.855, -20.835 ], [ -57.961, -20.784 ], [ -57.869, -20.736 ], [ -57.923, -20.666 ], [ -57.988, -20.696 ], [ -57.994, -20.448 ], [ -58.082, -20.372 ], [ -58.092, -20.257 ], [ -58.154, -20.264 ], [ -58.125, -20.188 ], [ -58.163, -20.162 ], [ -57.872, -19.979 ], [ -58.134, -19.761 ], [ -57.79, -19.051 ], [ -57.709, -19.034 ], [ -57.757, -18.858 ], [ -57.56, -18.263 ], [ -57.458, -18.228 ], [ -57.568, -18.136 ], [ -57.702, -17.86 ], [ -57.715, -17.735 ], [ -57.785, -17.645 ], [ -57.773, -17.553 ], [ -57.878, -17.463 ], [ -58.003, -17.52 ], [ -58.114, -17.456 ], [ -58.395, -17.197 ], [ -58.421, -16.99 ], [ -58.47, -16.939 ], [ -58.468, -16.702 ], [ -58.442, -16.613 ], [ -58.34, -16.542 ], [ -58.309, -16.27 ], [ -58.471, -16.325 ], [ -60.173, -16.265 ], [ -60.236, -15.476 ], [ -60.565, -15.105 ], [ -60.253, -15.101 ], [ -60.257, -14.624 ], [ -60.338, -14.555 ], [ -60.482, -14.181 ], [ -60.468, -14.092 ], [ -60.378, -13.992 ], [ -60.468, -13.886 ], [ -60.468, -13.801 ], [ -60.793, -13.686 ], [ -60.962, -13.539 ], [ -61.044, -13.541 ], [ -61.028, -13.477 ], [ -61.069, -13.463 ], [ -61.139, -13.521 ], [ -61.249, -13.525 ], [ -61.33, -13.473 ], [ -61.486, -13.554 ], [ -61.578, -13.494 ], [ -61.824, -13.539 ], [ -61.866, -13.443 ], [ -62.108, -13.257 ], [ -62.109, -13.149 ], [ -62.165, -13.112 ], [ -62.368, -13.145 ], [ -62.464, -13.07 ], [ -62.637, -13.041 ], [ -62.674, -12.965 ], [ -62.764, -13.023 ], [ -62.923, -12.854 ], [ -62.996, -12.85 ], [ -63.082, -12.653 ], [ -63.327, -12.705 ], [ -63.482, -12.557 ], [ -63.712, -12.458 ], [ -63.875, -12.469 ], [ -63.937, -12.557 ], [ -64.127, -12.494 ], [ -64.152, -12.529 ], [ -64.215, -12.476 ], [ -64.278, -12.511 ], [ -64.493, -12.366 ], [ -64.486, -12.23 ], [ -64.654, -12.186 ], [ -64.683, -12.099 ], [ -64.725, -12.162 ], [ -64.798, -12.035 ], [ -64.993, -11.999 ], [ -65.048, -11.757 ], [ -65.112, -11.741 ], [ -65.106, -11.697 ], [ -65.135, -11.777 ], [ -65.201, -11.745 ], [ -65.161, -11.622 ], [ -65.218, -11.521 ], [ -65.299, -11.5 ], [ -65.338, -11.392 ], [ -65.31, -11.341 ], [ -65.385, -11.269 ], [ -65.349, -11.239 ], [ -65.391, -11.167 ], [ -65.318, -11.105 ], [ -65.336, -11.044 ], [ -65.269, -10.901 ], [ -65.366, -10.798 ], [ -65.349, -10.671 ], [ -65.426, -10.638 ], [ -65.429, -10.473 ], [ -65.28, -10.218 ], [ -65.327, -9.938 ], [ -65.29, -9.851 ], [ -65.377, -9.698 ], [ -65.488, -9.718 ], [ -65.563, -9.834 ], [ -65.669, -9.779 ], [ -65.7, -9.803 ], [ -65.689, -9.749 ], [ -65.748, -9.77 ], [ -65.777, -9.727 ], [ -65.798, -9.786 ], [ -65.81, -9.75 ], [ -65.86, -9.794 ], [ -65.872, -9.757 ], [ -66.018, -9.807 ], [ -66.064, -9.772 ], [ -66.422, -9.895 ], [ -66.616, -9.893 ], [ -66.623, -9.935 ], [ -66.883, -10.081 ], [ -67.029, -10.254 ], [ -67.186, -10.339 ], [ -67.315, -10.316 ], [ -67.327, -10.374 ], [ -67.414, -10.372 ], [ -67.443, -10.45 ], [ -67.594, -10.523 ], [ -67.715, -10.707 ], [ -68.021, -10.661 ], [ -68.119, -10.726 ], [ -68.283, -10.987 ], [ -68.519, -11.048 ], [ -68.587, -11.11 ], [ -68.769, -11.139 ], [ -68.751, -11.007 ], [ -68.787, -10.99 ], [ -68.871, -11.023 ], [ -69.393, -10.929 ], [ -69.728, -10.973 ], [ -69.938, -10.926 ], [ -70.318, -11.066 ], [ -70.428, -11.033 ], [ -70.508, -10.94 ], [ -70.618, -11.007 ], [ -70.622, -9.847 ], [ -70.522, -9.738 ], [ -70.598, -9.574 ], [ -70.561, -9.579 ], [ -70.497, -9.433 ], [ -70.601, -9.453 ], [ -70.982, -9.812 ], [ -71.131, -9.862 ], [ -71.288, -9.996 ], [ -72.165, -10.002 ], [ -72.16, -9.818 ], [ -72.26, -9.755 ], [ -72.289, -9.536 ], [ -72.364, -9.491 ], [ -72.721, -9.417 ], [ -73.196, -9.418 ], [ -72.965, -9.154 ], [ -72.946, -8.99 ], [ -73.059, -8.904 ], [ -73.169, -8.701 ], [ -73.338, -8.609 ], [ -73.338, -8.476 ], [ -73.526, -8.369 ], [ -73.632, -8.022 ], [ -73.765, -7.94 ], [ -73.777, -7.869 ], [ -73.697, -7.865 ], [ -73.69, -7.79 ], [ -73.985, -7.543 ], [ -73.917, -7.461 ], [ -73.954, -7.348 ], [ -73.868, -7.377 ], [ -73.691, -7.313 ], [ -73.797, -7.115 ], [ -73.743, -6.897 ], [ -73.351, -6.561 ], [ -73.211, -6.53 ], [ -73.133, -6.421 ], [ -73.185, -6.04 ], [ -73.131, -5.986 ], [ -73.116, -5.865 ], [ -72.951, -5.643 ], [ -72.948, -5.454 ], [ -72.872, -5.25 ], [ -72.896, -5.136 ], [ -72.734, -5.043 ], [ -72.602, -5.056 ], [ -72.577, -4.992 ], [ -72.455, -4.962 ], [ -72.452, -4.906 ], [ -72.37, -4.88 ], [ -72.356, -4.803 ], [ -72.292, -4.799 ], [ -72.313, -4.769 ], [ -72.223, -4.78 ], [ -72.113, -4.722 ], [ -72.047, -4.625 ], [ -71.94, -4.607 ], [ -71.897, -4.512 ], [ -71.61, -4.465 ], [ -71.597, -4.525 ], [ -71.535, -4.46 ], [ -71.49, -4.479 ], [ -71.506, -4.435 ], [ -71.414, -4.432 ], [ -71.432, -4.469 ], [ -71.342, -4.423 ], [ -71.355, -4.468 ], [ -71.303, -4.458 ], [ -71.269, -4.381 ], [ -71.198, -4.377 ], [ -71.193, -4.42 ], [ -71.147, -4.375 ], [ -71.031, -4.397 ], [ -70.99, -4.34 ], [ -70.935, -4.381 ], [ -70.757, -4.152 ], [ -70.677, -4.2 ], [ -70.622, -4.121 ], [ -70.633, -4.173 ], [ -70.565, -4.168 ], [ -70.566, -4.205 ], [ -70.553, -4.128 ], [ -70.503, -4.19 ], [ -70.434, -4.125 ], [ -70.341, -4.174 ], [ -70.317, -4.136 ], [ -70.291, -4.283 ], [ -70.249, -4.267 ], [ -70.186, -4.357 ], [ -70.169, -4.27 ], [ -70.101, -4.255 ], [ -70.031, -4.339 ], [ -69.929, -4.213 ], [ -69.453, -1.478 ], [ -69.368, -1.334 ], [ -69.422, -0.998 ], [ -69.508, -0.936 ], [ -69.609, -0.755 ], [ -69.551, -0.648 ], [ -69.593, -0.517 ], [ -69.908, -0.316 ], [ -70.068, -0.135 ], [ -70.037, 0.553 ], [ -69.798, 0.585 ], [ -69.664, 0.672 ], [ -69.606, 0.623 ], [ -69.468, 0.734 ], [ -69.357, 0.621 ], [ -69.295, 0.648 ], [ -69.288, 0.609 ], [ -69.202, 0.602 ], [ -69.112, 0.643 ], [ -69.184, 0.73 ], [ -69.137, 0.868 ], [ -69.257, 1.026 ], [ -69.342, 1.064 ], [ -69.416, 1.024 ], [ -69.7, 1.056 ], [ -69.721, 1.097 ], [ -69.854, 1.07 ], [ -69.855, 1.715 ], [ -69.556, 1.775 ], [ -69.395, 1.726 ], [ -68.128, 1.73 ], [ -68.29, 1.841 ], [ -68.205, 2.038 ], [ -68.027, 1.784 ], [ -67.924, 1.751 ], [ -67.797, 1.812 ], [ -67.578, 2.076 ], [ -67.41, 2.141 ], [ -67.117, 1.732 ], [ -67.068, 1.532 ], [ -67.097, 1.17 ], [ -66.855, 1.228 ], [ -66.322, 0.738 ], [ -66.095, 0.754 ], [ -65.952, 0.81 ], [ -65.854, 0.939 ], [ -65.733, 1.005 ], [ -65.583, 1.008 ], [ -65.47, 0.877 ], [ -65.557, 0.705 ], [ -65.504, 0.627 ], [ -65.393, 0.699 ], [ -65.305, 0.916 ], [ -65.152, 0.943 ], [ -65.121, 1.115 ], [ -65.055, 1.144 ], [ -64.968, 1.112 ], [ -64.903, 1.249 ], [ -64.843, 1.237 ], [ -64.783, 1.313 ], [ -64.721, 1.25 ], [ -64.638, 1.286 ], [ -64.387, 1.527 ], [ -64.344, 1.528 ], [ -64.382, 1.419 ], [ -64.344, 1.38 ], [ -64.186, 1.494 ], [ -64.054, 1.708 ], [ -64.057, 1.933 ], [ -64.018, 1.967 ], [ -63.781, 1.989 ], [ -63.604, 2.124 ], [ -63.419, 2.154 ], [ -63.349, 2.281 ], [ -63.382, 2.442 ], [ -63.756, 2.403 ], [ -64.031, 2.509 ], [ -63.987, 2.772 ], [ -64.216, 3.153 ], [ -64.236, 3.476 ], [ -64.186, 3.634 ], [ -64.324, 3.797 ], [ -64.543, 3.882 ], [ -64.8, 4.224 ], [ -64.79, 4.329 ], [ -64.677, 4.297 ], [ -64.555, 4.153 ], [ -64.135, 4.176 ], [ -63.967, 3.93 ], [ -63.806, 4.019 ], [ -63.623, 4.01 ], [ -63.455, 3.91 ], [ -63.411, 4.026 ], [ -63.358, 4.04 ], [ -63.203, 3.952 ], [ -63.189, 3.872 ], [ -62.86, 3.584 ], [ -62.749, 3.642 ], [ -62.705, 3.724 ], [ -62.752, 4.012 ], [ -62.635, 4.056 ], [ -62.557, 4.02 ], [ -62.46, 4.173 ], [ -62.129, 4.084 ], [ -61.961, 4.18 ], [ -61.927, 4.106 ], [ -61.723, 4.262 ], [ -61.528, 4.273 ], [ -61.507, 4.398 ], [ -61.274, 4.471 ], [ -61.293, 4.55 ], [ -61.141, 4.508 ], [ -60.952, 4.549 ], [ -60.907, 4.708 ], [ -60.731, 4.777 ], [ -60.59, 4.951 ], [ -60.744, 5.209 ], [ -60.438, 5.177 ], [ -60.203, 5.265 ], [ -60.176, 5.227 ], [ -60.121, 5.243 ], [ -60.085, 5.149 ], [ -59.969, 5.073 ], [ -60.03, 4.704 ], [ -60.163, 4.521 ], [ -59.927, 4.509 ], [ -59.674, 4.382 ], [ -59.726, 4.191 ], [ -59.628, 4.138 ], [ -59.655, 4.078 ], [ -59.516, 3.94 ], [ -59.581, 3.901 ], [ -59.594, 3.796 ], [ -59.666, 3.777 ], [ -59.664, 3.703 ], [ -59.849, 3.601 ], [ -59.799, 3.355 ], [ -59.909, 3.197 ], [ -59.982, 2.929 ], [ -59.99, 2.683 ], [ -59.903, 2.479 ], [ -59.91, 2.388 ], [ -59.724, 2.277 ], [ -59.754, 1.861 ], [ -59.654, 1.849 ], [ -59.669, 1.764 ], [ -59.549, 1.729 ], [ -59.253, 1.397 ], [ -58.914, 1.299 ], [ -58.904, 1.234 ], [ -58.804, 1.175 ], [ -58.696, 1.288 ], [ -58.507, 1.264 ], [ -58.468, 1.318 ], [ -58.498, 1.458 ], [ -58.382, 1.471 ], [ -58.325, 1.59 ], [ -58.167, 1.558 ], [ -58.13, 1.501 ], [ -58.009, 1.501 ], [ -58, 1.665 ], [ -57.919, 1.645 ], [ -57.77, 1.718 ], [ -57.545, 1.701 ], [ -57.434, 1.895 ], [ -57.302, 1.99 ], [ -57.247, 1.944 ], [ -57.085, 2.021 ], [ -57.012, 1.918 ], [ -56.8, 1.864 ], [ -56.724, 1.92 ], [ -56.454, 1.945 ], [ -55.957, 1.844 ], [ -55.906, 1.889 ], [ -55.913, 2.041 ], [ -56.048, 2.226 ], [ -56.134, 2.263 ], [ -56.09, 2.352 ], [ -55.995, 2.405 ], [ -55.987, 2.517 ], [ -55.948, 2.532 ], [ -55.739, 2.401 ], [ -55.481, 2.443 ], [ -55.37, 2.407 ], [ -55.336, 2.516 ], [ -55.239, 2.495 ], [ -55.137, 2.575 ], [ -55.103, 2.522 ], [ -54.94, 2.632 ], [ -54.969, 2.555 ], [ -54.864, 2.439 ], [ -54.72, 2.469 ], [ -54.702, 2.336 ], [ -54.549, 2.336 ], [ -54.534, 2.268 ], [ -54.314, 2.158 ], [ -54.189, 2.179 ], [ -54.111, 2.127 ], [ -54.078, 2.197 ], [ -53.784, 2.364 ], [ -53.694, 2.287 ], [ -53.472, 2.332 ], [ -53.397, 2.272 ], [ -53.273, 2.292 ], [ -53.188, 2.223 ], [ -52.905, 2.19 ], [ -52.853, 2.285 ], [ -52.673, 2.374 ], [ -52.555, 2.523 ], [ -52.556, 2.646 ], [ -52.382, 2.912 ], [ -52.347, 3.134 ], [ -52.192, 3.296 ], [ -51.92, 3.781 ], [ -51.795, 3.89 ], [ -51.754, 3.996 ], [ -51.658, 4.049 ], [ -51.585, 4.241 ], [ -51.529, 4.171 ], [ -51.545, 4.397 ], [ -51.202, 4.084 ], [ -51.173, 3.767 ], [ -51.127, 3.911 ], [ -51.085, 3.895 ], [ -51.051, 3.283 ], [ -50.913, 2.875 ], [ -50.927, 2.807 ], [ -50.816, 2.644 ], [ -50.851, 2.482 ], [ -50.802, 2.508 ], [ -50.736, 2.414 ], [ -50.765, 2.359 ], [ -50.694, 2.276 ], [ -50.725, 2.252 ], [ -50.675, 2.247 ], [ -50.682, 2.137 ], [ -50.584, 2.091 ], [ -50.586, 2.014 ], [ -50.471, 1.82 ], [ -50.194, 1.794 ], [ -49.954, 1.676 ], [ -49.88, 1.419 ], [ -49.918, 1.289 ], [ -50.073, 1.204 ], [ -49.918, 1.232 ], [ -49.939, 1.103 ], [ -50.003, 1.066 ], [ -50.033, 1.107 ], [ -50.131, 0.949 ], [ -50.274, 0.866 ], [ -50.338, 0.729 ], [ -50.417, 0.685 ], [ -50.455, 0.732 ], [ -50.428, 0.679 ], [ -50.571, 0.424 ], [ -50.691, 0.3 ], [ -50.677, 0.365 ], [ -50.746, 0.227 ], [ -50.801, 0.224 ], [ -50.785, 0.183 ], [ -50.908, 0.171 ], [ -51.087, -0.043 ], [ -51.203, -0.055 ], [ -51.419, -0.412 ], [ -51.409, -0.44 ], [ -51.325, -0.364 ], [ -51.188, -0.14 ], [ -51.111, -0.154 ], [ -51.154, -0.284 ], [ -51.396, -0.493 ], [ -51.243, -0.443 ], [ -51.26, -0.5 ], [ -51.165, -0.431 ], [ -50.953, -0.061 ], [ -50.824, -0.048 ], [ -50.705, 0.002 ], [ -50.613, -0.088 ], [ -50.744, -0.244 ], [ -50.751, -0.429 ], [ -50.845, -0.526 ], [ -50.988, -0.583 ], [ -51.051, -0.682 ], [ -50.826, -0.555 ], [ -50.794, -0.666 ], [ -50.733, -0.557 ], [ -50.684, -0.604 ], [ -50.724, -0.493 ], [ -50.652, -0.276 ], [ -50.409, -0.094 ], [ -49.631, -0.247 ], [ -49.446, -0.23 ], [ -49.289, -0.145 ], [ -49.018, -0.16 ], [ -49, -0.139 ], [ -48.895, -0.224 ], [ -48.539, -0.234 ], [ -48.363, -0.303 ], [ -48.459, -0.513 ], [ -48.522, -0.877 ], [ -48.667, -1.002 ], [ -48.621, -1.005 ], [ -48.65, -1.048 ], [ -48.617, -1.053 ], [ -48.721, -1.137 ], [ -48.837, -1.452 ], [ -49.161, -1.575 ], [ -49.182, -1.623 ], [ -49.362, -1.604 ], [ -49.364, -1.642 ], [ -49.448, -1.637 ], [ -49.5, -1.738 ], [ -49.61, -1.718 ], [ -49.676, -1.78 ], [ -49.696, -1.757 ], [ -49.714, -1.76 ], [ -49.803, -1.822 ], [ -50.035, -1.717 ], [ -50.179, -1.787 ], [ -50.256, -1.776 ], [ -50.415, -1.841 ], [ -50.401, -1.935 ], [ -49.994, -1.819 ], [ -49.844, -1.905 ], [ -49.765, -1.898 ], [ -49.616, -1.79 ], [ -49.276, -1.706 ], [ -49.267, -1.778 ], [ -49.387, -1.977 ], [ -49.383, -2.159 ], [ -48.973, -1.594 ], [ -48.897, -1.573 ], [ -48.955, -1.712 ], [ -48.932, -1.75 ], [ -48.898, -1.743 ], [ -48.656, -1.371 ], [ -48.592, -1.429 ], [ -48.601, -1.306 ], [ -48.524, -1.338 ], [ -48.537, -1.467 ], [ -48.496, -1.553 ], [ -48.491, -1.502 ], [ -48.46, -1.533 ], [ -48.374, -1.511 ], [ -48.319, -1.478 ], [ -48.505, -1.471 ], [ -48.422, -1.168 ], [ -48.475, -1.144 ], [ -48.4, -1.066 ], [ -48.278, -1.111 ], [ -48.304, -0.948 ], [ -48.055, -0.668 ], [ -48.001, -0.731 ], [ -47.893, -0.553 ], [ -47.843, -0.616 ], [ -47.807, -0.547 ], [ -47.702, -0.54 ], [ -47.707, -0.59 ], [ -47.667, -0.569 ], [ -47.633, -0.608 ], [ -47.651, -0.694 ], [ -47.608, -0.684 ], [ -47.577, -0.573 ], [ -47.476, -0.757 ], [ -47.398, -0.76 ], [ -47.428, -0.693 ], [ -47.464, -0.687 ], [ -47.466, -0.594 ], [ -47.399, -0.594 ], [ -47.4, -0.645 ], [ -47.298, -0.589 ], [ -47.253, -0.668 ], [ -47.247, -0.623 ], [ -47.206, -0.633 ], [ -47.23, -0.719 ], [ -47.158, -0.678 ], [ -47.191, -0.754 ], [ -47.146, -0.764 ], [ -47.16, -0.815 ], [ -47.081, -0.661 ], [ -47.055, -0.868 ], [ -47.027, -0.784 ], [ -46.983, -0.806 ], [ -47.016, -0.752 ], [ -46.967, -0.694 ], [ -46.969, -0.78 ], [ -46.891, -0.869 ], [ -46.89, -0.789 ], [ -46.846, -0.799 ], [ -46.82, -0.71 ], [ -46.802, -0.877 ], [ -46.777, -0.905 ], [ -46.75, -0.826 ], [ -46.709, -0.86 ], [ -46.734, -0.944 ], [ -46.687, -0.831 ], [ -46.653, -0.882 ], [ -46.621, -0.818 ], [ -46.601, -0.917 ], [ -46.676, -0.965 ], [ -46.622, -0.987 ], [ -46.57, -0.947 ], [ -46.609, -1.03 ], [ -46.57, -0.988 ], [ -46.525, -1.027 ], [ -46.465, -1.007 ], [ -46.47, -1.044 ], [ -46.395, -1.037 ], [ -46.413, -1.084 ], [ -46.348, -0.982 ], [ -46.36, -1.011 ], [ -46.366, -1.031 ], [ -46.348, -1.079 ], [ -46.339, -1.015 ], [ -46.299, -1.05 ], [ -46.212, -0.946 ], [ -46.242, -0.921 ], [ -46.179, -0.914 ], [ -46.224, -1.053 ], [ -46.206, -1.1 ], [ -46.158, -1.014 ], [ -46.138, -1.032 ], [ -46.193, -1.143 ], [ -46.104, -1.067 ], [ -46.062, -1.133 ], [ -46.15, -1.258 ], [ -45.982, -1.071 ], [ -45.953, -1.147 ], [ -46, -1.151 ], [ -46, -1.199 ], [ -45.95, -1.159 ], [ -45.95, -1.207 ], [ -46, -1.209 ], [ -45.95, -1.25 ], [ -45.902, -1.134 ], [ -45.923, -1.214 ], [ -45.882, -1.167 ], [ -45.873, -1.211 ], [ -45.909, -1.261 ], [ -45.859, -1.231 ], [ -45.891, -1.293 ], [ -45.807, -1.176 ], [ -45.843, -1.301 ], [ -45.809, -1.328 ], [ -45.831, -1.298 ], [ -45.782, -1.278 ], [ -45.726, -1.135 ], [ -45.69, -1.452 ], [ -45.697, -1.38 ], [ -45.632, -1.371 ], [ -45.618, -1.279 ], [ -45.589, -1.329 ], [ -45.537, -1.273 ], [ -45.561, -1.343 ], [ -45.51, -1.352 ], [ -45.567, -1.404 ], [ -45.546, -1.432 ], [ -45.413, -1.296 ], [ -45.489, -1.473 ], [ -45.511, -1.458 ], [ -45.554, -1.503 ], [ -45.507, -1.471 ], [ -45.518, -1.516 ], [ -45.481, -1.495 ], [ -45.463, -1.548 ], [ -45.457, -1.457 ], [ -45.391, -1.434 ], [ -45.363, -1.325 ], [ -45.323, -1.319 ], [ -45.302, -1.424 ], [ -45.392, -1.485 ], [ -45.398, -1.503 ], [ -45.356, -1.487 ], [ -45.392, -1.553 ], [ -45.338, -1.572 ], [ -45.371, -1.722 ], [ -45.338, -1.753 ], [ -45.197, -1.688 ], [ -45.261, -1.607 ], [ -45.16, -1.475 ], [ -45.136, -1.521 ], [ -45.072, -1.435 ], [ -45.07, -1.485 ], [ -44.999, -1.504 ], [ -45.018, -1.547 ], [ -44.969, -1.549 ], [ -45.029, -1.583 ], [ -45.029, -1.602 ], [ -44.979, -1.607 ], [ -44.954, -1.498 ], [ -44.862, -1.426 ], [ -44.857, -1.498 ], [ -44.954, -1.605 ], [ -44.918, -1.649 ], [ -44.968, -1.662 ], [ -44.913, -1.657 ], [ -44.927, -1.62 ], [ -44.886, -1.609 ], [ -44.837, -1.65 ], [ -44.822, -1.591 ], [ -44.826, -1.637 ], [ -44.805, -1.609 ], [ -44.812, -1.665 ], [ -44.779, -1.735 ], [ -44.711, -1.728 ], [ -44.82, -1.819 ], [ -44.738, -1.791 ], [ -44.706, -1.819 ], [ -44.676, -1.808 ], [ -44.661, -1.727 ], [ -44.604, -1.749 ], [ -44.667, -1.849 ], [ -44.601, -1.858 ], [ -44.583, -1.817 ], [ -44.586, -1.873 ], [ -44.543, -1.833 ], [ -44.601, -1.909 ], [ -44.517, -1.907 ], [ -44.484, -2.002 ], [ -44.613, -2.037 ], [ -44.467, -2.017 ], [ -44.626, -2.151 ], [ -44.589, -2.159 ], [ -44.641, -2.232 ], [ -44.708, -2.23 ], [ -44.684, -2.275 ], [ -44.764, -2.265 ], [ -44.654, -2.294 ], [ -44.681, -2.354 ], [ -44.649, -2.373 ], [ -44.666, -2.329 ], [ -44.479, -2.137 ], [ -44.358, -2.335 ], [ -44.401, -2.416 ], [ -44.514, -2.384 ], [ -44.55, -2.4 ], [ -44.491, -2.415 ], [ -44.514, -2.448 ], [ -44.505, -2.476 ], [ -44.665, -2.608 ], [ -44.548, -2.542 ], [ -44.658, -2.781 ], [ -44.688, -2.924 ], [ -44.677, -3.019 ], [ -44.66, -3.02 ], [ -44.657, -3.018 ] ], [ [ -43.318, -2.361 ], [ -43.317, -2.363 ], [ -43.296, -2.363 ], [ -43.318, -2.361 ] ], [ [ -42.438, -2.747 ], [ -42.442, -2.749 ], [ -42.438, -2.75 ], [ -42.438, -2.747 ] ], [ [ -42.442, -2.749 ], [ -42.47, -2.744 ], [ -42.447, -2.753 ], [ -42.442, -2.749 ] ], [ [ -50.851, 2.482 ], [ -50.853, 2.481 ], [ -50.853, 2.48 ], [ -50.851, 2.482 ] ], [ [ -50.853, 2.481 ], [ -50.86, 2.495 ], [ -50.86, 2.477 ], [ -50.853, 2.481 ] ], [ [ -49.976, 1.659 ], [ -49.98, 1.659 ], [ -50, 1.639 ], [ -49.976, 1.659 ] ], [ [ -45.392, -1.553 ], [ -45.393, -1.553 ], [ -45.394, -1.556 ], [ -45.392, -1.553 ] ], [ [ -45.394, -1.556 ], [ -45.406, -1.579 ], [ -45.403, -1.591 ], [ -45.394, -1.556 ] ], [ [ -44.837, -1.65 ], [ -44.834, -1.655 ], [ -44.833, -1.654 ], [ -44.837, -1.65 ] ], [ [ -44.834, -1.655 ], [ -44.841, -1.675 ], [ -44.822, -1.672 ], [ -44.834, -1.655 ] ], [ [ -44.779, -1.735 ], [ -44.777, -1.741 ], [ -44.776, -1.74 ], [ -44.779, -1.735 ] ], [ [ -44.777, -1.741 ], [ -44.833, -1.77 ], [ -44.774, -1.75 ], [ -44.777, -1.741 ] ], [ [ -44.547, -2.22 ], [ -44.536, -2.225 ], [ -44.543, -2.219 ], [ -44.547, -2.22 ] ], [ [ -44.536, -2.225 ], [ -44.507, -2.249 ], [ -44.512, -2.235 ], [ -44.536, -2.225 ] ], [ [ -44.507, -2.249 ], [ -44.504, -2.256 ], [ -44.501, -2.254 ], [ -44.507, -2.249 ] ], [ [ -44.504, -2.256 ], [ -44.514, -2.268 ], [ -44.502, -2.26 ], [ -44.504, -2.256 ] ] ], [ [ [ -29.34, -20.484 ], [ -29.301, -20.521 ], [ -29.341, -20.511 ], [ -29.34, -20.484 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.001, -13.94 ], [ -39.012, -13.915 ], [ -38.994, -13.896 ], [ -39.001, -13.94 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.043, -13.909 ], [ -39.059, -13.904 ], [ -39.054, -13.886 ], [ -39.028, -13.903 ], [ -39.043, -13.909 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.251, -18.015 ], [ -39.283, -18.005 ], [ -39.272, -17.982 ], [ -39.245, -18.006 ], [ -39.251, -18.015 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.131, -17.927 ], [ -39.154, -17.921 ], [ -39.137, -17.91 ], [ -39.131, -17.927 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.212, -17.986 ], [ -39.228, -17.979 ], [ -39.215, -17.944 ], [ -39.202, -17.95 ], [ -39.212, -17.986 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.341, -23.231 ], [ -44.372, -23.174 ], [ -44.232, -23.089 ], [ -44.087, -23.173 ], [ -44.3, -23.184 ], [ -44.341, -23.231 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.356, -23.073 ], [ -44.388, -23.048 ], [ -44.373, -23.033 ], [ -44.343, -23.041 ], [ -44.356, -23.073 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.929, -23.014 ], [ -43.936, -22.999 ], [ -43.916, -22.989 ], [ -43.929, -23.014 ] ] ], [ [ [ -42.002, -23.018 ], [ -42.015, -23.003 ], [ -41.98, -22.975 ], [ -41.975, -22.992 ], [ -42.002, -23.018 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.904, -22.962 ], [ -43.907, -22.936 ], [ -43.868, -22.926 ], [ -43.871, -22.95 ], [ -43.904, -22.962 ] ] ], [ [ [ -41.042, -21.613 ], [ -41.042, -21.6 ], [ -41.019, -21.606 ], [ -41.042, -21.613 ] ] ], [ [ [ -52.112, -32 ], [ -52.18, -32.035 ], [ -52.216, -32.025 ], [ -52.198, -31.978 ], [ -52.112, -32 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.641, -30.388 ], [ -50.629, -30.394 ], [ -50.624, -30.329 ], [ -50.592, -30.399 ], [ -50.609, -30.406 ], [ -50.641, -30.388 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.526, -27.462 ], [ -48.416, -27.38 ], [ -48.358, -27.446 ], [ -48.503, -27.799 ], [ -48.559, -27.842 ], [ -48.526, -27.462 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.354, -27.296 ], [ -48.376, -27.285 ], [ -48.373, -27.271 ], [ -48.36, -27.27 ], [ -48.354, -27.296 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.731, -26.314 ], [ -48.754, -26.297 ], [ -48.735, -26.282 ], [ -48.731, -26.314 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.318, -25.584 ], [ -48.309, -25.546 ], [ -48.381, -25.504 ], [ -48.312, -25.509 ], [ -48.292, -25.545 ], [ -48.318, -25.584 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.414, -25.544 ], [ -48.459, -25.514 ], [ -48.415, -25.527 ], [ -48.414, -25.544 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.424, -25.551 ], [ -48.479, -25.523 ], [ -48.485, -25.502 ], [ -48.424, -25.551 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.298, -25.493 ], [ -48.341, -25.416 ], [ -48.252, -25.341 ], [ -48.265, -25.44 ], [ -48.253, -25.466 ], [ -48.298, -25.493 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.417, -25.386 ], [ -48.424, -25.343 ], [ -48.405, -25.33 ], [ -48.417, -25.386 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.695, -24.112 ], [ -45.688, -24.088 ], [ -45.679, -24.098 ], [ -45.695, -24.112 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.251, -23.962 ], [ -45.301, -23.909 ], [ -45.453, -23.91 ], [ -45.332, -23.721 ], [ -45.227, -23.774 ], [ -45.224, -23.835 ], [ -45.283, -23.857 ], [ -45.221, -23.899 ], [ -45.251, -23.962 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.141, -23.817 ], [ -45.146, -23.791 ], [ -45.114, -23.801 ], [ -45.141, -23.817 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.153, -23.573 ], [ -45.153, -23.558 ], [ -45.141, -23.568 ], [ -45.153, -23.573 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.073, -23.564 ], [ -45.079, -23.525 ], [ -45.036, -23.531 ], [ -45.073, -23.564 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.608, -23.228 ], [ -44.59, -23.208 ], [ -44.577, -23.216 ], [ -44.608, -23.228 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.648, -12.821 ], [ -38.666, -12.777 ], [ -38.624, -12.762 ], [ -38.648, -12.821 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.529, -12.811 ], [ -38.544, -12.757 ], [ -38.532, -12.74 ], [ -38.508, -12.792 ], [ -38.529, -12.811 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.622, -12.752 ], [ -38.622, -12.727 ], [ -38.593, -12.733 ], [ -38.622, -12.752 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.646, -12.683 ], [ -38.648, -12.65 ], [ -38.636, -12.661 ], [ -38.646, -12.683 ] ] ], [ [ [ -32.402, -3.838 ], [ -32.428, -3.877 ], [ -32.483, -3.878 ], [ -32.402, -3.838 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.667, -3.179 ], [ -44.668, -3.16 ], [ -44.643, -3.148 ], [ -44.644, -3.17 ], [ -44.667, -3.179 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.671, -2.943 ], [ -44.67, -2.92 ], [ -44.647, -2.915 ], [ -44.671, -2.943 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.493, -2.641 ], [ -44.48, -2.601 ], [ -44.477, -2.627 ], [ -44.493, -2.641 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.897, -2.573 ], [ -43.896, -2.554 ], [ -43.886, -2.565 ], [ -43.897, -2.573 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.599, -2.503 ], [ -43.577, -2.471 ], [ -43.572, -2.483 ], [ -43.599, -2.503 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.822, -2.526 ], [ -43.829, -2.509 ], [ -43.813, -2.458 ], [ -43.812, -2.553 ], [ -43.82, -2.528 ], [ -43.822, -2.526 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.821, -2.529 ], [ -43.856, -2.502 ], [ -43.832, -2.439 ], [ -43.842, -2.504 ], [ -43.821, -2.529 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.863, -2.56 ], [ -43.875, -2.552 ], [ -43.865, -2.534 ], [ -43.863, -2.56 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.519, -2.536 ], [ -44.529, -2.526 ], [ -44.501, -2.48 ], [ -44.505, -2.444 ], [ -44.455, -2.434 ], [ -44.519, -2.536 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.602, -3.007 ], [ -44.657, -2.972 ], [ -44.613, -2.894 ], [ -44.575, -2.921 ], [ -44.602, -3.007 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.585, -2.978 ], [ -44.563, -2.914 ], [ -44.586, -2.826 ], [ -44.494, -2.705 ], [ -44.494, -2.953 ], [ -44.582, -3.041 ], [ -44.585, -2.978 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.826, -2.434 ], [ -43.842, -2.403 ], [ -43.811, -2.385 ], [ -43.807, -2.412 ], [ -43.826, -2.434 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.581, -2.441 ], [ -43.615, -2.389 ], [ -43.549, -2.377 ], [ -43.545, -2.403 ], [ -43.581, -2.441 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.791, -2.47 ], [ -43.806, -2.443 ], [ -43.78, -2.422 ], [ -43.759, -2.448 ], [ -43.791, -2.47 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.513, -2.424 ], [ -43.537, -2.416 ], [ -43.522, -2.39 ], [ -43.505, -2.414 ], [ -43.513, -2.424 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.792, -2.405 ], [ -43.798, -2.377 ], [ -43.771, -2.37 ], [ -43.792, -2.405 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.689, -2.355 ], [ -43.743, -2.352 ], [ -43.724, -2.305 ], [ -43.617, -2.253 ], [ -43.612, -2.275 ], [ -43.669, -2.301 ], [ -43.689, -2.355 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.73, -2.425 ], [ -43.732, -2.364 ], [ -43.67, -2.377 ], [ -43.681, -2.34 ], [ -43.63, -2.324 ], [ -43.643, -2.394 ], [ -43.73, -2.425 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.473, -2.125 ], [ -44.487, -2.113 ], [ -44.475, -2.096 ], [ -44.463, -2.104 ], [ -44.473, -2.125 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.456, -2.031 ], [ -44.447, -2.008 ], [ -44.439, -2.022 ], [ -44.456, -2.031 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.311, -1.964 ], [ -49.336, -1.996 ], [ -49.309, -1.943 ], [ -49.311, -1.964 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.323, -2.054 ], [ -49.329, -2.019 ], [ -49.316, -2.001 ], [ -49.323, -2.054 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.231, -1.829 ], [ -50.246, -1.824 ], [ -50.229, -1.816 ], [ -50.231, -1.829 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.615, -1.821 ], [ -44.622, -1.797 ], [ -44.597, -1.774 ], [ -44.583, -1.789 ], [ -44.615, -1.821 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.7, -1.811 ], [ -44.703, -1.78 ], [ -44.673, -1.78 ], [ -44.7, -1.811 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.691, -1.793 ], [ -49.721, -1.789 ], [ -49.719, -1.771 ], [ -49.697, -1.766 ], [ -49.691, -1.793 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.924, -1.711 ], [ -48.909, -1.713 ], [ -48.916, -1.734 ], [ -48.935, -1.713 ], [ -48.924, -1.711 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.757, -1.707 ], [ -44.767, -1.694 ], [ -44.736, -1.701 ], [ -44.757, -1.707 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.433, -1.684 ], [ -49.454, -1.706 ], [ -49.46, -1.684 ], [ -49.433, -1.684 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.357, -1.008 ], [ -46.342, -0.994 ], [ -46.353, -1.026 ], [ -46.357, -1.008 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.205, -1.021 ], [ -46.194, -1.014 ], [ -46.202, -1.032 ], [ -46.205, -1.021 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.662, -3.018 ], [ -44.673, -3.012 ], [ -44.664, -3.001 ], [ -44.649, -3.013 ], [ -44.662, -3.018 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.736, -1.683 ], [ -44.745, -1.677 ], [ -44.732, -1.668 ], [ -44.736, -1.683 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.231, -1.638 ], [ -49.237, -1.627 ], [ -49.217, -1.633 ], [ -49.231, -1.638 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.38, -1.685 ], [ -49.4, -1.682 ], [ -49.368, -1.669 ], [ -49.38, -1.685 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.426, -1.673 ], [ -49.429, -1.661 ], [ -49.406, -1.66 ], [ -49.426, -1.673 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.34, -1.672 ], [ -49.358, -1.662 ], [ -49.325, -1.647 ], [ -49.34, -1.672 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.289, -1.726 ], [ -45.305, -1.663 ], [ -45.257, -1.641 ], [ -45.244, -1.678 ], [ -45.28, -1.694 ], [ -45.289, -1.726 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.328, -1.743 ], [ -45.346, -1.719 ], [ -45.301, -1.596 ], [ -45.274, -1.635 ], [ -45.313, -1.654 ], [ -45.328, -1.743 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.886, -1.578 ], [ -48.89, -1.56 ], [ -48.859, -1.536 ], [ -48.856, -1.553 ], [ -48.886, -1.578 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.783, -1.682 ], [ -44.8, -1.595 ], [ -44.775, -1.62 ], [ -44.721, -1.567 ], [ -44.704, -1.611 ], [ -44.684, -1.575 ], [ -44.668, -1.669 ], [ -44.693, -1.638 ], [ -44.783, -1.682 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.816, -1.569 ], [ -44.837, -1.534 ], [ -44.787, -1.488 ], [ -44.825, -1.534 ], [ -44.816, -1.569 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.462, -1.517 ], [ -48.478, -1.499 ], [ -48.421, -1.503 ], [ -48.462, -1.517 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.793, -1.531 ], [ -44.774, -1.47 ], [ -44.763, -1.513 ], [ -44.793, -1.531 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.414, -1.427 ], [ -45.423, -1.416 ], [ -45.409, -1.405 ], [ -45.414, -1.427 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45, -1.296 ], [ -44.922, -1.265 ], [ -44.877, -1.309 ], [ -44.895, -1.34 ], [ -44.922, -1.305 ], [ -44.907, -1.341 ], [ -44.999, -1.405 ], [ -45.033, -1.339 ], [ -45, -1.32 ], [ -44.995, -1.36 ], [ -45, -1.296 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.044, -1.402 ], [ -45.07, -1.33 ], [ -45.052, -1.342 ], [ -45.044, -1.402 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.333, -1.569 ], [ -45.371, -1.544 ], [ -45.347, -1.489 ], [ -45.313, -1.506 ], [ -45.333, -1.569 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.969, -1.522 ], [ -44.976, -1.493 ], [ -44.959, -1.483 ], [ -44.969, -1.522 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.393, -1.512 ], [ -48.371, -1.476 ], [ -48.341, -1.483 ], [ -48.393, -1.512 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.413, -1.498 ], [ -48.426, -1.491 ], [ -48.387, -1.476 ], [ -48.413, -1.498 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.118, -1.47 ], [ -45.132, -1.462 ], [ -45.115, -1.364 ], [ -45.103, -1.373 ], [ -45.118, -1.47 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.593, -1.251 ], [ -45.581, -1.19 ], [ -45.536, -1.205 ], [ -45.532, -1.231 ], [ -45.593, -1.251 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.559, -1.243 ], [ -48.56, -1.202 ], [ -48.523, -1.199 ], [ -48.559, -1.243 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.817, -1.163 ], [ -45.829, -1.141 ], [ -45.804, -1.127 ], [ -45.817, -1.163 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.877, -1.154 ], [ -45.9, -1.117 ], [ -45.883, -1.073 ], [ -45.849, -1.123 ], [ -45.877, -1.154 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.192, -1.05 ], [ -46.201, -1.041 ], [ -46.185, -1.027 ], [ -46.192, -1.05 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.291, -1.01 ], [ -46.307, -0.992 ], [ -46.306, -0.961 ], [ -46.291, -1.01 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.078, -1.095 ], [ -46.065, -1.05 ], [ -46.061, -1.074 ], [ -46.078, -1.095 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.68, -1.295 ], [ -45.687, -1.275 ], [ -45.667, -1.26 ], [ -45.654, -1.285 ], [ -45.68, -1.295 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.538, -1.282 ], [ -48.549, -1.262 ], [ -48.53, -1.25 ], [ -48.538, -1.282 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.51, -1.27 ], [ -48.522, -1.247 ], [ -48.506, -1.236 ], [ -48.51, -1.27 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.694, -1.37 ], [ -45.646, -1.289 ], [ -45.625, -1.126 ], [ -45.634, -1.349 ], [ -45.694, -1.37 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.688, -1.266 ], [ -45.708, -1.228 ], [ -45.685, -1.194 ], [ -45.664, -1.231 ], [ -45.688, -1.266 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.425, -0.914 ], [ -46.454, -0.907 ], [ -46.408, -0.868 ], [ -46.395, -0.899 ], [ -46.425, -0.914 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.72, -0.848 ], [ -46.735, -0.832 ], [ -46.729, -0.796 ], [ -46.72, -0.848 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.611, -0.799 ], [ -46.622, -0.784 ], [ -46.601, -0.789 ], [ -46.611, -0.799 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.586, -0.849 ], [ -46.621, -0.807 ], [ -46.589, -0.815 ], [ -46.586, -0.849 ] ] ], [ [ [ -47.447, -0.748 ], [ -47.453, -0.732 ], [ -47.436, -0.717 ], [ -47.428, -0.738 ], [ -47.447, -0.748 ] ] ], [ [ [ -47.461, -0.741 ], [ -47.463, -0.702 ], [ -47.445, -0.697 ], [ -47.461, -0.741 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.214, -0.411 ], [ -51.211, -0.386 ], [ -51.164, -0.347 ], [ -51.163, -0.383 ], [ -51.214, -0.411 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.352, -0.353 ], [ -51.346, -0.31 ], [ -51.317, -0.268 ], [ -51.327, -0.33 ], [ -51.352, -0.353 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.127, -0.268 ], [ -51.131, -0.237 ], [ -51.091, -0.208 ], [ -51.087, -0.229 ], [ -51.127, -0.268 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.888, -0.198 ], [ -48.91, -0.188 ], [ -48.893, -0.134 ], [ -48.847, -0.177 ], [ -48.888, -0.198 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.174, -0.091 ], [ -51.191, -0.064 ], [ -51.126, -0.057 ], [ -51.174, -0.091 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.114, -0.146 ], [ -49.097, -0.121 ], [ -49.08, -0.13 ], [ -49.114, -0.146 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.166, -0.142 ], [ -49.188, -0.115 ], [ -49.156, -0.128 ], [ -49.166, -0.142 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.119, -0.141 ], [ -49.143, -0.107 ], [ -49.114, -0.11 ], [ -49.119, -0.141 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.127, -0.128 ], [ -51.094, -0.103 ], [ -51.108, -0.127 ], [ -51.127, -0.128 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.414, -0.999 ], [ -46.384, -0.941 ], [ -46.367, -0.948 ], [ -46.414, -0.999 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.647, -0.97 ], [ -46.658, -0.968 ], [ -46.618, -0.957 ], [ -46.647, -0.97 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.488, -0.942 ], [ -46.465, -0.877 ], [ -46.464, -0.924 ], [ -46.44, -0.922 ], [ -46.482, -0.976 ], [ -46.441, -0.999 ], [ -46.525, -1.016 ], [ -46.527, -0.917 ], [ -46.509, -0.984 ], [ -46.488, -0.942 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.632, 0.159 ], [ -49.662, 0.184 ], [ -49.629, 0.202 ], [ -49.61, 0.181 ], [ -49.632, 0.159 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.641, 0.26 ], [ -50.63, 0.293 ], [ -50.586, 0.308 ], [ -50.641, 0.26 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.2, 0.255 ], [ -50.243, 0.248 ], [ -50.147, 0.337 ], [ -50.059, 0.346 ], [ -50.2, 0.255 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.417, 0.159 ], [ -50.535, 0.234 ], [ -50.36, 0.615 ], [ -50.328, 0.383 ], [ -50.285, 0.3 ], [ -50.413, 0.237 ], [ -50.417, 0.159 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.279, 0.338 ], [ -50.271, 0.599 ], [ -50.147, 0.608 ], [ -50.142, 0.576 ], [ -50.107, 0.636 ], [ -50.063, 0.623 ], [ -50.05, 0.518 ], [ -50.279, 0.338 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50, 0.943 ], [ -50.113, 0.907 ], [ -50.018, 1.034 ], [ -49.935, 1.069 ], [ -49.939, 0.996 ], [ -50, 0.943 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.881, 1.227 ], [ -49.909, 1.246 ], [ -49.886, 1.244 ], [ -49.881, 1.227 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.907, 1.278 ], [ -49.885, 1.291 ], [ -49.863, 1.278 ], [ -49.876, 1.252 ], [ -49.907, 1.278 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.204, 1.851 ], [ -50.232, 1.879 ], [ -50.22, 1.915 ], [ -50.169, 1.865 ], [ -50.204, 1.851 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.468, 1.954 ], [ -50.521, 2.026 ], [ -50.497, 2.139 ], [ -50.398, 2.167 ], [ -50.367, 2.19 ], [ -50.276, 1.939 ], [ -50.423, 1.849 ], [ -50.468, 1.954 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.504, 2.255 ], [ -50.414, 2.244 ], [ -50.382, 2.204 ], [ -50.489, 2.15 ], [ -50.564, 2.205 ], [ -50.504, 2.255 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.229, 0.832 ], [ -50.098, 0.839 ], [ -50.027, 0.898 ], [ -50.105, 0.757 ], [ -50.162, 0.775 ], [ -50.249, 0.72 ], [ -50.229, 0.832 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.131, 0.844 ], [ -50.162, 0.867 ], [ -50.132, 0.9 ], [ -50.119, 0.854 ], [ -50.131, 0.844 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.108, 0.85 ], [ -50.111, 0.891 ], [ -50.049, 0.886 ], [ -50.108, 0.85 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.216, -0.055 ], [ -50.235, -0.042 ], [ -50.219, -0.04 ], [ -50.216, -0.055 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.916, -0.052 ], [ -50.926, -0.047 ], [ -50.907, -0.043 ], [ -50.916, -0.052 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.605, -0.061 ], [ -50.618, -0.022 ], [ -50.559, -0.038 ], [ -50.605, -0.061 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.399, -0.061 ], [ -50.44, -0.057 ], [ -50.378, -0.015 ], [ -50.357, -0.049 ], [ -50.399, -0.061 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.75, 0 ], [ -49.609, 0.08 ], [ -49.474, 0.081 ], [ -49.338, -0.017 ], [ -49.487, -0.136 ], [ -49.723, -0.147 ], [ -49.835, -0.088 ], [ -49.75, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.023, -0.019 ], [ -49.039, -0.011 ], [ -49.02, -0.006 ], [ -49.023, -0.019 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.932, 0.052 ], [ -50.918, 0.084 ], [ -50.884, 0.078 ], [ -50.899, 0.057 ], [ -50.932, 0.052 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.928, 0 ], [ -50.786, 0.05 ], [ -50.717, 0.028 ], [ -50.94, -0.041 ], [ -50.928, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.691, 0.025 ], [ -50.655, 0.015 ], [ -50.703, 0.021 ], [ -50.691, 0.025 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.629, -0.043 ], [ -50.642, -0.016 ], [ -50.622, -0.026 ], [ -50.629, -0.043 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.642, 0 ], [ -50.611, 0.007 ], [ -50.595, -0.019 ], [ -50.642, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.536, 0 ], [ -50.653, 0.126 ], [ -50.59, 0.203 ], [ -50.434, 0.126 ], [ -50.436, 0 ], [ -50.536, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50, 0.311 ], [ -49.674, 0.368 ], [ -49.601, 0.283 ], [ -49.86, 0.008 ], [ -49.99, -0.048 ], [ -50.086, 0.034 ], [ -50.351, 0.044 ], [ -50.394, 0.222 ], [ -50.153, 0.227 ], [ -50, 0.311 ] ] ] ] } } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, 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"MultiPolygon", "coordinates" : [ [ [ [ -44.657, -3.018 ], [ -44.608, -3.041 ], [ -44.72, -3.18 ], [ -44.793, -3.198 ], [ -44.779, -3.312 ], [ -44.736, -3.302 ], [ -44.763, -3.225 ], [ -44.653, -3.196 ], [ -44.431, -2.945 ], [ -44.367, -2.643 ], [ -44.362, -2.726 ], [ -44.355, -2.605 ], [ -44.378, -2.566 ], [ -44.345, -2.528 ], [ -44.29, -2.573 ], [ -44.306, -2.487 ], [ -44.02, -2.403 ], [ -44.03, -2.457 ], [ -44.108, -2.468 ], [ -44.035, -2.518 ], [ -44.131, -2.596 ], [ -44.147, -2.681 ], [ -44.219, -2.67 ], [ -44.209, -2.716 ], [ -44.345, -2.791 ], [ -44.347, -2.838 ], [ -44.315, -2.788 ], [ -44.3, -2.843 ], [ -44.266, -2.777 ], [ -44.225, -2.806 ], [ -44.184, -2.766 ], [ -44.208, -2.857 ], [ -44.111, -2.749 ], [ -44.072, -2.811 ], [ -44.05, -2.685 ], [ -43.981, -2.619 ], [ -43.946, -2.641 ], [ -43.933, -2.553 ], [ -43.883, -2.649 ], [ -43.887, -2.578 ], [ -43.803, -2.56 ], [ -43.76, -2.513 ], [ -43.754, -2.556 ], [ -43.729, -2.481 ], [ -43.727, -2.569 ], [ -43.654, -2.556 ], [ -43.682, -2.534 ], [ -43.653, -2.488 ], [ -43.608, -2.593 ], [ -43.603, -2.518 ], [ -43.548, -2.528 ], [ -43.519, -2.445 ], [ -43.498, -2.55 ], [ -43.46, -2.507 ], [ -43.458, -2.596 ], [ -43.401, -2.552 ], [ -43.448, -2.538 ], [ -43.462, -2.427 ], [ -43.359, -2.44 ], [ -43.479, -2.376 ], [ -43.378, -2.329 ], [ -43.4, -2.353 ], [ -43.232, -2.362 ], [ -42.692, -2.596 ], [ -42.709, -2.56 ], [ -42.572, -2.68 ], [ -42.495, -2.689 ], [ -42.503, -2.727 ], [ -42.393, -2.751 ], [ -42.475, -2.706 ], [ -42.375, -2.717 ], [ -42.228, -2.818 ], [ -42.143, -2.808 ], [ -42.256, -2.735 ], [ -42.233, -2.674 ], [ -42.208, -2.712 ], [ -42.098, -2.768 ], [ -42.099, -2.809 ], [ -42.096, -2.747 ], [ -42.216, -2.687 ], [ -42.054, -2.691 ], [ -42.023, -2.775 ], [ -42.017, -2.718 ], [ -41.818, -2.723 ], [ -41.844, -2.773 ], [ -41.797, -2.751 ], [ -41.656, -2.884 ], [ -41.437, -2.939 ], [ -41.395, -2.906 ], [ -41.316, -2.943 ], [ -41.263, -2.887 ], [ -40.838, -2.895 ], [ -40.572, -2.844 ], [ -40.499, -2.787 ], [ -39.888, -2.886 ], [ -39.244, -3.229 ], [ -39.083, -3.394 ], [ -38.978, -3.407 ], [ -38.641, -3.687 ], [ -38.473, -3.7 ], [ -38.377, -3.866 ], [ -38.043, -4.214 ], [ -37.764, -4.399 ], [ -37.588, -4.624 ], [ -37.323, -4.698 ], [ -37.15, -4.943 ], [ -36.958, -4.919 ], [ -36.666, -5.108 ], [ -36.504, -5.061 ], [ -36.297, -5.106 ], [ -35.956, -5.045 ], [ -35.612, -5.11 ], [ -35.385, -5.255 ], [ -35.255, -5.483 ], [ -35.099, -6.169 ], [ -34.983, -6.396 ], [ -34.933, -6.753 ], [ -34.79, -7.159 ], [ -34.842, -7.564 ], [ -34.809, -7.622 ], [ -34.845, -7.69 ], [ -34.827, -8.004 ], [ -35.136, -8.895 ], [ -35.332, -9.237 ], [ -35.689, -9.668 ], [ -35.78, -9.706 ], [ -36.056, -10.083 ], [ -36.266, -10.256 ], [ -36.402, -10.506 ], [ -36.602, -10.567 ], [ -36.934, -10.826 ], [ -37.36, -11.428 ], [ -37.612, -11.979 ], [ -37.996, -12.578 ], [ -38.318, -12.934 ], [ -38.477, -13.022 ], [ -38.532, -13.017 ], [ -38.473, -12.913 ], [ -38.498, -12.722 ], [ -38.603, -12.728 ], [ -38.646, -12.622 ], [ -38.681, -12.661 ], [ -38.718, -12.627 ], [ -38.804, -12.835 ], [ -38.717, -12.873 ], [ -38.769, -12.995 ], [ -38.721, -13.021 ], [ -38.66, -12.963 ], [ -38.686, -12.878 ], [ -38.59, -12.972 ], [ -38.766, -13.129 ], [ -38.807, -13.1 ], [ -38.808, -13.154 ], [ -38.944, -13.243 ], [ -38.973, -13.391 ], [ -38.902, -13.384 ], [ -38.886, -13.45 ], [ -38.95, -13.577 ], [ -38.886, -13.659 ], [ -38.968, -13.67 ], [ -39.006, -13.891 ], [ -39.064, -13.865 ], [ -39.075, -13.887 ], [ -38.986, -13.998 ], [ -38.952, -13.986 ], [ -38.982, -13.912 ], [ -38.938, -13.886 ], [ -38.922, -13.92 ], [ -39.061, -14.716 ], [ -38.962, -15.585 ], [ -38.857, -15.86 ], [ -38.973, -16.211 ], [ -39.032, -16.26 ], [ -39.01, -16.369 ], [ -39.078, -16.454 ], [ -39.143, -16.762 ], [ -39.113, -16.896 ], [ -39.212, -17.155 ], [ -39.193, -17.602 ], [ -39.135, -17.691 ], [ -39.264, -17.869 ], [ -39.435, -17.943 ], [ -39.563, -18.091 ], [ -39.721, -18.493 ], [ -39.749, -18.81 ], [ -39.692, -19.353 ], [ -39.805, -19.65 ], [ -39.951, -19.717 ], [ -40.151, -19.956 ], [ -40.236, -20.285 ], [ -40.353, -20.32 ], [ -40.329, -20.236 ], [ -40.359, -20.291 ], [ -40.365, -20.317 ], [ -40.35, -20.328 ], [ -40.268, -20.327 ], [ -40.402, -20.606 ], [ -40.466, -20.624 ], [ -40.627, -20.845 ], [ -40.65, -20.813 ], [ -40.756, -20.866 ], [ -40.853, -21.133 ], [ -40.955, -21.251 ], [ -40.96, -21.364 ], [ -41.065, -21.495 ], [ -41.051, -21.608 ], [ -41.038, -21.622 ], [ -41.007, -21.618 ], [ -40.99, -22.014 ], [ -41.229, -22.151 ], [ -41.668, -22.294 ], [ -41.962, -22.538 ], [ -41.986, -22.713 ], [ -41.919, -22.774 ], [ -41.864, -22.759 ], [ -42.023, -22.896 ], [ -42.037, -22.94 ], [ -41.99, -22.964 ], [ -42.018, -22.998 ], [ -42.086, -22.957 ], [ -42.529, -22.934 ], [ -43.05, -22.982 ], [ -43.132, -22.941 ], [ -43.025, -22.741 ], [ -43.084, -22.68 ], [ -43.216, -22.725 ], [ -43.287, -22.806 ], [ -43.24, -22.847 ], [ -43.249, -22.797 ], [ -43.156, -22.784 ], [ -43.247, -22.882 ], [ -43.164, -22.899 ], [ -43.187, -22.995 ], [ -43.344, -22.983 ], [ -43.303, -23.02 ], [ -43.549, -23.081 ], [ -44.001, -23.1 ], [ -43.961, -23.042 ], [ -43.877, -23.067 ], [ -43.909, -23.02 ], [ -43.807, -23.063 ], [ -43.555, -23.055 ], [ -43.84, -22.906 ], [ -43.985, -22.937 ], [ -44.034, -23.014 ], [ -44.044, -22.923 ], [ -44.107, -23.03 ], [ -44.234, -23.06 ], [ -44.238, -23.004 ], [ -44.358, -23.02 ], [ -44.296, -22.961 ], [ -44.321, -22.927 ], [ -44.378, -22.972 ], [ -44.407, -22.945 ], [ -44.443, -23.035 ], [ -44.669, -23.06 ], [ -44.712, -23.19 ], [ -44.701, -23.237 ], [ -44.645, -23.191 ], [ -44.612, -23.206 ], [ -44.685, -23.256 ], [ -44.611, -23.238 ], [ -44.652, -23.302 ], [ -44.558, -23.232 ], [ -44.577, -23.275 ], [ -44.498, -23.302 ], [ -44.583, -23.367 ], [ -44.669, -23.341 ], [ -44.84, -23.395 ], [ -44.905, -23.339 ], [ -45.05, -23.418 ], [ -45.016, -23.461 ], [ -45.079, -23.519 ], [ -45.165, -23.495 ], [ -45.159, -23.541 ], [ -45.228, -23.547 ], [ -45.211, -23.582 ], [ -45.41, -23.632 ], [ -45.412, -23.825 ], [ -45.934, -23.771 ], [ -46.124, -23.842 ], [ -46.2, -24.002 ], [ -46.288, -24.044 ], [ -46.321, -24 ], [ -46.458, -24.025 ], [ -46.937, -24.281 ], [ -47.024, -24.382 ], [ -47.004, -24.412 ], [ -47.86, -24.996 ], [ -47.914, -25.061 ], [ -47.915, -25.16 ], [ -48.213, -25.47 ], [ -48.254, -25.435 ], [ -48.222, -25.342 ], [ -48.208, -25.353 ], [ -48.121, -25.267 ], [ -48.253, -25.328 ], [ -48.284, -25.294 ], [ -48.317, -25.363 ], [ -48.327, -25.232 ], [ -48.366, -25.317 ], [ -48.433, -25.237 ], [ -48.428, -25.324 ], [ -48.5, -25.335 ], [ -48.427, -25.39 ], [ -48.449, -25.379 ], [ -48.468, -25.388 ], [ -48.467, -25.432 ], [ -48.449, -25.384 ], [ -48.414, -25.428 ], [ -48.476, -25.485 ], [ -48.637, -25.468 ], [ -48.661, -25.398 ], [ -48.671, -25.435 ], [ -48.739, -25.374 ], [ -48.68, -25.465 ], [ -48.687, -25.499 ], [ -48.737, -25.483 ], [ -48.703, -25.504 ], [ -48.617, -25.536 ], [ -48.512, -25.505 ], [ -48.482, -25.591 ], [ -48.46, -25.552 ], [ -48.35, -25.581 ], [ -48.565, -25.868 ], [ -48.614, -26.06 ], [ -48.586, -26.172 ], [ -48.714, -26.243 ], [ -48.795, -26.073 ], [ -48.837, -26.157 ], [ -48.798, -26.142 ], [ -48.763, -26.199 ], [ -48.805, -26.228 ], [ -48.769, -26.223 ], [ -48.761, -26.286 ], [ -48.803, -26.303 ], [ -48.723, -26.362 ], [ -48.635, -26.374 ], [ -48.714, -26.308 ], [ -48.554, -26.172 ], [ -48.493, -26.224 ], [ -48.695, -26.658 ], [ -48.665, -26.769 ], [ -48.583, -26.786 ], [ -48.655, -26.909 ], [ -48.62, -27.007 ], [ -48.574, -27.011 ], [ -48.607, -27.122 ], [ -48.554, -27.152 ], [ -48.51, -27.108 ], [ -48.469, -27.148 ], [ -48.511, -27.183 ], [ -48.486, -27.218 ], [ -48.531, -27.18 ], [ -48.612, -27.243 ], [ -48.596, -27.318 ], [ -48.529, -27.334 ], [ -48.649, -27.486 ], [ -48.572, -27.592 ], [ -48.653, -27.648 ], [ -48.575, -27.888 ], [ -48.761, -28.535 ], [ -48.813, -28.605 ], [ -49.37, -28.92 ], [ -49.334, -28.921 ], [ -49.702, -29.308 ], [ -50.006, -29.749 ], [ -50.316, -30.472 ], [ -50.848, -31.205 ], [ -51.303, -31.613 ], [ -51.877, -31.952 ], [ -52.071, -32.188 ], [ -52.012, -31.946 ], [ -52.092, -31.837 ], [ -51.851, -31.865 ], [ -51.777, -31.805 ], [ -51.854, -31.797 ], [ -51.65, -31.759 ], [ -51.478, -31.562 ], [ -51.43, -31.622 ], [ -51.458, -31.548 ], [ -51.424, -31.478 ], [ -51.351, -31.529 ], [ -51.234, -31.458 ], [ -51.16, -31.31 ], [ -51.166, -31.063 ], [ -51.109, -31.097 ], [ -50.985, -31.042 ], [ -50.965, -30.893 ], [ -50.888, -30.893 ], [ -50.705, -30.756 ], [ -50.677, -30.61 ], [ -50.725, -30.371 ], [ -50.692, -30.355 ], [ -50.625, -30.409 ], [ -50.641, -30.459 ], [ -50.569, -30.471 ], [ -50.534, -30.278 ], [ -50.601, -30.194 ], [ -50.659, -30.201 ], [ -50.661, -30.293 ], [ -50.918, -30.333 ], [ -50.934, -30.42 ], [ -50.889, -30.439 ], [ -50.921, -30.44 ], [ -51.052, -30.395 ], [ -51.034, -30.276 ], [ -51.146, -30.267 ], [ -51.246, -30.188 ], [ -51.23, -30.043 ], [ -51.295, -30.007 ], [ -51.326, -30.23 ], [ -51.271, -30.25 ], [ -51.293, -30.295 ], [ -51.246, -30.33 ], [ -51.209, -30.3 ], [ -51.179, -30.383 ], [ -51.092, -30.367 ], [ -51.129, -30.436 ], [ -51.202, -30.413 ], [ -51.269, -30.489 ], [ -51.282, -30.811 ], [ -51.33, -30.777 ], [ -51.294, -30.758 ], [ -51.319, -30.64 ], [ -51.375, -30.635 ], [ -51.404, -30.769 ], [ -51.367, -30.874 ], [ -51.457, -30.874 ], [ -51.501, -30.935 ], [ -51.436, -31.088 ], [ -51.611, -31.138 ], [ -51.613, -31.272 ], [ -51.915, -31.313 ], [ -52.002, -31.449 ], [ -52.031, -31.693 ], [ -52.218, -31.747 ], [ -52.247, -31.871 ], [ -52.106, -31.952 ], [ -52.216, -31.963 ], [ -52.263, -32.062 ], [ -52.209, -32.045 ], [ -52.225, -32.096 ], [ -52.082, -32.033 ], [ -52.162, -32.128 ], [ -52.09, -32.069 ], [ -52.084, -32.186 ], [ -52.16, -32.201 ], [ -52.341, -32.43 ], [ -52.488, -32.844 ], [ -52.66, -33.165 ], [ -53.227, -33.658 ], [ -53.421, -33.741 ], [ -53.524, -33.689 ], [ -53.515, -33.163 ], [ -53.434, -33.054 ], [ -53.243, -32.936 ], [ -53.294, -32.911 ], [ -53.074, -32.746 ], [ -53.244, -32.605 ], [ -53.39, -32.583 ], [ -53.46, -32.48 ], [ -53.595, -32.432 ], [ -53.73, -32.157 ], [ -53.714, -32.104 ], [ -53.965, -31.919 ], [ -54.096, -31.906 ], [ -54.466, -31.666 ], [ -54.491, -31.54 ], [ -54.591, -31.448 ], [ -54.836, -31.446 ], [ -54.945, -31.392 ], [ -55.014, -31.285 ], [ -55.091, -31.326 ], [ -55.245, -31.257 ], [ -55.374, -31.038 ], [ -55.594, -30.848 ], [ -55.635, -30.857 ], [ -55.657, -30.956 ], [ -55.87, -31.08 ], [ -56.008, -31.063 ], [ -55.987, -30.86 ], [ -56.021, -30.784 ], [ -56.127, -30.739 ], [ -56.177, -30.614 ], [ -56.384, -30.495 ], [ -56.459, -30.387 ], [ -56.545, -30.364 ], [ -56.54, -30.312 ], [ -56.617, -30.303 ], [ -56.644, -30.205 ], [ -56.776, -30.166 ], [ -56.804, -30.107 ], [ -57.068, -30.088 ], [ -57.207, -30.281 ], [ -57.313, -30.26 ], [ -57.396, -30.303 ], [ -57.538, -30.275 ], [ -57.618, -30.179 ], [ -57.505, -30.143 ], [ -57.342, -30.001 ], [ -57.319, -29.87 ], [ -57.254, -29.794 ], [ -57.105, -29.752 ], [ -56.972, -29.639 ], [ -56.676, -29.321 ], [ -56.593, -29.123 ], [ -56.425, -29.073 ], [ -56.285, -28.794 ], [ -56.185, -28.771 ], [ -56.016, -28.611 ], [ -56.011, -28.509 ], [ -55.888, -28.479 ], [ -55.875, -28.362 ], [ -55.696, -28.425 ], [ -55.671, -28.333 ], [ -55.773, -28.247 ], [ -55.605, -28.123 ], [ -55.554, -28.164 ], [ -55.496, -28.081 ], [ -55.444, -28.097 ], [ -55.323, -27.928 ], [ -55.196, -27.863 ], [ -55.134, -27.895 ], [ -55.117, -27.853 ], [ -55.032, -27.854 ], [ -55.082, -27.789 ], [ -54.941, -27.775 ], [ -54.809, -27.536 ], [ -54.781, -27.586 ], [ -54.683, -27.576 ], [ -54.678, -27.514 ], [ -54.624, -27.55 ], [ -54.576, -27.458 ], [ -54.525, -27.507 ], [ -54.415, -27.412 ], [ -54.353, -27.468 ], [ -54.339, -27.406 ], [ -54.282, -27.447 ], [ -54.176, -27.261 ], [ -54.089, -27.303 ], [ -53.949, -27.158 ], [ -53.799, -27.147 ], [ -53.795, -27.048 ], [ -53.761, -27.068 ], [ -53.662, -26.869 ], [ -53.751, -26.745 ], [ -53.707, -26.563 ], [ -53.738, -26.548 ], [ -53.592, -26.265 ], [ -53.722, -26.13 ], [ -53.733, -26.047 ], [ -53.837, -25.969 ], [ -53.824, -25.793 ], [ -53.891, -25.625 ], [ -53.951, -25.644 ], [ -54.016, -25.569 ], [ -54.101, -25.625 ], [ -54.111, -25.504 ], [ -54.213, -25.554 ], [ -54.184, -25.591 ], [ -54.289, -25.562 ], [ -54.387, -25.608 ], [ -54.43, -25.706 ], [ -54.596, -25.595 ], [ -54.617, -25.459 ], [ -54.437, -25.157 ], [ -54.458, -25.031 ], [ -54.336, -24.649 ], [ -54.333, -24.493 ], [ -54.262, -24.376 ], [ -54.33, -24.225 ], [ -54.282, -24.075 ], [ -54.411, -23.929 ], [ -54.668, -23.815 ], [ -55.061, -23.991 ], [ -55.112, -23.963 ], [ -55.226, -24.013 ], [ -55.413, -23.961 ], [ -55.434, -23.714 ], [ -55.535, -23.614 ], [ -55.522, -23.197 ], [ -55.596, -23.141 ], [ -55.64, -22.994 ], [ -55.685, -22.992 ], [ -55.613, -22.659 ], [ -55.736, -22.532 ], [ -55.74, -22.396 ], [ -55.854, -22.281 ], [ -56.208, -22.281 ], [ -56.341, -22.206 ], [ -56.403, -22.078 ], [ -56.519, -22.103 ], [ -56.643, -22.261 ], [ -56.698, -22.216 ], [ -56.728, -22.26 ], [ -56.808, -22.25 ], [ -56.831, -22.3 ], [ -57.001, -22.225 ], [ -57.203, -22.21 ], [ -57.243, -22.244 ], [ -57.553, -22.181 ], [ -57.616, -22.096 ], [ -57.803, -22.148 ], [ -57.989, -22.085 ], [ -58.005, -22.032 ], [ -57.919, -21.881 ], [ -57.969, -21.844 ], [ -57.913, -21.793 ], [ -57.947, -21.747 ], [ -57.894, -21.687 ], [ -57.968, -21.528 ], [ -57.855, -21.339 ], [ -57.918, -21.278 ], [ -57.854, -21.226 ], [ -57.866, -21.041 ], [ -57.818, -20.976 ], [ -57.927, -20.897 ], [ -57.855, -20.835 ], [ -57.961, -20.784 ], [ -57.869, -20.736 ], [ -57.923, -20.666 ], [ -57.988, -20.696 ], [ -57.994, -20.448 ], [ -58.082, -20.372 ], [ -58.092, -20.257 ], [ -58.154, -20.264 ], [ -58.125, -20.188 ], [ -58.163, -20.162 ], [ -57.872, -19.979 ], [ -58.134, -19.761 ], [ -57.79, -19.051 ], [ -57.709, -19.034 ], [ -57.757, -18.858 ], [ -57.56, -18.263 ], [ -57.458, -18.228 ], [ -57.568, -18.136 ], [ -57.702, -17.86 ], [ -57.715, -17.735 ], [ -57.785, -17.645 ], [ -57.773, -17.553 ], [ -57.878, -17.463 ], [ -58.003, -17.52 ], [ -58.114, -17.456 ], [ -58.395, -17.197 ], [ -58.421, -16.99 ], [ -58.47, -16.939 ], [ -58.468, -16.702 ], [ -58.442, -16.613 ], [ -58.34, -16.542 ], [ -58.309, -16.27 ], [ -58.471, -16.325 ], [ -60.173, -16.265 ], [ -60.236, -15.476 ], [ -60.565, -15.105 ], [ -60.253, -15.101 ], [ -60.257, -14.624 ], [ -60.338, -14.555 ], [ -60.482, -14.181 ], [ -60.468, -14.092 ], [ -60.378, -13.992 ], [ -60.468, -13.886 ], [ -60.468, -13.801 ], [ -60.793, -13.686 ], [ -60.962, -13.539 ], [ -61.044, -13.541 ], [ -61.028, -13.477 ], [ -61.069, -13.463 ], [ -61.139, -13.521 ], [ -61.249, -13.525 ], [ -61.33, -13.473 ], [ -61.486, -13.554 ], [ -61.578, -13.494 ], [ -61.824, -13.539 ], [ -61.866, -13.443 ], [ -62.108, -13.257 ], [ -62.109, -13.149 ], [ -62.165, -13.112 ], [ -62.368, -13.145 ], [ -62.464, -13.07 ], [ -62.637, -13.041 ], [ -62.674, -12.965 ], [ -62.764, -13.023 ], [ -62.923, -12.854 ], [ -62.996, -12.85 ], [ -63.082, -12.653 ], [ -63.327, -12.705 ], [ -63.482, -12.557 ], [ -63.712, -12.458 ], [ -63.875, -12.469 ], [ -63.937, -12.557 ], [ -64.127, -12.494 ], [ -64.152, -12.529 ], [ -64.215, -12.476 ], [ -64.278, -12.511 ], [ -64.493, -12.366 ], [ -64.486, -12.23 ], [ -64.654, -12.186 ], [ -64.683, -12.099 ], [ -64.725, -12.162 ], [ -64.798, -12.035 ], [ -64.993, -11.999 ], [ -65.048, -11.757 ], [ -65.112, -11.741 ], [ -65.106, -11.697 ], [ -65.135, -11.777 ], [ -65.201, -11.745 ], [ -65.161, -11.622 ], [ -65.218, -11.521 ], [ -65.299, -11.5 ], [ -65.338, -11.392 ], [ -65.31, -11.341 ], [ -65.385, -11.269 ], [ -65.349, -11.239 ], [ -65.391, -11.167 ], [ -65.318, -11.105 ], [ -65.336, -11.044 ], [ -65.269, -10.901 ], [ -65.366, -10.798 ], [ -65.349, -10.671 ], [ -65.426, -10.638 ], [ -65.429, -10.473 ], [ -65.28, -10.218 ], [ -65.327, -9.938 ], [ -65.29, -9.851 ], [ -65.377, -9.698 ], [ -65.488, -9.718 ], [ -65.563, -9.834 ], [ -65.669, -9.779 ], [ -65.7, -9.803 ], [ -65.689, -9.749 ], [ -65.748, -9.77 ], [ -65.777, -9.727 ], [ -65.798, -9.786 ], [ -65.81, -9.75 ], [ -65.86, -9.794 ], [ -65.872, -9.757 ], [ -66.018, -9.807 ], [ -66.064, -9.772 ], [ -66.422, -9.895 ], [ -66.616, -9.893 ], [ -66.623, -9.935 ], [ -66.883, -10.081 ], [ -67.029, -10.254 ], [ -67.186, -10.339 ], [ -67.315, -10.316 ], [ -67.327, -10.374 ], [ -67.414, -10.372 ], [ -67.443, -10.45 ], [ -67.594, -10.523 ], [ -67.715, -10.707 ], [ -68.021, -10.661 ], [ -68.119, -10.726 ], [ -68.283, -10.987 ], [ -68.519, -11.048 ], [ -68.587, -11.11 ], [ -68.769, -11.139 ], [ -68.751, -11.007 ], [ -68.787, -10.99 ], [ -68.871, -11.023 ], [ -69.393, -10.929 ], [ -69.728, -10.973 ], [ -69.938, -10.926 ], [ -70.318, -11.066 ], [ -70.428, -11.033 ], [ -70.508, -10.94 ], [ -70.618, -11.007 ], [ -70.622, -9.847 ], [ -70.522, -9.738 ], [ -70.598, -9.574 ], [ -70.561, -9.579 ], [ -70.497, -9.433 ], [ -70.601, -9.453 ], [ -70.982, -9.812 ], [ -71.131, -9.862 ], [ -71.288, -9.996 ], [ -72.165, -10.002 ], [ -72.16, -9.818 ], [ -72.26, -9.755 ], [ -72.289, -9.536 ], [ -72.364, -9.491 ], [ -72.721, -9.417 ], [ -73.196, -9.418 ], [ -72.965, -9.154 ], [ -72.946, -8.99 ], [ -73.059, -8.904 ], [ -73.169, -8.701 ], [ -73.338, -8.609 ], [ -73.338, -8.476 ], [ -73.526, -8.369 ], [ -73.632, -8.022 ], [ -73.765, -7.94 ], [ -73.777, -7.869 ], [ -73.697, -7.865 ], [ -73.69, -7.79 ], [ -73.985, -7.543 ], [ -73.917, -7.461 ], [ -73.954, -7.348 ], [ -73.868, -7.377 ], [ -73.691, -7.313 ], [ -73.797, -7.115 ], [ -73.743, -6.897 ], [ -73.351, -6.561 ], [ -73.211, -6.53 ], [ -73.133, -6.421 ], [ -73.185, -6.04 ], [ -73.131, -5.986 ], [ -73.116, -5.865 ], [ -72.951, -5.643 ], [ -72.948, -5.454 ], [ -72.872, -5.25 ], [ -72.896, -5.136 ], [ -72.734, -5.043 ], [ -72.602, -5.056 ], [ -72.577, -4.992 ], [ -72.455, -4.962 ], [ -72.452, -4.906 ], [ -72.37, -4.88 ], [ -72.356, -4.803 ], [ -72.292, -4.799 ], [ -72.313, -4.769 ], [ -72.223, -4.78 ], [ -72.113, -4.722 ], [ -72.047, -4.625 ], [ -71.94, -4.607 ], [ -71.897, -4.512 ], [ -71.61, -4.465 ], [ -71.597, -4.525 ], [ -71.535, -4.46 ], [ -71.49, -4.479 ], [ -71.506, -4.435 ], [ -71.414, -4.432 ], [ -71.432, -4.469 ], [ -71.342, -4.423 ], [ -71.355, -4.468 ], [ -71.303, -4.458 ], [ -71.269, -4.381 ], [ -71.198, -4.377 ], [ -71.193, -4.42 ], [ -71.147, -4.375 ], [ -71.031, -4.397 ], [ -70.99, -4.34 ], [ -70.935, -4.381 ], [ -70.757, -4.152 ], [ -70.677, -4.2 ], [ -70.622, -4.121 ], [ -70.633, -4.173 ], [ -70.565, -4.168 ], [ -70.566, -4.205 ], [ -70.553, -4.128 ], [ -70.503, -4.19 ], [ -70.434, -4.125 ], [ -70.341, -4.174 ], [ -70.317, -4.136 ], [ -70.291, -4.283 ], [ -70.249, -4.267 ], [ -70.186, -4.357 ], [ -70.169, -4.27 ], [ -70.101, -4.255 ], [ -70.031, -4.339 ], [ -69.929, -4.213 ], [ -69.453, -1.478 ], [ -69.368, -1.334 ], [ -69.422, -0.998 ], [ -69.508, -0.936 ], [ -69.609, -0.755 ], [ -69.551, -0.648 ], [ -69.593, -0.517 ], [ -69.908, -0.316 ], [ -70.068, -0.135 ], [ -70.037, 0.553 ], [ -69.798, 0.585 ], [ -69.664, 0.672 ], [ -69.606, 0.623 ], [ -69.468, 0.734 ], [ -69.357, 0.621 ], [ -69.295, 0.648 ], [ -69.288, 0.609 ], [ -69.202, 0.602 ], [ -69.112, 0.643 ], [ -69.184, 0.73 ], [ -69.137, 0.868 ], [ -69.257, 1.026 ], [ -69.342, 1.064 ], [ -69.416, 1.024 ], [ -69.7, 1.056 ], [ -69.721, 1.097 ], [ -69.854, 1.07 ], [ -69.855, 1.715 ], [ -69.556, 1.775 ], [ -69.395, 1.726 ], [ -68.128, 1.73 ], [ -68.29, 1.841 ], [ -68.205, 2.038 ], [ -68.027, 1.784 ], [ -67.924, 1.751 ], [ -67.797, 1.812 ], [ -67.578, 2.076 ], [ -67.41, 2.141 ], [ -67.117, 1.732 ], [ -67.068, 1.532 ], [ -67.097, 1.17 ], [ -66.855, 1.228 ], [ -66.322, 0.738 ], [ -66.095, 0.754 ], [ -65.952, 0.81 ], [ -65.854, 0.939 ], [ -65.733, 1.005 ], [ -65.583, 1.008 ], [ -65.47, 0.877 ], [ -65.557, 0.705 ], [ -65.504, 0.627 ], [ -65.393, 0.699 ], [ -65.305, 0.916 ], [ -65.152, 0.943 ], [ -65.121, 1.115 ], [ -65.055, 1.144 ], [ -64.968, 1.112 ], [ -64.903, 1.249 ], [ -64.843, 1.237 ], [ -64.783, 1.313 ], [ -64.721, 1.25 ], [ -64.638, 1.286 ], [ -64.387, 1.527 ], [ -64.344, 1.528 ], [ -64.382, 1.419 ], [ -64.344, 1.38 ], [ -64.186, 1.494 ], [ -64.054, 1.708 ], [ -64.057, 1.933 ], [ -64.018, 1.967 ], [ -63.781, 1.989 ], [ -63.604, 2.124 ], [ -63.419, 2.154 ], [ -63.349, 2.281 ], [ -63.382, 2.442 ], [ -63.756, 2.403 ], [ -64.031, 2.509 ], [ -63.987, 2.772 ], [ -64.216, 3.153 ], [ -64.236, 3.476 ], [ -64.186, 3.634 ], [ -64.324, 3.797 ], [ -64.543, 3.882 ], [ -64.8, 4.224 ], [ -64.79, 4.329 ], [ -64.677, 4.297 ], [ -64.555, 4.153 ], [ -64.135, 4.176 ], [ -63.967, 3.93 ], [ -63.806, 4.019 ], [ -63.623, 4.01 ], [ -63.455, 3.91 ], [ -63.411, 4.026 ], [ -63.358, 4.04 ], [ -63.203, 3.952 ], [ -63.189, 3.872 ], [ -62.86, 3.584 ], [ -62.749, 3.642 ], [ -62.705, 3.724 ], [ -62.752, 4.012 ], [ -62.635, 4.056 ], [ -62.557, 4.02 ], [ -62.46, 4.173 ], [ -62.129, 4.084 ], [ -61.961, 4.18 ], [ -61.927, 4.106 ], [ -61.723, 4.262 ], [ -61.528, 4.273 ], [ -61.507, 4.398 ], [ -61.274, 4.471 ], [ -61.293, 4.55 ], [ -61.141, 4.508 ], [ -60.952, 4.549 ], [ -60.907, 4.708 ], [ -60.731, 4.777 ], [ -60.59, 4.951 ], [ -60.744, 5.209 ], [ -60.438, 5.177 ], [ -60.203, 5.265 ], [ -60.176, 5.227 ], [ -60.121, 5.243 ], [ -60.085, 5.149 ], [ -59.969, 5.073 ], [ -60.03, 4.704 ], [ -60.163, 4.521 ], [ -59.927, 4.509 ], [ -59.674, 4.382 ], [ -59.726, 4.191 ], [ -59.628, 4.138 ], [ -59.655, 4.078 ], [ -59.516, 3.94 ], [ -59.581, 3.901 ], [ -59.594, 3.796 ], [ -59.666, 3.777 ], [ -59.664, 3.703 ], [ -59.849, 3.601 ], [ -59.799, 3.355 ], [ -59.909, 3.197 ], [ -59.982, 2.929 ], [ -59.99, 2.683 ], [ -59.903, 2.479 ], [ -59.91, 2.388 ], [ -59.724, 2.277 ], [ -59.754, 1.861 ], [ -59.654, 1.849 ], [ -59.669, 1.764 ], [ -59.549, 1.729 ], [ -59.253, 1.397 ], [ -58.914, 1.299 ], [ -58.904, 1.234 ], [ -58.804, 1.175 ], [ -58.696, 1.288 ], [ -58.507, 1.264 ], [ -58.468, 1.318 ], [ -58.498, 1.458 ], [ -58.382, 1.471 ], [ -58.325, 1.59 ], [ -58.167, 1.558 ], [ -58.13, 1.501 ], [ -58.009, 1.501 ], [ -58, 1.665 ], [ -57.919, 1.645 ], [ -57.77, 1.718 ], [ -57.545, 1.701 ], [ -57.434, 1.895 ], [ -57.302, 1.99 ], [ -57.247, 1.944 ], [ -57.085, 2.021 ], [ -57.012, 1.918 ], [ -56.8, 1.864 ], [ -56.724, 1.92 ], [ -56.454, 1.945 ], [ -55.957, 1.844 ], [ -55.906, 1.889 ], [ -55.913, 2.041 ], [ -56.048, 2.226 ], [ -56.134, 2.263 ], [ -56.09, 2.352 ], [ -55.995, 2.405 ], [ -55.987, 2.517 ], [ -55.948, 2.532 ], [ -55.739, 2.401 ], [ -55.481, 2.443 ], [ -55.37, 2.407 ], [ -55.336, 2.516 ], [ -55.239, 2.495 ], [ -55.137, 2.575 ], [ -55.103, 2.522 ], [ -54.94, 2.632 ], [ -54.969, 2.555 ], [ -54.864, 2.439 ], [ -54.72, 2.469 ], [ -54.702, 2.336 ], [ -54.549, 2.336 ], [ -54.534, 2.268 ], [ -54.314, 2.158 ], [ -54.189, 2.179 ], [ -54.111, 2.127 ], [ -54.078, 2.197 ], [ -53.784, 2.364 ], [ -53.694, 2.287 ], [ -53.472, 2.332 ], [ -53.397, 2.272 ], [ -53.273, 2.292 ], [ -53.188, 2.223 ], [ -52.905, 2.19 ], [ -52.853, 2.285 ], [ -52.673, 2.374 ], [ -52.555, 2.523 ], [ -52.556, 2.646 ], [ -52.382, 2.912 ], [ -52.347, 3.134 ], [ -52.192, 3.296 ], [ -51.92, 3.781 ], [ -51.795, 3.89 ], [ -51.754, 3.996 ], [ -51.658, 4.049 ], [ -51.585, 4.241 ], [ -51.529, 4.171 ], [ -51.545, 4.397 ], [ -51.202, 4.084 ], [ -51.173, 3.767 ], [ -51.127, 3.911 ], [ -51.085, 3.895 ], [ -51.051, 3.283 ], [ -50.913, 2.875 ], [ -50.927, 2.807 ], [ -50.816, 2.644 ], [ -50.851, 2.482 ], [ -50.802, 2.508 ], [ -50.736, 2.414 ], [ -50.765, 2.359 ], [ -50.694, 2.276 ], [ -50.725, 2.252 ], [ -50.675, 2.247 ], [ -50.682, 2.137 ], [ -50.584, 2.091 ], [ -50.586, 2.014 ], [ -50.471, 1.82 ], [ -50.194, 1.794 ], [ -49.954, 1.676 ], [ -49.88, 1.419 ], [ -49.918, 1.289 ], [ -50.073, 1.204 ], [ -49.918, 1.232 ], [ -49.939, 1.103 ], [ -50.003, 1.066 ], [ -50.033, 1.107 ], [ -50.131, 0.949 ], [ -50.274, 0.866 ], [ -50.338, 0.729 ], [ -50.417, 0.685 ], [ -50.455, 0.732 ], [ -50.428, 0.679 ], [ -50.571, 0.424 ], [ -50.691, 0.3 ], [ -50.677, 0.365 ], [ -50.746, 0.227 ], [ -50.801, 0.224 ], [ -50.785, 0.183 ], [ -50.908, 0.171 ], [ -51.087, -0.043 ], [ -51.203, -0.055 ], [ -51.419, -0.412 ], [ -51.409, -0.44 ], [ -51.325, -0.364 ], [ -51.188, -0.14 ], [ -51.111, -0.154 ], [ -51.154, -0.284 ], [ -51.396, -0.493 ], [ -51.243, -0.443 ], [ -51.26, -0.5 ], [ -51.165, -0.431 ], [ -50.953, -0.061 ], [ -50.824, -0.048 ], [ -50.705, 0.002 ], [ -50.613, -0.088 ], [ -50.744, -0.244 ], [ -50.751, -0.429 ], [ -50.845, -0.526 ], [ -50.988, -0.583 ], [ -51.051, -0.682 ], [ -50.826, -0.555 ], [ -50.794, -0.666 ], [ -50.733, -0.557 ], [ -50.684, -0.604 ], [ -50.724, -0.493 ], [ -50.652, -0.276 ], [ -50.409, -0.094 ], [ -49.631, -0.247 ], [ -49.446, -0.23 ], [ -49.289, -0.145 ], [ -49.018, -0.16 ], [ -49, -0.139 ], [ -48.895, -0.224 ], [ -48.539, -0.234 ], [ -48.363, -0.303 ], [ -48.459, -0.513 ], [ -48.522, -0.877 ], [ -48.667, -1.002 ], [ -48.621, -1.005 ], [ -48.65, -1.048 ], [ -48.617, -1.053 ], [ -48.721, -1.137 ], [ -48.837, -1.452 ], [ -49.161, -1.575 ], [ -49.182, -1.623 ], [ -49.362, -1.604 ], [ -49.364, -1.642 ], [ -49.448, -1.637 ], [ -49.5, -1.738 ], [ -49.61, -1.718 ], [ -49.676, -1.78 ], [ -49.696, -1.757 ], [ -49.714, -1.76 ], [ -49.803, -1.822 ], [ -50.035, -1.717 ], [ -50.179, -1.787 ], [ -50.256, -1.776 ], [ -50.415, -1.841 ], [ -50.401, -1.935 ], [ -49.994, -1.819 ], [ -49.844, -1.905 ], [ -49.765, -1.898 ], [ -49.616, -1.79 ], [ -49.276, -1.706 ], [ -49.267, -1.778 ], [ -49.387, -1.977 ], [ -49.383, -2.159 ], [ -48.973, -1.594 ], [ -48.897, -1.573 ], [ -48.955, -1.712 ], [ -48.932, -1.75 ], [ -48.898, -1.743 ], [ -48.656, -1.371 ], [ -48.592, -1.429 ], [ -48.601, -1.306 ], [ -48.524, -1.338 ], [ -48.537, -1.467 ], [ -48.496, -1.553 ], [ -48.491, -1.502 ], [ -48.46, -1.533 ], [ -48.374, -1.511 ], [ -48.319, -1.478 ], [ -48.505, -1.471 ], [ -48.422, -1.168 ], [ -48.475, -1.144 ], [ -48.4, -1.066 ], [ -48.278, -1.111 ], [ -48.304, -0.948 ], [ -48.055, -0.668 ], [ -48.001, -0.731 ], [ -47.893, -0.553 ], [ -47.843, -0.616 ], [ -47.807, -0.547 ], [ -47.702, -0.54 ], [ -47.707, -0.59 ], [ -47.667, -0.569 ], [ -47.633, -0.608 ], [ -47.651, -0.694 ], [ -47.608, -0.684 ], [ -47.577, -0.573 ], [ -47.476, -0.757 ], [ -47.398, -0.76 ], [ -47.428, -0.693 ], [ -47.464, -0.687 ], [ -47.466, -0.594 ], [ -47.399, -0.594 ], [ -47.4, -0.645 ], [ -47.298, -0.589 ], [ -47.253, -0.668 ], [ -47.247, -0.623 ], [ -47.206, -0.633 ], [ -47.23, -0.719 ], [ -47.158, -0.678 ], [ -47.191, -0.754 ], [ -47.146, -0.764 ], [ -47.16, -0.815 ], [ -47.081, -0.661 ], [ -47.055, -0.868 ], [ -47.027, -0.784 ], [ -46.983, -0.806 ], [ -47.016, -0.752 ], [ -46.967, -0.694 ], [ -46.969, -0.78 ], [ -46.891, -0.869 ], [ -46.89, -0.789 ], [ -46.846, -0.799 ], [ -46.82, -0.71 ], [ -46.802, -0.877 ], [ -46.777, -0.905 ], [ -46.75, -0.826 ], [ -46.709, -0.86 ], [ -46.734, -0.944 ], [ -46.687, -0.831 ], [ -46.653, -0.882 ], [ -46.621, -0.818 ], [ -46.601, -0.917 ], [ -46.676, -0.965 ], [ -46.622, -0.987 ], [ -46.57, -0.947 ], [ -46.609, -1.03 ], [ -46.57, -0.988 ], [ -46.525, -1.027 ], [ -46.465, -1.007 ], [ -46.47, -1.044 ], [ -46.395, -1.037 ], [ -46.413, -1.084 ], [ -46.348, -0.982 ], [ -46.36, -1.011 ], [ -46.366, -1.031 ], [ -46.348, -1.079 ], [ -46.339, -1.015 ], [ -46.299, -1.05 ], [ -46.212, -0.946 ], [ -46.242, -0.921 ], [ -46.179, -0.914 ], [ -46.224, -1.053 ], [ -46.206, -1.1 ], [ -46.158, -1.014 ], [ -46.138, -1.032 ], [ -46.193, -1.143 ], [ -46.104, -1.067 ], [ -46.062, -1.133 ], [ -46.15, -1.258 ], [ -45.982, -1.071 ], [ -45.953, -1.147 ], [ -46, -1.151 ], [ -46, -1.199 ], [ -45.95, -1.159 ], [ -45.95, -1.207 ], [ -46, -1.209 ], [ -45.95, -1.25 ], [ -45.902, -1.134 ], [ -45.923, -1.214 ], [ -45.882, -1.167 ], [ -45.873, -1.211 ], [ -45.909, -1.261 ], [ -45.859, -1.231 ], [ -45.891, -1.293 ], [ -45.807, -1.176 ], [ -45.843, -1.301 ], [ -45.809, -1.328 ], [ -45.831, -1.298 ], [ -45.782, -1.278 ], [ -45.726, -1.135 ], [ -45.69, -1.452 ], [ -45.697, -1.38 ], [ -45.632, -1.371 ], [ -45.618, -1.279 ], [ -45.589, -1.329 ], [ -45.537, -1.273 ], [ -45.561, -1.343 ], [ -45.51, -1.352 ], [ -45.567, -1.404 ], [ -45.546, -1.432 ], [ -45.413, -1.296 ], [ -45.489, -1.473 ], [ -45.511, -1.458 ], [ -45.554, -1.503 ], [ -45.507, -1.471 ], [ -45.518, -1.516 ], [ -45.481, -1.495 ], [ -45.463, -1.548 ], [ -45.457, -1.457 ], [ -45.391, -1.434 ], [ -45.363, -1.325 ], [ -45.323, -1.319 ], [ -45.302, -1.424 ], [ -45.392, -1.485 ], [ -45.398, -1.503 ], [ -45.356, -1.487 ], [ -45.392, -1.553 ], [ -45.338, -1.572 ], [ -45.371, -1.722 ], [ -45.338, -1.753 ], [ -45.197, -1.688 ], [ -45.261, -1.607 ], [ -45.16, -1.475 ], [ -45.136, -1.521 ], [ -45.072, -1.435 ], [ -45.07, -1.485 ], [ -44.999, -1.504 ], [ -45.018, -1.547 ], [ -44.969, -1.549 ], [ -45.029, -1.583 ], [ -45.029, -1.602 ], [ -44.979, -1.607 ], [ -44.954, -1.498 ], [ -44.862, -1.426 ], [ -44.857, -1.498 ], [ -44.954, -1.605 ], [ -44.918, -1.649 ], [ -44.968, -1.662 ], [ -44.913, -1.657 ], [ -44.927, -1.62 ], [ -44.886, -1.609 ], [ -44.837, -1.65 ], [ -44.822, -1.591 ], [ -44.826, -1.637 ], [ -44.805, -1.609 ], [ -44.812, -1.665 ], [ -44.779, -1.735 ], [ -44.711, -1.728 ], [ -44.82, -1.819 ], [ -44.738, -1.791 ], [ -44.706, -1.819 ], [ -44.676, -1.808 ], [ -44.661, -1.727 ], [ -44.604, -1.749 ], [ -44.667, -1.849 ], [ -44.601, -1.858 ], [ -44.583, -1.817 ], [ -44.586, -1.873 ], [ -44.543, -1.833 ], [ -44.601, -1.909 ], [ -44.517, -1.907 ], [ -44.484, -2.002 ], [ -44.613, -2.037 ], [ -44.467, -2.017 ], [ -44.626, -2.151 ], [ -44.589, -2.159 ], [ -44.641, -2.232 ], [ -44.708, -2.23 ], [ -44.684, -2.275 ], [ -44.764, -2.265 ], [ -44.654, -2.294 ], [ -44.681, -2.354 ], [ -44.649, -2.373 ], [ -44.666, -2.329 ], [ -44.479, -2.137 ], [ -44.358, -2.335 ], [ -44.401, -2.416 ], [ -44.514, -2.384 ], [ -44.55, -2.4 ], [ -44.491, -2.415 ], [ -44.514, -2.448 ], [ -44.505, -2.476 ], [ -44.665, -2.608 ], [ -44.548, -2.542 ], [ -44.658, -2.781 ], [ -44.688, -2.924 ], [ -44.677, -3.019 ], [ -44.66, -3.02 ], [ -44.657, -3.018 ] ], [ [ -43.318, -2.361 ], [ -43.317, -2.363 ], [ -43.296, -2.363 ], [ -43.318, -2.361 ] ], [ [ -42.438, -2.747 ], [ -42.442, -2.749 ], [ -42.438, -2.75 ], [ -42.438, -2.747 ] ], [ [ -42.442, -2.749 ], [ -42.47, -2.744 ], [ -42.447, -2.753 ], [ -42.442, -2.749 ] ], [ [ -50.851, 2.482 ], [ -50.853, 2.481 ], [ -50.853, 2.48 ], [ -50.851, 2.482 ] ], [ [ -50.853, 2.481 ], [ -50.86, 2.495 ], [ -50.86, 2.477 ], [ -50.853, 2.481 ] ], [ [ -49.976, 1.659 ], [ -49.98, 1.659 ], [ -50, 1.639 ], [ -49.976, 1.659 ] ], [ [ -45.392, -1.553 ], [ -45.393, -1.553 ], [ -45.394, -1.556 ], [ -45.392, -1.553 ] ], [ [ -45.394, -1.556 ], [ -45.406, -1.579 ], [ -45.403, -1.591 ], [ -45.394, -1.556 ] ], [ [ -44.837, -1.65 ], [ -44.834, -1.655 ], [ -44.833, -1.654 ], [ -44.837, -1.65 ] ], [ [ -44.834, -1.655 ], [ -44.841, -1.675 ], [ -44.822, -1.672 ], [ -44.834, -1.655 ] ], [ [ -44.779, -1.735 ], [ -44.777, -1.741 ], [ -44.776, -1.74 ], [ -44.779, -1.735 ] ], [ [ -44.777, -1.741 ], [ -44.833, -1.77 ], [ -44.774, -1.75 ], [ -44.777, -1.741 ] ], [ [ -44.547, -2.22 ], [ -44.536, -2.225 ], [ -44.543, -2.219 ], [ -44.547, -2.22 ] ], [ [ -44.536, -2.225 ], [ -44.507, -2.249 ], [ -44.512, -2.235 ], [ -44.536, -2.225 ] ], [ [ -44.507, -2.249 ], [ -44.504, -2.256 ], [ -44.501, -2.254 ], [ -44.507, -2.249 ] ], [ [ -44.504, -2.256 ], [ -44.514, -2.268 ], [ -44.502, -2.26 ], [ -44.504, -2.256 ] ] ], [ [ [ -29.34, -20.484 ], [ -29.301, -20.521 ], [ -29.341, -20.511 ], [ -29.34, -20.484 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.001, -13.94 ], [ -39.012, -13.915 ], [ -38.994, -13.896 ], [ -39.001, -13.94 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.043, -13.909 ], [ -39.059, -13.904 ], [ -39.054, -13.886 ], [ -39.028, -13.903 ], [ -39.043, -13.909 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.251, -18.015 ], [ -39.283, -18.005 ], [ -39.272, -17.982 ], [ -39.245, -18.006 ], [ -39.251, -18.015 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.131, -17.927 ], [ -39.154, -17.921 ], [ -39.137, -17.91 ], [ -39.131, -17.927 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.212, -17.986 ], [ -39.228, -17.979 ], [ -39.215, -17.944 ], [ -39.202, -17.95 ], [ -39.212, -17.986 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.341, -23.231 ], [ -44.372, -23.174 ], [ -44.232, -23.089 ], [ -44.087, -23.173 ], [ -44.3, -23.184 ], [ -44.341, -23.231 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.356, -23.073 ], [ -44.388, -23.048 ], [ -44.373, -23.033 ], [ -44.343, -23.041 ], [ -44.356, -23.073 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.929, -23.014 ], [ -43.936, -22.999 ], [ -43.916, -22.989 ], [ -43.929, -23.014 ] ] ], [ [ [ -42.002, -23.018 ], [ -42.015, -23.003 ], [ -41.98, -22.975 ], [ -41.975, -22.992 ], [ -42.002, -23.018 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.904, -22.962 ], [ -43.907, -22.936 ], [ -43.868, -22.926 ], [ -43.871, -22.95 ], [ -43.904, -22.962 ] ] ], [ [ [ -41.042, -21.613 ], [ -41.042, -21.6 ], [ -41.019, -21.606 ], [ -41.042, -21.613 ] ] ], [ [ [ -52.112, -32 ], [ -52.18, -32.035 ], [ -52.216, -32.025 ], [ -52.198, -31.978 ], [ -52.112, -32 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.641, -30.388 ], [ -50.629, -30.394 ], [ -50.624, -30.329 ], [ -50.592, -30.399 ], [ -50.609, -30.406 ], [ -50.641, -30.388 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.526, -27.462 ], [ -48.416, -27.38 ], [ -48.358, -27.446 ], [ -48.503, -27.799 ], [ -48.559, -27.842 ], [ -48.526, -27.462 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.354, -27.296 ], [ -48.376, -27.285 ], [ -48.373, -27.271 ], [ -48.36, -27.27 ], [ -48.354, -27.296 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.731, -26.314 ], [ -48.754, -26.297 ], [ -48.735, -26.282 ], [ -48.731, -26.314 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.318, -25.584 ], [ -48.309, -25.546 ], [ -48.381, -25.504 ], [ -48.312, -25.509 ], [ -48.292, -25.545 ], [ -48.318, -25.584 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.414, -25.544 ], [ -48.459, -25.514 ], [ -48.415, -25.527 ], [ -48.414, -25.544 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.424, -25.551 ], [ -48.479, -25.523 ], [ -48.485, -25.502 ], [ -48.424, -25.551 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.298, -25.493 ], [ -48.341, -25.416 ], [ -48.252, -25.341 ], [ -48.265, -25.44 ], [ -48.253, -25.466 ], [ -48.298, -25.493 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.417, -25.386 ], [ -48.424, -25.343 ], [ -48.405, -25.33 ], [ -48.417, -25.386 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.695, -24.112 ], [ -45.688, -24.088 ], [ -45.679, -24.098 ], [ -45.695, -24.112 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.251, -23.962 ], [ -45.301, -23.909 ], [ -45.453, -23.91 ], [ -45.332, -23.721 ], [ -45.227, -23.774 ], [ -45.224, -23.835 ], [ -45.283, -23.857 ], [ -45.221, -23.899 ], [ -45.251, -23.962 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.141, -23.817 ], [ -45.146, -23.791 ], [ -45.114, -23.801 ], [ -45.141, -23.817 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.153, -23.573 ], [ -45.153, -23.558 ], [ -45.141, -23.568 ], [ -45.153, -23.573 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.073, -23.564 ], [ -45.079, -23.525 ], [ -45.036, -23.531 ], [ -45.073, -23.564 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.608, -23.228 ], [ -44.59, -23.208 ], [ -44.577, -23.216 ], [ -44.608, -23.228 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.648, -12.821 ], [ -38.666, -12.777 ], [ -38.624, -12.762 ], [ -38.648, -12.821 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.529, -12.811 ], [ -38.544, -12.757 ], [ -38.532, -12.74 ], [ -38.508, -12.792 ], [ -38.529, -12.811 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.622, -12.752 ], [ -38.622, -12.727 ], [ -38.593, -12.733 ], [ -38.622, -12.752 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.646, -12.683 ], [ -38.648, -12.65 ], [ -38.636, -12.661 ], [ -38.646, -12.683 ] ] ], [ [ [ -32.402, -3.838 ], [ -32.428, -3.877 ], [ -32.483, -3.878 ], [ -32.402, -3.838 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.667, -3.179 ], [ -44.668, -3.16 ], [ -44.643, -3.148 ], [ -44.644, -3.17 ], [ -44.667, -3.179 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.671, -2.943 ], [ -44.67, -2.92 ], [ -44.647, -2.915 ], [ -44.671, -2.943 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.493, -2.641 ], [ -44.48, -2.601 ], [ -44.477, -2.627 ], [ -44.493, -2.641 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.897, -2.573 ], [ -43.896, -2.554 ], [ -43.886, -2.565 ], [ -43.897, -2.573 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.599, -2.503 ], [ -43.577, -2.471 ], [ -43.572, -2.483 ], [ -43.599, -2.503 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.822, -2.526 ], [ -43.829, -2.509 ], [ -43.813, -2.458 ], [ -43.812, -2.553 ], [ -43.82, -2.528 ], [ -43.822, -2.526 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.821, -2.529 ], [ -43.856, -2.502 ], [ -43.832, -2.439 ], [ -43.842, -2.504 ], [ -43.821, -2.529 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.863, -2.56 ], [ -43.875, -2.552 ], [ -43.865, -2.534 ], [ -43.863, -2.56 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.519, -2.536 ], [ -44.529, -2.526 ], [ -44.501, -2.48 ], [ -44.505, -2.444 ], [ -44.455, -2.434 ], [ -44.519, -2.536 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.602, -3.007 ], [ -44.657, -2.972 ], [ -44.613, -2.894 ], [ -44.575, -2.921 ], [ -44.602, -3.007 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.585, -2.978 ], [ -44.563, -2.914 ], [ -44.586, -2.826 ], [ -44.494, -2.705 ], [ -44.494, -2.953 ], [ -44.582, -3.041 ], [ -44.585, -2.978 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.826, -2.434 ], [ -43.842, -2.403 ], [ -43.811, -2.385 ], [ -43.807, -2.412 ], [ -43.826, -2.434 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.581, -2.441 ], [ -43.615, -2.389 ], [ -43.549, -2.377 ], [ -43.545, -2.403 ], [ -43.581, -2.441 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.791, -2.47 ], [ -43.806, -2.443 ], [ -43.78, -2.422 ], [ -43.759, -2.448 ], [ -43.791, -2.47 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.513, -2.424 ], [ -43.537, -2.416 ], [ -43.522, -2.39 ], [ -43.505, -2.414 ], [ -43.513, -2.424 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.792, -2.405 ], [ -43.798, -2.377 ], [ -43.771, -2.37 ], [ -43.792, -2.405 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.689, -2.355 ], [ -43.743, -2.352 ], [ -43.724, -2.305 ], [ -43.617, -2.253 ], [ -43.612, -2.275 ], [ -43.669, -2.301 ], [ -43.689, -2.355 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.73, -2.425 ], [ -43.732, -2.364 ], [ -43.67, -2.377 ], [ -43.681, -2.34 ], [ -43.63, -2.324 ], [ -43.643, -2.394 ], [ -43.73, -2.425 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.473, -2.125 ], [ -44.487, -2.113 ], [ -44.475, -2.096 ], [ -44.463, -2.104 ], [ -44.473, -2.125 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.456, -2.031 ], [ -44.447, -2.008 ], [ -44.439, -2.022 ], [ -44.456, -2.031 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.311, -1.964 ], [ -49.336, -1.996 ], [ -49.309, -1.943 ], [ -49.311, -1.964 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.323, -2.054 ], [ -49.329, -2.019 ], [ -49.316, -2.001 ], [ -49.323, -2.054 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.231, -1.829 ], [ -50.246, -1.824 ], [ -50.229, -1.816 ], [ -50.231, -1.829 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.615, -1.821 ], [ -44.622, -1.797 ], [ -44.597, -1.774 ], [ -44.583, -1.789 ], [ -44.615, -1.821 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.7, -1.811 ], [ -44.703, -1.78 ], [ -44.673, -1.78 ], [ -44.7, -1.811 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.691, -1.793 ], [ -49.721, -1.789 ], [ -49.719, -1.771 ], [ -49.697, -1.766 ], [ -49.691, -1.793 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.924, -1.711 ], [ -48.909, -1.713 ], [ -48.916, -1.734 ], [ -48.935, -1.713 ], [ -48.924, -1.711 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.757, -1.707 ], [ -44.767, -1.694 ], [ -44.736, -1.701 ], [ -44.757, -1.707 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.433, -1.684 ], [ -49.454, -1.706 ], [ -49.46, -1.684 ], [ -49.433, -1.684 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.357, -1.008 ], [ -46.342, -0.994 ], [ -46.353, -1.026 ], [ -46.357, -1.008 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.205, -1.021 ], [ -46.194, -1.014 ], [ -46.202, -1.032 ], [ -46.205, -1.021 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.662, -3.018 ], [ -44.673, -3.012 ], [ -44.664, -3.001 ], [ -44.649, -3.013 ], [ -44.662, -3.018 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.736, -1.683 ], [ -44.745, -1.677 ], [ -44.732, -1.668 ], [ -44.736, -1.683 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.231, -1.638 ], [ -49.237, -1.627 ], [ -49.217, -1.633 ], [ -49.231, -1.638 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.38, -1.685 ], [ -49.4, -1.682 ], [ -49.368, -1.669 ], [ -49.38, -1.685 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.426, -1.673 ], [ -49.429, -1.661 ], [ -49.406, -1.66 ], [ -49.426, -1.673 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.34, -1.672 ], [ -49.358, -1.662 ], [ -49.325, -1.647 ], [ -49.34, -1.672 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.289, -1.726 ], [ -45.305, -1.663 ], [ -45.257, -1.641 ], [ -45.244, -1.678 ], [ -45.28, -1.694 ], [ -45.289, -1.726 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.328, -1.743 ], [ -45.346, -1.719 ], [ -45.301, -1.596 ], [ -45.274, -1.635 ], [ -45.313, -1.654 ], [ -45.328, -1.743 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.886, -1.578 ], [ -48.89, -1.56 ], [ -48.859, -1.536 ], [ -48.856, -1.553 ], [ -48.886, -1.578 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.783, -1.682 ], [ -44.8, -1.595 ], [ -44.775, -1.62 ], [ -44.721, -1.567 ], [ -44.704, -1.611 ], [ -44.684, -1.575 ], [ -44.668, -1.669 ], [ -44.693, -1.638 ], [ -44.783, -1.682 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.816, -1.569 ], [ -44.837, -1.534 ], [ -44.787, -1.488 ], [ -44.825, -1.534 ], [ -44.816, -1.569 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.462, -1.517 ], [ -48.478, -1.499 ], [ -48.421, -1.503 ], [ -48.462, -1.517 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.793, -1.531 ], [ -44.774, -1.47 ], [ -44.763, -1.513 ], [ -44.793, -1.531 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.414, -1.427 ], [ -45.423, -1.416 ], [ -45.409, -1.405 ], [ -45.414, -1.427 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45, -1.296 ], [ -44.922, -1.265 ], [ -44.877, -1.309 ], [ -44.895, -1.34 ], [ -44.922, -1.305 ], [ -44.907, -1.341 ], [ -44.999, -1.405 ], [ -45.033, -1.339 ], [ -45, -1.32 ], [ -44.995, -1.36 ], [ -45, -1.296 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.044, -1.402 ], [ -45.07, -1.33 ], [ -45.052, -1.342 ], [ -45.044, -1.402 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.333, -1.569 ], [ -45.371, -1.544 ], [ -45.347, -1.489 ], [ -45.313, -1.506 ], [ -45.333, -1.569 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.969, -1.522 ], [ -44.976, -1.493 ], [ -44.959, -1.483 ], [ -44.969, -1.522 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.393, -1.512 ], [ -48.371, -1.476 ], [ -48.341, -1.483 ], [ -48.393, -1.512 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.413, -1.498 ], [ -48.426, -1.491 ], [ -48.387, -1.476 ], [ -48.413, -1.498 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.118, -1.47 ], [ -45.132, -1.462 ], [ -45.115, -1.364 ], [ -45.103, -1.373 ], [ -45.118, -1.47 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.593, -1.251 ], [ -45.581, -1.19 ], [ -45.536, -1.205 ], [ -45.532, -1.231 ], [ -45.593, -1.251 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.559, -1.243 ], [ -48.56, -1.202 ], [ -48.523, -1.199 ], [ -48.559, -1.243 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.817, -1.163 ], [ -45.829, -1.141 ], [ -45.804, -1.127 ], [ -45.817, -1.163 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.877, -1.154 ], [ -45.9, -1.117 ], [ -45.883, -1.073 ], [ -45.849, -1.123 ], [ -45.877, -1.154 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.192, -1.05 ], [ -46.201, -1.041 ], [ -46.185, -1.027 ], [ -46.192, -1.05 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.291, -1.01 ], [ -46.307, -0.992 ], [ -46.306, -0.961 ], [ -46.291, -1.01 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.078, -1.095 ], [ -46.065, -1.05 ], [ -46.061, -1.074 ], [ -46.078, -1.095 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.68, -1.295 ], [ -45.687, -1.275 ], [ -45.667, -1.26 ], [ -45.654, -1.285 ], [ -45.68, -1.295 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.538, -1.282 ], [ -48.549, -1.262 ], [ -48.53, -1.25 ], [ -48.538, -1.282 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.51, -1.27 ], [ -48.522, -1.247 ], [ -48.506, -1.236 ], [ -48.51, -1.27 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.694, -1.37 ], [ -45.646, -1.289 ], [ -45.625, -1.126 ], [ -45.634, -1.349 ], [ -45.694, -1.37 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.688, -1.266 ], [ -45.708, -1.228 ], [ -45.685, -1.194 ], [ -45.664, -1.231 ], [ -45.688, -1.266 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.425, -0.914 ], [ -46.454, -0.907 ], [ -46.408, -0.868 ], [ -46.395, -0.899 ], [ -46.425, -0.914 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.72, -0.848 ], [ -46.735, -0.832 ], [ -46.729, -0.796 ], [ -46.72, -0.848 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.611, -0.799 ], [ -46.622, -0.784 ], [ -46.601, -0.789 ], [ -46.611, -0.799 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.586, -0.849 ], [ -46.621, -0.807 ], [ -46.589, -0.815 ], [ -46.586, -0.849 ] ] ], [ [ [ -47.447, -0.748 ], [ -47.453, -0.732 ], [ -47.436, -0.717 ], [ -47.428, -0.738 ], [ -47.447, -0.748 ] ] ], [ [ [ -47.461, -0.741 ], [ -47.463, -0.702 ], [ -47.445, -0.697 ], [ -47.461, -0.741 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.214, -0.411 ], [ -51.211, -0.386 ], [ -51.164, -0.347 ], [ -51.163, -0.383 ], [ -51.214, -0.411 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.352, -0.353 ], [ -51.346, -0.31 ], [ -51.317, -0.268 ], [ -51.327, -0.33 ], [ -51.352, -0.353 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.127, -0.268 ], [ -51.131, -0.237 ], [ -51.091, -0.208 ], [ -51.087, -0.229 ], [ -51.127, -0.268 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.888, -0.198 ], [ -48.91, -0.188 ], [ -48.893, -0.134 ], [ -48.847, -0.177 ], [ -48.888, -0.198 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.174, -0.091 ], [ -51.191, -0.064 ], [ -51.126, -0.057 ], [ -51.174, -0.091 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.114, -0.146 ], [ -49.097, -0.121 ], [ -49.08, -0.13 ], [ -49.114, -0.146 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.166, -0.142 ], [ -49.188, -0.115 ], [ -49.156, -0.128 ], [ -49.166, -0.142 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.119, -0.141 ], [ -49.143, -0.107 ], [ -49.114, -0.11 ], [ -49.119, -0.141 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.127, -0.128 ], [ -51.094, -0.103 ], [ -51.108, -0.127 ], [ -51.127, -0.128 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.414, -0.999 ], [ -46.384, -0.941 ], [ -46.367, -0.948 ], [ -46.414, -0.999 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.647, -0.97 ], [ -46.658, -0.968 ], [ -46.618, -0.957 ], [ -46.647, -0.97 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.488, -0.942 ], [ -46.465, -0.877 ], [ -46.464, -0.924 ], [ -46.44, -0.922 ], [ -46.482, -0.976 ], [ -46.441, -0.999 ], [ -46.525, -1.016 ], [ -46.527, -0.917 ], [ -46.509, -0.984 ], [ -46.488, -0.942 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.632, 0.159 ], [ -49.662, 0.184 ], [ -49.629, 0.202 ], [ -49.61, 0.181 ], [ -49.632, 0.159 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.641, 0.26 ], [ -50.63, 0.293 ], [ -50.586, 0.308 ], [ -50.641, 0.26 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.2, 0.255 ], [ -50.243, 0.248 ], [ -50.147, 0.337 ], [ -50.059, 0.346 ], [ -50.2, 0.255 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.417, 0.159 ], [ -50.535, 0.234 ], [ -50.36, 0.615 ], [ -50.328, 0.383 ], [ -50.285, 0.3 ], [ -50.413, 0.237 ], [ -50.417, 0.159 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.279, 0.338 ], [ -50.271, 0.599 ], [ -50.147, 0.608 ], [ -50.142, 0.576 ], [ -50.107, 0.636 ], [ -50.063, 0.623 ], [ -50.05, 0.518 ], [ -50.279, 0.338 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50, 0.943 ], [ -50.113, 0.907 ], [ -50.018, 1.034 ], [ -49.935, 1.069 ], [ -49.939, 0.996 ], [ -50, 0.943 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.881, 1.227 ], [ -49.909, 1.246 ], [ -49.886, 1.244 ], [ -49.881, 1.227 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.907, 1.278 ], [ -49.885, 1.291 ], [ -49.863, 1.278 ], [ -49.876, 1.252 ], [ -49.907, 1.278 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.204, 1.851 ], [ -50.232, 1.879 ], [ -50.22, 1.915 ], [ -50.169, 1.865 ], [ -50.204, 1.851 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.468, 1.954 ], [ -50.521, 2.026 ], [ -50.497, 2.139 ], [ -50.398, 2.167 ], [ -50.367, 2.19 ], [ -50.276, 1.939 ], [ -50.423, 1.849 ], [ -50.468, 1.954 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.504, 2.255 ], [ -50.414, 2.244 ], [ -50.382, 2.204 ], [ -50.489, 2.15 ], [ -50.564, 2.205 ], [ -50.504, 2.255 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.229, 0.832 ], [ -50.098, 0.839 ], [ -50.027, 0.898 ], [ -50.105, 0.757 ], [ -50.162, 0.775 ], [ -50.249, 0.72 ], [ -50.229, 0.832 ] 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Hijas del Adelantado Juan de Sanabria, pasan con su madre a América. Llegan a la laguna de los Patos. María casa con Hernando del Trejo, y es madre de Hernando, Obispo del Tucumán", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-01T19:15:47+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 113635, "end" : 113641 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Mencía" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/37b90c22-b165-4fcd-b3bd-349ceb0117b5", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-01T19:16:42+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Hijo de Juan de Sanabria; es nombrado para reemplazarle.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-01T19:16:42+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 113057, "end" : 113071 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Diego Sanabria" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/e66050ab-1e72-45c8-af4f-878ad50db417", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://pleiades.stoa.org/places/149334673", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-01T19:17:03+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-01T19:17:03+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ -16.09, 28.0983335 ] } } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 113686, "end" : 113694 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Canarias" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/d106396f-02da-490f-b7ec-145dcae2e920", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-01T19:15:47+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Sanabria (María y Mencía). Hijas del Adelantado Juan de Sanabria, pasan con su madre a América. Llegan a la laguna de los Patos. María casa con Hernando del Trejo, y es madre de Hernando, Obispo del Tucumán", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-01T19:15:47+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 116341, "end" : 116347 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Mencía" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/84a10446-81c8-4556-88e6-51367f47876b", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-01T19:14:06+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Vecino de Trujillo; es nombrado Adelantado de estas provincias: muere en Sevilla, mientras se preparaba a pasar a América.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-01T19:14:06+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 113571, "end" : 113587 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Juan de Sanabria" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/a9d8c1a3-40a0-47ab-b5e0-af173eb04f41", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-01T19:20:07+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Capitán: de Guipúzcoa; había militado en Itatin, y en las indias pasa del Perú al Paraguay. Casa con una hija de Irala. Reemplaza a Rodríguez de Vergara en el mando de Ontiveros. La guarnición se resiste a reconocerle; y él vuelve a la Asumpción. Lleva a una nao surta en el puerto de San Gabriel los despachos de Irala para España, y vuelve a la Asumpción. Va a atacar a los indios. Sale de la Asumpción con una compañía de soldados. Acompaña al Gobernador Vergara al Perú, llevando su mujer e hijos.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-01T19:20:07+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 105749, "end" : 105764 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Pedro de Segura" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/5bbfb7b5-1975-4152-9be1-edfe349bcc13", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-01T19:23:37+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Domingo Martínez de Irala (Vergara de la Hermandad de Guipúzcoa, Corona de Castilla, 1509 - Asunción del Paraguay, Virreinato del Perú, 3 de octubre de 1556) fue un conquistador, explorador y colonizador español que como lugarteniente de Juan de Ayolas quien lo nombrara interinamente hasta que regresara como teniente de gobernador de La Candelaria en 1537, luego lo sería de hecho, y posteriormente elegido por el pueblo según real cédula, como teniente de gobernador general de Asunción.Ocupó tres veces el cargo de gobernador interino del Río de la Plata y del Paraguay, en los períodos de 1539 a 1542, de 1544 hasta 1548 y por último desde 1549. El emperador Carlos V lo nombraría definitivamente como titular en el cargo gubernamental en el año 1555, que lo ostentaría hasta su fallecimiento.En 1543 fundó en el Chaco Boreal el Puerto de los Reyes, a orillas del río Paraguay y del pantano de los Jarayes, sobre las costas de la laguna La Gaiba.Avellaneda, Mercedes; Perusset, Macarena, \"Irala, el primer estratega del Plata\", en Historia Paraguaya. Anuario de la Academia Paraguaya de la Historia, vol. XLVI, 2006, pp. 319-363.Lafuente Machain, Ricardo, El gobernador Domingo de Irala, Asunción, Academia Paraguaya de la Historia, 2005 [1939].", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-01T19:23:37+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 102605, "end" : 102630 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Domingo Martínez de Irala" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/4363bf99-f1d9-479e-8fa8-7476b139f994", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-01T19:20:07+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Capitán: de Guipúzcoa; había militado en Itatin, y en las indias pasa del Perú al Paraguay. Casa con una hija de Irala. Reemplaza a Rodríguez de Vergara en el mando de Ontiveros. La guarnición se resiste a reconocerle; y él vuelve a la Asumpción. Lleva a una nao surta en el puerto de San Gabriel los despachos de Irala para España, y vuelve a la Asumpción. Va a atacar a los indios. Sale de la Asumpción con una compañía de soldados. Acompaña al Gobernador Vergara al Perú, llevando su mujer e hijos.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-01T19:20:07+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 74424, "end" : 74439 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Pedro de Segura" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/4dae44e5-5f1c-48ec-9667-39756b611802", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-22T18:54:25+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Pedro de Estopiñán y Virués o simplemente Pedro Estopiñán y también conocido como Pedro de Estopiñán el Conquistador de Melilla (Jerez de la Frontera, ca. 1470 – Monasterio de Guadalupe, 3 de septiembre de 1505) fue un militar castellano vinculado desde su juventud al servicio de la casa ducal de Medina-Sidonia, y debe su fama a ser el comandante en jefe del ejército del duque Juan Pérez de Guzmán, que conquistó la ciudad de Melilla en el año 1497.Al ser encarcelados a finales de 1500 el virrey y gobernador general Cristóbal Colón y el adelantado Bartolomé Colón, quedarían vacantes los títulos citados, por lo cual, a principios de 1504 los Reyes Católicos lo nombraron como adelantado y gobernador general de las Indias pero al demorar su viaje para tomar el mando, falleció antes de pasar al Nuevo Mundo, y como los hermanos Colón fueron indultados por los soberanos, ambos conservarían sus títulos y cargos.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-22T18:54:25+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 43651, "end" : 43669 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Pedro de Estopiñán" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/fcf047e1-f20a-444f-a673-4543a676e4db", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "tribe", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:18:03+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "native people", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:18:03+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:18:03+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Refiere a Los guaraníes o avá, según su autodenominación étnica original\n (que significa \"ser humano\"), son un grupo de pueblos indígenas \nsuramericanos que se ubican geográficamente en Paraguay, noreste de \nArgentina (en ciertas zonas de provincias de la Región del Litoral),​ \nsur y suroeste de Brasil (en los estados de Río Grande del Sur, Santa \nCatarina, Paraná y Mato Grosso del Sur) y sureste de Bolivia (en los \ndepartamentos de Tarija, Santa Cruz y Chuquisaca) y norte de Uruguay.El \nmuy difundido nombre guaraní lo escucharon los españoles que, al invadir\n su territorio, habrían oído, entre los gritos de guerra de este pueblo,\n la frase guará-ny, que significa \"combatir-los\". Por otra parte el \nnombre dada significa en guaraní 'guerrero', \"ava\" que significa \n\"hombre\" y se pronuncia en forma grave entre los chiriguanos (ava \nguaraníes).Otra versión afirma que la denominación fue tomada de la \ndeformación de una palabra guaraní, guariní que significa precisamente \n\"guerra\" o \"guerrear\". Al parecer los mismos indígenas se denominaron de\n esa manera, indicando con ello que se consideraban guerreros.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:18:03+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 102442, "end" : 102450 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Guaranís" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/d83fb32a-991a-4988-87c7-b78bea5a979c", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://sws.geonames.org/3904906", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:10:39+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:10:39+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ -63.18117, -17.78629 ] } } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 74329, "end" : 74352 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Santa Cruz de la Sierra" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/fab1e48d-cb28-4d7c-b401-c6a8adc4880e", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Tribe", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:17:04+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "native people", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:17:04+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:17:04+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Los Chiriguanos, son grupo de lengua Tupí - Guaraní\nque desde el Amazonas ocuparon sectores de Paraguay, Bolivia y Argentina. Fue el punto culminante de su expansión hacia el\nsur, en la búsqueda mesiánica de la \"Tierra sin mal\" o de\nnuevas tierras para cultivo. Eran agricultores sedentarios, a base de mandioca,\nzapallos, batata y maíz. La técnica de cultivo era la típica \"milpa\"\namazónica: talado de árboles, corte de la maleza, incendio y posterior cultivo\nsobre el terreno quemado. Entre los siglos XV y XVI sometieron a los Chané a\nlos que esclavizaron. Algunas crónicas indican que ese dominio se sustentó en\nuna sistemática antropofagia que prácticamente devastó a los Chané.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:17:04+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 65883, "end" : 65894 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Chiriguanos" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/c1d8a249-a93d-44df-8c8b-797c730eccb1", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://sws.geonames.org/2510145", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T14:54:35+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T14:54:35+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ -5.88203, 39.45786 ] } } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 4966, "end" : 4974 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Trujillo" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/d6d1317a-5985-4235-afa2-a17e5de22aeb", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T14:49:28+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 4894, "end" : 4911 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Agustín de Campos" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/be37b84e-f181-4b6b-b3b3-ee81bf956e27", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T16:46:43+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Domingo Martínez de Irala (Vergara de la Hermandad de Guipúzcoa, Corona de Castilla, 1509 - Asunción del Paraguay, Virreinato del Perú, 3 de octubre de 1556) fue un conquistador, explorador y colonizador español que como lugarteniente de Juan de Ayolas quien lo nombrara interinamente hasta que regresara como teniente de gobernador de La Candelaria en 1537, luego lo sería de hecho, y posteriormente elegido por el pueblo según real cédula, como teniente de gobernador general de Asunción.Ocupó tres veces el cargo de gobernador interino del Río de la Plata y del Paraguay, en los períodos de 1539 a 1542, de 1544 hasta 1548 y por último desde 1549. El emperador Carlos V lo nombraría definitivamente como titular en el cargo gubernamental en el año 1555, que lo ostentaría hasta su fallecimiento.En 1543 fundó en el Chaco Boreal el Puerto de los Reyes, a orillas del río Paraguay y del pantano de los Jarayes, sobre las costas de la laguna La Gaiba. Avellaneda, Mercedes; Perusset, Macarena, \"Irala, el primer estratega del Plata\", en Historia Paraguaya. Anuario de la Academia Paraguaya de la Historia, vol. XLVI, 2006, pp. 319-363.Lafuente Machain, Ricardo, El gobernador Domingo de Irala, Asunción, Academia Paraguaya de la Historia, 2005 [1939].", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T16:46:43+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 61312, "end" : 61328 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Domingo de Irala" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/1dc82569-7ccd-4f69-9477-fdb0993a22b7", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T16:46:43+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Domingo Martínez de Irala (Vergara de la Hermandad de Guipúzcoa, Corona de Castilla, 1509 - Asunción del Paraguay, Virreinato del Perú, 3 de octubre de 1556) fue un conquistador, explorador y colonizador español que como lugarteniente de Juan de Ayolas quien lo nombrara interinamente hasta que regresara como teniente de gobernador de La Candelaria en 1537, luego lo sería de hecho, y posteriormente elegido por el pueblo según real cédula, como teniente de gobernador general de Asunción.Ocupó tres veces el cargo de gobernador interino del Río de la Plata y del Paraguay, en los períodos de 1539 a 1542, de 1544 hasta 1548 y por último desde 1549. El emperador Carlos V lo nombraría definitivamente como titular en el cargo gubernamental en el año 1555, que lo ostentaría hasta su fallecimiento.En 1543 fundó en el Chaco Boreal el Puerto de los Reyes, a orillas del río Paraguay y del pantano de los Jarayes, sobre las costas de la laguna La Gaiba. Avellaneda, Mercedes; Perusset, Macarena, \"Irala, el primer estratega del Plata\", en Historia Paraguaya. Anuario de la Academia Paraguaya de la Historia, vol. XLVI, 2006, pp. 319-363.Lafuente Machain, Ricardo, El gobernador Domingo de Irala, Asunción, Academia Paraguaya de la Historia, 2005 [1939].", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T16:46:43+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 74191, "end" : 74207 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Domingo de Irala" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/832241c3-0dbb-4061-970f-ed51b1d40171", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T16:46:43+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Domingo Martínez de Irala (Vergara de la Hermandad de Guipúzcoa, Corona de Castilla, 1509 - Asunción del Paraguay, Virreinato del Perú, 3 de octubre de 1556) fue un conquistador, explorador y colonizador español que como lugarteniente de Juan de Ayolas quien lo nombrara interinamente hasta que regresara como teniente de gobernador de La Candelaria en 1537, luego lo sería de hecho, y posteriormente elegido por el pueblo según real cédula, como teniente de gobernador general de Asunción.Ocupó tres veces el cargo de gobernador interino del Río de la Plata y del Paraguay, en los períodos de 1539 a 1542, de 1544 hasta 1548 y por último desde 1549. El emperador Carlos V lo nombraría definitivamente como titular en el cargo gubernamental en el año 1555, que lo ostentaría hasta su fallecimiento.En 1543 fundó en el Chaco Boreal el Puerto de los Reyes, a orillas del río Paraguay y del pantano de los Jarayes, sobre las costas de la laguna La Gaiba. Avellaneda, Mercedes; Perusset, Macarena, \"Irala, el primer estratega del Plata\", en Historia Paraguaya. Anuario de la Academia Paraguaya de la Historia, vol. XLVI, 2006, pp. 319-363.Lafuente Machain, Ricardo, El gobernador Domingo de Irala, Asunción, Academia Paraguaya de la Historia, 2005 [1939].", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T16:46:43+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 75275, "end" : 75291 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Domingo de Irala" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/e87bca11-a51a-40dc-81cc-c02608ba2b07", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-05T01:36:10+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "El capitán que en la historia de Lucía Miranda, estaba al frente de Sancti Spiritus tras la salida de Sebastián Caboto de la región. Logra matar al cacique Mangoré.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-05T01:47:46+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 61446, "end" : 61458 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Nuño de Lara" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/34df76cf-138b-431e-a7c0-587f1d3fa575", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-07T17:56:19+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 86899, "end" : 86914 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Diego de Avalos" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/9ee8bd17-8849-43f0-a443-4ae9176804c8", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-05T01:36:10+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "El capitán que en la historia de Lucía Miranda, estaba al frente de Sancti Spiritus tras la salida de Sebastián Caboto de la región.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-05T01:36:10+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 82776, "end" : 82788 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Nuño de Lara" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/bb6c82b5-f6db-42ed-a4ec-0045ea1e4ad1", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-05T01:36:36+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Personaje de la historia de Lucía Miranda.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-05T01:36:36+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 61477, "end" : 61502 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Mendo Rodríguez de Oviedo" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/8620e873-7e0c-421f-a1fa-25caf40fb940", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-07T16:42:05+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Francisco de los Cobos y Molina (1477-1547), noble español de mucha influenicia durante el reinado de Carlos I en lo que hacía a asuntos españoles. Fue miembro del consejo real desde 1522. El matrimonio con la casa de Mendoza fue importante para su carrera, dados los vículos de lealtad que la misma había construido con los reyes de Castilla.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-07T16:42:05+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 85043, "end" : 85065 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Francisco de los Cobos" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/93c3c0df-ea1a-4f3a-8478-c2fd702168ce", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : 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Cuando la armada llegó a la región de Río de Janeiro, fue acusado de intentar un motín contra el adelantado y ejecutado por su orden en el acto junto a otros supuestos conjurados. Esto repercutió muy negativamente entre gran parte de los hombres de la armada, quienes consideraban a Osorio un hombre valiente y respetable. Las extrañas circuntancias de su acusación y muerte fueron consideradas luego como un presagio (cuando no la causa directa) de las dificutades de la conquista en el Río de la Plata. De ello se hicieron eco Gonzalo de Oviedo en su Historia General y Natural de las Indias (Libro XXIII, Capítulo VIII) y Martín del Barco Centenera en su Argentina.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-07T16:52:48+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 89155, "end" : 89169 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Juan de Osorio" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/129ce37f-9154-4aa5-a6bc-03a0a1434528", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : 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Murió en un enfrentamiento con \nnativos cerca de Buenos Aires, el día de Corpus Christi de 1536.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-08T00:45:17+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 93528, "end" : 93537 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "don Diego" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/43aa838c-8499-4ca1-82b1-bc047a050e2a", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-08T00:45:54+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 93870, "end" : 93875 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Luján" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/dcfb528e-40ab-44e8-bd0d-f9ccb8fa42fa", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "conqueror", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-08T20:12:08+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-08T20:12:08+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "colonizer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-08T20:12:08+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-08T20:12:08+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "El capitán Pedro de Segura Zabala, hidalgo de Guipuzcoa, había sido \nsoldado imperial en Italia y más tarde viajó al \nParaguay con Ñuflo de Chaves en 1549. Tuvo un rol destacado en Asunción y\n se casó con Ginebra Martínez de Irala, hija mestiza del gobernador \nMartínez de Irala. Falleció en 1601 en Tomina, alto Perú.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-08T20:12:08+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 7000, "end" : 7015 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Pedro de Segura" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/669d1ce0-52b6-4d58-bcba-32d09dfffc80", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "conqueror", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-08T20:12:08+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-08T20:12:08+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "colonizer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-08T20:12:08+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-08T20:12:08+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "El capitán Pedro de Segura Zabala, hidalgo de Guipuzcoa, había sido \nsoldado imperial en Italia y más tarde viajó al \nParaguay con Ñuflo de Chaves en 1549. Tuvo un rol destacado en Asunción y\n se casó con Ginebra Martínez de Irala, hija mestiza del gobernador \nMartínez de Irala. Falleció en 1601 en Tomina, alto Perú.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-08T20:12:08+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 31066, "end" : 31081 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Pedro de Segura" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/d14e66f8-6786-4144-93dd-b6f8cf1cc248", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-01T12:51:59+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 42955, "end" : 42969 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "García Venegas" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/4520930e-faf4-4b44-9903-5769bb601af0", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-01T12:51:59+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 44976, "end" : 44990 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "García Venegas" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/b27fc485-0d47-49b2-ba3e-f7546a460ef8", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-01T12:51:46+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 32918, "end" : 32934 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Diego de Mendoza" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/b12928f0-6957-4eb3-b6fc-5aa0423410a3", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-01T12:52:59+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Gonzalo de Mendoza nace en Baeza entre 1511-1515. Muere el 21 de julio de 1558. Parte para el Nuevo Mundo desde el puerto de Sanlúcar de Barrameda en 1535, en la nao capitana La Magdalena, con Pedro de Mendoza, Adelantado del Río de la Plata. Co-fundador de la ciudad de Asunción, en Paraguay, en 1537. Participó como elector en la creación de su cabildo y regimiento, a la vieja usanza de los de las ciudades de Castilla. Participó, entre muchas, en la expedición que, en 1547, partiendo de Asunción para la Sierra de la Plata de los Mayas, abrió el camino hasta el Perú. Fue Gobernador del Río de la Plata tras la muerte de Domingo de Irala, en 1556.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-01T12:56:50+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 62196, "end" : 62214 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Gonzalo de Mendoza" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/0444189f-05b4-4d84-ab58-32eab82bcddb", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-01T12:57:10+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Ñuflo de Chaves o menos conocido como Nufrio de Chávez (Cáceres de la Extremadura leonesa, Corona de España, 1518 – aldea Mitimi de la laguna de los Xarayes, gobernación de Santa Cruz de la Sierra del Virreinato del Perú, 3 de octubre de 1568) era un explorador y conquistador español, conocido por sus exploraciones del actual territorio del Paraguay y la zona suroriental de la actual Bolivia y por haber fundado la ciudad de Santa Cruz de la Sierra en 1561. Fue el continuador de la política colonizadora de Domingo Martínez de Irala.Su actividad permitió extender la colonización por esas regiones. Fue el primer hombre que atravesó el continente, partiendo del Atlántico al Pacífico, para lograr la conquista del centro de América meridional. Su temprana muerte no supuso la interrupción de la actividad conquistadora de todo el territorio que hoy conforma esa extensa comarca, porque su legado quedó en las gentes de la vieja ciudad, quienes extendieron su cultura por todo lo que hoy se conoce como el Oriente Boliviano.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-01T12:58:41+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 55758, "end" : 55773 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Nuflo de Chaves" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/b08e768f-cbd3-4938-aca9-ff58fbf7e468", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T16:00:56+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Ñuflo de Chaves o menos conocido como Nufrio de Chávez (Cáceres de la Extremadura leonesa, Corona de España, 1518 – aldea Mitimi de la laguna de los Xarayes, gobernación de Santa Cruz de la Sierra del Virreinato del Perú, 3 de octubre de 1568) era un explorador y conquistador español, conocido por sus exploraciones del actual territorio del Paraguay y la zona suroriental de la actual Bolivia y por haber fundado la ciudad de Santa Cruz de la Sierra en 1561. Fue el continuador de la política colonizadora de Domingo Martínez de Irala.Su actividad permitió extender la colonización por esas regiones. Fue el primer hombre que atravesó el continente, partiendo del Atlántico al Pacífico, para lograr la conquista del centro de América meridional. Su temprana muerte no supuso la interrupción de la actividad conquistadora de todo el territorio que hoy conforma esa extensa comarca, porque su legado quedó en las gentes de la vieja ciudad, quienes extendieron su cultura por todo lo que hoy se conoce como el Oriente Boliviano.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-01T12:59:30+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Ñuflo de Chaves o menos conocido como Nufrio de Chávez (Cáceres de la Extremadura leonesa, Corona de España, 1518 – aldea Mitimi de la laguna de los Xarayes, gobernación de Santa Cruz de la Sierra del Virreinato del Perú, 3 de octubre de 1568) era un explorador y conquistador español, conocido por sus exploraciones del actual territorio del Paraguay y la zona suroriental de la actual Bolivia y por haber fundado la ciudad de Santa Cruz de la Sierra en 1561. Fue el continuador de la política colonizadora de Domingo Martínez de Irala.Su actividad permitió extender la colonización por esas regiones. Fue el primer hombre que atravesó el continente, partiendo del Atlántico al Pacífico, para lograr la conquista del centro de América meridional. Su temprana muerte no supuso la interrupción de la actividad conquistadora de todo el territorio que hoy conforma esa extensa comarca, porque su legado quedó en las gentes de la vieja ciudad, quienes extendieron su cultura por todo lo que hoy se conoce como el Oriente Boliviano.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-01T12:59:59+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 76511, "end" : 76526 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Nuflo de Chaves" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/0c4e144d-393f-4f33-8d20-51eec6db6a22", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-16T17:50:56+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Conquistador español. Fue lugarteniente de Pedro de Mendoza en la expedición de 1536. Estaba loco y debido a su enfermedad abandonó esta expedición y en vez de dirigirse a Rio de la Plata con su nave, lo hizo hacia Santo Domingo. Fue fatal para Pedro de Mendoza ya que se vió obligado a retrasar la expedición y lo esperó inútilmente en Rio de la Plata, sin embargo ello dió origen a la fundación de lo que seria mas tarde la ciudad de Buenos Aires en 1535. Alonso Cabrera sin embargo llegó a Rio de la Plata tres años mas tarde, en 1538, a la ciudad recién fundada de Buenos Aires y sembró el desconcierto entre los conquistadores y sus habitantes. Convenció a Domingo de Irala en incendiar Buenos Aires, para así verse obligados los colonos a trasladarse a la Asunción y él estar mas cerca de Sierra de la Plata. Se incendió la ciudad en 1538 a los tres años de su fundación. Una vez trasladado a la Asunción, Alonso Cabrera instigó para quitar el mando a Alvar Nuñez Cabeza de Vaca, al que acusaba de traidor y de rebelarse contra el rey de España. De regreso en España enloqueció de forma definitiva y mató a su mujer. Murió en el olvido.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-01T13:04:39+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 33138, "end" : 33152 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Alonso Cabrera" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/f7eb9ad2-9666-4ba4-869f-c1d23916cc35", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T16:00:56+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Ñuflo de Chaves o menos conocido como Nufrio de Chávez (Cáceres de la Extremadura leonesa, Corona de España, 1518 – aldea Mitimi de la laguna de los Xarayes, gobernación de Santa Cruz de la Sierra del Virreinato del Perú, 3 de octubre de 1568) era un explorador y conquistador español, conocido por sus exploraciones del actual territorio del Paraguay y la zona suroriental de la actual Bolivia y por haber fundado la ciudad de Santa Cruz de la Sierra en 1561. Fue el continuador de la política colonizadora de Domingo Martínez de Irala.Su actividad permitió extender la colonización por esas regiones. Fue el primer hombre que atravesó el continente, partiendo del Atlántico al Pacífico, para lograr la conquista del centro de América meridional. Su temprana muerte no supuso la interrupción de la actividad conquistadora de todo el territorio que hoy conforma esa extensa comarca, porque su legado quedó en las gentes de la vieja ciudad, quienes extendieron su cultura por todo lo que hoy se conoce como el Oriente Boliviano.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-01T12:59:39+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 77583, "end" : 77598 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Nuflo de Chaves" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/fa585041-75ca-4782-85ef-e196308a2193", "type" : 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: { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-01T13:10:14+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 123241, "end" : 123269 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Hernando Carrillo de Mendoza" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/2d3dd616-1e99-4bb1-bfe0-19813199892a", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" 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de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 119793, "end" : 119808 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Vicente de Goes" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/c7919b73-cad7-426f-af30-8dbdb877ce3c", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-28T17:31:06+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Alonso Riquelme de Guzmán (1519-1573) fue un conquistador oriundo de Jeréz de la Frontera y sobrino del Segundo Adelantado al Río de la Plata, Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca, con quien llegó al Río de la Plata en 1541. Fue uno de sus más acérrimos partidarios durante la gobernación de Cabeza de Vaca y se convirtió en una de las figuras más prominentes de la facción de los \"leales\" una vez que aquel fuera expulsado de la provincia en 1545.Fue forzado por Domigo de Irala a casarse con una de sus hijas mestizas, unión de la cual nació Ruy Díaz de Guzmán. Bibliografía: Ricardo Lafuente Machaín, Alonso Riquelme de Guzmán, Buenos Aires, Amorrurtu, 1942.Tieffemberg, Silvia, \"Estudio Introductorio\", en Díaz de Guzmán, Ruy, Argentina. Historia del Descubrimiento y Conquista del Río de la Plata de Ruy Díaz de Guzmán, Buenos Aires, Editorial de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras-UBA, 2012.Fuentes \"Información hecha en Jerez de la Frontera a pedimento de Cabeza de Vaca para verificar ciertas cartas\", en Núñez Cabeza de Vaca, Álvar, Relación de los Naufragios y Comentarios de Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca, adelantado y gobernador del Río de la Plata. Ilustrado con varios documentos inéditos. Tomo Segundo, Madrid, Imprenta General de Victoriano Suárez, 1906, p. 289 (GGV 52/975; AGI Justicia 1131), 1545.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-28T17:31:06+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 66490, "end" : 66515 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Alonso Riquelme de Guzmán" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/bce984a4-c217-4e91-b7cc-5a57776e0121", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-28T17:31:06+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Alonso Riquelme de Guzmán (1519-1573) fue un conquistador oriundo de Jeréz de la Frontera y sobrino del Segundo Adelantado al Río de la Plata, Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca, con quien llegó al Río de la Plata en 1541. Fue uno de sus más acérrimos partidarios durante la gobernación de Cabeza de Vaca y se convirtió en una de las figuras más prominentes de la facción de los \"leales\" una vez que aquel fuera expulsado de la provincia en 1545.Fue forzado por Domigo de Irala a casarse con una de sus hijas mestizas, unión de la cual nació Ruy Díaz de Guzmán. Bibliografía: Ricardo Lafuente Machaín, Alonso Riquelme de Guzmán, Buenos Aires, Amorrurtu, 1942.Tieffemberg, Silvia, \"Estudio Introductorio\", en Díaz de Guzmán, Ruy, Argentina. Historia del Descubrimiento y Conquista del Río de la Plata de Ruy Díaz de Guzmán, Buenos Aires, Editorial de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras-UBA, 2012.Fuentes \"Información hecha en Jerez de la Frontera a pedimento de Cabeza de Vaca para verificar ciertas cartas\", en Núñez Cabeza de Vaca, Álvar, Relación de los Naufragios y Comentarios de Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca, adelantado y gobernador del Río de la Plata. Ilustrado con varios documentos inéditos. Tomo Segundo, Madrid, Imprenta General de Victoriano Suárez, 1906, p. 289 (GGV 52/975; AGI Justicia 1131), 1545.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-28T17:31:06+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 70707, "end" : 70732 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Alonso Riquelme de Guzmán" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/ed2ba40c-6972-4ea8-9155-fa30cd2968b0", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-28T17:31:06+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Alonso Riquelme de Guzmán (1519-1573) fue un conquistador oriundo de Jeréz de la Frontera y sobrino del Segundo Adelantado al Río de la Plata, Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca, con quien llegó al Río de la Plata en 1541. Fue uno de sus más acérrimos partidarios durante la gobernación de Cabeza de Vaca y se convirtió en una de las figuras más prominentes de la facción de los \"leales\" una vez que aquel fuera expulsado de la provincia en 1545.Fue forzado por Domigo de Irala a casarse con una de sus hijas mestizas, unión de la cual nació Ruy Díaz de Guzmán. Bibliografía: Ricardo Lafuente Machaín, Alonso Riquelme de Guzmán, Buenos Aires, Amorrurtu, 1942.Tieffemberg, Silvia, \"Estudio Introductorio\", en Díaz de Guzmán, Ruy, Argentina. Historia del Descubrimiento y Conquista del Río de la Plata de Ruy Díaz de Guzmán, Buenos Aires, Editorial de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras-UBA, 2012.Fuentes \"Información hecha en Jerez de la Frontera a pedimento de Cabeza de Vaca para verificar ciertas cartas\", en Núñez Cabeza de Vaca, Álvar, Relación de los Naufragios y Comentarios de Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca, adelantado y gobernador del Río de la Plata. Ilustrado con varios documentos inéditos. Tomo Segundo, Madrid, Imprenta General de Victoriano Suárez, 1906, p. 289 (GGV 52/975; AGI Justicia 1131), 1545.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-28T17:31:06+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 4221, "end" : 4246 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Alonso Riquelme de Guzmán" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/0aac0712-4aee-477d-8687-84b8ba5f5aa3", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "conqueror", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T12:38:19+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T12:38:19+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "colonizer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T12:38:19+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T12:38:19+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Francisco de Aguirre también conocido como Francisco de Aguirre \"el\nViejo\" (Talavera de la Reina, Corona de\nCastilla, 1500 - La Serena, Capitanía General de Chile, 1581) fue un conquistador\nespañol que participó en la conquista de Chile y del noroeste de Argentina. En\nsu juventud se incorporó a las tropas imperiales de Carlos I de España. En 1525,\nAguirre tuvo una destacada actuación en la memorable batalla de Pavía, en la\nque los soldados de Carlos I derrotaron a los franceses y aprehendieron al rey Francisco\nI de Francia y en 1527 participó del “saqueo de Roma”. Las cartas y sus\ndocumentos revelan que poseía una inteligencia cultivada. De entre los\nconquistadores, fue uno de los que más legítimos títulos podía blasonar de la\nnobleza de su cuna.\n\nEn 1534, se embarcó hacia América. Desde la isla de Cuba viajó al Perú en 1537,\njunto a 400 soldados castellanos que venían a socorrer a Francisco Pizarro, que\nluchaba contra los incas. En Panamá se hizo de caballos, armas, un negro y\ncriados españoles. Arribó al Perú al tiempo que Pizarro había capturado al Inca\nAtahualpa, al que ejecutó. De inmediato, Aguirre se puso a las órdenes del\nconquistador del Perú y tuvo destacada actuación en todas las campañas y en la\ndominación de los incas. Más tarde ayudó al capitán Diego de Rojas a dominar y\npoblar la Provincia de Charcas, donde fue durante dos años teniente.Asignado como gobernador de Chile a la muerte\nde Pedro de Valdivia, fue también gobernador del Tucumán en tres oportunidades\ny fundador de las ciudades de La Serena (Chile) y Santiago del Estero\n(Argentina).", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T12:38:19+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 65986, "end" : 66006 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Francisco de Aguirre" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/f0784c3a-eb02-4db8-89b0-ccbeb23add64", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PLACE", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-20T20:51:40+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Refiere a Cerro de la Gloria: http://www.scielo.org.ar/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S1851-49792012000200003http://www.geonames.org/3435524/cerro-de-la-gloria.html", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-20T20:51:40+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Creería que son las islas y los bancos frente a Punta del Este.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-09-27T01:15:31+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 14348, "end" : 14357 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Castillos" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/fe060cc3-05cf-4651-967d-963495f023ca", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-07T16:05:33+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Pedro de Mendoza (1499-1537), fue un noble español nacido de Cádiz. Tuvo una destacada actividad militar en las campañas militares de Carlos I en Italia, y con la fortuna que logró en ellas, solicitó la conquista del Río de la Plata. Por capitulación firmada con en el rey en 1534 se lo designa gobernador y primer adelantando a la provincia del mismo bombre. Su armanda, una de las más grandes en términos de hombres y barcos que cruzaron el océano a América, llegó a las costas del Río de la Plata en 1536. En la margen izquierda del río, al sur de la actual ciudad de Buenos Aires, Mendoza ordenó el establecimiento de un puerto llamado Nuestra Señora del Buen Ayre, pero sus intencionres eran continuar las exploraciones río arriba, en busca de la Sierra de la Plata. El asentamiento en Buenos Aires rápidamenta sufrió hambre y ataques de las sociedades nativas. Al mismo tiempo, Pedro de Mendoza delegó gran parte de las tareas de exploración de la región en su teniente gobernador, Juan de Ayolas. Debido a las dificultades que enfrentaba la población de Buenos Aires y de los dos asentamientos establecidos Paraná arriba (Buena Esperanza y Corpus Christi) y la ausencia de noticias del Juan de Ayolas (quien luego se sabría, habría alcanzado tierras chiriguanas) Pedro de Mendoza decide abandonar su conquista, delegando el mando general de la armada en Juan de Ayolas y el gobierno de Buenos Aires en Ruiz Galán. Moriría cruzando el Atlántico en 1537. Bibliografía: Lafuente Machaín, Conquistadores del Río de la Plata, Buenos Aires, Amorrurtu, 1937; Guérin, Miguel Alberto, \"La organización inicial del espacio rioplatense\", en Tandeter, Enrique (dir.), Nueva Historia Argentina. La Sociedad Colonial, Buenos Aires, Sudamericana, 2000, pp. 14-54.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-07T16:05:33+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 84400, "end" : 84416 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Pedro de Mendoza" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/92f83717-fb59-4d35-8c8c-626e61d04d06", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-07T22:50:26+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 88194, "end" : 88217 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Bartolomé de Bracamonte" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/0aba2c98-def6-4588-8bf7-70b3554c1921", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-07T22:46:12+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Felipe de Cáceres cumplió funciones como contador y tesorero en la armada \nde Pedro de Mendoza y luego, en la conquista del Río de la Plata. Uno de\n los líderes de la facción contraria Cabeza de Vaca, estuvo implicado en\n todas las maniobras que condujeron a su destitución, prisión y \ndestierro.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-07T22:46:12+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 87202, "end" : 87219 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Felipe de Cáceres" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/c8f5b2cb-3f35-439d-8449-ba77db1304d3", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : 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"https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/8da868af-1297-4a71-baa1-2be7a9510743", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-08T00:51:48+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Se refiere a Francisco Ruiz Galán.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-08T00:51:48+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 116806, "end" : 116820 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Francisco Ruiz" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/785e6233-a5c1-43be-99c6-1c40f15f80fc", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-08T00:51:48+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Se refiere a Francisco Ruiz Galán. Capitán de la armada de Pedro de Mendoza y uno de \nsus más cercanos colaboradores. Fue nombrado por el adelantado como \ngobernador del puerto de Buenos Aires. Galán fue así una importatante \nfigura política de la región rioplatense, al punto de disputarle a \nDomingo de Irala la dirección de la provincia entre 1537 y 1539. Tras \nello se pierden sus huellas documentales, por lo que se lo presume \nmuerto antes de 1542.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-08T00:53:09+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 97946, "end" : 97960 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Francisco Ruiz" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/d41b0112-0aa3-4565-b957-aa93cb69cdf5", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : 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probablemente en lo el balneario de La Paloma en el Departamento de Rocha.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-11T21:07:56+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 91502, "end" : 91521 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "cabo de Santa María" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/8baf41b3-e0f3-49fb-951a-387e6af4e602", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : 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No hay registros ni de un acta de fundación ni de la conformación de un cabildo con repartición de solares a los vecinos. La verdadera fundación de la ciudad ocurriría recién en 1580 con Juan de Garay.Refiere al puerto y luego de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-10-31T15:19:34+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 92957, "end" : 92978 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "ciudad de Santa María" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/7b040207-206e-4c8f-ba97-bc29b972c00d", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://sws.geonames.org/2512266", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-09-27T17:12:04+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-09-27T17:12:04+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ -4.61966, 39.08564 ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Es un puerto al sur de la isla de Santa Catalina.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-09-27T17:12:04+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 16136, "end" : 16147 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "don Rodrigo" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/fdd6d5a8-5b83-4612-afdd-cbda4dcbd6c9", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PLACE", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-01T21:32:08+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Río del mismo nombre en Paraguay. 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39.363 ], [ 2.787, 39.363 ], [ 2.722, 39.476 ], [ 2.749, 39.51 ], [ 2.67, 39.562 ], [ 2.541, 39.525 ], [ 2.522, 39.457 ], [ 2.452, 39.537 ], [ 2.364, 39.531 ], [ 2.347, 39.595 ], [ 2.778, 39.856 ], [ 3.214, 39.963 ], [ 3.08, 39.902 ], [ 3.106, 39.858 ], [ 3.204, 39.889 ], [ 3.121, 39.832 ], [ 3.135, 39.783 ], [ 3.253, 39.729 ], [ 3.348, 39.789 ], [ 3.479, 39.715 ], [ 3.232, 39.362 ], [ 3.069, 39.267 ], [ 3.026, 39.288 ] ], [ [ 2.466, 39.513 ], [ 2.466, 39.513 ], [ 2.47, 39.51 ], [ 2.466, 39.513 ] ] ], [ [ [ -5.351, 36.153 ], [ -5.384, 36.18 ], [ -5.427, 36.176 ], [ -5.429, 36.071 ], [ -5.611, 36 ], [ -5.915, 36.185 ], [ -6.034, 36.181 ], [ -6.31, 36.529 ], [ -6.279, 36.543 ], [ -6.23, 36.463 ], [ -6.173, 36.521 ], [ -6.242, 36.506 ], [ -6.233, 36.585 ], [ -6.249, 36.572 ], [ -6.395, 36.634 ], [ -6.443, 36.738 ], [ -6.342, 36.795 ], [ -6.397, 36.807 ], [ -6.498, 36.958 ], [ -6.773, 37.111 ], [ -7.044, 37.207 ], [ -7.402, 37.175 ], [ -7.464, 37.487 ], [ -7.523, 37.553 ], [ -7.421, 37.759 ], [ -7.283, 37.869 ], [ -7.263, 37.98 ], [ -7.099, 38.044 ], [ -7.002, 38.023 ], [ -6.932, 38.208 ], [ -7.086, 38.169 ], [ -7.281, 38.42 ], [ -7.336, 38.435 ], [ -7.244, 38.624 ], [ -7.255, 38.726 ], [ -7.039, 38.865 ], [ -6.959, 39.055 ], [ -7.033, 39.118 ], [ -7.144, 39.109 ], [ -7.135, 39.171 ], [ -7.241, 39.209 ], [ -7.231, 39.278 ], [ -7.323, 39.382 ], [ -7.296, 39.459 ], [ -7.545, 39.663 ], [ -7.015, 39.671 ], [ -6.987, 39.81 ], [ -6.904, 39.871 ], [ -6.864, 40.012 ], [ -7.029, 40.186 ], [ -6.781, 40.365 ], [ -6.85, 40.453 ], [ -6.795, 40.512 ], [ -6.845, 40.566 ], [ -6.794, 40.662 ], [ -6.831, 40.753 ], [ -6.802, 40.861 ], [ -6.93, 41.03 ], [ -6.808, 41.036 ], [ -6.648, 41.248 ], [ -6.497, 41.266 ], [ -6.39, 41.385 ], [ -6.318, 41.386 ], [ -6.197, 41.59 ], [ -6.302, 41.663 ], [ -6.548, 41.686 ], [ -6.569, 41.743 ], [ -6.516, 41.871 ], [ -6.571, 41.884 ], [ -6.546, 41.936 ], [ -6.588, 41.968 ], [ -6.699, 41.933 ], [ -6.811, 41.993 ], [ -6.821, 41.946 ], [ -6.893, 41.94 ], [ -7.141, 41.991 ], [ -7.187, 41.97 ], [ -7.197, 41.88 ], [ -7.427, 41.807 ], [ -7.453, 41.865 ], [ -7.614, 41.829 ], [ -7.586, 41.882 ], [ -7.701, 41.908 ], [ -7.876, 41.849 ], [ -7.906, 41.927 ], [ -8.013, 41.829 ], [ -8.165, 41.818 ], [ -8.217, 41.914 ], [ -8.083, 42.036 ], [ -8.119, 42.082 ], [ -8.182, 42.067 ], [ -8.199, 42.154 ], [ -8.332, 42.084 ], [ -8.637, 42.047 ], [ -8.872, 41.866 ], [ -8.901, 42.112 ], [ -8.826, 42.115 ], [ -8.85, 42.157 ], [ -8.775, 42.222 ], [ -8.611, 42.288 ], [ -8.612, 42.346 ], [ -8.66, 42.291 ], [ -8.873, 42.25 ], [ -8.856, 42.31 ], [ -8.817, 42.279 ], [ -8.839, 42.339 ], [ -8.755, 42.34 ], [ -8.652, 42.428 ], [ -8.839, 42.384 ], [ -8.942, 42.463 ], [ -8.872, 42.501 ], [ -8.869, 42.448 ], [ -8.82, 42.452 ], [ -8.835, 42.565 ], [ -8.772, 42.593 ], [ -8.779, 42.614 ], [ -8.741, 42.649 ], [ -8.724, 42.679 ], [ -8.727, 42.688 ], [ -8.8, 42.636 ], [ -8.845, 42.687 ], [ -8.857, 42.606 ], [ -8.901, 42.643 ], [ -9.011, 42.518 ], [ -9.089, 42.571 ], [ -9.009, 42.727 ], [ -8.954, 42.749 ], [ -8.904, 42.788 ], [ -8.904, 42.814 ], [ -8.879, 42.816 ], [ -8.876, 42.829 ], [ -8.909, 42.825 ], [ -8.963, 42.779 ], [ -9.064, 42.787 ], [ -9.086, 42.738 ], [ -9.151, 42.798 ], [ -9.108, 42.836 ], [ -9.173, 42.944 ], [ -9.274, 42.881 ], [ -9.257, 43.002 ], [ -9.299, 43.056 ], [ -9.167, 43.105 ], [ -9.165, 43.153 ], [ -9.216, 43.152 ], [ -9.175, 43.192 ], [ -8.94, 43.227 ], [ -8.991, 43.275 ], [ -8.841, 43.345 ], [ -8.712, 43.29 ], [ -8.401, 43.39 ], [ -8.356, 43.344 ], [ -8.307, 43.406 ], [ -8.209, 43.328 ], [ -8.223, 43.387 ], [ -8.174, 43.42 ], [ -8.317, 43.445 ], [ -8.201, 43.46 ], [ -8.151, 43.517 ], [ -8.341, 43.458 ], [ -8.296, 43.535 ], [ -8.322, 43.565 ], [ -8.054, 43.649 ], [ -8.064, 43.704 ], [ -7.904, 43.77 ], [ -7.849, 43.71 ], [ -7.876, 43.723 ], [ -7.904, 43.671 ], [ -7.847, 43.668 ], [ -7.86, 43.707 ], [ -7.725, 43.747 ], [ -7.689, 43.791 ], [ -7.692, 43.732 ], [ -7.636, 43.753 ], [ -7.609, 43.672 ], [ -7.557, 43.73 ], [ -7.468, 43.724 ], [ -7.357, 43.671 ], [ -7.256, 43.547 ], [ -6.356, 43.551 ], [ -6.245, 43.595 ], [ -6.113, 43.555 ], [ -5.956, 43.58 ], [ -5.841, 43.661 ], [ -5.679, 43.541 ], [ -5.413, 43.555 ], [ -5.216, 43.475 ], [ -4.619, 43.395 ], [ -4.28, 43.388 ], [ -3.812, 43.495 ], [ -3.763, 43.467 ], [ -3.825, 43.452 ], [ -3.836, 43.407 ], [ -3.809, 43.393 ], [ -3.767, 43.406 ], [ -3.815, 43.408 ], [ -3.776, 43.449 ], [ -3.757, 43.431 ], [ -3.736, 43.432 ], [ -3.726, 43.442 ], [ -3.717, 43.422 ], [ -3.712, 43.423 ], [ -3.709, 43.411 ], [ -3.712, 43.423 ], [ -3.726, 43.443 ], [ -3.777, 43.458 ], [ -3.591, 43.514 ], [ -3.431, 43.462 ], [ -3.43, 43.441 ], [ -3.465, 43.445 ], [ -3.492, 43.425 ], [ -3.465, 43.404 ], [ -3.45, 43.436 ], [ -3.161, 43.351 ], [ -3.084, 43.378 ], [ -3.024, 43.325 ], [ -3.01, 43.337 ], [ -3.028, 43.342 ], [ -3.013, 43.348 ], [ -3.04, 43.373 ], [ -2.947, 43.436 ], [ -2.752, 43.457 ], [ -2.353, 43.299 ], [ -2.202, 43.312 ], [ -2.127, 43.29 ], [ -1.791, 43.396 ], [ -1.73, 43.295 ], [ -1.625, 43.307 ], [ -1.609, 43.252 ], [ -1.536, 43.295 ], [ -1.39, 43.259 ], [ -1.381, 43.19 ], [ -1.473, 43.087 ], [ -1.441, 43.046 ], [ -1.354, 43.028 ], [ -1.345, 43.095 ], [ -1.273, 43.119 ], [ -1.309, 43.069 ], [ -1.142, 43.007 ], [ -0.945, 42.953 ], [ -0.752, 42.967 ], [ -0.727, 42.894 ], [ -0.566, 42.782 ], [ -0.313, 42.849 ], [ -0.017, 42.685 ], [ 0.176, 42.737 ], [ 0.295, 42.673 ], [ 0.36, 42.724 ], [ 0.669, 42.689 ], [ 0.645, 42.783 ], [ 0.709, 42.861 ], [ 1.079, 42.788 ], [ 1.166, 42.709 ], [ 1.357, 42.72 ], [ 1.443, 42.603 ], [ 1.414, 42.535 ], [ 1.468, 42.51 ], [ 1.419, 42.484 ], [ 1.455, 42.436 ], [ 1.726, 42.504 ], [ 1.937, 42.454 ], [ 2.015, 42.347 ], [ 2.257, 42.439 ], [ 2.533, 42.333 ], [ 2.672, 42.341 ], [ 2.674, 42.405 ], [ 2.947, 42.482 ], [ 3.175, 42.435 ], [ 3.163, 42.36 ], [ 3.322, 42.32 ], [ 3.264, 42.238 ], [ 3.163, 42.264 ], [ 3.112, 42.206 ], [ 3.124, 42.128 ], [ 3.215, 42.061 ], [ 3.203, 41.892 ], [ 2.935, 41.715 ], [ 2.277, 41.465 ], [ 2.099, 41.284 ], [ 0.988, 41.041 ], [ 0.7, 40.805 ], [ 0.872, 40.735 ], [ 0.872, 40.699 ], [ 0.674, 40.562 ], [ 0.618, 40.553 ], [ 0.595, 40.578 ], [ 0.745, 40.636 ], [ 0.602, 40.622 ], [ 0.538, 40.568 ], [ 0.408, 40.357 ], [ 0.148, 40.083 ], [ 0.049, 40.035 ], [ -0.323, 39.5 ], [ -0.325, 39.387 ], [ -0.161, 38.992 ], [ -0.018, 38.873 ], [ 0.197, 38.804 ], [ 0.234, 38.737 ], [ 0.084, 38.631 ], [ -0.016, 38.627 ], [ -0.098, 38.523 ], [ -0.312, 38.477 ], [ -0.387, 38.431 ], [ -0.404, 38.352 ], [ -0.506, 38.332 ], [ -0.51, 38.203 ], [ -0.628, 38.154 ], [ -0.648, 38 ], [ -0.761, 37.865 ], [ -0.748, 37.79 ], [ -0.784, 37.819 ], [ -0.86, 37.723 ], [ -0.728, 37.634 ], [ -0.72, 37.649 ], [ -0.74, 37.66 ], [ -0.745, 37.759 ], [ -0.728, 37.75 ], [ -0.688, 37.634 ], [ -0.718, 37.607 ], [ -0.919, 37.554 ], [ -0.992, 37.601 ], [ -1.111, 37.534 ], [ -1.326, 37.563 ], [ -1.46, 37.487 ], [ -1.486, 37.423 ], [ -1.672, 37.357 ], [ -1.805, 37.217 ], [ -1.896, 36.948 ], [ -2.124, 36.732 ], [ -2.193, 36.721 ], [ -2.361, 36.842 ], [ -2.562, 36.816 ], [ -2.7, 36.683 ], [ -2.849, 36.695 ], [ -2.927, 36.752 ], [ -3.259, 36.753 ], [ -3.42, 36.694 ], [ -3.835, 36.754 ], [ -4.394, 36.722 ], [ -4.638, 36.507 ], [ -4.913, 36.505 ], [ -5.177, 36.414 ], [ -5.351, 36.153 ] ], [ [ -5.603, 36.008 ], [ -5.603, 36.009 ], [ -5.603, 36.009 ], [ -5.603, 36.008 ] ], [ [ -5.603, 36.009 ], [ -5.602, 36.01 ], [ -5.605, 36.01 ], [ -5.603, 36.009 ] ], [ [ -7.823, 43.7 ], [ -7.82, 43.7 ], [ -7.821, 43.701 ], [ -7.823, 43.7 ] ], [ [ -7.82, 43.7 ], [ -7.815, 43.695 ], [ -7.813, 43.698 ], [ -7.82, 43.7 ] ], [ [ -7.695, 43.739 ], [ -7.695, 43.739 ], [ -7.701, 43.736 ], [ -7.695, 43.739 ] ], [ [ -7.597, 43.674 ], [ -7.596, 43.673 ], [ -7.596, 43.674 ], [ -7.597, 43.674 ] ], [ [ -7.596, 43.673 ], [ -7.599, 43.663 ], [ -7.594, 43.668 ], [ -7.596, 43.673 ] ], [ [ -2.132, 43.292 ], [ -2.132, 43.292 ], [ -2.131, 43.287 ], [ -2.132, 43.292 ] ], [ [ 0.019, 39.968 ], [ 0.013, 39.968 ], [ 0.02, 39.968 ], [ 0.019, 39.968 ] ], [ [ -0.273, 39.279 ], [ -0.273, 39.279 ], [ -0.279, 39.278 ], [ -0.273, 39.279 ] ], [ [ -0.729, 37.744 ], [ -0.728, 37.744 ], [ -0.733, 37.747 ], [ -0.729, 37.744 ] ], [ [ -5.229, 36.354 ], [ -5.228, 36.355 ], [ -5.232, 36.356 ], [ -5.229, 36.354 ] ], [ [ -5.271, 36.288 ], [ -5.271, 36.288 ], [ -5.274, 36.292 ], [ -5.271, 36.288 ] ] ], [ [ [ -5.432, 36.128 ], [ -5.43, 36.141 ], [ -5.432, 36.128 ], [ -5.432, 36.128 ] ] ], [ [ [ -5.417, 36.175 ], [ -5.417, 36.175 ], [ -5.42, 36.173 ], [ -5.417, 36.175 ] ] ], [ [ [ -4.509, 36.597 ], [ -4.509, 36.597 ], [ -4.512, 36.593 ], [ -4.509, 36.597 ] ] ], [ [ [ -6.333, 36.62 ], [ -6.326, 36.61 ], [ -6.335, 36.621 ], [ -6.333, 36.62 ] ] ], [ [ [ -2.791, 36.695 ], [ -2.791, 36.694 ], [ -2.798, 36.696 ], [ -2.791, 36.695 ] ] ], [ [ [ -6.949, 37.168 ], [ -6.948, 37.167 ], [ -6.949, 37.164 ], [ -6.949, 37.168 ] ] ], [ [ [ -0.77, 37.69 ], [ -0.776, 37.696 ], [ -0.772, 37.703 ], [ -0.765, 37.694 ], [ -0.77, 37.69 ] ] ], [ [ [ -0.798, 37.696 ], [ -0.803, 37.703 ], [ -0.797, 37.702 ], [ -0.798, 37.696 ] ] ], [ [ [ -0.681, 37.971 ], [ -0.68, 37.969 ], [ -0.687, 37.964 ], [ -0.681, 37.971 ] ] ], [ [ [ -0.471, 38.162 ], [ -0.484, 38.167 ], [ -0.465, 38.164 ], [ -0.471, 38.162 ] ] ], [ [ [ 1.389, 38.64 ], [ 1.38, 38.719 ], [ 1.433, 38.772 ], [ 1.496, 38.689 ], [ 1.585, 38.67 ], [ 1.447, 38.685 ], [ 1.389, 38.64 ] ] ], [ [ [ -0.745, 37.759 ], [ -0.745, 37.759 ], [ -0.745, 37.759 ], [ -0.745, 37.759 ] ] ], [ [ [ -0.745, 37.759 ], [ -0.758, 37.78 ], [ -0.753, 37.783 ], [ -0.74, 37.772 ], [ -0.745, 37.759 ] ] ], [ [ [ 1.48, 38.788 ], [ 1.474, 38.797 ], [ 1.478, 38.805 ], [ 1.482, 38.799 ], [ 1.48, 38.788 ] ] ], [ [ [ 1.432, 38.774 ], [ 1.419, 38.779 ], [ 1.422, 38.797 ], [ 1.432, 38.784 ], [ 1.432, 38.774 ] ] ], [ [ [ 1.198, 38.956 ], [ 1.19, 38.958 ], [ 1.198, 38.96 ], [ 1.198, 38.956 ] ] ], [ [ [ 1.216, 38.967 ], [ 1.215, 38.973 ], [ 1.22, 38.969 ], [ 1.216, 38.967 ] ] ], [ [ [ 1.189, 38.863 ], [ 1.196, 38.87 ], [ 1.203, 38.869 ], [ 1.202, 38.864 ], [ 1.189, 38.863 ] ] ], [ [ [ 1.213, 38.866 ], [ 1.207, 38.868 ], [ 1.215, 38.869 ], [ 1.213, 38.866 ] ] ], [ [ [ 1.649, 39.032 ], [ 1.636, 39.041 ], [ 1.646, 39.041 ], [ 1.649, 39.032 ] ] ], [ [ [ 2.947, 39.125 ], [ 2.919, 39.129 ], [ 2.917, 39.162 ], [ 2.977, 39.158 ], [ 2.947, 39.125 ] ] ], [ [ [ 2.962, 39.175 ], [ 2.956, 39.184 ], [ 2.97, 39.19 ], [ 2.973, 39.187 ], [ 2.962, 39.175 ] ] ], [ [ [ 2.306, 39.572 ], [ 2.308, 39.582 ], [ 2.339, 39.598 ], [ 2.319, 39.577 ], [ 2.306, 39.572 ] ] ], [ [ [ 4.285, 39.799 ], [ 4.282, 39.802 ], [ 4.296, 39.8 ], [ 4.285, 39.799 ] ] ], [ [ [ 2.571, 39.531 ], [ 2.571, 39.531 ], [ 2.565, 39.528 ], [ 2.571, 39.531 ] ] ], [ [ [ 1.371, 38.83 ], [ 1.345, 38.871 ], [ 1.224, 38.871 ], [ 1.229, 38.975 ], [ 1.303, 38.97 ], [ 1.29, 39.028 ], [ 1.36, 39.074 ], [ 1.533, 39.118 ], [ 1.604, 39.091 ], [ 1.621, 39.028 ], [ 1.371, 38.83 ] ] ], [ [ [ 1.214, 38.976 ], [ 1.206, 38.984 ], [ 1.214, 38.995 ], [ 1.219, 38.978 ], [ 1.214, 38.976 ] ] ], [ [ [ 0.687, 39.893 ], [ 0.684, 39.897 ], [ 0.688, 39.901 ], [ 0.684, 39.897 ], [ 0.687, 39.893 ] ] ], [ [ [ 4.271, 39.809 ], [ 3.99, 39.931 ], [ 3.824, 39.922 ], [ 3.836, 40.002 ], [ 3.792, 40.02 ], [ 4.082, 40.089 ], [ 4.127, 40.026 ], [ 4.137, 40.067 ], [ 4.173, 40.061 ], [ 4.205, 39.993 ], [ 4.27, 39.997 ], [ 4.328, 39.877 ], [ 4.257, 39.897 ], [ 4.308, 39.865 ], [ 4.271, 39.809 ] ] ], [ [ [ 4.277, 39.956 ], [ 4.274, 39.964 ], [ 4.278, 39.967 ], [ 4.284, 39.96 ], [ 4.277, 39.956 ] ] ], [ [ [ 3.147, 39.92 ], [ 3.144, 39.923 ], [ 3.15, 39.92 ], [ 3.147, 39.92 ] ] ] ] } } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 52811, "end" : 52817 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "España" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/f9031c20-d6f4-46d8-86dc-617cdb8015bb", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://sws.geonames.org/2510769", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-28T16:54:29+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-28T16:54:29+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "MultiPolygon", "coordinates" : [ [ [ [ -17.987, 27.638 ], [ -18.157, 27.711 ], [ -18.155, 27.754 ], [ -18.037, 27.762 ], [ -17.917, 27.848 ], [ -17.884, 27.803 ], [ -17.987, 27.638 ] ] ], [ [ [ -14.333, 28.044 ], [ -14.51, 28.069 ], [ -14.223, 28.215 ], [ -14.204, 28.328 ], [ -14.033, 28.593 ], [ -14.016, 28.715 ], [ -13.866, 28.746 ], [ -13.824, 28.553 ], [ -13.901, 28.276 ], [ -14.218, 28.166 ], [ -14.333, 28.044 ] ] ], [ [ [ -13.818, 28.736 ], [ -13.836, 28.752 ], [ -13.813, 28.766 ], [ -13.81, 28.755 ], [ -13.818, 28.736 ] ] ], [ [ [ -15.428, 27.805 ], [ -15.599, 27.735 ], [ -15.788, 27.835 ], [ -15.835, 27.971 ], [ -15.711, 28.083 ], [ -15.709, 28.166 ], [ -15.467, 28.126 ], [ -15.404, 28.175 ], [ -15.42, 28.06 ], [ -15.358, 27.931 ], [ -15.428, 27.805 ] ] ], [ [ [ -17.199, 28.024 ], [ -17.27, 28.025 ], [ -17.349, 28.098 ], [ -17.319, 28.206 ], [ -17.112, 28.144 ], [ -17.098, 28.096 ], [ -17.199, 28.024 ] ] ], [ [ [ -16.679, 27.998 ], [ -16.923, 28.356 ], [ -16.514, 28.419 ], [ -16.329, 28.577 ], [ -16.136, 28.583 ], [ -16.126, 28.532 ], [ -16.36, 28.379 ], [ -16.427, 28.147 ], [ -16.547, 28.025 ], [ -16.679, 27.998 ] ] ], [ [ [ -17.841, 28.453 ], [ -18.007, 28.758 ], [ -17.92, 28.857 ], [ -17.778, 28.84 ], [ -17.725, 28.743 ], [ -17.77, 28.677 ], [ -17.76, 28.57 ], [ -17.841, 28.453 ] ] ], [ [ [ -13.521, 29.383 ], [ -13.524, 29.411 ], [ -13.489, 29.405 ], [ -13.507, 29.384 ], [ -13.521, 29.383 ] ] ], [ [ [ -13.534, 29.216 ], [ -13.513, 29.289 ], [ -13.482, 29.278 ], [ -13.501, 29.228 ], [ -13.534, 29.216 ] ] ], [ [ [ -13.538, 29.289 ], [ -13.54, 29.302 ], [ -13.535, 29.307 ], [ -13.53, 29.299 ], [ -13.538, 29.289 ] ] ], [ [ [ -2.953, 35.32 ], [ -2.923, 35.29 ], [ -2.951, 35.265 ], [ -2.97, 35.289 ], [ -2.953, 35.32 ] ] ], [ [ [ -5.345, 35.871 ], [ -5.379, 35.916 ], [ -5.279, 35.9 ], [ -5.288, 35.89 ], [ -5.345, 35.871 ] ] ], [ [ [ -13.54, 28.96 ], [ -13.534, 28.968 ], [ -13.54, 28.96 ], [ -13.54, 28.96 ] ] ], [ [ [ -13.605, 28.942 ], [ -13.736, 28.907 ], [ -13.787, 28.839 ], [ -13.877, 28.86 ], [ -13.815, 29.033 ], [ -13.658, 29.124 ], [ -13.546, 29.119 ], [ -13.47, 29.239 ], [ -13.419, 29.198 ], [ -13.465, 29.019 ], [ -13.605, 28.942 ] ] ], [ [ [ 1.737, 41.212 ], [ 1.737, 41.211 ], [ 1.732, 41.207 ], [ 1.737, 41.212 ] ] ], [ [ [ 1.826, 41.234 ], [ 1.826, 41.234 ], [ 1.824, 41.232 ], [ 1.826, 41.234 ] ] ], [ [ [ 2.16, 41.342 ], [ 2.16, 41.342 ], [ 2.166, 41.341 ], [ 2.16, 41.342 ] ] ], [ [ [ 3.223, 42.045 ], [ 3.219, 42.048 ], [ 3.225, 42.05 ], [ 3.223, 42.045 ] ] ], [ [ [ 2.182, 41.362 ], [ 2.176, 41.352 ], [ 2.172, 41.335 ], [ 2.175, 41.353 ], [ 2.182, 41.362 ] ] ], [ [ [ 2.182, 41.362 ], [ 2.186, 41.368 ], [ 2.187, 41.367 ], [ 2.182, 41.362 ] ] ], [ [ [ -8.892, 42.191 ], [ -8.913, 42.196 ], [ -8.912, 42.206 ], [ -8.892, 42.196 ], [ -8.892, 42.191 ] ] ], [ [ [ -8.914, 42.211 ], [ -8.904, 42.224 ], [ -8.914, 42.252 ], [ -8.895, 42.227 ], [ -8.914, 42.211 ] ] ], [ [ [ -8.785, 42.259 ], [ -8.78, 42.26 ], [ -8.785, 42.259 ], [ -8.785, 42.259 ] ] ], [ [ [ -8.938, 42.343 ], [ -8.938, 42.349 ], [ -8.933, 42.349 ], [ -8.938, 42.343 ] ] ], [ [ [ -8.939, 42.355 ], [ -8.945, 42.38 ], [ -8.921, 42.4 ], [ -8.939, 42.355 ] ] ], [ [ [ -8.708, 42.408 ], [ -8.713, 42.411 ], [ -8.709, 42.415 ], [ -8.705, 42.412 ], [ -8.708, 42.408 ] ] ], [ [ [ 1.984, 42.447 ], [ 1.957, 42.458 ], [ 1.979, 42.495 ], [ 2.014, 42.452 ], [ 1.984, 42.447 ] ] ], [ [ [ -9.01, 42.463 ], [ -9.02, 42.474 ], [ -9.016, 42.486 ], [ -8.999, 42.469 ], [ -9.01, 42.463 ] ] ], [ [ [ -8.818, 42.519 ], [ -8.826, 42.515 ], [ -8.818, 42.519 ], [ -8.818, 42.519 ] ] ], [ [ [ -8.863, 42.497 ], [ -8.863, 42.497 ], [ -8.859, 42.498 ], [ -8.863, 42.497 ] ] ], [ [ [ -8.901, 42.537 ], [ -8.904, 42.541 ], [ -8.897, 42.543 ], [ -8.901, 42.537 ] ] ], [ [ [ -8.872, 42.524 ], [ -8.892, 42.568 ], [ -8.877, 42.575 ], [ -8.856, 42.566 ], [ -8.872, 42.524 ] ] ], [ [ [ -8.787, 42.614 ], [ -8.789, 42.62 ], [ -8.78, 42.622 ], [ -8.778, 42.619 ], [ -8.787, 42.614 ] ] ], [ [ [ -3.025, 43.328 ], [ -3.027, 43.332 ], [ -3.023, 43.327 ], [ -3.025, 43.328 ] ] ], [ [ [ -8.847, 42.482 ], [ -8.853, 42.489 ], [ -8.842, 42.501 ], [ -8.847, 42.482 ] ] ], [ [ [ -8.384, 43.353 ], [ -8.382, 43.354 ], [ -8.379, 43.348 ], [ -8.384, 43.353 ] ] ], [ [ [ -8.845, 43.355 ], [ -8.85, 43.361 ], [ -8.837, 43.362 ], [ -8.836, 43.358 ], [ -8.845, 43.355 ] ] ], [ [ [ -8.834, 43.356 ], [ -8.834, 43.362 ], [ -8.831, 43.358 ], [ -8.834, 43.356 ] ] ], [ [ [ -8.395, 43.361 ], [ -8.396, 43.361 ], [ -8.388, 43.361 ], [ -8.395, 43.361 ] ] ], [ [ [ -8.192, 43.485 ], [ -8.192, 43.485 ], [ -8.186, 43.485 ], [ -8.192, 43.485 ] ] ], [ [ [ 3.026, 39.288 ], [ 2.958, 39.363 ], [ 2.787, 39.363 ], [ 2.722, 39.476 ], [ 2.749, 39.51 ], [ 2.67, 39.562 ], [ 2.541, 39.525 ], [ 2.522, 39.457 ], [ 2.452, 39.537 ], [ 2.364, 39.531 ], [ 2.347, 39.595 ], [ 2.778, 39.856 ], [ 3.214, 39.963 ], [ 3.08, 39.902 ], [ 3.106, 39.858 ], [ 3.204, 39.889 ], [ 3.121, 39.832 ], [ 3.135, 39.783 ], [ 3.253, 39.729 ], [ 3.348, 39.789 ], [ 3.479, 39.715 ], [ 3.232, 39.362 ], [ 3.069, 39.267 ], [ 3.026, 39.288 ] ], [ [ 2.466, 39.513 ], [ 2.466, 39.513 ], [ 2.47, 39.51 ], [ 2.466, 39.513 ] ] ], [ [ [ -5.351, 36.153 ], [ -5.384, 36.18 ], [ -5.427, 36.176 ], [ -5.429, 36.071 ], [ -5.611, 36 ], [ -5.915, 36.185 ], [ -6.034, 36.181 ], [ -6.31, 36.529 ], [ -6.279, 36.543 ], [ -6.23, 36.463 ], [ -6.173, 36.521 ], [ -6.242, 36.506 ], [ -6.233, 36.585 ], [ -6.249, 36.572 ], [ -6.395, 36.634 ], [ -6.443, 36.738 ], [ -6.342, 36.795 ], [ -6.397, 36.807 ], [ -6.498, 36.958 ], [ -6.773, 37.111 ], [ -7.044, 37.207 ], [ -7.402, 37.175 ], [ -7.464, 37.487 ], [ -7.523, 37.553 ], [ -7.421, 37.759 ], [ -7.283, 37.869 ], [ -7.263, 37.98 ], [ -7.099, 38.044 ], [ -7.002, 38.023 ], [ -6.932, 38.208 ], [ -7.086, 38.169 ], [ -7.281, 38.42 ], [ -7.336, 38.435 ], [ -7.244, 38.624 ], [ -7.255, 38.726 ], [ -7.039, 38.865 ], [ -6.959, 39.055 ], [ -7.033, 39.118 ], [ -7.144, 39.109 ], [ -7.135, 39.171 ], [ -7.241, 39.209 ], [ -7.231, 39.278 ], [ -7.323, 39.382 ], [ -7.296, 39.459 ], [ -7.545, 39.663 ], [ -7.015, 39.671 ], [ -6.987, 39.81 ], [ -6.904, 39.871 ], [ -6.864, 40.012 ], [ -7.029, 40.186 ], [ -6.781, 40.365 ], [ -6.85, 40.453 ], [ -6.795, 40.512 ], [ -6.845, 40.566 ], [ -6.794, 40.662 ], [ -6.831, 40.753 ], [ -6.802, 40.861 ], [ -6.93, 41.03 ], [ -6.808, 41.036 ], [ -6.648, 41.248 ], [ -6.497, 41.266 ], [ -6.39, 41.385 ], [ -6.318, 41.386 ], [ -6.197, 41.59 ], [ -6.302, 41.663 ], [ -6.548, 41.686 ], [ -6.569, 41.743 ], [ -6.516, 41.871 ], [ -6.571, 41.884 ], [ -6.546, 41.936 ], [ -6.588, 41.968 ], [ -6.699, 41.933 ], [ -6.811, 41.993 ], [ -6.821, 41.946 ], [ -6.893, 41.94 ], [ -7.141, 41.991 ], [ -7.187, 41.97 ], [ -7.197, 41.88 ], [ -7.427, 41.807 ], [ -7.453, 41.865 ], [ -7.614, 41.829 ], [ -7.586, 41.882 ], [ -7.701, 41.908 ], [ -7.876, 41.849 ], [ -7.906, 41.927 ], [ -8.013, 41.829 ], [ -8.165, 41.818 ], [ -8.217, 41.914 ], [ -8.083, 42.036 ], [ -8.119, 42.082 ], [ -8.182, 42.067 ], [ -8.199, 42.154 ], [ -8.332, 42.084 ], [ -8.637, 42.047 ], [ -8.872, 41.866 ], [ -8.901, 42.112 ], [ -8.826, 42.115 ], [ -8.85, 42.157 ], [ -8.775, 42.222 ], [ -8.611, 42.288 ], [ -8.612, 42.346 ], [ -8.66, 42.291 ], [ -8.873, 42.25 ], [ -8.856, 42.31 ], [ -8.817, 42.279 ], [ -8.839, 42.339 ], [ -8.755, 42.34 ], [ -8.652, 42.428 ], [ -8.839, 42.384 ], [ -8.942, 42.463 ], [ -8.872, 42.501 ], [ -8.869, 42.448 ], [ -8.82, 42.452 ], [ -8.835, 42.565 ], [ -8.772, 42.593 ], [ -8.779, 42.614 ], [ -8.741, 42.649 ], [ -8.724, 42.679 ], [ -8.727, 42.688 ], [ -8.8, 42.636 ], [ -8.845, 42.687 ], [ -8.857, 42.606 ], [ -8.901, 42.643 ], [ -9.011, 42.518 ], [ -9.089, 42.571 ], [ -9.009, 42.727 ], [ -8.954, 42.749 ], [ -8.904, 42.788 ], [ -8.904, 42.814 ], [ -8.879, 42.816 ], [ -8.876, 42.829 ], [ -8.909, 42.825 ], [ -8.963, 42.779 ], [ -9.064, 42.787 ], [ -9.086, 42.738 ], [ -9.151, 42.798 ], [ -9.108, 42.836 ], [ -9.173, 42.944 ], [ -9.274, 42.881 ], [ -9.257, 43.002 ], [ -9.299, 43.056 ], [ -9.167, 43.105 ], [ -9.165, 43.153 ], [ -9.216, 43.152 ], [ -9.175, 43.192 ], [ -8.94, 43.227 ], [ -8.991, 43.275 ], [ -8.841, 43.345 ], [ -8.712, 43.29 ], [ -8.401, 43.39 ], [ -8.356, 43.344 ], [ -8.307, 43.406 ], [ -8.209, 43.328 ], [ -8.223, 43.387 ], [ -8.174, 43.42 ], [ -8.317, 43.445 ], [ -8.201, 43.46 ], [ -8.151, 43.517 ], [ -8.341, 43.458 ], [ -8.296, 43.535 ], [ -8.322, 43.565 ], [ -8.054, 43.649 ], [ -8.064, 43.704 ], [ -7.904, 43.77 ], [ -7.849, 43.71 ], [ -7.876, 43.723 ], [ -7.904, 43.671 ], [ -7.847, 43.668 ], [ -7.86, 43.707 ], [ -7.725, 43.747 ], [ -7.689, 43.791 ], [ -7.692, 43.732 ], [ -7.636, 43.753 ], [ -7.609, 43.672 ], [ -7.557, 43.73 ], [ -7.468, 43.724 ], [ -7.357, 43.671 ], [ -7.256, 43.547 ], [ -6.356, 43.551 ], [ -6.245, 43.595 ], [ -6.113, 43.555 ], [ -5.956, 43.58 ], [ -5.841, 43.661 ], [ -5.679, 43.541 ], [ -5.413, 43.555 ], [ -5.216, 43.475 ], [ -4.619, 43.395 ], [ -4.28, 43.388 ], [ -3.812, 43.495 ], [ -3.763, 43.467 ], [ -3.825, 43.452 ], [ -3.836, 43.407 ], [ -3.809, 43.393 ], [ -3.767, 43.406 ], [ -3.815, 43.408 ], [ -3.776, 43.449 ], [ -3.757, 43.431 ], [ -3.736, 43.432 ], [ -3.726, 43.442 ], [ -3.717, 43.422 ], [ -3.712, 43.423 ], [ -3.709, 43.411 ], [ -3.712, 43.423 ], [ -3.726, 43.443 ], [ -3.777, 43.458 ], [ -3.591, 43.514 ], [ -3.431, 43.462 ], [ -3.43, 43.441 ], [ -3.465, 43.445 ], [ -3.492, 43.425 ], [ -3.465, 43.404 ], [ -3.45, 43.436 ], [ -3.161, 43.351 ], [ -3.084, 43.378 ], [ -3.024, 43.325 ], [ -3.01, 43.337 ], [ -3.028, 43.342 ], [ -3.013, 43.348 ], [ -3.04, 43.373 ], [ -2.947, 43.436 ], [ -2.752, 43.457 ], [ -2.353, 43.299 ], [ -2.202, 43.312 ], [ -2.127, 43.29 ], [ -1.791, 43.396 ], [ -1.73, 43.295 ], [ -1.625, 43.307 ], [ -1.609, 43.252 ], [ -1.536, 43.295 ], [ -1.39, 43.259 ], [ -1.381, 43.19 ], [ -1.473, 43.087 ], [ -1.441, 43.046 ], [ -1.354, 43.028 ], [ -1.345, 43.095 ], [ -1.273, 43.119 ], [ -1.309, 43.069 ], [ -1.142, 43.007 ], [ -0.945, 42.953 ], [ -0.752, 42.967 ], [ -0.727, 42.894 ], [ -0.566, 42.782 ], [ -0.313, 42.849 ], [ -0.017, 42.685 ], [ 0.176, 42.737 ], [ 0.295, 42.673 ], [ 0.36, 42.724 ], [ 0.669, 42.689 ], [ 0.645, 42.783 ], [ 0.709, 42.861 ], [ 1.079, 42.788 ], [ 1.166, 42.709 ], [ 1.357, 42.72 ], [ 1.443, 42.603 ], [ 1.414, 42.535 ], [ 1.468, 42.51 ], [ 1.419, 42.484 ], [ 1.455, 42.436 ], [ 1.726, 42.504 ], [ 1.937, 42.454 ], [ 2.015, 42.347 ], [ 2.257, 42.439 ], [ 2.533, 42.333 ], [ 2.672, 42.341 ], [ 2.674, 42.405 ], [ 2.947, 42.482 ], [ 3.175, 42.435 ], [ 3.163, 42.36 ], [ 3.322, 42.32 ], [ 3.264, 42.238 ], [ 3.163, 42.264 ], [ 3.112, 42.206 ], [ 3.124, 42.128 ], [ 3.215, 42.061 ], [ 3.203, 41.892 ], [ 2.935, 41.715 ], [ 2.277, 41.465 ], [ 2.099, 41.284 ], [ 0.988, 41.041 ], [ 0.7, 40.805 ], [ 0.872, 40.735 ], [ 0.872, 40.699 ], [ 0.674, 40.562 ], [ 0.618, 40.553 ], [ 0.595, 40.578 ], [ 0.745, 40.636 ], [ 0.602, 40.622 ], [ 0.538, 40.568 ], [ 0.408, 40.357 ], [ 0.148, 40.083 ], [ 0.049, 40.035 ], [ -0.323, 39.5 ], [ -0.325, 39.387 ], [ -0.161, 38.992 ], [ -0.018, 38.873 ], [ 0.197, 38.804 ], [ 0.234, 38.737 ], [ 0.084, 38.631 ], [ -0.016, 38.627 ], [ -0.098, 38.523 ], [ -0.312, 38.477 ], [ -0.387, 38.431 ], [ -0.404, 38.352 ], [ -0.506, 38.332 ], [ -0.51, 38.203 ], [ -0.628, 38.154 ], [ -0.648, 38 ], [ -0.761, 37.865 ], [ -0.748, 37.79 ], [ -0.784, 37.819 ], [ -0.86, 37.723 ], [ -0.728, 37.634 ], [ -0.72, 37.649 ], [ -0.74, 37.66 ], [ -0.745, 37.759 ], [ -0.728, 37.75 ], [ -0.688, 37.634 ], [ -0.718, 37.607 ], [ -0.919, 37.554 ], [ -0.992, 37.601 ], [ -1.111, 37.534 ], [ -1.326, 37.563 ], [ -1.46, 37.487 ], [ -1.486, 37.423 ], [ -1.672, 37.357 ], [ -1.805, 37.217 ], [ -1.896, 36.948 ], [ -2.124, 36.732 ], [ -2.193, 36.721 ], [ -2.361, 36.842 ], [ -2.562, 36.816 ], [ -2.7, 36.683 ], [ -2.849, 36.695 ], [ -2.927, 36.752 ], [ -3.259, 36.753 ], [ -3.42, 36.694 ], [ -3.835, 36.754 ], [ -4.394, 36.722 ], [ -4.638, 36.507 ], [ -4.913, 36.505 ], [ -5.177, 36.414 ], [ -5.351, 36.153 ] ], [ [ -5.603, 36.008 ], [ -5.603, 36.009 ], [ -5.603, 36.009 ], [ -5.603, 36.008 ] ], [ [ -5.603, 36.009 ], [ -5.602, 36.01 ], [ -5.605, 36.01 ], [ -5.603, 36.009 ] ], [ [ -7.823, 43.7 ], [ -7.82, 43.7 ], [ -7.821, 43.701 ], [ -7.823, 43.7 ] ], [ [ -7.82, 43.7 ], [ -7.815, 43.695 ], [ -7.813, 43.698 ], [ -7.82, 43.7 ] ], [ [ -7.695, 43.739 ], [ -7.695, 43.739 ], [ -7.701, 43.736 ], [ -7.695, 43.739 ] ], [ [ -7.597, 43.674 ], [ -7.596, 43.673 ], [ -7.596, 43.674 ], [ -7.597, 43.674 ] ], [ [ -7.596, 43.673 ], [ -7.599, 43.663 ], [ -7.594, 43.668 ], [ -7.596, 43.673 ] ], [ [ -2.132, 43.292 ], [ -2.132, 43.292 ], [ -2.131, 43.287 ], [ -2.132, 43.292 ] ], [ [ 0.019, 39.968 ], [ 0.013, 39.968 ], [ 0.02, 39.968 ], [ 0.019, 39.968 ] ], [ [ -0.273, 39.279 ], [ -0.273, 39.279 ], [ -0.279, 39.278 ], [ -0.273, 39.279 ] ], [ [ -0.729, 37.744 ], [ -0.728, 37.744 ], [ -0.733, 37.747 ], [ -0.729, 37.744 ] ], [ [ -5.229, 36.354 ], [ -5.228, 36.355 ], [ -5.232, 36.356 ], [ -5.229, 36.354 ] ], [ [ -5.271, 36.288 ], [ -5.271, 36.288 ], [ -5.274, 36.292 ], [ -5.271, 36.288 ] ] ], [ [ [ -5.432, 36.128 ], [ -5.43, 36.141 ], [ -5.432, 36.128 ], [ -5.432, 36.128 ] ] ], [ [ [ -5.417, 36.175 ], [ -5.417, 36.175 ], [ -5.42, 36.173 ], [ -5.417, 36.175 ] ] ], [ [ [ -4.509, 36.597 ], [ -4.509, 36.597 ], [ -4.512, 36.593 ], [ -4.509, 36.597 ] ] ], [ [ [ -6.333, 36.62 ], [ -6.326, 36.61 ], [ -6.335, 36.621 ], [ -6.333, 36.62 ] ] ], [ [ [ -2.791, 36.695 ], [ -2.791, 36.694 ], [ -2.798, 36.696 ], [ -2.791, 36.695 ] ] ], [ [ [ -6.949, 37.168 ], [ -6.948, 37.167 ], [ -6.949, 37.164 ], [ -6.949, 37.168 ] ] ], [ [ [ -0.77, 37.69 ], [ -0.776, 37.696 ], [ -0.772, 37.703 ], [ -0.765, 37.694 ], [ -0.77, 37.69 ] ] ], [ [ [ -0.798, 37.696 ], [ -0.803, 37.703 ], [ -0.797, 37.702 ], [ -0.798, 37.696 ] ] ], [ [ [ -0.681, 37.971 ], [ -0.68, 37.969 ], [ -0.687, 37.964 ], [ -0.681, 37.971 ] ] ], [ [ [ -0.471, 38.162 ], [ -0.484, 38.167 ], [ -0.465, 38.164 ], [ -0.471, 38.162 ] ] ], [ [ [ 1.389, 38.64 ], [ 1.38, 38.719 ], [ 1.433, 38.772 ], [ 1.496, 38.689 ], [ 1.585, 38.67 ], [ 1.447, 38.685 ], [ 1.389, 38.64 ] ] ], [ [ [ -0.745, 37.759 ], [ -0.745, 37.759 ], [ -0.745, 37.759 ], [ -0.745, 37.759 ] ] ], [ [ [ -0.745, 37.759 ], [ -0.758, 37.78 ], [ -0.753, 37.783 ], [ -0.74, 37.772 ], [ -0.745, 37.759 ] ] ], [ [ [ 1.48, 38.788 ], [ 1.474, 38.797 ], [ 1.478, 38.805 ], [ 1.482, 38.799 ], [ 1.48, 38.788 ] ] ], [ [ [ 1.432, 38.774 ], [ 1.419, 38.779 ], [ 1.422, 38.797 ], [ 1.432, 38.784 ], [ 1.432, 38.774 ] ] ], [ [ [ 1.198, 38.956 ], [ 1.19, 38.958 ], [ 1.198, 38.96 ], [ 1.198, 38.956 ] ] ], [ [ [ 1.216, 38.967 ], [ 1.215, 38.973 ], [ 1.22, 38.969 ], [ 1.216, 38.967 ] ] ], [ [ [ 1.189, 38.863 ], [ 1.196, 38.87 ], [ 1.203, 38.869 ], [ 1.202, 38.864 ], [ 1.189, 38.863 ] ] ], [ [ [ 1.213, 38.866 ], [ 1.207, 38.868 ], [ 1.215, 38.869 ], [ 1.213, 38.866 ] ] ], [ [ [ 1.649, 39.032 ], [ 1.636, 39.041 ], [ 1.646, 39.041 ], [ 1.649, 39.032 ] ] ], [ [ [ 2.947, 39.125 ], [ 2.919, 39.129 ], [ 2.917, 39.162 ], [ 2.977, 39.158 ], [ 2.947, 39.125 ] ] ], [ [ [ 2.962, 39.175 ], [ 2.956, 39.184 ], [ 2.97, 39.19 ], [ 2.973, 39.187 ], [ 2.962, 39.175 ] ] ], [ [ [ 2.306, 39.572 ], [ 2.308, 39.582 ], [ 2.339, 39.598 ], [ 2.319, 39.577 ], [ 2.306, 39.572 ] ] ], [ [ [ 4.285, 39.799 ], [ 4.282, 39.802 ], [ 4.296, 39.8 ], [ 4.285, 39.799 ] ] ], [ [ [ 2.571, 39.531 ], [ 2.571, 39.531 ], [ 2.565, 39.528 ], [ 2.571, 39.531 ] ] ], [ [ [ 1.371, 38.83 ], [ 1.345, 38.871 ], [ 1.224, 38.871 ], [ 1.229, 38.975 ], [ 1.303, 38.97 ], [ 1.29, 39.028 ], [ 1.36, 39.074 ], [ 1.533, 39.118 ], [ 1.604, 39.091 ], [ 1.621, 39.028 ], [ 1.371, 38.83 ] ] ], [ [ [ 1.214, 38.976 ], [ 1.206, 38.984 ], [ 1.214, 38.995 ], [ 1.219, 38.978 ], [ 1.214, 38.976 ] ] ], [ [ [ 0.687, 39.893 ], [ 0.684, 39.897 ], [ 0.688, 39.901 ], [ 0.684, 39.897 ], [ 0.687, 39.893 ] ] ], [ [ [ 4.271, 39.809 ], [ 3.99, 39.931 ], [ 3.824, 39.922 ], [ 3.836, 40.002 ], [ 3.792, 40.02 ], [ 4.082, 40.089 ], [ 4.127, 40.026 ], [ 4.137, 40.067 ], [ 4.173, 40.061 ], [ 4.205, 39.993 ], [ 4.27, 39.997 ], [ 4.328, 39.877 ], [ 4.257, 39.897 ], [ 4.308, 39.865 ], [ 4.271, 39.809 ] ] ], [ [ [ 4.277, 39.956 ], [ 4.274, 39.964 ], [ 4.278, 39.967 ], [ 4.284, 39.96 ], [ 4.277, 39.956 ] ] ], [ [ [ 3.147, 39.92 ], [ 3.144, 39.923 ], [ 3.15, 39.92 ], [ 3.147, 39.92 ] ] ] ] } } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 101945, "end" : 101951 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "España" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/ca7e81c2-e696-4a65-96d0-ed611c6636e1", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "governor", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-29T10:44:13+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "colonizer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-29T10:44:13+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-29T10:44:13+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Lope\nGarcía de Castro\n(Villanueva de Valdueza,\n1516 - Madrid, 8\nde enero de 1576), fue un licenciado en leyes y militar español que llegó a ser Gobernador provisional\ndel Perú y Presidente de la Real Audiencia de Lima. No ostentó el título de Virrey, pero estuvo investido de amplias facultades gubernativas, con\nla tarea de imponer orden en el Perú, amenazado por múltiples revueltas\ny con gravísimos\nproblemas administrativos. Fue también Caballero de la Orden de Santiago.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-29T10:44:13+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 73120, "end" : 73141 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Lope García de Castro" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/f6c79376-474b-4563-b0ab-d8eff60a3320", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T18:35:23+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Natural de Madrid; viene con Cabeza de Vaca. Es atacado por los Taberés; y los asalta en un fuerte de madera. Es ajusticiado por haber conspirado contra la vida del Gobernador Irala.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T18:35:23+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 16652, "end" : 16667 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "capitán Camargo" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/d5756e84-f658-44b0-90a2-9b5bc6f0ed83", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://www.hgis-indias.net/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=gazetteer:9001006", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T20:16:14+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T20:16:14+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ -58.35179869, -33.67232101 ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Refiere a la Provincia del Río de la Plata, un espacio creado a partir de las capitulaciones que firmó el primer adelantado Pedro de Mendoza con Carlos I en 1534.La misma limitaba al norte con los territorios otorgados a Diego de Almagro, ocupando una franja que se extendería entre el Mar del Sur y el Mar Océano Austral. La exploración y ocupación efectiva del terreno delimitarían el espacio de la provincia del Río de la Plata al sector atlántico y específicamente, al eje fluvial Paraná-Plata", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-16T17:49:05+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 101911, "end" : 101926 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Río de la Plata" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/7f969f60-0542-47e5-98da-46525285246a", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://www.hgis-indias.net/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=gazetteer:9001006", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T20:16:14+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T20:16:14+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ -58.35179869, -33.67232101 ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Refiere a la Provincia del Río de la Plata, un espacio creado a partir de las capitulaciones que firmó el primer adelantado Pedro de Mendoza con Carlos I en 1534.La misma limitaba al norte con los territorios otorgados a Diego de Almagro, ocupando una franja que se extendería entre el Mar del Sur y el Mar Océano Austral. La exploración y ocupación efectiva del terreno delimitarían el espacio de la provincia del Río de la Plata al sector atlántico y específicamente, al eje fluvial Paraná-Plata", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-16T17:49:05+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 92137, "end" : 92152 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Río de la Plata" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/5a197dd1-f842-4a66-9d72-6335bf33056c", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-28T17:44:19+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Ruy Díaz de Melgarejo (Salteras\nde Sevilla, 1519 – Santa Fe la Vieja, 1602) fue un militar, conquistador, explorador,\nestadista, minero y burócrata colonial español establecido en la región del Río\nde la Plata. Su vida estuvo marcada por guerras, conspiraciones, persecuciones\ny conflictos familiares.\n\nJunto a Juan de Salazar, Alonso Riquelme de Guzmán y Diego de Abreu se opuso\nal gobierno asunceno de Domingo Martínez de Irala, apoyando al deportado Álvar\nNúñez Cabeza de Vaca.\n\nGobernó de manera casi absoluta e independiente la antigua provincia\nasuncena del Guayrá, fácticamente durante 20 años, y luego de separarla de Asunción\nen 1575, con el título de teniente de gobernador del Guayrá unos 15 años más.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T20:31:25+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 89298, "end" : 89316 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Rui Díaz Melgarejo" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/3334fbc8-754d-4822-b730-15e70de7ea8e", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-28T17:44:19+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Ruy Díaz de Melgarejo (Salteras\nde Sevilla, 1519 – Santa Fe la Vieja, 1602) fue un militar, conquistador, explorador,\nestadista, minero y burócrata colonial español establecido en la región del Río\nde la Plata. Su vida estuvo marcada por guerras, conspiraciones, persecuciones\ny conflictos familiares.\n\nJunto a Juan de Salazar, Alonso Riquelme de Guzmán y Diego de Abreu se opuso\nal gobierno asunceno de Domingo Martínez de Irala, apoyando al deportado Álvar\nNúñez Cabeza de Vaca.\n\nGobernó de manera casi absoluta e independiente la antigua provincia\nasuncena del Guayrá, fácticamente durante 20 años, y luego de separarla de Asunción\nen 1575, con el título de teniente de gobernador del Guayrá unos 15 años más.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T20:31:25+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 16015, "end" : 16033 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Rui Díaz Melgarejo" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/8ab2df15-473b-4b32-aacb-7db915f387ba", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-28T17:44:19+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Ruy Díaz de Melgarejo (Salteras\nde Sevilla, 1519 – Santa Fe la Vieja, 1602) fue un militar, conquistador, explorador,\nestadista, minero y burócrata colonial español establecido en la región del Río\nde la Plata. Su vida estuvo marcada por guerras, conspiraciones, persecuciones\ny conflictos familiares.\n\nJunto a Juan de Salazar, Alonso Riquelme de Guzmán y Diego de Abreu se opuso\nal gobierno asunceno de Domingo Martínez de Irala, apoyando al deportado Álvar\nNúñez Cabeza de Vaca.\n\nGobernó de manera casi absoluta e independiente la antigua provincia\nasuncena del Guayrá, fácticamente durante 20 años, y luego de separarla de Asunción\nen 1575, con el título de teniente de gobernador del Guayrá unos 15 años más.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T20:31:25+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 4403, "end" : 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Madrid, ca. 1538) fueun conquistador, explorador y\n colonizador español.Se desempeñó como gobernador interino del Ríode la \nPlata y del Paraguay, con sede en Asunción,entre el 11 de diciembre de \n1568 hasta el 14 dejulio de 1572.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T20:33:29+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 86547, "end" : 86564 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Felipe de Cáceres" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/5b1e6359-c951-455e-8721-64fd61c8dd98", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T14:47:53+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Felipe de Cáceres (n. Madrid, ca. 1538) fueun conquistador, explorador y\n colonizador español.Se desempeñó como gobernador interino del Ríode la \nPlata y del Paraguay, con sede en Asunción,entre el 11 de diciembre de \n1568 hasta el 14 dejulio de 1572.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T20:33:29+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 22027, "end" : 22044 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Felipe de Cáceres" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/fc143b4e-8eef-4949-a5f7-969d56c473ef", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PLACE", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T15:44:52+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Río Piquiri es un río brasileño que discurre por el estado de Paraná. Es uno de los principales afluentes por la margen izquierda del río Paraná en territorio brasileño.http://www.geonames.org/3453670/arroio-piquiri.htmlRío que desemboca en el Paraná, en el punto donde está edificada Ciudad Real (antigua capital del Guayra, Paraguay). Los que han examinado y descripto el curso de este río lo hacen salir al Paraná, tres leguas arriba del Salto Grande, y casi en frente de la boca del Igatimí; donde creemos que acababa la última línea de demarcación. Los españoles descubrieron y trabajaron minas de fierro cerca de este río. Su nombre, que es Piquirí, y no Pequirí, se compone de piqui, pececillos, e î, río: «río que abunda de pescado chico».", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T17:48:28+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 8017, "end" : 8024 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Piquirí" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/49a276a7-4383-49a1-9ad9-b979b1fb71e9", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PLACE", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T20:39:21+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Podría ser Tacúahttp://notashistoricasporcel.blogspot.com.ar/2010/08/los-grandes-caminantes-de-nuestra.html", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T17:27:53+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 6736, "end" : 6741 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Tatúa" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/15075eff-cc5d-4553-b299-dfbd874919a9", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PLACE", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T17:58:31+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Pueblo de Paraguay. 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En algunas relaciones de misioneros se da al primero, que es el más septentrional, el nombre de Guarambaré, confundiéndolo con una reducción de este nombre que distaba diez leguas de Ipané. Esta voz, en guaraní, quiere decir «río desgraciado, o pobre»; i, río, y pané, desdicha; y según los jesuitas, se le dio este nombre por carecer de pescado.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T18:37:24+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 12400, "end" : 12419 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "provincia del Ipané" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/4133231d-9749-40bc-a942-8ca9efa03e4b", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://sws.geonames.org/3932488", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T20:48:20+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T20:48:20+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "MultiPolygon", "coordinates" : [ [ [ [ -78.621, -9.126 ], [ -78.632, -9.119 ], [ -78.633, -9.086 ], [ -78.62, -9.104 ], [ -78.621, -9.126 ] ] ], [ [ [ -78.45, -9.388 ], [ -78.454, -9.381 ], [ -78.447, -9.375 ], [ -78.443, -9.378 ], [ -78.45, -9.388 ] ] ], [ [ [ -78.471, -9.354 ], [ -78.477, -9.347 ], [ -78.469, -9.34 ], [ -78.465, -9.343 ], [ -78.471, -9.354 ] ] ], [ [ [ -78.682, -9.043 ], [ -78.693, -9.028 ], [ -78.684, -9.017 ], [ -78.672, -9.035 ], [ -78.682, -9.043 ] ] ], [ [ [ -79.495, -7.796 ], [ -79.499, -7.789 ], [ -79.499, -7.785 ], [ -79.491, -7.793 ], [ -79.495, -7.796 ] ] ], [ [ [ -80.699, -6.973 ], [ -80.702, -6.972 ], [ -80.704, -6.961 ], [ -80.696, -6.972 ], [ -80.699, -6.973 ] ] ], [ [ [ -80.698, -6.962 ], [ -80.698, -6.948 ], [ -80.694, -6.956 ], [ -80.698, -6.962 ] ] ], [ [ [ -80.845, -6.472 ], [ -80.868, -6.436 ], [ -80.844, -6.383 ], [ -80.851, -6.407 ], [ -80.845, -6.472 ] ] ], [ [ [ -81.205, -5.216 ], [ -81.211, -5.206 ], [ -81.201, -5.21 ], [ -81.205, -5.216 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.259, -15.273 ], [ -75.269, -15.267 ], [ -75.269, -15.264 ], [ -75.257, -15.264 ], [ -75.259, -15.273 ] ] ], [ [ [ -76.179, -14.318 ], [ -76.219, -14.293 ], [ -76.219, -14.267 ], [ -76.188, -14.28 ], [ -76.179, -14.318 ] ] ], [ [ [ -76.455, -13.868 ], [ -76.471, -13.858 ], [ -76.458, -13.828 ], [ -76.441, -13.848 ], [ -76.455, -13.868 ] ] ], [ [ [ -76.406, -13.75 ], [ -76.406, -13.746 ], [ -76.397, -13.741 ], [ -76.397, -13.746 ], [ -76.406, -13.75 ] ] ], [ [ [ -76.633, -12.805 ], [ -76.634, -12.794 ], [ -76.621, -12.798 ], [ -76.633, -12.805 ] ] ], [ [ [ -76.899, -12.361 ], [ -76.905, -12.355 ], [ -76.901, -12.347 ], [ -76.897, -12.352 ], [ -76.899, -12.361 ] ] ], [ [ [ -76.915, -12.314 ], [ -76.917, -12.312 ], [ -76.909, -12.302 ], [ -76.909, -12.312 ], [ -76.915, -12.314 ] ] ], [ [ [ -77.19, -12.134 ], [ -77.189, -12.125 ], [ -77.185, -12.124 ], [ -77.182, -12.129 ], [ -77.19, -12.134 ] ] ], [ [ [ -77.208, -12.124 ], [ -77.253, -12.095 ], [ -77.254, -12.074 ], [ -77.202, -12.103 ], [ -77.208, -12.124 ] ] ], [ [ [ -77.717, -11.974 ], [ -77.725, -11.969 ], [ -77.724, -11.965 ], [ -77.718, -11.965 ], [ -77.717, -11.974 ] ] ], [ [ [ -77.723, -11.954 ], [ -77.733, -11.953 ], [ -77.734, -11.948 ], [ -77.722, -11.946 ], [ -77.723, -11.954 ] ] ], [ [ [ -77.851, -11.494 ], [ -77.852, -11.486 ], [ -77.844, -11.48 ], [ -77.844, -11.488 ], [ -77.851, -11.494 ] ] ], [ [ [ -81.072, -5 ], [ -81.326, -4.68 ], [ -81.25, -4.27 ], [ -80.837, -3.877 ], [ -80.786, -3.749 ], [ -80.574, -3.628 ], [ -80.501, -3.505 ], [ -80.366, -3.499 ], [ -80.304, -3.405 ], [ -80.219, -3.438 ], [ -80.154, -3.905 ], [ -80.286, -4.018 ], [ -80.398, -3.984 ], [ -80.475, -4.054 ], [ -80.444, -4.194 ], [ -80.305, -4.201 ], [ -80.443, -4.371 ], [ -80.443, -4.437 ], [ -80.335, -4.47 ], [ -80.136, -4.285 ], [ -79.895, -4.394 ], [ -79.812, -4.486 ], [ -79.631, -4.435 ], [ -79.541, -4.528 ], [ -79.482, -4.529 ], [ -79.416, -4.799 ], [ -79.26, -4.967 ], [ -79, -4.979 ], [ -78.881, -4.72 ], [ -78.736, -4.654 ], [ -78.621, -4.497 ], [ -78.627, -4.319 ], [ -78.572, -4.255 ], [ -78.499, -3.949 ], [ -78.377, -3.787 ], [ -78.319, -3.429 ], [ -78.249, -3.429 ], [ -78.232, -3.534 ], [ -78.137, -3.522 ], [ -78.19, -3.354 ], [ -77.824, -2.998 ], [ -76.627, -2.591 ], [ -76.045, -2.128 ], [ -75.538, -1.536 ], [ -75.364, -0.956 ], [ -75.185, -0.971 ], [ -75.28, -0.711 ], [ -75.245, -0.535 ], [ -75.415, -0.424 ], [ -75.449, -0.329 ], [ -75.622, -0.263 ], [ -75.622, -0.109 ], [ -75.304, -0.134 ], [ -75.219, -0.015 ], [ -75.115, -0.039 ], [ -74.904, -0.195 ], [ -74.824, -0.145 ], [ -74.78, -0.214 ], [ -74.801, -0.29 ], [ -74.659, -0.332 ], [ -74.52, -0.479 ], [ -74.425, -0.511 ], [ -74.342, -0.695 ], [ -74.378, -0.745 ], [ -74.258, -0.843 ], [ -74.272, -0.899 ], [ -74.318, -0.9 ], [ -74.266, -1.007 ], [ -74.074, -1.081 ], [ -74.033, -1.028 ], [ -74.013, -1.123 ], [ -73.905, -1.15 ], [ -73.861, -1.25 ], [ -73.777, -1.277 ], [ -73.75, -1.22 ], [ -73.732, -1.267 ], [ -73.624, -1.283 ], [ -73.552, -1.429 ], [ -73.586, -1.445 ], [ -73.539, -1.452 ], [ -73.46, -1.6 ], [ -73.532, -1.733 ], [ -73.314, -1.855 ], [ -73.293, -1.803 ], [ -73.231, -1.823 ], [ -73.222, -1.774 ], [ -73.143, -1.834 ], [ -73.095, -2.113 ], [ -73.059, -2.125 ], [ -73.153, -2.276 ], [ -73.044, -2.4 ], [ -73.021, -2.355 ], [ -72.962, -2.382 ], [ -72.921, -2.5 ], [ -72.769, -2.42 ], [ -72.733, -2.459 ], [ -72.707, -2.416 ], [ -72.67, -2.486 ], [ -72.618, -2.396 ], [ -72.383, -2.416 ], [ -72.346, -2.49 ], [ -72.221, -2.433 ], [ -72.126, -2.468 ], [ -72.035, -2.331 ], [ -71.907, -2.373 ], [ -71.919, -2.312 ], [ -71.861, -2.3 ], [ -71.822, -2.187 ], [ -71.722, -2.128 ], [ -71.707, -2.214 ], [ -71.628, -2.191 ], [ -71.5, -2.245 ], [ -71.484, -2.336 ], [ -71.444, -2.263 ], [ -71.375, -2.398 ], [ -71.284, -2.338 ], [ -71.165, -2.376 ], [ -71.057, -2.264 ], [ -70.986, -2.298 ], [ -70.993, -2.205 ], [ -70.928, -2.245 ], [ -70.857, -2.217 ], [ -70.822, -2.283 ], [ -70.658, -2.351 ], [ -70.608, -2.481 ], [ -70.55, -2.47 ], [ -70.562, -2.415 ], [ -70.418, -2.525 ], [ -70.307, -2.498 ], [ -70.342, -2.573 ], [ -70.246, -2.548 ], [ -70.15, -2.705 ], [ -70.076, -2.662 ], [ -70.034, -2.761 ], [ -70.703, -3.795 ], [ -70.485, -3.885 ], [ -70.295, -3.813 ], [ -70.186, -3.891 ], [ -70.158, -4.021 ], [ -69.948, -4.219 ], [ -69.978, -4.295 ], [ -70.036, -4.339 ], [ -70.076, -4.309 ], [ -70.042, -4.284 ], [ -70.164, -4.268 ], [ -70.19, -4.357 ], [ -70.249, -4.267 ], [ -70.291, -4.283 ], [ -70.317, -4.136 ], [ -70.341, -4.174 ], [ -70.434, -4.125 ], [ -70.503, -4.19 ], [ -70.553, -4.128 ], [ -70.566, -4.205 ], [ -70.565, -4.168 ], [ -70.633, -4.173 ], [ -70.622, -4.121 ], [ -70.677, -4.2 ], [ -70.757, -4.152 ], [ -70.935, -4.381 ], [ -70.99, -4.34 ], [ -71.031, -4.397 ], [ -71.147, -4.375 ], [ -71.193, -4.42 ], [ -71.198, -4.377 ], [ -71.269, -4.381 ], [ -71.303, -4.458 ], [ -71.355, -4.468 ], [ -71.342, -4.423 ], [ -71.432, -4.469 ], [ -71.414, -4.432 ], [ -71.506, -4.435 ], [ -71.49, -4.479 ], [ -71.535, -4.46 ], [ -71.597, -4.525 ], [ -71.61, -4.465 ], [ -71.897, -4.512 ], [ -71.94, -4.607 ], [ -72.047, -4.625 ], [ -72.113, -4.722 ], [ -72.223, -4.78 ], [ -72.313, -4.769 ], [ -72.292, -4.799 ], [ -72.356, -4.803 ], [ -72.37, -4.88 ], [ -72.452, -4.906 ], [ -72.455, -4.962 ], [ -72.577, -4.992 ], [ -72.602, -5.056 ], [ -72.734, -5.043 ], [ -72.896, -5.136 ], [ -72.872, -5.25 ], [ -72.948, -5.454 ], [ -72.951, -5.643 ], [ -73.116, -5.865 ], [ -73.131, -5.986 ], [ -73.185, -6.04 ], [ -73.133, -6.421 ], [ -73.211, -6.53 ], [ -73.351, -6.561 ], [ -73.743, -6.897 ], [ -73.797, -7.115 ], [ -73.691, -7.313 ], [ -73.868, -7.377 ], [ -73.954, -7.348 ], [ -73.917, -7.461 ], [ -73.986, -7.537 ], [ -73.69, -7.79 ], [ -73.697, -7.865 ], [ -73.777, -7.869 ], [ -73.765, -7.94 ], [ -73.632, -8.022 ], [ -73.526, -8.369 ], [ -73.338, -8.476 ], [ -73.338, -8.609 ], [ -73.169, -8.701 ], [ -73.059, -8.904 ], [ -72.946, -8.99 ], [ -72.965, -9.154 ], [ -73.196, -9.418 ], [ -72.721, -9.417 ], [ -72.364, -9.491 ], [ -72.289, -9.536 ], [ -72.26, -9.755 ], [ -72.16, -9.818 ], [ -72.165, -10.002 ], [ -71.288, -9.996 ], [ -71.131, -9.862 ], [ -70.982, -9.812 ], [ -70.601, -9.453 ], [ -70.497, -9.433 ], [ -70.561, -9.579 ], [ -70.598, -9.574 ], [ -70.522, -9.738 ], [ -70.622, -9.847 ], [ -70.618, -11.007 ], [ -70.508, -10.94 ], [ -70.337, -11.067 ], [ -69.938, -10.926 ], [ -69.728, -10.973 ], [ -69.568, -10.954 ], [ -68.924, -11.994 ], [ -68.679, -12.497 ], [ -68.764, -12.612 ], [ -68.738, -12.705 ], [ -68.85, -12.728 ], [ -68.961, -12.852 ], [ -68.942, -13.486 ], [ -68.997, -13.652 ], [ -69.076, -13.654 ], [ -68.988, -13.769 ], [ -68.965, -13.98 ], [ -68.881, -14.065 ], [ -68.841, -14.21 ], [ -68.982, -14.237 ], [ -68.98, -14.387 ], [ -69.152, -14.508 ], [ -69.149, -14.584 ], [ -69.225, -14.584 ], [ -69.244, -14.753 ], [ -69.363, -14.804 ], [ -69.365, -14.98 ], [ -69.126, -15.256 ], [ -69.265, -15.336 ], [ -69.274, -15.421 ], [ -69.414, -15.621 ], [ -69.236, -16.143 ], [ -69.099, -16.219 ], [ -68.963, -16.189 ], [ -68.814, -16.338 ], [ -68.982, -16.433 ], [ -69.032, -16.566 ], [ -69.006, -16.677 ], [ -69.168, -16.731 ], [ -69.392, -17.021 ], [ -69.375, -17.078 ], [ -69.551, -17.162 ], [ -69.641, -17.282 ], [ -69.463, -17.376 ], [ -69.463, -17.508 ], [ -69.662, -17.658 ], [ -69.799, -17.65 ], [ -69.819, -17.747 ], [ -69.753, -17.982 ], [ -69.948, -18.248 ], [ -70.374, -18.35 ], [ -70.879, -18.01 ], [ -70.925, -17.924 ], [ -71.383, -17.708 ], [ -71.342, -17.636 ], [ -71.382, -17.419 ], [ -71.515, -17.265 ], [ -71.819, -17.18 ], [ -71.974, -17.048 ], [ -72.113, -17.027 ], [ -72.123, -16.97 ], [ -72.45, -16.705 ], [ -72.758, -16.636 ], [ -73.112, -16.433 ], [ -73.291, -16.402 ], [ -73.3, -16.349 ], [ -73.414, -16.294 ], [ -73.701, -16.24 ], [ -74.057, -15.961 ], [ -74.285, -15.846 ], [ -74.371, -15.85 ], [ -74.476, -15.726 ], [ -75.141, -15.419 ], [ -75.2, -15.381 ], [ -75.157, -15.338 ], [ -75.252, -15.268 ], [ -75.23, -15.22 ], [ -75.376, -15.161 ], [ -75.509, -14.922 ], [ -75.921, -14.662 ], [ -75.98, -14.483 ], [ -76.151, -14.345 ], [ -76.105, -14.326 ], [ -76.135, -14.245 ], [ -76.222, -14.165 ], [ -76.274, -14.151 ], [ -76.273, -14.211 ], [ -76.296, -14.175 ], [ -76.286, -13.917 ], [ -76.395, -13.908 ], [ -76.332, -13.799 ], [ -76.261, -13.872 ], [ -76.191, -13.607 ], [ -76.206, -13.4 ], [ -76.492, -13.049 ], [ -76.52, -12.871 ], [ -76.641, -12.752 ], [ -76.693, -12.608 ], [ -76.811, -12.512 ], [ -76.784, -12.402 ], [ -76.84, -12.323 ], [ -77.042, -12.215 ], [ -77.072, -12.113 ], [ -77.172, -12.087 ], [ -77.136, -11.984 ], [ -77.201, -11.79 ], [ -77.176, -11.739 ], [ -77.301, -11.521 ], [ -77.663, -11.297 ], [ -77.656, -11.228 ], [ -77.604, -11.205 ], [ -77.671, -10.949 ], [ -78.196, -10.11 ], [ -78.241, -9.793 ], [ -78.378, -9.635 ], [ -78.431, -9.345 ], [ -78.536, -9.274 ], [ -78.507, -9.186 ], [ -78.555, -9.184 ], [ -78.575, -9.248 ], [ -78.621, -9.185 ], [ -78.563, -9.134 ], [ -78.641, -9.076 ], [ -78.654, -8.916 ], [ -78.766, -8.773 ], [ -78.755, -8.616 ], [ -78.934, -8.455 ], [ -78.905, -8.389 ], [ -78.97, -8.252 ], [ -79.359, -7.859 ], [ -79.566, -7.465 ], [ -79.581, -7.322 ], [ -79.678, -7.12 ], [ -79.916, -6.884 ], [ -79.983, -6.743 ], [ -80.298, -6.53 ], [ -80.773, -6.306 ], [ -81.11, -6.057 ], [ -81.144, -5.89 ], [ -81.076, -5.791 ], [ -80.942, -5.848 ], [ -80.866, -5.784 ], [ -80.858, -5.819 ], [ -80.841, -5.841 ], [ -80.848, -5.534 ], [ -80.872, -5.558 ], [ -80.945, -5.432 ], [ -81.191, -5.216 ], [ -81.167, -5.083 ], [ -81.085, -5.081 ], [ -81.072, -5 ] ] ] ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Entendido como virreinato del Perú.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T20:48:20+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 91227, "end" : 91231 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Perú" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/3d27840d-8be9-4c6f-bf22-85a291f3a863", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", 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[ -74.801, -0.29 ], [ -74.659, -0.332 ], [ -74.52, -0.479 ], [ -74.425, -0.511 ], [ -74.342, -0.695 ], [ -74.378, -0.745 ], [ -74.258, -0.843 ], [ -74.272, -0.899 ], [ -74.318, -0.9 ], [ -74.266, -1.007 ], [ -74.074, -1.081 ], [ -74.033, -1.028 ], [ -74.013, -1.123 ], [ -73.905, -1.15 ], [ -73.861, -1.25 ], [ -73.777, -1.277 ], [ -73.75, -1.22 ], [ -73.732, -1.267 ], [ -73.624, -1.283 ], [ -73.552, -1.429 ], [ -73.586, -1.445 ], [ -73.539, -1.452 ], [ -73.46, -1.6 ], [ -73.532, -1.733 ], [ -73.314, -1.855 ], [ -73.293, -1.803 ], [ -73.231, -1.823 ], [ -73.222, -1.774 ], [ -73.143, -1.834 ], [ -73.095, -2.113 ], [ -73.059, -2.125 ], [ -73.153, -2.276 ], [ -73.044, -2.4 ], [ -73.021, -2.355 ], [ -72.962, -2.382 ], [ -72.921, -2.5 ], [ -72.769, -2.42 ], [ -72.733, -2.459 ], [ -72.707, -2.416 ], [ -72.67, -2.486 ], [ -72.618, -2.396 ], [ -72.383, -2.416 ], [ -72.346, -2.49 ], [ -72.221, -2.433 ], [ -72.126, -2.468 ], [ -72.035, -2.331 ], [ -71.907, -2.373 ], [ -71.919, -2.312 ], [ -71.861, 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-4.168 ], [ -70.633, -4.173 ], [ -70.622, -4.121 ], [ -70.677, -4.2 ], [ -70.757, -4.152 ], [ -70.935, -4.381 ], [ -70.99, -4.34 ], [ -71.031, -4.397 ], [ -71.147, -4.375 ], [ -71.193, -4.42 ], [ -71.198, -4.377 ], [ -71.269, -4.381 ], [ -71.303, -4.458 ], [ -71.355, -4.468 ], [ -71.342, -4.423 ], [ -71.432, -4.469 ], [ -71.414, -4.432 ], [ -71.506, -4.435 ], [ -71.49, -4.479 ], [ -71.535, -4.46 ], [ -71.597, -4.525 ], [ -71.61, -4.465 ], [ -71.897, -4.512 ], [ -71.94, -4.607 ], [ -72.047, -4.625 ], [ -72.113, -4.722 ], [ -72.223, -4.78 ], [ -72.313, -4.769 ], [ -72.292, -4.799 ], [ -72.356, -4.803 ], [ -72.37, -4.88 ], [ -72.452, -4.906 ], [ -72.455, -4.962 ], [ -72.577, -4.992 ], [ -72.602, -5.056 ], [ -72.734, -5.043 ], [ -72.896, -5.136 ], [ -72.872, -5.25 ], [ -72.948, -5.454 ], [ -72.951, -5.643 ], [ -73.116, -5.865 ], [ -73.131, -5.986 ], [ -73.185, -6.04 ], [ -73.133, -6.421 ], [ -73.211, -6.53 ], [ -73.351, -6.561 ], [ -73.743, -6.897 ], [ -73.797, -7.115 ], [ -73.691, -7.313 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[ -72.45, -16.705 ], [ -72.758, -16.636 ], [ -73.112, -16.433 ], [ -73.291, -16.402 ], [ -73.3, -16.349 ], [ -73.414, -16.294 ], [ -73.701, -16.24 ], [ -74.057, -15.961 ], [ -74.285, -15.846 ], [ -74.371, -15.85 ], [ -74.476, -15.726 ], [ -75.141, -15.419 ], [ -75.2, -15.381 ], [ -75.157, -15.338 ], [ -75.252, -15.268 ], [ -75.23, -15.22 ], [ -75.376, -15.161 ], [ -75.509, -14.922 ], [ -75.921, -14.662 ], [ -75.98, -14.483 ], [ -76.151, -14.345 ], [ -76.105, -14.326 ], [ -76.135, -14.245 ], [ -76.222, -14.165 ], [ -76.274, -14.151 ], [ -76.273, -14.211 ], [ -76.296, -14.175 ], [ -76.286, -13.917 ], [ -76.395, -13.908 ], [ -76.332, -13.799 ], [ -76.261, -13.872 ], [ -76.191, -13.607 ], [ -76.206, -13.4 ], [ -76.492, -13.049 ], [ -76.52, -12.871 ], [ -76.641, -12.752 ], [ -76.693, -12.608 ], [ -76.811, -12.512 ], [ -76.784, -12.402 ], [ -76.84, -12.323 ], [ -77.042, -12.215 ], [ -77.072, -12.113 ], [ -77.172, -12.087 ], [ -77.136, -11.984 ], [ -77.201, -11.79 ], [ -77.176, -11.739 ], [ 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-80.699, -6.973 ] ] ], [ [ [ -80.698, -6.962 ], [ -80.698, -6.948 ], [ -80.694, -6.956 ], [ -80.698, -6.962 ] ] ], [ [ [ -80.845, -6.472 ], [ -80.868, -6.436 ], [ -80.844, -6.383 ], [ -80.851, -6.407 ], [ -80.845, -6.472 ] ] ], [ [ [ -81.205, -5.216 ], [ -81.211, -5.206 ], [ -81.201, -5.21 ], [ -81.205, -5.216 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.259, -15.273 ], [ -75.269, -15.267 ], [ -75.269, -15.264 ], [ -75.257, -15.264 ], [ -75.259, -15.273 ] ] ], [ [ [ -76.179, -14.318 ], [ -76.219, -14.293 ], [ -76.219, -14.267 ], [ -76.188, -14.28 ], [ -76.179, -14.318 ] ] ], [ [ [ -76.455, -13.868 ], [ -76.471, -13.858 ], [ -76.458, -13.828 ], [ -76.441, -13.848 ], [ -76.455, -13.868 ] ] ], [ [ [ -76.406, -13.75 ], [ -76.406, -13.746 ], [ -76.397, -13.741 ], [ -76.397, -13.746 ], [ -76.406, -13.75 ] ] ], [ [ [ -76.633, -12.805 ], [ -76.634, -12.794 ], [ -76.621, -12.798 ], [ -76.633, -12.805 ] ] ], [ [ [ -76.899, -12.361 ], [ -76.905, -12.355 ], [ -76.901, -12.347 ], [ -76.897, -12.352 ], [ -76.899, -12.361 ] ] ], [ [ [ -76.915, -12.314 ], [ -76.917, -12.312 ], [ -76.909, -12.302 ], [ -76.909, -12.312 ], [ -76.915, -12.314 ] ] ], [ [ [ -77.19, -12.134 ], [ -77.189, -12.125 ], [ -77.185, -12.124 ], [ -77.182, -12.129 ], [ -77.19, -12.134 ] ] ], [ [ [ -77.208, -12.124 ], [ -77.253, -12.095 ], [ -77.254, -12.074 ], [ -77.202, -12.103 ], [ -77.208, -12.124 ] ] ], [ [ [ -77.717, -11.974 ], [ -77.725, -11.969 ], [ -77.724, -11.965 ], [ -77.718, -11.965 ], [ -77.717, -11.974 ] ] ], [ [ [ -77.723, -11.954 ], [ -77.733, -11.953 ], [ -77.734, -11.948 ], [ -77.722, -11.946 ], [ -77.723, -11.954 ] ] ], [ [ [ -77.851, -11.494 ], [ -77.852, -11.486 ], [ -77.844, -11.48 ], [ -77.844, -11.488 ], [ -77.851, -11.494 ] ] ], [ [ [ -81.072, -5 ], [ -81.326, -4.68 ], [ -81.25, -4.27 ], [ -80.837, -3.877 ], [ -80.786, -3.749 ], [ -80.574, -3.628 ], [ -80.501, -3.505 ], [ -80.366, -3.499 ], [ -80.304, -3.405 ], [ -80.219, -3.438 ], [ -80.154, -3.905 ], [ -80.286, -4.018 ], [ -80.398, -3.984 ], [ -80.475, -4.054 ], [ -80.444, -4.194 ], [ -80.305, -4.201 ], [ -80.443, -4.371 ], [ -80.443, -4.437 ], [ -80.335, -4.47 ], [ -80.136, -4.285 ], [ -79.895, -4.394 ], [ -79.812, -4.486 ], [ -79.631, -4.435 ], [ -79.541, -4.528 ], [ -79.482, -4.529 ], [ -79.416, -4.799 ], [ -79.26, -4.967 ], [ -79, -4.979 ], [ -78.881, -4.72 ], [ -78.736, -4.654 ], [ -78.621, -4.497 ], [ -78.627, -4.319 ], [ -78.572, -4.255 ], [ -78.499, -3.949 ], [ -78.377, -3.787 ], [ -78.319, -3.429 ], [ -78.249, -3.429 ], [ -78.232, -3.534 ], [ -78.137, -3.522 ], [ -78.19, -3.354 ], [ -77.824, -2.998 ], [ -76.627, -2.591 ], [ -76.045, -2.128 ], [ -75.538, -1.536 ], [ -75.364, -0.956 ], [ -75.185, -0.971 ], [ -75.28, -0.711 ], [ -75.245, -0.535 ], [ -75.415, -0.424 ], [ -75.449, -0.329 ], [ -75.622, -0.263 ], [ -75.622, -0.109 ], [ -75.304, -0.134 ], [ -75.219, -0.015 ], [ -75.115, -0.039 ], [ -74.904, -0.195 ], [ -74.824, -0.145 ], [ -74.78, -0.214 ], [ -74.801, -0.29 ], [ -74.659, -0.332 ], [ -74.52, -0.479 ], [ -74.425, -0.511 ], [ -74.342, -0.695 ], [ -74.378, -0.745 ], [ -74.258, -0.843 ], [ -74.272, -0.899 ], [ -74.318, -0.9 ], [ -74.266, -1.007 ], [ -74.074, -1.081 ], [ -74.033, -1.028 ], [ -74.013, -1.123 ], [ -73.905, -1.15 ], [ -73.861, -1.25 ], [ -73.777, -1.277 ], [ -73.75, -1.22 ], [ -73.732, -1.267 ], [ -73.624, -1.283 ], [ -73.552, -1.429 ], [ -73.586, -1.445 ], [ -73.539, -1.452 ], [ -73.46, -1.6 ], [ -73.532, -1.733 ], [ -73.314, -1.855 ], [ -73.293, -1.803 ], [ -73.231, -1.823 ], [ -73.222, -1.774 ], [ -73.143, -1.834 ], [ -73.095, -2.113 ], [ -73.059, -2.125 ], [ -73.153, -2.276 ], [ -73.044, -2.4 ], [ -73.021, -2.355 ], [ -72.962, -2.382 ], [ -72.921, -2.5 ], [ -72.769, -2.42 ], [ -72.733, -2.459 ], [ -72.707, -2.416 ], [ -72.67, -2.486 ], [ -72.618, -2.396 ], [ -72.383, -2.416 ], [ -72.346, -2.49 ], [ -72.221, -2.433 ], [ -72.126, -2.468 ], [ -72.035, -2.331 ], [ -71.907, -2.373 ], [ -71.919, -2.312 ], [ -71.861, -2.3 ], [ -71.822, -2.187 ], [ -71.722, -2.128 ], [ -71.707, -2.214 ], [ -71.628, -2.191 ], [ -71.5, -2.245 ], [ -71.484, -2.336 ], [ -71.444, -2.263 ], [ -71.375, -2.398 ], [ -71.284, -2.338 ], [ -71.165, -2.376 ], [ -71.057, -2.264 ], [ -70.986, -2.298 ], [ -70.993, -2.205 ], [ -70.928, -2.245 ], [ -70.857, -2.217 ], [ -70.822, -2.283 ], [ -70.658, -2.351 ], [ -70.608, -2.481 ], [ -70.55, -2.47 ], [ -70.562, -2.415 ], [ -70.418, -2.525 ], [ -70.307, -2.498 ], [ -70.342, -2.573 ], [ -70.246, -2.548 ], [ -70.15, -2.705 ], [ -70.076, -2.662 ], [ -70.034, -2.761 ], [ -70.703, -3.795 ], [ -70.485, -3.885 ], [ -70.295, -3.813 ], [ -70.186, -3.891 ], [ -70.158, -4.021 ], [ -69.948, -4.219 ], [ -69.978, -4.295 ], [ -70.036, -4.339 ], [ -70.076, -4.309 ], [ -70.042, -4.284 ], [ -70.164, -4.268 ], [ -70.19, -4.357 ], [ -70.249, -4.267 ], [ -70.291, -4.283 ], [ -70.317, -4.136 ], [ -70.341, -4.174 ], [ -70.434, -4.125 ], [ -70.503, -4.19 ], [ -70.553, -4.128 ], [ -70.566, -4.205 ], [ -70.565, -4.168 ], [ -70.633, -4.173 ], [ -70.622, -4.121 ], [ -70.677, -4.2 ], [ -70.757, -4.152 ], [ -70.935, -4.381 ], [ -70.99, -4.34 ], [ -71.031, -4.397 ], [ -71.147, -4.375 ], [ -71.193, -4.42 ], [ -71.198, -4.377 ], [ -71.269, -4.381 ], [ -71.303, -4.458 ], [ -71.355, -4.468 ], [ -71.342, -4.423 ], [ -71.432, -4.469 ], [ -71.414, -4.432 ], [ -71.506, -4.435 ], [ -71.49, -4.479 ], [ -71.535, -4.46 ], [ -71.597, -4.525 ], [ -71.61, -4.465 ], [ -71.897, -4.512 ], [ -71.94, -4.607 ], [ -72.047, -4.625 ], [ -72.113, -4.722 ], [ -72.223, -4.78 ], [ -72.313, -4.769 ], [ -72.292, -4.799 ], [ -72.356, -4.803 ], [ -72.37, -4.88 ], [ -72.452, -4.906 ], [ -72.455, -4.962 ], [ -72.577, -4.992 ], [ -72.602, -5.056 ], [ -72.734, -5.043 ], [ -72.896, -5.136 ], [ -72.872, -5.25 ], [ -72.948, -5.454 ], [ -72.951, -5.643 ], [ -73.116, -5.865 ], [ -73.131, -5.986 ], [ -73.185, -6.04 ], [ -73.133, -6.421 ], [ -73.211, -6.53 ], [ -73.351, -6.561 ], [ -73.743, -6.897 ], [ -73.797, -7.115 ], [ -73.691, -7.313 ], [ -73.868, -7.377 ], [ -73.954, -7.348 ], [ -73.917, -7.461 ], [ -73.986, -7.537 ], [ -73.69, -7.79 ], [ -73.697, -7.865 ], [ -73.777, -7.869 ], [ -73.765, -7.94 ], [ -73.632, -8.022 ], [ -73.526, -8.369 ], [ -73.338, -8.476 ], [ -73.338, -8.609 ], [ -73.169, -8.701 ], [ -73.059, -8.904 ], [ -72.946, -8.99 ], [ -72.965, -9.154 ], [ -73.196, -9.418 ], [ -72.721, -9.417 ], [ -72.364, -9.491 ], [ -72.289, -9.536 ], [ -72.26, -9.755 ], [ -72.16, -9.818 ], [ -72.165, -10.002 ], [ -71.288, -9.996 ], [ -71.131, -9.862 ], [ -70.982, -9.812 ], [ -70.601, -9.453 ], [ -70.497, -9.433 ], [ -70.561, -9.579 ], [ -70.598, -9.574 ], [ -70.522, -9.738 ], [ -70.622, -9.847 ], [ -70.618, -11.007 ], [ -70.508, -10.94 ], [ -70.337, -11.067 ], [ -69.938, -10.926 ], [ -69.728, -10.973 ], [ -69.568, -10.954 ], [ -68.924, -11.994 ], [ -68.679, -12.497 ], [ -68.764, -12.612 ], [ -68.738, -12.705 ], [ -68.85, -12.728 ], [ -68.961, -12.852 ], [ -68.942, -13.486 ], [ -68.997, -13.652 ], [ -69.076, -13.654 ], [ -68.988, -13.769 ], [ -68.965, -13.98 ], [ -68.881, -14.065 ], [ -68.841, -14.21 ], [ -68.982, -14.237 ], [ -68.98, -14.387 ], [ -69.152, -14.508 ], [ -69.149, -14.584 ], [ -69.225, -14.584 ], [ -69.244, -14.753 ], [ -69.363, -14.804 ], [ -69.365, -14.98 ], [ -69.126, -15.256 ], [ -69.265, -15.336 ], [ -69.274, -15.421 ], [ -69.414, -15.621 ], [ -69.236, -16.143 ], [ -69.099, -16.219 ], [ -68.963, -16.189 ], [ -68.814, -16.338 ], [ -68.982, -16.433 ], [ -69.032, -16.566 ], [ -69.006, -16.677 ], [ -69.168, -16.731 ], [ -69.392, -17.021 ], [ -69.375, -17.078 ], [ -69.551, -17.162 ], [ -69.641, -17.282 ], [ -69.463, -17.376 ], [ -69.463, -17.508 ], [ -69.662, -17.658 ], [ -69.799, -17.65 ], [ -69.819, -17.747 ], [ -69.753, -17.982 ], [ -69.948, -18.248 ], [ -70.374, -18.35 ], [ -70.879, -18.01 ], [ -70.925, -17.924 ], [ -71.383, -17.708 ], [ -71.342, -17.636 ], [ -71.382, -17.419 ], [ -71.515, -17.265 ], [ -71.819, -17.18 ], [ -71.974, -17.048 ], [ -72.113, -17.027 ], [ -72.123, -16.97 ], [ -72.45, -16.705 ], [ -72.758, -16.636 ], [ -73.112, -16.433 ], [ -73.291, -16.402 ], [ -73.3, -16.349 ], [ -73.414, -16.294 ], [ -73.701, -16.24 ], [ -74.057, -15.961 ], [ -74.285, -15.846 ], [ -74.371, -15.85 ], [ -74.476, -15.726 ], [ -75.141, -15.419 ], [ -75.2, -15.381 ], [ -75.157, -15.338 ], [ -75.252, -15.268 ], [ -75.23, -15.22 ], [ -75.376, -15.161 ], [ -75.509, -14.922 ], [ -75.921, -14.662 ], [ -75.98, -14.483 ], [ -76.151, -14.345 ], [ -76.105, -14.326 ], [ -76.135, -14.245 ], [ -76.222, -14.165 ], [ -76.274, -14.151 ], [ -76.273, -14.211 ], [ -76.296, -14.175 ], [ -76.286, -13.917 ], [ -76.395, -13.908 ], [ -76.332, -13.799 ], [ -76.261, -13.872 ], [ -76.191, -13.607 ], [ -76.206, -13.4 ], [ -76.492, -13.049 ], [ -76.52, -12.871 ], [ -76.641, -12.752 ], [ -76.693, -12.608 ], [ -76.811, -12.512 ], [ -76.784, -12.402 ], [ -76.84, -12.323 ], [ -77.042, -12.215 ], [ -77.072, -12.113 ], [ -77.172, -12.087 ], [ -77.136, -11.984 ], [ -77.201, -11.79 ], [ -77.176, -11.739 ], [ -77.301, -11.521 ], [ -77.663, -11.297 ], [ -77.656, -11.228 ], [ -77.604, -11.205 ], [ -77.671, -10.949 ], [ -78.196, -10.11 ], [ -78.241, -9.793 ], [ -78.378, -9.635 ], [ -78.431, -9.345 ], [ -78.536, -9.274 ], [ -78.507, -9.186 ], [ -78.555, -9.184 ], [ -78.575, -9.248 ], [ -78.621, -9.185 ], [ -78.563, -9.134 ], [ -78.641, -9.076 ], [ -78.654, -8.916 ], [ -78.766, -8.773 ], [ -78.755, -8.616 ], [ -78.934, -8.455 ], [ -78.905, -8.389 ], [ -78.97, -8.252 ], [ -79.359, -7.859 ], [ -79.566, -7.465 ], [ -79.581, -7.322 ], [ -79.678, -7.12 ], [ -79.916, -6.884 ], [ -79.983, -6.743 ], [ -80.298, -6.53 ], [ -80.773, -6.306 ], [ -81.11, -6.057 ], [ -81.144, -5.89 ], [ -81.076, -5.791 ], [ -80.942, -5.848 ], [ -80.866, -5.784 ], [ -80.858, -5.819 ], [ -80.841, -5.841 ], [ -80.848, -5.534 ], [ -80.872, -5.558 ], [ -80.945, -5.432 ], [ -81.191, -5.216 ], [ -81.167, -5.083 ], [ -81.085, -5.081 ], [ -81.072, -5 ] ] ] ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Entendido como virreinato del Perú.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T20:48:20+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 50047, "end" : 50051 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Perú" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/34111880-f186-41a0-8569-7706cafede5a", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T18:34:22+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Alonso Riquelme de Guzmán (1519-1573) fue un conquistador oriundo de \nJeréz de la Frontera y sobrino del Segundo Adelantado al Río de la \nPlata, Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca, con quien llegó al Río de la Plata en\n 1541. Fue uno de sus más acérrimos partidarios durante la gobernación \nde Cabeza de Vaca y se convirtió en una de las figuras más prominentes \nde la facción de los \"leales\" una vez que aquel fuera expulsado de la \nprovincia en 1545.Fue forzado por Domigo de Irala a casarse con una de \nsus hijas mestizas, unión de la cual nació Ruy Díaz de \nGuzmán.Bibliografía:Ricardo Lafuente Machaín, Alonso Riquelme de Guzmán,\n Buenos Aires, Amorrurtu, 1942.Tieffemberg, Silvia, \"Estudio \nIntroductorio\", en Díaz de Guzmán, Ruy, Argentina. Historia del \nDescubrimiento y Conquista del Río de la Plata de Ruy Díaz de Guzmán, \nBuenos Aires, Editorial de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras-UBA, \n2012.Fuentes \"Información hecha en Jerez de la Frontera a pedimento de \nCabeza de Vaca para verificar ciertas cartas\", en Núñez Cabeza de Vaca, \nÁlvar, Relación de los Naufragios y Comentarios de Álvar Núñez Cabeza de\n Vaca, adelantado y gobernador del Río de la Plata. Ilustrado con varios\n documentos inéditos. Tomo Segundo, Madrid, Imprenta General de \nVictoriano Suárez, 1906, p. 289 (GGV 52/975; AGI Justicia 1131), 1545.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-22T18:43:24+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 88510, "end" : 88525 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Alonso Riquelme" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/ef388be1-1aa7-4a9e-aed4-7223d7ed7faa", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T18:34:22+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Alonso Riquelme de Guzmán (1519-1573) fue un conquistador oriundo de \nJeréz de la Frontera y sobrino del Segundo Adelantado al Río de la \nPlata, Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca, con quien llegó al Río de la Plata en\n 1541. Fue uno de sus más acérrimos partidarios durante la gobernación \nde Cabeza de Vaca y se convirtió en una de las figuras más prominentes \nde la facción de los \"leales\" una vez que aquel fuera expulsado de la \nprovincia en 1545.Fue forzado por Domigo de Irala a casarse con una de \nsus hijas mestizas, unión de la cual nació Ruy Díaz de \nGuzmán.Bibliografía:Ricardo Lafuente Machaín, Alonso Riquelme de Guzmán,\n Buenos Aires, Amorrurtu, 1942.Tieffemberg, Silvia, \"Estudio \nIntroductorio\", en Díaz de Guzmán, Ruy, Argentina. Historia del \nDescubrimiento y Conquista del Río de la Plata de Ruy Díaz de Guzmán, \nBuenos Aires, Editorial de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras-UBA, \n2012.Fuentes \"Información hecha en Jerez de la Frontera a pedimento de \nCabeza de Vaca para verificar ciertas cartas\", en Núñez Cabeza de Vaca, \nÁlvar, Relación de los Naufragios y Comentarios de Álvar Núñez Cabeza de\n Vaca, adelantado y gobernador del Río de la Plata. Ilustrado con varios\n documentos inéditos. Tomo Segundo, Madrid, Imprenta General de \nVictoriano Suárez, 1906, p. 289 (GGV 52/975; AGI Justicia 1131), 1545.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-22T18:43:24+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 13289, "end" : 13304 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Alonso Riquelme" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/3f89354c-d1ce-49ab-a089-620e5e7fb620", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-22T18:44:22+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Ruy Díaz de Melgarejo (Salteras\nde Sevilla, 1519 – Santa Fe la Vieja, 1602) fue un militar, conquistador, explorador,\nestadista, minero y burócrata colonial español establecido en la región del Río\nde la Plata. Su vida estuvo marcada por guerras, conspiraciones, persecuciones\ny conflictos familiares.\n\nJunto a Juan de Salazar, Alonso Riquelme de Guzmán y Diego de Abreu se opuso\nal gobierno asunceno de Domingo Martínez de Irala, apoyando al deportado Álvar\nNúñez Cabeza de Vaca.\n\nGobernó de manera casi absoluta e independiente la antigua provincia\nasuncena del Guayrá, fácticamente durante 20 años, y luego de separarla de Asunción\nen 1575, con el título de teniente de gobernador del Guayrá unos 15 años más.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-22T18:44:22+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 88289, "end" : 88298 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Melgarejo" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/e71f75c9-38cf-47b5-82f4-9c6118fe248e", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T19:00:44+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Indios canoeros de la Laguna de Aracay. Están sobre el río Aracay. Estos indios en tiempo de la conquista vivían cerca de la isla de los Orejones, y no eran tan pocos como lo supone Azara. En el día se hallan repartidos en varias tribus, fronterizas de los establecimientos del Brasil en Cuyabá, del lado opuesto al que les asigna Azara en sus mapas. Son grandes nadadores, viven de la pesca, y tienen un gran número de carios, en que recorren continuamente el río Paraguay; de donde le viene el nombre de Guatos, que en el idioma guaraní, quiere decir «gente que anda», o como se dice vulgarmente entre nosotros, paseandera; del verbo guata, que es andar.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T19:00:44+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "tribe", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-25T17:38:22+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 23744, "end" : 23750 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Guatos" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/231dfd84-abcd-4c2b-8171-80d9c5874dc2", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-01T19:09:46+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca (Jerez de la Frontera, 1488/1490 - Sevilla, \n27 de mayo de 1559) fue un descubridor y conquistador español que \nexploró la costa sur de Norteamérica desde la actual Florida pasando por\n Alabama, Misisipi y Luisiana y se adentró en Texas, Nuevo México, \nArizona y en el norte de México hasta llegar al Golfo de California, \nterritorios que pasaron a anexionarse al Imperio Español dentro del \nVirreinato de Nueva España. El rey Carlos I de España le otorgó el \ntítulo de Segundo Adelantado y lo nombró capitán general y gobernador \ndel Río de la Plata, Paranáguazu y sus anexos, fue el primer europeo en \nllegar a las cataratas del Iguazú y que exploró el curso del río \nParaguay.Fue el primer europeo del cual tenemos pruebas documentales \nrespecto de sus exploraciones en la región de las cataratas del Iguazú. \nEstán documentadas numerosas referencias sobre entradas que antiguos \nnáufragos de los barcos de Juan Díaz de Solís (1470-1516) y Rodrigo de \nAcuña habrían realizado en la zona, siendo la más famosa la de Alejo o \nAleixo García.Cabeza de Vaca llegó a la isla de Santa Catalina en 1541 y\n de allí entró en tierra firme con el objetivo de alcanzar la ciudad de \nAsunción del Paraguay. La misma se había convertido en el centro de la \nconquista del Río de la Plata. Si bien los conquistadores viejos de la \nexpedición de Pedro de Mendoza aceptaron sus credenciales cuando entró \nen la ciudad en 1542, las políticas que Cabeza de Vaca intentó instalar \nen la región rápidamente entraron en conflicto con aquellas que \npretendían sostener sus fundadores y primeros conquistadores. La \nsituación se deterioró progresivamente hasta que, después de una \nfracasada entrada al Gran Chaco, Cabeza de Vaca fue encarcelado y luego \nexpulsado de la provincia en 1545.Tras regresar a España, el antiguo \nadelantado debió responder a los procesos que contra él entablaron los \nconquistadores del Río de la Plata y el propio fiscal del rey, que se \nextendieron hasta entrada la década de 1550. Si bien Álvar Núñez no \nlogró recuperar la gobernación del Río de la Plata, tampoco debió \nenfretar las penas que originalmente se le habían impuesto (multas y un \ntemido destierro a Argel). Una clara señal de cierto beneplácito regio \nrespecto de sus acciones en Indias es la reedición, en 1555, de su \nRelación (Zamora, 1542) acompañada de un nuevo libro titulado \nComentarios (valladolid, 1555). Este último constituye la primera obra \nhistoriográfica de largo aliento sobre la conquista del Río de la Plata,\n considerando en particular el período de su \ngobernación.BibliografíaAdorno, Rolena; Pautz, Patrick Charles, Álvar \nNúñez Cabeza de Vaca. His Account, his Life, and the Expedition of \nPánfilo de Narváez, Lincoln y Londres, University of Nebraska Press, \n1999. Tres Tomos.FuentesÁlvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca, La relación que dio \nAlvar Núñez Cabeça de Vaca de lo acaecido en las Indias en la armada \ndonde iua por gobernador Panfhilo de Narváez desde el año veinte y siete\n hasta el año treinta y seis que volvió a Sevilla con tres de su \ncompañía, Zamora, 1542.Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca, La relación y \ncomentarios del Gobernador Álvar Núñez Cabeça de Vaca, de lo acaecido en\n las dos jornadas que hizo a las Indias, Valladolid, 1555.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-25T17:54:41+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 41068, "end" : 41082 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Cabeza de Vaca" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/0f8ad5bd-b0e1-49bf-9fe5-3426333d22e8", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-25T17:58:45+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 40838, "end" : 40845 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", 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"http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/8fcab5fd-836a-4fa7-a3d8-68482d07a0a8", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-25T18:01:11+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 44904, "end" : 44911 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Venegas" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/70e7dab8-a8de-4d98-8a01-a4e73d452824", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://www.hgis-indias.net/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=gazetteer:9000266", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-25T18:21:38+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-25T18:21:38+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ -58.240799, -27.27191 ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Itatin. Río que divide los Guaranís de las demás naciones australes. Este río se forma en la cordillera de Amambay, y se pierde en el río Paraguay, al norte del Pan de Azúcar. Azara en sus mapas le da el nombre de Río Blanco, que no corresponde a la palabra guaraní, cuya significación es más bien campo pedregoso. Pero el río ha tomado el nombre del país a que pertenece. Por lo que dice el autor, este río demarcaba el territorio de los Guaranís al norte, y los separaba de los Xarayes u Orejones, cuyo origen era distinto. Esta indicación nos parece exacta, aunque nos falten datos positivos para confirmarla.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-04T16:51:24+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 56148, "end" : 56162 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "río del Itatin" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/707c32b8-9fde-43c8-b7af-0e80c395bccd", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-04T16:11:02+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "tribe", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-25T18:08:28+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 47586, "end" : 47591 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Jurís" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/fa14cbeb-d6e9-4537-81e1-e744557548fe", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-04T16:52:53+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Xarayes, o Jarayes. Indios del Perú, a 60 leguas arriba de la isla de los Orejones. Gente muy dócil, poblada sobre el río Paraguay; se divide en Perabazanes y Maneses; algunos de sus pueblos tienen hasta 60000 fuegos. Las mujeres son blancas, se labran el cuerpo y el rostro con agujas, y lo pintan con colores negros y azules. Gente muy fiel. Chaves es encargado de fundar un pueblo en su territorio, que dista 300 leguas de la Asumpción, siendo uno de los mejores de aquel país. Tiene un puerto llamado de los Perabazanes. Al norte de la isla de los Orejones o del Paraíso, pretendieron los españoles que existía una gran laguna, en cuyo centro se hallaba un imperio poderoso. Estas ideas eran muy comunes en aquel tiempo: donde no alcanzaba la vista, obraba la imaginación, y lo primero que le ocurría era poblar de naciones opulentas los parajes inaccesibles. El Dorado y los Césares no tuvieron más fundamento que estos juegos de una fantasía acalorada. Sin embargo no deben ponerse en esta categoría a los Xarayes, que aunque distantes de la civilización que le atribuyeron los españoles (porque no es probable que formasen una excepción singular al estado general de cultura de los pueblos vecinos) pueden haber llenado un vacío considerable que quedaba entre los indios del Perú y los del Paraguay. Lo que parece fabuloso es la isla de los Xarayes, siendo opinión muy válida en el día, que ninguna isla habitable se halla en la laguna, o más bien en los bañados de este nombre. La voz Xarayes es una corrupción de çaraibe, que en el idioma guaraní quiere decir «juegan junto»; de çaraí, juego, y béjuntamente.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-04T16:52:53+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "tribe", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-25T18:23:32+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 62984, "end" : 62991 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Jarayes" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/14886eb0-25e0-4133-bac8-3279b39ac693", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-25T18:28:10+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 60640, "end" : 60650 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Rui García" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/77fce19a-311e-4fb6-a886-e1112733ed7d", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PLACE", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-25T18:26:42+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 91083, "end" : 91090 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Marañón" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/b272a683-10cf-4dae-9b26-33c8a464e166", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "tribe", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-25T18:26:17+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-25T18:26:17+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 59598, "end" : 59608 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Sambocosis" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/04a4f2eb-9030-415a-8ed7-c2dbbe64ee67", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-01T12:51:38+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Don Francisco de Mendoza (n. 1515-1547), capitán de la caballería. Sus \nactuaciones incluyen haber mediado entre Domingo de Irala y Ruiz Galán \nen 1537 y 1539, participado en la represión del levantamiento de cacique\n guarambarense Aracaré y ser parte de la facción de Domingo de Irala \ncontra la de Cabeza de Vaca en 1545. De hecho, sirvió como teniente de \ngobernador bajo su administración cuando Irala condujo una entrada al \nChaco en 1547. En esta circunstancia, los partidarios de Cabeza de Vaca \nrecusaron su nombramiento y tras haber instaurado a Diego de Abreu como \ngobernador, ejecutaron a Mendoza.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-25T18:36:17+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 50239, "end" : 50259 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Francisco de Mendoza" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/b3341247-b6e3-4e8d-9970-324ff36d8602", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-01T12:51:38+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Don Francisco de Mendoza (n. 1515-1547), capitán de la caballería. Sus \nactuaciones incluyen haber mediado entre Domingo de Irala y Ruiz Galán \nen 1537 y 1539, participado en la represión del levantamiento de cacique\n guarambarense Aracaré y ser parte de la facción de Domingo de Irala \ncontra la de Cabeza de Vaca en 1545. De hecho, sirvió como teniente de \ngobernador bajo su administración cuando Irala condujo una entrada al \nChaco en 1547. En esta circunstancia, los partidarios de Cabeza de Vaca \nrecusaron su nombramiento y tras haber instaurado a Diego de Abreu como \ngobernador, ejecutaron a Mendoza.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-25T18:36:17+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 46375, "end" : 46395 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Francisco de Mendoza" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/20aabf07-cf5b-4efa-b914-ddffebb37c1a", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", 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Este banco, o laja, ha ocasionado infinitos naufragios, a pesar de haber sido el primero a ser señalado. Al modo como se expresa el autor, se creería que el Banco Inglés se halle delante de Maldonado; mientras que está cerca de Montevideo, precisamente en la dirección de la Isla de Flores.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-04T17:27:03+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 71693, "end" : 71708 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Laja del Inglés" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/99306c0e-4e6f-43d2-829a-6b414e2803a3", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : 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], [ -73.489, -42.16 ], [ -73.366, -42.204 ], [ -73.337, -42.266 ], [ -73.356, -42.338 ], [ -73.435, -42.31 ], [ -73.665, -42.386 ], [ -73.641, -42.437 ], [ -73.683, -42.481 ], [ -73.578, -42.535 ], [ -73.721, -42.569 ], [ -73.781, -42.533 ], [ -73.723, -42.46 ], [ -73.755, -42.428 ], [ -73.803, -42.524 ], [ -73.751, -42.552 ], [ -73.788, -42.612 ], [ -73.489, -42.792 ], [ -73.465, -42.884 ], [ -73.571, -42.887 ], [ -73.615, -42.805 ], [ -73.643, -42.846 ], [ -73.586, -42.889 ], [ -73.738, -42.855 ] ], [ [ -73.796, -41.87 ], [ -73.797, -41.87 ], [ -73.796, -41.87 ], [ -73.796, -41.87 ] ], [ [ -73.796, -41.87 ], [ -73.758, -41.927 ], [ -73.808, -41.953 ], [ -73.73, -41.958 ], [ -73.711, -41.928 ], [ -73.796, -41.87 ] ], [ [ -73.375, -42.246 ], [ -73.376, -42.246 ], [ -73.405, -42.259 ], [ -73.375, -42.246 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.437, -49.249 ], [ -75.587, -49.231 ], [ -75.617, -49.186 ], [ -75.563, -49.212 ], [ -75.554, -49.115 ], [ -75.495, -49.093 ], [ -75.542, -49.168 ], [ -75.441, -49.12 ], [ -75.48, -49.093 ], [ -75.284, -49.019 ], [ -75.294, -48.947 ], [ -75.364, -48.952 ], [ -75.475, -49.079 ], [ -75.687, -49.037 ], [ -75.615, -48.984 ], [ -75.551, -49.011 ], [ -75.461, -48.976 ], [ -75.482, -48.945 ], [ -75.537, -48.999 ], [ -75.653, -48.971 ], [ -75.654, -48.898 ], [ -75.592, -48.851 ], [ -75.562, -48.89 ], [ -75.554, -48.831 ], [ -75.517, -48.878 ], [ -75.536, -48.828 ], [ -75.437, -48.841 ], [ -75.541, -48.923 ], [ -75.401, -48.833 ], [ -75.389, -48.921 ], [ -75.323, -48.936 ], [ -75.369, -48.844 ], [ -75.263, -48.88 ], [ -75.233, -49.016 ], [ -75.172, -49.029 ], [ -75.366, -49.184 ], [ -75.382, -49.146 ], [ -75.457, -49.153 ], [ -75.437, -49.249 ] ], [ [ -75.382, -49.146 ], [ -75.361, -49.109 ], [ -75.364, -49.11 ], [ -75.382, -49.146 ] ], [ [ -75.361, -49.109 ], [ -75.332, -49.104 ], [ -75.346, -49.085 ], [ -75.361, -49.109 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.087, -45.791 ], [ -74.035, -45.74 ], [ -73.875, -45.752 ], [ -73.958, -45.792 ], [ -73.934, -45.871 ], [ -73.998, -45.937 ], [ -74.003, -45.85 ], [ -74.034, -45.859 ], [ -74.087, -45.791 ] ], [ [ -74.033, -45.838 ], [ -74.032, -45.838 ], [ -74.032, -45.815 ], [ -74.033, -45.838 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.455, -44.648 ], [ -73.389, -44.57 ], [ -73.355, -44.64 ], [ -73.313, -44.606 ], [ -73.214, -44.639 ], [ -73.281, -44.546 ], [ -73.128, -44.588 ], [ -73.121, -44.55 ], [ -73.253, -44.498 ], [ -73.248, -44.439 ], [ -73.16, -44.404 ], [ -73.102, -44.462 ], [ -73.093, -44.377 ], [ -72.975, -44.368 ], [ -72.905, -44.43 ], [ -72.984, -44.58 ], [ -72.867, -44.431 ], [ -72.687, -44.532 ], [ -72.807, -44.65 ], [ -72.97, -44.587 ], [ -72.962, -44.632 ], [ -72.796, -44.673 ], [ -72.818, -44.732 ], [ -73.212, -44.94 ], [ -73.396, -44.823 ], [ -73.163, -44.81 ], [ -73.265, -44.783 ], [ -73.261, -44.746 ], [ -73.36, -44.805 ], [ -73.393, -44.765 ], [ -73.351, -44.739 ], [ -73.432, -44.737 ], [ -73.455, -44.648 ] ], [ [ -73.076, -44.418 ], [ -73.074, -44.419 ], [ -73.073, -44.418 ], [ -73.076, -44.418 ] ], [ [ -73.074, -44.419 ], [ -73.038, -44.485 ], [ -73.001, -44.496 ], [ -73.04, -44.42 ], [ -73.074, -44.419 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.085, -50.809 ], [ -74.126, -50.772 ], [ -74.061, -50.704 ], [ -74.131, -50.698 ], [ -74.139, -50.76 ], [ -74.23, -50.616 ], [ -74.162, -50.562 ], [ -74.088, -50.593 ], [ -74.134, -50.555 ], [ -74.233, -50.565 ], [ -74.302, -50.475 ], [ -74.185, -50.474 ], [ -74.153, -50.544 ], [ -74.109, -50.516 ], [ -74.166, -50.492 ], [ -74, -50.541 ], [ -73.989, -50.572 ], [ -73.867, -50.565 ], [ -74.146, -50.444 ], [ -73.999, -50.379 ], [ -74.256, -50.453 ], [ -74.331, -50.411 ], [ -74.292, -50.358 ], [ -74.152, -50.347 ], [ -74.264, -50.327 ], [ -74.208, -50.296 ], [ -74.28, -50.318 ], [ -74.293, -50.253 ], [ -74.334, -50.39 ], [ -74.374, -50.381 ], [ -74.434, -50.377 ], [ -74.437, -50.395 ], [ -74.472, -50.352 ], [ -74.423, -50.323 ], [ -74.55, -50.303 ], [ -74.492, -50.301 ], [ -74.453, -50.241 ], [ -74.519, -50.28 ], [ -74.633, -50.242 ], [ -74.573, -50.181 ], [ -74.654, -50.253 ], [ -74.719, -50.24 ], [ -74.604, -50.123 ], [ -74.52, -50.113 ], [ -74.536, -50.167 ], [ -74.475, -50.135 ], [ -74.516, -50.089 ], [ -74.458, -50.12 ], [ -74.406, -50.095 ], [ -74.484, -50.074 ], [ -74.609, -50.108 ], [ -74.439, -50.023 ], [ -74.368, -50.058 ], [ -74.374, -50.103 ], [ -74.26, -50.137 ], [ -74.349, -50.198 ], [ -74.251, -50.161 ], [ -74.167, -50.293 ], [ -74.095, -50.23 ], [ -73.996, -50.287 ], [ -73.854, -50.301 ], [ -73.978, -50.274 ], [ -74.015, -50.219 ], [ -74.158, -50.218 ], [ -74.238, -50.07 ], [ -74.293, -50.077 ], [ -74.355, -49.998 ], [ -74.315, -49.924 ], [ -74.298, -49.967 ], [ -74.21, -49.939 ], [ -74.033, -50.052 ], [ -73.901, -50.032 ], [ -73.853, -50.075 ], [ -73.875, -50.024 ], [ -74.019, -50 ], [ -73.949, -49.936 ], [ -73.812, -49.924 ], [ -73.903, -49.918 ], [ -73.841, -49.835 ], [ -74.027, -49.984 ], [ -74.159, -49.894 ], [ -74.312, -49.883 ], [ -74.34, -49.789 ], [ -74.289, -49.806 ], [ -74.175, -49.741 ], [ -74.033, -49.763 ], [ -74.033, -49.705 ], [ -74.282, -49.755 ], [ -74.309, -49.715 ], [ -74.303, -49.617 ], [ -74.084, -49.538 ], [ -74.002, -49.558 ], [ -74.043, -49.645 ], [ -73.98, -49.563 ], [ -73.907, -49.561 ], [ -73.879, -49.654 ], [ -73.782, -49.678 ], [ -73.698, -49.802 ], [ -73.661, -49.725 ], [ -73.844, -49.649 ], [ -73.861, -49.536 ], [ -74.098, -49.501 ], [ -74.072, -49.275 ], [ -74.011, -49.268 ], [ -73.964, -49.324 ], [ -73.831, -49.357 ], [ -73.812, -49.401 ], [ -73.817, -49.346 ], [ -73.951, -49.314 ], [ -74.012, -49.251 ], [ -73.945, -49.168 ], [ -74.017, -49.086 ], [ -74.011, -49.152 ], [ -74.107, -49.256 ], [ -74.191, -49.211 ], [ -74.131, -49.271 ], [ -74.176, -49.533 ], [ -74.267, -49.501 ], [ -74.26, -49.561 ], [ -74.391, -49.618 ], [ -74.435, -49.484 ], [ -74.415, -49.39 ], [ -74.386, -49.406 ], [ -74.392, -49.188 ], [ -74.334, -49.192 ], [ -74.408, -49.066 ], [ -74.437, -49.122 ], [ -74.397, -49.293 ], [ -74.447, -49.471 ], [ -74.545, -49.501 ], [ -74.45, -49.525 ], [ -74.446, -49.599 ], [ -74.508, -49.604 ], [ -74.507, -49.664 ], [ -74.558, -49.672 ], [ -74.497, -49.67 ], [ -74.505, -49.629 ], [ -74.454, -49.609 ], [ -74.386, -49.652 ], [ -74.375, -49.753 ], [ -74.477, -49.733 ], [ -74.387, -49.771 ], [ -74.388, -49.897 ], [ -74.459, -49.835 ], [ -74.42, -49.919 ], [ -74.484, -49.965 ], [ -74.6, -49.869 ], [ -74.497, -49.977 ], [ -74.614, -50.052 ], [ -74.608, -50.02 ], [ -74.667, -50.032 ], [ -74.614, -49.986 ], [ -74.784, -50.045 ], [ -74.856, -49.987 ], [ -74.796, -49.942 ], [ -74.672, -49.905 ], [ -74.598, -49.939 ], [ -74.685, -49.892 ], [ -74.816, -49.938 ], [ -74.838, -49.964 ], [ -74.886, -49.934 ], [ -74.844, -49.87 ], [ -74.886, -49.832 ], [ -74.75, -49.874 ], [ -74.592, -49.785 ], [ -74.809, -49.833 ], [ -74.696, -49.715 ], [ -74.819, -49.803 ], [ -74.861, -49.774 ], [ -74.834, -49.716 ], [ -74.894, -49.673 ], [ -74.791, -49.673 ], [ -74.868, -49.635 ], [ -74.861, -49.597 ], [ -74.74, -49.628 ], [ -74.659, -49.623 ], [ -74.759, -49.614 ], [ -74.718, -49.576 ], [ -74.716, -49.547 ], [ -74.777, -49.604 ], [ -74.865, -49.543 ], [ -74.747, -49.463 ], [ -74.694, -49.511 ], [ -74.739, -49.445 ], [ -74.601, -49.427 ], [ -74.694, -49.413 ], [ -74.58, -49.301 ], [ -74.704, -49.395 ], [ -74.791, -49.35 ], [ -74.718, -49.41 ], [ -74.849, -49.5 ], [ -74.858, -49.391 ], [ -74.906, -49.537 ], [ -74.933, -49.446 ], [ -74.888, -49.412 ], [ -74.946, -49.423 ], [ -74.949, -49.488 ], [ -75.018, -49.455 ], [ -75.071, -49.485 ], [ -74.957, -49.5 ], [ -74.952, -49.536 ], [ -74.99, -49.519 ], [ -74.913, -49.623 ], [ -74.984, -49.73 ], [ -74.99, -49.789 ], [ -74.954, -49.71 ], [ -74.899, -49.746 ], [ -74.988, -49.857 ], [ -74.953, -49.861 ], [ -74.973, -49.896 ], [ -75.031, -49.902 ], [ -74.994, -49.811 ], [ -75.036, -49.861 ], [ -75.104, -49.851 ], [ -75.145, -49.775 ], [ -75.1, -49.749 ], [ -75.164, -49.757 ], [ -75.203, -49.692 ], [ -75.173, -49.675 ], [ -75.234, -49.665 ], [ -75.114, -49.647 ], [ -75.206, -49.641 ], [ -75.129, -49.582 ], [ -75.224, -49.639 ], [ -75.202, -49.616 ], [ -75.277, -49.611 ], [ -75.125, -49.508 ], [ -75.234, -49.562 ], [ -75.288, -49.541 ], [ -75.173, -49.486 ], [ -75.216, -49.485 ], [ -75.198, -49.444 ], [ -75.302, -49.521 ], [ -75.33, -49.476 ], [ -75.282, -49.428 ], [ -75.378, -49.495 ], [ -75.299, -49.388 ], [ -75.398, -49.448 ], [ -75.445, -49.279 ], [ -75.319, -49.266 ], [ -75.412, -49.334 ], [ -75.32, -49.286 ], [ -75.242, -49.407 ], [ -75.109, -49.483 ], [ -75.186, -49.422 ], [ -74.943, -49.407 ], [ -75.196, -49.415 ], [ -75.126, -49.397 ], [ -75.232, -49.38 ], [ -75.269, -49.323 ], [ -75.187, -49.33 ], [ -75.275, -49.313 ], [ -75.301, -49.27 ], [ -75.241, -49.276 ], [ -75.303, -49.256 ], [ -75.226, -49.237 ], [ -75.219, -49.191 ], [ -74.972, -49.294 ], [ -75.076, -49.181 ], [ -74.981, -49.182 ], [ -75.208, -49.172 ], [ -75.093, -49.14 ], [ -75.127, -49.111 ], [ -75.23, -49.159 ], [ -75.132, -49.032 ], [ -75.052, -49.064 ], [ -75.105, -49.014 ], [ -74.969, -49.088 ], [ -74.969, -49.034 ], [ -75.077, -48.975 ], [ -75.206, -49.005 ], [ -75.247, -48.889 ], [ -75.219, -48.897 ], [ -75.184, -48.846 ], [ -75.263, -48.866 ], [ -75.348, -48.794 ], [ -75.322, -48.771 ], [ -75.092, -48.867 ], [ -75.061, -48.922 ], [ -75.174, -48.909 ], [ -75.155, -48.94 ], [ -74.987, -48.974 ], [ -74.862, -49.091 ], [ -74.916, -49.172 ], [ -74.862, -49.147 ], [ -74.893, -49.297 ], [ -74.855, -49.367 ], [ -74.856, -49.219 ], [ -74.785, -49.231 ], [ -74.855, -49.185 ], [ -74.822, -49.156 ], [ -74.75, -49.193 ], [ -74.819, -49.117 ], [ -74.733, -49.082 ], [ -74.912, -48.995 ], [ -74.816, -48.946 ], [ -74.77, -49.009 ], [ -74.722, -49.021 ], [ -74.789, -48.975 ], [ -74.788, -48.916 ], [ -74.953, -48.969 ], [ -74.889, -48.935 ], [ -74.966, -48.931 ], [ -74.842, -48.88 ], [ -74.998, -48.894 ], [ -74.816, -48.802 ], [ -74.992, -48.867 ], [ -75.037, -48.819 ], [ -75.014, -48.771 ], [ -74.924, -48.807 ], [ -74.915, -48.751 ], [ -74.99, -48.762 ], [ -74.79, -48.67 ], [ -74.773, -48.708 ], [ -74.826, -48.744 ], [ -74.753, -48.819 ], [ -74.776, -48.677 ], [ -74.695, -48.671 ], [ -74.717, -48.636 ], [ -74.8, -48.652 ], [ -74.905, -48.722 ], [ -75.001, -48.741 ], [ -74.994, -48.671 ], [ -74.878, -48.693 ], [ -74.978, -48.657 ], [ -74.99, -48.623 ], [ -74.961, -48.645 ], [ -74.831, -48.644 ], [ -75.007, -48.601 ], [ -75.022, -48.506 ], [ -74.816, -48.402 ], [ -74.818, -48.53 ], [ -74.788, -48.472 ], [ -74.756, -48.56 ], [ -74.706, -48.463 ], [ -74.777, -48.414 ], [ -74.813, -48.307 ], [ -74.735, -48.134 ], [ -74.678, -48.19 ], [ -74.736, -48.208 ], [ -74.697, -48.221 ], [ -74.714, -48.273 ], [ -74.653, -48.251 ], [ -74.672, -48.301 ], [ -74.586, -48.398 ], [ -74.684, -48.426 ], [ -74.595, -48.476 ], [ -74.61, -48.603 ], [ -74.523, -48.641 ], [ -74.519, -48.575 ], [ -74.472, -48.64 ], [ -74.596, -48.711 ], [ -74.628, -48.841 ], [ -74.565, -48.719 ], [ -74.488, -48.699 ], [ -74.486, -48.854 ], [ -74.578, -48.933 ], [ -74.477, -48.872 ], [ -74.42, -48.94 ], [ -74.527, -49.01 ], [ -74.412, -49.013 ], [ -74.409, -48.944 ], [ -74.327, -48.949 ], [ -74.446, -48.884 ], [ -74.365, -48.877 ], [ -74.442, -48.852 ], [ -74.384, -48.724 ], [ -74.221, -48.855 ], [ -74.196, -48.835 ], [ -74.318, -48.751 ], [ -74.195, -48.719 ], [ -74.057, -48.749 ], [ -74.134, -48.707 ], [ -74.29, -48.736 ], [ -74.308, -48.694 ], [ -74.221, -48.657 ], [ -74.355, -48.69 ], [ -74.4, -48.618 ], [ -74.361, -48.577 ], [ -74.225, -48.556 ], [ -74.271, -48.526 ], [ -74.192, -48.483 ], [ -73.967, -48.608 ], [ -74.041, -48.536 ], [ -74.028, -48.452 ], [ -73.881, -48.432 ], [ -74.019, -48.422 ], [ -74.144, -48.362 ], [ -74.241, -48.355 ], [ -73.954, -48.326 ], [ -74.273, -48.344 ], [ -74.239, -48.299 ], [ -74.303, -48.219 ], [ -74.434, -48.191 ], [ -74.513, -48.104 ], [ -74.403, -48.014 ], [ -74.599, -48.102 ], [ -74.646, -48.071 ], [ -74.632, -47.994 ], [ -74.53, -47.942 ], [ -74.332, -48.016 ], [ -74.386, -48.015 ], [ -74.257, -48.16 ], [ -74.261, -48.266 ], [ -74.238, -48.197 ], [ -74.187, -48.252 ], [ -74.144, -48.229 ], [ -74.224, -48.192 ], [ -74.297, -48.014 ], [ -74.189, -48.001 ], [ -74.156, -48.085 ], [ -74.179, -48.001 ], [ -74.105, -47.984 ], [ -74.041, -48.05 ], [ -73.898, -48.035 ], [ -73.872, -48.124 ], [ -73.762, -48.04 ], [ -73.805, -48.117 ], [ -73.789, -48.162 ], [ -73.743, -48.1 ], [ -73.593, -48.151 ], [ -73.639, -48.266 ], [ -73.584, -48.214 ], [ -73.529, -48.254 ], [ -73.487, -48.185 ], [ -73.4, -48.22 ], [ -73.275, -48.161 ], [ -73.263, -48.035 ], [ -73.293, -48.144 ], [ -73.364, -48.19 ], [ -73.589, -48.04 ], [ -73.525, -48.001 ], [ -73.639, -48.012 ], [ -73.647, -47.888 ], [ -73.541, -47.885 ], [ -73.607, -47.841 ], [ -73.585, -47.807 ], [ -73.711, -47.775 ], [ -73.73, -47.696 ], [ -73.671, -47.644 ], [ -73.723, -47.566 ], [ -73.748, -47.784 ], [ -73.924, -47.842 ], [ -74.034, -47.791 ], [ -74.361, -47.788 ], [ -74.381, -47.74 ], [ -74.515, -47.787 ], [ -74.717, -47.728 ], [ -74.633, -47.584 ], [ -74.535, -47.521 ], [ -74.401, -47.55 ], [ -74.431, -47.676 ], [ -74.144, -47.602 ], [ -74.316, -47.591 ], [ -74.452, -47.482 ], [ -74.428, -47.426 ], [ -74.478, -47.468 ], [ -74.515, -47.42 ], [ -74.304, -47.203 ], [ -74.138, -47.213 ], [ -74.03, -47.164 ], [ -74.051, -47.13 ], [ -74.121, -47.177 ], [ -74.223, -47.153 ], [ -74.179, -47.014 ], [ -73.999, -46.974 ], [ -74.103, -46.99 ], [ -74.309, -46.802 ], [ -74.233, -46.811 ], [ -74.267, -46.756 ], [ -74.641, -46.804 ], [ -74.419, -46.859 ], [ -74.434, -46.887 ], [ -74.369, -46.866 ], [ -74.387, -46.903 ], [ -74.672, -46.885 ], [ -74.79, -46.789 ], [ -74.834, -46.817 ], [ -74.983, -46.76 ], [ -75.051, -46.687 ], [ -75.069, -46.618 ], [ -74.937, -46.513 ], [ -74.974, -46.5 ], [ -75.181, -46.627 ], [ -75.325, -46.618 ], [ -75.361, -46.66 ], [ -75.394, -46.61 ], [ -75.516, -46.655 ], [ -75.536, -46.687 ], [ -75.482, -46.716 ], [ -75.364, -46.714 ], [ -75.419, -46.744 ], [ -75.303, -46.855 ], [ -75.368, -46.928 ], [ -75.55, -46.94 ], [ -75.633, -46.808 ], [ -75.687, -46.801 ], [ -75.691, -46.718 ], [ -75.623, -46.561 ], [ -75.534, -46.578 ], [ -75.486, -46.542 ], [ -75.519, -46.505 ], [ -75.337, -46.483 ], [ -75.364, -46.423 ], [ -75.2, -46.363 ], [ -75.196, -46.298 ], [ -75.133, -46.328 ], [ -75.05, -46.217 ], [ -74.932, -46.239 ], [ -74.89, -46.183 ], [ -74.886, -46.152 ], [ -74.738, -46.185 ], [ -74.79, -46.12 ], [ -74.763, -46.056 ], [ -74.702, -46.046 ], [ -74.703, -45.952 ], [ -74.901, -46.116 ], [ -75.025, -46.12 ], [ -75.073, -46.038 ], [ -74.976, -46.021 ], [ -75.095, -45.892 ], [ -75.033, -45.857 ], [ -74.841, -45.885 ], [ -74.727, -45.818 ], [ -74.512, -45.853 ], [ -74.427, -45.95 ], [ -74.476, -46.028 ], [ -74.434, -46.046 ], [ -74.375, -45.949 ], [ -74.458, -45.867 ], [ -74.447, -45.805 ], [ -74.296, -45.815 ], [ -74.278, -45.878 ], [ -74.23, -45.821 ], [ -74.073, -45.847 ], [ -74.089, -45.82 ], [ -74.045, -45.89 ], [ -74.077, -45.904 ], [ -73.949, -46.079 ], [ -74.031, -46.172 ], [ -73.877, -46.142 ], [ -73.74, -46.242 ], [ -73.779, -46.369 ], [ -73.879, -46.464 ], [ -73.866, -46.535 ], [ -73.89, -46.469 ], [ -73.963, -46.54 ], [ -73.911, -46.602 ], [ -73.835, -46.594 ], [ -73.762, -46.409 ], [ -73.609, -46.319 ], [ -73.492, -46.315 ], [ -73.557, -46.259 ], [ -73.329, -46.022 ], [ -73.404, -46.022 ], [ -73.608, -46.223 ], [ -73.586, -46.263 ], [ -73.682, -46.331 ], [ -73.62, -46.117 ], [ -73.642, -45.981 ], [ -73.534, -45.828 ], [ -73.343, -45.686 ], [ -73.15, -45.674 ], [ -73.344, -45.629 ], [ -73.568, -45.787 ], [ -73.48, -45.447 ], [ -73.207, -45.29 ], [ -72.99, -45.449 ], [ -72.877, -45.473 ], [ -72.797, -45.432 ], [ -72.809, -45.373 ], [ -72.917, -45.421 ], [ -73.012, -45.39 ], [ -73.201, -45.243 ], [ -73.337, -45.291 ], [ -73.446, -45.259 ], [ -73.433, -45.188 ], [ -73.307, -45.173 ], [ -73.421, -45.144 ], [ -73.418, -45.076 ], [ -73.337, -45.161 ], [ -73.282, -45.15 ], [ -73.38, -45.043 ], [ -73.361, -44.957 ], [ -73.1, -44.951 ], [ -72.712, -44.746 ], [ -72.729, -44.678 ], [ -72.668, -44.537 ], [ -72.573, -44.503 ], [ -72.602, -44.384 ], [ -72.68, -44.503 ], [ -72.723, -44.498 ], [ -72.817, -44.383 ], [ -72.92, -44.375 ], [ -72.917, -44.317 ], [ -73.187, -44.25 ], [ -73.135, -44.198 ], [ -73.289, -44.165 ], [ -73.275, -44.11 ], [ -73.212, -44.125 ], [ -73.2, -44.057 ], [ -73.092, -44.091 ], [ -73.133, -44.015 ], [ -73.042, -43.921 ], [ -73.067, -43.862 ], [ -72.943, -43.759 ], [ -73.054, -43.735 ], [ -72.881, -43.618 ], [ -72.891, -43.584 ], [ -72.998, -43.595 ], [ -73.094, -43.445 ], [ -73.051, -43.397 ], [ -73.066, -43.317 ], [ -72.876, -43.243 ], [ -72.915, -43.134 ], [ -72.857, -43.026 ], [ -72.744, -43.052 ], [ -72.809, -42.938 ], [ -72.707, -42.943 ], [ -72.856, -42.777 ], [ -72.798, -42.684 ], [ -72.86, -42.676 ], [ -72.821, -42.53 ], [ -72.527, -42.562 ], [ -72.626, -42.521 ], [ -72.84, -42.303 ], [ -72.587, -42.194 ], [ -72.516, -42.25 ], [ -72.446, -42.478 ], [ -72.394, -42.492 ], [ -72.47, -42.305 ], [ -72.431, -41.976 ], [ -72.494, -41.973 ], [ -72.581, -42.047 ], [ -72.879, -41.914 ], [ -72.653, -41.732 ], [ -72.357, -41.677 ], [ -72.286, -41.508 ], [ -72.339, -41.517 ], [ -72.387, -41.666 ], [ -72.572, -41.717 ], [ -72.649, -41.699 ], [ -72.787, -41.516 ], [ -72.938, -41.478 ], [ -73.089, -41.582 ], [ -73.039, -41.704 ], [ -73.138, -41.766 ], [ -73.189, -41.778 ], [ -73.191, -41.748 ], [ -73.259, -41.715 ], [ -73.259, -41.787 ], [ -73.41, -41.773 ], [ -73.354, -41.811 ], [ -73.759, -41.745 ], [ -73.655, -41.612 ], [ -73.752, -41.563 ], [ -73.796, -41.591 ], [ -73.804, -41.508 ], [ -73.862, -41.467 ], [ -73.835, -41.347 ], [ -73.933, -41.113 ], [ -73.944, -40.977 ], [ -73.847, -40.916 ], [ -73.89, -40.866 ], [ -73.806, -40.717 ], [ -73.838, -40.669 ], [ -73.72, -40.538 ], [ -73.779, -40.464 ], [ -73.731, -40.204 ], [ -73.658, -40.136 ], [ -73.713, -40.007 ], [ -73.466, -39.85 ], [ -73.373, -39.939 ], [ -73.405, -39.694 ], [ -73.254, -39.536 ], [ -73.262, -39.456 ], [ -73.204, -39.452 ], [ -73.239, -39.382 ], [ -73.211, -39.398 ], [ -73.192, -39.387 ], [ -73.233, -39.309 ], [ -73.211, -39.233 ], [ -73.489, -38.659 ], [ -73.533, -38.387 ], [ -73.451, -38.12 ], [ -73.49, -37.966 ], [ -73.666, -37.723 ], [ -73.679, -37.628 ], [ -73.59, -37.463 ], [ -73.683, -37.334 ], [ -73.585, -37.151 ], [ -73.559, -37.198 ], [ -73.448, -37.207 ], [ -73.448, -37.257 ], [ -73.276, -37.237 ], [ -73.155, -37.117 ], [ -73.19, -37.004 ], [ -73.155, -36.846 ], [ -73.217, -36.774 ], [ -73.135, -36.747 ], [ -73.161, -36.71 ], [ -73.114, -36.612 ], [ -73.105, -36.728 ], [ -72.992, -36.731 ], [ -72.961, -36.628 ], [ -73.004, -36.579 ], [ -72.978, -36.525 ], [ -72.935, -36.542 ], [ -72.81, -36.274 ], [ -72.788, -35.974 ], [ -72.567, -35.788 ], [ -72.631, -35.577 ], [ -72.498, -35.461 ], [ -72.496, -35.381 ], [ -72.432, -35.319 ], [ -72.377, -35.352 ], [ -72.385, -35.217 ], [ -72.193, -35.081 ], [ -72.181, -34.9 ], [ -72, -34.491 ], [ -72.054, -34.431 ], [ -71.973, -34.33 ], [ -72.01, -34.124 ], [ -71.853, -33.939 ], [ -71.788, -33.774 ], [ -71.645, -33.691 ], [ -71.601, -33.539 ], [ -71.709, -33.43 ], [ -71.655, -33.305 ], [ -71.757, -33.102 ], [ -71.681, -33.101 ], [ -71.661, -33.024 ], [ -71.563, -33.006 ], [ -71.567, -32.935 ], [ -71.524, -32.918 ], [ -71.557, -32.791 ], [ -71.452, -32.679 ], [ -71.487, -32.526 ], [ -71.41, -32.396 ], [ -71.544, -32.188 ], [ -71.495, -31.972 ], [ -71.502, -31.875 ], [ -71.559, -31.845 ], [ -71.508, -31.77 ], [ -71.671, -31.149 ], [ -71.648, -31.007 ], [ -71.716, -30.599 ], [ -71.649, -30.266 ], [ -71.626, -30.236 ], [ -71.603, -30.295 ], [ -71.525, -30.291 ], [ -71.453, -30.169 ], [ -71.395, -30.184 ], [ -71.371, -30.078 ], [ -71.419, -30.003 ], [ -71.35, -29.979 ], [ -71.348, -29.936 ], [ -71.294, -29.95 ], [ -71.275, -29.889 ], [ -71.344, -29.753 ], [ -71.286, -29.617 ], [ -71.332, -29.552 ], [ -71.309, -29.418 ], [ -71.34, -29.331 ], [ -71.495, -29.198 ], [ -71.466, -29.106 ], [ -71.53, -28.983 ], [ -71.495, -28.856 ], [ -71.301, -28.679 ], [ -71.319, -28.567 ], [ -71.166, -28.354 ], [ -71.201, -28.297 ], [ -71.157, -28.219 ], [ -71.185, -28.111 ], [ -71.038, -27.67 ], [ -71.003, -27.69 ], [ -70.905, -27.624 ], [ -70.889, -27.479 ], [ -70.961, -27.37 ], [ -70.928, -27.312 ], [ -70.97, -27.169 ], [ -70.931, -27.112 ], [ -70.874, -27.138 ], [ -70.811, -27.055 ], [ -70.828, -26.876 ], [ -70.688, -26.577 ], [ -70.697, -26.39 ], [ -70.628, -26.337 ], [ -70.676, -26.291 ], [ -70.631, -25.991 ], [ -70.736, -25.817 ], [ -70.686, -25.665 ], [ -70.64, -25.646 ], [ -70.65, -25.536 ], [ -70.539, -25.481 ], [ -70.522, -25.397 ], [ -70.45, -25.363 ], [ -70.441, -25.192 ], [ -70.508, -25.11 ], [ -70.471, -24.995 ], [ -70.58, -24.716 ], [ -70.579, -24.545 ], [ -70.499, -24.167 ], [ -70.515, -23.861 ], [ -70.391, -23.612 ], [ -70.404, -23.532 ], [ -70.479, -23.466 ], [ -70.547, -23.534 ], [ -70.624, -23.514 ], [ -70.598, -23.244 ], [ -70.557, -23.181 ], [ -70.579, -23.083 ], [ -70.509, -23.021 ], [ -70.479, -23.098 ], [ -70.408, -23.085 ], [ -70.287, -22.911 ], [ -70.31, -22.761 ], [ -70.237, -22.49 ], [ -70.191, -21.899 ], [ -70.145, -21.849 ], [ -70.147, -21.633 ], [ -70.095, -21.593 ], [ -70.056, -21.434 ], [ -70.083, -21.23 ], [ -70.178, -21.023 ], [ -70.137, -20.89 ], [ -70.208, -20.812 ], [ -70.123, -19.994 ], [ -70.169, -19.656 ], [ -70.235, -19.602 ], [ -70.2, -19.503 ], [ -70.285, -19.306 ], [ -70.268, -19.143 ], [ -70.36, -18.796 ], [ -70.303, -18.446 ], [ -70.374, -18.35 ], [ -69.948, -18.248 ], [ -69.753, -17.982 ], [ -69.819, -17.747 ], [ -69.799, -17.65 ], [ -69.662, -17.658 ], [ -69.463, -17.508 ], [ -69.461, -17.606 ], [ -69.308, -17.801 ], [ -69.296, -17.95 ], [ -69.069, -18.067 ], [ -69.139, -18.157 ], [ -69.036, -18.324 ], [ -68.978, -18.75 ], [ -68.909, -18.876 ], [ -68.957, -18.941 ], [ -68.884, -19.045 ], [ -68.407, -19.408 ], [ -68.691, -19.739 ], [ -68.53, -19.843 ], [ -68.524, -19.927 ], [ -68.56, -20.045 ], [ -68.78, -20.082 ], [ -68.705, -20.142 ], [ -68.663, -20.324 ], [ -68.756, -20.392 ], [ -68.678, -20.498 ], [ -68.439, -20.632 ], [ -68.549, -20.726 ], [ -68.547, -20.88 ], [ -68.515, -20.933 ], [ -68.401, -20.938 ], [ -68.172, -21.297 ], [ -68.177, -21.6 ], [ -68.057, -21.763 ], [ -68.064, -21.976 ], [ -67.943, -22.091 ], [ -67.946, -22.321 ], [ -67.848, -22.546 ], [ -67.875, -22.826 ], [ -67.572, -22.896 ], [ -67.178, -22.806 ], [ -66.988, -22.992 ], [ -67.338, -24.034 ], [ -68.214, -24.38 ], [ -68.317, -24.484 ], [ -68.391, -24.474 ], [ -68.567, -24.748 ], [ -68.572, -24.834 ], [ -68.337, -25.072 ], [ -68.505, -25.134 ], [ -68.551, -25.228 ], [ -68.533, -25.329 ], [ -68.598, -25.399 ], [ -68.487, -25.657 ], [ -68.39, -26.19 ], [ -68.57, -26.307 ], [ -68.588, -26.509 ], [ -68.272, -26.917 ], [ -68.327, -27.047 ], [ -68.481, -27.064 ], [ -68.544, -27.188 ], [ -68.684, -27.083 ], [ -68.797, -27.133 ], [ -68.849, -27.204 ], [ -68.82, -27.291 ], [ -69.062, -27.642 ], [ -69.104, -27.889 ], [ -69.242, -27.996 ], [ -69.37, -28.201 ], [ -69.437, -28.172 ], [ -69.482, -28.312 ], [ -69.632, -28.378 ], [ -69.634, -28.52 ], [ -69.706, -28.683 ], [ -69.672, -28.773 ], [ -69.766, -28.892 ], [ -69.785, -29.109 ], [ -69.95, -29.169 ], [ -70.018, -29.325 ], [ -69.882, -29.692 ], [ -69.94, -30.09 ], [ -69.827, -30.123 ], [ -69.807, -30.187 ], [ -69.975, -30.398 ], [ -70.154, -30.349 ], [ -70.129, -30.457 ], [ -70.305, -30.891 ], [ -70.267, -31.024 ], [ -70.391, -31.171 ], [ -70.445, -31.09 ], [ -70.511, -31.163 ], [ -70.553, -31.56 ], [ -70.465, -31.701 ], [ -70.44, -31.848 ], [ -70.268, -31.896 ], [ -70.202, -31.97 ], [ -70.278, -32.044 ], [ -70.386, -32.051 ], [ -70.299, -32.145 ], [ -70.318, -32.267 ], [ -70.224, -32.332 ], [ -70.234, -32.432 ], [ -70.142, -32.484 ], [ -70.146, -32.731 ], [ -69.997, -32.902 ], [ -70.093, -33.042 ], [ -70.025, -33.314 ], [ -69.964, -33.321 ], [ -69.888, -33.222 ], [ -69.747, -33.408 ], [ -69.865, -33.547 ], [ -69.885, -33.68 ], [ -69.89, -33.829 ], [ -69.83, -33.99 ], [ -69.876, -34.126 ], [ -69.815, -34.224 ], [ -69.914, -34.297 ], [ -69.976, -34.253 ], [ -70.042, -34.287 ], [ -70.011, -34.402 ], [ -70.134, -34.495 ], [ -70.226, -34.678 ], [ -70.315, -34.749 ], [ -70.262, -34.804 ], [ -70.37, -35.031 ], [ -70.363, -35.142 ], [ -70.426, -35.196 ], [ -70.548, -35.206 ], [ -70.578, -35.258 ], [ -70.424, -35.343 ], [ -70.401, -35.648 ], [ -70.326, -35.811 ], [ -70.423, -35.91 ], [ -70.381, -35.923 ], [ -70.372, -36.027 ], [ -70.419, -36.145 ], [ -70.471, -36.171 ], [ -70.577, -36.13 ], [ -70.699, -36.255 ], [ -70.694, -36.407 ], [ -70.886, -36.383 ], [ -70.936, -36.473 ], [ -71.034, -36.465 ], [ -71.024, -36.664 ], [ -71.066, -36.695 ], [ -71.112, -36.659 ], [ -71.17, -36.839 ], [ -71.102, -36.95 ], [ -71.203, -36.975 ], [ -71.092, -37.103 ], [ -71.213, -37.298 ], [ -71.116, -37.472 ], [ -71.129, -37.581 ], [ -71.202, -37.672 ], [ -71.136, -37.819 ], [ -71.191, -37.864 ], [ -71.125, -37.894 ], [ -70.999, -38.094 ], [ -71.043, -38.133 ], [ -71.002, -38.41 ], [ -70.833, -38.573 ], [ -70.948, -38.745 ], [ -71.241, -38.806 ], [ -71.428, -38.93 ], [ -71.386, -39.284 ], [ -71.472, -39.402 ], [ -71.467, -39.484 ], [ -71.533, -39.522 ], [ -71.481, -39.59 ], [ -71.606, -39.627 ], [ -71.688, -39.571 ], [ -71.716, -39.63 ], [ -71.689, -39.841 ], [ -71.59, -39.903 ], [ -71.684, -40.026 ], [ -71.671, -40.104 ], [ -71.816, -40.088 ], [ -71.831, -40.222 ], [ -71.749, -40.307 ], [ -71.681, -40.3 ], [ -71.654, -40.369 ], [ -71.719, -40.438 ], [ -71.805, -40.412 ], [ -71.85, -40.56 ], [ -71.883, -40.558 ], [ -71.833, -40.633 ], [ -71.947, -40.74 ], [ -71.858, -40.913 ], [ -71.894, -40.978 ], [ -71.828, -41.061 ], [ -71.843, -41.167 ], [ -71.879, -41.171 ], [ -71.842, -41.256 ], [ -71.906, -41.361 ], [ -71.819, -41.571 ], [ -71.855, -41.608 ], [ -71.826, -41.707 ], [ -71.746, -41.821 ], [ -71.728, -42.115 ], [ -71.919, -42.187 ], [ -72.028, -42.141 ], [ -72.125, -42.307 ], [ -72.05, -42.378 ], [ -72.029, -42.494 ], [ -72.134, -42.6 ], [ -72.11, -42.915 ], [ -71.979, -43.086 ], [ -71.74, -43.171 ], [ -71.729, -43.211 ], [ -71.734, -43.317 ], [ -71.891, -43.328 ], [ -71.933, -43.457 ], [ -71.846, -43.485 ], [ -71.86, -43.552 ], [ -71.775, -43.545 ], [ -71.693, -43.63 ], [ -71.583, -43.66 ], [ -71.755, -43.81 ], [ -71.658, -43.938 ], [ -71.755, -44.067 ], [ -71.844, -44.105 ], [ -71.79, -44.212 ], [ -71.837, -44.376 ], [ -71.224, -44.425 ], [ -71.11, -44.523 ], [ -71.131, -44.58 ], [ -71.209, -44.606 ], [ -71.219, -44.739 ], [ -71.303, -44.808 ], [ -71.475, -44.736 ], [ -71.632, -44.785 ], [ -72.07, -44.768 ], [ -72.047, -44.901 ], [ -71.56, -44.98 ], [ -71.297, -45.293 ], [ -71.505, -45.399 ], [ -71.46, -45.466 ], [ -71.483, -45.508 ], [ -71.758, -45.562 ], [ -71.722, -45.582 ], [ -71.773, -45.712 ], [ -71.747, -45.835 ], [ -71.63, -45.888 ], [ -71.598, -45.975 ], [ -71.757, -46.111 ], [ -71.892, -46.148 ], [ -71.763, -46.2 ], [ -71.646, -46.683 ], [ -71.931, -46.811 ], [ -71.913, -47.013 ], [ -71.985, -47.075 ], [ -71.854, -47.138 ], [ -71.86, -47.231 ], [ -72.022, -47.206 ], [ -72.019, -47.284 ], [ -72.146, -47.411 ], [ -72.336, -47.464 ], [ -72.288, -47.504 ], [ -72.281, -47.615 ], [ -72.391, -47.651 ], [ -72.429, -47.758 ], [ -72.499, -47.732 ], [ -72.452, -47.8 ], [ -72.52, -47.925 ], [ -72.334, -48.074 ], [ -72.281, -48.338 ], [ -72.379, -48.368 ], [ -72.355, -48.393 ], [ -72.425, -48.421 ], [ -72.391, -48.45 ], [ -72.451, -48.491 ], [ -72.598, -48.483 ], [ -72.55, -48.791 ], [ -72.736, -48.918 ], [ -72.928, -48.946 ], [ -73.093, -49.134 ], [ -73.493, -49.18 ], [ -73.45, -49.377 ], [ -73.523, -49.448 ], [ -73.501, -49.513 ], [ -73.583, -49.524 ], [ -73.495, -49.632 ], [ -73.53, -49.693 ], [ -73.452, -49.732 ], [ -73.434, -49.81 ], [ -73.545, -49.924 ], [ -73.497, -50.047 ], [ -73.541, -50.078 ], [ -73.576, -50.261 ], [ -73.438, -50.431 ], [ -73.119, -50.683 ], [ -73.171, -50.735 ], [ -73.133, -50.775 ], [ -72.738, -50.616 ], [ -72.602, -50.676 ], [ -72.474, -50.603 ], [ -72.278, -50.655 ], [ -72.327, -50.745 ], [ -72.231, -50.855 ], [ -72.25, -51.025 ], [ -72.342, -51.045 ], [ -72.402, -51.119 ], [ -72.26, -51.254 ], [ -72.321, -51.304 ], [ -72.35, -51.486 ], [ -72.438, -51.569 ], [ -72.342, -51.598 ], [ -72.293, -51.699 ], [ -72.148, -51.738 ], [ -71.955, -51.868 ], [ -72.002, -51.975 ], [ -70.019, -51.998 ], [ -69.484, -52.147 ], [ -69.203, -52.152 ], [ -68.824, -52.278 ], [ -68.427, -52.335 ], [ -68.424, -52.379 ], [ -68.497, -52.336 ], [ -69, -52.283 ], [ -69.204, -52.197 ], [ -69.447, -52.264 ], [ -69.489, -52.392 ], [ -69.573, -52.424 ], [ -69.544, -52.466 ], [ -69.668, -52.544 ], [ -69.852, -52.49 ], [ -70.16, -52.588 ], [ -70.216, -52.659 ], [ -70.324, -52.64 ], [ -70.551, -52.726 ], [ -70.519, -52.656 ], [ -70.724, -52.745 ], [ -70.747, -52.712 ], [ -70.805, -52.757 ], [ -70.875, -52.736 ], [ -70.738, -52.789 ], [ -70.831, -52.82 ], [ -70.852, -52.908 ], [ -70.898, -52.916 ], [ -70.792, -52.939 ], [ -70.836, -52.962 ], [ -70.864, -53.13 ], [ -70.932, -53.173 ], [ -70.932, -53.311 ], [ -70.983, -53.382 ], [ -70.907, -53.627 ], [ -70.939, -53.624 ], [ -70.962, -53.789 ], [ -71.289, -53.903 ], [ -71.721, -53.8 ], [ -71.902, -53.715 ], [ -71.867, -53.69 ], [ -71.929, -53.729 ], [ -72.095, -53.699 ], [ -72.401, -53.5 ], [ -72.473, -53.399 ], [ -72.411, -53.362 ], [ -72.436, -53.316 ], [ -72.314, -53.249 ], [ -72.131, -53.242 ], [ -72.108, -53.384 ], [ -72.283, -53.425 ], [ -72.211, -53.449 ], [ -72.012, -53.379 ], [ -72.034, -53.239 ], [ -71.869, -53.223 ], [ -71.758, -53.437 ], [ -71.904, -53.527 ], [ -72.067, -53.548 ], [ -71.946, -53.569 ], [ -71.776, -53.512 ], [ -71.74, -53.447 ], [ -71.773, -53.314 ], [ -71.736, -53.316 ], [ -71.73, -53.21 ], [ -71.35, -53.113 ], [ -71.125, -52.865 ], [ -71.181, -52.816 ], [ -71.379, -52.798 ], [ -71.396, -52.716 ], [ -71.558, -52.561 ], [ -72.335, -52.524 ], [ -72.455, -52.615 ], [ -72.413, -52.621 ], [ -72.438, -52.67 ], [ -72.57, -52.593 ], [ -72.397, -52.548 ], [ -72.408, -52.495 ], [ -72.583, -52.578 ], [ -72.655, -52.553 ], [ -72.618, -52.514 ], [ -72.776, -52.561 ], [ -72.878, -52.523 ], [ -72.869, -52.558 ], [ -72.913, -52.57 ], [ -72.875, -52.584 ], [ -72.941, -52.58 ], [ -72.892, -52.605 ], [ -73.012, -52.745 ], [ -72.829, -52.598 ], [ -72.682, -52.668 ], [ -72.892, -52.81 ], [ -72.964, -52.766 ], [ -72.943, -52.804 ], [ -73.056, -52.851 ], [ -72.957, -52.902 ], [ -72.993, -52.972 ], [ -72.955, -53.025 ], [ -73.006, -53.073 ], [ -73.055, -53.033 ], [ -73.037, -53.07 ], [ -73.147, -53.105 ], [ -73.189, -53.042 ], [ -73.145, -53.018 ], [ -73.207, -53.014 ], [ -73.228, -53.052 ], [ -73.172, -53.089 ], [ -73.245, -53.098 ], [ -73.448, -53.013 ], [ -73.323, -53.003 ], [ -73.402, -52.972 ], [ -73.256, -52.972 ], [ -73.288, -52.944 ], [ -73.183, -52.897 ], [ -73.293, -52.929 ], [ -73.326, -52.894 ], [ -73.402, -52.97 ], [ -73.499, -52.941 ], [ -73.415, -52.93 ], [ -73.522, -52.888 ], [ -73.802, -52.923 ], [ -73.729, -52.903 ], [ -73.75, -52.864 ], [ -73.589, -52.868 ], [ -73.605, -52.829 ], [ -73.352, -52.906 ], [ -73.582, -52.809 ], [ -73.453, -52.809 ], [ -73.48, -52.836 ], [ -73.421, -52.805 ], [ -73.467, -52.77 ], [ -73.394, -52.794 ], [ -73.407, -52.837 ], [ -73.239, -52.805 ], [ -73.265, -52.754 ], [ -73.317, -52.777 ], [ -73.311, -52.713 ], [ -73.289, -52.748 ], [ -73.246, -52.665 ], [ -73.131, -52.661 ], [ -73.168, -52.631 ], [ -73.149, -52.566 ], [ -72.995, -52.58 ], [ -73.142, -52.558 ], [ -73.082, -52.51 ], [ -73.161, -52.499 ], [ -73.224, -52.409 ], [ -73.203, -52.493 ], [ -73.289, -52.501 ], [ -73.205, -52.508 ], [ -73.162, -52.583 ], [ -73.271, -52.688 ], [ -73.327, -52.693 ], [ -73.355, -52.645 ], [ -73.311, -52.601 ], [ -73.353, -52.626 ], [ -73.424, -52.553 ], [ -73.375, -52.646 ], [ -73.659, -52.721 ], [ -73.607, -52.747 ], [ -73.626, -52.777 ], [ -73.677, -52.721 ], [ -73.736, -52.745 ], [ -73.574, -52.654 ], [ -73.688, -52.624 ], [ -73.594, -52.579 ], [ -73.637, -52.547 ], [ -73.551, -52.577 ], [ -73.62, -52.514 ], [ -73.494, -52.493 ], [ -73.559, -52.477 ], [ -73.533, -52.421 ], [ -73.598, -52.471 ], [ -73.675, -52.433 ], [ -73.673, -52.395 ], [ -73.587, -52.389 ], [ -73.61, -52.344 ], [ -73.573, -52.339 ], [ -73.656, -52.283 ], [ -73.591, -52.225 ], [ -73.741, -52.103 ], [ -73.682, -52.254 ], [ -73.854, -52.115 ], [ -74.103, -52.023 ], [ -73.974, -52.039 ], [ -74.096, -51.987 ], [ -74.103, -51.95 ], [ -74.061, -51.965 ], [ -74.102, -51.918 ], [ -73.991, -51.933 ], [ -74.007, -51.995 ], [ -73.964, -51.945 ], [ -73.756, -52.083 ], [ -73.715, -52.037 ], [ -73.561, -52.217 ], [ -73.5, -52.189 ], [ -73.558, -52.155 ], [ -73.469, -52.151 ], [ -73.347, -52.253 ], [ -73.252, -52.223 ], [ -73.245, -52.124 ], [ -73.168, -52.153 ], [ -73.036, -52.078 ], [ -73.111, -52.083 ], [ -73.084, -51.959 ], [ -72.909, -51.911 ], [ -72.882, -51.881 ], [ -73.033, -52.078 ], [ -72.995, -52.078 ], [ -72.995, -52.151 ], [ -73.082, -52.159 ], [ -73.121, -52.25 ], [ -73.08, -52.268 ], [ -73.066, -52.214 ], [ -72.991, -52.201 ], [ -72.936, -52.237 ], [ -72.957, -52.267 ], [ -72.871, -52.281 ], [ -72.898, -52.263 ], [ -72.846, -52.242 ], [ -72.812, -52.096 ], [ -72.741, -52.087 ], [ -72.776, -52.053 ], [ -72.841, -52.095 ], [ -72.898, -52.223 ], [ -72.959, -52.199 ], [ -72.96, -52.06 ], [ -72.936, -52.038 ], [ -72.908, -52.09 ], [ -72.9, -51.992 ], [ -72.776, -51.963 ], [ -72.725, -52.08 ], [ -72.664, -52.136 ], [ -72.621, -52.118 ], [ -72.54, -52.218 ], [ -72.62, -52.366 ], [ -72.715, -52.334 ], [ -72.782, -52.408 ], [ -72.853, -52.388 ], [ -72.833, -52.421 ], [ -72.978, -52.462 ], [ -72.739, -52.418 ], [ -72.625, -52.443 ], [ -72.671, -52.416 ], [ -72.557, -52.475 ], [ -72.514, -52.437 ], [ -72.671, -52.4 ], [ -72.524, -52.347 ], [ -72.476, -52.213 ], [ -72.658, -52.064 ], [ -72.666, -51.976 ], [ -72.629, -51.918 ], [ -72.571, -51.984 ], [ -72.582, -51.932 ], [ -72.45, -51.917 ], [ -72.519, -51.844 ], [ -72.463, -51.786 ], [ -72.556, -51.698 ], [ -72.653, -51.669 ], [ -72.651, -51.635 ], [ -72.697, -51.578 ], [ -72.679, -51.652 ], [ -72.718, -51.578 ], [ -73.087, -51.482 ], [ -73.07, -51.402 ], [ -73.084, -51.366 ], [ -73.129, -51.326 ], [ -73.113, -51.265 ], [ -73.021, -51.246 ], [ -73.086, -51.241 ], [ -73.129, -51.264 ], [ -73.141, -51.327 ], [ -73.097, -51.424 ], [ -73.269, -51.501 ], [ -73.058, -51.513 ], [ -73.04, -51.547 ], [ -73.114, -51.619 ], [ -72.991, -51.535 ], [ -72.77, -51.611 ], [ -72.691, -51.708 ], [ -72.535, -51.748 ], [ -72.617, -51.828 ], [ -72.734, -51.855 ], [ -72.817, -51.776 ], [ -72.966, -51.785 ], [ -73.05, -51.701 ], [ -73.196, -51.694 ], [ -73.201, -51.618 ], [ -73.236, -51.638 ], [ -73.297, -51.586 ], [ -73.223, -51.661 ], [ -73.288, -51.7 ], [ -73.089, -51.717 ], [ -72.997, -51.8 ], [ -73.083, -51.758 ], [ -73.171, -51.786 ], [ -73.074, -51.769 ], [ -73.042, -51.834 ], [ -73.219, -51.904 ], [ -73.093, -51.893 ], [ -72.988, -51.817 ], [ -72.917, -51.872 ], [ -73.136, -51.952 ], [ -73.163, -52.116 ], [ -73.242, -52.108 ], [ -73.271, -51.895 ], [ -73.343, -51.705 ], [ -73.4, -51.647 ], [ -73.287, -51.981 ], [ -73.273, -52.18 ], [ -73.407, -52.149 ], [ -73.593, -52.023 ], [ -73.601, -51.944 ], [ -73.563, -51.945 ], [ -73.652, -51.853 ], [ -73.598, -51.821 ], [ -73.507, -51.937 ], [ -73.534, -51.963 ], [ -73.456, -51.989 ], [ -73.42, -52.06 ], [ -73.388, -52.052 ], [ -73.478, -51.916 ], [ -73.425, -51.915 ], [ -73.529, -51.858 ], [ -73.514, -51.803 ], [ -73.601, -51.759 ], [ -73.64, -51.792 ], [ -73.623, -51.76 ], [ -73.566, -51.743 ], [ -73.56, -51.769 ], [ -73.499, -51.705 ], [ -73.621, -51.734 ], [ -73.628, -51.661 ], [ -73.69, -51.798 ], [ -73.777, -51.72 ], [ -73.749, -51.774 ], [ -73.797, -51.817 ], [ -73.94, -51.683 ], [ -73.935, -51.649 ], [ -73.832, -51.683 ], [ -73.839, -51.764 ], [ -73.792, -51.736 ], [ -73.813, -51.686 ], [ -73.701, -51.631 ], [ -73.927, -51.63 ], [ -73.917, -51.582 ], [ -73.837, -51.596 ], [ -73.864, -51.557 ], [ -73.791, -51.552 ], [ -73.91, -51.559 ], [ -73.903, -51.515 ], [ -73.971, -51.496 ], [ -73.915, -51.468 ], [ -73.947, -51.449 ], [ -73.915, -51.419 ], [ -73.966, -51.424 ], [ -73.893, -51.372 ], [ -73.723, -51.472 ], [ -73.653, -51.622 ], [ -73.585, -51.622 ], [ -73.614, -51.604 ], [ -73.69, -51.489 ], [ -73.652, -51.54 ], [ -73.586, -51.556 ], [ -73.649, -51.472 ], [ -73.57, -51.458 ], [ -73.684, -51.443 ], [ -73.719, -51.339 ], [ -73.727, -51.373 ], [ -73.847, -51.365 ], [ -73.861, -51.336 ], [ -73.782, -51.311 ], [ -73.891, -51.297 ], [ -73.813, -51.248 ], [ -73.736, -51.268 ], [ -73.785, -51.219 ], [ -73.732, -51.194 ], [ -73.677, -51.29 ], [ -73.697, -51.218 ], [ -73.644, -51.2 ], [ -73.707, -51.19 ], [ -73.682, -51.144 ], [ -73.726, -51.17 ], [ -73.816, -51.075 ], [ -73.742, -51.177 ], [ -73.905, -51.266 ], [ -73.999, -51.122 ], [ -74.029, -51.218 ], [ -74.129, -51.199 ], [ -74.164, -51.098 ], [ -74.137, -51.113 ], [ -74.118, -51.103 ], [ -74.094, -51.075 ], [ -74.157, -51.074 ], [ -74.134, -51.038 ], [ -74.045, -51.007 ], [ -74.077, -50.937 ], [ -74.207, -51.063 ], [ -74.154, -51.206 ], [ -74.259, -51.229 ], [ -74.315, -50.976 ], [ -74.273, -50.977 ], [ -74.323, -50.905 ], [ -74.226, -51.023 ], [ -74.202, -50.966 ], [ -74.245, -50.975 ], [ -74.239, -50.934 ], [ -74.191, -50.89 ], [ -73.92, -50.911 ], [ -73.942, -50.882 ], [ -73.9, -50.874 ], [ -73.803, -51.009 ], [ -73.764, -50.992 ], [ -73.776, -50.929 ], [ -73.883, -50.841 ], [ -73.819, -50.8 ], [ -73.732, -50.837 ], [ -73.787, -50.8 ], [ -73.787, -50.694 ], [ -73.63, -50.648 ], [ -73.54, -50.721 ], [ -73.538, -50.677 ], [ -73.382, -50.688 ], [ -73.74, -50.574 ], [ -73.705, -50.516 ], [ -73.627, -50.514 ], [ -73.598, -50.485 ], [ -73.575, -50.392 ], [ -73.644, -50.507 ], [ -73.73, -50.512 ], [ -73.767, -50.541 ], [ -73.817, -50.772 ], [ -73.939, -50.848 ], [ -74.033, -50.857 ], [ -74.076, -50.815 ], [ -74.085, -50.809 ] ], [ [ -74.406, -50.095 ], [ -74.406, -50.095 ], [ -74.406, -50.095 ], [ -74.406, -50.095 ] ], [ [ -74.406, -50.095 ], [ -74.403, -50.111 ], [ -74.383, -50.097 ], [ -74.406, -50.095 ] ], [ [ -74.015, -50.219 ], [ -73.996, -50.219 ], [ -74.011, -50.214 ], [ -74.015, -50.219 ] ], [ [ -73.996, -50.219 ], [ -73.946, -50.236 ], [ -73.946, -50.201 ], [ -73.964, -50.219 ], [ -73.996, -50.219 ] ], [ [ -74.209, -48.156 ], [ -74.204, -48.156 ], [ -74.164, -48.138 ], [ -74.209, -48.156 ] ], [ [ -72.984, -41.498 ], [ -72.953, -41.483 ], [ -72.98, -41.494 ], [ -72.984, -41.498 ] ], [ [ -73.082, -52.51 ], [ -73.05, -52.509 ], [ -73.059, -52.507 ], [ -73.082, -52.51 ] ], [ [ -73.05, -52.509 ], [ -72.936, -52.521 ], [ -72.881, -52.55 ], [ -72.918, -52.503 ], [ -73.05, -52.509 ] ], [ [ -73.499, -51.705 ], [ -73.499, -51.705 ], [ -73.499, -51.705 ], [ -73.499, -51.705 ] ], [ [ -73.499, -51.705 ], [ -73.467, -51.702 ], [ -73.456, -51.685 ], [ -73.499, -51.705 ] ], [ [ -73.721, -51.308 ], [ -73.723, -51.327 ], [ -73.701, -51.296 ], [ -73.727, -51.287 ], [ -73.721, -51.308 ] ], [ [ -74.965, -49.634 ], [ -74.944, -49.628 ], [ -74.991, -49.632 ], [ -74.965, -49.634 ] ], [ [ -74.966, -49.602 ], [ -74.963, -49.588 ], [ -75.083, -49.534 ], [ -74.966, -49.602 ] ], [ [ -74.69, -48.673 ], [ -74.623, -48.697 ], [ -74.645, -48.73 ], [ -74.605, -48.708 ], [ -74.632, -48.683 ], [ -74.69, -48.673 ] ], [ [ -75.215, -49.246 ], [ -75.119, -49.34 ], [ -75.174, -49.337 ], [ -75.104, -49.362 ], [ -75.018, -49.351 ], [ -75.1, -49.347 ], [ -75.13, -49.311 ], [ -75.084, -49.293 ], [ -75.215, -49.246 ] ], [ [ -75.1, -49.268 ], [ -75.034, -49.336 ], [ -75.066, -49.267 ], [ -75.1, -49.268 ] ], [ [ -74.338, -49.432 ], [ -74.321, -49.436 ], [ -74.31, -49.419 ], [ -74.324, -49.411 ], [ -74.338, -49.432 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.826, -51.626 ], [ -74.754, -51.646 ], [ -74.744, -51.717 ], [ -74.789, -51.743 ], [ -74.744, -51.731 ], [ -74.746, -51.816 ], [ -74.855, -51.945 ], [ -74.811, -51.941 ], [ -74.824, -51.971 ], [ -74.873, -51.967 ], [ -74.833, -51.979 ], [ -74.878, -52.079 ], [ -74.957, -52.111 ], [ -74.923, -52.044 ], [ -74.963, -52.107 ], [ -75.014, -52.115 ], [ -74.949, -52.042 ], [ -75.015, -52.069 ], [ -74.967, -52.03 ], [ -75.02, -52.046 ], [ -75.065, -51.995 ], [ -74.957, -51.94 ], [ -75.006, -51.921 ], [ -74.931, -51.796 ], [ -74.886, -51.841 ], [ -74.936, -51.917 ], [ -74.865, -51.864 ], [ -74.858, -51.927 ], [ -74.795, -51.849 ], [ -74.871, -51.778 ], [ -74.796, -51.759 ], [ -74.922, -51.65 ], [ -74.826, -51.626 ] ], [ [ -74.865, -52.001 ], [ -74.865, -52.001 ], [ -74.905, -51.991 ], [ -74.865, -52.001 ] ], [ [ -74.957, -51.94 ], [ -74.929, -51.941 ], [ -74.955, -51.939 ], [ -74.957, -51.94 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.97, -54.014 ], [ -72.76, -54.047 ], [ -72.911, -53.997 ], [ -72.779, -53.981 ], [ -72.881, -53.964 ], [ -72.666, -53.864 ], [ -72.78, -53.886 ], [ -72.737, -53.85 ], [ -72.832, -53.867 ], [ -72.779, -53.832 ], [ -72.818, -53.82 ], [ -73.04, -53.885 ], [ -73.065, -53.806 ], [ -73.117, -53.932 ], [ -73.045, -53.994 ], [ -73.101, -54.044 ], [ -73.199, -53.984 ], [ -73.351, -53.977 ], [ -73.358, -53.94 ], [ -73.275, -53.943 ], [ -73.23, -53.893 ], [ -73.358, -53.844 ], [ -73.257, -53.806 ], [ -73.257, -53.763 ], [ -73.336, -53.736 ], [ -73.252, -53.713 ], [ -73.597, -53.75 ], [ -73.487, -53.663 ], [ -73.633, -53.661 ], [ -73.607, -53.562 ], [ -73.531, -53.596 ], [ -73.415, -53.57 ], [ -73.248, -53.659 ], [ -73.331, -53.602 ], [ -73.276, -53.556 ], [ -73.356, -53.557 ], [ -73.477, -53.447 ], [ -73.298, -53.48 ], [ -73.281, -53.53 ], [ -73.238, -53.478 ], [ -73.075, -53.548 ], [ -73.172, -53.495 ], [ -73.142, -53.458 ], [ -73.209, -53.393 ], [ -73.076, -53.377 ], [ -73.025, -53.492 ], [ -73.032, -53.401 ], [ -72.939, -53.438 ], [ -72.961, -53.542 ], [ -72.893, -53.509 ], [ -72.874, -53.544 ], [ -72.927, -53.555 ], [ -72.877, -53.553 ], [ -72.883, -53.62 ], [ -72.825, -53.582 ], [ -72.874, -53.456 ], [ -72.749, -53.51 ], [ -72.749, -53.587 ], [ -72.684, -53.615 ], [ -72.723, -53.64 ], [ -72.7, -53.679 ], [ -72.653, -53.668 ], [ -72.691, -53.526 ], [ -72.659, -53.568 ], [ -72.458, -53.59 ], [ -72.479, -53.617 ], [ -72.396, -53.649 ], [ -72.508, -53.67 ], [ -72.45, -53.71 ], [ -72.498, -53.746 ], [ -72.441, -53.751 ], [ -72.386, -53.689 ], [ -72.24, -53.733 ], [ -72.333, -53.761 ], [ -72.222, -53.751 ], [ -72.149, -53.798 ], [ -72.283, -53.822 ], [ -72.194, -53.835 ], [ -72.218, -53.867 ], [ -72.433, -53.838 ], [ -72.337, -53.863 ], [ -72.324, -53.929 ], [ -72.451, -53.894 ], [ -72.39, -53.945 ], [ -72.448, -53.967 ], [ -72.331, -54.006 ], [ -72.366, -54.054 ], [ -72.472, -54.052 ], [ -72.472, -53.96 ], [ -72.494, -54.003 ], [ -72.548, -53.986 ], [ -72.548, -54.098 ], [ -72.623, -54.086 ], [ -72.598, -54.02 ], [ -72.659, -54.079 ], [ -72.619, -54.008 ], [ -72.678, -54.083 ], [ -72.746, -54.088 ], [ -72.7, -54.099 ], [ -72.804, -54.088 ], [ -72.856, -54.134 ], [ -72.958, -54.112 ], [ -72.872, -54.111 ], [ -72.917, -54.1 ], [ -72.882, -54.077 ], [ -73.078, -54.076 ], [ -72.862, -54.059 ], [ -73.004, -54.027 ], [ -72.97, -54.014 ] ], [ [ -72.862, -54.059 ], [ -72.775, -54.079 ], [ -72.858, -54.06 ], [ -72.862, -54.059 ] ] ], [ [ [ -67.278, -55.932 ], [ -67.205, -55.98 ], [ -67.298, -55.979 ], [ -67.323, -55.936 ], [ -67.278, -55.932 ] ] ], [ [ [ -67.029, -55.933 ], [ -67.043, -55.919 ], [ -67.016, -55.931 ], [ -67.029, -55.933 ] ] ], [ [ [ -66.781, -55.825 ], [ -66.807, -55.821 ], [ -66.773, -55.816 ], [ -66.781, -55.825 ] ] ], [ [ [ -67.414, -55.903 ], [ -67.435, -55.875 ], [ -67.404, -55.883 ], [ -67.414, -55.903 ] ] ], [ [ [ -67.056, -55.834 ], [ -67.097, -55.856 ], [ -67.051, -55.926 ], [ -67.155, -55.881 ], [ -67.056, -55.834 ] ] ], [ [ [ -67.292, -55.823 ], [ -67.189, -55.867 ], [ -67.179, -55.901 ], [ -67.392, -55.837 ], [ -67.292, -55.823 ] ] ], [ [ [ -67.55, -55.814 ], [ -67.479, -55.83 ], [ -67.595, -55.914 ], [ -67.596, -55.853 ], [ -67.756, -55.886 ], [ -67.843, -55.834 ], [ -67.536, -55.842 ], [ -67.55, -55.814 ] ] ], [ [ [ -67.435, -55.821 ], [ -67.439, -55.85 ], [ -67.454, -55.851 ], [ -67.464, -55.822 ], [ -67.435, -55.821 ] ] ], [ [ [ -67.134, -55.779 ], [ -67.19, -55.821 ], [ -67.238, -55.811 ], [ -67.183, -55.774 ], [ -67.134, -55.779 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.95, -55.362 ], [ -69.963, -55.351 ], [ -69.925, -55.348 ], [ -69.95, -55.362 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.76, -55.349 ], [ -69.667, -55.365 ], [ -69.645, -55.395 ], [ -69.795, -55.42 ], [ -69.76, -55.349 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.84, -55.334 ], [ -69.803, -55.339 ], [ -69.804, -55.355 ], [ -69.868, -55.325 ], [ -69.84, -55.334 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.897, -55.363 ], [ -69.921, -55.317 ], [ -69.893, -55.345 ], [ -69.897, -55.363 ] ] ], [ [ [ -66.579, -55.29 ], [ -66.637, -55.278 ], [ -66.62, -55.198 ], [ -66.418, -55.191 ], [ -66.499, -55.277 ], [ -66.579, -55.29 ] ] ], [ [ [ -66.766, -55.333 ], [ -66.782, -55.305 ], [ -66.762, -55.306 ], [ -66.766, -55.333 ] ] ], [ [ [ -66.674, -55.285 ], [ -66.685, -55.276 ], [ -66.662, -55.266 ], [ -66.674, -55.285 ] ] ], [ [ [ -67.003, -55.352 ], [ -67.059, -55.274 ], [ -66.943, -55.222 ], [ -66.842, -55.239 ], [ -66.842, -55.328 ], [ -67.003, -55.352 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.954, -55.296 ], [ -69.931, -55.32 ], [ -69.977, -55.323 ], [ -69.94, -55.334 ], [ -70.011, -55.365 ], [ -70.125, -55.327 ], [ -69.954, -55.296 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.13, -55.258 ], [ -70.036, -55.282 ], [ -70.189, -55.261 ], [ -70.13, -55.258 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.146, -55.274 ], [ -69.158, -55.268 ], [ -69.134, -55.264 ], [ -69.146, -55.274 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.249, -55.278 ], [ -69.207, -55.294 ], [ -69.42, -55.271 ], [ -69.3, -55.244 ], [ -69.249, -55.278 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.015, -55.296 ], [ -68.994, -55.289 ], [ -68.984, -55.329 ], [ -69.043, -55.295 ], [ -69.015, -55.296 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.883, -55.237 ], [ -68.92, -55.335 ], [ -68.978, -55.346 ], [ -68.973, -55.284 ], [ -68.883, -55.237 ] ] ], [ [ [ -67.923, -55.243 ], [ -67.947, -55.257 ], [ -67.975, -55.246 ], [ -67.914, -55.209 ], [ -67.923, -55.243 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.209, -55.235 ], [ -69.215, -55.227 ], [ -69.184, -55.227 ], [ -69.209, -55.235 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.969, -55.614 ], [ -68.967, -55.601 ], [ -68.946, -55.608 ], [ -68.969, -55.614 ] ] ], [ [ [ -67.333, -55.591 ], [ -67.339, -55.652 ], [ -67.298, -55.658 ], [ -67.354, -55.721 ], [ -67.232, -55.733 ], [ -67.287, -55.743 ], [ -67.223, -55.765 ], [ -67.238, -55.801 ], [ -67.54, -55.745 ], [ -67.48, -55.726 ], [ -67.537, -55.695 ], [ -67.505, -55.662 ], [ -67.385, -55.734 ], [ -67.387, -55.656 ], [ -67.458, -55.633 ], [ -67.333, -55.591 ] ] ], [ [ [ -67.549, -55.626 ], [ -67.517, -55.649 ], [ -67.558, -55.697 ], [ -67.662, -55.694 ], [ -67.573, -55.661 ], [ -67.586, -55.61 ], [ -67.549, -55.626 ] ] ], [ [ [ -67.626, -55.515 ], [ -67.534, -55.612 ], [ -67.577, -55.602 ], [ -67.706, -55.635 ], [ -67.65, -55.584 ], [ -67.664, -55.518 ], [ -67.626, -55.515 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.096, -55.405 ], [ -68.118, -55.402 ], [ -68.067, -55.4 ], [ -68.096, -55.405 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.555, -55.452 ], [ -69.567, -55.48 ], [ -69.595, -55.477 ], [ -69.584, -55.451 ], [ -69.555, -55.452 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.601, -55.445 ], [ -69.618, -55.398 ], [ -69.478, -55.455 ], [ -69.52, -55.479 ], [ -69.544, -55.441 ], [ -69.601, -55.445 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.34, -55.505 ], [ -69.304, -55.496 ], [ -69.28, -55.515 ], [ -69.333, -55.548 ], [ -69.34, -55.505 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.181, -55.604 ], [ -69.208, -55.618 ], [ -69.221, -55.568 ], [ -69.19, -55.582 ], [ -69.181, -55.604 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.059, -55.563 ], [ -69.035, -55.623 ], [ -69.081, -55.635 ], [ -69.1, -55.551 ], [ -69.059, -55.563 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.754, -55.531 ], [ -68.656, -55.57 ], [ -68.656, -55.605 ], [ -68.785, -55.538 ], [ -68.754, -55.531 ] ] ], [ [ [ -67.99, -55.55 ], [ -67.963, -55.552 ], [ -68.029, -55.561 ], [ -68.016, -55.544 ], [ -67.99, -55.55 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.927, -55.519 ], [ -68.958, -55.513 ], [ -68.961, -55.486 ], [ -68.944, -55.482 ], [ -68.927, -55.519 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.527, -55.588 ], [ -68.58, -55.571 ], [ -68.595, -55.552 ], [ -68.545, -55.538 ], [ -68.527, -55.588 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.17, -55.565 ], [ -69.202, -55.554 ], [ -69.174, -55.544 ], [ -69.17, -55.565 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.909, -55.536 ], [ -68.869, -55.541 ], [ -68.845, -55.566 ], [ -68.922, -55.561 ], [ -68.909, -55.536 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.216, -55.55 ], [ -69.233, -55.545 ], [ -69.199, -55.545 ], [ -69.216, -55.55 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.31, -55.55 ], [ -68.323, -55.537 ], [ -68.293, -55.537 ], [ -68.31, -55.55 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.439, -55.56 ], [ -68.454, -55.537 ], [ -68.432, -55.53 ], [ -68.416, -55.546 ], [ -68.439, -55.56 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.677, -55.549 ], [ -68.71, -55.525 ], [ -68.675, -55.533 ], [ -68.677, -55.549 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.398, -55.538 ], [ -68.399, -55.514 ], [ -68.382, -55.526 ], [ -68.398, -55.538 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.584, -55.53 ], [ -68.56, -55.533 ], [ -68.62, -55.533 ], [ -68.577, -55.514 ], [ -68.584, -55.53 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.602, -55.485 ], [ -68.638, -55.536 ], [ -68.704, -55.514 ], [ -68.602, -55.485 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.625, -55.386 ], [ -69.627, -55.411 ], [ -69.65, -55.41 ], [ -69.625, -55.386 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.054, -55.421 ], [ -69, -55.436 ], [ -69.063, -55.442 ], [ -69.218, -55.32 ], [ -69.054, -55.421 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.129, -54.982 ], [ -71.084, -54.986 ], [ -71.179, -55.015 ], [ -71.171, -54.972 ], [ -71.129, -54.982 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.896, -55.14 ], [ -70.907, -55.11 ], [ -70.882, -55.106 ], [ -70.896, -55.14 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.804, -55.126 ], [ -70.825, -55.11 ], [ -70.806, -55.105 ], [ -70.804, -55.126 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.619, -55.13 ], [ -70.649, -55.181 ], [ -70.692, -55.163 ], [ -70.668, -55.138 ], [ -70.619, -55.13 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.307, -55.128 ], [ -68.319, -55.127 ], [ -68.298, -55.121 ], [ -68.307, -55.128 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.417, -55.126 ], [ -68.456, -55.147 ], [ -68.498, -55.133 ], [ -68.417, -55.126 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.019, -55.252 ], [ -70.078, -55.237 ], [ -70.115, -55.187 ], [ -69.974, -55.24 ], [ -70.019, -55.252 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.933, -55.216 ], [ -69.945, -55.199 ], [ -69.915, -55.208 ], [ -69.933, -55.216 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.207, -55.198 ], [ -68.308, -55.205 ], [ -68.335, -55.164 ], [ -68.261, -55.157 ], [ -68.207, -55.198 ] ] ], [ [ [ -67.927, -54.901 ], [ -67.288, -54.919 ], [ -67.155, -54.969 ], [ -67.043, -55.078 ], [ -67.036, -55.141 ], [ -67.242, -55.314 ], [ -67.428, -55.294 ], [ -67.395, -55.195 ], [ -67.502, -55.171 ], [ -67.592, -55.195 ], [ -67.607, -55.277 ], [ -67.856, -55.255 ], [ -67.875, -55.221 ], [ -67.726, -55.236 ], [ -67.89, -55.158 ], [ -67.978, -55.226 ], [ -68.117, -55.225 ], [ -68.124, -55.174 ], [ -68.048, -55.176 ], [ -68.155, -55.143 ], [ -68.17, -54.998 ], [ -68.3, -55.012 ], [ -68.369, -54.945 ], [ -68.213, -54.92 ], [ -68.215, -54.899 ], [ -67.927, -54.901 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.668, -55.164 ], [ -68.685, -55.163 ], [ -68.658, -55.162 ], [ -68.668, -55.164 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.765, -55.167 ], [ -68.792, -55.147 ], [ -68.72, -55.16 ], [ -68.765, -55.167 ] ] ], [ [ [ -67.003, -54.988 ], [ -66.854, -55.026 ], [ -66.829, -55.094 ], [ -67.054, -54.993 ], [ -67.003, -54.988 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.245, -55.011 ], [ -68.227, -55.023 ], [ -68.241, -55.052 ], [ -68.28, -55.015 ], [ -68.245, -55.011 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.991, -55.011 ], [ -70.039, -55.066 ], [ -70.089, -55.055 ], [ -70.08, -55.019 ], [ -69.991, -55.011 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.941, -55.037 ], [ -70.004, -55.057 ], [ -69.938, -54.99 ], [ -69.941, -55.037 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.351, -55.01 ], [ -70.371, -55.027 ], [ -70.453, -55.035 ], [ -70.403, -55.01 ], [ -70.351, -55.01 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.557, -55 ], [ -70.469, -55.011 ], [ -70.562, -55.025 ], [ -70.557, -55 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.266, -54.92 ], [ -68.291, -54.916 ], [ -68.276, -54.908 ], [ -68.266, -54.92 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.173, -54.099 ], [ -73.169, -54.121 ], [ -73.198, -54.126 ], [ -73.193, -54.1 ], [ -73.173, -54.099 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.373, -54.018 ], [ -73.243, -54.03 ], [ -73.236, -54.085 ], [ -73.18, -54.05 ], [ -73.268, -54.136 ], [ -73.345, -54.118 ], [ -73.307, -54.103 ], [ -73.342, -54.064 ], [ -73.48, -54.067 ], [ -73.373, -54.018 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.021, -54.188 ], [ -73.046, -54.176 ], [ -73.009, -54.165 ], [ -73.021, -54.188 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.935, -54.196 ], [ -72.952, -54.231 ], [ -73.006, -54.226 ], [ -72.981, -54.202 ], [ -72.935, -54.196 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.057, -54.153 ], [ -73.029, -54.149 ], [ -73.094, -54.17 ], [ -73.087, -54.143 ], [ -73.057, -54.153 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.874, -54.152 ], [ -72.879, -54.14 ], [ -72.846, -54.142 ], [ -72.874, -54.152 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.224, -54.028 ], [ -71.2, -54.071 ], [ -71.168, -54.089 ], [ -71.224, -54.098 ], [ -71.224, -54.028 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.107, -54.102 ], [ -73.11, -54.158 ], [ -73.148, -54.154 ], [ -73.142, -54.106 ], [ -73.107, -54.102 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.753, -54.135 ], [ -72.742, -54.114 ], [ -72.729, -54.117 ], [ -72.753, -54.135 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.374, -54.261 ], [ -72.398, -54.259 ], [ -72.375, -54.25 ], [ -72.344, -54.272 ], [ -72.374, -54.261 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.243, -54.253 ], [ -72.259, -54.259 ], [ -72.263, -54.243 ], [ -72.243, -54.253 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.636, -54.243 ], [ -72.68, -54.269 ], [ -72.7, -54.25 ], [ -72.655, -54.227 ], [ -72.636, -54.243 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.57, -54.242 ], [ -72.579, -54.236 ], [ -72.566, -54.232 ], [ -72.57, -54.242 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.273, -54.22 ], [ -72.282, -54.215 ], [ -72.261, -54.215 ], [ -72.273, -54.22 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.654, -54.257 ], [ -71.66, -54.243 ], [ -71.639, -54.254 ], [ -71.654, -54.257 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.918, -54.223 ], [ -71.934, -54.242 ], [ -72.001, -54.225 ], [ -71.918, -54.223 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.037, -54.231 ], [ -72.059, -54.22 ], [ -72.031, -54.222 ], [ -72.037, -54.231 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.228, -54.206 ], [ -72.217, -54.224 ], [ -72.232, -54.227 ], [ -72.228, -54.206 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.277, -54.189 ], [ -70.296, -54.178 ], [ -70.282, -54.171 ], [ -70.277, -54.189 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.474, -54.121 ], [ -72.491, -54.152 ], [ -72.515, -54.153 ], [ -72.503, -54.12 ], [ -72.474, -54.121 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.277, -54.086 ], [ -70.303, -54.152 ], [ -70.357, -54.162 ], [ -70.51, -54.072 ], [ -70.39, -54.085 ], [ -70.31, -54.051 ], [ -70.277, -54.086 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.641, -54.105 ], [ -72.544, -54.132 ], [ -72.695, -54.131 ], [ -72.641, -54.105 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.164, -53.928 ], [ -72.174, -53.919 ], [ -72.148, -53.927 ], [ -72.164, -53.928 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.13, -54.071 ], [ -71.14, -54.053 ], [ -71.113, -54.045 ], [ -71.13, -54.071 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.326, -53.994 ], [ -72.305, -53.955 ], [ -72.305, -53.996 ], [ -72.326, -53.994 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.033, -53.963 ], [ -73.022, -53.962 ], [ -73.034, -53.976 ], [ -73.033, -53.963 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.972, -53.945 ], [ -72.953, -53.947 ], [ -72.995, -53.949 ], [ -72.972, -53.945 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.366, -53.936 ], [ -73.378, -53.932 ], [ -73.344, -53.932 ], [ -73.366, -53.936 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.007, -53.953 ], [ -73.017, -53.948 ], [ -73.003, -53.943 ], [ -73.007, -53.953 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.058, -53.943 ], [ -73.098, -53.934 ], [ -73.067, -53.919 ], [ -73.058, -53.943 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.078, -53.936 ], [ -72.093, -53.925 ], [ -72.04, -53.918 ], [ -72.078, -53.936 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.339, -54.802 ], [ -71.349, -54.797 ], [ -71.337, -54.787 ], [ -71.339, -54.802 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.906, -54.837 ], [ -70.885, -54.848 ], [ -70.932, -54.835 ], [ -70.922, -54.823 ], [ -70.906, -54.837 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.212, -54.821 ], [ -71.231, -54.796 ], [ -71.194, -54.816 ], [ -71.212, -54.821 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.432, -54.938 ], [ -71.458, -54.932 ], [ -71.429, -54.92 ], [ -71.432, -54.938 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.165, -54.955 ], [ -71.194, -55.023 ], [ -71.256, -55.015 ], [ -71.264, -54.971 ], [ -71.165, -54.955 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70, -54.876 ], [ -69.982, -54.877 ], [ -70.091, -54.881 ], [ -70, -54.876 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.259, -54.898 ], [ -70.278, -54.89 ], [ -70.236, -54.884 ], [ -70.259, -54.898 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.301, -54.884 ], [ -70.312, -54.88 ], [ -70.293, -54.876 ], [ -70.301, -54.884 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.997, -54.67 ], [ -71.009, -54.657 ], [ -70.99, -54.64 ], [ -70.997, -54.67 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.868, -54.672 ], [ -71.88, -54.661 ], [ -71.846, -54.667 ], [ -71.868, -54.672 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.068, -54.618 ], [ -72.104, -54.619 ], [ -72.106, -54.606 ], [ -72.068, -54.618 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.03, -54.537 ], [ -72.011, -54.566 ], [ -71.952, -54.594 ], [ -72.076, -54.574 ], [ -72.03, -54.537 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.782, -54.524 ], [ -71.789, -54.495 ], [ -71.765, -54.509 ], [ -71.782, -54.524 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.973, -54.473 ], [ -73.01, -54.506 ], [ -73.103, -54.5 ], [ -73.078, -54.483 ], [ -72.973, -54.473 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.131, -54.474 ], [ -72.146, -54.458 ], [ -72.112, -54.473 ], [ -72.131, -54.474 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.27, -54.375 ], [ -71.245, -54.379 ], [ -71.291, -54.374 ], [ -71.27, -54.375 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.955, -54.367 ], [ -71.942, -54.378 ], [ -72, -54.383 ], [ -71.955, -54.367 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.992, -54.331 ], [ -71.007, -54.326 ], [ -70.98, -54.329 ], [ -70.992, -54.331 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.667, -54.307 ], [ -72.647, -54.322 ], [ -72.694, -54.312 ], [ -72.667, -54.307 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.629, -54.339 ], [ -72.625, -54.322 ], [ -72.612, -54.325 ], [ -72.629, -54.339 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.795, -54.317 ], [ -71.793, -54.305 ], [ -71.779, -54.313 ], [ -71.795, -54.317 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.594, -54.333 ], [ -71.621, -54.332 ], [ -71.636, -54.308 ], [ -71.594, -54.333 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.284, -54.286 ], [ -72.251, -54.33 ], [ -72.342, -54.311 ], [ -72.334, -54.286 ], [ -72.284, -54.286 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.679, -54.285 ], [ -71.64, -54.329 ], [ -71.753, -54.294 ], [ -71.7, -54.278 ], [ -71.679, -54.285 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.173, -54.325 ], [ -72.196, -54.314 ], [ -72.169, -54.309 ], [ -72.173, -54.325 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.622, -54.423 ], [ -71.598, -54.454 ], [ -71.666, -54.398 ], [ -71.655, -54.392 ], [ -71.622, -54.423 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.411, -54.431 ], [ -72.387, -54.431 ], [ -72.376, -54.459 ], [ -72.438, -54.451 ], [ -72.411, -54.431 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.083, -54.433 ], [ -72.064, -54.457 ], [ -72.125, -54.434 ], [ -72.098, -54.417 ], [ -72.083, -54.433 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.294, -54.414 ], [ -72.258, -54.411 ], [ -72.231, -54.462 ], [ -72.309, -54.439 ], [ -72.321, -54.472 ], [ -72.37, -54.417 ], [ -72.294, -54.414 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.383, -54.42 ], [ -72.399, -54.413 ], [ -72.381, -54.41 ], [ -72.383, -54.42 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.497, -54.392 ], [ -71.512, -54.373 ], [ -71.481, -54.371 ], [ -71.497, -54.392 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.415, -54.406 ], [ -72.426, -54.397 ], [ -72.396, -54.387 ], [ -72.415, -54.406 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.54, -54.376 ], [ -71.531, -54.389 ], [ -71.604, -54.38 ], [ -71.54, -54.376 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.179, -54.375 ], [ -72.093, -54.41 ], [ -72.159, -54.441 ], [ -72.162, -54.399 ], [ -72.235, -54.384 ], [ -72.179, -54.375 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.915, -54.39 ], [ -71.9, -54.393 ], [ -71.974, -54.392 ], [ -71.915, -54.39 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.406, -54.325 ], [ -72.29, -54.344 ], [ -72.445, -54.362 ], [ -72.46, -54.435 ], [ -72.543, -54.381 ], [ -72.544, -54.343 ], [ -72.406, -54.325 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.091, -54.726 ], [ -71.101, -54.711 ], [ -71.074, -54.727 ], [ -71.091, -54.726 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.027, -54.736 ], [ -72.033, -54.704 ], [ -72.017, -54.7 ], [ -72.007, -54.721 ], [ -72.027, -54.736 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.839, -54.743 ], [ -71.795, -54.748 ], [ -71.767, -54.776 ], [ -71.835, -54.769 ], [ -71.869, -54.726 ], [ -71.839, -54.743 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.564, -54.714 ], [ -71.529, -54.746 ], [ -71.622, -54.763 ], [ -71.629, -54.7 ], [ -71.564, -54.714 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.15, -54.72 ], [ -71.108, -54.728 ], [ -71.147, -54.746 ], [ -71.15, -54.72 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.196, -54.717 ], [ -71.225, -54.744 ], [ -71.275, -54.73 ], [ -71.196, -54.717 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.729, -54.709 ], [ -71.775, -54.732 ], [ -71.789, -54.701 ], [ -71.763, -54.694 ], [ -71.729, -54.709 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.809, -54.717 ], [ -71.827, -54.697 ], [ -71.795, -54.689 ], [ -71.809, -54.717 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.045, -54.635 ], [ -71.961, -54.666 ], [ -71.902, -54.734 ], [ -71.981, -54.755 ], [ -71.968, -54.703 ], [ -72.033, -54.653 ], [ -72.103, -54.673 ], [ -72.045, -54.635 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.679, -54.691 ], [ -71.717, -54.708 ], [ -71.772, -54.659 ], [ -71.722, -54.655 ], [ -71.679, -54.691 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.218, -55.486 ], [ -69.338, -55.486 ], [ -69.366, -55.398 ], [ -69.404, -55.521 ], [ -69.43, -55.405 ], [ -69.511, -55.41 ], [ -69.397, -55.379 ], [ -69.501, -55.378 ], [ -69.452, -55.345 ], [ -69.547, -55.386 ], [ -69.596, -55.367 ], [ -69.525, -55.33 ], [ -69.79, -55.317 ], [ -69.542, -55.28 ], [ -69.681, -55.275 ], [ -69.455, -55.193 ], [ -69.862, -55.279 ], [ -69.896, -55.26 ], [ -69.848, -55.241 ], [ -69.963, -55.24 ], [ -69.857, -55.212 ], [ -69.968, -55.184 ], [ -69.856, -55.194 ], [ -70.027, -55.162 ], [ -70.027, -55.126 ], [ -69.929, -55.133 ], [ -69.966, -55.113 ], [ -69.903, -55.069 ], [ -69.669, -55.085 ], [ -69.58, -55.038 ], [ -69.564, -55.169 ], [ -69.546, -55.035 ], [ -69.325, -55.057 ], [ -69.393, -55.024 ], [ -68.437, -54.936 ], [ -68.31, -55.034 ], [ -68.329, -55.076 ], [ -68.449, -55.021 ], [ -68.427, -55.093 ], [ -68.635, -55.081 ], [ -68.549, -55.129 ], [ -68.658, -55.153 ], [ -69.021, -55.02 ], [ -69.074, -55.071 ], [ -68.978, -55.068 ], [ -68.985, -55.108 ], [ -68.743, -55.182 ], [ -68.367, -55.18 ], [ -68.342, -55.214 ], [ -68.25, -55.224 ], [ -68.333, -55.238 ], [ -68.188, -55.295 ], [ -68.556, -55.328 ], [ -68.66, -55.253 ], [ -68.749, -55.275 ], [ -68.645, -55.276 ], [ -68.68, -55.293 ], [ -68.619, -55.315 ], [ -68.634, -55.344 ], [ -68.54, -55.336 ], [ -68.59, -55.375 ], [ -68.406, -55.331 ], [ -68.273, -55.381 ], [ -68.32, -55.413 ], [ -68.139, -55.395 ], [ -68.164, -55.482 ], [ -68.023, -55.485 ], [ -68.116, -55.533 ], [ -67.973, -55.6 ], [ -68.015, -55.621 ], [ -67.97, -55.646 ], [ -68.021, -55.66 ], [ -67.968, -55.683 ], [ -68.092, -55.724 ], [ -68.137, -55.606 ], [ -68.278, -55.62 ], [ -68.218, -55.545 ], [ -68.355, -55.492 ], [ -68.442, -55.515 ], [ -68.556, -55.464 ], [ -68.549, -55.411 ], [ -68.632, -55.405 ], [ -68.598, -55.47 ], [ -68.794, -55.431 ], [ -68.775, -55.507 ], [ -68.916, -55.484 ], [ -68.87, -55.457 ], [ -68.927, -55.468 ], [ -68.963, -55.414 ], [ -68.739, -55.387 ], [ -68.809, -55.373 ], [ -68.752, -55.354 ], [ -68.783, -55.347 ], [ -68.975, -55.399 ], [ -68.87, -55.317 ], [ -68.89, -55.274 ], [ -68.831, -55.248 ], [ -68.872, -55.228 ], [ -68.797, -55.18 ], [ -69.029, -55.275 ], [ -69.136, -55.185 ], [ -69.12, -55.248 ], [ -69.218, -55.212 ], [ -69.258, -55.153 ], [ -69.226, -55.115 ], [ -69.318, -55.155 ], [ -69.247, -55.236 ], [ -69.499, -55.244 ], [ -69.433, -55.252 ], [ -69.469, -55.264 ], [ -69.436, -55.304 ], [ -69.323, -55.305 ], [ -69.355, -55.319 ], [ -69.27, -55.36 ], [ -69.308, -55.37 ], [ -69.231, -55.37 ], [ -69.262, -55.398 ], [ -69.22, -55.408 ], [ -69.285, -55.414 ], [ -69.246, -55.43 ], [ -69.287, -55.451 ], [ -69.116, -55.461 ], [ -69.187, -55.458 ], [ -69.125, -55.489 ], [ -69.15, -55.515 ], [ -69.218, -55.486 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.645, -54.892 ], [ -69.484, -54.901 ], [ -69.533, -54.956 ], [ -69.432, -54.901 ], [ -69.133, -54.961 ], [ -69.929, -55.04 ], [ -69.893, -55.016 ], [ -69.934, -54.957 ], [ -69.807, -54.952 ], [ -69.927, -54.904 ], [ -69.778, -54.889 ], [ -69.748, -54.973 ], [ -69.667, -54.948 ], [ -69.753, -54.874 ], [ -69.645, -54.892 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.97, -55 ], [ -70.903, -55 ], [ -71.001, -54.97 ], [ -70.838, -54.926 ], [ -70.84, -54.983 ], [ -70.779, -54.978 ], [ -70.768, -54.928 ], [ -70.696, -54.965 ], [ -70.735, -54.981 ], [ -70.551, -54.98 ], [ -70.587, -54.948 ], [ -70.487, -54.901 ], [ -70.332, -54.89 ], [ -70.291, -54.914 ], [ -70.475, -54.946 ], [ -70.511, -54.967 ], [ -70.48, -54.996 ], [ -70.71, -54.982 ], [ -70.726, -55.013 ], [ -70.563, -55.043 ], [ -70.492, -55.021 ], [ -70.453, -55.06 ], [ -70.282, -55.03 ], [ -70.267, -55.072 ], [ -70.356, -55.077 ], [ -70.239, -55.109 ], [ -70.432, -55.093 ], [ -70.345, -55.168 ], [ -70.448, -55.209 ], [ -70.521, -55.15 ], [ -70.539, -55.177 ], [ -70.485, -55.19 ], [ -70.524, -55.205 ], [ -70.556, -55.18 ], [ -70.5, -55.102 ], [ -70.564, -55.06 ], [ -70.622, -55.053 ], [ -70.571, -55.086 ], [ -70.639, -55.073 ], [ -70.675, -55.129 ], [ -70.741, -55.103 ], [ -70.695, -55.073 ], [ -70.732, -55.049 ], [ -70.796, -55.096 ], [ -70.853, -55.049 ], [ -70.905, -55.09 ], [ -70.939, -55.037 ], [ -70.996, -55.053 ], [ -70.945, -55.026 ], [ -70.97, -55 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.269, -55.013 ], [ -70.312, -54.998 ], [ -70.282, -54.979 ], [ -70.29, -54.954 ], [ -70.39, -55.004 ], [ -70.45, -54.959 ], [ -70.223, -54.941 ], [ -70.269, -55.013 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.007, -54.923 ], [ -69.935, -54.942 ], [ -70.203, -55.01 ], [ -70.162, -54.957 ], [ -70.007, -54.923 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.113, -54.91 ], [ -70.057, -54.915 ], [ -70.186, -54.93 ], [ -70.133, -54.899 ], [ -70.113, -54.91 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.228, -54.902 ], [ -70.239, -54.899 ], [ -70.221, -54.889 ], [ -70.228, -54.902 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.121, -54.834 ], [ -71.128, -54.867 ], [ -70.975, -54.859 ], [ -70.976, -54.901 ], [ -70.924, -54.908 ], [ -70.986, -54.918 ], [ -70.896, -54.924 ], [ -71.064, -54.958 ], [ -71.158, -54.93 ], [ -71.072, -54.905 ], [ -71.283, -54.859 ], [ -71.333, -54.955 ], [ -71.353, -54.881 ], [ -71.42, -54.943 ], [ -71.403, -54.912 ], [ -71.454, -54.883 ], [ -71.383, -54.859 ], [ -71.399, -54.828 ], [ -71.121, -54.834 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.555, -54.83 ], [ -70.452, -54.834 ], [ -70.351, -54.866 ], [ -70.574, -54.912 ], [ -70.742, -54.869 ], [ -70.555, -54.83 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.931, -54.292 ], [ -69.96, -54.271 ], [ -69.925, -54.275 ], [ -69.931, -54.292 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.792, -54.284 ], [ -72.789, -54.27 ], [ -72.773, -54.276 ], [ -72.792, -54.284 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.564, -54.314 ], [ -71.61, -54.282 ], [ -71.566, -54.298 ], [ -71.564, -54.314 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.471, -54.264 ], [ -71.389, -54.265 ], [ -71.416, -54.287 ], [ -71.378, -54.332 ], [ -71.497, -54.333 ], [ -71.493, -54.233 ], [ -71.471, -54.264 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72, -54.3 ], [ -72.055, -54.289 ], [ -72.088, -54.262 ], [ -71.992, -54.251 ], [ -72, -54.3 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.195, -54.218 ], [ -72.148, -54.283 ], [ -72.16, -54.305 ], [ -72.208, -54.291 ], [ -72.195, -54.218 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.284, -54.287 ], [ -70.474, -54.236 ], [ -70.521, -54.159 ], [ -70.219, -54.238 ], [ -70.284, -54.287 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.106, -54.4 ], [ -71.165, -54.332 ], [ -71.189, -54.376 ], [ -71.345, -54.317 ], [ -71.166, -54.244 ], [ -71.232, -54.207 ], [ -71.254, -54.255 ], [ -71.321, -54.261 ], [ -71.322, -54.215 ], [ -71.37, -54.256 ], [ -71.439, -54.211 ], [ -71.354, -54.15 ], [ -71.405, -54.154 ], [ -71.386, -54.117 ], [ -71.43, -54.154 ], [ -71.5, -54.13 ], [ -71.439, -54.166 ], [ -71.489, -54.188 ], [ -71.509, -54.284 ], [ -71.577, -54.23 ], [ -71.514, -54.183 ], [ -71.581, -54.193 ], [ -71.589, -54.243 ], [ -71.654, -54.228 ], [ -71.691, -54.16 ], [ -71.554, -54.088 ], [ -71.602, -54.088 ], [ -71.638, -54.018 ], [ -71.606, -53.954 ], [ -71.523, -53.953 ], [ -71.487, -54.012 ], [ -71.49, -53.956 ], [ -71.433, -53.956 ], [ -71.391, -54.094 ], [ -71.379, -53.978 ], [ -71.262, -54.005 ], [ -71.236, -54.095 ], [ -71.288, -54.112 ], [ -71.207, -54.119 ], [ -71.192, -54.206 ], [ -71.155, -54.089 ], [ -71.107, -54.167 ], [ -71.08, -54.067 ], [ -70.99, -54.096 ], [ -70.986, -54.156 ], [ -71.066, -54.202 ], [ -70.962, -54.174 ], [ -70.97, -54.241 ], [ -71.03, -54.242 ], [ -70.965, -54.312 ], [ -71.042, -54.299 ], [ -71.038, -54.344 ], [ -71.14, -54.302 ], [ -71.058, -54.354 ], [ -71.106, -54.4 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.475, -54.295 ], [ -72.553, -54.272 ], [ -72.458, -54.235 ], [ -72.496, -54.194 ], [ -72.377, -54.172 ], [ -72.415, -54.124 ], [ -72.284, -54.098 ], [ -72.417, -54.085 ], [ -72.317, -54.058 ], [ -72.196, -54.142 ], [ -72.285, -54.145 ], [ -72.255, -54.198 ], [ -72.326, -54.2 ], [ -72.314, -54.263 ], [ -72.393, -54.217 ], [ -72.475, -54.295 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.519, -37.079 ], [ -73.556, -37.026 ], [ -73.525, -36.972 ], [ -73.455, -37.052 ], [ -73.519, -37.079 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.056, -36.644 ], [ -73.072, -36.648 ], [ -73.048, -36.605 ], [ -73.056, -36.644 ] ] ], [ [ [ -109.291, -27.094 ], [ -109.234, -27.125 ], [ -109.452, -27.197 ], [ -109.396, -27.063 ], [ -109.291, -27.094 ] ] ], [ [ [ -80.733, -33.706 ], [ -80.72, -33.783 ], [ -80.762, -33.79 ], [ -80.785, -33.72 ], [ -80.733, -33.706 ] ] ], [ [ [ -78.938, -33.7 ], [ -78.922, -33.711 ], [ -78.96, -33.701 ], [ -78.938, -33.7 ] ] ], [ [ [ -78.891, -33.593 ], [ -78.788, -33.624 ], [ -78.761, -33.656 ], [ -79.006, -33.668 ], [ -78.891, -33.593 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.586, -29.022 ], [ -71.571, -29.026 ], [ -71.572, -29.043 ], [ -71.59, -29.046 ], [ -71.586, -29.022 ] ] ], [ [ [ -79.89, -26.356 ], [ -79.894, -26.369 ], [ -79.918, -26.365 ], [ -79.89, -26.356 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.81, -41.749 ], [ -73.822, -41.74 ], [ -73.814, -41.73 ], [ -73.8, -41.742 ], [ -73.81, -41.749 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.951, -41.719 ], [ -73.001, -41.706 ], [ -72.99, -41.667 ], [ -72.886, -41.697 ], [ -72.951, -41.719 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.977, -41.592 ], [ -73.008, -41.594 ], [ -73.019, -41.562 ], [ -72.973, -41.557 ], [ -72.977, -41.592 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.902, -38.417 ], [ -73.939, -38.417 ], [ -73.959, -38.318 ], [ -73.864, -38.37 ], [ -73.902, -38.417 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.717, -44.07 ], [ -73.699, -44.086 ], [ -73.729, -44.071 ], [ -73.717, -44.07 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.884, -44.071 ], [ -73.852, -44.074 ], [ -73.845, -44.091 ], [ -73.914, -44.076 ], [ -73.884, -44.071 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.113, -44.046 ], [ -74.16, -44.073 ], [ -74.203, -44.065 ], [ -74.113, -44.046 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.941, -44.048 ], [ -73.933, -44.059 ], [ -73.95, -44.071 ], [ -73.941, -44.048 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.702, -43.923 ], [ -73.688, -43.934 ], [ -73.708, -43.933 ], [ -73.702, -43.923 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.672, -43.878 ], [ -73.662, -43.885 ], [ -73.673, -43.89 ], [ -73.682, -43.882 ], [ -73.672, -43.878 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.776, -43.829 ], [ -73.739, -43.902 ], [ -73.895, -43.872 ], [ -73.781, -43.86 ], [ -73.776, -43.829 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.771, -43.684 ], [ -74.838, -43.563 ], [ -74.745, -43.567 ], [ -74.744, -43.518 ], [ -74.552, -43.627 ], [ -74.771, -43.684 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.204, -43.466 ], [ -74.213, -43.473 ], [ -74.2, -43.455 ], [ -74.204, -43.466 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.018, -43.801 ], [ -74.025, -43.818 ], [ -74.046, -43.811 ], [ -74.018, -43.801 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.003, -43.787 ], [ -73.987, -43.805 ], [ -73.997, -43.818 ], [ -74.01, -43.808 ], [ -74.003, -43.787 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.263, -44.015 ], [ -73.241, -44.023 ], [ -73.234, -44.052 ], [ -73.279, -44.028 ], [ -73.263, -44.015 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.243, -44.012 ], [ -74.174, -44.028 ], [ -74.287, -44.025 ], [ -74.243, -44.012 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.223, -43.985 ], [ -74.153, -44.005 ], [ -74.243, -44.002 ], [ -74.223, -43.985 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.575, -44.033 ], [ -73.538, -44.044 ], [ -73.529, -44.08 ], [ -73.614, -44.036 ], [ -73.575, -44.033 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.896, -43.934 ], [ -73.781, -43.976 ], [ -73.865, -43.991 ], [ -73.927, -43.961 ], [ -73.896, -43.934 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.735, -44.03 ], [ -73.721, -44.038 ], [ -73.735, -44.065 ], [ -73.748, -44.039 ], [ -73.735, -44.03 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.133, -43.887 ], [ -73.145, -44.032 ], [ -73.212, -44.037 ], [ -73.186, -44.021 ], [ -73.266, -43.974 ], [ -73.244, -43.915 ], [ -73.133, -43.887 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.138, -43.954 ], [ -74.175, -43.94 ], [ -74.117, -43.95 ], [ -74.138, -43.954 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.765, -43.908 ], [ -73.788, -43.951 ], [ -73.854, -43.926 ], [ -73.843, -43.91 ], [ -73.765, -43.908 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.86, -43.774 ], [ -73.787, -43.84 ], [ -73.943, -43.855 ], [ -73.864, -43.917 ], [ -73.918, -43.909 ], [ -73.941, -43.956 ], [ -74.01, -43.891 ], [ -74.16, -43.864 ], [ -74.074, -43.808 ], [ -73.978, -43.847 ], [ -73.902, -43.843 ], [ -73.907, -43.802 ], [ -73.831, -43.804 ], [ -73.86, -43.774 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.076, -42.682 ], [ -73.083, -42.653 ], [ -73.067, -42.667 ], [ -73.076, -42.682 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.441, -43.068 ], [ -73.475, -43.042 ], [ -73.453, -43.045 ], [ -73.441, -43.068 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.326, -43.016 ], [ -73.464, -42.994 ], [ -73.605, -42.931 ], [ -73.518, -42.917 ], [ -73.326, -43.016 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.95, -42.81 ], [ -73.031, -42.721 ], [ -73.031, -42.697 ], [ -72.924, -42.725 ], [ -72.919, -42.783 ], [ -72.97, -42.752 ], [ -72.95, -42.81 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.075, -42.755 ], [ -73.093, -42.728 ], [ -73.072, -42.741 ], [ -73.075, -42.755 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.061, -42.752 ], [ -73.079, -42.715 ], [ -73.052, -42.722 ], [ -73.061, -42.752 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.51, -42.17 ], [ -72.609, -42.134 ], [ -72.574, -42.08 ], [ -72.477, -42.09 ], [ -72.51, -42.17 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.247, -42.666 ], [ -73.358, -42.63 ], [ -73.233, -42.635 ], [ -73.247, -42.666 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.032, -42.63 ], [ -73.064, -42.609 ], [ -73.004, -42.603 ], [ -73.006, -42.653 ], [ -73.032, -42.63 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.531, -42.647 ], [ -73.482, -42.638 ], [ -73.502, -42.604 ], [ -73.423, -42.622 ], [ -73.469, -42.648 ], [ -73.531, -42.647 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.267, -42.612 ], [ -73.329, -42.601 ], [ -73.284, -42.589 ], [ -73.267, -42.612 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.538, -42.701 ], [ -73.577, -42.709 ], [ -73.597, -42.653 ], [ -73.743, -42.617 ], [ -73.594, -42.571 ], [ -73.538, -42.701 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.207, -42.63 ], [ -73.214, -42.591 ], [ -73.243, -42.613 ], [ -73.223, -42.56 ], [ -73.196, -42.617 ], [ -73.207, -42.63 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.516, -42.603 ], [ -73.538, -42.58 ], [ -73.491, -42.55 ], [ -73.516, -42.603 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.264, -42.514 ], [ -73.294, -42.463 ], [ -73.248, -42.482 ], [ -73.264, -42.514 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.337, -42.489 ], [ -73.377, -42.49 ], [ -73.373, -42.453 ], [ -73.297, -42.472 ], [ -73.337, -42.489 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.428, -42.44 ], [ -73.462, -42.425 ], [ -73.433, -42.424 ], [ -73.428, -42.44 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.195, -42.32 ], [ -73.207, -42.329 ], [ -73.222, -42.307 ], [ -73.195, -42.32 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.386, -42.184 ], [ -73.408, -42.153 ], [ -73.46, -42.139 ], [ -73.385, -42.109 ], [ -73.348, -42.178 ], [ -73.386, -42.184 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.13, -42.342 ], [ -73.172, -42.267 ], [ -73.14, -42.302 ], [ -73.11, -42.258 ], [ -73.057, -42.274 ], [ -73.13, -42.342 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.24, -42.316 ], [ -73.314, -42.306 ], [ -73.271, -42.286 ], [ -73.24, -42.316 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.215, -42.304 ], [ -73.198, -42.294 ], [ -73.262, -42.27 ], [ -73.207, -42.282 ], [ -73.186, -42.303 ], [ -73.215, -42.304 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.145, -42.277 ], [ -73.186, -42.244 ], [ -73.149, -42.253 ], [ -73.145, -42.277 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.124, -42.399 ], [ -73.152, -42.398 ], [ -73.103, -42.377 ], [ -73.124, -42.399 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.514, -42.455 ], [ -73.394, -42.543 ], [ -73.389, -42.584 ], [ -73.539, -42.469 ], [ -73.633, -42.473 ], [ -73.603, -42.439 ], [ -73.659, -42.391 ], [ -73.528, -42.393 ], [ -73.514, -42.455 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.306, -42.44 ], [ -73.345, -42.421 ], [ -73.291, -42.389 ], [ -73.282, -42.419 ], [ -73.306, -42.44 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.455, -42.385 ], [ -73.444, -42.366 ], [ -73.414, -42.393 ], [ -73.436, -42.408 ], [ -73.455, -42.385 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.276, -43.423 ], [ -74.278, -43.362 ], [ -74.254, -43.349 ], [ -74.232, -43.41 ], [ -74.276, -43.423 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.726, -43.399 ], [ -73.775, -43.382 ], [ -73.806, -43.317 ], [ -73.661, -43.354 ], [ -73.726, -43.399 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.585, -43.273 ], [ -73.625, -43.239 ], [ -73.618, -43.165 ], [ -73.569, -43.249 ], [ -73.585, -43.273 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.667, -43.247 ], [ -73.744, -43.198 ], [ -73.661, -43.194 ], [ -73.667, -43.247 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.498, -43.174 ], [ -73.535, -43.196 ], [ -73.589, -43.201 ], [ -73.581, -43.138 ], [ -73.498, -43.174 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.51, -43.156 ], [ -73.509, -43.156 ], [ -73.509, -43.157 ], [ -73.51, -43.156 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.51, -43.156 ], [ -73.532, -43.156 ], [ -73.518, -43.142 ], [ -73.51, -43.156 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.631, -42.077 ], [ -72.642, -42.081 ], [ -72.644, -42.065 ], [ -72.618, -42.067 ], [ -72.631, -42.077 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.484, -42.07 ], [ -72.513, -42.054 ], [ -72.461, -41.984 ], [ -72.462, -42.031 ], [ -72.484, -42.07 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.105, -41.904 ], [ -73.103, -41.903 ], [ -73.104, -41.904 ], [ -73.105, -41.904 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.068, -41.901 ], [ -73.103, -41.903 ], [ -73.078, -41.891 ], [ -73.068, -41.901 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.105, -41.904 ], [ -73.161, -41.907 ], [ -73.137, -41.882 ], [ -73.105, -41.904 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.894, -41.898 ], [ -72.938, -41.875 ], [ -72.895, -41.87 ], [ -72.894, -41.898 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.349, -41.834 ], [ -73.329, -41.817 ], [ -73.339, -41.799 ], [ -73.32, -41.816 ], [ -73.349, -41.834 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.157, -41.809 ], [ -73.185, -41.796 ], [ -73.157, -41.797 ], [ -73.127, -41.769 ], [ -73.157, -41.809 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.235, -41.801 ], [ -73.246, -41.797 ], [ -73.251, -41.725 ], [ -73.197, -41.779 ], [ -73.16, -41.785 ], [ -73.235, -41.801 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.099, -41.854 ], [ -73.097, -41.834 ], [ -73.123, -41.816 ], [ -73.085, -41.833 ], [ -73.099, -41.854 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.144, -41.84 ], [ -73.162, -41.817 ], [ -73.132, -41.832 ], [ -73.144, -41.84 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.078, -41.75 ], [ -73.055, -41.732 ], [ -72.985, -41.858 ], [ -73.116, -41.807 ], [ -73.05, -41.813 ], [ -73.078, -41.75 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.48, -44.276 ], [ -73.476, -44.292 ], [ -73.49, -44.299 ], [ -73.498, -44.285 ], [ -73.48, -44.276 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.626, -44.288 ], [ -73.615, -44.296 ], [ -73.64, -44.297 ], [ -73.626, -44.288 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.204, -44.243 ], [ -73.197, -44.259 ], [ -73.217, -44.248 ], [ -73.204, -44.243 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.901, -44.248 ], [ -73.842, -44.264 ], [ -73.855, -44.29 ], [ -73.934, -44.256 ], [ -73.901, -44.248 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.832, -44.214 ], [ -73.804, -44.235 ], [ -73.836, -44.255 ], [ -73.85, -44.219 ], [ -73.832, -44.214 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.234, -44.218 ], [ -73.209, -44.233 ], [ -73.236, -44.237 ], [ -73.234, -44.218 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.325, -44.215 ], [ -74.334, -44.231 ], [ -74.364, -44.223 ], [ -74.325, -44.215 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.742, -44.219 ], [ -73.726, -44.228 ], [ -73.754, -44.241 ], [ -73.742, -44.219 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.29, -44.21 ], [ -74.262, -44.213 ], [ -74.22, -44.255 ], [ -74.319, -44.219 ], [ -74.29, -44.21 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.554, -44.127 ], [ -73.541, -44.148 ], [ -73.581, -44.162 ], [ -73.587, -44.145 ], [ -73.554, -44.127 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.142, -44.115 ], [ -74.13, -44.124 ], [ -74.167, -44.153 ], [ -74.142, -44.115 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.346, -44.099 ], [ -74.181, -44.134 ], [ -74.351, -44.129 ], [ -74.346, -44.099 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.351, -44.189 ], [ -74.363, -44.172 ], [ -74.305, -44.188 ], [ -74.354, -44.2 ], [ -74.351, -44.189 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.307, -44.182 ], [ -74.307, -44.182 ], [ -74.308, -44.182 ], [ -74.307, -44.182 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.211, -44.189 ], [ -74.161, -44.192 ], [ -74.147, -44.213 ], [ -74.196, -44.211 ], [ -74.211, -44.189 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.623, -44.187 ], [ -73.623, -44.205 ], [ -73.655, -44.213 ], [ -73.623, -44.187 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.512, -44.104 ], [ -73.448, -44.126 ], [ -73.496, -44.183 ], [ -73.543, -44.127 ], [ -73.512, -44.104 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.67, -44.15 ], [ -73.658, -44.205 ], [ -73.72, -44.201 ], [ -73.724, -44.172 ], [ -73.67, -44.15 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.307, -44.182 ], [ -74.359, -44.149 ], [ -74.234, -44.177 ], [ -74.307, -44.182 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.06, -44.12 ], [ -74.123, -44.193 ], [ -74.156, -44.186 ], [ -74.124, -44.141 ], [ -74.06, -44.12 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.927, -44.099 ], [ -73.84, -44.128 ], [ -73.898, -44.177 ], [ -73.815, -44.185 ], [ -73.829, -44.152 ], [ -73.804, -44.188 ], [ -73.96, -44.193 ], [ -73.996, -44.145 ], [ -73.927, -44.099 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.409, -44.328 ], [ -74.4, -44.338 ], [ -74.415, -44.349 ], [ -74.409, -44.328 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.716, -44.333 ], [ -73.703, -44.354 ], [ -73.735, -44.352 ], [ -73.716, -44.333 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.599, -44.329 ], [ -73.578, -44.344 ], [ -73.597, -44.357 ], [ -73.612, -44.341 ], [ -73.599, -44.329 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.149, -44.302 ], [ -73.089, -44.32 ], [ -73.148, -44.34 ], [ -73.149, -44.302 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.665, -44.341 ], [ -73.684, -44.346 ], [ -73.698, -44.33 ], [ -73.663, -44.318 ], [ -73.665, -44.341 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.258, -44.32 ], [ -74.264, -44.333 ], [ -74.302, -44.333 ], [ -74.295, -44.319 ], [ -74.258, -44.32 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.279, -44.305 ], [ -73.276, -44.322 ], [ -73.297, -44.33 ], [ -73.279, -44.305 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.733, -44.306 ], [ -73.726, -44.317 ], [ -73.745, -44.316 ], [ -73.733, -44.306 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.67, -44.24 ], [ -73.635, -44.267 ], [ -73.718, -44.31 ], [ -73.746, -44.256 ], [ -73.67, -44.24 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.421, -44.256 ], [ -74.276, -44.252 ], [ -74.233, -44.305 ], [ -74.344, -44.307 ], [ -74.421, -44.256 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.142, -44.228 ], [ -74.102, -44.262 ], [ -74.116, -44.31 ], [ -74.203, -44.252 ], [ -74.142, -44.228 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.784, -44.287 ], [ -73.801, -44.352 ], [ -74.015, -44.339 ], [ -73.972, -44.33 ], [ -74.061, -44.299 ], [ -74.105, -44.208 ], [ -74.066, -44.181 ], [ -74.047, -44.21 ], [ -73.984, -44.245 ], [ -74.068, -44.179 ], [ -74.021, -44.146 ], [ -73.929, -44.22 ], [ -73.857, -44.227 ], [ -74.003, -44.254 ], [ -73.964, -44.318 ], [ -73.952, -44.262 ], [ -73.899, -44.301 ], [ -73.852, -44.295 ], [ -73.815, -44.259 ], [ -73.784, -44.287 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.047, -44.09 ], [ -74.028, -44.1 ], [ -74.051, -44.106 ], [ -74.047, -44.09 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.23, -44.073 ], [ -74.171, -44.094 ], [ -74.341, -44.085 ], [ -74.334, -44.073 ], [ -74.23, -44.073 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.076, -44.071 ], [ -74.082, -44.102 ], [ -74.133, -44.089 ], [ -74.076, -44.071 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.665, -44.082 ], [ -73.67, -44.087 ], [ -73.695, -44.072 ], [ -73.674, -44.063 ], [ -73.665, -44.082 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.663, -44.075 ], [ -73.738, -43.997 ], [ -73.694, -43.936 ], [ -73.6, -44.006 ], [ -73.652, -44.036 ], [ -73.582, -44.105 ], [ -73.638, -44.14 ], [ -73.663, -44.075 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.028, -49.948 ], [ -75.038, -49.94 ], [ -75.014, -49.943 ], [ -75.028, -49.948 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.986, -49.905 ], [ -74.986, -49.924 ], [ -75.022, -49.919 ], [ -75.022, -49.906 ], [ -74.986, -49.905 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.079, -49.917 ], [ -75.088, -49.91 ], [ -75.07, -49.907 ], [ -75.079, -49.917 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.076, -49.9 ], [ -75.108, -49.895 ], [ -75.063, -49.891 ], [ -75.076, -49.9 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.88, -49.828 ], [ -74.897, -49.806 ], [ -74.878, -49.809 ], [ -74.88, -49.828 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.389, -49.825 ], [ -75.39, -49.789 ], [ -75.327, -49.753 ], [ -75.366, -49.683 ], [ -75.378, -49.739 ], [ -75.578, -49.819 ], [ -75.594, -49.754 ], [ -75.516, -49.733 ], [ -75.481, -49.704 ], [ -75.609, -49.638 ], [ -75.57, -49.595 ], [ -75.463, -49.611 ], [ -75.46, -49.568 ], [ -75.371, -49.618 ], [ -75.363, -49.574 ], [ -75.161, -49.868 ], [ -75.281, -49.804 ], [ -75.258, -49.874 ], [ -75.337, -49.859 ], [ -75.377, -49.794 ], [ -75.389, -49.825 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.296, -49.596 ], [ -75.305, -49.549 ], [ -75.248, -49.564 ], [ -75.296, -49.596 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.369, -49.555 ], [ -75.383, -49.57 ], [ -75.424, -49.561 ], [ -75.334, -49.53 ], [ -75.369, -49.555 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.486, -49.449 ], [ -75.429, -49.477 ], [ -75.43, -49.529 ], [ -75.581, -49.428 ], [ -75.541, -49.404 ], [ -75.486, -49.449 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.007, -48.914 ], [ -74.993, -48.928 ], [ -75.051, -48.914 ], [ -75.007, -48.914 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.608, -48.375 ], [ -75.617, -48.387 ], [ -75.618, -48.37 ], [ -75.608, -48.375 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.053, -48.514 ], [ -74.188, -48.455 ], [ -74.176, -48.439 ], [ -74.25, -48.38 ], [ -74.033, -48.427 ], [ -74.053, -48.514 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.425, -48.589 ], [ -74.436, -48.56 ], [ -74.417, -48.571 ], [ -74.305, -48.531 ], [ -74.425, -48.589 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.495, -48.511 ], [ -74.524, -48.492 ], [ -74.509, -48.475 ], [ -74.484, -48.498 ], [ -74.495, -48.511 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.017, -48.686 ], [ -75.076, -48.828 ], [ -75.239, -48.769 ], [ -75.017, -48.617 ], [ -75.017, -48.686 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.459, -48.794 ], [ -75.432, -48.746 ], [ -75.59, -48.816 ], [ -75.645, -48.694 ], [ -75.497, -48.744 ], [ -75.304, -48.622 ], [ -75.336, -48.679 ], [ -75.281, -48.653 ], [ -75.265, -48.725 ], [ -75.459, -48.794 ] ], [ [ -75.443, -48.771 ], [ -75.383, -48.745 ], [ -75.339, -48.69 ], [ -75.443, -48.771 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.483, -48.484 ], [ -75.358, -48.439 ], [ -75.404, -48.51 ], [ -75.36, -48.532 ], [ -75.349, -48.453 ], [ -75.307, -48.46 ], [ -75.333, -48.492 ], [ -75.317, -48.531 ], [ -75.398, -48.562 ], [ -75.31, -48.547 ], [ -75.29, -48.621 ], [ -75.315, -48.604 ], [ -75.511, -48.72 ], [ -75.618, -48.689 ], [ -75.467, -48.673 ], [ -75.387, -48.6 ], [ -75.49, -48.653 ], [ -75.545, -48.654 ], [ -75.411, -48.571 ], [ -75.548, -48.649 ], [ -75.639, -48.641 ], [ -75.665, -48.49 ], [ -75.616, -48.493 ], [ -75.615, -48.453 ], [ -75.483, -48.484 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.442, -48.511 ], [ -74.507, -48.386 ], [ -74.28, -48.488 ], [ -74.406, -48.554 ], [ -74.442, -48.511 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.677, -49.234 ], [ -75.696, -49.225 ], [ -75.681, -49.221 ], [ -75.677, -49.234 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.085, -49.241 ], [ -75.147, -49.218 ], [ -75.155, -49.201 ], [ -75.113, -49.204 ], [ -75.085, -49.241 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.25, -49.151 ], [ -75.226, -49.134 ], [ -75.263, -49.174 ], [ -75.303, -49.183 ], [ -75.25, -49.151 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.618, -49.159 ], [ -75.625, -49.143 ], [ -75.608, -49.125 ], [ -75.618, -49.159 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.587, -49.138 ], [ -75.598, -49.128 ], [ -75.571, -49.122 ], [ -75.587, -49.138 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.414, -49.201 ], [ -75.396, -49.214 ], [ -75.414, -49.216 ], [ -75.414, -49.201 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.669, -49.205 ], [ -75.681, -49.2 ], [ -75.644, -49.178 ], [ -75.64, -49.193 ], [ -75.669, -49.205 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.64, -49.126 ], [ -75.667, -49.079 ], [ -75.654, -49.068 ], [ -75.619, -49.111 ], [ -75.64, -49.126 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.51, -48.159 ], [ -73.488, -48.176 ], [ -73.521, -48.178 ], [ -73.51, -48.159 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.57, -48.125 ], [ -73.661, -48.079 ], [ -73.665, -48.057 ], [ -73.58, -48.089 ], [ -73.57, -48.125 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.678, -47.87 ], [ -73.687, -47.864 ], [ -73.672, -47.861 ], [ -73.678, -47.87 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.626, -47.872 ], [ -73.662, -47.857 ], [ -73.627, -47.849 ], [ -73.626, -47.872 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.73, -48 ], [ -73.779, -47.949 ], [ -73.743, -47.878 ], [ -73.656, -47.945 ], [ -73.692, -47.944 ], [ -73.67, -48.001 ], [ -73.73, -48 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.823, -47.961 ], [ -73.84, -47.979 ], [ -73.872, -47.98 ], [ -73.871, -47.967 ], [ -73.823, -47.961 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.919, -47.98 ], [ -73.932, -47.974 ], [ -73.901, -47.966 ], [ -73.919, -47.98 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.289, -47.982 ], [ -75.282, -47.962 ], [ -75.253, -47.97 ], [ -75.289, -47.982 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.641, -47.975 ], [ -74.638, -47.914 ], [ -74.547, -47.926 ], [ -74.641, -47.975 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.25, -47.921 ], [ -75.255, -47.912 ], [ -75.237, -47.908 ], [ -75.25, -47.921 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.242, -47.963 ], [ -75.259, -47.955 ], [ -75.093, -47.894 ], [ -75.13, -47.925 ], [ -75.242, -47.963 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.23, -47.911 ], [ -75.233, -47.891 ], [ -75.199, -47.876 ], [ -75.23, -47.911 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.188, -47.917 ], [ -75.166, -47.864 ], [ -75.099, -47.875 ], [ -75.188, -47.917 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75, -47.905 ], [ -75.002, -47.952 ], [ -75.043, -47.908 ], [ -75.017, -47.851 ], [ -75, -47.905 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.269, -48.484 ], [ -74.341, -48.443 ], [ -74.301, -48.46 ], [ -74.264, -48.449 ], [ -74.49, -48.362 ], [ -74.423, -48.347 ], [ -74.277, -48.427 ], [ -74.411, -48.341 ], [ -74.316, -48.287 ], [ -74.255, -48.412 ], [ -74.192, -48.443 ], [ -74.269, -48.484 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.515, -48.083 ], [ -75.438, -48.065 ], [ -75.47, -48.129 ], [ -75.404, -48.028 ], [ -75.342, -48.029 ], [ -75.381, -48.143 ], [ -75.34, -48.088 ], [ -75.297, -48.107 ], [ -75.336, -48.13 ], [ -75.364, -48.179 ], [ -75.262, -48.151 ], [ -75.308, -48.209 ], [ -75.256, -48.175 ], [ -75.259, -48.205 ], [ -75.321, -48.235 ], [ -75.256, -48.226 ], [ -75.275, -48.27 ], [ -75.217, -48.298 ], [ -75.26, -48.326 ], [ -75.206, -48.31 ], [ -75.218, -48.371 ], [ -75.155, -48.39 ], [ -75.214, -48.452 ], [ -75.141, -48.407 ], [ -75.073, -48.493 ], [ -75.199, -48.463 ], [ -75.226, -48.516 ], [ -75.084, -48.511 ], [ -75.065, -48.624 ], [ -75.236, -48.715 ], [ -75.26, -48.667 ], [ -75.163, -48.627 ], [ -75.269, -48.657 ], [ -75.218, -48.598 ], [ -75.285, -48.614 ], [ -75.29, -48.555 ], [ -75.244, -48.532 ], [ -75.316, -48.495 ], [ -75.228, -48.424 ], [ -75.336, -48.419 ], [ -75.277, -48.336 ], [ -75.353, -48.41 ], [ -75.545, -48.433 ], [ -75.571, -48.39 ], [ -75.389, -48.356 ], [ -75.364, -48.293 ], [ -75.418, -48.338 ], [ -75.38, -48.245 ], [ -75.445, -48.353 ], [ -75.501, -48.35 ], [ -75.478, -48.307 ], [ -75.547, -48.351 ], [ -75.56, -48.3 ], [ -75.43, -48.246 ], [ -75.394, -48.202 ], [ -75.517, -48.259 ], [ -75.59, -48.112 ], [ -75.519, -48.052 ], [ -75.515, -48.083 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75, -48.114 ], [ -74.932, -48.167 ], [ -74.998, -48.178 ], [ -74.892, -48.177 ], [ -74.926, -48.237 ], [ -74.979, -48.224 ], [ -74.936, -48.247 ], [ -74.883, -48.215 ], [ -74.948, -48.279 ], [ -74.83, -48.223 ], [ -74.811, -48.148 ], [ -74.742, -48.139 ], [ -74.891, -48.307 ], [ -74.822, -48.256 ], [ -74.83, -48.383 ], [ -74.881, -48.398 ], [ -74.871, -48.361 ], [ -75.02, -48.473 ], [ -75.109, -48.358 ], [ -75.082, -48.342 ], [ -75.156, -48.317 ], [ -75.048, -48.271 ], [ -75.168, -48.284 ], [ -75.088, -48.265 ], [ -75.145, -48.263 ], [ -75.08, -48.222 ], [ -75.175, -48.26 ], [ -75.166, -48.203 ], [ -75.208, -48.213 ], [ -75.124, -48.175 ], [ -75.216, -48.192 ], [ -75.149, -48.156 ], [ -75.217, -48.165 ], [ -75.265, -48.09 ], [ -75.016, -48.143 ], [ -75.096, -48.098 ], [ -75, -48.114 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.342, -48.231 ], [ -74.304, -48.266 ], [ -74.374, -48.244 ], [ -74.342, -48.231 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.518, -48.049 ], [ -75.54, -48.037 ], [ -75.482, -48.043 ], [ -75.518, -48.049 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.315, -48.148 ], [ -75.333, -48.142 ], [ -75.285, -48.129 ], [ -75.288, -48.146 ], [ -75.315, -48.148 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.886, -48.173 ], [ -74.904, -48.153 ], [ -74.847, -48.115 ], [ -74.837, -48.143 ], [ -74.886, -48.173 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.552, -48.183 ], [ -74.603, -48.156 ], [ -74.502, -48.173 ], [ -74.605, -48.125 ], [ -74.48, -48.172 ], [ -74.36, -48.281 ], [ -74.52, -48.36 ], [ -74.567, -48.294 ], [ -74.478, -48.196 ], [ -74.595, -48.287 ], [ -74.603, -48.191 ], [ -74.552, -48.183 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.521, -48.135 ], [ -74.551, -48.115 ], [ -74.525, -48.112 ], [ -74.521, -48.135 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.014, -48 ], [ -74.035, -48.024 ], [ -74.061, -48.003 ], [ -74.045, -47.99 ], [ -74.014, -48 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.128, -48.051 ], [ -75.103, -48.029 ], [ -75.207, -48.044 ], [ -75.121, -48.015 ], [ -75.278, -48.028 ], [ -75.127, -47.991 ], [ -75.128, -47.957 ], [ -75.254, -47.989 ], [ -75.055, -47.909 ], [ -74.972, -47.998 ], [ -74.801, -48.049 ], [ -74.873, -48.099 ], [ -75.076, -48.045 ], [ -74.894, -48.118 ], [ -74.917, -48.152 ], [ -74.968, -48.107 ], [ -75.166, -48.075 ], [ -75.128, -48.051 ] ], [ [ -75.077, -48.017 ], [ -75.05, -48.043 ], [ -75.026, -48.033 ], [ -75.077, -48.017 ] ], [ [ -75.104, -48.013 ], [ -75.07, -47.998 ], [ -74.981, -48.021 ], [ -75.069, -47.985 ], [ -75.104, -48.013 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.741, -48.08 ], [ -74.731, -48.114 ], [ -74.801, -48.077 ], [ -74.76, -48.049 ], [ -74.789, -48.023 ], [ -74.743, -48.037 ], [ -74.793, -48.007 ], [ -74.783, -47.912 ], [ -74.695, -48.063 ], [ -74.741, -48.08 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.167, -47.657 ], [ -75.181, -47.65 ], [ -75.164, -47.646 ], [ -75.167, -47.657 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.91, -47.713 ], [ -74.929, -47.693 ], [ -74.9, -47.704 ], [ -74.91, -47.713 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.223, -47.608 ], [ -74.232, -47.603 ], [ -74.192, -47.606 ], [ -74.223, -47.608 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.459, -47.186 ], [ -74.474, -47.181 ], [ -74.458, -47.173 ], [ -74.459, -47.186 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.288, -47.027 ], [ -74.247, -47.039 ], [ -74.262, -47.077 ], [ -74.421, -47.168 ], [ -74.442, -47.071 ], [ -74.288, -47.027 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.567, -46.915 ], [ -74.568, -46.938 ], [ -74.597, -46.935 ], [ -74.6, -46.918 ], [ -74.567, -46.915 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.278, -46.8 ], [ -74.353, -46.793 ], [ -74.361, -46.78 ], [ -74.278, -46.8 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.762, -47.59 ], [ -74.764, -47.576 ], [ -74.751, -47.583 ], [ -74.762, -47.59 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.301, -46.726 ], [ -75.306, -46.715 ], [ -75.292, -46.72 ], [ -75.301, -46.726 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.171, -46.728 ], [ -75.251, -46.689 ], [ -75.252, -46.677 ], [ -75.173, -46.695 ], [ -75.171, -46.728 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.303, -46.687 ], [ -75.32, -46.711 ], [ -75.359, -46.688 ], [ -75.303, -46.687 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.282, -46.672 ], [ -75.283, -46.684 ], [ -75.333, -46.681 ], [ -75.282, -46.672 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.262, -46.682 ], [ -75.28, -46.668 ], [ -75.258, -46.669 ], [ -75.262, -46.682 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.581, -46.229 ], [ -73.588, -46.221 ], [ -73.562, -46.211 ], [ -73.581, -46.229 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.903, -46.181 ], [ -74.917, -46.178 ], [ -74.891, -46.175 ], [ -74.903, -46.181 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.963, -46.162 ], [ -74.944, -46.179 ], [ -74.968, -46.182 ], [ -74.963, -46.162 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.992, -46.157 ], [ -74.984, -46.179 ], [ -75.03, -46.179 ], [ -74.992, -46.157 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.916, -46.097 ], [ -73.881, -46.106 ], [ -73.874, -46.123 ], [ -73.94, -46.131 ], [ -73.916, -46.097 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.979, -45.949 ], [ -73.951, -45.985 ], [ -73.963, -46.016 ], [ -73.984, -45.998 ], [ -73.979, -45.949 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.224, -46.785 ], [ -75.232, -46.768 ], [ -75.217, -46.767 ], [ -75.208, -46.778 ], [ -75.224, -46.785 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.208, -46.756 ], [ -75.266, -46.719 ], [ -75.232, -46.7 ], [ -75.16, -46.767 ], [ -75.208, -46.756 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.899, -45.628 ], [ -74.903, -45.659 ], [ -74.938, -45.631 ], [ -74.899, -45.628 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.868, -45.675 ], [ -74.854, -45.698 ], [ -74.885, -45.695 ], [ -74.868, -45.675 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.225, -45.482 ], [ -74.175, -45.521 ], [ -74.161, -45.569 ], [ -74.229, -45.496 ], [ -74.225, -45.482 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.5, -45.631 ], [ -74.476, -45.657 ], [ -74.514, -45.686 ], [ -74.52, -45.653 ], [ -74.5, -45.631 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.797, -45.62 ], [ -73.811, -45.661 ], [ -73.816, -45.627 ], [ -73.797, -45.62 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.581, -45.792 ], [ -74.594, -45.793 ], [ -74.57, -45.774 ], [ -74.581, -45.792 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.861, -45.752 ], [ -73.845, -45.762 ], [ -73.892, -45.789 ], [ -73.894, -45.772 ], [ -73.861, -45.752 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.09, -45.764 ], [ -74.073, -45.772 ], [ -74.096, -45.785 ], [ -74.09, -45.764 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.101, -45.744 ], [ -74.067, -45.762 ], [ -74.1, -45.757 ], [ -74.101, -45.744 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.514, -45.705 ], [ -74.499, -45.732 ], [ -74.551, -45.751 ], [ -74.514, -45.705 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.159, -45.731 ], [ -74.149, -45.738 ], [ -74.164, -45.741 ], [ -74.159, -45.731 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.141, -45.723 ], [ -74.117, -45.744 ], [ -74.148, -45.732 ], [ -74.141, -45.723 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.805, -45.697 ], [ -74.796, -45.705 ], [ -74.82, -45.699 ], [ -74.805, -45.697 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.835, -45.598 ], [ -74.768, -45.63 ], [ -74.832, -45.623 ], [ -74.725, -45.72 ], [ -74.859, -45.66 ], [ -74.835, -45.598 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.796, -45.675 ], [ -73.71, -45.729 ], [ -73.707, -45.767 ], [ -73.758, -45.758 ], [ -73.796, -45.675 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.462, -45.667 ], [ -74.448, -45.688 ], [ -74.485, -45.723 ], [ -74.501, -45.699 ], [ -74.462, -45.667 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.524, -45.58 ], [ -74.572, -45.754 ], [ -74.662, -45.757 ], [ -74.657, -45.654 ], [ -74.524, -45.58 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.986, -45.538 ], [ -73.864, -45.607 ], [ -73.88, -45.711 ], [ -73.958, -45.739 ], [ -74.05, -45.706 ], [ -74.099, -45.603 ], [ -73.986, -45.538 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.93, -45.947 ], [ -73.939, -45.953 ], [ -73.93, -45.934 ], [ -73.93, -45.947 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.718, -46.031 ], [ -73.651, -46.091 ], [ -73.738, -46.213 ], [ -73.829, -46.164 ], [ -73.759, -46.146 ], [ -73.845, -46.142 ], [ -73.875, -46.101 ], [ -73.929, -46.092 ], [ -73.903, -45.894 ], [ -73.778, -45.86 ], [ -73.708, -45.802 ], [ -73.653, -45.894 ], [ -73.691, -45.91 ], [ -73.664, -46.019 ], [ -73.718, -46.031 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.963, -45.794 ], [ -74.967, -45.814 ], [ -74.99, -45.801 ], [ -74.963, -45.794 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.817, -45.858 ], [ -73.818, -45.838 ], [ -73.779, -45.827 ], [ -73.783, -45.855 ], [ -73.817, -45.858 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.906, -45.806 ], [ -73.925, -45.794 ], [ -73.901, -45.792 ], [ -73.906, -45.806 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.636, -45.773 ], [ -73.63, -45.797 ], [ -73.653, -45.805 ], [ -73.636, -45.773 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.877, -45.8 ], [ -73.834, -45.768 ], [ -73.765, -45.81 ], [ -73.864, -45.857 ], [ -73.826, -45.821 ], [ -73.877, -45.8 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.352, -45.779 ], [ -74.377, -45.809 ], [ -74.432, -45.799 ], [ -74.352, -45.779 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.549, -45.768 ], [ -74.49, -45.743 ], [ -74.469, -45.815 ], [ -74.575, -45.798 ], [ -74.549, -45.768 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.254, -45.71 ], [ -74.194, -45.749 ], [ -74.289, -45.759 ], [ -74.149, -45.75 ], [ -74.116, -45.804 ], [ -74.312, -45.797 ], [ -74.323, -45.754 ], [ -74.254, -45.71 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.717, -47.859 ], [ -73.746, -47.833 ], [ -73.621, -47.827 ], [ -73.717, -47.859 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.938, -47.816 ], [ -74.947, -47.833 ], [ -74.964, -47.831 ], [ -74.938, -47.816 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.046, -47.827 ], [ -75.058, -47.821 ], [ -75.031, -47.818 ], [ -75.046, -47.827 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.357, -47.824 ], [ -74.225, -47.791 ], [ -73.888, -47.883 ], [ -73.865, -47.842 ], [ -73.803, -47.825 ], [ -73.846, -47.854 ], [ -73.784, -47.873 ], [ -73.86, -47.958 ], [ -73.932, -47.949 ], [ -73.903, -47.91 ], [ -74.001, -47.959 ], [ -74.304, -47.976 ], [ -74.375, -47.917 ], [ -74.5, -47.904 ], [ -74.357, -47.824 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.904, -47.838 ], [ -74.881, -47.8 ], [ -74.801, -47.826 ], [ -74.806, -47.917 ], [ -74.854, -47.897 ], [ -74.821, -47.927 ], [ -74.883, -47.95 ], [ -74.825, -47.944 ], [ -74.811, -48.003 ], [ -74.988, -47.96 ], [ -74.936, -47.878 ], [ -74.982, -47.841 ], [ -74.904, -47.838 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.075, -47.911 ], [ -75.076, -47.843 ], [ -75.046, -47.859 ], [ -75.075, -47.911 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.649, -47.884 ], [ -74.636, -47.914 ], [ -74.731, -47.891 ], [ -74.732, -47.825 ], [ -74.677, -47.804 ], [ -74.649, -47.884 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.572, -47.887 ], [ -74.652, -47.852 ], [ -74.653, -47.811 ], [ -74.556, -47.818 ], [ -74.572, -47.887 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.518, -47.896 ], [ -74.476, -47.792 ], [ -74.38, -47.799 ], [ -74.518, -47.896 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.995, -47.802 ], [ -74.999, -47.816 ], [ -75.023, -47.812 ], [ -74.995, -47.802 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.661, -47.771 ], [ -74.644, -47.776 ], [ -74.688, -47.775 ], [ -74.661, -47.771 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.287, -47.726 ], [ -75.201, -47.742 ], [ -75.113, -47.67 ], [ -75.079, -47.751 ], [ -75.114, -47.774 ], [ -75.029, -47.789 ], [ -75.206, -47.845 ], [ -75.196, -47.791 ], [ -75.247, -47.789 ], [ -75.223, -47.84 ], [ -75.4, -47.734 ], [ -75.287, -47.726 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.908, -47.774 ], [ -74.926, -47.761 ], [ -74.918, -47.737 ], [ -74.883, -47.759 ], [ -74.908, -47.774 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75, -47.693 ], [ -74.946, -47.703 ], [ -74.934, -47.776 ], [ -75.092, -47.694 ], [ -75, -47.693 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.552, -45.402 ], [ -73.529, -45.415 ], [ -73.576, -45.409 ], [ -73.552, -45.402 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.126, -45.398 ], [ -74.139, -45.43 ], [ -74.164, -45.41 ], [ -74.126, -45.398 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.728, -45.395 ], [ -73.748, -45.416 ], [ -73.76, -45.406 ], [ -73.728, -45.395 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.604, -45.318 ], [ -74.573, -45.347 ], [ -74.624, -45.33 ], [ -74.604, -45.318 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.484, -45.313 ], [ -73.474, -45.321 ], [ -73.5, -45.315 ], [ -73.484, -45.313 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.308, -45.326 ], [ -74.261, -45.34 ], [ -74.237, -45.404 ], [ -74.281, -45.379 ], [ -74.308, -45.326 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.175, -45.325 ], [ -74.129, -45.37 ], [ -74.206, -45.387 ], [ -74.216, -45.373 ], [ -74.175, -45.325 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.517, -45.36 ], [ -73.578, -45.365 ], [ -73.589, -45.334 ], [ -73.458, -45.339 ], [ -73.517, -45.36 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.736, -45.332 ], [ -73.723, -45.335 ], [ -73.726, -45.349 ], [ -73.746, -45.341 ], [ -73.736, -45.332 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.15, -45.313 ], [ -74.13, -45.338 ], [ -74.161, -45.318 ], [ -74.15, -45.313 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.15, -45.313 ], [ -74.15, -45.313 ], [ -74.15, -45.313 ], [ -74.15, -45.313 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.716, -45.308 ], [ -73.712, -45.322 ], [ -73.738, -45.326 ], [ -73.716, -45.308 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.411, -45.042 ], [ -73.406, -45.059 ], [ -73.437, -45.088 ], [ -73.411, -45.042 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.521, -45.071 ], [ -73.505, -45.077 ], [ -73.5, -45.106 ], [ -73.521, -45.095 ], [ -73.521, -45.071 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.438, -45.05 ], [ -73.46, -45.107 ], [ -73.467, -45.072 ], [ -73.438, -45.05 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.073, -44.931 ], [ -75.153, -44.823 ], [ -75.112, -44.781 ], [ -75.012, -44.858 ], [ -75.012, -44.907 ], [ -75.073, -44.931 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.667, -44.964 ], [ -73.657, -44.98 ], [ -73.685, -44.977 ], [ -73.667, -44.964 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.525, -45.017 ], [ -73.504, -45.038 ], [ -73.551, -45.028 ], [ -73.525, -45.017 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.438, -44.987 ], [ -73.434, -45.018 ], [ -73.473, -45.047 ], [ -73.463, -45.004 ], [ -73.438, -44.987 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.674, -45.013 ], [ -73.667, -45.048 ], [ -73.721, -44.987 ], [ -73.679, -44.989 ], [ -73.674, -45.013 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.327, -45.303 ], [ -73.385, -45.338 ], [ -73.428, -45.34 ], [ -73.424, -45.303 ], [ -73.327, -45.303 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.62, -45.274 ], [ -73.609, -45.263 ], [ -73.62, -45.274 ], [ -73.62, -45.274 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.62, -45.274 ], [ -73.631, -45.284 ], [ -73.651, -45.266 ], [ -73.613, -45.25 ], [ -73.62, -45.274 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.452, -45.257 ], [ -74.438, -45.267 ], [ -74.471, -45.266 ], [ -74.452, -45.257 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.583, -45.271 ], [ -74.549, -45.294 ], [ -74.562, -45.312 ], [ -74.593, -45.3 ], [ -74.556, -45.292 ], [ -74.583, -45.271 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.398, -45.285 ], [ -74.32, -45.315 ], [ -74.264, -45.412 ], [ -74.343, -45.429 ], [ -74.523, -45.332 ], [ -74.398, -45.285 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.074, -45.376 ], [ -74.07, -45.346 ], [ -73.974, -45.382 ], [ -74.047, -45.413 ], [ -74.074, -45.376 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.07, -45.346 ], [ -74.135, -45.33 ], [ -74.156, -45.238 ], [ -74.024, -45.208 ], [ -73.987, -45.266 ], [ -73.808, -45.253 ], [ -73.758, -45.354 ], [ -74.07, -45.346 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.512, -45.3 ], [ -73.555, -45.318 ], [ -73.591, -45.302 ], [ -73.542, -45.243 ], [ -73.487, -45.27 ], [ -73.512, -45.3 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.162, -45.298 ], [ -74.15, -45.313 ], [ -74.172, -45.303 ], [ -74.162, -45.298 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.36, -45.165 ], [ -74.196, -45.226 ], [ -74.193, -45.278 ], [ -74.237, -45.279 ], [ -74.192, -45.285 ], [ -74.201, -45.35 ], [ -74.263, -45.316 ], [ -74.258, -45.218 ], [ -74.295, -45.239 ], [ -74.276, -45.291 ], [ -74.321, -45.255 ], [ -74.29, -45.331 ], [ -74.38, -45.275 ], [ -74.401, -45.17 ], [ -74.36, -45.165 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.446, -45.259 ], [ -73.446, -45.259 ], [ -73.446, -45.26 ], [ -73.446, -45.259 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.499, -45.159 ], [ -74.489, -45.219 ], [ -74.572, -45.213 ], [ -74.499, -45.159 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.446, -45.259 ], [ -73.505, -45.242 ], [ -73.516, -45.193 ], [ -73.473, -45.205 ], [ -73.446, -45.259 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.525, -45.18 ], [ -73.515, -45.189 ], [ -73.528, -45.206 ], [ -73.537, -45.186 ], [ -73.525, -45.18 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.243, -45.178 ], [ -74.234, -45.184 ], [ -74.257, -45.18 ], [ -74.243, -45.178 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.542, -45.171 ], [ -73.535, -45.178 ], [ -73.551, -45.18 ], [ -73.542, -45.171 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.514, -45.142 ], [ -73.504, -45.152 ], [ -73.526, -45.169 ], [ -73.538, -45.144 ], [ -73.514, -45.142 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.382, -45.055 ], [ -74.28, -45.077 ], [ -74.335, -45.09 ], [ -74.321, -45.13 ], [ -74.381, -45.076 ], [ -74.321, -45.146 ], [ -74.264, -45.097 ], [ -74.249, -45.169 ], [ -74.42, -45.117 ], [ -74.382, -45.055 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.808, -44.988 ], [ -73.687, -45.115 ], [ -73.672, -45.179 ], [ -73.721, -45.194 ], [ -73.678, -45.203 ], [ -73.723, -45.236 ], [ -73.691, -45.289 ], [ -73.757, -45.305 ], [ -73.812, -45.24 ], [ -73.983, -45.255 ], [ -73.982, -45.198 ], [ -73.847, -45.21 ], [ -73.962, -45.192 ], [ -74.013, -45.205 ], [ -74.073, -45.179 ], [ -74.059, -45.139 ], [ -74.13, -45.167 ], [ -74.151, -45.055 ], [ -74.151, -45.164 ], [ -74.217, -45.172 ], [ -74.237, -45.082 ], [ -74.174, -45.034 ], [ -74.037, -45.053 ], [ -73.808, -44.988 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.67, -44.654 ], [ -74.62, -44.609 ], [ -74.516, -44.622 ], [ -74.436, -44.695 ], [ -74.613, -44.695 ], [ -74.67, -44.654 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.855, -44.764 ], [ -73.841, -44.772 ], [ -73.878, -44.767 ], [ -73.855, -44.764 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.95, -44.755 ], [ -73.939, -44.761 ], [ -73.967, -44.758 ], [ -73.95, -44.755 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.953, -44.743 ], [ -73.949, -44.754 ], [ -73.974, -44.744 ], [ -73.953, -44.743 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.924, -44.737 ], [ -73.912, -44.75 ], [ -73.933, -44.749 ], [ -73.924, -44.737 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.847, -44.718 ], [ -73.819, -44.746 ], [ -73.933, -44.731 ], [ -73.847, -44.718 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.571, -44.704 ], [ -73.747, -44.755 ], [ -73.882, -44.596 ], [ -73.833, -44.591 ], [ -73.791, -44.662 ], [ -73.803, -44.565 ], [ -73.661, -44.541 ], [ -73.592, -44.629 ], [ -73.718, -44.739 ], [ -73.619, -44.675 ], [ -73.571, -44.704 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.504, -44.955 ], [ -73.519, -44.936 ], [ -73.498, -44.926 ], [ -73.49, -44.944 ], [ -73.504, -44.955 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.337, -44.928 ], [ -73.324, -44.941 ], [ -73.344, -44.935 ], [ -73.337, -44.928 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.64, -44.936 ], [ -74.618, -44.958 ], [ -74.656, -44.943 ], [ -74.64, -44.936 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.68, -44.896 ], [ -73.671, -44.906 ], [ -73.692, -44.905 ], [ -73.68, -44.896 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.629, -44.868 ], [ -73.63, -44.89 ], [ -73.66, -44.882 ], [ -73.629, -44.868 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.416, -44.881 ], [ -74.399, -44.888 ], [ -74.407, -44.9 ], [ -74.432, -44.888 ], [ -74.416, -44.881 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.34, -44.872 ], [ -74.322, -44.902 ], [ -74.365, -44.911 ], [ -74.343, -44.897 ], [ -74.34, -44.872 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.359, -44.873 ], [ -74.377, -44.907 ], [ -74.384, -44.88 ], [ -74.359, -44.873 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.867, -44.775 ], [ -73.728, -44.912 ], [ -73.769, -44.907 ], [ -73.764, -44.957 ], [ -73.829, -44.962 ], [ -73.919, -44.867 ], [ -73.843, -44.902 ], [ -73.799, -44.899 ], [ -73.913, -44.824 ], [ -73.867, -44.775 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.685, -44.859 ], [ -73.698, -44.878 ], [ -73.738, -44.863 ], [ -73.685, -44.859 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.234, -44.854 ], [ -74.216, -44.86 ], [ -74.248, -44.869 ], [ -74.234, -44.854 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.145, -44.866 ], [ -73.956, -44.897 ], [ -73.894, -44.967 ], [ -74.016, -44.995 ], [ -74.085, -44.958 ], [ -74.023, -45 ], [ -74.269, -45.041 ], [ -74.387, -45.005 ], [ -74.145, -44.866 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.308, -44.897 ], [ -74.371, -44.963 ], [ -74.458, -44.927 ], [ -74.454, -44.896 ], [ -74.331, -44.92 ], [ -74.308, -44.897 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.299, -44.911 ], [ -74.3, -44.892 ], [ -74.277, -44.87 ], [ -74.261, -44.902 ], [ -74.299, -44.911 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.666, -44.753 ], [ -73.585, -44.747 ], [ -73.598, -44.833 ], [ -73.719, -44.825 ], [ -73.738, -44.757 ], [ -73.666, -44.753 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.753, -44.807 ], [ -73.741, -44.83 ], [ -73.761, -44.833 ], [ -73.753, -44.807 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.767, -44.78 ], [ -73.751, -44.801 ], [ -73.765, -44.802 ], [ -73.767, -44.78 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.462, -44.714 ], [ -74.431, -44.715 ], [ -74.301, -44.843 ], [ -74.45, -44.845 ], [ -74.537, -44.744 ], [ -74.462, -44.714 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.995, -44.773 ], [ -73.934, -44.791 ], [ -73.933, -44.837 ], [ -74.018, -44.865 ], [ -74.191, -44.824 ], [ -73.995, -44.773 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.413, -44.658 ], [ -74.394, -44.618 ], [ -74.286, -44.636 ], [ -74.291, -44.602 ], [ -73.97, -44.602 ], [ -73.842, -44.703 ], [ -73.964, -44.713 ], [ -73.956, -44.661 ], [ -73.989, -44.662 ], [ -73.987, -44.725 ], [ -74.247, -44.81 ], [ -74.369, -44.726 ], [ -74.086, -44.743 ], [ -74.383, -44.708 ], [ -74.413, -44.658 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.97, -44.602 ], [ -73.908, -44.568 ], [ -73.886, -44.628 ], [ -73.97, -44.602 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.058, -45.434 ], [ -73.864, -45.489 ], [ -73.778, -45.465 ], [ -73.843, -45.578 ], [ -73.908, -45.554 ], [ -73.884, -45.511 ], [ -73.985, -45.53 ], [ -73.941, -45.511 ], [ -74.05, -45.522 ], [ -74.105, -45.596 ], [ -74.124, -45.554 ], [ -74.068, -45.525 ], [ -74.102, -45.499 ], [ -74.065, -45.459 ], [ -73.962, -45.462 ], [ -74.058, -45.434 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.463, -45.572 ], [ -74.395, -45.448 ], [ -74.321, -45.462 ], [ -74.263, -45.494 ], [ -74.353, -45.526 ], [ -74.261, -45.499 ], [ -74.211, -45.561 ], [ -74.296, -45.552 ], [ -74.36, -45.57 ], [ -74.207, -45.576 ], [ -74.18, -45.625 ], [ -74.195, -45.69 ], [ -74.422, -45.694 ], [ -74.291, -45.717 ], [ -74.449, -45.788 ], [ -74.489, -45.731 ], [ -74.428, -45.693 ], [ -74.486, -45.61 ], [ -74.419, -45.593 ], [ -74.463, -45.572 ] ], [ [ -74.196, -45.624 ], [ -74.249, -45.638 ], [ -74.283, -45.624 ], [ -74.25, -45.643 ], [ -74.196, -45.624 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.463, -45.574 ], [ -74.489, -45.6 ], [ -74.544, -45.517 ], [ -74.498, -45.449 ], [ -74.412, -45.439 ], [ -74.469, -45.526 ], [ -74.463, -45.574 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.674, -45.438 ], [ -73.545, -45.488 ], [ -73.595, -45.605 ], [ -73.559, -45.646 ], [ -73.674, -45.612 ], [ -73.582, -45.689 ], [ -73.63, -45.772 ], [ -73.795, -45.67 ], [ -73.753, -45.52 ], [ -73.674, -45.438 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.1, -45.459 ], [ -74.105, -45.477 ], [ -74.112, -45.466 ], [ -74.1, -45.459 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.624, -45.424 ], [ -73.611, -45.431 ], [ -73.662, -45.434 ], [ -73.662, -45.423 ], [ -73.624, -45.424 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.135, -45.443 ], [ -74.115, -45.449 ], [ -74.117, -45.468 ], [ -74.135, -45.443 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.106, -45.438 ], [ -74.114, -45.447 ], [ -74.117, -45.432 ], [ -74.106, -45.438 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.107, -45.404 ], [ -74.084, -45.44 ], [ -74.114, -45.424 ], [ -74.107, -45.404 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.796, -45.373 ], [ -73.79, -45.416 ], [ -73.878, -45.454 ], [ -74.04, -45.418 ], [ -73.796, -45.373 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.801, -44.643 ], [ -74.808, -44.546 ], [ -74.734, -44.557 ], [ -74.718, -44.657 ], [ -74.782, -44.677 ], [ -74.801, -44.643 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.131, -44.573 ], [ -73.146, -44.571 ], [ -73.141, -44.554 ], [ -73.131, -44.573 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.292, -44.574 ], [ -73.28, -44.577 ], [ -73.304, -44.588 ], [ -73.292, -44.574 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.821, -44.403 ], [ -72.804, -44.421 ], [ -72.843, -44.414 ], [ -72.821, -44.403 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.628, -44.394 ], [ -73.623, -44.408 ], [ -73.653, -44.413 ], [ -73.628, -44.394 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.885, -44.398 ], [ -73.872, -44.359 ], [ -73.835, -44.371 ], [ -73.885, -44.398 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.407, -44.357 ], [ -74.373, -44.394 ], [ -74.424, -44.397 ], [ -74.407, -44.357 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.333, -44.515 ], [ -73.312, -44.523 ], [ -73.329, -44.586 ], [ -73.369, -44.54 ], [ -73.333, -44.515 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.768, -44.53 ], [ -73.748, -44.543 ], [ -73.778, -44.538 ], [ -73.768, -44.53 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.373, -44.546 ], [ -74.367, -44.558 ], [ -74.384, -44.556 ], [ -74.373, -44.546 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.675, -44.478 ], [ -73.576, -44.516 ], [ -73.673, -44.53 ], [ -73.675, -44.478 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.757, -44.483 ], [ -73.697, -44.508 ], [ -73.697, -44.526 ], [ -73.751, -44.52 ], [ -73.757, -44.483 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.321, -44.581 ], [ -74.371, -44.517 ], [ -74.189, -44.477 ], [ -74.11, -44.557 ], [ -74.321, -44.581 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.344, -44.51 ], [ -74.452, -44.492 ], [ -74.389, -44.55 ], [ -74.559, -44.488 ], [ -74.493, -44.428 ], [ -74.388, -44.441 ], [ -74.32, -44.397 ], [ -74.209, -44.473 ], [ -74.344, -44.51 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.758, -44.516 ], [ -73.757, -44.531 ], [ -73.768, -44.527 ], [ -73.758, -44.516 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.782, -44.493 ], [ -73.787, -44.52 ], [ -73.833, -44.503 ], [ -73.801, -44.484 ], [ -73.782, -44.493 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.848, -44.48 ], [ -73.836, -44.515 ], [ -73.894, -44.519 ], [ -73.896, -44.489 ], [ -73.848, -44.48 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.167, -44.418 ], [ -73.974, -44.45 ], [ -73.924, -44.541 ], [ -74.095, -44.547 ], [ -74.125, -44.515 ], [ -74.123, -44.494 ], [ -73.949, -44.503 ], [ -74.13, -44.474 ], [ -74.08, -44.471 ], [ -74.167, -44.418 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.6, -44.427 ], [ -73.569, -44.487 ], [ -73.619, -44.497 ], [ -73.652, -44.451 ], [ -73.584, -44.464 ], [ -73.6, -44.427 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.885, -44.398 ], [ -73.823, -44.377 ], [ -73.88, -44.44 ], [ -73.798, -44.403 ], [ -73.751, -44.448 ], [ -73.899, -44.459 ], [ -73.885, -44.398 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.054, -44.312 ], [ -72.982, -44.358 ], [ -73.087, -44.349 ], [ -73.112, -44.385 ], [ -73.136, -44.346 ], [ -73.054, -44.312 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.239, -44.313 ], [ -73.193, -44.326 ], [ -73.154, -44.386 ], [ -73.28, -44.393 ], [ -73.288, -44.342 ], [ -73.239, -44.313 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.319, -44.33 ], [ -74.258, -44.352 ], [ -74.246, -44.375 ], [ -74.363, -44.387 ], [ -74.383, -44.348 ], [ -74.319, -44.33 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.773, -44.369 ], [ -73.649, -44.382 ], [ -73.659, -44.342 ], [ -73.626, -44.372 ], [ -73.65, -44.393 ], [ -73.718, -44.392 ], [ -73.644, -44.421 ], [ -73.668, -44.446 ], [ -73.773, -44.369 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.006, -44.345 ], [ -73.889, -44.359 ], [ -73.906, -44.446 ], [ -74.053, -44.396 ], [ -74.083, -44.3 ], [ -74.006, -44.345 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.144, -44.304 ], [ -74.117, -44.322 ], [ -74.075, -44.42 ], [ -74.189, -44.383 ], [ -74.144, -44.304 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.076, -50.818 ], [ -74.128, -50.832 ], [ -74.134, -50.776 ], [ -74.076, -50.818 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.372, -50.385 ], [ -74.358, -50.409 ], [ -74.398, -50.391 ], [ -74.372, -50.385 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.387, -47.6 ], [ -74.365, -47.572 ], [ -74.32, -47.616 ], [ -74.403, -47.658 ], [ -74.387, -47.6 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.743, -53.696 ], [ -73.737, -53.677 ], [ -73.714, -53.676 ], [ -73.743, -53.696 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.652, -53.681 ], [ -73.631, -53.676 ], [ -73.646, -53.691 ], [ -73.652, -53.681 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.656, -53.66 ], [ -73.707, -53.629 ], [ -73.656, -53.597 ], [ -73.656, -53.66 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.11, -53.762 ], [ -72.101, -53.732 ], [ -72.058, -53.759 ], [ -72.11, -53.762 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.362, -53.79 ], [ -73.371, -53.782 ], [ -73.353, -53.779 ], [ -73.362, -53.79 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.123, -53.729 ], [ -72.112, -53.742 ], [ -72.172, -53.732 ], [ -72.123, -53.729 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.406, -53.572 ], [ -72.277, -53.627 ], [ -72.255, -53.66 ], [ -72.38, -53.656 ], [ -72.444, -53.588 ], [ -72.406, -53.572 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.664, -53.695 ], [ -70.542, -53.569 ], [ -70.466, -53.576 ], [ -70.485, -53.678 ], [ -70.413, -53.808 ], [ -70.451, -53.805 ], [ -70.416, -53.88 ], [ -70.451, -53.89 ], [ -70.342, -54.037 ], [ -70.445, -54.055 ], [ -70.681, -53.927 ], [ -70.462, -54.258 ], [ -70.753, -54.164 ], [ -70.878, -54.068 ], [ -70.895, -53.934 ], [ -70.836, -53.938 ], [ -70.894, -53.889 ], [ -70.777, -53.833 ], [ -70.597, -53.858 ], [ -70.707, -53.782 ], [ -70.704, -53.7 ], [ -70.664, -53.695 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.379, -53.886 ], [ -73.399, -53.875 ], [ -73.365, -53.877 ], [ -73.379, -53.886 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.049, -53.885 ], [ -72.119, -53.921 ], [ -72.203, -53.889 ], [ -72.072, -53.827 ], [ -72.049, -53.885 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.976, -53.896 ], [ -72.947, -53.917 ], [ -73.023, -53.91 ], [ -73.01, -53.889 ], [ -72.976, -53.896 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.858, -53.931 ], [ -72.918, -53.94 ], [ -72.885, -53.871 ], [ -72.794, -53.891 ], [ -72.858, -53.931 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.379, -53.862 ], [ -73.39, -53.857 ], [ -73.363, -53.855 ], [ -73.379, -53.862 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.911, -53.852 ], [ -71.809, -53.927 ], [ -71.837, -53.98 ], [ -71.772, -53.889 ], [ -71.646, -53.925 ], [ -71.777, -54.011 ], [ -71.687, -54.009 ], [ -71.685, -54.054 ], [ -71.759, -54.047 ], [ -71.701, -54.065 ], [ -71.729, -54.098 ], [ -71.661, -54.051 ], [ -71.616, -54.088 ], [ -71.739, -54.168 ], [ -71.911, -54.053 ], [ -71.903, -54.014 ], [ -71.943, -54.043 ], [ -71.88, -54.119 ], [ -71.912, -54.133 ], [ -71.853, -54.122 ], [ -71.72, -54.245 ], [ -71.888, -54.293 ], [ -71.819, -54.293 ], [ -71.857, -54.303 ], [ -71.804, -54.351 ], [ -71.971, -54.34 ], [ -71.937, -54.254 ], [ -71.877, -54.239 ], [ -71.936, -54.213 ], [ -72.04, -54.214 ], [ -72.122, -54.156 ], [ -72.002, -54.139 ], [ -72.147, -54.126 ], [ -72.019, -54.104 ], [ -72.114, -54.046 ], [ -72.185, -54.115 ], [ -72.251, -54.05 ], [ -72.204, -54.009 ], [ -72.261, -53.992 ], [ -72.263, -53.921 ], [ -72.047, -53.993 ], [ -72.1, -53.95 ], [ -72.017, -53.969 ], [ -72.052, -53.952 ], [ -72.025, -53.904 ], [ -71.935, -53.907 ], [ -71.969, -53.871 ], [ -71.911, -53.852 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.463, -52.581 ], [ -74.476, -52.559 ], [ -74.45, -52.553 ], [ -74.463, -52.581 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.466, -52.549 ], [ -74.478, -52.544 ], [ -74.469, -52.536 ], [ -74.466, -52.549 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.389, -52.549 ], [ -74.383, -52.57 ], [ -74.442, -52.549 ], [ -74.41, -52.528 ], [ -74.389, -52.549 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.433, -52.532 ], [ -74.457, -52.523 ], [ -74.434, -52.517 ], [ -74.433, -52.532 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.488, -52.479 ], [ -74.489, -52.511 ], [ -74.523, -52.505 ], [ -74.498, -52.474 ], [ -74.488, -52.479 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.538, -52.45 ], [ -74.511, -52.473 ], [ -74.563, -52.498 ], [ -74.611, -52.468 ], [ -74.538, -52.45 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.002, -52.419 ], [ -74.046, -52.451 ], [ -74.092, -52.44 ], [ -74.002, -52.419 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.279, -52.453 ], [ -74.289, -52.434 ], [ -74.271, -52.428 ], [ -74.279, -52.453 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.202, -52.438 ], [ -74.208, -52.424 ], [ -74.191, -52.421 ], [ -74.202, -52.438 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.358, -52.62 ], [ -74.387, -52.639 ], [ -74.382, -52.621 ], [ -74.358, -52.62 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.869, -52.279 ], [ -74.843, -52.314 ], [ -74.929, -52.277 ], [ -74.91, -52.257 ], [ -74.869, -52.279 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.275, -52.189 ], [ -73.272, -52.205 ], [ -73.312, -52.193 ], [ -73.275, -52.189 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.311, -52.221 ], [ -73.323, -52.212 ], [ -73.3, -52.217 ], [ -73.311, -52.221 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.733, -52.333 ], [ -73.756, -52.321 ], [ -73.75, -52.307 ], [ -73.731, -52.31 ], [ -73.733, -52.333 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.287, -52.306 ], [ -74.294, -52.291 ], [ -74.249, -52.28 ], [ -74.287, -52.306 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.345, -52.296 ], [ -74.34, -52.268 ], [ -74.314, -52.266 ], [ -74.345, -52.296 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.36, -52.249 ], [ -74.337, -52.257 ], [ -74.405, -52.286 ], [ -74.408, -52.266 ], [ -74.36, -52.249 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.414, -52.354 ], [ -74.448, -52.355 ], [ -74.451, -52.343 ], [ -74.414, -52.354 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.8, -52.327 ], [ -74.784, -52.341 ], [ -74.821, -52.328 ], [ -74.8, -52.327 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.524, -52.341 ], [ -74.56, -52.369 ], [ -74.498, -52.297 ], [ -74.524, -52.341 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.611, -52.335 ], [ -74.65, -52.33 ], [ -74.635, -52.317 ], [ -74.611, -52.335 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.573, -52.244 ], [ -74.571, -52.308 ], [ -74.628, -52.303 ], [ -74.618, -52.253 ], [ -74.573, -52.244 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.854, -52.196 ], [ -74.812, -52.258 ], [ -74.786, -52.221 ], [ -74.606, -52.218 ], [ -74.639, -52.307 ], [ -74.743, -52.334 ], [ -74.908, -52.241 ], [ -74.901, -52.195 ], [ -74.854, -52.196 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.43, -52.246 ], [ -74.428, -52.227 ], [ -74.404, -52.232 ], [ -74.43, -52.246 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.73, -52.245 ], [ -73.719, -52.297 ], [ -73.788, -52.244 ], [ -73.767, -52.216 ], [ -73.73, -52.245 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.244, -52.212 ], [ -74.285, -52.257 ], [ -74.33, -52.236 ], [ -74.244, -52.212 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.301, -52.193 ], [ -74.281, -52.207 ], [ -74.334, -52.213 ], [ -74.301, -52.193 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.226, -52.181 ], [ -74.262, -52.195 ], [ -74.309, -52.185 ], [ -74.284, -52.167 ], [ -74.226, -52.181 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.729, -51.931 ], [ -72.749, -51.926 ], [ -72.752, -51.903 ], [ -72.733, -51.9 ], [ -72.729, -51.931 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.753, -51.832 ], [ -73.701, -51.897 ], [ -73.712, -51.948 ], [ -73.797, -51.86 ], [ -73.753, -51.832 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.695, -51.832 ], [ -73.702, -51.82 ], [ -73.684, -51.817 ], [ -73.695, -51.832 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.931, -51.789 ], [ -72.907, -51.809 ], [ -72.959, -51.785 ], [ -72.931, -51.789 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.094, -52.059 ], [ -74.116, -52.059 ], [ -74.116, -52.043 ], [ -74.094, -52.059 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.319, -51.99 ], [ -74.349, -51.987 ], [ -74.33, -51.973 ], [ -74.319, -51.99 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.621, -51.963 ], [ -74.611, -51.966 ], [ -74.626, -51.973 ], [ -74.621, -51.963 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.515, -51.919 ], [ -74.491, -51.914 ], [ -74.51, -51.935 ], [ -74.532, -51.923 ], [ -74.515, -51.919 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.152, -52.055 ], [ -74.16, -52.04 ], [ -74.148, -52.041 ], [ -74.152, -52.055 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.397, -52.017 ], [ -74.367, -52.035 ], [ -74.422, -52.03 ], [ -74.397, -52.017 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.347, -52.055 ], [ -74.339, -52.029 ], [ -74.313, -52.035 ], [ -74.347, -52.055 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.247, -52.038 ], [ -74.245, -52.017 ], [ -74.223, -52.013 ], [ -74.216, -52.022 ], [ -74.247, -52.038 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.145, -52.011 ], [ -74.154, -51.996 ], [ -74.138, -52.001 ], [ -74.145, -52.011 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.28, -52.009 ], [ -74.304, -52.008 ], [ -74.3, -51.987 ], [ -74.271, -52 ], [ -74.28, -52.009 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.356, -51.999 ], [ -74.337, -52.008 ], [ -74.374, -52.02 ], [ -74.36, -51.981 ], [ -74.356, -51.999 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.54, -51.834 ], [ -74.561, -51.913 ], [ -74.645, -51.935 ], [ -74.562, -51.834 ], [ -74.54, -51.834 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.575, -52.108 ], [ -74.605, -52.125 ], [ -74.614, -52.115 ], [ -74.575, -52.108 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.964, -52.107 ], [ -73.935, -52.13 ], [ -74.059, -52.068 ], [ -73.999, -52.079 ], [ -73.964, -52.107 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.593, -52.082 ], [ -74.573, -52.086 ], [ -74.626, -52.11 ], [ -74.651, -52.184 ], [ -74.78, -52.203 ], [ -74.761, -52.134 ], [ -74.593, -52.082 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.538, -52.13 ], [ -74.562, -52.151 ], [ -74.595, -52.151 ], [ -74.581, -52.128 ], [ -74.538, -52.13 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.359, -52.183 ], [ -74.324, -52.188 ], [ -74.49, -52.194 ], [ -74.425, -52.147 ], [ -74.359, -52.183 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.22, -52.084 ], [ -74.132, -52.082 ], [ -74.05, -52.128 ], [ -74.129, -52.165 ], [ -74.251, -52.088 ], [ -74.22, -52.084 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.742, -52.096 ], [ -74.82, -52.095 ], [ -74.789, -52.119 ], [ -74.829, -52.147 ], [ -74.898, -52.131 ], [ -74.853, -52.062 ], [ -74.755, -52.033 ], [ -74.836, -52.046 ], [ -74.754, -51.954 ], [ -74.812, -51.961 ], [ -74.737, -51.826 ], [ -74.662, -51.878 ], [ -74.576, -51.836 ], [ -74.673, -51.922 ], [ -74.642, -51.953 ], [ -74.727, -51.997 ], [ -74.644, -51.962 ], [ -74.705, -52.013 ], [ -74.742, -52.096 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.459, -52.03 ], [ -74.441, -52.03 ], [ -74.566, -52.083 ], [ -74.544, -52.049 ], [ -74.459, -52.03 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.28, -52.091 ], [ -74.29, -52.071 ], [ -74.274, -52.079 ], [ -74.28, -52.091 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.361, -52.054 ], [ -74.319, -52.083 ], [ -74.384, -52.096 ], [ -74.361, -52.054 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.54, -51.942 ], [ -74.463, -51.99 ], [ -74.714, -52.105 ], [ -74.687, -52.021 ], [ -74.567, -52.004 ], [ -74.6, -51.977 ], [ -74.54, -51.942 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.22, -52.39 ], [ -74.234, -52.386 ], [ -74.211, -52.373 ], [ -74.22, -52.39 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.548, -52.39 ], [ -74.532, -52.372 ], [ -74.529, -52.388 ], [ -74.548, -52.39 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.397, -52.401 ], [ -74.415, -52.399 ], [ -74.381, -52.389 ], [ -74.397, -52.401 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.433, -52.378 ], [ -74.417, -52.389 ], [ -74.434, -52.394 ], [ -74.433, -52.378 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.282, -52.426 ], [ -74.311, -52.427 ], [ -74.316, -52.414 ], [ -74.282, -52.426 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.509, -52.397 ], [ -74.483, -52.445 ], [ -74.567, -52.41 ], [ -74.509, -52.397 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.195, -52.41 ], [ -74.228, -52.421 ], [ -74.187, -52.388 ], [ -74.195, -52.41 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.628, -52.353 ], [ -74.628, -52.387 ], [ -74.712, -52.378 ], [ -74.688, -52.35 ], [ -74.628, -52.353 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.506, -52.382 ], [ -74.516, -52.371 ], [ -74.493, -52.35 ], [ -74.506, -52.382 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.889, -52.214 ], [ -73.774, -52.283 ], [ -73.788, -52.34 ], [ -73.734, -52.415 ], [ -73.824, -52.416 ], [ -73.892, -52.385 ], [ -73.78, -52.355 ], [ -73.965, -52.292 ], [ -74.1, -52.17 ], [ -74.026, -52.144 ], [ -74.028, -52.173 ], [ -73.894, -52.213 ], [ -73.889, -52.214 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.897, -52.212 ], [ -73.955, -52.173 ], [ -73.935, -52.14 ], [ -73.798, -52.184 ], [ -73.811, -52.224 ], [ -73.897, -52.212 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.923, -52.348 ], [ -73.887, -52.342 ], [ -73.934, -52.367 ], [ -74.002, -52.332 ], [ -73.98, -52.386 ], [ -74.048, -52.336 ], [ -73.992, -52.39 ], [ -74.05, -52.363 ], [ -74.042, -52.4 ], [ -74.174, -52.415 ], [ -74.147, -52.389 ], [ -74.193, -52.368 ], [ -74.127, -52.319 ], [ -74.261, -52.369 ], [ -74.15, -52.304 ], [ -74.222, -52.285 ], [ -74.212, -52.242 ], [ -74.066, -52.299 ], [ -74.159, -52.213 ], [ -74.249, -52.199 ], [ -74.093, -52.22 ], [ -74.248, -52.146 ], [ -74.34, -52.177 ], [ -74.433, -52.133 ], [ -74.299, -52.092 ], [ -74.212, -52.115 ], [ -73.923, -52.348 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.061, -51.501 ], [ -75.049, -51.519 ], [ -75.081, -51.506 ], [ -75.061, -51.501 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.711, -51.568 ], [ -74.7, -51.573 ], [ -74.74, -51.573 ], [ -74.711, -51.568 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.554, -51.618 ], [ -74.596, -51.595 ], [ -74.55, -51.598 ], [ -74.554, -51.618 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.966, -51.613 ], [ -73.966, -51.598 ], [ -73.942, -51.592 ], [ -73.966, -51.613 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.707, -51.54 ], [ -74.703, -51.552 ], [ -74.762, -51.546 ], [ -74.707, -51.54 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.742, -51.418 ], [ -73.779, -51.381 ], [ -73.739, -51.383 ], [ -73.742, -51.418 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.971, -51.448 ], [ -73.974, -51.433 ], [ -73.963, -51.437 ], [ -73.971, -51.448 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.35, -51.441 ], [ -74.357, -51.422 ], [ -74.335, -51.435 ], [ -74.35, -51.441 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.98, -51.533 ], [ -74.904, -51.463 ], [ -74.87, -51.523 ], [ -74.911, -51.552 ], [ -74.913, -51.519 ], [ -74.98, -51.533 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.87, -51.475 ], [ -74.822, -51.457 ], [ -74.839, -51.507 ], [ -74.87, -51.475 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.768, -51.456 ], [ -74.755, -51.467 ], [ -74.832, -51.488 ], [ -74.812, -51.453 ], [ -74.768, -51.456 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.369, -51.25 ], [ -74.387, -51.242 ], [ -74.359, -51.242 ], [ -74.369, -51.25 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.676, -51.439 ], [ -74.74, -51.434 ], [ -74.662, -51.329 ], [ -74.647, -51.347 ], [ -74.676, -51.439 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.912, -51.377 ], [ -73.951, -51.389 ], [ -73.908, -51.363 ], [ -73.912, -51.377 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.325, -51.361 ], [ -74.292, -51.385 ], [ -74.383, -51.376 ], [ -74.325, -51.361 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.413, -51.377 ], [ -74.418, -51.368 ], [ -74.4, -51.372 ], [ -74.413, -51.377 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.16, -51.444 ], [ -74.227, -51.409 ], [ -74.148, -51.38 ], [ -74.247, -51.36 ], [ -74.229, -51.29 ], [ -74.127, -51.316 ], [ -74.113, -51.358 ], [ -74.168, -51.344 ], [ -74.2, -51.356 ], [ -74.077, -51.408 ], [ -74.1, -51.452 ], [ -74.145, -51.401 ], [ -74.16, -51.444 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.281, -51.352 ], [ -74.275, -51.366 ], [ -74.317, -51.356 ], [ -74.281, -51.352 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.372, -51.362 ], [ -74.395, -51.348 ], [ -74.359, -51.359 ], [ -74.372, -51.362 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.508, -51.356 ], [ -74.513, -51.315 ], [ -74.468, -51.329 ], [ -74.503, -51.336 ], [ -74.508, -51.356 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.14, -51.28 ], [ -74.132, -51.305 ], [ -74.173, -51.287 ], [ -74.14, -51.28 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.458, -51.303 ], [ -74.491, -51.276 ], [ -74.484, -51.262 ], [ -74.442, -51.278 ], [ -74.458, -51.303 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.086, -51.159 ], [ -75.104, -51.134 ], [ -75.07, -51.131 ], [ -75.086, -51.159 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.976, -50.948 ], [ -74.956, -50.98 ], [ -74.993, -50.961 ], [ -74.976, -50.948 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.842, -50.982 ], [ -74.811, -50.988 ], [ -74.959, -51.061 ], [ -74.9, -51.031 ], [ -74.915, -50.992 ], [ -74.842, -50.982 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.876, -51.092 ], [ -74.826, -51.094 ], [ -74.821, -51.151 ], [ -75.009, -51.175 ], [ -74.982, -51.109 ], [ -74.876, -51.092 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75, -50.988 ], [ -75.014, -51.023 ], [ -75.081, -51.008 ], [ -75.057, -50.978 ], [ -75, -50.988 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.459, -50.532 ], [ -74.459, -50.548 ], [ -74.532, -50.597 ], [ -74.504, -50.533 ], [ -74.459, -50.532 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.591, -50.504 ], [ -74.566, -50.554 ], [ -74.654, -50.594 ], [ -74.663, -50.51 ], [ -74.591, -50.504 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.837, -50.554 ], [ -74.854, -50.547 ], [ -74.855, -50.521 ], [ -74.829, -50.533 ], [ -74.837, -50.554 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.723, -50.525 ], [ -74.737, -50.521 ], [ -74.721, -50.51 ], [ -74.723, -50.525 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.584, -50.683 ], [ -74.596, -50.675 ], [ -74.582, -50.671 ], [ -74.584, -50.683 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.65, -50.71 ], [ -74.668, -50.687 ], [ -74.649, -50.679 ], [ -74.627, -50.699 ], [ -74.65, -50.71 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.703, -50.664 ], [ -74.691, -50.664 ], [ -74.708, -50.673 ], [ -74.726, -50.652 ], [ -74.703, -50.664 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.599, -50.652 ], [ -74.609, -50.664 ], [ -74.621, -50.65 ], [ -74.597, -50.637 ], [ -74.599, -50.652 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.747, -50.633 ], [ -74.753, -50.655 ], [ -74.788, -50.647 ], [ -74.747, -50.633 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.902, -50.627 ], [ -74.877, -50.639 ], [ -74.919, -50.629 ], [ -74.902, -50.627 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.316, -50.888 ], [ -74.34, -50.86 ], [ -74.292, -50.858 ], [ -74.316, -50.888 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.042, -50.821 ], [ -75.053, -50.817 ], [ -75.031, -50.82 ], [ -75.042, -50.821 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.947, -50.829 ], [ -74.944, -50.806 ], [ -74.934, -50.819 ], [ -74.947, -50.829 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.587, -50.722 ], [ -74.534, -50.733 ], [ -74.531, -50.782 ], [ -74.511, -50.734 ], [ -74.423, -50.796 ], [ -74.464, -50.812 ], [ -74.504, -50.858 ], [ -74.388, -50.808 ], [ -74.361, -50.88 ], [ -74.418, -50.879 ], [ -74.467, -50.952 ], [ -74.384, -50.893 ], [ -74.418, -50.968 ], [ -74.387, -50.916 ], [ -74.365, -50.91 ], [ -74.401, -50.967 ], [ -74.347, -50.985 ], [ -74.35, -51.028 ], [ -74.391, -51.009 ], [ -74.36, -51.077 ], [ -74.456, -50.992 ], [ -74.575, -51.049 ], [ -74.59, -51.014 ], [ -74.619, -51.093 ], [ -74.679, -51.112 ], [ -74.763, -51.065 ], [ -74.676, -51.06 ], [ -74.741, -51.037 ], [ -74.606, -50.994 ], [ -74.758, -51.002 ], [ -74.75, -51.026 ], [ -74.786, -51.079 ], [ -74.818, -51.061 ], [ -74.773, -51.045 ], [ -74.88, -51.05 ], [ -74.766, -50.988 ], [ -74.852, -50.964 ], [ -74.754, -50.975 ], [ -74.824, -50.926 ], [ -74.935, -50.988 ], [ -74.929, -50.917 ], [ -74.849, -50.911 ], [ -74.926, -50.88 ], [ -74.658, -50.9 ], [ -74.601, -50.951 ], [ -74.588, -50.899 ], [ -74.523, -50.913 ], [ -74.633, -50.877 ], [ -74.608, -50.821 ], [ -74.551, -50.861 ], [ -74.511, -50.809 ], [ -74.556, -50.824 ], [ -74.665, -50.738 ], [ -74.587, -50.722 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.961, -50.672 ], [ -74.964, -50.793 ], [ -74.989, -50.818 ], [ -75.098, -50.702 ], [ -75.03, -50.721 ], [ -75.015, -50.686 ], [ -75.061, -50.679 ], [ -75.032, -50.643 ], [ -74.979, -50.641 ], [ -74.989, -50.671 ], [ -74.95, -50.635 ], [ -74.961, -50.672 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.796, -50.651 ], [ -74.705, -50.684 ], [ -74.747, -50.702 ], [ -74.722, -50.745 ], [ -74.777, -50.735 ], [ -74.675, -50.799 ], [ -74.771, -50.801 ], [ -74.691, -50.828 ], [ -74.712, -50.878 ], [ -74.664, -50.799 ], [ -74.624, -50.812 ], [ -74.676, -50.897 ], [ -74.931, -50.839 ], [ -74.845, -50.826 ], [ -74.921, -50.797 ], [ -74.84, -50.8 ], [ -74.941, -50.782 ], [ -74.864, -50.773 ], [ -74.933, -50.712 ], [ -74.801, -50.723 ], [ -74.924, -50.68 ], [ -74.917, -50.666 ], [ -74.757, -50.697 ], [ -74.828, -50.653 ], [ -74.796, -50.651 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.468, -51.192 ], [ -74.396, -51.234 ], [ -74.519, -51.201 ], [ -74.468, -51.192 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.898, -51.231 ], [ -74.86, -51.245 ], [ -74.966, -51.309 ], [ -75.05, -51.282 ], [ -74.898, -51.231 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.922, -51.34 ], [ -73.957, -51.309 ], [ -73.983, -51.369 ], [ -74.053, -51.375 ], [ -74.094, -51.224 ], [ -73.939, -51.233 ], [ -73.922, -51.34 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.745, -51.414 ], [ -74.975, -51.479 ], [ -75.023, -51.436 ], [ -74.771, -51.328 ], [ -74.939, -51.381 ], [ -74.927, -51.337 ], [ -74.969, -51.339 ], [ -74.891, -51.277 ], [ -74.782, -51.281 ], [ -74.835, -51.258 ], [ -74.757, -51.241 ], [ -74.783, -51.207 ], [ -74.719, -51.222 ], [ -74.6, -51.183 ], [ -74.482, -51.242 ], [ -74.503, -51.293 ], [ -74.539, -51.261 ], [ -74.525, -51.308 ], [ -74.576, -51.258 ], [ -74.638, -51.242 ], [ -74.559, -51.294 ], [ -74.57, -51.351 ], [ -74.52, -51.345 ], [ -74.54, -51.386 ], [ -74.61, -51.402 ], [ -74.654, -51.272 ], [ -74.663, -51.311 ], [ -74.714, -51.295 ], [ -74.679, -51.323 ], [ -74.745, -51.414 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.972, -51.217 ], [ -73.978, -51.201 ], [ -73.961, -51.199 ], [ -73.972, -51.217 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.829, -51.167 ], [ -74.792, -51.184 ], [ -74.831, -51.238 ], [ -74.854, -51.192 ], [ -75.015, -51.222 ], [ -74.829, -51.167 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.746, -51.173 ], [ -74.751, -51.202 ], [ -74.793, -51.169 ], [ -74.746, -51.173 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.763, -51.125 ], [ -74.67, -51.147 ], [ -74.603, -51.084 ], [ -74.546, -51.173 ], [ -74.623, -51.147 ], [ -74.654, -51.194 ], [ -74.802, -51.145 ], [ -74.763, -51.125 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.42, -51.032 ], [ -74.446, -51.068 ], [ -74.49, -51.034 ], [ -74.494, -51.078 ], [ -74.362, -51.105 ], [ -74.363, -51.187 ], [ -74.425, -51.175 ], [ -74.372, -51.216 ], [ -74.543, -51.156 ], [ -74.578, -51.095 ], [ -74.468, -51.008 ], [ -74.42, -51.032 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.515, -50.375 ], [ -74.539, -50.348 ], [ -74.517, -50.353 ], [ -74.515, -50.375 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.608, -50.272 ], [ -74.552, -50.288 ], [ -74.729, -50.299 ], [ -74.688, -50.272 ], [ -74.608, -50.272 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.885, -50.234 ], [ -74.812, -50.242 ], [ -74.852, -50.285 ], [ -74.885, -50.234 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.886, -50.124 ], [ -74.93, -50.15 ], [ -74.916, -50.108 ], [ -74.886, -50.124 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.082, -50.033 ], [ -75.096, -50.022 ], [ -75.076, -50.015 ], [ -75.082, -50.033 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.66, -50.069 ], [ -74.705, -50.12 ], [ -74.739, -50.095 ], [ -74.685, -50.063 ], [ -74.66, -50.069 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.741, -50.072 ], [ -74.773, -50.061 ], [ -74.729, -50.062 ], [ -74.741, -50.072 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75, -50.314 ], [ -74.93, -50.278 ], [ -74.878, -50.322 ], [ -74.925, -50.369 ], [ -75.002, -50.353 ], [ -75, -50.314 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.231, -50.682 ], [ -75.309, -50.705 ], [ -75.229, -50.74 ], [ -75.267, -50.788 ], [ -75.315, -50.8 ], [ -75.311, -50.738 ], [ -75.318, -50.776 ], [ -75.436, -50.762 ], [ -75.393, -50.733 ], [ -75.443, -50.696 ], [ -75.327, -50.68 ], [ -75.502, -50.653 ], [ -75.393, -50.637 ], [ -75.447, -50.625 ], [ -75.408, -50.592 ], [ -75.301, -50.593 ], [ -75.458, -50.491 ], [ -75.356, -50.454 ], [ -75.323, -50.501 ], [ -75.254, -50.478 ], [ -75.284, -50.52 ], [ -75.233, -50.48 ], [ -75.045, -50.491 ], [ -75.099, -50.545 ], [ -75.154, -50.53 ], [ -75.134, -50.562 ], [ -75.202, -50.546 ], [ -75.152, -50.584 ], [ -75.195, -50.61 ], [ -75.265, -50.567 ], [ -75.245, -50.535 ], [ -75.307, -50.547 ], [ -75.214, -50.619 ], [ -75.291, -50.632 ], [ -75.231, -50.682 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.511, -50.409 ], [ -74.45, -50.466 ], [ -74.34, -50.455 ], [ -74.288, -50.614 ], [ -74.198, -50.674 ], [ -74.412, -50.64 ], [ -74.259, -50.684 ], [ -74.245, -50.726 ], [ -74.199, -50.698 ], [ -74.141, -50.838 ], [ -74.216, -50.841 ], [ -74.23, -50.751 ], [ -74.279, -50.799 ], [ -74.316, -50.756 ], [ -74.276, -50.837 ], [ -74.331, -50.836 ], [ -74.404, -50.755 ], [ -74.354, -50.724 ], [ -74.474, -50.735 ], [ -74.496, -50.71 ], [ -74.454, -50.698 ], [ -74.515, -50.691 ], [ -74.459, -50.667 ], [ -74.541, -50.684 ], [ -74.59, -50.634 ], [ -74.531, -50.641 ], [ -74.383, -50.538 ], [ -74.442, -50.519 ], [ -74.373, -50.527 ], [ -74.364, -50.558 ], [ -74.337, -50.527 ], [ -74.467, -50.507 ], [ -74.457, -50.472 ], [ -74.506, -50.505 ], [ -74.675, -50.479 ], [ -74.511, -50.409 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.108, -50.489 ], [ -74.122, -50.481 ], [ -74.095, -50.486 ], [ -74.108, -50.489 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.096, -50.479 ], [ -75.12, -50.474 ], [ -75.102, -50.465 ], [ -75.096, -50.479 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.384, -50.411 ], [ -75.36, -50.374 ], [ -75.318, -50.375 ], [ -75.328, -50.401 ], [ -75.384, -50.411 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.611, -50.347 ], [ -74.525, -50.397 ], [ -74.725, -50.497 ], [ -74.769, -50.476 ], [ -74.712, -50.408 ], [ -74.778, -50.422 ], [ -74.73, -50.367 ], [ -74.611, -50.347 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.988, -50.457 ], [ -75.056, -50.464 ], [ -75.054, -50.411 ], [ -75.08, -50.399 ], [ -75.122, -50.462 ], [ -75.18, -50.44 ], [ -75.031, -50.333 ], [ -75.001, -50.368 ], [ -75.039, -50.386 ], [ -74.945, -50.39 ], [ -74.988, -50.457 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.379, -50.352 ], [ -75.411, -50.419 ], [ -75.479, -50.423 ], [ -75.388, -50.359 ], [ -75.428, -50.37 ], [ -75.444, -50.297 ], [ -75.361, -50.254 ], [ -75.408, -50.231 ], [ -75.369, -50.152 ], [ -75.192, -50.174 ], [ -75.33, -50.197 ], [ -75.195, -50.213 ], [ -75.18, -50.253 ], [ -75.11, -50.251 ], [ -75.139, -50.208 ], [ -75.075, -50.169 ], [ -75.077, -50.127 ], [ -75.149, -50.173 ], [ -75.302, -50.118 ], [ -75.37, -50.069 ], [ -75.339, -50.001 ], [ -75.321, -50.035 ], [ -75.246, -49.994 ], [ -75.281, -50.035 ], [ -75.248, -50.013 ], [ -75.238, -50.066 ], [ -75.115, -50.015 ], [ -75.066, -50.054 ], [ -75.104, -50.089 ], [ -75.048, -50.067 ], [ -75.061, -50.104 ], [ -75.038, -50.08 ], [ -75, -50.133 ], [ -75.042, -50.033 ], [ -74.993, -50.02 ], [ -75.014, -50.082 ], [ -74.911, -50.093 ], [ -75.035, -50.174 ], [ -75.009, -50.196 ], [ -74.942, -50.132 ], [ -74.924, -50.168 ], [ -74.876, -50.129 ], [ -74.843, -50.168 ], [ -74.849, -50.13 ], [ -74.788, -50.15 ], [ -74.861, -50.116 ], [ -74.822, -50.097 ], [ -74.75, -50.138 ], [ -74.791, -50.121 ], [ -74.76, -50.174 ], [ -74.858, -50.184 ], [ -74.795, -50.201 ], [ -74.942, -50.202 ], [ -74.917, -50.248 ], [ -75.135, -50.343 ], [ -75.201, -50.442 ], [ -75.32, -50.427 ], [ -75.172, -50.288 ], [ -75.379, -50.352 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.952, -51.724 ], [ -74.992, -51.886 ], [ -75.101, -51.91 ], [ -75.054, -51.842 ], [ -75.112, -51.806 ], [ -75.041, -51.719 ], [ -74.952, -51.724 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.789, -51.916 ], [ -73.697, -51.981 ], [ -73.786, -52.021 ], [ -73.87, -51.96 ], [ -73.814, -51.933 ], [ -73.868, -51.914 ], [ -73.852, -51.891 ], [ -73.959, -51.893 ], [ -73.945, -51.845 ], [ -73.989, -51.821 ], [ -73.937, -51.817 ], [ -73.9, -51.788 ], [ -73.794, -51.88 ], [ -73.847, -51.912 ], [ -73.789, -51.916 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.212, -51.762 ], [ -74.234, -51.754 ], [ -74.201, -51.759 ], [ -74.212, -51.762 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.551, -51.727 ], [ -74.59, -51.779 ], [ -74.584, -51.719 ], [ -74.551, -51.727 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.652, -51.693 ], [ -74.694, -51.708 ], [ -74.651, -51.712 ], [ -74.715, -51.775 ], [ -74.72, -51.711 ], [ -74.652, -51.693 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.397, -51.738 ], [ -74.333, -51.755 ], [ -74.365, -51.781 ], [ -74.285, -51.761 ], [ -74.326, -51.786 ], [ -74.275, -51.78 ], [ -74.304, -51.828 ], [ -74.155, -51.843 ], [ -74.195, -51.895 ], [ -74.061, -51.887 ], [ -74.117, -51.925 ], [ -74.113, -51.977 ], [ -74.372, -51.885 ], [ -74.414, -51.833 ], [ -74.361, -51.806 ], [ -74.424, -51.81 ], [ -74.466, -51.757 ], [ -74.413, -51.766 ], [ -74.503, -51.703 ], [ -74.397, -51.738 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.05, -51.812 ], [ -74.017, -51.82 ], [ -74.061, -51.837 ], [ -74.158, -51.768 ], [ -74.05, -51.812 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.672, -51.777 ], [ -74.62, -51.784 ], [ -74.597, -51.815 ], [ -74.686, -51.835 ], [ -74.719, -51.803 ], [ -74.672, -51.777 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.492, -51.674 ], [ -74.431, -51.689 ], [ -74.427, -51.705 ], [ -74.526, -51.674 ], [ -74.492, -51.674 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.821, -51.675 ], [ -73.819, -51.664 ], [ -73.78, -51.663 ], [ -73.821, -51.675 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.864, -51.664 ], [ -73.881, -51.648 ], [ -73.837, -51.653 ], [ -73.864, -51.664 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.559, -51.639 ], [ -74.579, -51.631 ], [ -74.544, -51.634 ], [ -74.559, -51.639 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.04, -51.551 ], [ -74.079, -51.552 ], [ -74.028, -51.578 ], [ -73.976, -51.701 ], [ -74.058, -51.723 ], [ -73.941, -51.727 ], [ -73.913, -51.775 ], [ -73.959, -51.812 ], [ -74.147, -51.75 ], [ -74.146, -51.713 ], [ -74.173, -51.745 ], [ -74.236, -51.72 ], [ -74.19, -51.723 ], [ -74.223, -51.675 ], [ -74.159, -51.691 ], [ -74.17, -51.632 ], [ -74.148, -51.671 ], [ -74.078, -51.679 ], [ -74.131, -51.667 ], [ -74.144, -51.593 ], [ -74.07, -51.616 ], [ -74.036, -51.596 ], [ -74.115, -51.545 ], [ -74.04, -51.551 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.09, -51.27 ], [ -75.124, -51.381 ], [ -75.052, -51.291 ], [ -74.963, -51.316 ], [ -74.979, -51.369 ], [ -75.016, -51.357 ], [ -74.987, -51.397 ], [ -75.06, -51.36 ], [ -75.024, -51.398 ], [ -75.089, -51.426 ], [ -75.081, -51.48 ], [ -75.133, -51.407 ], [ -75.116, -51.56 ], [ -75.142, -51.592 ], [ -75.19, -51.561 ], [ -75.164, -51.618 ], [ -75.278, -51.639 ], [ -75.305, -51.542 ], [ -75.175, -51.493 ], [ -75.207, -51.403 ], [ -75.135, -51.389 ], [ -75.212, -51.335 ], [ -75.09, -51.27 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.742, -53.577 ], [ -73.885, -53.593 ], [ -73.851, -53.549 ], [ -73.919, -53.534 ], [ -73.86, -53.51 ], [ -73.898, -53.457 ], [ -73.704, -53.52 ], [ -73.814, -53.541 ], [ -73.705, -53.539 ], [ -73.742, -53.577 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.326, -53.17 ], [ -74.319, -53.185 ], [ -74.338, -53.186 ], [ -74.326, -53.17 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.097, -53.25 ], [ -74.154, -53.328 ], [ -74.288, -53.313 ], [ -74.124, -53.242 ], [ -74.097, -53.25 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.28, -53.28 ], [ -74.255, -53.288 ], [ -74.314, -53.294 ], [ -74.302, -53.266 ], [ -74.28, -53.28 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.312, -53.452 ], [ -73.304, -53.431 ], [ -73.254, -53.466 ], [ -73.276, -53.478 ], [ -73.312, -53.452 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.336, -53.459 ], [ -73.354, -53.451 ], [ -73.348, -53.44 ], [ -73.317, -53.458 ], [ -73.336, -53.459 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.698, -53.512 ], [ -73.843, -53.419 ], [ -73.558, -53.504 ], [ -73.701, -53.447 ], [ -73.542, -53.443 ], [ -73.636, -53.419 ], [ -73.622, -53.371 ], [ -73.523, -53.413 ], [ -73.552, -53.382 ], [ -73.438, -53.385 ], [ -73.415, -53.412 ], [ -73.545, -53.484 ], [ -73.471, -53.465 ], [ -73.39, -53.556 ], [ -73.52, -53.59 ], [ -73.565, -53.523 ], [ -73.555, -53.56 ], [ -73.698, -53.512 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.58, -53.439 ], [ -73.58, -53.439 ], [ -73.555, -53.441 ], [ -73.56, -53.441 ], [ -73.58, -53.439 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.387, -53.429 ], [ -73.381, -53.447 ], [ -73.429, -53.433 ], [ -73.409, -53.417 ], [ -73.387, -53.429 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.884, -53.39 ], [ -73.841, -53.393 ], [ -73.854, -53.426 ], [ -73.933, -53.407 ], [ -73.884, -53.39 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.75, -53.393 ], [ -73.748, -53.42 ], [ -73.779, -53.394 ], [ -73.75, -53.393 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.672, -53.383 ], [ -73.665, -53.407 ], [ -73.714, -53.385 ], [ -73.702, -53.373 ], [ -73.672, -53.383 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.568, -53.38 ], [ -73.577, -53.369 ], [ -73.554, -53.374 ], [ -73.568, -53.38 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.481, -53.331 ], [ -72.503, -53.322 ], [ -72.504, -53.301 ], [ -72.478, -53.313 ], [ -72.481, -53.331 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.436, -53.342 ], [ -73.444, -53.333 ], [ -73.424, -53.333 ], [ -73.436, -53.342 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.935, -53.2 ], [ -73.959, -53.177 ], [ -73.898, -53.196 ], [ -73.935, -53.2 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.773, -53.279 ], [ -73.742, -53.29 ], [ -73.793, -53.274 ], [ -73.773, -53.279 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.078, -53.376 ], [ -73.068, -53.362 ], [ -73.059, -53.371 ], [ -73.078, -53.376 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.313, -53.373 ], [ -73.29, -53.371 ], [ -73.276, -53.393 ], [ -73.351, -53.362 ], [ -73.313, -53.373 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.643, -53.354 ], [ -73.655, -53.38 ], [ -73.722, -53.355 ], [ -73.668, -53.37 ], [ -73.643, -53.354 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.869, -53.32 ], [ -73.804, -53.343 ], [ -73.906, -53.321 ], [ -73.869, -53.32 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.599, -54.537 ], [ -71.705, -54.484 ], [ -71.662, -54.466 ], [ -71.866, -54.442 ], [ -71.737, -54.4 ], [ -71.533, -54.513 ], [ -71.566, -54.479 ], [ -71.43, -54.494 ], [ -71.587, -54.461 ], [ -71.604, -54.4 ], [ -71.356, -54.465 ], [ -71.294, -54.438 ], [ -71.41, -54.422 ], [ -71.399, -54.38 ], [ -71.327, -54.382 ], [ -71.186, -54.427 ], [ -71.224, -54.463 ], [ -71.143, -54.43 ], [ -71.064, -54.527 ], [ -71.119, -54.442 ], [ -70.97, -54.458 ], [ -70.927, -54.522 ], [ -70.916, -54.365 ], [ -70.758, -54.332 ], [ -70.718, -54.37 ], [ -70.57, -54.361 ], [ -70.695, -54.438 ], [ -70.755, -54.622 ], [ -70.707, -54.552 ], [ -70.607, -54.606 ], [ -70.692, -54.538 ], [ -70.548, -54.403 ], [ -70.246, -54.573 ], [ -70.189, -54.578 ], [ -70.287, -54.499 ], [ -70.104, -54.552 ], [ -70.507, -54.39 ], [ -70.523, -54.307 ], [ -70.86, -54.261 ], [ -70.899, -54.175 ], [ -70.808, -54.198 ], [ -70.923, -54.127 ], [ -70.279, -54.343 ], [ -70.107, -54.443 ], [ -70.155, -54.398 ], [ -70.038, -54.385 ], [ -70.198, -54.318 ], [ -69.991, -54.27 ], [ -69.939, -54.309 ], [ -69.98, -54.33 ], [ -69.953, -54.395 ], [ -69.911, -54.376 ], [ -69.893, -54.436 ], [ -69.826, -54.446 ], [ -69.902, -54.508 ], [ -69.798, -54.472 ], [ -69.75, -54.513 ], [ -69.835, -54.568 ], [ -69.761, -54.543 ], [ -69.753, -54.588 ], [ -69.719, -54.496 ], [ -69.798, -54.431 ], [ -69.853, -54.29 ], [ -69.644, -54.345 ], [ -69.629, -54.406 ], [ -69.529, -54.444 ], [ -69.491, -54.445 ], [ -69.557, -54.399 ], [ -69.545, -54.341 ], [ -69.2, -54.452 ], [ -69.483, -54.677 ], [ -69.386, -54.645 ], [ -69.346, -54.71 ], [ -69.363, -54.632 ], [ -69.207, -54.526 ], [ -69.13, -54.602 ], [ -69.17, -54.512 ], [ -69.126, -54.46 ], [ -68.969, -54.486 ], [ -68.966, -54.449 ], [ -70.048, -54.106 ], [ -70.189, -53.819 ], [ -70.15, -53.744 ], [ -69.676, -53.646 ], [ -69.35, -53.523 ], [ -69.303, -53.475 ], [ -69.349, -53.368 ], [ -69.861, -53.372 ], [ -70.21, -53.477 ], [ -70.46, -53.377 ], [ -70.437, -53.014 ], [ -70.33, -52.965 ], [ -70.348, -53.058 ], [ -70.253, -53.051 ], [ -70.134, -53.006 ], [ -70.089, -52.918 ], [ -70.217, -52.881 ], [ -70.303, -52.912 ], [ -70.25, -52.853 ], [ -70.281, -52.795 ], [ -70.434, -52.784 ], [ -70.128, -52.729 ], [ -69.995, -52.837 ], [ -69.898, -52.84 ], [ -69.707, -52.764 ], [ -69.58, -52.651 ], [ -69.59, -52.537 ], [ -69.407, -52.454 ], [ -69.14, -52.698 ], [ -68.786, -52.614 ], [ -68.755, -52.545 ], [ -68.611, -52.653 ], [ -68.61, -54.89 ], [ -68.962, -54.785 ], [ -68.703, -54.908 ], [ -69.077, -54.957 ], [ -69.637, -54.84 ], [ -69.604, -54.728 ], [ -69.663, -54.788 ], [ -69.708, -54.697 ], [ -69.682, -54.821 ], [ -69.754, -54.825 ], [ -69.727, -54.761 ], [ -69.764, -54.724 ], [ -69.769, -54.821 ], [ -69.908, -54.836 ], [ -69.964, -54.726 ], [ -69.936, -54.685 ], [ -69.98, -54.723 ], [ -69.95, -54.846 ], [ -70.079, -54.853 ], [ -70.053, -54.788 ], [ -70.137, -54.792 ], [ -70.081, -54.83 ], [ -70.126, -54.85 ], [ -70.218, -54.833 ], [ -70.161, -54.864 ], [ -70.298, -54.852 ], [ -70.313, -54.807 ], [ -70.212, -54.685 ], [ -70.296, -54.745 ], [ -70.33, -54.843 ], [ -70.574, -54.771 ], [ -70.609, -54.78 ], [ -70.581, -54.801 ], [ -70.745, -54.851 ], [ -70.827, -54.825 ], [ -70.769, -54.801 ], [ -70.794, -54.77 ], [ -70.469, -54.7 ], [ -70.43, -54.637 ], [ -70.532, -54.627 ], [ -70.618, -54.676 ], [ -70.563, -54.715 ], [ -70.779, -54.763 ], [ -70.927, -54.758 ], [ -70.883, -54.705 ], [ -70.742, -54.694 ], [ -70.902, -54.67 ], [ -71.014, -54.783 ], [ -70.955, -54.72 ], [ -70.953, -54.682 ], [ -71.007, -54.706 ], [ -70.985, -54.672 ], [ -70.906, -54.619 ], [ -71.046, -54.597 ], [ -71.014, -54.632 ], [ -71.049, -54.665 ], [ -71.255, -54.686 ], [ -71.284, -54.648 ], [ -71.12, -54.626 ], [ -71.236, -54.623 ], [ -71.243, -54.591 ], [ -71.169, -54.58 ], [ -71.236, -54.583 ], [ -71.205, -54.538 ], [ -71.29, -54.576 ], [ -71.329, -54.517 ], [ -71.315, -54.572 ], [ -71.395, -54.532 ], [ -71.371, -54.566 ], [ -71.429, -54.571 ], [ -71.331, -54.593 ], [ -71.316, -54.619 ], [ -71.396, -54.611 ], [ -71.381, -54.66 ], [ -71.441, -54.64 ], [ -71.473, -54.696 ], [ -71.495, -54.595 ], [ -71.501, -54.717 ], [ -71.589, -54.689 ], [ -71.528, -54.669 ], [ -71.582, -54.651 ], [ -71.558, -54.623 ], [ -71.609, -54.641 ], [ -71.55, -54.588 ], [ -71.602, -54.583 ], [ -71.648, -54.673 ], [ -71.677, -54.619 ], [ -71.63, -54.589 ], [ -71.785, -54.582 ], [ -71.711, -54.613 ], [ -71.853, -54.601 ], [ -71.789, -54.65 ], [ -71.906, -54.656 ], [ -71.979, -54.611 ], [ -71.864, -54.62 ], [ -71.942, -54.577 ], [ -71.905, -54.554 ], [ -71.972, -54.572 ], [ -72.025, -54.516 ], [ -71.921, -54.526 ], [ -72.021, -54.483 ], [ -71.911, -54.45 ], [ -71.886, -54.514 ], [ -71.857, -54.472 ], [ -71.832, -54.537 ], [ -71.748, -54.566 ], [ -71.632, -54.583 ], [ -71.753, -54.5 ], [ -71.606, -54.546 ], [ -71.513, -54.55 ], [ -71.599, -54.537 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.854, -53.104 ], [ -71.875, -53.088 ], [ -71.849, -53.068 ], [ -71.854, -53.104 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.45, -53.037 ], [ -73.471, -53.015 ], [ -73.443, -53.027 ], [ -73.45, -53.037 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.5, -52.944 ], [ -73.488, -52.968 ], [ -73.592, -52.987 ], [ -73.561, -52.926 ], [ -73.5, -52.944 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.301, -53.177 ], [ -74.282, -53.142 ], [ -74.245, -53.149 ], [ -74.257, -53.176 ], [ -74.301, -53.177 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.36, -53.126 ], [ -74.298, -53.149 ], [ -74.357, -53.17 ], [ -74.36, -53.126 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.282, -53.143 ], [ -73.336, -53.135 ], [ -73.3, -53.123 ], [ -73.282, -53.143 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.194, -53.12 ], [ -73.204, -53.115 ], [ -73.184, -53.105 ], [ -73.194, -53.12 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.274, -53.095 ], [ -72.249, -53.104 ], [ -72.247, -53.119 ], [ -72.307, -53.099 ], [ -72.274, -53.095 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.901, -53.106 ], [ -73.771, -53.21 ], [ -73.843, -53.224 ], [ -73.907, -53.145 ], [ -73.922, -53.174 ], [ -73.988, -53.129 ], [ -73.901, -53.106 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.938, -53.172 ], [ -74.052, -53.187 ], [ -74.086, -53.15 ], [ -74.002, -53.129 ], [ -73.938, -53.172 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.17, -53.136 ], [ -74.202, -53.133 ], [ -74.211, -53.115 ], [ -74.163, -53.129 ], [ -74.17, -53.136 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.069, -53.108 ], [ -73.078, -53.104 ], [ -73.065, -53.098 ], [ -73.069, -53.108 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.656, -52.87 ], [ -70.732, -52.91 ], [ -70.773, -52.908 ], [ -70.625, -52.846 ], [ -70.656, -52.87 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.806, -52.906 ], [ -73.837, -52.901 ], [ -73.838, -52.881 ], [ -73.789, -52.878 ], [ -73.806, -52.906 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.285, -52.795 ], [ -73.311, -52.782 ], [ -73.292, -52.781 ], [ -73.285, -52.795 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.47, -52.78 ], [ -73.458, -52.789 ], [ -73.511, -52.777 ], [ -73.47, -52.78 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.709, -52.787 ], [ -73.7, -52.757 ], [ -73.659, -52.756 ], [ -73.663, -52.784 ], [ -73.709, -52.787 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.522, -52.794 ], [ -72.533, -52.767 ], [ -72.512, -52.784 ], [ -72.522, -52.794 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.246, -52.585 ], [ -72.28, -52.605 ], [ -72.3, -52.539 ], [ -72.246, -52.585 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.625, -52.575 ], [ -72.675, -52.568 ], [ -72.641, -52.561 ], [ -72.625, -52.575 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.861, -52.573 ], [ -72.842, -52.567 ], [ -72.851, -52.581 ], [ -72.861, -52.573 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.714, -52.57 ], [ -72.715, -52.553 ], [ -72.696, -52.553 ], [ -72.714, -52.57 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.067, -52.58 ], [ -74.121, -52.616 ], [ -74.206, -52.593 ], [ -74.123, -52.568 ], [ -74.067, -52.58 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.684, -52.547 ], [ -73.649, -52.568 ], [ -73.688, -52.574 ], [ -73.684, -52.547 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.292, -52.513 ], [ -74.302, -52.509 ], [ -74.278, -52.501 ], [ -74.292, -52.513 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.67, -52.527 ], [ -73.681, -52.512 ], [ -73.654, -52.512 ], [ -73.652, -52.523 ], [ -73.67, -52.527 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.977, -52.539 ], [ -74.017, -52.529 ], [ -73.89, -52.477 ], [ -73.977, -52.539 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.623, -52.483 ], [ -73.629, -52.463 ], [ -73.603, -52.47 ], [ -73.623, -52.483 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.113, -52.474 ], [ -74.128, -52.461 ], [ -74.114, -52.452 ], [ -74.097, -52.462 ], [ -74.113, -52.474 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.015, -52.462 ], [ -74.016, -52.449 ], [ -73.98, -52.431 ], [ -73.983, -52.449 ], [ -74.015, -52.462 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.3, -52.464 ], [ -74.333, -52.45 ], [ -74.328, -52.432 ], [ -74.3, -52.434 ], [ -74.3, -52.464 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72, -53.101 ], [ -72.121, -53.137 ], [ -72.349, -53.032 ], [ -72.244, -53.086 ], [ -72.4, -53.034 ], [ -72.602, -53.072 ], [ -72.388, -53.078 ], [ -72.204, -53.188 ], [ -72.363, -53.177 ], [ -72.401, -53.196 ], [ -72.316, -53.223 ], [ -72.361, -53.235 ], [ -72.508, -53.185 ], [ -72.457, -53.237 ], [ -72.541, -53.172 ], [ -72.606, -53.191 ], [ -72.415, -53.255 ], [ -72.463, -53.302 ], [ -72.53, -53.26 ], [ -72.554, -53.266 ], [ -72.5, -53.352 ], [ -72.557, -53.381 ], [ -72.676, -53.317 ], [ -72.586, -53.433 ], [ -72.508, -53.401 ], [ -72.383, -53.532 ], [ -72.531, -53.559 ], [ -72.741, -53.458 ], [ -72.758, -53.391 ], [ -72.793, -53.455 ], [ -72.808, -53.372 ], [ -72.914, -53.384 ], [ -72.885, -53.353 ], [ -73.172, -53.266 ], [ -73.325, -53.157 ], [ -73.13, -53.201 ], [ -72.95, -53.169 ], [ -72.753, -53.238 ], [ -72.76, -53.281 ], [ -72.829, -53.278 ], [ -72.718, -53.298 ], [ -72.728, -53.254 ], [ -72.682, -53.256 ], [ -72.849, -53.181 ], [ -72.719, -53.192 ], [ -72.801, -53.156 ], [ -72.656, -53.148 ], [ -72.736, -53.102 ], [ -72.857, -53.152 ], [ -72.975, -53.1 ], [ -72.851, -53.033 ], [ -72.926, -53.048 ], [ -72.972, -52.934 ], [ -72.939, -52.906 ], [ -73.02, -52.85 ], [ -72.92, -52.836 ], [ -72.801, -52.776 ], [ -72.813, -52.811 ], [ -72.711, -52.713 ], [ -72.609, -52.767 ], [ -72.738, -52.863 ], [ -72.719, -52.898 ], [ -72.589, -52.798 ], [ -72.536, -52.806 ], [ -72.65, -52.87 ], [ -72.483, -52.819 ], [ -72.442, -52.876 ], [ -72.445, -52.812 ], [ -72.181, -52.638 ], [ -72.056, -52.679 ], [ -71.975, -52.638 ], [ -71.824, -52.697 ], [ -71.494, -52.643 ], [ -71.409, -52.722 ], [ -71.421, -52.836 ], [ -71.911, -53.002 ], [ -72, -53.101 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.42, -53.331 ], [ -73.642, -53.323 ], [ -73.616, -53.289 ], [ -73.5, -53.302 ], [ -73.631, -53.273 ], [ -73.593, -53.236 ], [ -73.636, -53.185 ], [ -73.668, -53.212 ], [ -73.633, -53.235 ], [ -73.688, -53.236 ], [ -73.731, -53.14 ], [ -73.73, -53.182 ], [ -73.776, -53.182 ], [ -73.812, -53.104 ], [ -73.843, -53.109 ], [ -73.812, -53.174 ], [ -73.902, -53.059 ], [ -73.98, -53.1 ], [ -74.127, -53.051 ], [ -74.01, -53.1 ], [ -74.089, -53.13 ], [ -74.119, -53.091 ], [ -74.202, -53.112 ], [ -74.262, -53.036 ], [ -74.243, -53.133 ], [ -74.329, -53.12 ], [ -74.315, -53.053 ], [ -74.348, -53.029 ], [ -74.378, -53.081 ], [ -74.445, -53.01 ], [ -74.4, -52.994 ], [ -74.47, -52.961 ], [ -74.45, -52.993 ], [ -74.471, -53.008 ], [ -74.512, -52.962 ], [ -74.483, -52.93 ], [ -74.575, -52.945 ], [ -74.569, -52.903 ], [ -74.647, -52.851 ], [ -74.591, -52.877 ], [ -74.547, -52.875 ], [ -74.577, -52.835 ], [ -74.677, -52.835 ], [ -74.63, -52.804 ], [ -74.707, -52.811 ], [ -74.736, -52.738 ], [ -74.689, -52.721 ], [ -74.427, -52.848 ], [ -74.51, -52.851 ], [ -74.416, -52.856 ], [ -74.469, -52.866 ], [ -74.47, -52.892 ], [ -74.348, -52.872 ], [ -74.408, -52.932 ], [ -74.328, -52.979 ], [ -74.309, -52.906 ], [ -74.267, -52.986 ], [ -74.182, -52.957 ], [ -74.136, -53.01 ], [ -74.091, -52.989 ], [ -74.142, -52.936 ], [ -74.052, -52.995 ], [ -73.937, -52.996 ], [ -73.992, -53.025 ], [ -73.928, -53.062 ], [ -73.948, -53.033 ], [ -73.905, -53.013 ], [ -73.819, -53.09 ], [ -73.849, -53.039 ], [ -73.814, -53.033 ], [ -73.648, -53.169 ], [ -73.672, -53.082 ], [ -73.626, -53.076 ], [ -73.56, -53.156 ], [ -73.602, -53.168 ], [ -73.566, -53.275 ], [ -73.521, -53.275 ], [ -73.532, -53.224 ], [ -73.461, -53.236 ], [ -73.535, -53.201 ], [ -73.527, -53.123 ], [ -73.489, -53.127 ], [ -73.415, -53.173 ], [ -73.458, -53.184 ], [ -73.397, -53.186 ], [ -73.46, -53.203 ], [ -73.346, -53.231 ], [ -73.43, -53.247 ], [ -73.409, -53.271 ], [ -73.316, -53.262 ], [ -73.212, -53.306 ], [ -73.264, -53.326 ], [ -73.122, -53.353 ], [ -73.189, -53.379 ], [ -73.42, -53.331 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.489, -52.724 ], [ -72.501, -52.72 ], [ -72.485, -52.715 ], [ -72.489, -52.724 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.321, -52.685 ], [ -72.347, -52.685 ], [ -72.313, -52.65 ], [ -72.321, -52.685 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.159, -52.643 ], [ -74.092, -52.663 ], [ -74.132, -52.658 ], [ -74.089, -52.693 ], [ -74.173, -52.711 ], [ -74.134, -52.683 ], [ -74.201, -52.645 ], [ -74.159, -52.643 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.655, -52.656 ], [ -73.687, -52.68 ], [ -73.707, -52.665 ], [ -73.689, -52.642 ], [ -73.655, -52.656 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.493, -52.722 ], [ -73.502, -52.711 ], [ -73.483, -52.703 ], [ -73.477, -52.716 ], [ -73.493, -52.722 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.357, -52.677 ], [ -73.388, -52.721 ], [ -73.448, -52.721 ], [ -73.376, -52.658 ], [ -73.357, -52.677 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.537, -52.74 ], [ -72.542, -52.758 ], [ -72.57, -52.75 ], [ -72.569, -52.733 ], [ -72.537, -52.74 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.377, -52.724 ], [ -72.38, -52.76 ], [ -72.46, -52.781 ], [ -72.499, -52.765 ], [ -72.377, -52.724 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.328, -52.698 ], [ -73.33, -52.732 ], [ -73.39, -52.752 ], [ -73.419, -52.745 ], [ -73.328, -52.698 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.654, -52.604 ], [ -72.595, -52.608 ], [ -72.585, -52.623 ], [ -72.656, -52.625 ], [ -72.654, -52.604 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.715, -52.429 ], [ -73.66, -52.486 ], [ -73.736, -52.502 ], [ -73.702, -52.519 ], [ -73.727, -52.575 ], [ -73.807, -52.552 ], [ -73.718, -52.594 ], [ -73.802, -52.713 ], [ -73.953, -52.728 ], [ -73.854, -52.609 ], [ -73.983, -52.67 ], [ -73.869, -52.574 ], [ -74.085, -52.641 ], [ -73.838, -52.438 ], [ -73.715, -52.429 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.884, -52.41 ], [ -73.859, -52.425 ], [ -73.882, -52.473 ], [ -73.99, -52.466 ], [ -73.884, -52.41 ] ] ] ] } } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", 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-73.576, -43.036 ], [ -73.615, -43.055 ], [ -73.494, -43.086 ], [ -73.479, -43.146 ], [ -73.54, -43.103 ], [ -73.707, -43.15 ], [ -73.731, -43.093 ], [ -73.753, -43.205 ], [ -73.662, -43.32 ], [ -73.877, -43.283 ], [ -73.811, -43.314 ], [ -73.801, -43.417 ], [ -73.976, -43.364 ], [ -73.999, -43.393 ], [ -74.02, -43.351 ], [ -74.103, -43.394 ], [ -74.408, -43.263 ], [ -74.305, -43.135 ], [ -74.323, -43.076 ], [ -74.227, -43.027 ], [ -74.265, -42.993 ], [ -74.207, -42.969 ], [ -74.228, -42.919 ], [ -74.152, -42.859 ], [ -74.169, -42.767 ], [ -74.12, -42.658 ], [ -74.197, -42.517 ], [ -74.14, -42.324 ], [ -74.171, -42.268 ], [ -74.049, -42.129 ], [ -74.026, -41.948 ], [ -74.057, -41.931 ], [ -73.998, -41.904 ], [ -74.061, -41.833 ], [ -74.009, -41.774 ], [ -73.875, -41.784 ], [ -73.91, -41.796 ], [ -73.853, -41.83 ], [ -73.888, -41.861 ], [ -73.937, -41.822 ], [ -73.997, -41.853 ], [ -73.843, -41.883 ], [ -73.671, -41.8 ], [ -73.476, -41.833 ], [ -73.534, -41.876 ], [ -73.47, -41.905 ], [ -73.532, -41.894 ], [ -73.51, -41.926 ], [ -73.561, -41.959 ], [ -73.415, -42.074 ], [ -73.489, -42.16 ], [ -73.366, -42.204 ], [ -73.337, -42.266 ], [ -73.356, -42.338 ], [ -73.435, -42.31 ], [ -73.665, -42.386 ], [ -73.641, -42.437 ], [ -73.683, -42.481 ], [ -73.578, -42.535 ], [ -73.721, -42.569 ], [ -73.781, -42.533 ], [ -73.723, -42.46 ], [ -73.755, -42.428 ], [ -73.803, -42.524 ], [ -73.751, -42.552 ], [ -73.788, -42.612 ], [ -73.489, -42.792 ], [ -73.465, -42.884 ], [ -73.571, -42.887 ], [ -73.615, -42.805 ], [ -73.643, -42.846 ], [ -73.586, -42.889 ], [ -73.738, -42.855 ] ], [ [ -73.796, -41.87 ], [ -73.797, -41.87 ], [ -73.796, -41.87 ], [ -73.796, -41.87 ] ], [ [ -73.796, -41.87 ], [ -73.758, -41.927 ], [ -73.808, -41.953 ], [ -73.73, -41.958 ], [ -73.711, -41.928 ], [ -73.796, -41.87 ] ], [ [ -73.375, -42.246 ], [ -73.376, -42.246 ], [ -73.405, -42.259 ], [ -73.375, -42.246 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.437, -49.249 ], [ -75.587, -49.231 ], [ -75.617, -49.186 ], [ -75.563, -49.212 ], [ -75.554, -49.115 ], [ -75.495, -49.093 ], [ -75.542, -49.168 ], [ -75.441, -49.12 ], [ -75.48, -49.093 ], [ -75.284, -49.019 ], [ -75.294, -48.947 ], [ -75.364, -48.952 ], [ -75.475, -49.079 ], [ -75.687, -49.037 ], [ -75.615, -48.984 ], [ -75.551, -49.011 ], [ -75.461, -48.976 ], [ -75.482, -48.945 ], [ -75.537, -48.999 ], [ -75.653, -48.971 ], [ -75.654, -48.898 ], [ -75.592, -48.851 ], [ -75.562, -48.89 ], [ -75.554, -48.831 ], [ -75.517, -48.878 ], [ -75.536, -48.828 ], [ -75.437, -48.841 ], [ -75.541, -48.923 ], [ -75.401, -48.833 ], [ -75.389, -48.921 ], [ -75.323, -48.936 ], [ -75.369, -48.844 ], [ -75.263, -48.88 ], [ -75.233, -49.016 ], [ -75.172, -49.029 ], [ -75.366, -49.184 ], [ -75.382, -49.146 ], [ -75.457, -49.153 ], [ -75.437, -49.249 ] ], [ [ -75.382, -49.146 ], [ -75.361, -49.109 ], [ -75.364, -49.11 ], [ -75.382, -49.146 ] ], [ [ -75.361, -49.109 ], [ -75.332, -49.104 ], [ -75.346, -49.085 ], [ -75.361, -49.109 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.087, -45.791 ], [ -74.035, -45.74 ], [ -73.875, -45.752 ], [ -73.958, -45.792 ], [ -73.934, -45.871 ], [ -73.998, -45.937 ], [ -74.003, -45.85 ], [ -74.034, -45.859 ], [ -74.087, -45.791 ] ], [ [ -74.033, -45.838 ], [ -74.032, -45.838 ], [ -74.032, -45.815 ], [ -74.033, -45.838 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.455, -44.648 ], [ -73.389, -44.57 ], [ -73.355, -44.64 ], [ -73.313, -44.606 ], [ -73.214, -44.639 ], [ -73.281, -44.546 ], [ -73.128, -44.588 ], [ -73.121, -44.55 ], [ -73.253, -44.498 ], [ -73.248, -44.439 ], [ -73.16, -44.404 ], [ -73.102, -44.462 ], [ -73.093, -44.377 ], [ -72.975, -44.368 ], [ -72.905, -44.43 ], [ -72.984, -44.58 ], [ -72.867, -44.431 ], [ -72.687, -44.532 ], [ -72.807, -44.65 ], [ -72.97, -44.587 ], [ -72.962, -44.632 ], [ -72.796, -44.673 ], [ -72.818, -44.732 ], [ -73.212, -44.94 ], [ -73.396, -44.823 ], [ -73.163, -44.81 ], [ -73.265, -44.783 ], [ -73.261, -44.746 ], [ -73.36, -44.805 ], [ -73.393, -44.765 ], [ -73.351, -44.739 ], [ -73.432, -44.737 ], [ -73.455, -44.648 ] ], [ [ -73.076, -44.418 ], [ -73.074, -44.419 ], [ -73.073, -44.418 ], [ -73.076, -44.418 ] ], [ [ -73.074, -44.419 ], [ -73.038, -44.485 ], [ -73.001, -44.496 ], [ -73.04, -44.42 ], [ -73.074, -44.419 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.085, -50.809 ], [ -74.126, -50.772 ], [ -74.061, -50.704 ], [ -74.131, -50.698 ], [ -74.139, -50.76 ], [ -74.23, -50.616 ], [ -74.162, -50.562 ], [ -74.088, -50.593 ], [ -74.134, -50.555 ], [ -74.233, -50.565 ], [ -74.302, -50.475 ], [ -74.185, -50.474 ], [ -74.153, -50.544 ], [ -74.109, -50.516 ], [ -74.166, -50.492 ], [ -74, -50.541 ], [ -73.989, -50.572 ], [ -73.867, -50.565 ], [ -74.146, -50.444 ], [ -73.999, -50.379 ], [ -74.256, -50.453 ], [ -74.331, -50.411 ], [ -74.292, -50.358 ], [ -74.152, -50.347 ], [ -74.264, -50.327 ], [ -74.208, -50.296 ], [ -74.28, -50.318 ], [ -74.293, -50.253 ], [ -74.334, -50.39 ], [ -74.374, -50.381 ], [ -74.434, -50.377 ], [ -74.437, -50.395 ], [ -74.472, -50.352 ], [ -74.423, -50.323 ], [ -74.55, -50.303 ], [ -74.492, -50.301 ], [ -74.453, -50.241 ], [ -74.519, -50.28 ], [ -74.633, -50.242 ], [ -74.573, -50.181 ], [ -74.654, -50.253 ], [ -74.719, -50.24 ], [ -74.604, -50.123 ], [ -74.52, -50.113 ], [ -74.536, -50.167 ], [ -74.475, -50.135 ], [ -74.516, -50.089 ], [ -74.458, -50.12 ], [ -74.406, -50.095 ], [ -74.484, -50.074 ], [ -74.609, -50.108 ], [ -74.439, -50.023 ], [ -74.368, -50.058 ], [ -74.374, -50.103 ], [ -74.26, -50.137 ], [ -74.349, -50.198 ], [ -74.251, -50.161 ], [ -74.167, -50.293 ], [ -74.095, -50.23 ], [ -73.996, -50.287 ], [ -73.854, -50.301 ], [ -73.978, -50.274 ], [ -74.015, -50.219 ], [ -74.158, -50.218 ], [ -74.238, -50.07 ], [ -74.293, -50.077 ], [ -74.355, -49.998 ], [ -74.315, -49.924 ], [ -74.298, -49.967 ], [ -74.21, -49.939 ], [ -74.033, -50.052 ], [ -73.901, -50.032 ], [ -73.853, -50.075 ], [ -73.875, -50.024 ], [ -74.019, -50 ], [ -73.949, -49.936 ], [ -73.812, -49.924 ], [ -73.903, -49.918 ], [ -73.841, -49.835 ], [ -74.027, -49.984 ], [ -74.159, -49.894 ], [ -74.312, -49.883 ], [ -74.34, -49.789 ], [ -74.289, -49.806 ], [ -74.175, -49.741 ], [ -74.033, -49.763 ], [ -74.033, -49.705 ], [ -74.282, -49.755 ], [ -74.309, -49.715 ], [ -74.303, -49.617 ], [ -74.084, -49.538 ], [ -74.002, -49.558 ], [ -74.043, -49.645 ], [ -73.98, -49.563 ], [ -73.907, -49.561 ], [ -73.879, -49.654 ], [ -73.782, -49.678 ], [ -73.698, -49.802 ], [ -73.661, -49.725 ], [ -73.844, -49.649 ], [ -73.861, -49.536 ], [ -74.098, -49.501 ], [ -74.072, -49.275 ], [ -74.011, -49.268 ], [ -73.964, -49.324 ], [ -73.831, -49.357 ], [ -73.812, -49.401 ], [ -73.817, -49.346 ], [ -73.951, -49.314 ], [ -74.012, -49.251 ], [ -73.945, -49.168 ], [ -74.017, -49.086 ], [ -74.011, -49.152 ], [ -74.107, -49.256 ], [ -74.191, -49.211 ], [ -74.131, -49.271 ], [ -74.176, -49.533 ], [ -74.267, -49.501 ], [ -74.26, -49.561 ], [ -74.391, -49.618 ], [ -74.435, -49.484 ], [ -74.415, -49.39 ], [ -74.386, -49.406 ], [ -74.392, -49.188 ], [ -74.334, -49.192 ], [ -74.408, -49.066 ], [ -74.437, -49.122 ], [ -74.397, -49.293 ], [ -74.447, -49.471 ], [ -74.545, -49.501 ], [ -74.45, -49.525 ], [ -74.446, -49.599 ], [ -74.508, -49.604 ], [ -74.507, -49.664 ], [ -74.558, -49.672 ], [ -74.497, -49.67 ], [ -74.505, -49.629 ], [ -74.454, -49.609 ], [ -74.386, -49.652 ], [ -74.375, -49.753 ], [ -74.477, -49.733 ], [ -74.387, -49.771 ], [ -74.388, -49.897 ], [ -74.459, -49.835 ], [ -74.42, -49.919 ], [ -74.484, -49.965 ], [ -74.6, -49.869 ], [ -74.497, -49.977 ], [ -74.614, -50.052 ], [ -74.608, -50.02 ], [ -74.667, -50.032 ], [ -74.614, -49.986 ], [ -74.784, -50.045 ], [ -74.856, -49.987 ], [ -74.796, -49.942 ], [ -74.672, -49.905 ], [ -74.598, -49.939 ], [ -74.685, -49.892 ], [ -74.816, -49.938 ], [ -74.838, -49.964 ], [ -74.886, -49.934 ], [ -74.844, -49.87 ], [ -74.886, -49.832 ], [ -74.75, -49.874 ], [ -74.592, -49.785 ], [ -74.809, -49.833 ], [ -74.696, -49.715 ], [ -74.819, -49.803 ], [ -74.861, -49.774 ], [ -74.834, -49.716 ], [ -74.894, -49.673 ], [ -74.791, -49.673 ], [ -74.868, -49.635 ], [ -74.861, -49.597 ], [ -74.74, -49.628 ], [ -74.659, -49.623 ], [ -74.759, -49.614 ], [ -74.718, -49.576 ], [ -74.716, -49.547 ], [ -74.777, -49.604 ], [ -74.865, -49.543 ], [ -74.747, -49.463 ], [ -74.694, -49.511 ], [ -74.739, -49.445 ], [ -74.601, -49.427 ], [ -74.694, -49.413 ], [ -74.58, -49.301 ], [ -74.704, -49.395 ], [ -74.791, -49.35 ], [ -74.718, -49.41 ], [ -74.849, -49.5 ], [ -74.858, -49.391 ], [ -74.906, -49.537 ], [ -74.933, -49.446 ], [ -74.888, -49.412 ], [ -74.946, -49.423 ], [ -74.949, -49.488 ], [ -75.018, -49.455 ], [ -75.071, -49.485 ], [ -74.957, -49.5 ], [ -74.952, -49.536 ], [ -74.99, -49.519 ], [ -74.913, -49.623 ], [ -74.984, -49.73 ], [ -74.99, -49.789 ], [ -74.954, -49.71 ], [ -74.899, -49.746 ], [ -74.988, -49.857 ], [ -74.953, -49.861 ], [ -74.973, -49.896 ], [ -75.031, -49.902 ], [ -74.994, -49.811 ], [ -75.036, -49.861 ], [ -75.104, -49.851 ], [ -75.145, -49.775 ], [ -75.1, -49.749 ], [ -75.164, -49.757 ], [ -75.203, -49.692 ], [ -75.173, -49.675 ], [ -75.234, -49.665 ], [ -75.114, -49.647 ], [ -75.206, -49.641 ], [ -75.129, -49.582 ], [ -75.224, -49.639 ], [ -75.202, -49.616 ], [ -75.277, -49.611 ], [ -75.125, -49.508 ], [ -75.234, -49.562 ], [ -75.288, -49.541 ], [ -75.173, -49.486 ], [ -75.216, -49.485 ], [ -75.198, -49.444 ], [ -75.302, -49.521 ], [ -75.33, -49.476 ], [ -75.282, -49.428 ], [ -75.378, -49.495 ], [ -75.299, -49.388 ], [ -75.398, -49.448 ], [ -75.445, -49.279 ], [ -75.319, -49.266 ], [ -75.412, -49.334 ], [ -75.32, -49.286 ], [ -75.242, -49.407 ], [ -75.109, -49.483 ], [ -75.186, -49.422 ], [ -74.943, -49.407 ], [ -75.196, -49.415 ], [ -75.126, -49.397 ], [ -75.232, -49.38 ], [ -75.269, -49.323 ], [ -75.187, -49.33 ], [ -75.275, -49.313 ], [ -75.301, -49.27 ], [ -75.241, -49.276 ], [ -75.303, -49.256 ], [ -75.226, -49.237 ], [ -75.219, -49.191 ], [ -74.972, -49.294 ], [ -75.076, -49.181 ], [ -74.981, -49.182 ], [ -75.208, -49.172 ], [ -75.093, -49.14 ], [ -75.127, -49.111 ], [ -75.23, -49.159 ], [ -75.132, -49.032 ], [ -75.052, -49.064 ], [ -75.105, -49.014 ], [ -74.969, -49.088 ], [ -74.969, -49.034 ], [ -75.077, -48.975 ], [ -75.206, -49.005 ], [ -75.247, -48.889 ], [ -75.219, -48.897 ], [ -75.184, -48.846 ], [ -75.263, -48.866 ], [ -75.348, -48.794 ], [ -75.322, -48.771 ], [ -75.092, -48.867 ], [ -75.061, -48.922 ], [ -75.174, -48.909 ], [ -75.155, -48.94 ], [ -74.987, -48.974 ], [ -74.862, -49.091 ], [ -74.916, -49.172 ], [ -74.862, -49.147 ], [ -74.893, -49.297 ], [ -74.855, -49.367 ], [ -74.856, -49.219 ], [ -74.785, -49.231 ], [ -74.855, -49.185 ], [ -74.822, -49.156 ], [ -74.75, -49.193 ], [ -74.819, -49.117 ], [ -74.733, -49.082 ], [ -74.912, -48.995 ], [ -74.816, -48.946 ], [ -74.77, -49.009 ], [ -74.722, -49.021 ], [ -74.789, -48.975 ], [ -74.788, -48.916 ], [ -74.953, -48.969 ], [ -74.889, -48.935 ], [ -74.966, -48.931 ], [ -74.842, -48.88 ], [ -74.998, -48.894 ], [ -74.816, -48.802 ], [ -74.992, -48.867 ], [ -75.037, -48.819 ], [ -75.014, -48.771 ], [ -74.924, -48.807 ], [ -74.915, -48.751 ], [ -74.99, -48.762 ], [ -74.79, -48.67 ], [ -74.773, -48.708 ], [ -74.826, -48.744 ], [ -74.753, -48.819 ], [ -74.776, -48.677 ], [ -74.695, -48.671 ], [ -74.717, -48.636 ], [ -74.8, -48.652 ], [ -74.905, -48.722 ], [ -75.001, -48.741 ], [ -74.994, -48.671 ], [ -74.878, -48.693 ], [ -74.978, -48.657 ], [ -74.99, -48.623 ], [ -74.961, -48.645 ], [ -74.831, -48.644 ], [ -75.007, -48.601 ], [ -75.022, -48.506 ], [ -74.816, -48.402 ], [ -74.818, -48.53 ], [ -74.788, -48.472 ], [ -74.756, -48.56 ], [ -74.706, -48.463 ], [ -74.777, -48.414 ], [ -74.813, -48.307 ], [ -74.735, -48.134 ], [ -74.678, -48.19 ], [ -74.736, -48.208 ], [ -74.697, -48.221 ], [ -74.714, -48.273 ], [ -74.653, -48.251 ], [ -74.672, -48.301 ], [ -74.586, -48.398 ], [ -74.684, -48.426 ], [ -74.595, -48.476 ], [ -74.61, -48.603 ], [ -74.523, -48.641 ], [ -74.519, -48.575 ], [ -74.472, -48.64 ], [ -74.596, -48.711 ], [ -74.628, -48.841 ], [ -74.565, -48.719 ], [ -74.488, -48.699 ], [ -74.486, -48.854 ], [ -74.578, -48.933 ], [ -74.477, -48.872 ], [ -74.42, -48.94 ], [ -74.527, -49.01 ], [ -74.412, -49.013 ], [ -74.409, -48.944 ], [ -74.327, -48.949 ], [ -74.446, -48.884 ], [ -74.365, -48.877 ], [ -74.442, -48.852 ], [ -74.384, -48.724 ], [ -74.221, -48.855 ], [ -74.196, -48.835 ], [ -74.318, -48.751 ], [ -74.195, -48.719 ], [ -74.057, -48.749 ], [ -74.134, -48.707 ], [ -74.29, -48.736 ], [ -74.308, -48.694 ], [ -74.221, -48.657 ], [ -74.355, -48.69 ], [ -74.4, -48.618 ], [ -74.361, -48.577 ], [ -74.225, -48.556 ], [ -74.271, -48.526 ], [ -74.192, -48.483 ], [ -73.967, -48.608 ], [ -74.041, -48.536 ], [ -74.028, -48.452 ], [ -73.881, -48.432 ], [ -74.019, -48.422 ], [ -74.144, -48.362 ], [ -74.241, -48.355 ], [ -73.954, -48.326 ], [ -74.273, -48.344 ], [ -74.239, -48.299 ], [ -74.303, -48.219 ], [ -74.434, -48.191 ], [ -74.513, -48.104 ], [ -74.403, -48.014 ], [ -74.599, -48.102 ], [ -74.646, -48.071 ], [ -74.632, -47.994 ], [ -74.53, -47.942 ], [ -74.332, -48.016 ], [ -74.386, -48.015 ], [ -74.257, -48.16 ], [ -74.261, -48.266 ], [ -74.238, -48.197 ], [ -74.187, -48.252 ], [ -74.144, -48.229 ], [ -74.224, -48.192 ], [ -74.297, -48.014 ], [ -74.189, -48.001 ], [ -74.156, -48.085 ], [ -74.179, -48.001 ], [ -74.105, -47.984 ], [ -74.041, -48.05 ], [ -73.898, -48.035 ], [ -73.872, -48.124 ], [ -73.762, -48.04 ], [ -73.805, -48.117 ], [ -73.789, -48.162 ], [ -73.743, -48.1 ], [ -73.593, -48.151 ], [ -73.639, -48.266 ], [ -73.584, -48.214 ], [ -73.529, -48.254 ], [ -73.487, -48.185 ], [ -73.4, -48.22 ], [ -73.275, -48.161 ], [ -73.263, -48.035 ], [ -73.293, -48.144 ], [ -73.364, -48.19 ], [ -73.589, -48.04 ], [ -73.525, -48.001 ], [ -73.639, -48.012 ], [ -73.647, -47.888 ], [ -73.541, -47.885 ], [ -73.607, -47.841 ], [ -73.585, -47.807 ], [ -73.711, -47.775 ], [ -73.73, -47.696 ], [ -73.671, -47.644 ], [ -73.723, -47.566 ], [ -73.748, -47.784 ], [ -73.924, -47.842 ], [ -74.034, -47.791 ], [ -74.361, -47.788 ], [ -74.381, -47.74 ], [ -74.515, -47.787 ], [ -74.717, -47.728 ], [ -74.633, -47.584 ], [ -74.535, -47.521 ], [ -74.401, -47.55 ], [ -74.431, -47.676 ], [ -74.144, -47.602 ], [ -74.316, -47.591 ], [ -74.452, -47.482 ], [ -74.428, -47.426 ], [ -74.478, -47.468 ], [ -74.515, -47.42 ], [ -74.304, -47.203 ], [ -74.138, -47.213 ], [ -74.03, -47.164 ], [ -74.051, -47.13 ], [ -74.121, -47.177 ], [ -74.223, -47.153 ], [ -74.179, -47.014 ], [ -73.999, -46.974 ], [ -74.103, -46.99 ], [ -74.309, -46.802 ], [ -74.233, -46.811 ], [ -74.267, -46.756 ], [ -74.641, -46.804 ], [ -74.419, -46.859 ], [ -74.434, -46.887 ], [ -74.369, -46.866 ], [ -74.387, -46.903 ], [ -74.672, -46.885 ], [ -74.79, -46.789 ], [ -74.834, -46.817 ], [ -74.983, -46.76 ], [ -75.051, -46.687 ], [ -75.069, -46.618 ], [ -74.937, -46.513 ], [ -74.974, -46.5 ], [ -75.181, -46.627 ], [ -75.325, -46.618 ], [ -75.361, -46.66 ], [ -75.394, -46.61 ], [ -75.516, -46.655 ], [ -75.536, -46.687 ], [ -75.482, -46.716 ], [ -75.364, -46.714 ], [ -75.419, -46.744 ], [ -75.303, -46.855 ], [ -75.368, -46.928 ], [ -75.55, -46.94 ], [ -75.633, -46.808 ], [ -75.687, -46.801 ], [ -75.691, -46.718 ], [ -75.623, -46.561 ], [ -75.534, -46.578 ], [ -75.486, -46.542 ], [ -75.519, -46.505 ], [ -75.337, -46.483 ], [ -75.364, -46.423 ], [ -75.2, -46.363 ], [ -75.196, -46.298 ], [ -75.133, -46.328 ], [ -75.05, -46.217 ], [ -74.932, -46.239 ], [ -74.89, -46.183 ], [ -74.886, -46.152 ], [ -74.738, -46.185 ], [ -74.79, -46.12 ], [ -74.763, -46.056 ], [ -74.702, -46.046 ], [ -74.703, -45.952 ], [ -74.901, -46.116 ], [ -75.025, -46.12 ], [ -75.073, -46.038 ], [ -74.976, -46.021 ], [ -75.095, -45.892 ], [ -75.033, -45.857 ], [ -74.841, -45.885 ], [ -74.727, -45.818 ], [ -74.512, -45.853 ], [ -74.427, -45.95 ], [ -74.476, -46.028 ], [ -74.434, -46.046 ], [ -74.375, -45.949 ], [ -74.458, -45.867 ], [ -74.447, -45.805 ], [ -74.296, -45.815 ], [ -74.278, -45.878 ], [ -74.23, -45.821 ], [ -74.073, -45.847 ], [ -74.089, -45.82 ], [ -74.045, -45.89 ], [ -74.077, -45.904 ], [ -73.949, -46.079 ], [ -74.031, -46.172 ], [ -73.877, -46.142 ], [ -73.74, -46.242 ], [ -73.779, -46.369 ], [ -73.879, -46.464 ], [ -73.866, -46.535 ], [ -73.89, -46.469 ], [ -73.963, -46.54 ], [ -73.911, -46.602 ], [ -73.835, -46.594 ], [ -73.762, -46.409 ], [ -73.609, -46.319 ], [ -73.492, -46.315 ], [ -73.557, -46.259 ], [ -73.329, -46.022 ], [ -73.404, -46.022 ], [ -73.608, -46.223 ], [ -73.586, -46.263 ], [ -73.682, -46.331 ], [ -73.62, -46.117 ], [ -73.642, -45.981 ], [ -73.534, -45.828 ], [ -73.343, -45.686 ], [ -73.15, -45.674 ], [ -73.344, -45.629 ], [ -73.568, -45.787 ], [ -73.48, -45.447 ], [ -73.207, -45.29 ], [ -72.99, -45.449 ], [ -72.877, -45.473 ], [ -72.797, -45.432 ], [ -72.809, -45.373 ], [ -72.917, -45.421 ], [ -73.012, -45.39 ], [ -73.201, -45.243 ], [ -73.337, -45.291 ], [ -73.446, -45.259 ], [ -73.433, -45.188 ], [ -73.307, -45.173 ], [ -73.421, -45.144 ], [ -73.418, -45.076 ], [ -73.337, -45.161 ], [ -73.282, -45.15 ], [ -73.38, -45.043 ], [ -73.361, -44.957 ], [ -73.1, -44.951 ], [ -72.712, -44.746 ], [ -72.729, -44.678 ], [ -72.668, -44.537 ], [ -72.573, -44.503 ], [ -72.602, -44.384 ], [ -72.68, -44.503 ], [ -72.723, -44.498 ], [ -72.817, -44.383 ], [ -72.92, -44.375 ], [ -72.917, -44.317 ], [ -73.187, -44.25 ], [ -73.135, -44.198 ], [ -73.289, -44.165 ], [ -73.275, -44.11 ], [ -73.212, -44.125 ], [ -73.2, -44.057 ], [ -73.092, -44.091 ], [ -73.133, -44.015 ], [ -73.042, -43.921 ], [ -73.067, -43.862 ], [ -72.943, -43.759 ], [ -73.054, -43.735 ], [ -72.881, -43.618 ], [ -72.891, -43.584 ], [ -72.998, -43.595 ], [ -73.094, -43.445 ], [ -73.051, -43.397 ], [ -73.066, -43.317 ], [ -72.876, -43.243 ], [ -72.915, -43.134 ], [ -72.857, -43.026 ], [ -72.744, -43.052 ], [ -72.809, -42.938 ], [ -72.707, -42.943 ], [ -72.856, -42.777 ], [ -72.798, -42.684 ], [ -72.86, -42.676 ], [ -72.821, -42.53 ], [ -72.527, -42.562 ], [ -72.626, -42.521 ], [ -72.84, -42.303 ], [ -72.587, -42.194 ], [ -72.516, -42.25 ], [ -72.446, -42.478 ], [ -72.394, -42.492 ], [ -72.47, -42.305 ], [ -72.431, -41.976 ], [ -72.494, -41.973 ], [ -72.581, -42.047 ], [ -72.879, -41.914 ], [ -72.653, -41.732 ], [ -72.357, -41.677 ], [ -72.286, -41.508 ], [ -72.339, -41.517 ], [ -72.387, -41.666 ], [ -72.572, -41.717 ], [ -72.649, -41.699 ], [ -72.787, -41.516 ], [ -72.938, -41.478 ], [ -73.089, -41.582 ], [ -73.039, -41.704 ], [ -73.138, -41.766 ], [ -73.189, -41.778 ], [ -73.191, -41.748 ], [ -73.259, -41.715 ], [ -73.259, -41.787 ], [ -73.41, -41.773 ], [ -73.354, -41.811 ], [ -73.759, -41.745 ], [ -73.655, -41.612 ], [ -73.752, -41.563 ], [ -73.796, -41.591 ], [ -73.804, -41.508 ], [ -73.862, -41.467 ], [ -73.835, -41.347 ], [ -73.933, -41.113 ], [ -73.944, -40.977 ], [ -73.847, -40.916 ], [ -73.89, -40.866 ], [ -73.806, -40.717 ], [ -73.838, -40.669 ], [ -73.72, -40.538 ], [ -73.779, -40.464 ], [ -73.731, -40.204 ], [ -73.658, -40.136 ], [ -73.713, -40.007 ], [ -73.466, -39.85 ], [ -73.373, -39.939 ], [ -73.405, -39.694 ], [ -73.254, -39.536 ], [ -73.262, -39.456 ], [ -73.204, -39.452 ], [ -73.239, -39.382 ], [ -73.211, -39.398 ], [ -73.192, -39.387 ], [ -73.233, -39.309 ], [ -73.211, -39.233 ], [ -73.489, -38.659 ], [ -73.533, -38.387 ], [ -73.451, -38.12 ], [ -73.49, -37.966 ], [ -73.666, -37.723 ], [ -73.679, -37.628 ], [ -73.59, -37.463 ], [ -73.683, -37.334 ], [ -73.585, -37.151 ], [ -73.559, -37.198 ], [ -73.448, -37.207 ], [ -73.448, -37.257 ], [ -73.276, -37.237 ], [ -73.155, -37.117 ], [ -73.19, -37.004 ], [ -73.155, -36.846 ], [ -73.217, -36.774 ], [ -73.135, -36.747 ], [ -73.161, -36.71 ], [ -73.114, -36.612 ], [ -73.105, -36.728 ], [ -72.992, -36.731 ], [ -72.961, -36.628 ], [ -73.004, -36.579 ], [ -72.978, -36.525 ], [ -72.935, -36.542 ], [ -72.81, -36.274 ], [ -72.788, -35.974 ], [ -72.567, -35.788 ], [ -72.631, -35.577 ], [ -72.498, -35.461 ], [ -72.496, -35.381 ], [ -72.432, -35.319 ], [ -72.377, -35.352 ], [ -72.385, -35.217 ], [ -72.193, -35.081 ], [ -72.181, -34.9 ], [ -72, -34.491 ], [ -72.054, -34.431 ], [ -71.973, -34.33 ], [ -72.01, -34.124 ], [ -71.853, -33.939 ], [ -71.788, -33.774 ], [ -71.645, -33.691 ], [ -71.601, -33.539 ], [ -71.709, -33.43 ], [ -71.655, -33.305 ], [ -71.757, -33.102 ], [ -71.681, -33.101 ], [ -71.661, -33.024 ], [ -71.563, -33.006 ], [ -71.567, -32.935 ], [ -71.524, -32.918 ], [ -71.557, -32.791 ], [ -71.452, -32.679 ], [ -71.487, -32.526 ], [ -71.41, -32.396 ], [ -71.544, -32.188 ], [ -71.495, -31.972 ], [ -71.502, -31.875 ], [ -71.559, -31.845 ], [ -71.508, -31.77 ], [ -71.671, -31.149 ], [ -71.648, -31.007 ], [ -71.716, -30.599 ], [ -71.649, -30.266 ], [ -71.626, -30.236 ], [ -71.603, -30.295 ], [ -71.525, -30.291 ], [ -71.453, -30.169 ], [ -71.395, -30.184 ], [ -71.371, -30.078 ], [ -71.419, -30.003 ], [ -71.35, -29.979 ], [ -71.348, -29.936 ], [ -71.294, -29.95 ], [ -71.275, -29.889 ], [ -71.344, -29.753 ], [ -71.286, -29.617 ], [ -71.332, -29.552 ], [ -71.309, -29.418 ], [ -71.34, -29.331 ], [ -71.495, -29.198 ], [ -71.466, -29.106 ], [ -71.53, -28.983 ], [ -71.495, -28.856 ], [ -71.301, -28.679 ], [ -71.319, -28.567 ], [ -71.166, -28.354 ], [ -71.201, -28.297 ], [ -71.157, -28.219 ], [ -71.185, -28.111 ], [ -71.038, -27.67 ], [ -71.003, -27.69 ], [ -70.905, -27.624 ], [ -70.889, -27.479 ], [ -70.961, -27.37 ], [ -70.928, -27.312 ], [ -70.97, -27.169 ], [ -70.931, -27.112 ], [ -70.874, -27.138 ], [ -70.811, -27.055 ], [ -70.828, -26.876 ], [ -70.688, -26.577 ], [ -70.697, -26.39 ], [ -70.628, -26.337 ], [ -70.676, -26.291 ], [ -70.631, -25.991 ], [ -70.736, -25.817 ], [ -70.686, -25.665 ], [ -70.64, -25.646 ], [ -70.65, -25.536 ], [ -70.539, -25.481 ], [ -70.522, -25.397 ], [ -70.45, -25.363 ], [ -70.441, -25.192 ], [ -70.508, -25.11 ], [ -70.471, -24.995 ], [ -70.58, -24.716 ], [ -70.579, -24.545 ], [ -70.499, -24.167 ], [ -70.515, -23.861 ], [ -70.391, -23.612 ], [ -70.404, -23.532 ], [ -70.479, -23.466 ], [ -70.547, -23.534 ], [ -70.624, -23.514 ], [ -70.598, -23.244 ], [ -70.557, -23.181 ], [ -70.579, -23.083 ], [ -70.509, -23.021 ], [ -70.479, -23.098 ], [ -70.408, -23.085 ], [ -70.287, -22.911 ], [ -70.31, -22.761 ], [ -70.237, -22.49 ], [ -70.191, -21.899 ], [ -70.145, -21.849 ], [ -70.147, -21.633 ], [ -70.095, -21.593 ], [ -70.056, -21.434 ], [ -70.083, -21.23 ], [ -70.178, -21.023 ], [ -70.137, -20.89 ], [ -70.208, -20.812 ], [ -70.123, -19.994 ], [ -70.169, -19.656 ], [ -70.235, -19.602 ], [ -70.2, -19.503 ], [ -70.285, -19.306 ], [ -70.268, -19.143 ], [ -70.36, -18.796 ], [ -70.303, -18.446 ], [ -70.374, -18.35 ], [ -69.948, -18.248 ], [ -69.753, -17.982 ], [ -69.819, -17.747 ], [ -69.799, -17.65 ], [ -69.662, -17.658 ], [ -69.463, -17.508 ], [ -69.461, -17.606 ], [ -69.308, -17.801 ], [ -69.296, -17.95 ], [ -69.069, -18.067 ], [ -69.139, -18.157 ], [ -69.036, -18.324 ], [ -68.978, -18.75 ], [ -68.909, -18.876 ], [ -68.957, -18.941 ], [ -68.884, -19.045 ], [ -68.407, -19.408 ], [ -68.691, -19.739 ], [ -68.53, -19.843 ], [ -68.524, -19.927 ], [ -68.56, -20.045 ], [ -68.78, -20.082 ], [ -68.705, -20.142 ], [ -68.663, -20.324 ], [ -68.756, -20.392 ], [ -68.678, -20.498 ], [ -68.439, -20.632 ], [ -68.549, -20.726 ], [ -68.547, -20.88 ], [ -68.515, -20.933 ], [ -68.401, -20.938 ], [ -68.172, -21.297 ], [ -68.177, -21.6 ], [ -68.057, -21.763 ], [ -68.064, -21.976 ], [ -67.943, -22.091 ], [ -67.946, -22.321 ], [ -67.848, -22.546 ], [ -67.875, -22.826 ], [ -67.572, -22.896 ], [ -67.178, -22.806 ], [ -66.988, -22.992 ], [ -67.338, -24.034 ], [ -68.214, -24.38 ], [ -68.317, -24.484 ], [ -68.391, -24.474 ], [ -68.567, -24.748 ], [ -68.572, -24.834 ], [ -68.337, -25.072 ], [ -68.505, -25.134 ], [ -68.551, -25.228 ], [ -68.533, -25.329 ], [ -68.598, -25.399 ], [ -68.487, -25.657 ], [ -68.39, -26.19 ], [ -68.57, -26.307 ], [ -68.588, -26.509 ], [ -68.272, -26.917 ], [ -68.327, -27.047 ], [ -68.481, -27.064 ], [ -68.544, -27.188 ], [ -68.684, -27.083 ], [ -68.797, -27.133 ], [ -68.849, -27.204 ], [ -68.82, -27.291 ], [ -69.062, -27.642 ], [ -69.104, -27.889 ], [ -69.242, -27.996 ], [ -69.37, -28.201 ], [ -69.437, -28.172 ], [ -69.482, -28.312 ], [ -69.632, -28.378 ], [ -69.634, -28.52 ], [ -69.706, -28.683 ], [ -69.672, -28.773 ], [ -69.766, -28.892 ], [ -69.785, -29.109 ], [ -69.95, -29.169 ], [ -70.018, -29.325 ], [ -69.882, -29.692 ], [ -69.94, -30.09 ], [ -69.827, -30.123 ], [ -69.807, -30.187 ], [ -69.975, -30.398 ], [ -70.154, -30.349 ], [ -70.129, -30.457 ], [ -70.305, -30.891 ], [ -70.267, -31.024 ], [ -70.391, -31.171 ], [ -70.445, -31.09 ], [ -70.511, -31.163 ], [ -70.553, -31.56 ], [ -70.465, -31.701 ], [ -70.44, -31.848 ], [ -70.268, -31.896 ], [ -70.202, -31.97 ], [ -70.278, -32.044 ], [ -70.386, -32.051 ], [ -70.299, -32.145 ], [ -70.318, -32.267 ], [ -70.224, -32.332 ], [ -70.234, -32.432 ], [ -70.142, -32.484 ], [ -70.146, -32.731 ], [ -69.997, -32.902 ], [ -70.093, -33.042 ], [ -70.025, -33.314 ], [ -69.964, -33.321 ], [ -69.888, -33.222 ], [ -69.747, -33.408 ], [ -69.865, -33.547 ], [ -69.885, -33.68 ], [ -69.89, -33.829 ], [ -69.83, -33.99 ], [ -69.876, -34.126 ], [ -69.815, -34.224 ], [ -69.914, -34.297 ], [ -69.976, -34.253 ], [ -70.042, -34.287 ], [ -70.011, -34.402 ], [ -70.134, -34.495 ], [ -70.226, -34.678 ], [ -70.315, -34.749 ], [ -70.262, -34.804 ], [ -70.37, -35.031 ], [ -70.363, -35.142 ], [ -70.426, -35.196 ], [ -70.548, -35.206 ], [ -70.578, -35.258 ], [ -70.424, -35.343 ], [ -70.401, -35.648 ], [ -70.326, -35.811 ], [ -70.423, -35.91 ], [ -70.381, -35.923 ], [ -70.372, -36.027 ], [ -70.419, -36.145 ], [ -70.471, -36.171 ], [ -70.577, -36.13 ], [ -70.699, -36.255 ], [ -70.694, -36.407 ], [ -70.886, -36.383 ], [ -70.936, -36.473 ], [ -71.034, -36.465 ], [ -71.024, -36.664 ], [ -71.066, -36.695 ], [ -71.112, -36.659 ], [ -71.17, -36.839 ], [ -71.102, -36.95 ], [ -71.203, -36.975 ], [ -71.092, -37.103 ], [ -71.213, -37.298 ], [ -71.116, -37.472 ], [ -71.129, -37.581 ], [ -71.202, -37.672 ], [ -71.136, -37.819 ], [ -71.191, -37.864 ], [ -71.125, -37.894 ], [ -70.999, -38.094 ], [ -71.043, -38.133 ], [ -71.002, -38.41 ], [ -70.833, -38.573 ], [ -70.948, -38.745 ], [ -71.241, -38.806 ], [ -71.428, -38.93 ], [ -71.386, -39.284 ], [ -71.472, -39.402 ], [ -71.467, -39.484 ], [ -71.533, -39.522 ], [ -71.481, -39.59 ], [ -71.606, -39.627 ], [ -71.688, -39.571 ], [ -71.716, -39.63 ], [ -71.689, -39.841 ], [ -71.59, -39.903 ], [ -71.684, -40.026 ], [ -71.671, -40.104 ], [ -71.816, -40.088 ], [ -71.831, -40.222 ], [ -71.749, -40.307 ], [ -71.681, -40.3 ], [ -71.654, -40.369 ], [ -71.719, -40.438 ], [ -71.805, -40.412 ], [ -71.85, -40.56 ], [ -71.883, -40.558 ], [ -71.833, -40.633 ], [ -71.947, -40.74 ], [ -71.858, -40.913 ], [ -71.894, -40.978 ], [ -71.828, -41.061 ], [ -71.843, -41.167 ], [ -71.879, -41.171 ], [ -71.842, -41.256 ], [ -71.906, -41.361 ], [ -71.819, -41.571 ], [ -71.855, -41.608 ], [ -71.826, -41.707 ], [ -71.746, -41.821 ], [ -71.728, -42.115 ], [ -71.919, -42.187 ], [ -72.028, -42.141 ], [ -72.125, -42.307 ], [ -72.05, -42.378 ], [ -72.029, -42.494 ], [ -72.134, -42.6 ], [ -72.11, -42.915 ], [ -71.979, -43.086 ], [ -71.74, -43.171 ], [ -71.729, -43.211 ], [ -71.734, -43.317 ], [ -71.891, -43.328 ], [ -71.933, -43.457 ], [ -71.846, -43.485 ], [ -71.86, -43.552 ], [ -71.775, -43.545 ], [ -71.693, -43.63 ], [ -71.583, -43.66 ], [ -71.755, -43.81 ], [ -71.658, -43.938 ], [ -71.755, -44.067 ], [ -71.844, -44.105 ], [ -71.79, -44.212 ], [ -71.837, -44.376 ], [ -71.224, -44.425 ], [ -71.11, -44.523 ], [ -71.131, -44.58 ], [ -71.209, -44.606 ], [ -71.219, -44.739 ], [ -71.303, -44.808 ], [ -71.475, -44.736 ], [ -71.632, -44.785 ], [ -72.07, -44.768 ], [ -72.047, -44.901 ], [ -71.56, -44.98 ], [ -71.297, -45.293 ], [ -71.505, -45.399 ], [ -71.46, -45.466 ], [ -71.483, -45.508 ], [ -71.758, -45.562 ], [ -71.722, -45.582 ], [ -71.773, -45.712 ], [ -71.747, -45.835 ], [ -71.63, -45.888 ], [ -71.598, -45.975 ], [ -71.757, -46.111 ], [ -71.892, -46.148 ], [ -71.763, -46.2 ], [ -71.646, -46.683 ], [ -71.931, -46.811 ], [ -71.913, -47.013 ], [ -71.985, -47.075 ], [ -71.854, -47.138 ], [ -71.86, -47.231 ], [ -72.022, -47.206 ], [ -72.019, -47.284 ], [ -72.146, -47.411 ], [ -72.336, -47.464 ], [ -72.288, -47.504 ], [ -72.281, -47.615 ], [ -72.391, -47.651 ], [ -72.429, -47.758 ], [ -72.499, -47.732 ], [ -72.452, -47.8 ], [ -72.52, -47.925 ], [ -72.334, -48.074 ], [ -72.281, -48.338 ], [ -72.379, -48.368 ], [ -72.355, -48.393 ], [ -72.425, -48.421 ], [ -72.391, -48.45 ], [ -72.451, -48.491 ], [ -72.598, -48.483 ], [ -72.55, -48.791 ], [ -72.736, -48.918 ], [ -72.928, -48.946 ], [ -73.093, -49.134 ], [ -73.493, -49.18 ], [ -73.45, -49.377 ], [ -73.523, -49.448 ], [ -73.501, -49.513 ], [ -73.583, -49.524 ], [ -73.495, -49.632 ], [ -73.53, -49.693 ], [ -73.452, -49.732 ], [ -73.434, -49.81 ], [ -73.545, -49.924 ], [ -73.497, -50.047 ], [ -73.541, -50.078 ], [ -73.576, -50.261 ], [ -73.438, -50.431 ], [ -73.119, -50.683 ], [ -73.171, -50.735 ], [ -73.133, -50.775 ], [ -72.738, -50.616 ], [ -72.602, -50.676 ], [ -72.474, -50.603 ], [ -72.278, -50.655 ], [ -72.327, -50.745 ], [ -72.231, -50.855 ], [ -72.25, -51.025 ], [ -72.342, -51.045 ], [ -72.402, -51.119 ], [ -72.26, -51.254 ], [ -72.321, -51.304 ], [ -72.35, -51.486 ], [ -72.438, -51.569 ], [ -72.342, -51.598 ], [ -72.293, -51.699 ], [ -72.148, -51.738 ], [ -71.955, -51.868 ], [ -72.002, -51.975 ], [ -70.019, -51.998 ], [ -69.484, -52.147 ], [ -69.203, -52.152 ], [ -68.824, -52.278 ], [ -68.427, -52.335 ], [ -68.424, -52.379 ], [ -68.497, -52.336 ], [ -69, -52.283 ], [ -69.204, -52.197 ], [ -69.447, -52.264 ], [ -69.489, -52.392 ], [ -69.573, -52.424 ], [ -69.544, -52.466 ], [ -69.668, -52.544 ], [ -69.852, -52.49 ], [ -70.16, -52.588 ], [ -70.216, -52.659 ], [ -70.324, -52.64 ], [ -70.551, -52.726 ], [ -70.519, -52.656 ], [ -70.724, -52.745 ], [ -70.747, -52.712 ], [ -70.805, -52.757 ], [ -70.875, -52.736 ], [ -70.738, -52.789 ], [ -70.831, -52.82 ], [ -70.852, -52.908 ], [ -70.898, -52.916 ], [ -70.792, -52.939 ], [ -70.836, -52.962 ], [ -70.864, -53.13 ], [ -70.932, -53.173 ], [ -70.932, -53.311 ], [ -70.983, -53.382 ], [ -70.907, -53.627 ], [ -70.939, -53.624 ], [ -70.962, -53.789 ], [ -71.289, -53.903 ], [ -71.721, -53.8 ], [ -71.902, -53.715 ], [ -71.867, -53.69 ], [ -71.929, -53.729 ], [ -72.095, -53.699 ], [ -72.401, -53.5 ], [ -72.473, -53.399 ], [ -72.411, -53.362 ], [ -72.436, -53.316 ], [ -72.314, -53.249 ], [ -72.131, -53.242 ], [ -72.108, -53.384 ], [ -72.283, -53.425 ], [ -72.211, -53.449 ], [ -72.012, -53.379 ], [ -72.034, -53.239 ], [ -71.869, -53.223 ], [ -71.758, -53.437 ], [ -71.904, -53.527 ], [ -72.067, -53.548 ], [ -71.946, -53.569 ], [ -71.776, -53.512 ], [ -71.74, -53.447 ], [ -71.773, -53.314 ], [ -71.736, -53.316 ], [ -71.73, -53.21 ], [ -71.35, -53.113 ], [ -71.125, -52.865 ], [ -71.181, -52.816 ], [ -71.379, -52.798 ], [ -71.396, -52.716 ], [ -71.558, -52.561 ], [ -72.335, -52.524 ], [ -72.455, -52.615 ], [ -72.413, -52.621 ], [ -72.438, -52.67 ], [ -72.57, -52.593 ], [ -72.397, -52.548 ], [ -72.408, -52.495 ], [ -72.583, -52.578 ], [ -72.655, -52.553 ], [ -72.618, -52.514 ], [ -72.776, -52.561 ], [ -72.878, -52.523 ], [ -72.869, -52.558 ], [ -72.913, -52.57 ], [ -72.875, -52.584 ], [ -72.941, -52.58 ], [ -72.892, -52.605 ], [ -73.012, -52.745 ], [ -72.829, -52.598 ], [ -72.682, -52.668 ], [ -72.892, -52.81 ], [ -72.964, -52.766 ], [ -72.943, -52.804 ], [ -73.056, -52.851 ], [ -72.957, -52.902 ], [ -72.993, -52.972 ], [ -72.955, -53.025 ], [ -73.006, -53.073 ], [ -73.055, -53.033 ], [ -73.037, -53.07 ], [ -73.147, -53.105 ], [ -73.189, -53.042 ], [ -73.145, -53.018 ], [ -73.207, -53.014 ], [ -73.228, -53.052 ], [ -73.172, -53.089 ], [ -73.245, -53.098 ], [ -73.448, -53.013 ], [ -73.323, -53.003 ], [ -73.402, -52.972 ], [ -73.256, -52.972 ], [ -73.288, -52.944 ], [ -73.183, -52.897 ], [ -73.293, -52.929 ], [ -73.326, -52.894 ], [ -73.402, -52.97 ], [ -73.499, -52.941 ], [ -73.415, -52.93 ], [ -73.522, -52.888 ], [ -73.802, -52.923 ], [ -73.729, -52.903 ], [ -73.75, -52.864 ], [ -73.589, -52.868 ], [ -73.605, -52.829 ], [ -73.352, -52.906 ], [ -73.582, -52.809 ], [ -73.453, -52.809 ], [ -73.48, -52.836 ], [ -73.421, -52.805 ], [ -73.467, -52.77 ], [ -73.394, -52.794 ], [ -73.407, -52.837 ], [ -73.239, -52.805 ], [ -73.265, -52.754 ], [ -73.317, -52.777 ], [ -73.311, -52.713 ], [ -73.289, -52.748 ], [ -73.246, -52.665 ], [ -73.131, -52.661 ], [ -73.168, -52.631 ], [ -73.149, -52.566 ], [ -72.995, -52.58 ], [ -73.142, -52.558 ], [ -73.082, -52.51 ], [ -73.161, -52.499 ], [ -73.224, -52.409 ], [ -73.203, -52.493 ], [ -73.289, -52.501 ], [ -73.205, -52.508 ], [ -73.162, -52.583 ], [ -73.271, -52.688 ], [ -73.327, -52.693 ], [ -73.355, -52.645 ], [ -73.311, -52.601 ], [ -73.353, -52.626 ], [ -73.424, -52.553 ], [ -73.375, -52.646 ], [ -73.659, -52.721 ], [ -73.607, -52.747 ], [ -73.626, -52.777 ], [ -73.677, -52.721 ], [ -73.736, -52.745 ], [ -73.574, -52.654 ], [ -73.688, -52.624 ], [ -73.594, -52.579 ], [ -73.637, -52.547 ], [ -73.551, -52.577 ], [ -73.62, -52.514 ], [ -73.494, -52.493 ], [ -73.559, -52.477 ], [ -73.533, -52.421 ], [ -73.598, -52.471 ], [ -73.675, -52.433 ], [ -73.673, -52.395 ], [ -73.587, -52.389 ], [ -73.61, -52.344 ], [ -73.573, -52.339 ], [ -73.656, -52.283 ], [ -73.591, -52.225 ], [ -73.741, -52.103 ], [ -73.682, -52.254 ], [ -73.854, -52.115 ], [ -74.103, -52.023 ], [ -73.974, -52.039 ], [ -74.096, -51.987 ], [ -74.103, -51.95 ], [ -74.061, -51.965 ], [ -74.102, -51.918 ], [ -73.991, -51.933 ], [ -74.007, -51.995 ], [ -73.964, -51.945 ], [ -73.756, -52.083 ], [ -73.715, -52.037 ], [ -73.561, -52.217 ], [ -73.5, -52.189 ], [ -73.558, -52.155 ], [ -73.469, -52.151 ], [ -73.347, -52.253 ], [ -73.252, -52.223 ], [ -73.245, -52.124 ], [ -73.168, -52.153 ], [ -73.036, -52.078 ], [ -73.111, -52.083 ], [ -73.084, -51.959 ], [ -72.909, -51.911 ], [ -72.882, -51.881 ], [ -73.033, -52.078 ], [ -72.995, -52.078 ], [ -72.995, -52.151 ], [ -73.082, -52.159 ], [ -73.121, -52.25 ], [ -73.08, -52.268 ], [ -73.066, -52.214 ], [ -72.991, -52.201 ], [ -72.936, -52.237 ], [ -72.957, -52.267 ], [ -72.871, -52.281 ], [ -72.898, -52.263 ], [ -72.846, -52.242 ], [ -72.812, -52.096 ], [ -72.741, -52.087 ], [ -72.776, -52.053 ], [ -72.841, -52.095 ], [ -72.898, -52.223 ], [ -72.959, -52.199 ], [ -72.96, -52.06 ], [ -72.936, -52.038 ], [ -72.908, -52.09 ], [ -72.9, -51.992 ], [ -72.776, -51.963 ], [ -72.725, -52.08 ], [ -72.664, -52.136 ], [ -72.621, -52.118 ], [ -72.54, -52.218 ], [ -72.62, -52.366 ], [ -72.715, -52.334 ], [ -72.782, -52.408 ], [ -72.853, -52.388 ], [ -72.833, -52.421 ], [ -72.978, -52.462 ], [ -72.739, -52.418 ], [ -72.625, -52.443 ], [ -72.671, -52.416 ], [ -72.557, -52.475 ], [ -72.514, -52.437 ], [ -72.671, -52.4 ], [ -72.524, -52.347 ], [ -72.476, -52.213 ], [ -72.658, -52.064 ], [ -72.666, -51.976 ], [ -72.629, -51.918 ], [ -72.571, -51.984 ], [ -72.582, -51.932 ], [ -72.45, -51.917 ], [ -72.519, -51.844 ], [ -72.463, -51.786 ], [ -72.556, -51.698 ], [ -72.653, -51.669 ], [ -72.651, -51.635 ], [ -72.697, -51.578 ], [ -72.679, -51.652 ], [ -72.718, -51.578 ], [ -73.087, -51.482 ], [ -73.07, -51.402 ], [ -73.084, -51.366 ], [ -73.129, -51.326 ], [ -73.113, -51.265 ], [ -73.021, -51.246 ], [ -73.086, -51.241 ], [ -73.129, -51.264 ], [ -73.141, -51.327 ], [ -73.097, -51.424 ], [ -73.269, -51.501 ], [ -73.058, -51.513 ], [ -73.04, -51.547 ], [ -73.114, -51.619 ], [ -72.991, -51.535 ], [ -72.77, -51.611 ], [ -72.691, -51.708 ], [ -72.535, -51.748 ], [ -72.617, -51.828 ], [ -72.734, -51.855 ], [ -72.817, -51.776 ], [ -72.966, -51.785 ], [ -73.05, -51.701 ], [ -73.196, -51.694 ], [ -73.201, -51.618 ], [ -73.236, -51.638 ], [ -73.297, -51.586 ], [ -73.223, -51.661 ], [ -73.288, -51.7 ], [ -73.089, -51.717 ], [ -72.997, -51.8 ], [ -73.083, -51.758 ], [ -73.171, -51.786 ], [ -73.074, -51.769 ], [ -73.042, -51.834 ], [ -73.219, -51.904 ], [ -73.093, -51.893 ], [ -72.988, -51.817 ], [ -72.917, -51.872 ], [ -73.136, -51.952 ], [ -73.163, -52.116 ], [ -73.242, -52.108 ], [ -73.271, -51.895 ], [ -73.343, -51.705 ], [ -73.4, -51.647 ], [ -73.287, -51.981 ], [ -73.273, -52.18 ], [ -73.407, -52.149 ], [ -73.593, -52.023 ], [ -73.601, -51.944 ], [ -73.563, -51.945 ], [ -73.652, -51.853 ], [ -73.598, -51.821 ], [ -73.507, -51.937 ], [ -73.534, -51.963 ], [ -73.456, -51.989 ], [ -73.42, -52.06 ], [ -73.388, -52.052 ], [ -73.478, -51.916 ], [ -73.425, -51.915 ], [ -73.529, -51.858 ], [ -73.514, -51.803 ], [ -73.601, -51.759 ], [ -73.64, -51.792 ], [ -73.623, -51.76 ], [ -73.566, -51.743 ], [ -73.56, -51.769 ], [ -73.499, -51.705 ], [ -73.621, -51.734 ], [ -73.628, -51.661 ], [ -73.69, -51.798 ], [ -73.777, -51.72 ], [ -73.749, -51.774 ], [ -73.797, -51.817 ], [ -73.94, -51.683 ], [ -73.935, -51.649 ], [ -73.832, -51.683 ], [ -73.839, -51.764 ], [ -73.792, -51.736 ], [ -73.813, -51.686 ], [ -73.701, -51.631 ], [ -73.927, -51.63 ], [ -73.917, -51.582 ], [ -73.837, -51.596 ], [ -73.864, -51.557 ], [ -73.791, -51.552 ], [ -73.91, -51.559 ], [ -73.903, -51.515 ], [ -73.971, -51.496 ], [ -73.915, -51.468 ], [ -73.947, -51.449 ], [ -73.915, -51.419 ], [ -73.966, -51.424 ], [ -73.893, -51.372 ], [ -73.723, -51.472 ], [ -73.653, -51.622 ], [ -73.585, -51.622 ], [ -73.614, -51.604 ], [ -73.69, -51.489 ], [ -73.652, -51.54 ], [ -73.586, -51.556 ], [ -73.649, -51.472 ], [ -73.57, -51.458 ], [ -73.684, -51.443 ], [ -73.719, -51.339 ], [ -73.727, -51.373 ], [ -73.847, -51.365 ], [ -73.861, -51.336 ], [ -73.782, -51.311 ], [ -73.891, -51.297 ], [ -73.813, -51.248 ], [ -73.736, -51.268 ], [ -73.785, -51.219 ], [ -73.732, -51.194 ], [ -73.677, -51.29 ], [ -73.697, -51.218 ], [ -73.644, -51.2 ], [ -73.707, -51.19 ], [ -73.682, -51.144 ], [ -73.726, -51.17 ], [ -73.816, -51.075 ], [ -73.742, -51.177 ], [ -73.905, -51.266 ], [ -73.999, -51.122 ], [ -74.029, -51.218 ], [ -74.129, -51.199 ], [ -74.164, -51.098 ], [ -74.137, -51.113 ], [ -74.118, -51.103 ], [ -74.094, -51.075 ], [ -74.157, -51.074 ], [ -74.134, -51.038 ], [ -74.045, -51.007 ], [ -74.077, -50.937 ], [ -74.207, -51.063 ], [ -74.154, -51.206 ], [ -74.259, -51.229 ], [ -74.315, -50.976 ], [ -74.273, -50.977 ], [ -74.323, -50.905 ], [ -74.226, -51.023 ], [ -74.202, -50.966 ], [ -74.245, -50.975 ], [ -74.239, -50.934 ], [ -74.191, -50.89 ], [ -73.92, -50.911 ], [ -73.942, -50.882 ], [ -73.9, -50.874 ], [ -73.803, -51.009 ], [ -73.764, -50.992 ], [ -73.776, -50.929 ], [ -73.883, -50.841 ], [ -73.819, -50.8 ], [ -73.732, -50.837 ], [ -73.787, -50.8 ], [ -73.787, -50.694 ], [ -73.63, -50.648 ], [ -73.54, -50.721 ], [ -73.538, -50.677 ], [ -73.382, -50.688 ], [ -73.74, -50.574 ], [ -73.705, -50.516 ], [ -73.627, -50.514 ], [ -73.598, -50.485 ], [ -73.575, -50.392 ], [ -73.644, -50.507 ], [ -73.73, -50.512 ], [ -73.767, -50.541 ], [ -73.817, -50.772 ], [ -73.939, -50.848 ], [ -74.033, -50.857 ], [ -74.076, -50.815 ], [ -74.085, -50.809 ] ], [ [ -74.406, -50.095 ], [ -74.406, -50.095 ], [ -74.406, -50.095 ], [ -74.406, -50.095 ] ], [ [ -74.406, -50.095 ], [ -74.403, -50.111 ], [ -74.383, -50.097 ], [ -74.406, -50.095 ] ], [ [ -74.015, -50.219 ], [ -73.996, -50.219 ], [ -74.011, -50.214 ], [ -74.015, -50.219 ] ], [ [ -73.996, -50.219 ], [ -73.946, -50.236 ], [ -73.946, -50.201 ], [ -73.964, -50.219 ], [ -73.996, -50.219 ] ], [ [ -74.209, -48.156 ], [ -74.204, -48.156 ], [ -74.164, -48.138 ], [ -74.209, -48.156 ] ], [ [ -72.984, -41.498 ], [ -72.953, -41.483 ], [ -72.98, -41.494 ], [ -72.984, -41.498 ] ], [ [ -73.082, -52.51 ], [ -73.05, -52.509 ], [ -73.059, -52.507 ], [ -73.082, -52.51 ] ], [ [ -73.05, -52.509 ], [ -72.936, -52.521 ], [ -72.881, -52.55 ], [ -72.918, -52.503 ], [ -73.05, -52.509 ] ], [ [ -73.499, -51.705 ], [ -73.499, -51.705 ], [ -73.499, -51.705 ], [ -73.499, -51.705 ] ], [ [ -73.499, -51.705 ], [ -73.467, -51.702 ], [ -73.456, -51.685 ], [ -73.499, -51.705 ] ], [ [ -73.721, -51.308 ], [ -73.723, -51.327 ], [ -73.701, -51.296 ], [ -73.727, -51.287 ], [ -73.721, -51.308 ] ], [ [ -74.965, -49.634 ], [ -74.944, -49.628 ], [ -74.991, -49.632 ], [ -74.965, -49.634 ] ], [ [ -74.966, -49.602 ], [ -74.963, -49.588 ], [ -75.083, -49.534 ], [ -74.966, -49.602 ] ], [ [ -74.69, -48.673 ], [ -74.623, -48.697 ], [ -74.645, -48.73 ], [ -74.605, -48.708 ], [ -74.632, -48.683 ], [ -74.69, -48.673 ] ], [ [ -75.215, -49.246 ], [ -75.119, -49.34 ], [ -75.174, -49.337 ], [ -75.104, -49.362 ], [ -75.018, -49.351 ], [ -75.1, -49.347 ], [ -75.13, -49.311 ], [ -75.084, -49.293 ], [ -75.215, -49.246 ] ], [ [ -75.1, -49.268 ], [ -75.034, -49.336 ], [ -75.066, -49.267 ], [ -75.1, -49.268 ] ], [ [ -74.338, -49.432 ], [ -74.321, -49.436 ], [ -74.31, -49.419 ], [ -74.324, -49.411 ], [ -74.338, -49.432 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.826, -51.626 ], [ -74.754, -51.646 ], [ -74.744, -51.717 ], [ -74.789, -51.743 ], [ -74.744, -51.731 ], [ -74.746, -51.816 ], [ -74.855, -51.945 ], [ -74.811, -51.941 ], [ -74.824, -51.971 ], [ -74.873, -51.967 ], [ -74.833, -51.979 ], [ -74.878, -52.079 ], [ -74.957, -52.111 ], [ -74.923, -52.044 ], [ -74.963, -52.107 ], [ -75.014, -52.115 ], [ -74.949, -52.042 ], [ -75.015, -52.069 ], [ -74.967, -52.03 ], [ -75.02, -52.046 ], [ -75.065, -51.995 ], [ -74.957, -51.94 ], [ -75.006, -51.921 ], [ -74.931, -51.796 ], [ -74.886, -51.841 ], [ -74.936, -51.917 ], [ -74.865, -51.864 ], [ -74.858, -51.927 ], [ -74.795, -51.849 ], [ -74.871, -51.778 ], [ -74.796, -51.759 ], [ -74.922, -51.65 ], [ -74.826, -51.626 ] ], [ [ -74.865, -52.001 ], [ -74.865, -52.001 ], [ -74.905, -51.991 ], [ -74.865, -52.001 ] ], [ [ -74.957, -51.94 ], [ -74.929, -51.941 ], [ -74.955, -51.939 ], [ -74.957, -51.94 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.97, -54.014 ], [ -72.76, -54.047 ], [ -72.911, -53.997 ], [ -72.779, -53.981 ], [ -72.881, -53.964 ], [ -72.666, -53.864 ], [ -72.78, -53.886 ], [ -72.737, -53.85 ], [ -72.832, -53.867 ], [ -72.779, -53.832 ], [ -72.818, -53.82 ], [ -73.04, -53.885 ], [ -73.065, -53.806 ], [ -73.117, -53.932 ], [ -73.045, -53.994 ], [ -73.101, -54.044 ], [ -73.199, -53.984 ], [ -73.351, -53.977 ], [ -73.358, -53.94 ], [ -73.275, -53.943 ], [ -73.23, -53.893 ], [ -73.358, -53.844 ], [ -73.257, -53.806 ], [ -73.257, -53.763 ], [ -73.336, -53.736 ], [ -73.252, -53.713 ], [ -73.597, -53.75 ], [ -73.487, -53.663 ], [ -73.633, -53.661 ], [ -73.607, -53.562 ], [ -73.531, -53.596 ], [ -73.415, -53.57 ], [ -73.248, -53.659 ], [ -73.331, -53.602 ], [ -73.276, -53.556 ], [ -73.356, -53.557 ], [ -73.477, -53.447 ], [ -73.298, -53.48 ], [ -73.281, -53.53 ], [ -73.238, -53.478 ], [ -73.075, -53.548 ], [ -73.172, -53.495 ], [ -73.142, -53.458 ], [ -73.209, -53.393 ], [ -73.076, -53.377 ], [ -73.025, -53.492 ], [ -73.032, -53.401 ], [ -72.939, -53.438 ], [ -72.961, -53.542 ], [ -72.893, -53.509 ], [ -72.874, -53.544 ], [ -72.927, -53.555 ], [ -72.877, -53.553 ], [ -72.883, -53.62 ], [ -72.825, -53.582 ], [ -72.874, -53.456 ], [ -72.749, -53.51 ], [ -72.749, -53.587 ], [ -72.684, -53.615 ], [ -72.723, -53.64 ], [ -72.7, -53.679 ], [ -72.653, -53.668 ], [ -72.691, -53.526 ], [ -72.659, -53.568 ], [ -72.458, -53.59 ], [ -72.479, -53.617 ], [ -72.396, -53.649 ], [ -72.508, -53.67 ], [ -72.45, -53.71 ], [ -72.498, -53.746 ], [ -72.441, -53.751 ], [ -72.386, -53.689 ], [ -72.24, -53.733 ], [ -72.333, -53.761 ], [ -72.222, -53.751 ], [ -72.149, -53.798 ], [ -72.283, -53.822 ], [ -72.194, -53.835 ], [ -72.218, -53.867 ], [ -72.433, -53.838 ], [ -72.337, -53.863 ], [ -72.324, -53.929 ], [ -72.451, -53.894 ], [ -72.39, -53.945 ], [ -72.448, -53.967 ], [ -72.331, -54.006 ], [ -72.366, -54.054 ], [ -72.472, -54.052 ], [ -72.472, -53.96 ], [ -72.494, -54.003 ], [ -72.548, -53.986 ], [ -72.548, -54.098 ], [ -72.623, -54.086 ], [ -72.598, -54.02 ], [ -72.659, -54.079 ], [ -72.619, -54.008 ], [ -72.678, -54.083 ], [ -72.746, -54.088 ], [ -72.7, -54.099 ], [ -72.804, -54.088 ], [ -72.856, -54.134 ], [ -72.958, -54.112 ], [ -72.872, -54.111 ], [ -72.917, -54.1 ], [ -72.882, -54.077 ], [ -73.078, -54.076 ], [ -72.862, -54.059 ], [ -73.004, -54.027 ], [ -72.97, -54.014 ] ], [ [ -72.862, -54.059 ], [ -72.775, -54.079 ], [ -72.858, -54.06 ], [ -72.862, -54.059 ] ] ], [ [ [ -67.278, -55.932 ], [ -67.205, -55.98 ], [ -67.298, -55.979 ], [ -67.323, -55.936 ], [ -67.278, -55.932 ] ] ], [ [ [ -67.029, -55.933 ], [ -67.043, -55.919 ], [ -67.016, -55.931 ], [ -67.029, -55.933 ] ] ], [ [ [ -66.781, -55.825 ], [ -66.807, -55.821 ], [ -66.773, -55.816 ], [ -66.781, -55.825 ] ] ], [ [ [ -67.414, -55.903 ], [ -67.435, -55.875 ], [ -67.404, -55.883 ], [ -67.414, -55.903 ] ] ], [ [ [ -67.056, -55.834 ], [ -67.097, -55.856 ], [ -67.051, -55.926 ], [ -67.155, -55.881 ], [ -67.056, -55.834 ] ] ], [ [ [ -67.292, -55.823 ], [ -67.189, -55.867 ], [ -67.179, -55.901 ], [ -67.392, -55.837 ], [ -67.292, -55.823 ] ] ], [ [ [ -67.55, -55.814 ], [ -67.479, -55.83 ], [ -67.595, -55.914 ], [ -67.596, -55.853 ], [ -67.756, -55.886 ], [ -67.843, -55.834 ], [ -67.536, -55.842 ], [ -67.55, -55.814 ] ] ], [ [ [ -67.435, -55.821 ], [ -67.439, -55.85 ], [ -67.454, -55.851 ], [ -67.464, -55.822 ], [ -67.435, -55.821 ] ] ], [ [ [ -67.134, -55.779 ], [ -67.19, -55.821 ], [ -67.238, -55.811 ], [ -67.183, -55.774 ], [ -67.134, -55.779 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.95, -55.362 ], [ -69.963, -55.351 ], [ -69.925, -55.348 ], [ -69.95, -55.362 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.76, -55.349 ], [ -69.667, -55.365 ], [ -69.645, -55.395 ], [ -69.795, -55.42 ], [ -69.76, -55.349 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.84, -55.334 ], [ -69.803, -55.339 ], [ -69.804, -55.355 ], [ -69.868, -55.325 ], [ -69.84, -55.334 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.897, -55.363 ], [ -69.921, -55.317 ], [ -69.893, -55.345 ], [ -69.897, -55.363 ] ] ], [ [ [ -66.579, -55.29 ], [ -66.637, -55.278 ], [ -66.62, -55.198 ], [ -66.418, -55.191 ], [ -66.499, -55.277 ], [ -66.579, -55.29 ] ] ], [ [ [ -66.766, -55.333 ], [ -66.782, -55.305 ], [ -66.762, -55.306 ], [ -66.766, -55.333 ] ] ], [ [ [ -66.674, -55.285 ], [ -66.685, -55.276 ], [ -66.662, -55.266 ], [ -66.674, -55.285 ] ] ], [ [ [ -67.003, -55.352 ], [ -67.059, -55.274 ], [ -66.943, -55.222 ], [ -66.842, -55.239 ], [ -66.842, -55.328 ], [ -67.003, -55.352 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.954, -55.296 ], [ -69.931, -55.32 ], [ -69.977, -55.323 ], [ -69.94, -55.334 ], [ -70.011, -55.365 ], [ -70.125, -55.327 ], [ -69.954, -55.296 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.13, -55.258 ], [ -70.036, -55.282 ], [ -70.189, -55.261 ], [ -70.13, -55.258 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.146, -55.274 ], [ -69.158, -55.268 ], [ -69.134, -55.264 ], [ -69.146, -55.274 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.249, -55.278 ], [ -69.207, -55.294 ], [ -69.42, -55.271 ], [ -69.3, -55.244 ], [ -69.249, -55.278 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.015, -55.296 ], [ -68.994, -55.289 ], [ -68.984, -55.329 ], [ -69.043, -55.295 ], [ -69.015, -55.296 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.883, -55.237 ], [ -68.92, -55.335 ], [ -68.978, -55.346 ], [ -68.973, -55.284 ], [ -68.883, -55.237 ] ] ], [ [ [ -67.923, -55.243 ], [ -67.947, -55.257 ], [ -67.975, -55.246 ], [ -67.914, -55.209 ], [ -67.923, -55.243 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.209, -55.235 ], [ -69.215, -55.227 ], [ -69.184, -55.227 ], [ -69.209, -55.235 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.969, -55.614 ], [ -68.967, -55.601 ], [ -68.946, -55.608 ], [ -68.969, -55.614 ] ] ], [ [ [ -67.333, -55.591 ], [ -67.339, -55.652 ], [ -67.298, -55.658 ], [ -67.354, -55.721 ], [ -67.232, -55.733 ], [ -67.287, -55.743 ], [ -67.223, -55.765 ], [ -67.238, -55.801 ], [ -67.54, -55.745 ], [ -67.48, -55.726 ], [ -67.537, -55.695 ], [ -67.505, -55.662 ], [ -67.385, -55.734 ], [ -67.387, -55.656 ], [ -67.458, -55.633 ], [ -67.333, -55.591 ] ] ], [ [ [ -67.549, -55.626 ], [ -67.517, -55.649 ], [ -67.558, -55.697 ], [ -67.662, -55.694 ], [ -67.573, -55.661 ], [ -67.586, -55.61 ], [ -67.549, -55.626 ] ] ], [ [ [ -67.626, -55.515 ], [ -67.534, -55.612 ], [ -67.577, -55.602 ], [ -67.706, -55.635 ], [ -67.65, -55.584 ], [ -67.664, -55.518 ], [ -67.626, -55.515 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.096, -55.405 ], [ -68.118, -55.402 ], [ -68.067, -55.4 ], [ -68.096, -55.405 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.555, -55.452 ], [ -69.567, -55.48 ], [ -69.595, -55.477 ], [ -69.584, -55.451 ], [ -69.555, -55.452 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.601, -55.445 ], [ -69.618, -55.398 ], [ -69.478, -55.455 ], [ -69.52, -55.479 ], [ -69.544, -55.441 ], [ -69.601, -55.445 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.34, -55.505 ], [ -69.304, -55.496 ], [ -69.28, -55.515 ], [ -69.333, -55.548 ], [ -69.34, -55.505 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.181, -55.604 ], [ -69.208, -55.618 ], [ -69.221, -55.568 ], [ -69.19, -55.582 ], [ -69.181, -55.604 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.059, -55.563 ], [ -69.035, -55.623 ], [ -69.081, -55.635 ], [ -69.1, -55.551 ], [ -69.059, -55.563 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.754, -55.531 ], [ -68.656, -55.57 ], [ -68.656, -55.605 ], [ -68.785, -55.538 ], [ -68.754, -55.531 ] ] ], [ [ [ -67.99, -55.55 ], [ -67.963, -55.552 ], [ -68.029, -55.561 ], [ -68.016, -55.544 ], [ -67.99, -55.55 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.927, -55.519 ], [ -68.958, -55.513 ], [ -68.961, -55.486 ], [ -68.944, -55.482 ], [ -68.927, -55.519 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.527, -55.588 ], [ -68.58, -55.571 ], [ -68.595, -55.552 ], [ -68.545, -55.538 ], [ -68.527, -55.588 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.17, -55.565 ], [ -69.202, -55.554 ], [ -69.174, -55.544 ], [ -69.17, -55.565 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.909, -55.536 ], [ -68.869, -55.541 ], [ -68.845, -55.566 ], [ -68.922, -55.561 ], [ -68.909, -55.536 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.216, -55.55 ], [ -69.233, -55.545 ], [ -69.199, -55.545 ], [ -69.216, -55.55 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.31, -55.55 ], [ -68.323, -55.537 ], [ -68.293, -55.537 ], [ -68.31, -55.55 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.439, -55.56 ], [ -68.454, -55.537 ], [ -68.432, -55.53 ], [ -68.416, -55.546 ], [ -68.439, -55.56 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.677, -55.549 ], [ -68.71, -55.525 ], [ -68.675, -55.533 ], [ -68.677, -55.549 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.398, -55.538 ], [ -68.399, -55.514 ], [ -68.382, -55.526 ], [ -68.398, -55.538 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.584, -55.53 ], [ -68.56, -55.533 ], [ -68.62, -55.533 ], [ -68.577, -55.514 ], [ -68.584, -55.53 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.602, -55.485 ], [ -68.638, -55.536 ], [ -68.704, -55.514 ], [ -68.602, -55.485 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.625, -55.386 ], [ -69.627, -55.411 ], [ -69.65, -55.41 ], [ -69.625, -55.386 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.054, -55.421 ], [ -69, -55.436 ], [ -69.063, -55.442 ], [ -69.218, -55.32 ], [ -69.054, -55.421 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.129, -54.982 ], [ -71.084, -54.986 ], [ -71.179, -55.015 ], [ -71.171, -54.972 ], [ -71.129, -54.982 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.896, -55.14 ], [ -70.907, -55.11 ], [ -70.882, -55.106 ], [ -70.896, -55.14 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.804, -55.126 ], [ -70.825, -55.11 ], [ -70.806, -55.105 ], [ -70.804, -55.126 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.619, -55.13 ], [ -70.649, -55.181 ], [ -70.692, -55.163 ], [ -70.668, -55.138 ], [ -70.619, -55.13 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.307, -55.128 ], [ -68.319, -55.127 ], [ -68.298, -55.121 ], [ -68.307, -55.128 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.417, -55.126 ], [ -68.456, -55.147 ], [ -68.498, -55.133 ], [ -68.417, -55.126 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.019, -55.252 ], [ -70.078, -55.237 ], [ -70.115, -55.187 ], [ -69.974, -55.24 ], [ -70.019, -55.252 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.933, -55.216 ], [ -69.945, -55.199 ], [ -69.915, -55.208 ], [ -69.933, -55.216 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.207, -55.198 ], [ -68.308, -55.205 ], [ -68.335, -55.164 ], [ -68.261, -55.157 ], [ -68.207, -55.198 ] ] ], [ [ [ -67.927, -54.901 ], [ -67.288, -54.919 ], [ -67.155, -54.969 ], [ -67.043, -55.078 ], [ -67.036, -55.141 ], [ -67.242, -55.314 ], [ -67.428, -55.294 ], [ -67.395, -55.195 ], [ -67.502, -55.171 ], [ -67.592, -55.195 ], [ -67.607, -55.277 ], [ -67.856, -55.255 ], [ -67.875, -55.221 ], [ -67.726, -55.236 ], [ -67.89, -55.158 ], [ -67.978, -55.226 ], [ -68.117, -55.225 ], [ -68.124, -55.174 ], [ -68.048, -55.176 ], [ -68.155, -55.143 ], [ -68.17, -54.998 ], [ -68.3, -55.012 ], [ -68.369, -54.945 ], [ -68.213, -54.92 ], [ -68.215, -54.899 ], [ -67.927, -54.901 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.668, -55.164 ], [ -68.685, -55.163 ], [ -68.658, -55.162 ], [ -68.668, -55.164 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.765, -55.167 ], [ -68.792, -55.147 ], [ -68.72, -55.16 ], [ -68.765, -55.167 ] ] ], [ [ [ -67.003, -54.988 ], [ -66.854, -55.026 ], [ -66.829, -55.094 ], [ -67.054, -54.993 ], [ -67.003, -54.988 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.245, -55.011 ], [ -68.227, -55.023 ], [ -68.241, -55.052 ], [ -68.28, -55.015 ], [ -68.245, -55.011 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.991, -55.011 ], [ -70.039, -55.066 ], [ -70.089, -55.055 ], [ -70.08, -55.019 ], [ -69.991, -55.011 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.941, -55.037 ], [ -70.004, -55.057 ], [ -69.938, -54.99 ], [ -69.941, -55.037 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.351, -55.01 ], [ -70.371, -55.027 ], [ -70.453, -55.035 ], [ -70.403, -55.01 ], [ -70.351, -55.01 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.557, -55 ], [ -70.469, -55.011 ], [ -70.562, -55.025 ], [ -70.557, -55 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.266, -54.92 ], [ -68.291, -54.916 ], [ -68.276, -54.908 ], [ -68.266, -54.92 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.173, -54.099 ], [ -73.169, -54.121 ], [ -73.198, -54.126 ], [ -73.193, -54.1 ], [ -73.173, -54.099 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.373, -54.018 ], [ -73.243, -54.03 ], [ -73.236, -54.085 ], [ -73.18, -54.05 ], [ -73.268, -54.136 ], [ -73.345, -54.118 ], [ -73.307, -54.103 ], [ -73.342, -54.064 ], [ -73.48, -54.067 ], [ -73.373, -54.018 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.021, -54.188 ], [ -73.046, -54.176 ], [ -73.009, -54.165 ], [ -73.021, -54.188 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.935, -54.196 ], [ -72.952, -54.231 ], [ -73.006, -54.226 ], [ -72.981, -54.202 ], [ -72.935, -54.196 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.057, -54.153 ], [ -73.029, -54.149 ], [ -73.094, -54.17 ], [ -73.087, -54.143 ], [ -73.057, -54.153 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.874, -54.152 ], [ -72.879, -54.14 ], [ -72.846, -54.142 ], [ -72.874, -54.152 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.224, -54.028 ], [ -71.2, -54.071 ], [ -71.168, -54.089 ], [ -71.224, -54.098 ], [ -71.224, -54.028 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.107, -54.102 ], [ -73.11, -54.158 ], [ -73.148, -54.154 ], [ -73.142, -54.106 ], [ -73.107, -54.102 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.753, -54.135 ], [ -72.742, -54.114 ], [ -72.729, -54.117 ], [ -72.753, -54.135 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.374, -54.261 ], [ -72.398, -54.259 ], [ -72.375, -54.25 ], [ -72.344, -54.272 ], [ -72.374, -54.261 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.243, -54.253 ], [ -72.259, -54.259 ], [ -72.263, -54.243 ], [ -72.243, -54.253 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.636, -54.243 ], [ -72.68, -54.269 ], [ -72.7, -54.25 ], [ -72.655, -54.227 ], [ -72.636, -54.243 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.57, -54.242 ], [ -72.579, -54.236 ], [ -72.566, -54.232 ], [ -72.57, -54.242 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.273, -54.22 ], [ -72.282, -54.215 ], [ -72.261, -54.215 ], [ -72.273, -54.22 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.654, -54.257 ], [ -71.66, -54.243 ], [ -71.639, -54.254 ], [ -71.654, -54.257 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.918, -54.223 ], [ -71.934, -54.242 ], [ -72.001, -54.225 ], [ -71.918, -54.223 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.037, -54.231 ], [ -72.059, -54.22 ], [ -72.031, -54.222 ], [ -72.037, -54.231 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.228, -54.206 ], [ -72.217, -54.224 ], [ -72.232, -54.227 ], [ -72.228, -54.206 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.277, -54.189 ], [ -70.296, -54.178 ], [ -70.282, -54.171 ], [ -70.277, -54.189 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.474, -54.121 ], [ -72.491, -54.152 ], [ -72.515, -54.153 ], [ -72.503, -54.12 ], [ -72.474, -54.121 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.277, -54.086 ], [ -70.303, -54.152 ], [ -70.357, -54.162 ], [ -70.51, -54.072 ], [ -70.39, -54.085 ], [ -70.31, -54.051 ], [ -70.277, -54.086 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.641, -54.105 ], [ -72.544, -54.132 ], [ -72.695, -54.131 ], [ -72.641, -54.105 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.164, -53.928 ], [ -72.174, -53.919 ], [ -72.148, -53.927 ], [ -72.164, -53.928 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.13, -54.071 ], [ -71.14, -54.053 ], [ -71.113, -54.045 ], [ -71.13, -54.071 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.326, -53.994 ], [ -72.305, -53.955 ], [ -72.305, -53.996 ], [ -72.326, -53.994 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.033, -53.963 ], [ -73.022, -53.962 ], [ -73.034, -53.976 ], [ -73.033, -53.963 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.972, -53.945 ], [ -72.953, -53.947 ], [ -72.995, -53.949 ], [ -72.972, -53.945 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.366, -53.936 ], [ -73.378, -53.932 ], [ -73.344, -53.932 ], [ -73.366, -53.936 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.007, -53.953 ], [ -73.017, -53.948 ], [ -73.003, -53.943 ], [ -73.007, -53.953 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.058, -53.943 ], [ -73.098, -53.934 ], [ -73.067, -53.919 ], [ -73.058, -53.943 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.078, -53.936 ], [ -72.093, -53.925 ], [ -72.04, -53.918 ], [ -72.078, -53.936 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.339, -54.802 ], [ -71.349, -54.797 ], [ -71.337, -54.787 ], [ -71.339, -54.802 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.906, -54.837 ], [ -70.885, -54.848 ], [ -70.932, -54.835 ], [ -70.922, -54.823 ], [ -70.906, -54.837 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.212, -54.821 ], [ -71.231, -54.796 ], [ -71.194, -54.816 ], [ -71.212, -54.821 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.432, -54.938 ], [ -71.458, -54.932 ], [ -71.429, -54.92 ], [ -71.432, -54.938 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.165, -54.955 ], [ -71.194, -55.023 ], [ -71.256, -55.015 ], [ -71.264, -54.971 ], [ -71.165, -54.955 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70, -54.876 ], [ -69.982, -54.877 ], [ -70.091, -54.881 ], [ -70, -54.876 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.259, -54.898 ], [ -70.278, -54.89 ], [ -70.236, -54.884 ], [ -70.259, -54.898 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.301, -54.884 ], [ -70.312, -54.88 ], [ -70.293, -54.876 ], [ -70.301, -54.884 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.997, -54.67 ], [ -71.009, -54.657 ], [ -70.99, -54.64 ], [ -70.997, -54.67 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.868, -54.672 ], [ -71.88, -54.661 ], [ -71.846, -54.667 ], [ -71.868, -54.672 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.068, -54.618 ], [ -72.104, -54.619 ], [ -72.106, -54.606 ], [ -72.068, -54.618 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.03, -54.537 ], [ -72.011, -54.566 ], [ -71.952, -54.594 ], [ -72.076, -54.574 ], [ -72.03, -54.537 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.782, -54.524 ], [ -71.789, -54.495 ], [ -71.765, -54.509 ], [ -71.782, -54.524 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.973, -54.473 ], [ -73.01, -54.506 ], [ -73.103, -54.5 ], [ -73.078, -54.483 ], [ -72.973, -54.473 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.131, -54.474 ], [ -72.146, -54.458 ], [ -72.112, -54.473 ], [ -72.131, -54.474 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.27, -54.375 ], [ -71.245, -54.379 ], [ -71.291, -54.374 ], [ -71.27, -54.375 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.955, -54.367 ], [ -71.942, -54.378 ], [ -72, -54.383 ], [ -71.955, -54.367 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.992, -54.331 ], [ -71.007, -54.326 ], [ -70.98, -54.329 ], [ -70.992, -54.331 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.667, -54.307 ], [ -72.647, -54.322 ], [ -72.694, -54.312 ], [ -72.667, -54.307 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.629, -54.339 ], [ -72.625, -54.322 ], [ -72.612, -54.325 ], [ -72.629, -54.339 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.795, -54.317 ], [ -71.793, -54.305 ], [ -71.779, -54.313 ], [ -71.795, -54.317 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.594, -54.333 ], [ -71.621, -54.332 ], [ -71.636, -54.308 ], [ -71.594, -54.333 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.284, -54.286 ], [ -72.251, -54.33 ], [ -72.342, -54.311 ], [ -72.334, -54.286 ], [ -72.284, -54.286 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.679, -54.285 ], [ -71.64, -54.329 ], [ -71.753, -54.294 ], [ -71.7, -54.278 ], [ -71.679, -54.285 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.173, -54.325 ], [ -72.196, -54.314 ], [ -72.169, -54.309 ], [ -72.173, -54.325 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.622, -54.423 ], [ -71.598, -54.454 ], [ -71.666, -54.398 ], [ -71.655, -54.392 ], [ -71.622, -54.423 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.411, -54.431 ], [ -72.387, -54.431 ], [ -72.376, -54.459 ], [ -72.438, -54.451 ], [ -72.411, -54.431 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.083, -54.433 ], [ -72.064, -54.457 ], [ -72.125, -54.434 ], [ -72.098, -54.417 ], [ -72.083, -54.433 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.294, -54.414 ], [ -72.258, -54.411 ], [ -72.231, -54.462 ], [ -72.309, -54.439 ], [ -72.321, -54.472 ], [ -72.37, -54.417 ], [ -72.294, -54.414 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.383, -54.42 ], [ -72.399, -54.413 ], [ -72.381, -54.41 ], [ -72.383, -54.42 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.497, -54.392 ], [ -71.512, -54.373 ], [ -71.481, -54.371 ], [ -71.497, -54.392 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.415, -54.406 ], [ -72.426, -54.397 ], [ -72.396, -54.387 ], [ -72.415, -54.406 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.54, -54.376 ], [ -71.531, -54.389 ], [ -71.604, -54.38 ], [ -71.54, -54.376 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.179, -54.375 ], [ -72.093, -54.41 ], [ -72.159, -54.441 ], [ -72.162, -54.399 ], [ -72.235, -54.384 ], [ -72.179, -54.375 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.915, -54.39 ], [ -71.9, -54.393 ], [ -71.974, -54.392 ], [ -71.915, -54.39 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.406, -54.325 ], [ -72.29, -54.344 ], [ -72.445, -54.362 ], [ -72.46, -54.435 ], [ -72.543, -54.381 ], [ -72.544, -54.343 ], [ -72.406, -54.325 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.091, -54.726 ], [ -71.101, -54.711 ], [ -71.074, -54.727 ], [ -71.091, -54.726 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.027, -54.736 ], [ -72.033, -54.704 ], [ -72.017, -54.7 ], [ -72.007, -54.721 ], [ -72.027, -54.736 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.839, -54.743 ], [ -71.795, -54.748 ], [ -71.767, -54.776 ], [ -71.835, -54.769 ], [ -71.869, -54.726 ], [ -71.839, -54.743 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.564, -54.714 ], [ -71.529, -54.746 ], [ -71.622, -54.763 ], [ -71.629, -54.7 ], [ -71.564, -54.714 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.15, -54.72 ], [ -71.108, -54.728 ], [ -71.147, -54.746 ], [ -71.15, -54.72 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.196, -54.717 ], [ -71.225, -54.744 ], [ -71.275, -54.73 ], [ -71.196, -54.717 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.729, -54.709 ], [ -71.775, -54.732 ], [ -71.789, -54.701 ], [ -71.763, -54.694 ], [ -71.729, -54.709 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.809, -54.717 ], [ -71.827, -54.697 ], [ -71.795, -54.689 ], [ -71.809, -54.717 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.045, -54.635 ], [ -71.961, -54.666 ], [ -71.902, -54.734 ], [ -71.981, -54.755 ], [ -71.968, -54.703 ], [ -72.033, -54.653 ], [ -72.103, -54.673 ], [ -72.045, -54.635 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.679, -54.691 ], [ -71.717, -54.708 ], [ -71.772, -54.659 ], [ -71.722, -54.655 ], [ -71.679, -54.691 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.218, -55.486 ], [ -69.338, -55.486 ], [ -69.366, -55.398 ], [ -69.404, -55.521 ], [ -69.43, -55.405 ], [ -69.511, -55.41 ], [ -69.397, -55.379 ], [ -69.501, -55.378 ], [ -69.452, -55.345 ], [ -69.547, -55.386 ], [ -69.596, -55.367 ], [ -69.525, -55.33 ], [ -69.79, -55.317 ], [ -69.542, -55.28 ], [ -69.681, -55.275 ], [ -69.455, -55.193 ], [ -69.862, -55.279 ], [ -69.896, -55.26 ], [ -69.848, -55.241 ], [ -69.963, -55.24 ], [ -69.857, -55.212 ], [ -69.968, -55.184 ], [ -69.856, -55.194 ], [ -70.027, -55.162 ], [ -70.027, -55.126 ], [ -69.929, -55.133 ], [ -69.966, -55.113 ], [ -69.903, -55.069 ], [ -69.669, -55.085 ], [ -69.58, -55.038 ], [ -69.564, -55.169 ], [ -69.546, -55.035 ], [ -69.325, -55.057 ], [ -69.393, -55.024 ], [ -68.437, -54.936 ], [ -68.31, -55.034 ], [ -68.329, -55.076 ], [ -68.449, -55.021 ], [ -68.427, -55.093 ], [ -68.635, -55.081 ], [ -68.549, -55.129 ], [ -68.658, -55.153 ], [ -69.021, -55.02 ], [ -69.074, -55.071 ], [ -68.978, -55.068 ], [ -68.985, -55.108 ], [ -68.743, -55.182 ], [ -68.367, -55.18 ], [ -68.342, -55.214 ], [ -68.25, -55.224 ], [ -68.333, -55.238 ], [ -68.188, -55.295 ], [ -68.556, -55.328 ], [ -68.66, -55.253 ], [ -68.749, -55.275 ], [ -68.645, -55.276 ], [ -68.68, -55.293 ], [ -68.619, -55.315 ], [ -68.634, -55.344 ], [ -68.54, -55.336 ], [ -68.59, -55.375 ], [ -68.406, -55.331 ], [ -68.273, -55.381 ], [ -68.32, -55.413 ], [ -68.139, -55.395 ], [ -68.164, -55.482 ], [ -68.023, -55.485 ], [ -68.116, -55.533 ], [ -67.973, -55.6 ], [ -68.015, -55.621 ], [ -67.97, -55.646 ], [ -68.021, -55.66 ], [ -67.968, -55.683 ], [ -68.092, -55.724 ], [ -68.137, -55.606 ], [ -68.278, -55.62 ], [ -68.218, -55.545 ], [ -68.355, -55.492 ], [ -68.442, -55.515 ], [ -68.556, -55.464 ], [ -68.549, -55.411 ], [ -68.632, -55.405 ], [ -68.598, -55.47 ], [ -68.794, -55.431 ], [ -68.775, -55.507 ], [ -68.916, -55.484 ], [ -68.87, -55.457 ], [ -68.927, -55.468 ], [ -68.963, -55.414 ], [ -68.739, -55.387 ], [ -68.809, -55.373 ], [ -68.752, -55.354 ], [ -68.783, -55.347 ], [ -68.975, -55.399 ], [ -68.87, -55.317 ], [ -68.89, -55.274 ], [ -68.831, -55.248 ], [ -68.872, -55.228 ], [ -68.797, -55.18 ], [ -69.029, -55.275 ], [ -69.136, -55.185 ], [ -69.12, -55.248 ], [ -69.218, -55.212 ], [ -69.258, -55.153 ], [ -69.226, -55.115 ], [ -69.318, -55.155 ], [ -69.247, -55.236 ], [ -69.499, -55.244 ], [ -69.433, -55.252 ], [ -69.469, -55.264 ], [ -69.436, -55.304 ], [ -69.323, -55.305 ], [ -69.355, -55.319 ], [ -69.27, -55.36 ], [ -69.308, -55.37 ], [ -69.231, -55.37 ], [ -69.262, -55.398 ], [ -69.22, -55.408 ], [ -69.285, -55.414 ], [ -69.246, -55.43 ], [ -69.287, -55.451 ], [ -69.116, -55.461 ], [ -69.187, -55.458 ], [ -69.125, -55.489 ], [ -69.15, -55.515 ], [ -69.218, -55.486 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.645, -54.892 ], [ -69.484, -54.901 ], [ -69.533, -54.956 ], [ -69.432, -54.901 ], [ -69.133, -54.961 ], [ -69.929, -55.04 ], [ -69.893, -55.016 ], [ -69.934, -54.957 ], [ -69.807, -54.952 ], [ -69.927, -54.904 ], [ -69.778, -54.889 ], [ -69.748, -54.973 ], [ -69.667, -54.948 ], [ -69.753, -54.874 ], [ -69.645, -54.892 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.97, -55 ], [ -70.903, -55 ], [ -71.001, -54.97 ], [ -70.838, -54.926 ], [ -70.84, -54.983 ], [ -70.779, -54.978 ], [ -70.768, -54.928 ], [ -70.696, -54.965 ], [ -70.735, -54.981 ], [ -70.551, -54.98 ], [ -70.587, -54.948 ], [ -70.487, -54.901 ], [ -70.332, -54.89 ], [ -70.291, -54.914 ], [ -70.475, -54.946 ], [ -70.511, -54.967 ], [ -70.48, -54.996 ], [ -70.71, -54.982 ], [ -70.726, -55.013 ], [ -70.563, -55.043 ], [ -70.492, -55.021 ], [ -70.453, -55.06 ], [ -70.282, -55.03 ], [ -70.267, -55.072 ], [ -70.356, -55.077 ], [ -70.239, -55.109 ], [ -70.432, -55.093 ], [ -70.345, -55.168 ], [ -70.448, -55.209 ], [ -70.521, -55.15 ], [ -70.539, -55.177 ], [ -70.485, -55.19 ], [ -70.524, -55.205 ], [ -70.556, -55.18 ], [ -70.5, -55.102 ], [ -70.564, -55.06 ], [ -70.622, -55.053 ], [ -70.571, -55.086 ], [ -70.639, -55.073 ], [ -70.675, -55.129 ], [ -70.741, -55.103 ], [ -70.695, -55.073 ], [ -70.732, -55.049 ], [ -70.796, -55.096 ], [ -70.853, -55.049 ], [ -70.905, -55.09 ], [ -70.939, -55.037 ], [ -70.996, -55.053 ], [ -70.945, -55.026 ], [ -70.97, -55 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.269, -55.013 ], [ -70.312, -54.998 ], [ -70.282, -54.979 ], [ -70.29, -54.954 ], [ -70.39, -55.004 ], [ -70.45, -54.959 ], [ -70.223, -54.941 ], [ -70.269, -55.013 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.007, -54.923 ], [ -69.935, -54.942 ], [ -70.203, -55.01 ], [ -70.162, -54.957 ], [ -70.007, -54.923 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.113, -54.91 ], [ -70.057, -54.915 ], [ -70.186, -54.93 ], [ -70.133, -54.899 ], [ -70.113, -54.91 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.228, -54.902 ], [ -70.239, -54.899 ], [ -70.221, -54.889 ], [ -70.228, -54.902 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.121, -54.834 ], [ -71.128, -54.867 ], [ -70.975, -54.859 ], [ -70.976, -54.901 ], [ -70.924, -54.908 ], [ -70.986, -54.918 ], [ -70.896, -54.924 ], [ -71.064, -54.958 ], [ -71.158, -54.93 ], [ -71.072, -54.905 ], [ -71.283, -54.859 ], [ -71.333, -54.955 ], [ -71.353, -54.881 ], [ -71.42, -54.943 ], [ -71.403, -54.912 ], [ -71.454, -54.883 ], [ -71.383, -54.859 ], [ -71.399, -54.828 ], [ -71.121, -54.834 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.555, -54.83 ], [ -70.452, -54.834 ], [ -70.351, -54.866 ], [ -70.574, -54.912 ], [ -70.742, -54.869 ], [ -70.555, -54.83 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.931, -54.292 ], [ -69.96, -54.271 ], [ -69.925, -54.275 ], [ -69.931, -54.292 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.792, -54.284 ], [ -72.789, -54.27 ], [ -72.773, -54.276 ], [ -72.792, -54.284 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.564, -54.314 ], [ -71.61, -54.282 ], [ -71.566, -54.298 ], [ -71.564, -54.314 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.471, -54.264 ], [ -71.389, -54.265 ], [ -71.416, -54.287 ], [ -71.378, -54.332 ], [ -71.497, -54.333 ], [ -71.493, -54.233 ], [ -71.471, -54.264 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72, -54.3 ], [ -72.055, -54.289 ], [ -72.088, -54.262 ], [ -71.992, -54.251 ], [ -72, -54.3 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.195, -54.218 ], [ -72.148, -54.283 ], [ -72.16, -54.305 ], [ -72.208, -54.291 ], [ -72.195, -54.218 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.284, -54.287 ], [ -70.474, -54.236 ], [ -70.521, -54.159 ], [ -70.219, -54.238 ], [ -70.284, -54.287 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.106, -54.4 ], [ -71.165, -54.332 ], [ -71.189, -54.376 ], [ -71.345, -54.317 ], [ -71.166, -54.244 ], [ -71.232, -54.207 ], [ -71.254, -54.255 ], [ -71.321, -54.261 ], [ -71.322, -54.215 ], [ -71.37, -54.256 ], [ -71.439, -54.211 ], [ -71.354, -54.15 ], [ -71.405, -54.154 ], [ -71.386, -54.117 ], [ -71.43, -54.154 ], [ -71.5, -54.13 ], [ -71.439, -54.166 ], [ -71.489, -54.188 ], [ -71.509, -54.284 ], [ -71.577, -54.23 ], [ -71.514, -54.183 ], [ -71.581, -54.193 ], [ -71.589, -54.243 ], [ -71.654, -54.228 ], [ -71.691, -54.16 ], [ -71.554, -54.088 ], [ -71.602, -54.088 ], [ -71.638, -54.018 ], [ -71.606, -53.954 ], [ -71.523, -53.953 ], [ -71.487, -54.012 ], [ -71.49, -53.956 ], [ -71.433, -53.956 ], [ -71.391, -54.094 ], [ -71.379, -53.978 ], [ -71.262, -54.005 ], [ -71.236, -54.095 ], [ -71.288, -54.112 ], [ -71.207, -54.119 ], [ -71.192, -54.206 ], [ -71.155, -54.089 ], [ -71.107, -54.167 ], [ -71.08, -54.067 ], [ -70.99, -54.096 ], [ -70.986, -54.156 ], [ -71.066, -54.202 ], [ -70.962, -54.174 ], [ -70.97, -54.241 ], [ -71.03, -54.242 ], [ -70.965, -54.312 ], [ -71.042, -54.299 ], [ -71.038, -54.344 ], [ -71.14, -54.302 ], [ -71.058, -54.354 ], [ -71.106, -54.4 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.475, -54.295 ], [ -72.553, -54.272 ], [ -72.458, -54.235 ], [ -72.496, -54.194 ], [ -72.377, -54.172 ], [ -72.415, -54.124 ], [ -72.284, -54.098 ], [ -72.417, -54.085 ], [ -72.317, -54.058 ], [ -72.196, -54.142 ], [ -72.285, -54.145 ], [ -72.255, -54.198 ], [ -72.326, -54.2 ], [ -72.314, -54.263 ], [ -72.393, -54.217 ], [ -72.475, -54.295 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.519, -37.079 ], [ -73.556, -37.026 ], [ -73.525, -36.972 ], [ -73.455, -37.052 ], [ -73.519, -37.079 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.056, -36.644 ], [ -73.072, -36.648 ], [ -73.048, -36.605 ], [ -73.056, -36.644 ] ] ], [ [ [ -109.291, -27.094 ], [ -109.234, -27.125 ], [ -109.452, -27.197 ], [ -109.396, -27.063 ], [ -109.291, -27.094 ] ] ], [ [ [ -80.733, -33.706 ], [ -80.72, -33.783 ], [ -80.762, -33.79 ], [ -80.785, -33.72 ], [ -80.733, -33.706 ] ] ], [ [ [ -78.938, -33.7 ], [ -78.922, -33.711 ], [ -78.96, -33.701 ], [ -78.938, -33.7 ] ] ], [ [ [ -78.891, -33.593 ], [ -78.788, -33.624 ], [ -78.761, -33.656 ], [ -79.006, -33.668 ], [ -78.891, -33.593 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.586, -29.022 ], [ -71.571, -29.026 ], [ -71.572, -29.043 ], [ -71.59, -29.046 ], [ -71.586, -29.022 ] ] ], [ [ [ -79.89, -26.356 ], [ -79.894, -26.369 ], [ -79.918, -26.365 ], [ -79.89, -26.356 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.81, -41.749 ], [ -73.822, -41.74 ], [ -73.814, -41.73 ], [ -73.8, -41.742 ], [ -73.81, -41.749 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.951, -41.719 ], [ -73.001, -41.706 ], [ -72.99, -41.667 ], [ -72.886, -41.697 ], [ -72.951, -41.719 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.977, -41.592 ], [ -73.008, -41.594 ], [ -73.019, -41.562 ], [ -72.973, -41.557 ], [ -72.977, -41.592 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.902, -38.417 ], [ -73.939, -38.417 ], [ -73.959, -38.318 ], [ -73.864, -38.37 ], [ -73.902, -38.417 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.717, -44.07 ], [ -73.699, -44.086 ], [ -73.729, -44.071 ], [ -73.717, -44.07 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.884, -44.071 ], [ -73.852, -44.074 ], [ -73.845, -44.091 ], [ -73.914, -44.076 ], [ -73.884, -44.071 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.113, -44.046 ], [ -74.16, -44.073 ], [ -74.203, -44.065 ], [ -74.113, -44.046 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.941, -44.048 ], [ -73.933, -44.059 ], [ -73.95, -44.071 ], [ -73.941, -44.048 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.702, -43.923 ], [ -73.688, -43.934 ], [ -73.708, -43.933 ], [ -73.702, -43.923 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.672, -43.878 ], [ -73.662, -43.885 ], [ -73.673, -43.89 ], [ -73.682, -43.882 ], [ -73.672, -43.878 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.776, -43.829 ], [ -73.739, -43.902 ], [ -73.895, -43.872 ], [ -73.781, -43.86 ], [ -73.776, -43.829 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.771, -43.684 ], [ -74.838, -43.563 ], [ -74.745, -43.567 ], [ -74.744, -43.518 ], [ -74.552, -43.627 ], [ -74.771, -43.684 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.204, -43.466 ], [ -74.213, -43.473 ], [ -74.2, -43.455 ], [ -74.204, -43.466 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.018, -43.801 ], [ -74.025, -43.818 ], [ -74.046, -43.811 ], [ -74.018, -43.801 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.003, -43.787 ], [ -73.987, -43.805 ], [ -73.997, -43.818 ], [ -74.01, -43.808 ], [ -74.003, -43.787 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.263, -44.015 ], [ -73.241, -44.023 ], [ -73.234, -44.052 ], [ -73.279, -44.028 ], [ -73.263, -44.015 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.243, -44.012 ], [ -74.174, -44.028 ], [ -74.287, -44.025 ], [ -74.243, -44.012 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.223, -43.985 ], [ -74.153, -44.005 ], [ -74.243, -44.002 ], [ -74.223, -43.985 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.575, -44.033 ], [ -73.538, -44.044 ], [ -73.529, -44.08 ], [ -73.614, -44.036 ], [ -73.575, -44.033 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.896, -43.934 ], [ -73.781, -43.976 ], [ -73.865, -43.991 ], [ -73.927, -43.961 ], [ -73.896, -43.934 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.735, -44.03 ], [ -73.721, -44.038 ], [ -73.735, -44.065 ], [ -73.748, -44.039 ], [ -73.735, -44.03 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.133, -43.887 ], [ -73.145, -44.032 ], [ -73.212, -44.037 ], [ -73.186, -44.021 ], [ -73.266, -43.974 ], [ -73.244, -43.915 ], [ -73.133, -43.887 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.138, -43.954 ], [ -74.175, -43.94 ], [ -74.117, -43.95 ], [ -74.138, -43.954 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.765, -43.908 ], [ -73.788, -43.951 ], [ -73.854, -43.926 ], [ -73.843, -43.91 ], [ -73.765, -43.908 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.86, -43.774 ], [ -73.787, -43.84 ], [ -73.943, -43.855 ], [ -73.864, -43.917 ], [ -73.918, -43.909 ], [ -73.941, -43.956 ], [ -74.01, -43.891 ], [ -74.16, -43.864 ], [ -74.074, -43.808 ], [ -73.978, -43.847 ], [ -73.902, -43.843 ], [ -73.907, -43.802 ], [ -73.831, -43.804 ], [ -73.86, -43.774 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.076, -42.682 ], [ -73.083, -42.653 ], [ -73.067, -42.667 ], [ -73.076, -42.682 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.441, -43.068 ], [ -73.475, -43.042 ], [ -73.453, -43.045 ], [ -73.441, -43.068 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.326, -43.016 ], [ -73.464, -42.994 ], [ -73.605, -42.931 ], [ -73.518, -42.917 ], [ -73.326, -43.016 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.95, -42.81 ], [ -73.031, -42.721 ], [ -73.031, -42.697 ], [ -72.924, -42.725 ], [ -72.919, -42.783 ], [ -72.97, -42.752 ], [ -72.95, -42.81 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.075, -42.755 ], [ -73.093, -42.728 ], [ -73.072, -42.741 ], [ -73.075, -42.755 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.061, -42.752 ], [ -73.079, -42.715 ], [ -73.052, -42.722 ], [ -73.061, -42.752 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.51, -42.17 ], [ -72.609, -42.134 ], [ -72.574, -42.08 ], [ -72.477, -42.09 ], [ -72.51, -42.17 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.247, -42.666 ], [ -73.358, -42.63 ], [ -73.233, -42.635 ], [ -73.247, -42.666 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.032, -42.63 ], [ -73.064, -42.609 ], [ -73.004, -42.603 ], [ -73.006, -42.653 ], [ -73.032, -42.63 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.531, -42.647 ], [ -73.482, -42.638 ], [ -73.502, -42.604 ], [ -73.423, -42.622 ], [ -73.469, -42.648 ], [ -73.531, -42.647 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.267, -42.612 ], [ -73.329, -42.601 ], [ -73.284, -42.589 ], [ -73.267, -42.612 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.538, -42.701 ], [ -73.577, -42.709 ], [ -73.597, -42.653 ], [ -73.743, -42.617 ], [ -73.594, -42.571 ], [ -73.538, -42.701 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.207, -42.63 ], [ -73.214, -42.591 ], [ -73.243, -42.613 ], [ -73.223, -42.56 ], [ -73.196, -42.617 ], [ -73.207, -42.63 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.516, -42.603 ], [ -73.538, -42.58 ], [ -73.491, -42.55 ], [ -73.516, -42.603 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.264, -42.514 ], [ -73.294, -42.463 ], [ -73.248, -42.482 ], [ -73.264, -42.514 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.337, -42.489 ], [ -73.377, -42.49 ], [ -73.373, -42.453 ], [ -73.297, -42.472 ], [ -73.337, -42.489 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.428, -42.44 ], [ -73.462, -42.425 ], [ -73.433, -42.424 ], [ -73.428, -42.44 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.195, -42.32 ], [ -73.207, -42.329 ], [ -73.222, -42.307 ], [ -73.195, -42.32 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.386, -42.184 ], [ -73.408, -42.153 ], [ -73.46, -42.139 ], [ -73.385, -42.109 ], [ -73.348, -42.178 ], [ -73.386, -42.184 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.13, -42.342 ], [ -73.172, -42.267 ], [ -73.14, -42.302 ], [ -73.11, -42.258 ], [ -73.057, -42.274 ], [ -73.13, -42.342 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.24, -42.316 ], [ -73.314, -42.306 ], [ -73.271, -42.286 ], [ -73.24, -42.316 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.215, -42.304 ], [ -73.198, -42.294 ], [ -73.262, -42.27 ], [ -73.207, -42.282 ], [ -73.186, -42.303 ], [ -73.215, -42.304 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.145, -42.277 ], [ -73.186, -42.244 ], [ -73.149, -42.253 ], [ -73.145, -42.277 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.124, -42.399 ], [ -73.152, -42.398 ], [ -73.103, -42.377 ], [ -73.124, -42.399 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.514, -42.455 ], [ -73.394, -42.543 ], [ -73.389, -42.584 ], [ -73.539, -42.469 ], [ -73.633, -42.473 ], [ -73.603, -42.439 ], [ -73.659, -42.391 ], [ -73.528, -42.393 ], [ -73.514, -42.455 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.306, -42.44 ], [ -73.345, -42.421 ], [ -73.291, -42.389 ], [ -73.282, -42.419 ], [ -73.306, -42.44 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.455, -42.385 ], [ -73.444, -42.366 ], [ -73.414, -42.393 ], [ -73.436, -42.408 ], [ -73.455, -42.385 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.276, -43.423 ], [ -74.278, -43.362 ], [ -74.254, -43.349 ], [ -74.232, -43.41 ], [ -74.276, -43.423 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.726, -43.399 ], [ -73.775, -43.382 ], [ -73.806, -43.317 ], [ -73.661, -43.354 ], [ -73.726, -43.399 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.585, -43.273 ], [ -73.625, -43.239 ], [ -73.618, -43.165 ], [ -73.569, -43.249 ], [ -73.585, -43.273 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.667, -43.247 ], [ -73.744, -43.198 ], [ -73.661, -43.194 ], [ -73.667, -43.247 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.498, -43.174 ], [ -73.535, -43.196 ], [ -73.589, -43.201 ], [ -73.581, -43.138 ], [ -73.498, -43.174 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.51, -43.156 ], [ -73.509, -43.156 ], [ -73.509, -43.157 ], [ -73.51, -43.156 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.51, -43.156 ], [ -73.532, -43.156 ], [ -73.518, -43.142 ], [ -73.51, -43.156 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.631, -42.077 ], [ -72.642, -42.081 ], [ -72.644, -42.065 ], [ -72.618, -42.067 ], [ -72.631, -42.077 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.484, -42.07 ], [ -72.513, -42.054 ], [ -72.461, -41.984 ], [ -72.462, -42.031 ], [ -72.484, -42.07 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.105, -41.904 ], [ -73.103, -41.903 ], [ -73.104, -41.904 ], [ -73.105, -41.904 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.068, -41.901 ], [ -73.103, -41.903 ], [ -73.078, -41.891 ], [ -73.068, -41.901 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.105, -41.904 ], [ -73.161, -41.907 ], [ -73.137, -41.882 ], [ -73.105, -41.904 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.894, -41.898 ], [ -72.938, -41.875 ], [ -72.895, -41.87 ], [ -72.894, -41.898 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.349, -41.834 ], [ -73.329, -41.817 ], [ -73.339, -41.799 ], [ -73.32, -41.816 ], [ -73.349, -41.834 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.157, -41.809 ], [ -73.185, -41.796 ], [ -73.157, -41.797 ], [ -73.127, -41.769 ], [ -73.157, -41.809 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.235, -41.801 ], [ -73.246, -41.797 ], [ -73.251, -41.725 ], [ -73.197, -41.779 ], [ -73.16, -41.785 ], [ -73.235, -41.801 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.099, -41.854 ], [ -73.097, -41.834 ], [ -73.123, -41.816 ], [ -73.085, -41.833 ], [ -73.099, -41.854 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.144, -41.84 ], [ -73.162, -41.817 ], [ -73.132, -41.832 ], [ -73.144, -41.84 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.078, -41.75 ], [ -73.055, -41.732 ], [ -72.985, -41.858 ], [ -73.116, -41.807 ], [ -73.05, -41.813 ], [ -73.078, -41.75 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.48, -44.276 ], [ -73.476, -44.292 ], [ -73.49, -44.299 ], [ -73.498, -44.285 ], [ -73.48, -44.276 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.626, -44.288 ], [ -73.615, -44.296 ], [ -73.64, -44.297 ], [ -73.626, -44.288 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.204, -44.243 ], [ -73.197, -44.259 ], [ -73.217, -44.248 ], [ -73.204, -44.243 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.901, -44.248 ], [ -73.842, -44.264 ], [ -73.855, -44.29 ], [ -73.934, -44.256 ], [ -73.901, -44.248 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.832, -44.214 ], [ -73.804, -44.235 ], [ -73.836, -44.255 ], [ -73.85, -44.219 ], [ -73.832, -44.214 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.234, -44.218 ], [ -73.209, -44.233 ], [ -73.236, -44.237 ], [ -73.234, -44.218 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.325, -44.215 ], [ -74.334, -44.231 ], [ -74.364, -44.223 ], [ -74.325, -44.215 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.742, -44.219 ], [ -73.726, -44.228 ], [ -73.754, -44.241 ], [ -73.742, -44.219 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.29, -44.21 ], [ -74.262, -44.213 ], [ -74.22, -44.255 ], [ -74.319, -44.219 ], [ -74.29, -44.21 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.554, -44.127 ], [ -73.541, -44.148 ], [ -73.581, -44.162 ], [ -73.587, -44.145 ], [ -73.554, -44.127 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.142, -44.115 ], [ -74.13, -44.124 ], [ -74.167, -44.153 ], [ -74.142, -44.115 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.346, -44.099 ], [ -74.181, -44.134 ], [ -74.351, -44.129 ], [ -74.346, -44.099 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.351, -44.189 ], [ -74.363, -44.172 ], [ -74.305, -44.188 ], [ -74.354, -44.2 ], [ -74.351, -44.189 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.307, -44.182 ], [ -74.307, -44.182 ], [ -74.308, -44.182 ], [ -74.307, -44.182 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.211, -44.189 ], [ -74.161, -44.192 ], [ -74.147, -44.213 ], [ -74.196, -44.211 ], [ -74.211, -44.189 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.623, -44.187 ], [ -73.623, -44.205 ], [ -73.655, -44.213 ], [ -73.623, -44.187 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.512, -44.104 ], [ -73.448, -44.126 ], [ -73.496, -44.183 ], [ -73.543, -44.127 ], [ -73.512, -44.104 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.67, -44.15 ], [ -73.658, -44.205 ], [ -73.72, -44.201 ], [ -73.724, -44.172 ], [ -73.67, -44.15 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.307, -44.182 ], [ -74.359, -44.149 ], [ -74.234, -44.177 ], [ -74.307, -44.182 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.06, -44.12 ], [ -74.123, -44.193 ], [ -74.156, -44.186 ], [ -74.124, -44.141 ], [ -74.06, -44.12 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.927, -44.099 ], [ -73.84, -44.128 ], [ -73.898, -44.177 ], [ -73.815, -44.185 ], [ -73.829, -44.152 ], [ -73.804, -44.188 ], [ -73.96, -44.193 ], [ -73.996, -44.145 ], [ -73.927, -44.099 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.409, -44.328 ], [ -74.4, -44.338 ], [ -74.415, -44.349 ], [ -74.409, -44.328 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.716, -44.333 ], [ -73.703, -44.354 ], [ -73.735, -44.352 ], [ -73.716, -44.333 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.599, -44.329 ], [ -73.578, -44.344 ], [ -73.597, -44.357 ], [ -73.612, -44.341 ], [ -73.599, -44.329 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.149, -44.302 ], [ -73.089, -44.32 ], [ -73.148, -44.34 ], [ -73.149, -44.302 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.665, -44.341 ], [ -73.684, -44.346 ], [ -73.698, -44.33 ], [ -73.663, -44.318 ], [ -73.665, -44.341 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.258, -44.32 ], [ -74.264, -44.333 ], [ -74.302, -44.333 ], [ -74.295, -44.319 ], [ -74.258, -44.32 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.279, -44.305 ], [ -73.276, -44.322 ], [ -73.297, -44.33 ], [ -73.279, -44.305 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.733, -44.306 ], [ -73.726, -44.317 ], [ -73.745, -44.316 ], [ -73.733, -44.306 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.67, -44.24 ], [ -73.635, -44.267 ], [ -73.718, -44.31 ], [ -73.746, -44.256 ], [ -73.67, -44.24 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.421, -44.256 ], [ -74.276, -44.252 ], [ -74.233, -44.305 ], [ -74.344, -44.307 ], [ -74.421, -44.256 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.142, -44.228 ], [ -74.102, -44.262 ], [ -74.116, -44.31 ], [ -74.203, -44.252 ], [ -74.142, -44.228 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.784, -44.287 ], [ -73.801, -44.352 ], [ -74.015, -44.339 ], [ -73.972, -44.33 ], [ -74.061, -44.299 ], [ -74.105, -44.208 ], [ -74.066, -44.181 ], [ -74.047, -44.21 ], [ -73.984, -44.245 ], [ -74.068, -44.179 ], [ -74.021, -44.146 ], [ -73.929, -44.22 ], [ -73.857, -44.227 ], [ -74.003, -44.254 ], [ -73.964, -44.318 ], [ -73.952, -44.262 ], [ -73.899, -44.301 ], [ -73.852, -44.295 ], [ -73.815, -44.259 ], [ -73.784, -44.287 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.047, -44.09 ], [ -74.028, -44.1 ], [ -74.051, -44.106 ], [ -74.047, -44.09 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.23, -44.073 ], [ -74.171, -44.094 ], [ -74.341, -44.085 ], [ -74.334, -44.073 ], [ -74.23, -44.073 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.076, -44.071 ], [ -74.082, -44.102 ], [ -74.133, -44.089 ], [ -74.076, -44.071 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.665, -44.082 ], [ -73.67, -44.087 ], [ -73.695, -44.072 ], [ -73.674, -44.063 ], [ -73.665, -44.082 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.663, -44.075 ], [ -73.738, -43.997 ], [ -73.694, -43.936 ], [ -73.6, -44.006 ], [ -73.652, -44.036 ], [ -73.582, -44.105 ], [ -73.638, -44.14 ], [ -73.663, -44.075 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.028, -49.948 ], [ -75.038, -49.94 ], [ -75.014, -49.943 ], [ -75.028, -49.948 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.986, -49.905 ], [ -74.986, -49.924 ], [ -75.022, -49.919 ], [ -75.022, -49.906 ], [ -74.986, -49.905 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.079, -49.917 ], [ -75.088, -49.91 ], [ -75.07, -49.907 ], [ -75.079, -49.917 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.076, -49.9 ], [ -75.108, -49.895 ], [ -75.063, -49.891 ], [ -75.076, -49.9 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.88, -49.828 ], [ -74.897, -49.806 ], [ -74.878, -49.809 ], [ -74.88, -49.828 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.389, -49.825 ], [ -75.39, -49.789 ], [ -75.327, -49.753 ], [ -75.366, -49.683 ], [ -75.378, -49.739 ], [ -75.578, -49.819 ], [ -75.594, -49.754 ], [ -75.516, -49.733 ], [ -75.481, -49.704 ], [ -75.609, -49.638 ], [ -75.57, -49.595 ], [ -75.463, -49.611 ], [ -75.46, -49.568 ], [ -75.371, -49.618 ], [ -75.363, -49.574 ], [ -75.161, -49.868 ], [ -75.281, -49.804 ], [ -75.258, -49.874 ], [ -75.337, -49.859 ], [ -75.377, -49.794 ], [ -75.389, -49.825 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.296, -49.596 ], [ -75.305, -49.549 ], [ -75.248, -49.564 ], [ -75.296, -49.596 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.369, -49.555 ], [ -75.383, -49.57 ], [ -75.424, -49.561 ], [ -75.334, -49.53 ], [ -75.369, -49.555 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.486, -49.449 ], [ -75.429, -49.477 ], [ -75.43, -49.529 ], [ -75.581, -49.428 ], [ -75.541, -49.404 ], [ -75.486, -49.449 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.007, -48.914 ], [ -74.993, -48.928 ], [ -75.051, -48.914 ], [ -75.007, -48.914 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.608, -48.375 ], [ -75.617, -48.387 ], [ -75.618, -48.37 ], [ -75.608, -48.375 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.053, -48.514 ], [ -74.188, -48.455 ], [ -74.176, -48.439 ], [ -74.25, -48.38 ], [ -74.033, -48.427 ], [ -74.053, -48.514 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.425, -48.589 ], [ -74.436, -48.56 ], [ -74.417, -48.571 ], [ -74.305, -48.531 ], [ -74.425, -48.589 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.495, -48.511 ], [ -74.524, -48.492 ], [ -74.509, -48.475 ], [ -74.484, -48.498 ], [ -74.495, -48.511 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.017, -48.686 ], [ -75.076, -48.828 ], [ -75.239, -48.769 ], [ -75.017, -48.617 ], [ -75.017, -48.686 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.459, -48.794 ], [ -75.432, -48.746 ], [ -75.59, -48.816 ], [ -75.645, -48.694 ], [ -75.497, -48.744 ], [ -75.304, -48.622 ], [ -75.336, -48.679 ], [ -75.281, -48.653 ], [ -75.265, -48.725 ], [ -75.459, -48.794 ] ], [ [ -75.443, -48.771 ], [ -75.383, -48.745 ], [ -75.339, -48.69 ], [ -75.443, -48.771 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.483, -48.484 ], [ -75.358, -48.439 ], [ -75.404, -48.51 ], [ -75.36, -48.532 ], [ -75.349, -48.453 ], [ -75.307, -48.46 ], [ -75.333, -48.492 ], [ -75.317, -48.531 ], [ -75.398, -48.562 ], [ -75.31, -48.547 ], [ -75.29, -48.621 ], [ -75.315, -48.604 ], [ -75.511, -48.72 ], [ -75.618, -48.689 ], [ -75.467, -48.673 ], [ -75.387, -48.6 ], [ -75.49, -48.653 ], [ -75.545, -48.654 ], [ -75.411, -48.571 ], [ -75.548, -48.649 ], [ -75.639, -48.641 ], [ -75.665, -48.49 ], [ -75.616, -48.493 ], [ -75.615, -48.453 ], [ -75.483, -48.484 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.442, -48.511 ], [ -74.507, -48.386 ], [ -74.28, -48.488 ], [ -74.406, -48.554 ], [ -74.442, -48.511 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.677, -49.234 ], [ -75.696, -49.225 ], [ -75.681, -49.221 ], [ -75.677, -49.234 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.085, -49.241 ], [ -75.147, -49.218 ], [ -75.155, -49.201 ], [ -75.113, -49.204 ], [ -75.085, -49.241 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.25, -49.151 ], [ -75.226, -49.134 ], [ -75.263, -49.174 ], [ -75.303, -49.183 ], [ -75.25, -49.151 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.618, -49.159 ], [ -75.625, -49.143 ], [ -75.608, -49.125 ], [ -75.618, -49.159 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.587, -49.138 ], [ -75.598, -49.128 ], [ -75.571, -49.122 ], [ -75.587, -49.138 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.414, -49.201 ], [ -75.396, -49.214 ], [ -75.414, -49.216 ], [ -75.414, -49.201 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.669, -49.205 ], [ -75.681, -49.2 ], [ -75.644, -49.178 ], [ -75.64, -49.193 ], [ -75.669, -49.205 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.64, -49.126 ], [ -75.667, -49.079 ], [ -75.654, -49.068 ], [ -75.619, -49.111 ], [ -75.64, -49.126 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.51, -48.159 ], [ -73.488, -48.176 ], [ -73.521, -48.178 ], [ -73.51, -48.159 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.57, -48.125 ], [ -73.661, -48.079 ], [ -73.665, -48.057 ], [ -73.58, -48.089 ], [ -73.57, -48.125 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.678, -47.87 ], [ -73.687, -47.864 ], [ -73.672, -47.861 ], [ -73.678, -47.87 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.626, -47.872 ], [ -73.662, -47.857 ], [ -73.627, -47.849 ], [ -73.626, -47.872 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.73, -48 ], [ -73.779, -47.949 ], [ -73.743, -47.878 ], [ -73.656, -47.945 ], [ -73.692, -47.944 ], [ -73.67, -48.001 ], [ -73.73, -48 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.823, -47.961 ], [ -73.84, -47.979 ], [ -73.872, -47.98 ], [ -73.871, -47.967 ], [ -73.823, -47.961 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.919, -47.98 ], [ -73.932, -47.974 ], [ -73.901, -47.966 ], [ -73.919, -47.98 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.289, -47.982 ], [ -75.282, -47.962 ], [ -75.253, -47.97 ], [ -75.289, -47.982 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.641, -47.975 ], [ -74.638, -47.914 ], [ -74.547, -47.926 ], [ -74.641, -47.975 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.25, -47.921 ], [ -75.255, -47.912 ], [ -75.237, -47.908 ], [ -75.25, -47.921 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.242, -47.963 ], [ -75.259, -47.955 ], [ -75.093, -47.894 ], [ -75.13, -47.925 ], [ -75.242, -47.963 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.23, -47.911 ], [ -75.233, -47.891 ], [ -75.199, -47.876 ], [ -75.23, -47.911 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.188, -47.917 ], [ -75.166, -47.864 ], [ -75.099, -47.875 ], [ -75.188, -47.917 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75, -47.905 ], [ -75.002, -47.952 ], [ -75.043, -47.908 ], [ -75.017, -47.851 ], [ -75, -47.905 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.269, -48.484 ], [ -74.341, -48.443 ], [ -74.301, -48.46 ], [ -74.264, -48.449 ], [ -74.49, -48.362 ], [ -74.423, -48.347 ], [ -74.277, -48.427 ], [ -74.411, -48.341 ], [ -74.316, -48.287 ], [ -74.255, -48.412 ], [ -74.192, -48.443 ], [ -74.269, -48.484 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.515, -48.083 ], [ -75.438, -48.065 ], [ -75.47, -48.129 ], [ -75.404, -48.028 ], [ -75.342, -48.029 ], [ -75.381, -48.143 ], [ -75.34, -48.088 ], [ -75.297, -48.107 ], [ -75.336, -48.13 ], [ -75.364, -48.179 ], [ -75.262, -48.151 ], [ -75.308, -48.209 ], [ -75.256, -48.175 ], [ -75.259, -48.205 ], [ -75.321, -48.235 ], [ -75.256, -48.226 ], [ -75.275, -48.27 ], [ -75.217, -48.298 ], [ -75.26, -48.326 ], [ -75.206, -48.31 ], [ -75.218, -48.371 ], [ -75.155, -48.39 ], [ -75.214, -48.452 ], [ -75.141, -48.407 ], [ -75.073, -48.493 ], [ -75.199, -48.463 ], [ -75.226, -48.516 ], [ -75.084, -48.511 ], [ -75.065, -48.624 ], [ -75.236, -48.715 ], [ -75.26, -48.667 ], [ -75.163, -48.627 ], [ -75.269, -48.657 ], [ -75.218, -48.598 ], [ -75.285, -48.614 ], [ -75.29, -48.555 ], [ -75.244, -48.532 ], [ -75.316, -48.495 ], [ -75.228, -48.424 ], [ -75.336, -48.419 ], [ -75.277, -48.336 ], [ -75.353, -48.41 ], [ -75.545, -48.433 ], [ -75.571, -48.39 ], [ -75.389, -48.356 ], [ -75.364, -48.293 ], [ -75.418, -48.338 ], [ -75.38, -48.245 ], [ -75.445, -48.353 ], [ -75.501, -48.35 ], [ -75.478, -48.307 ], [ -75.547, -48.351 ], [ -75.56, -48.3 ], [ -75.43, -48.246 ], [ -75.394, -48.202 ], [ -75.517, -48.259 ], [ -75.59, -48.112 ], [ -75.519, -48.052 ], [ -75.515, -48.083 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75, -48.114 ], [ -74.932, -48.167 ], [ -74.998, -48.178 ], [ -74.892, -48.177 ], [ -74.926, -48.237 ], [ -74.979, -48.224 ], [ -74.936, -48.247 ], [ -74.883, -48.215 ], [ -74.948, -48.279 ], [ -74.83, -48.223 ], [ -74.811, -48.148 ], [ -74.742, -48.139 ], [ -74.891, -48.307 ], [ -74.822, -48.256 ], [ -74.83, -48.383 ], [ -74.881, -48.398 ], [ -74.871, -48.361 ], [ -75.02, -48.473 ], [ -75.109, -48.358 ], [ -75.082, -48.342 ], [ -75.156, -48.317 ], [ -75.048, -48.271 ], [ -75.168, -48.284 ], [ -75.088, -48.265 ], [ -75.145, -48.263 ], [ -75.08, -48.222 ], [ -75.175, -48.26 ], [ -75.166, -48.203 ], [ -75.208, -48.213 ], [ -75.124, -48.175 ], [ -75.216, -48.192 ], [ -75.149, -48.156 ], [ -75.217, -48.165 ], [ -75.265, -48.09 ], [ -75.016, -48.143 ], [ -75.096, -48.098 ], [ -75, -48.114 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.342, -48.231 ], [ -74.304, -48.266 ], [ -74.374, -48.244 ], [ -74.342, -48.231 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.518, -48.049 ], [ -75.54, -48.037 ], [ -75.482, -48.043 ], [ -75.518, -48.049 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.315, -48.148 ], [ -75.333, -48.142 ], [ -75.285, -48.129 ], [ -75.288, -48.146 ], [ -75.315, -48.148 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.886, -48.173 ], [ -74.904, -48.153 ], [ -74.847, -48.115 ], [ -74.837, -48.143 ], [ -74.886, -48.173 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.552, -48.183 ], [ -74.603, -48.156 ], [ -74.502, -48.173 ], [ -74.605, -48.125 ], [ -74.48, -48.172 ], [ -74.36, -48.281 ], [ -74.52, -48.36 ], [ -74.567, -48.294 ], [ -74.478, -48.196 ], [ -74.595, -48.287 ], [ -74.603, -48.191 ], [ -74.552, -48.183 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.521, -48.135 ], [ -74.551, -48.115 ], [ -74.525, -48.112 ], [ -74.521, -48.135 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.014, -48 ], [ -74.035, -48.024 ], [ -74.061, -48.003 ], [ -74.045, -47.99 ], [ -74.014, -48 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.128, -48.051 ], [ -75.103, -48.029 ], [ -75.207, -48.044 ], [ -75.121, -48.015 ], [ -75.278, -48.028 ], [ -75.127, -47.991 ], [ -75.128, -47.957 ], [ -75.254, -47.989 ], [ -75.055, -47.909 ], [ -74.972, -47.998 ], [ -74.801, -48.049 ], [ -74.873, -48.099 ], [ -75.076, -48.045 ], [ -74.894, -48.118 ], [ -74.917, -48.152 ], [ -74.968, -48.107 ], [ -75.166, -48.075 ], [ -75.128, -48.051 ] ], [ [ -75.077, -48.017 ], [ -75.05, -48.043 ], [ -75.026, -48.033 ], [ -75.077, -48.017 ] ], [ [ -75.104, -48.013 ], [ -75.07, -47.998 ], [ -74.981, -48.021 ], [ -75.069, -47.985 ], [ -75.104, -48.013 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.741, -48.08 ], [ -74.731, -48.114 ], [ -74.801, -48.077 ], [ -74.76, -48.049 ], [ -74.789, -48.023 ], [ -74.743, -48.037 ], [ -74.793, -48.007 ], [ -74.783, -47.912 ], [ -74.695, -48.063 ], [ -74.741, -48.08 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.167, -47.657 ], [ -75.181, -47.65 ], [ -75.164, -47.646 ], [ -75.167, -47.657 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.91, -47.713 ], [ -74.929, -47.693 ], [ -74.9, -47.704 ], [ -74.91, -47.713 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.223, -47.608 ], [ -74.232, -47.603 ], [ -74.192, -47.606 ], [ -74.223, -47.608 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.459, -47.186 ], [ -74.474, -47.181 ], [ -74.458, -47.173 ], [ -74.459, -47.186 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.288, -47.027 ], [ -74.247, -47.039 ], [ -74.262, -47.077 ], [ -74.421, -47.168 ], [ -74.442, -47.071 ], [ -74.288, -47.027 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.567, -46.915 ], [ -74.568, -46.938 ], [ -74.597, -46.935 ], [ -74.6, -46.918 ], [ -74.567, -46.915 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.278, -46.8 ], [ -74.353, -46.793 ], [ -74.361, -46.78 ], [ -74.278, -46.8 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.762, -47.59 ], [ -74.764, -47.576 ], [ -74.751, -47.583 ], [ -74.762, -47.59 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.301, -46.726 ], [ -75.306, -46.715 ], [ -75.292, -46.72 ], [ -75.301, -46.726 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.171, -46.728 ], [ -75.251, -46.689 ], [ -75.252, -46.677 ], [ -75.173, -46.695 ], [ -75.171, -46.728 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.303, -46.687 ], [ -75.32, -46.711 ], [ -75.359, -46.688 ], [ -75.303, -46.687 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.282, -46.672 ], [ -75.283, -46.684 ], [ -75.333, -46.681 ], [ -75.282, -46.672 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.262, -46.682 ], [ -75.28, -46.668 ], [ -75.258, -46.669 ], [ -75.262, -46.682 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.581, -46.229 ], [ -73.588, -46.221 ], [ -73.562, -46.211 ], [ -73.581, -46.229 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.903, -46.181 ], [ -74.917, -46.178 ], [ -74.891, -46.175 ], [ -74.903, -46.181 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.963, -46.162 ], [ -74.944, -46.179 ], [ -74.968, -46.182 ], [ -74.963, -46.162 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.992, -46.157 ], [ -74.984, -46.179 ], [ -75.03, -46.179 ], [ -74.992, -46.157 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.916, -46.097 ], [ -73.881, -46.106 ], [ -73.874, -46.123 ], [ -73.94, -46.131 ], [ -73.916, -46.097 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.979, -45.949 ], [ -73.951, -45.985 ], [ -73.963, -46.016 ], [ -73.984, -45.998 ], [ -73.979, -45.949 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.224, -46.785 ], [ -75.232, -46.768 ], [ -75.217, -46.767 ], [ -75.208, -46.778 ], [ -75.224, -46.785 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.208, -46.756 ], [ -75.266, -46.719 ], [ -75.232, -46.7 ], [ -75.16, -46.767 ], [ -75.208, -46.756 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.899, -45.628 ], [ -74.903, -45.659 ], [ -74.938, -45.631 ], [ -74.899, -45.628 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.868, -45.675 ], [ -74.854, -45.698 ], [ -74.885, -45.695 ], [ -74.868, -45.675 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.225, -45.482 ], [ -74.175, -45.521 ], [ -74.161, -45.569 ], [ -74.229, -45.496 ], [ -74.225, -45.482 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.5, -45.631 ], [ -74.476, -45.657 ], [ -74.514, -45.686 ], [ -74.52, -45.653 ], [ -74.5, -45.631 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.797, -45.62 ], [ -73.811, -45.661 ], [ -73.816, -45.627 ], [ -73.797, -45.62 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.581, -45.792 ], [ -74.594, -45.793 ], [ -74.57, -45.774 ], [ -74.581, -45.792 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.861, -45.752 ], [ -73.845, -45.762 ], [ -73.892, -45.789 ], [ -73.894, -45.772 ], [ -73.861, -45.752 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.09, -45.764 ], [ -74.073, -45.772 ], [ -74.096, -45.785 ], [ -74.09, -45.764 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.101, -45.744 ], [ -74.067, -45.762 ], [ -74.1, -45.757 ], [ -74.101, -45.744 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.514, -45.705 ], [ -74.499, -45.732 ], [ -74.551, -45.751 ], [ -74.514, -45.705 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.159, -45.731 ], [ -74.149, -45.738 ], [ -74.164, -45.741 ], [ -74.159, -45.731 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.141, -45.723 ], [ -74.117, -45.744 ], [ -74.148, -45.732 ], [ -74.141, -45.723 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.805, -45.697 ], [ -74.796, -45.705 ], [ -74.82, -45.699 ], [ -74.805, -45.697 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.835, -45.598 ], [ -74.768, -45.63 ], [ -74.832, -45.623 ], [ -74.725, -45.72 ], [ -74.859, -45.66 ], [ -74.835, -45.598 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.796, -45.675 ], [ -73.71, -45.729 ], [ -73.707, -45.767 ], [ -73.758, -45.758 ], [ -73.796, -45.675 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.462, -45.667 ], [ -74.448, -45.688 ], [ -74.485, -45.723 ], [ -74.501, -45.699 ], [ -74.462, -45.667 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.524, -45.58 ], [ -74.572, -45.754 ], [ -74.662, -45.757 ], [ -74.657, -45.654 ], [ -74.524, -45.58 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.986, -45.538 ], [ -73.864, -45.607 ], [ -73.88, -45.711 ], [ -73.958, -45.739 ], [ -74.05, -45.706 ], [ -74.099, -45.603 ], [ -73.986, -45.538 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.93, -45.947 ], [ -73.939, -45.953 ], [ -73.93, -45.934 ], [ -73.93, -45.947 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.718, -46.031 ], [ -73.651, -46.091 ], [ -73.738, -46.213 ], [ -73.829, -46.164 ], [ -73.759, -46.146 ], [ -73.845, -46.142 ], [ -73.875, -46.101 ], [ -73.929, -46.092 ], [ -73.903, -45.894 ], [ -73.778, -45.86 ], [ -73.708, -45.802 ], [ -73.653, -45.894 ], [ -73.691, -45.91 ], [ -73.664, -46.019 ], [ -73.718, -46.031 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.963, -45.794 ], [ -74.967, -45.814 ], [ -74.99, -45.801 ], [ -74.963, -45.794 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.817, -45.858 ], [ -73.818, -45.838 ], [ -73.779, -45.827 ], [ -73.783, -45.855 ], [ -73.817, -45.858 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.906, -45.806 ], [ -73.925, -45.794 ], [ -73.901, -45.792 ], [ -73.906, -45.806 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.636, -45.773 ], [ -73.63, -45.797 ], [ -73.653, -45.805 ], [ -73.636, -45.773 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.877, -45.8 ], [ -73.834, -45.768 ], [ -73.765, -45.81 ], [ -73.864, -45.857 ], [ -73.826, -45.821 ], [ -73.877, -45.8 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.352, -45.779 ], [ -74.377, -45.809 ], [ -74.432, -45.799 ], [ -74.352, -45.779 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.549, -45.768 ], [ -74.49, -45.743 ], [ -74.469, -45.815 ], [ -74.575, -45.798 ], [ -74.549, -45.768 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.254, -45.71 ], [ -74.194, -45.749 ], [ -74.289, -45.759 ], [ -74.149, -45.75 ], [ -74.116, -45.804 ], [ -74.312, -45.797 ], [ -74.323, -45.754 ], [ -74.254, -45.71 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.717, -47.859 ], [ -73.746, -47.833 ], [ -73.621, -47.827 ], [ -73.717, -47.859 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.938, -47.816 ], [ -74.947, -47.833 ], [ -74.964, -47.831 ], [ -74.938, -47.816 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.046, -47.827 ], [ -75.058, -47.821 ], [ -75.031, -47.818 ], [ -75.046, -47.827 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.357, -47.824 ], [ -74.225, -47.791 ], [ -73.888, -47.883 ], [ -73.865, -47.842 ], [ -73.803, -47.825 ], [ -73.846, -47.854 ], [ -73.784, -47.873 ], [ -73.86, -47.958 ], [ -73.932, -47.949 ], [ -73.903, -47.91 ], [ -74.001, -47.959 ], [ -74.304, -47.976 ], [ -74.375, -47.917 ], [ -74.5, -47.904 ], [ -74.357, -47.824 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.904, -47.838 ], [ -74.881, -47.8 ], [ -74.801, -47.826 ], [ -74.806, -47.917 ], [ -74.854, -47.897 ], [ -74.821, -47.927 ], [ -74.883, -47.95 ], [ -74.825, -47.944 ], [ -74.811, -48.003 ], [ -74.988, -47.96 ], [ -74.936, -47.878 ], [ -74.982, -47.841 ], [ -74.904, -47.838 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.075, -47.911 ], [ -75.076, -47.843 ], [ -75.046, -47.859 ], [ -75.075, -47.911 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.649, -47.884 ], [ -74.636, -47.914 ], [ -74.731, -47.891 ], [ -74.732, -47.825 ], [ -74.677, -47.804 ], [ -74.649, -47.884 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.572, -47.887 ], [ -74.652, -47.852 ], [ -74.653, -47.811 ], [ -74.556, -47.818 ], [ -74.572, -47.887 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.518, -47.896 ], [ -74.476, -47.792 ], [ -74.38, -47.799 ], [ -74.518, -47.896 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.995, -47.802 ], [ -74.999, -47.816 ], [ -75.023, -47.812 ], [ -74.995, -47.802 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.661, -47.771 ], [ -74.644, -47.776 ], [ -74.688, -47.775 ], [ -74.661, -47.771 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.287, -47.726 ], [ -75.201, -47.742 ], [ -75.113, -47.67 ], [ -75.079, -47.751 ], [ -75.114, -47.774 ], [ -75.029, -47.789 ], [ -75.206, -47.845 ], [ -75.196, -47.791 ], [ -75.247, -47.789 ], [ -75.223, -47.84 ], [ -75.4, -47.734 ], [ -75.287, -47.726 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.908, -47.774 ], [ -74.926, -47.761 ], [ -74.918, -47.737 ], [ -74.883, -47.759 ], [ -74.908, -47.774 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75, -47.693 ], [ -74.946, -47.703 ], [ -74.934, -47.776 ], [ -75.092, -47.694 ], [ -75, -47.693 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.552, -45.402 ], [ -73.529, -45.415 ], [ -73.576, -45.409 ], [ -73.552, -45.402 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.126, -45.398 ], [ -74.139, -45.43 ], [ -74.164, -45.41 ], [ -74.126, -45.398 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.728, -45.395 ], [ -73.748, -45.416 ], [ -73.76, -45.406 ], [ -73.728, -45.395 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.604, -45.318 ], [ -74.573, -45.347 ], [ -74.624, -45.33 ], [ -74.604, -45.318 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.484, -45.313 ], [ -73.474, -45.321 ], [ -73.5, -45.315 ], [ -73.484, -45.313 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.308, -45.326 ], [ -74.261, -45.34 ], [ -74.237, -45.404 ], [ -74.281, -45.379 ], [ -74.308, -45.326 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.175, -45.325 ], [ -74.129, -45.37 ], [ -74.206, -45.387 ], [ -74.216, -45.373 ], [ -74.175, -45.325 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.517, -45.36 ], [ -73.578, -45.365 ], [ -73.589, -45.334 ], [ -73.458, -45.339 ], [ -73.517, -45.36 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.736, -45.332 ], [ -73.723, -45.335 ], [ -73.726, -45.349 ], [ -73.746, -45.341 ], [ -73.736, -45.332 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.15, -45.313 ], [ -74.13, -45.338 ], [ -74.161, -45.318 ], [ -74.15, -45.313 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.15, -45.313 ], [ -74.15, -45.313 ], [ -74.15, -45.313 ], [ -74.15, -45.313 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.716, -45.308 ], [ -73.712, -45.322 ], [ -73.738, -45.326 ], [ -73.716, -45.308 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.411, -45.042 ], [ -73.406, -45.059 ], [ -73.437, -45.088 ], [ -73.411, -45.042 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.521, -45.071 ], [ -73.505, -45.077 ], [ -73.5, -45.106 ], [ -73.521, -45.095 ], [ -73.521, -45.071 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.438, -45.05 ], [ -73.46, -45.107 ], [ -73.467, -45.072 ], [ -73.438, -45.05 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.073, -44.931 ], [ -75.153, -44.823 ], [ -75.112, -44.781 ], [ -75.012, -44.858 ], [ -75.012, -44.907 ], [ -75.073, -44.931 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.667, -44.964 ], [ -73.657, -44.98 ], [ -73.685, -44.977 ], [ -73.667, -44.964 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.525, -45.017 ], [ -73.504, -45.038 ], [ -73.551, -45.028 ], [ -73.525, -45.017 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.438, -44.987 ], [ -73.434, -45.018 ], [ -73.473, -45.047 ], [ -73.463, -45.004 ], [ -73.438, -44.987 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.674, -45.013 ], [ -73.667, -45.048 ], [ -73.721, -44.987 ], [ -73.679, -44.989 ], [ -73.674, -45.013 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.327, -45.303 ], [ -73.385, -45.338 ], [ -73.428, -45.34 ], [ -73.424, -45.303 ], [ -73.327, -45.303 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.62, -45.274 ], [ -73.609, -45.263 ], [ -73.62, -45.274 ], [ -73.62, -45.274 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.62, -45.274 ], [ -73.631, -45.284 ], [ -73.651, -45.266 ], [ -73.613, -45.25 ], [ -73.62, -45.274 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.452, -45.257 ], [ -74.438, -45.267 ], [ -74.471, -45.266 ], [ -74.452, -45.257 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.583, -45.271 ], [ -74.549, -45.294 ], [ -74.562, -45.312 ], [ -74.593, -45.3 ], [ -74.556, -45.292 ], [ -74.583, -45.271 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.398, -45.285 ], [ -74.32, -45.315 ], [ -74.264, -45.412 ], [ -74.343, -45.429 ], [ -74.523, -45.332 ], [ -74.398, -45.285 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.074, -45.376 ], [ -74.07, -45.346 ], [ -73.974, -45.382 ], [ -74.047, -45.413 ], [ -74.074, -45.376 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.07, -45.346 ], [ -74.135, -45.33 ], [ -74.156, -45.238 ], [ -74.024, -45.208 ], [ -73.987, -45.266 ], [ -73.808, -45.253 ], [ -73.758, -45.354 ], [ -74.07, -45.346 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.512, -45.3 ], [ -73.555, -45.318 ], [ -73.591, -45.302 ], [ -73.542, -45.243 ], [ -73.487, -45.27 ], [ -73.512, -45.3 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.162, -45.298 ], [ -74.15, -45.313 ], [ -74.172, -45.303 ], [ -74.162, -45.298 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.36, -45.165 ], [ -74.196, -45.226 ], [ -74.193, -45.278 ], [ -74.237, -45.279 ], [ -74.192, -45.285 ], [ -74.201, -45.35 ], [ -74.263, -45.316 ], [ -74.258, -45.218 ], [ -74.295, -45.239 ], [ -74.276, -45.291 ], [ -74.321, -45.255 ], [ -74.29, -45.331 ], [ -74.38, -45.275 ], [ -74.401, -45.17 ], [ -74.36, -45.165 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.446, -45.259 ], [ -73.446, -45.259 ], [ -73.446, -45.26 ], [ -73.446, -45.259 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.499, -45.159 ], [ -74.489, -45.219 ], [ -74.572, -45.213 ], [ -74.499, -45.159 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.446, -45.259 ], [ -73.505, -45.242 ], [ -73.516, -45.193 ], [ -73.473, -45.205 ], [ -73.446, -45.259 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.525, -45.18 ], [ -73.515, -45.189 ], [ -73.528, -45.206 ], [ -73.537, -45.186 ], [ -73.525, -45.18 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.243, -45.178 ], [ -74.234, -45.184 ], [ -74.257, -45.18 ], [ -74.243, -45.178 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.542, -45.171 ], [ -73.535, -45.178 ], [ -73.551, -45.18 ], [ -73.542, -45.171 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.514, -45.142 ], [ -73.504, -45.152 ], [ -73.526, -45.169 ], [ -73.538, -45.144 ], [ -73.514, -45.142 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.382, -45.055 ], [ -74.28, -45.077 ], [ -74.335, -45.09 ], [ -74.321, -45.13 ], [ -74.381, -45.076 ], [ -74.321, -45.146 ], [ -74.264, -45.097 ], [ -74.249, -45.169 ], [ -74.42, -45.117 ], [ -74.382, -45.055 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.808, -44.988 ], [ -73.687, -45.115 ], [ -73.672, -45.179 ], [ -73.721, -45.194 ], [ -73.678, -45.203 ], [ -73.723, -45.236 ], [ -73.691, -45.289 ], [ -73.757, -45.305 ], [ -73.812, -45.24 ], [ -73.983, -45.255 ], [ -73.982, -45.198 ], [ -73.847, -45.21 ], [ -73.962, -45.192 ], [ -74.013, -45.205 ], [ -74.073, -45.179 ], [ -74.059, -45.139 ], [ -74.13, -45.167 ], [ -74.151, -45.055 ], [ -74.151, -45.164 ], [ -74.217, -45.172 ], [ -74.237, -45.082 ], [ -74.174, -45.034 ], [ -74.037, -45.053 ], [ -73.808, -44.988 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.67, -44.654 ], [ -74.62, -44.609 ], [ -74.516, -44.622 ], [ -74.436, -44.695 ], [ -74.613, -44.695 ], [ -74.67, -44.654 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.855, -44.764 ], [ -73.841, -44.772 ], [ -73.878, -44.767 ], [ -73.855, -44.764 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.95, -44.755 ], [ -73.939, -44.761 ], [ -73.967, -44.758 ], [ -73.95, -44.755 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.953, -44.743 ], [ -73.949, -44.754 ], [ -73.974, -44.744 ], [ -73.953, -44.743 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.924, -44.737 ], [ -73.912, -44.75 ], [ -73.933, -44.749 ], [ -73.924, -44.737 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.847, -44.718 ], [ -73.819, -44.746 ], [ -73.933, -44.731 ], [ -73.847, -44.718 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.571, -44.704 ], [ -73.747, -44.755 ], [ -73.882, -44.596 ], [ -73.833, -44.591 ], [ -73.791, -44.662 ], [ -73.803, -44.565 ], [ -73.661, -44.541 ], [ -73.592, -44.629 ], [ -73.718, -44.739 ], [ -73.619, -44.675 ], [ -73.571, -44.704 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.504, -44.955 ], [ -73.519, -44.936 ], [ -73.498, -44.926 ], [ -73.49, -44.944 ], [ -73.504, -44.955 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.337, -44.928 ], [ -73.324, -44.941 ], [ -73.344, -44.935 ], [ -73.337, -44.928 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.64, -44.936 ], [ -74.618, -44.958 ], [ -74.656, -44.943 ], [ -74.64, -44.936 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.68, -44.896 ], [ -73.671, -44.906 ], [ -73.692, -44.905 ], [ -73.68, -44.896 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.629, -44.868 ], [ -73.63, -44.89 ], [ -73.66, -44.882 ], [ -73.629, -44.868 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.416, -44.881 ], [ -74.399, -44.888 ], [ -74.407, -44.9 ], [ -74.432, -44.888 ], [ -74.416, -44.881 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.34, -44.872 ], [ -74.322, -44.902 ], [ -74.365, -44.911 ], [ -74.343, -44.897 ], [ -74.34, -44.872 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.359, -44.873 ], [ -74.377, -44.907 ], [ -74.384, -44.88 ], [ -74.359, -44.873 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.867, -44.775 ], [ -73.728, -44.912 ], [ -73.769, -44.907 ], [ -73.764, -44.957 ], [ -73.829, -44.962 ], [ -73.919, -44.867 ], [ -73.843, -44.902 ], [ -73.799, -44.899 ], [ -73.913, -44.824 ], [ -73.867, -44.775 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.685, -44.859 ], [ -73.698, -44.878 ], [ -73.738, -44.863 ], [ -73.685, -44.859 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.234, -44.854 ], [ -74.216, -44.86 ], [ -74.248, -44.869 ], [ -74.234, -44.854 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.145, -44.866 ], [ -73.956, -44.897 ], [ -73.894, -44.967 ], [ -74.016, -44.995 ], [ -74.085, -44.958 ], [ -74.023, -45 ], [ -74.269, -45.041 ], [ -74.387, -45.005 ], [ -74.145, -44.866 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.308, -44.897 ], [ -74.371, -44.963 ], [ -74.458, -44.927 ], [ -74.454, -44.896 ], [ -74.331, -44.92 ], [ -74.308, -44.897 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.299, -44.911 ], [ -74.3, -44.892 ], [ -74.277, -44.87 ], [ -74.261, -44.902 ], [ -74.299, -44.911 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.666, -44.753 ], [ -73.585, -44.747 ], [ -73.598, -44.833 ], [ -73.719, -44.825 ], [ -73.738, -44.757 ], [ -73.666, -44.753 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.753, -44.807 ], [ -73.741, -44.83 ], [ -73.761, -44.833 ], [ -73.753, -44.807 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.767, -44.78 ], [ -73.751, -44.801 ], [ -73.765, -44.802 ], [ -73.767, -44.78 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.462, -44.714 ], [ -74.431, -44.715 ], [ -74.301, -44.843 ], [ -74.45, -44.845 ], [ -74.537, -44.744 ], [ -74.462, -44.714 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.995, -44.773 ], [ -73.934, -44.791 ], [ -73.933, -44.837 ], [ -74.018, -44.865 ], [ -74.191, -44.824 ], [ -73.995, -44.773 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.413, -44.658 ], [ -74.394, -44.618 ], [ -74.286, -44.636 ], [ -74.291, -44.602 ], [ -73.97, -44.602 ], [ -73.842, -44.703 ], [ -73.964, -44.713 ], [ -73.956, -44.661 ], [ -73.989, -44.662 ], [ -73.987, -44.725 ], [ -74.247, -44.81 ], [ -74.369, -44.726 ], [ -74.086, -44.743 ], [ -74.383, -44.708 ], [ -74.413, -44.658 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.97, -44.602 ], [ -73.908, -44.568 ], [ -73.886, -44.628 ], [ -73.97, -44.602 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.058, -45.434 ], [ -73.864, -45.489 ], [ -73.778, -45.465 ], [ -73.843, -45.578 ], [ -73.908, -45.554 ], [ -73.884, -45.511 ], [ -73.985, -45.53 ], [ -73.941, -45.511 ], [ -74.05, -45.522 ], [ -74.105, -45.596 ], [ -74.124, -45.554 ], [ -74.068, -45.525 ], [ -74.102, -45.499 ], [ -74.065, -45.459 ], [ -73.962, -45.462 ], [ -74.058, -45.434 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.463, -45.572 ], [ -74.395, -45.448 ], [ -74.321, -45.462 ], [ -74.263, -45.494 ], [ -74.353, -45.526 ], [ -74.261, -45.499 ], [ -74.211, -45.561 ], [ -74.296, -45.552 ], [ -74.36, -45.57 ], [ -74.207, -45.576 ], [ -74.18, -45.625 ], [ -74.195, -45.69 ], [ -74.422, -45.694 ], [ -74.291, -45.717 ], [ -74.449, -45.788 ], [ -74.489, -45.731 ], [ -74.428, -45.693 ], [ -74.486, -45.61 ], [ -74.419, -45.593 ], [ -74.463, -45.572 ] ], [ [ -74.196, -45.624 ], [ -74.249, -45.638 ], [ -74.283, -45.624 ], [ -74.25, -45.643 ], [ -74.196, -45.624 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.463, -45.574 ], [ -74.489, -45.6 ], [ -74.544, -45.517 ], [ -74.498, -45.449 ], [ -74.412, -45.439 ], [ -74.469, -45.526 ], [ -74.463, -45.574 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.674, -45.438 ], [ -73.545, -45.488 ], [ -73.595, -45.605 ], [ -73.559, -45.646 ], [ -73.674, -45.612 ], [ -73.582, -45.689 ], [ -73.63, -45.772 ], [ -73.795, -45.67 ], [ -73.753, -45.52 ], [ -73.674, -45.438 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.1, -45.459 ], [ -74.105, -45.477 ], [ -74.112, -45.466 ], [ -74.1, -45.459 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.624, -45.424 ], [ -73.611, -45.431 ], [ -73.662, -45.434 ], [ -73.662, -45.423 ], [ -73.624, -45.424 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.135, -45.443 ], [ -74.115, -45.449 ], [ -74.117, -45.468 ], [ -74.135, -45.443 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.106, -45.438 ], [ -74.114, -45.447 ], [ -74.117, -45.432 ], [ -74.106, -45.438 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.107, -45.404 ], [ -74.084, -45.44 ], [ -74.114, -45.424 ], [ -74.107, -45.404 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.796, -45.373 ], [ -73.79, -45.416 ], [ -73.878, -45.454 ], [ -74.04, -45.418 ], [ -73.796, -45.373 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.801, -44.643 ], [ -74.808, -44.546 ], [ -74.734, -44.557 ], [ -74.718, -44.657 ], [ -74.782, -44.677 ], [ -74.801, -44.643 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.131, -44.573 ], [ -73.146, -44.571 ], [ -73.141, -44.554 ], [ -73.131, -44.573 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.292, -44.574 ], [ -73.28, -44.577 ], [ -73.304, -44.588 ], [ -73.292, -44.574 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.821, -44.403 ], [ -72.804, -44.421 ], [ -72.843, -44.414 ], [ -72.821, -44.403 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.628, -44.394 ], [ -73.623, -44.408 ], [ -73.653, -44.413 ], [ -73.628, -44.394 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.885, -44.398 ], [ -73.872, -44.359 ], [ -73.835, -44.371 ], [ -73.885, -44.398 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.407, -44.357 ], [ -74.373, -44.394 ], [ -74.424, -44.397 ], [ -74.407, -44.357 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.333, -44.515 ], [ -73.312, -44.523 ], [ -73.329, -44.586 ], [ -73.369, -44.54 ], [ -73.333, -44.515 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.768, -44.53 ], [ -73.748, -44.543 ], [ -73.778, -44.538 ], [ -73.768, -44.53 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.373, -44.546 ], [ -74.367, -44.558 ], [ -74.384, -44.556 ], [ -74.373, -44.546 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.675, -44.478 ], [ -73.576, -44.516 ], [ -73.673, -44.53 ], [ -73.675, -44.478 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.757, -44.483 ], [ -73.697, -44.508 ], [ -73.697, -44.526 ], [ -73.751, -44.52 ], [ -73.757, -44.483 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.321, -44.581 ], [ -74.371, -44.517 ], [ -74.189, -44.477 ], [ -74.11, -44.557 ], [ -74.321, -44.581 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.344, -44.51 ], [ -74.452, -44.492 ], [ -74.389, -44.55 ], [ -74.559, -44.488 ], [ -74.493, -44.428 ], [ -74.388, -44.441 ], [ -74.32, -44.397 ], [ -74.209, -44.473 ], [ -74.344, -44.51 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.758, -44.516 ], [ -73.757, -44.531 ], [ -73.768, -44.527 ], [ -73.758, -44.516 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.782, -44.493 ], [ -73.787, -44.52 ], [ -73.833, -44.503 ], [ -73.801, -44.484 ], [ -73.782, -44.493 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.848, -44.48 ], [ -73.836, -44.515 ], [ -73.894, -44.519 ], [ -73.896, -44.489 ], [ -73.848, -44.48 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.167, -44.418 ], [ -73.974, -44.45 ], [ -73.924, -44.541 ], [ -74.095, -44.547 ], [ -74.125, -44.515 ], [ -74.123, -44.494 ], [ -73.949, -44.503 ], [ -74.13, -44.474 ], [ -74.08, -44.471 ], [ -74.167, -44.418 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.6, -44.427 ], [ -73.569, -44.487 ], [ -73.619, -44.497 ], [ -73.652, -44.451 ], [ -73.584, -44.464 ], [ -73.6, -44.427 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.885, -44.398 ], [ -73.823, -44.377 ], [ -73.88, -44.44 ], [ -73.798, -44.403 ], [ -73.751, -44.448 ], [ -73.899, -44.459 ], [ -73.885, -44.398 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.054, -44.312 ], [ -72.982, -44.358 ], [ -73.087, -44.349 ], [ -73.112, -44.385 ], [ -73.136, -44.346 ], [ -73.054, -44.312 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.239, -44.313 ], [ -73.193, -44.326 ], [ -73.154, -44.386 ], [ -73.28, -44.393 ], [ -73.288, -44.342 ], [ -73.239, -44.313 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.319, -44.33 ], [ -74.258, -44.352 ], [ -74.246, -44.375 ], [ -74.363, -44.387 ], [ -74.383, -44.348 ], [ -74.319, -44.33 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.773, -44.369 ], [ -73.649, -44.382 ], [ -73.659, -44.342 ], [ -73.626, -44.372 ], [ -73.65, -44.393 ], [ -73.718, -44.392 ], [ -73.644, -44.421 ], [ -73.668, -44.446 ], [ -73.773, -44.369 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.006, -44.345 ], [ -73.889, -44.359 ], [ -73.906, -44.446 ], [ -74.053, -44.396 ], [ -74.083, -44.3 ], [ -74.006, -44.345 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.144, -44.304 ], [ -74.117, -44.322 ], [ -74.075, -44.42 ], [ -74.189, -44.383 ], [ -74.144, -44.304 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.076, -50.818 ], [ -74.128, -50.832 ], [ -74.134, -50.776 ], [ -74.076, -50.818 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.372, -50.385 ], [ -74.358, -50.409 ], [ -74.398, -50.391 ], [ -74.372, -50.385 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.387, -47.6 ], [ -74.365, -47.572 ], [ -74.32, -47.616 ], [ -74.403, -47.658 ], [ -74.387, -47.6 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.743, -53.696 ], [ -73.737, -53.677 ], [ -73.714, -53.676 ], [ -73.743, -53.696 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.652, -53.681 ], [ -73.631, -53.676 ], [ -73.646, -53.691 ], [ -73.652, -53.681 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.656, -53.66 ], [ -73.707, -53.629 ], [ -73.656, -53.597 ], [ -73.656, -53.66 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.11, -53.762 ], [ -72.101, -53.732 ], [ -72.058, -53.759 ], [ -72.11, -53.762 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.362, -53.79 ], [ -73.371, -53.782 ], [ -73.353, -53.779 ], [ -73.362, -53.79 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.123, -53.729 ], [ -72.112, -53.742 ], [ -72.172, -53.732 ], [ -72.123, -53.729 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.406, -53.572 ], [ -72.277, -53.627 ], [ -72.255, -53.66 ], [ -72.38, -53.656 ], [ -72.444, -53.588 ], [ -72.406, -53.572 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.664, -53.695 ], [ -70.542, -53.569 ], [ -70.466, -53.576 ], [ -70.485, -53.678 ], [ -70.413, -53.808 ], [ -70.451, -53.805 ], [ -70.416, -53.88 ], [ -70.451, -53.89 ], [ -70.342, -54.037 ], [ -70.445, -54.055 ], [ -70.681, -53.927 ], [ -70.462, -54.258 ], [ -70.753, -54.164 ], [ -70.878, -54.068 ], [ -70.895, -53.934 ], [ -70.836, -53.938 ], [ -70.894, -53.889 ], [ -70.777, -53.833 ], [ -70.597, -53.858 ], [ -70.707, -53.782 ], [ -70.704, -53.7 ], [ -70.664, -53.695 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.379, -53.886 ], [ -73.399, -53.875 ], [ -73.365, -53.877 ], [ -73.379, -53.886 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.049, -53.885 ], [ -72.119, -53.921 ], [ -72.203, -53.889 ], [ -72.072, -53.827 ], [ -72.049, -53.885 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.976, -53.896 ], [ -72.947, -53.917 ], [ -73.023, -53.91 ], [ -73.01, -53.889 ], [ -72.976, -53.896 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.858, -53.931 ], [ -72.918, -53.94 ], [ -72.885, -53.871 ], [ -72.794, -53.891 ], [ -72.858, -53.931 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.379, -53.862 ], [ -73.39, -53.857 ], [ -73.363, -53.855 ], [ -73.379, -53.862 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.911, -53.852 ], [ -71.809, -53.927 ], [ -71.837, -53.98 ], [ -71.772, -53.889 ], [ -71.646, -53.925 ], [ -71.777, -54.011 ], [ -71.687, -54.009 ], [ -71.685, -54.054 ], [ -71.759, -54.047 ], [ -71.701, -54.065 ], [ -71.729, -54.098 ], [ -71.661, -54.051 ], [ -71.616, -54.088 ], [ -71.739, -54.168 ], [ -71.911, -54.053 ], [ -71.903, -54.014 ], [ -71.943, -54.043 ], [ -71.88, -54.119 ], [ -71.912, -54.133 ], [ -71.853, -54.122 ], [ -71.72, -54.245 ], [ -71.888, -54.293 ], [ -71.819, -54.293 ], [ -71.857, -54.303 ], [ -71.804, -54.351 ], [ -71.971, -54.34 ], [ -71.937, -54.254 ], [ -71.877, -54.239 ], [ -71.936, -54.213 ], [ -72.04, -54.214 ], [ -72.122, -54.156 ], [ -72.002, -54.139 ], [ -72.147, -54.126 ], [ -72.019, -54.104 ], [ -72.114, -54.046 ], [ -72.185, -54.115 ], [ -72.251, -54.05 ], [ -72.204, -54.009 ], [ -72.261, -53.992 ], [ -72.263, -53.921 ], [ -72.047, -53.993 ], [ -72.1, -53.95 ], [ -72.017, -53.969 ], [ -72.052, -53.952 ], [ -72.025, -53.904 ], [ -71.935, -53.907 ], [ -71.969, -53.871 ], [ -71.911, -53.852 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.463, -52.581 ], [ -74.476, -52.559 ], [ -74.45, -52.553 ], [ -74.463, -52.581 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.466, -52.549 ], [ -74.478, -52.544 ], [ -74.469, -52.536 ], [ -74.466, -52.549 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.389, -52.549 ], [ -74.383, -52.57 ], [ -74.442, -52.549 ], [ -74.41, -52.528 ], [ -74.389, -52.549 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.433, -52.532 ], [ -74.457, -52.523 ], [ -74.434, -52.517 ], [ -74.433, -52.532 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.488, -52.479 ], [ -74.489, -52.511 ], [ -74.523, -52.505 ], [ -74.498, -52.474 ], [ -74.488, -52.479 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.538, -52.45 ], [ -74.511, -52.473 ], [ -74.563, -52.498 ], [ -74.611, -52.468 ], [ -74.538, -52.45 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.002, -52.419 ], [ -74.046, -52.451 ], [ -74.092, -52.44 ], [ -74.002, -52.419 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.279, -52.453 ], [ -74.289, -52.434 ], [ -74.271, -52.428 ], [ -74.279, -52.453 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.202, -52.438 ], [ -74.208, -52.424 ], [ -74.191, -52.421 ], [ -74.202, -52.438 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.358, -52.62 ], [ -74.387, -52.639 ], [ -74.382, -52.621 ], [ -74.358, -52.62 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.869, -52.279 ], [ -74.843, -52.314 ], [ -74.929, -52.277 ], [ -74.91, -52.257 ], [ -74.869, -52.279 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.275, -52.189 ], [ -73.272, -52.205 ], [ -73.312, -52.193 ], [ -73.275, -52.189 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.311, -52.221 ], [ -73.323, -52.212 ], [ -73.3, -52.217 ], [ -73.311, -52.221 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.733, -52.333 ], [ -73.756, -52.321 ], [ -73.75, -52.307 ], [ -73.731, -52.31 ], [ -73.733, -52.333 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.287, -52.306 ], [ -74.294, -52.291 ], [ -74.249, -52.28 ], [ -74.287, -52.306 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.345, -52.296 ], [ -74.34, -52.268 ], [ -74.314, -52.266 ], [ -74.345, -52.296 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.36, -52.249 ], [ -74.337, -52.257 ], [ -74.405, -52.286 ], [ -74.408, -52.266 ], [ -74.36, -52.249 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.414, -52.354 ], [ -74.448, -52.355 ], [ -74.451, -52.343 ], [ -74.414, -52.354 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.8, -52.327 ], [ -74.784, -52.341 ], [ -74.821, -52.328 ], [ -74.8, -52.327 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.524, -52.341 ], [ -74.56, -52.369 ], [ -74.498, -52.297 ], [ -74.524, -52.341 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.611, -52.335 ], [ -74.65, -52.33 ], [ -74.635, -52.317 ], [ -74.611, -52.335 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.573, -52.244 ], [ -74.571, -52.308 ], [ -74.628, -52.303 ], [ -74.618, -52.253 ], [ -74.573, -52.244 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.854, -52.196 ], [ -74.812, -52.258 ], [ -74.786, -52.221 ], [ -74.606, -52.218 ], [ -74.639, -52.307 ], [ -74.743, -52.334 ], [ -74.908, -52.241 ], [ -74.901, -52.195 ], [ -74.854, -52.196 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.43, -52.246 ], [ -74.428, -52.227 ], [ -74.404, -52.232 ], [ -74.43, -52.246 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.73, -52.245 ], [ -73.719, -52.297 ], [ -73.788, -52.244 ], [ -73.767, -52.216 ], [ -73.73, -52.245 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.244, -52.212 ], [ -74.285, -52.257 ], [ -74.33, -52.236 ], [ -74.244, -52.212 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.301, -52.193 ], [ -74.281, -52.207 ], [ -74.334, -52.213 ], [ -74.301, -52.193 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.226, -52.181 ], [ -74.262, -52.195 ], [ -74.309, -52.185 ], [ -74.284, -52.167 ], [ -74.226, -52.181 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.729, -51.931 ], [ -72.749, -51.926 ], [ -72.752, -51.903 ], [ -72.733, -51.9 ], [ -72.729, -51.931 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.753, -51.832 ], [ -73.701, -51.897 ], [ -73.712, -51.948 ], [ -73.797, -51.86 ], [ -73.753, -51.832 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.695, -51.832 ], [ -73.702, -51.82 ], [ -73.684, -51.817 ], [ -73.695, -51.832 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.931, -51.789 ], [ -72.907, -51.809 ], [ -72.959, -51.785 ], [ -72.931, -51.789 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.094, -52.059 ], [ -74.116, -52.059 ], [ -74.116, -52.043 ], [ -74.094, -52.059 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.319, -51.99 ], [ -74.349, -51.987 ], [ -74.33, -51.973 ], [ -74.319, -51.99 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.621, -51.963 ], [ -74.611, -51.966 ], [ -74.626, -51.973 ], [ -74.621, -51.963 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.515, -51.919 ], [ -74.491, -51.914 ], [ -74.51, -51.935 ], [ -74.532, -51.923 ], [ -74.515, -51.919 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.152, -52.055 ], [ -74.16, -52.04 ], [ -74.148, -52.041 ], [ -74.152, -52.055 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.397, -52.017 ], [ -74.367, -52.035 ], [ -74.422, -52.03 ], [ -74.397, -52.017 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.347, -52.055 ], [ -74.339, -52.029 ], [ -74.313, -52.035 ], [ -74.347, -52.055 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.247, -52.038 ], [ -74.245, -52.017 ], [ -74.223, -52.013 ], [ -74.216, -52.022 ], [ -74.247, -52.038 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.145, -52.011 ], [ -74.154, -51.996 ], [ -74.138, -52.001 ], [ -74.145, -52.011 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.28, -52.009 ], [ -74.304, -52.008 ], [ -74.3, -51.987 ], [ -74.271, -52 ], [ -74.28, -52.009 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.356, -51.999 ], [ -74.337, -52.008 ], [ -74.374, -52.02 ], [ -74.36, -51.981 ], [ -74.356, -51.999 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.54, -51.834 ], [ -74.561, -51.913 ], [ -74.645, -51.935 ], [ -74.562, -51.834 ], [ -74.54, -51.834 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.575, -52.108 ], [ -74.605, -52.125 ], [ -74.614, -52.115 ], [ -74.575, -52.108 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.964, -52.107 ], [ -73.935, -52.13 ], [ -74.059, -52.068 ], [ -73.999, -52.079 ], [ -73.964, -52.107 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.593, -52.082 ], [ -74.573, -52.086 ], [ -74.626, -52.11 ], [ -74.651, -52.184 ], [ -74.78, -52.203 ], [ -74.761, -52.134 ], [ -74.593, -52.082 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.538, -52.13 ], [ -74.562, -52.151 ], [ -74.595, -52.151 ], [ -74.581, -52.128 ], [ -74.538, -52.13 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.359, -52.183 ], [ -74.324, -52.188 ], [ -74.49, -52.194 ], [ -74.425, -52.147 ], [ -74.359, -52.183 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.22, -52.084 ], [ -74.132, -52.082 ], [ -74.05, -52.128 ], [ -74.129, -52.165 ], [ -74.251, -52.088 ], [ -74.22, -52.084 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.742, -52.096 ], [ -74.82, -52.095 ], [ -74.789, -52.119 ], [ -74.829, -52.147 ], [ -74.898, -52.131 ], [ -74.853, -52.062 ], [ -74.755, -52.033 ], [ -74.836, -52.046 ], [ -74.754, -51.954 ], [ -74.812, -51.961 ], [ -74.737, -51.826 ], [ -74.662, -51.878 ], [ -74.576, -51.836 ], [ -74.673, -51.922 ], [ -74.642, -51.953 ], [ -74.727, -51.997 ], [ -74.644, -51.962 ], [ -74.705, -52.013 ], [ -74.742, -52.096 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.459, -52.03 ], [ -74.441, -52.03 ], [ -74.566, -52.083 ], [ -74.544, -52.049 ], [ -74.459, -52.03 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.28, -52.091 ], [ -74.29, -52.071 ], [ -74.274, -52.079 ], [ -74.28, -52.091 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.361, -52.054 ], [ -74.319, -52.083 ], [ -74.384, -52.096 ], [ -74.361, -52.054 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.54, -51.942 ], [ -74.463, -51.99 ], [ -74.714, -52.105 ], [ -74.687, -52.021 ], [ -74.567, -52.004 ], [ -74.6, -51.977 ], [ -74.54, -51.942 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.22, -52.39 ], [ -74.234, -52.386 ], [ -74.211, -52.373 ], [ -74.22, -52.39 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.548, -52.39 ], [ -74.532, -52.372 ], [ -74.529, -52.388 ], [ -74.548, -52.39 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.397, -52.401 ], [ -74.415, -52.399 ], [ -74.381, -52.389 ], [ -74.397, -52.401 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.433, -52.378 ], [ -74.417, -52.389 ], [ -74.434, -52.394 ], [ -74.433, -52.378 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.282, -52.426 ], [ -74.311, -52.427 ], [ -74.316, -52.414 ], [ -74.282, -52.426 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.509, -52.397 ], [ -74.483, -52.445 ], [ -74.567, -52.41 ], [ -74.509, -52.397 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.195, -52.41 ], [ -74.228, -52.421 ], [ -74.187, -52.388 ], [ -74.195, -52.41 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.628, -52.353 ], [ -74.628, -52.387 ], [ -74.712, -52.378 ], [ -74.688, -52.35 ], [ -74.628, -52.353 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.506, -52.382 ], [ -74.516, -52.371 ], [ -74.493, -52.35 ], [ -74.506, -52.382 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.889, -52.214 ], [ -73.774, -52.283 ], [ -73.788, -52.34 ], [ -73.734, -52.415 ], [ -73.824, -52.416 ], [ -73.892, -52.385 ], [ -73.78, -52.355 ], [ -73.965, -52.292 ], [ -74.1, -52.17 ], [ -74.026, -52.144 ], [ -74.028, -52.173 ], [ -73.894, -52.213 ], [ -73.889, -52.214 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.897, -52.212 ], [ -73.955, -52.173 ], [ -73.935, -52.14 ], [ -73.798, -52.184 ], [ -73.811, -52.224 ], [ -73.897, -52.212 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.923, -52.348 ], [ -73.887, -52.342 ], [ -73.934, -52.367 ], [ -74.002, -52.332 ], [ -73.98, -52.386 ], [ -74.048, -52.336 ], [ -73.992, -52.39 ], [ -74.05, -52.363 ], [ -74.042, -52.4 ], [ -74.174, -52.415 ], [ -74.147, -52.389 ], [ -74.193, -52.368 ], [ -74.127, -52.319 ], [ -74.261, -52.369 ], [ -74.15, -52.304 ], [ -74.222, -52.285 ], [ -74.212, -52.242 ], [ -74.066, -52.299 ], [ -74.159, -52.213 ], [ -74.249, -52.199 ], [ -74.093, -52.22 ], [ -74.248, -52.146 ], [ -74.34, -52.177 ], [ -74.433, -52.133 ], [ -74.299, -52.092 ], [ -74.212, -52.115 ], [ -73.923, -52.348 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.061, -51.501 ], [ -75.049, -51.519 ], [ -75.081, -51.506 ], [ -75.061, -51.501 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.711, -51.568 ], [ -74.7, -51.573 ], [ -74.74, -51.573 ], [ -74.711, -51.568 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.554, -51.618 ], [ -74.596, -51.595 ], [ -74.55, -51.598 ], [ -74.554, -51.618 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.966, -51.613 ], [ -73.966, -51.598 ], [ -73.942, -51.592 ], [ -73.966, -51.613 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.707, -51.54 ], [ -74.703, -51.552 ], [ -74.762, -51.546 ], [ -74.707, -51.54 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.742, -51.418 ], [ -73.779, -51.381 ], [ -73.739, -51.383 ], [ -73.742, -51.418 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.971, -51.448 ], [ -73.974, -51.433 ], [ -73.963, -51.437 ], [ -73.971, -51.448 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.35, -51.441 ], [ -74.357, -51.422 ], [ -74.335, -51.435 ], [ -74.35, -51.441 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.98, -51.533 ], [ -74.904, -51.463 ], [ -74.87, -51.523 ], [ -74.911, -51.552 ], [ -74.913, -51.519 ], [ -74.98, -51.533 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.87, -51.475 ], [ -74.822, -51.457 ], [ -74.839, -51.507 ], [ -74.87, -51.475 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.768, -51.456 ], [ -74.755, -51.467 ], [ -74.832, -51.488 ], [ -74.812, -51.453 ], [ -74.768, -51.456 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.369, -51.25 ], [ -74.387, -51.242 ], [ -74.359, -51.242 ], [ -74.369, -51.25 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.676, -51.439 ], [ -74.74, -51.434 ], [ -74.662, -51.329 ], [ -74.647, -51.347 ], [ -74.676, -51.439 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.912, -51.377 ], [ -73.951, -51.389 ], [ -73.908, -51.363 ], [ -73.912, -51.377 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.325, -51.361 ], [ -74.292, -51.385 ], [ -74.383, -51.376 ], [ -74.325, -51.361 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.413, -51.377 ], [ -74.418, -51.368 ], [ -74.4, -51.372 ], [ -74.413, -51.377 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.16, -51.444 ], [ -74.227, -51.409 ], [ -74.148, -51.38 ], [ -74.247, -51.36 ], [ -74.229, -51.29 ], [ -74.127, -51.316 ], [ -74.113, -51.358 ], [ -74.168, -51.344 ], [ -74.2, -51.356 ], [ -74.077, -51.408 ], [ -74.1, -51.452 ], [ -74.145, -51.401 ], [ -74.16, -51.444 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.281, -51.352 ], [ -74.275, -51.366 ], [ -74.317, -51.356 ], [ -74.281, -51.352 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.372, -51.362 ], [ -74.395, -51.348 ], [ -74.359, -51.359 ], [ -74.372, -51.362 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.508, -51.356 ], [ -74.513, -51.315 ], [ -74.468, -51.329 ], [ -74.503, -51.336 ], [ -74.508, -51.356 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.14, -51.28 ], [ -74.132, -51.305 ], [ -74.173, -51.287 ], [ -74.14, -51.28 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.458, -51.303 ], [ -74.491, -51.276 ], [ -74.484, -51.262 ], [ -74.442, -51.278 ], [ -74.458, -51.303 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.086, -51.159 ], [ -75.104, -51.134 ], [ -75.07, -51.131 ], [ -75.086, -51.159 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.976, -50.948 ], [ -74.956, -50.98 ], [ -74.993, -50.961 ], [ -74.976, -50.948 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.842, -50.982 ], [ -74.811, -50.988 ], [ -74.959, -51.061 ], [ -74.9, -51.031 ], [ -74.915, -50.992 ], [ -74.842, -50.982 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.876, -51.092 ], [ -74.826, -51.094 ], [ -74.821, -51.151 ], [ -75.009, -51.175 ], [ -74.982, -51.109 ], [ -74.876, -51.092 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75, -50.988 ], [ -75.014, -51.023 ], [ -75.081, -51.008 ], [ -75.057, -50.978 ], [ -75, -50.988 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.459, -50.532 ], [ -74.459, -50.548 ], [ -74.532, -50.597 ], [ -74.504, -50.533 ], [ -74.459, -50.532 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.591, -50.504 ], [ -74.566, -50.554 ], [ -74.654, -50.594 ], [ -74.663, -50.51 ], [ -74.591, -50.504 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.837, -50.554 ], [ -74.854, -50.547 ], [ -74.855, -50.521 ], [ -74.829, -50.533 ], [ -74.837, -50.554 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.723, -50.525 ], [ -74.737, -50.521 ], [ -74.721, -50.51 ], [ -74.723, -50.525 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.584, -50.683 ], [ -74.596, -50.675 ], [ -74.582, -50.671 ], [ -74.584, -50.683 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.65, -50.71 ], [ -74.668, -50.687 ], [ -74.649, -50.679 ], [ -74.627, -50.699 ], [ -74.65, -50.71 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.703, -50.664 ], [ -74.691, -50.664 ], [ -74.708, -50.673 ], [ -74.726, -50.652 ], [ -74.703, -50.664 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.599, -50.652 ], [ -74.609, -50.664 ], [ -74.621, -50.65 ], [ -74.597, -50.637 ], [ -74.599, -50.652 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.747, -50.633 ], [ -74.753, -50.655 ], [ -74.788, -50.647 ], [ -74.747, -50.633 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.902, -50.627 ], [ -74.877, -50.639 ], [ -74.919, -50.629 ], [ -74.902, -50.627 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.316, -50.888 ], [ -74.34, -50.86 ], [ -74.292, -50.858 ], [ -74.316, -50.888 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.042, -50.821 ], [ -75.053, -50.817 ], [ -75.031, -50.82 ], [ -75.042, -50.821 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.947, -50.829 ], [ -74.944, -50.806 ], [ -74.934, -50.819 ], [ -74.947, -50.829 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.587, -50.722 ], [ -74.534, -50.733 ], [ -74.531, -50.782 ], [ -74.511, -50.734 ], [ -74.423, -50.796 ], [ -74.464, -50.812 ], [ -74.504, -50.858 ], [ -74.388, -50.808 ], [ -74.361, -50.88 ], [ -74.418, -50.879 ], [ -74.467, -50.952 ], [ -74.384, -50.893 ], [ -74.418, -50.968 ], [ -74.387, -50.916 ], [ -74.365, -50.91 ], [ -74.401, -50.967 ], [ -74.347, -50.985 ], [ -74.35, -51.028 ], [ -74.391, -51.009 ], [ -74.36, -51.077 ], [ -74.456, -50.992 ], [ -74.575, -51.049 ], [ -74.59, -51.014 ], [ -74.619, -51.093 ], [ -74.679, -51.112 ], [ -74.763, -51.065 ], [ -74.676, -51.06 ], [ -74.741, -51.037 ], [ -74.606, -50.994 ], [ -74.758, -51.002 ], [ -74.75, -51.026 ], [ -74.786, -51.079 ], [ -74.818, -51.061 ], [ -74.773, -51.045 ], [ -74.88, -51.05 ], [ -74.766, -50.988 ], [ -74.852, -50.964 ], [ -74.754, -50.975 ], [ -74.824, -50.926 ], [ -74.935, -50.988 ], [ -74.929, -50.917 ], [ -74.849, -50.911 ], [ -74.926, -50.88 ], [ -74.658, -50.9 ], [ -74.601, -50.951 ], [ -74.588, -50.899 ], [ -74.523, -50.913 ], [ -74.633, -50.877 ], [ -74.608, -50.821 ], [ -74.551, -50.861 ], [ -74.511, -50.809 ], [ -74.556, -50.824 ], [ -74.665, -50.738 ], [ -74.587, -50.722 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.961, -50.672 ], [ -74.964, -50.793 ], [ -74.989, -50.818 ], [ -75.098, -50.702 ], [ -75.03, -50.721 ], [ -75.015, -50.686 ], [ -75.061, -50.679 ], [ -75.032, -50.643 ], [ -74.979, -50.641 ], [ -74.989, -50.671 ], [ -74.95, -50.635 ], [ -74.961, -50.672 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.796, -50.651 ], [ -74.705, -50.684 ], [ -74.747, -50.702 ], [ -74.722, -50.745 ], [ -74.777, -50.735 ], [ -74.675, -50.799 ], [ -74.771, -50.801 ], [ -74.691, -50.828 ], [ -74.712, -50.878 ], [ -74.664, -50.799 ], [ -74.624, -50.812 ], [ -74.676, -50.897 ], [ -74.931, -50.839 ], [ -74.845, -50.826 ], [ -74.921, -50.797 ], [ -74.84, -50.8 ], [ -74.941, -50.782 ], [ -74.864, -50.773 ], [ -74.933, -50.712 ], [ -74.801, -50.723 ], [ -74.924, -50.68 ], [ -74.917, -50.666 ], [ -74.757, -50.697 ], [ -74.828, -50.653 ], [ -74.796, -50.651 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.468, -51.192 ], [ -74.396, -51.234 ], [ -74.519, -51.201 ], [ -74.468, -51.192 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.898, -51.231 ], [ -74.86, -51.245 ], [ -74.966, -51.309 ], [ -75.05, -51.282 ], [ -74.898, -51.231 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.922, -51.34 ], [ -73.957, -51.309 ], [ -73.983, -51.369 ], [ -74.053, -51.375 ], [ -74.094, -51.224 ], [ -73.939, -51.233 ], [ -73.922, -51.34 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.745, -51.414 ], [ -74.975, -51.479 ], [ -75.023, -51.436 ], [ -74.771, -51.328 ], [ -74.939, -51.381 ], [ -74.927, -51.337 ], [ -74.969, -51.339 ], [ -74.891, -51.277 ], [ -74.782, -51.281 ], [ -74.835, -51.258 ], [ -74.757, -51.241 ], [ -74.783, -51.207 ], [ -74.719, -51.222 ], [ -74.6, -51.183 ], [ -74.482, -51.242 ], [ -74.503, -51.293 ], [ -74.539, -51.261 ], [ -74.525, -51.308 ], [ -74.576, -51.258 ], [ -74.638, -51.242 ], [ -74.559, -51.294 ], [ -74.57, -51.351 ], [ -74.52, -51.345 ], [ -74.54, -51.386 ], [ -74.61, -51.402 ], [ -74.654, -51.272 ], [ -74.663, -51.311 ], [ -74.714, -51.295 ], [ -74.679, -51.323 ], [ -74.745, -51.414 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.972, -51.217 ], [ -73.978, -51.201 ], [ -73.961, -51.199 ], [ -73.972, -51.217 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.829, -51.167 ], [ -74.792, -51.184 ], [ -74.831, -51.238 ], [ -74.854, -51.192 ], [ -75.015, -51.222 ], [ -74.829, -51.167 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.746, -51.173 ], [ -74.751, -51.202 ], [ -74.793, -51.169 ], [ -74.746, -51.173 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.763, -51.125 ], [ -74.67, -51.147 ], [ -74.603, -51.084 ], [ -74.546, -51.173 ], [ -74.623, -51.147 ], [ -74.654, -51.194 ], [ -74.802, -51.145 ], [ -74.763, -51.125 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.42, -51.032 ], [ -74.446, -51.068 ], [ -74.49, -51.034 ], [ -74.494, -51.078 ], [ -74.362, -51.105 ], [ -74.363, -51.187 ], [ -74.425, -51.175 ], [ -74.372, -51.216 ], [ -74.543, -51.156 ], [ -74.578, -51.095 ], [ -74.468, -51.008 ], [ -74.42, -51.032 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.515, -50.375 ], [ -74.539, -50.348 ], [ -74.517, -50.353 ], [ -74.515, -50.375 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.608, -50.272 ], [ -74.552, -50.288 ], [ -74.729, -50.299 ], [ -74.688, -50.272 ], [ -74.608, -50.272 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.885, -50.234 ], [ -74.812, -50.242 ], [ -74.852, -50.285 ], [ -74.885, -50.234 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.886, -50.124 ], [ -74.93, -50.15 ], [ -74.916, -50.108 ], [ -74.886, -50.124 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.082, -50.033 ], [ -75.096, -50.022 ], [ -75.076, -50.015 ], [ -75.082, -50.033 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.66, -50.069 ], [ -74.705, -50.12 ], [ -74.739, -50.095 ], [ -74.685, -50.063 ], [ -74.66, -50.069 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.741, -50.072 ], [ -74.773, -50.061 ], [ -74.729, -50.062 ], [ -74.741, -50.072 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75, -50.314 ], [ -74.93, -50.278 ], [ -74.878, -50.322 ], [ -74.925, -50.369 ], [ -75.002, -50.353 ], [ -75, -50.314 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.231, -50.682 ], [ -75.309, -50.705 ], [ -75.229, -50.74 ], [ -75.267, -50.788 ], [ -75.315, -50.8 ], [ -75.311, -50.738 ], [ -75.318, -50.776 ], [ -75.436, -50.762 ], [ -75.393, -50.733 ], [ -75.443, -50.696 ], [ -75.327, -50.68 ], [ -75.502, -50.653 ], [ -75.393, -50.637 ], [ -75.447, -50.625 ], [ -75.408, -50.592 ], [ -75.301, -50.593 ], [ -75.458, -50.491 ], [ -75.356, -50.454 ], [ -75.323, -50.501 ], [ -75.254, -50.478 ], [ -75.284, -50.52 ], [ -75.233, -50.48 ], [ -75.045, -50.491 ], [ -75.099, -50.545 ], [ -75.154, -50.53 ], [ -75.134, -50.562 ], [ -75.202, -50.546 ], [ -75.152, -50.584 ], [ -75.195, -50.61 ], [ -75.265, -50.567 ], [ -75.245, -50.535 ], [ -75.307, -50.547 ], [ -75.214, -50.619 ], [ -75.291, -50.632 ], [ -75.231, -50.682 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.511, -50.409 ], [ -74.45, -50.466 ], [ -74.34, -50.455 ], [ -74.288, -50.614 ], [ -74.198, -50.674 ], [ -74.412, -50.64 ], [ -74.259, -50.684 ], [ -74.245, -50.726 ], [ -74.199, -50.698 ], [ -74.141, -50.838 ], [ -74.216, -50.841 ], [ -74.23, -50.751 ], [ -74.279, -50.799 ], [ -74.316, -50.756 ], [ -74.276, -50.837 ], [ -74.331, -50.836 ], [ -74.404, -50.755 ], [ -74.354, -50.724 ], [ -74.474, -50.735 ], [ -74.496, -50.71 ], [ -74.454, -50.698 ], [ -74.515, -50.691 ], [ -74.459, -50.667 ], [ -74.541, -50.684 ], [ -74.59, -50.634 ], [ -74.531, -50.641 ], [ -74.383, -50.538 ], [ -74.442, -50.519 ], [ -74.373, -50.527 ], [ -74.364, -50.558 ], [ -74.337, -50.527 ], [ -74.467, -50.507 ], [ -74.457, -50.472 ], [ -74.506, -50.505 ], [ -74.675, -50.479 ], [ -74.511, -50.409 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.108, -50.489 ], [ -74.122, -50.481 ], [ -74.095, -50.486 ], [ -74.108, -50.489 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.096, -50.479 ], [ -75.12, -50.474 ], [ -75.102, -50.465 ], [ -75.096, -50.479 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.384, -50.411 ], [ -75.36, -50.374 ], [ -75.318, -50.375 ], [ -75.328, -50.401 ], [ -75.384, -50.411 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.611, -50.347 ], [ -74.525, -50.397 ], [ -74.725, -50.497 ], [ -74.769, -50.476 ], [ -74.712, -50.408 ], [ -74.778, -50.422 ], [ -74.73, -50.367 ], [ -74.611, -50.347 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.988, -50.457 ], [ -75.056, -50.464 ], [ -75.054, -50.411 ], [ -75.08, -50.399 ], [ -75.122, -50.462 ], [ -75.18, -50.44 ], [ -75.031, -50.333 ], [ -75.001, -50.368 ], [ -75.039, -50.386 ], [ -74.945, -50.39 ], [ -74.988, -50.457 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.379, -50.352 ], [ -75.411, -50.419 ], [ -75.479, -50.423 ], [ -75.388, -50.359 ], [ -75.428, -50.37 ], [ -75.444, -50.297 ], [ -75.361, -50.254 ], [ -75.408, -50.231 ], [ -75.369, -50.152 ], [ -75.192, -50.174 ], [ -75.33, -50.197 ], [ -75.195, -50.213 ], [ -75.18, -50.253 ], [ -75.11, -50.251 ], [ -75.139, -50.208 ], [ -75.075, -50.169 ], [ -75.077, -50.127 ], [ -75.149, -50.173 ], [ -75.302, -50.118 ], [ -75.37, -50.069 ], [ -75.339, -50.001 ], [ -75.321, -50.035 ], [ -75.246, -49.994 ], [ -75.281, -50.035 ], [ -75.248, -50.013 ], [ -75.238, -50.066 ], [ -75.115, -50.015 ], [ -75.066, -50.054 ], [ -75.104, -50.089 ], [ -75.048, -50.067 ], [ -75.061, -50.104 ], [ -75.038, -50.08 ], [ -75, -50.133 ], [ -75.042, -50.033 ], [ -74.993, -50.02 ], [ -75.014, -50.082 ], [ -74.911, -50.093 ], [ -75.035, -50.174 ], [ -75.009, -50.196 ], [ -74.942, -50.132 ], [ -74.924, -50.168 ], [ -74.876, -50.129 ], [ -74.843, -50.168 ], [ -74.849, -50.13 ], [ -74.788, -50.15 ], [ -74.861, -50.116 ], [ -74.822, -50.097 ], [ -74.75, -50.138 ], [ -74.791, -50.121 ], [ -74.76, -50.174 ], [ -74.858, -50.184 ], [ -74.795, -50.201 ], [ -74.942, -50.202 ], [ -74.917, -50.248 ], [ -75.135, -50.343 ], [ -75.201, -50.442 ], [ -75.32, -50.427 ], [ -75.172, -50.288 ], [ -75.379, -50.352 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.952, -51.724 ], [ -74.992, -51.886 ], [ -75.101, -51.91 ], [ -75.054, -51.842 ], [ -75.112, -51.806 ], [ -75.041, -51.719 ], [ -74.952, -51.724 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.789, -51.916 ], [ -73.697, -51.981 ], [ -73.786, -52.021 ], [ -73.87, -51.96 ], [ -73.814, -51.933 ], [ -73.868, -51.914 ], [ -73.852, -51.891 ], [ -73.959, -51.893 ], [ -73.945, -51.845 ], [ -73.989, -51.821 ], [ -73.937, -51.817 ], [ -73.9, -51.788 ], [ -73.794, -51.88 ], [ -73.847, -51.912 ], [ -73.789, -51.916 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.212, -51.762 ], [ -74.234, -51.754 ], [ -74.201, -51.759 ], [ -74.212, -51.762 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.551, -51.727 ], [ -74.59, -51.779 ], [ -74.584, -51.719 ], [ -74.551, -51.727 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.652, -51.693 ], [ -74.694, -51.708 ], [ -74.651, -51.712 ], [ -74.715, -51.775 ], [ -74.72, -51.711 ], [ -74.652, -51.693 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.397, -51.738 ], [ -74.333, -51.755 ], [ -74.365, -51.781 ], [ -74.285, -51.761 ], [ -74.326, -51.786 ], [ -74.275, -51.78 ], [ -74.304, -51.828 ], [ -74.155, -51.843 ], [ -74.195, -51.895 ], [ -74.061, -51.887 ], [ -74.117, -51.925 ], [ -74.113, -51.977 ], [ -74.372, -51.885 ], [ -74.414, -51.833 ], [ -74.361, -51.806 ], [ -74.424, -51.81 ], [ -74.466, -51.757 ], [ -74.413, -51.766 ], [ -74.503, -51.703 ], [ -74.397, -51.738 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.05, -51.812 ], [ -74.017, -51.82 ], [ -74.061, -51.837 ], [ -74.158, -51.768 ], [ -74.05, -51.812 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.672, -51.777 ], [ -74.62, -51.784 ], [ -74.597, -51.815 ], [ -74.686, -51.835 ], [ -74.719, -51.803 ], [ -74.672, -51.777 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.492, -51.674 ], [ -74.431, -51.689 ], [ -74.427, -51.705 ], [ -74.526, -51.674 ], [ -74.492, -51.674 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.821, -51.675 ], [ -73.819, -51.664 ], [ -73.78, -51.663 ], [ -73.821, -51.675 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.864, -51.664 ], [ -73.881, -51.648 ], [ -73.837, -51.653 ], [ -73.864, -51.664 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.559, -51.639 ], [ -74.579, -51.631 ], [ -74.544, -51.634 ], [ -74.559, -51.639 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.04, -51.551 ], [ -74.079, -51.552 ], [ -74.028, -51.578 ], [ -73.976, -51.701 ], [ -74.058, -51.723 ], [ -73.941, -51.727 ], [ -73.913, -51.775 ], [ -73.959, -51.812 ], [ -74.147, -51.75 ], [ -74.146, -51.713 ], [ -74.173, -51.745 ], [ -74.236, -51.72 ], [ -74.19, -51.723 ], [ -74.223, -51.675 ], [ -74.159, -51.691 ], [ -74.17, -51.632 ], [ -74.148, -51.671 ], [ -74.078, -51.679 ], [ -74.131, -51.667 ], [ -74.144, -51.593 ], [ -74.07, -51.616 ], [ -74.036, -51.596 ], [ -74.115, -51.545 ], [ -74.04, -51.551 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.09, -51.27 ], [ -75.124, -51.381 ], [ -75.052, -51.291 ], [ -74.963, -51.316 ], [ -74.979, -51.369 ], [ -75.016, -51.357 ], [ -74.987, -51.397 ], [ -75.06, -51.36 ], [ -75.024, -51.398 ], [ -75.089, -51.426 ], [ -75.081, -51.48 ], [ -75.133, -51.407 ], [ -75.116, -51.56 ], [ -75.142, -51.592 ], [ -75.19, -51.561 ], [ -75.164, -51.618 ], [ -75.278, -51.639 ], [ -75.305, -51.542 ], [ -75.175, -51.493 ], [ -75.207, -51.403 ], [ -75.135, -51.389 ], [ -75.212, -51.335 ], [ -75.09, -51.27 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.742, -53.577 ], [ -73.885, -53.593 ], [ -73.851, -53.549 ], [ -73.919, -53.534 ], [ -73.86, -53.51 ], [ -73.898, -53.457 ], [ -73.704, -53.52 ], [ -73.814, -53.541 ], [ -73.705, -53.539 ], [ -73.742, -53.577 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.326, -53.17 ], [ -74.319, -53.185 ], [ -74.338, -53.186 ], [ -74.326, -53.17 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.097, -53.25 ], [ -74.154, -53.328 ], [ -74.288, -53.313 ], [ -74.124, -53.242 ], [ -74.097, -53.25 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.28, -53.28 ], [ -74.255, -53.288 ], [ -74.314, -53.294 ], [ -74.302, -53.266 ], [ -74.28, -53.28 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.312, -53.452 ], [ -73.304, -53.431 ], [ -73.254, -53.466 ], [ -73.276, -53.478 ], [ -73.312, -53.452 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.336, -53.459 ], [ -73.354, -53.451 ], [ -73.348, -53.44 ], [ -73.317, -53.458 ], [ -73.336, -53.459 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.698, -53.512 ], [ -73.843, -53.419 ], [ -73.558, -53.504 ], [ -73.701, -53.447 ], [ -73.542, -53.443 ], [ -73.636, -53.419 ], [ -73.622, -53.371 ], [ -73.523, -53.413 ], [ -73.552, -53.382 ], [ -73.438, -53.385 ], [ -73.415, -53.412 ], [ -73.545, -53.484 ], [ -73.471, -53.465 ], [ -73.39, -53.556 ], [ -73.52, -53.59 ], [ -73.565, -53.523 ], [ -73.555, -53.56 ], [ -73.698, -53.512 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.58, -53.439 ], [ -73.58, -53.439 ], [ -73.555, -53.441 ], [ -73.56, -53.441 ], [ -73.58, -53.439 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.387, -53.429 ], [ -73.381, -53.447 ], [ -73.429, -53.433 ], [ -73.409, -53.417 ], [ -73.387, -53.429 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.884, -53.39 ], [ -73.841, -53.393 ], [ -73.854, -53.426 ], [ -73.933, -53.407 ], [ -73.884, -53.39 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.75, -53.393 ], [ -73.748, -53.42 ], [ -73.779, -53.394 ], [ -73.75, -53.393 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.672, -53.383 ], [ -73.665, -53.407 ], [ -73.714, -53.385 ], [ -73.702, -53.373 ], [ -73.672, -53.383 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.568, -53.38 ], [ -73.577, -53.369 ], [ -73.554, -53.374 ], [ -73.568, -53.38 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.481, -53.331 ], [ -72.503, -53.322 ], [ -72.504, -53.301 ], [ -72.478, -53.313 ], [ -72.481, -53.331 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.436, -53.342 ], [ -73.444, -53.333 ], [ -73.424, -53.333 ], [ -73.436, -53.342 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.935, -53.2 ], [ -73.959, -53.177 ], [ -73.898, -53.196 ], [ -73.935, -53.2 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.773, -53.279 ], [ -73.742, -53.29 ], [ -73.793, -53.274 ], [ -73.773, -53.279 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.078, -53.376 ], [ -73.068, -53.362 ], [ -73.059, -53.371 ], [ -73.078, -53.376 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.313, -53.373 ], [ -73.29, -53.371 ], [ -73.276, -53.393 ], [ -73.351, -53.362 ], [ -73.313, -53.373 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.643, -53.354 ], [ -73.655, -53.38 ], [ -73.722, -53.355 ], [ -73.668, -53.37 ], [ -73.643, -53.354 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.869, -53.32 ], [ -73.804, -53.343 ], [ -73.906, -53.321 ], [ -73.869, -53.32 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.599, -54.537 ], [ -71.705, -54.484 ], [ -71.662, -54.466 ], [ -71.866, -54.442 ], [ -71.737, -54.4 ], [ -71.533, -54.513 ], [ -71.566, -54.479 ], [ -71.43, -54.494 ], [ -71.587, -54.461 ], [ -71.604, -54.4 ], [ -71.356, -54.465 ], [ -71.294, -54.438 ], [ -71.41, -54.422 ], [ -71.399, -54.38 ], [ -71.327, -54.382 ], [ -71.186, -54.427 ], [ -71.224, -54.463 ], [ -71.143, -54.43 ], [ -71.064, -54.527 ], [ -71.119, -54.442 ], [ -70.97, -54.458 ], [ -70.927, -54.522 ], [ -70.916, -54.365 ], [ -70.758, -54.332 ], [ -70.718, -54.37 ], [ -70.57, -54.361 ], [ -70.695, -54.438 ], [ -70.755, -54.622 ], [ -70.707, -54.552 ], [ -70.607, -54.606 ], [ -70.692, -54.538 ], [ -70.548, -54.403 ], [ -70.246, -54.573 ], [ -70.189, -54.578 ], [ -70.287, -54.499 ], [ -70.104, -54.552 ], [ -70.507, -54.39 ], [ -70.523, -54.307 ], [ -70.86, -54.261 ], [ -70.899, -54.175 ], [ -70.808, -54.198 ], [ -70.923, -54.127 ], [ -70.279, -54.343 ], [ -70.107, -54.443 ], [ -70.155, -54.398 ], [ -70.038, -54.385 ], [ -70.198, -54.318 ], [ -69.991, -54.27 ], [ -69.939, -54.309 ], [ -69.98, -54.33 ], [ -69.953, -54.395 ], [ -69.911, -54.376 ], [ -69.893, -54.436 ], [ -69.826, -54.446 ], [ -69.902, -54.508 ], [ -69.798, -54.472 ], [ -69.75, -54.513 ], [ -69.835, -54.568 ], [ -69.761, -54.543 ], [ -69.753, -54.588 ], [ -69.719, -54.496 ], [ -69.798, -54.431 ], [ -69.853, -54.29 ], [ -69.644, -54.345 ], [ -69.629, -54.406 ], [ -69.529, -54.444 ], [ -69.491, -54.445 ], [ -69.557, -54.399 ], [ -69.545, -54.341 ], [ -69.2, -54.452 ], [ -69.483, -54.677 ], [ -69.386, -54.645 ], [ -69.346, -54.71 ], [ -69.363, -54.632 ], [ -69.207, -54.526 ], [ -69.13, -54.602 ], [ -69.17, -54.512 ], [ -69.126, -54.46 ], [ -68.969, -54.486 ], [ -68.966, -54.449 ], [ -70.048, -54.106 ], [ -70.189, -53.819 ], [ -70.15, -53.744 ], [ -69.676, -53.646 ], [ -69.35, -53.523 ], [ -69.303, -53.475 ], [ -69.349, -53.368 ], [ -69.861, -53.372 ], [ -70.21, -53.477 ], [ -70.46, -53.377 ], [ -70.437, -53.014 ], [ -70.33, -52.965 ], [ -70.348, -53.058 ], [ -70.253, -53.051 ], [ -70.134, -53.006 ], [ -70.089, -52.918 ], [ -70.217, -52.881 ], [ -70.303, -52.912 ], [ -70.25, -52.853 ], [ -70.281, -52.795 ], [ -70.434, -52.784 ], [ -70.128, -52.729 ], [ -69.995, -52.837 ], [ -69.898, -52.84 ], [ -69.707, -52.764 ], [ -69.58, -52.651 ], [ -69.59, -52.537 ], [ -69.407, -52.454 ], [ -69.14, -52.698 ], [ -68.786, -52.614 ], [ -68.755, -52.545 ], [ -68.611, -52.653 ], [ -68.61, -54.89 ], [ -68.962, -54.785 ], [ -68.703, -54.908 ], [ -69.077, -54.957 ], [ -69.637, -54.84 ], [ -69.604, -54.728 ], [ -69.663, -54.788 ], [ -69.708, -54.697 ], [ -69.682, -54.821 ], [ -69.754, -54.825 ], [ -69.727, -54.761 ], [ -69.764, -54.724 ], [ -69.769, -54.821 ], [ -69.908, -54.836 ], [ -69.964, -54.726 ], [ -69.936, -54.685 ], [ -69.98, -54.723 ], [ -69.95, -54.846 ], [ -70.079, -54.853 ], [ -70.053, -54.788 ], [ -70.137, -54.792 ], [ -70.081, -54.83 ], [ -70.126, -54.85 ], [ -70.218, -54.833 ], [ -70.161, -54.864 ], [ -70.298, -54.852 ], [ -70.313, -54.807 ], [ -70.212, -54.685 ], [ -70.296, -54.745 ], [ -70.33, -54.843 ], [ -70.574, -54.771 ], [ -70.609, -54.78 ], [ -70.581, -54.801 ], [ -70.745, -54.851 ], [ -70.827, -54.825 ], [ -70.769, -54.801 ], [ -70.794, -54.77 ], [ -70.469, -54.7 ], [ -70.43, -54.637 ], [ -70.532, -54.627 ], [ -70.618, -54.676 ], [ -70.563, -54.715 ], [ -70.779, -54.763 ], [ -70.927, -54.758 ], [ -70.883, -54.705 ], [ -70.742, -54.694 ], [ -70.902, -54.67 ], [ -71.014, -54.783 ], [ -70.955, -54.72 ], [ -70.953, -54.682 ], [ -71.007, -54.706 ], [ -70.985, -54.672 ], [ -70.906, -54.619 ], [ -71.046, -54.597 ], [ -71.014, -54.632 ], [ -71.049, -54.665 ], [ -71.255, -54.686 ], [ -71.284, -54.648 ], [ -71.12, -54.626 ], [ -71.236, -54.623 ], [ -71.243, -54.591 ], [ -71.169, -54.58 ], [ -71.236, -54.583 ], [ -71.205, -54.538 ], [ -71.29, -54.576 ], [ -71.329, -54.517 ], [ -71.315, -54.572 ], [ -71.395, -54.532 ], [ -71.371, -54.566 ], [ -71.429, -54.571 ], [ -71.331, -54.593 ], [ -71.316, -54.619 ], [ -71.396, -54.611 ], [ -71.381, -54.66 ], [ -71.441, -54.64 ], [ -71.473, -54.696 ], [ -71.495, -54.595 ], [ -71.501, -54.717 ], [ -71.589, -54.689 ], [ -71.528, -54.669 ], [ -71.582, -54.651 ], [ -71.558, -54.623 ], [ -71.609, -54.641 ], [ -71.55, -54.588 ], [ -71.602, -54.583 ], [ -71.648, -54.673 ], [ -71.677, -54.619 ], [ -71.63, -54.589 ], [ -71.785, -54.582 ], [ -71.711, -54.613 ], [ -71.853, -54.601 ], [ -71.789, -54.65 ], [ -71.906, -54.656 ], [ -71.979, -54.611 ], [ -71.864, -54.62 ], [ -71.942, -54.577 ], [ -71.905, -54.554 ], [ -71.972, -54.572 ], [ -72.025, -54.516 ], [ -71.921, -54.526 ], [ -72.021, -54.483 ], [ -71.911, -54.45 ], [ -71.886, -54.514 ], [ -71.857, -54.472 ], [ -71.832, -54.537 ], [ -71.748, -54.566 ], [ -71.632, -54.583 ], [ -71.753, -54.5 ], [ -71.606, -54.546 ], [ -71.513, -54.55 ], [ -71.599, -54.537 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.854, -53.104 ], [ -71.875, -53.088 ], [ -71.849, -53.068 ], [ -71.854, -53.104 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.45, -53.037 ], [ -73.471, -53.015 ], [ -73.443, -53.027 ], [ -73.45, -53.037 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.5, -52.944 ], [ -73.488, -52.968 ], [ -73.592, -52.987 ], [ -73.561, -52.926 ], [ -73.5, -52.944 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.301, -53.177 ], [ -74.282, -53.142 ], [ -74.245, -53.149 ], [ -74.257, -53.176 ], [ -74.301, -53.177 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.36, -53.126 ], [ -74.298, -53.149 ], [ -74.357, -53.17 ], [ -74.36, -53.126 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.282, -53.143 ], [ -73.336, -53.135 ], [ -73.3, -53.123 ], [ -73.282, -53.143 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.194, -53.12 ], [ -73.204, -53.115 ], [ -73.184, -53.105 ], [ -73.194, -53.12 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.274, -53.095 ], [ -72.249, -53.104 ], [ -72.247, -53.119 ], [ -72.307, -53.099 ], [ -72.274, -53.095 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.901, -53.106 ], [ -73.771, -53.21 ], [ -73.843, -53.224 ], [ -73.907, -53.145 ], [ -73.922, -53.174 ], [ -73.988, -53.129 ], [ -73.901, -53.106 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.938, -53.172 ], [ -74.052, -53.187 ], [ -74.086, -53.15 ], [ -74.002, -53.129 ], [ -73.938, -53.172 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.17, -53.136 ], [ -74.202, -53.133 ], [ -74.211, -53.115 ], [ -74.163, -53.129 ], [ -74.17, -53.136 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.069, -53.108 ], [ -73.078, -53.104 ], [ -73.065, -53.098 ], [ -73.069, -53.108 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.656, -52.87 ], [ -70.732, -52.91 ], [ -70.773, -52.908 ], [ -70.625, -52.846 ], [ -70.656, -52.87 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.806, -52.906 ], [ -73.837, -52.901 ], [ -73.838, -52.881 ], [ -73.789, -52.878 ], [ -73.806, -52.906 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.285, -52.795 ], [ -73.311, -52.782 ], [ -73.292, -52.781 ], [ -73.285, -52.795 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.47, -52.78 ], [ -73.458, -52.789 ], [ -73.511, -52.777 ], [ -73.47, -52.78 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.709, -52.787 ], [ -73.7, -52.757 ], [ -73.659, -52.756 ], [ -73.663, -52.784 ], [ -73.709, -52.787 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.522, -52.794 ], [ -72.533, -52.767 ], [ -72.512, -52.784 ], [ -72.522, -52.794 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.246, -52.585 ], [ -72.28, -52.605 ], [ -72.3, -52.539 ], [ -72.246, -52.585 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.625, -52.575 ], [ -72.675, -52.568 ], [ -72.641, -52.561 ], [ -72.625, -52.575 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.861, -52.573 ], [ -72.842, -52.567 ], [ -72.851, -52.581 ], [ -72.861, -52.573 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.714, -52.57 ], [ -72.715, -52.553 ], [ -72.696, -52.553 ], [ -72.714, -52.57 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.067, -52.58 ], [ -74.121, -52.616 ], [ -74.206, -52.593 ], [ -74.123, -52.568 ], [ -74.067, -52.58 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.684, -52.547 ], [ -73.649, -52.568 ], [ -73.688, -52.574 ], [ -73.684, -52.547 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.292, -52.513 ], [ -74.302, -52.509 ], [ -74.278, -52.501 ], [ -74.292, -52.513 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.67, -52.527 ], [ -73.681, -52.512 ], [ -73.654, -52.512 ], [ -73.652, -52.523 ], [ -73.67, -52.527 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.977, -52.539 ], [ -74.017, -52.529 ], [ -73.89, -52.477 ], [ -73.977, -52.539 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.623, -52.483 ], [ -73.629, -52.463 ], [ -73.603, -52.47 ], [ -73.623, -52.483 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.113, -52.474 ], [ -74.128, -52.461 ], [ -74.114, -52.452 ], [ -74.097, -52.462 ], [ -74.113, -52.474 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.015, -52.462 ], [ -74.016, -52.449 ], [ -73.98, -52.431 ], [ -73.983, -52.449 ], [ -74.015, -52.462 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.3, -52.464 ], [ -74.333, -52.45 ], [ -74.328, -52.432 ], [ -74.3, -52.434 ], [ -74.3, -52.464 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72, -53.101 ], [ -72.121, -53.137 ], [ -72.349, -53.032 ], [ -72.244, -53.086 ], [ -72.4, -53.034 ], [ -72.602, -53.072 ], [ -72.388, -53.078 ], [ -72.204, -53.188 ], [ -72.363, -53.177 ], [ -72.401, -53.196 ], [ -72.316, -53.223 ], [ -72.361, -53.235 ], [ -72.508, -53.185 ], [ -72.457, -53.237 ], [ -72.541, -53.172 ], [ -72.606, -53.191 ], [ -72.415, -53.255 ], [ -72.463, -53.302 ], [ -72.53, -53.26 ], [ -72.554, -53.266 ], [ -72.5, -53.352 ], [ -72.557, -53.381 ], [ -72.676, -53.317 ], [ -72.586, -53.433 ], [ -72.508, -53.401 ], [ -72.383, -53.532 ], [ -72.531, -53.559 ], [ -72.741, -53.458 ], [ -72.758, -53.391 ], [ -72.793, -53.455 ], [ -72.808, -53.372 ], [ -72.914, -53.384 ], [ -72.885, -53.353 ], [ -73.172, -53.266 ], [ -73.325, -53.157 ], [ -73.13, -53.201 ], [ -72.95, -53.169 ], [ -72.753, -53.238 ], [ -72.76, -53.281 ], [ -72.829, -53.278 ], [ -72.718, -53.298 ], [ -72.728, -53.254 ], [ -72.682, -53.256 ], [ -72.849, -53.181 ], [ -72.719, -53.192 ], [ -72.801, -53.156 ], [ -72.656, -53.148 ], [ -72.736, -53.102 ], [ -72.857, -53.152 ], [ -72.975, -53.1 ], [ -72.851, -53.033 ], [ -72.926, -53.048 ], [ -72.972, -52.934 ], [ -72.939, -52.906 ], [ -73.02, -52.85 ], [ -72.92, -52.836 ], [ -72.801, -52.776 ], [ -72.813, -52.811 ], [ -72.711, -52.713 ], [ -72.609, -52.767 ], [ -72.738, -52.863 ], [ -72.719, -52.898 ], [ -72.589, -52.798 ], [ -72.536, -52.806 ], [ -72.65, -52.87 ], [ -72.483, -52.819 ], [ -72.442, -52.876 ], [ -72.445, -52.812 ], [ -72.181, -52.638 ], [ -72.056, -52.679 ], [ -71.975, -52.638 ], [ -71.824, -52.697 ], [ -71.494, -52.643 ], [ -71.409, -52.722 ], [ -71.421, -52.836 ], [ -71.911, -53.002 ], [ -72, -53.101 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.42, -53.331 ], [ -73.642, -53.323 ], [ -73.616, -53.289 ], [ -73.5, -53.302 ], [ -73.631, -53.273 ], [ -73.593, -53.236 ], [ -73.636, -53.185 ], [ -73.668, -53.212 ], [ -73.633, -53.235 ], [ -73.688, -53.236 ], [ -73.731, -53.14 ], [ -73.73, -53.182 ], [ -73.776, -53.182 ], [ -73.812, -53.104 ], [ -73.843, -53.109 ], [ -73.812, -53.174 ], [ -73.902, -53.059 ], [ -73.98, -53.1 ], [ -74.127, -53.051 ], [ -74.01, -53.1 ], [ -74.089, -53.13 ], [ -74.119, -53.091 ], [ -74.202, -53.112 ], [ -74.262, -53.036 ], [ -74.243, -53.133 ], [ -74.329, -53.12 ], [ -74.315, -53.053 ], [ -74.348, -53.029 ], [ -74.378, -53.081 ], [ -74.445, -53.01 ], [ -74.4, -52.994 ], [ -74.47, -52.961 ], [ -74.45, -52.993 ], [ -74.471, -53.008 ], [ -74.512, -52.962 ], [ -74.483, -52.93 ], [ -74.575, -52.945 ], [ -74.569, -52.903 ], [ -74.647, -52.851 ], [ -74.591, -52.877 ], [ -74.547, -52.875 ], [ -74.577, -52.835 ], [ -74.677, -52.835 ], [ -74.63, -52.804 ], [ -74.707, -52.811 ], [ -74.736, -52.738 ], [ -74.689, -52.721 ], [ -74.427, -52.848 ], [ -74.51, -52.851 ], [ -74.416, -52.856 ], [ -74.469, -52.866 ], [ -74.47, -52.892 ], [ -74.348, -52.872 ], [ -74.408, -52.932 ], [ -74.328, -52.979 ], [ -74.309, -52.906 ], [ -74.267, -52.986 ], [ -74.182, -52.957 ], [ -74.136, -53.01 ], [ -74.091, -52.989 ], [ -74.142, -52.936 ], [ -74.052, -52.995 ], [ -73.937, -52.996 ], [ -73.992, -53.025 ], [ -73.928, -53.062 ], [ -73.948, -53.033 ], [ -73.905, -53.013 ], [ -73.819, -53.09 ], [ -73.849, -53.039 ], [ -73.814, -53.033 ], [ -73.648, -53.169 ], [ -73.672, -53.082 ], [ -73.626, -53.076 ], [ -73.56, -53.156 ], [ -73.602, -53.168 ], [ -73.566, -53.275 ], [ -73.521, -53.275 ], [ -73.532, -53.224 ], [ -73.461, -53.236 ], [ -73.535, -53.201 ], [ -73.527, -53.123 ], [ -73.489, -53.127 ], [ -73.415, -53.173 ], [ -73.458, -53.184 ], [ -73.397, -53.186 ], [ -73.46, -53.203 ], [ -73.346, -53.231 ], [ -73.43, -53.247 ], [ -73.409, -53.271 ], [ -73.316, -53.262 ], [ -73.212, -53.306 ], [ -73.264, -53.326 ], [ -73.122, -53.353 ], [ -73.189, -53.379 ], [ -73.42, -53.331 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.489, -52.724 ], [ -72.501, -52.72 ], [ -72.485, -52.715 ], [ -72.489, -52.724 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.321, -52.685 ], [ -72.347, -52.685 ], [ -72.313, -52.65 ], [ -72.321, -52.685 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.159, -52.643 ], [ -74.092, -52.663 ], [ -74.132, -52.658 ], [ -74.089, -52.693 ], [ -74.173, -52.711 ], [ -74.134, -52.683 ], [ -74.201, -52.645 ], [ -74.159, -52.643 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.655, -52.656 ], [ -73.687, -52.68 ], [ -73.707, -52.665 ], [ -73.689, -52.642 ], [ -73.655, -52.656 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.493, -52.722 ], [ -73.502, -52.711 ], [ -73.483, -52.703 ], [ -73.477, -52.716 ], [ -73.493, -52.722 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.357, -52.677 ], [ -73.388, -52.721 ], [ -73.448, -52.721 ], [ -73.376, -52.658 ], [ -73.357, -52.677 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.537, -52.74 ], [ -72.542, -52.758 ], [ -72.57, -52.75 ], [ -72.569, -52.733 ], [ -72.537, -52.74 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.377, -52.724 ], [ -72.38, -52.76 ], [ -72.46, -52.781 ], [ -72.499, -52.765 ], [ -72.377, -52.724 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.328, -52.698 ], [ -73.33, -52.732 ], [ -73.39, -52.752 ], [ -73.419, -52.745 ], [ -73.328, -52.698 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.654, -52.604 ], [ -72.595, -52.608 ], [ -72.585, -52.623 ], [ -72.656, -52.625 ], [ -72.654, -52.604 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.715, -52.429 ], [ -73.66, -52.486 ], [ -73.736, -52.502 ], [ -73.702, -52.519 ], [ -73.727, -52.575 ], [ -73.807, -52.552 ], [ -73.718, -52.594 ], [ -73.802, -52.713 ], [ -73.953, -52.728 ], [ -73.854, -52.609 ], [ -73.983, -52.67 ], [ -73.869, -52.574 ], [ -74.085, -52.641 ], [ -73.838, -52.438 ], [ -73.715, -52.429 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.884, -52.41 ], [ -73.859, -52.425 ], [ -73.882, -52.473 ], [ -73.99, -52.466 ], [ -73.884, -52.41 ] ] ] ] } } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias 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La exploración y ocupación efectiva del terreno delimitarían el espacio de la provincia del Río de la Plata al sector atlántico y específicamente, al eje fluvial Paraná-Plata.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-10-26T18:20:59+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://www.hgis-indias.net/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=gazetteer:9001006", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-25T20:08:22+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-25T20:08:22+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ -58.35179869, -33.67232101 ] } } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río 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Es frecuente que se utilice su nombre para denominar a todos los guaraníes.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-01T19:22:22+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "tribe", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-25T21:18:28+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 103717, "end" : 103723 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Carios" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/31e9c77b-d965-438d-95b4-931bea4a73cd", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PLACE", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-25T21:31:13+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 115139, "end" : 115152 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "San Francisco" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/728d72f1-fad8-4459-b7f4-ce1908f1fbac", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PLACE", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-25T21:41:34+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 119291, "end" : 119314 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "puerto de San Francisco" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/f6c2f4e3-5e1a-4c9a-9caf-29a5f881d9b4", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Pueblo de indios no lejos del de Roque. Tribu poco conocida, y que ya no existe. Esta voz guaraní quiere decir zorros: tal vez, porque en el territorio ocupado por ellos en las márgenes del Uruguay, cerca de la confluencia del río Curitubá o Iguazú, abundaba de esta clase de animales.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-01T13:13:44+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://www.hgis-indias.net/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=gazetteer:9000486", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-25T21:39:23+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-25T21:39:23+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ -56.520703, -23.825978 ] } } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista 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Fue creada en 1568 y \nDiego Hernández de Serpa (c. 1510-1570) fue su primer gobernador.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-11T15:05:23+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 12649, "end" : 12677 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "gobernación de Serpa y Silva" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/215857da-1bd8-4227-9df3-6b14006226a1", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : 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-22.68 ], [ -51.46, -22.67 ], [ -51.44, -22.66 ], [ -51.44, -22.66 ], [ -51.43, -22.65 ], [ -51.42, -22.65 ], [ -51.4, -22.66 ], [ -51.39, -22.66 ], [ -51.38, -22.66 ], [ -51.37, -22.65 ], [ -51.36, -22.65 ], [ -51.36, -22.65 ], [ -51.35, -22.65 ], [ -51.33, -22.66 ], [ -51.32, -22.67 ], [ -51.29, -22.68 ], [ -51.26, -22.69 ], [ -51.18, -22.74 ], [ -51.11, -22.77 ], [ -51, -22.79 ], [ -50.88, -22.82 ], [ -50.87, -22.83 ], [ -50.86, -22.84 ], [ -50.82, -22.89 ], [ -50.81, -22.9 ], [ -50.8, -22.92 ], [ -50.79, -22.93 ], [ -50.79, -22.94 ], [ -50.78, -22.95 ], [ -50.76, -22.95 ], [ -50.75, -22.95 ], [ -50.73, -22.95 ], [ -50.71, -22.95 ], [ -50.7, -22.94 ], [ -50.68, -22.93 ], [ -50.66, -22.92 ], [ -50.63, -22.92 ], [ -50.54, -22.93 ], [ -50.52, -22.94 ], [ -50.52, -22.94 ], [ -50.51, -22.94 ], [ -50.51, -22.95 ], [ -50.5, -22.95 ], [ -50.44, -22.94 ], [ -50.43, -22.95 ], [ -50.41, -22.92 ], [ -50.4, -22.92 ], [ -50.38, -22.91 ], [ -50.37, -22.92 ], [ -50.35, -22.92 ], [ -50.33, -22.94 ], [ -50.32, -22.95 ], [ -50.31, -22.95 ], [ -50.29, -22.95 ], [ -50.28, -22.94 ], [ -50.28, -22.94 ], [ -50.26, -22.94 ], [ -50.24, -22.94 ], [ -50.23, -22.94 ], [ -50.21, -22.95 ], [ -50.12, -22.94 ], [ -50.11, -22.94 ], [ -50.1, -22.93 ], [ -50.03, -22.91 ], [ -50.02, -22.91 ], [ -50, -22.92 ], [ -50, -22.9 ], [ -49.99, -22.9 ], [ -49.98, -22.9 ], [ -49.97, -22.91 ], [ -49.97, -22.93 ], [ -49.97, -22.95 ], [ -49.96, -22.96 ], [ -49.93, -22.98 ], [ -49.91, -22.99 ], [ -49.91, -23 ], [ -49.91, -23.03 ], [ -49.91, -23.04 ], [ -49.89, -23.05 ], [ -49.88, -23.06 ], [ -49.87, -23.06 ], [ -49.84, -23.06 ], [ -49.83, -23.07 ], [ -49.8, -23.08 ], [ -49.79, -23.09 ], [ -49.77, -23.1 ], [ -49.76, -23.1 ], [ -49.76, -23.1 ], [ -49.75, -23.1 ], [ -49.74, -23.1 ], [ -49.73, -23.1 ], [ -49.73, -23.11 ], [ -49.73, -23.12 ], [ -49.73, -23.13 ], [ -49.72, -23.13 ], [ -49.72, -23.14 ], [ -49.7, -23.16 ], [ -49.67, -23.2 ], [ -49.64, -23.26 ], [ -49.62, -23.35 ], [ -49.61, -23.39 ], [ -49.62, -23.41 ], [ -49.64, -23.47 ], [ -49.65, -23.49 ], [ -49.65, -23.49 ], [ -49.65, -23.5 ], [ -49.65, -23.5 ], [ -49.65, -23.51 ], [ -49.65, -23.51 ], [ -49.65, -23.52 ], [ -49.64, -23.53 ], [ -49.63, -23.53 ], [ -49.63, -23.54 ], [ -49.63, -23.55 ], [ -49.62, -23.59 ], [ -49.62, -23.61 ], [ -49.61, -23.64 ], [ -49.59, -23.67 ], [ -49.58, -23.68 ], [ -49.56, -23.69 ], [ -49.56, -23.7 ], [ -49.55, -23.7 ], [ -49.55, -23.71 ], [ -49.56, -23.76 ], [ -49.56, -23.81 ], [ -49.57, -23.82 ], [ -49.57, -23.83 ], [ -49.57, -23.84 ], [ -49.58, -23.85 ], [ -49.58, -23.85 ], [ -49.59, -23.85 ], [ -49.6, -23.85 ], [ -49.6, -23.86 ], [ -49.6, -23.86 ], [ -49.6, -23.88 ], [ -49.59, -23.89 ], [ -49.59, -23.89 ], [ -49.58, -23.89 ], [ -49.57, -23.9 ], [ -49.57, -23.9 ], [ -49.55, -23.93 ], [ -49.54, -23.94 ], [ -49.53, -23.94 ], [ -49.53, -23.94 ], [ -49.52, -23.93 ], [ -49.52, -23.93 ], [ -49.51, -23.94 ], [ -49.51, -23.94 ], [ -49.51, -23.95 ], [ -49.51, -23.96 ], [ -49.51, -23.96 ], [ -49.51, -23.97 ], [ -49.5, -23.98 ], [ -49.49, -23.99 ], [ -49.48, -24.01 ], [ -49.46, -24.03 ], [ -49.45, -24.05 ], [ -49.45, -24.05 ], [ -49.44, -24.06 ], [ -49.43, -24.06 ], [ -49.43, -24.06 ], [ -49.42, -24.07 ], [ -49.42, -24.08 ], [ -49.41, -24.09 ], [ -49.4, -24.09 ], [ -49.4, -24.09 ], [ -49.38, -24.1 ], [ -49.37, -24.1 ], [ -49.36, -24.1 ], [ -49.36, -24.11 ], [ -49.35, -24.11 ], [ -49.34, -24.13 ], [ -49.34, -24.13 ], [ -49.33, -24.14 ], [ -49.33, -24.15 ], [ -49.33, -24.19 ], [ -49.33, -24.2 ], [ -49.34, -24.21 ], [ -49.34, -24.22 ], [ -49.34, -24.22 ], [ -49.33, -24.23 ], [ -49.32, -24.24 ], [ -49.32, -24.24 ], [ -49.31, -24.24 ], [ -49.31, -24.24 ], [ -49.3, -24.25 ], [ -49.29, -24.3 ], [ -49.28, -24.31 ], [ -49.27, -24.32 ], [ -49.27, -24.32 ], [ -49.26, -24.32 ], [ -49.25, -24.33 ], [ -49.25, -24.33 ], [ -49.24, -24.33 ], [ -49.24, -24.33 ], [ -49.23, -24.34 ], [ -49.23, -24.34 ], [ -49.22, -24.34 ], [ -49.22, -24.35 ], [ -49.22, -24.36 ], [ -49.23, -24.37 ], [ -49.24, -24.38 ], [ -49.25, -24.38 ], [ -49.25, -24.39 ], [ -49.25, -24.39 ], [ -49.25, -24.4 ], [ -49.24, -24.41 ], [ -49.24, -24.41 ], [ -49.24, -24.42 ], [ -49.25, -24.43 ], [ -49.26, -24.43 ], [ -49.28, -24.44 ], [ -49.29, -24.44 ], [ -49.29, -24.44 ], [ -49.3, -24.45 ], [ -49.29, -24.45 ], [ -49.29, -24.46 ], [ -49.27, -24.47 ], [ -49.28, -24.5 ], [ -49.28, -24.51 ], [ -49.28, -24.52 ], [ -49.28, -24.52 ], [ -49.28, -24.53 ], [ -49.29, -24.53 ], [ -49.31, -24.53 ], [ -49.32, -24.54 ], [ -49.32, -24.54 ], [ -49.32, -24.55 ], [ -49.32, -24.55 ], [ -49.32, -24.56 ], [ -49.32, -24.57 ], [ -49.3, -24.59 ], [ -49.3, -24.6 ], [ -49.3, -24.6 ], [ -49.3, -24.63 ], [ -49.3, -24.64 ], [ -49.3, -24.65 ], [ -49.3, -24.66 ], [ -49.3, -24.66 ], [ -49.3, -24.67 ], [ -49.28, -24.67 ], [ -49.22, -24.69 ], [ -49.2, -24.69 ], [ -49.19, -24.69 ], [ -49.17, -24.68 ], [ -49.15, -24.68 ], [ -49.09, -24.69 ], [ -49.05, -24.68 ], [ -49.03, -24.67 ], [ -49.03, -24.63 ], [ -49.01, -24.64 ], [ -48.98, -24.67 ], [ -48.95, -24.68 ], [ -48.87, -24.67 ], [ -48.85, -24.67 ], [ -48.85, -24.67 ], [ -48.85, -24.67 ], [ -48.85, -24.66 ], [ -48.83, -24.66 ], [ -48.81, -24.67 ], [ -48.8, -24.69 ], [ -48.78, -24.7 ], [ -48.78, -24.7 ], [ -48.77, -24.69 ], [ -48.77, -24.69 ], [ -48.76, -24.69 ], [ -48.75, -24.69 ], [ -48.74, -24.69 ], [ -48.71, -24.69 ], [ -48.69, -24.68 ], [ -48.69, -24.67 ], [ -48.68, -24.67 ], [ -48.67, -24.69 ], [ -48.67, -24.7 ], [ -48.66, -24.71 ], [ -48.65, -24.71 ], [ -48.65, -24.7 ], [ -48.64, -24.7 ], [ -48.63, -24.69 ], [ -48.61, -24.68 ], [ -48.61, -24.68 ], [ -48.6, -24.68 ], [ -48.59, -24.68 ], [ -48.59, -24.68 ], [ -48.58, -24.68 ], [ -48.58, -24.69 ], [ -48.57, -24.69 ], [ -48.57, -24.7 ], [ -48.57, -24.7 ], [ -48.56, -24.71 ], [ -48.56, -24.71 ], [ -48.55, -24.72 ], [ -48.55, -24.72 ], [ -48.49, -24.74 ], [ -48.49, -24.74 ], [ -48.49, -24.75 ], [ -48.49, -24.76 ], [ -48.5, -24.78 ], [ -48.51, -24.79 ], [ -48.52, -24.79 ], [ -48.53, -24.8 ], [ -48.54, -24.81 ], [ -48.55, -24.82 ], [ -48.55, -24.83 ], [ -48.54, -24.86 ], [ -48.54, -24.87 ], [ -48.54, -24.88 ], [ -48.55, -24.89 ], [ -48.56, -24.89 ], [ -48.56, -24.9 ], [ -48.56, -24.91 ], [ -48.56, -24.94 ], [ -48.56, -24.97 ], [ -48.56, -24.98 ], [ -48.57, -24.98 ], [ -48.57, -24.98 ], [ -48.59, -25 ], [ -48.59, -25 ], [ -48.59, -25 ], [ -48.59, -25 ], [ -48.59, -25 ], [ -48.59, -25.01 ], [ -48.59, -25.02 ], [ -48.57, -25.05 ], [ -48.57, -25.05 ], [ -48.57, -25.06 ], [ -48.54, -25.07 ], [ -48.51, -25.08 ], [ -48.51, -25.08 ], [ -48.5, -25.08 ], [ -48.49, -25.08 ], [ -48.49, -25.07 ], [ -48.49, -25.06 ], [ -48.48, -25.06 ], [ -48.48, -25.05 ], [ -48.48, -25.05 ], [ -48.47, -25.04 ], [ -48.47, -25.04 ], [ -48.46, -25.03 ], [ -48.46, -25.03 ], [ -48.46, -25.02 ], [ -48.46, -25.01 ], [ -48.46, -25 ], [ -48.46, -25 ], [ -48.46, -25 ], [ -48.46, -24.99 ], [ -48.46, -24.99 ], [ -48.45, -24.98 ], [ -48.43, -24.97 ], [ -48.43, -24.97 ], [ -48.42, -24.96 ], [ -48.42, -24.96 ], [ -48.41, -24.96 ], [ -48.4, -24.97 ], [ -48.39, -24.97 ], [ -48.37, -24.97 ], [ -48.36, -24.98 ], [ -48.35, -24.98 ], [ -48.35, -24.99 ], [ -48.34, -24.99 ], [ -48.34, -25 ], [ -48.34, -25 ], [ -48.34, -25 ], [ -48.34, -25.01 ], [ -48.34, -25.01 ], [ -48.33, -25.02 ], [ -48.32, -25.02 ], [ -48.3, -25.01 ], [ -48.29, -25.01 ], [ -48.28, -25.02 ], [ -48.28, -25.02 ], [ -48.28, -25.03 ], [ -48.28, -25.03 ], [ -48.27, -25.03 ], [ -48.26, -25.03 ], [ -48.23, -25.01 ], [ -48.21, -25.07 ], [ -48.21, -25.09 ], [ -48.21, -25.1 ], [ -48.19, -25.15 ], [ -48.18, -25.16 ], [ -48.18, -25.17 ], [ -48.19, -25.18 ], [ -48.19, -25.19 ], [ -48.18, -25.2 ], [ -48.18, -25.2 ], [ -48.17, -25.21 ], [ -48.16, -25.22 ], [ -48.15, -25.22 ], [ -48.09, -25.24 ], [ -48.09, -25.24 ], [ -48.08, -25.24 ], [ -48.07, -25.24 ], [ -48.07, -25.23 ], [ -48.07, -25.23 ], [ -48.06, -25.23 ], [ -48.06, -25.22 ], [ -48.05, -25.22 ], [ -48.05, -25.22 ], [ -48.04, -25.22 ], [ -48.04, -25.22 ], [ -48.03, -25.23 ], [ -48.04, -25.24 ], [ -48.07, -25.28 ], [ -48.08, -25.28 ], [ -48.08, -25.3 ], [ -48.08, -25.31 ], [ -48.08, -25.31 ], [ -48.09, -25.33 ], [ -48.17, -25.37 ], [ -48.17, -25.38 ], [ -48.2, -25.42 ], [ -48.21, -25.46 ], [ -48.23, -25.46 ], [ -48.24, -25.45 ], [ -48.25, -25.43 ], [ -48.25, -25.41 ], [ -48.22, -25.35 ], [ -48.22, -25.34 ], [ -48.22, -25.34 ], [ -48.22, -25.33 ], [ -48.21, -25.32 ], [ -48.2, -25.32 ], [ -48.18, -25.31 ], [ -48.14, -25.29 ], [ -48.13, -25.28 ], [ -48.14, -25.27 ], [ -48.15, -25.28 ], [ -48.17, -25.29 ], [ -48.2, -25.3 ], [ -48.22, -25.3 ], [ -48.23, -25.3 ], [ -48.24, -25.32 ], [ -48.25, -25.32 ], [ -48.26, -25.31 ], [ -48.27, -25.3 ], [ -48.28, -25.29 ], [ -48.28, -25.31 ], [ -48.28, -25.32 ], [ -48.29, -25.32 ], [ -48.3, -25.34 ], [ -48.31, -25.35 ], [ -48.32, -25.36 ], [ -48.33, -25.36 ], [ -48.32, -25.32 ], [ -48.33, -25.32 ], [ -48.33, -25.33 ], [ -48.34, -25.32 ], [ -48.33, -25.27 ], [ -48.33, -25.24 ], [ -48.33, -25.23 ], [ -48.34, -25.24 ], [ -48.35, -25.25 ], [ -48.36, -25.26 ], [ -48.36, -25.27 ], [ -48.37, -25.27 ], [ -48.37, -25.28 ], [ -48.37, -25.28 ], [ -48.36, -25.28 ], [ -48.36, -25.29 ], [ -48.35, -25.29 ], [ -48.35, -25.29 ], [ -48.35, -25.3 ], [ -48.36, -25.3 ], [ -48.36, -25.3 ], [ -48.37, -25.3 ], [ -48.38, -25.3 ], [ -48.41, -25.28 ], [ -48.41, -25.27 ], [ -48.42, -25.25 ], [ -48.43, -25.24 ], [ -48.43, -25.26 ], [ -48.44, -25.26 ], [ -48.45, -25.26 ], [ -48.45, -25.25 ], [ -48.45, -25.25 ], [ -48.46, -25.25 ], [ -48.45, -25.26 ], [ -48.43, -25.32 ], [ -48.45, -25.32 ], [ -48.48, -25.33 ], [ -48.5, -25.33 ], [ -48.5, -25.34 ], [ -48.46, -25.34 ], [ -48.45, -25.35 ], [ -48.43, -25.36 ], [ -48.45, -25.37 ], [ -48.46, -25.38 ], [ -48.45, -25.39 ], [ -48.43, -25.38 ], [ -48.43, -25.39 ], [ -48.42, -25.4 ], [ -48.41, -25.41 ], [ -48.42, -25.43 ], [ -48.43, -25.43 ], [ -48.44, -25.43 ], [ -48.45, -25.43 ], [ -48.45, -25.45 ], [ -48.46, -25.46 ], [ -48.46, -25.47 ], [ -48.47, -25.48 ], [ -48.49, -25.47 ], [ -48.5, -25.47 ], [ -48.52, -25.45 ], [ -48.53, -25.45 ], [ -48.54, -25.45 ], [ -48.55, -25.45 ], [ -48.56, -25.45 ], [ -48.56, -25.46 ], [ -48.58, -25.46 ], [ -48.62, -25.45 ], [ -48.64, -25.44 ], [ -48.68, -25.41 ], [ -48.69, -25.41 ], [ -48.73, -25.36 ], [ -48.74, -25.35 ], [ -48.74, -25.37 ], [ -48.72, -25.41 ], [ -48.72, -25.42 ], [ -48.72, -25.43 ], [ -48.71, -25.43 ], [ -48.7, -25.44 ], [ -48.7, -25.44 ], [ -48.68, -25.46 ], [ -48.69, -25.47 ], [ -48.71, -25.47 ], [ -48.73, -25.47 ], [ -48.71, -25.5 ], [ -48.68, -25.5 ], [ -48.65, -25.49 ], [ -48.62, -25.5 ], [ -48.62, -25.5 ], [ -48.62, -25.51 ], [ -48.63, -25.51 ], [ -48.64, -25.5 ], [ -48.64, -25.5 ], [ -48.65, -25.51 ], [ -48.65, -25.52 ], [ -48.64, -25.52 ], [ -48.63, -25.52 ], [ -48.62, -25.53 ], [ -48.61, -25.54 ], [ -48.6, -25.53 ], [ -48.58, -25.53 ], [ -48.56, -25.53 ], [ -48.52, -25.51 ], [ -48.51, -25.52 ], [ -48.49, -25.54 ], [ -48.47, -25.54 ], [ -48.48, -25.56 ], [ -48.48, -25.56 ], [ -48.48, -25.55 ], [ -48.49, -25.56 ], [ -48.5, -25.57 ], [ -48.5, -25.57 ], [ -48.48, -25.58 ], [ -48.47, -25.57 ], [ -48.46, -25.56 ], [ -48.46, -25.55 ], [ -48.44, -25.55 ], [ -48.42, -25.55 ], [ -48.41, -25.56 ], [ -48.39, -25.54 ], [ -48.36, -25.57 ], [ -48.39, -25.6 ], [ -48.43, -25.62 ], [ -48.52, -25.77 ], [ -48.52, -25.8 ], [ -48.54, -25.84 ], [ -48.54, -25.85 ], [ -48.56, -25.84 ], [ -48.57, -25.82 ], [ -48.59, -25.82 ], [ -48.58, -25.8 ], [ -48.58, -25.8 ], [ -48.59, -25.8 ], [ -48.6, -25.8 ], [ -48.61, -25.81 ], [ -48.62, -25.82 ], [ -48.61, -25.82 ], [ -48.6, -25.82 ], [ -48.59, -25.83 ], [ -48.59, -25.84 ], [ -48.58, -25.85 ], [ -48.58, -25.85 ], [ -48.65, -25.84 ], [ -48.74, -25.85 ], [ -48.75, -25.86 ], [ -48.76, -25.86 ], [ -48.77, -25.87 ], [ -48.77, -25.88 ], [ -48.77, -25.89 ], [ -48.76, -25.88 ], [ -48.75, -25.88 ], [ -48.74, -25.87 ], [ -48.58, -25.87 ], [ -48.57, -25.87 ], [ -48.57, -25.86 ], [ -48.56, -25.87 ], [ -48.56, -25.88 ], [ -48.56, -25.89 ], [ -48.56, -25.9 ], [ -48.58, -25.96 ], [ -48.58, -25.98 ], [ -48.58, -25.98 ], [ -48.61, -25.98 ], [ -48.62, -25.98 ], [ -48.65, -25.97 ], [ -48.92, -25.98 ], [ -48.92, -25.98 ], [ -48.93, -25.99 ], [ -48.93, -25.99 ], [ -48.93, -26 ], [ -48.95, -26.01 ], [ -48.97, -26.01 ], [ -48.98, -26.01 ], [ -49, -26.01 ], [ -49.02, -26 ], [ -49.03, -26 ], [ -49.03, -26 ], [ -49.04, -26 ], [ -49.04, -26.01 ], [ -49.04, -26.01 ], [ -49.05, -26.02 ], [ -49.05, -26.02 ], [ -49.07, -26.01 ], [ -49.08, -26.01 ], [ -49.09, -26.02 ], [ -49.1, -26.02 ], [ -49.1, -26.01 ], [ -49.1, -26.01 ], [ -49.1, -26 ], [ -49.1, -26 ], [ -49.1, -26 ], [ -49.1, -26 ], [ -49.11, -26 ], [ -49.11, -25.99 ], [ -49.12, -25.99 ], [ -49.12, -25.99 ], [ -49.12, -26 ], [ -49.13, -26 ], [ -49.13, -26 ], [ -49.13, -26 ], [ -49.13, -26 ], [ -49.14, -26.01 ], [ -49.18, -26.01 ], [ -49.2, -26.02 ], [ -49.21, -26.03 ], [ -49.24, -26.04 ], [ -49.25, -26.06 ], [ -49.28, -26.09 ], [ -49.29, -26.1 ], [ -49.3, -26.11 ], [ -49.38, -26.15 ], [ -49.43, -26.16 ], [ -49.44, -26.16 ], [ -49.45, -26.17 ], [ -49.46, -26.17 ], [ -49.46, -26.18 ], [ -49.47, -26.18 ], [ -49.48, -26.19 ], [ -49.48, -26.21 ], [ -49.49, -26.22 ], [ -49.51, -26.23 ], [ -49.55, -26.23 ], [ -49.58, -26.23 ], [ -49.59, -26.22 ], [ -49.67, -26.19 ], [ -49.72, -26.16 ], [ -49.73, -26.15 ], [ -49.73, -26.14 ], [ -49.74, -26.13 ], [ -49.75, -26.12 ], [ -49.82, -26.09 ], [ -49.83, -26.08 ], [ -49.85, -26.06 ], [ -49.85, -26.06 ], [ -49.87, -26.05 ], [ -49.88, -26.04 ], [ -49.89, -26.03 ], [ -49.9, -26.03 ], [ -49.92, -26.03 ], [ -49.93, -26.03 ], [ -49.93, -26.02 ], [ -49.94, -26.02 ], [ -49.94, -26.01 ], [ -49.95, -26.01 ], [ -49.97, -26.02 ], [ -49.99, -26.01 ], [ -50.01, -26.02 ], [ -50.01, -26.03 ], [ -50.03, -26.03 ], [ -50.12, -26.05 ], [ -50.15, -26.04 ], [ -50.16, -26.05 ], [ -50.18, -26.05 ], [ -50.18, -26.05 ], [ -50.19, -26.05 ], [ -50.21, -26.05 ], [ -50.21, -26.05 ], [ -50.22, -26.05 ], [ -50.22, -26.04 ], [ -50.23, -26.04 ], [ -50.24, -26.04 ], [ -50.27, -26.04 ], [ -50.28, -26.04 ], [ -50.29, -26.04 ], [ -50.3, -26.04 ], [ -50.32, -26.05 ], [ -50.32, -26.06 ], [ -50.33, -26.07 ], [ -50.33, -26.07 ], [ -50.33, -26.08 ], [ -50.33, -26.08 ], [ -50.33, -26.09 ], [ -50.33, -26.09 ], [ -50.32, -26.1 ], [ -50.33, -26.1 ], [ -50.33, -26.11 ], [ -50.34, -26.11 ], [ -50.34, -26.11 ], [ -50.35, -26.11 ], [ -50.36, -26.11 ], [ -50.36, -26.1 ], [ -50.36, -26.1 ], [ -50.37, -26.08 ], [ -50.37, -26.07 ], [ -50.38, -26.07 ], [ -50.38, -26.06 ], [ -50.38, -26.06 ], [ -50.39, -26.06 ], [ -50.4, -26.06 ], [ -50.43, -26.05 ], [ -50.44, -26.05 ], [ -50.44, -26.05 ], [ -50.45, -26.05 ], [ -50.45, -26.04 ], [ -50.45, -26.04 ], [ -50.45, -26.03 ], [ -50.46, -26.03 ], [ -50.48, -26.02 ], [ -50.54, -26.02 ], [ -50.55, -26.02 ], [ -50.56, -26.02 ], [ -50.57, -26.01 ], [ -50.58, -26.01 ], [ -50.59, -26.01 ], [ -50.59, -26.01 ], [ -50.6, -26.01 ], [ -50.59, -26.02 ], [ -50.59, -26.02 ], [ -50.59, -26.02 ], [ -50.57, -26.03 ], [ -50.56, -26.04 ], [ -50.56, -26.04 ], [ -50.56, -26.04 ], [ -50.56, -26.05 ], [ -50.58, -26.05 ], [ -50.62, -26.06 ], [ -50.64, -26.06 ], [ -50.64, -26.06 ], [ -50.65, -26.07 ], [ -50.66, -26.12 ], [ -50.67, -26.15 ], [ -50.68, -26.16 ], [ -50.7, -26.17 ], [ -50.72, -26.2 ], [ -50.73, -26.21 ], [ -50.73, -26.22 ], [ -50.73, -26.23 ], [ -50.74, -26.24 ], [ -50.74, -26.24 ], [ -50.75, -26.23 ], [ -50.76, -26.22 ], [ -50.76, -26.22 ], [ -50.77, -26.22 ], [ -50.78, -26.22 ], [ -50.79, -26.22 ], [ -50.8, -26.23 ], [ -50.83, -26.25 ], [ -50.84, -26.25 ], [ -50.84, -26.26 ], [ -50.85, -26.26 ], [ -50.86, -26.26 ], [ -50.86, -26.25 ], [ -50.88, -26.25 ], [ -50.89, -26.25 ], [ -50.89, -26.26 ], [ -50.89, -26.26 ], [ -50.9, -26.27 ], [ -50.9, -26.28 ], [ -50.91, -26.28 ], [ -50.91, -26.28 ], [ -50.91, -26.28 ], [ -50.91, -26.26 ], [ -50.92, -26.26 ], [ -50.92, -26.25 ], [ -50.92, -26.25 ], [ -50.93, -26.25 ], [ -50.93, -26.25 ], [ -50.94, -26.25 ], [ -50.95, -26.25 ], [ -50.95, -26.26 ], [ -50.96, -26.26 ], [ -50.96, -26.27 ], [ -50.97, -26.27 ], [ -50.97, -26.26 ], [ -50.98, -26.25 ], [ -50.99, -26.24 ], [ -50.99, -26.24 ], [ -51, -26.24 ], [ -51, -26.24 ], [ -51, -26.24 ], [ -51, -26.24 ], [ -51.02, -26.24 ], [ -51.03, -26.25 ], [ -51.04, -26.25 ], [ -51.05, -26.25 ], [ -51.06, -26.24 ], [ -51.06, -26.24 ], [ -51.07, -26.24 ], [ -51.07, -26.24 ], [ -51.08, -26.24 ], [ -51.08, -26.24 ], [ -51.09, -26.25 ], [ -51.1, -26.26 ], [ -51.11, -26.27 ], [ -51.12, -26.28 ], [ -51.13, -26.28 ], [ -51.14, -26.29 ], [ -51.2, -26.3 ], [ -51.21, -26.31 ], [ -51.21, -26.31 ], [ -51.22, -26.33 ], [ -51.24, -26.34 ], [ -51.24, -26.34 ], [ -51.25, -26.35 ], [ -51.25, -26.35 ], [ -51.25, -26.36 ], [ -51.26, -26.38 ], [ -51.26, -26.39 ], [ -51.27, -26.4 ], [ -51.28, -26.42 ], [ -51.29, -26.42 ], [ -51.29, -26.43 ], [ -51.29, -26.44 ], [ -51.29, -26.44 ], [ -51.29, -26.45 ], [ -51.28, -26.45 ], [ -51.27, -26.46 ], [ -51.27, -26.47 ], [ -51.27, -26.47 ], [ -51.27, -26.48 ], [ -51.28, -26.49 ], [ -51.28, -26.5 ], [ -51.28, -26.5 ], [ -51.25, -26.55 ], [ -51.24, -26.57 ], [ -51.24, -26.58 ], [ -51.24, -26.59 ], [ -51.24, -26.61 ], [ -51.25, -26.63 ], [ -51.29, -26.65 ], [ -51.29, -26.66 ], [ -51.3, -26.66 ], [ -51.33, -26.66 ], [ -51.39, -26.68 ], [ -51.4, -26.68 ], [ -51.4, -26.68 ], [ -51.41, -26.7 ], [ -51.41, -26.7 ], [ -51.42, -26.7 ], [ -51.42, -26.7 ], [ -51.42, -26.7 ], [ -51.43, -26.68 ], [ -51.44, -26.67 ], [ -51.45, -26.66 ], [ -51.45, -26.65 ], [ -51.46, -26.65 ], [ -51.47, -26.64 ], [ -51.48, -26.64 ], [ -51.48, -26.63 ], [ -51.48, -26.63 ], [ -51.48, -26.62 ], [ -51.48, -26.61 ], [ -51.49, -26.61 ], [ -51.49, -26.61 ], [ -51.49, -26.6 ], [ -51.5, -26.6 ], [ -51.5, -26.6 ], [ -51.5, -26.6 ], [ -51.61, -26.6 ], [ -51.62, -26.6 ], [ -51.63, -26.6 ], [ -51.63, -26.59 ], [ -51.64, -26.59 ], [ -51.65, -26.58 ], [ -51.65, -26.58 ], [ -51.66, -26.58 ], [ -51.66, -26.59 ], [ -51.68, -26.6 ], [ -51.69, -26.6 ], [ -51.71, -26.6 ], [ -51.87, -26.6 ], [ -51.94, -26.58 ], [ -51.96, -26.58 ], [ -52, -26.58 ], [ -52.01, -26.58 ], [ -52.01, -26.58 ], [ -52.02, -26.58 ], [ -52.04, -26.56 ], [ -52.09, -26.53 ], [ -52.11, -26.51 ], [ -52.11, -26.51 ], [ -52.12, -26.5 ], [ -52.12, -26.49 ], [ -52.13, -26.49 ], [ -52.18, -26.46 ], [ -52.19, -26.45 ], [ -52.2, -26.45 ], [ -52.21, -26.45 ], [ -52.23, -26.45 ], [ -52.25, -26.45 ], [ -52.28, -26.44 ], [ -52.3, -26.44 ], [ -52.33, -26.44 ], [ -52.34, -26.44 ], [ -52.36, -26.44 ], [ -52.4, -26.43 ], [ -52.46, -26.43 ], [ -52.46, -26.43 ], [ -52.47, -26.43 ], [ -52.5, -26.41 ], [ -52.54, -26.4 ], [ -52.62, -26.41 ], [ -52.64, -26.4 ], [ -52.65, -26.4 ], [ -52.65, -26.39 ], [ -52.65, -26.39 ], [ -52.67, -26.38 ], [ -52.82, -26.34 ], [ -52.83, -26.34 ], [ -52.85, -26.34 ], [ -52.86, -26.34 ], [ -52.88, -26.35 ], [ -52.91, -26.36 ], [ -52.94, -26.37 ], [ -52.95, -26.37 ], [ -52.96, -26.37 ], [ -52.97, -26.36 ], [ -52.98, -26.35 ], [ -52.99, -26.35 ], [ -52.99, -26.35 ], [ -53, -26.35 ], [ -53.04, -26.37 ], [ -53.1, -26.37 ], [ -53.11, -26.37 ], [ -53.12, -26.37 ], [ -53.13, -26.36 ], [ -53.13, -26.36 ], [ -53.14, -26.35 ], [ -53.14, -26.35 ], [ -53.15, -26.34 ], [ -53.18, -26.33 ], [ -53.2, -26.32 ], [ -53.25, -26.29 ], [ -53.25, -26.29 ], [ -53.25, -26.28 ], [ -53.26, -26.28 ], [ -53.27, -26.27 ], [ -53.28, -26.26 ], [ -53.34, -26.24 ], [ -53.36, -26.24 ], [ -53.37, -26.24 ], [ -53.37, -26.24 ], [ -53.38, -26.25 ], [ -53.46, -26.29 ], [ -53.47, -26.29 ], [ -53.48, -26.29 ], [ -53.5, -26.29 ], [ -53.51, -26.29 ], [ -53.52, -26.29 ], [ -53.55, -26.27 ], [ -53.61, -26.26 ], [ -53.62, -26.26 ], [ -53.63, -26.26 ], [ -53.65, -26.26 ], [ -53.66, -26.26 ], [ -53.67, -26.22 ], [ -53.69, -26.19 ], [ -53.73, -26.13 ], [ -53.75, -26.09 ], [ -53.75, -26.06 ], [ -53.77, -26.03 ], [ -53.79, -26 ], [ -53.79, -26 ], [ -53.79, -26 ], [ -53.83, -25.97 ], [ -53.83, -25.96 ], [ -53.84, -25.95 ], [ -53.83, -25.94 ], [ -53.83, -25.93 ], [ -53.83, -25.92 ], [ -53.84, -25.87 ], [ -53.84, -25.81 ], [ -53.84, -25.79 ], [ -53.85, -25.77 ], [ -53.86, -25.76 ], [ -53.88, -25.75 ], [ -53.88, -25.74 ], [ -53.89, -25.72 ], [ -53.88, -25.71 ], [ -53.88, -25.71 ], [ -53.88, -25.7 ], [ -53.89, -25.66 ], [ -53.9, -25.64 ], [ -53.91, -25.63 ], [ -53.95, -25.65 ], [ -53.97, -25.65 ], [ -53.98, -25.63 ], [ -53.98, -25.61 ], [ -53.98, -25.59 ], [ -54, -25.57 ], [ -54.02, -25.57 ], [ -54.03, -25.56 ], [ -54.04, -25.56 ], [ -54.04, -25.57 ], [ -54.06, -25.57 ], [ -54.07, -25.56 ], [ -54.08, -25.55 ], [ -54.09, -25.56 ], [ -54.09, -25.57 ], [ -54.09, -25.58 ], [ -54.09, -25.59 ], [ -54.09, -25.6 ], [ -54.1, -25.6 ], [ -54.11, -25.59 ], [ -54.12, -25.58 ], [ -54.12, -25.57 ], [ -54.13, -25.55 ], [ -54.12, -25.54 ], [ -54.11, -25.52 ], [ -54.11, -25.5 ], [ -54.11, -25.5 ], [ -54.12, -25.49 ], [ -54.12, -25.5 ], [ -54.13, -25.5 ], [ -54.15, -25.53 ], [ -54.17, -25.53 ], [ -54.18, -25.54 ], [ -54.2, -25.53 ], [ -54.21, -25.53 ], [ -54.21, -25.53 ], [ -54.19, -25.56 ], [ -54.19, -25.58 ], [ -54.21, -25.58 ], [ -54.23, -25.58 ], [ -54.24, -25.58 ], [ -54.24, -25.58 ], [ -54.25, -25.59 ], [ -54.26, -25.6 ], [ -54.26, -25.59 ], [ -54.27, -25.57 ], [ -54.28, -25.56 ], [ -54.3, -25.55 ], [ -54.32, -25.56 ], [ -54.33, -25.56 ], [ -54.35, -25.58 ], [ -54.36, -25.58 ], [ -54.38, -25.58 ], [ -54.39, -25.58 ], [ -54.4, -25.58 ], [ -54.4, -25.59 ], [ -54.4, -25.6 ], [ -54.4, -25.61 ], [ -54.41, -25.62 ], [ -54.41, -25.63 ], [ -54.43, -25.64 ], [ -54.44, -25.65 ], [ -54.44, -25.66 ], [ -54.43, -25.68 ], [ -54.44, -25.69 ], [ -54.45, -25.69 ], [ -54.45, -25.68 ], [ -54.46, -25.67 ], [ -54.46, -25.66 ], [ -54.46, -25.64 ], [ -54.47, -25.63 ], [ -54.49, -25.61 ], [ -54.51, -25.61 ], [ -54.53, -25.61 ], [ -54.54, -25.6 ], [ -54.54, -25.59 ], [ -54.55, -25.57 ], [ -54.56, -25.57 ], [ -54.6, -25.57 ], [ -54.6, -25.57 ], [ -54.59, -25.55 ], [ -54.59, -25.52 ], [ -54.6, -25.51 ], [ -54.61, -25.49 ], [ -54.61, -25.47 ], [ -54.61, -25.44 ], [ -54.61, -25.43 ], [ -54.6, -25.4 ], [ -54.58, -25.36 ], [ -54.55, -25.34 ], [ -54.53, -25.31 ], [ -54.5, -25.28 ], [ -54.48, -25.21 ], [ -54.47, -25.2 ], [ -54.44, -25.17 ], [ -54.43, -25.15 ], [ -54.43, -25.13 ], [ -54.46, -25.09 ], [ -54.46, -25.07 ], [ -54.46, -25.06 ], [ -54.46, -25.04 ], [ -54.45, -25 ], [ -54.41, -24.82 ], [ -54.4, -24.8 ], [ -54.37, -24.77 ], [ -54.36, -24.73 ], [ -54.32, -24.63 ], [ -54.32, -24.6 ], [ -54.33, -24.53 ], [ -54.33, -24.5 ], [ -54.32, -24.46 ], [ -54.28, -24.41 ], [ -54.27, -24.39 ], [ -54.26, -24.36 ], [ -54.26, -24.33 ], [ -54.27, -24.3 ], [ -54.28, -24.28 ], [ -54.31, -24.25 ], [ -54.31, -24.23 ], [ -54.32, -24.2 ], [ -54.33, -24.17 ], [ -54.33, -24.15 ], [ -54.32, -24.12 ], [ -54.3, -24.09 ], [ -54.27, -24.07 ], [ -54.25, -24.05 ], [ -54.25, -24.05 ], [ -54.2, -24.03 ], [ -54.19, -24.02 ], [ -54.18, -24.01 ], [ -54.1, -23.97 ], [ -54.08, -23.95 ], [ -54.07, -23.91 ], [ -54.07, -23.82 ], [ -54.06, -23.77 ], [ -54.03, -23.7 ], [ -54.02, -23.64 ], [ -53.97, -23.49 ], [ -53.97, -23.45 ], [ -53.97, -23.44 ], [ -53.95, -23.42 ], [ -53.86, -23.39 ], [ -53.75, -23.33 ], [ -53.73, -23.3 ], [ -53.71, -23.26 ], [ -53.68, -23.18 ], [ -53.66, -23.15 ], [ -53.64, -23.11 ], [ -53.63, -23.02 ], [ -53.62, -22.98 ], [ -53.6, -22.92 ], [ -53.58, -22.9 ], [ -53.55, -22.87 ], [ -53.48, -22.83 ], [ -53.17, -22.7 ], [ -53.17, -22.7 ], [ -53.15, -22.7 ], [ -53.12, -22.69 ], [ -53.1, -22.68 ], [ -53.06, -22.63 ], [ -53.01, -22.6 ], [ -52.99, -22.59 ], [ -52.97, -22.58 ], [ -52.95, -22.57 ], [ -52.89, -22.57 ], [ -52.88, -22.57 ], [ -52.85, -22.59 ], [ -52.84, -22.59 ], [ -52.79, -22.59 ], [ -52.69, -22.6 ], [ -52.67, -22.6 ], [ -52.61, -22.57 ], [ -52.58, -22.57 ], [ -52.55, -22.6 ], [ -52.52, -22.61 ], [ -52.48, -22.61 ], [ -52.46, -22.6 ], [ -52.45, -22.6 ], [ -52.41, -22.6 ], [ -52.38, -22.61 ], [ -52.34, -22.62 ], [ -52.31, -22.62 ], [ -52.29, -22.6 ], [ -52.28, -22.6 ], [ -52.26, -22.6 ], [ -52.25, -22.6 ], [ -52.25, -22.61 ], [ -52.24, -22.61 ], [ -52.23, -22.62 ], [ -52.23, -22.63 ], [ -52.22, -22.64 ], [ -52.19, -22.64 ], [ -52.17, -22.62 ], [ -52.16, -22.6 ], [ -52.15, -22.58 ], [ -52.15, -22.56 ], [ -52.14, -22.54 ], [ -52.12, -22.53 ], [ -52.09, -22.52 ], [ -52.07, -22.52 ], 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Se ubicaría al sur del río Carcarañá.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-01T17:48:46+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 29768, "end" : 29783 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "buena esperanza" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/4fe0f1f7-4c4f-477c-b5ec-45b6a5b4b4f6", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" 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provincias argentinas de Tucumán, Jujuy,\n Salta, Santiago del Estero y Catamarca) ya habían sido objeto de \nconquista y colonización en la primera mitad del siglo XVI a partir de \navanzadas provenientes de Asunción, Chile y Perú.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-01T23:07:35+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://www.hgis-indias.net/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=gazetteer:9000003", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-10-17T10:46:08+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-10-17T10:46:08+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ -65.41058, -24.78928 ] } } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del 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Corregimiento de Charcas en el actual pueblo boliviano de Carmargo (Departamento de Chuquisaca).", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-11T14:45:57+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 34668, "end" : 34692 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "corregimiento de Paspaia" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/e8866c07-12ee-4ba4-8648-4d186c1b7fc4", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : 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el mismo nombre, es un río que nace en los \nAndes y tras cruzar el chaco boliviano en dirección oeste-este, se une a\n los bañados de Izozog, un humedal del departamento boliviano de Santa \nCruz de la Sierra.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-11T14:51:04+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 43167, "end" : 43182 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "río de Parapití" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/c83a27b0-b7ba-4fe1-85bf-956eea2e341d", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : 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No obstantes, en mapas de \nprincipios del siglo XVI paarece otro río con el mismo nombre entre la \nisla de Santa Catalina y Cananea.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-09-27T17:18:25+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "En este caso, parecería referir a un río próximo a la \nisla de Santa Catalina y Cananea.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-05T01:59:23+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 17091, "end" : 17104 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "San Francisco" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", 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"type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-25T18:51:04+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Pedro de la Gasca o bien Pedro Lagasca (Navarregadilla de Ávila, Corona de Castilla, agosto de 1493 – Sigüenza de Guadalajara, Corona de España, 13 de noviembre de 1567) era un sacerdote, funcionario, diplomático y militar español del siglo XVI que fue nombrado caballero de la Orden de Santiago y consejero del Tribunal del Santo Oficio. Fue designado en 1546 como presidente de la Real Audiencia de Lima con la misión de acabar con la rebelión de Gonzalo Pizarro en el Virreinato del Perú, cumpliendo cabalmente su cometido, y ha pasado a la historia con el apelativo de Pacificador. Hizo luego un ordenamiento general del territorio y culminó su brillante carrera como obispo de Palencia desde 1550 y luego de Sigüenza desde 1561 hasta su fallecimiento.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-25T18:51:04+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 77807, "end" : 77812 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Gasca" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/245307ff-5783-40c4-bdfd-efd11a7a5ea3", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-25T18:51:04+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Pedro de la Gasca o bien Pedro Lagasca (Navarregadilla de Ávila, Corona de Castilla, agosto de 1493 – Sigüenza de Guadalajara, Corona de España, 13 de noviembre de 1567) era un sacerdote, funcionario, diplomático y militar español del siglo XVI que fue nombrado caballero de la Orden de Santiago y consejero del Tribunal del Santo Oficio. Fue designado en 1546 como presidente de la Real Audiencia de Lima con la misión de acabar con la rebelión de Gonzalo Pizarro en el Virreinato del Perú, cumpliendo cabalmente su cometido, y ha pasado a la historia con el apelativo de Pacificador. Hizo luego un ordenamiento general del territorio y culminó su brillante carrera como obispo de Palencia desde 1550 y luego de Sigüenza desde 1561 hasta su fallecimiento.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-25T18:51:04+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 60820, "end" : 60825 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Gasca" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/3812aa45-baff-4d19-908c-6dccfe7e061f", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-25T18:51:04+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Pedro de la Gasca o bien Pedro Lagasca (Navarregadilla de Ávila, Corona de Castilla, agosto de 1493 – Sigüenza de Guadalajara, Corona de España, 13 de noviembre de 1567) era un sacerdote, funcionario, diplomático y militar español del siglo XVI que fue nombrado caballero de la Orden de Santiago y consejero del Tribunal del Santo Oficio. Fue designado en 1546 como presidente de la Real Audiencia de Lima con la misión de acabar con la rebelión de Gonzalo Pizarro en el Virreinato del Perú, cumpliendo cabalmente su cometido, y ha pasado a la historia con el apelativo de Pacificador. Hizo luego un ordenamiento general del territorio y culminó su brillante carrera como obispo de Palencia desde 1550 y luego de Sigüenza desde 1561 hasta su fallecimiento.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-25T18:51:04+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 55340, "end" : 55345 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Gasca" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/05c50983-4948-4e3a-86de-92a1eee6333e", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PLACE", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-10-17T12:58:05+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Corpus Christi. Puerto fundado en las cercanías del río Coronda en 1536 por los homnres de Juan de Ayolas, en las cercanías de varias aldeas timbúes.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-08T01:20:39+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 115310, "end" : 115316 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Corpus" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/ac641987-309e-4b66-8c7e-84e296f201ab", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PLACE", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-10-17T12:56:57+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "San Fernando. Promontorio sobre el río Paraguay.Puerto de San Fernando, en el Paraguay. Más arriba de Candelaria. Amarradero formado por un río de este nombre que baja de la Cordillera de San Fernando, entre las lagunas de la Cruz y de Manioré.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T18:53:19+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 22316, "end" : 22328 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "San Fernando" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/ccc16fc2-7d89-4f04-b936-89ec9b2a0084", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, 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-79.499, -7.785 ], [ -79.491, -7.793 ], [ -79.495, -7.796 ] ] ], [ [ [ -80.699, -6.973 ], [ -80.702, -6.972 ], [ -80.704, -6.961 ], [ -80.696, -6.972 ], [ -80.699, -6.973 ] ] ], [ [ [ -80.698, -6.962 ], [ -80.698, -6.948 ], [ -80.694, -6.956 ], [ -80.698, -6.962 ] ] ], [ [ [ -80.845, -6.472 ], [ -80.868, -6.436 ], [ -80.844, -6.383 ], [ -80.851, -6.407 ], [ -80.845, -6.472 ] ] ], [ [ [ -81.205, -5.216 ], [ -81.211, -5.206 ], [ -81.201, -5.21 ], [ -81.205, -5.216 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.259, -15.273 ], [ -75.269, -15.267 ], [ -75.269, -15.264 ], [ -75.257, -15.264 ], [ -75.259, -15.273 ] ] ], [ [ [ -76.179, -14.318 ], [ -76.219, -14.293 ], [ -76.219, -14.267 ], [ -76.188, -14.28 ], [ -76.179, -14.318 ] ] ], [ [ [ -76.455, -13.868 ], [ -76.471, -13.858 ], [ -76.458, -13.828 ], [ -76.441, -13.848 ], [ -76.455, -13.868 ] ] ], [ [ [ -76.406, -13.75 ], [ -76.406, -13.746 ], [ -76.397, -13.741 ], [ -76.397, -13.746 ], [ -76.406, -13.75 ] ] ], [ [ [ -76.633, -12.805 ], [ -76.634, -12.794 ], [ -76.621, -12.798 ], [ -76.633, -12.805 ] ] ], [ [ [ -76.899, -12.361 ], [ -76.905, -12.355 ], [ -76.901, -12.347 ], [ -76.897, -12.352 ], [ -76.899, -12.361 ] ] ], [ [ [ -76.915, -12.314 ], [ -76.917, -12.312 ], [ -76.909, -12.302 ], [ -76.909, -12.312 ], [ -76.915, -12.314 ] ] ], [ [ [ -77.19, -12.134 ], [ -77.189, -12.125 ], [ -77.185, -12.124 ], [ -77.182, -12.129 ], [ -77.19, -12.134 ] ] ], [ [ [ -77.208, -12.124 ], [ -77.253, -12.095 ], [ -77.254, -12.074 ], [ -77.202, -12.103 ], [ -77.208, -12.124 ] ] ], [ [ [ -77.717, -11.974 ], [ -77.725, -11.969 ], [ -77.724, -11.965 ], [ -77.718, -11.965 ], [ -77.717, -11.974 ] ] ], [ [ [ -77.723, -11.954 ], [ -77.733, -11.953 ], [ -77.734, -11.948 ], [ -77.722, -11.946 ], [ -77.723, -11.954 ] ] ], [ [ [ -77.851, -11.494 ], [ -77.852, -11.486 ], [ -77.844, -11.48 ], [ -77.844, -11.488 ], [ -77.851, -11.494 ] ] ], [ [ [ -81.072, -5 ], [ -81.326, -4.68 ], [ -81.25, -4.27 ], [ -80.837, -3.877 ], [ -80.786, -3.749 ], [ -80.574, -3.628 ], [ -80.501, -3.505 ], [ -80.366, -3.499 ], [ -80.304, -3.405 ], [ -80.219, -3.438 ], [ -80.154, -3.905 ], [ -80.286, -4.018 ], [ -80.398, -3.984 ], [ -80.475, -4.054 ], [ -80.444, -4.194 ], [ -80.305, -4.201 ], [ -80.443, -4.371 ], [ -80.443, -4.437 ], [ -80.335, -4.47 ], [ -80.136, -4.285 ], [ -79.895, -4.394 ], [ -79.812, -4.486 ], [ -79.631, -4.435 ], [ -79.541, -4.528 ], [ -79.482, -4.529 ], [ -79.416, -4.799 ], [ -79.26, -4.967 ], [ -79, -4.979 ], [ -78.881, -4.72 ], [ -78.736, -4.654 ], [ -78.621, -4.497 ], [ -78.627, -4.319 ], [ -78.572, -4.255 ], [ -78.499, -3.949 ], [ -78.377, -3.787 ], [ -78.319, -3.429 ], [ -78.249, -3.429 ], [ -78.232, -3.534 ], [ -78.137, -3.522 ], [ -78.19, -3.354 ], [ -77.824, -2.998 ], [ -76.627, -2.591 ], [ -76.045, -2.128 ], [ -75.538, -1.536 ], [ -75.364, -0.956 ], [ -75.185, -0.971 ], [ -75.28, -0.711 ], [ -75.245, -0.535 ], [ -75.415, -0.424 ], [ -75.449, -0.329 ], [ -75.622, -0.263 ], [ -75.622, -0.109 ], [ -75.304, -0.134 ], [ -75.219, -0.015 ], [ -75.115, -0.039 ], [ -74.904, -0.195 ], [ -74.824, -0.145 ], [ -74.78, -0.214 ], [ -74.801, -0.29 ], [ -74.659, -0.332 ], [ -74.52, -0.479 ], [ -74.425, -0.511 ], [ -74.342, -0.695 ], [ -74.378, -0.745 ], [ -74.258, -0.843 ], [ -74.272, -0.899 ], [ -74.318, -0.9 ], [ -74.266, -1.007 ], [ -74.074, -1.081 ], [ -74.033, -1.028 ], [ -74.013, -1.123 ], [ -73.905, -1.15 ], [ -73.861, -1.25 ], [ -73.777, -1.277 ], [ -73.75, -1.22 ], [ -73.732, -1.267 ], [ -73.624, -1.283 ], [ -73.552, -1.429 ], [ -73.586, -1.445 ], [ -73.539, -1.452 ], [ -73.46, -1.6 ], [ -73.532, -1.733 ], [ -73.314, -1.855 ], [ -73.293, -1.803 ], [ -73.231, -1.823 ], [ -73.222, -1.774 ], [ -73.143, -1.834 ], [ -73.095, -2.113 ], [ -73.059, -2.125 ], [ -73.153, -2.276 ], [ -73.044, -2.4 ], [ -73.021, -2.355 ], [ -72.962, -2.382 ], [ -72.921, -2.5 ], [ -72.769, -2.42 ], [ -72.733, -2.459 ], [ -72.707, -2.416 ], [ -72.67, -2.486 ], [ -72.618, -2.396 ], [ -72.383, -2.416 ], [ -72.346, -2.49 ], [ -72.221, -2.433 ], [ -72.126, -2.468 ], [ -72.035, -2.331 ], [ -71.907, -2.373 ], [ -71.919, -2.312 ], [ -71.861, -2.3 ], [ -71.822, -2.187 ], [ -71.722, -2.128 ], [ -71.707, -2.214 ], [ -71.628, -2.191 ], [ -71.5, -2.245 ], [ -71.484, -2.336 ], [ -71.444, -2.263 ], [ -71.375, -2.398 ], [ -71.284, -2.338 ], [ -71.165, -2.376 ], [ -71.057, -2.264 ], [ -70.986, -2.298 ], [ -70.993, -2.205 ], [ -70.928, -2.245 ], [ -70.857, -2.217 ], [ -70.822, -2.283 ], [ -70.658, -2.351 ], [ -70.608, -2.481 ], [ -70.55, -2.47 ], [ -70.562, -2.415 ], [ -70.418, -2.525 ], [ -70.307, -2.498 ], [ -70.342, -2.573 ], [ -70.246, -2.548 ], [ -70.15, -2.705 ], [ -70.076, -2.662 ], [ -70.034, -2.761 ], [ -70.703, -3.795 ], [ -70.485, -3.885 ], [ -70.295, -3.813 ], [ -70.186, -3.891 ], [ -70.158, -4.021 ], [ -69.948, -4.219 ], [ -69.978, -4.295 ], [ -70.036, -4.339 ], [ -70.076, -4.309 ], [ -70.042, -4.284 ], [ -70.164, -4.268 ], [ -70.19, -4.357 ], [ -70.249, -4.267 ], [ -70.291, -4.283 ], [ -70.317, -4.136 ], [ -70.341, -4.174 ], [ -70.434, -4.125 ], [ -70.503, -4.19 ], [ -70.553, -4.128 ], [ -70.566, -4.205 ], [ -70.565, -4.168 ], [ -70.633, -4.173 ], [ -70.622, -4.121 ], [ -70.677, -4.2 ], [ -70.757, -4.152 ], [ -70.935, -4.381 ], [ -70.99, -4.34 ], [ -71.031, -4.397 ], [ -71.147, -4.375 ], [ -71.193, -4.42 ], [ -71.198, -4.377 ], [ -71.269, -4.381 ], [ -71.303, -4.458 ], [ -71.355, -4.468 ], [ -71.342, -4.423 ], [ -71.432, -4.469 ], [ -71.414, -4.432 ], [ -71.506, -4.435 ], [ -71.49, -4.479 ], [ -71.535, -4.46 ], [ -71.597, -4.525 ], [ -71.61, -4.465 ], [ -71.897, -4.512 ], [ -71.94, -4.607 ], [ -72.047, -4.625 ], [ -72.113, -4.722 ], [ -72.223, -4.78 ], [ -72.313, -4.769 ], [ -72.292, -4.799 ], [ -72.356, -4.803 ], [ -72.37, -4.88 ], [ -72.452, -4.906 ], [ -72.455, -4.962 ], [ -72.577, -4.992 ], [ -72.602, -5.056 ], [ -72.734, -5.043 ], [ -72.896, -5.136 ], [ -72.872, -5.25 ], [ -72.948, -5.454 ], [ -72.951, -5.643 ], [ -73.116, -5.865 ], [ -73.131, -5.986 ], [ -73.185, -6.04 ], [ -73.133, -6.421 ], [ -73.211, -6.53 ], [ -73.351, -6.561 ], [ -73.743, -6.897 ], [ -73.797, -7.115 ], [ -73.691, -7.313 ], [ -73.868, -7.377 ], [ -73.954, -7.348 ], [ -73.917, -7.461 ], [ -73.986, -7.537 ], [ -73.69, -7.79 ], [ -73.697, -7.865 ], [ -73.777, -7.869 ], [ -73.765, -7.94 ], [ -73.632, -8.022 ], [ -73.526, -8.369 ], [ -73.338, -8.476 ], [ -73.338, -8.609 ], [ -73.169, -8.701 ], [ -73.059, -8.904 ], [ -72.946, -8.99 ], [ -72.965, -9.154 ], [ -73.196, -9.418 ], [ -72.721, -9.417 ], [ -72.364, -9.491 ], [ -72.289, -9.536 ], [ -72.26, -9.755 ], [ -72.16, -9.818 ], [ -72.165, -10.002 ], [ -71.288, -9.996 ], [ -71.131, -9.862 ], [ -70.982, -9.812 ], [ -70.601, -9.453 ], [ -70.497, -9.433 ], [ -70.561, -9.579 ], [ -70.598, -9.574 ], [ -70.522, -9.738 ], [ -70.622, -9.847 ], [ -70.618, -11.007 ], [ -70.508, -10.94 ], [ -70.337, -11.067 ], [ -69.938, -10.926 ], [ -69.728, -10.973 ], [ -69.568, -10.954 ], [ -68.924, -11.994 ], [ -68.679, -12.497 ], [ -68.764, -12.612 ], [ -68.738, -12.705 ], [ -68.85, -12.728 ], [ -68.961, -12.852 ], [ -68.942, -13.486 ], [ -68.997, -13.652 ], [ -69.076, -13.654 ], [ -68.988, -13.769 ], [ -68.965, -13.98 ], [ -68.881, -14.065 ], [ -68.841, -14.21 ], [ -68.982, -14.237 ], [ -68.98, -14.387 ], [ -69.152, -14.508 ], [ -69.149, -14.584 ], [ -69.225, -14.584 ], [ -69.244, -14.753 ], [ -69.363, -14.804 ], [ -69.365, -14.98 ], [ -69.126, -15.256 ], [ -69.265, -15.336 ], [ -69.274, -15.421 ], [ -69.414, -15.621 ], [ -69.236, -16.143 ], [ -69.099, -16.219 ], [ -68.963, -16.189 ], [ -68.814, -16.338 ], [ -68.982, -16.433 ], [ -69.032, -16.566 ], [ -69.006, -16.677 ], [ -69.168, -16.731 ], [ -69.392, -17.021 ], [ -69.375, -17.078 ], [ -69.551, -17.162 ], [ -69.641, -17.282 ], [ -69.463, -17.376 ], [ -69.463, -17.508 ], [ -69.662, -17.658 ], [ -69.799, -17.65 ], [ -69.819, -17.747 ], [ -69.753, -17.982 ], [ -69.948, -18.248 ], [ -70.374, -18.35 ], [ -70.879, -18.01 ], [ -70.925, -17.924 ], [ -71.383, -17.708 ], [ -71.342, -17.636 ], [ -71.382, -17.419 ], [ -71.515, -17.265 ], [ -71.819, -17.18 ], [ -71.974, -17.048 ], [ -72.113, -17.027 ], [ -72.123, -16.97 ], [ -72.45, -16.705 ], [ -72.758, -16.636 ], [ -73.112, -16.433 ], [ -73.291, -16.402 ], [ -73.3, -16.349 ], [ -73.414, -16.294 ], [ -73.701, -16.24 ], [ -74.057, -15.961 ], [ -74.285, -15.846 ], [ -74.371, -15.85 ], [ -74.476, -15.726 ], [ -75.141, -15.419 ], [ -75.2, -15.381 ], [ -75.157, -15.338 ], [ -75.252, -15.268 ], [ -75.23, -15.22 ], [ -75.376, -15.161 ], [ -75.509, -14.922 ], [ -75.921, -14.662 ], [ -75.98, -14.483 ], [ -76.151, -14.345 ], [ -76.105, -14.326 ], [ -76.135, -14.245 ], [ -76.222, -14.165 ], [ -76.274, -14.151 ], [ -76.273, -14.211 ], [ -76.296, -14.175 ], [ -76.286, -13.917 ], [ -76.395, -13.908 ], [ -76.332, -13.799 ], [ -76.261, -13.872 ], [ -76.191, -13.607 ], [ -76.206, -13.4 ], [ -76.492, -13.049 ], [ -76.52, -12.871 ], [ -76.641, -12.752 ], [ -76.693, -12.608 ], [ -76.811, -12.512 ], [ -76.784, -12.402 ], [ -76.84, -12.323 ], [ -77.042, -12.215 ], [ -77.072, -12.113 ], [ -77.172, -12.087 ], [ -77.136, -11.984 ], [ -77.201, -11.79 ], [ -77.176, -11.739 ], [ -77.301, -11.521 ], [ -77.663, -11.297 ], [ -77.656, -11.228 ], [ -77.604, -11.205 ], [ -77.671, -10.949 ], [ -78.196, -10.11 ], [ -78.241, -9.793 ], [ -78.378, -9.635 ], [ -78.431, -9.345 ], [ -78.536, -9.274 ], [ -78.507, -9.186 ], [ -78.555, -9.184 ], [ -78.575, -9.248 ], [ -78.621, -9.185 ], [ -78.563, -9.134 ], [ -78.641, -9.076 ], [ -78.654, -8.916 ], [ -78.766, -8.773 ], [ -78.755, -8.616 ], [ -78.934, -8.455 ], [ -78.905, -8.389 ], [ -78.97, -8.252 ], [ -79.359, -7.859 ], [ -79.566, -7.465 ], [ -79.581, -7.322 ], [ -79.678, -7.12 ], [ -79.916, -6.884 ], [ -79.983, -6.743 ], [ -80.298, -6.53 ], [ -80.773, -6.306 ], [ -81.11, -6.057 ], [ -81.144, -5.89 ], [ -81.076, -5.791 ], [ -80.942, -5.848 ], [ -80.866, -5.784 ], [ -80.858, -5.819 ], [ -80.841, -5.841 ], [ -80.848, -5.534 ], [ -80.872, -5.558 ], [ -80.945, -5.432 ], [ -81.191, -5.216 ], [ -81.167, -5.083 ], [ -81.085, -5.081 ], [ -81.072, -5 ] ] ] ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Entendido como virreinato del Perú.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-02T00:44:43+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 128528, "end" : 128533 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Perú," } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/5215e89f-7ae5-41f2-8f8f-d070bc341f38", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T17:19:41+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Padre de Ruy Díaz de Guzmán", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T17:19:41+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Alonso Riquelme de Guzmán (1519-1573) fue un conquistador oriundo de Jeréz de la Frontera y sobrino del Segundo Adelantado al Río de la Plata, Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca, con quien llegó al Río de la Plata en 1541. Fue uno de sus más acérrimos partidarios durante la gobernación de Cabeza de Vaca y se convirtió en una de las figuras más prominentes de la facción de los \"leales\" una vez que aquel fuera expulsado de la provincia en 1545.Fue forzado por Domigo de Irala a casarse con una de sus hijas mestizas, unión de la cual nació Ruy Díaz de Guzmán.Bibliografía:Ricardo Lafuente Machaín, Alonso Riquelme de Guzmán, Buenos Aires, Amorrurtu, 1942.Tieffemberg, Silvia, \"Estudio Introductorio\", en Díaz de Guzmán, Ruy, Argentina. Historia del Descubrimiento y Conquista del Río de la Plata de Ruy Díaz de Guzmán, Buenos Aires, Editorial de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras-UBA, 2012.Fuentes \"Información hecha en Jerez de la Frontera a pedimento de Cabeza de Vaca para verificar ciertas cartas\", en Núñez Cabeza de Vaca, Álvar, Relación de los Naufragios y Comentarios de Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca, adelantado y gobernador del Río de la Plata. Ilustrado con varios documentos inéditos. Tomo Segundo, Madrid, Imprenta General de Victoriano Suárez, 1906, p. 289 (GGV 52/975; AGI Justicia 1131), 1545.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-09-20T23:37:40+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "conqueror", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-09-21T00:08:48+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 305, "end" : 330 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Alonso Riquelme de Guzmán" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/82349eb0-ff79-4293-be01-7a54934cdf65", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Catholic Monarchs", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T17:44:54+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T17:44:54+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Los Reyes Católicos fue la denominación que recibieron los esposos Fernando II de Aragón e Isabel I de Castilla, soberanos de la Corona de Castilla (1474-1504) y de la Corona de Aragón (1479-1516).Los reyes accedieron al trono de Castilla tras la Guerra de Sucesión Castellana (1475-1479) contra los partidarios de la princesa Juana, apodada \"la Beltraneja\", hija del rey Enrique IV de Castilla. En 1479 Fernando heredó el trono de Aragón al morir su padre, el rey Juan II de Aragón. Isabel y Fernando reinaron juntos hasta la muerte de ella en 1504. Entonces Fernando quedó únicamente como rey de Aragón, pasando Castilla a su hija Juana, apodada \"la Loca\", y a su marido, Felipe de Austria, apodado \"el Hermoso\", Archiduque de Austria, duque de Borgoña y conde de Flandes, perteneciente a la casa de Habsburgo. Sin embargo Fernando no renunció a controlar Castilla y, tras morir Felipe en 1506 y ser declarada Juana incapaz, consiguió ser nombrado regente del reino hasta su muerte en 1516.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T17:44:54+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 4821, "end" : 4863 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Reyes Católicos don Fernando y doña Isabel" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/1f11c085-a59f-4b1c-b72f-6129d268fb46", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Pueblo de indios. Se niegan a entregar el hijo de Alejo García; matan a los mensajeros de Cabeza de Vaca, y se alzan contra los españoles. Se atrincheran en un fuerte de madera; salen 4 atacar a los españoles.Indios, que habitaban las faldas de la cordillera de Amambay, en la provincia de Ipané. La resistencia que opusieron a los españoles, y su inteligencia en el arte de atrincherarse, tienen algo de los tiempos heroicos. Su nombre se compone de tabe, pueblo, y ré, después; cuyo sentido es: «gente que vive retirada de los pueblos».", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T18:34:03+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2018-08-13T15:23:46+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 12544, "end" : 12550 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Taberé" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/06de939b-607d-4821-aeb3-c0136028c849", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2019-03-02T11:07:01+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Juan de Ayolas era un explorador español que fuera vecino fundador de la primera Buenos Aires, acompañando al adelantado Pedro de Mendoza, y que nominalmente fuera nombrado como teniente de gobernador general de Asunción en 1537, para convertirse al poco tiempo y en forma igualmente nominal en gobernador de Nueva Andalucía del Río de la Plata pero nunca ejercería como tal por estar en plena exploración y muy probablemente jamás se haya enterado siquiera de los adjudicados cargos antes citados.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2019-03-02T11:07:01+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 32226, "end" : 32240 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Juan de Oyolas" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/3aa53261-c3c0-42c2-848d-3263e45e39e7", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://sws.geonames.org/3904906", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:10:39+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:10:39+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ -63.18117, -17.78629 ] } } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 32043, "end" : 32066 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Santa Cruz de la Sierra" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/abb0c870-6313-4870-9ccd-8cddf864c65b", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "conqueror", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T12:53:45+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T12:53:45+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "colonizer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T12:53:45+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T12:53:45+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Alonso Riquelme\nde Guzmán y Ponce de León - nació en Jerez de la Frontera por 1519. Ruy Díaz de\nGuzmán - su padre - le declaró hijo suyo y de Violante Ponce de León, el\n13-VIII-1528, en una escritura de poder general a favor de Juan de Xerez,\nprocurador de Sevilla. Desde su infancia y hasta su primera juventud sirvió de\npaje y luego como secretario de sus presuntos deudos los Duques de Medina\nSidonia, Juan Alonso de Guzmán y Ana de Aragón. Tenía 21 años cuando se alistó\nen la armada de su pariente Alvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca (tío carnal de su\nmadrastra y del mismo linaje de su abuela Catalina de Zurita), y zarpó con rumbo\nal Río de la Plata.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T12:53:45+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 53504, "end" : 53519 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Alonso Riquelme" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/120db738-fb85-45b8-9b8e-423cf9d1b76a", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "conqueror", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T12:53:45+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T12:53:45+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "colonizer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T12:53:45+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T12:53:45+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Alonso Riquelme\nde Guzmán y Ponce de León - nació en Jerez de la Frontera por 1519. Ruy Díaz de\nGuzmán - su padre - le declaró hijo suyo y de Violante Ponce de León, el\n13-VIII-1528, en una escritura de poder general a favor de Juan de Xerez,\nprocurador de Sevilla. Desde su infancia y hasta su primera juventud sirvió de\npaje y luego como secretario de sus presuntos deudos los Duques de Medina\nSidonia, Juan Alonso de Guzmán y Ana de Aragón. Tenía 21 años cuando se alistó\nen la armada de su pariente Alvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca (tío carnal de su\nmadrastra y del mismo linaje de su abuela Catalina de Zurita), y zarpó con rumbo\nal Río de la Plata.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T12:53:45+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 99475, "end" : 99490 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Alonso Riquelme" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/4b320a93-a13c-4005-be12-584bdc119103", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "conqueror", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T12:53:45+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T12:53:45+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "colonizer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T12:53:45+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T12:53:45+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Alonso Riquelme\nde Guzmán y Ponce de León - nació en Jerez de la Frontera por 1519. Ruy Díaz de\nGuzmán - su padre - le declaró hijo suyo y de Violante Ponce de León, el\n13-VIII-1528, en una escritura de poder general a favor de Juan de Xerez,\nprocurador de Sevilla. Desde su infancia y hasta su primera juventud sirvió de\npaje y luego como secretario de sus presuntos deudos los Duques de Medina\nSidonia, Juan Alonso de Guzmán y Ana de Aragón. Tenía 21 años cuando se alistó\nen la armada de su pariente Alvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca (tío carnal de su\nmadrastra y del mismo linaje de su abuela Catalina de Zurita), y zarpó con rumbo\nal Río de la Plata.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T12:53:45+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 112724, "end" : 112739 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Alonso Riquelme" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/5277c7d5-0f40-4922-b45d-faf73b8c81eb", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "conqueror", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T12:38:19+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T12:38:19+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "colonizer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T12:38:19+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T12:38:19+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Francisco de Aguirre también conocido como Francisco de Aguirre \"el\nViejo\" (Talavera de la Reina, Corona de\nCastilla, 1500 - La Serena, Capitanía General de Chile, 1581) fue un conquistador\nespañol que participó en la conquista de Chile y del noroeste de Argentina. En\nsu juventud se incorporó a las tropas imperiales de Carlos I de España. En 1525,\nAguirre tuvo una destacada actuación en la memorable batalla de Pavía, en la\nque los soldados de Carlos I derrotaron a los franceses y aprehendieron al rey Francisco\nI de Francia y en 1527 participó del “saqueo de Roma”. Las cartas y sus\ndocumentos revelan que poseía una inteligencia cultivada. De entre los\nconquistadores, fue uno de los que más legítimos títulos podía blasonar de la\nnobleza de su cuna.\n\nEn 1534, se embarcó hacia América. Desde la isla de Cuba viajó al Perú en 1537,\njunto a 400 soldados castellanos que venían a socorrer a Francisco Pizarro, que\nluchaba contra los incas. En Panamá se hizo de caballos, armas, un negro y\ncriados españoles. Arribó al Perú al tiempo que Pizarro había capturado al Inca\nAtahualpa, al que ejecutó. De inmediato, Aguirre se puso a las órdenes del\nconquistador del Perú y tuvo destacada actuación en todas las campañas y en la\ndominación de los incas. Más tarde ayudó al capitán Diego de Rojas a dominar y\npoblar la Provincia de Charcas, donde fue durante dos años teniente.Asignado como gobernador de Chile a la muerte\nde Pedro de Valdivia, fue también gobernador del Tucumán en tres oportunidades\ny fundador de las ciudades de La Serena (Chile) y Santiago del Estero\n(Argentina).", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T12:38:19+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 66208, "end" : 66228 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Francisco de Aguirre" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/e1f09277-bded-4e7c-8510-35ca0f99f353", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "EVENT", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T18:44:56+00:00" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 20586, "end" : 20602 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "guerra de Tabera" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : 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[ -60.58, -13.75 ], [ -60.58, -13.76 ], [ -60.58, -13.77 ], [ -60.57, -13.77 ], [ -60.49, -13.79 ], [ -60.47, -13.8 ], [ -60.47, -13.82 ], [ -60.46, -13.84 ], [ -60.46, -13.87 ], [ -60.45, -13.9 ], [ -60.44, -13.92 ], [ -60.43, -13.93 ], [ -60.41, -13.94 ], [ -60.41, -13.95 ], [ -60.41, -13.96 ], [ -60.41, -13.97 ], [ -60.4, -13.97 ], [ -60.39, -13.97 ], [ -60.39, -13.98 ], [ -60.39, -13.99 ], [ -60.4, -14.01 ], [ -60.41, -14.06 ], [ -60.42, -14.08 ], [ -60.44, -14.09 ], [ -60.46, -14.1 ], [ -60.47, -14.1 ], [ -60.47, -14.12 ], [ -60.48, -14.14 ], [ -60.48, -14.16 ], [ -60.48, -14.18 ], [ -60.46, -14.2 ], [ -60.46, -14.22 ], [ -60.47, -14.25 ], [ -60.46, -14.28 ], [ -60.45, -14.3 ], [ -60.4, -14.34 ], [ -60.39, -14.36 ], [ -60.38, -14.42 ], [ -60.34, -14.49 ], [ -60.34, -14.53 ], [ -60.37, -14.54 ], [ -60.35, -14.58 ], [ -60.3, -14.61 ], [ -60.29, -14.63 ], [ -60.29, -14.69 ], [ -60.28, -14.77 ], [ -60.28, -14.85 ], [ -60.28, -14.94 ], [ -60.27, -15.02 ], [ -60.27, -15.08 ], [ -60.27, -15.1 ], [ -60.39, -15.1 ], [ -60.58, -15.1 ], [ -60.53, -15.14 ], [ -60.46, -15.22 ], [ -60.35, -15.35 ], [ -60.26, -15.46 ], [ -60.25, -15.48 ], [ -60.24, -15.5 ], [ -60.22, -15.65 ], [ -60.21, -15.85 ], [ -60.19, -16 ], [ -60.19, -16.11 ], [ -60.18, -16.22 ], [ -60.16, -16.26 ], [ -60.13, -16.27 ], [ -60.06, -16.28 ], [ -59.87, -16.28 ], [ -59.68, -16.29 ], [ -59.49, -16.3 ], [ -59.3, -16.3 ], [ -59.11, -16.31 ], [ -58.92, -16.32 ], [ -58.73, -16.32 ], [ -58.54, -16.33 ], [ -58.46, -16.33 ], [ -58.44, -16.33 ], [ -58.42, -16.32 ], [ -58.41, -16.31 ], [ -58.4, -16.28 ], [ -58.39, -16.28 ], [ -58.35, -16.28 ], [ -58.34, -16.29 ], [ -58.33, -16.39 ], [ -58.34, -16.4 ], [ -58.36, -16.42 ], [ -58.36, -16.44 ], [ -58.34, -16.47 ], [ -58.36, -16.51 ], [ -58.46, -16.62 ], [ -58.47, -16.65 ], [ -58.48, -16.68 ], [ -58.48, -16.73 ], [ -58.46, -16.8 ], [ -58.45, -16.84 ], [ -58.46, -16.85 ], [ -58.46, -16.87 ], [ -58.47, -16.88 ], [ -58.47, -16.89 ], [ -58.46, -16.94 ], [ -58.44, -16.97 ], [ -58.43, -16.99 ], [ -58.43, -17.06 ], [ -58.42, -17.07 ], [ -58.41, -17.09 ], [ -58.41, -17.11 ], [ -58.4, -17.2 ], [ -58.4, -17.24 ], [ -58.38, -17.27 ], [ -58.34, -17.29 ], [ -58.31, -17.29 ], [ -58.3, -17.29 ], [ -58.29, -17.3 ], [ -58.27, -17.31 ], [ -58.26, -17.32 ], [ -58.26, -17.32 ], [ -58.24, -17.33 ], [ -58.23, -17.33 ], [ -58.22, -17.34 ], [ -58.2, -17.38 ], [ -58.19, -17.39 ], [ -58.17, -17.39 ], [ -58.16, -17.39 ], [ -58.15, -17.4 ], [ -58.14, -17.4 ], [ -58.11, -17.43 ], [ -58.1, -17.44 ], [ -58.07, -17.46 ], [ -58.05, -17.46 ], [ -58.01, -17.5 ], [ -57.98, -17.51 ], [ -57.94, -17.52 ], [ -57.91, -17.52 ], [ -57.88, -17.51 ], [ -57.85, -17.51 ], [ -57.84, -17.51 ], [ -57.81, -17.52 ], [ -57.8, -17.53 ], [ -57.79, -17.56 ], [ -57.79, -17.58 ], [ -57.79, -17.6 ], [ -57.79, -17.62 ], [ -57.79, -17.66 ], [ -57.79, -17.68 ], [ -57.78, -17.7 ], [ -57.77, -17.71 ], [ -57.75, -17.72 ], [ -57.74, -17.73 ], [ -57.72, -17.74 ], [ -57.73, -17.77 ], [ -57.73, -17.78 ], [ -57.71, -17.8 ], [ -57.7, -17.83 ], [ -57.7, -17.84 ], [ -57.73, -17.85 ], [ -57.64, -18 ], [ -57.59, -18.12 ], [ -57.55, -18.18 ], [ -57.51, -18.21 ], [ -57.49, -18.21 ], [ -57.47, -18.21 ], [ -57.47, -18.22 ], [ -57.47, -18.24 ], [ -57.54, -18.24 ], [ -57.55, -18.24 ], [ -57.57, -18.26 ], [ -57.58, -18.31 ], [ -57.63, -18.45 ], [ -57.68, -18.59 ], [ -57.72, -18.73 ], [ -57.77, -18.88 ], [ -57.78, -18.91 ], [ -57.74, -18.91 ], [ -57.73, -18.92 ], [ -57.73, -18.94 ], [ -57.72, -19 ], [ -57.72, -19.04 ], [ -57.77, -19.05 ], [ -57.79, -19.06 ], [ -57.81, -19.11 ], [ -57.84, -19.17 ], [ -57.91, -19.3 ], [ -57.98, -19.44 ], [ -58.01, -19.5 ], [ -58.01, -19.5 ], [ -58.01, -19.5 ], [ -58.01, -19.5 ], [ -58.02, -19.53 ], [ -58.05, -19.58 ], [ -58.08, -19.63 ], [ -58.09, -19.66 ], [ -58.12, -19.73 ], [ -58.12, -19.76 ], [ -58.04, -19.82 ], [ -57.96, -19.89 ], [ -57.86, -19.98 ], [ -57.87, -19.99 ], [ -57.88, -20.01 ], [ -57.9, -20.02 ], [ -57.92, -20.03 ], [ -57.94, -20.03 ], [ -57.96, -20.03 ], [ -57.97, -20.03 ], [ -57.97, -20.04 ], [ -57.98, -20.05 ], [ -57.99, -20.05 ], [ -58, -20.06 ], [ -58.02, -20.06 ], [ -58.05, -20.11 ], [ -58.08, -20.12 ], [ -58.09, -20.12 ], [ -58.1, -20.14 ], [ -58.1, -20.14 ], [ -58.12, -20.15 ], [ -58.16, -20.17 ], [ -58.16, -20.14 ], [ -58.14, -20.09 ], [ -58.14, -20.07 ], [ -58.14, -20.02 ], [ -58.14, -20 ], [ -58.15, -19.97 ], [ -58.16, -19.91 ], [ -58.16, -19.88 ], [ -58.16, -19.85 ], [ -58.16, -19.83 ], [ -58.18, -19.82 ], [ -58.21, -19.8 ], [ -58.31, -19.74 ], [ -58.4, -19.69 ], [ -58.49, -19.63 ], [ -58.59, -19.58 ], [ -58.68, -19.52 ], [ -58.77, -19.47 ], [ -58.87, -19.42 ], [ -58.96, -19.36 ], [ -59.01, -19.33 ], [ -59.04, -19.31 ], [ -59.07, -19.29 ], [ -59.09, -19.29 ], [ -59.17, -19.29 ], [ -59.36, -19.29 ], [ -59.55, -19.29 ], [ -59.74, -19.29 ], [ -59.92, -19.3 ], [ -60.01, -19.3 ], [ -60.16, -19.33 ], [ -60.5, -19.4 ], [ -60.83, -19.47 ], [ -61.17, -19.54 ], [ -61.51, -19.61 ], [ -61.53, -19.61 ], [ -61.58, -19.62 ], [ -61.63, -19.62 ], [ -61.65, -19.63 ], [ -61.74, -19.64 ], [ -61.75, -19.65 ], [ -61.76, -19.66 ], [ -61.78, -19.71 ], [ -61.81, -19.78 ], [ -61.84, -19.85 ], [ -61.86, -19.93 ], [ -61.89, -20 ], [ -61.89, -20 ], [ -61.91, -20.03 ], [ -61.92, -20.05 ], [ -61.92, -20.07 ], [ -61.93, -20.08 ], [ -61.94, -20.1 ], [ -61.96, -20.13 ], [ -61.98, -20.15 ], [ -61.99, -20.18 ], [ -62.01, -20.2 ], [ -62.06, -20.26 ], [ -62.1, -20.32 ], [ -62.14, -20.38 ], [ -62.19, -20.44 ], [ -62.21, -20.47 ], [ -62.21, -20.47 ], [ -63.29, -20.48 ], [ -63.3, -20.47 ], [ -63.3, -20.47 ], [ -63.31, -20.46 ], [ -63.34, -20.39 ], [ -63.36, -20.37 ], [ -63.37, -20.36 ], [ -63.38, -20.36 ], [ -63.38, -20.37 ], [ -63.4, -20.39 ], [ -63.4, -20.39 ], [ -63.42, -20.4 ], [ -63.42, -20.41 ], [ -63.43, -20.41 ], [ -63.45, -20.41 ], [ -63.46, -20.41 ], [ -63.47, -20.42 ], [ -63.47, -20.43 ], [ -63.49, -20.45 ], [ -63.5, -20.46 ], [ -63.5, -20.46 ], [ -63.51, -20.46 ], [ -63.52, -20.46 ], [ -63.57, -20.45 ], [ -63.63, -20.45 ], [ -63.65, -20.45 ], [ -63.66, -20.41 ], [ -63.71, -20 ], [ -63.71, -20 ], [ -63.71, -20 ], [ -63.72, -19.97 ], [ -63.73, -19.96 ], [ -63.77, -19.27 ], [ -63.77, -19.21 ], [ -63.74, -19.04 ], [ -63.75, -19.03 ], [ -63.81, -19.04 ], [ -63.83, -19.03 ], [ -63.86, -19.03 ], [ -63.87, -19.03 ], [ -63.89, -19.04 ], [ -63.9, -19.06 ], [ -63.91, -19.13 ], [ -63.91, -19.14 ], [ -63.92, -19.15 ], [ -63.93, -19.16 ], [ -63.94, -19.17 ], [ -63.96, -19.17 ], [ -63.97, -19.17 ], [ -63.99, -19.17 ], [ -64.01, -19.17 ], [ -64.02, -19.16 ], [ -64.02, -19.15 ], [ -64.02, -19.14 ], [ -64.06, -19 ], [ -64.07, -18.99 ], [ -64.08, -18.99 ], [ -64.08, -18.99 ], [ -64.09, -18.99 ], [ -64.1, -18.98 ], [ -64.11, -18.96 ], [ -64.12, -18.96 ], [ -64.14, -18.95 ], [ -64.17, -18.95 ], [ -64.18, -18.95 ], [ -64.19, -18.94 ], [ -64.2, -18.93 ], [ -64.2, -18.92 ], [ -64.2, -18.9 ], [ -64.21, -18.89 ], [ -64.22, -18.87 ], [ -64.24, -18.85 ], [ -64.26, -18.84 ], [ -64.28, -18.83 ], [ -64.29, -18.81 ], [ -64.3, -18.79 ], [ -64.3, -18.77 ], [ -64.32, -18.75 ], [ -64.32, -18.74 ], [ -64.32, -18.72 ], [ -64.32, -18.7 ], [ -64.32, -18.69 ], [ -64.32, -18.68 ], [ -64.33, -18.67 ], [ -64.34, -18.66 ], [ -64.32, -18.63 ], [ -64.3, -18.6 ], [ -64.29, -18.59 ], [ -64.29, -18.58 ], [ -64.3, -18.57 ], [ -64.3, -18.56 ], [ -64.3, -18.55 ], [ -64.3, -18.51 ], [ -64.3, -18.5 ], [ -64.3, -18.5 ], [ -64.3, -18.5 ], [ -64.31, -18.5 ], [ -64.31, -18.49 ], [ -64.31, -18.49 ], [ -64.34, -18.48 ], [ -64.35, -18.47 ], [ -64.36, -18.46 ], [ -64.38, -18.44 ], [ -64.39, -18.44 ], [ -64.41, -18.43 ], [ -64.41, -18.43 ], [ -64.41, -18.43 ], [ -64.42, -18.42 ], [ -64.43, -18.41 ], [ -64.43, -18.4 ], [ -64.43, -18.39 ], [ -64.43, -18.38 ], [ -64.43, -18.37 ], [ -64.44, -18.36 ], [ -64.45, -18.36 ], [ -64.44, -18.35 ], [ -64.44, -18.34 ], [ -64.44, -18.34 ], [ -64.44, -18.33 ], [ -64.44, -18.32 ], [ -64.45, -18.32 ], [ -64.46, -18.31 ], [ -64.48, -18.28 ], [ -64.49, -18.24 ], [ -64.5, -18.21 ], [ -64.52, -18.19 ], [ -64.54, -18.16 ], [ -64.55, -18.15 ], [ -64.55, -18.15 ], [ -64.57, -18.14 ], [ -64.57, -18.13 ], [ -64.59, -18.11 ], [ -64.61, -18.07 ], [ -64.64, -18.01 ], [ -64.65, -17.99 ], [ -64.7, -17.94 ], [ -64.71, -17.93 ], [ -64.71, -17.91 ], [ -64.7, -17.88 ], [ -64.69, -17.87 ], [ -64.67, -17.85 ], [ -64.59, -17.77 ], [ -64.56, -17.75 ], [ -64.41, -17.52 ], [ -64.4, -17.51 ], [ -64.4, -17.5 ], [ -64.4, -17.48 ], [ -64.4, -17.47 ], [ -64.4, -17.46 ], [ -64.39, -17.45 ], [ -64.35, -17.43 ], [ -64.34, -17.42 ], [ -64.33, -17.42 ], [ -64.31, -17.42 ], [ -64.3, -17.42 ], [ -64.28, -17.42 ], [ -64.27, -17.42 ], [ -64.26, -17.42 ], [ -64.24, -17.42 ], [ -64.22, -17.42 ], [ -64.22, -17.4 ], [ -64.21, -17.38 ], [ -64.22, -17.36 ], [ -64.22, -17.34 ], [ -64.23, -17.32 ], [ -64.24, -17.31 ], [ -64.24, -17.3 ], [ -64.29, -17.27 ], [ -64.38, -17.17 ], [ -64.41, -17.15 ], [ -64.42, -17.14 ], [ -64.44, -17.14 ], [ -64.5, -17.1 ], [ -64.52, -17.09 ], [ -64.58, -17.03 ], [ -64.59, -17.02 ], [ -64.6, -17.02 ], [ -64.62, -17.01 ], [ -64.65, -17 ], [ -64.74, -16.9 ], [ -64.76, -16.87 ], [ -64.78, -16.79 ], [ -64.78, -16.78 ], [ -64.78, -16.77 ], [ -64.79, -16.76 ], [ -64.8, -16.74 ], [ -64.81, -16.73 ], [ -64.81, -16.72 ], [ -64.8, -16.7 ], [ -64.79, -16.68 ], [ -64.75, -16.62 ], [ -64.75, -16.61 ], [ -64.75, -16.6 ], [ -64.76, -16.6 ], [ -64.77, -16.59 ], [ -64.78, -16.59 ], [ -64.78, -16.57 ], [ -64.78, -16.56 ], [ -64.77, -16.54 ], [ -64.76, -16.53 ], [ -64.76, -16.52 ], [ -64.73, -16.5 ], [ -64.72, -16.49 ], [ -64.72, -16.46 ], [ -64.72, -16.46 ], [ -64.72, -16.46 ], [ -64.68, -16.39 ], [ -64.68, -16.37 ], [ -64.68, -16.36 ], [ -64.69, -16.35 ], [ -64.7, -16.34 ], [ -64.69, -16.33 ], [ -64.68, -16.31 ], [ -64.7, -16.3 ], [ -64.7, -16.29 ], [ -64.68, -16.27 ], [ -64.67, -16.25 ], [ -64.68, -16.23 ], [ -64.68, -16.21 ], [ -64.67, -16.19 ], [ -64.68, -16.17 ], [ -64.67, -16.15 ], [ -64.67, -16.13 ], [ -64.66, -16.12 ], [ -64.67, -16.1 ], [ -64.69, -16.08 ], [ -64.69, -16.06 ], [ -64.69, -16.02 ], [ -64.69, -16.02 ], [ -64.68, -16.01 ], [ -64.68, -16 ], [ -64.68, -15.99 ], [ -64.69, -15.97 ], [ -64.7, -15.95 ], [ -64.71, -15.94 ], [ -64.73, -15.92 ], [ -64.72, -15.91 ], [ -64.7, -15.91 ], [ -64.69, -15.92 ], [ -64.68, -15.92 ], [ -64.68, -15.91 ], [ -64.68, -15.89 ], [ -64.7, -15.87 ], [ -64.68, -15.87 ], [ -64.66, -15.87 ], [ -64.66, -15.85 ], [ -63.34, -15.92 ], [ -63.32, -15.92 ], [ -63.32, -15.91 ], [ -63.33, -15.91 ], [ -63.34, -15.9 ], [ -63.37, -15.9 ], [ -63.38, -15.89 ], [ -63.39, -15.88 ], [ -63.42, -15.86 ], [ -63.43, -15.84 ], [ -63.44, -15.82 ], [ -63.44, -15.81 ], [ -63.44, -15.78 ], [ -63.44, -15.77 ], [ -63.45, -15.76 ], [ -63.47, -15.74 ], [ -63.48, -15.71 ], [ -63.49, -15.7 ], [ -63.5, -15.69 ], [ -63.51, -15.69 ], [ -63.54, -15.67 ], [ -63.55, -15.67 ], [ -63.58, -15.64 ], [ -63.59, -15.64 ], [ -63.6, -15.64 ], [ -63.61, -15.63 ], [ -63.62, -15.63 ], [ -63.67, -15.58 ], [ -63.68, -15.57 ], [ -63.68, -15.52 ], [ -63.69, -15.5 ], [ -63.7, -15.49 ], [ -63.71, -15.48 ], [ -63.74, -15.47 ], [ -63.75, -15.47 ], [ -63.76, -15.46 ], [ -63.86, -15.3 ], [ -63.9, -15.2 ], [ -63.93, -15.15 ], [ -63.94, -15.13 ], [ -63.95, -15.09 ], [ -63.94, -15.06 ], [ -63.94, -15.05 ], [ -63.93, -15.03 ], [ -63.93, -15 ], [ -63.94, -14.95 ], [ -63.94, -14.83 ], [ -63.96, -14.74 ], [ -63.92, -14.72 ], [ -63.57, -14.62 ], [ -63.01, -14.31 ], [ -62.13, -13.81 ], [ -61.59, -13.51 ], [ -61.59, -13.51 ], [ -61.59, -13.51 ], [ -61.56, -13.53 ], [ -61.55, -13.54 ], [ -61.5, -13.55 ], [ -61.46, -13.54 ], [ -61.42, -13.53 ], [ -61.35, -13.49 ], [ -61.33, -13.49 ], [ -61.32, -13.5 ], [ -61.28, -13.51 ], [ -61.26, -13.52 ], [ -61.25, -13.52 ], [ -61.24, -13.52 ], [ -61.22, -13.52 ], [ -61.15, -13.52 ], [ -61.14, -13.51 ], [ -61.13, -13.49 ], [ -61.12, -13.48 ], [ -61.08, -13.48 ], [ -61.07, -13.47 ], [ -61.06, -13.47 ], [ -61.05, -13.46 ], [ -61.04, -13.47 ], [ -61.04, -13.52 ], [ -61.02, -13.54 ], [ -60.98, -13.54 ], [ -60.93, -13.55 ], [ -60.9, -13.55 ], [ -60.88, -13.57 ], [ -60.87, -13.58 ], [ -60.8, -13.6 ], [ -60.73, -13.66 ] ] ] ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "El río Grande o río Guapay\nes un largo río amazónico boliviano, un afluente del río Mamoré, que discurre\nen su mayor parte por el departamento de Santa Cruz, aunque también lo hace\ncomo frontera en los departamentos de Chuquisaca y Cochabamba y en la boca es\npuntualmente límite del departamento del Beni.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-29T11:57:00+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 63520, "end" : 63526 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Guapay" } ] } }, { "@context" : 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-63.57, -20.45 ], [ -63.63, -20.45 ], [ -63.65, -20.45 ], [ -63.66, -20.41 ], [ -63.71, -20 ], [ -63.71, -20 ], [ -63.71, -20 ], [ -63.72, -19.97 ], [ -63.73, -19.96 ], [ -63.77, -19.27 ], [ -63.77, -19.21 ], [ -63.74, -19.04 ], [ -63.75, -19.03 ], [ -63.81, -19.04 ], [ -63.83, -19.03 ], [ -63.86, -19.03 ], [ -63.87, -19.03 ], [ -63.89, -19.04 ], [ -63.9, -19.06 ], [ -63.91, -19.13 ], [ -63.91, -19.14 ], [ -63.92, -19.15 ], [ -63.93, -19.16 ], [ -63.94, -19.17 ], [ -63.96, -19.17 ], [ -63.97, -19.17 ], [ -63.99, -19.17 ], [ -64.01, -19.17 ], [ -64.02, -19.16 ], [ -64.02, -19.15 ], [ -64.02, -19.14 ], [ -64.06, -19 ], [ -64.07, -18.99 ], [ -64.08, -18.99 ], [ -64.08, -18.99 ], [ -64.09, -18.99 ], [ -64.1, -18.98 ], [ -64.11, -18.96 ], [ -64.12, -18.96 ], [ -64.14, -18.95 ], [ -64.17, -18.95 ], [ -64.18, -18.95 ], [ -64.19, -18.94 ], [ -64.2, -18.93 ], [ -64.2, -18.92 ], [ -64.2, -18.9 ], [ -64.21, -18.89 ], [ -64.22, -18.87 ], [ -64.24, -18.85 ], [ -64.26, -18.84 ], [ -64.28, -18.83 ], [ -64.29, -18.81 ], [ -64.3, -18.79 ], [ -64.3, -18.77 ], [ -64.32, -18.75 ], [ -64.32, -18.74 ], [ -64.32, -18.72 ], [ -64.32, -18.7 ], [ -64.32, -18.69 ], [ -64.32, -18.68 ], [ -64.33, -18.67 ], [ -64.34, -18.66 ], [ -64.32, -18.63 ], [ -64.3, -18.6 ], [ -64.29, -18.59 ], [ -64.29, -18.58 ], [ -64.3, -18.57 ], [ -64.3, -18.56 ], [ -64.3, -18.55 ], [ -64.3, -18.51 ], [ -64.3, -18.5 ], [ -64.3, -18.5 ], [ -64.3, -18.5 ], [ -64.31, -18.5 ], [ -64.31, -18.49 ], [ -64.31, -18.49 ], [ -64.34, -18.48 ], [ -64.35, -18.47 ], [ -64.36, -18.46 ], [ -64.38, -18.44 ], [ -64.39, -18.44 ], [ -64.41, -18.43 ], [ -64.41, -18.43 ], [ -64.41, -18.43 ], [ -64.42, -18.42 ], [ -64.43, -18.41 ], [ -64.43, -18.4 ], [ -64.43, -18.39 ], [ -64.43, -18.38 ], [ -64.43, -18.37 ], [ -64.44, -18.36 ], [ -64.45, -18.36 ], [ -64.44, -18.35 ], [ -64.44, -18.34 ], [ -64.44, -18.34 ], [ -64.44, -18.33 ], [ -64.44, -18.32 ], [ -64.45, -18.32 ], [ -64.46, -18.31 ], [ -64.48, -18.28 ], [ -64.49, -18.24 ], [ -64.5, -18.21 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-17.02 ], [ -64.6, -17.02 ], [ -64.62, -17.01 ], [ -64.65, -17 ], [ -64.74, -16.9 ], [ -64.76, -16.87 ], [ -64.78, -16.79 ], [ -64.78, -16.78 ], [ -64.78, -16.77 ], [ -64.79, -16.76 ], [ -64.8, -16.74 ], [ -64.81, -16.73 ], [ -64.81, -16.72 ], [ -64.8, -16.7 ], [ -64.79, -16.68 ], [ -64.75, -16.62 ], [ -64.75, -16.61 ], [ -64.75, -16.6 ], [ -64.76, -16.6 ], [ -64.77, -16.59 ], [ -64.78, -16.59 ], [ -64.78, -16.57 ], [ -64.78, -16.56 ], [ -64.77, -16.54 ], [ -64.76, -16.53 ], [ -64.76, -16.52 ], [ -64.73, -16.5 ], [ -64.72, -16.49 ], [ -64.72, -16.46 ], [ -64.72, -16.46 ], [ -64.72, -16.46 ], [ -64.68, -16.39 ], [ -64.68, -16.37 ], [ -64.68, -16.36 ], [ -64.69, -16.35 ], [ -64.7, -16.34 ], [ -64.69, -16.33 ], [ -64.68, -16.31 ], [ -64.7, -16.3 ], [ -64.7, -16.29 ], [ -64.68, -16.27 ], [ -64.67, -16.25 ], [ -64.68, -16.23 ], [ -64.68, -16.21 ], [ -64.67, -16.19 ], [ -64.68, -16.17 ], [ -64.67, -16.15 ], [ -64.67, -16.13 ], [ -64.66, -16.12 ], [ -64.67, -16.1 ], [ -64.69, -16.08 ], [ -64.69, -16.06 ], [ -64.69, -16.02 ], [ -64.69, -16.02 ], [ -64.68, -16.01 ], [ -64.68, -16 ], [ -64.68, -15.99 ], [ -64.69, -15.97 ], [ -64.7, -15.95 ], [ -64.71, -15.94 ], [ -64.73, -15.92 ], [ -64.72, -15.91 ], [ -64.7, -15.91 ], [ -64.69, -15.92 ], [ -64.68, -15.92 ], [ -64.68, -15.91 ], [ -64.68, -15.89 ], [ -64.7, -15.87 ], [ -64.68, -15.87 ], [ -64.66, -15.87 ], [ -64.66, -15.85 ], [ -63.34, -15.92 ], [ -63.32, -15.92 ], [ -63.32, -15.91 ], [ -63.33, -15.91 ], [ -63.34, -15.9 ], [ -63.37, -15.9 ], [ -63.38, -15.89 ], [ -63.39, -15.88 ], [ -63.42, -15.86 ], [ -63.43, -15.84 ], [ -63.44, -15.82 ], [ -63.44, -15.81 ], [ -63.44, -15.78 ], [ -63.44, -15.77 ], [ -63.45, -15.76 ], [ -63.47, -15.74 ], [ -63.48, -15.71 ], [ -63.49, -15.7 ], [ -63.5, -15.69 ], [ -63.51, -15.69 ], [ -63.54, -15.67 ], [ -63.55, -15.67 ], [ -63.58, -15.64 ], [ -63.59, -15.64 ], [ -63.6, -15.64 ], [ -63.61, -15.63 ], [ -63.62, -15.63 ], [ -63.67, -15.58 ], [ -63.68, -15.57 ], [ -63.68, -15.52 ], [ -63.69, -15.5 ], [ -63.7, -15.49 ], [ -63.71, -15.48 ], [ -63.74, -15.47 ], [ -63.75, -15.47 ], [ -63.76, -15.46 ], [ -63.86, -15.3 ], [ -63.9, -15.2 ], [ -63.93, -15.15 ], [ -63.94, -15.13 ], [ -63.95, -15.09 ], [ -63.94, -15.06 ], [ -63.94, -15.05 ], [ -63.93, -15.03 ], [ -63.93, -15 ], [ -63.94, -14.95 ], [ -63.94, -14.83 ], [ -63.96, -14.74 ], [ -63.92, -14.72 ], [ -63.57, -14.62 ], [ -63.01, -14.31 ], [ -62.13, -13.81 ], [ -61.59, -13.51 ], [ -61.59, -13.51 ], [ -61.59, -13.51 ], [ -61.56, -13.53 ], [ -61.55, -13.54 ], [ -61.5, -13.55 ], [ -61.46, -13.54 ], [ -61.42, -13.53 ], [ -61.35, -13.49 ], [ -61.33, -13.49 ], [ -61.32, -13.5 ], [ -61.28, -13.51 ], [ -61.26, -13.52 ], [ -61.25, -13.52 ], [ -61.24, -13.52 ], [ -61.22, -13.52 ], [ -61.15, -13.52 ], [ -61.14, -13.51 ], [ -61.13, -13.49 ], [ -61.12, -13.48 ], [ -61.08, -13.48 ], [ -61.07, -13.47 ], [ -61.06, -13.47 ], [ -61.05, -13.46 ], [ -61.04, -13.47 ], [ -61.04, -13.52 ], [ -61.02, -13.54 ], [ -60.98, -13.54 ], [ -60.93, -13.55 ], 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"value" : "El Acaray\n(del guaraní; Akaray), es un río del este de Paraguay, que nace en la cordillera\nde Caaguazú y recibe a su vez las aguas del Itakyry e Yguazú. Discurre por los\ndepartamentos de Caaguazú y Alto Paraná, hasta su desembocadura en el río\nParaná.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-29T09:44:05+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 62064, "end" : 62070 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Aracay" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/6c4bd9ec-6aba-4141-a084-611d7a2fb4dc", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-16T17:50:05+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Los Reyes Católicos fue la denominación que recibieron los esposos Fernando II de Aragón e Isabel I de Castilla, soberanos de la Corona de Castilla (1474-1504) y de la Corona de Aragón (1479-1516).Los reyes accedieron al trono de Castilla tras la Guerra de Sucesión Castellana (1475-1479) contra los partidarios de la princesa Juana, apodada \"la Beltraneja\", hija del rey Enrique IV de Castilla. En 1479 Fernando heredó el trono de Aragón al morir su padre, el rey Juan II de Aragón. Isabel y Fernando reinaron juntos hasta la muerte de ella en 1504. Entonces Fernando quedó únicamente como rey de Aragón, pasando Castilla a su hija Juana, apodada \"la Loca\", y a su marido, Felipe de Austria, apodado \"el Hermoso\", Archiduque de Austria, duque de Borgoña y conde de Flandes, perteneciente a la casa de Habsburgo. Sin embargo Fernando no renunció a controlar Castilla y, tras morir Felipe en 1506 y ser declarada Juana incapaz, consiguió ser nombrado regente del reino hasta su muerte en 1516.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-16T17:50:05+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 1530, "end" : 1545 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Reyes Católicos" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/d099cc8a-eba2-46bb-9832-fe89f0b1862f", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", 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-6.802, 40.861 ], [ -6.93, 41.03 ], [ -6.808, 41.036 ], [ -6.648, 41.248 ], [ -6.497, 41.266 ], [ -6.39, 41.385 ], [ -6.318, 41.386 ], [ -6.197, 41.59 ], [ -6.302, 41.663 ], [ -6.548, 41.686 ], [ -6.569, 41.743 ], [ -6.516, 41.871 ], [ -6.571, 41.884 ], [ -6.546, 41.936 ], [ -6.588, 41.968 ], [ -6.699, 41.933 ], [ -6.811, 41.993 ], [ -6.821, 41.946 ], [ -6.893, 41.94 ], [ -7.141, 41.991 ], [ -7.187, 41.97 ], [ -7.197, 41.88 ], [ -7.427, 41.807 ], [ -7.453, 41.865 ], [ -7.614, 41.829 ], [ -7.586, 41.882 ], [ -7.701, 41.908 ], [ -7.876, 41.849 ], [ -7.906, 41.927 ], [ -8.013, 41.829 ], [ -8.165, 41.818 ], [ -8.217, 41.914 ], [ -8.083, 42.036 ], [ -8.119, 42.082 ], [ -8.182, 42.067 ], [ -8.199, 42.154 ], [ -8.332, 42.084 ], [ -8.637, 42.047 ], [ -8.872, 41.866 ], [ -8.901, 42.112 ], [ -8.826, 42.115 ], [ -8.85, 42.157 ], [ -8.775, 42.222 ], [ -8.611, 42.288 ], [ -8.612, 42.346 ], [ -8.66, 42.291 ], [ -8.873, 42.25 ], [ -8.856, 42.31 ], [ -8.817, 42.279 ], [ -8.839, 42.339 ], [ -8.755, 42.34 ], [ -8.652, 42.428 ], [ -8.839, 42.384 ], [ -8.942, 42.463 ], [ -8.872, 42.501 ], [ -8.869, 42.448 ], [ -8.82, 42.452 ], [ -8.835, 42.565 ], [ -8.772, 42.593 ], [ -8.779, 42.614 ], [ -8.741, 42.649 ], [ -8.724, 42.679 ], [ -8.727, 42.688 ], [ -8.8, 42.636 ], [ -8.845, 42.687 ], [ -8.857, 42.606 ], [ -8.901, 42.643 ], [ -9.011, 42.518 ], [ -9.089, 42.571 ], [ -9.009, 42.727 ], [ -8.954, 42.749 ], [ -8.904, 42.788 ], [ -8.904, 42.814 ], [ -8.879, 42.816 ], [ -8.876, 42.829 ], [ -8.909, 42.825 ], [ -8.963, 42.779 ], [ -9.064, 42.787 ], [ -9.086, 42.738 ], [ -9.151, 42.798 ], [ -9.108, 42.836 ], [ -9.173, 42.944 ], [ -9.274, 42.881 ], [ -9.257, 43.002 ], [ -9.299, 43.056 ], [ -9.167, 43.105 ], [ -9.165, 43.153 ], [ -9.216, 43.152 ], [ -9.175, 43.192 ], [ -8.94, 43.227 ], [ -8.991, 43.275 ], [ -8.841, 43.345 ], [ -8.712, 43.29 ], [ -8.401, 43.39 ], [ -8.356, 43.344 ], [ -8.307, 43.406 ], [ -8.209, 43.328 ], [ -8.223, 43.387 ], [ -8.174, 43.42 ], [ -8.317, 43.445 ], [ -8.201, 43.46 ], [ -8.151, 43.517 ], [ -8.341, 43.458 ], [ -8.296, 43.535 ], [ -8.322, 43.565 ], [ -8.054, 43.649 ], [ -8.064, 43.704 ], [ -7.904, 43.77 ], [ -7.849, 43.71 ], [ -7.876, 43.723 ], [ -7.904, 43.671 ], [ -7.847, 43.668 ], [ -7.86, 43.707 ], [ -7.725, 43.747 ], [ -7.689, 43.791 ], [ -7.692, 43.732 ], [ -7.636, 43.753 ], [ -7.609, 43.672 ], [ -7.557, 43.73 ], [ -7.468, 43.724 ], [ -7.357, 43.671 ], [ -7.256, 43.547 ], [ -6.356, 43.551 ], [ -6.245, 43.595 ], [ -6.113, 43.555 ], [ -5.956, 43.58 ], [ -5.841, 43.661 ], [ -5.679, 43.541 ], [ -5.413, 43.555 ], [ -5.216, 43.475 ], [ -4.619, 43.395 ], [ -4.28, 43.388 ], [ -3.812, 43.495 ], [ -3.763, 43.467 ], [ -3.825, 43.452 ], [ -3.836, 43.407 ], [ -3.809, 43.393 ], [ -3.767, 43.406 ], [ -3.815, 43.408 ], [ -3.776, 43.449 ], [ -3.757, 43.431 ], [ -3.736, 43.432 ], [ -3.726, 43.442 ], [ -3.717, 43.422 ], [ -3.712, 43.423 ], [ -3.709, 43.411 ], [ -3.712, 43.423 ], [ -3.726, 43.443 ], [ -3.777, 43.458 ], [ -3.591, 43.514 ], [ -3.431, 43.462 ], [ -3.43, 43.441 ], [ -3.465, 43.445 ], [ -3.492, 43.425 ], [ -3.465, 43.404 ], [ -3.45, 43.436 ], [ -3.161, 43.351 ], [ -3.084, 43.378 ], [ -3.024, 43.325 ], [ -3.01, 43.337 ], [ -3.028, 43.342 ], [ -3.013, 43.348 ], [ -3.04, 43.373 ], [ -2.947, 43.436 ], [ -2.752, 43.457 ], [ -2.353, 43.299 ], [ -2.202, 43.312 ], [ -2.127, 43.29 ], [ -1.791, 43.396 ], [ -1.73, 43.295 ], [ -1.625, 43.307 ], [ -1.609, 43.252 ], [ -1.536, 43.295 ], [ -1.39, 43.259 ], [ -1.381, 43.19 ], [ -1.473, 43.087 ], [ -1.441, 43.046 ], [ -1.354, 43.028 ], [ -1.345, 43.095 ], [ -1.273, 43.119 ], [ -1.309, 43.069 ], [ -1.142, 43.007 ], [ -0.945, 42.953 ], [ -0.752, 42.967 ], [ -0.727, 42.894 ], [ -0.566, 42.782 ], [ -0.313, 42.849 ], [ -0.017, 42.685 ], [ 0.176, 42.737 ], [ 0.295, 42.673 ], [ 0.36, 42.724 ], [ 0.669, 42.689 ], [ 0.645, 42.783 ], [ 0.709, 42.861 ], [ 1.079, 42.788 ], [ 1.166, 42.709 ], [ 1.357, 42.72 ], [ 1.443, 42.603 ], [ 1.414, 42.535 ], [ 1.468, 42.51 ], [ 1.419, 42.484 ], [ 1.455, 42.436 ], [ 1.726, 42.504 ], [ 1.937, 42.454 ], [ 2.015, 42.347 ], [ 2.257, 42.439 ], [ 2.533, 42.333 ], [ 2.672, 42.341 ], [ 2.674, 42.405 ], [ 2.947, 42.482 ], [ 3.175, 42.435 ], [ 3.163, 42.36 ], [ 3.322, 42.32 ], [ 3.264, 42.238 ], [ 3.163, 42.264 ], [ 3.112, 42.206 ], [ 3.124, 42.128 ], [ 3.215, 42.061 ], [ 3.203, 41.892 ], [ 2.935, 41.715 ], [ 2.277, 41.465 ], [ 2.099, 41.284 ], [ 0.988, 41.041 ], [ 0.7, 40.805 ], [ 0.872, 40.735 ], [ 0.872, 40.699 ], [ 0.674, 40.562 ], [ 0.618, 40.553 ], [ 0.595, 40.578 ], [ 0.745, 40.636 ], [ 0.602, 40.622 ], [ 0.538, 40.568 ], [ 0.408, 40.357 ], [ 0.148, 40.083 ], [ 0.049, 40.035 ], [ -0.323, 39.5 ], [ -0.325, 39.387 ], [ -0.161, 38.992 ], [ -0.018, 38.873 ], [ 0.197, 38.804 ], [ 0.234, 38.737 ], [ 0.084, 38.631 ], [ -0.016, 38.627 ], [ -0.098, 38.523 ], [ -0.312, 38.477 ], [ -0.387, 38.431 ], [ -0.404, 38.352 ], [ -0.506, 38.332 ], [ -0.51, 38.203 ], [ -0.628, 38.154 ], [ -0.648, 38 ], [ -0.761, 37.865 ], [ -0.748, 37.79 ], [ -0.784, 37.819 ], [ -0.86, 37.723 ], [ -0.728, 37.634 ], [ -0.72, 37.649 ], [ -0.74, 37.66 ], [ -0.745, 37.759 ], [ -0.728, 37.75 ], [ -0.688, 37.634 ], [ -0.718, 37.607 ], [ -0.919, 37.554 ], [ -0.992, 37.601 ], [ -1.111, 37.534 ], [ -1.326, 37.563 ], [ -1.46, 37.487 ], [ -1.486, 37.423 ], [ -1.672, 37.357 ], [ -1.805, 37.217 ], [ -1.896, 36.948 ], [ -2.124, 36.732 ], [ -2.193, 36.721 ], [ -2.361, 36.842 ], [ -2.562, 36.816 ], [ -2.7, 36.683 ], [ -2.849, 36.695 ], [ -2.927, 36.752 ], [ -3.259, 36.753 ], [ -3.42, 36.694 ], [ -3.835, 36.754 ], [ -4.394, 36.722 ], [ -4.638, 36.507 ], [ -4.913, 36.505 ], [ -5.177, 36.414 ], [ -5.351, 36.153 ] ], [ [ -5.603, 36.008 ], [ -5.603, 36.009 ], [ -5.603, 36.009 ], [ -5.603, 36.008 ] ], [ [ -5.603, 36.009 ], [ -5.602, 36.01 ], [ -5.605, 36.01 ], [ -5.603, 36.009 ] ], [ [ -7.823, 43.7 ], [ -7.82, 43.7 ], [ -7.821, 43.701 ], [ -7.823, 43.7 ] ], [ [ -7.82, 43.7 ], [ -7.815, 43.695 ], [ -7.813, 43.698 ], [ -7.82, 43.7 ] ], [ [ -7.695, 43.739 ], [ -7.695, 43.739 ], [ -7.701, 43.736 ], [ -7.695, 43.739 ] ], [ [ -7.597, 43.674 ], [ -7.596, 43.673 ], [ -7.596, 43.674 ], [ -7.597, 43.674 ] ], [ [ -7.596, 43.673 ], [ -7.599, 43.663 ], [ -7.594, 43.668 ], [ -7.596, 43.673 ] ], [ [ -2.132, 43.292 ], [ -2.132, 43.292 ], [ -2.131, 43.287 ], [ -2.132, 43.292 ] ], [ [ 0.019, 39.968 ], [ 0.013, 39.968 ], [ 0.02, 39.968 ], [ 0.019, 39.968 ] ], [ [ -0.273, 39.279 ], [ -0.273, 39.279 ], [ -0.279, 39.278 ], [ -0.273, 39.279 ] ], [ [ -0.729, 37.744 ], [ -0.728, 37.744 ], [ -0.733, 37.747 ], [ -0.729, 37.744 ] ], [ [ -5.229, 36.354 ], [ -5.228, 36.355 ], [ -5.232, 36.356 ], [ -5.229, 36.354 ] ], [ [ -5.271, 36.288 ], [ -5.271, 36.288 ], [ -5.274, 36.292 ], [ -5.271, 36.288 ] ] ], [ [ [ -5.432, 36.128 ], [ -5.43, 36.141 ], [ -5.432, 36.128 ], [ -5.432, 36.128 ] ] ], [ [ [ -5.417, 36.175 ], [ -5.417, 36.175 ], [ -5.42, 36.173 ], [ -5.417, 36.175 ] ] ], [ [ [ -4.509, 36.597 ], [ -4.509, 36.597 ], [ -4.512, 36.593 ], [ -4.509, 36.597 ] ] ], [ [ [ -6.333, 36.62 ], [ -6.326, 36.61 ], [ -6.335, 36.621 ], [ -6.333, 36.62 ] ] ], [ [ [ -2.791, 36.695 ], [ -2.791, 36.694 ], [ -2.798, 36.696 ], [ -2.791, 36.695 ] ] ], [ [ [ -6.949, 37.168 ], [ -6.948, 37.167 ], [ -6.949, 37.164 ], [ -6.949, 37.168 ] ] ], [ [ [ -0.77, 37.69 ], [ -0.776, 37.696 ], [ -0.772, 37.703 ], [ -0.765, 37.694 ], [ -0.77, 37.69 ] ] ], [ [ [ -0.798, 37.696 ], [ -0.803, 37.703 ], [ -0.797, 37.702 ], [ -0.798, 37.696 ] ] ], [ [ [ -0.681, 37.971 ], [ -0.68, 37.969 ], [ -0.687, 37.964 ], [ -0.681, 37.971 ] ] ], [ [ [ -0.471, 38.162 ], [ -0.484, 38.167 ], [ -0.465, 38.164 ], [ -0.471, 38.162 ] ] ], [ [ [ 1.389, 38.64 ], [ 1.38, 38.719 ], [ 1.433, 38.772 ], [ 1.496, 38.689 ], [ 1.585, 38.67 ], [ 1.447, 38.685 ], [ 1.389, 38.64 ] ] ], [ [ [ -0.745, 37.759 ], [ -0.745, 37.759 ], [ -0.745, 37.759 ], [ -0.745, 37.759 ] ] ], [ [ [ -0.745, 37.759 ], [ -0.758, 37.78 ], [ -0.753, 37.783 ], [ -0.74, 37.772 ], [ -0.745, 37.759 ] ] ], [ [ [ 1.48, 38.788 ], [ 1.474, 38.797 ], [ 1.478, 38.805 ], [ 1.482, 38.799 ], [ 1.48, 38.788 ] ] ], [ [ [ 1.432, 38.774 ], [ 1.419, 38.779 ], [ 1.422, 38.797 ], [ 1.432, 38.784 ], [ 1.432, 38.774 ] ] ], [ [ [ 1.198, 38.956 ], [ 1.19, 38.958 ], [ 1.198, 38.96 ], [ 1.198, 38.956 ] ] ], [ [ [ 1.216, 38.967 ], [ 1.215, 38.973 ], [ 1.22, 38.969 ], [ 1.216, 38.967 ] ] ], [ [ [ 1.189, 38.863 ], [ 1.196, 38.87 ], [ 1.203, 38.869 ], [ 1.202, 38.864 ], [ 1.189, 38.863 ] ] ], [ [ [ 1.213, 38.866 ], [ 1.207, 38.868 ], [ 1.215, 38.869 ], [ 1.213, 38.866 ] ] ], [ [ [ 1.649, 39.032 ], [ 1.636, 39.041 ], [ 1.646, 39.041 ], [ 1.649, 39.032 ] ] ], [ [ [ 2.947, 39.125 ], [ 2.919, 39.129 ], [ 2.917, 39.162 ], [ 2.977, 39.158 ], [ 2.947, 39.125 ] ] ], [ [ [ 2.962, 39.175 ], [ 2.956, 39.184 ], [ 2.97, 39.19 ], [ 2.973, 39.187 ], [ 2.962, 39.175 ] ] ], [ [ [ 2.306, 39.572 ], [ 2.308, 39.582 ], [ 2.339, 39.598 ], [ 2.319, 39.577 ], [ 2.306, 39.572 ] ] ], [ [ [ 4.285, 39.799 ], [ 4.282, 39.802 ], [ 4.296, 39.8 ], [ 4.285, 39.799 ] ] ], [ [ [ 2.571, 39.531 ], [ 2.571, 39.531 ], [ 2.565, 39.528 ], [ 2.571, 39.531 ] ] ], [ [ [ 1.371, 38.83 ], [ 1.345, 38.871 ], [ 1.224, 38.871 ], [ 1.229, 38.975 ], [ 1.303, 38.97 ], [ 1.29, 39.028 ], [ 1.36, 39.074 ], [ 1.533, 39.118 ], [ 1.604, 39.091 ], [ 1.621, 39.028 ], [ 1.371, 38.83 ] ] ], [ [ [ 1.214, 38.976 ], [ 1.206, 38.984 ], [ 1.214, 38.995 ], [ 1.219, 38.978 ], [ 1.214, 38.976 ] ] ], [ [ [ 0.687, 39.893 ], [ 0.684, 39.897 ], [ 0.688, 39.901 ], [ 0.684, 39.897 ], [ 0.687, 39.893 ] ] ], [ [ [ 4.271, 39.809 ], [ 3.99, 39.931 ], [ 3.824, 39.922 ], [ 3.836, 40.002 ], [ 3.792, 40.02 ], [ 4.082, 40.089 ], [ 4.127, 40.026 ], [ 4.137, 40.067 ], [ 4.173, 40.061 ], [ 4.205, 39.993 ], [ 4.27, 39.997 ], [ 4.328, 39.877 ], [ 4.257, 39.897 ], [ 4.308, 39.865 ], [ 4.271, 39.809 ] ] ], [ [ [ 4.277, 39.956 ], [ 4.274, 39.964 ], [ 4.278, 39.967 ], [ 4.284, 39.96 ], [ 4.277, 39.956 ] ] ], [ [ [ 3.147, 39.92 ], [ 3.144, 39.923 ], [ 3.15, 39.92 ], [ 3.147, 39.92 ] ] ] ] } } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 844, "end" : 850 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "España" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/f2c305ff-3878-4e85-bf91-8fed404a3bea", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-28T17:44:20+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" } ], "target" : { "source" : 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"https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 4343, "end" : 4366 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Martín de Villavicencio" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/622958ca-f11b-429f-9f92-e4d535623b78", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-28T17:39:09+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 4260, "end" : 4276 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Alonso de Fuente" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/7a7b3dc2-5db5-43f7-a63b-5fcbc659462b", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "native people", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-29T11:26:17+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-29T11:26:17+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Yanacona\n(probablemente del quechua \"yanakuna\". Los europeos le dieron\nel uso para referirse a los \"negros\" por la condición servil que\npresentaban al igual que los yana​) fue un término empleado como equivalente a\n\"auxiliar\" o \"ayudante\", y especialmente usado para\ndenominar a los porteadores de los ejércitos del Tahuantinsuyo o \"Imperio\nInca\".\n\nLos españoles, durante la conquista del Perú,\ncomenzaron a usar la denominación para referirse a los pueblos indígenas que\ntenían de servidumbre, ya fuera en sus encomiendas o en integrados a las\nformaciones militares como \"indios auxiliares\". La palabra fue\ntambién usada durante la conquista de otras áreas de Sudamérica. La utilización\ndespectiva del vocablo es de origen mapuche, quienes denominaban Yanaconas en\nsu acepción de \"servil\" y \"cobarde\" a los Incas y otros\nindígenas de etnias quechuas que servían como soldada del conquistador español.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-29T11:26:17+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 109176, "end" : 109185 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Yanaconas" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/26e6e22c-7fb1-4c5f-8500-56125df1f7ae", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T14:32:35+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 4622, "end" : 4638 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Lope de los Ríos" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/b60670d7-17ec-41a8-a356-d4a698cce4dc", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : 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{ "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/5e57211a-7d70-414b-9f15-f0a7806dbe63", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T18:16:45+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T18:16:45+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Refiere a Juan de Ayolas (Briviesca de la Bureba, Corona de Castilla, 1493 o ¿ca. 1510? – Candelaria del Chaco Boreal, gobernación del Río de la Plata y del Paraguay, 1538) era un explorador español que fuera vecino fundador de la primera Buenos Aires, acompañando al adelantado Pedro de Mendoza, y que nominalmente fuera nombrado como teniente de gobernador general de Asunción en 1537, para convertirse al poco tiempo y en forma igualmente nominal en gobernador del Río de la Plata y del Paraguay pero nunca ejercería como tal por estar en plena exploración.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T18:16:45+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 11566, "end" : 11580 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Juan de Oyolas" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/9853cdd4-3cdf-42e5-bc2a-fea6d4ad6d11", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T18:12:40+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Abreu (Diego), de Sevilla; viene con don Pedro de Mendoza. Derrota a los indios cerca de Corpus. Se le cree autor de la sentencia contra la Maldonado. Vuelve a Buenos Aires, para hacer evacuar el Fuerte, y lleva la gente a la Asumpción. Trae socorros al convoy de Cabeza de Vaca. Es electo Gobernador en ausencia de Irala; se conspira contra su persona. Prende al jefe del complot, y lo condena a muerte. Informa a España de su nombramiento; se resiste a devolver el mando al Gobernador Irala; se retira a las tierras de los indios. No quiere volver a la ciudad. Es sorprendido y herido. Lo llevan muerto a la Asumpción.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T18:12:40+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 63713, "end" : 63727 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Diego de Abreu" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/88f03281-aa49-448a-84a1-81bb9b3ccc0b", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T18:12:40+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Abreu (Diego), de Sevilla; viene con don Pedro de Mendoza. Derrota a los indios cerca de Corpus. Se le cree autor de la sentencia contra la Maldonado. Vuelve a Buenos Aires, para hacer evacuar el Fuerte, y lleva la gente a la Asumpción. Trae socorros al convoy de Cabeza de Vaca. Es electo Gobernador en ausencia de Irala; se conspira contra su persona. Prende al jefe del complot, y lo condena a muerte. Informa a España de su nombramiento; se resiste a devolver el mando al Gobernador Irala; se retira a las tierras de los indios. No quiere volver a la ciudad. Es sorprendido y herido. Lo llevan muerto a la Asumpción.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T18:12:40+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 66432, "end" : 66446 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Diego de Abreu" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/bf7fac6a-e25c-4532-b64c-270820de244a", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T18:12:40+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Abreu (Diego), de Sevilla; viene con don Pedro de Mendoza. Derrota a los indios cerca de Corpus. Se le cree autor de la sentencia contra la Maldonado. Vuelve a Buenos Aires, para hacer evacuar el Fuerte, y lleva la gente a la Asumpción. Trae socorros al convoy de Cabeza de Vaca. Es electo Gobernador en ausencia de Irala; se conspira contra su persona. Prende al jefe del complot, y lo condena a muerte. Informa a España de su nombramiento; se resiste a devolver el mando al Gobernador Irala; se retira a las tierras de los indios. No quiere volver a la ciudad. Es sorprendido y herido. Lo llevan muerto a la Asumpción.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T18:12:40+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 68891, "end" : 68905 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Diego de Abreu" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/852b0f65-ed2f-4f63-a39e-43bdd407ee60", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T18:12:40+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Abreu (Diego), de Sevilla; viene con don Pedro de Mendoza. Derrota a los indios cerca de Corpus. Se le cree autor de la sentencia contra la Maldonado. Vuelve a Buenos Aires, para hacer evacuar el Fuerte, y lleva la gente a la Asumpción. Trae socorros al convoy de Cabeza de Vaca. Es electo Gobernador en ausencia de Irala; se conspira contra su persona. Prende al jefe del complot, y lo condena a muerte. Informa a España de su nombramiento; se resiste a devolver el mando al Gobernador Irala; se retira a las tierras de los indios. No quiere volver a la ciudad. Es sorprendido y herido. Lo llevan muerto a la Asumpción.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T18:12:40+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 106094, "end" : 106108 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Diego de Abreu" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/18948d81-889a-451b-a195-2bd0009b3b13", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Vaca de Castro. Virrey del Perú; prende a Diego de Almagro en la batalla de Chupas. Nombra a Diego de Rojas, Gobernador de Tucumán. Fue el segundo gobernador del Perú, y reemplazó a su conquistador Pizarro. A pesar de haberse presentado a ocupar la silla del gobierno con poderes, autógrafos del Rey, tuvo que vencer la resistencia que le opuso Diego de Almagro, el mozo, que la había usurpado; y la llanura de Chupas, cerca de Huamanga, fue el campo de batalla en que se decidió esta lucha, el día 16 de setiembre de 1542. La victoria se declara a favor del licenciado, que abusó de ella, haciendo perecer en los cadalsos a Almagro y a la mayor parte de sus compañeros. Una conducta tan inhumana no le hizo desmerecer en el concepto de sus compatriotas; y un historiador juicioso no trepida en decir «que las providencias de este magistrado, acompañadas de su gran capacidad, madurez y suavidad, le hicieron amable en aquellos países».Juan y Ulloa, Viajes a la América Meridional, Tom. IV, pág. LXXIII del resumen histórico.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T18:24:06+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T18:24:15+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 11754, "end" : 11768 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Vaca de Castro" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/490def2e-ad46-4350-afdc-ac6c0e7a1ef7", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Cape", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-20T19:08:20+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PLACE", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-20T19:08:20+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Se denominaba Cabo Blanco a una punta que se halla en la entrada sur del Río de la Plata, Punta Piedras.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-09-30T22:24:06+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 29329, "end" : 29340 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Cabo Blanco" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/32ebb3e7-468a-49c3-b9a5-e6d58e8826d6", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Se trata efectivamente del Río Salado que desemboca en el Paraná.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-01T16:15:36+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 30500, "end" : 30506 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Salado" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/a86ead21-4aa6-4a30-800e-4276196b04ef", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-09-22T16:21:15+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "La referencia a los caribes, realizada primero por Cristóbal Colón para nombrar a los supuestos enemigos de los taínos de Guanahaní, fue utilizada repetidamente en el curso del siglo XVI para caracterizar a las sociedades americanas que practicaban canibalismo ritual. BIbliografía: Abulafia, David, El descubrimiento de la humanidad. Encuentros atlánticos en la era de Colón, Barcelona, Crítica, 2009 [2008]; Carneiro Da Cunha, Manuela L.; Viveiros de Castro, \"Vingança e temporalidade: os tupinamba\", en JSA, vol. LXXI, 1985, pp. 191-208. Fausto, Carlos, \"Fragmentos de histórica e cultura tupinambá. Da etnologia como instrumento crítico de conhecimento etno-histórico\", en Carneiro Da Cunha, Manuela L. (org.), História dos índios no Brasil, San Pablo, Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo-Companhia das Letras-Secretaria Municipal de Cultura Prefeitura do Município de São Paulo, 1992, pp. 381-396;  Lestringant, Frank, The Discovery and Representation of the Cannibal from Columbus to Jules Verne, Berkeley, University of California Press, 1997 [1994].", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-12-03T14:01:51+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 5727, "end" : 5741 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "gentes caribes" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : 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-31.063 ], [ -51.109, -31.097 ], [ -50.985, -31.042 ], [ -50.965, -30.893 ], [ -50.888, -30.893 ], [ -50.705, -30.756 ], [ -50.677, -30.61 ], [ -50.725, -30.371 ], [ -50.692, -30.355 ], [ -50.625, -30.409 ], [ -50.641, -30.459 ], [ -50.569, -30.471 ], [ -50.534, -30.278 ], [ -50.601, -30.194 ], [ -50.659, -30.201 ], [ -50.661, -30.293 ], [ -50.918, -30.333 ], [ -50.934, -30.42 ], [ -50.889, -30.439 ], [ -50.921, -30.44 ], [ -51.052, -30.395 ], [ -51.034, -30.276 ], [ -51.146, -30.267 ], [ -51.246, -30.188 ], [ -51.23, -30.043 ], [ -51.295, -30.007 ], [ -51.326, -30.23 ], [ -51.271, -30.25 ], [ -51.293, -30.295 ], [ -51.246, -30.33 ], [ -51.209, -30.3 ], [ -51.179, -30.383 ], [ -51.092, -30.367 ], [ -51.129, -30.436 ], [ -51.202, -30.413 ], [ -51.269, -30.489 ], [ -51.282, -30.811 ], [ -51.33, -30.777 ], [ -51.294, -30.758 ], [ -51.319, -30.64 ], [ -51.375, -30.635 ], [ -51.404, -30.769 ], [ -51.367, -30.874 ], [ -51.457, -30.874 ], [ -51.501, -30.935 ], [ -51.436, -31.088 ], [ -51.611, -31.138 ], [ -51.613, -31.272 ], [ -51.915, -31.313 ], [ -52.002, -31.449 ], [ -52.031, -31.693 ], [ -52.218, -31.747 ], [ -52.247, -31.871 ], [ -52.106, -31.952 ], [ -52.216, -31.963 ], [ -52.263, -32.062 ], [ -52.209, -32.045 ], [ -52.225, -32.096 ], [ -52.082, -32.033 ], [ -52.162, -32.128 ], [ -52.09, -32.069 ], [ -52.084, -32.186 ], [ -52.16, -32.201 ], [ -52.341, -32.43 ], [ -52.488, -32.844 ], [ -52.66, -33.165 ], [ -53.227, -33.658 ], [ -53.421, -33.741 ], [ -53.524, -33.689 ], [ -53.515, -33.163 ], [ -53.434, -33.054 ], [ -53.243, -32.936 ], [ -53.294, -32.911 ], [ -53.074, -32.746 ], [ -53.244, -32.605 ], [ -53.39, -32.583 ], [ -53.46, -32.48 ], [ -53.595, -32.432 ], [ -53.73, -32.157 ], [ -53.714, -32.104 ], [ -53.965, -31.919 ], [ -54.096, -31.906 ], [ -54.466, -31.666 ], [ -54.491, -31.54 ], [ -54.591, -31.448 ], [ -54.836, -31.446 ], [ -54.945, -31.392 ], [ -55.014, -31.285 ], [ -55.091, -31.326 ], [ -55.245, -31.257 ], [ -55.374, -31.038 ], [ -55.594, -30.848 ], [ -55.635, -30.857 ], [ -55.657, -30.956 ], [ -55.87, -31.08 ], [ -56.008, -31.063 ], [ -55.987, -30.86 ], [ -56.021, -30.784 ], [ -56.127, -30.739 ], [ -56.177, -30.614 ], [ -56.384, -30.495 ], [ -56.459, -30.387 ], [ -56.545, -30.364 ], [ -56.54, -30.312 ], [ -56.617, -30.303 ], [ -56.644, -30.205 ], [ -56.776, -30.166 ], [ -56.804, -30.107 ], [ -57.068, -30.088 ], [ -57.207, -30.281 ], [ -57.313, -30.26 ], [ -57.396, -30.303 ], [ -57.538, -30.275 ], [ -57.618, -30.179 ], [ -57.505, -30.143 ], [ -57.342, -30.001 ], [ -57.319, -29.87 ], [ -57.254, -29.794 ], [ -57.105, -29.752 ], [ -56.972, -29.639 ], [ -56.676, -29.321 ], [ -56.593, -29.123 ], [ -56.425, -29.073 ], [ -56.285, -28.794 ], [ -56.185, -28.771 ], [ -56.016, -28.611 ], [ -56.011, -28.509 ], [ -55.888, -28.479 ], [ -55.875, -28.362 ], [ -55.696, -28.425 ], [ -55.671, -28.333 ], [ -55.773, -28.247 ], [ -55.605, -28.123 ], [ -55.554, -28.164 ], [ -55.496, -28.081 ], [ -55.444, -28.097 ], [ -55.323, -27.928 ], [ -55.196, -27.863 ], [ -55.134, -27.895 ], [ -55.117, -27.853 ], [ -55.032, -27.854 ], [ -55.082, -27.789 ], [ -54.941, -27.775 ], [ -54.809, -27.536 ], [ -54.781, -27.586 ], [ -54.683, -27.576 ], [ -54.678, -27.514 ], [ -54.624, -27.55 ], [ -54.576, -27.458 ], [ -54.525, -27.507 ], [ -54.415, -27.412 ], [ -54.353, -27.468 ], [ -54.339, -27.406 ], [ -54.282, -27.447 ], [ -54.176, -27.261 ], [ -54.089, -27.303 ], [ -53.949, -27.158 ], [ -53.799, -27.147 ], [ -53.795, -27.048 ], [ -53.761, -27.068 ], [ -53.662, -26.869 ], [ -53.751, -26.745 ], [ -53.707, -26.563 ], [ -53.738, -26.548 ], [ -53.592, -26.265 ], [ -53.722, -26.13 ], [ -53.733, -26.047 ], [ -53.837, -25.969 ], [ -53.824, -25.793 ], [ -53.891, -25.625 ], [ -53.951, -25.644 ], [ -54.016, -25.569 ], [ -54.101, -25.625 ], [ -54.111, -25.504 ], [ -54.213, -25.554 ], [ -54.184, -25.591 ], [ -54.289, -25.562 ], [ -54.387, -25.608 ], [ -54.43, -25.706 ], [ -54.596, -25.595 ], [ -54.617, -25.459 ], [ -54.437, -25.157 ], [ -54.458, -25.031 ], [ -54.336, -24.649 ], [ -54.333, -24.493 ], [ -54.262, -24.376 ], [ -54.33, -24.225 ], [ -54.282, -24.075 ], [ -54.411, -23.929 ], [ -54.668, -23.815 ], [ -55.061, -23.991 ], [ -55.112, -23.963 ], [ -55.226, -24.013 ], [ -55.413, -23.961 ], [ -55.434, -23.714 ], [ -55.535, -23.614 ], [ -55.522, -23.197 ], [ -55.596, -23.141 ], [ -55.64, -22.994 ], [ -55.685, -22.992 ], [ -55.613, -22.659 ], [ -55.736, -22.532 ], [ -55.74, -22.396 ], [ -55.854, -22.281 ], [ -56.208, -22.281 ], [ -56.341, -22.206 ], [ -56.403, -22.078 ], [ -56.519, -22.103 ], [ -56.643, -22.261 ], [ -56.698, -22.216 ], [ -56.728, -22.26 ], [ -56.808, -22.25 ], [ -56.831, -22.3 ], [ -57.001, -22.225 ], [ -57.203, -22.21 ], [ -57.243, -22.244 ], [ -57.553, -22.181 ], [ -57.616, -22.096 ], [ -57.803, -22.148 ], [ -57.989, -22.085 ], [ -58.005, -22.032 ], [ -57.919, -21.881 ], [ -57.969, -21.844 ], [ -57.913, -21.793 ], [ -57.947, -21.747 ], [ -57.894, -21.687 ], [ -57.968, -21.528 ], [ -57.855, -21.339 ], [ -57.918, -21.278 ], [ -57.854, -21.226 ], [ -57.866, -21.041 ], [ -57.818, -20.976 ], [ -57.927, -20.897 ], [ -57.855, -20.835 ], [ -57.961, -20.784 ], [ -57.869, -20.736 ], [ -57.923, -20.666 ], [ -57.988, -20.696 ], [ -57.994, -20.448 ], [ -58.082, -20.372 ], [ -58.092, -20.257 ], [ -58.154, -20.264 ], [ -58.125, -20.188 ], [ -58.163, -20.162 ], [ -57.872, -19.979 ], [ -58.134, -19.761 ], [ -57.79, -19.051 ], [ -57.709, -19.034 ], [ -57.757, -18.858 ], [ -57.56, -18.263 ], [ -57.458, -18.228 ], [ -57.568, -18.136 ], [ -57.702, -17.86 ], [ -57.715, -17.735 ], [ -57.785, -17.645 ], [ -57.773, -17.553 ], [ -57.878, -17.463 ], [ -58.003, -17.52 ], [ -58.114, -17.456 ], [ -58.395, -17.197 ], [ -58.421, -16.99 ], [ -58.47, -16.939 ], [ -58.468, -16.702 ], [ -58.442, -16.613 ], [ -58.34, -16.542 ], [ -58.309, -16.27 ], [ -58.471, -16.325 ], [ -60.173, -16.265 ], [ -60.236, -15.476 ], [ -60.565, -15.105 ], [ -60.253, -15.101 ], [ -60.257, -14.624 ], [ -60.338, -14.555 ], [ -60.482, -14.181 ], [ -60.468, -14.092 ], [ -60.378, -13.992 ], [ -60.468, -13.886 ], [ -60.468, -13.801 ], [ -60.793, -13.686 ], [ -60.962, -13.539 ], [ -61.044, -13.541 ], [ -61.028, -13.477 ], [ -61.069, -13.463 ], [ -61.139, -13.521 ], [ -61.249, -13.525 ], [ -61.33, -13.473 ], [ -61.486, -13.554 ], [ -61.578, -13.494 ], [ -61.824, -13.539 ], [ -61.866, -13.443 ], [ -62.108, -13.257 ], [ -62.109, -13.149 ], [ -62.165, -13.112 ], [ -62.368, -13.145 ], [ -62.464, -13.07 ], [ -62.637, -13.041 ], [ -62.674, -12.965 ], [ -62.764, -13.023 ], [ -62.923, -12.854 ], [ -62.996, -12.85 ], [ -63.082, -12.653 ], [ -63.327, -12.705 ], [ -63.482, -12.557 ], [ -63.712, -12.458 ], [ -63.875, -12.469 ], [ -63.937, -12.557 ], [ -64.127, -12.494 ], [ -64.152, -12.529 ], [ -64.215, -12.476 ], [ -64.278, -12.511 ], [ -64.493, -12.366 ], [ -64.486, -12.23 ], [ -64.654, -12.186 ], [ -64.683, -12.099 ], [ -64.725, -12.162 ], [ -64.798, -12.035 ], [ -64.993, -11.999 ], [ -65.048, -11.757 ], [ -65.112, -11.741 ], [ -65.106, -11.697 ], [ -65.135, -11.777 ], [ -65.201, -11.745 ], [ -65.161, -11.622 ], [ -65.218, -11.521 ], [ -65.299, -11.5 ], [ -65.338, -11.392 ], [ -65.31, -11.341 ], [ -65.385, -11.269 ], [ -65.349, -11.239 ], [ -65.391, -11.167 ], [ -65.318, -11.105 ], [ -65.336, -11.044 ], [ -65.269, -10.901 ], [ -65.366, -10.798 ], [ -65.349, -10.671 ], [ -65.426, -10.638 ], [ -65.429, -10.473 ], [ -65.28, -10.218 ], [ -65.327, -9.938 ], [ -65.29, -9.851 ], [ -65.377, -9.698 ], [ -65.488, -9.718 ], [ -65.563, -9.834 ], [ -65.669, -9.779 ], [ -65.7, -9.803 ], [ -65.689, -9.749 ], [ -65.748, -9.77 ], [ -65.777, -9.727 ], [ -65.798, -9.786 ], [ -65.81, -9.75 ], [ -65.86, -9.794 ], [ -65.872, -9.757 ], [ -66.018, -9.807 ], [ -66.064, -9.772 ], [ -66.422, -9.895 ], [ -66.616, -9.893 ], [ -66.623, -9.935 ], [ -66.883, -10.081 ], [ -67.029, -10.254 ], [ -67.186, -10.339 ], [ -67.315, -10.316 ], [ -67.327, -10.374 ], [ -67.414, -10.372 ], [ -67.443, -10.45 ], [ -67.594, -10.523 ], [ -67.715, -10.707 ], [ -68.021, -10.661 ], [ -68.119, -10.726 ], [ -68.283, -10.987 ], [ -68.519, -11.048 ], [ -68.587, -11.11 ], [ -68.769, -11.139 ], [ -68.751, -11.007 ], [ -68.787, -10.99 ], [ -68.871, -11.023 ], [ -69.393, -10.929 ], [ -69.728, -10.973 ], [ -69.938, -10.926 ], [ -70.318, -11.066 ], [ -70.428, -11.033 ], [ -70.508, -10.94 ], [ -70.618, -11.007 ], [ -70.622, -9.847 ], [ -70.522, -9.738 ], [ -70.598, -9.574 ], [ -70.561, -9.579 ], [ -70.497, -9.433 ], [ -70.601, -9.453 ], [ -70.982, -9.812 ], [ -71.131, -9.862 ], [ -71.288, -9.996 ], [ -72.165, -10.002 ], [ -72.16, -9.818 ], [ -72.26, -9.755 ], [ -72.289, -9.536 ], [ -72.364, -9.491 ], [ -72.721, -9.417 ], [ -73.196, -9.418 ], [ -72.965, -9.154 ], [ -72.946, -8.99 ], [ -73.059, -8.904 ], [ -73.169, -8.701 ], [ -73.338, -8.609 ], [ -73.338, -8.476 ], [ -73.526, -8.369 ], [ -73.632, -8.022 ], [ -73.765, -7.94 ], [ -73.777, -7.869 ], [ -73.697, -7.865 ], [ -73.69, -7.79 ], [ -73.985, -7.543 ], [ -73.917, -7.461 ], [ -73.954, -7.348 ], [ -73.868, -7.377 ], [ -73.691, -7.313 ], [ -73.797, -7.115 ], [ -73.743, -6.897 ], [ -73.351, -6.561 ], [ -73.211, -6.53 ], [ -73.133, -6.421 ], [ -73.185, -6.04 ], [ -73.131, -5.986 ], [ -73.116, -5.865 ], [ -72.951, -5.643 ], [ -72.948, -5.454 ], [ -72.872, -5.25 ], [ -72.896, -5.136 ], [ -72.734, -5.043 ], [ -72.602, -5.056 ], [ -72.577, -4.992 ], [ -72.455, -4.962 ], [ -72.452, -4.906 ], [ -72.37, -4.88 ], [ -72.356, -4.803 ], [ -72.292, -4.799 ], [ -72.313, -4.769 ], [ -72.223, -4.78 ], [ -72.113, -4.722 ], [ -72.047, -4.625 ], [ -71.94, -4.607 ], [ -71.897, -4.512 ], [ -71.61, -4.465 ], [ -71.597, -4.525 ], [ -71.535, -4.46 ], [ -71.49, -4.479 ], [ -71.506, -4.435 ], [ -71.414, -4.432 ], [ -71.432, -4.469 ], [ -71.342, -4.423 ], [ -71.355, -4.468 ], [ -71.303, -4.458 ], [ -71.269, -4.381 ], [ -71.198, -4.377 ], [ -71.193, -4.42 ], [ -71.147, -4.375 ], [ -71.031, -4.397 ], [ -70.99, -4.34 ], [ -70.935, -4.381 ], [ -70.757, -4.152 ], [ -70.677, -4.2 ], [ -70.622, -4.121 ], [ -70.633, -4.173 ], [ -70.565, -4.168 ], [ -70.566, -4.205 ], [ -70.553, -4.128 ], [ -70.503, -4.19 ], [ -70.434, -4.125 ], [ -70.341, -4.174 ], [ -70.317, -4.136 ], [ -70.291, -4.283 ], [ -70.249, -4.267 ], [ -70.186, -4.357 ], [ -70.169, -4.27 ], [ -70.101, -4.255 ], [ -70.031, -4.339 ], [ -69.929, -4.213 ], [ -69.453, -1.478 ], [ -69.368, -1.334 ], [ -69.422, -0.998 ], [ -69.508, -0.936 ], [ -69.609, -0.755 ], [ -69.551, -0.648 ], [ -69.593, -0.517 ], [ -69.908, -0.316 ], [ -70.068, -0.135 ], [ -70.037, 0.553 ], [ -69.798, 0.585 ], [ -69.664, 0.672 ], [ -69.606, 0.623 ], [ -69.468, 0.734 ], [ -69.357, 0.621 ], [ -69.295, 0.648 ], [ -69.288, 0.609 ], [ -69.202, 0.602 ], [ -69.112, 0.643 ], [ -69.184, 0.73 ], [ -69.137, 0.868 ], [ -69.257, 1.026 ], [ -69.342, 1.064 ], [ -69.416, 1.024 ], [ -69.7, 1.056 ], [ -69.721, 1.097 ], [ -69.854, 1.07 ], [ -69.855, 1.715 ], [ -69.556, 1.775 ], [ -69.395, 1.726 ], [ -68.128, 1.73 ], [ -68.29, 1.841 ], [ -68.205, 2.038 ], [ -68.027, 1.784 ], [ -67.924, 1.751 ], [ -67.797, 1.812 ], [ -67.578, 2.076 ], [ -67.41, 2.141 ], [ -67.117, 1.732 ], [ -67.068, 1.532 ], [ -67.097, 1.17 ], [ -66.855, 1.228 ], [ -66.322, 0.738 ], [ -66.095, 0.754 ], [ -65.952, 0.81 ], [ -65.854, 0.939 ], [ -65.733, 1.005 ], [ -65.583, 1.008 ], [ -65.47, 0.877 ], [ -65.557, 0.705 ], [ -65.504, 0.627 ], [ -65.393, 0.699 ], [ -65.305, 0.916 ], [ -65.152, 0.943 ], [ -65.121, 1.115 ], [ -65.055, 1.144 ], [ -64.968, 1.112 ], [ -64.903, 1.249 ], [ -64.843, 1.237 ], [ -64.783, 1.313 ], [ -64.721, 1.25 ], [ -64.638, 1.286 ], [ -64.387, 1.527 ], [ -64.344, 1.528 ], [ -64.382, 1.419 ], [ -64.344, 1.38 ], [ -64.186, 1.494 ], [ -64.054, 1.708 ], [ -64.057, 1.933 ], [ -64.018, 1.967 ], [ -63.781, 1.989 ], [ -63.604, 2.124 ], [ -63.419, 2.154 ], [ -63.349, 2.281 ], [ -63.382, 2.442 ], [ -63.756, 2.403 ], [ -64.031, 2.509 ], [ -63.987, 2.772 ], [ -64.216, 3.153 ], [ -64.236, 3.476 ], [ -64.186, 3.634 ], [ -64.324, 3.797 ], [ -64.543, 3.882 ], [ -64.8, 4.224 ], [ -64.79, 4.329 ], [ -64.677, 4.297 ], [ -64.555, 4.153 ], [ -64.135, 4.176 ], [ -63.967, 3.93 ], [ -63.806, 4.019 ], [ -63.623, 4.01 ], [ -63.455, 3.91 ], [ -63.411, 4.026 ], [ -63.358, 4.04 ], [ -63.203, 3.952 ], [ -63.189, 3.872 ], [ -62.86, 3.584 ], [ -62.749, 3.642 ], [ -62.705, 3.724 ], [ -62.752, 4.012 ], [ -62.635, 4.056 ], [ -62.557, 4.02 ], [ -62.46, 4.173 ], [ -62.129, 4.084 ], [ -61.961, 4.18 ], [ -61.927, 4.106 ], [ -61.723, 4.262 ], [ -61.528, 4.273 ], [ -61.507, 4.398 ], [ -61.274, 4.471 ], [ -61.293, 4.55 ], [ -61.141, 4.508 ], [ -60.952, 4.549 ], [ -60.907, 4.708 ], [ -60.731, 4.777 ], [ -60.59, 4.951 ], [ -60.744, 5.209 ], [ -60.438, 5.177 ], [ -60.203, 5.265 ], [ -60.176, 5.227 ], [ -60.121, 5.243 ], [ -60.085, 5.149 ], [ -59.969, 5.073 ], [ -60.03, 4.704 ], [ -60.163, 4.521 ], [ -59.927, 4.509 ], [ -59.674, 4.382 ], [ -59.726, 4.191 ], [ -59.628, 4.138 ], [ -59.655, 4.078 ], [ -59.516, 3.94 ], [ -59.581, 3.901 ], [ -59.594, 3.796 ], [ -59.666, 3.777 ], [ -59.664, 3.703 ], [ -59.849, 3.601 ], [ -59.799, 3.355 ], [ -59.909, 3.197 ], [ -59.982, 2.929 ], [ -59.99, 2.683 ], [ -59.903, 2.479 ], [ -59.91, 2.388 ], [ -59.724, 2.277 ], [ -59.754, 1.861 ], [ -59.654, 1.849 ], [ -59.669, 1.764 ], [ -59.549, 1.729 ], [ -59.253, 1.397 ], [ -58.914, 1.299 ], [ -58.904, 1.234 ], [ -58.804, 1.175 ], [ -58.696, 1.288 ], [ -58.507, 1.264 ], [ -58.468, 1.318 ], [ -58.498, 1.458 ], [ -58.382, 1.471 ], [ -58.325, 1.59 ], [ -58.167, 1.558 ], [ -58.13, 1.501 ], [ -58.009, 1.501 ], [ -58, 1.665 ], [ -57.919, 1.645 ], [ -57.77, 1.718 ], [ -57.545, 1.701 ], [ -57.434, 1.895 ], [ -57.302, 1.99 ], [ -57.247, 1.944 ], [ -57.085, 2.021 ], [ -57.012, 1.918 ], [ -56.8, 1.864 ], [ -56.724, 1.92 ], [ -56.454, 1.945 ], [ -55.957, 1.844 ], [ -55.906, 1.889 ], [ -55.913, 2.041 ], [ -56.048, 2.226 ], [ -56.134, 2.263 ], [ -56.09, 2.352 ], [ -55.995, 2.405 ], [ -55.987, 2.517 ], [ -55.948, 2.532 ], [ -55.739, 2.401 ], [ -55.481, 2.443 ], [ -55.37, 2.407 ], [ -55.336, 2.516 ], [ -55.239, 2.495 ], [ -55.137, 2.575 ], [ -55.103, 2.522 ], [ -54.94, 2.632 ], [ -54.969, 2.555 ], [ -54.864, 2.439 ], [ -54.72, 2.469 ], [ -54.702, 2.336 ], [ -54.549, 2.336 ], [ -54.534, 2.268 ], [ -54.314, 2.158 ], [ -54.189, 2.179 ], [ -54.111, 2.127 ], [ -54.078, 2.197 ], [ -53.784, 2.364 ], [ -53.694, 2.287 ], [ -53.472, 2.332 ], [ -53.397, 2.272 ], [ -53.273, 2.292 ], [ -53.188, 2.223 ], [ -52.905, 2.19 ], [ -52.853, 2.285 ], [ -52.673, 2.374 ], [ -52.555, 2.523 ], [ -52.556, 2.646 ], [ -52.382, 2.912 ], [ -52.347, 3.134 ], [ -52.192, 3.296 ], [ -51.92, 3.781 ], [ -51.795, 3.89 ], [ -51.754, 3.996 ], [ -51.658, 4.049 ], [ -51.585, 4.241 ], [ -51.529, 4.171 ], [ -51.545, 4.397 ], [ -51.202, 4.084 ], [ -51.173, 3.767 ], [ -51.127, 3.911 ], [ -51.085, 3.895 ], [ -51.051, 3.283 ], [ -50.913, 2.875 ], [ -50.927, 2.807 ], [ -50.816, 2.644 ], [ -50.851, 2.482 ], [ -50.802, 2.508 ], [ -50.736, 2.414 ], [ -50.765, 2.359 ], [ -50.694, 2.276 ], [ -50.725, 2.252 ], [ -50.675, 2.247 ], [ -50.682, 2.137 ], [ -50.584, 2.091 ], [ -50.586, 2.014 ], [ -50.471, 1.82 ], [ -50.194, 1.794 ], [ -49.954, 1.676 ], [ -49.88, 1.419 ], [ -49.918, 1.289 ], [ -50.073, 1.204 ], [ -49.918, 1.232 ], [ -49.939, 1.103 ], [ -50.003, 1.066 ], [ -50.033, 1.107 ], [ -50.131, 0.949 ], [ -50.274, 0.866 ], [ -50.338, 0.729 ], [ -50.417, 0.685 ], [ -50.455, 0.732 ], [ -50.428, 0.679 ], [ -50.571, 0.424 ], [ -50.691, 0.3 ], [ -50.677, 0.365 ], [ -50.746, 0.227 ], [ -50.801, 0.224 ], [ -50.785, 0.183 ], [ -50.908, 0.171 ], [ -51.087, -0.043 ], [ -51.203, -0.055 ], [ -51.419, -0.412 ], [ -51.409, -0.44 ], [ -51.325, -0.364 ], [ -51.188, -0.14 ], [ -51.111, -0.154 ], [ -51.154, -0.284 ], [ -51.396, -0.493 ], [ -51.243, -0.443 ], [ -51.26, -0.5 ], [ -51.165, -0.431 ], [ -50.953, -0.061 ], [ -50.824, -0.048 ], [ -50.705, 0.002 ], [ -50.613, -0.088 ], [ -50.744, -0.244 ], [ -50.751, -0.429 ], [ -50.845, -0.526 ], [ -50.988, -0.583 ], [ -51.051, -0.682 ], [ -50.826, -0.555 ], [ -50.794, -0.666 ], [ -50.733, -0.557 ], [ -50.684, -0.604 ], [ -50.724, -0.493 ], [ -50.652, -0.276 ], [ -50.409, -0.094 ], [ -49.631, -0.247 ], [ -49.446, -0.23 ], [ -49.289, -0.145 ], [ -49.018, -0.16 ], [ -49, -0.139 ], [ -48.895, -0.224 ], [ -48.539, -0.234 ], [ -48.363, -0.303 ], [ -48.459, -0.513 ], [ -48.522, -0.877 ], [ -48.667, -1.002 ], [ -48.621, -1.005 ], [ -48.65, -1.048 ], [ -48.617, -1.053 ], [ -48.721, -1.137 ], [ -48.837, -1.452 ], [ -49.161, -1.575 ], [ -49.182, -1.623 ], [ -49.362, -1.604 ], [ -49.364, -1.642 ], [ -49.448, -1.637 ], [ -49.5, -1.738 ], [ -49.61, -1.718 ], [ -49.676, -1.78 ], [ -49.696, -1.757 ], [ -49.714, -1.76 ], [ -49.803, -1.822 ], [ -50.035, -1.717 ], [ -50.179, -1.787 ], [ -50.256, -1.776 ], [ -50.415, -1.841 ], [ -50.401, -1.935 ], [ -49.994, -1.819 ], [ -49.844, -1.905 ], [ -49.765, -1.898 ], [ -49.616, -1.79 ], [ -49.276, -1.706 ], [ -49.267, -1.778 ], [ -49.387, -1.977 ], [ -49.383, -2.159 ], [ -48.973, -1.594 ], [ -48.897, -1.573 ], [ -48.955, -1.712 ], [ -48.932, -1.75 ], [ -48.898, -1.743 ], [ -48.656, -1.371 ], [ -48.592, -1.429 ], [ -48.601, -1.306 ], [ -48.524, -1.338 ], [ -48.537, -1.467 ], [ -48.496, -1.553 ], [ -48.491, -1.502 ], [ -48.46, -1.533 ], [ -48.374, -1.511 ], [ -48.319, -1.478 ], [ -48.505, -1.471 ], [ -48.422, -1.168 ], [ -48.475, -1.144 ], [ -48.4, -1.066 ], [ -48.278, -1.111 ], [ -48.304, -0.948 ], [ -48.055, -0.668 ], [ -48.001, -0.731 ], [ -47.893, -0.553 ], [ -47.843, -0.616 ], [ -47.807, -0.547 ], [ -47.702, -0.54 ], [ -47.707, -0.59 ], [ -47.667, -0.569 ], [ -47.633, -0.608 ], [ -47.651, -0.694 ], [ -47.608, -0.684 ], [ -47.577, -0.573 ], [ -47.476, -0.757 ], [ -47.398, -0.76 ], [ -47.428, -0.693 ], [ -47.464, -0.687 ], [ -47.466, -0.594 ], [ -47.399, -0.594 ], [ -47.4, -0.645 ], [ -47.298, -0.589 ], [ -47.253, -0.668 ], [ -47.247, -0.623 ], [ -47.206, -0.633 ], [ -47.23, -0.719 ], [ -47.158, -0.678 ], [ -47.191, -0.754 ], [ -47.146, -0.764 ], [ -47.16, -0.815 ], [ -47.081, -0.661 ], [ -47.055, -0.868 ], [ -47.027, -0.784 ], [ -46.983, -0.806 ], [ -47.016, -0.752 ], [ -46.967, -0.694 ], [ -46.969, -0.78 ], [ -46.891, -0.869 ], [ -46.89, -0.789 ], [ -46.846, -0.799 ], [ -46.82, -0.71 ], [ -46.802, -0.877 ], [ -46.777, -0.905 ], [ -46.75, -0.826 ], [ -46.709, -0.86 ], [ -46.734, -0.944 ], [ -46.687, -0.831 ], [ -46.653, -0.882 ], [ -46.621, -0.818 ], [ -46.601, -0.917 ], [ -46.676, -0.965 ], [ -46.622, -0.987 ], [ -46.57, -0.947 ], [ -46.609, -1.03 ], [ -46.57, -0.988 ], [ -46.525, -1.027 ], [ -46.465, -1.007 ], [ -46.47, -1.044 ], [ -46.395, -1.037 ], [ -46.413, -1.084 ], [ -46.348, -0.982 ], [ -46.36, -1.011 ], [ -46.366, -1.031 ], [ -46.348, -1.079 ], [ -46.339, -1.015 ], [ -46.299, -1.05 ], [ -46.212, -0.946 ], [ -46.242, -0.921 ], [ -46.179, -0.914 ], [ -46.224, -1.053 ], [ -46.206, -1.1 ], [ -46.158, -1.014 ], [ -46.138, -1.032 ], [ -46.193, -1.143 ], [ -46.104, -1.067 ], [ -46.062, -1.133 ], [ -46.15, -1.258 ], [ -45.982, -1.071 ], [ -45.953, -1.147 ], [ -46, -1.151 ], [ -46, -1.199 ], [ -45.95, -1.159 ], [ -45.95, -1.207 ], [ -46, -1.209 ], [ -45.95, -1.25 ], [ -45.902, -1.134 ], [ -45.923, -1.214 ], [ -45.882, -1.167 ], [ -45.873, -1.211 ], [ -45.909, -1.261 ], [ -45.859, -1.231 ], [ -45.891, -1.293 ], [ -45.807, -1.176 ], [ -45.843, -1.301 ], [ -45.809, -1.328 ], [ -45.831, -1.298 ], [ -45.782, -1.278 ], [ -45.726, -1.135 ], [ -45.69, -1.452 ], [ -45.697, -1.38 ], [ -45.632, -1.371 ], [ -45.618, -1.279 ], [ -45.589, -1.329 ], [ -45.537, -1.273 ], [ -45.561, -1.343 ], [ -45.51, -1.352 ], [ -45.567, -1.404 ], [ -45.546, -1.432 ], [ -45.413, -1.296 ], [ -45.489, -1.473 ], [ -45.511, -1.458 ], [ -45.554, -1.503 ], [ -45.507, -1.471 ], [ -45.518, -1.516 ], [ -45.481, -1.495 ], [ -45.463, -1.548 ], [ -45.457, -1.457 ], [ -45.391, -1.434 ], [ -45.363, -1.325 ], [ -45.323, -1.319 ], [ -45.302, -1.424 ], [ -45.392, -1.485 ], [ -45.398, -1.503 ], [ -45.356, -1.487 ], [ -45.392, -1.553 ], [ -45.338, -1.572 ], [ -45.371, -1.722 ], [ -45.338, -1.753 ], [ -45.197, -1.688 ], [ -45.261, -1.607 ], [ -45.16, -1.475 ], [ -45.136, -1.521 ], [ -45.072, -1.435 ], [ -45.07, -1.485 ], [ -44.999, -1.504 ], [ -45.018, -1.547 ], [ -44.969, -1.549 ], [ -45.029, -1.583 ], [ -45.029, -1.602 ], [ -44.979, -1.607 ], [ -44.954, -1.498 ], [ -44.862, -1.426 ], [ -44.857, -1.498 ], [ -44.954, -1.605 ], [ -44.918, -1.649 ], [ -44.968, -1.662 ], [ -44.913, -1.657 ], [ -44.927, -1.62 ], [ -44.886, -1.609 ], [ -44.837, -1.65 ], [ -44.822, -1.591 ], [ -44.826, -1.637 ], [ -44.805, -1.609 ], [ -44.812, -1.665 ], [ -44.779, -1.735 ], [ -44.711, -1.728 ], [ -44.82, -1.819 ], [ -44.738, -1.791 ], [ -44.706, -1.819 ], [ -44.676, -1.808 ], [ -44.661, -1.727 ], [ -44.604, -1.749 ], [ -44.667, -1.849 ], [ -44.601, -1.858 ], [ -44.583, -1.817 ], [ -44.586, -1.873 ], [ -44.543, -1.833 ], [ -44.601, -1.909 ], [ -44.517, -1.907 ], [ -44.484, -2.002 ], [ -44.613, -2.037 ], [ -44.467, -2.017 ], [ -44.626, -2.151 ], [ -44.589, -2.159 ], [ -44.641, -2.232 ], [ -44.708, -2.23 ], [ -44.684, -2.275 ], [ -44.764, -2.265 ], [ -44.654, -2.294 ], [ -44.681, -2.354 ], [ -44.649, -2.373 ], [ -44.666, -2.329 ], [ -44.479, -2.137 ], [ -44.358, -2.335 ], [ -44.401, -2.416 ], [ -44.514, -2.384 ], [ -44.55, -2.4 ], [ -44.491, -2.415 ], [ -44.514, -2.448 ], [ -44.505, -2.476 ], [ -44.665, -2.608 ], [ -44.548, -2.542 ], [ -44.658, -2.781 ], [ -44.688, -2.924 ], [ -44.677, -3.019 ], [ -44.66, -3.02 ], [ -44.657, -3.018 ] ], [ [ -43.318, -2.361 ], [ -43.317, -2.363 ], [ -43.296, -2.363 ], [ -43.318, -2.361 ] ], [ [ -42.438, -2.747 ], [ -42.442, -2.749 ], [ -42.438, -2.75 ], [ -42.438, -2.747 ] ], [ [ -42.442, -2.749 ], [ -42.47, -2.744 ], [ -42.447, -2.753 ], [ -42.442, -2.749 ] ], [ [ -50.851, 2.482 ], [ -50.853, 2.481 ], [ -50.853, 2.48 ], [ -50.851, 2.482 ] ], [ [ -50.853, 2.481 ], [ -50.86, 2.495 ], [ -50.86, 2.477 ], [ -50.853, 2.481 ] ], [ [ -49.976, 1.659 ], [ -49.98, 1.659 ], [ -50, 1.639 ], [ -49.976, 1.659 ] ], [ [ -45.392, -1.553 ], [ -45.393, -1.553 ], [ -45.394, -1.556 ], [ -45.392, -1.553 ] ], [ [ -45.394, -1.556 ], [ -45.406, -1.579 ], [ -45.403, -1.591 ], [ -45.394, -1.556 ] ], [ [ -44.837, -1.65 ], [ -44.834, -1.655 ], [ -44.833, -1.654 ], [ -44.837, -1.65 ] ], [ [ -44.834, -1.655 ], [ -44.841, -1.675 ], [ -44.822, -1.672 ], [ -44.834, -1.655 ] ], [ [ -44.779, -1.735 ], [ -44.777, -1.741 ], [ -44.776, -1.74 ], [ -44.779, -1.735 ] ], [ [ -44.777, -1.741 ], [ -44.833, -1.77 ], [ -44.774, -1.75 ], [ -44.777, -1.741 ] ], [ [ -44.547, -2.22 ], [ -44.536, -2.225 ], [ -44.543, -2.219 ], [ -44.547, -2.22 ] ], [ [ -44.536, -2.225 ], [ -44.507, -2.249 ], [ -44.512, -2.235 ], [ -44.536, -2.225 ] ], [ [ -44.507, -2.249 ], [ -44.504, -2.256 ], [ -44.501, -2.254 ], [ -44.507, -2.249 ] ], [ [ -44.504, -2.256 ], [ -44.514, -2.268 ], [ -44.502, -2.26 ], [ -44.504, -2.256 ] ] ], [ [ [ -29.34, -20.484 ], [ -29.301, -20.521 ], [ -29.341, -20.511 ], [ -29.34, -20.484 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.001, -13.94 ], [ -39.012, -13.915 ], [ -38.994, -13.896 ], [ -39.001, -13.94 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.043, -13.909 ], [ -39.059, -13.904 ], [ -39.054, -13.886 ], [ -39.028, -13.903 ], [ -39.043, -13.909 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.251, -18.015 ], [ -39.283, -18.005 ], [ -39.272, -17.982 ], [ -39.245, -18.006 ], [ -39.251, -18.015 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.131, -17.927 ], [ -39.154, -17.921 ], [ -39.137, -17.91 ], [ -39.131, -17.927 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.212, -17.986 ], [ -39.228, -17.979 ], [ -39.215, -17.944 ], [ -39.202, -17.95 ], [ -39.212, -17.986 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.341, -23.231 ], [ -44.372, -23.174 ], [ -44.232, -23.089 ], [ -44.087, -23.173 ], [ -44.3, -23.184 ], [ -44.341, -23.231 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.356, -23.073 ], [ -44.388, -23.048 ], [ -44.373, -23.033 ], [ -44.343, -23.041 ], [ -44.356, -23.073 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.929, -23.014 ], [ -43.936, -22.999 ], [ -43.916, -22.989 ], [ -43.929, -23.014 ] ] ], [ [ [ -42.002, -23.018 ], [ -42.015, -23.003 ], [ -41.98, -22.975 ], [ -41.975, -22.992 ], [ -42.002, -23.018 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.904, -22.962 ], [ -43.907, -22.936 ], [ -43.868, -22.926 ], [ -43.871, -22.95 ], [ -43.904, -22.962 ] ] ], [ [ [ -41.042, -21.613 ], [ -41.042, -21.6 ], [ -41.019, -21.606 ], [ -41.042, -21.613 ] ] ], [ [ [ -52.112, -32 ], [ -52.18, -32.035 ], [ -52.216, -32.025 ], [ -52.198, -31.978 ], [ -52.112, -32 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.641, -30.388 ], [ -50.629, -30.394 ], [ -50.624, -30.329 ], [ -50.592, -30.399 ], [ -50.609, -30.406 ], [ -50.641, -30.388 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.526, -27.462 ], [ -48.416, -27.38 ], [ -48.358, -27.446 ], [ -48.503, -27.799 ], [ -48.559, -27.842 ], [ -48.526, -27.462 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.354, -27.296 ], [ -48.376, -27.285 ], [ -48.373, -27.271 ], [ -48.36, -27.27 ], [ -48.354, -27.296 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.731, -26.314 ], [ -48.754, -26.297 ], [ -48.735, -26.282 ], [ -48.731, -26.314 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.318, -25.584 ], [ -48.309, -25.546 ], [ -48.381, -25.504 ], [ -48.312, -25.509 ], [ -48.292, -25.545 ], [ -48.318, -25.584 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.414, -25.544 ], [ -48.459, -25.514 ], [ -48.415, -25.527 ], [ -48.414, -25.544 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.424, -25.551 ], [ -48.479, -25.523 ], [ -48.485, -25.502 ], [ -48.424, -25.551 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.298, -25.493 ], [ -48.341, -25.416 ], [ -48.252, -25.341 ], [ -48.265, -25.44 ], [ -48.253, -25.466 ], [ -48.298, -25.493 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.417, -25.386 ], [ -48.424, -25.343 ], [ -48.405, -25.33 ], [ -48.417, -25.386 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.695, -24.112 ], [ -45.688, -24.088 ], [ -45.679, -24.098 ], [ -45.695, -24.112 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.251, -23.962 ], [ -45.301, -23.909 ], [ -45.453, -23.91 ], [ -45.332, -23.721 ], [ -45.227, -23.774 ], [ -45.224, -23.835 ], [ -45.283, -23.857 ], [ -45.221, -23.899 ], [ -45.251, -23.962 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.141, -23.817 ], [ -45.146, -23.791 ], [ -45.114, -23.801 ], [ -45.141, -23.817 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.153, -23.573 ], [ -45.153, -23.558 ], [ -45.141, -23.568 ], [ -45.153, -23.573 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.073, -23.564 ], [ -45.079, -23.525 ], [ -45.036, -23.531 ], [ -45.073, -23.564 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.608, -23.228 ], [ -44.59, -23.208 ], [ -44.577, -23.216 ], [ -44.608, -23.228 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.648, -12.821 ], [ -38.666, -12.777 ], [ -38.624, -12.762 ], [ -38.648, -12.821 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.529, -12.811 ], [ -38.544, -12.757 ], [ -38.532, -12.74 ], [ -38.508, -12.792 ], [ -38.529, -12.811 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.622, -12.752 ], [ -38.622, -12.727 ], [ -38.593, -12.733 ], [ -38.622, -12.752 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.646, -12.683 ], [ -38.648, -12.65 ], [ -38.636, -12.661 ], [ -38.646, -12.683 ] ] ], [ [ [ -32.402, -3.838 ], [ -32.428, -3.877 ], [ -32.483, -3.878 ], [ -32.402, -3.838 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.667, -3.179 ], [ -44.668, -3.16 ], [ -44.643, -3.148 ], [ -44.644, -3.17 ], [ -44.667, -3.179 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.671, -2.943 ], [ -44.67, -2.92 ], [ -44.647, -2.915 ], [ -44.671, -2.943 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.493, -2.641 ], [ -44.48, -2.601 ], [ -44.477, -2.627 ], [ -44.493, -2.641 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.897, -2.573 ], [ -43.896, -2.554 ], [ -43.886, -2.565 ], [ -43.897, -2.573 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.599, -2.503 ], [ -43.577, -2.471 ], [ -43.572, -2.483 ], [ -43.599, -2.503 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.822, -2.526 ], [ -43.829, -2.509 ], [ -43.813, -2.458 ], [ -43.812, -2.553 ], [ -43.82, -2.528 ], [ -43.822, -2.526 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.821, -2.529 ], [ -43.856, -2.502 ], [ -43.832, -2.439 ], [ -43.842, -2.504 ], [ -43.821, -2.529 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.863, -2.56 ], [ -43.875, -2.552 ], [ -43.865, -2.534 ], [ -43.863, -2.56 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.519, -2.536 ], [ -44.529, -2.526 ], [ -44.501, -2.48 ], [ -44.505, -2.444 ], [ -44.455, -2.434 ], [ -44.519, -2.536 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.602, -3.007 ], [ -44.657, -2.972 ], [ -44.613, -2.894 ], [ -44.575, -2.921 ], [ -44.602, -3.007 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.585, -2.978 ], [ -44.563, -2.914 ], [ -44.586, -2.826 ], [ -44.494, -2.705 ], [ -44.494, -2.953 ], [ -44.582, -3.041 ], [ -44.585, -2.978 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.826, -2.434 ], [ -43.842, -2.403 ], [ -43.811, -2.385 ], [ -43.807, -2.412 ], [ -43.826, -2.434 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.581, -2.441 ], [ -43.615, -2.389 ], [ -43.549, -2.377 ], [ -43.545, -2.403 ], [ -43.581, -2.441 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.791, -2.47 ], [ -43.806, -2.443 ], [ -43.78, -2.422 ], [ -43.759, -2.448 ], [ -43.791, -2.47 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.513, -2.424 ], [ -43.537, -2.416 ], [ -43.522, -2.39 ], [ -43.505, -2.414 ], [ -43.513, -2.424 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.792, -2.405 ], [ -43.798, -2.377 ], [ -43.771, -2.37 ], [ -43.792, -2.405 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.689, -2.355 ], [ -43.743, -2.352 ], [ -43.724, -2.305 ], [ -43.617, -2.253 ], [ -43.612, -2.275 ], [ -43.669, -2.301 ], [ -43.689, -2.355 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.73, -2.425 ], [ -43.732, -2.364 ], [ -43.67, -2.377 ], [ -43.681, -2.34 ], [ -43.63, -2.324 ], [ -43.643, -2.394 ], [ -43.73, -2.425 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.473, -2.125 ], [ -44.487, -2.113 ], [ -44.475, -2.096 ], [ -44.463, -2.104 ], [ -44.473, -2.125 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.456, -2.031 ], [ -44.447, -2.008 ], [ -44.439, -2.022 ], [ -44.456, -2.031 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.311, -1.964 ], [ -49.336, -1.996 ], [ -49.309, -1.943 ], [ -49.311, -1.964 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.323, -2.054 ], [ -49.329, -2.019 ], [ -49.316, -2.001 ], [ -49.323, -2.054 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.231, -1.829 ], [ -50.246, -1.824 ], [ -50.229, -1.816 ], [ -50.231, -1.829 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.615, -1.821 ], [ -44.622, -1.797 ], [ -44.597, -1.774 ], [ -44.583, -1.789 ], [ -44.615, -1.821 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.7, -1.811 ], [ -44.703, -1.78 ], [ -44.673, -1.78 ], [ -44.7, -1.811 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.691, -1.793 ], [ -49.721, -1.789 ], [ -49.719, -1.771 ], [ -49.697, -1.766 ], [ -49.691, -1.793 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.924, -1.711 ], [ -48.909, -1.713 ], [ -48.916, -1.734 ], [ -48.935, -1.713 ], [ -48.924, -1.711 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.757, -1.707 ], [ -44.767, -1.694 ], [ -44.736, -1.701 ], [ -44.757, -1.707 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.433, -1.684 ], [ -49.454, -1.706 ], [ -49.46, -1.684 ], [ -49.433, -1.684 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.357, -1.008 ], [ -46.342, -0.994 ], [ -46.353, -1.026 ], [ -46.357, -1.008 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.205, -1.021 ], [ -46.194, -1.014 ], [ -46.202, -1.032 ], [ -46.205, -1.021 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.662, -3.018 ], [ -44.673, -3.012 ], [ -44.664, -3.001 ], [ -44.649, -3.013 ], [ -44.662, -3.018 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.736, -1.683 ], [ -44.745, -1.677 ], [ -44.732, -1.668 ], [ -44.736, -1.683 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.231, -1.638 ], [ -49.237, -1.627 ], [ -49.217, -1.633 ], [ -49.231, -1.638 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.38, -1.685 ], [ -49.4, -1.682 ], [ -49.368, -1.669 ], [ -49.38, -1.685 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.426, -1.673 ], [ -49.429, -1.661 ], [ -49.406, -1.66 ], [ -49.426, -1.673 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.34, -1.672 ], [ -49.358, -1.662 ], [ -49.325, -1.647 ], [ -49.34, -1.672 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.289, -1.726 ], [ -45.305, -1.663 ], [ -45.257, -1.641 ], [ -45.244, -1.678 ], [ -45.28, -1.694 ], [ -45.289, -1.726 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.328, -1.743 ], [ -45.346, -1.719 ], [ -45.301, -1.596 ], [ -45.274, -1.635 ], [ -45.313, -1.654 ], [ -45.328, -1.743 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.886, -1.578 ], [ -48.89, -1.56 ], [ -48.859, -1.536 ], [ -48.856, -1.553 ], [ -48.886, -1.578 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.783, -1.682 ], [ -44.8, -1.595 ], [ -44.775, -1.62 ], [ -44.721, -1.567 ], [ -44.704, -1.611 ], [ -44.684, -1.575 ], [ -44.668, -1.669 ], [ -44.693, -1.638 ], [ -44.783, -1.682 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.816, -1.569 ], [ -44.837, -1.534 ], [ -44.787, -1.488 ], [ -44.825, -1.534 ], [ -44.816, -1.569 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.462, -1.517 ], [ -48.478, -1.499 ], [ -48.421, -1.503 ], [ -48.462, -1.517 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.793, -1.531 ], [ -44.774, -1.47 ], [ -44.763, -1.513 ], [ -44.793, -1.531 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.414, -1.427 ], [ -45.423, -1.416 ], [ -45.409, -1.405 ], [ -45.414, -1.427 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45, -1.296 ], [ -44.922, -1.265 ], [ -44.877, -1.309 ], [ -44.895, -1.34 ], [ -44.922, -1.305 ], [ -44.907, -1.341 ], [ -44.999, -1.405 ], [ -45.033, -1.339 ], [ -45, -1.32 ], [ -44.995, -1.36 ], [ -45, -1.296 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.044, -1.402 ], [ -45.07, -1.33 ], [ -45.052, -1.342 ], [ -45.044, -1.402 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.333, -1.569 ], [ -45.371, -1.544 ], [ -45.347, -1.489 ], [ -45.313, -1.506 ], [ -45.333, -1.569 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.969, -1.522 ], [ -44.976, -1.493 ], [ -44.959, -1.483 ], [ -44.969, -1.522 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.393, -1.512 ], [ -48.371, -1.476 ], [ -48.341, -1.483 ], [ -48.393, -1.512 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.413, -1.498 ], [ -48.426, -1.491 ], [ -48.387, -1.476 ], [ -48.413, -1.498 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.118, -1.47 ], [ -45.132, -1.462 ], [ -45.115, -1.364 ], [ -45.103, -1.373 ], [ -45.118, -1.47 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.593, -1.251 ], [ -45.581, -1.19 ], [ -45.536, -1.205 ], [ -45.532, -1.231 ], [ -45.593, -1.251 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.559, -1.243 ], [ -48.56, -1.202 ], [ -48.523, -1.199 ], [ -48.559, -1.243 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.817, -1.163 ], [ -45.829, -1.141 ], [ -45.804, -1.127 ], [ -45.817, -1.163 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.877, -1.154 ], [ -45.9, -1.117 ], [ -45.883, -1.073 ], [ -45.849, -1.123 ], [ -45.877, -1.154 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.192, -1.05 ], [ -46.201, -1.041 ], [ -46.185, -1.027 ], [ -46.192, -1.05 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.291, -1.01 ], [ -46.307, -0.992 ], [ -46.306, -0.961 ], [ -46.291, -1.01 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.078, -1.095 ], [ -46.065, -1.05 ], [ -46.061, -1.074 ], [ -46.078, -1.095 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.68, -1.295 ], [ -45.687, -1.275 ], [ -45.667, -1.26 ], [ -45.654, -1.285 ], [ -45.68, -1.295 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.538, -1.282 ], [ -48.549, -1.262 ], [ -48.53, -1.25 ], [ -48.538, -1.282 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.51, -1.27 ], [ -48.522, -1.247 ], [ -48.506, -1.236 ], [ -48.51, -1.27 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.694, -1.37 ], [ -45.646, -1.289 ], [ -45.625, -1.126 ], [ -45.634, -1.349 ], [ -45.694, -1.37 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.688, -1.266 ], [ -45.708, -1.228 ], [ -45.685, -1.194 ], [ -45.664, -1.231 ], [ -45.688, -1.266 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.425, -0.914 ], [ -46.454, -0.907 ], [ -46.408, -0.868 ], [ -46.395, -0.899 ], [ -46.425, -0.914 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.72, -0.848 ], [ -46.735, -0.832 ], [ -46.729, -0.796 ], [ -46.72, -0.848 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.611, -0.799 ], [ -46.622, -0.784 ], [ -46.601, -0.789 ], [ -46.611, -0.799 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.586, -0.849 ], [ -46.621, -0.807 ], [ -46.589, -0.815 ], [ -46.586, -0.849 ] ] ], [ [ [ -47.447, -0.748 ], [ -47.453, -0.732 ], [ -47.436, -0.717 ], [ -47.428, -0.738 ], [ -47.447, -0.748 ] ] ], [ [ [ -47.461, -0.741 ], [ -47.463, -0.702 ], [ -47.445, -0.697 ], [ -47.461, -0.741 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.214, -0.411 ], [ -51.211, -0.386 ], [ -51.164, -0.347 ], [ -51.163, -0.383 ], [ -51.214, -0.411 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.352, -0.353 ], [ -51.346, -0.31 ], [ -51.317, -0.268 ], [ -51.327, -0.33 ], [ -51.352, -0.353 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.127, -0.268 ], [ -51.131, -0.237 ], [ -51.091, -0.208 ], [ -51.087, -0.229 ], [ -51.127, -0.268 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.888, -0.198 ], [ -48.91, -0.188 ], [ -48.893, -0.134 ], [ -48.847, -0.177 ], [ -48.888, -0.198 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.174, -0.091 ], [ -51.191, -0.064 ], [ -51.126, -0.057 ], [ -51.174, -0.091 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.114, -0.146 ], [ -49.097, -0.121 ], [ -49.08, -0.13 ], [ -49.114, -0.146 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.166, -0.142 ], [ -49.188, -0.115 ], [ -49.156, -0.128 ], [ -49.166, -0.142 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.119, -0.141 ], [ -49.143, -0.107 ], [ -49.114, -0.11 ], [ -49.119, -0.141 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.127, -0.128 ], [ -51.094, -0.103 ], [ -51.108, -0.127 ], [ -51.127, -0.128 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.414, -0.999 ], [ -46.384, -0.941 ], [ -46.367, -0.948 ], [ -46.414, -0.999 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.647, -0.97 ], [ -46.658, -0.968 ], [ -46.618, -0.957 ], [ -46.647, -0.97 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.488, -0.942 ], [ -46.465, -0.877 ], [ -46.464, -0.924 ], [ -46.44, -0.922 ], [ -46.482, -0.976 ], [ -46.441, -0.999 ], [ -46.525, -1.016 ], [ -46.527, -0.917 ], [ -46.509, -0.984 ], [ -46.488, -0.942 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.632, 0.159 ], [ -49.662, 0.184 ], [ -49.629, 0.202 ], [ -49.61, 0.181 ], [ -49.632, 0.159 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.641, 0.26 ], [ -50.63, 0.293 ], [ -50.586, 0.308 ], [ -50.641, 0.26 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.2, 0.255 ], [ -50.243, 0.248 ], [ -50.147, 0.337 ], [ -50.059, 0.346 ], [ -50.2, 0.255 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.417, 0.159 ], [ -50.535, 0.234 ], [ -50.36, 0.615 ], [ -50.328, 0.383 ], [ -50.285, 0.3 ], [ -50.413, 0.237 ], [ -50.417, 0.159 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.279, 0.338 ], [ -50.271, 0.599 ], [ -50.147, 0.608 ], [ -50.142, 0.576 ], [ -50.107, 0.636 ], [ -50.063, 0.623 ], [ -50.05, 0.518 ], [ -50.279, 0.338 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50, 0.943 ], [ -50.113, 0.907 ], [ -50.018, 1.034 ], [ -49.935, 1.069 ], [ -49.939, 0.996 ], [ -50, 0.943 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.881, 1.227 ], [ -49.909, 1.246 ], [ -49.886, 1.244 ], [ -49.881, 1.227 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.907, 1.278 ], [ -49.885, 1.291 ], [ -49.863, 1.278 ], [ -49.876, 1.252 ], [ -49.907, 1.278 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.204, 1.851 ], [ -50.232, 1.879 ], [ -50.22, 1.915 ], [ -50.169, 1.865 ], [ -50.204, 1.851 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.468, 1.954 ], [ -50.521, 2.026 ], [ -50.497, 2.139 ], [ -50.398, 2.167 ], [ -50.367, 2.19 ], [ -50.276, 1.939 ], [ -50.423, 1.849 ], [ -50.468, 1.954 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.504, 2.255 ], [ -50.414, 2.244 ], [ -50.382, 2.204 ], [ -50.489, 2.15 ], [ -50.564, 2.205 ], [ -50.504, 2.255 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.229, 0.832 ], [ -50.098, 0.839 ], [ -50.027, 0.898 ], [ -50.105, 0.757 ], [ -50.162, 0.775 ], [ -50.249, 0.72 ], [ -50.229, 0.832 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.131, 0.844 ], [ -50.162, 0.867 ], [ -50.132, 0.9 ], [ -50.119, 0.854 ], [ -50.131, 0.844 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.108, 0.85 ], [ -50.111, 0.891 ], [ -50.049, 0.886 ], [ -50.108, 0.85 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.216, -0.055 ], [ -50.235, -0.042 ], [ -50.219, -0.04 ], [ -50.216, -0.055 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.916, -0.052 ], [ -50.926, -0.047 ], [ -50.907, -0.043 ], [ -50.916, -0.052 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.605, -0.061 ], [ -50.618, -0.022 ], [ -50.559, -0.038 ], [ -50.605, -0.061 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.399, -0.061 ], [ -50.44, -0.057 ], [ -50.378, -0.015 ], [ -50.357, -0.049 ], [ -50.399, -0.061 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.75, 0 ], [ -49.609, 0.08 ], [ -49.474, 0.081 ], [ -49.338, -0.017 ], [ -49.487, -0.136 ], [ -49.723, -0.147 ], [ -49.835, -0.088 ], [ -49.75, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.023, -0.019 ], [ -49.039, -0.011 ], [ -49.02, -0.006 ], [ -49.023, -0.019 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.932, 0.052 ], [ -50.918, 0.084 ], [ -50.884, 0.078 ], [ -50.899, 0.057 ], [ -50.932, 0.052 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.928, 0 ], [ -50.786, 0.05 ], [ -50.717, 0.028 ], [ -50.94, -0.041 ], [ -50.928, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.691, 0.025 ], [ -50.655, 0.015 ], [ -50.703, 0.021 ], [ -50.691, 0.025 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.629, -0.043 ], [ -50.642, -0.016 ], [ -50.622, -0.026 ], [ -50.629, -0.043 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.642, 0 ], [ -50.611, 0.007 ], [ -50.595, -0.019 ], [ -50.642, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.536, 0 ], [ -50.653, 0.126 ], [ -50.59, 0.203 ], [ -50.434, 0.126 ], [ -50.436, 0 ], [ -50.536, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50, 0.311 ], [ -49.674, 0.368 ], [ -49.601, 0.283 ], [ -49.86, 0.008 ], [ -49.99, -0.048 ], [ -50.086, 0.034 ], [ -50.351, 0.044 ], [ -50.394, 0.222 ], [ -50.153, 0.227 ], [ -50, 0.311 ] ] ] ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "La costa de lo que hoy es territorio brasileño fue el primer punto al que llegaron los europeos en América del Sur. La primera expedición que exploró la región fue un desprendimiento de la flota portuguesa que Vasco da Gama (c. 1460-1524) llevaba hacia oriente. Las naves dirigidas por Pedro Álvarez de Cabral (1467-1520) se alejaron excesivamente de la costa de África y terminaron en el extremo sur de actual territorio del Estado de Bahía, en que el permanecieron entre abril y mayo del año 1500. Los portuguese establecieron en la costa precarias feitorias para comerciar verzino o palo brasil con los nativos de las sociedades tupí y guaraní nativas. Recién en 1530 la corona brasileña tomaría acciones decididas para organizar la ocupación portuguesa y las actividades de explotación, cuando instaura el régimen de capitanías hereditarias que estructuraría el establecimiento colonial lusitano en brasil. Bibliografía: Johnson, H. B., \"Portuguese Settlement, 1500-1580\", en Bethell, Leslie (ed.), Colonial Brazil, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1987, pp. 1-38; Abulafia, David, El descubrimiento de la humanidad. Encuentros atlánticos en la era de Colón, Barcelona, Crítica, 2009 [2008]; Metcalf, Alida C., Go-Betweens and the Colonization of Brazil, 1500-1600, Austin, University of Texas Press, 2005; Vaz de Caminha, Pêro, Carta del descubrimiento del Brasil, Barcelona, Acantilado, 2009.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-12-03T14:17:24+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 6648, "end" : 6654 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Brasil" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/60a92ddf-9b90-41f3-9e7c-e8b396376e58", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://sws.geonames.org/3469034", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-12-03T14:17:24+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-12-03T14:17:24+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "MultiPolygon", "coordinates" : [ [ [ [ -44.657, -3.018 ], [ -44.608, -3.041 ], [ -44.72, -3.18 ], [ -44.793, -3.198 ], [ -44.779, -3.312 ], [ -44.736, -3.302 ], [ -44.763, -3.225 ], [ -44.653, -3.196 ], [ -44.431, -2.945 ], [ -44.367, -2.643 ], [ -44.362, -2.726 ], [ -44.355, -2.605 ], [ -44.378, -2.566 ], [ -44.345, -2.528 ], [ -44.29, -2.573 ], [ -44.306, -2.487 ], [ -44.02, -2.403 ], [ -44.03, -2.457 ], [ -44.108, -2.468 ], [ 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-42.503, -2.727 ], [ -42.393, -2.751 ], [ -42.475, -2.706 ], [ -42.375, -2.717 ], [ -42.228, -2.818 ], [ -42.143, -2.808 ], [ -42.256, -2.735 ], [ -42.233, -2.674 ], [ -42.208, -2.712 ], [ -42.098, -2.768 ], [ -42.099, -2.809 ], [ -42.096, -2.747 ], [ -42.216, -2.687 ], [ -42.054, -2.691 ], [ -42.023, -2.775 ], [ -42.017, -2.718 ], [ -41.818, -2.723 ], [ -41.844, -2.773 ], [ -41.797, -2.751 ], [ -41.656, -2.884 ], [ -41.437, -2.939 ], [ -41.395, -2.906 ], [ -41.316, -2.943 ], [ -41.263, -2.887 ], [ -40.838, -2.895 ], [ -40.572, -2.844 ], [ -40.499, -2.787 ], [ -39.888, -2.886 ], [ -39.244, -3.229 ], [ -39.083, -3.394 ], [ -38.978, -3.407 ], [ -38.641, -3.687 ], [ -38.473, -3.7 ], [ -38.377, -3.866 ], [ -38.043, -4.214 ], [ -37.764, -4.399 ], [ -37.588, -4.624 ], [ -37.323, -4.698 ], [ -37.15, -4.943 ], [ -36.958, -4.919 ], [ -36.666, -5.108 ], [ -36.504, -5.061 ], [ -36.297, -5.106 ], [ -35.956, -5.045 ], [ -35.612, -5.11 ], [ -35.385, -5.255 ], [ -35.255, -5.483 ], [ -35.099, -6.169 ], [ -34.983, -6.396 ], [ -34.933, -6.753 ], [ -34.79, -7.159 ], [ -34.842, -7.564 ], [ -34.809, -7.622 ], [ -34.845, -7.69 ], [ -34.827, -8.004 ], [ -35.136, -8.895 ], [ -35.332, -9.237 ], [ -35.689, -9.668 ], [ -35.78, -9.706 ], [ -36.056, -10.083 ], [ -36.266, -10.256 ], [ -36.402, -10.506 ], [ -36.602, -10.567 ], [ -36.934, -10.826 ], [ -37.36, -11.428 ], [ -37.612, -11.979 ], [ -37.996, -12.578 ], [ -38.318, -12.934 ], [ -38.477, -13.022 ], [ -38.532, -13.017 ], [ -38.473, -12.913 ], [ -38.498, -12.722 ], [ -38.603, -12.728 ], [ -38.646, -12.622 ], [ -38.681, -12.661 ], [ -38.718, -12.627 ], [ -38.804, -12.835 ], [ -38.717, -12.873 ], [ -38.769, -12.995 ], [ -38.721, -13.021 ], [ -38.66, -12.963 ], [ -38.686, -12.878 ], [ -38.59, -12.972 ], [ -38.766, -13.129 ], [ -38.807, -13.1 ], [ -38.808, -13.154 ], [ -38.944, -13.243 ], [ -38.973, -13.391 ], [ -38.902, -13.384 ], [ -38.886, -13.45 ], [ -38.95, -13.577 ], [ -38.886, -13.659 ], [ -38.968, -13.67 ], [ -39.006, -13.891 ], [ -39.064, -13.865 ], [ -39.075, -13.887 ], [ -38.986, -13.998 ], [ -38.952, -13.986 ], [ -38.982, -13.912 ], [ -38.938, -13.886 ], [ -38.922, -13.92 ], [ -39.061, -14.716 ], [ -38.962, -15.585 ], [ -38.857, -15.86 ], [ -38.973, -16.211 ], [ -39.032, -16.26 ], [ -39.01, -16.369 ], [ -39.078, -16.454 ], [ -39.143, -16.762 ], [ -39.113, -16.896 ], [ -39.212, -17.155 ], [ -39.193, -17.602 ], [ -39.135, -17.691 ], [ -39.264, -17.869 ], [ -39.435, -17.943 ], [ -39.563, -18.091 ], [ -39.721, -18.493 ], [ -39.749, -18.81 ], [ -39.692, -19.353 ], [ -39.805, -19.65 ], [ -39.951, -19.717 ], [ -40.151, -19.956 ], [ -40.236, -20.285 ], [ -40.353, -20.32 ], [ -40.329, -20.236 ], [ -40.359, -20.291 ], [ -40.365, -20.317 ], [ -40.35, -20.328 ], [ -40.268, -20.327 ], [ -40.402, -20.606 ], [ -40.466, -20.624 ], [ -40.627, -20.845 ], [ -40.65, -20.813 ], [ -40.756, -20.866 ], [ -40.853, -21.133 ], [ -40.955, -21.251 ], [ -40.96, -21.364 ], [ -41.065, -21.495 ], [ -41.051, -21.608 ], [ -41.038, -21.622 ], [ -41.007, -21.618 ], [ -40.99, -22.014 ], [ -41.229, -22.151 ], [ -41.668, -22.294 ], [ -41.962, -22.538 ], [ -41.986, -22.713 ], [ -41.919, -22.774 ], [ -41.864, -22.759 ], [ -42.023, -22.896 ], [ -42.037, -22.94 ], [ -41.99, -22.964 ], [ -42.018, -22.998 ], [ -42.086, -22.957 ], [ -42.529, -22.934 ], [ -43.05, -22.982 ], [ -43.132, -22.941 ], [ -43.025, -22.741 ], [ -43.084, -22.68 ], [ -43.216, -22.725 ], [ -43.287, -22.806 ], [ -43.24, -22.847 ], [ -43.249, -22.797 ], [ -43.156, -22.784 ], [ -43.247, -22.882 ], [ -43.164, -22.899 ], [ -43.187, -22.995 ], [ -43.344, -22.983 ], [ -43.303, -23.02 ], [ -43.549, -23.081 ], [ -44.001, -23.1 ], [ -43.961, -23.042 ], [ -43.877, -23.067 ], [ -43.909, -23.02 ], [ -43.807, -23.063 ], [ -43.555, -23.055 ], [ -43.84, -22.906 ], [ -43.985, -22.937 ], [ -44.034, -23.014 ], [ -44.044, -22.923 ], [ -44.107, -23.03 ], [ -44.234, -23.06 ], [ -44.238, -23.004 ], [ -44.358, -23.02 ], [ -44.296, -22.961 ], [ -44.321, -22.927 ], [ -44.378, -22.972 ], [ -44.407, -22.945 ], [ -44.443, -23.035 ], [ -44.669, -23.06 ], [ -44.712, -23.19 ], [ -44.701, -23.237 ], [ -44.645, -23.191 ], [ -44.612, -23.206 ], [ -44.685, -23.256 ], [ -44.611, -23.238 ], [ -44.652, -23.302 ], [ -44.558, -23.232 ], [ -44.577, -23.275 ], [ -44.498, -23.302 ], [ -44.583, -23.367 ], [ -44.669, -23.341 ], [ -44.84, -23.395 ], [ -44.905, -23.339 ], [ -45.05, -23.418 ], [ -45.016, -23.461 ], [ -45.079, -23.519 ], [ -45.165, -23.495 ], [ -45.159, -23.541 ], [ -45.228, -23.547 ], [ -45.211, -23.582 ], [ -45.41, -23.632 ], [ -45.412, -23.825 ], [ -45.934, -23.771 ], [ -46.124, -23.842 ], [ -46.2, -24.002 ], [ -46.288, -24.044 ], [ -46.321, -24 ], [ -46.458, -24.025 ], [ -46.937, -24.281 ], [ -47.024, -24.382 ], [ -47.004, -24.412 ], [ -47.86, -24.996 ], [ -47.914, -25.061 ], [ -47.915, -25.16 ], [ -48.213, -25.47 ], [ -48.254, -25.435 ], [ -48.222, -25.342 ], [ -48.208, -25.353 ], [ -48.121, -25.267 ], [ -48.253, -25.328 ], [ -48.284, -25.294 ], [ -48.317, -25.363 ], [ -48.327, -25.232 ], [ -48.366, -25.317 ], [ -48.433, -25.237 ], [ -48.428, -25.324 ], [ -48.5, -25.335 ], [ -48.427, -25.39 ], [ -48.449, -25.379 ], [ -48.468, -25.388 ], [ -48.467, -25.432 ], [ -48.449, -25.384 ], [ -48.414, -25.428 ], [ -48.476, -25.485 ], [ -48.637, -25.468 ], [ -48.661, -25.398 ], [ -48.671, -25.435 ], [ -48.739, -25.374 ], [ -48.68, -25.465 ], [ -48.687, -25.499 ], [ -48.737, -25.483 ], [ -48.703, -25.504 ], [ -48.617, -25.536 ], [ -48.512, -25.505 ], [ -48.482, -25.591 ], [ -48.46, -25.552 ], [ -48.35, -25.581 ], [ -48.565, -25.868 ], [ -48.614, -26.06 ], [ -48.586, -26.172 ], [ -48.714, -26.243 ], [ -48.795, -26.073 ], [ -48.837, -26.157 ], [ -48.798, -26.142 ], [ -48.763, -26.199 ], [ -48.805, -26.228 ], [ -48.769, -26.223 ], [ -48.761, -26.286 ], [ -48.803, -26.303 ], [ -48.723, -26.362 ], [ -48.635, -26.374 ], [ -48.714, -26.308 ], [ -48.554, -26.172 ], [ -48.493, -26.224 ], [ -48.695, -26.658 ], [ -48.665, -26.769 ], [ -48.583, -26.786 ], [ -48.655, -26.909 ], [ -48.62, -27.007 ], [ -48.574, -27.011 ], [ -48.607, -27.122 ], [ -48.554, -27.152 ], [ -48.51, -27.108 ], [ -48.469, -27.148 ], [ -48.511, -27.183 ], [ -48.486, -27.218 ], [ -48.531, -27.18 ], [ -48.612, -27.243 ], [ -48.596, -27.318 ], [ -48.529, -27.334 ], [ -48.649, -27.486 ], [ -48.572, -27.592 ], [ -48.653, -27.648 ], [ -48.575, -27.888 ], [ -48.761, -28.535 ], [ -48.813, -28.605 ], [ -49.37, -28.92 ], [ -49.334, -28.921 ], [ -49.702, -29.308 ], [ -50.006, -29.749 ], [ -50.316, -30.472 ], [ -50.848, -31.205 ], [ -51.303, -31.613 ], [ -51.877, -31.952 ], [ -52.071, -32.188 ], [ -52.012, -31.946 ], [ -52.092, -31.837 ], [ -51.851, -31.865 ], [ -51.777, -31.805 ], [ -51.854, -31.797 ], [ -51.65, -31.759 ], [ -51.478, -31.562 ], [ -51.43, -31.622 ], [ -51.458, -31.548 ], [ -51.424, -31.478 ], [ -51.351, -31.529 ], [ -51.234, -31.458 ], [ -51.16, -31.31 ], [ -51.166, -31.063 ], [ -51.109, -31.097 ], [ -50.985, -31.042 ], [ -50.965, -30.893 ], [ -50.888, -30.893 ], [ -50.705, -30.756 ], [ -50.677, -30.61 ], [ -50.725, -30.371 ], [ -50.692, -30.355 ], [ -50.625, -30.409 ], [ -50.641, -30.459 ], [ -50.569, -30.471 ], [ -50.534, -30.278 ], [ -50.601, -30.194 ], [ -50.659, -30.201 ], [ -50.661, -30.293 ], [ -50.918, -30.333 ], [ -50.934, -30.42 ], [ -50.889, -30.439 ], [ -50.921, -30.44 ], [ -51.052, -30.395 ], [ -51.034, -30.276 ], [ -51.146, -30.267 ], [ -51.246, -30.188 ], [ -51.23, -30.043 ], [ -51.295, -30.007 ], [ -51.326, -30.23 ], [ -51.271, -30.25 ], [ -51.293, -30.295 ], [ -51.246, -30.33 ], [ -51.209, -30.3 ], [ -51.179, -30.383 ], [ -51.092, -30.367 ], [ -51.129, -30.436 ], [ -51.202, -30.413 ], [ -51.269, -30.489 ], [ -51.282, -30.811 ], [ -51.33, -30.777 ], [ -51.294, -30.758 ], [ -51.319, -30.64 ], [ -51.375, -30.635 ], [ -51.404, -30.769 ], [ -51.367, -30.874 ], [ -51.457, -30.874 ], [ -51.501, -30.935 ], [ -51.436, -31.088 ], [ -51.611, -31.138 ], [ -51.613, -31.272 ], [ -51.915, -31.313 ], [ -52.002, -31.449 ], [ -52.031, -31.693 ], [ -52.218, -31.747 ], [ -52.247, -31.871 ], [ -52.106, -31.952 ], [ -52.216, -31.963 ], [ -52.263, -32.062 ], [ -52.209, -32.045 ], [ -52.225, -32.096 ], [ -52.082, -32.033 ], [ -52.162, -32.128 ], [ -52.09, -32.069 ], [ -52.084, -32.186 ], [ -52.16, -32.201 ], [ -52.341, -32.43 ], [ -52.488, -32.844 ], [ -52.66, -33.165 ], [ -53.227, -33.658 ], [ -53.421, -33.741 ], [ -53.524, -33.689 ], [ -53.515, -33.163 ], [ -53.434, -33.054 ], [ -53.243, -32.936 ], [ -53.294, -32.911 ], [ -53.074, -32.746 ], [ -53.244, -32.605 ], [ -53.39, -32.583 ], [ -53.46, -32.48 ], [ -53.595, -32.432 ], [ -53.73, -32.157 ], [ -53.714, -32.104 ], [ -53.965, -31.919 ], [ -54.096, -31.906 ], [ -54.466, -31.666 ], [ -54.491, -31.54 ], [ -54.591, -31.448 ], [ -54.836, -31.446 ], [ -54.945, -31.392 ], [ -55.014, -31.285 ], [ -55.091, -31.326 ], [ -55.245, -31.257 ], [ -55.374, -31.038 ], [ -55.594, -30.848 ], [ -55.635, -30.857 ], [ -55.657, -30.956 ], [ -55.87, -31.08 ], [ -56.008, -31.063 ], [ -55.987, -30.86 ], [ -56.021, -30.784 ], [ -56.127, -30.739 ], [ -56.177, -30.614 ], [ -56.384, -30.495 ], [ -56.459, -30.387 ], [ -56.545, -30.364 ], [ -56.54, -30.312 ], [ -56.617, -30.303 ], [ -56.644, -30.205 ], [ -56.776, -30.166 ], [ -56.804, -30.107 ], [ -57.068, -30.088 ], [ -57.207, -30.281 ], [ -57.313, -30.26 ], [ -57.396, -30.303 ], [ -57.538, -30.275 ], [ -57.618, -30.179 ], [ -57.505, -30.143 ], [ -57.342, -30.001 ], [ -57.319, -29.87 ], [ -57.254, -29.794 ], [ -57.105, -29.752 ], [ -56.972, -29.639 ], [ -56.676, -29.321 ], [ -56.593, -29.123 ], [ -56.425, -29.073 ], [ -56.285, -28.794 ], [ -56.185, -28.771 ], [ -56.016, -28.611 ], [ -56.011, -28.509 ], [ -55.888, -28.479 ], [ -55.875, -28.362 ], [ -55.696, -28.425 ], [ -55.671, -28.333 ], [ -55.773, -28.247 ], [ -55.605, -28.123 ], [ -55.554, -28.164 ], [ -55.496, -28.081 ], [ -55.444, -28.097 ], [ -55.323, -27.928 ], [ -55.196, -27.863 ], [ -55.134, -27.895 ], [ -55.117, -27.853 ], [ -55.032, -27.854 ], [ -55.082, -27.789 ], [ -54.941, -27.775 ], [ -54.809, -27.536 ], [ -54.781, -27.586 ], [ -54.683, -27.576 ], [ -54.678, -27.514 ], [ -54.624, -27.55 ], [ -54.576, -27.458 ], [ -54.525, -27.507 ], [ -54.415, -27.412 ], [ -54.353, -27.468 ], [ -54.339, -27.406 ], [ -54.282, -27.447 ], [ -54.176, -27.261 ], [ -54.089, -27.303 ], [ -53.949, -27.158 ], [ -53.799, -27.147 ], [ -53.795, -27.048 ], [ -53.761, -27.068 ], [ -53.662, -26.869 ], [ -53.751, -26.745 ], [ -53.707, -26.563 ], [ -53.738, -26.548 ], [ -53.592, -26.265 ], [ -53.722, -26.13 ], [ -53.733, -26.047 ], [ -53.837, -25.969 ], [ -53.824, -25.793 ], [ -53.891, -25.625 ], [ -53.951, -25.644 ], [ -54.016, -25.569 ], [ -54.101, -25.625 ], [ -54.111, -25.504 ], [ -54.213, -25.554 ], [ -54.184, -25.591 ], [ -54.289, -25.562 ], [ -54.387, -25.608 ], [ -54.43, -25.706 ], [ -54.596, -25.595 ], [ -54.617, -25.459 ], [ -54.437, -25.157 ], [ -54.458, -25.031 ], [ -54.336, -24.649 ], [ -54.333, -24.493 ], [ -54.262, -24.376 ], [ -54.33, -24.225 ], [ -54.282, -24.075 ], [ -54.411, -23.929 ], [ -54.668, -23.815 ], [ -55.061, -23.991 ], [ -55.112, -23.963 ], [ -55.226, -24.013 ], [ -55.413, -23.961 ], [ -55.434, -23.714 ], [ -55.535, -23.614 ], [ -55.522, -23.197 ], [ -55.596, -23.141 ], [ -55.64, -22.994 ], [ -55.685, -22.992 ], [ -55.613, -22.659 ], [ -55.736, -22.532 ], [ -55.74, -22.396 ], [ -55.854, -22.281 ], [ -56.208, -22.281 ], [ -56.341, -22.206 ], [ -56.403, -22.078 ], [ -56.519, -22.103 ], [ -56.643, -22.261 ], [ -56.698, -22.216 ], [ -56.728, -22.26 ], [ -56.808, -22.25 ], [ -56.831, -22.3 ], [ -57.001, -22.225 ], [ -57.203, -22.21 ], [ -57.243, -22.244 ], [ -57.553, -22.181 ], [ -57.616, -22.096 ], [ -57.803, -22.148 ], [ -57.989, -22.085 ], [ -58.005, -22.032 ], [ -57.919, -21.881 ], [ -57.969, -21.844 ], [ -57.913, -21.793 ], [ -57.947, -21.747 ], [ -57.894, -21.687 ], [ -57.968, -21.528 ], [ -57.855, -21.339 ], [ -57.918, -21.278 ], [ -57.854, -21.226 ], [ -57.866, -21.041 ], [ -57.818, -20.976 ], [ -57.927, -20.897 ], [ -57.855, -20.835 ], [ -57.961, -20.784 ], [ -57.869, -20.736 ], [ -57.923, -20.666 ], [ -57.988, -20.696 ], [ -57.994, -20.448 ], [ -58.082, -20.372 ], [ -58.092, -20.257 ], [ -58.154, -20.264 ], [ -58.125, -20.188 ], [ -58.163, -20.162 ], [ -57.872, -19.979 ], [ -58.134, -19.761 ], [ -57.79, -19.051 ], [ -57.709, -19.034 ], [ -57.757, -18.858 ], [ -57.56, -18.263 ], [ -57.458, -18.228 ], [ -57.568, -18.136 ], [ -57.702, -17.86 ], [ -57.715, -17.735 ], [ -57.785, -17.645 ], [ -57.773, -17.553 ], [ -57.878, -17.463 ], [ -58.003, -17.52 ], [ -58.114, -17.456 ], [ -58.395, -17.197 ], [ -58.421, -16.99 ], [ -58.47, -16.939 ], [ -58.468, -16.702 ], [ -58.442, -16.613 ], [ -58.34, -16.542 ], [ -58.309, -16.27 ], [ -58.471, -16.325 ], [ -60.173, -16.265 ], [ -60.236, -15.476 ], [ -60.565, -15.105 ], [ -60.253, -15.101 ], [ -60.257, -14.624 ], [ -60.338, -14.555 ], [ -60.482, -14.181 ], [ -60.468, -14.092 ], [ -60.378, -13.992 ], [ -60.468, -13.886 ], [ -60.468, -13.801 ], [ -60.793, -13.686 ], [ -60.962, -13.539 ], [ -61.044, -13.541 ], [ -61.028, -13.477 ], [ -61.069, -13.463 ], [ -61.139, -13.521 ], [ -61.249, -13.525 ], [ -61.33, -13.473 ], [ -61.486, -13.554 ], [ -61.578, -13.494 ], [ -61.824, -13.539 ], [ -61.866, -13.443 ], [ -62.108, -13.257 ], [ -62.109, -13.149 ], [ -62.165, -13.112 ], [ -62.368, -13.145 ], [ -62.464, -13.07 ], [ -62.637, -13.041 ], [ -62.674, -12.965 ], [ -62.764, -13.023 ], [ -62.923, -12.854 ], [ -62.996, -12.85 ], [ -63.082, -12.653 ], [ -63.327, -12.705 ], [ -63.482, -12.557 ], [ -63.712, -12.458 ], [ -63.875, -12.469 ], [ -63.937, -12.557 ], [ -64.127, -12.494 ], [ -64.152, -12.529 ], [ -64.215, -12.476 ], [ -64.278, -12.511 ], [ -64.493, -12.366 ], [ -64.486, -12.23 ], [ -64.654, -12.186 ], [ -64.683, -12.099 ], [ -64.725, -12.162 ], [ -64.798, -12.035 ], [ -64.993, -11.999 ], [ -65.048, -11.757 ], [ -65.112, -11.741 ], [ -65.106, -11.697 ], [ -65.135, -11.777 ], [ -65.201, -11.745 ], [ -65.161, -11.622 ], [ -65.218, -11.521 ], [ -65.299, -11.5 ], [ -65.338, -11.392 ], [ -65.31, -11.341 ], [ -65.385, -11.269 ], [ -65.349, -11.239 ], [ -65.391, -11.167 ], [ -65.318, -11.105 ], [ -65.336, -11.044 ], [ -65.269, -10.901 ], [ -65.366, -10.798 ], [ -65.349, -10.671 ], [ -65.426, -10.638 ], [ -65.429, -10.473 ], [ -65.28, -10.218 ], [ -65.327, -9.938 ], [ -65.29, -9.851 ], [ -65.377, -9.698 ], [ -65.488, -9.718 ], [ -65.563, -9.834 ], [ -65.669, -9.779 ], [ -65.7, -9.803 ], [ -65.689, -9.749 ], [ -65.748, -9.77 ], [ -65.777, -9.727 ], [ -65.798, -9.786 ], [ -65.81, -9.75 ], [ -65.86, -9.794 ], [ -65.872, -9.757 ], [ -66.018, -9.807 ], [ -66.064, -9.772 ], [ -66.422, -9.895 ], [ -66.616, -9.893 ], [ -66.623, -9.935 ], [ -66.883, -10.081 ], [ -67.029, -10.254 ], [ -67.186, -10.339 ], [ -67.315, -10.316 ], [ -67.327, -10.374 ], [ -67.414, -10.372 ], [ -67.443, -10.45 ], [ -67.594, -10.523 ], [ -67.715, -10.707 ], [ -68.021, -10.661 ], [ -68.119, -10.726 ], [ -68.283, -10.987 ], [ -68.519, -11.048 ], [ -68.587, -11.11 ], [ -68.769, -11.139 ], [ -68.751, -11.007 ], [ -68.787, -10.99 ], [ -68.871, -11.023 ], [ -69.393, -10.929 ], [ -69.728, -10.973 ], [ -69.938, -10.926 ], [ -70.318, -11.066 ], [ -70.428, -11.033 ], [ -70.508, -10.94 ], [ -70.618, -11.007 ], [ -70.622, -9.847 ], [ -70.522, -9.738 ], [ -70.598, -9.574 ], [ -70.561, -9.579 ], [ -70.497, -9.433 ], [ -70.601, -9.453 ], [ -70.982, -9.812 ], [ -71.131, -9.862 ], [ -71.288, -9.996 ], [ -72.165, -10.002 ], [ -72.16, -9.818 ], [ -72.26, -9.755 ], [ -72.289, -9.536 ], [ -72.364, -9.491 ], [ -72.721, -9.417 ], [ -73.196, -9.418 ], [ -72.965, -9.154 ], [ -72.946, -8.99 ], [ -73.059, -8.904 ], [ -73.169, -8.701 ], [ -73.338, -8.609 ], [ -73.338, -8.476 ], [ -73.526, -8.369 ], [ -73.632, -8.022 ], [ -73.765, -7.94 ], [ -73.777, -7.869 ], [ -73.697, -7.865 ], [ -73.69, -7.79 ], [ -73.985, -7.543 ], [ -73.917, -7.461 ], [ -73.954, -7.348 ], [ -73.868, -7.377 ], [ -73.691, -7.313 ], [ -73.797, -7.115 ], [ -73.743, -6.897 ], [ -73.351, -6.561 ], [ -73.211, -6.53 ], [ -73.133, -6.421 ], [ -73.185, -6.04 ], [ -73.131, -5.986 ], [ -73.116, -5.865 ], [ -72.951, -5.643 ], [ -72.948, -5.454 ], [ -72.872, -5.25 ], [ -72.896, -5.136 ], [ -72.734, -5.043 ], [ -72.602, -5.056 ], [ -72.577, -4.992 ], [ -72.455, -4.962 ], [ -72.452, -4.906 ], [ -72.37, -4.88 ], [ -72.356, -4.803 ], [ -72.292, -4.799 ], [ -72.313, -4.769 ], [ -72.223, -4.78 ], [ -72.113, -4.722 ], [ -72.047, -4.625 ], [ -71.94, -4.607 ], [ -71.897, -4.512 ], [ -71.61, -4.465 ], [ -71.597, -4.525 ], [ -71.535, -4.46 ], [ -71.49, -4.479 ], [ -71.506, -4.435 ], [ -71.414, -4.432 ], [ -71.432, -4.469 ], [ -71.342, -4.423 ], [ -71.355, -4.468 ], [ -71.303, -4.458 ], [ -71.269, -4.381 ], [ -71.198, -4.377 ], [ -71.193, -4.42 ], [ -71.147, -4.375 ], [ -71.031, -4.397 ], [ -70.99, -4.34 ], [ -70.935, -4.381 ], [ -70.757, -4.152 ], [ -70.677, -4.2 ], [ -70.622, -4.121 ], [ -70.633, -4.173 ], [ -70.565, -4.168 ], [ -70.566, -4.205 ], [ -70.553, -4.128 ], [ -70.503, -4.19 ], [ -70.434, -4.125 ], [ -70.341, -4.174 ], [ -70.317, -4.136 ], [ -70.291, -4.283 ], [ -70.249, -4.267 ], [ -70.186, -4.357 ], [ -70.169, -4.27 ], [ -70.101, -4.255 ], [ -70.031, -4.339 ], [ -69.929, -4.213 ], [ -69.453, -1.478 ], [ -69.368, -1.334 ], [ -69.422, -0.998 ], [ -69.508, -0.936 ], [ -69.609, -0.755 ], [ -69.551, -0.648 ], [ -69.593, -0.517 ], [ -69.908, -0.316 ], [ -70.068, -0.135 ], [ -70.037, 0.553 ], [ -69.798, 0.585 ], [ -69.664, 0.672 ], [ -69.606, 0.623 ], [ -69.468, 0.734 ], [ -69.357, 0.621 ], [ -69.295, 0.648 ], [ -69.288, 0.609 ], [ -69.202, 0.602 ], [ -69.112, 0.643 ], [ -69.184, 0.73 ], [ -69.137, 0.868 ], [ -69.257, 1.026 ], [ -69.342, 1.064 ], [ -69.416, 1.024 ], [ -69.7, 1.056 ], [ -69.721, 1.097 ], [ -69.854, 1.07 ], [ -69.855, 1.715 ], [ -69.556, 1.775 ], [ -69.395, 1.726 ], [ -68.128, 1.73 ], [ -68.29, 1.841 ], [ -68.205, 2.038 ], [ -68.027, 1.784 ], [ -67.924, 1.751 ], [ -67.797, 1.812 ], [ -67.578, 2.076 ], [ -67.41, 2.141 ], [ -67.117, 1.732 ], [ -67.068, 1.532 ], [ -67.097, 1.17 ], [ -66.855, 1.228 ], [ -66.322, 0.738 ], [ -66.095, 0.754 ], [ -65.952, 0.81 ], [ -65.854, 0.939 ], [ -65.733, 1.005 ], [ -65.583, 1.008 ], [ -65.47, 0.877 ], [ -65.557, 0.705 ], [ -65.504, 0.627 ], [ -65.393, 0.699 ], [ -65.305, 0.916 ], [ -65.152, 0.943 ], [ -65.121, 1.115 ], [ -65.055, 1.144 ], [ -64.968, 1.112 ], [ -64.903, 1.249 ], [ -64.843, 1.237 ], [ -64.783, 1.313 ], [ -64.721, 1.25 ], [ -64.638, 1.286 ], [ -64.387, 1.527 ], [ -64.344, 1.528 ], [ -64.382, 1.419 ], [ -64.344, 1.38 ], [ -64.186, 1.494 ], [ -64.054, 1.708 ], [ -64.057, 1.933 ], [ -64.018, 1.967 ], [ -63.781, 1.989 ], [ -63.604, 2.124 ], [ -63.419, 2.154 ], [ -63.349, 2.281 ], [ -63.382, 2.442 ], [ -63.756, 2.403 ], [ -64.031, 2.509 ], [ -63.987, 2.772 ], [ -64.216, 3.153 ], [ -64.236, 3.476 ], [ -64.186, 3.634 ], [ -64.324, 3.797 ], [ -64.543, 3.882 ], [ -64.8, 4.224 ], [ -64.79, 4.329 ], [ -64.677, 4.297 ], [ -64.555, 4.153 ], [ -64.135, 4.176 ], [ -63.967, 3.93 ], [ -63.806, 4.019 ], [ -63.623, 4.01 ], [ -63.455, 3.91 ], [ -63.411, 4.026 ], [ -63.358, 4.04 ], [ -63.203, 3.952 ], [ -63.189, 3.872 ], [ -62.86, 3.584 ], [ -62.749, 3.642 ], [ -62.705, 3.724 ], [ -62.752, 4.012 ], [ -62.635, 4.056 ], [ -62.557, 4.02 ], [ -62.46, 4.173 ], [ -62.129, 4.084 ], [ -61.961, 4.18 ], [ -61.927, 4.106 ], [ -61.723, 4.262 ], [ -61.528, 4.273 ], [ -61.507, 4.398 ], [ -61.274, 4.471 ], [ -61.293, 4.55 ], [ -61.141, 4.508 ], [ -60.952, 4.549 ], [ -60.907, 4.708 ], [ -60.731, 4.777 ], [ -60.59, 4.951 ], [ -60.744, 5.209 ], [ -60.438, 5.177 ], [ -60.203, 5.265 ], [ -60.176, 5.227 ], [ -60.121, 5.243 ], [ -60.085, 5.149 ], [ -59.969, 5.073 ], [ -60.03, 4.704 ], [ -60.163, 4.521 ], [ -59.927, 4.509 ], [ -59.674, 4.382 ], [ -59.726, 4.191 ], [ -59.628, 4.138 ], [ -59.655, 4.078 ], [ -59.516, 3.94 ], [ -59.581, 3.901 ], [ -59.594, 3.796 ], [ -59.666, 3.777 ], [ -59.664, 3.703 ], [ -59.849, 3.601 ], [ -59.799, 3.355 ], [ -59.909, 3.197 ], [ -59.982, 2.929 ], [ -59.99, 2.683 ], [ -59.903, 2.479 ], [ -59.91, 2.388 ], [ -59.724, 2.277 ], [ -59.754, 1.861 ], [ -59.654, 1.849 ], [ -59.669, 1.764 ], [ -59.549, 1.729 ], [ -59.253, 1.397 ], [ -58.914, 1.299 ], [ -58.904, 1.234 ], [ -58.804, 1.175 ], [ -58.696, 1.288 ], [ -58.507, 1.264 ], [ -58.468, 1.318 ], [ -58.498, 1.458 ], [ -58.382, 1.471 ], [ -58.325, 1.59 ], [ -58.167, 1.558 ], [ -58.13, 1.501 ], [ -58.009, 1.501 ], [ -58, 1.665 ], [ -57.919, 1.645 ], [ -57.77, 1.718 ], [ -57.545, 1.701 ], [ -57.434, 1.895 ], [ -57.302, 1.99 ], [ -57.247, 1.944 ], [ -57.085, 2.021 ], [ -57.012, 1.918 ], [ -56.8, 1.864 ], [ -56.724, 1.92 ], [ -56.454, 1.945 ], [ -55.957, 1.844 ], [ -55.906, 1.889 ], [ -55.913, 2.041 ], [ -56.048, 2.226 ], [ -56.134, 2.263 ], [ -56.09, 2.352 ], [ -55.995, 2.405 ], [ -55.987, 2.517 ], [ -55.948, 2.532 ], [ -55.739, 2.401 ], [ -55.481, 2.443 ], [ -55.37, 2.407 ], [ -55.336, 2.516 ], [ -55.239, 2.495 ], [ -55.137, 2.575 ], [ -55.103, 2.522 ], [ -54.94, 2.632 ], [ -54.969, 2.555 ], [ -54.864, 2.439 ], [ -54.72, 2.469 ], [ -54.702, 2.336 ], [ -54.549, 2.336 ], [ -54.534, 2.268 ], [ -54.314, 2.158 ], [ -54.189, 2.179 ], [ -54.111, 2.127 ], [ -54.078, 2.197 ], [ -53.784, 2.364 ], [ -53.694, 2.287 ], [ -53.472, 2.332 ], [ -53.397, 2.272 ], [ -53.273, 2.292 ], [ -53.188, 2.223 ], [ -52.905, 2.19 ], [ -52.853, 2.285 ], [ -52.673, 2.374 ], [ -52.555, 2.523 ], [ -52.556, 2.646 ], [ -52.382, 2.912 ], [ -52.347, 3.134 ], [ -52.192, 3.296 ], [ -51.92, 3.781 ], [ -51.795, 3.89 ], [ -51.754, 3.996 ], [ -51.658, 4.049 ], [ -51.585, 4.241 ], [ -51.529, 4.171 ], [ -51.545, 4.397 ], [ -51.202, 4.084 ], [ -51.173, 3.767 ], [ -51.127, 3.911 ], [ -51.085, 3.895 ], [ -51.051, 3.283 ], [ -50.913, 2.875 ], [ -50.927, 2.807 ], [ -50.816, 2.644 ], [ -50.851, 2.482 ], [ -50.802, 2.508 ], [ -50.736, 2.414 ], [ -50.765, 2.359 ], [ -50.694, 2.276 ], [ -50.725, 2.252 ], [ -50.675, 2.247 ], [ -50.682, 2.137 ], [ -50.584, 2.091 ], [ -50.586, 2.014 ], [ -50.471, 1.82 ], [ -50.194, 1.794 ], [ -49.954, 1.676 ], [ -49.88, 1.419 ], [ -49.918, 1.289 ], [ -50.073, 1.204 ], [ -49.918, 1.232 ], [ -49.939, 1.103 ], [ -50.003, 1.066 ], [ -50.033, 1.107 ], [ -50.131, 0.949 ], [ -50.274, 0.866 ], [ -50.338, 0.729 ], [ -50.417, 0.685 ], [ -50.455, 0.732 ], [ -50.428, 0.679 ], [ -50.571, 0.424 ], [ -50.691, 0.3 ], [ -50.677, 0.365 ], [ -50.746, 0.227 ], [ -50.801, 0.224 ], [ -50.785, 0.183 ], [ -50.908, 0.171 ], [ -51.087, -0.043 ], [ -51.203, -0.055 ], [ -51.419, -0.412 ], [ -51.409, -0.44 ], [ -51.325, -0.364 ], [ -51.188, -0.14 ], [ -51.111, -0.154 ], [ -51.154, -0.284 ], [ -51.396, -0.493 ], [ -51.243, -0.443 ], [ -51.26, -0.5 ], [ -51.165, -0.431 ], [ -50.953, -0.061 ], [ -50.824, -0.048 ], [ -50.705, 0.002 ], [ -50.613, -0.088 ], [ -50.744, -0.244 ], [ -50.751, -0.429 ], [ -50.845, -0.526 ], [ -50.988, -0.583 ], [ -51.051, -0.682 ], [ -50.826, -0.555 ], [ -50.794, -0.666 ], [ -50.733, -0.557 ], [ -50.684, -0.604 ], [ -50.724, -0.493 ], [ -50.652, -0.276 ], [ -50.409, -0.094 ], [ -49.631, -0.247 ], [ -49.446, -0.23 ], [ -49.289, -0.145 ], [ -49.018, -0.16 ], [ -49, -0.139 ], [ -48.895, -0.224 ], [ -48.539, -0.234 ], [ -48.363, -0.303 ], [ -48.459, -0.513 ], [ -48.522, -0.877 ], [ -48.667, -1.002 ], [ -48.621, -1.005 ], [ -48.65, -1.048 ], [ -48.617, -1.053 ], [ -48.721, -1.137 ], [ -48.837, -1.452 ], [ -49.161, -1.575 ], [ -49.182, -1.623 ], [ -49.362, -1.604 ], [ -49.364, -1.642 ], [ -49.448, -1.637 ], [ -49.5, -1.738 ], [ -49.61, -1.718 ], [ -49.676, -1.78 ], [ -49.696, -1.757 ], [ -49.714, -1.76 ], [ -49.803, -1.822 ], [ -50.035, -1.717 ], [ -50.179, -1.787 ], [ -50.256, -1.776 ], [ -50.415, -1.841 ], [ -50.401, -1.935 ], [ -49.994, -1.819 ], [ -49.844, -1.905 ], [ -49.765, -1.898 ], [ -49.616, -1.79 ], [ -49.276, -1.706 ], [ -49.267, -1.778 ], [ -49.387, -1.977 ], [ -49.383, -2.159 ], [ -48.973, -1.594 ], [ -48.897, -1.573 ], [ -48.955, -1.712 ], [ -48.932, -1.75 ], [ -48.898, -1.743 ], [ -48.656, -1.371 ], [ -48.592, -1.429 ], [ -48.601, -1.306 ], [ -48.524, -1.338 ], [ -48.537, -1.467 ], [ -48.496, -1.553 ], [ -48.491, -1.502 ], [ -48.46, -1.533 ], [ -48.374, -1.511 ], [ -48.319, -1.478 ], [ -48.505, -1.471 ], [ -48.422, -1.168 ], [ -48.475, -1.144 ], [ -48.4, -1.066 ], [ -48.278, -1.111 ], [ -48.304, -0.948 ], [ -48.055, -0.668 ], [ -48.001, -0.731 ], [ -47.893, -0.553 ], [ -47.843, -0.616 ], [ -47.807, -0.547 ], [ -47.702, -0.54 ], [ -47.707, -0.59 ], [ -47.667, -0.569 ], [ -47.633, -0.608 ], [ -47.651, -0.694 ], [ -47.608, -0.684 ], [ -47.577, -0.573 ], [ -47.476, -0.757 ], [ -47.398, -0.76 ], [ -47.428, -0.693 ], [ -47.464, -0.687 ], [ -47.466, -0.594 ], [ -47.399, -0.594 ], [ -47.4, -0.645 ], [ -47.298, -0.589 ], [ -47.253, -0.668 ], [ -47.247, -0.623 ], [ -47.206, -0.633 ], [ -47.23, -0.719 ], [ -47.158, -0.678 ], [ -47.191, -0.754 ], [ -47.146, -0.764 ], [ -47.16, -0.815 ], [ -47.081, -0.661 ], [ -47.055, -0.868 ], [ -47.027, -0.784 ], [ -46.983, -0.806 ], [ -47.016, -0.752 ], [ -46.967, -0.694 ], [ -46.969, -0.78 ], [ -46.891, -0.869 ], [ -46.89, -0.789 ], [ -46.846, -0.799 ], [ -46.82, -0.71 ], [ -46.802, -0.877 ], [ -46.777, -0.905 ], [ -46.75, -0.826 ], [ -46.709, -0.86 ], [ -46.734, -0.944 ], [ -46.687, -0.831 ], [ -46.653, -0.882 ], [ -46.621, -0.818 ], [ -46.601, -0.917 ], [ -46.676, -0.965 ], [ -46.622, -0.987 ], [ -46.57, -0.947 ], [ -46.609, -1.03 ], [ -46.57, -0.988 ], [ -46.525, -1.027 ], [ -46.465, -1.007 ], [ -46.47, -1.044 ], [ -46.395, -1.037 ], [ -46.413, -1.084 ], [ -46.348, -0.982 ], [ -46.36, -1.011 ], [ -46.366, -1.031 ], [ -46.348, -1.079 ], [ -46.339, -1.015 ], [ -46.299, -1.05 ], [ -46.212, -0.946 ], [ -46.242, -0.921 ], [ -46.179, -0.914 ], [ -46.224, -1.053 ], [ -46.206, -1.1 ], [ -46.158, -1.014 ], [ -46.138, -1.032 ], [ -46.193, -1.143 ], [ -46.104, -1.067 ], [ -46.062, -1.133 ], [ -46.15, -1.258 ], [ -45.982, -1.071 ], [ -45.953, -1.147 ], [ -46, -1.151 ], [ -46, -1.199 ], [ -45.95, -1.159 ], [ -45.95, -1.207 ], [ -46, -1.209 ], [ -45.95, -1.25 ], [ -45.902, -1.134 ], [ -45.923, -1.214 ], [ -45.882, -1.167 ], [ -45.873, -1.211 ], [ -45.909, -1.261 ], [ -45.859, -1.231 ], [ -45.891, -1.293 ], [ -45.807, -1.176 ], [ -45.843, -1.301 ], [ -45.809, -1.328 ], [ -45.831, -1.298 ], [ -45.782, -1.278 ], [ -45.726, -1.135 ], [ -45.69, -1.452 ], [ -45.697, -1.38 ], [ -45.632, -1.371 ], [ -45.618, -1.279 ], [ -45.589, -1.329 ], [ -45.537, -1.273 ], [ -45.561, -1.343 ], [ -45.51, -1.352 ], [ -45.567, -1.404 ], [ -45.546, -1.432 ], [ -45.413, -1.296 ], [ -45.489, -1.473 ], [ -45.511, -1.458 ], [ -45.554, -1.503 ], [ -45.507, -1.471 ], [ -45.518, -1.516 ], [ -45.481, -1.495 ], [ -45.463, -1.548 ], [ -45.457, -1.457 ], [ -45.391, -1.434 ], [ -45.363, -1.325 ], [ -45.323, -1.319 ], [ -45.302, -1.424 ], [ -45.392, -1.485 ], [ -45.398, -1.503 ], [ -45.356, -1.487 ], [ -45.392, -1.553 ], [ -45.338, -1.572 ], [ -45.371, -1.722 ], [ -45.338, -1.753 ], [ -45.197, -1.688 ], [ -45.261, -1.607 ], [ -45.16, -1.475 ], [ -45.136, -1.521 ], [ -45.072, -1.435 ], [ -45.07, -1.485 ], [ -44.999, -1.504 ], [ -45.018, -1.547 ], [ -44.969, -1.549 ], [ -45.029, -1.583 ], [ -45.029, -1.602 ], [ -44.979, -1.607 ], [ -44.954, -1.498 ], [ -44.862, -1.426 ], [ -44.857, -1.498 ], [ -44.954, -1.605 ], [ -44.918, -1.649 ], [ -44.968, -1.662 ], [ -44.913, -1.657 ], [ -44.927, -1.62 ], [ -44.886, -1.609 ], [ -44.837, -1.65 ], [ -44.822, -1.591 ], [ -44.826, -1.637 ], [ -44.805, -1.609 ], [ -44.812, -1.665 ], [ -44.779, -1.735 ], [ -44.711, -1.728 ], [ -44.82, -1.819 ], [ -44.738, -1.791 ], [ -44.706, -1.819 ], [ -44.676, -1.808 ], [ -44.661, -1.727 ], [ -44.604, -1.749 ], [ -44.667, -1.849 ], [ -44.601, -1.858 ], [ -44.583, -1.817 ], [ -44.586, -1.873 ], [ -44.543, -1.833 ], [ -44.601, -1.909 ], [ -44.517, -1.907 ], [ -44.484, -2.002 ], [ -44.613, -2.037 ], [ -44.467, -2.017 ], [ -44.626, -2.151 ], [ -44.589, -2.159 ], [ -44.641, -2.232 ], [ -44.708, -2.23 ], [ -44.684, -2.275 ], [ -44.764, -2.265 ], [ -44.654, -2.294 ], [ -44.681, -2.354 ], [ -44.649, -2.373 ], [ -44.666, -2.329 ], [ -44.479, -2.137 ], [ -44.358, -2.335 ], [ -44.401, -2.416 ], [ -44.514, -2.384 ], [ -44.55, -2.4 ], [ -44.491, -2.415 ], [ -44.514, -2.448 ], [ -44.505, -2.476 ], [ -44.665, -2.608 ], [ -44.548, -2.542 ], [ -44.658, -2.781 ], [ -44.688, -2.924 ], [ -44.677, -3.019 ], [ -44.66, -3.02 ], [ -44.657, -3.018 ] ], [ [ -43.318, -2.361 ], [ -43.317, -2.363 ], [ -43.296, -2.363 ], [ -43.318, -2.361 ] ], [ [ -42.438, -2.747 ], [ -42.442, -2.749 ], [ -42.438, -2.75 ], [ -42.438, -2.747 ] ], [ [ -42.442, -2.749 ], [ -42.47, -2.744 ], [ -42.447, -2.753 ], [ -42.442, -2.749 ] ], [ [ -50.851, 2.482 ], [ -50.853, 2.481 ], [ -50.853, 2.48 ], [ -50.851, 2.482 ] ], [ [ -50.853, 2.481 ], [ -50.86, 2.495 ], [ -50.86, 2.477 ], [ -50.853, 2.481 ] ], [ [ -49.976, 1.659 ], [ -49.98, 1.659 ], [ -50, 1.639 ], [ -49.976, 1.659 ] ], [ [ -45.392, -1.553 ], [ -45.393, -1.553 ], [ -45.394, -1.556 ], [ -45.392, -1.553 ] ], [ [ -45.394, -1.556 ], [ -45.406, -1.579 ], [ -45.403, -1.591 ], [ -45.394, -1.556 ] ], [ [ -44.837, -1.65 ], [ -44.834, -1.655 ], [ -44.833, -1.654 ], [ -44.837, -1.65 ] ], [ [ -44.834, -1.655 ], [ -44.841, -1.675 ], [ -44.822, -1.672 ], [ -44.834, -1.655 ] ], [ [ -44.779, -1.735 ], [ -44.777, -1.741 ], [ -44.776, -1.74 ], [ -44.779, -1.735 ] ], [ [ -44.777, -1.741 ], [ -44.833, -1.77 ], [ -44.774, -1.75 ], [ -44.777, -1.741 ] ], [ [ -44.547, -2.22 ], [ -44.536, -2.225 ], [ -44.543, -2.219 ], [ -44.547, -2.22 ] ], [ [ -44.536, -2.225 ], [ -44.507, -2.249 ], [ -44.512, -2.235 ], [ -44.536, -2.225 ] ], [ [ -44.507, -2.249 ], [ -44.504, -2.256 ], [ -44.501, -2.254 ], [ -44.507, -2.249 ] ], [ [ -44.504, -2.256 ], [ -44.514, -2.268 ], [ -44.502, -2.26 ], [ -44.504, -2.256 ] ] ], [ [ [ -29.34, -20.484 ], [ -29.301, -20.521 ], [ -29.341, -20.511 ], [ -29.34, -20.484 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.001, -13.94 ], [ -39.012, -13.915 ], [ -38.994, -13.896 ], [ -39.001, -13.94 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.043, -13.909 ], [ -39.059, -13.904 ], [ -39.054, -13.886 ], [ -39.028, -13.903 ], [ -39.043, -13.909 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.251, -18.015 ], [ -39.283, -18.005 ], [ -39.272, -17.982 ], [ -39.245, -18.006 ], [ -39.251, -18.015 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.131, -17.927 ], [ -39.154, -17.921 ], [ -39.137, -17.91 ], [ -39.131, -17.927 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.212, -17.986 ], [ -39.228, -17.979 ], [ -39.215, -17.944 ], [ -39.202, -17.95 ], [ -39.212, -17.986 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.341, -23.231 ], [ -44.372, -23.174 ], [ -44.232, -23.089 ], [ -44.087, -23.173 ], [ -44.3, -23.184 ], [ -44.341, -23.231 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.356, -23.073 ], [ -44.388, -23.048 ], [ -44.373, -23.033 ], [ -44.343, -23.041 ], [ -44.356, -23.073 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.929, -23.014 ], [ -43.936, -22.999 ], [ -43.916, -22.989 ], [ -43.929, -23.014 ] ] ], [ [ [ -42.002, -23.018 ], [ -42.015, -23.003 ], [ -41.98, -22.975 ], [ -41.975, -22.992 ], [ -42.002, -23.018 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.904, -22.962 ], [ -43.907, -22.936 ], [ -43.868, -22.926 ], [ -43.871, -22.95 ], [ -43.904, -22.962 ] ] ], [ [ [ -41.042, -21.613 ], [ -41.042, -21.6 ], [ -41.019, -21.606 ], [ -41.042, -21.613 ] ] ], [ [ [ -52.112, -32 ], [ -52.18, -32.035 ], [ -52.216, -32.025 ], [ -52.198, -31.978 ], [ -52.112, -32 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.641, -30.388 ], [ -50.629, -30.394 ], [ -50.624, -30.329 ], [ -50.592, -30.399 ], [ -50.609, -30.406 ], [ -50.641, -30.388 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.526, -27.462 ], [ -48.416, -27.38 ], [ -48.358, -27.446 ], [ -48.503, -27.799 ], [ -48.559, -27.842 ], [ -48.526, -27.462 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.354, -27.296 ], [ -48.376, -27.285 ], [ -48.373, -27.271 ], [ -48.36, -27.27 ], [ -48.354, -27.296 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.731, -26.314 ], [ -48.754, -26.297 ], [ -48.735, -26.282 ], [ -48.731, -26.314 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.318, -25.584 ], [ -48.309, -25.546 ], [ -48.381, -25.504 ], [ -48.312, -25.509 ], [ -48.292, -25.545 ], [ -48.318, -25.584 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.414, -25.544 ], [ -48.459, -25.514 ], [ -48.415, -25.527 ], [ -48.414, -25.544 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.424, -25.551 ], [ -48.479, -25.523 ], [ -48.485, -25.502 ], [ -48.424, -25.551 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.298, -25.493 ], [ -48.341, -25.416 ], [ -48.252, -25.341 ], [ -48.265, -25.44 ], [ -48.253, -25.466 ], [ -48.298, -25.493 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.417, -25.386 ], [ -48.424, -25.343 ], [ -48.405, -25.33 ], [ -48.417, -25.386 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.695, -24.112 ], [ -45.688, -24.088 ], [ -45.679, -24.098 ], [ -45.695, -24.112 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.251, -23.962 ], [ -45.301, -23.909 ], [ -45.453, -23.91 ], [ -45.332, -23.721 ], [ -45.227, -23.774 ], [ -45.224, -23.835 ], [ -45.283, -23.857 ], [ -45.221, -23.899 ], [ -45.251, -23.962 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.141, -23.817 ], [ -45.146, -23.791 ], [ -45.114, -23.801 ], [ -45.141, -23.817 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.153, -23.573 ], [ -45.153, -23.558 ], [ -45.141, -23.568 ], [ -45.153, -23.573 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.073, -23.564 ], [ -45.079, -23.525 ], [ -45.036, -23.531 ], [ -45.073, -23.564 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.608, -23.228 ], [ -44.59, -23.208 ], [ -44.577, -23.216 ], [ -44.608, -23.228 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.648, -12.821 ], [ -38.666, -12.777 ], [ -38.624, -12.762 ], [ -38.648, -12.821 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.529, -12.811 ], [ -38.544, -12.757 ], [ -38.532, -12.74 ], [ -38.508, -12.792 ], [ -38.529, -12.811 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.622, -12.752 ], [ -38.622, -12.727 ], [ -38.593, -12.733 ], [ -38.622, -12.752 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.646, -12.683 ], [ -38.648, -12.65 ], [ -38.636, -12.661 ], [ -38.646, -12.683 ] ] ], [ [ [ -32.402, -3.838 ], [ -32.428, -3.877 ], [ -32.483, -3.878 ], [ -32.402, -3.838 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.667, -3.179 ], [ -44.668, -3.16 ], [ -44.643, -3.148 ], [ -44.644, -3.17 ], [ -44.667, -3.179 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.671, -2.943 ], [ -44.67, -2.92 ], [ -44.647, -2.915 ], [ -44.671, -2.943 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.493, -2.641 ], [ -44.48, -2.601 ], [ -44.477, -2.627 ], [ -44.493, -2.641 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.897, -2.573 ], [ -43.896, -2.554 ], [ -43.886, -2.565 ], [ -43.897, -2.573 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.599, -2.503 ], [ -43.577, -2.471 ], [ -43.572, -2.483 ], [ -43.599, -2.503 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.822, -2.526 ], [ -43.829, -2.509 ], [ -43.813, -2.458 ], [ -43.812, -2.553 ], [ -43.82, -2.528 ], [ -43.822, -2.526 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.821, -2.529 ], [ -43.856, -2.502 ], [ -43.832, -2.439 ], [ -43.842, -2.504 ], [ -43.821, -2.529 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.863, -2.56 ], [ -43.875, -2.552 ], [ -43.865, -2.534 ], [ -43.863, -2.56 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.519, -2.536 ], [ -44.529, -2.526 ], [ -44.501, -2.48 ], [ -44.505, -2.444 ], [ -44.455, -2.434 ], [ -44.519, -2.536 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.602, -3.007 ], [ -44.657, -2.972 ], [ -44.613, -2.894 ], [ -44.575, -2.921 ], [ -44.602, -3.007 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.585, -2.978 ], [ -44.563, -2.914 ], [ -44.586, -2.826 ], [ -44.494, -2.705 ], [ -44.494, -2.953 ], [ -44.582, -3.041 ], [ -44.585, -2.978 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.826, -2.434 ], [ -43.842, -2.403 ], [ -43.811, -2.385 ], [ -43.807, -2.412 ], [ -43.826, -2.434 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.581, -2.441 ], [ -43.615, -2.389 ], [ -43.549, -2.377 ], [ -43.545, -2.403 ], [ -43.581, -2.441 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.791, -2.47 ], [ -43.806, -2.443 ], [ -43.78, -2.422 ], [ -43.759, -2.448 ], [ -43.791, -2.47 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.513, -2.424 ], [ -43.537, -2.416 ], [ -43.522, -2.39 ], [ -43.505, -2.414 ], [ -43.513, -2.424 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.792, -2.405 ], [ -43.798, -2.377 ], [ -43.771, -2.37 ], [ -43.792, -2.405 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.689, -2.355 ], [ -43.743, -2.352 ], [ -43.724, -2.305 ], [ -43.617, -2.253 ], [ -43.612, -2.275 ], [ -43.669, -2.301 ], [ -43.689, -2.355 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.73, -2.425 ], [ -43.732, -2.364 ], [ -43.67, -2.377 ], [ -43.681, -2.34 ], [ -43.63, -2.324 ], [ -43.643, -2.394 ], [ -43.73, -2.425 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.473, -2.125 ], [ -44.487, -2.113 ], [ -44.475, -2.096 ], [ -44.463, -2.104 ], [ -44.473, -2.125 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.456, -2.031 ], [ -44.447, -2.008 ], [ -44.439, -2.022 ], [ -44.456, -2.031 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.311, -1.964 ], [ -49.336, -1.996 ], [ -49.309, -1.943 ], [ -49.311, -1.964 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.323, -2.054 ], [ -49.329, -2.019 ], [ -49.316, -2.001 ], [ -49.323, -2.054 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.231, -1.829 ], [ -50.246, -1.824 ], [ -50.229, -1.816 ], [ -50.231, -1.829 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.615, -1.821 ], [ -44.622, -1.797 ], [ -44.597, -1.774 ], [ -44.583, -1.789 ], [ -44.615, -1.821 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.7, -1.811 ], [ -44.703, -1.78 ], [ -44.673, -1.78 ], [ -44.7, -1.811 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.691, -1.793 ], [ -49.721, -1.789 ], [ -49.719, -1.771 ], [ -49.697, -1.766 ], [ -49.691, -1.793 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.924, -1.711 ], [ -48.909, -1.713 ], [ -48.916, -1.734 ], [ -48.935, -1.713 ], [ -48.924, -1.711 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.757, -1.707 ], [ -44.767, -1.694 ], [ -44.736, -1.701 ], [ -44.757, -1.707 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.433, -1.684 ], [ -49.454, -1.706 ], [ -49.46, -1.684 ], [ -49.433, -1.684 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.357, -1.008 ], [ -46.342, -0.994 ], [ -46.353, -1.026 ], [ -46.357, -1.008 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.205, -1.021 ], [ -46.194, -1.014 ], [ -46.202, -1.032 ], [ -46.205, -1.021 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.662, -3.018 ], [ -44.673, -3.012 ], [ -44.664, -3.001 ], [ -44.649, -3.013 ], [ -44.662, -3.018 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.736, -1.683 ], [ -44.745, -1.677 ], [ -44.732, -1.668 ], [ -44.736, -1.683 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.231, -1.638 ], [ -49.237, -1.627 ], [ -49.217, -1.633 ], [ -49.231, -1.638 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.38, -1.685 ], [ -49.4, -1.682 ], [ -49.368, -1.669 ], [ -49.38, -1.685 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.426, -1.673 ], [ -49.429, -1.661 ], [ -49.406, -1.66 ], [ -49.426, -1.673 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.34, -1.672 ], [ -49.358, -1.662 ], [ -49.325, -1.647 ], [ -49.34, -1.672 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.289, -1.726 ], [ -45.305, -1.663 ], [ -45.257, -1.641 ], [ -45.244, -1.678 ], [ -45.28, -1.694 ], [ -45.289, -1.726 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.328, -1.743 ], [ -45.346, -1.719 ], [ -45.301, -1.596 ], [ -45.274, -1.635 ], [ -45.313, -1.654 ], [ -45.328, -1.743 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.886, -1.578 ], [ -48.89, -1.56 ], [ -48.859, -1.536 ], [ -48.856, -1.553 ], [ -48.886, -1.578 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.783, -1.682 ], [ -44.8, -1.595 ], [ -44.775, -1.62 ], [ -44.721, -1.567 ], [ -44.704, -1.611 ], [ -44.684, -1.575 ], [ -44.668, -1.669 ], [ -44.693, -1.638 ], [ -44.783, -1.682 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.816, -1.569 ], [ -44.837, -1.534 ], [ -44.787, -1.488 ], [ -44.825, -1.534 ], [ -44.816, -1.569 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.462, -1.517 ], [ -48.478, -1.499 ], [ -48.421, -1.503 ], [ -48.462, -1.517 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.793, -1.531 ], [ -44.774, -1.47 ], [ -44.763, -1.513 ], [ -44.793, -1.531 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.414, -1.427 ], [ -45.423, -1.416 ], [ -45.409, -1.405 ], [ -45.414, -1.427 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45, -1.296 ], [ -44.922, -1.265 ], [ -44.877, -1.309 ], [ -44.895, -1.34 ], [ -44.922, -1.305 ], [ -44.907, -1.341 ], [ -44.999, -1.405 ], [ -45.033, -1.339 ], [ -45, -1.32 ], [ -44.995, -1.36 ], [ -45, -1.296 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.044, -1.402 ], [ -45.07, -1.33 ], [ -45.052, -1.342 ], [ -45.044, -1.402 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.333, -1.569 ], [ -45.371, -1.544 ], [ -45.347, -1.489 ], [ -45.313, -1.506 ], [ -45.333, -1.569 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.969, -1.522 ], [ -44.976, -1.493 ], [ -44.959, -1.483 ], [ -44.969, -1.522 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.393, -1.512 ], [ -48.371, -1.476 ], [ -48.341, -1.483 ], [ -48.393, -1.512 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.413, -1.498 ], [ -48.426, -1.491 ], [ -48.387, -1.476 ], [ -48.413, -1.498 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.118, -1.47 ], [ -45.132, -1.462 ], [ -45.115, -1.364 ], [ -45.103, -1.373 ], [ -45.118, -1.47 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.593, -1.251 ], [ -45.581, -1.19 ], [ -45.536, -1.205 ], [ -45.532, -1.231 ], [ -45.593, -1.251 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.559, -1.243 ], [ -48.56, -1.202 ], [ -48.523, -1.199 ], [ -48.559, -1.243 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.817, -1.163 ], [ -45.829, -1.141 ], [ -45.804, -1.127 ], [ -45.817, -1.163 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.877, -1.154 ], [ -45.9, -1.117 ], [ -45.883, -1.073 ], [ -45.849, -1.123 ], [ -45.877, -1.154 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.192, -1.05 ], [ -46.201, -1.041 ], [ -46.185, -1.027 ], [ -46.192, -1.05 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.291, -1.01 ], [ -46.307, -0.992 ], [ -46.306, -0.961 ], [ -46.291, -1.01 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.078, -1.095 ], [ -46.065, -1.05 ], [ -46.061, -1.074 ], [ -46.078, -1.095 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.68, -1.295 ], [ -45.687, -1.275 ], [ -45.667, -1.26 ], [ -45.654, -1.285 ], [ -45.68, -1.295 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.538, -1.282 ], [ -48.549, -1.262 ], [ -48.53, -1.25 ], [ -48.538, -1.282 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.51, -1.27 ], [ -48.522, -1.247 ], [ -48.506, -1.236 ], [ -48.51, -1.27 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.694, -1.37 ], [ -45.646, -1.289 ], [ -45.625, -1.126 ], [ -45.634, -1.349 ], [ -45.694, -1.37 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.688, -1.266 ], [ -45.708, -1.228 ], [ -45.685, -1.194 ], [ -45.664, -1.231 ], [ -45.688, -1.266 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.425, -0.914 ], [ -46.454, -0.907 ], [ -46.408, -0.868 ], [ -46.395, -0.899 ], [ -46.425, -0.914 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.72, -0.848 ], [ -46.735, -0.832 ], [ -46.729, -0.796 ], [ -46.72, -0.848 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.611, -0.799 ], [ -46.622, -0.784 ], [ -46.601, -0.789 ], [ -46.611, -0.799 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.586, -0.849 ], [ -46.621, -0.807 ], [ -46.589, -0.815 ], [ -46.586, -0.849 ] ] ], [ [ [ -47.447, -0.748 ], [ -47.453, -0.732 ], [ -47.436, -0.717 ], [ -47.428, -0.738 ], [ -47.447, -0.748 ] ] ], [ [ [ -47.461, -0.741 ], [ -47.463, -0.702 ], [ -47.445, -0.697 ], [ -47.461, -0.741 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.214, -0.411 ], [ -51.211, -0.386 ], [ -51.164, -0.347 ], [ -51.163, -0.383 ], [ -51.214, -0.411 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.352, -0.353 ], [ -51.346, -0.31 ], [ -51.317, -0.268 ], [ -51.327, -0.33 ], [ -51.352, -0.353 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.127, -0.268 ], [ -51.131, -0.237 ], [ -51.091, -0.208 ], [ -51.087, -0.229 ], [ -51.127, -0.268 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.888, -0.198 ], [ -48.91, -0.188 ], [ -48.893, -0.134 ], [ -48.847, -0.177 ], [ -48.888, -0.198 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.174, -0.091 ], [ -51.191, -0.064 ], [ -51.126, -0.057 ], [ -51.174, -0.091 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.114, -0.146 ], [ -49.097, -0.121 ], [ -49.08, -0.13 ], [ -49.114, -0.146 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.166, -0.142 ], [ -49.188, -0.115 ], [ -49.156, -0.128 ], [ -49.166, -0.142 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.119, -0.141 ], [ -49.143, -0.107 ], [ -49.114, -0.11 ], [ -49.119, -0.141 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.127, -0.128 ], [ -51.094, -0.103 ], [ -51.108, -0.127 ], [ -51.127, -0.128 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.414, -0.999 ], [ -46.384, -0.941 ], [ -46.367, -0.948 ], [ -46.414, -0.999 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.647, -0.97 ], [ -46.658, -0.968 ], [ -46.618, -0.957 ], [ -46.647, -0.97 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.488, -0.942 ], [ -46.465, -0.877 ], [ -46.464, -0.924 ], [ -46.44, -0.922 ], [ -46.482, -0.976 ], [ -46.441, -0.999 ], [ -46.525, -1.016 ], [ -46.527, -0.917 ], [ -46.509, -0.984 ], [ -46.488, -0.942 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.632, 0.159 ], [ -49.662, 0.184 ], [ -49.629, 0.202 ], [ -49.61, 0.181 ], [ -49.632, 0.159 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.641, 0.26 ], [ -50.63, 0.293 ], [ -50.586, 0.308 ], [ -50.641, 0.26 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.2, 0.255 ], [ -50.243, 0.248 ], [ -50.147, 0.337 ], [ -50.059, 0.346 ], [ -50.2, 0.255 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.417, 0.159 ], [ -50.535, 0.234 ], [ -50.36, 0.615 ], [ -50.328, 0.383 ], [ -50.285, 0.3 ], [ -50.413, 0.237 ], [ -50.417, 0.159 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.279, 0.338 ], [ -50.271, 0.599 ], [ -50.147, 0.608 ], [ -50.142, 0.576 ], [ -50.107, 0.636 ], [ -50.063, 0.623 ], [ -50.05, 0.518 ], [ -50.279, 0.338 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50, 0.943 ], [ -50.113, 0.907 ], [ -50.018, 1.034 ], [ -49.935, 1.069 ], [ -49.939, 0.996 ], [ -50, 0.943 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.881, 1.227 ], [ -49.909, 1.246 ], [ -49.886, 1.244 ], [ -49.881, 1.227 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.907, 1.278 ], [ -49.885, 1.291 ], [ -49.863, 1.278 ], [ -49.876, 1.252 ], [ -49.907, 1.278 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.204, 1.851 ], [ -50.232, 1.879 ], [ -50.22, 1.915 ], [ -50.169, 1.865 ], [ -50.204, 1.851 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.468, 1.954 ], [ -50.521, 2.026 ], [ -50.497, 2.139 ], [ -50.398, 2.167 ], [ -50.367, 2.19 ], [ -50.276, 1.939 ], [ -50.423, 1.849 ], [ -50.468, 1.954 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.504, 2.255 ], [ -50.414, 2.244 ], [ -50.382, 2.204 ], [ -50.489, 2.15 ], [ -50.564, 2.205 ], [ -50.504, 2.255 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.229, 0.832 ], [ -50.098, 0.839 ], [ -50.027, 0.898 ], [ -50.105, 0.757 ], [ -50.162, 0.775 ], [ -50.249, 0.72 ], [ -50.229, 0.832 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.131, 0.844 ], [ -50.162, 0.867 ], [ -50.132, 0.9 ], [ -50.119, 0.854 ], [ -50.131, 0.844 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.108, 0.85 ], [ -50.111, 0.891 ], [ -50.049, 0.886 ], [ -50.108, 0.85 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.216, -0.055 ], [ -50.235, -0.042 ], [ -50.219, -0.04 ], [ -50.216, -0.055 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.916, -0.052 ], [ -50.926, -0.047 ], [ -50.907, -0.043 ], [ -50.916, -0.052 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.605, -0.061 ], [ -50.618, -0.022 ], [ -50.559, -0.038 ], [ -50.605, -0.061 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.399, -0.061 ], [ -50.44, -0.057 ], [ -50.378, -0.015 ], [ -50.357, -0.049 ], [ -50.399, -0.061 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.75, 0 ], [ -49.609, 0.08 ], [ -49.474, 0.081 ], [ -49.338, -0.017 ], [ -49.487, -0.136 ], [ -49.723, -0.147 ], [ -49.835, -0.088 ], [ -49.75, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.023, -0.019 ], [ -49.039, -0.011 ], [ -49.02, -0.006 ], [ -49.023, -0.019 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.932, 0.052 ], [ -50.918, 0.084 ], [ -50.884, 0.078 ], [ -50.899, 0.057 ], [ -50.932, 0.052 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.928, 0 ], [ -50.786, 0.05 ], [ -50.717, 0.028 ], [ -50.94, -0.041 ], [ -50.928, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.691, 0.025 ], [ -50.655, 0.015 ], [ -50.703, 0.021 ], [ -50.691, 0.025 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.629, -0.043 ], [ -50.642, -0.016 ], [ -50.622, -0.026 ], [ -50.629, -0.043 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.642, 0 ], [ -50.611, 0.007 ], [ -50.595, -0.019 ], [ -50.642, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.536, 0 ], [ -50.653, 0.126 ], [ -50.59, 0.203 ], [ -50.434, 0.126 ], [ -50.436, 0 ], [ -50.536, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50, 0.311 ], [ -49.674, 0.368 ], [ -49.601, 0.283 ], [ -49.86, 0.008 ], [ -49.99, -0.048 ], [ -50.086, 0.034 ], [ -50.351, 0.044 ], [ -50.394, 0.222 ], [ -50.153, 0.227 ], [ -50, 0.311 ] ] ] ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "La costa de lo que hoy es territorio brasileño fue el primer punto al que llegaron los europeos en América del Sur. La primera expedición que exploró la región fue un desprendimiento de la flota portuguesa que Vasco da Gama (c. 1460-1524) llevaba hacia oriente. Las naves dirigidas por Pedro Álvarez de Cabral (1467-1520) se alejaron excesivamente de la costa de África y terminaron en el extremo sur de actual territorio del Estado de Bahía, en que el permanecieron entre abril y mayo del año 1500. Los portuguese establecieron en la costa precarias feitorias para comerciar verzino o palo brasil con los nativos de las sociedades tupí y guaraní nativas. Recién en 1530 la corona brasileña tomaría acciones decididas para organizar la ocupación portuguesa y las actividades de explotación, cuando instaura el régimen de capitanías hereditarias que estructuraría el establecimiento colonial lusitano en brasil. Bibliografía: Johnson, H. B., \"Portuguese Settlement, 1500-1580\", en Bethell, Leslie (ed.), Colonial Brazil, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1987, pp. 1-38; Abulafia, David, El descubrimiento de la humanidad. Encuentros atlánticos en la era de Colón, Barcelona, Crítica, 2009 [2008]; Metcalf, Alida C., Go-Betweens and the Colonization of Brazil, 1500-1600, Austin, University of Texas Press, 2005; Vaz de Caminha, Pêro, Carta del descubrimiento del Brasil, Barcelona, Acantilado, 2009.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-12-03T14:17:24+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 15403, "end" : 15409 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Brasil" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/c837c590-1cf3-41b1-a026-97173adc6077", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://sws.geonames.org/3469034", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-12-03T14:17:24+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-12-03T14:17:24+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "MultiPolygon", "coordinates" : [ [ [ [ -44.657, -3.018 ], [ -44.608, -3.041 ], [ -44.72, -3.18 ], [ -44.793, -3.198 ], [ -44.779, -3.312 ], [ -44.736, -3.302 ], [ -44.763, -3.225 ], [ -44.653, -3.196 ], [ -44.431, -2.945 ], [ -44.367, -2.643 ], [ -44.362, -2.726 ], [ -44.355, -2.605 ], [ -44.378, -2.566 ], [ -44.345, -2.528 ], [ -44.29, -2.573 ], [ -44.306, -2.487 ], [ -44.02, -2.403 ], [ -44.03, -2.457 ], [ -44.108, -2.468 ], [ -44.035, -2.518 ], [ -44.131, -2.596 ], [ -44.147, -2.681 ], [ -44.219, -2.67 ], [ -44.209, -2.716 ], [ -44.345, -2.791 ], [ -44.347, -2.838 ], [ -44.315, -2.788 ], [ -44.3, -2.843 ], [ -44.266, -2.777 ], [ -44.225, -2.806 ], [ -44.184, -2.766 ], [ -44.208, -2.857 ], [ -44.111, -2.749 ], [ -44.072, -2.811 ], [ -44.05, -2.685 ], [ -43.981, -2.619 ], [ -43.946, -2.641 ], [ -43.933, -2.553 ], [ -43.883, -2.649 ], [ -43.887, -2.578 ], [ -43.803, -2.56 ], [ -43.76, -2.513 ], [ -43.754, -2.556 ], [ -43.729, -2.481 ], [ -43.727, -2.569 ], [ -43.654, -2.556 ], [ -43.682, -2.534 ], [ -43.653, -2.488 ], [ -43.608, -2.593 ], [ -43.603, -2.518 ], [ -43.548, -2.528 ], [ -43.519, -2.445 ], [ -43.498, -2.55 ], [ -43.46, -2.507 ], [ -43.458, -2.596 ], [ -43.401, -2.552 ], [ -43.448, -2.538 ], [ -43.462, -2.427 ], [ -43.359, -2.44 ], [ -43.479, -2.376 ], [ -43.378, -2.329 ], [ -43.4, -2.353 ], [ -43.232, -2.362 ], [ -42.692, -2.596 ], [ -42.709, -2.56 ], [ -42.572, -2.68 ], [ -42.495, -2.689 ], [ -42.503, -2.727 ], [ -42.393, -2.751 ], [ -42.475, -2.706 ], [ -42.375, -2.717 ], [ -42.228, -2.818 ], [ -42.143, -2.808 ], [ -42.256, -2.735 ], [ -42.233, -2.674 ], [ -42.208, -2.712 ], [ -42.098, -2.768 ], [ -42.099, -2.809 ], [ -42.096, -2.747 ], [ -42.216, -2.687 ], [ -42.054, -2.691 ], [ -42.023, -2.775 ], [ -42.017, -2.718 ], [ -41.818, -2.723 ], [ -41.844, -2.773 ], [ -41.797, -2.751 ], [ -41.656, -2.884 ], [ -41.437, -2.939 ], [ -41.395, -2.906 ], [ -41.316, -2.943 ], [ -41.263, -2.887 ], [ -40.838, -2.895 ], [ -40.572, -2.844 ], [ -40.499, -2.787 ], [ -39.888, -2.886 ], [ -39.244, -3.229 ], [ -39.083, -3.394 ], [ -38.978, -3.407 ], [ -38.641, -3.687 ], [ -38.473, -3.7 ], [ -38.377, -3.866 ], [ -38.043, -4.214 ], [ -37.764, -4.399 ], [ -37.588, -4.624 ], [ -37.323, -4.698 ], [ -37.15, -4.943 ], [ -36.958, -4.919 ], [ -36.666, -5.108 ], [ -36.504, -5.061 ], [ -36.297, -5.106 ], [ -35.956, -5.045 ], [ -35.612, -5.11 ], [ -35.385, -5.255 ], [ -35.255, -5.483 ], [ -35.099, -6.169 ], [ -34.983, -6.396 ], [ -34.933, -6.753 ], [ -34.79, -7.159 ], [ -34.842, -7.564 ], [ -34.809, -7.622 ], [ -34.845, -7.69 ], [ -34.827, -8.004 ], [ -35.136, -8.895 ], [ -35.332, -9.237 ], [ -35.689, -9.668 ], [ -35.78, -9.706 ], [ -36.056, -10.083 ], [ -36.266, -10.256 ], [ -36.402, -10.506 ], [ -36.602, -10.567 ], [ -36.934, -10.826 ], [ -37.36, -11.428 ], [ -37.612, -11.979 ], [ -37.996, -12.578 ], [ -38.318, -12.934 ], [ -38.477, -13.022 ], [ -38.532, -13.017 ], [ -38.473, -12.913 ], [ -38.498, -12.722 ], [ -38.603, -12.728 ], [ -38.646, -12.622 ], [ -38.681, -12.661 ], [ -38.718, -12.627 ], [ -38.804, -12.835 ], [ -38.717, -12.873 ], [ -38.769, -12.995 ], [ -38.721, -13.021 ], [ -38.66, -12.963 ], [ -38.686, -12.878 ], [ -38.59, -12.972 ], [ -38.766, -13.129 ], [ -38.807, -13.1 ], [ -38.808, -13.154 ], [ -38.944, -13.243 ], [ -38.973, -13.391 ], [ -38.902, -13.384 ], [ -38.886, -13.45 ], [ -38.95, -13.577 ], [ -38.886, -13.659 ], [ -38.968, -13.67 ], [ -39.006, -13.891 ], [ -39.064, -13.865 ], [ -39.075, -13.887 ], [ -38.986, -13.998 ], [ -38.952, -13.986 ], [ -38.982, -13.912 ], [ -38.938, -13.886 ], [ -38.922, -13.92 ], [ -39.061, -14.716 ], [ -38.962, -15.585 ], [ -38.857, -15.86 ], [ -38.973, -16.211 ], [ -39.032, -16.26 ], [ -39.01, -16.369 ], [ -39.078, -16.454 ], [ -39.143, -16.762 ], [ -39.113, -16.896 ], [ -39.212, -17.155 ], [ -39.193, -17.602 ], [ -39.135, -17.691 ], [ -39.264, -17.869 ], [ -39.435, -17.943 ], [ -39.563, -18.091 ], [ -39.721, -18.493 ], [ -39.749, -18.81 ], [ -39.692, -19.353 ], [ -39.805, -19.65 ], [ -39.951, -19.717 ], [ -40.151, -19.956 ], [ -40.236, -20.285 ], [ -40.353, -20.32 ], [ -40.329, -20.236 ], [ -40.359, -20.291 ], [ -40.365, -20.317 ], [ -40.35, -20.328 ], [ -40.268, -20.327 ], [ -40.402, -20.606 ], [ -40.466, -20.624 ], [ -40.627, -20.845 ], [ -40.65, -20.813 ], [ -40.756, -20.866 ], [ -40.853, -21.133 ], [ -40.955, -21.251 ], [ -40.96, -21.364 ], [ -41.065, -21.495 ], [ -41.051, -21.608 ], [ -41.038, -21.622 ], [ -41.007, -21.618 ], [ -40.99, -22.014 ], [ -41.229, -22.151 ], [ -41.668, -22.294 ], [ -41.962, -22.538 ], [ -41.986, -22.713 ], [ -41.919, -22.774 ], [ -41.864, -22.759 ], [ -42.023, -22.896 ], [ -42.037, -22.94 ], [ -41.99, -22.964 ], [ -42.018, -22.998 ], [ -42.086, -22.957 ], [ -42.529, -22.934 ], [ -43.05, -22.982 ], [ -43.132, -22.941 ], [ -43.025, -22.741 ], [ -43.084, -22.68 ], [ -43.216, -22.725 ], [ -43.287, -22.806 ], [ -43.24, -22.847 ], [ -43.249, -22.797 ], [ -43.156, -22.784 ], [ -43.247, -22.882 ], [ -43.164, -22.899 ], [ -43.187, -22.995 ], [ -43.344, -22.983 ], [ -43.303, -23.02 ], [ -43.549, -23.081 ], [ -44.001, -23.1 ], [ -43.961, -23.042 ], [ -43.877, -23.067 ], [ -43.909, -23.02 ], [ -43.807, -23.063 ], [ -43.555, -23.055 ], [ -43.84, -22.906 ], [ -43.985, -22.937 ], [ -44.034, -23.014 ], [ -44.044, -22.923 ], [ -44.107, -23.03 ], [ -44.234, -23.06 ], [ -44.238, -23.004 ], [ -44.358, -23.02 ], [ -44.296, -22.961 ], [ -44.321, -22.927 ], [ -44.378, -22.972 ], [ -44.407, -22.945 ], [ -44.443, -23.035 ], [ -44.669, -23.06 ], [ -44.712, -23.19 ], [ -44.701, -23.237 ], [ -44.645, -23.191 ], [ -44.612, -23.206 ], [ -44.685, -23.256 ], [ -44.611, -23.238 ], [ -44.652, -23.302 ], [ -44.558, -23.232 ], [ -44.577, -23.275 ], [ -44.498, -23.302 ], [ -44.583, -23.367 ], [ -44.669, -23.341 ], [ -44.84, -23.395 ], [ -44.905, -23.339 ], [ -45.05, -23.418 ], [ -45.016, -23.461 ], [ -45.079, -23.519 ], [ -45.165, -23.495 ], [ -45.159, -23.541 ], [ -45.228, -23.547 ], [ -45.211, -23.582 ], [ -45.41, -23.632 ], [ -45.412, -23.825 ], [ -45.934, -23.771 ], [ -46.124, -23.842 ], [ -46.2, -24.002 ], [ -46.288, -24.044 ], [ -46.321, -24 ], [ -46.458, -24.025 ], [ -46.937, -24.281 ], [ -47.024, -24.382 ], [ -47.004, -24.412 ], [ -47.86, -24.996 ], [ -47.914, -25.061 ], [ -47.915, -25.16 ], [ -48.213, -25.47 ], [ -48.254, -25.435 ], [ -48.222, -25.342 ], [ -48.208, -25.353 ], [ -48.121, -25.267 ], [ -48.253, -25.328 ], [ -48.284, -25.294 ], [ -48.317, -25.363 ], [ -48.327, -25.232 ], [ -48.366, -25.317 ], [ -48.433, -25.237 ], [ -48.428, -25.324 ], [ -48.5, -25.335 ], [ -48.427, -25.39 ], [ -48.449, -25.379 ], [ -48.468, -25.388 ], [ -48.467, -25.432 ], [ -48.449, -25.384 ], [ -48.414, -25.428 ], [ -48.476, -25.485 ], [ -48.637, -25.468 ], [ -48.661, -25.398 ], [ -48.671, -25.435 ], [ -48.739, -25.374 ], [ -48.68, -25.465 ], [ -48.687, -25.499 ], [ -48.737, -25.483 ], [ -48.703, -25.504 ], [ -48.617, -25.536 ], [ -48.512, -25.505 ], [ -48.482, -25.591 ], [ -48.46, -25.552 ], [ -48.35, -25.581 ], [ -48.565, -25.868 ], [ -48.614, -26.06 ], [ -48.586, -26.172 ], [ -48.714, -26.243 ], [ -48.795, -26.073 ], [ -48.837, -26.157 ], [ -48.798, -26.142 ], [ -48.763, -26.199 ], [ -48.805, -26.228 ], [ -48.769, -26.223 ], [ -48.761, -26.286 ], [ -48.803, -26.303 ], [ -48.723, -26.362 ], [ -48.635, -26.374 ], [ -48.714, -26.308 ], [ -48.554, -26.172 ], [ -48.493, -26.224 ], [ -48.695, -26.658 ], [ -48.665, -26.769 ], [ -48.583, -26.786 ], [ -48.655, -26.909 ], [ -48.62, -27.007 ], [ -48.574, -27.011 ], [ -48.607, -27.122 ], [ -48.554, -27.152 ], [ -48.51, -27.108 ], [ -48.469, -27.148 ], [ -48.511, -27.183 ], [ -48.486, -27.218 ], [ -48.531, -27.18 ], [ -48.612, -27.243 ], [ -48.596, -27.318 ], [ -48.529, -27.334 ], [ -48.649, -27.486 ], [ -48.572, -27.592 ], [ -48.653, -27.648 ], [ -48.575, -27.888 ], [ -48.761, -28.535 ], [ -48.813, -28.605 ], [ -49.37, -28.92 ], [ -49.334, -28.921 ], [ -49.702, -29.308 ], [ -50.006, -29.749 ], [ -50.316, -30.472 ], [ -50.848, -31.205 ], [ -51.303, -31.613 ], [ -51.877, -31.952 ], [ -52.071, -32.188 ], [ -52.012, -31.946 ], [ -52.092, -31.837 ], [ -51.851, -31.865 ], [ -51.777, -31.805 ], [ -51.854, -31.797 ], [ -51.65, -31.759 ], [ -51.478, -31.562 ], [ -51.43, -31.622 ], [ -51.458, -31.548 ], [ -51.424, -31.478 ], [ -51.351, -31.529 ], [ -51.234, -31.458 ], [ -51.16, -31.31 ], [ -51.166, -31.063 ], [ -51.109, -31.097 ], [ -50.985, -31.042 ], [ -50.965, -30.893 ], [ -50.888, -30.893 ], [ -50.705, -30.756 ], [ -50.677, -30.61 ], [ -50.725, -30.371 ], [ -50.692, -30.355 ], [ -50.625, -30.409 ], [ -50.641, -30.459 ], [ -50.569, -30.471 ], [ -50.534, -30.278 ], [ -50.601, -30.194 ], [ -50.659, -30.201 ], [ -50.661, -30.293 ], [ -50.918, -30.333 ], [ -50.934, -30.42 ], [ -50.889, -30.439 ], [ -50.921, -30.44 ], [ -51.052, -30.395 ], [ -51.034, -30.276 ], [ -51.146, -30.267 ], [ -51.246, -30.188 ], [ -51.23, -30.043 ], [ -51.295, -30.007 ], [ -51.326, -30.23 ], [ -51.271, -30.25 ], [ -51.293, -30.295 ], [ -51.246, -30.33 ], [ -51.209, -30.3 ], [ -51.179, -30.383 ], [ -51.092, -30.367 ], [ -51.129, -30.436 ], [ -51.202, -30.413 ], [ -51.269, -30.489 ], [ -51.282, -30.811 ], [ -51.33, -30.777 ], [ -51.294, -30.758 ], [ -51.319, -30.64 ], [ -51.375, -30.635 ], [ -51.404, -30.769 ], [ -51.367, -30.874 ], [ -51.457, -30.874 ], [ -51.501, -30.935 ], [ -51.436, -31.088 ], [ -51.611, -31.138 ], [ -51.613, -31.272 ], [ -51.915, -31.313 ], [ -52.002, -31.449 ], [ -52.031, -31.693 ], [ -52.218, -31.747 ], [ -52.247, -31.871 ], [ -52.106, -31.952 ], [ -52.216, -31.963 ], [ -52.263, -32.062 ], [ -52.209, -32.045 ], [ -52.225, -32.096 ], [ -52.082, -32.033 ], [ -52.162, -32.128 ], [ -52.09, -32.069 ], [ -52.084, -32.186 ], [ -52.16, -32.201 ], [ -52.341, -32.43 ], [ -52.488, -32.844 ], [ -52.66, -33.165 ], [ -53.227, -33.658 ], [ -53.421, -33.741 ], [ -53.524, -33.689 ], [ -53.515, -33.163 ], [ -53.434, -33.054 ], [ -53.243, -32.936 ], [ -53.294, -32.911 ], [ -53.074, -32.746 ], [ -53.244, -32.605 ], [ -53.39, -32.583 ], [ -53.46, -32.48 ], [ -53.595, -32.432 ], [ -53.73, -32.157 ], [ -53.714, -32.104 ], [ -53.965, -31.919 ], [ -54.096, -31.906 ], [ -54.466, -31.666 ], [ -54.491, -31.54 ], [ -54.591, -31.448 ], [ -54.836, -31.446 ], [ -54.945, -31.392 ], [ -55.014, -31.285 ], [ -55.091, -31.326 ], [ -55.245, -31.257 ], [ -55.374, -31.038 ], [ -55.594, -30.848 ], [ -55.635, -30.857 ], [ -55.657, -30.956 ], [ -55.87, -31.08 ], [ -56.008, -31.063 ], [ -55.987, -30.86 ], [ -56.021, -30.784 ], [ -56.127, -30.739 ], [ -56.177, -30.614 ], [ -56.384, -30.495 ], [ -56.459, -30.387 ], [ -56.545, -30.364 ], [ -56.54, -30.312 ], [ -56.617, -30.303 ], [ -56.644, -30.205 ], [ -56.776, -30.166 ], [ -56.804, -30.107 ], [ -57.068, -30.088 ], [ -57.207, -30.281 ], [ -57.313, -30.26 ], [ -57.396, -30.303 ], [ -57.538, -30.275 ], [ -57.618, -30.179 ], [ -57.505, -30.143 ], [ -57.342, -30.001 ], [ -57.319, -29.87 ], [ -57.254, -29.794 ], [ -57.105, -29.752 ], [ -56.972, -29.639 ], [ -56.676, -29.321 ], [ -56.593, -29.123 ], [ -56.425, -29.073 ], [ -56.285, -28.794 ], [ -56.185, -28.771 ], [ -56.016, -28.611 ], [ -56.011, -28.509 ], [ -55.888, -28.479 ], [ -55.875, -28.362 ], [ -55.696, -28.425 ], [ -55.671, -28.333 ], [ -55.773, -28.247 ], [ -55.605, -28.123 ], [ -55.554, -28.164 ], [ -55.496, -28.081 ], [ -55.444, -28.097 ], [ -55.323, -27.928 ], [ -55.196, -27.863 ], [ -55.134, -27.895 ], [ -55.117, -27.853 ], [ -55.032, -27.854 ], [ -55.082, -27.789 ], [ -54.941, -27.775 ], [ -54.809, -27.536 ], [ -54.781, -27.586 ], [ -54.683, -27.576 ], [ -54.678, -27.514 ], [ -54.624, -27.55 ], [ -54.576, -27.458 ], [ -54.525, -27.507 ], [ -54.415, -27.412 ], [ -54.353, -27.468 ], [ -54.339, -27.406 ], [ -54.282, -27.447 ], [ -54.176, -27.261 ], [ -54.089, -27.303 ], [ -53.949, -27.158 ], [ -53.799, -27.147 ], [ -53.795, -27.048 ], [ -53.761, -27.068 ], [ -53.662, -26.869 ], [ -53.751, -26.745 ], [ -53.707, -26.563 ], [ -53.738, -26.548 ], [ -53.592, -26.265 ], [ -53.722, -26.13 ], [ -53.733, -26.047 ], [ -53.837, -25.969 ], [ -53.824, -25.793 ], [ -53.891, -25.625 ], [ -53.951, -25.644 ], [ -54.016, -25.569 ], [ -54.101, -25.625 ], [ -54.111, -25.504 ], [ -54.213, -25.554 ], [ -54.184, -25.591 ], [ -54.289, -25.562 ], [ -54.387, -25.608 ], [ -54.43, -25.706 ], [ -54.596, -25.595 ], [ -54.617, -25.459 ], [ -54.437, -25.157 ], [ -54.458, -25.031 ], [ -54.336, -24.649 ], [ -54.333, -24.493 ], [ -54.262, -24.376 ], [ -54.33, -24.225 ], [ -54.282, -24.075 ], [ -54.411, -23.929 ], [ -54.668, -23.815 ], [ -55.061, -23.991 ], [ -55.112, -23.963 ], [ -55.226, -24.013 ], [ -55.413, -23.961 ], [ -55.434, -23.714 ], [ -55.535, -23.614 ], [ -55.522, -23.197 ], [ -55.596, -23.141 ], [ -55.64, -22.994 ], [ -55.685, -22.992 ], [ -55.613, -22.659 ], [ -55.736, -22.532 ], [ -55.74, -22.396 ], [ -55.854, -22.281 ], [ -56.208, -22.281 ], [ -56.341, -22.206 ], [ -56.403, -22.078 ], [ -56.519, -22.103 ], [ -56.643, -22.261 ], [ -56.698, -22.216 ], [ -56.728, -22.26 ], [ -56.808, -22.25 ], [ -56.831, -22.3 ], [ -57.001, -22.225 ], [ -57.203, -22.21 ], [ -57.243, -22.244 ], [ -57.553, -22.181 ], [ -57.616, -22.096 ], [ -57.803, -22.148 ], [ -57.989, -22.085 ], [ -58.005, -22.032 ], [ -57.919, -21.881 ], [ -57.969, -21.844 ], [ -57.913, -21.793 ], [ -57.947, -21.747 ], [ -57.894, -21.687 ], [ -57.968, -21.528 ], [ -57.855, -21.339 ], [ -57.918, -21.278 ], [ -57.854, -21.226 ], [ -57.866, -21.041 ], [ -57.818, -20.976 ], [ -57.927, -20.897 ], [ -57.855, -20.835 ], [ -57.961, -20.784 ], [ -57.869, -20.736 ], [ -57.923, -20.666 ], [ -57.988, -20.696 ], [ -57.994, -20.448 ], [ -58.082, -20.372 ], [ -58.092, -20.257 ], [ -58.154, -20.264 ], [ -58.125, -20.188 ], [ -58.163, -20.162 ], [ -57.872, -19.979 ], [ -58.134, -19.761 ], [ -57.79, -19.051 ], [ -57.709, -19.034 ], [ -57.757, -18.858 ], [ -57.56, -18.263 ], [ -57.458, -18.228 ], [ -57.568, -18.136 ], [ -57.702, -17.86 ], [ -57.715, -17.735 ], [ -57.785, -17.645 ], [ -57.773, -17.553 ], [ -57.878, -17.463 ], [ -58.003, -17.52 ], [ -58.114, -17.456 ], [ -58.395, -17.197 ], [ -58.421, -16.99 ], [ -58.47, -16.939 ], [ -58.468, -16.702 ], [ -58.442, -16.613 ], [ -58.34, -16.542 ], [ -58.309, -16.27 ], [ -58.471, -16.325 ], [ -60.173, -16.265 ], [ -60.236, -15.476 ], [ -60.565, -15.105 ], [ -60.253, -15.101 ], [ -60.257, -14.624 ], [ -60.338, -14.555 ], [ -60.482, -14.181 ], [ -60.468, -14.092 ], [ -60.378, -13.992 ], [ -60.468, -13.886 ], [ -60.468, -13.801 ], [ -60.793, -13.686 ], [ -60.962, -13.539 ], [ -61.044, -13.541 ], [ -61.028, -13.477 ], [ -61.069, -13.463 ], [ -61.139, -13.521 ], [ -61.249, -13.525 ], [ -61.33, -13.473 ], [ -61.486, -13.554 ], [ -61.578, -13.494 ], [ -61.824, -13.539 ], [ -61.866, -13.443 ], [ -62.108, -13.257 ], [ -62.109, -13.149 ], [ -62.165, -13.112 ], [ -62.368, -13.145 ], [ -62.464, -13.07 ], [ -62.637, -13.041 ], [ -62.674, -12.965 ], [ -62.764, -13.023 ], [ -62.923, -12.854 ], [ -62.996, -12.85 ], [ -63.082, -12.653 ], [ -63.327, -12.705 ], [ -63.482, -12.557 ], [ -63.712, -12.458 ], [ -63.875, -12.469 ], [ -63.937, -12.557 ], [ -64.127, -12.494 ], [ -64.152, -12.529 ], [ -64.215, -12.476 ], [ -64.278, -12.511 ], [ -64.493, -12.366 ], [ -64.486, -12.23 ], [ -64.654, -12.186 ], [ -64.683, -12.099 ], [ -64.725, -12.162 ], [ -64.798, -12.035 ], [ -64.993, -11.999 ], [ -65.048, -11.757 ], [ -65.112, -11.741 ], [ -65.106, -11.697 ], [ -65.135, -11.777 ], [ -65.201, -11.745 ], [ -65.161, -11.622 ], [ -65.218, -11.521 ], [ -65.299, -11.5 ], [ -65.338, -11.392 ], [ -65.31, -11.341 ], [ -65.385, -11.269 ], [ -65.349, -11.239 ], [ -65.391, -11.167 ], [ -65.318, -11.105 ], [ -65.336, -11.044 ], [ -65.269, -10.901 ], [ -65.366, -10.798 ], [ -65.349, -10.671 ], [ -65.426, -10.638 ], [ -65.429, -10.473 ], [ -65.28, -10.218 ], [ -65.327, -9.938 ], [ -65.29, -9.851 ], [ -65.377, -9.698 ], [ -65.488, -9.718 ], [ -65.563, -9.834 ], [ -65.669, -9.779 ], [ -65.7, -9.803 ], [ -65.689, -9.749 ], [ -65.748, -9.77 ], [ -65.777, -9.727 ], [ -65.798, -9.786 ], [ -65.81, -9.75 ], [ -65.86, -9.794 ], [ -65.872, -9.757 ], [ -66.018, -9.807 ], [ -66.064, -9.772 ], [ -66.422, -9.895 ], [ -66.616, -9.893 ], [ -66.623, -9.935 ], [ -66.883, -10.081 ], [ -67.029, -10.254 ], [ -67.186, -10.339 ], [ -67.315, -10.316 ], [ -67.327, -10.374 ], [ -67.414, -10.372 ], [ -67.443, -10.45 ], [ -67.594, -10.523 ], [ -67.715, -10.707 ], [ -68.021, -10.661 ], [ -68.119, -10.726 ], [ -68.283, -10.987 ], [ -68.519, -11.048 ], [ -68.587, -11.11 ], [ -68.769, -11.139 ], [ -68.751, -11.007 ], [ -68.787, -10.99 ], [ -68.871, -11.023 ], [ -69.393, -10.929 ], [ -69.728, -10.973 ], [ -69.938, -10.926 ], [ -70.318, -11.066 ], [ -70.428, -11.033 ], [ -70.508, -10.94 ], [ -70.618, -11.007 ], [ -70.622, -9.847 ], [ -70.522, -9.738 ], [ -70.598, -9.574 ], [ -70.561, -9.579 ], [ -70.497, -9.433 ], [ -70.601, -9.453 ], [ -70.982, -9.812 ], [ -71.131, -9.862 ], [ -71.288, -9.996 ], [ -72.165, -10.002 ], [ -72.16, -9.818 ], [ -72.26, -9.755 ], [ -72.289, -9.536 ], [ -72.364, -9.491 ], [ -72.721, -9.417 ], [ -73.196, -9.418 ], [ -72.965, -9.154 ], [ -72.946, -8.99 ], [ -73.059, -8.904 ], [ -73.169, -8.701 ], [ -73.338, -8.609 ], [ -73.338, -8.476 ], [ -73.526, -8.369 ], [ -73.632, -8.022 ], [ -73.765, -7.94 ], [ -73.777, -7.869 ], [ -73.697, -7.865 ], [ -73.69, -7.79 ], [ -73.985, -7.543 ], [ -73.917, -7.461 ], [ -73.954, -7.348 ], [ -73.868, -7.377 ], [ -73.691, -7.313 ], [ -73.797, -7.115 ], [ -73.743, -6.897 ], [ -73.351, -6.561 ], [ -73.211, -6.53 ], [ -73.133, -6.421 ], [ -73.185, -6.04 ], [ -73.131, -5.986 ], [ -73.116, -5.865 ], [ -72.951, -5.643 ], [ -72.948, -5.454 ], [ -72.872, -5.25 ], [ -72.896, -5.136 ], [ -72.734, -5.043 ], [ -72.602, -5.056 ], [ -72.577, -4.992 ], [ -72.455, -4.962 ], [ -72.452, -4.906 ], [ -72.37, -4.88 ], [ -72.356, -4.803 ], [ -72.292, -4.799 ], [ -72.313, -4.769 ], [ -72.223, -4.78 ], [ -72.113, -4.722 ], [ -72.047, -4.625 ], [ -71.94, -4.607 ], [ -71.897, -4.512 ], [ -71.61, -4.465 ], [ -71.597, -4.525 ], [ -71.535, -4.46 ], [ -71.49, -4.479 ], [ -71.506, -4.435 ], [ -71.414, -4.432 ], [ -71.432, -4.469 ], [ -71.342, -4.423 ], [ -71.355, -4.468 ], [ -71.303, -4.458 ], [ -71.269, -4.381 ], [ -71.198, -4.377 ], [ -71.193, -4.42 ], [ -71.147, -4.375 ], [ -71.031, -4.397 ], [ -70.99, -4.34 ], [ -70.935, -4.381 ], [ -70.757, -4.152 ], [ -70.677, -4.2 ], [ -70.622, -4.121 ], [ -70.633, -4.173 ], [ -70.565, -4.168 ], [ -70.566, -4.205 ], [ -70.553, -4.128 ], [ -70.503, -4.19 ], [ -70.434, -4.125 ], [ -70.341, -4.174 ], [ -70.317, -4.136 ], [ -70.291, -4.283 ], [ -70.249, -4.267 ], [ -70.186, -4.357 ], [ -70.169, -4.27 ], [ -70.101, -4.255 ], [ -70.031, -4.339 ], [ -69.929, -4.213 ], [ -69.453, -1.478 ], [ -69.368, -1.334 ], [ -69.422, -0.998 ], [ -69.508, -0.936 ], [ -69.609, -0.755 ], [ -69.551, -0.648 ], [ -69.593, -0.517 ], [ -69.908, -0.316 ], [ -70.068, -0.135 ], [ -70.037, 0.553 ], [ -69.798, 0.585 ], [ -69.664, 0.672 ], [ -69.606, 0.623 ], [ -69.468, 0.734 ], [ -69.357, 0.621 ], [ -69.295, 0.648 ], [ -69.288, 0.609 ], [ -69.202, 0.602 ], [ -69.112, 0.643 ], [ -69.184, 0.73 ], [ -69.137, 0.868 ], [ -69.257, 1.026 ], [ -69.342, 1.064 ], [ -69.416, 1.024 ], [ -69.7, 1.056 ], [ -69.721, 1.097 ], [ -69.854, 1.07 ], [ -69.855, 1.715 ], [ -69.556, 1.775 ], [ -69.395, 1.726 ], [ -68.128, 1.73 ], [ -68.29, 1.841 ], [ -68.205, 2.038 ], [ -68.027, 1.784 ], [ -67.924, 1.751 ], [ -67.797, 1.812 ], [ -67.578, 2.076 ], [ -67.41, 2.141 ], [ -67.117, 1.732 ], [ -67.068, 1.532 ], [ -67.097, 1.17 ], [ -66.855, 1.228 ], [ -66.322, 0.738 ], [ -66.095, 0.754 ], [ -65.952, 0.81 ], [ -65.854, 0.939 ], [ -65.733, 1.005 ], [ -65.583, 1.008 ], [ -65.47, 0.877 ], [ -65.557, 0.705 ], [ -65.504, 0.627 ], [ -65.393, 0.699 ], [ -65.305, 0.916 ], [ -65.152, 0.943 ], [ -65.121, 1.115 ], [ -65.055, 1.144 ], [ -64.968, 1.112 ], [ -64.903, 1.249 ], [ -64.843, 1.237 ], [ -64.783, 1.313 ], [ -64.721, 1.25 ], [ -64.638, 1.286 ], [ -64.387, 1.527 ], [ -64.344, 1.528 ], [ -64.382, 1.419 ], [ -64.344, 1.38 ], [ -64.186, 1.494 ], [ -64.054, 1.708 ], [ -64.057, 1.933 ], [ -64.018, 1.967 ], [ -63.781, 1.989 ], [ -63.604, 2.124 ], [ -63.419, 2.154 ], [ -63.349, 2.281 ], [ -63.382, 2.442 ], [ -63.756, 2.403 ], [ -64.031, 2.509 ], [ -63.987, 2.772 ], [ -64.216, 3.153 ], [ -64.236, 3.476 ], [ -64.186, 3.634 ], [ -64.324, 3.797 ], [ -64.543, 3.882 ], [ -64.8, 4.224 ], [ -64.79, 4.329 ], [ -64.677, 4.297 ], [ -64.555, 4.153 ], [ -64.135, 4.176 ], [ -63.967, 3.93 ], [ -63.806, 4.019 ], [ -63.623, 4.01 ], [ -63.455, 3.91 ], [ -63.411, 4.026 ], [ -63.358, 4.04 ], [ -63.203, 3.952 ], [ -63.189, 3.872 ], [ -62.86, 3.584 ], [ -62.749, 3.642 ], [ -62.705, 3.724 ], [ -62.752, 4.012 ], [ -62.635, 4.056 ], [ -62.557, 4.02 ], [ -62.46, 4.173 ], [ -62.129, 4.084 ], [ -61.961, 4.18 ], [ -61.927, 4.106 ], [ -61.723, 4.262 ], [ -61.528, 4.273 ], [ -61.507, 4.398 ], [ -61.274, 4.471 ], [ -61.293, 4.55 ], [ -61.141, 4.508 ], [ -60.952, 4.549 ], [ -60.907, 4.708 ], [ -60.731, 4.777 ], [ -60.59, 4.951 ], [ -60.744, 5.209 ], [ -60.438, 5.177 ], [ -60.203, 5.265 ], [ -60.176, 5.227 ], [ -60.121, 5.243 ], [ -60.085, 5.149 ], [ -59.969, 5.073 ], [ -60.03, 4.704 ], [ -60.163, 4.521 ], [ -59.927, 4.509 ], [ -59.674, 4.382 ], [ -59.726, 4.191 ], [ -59.628, 4.138 ], [ -59.655, 4.078 ], [ -59.516, 3.94 ], [ -59.581, 3.901 ], [ -59.594, 3.796 ], [ -59.666, 3.777 ], [ -59.664, 3.703 ], [ -59.849, 3.601 ], [ -59.799, 3.355 ], [ -59.909, 3.197 ], [ -59.982, 2.929 ], [ -59.99, 2.683 ], [ -59.903, 2.479 ], [ -59.91, 2.388 ], [ -59.724, 2.277 ], [ -59.754, 1.861 ], [ -59.654, 1.849 ], [ -59.669, 1.764 ], [ -59.549, 1.729 ], [ -59.253, 1.397 ], [ -58.914, 1.299 ], [ -58.904, 1.234 ], [ -58.804, 1.175 ], [ -58.696, 1.288 ], [ -58.507, 1.264 ], [ -58.468, 1.318 ], [ -58.498, 1.458 ], [ -58.382, 1.471 ], [ -58.325, 1.59 ], [ -58.167, 1.558 ], [ -58.13, 1.501 ], [ -58.009, 1.501 ], [ -58, 1.665 ], [ -57.919, 1.645 ], [ -57.77, 1.718 ], [ -57.545, 1.701 ], [ -57.434, 1.895 ], [ -57.302, 1.99 ], [ -57.247, 1.944 ], [ -57.085, 2.021 ], [ -57.012, 1.918 ], [ -56.8, 1.864 ], [ -56.724, 1.92 ], [ -56.454, 1.945 ], [ -55.957, 1.844 ], [ -55.906, 1.889 ], [ -55.913, 2.041 ], [ -56.048, 2.226 ], [ -56.134, 2.263 ], [ -56.09, 2.352 ], [ -55.995, 2.405 ], [ -55.987, 2.517 ], [ -55.948, 2.532 ], [ -55.739, 2.401 ], [ -55.481, 2.443 ], [ -55.37, 2.407 ], [ -55.336, 2.516 ], [ -55.239, 2.495 ], [ -55.137, 2.575 ], [ -55.103, 2.522 ], [ -54.94, 2.632 ], [ -54.969, 2.555 ], [ -54.864, 2.439 ], [ -54.72, 2.469 ], [ -54.702, 2.336 ], [ -54.549, 2.336 ], [ -54.534, 2.268 ], [ -54.314, 2.158 ], [ -54.189, 2.179 ], [ -54.111, 2.127 ], [ -54.078, 2.197 ], [ -53.784, 2.364 ], [ -53.694, 2.287 ], [ -53.472, 2.332 ], [ -53.397, 2.272 ], [ -53.273, 2.292 ], [ -53.188, 2.223 ], [ -52.905, 2.19 ], [ -52.853, 2.285 ], [ -52.673, 2.374 ], [ -52.555, 2.523 ], [ -52.556, 2.646 ], [ -52.382, 2.912 ], [ -52.347, 3.134 ], [ -52.192, 3.296 ], [ -51.92, 3.781 ], [ -51.795, 3.89 ], [ -51.754, 3.996 ], [ -51.658, 4.049 ], [ -51.585, 4.241 ], [ -51.529, 4.171 ], [ -51.545, 4.397 ], [ -51.202, 4.084 ], [ -51.173, 3.767 ], [ -51.127, 3.911 ], [ -51.085, 3.895 ], [ -51.051, 3.283 ], [ -50.913, 2.875 ], [ -50.927, 2.807 ], [ -50.816, 2.644 ], [ -50.851, 2.482 ], [ -50.802, 2.508 ], [ -50.736, 2.414 ], [ -50.765, 2.359 ], [ -50.694, 2.276 ], [ -50.725, 2.252 ], [ -50.675, 2.247 ], [ -50.682, 2.137 ], [ -50.584, 2.091 ], [ -50.586, 2.014 ], [ -50.471, 1.82 ], [ -50.194, 1.794 ], [ -49.954, 1.676 ], [ -49.88, 1.419 ], [ -49.918, 1.289 ], [ -50.073, 1.204 ], [ -49.918, 1.232 ], [ -49.939, 1.103 ], [ -50.003, 1.066 ], [ -50.033, 1.107 ], [ -50.131, 0.949 ], [ -50.274, 0.866 ], [ -50.338, 0.729 ], [ -50.417, 0.685 ], [ -50.455, 0.732 ], [ -50.428, 0.679 ], [ -50.571, 0.424 ], [ -50.691, 0.3 ], [ -50.677, 0.365 ], [ -50.746, 0.227 ], [ -50.801, 0.224 ], [ -50.785, 0.183 ], [ -50.908, 0.171 ], [ -51.087, -0.043 ], [ -51.203, -0.055 ], [ -51.419, -0.412 ], [ -51.409, -0.44 ], [ -51.325, -0.364 ], [ -51.188, -0.14 ], [ -51.111, -0.154 ], [ -51.154, -0.284 ], [ -51.396, -0.493 ], [ -51.243, -0.443 ], [ -51.26, -0.5 ], [ -51.165, -0.431 ], [ -50.953, -0.061 ], [ -50.824, -0.048 ], [ -50.705, 0.002 ], [ -50.613, -0.088 ], [ -50.744, -0.244 ], [ -50.751, -0.429 ], [ -50.845, -0.526 ], [ -50.988, -0.583 ], [ -51.051, -0.682 ], [ -50.826, -0.555 ], [ -50.794, -0.666 ], [ -50.733, -0.557 ], [ -50.684, -0.604 ], [ -50.724, -0.493 ], [ -50.652, -0.276 ], [ -50.409, -0.094 ], [ -49.631, -0.247 ], [ -49.446, -0.23 ], [ -49.289, -0.145 ], [ -49.018, -0.16 ], [ -49, -0.139 ], [ -48.895, -0.224 ], [ -48.539, -0.234 ], [ -48.363, -0.303 ], [ -48.459, -0.513 ], [ -48.522, -0.877 ], [ -48.667, -1.002 ], [ -48.621, -1.005 ], [ -48.65, -1.048 ], [ -48.617, -1.053 ], [ -48.721, -1.137 ], [ -48.837, -1.452 ], [ -49.161, -1.575 ], [ -49.182, -1.623 ], [ -49.362, -1.604 ], [ -49.364, -1.642 ], [ -49.448, -1.637 ], [ -49.5, -1.738 ], [ -49.61, -1.718 ], [ -49.676, -1.78 ], [ -49.696, -1.757 ], [ -49.714, -1.76 ], [ -49.803, -1.822 ], [ -50.035, -1.717 ], [ -50.179, -1.787 ], [ -50.256, -1.776 ], [ -50.415, -1.841 ], [ -50.401, -1.935 ], [ -49.994, -1.819 ], [ -49.844, -1.905 ], [ -49.765, -1.898 ], [ -49.616, -1.79 ], [ -49.276, -1.706 ], [ -49.267, -1.778 ], [ -49.387, -1.977 ], [ -49.383, -2.159 ], [ -48.973, -1.594 ], [ -48.897, -1.573 ], [ -48.955, -1.712 ], [ -48.932, -1.75 ], [ -48.898, -1.743 ], [ -48.656, -1.371 ], [ -48.592, -1.429 ], [ -48.601, -1.306 ], [ -48.524, -1.338 ], [ -48.537, -1.467 ], [ -48.496, -1.553 ], [ -48.491, -1.502 ], [ -48.46, -1.533 ], [ -48.374, -1.511 ], [ -48.319, -1.478 ], [ -48.505, -1.471 ], [ -48.422, -1.168 ], [ -48.475, -1.144 ], [ -48.4, -1.066 ], [ -48.278, -1.111 ], [ -48.304, -0.948 ], [ -48.055, -0.668 ], [ -48.001, -0.731 ], [ -47.893, -0.553 ], [ -47.843, -0.616 ], [ -47.807, -0.547 ], [ -47.702, -0.54 ], [ -47.707, -0.59 ], [ -47.667, -0.569 ], [ -47.633, -0.608 ], [ -47.651, -0.694 ], [ -47.608, -0.684 ], [ -47.577, -0.573 ], [ -47.476, -0.757 ], [ -47.398, -0.76 ], [ -47.428, -0.693 ], [ -47.464, -0.687 ], [ -47.466, -0.594 ], [ -47.399, -0.594 ], [ -47.4, -0.645 ], [ -47.298, -0.589 ], [ -47.253, -0.668 ], [ -47.247, -0.623 ], [ -47.206, -0.633 ], [ -47.23, -0.719 ], [ -47.158, -0.678 ], [ -47.191, -0.754 ], [ -47.146, -0.764 ], [ -47.16, -0.815 ], [ -47.081, -0.661 ], [ -47.055, -0.868 ], [ -47.027, -0.784 ], [ -46.983, -0.806 ], [ -47.016, -0.752 ], [ -46.967, -0.694 ], [ -46.969, -0.78 ], [ -46.891, -0.869 ], [ -46.89, -0.789 ], [ -46.846, -0.799 ], [ -46.82, -0.71 ], [ -46.802, -0.877 ], [ -46.777, -0.905 ], [ -46.75, -0.826 ], [ -46.709, -0.86 ], [ -46.734, -0.944 ], [ -46.687, -0.831 ], [ -46.653, -0.882 ], [ -46.621, -0.818 ], [ -46.601, -0.917 ], [ -46.676, -0.965 ], [ -46.622, -0.987 ], [ -46.57, -0.947 ], [ -46.609, -1.03 ], [ -46.57, -0.988 ], [ -46.525, -1.027 ], [ -46.465, -1.007 ], [ -46.47, -1.044 ], [ -46.395, -1.037 ], [ -46.413, -1.084 ], [ -46.348, -0.982 ], [ -46.36, -1.011 ], [ -46.366, -1.031 ], [ -46.348, -1.079 ], [ -46.339, -1.015 ], [ -46.299, -1.05 ], [ -46.212, -0.946 ], [ -46.242, -0.921 ], [ -46.179, -0.914 ], [ -46.224, -1.053 ], [ -46.206, -1.1 ], [ -46.158, -1.014 ], [ -46.138, -1.032 ], [ -46.193, -1.143 ], [ -46.104, -1.067 ], [ -46.062, -1.133 ], [ -46.15, -1.258 ], [ -45.982, -1.071 ], [ -45.953, -1.147 ], [ -46, -1.151 ], [ -46, -1.199 ], [ -45.95, -1.159 ], [ -45.95, -1.207 ], [ -46, -1.209 ], [ -45.95, -1.25 ], [ -45.902, -1.134 ], [ -45.923, -1.214 ], [ -45.882, -1.167 ], [ -45.873, -1.211 ], [ -45.909, -1.261 ], [ -45.859, -1.231 ], [ -45.891, -1.293 ], [ -45.807, -1.176 ], [ -45.843, -1.301 ], [ -45.809, -1.328 ], [ -45.831, -1.298 ], [ -45.782, -1.278 ], [ -45.726, -1.135 ], [ -45.69, -1.452 ], [ -45.697, -1.38 ], [ -45.632, -1.371 ], [ -45.618, -1.279 ], [ -45.589, -1.329 ], [ -45.537, -1.273 ], [ -45.561, -1.343 ], [ -45.51, -1.352 ], [ -45.567, -1.404 ], [ -45.546, -1.432 ], [ -45.413, -1.296 ], [ -45.489, -1.473 ], [ -45.511, -1.458 ], [ -45.554, -1.503 ], [ -45.507, -1.471 ], [ -45.518, -1.516 ], [ -45.481, -1.495 ], [ -45.463, -1.548 ], [ -45.457, -1.457 ], [ -45.391, -1.434 ], [ -45.363, -1.325 ], [ -45.323, -1.319 ], [ -45.302, -1.424 ], [ -45.392, -1.485 ], [ -45.398, -1.503 ], [ -45.356, -1.487 ], [ -45.392, -1.553 ], [ -45.338, -1.572 ], [ -45.371, -1.722 ], [ -45.338, -1.753 ], [ -45.197, -1.688 ], [ -45.261, -1.607 ], [ -45.16, -1.475 ], [ -45.136, -1.521 ], [ -45.072, -1.435 ], [ -45.07, -1.485 ], [ -44.999, -1.504 ], [ -45.018, -1.547 ], [ -44.969, -1.549 ], [ -45.029, -1.583 ], [ -45.029, -1.602 ], [ -44.979, -1.607 ], [ -44.954, -1.498 ], [ -44.862, -1.426 ], [ -44.857, -1.498 ], [ -44.954, -1.605 ], [ -44.918, -1.649 ], [ -44.968, -1.662 ], [ -44.913, -1.657 ], [ -44.927, -1.62 ], [ -44.886, -1.609 ], [ -44.837, -1.65 ], [ -44.822, -1.591 ], [ -44.826, -1.637 ], [ -44.805, -1.609 ], [ -44.812, -1.665 ], [ -44.779, -1.735 ], [ -44.711, -1.728 ], [ -44.82, -1.819 ], [ -44.738, -1.791 ], [ -44.706, -1.819 ], [ -44.676, -1.808 ], [ -44.661, -1.727 ], [ -44.604, -1.749 ], [ -44.667, -1.849 ], [ -44.601, -1.858 ], [ -44.583, -1.817 ], [ -44.586, -1.873 ], [ -44.543, -1.833 ], [ -44.601, -1.909 ], [ -44.517, -1.907 ], [ -44.484, -2.002 ], [ -44.613, -2.037 ], [ -44.467, -2.017 ], [ -44.626, -2.151 ], [ -44.589, -2.159 ], [ -44.641, -2.232 ], [ -44.708, -2.23 ], [ -44.684, -2.275 ], [ -44.764, -2.265 ], [ -44.654, -2.294 ], [ -44.681, -2.354 ], [ -44.649, -2.373 ], [ -44.666, -2.329 ], [ -44.479, -2.137 ], [ -44.358, -2.335 ], [ -44.401, -2.416 ], [ -44.514, -2.384 ], [ -44.55, -2.4 ], [ -44.491, -2.415 ], [ -44.514, -2.448 ], [ -44.505, -2.476 ], [ -44.665, -2.608 ], [ -44.548, -2.542 ], [ -44.658, -2.781 ], [ -44.688, -2.924 ], [ -44.677, -3.019 ], [ -44.66, -3.02 ], [ -44.657, -3.018 ] ], [ [ -43.318, -2.361 ], [ -43.317, -2.363 ], [ -43.296, -2.363 ], [ -43.318, -2.361 ] ], [ [ -42.438, -2.747 ], [ -42.442, -2.749 ], [ -42.438, -2.75 ], [ -42.438, -2.747 ] ], [ [ -42.442, -2.749 ], [ -42.47, -2.744 ], [ -42.447, -2.753 ], [ -42.442, -2.749 ] ], [ [ -50.851, 2.482 ], [ -50.853, 2.481 ], [ -50.853, 2.48 ], [ -50.851, 2.482 ] ], [ [ -50.853, 2.481 ], [ -50.86, 2.495 ], [ -50.86, 2.477 ], [ -50.853, 2.481 ] ], [ [ -49.976, 1.659 ], [ -49.98, 1.659 ], [ -50, 1.639 ], [ -49.976, 1.659 ] ], [ [ -45.392, -1.553 ], [ -45.393, -1.553 ], [ -45.394, -1.556 ], [ -45.392, -1.553 ] ], [ [ -45.394, -1.556 ], [ -45.406, -1.579 ], [ -45.403, -1.591 ], [ -45.394, -1.556 ] ], [ [ -44.837, -1.65 ], [ -44.834, -1.655 ], [ -44.833, -1.654 ], [ -44.837, -1.65 ] ], [ [ -44.834, -1.655 ], [ -44.841, -1.675 ], [ -44.822, -1.672 ], [ -44.834, -1.655 ] ], [ [ -44.779, -1.735 ], [ -44.777, -1.741 ], [ -44.776, -1.74 ], [ -44.779, -1.735 ] ], [ [ -44.777, -1.741 ], [ -44.833, -1.77 ], [ -44.774, -1.75 ], [ -44.777, -1.741 ] ], [ [ -44.547, -2.22 ], [ -44.536, -2.225 ], [ -44.543, -2.219 ], [ -44.547, -2.22 ] ], [ [ -44.536, -2.225 ], [ -44.507, -2.249 ], [ -44.512, -2.235 ], [ -44.536, -2.225 ] ], [ [ -44.507, -2.249 ], [ -44.504, -2.256 ], [ -44.501, -2.254 ], [ -44.507, -2.249 ] ], [ [ -44.504, -2.256 ], [ -44.514, -2.268 ], [ -44.502, -2.26 ], [ -44.504, -2.256 ] ] ], [ [ [ -29.34, -20.484 ], [ -29.301, -20.521 ], [ -29.341, -20.511 ], [ -29.34, -20.484 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.001, -13.94 ], [ -39.012, -13.915 ], [ -38.994, -13.896 ], [ -39.001, -13.94 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.043, -13.909 ], [ -39.059, -13.904 ], [ -39.054, -13.886 ], [ -39.028, -13.903 ], [ -39.043, -13.909 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.251, -18.015 ], [ -39.283, -18.005 ], [ -39.272, -17.982 ], [ -39.245, -18.006 ], [ -39.251, -18.015 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.131, -17.927 ], [ -39.154, -17.921 ], [ -39.137, -17.91 ], [ -39.131, -17.927 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.212, -17.986 ], [ -39.228, -17.979 ], [ -39.215, -17.944 ], [ -39.202, -17.95 ], [ -39.212, -17.986 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.341, -23.231 ], [ -44.372, -23.174 ], [ -44.232, -23.089 ], [ -44.087, -23.173 ], [ -44.3, -23.184 ], [ -44.341, -23.231 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.356, -23.073 ], [ -44.388, -23.048 ], [ -44.373, -23.033 ], [ -44.343, -23.041 ], [ -44.356, -23.073 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.929, -23.014 ], [ -43.936, -22.999 ], [ -43.916, -22.989 ], [ -43.929, -23.014 ] ] ], [ [ [ -42.002, -23.018 ], [ -42.015, -23.003 ], [ -41.98, -22.975 ], [ -41.975, -22.992 ], [ -42.002, -23.018 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.904, -22.962 ], [ -43.907, -22.936 ], [ -43.868, -22.926 ], [ -43.871, -22.95 ], [ -43.904, -22.962 ] ] ], [ [ [ -41.042, -21.613 ], [ -41.042, -21.6 ], [ -41.019, -21.606 ], [ -41.042, -21.613 ] ] ], [ [ [ -52.112, -32 ], [ -52.18, -32.035 ], [ -52.216, -32.025 ], [ -52.198, -31.978 ], [ -52.112, -32 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.641, -30.388 ], [ -50.629, -30.394 ], [ -50.624, -30.329 ], [ -50.592, -30.399 ], [ -50.609, -30.406 ], [ -50.641, -30.388 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.526, -27.462 ], [ -48.416, -27.38 ], [ -48.358, -27.446 ], [ -48.503, -27.799 ], [ -48.559, -27.842 ], [ -48.526, -27.462 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.354, -27.296 ], [ -48.376, -27.285 ], [ -48.373, -27.271 ], [ -48.36, -27.27 ], [ -48.354, -27.296 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.731, -26.314 ], [ -48.754, -26.297 ], [ -48.735, -26.282 ], [ -48.731, -26.314 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.318, -25.584 ], [ -48.309, -25.546 ], [ -48.381, -25.504 ], [ -48.312, -25.509 ], [ -48.292, -25.545 ], [ -48.318, -25.584 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.414, -25.544 ], [ -48.459, -25.514 ], [ -48.415, -25.527 ], [ -48.414, -25.544 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.424, -25.551 ], [ -48.479, -25.523 ], [ -48.485, -25.502 ], [ -48.424, -25.551 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.298, -25.493 ], [ -48.341, -25.416 ], [ -48.252, -25.341 ], [ -48.265, -25.44 ], [ -48.253, -25.466 ], [ -48.298, -25.493 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.417, -25.386 ], [ -48.424, -25.343 ], [ -48.405, -25.33 ], [ -48.417, -25.386 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.695, -24.112 ], [ -45.688, -24.088 ], [ -45.679, -24.098 ], [ -45.695, -24.112 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.251, -23.962 ], [ -45.301, -23.909 ], [ -45.453, -23.91 ], [ -45.332, -23.721 ], [ -45.227, -23.774 ], [ -45.224, -23.835 ], [ -45.283, -23.857 ], [ -45.221, -23.899 ], [ -45.251, -23.962 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.141, -23.817 ], [ -45.146, -23.791 ], [ -45.114, -23.801 ], [ -45.141, -23.817 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.153, -23.573 ], [ -45.153, -23.558 ], [ -45.141, -23.568 ], [ -45.153, -23.573 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.073, -23.564 ], [ -45.079, -23.525 ], [ -45.036, -23.531 ], [ -45.073, -23.564 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.608, -23.228 ], [ -44.59, -23.208 ], [ -44.577, -23.216 ], [ -44.608, -23.228 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.648, -12.821 ], [ -38.666, -12.777 ], [ -38.624, -12.762 ], [ -38.648, -12.821 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.529, -12.811 ], [ -38.544, -12.757 ], [ -38.532, -12.74 ], [ -38.508, -12.792 ], [ -38.529, -12.811 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.622, -12.752 ], [ -38.622, -12.727 ], [ -38.593, -12.733 ], [ -38.622, -12.752 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.646, -12.683 ], [ -38.648, -12.65 ], [ -38.636, -12.661 ], [ -38.646, -12.683 ] ] ], [ [ [ -32.402, -3.838 ], [ -32.428, -3.877 ], [ -32.483, -3.878 ], [ -32.402, -3.838 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.667, -3.179 ], [ -44.668, -3.16 ], [ -44.643, -3.148 ], [ -44.644, -3.17 ], [ -44.667, -3.179 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.671, -2.943 ], [ -44.67, -2.92 ], [ -44.647, -2.915 ], [ -44.671, -2.943 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.493, -2.641 ], [ -44.48, -2.601 ], [ -44.477, -2.627 ], [ -44.493, -2.641 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.897, -2.573 ], [ -43.896, -2.554 ], [ -43.886, -2.565 ], [ -43.897, -2.573 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.599, -2.503 ], [ -43.577, -2.471 ], [ -43.572, -2.483 ], [ -43.599, -2.503 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.822, -2.526 ], [ -43.829, -2.509 ], [ -43.813, -2.458 ], [ -43.812, -2.553 ], [ -43.82, -2.528 ], [ -43.822, -2.526 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.821, -2.529 ], [ -43.856, -2.502 ], [ -43.832, -2.439 ], [ -43.842, -2.504 ], [ -43.821, -2.529 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.863, -2.56 ], [ -43.875, -2.552 ], [ -43.865, -2.534 ], [ -43.863, -2.56 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.519, -2.536 ], [ -44.529, -2.526 ], [ -44.501, -2.48 ], [ -44.505, -2.444 ], [ -44.455, -2.434 ], [ -44.519, -2.536 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.602, -3.007 ], [ -44.657, -2.972 ], [ -44.613, -2.894 ], [ -44.575, -2.921 ], [ -44.602, -3.007 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.585, -2.978 ], [ -44.563, -2.914 ], [ -44.586, -2.826 ], [ -44.494, -2.705 ], [ -44.494, -2.953 ], [ -44.582, -3.041 ], [ -44.585, -2.978 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.826, -2.434 ], [ -43.842, -2.403 ], [ -43.811, -2.385 ], [ -43.807, -2.412 ], [ -43.826, -2.434 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.581, -2.441 ], [ -43.615, -2.389 ], [ -43.549, -2.377 ], [ -43.545, -2.403 ], [ -43.581, -2.441 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.791, -2.47 ], [ -43.806, -2.443 ], [ -43.78, -2.422 ], [ -43.759, -2.448 ], [ -43.791, -2.47 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.513, -2.424 ], [ -43.537, -2.416 ], [ -43.522, -2.39 ], [ -43.505, -2.414 ], [ -43.513, -2.424 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.792, -2.405 ], [ -43.798, -2.377 ], [ -43.771, -2.37 ], [ -43.792, -2.405 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.689, -2.355 ], [ -43.743, -2.352 ], [ -43.724, -2.305 ], [ -43.617, -2.253 ], [ -43.612, -2.275 ], [ -43.669, -2.301 ], [ -43.689, -2.355 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.73, -2.425 ], [ -43.732, -2.364 ], [ -43.67, -2.377 ], [ -43.681, -2.34 ], [ -43.63, -2.324 ], [ -43.643, -2.394 ], [ -43.73, -2.425 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.473, -2.125 ], [ -44.487, -2.113 ], [ -44.475, -2.096 ], [ -44.463, -2.104 ], [ -44.473, -2.125 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.456, -2.031 ], [ -44.447, -2.008 ], [ -44.439, -2.022 ], [ -44.456, -2.031 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.311, -1.964 ], [ -49.336, -1.996 ], [ -49.309, -1.943 ], [ -49.311, -1.964 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.323, -2.054 ], [ -49.329, -2.019 ], [ -49.316, -2.001 ], [ -49.323, -2.054 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.231, -1.829 ], [ -50.246, -1.824 ], [ -50.229, -1.816 ], [ -50.231, -1.829 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.615, -1.821 ], [ -44.622, -1.797 ], [ -44.597, -1.774 ], [ -44.583, -1.789 ], [ -44.615, -1.821 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.7, -1.811 ], [ -44.703, -1.78 ], [ -44.673, -1.78 ], [ -44.7, -1.811 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.691, -1.793 ], [ -49.721, -1.789 ], [ -49.719, -1.771 ], [ -49.697, -1.766 ], [ -49.691, -1.793 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.924, -1.711 ], [ -48.909, -1.713 ], [ -48.916, -1.734 ], [ -48.935, -1.713 ], [ -48.924, -1.711 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.757, -1.707 ], [ -44.767, -1.694 ], [ -44.736, -1.701 ], [ -44.757, -1.707 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.433, -1.684 ], [ -49.454, -1.706 ], [ -49.46, -1.684 ], [ -49.433, -1.684 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.357, -1.008 ], [ -46.342, -0.994 ], [ -46.353, -1.026 ], [ -46.357, -1.008 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.205, -1.021 ], [ -46.194, -1.014 ], [ -46.202, -1.032 ], [ -46.205, -1.021 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.662, -3.018 ], [ -44.673, -3.012 ], [ -44.664, -3.001 ], [ -44.649, -3.013 ], [ -44.662, -3.018 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.736, -1.683 ], [ -44.745, -1.677 ], [ -44.732, -1.668 ], [ -44.736, -1.683 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.231, -1.638 ], [ -49.237, -1.627 ], [ -49.217, -1.633 ], [ -49.231, -1.638 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.38, -1.685 ], [ -49.4, -1.682 ], [ -49.368, -1.669 ], [ -49.38, -1.685 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.426, -1.673 ], [ -49.429, -1.661 ], [ -49.406, -1.66 ], [ -49.426, -1.673 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.34, -1.672 ], [ -49.358, -1.662 ], [ -49.325, -1.647 ], [ -49.34, -1.672 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.289, -1.726 ], [ -45.305, -1.663 ], [ -45.257, -1.641 ], [ -45.244, -1.678 ], [ -45.28, -1.694 ], [ -45.289, -1.726 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.328, -1.743 ], [ -45.346, -1.719 ], [ -45.301, -1.596 ], [ -45.274, -1.635 ], [ -45.313, -1.654 ], [ -45.328, -1.743 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.886, -1.578 ], [ -48.89, -1.56 ], [ -48.859, -1.536 ], [ -48.856, -1.553 ], [ -48.886, -1.578 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.783, -1.682 ], [ -44.8, -1.595 ], [ -44.775, -1.62 ], [ -44.721, -1.567 ], [ -44.704, -1.611 ], [ -44.684, -1.575 ], [ -44.668, -1.669 ], [ -44.693, -1.638 ], [ -44.783, -1.682 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.816, -1.569 ], [ -44.837, -1.534 ], [ -44.787, -1.488 ], [ -44.825, -1.534 ], [ -44.816, -1.569 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.462, -1.517 ], [ -48.478, -1.499 ], [ -48.421, -1.503 ], [ -48.462, -1.517 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.793, -1.531 ], [ -44.774, -1.47 ], [ -44.763, -1.513 ], [ -44.793, -1.531 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.414, -1.427 ], [ -45.423, -1.416 ], [ -45.409, -1.405 ], [ -45.414, -1.427 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45, -1.296 ], [ -44.922, -1.265 ], [ -44.877, -1.309 ], [ -44.895, -1.34 ], [ -44.922, -1.305 ], [ -44.907, -1.341 ], [ -44.999, -1.405 ], [ -45.033, -1.339 ], [ -45, -1.32 ], [ -44.995, -1.36 ], [ -45, -1.296 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.044, -1.402 ], [ -45.07, -1.33 ], [ -45.052, -1.342 ], [ -45.044, -1.402 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.333, -1.569 ], [ -45.371, -1.544 ], [ -45.347, -1.489 ], [ -45.313, -1.506 ], [ -45.333, -1.569 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.969, -1.522 ], [ -44.976, -1.493 ], [ -44.959, -1.483 ], [ -44.969, -1.522 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.393, -1.512 ], [ -48.371, -1.476 ], [ -48.341, -1.483 ], [ -48.393, -1.512 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.413, -1.498 ], [ -48.426, -1.491 ], [ -48.387, -1.476 ], [ -48.413, -1.498 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.118, -1.47 ], [ -45.132, -1.462 ], [ -45.115, -1.364 ], [ -45.103, -1.373 ], [ -45.118, -1.47 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.593, -1.251 ], [ -45.581, -1.19 ], [ -45.536, -1.205 ], [ -45.532, -1.231 ], [ -45.593, -1.251 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.559, -1.243 ], [ -48.56, -1.202 ], [ -48.523, -1.199 ], [ -48.559, -1.243 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.817, -1.163 ], [ -45.829, -1.141 ], [ -45.804, -1.127 ], [ -45.817, -1.163 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.877, -1.154 ], [ -45.9, -1.117 ], [ -45.883, -1.073 ], [ -45.849, -1.123 ], [ -45.877, -1.154 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.192, -1.05 ], [ -46.201, -1.041 ], [ -46.185, -1.027 ], [ -46.192, -1.05 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.291, -1.01 ], [ -46.307, -0.992 ], [ -46.306, -0.961 ], [ -46.291, -1.01 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.078, -1.095 ], [ -46.065, -1.05 ], [ -46.061, -1.074 ], [ -46.078, -1.095 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.68, -1.295 ], [ -45.687, -1.275 ], [ -45.667, -1.26 ], [ -45.654, -1.285 ], [ -45.68, -1.295 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.538, -1.282 ], [ -48.549, -1.262 ], [ -48.53, -1.25 ], [ -48.538, -1.282 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.51, -1.27 ], [ -48.522, -1.247 ], [ -48.506, -1.236 ], [ -48.51, -1.27 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.694, -1.37 ], [ -45.646, -1.289 ], [ -45.625, -1.126 ], [ -45.634, -1.349 ], [ -45.694, -1.37 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.688, -1.266 ], [ -45.708, -1.228 ], [ -45.685, -1.194 ], [ -45.664, -1.231 ], [ -45.688, -1.266 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.425, -0.914 ], [ -46.454, -0.907 ], [ -46.408, -0.868 ], [ -46.395, -0.899 ], [ -46.425, -0.914 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.72, -0.848 ], [ -46.735, -0.832 ], [ -46.729, -0.796 ], [ -46.72, -0.848 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.611, -0.799 ], [ -46.622, -0.784 ], [ -46.601, -0.789 ], [ -46.611, -0.799 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.586, -0.849 ], [ -46.621, -0.807 ], [ -46.589, -0.815 ], [ -46.586, -0.849 ] ] ], [ [ [ -47.447, -0.748 ], [ -47.453, -0.732 ], [ -47.436, -0.717 ], [ -47.428, -0.738 ], [ -47.447, -0.748 ] ] ], [ [ [ -47.461, -0.741 ], [ -47.463, -0.702 ], [ -47.445, -0.697 ], [ -47.461, -0.741 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.214, -0.411 ], [ -51.211, -0.386 ], [ -51.164, -0.347 ], [ -51.163, -0.383 ], [ -51.214, -0.411 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.352, -0.353 ], [ -51.346, -0.31 ], [ -51.317, -0.268 ], [ -51.327, -0.33 ], [ -51.352, -0.353 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.127, -0.268 ], [ -51.131, -0.237 ], [ -51.091, -0.208 ], [ -51.087, -0.229 ], [ -51.127, -0.268 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.888, -0.198 ], [ -48.91, -0.188 ], [ -48.893, -0.134 ], [ -48.847, -0.177 ], [ -48.888, -0.198 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.174, -0.091 ], [ -51.191, -0.064 ], [ -51.126, -0.057 ], [ -51.174, -0.091 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.114, -0.146 ], [ -49.097, -0.121 ], [ -49.08, -0.13 ], [ -49.114, -0.146 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.166, -0.142 ], [ -49.188, -0.115 ], [ -49.156, -0.128 ], [ -49.166, -0.142 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.119, -0.141 ], [ -49.143, -0.107 ], [ -49.114, -0.11 ], [ -49.119, -0.141 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.127, -0.128 ], [ -51.094, -0.103 ], [ -51.108, -0.127 ], [ -51.127, -0.128 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.414, -0.999 ], [ -46.384, -0.941 ], [ -46.367, -0.948 ], [ -46.414, -0.999 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.647, -0.97 ], [ -46.658, -0.968 ], [ -46.618, -0.957 ], [ -46.647, -0.97 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.488, -0.942 ], [ -46.465, -0.877 ], [ -46.464, -0.924 ], [ -46.44, -0.922 ], [ -46.482, -0.976 ], [ -46.441, -0.999 ], [ -46.525, -1.016 ], [ -46.527, -0.917 ], [ -46.509, -0.984 ], [ -46.488, -0.942 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.632, 0.159 ], [ -49.662, 0.184 ], [ -49.629, 0.202 ], [ -49.61, 0.181 ], [ -49.632, 0.159 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.641, 0.26 ], [ -50.63, 0.293 ], [ -50.586, 0.308 ], [ -50.641, 0.26 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.2, 0.255 ], [ -50.243, 0.248 ], [ -50.147, 0.337 ], [ -50.059, 0.346 ], [ -50.2, 0.255 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.417, 0.159 ], [ -50.535, 0.234 ], [ -50.36, 0.615 ], [ -50.328, 0.383 ], [ -50.285, 0.3 ], [ -50.413, 0.237 ], [ -50.417, 0.159 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.279, 0.338 ], [ -50.271, 0.599 ], [ -50.147, 0.608 ], [ -50.142, 0.576 ], [ -50.107, 0.636 ], [ -50.063, 0.623 ], [ -50.05, 0.518 ], [ -50.279, 0.338 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50, 0.943 ], [ -50.113, 0.907 ], [ -50.018, 1.034 ], [ -49.935, 1.069 ], [ -49.939, 0.996 ], [ -50, 0.943 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.881, 1.227 ], [ -49.909, 1.246 ], [ -49.886, 1.244 ], [ -49.881, 1.227 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.907, 1.278 ], [ -49.885, 1.291 ], [ -49.863, 1.278 ], [ -49.876, 1.252 ], [ -49.907, 1.278 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.204, 1.851 ], [ -50.232, 1.879 ], [ -50.22, 1.915 ], [ -50.169, 1.865 ], [ -50.204, 1.851 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.468, 1.954 ], [ -50.521, 2.026 ], [ -50.497, 2.139 ], [ -50.398, 2.167 ], [ -50.367, 2.19 ], [ -50.276, 1.939 ], [ -50.423, 1.849 ], [ -50.468, 1.954 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.504, 2.255 ], [ -50.414, 2.244 ], [ -50.382, 2.204 ], [ -50.489, 2.15 ], [ -50.564, 2.205 ], [ -50.504, 2.255 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.229, 0.832 ], [ -50.098, 0.839 ], [ -50.027, 0.898 ], [ -50.105, 0.757 ], [ -50.162, 0.775 ], [ -50.249, 0.72 ], [ -50.229, 0.832 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.131, 0.844 ], [ -50.162, 0.867 ], [ -50.132, 0.9 ], [ -50.119, 0.854 ], [ -50.131, 0.844 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.108, 0.85 ], [ -50.111, 0.891 ], [ -50.049, 0.886 ], [ -50.108, 0.85 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.216, -0.055 ], [ -50.235, -0.042 ], [ -50.219, -0.04 ], [ -50.216, -0.055 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.916, -0.052 ], [ -50.926, -0.047 ], [ -50.907, -0.043 ], [ -50.916, -0.052 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.605, -0.061 ], [ -50.618, -0.022 ], [ -50.559, -0.038 ], [ -50.605, -0.061 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.399, -0.061 ], [ -50.44, -0.057 ], [ -50.378, -0.015 ], [ -50.357, -0.049 ], [ -50.399, -0.061 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.75, 0 ], [ -49.609, 0.08 ], [ -49.474, 0.081 ], [ -49.338, -0.017 ], [ -49.487, -0.136 ], [ -49.723, -0.147 ], [ -49.835, -0.088 ], [ -49.75, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.023, -0.019 ], [ -49.039, -0.011 ], [ -49.02, -0.006 ], [ -49.023, -0.019 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.932, 0.052 ], [ -50.918, 0.084 ], [ -50.884, 0.078 ], [ -50.899, 0.057 ], [ -50.932, 0.052 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.928, 0 ], [ -50.786, 0.05 ], [ -50.717, 0.028 ], [ -50.94, -0.041 ], [ -50.928, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.691, 0.025 ], [ -50.655, 0.015 ], [ -50.703, 0.021 ], [ -50.691, 0.025 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.629, -0.043 ], [ -50.642, -0.016 ], [ -50.622, -0.026 ], [ -50.629, -0.043 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.642, 0 ], [ -50.611, 0.007 ], [ -50.595, -0.019 ], [ -50.642, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.536, 0 ], [ -50.653, 0.126 ], [ -50.59, 0.203 ], [ -50.434, 0.126 ], [ -50.436, 0 ], [ -50.536, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50, 0.311 ], [ -49.674, 0.368 ], [ -49.601, 0.283 ], [ -49.86, 0.008 ], [ -49.99, -0.048 ], [ -50.086, 0.034 ], [ -50.351, 0.044 ], [ -50.394, 0.222 ], [ -50.153, 0.227 ], [ -50, 0.311 ] ] ] ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "La costa de lo que hoy es territorio brasileño fue el primer punto al que llegaron los europeos en América del Sur. La primera expedición que exploró la región fue un desprendimiento de la flota portuguesa que Vasco da Gama (c. 1460-1524) llevaba hacia oriente. Las naves dirigidas por Pedro Álvarez de Cabral (1467-1520) se alejaron excesivamente de la costa de África y terminaron en el extremo sur de actual territorio del Estado de Bahía, en que el permanecieron entre abril y mayo del año 1500. Los portuguese establecieron en la costa precarias feitorias para comerciar verzino o palo brasil con los nativos de las sociedades tupí y guaraní nativas. Recién en 1530 la corona brasileña tomaría acciones decididas para organizar la ocupación portuguesa y las actividades de explotación, cuando instaura el régimen de capitanías hereditarias que estructuraría el establecimiento colonial lusitano en brasil. Bibliografía: Johnson, H. B., \"Portuguese Settlement, 1500-1580\", en Bethell, Leslie (ed.), Colonial Brazil, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1987, pp. 1-38; Abulafia, David, El descubrimiento de la humanidad. Encuentros atlánticos en la era de Colón, Barcelona, Crítica, 2009 [2008]; Metcalf, Alida C., Go-Betweens and the Colonization of Brazil, 1500-1600, Austin, University of Texas Press, 2005; Vaz de Caminha, Pêro, Carta del descubrimiento del Brasil, Barcelona, Acantilado, 2009.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-12-03T14:17:24+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 24658, "end" : 24664 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Brasil" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/d525d8b0-4fba-4a69-9592-6459971f930b", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://sws.geonames.org/3469034", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-12-03T14:17:24+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-12-03T14:17:24+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "MultiPolygon", "coordinates" : [ [ [ [ -44.657, -3.018 ], [ -44.608, -3.041 ], [ -44.72, -3.18 ], [ -44.793, -3.198 ], [ -44.779, -3.312 ], [ -44.736, -3.302 ], [ -44.763, -3.225 ], [ -44.653, -3.196 ], [ -44.431, -2.945 ], [ -44.367, -2.643 ], [ -44.362, -2.726 ], [ -44.355, -2.605 ], [ -44.378, -2.566 ], [ -44.345, -2.528 ], [ -44.29, -2.573 ], [ -44.306, -2.487 ], [ -44.02, -2.403 ], [ -44.03, -2.457 ], [ -44.108, -2.468 ], [ -44.035, -2.518 ], [ -44.131, -2.596 ], [ -44.147, -2.681 ], [ -44.219, -2.67 ], [ -44.209, -2.716 ], [ -44.345, -2.791 ], [ -44.347, -2.838 ], [ -44.315, -2.788 ], [ -44.3, -2.843 ], [ -44.266, -2.777 ], [ -44.225, -2.806 ], [ -44.184, -2.766 ], [ -44.208, -2.857 ], [ -44.111, -2.749 ], [ -44.072, -2.811 ], [ -44.05, -2.685 ], [ -43.981, -2.619 ], [ -43.946, -2.641 ], [ -43.933, -2.553 ], [ -43.883, -2.649 ], [ -43.887, -2.578 ], [ -43.803, -2.56 ], [ -43.76, -2.513 ], [ -43.754, -2.556 ], [ -43.729, -2.481 ], [ -43.727, -2.569 ], [ -43.654, -2.556 ], [ -43.682, -2.534 ], [ -43.653, -2.488 ], [ -43.608, -2.593 ], [ -43.603, -2.518 ], [ -43.548, -2.528 ], [ -43.519, -2.445 ], [ -43.498, -2.55 ], [ -43.46, -2.507 ], [ -43.458, -2.596 ], [ -43.401, -2.552 ], [ -43.448, -2.538 ], [ -43.462, -2.427 ], [ -43.359, -2.44 ], [ -43.479, -2.376 ], [ -43.378, -2.329 ], [ -43.4, -2.353 ], [ -43.232, -2.362 ], [ -42.692, -2.596 ], [ -42.709, -2.56 ], [ -42.572, -2.68 ], [ -42.495, -2.689 ], [ -42.503, -2.727 ], [ -42.393, -2.751 ], [ -42.475, -2.706 ], [ -42.375, -2.717 ], [ -42.228, -2.818 ], [ -42.143, -2.808 ], [ -42.256, -2.735 ], [ -42.233, -2.674 ], [ -42.208, -2.712 ], [ -42.098, -2.768 ], [ -42.099, -2.809 ], [ -42.096, -2.747 ], [ -42.216, -2.687 ], [ -42.054, -2.691 ], [ -42.023, -2.775 ], [ -42.017, -2.718 ], [ -41.818, -2.723 ], [ -41.844, -2.773 ], [ -41.797, -2.751 ], [ -41.656, -2.884 ], [ -41.437, -2.939 ], [ -41.395, -2.906 ], [ -41.316, -2.943 ], [ -41.263, -2.887 ], [ -40.838, -2.895 ], [ -40.572, -2.844 ], [ -40.499, -2.787 ], [ -39.888, -2.886 ], [ -39.244, -3.229 ], [ -39.083, -3.394 ], [ -38.978, -3.407 ], [ -38.641, -3.687 ], [ -38.473, -3.7 ], [ -38.377, -3.866 ], [ -38.043, -4.214 ], [ -37.764, -4.399 ], [ -37.588, -4.624 ], [ -37.323, -4.698 ], [ -37.15, -4.943 ], [ -36.958, -4.919 ], [ -36.666, -5.108 ], [ -36.504, -5.061 ], [ -36.297, -5.106 ], [ -35.956, -5.045 ], [ -35.612, -5.11 ], [ -35.385, -5.255 ], [ -35.255, -5.483 ], [ -35.099, -6.169 ], [ -34.983, -6.396 ], [ -34.933, -6.753 ], [ -34.79, -7.159 ], [ -34.842, -7.564 ], [ -34.809, -7.622 ], [ -34.845, -7.69 ], [ -34.827, -8.004 ], [ -35.136, -8.895 ], [ -35.332, -9.237 ], [ -35.689, -9.668 ], [ -35.78, -9.706 ], [ -36.056, -10.083 ], [ -36.266, -10.256 ], [ -36.402, -10.506 ], [ -36.602, -10.567 ], [ -36.934, -10.826 ], [ -37.36, -11.428 ], [ -37.612, -11.979 ], [ -37.996, -12.578 ], [ -38.318, -12.934 ], [ -38.477, -13.022 ], [ -38.532, -13.017 ], [ -38.473, -12.913 ], [ -38.498, -12.722 ], [ -38.603, -12.728 ], [ -38.646, -12.622 ], [ -38.681, -12.661 ], [ -38.718, -12.627 ], [ -38.804, -12.835 ], [ -38.717, -12.873 ], [ -38.769, -12.995 ], [ -38.721, -13.021 ], [ -38.66, -12.963 ], [ -38.686, -12.878 ], [ -38.59, -12.972 ], [ -38.766, -13.129 ], [ -38.807, -13.1 ], [ -38.808, -13.154 ], [ -38.944, -13.243 ], [ -38.973, -13.391 ], [ -38.902, -13.384 ], [ -38.886, -13.45 ], [ -38.95, -13.577 ], [ -38.886, -13.659 ], [ -38.968, -13.67 ], [ -39.006, -13.891 ], [ -39.064, -13.865 ], [ -39.075, -13.887 ], [ -38.986, -13.998 ], [ -38.952, -13.986 ], [ -38.982, -13.912 ], [ -38.938, -13.886 ], [ -38.922, -13.92 ], [ -39.061, -14.716 ], [ -38.962, -15.585 ], [ -38.857, -15.86 ], [ -38.973, -16.211 ], [ -39.032, -16.26 ], [ -39.01, -16.369 ], [ -39.078, -16.454 ], [ -39.143, -16.762 ], [ -39.113, -16.896 ], [ -39.212, -17.155 ], [ -39.193, -17.602 ], [ -39.135, -17.691 ], [ -39.264, -17.869 ], [ -39.435, -17.943 ], [ -39.563, -18.091 ], [ -39.721, -18.493 ], [ -39.749, -18.81 ], [ -39.692, -19.353 ], [ -39.805, -19.65 ], [ -39.951, -19.717 ], [ -40.151, -19.956 ], [ -40.236, -20.285 ], [ -40.353, -20.32 ], [ -40.329, -20.236 ], [ -40.359, -20.291 ], [ -40.365, -20.317 ], [ -40.35, -20.328 ], [ -40.268, -20.327 ], [ -40.402, -20.606 ], [ -40.466, -20.624 ], [ -40.627, -20.845 ], [ -40.65, -20.813 ], [ -40.756, -20.866 ], [ -40.853, -21.133 ], [ -40.955, -21.251 ], [ -40.96, -21.364 ], [ -41.065, -21.495 ], [ -41.051, -21.608 ], [ -41.038, -21.622 ], [ -41.007, -21.618 ], [ -40.99, -22.014 ], [ -41.229, -22.151 ], [ -41.668, -22.294 ], [ -41.962, -22.538 ], [ -41.986, -22.713 ], [ -41.919, -22.774 ], [ -41.864, -22.759 ], [ -42.023, -22.896 ], [ -42.037, -22.94 ], [ -41.99, -22.964 ], [ -42.018, -22.998 ], [ -42.086, -22.957 ], [ -42.529, -22.934 ], [ -43.05, -22.982 ], [ -43.132, -22.941 ], [ -43.025, -22.741 ], [ -43.084, -22.68 ], [ -43.216, -22.725 ], [ -43.287, -22.806 ], [ -43.24, -22.847 ], [ -43.249, -22.797 ], [ -43.156, -22.784 ], [ -43.247, -22.882 ], [ -43.164, -22.899 ], [ -43.187, -22.995 ], [ -43.344, -22.983 ], [ -43.303, -23.02 ], [ -43.549, -23.081 ], [ -44.001, -23.1 ], [ -43.961, -23.042 ], [ -43.877, -23.067 ], [ -43.909, -23.02 ], [ -43.807, -23.063 ], [ -43.555, -23.055 ], [ -43.84, -22.906 ], [ -43.985, -22.937 ], [ -44.034, -23.014 ], [ -44.044, -22.923 ], [ -44.107, -23.03 ], [ -44.234, -23.06 ], [ -44.238, -23.004 ], [ -44.358, -23.02 ], [ -44.296, -22.961 ], [ -44.321, -22.927 ], [ -44.378, -22.972 ], [ -44.407, -22.945 ], [ -44.443, -23.035 ], [ -44.669, -23.06 ], [ -44.712, -23.19 ], [ -44.701, -23.237 ], [ -44.645, -23.191 ], [ -44.612, -23.206 ], [ -44.685, -23.256 ], [ -44.611, -23.238 ], [ -44.652, -23.302 ], [ -44.558, -23.232 ], [ -44.577, -23.275 ], [ -44.498, -23.302 ], [ -44.583, -23.367 ], [ -44.669, -23.341 ], [ -44.84, -23.395 ], [ -44.905, -23.339 ], [ -45.05, -23.418 ], [ -45.016, -23.461 ], [ -45.079, -23.519 ], [ -45.165, -23.495 ], [ -45.159, -23.541 ], [ -45.228, -23.547 ], [ -45.211, -23.582 ], [ -45.41, -23.632 ], [ -45.412, -23.825 ], [ -45.934, -23.771 ], [ -46.124, -23.842 ], [ -46.2, -24.002 ], [ -46.288, -24.044 ], [ -46.321, -24 ], [ -46.458, -24.025 ], [ -46.937, -24.281 ], [ -47.024, -24.382 ], [ -47.004, -24.412 ], [ -47.86, -24.996 ], [ -47.914, -25.061 ], [ -47.915, -25.16 ], [ -48.213, -25.47 ], [ -48.254, -25.435 ], [ -48.222, -25.342 ], [ -48.208, -25.353 ], [ -48.121, -25.267 ], [ -48.253, -25.328 ], [ -48.284, -25.294 ], [ -48.317, -25.363 ], [ -48.327, -25.232 ], [ -48.366, -25.317 ], [ -48.433, -25.237 ], [ -48.428, -25.324 ], [ -48.5, -25.335 ], [ -48.427, -25.39 ], [ -48.449, -25.379 ], [ -48.468, -25.388 ], [ -48.467, -25.432 ], [ -48.449, -25.384 ], [ -48.414, -25.428 ], [ -48.476, -25.485 ], [ -48.637, -25.468 ], [ -48.661, -25.398 ], [ -48.671, -25.435 ], [ -48.739, -25.374 ], [ -48.68, -25.465 ], [ -48.687, -25.499 ], [ -48.737, -25.483 ], [ -48.703, -25.504 ], [ -48.617, -25.536 ], [ -48.512, -25.505 ], [ -48.482, -25.591 ], [ -48.46, -25.552 ], [ -48.35, -25.581 ], [ -48.565, -25.868 ], [ -48.614, -26.06 ], [ -48.586, -26.172 ], [ -48.714, -26.243 ], [ -48.795, -26.073 ], [ -48.837, -26.157 ], [ -48.798, -26.142 ], [ -48.763, -26.199 ], [ -48.805, -26.228 ], [ -48.769, -26.223 ], [ -48.761, -26.286 ], [ -48.803, -26.303 ], [ -48.723, -26.362 ], [ -48.635, -26.374 ], [ -48.714, -26.308 ], [ -48.554, -26.172 ], [ -48.493, -26.224 ], [ -48.695, -26.658 ], [ -48.665, -26.769 ], [ -48.583, -26.786 ], [ -48.655, -26.909 ], [ -48.62, -27.007 ], [ -48.574, -27.011 ], [ -48.607, -27.122 ], [ -48.554, -27.152 ], [ -48.51, -27.108 ], [ -48.469, -27.148 ], [ -48.511, -27.183 ], [ -48.486, -27.218 ], [ -48.531, -27.18 ], [ -48.612, -27.243 ], [ -48.596, -27.318 ], [ -48.529, -27.334 ], [ -48.649, -27.486 ], [ -48.572, -27.592 ], [ -48.653, -27.648 ], [ -48.575, -27.888 ], [ -48.761, -28.535 ], [ -48.813, -28.605 ], [ -49.37, -28.92 ], [ -49.334, -28.921 ], [ -49.702, -29.308 ], [ -50.006, -29.749 ], [ -50.316, -30.472 ], [ -50.848, -31.205 ], [ -51.303, -31.613 ], [ -51.877, -31.952 ], [ -52.071, -32.188 ], [ -52.012, -31.946 ], [ -52.092, -31.837 ], [ -51.851, -31.865 ], [ -51.777, -31.805 ], [ -51.854, -31.797 ], [ -51.65, -31.759 ], [ -51.478, -31.562 ], [ -51.43, -31.622 ], [ -51.458, -31.548 ], [ -51.424, -31.478 ], [ -51.351, -31.529 ], [ -51.234, -31.458 ], [ -51.16, -31.31 ], [ -51.166, -31.063 ], [ -51.109, -31.097 ], [ -50.985, -31.042 ], [ -50.965, -30.893 ], [ -50.888, -30.893 ], [ -50.705, -30.756 ], [ -50.677, -30.61 ], [ -50.725, -30.371 ], [ -50.692, -30.355 ], [ -50.625, -30.409 ], [ -50.641, -30.459 ], [ -50.569, -30.471 ], [ -50.534, -30.278 ], [ -50.601, -30.194 ], [ -50.659, -30.201 ], [ -50.661, -30.293 ], [ -50.918, -30.333 ], [ -50.934, -30.42 ], [ -50.889, -30.439 ], [ -50.921, -30.44 ], [ -51.052, -30.395 ], [ -51.034, -30.276 ], [ -51.146, -30.267 ], [ -51.246, -30.188 ], [ -51.23, -30.043 ], [ -51.295, -30.007 ], [ -51.326, -30.23 ], [ -51.271, -30.25 ], [ -51.293, -30.295 ], [ -51.246, -30.33 ], [ -51.209, -30.3 ], [ -51.179, -30.383 ], [ -51.092, -30.367 ], [ -51.129, -30.436 ], [ -51.202, -30.413 ], [ -51.269, -30.489 ], [ -51.282, -30.811 ], [ -51.33, -30.777 ], [ -51.294, -30.758 ], [ -51.319, -30.64 ], [ -51.375, -30.635 ], [ -51.404, -30.769 ], [ -51.367, -30.874 ], [ -51.457, -30.874 ], [ -51.501, -30.935 ], [ -51.436, -31.088 ], [ -51.611, -31.138 ], [ -51.613, -31.272 ], [ -51.915, -31.313 ], [ -52.002, -31.449 ], [ -52.031, -31.693 ], [ -52.218, -31.747 ], [ -52.247, -31.871 ], [ -52.106, -31.952 ], [ -52.216, -31.963 ], [ -52.263, -32.062 ], [ -52.209, -32.045 ], [ -52.225, -32.096 ], [ -52.082, -32.033 ], [ -52.162, -32.128 ], [ -52.09, -32.069 ], [ -52.084, -32.186 ], [ -52.16, -32.201 ], [ -52.341, -32.43 ], [ -52.488, -32.844 ], [ -52.66, -33.165 ], [ -53.227, -33.658 ], [ -53.421, -33.741 ], [ -53.524, -33.689 ], [ -53.515, -33.163 ], [ -53.434, -33.054 ], [ -53.243, -32.936 ], [ -53.294, -32.911 ], [ -53.074, -32.746 ], [ -53.244, -32.605 ], [ -53.39, -32.583 ], [ -53.46, -32.48 ], [ -53.595, -32.432 ], [ -53.73, -32.157 ], [ -53.714, -32.104 ], [ -53.965, -31.919 ], [ -54.096, -31.906 ], [ -54.466, -31.666 ], [ -54.491, -31.54 ], [ -54.591, -31.448 ], [ -54.836, -31.446 ], [ -54.945, -31.392 ], [ -55.014, -31.285 ], [ -55.091, -31.326 ], [ -55.245, -31.257 ], [ -55.374, -31.038 ], [ -55.594, -30.848 ], [ -55.635, -30.857 ], [ -55.657, -30.956 ], [ -55.87, -31.08 ], [ -56.008, -31.063 ], [ -55.987, -30.86 ], [ -56.021, -30.784 ], [ -56.127, -30.739 ], [ -56.177, -30.614 ], [ -56.384, -30.495 ], [ -56.459, -30.387 ], [ -56.545, -30.364 ], [ -56.54, -30.312 ], [ -56.617, -30.303 ], [ -56.644, -30.205 ], [ -56.776, -30.166 ], [ -56.804, -30.107 ], [ -57.068, -30.088 ], [ -57.207, -30.281 ], [ -57.313, -30.26 ], [ -57.396, -30.303 ], [ -57.538, -30.275 ], [ -57.618, -30.179 ], [ -57.505, -30.143 ], [ -57.342, -30.001 ], [ -57.319, -29.87 ], [ -57.254, -29.794 ], [ -57.105, -29.752 ], [ -56.972, -29.639 ], [ -56.676, -29.321 ], [ -56.593, -29.123 ], [ -56.425, -29.073 ], [ -56.285, -28.794 ], [ -56.185, -28.771 ], [ -56.016, -28.611 ], [ -56.011, -28.509 ], [ -55.888, -28.479 ], [ -55.875, -28.362 ], [ -55.696, -28.425 ], [ -55.671, -28.333 ], [ -55.773, -28.247 ], [ -55.605, -28.123 ], [ -55.554, -28.164 ], [ -55.496, -28.081 ], [ -55.444, -28.097 ], [ -55.323, -27.928 ], [ -55.196, -27.863 ], [ -55.134, -27.895 ], [ -55.117, -27.853 ], [ -55.032, -27.854 ], [ -55.082, -27.789 ], [ -54.941, -27.775 ], [ -54.809, -27.536 ], [ -54.781, -27.586 ], [ -54.683, -27.576 ], [ -54.678, -27.514 ], [ -54.624, -27.55 ], [ -54.576, -27.458 ], [ -54.525, -27.507 ], [ -54.415, -27.412 ], [ -54.353, -27.468 ], [ -54.339, -27.406 ], [ -54.282, -27.447 ], [ -54.176, -27.261 ], [ -54.089, -27.303 ], [ -53.949, -27.158 ], [ -53.799, -27.147 ], [ -53.795, -27.048 ], [ -53.761, -27.068 ], [ -53.662, -26.869 ], [ -53.751, -26.745 ], [ -53.707, -26.563 ], [ -53.738, -26.548 ], [ -53.592, -26.265 ], [ -53.722, -26.13 ], [ -53.733, -26.047 ], [ -53.837, -25.969 ], [ -53.824, -25.793 ], [ -53.891, -25.625 ], [ -53.951, -25.644 ], [ -54.016, -25.569 ], [ -54.101, -25.625 ], [ -54.111, -25.504 ], [ -54.213, -25.554 ], [ -54.184, -25.591 ], [ -54.289, -25.562 ], [ -54.387, -25.608 ], [ -54.43, -25.706 ], [ -54.596, -25.595 ], [ -54.617, -25.459 ], [ -54.437, -25.157 ], [ -54.458, -25.031 ], [ -54.336, -24.649 ], [ -54.333, -24.493 ], [ -54.262, -24.376 ], [ -54.33, -24.225 ], [ -54.282, -24.075 ], [ -54.411, -23.929 ], [ -54.668, -23.815 ], [ -55.061, -23.991 ], [ -55.112, -23.963 ], [ -55.226, -24.013 ], [ -55.413, -23.961 ], [ -55.434, -23.714 ], [ -55.535, -23.614 ], [ -55.522, -23.197 ], [ -55.596, -23.141 ], [ -55.64, -22.994 ], [ -55.685, -22.992 ], [ -55.613, -22.659 ], [ -55.736, -22.532 ], [ -55.74, -22.396 ], [ -55.854, -22.281 ], [ -56.208, -22.281 ], [ -56.341, -22.206 ], [ -56.403, -22.078 ], [ -56.519, -22.103 ], [ -56.643, -22.261 ], [ -56.698, -22.216 ], [ -56.728, -22.26 ], [ -56.808, -22.25 ], [ -56.831, -22.3 ], [ -57.001, -22.225 ], [ -57.203, -22.21 ], [ -57.243, -22.244 ], [ -57.553, -22.181 ], [ -57.616, -22.096 ], [ -57.803, -22.148 ], [ -57.989, -22.085 ], [ -58.005, -22.032 ], [ -57.919, -21.881 ], [ -57.969, -21.844 ], [ -57.913, -21.793 ], [ -57.947, -21.747 ], [ -57.894, -21.687 ], [ -57.968, -21.528 ], [ -57.855, -21.339 ], [ -57.918, -21.278 ], [ -57.854, -21.226 ], [ -57.866, -21.041 ], [ -57.818, -20.976 ], [ -57.927, -20.897 ], [ -57.855, -20.835 ], [ -57.961, -20.784 ], [ -57.869, -20.736 ], [ -57.923, -20.666 ], [ -57.988, -20.696 ], [ -57.994, -20.448 ], [ -58.082, -20.372 ], [ -58.092, -20.257 ], [ -58.154, -20.264 ], [ -58.125, -20.188 ], [ -58.163, -20.162 ], [ -57.872, -19.979 ], [ -58.134, -19.761 ], [ -57.79, -19.051 ], [ -57.709, -19.034 ], [ -57.757, -18.858 ], [ -57.56, -18.263 ], [ -57.458, -18.228 ], [ -57.568, -18.136 ], [ -57.702, -17.86 ], [ -57.715, -17.735 ], [ -57.785, -17.645 ], [ -57.773, -17.553 ], [ -57.878, -17.463 ], [ -58.003, -17.52 ], [ -58.114, -17.456 ], [ -58.395, -17.197 ], [ -58.421, -16.99 ], [ -58.47, -16.939 ], [ -58.468, -16.702 ], [ -58.442, -16.613 ], [ -58.34, -16.542 ], [ -58.309, -16.27 ], [ -58.471, -16.325 ], [ -60.173, -16.265 ], [ -60.236, -15.476 ], [ -60.565, -15.105 ], [ -60.253, -15.101 ], [ -60.257, -14.624 ], [ -60.338, -14.555 ], [ -60.482, -14.181 ], [ -60.468, -14.092 ], [ -60.378, -13.992 ], [ -60.468, -13.886 ], [ -60.468, -13.801 ], [ -60.793, -13.686 ], [ -60.962, -13.539 ], [ -61.044, -13.541 ], [ -61.028, -13.477 ], [ -61.069, -13.463 ], [ -61.139, -13.521 ], [ -61.249, -13.525 ], [ -61.33, -13.473 ], [ -61.486, -13.554 ], [ -61.578, -13.494 ], [ -61.824, -13.539 ], [ -61.866, -13.443 ], [ -62.108, -13.257 ], [ -62.109, -13.149 ], [ -62.165, -13.112 ], [ -62.368, -13.145 ], [ -62.464, -13.07 ], [ -62.637, -13.041 ], [ -62.674, -12.965 ], [ -62.764, -13.023 ], [ -62.923, -12.854 ], [ -62.996, -12.85 ], [ -63.082, -12.653 ], [ -63.327, -12.705 ], [ -63.482, -12.557 ], [ -63.712, -12.458 ], [ -63.875, -12.469 ], [ -63.937, -12.557 ], [ -64.127, -12.494 ], [ -64.152, -12.529 ], [ -64.215, -12.476 ], [ -64.278, -12.511 ], [ -64.493, -12.366 ], [ -64.486, -12.23 ], [ -64.654, -12.186 ], [ -64.683, -12.099 ], [ -64.725, -12.162 ], [ -64.798, -12.035 ], [ -64.993, -11.999 ], [ -65.048, -11.757 ], [ -65.112, -11.741 ], [ -65.106, -11.697 ], [ -65.135, -11.777 ], [ -65.201, -11.745 ], [ -65.161, -11.622 ], [ -65.218, -11.521 ], [ -65.299, -11.5 ], [ -65.338, -11.392 ], [ -65.31, -11.341 ], [ -65.385, -11.269 ], [ -65.349, -11.239 ], [ -65.391, -11.167 ], [ -65.318, -11.105 ], [ -65.336, -11.044 ], [ -65.269, -10.901 ], [ -65.366, -10.798 ], [ -65.349, -10.671 ], [ -65.426, -10.638 ], [ -65.429, -10.473 ], [ -65.28, -10.218 ], [ -65.327, -9.938 ], [ -65.29, -9.851 ], [ -65.377, -9.698 ], [ -65.488, -9.718 ], [ -65.563, -9.834 ], [ -65.669, -9.779 ], [ -65.7, -9.803 ], [ -65.689, -9.749 ], [ -65.748, -9.77 ], [ -65.777, -9.727 ], [ -65.798, -9.786 ], [ -65.81, -9.75 ], [ -65.86, -9.794 ], [ -65.872, -9.757 ], [ -66.018, -9.807 ], [ -66.064, -9.772 ], [ -66.422, -9.895 ], [ -66.616, -9.893 ], [ -66.623, -9.935 ], [ -66.883, -10.081 ], [ -67.029, -10.254 ], [ -67.186, -10.339 ], [ -67.315, -10.316 ], [ -67.327, -10.374 ], [ -67.414, -10.372 ], [ -67.443, -10.45 ], [ -67.594, -10.523 ], [ -67.715, -10.707 ], [ -68.021, -10.661 ], [ -68.119, -10.726 ], [ -68.283, -10.987 ], [ -68.519, -11.048 ], [ -68.587, -11.11 ], [ -68.769, -11.139 ], [ -68.751, -11.007 ], [ -68.787, -10.99 ], [ -68.871, -11.023 ], [ -69.393, -10.929 ], [ -69.728, -10.973 ], [ -69.938, -10.926 ], [ -70.318, -11.066 ], [ -70.428, -11.033 ], [ -70.508, -10.94 ], [ -70.618, -11.007 ], [ -70.622, -9.847 ], [ -70.522, -9.738 ], [ -70.598, -9.574 ], [ -70.561, -9.579 ], [ -70.497, -9.433 ], [ -70.601, -9.453 ], [ -70.982, -9.812 ], [ -71.131, -9.862 ], [ -71.288, -9.996 ], [ -72.165, -10.002 ], [ -72.16, -9.818 ], [ -72.26, -9.755 ], [ -72.289, -9.536 ], [ -72.364, -9.491 ], [ -72.721, -9.417 ], [ -73.196, -9.418 ], [ -72.965, -9.154 ], [ -72.946, -8.99 ], [ -73.059, -8.904 ], [ -73.169, -8.701 ], [ -73.338, -8.609 ], [ -73.338, -8.476 ], [ -73.526, -8.369 ], [ -73.632, -8.022 ], [ -73.765, -7.94 ], [ -73.777, -7.869 ], [ -73.697, -7.865 ], [ -73.69, -7.79 ], [ -73.985, -7.543 ], [ -73.917, -7.461 ], [ -73.954, -7.348 ], [ -73.868, -7.377 ], [ -73.691, -7.313 ], [ -73.797, -7.115 ], [ -73.743, -6.897 ], [ -73.351, -6.561 ], [ -73.211, -6.53 ], [ -73.133, -6.421 ], [ -73.185, -6.04 ], [ -73.131, -5.986 ], [ -73.116, -5.865 ], [ -72.951, -5.643 ], [ -72.948, -5.454 ], [ -72.872, -5.25 ], [ -72.896, -5.136 ], [ -72.734, -5.043 ], [ -72.602, -5.056 ], [ -72.577, -4.992 ], [ -72.455, -4.962 ], [ -72.452, -4.906 ], [ -72.37, -4.88 ], [ -72.356, -4.803 ], [ -72.292, -4.799 ], [ -72.313, -4.769 ], [ -72.223, -4.78 ], [ -72.113, -4.722 ], [ -72.047, -4.625 ], [ -71.94, -4.607 ], [ -71.897, -4.512 ], [ -71.61, -4.465 ], [ -71.597, -4.525 ], [ -71.535, -4.46 ], [ -71.49, -4.479 ], [ -71.506, -4.435 ], [ -71.414, -4.432 ], [ -71.432, -4.469 ], [ -71.342, -4.423 ], [ -71.355, -4.468 ], [ -71.303, -4.458 ], [ -71.269, -4.381 ], [ -71.198, -4.377 ], [ -71.193, -4.42 ], [ -71.147, -4.375 ], [ -71.031, -4.397 ], [ -70.99, -4.34 ], [ -70.935, -4.381 ], [ -70.757, -4.152 ], [ -70.677, -4.2 ], [ -70.622, -4.121 ], [ -70.633, -4.173 ], [ -70.565, -4.168 ], [ -70.566, -4.205 ], [ -70.553, -4.128 ], [ -70.503, -4.19 ], [ -70.434, -4.125 ], [ -70.341, -4.174 ], [ -70.317, -4.136 ], [ -70.291, -4.283 ], [ -70.249, -4.267 ], [ -70.186, -4.357 ], [ -70.169, -4.27 ], [ -70.101, -4.255 ], [ -70.031, -4.339 ], [ -69.929, -4.213 ], [ -69.453, -1.478 ], [ -69.368, -1.334 ], [ -69.422, -0.998 ], [ -69.508, -0.936 ], [ -69.609, -0.755 ], [ -69.551, -0.648 ], [ -69.593, -0.517 ], [ -69.908, -0.316 ], [ -70.068, -0.135 ], [ -70.037, 0.553 ], [ -69.798, 0.585 ], [ -69.664, 0.672 ], [ -69.606, 0.623 ], [ -69.468, 0.734 ], [ -69.357, 0.621 ], [ -69.295, 0.648 ], [ -69.288, 0.609 ], [ -69.202, 0.602 ], [ -69.112, 0.643 ], [ -69.184, 0.73 ], [ -69.137, 0.868 ], [ -69.257, 1.026 ], [ -69.342, 1.064 ], [ -69.416, 1.024 ], [ -69.7, 1.056 ], [ -69.721, 1.097 ], [ -69.854, 1.07 ], [ -69.855, 1.715 ], [ -69.556, 1.775 ], [ -69.395, 1.726 ], [ -68.128, 1.73 ], [ -68.29, 1.841 ], [ -68.205, 2.038 ], [ -68.027, 1.784 ], [ -67.924, 1.751 ], [ -67.797, 1.812 ], [ -67.578, 2.076 ], [ -67.41, 2.141 ], [ -67.117, 1.732 ], [ -67.068, 1.532 ], [ -67.097, 1.17 ], [ -66.855, 1.228 ], [ -66.322, 0.738 ], [ -66.095, 0.754 ], [ -65.952, 0.81 ], [ -65.854, 0.939 ], [ -65.733, 1.005 ], [ -65.583, 1.008 ], [ -65.47, 0.877 ], [ -65.557, 0.705 ], [ -65.504, 0.627 ], [ -65.393, 0.699 ], [ -65.305, 0.916 ], [ -65.152, 0.943 ], [ -65.121, 1.115 ], [ -65.055, 1.144 ], [ -64.968, 1.112 ], [ -64.903, 1.249 ], [ -64.843, 1.237 ], [ -64.783, 1.313 ], [ -64.721, 1.25 ], [ -64.638, 1.286 ], [ -64.387, 1.527 ], [ -64.344, 1.528 ], [ -64.382, 1.419 ], [ -64.344, 1.38 ], [ -64.186, 1.494 ], [ -64.054, 1.708 ], [ -64.057, 1.933 ], [ -64.018, 1.967 ], [ -63.781, 1.989 ], [ -63.604, 2.124 ], [ -63.419, 2.154 ], [ -63.349, 2.281 ], [ -63.382, 2.442 ], [ -63.756, 2.403 ], [ -64.031, 2.509 ], [ -63.987, 2.772 ], [ -64.216, 3.153 ], [ -64.236, 3.476 ], [ -64.186, 3.634 ], [ -64.324, 3.797 ], [ -64.543, 3.882 ], [ -64.8, 4.224 ], [ -64.79, 4.329 ], [ -64.677, 4.297 ], [ -64.555, 4.153 ], [ -64.135, 4.176 ], [ -63.967, 3.93 ], [ -63.806, 4.019 ], [ -63.623, 4.01 ], [ -63.455, 3.91 ], [ -63.411, 4.026 ], [ -63.358, 4.04 ], [ -63.203, 3.952 ], [ -63.189, 3.872 ], [ -62.86, 3.584 ], [ -62.749, 3.642 ], [ -62.705, 3.724 ], [ -62.752, 4.012 ], [ -62.635, 4.056 ], [ -62.557, 4.02 ], [ -62.46, 4.173 ], [ -62.129, 4.084 ], [ -61.961, 4.18 ], [ -61.927, 4.106 ], [ -61.723, 4.262 ], [ -61.528, 4.273 ], [ -61.507, 4.398 ], [ -61.274, 4.471 ], [ -61.293, 4.55 ], [ -61.141, 4.508 ], [ -60.952, 4.549 ], [ -60.907, 4.708 ], [ -60.731, 4.777 ], [ -60.59, 4.951 ], [ -60.744, 5.209 ], [ -60.438, 5.177 ], [ -60.203, 5.265 ], [ -60.176, 5.227 ], [ -60.121, 5.243 ], [ -60.085, 5.149 ], [ -59.969, 5.073 ], [ -60.03, 4.704 ], [ -60.163, 4.521 ], [ -59.927, 4.509 ], [ -59.674, 4.382 ], [ -59.726, 4.191 ], [ -59.628, 4.138 ], [ -59.655, 4.078 ], [ -59.516, 3.94 ], [ -59.581, 3.901 ], [ -59.594, 3.796 ], [ -59.666, 3.777 ], [ -59.664, 3.703 ], [ -59.849, 3.601 ], [ -59.799, 3.355 ], [ -59.909, 3.197 ], [ -59.982, 2.929 ], [ -59.99, 2.683 ], [ -59.903, 2.479 ], [ -59.91, 2.388 ], [ -59.724, 2.277 ], [ -59.754, 1.861 ], [ -59.654, 1.849 ], [ -59.669, 1.764 ], [ -59.549, 1.729 ], [ -59.253, 1.397 ], [ -58.914, 1.299 ], [ -58.904, 1.234 ], [ -58.804, 1.175 ], [ -58.696, 1.288 ], [ -58.507, 1.264 ], [ -58.468, 1.318 ], [ -58.498, 1.458 ], [ -58.382, 1.471 ], [ -58.325, 1.59 ], [ -58.167, 1.558 ], [ -58.13, 1.501 ], [ -58.009, 1.501 ], [ -58, 1.665 ], [ -57.919, 1.645 ], [ -57.77, 1.718 ], [ -57.545, 1.701 ], [ -57.434, 1.895 ], [ -57.302, 1.99 ], [ -57.247, 1.944 ], [ -57.085, 2.021 ], [ -57.012, 1.918 ], [ -56.8, 1.864 ], [ -56.724, 1.92 ], [ -56.454, 1.945 ], [ -55.957, 1.844 ], [ -55.906, 1.889 ], [ -55.913, 2.041 ], [ -56.048, 2.226 ], [ -56.134, 2.263 ], [ -56.09, 2.352 ], [ -55.995, 2.405 ], [ -55.987, 2.517 ], [ -55.948, 2.532 ], [ -55.739, 2.401 ], [ -55.481, 2.443 ], [ -55.37, 2.407 ], [ -55.336, 2.516 ], [ -55.239, 2.495 ], [ -55.137, 2.575 ], [ -55.103, 2.522 ], [ -54.94, 2.632 ], [ -54.969, 2.555 ], [ -54.864, 2.439 ], [ -54.72, 2.469 ], [ -54.702, 2.336 ], [ -54.549, 2.336 ], [ -54.534, 2.268 ], [ -54.314, 2.158 ], [ -54.189, 2.179 ], [ -54.111, 2.127 ], [ -54.078, 2.197 ], [ -53.784, 2.364 ], [ -53.694, 2.287 ], [ -53.472, 2.332 ], [ -53.397, 2.272 ], [ -53.273, 2.292 ], [ -53.188, 2.223 ], [ -52.905, 2.19 ], [ -52.853, 2.285 ], [ -52.673, 2.374 ], [ -52.555, 2.523 ], [ -52.556, 2.646 ], [ -52.382, 2.912 ], [ -52.347, 3.134 ], [ -52.192, 3.296 ], [ -51.92, 3.781 ], [ -51.795, 3.89 ], [ -51.754, 3.996 ], [ -51.658, 4.049 ], [ -51.585, 4.241 ], [ -51.529, 4.171 ], [ -51.545, 4.397 ], [ -51.202, 4.084 ], [ -51.173, 3.767 ], [ -51.127, 3.911 ], [ -51.085, 3.895 ], [ -51.051, 3.283 ], [ -50.913, 2.875 ], [ -50.927, 2.807 ], [ -50.816, 2.644 ], [ -50.851, 2.482 ], [ -50.802, 2.508 ], [ -50.736, 2.414 ], [ -50.765, 2.359 ], [ -50.694, 2.276 ], [ -50.725, 2.252 ], [ -50.675, 2.247 ], [ -50.682, 2.137 ], [ -50.584, 2.091 ], [ -50.586, 2.014 ], [ -50.471, 1.82 ], [ -50.194, 1.794 ], [ -49.954, 1.676 ], [ -49.88, 1.419 ], [ -49.918, 1.289 ], [ -50.073, 1.204 ], [ -49.918, 1.232 ], [ -49.939, 1.103 ], [ -50.003, 1.066 ], [ -50.033, 1.107 ], [ -50.131, 0.949 ], [ -50.274, 0.866 ], [ -50.338, 0.729 ], [ -50.417, 0.685 ], [ -50.455, 0.732 ], [ -50.428, 0.679 ], [ -50.571, 0.424 ], [ -50.691, 0.3 ], [ -50.677, 0.365 ], [ -50.746, 0.227 ], [ -50.801, 0.224 ], [ -50.785, 0.183 ], [ -50.908, 0.171 ], [ -51.087, -0.043 ], [ -51.203, -0.055 ], [ -51.419, -0.412 ], [ -51.409, -0.44 ], [ -51.325, -0.364 ], [ -51.188, -0.14 ], [ -51.111, -0.154 ], [ -51.154, -0.284 ], [ -51.396, -0.493 ], [ -51.243, -0.443 ], [ -51.26, -0.5 ], [ -51.165, -0.431 ], [ -50.953, -0.061 ], [ -50.824, -0.048 ], [ -50.705, 0.002 ], [ -50.613, -0.088 ], [ -50.744, -0.244 ], [ -50.751, -0.429 ], [ -50.845, -0.526 ], [ -50.988, -0.583 ], [ -51.051, -0.682 ], [ -50.826, -0.555 ], [ -50.794, -0.666 ], [ -50.733, -0.557 ], [ -50.684, -0.604 ], [ -50.724, -0.493 ], [ -50.652, -0.276 ], [ -50.409, -0.094 ], [ -49.631, -0.247 ], [ -49.446, -0.23 ], [ -49.289, -0.145 ], [ -49.018, -0.16 ], [ -49, -0.139 ], [ -48.895, -0.224 ], [ -48.539, -0.234 ], [ -48.363, -0.303 ], [ -48.459, -0.513 ], [ -48.522, -0.877 ], [ -48.667, -1.002 ], [ -48.621, -1.005 ], [ -48.65, -1.048 ], [ -48.617, -1.053 ], [ -48.721, -1.137 ], [ -48.837, -1.452 ], [ -49.161, -1.575 ], [ -49.182, -1.623 ], [ -49.362, -1.604 ], [ -49.364, -1.642 ], [ -49.448, -1.637 ], [ -49.5, -1.738 ], [ -49.61, -1.718 ], [ -49.676, -1.78 ], [ -49.696, -1.757 ], [ -49.714, -1.76 ], [ -49.803, -1.822 ], [ -50.035, -1.717 ], [ -50.179, -1.787 ], [ -50.256, -1.776 ], [ -50.415, -1.841 ], [ -50.401, -1.935 ], [ -49.994, -1.819 ], [ -49.844, -1.905 ], [ -49.765, -1.898 ], [ -49.616, -1.79 ], [ -49.276, -1.706 ], [ -49.267, -1.778 ], [ -49.387, -1.977 ], [ -49.383, -2.159 ], [ -48.973, -1.594 ], [ -48.897, -1.573 ], [ -48.955, -1.712 ], [ -48.932, -1.75 ], [ -48.898, -1.743 ], [ -48.656, -1.371 ], [ -48.592, -1.429 ], [ -48.601, -1.306 ], [ -48.524, -1.338 ], [ -48.537, -1.467 ], [ -48.496, -1.553 ], [ -48.491, -1.502 ], [ -48.46, -1.533 ], [ -48.374, -1.511 ], [ -48.319, -1.478 ], [ -48.505, -1.471 ], [ -48.422, -1.168 ], [ -48.475, -1.144 ], [ -48.4, -1.066 ], [ -48.278, -1.111 ], [ -48.304, -0.948 ], [ -48.055, -0.668 ], [ -48.001, -0.731 ], [ -47.893, -0.553 ], [ -47.843, -0.616 ], [ -47.807, -0.547 ], [ -47.702, -0.54 ], [ -47.707, -0.59 ], [ -47.667, -0.569 ], [ -47.633, -0.608 ], [ -47.651, -0.694 ], [ -47.608, -0.684 ], [ -47.577, -0.573 ], [ -47.476, -0.757 ], [ -47.398, -0.76 ], [ -47.428, -0.693 ], [ -47.464, -0.687 ], [ -47.466, -0.594 ], [ -47.399, -0.594 ], [ -47.4, -0.645 ], [ -47.298, -0.589 ], [ -47.253, -0.668 ], [ -47.247, -0.623 ], [ -47.206, -0.633 ], [ -47.23, -0.719 ], [ -47.158, -0.678 ], [ -47.191, -0.754 ], [ -47.146, -0.764 ], [ -47.16, -0.815 ], [ -47.081, -0.661 ], [ -47.055, -0.868 ], [ -47.027, -0.784 ], [ -46.983, -0.806 ], [ -47.016, -0.752 ], [ -46.967, -0.694 ], [ -46.969, -0.78 ], [ -46.891, -0.869 ], [ -46.89, -0.789 ], [ -46.846, -0.799 ], [ -46.82, -0.71 ], [ -46.802, -0.877 ], [ -46.777, -0.905 ], [ -46.75, -0.826 ], [ -46.709, -0.86 ], [ -46.734, -0.944 ], [ -46.687, -0.831 ], [ -46.653, -0.882 ], [ -46.621, -0.818 ], [ -46.601, -0.917 ], [ -46.676, -0.965 ], [ -46.622, -0.987 ], [ -46.57, -0.947 ], [ -46.609, -1.03 ], [ -46.57, -0.988 ], [ -46.525, -1.027 ], [ -46.465, -1.007 ], [ -46.47, -1.044 ], [ -46.395, -1.037 ], [ -46.413, -1.084 ], [ -46.348, -0.982 ], [ -46.36, -1.011 ], [ -46.366, -1.031 ], [ -46.348, -1.079 ], [ -46.339, -1.015 ], [ -46.299, -1.05 ], [ -46.212, -0.946 ], [ -46.242, -0.921 ], [ -46.179, -0.914 ], [ -46.224, -1.053 ], [ -46.206, -1.1 ], [ -46.158, -1.014 ], [ -46.138, -1.032 ], [ -46.193, -1.143 ], [ -46.104, -1.067 ], [ -46.062, -1.133 ], [ -46.15, -1.258 ], [ -45.982, -1.071 ], [ -45.953, -1.147 ], [ -46, -1.151 ], [ -46, -1.199 ], [ -45.95, -1.159 ], [ -45.95, -1.207 ], [ -46, -1.209 ], [ -45.95, -1.25 ], [ -45.902, -1.134 ], [ -45.923, -1.214 ], [ -45.882, -1.167 ], [ -45.873, -1.211 ], [ -45.909, -1.261 ], [ -45.859, -1.231 ], [ -45.891, -1.293 ], [ -45.807, -1.176 ], [ -45.843, -1.301 ], [ -45.809, -1.328 ], [ -45.831, -1.298 ], [ -45.782, -1.278 ], [ -45.726, -1.135 ], [ -45.69, -1.452 ], [ -45.697, -1.38 ], [ -45.632, -1.371 ], [ -45.618, -1.279 ], [ -45.589, -1.329 ], [ -45.537, -1.273 ], [ -45.561, -1.343 ], [ -45.51, -1.352 ], [ -45.567, -1.404 ], [ -45.546, -1.432 ], [ -45.413, -1.296 ], [ -45.489, -1.473 ], [ -45.511, -1.458 ], [ -45.554, -1.503 ], [ -45.507, -1.471 ], [ -45.518, -1.516 ], [ -45.481, -1.495 ], [ -45.463, -1.548 ], [ -45.457, -1.457 ], [ -45.391, -1.434 ], [ -45.363, -1.325 ], [ -45.323, -1.319 ], [ -45.302, -1.424 ], [ -45.392, -1.485 ], [ -45.398, -1.503 ], [ -45.356, -1.487 ], [ -45.392, -1.553 ], [ -45.338, -1.572 ], [ -45.371, -1.722 ], [ -45.338, -1.753 ], [ -45.197, -1.688 ], [ -45.261, -1.607 ], [ -45.16, -1.475 ], [ -45.136, -1.521 ], [ -45.072, -1.435 ], [ -45.07, -1.485 ], [ -44.999, -1.504 ], [ -45.018, -1.547 ], [ -44.969, -1.549 ], [ -45.029, -1.583 ], [ -45.029, -1.602 ], [ -44.979, -1.607 ], [ -44.954, -1.498 ], [ -44.862, -1.426 ], [ -44.857, -1.498 ], [ -44.954, -1.605 ], [ -44.918, -1.649 ], [ -44.968, -1.662 ], [ -44.913, -1.657 ], [ -44.927, -1.62 ], [ -44.886, -1.609 ], [ -44.837, -1.65 ], [ -44.822, -1.591 ], [ -44.826, -1.637 ], [ -44.805, -1.609 ], [ -44.812, -1.665 ], [ -44.779, -1.735 ], [ -44.711, -1.728 ], [ -44.82, -1.819 ], [ -44.738, -1.791 ], [ -44.706, -1.819 ], [ -44.676, -1.808 ], [ -44.661, -1.727 ], [ -44.604, -1.749 ], [ -44.667, -1.849 ], [ -44.601, -1.858 ], [ -44.583, -1.817 ], [ -44.586, -1.873 ], [ -44.543, -1.833 ], [ -44.601, -1.909 ], [ -44.517, -1.907 ], [ -44.484, -2.002 ], [ -44.613, -2.037 ], [ -44.467, -2.017 ], [ -44.626, -2.151 ], [ -44.589, -2.159 ], [ -44.641, -2.232 ], [ -44.708, -2.23 ], [ -44.684, -2.275 ], [ -44.764, -2.265 ], [ -44.654, -2.294 ], [ -44.681, -2.354 ], [ -44.649, -2.373 ], [ -44.666, -2.329 ], [ -44.479, -2.137 ], [ -44.358, -2.335 ], [ -44.401, -2.416 ], [ -44.514, -2.384 ], [ -44.55, -2.4 ], [ -44.491, -2.415 ], [ -44.514, -2.448 ], [ -44.505, -2.476 ], [ -44.665, -2.608 ], [ -44.548, -2.542 ], [ -44.658, -2.781 ], [ -44.688, -2.924 ], [ -44.677, -3.019 ], [ -44.66, -3.02 ], [ -44.657, -3.018 ] ], [ [ -43.318, -2.361 ], [ -43.317, -2.363 ], [ -43.296, -2.363 ], [ -43.318, -2.361 ] ], [ [ -42.438, -2.747 ], [ -42.442, -2.749 ], [ -42.438, -2.75 ], [ -42.438, -2.747 ] ], [ [ -42.442, -2.749 ], [ -42.47, -2.744 ], [ -42.447, -2.753 ], [ -42.442, -2.749 ] ], [ [ -50.851, 2.482 ], [ -50.853, 2.481 ], [ -50.853, 2.48 ], [ -50.851, 2.482 ] ], [ [ -50.853, 2.481 ], [ -50.86, 2.495 ], [ -50.86, 2.477 ], [ -50.853, 2.481 ] ], [ [ -49.976, 1.659 ], [ -49.98, 1.659 ], [ -50, 1.639 ], [ -49.976, 1.659 ] ], [ [ -45.392, -1.553 ], [ -45.393, -1.553 ], [ -45.394, -1.556 ], [ -45.392, -1.553 ] ], [ [ -45.394, -1.556 ], [ -45.406, -1.579 ], [ -45.403, -1.591 ], [ -45.394, -1.556 ] ], [ [ -44.837, -1.65 ], [ -44.834, -1.655 ], [ -44.833, -1.654 ], [ -44.837, -1.65 ] ], [ [ -44.834, -1.655 ], [ -44.841, -1.675 ], [ -44.822, -1.672 ], [ -44.834, -1.655 ] ], [ [ -44.779, -1.735 ], [ -44.777, -1.741 ], [ -44.776, -1.74 ], [ -44.779, -1.735 ] ], [ [ -44.777, -1.741 ], [ -44.833, -1.77 ], [ -44.774, -1.75 ], [ -44.777, -1.741 ] ], [ [ -44.547, -2.22 ], [ -44.536, -2.225 ], [ -44.543, -2.219 ], [ -44.547, -2.22 ] ], [ [ -44.536, -2.225 ], [ -44.507, -2.249 ], [ -44.512, -2.235 ], [ -44.536, -2.225 ] ], [ [ -44.507, -2.249 ], [ -44.504, -2.256 ], [ -44.501, -2.254 ], [ -44.507, -2.249 ] ], [ [ -44.504, -2.256 ], [ -44.514, -2.268 ], [ -44.502, -2.26 ], [ -44.504, -2.256 ] ] ], [ [ [ -29.34, -20.484 ], [ -29.301, -20.521 ], [ -29.341, -20.511 ], [ -29.34, -20.484 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.001, -13.94 ], [ -39.012, -13.915 ], [ -38.994, -13.896 ], [ -39.001, -13.94 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.043, -13.909 ], [ -39.059, -13.904 ], [ -39.054, -13.886 ], [ -39.028, -13.903 ], [ -39.043, -13.909 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.251, -18.015 ], [ -39.283, -18.005 ], [ -39.272, -17.982 ], [ -39.245, -18.006 ], [ -39.251, -18.015 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.131, -17.927 ], [ -39.154, -17.921 ], [ -39.137, -17.91 ], [ -39.131, -17.927 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.212, -17.986 ], [ -39.228, -17.979 ], [ -39.215, -17.944 ], [ -39.202, -17.95 ], [ -39.212, -17.986 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.341, -23.231 ], [ -44.372, -23.174 ], [ -44.232, -23.089 ], [ -44.087, -23.173 ], [ -44.3, -23.184 ], [ -44.341, -23.231 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.356, -23.073 ], [ -44.388, -23.048 ], [ -44.373, -23.033 ], [ -44.343, -23.041 ], [ -44.356, -23.073 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.929, -23.014 ], [ -43.936, -22.999 ], [ -43.916, -22.989 ], [ -43.929, -23.014 ] ] ], [ [ [ -42.002, -23.018 ], [ -42.015, -23.003 ], [ -41.98, -22.975 ], [ -41.975, -22.992 ], [ -42.002, -23.018 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.904, -22.962 ], [ -43.907, -22.936 ], [ -43.868, -22.926 ], [ -43.871, -22.95 ], [ -43.904, -22.962 ] ] ], [ [ [ -41.042, -21.613 ], [ -41.042, -21.6 ], [ -41.019, -21.606 ], [ -41.042, -21.613 ] ] ], [ [ [ -52.112, -32 ], [ -52.18, -32.035 ], [ -52.216, -32.025 ], [ -52.198, -31.978 ], [ -52.112, -32 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.641, -30.388 ], [ -50.629, -30.394 ], [ -50.624, -30.329 ], [ -50.592, -30.399 ], [ -50.609, -30.406 ], [ -50.641, -30.388 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.526, -27.462 ], [ -48.416, -27.38 ], [ -48.358, -27.446 ], [ -48.503, -27.799 ], [ -48.559, -27.842 ], [ -48.526, -27.462 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.354, -27.296 ], [ -48.376, -27.285 ], [ -48.373, -27.271 ], [ -48.36, -27.27 ], [ -48.354, -27.296 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.731, -26.314 ], [ -48.754, -26.297 ], [ -48.735, -26.282 ], [ -48.731, -26.314 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.318, -25.584 ], [ -48.309, -25.546 ], [ -48.381, -25.504 ], [ -48.312, -25.509 ], [ -48.292, -25.545 ], [ -48.318, -25.584 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.414, -25.544 ], [ -48.459, -25.514 ], [ -48.415, -25.527 ], [ -48.414, -25.544 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.424, -25.551 ], [ -48.479, -25.523 ], [ -48.485, -25.502 ], [ -48.424, -25.551 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.298, -25.493 ], [ -48.341, -25.416 ], [ -48.252, -25.341 ], [ -48.265, -25.44 ], [ -48.253, -25.466 ], [ -48.298, -25.493 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.417, -25.386 ], [ -48.424, -25.343 ], [ -48.405, -25.33 ], [ -48.417, -25.386 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.695, -24.112 ], [ -45.688, -24.088 ], [ -45.679, -24.098 ], [ -45.695, -24.112 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.251, -23.962 ], [ -45.301, -23.909 ], [ -45.453, -23.91 ], [ -45.332, -23.721 ], [ -45.227, -23.774 ], [ -45.224, -23.835 ], [ -45.283, -23.857 ], [ -45.221, -23.899 ], [ -45.251, -23.962 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.141, -23.817 ], [ -45.146, -23.791 ], [ -45.114, -23.801 ], [ -45.141, -23.817 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.153, -23.573 ], [ -45.153, -23.558 ], [ -45.141, -23.568 ], [ -45.153, -23.573 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.073, -23.564 ], [ -45.079, -23.525 ], [ -45.036, -23.531 ], [ -45.073, -23.564 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.608, -23.228 ], [ -44.59, -23.208 ], [ -44.577, -23.216 ], [ -44.608, -23.228 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.648, -12.821 ], [ -38.666, -12.777 ], [ -38.624, -12.762 ], [ -38.648, -12.821 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.529, -12.811 ], [ -38.544, -12.757 ], [ -38.532, -12.74 ], [ -38.508, -12.792 ], [ -38.529, -12.811 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.622, -12.752 ], [ -38.622, -12.727 ], [ -38.593, -12.733 ], [ -38.622, -12.752 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.646, -12.683 ], [ -38.648, -12.65 ], [ -38.636, -12.661 ], [ -38.646, -12.683 ] ] ], [ [ [ -32.402, -3.838 ], [ -32.428, -3.877 ], [ -32.483, -3.878 ], [ -32.402, -3.838 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.667, -3.179 ], [ -44.668, -3.16 ], [ -44.643, -3.148 ], [ -44.644, -3.17 ], [ -44.667, -3.179 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.671, -2.943 ], [ -44.67, -2.92 ], [ -44.647, -2.915 ], [ -44.671, -2.943 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.493, -2.641 ], [ -44.48, -2.601 ], [ -44.477, -2.627 ], [ -44.493, -2.641 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.897, -2.573 ], [ -43.896, -2.554 ], [ -43.886, -2.565 ], [ -43.897, -2.573 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.599, -2.503 ], [ -43.577, -2.471 ], [ -43.572, -2.483 ], [ -43.599, -2.503 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.822, -2.526 ], [ -43.829, -2.509 ], [ -43.813, -2.458 ], [ -43.812, -2.553 ], [ -43.82, -2.528 ], [ -43.822, -2.526 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.821, -2.529 ], [ -43.856, -2.502 ], [ -43.832, -2.439 ], [ -43.842, -2.504 ], [ -43.821, -2.529 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.863, -2.56 ], [ -43.875, -2.552 ], [ -43.865, -2.534 ], [ -43.863, -2.56 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.519, -2.536 ], [ -44.529, -2.526 ], [ -44.501, -2.48 ], [ -44.505, -2.444 ], [ -44.455, -2.434 ], [ -44.519, -2.536 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.602, -3.007 ], [ -44.657, -2.972 ], [ -44.613, -2.894 ], [ -44.575, -2.921 ], [ -44.602, -3.007 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.585, -2.978 ], [ -44.563, -2.914 ], [ -44.586, -2.826 ], [ -44.494, -2.705 ], [ -44.494, -2.953 ], [ -44.582, -3.041 ], [ -44.585, -2.978 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.826, -2.434 ], [ -43.842, -2.403 ], [ -43.811, -2.385 ], [ -43.807, -2.412 ], [ -43.826, -2.434 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.581, -2.441 ], [ -43.615, -2.389 ], [ -43.549, -2.377 ], [ -43.545, -2.403 ], [ -43.581, -2.441 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.791, -2.47 ], [ -43.806, -2.443 ], [ -43.78, -2.422 ], [ -43.759, -2.448 ], [ -43.791, -2.47 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.513, -2.424 ], [ -43.537, -2.416 ], [ -43.522, -2.39 ], [ -43.505, -2.414 ], [ -43.513, -2.424 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.792, -2.405 ], [ -43.798, -2.377 ], [ -43.771, -2.37 ], [ -43.792, -2.405 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.689, -2.355 ], [ -43.743, -2.352 ], [ -43.724, -2.305 ], [ -43.617, -2.253 ], [ -43.612, -2.275 ], [ -43.669, -2.301 ], [ -43.689, -2.355 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.73, -2.425 ], [ -43.732, -2.364 ], [ -43.67, -2.377 ], [ -43.681, -2.34 ], [ -43.63, -2.324 ], [ -43.643, -2.394 ], [ -43.73, -2.425 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.473, -2.125 ], [ -44.487, -2.113 ], [ -44.475, -2.096 ], [ -44.463, -2.104 ], [ -44.473, -2.125 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.456, -2.031 ], [ -44.447, -2.008 ], [ -44.439, -2.022 ], [ -44.456, -2.031 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.311, -1.964 ], [ -49.336, -1.996 ], [ -49.309, -1.943 ], [ -49.311, -1.964 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.323, -2.054 ], [ -49.329, -2.019 ], [ -49.316, -2.001 ], [ -49.323, -2.054 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.231, -1.829 ], [ -50.246, -1.824 ], [ -50.229, -1.816 ], [ -50.231, -1.829 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.615, -1.821 ], [ -44.622, -1.797 ], [ -44.597, -1.774 ], [ -44.583, -1.789 ], [ -44.615, -1.821 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.7, -1.811 ], [ -44.703, -1.78 ], [ -44.673, -1.78 ], [ -44.7, -1.811 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.691, -1.793 ], [ -49.721, -1.789 ], [ -49.719, -1.771 ], [ -49.697, -1.766 ], [ -49.691, -1.793 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.924, -1.711 ], [ -48.909, -1.713 ], [ -48.916, -1.734 ], [ -48.935, -1.713 ], [ -48.924, -1.711 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.757, -1.707 ], [ -44.767, -1.694 ], [ -44.736, -1.701 ], [ -44.757, -1.707 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.433, -1.684 ], [ -49.454, -1.706 ], [ -49.46, -1.684 ], [ -49.433, -1.684 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.357, -1.008 ], [ -46.342, -0.994 ], [ -46.353, -1.026 ], [ -46.357, -1.008 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.205, -1.021 ], [ -46.194, -1.014 ], [ -46.202, -1.032 ], [ -46.205, -1.021 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.662, -3.018 ], [ -44.673, -3.012 ], [ -44.664, -3.001 ], [ -44.649, -3.013 ], [ -44.662, -3.018 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.736, -1.683 ], [ -44.745, -1.677 ], [ -44.732, -1.668 ], [ -44.736, -1.683 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.231, -1.638 ], [ -49.237, -1.627 ], [ -49.217, -1.633 ], [ -49.231, -1.638 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.38, -1.685 ], [ -49.4, -1.682 ], [ -49.368, -1.669 ], [ -49.38, -1.685 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.426, -1.673 ], [ -49.429, -1.661 ], [ -49.406, -1.66 ], [ -49.426, -1.673 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.34, -1.672 ], [ -49.358, -1.662 ], [ -49.325, -1.647 ], [ -49.34, -1.672 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.289, -1.726 ], [ -45.305, -1.663 ], [ -45.257, -1.641 ], [ -45.244, -1.678 ], [ -45.28, -1.694 ], [ -45.289, -1.726 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.328, -1.743 ], [ -45.346, -1.719 ], [ -45.301, -1.596 ], [ -45.274, -1.635 ], [ -45.313, -1.654 ], [ -45.328, -1.743 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.886, -1.578 ], [ -48.89, -1.56 ], [ -48.859, -1.536 ], [ -48.856, -1.553 ], [ -48.886, -1.578 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.783, -1.682 ], [ -44.8, -1.595 ], [ -44.775, -1.62 ], [ -44.721, -1.567 ], [ -44.704, -1.611 ], [ -44.684, -1.575 ], [ -44.668, -1.669 ], [ -44.693, -1.638 ], [ -44.783, -1.682 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.816, -1.569 ], [ -44.837, -1.534 ], [ -44.787, -1.488 ], [ -44.825, -1.534 ], [ -44.816, -1.569 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.462, -1.517 ], [ -48.478, -1.499 ], [ -48.421, -1.503 ], [ -48.462, -1.517 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.793, -1.531 ], [ -44.774, -1.47 ], [ -44.763, -1.513 ], [ -44.793, -1.531 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.414, -1.427 ], [ -45.423, -1.416 ], [ -45.409, -1.405 ], [ -45.414, -1.427 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45, -1.296 ], [ -44.922, -1.265 ], [ -44.877, -1.309 ], [ -44.895, -1.34 ], [ -44.922, -1.305 ], [ -44.907, -1.341 ], [ -44.999, -1.405 ], [ -45.033, -1.339 ], [ -45, -1.32 ], [ -44.995, -1.36 ], [ -45, -1.296 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.044, -1.402 ], [ -45.07, -1.33 ], [ -45.052, -1.342 ], [ -45.044, -1.402 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.333, -1.569 ], [ -45.371, -1.544 ], [ -45.347, -1.489 ], [ -45.313, -1.506 ], [ -45.333, -1.569 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.969, -1.522 ], [ -44.976, -1.493 ], [ -44.959, -1.483 ], [ -44.969, -1.522 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.393, -1.512 ], [ -48.371, -1.476 ], [ -48.341, -1.483 ], [ -48.393, -1.512 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.413, -1.498 ], [ -48.426, -1.491 ], [ -48.387, -1.476 ], [ -48.413, -1.498 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.118, -1.47 ], [ -45.132, -1.462 ], [ -45.115, -1.364 ], [ -45.103, -1.373 ], [ -45.118, -1.47 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.593, -1.251 ], [ -45.581, -1.19 ], [ -45.536, -1.205 ], [ -45.532, -1.231 ], [ -45.593, -1.251 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.559, -1.243 ], [ -48.56, -1.202 ], [ -48.523, -1.199 ], [ -48.559, -1.243 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.817, -1.163 ], [ -45.829, -1.141 ], [ -45.804, -1.127 ], [ -45.817, -1.163 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.877, -1.154 ], [ -45.9, -1.117 ], [ -45.883, -1.073 ], [ -45.849, -1.123 ], [ -45.877, -1.154 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.192, -1.05 ], [ -46.201, -1.041 ], [ -46.185, -1.027 ], [ -46.192, -1.05 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.291, -1.01 ], [ -46.307, -0.992 ], [ -46.306, -0.961 ], [ -46.291, -1.01 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.078, -1.095 ], [ -46.065, -1.05 ], [ -46.061, -1.074 ], [ -46.078, -1.095 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.68, -1.295 ], [ -45.687, -1.275 ], [ -45.667, -1.26 ], [ -45.654, -1.285 ], [ -45.68, -1.295 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.538, -1.282 ], [ -48.549, -1.262 ], [ -48.53, -1.25 ], [ -48.538, -1.282 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.51, -1.27 ], [ -48.522, -1.247 ], [ -48.506, -1.236 ], [ -48.51, -1.27 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.694, -1.37 ], [ -45.646, -1.289 ], [ -45.625, -1.126 ], [ -45.634, -1.349 ], [ -45.694, -1.37 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.688, -1.266 ], [ -45.708, -1.228 ], [ -45.685, -1.194 ], [ -45.664, -1.231 ], [ -45.688, -1.266 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.425, -0.914 ], [ -46.454, -0.907 ], [ -46.408, -0.868 ], [ -46.395, -0.899 ], [ -46.425, -0.914 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.72, -0.848 ], [ -46.735, -0.832 ], [ -46.729, -0.796 ], [ -46.72, -0.848 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.611, -0.799 ], [ -46.622, -0.784 ], [ -46.601, -0.789 ], [ -46.611, -0.799 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.586, -0.849 ], [ -46.621, -0.807 ], [ -46.589, -0.815 ], [ -46.586, -0.849 ] ] ], [ [ [ -47.447, -0.748 ], [ -47.453, -0.732 ], [ -47.436, -0.717 ], [ -47.428, -0.738 ], [ -47.447, -0.748 ] ] ], [ [ [ -47.461, -0.741 ], [ -47.463, -0.702 ], [ -47.445, -0.697 ], [ -47.461, -0.741 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.214, -0.411 ], [ -51.211, -0.386 ], [ -51.164, -0.347 ], [ -51.163, -0.383 ], [ -51.214, -0.411 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.352, -0.353 ], [ -51.346, -0.31 ], [ -51.317, -0.268 ], [ -51.327, -0.33 ], [ -51.352, -0.353 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.127, -0.268 ], [ -51.131, -0.237 ], [ -51.091, -0.208 ], [ -51.087, -0.229 ], [ -51.127, -0.268 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.888, -0.198 ], [ -48.91, -0.188 ], [ -48.893, -0.134 ], [ -48.847, -0.177 ], [ -48.888, -0.198 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.174, -0.091 ], [ -51.191, -0.064 ], [ -51.126, -0.057 ], [ -51.174, -0.091 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.114, -0.146 ], [ -49.097, -0.121 ], [ -49.08, -0.13 ], [ -49.114, -0.146 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.166, -0.142 ], [ -49.188, -0.115 ], [ -49.156, -0.128 ], [ -49.166, -0.142 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.119, -0.141 ], [ -49.143, -0.107 ], [ -49.114, -0.11 ], [ -49.119, -0.141 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.127, -0.128 ], [ -51.094, -0.103 ], [ -51.108, -0.127 ], [ -51.127, -0.128 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.414, -0.999 ], [ -46.384, -0.941 ], [ -46.367, -0.948 ], [ -46.414, -0.999 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.647, -0.97 ], [ -46.658, -0.968 ], [ -46.618, -0.957 ], [ -46.647, -0.97 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.488, -0.942 ], [ -46.465, -0.877 ], [ -46.464, -0.924 ], [ -46.44, -0.922 ], [ -46.482, -0.976 ], [ -46.441, -0.999 ], [ -46.525, -1.016 ], [ -46.527, -0.917 ], [ -46.509, -0.984 ], [ -46.488, -0.942 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.632, 0.159 ], [ -49.662, 0.184 ], [ -49.629, 0.202 ], [ -49.61, 0.181 ], [ -49.632, 0.159 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.641, 0.26 ], [ -50.63, 0.293 ], [ -50.586, 0.308 ], [ -50.641, 0.26 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.2, 0.255 ], [ -50.243, 0.248 ], [ -50.147, 0.337 ], [ -50.059, 0.346 ], [ -50.2, 0.255 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.417, 0.159 ], [ -50.535, 0.234 ], [ -50.36, 0.615 ], [ -50.328, 0.383 ], [ -50.285, 0.3 ], [ -50.413, 0.237 ], [ -50.417, 0.159 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.279, 0.338 ], [ -50.271, 0.599 ], [ -50.147, 0.608 ], [ -50.142, 0.576 ], [ -50.107, 0.636 ], [ -50.063, 0.623 ], [ -50.05, 0.518 ], [ -50.279, 0.338 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50, 0.943 ], [ -50.113, 0.907 ], [ -50.018, 1.034 ], [ -49.935, 1.069 ], [ -49.939, 0.996 ], [ -50, 0.943 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.881, 1.227 ], [ -49.909, 1.246 ], [ -49.886, 1.244 ], [ -49.881, 1.227 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.907, 1.278 ], [ -49.885, 1.291 ], [ -49.863, 1.278 ], [ -49.876, 1.252 ], [ -49.907, 1.278 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.204, 1.851 ], [ -50.232, 1.879 ], [ -50.22, 1.915 ], [ -50.169, 1.865 ], [ -50.204, 1.851 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.468, 1.954 ], [ -50.521, 2.026 ], [ -50.497, 2.139 ], [ -50.398, 2.167 ], [ -50.367, 2.19 ], [ -50.276, 1.939 ], [ -50.423, 1.849 ], [ -50.468, 1.954 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.504, 2.255 ], [ -50.414, 2.244 ], [ -50.382, 2.204 ], [ -50.489, 2.15 ], [ -50.564, 2.205 ], [ -50.504, 2.255 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.229, 0.832 ], [ -50.098, 0.839 ], [ -50.027, 0.898 ], [ -50.105, 0.757 ], [ -50.162, 0.775 ], [ -50.249, 0.72 ], [ -50.229, 0.832 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.131, 0.844 ], [ -50.162, 0.867 ], [ -50.132, 0.9 ], [ -50.119, 0.854 ], [ -50.131, 0.844 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.108, 0.85 ], [ -50.111, 0.891 ], [ -50.049, 0.886 ], [ -50.108, 0.85 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.216, -0.055 ], [ -50.235, -0.042 ], [ -50.219, -0.04 ], [ -50.216, -0.055 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.916, -0.052 ], [ -50.926, -0.047 ], [ -50.907, -0.043 ], [ -50.916, -0.052 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.605, -0.061 ], [ -50.618, -0.022 ], [ -50.559, -0.038 ], [ -50.605, -0.061 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.399, -0.061 ], [ -50.44, -0.057 ], [ -50.378, -0.015 ], [ -50.357, -0.049 ], [ -50.399, -0.061 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.75, 0 ], [ -49.609, 0.08 ], [ -49.474, 0.081 ], [ -49.338, -0.017 ], [ -49.487, -0.136 ], [ -49.723, -0.147 ], [ -49.835, -0.088 ], [ -49.75, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.023, -0.019 ], [ -49.039, -0.011 ], [ -49.02, -0.006 ], [ -49.023, -0.019 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.932, 0.052 ], [ -50.918, 0.084 ], [ -50.884, 0.078 ], [ -50.899, 0.057 ], [ -50.932, 0.052 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.928, 0 ], [ -50.786, 0.05 ], [ -50.717, 0.028 ], [ -50.94, -0.041 ], [ -50.928, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.691, 0.025 ], [ -50.655, 0.015 ], [ -50.703, 0.021 ], [ -50.691, 0.025 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.629, -0.043 ], [ -50.642, -0.016 ], [ -50.622, -0.026 ], [ -50.629, -0.043 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.642, 0 ], [ -50.611, 0.007 ], [ -50.595, -0.019 ], [ -50.642, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.536, 0 ], [ -50.653, 0.126 ], [ -50.59, 0.203 ], [ -50.434, 0.126 ], [ -50.436, 0 ], [ -50.536, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50, 0.311 ], [ -49.674, 0.368 ], [ -49.601, 0.283 ], [ -49.86, 0.008 ], [ -49.99, -0.048 ], [ -50.086, 0.034 ], [ -50.351, 0.044 ], [ -50.394, 0.222 ], [ -50.153, 0.227 ], [ -50, 0.311 ] ] ] ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "La costa de lo que hoy es territorio brasileño fue el primer punto al que llegaron los europeos en América del Sur. La primera expedición que exploró la región fue un desprendimiento de la flota portuguesa que Vasco da Gama (c. 1460-1524) llevaba hacia oriente. Las naves dirigidas por Pedro Álvarez de Cabral (1467-1520) se alejaron excesivamente de la costa de África y terminaron en el extremo sur de actual territorio del Estado de Bahía, en que el permanecieron entre abril y mayo del año 1500. Los portuguese establecieron en la costa precarias feitorias para comerciar verzino o palo brasil con los nativos de las sociedades tupí y guaraní nativas. Recién en 1530 la corona brasileña tomaría acciones decididas para organizar la ocupación portuguesa y las actividades de explotación, cuando instaura el régimen de capitanías hereditarias que estructuraría el establecimiento colonial lusitano en brasil. Bibliografía: Johnson, H. B., \"Portuguese Settlement, 1500-1580\", en Bethell, Leslie (ed.), Colonial Brazil, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1987, pp. 1-38; Abulafia, David, El descubrimiento de la humanidad. Encuentros atlánticos en la era de Colón, Barcelona, Crítica, 2009 [2008]; Metcalf, Alida C., Go-Betweens and the Colonization of Brazil, 1500-1600, Austin, University of Texas Press, 2005; Vaz de Caminha, Pêro, Carta del descubrimiento del Brasil, Barcelona, Acantilado, 2009.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-12-03T14:17:24+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 44421, "end" : 44427 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Brasil" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/d2df7637-2664-4ab7-aa85-023c89adfe9c", "type" : "Annotation", 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-2.689 ], [ -42.503, -2.727 ], [ -42.393, -2.751 ], [ -42.475, -2.706 ], [ -42.375, -2.717 ], [ -42.228, -2.818 ], [ -42.143, -2.808 ], [ -42.256, -2.735 ], [ -42.233, -2.674 ], [ -42.208, -2.712 ], [ -42.098, -2.768 ], [ -42.099, -2.809 ], [ -42.096, -2.747 ], [ -42.216, -2.687 ], [ -42.054, -2.691 ], [ -42.023, -2.775 ], [ -42.017, -2.718 ], [ -41.818, -2.723 ], [ -41.844, -2.773 ], [ -41.797, -2.751 ], [ -41.656, -2.884 ], [ -41.437, -2.939 ], [ -41.395, -2.906 ], [ -41.316, -2.943 ], [ -41.263, -2.887 ], [ -40.838, -2.895 ], [ -40.572, -2.844 ], [ -40.499, -2.787 ], [ -39.888, -2.886 ], [ -39.244, -3.229 ], [ -39.083, -3.394 ], [ -38.978, -3.407 ], [ -38.641, -3.687 ], [ -38.473, -3.7 ], [ -38.377, -3.866 ], [ -38.043, -4.214 ], [ -37.764, -4.399 ], [ -37.588, -4.624 ], [ -37.323, -4.698 ], [ -37.15, -4.943 ], [ -36.958, -4.919 ], [ -36.666, -5.108 ], [ -36.504, -5.061 ], [ -36.297, -5.106 ], [ -35.956, -5.045 ], [ -35.612, -5.11 ], [ -35.385, -5.255 ], [ -35.255, -5.483 ], [ -35.099, -6.169 ], [ -34.983, -6.396 ], [ -34.933, -6.753 ], [ -34.79, -7.159 ], [ -34.842, -7.564 ], [ -34.809, -7.622 ], [ -34.845, -7.69 ], [ -34.827, -8.004 ], [ -35.136, -8.895 ], [ -35.332, -9.237 ], [ -35.689, -9.668 ], [ -35.78, -9.706 ], [ -36.056, -10.083 ], [ -36.266, -10.256 ], [ -36.402, -10.506 ], [ -36.602, -10.567 ], [ -36.934, -10.826 ], [ -37.36, -11.428 ], [ -37.612, -11.979 ], [ -37.996, -12.578 ], [ -38.318, -12.934 ], [ -38.477, -13.022 ], [ -38.532, -13.017 ], [ -38.473, -12.913 ], [ -38.498, -12.722 ], [ -38.603, -12.728 ], [ -38.646, -12.622 ], [ -38.681, -12.661 ], [ -38.718, -12.627 ], [ -38.804, -12.835 ], [ -38.717, -12.873 ], [ -38.769, -12.995 ], [ -38.721, -13.021 ], [ -38.66, -12.963 ], [ -38.686, -12.878 ], [ -38.59, -12.972 ], [ -38.766, -13.129 ], [ -38.807, -13.1 ], [ -38.808, -13.154 ], [ -38.944, -13.243 ], [ -38.973, -13.391 ], [ -38.902, -13.384 ], [ -38.886, -13.45 ], [ -38.95, -13.577 ], [ -38.886, -13.659 ], [ -38.968, -13.67 ], [ -39.006, -13.891 ], [ -39.064, -13.865 ], [ -39.075, -13.887 ], [ -38.986, -13.998 ], [ -38.952, -13.986 ], [ -38.982, -13.912 ], [ -38.938, -13.886 ], [ -38.922, -13.92 ], [ -39.061, -14.716 ], [ -38.962, -15.585 ], [ -38.857, -15.86 ], [ -38.973, -16.211 ], [ -39.032, -16.26 ], [ -39.01, -16.369 ], [ -39.078, -16.454 ], [ -39.143, -16.762 ], [ -39.113, -16.896 ], [ -39.212, -17.155 ], [ -39.193, -17.602 ], [ -39.135, -17.691 ], [ -39.264, -17.869 ], [ -39.435, -17.943 ], [ -39.563, -18.091 ], [ -39.721, -18.493 ], [ -39.749, -18.81 ], [ -39.692, -19.353 ], [ -39.805, -19.65 ], [ -39.951, -19.717 ], [ -40.151, -19.956 ], [ -40.236, -20.285 ], [ -40.353, -20.32 ], [ -40.329, -20.236 ], [ -40.359, -20.291 ], [ -40.365, -20.317 ], [ -40.35, -20.328 ], [ -40.268, -20.327 ], [ -40.402, -20.606 ], [ -40.466, -20.624 ], [ -40.627, -20.845 ], [ -40.65, -20.813 ], [ -40.756, -20.866 ], [ -40.853, -21.133 ], [ -40.955, -21.251 ], [ -40.96, -21.364 ], [ -41.065, -21.495 ], [ -41.051, -21.608 ], [ -41.038, -21.622 ], [ -41.007, -21.618 ], [ -40.99, -22.014 ], [ -41.229, -22.151 ], [ -41.668, -22.294 ], [ -41.962, -22.538 ], [ -41.986, -22.713 ], [ -41.919, -22.774 ], [ -41.864, -22.759 ], [ -42.023, -22.896 ], [ -42.037, -22.94 ], [ -41.99, -22.964 ], [ -42.018, -22.998 ], [ -42.086, -22.957 ], [ -42.529, -22.934 ], [ -43.05, -22.982 ], [ -43.132, -22.941 ], [ -43.025, -22.741 ], [ -43.084, -22.68 ], [ -43.216, -22.725 ], [ -43.287, -22.806 ], [ -43.24, -22.847 ], [ -43.249, -22.797 ], [ -43.156, -22.784 ], [ -43.247, -22.882 ], [ -43.164, -22.899 ], [ -43.187, -22.995 ], [ -43.344, -22.983 ], [ -43.303, -23.02 ], [ -43.549, -23.081 ], [ -44.001, -23.1 ], [ -43.961, -23.042 ], [ -43.877, -23.067 ], [ -43.909, -23.02 ], [ -43.807, -23.063 ], [ -43.555, -23.055 ], [ -43.84, -22.906 ], [ -43.985, -22.937 ], [ -44.034, -23.014 ], [ -44.044, -22.923 ], [ -44.107, -23.03 ], [ -44.234, -23.06 ], [ -44.238, -23.004 ], [ -44.358, -23.02 ], [ -44.296, -22.961 ], [ -44.321, -22.927 ], [ -44.378, -22.972 ], [ -44.407, -22.945 ], [ -44.443, -23.035 ], [ -44.669, -23.06 ], [ -44.712, -23.19 ], [ -44.701, -23.237 ], [ -44.645, -23.191 ], [ -44.612, -23.206 ], [ -44.685, -23.256 ], [ -44.611, -23.238 ], [ -44.652, -23.302 ], [ -44.558, -23.232 ], [ -44.577, -23.275 ], [ -44.498, -23.302 ], [ -44.583, -23.367 ], [ -44.669, -23.341 ], [ -44.84, -23.395 ], [ -44.905, -23.339 ], [ -45.05, -23.418 ], [ -45.016, -23.461 ], [ -45.079, -23.519 ], [ -45.165, -23.495 ], [ -45.159, -23.541 ], [ -45.228, -23.547 ], [ -45.211, -23.582 ], [ -45.41, -23.632 ], [ -45.412, -23.825 ], [ -45.934, -23.771 ], [ -46.124, -23.842 ], [ -46.2, -24.002 ], [ -46.288, -24.044 ], [ -46.321, -24 ], [ -46.458, -24.025 ], [ -46.937, -24.281 ], [ -47.024, -24.382 ], [ -47.004, -24.412 ], [ -47.86, -24.996 ], [ -47.914, -25.061 ], [ -47.915, -25.16 ], [ -48.213, -25.47 ], [ -48.254, -25.435 ], [ -48.222, -25.342 ], [ -48.208, -25.353 ], [ -48.121, -25.267 ], [ -48.253, -25.328 ], [ -48.284, -25.294 ], [ -48.317, -25.363 ], [ -48.327, -25.232 ], [ -48.366, -25.317 ], [ -48.433, -25.237 ], [ -48.428, -25.324 ], [ -48.5, -25.335 ], [ -48.427, -25.39 ], [ -48.449, -25.379 ], [ -48.468, -25.388 ], [ -48.467, -25.432 ], [ -48.449, -25.384 ], [ -48.414, -25.428 ], [ -48.476, -25.485 ], [ -48.637, -25.468 ], [ -48.661, -25.398 ], [ -48.671, -25.435 ], [ -48.739, -25.374 ], [ -48.68, -25.465 ], [ -48.687, -25.499 ], [ -48.737, -25.483 ], [ -48.703, -25.504 ], [ -48.617, -25.536 ], [ -48.512, -25.505 ], [ -48.482, -25.591 ], [ -48.46, -25.552 ], [ -48.35, -25.581 ], [ -48.565, -25.868 ], [ -48.614, -26.06 ], [ -48.586, -26.172 ], [ -48.714, -26.243 ], [ -48.795, -26.073 ], [ -48.837, -26.157 ], [ -48.798, -26.142 ], [ -48.763, -26.199 ], [ -48.805, -26.228 ], [ -48.769, -26.223 ], [ -48.761, -26.286 ], [ -48.803, -26.303 ], [ -48.723, -26.362 ], [ -48.635, -26.374 ], [ -48.714, -26.308 ], [ -48.554, -26.172 ], [ -48.493, -26.224 ], [ -48.695, -26.658 ], [ -48.665, -26.769 ], [ -48.583, -26.786 ], [ -48.655, -26.909 ], [ -48.62, -27.007 ], [ -48.574, -27.011 ], [ -48.607, -27.122 ], [ -48.554, -27.152 ], [ -48.51, -27.108 ], [ -48.469, -27.148 ], [ -48.511, -27.183 ], [ -48.486, -27.218 ], [ -48.531, -27.18 ], [ -48.612, -27.243 ], [ -48.596, -27.318 ], [ -48.529, -27.334 ], [ -48.649, -27.486 ], [ -48.572, -27.592 ], [ -48.653, -27.648 ], [ -48.575, -27.888 ], [ -48.761, -28.535 ], [ -48.813, -28.605 ], [ -49.37, -28.92 ], [ -49.334, -28.921 ], [ -49.702, -29.308 ], [ -50.006, -29.749 ], [ -50.316, -30.472 ], [ -50.848, -31.205 ], [ -51.303, -31.613 ], [ -51.877, -31.952 ], [ -52.071, -32.188 ], [ -52.012, -31.946 ], [ -52.092, -31.837 ], [ -51.851, -31.865 ], [ -51.777, -31.805 ], [ -51.854, -31.797 ], [ -51.65, -31.759 ], [ -51.478, -31.562 ], [ -51.43, -31.622 ], [ -51.458, -31.548 ], [ -51.424, -31.478 ], [ -51.351, -31.529 ], [ -51.234, -31.458 ], [ -51.16, -31.31 ], [ -51.166, -31.063 ], [ -51.109, -31.097 ], [ -50.985, -31.042 ], [ -50.965, -30.893 ], [ -50.888, -30.893 ], [ -50.705, -30.756 ], [ -50.677, -30.61 ], [ -50.725, -30.371 ], [ -50.692, -30.355 ], [ -50.625, -30.409 ], [ -50.641, -30.459 ], [ -50.569, -30.471 ], [ -50.534, -30.278 ], [ -50.601, -30.194 ], [ -50.659, -30.201 ], [ -50.661, -30.293 ], [ -50.918, -30.333 ], [ -50.934, -30.42 ], [ -50.889, -30.439 ], [ -50.921, -30.44 ], [ -51.052, -30.395 ], [ -51.034, -30.276 ], [ -51.146, -30.267 ], [ -51.246, -30.188 ], [ -51.23, -30.043 ], [ -51.295, -30.007 ], [ -51.326, -30.23 ], [ -51.271, -30.25 ], [ -51.293, -30.295 ], [ -51.246, -30.33 ], [ -51.209, -30.3 ], [ -51.179, -30.383 ], [ -51.092, -30.367 ], [ -51.129, -30.436 ], [ -51.202, -30.413 ], [ -51.269, -30.489 ], [ -51.282, -30.811 ], [ -51.33, -30.777 ], [ -51.294, -30.758 ], [ -51.319, -30.64 ], [ -51.375, -30.635 ], [ -51.404, -30.769 ], [ -51.367, -30.874 ], [ -51.457, -30.874 ], [ -51.501, -30.935 ], [ -51.436, -31.088 ], [ -51.611, -31.138 ], [ -51.613, -31.272 ], [ -51.915, -31.313 ], [ -52.002, -31.449 ], [ -52.031, -31.693 ], [ -52.218, -31.747 ], [ -52.247, -31.871 ], [ -52.106, -31.952 ], [ -52.216, -31.963 ], [ -52.263, -32.062 ], [ -52.209, -32.045 ], [ -52.225, -32.096 ], [ -52.082, -32.033 ], [ -52.162, -32.128 ], [ -52.09, -32.069 ], [ -52.084, -32.186 ], [ -52.16, -32.201 ], [ -52.341, -32.43 ], [ -52.488, -32.844 ], [ -52.66, -33.165 ], [ -53.227, -33.658 ], [ -53.421, -33.741 ], [ -53.524, -33.689 ], [ -53.515, -33.163 ], [ -53.434, -33.054 ], [ -53.243, -32.936 ], [ -53.294, -32.911 ], [ -53.074, -32.746 ], [ -53.244, -32.605 ], [ -53.39, -32.583 ], [ -53.46, -32.48 ], [ -53.595, -32.432 ], [ -53.73, -32.157 ], [ -53.714, -32.104 ], [ -53.965, -31.919 ], [ -54.096, -31.906 ], [ -54.466, -31.666 ], [ -54.491, -31.54 ], [ -54.591, -31.448 ], [ -54.836, -31.446 ], [ -54.945, -31.392 ], [ -55.014, -31.285 ], [ -55.091, -31.326 ], [ -55.245, -31.257 ], [ -55.374, -31.038 ], [ -55.594, -30.848 ], [ -55.635, -30.857 ], [ -55.657, -30.956 ], [ -55.87, -31.08 ], [ -56.008, -31.063 ], [ -55.987, -30.86 ], [ -56.021, -30.784 ], [ -56.127, -30.739 ], [ -56.177, -30.614 ], [ -56.384, -30.495 ], [ -56.459, -30.387 ], [ -56.545, -30.364 ], [ -56.54, -30.312 ], [ -56.617, -30.303 ], [ -56.644, -30.205 ], [ -56.776, -30.166 ], [ -56.804, -30.107 ], [ -57.068, -30.088 ], [ -57.207, -30.281 ], [ -57.313, -30.26 ], [ -57.396, -30.303 ], [ -57.538, -30.275 ], [ -57.618, -30.179 ], [ -57.505, -30.143 ], [ -57.342, -30.001 ], [ -57.319, -29.87 ], [ -57.254, -29.794 ], [ -57.105, -29.752 ], [ -56.972, -29.639 ], [ -56.676, -29.321 ], [ -56.593, -29.123 ], [ -56.425, -29.073 ], [ -56.285, -28.794 ], [ -56.185, -28.771 ], [ -56.016, -28.611 ], [ -56.011, -28.509 ], [ -55.888, -28.479 ], [ -55.875, -28.362 ], [ -55.696, -28.425 ], [ -55.671, -28.333 ], [ -55.773, -28.247 ], [ -55.605, -28.123 ], [ -55.554, -28.164 ], [ -55.496, -28.081 ], [ -55.444, -28.097 ], [ -55.323, -27.928 ], [ -55.196, -27.863 ], [ -55.134, -27.895 ], [ -55.117, -27.853 ], [ -55.032, -27.854 ], [ -55.082, -27.789 ], [ -54.941, -27.775 ], [ -54.809, -27.536 ], [ -54.781, -27.586 ], [ -54.683, -27.576 ], [ -54.678, -27.514 ], [ -54.624, -27.55 ], [ -54.576, -27.458 ], [ -54.525, -27.507 ], [ -54.415, -27.412 ], [ -54.353, -27.468 ], [ -54.339, -27.406 ], [ -54.282, -27.447 ], [ -54.176, -27.261 ], [ -54.089, -27.303 ], [ -53.949, -27.158 ], [ -53.799, -27.147 ], [ -53.795, -27.048 ], [ -53.761, -27.068 ], [ -53.662, -26.869 ], [ -53.751, -26.745 ], [ -53.707, -26.563 ], [ -53.738, -26.548 ], [ -53.592, -26.265 ], [ -53.722, -26.13 ], [ -53.733, -26.047 ], [ -53.837, -25.969 ], [ -53.824, -25.793 ], [ -53.891, -25.625 ], [ -53.951, -25.644 ], [ -54.016, -25.569 ], [ -54.101, -25.625 ], [ -54.111, -25.504 ], [ -54.213, -25.554 ], [ -54.184, -25.591 ], [ -54.289, -25.562 ], [ -54.387, -25.608 ], [ -54.43, -25.706 ], [ -54.596, -25.595 ], [ -54.617, -25.459 ], [ -54.437, -25.157 ], [ -54.458, -25.031 ], [ -54.336, -24.649 ], [ -54.333, -24.493 ], [ -54.262, -24.376 ], [ -54.33, -24.225 ], [ -54.282, -24.075 ], [ -54.411, -23.929 ], [ -54.668, -23.815 ], [ -55.061, -23.991 ], [ -55.112, -23.963 ], [ -55.226, -24.013 ], [ -55.413, -23.961 ], [ -55.434, -23.714 ], [ -55.535, -23.614 ], [ -55.522, -23.197 ], [ -55.596, -23.141 ], [ -55.64, -22.994 ], [ -55.685, -22.992 ], [ -55.613, -22.659 ], [ -55.736, -22.532 ], [ -55.74, -22.396 ], [ -55.854, -22.281 ], [ -56.208, -22.281 ], [ -56.341, -22.206 ], [ -56.403, -22.078 ], [ -56.519, -22.103 ], [ -56.643, -22.261 ], [ -56.698, -22.216 ], [ -56.728, -22.26 ], [ -56.808, -22.25 ], [ -56.831, -22.3 ], [ -57.001, -22.225 ], [ -57.203, -22.21 ], [ -57.243, -22.244 ], [ -57.553, -22.181 ], [ -57.616, -22.096 ], [ -57.803, -22.148 ], [ -57.989, -22.085 ], [ -58.005, -22.032 ], [ -57.919, -21.881 ], [ -57.969, -21.844 ], [ -57.913, -21.793 ], [ -57.947, -21.747 ], [ -57.894, -21.687 ], [ -57.968, -21.528 ], [ -57.855, -21.339 ], [ -57.918, -21.278 ], [ -57.854, -21.226 ], [ -57.866, -21.041 ], [ -57.818, -20.976 ], [ -57.927, -20.897 ], [ -57.855, -20.835 ], [ -57.961, -20.784 ], [ -57.869, -20.736 ], [ -57.923, -20.666 ], [ -57.988, -20.696 ], [ -57.994, -20.448 ], [ -58.082, -20.372 ], [ -58.092, -20.257 ], [ -58.154, -20.264 ], [ -58.125, -20.188 ], [ -58.163, -20.162 ], [ -57.872, -19.979 ], [ -58.134, -19.761 ], [ -57.79, -19.051 ], [ -57.709, -19.034 ], [ -57.757, -18.858 ], [ -57.56, -18.263 ], [ -57.458, -18.228 ], [ -57.568, -18.136 ], [ -57.702, -17.86 ], [ -57.715, -17.735 ], [ -57.785, -17.645 ], [ -57.773, -17.553 ], [ -57.878, -17.463 ], [ -58.003, -17.52 ], [ -58.114, -17.456 ], [ -58.395, -17.197 ], [ -58.421, -16.99 ], [ -58.47, -16.939 ], [ -58.468, -16.702 ], [ -58.442, -16.613 ], [ -58.34, -16.542 ], [ -58.309, -16.27 ], [ -58.471, -16.325 ], [ -60.173, -16.265 ], [ -60.236, -15.476 ], [ -60.565, -15.105 ], [ -60.253, -15.101 ], [ -60.257, -14.624 ], [ -60.338, -14.555 ], [ -60.482, -14.181 ], [ -60.468, -14.092 ], [ -60.378, -13.992 ], [ -60.468, -13.886 ], [ -60.468, -13.801 ], [ -60.793, -13.686 ], [ -60.962, -13.539 ], [ -61.044, -13.541 ], [ -61.028, -13.477 ], [ -61.069, -13.463 ], [ -61.139, -13.521 ], [ -61.249, -13.525 ], [ -61.33, -13.473 ], [ -61.486, -13.554 ], [ -61.578, -13.494 ], [ -61.824, -13.539 ], [ -61.866, -13.443 ], [ -62.108, -13.257 ], [ -62.109, -13.149 ], [ -62.165, -13.112 ], [ -62.368, -13.145 ], [ -62.464, -13.07 ], [ -62.637, -13.041 ], [ -62.674, -12.965 ], [ -62.764, -13.023 ], [ -62.923, -12.854 ], [ -62.996, -12.85 ], [ -63.082, -12.653 ], [ -63.327, -12.705 ], [ -63.482, -12.557 ], [ -63.712, -12.458 ], [ -63.875, -12.469 ], [ -63.937, -12.557 ], [ -64.127, -12.494 ], [ -64.152, -12.529 ], [ -64.215, -12.476 ], [ -64.278, -12.511 ], [ -64.493, -12.366 ], [ -64.486, -12.23 ], [ -64.654, -12.186 ], [ -64.683, -12.099 ], [ -64.725, -12.162 ], [ -64.798, -12.035 ], [ -64.993, -11.999 ], [ -65.048, -11.757 ], [ -65.112, -11.741 ], [ -65.106, -11.697 ], [ -65.135, -11.777 ], [ -65.201, -11.745 ], [ -65.161, -11.622 ], [ -65.218, -11.521 ], [ -65.299, -11.5 ], [ -65.338, -11.392 ], [ -65.31, -11.341 ], [ -65.385, -11.269 ], [ -65.349, -11.239 ], [ -65.391, -11.167 ], [ -65.318, -11.105 ], [ -65.336, -11.044 ], [ -65.269, -10.901 ], [ -65.366, -10.798 ], [ -65.349, -10.671 ], [ -65.426, -10.638 ], [ -65.429, -10.473 ], [ -65.28, -10.218 ], [ -65.327, -9.938 ], [ -65.29, -9.851 ], [ -65.377, -9.698 ], [ -65.488, -9.718 ], [ -65.563, -9.834 ], [ -65.669, -9.779 ], [ -65.7, -9.803 ], [ -65.689, -9.749 ], [ -65.748, -9.77 ], [ -65.777, -9.727 ], [ -65.798, -9.786 ], [ -65.81, -9.75 ], [ -65.86, -9.794 ], [ -65.872, -9.757 ], [ -66.018, -9.807 ], [ -66.064, -9.772 ], [ -66.422, -9.895 ], [ -66.616, -9.893 ], [ -66.623, -9.935 ], [ -66.883, -10.081 ], [ -67.029, -10.254 ], [ -67.186, -10.339 ], [ -67.315, -10.316 ], [ -67.327, -10.374 ], [ -67.414, -10.372 ], [ -67.443, -10.45 ], [ -67.594, -10.523 ], [ -67.715, -10.707 ], [ -68.021, -10.661 ], [ -68.119, -10.726 ], [ -68.283, -10.987 ], [ -68.519, -11.048 ], [ -68.587, -11.11 ], [ -68.769, -11.139 ], [ -68.751, -11.007 ], [ -68.787, -10.99 ], [ -68.871, -11.023 ], [ -69.393, -10.929 ], [ -69.728, -10.973 ], [ -69.938, -10.926 ], [ -70.318, -11.066 ], [ -70.428, -11.033 ], [ -70.508, -10.94 ], [ -70.618, -11.007 ], [ -70.622, -9.847 ], [ -70.522, -9.738 ], [ -70.598, -9.574 ], [ -70.561, -9.579 ], [ -70.497, -9.433 ], [ -70.601, -9.453 ], [ -70.982, -9.812 ], [ -71.131, -9.862 ], [ -71.288, -9.996 ], [ -72.165, -10.002 ], [ -72.16, -9.818 ], [ -72.26, -9.755 ], [ -72.289, -9.536 ], [ -72.364, -9.491 ], [ -72.721, -9.417 ], [ -73.196, -9.418 ], [ -72.965, -9.154 ], [ -72.946, -8.99 ], [ -73.059, -8.904 ], [ -73.169, -8.701 ], [ -73.338, -8.609 ], [ -73.338, -8.476 ], [ -73.526, -8.369 ], [ -73.632, -8.022 ], [ -73.765, -7.94 ], [ -73.777, -7.869 ], [ -73.697, -7.865 ], [ -73.69, -7.79 ], [ -73.985, -7.543 ], [ -73.917, -7.461 ], [ -73.954, -7.348 ], [ -73.868, -7.377 ], [ -73.691, -7.313 ], [ -73.797, -7.115 ], [ -73.743, -6.897 ], [ -73.351, -6.561 ], [ -73.211, -6.53 ], [ -73.133, -6.421 ], [ -73.185, -6.04 ], [ -73.131, -5.986 ], [ -73.116, -5.865 ], [ -72.951, -5.643 ], [ -72.948, -5.454 ], [ -72.872, -5.25 ], [ -72.896, -5.136 ], [ -72.734, -5.043 ], [ -72.602, -5.056 ], [ -72.577, -4.992 ], [ -72.455, -4.962 ], [ -72.452, -4.906 ], [ -72.37, -4.88 ], [ -72.356, -4.803 ], [ -72.292, -4.799 ], [ -72.313, -4.769 ], [ -72.223, -4.78 ], [ -72.113, -4.722 ], [ -72.047, -4.625 ], [ -71.94, -4.607 ], [ -71.897, -4.512 ], [ -71.61, -4.465 ], [ -71.597, -4.525 ], [ -71.535, -4.46 ], [ -71.49, -4.479 ], [ -71.506, -4.435 ], [ -71.414, -4.432 ], [ -71.432, -4.469 ], [ -71.342, -4.423 ], [ -71.355, -4.468 ], [ -71.303, -4.458 ], [ -71.269, -4.381 ], [ -71.198, -4.377 ], [ -71.193, -4.42 ], [ -71.147, -4.375 ], [ -71.031, -4.397 ], [ -70.99, -4.34 ], [ -70.935, -4.381 ], [ -70.757, -4.152 ], [ -70.677, -4.2 ], [ -70.622, -4.121 ], [ -70.633, -4.173 ], [ -70.565, -4.168 ], [ -70.566, -4.205 ], [ -70.553, -4.128 ], [ -70.503, -4.19 ], [ -70.434, -4.125 ], [ -70.341, -4.174 ], [ -70.317, -4.136 ], [ -70.291, -4.283 ], [ -70.249, -4.267 ], [ -70.186, -4.357 ], [ -70.169, -4.27 ], [ -70.101, -4.255 ], [ -70.031, -4.339 ], [ -69.929, -4.213 ], [ -69.453, -1.478 ], [ -69.368, -1.334 ], [ -69.422, -0.998 ], [ -69.508, -0.936 ], [ -69.609, -0.755 ], [ -69.551, -0.648 ], [ -69.593, -0.517 ], [ -69.908, -0.316 ], [ -70.068, -0.135 ], [ -70.037, 0.553 ], [ -69.798, 0.585 ], [ -69.664, 0.672 ], [ -69.606, 0.623 ], [ -69.468, 0.734 ], [ -69.357, 0.621 ], [ -69.295, 0.648 ], [ -69.288, 0.609 ], [ -69.202, 0.602 ], [ -69.112, 0.643 ], [ -69.184, 0.73 ], [ -69.137, 0.868 ], [ -69.257, 1.026 ], [ -69.342, 1.064 ], [ -69.416, 1.024 ], [ -69.7, 1.056 ], [ -69.721, 1.097 ], [ -69.854, 1.07 ], [ -69.855, 1.715 ], [ -69.556, 1.775 ], [ -69.395, 1.726 ], [ -68.128, 1.73 ], [ -68.29, 1.841 ], [ -68.205, 2.038 ], [ -68.027, 1.784 ], [ -67.924, 1.751 ], [ -67.797, 1.812 ], [ -67.578, 2.076 ], [ -67.41, 2.141 ], [ -67.117, 1.732 ], [ -67.068, 1.532 ], [ -67.097, 1.17 ], [ -66.855, 1.228 ], [ -66.322, 0.738 ], [ -66.095, 0.754 ], [ -65.952, 0.81 ], [ -65.854, 0.939 ], [ -65.733, 1.005 ], [ -65.583, 1.008 ], [ -65.47, 0.877 ], [ -65.557, 0.705 ], [ -65.504, 0.627 ], [ -65.393, 0.699 ], [ -65.305, 0.916 ], [ -65.152, 0.943 ], [ -65.121, 1.115 ], [ -65.055, 1.144 ], [ -64.968, 1.112 ], [ -64.903, 1.249 ], [ -64.843, 1.237 ], [ -64.783, 1.313 ], [ -64.721, 1.25 ], [ -64.638, 1.286 ], [ -64.387, 1.527 ], [ -64.344, 1.528 ], [ -64.382, 1.419 ], [ -64.344, 1.38 ], [ -64.186, 1.494 ], [ -64.054, 1.708 ], [ -64.057, 1.933 ], [ -64.018, 1.967 ], [ -63.781, 1.989 ], [ -63.604, 2.124 ], [ -63.419, 2.154 ], [ -63.349, 2.281 ], [ -63.382, 2.442 ], [ -63.756, 2.403 ], [ -64.031, 2.509 ], [ -63.987, 2.772 ], [ -64.216, 3.153 ], [ -64.236, 3.476 ], [ -64.186, 3.634 ], [ -64.324, 3.797 ], [ -64.543, 3.882 ], [ -64.8, 4.224 ], [ -64.79, 4.329 ], [ -64.677, 4.297 ], [ -64.555, 4.153 ], [ -64.135, 4.176 ], [ -63.967, 3.93 ], [ -63.806, 4.019 ], [ -63.623, 4.01 ], [ -63.455, 3.91 ], [ -63.411, 4.026 ], [ -63.358, 4.04 ], [ -63.203, 3.952 ], [ -63.189, 3.872 ], [ -62.86, 3.584 ], [ -62.749, 3.642 ], [ -62.705, 3.724 ], [ -62.752, 4.012 ], [ -62.635, 4.056 ], [ -62.557, 4.02 ], [ -62.46, 4.173 ], [ -62.129, 4.084 ], [ -61.961, 4.18 ], [ -61.927, 4.106 ], [ -61.723, 4.262 ], [ -61.528, 4.273 ], [ -61.507, 4.398 ], [ -61.274, 4.471 ], [ -61.293, 4.55 ], [ -61.141, 4.508 ], [ -60.952, 4.549 ], [ -60.907, 4.708 ], [ -60.731, 4.777 ], [ -60.59, 4.951 ], [ -60.744, 5.209 ], [ -60.438, 5.177 ], [ -60.203, 5.265 ], [ -60.176, 5.227 ], [ -60.121, 5.243 ], [ -60.085, 5.149 ], [ -59.969, 5.073 ], [ -60.03, 4.704 ], [ -60.163, 4.521 ], [ -59.927, 4.509 ], [ -59.674, 4.382 ], [ -59.726, 4.191 ], [ -59.628, 4.138 ], [ -59.655, 4.078 ], [ -59.516, 3.94 ], [ -59.581, 3.901 ], [ -59.594, 3.796 ], [ -59.666, 3.777 ], [ -59.664, 3.703 ], [ -59.849, 3.601 ], [ -59.799, 3.355 ], [ -59.909, 3.197 ], [ -59.982, 2.929 ], [ -59.99, 2.683 ], [ -59.903, 2.479 ], [ -59.91, 2.388 ], [ -59.724, 2.277 ], [ -59.754, 1.861 ], [ -59.654, 1.849 ], [ -59.669, 1.764 ], [ -59.549, 1.729 ], [ -59.253, 1.397 ], [ -58.914, 1.299 ], [ -58.904, 1.234 ], [ -58.804, 1.175 ], [ -58.696, 1.288 ], [ -58.507, 1.264 ], [ -58.468, 1.318 ], [ -58.498, 1.458 ], [ -58.382, 1.471 ], [ -58.325, 1.59 ], [ -58.167, 1.558 ], [ -58.13, 1.501 ], [ -58.009, 1.501 ], [ -58, 1.665 ], [ -57.919, 1.645 ], [ -57.77, 1.718 ], [ -57.545, 1.701 ], [ -57.434, 1.895 ], [ -57.302, 1.99 ], [ -57.247, 1.944 ], [ -57.085, 2.021 ], [ -57.012, 1.918 ], [ -56.8, 1.864 ], [ -56.724, 1.92 ], [ -56.454, 1.945 ], [ -55.957, 1.844 ], [ -55.906, 1.889 ], [ -55.913, 2.041 ], [ -56.048, 2.226 ], [ -56.134, 2.263 ], [ -56.09, 2.352 ], [ -55.995, 2.405 ], [ -55.987, 2.517 ], [ -55.948, 2.532 ], [ -55.739, 2.401 ], [ -55.481, 2.443 ], [ -55.37, 2.407 ], [ -55.336, 2.516 ], [ -55.239, 2.495 ], [ -55.137, 2.575 ], [ -55.103, 2.522 ], [ -54.94, 2.632 ], [ -54.969, 2.555 ], [ -54.864, 2.439 ], [ -54.72, 2.469 ], [ -54.702, 2.336 ], [ -54.549, 2.336 ], [ -54.534, 2.268 ], [ -54.314, 2.158 ], [ -54.189, 2.179 ], [ -54.111, 2.127 ], [ -54.078, 2.197 ], [ -53.784, 2.364 ], [ -53.694, 2.287 ], [ -53.472, 2.332 ], [ -53.397, 2.272 ], [ -53.273, 2.292 ], [ -53.188, 2.223 ], [ -52.905, 2.19 ], [ -52.853, 2.285 ], [ -52.673, 2.374 ], [ -52.555, 2.523 ], [ -52.556, 2.646 ], [ -52.382, 2.912 ], [ -52.347, 3.134 ], [ -52.192, 3.296 ], [ -51.92, 3.781 ], [ -51.795, 3.89 ], [ -51.754, 3.996 ], [ -51.658, 4.049 ], [ -51.585, 4.241 ], [ -51.529, 4.171 ], [ -51.545, 4.397 ], [ -51.202, 4.084 ], [ -51.173, 3.767 ], [ -51.127, 3.911 ], [ -51.085, 3.895 ], [ -51.051, 3.283 ], [ -50.913, 2.875 ], [ -50.927, 2.807 ], [ -50.816, 2.644 ], [ -50.851, 2.482 ], [ -50.802, 2.508 ], [ -50.736, 2.414 ], [ -50.765, 2.359 ], [ -50.694, 2.276 ], [ -50.725, 2.252 ], [ -50.675, 2.247 ], [ -50.682, 2.137 ], [ -50.584, 2.091 ], [ -50.586, 2.014 ], [ -50.471, 1.82 ], [ -50.194, 1.794 ], [ -49.954, 1.676 ], [ -49.88, 1.419 ], [ -49.918, 1.289 ], [ -50.073, 1.204 ], [ -49.918, 1.232 ], [ -49.939, 1.103 ], [ -50.003, 1.066 ], [ -50.033, 1.107 ], [ -50.131, 0.949 ], [ -50.274, 0.866 ], [ -50.338, 0.729 ], [ -50.417, 0.685 ], [ -50.455, 0.732 ], [ -50.428, 0.679 ], [ -50.571, 0.424 ], [ -50.691, 0.3 ], [ -50.677, 0.365 ], [ -50.746, 0.227 ], [ -50.801, 0.224 ], [ -50.785, 0.183 ], [ -50.908, 0.171 ], [ -51.087, -0.043 ], [ -51.203, -0.055 ], [ -51.419, -0.412 ], [ -51.409, -0.44 ], [ -51.325, -0.364 ], [ -51.188, -0.14 ], [ -51.111, -0.154 ], [ -51.154, -0.284 ], [ -51.396, -0.493 ], [ -51.243, -0.443 ], [ -51.26, -0.5 ], [ -51.165, -0.431 ], [ -50.953, -0.061 ], [ -50.824, -0.048 ], [ -50.705, 0.002 ], [ -50.613, -0.088 ], [ -50.744, -0.244 ], [ -50.751, -0.429 ], [ -50.845, -0.526 ], [ -50.988, -0.583 ], [ -51.051, -0.682 ], [ -50.826, -0.555 ], [ -50.794, -0.666 ], [ -50.733, -0.557 ], [ -50.684, -0.604 ], [ -50.724, -0.493 ], [ -50.652, -0.276 ], [ -50.409, -0.094 ], [ -49.631, -0.247 ], [ -49.446, -0.23 ], [ -49.289, -0.145 ], [ -49.018, -0.16 ], [ -49, -0.139 ], [ -48.895, -0.224 ], [ -48.539, -0.234 ], [ -48.363, -0.303 ], [ -48.459, -0.513 ], [ -48.522, -0.877 ], [ -48.667, -1.002 ], [ -48.621, -1.005 ], [ -48.65, -1.048 ], [ -48.617, -1.053 ], [ -48.721, -1.137 ], [ -48.837, -1.452 ], [ -49.161, -1.575 ], [ -49.182, -1.623 ], [ -49.362, -1.604 ], [ -49.364, -1.642 ], [ -49.448, -1.637 ], [ -49.5, -1.738 ], [ -49.61, -1.718 ], [ -49.676, -1.78 ], [ -49.696, -1.757 ], [ -49.714, -1.76 ], [ -49.803, -1.822 ], [ -50.035, -1.717 ], [ -50.179, -1.787 ], [ -50.256, -1.776 ], [ -50.415, -1.841 ], [ -50.401, -1.935 ], [ -49.994, -1.819 ], [ -49.844, -1.905 ], [ -49.765, -1.898 ], [ -49.616, -1.79 ], [ -49.276, -1.706 ], [ -49.267, -1.778 ], [ -49.387, -1.977 ], [ -49.383, -2.159 ], [ -48.973, -1.594 ], [ -48.897, -1.573 ], [ -48.955, -1.712 ], [ -48.932, -1.75 ], [ -48.898, -1.743 ], [ -48.656, -1.371 ], [ -48.592, -1.429 ], [ -48.601, -1.306 ], [ -48.524, -1.338 ], [ -48.537, -1.467 ], [ -48.496, -1.553 ], [ -48.491, -1.502 ], [ -48.46, -1.533 ], [ -48.374, -1.511 ], [ -48.319, -1.478 ], [ -48.505, -1.471 ], [ -48.422, -1.168 ], [ -48.475, -1.144 ], [ -48.4, -1.066 ], [ -48.278, -1.111 ], [ -48.304, -0.948 ], [ -48.055, -0.668 ], [ -48.001, -0.731 ], [ -47.893, -0.553 ], [ -47.843, -0.616 ], [ -47.807, -0.547 ], [ -47.702, -0.54 ], [ -47.707, -0.59 ], [ -47.667, -0.569 ], [ -47.633, -0.608 ], [ -47.651, -0.694 ], [ -47.608, -0.684 ], [ -47.577, -0.573 ], [ -47.476, -0.757 ], [ -47.398, -0.76 ], [ -47.428, -0.693 ], [ -47.464, -0.687 ], [ -47.466, -0.594 ], [ -47.399, -0.594 ], [ -47.4, -0.645 ], [ -47.298, -0.589 ], [ -47.253, -0.668 ], [ -47.247, -0.623 ], [ -47.206, -0.633 ], [ -47.23, -0.719 ], [ -47.158, -0.678 ], [ -47.191, -0.754 ], [ -47.146, -0.764 ], [ -47.16, -0.815 ], [ -47.081, -0.661 ], [ -47.055, -0.868 ], [ -47.027, -0.784 ], [ -46.983, -0.806 ], [ -47.016, -0.752 ], [ -46.967, -0.694 ], [ -46.969, -0.78 ], [ -46.891, -0.869 ], [ -46.89, -0.789 ], [ -46.846, -0.799 ], [ -46.82, -0.71 ], [ -46.802, -0.877 ], [ -46.777, -0.905 ], [ -46.75, -0.826 ], [ -46.709, -0.86 ], [ -46.734, -0.944 ], [ -46.687, -0.831 ], [ -46.653, -0.882 ], [ -46.621, -0.818 ], [ -46.601, -0.917 ], [ -46.676, -0.965 ], [ -46.622, -0.987 ], [ -46.57, -0.947 ], [ -46.609, -1.03 ], [ -46.57, -0.988 ], [ -46.525, -1.027 ], [ -46.465, -1.007 ], [ -46.47, -1.044 ], [ -46.395, -1.037 ], [ -46.413, -1.084 ], [ -46.348, -0.982 ], [ -46.36, -1.011 ], [ -46.366, -1.031 ], [ -46.348, -1.079 ], [ -46.339, -1.015 ], [ -46.299, -1.05 ], [ -46.212, -0.946 ], [ -46.242, -0.921 ], [ -46.179, -0.914 ], [ -46.224, -1.053 ], [ -46.206, -1.1 ], [ -46.158, -1.014 ], [ -46.138, -1.032 ], [ -46.193, -1.143 ], [ -46.104, -1.067 ], [ -46.062, -1.133 ], [ -46.15, -1.258 ], [ -45.982, -1.071 ], [ -45.953, -1.147 ], [ -46, -1.151 ], [ -46, -1.199 ], [ -45.95, -1.159 ], [ -45.95, -1.207 ], [ -46, -1.209 ], [ -45.95, -1.25 ], [ -45.902, -1.134 ], [ -45.923, -1.214 ], [ -45.882, -1.167 ], [ -45.873, -1.211 ], [ -45.909, -1.261 ], [ -45.859, -1.231 ], [ -45.891, -1.293 ], [ -45.807, -1.176 ], [ -45.843, -1.301 ], [ -45.809, -1.328 ], [ -45.831, -1.298 ], [ -45.782, -1.278 ], [ -45.726, -1.135 ], [ -45.69, -1.452 ], [ -45.697, -1.38 ], [ -45.632, -1.371 ], [ -45.618, -1.279 ], [ -45.589, -1.329 ], [ -45.537, -1.273 ], [ -45.561, -1.343 ], [ -45.51, -1.352 ], [ -45.567, -1.404 ], [ -45.546, -1.432 ], [ -45.413, -1.296 ], [ -45.489, -1.473 ], [ -45.511, -1.458 ], [ -45.554, -1.503 ], [ -45.507, -1.471 ], [ -45.518, -1.516 ], [ -45.481, -1.495 ], [ -45.463, -1.548 ], [ -45.457, -1.457 ], [ -45.391, -1.434 ], [ -45.363, -1.325 ], [ -45.323, -1.319 ], [ -45.302, -1.424 ], [ -45.392, -1.485 ], [ -45.398, -1.503 ], [ -45.356, -1.487 ], [ -45.392, -1.553 ], [ -45.338, -1.572 ], [ -45.371, -1.722 ], [ -45.338, -1.753 ], [ -45.197, -1.688 ], [ -45.261, -1.607 ], [ -45.16, -1.475 ], [ -45.136, -1.521 ], [ -45.072, -1.435 ], [ -45.07, -1.485 ], [ -44.999, -1.504 ], [ -45.018, -1.547 ], [ -44.969, -1.549 ], [ -45.029, -1.583 ], [ -45.029, -1.602 ], [ -44.979, -1.607 ], [ -44.954, -1.498 ], [ -44.862, -1.426 ], [ -44.857, -1.498 ], [ -44.954, -1.605 ], [ -44.918, -1.649 ], [ -44.968, -1.662 ], [ -44.913, -1.657 ], [ -44.927, -1.62 ], [ -44.886, -1.609 ], [ -44.837, -1.65 ], [ -44.822, -1.591 ], [ -44.826, -1.637 ], [ -44.805, -1.609 ], [ -44.812, -1.665 ], [ -44.779, -1.735 ], [ -44.711, -1.728 ], [ -44.82, -1.819 ], [ -44.738, -1.791 ], [ -44.706, -1.819 ], [ -44.676, -1.808 ], [ -44.661, -1.727 ], [ -44.604, -1.749 ], [ -44.667, -1.849 ], [ -44.601, -1.858 ], [ -44.583, -1.817 ], [ -44.586, -1.873 ], [ -44.543, -1.833 ], [ -44.601, -1.909 ], [ -44.517, -1.907 ], [ -44.484, -2.002 ], [ -44.613, -2.037 ], [ -44.467, -2.017 ], [ -44.626, -2.151 ], [ -44.589, -2.159 ], [ -44.641, -2.232 ], [ -44.708, -2.23 ], [ -44.684, -2.275 ], [ -44.764, -2.265 ], [ -44.654, -2.294 ], [ -44.681, -2.354 ], [ -44.649, -2.373 ], [ -44.666, -2.329 ], [ -44.479, -2.137 ], [ -44.358, -2.335 ], [ -44.401, -2.416 ], [ -44.514, -2.384 ], [ -44.55, -2.4 ], [ -44.491, -2.415 ], [ -44.514, -2.448 ], [ -44.505, -2.476 ], [ -44.665, -2.608 ], [ -44.548, -2.542 ], [ -44.658, -2.781 ], [ -44.688, -2.924 ], [ -44.677, -3.019 ], [ -44.66, -3.02 ], [ -44.657, -3.018 ] ], [ [ -43.318, -2.361 ], [ -43.317, -2.363 ], [ -43.296, -2.363 ], [ -43.318, -2.361 ] ], [ [ -42.438, -2.747 ], [ -42.442, -2.749 ], [ -42.438, -2.75 ], [ -42.438, -2.747 ] ], [ [ -42.442, -2.749 ], [ -42.47, -2.744 ], [ -42.447, -2.753 ], [ -42.442, -2.749 ] ], [ [ -50.851, 2.482 ], [ -50.853, 2.481 ], [ -50.853, 2.48 ], [ -50.851, 2.482 ] ], [ [ -50.853, 2.481 ], [ -50.86, 2.495 ], [ -50.86, 2.477 ], [ -50.853, 2.481 ] ], [ [ -49.976, 1.659 ], [ -49.98, 1.659 ], [ -50, 1.639 ], [ -49.976, 1.659 ] ], [ [ -45.392, -1.553 ], [ -45.393, -1.553 ], [ -45.394, -1.556 ], [ -45.392, -1.553 ] ], [ [ -45.394, -1.556 ], [ -45.406, -1.579 ], [ -45.403, -1.591 ], [ -45.394, -1.556 ] ], [ [ -44.837, -1.65 ], [ -44.834, -1.655 ], [ -44.833, -1.654 ], [ -44.837, -1.65 ] ], [ [ -44.834, -1.655 ], [ -44.841, -1.675 ], [ -44.822, -1.672 ], [ -44.834, -1.655 ] ], [ [ -44.779, -1.735 ], [ -44.777, -1.741 ], [ -44.776, -1.74 ], [ -44.779, -1.735 ] ], [ [ -44.777, -1.741 ], [ -44.833, -1.77 ], [ -44.774, -1.75 ], [ -44.777, -1.741 ] ], [ [ -44.547, -2.22 ], [ -44.536, -2.225 ], [ -44.543, -2.219 ], [ -44.547, -2.22 ] ], [ [ -44.536, -2.225 ], [ -44.507, -2.249 ], [ -44.512, -2.235 ], [ -44.536, -2.225 ] ], [ [ -44.507, -2.249 ], [ -44.504, -2.256 ], [ -44.501, -2.254 ], [ -44.507, -2.249 ] ], [ [ -44.504, -2.256 ], [ -44.514, -2.268 ], [ -44.502, -2.26 ], [ -44.504, -2.256 ] ] ], [ [ [ -29.34, -20.484 ], [ -29.301, -20.521 ], [ -29.341, -20.511 ], [ -29.34, -20.484 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.001, -13.94 ], [ -39.012, -13.915 ], [ -38.994, -13.896 ], [ -39.001, -13.94 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.043, -13.909 ], [ -39.059, -13.904 ], [ -39.054, -13.886 ], [ -39.028, -13.903 ], [ -39.043, -13.909 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.251, -18.015 ], [ -39.283, -18.005 ], [ -39.272, -17.982 ], [ -39.245, -18.006 ], [ -39.251, -18.015 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.131, -17.927 ], [ -39.154, -17.921 ], [ -39.137, -17.91 ], [ -39.131, -17.927 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.212, -17.986 ], [ -39.228, -17.979 ], [ -39.215, -17.944 ], [ -39.202, -17.95 ], [ -39.212, -17.986 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.341, -23.231 ], [ -44.372, -23.174 ], [ -44.232, -23.089 ], [ -44.087, -23.173 ], [ -44.3, -23.184 ], [ -44.341, -23.231 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.356, -23.073 ], [ -44.388, -23.048 ], [ -44.373, -23.033 ], [ -44.343, -23.041 ], [ -44.356, -23.073 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.929, -23.014 ], [ -43.936, -22.999 ], [ -43.916, -22.989 ], [ -43.929, -23.014 ] ] ], [ [ [ -42.002, -23.018 ], [ -42.015, -23.003 ], [ -41.98, -22.975 ], [ -41.975, -22.992 ], [ -42.002, -23.018 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.904, -22.962 ], [ -43.907, -22.936 ], [ -43.868, -22.926 ], [ -43.871, -22.95 ], [ -43.904, -22.962 ] ] ], [ [ [ -41.042, -21.613 ], [ -41.042, -21.6 ], [ -41.019, -21.606 ], [ -41.042, -21.613 ] ] ], [ [ [ -52.112, -32 ], [ -52.18, -32.035 ], [ -52.216, -32.025 ], [ -52.198, -31.978 ], [ -52.112, -32 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.641, -30.388 ], [ -50.629, -30.394 ], [ -50.624, -30.329 ], [ -50.592, -30.399 ], [ -50.609, -30.406 ], [ -50.641, -30.388 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.526, -27.462 ], [ -48.416, -27.38 ], [ -48.358, -27.446 ], [ -48.503, -27.799 ], [ -48.559, -27.842 ], [ -48.526, -27.462 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.354, -27.296 ], [ -48.376, -27.285 ], [ -48.373, -27.271 ], [ -48.36, -27.27 ], [ -48.354, -27.296 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.731, -26.314 ], [ -48.754, -26.297 ], [ -48.735, -26.282 ], [ -48.731, -26.314 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.318, -25.584 ], [ -48.309, -25.546 ], [ -48.381, -25.504 ], [ -48.312, -25.509 ], [ -48.292, -25.545 ], [ -48.318, -25.584 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.414, -25.544 ], [ -48.459, -25.514 ], [ -48.415, -25.527 ], [ -48.414, -25.544 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.424, -25.551 ], [ -48.479, -25.523 ], [ -48.485, -25.502 ], [ -48.424, -25.551 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.298, -25.493 ], [ -48.341, -25.416 ], [ -48.252, -25.341 ], [ -48.265, -25.44 ], [ -48.253, -25.466 ], [ -48.298, -25.493 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.417, -25.386 ], [ -48.424, -25.343 ], [ -48.405, -25.33 ], [ -48.417, -25.386 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.695, -24.112 ], [ -45.688, -24.088 ], [ -45.679, -24.098 ], [ -45.695, -24.112 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.251, -23.962 ], [ -45.301, -23.909 ], [ -45.453, -23.91 ], [ -45.332, -23.721 ], [ -45.227, -23.774 ], [ -45.224, -23.835 ], [ -45.283, -23.857 ], [ -45.221, -23.899 ], [ -45.251, -23.962 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.141, -23.817 ], [ -45.146, -23.791 ], [ -45.114, -23.801 ], [ -45.141, -23.817 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.153, -23.573 ], [ -45.153, -23.558 ], [ -45.141, -23.568 ], [ -45.153, -23.573 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.073, -23.564 ], [ -45.079, -23.525 ], [ -45.036, -23.531 ], [ -45.073, -23.564 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.608, -23.228 ], [ -44.59, -23.208 ], [ -44.577, -23.216 ], [ -44.608, -23.228 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.648, -12.821 ], [ -38.666, -12.777 ], [ -38.624, -12.762 ], [ -38.648, -12.821 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.529, -12.811 ], [ -38.544, -12.757 ], [ -38.532, -12.74 ], [ -38.508, -12.792 ], [ -38.529, -12.811 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.622, -12.752 ], [ -38.622, -12.727 ], [ -38.593, -12.733 ], [ -38.622, -12.752 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.646, -12.683 ], [ -38.648, -12.65 ], [ -38.636, -12.661 ], [ -38.646, -12.683 ] ] ], [ [ [ -32.402, -3.838 ], [ -32.428, -3.877 ], [ -32.483, -3.878 ], [ -32.402, -3.838 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.667, -3.179 ], [ -44.668, -3.16 ], [ -44.643, -3.148 ], [ -44.644, -3.17 ], [ -44.667, -3.179 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.671, -2.943 ], [ -44.67, -2.92 ], [ -44.647, -2.915 ], [ -44.671, -2.943 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.493, -2.641 ], [ -44.48, -2.601 ], [ -44.477, -2.627 ], [ -44.493, -2.641 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.897, -2.573 ], [ -43.896, -2.554 ], [ -43.886, -2.565 ], [ -43.897, -2.573 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.599, -2.503 ], [ -43.577, -2.471 ], [ -43.572, -2.483 ], [ -43.599, -2.503 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.822, -2.526 ], [ -43.829, -2.509 ], [ -43.813, -2.458 ], [ -43.812, -2.553 ], [ -43.82, -2.528 ], [ -43.822, -2.526 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.821, -2.529 ], [ -43.856, -2.502 ], [ -43.832, -2.439 ], [ -43.842, -2.504 ], [ -43.821, -2.529 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.863, -2.56 ], [ -43.875, -2.552 ], [ -43.865, -2.534 ], [ -43.863, -2.56 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.519, -2.536 ], [ -44.529, -2.526 ], [ -44.501, -2.48 ], [ -44.505, -2.444 ], [ -44.455, -2.434 ], [ -44.519, -2.536 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.602, -3.007 ], [ -44.657, -2.972 ], [ -44.613, -2.894 ], [ -44.575, -2.921 ], [ -44.602, -3.007 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.585, -2.978 ], [ -44.563, -2.914 ], [ -44.586, -2.826 ], [ -44.494, -2.705 ], [ -44.494, -2.953 ], [ -44.582, -3.041 ], [ -44.585, -2.978 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.826, -2.434 ], [ -43.842, -2.403 ], [ -43.811, -2.385 ], [ -43.807, -2.412 ], [ -43.826, -2.434 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.581, -2.441 ], [ -43.615, -2.389 ], [ -43.549, -2.377 ], [ -43.545, -2.403 ], [ -43.581, -2.441 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.791, -2.47 ], [ -43.806, -2.443 ], [ -43.78, -2.422 ], [ -43.759, -2.448 ], [ -43.791, -2.47 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.513, -2.424 ], [ -43.537, -2.416 ], [ -43.522, -2.39 ], [ -43.505, -2.414 ], [ -43.513, -2.424 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.792, -2.405 ], [ -43.798, -2.377 ], [ -43.771, -2.37 ], [ -43.792, -2.405 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.689, -2.355 ], [ -43.743, -2.352 ], [ -43.724, -2.305 ], [ -43.617, -2.253 ], [ -43.612, -2.275 ], [ -43.669, -2.301 ], [ -43.689, -2.355 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.73, -2.425 ], [ -43.732, -2.364 ], [ -43.67, -2.377 ], [ -43.681, -2.34 ], [ -43.63, -2.324 ], [ -43.643, -2.394 ], [ -43.73, -2.425 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.473, -2.125 ], [ -44.487, -2.113 ], [ -44.475, -2.096 ], [ -44.463, -2.104 ], [ -44.473, -2.125 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.456, -2.031 ], [ -44.447, -2.008 ], [ -44.439, -2.022 ], [ -44.456, -2.031 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.311, -1.964 ], [ -49.336, -1.996 ], [ -49.309, -1.943 ], [ -49.311, -1.964 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.323, -2.054 ], [ -49.329, -2.019 ], [ -49.316, -2.001 ], [ -49.323, -2.054 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.231, -1.829 ], [ -50.246, -1.824 ], [ -50.229, -1.816 ], [ -50.231, -1.829 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.615, -1.821 ], [ -44.622, -1.797 ], [ -44.597, -1.774 ], [ -44.583, -1.789 ], [ -44.615, -1.821 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.7, -1.811 ], [ -44.703, -1.78 ], [ -44.673, -1.78 ], [ -44.7, -1.811 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.691, -1.793 ], [ -49.721, -1.789 ], [ -49.719, -1.771 ], [ -49.697, -1.766 ], [ -49.691, -1.793 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.924, -1.711 ], [ -48.909, -1.713 ], [ -48.916, -1.734 ], [ -48.935, -1.713 ], [ -48.924, -1.711 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.757, -1.707 ], [ -44.767, -1.694 ], [ -44.736, -1.701 ], [ -44.757, -1.707 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.433, -1.684 ], [ -49.454, -1.706 ], [ -49.46, -1.684 ], [ -49.433, -1.684 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.357, -1.008 ], [ -46.342, -0.994 ], [ -46.353, -1.026 ], [ -46.357, -1.008 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.205, -1.021 ], [ -46.194, -1.014 ], [ -46.202, -1.032 ], [ -46.205, -1.021 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.662, -3.018 ], [ -44.673, -3.012 ], [ -44.664, -3.001 ], [ -44.649, -3.013 ], [ -44.662, -3.018 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.736, -1.683 ], [ -44.745, -1.677 ], [ -44.732, -1.668 ], [ -44.736, -1.683 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.231, -1.638 ], [ -49.237, -1.627 ], [ -49.217, -1.633 ], [ -49.231, -1.638 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.38, -1.685 ], [ -49.4, -1.682 ], [ -49.368, -1.669 ], [ -49.38, -1.685 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.426, -1.673 ], [ -49.429, -1.661 ], [ -49.406, -1.66 ], [ -49.426, -1.673 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.34, -1.672 ], [ -49.358, -1.662 ], [ -49.325, -1.647 ], [ -49.34, -1.672 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.289, -1.726 ], [ -45.305, -1.663 ], [ -45.257, -1.641 ], [ -45.244, -1.678 ], [ -45.28, -1.694 ], [ -45.289, -1.726 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.328, -1.743 ], [ -45.346, -1.719 ], [ -45.301, -1.596 ], [ -45.274, -1.635 ], [ -45.313, -1.654 ], [ -45.328, -1.743 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.886, -1.578 ], [ -48.89, -1.56 ], [ -48.859, -1.536 ], [ -48.856, -1.553 ], [ -48.886, -1.578 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.783, -1.682 ], [ -44.8, -1.595 ], [ -44.775, -1.62 ], [ -44.721, -1.567 ], [ -44.704, -1.611 ], [ -44.684, -1.575 ], [ -44.668, -1.669 ], [ -44.693, -1.638 ], [ -44.783, -1.682 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.816, -1.569 ], [ -44.837, -1.534 ], [ -44.787, -1.488 ], [ -44.825, -1.534 ], [ -44.816, -1.569 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.462, -1.517 ], [ -48.478, -1.499 ], [ -48.421, -1.503 ], [ -48.462, -1.517 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.793, -1.531 ], [ -44.774, -1.47 ], [ -44.763, -1.513 ], [ -44.793, -1.531 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.414, -1.427 ], [ -45.423, -1.416 ], [ -45.409, -1.405 ], [ -45.414, -1.427 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45, -1.296 ], [ -44.922, -1.265 ], [ -44.877, -1.309 ], [ -44.895, -1.34 ], [ -44.922, -1.305 ], [ -44.907, -1.341 ], [ -44.999, -1.405 ], [ -45.033, -1.339 ], [ -45, -1.32 ], [ -44.995, -1.36 ], [ -45, -1.296 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.044, -1.402 ], [ -45.07, -1.33 ], [ -45.052, -1.342 ], [ -45.044, -1.402 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.333, -1.569 ], [ -45.371, -1.544 ], [ -45.347, -1.489 ], [ -45.313, -1.506 ], [ -45.333, -1.569 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.969, -1.522 ], [ -44.976, -1.493 ], [ -44.959, -1.483 ], [ -44.969, -1.522 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.393, -1.512 ], [ -48.371, -1.476 ], [ -48.341, -1.483 ], [ -48.393, -1.512 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.413, -1.498 ], [ -48.426, -1.491 ], [ -48.387, -1.476 ], [ -48.413, -1.498 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.118, -1.47 ], [ -45.132, -1.462 ], [ -45.115, -1.364 ], [ -45.103, -1.373 ], [ -45.118, -1.47 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.593, -1.251 ], [ -45.581, -1.19 ], [ -45.536, -1.205 ], [ -45.532, -1.231 ], [ -45.593, -1.251 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.559, -1.243 ], [ -48.56, -1.202 ], [ -48.523, -1.199 ], [ -48.559, -1.243 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.817, -1.163 ], [ -45.829, -1.141 ], [ -45.804, -1.127 ], [ -45.817, -1.163 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.877, -1.154 ], [ -45.9, -1.117 ], [ -45.883, -1.073 ], [ -45.849, -1.123 ], [ -45.877, -1.154 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.192, -1.05 ], [ -46.201, -1.041 ], [ -46.185, -1.027 ], [ -46.192, -1.05 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.291, -1.01 ], [ -46.307, -0.992 ], [ -46.306, -0.961 ], [ -46.291, -1.01 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.078, -1.095 ], [ -46.065, -1.05 ], [ -46.061, -1.074 ], [ -46.078, -1.095 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.68, -1.295 ], [ -45.687, -1.275 ], [ -45.667, -1.26 ], [ -45.654, -1.285 ], [ -45.68, -1.295 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.538, -1.282 ], [ -48.549, -1.262 ], [ -48.53, -1.25 ], [ -48.538, -1.282 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.51, -1.27 ], [ -48.522, -1.247 ], [ -48.506, -1.236 ], [ -48.51, -1.27 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.694, -1.37 ], [ -45.646, -1.289 ], [ -45.625, -1.126 ], [ -45.634, -1.349 ], [ -45.694, -1.37 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.688, -1.266 ], [ -45.708, -1.228 ], [ -45.685, -1.194 ], [ -45.664, -1.231 ], [ -45.688, -1.266 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.425, -0.914 ], [ -46.454, -0.907 ], [ -46.408, -0.868 ], [ -46.395, -0.899 ], [ -46.425, -0.914 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.72, -0.848 ], [ -46.735, -0.832 ], [ -46.729, -0.796 ], [ -46.72, -0.848 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.611, -0.799 ], [ -46.622, -0.784 ], [ -46.601, -0.789 ], [ -46.611, -0.799 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.586, -0.849 ], [ -46.621, -0.807 ], [ -46.589, -0.815 ], [ -46.586, -0.849 ] ] ], [ [ [ -47.447, -0.748 ], [ -47.453, -0.732 ], [ -47.436, -0.717 ], [ -47.428, -0.738 ], [ -47.447, -0.748 ] ] ], [ [ [ -47.461, -0.741 ], [ -47.463, -0.702 ], [ -47.445, -0.697 ], [ -47.461, -0.741 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.214, -0.411 ], [ -51.211, -0.386 ], [ -51.164, -0.347 ], [ -51.163, -0.383 ], [ -51.214, -0.411 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.352, -0.353 ], [ -51.346, -0.31 ], [ -51.317, -0.268 ], [ -51.327, -0.33 ], [ -51.352, -0.353 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.127, -0.268 ], [ -51.131, -0.237 ], [ -51.091, -0.208 ], [ -51.087, -0.229 ], [ -51.127, -0.268 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.888, -0.198 ], [ -48.91, -0.188 ], [ -48.893, -0.134 ], [ -48.847, -0.177 ], [ -48.888, -0.198 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.174, -0.091 ], [ -51.191, -0.064 ], [ -51.126, -0.057 ], [ -51.174, -0.091 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.114, -0.146 ], [ -49.097, -0.121 ], [ -49.08, -0.13 ], [ -49.114, -0.146 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.166, -0.142 ], [ -49.188, -0.115 ], [ -49.156, -0.128 ], [ -49.166, -0.142 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.119, -0.141 ], [ -49.143, -0.107 ], [ -49.114, -0.11 ], [ -49.119, -0.141 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.127, -0.128 ], [ -51.094, -0.103 ], [ -51.108, -0.127 ], [ -51.127, -0.128 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.414, -0.999 ], [ -46.384, -0.941 ], [ -46.367, -0.948 ], [ -46.414, -0.999 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.647, -0.97 ], [ -46.658, -0.968 ], [ -46.618, -0.957 ], [ -46.647, -0.97 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.488, -0.942 ], [ -46.465, -0.877 ], [ -46.464, -0.924 ], [ -46.44, -0.922 ], [ -46.482, -0.976 ], [ -46.441, -0.999 ], [ -46.525, -1.016 ], [ -46.527, -0.917 ], [ -46.509, -0.984 ], [ -46.488, -0.942 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.632, 0.159 ], [ -49.662, 0.184 ], [ -49.629, 0.202 ], [ -49.61, 0.181 ], [ -49.632, 0.159 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.641, 0.26 ], [ -50.63, 0.293 ], [ -50.586, 0.308 ], [ -50.641, 0.26 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.2, 0.255 ], [ -50.243, 0.248 ], [ -50.147, 0.337 ], [ -50.059, 0.346 ], [ -50.2, 0.255 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.417, 0.159 ], [ -50.535, 0.234 ], [ -50.36, 0.615 ], [ -50.328, 0.383 ], [ -50.285, 0.3 ], [ -50.413, 0.237 ], [ -50.417, 0.159 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.279, 0.338 ], [ -50.271, 0.599 ], [ -50.147, 0.608 ], [ -50.142, 0.576 ], [ -50.107, 0.636 ], [ -50.063, 0.623 ], [ -50.05, 0.518 ], [ -50.279, 0.338 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50, 0.943 ], [ -50.113, 0.907 ], [ -50.018, 1.034 ], [ -49.935, 1.069 ], [ -49.939, 0.996 ], [ -50, 0.943 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.881, 1.227 ], [ -49.909, 1.246 ], [ -49.886, 1.244 ], [ -49.881, 1.227 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.907, 1.278 ], [ -49.885, 1.291 ], [ -49.863, 1.278 ], [ -49.876, 1.252 ], [ -49.907, 1.278 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.204, 1.851 ], [ -50.232, 1.879 ], [ -50.22, 1.915 ], [ -50.169, 1.865 ], [ -50.204, 1.851 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.468, 1.954 ], [ -50.521, 2.026 ], [ -50.497, 2.139 ], [ -50.398, 2.167 ], [ -50.367, 2.19 ], [ -50.276, 1.939 ], [ -50.423, 1.849 ], [ -50.468, 1.954 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.504, 2.255 ], [ -50.414, 2.244 ], [ -50.382, 2.204 ], [ -50.489, 2.15 ], [ -50.564, 2.205 ], [ -50.504, 2.255 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.229, 0.832 ], [ -50.098, 0.839 ], [ -50.027, 0.898 ], [ -50.105, 0.757 ], [ -50.162, 0.775 ], [ -50.249, 0.72 ], [ -50.229, 0.832 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.131, 0.844 ], [ -50.162, 0.867 ], [ -50.132, 0.9 ], [ -50.119, 0.854 ], [ -50.131, 0.844 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.108, 0.85 ], [ -50.111, 0.891 ], [ -50.049, 0.886 ], [ -50.108, 0.85 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.216, -0.055 ], [ -50.235, -0.042 ], [ -50.219, -0.04 ], [ -50.216, -0.055 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.916, -0.052 ], [ -50.926, -0.047 ], [ -50.907, -0.043 ], [ -50.916, -0.052 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.605, -0.061 ], [ -50.618, -0.022 ], [ -50.559, -0.038 ], [ -50.605, -0.061 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.399, -0.061 ], [ -50.44, -0.057 ], [ -50.378, -0.015 ], [ -50.357, -0.049 ], [ -50.399, -0.061 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.75, 0 ], [ -49.609, 0.08 ], [ -49.474, 0.081 ], [ -49.338, -0.017 ], [ -49.487, -0.136 ], [ -49.723, -0.147 ], [ -49.835, -0.088 ], [ -49.75, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.023, -0.019 ], [ -49.039, -0.011 ], [ -49.02, -0.006 ], [ -49.023, -0.019 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.932, 0.052 ], [ -50.918, 0.084 ], [ -50.884, 0.078 ], [ -50.899, 0.057 ], [ -50.932, 0.052 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.928, 0 ], [ -50.786, 0.05 ], [ -50.717, 0.028 ], [ -50.94, -0.041 ], [ -50.928, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.691, 0.025 ], [ -50.655, 0.015 ], [ -50.703, 0.021 ], [ -50.691, 0.025 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.629, -0.043 ], [ -50.642, -0.016 ], [ -50.622, -0.026 ], [ -50.629, -0.043 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.642, 0 ], [ -50.611, 0.007 ], [ -50.595, -0.019 ], [ -50.642, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.536, 0 ], [ -50.653, 0.126 ], [ -50.59, 0.203 ], [ -50.434, 0.126 ], [ -50.436, 0 ], [ -50.536, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50, 0.311 ], [ -49.674, 0.368 ], [ -49.601, 0.283 ], [ -49.86, 0.008 ], [ -49.99, -0.048 ], [ -50.086, 0.034 ], [ -50.351, 0.044 ], [ -50.394, 0.222 ], [ -50.153, 0.227 ], [ -50, 0.311 ] ] ] ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "La costa de lo que hoy es territorio brasileño fue el primer punto al que llegaron los europeos en América del Sur. La primera expedición que exploró la región fue un desprendimiento de la flota portuguesa que Vasco da Gama (c. 1460-1524) llevaba hacia oriente. Las naves dirigidas por Pedro Álvarez de Cabral (1467-1520) se alejaron excesivamente de la costa de África y terminaron en el extremo sur de actual territorio del Estado de Bahía, en que el permanecieron entre abril y mayo del año 1500. Los portuguese establecieron en la costa precarias feitorias para comerciar verzino o palo brasil con los nativos de las sociedades tupí y guaraní nativas. Recién en 1530 la corona brasileña tomaría acciones decididas para organizar la ocupación portuguesa y las actividades de explotación, cuando instaura el régimen de capitanías hereditarias que estructuraría el establecimiento colonial lusitano en brasil. Bibliografía: Johnson, H. B., \"Portuguese Settlement, 1500-1580\", en Bethell, Leslie (ed.), Colonial Brazil, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1987, pp. 1-38; Abulafia, David, El descubrimiento de la humanidad. Encuentros atlánticos en la era de Colón, Barcelona, Crítica, 2009 [2008]; Metcalf, Alida C., Go-Betweens and the Colonization of Brazil, 1500-1600, Austin, University of Texas Press, 2005; Vaz de Caminha, Pêro, Carta del descubrimiento del Brasil, Barcelona, Acantilado, 2009.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-12-03T14:17:24+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 48607, "end" : 48613 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Brasil" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/9f960e3f-38e4-4284-876c-7da2852bff20", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://sws.geonames.org/3469034", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-12-03T14:17:24+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-12-03T14:17:24+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "MultiPolygon", "coordinates" : [ [ [ [ -44.657, -3.018 ], [ -44.608, -3.041 ], [ -44.72, -3.18 ], [ -44.793, -3.198 ], [ -44.779, -3.312 ], [ -44.736, -3.302 ], [ -44.763, -3.225 ], [ -44.653, -3.196 ], [ -44.431, -2.945 ], [ -44.367, -2.643 ], [ -44.362, -2.726 ], [ -44.355, -2.605 ], [ -44.378, -2.566 ], [ -44.345, -2.528 ], [ -44.29, -2.573 ], [ -44.306, -2.487 ], [ -44.02, -2.403 ], [ -44.03, -2.457 ], [ -44.108, 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-2.689 ], [ -42.503, -2.727 ], [ -42.393, -2.751 ], [ -42.475, -2.706 ], [ -42.375, -2.717 ], [ -42.228, -2.818 ], [ -42.143, -2.808 ], [ -42.256, -2.735 ], [ -42.233, -2.674 ], [ -42.208, -2.712 ], [ -42.098, -2.768 ], [ -42.099, -2.809 ], [ -42.096, -2.747 ], [ -42.216, -2.687 ], [ -42.054, -2.691 ], [ -42.023, -2.775 ], [ -42.017, -2.718 ], [ -41.818, -2.723 ], [ -41.844, -2.773 ], [ -41.797, -2.751 ], [ -41.656, -2.884 ], [ -41.437, -2.939 ], [ -41.395, -2.906 ], [ -41.316, -2.943 ], [ -41.263, -2.887 ], [ -40.838, -2.895 ], [ -40.572, -2.844 ], [ -40.499, -2.787 ], [ -39.888, -2.886 ], [ -39.244, -3.229 ], [ -39.083, -3.394 ], [ -38.978, -3.407 ], [ -38.641, -3.687 ], [ -38.473, -3.7 ], [ -38.377, -3.866 ], [ -38.043, -4.214 ], [ -37.764, -4.399 ], [ -37.588, -4.624 ], [ -37.323, -4.698 ], [ -37.15, -4.943 ], [ -36.958, -4.919 ], [ -36.666, -5.108 ], [ -36.504, -5.061 ], [ -36.297, -5.106 ], [ -35.956, -5.045 ], [ -35.612, -5.11 ], [ -35.385, -5.255 ], [ -35.255, -5.483 ], [ -35.099, -6.169 ], [ -34.983, -6.396 ], [ -34.933, -6.753 ], [ -34.79, -7.159 ], [ -34.842, -7.564 ], [ -34.809, -7.622 ], [ -34.845, -7.69 ], [ -34.827, -8.004 ], [ -35.136, -8.895 ], [ -35.332, -9.237 ], [ -35.689, -9.668 ], [ -35.78, -9.706 ], [ -36.056, -10.083 ], [ -36.266, -10.256 ], [ -36.402, -10.506 ], [ -36.602, -10.567 ], [ -36.934, -10.826 ], [ -37.36, -11.428 ], [ -37.612, -11.979 ], [ -37.996, -12.578 ], [ -38.318, -12.934 ], [ -38.477, -13.022 ], [ -38.532, -13.017 ], [ -38.473, -12.913 ], [ -38.498, -12.722 ], [ -38.603, -12.728 ], [ -38.646, -12.622 ], [ -38.681, -12.661 ], [ -38.718, -12.627 ], [ -38.804, -12.835 ], [ -38.717, -12.873 ], [ -38.769, -12.995 ], [ -38.721, -13.021 ], [ -38.66, -12.963 ], [ -38.686, -12.878 ], [ -38.59, -12.972 ], [ -38.766, -13.129 ], [ -38.807, -13.1 ], [ -38.808, -13.154 ], [ -38.944, -13.243 ], [ -38.973, -13.391 ], [ -38.902, -13.384 ], [ -38.886, -13.45 ], [ -38.95, -13.577 ], [ -38.886, -13.659 ], [ -38.968, -13.67 ], [ -39.006, -13.891 ], [ -39.064, -13.865 ], [ -39.075, -13.887 ], [ -38.986, -13.998 ], [ -38.952, -13.986 ], [ -38.982, -13.912 ], [ -38.938, -13.886 ], [ -38.922, -13.92 ], [ -39.061, -14.716 ], [ -38.962, -15.585 ], [ -38.857, -15.86 ], [ -38.973, -16.211 ], [ -39.032, -16.26 ], [ -39.01, -16.369 ], [ -39.078, -16.454 ], [ -39.143, -16.762 ], [ -39.113, -16.896 ], [ -39.212, -17.155 ], [ -39.193, -17.602 ], [ -39.135, -17.691 ], [ -39.264, -17.869 ], [ -39.435, -17.943 ], [ -39.563, -18.091 ], [ -39.721, -18.493 ], [ -39.749, -18.81 ], [ -39.692, -19.353 ], [ -39.805, -19.65 ], [ -39.951, -19.717 ], [ -40.151, -19.956 ], [ -40.236, -20.285 ], [ -40.353, -20.32 ], [ -40.329, -20.236 ], [ -40.359, -20.291 ], [ -40.365, -20.317 ], [ -40.35, -20.328 ], [ -40.268, -20.327 ], [ -40.402, -20.606 ], [ -40.466, -20.624 ], [ -40.627, -20.845 ], [ -40.65, -20.813 ], [ -40.756, -20.866 ], [ -40.853, -21.133 ], [ -40.955, -21.251 ], [ -40.96, -21.364 ], [ -41.065, -21.495 ], [ -41.051, -21.608 ], [ -41.038, -21.622 ], [ -41.007, -21.618 ], [ -40.99, -22.014 ], [ -41.229, -22.151 ], [ -41.668, -22.294 ], [ -41.962, -22.538 ], [ -41.986, -22.713 ], [ -41.919, -22.774 ], [ -41.864, -22.759 ], [ -42.023, -22.896 ], [ -42.037, -22.94 ], [ -41.99, -22.964 ], [ -42.018, -22.998 ], [ -42.086, -22.957 ], [ -42.529, -22.934 ], [ -43.05, -22.982 ], [ -43.132, -22.941 ], [ -43.025, -22.741 ], [ -43.084, -22.68 ], [ -43.216, -22.725 ], [ -43.287, -22.806 ], [ -43.24, -22.847 ], [ -43.249, -22.797 ], [ -43.156, -22.784 ], [ -43.247, -22.882 ], [ -43.164, -22.899 ], [ -43.187, -22.995 ], [ -43.344, -22.983 ], [ -43.303, -23.02 ], [ -43.549, -23.081 ], [ -44.001, -23.1 ], [ -43.961, -23.042 ], [ -43.877, -23.067 ], [ -43.909, -23.02 ], [ -43.807, -23.063 ], [ -43.555, -23.055 ], [ -43.84, -22.906 ], [ -43.985, -22.937 ], [ -44.034, -23.014 ], [ -44.044, -22.923 ], [ -44.107, -23.03 ], [ -44.234, -23.06 ], [ -44.238, -23.004 ], [ -44.358, -23.02 ], [ -44.296, -22.961 ], [ -44.321, -22.927 ], [ -44.378, -22.972 ], [ -44.407, -22.945 ], [ -44.443, -23.035 ], [ -44.669, -23.06 ], [ -44.712, -23.19 ], [ -44.701, -23.237 ], [ -44.645, -23.191 ], [ -44.612, -23.206 ], [ -44.685, -23.256 ], [ -44.611, -23.238 ], [ -44.652, -23.302 ], [ -44.558, -23.232 ], [ -44.577, -23.275 ], [ -44.498, -23.302 ], [ -44.583, -23.367 ], [ -44.669, -23.341 ], [ -44.84, -23.395 ], [ -44.905, -23.339 ], [ -45.05, -23.418 ], [ -45.016, -23.461 ], [ -45.079, -23.519 ], [ -45.165, -23.495 ], [ -45.159, -23.541 ], [ -45.228, -23.547 ], [ -45.211, -23.582 ], [ -45.41, -23.632 ], [ -45.412, -23.825 ], [ -45.934, -23.771 ], [ -46.124, -23.842 ], [ -46.2, -24.002 ], [ -46.288, -24.044 ], [ -46.321, -24 ], [ -46.458, -24.025 ], [ -46.937, -24.281 ], [ -47.024, -24.382 ], [ -47.004, -24.412 ], [ -47.86, -24.996 ], [ -47.914, -25.061 ], [ -47.915, -25.16 ], [ -48.213, -25.47 ], [ -48.254, -25.435 ], [ -48.222, -25.342 ], [ -48.208, -25.353 ], [ -48.121, -25.267 ], [ -48.253, -25.328 ], [ -48.284, -25.294 ], [ -48.317, -25.363 ], [ -48.327, -25.232 ], [ -48.366, -25.317 ], [ -48.433, -25.237 ], [ -48.428, -25.324 ], [ -48.5, -25.335 ], [ -48.427, -25.39 ], [ -48.449, -25.379 ], [ -48.468, -25.388 ], [ -48.467, -25.432 ], [ -48.449, -25.384 ], [ -48.414, -25.428 ], [ -48.476, -25.485 ], [ -48.637, -25.468 ], [ -48.661, -25.398 ], [ -48.671, -25.435 ], [ -48.739, -25.374 ], [ -48.68, -25.465 ], [ -48.687, -25.499 ], [ -48.737, -25.483 ], [ -48.703, -25.504 ], [ -48.617, -25.536 ], [ -48.512, -25.505 ], [ -48.482, -25.591 ], [ -48.46, -25.552 ], [ -48.35, -25.581 ], [ -48.565, -25.868 ], [ -48.614, -26.06 ], [ -48.586, -26.172 ], [ -48.714, -26.243 ], [ -48.795, -26.073 ], [ -48.837, -26.157 ], [ -48.798, -26.142 ], [ -48.763, -26.199 ], [ -48.805, -26.228 ], [ -48.769, -26.223 ], [ -48.761, -26.286 ], [ -48.803, -26.303 ], [ -48.723, -26.362 ], [ -48.635, -26.374 ], [ -48.714, -26.308 ], [ -48.554, -26.172 ], [ -48.493, -26.224 ], [ -48.695, -26.658 ], [ -48.665, -26.769 ], [ -48.583, -26.786 ], [ -48.655, -26.909 ], [ -48.62, -27.007 ], [ -48.574, -27.011 ], [ -48.607, -27.122 ], [ -48.554, -27.152 ], [ -48.51, -27.108 ], [ -48.469, -27.148 ], [ -48.511, -27.183 ], [ -48.486, -27.218 ], [ -48.531, -27.18 ], [ -48.612, -27.243 ], [ -48.596, -27.318 ], [ -48.529, -27.334 ], [ -48.649, -27.486 ], [ -48.572, -27.592 ], [ -48.653, -27.648 ], [ -48.575, -27.888 ], [ -48.761, -28.535 ], [ -48.813, -28.605 ], [ -49.37, -28.92 ], [ -49.334, -28.921 ], [ -49.702, -29.308 ], [ -50.006, -29.749 ], [ -50.316, -30.472 ], [ -50.848, -31.205 ], [ -51.303, -31.613 ], [ -51.877, -31.952 ], [ -52.071, -32.188 ], [ -52.012, -31.946 ], [ -52.092, -31.837 ], [ -51.851, -31.865 ], [ -51.777, -31.805 ], [ -51.854, -31.797 ], [ -51.65, -31.759 ], [ -51.478, -31.562 ], [ -51.43, -31.622 ], [ -51.458, -31.548 ], [ -51.424, -31.478 ], [ -51.351, -31.529 ], [ -51.234, -31.458 ], [ -51.16, -31.31 ], [ -51.166, -31.063 ], [ -51.109, -31.097 ], [ -50.985, -31.042 ], [ -50.965, -30.893 ], [ -50.888, -30.893 ], [ -50.705, -30.756 ], [ -50.677, -30.61 ], [ -50.725, -30.371 ], [ -50.692, -30.355 ], [ -50.625, -30.409 ], [ -50.641, -30.459 ], [ -50.569, -30.471 ], [ -50.534, -30.278 ], [ -50.601, -30.194 ], [ -50.659, -30.201 ], [ -50.661, -30.293 ], [ -50.918, -30.333 ], [ -50.934, -30.42 ], [ -50.889, -30.439 ], [ -50.921, -30.44 ], [ -51.052, -30.395 ], [ -51.034, -30.276 ], [ -51.146, -30.267 ], [ -51.246, -30.188 ], [ -51.23, -30.043 ], [ -51.295, -30.007 ], [ -51.326, -30.23 ], [ -51.271, -30.25 ], [ -51.293, -30.295 ], [ -51.246, -30.33 ], [ -51.209, -30.3 ], [ -51.179, -30.383 ], [ -51.092, -30.367 ], [ -51.129, -30.436 ], [ -51.202, -30.413 ], [ -51.269, -30.489 ], [ -51.282, -30.811 ], [ -51.33, -30.777 ], [ -51.294, -30.758 ], [ -51.319, -30.64 ], [ -51.375, -30.635 ], [ -51.404, -30.769 ], [ -51.367, -30.874 ], [ -51.457, -30.874 ], [ -51.501, -30.935 ], [ -51.436, -31.088 ], [ -51.611, -31.138 ], [ -51.613, -31.272 ], [ -51.915, -31.313 ], [ -52.002, -31.449 ], [ -52.031, -31.693 ], [ -52.218, -31.747 ], [ -52.247, -31.871 ], [ -52.106, -31.952 ], [ -52.216, -31.963 ], [ -52.263, -32.062 ], [ -52.209, -32.045 ], [ -52.225, -32.096 ], [ -52.082, -32.033 ], [ -52.162, -32.128 ], [ -52.09, -32.069 ], [ -52.084, -32.186 ], [ -52.16, -32.201 ], [ -52.341, -32.43 ], [ -52.488, -32.844 ], [ -52.66, -33.165 ], [ -53.227, -33.658 ], [ -53.421, -33.741 ], [ -53.524, -33.689 ], [ -53.515, -33.163 ], [ -53.434, -33.054 ], [ -53.243, -32.936 ], [ -53.294, -32.911 ], [ -53.074, -32.746 ], [ -53.244, -32.605 ], [ -53.39, -32.583 ], [ -53.46, -32.48 ], [ -53.595, -32.432 ], [ -53.73, -32.157 ], [ -53.714, -32.104 ], [ -53.965, -31.919 ], [ -54.096, -31.906 ], [ -54.466, -31.666 ], [ -54.491, -31.54 ], [ -54.591, -31.448 ], [ -54.836, -31.446 ], [ -54.945, -31.392 ], [ -55.014, -31.285 ], [ -55.091, -31.326 ], [ -55.245, -31.257 ], [ -55.374, -31.038 ], [ -55.594, -30.848 ], [ -55.635, -30.857 ], [ -55.657, -30.956 ], [ -55.87, -31.08 ], [ -56.008, -31.063 ], [ -55.987, -30.86 ], [ -56.021, -30.784 ], [ -56.127, -30.739 ], [ -56.177, -30.614 ], [ -56.384, -30.495 ], [ -56.459, -30.387 ], [ -56.545, -30.364 ], [ -56.54, -30.312 ], [ -56.617, -30.303 ], [ -56.644, -30.205 ], [ -56.776, -30.166 ], [ -56.804, -30.107 ], [ -57.068, -30.088 ], [ -57.207, -30.281 ], [ -57.313, -30.26 ], [ -57.396, -30.303 ], [ -57.538, -30.275 ], [ -57.618, -30.179 ], [ -57.505, -30.143 ], [ -57.342, -30.001 ], [ -57.319, -29.87 ], [ -57.254, -29.794 ], [ -57.105, -29.752 ], [ -56.972, -29.639 ], [ -56.676, -29.321 ], [ -56.593, -29.123 ], [ -56.425, -29.073 ], [ -56.285, -28.794 ], [ -56.185, -28.771 ], [ -56.016, -28.611 ], [ -56.011, -28.509 ], [ -55.888, -28.479 ], [ -55.875, -28.362 ], [ -55.696, -28.425 ], [ -55.671, -28.333 ], [ -55.773, -28.247 ], [ -55.605, -28.123 ], [ -55.554, -28.164 ], [ -55.496, -28.081 ], [ -55.444, -28.097 ], [ -55.323, -27.928 ], [ -55.196, -27.863 ], [ -55.134, -27.895 ], [ -55.117, -27.853 ], [ -55.032, -27.854 ], [ -55.082, -27.789 ], [ -54.941, -27.775 ], [ -54.809, -27.536 ], [ -54.781, -27.586 ], [ -54.683, -27.576 ], [ -54.678, -27.514 ], [ -54.624, -27.55 ], [ -54.576, -27.458 ], [ -54.525, -27.507 ], [ -54.415, -27.412 ], [ -54.353, -27.468 ], [ -54.339, -27.406 ], [ -54.282, -27.447 ], [ -54.176, -27.261 ], [ -54.089, -27.303 ], [ -53.949, -27.158 ], [ -53.799, -27.147 ], [ -53.795, -27.048 ], [ -53.761, -27.068 ], [ -53.662, -26.869 ], [ -53.751, -26.745 ], [ -53.707, -26.563 ], [ -53.738, -26.548 ], [ -53.592, -26.265 ], [ -53.722, -26.13 ], [ -53.733, -26.047 ], [ -53.837, -25.969 ], [ -53.824, -25.793 ], [ -53.891, -25.625 ], [ -53.951, -25.644 ], [ -54.016, -25.569 ], [ -54.101, -25.625 ], [ -54.111, -25.504 ], [ -54.213, -25.554 ], [ -54.184, -25.591 ], [ -54.289, -25.562 ], [ -54.387, -25.608 ], [ -54.43, -25.706 ], [ -54.596, -25.595 ], [ -54.617, -25.459 ], [ -54.437, -25.157 ], [ -54.458, -25.031 ], [ -54.336, -24.649 ], [ -54.333, -24.493 ], [ -54.262, -24.376 ], [ -54.33, -24.225 ], [ -54.282, -24.075 ], [ -54.411, -23.929 ], [ -54.668, -23.815 ], [ -55.061, -23.991 ], [ -55.112, -23.963 ], [ -55.226, -24.013 ], [ -55.413, -23.961 ], [ -55.434, -23.714 ], [ -55.535, -23.614 ], [ -55.522, -23.197 ], [ -55.596, -23.141 ], [ -55.64, -22.994 ], [ -55.685, -22.992 ], [ -55.613, -22.659 ], [ -55.736, -22.532 ], [ -55.74, -22.396 ], [ -55.854, -22.281 ], [ -56.208, -22.281 ], [ -56.341, -22.206 ], [ -56.403, -22.078 ], [ -56.519, -22.103 ], [ -56.643, -22.261 ], [ -56.698, -22.216 ], [ -56.728, -22.26 ], [ -56.808, -22.25 ], [ -56.831, -22.3 ], [ -57.001, -22.225 ], [ -57.203, -22.21 ], [ -57.243, -22.244 ], [ -57.553, -22.181 ], [ -57.616, -22.096 ], [ -57.803, -22.148 ], [ -57.989, -22.085 ], [ -58.005, -22.032 ], [ -57.919, -21.881 ], [ -57.969, -21.844 ], [ -57.913, -21.793 ], [ -57.947, -21.747 ], [ -57.894, -21.687 ], [ -57.968, -21.528 ], [ -57.855, -21.339 ], [ -57.918, -21.278 ], [ -57.854, -21.226 ], [ -57.866, -21.041 ], [ -57.818, -20.976 ], [ -57.927, -20.897 ], [ -57.855, -20.835 ], [ -57.961, -20.784 ], [ -57.869, -20.736 ], [ -57.923, -20.666 ], [ -57.988, -20.696 ], [ -57.994, -20.448 ], [ -58.082, -20.372 ], [ -58.092, -20.257 ], [ -58.154, -20.264 ], [ -58.125, -20.188 ], [ -58.163, -20.162 ], [ -57.872, -19.979 ], [ -58.134, -19.761 ], [ -57.79, -19.051 ], [ -57.709, -19.034 ], [ -57.757, -18.858 ], [ -57.56, -18.263 ], [ -57.458, -18.228 ], [ -57.568, -18.136 ], [ -57.702, -17.86 ], [ -57.715, -17.735 ], [ -57.785, -17.645 ], [ -57.773, -17.553 ], [ -57.878, -17.463 ], [ -58.003, -17.52 ], [ -58.114, -17.456 ], [ -58.395, -17.197 ], [ -58.421, -16.99 ], [ -58.47, -16.939 ], [ -58.468, -16.702 ], [ -58.442, -16.613 ], [ -58.34, -16.542 ], [ -58.309, -16.27 ], [ -58.471, -16.325 ], [ -60.173, -16.265 ], [ -60.236, -15.476 ], [ -60.565, -15.105 ], [ -60.253, -15.101 ], [ -60.257, -14.624 ], [ -60.338, -14.555 ], [ -60.482, -14.181 ], [ -60.468, -14.092 ], [ -60.378, -13.992 ], [ -60.468, -13.886 ], [ -60.468, -13.801 ], [ -60.793, -13.686 ], [ -60.962, -13.539 ], [ -61.044, -13.541 ], [ -61.028, -13.477 ], [ -61.069, -13.463 ], [ -61.139, -13.521 ], [ -61.249, -13.525 ], [ -61.33, -13.473 ], [ -61.486, -13.554 ], [ -61.578, -13.494 ], [ -61.824, -13.539 ], [ -61.866, -13.443 ], [ -62.108, -13.257 ], [ -62.109, -13.149 ], [ -62.165, -13.112 ], [ -62.368, -13.145 ], [ -62.464, -13.07 ], [ -62.637, -13.041 ], [ -62.674, -12.965 ], [ -62.764, -13.023 ], [ -62.923, -12.854 ], [ -62.996, -12.85 ], [ -63.082, -12.653 ], [ -63.327, -12.705 ], [ -63.482, -12.557 ], [ -63.712, -12.458 ], [ -63.875, -12.469 ], [ -63.937, -12.557 ], [ -64.127, -12.494 ], [ -64.152, -12.529 ], [ -64.215, -12.476 ], [ -64.278, -12.511 ], [ -64.493, -12.366 ], [ -64.486, -12.23 ], [ -64.654, -12.186 ], [ -64.683, -12.099 ], [ -64.725, -12.162 ], [ -64.798, -12.035 ], [ -64.993, -11.999 ], [ -65.048, -11.757 ], [ -65.112, -11.741 ], [ -65.106, -11.697 ], [ -65.135, -11.777 ], [ -65.201, -11.745 ], [ -65.161, -11.622 ], [ -65.218, -11.521 ], [ -65.299, -11.5 ], [ -65.338, -11.392 ], [ -65.31, -11.341 ], [ -65.385, -11.269 ], [ -65.349, -11.239 ], [ -65.391, -11.167 ], [ -65.318, -11.105 ], [ -65.336, -11.044 ], [ -65.269, -10.901 ], [ -65.366, -10.798 ], [ -65.349, -10.671 ], [ -65.426, -10.638 ], [ -65.429, -10.473 ], [ -65.28, -10.218 ], [ -65.327, -9.938 ], [ -65.29, -9.851 ], [ -65.377, -9.698 ], [ -65.488, -9.718 ], [ -65.563, -9.834 ], [ -65.669, -9.779 ], [ -65.7, -9.803 ], [ -65.689, -9.749 ], [ -65.748, -9.77 ], [ -65.777, -9.727 ], [ -65.798, -9.786 ], [ -65.81, -9.75 ], [ -65.86, -9.794 ], [ -65.872, -9.757 ], [ -66.018, -9.807 ], [ -66.064, -9.772 ], [ -66.422, -9.895 ], [ -66.616, -9.893 ], [ -66.623, -9.935 ], [ -66.883, -10.081 ], [ -67.029, -10.254 ], [ -67.186, -10.339 ], [ -67.315, -10.316 ], [ -67.327, -10.374 ], [ -67.414, -10.372 ], [ -67.443, -10.45 ], [ -67.594, -10.523 ], [ -67.715, -10.707 ], [ -68.021, -10.661 ], [ -68.119, -10.726 ], [ -68.283, -10.987 ], [ -68.519, -11.048 ], [ -68.587, -11.11 ], [ -68.769, -11.139 ], [ -68.751, -11.007 ], [ -68.787, -10.99 ], [ -68.871, -11.023 ], [ -69.393, -10.929 ], [ -69.728, -10.973 ], [ -69.938, -10.926 ], [ -70.318, -11.066 ], [ -70.428, -11.033 ], [ -70.508, -10.94 ], [ -70.618, -11.007 ], [ -70.622, -9.847 ], [ -70.522, -9.738 ], [ -70.598, -9.574 ], [ -70.561, -9.579 ], [ -70.497, -9.433 ], [ -70.601, -9.453 ], [ -70.982, -9.812 ], [ -71.131, -9.862 ], [ -71.288, -9.996 ], [ -72.165, -10.002 ], [ -72.16, -9.818 ], [ -72.26, -9.755 ], [ -72.289, -9.536 ], [ -72.364, -9.491 ], [ -72.721, -9.417 ], [ -73.196, -9.418 ], [ -72.965, -9.154 ], [ -72.946, -8.99 ], [ -73.059, -8.904 ], [ -73.169, -8.701 ], [ -73.338, -8.609 ], [ -73.338, -8.476 ], [ -73.526, -8.369 ], [ -73.632, -8.022 ], [ -73.765, -7.94 ], [ -73.777, -7.869 ], [ -73.697, -7.865 ], [ -73.69, -7.79 ], [ -73.985, -7.543 ], [ -73.917, -7.461 ], [ -73.954, -7.348 ], [ -73.868, -7.377 ], [ -73.691, -7.313 ], [ -73.797, -7.115 ], [ -73.743, -6.897 ], [ -73.351, -6.561 ], [ -73.211, -6.53 ], [ -73.133, -6.421 ], [ -73.185, -6.04 ], [ -73.131, -5.986 ], [ -73.116, -5.865 ], [ -72.951, -5.643 ], [ -72.948, -5.454 ], [ -72.872, -5.25 ], [ -72.896, -5.136 ], [ -72.734, -5.043 ], [ -72.602, -5.056 ], [ -72.577, -4.992 ], [ -72.455, -4.962 ], [ -72.452, -4.906 ], [ -72.37, -4.88 ], [ -72.356, -4.803 ], [ -72.292, -4.799 ], [ -72.313, -4.769 ], [ -72.223, -4.78 ], [ -72.113, -4.722 ], [ -72.047, -4.625 ], [ -71.94, -4.607 ], [ -71.897, -4.512 ], [ -71.61, -4.465 ], [ -71.597, -4.525 ], [ -71.535, -4.46 ], [ -71.49, -4.479 ], [ -71.506, -4.435 ], [ -71.414, -4.432 ], [ -71.432, -4.469 ], [ -71.342, -4.423 ], [ -71.355, -4.468 ], [ -71.303, -4.458 ], [ -71.269, -4.381 ], [ -71.198, -4.377 ], [ -71.193, -4.42 ], [ -71.147, -4.375 ], [ -71.031, -4.397 ], [ -70.99, -4.34 ], [ -70.935, -4.381 ], [ -70.757, -4.152 ], [ -70.677, -4.2 ], [ -70.622, -4.121 ], [ -70.633, -4.173 ], [ -70.565, -4.168 ], [ -70.566, -4.205 ], [ -70.553, -4.128 ], [ -70.503, -4.19 ], [ -70.434, -4.125 ], [ -70.341, -4.174 ], [ -70.317, -4.136 ], [ -70.291, -4.283 ], [ -70.249, -4.267 ], [ -70.186, -4.357 ], [ -70.169, -4.27 ], [ -70.101, -4.255 ], [ -70.031, -4.339 ], [ -69.929, -4.213 ], [ -69.453, -1.478 ], [ -69.368, -1.334 ], [ -69.422, -0.998 ], [ -69.508, -0.936 ], [ -69.609, -0.755 ], [ -69.551, -0.648 ], [ -69.593, -0.517 ], [ -69.908, -0.316 ], [ -70.068, -0.135 ], [ -70.037, 0.553 ], [ -69.798, 0.585 ], [ -69.664, 0.672 ], [ -69.606, 0.623 ], [ -69.468, 0.734 ], [ -69.357, 0.621 ], [ -69.295, 0.648 ], [ -69.288, 0.609 ], [ -69.202, 0.602 ], [ -69.112, 0.643 ], [ -69.184, 0.73 ], [ -69.137, 0.868 ], [ -69.257, 1.026 ], [ -69.342, 1.064 ], [ -69.416, 1.024 ], [ -69.7, 1.056 ], [ -69.721, 1.097 ], [ -69.854, 1.07 ], [ -69.855, 1.715 ], [ -69.556, 1.775 ], [ -69.395, 1.726 ], [ -68.128, 1.73 ], [ -68.29, 1.841 ], [ -68.205, 2.038 ], [ -68.027, 1.784 ], [ -67.924, 1.751 ], [ -67.797, 1.812 ], [ -67.578, 2.076 ], [ -67.41, 2.141 ], [ -67.117, 1.732 ], [ -67.068, 1.532 ], [ -67.097, 1.17 ], [ -66.855, 1.228 ], [ -66.322, 0.738 ], [ -66.095, 0.754 ], [ -65.952, 0.81 ], [ -65.854, 0.939 ], [ -65.733, 1.005 ], [ -65.583, 1.008 ], [ -65.47, 0.877 ], [ -65.557, 0.705 ], [ -65.504, 0.627 ], [ -65.393, 0.699 ], [ -65.305, 0.916 ], [ -65.152, 0.943 ], [ -65.121, 1.115 ], [ -65.055, 1.144 ], [ -64.968, 1.112 ], [ -64.903, 1.249 ], [ -64.843, 1.237 ], [ -64.783, 1.313 ], [ -64.721, 1.25 ], [ -64.638, 1.286 ], [ -64.387, 1.527 ], [ -64.344, 1.528 ], [ -64.382, 1.419 ], [ -64.344, 1.38 ], [ -64.186, 1.494 ], [ -64.054, 1.708 ], [ -64.057, 1.933 ], [ -64.018, 1.967 ], [ -63.781, 1.989 ], [ -63.604, 2.124 ], [ -63.419, 2.154 ], [ -63.349, 2.281 ], [ -63.382, 2.442 ], [ -63.756, 2.403 ], [ -64.031, 2.509 ], [ -63.987, 2.772 ], [ -64.216, 3.153 ], [ -64.236, 3.476 ], [ -64.186, 3.634 ], [ -64.324, 3.797 ], [ -64.543, 3.882 ], [ -64.8, 4.224 ], [ -64.79, 4.329 ], [ -64.677, 4.297 ], [ -64.555, 4.153 ], [ -64.135, 4.176 ], [ -63.967, 3.93 ], [ -63.806, 4.019 ], [ -63.623, 4.01 ], [ -63.455, 3.91 ], [ -63.411, 4.026 ], [ -63.358, 4.04 ], [ -63.203, 3.952 ], [ -63.189, 3.872 ], [ -62.86, 3.584 ], [ -62.749, 3.642 ], [ -62.705, 3.724 ], [ -62.752, 4.012 ], [ -62.635, 4.056 ], [ -62.557, 4.02 ], [ -62.46, 4.173 ], [ -62.129, 4.084 ], [ -61.961, 4.18 ], [ -61.927, 4.106 ], [ -61.723, 4.262 ], [ -61.528, 4.273 ], [ -61.507, 4.398 ], [ -61.274, 4.471 ], [ -61.293, 4.55 ], [ -61.141, 4.508 ], [ -60.952, 4.549 ], [ -60.907, 4.708 ], [ -60.731, 4.777 ], [ -60.59, 4.951 ], [ -60.744, 5.209 ], [ -60.438, 5.177 ], [ -60.203, 5.265 ], [ -60.176, 5.227 ], [ -60.121, 5.243 ], [ -60.085, 5.149 ], [ -59.969, 5.073 ], [ -60.03, 4.704 ], [ -60.163, 4.521 ], [ -59.927, 4.509 ], [ -59.674, 4.382 ], [ -59.726, 4.191 ], [ -59.628, 4.138 ], [ -59.655, 4.078 ], [ -59.516, 3.94 ], [ -59.581, 3.901 ], [ -59.594, 3.796 ], [ -59.666, 3.777 ], [ -59.664, 3.703 ], [ -59.849, 3.601 ], [ -59.799, 3.355 ], [ -59.909, 3.197 ], [ -59.982, 2.929 ], [ -59.99, 2.683 ], [ -59.903, 2.479 ], [ -59.91, 2.388 ], [ -59.724, 2.277 ], [ -59.754, 1.861 ], [ -59.654, 1.849 ], [ -59.669, 1.764 ], [ -59.549, 1.729 ], [ -59.253, 1.397 ], [ -58.914, 1.299 ], [ -58.904, 1.234 ], [ -58.804, 1.175 ], [ -58.696, 1.288 ], [ -58.507, 1.264 ], [ -58.468, 1.318 ], [ -58.498, 1.458 ], [ -58.382, 1.471 ], [ -58.325, 1.59 ], [ -58.167, 1.558 ], [ -58.13, 1.501 ], [ -58.009, 1.501 ], [ -58, 1.665 ], [ -57.919, 1.645 ], [ -57.77, 1.718 ], [ -57.545, 1.701 ], [ -57.434, 1.895 ], [ -57.302, 1.99 ], [ -57.247, 1.944 ], [ -57.085, 2.021 ], [ -57.012, 1.918 ], [ -56.8, 1.864 ], [ -56.724, 1.92 ], [ -56.454, 1.945 ], [ -55.957, 1.844 ], [ -55.906, 1.889 ], [ -55.913, 2.041 ], [ -56.048, 2.226 ], [ -56.134, 2.263 ], [ -56.09, 2.352 ], [ -55.995, 2.405 ], [ -55.987, 2.517 ], [ -55.948, 2.532 ], [ -55.739, 2.401 ], [ -55.481, 2.443 ], [ -55.37, 2.407 ], [ -55.336, 2.516 ], [ -55.239, 2.495 ], [ -55.137, 2.575 ], [ -55.103, 2.522 ], [ -54.94, 2.632 ], [ -54.969, 2.555 ], [ -54.864, 2.439 ], [ -54.72, 2.469 ], [ -54.702, 2.336 ], [ -54.549, 2.336 ], [ -54.534, 2.268 ], [ -54.314, 2.158 ], [ -54.189, 2.179 ], [ -54.111, 2.127 ], [ -54.078, 2.197 ], [ -53.784, 2.364 ], [ -53.694, 2.287 ], [ -53.472, 2.332 ], [ -53.397, 2.272 ], [ -53.273, 2.292 ], [ -53.188, 2.223 ], [ -52.905, 2.19 ], [ -52.853, 2.285 ], [ -52.673, 2.374 ], [ -52.555, 2.523 ], [ -52.556, 2.646 ], [ -52.382, 2.912 ], [ -52.347, 3.134 ], [ -52.192, 3.296 ], [ -51.92, 3.781 ], [ -51.795, 3.89 ], [ -51.754, 3.996 ], [ -51.658, 4.049 ], [ -51.585, 4.241 ], [ -51.529, 4.171 ], [ -51.545, 4.397 ], [ -51.202, 4.084 ], [ -51.173, 3.767 ], [ -51.127, 3.911 ], [ -51.085, 3.895 ], [ -51.051, 3.283 ], [ -50.913, 2.875 ], [ -50.927, 2.807 ], [ -50.816, 2.644 ], [ -50.851, 2.482 ], [ -50.802, 2.508 ], [ -50.736, 2.414 ], [ -50.765, 2.359 ], [ -50.694, 2.276 ], [ -50.725, 2.252 ], [ -50.675, 2.247 ], [ -50.682, 2.137 ], [ -50.584, 2.091 ], [ -50.586, 2.014 ], [ -50.471, 1.82 ], [ -50.194, 1.794 ], [ -49.954, 1.676 ], [ -49.88, 1.419 ], [ -49.918, 1.289 ], [ -50.073, 1.204 ], [ -49.918, 1.232 ], [ -49.939, 1.103 ], [ -50.003, 1.066 ], [ -50.033, 1.107 ], [ -50.131, 0.949 ], [ -50.274, 0.866 ], [ -50.338, 0.729 ], [ -50.417, 0.685 ], [ -50.455, 0.732 ], [ -50.428, 0.679 ], [ -50.571, 0.424 ], [ -50.691, 0.3 ], [ -50.677, 0.365 ], [ -50.746, 0.227 ], [ -50.801, 0.224 ], [ -50.785, 0.183 ], [ -50.908, 0.171 ], [ -51.087, -0.043 ], [ -51.203, -0.055 ], [ -51.419, -0.412 ], [ -51.409, -0.44 ], [ -51.325, -0.364 ], [ -51.188, -0.14 ], [ -51.111, -0.154 ], [ -51.154, -0.284 ], [ -51.396, -0.493 ], [ -51.243, -0.443 ], [ -51.26, -0.5 ], [ -51.165, -0.431 ], [ -50.953, -0.061 ], [ -50.824, -0.048 ], [ -50.705, 0.002 ], [ -50.613, -0.088 ], [ -50.744, -0.244 ], [ -50.751, -0.429 ], [ -50.845, -0.526 ], [ -50.988, -0.583 ], [ -51.051, -0.682 ], [ -50.826, -0.555 ], [ -50.794, -0.666 ], [ -50.733, -0.557 ], [ -50.684, -0.604 ], [ -50.724, -0.493 ], [ -50.652, -0.276 ], [ -50.409, -0.094 ], [ -49.631, -0.247 ], [ -49.446, -0.23 ], [ -49.289, -0.145 ], [ -49.018, -0.16 ], [ -49, -0.139 ], [ -48.895, -0.224 ], [ -48.539, -0.234 ], [ -48.363, -0.303 ], [ -48.459, -0.513 ], [ -48.522, -0.877 ], [ -48.667, -1.002 ], [ -48.621, -1.005 ], [ -48.65, -1.048 ], [ -48.617, -1.053 ], [ -48.721, -1.137 ], [ -48.837, -1.452 ], [ -49.161, -1.575 ], [ -49.182, -1.623 ], [ -49.362, -1.604 ], [ -49.364, -1.642 ], [ -49.448, -1.637 ], [ -49.5, -1.738 ], [ -49.61, -1.718 ], [ -49.676, -1.78 ], [ -49.696, -1.757 ], [ -49.714, -1.76 ], [ -49.803, -1.822 ], [ -50.035, -1.717 ], [ -50.179, -1.787 ], [ -50.256, -1.776 ], [ -50.415, -1.841 ], [ -50.401, -1.935 ], [ -49.994, -1.819 ], [ -49.844, -1.905 ], [ -49.765, -1.898 ], [ -49.616, -1.79 ], [ -49.276, -1.706 ], [ -49.267, -1.778 ], [ -49.387, -1.977 ], [ -49.383, -2.159 ], [ -48.973, -1.594 ], [ -48.897, -1.573 ], [ -48.955, -1.712 ], [ -48.932, -1.75 ], [ -48.898, -1.743 ], [ -48.656, -1.371 ], [ -48.592, -1.429 ], [ -48.601, -1.306 ], [ -48.524, -1.338 ], [ -48.537, -1.467 ], [ -48.496, -1.553 ], [ -48.491, -1.502 ], [ -48.46, -1.533 ], [ -48.374, -1.511 ], [ -48.319, -1.478 ], [ -48.505, -1.471 ], [ -48.422, -1.168 ], [ -48.475, -1.144 ], [ -48.4, -1.066 ], [ -48.278, -1.111 ], [ -48.304, -0.948 ], [ -48.055, -0.668 ], [ -48.001, -0.731 ], [ -47.893, -0.553 ], [ -47.843, -0.616 ], [ -47.807, -0.547 ], [ -47.702, -0.54 ], [ -47.707, -0.59 ], [ -47.667, -0.569 ], [ -47.633, -0.608 ], [ -47.651, -0.694 ], [ -47.608, -0.684 ], [ -47.577, -0.573 ], [ -47.476, -0.757 ], [ -47.398, -0.76 ], [ -47.428, -0.693 ], [ -47.464, -0.687 ], [ -47.466, -0.594 ], [ -47.399, -0.594 ], [ -47.4, -0.645 ], [ -47.298, -0.589 ], [ -47.253, -0.668 ], [ -47.247, -0.623 ], [ -47.206, -0.633 ], [ -47.23, -0.719 ], [ -47.158, -0.678 ], [ -47.191, -0.754 ], [ -47.146, -0.764 ], [ -47.16, -0.815 ], [ -47.081, -0.661 ], [ -47.055, -0.868 ], [ -47.027, -0.784 ], [ -46.983, -0.806 ], [ -47.016, -0.752 ], [ -46.967, -0.694 ], [ -46.969, -0.78 ], [ -46.891, -0.869 ], [ -46.89, -0.789 ], [ -46.846, -0.799 ], [ -46.82, -0.71 ], [ -46.802, -0.877 ], [ -46.777, -0.905 ], [ -46.75, -0.826 ], [ -46.709, -0.86 ], [ -46.734, -0.944 ], [ -46.687, -0.831 ], [ -46.653, -0.882 ], [ -46.621, -0.818 ], [ -46.601, -0.917 ], [ -46.676, -0.965 ], [ -46.622, -0.987 ], [ -46.57, -0.947 ], [ -46.609, -1.03 ], [ -46.57, -0.988 ], [ -46.525, -1.027 ], [ -46.465, -1.007 ], [ -46.47, -1.044 ], [ -46.395, -1.037 ], [ -46.413, -1.084 ], [ -46.348, -0.982 ], [ -46.36, -1.011 ], [ -46.366, -1.031 ], [ -46.348, -1.079 ], [ -46.339, -1.015 ], [ -46.299, -1.05 ], [ -46.212, -0.946 ], [ -46.242, -0.921 ], [ -46.179, -0.914 ], [ -46.224, -1.053 ], [ -46.206, -1.1 ], [ -46.158, -1.014 ], [ -46.138, -1.032 ], [ -46.193, -1.143 ], [ -46.104, -1.067 ], [ -46.062, -1.133 ], [ -46.15, -1.258 ], [ -45.982, -1.071 ], [ -45.953, -1.147 ], [ -46, -1.151 ], [ -46, -1.199 ], [ -45.95, -1.159 ], [ -45.95, -1.207 ], [ -46, -1.209 ], [ -45.95, -1.25 ], [ -45.902, -1.134 ], [ -45.923, -1.214 ], [ -45.882, -1.167 ], [ -45.873, -1.211 ], [ -45.909, -1.261 ], [ -45.859, -1.231 ], [ -45.891, -1.293 ], [ -45.807, -1.176 ], [ -45.843, -1.301 ], [ -45.809, -1.328 ], [ -45.831, -1.298 ], [ -45.782, -1.278 ], [ -45.726, -1.135 ], [ -45.69, -1.452 ], [ -45.697, -1.38 ], [ -45.632, -1.371 ], [ -45.618, -1.279 ], [ -45.589, -1.329 ], [ -45.537, -1.273 ], [ -45.561, -1.343 ], [ -45.51, -1.352 ], [ -45.567, -1.404 ], [ -45.546, -1.432 ], [ -45.413, -1.296 ], [ -45.489, -1.473 ], [ -45.511, -1.458 ], [ -45.554, -1.503 ], [ -45.507, -1.471 ], [ -45.518, -1.516 ], [ -45.481, -1.495 ], [ -45.463, -1.548 ], [ -45.457, -1.457 ], [ -45.391, -1.434 ], [ -45.363, -1.325 ], [ -45.323, -1.319 ], [ -45.302, -1.424 ], [ -45.392, -1.485 ], [ -45.398, -1.503 ], [ -45.356, -1.487 ], [ -45.392, -1.553 ], [ -45.338, -1.572 ], [ -45.371, -1.722 ], [ -45.338, -1.753 ], [ -45.197, -1.688 ], [ -45.261, -1.607 ], [ -45.16, -1.475 ], [ -45.136, -1.521 ], [ -45.072, -1.435 ], [ -45.07, -1.485 ], [ -44.999, -1.504 ], [ -45.018, -1.547 ], [ -44.969, -1.549 ], [ -45.029, -1.583 ], [ -45.029, -1.602 ], [ -44.979, -1.607 ], [ -44.954, -1.498 ], [ -44.862, -1.426 ], [ -44.857, -1.498 ], [ -44.954, -1.605 ], [ -44.918, -1.649 ], [ -44.968, -1.662 ], [ -44.913, -1.657 ], [ -44.927, -1.62 ], [ -44.886, -1.609 ], [ -44.837, -1.65 ], [ -44.822, -1.591 ], [ -44.826, -1.637 ], [ -44.805, -1.609 ], [ -44.812, -1.665 ], [ -44.779, -1.735 ], [ -44.711, -1.728 ], [ -44.82, -1.819 ], [ -44.738, -1.791 ], [ -44.706, -1.819 ], [ -44.676, -1.808 ], [ -44.661, -1.727 ], [ -44.604, -1.749 ], [ -44.667, -1.849 ], [ -44.601, -1.858 ], [ -44.583, -1.817 ], [ -44.586, -1.873 ], [ -44.543, -1.833 ], [ -44.601, -1.909 ], [ -44.517, -1.907 ], [ -44.484, -2.002 ], [ -44.613, -2.037 ], [ -44.467, -2.017 ], [ -44.626, -2.151 ], [ -44.589, -2.159 ], [ -44.641, -2.232 ], [ -44.708, -2.23 ], [ -44.684, -2.275 ], [ -44.764, -2.265 ], [ -44.654, -2.294 ], [ -44.681, -2.354 ], [ -44.649, -2.373 ], [ -44.666, -2.329 ], [ -44.479, -2.137 ], [ -44.358, -2.335 ], [ -44.401, -2.416 ], [ -44.514, -2.384 ], [ -44.55, -2.4 ], [ -44.491, -2.415 ], [ -44.514, -2.448 ], [ -44.505, -2.476 ], [ -44.665, -2.608 ], [ -44.548, -2.542 ], [ -44.658, -2.781 ], [ -44.688, -2.924 ], [ -44.677, -3.019 ], [ -44.66, -3.02 ], [ -44.657, -3.018 ] ], [ [ -43.318, -2.361 ], [ -43.317, -2.363 ], [ -43.296, -2.363 ], [ -43.318, -2.361 ] ], [ [ -42.438, -2.747 ], [ -42.442, -2.749 ], [ -42.438, -2.75 ], [ -42.438, -2.747 ] ], [ [ -42.442, -2.749 ], [ -42.47, -2.744 ], [ -42.447, -2.753 ], [ -42.442, -2.749 ] ], [ [ -50.851, 2.482 ], [ -50.853, 2.481 ], [ -50.853, 2.48 ], [ -50.851, 2.482 ] ], [ [ -50.853, 2.481 ], [ -50.86, 2.495 ], [ -50.86, 2.477 ], [ -50.853, 2.481 ] ], [ [ -49.976, 1.659 ], [ -49.98, 1.659 ], [ -50, 1.639 ], [ -49.976, 1.659 ] ], [ [ -45.392, -1.553 ], [ -45.393, -1.553 ], [ -45.394, -1.556 ], [ -45.392, -1.553 ] ], [ [ -45.394, -1.556 ], [ -45.406, -1.579 ], [ -45.403, -1.591 ], [ -45.394, -1.556 ] ], [ [ -44.837, -1.65 ], [ -44.834, -1.655 ], [ -44.833, -1.654 ], [ -44.837, -1.65 ] ], [ [ -44.834, -1.655 ], [ -44.841, -1.675 ], [ -44.822, -1.672 ], [ -44.834, -1.655 ] ], [ [ -44.779, -1.735 ], [ -44.777, -1.741 ], [ -44.776, -1.74 ], [ -44.779, -1.735 ] ], [ [ -44.777, -1.741 ], [ -44.833, -1.77 ], [ -44.774, -1.75 ], [ -44.777, -1.741 ] ], [ [ -44.547, -2.22 ], [ -44.536, -2.225 ], [ -44.543, -2.219 ], [ -44.547, -2.22 ] ], [ [ -44.536, -2.225 ], [ -44.507, -2.249 ], [ -44.512, -2.235 ], [ -44.536, -2.225 ] ], [ [ -44.507, -2.249 ], [ -44.504, -2.256 ], [ -44.501, -2.254 ], [ -44.507, -2.249 ] ], [ [ -44.504, -2.256 ], [ -44.514, -2.268 ], [ -44.502, -2.26 ], [ -44.504, -2.256 ] ] ], [ [ [ -29.34, -20.484 ], [ -29.301, -20.521 ], [ -29.341, -20.511 ], [ -29.34, -20.484 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.001, -13.94 ], [ -39.012, -13.915 ], [ -38.994, -13.896 ], [ -39.001, -13.94 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.043, -13.909 ], [ -39.059, -13.904 ], [ -39.054, -13.886 ], [ -39.028, -13.903 ], [ -39.043, -13.909 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.251, -18.015 ], [ -39.283, -18.005 ], [ -39.272, -17.982 ], [ -39.245, -18.006 ], [ -39.251, -18.015 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.131, -17.927 ], [ -39.154, -17.921 ], [ -39.137, -17.91 ], [ -39.131, -17.927 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.212, -17.986 ], [ -39.228, -17.979 ], [ -39.215, -17.944 ], [ -39.202, -17.95 ], [ -39.212, -17.986 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.341, -23.231 ], [ -44.372, -23.174 ], [ -44.232, -23.089 ], [ -44.087, -23.173 ], [ -44.3, -23.184 ], [ -44.341, -23.231 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.356, -23.073 ], [ -44.388, -23.048 ], [ -44.373, -23.033 ], [ -44.343, -23.041 ], [ -44.356, -23.073 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.929, -23.014 ], [ -43.936, -22.999 ], [ -43.916, -22.989 ], [ -43.929, -23.014 ] ] ], [ [ [ -42.002, -23.018 ], [ -42.015, -23.003 ], [ -41.98, -22.975 ], [ -41.975, -22.992 ], [ -42.002, -23.018 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.904, -22.962 ], [ -43.907, -22.936 ], [ -43.868, -22.926 ], [ -43.871, -22.95 ], [ -43.904, -22.962 ] ] ], [ [ [ -41.042, -21.613 ], [ -41.042, -21.6 ], [ -41.019, -21.606 ], [ -41.042, -21.613 ] ] ], [ [ [ -52.112, -32 ], [ -52.18, -32.035 ], [ -52.216, -32.025 ], [ -52.198, -31.978 ], [ -52.112, -32 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.641, -30.388 ], [ -50.629, -30.394 ], [ -50.624, -30.329 ], [ -50.592, -30.399 ], [ -50.609, -30.406 ], [ -50.641, -30.388 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.526, -27.462 ], [ -48.416, -27.38 ], [ -48.358, -27.446 ], [ -48.503, -27.799 ], [ -48.559, -27.842 ], [ -48.526, -27.462 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.354, -27.296 ], [ -48.376, -27.285 ], [ -48.373, -27.271 ], [ -48.36, -27.27 ], [ -48.354, -27.296 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.731, -26.314 ], [ -48.754, -26.297 ], [ -48.735, -26.282 ], [ -48.731, -26.314 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.318, -25.584 ], [ -48.309, -25.546 ], [ -48.381, -25.504 ], [ -48.312, -25.509 ], [ -48.292, -25.545 ], [ -48.318, -25.584 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.414, -25.544 ], [ -48.459, -25.514 ], [ -48.415, -25.527 ], [ -48.414, -25.544 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.424, -25.551 ], [ -48.479, -25.523 ], [ -48.485, -25.502 ], [ -48.424, -25.551 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.298, -25.493 ], [ -48.341, -25.416 ], [ -48.252, -25.341 ], [ -48.265, -25.44 ], [ -48.253, -25.466 ], [ -48.298, -25.493 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.417, -25.386 ], [ -48.424, -25.343 ], [ -48.405, -25.33 ], [ -48.417, -25.386 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.695, -24.112 ], [ -45.688, -24.088 ], [ -45.679, -24.098 ], [ -45.695, -24.112 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.251, -23.962 ], [ -45.301, -23.909 ], [ -45.453, -23.91 ], [ -45.332, -23.721 ], [ -45.227, -23.774 ], [ -45.224, -23.835 ], [ -45.283, -23.857 ], [ -45.221, -23.899 ], [ -45.251, -23.962 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.141, -23.817 ], [ -45.146, -23.791 ], [ -45.114, -23.801 ], [ -45.141, -23.817 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.153, -23.573 ], [ -45.153, -23.558 ], [ -45.141, -23.568 ], [ -45.153, -23.573 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.073, -23.564 ], [ -45.079, -23.525 ], [ -45.036, -23.531 ], [ -45.073, -23.564 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.608, -23.228 ], [ -44.59, -23.208 ], [ -44.577, -23.216 ], [ -44.608, -23.228 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.648, -12.821 ], [ -38.666, -12.777 ], [ -38.624, -12.762 ], [ -38.648, -12.821 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.529, -12.811 ], [ -38.544, -12.757 ], [ -38.532, -12.74 ], [ -38.508, -12.792 ], [ -38.529, -12.811 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.622, -12.752 ], [ -38.622, -12.727 ], [ -38.593, -12.733 ], [ -38.622, -12.752 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.646, -12.683 ], [ -38.648, -12.65 ], [ -38.636, -12.661 ], [ -38.646, -12.683 ] ] ], [ [ [ -32.402, -3.838 ], [ -32.428, -3.877 ], [ -32.483, -3.878 ], [ -32.402, -3.838 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.667, -3.179 ], [ -44.668, -3.16 ], [ -44.643, -3.148 ], [ -44.644, -3.17 ], [ -44.667, -3.179 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.671, -2.943 ], [ -44.67, -2.92 ], [ -44.647, -2.915 ], [ -44.671, -2.943 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.493, -2.641 ], [ -44.48, -2.601 ], [ -44.477, -2.627 ], [ -44.493, -2.641 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.897, -2.573 ], [ -43.896, -2.554 ], [ -43.886, -2.565 ], [ -43.897, -2.573 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.599, -2.503 ], [ -43.577, -2.471 ], [ -43.572, -2.483 ], [ -43.599, -2.503 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.822, -2.526 ], [ -43.829, -2.509 ], [ -43.813, -2.458 ], [ -43.812, -2.553 ], [ -43.82, -2.528 ], [ -43.822, -2.526 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.821, -2.529 ], [ -43.856, -2.502 ], [ -43.832, -2.439 ], [ -43.842, -2.504 ], [ -43.821, -2.529 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.863, -2.56 ], [ -43.875, -2.552 ], [ -43.865, -2.534 ], [ -43.863, -2.56 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.519, -2.536 ], [ -44.529, -2.526 ], [ -44.501, -2.48 ], [ -44.505, -2.444 ], [ -44.455, -2.434 ], [ -44.519, -2.536 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.602, -3.007 ], [ -44.657, -2.972 ], [ -44.613, -2.894 ], [ -44.575, -2.921 ], [ -44.602, -3.007 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.585, -2.978 ], [ -44.563, -2.914 ], [ -44.586, -2.826 ], [ -44.494, -2.705 ], [ -44.494, -2.953 ], [ -44.582, -3.041 ], [ -44.585, -2.978 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.826, -2.434 ], [ -43.842, -2.403 ], [ -43.811, -2.385 ], [ -43.807, -2.412 ], [ -43.826, -2.434 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.581, -2.441 ], [ -43.615, -2.389 ], [ -43.549, -2.377 ], [ -43.545, -2.403 ], [ -43.581, -2.441 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.791, -2.47 ], [ -43.806, -2.443 ], [ -43.78, -2.422 ], [ -43.759, -2.448 ], [ -43.791, -2.47 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.513, -2.424 ], [ -43.537, -2.416 ], [ -43.522, -2.39 ], [ -43.505, -2.414 ], [ -43.513, -2.424 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.792, -2.405 ], [ -43.798, -2.377 ], [ -43.771, -2.37 ], [ -43.792, -2.405 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.689, -2.355 ], [ -43.743, -2.352 ], [ -43.724, -2.305 ], [ -43.617, -2.253 ], [ -43.612, -2.275 ], [ -43.669, -2.301 ], [ -43.689, -2.355 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.73, -2.425 ], [ -43.732, -2.364 ], [ -43.67, -2.377 ], [ -43.681, -2.34 ], [ -43.63, -2.324 ], [ -43.643, -2.394 ], [ -43.73, -2.425 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.473, -2.125 ], [ -44.487, -2.113 ], [ -44.475, -2.096 ], [ -44.463, -2.104 ], [ -44.473, -2.125 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.456, -2.031 ], [ -44.447, -2.008 ], [ -44.439, -2.022 ], [ -44.456, -2.031 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.311, -1.964 ], [ -49.336, -1.996 ], [ -49.309, -1.943 ], [ -49.311, -1.964 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.323, -2.054 ], [ -49.329, -2.019 ], [ -49.316, -2.001 ], [ -49.323, -2.054 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.231, -1.829 ], [ -50.246, -1.824 ], [ -50.229, -1.816 ], [ -50.231, -1.829 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.615, -1.821 ], [ -44.622, -1.797 ], [ -44.597, -1.774 ], [ -44.583, -1.789 ], [ -44.615, -1.821 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.7, -1.811 ], [ -44.703, -1.78 ], [ -44.673, -1.78 ], [ -44.7, -1.811 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.691, -1.793 ], [ -49.721, -1.789 ], [ -49.719, -1.771 ], [ -49.697, -1.766 ], [ -49.691, -1.793 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.924, -1.711 ], [ -48.909, -1.713 ], [ -48.916, -1.734 ], [ -48.935, -1.713 ], [ -48.924, -1.711 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.757, -1.707 ], [ -44.767, -1.694 ], [ -44.736, -1.701 ], [ -44.757, -1.707 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.433, -1.684 ], [ -49.454, -1.706 ], [ -49.46, -1.684 ], [ -49.433, -1.684 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.357, -1.008 ], [ -46.342, -0.994 ], [ -46.353, -1.026 ], [ -46.357, -1.008 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.205, -1.021 ], [ -46.194, -1.014 ], [ -46.202, -1.032 ], [ -46.205, -1.021 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.662, -3.018 ], [ -44.673, -3.012 ], [ -44.664, -3.001 ], [ -44.649, -3.013 ], [ -44.662, -3.018 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.736, -1.683 ], [ -44.745, -1.677 ], [ -44.732, -1.668 ], [ -44.736, -1.683 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.231, -1.638 ], [ -49.237, -1.627 ], [ -49.217, -1.633 ], [ -49.231, -1.638 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.38, -1.685 ], [ -49.4, -1.682 ], [ -49.368, -1.669 ], [ -49.38, -1.685 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.426, -1.673 ], [ -49.429, -1.661 ], [ -49.406, -1.66 ], [ -49.426, -1.673 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.34, -1.672 ], [ -49.358, -1.662 ], [ -49.325, -1.647 ], [ -49.34, -1.672 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.289, -1.726 ], [ -45.305, -1.663 ], [ -45.257, -1.641 ], [ -45.244, -1.678 ], [ -45.28, -1.694 ], [ -45.289, -1.726 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.328, -1.743 ], [ -45.346, -1.719 ], [ -45.301, -1.596 ], [ -45.274, -1.635 ], [ -45.313, -1.654 ], [ -45.328, -1.743 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.886, -1.578 ], [ -48.89, -1.56 ], [ -48.859, -1.536 ], [ -48.856, -1.553 ], [ -48.886, -1.578 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.783, -1.682 ], [ -44.8, -1.595 ], [ -44.775, -1.62 ], [ -44.721, -1.567 ], [ -44.704, -1.611 ], [ -44.684, -1.575 ], [ -44.668, -1.669 ], [ -44.693, -1.638 ], [ -44.783, -1.682 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.816, -1.569 ], [ -44.837, -1.534 ], [ -44.787, -1.488 ], [ -44.825, -1.534 ], [ -44.816, -1.569 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.462, -1.517 ], [ -48.478, -1.499 ], [ -48.421, -1.503 ], [ -48.462, -1.517 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.793, -1.531 ], [ -44.774, -1.47 ], [ -44.763, -1.513 ], [ -44.793, -1.531 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.414, -1.427 ], [ -45.423, -1.416 ], [ -45.409, -1.405 ], [ -45.414, -1.427 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45, -1.296 ], [ -44.922, -1.265 ], [ -44.877, -1.309 ], [ -44.895, -1.34 ], [ -44.922, -1.305 ], [ -44.907, -1.341 ], [ -44.999, -1.405 ], [ -45.033, -1.339 ], [ -45, -1.32 ], [ -44.995, -1.36 ], [ -45, -1.296 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.044, -1.402 ], [ -45.07, -1.33 ], [ -45.052, -1.342 ], [ -45.044, -1.402 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.333, -1.569 ], [ -45.371, -1.544 ], [ -45.347, -1.489 ], [ -45.313, -1.506 ], [ -45.333, -1.569 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.969, -1.522 ], [ -44.976, -1.493 ], [ -44.959, -1.483 ], [ -44.969, -1.522 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.393, -1.512 ], [ -48.371, -1.476 ], [ -48.341, -1.483 ], [ -48.393, -1.512 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.413, -1.498 ], [ -48.426, -1.491 ], [ -48.387, -1.476 ], [ -48.413, -1.498 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.118, -1.47 ], [ -45.132, -1.462 ], [ -45.115, -1.364 ], [ -45.103, -1.373 ], [ -45.118, -1.47 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.593, -1.251 ], [ -45.581, -1.19 ], [ -45.536, -1.205 ], [ -45.532, -1.231 ], [ -45.593, -1.251 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.559, -1.243 ], [ -48.56, -1.202 ], [ -48.523, -1.199 ], [ -48.559, -1.243 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.817, -1.163 ], [ -45.829, -1.141 ], [ -45.804, -1.127 ], [ -45.817, -1.163 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.877, -1.154 ], [ -45.9, -1.117 ], [ -45.883, -1.073 ], [ -45.849, -1.123 ], [ -45.877, -1.154 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.192, -1.05 ], [ -46.201, -1.041 ], [ -46.185, -1.027 ], [ -46.192, -1.05 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.291, -1.01 ], [ -46.307, -0.992 ], [ -46.306, -0.961 ], [ -46.291, -1.01 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.078, -1.095 ], [ -46.065, -1.05 ], [ -46.061, -1.074 ], [ -46.078, -1.095 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.68, -1.295 ], [ -45.687, -1.275 ], [ -45.667, -1.26 ], [ -45.654, -1.285 ], [ -45.68, -1.295 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.538, -1.282 ], [ -48.549, -1.262 ], [ -48.53, -1.25 ], [ -48.538, -1.282 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.51, -1.27 ], [ -48.522, -1.247 ], [ -48.506, -1.236 ], [ -48.51, -1.27 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.694, -1.37 ], [ -45.646, -1.289 ], [ -45.625, -1.126 ], [ -45.634, -1.349 ], [ -45.694, -1.37 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.688, -1.266 ], [ -45.708, -1.228 ], [ -45.685, -1.194 ], [ -45.664, -1.231 ], [ -45.688, -1.266 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.425, -0.914 ], [ -46.454, -0.907 ], [ -46.408, -0.868 ], [ -46.395, -0.899 ], [ -46.425, -0.914 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.72, -0.848 ], [ -46.735, -0.832 ], [ -46.729, -0.796 ], [ -46.72, -0.848 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.611, -0.799 ], [ -46.622, -0.784 ], [ -46.601, -0.789 ], [ -46.611, -0.799 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.586, -0.849 ], [ -46.621, -0.807 ], [ -46.589, -0.815 ], [ -46.586, -0.849 ] ] ], [ [ [ -47.447, -0.748 ], [ -47.453, -0.732 ], [ -47.436, -0.717 ], [ -47.428, -0.738 ], [ -47.447, -0.748 ] ] ], [ [ [ -47.461, -0.741 ], [ -47.463, -0.702 ], [ -47.445, -0.697 ], [ -47.461, -0.741 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.214, -0.411 ], [ -51.211, -0.386 ], [ -51.164, -0.347 ], [ -51.163, -0.383 ], [ -51.214, -0.411 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.352, -0.353 ], [ -51.346, -0.31 ], [ -51.317, -0.268 ], [ -51.327, -0.33 ], [ -51.352, -0.353 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.127, -0.268 ], [ -51.131, -0.237 ], [ -51.091, -0.208 ], [ -51.087, -0.229 ], [ -51.127, -0.268 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.888, -0.198 ], [ -48.91, -0.188 ], [ -48.893, -0.134 ], [ -48.847, -0.177 ], [ -48.888, -0.198 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.174, -0.091 ], [ -51.191, -0.064 ], [ -51.126, -0.057 ], [ -51.174, -0.091 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.114, -0.146 ], [ -49.097, -0.121 ], [ -49.08, -0.13 ], [ -49.114, -0.146 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.166, -0.142 ], [ -49.188, -0.115 ], [ -49.156, -0.128 ], [ -49.166, -0.142 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.119, -0.141 ], [ -49.143, -0.107 ], [ -49.114, -0.11 ], [ -49.119, -0.141 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.127, -0.128 ], [ -51.094, -0.103 ], [ -51.108, -0.127 ], [ -51.127, -0.128 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.414, -0.999 ], [ -46.384, -0.941 ], [ -46.367, -0.948 ], [ -46.414, -0.999 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.647, -0.97 ], [ -46.658, -0.968 ], [ -46.618, -0.957 ], [ -46.647, -0.97 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.488, -0.942 ], [ -46.465, -0.877 ], [ -46.464, -0.924 ], [ -46.44, -0.922 ], [ -46.482, -0.976 ], [ -46.441, -0.999 ], [ -46.525, -1.016 ], [ -46.527, -0.917 ], [ -46.509, -0.984 ], [ -46.488, -0.942 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.632, 0.159 ], [ -49.662, 0.184 ], [ -49.629, 0.202 ], [ -49.61, 0.181 ], [ -49.632, 0.159 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.641, 0.26 ], [ -50.63, 0.293 ], [ -50.586, 0.308 ], [ -50.641, 0.26 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.2, 0.255 ], [ -50.243, 0.248 ], [ -50.147, 0.337 ], [ -50.059, 0.346 ], [ -50.2, 0.255 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.417, 0.159 ], [ -50.535, 0.234 ], [ -50.36, 0.615 ], [ -50.328, 0.383 ], [ -50.285, 0.3 ], [ -50.413, 0.237 ], [ -50.417, 0.159 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.279, 0.338 ], [ -50.271, 0.599 ], [ -50.147, 0.608 ], [ -50.142, 0.576 ], [ -50.107, 0.636 ], [ -50.063, 0.623 ], [ -50.05, 0.518 ], [ -50.279, 0.338 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50, 0.943 ], [ -50.113, 0.907 ], [ -50.018, 1.034 ], [ -49.935, 1.069 ], [ -49.939, 0.996 ], [ -50, 0.943 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.881, 1.227 ], [ -49.909, 1.246 ], [ -49.886, 1.244 ], [ -49.881, 1.227 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.907, 1.278 ], [ -49.885, 1.291 ], [ -49.863, 1.278 ], [ -49.876, 1.252 ], [ -49.907, 1.278 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.204, 1.851 ], [ -50.232, 1.879 ], [ -50.22, 1.915 ], [ -50.169, 1.865 ], [ -50.204, 1.851 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.468, 1.954 ], [ -50.521, 2.026 ], [ -50.497, 2.139 ], [ -50.398, 2.167 ], [ -50.367, 2.19 ], [ -50.276, 1.939 ], [ -50.423, 1.849 ], [ -50.468, 1.954 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.504, 2.255 ], [ -50.414, 2.244 ], [ -50.382, 2.204 ], [ -50.489, 2.15 ], [ -50.564, 2.205 ], [ -50.504, 2.255 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.229, 0.832 ], [ -50.098, 0.839 ], [ -50.027, 0.898 ], [ -50.105, 0.757 ], [ -50.162, 0.775 ], [ -50.249, 0.72 ], [ -50.229, 0.832 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.131, 0.844 ], [ -50.162, 0.867 ], [ -50.132, 0.9 ], [ -50.119, 0.854 ], [ -50.131, 0.844 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.108, 0.85 ], [ -50.111, 0.891 ], [ -50.049, 0.886 ], [ -50.108, 0.85 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.216, -0.055 ], [ -50.235, -0.042 ], [ -50.219, -0.04 ], [ -50.216, -0.055 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.916, -0.052 ], [ -50.926, -0.047 ], [ -50.907, -0.043 ], [ -50.916, -0.052 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.605, -0.061 ], [ -50.618, -0.022 ], [ -50.559, -0.038 ], [ -50.605, -0.061 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.399, -0.061 ], [ -50.44, -0.057 ], [ -50.378, -0.015 ], [ -50.357, -0.049 ], [ -50.399, -0.061 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.75, 0 ], [ -49.609, 0.08 ], [ -49.474, 0.081 ], [ -49.338, -0.017 ], [ -49.487, -0.136 ], [ -49.723, -0.147 ], [ -49.835, -0.088 ], [ -49.75, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.023, -0.019 ], [ -49.039, -0.011 ], [ -49.02, -0.006 ], [ -49.023, -0.019 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.932, 0.052 ], [ -50.918, 0.084 ], [ -50.884, 0.078 ], [ -50.899, 0.057 ], [ -50.932, 0.052 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.928, 0 ], [ -50.786, 0.05 ], [ -50.717, 0.028 ], [ -50.94, -0.041 ], [ -50.928, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.691, 0.025 ], [ -50.655, 0.015 ], [ -50.703, 0.021 ], [ -50.691, 0.025 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.629, -0.043 ], [ -50.642, -0.016 ], [ -50.622, -0.026 ], [ -50.629, -0.043 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.642, 0 ], [ -50.611, 0.007 ], [ -50.595, -0.019 ], [ -50.642, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.536, 0 ], [ -50.653, 0.126 ], [ -50.59, 0.203 ], [ -50.434, 0.126 ], [ -50.436, 0 ], [ -50.536, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50, 0.311 ], [ -49.674, 0.368 ], [ -49.601, 0.283 ], [ -49.86, 0.008 ], [ -49.99, -0.048 ], [ -50.086, 0.034 ], [ -50.351, 0.044 ], [ -50.394, 0.222 ], [ -50.153, 0.227 ], [ -50, 0.311 ] ] ] ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "La costa de lo que hoy es territorio brasileño fue el primer punto al que llegaron los europeos en América del Sur. La primera expedición que exploró la región fue un desprendimiento de la flota portuguesa que Vasco da Gama (c. 1460-1524) llevaba hacia oriente. Las naves dirigidas por Pedro Álvarez de Cabral (1467-1520) se alejaron excesivamente de la costa de África y terminaron en el extremo sur de actual territorio del Estado de Bahía, en que el permanecieron entre abril y mayo del año 1500. Los portuguese establecieron en la costa precarias feitorias para comerciar verzino o palo brasil con los nativos de las sociedades tupí y guaraní nativas. Recién en 1530 la corona brasileña tomaría acciones decididas para organizar la ocupación portuguesa y las actividades de explotación, cuando instaura el régimen de capitanías hereditarias que estructuraría el establecimiento colonial lusitano en brasil. Bibliografía: Johnson, H. B., \"Portuguese Settlement, 1500-1580\", en Bethell, Leslie (ed.), Colonial Brazil, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1987, pp. 1-38; Abulafia, David, El descubrimiento de la humanidad. Encuentros atlánticos en la era de Colón, Barcelona, Crítica, 2009 [2008]; Metcalf, Alida C., Go-Betweens and the Colonization of Brazil, 1500-1600, Austin, University of Texas Press, 2005; Vaz de Caminha, Pêro, Carta del descubrimiento del Brasil, Barcelona, Acantilado, 2009.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-12-03T14:17:24+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 48860, "end" : 48866 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Brasil" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/9e081cc8-d043-49f8-bab4-18740822f55c", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://sws.geonames.org/3469034", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-12-03T14:17:24+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-12-03T14:17:24+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "MultiPolygon", "coordinates" : [ [ [ [ -44.657, -3.018 ], [ -44.608, -3.041 ], [ -44.72, -3.18 ], [ -44.793, -3.198 ], [ -44.779, -3.312 ], [ -44.736, -3.302 ], [ -44.763, -3.225 ], [ -44.653, -3.196 ], [ -44.431, -2.945 ], [ -44.367, -2.643 ], [ -44.362, -2.726 ], [ -44.355, -2.605 ], [ -44.378, -2.566 ], [ -44.345, -2.528 ], [ -44.29, -2.573 ], [ -44.306, -2.487 ], [ -44.02, -2.403 ], [ -44.03, -2.457 ], [ -44.108, -2.468 ], [ -44.035, -2.518 ], [ -44.131, -2.596 ], [ -44.147, -2.681 ], [ -44.219, -2.67 ], [ -44.209, -2.716 ], [ -44.345, -2.791 ], [ -44.347, -2.838 ], [ -44.315, -2.788 ], [ -44.3, -2.843 ], [ -44.266, -2.777 ], [ -44.225, -2.806 ], [ -44.184, -2.766 ], [ -44.208, -2.857 ], [ -44.111, -2.749 ], [ -44.072, -2.811 ], [ -44.05, -2.685 ], [ -43.981, -2.619 ], [ -43.946, -2.641 ], [ -43.933, -2.553 ], [ -43.883, -2.649 ], [ -43.887, -2.578 ], [ -43.803, -2.56 ], [ -43.76, -2.513 ], [ -43.754, -2.556 ], [ -43.729, -2.481 ], [ -43.727, -2.569 ], [ -43.654, -2.556 ], [ -43.682, -2.534 ], [ -43.653, -2.488 ], [ -43.608, -2.593 ], [ -43.603, -2.518 ], [ -43.548, -2.528 ], [ -43.519, -2.445 ], [ -43.498, -2.55 ], [ -43.46, -2.507 ], [ -43.458, -2.596 ], [ -43.401, -2.552 ], [ -43.448, -2.538 ], [ -43.462, -2.427 ], [ -43.359, -2.44 ], [ -43.479, -2.376 ], [ -43.378, -2.329 ], [ -43.4, -2.353 ], [ -43.232, -2.362 ], [ -42.692, -2.596 ], [ -42.709, -2.56 ], [ -42.572, -2.68 ], [ -42.495, -2.689 ], [ -42.503, -2.727 ], [ -42.393, -2.751 ], [ -42.475, -2.706 ], [ -42.375, -2.717 ], [ -42.228, -2.818 ], [ -42.143, -2.808 ], [ -42.256, -2.735 ], [ -42.233, -2.674 ], [ -42.208, -2.712 ], [ -42.098, -2.768 ], [ -42.099, -2.809 ], [ -42.096, -2.747 ], [ -42.216, -2.687 ], [ -42.054, -2.691 ], [ -42.023, -2.775 ], [ -42.017, -2.718 ], [ -41.818, -2.723 ], [ -41.844, -2.773 ], [ -41.797, -2.751 ], [ -41.656, -2.884 ], [ -41.437, -2.939 ], [ -41.395, -2.906 ], [ -41.316, -2.943 ], [ -41.263, -2.887 ], [ -40.838, -2.895 ], [ -40.572, -2.844 ], [ -40.499, -2.787 ], [ -39.888, -2.886 ], [ -39.244, -3.229 ], [ -39.083, -3.394 ], [ -38.978, -3.407 ], [ -38.641, -3.687 ], [ -38.473, -3.7 ], [ -38.377, -3.866 ], [ -38.043, -4.214 ], [ -37.764, -4.399 ], [ -37.588, -4.624 ], [ -37.323, -4.698 ], [ -37.15, -4.943 ], [ -36.958, -4.919 ], [ -36.666, -5.108 ], [ -36.504, -5.061 ], [ -36.297, -5.106 ], [ -35.956, -5.045 ], [ -35.612, -5.11 ], [ -35.385, -5.255 ], [ -35.255, -5.483 ], [ -35.099, -6.169 ], [ -34.983, -6.396 ], [ -34.933, -6.753 ], [ -34.79, -7.159 ], [ -34.842, -7.564 ], [ -34.809, -7.622 ], [ -34.845, -7.69 ], [ -34.827, -8.004 ], [ -35.136, -8.895 ], [ -35.332, -9.237 ], [ -35.689, -9.668 ], [ -35.78, -9.706 ], [ -36.056, -10.083 ], [ -36.266, -10.256 ], [ -36.402, -10.506 ], [ -36.602, -10.567 ], [ -36.934, -10.826 ], [ -37.36, -11.428 ], [ -37.612, -11.979 ], [ -37.996, -12.578 ], [ -38.318, -12.934 ], [ -38.477, -13.022 ], [ -38.532, -13.017 ], [ -38.473, -12.913 ], [ -38.498, -12.722 ], [ -38.603, -12.728 ], [ -38.646, -12.622 ], [ -38.681, -12.661 ], [ -38.718, -12.627 ], [ -38.804, -12.835 ], [ -38.717, -12.873 ], [ -38.769, -12.995 ], [ -38.721, -13.021 ], [ -38.66, -12.963 ], [ -38.686, -12.878 ], [ -38.59, -12.972 ], [ -38.766, -13.129 ], [ -38.807, -13.1 ], [ -38.808, -13.154 ], [ -38.944, -13.243 ], [ -38.973, -13.391 ], [ -38.902, -13.384 ], [ -38.886, -13.45 ], [ -38.95, -13.577 ], [ -38.886, -13.659 ], [ -38.968, -13.67 ], [ -39.006, -13.891 ], [ -39.064, -13.865 ], [ -39.075, -13.887 ], [ -38.986, -13.998 ], [ -38.952, -13.986 ], [ -38.982, -13.912 ], [ -38.938, -13.886 ], [ -38.922, -13.92 ], [ -39.061, -14.716 ], [ -38.962, -15.585 ], [ -38.857, -15.86 ], [ -38.973, -16.211 ], [ -39.032, -16.26 ], [ -39.01, -16.369 ], [ -39.078, -16.454 ], [ -39.143, -16.762 ], [ -39.113, -16.896 ], [ -39.212, -17.155 ], [ -39.193, -17.602 ], [ -39.135, -17.691 ], [ -39.264, -17.869 ], [ -39.435, -17.943 ], [ -39.563, -18.091 ], [ -39.721, -18.493 ], [ -39.749, -18.81 ], [ -39.692, -19.353 ], [ -39.805, -19.65 ], [ -39.951, -19.717 ], [ -40.151, -19.956 ], [ -40.236, -20.285 ], [ -40.353, -20.32 ], [ -40.329, -20.236 ], [ -40.359, -20.291 ], [ -40.365, -20.317 ], [ -40.35, -20.328 ], [ -40.268, -20.327 ], [ -40.402, -20.606 ], [ -40.466, -20.624 ], [ -40.627, -20.845 ], [ -40.65, -20.813 ], [ -40.756, -20.866 ], [ -40.853, -21.133 ], [ -40.955, -21.251 ], [ -40.96, -21.364 ], [ -41.065, -21.495 ], [ -41.051, -21.608 ], [ -41.038, -21.622 ], [ -41.007, -21.618 ], [ -40.99, -22.014 ], [ -41.229, -22.151 ], [ -41.668, -22.294 ], [ -41.962, -22.538 ], [ -41.986, -22.713 ], [ -41.919, -22.774 ], [ -41.864, -22.759 ], [ -42.023, -22.896 ], [ -42.037, -22.94 ], [ -41.99, -22.964 ], [ -42.018, -22.998 ], [ -42.086, -22.957 ], [ -42.529, -22.934 ], [ -43.05, -22.982 ], [ -43.132, -22.941 ], [ -43.025, -22.741 ], [ -43.084, -22.68 ], [ -43.216, -22.725 ], [ -43.287, -22.806 ], [ -43.24, -22.847 ], [ -43.249, -22.797 ], [ -43.156, -22.784 ], [ -43.247, -22.882 ], [ -43.164, -22.899 ], [ -43.187, -22.995 ], [ -43.344, -22.983 ], [ -43.303, -23.02 ], [ -43.549, -23.081 ], [ -44.001, -23.1 ], [ -43.961, -23.042 ], [ -43.877, -23.067 ], [ -43.909, -23.02 ], [ -43.807, -23.063 ], [ -43.555, -23.055 ], [ -43.84, -22.906 ], [ -43.985, -22.937 ], [ -44.034, -23.014 ], [ -44.044, -22.923 ], [ -44.107, -23.03 ], [ -44.234, -23.06 ], [ -44.238, -23.004 ], [ -44.358, -23.02 ], [ -44.296, -22.961 ], [ -44.321, -22.927 ], [ -44.378, -22.972 ], [ -44.407, -22.945 ], [ -44.443, -23.035 ], [ -44.669, -23.06 ], [ -44.712, -23.19 ], [ -44.701, -23.237 ], [ -44.645, -23.191 ], [ -44.612, -23.206 ], [ -44.685, -23.256 ], [ -44.611, -23.238 ], [ -44.652, -23.302 ], [ -44.558, -23.232 ], [ -44.577, -23.275 ], [ -44.498, -23.302 ], [ -44.583, -23.367 ], [ -44.669, -23.341 ], [ -44.84, -23.395 ], [ -44.905, -23.339 ], [ -45.05, -23.418 ], [ -45.016, -23.461 ], [ -45.079, -23.519 ], [ -45.165, -23.495 ], [ -45.159, -23.541 ], [ -45.228, -23.547 ], [ -45.211, -23.582 ], [ -45.41, -23.632 ], [ -45.412, -23.825 ], [ -45.934, -23.771 ], [ -46.124, -23.842 ], [ -46.2, -24.002 ], [ -46.288, -24.044 ], [ -46.321, -24 ], [ -46.458, -24.025 ], [ -46.937, -24.281 ], [ -47.024, -24.382 ], [ -47.004, -24.412 ], [ -47.86, -24.996 ], [ -47.914, -25.061 ], [ -47.915, -25.16 ], [ -48.213, -25.47 ], [ -48.254, -25.435 ], [ -48.222, -25.342 ], [ -48.208, -25.353 ], [ -48.121, -25.267 ], [ -48.253, -25.328 ], [ -48.284, -25.294 ], [ -48.317, -25.363 ], [ -48.327, -25.232 ], [ -48.366, -25.317 ], [ -48.433, -25.237 ], [ -48.428, -25.324 ], [ -48.5, -25.335 ], [ -48.427, -25.39 ], [ -48.449, -25.379 ], [ -48.468, -25.388 ], [ -48.467, -25.432 ], [ -48.449, -25.384 ], [ -48.414, -25.428 ], [ -48.476, -25.485 ], [ -48.637, -25.468 ], [ -48.661, -25.398 ], [ -48.671, -25.435 ], [ -48.739, -25.374 ], [ -48.68, -25.465 ], [ -48.687, -25.499 ], [ -48.737, -25.483 ], [ -48.703, -25.504 ], [ -48.617, -25.536 ], [ -48.512, -25.505 ], [ -48.482, -25.591 ], [ -48.46, -25.552 ], [ -48.35, -25.581 ], [ -48.565, -25.868 ], [ -48.614, -26.06 ], [ -48.586, -26.172 ], [ -48.714, -26.243 ], [ -48.795, -26.073 ], [ -48.837, -26.157 ], [ -48.798, -26.142 ], [ -48.763, -26.199 ], [ -48.805, -26.228 ], [ -48.769, -26.223 ], [ -48.761, -26.286 ], [ -48.803, -26.303 ], [ -48.723, -26.362 ], [ -48.635, -26.374 ], [ -48.714, -26.308 ], [ -48.554, -26.172 ], [ -48.493, -26.224 ], [ -48.695, -26.658 ], [ -48.665, -26.769 ], [ -48.583, -26.786 ], [ -48.655, -26.909 ], [ -48.62, -27.007 ], [ -48.574, -27.011 ], [ -48.607, -27.122 ], [ -48.554, -27.152 ], [ -48.51, -27.108 ], [ -48.469, -27.148 ], [ -48.511, -27.183 ], [ -48.486, -27.218 ], [ -48.531, -27.18 ], [ -48.612, -27.243 ], [ -48.596, -27.318 ], [ -48.529, -27.334 ], [ -48.649, -27.486 ], [ -48.572, -27.592 ], [ -48.653, -27.648 ], [ -48.575, -27.888 ], [ -48.761, -28.535 ], [ -48.813, -28.605 ], [ -49.37, -28.92 ], [ -49.334, -28.921 ], [ -49.702, -29.308 ], [ -50.006, -29.749 ], [ -50.316, -30.472 ], [ -50.848, -31.205 ], [ -51.303, -31.613 ], [ -51.877, -31.952 ], [ -52.071, -32.188 ], [ -52.012, -31.946 ], [ -52.092, -31.837 ], [ -51.851, -31.865 ], [ -51.777, -31.805 ], [ -51.854, -31.797 ], [ -51.65, -31.759 ], [ -51.478, -31.562 ], [ -51.43, -31.622 ], [ -51.458, -31.548 ], [ -51.424, -31.478 ], [ -51.351, -31.529 ], [ -51.234, -31.458 ], [ -51.16, -31.31 ], [ -51.166, -31.063 ], [ -51.109, -31.097 ], [ -50.985, -31.042 ], [ -50.965, -30.893 ], [ -50.888, -30.893 ], [ -50.705, -30.756 ], [ -50.677, -30.61 ], [ -50.725, -30.371 ], [ -50.692, -30.355 ], [ -50.625, -30.409 ], [ -50.641, -30.459 ], [ -50.569, -30.471 ], [ -50.534, -30.278 ], [ -50.601, -30.194 ], [ -50.659, -30.201 ], [ -50.661, -30.293 ], [ -50.918, -30.333 ], [ -50.934, -30.42 ], [ -50.889, -30.439 ], [ -50.921, -30.44 ], [ -51.052, -30.395 ], [ -51.034, -30.276 ], [ -51.146, -30.267 ], [ -51.246, -30.188 ], [ -51.23, -30.043 ], [ -51.295, -30.007 ], [ -51.326, -30.23 ], [ -51.271, -30.25 ], [ -51.293, -30.295 ], [ -51.246, -30.33 ], [ -51.209, -30.3 ], [ -51.179, -30.383 ], [ -51.092, -30.367 ], [ -51.129, -30.436 ], [ -51.202, -30.413 ], [ -51.269, -30.489 ], [ -51.282, -30.811 ], [ -51.33, -30.777 ], [ -51.294, -30.758 ], [ -51.319, -30.64 ], [ -51.375, -30.635 ], [ -51.404, -30.769 ], [ -51.367, -30.874 ], [ -51.457, -30.874 ], [ -51.501, -30.935 ], [ -51.436, -31.088 ], [ -51.611, -31.138 ], [ -51.613, -31.272 ], [ -51.915, -31.313 ], [ -52.002, -31.449 ], [ -52.031, -31.693 ], [ -52.218, -31.747 ], [ -52.247, -31.871 ], [ -52.106, -31.952 ], [ -52.216, -31.963 ], [ -52.263, -32.062 ], [ -52.209, -32.045 ], [ -52.225, -32.096 ], [ -52.082, -32.033 ], [ -52.162, -32.128 ], [ -52.09, -32.069 ], [ -52.084, -32.186 ], [ -52.16, -32.201 ], [ -52.341, -32.43 ], [ -52.488, -32.844 ], [ -52.66, -33.165 ], [ -53.227, -33.658 ], [ -53.421, -33.741 ], [ -53.524, -33.689 ], [ -53.515, -33.163 ], [ -53.434, -33.054 ], [ -53.243, -32.936 ], [ -53.294, -32.911 ], [ -53.074, -32.746 ], [ -53.244, -32.605 ], [ -53.39, -32.583 ], [ -53.46, -32.48 ], [ -53.595, -32.432 ], [ -53.73, -32.157 ], [ -53.714, -32.104 ], [ -53.965, -31.919 ], [ -54.096, -31.906 ], [ -54.466, -31.666 ], [ -54.491, -31.54 ], [ -54.591, -31.448 ], [ -54.836, -31.446 ], [ -54.945, -31.392 ], [ -55.014, -31.285 ], [ -55.091, -31.326 ], [ -55.245, -31.257 ], [ -55.374, -31.038 ], [ -55.594, -30.848 ], [ -55.635, -30.857 ], [ -55.657, -30.956 ], [ -55.87, -31.08 ], [ -56.008, -31.063 ], [ -55.987, -30.86 ], [ -56.021, -30.784 ], [ -56.127, -30.739 ], [ -56.177, -30.614 ], [ -56.384, -30.495 ], [ -56.459, -30.387 ], [ -56.545, -30.364 ], [ -56.54, -30.312 ], [ -56.617, -30.303 ], [ -56.644, -30.205 ], [ -56.776, -30.166 ], [ -56.804, -30.107 ], [ -57.068, -30.088 ], [ -57.207, -30.281 ], [ -57.313, -30.26 ], [ -57.396, -30.303 ], [ -57.538, -30.275 ], [ -57.618, -30.179 ], [ -57.505, -30.143 ], [ -57.342, -30.001 ], [ -57.319, -29.87 ], [ -57.254, -29.794 ], [ -57.105, -29.752 ], [ -56.972, -29.639 ], [ -56.676, -29.321 ], [ -56.593, -29.123 ], [ -56.425, -29.073 ], [ -56.285, -28.794 ], [ -56.185, -28.771 ], [ -56.016, -28.611 ], [ -56.011, -28.509 ], [ -55.888, -28.479 ], [ -55.875, -28.362 ], [ -55.696, -28.425 ], [ -55.671, -28.333 ], [ -55.773, -28.247 ], [ -55.605, -28.123 ], [ -55.554, -28.164 ], [ -55.496, -28.081 ], [ -55.444, -28.097 ], [ -55.323, -27.928 ], [ -55.196, -27.863 ], [ -55.134, -27.895 ], [ -55.117, -27.853 ], [ -55.032, -27.854 ], [ -55.082, -27.789 ], [ -54.941, -27.775 ], [ -54.809, -27.536 ], [ -54.781, -27.586 ], [ -54.683, -27.576 ], [ -54.678, -27.514 ], [ -54.624, -27.55 ], [ -54.576, -27.458 ], [ -54.525, -27.507 ], [ -54.415, -27.412 ], [ -54.353, -27.468 ], [ -54.339, -27.406 ], [ -54.282, -27.447 ], [ -54.176, -27.261 ], [ -54.089, -27.303 ], [ -53.949, -27.158 ], [ -53.799, -27.147 ], [ -53.795, -27.048 ], [ -53.761, -27.068 ], [ -53.662, -26.869 ], [ -53.751, -26.745 ], [ -53.707, -26.563 ], [ -53.738, -26.548 ], [ -53.592, -26.265 ], [ -53.722, -26.13 ], [ -53.733, -26.047 ], [ -53.837, -25.969 ], [ -53.824, -25.793 ], [ -53.891, -25.625 ], [ -53.951, -25.644 ], [ -54.016, -25.569 ], [ -54.101, -25.625 ], [ -54.111, -25.504 ], [ -54.213, -25.554 ], [ -54.184, -25.591 ], [ -54.289, -25.562 ], [ -54.387, -25.608 ], [ -54.43, -25.706 ], [ -54.596, -25.595 ], [ -54.617, -25.459 ], [ -54.437, -25.157 ], [ -54.458, -25.031 ], [ -54.336, -24.649 ], [ -54.333, -24.493 ], [ -54.262, -24.376 ], [ -54.33, -24.225 ], [ -54.282, -24.075 ], [ -54.411, -23.929 ], [ -54.668, -23.815 ], [ -55.061, -23.991 ], [ -55.112, -23.963 ], [ -55.226, -24.013 ], [ -55.413, -23.961 ], [ -55.434, -23.714 ], [ -55.535, -23.614 ], [ -55.522, -23.197 ], [ -55.596, -23.141 ], [ -55.64, -22.994 ], [ -55.685, -22.992 ], [ -55.613, -22.659 ], [ -55.736, -22.532 ], [ -55.74, -22.396 ], [ -55.854, -22.281 ], [ -56.208, -22.281 ], [ -56.341, -22.206 ], [ -56.403, -22.078 ], [ -56.519, -22.103 ], [ -56.643, -22.261 ], [ -56.698, -22.216 ], [ -56.728, -22.26 ], [ -56.808, -22.25 ], [ -56.831, -22.3 ], [ -57.001, -22.225 ], [ -57.203, -22.21 ], [ -57.243, -22.244 ], [ -57.553, -22.181 ], [ -57.616, -22.096 ], [ -57.803, -22.148 ], [ -57.989, -22.085 ], [ -58.005, -22.032 ], [ -57.919, -21.881 ], [ -57.969, -21.844 ], [ -57.913, -21.793 ], [ -57.947, -21.747 ], [ -57.894, -21.687 ], [ -57.968, -21.528 ], [ -57.855, -21.339 ], [ -57.918, -21.278 ], [ -57.854, -21.226 ], [ -57.866, -21.041 ], [ -57.818, -20.976 ], [ -57.927, -20.897 ], [ -57.855, -20.835 ], [ -57.961, -20.784 ], [ -57.869, -20.736 ], [ -57.923, -20.666 ], [ -57.988, -20.696 ], [ -57.994, -20.448 ], [ -58.082, -20.372 ], [ -58.092, -20.257 ], [ -58.154, -20.264 ], [ -58.125, -20.188 ], [ -58.163, -20.162 ], [ -57.872, -19.979 ], [ -58.134, -19.761 ], [ -57.79, -19.051 ], [ -57.709, -19.034 ], [ -57.757, -18.858 ], [ -57.56, -18.263 ], [ -57.458, -18.228 ], [ -57.568, -18.136 ], [ -57.702, -17.86 ], [ -57.715, -17.735 ], [ -57.785, -17.645 ], [ -57.773, -17.553 ], [ -57.878, -17.463 ], [ -58.003, -17.52 ], [ -58.114, -17.456 ], [ -58.395, -17.197 ], [ -58.421, -16.99 ], [ -58.47, -16.939 ], [ -58.468, -16.702 ], [ -58.442, -16.613 ], [ -58.34, -16.542 ], [ -58.309, -16.27 ], [ -58.471, -16.325 ], [ -60.173, -16.265 ], [ -60.236, -15.476 ], [ -60.565, -15.105 ], [ -60.253, -15.101 ], [ -60.257, -14.624 ], [ -60.338, -14.555 ], [ -60.482, -14.181 ], [ -60.468, -14.092 ], [ -60.378, -13.992 ], [ -60.468, -13.886 ], [ -60.468, -13.801 ], [ -60.793, -13.686 ], [ -60.962, -13.539 ], [ -61.044, -13.541 ], [ -61.028, -13.477 ], [ -61.069, -13.463 ], [ -61.139, -13.521 ], [ -61.249, -13.525 ], [ -61.33, -13.473 ], [ -61.486, -13.554 ], [ -61.578, -13.494 ], [ -61.824, -13.539 ], [ -61.866, -13.443 ], [ -62.108, -13.257 ], [ -62.109, -13.149 ], [ -62.165, -13.112 ], [ -62.368, -13.145 ], [ -62.464, -13.07 ], [ -62.637, -13.041 ], [ -62.674, -12.965 ], [ -62.764, -13.023 ], [ -62.923, -12.854 ], [ -62.996, -12.85 ], [ -63.082, -12.653 ], [ -63.327, -12.705 ], [ -63.482, -12.557 ], [ -63.712, -12.458 ], [ -63.875, -12.469 ], [ -63.937, -12.557 ], [ -64.127, -12.494 ], [ -64.152, -12.529 ], [ -64.215, -12.476 ], [ -64.278, -12.511 ], [ -64.493, -12.366 ], [ -64.486, -12.23 ], [ -64.654, -12.186 ], [ -64.683, -12.099 ], [ -64.725, -12.162 ], [ -64.798, -12.035 ], [ -64.993, -11.999 ], [ -65.048, -11.757 ], [ -65.112, -11.741 ], [ -65.106, -11.697 ], [ -65.135, -11.777 ], [ -65.201, -11.745 ], [ -65.161, -11.622 ], [ -65.218, -11.521 ], [ -65.299, -11.5 ], [ -65.338, -11.392 ], [ -65.31, -11.341 ], [ -65.385, -11.269 ], [ -65.349, -11.239 ], [ -65.391, -11.167 ], [ -65.318, -11.105 ], [ -65.336, -11.044 ], [ -65.269, -10.901 ], [ -65.366, -10.798 ], [ -65.349, -10.671 ], [ -65.426, -10.638 ], [ -65.429, -10.473 ], [ -65.28, -10.218 ], [ -65.327, -9.938 ], [ -65.29, -9.851 ], [ -65.377, -9.698 ], [ -65.488, -9.718 ], [ -65.563, -9.834 ], [ -65.669, -9.779 ], [ -65.7, -9.803 ], [ -65.689, -9.749 ], [ -65.748, -9.77 ], [ -65.777, -9.727 ], [ -65.798, -9.786 ], [ -65.81, -9.75 ], [ -65.86, -9.794 ], [ -65.872, -9.757 ], [ -66.018, -9.807 ], [ -66.064, -9.772 ], [ -66.422, -9.895 ], [ -66.616, -9.893 ], [ -66.623, -9.935 ], [ -66.883, -10.081 ], [ -67.029, -10.254 ], [ -67.186, -10.339 ], [ -67.315, -10.316 ], [ -67.327, -10.374 ], [ -67.414, -10.372 ], [ -67.443, -10.45 ], [ -67.594, -10.523 ], [ -67.715, -10.707 ], [ -68.021, -10.661 ], [ -68.119, -10.726 ], [ -68.283, -10.987 ], [ -68.519, -11.048 ], [ -68.587, -11.11 ], [ -68.769, -11.139 ], [ -68.751, -11.007 ], [ -68.787, -10.99 ], [ -68.871, -11.023 ], [ -69.393, -10.929 ], [ -69.728, -10.973 ], [ -69.938, -10.926 ], [ -70.318, -11.066 ], [ -70.428, -11.033 ], [ -70.508, -10.94 ], [ -70.618, -11.007 ], [ -70.622, -9.847 ], [ -70.522, -9.738 ], [ -70.598, -9.574 ], [ -70.561, -9.579 ], [ -70.497, -9.433 ], [ -70.601, -9.453 ], [ -70.982, -9.812 ], [ -71.131, -9.862 ], [ -71.288, -9.996 ], [ -72.165, -10.002 ], [ -72.16, -9.818 ], [ -72.26, -9.755 ], [ -72.289, -9.536 ], [ -72.364, -9.491 ], [ -72.721, -9.417 ], [ -73.196, -9.418 ], [ -72.965, -9.154 ], [ -72.946, -8.99 ], [ -73.059, -8.904 ], [ -73.169, -8.701 ], [ -73.338, -8.609 ], [ -73.338, -8.476 ], [ -73.526, -8.369 ], [ -73.632, -8.022 ], [ -73.765, -7.94 ], [ -73.777, -7.869 ], [ -73.697, -7.865 ], [ -73.69, -7.79 ], [ -73.985, -7.543 ], [ -73.917, -7.461 ], [ -73.954, -7.348 ], [ -73.868, -7.377 ], [ -73.691, -7.313 ], [ -73.797, -7.115 ], [ -73.743, -6.897 ], [ -73.351, -6.561 ], [ -73.211, -6.53 ], [ -73.133, -6.421 ], [ -73.185, -6.04 ], [ -73.131, -5.986 ], [ -73.116, -5.865 ], [ -72.951, -5.643 ], [ -72.948, -5.454 ], [ -72.872, -5.25 ], [ -72.896, -5.136 ], [ -72.734, -5.043 ], [ -72.602, -5.056 ], [ -72.577, -4.992 ], [ -72.455, -4.962 ], [ -72.452, -4.906 ], [ -72.37, -4.88 ], [ -72.356, -4.803 ], [ -72.292, -4.799 ], [ -72.313, -4.769 ], [ -72.223, -4.78 ], [ -72.113, -4.722 ], [ -72.047, -4.625 ], [ -71.94, -4.607 ], [ -71.897, -4.512 ], [ -71.61, -4.465 ], [ -71.597, -4.525 ], [ -71.535, -4.46 ], [ -71.49, -4.479 ], [ -71.506, -4.435 ], [ -71.414, -4.432 ], [ -71.432, -4.469 ], [ -71.342, -4.423 ], [ -71.355, -4.468 ], [ -71.303, -4.458 ], [ -71.269, -4.381 ], [ -71.198, -4.377 ], [ -71.193, -4.42 ], [ -71.147, -4.375 ], [ -71.031, -4.397 ], [ -70.99, -4.34 ], [ -70.935, -4.381 ], [ -70.757, -4.152 ], [ -70.677, -4.2 ], [ -70.622, -4.121 ], [ -70.633, -4.173 ], [ -70.565, -4.168 ], [ -70.566, -4.205 ], [ -70.553, -4.128 ], [ -70.503, -4.19 ], [ -70.434, -4.125 ], [ -70.341, -4.174 ], [ -70.317, -4.136 ], [ -70.291, -4.283 ], [ -70.249, -4.267 ], [ -70.186, -4.357 ], [ -70.169, -4.27 ], [ -70.101, -4.255 ], [ -70.031, -4.339 ], [ -69.929, -4.213 ], [ -69.453, -1.478 ], [ -69.368, -1.334 ], [ -69.422, -0.998 ], [ -69.508, -0.936 ], [ -69.609, -0.755 ], [ -69.551, -0.648 ], [ -69.593, -0.517 ], [ -69.908, -0.316 ], [ -70.068, -0.135 ], [ -70.037, 0.553 ], [ -69.798, 0.585 ], [ -69.664, 0.672 ], [ -69.606, 0.623 ], [ -69.468, 0.734 ], [ -69.357, 0.621 ], [ -69.295, 0.648 ], [ -69.288, 0.609 ], [ -69.202, 0.602 ], [ -69.112, 0.643 ], [ -69.184, 0.73 ], [ -69.137, 0.868 ], [ -69.257, 1.026 ], [ -69.342, 1.064 ], [ -69.416, 1.024 ], [ -69.7, 1.056 ], [ -69.721, 1.097 ], [ -69.854, 1.07 ], [ -69.855, 1.715 ], [ -69.556, 1.775 ], [ -69.395, 1.726 ], [ -68.128, 1.73 ], [ -68.29, 1.841 ], [ -68.205, 2.038 ], [ -68.027, 1.784 ], [ -67.924, 1.751 ], [ -67.797, 1.812 ], [ -67.578, 2.076 ], [ -67.41, 2.141 ], [ -67.117, 1.732 ], [ -67.068, 1.532 ], [ -67.097, 1.17 ], [ -66.855, 1.228 ], [ -66.322, 0.738 ], [ -66.095, 0.754 ], [ -65.952, 0.81 ], [ -65.854, 0.939 ], [ -65.733, 1.005 ], [ -65.583, 1.008 ], [ -65.47, 0.877 ], [ -65.557, 0.705 ], [ -65.504, 0.627 ], [ -65.393, 0.699 ], [ -65.305, 0.916 ], [ -65.152, 0.943 ], [ -65.121, 1.115 ], [ -65.055, 1.144 ], [ -64.968, 1.112 ], [ -64.903, 1.249 ], [ -64.843, 1.237 ], [ -64.783, 1.313 ], [ -64.721, 1.25 ], [ -64.638, 1.286 ], [ -64.387, 1.527 ], [ -64.344, 1.528 ], [ -64.382, 1.419 ], [ -64.344, 1.38 ], [ -64.186, 1.494 ], [ -64.054, 1.708 ], [ -64.057, 1.933 ], [ -64.018, 1.967 ], [ -63.781, 1.989 ], [ -63.604, 2.124 ], [ -63.419, 2.154 ], [ -63.349, 2.281 ], [ -63.382, 2.442 ], [ -63.756, 2.403 ], [ -64.031, 2.509 ], [ -63.987, 2.772 ], [ -64.216, 3.153 ], [ -64.236, 3.476 ], [ -64.186, 3.634 ], [ -64.324, 3.797 ], [ -64.543, 3.882 ], [ -64.8, 4.224 ], [ -64.79, 4.329 ], [ -64.677, 4.297 ], [ -64.555, 4.153 ], [ -64.135, 4.176 ], [ -63.967, 3.93 ], [ -63.806, 4.019 ], [ -63.623, 4.01 ], [ -63.455, 3.91 ], [ -63.411, 4.026 ], [ -63.358, 4.04 ], [ -63.203, 3.952 ], [ -63.189, 3.872 ], [ -62.86, 3.584 ], [ -62.749, 3.642 ], [ -62.705, 3.724 ], [ -62.752, 4.012 ], [ -62.635, 4.056 ], [ -62.557, 4.02 ], [ -62.46, 4.173 ], [ -62.129, 4.084 ], [ -61.961, 4.18 ], [ -61.927, 4.106 ], [ -61.723, 4.262 ], [ -61.528, 4.273 ], [ -61.507, 4.398 ], [ -61.274, 4.471 ], [ -61.293, 4.55 ], [ -61.141, 4.508 ], [ -60.952, 4.549 ], [ -60.907, 4.708 ], [ -60.731, 4.777 ], [ -60.59, 4.951 ], [ -60.744, 5.209 ], [ -60.438, 5.177 ], [ -60.203, 5.265 ], [ -60.176, 5.227 ], [ -60.121, 5.243 ], [ -60.085, 5.149 ], [ -59.969, 5.073 ], [ -60.03, 4.704 ], [ -60.163, 4.521 ], [ -59.927, 4.509 ], [ -59.674, 4.382 ], [ -59.726, 4.191 ], [ -59.628, 4.138 ], [ -59.655, 4.078 ], [ -59.516, 3.94 ], [ -59.581, 3.901 ], [ -59.594, 3.796 ], [ -59.666, 3.777 ], [ -59.664, 3.703 ], [ -59.849, 3.601 ], [ -59.799, 3.355 ], [ -59.909, 3.197 ], [ -59.982, 2.929 ], [ -59.99, 2.683 ], [ -59.903, 2.479 ], [ -59.91, 2.388 ], [ -59.724, 2.277 ], [ -59.754, 1.861 ], [ -59.654, 1.849 ], [ -59.669, 1.764 ], [ -59.549, 1.729 ], [ -59.253, 1.397 ], [ -58.914, 1.299 ], [ -58.904, 1.234 ], [ -58.804, 1.175 ], [ -58.696, 1.288 ], [ -58.507, 1.264 ], [ -58.468, 1.318 ], [ -58.498, 1.458 ], [ -58.382, 1.471 ], [ -58.325, 1.59 ], [ -58.167, 1.558 ], [ -58.13, 1.501 ], [ -58.009, 1.501 ], [ -58, 1.665 ], [ -57.919, 1.645 ], [ -57.77, 1.718 ], [ -57.545, 1.701 ], [ -57.434, 1.895 ], [ -57.302, 1.99 ], [ -57.247, 1.944 ], [ -57.085, 2.021 ], [ -57.012, 1.918 ], [ -56.8, 1.864 ], [ -56.724, 1.92 ], [ -56.454, 1.945 ], [ -55.957, 1.844 ], [ -55.906, 1.889 ], [ -55.913, 2.041 ], [ -56.048, 2.226 ], [ -56.134, 2.263 ], [ -56.09, 2.352 ], [ -55.995, 2.405 ], [ -55.987, 2.517 ], [ -55.948, 2.532 ], [ -55.739, 2.401 ], [ -55.481, 2.443 ], [ -55.37, 2.407 ], [ -55.336, 2.516 ], [ -55.239, 2.495 ], [ -55.137, 2.575 ], [ -55.103, 2.522 ], [ -54.94, 2.632 ], [ -54.969, 2.555 ], [ -54.864, 2.439 ], [ -54.72, 2.469 ], [ -54.702, 2.336 ], [ -54.549, 2.336 ], [ -54.534, 2.268 ], [ -54.314, 2.158 ], [ -54.189, 2.179 ], [ -54.111, 2.127 ], [ -54.078, 2.197 ], [ -53.784, 2.364 ], [ -53.694, 2.287 ], [ -53.472, 2.332 ], [ -53.397, 2.272 ], [ -53.273, 2.292 ], [ -53.188, 2.223 ], [ -52.905, 2.19 ], [ -52.853, 2.285 ], [ -52.673, 2.374 ], [ -52.555, 2.523 ], [ -52.556, 2.646 ], [ -52.382, 2.912 ], [ -52.347, 3.134 ], [ -52.192, 3.296 ], [ -51.92, 3.781 ], [ -51.795, 3.89 ], [ -51.754, 3.996 ], [ -51.658, 4.049 ], [ -51.585, 4.241 ], [ -51.529, 4.171 ], [ -51.545, 4.397 ], [ -51.202, 4.084 ], [ -51.173, 3.767 ], [ -51.127, 3.911 ], [ -51.085, 3.895 ], [ -51.051, 3.283 ], [ -50.913, 2.875 ], [ -50.927, 2.807 ], [ -50.816, 2.644 ], [ -50.851, 2.482 ], [ -50.802, 2.508 ], [ -50.736, 2.414 ], [ -50.765, 2.359 ], [ -50.694, 2.276 ], [ -50.725, 2.252 ], [ -50.675, 2.247 ], [ -50.682, 2.137 ], [ -50.584, 2.091 ], [ -50.586, 2.014 ], [ -50.471, 1.82 ], [ -50.194, 1.794 ], [ -49.954, 1.676 ], [ -49.88, 1.419 ], [ -49.918, 1.289 ], [ -50.073, 1.204 ], [ -49.918, 1.232 ], [ -49.939, 1.103 ], [ -50.003, 1.066 ], [ -50.033, 1.107 ], [ -50.131, 0.949 ], [ -50.274, 0.866 ], [ -50.338, 0.729 ], [ -50.417, 0.685 ], [ -50.455, 0.732 ], [ -50.428, 0.679 ], [ -50.571, 0.424 ], [ -50.691, 0.3 ], [ -50.677, 0.365 ], [ -50.746, 0.227 ], [ -50.801, 0.224 ], [ -50.785, 0.183 ], [ -50.908, 0.171 ], [ -51.087, -0.043 ], [ -51.203, -0.055 ], [ -51.419, -0.412 ], [ -51.409, -0.44 ], [ -51.325, -0.364 ], [ -51.188, -0.14 ], [ -51.111, -0.154 ], [ -51.154, -0.284 ], [ -51.396, -0.493 ], [ -51.243, -0.443 ], [ -51.26, -0.5 ], [ -51.165, -0.431 ], [ -50.953, -0.061 ], [ -50.824, -0.048 ], [ -50.705, 0.002 ], [ -50.613, -0.088 ], [ -50.744, -0.244 ], [ -50.751, -0.429 ], [ -50.845, -0.526 ], [ -50.988, -0.583 ], [ -51.051, -0.682 ], [ -50.826, -0.555 ], [ -50.794, -0.666 ], [ -50.733, -0.557 ], [ -50.684, -0.604 ], [ -50.724, -0.493 ], [ -50.652, -0.276 ], [ -50.409, -0.094 ], [ -49.631, -0.247 ], [ -49.446, -0.23 ], [ -49.289, -0.145 ], [ -49.018, -0.16 ], [ -49, -0.139 ], [ -48.895, -0.224 ], [ -48.539, -0.234 ], [ -48.363, -0.303 ], [ -48.459, -0.513 ], [ -48.522, -0.877 ], [ -48.667, -1.002 ], [ -48.621, -1.005 ], [ -48.65, -1.048 ], [ -48.617, -1.053 ], [ -48.721, -1.137 ], [ -48.837, -1.452 ], [ -49.161, -1.575 ], [ -49.182, -1.623 ], [ -49.362, -1.604 ], [ -49.364, -1.642 ], [ -49.448, -1.637 ], [ -49.5, -1.738 ], [ -49.61, -1.718 ], [ -49.676, -1.78 ], [ -49.696, -1.757 ], [ -49.714, -1.76 ], [ -49.803, -1.822 ], [ -50.035, -1.717 ], [ -50.179, -1.787 ], [ -50.256, -1.776 ], [ -50.415, -1.841 ], [ -50.401, -1.935 ], [ -49.994, -1.819 ], [ -49.844, -1.905 ], [ -49.765, -1.898 ], [ -49.616, -1.79 ], [ -49.276, -1.706 ], [ -49.267, -1.778 ], [ -49.387, -1.977 ], [ -49.383, -2.159 ], [ -48.973, -1.594 ], [ -48.897, -1.573 ], [ -48.955, -1.712 ], [ -48.932, -1.75 ], [ -48.898, -1.743 ], [ -48.656, -1.371 ], [ -48.592, -1.429 ], [ -48.601, -1.306 ], [ -48.524, -1.338 ], [ -48.537, -1.467 ], [ -48.496, -1.553 ], [ -48.491, -1.502 ], [ -48.46, -1.533 ], [ -48.374, -1.511 ], [ -48.319, -1.478 ], [ -48.505, -1.471 ], [ -48.422, -1.168 ], [ -48.475, -1.144 ], [ -48.4, -1.066 ], [ -48.278, -1.111 ], [ -48.304, -0.948 ], [ -48.055, -0.668 ], [ -48.001, -0.731 ], [ -47.893, -0.553 ], [ -47.843, -0.616 ], [ -47.807, -0.547 ], [ -47.702, -0.54 ], [ -47.707, -0.59 ], [ -47.667, -0.569 ], [ -47.633, -0.608 ], [ -47.651, -0.694 ], [ -47.608, -0.684 ], [ -47.577, -0.573 ], [ -47.476, -0.757 ], [ -47.398, -0.76 ], [ -47.428, -0.693 ], [ -47.464, -0.687 ], [ -47.466, -0.594 ], [ -47.399, -0.594 ], [ -47.4, -0.645 ], [ -47.298, -0.589 ], [ -47.253, -0.668 ], [ -47.247, -0.623 ], [ -47.206, -0.633 ], [ -47.23, -0.719 ], [ -47.158, -0.678 ], [ -47.191, -0.754 ], [ -47.146, -0.764 ], [ -47.16, -0.815 ], [ -47.081, -0.661 ], [ -47.055, -0.868 ], [ -47.027, -0.784 ], [ -46.983, -0.806 ], [ -47.016, -0.752 ], [ -46.967, -0.694 ], [ -46.969, -0.78 ], [ -46.891, -0.869 ], [ -46.89, -0.789 ], [ -46.846, -0.799 ], [ -46.82, -0.71 ], [ -46.802, -0.877 ], [ -46.777, -0.905 ], [ -46.75, -0.826 ], [ -46.709, -0.86 ], [ -46.734, -0.944 ], [ -46.687, -0.831 ], [ -46.653, -0.882 ], [ -46.621, -0.818 ], [ -46.601, -0.917 ], [ -46.676, -0.965 ], [ -46.622, -0.987 ], [ -46.57, -0.947 ], [ -46.609, -1.03 ], [ -46.57, -0.988 ], [ -46.525, -1.027 ], [ -46.465, -1.007 ], [ -46.47, -1.044 ], [ -46.395, -1.037 ], [ -46.413, -1.084 ], [ -46.348, -0.982 ], [ -46.36, -1.011 ], [ -46.366, -1.031 ], [ -46.348, -1.079 ], [ -46.339, -1.015 ], [ -46.299, -1.05 ], [ -46.212, -0.946 ], [ -46.242, -0.921 ], [ -46.179, -0.914 ], [ -46.224, -1.053 ], [ -46.206, -1.1 ], [ -46.158, -1.014 ], [ -46.138, -1.032 ], [ -46.193, -1.143 ], [ -46.104, -1.067 ], [ -46.062, -1.133 ], [ -46.15, -1.258 ], [ -45.982, -1.071 ], [ -45.953, -1.147 ], [ -46, -1.151 ], [ -46, -1.199 ], [ -45.95, -1.159 ], [ -45.95, -1.207 ], [ -46, -1.209 ], [ -45.95, -1.25 ], [ -45.902, -1.134 ], [ -45.923, -1.214 ], [ -45.882, -1.167 ], [ -45.873, -1.211 ], [ -45.909, -1.261 ], [ -45.859, -1.231 ], [ -45.891, -1.293 ], [ -45.807, -1.176 ], [ -45.843, -1.301 ], [ -45.809, -1.328 ], [ -45.831, -1.298 ], [ -45.782, -1.278 ], [ -45.726, -1.135 ], [ -45.69, -1.452 ], [ -45.697, -1.38 ], [ -45.632, -1.371 ], [ -45.618, -1.279 ], [ -45.589, -1.329 ], [ -45.537, -1.273 ], [ -45.561, -1.343 ], [ -45.51, -1.352 ], [ -45.567, -1.404 ], [ -45.546, -1.432 ], [ -45.413, -1.296 ], [ -45.489, -1.473 ], [ -45.511, -1.458 ], [ -45.554, -1.503 ], [ -45.507, -1.471 ], [ -45.518, -1.516 ], [ -45.481, -1.495 ], [ -45.463, -1.548 ], [ -45.457, -1.457 ], [ -45.391, -1.434 ], [ -45.363, -1.325 ], [ -45.323, -1.319 ], [ -45.302, -1.424 ], [ -45.392, -1.485 ], [ -45.398, -1.503 ], [ -45.356, -1.487 ], [ -45.392, -1.553 ], [ -45.338, -1.572 ], [ -45.371, -1.722 ], [ -45.338, -1.753 ], [ -45.197, -1.688 ], [ -45.261, -1.607 ], [ -45.16, -1.475 ], [ -45.136, -1.521 ], [ -45.072, -1.435 ], [ -45.07, -1.485 ], [ -44.999, -1.504 ], [ -45.018, -1.547 ], [ -44.969, -1.549 ], [ -45.029, -1.583 ], [ -45.029, -1.602 ], [ -44.979, -1.607 ], [ -44.954, -1.498 ], [ -44.862, -1.426 ], [ -44.857, -1.498 ], [ -44.954, -1.605 ], [ -44.918, -1.649 ], [ -44.968, -1.662 ], [ -44.913, -1.657 ], [ -44.927, -1.62 ], [ -44.886, -1.609 ], [ -44.837, -1.65 ], [ -44.822, -1.591 ], [ -44.826, -1.637 ], [ -44.805, -1.609 ], [ -44.812, -1.665 ], [ -44.779, -1.735 ], [ -44.711, -1.728 ], [ -44.82, -1.819 ], [ -44.738, -1.791 ], [ -44.706, -1.819 ], [ -44.676, -1.808 ], [ -44.661, -1.727 ], [ -44.604, -1.749 ], [ -44.667, -1.849 ], [ -44.601, -1.858 ], [ -44.583, -1.817 ], [ -44.586, -1.873 ], [ -44.543, -1.833 ], [ -44.601, -1.909 ], [ -44.517, -1.907 ], [ -44.484, -2.002 ], [ -44.613, -2.037 ], [ -44.467, -2.017 ], [ -44.626, -2.151 ], [ -44.589, -2.159 ], [ -44.641, -2.232 ], [ -44.708, -2.23 ], [ -44.684, -2.275 ], [ -44.764, -2.265 ], [ -44.654, -2.294 ], [ -44.681, -2.354 ], [ -44.649, -2.373 ], [ -44.666, -2.329 ], [ -44.479, -2.137 ], [ -44.358, -2.335 ], [ -44.401, -2.416 ], [ -44.514, -2.384 ], [ -44.55, -2.4 ], [ -44.491, -2.415 ], [ -44.514, -2.448 ], [ -44.505, -2.476 ], [ -44.665, -2.608 ], [ -44.548, -2.542 ], [ -44.658, -2.781 ], [ -44.688, -2.924 ], [ -44.677, -3.019 ], [ -44.66, -3.02 ], [ -44.657, -3.018 ] ], [ [ -43.318, -2.361 ], [ -43.317, -2.363 ], [ -43.296, -2.363 ], [ -43.318, -2.361 ] ], [ [ -42.438, -2.747 ], [ -42.442, -2.749 ], [ -42.438, -2.75 ], [ -42.438, -2.747 ] ], [ [ -42.442, -2.749 ], [ -42.47, -2.744 ], [ -42.447, -2.753 ], [ -42.442, -2.749 ] ], [ [ -50.851, 2.482 ], [ -50.853, 2.481 ], [ -50.853, 2.48 ], [ -50.851, 2.482 ] ], [ [ -50.853, 2.481 ], [ -50.86, 2.495 ], [ -50.86, 2.477 ], [ -50.853, 2.481 ] ], [ [ -49.976, 1.659 ], [ -49.98, 1.659 ], [ -50, 1.639 ], [ -49.976, 1.659 ] ], [ [ -45.392, -1.553 ], [ -45.393, -1.553 ], [ -45.394, -1.556 ], [ -45.392, -1.553 ] ], [ [ -45.394, -1.556 ], [ -45.406, -1.579 ], [ -45.403, -1.591 ], [ -45.394, -1.556 ] ], [ [ -44.837, -1.65 ], [ -44.834, -1.655 ], [ -44.833, -1.654 ], [ -44.837, -1.65 ] ], [ [ -44.834, -1.655 ], [ -44.841, -1.675 ], [ -44.822, -1.672 ], [ -44.834, -1.655 ] ], [ [ -44.779, -1.735 ], [ -44.777, -1.741 ], [ -44.776, -1.74 ], [ -44.779, -1.735 ] ], [ [ -44.777, -1.741 ], [ -44.833, -1.77 ], [ -44.774, -1.75 ], [ -44.777, -1.741 ] ], [ [ -44.547, -2.22 ], [ -44.536, -2.225 ], [ -44.543, -2.219 ], [ -44.547, -2.22 ] ], [ [ -44.536, -2.225 ], [ -44.507, -2.249 ], [ -44.512, -2.235 ], [ -44.536, -2.225 ] ], [ [ -44.507, -2.249 ], [ -44.504, -2.256 ], [ -44.501, -2.254 ], [ -44.507, -2.249 ] ], [ [ -44.504, -2.256 ], [ -44.514, -2.268 ], [ -44.502, -2.26 ], [ -44.504, -2.256 ] ] ], [ [ [ -29.34, -20.484 ], [ -29.301, -20.521 ], [ -29.341, -20.511 ], [ -29.34, -20.484 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.001, -13.94 ], [ -39.012, -13.915 ], [ -38.994, -13.896 ], [ -39.001, -13.94 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.043, -13.909 ], [ -39.059, -13.904 ], [ -39.054, -13.886 ], [ -39.028, -13.903 ], [ -39.043, -13.909 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.251, -18.015 ], [ -39.283, -18.005 ], [ -39.272, -17.982 ], [ -39.245, -18.006 ], [ -39.251, -18.015 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.131, -17.927 ], [ -39.154, -17.921 ], [ -39.137, -17.91 ], [ -39.131, -17.927 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.212, -17.986 ], [ -39.228, -17.979 ], [ -39.215, -17.944 ], [ -39.202, -17.95 ], [ -39.212, -17.986 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.341, -23.231 ], [ -44.372, -23.174 ], [ -44.232, -23.089 ], [ -44.087, -23.173 ], [ -44.3, -23.184 ], [ -44.341, -23.231 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.356, -23.073 ], [ -44.388, -23.048 ], [ -44.373, -23.033 ], [ -44.343, -23.041 ], [ -44.356, -23.073 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.929, -23.014 ], [ -43.936, -22.999 ], [ -43.916, -22.989 ], [ -43.929, -23.014 ] ] ], [ [ [ -42.002, -23.018 ], [ -42.015, -23.003 ], [ -41.98, -22.975 ], [ -41.975, -22.992 ], [ -42.002, -23.018 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.904, -22.962 ], [ -43.907, -22.936 ], [ -43.868, -22.926 ], [ -43.871, -22.95 ], [ -43.904, -22.962 ] ] ], [ [ [ -41.042, -21.613 ], [ -41.042, -21.6 ], [ -41.019, -21.606 ], [ -41.042, -21.613 ] ] ], [ [ [ -52.112, -32 ], [ -52.18, -32.035 ], [ -52.216, -32.025 ], [ -52.198, -31.978 ], [ -52.112, -32 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.641, -30.388 ], [ -50.629, -30.394 ], [ -50.624, -30.329 ], [ -50.592, -30.399 ], [ -50.609, -30.406 ], [ -50.641, -30.388 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.526, -27.462 ], [ -48.416, -27.38 ], [ -48.358, -27.446 ], [ -48.503, -27.799 ], [ -48.559, -27.842 ], [ -48.526, -27.462 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.354, -27.296 ], [ -48.376, -27.285 ], [ -48.373, -27.271 ], [ -48.36, -27.27 ], [ -48.354, -27.296 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.731, -26.314 ], [ -48.754, -26.297 ], [ -48.735, -26.282 ], [ -48.731, -26.314 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.318, -25.584 ], [ -48.309, -25.546 ], [ -48.381, -25.504 ], [ -48.312, -25.509 ], [ -48.292, -25.545 ], [ -48.318, -25.584 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.414, -25.544 ], [ -48.459, -25.514 ], [ -48.415, -25.527 ], [ -48.414, -25.544 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.424, -25.551 ], [ -48.479, -25.523 ], [ -48.485, -25.502 ], [ -48.424, -25.551 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.298, -25.493 ], [ -48.341, -25.416 ], [ -48.252, -25.341 ], [ -48.265, -25.44 ], [ -48.253, -25.466 ], [ -48.298, -25.493 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.417, -25.386 ], [ -48.424, -25.343 ], [ -48.405, -25.33 ], [ -48.417, -25.386 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.695, -24.112 ], [ -45.688, -24.088 ], [ -45.679, -24.098 ], [ -45.695, -24.112 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.251, -23.962 ], [ -45.301, -23.909 ], [ -45.453, -23.91 ], [ -45.332, -23.721 ], [ -45.227, -23.774 ], [ -45.224, -23.835 ], [ -45.283, -23.857 ], [ -45.221, -23.899 ], [ -45.251, -23.962 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.141, -23.817 ], [ -45.146, -23.791 ], [ -45.114, -23.801 ], [ -45.141, -23.817 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.153, -23.573 ], [ -45.153, -23.558 ], [ -45.141, -23.568 ], [ -45.153, -23.573 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.073, -23.564 ], [ -45.079, -23.525 ], [ -45.036, -23.531 ], [ -45.073, -23.564 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.608, -23.228 ], [ -44.59, -23.208 ], [ -44.577, -23.216 ], [ -44.608, -23.228 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.648, -12.821 ], [ -38.666, -12.777 ], [ -38.624, -12.762 ], [ -38.648, -12.821 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.529, -12.811 ], [ -38.544, -12.757 ], [ -38.532, -12.74 ], [ -38.508, -12.792 ], [ -38.529, -12.811 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.622, -12.752 ], [ -38.622, -12.727 ], [ -38.593, -12.733 ], [ -38.622, -12.752 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.646, -12.683 ], [ -38.648, -12.65 ], [ -38.636, -12.661 ], [ -38.646, -12.683 ] ] ], [ [ [ -32.402, -3.838 ], [ -32.428, -3.877 ], [ -32.483, -3.878 ], [ -32.402, -3.838 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.667, -3.179 ], [ -44.668, -3.16 ], [ -44.643, -3.148 ], [ -44.644, -3.17 ], [ -44.667, -3.179 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.671, -2.943 ], [ -44.67, -2.92 ], [ -44.647, -2.915 ], [ -44.671, -2.943 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.493, -2.641 ], [ -44.48, -2.601 ], [ -44.477, -2.627 ], [ -44.493, -2.641 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.897, -2.573 ], [ -43.896, -2.554 ], [ -43.886, -2.565 ], [ -43.897, -2.573 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.599, -2.503 ], [ -43.577, -2.471 ], [ -43.572, -2.483 ], [ -43.599, -2.503 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.822, -2.526 ], [ -43.829, -2.509 ], [ -43.813, -2.458 ], [ -43.812, -2.553 ], [ -43.82, -2.528 ], [ -43.822, -2.526 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.821, -2.529 ], [ -43.856, -2.502 ], [ -43.832, -2.439 ], [ -43.842, -2.504 ], [ -43.821, -2.529 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.863, -2.56 ], [ -43.875, -2.552 ], [ -43.865, -2.534 ], [ -43.863, -2.56 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.519, -2.536 ], [ -44.529, -2.526 ], [ -44.501, -2.48 ], [ -44.505, -2.444 ], [ -44.455, -2.434 ], [ -44.519, -2.536 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.602, -3.007 ], [ -44.657, -2.972 ], [ -44.613, -2.894 ], [ -44.575, -2.921 ], [ -44.602, -3.007 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.585, -2.978 ], [ -44.563, -2.914 ], [ -44.586, -2.826 ], [ -44.494, -2.705 ], [ -44.494, -2.953 ], [ -44.582, -3.041 ], [ -44.585, -2.978 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.826, -2.434 ], [ -43.842, -2.403 ], [ -43.811, -2.385 ], [ -43.807, -2.412 ], [ -43.826, -2.434 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.581, -2.441 ], [ -43.615, -2.389 ], [ -43.549, -2.377 ], [ -43.545, -2.403 ], [ -43.581, -2.441 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.791, -2.47 ], [ -43.806, -2.443 ], [ -43.78, -2.422 ], [ -43.759, -2.448 ], [ -43.791, -2.47 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.513, -2.424 ], [ -43.537, -2.416 ], [ -43.522, -2.39 ], [ -43.505, -2.414 ], [ -43.513, -2.424 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.792, -2.405 ], [ -43.798, -2.377 ], [ -43.771, -2.37 ], [ -43.792, -2.405 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.689, -2.355 ], [ -43.743, -2.352 ], [ -43.724, -2.305 ], [ -43.617, -2.253 ], [ -43.612, -2.275 ], [ -43.669, -2.301 ], [ -43.689, -2.355 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.73, -2.425 ], [ -43.732, -2.364 ], [ -43.67, -2.377 ], [ -43.681, -2.34 ], [ -43.63, -2.324 ], [ -43.643, -2.394 ], [ -43.73, -2.425 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.473, -2.125 ], [ -44.487, -2.113 ], [ -44.475, -2.096 ], [ -44.463, -2.104 ], [ -44.473, -2.125 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.456, -2.031 ], [ -44.447, -2.008 ], [ -44.439, -2.022 ], [ -44.456, -2.031 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.311, -1.964 ], [ -49.336, -1.996 ], [ -49.309, -1.943 ], [ -49.311, -1.964 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.323, -2.054 ], [ -49.329, -2.019 ], [ -49.316, -2.001 ], [ -49.323, -2.054 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.231, -1.829 ], [ -50.246, -1.824 ], [ -50.229, -1.816 ], [ -50.231, -1.829 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.615, -1.821 ], [ -44.622, -1.797 ], [ -44.597, -1.774 ], [ -44.583, -1.789 ], [ -44.615, -1.821 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.7, -1.811 ], [ -44.703, -1.78 ], [ -44.673, -1.78 ], [ -44.7, -1.811 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.691, -1.793 ], [ -49.721, -1.789 ], [ -49.719, -1.771 ], [ -49.697, -1.766 ], [ -49.691, -1.793 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.924, -1.711 ], [ -48.909, -1.713 ], [ -48.916, -1.734 ], [ -48.935, -1.713 ], [ -48.924, -1.711 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.757, -1.707 ], [ -44.767, -1.694 ], [ -44.736, -1.701 ], [ -44.757, -1.707 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.433, -1.684 ], [ -49.454, -1.706 ], [ -49.46, -1.684 ], [ -49.433, -1.684 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.357, -1.008 ], [ -46.342, -0.994 ], [ -46.353, -1.026 ], [ -46.357, -1.008 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.205, -1.021 ], [ -46.194, -1.014 ], [ -46.202, -1.032 ], [ -46.205, -1.021 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.662, -3.018 ], [ -44.673, -3.012 ], [ -44.664, -3.001 ], [ -44.649, -3.013 ], [ -44.662, -3.018 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.736, -1.683 ], [ -44.745, -1.677 ], [ -44.732, -1.668 ], [ -44.736, -1.683 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.231, -1.638 ], [ -49.237, -1.627 ], [ -49.217, -1.633 ], [ -49.231, -1.638 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.38, -1.685 ], [ -49.4, -1.682 ], [ -49.368, -1.669 ], [ -49.38, -1.685 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.426, -1.673 ], [ -49.429, -1.661 ], [ -49.406, -1.66 ], [ -49.426, -1.673 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.34, -1.672 ], [ -49.358, -1.662 ], [ -49.325, -1.647 ], [ -49.34, -1.672 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.289, -1.726 ], [ -45.305, -1.663 ], [ -45.257, -1.641 ], [ -45.244, -1.678 ], [ -45.28, -1.694 ], [ -45.289, -1.726 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.328, -1.743 ], [ -45.346, -1.719 ], [ -45.301, -1.596 ], [ -45.274, -1.635 ], [ -45.313, -1.654 ], [ -45.328, -1.743 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.886, -1.578 ], [ -48.89, -1.56 ], [ -48.859, -1.536 ], [ -48.856, -1.553 ], [ -48.886, -1.578 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.783, -1.682 ], [ -44.8, -1.595 ], [ -44.775, -1.62 ], [ -44.721, -1.567 ], [ -44.704, -1.611 ], [ -44.684, -1.575 ], [ -44.668, -1.669 ], [ -44.693, -1.638 ], [ -44.783, -1.682 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.816, -1.569 ], [ -44.837, -1.534 ], [ -44.787, -1.488 ], [ -44.825, -1.534 ], [ -44.816, -1.569 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.462, -1.517 ], [ -48.478, -1.499 ], [ -48.421, -1.503 ], [ -48.462, -1.517 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.793, -1.531 ], [ -44.774, -1.47 ], [ -44.763, -1.513 ], [ -44.793, -1.531 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.414, -1.427 ], [ -45.423, -1.416 ], [ -45.409, -1.405 ], [ -45.414, -1.427 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45, -1.296 ], [ -44.922, -1.265 ], [ -44.877, -1.309 ], [ -44.895, -1.34 ], [ -44.922, -1.305 ], [ -44.907, -1.341 ], [ -44.999, -1.405 ], [ -45.033, -1.339 ], [ -45, -1.32 ], [ -44.995, -1.36 ], [ -45, -1.296 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.044, -1.402 ], [ -45.07, -1.33 ], [ -45.052, -1.342 ], [ -45.044, -1.402 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.333, -1.569 ], [ -45.371, -1.544 ], [ -45.347, -1.489 ], [ -45.313, -1.506 ], [ -45.333, -1.569 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.969, -1.522 ], [ -44.976, -1.493 ], [ -44.959, -1.483 ], [ -44.969, -1.522 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.393, -1.512 ], [ -48.371, -1.476 ], [ -48.341, -1.483 ], [ -48.393, -1.512 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.413, -1.498 ], [ -48.426, -1.491 ], [ -48.387, -1.476 ], [ -48.413, -1.498 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.118, -1.47 ], [ -45.132, -1.462 ], [ -45.115, -1.364 ], [ -45.103, -1.373 ], [ -45.118, -1.47 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.593, -1.251 ], [ -45.581, -1.19 ], [ -45.536, -1.205 ], [ -45.532, -1.231 ], [ -45.593, -1.251 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.559, -1.243 ], [ -48.56, -1.202 ], [ -48.523, -1.199 ], [ -48.559, -1.243 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.817, -1.163 ], [ -45.829, -1.141 ], [ -45.804, -1.127 ], [ -45.817, -1.163 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.877, -1.154 ], [ -45.9, -1.117 ], [ -45.883, -1.073 ], [ -45.849, -1.123 ], [ -45.877, -1.154 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.192, -1.05 ], [ -46.201, -1.041 ], [ -46.185, -1.027 ], [ -46.192, -1.05 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.291, -1.01 ], [ -46.307, -0.992 ], [ -46.306, -0.961 ], [ -46.291, -1.01 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.078, -1.095 ], [ -46.065, -1.05 ], [ -46.061, -1.074 ], [ -46.078, -1.095 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.68, -1.295 ], [ -45.687, -1.275 ], [ -45.667, -1.26 ], [ -45.654, -1.285 ], [ -45.68, -1.295 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.538, -1.282 ], [ -48.549, -1.262 ], [ -48.53, -1.25 ], [ -48.538, -1.282 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.51, -1.27 ], [ -48.522, -1.247 ], [ -48.506, -1.236 ], [ -48.51, -1.27 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.694, -1.37 ], [ -45.646, -1.289 ], [ -45.625, -1.126 ], [ -45.634, -1.349 ], [ -45.694, -1.37 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.688, -1.266 ], [ -45.708, -1.228 ], [ -45.685, -1.194 ], [ -45.664, -1.231 ], [ -45.688, -1.266 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.425, -0.914 ], [ -46.454, -0.907 ], [ -46.408, -0.868 ], [ -46.395, -0.899 ], [ -46.425, -0.914 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.72, -0.848 ], [ -46.735, -0.832 ], [ -46.729, -0.796 ], [ -46.72, -0.848 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.611, -0.799 ], [ -46.622, -0.784 ], [ -46.601, -0.789 ], [ -46.611, -0.799 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.586, -0.849 ], [ -46.621, -0.807 ], [ -46.589, -0.815 ], [ -46.586, -0.849 ] ] ], [ [ [ -47.447, -0.748 ], [ -47.453, -0.732 ], [ -47.436, -0.717 ], [ -47.428, -0.738 ], [ -47.447, -0.748 ] ] ], [ [ [ -47.461, -0.741 ], [ -47.463, -0.702 ], [ -47.445, -0.697 ], [ -47.461, -0.741 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.214, -0.411 ], [ -51.211, -0.386 ], [ -51.164, -0.347 ], [ -51.163, -0.383 ], [ -51.214, -0.411 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.352, -0.353 ], [ -51.346, -0.31 ], [ -51.317, -0.268 ], [ -51.327, -0.33 ], [ -51.352, -0.353 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.127, -0.268 ], [ -51.131, -0.237 ], [ -51.091, -0.208 ], [ -51.087, -0.229 ], [ -51.127, -0.268 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.888, -0.198 ], [ -48.91, -0.188 ], [ -48.893, -0.134 ], [ -48.847, -0.177 ], [ -48.888, -0.198 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.174, -0.091 ], [ -51.191, -0.064 ], [ -51.126, -0.057 ], [ -51.174, -0.091 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.114, -0.146 ], [ -49.097, -0.121 ], [ -49.08, -0.13 ], [ -49.114, -0.146 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.166, -0.142 ], [ -49.188, -0.115 ], [ -49.156, -0.128 ], [ -49.166, -0.142 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.119, -0.141 ], [ -49.143, -0.107 ], [ -49.114, -0.11 ], [ -49.119, -0.141 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.127, -0.128 ], [ -51.094, -0.103 ], [ -51.108, -0.127 ], [ -51.127, -0.128 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.414, -0.999 ], [ -46.384, -0.941 ], [ -46.367, -0.948 ], [ -46.414, -0.999 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.647, -0.97 ], [ -46.658, -0.968 ], [ -46.618, -0.957 ], [ -46.647, -0.97 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.488, -0.942 ], [ -46.465, -0.877 ], [ -46.464, -0.924 ], [ -46.44, -0.922 ], [ -46.482, -0.976 ], [ -46.441, -0.999 ], [ -46.525, -1.016 ], [ -46.527, -0.917 ], [ -46.509, -0.984 ], [ -46.488, -0.942 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.632, 0.159 ], [ -49.662, 0.184 ], [ -49.629, 0.202 ], [ -49.61, 0.181 ], [ -49.632, 0.159 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.641, 0.26 ], [ -50.63, 0.293 ], [ -50.586, 0.308 ], [ -50.641, 0.26 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.2, 0.255 ], [ -50.243, 0.248 ], [ -50.147, 0.337 ], [ -50.059, 0.346 ], [ -50.2, 0.255 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.417, 0.159 ], [ -50.535, 0.234 ], [ -50.36, 0.615 ], [ -50.328, 0.383 ], [ -50.285, 0.3 ], [ -50.413, 0.237 ], [ -50.417, 0.159 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.279, 0.338 ], [ -50.271, 0.599 ], [ -50.147, 0.608 ], [ -50.142, 0.576 ], [ -50.107, 0.636 ], [ -50.063, 0.623 ], [ -50.05, 0.518 ], [ -50.279, 0.338 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50, 0.943 ], [ -50.113, 0.907 ], [ -50.018, 1.034 ], [ -49.935, 1.069 ], [ -49.939, 0.996 ], [ -50, 0.943 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.881, 1.227 ], [ -49.909, 1.246 ], [ -49.886, 1.244 ], [ -49.881, 1.227 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.907, 1.278 ], [ -49.885, 1.291 ], [ -49.863, 1.278 ], [ -49.876, 1.252 ], [ -49.907, 1.278 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.204, 1.851 ], [ -50.232, 1.879 ], [ -50.22, 1.915 ], [ -50.169, 1.865 ], [ -50.204, 1.851 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.468, 1.954 ], [ -50.521, 2.026 ], [ -50.497, 2.139 ], [ -50.398, 2.167 ], [ -50.367, 2.19 ], [ -50.276, 1.939 ], [ -50.423, 1.849 ], [ -50.468, 1.954 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.504, 2.255 ], [ -50.414, 2.244 ], [ -50.382, 2.204 ], [ -50.489, 2.15 ], [ -50.564, 2.205 ], [ -50.504, 2.255 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.229, 0.832 ], [ -50.098, 0.839 ], [ -50.027, 0.898 ], [ -50.105, 0.757 ], [ -50.162, 0.775 ], [ -50.249, 0.72 ], [ -50.229, 0.832 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.131, 0.844 ], [ -50.162, 0.867 ], [ -50.132, 0.9 ], [ -50.119, 0.854 ], [ -50.131, 0.844 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.108, 0.85 ], [ -50.111, 0.891 ], [ -50.049, 0.886 ], [ -50.108, 0.85 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.216, -0.055 ], [ -50.235, -0.042 ], [ -50.219, -0.04 ], [ -50.216, -0.055 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.916, -0.052 ], [ -50.926, -0.047 ], [ -50.907, -0.043 ], [ -50.916, -0.052 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.605, -0.061 ], [ -50.618, -0.022 ], [ -50.559, -0.038 ], [ -50.605, -0.061 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.399, -0.061 ], [ -50.44, -0.057 ], [ -50.378, -0.015 ], [ -50.357, -0.049 ], [ -50.399, -0.061 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.75, 0 ], [ -49.609, 0.08 ], [ -49.474, 0.081 ], [ -49.338, -0.017 ], [ -49.487, -0.136 ], [ -49.723, -0.147 ], [ -49.835, -0.088 ], [ -49.75, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.023, -0.019 ], [ -49.039, -0.011 ], [ -49.02, -0.006 ], [ -49.023, -0.019 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.932, 0.052 ], [ -50.918, 0.084 ], [ -50.884, 0.078 ], [ -50.899, 0.057 ], [ -50.932, 0.052 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.928, 0 ], [ -50.786, 0.05 ], [ -50.717, 0.028 ], [ -50.94, -0.041 ], [ -50.928, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.691, 0.025 ], [ -50.655, 0.015 ], [ -50.703, 0.021 ], [ -50.691, 0.025 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.629, -0.043 ], [ -50.642, -0.016 ], [ -50.622, -0.026 ], [ -50.629, -0.043 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.642, 0 ], [ -50.611, 0.007 ], [ -50.595, -0.019 ], [ -50.642, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.536, 0 ], [ -50.653, 0.126 ], [ -50.59, 0.203 ], [ -50.434, 0.126 ], [ -50.436, 0 ], [ -50.536, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50, 0.311 ], [ -49.674, 0.368 ], [ -49.601, 0.283 ], [ -49.86, 0.008 ], [ -49.99, -0.048 ], [ -50.086, 0.034 ], [ -50.351, 0.044 ], [ -50.394, 0.222 ], [ -50.153, 0.227 ], [ -50, 0.311 ] ] ] ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "La costa de lo que hoy es territorio brasileño fue el primer punto al que llegaron los europeos en América del Sur. La primera expedición que exploró la región fue un desprendimiento de la flota portuguesa que Vasco da Gama (c. 1460-1524) llevaba hacia oriente. Las naves dirigidas por Pedro Álvarez de Cabral (1467-1520) se alejaron excesivamente de la costa de África y terminaron en el extremo sur de actual territorio del Estado de Bahía, en que el permanecieron entre abril y mayo del año 1500. Los portuguese establecieron en la costa precarias feitorias para comerciar verzino o palo brasil con los nativos de las sociedades tupí y guaraní nativas. Recién en 1530 la corona brasileña tomaría acciones decididas para organizar la ocupación portuguesa y las actividades de explotación, cuando instaura el régimen de capitanías hereditarias que estructuraría el establecimiento colonial lusitano en brasil. Bibliografía: Johnson, H. B., \"Portuguese Settlement, 1500-1580\", en Bethell, Leslie (ed.), Colonial Brazil, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1987, pp. 1-38; Abulafia, David, El descubrimiento de la humanidad. Encuentros atlánticos en la era de Colón, Barcelona, Crítica, 2009 [2008]; Metcalf, Alida C., Go-Betweens and the Colonization of Brazil, 1500-1600, Austin, University of Texas Press, 2005; Vaz de Caminha, Pêro, Carta del descubrimiento del Brasil, Barcelona, Acantilado, 2009.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-12-03T14:17:24+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 99160, "end" : 99166 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Brasil" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/202305ef-2550-4afc-80b1-3051aefcc830", "type" : "Annotation", 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-2.689 ], [ -42.503, -2.727 ], [ -42.393, -2.751 ], [ -42.475, -2.706 ], [ -42.375, -2.717 ], [ -42.228, -2.818 ], [ -42.143, -2.808 ], [ -42.256, -2.735 ], [ -42.233, -2.674 ], [ -42.208, -2.712 ], [ -42.098, -2.768 ], [ -42.099, -2.809 ], [ -42.096, -2.747 ], [ -42.216, -2.687 ], [ -42.054, -2.691 ], [ -42.023, -2.775 ], [ -42.017, -2.718 ], [ -41.818, -2.723 ], [ -41.844, -2.773 ], [ -41.797, -2.751 ], [ -41.656, -2.884 ], [ -41.437, -2.939 ], [ -41.395, -2.906 ], [ -41.316, -2.943 ], [ -41.263, -2.887 ], [ -40.838, -2.895 ], [ -40.572, -2.844 ], [ -40.499, -2.787 ], [ -39.888, -2.886 ], [ -39.244, -3.229 ], [ -39.083, -3.394 ], [ -38.978, -3.407 ], [ -38.641, -3.687 ], [ -38.473, -3.7 ], [ -38.377, -3.866 ], [ -38.043, -4.214 ], [ -37.764, -4.399 ], [ -37.588, -4.624 ], [ -37.323, -4.698 ], [ -37.15, -4.943 ], [ -36.958, -4.919 ], [ -36.666, -5.108 ], [ -36.504, -5.061 ], [ -36.297, -5.106 ], [ -35.956, -5.045 ], [ -35.612, -5.11 ], [ -35.385, -5.255 ], [ -35.255, -5.483 ], [ -35.099, -6.169 ], [ -34.983, -6.396 ], [ -34.933, -6.753 ], [ -34.79, -7.159 ], [ -34.842, -7.564 ], [ -34.809, -7.622 ], [ -34.845, -7.69 ], [ -34.827, -8.004 ], [ -35.136, -8.895 ], [ -35.332, -9.237 ], [ -35.689, -9.668 ], [ -35.78, -9.706 ], [ -36.056, -10.083 ], [ -36.266, -10.256 ], [ -36.402, -10.506 ], [ -36.602, -10.567 ], [ -36.934, -10.826 ], [ -37.36, -11.428 ], [ -37.612, -11.979 ], [ -37.996, -12.578 ], [ -38.318, -12.934 ], [ -38.477, -13.022 ], [ -38.532, -13.017 ], [ -38.473, -12.913 ], [ -38.498, -12.722 ], [ -38.603, -12.728 ], [ -38.646, -12.622 ], [ -38.681, -12.661 ], [ -38.718, -12.627 ], [ -38.804, -12.835 ], [ -38.717, -12.873 ], [ -38.769, -12.995 ], [ -38.721, -13.021 ], [ -38.66, -12.963 ], [ -38.686, -12.878 ], [ -38.59, -12.972 ], [ -38.766, -13.129 ], [ -38.807, -13.1 ], [ -38.808, -13.154 ], [ -38.944, -13.243 ], [ -38.973, -13.391 ], [ -38.902, -13.384 ], [ -38.886, -13.45 ], [ -38.95, -13.577 ], [ -38.886, -13.659 ], [ -38.968, -13.67 ], [ -39.006, -13.891 ], [ -39.064, -13.865 ], [ -39.075, -13.887 ], [ -38.986, -13.998 ], [ -38.952, -13.986 ], [ -38.982, -13.912 ], [ -38.938, -13.886 ], [ -38.922, -13.92 ], [ -39.061, -14.716 ], [ -38.962, -15.585 ], [ -38.857, -15.86 ], [ -38.973, -16.211 ], [ -39.032, -16.26 ], [ -39.01, -16.369 ], [ -39.078, -16.454 ], [ -39.143, -16.762 ], [ -39.113, -16.896 ], [ -39.212, -17.155 ], [ -39.193, -17.602 ], [ -39.135, -17.691 ], [ -39.264, -17.869 ], [ -39.435, -17.943 ], [ -39.563, -18.091 ], [ -39.721, -18.493 ], [ -39.749, -18.81 ], [ -39.692, -19.353 ], [ -39.805, -19.65 ], [ -39.951, -19.717 ], [ -40.151, -19.956 ], [ -40.236, -20.285 ], [ -40.353, -20.32 ], [ -40.329, -20.236 ], [ -40.359, -20.291 ], [ -40.365, -20.317 ], [ -40.35, -20.328 ], [ -40.268, -20.327 ], [ -40.402, -20.606 ], [ -40.466, -20.624 ], [ -40.627, -20.845 ], [ -40.65, -20.813 ], [ -40.756, -20.866 ], [ -40.853, -21.133 ], [ -40.955, -21.251 ], [ -40.96, -21.364 ], [ -41.065, -21.495 ], [ -41.051, -21.608 ], [ -41.038, -21.622 ], [ -41.007, -21.618 ], [ -40.99, -22.014 ], [ -41.229, -22.151 ], [ -41.668, -22.294 ], [ -41.962, -22.538 ], [ -41.986, -22.713 ], [ -41.919, -22.774 ], [ -41.864, -22.759 ], [ -42.023, -22.896 ], [ -42.037, -22.94 ], [ -41.99, -22.964 ], [ -42.018, -22.998 ], [ -42.086, -22.957 ], [ -42.529, -22.934 ], [ -43.05, -22.982 ], [ -43.132, -22.941 ], [ -43.025, -22.741 ], [ -43.084, -22.68 ], [ -43.216, -22.725 ], [ -43.287, -22.806 ], [ -43.24, -22.847 ], [ -43.249, -22.797 ], [ -43.156, -22.784 ], [ -43.247, -22.882 ], [ -43.164, -22.899 ], [ -43.187, -22.995 ], [ -43.344, -22.983 ], [ -43.303, -23.02 ], [ -43.549, -23.081 ], [ -44.001, -23.1 ], [ -43.961, -23.042 ], [ -43.877, -23.067 ], [ -43.909, -23.02 ], [ -43.807, -23.063 ], [ -43.555, -23.055 ], [ -43.84, -22.906 ], [ -43.985, -22.937 ], [ -44.034, -23.014 ], [ -44.044, -22.923 ], [ -44.107, -23.03 ], [ -44.234, -23.06 ], [ -44.238, -23.004 ], [ -44.358, -23.02 ], [ -44.296, -22.961 ], [ -44.321, -22.927 ], [ -44.378, -22.972 ], [ -44.407, -22.945 ], [ -44.443, -23.035 ], [ -44.669, -23.06 ], [ -44.712, -23.19 ], [ -44.701, -23.237 ], [ -44.645, -23.191 ], [ -44.612, -23.206 ], [ -44.685, -23.256 ], [ -44.611, -23.238 ], [ -44.652, -23.302 ], [ -44.558, -23.232 ], [ -44.577, -23.275 ], [ -44.498, -23.302 ], [ -44.583, -23.367 ], [ -44.669, -23.341 ], [ -44.84, -23.395 ], [ -44.905, -23.339 ], [ -45.05, -23.418 ], [ -45.016, -23.461 ], [ -45.079, -23.519 ], [ -45.165, -23.495 ], [ -45.159, -23.541 ], [ -45.228, -23.547 ], [ -45.211, -23.582 ], [ -45.41, -23.632 ], [ -45.412, -23.825 ], [ -45.934, -23.771 ], [ -46.124, -23.842 ], [ -46.2, -24.002 ], [ -46.288, -24.044 ], [ -46.321, -24 ], [ -46.458, -24.025 ], [ -46.937, -24.281 ], [ -47.024, -24.382 ], [ -47.004, -24.412 ], [ -47.86, -24.996 ], [ -47.914, -25.061 ], [ -47.915, -25.16 ], [ -48.213, -25.47 ], [ -48.254, -25.435 ], [ -48.222, -25.342 ], [ -48.208, -25.353 ], [ -48.121, -25.267 ], [ -48.253, -25.328 ], [ -48.284, -25.294 ], [ -48.317, -25.363 ], [ -48.327, -25.232 ], [ -48.366, -25.317 ], [ -48.433, -25.237 ], [ -48.428, -25.324 ], [ -48.5, -25.335 ], [ -48.427, -25.39 ], [ -48.449, -25.379 ], [ -48.468, -25.388 ], [ -48.467, -25.432 ], [ -48.449, -25.384 ], [ -48.414, -25.428 ], [ -48.476, -25.485 ], [ -48.637, -25.468 ], [ -48.661, -25.398 ], [ -48.671, -25.435 ], [ -48.739, -25.374 ], [ -48.68, -25.465 ], [ -48.687, -25.499 ], [ -48.737, -25.483 ], [ -48.703, -25.504 ], [ -48.617, -25.536 ], [ -48.512, -25.505 ], [ -48.482, -25.591 ], [ -48.46, -25.552 ], [ -48.35, -25.581 ], [ -48.565, -25.868 ], [ -48.614, -26.06 ], [ -48.586, -26.172 ], [ -48.714, -26.243 ], [ -48.795, -26.073 ], [ -48.837, -26.157 ], [ -48.798, -26.142 ], [ -48.763, -26.199 ], [ -48.805, -26.228 ], [ -48.769, -26.223 ], [ -48.761, -26.286 ], [ -48.803, -26.303 ], [ -48.723, -26.362 ], [ -48.635, -26.374 ], [ -48.714, -26.308 ], [ -48.554, -26.172 ], [ -48.493, -26.224 ], [ -48.695, -26.658 ], [ -48.665, -26.769 ], [ -48.583, -26.786 ], [ -48.655, -26.909 ], [ -48.62, -27.007 ], [ -48.574, -27.011 ], [ -48.607, -27.122 ], [ -48.554, -27.152 ], [ -48.51, -27.108 ], [ -48.469, -27.148 ], [ -48.511, -27.183 ], [ -48.486, -27.218 ], [ -48.531, -27.18 ], [ -48.612, -27.243 ], [ -48.596, -27.318 ], [ -48.529, -27.334 ], [ -48.649, -27.486 ], [ -48.572, -27.592 ], [ -48.653, -27.648 ], [ -48.575, -27.888 ], [ -48.761, -28.535 ], [ -48.813, -28.605 ], [ -49.37, -28.92 ], [ -49.334, -28.921 ], [ -49.702, -29.308 ], [ -50.006, -29.749 ], [ -50.316, -30.472 ], [ -50.848, -31.205 ], [ -51.303, -31.613 ], [ -51.877, -31.952 ], [ -52.071, -32.188 ], [ -52.012, -31.946 ], [ -52.092, -31.837 ], [ -51.851, -31.865 ], [ -51.777, -31.805 ], [ -51.854, -31.797 ], [ -51.65, -31.759 ], [ -51.478, -31.562 ], [ -51.43, -31.622 ], [ -51.458, -31.548 ], [ -51.424, -31.478 ], [ -51.351, -31.529 ], [ -51.234, -31.458 ], [ -51.16, -31.31 ], [ -51.166, -31.063 ], [ -51.109, -31.097 ], [ -50.985, -31.042 ], [ -50.965, -30.893 ], [ -50.888, -30.893 ], [ -50.705, -30.756 ], [ -50.677, -30.61 ], [ -50.725, -30.371 ], [ -50.692, -30.355 ], [ -50.625, -30.409 ], [ -50.641, -30.459 ], [ -50.569, -30.471 ], [ -50.534, -30.278 ], [ -50.601, -30.194 ], [ -50.659, -30.201 ], [ -50.661, -30.293 ], [ -50.918, -30.333 ], [ -50.934, -30.42 ], [ -50.889, -30.439 ], [ -50.921, -30.44 ], [ -51.052, -30.395 ], [ -51.034, -30.276 ], [ -51.146, -30.267 ], [ -51.246, -30.188 ], [ -51.23, -30.043 ], [ -51.295, -30.007 ], [ -51.326, -30.23 ], [ -51.271, -30.25 ], [ -51.293, -30.295 ], [ -51.246, -30.33 ], [ -51.209, -30.3 ], [ -51.179, -30.383 ], [ -51.092, -30.367 ], [ -51.129, -30.436 ], [ -51.202, -30.413 ], [ -51.269, -30.489 ], [ -51.282, -30.811 ], [ -51.33, -30.777 ], [ -51.294, -30.758 ], [ -51.319, -30.64 ], [ -51.375, -30.635 ], [ -51.404, -30.769 ], [ -51.367, -30.874 ], [ -51.457, -30.874 ], [ -51.501, -30.935 ], [ -51.436, -31.088 ], [ -51.611, -31.138 ], [ -51.613, -31.272 ], [ -51.915, -31.313 ], [ -52.002, -31.449 ], [ -52.031, -31.693 ], [ -52.218, -31.747 ], [ -52.247, -31.871 ], [ -52.106, -31.952 ], [ -52.216, -31.963 ], [ -52.263, -32.062 ], [ -52.209, -32.045 ], [ -52.225, -32.096 ], [ -52.082, -32.033 ], [ -52.162, -32.128 ], [ -52.09, -32.069 ], [ -52.084, -32.186 ], [ -52.16, -32.201 ], [ -52.341, -32.43 ], [ -52.488, -32.844 ], [ -52.66, -33.165 ], [ -53.227, -33.658 ], [ -53.421, -33.741 ], [ -53.524, -33.689 ], [ -53.515, -33.163 ], [ -53.434, -33.054 ], [ -53.243, -32.936 ], [ -53.294, -32.911 ], [ -53.074, -32.746 ], [ -53.244, -32.605 ], [ -53.39, -32.583 ], [ -53.46, -32.48 ], [ -53.595, -32.432 ], [ -53.73, -32.157 ], [ -53.714, -32.104 ], [ -53.965, -31.919 ], [ -54.096, -31.906 ], [ -54.466, -31.666 ], [ -54.491, -31.54 ], [ -54.591, -31.448 ], [ -54.836, -31.446 ], [ -54.945, -31.392 ], [ -55.014, -31.285 ], [ -55.091, -31.326 ], [ -55.245, -31.257 ], [ -55.374, -31.038 ], [ -55.594, -30.848 ], [ -55.635, -30.857 ], [ -55.657, -30.956 ], [ -55.87, -31.08 ], [ -56.008, -31.063 ], [ -55.987, -30.86 ], [ -56.021, -30.784 ], [ -56.127, -30.739 ], [ -56.177, -30.614 ], [ -56.384, -30.495 ], [ -56.459, -30.387 ], [ -56.545, -30.364 ], [ -56.54, -30.312 ], [ -56.617, -30.303 ], [ -56.644, -30.205 ], [ -56.776, -30.166 ], [ -56.804, -30.107 ], [ -57.068, -30.088 ], [ -57.207, -30.281 ], [ -57.313, -30.26 ], [ -57.396, -30.303 ], [ -57.538, -30.275 ], [ -57.618, -30.179 ], [ -57.505, -30.143 ], [ -57.342, -30.001 ], [ -57.319, -29.87 ], [ -57.254, -29.794 ], [ -57.105, -29.752 ], [ -56.972, -29.639 ], [ -56.676, -29.321 ], [ -56.593, -29.123 ], [ -56.425, -29.073 ], [ -56.285, -28.794 ], [ -56.185, -28.771 ], [ -56.016, -28.611 ], [ -56.011, -28.509 ], [ -55.888, -28.479 ], [ -55.875, -28.362 ], [ -55.696, -28.425 ], [ -55.671, -28.333 ], [ -55.773, -28.247 ], [ -55.605, -28.123 ], [ -55.554, -28.164 ], [ -55.496, -28.081 ], [ -55.444, -28.097 ], [ -55.323, -27.928 ], [ -55.196, -27.863 ], [ -55.134, -27.895 ], [ -55.117, -27.853 ], [ -55.032, -27.854 ], [ -55.082, -27.789 ], [ -54.941, -27.775 ], [ -54.809, -27.536 ], [ -54.781, -27.586 ], [ -54.683, -27.576 ], [ -54.678, -27.514 ], [ -54.624, -27.55 ], [ -54.576, -27.458 ], [ -54.525, -27.507 ], [ -54.415, -27.412 ], [ -54.353, -27.468 ], [ -54.339, -27.406 ], [ -54.282, -27.447 ], [ -54.176, -27.261 ], [ -54.089, -27.303 ], [ -53.949, -27.158 ], [ -53.799, -27.147 ], [ -53.795, -27.048 ], [ -53.761, -27.068 ], [ -53.662, -26.869 ], [ -53.751, -26.745 ], [ -53.707, -26.563 ], [ -53.738, -26.548 ], [ -53.592, -26.265 ], [ -53.722, -26.13 ], [ -53.733, -26.047 ], [ -53.837, -25.969 ], [ -53.824, -25.793 ], [ -53.891, -25.625 ], [ -53.951, -25.644 ], [ -54.016, -25.569 ], [ -54.101, -25.625 ], [ -54.111, -25.504 ], [ -54.213, -25.554 ], [ -54.184, -25.591 ], [ -54.289, -25.562 ], [ -54.387, -25.608 ], [ -54.43, -25.706 ], [ -54.596, -25.595 ], [ -54.617, -25.459 ], [ -54.437, -25.157 ], [ -54.458, -25.031 ], [ -54.336, -24.649 ], [ -54.333, -24.493 ], [ -54.262, -24.376 ], [ -54.33, -24.225 ], [ -54.282, -24.075 ], [ -54.411, -23.929 ], [ -54.668, -23.815 ], [ -55.061, -23.991 ], [ -55.112, -23.963 ], [ -55.226, -24.013 ], [ -55.413, -23.961 ], [ -55.434, -23.714 ], [ -55.535, -23.614 ], [ -55.522, -23.197 ], [ -55.596, -23.141 ], [ -55.64, -22.994 ], [ -55.685, -22.992 ], [ -55.613, -22.659 ], [ -55.736, -22.532 ], [ -55.74, -22.396 ], [ -55.854, -22.281 ], [ -56.208, -22.281 ], [ -56.341, -22.206 ], [ -56.403, -22.078 ], [ -56.519, -22.103 ], [ -56.643, -22.261 ], [ -56.698, -22.216 ], [ -56.728, -22.26 ], [ -56.808, -22.25 ], [ -56.831, -22.3 ], [ -57.001, -22.225 ], [ -57.203, -22.21 ], [ -57.243, -22.244 ], [ -57.553, -22.181 ], [ -57.616, -22.096 ], [ -57.803, -22.148 ], [ -57.989, -22.085 ], [ -58.005, -22.032 ], [ -57.919, -21.881 ], [ -57.969, -21.844 ], [ -57.913, -21.793 ], [ -57.947, -21.747 ], [ -57.894, -21.687 ], [ -57.968, -21.528 ], [ -57.855, -21.339 ], [ -57.918, -21.278 ], [ -57.854, -21.226 ], [ -57.866, -21.041 ], [ -57.818, -20.976 ], [ -57.927, -20.897 ], [ -57.855, -20.835 ], [ -57.961, -20.784 ], [ -57.869, -20.736 ], [ -57.923, -20.666 ], [ -57.988, -20.696 ], [ -57.994, -20.448 ], [ -58.082, -20.372 ], [ -58.092, -20.257 ], [ -58.154, -20.264 ], [ -58.125, -20.188 ], [ -58.163, -20.162 ], [ -57.872, -19.979 ], [ -58.134, -19.761 ], [ -57.79, -19.051 ], [ -57.709, -19.034 ], [ -57.757, -18.858 ], [ -57.56, -18.263 ], [ -57.458, -18.228 ], [ -57.568, -18.136 ], [ -57.702, -17.86 ], [ -57.715, -17.735 ], [ -57.785, -17.645 ], [ -57.773, -17.553 ], [ -57.878, -17.463 ], [ -58.003, -17.52 ], [ -58.114, -17.456 ], [ -58.395, -17.197 ], [ -58.421, -16.99 ], [ -58.47, -16.939 ], [ -58.468, -16.702 ], [ -58.442, -16.613 ], [ -58.34, -16.542 ], [ -58.309, -16.27 ], [ -58.471, -16.325 ], [ -60.173, -16.265 ], [ -60.236, -15.476 ], [ -60.565, -15.105 ], [ -60.253, -15.101 ], [ -60.257, -14.624 ], [ -60.338, -14.555 ], [ -60.482, -14.181 ], [ -60.468, -14.092 ], [ -60.378, -13.992 ], [ -60.468, -13.886 ], [ -60.468, -13.801 ], [ -60.793, -13.686 ], [ -60.962, -13.539 ], [ -61.044, -13.541 ], [ -61.028, -13.477 ], [ -61.069, -13.463 ], [ -61.139, -13.521 ], [ -61.249, -13.525 ], [ -61.33, -13.473 ], [ -61.486, -13.554 ], [ -61.578, -13.494 ], [ -61.824, -13.539 ], [ -61.866, -13.443 ], [ -62.108, -13.257 ], [ -62.109, -13.149 ], [ -62.165, -13.112 ], [ -62.368, -13.145 ], [ -62.464, -13.07 ], [ -62.637, -13.041 ], [ -62.674, -12.965 ], [ -62.764, -13.023 ], [ -62.923, -12.854 ], [ -62.996, -12.85 ], [ -63.082, -12.653 ], [ -63.327, -12.705 ], [ -63.482, -12.557 ], [ -63.712, -12.458 ], [ -63.875, -12.469 ], [ -63.937, -12.557 ], [ -64.127, -12.494 ], [ -64.152, -12.529 ], [ -64.215, -12.476 ], [ -64.278, -12.511 ], [ -64.493, -12.366 ], [ -64.486, -12.23 ], [ -64.654, -12.186 ], [ -64.683, -12.099 ], [ -64.725, -12.162 ], [ -64.798, -12.035 ], [ -64.993, -11.999 ], [ -65.048, -11.757 ], [ -65.112, -11.741 ], [ -65.106, -11.697 ], [ -65.135, -11.777 ], [ -65.201, -11.745 ], [ -65.161, -11.622 ], [ -65.218, -11.521 ], [ -65.299, -11.5 ], [ -65.338, -11.392 ], [ -65.31, -11.341 ], [ -65.385, -11.269 ], [ -65.349, -11.239 ], [ -65.391, -11.167 ], [ -65.318, -11.105 ], [ -65.336, -11.044 ], [ -65.269, -10.901 ], [ -65.366, -10.798 ], [ -65.349, -10.671 ], [ -65.426, -10.638 ], [ -65.429, -10.473 ], [ -65.28, -10.218 ], [ -65.327, -9.938 ], [ -65.29, -9.851 ], [ -65.377, -9.698 ], [ -65.488, -9.718 ], [ -65.563, -9.834 ], [ -65.669, -9.779 ], [ -65.7, -9.803 ], [ -65.689, -9.749 ], [ -65.748, -9.77 ], [ -65.777, -9.727 ], [ -65.798, -9.786 ], [ -65.81, -9.75 ], [ -65.86, -9.794 ], [ -65.872, -9.757 ], [ -66.018, -9.807 ], [ -66.064, -9.772 ], [ -66.422, -9.895 ], [ -66.616, -9.893 ], [ -66.623, -9.935 ], [ -66.883, -10.081 ], [ -67.029, -10.254 ], [ -67.186, -10.339 ], [ -67.315, -10.316 ], [ -67.327, -10.374 ], [ -67.414, -10.372 ], [ -67.443, -10.45 ], [ -67.594, -10.523 ], [ -67.715, -10.707 ], [ -68.021, -10.661 ], [ -68.119, -10.726 ], [ -68.283, -10.987 ], [ -68.519, -11.048 ], [ -68.587, -11.11 ], [ -68.769, -11.139 ], [ -68.751, -11.007 ], [ -68.787, -10.99 ], [ -68.871, -11.023 ], [ -69.393, -10.929 ], [ -69.728, -10.973 ], [ -69.938, -10.926 ], [ -70.318, -11.066 ], [ -70.428, -11.033 ], [ -70.508, -10.94 ], [ -70.618, -11.007 ], [ -70.622, -9.847 ], [ -70.522, -9.738 ], [ -70.598, -9.574 ], [ -70.561, -9.579 ], [ -70.497, -9.433 ], [ -70.601, -9.453 ], [ -70.982, -9.812 ], [ -71.131, -9.862 ], [ -71.288, -9.996 ], [ -72.165, -10.002 ], [ -72.16, -9.818 ], [ -72.26, -9.755 ], [ -72.289, -9.536 ], [ -72.364, -9.491 ], [ -72.721, -9.417 ], [ -73.196, -9.418 ], [ -72.965, -9.154 ], [ -72.946, -8.99 ], [ -73.059, -8.904 ], [ -73.169, -8.701 ], [ -73.338, -8.609 ], [ -73.338, -8.476 ], [ -73.526, -8.369 ], [ -73.632, -8.022 ], [ -73.765, -7.94 ], [ -73.777, -7.869 ], [ -73.697, -7.865 ], [ -73.69, -7.79 ], [ -73.985, -7.543 ], [ -73.917, -7.461 ], [ -73.954, -7.348 ], [ -73.868, -7.377 ], [ -73.691, -7.313 ], [ -73.797, -7.115 ], [ -73.743, -6.897 ], [ -73.351, -6.561 ], [ -73.211, -6.53 ], [ -73.133, -6.421 ], [ -73.185, -6.04 ], [ -73.131, -5.986 ], [ -73.116, -5.865 ], [ -72.951, -5.643 ], [ -72.948, -5.454 ], [ -72.872, -5.25 ], [ -72.896, -5.136 ], [ -72.734, -5.043 ], [ -72.602, -5.056 ], [ -72.577, -4.992 ], [ -72.455, -4.962 ], [ -72.452, -4.906 ], [ -72.37, -4.88 ], [ -72.356, -4.803 ], [ -72.292, -4.799 ], [ -72.313, -4.769 ], [ -72.223, -4.78 ], [ -72.113, -4.722 ], [ -72.047, -4.625 ], [ -71.94, -4.607 ], [ -71.897, -4.512 ], [ -71.61, -4.465 ], [ -71.597, -4.525 ], [ -71.535, -4.46 ], [ -71.49, -4.479 ], [ -71.506, -4.435 ], [ -71.414, -4.432 ], [ -71.432, -4.469 ], [ -71.342, -4.423 ], [ -71.355, -4.468 ], [ -71.303, -4.458 ], [ -71.269, -4.381 ], [ -71.198, -4.377 ], [ -71.193, -4.42 ], [ -71.147, -4.375 ], [ -71.031, -4.397 ], [ -70.99, -4.34 ], [ -70.935, -4.381 ], [ -70.757, -4.152 ], [ -70.677, -4.2 ], [ -70.622, -4.121 ], [ -70.633, -4.173 ], [ -70.565, -4.168 ], [ -70.566, -4.205 ], [ -70.553, -4.128 ], [ -70.503, -4.19 ], [ -70.434, -4.125 ], [ -70.341, -4.174 ], [ -70.317, -4.136 ], [ -70.291, -4.283 ], [ -70.249, -4.267 ], [ -70.186, -4.357 ], [ -70.169, -4.27 ], [ -70.101, -4.255 ], [ -70.031, -4.339 ], [ -69.929, -4.213 ], [ -69.453, -1.478 ], [ -69.368, -1.334 ], [ -69.422, -0.998 ], [ -69.508, -0.936 ], [ -69.609, -0.755 ], [ -69.551, -0.648 ], [ -69.593, -0.517 ], [ -69.908, -0.316 ], [ -70.068, -0.135 ], [ -70.037, 0.553 ], [ -69.798, 0.585 ], [ -69.664, 0.672 ], [ -69.606, 0.623 ], [ -69.468, 0.734 ], [ -69.357, 0.621 ], [ -69.295, 0.648 ], [ -69.288, 0.609 ], [ -69.202, 0.602 ], [ -69.112, 0.643 ], [ -69.184, 0.73 ], [ -69.137, 0.868 ], [ -69.257, 1.026 ], [ -69.342, 1.064 ], [ -69.416, 1.024 ], [ -69.7, 1.056 ], [ -69.721, 1.097 ], [ -69.854, 1.07 ], [ -69.855, 1.715 ], [ -69.556, 1.775 ], [ -69.395, 1.726 ], [ -68.128, 1.73 ], [ -68.29, 1.841 ], [ -68.205, 2.038 ], [ -68.027, 1.784 ], [ -67.924, 1.751 ], [ -67.797, 1.812 ], [ -67.578, 2.076 ], [ -67.41, 2.141 ], [ -67.117, 1.732 ], [ -67.068, 1.532 ], [ -67.097, 1.17 ], [ -66.855, 1.228 ], [ -66.322, 0.738 ], [ -66.095, 0.754 ], [ -65.952, 0.81 ], [ -65.854, 0.939 ], [ -65.733, 1.005 ], [ -65.583, 1.008 ], [ -65.47, 0.877 ], [ -65.557, 0.705 ], [ -65.504, 0.627 ], [ -65.393, 0.699 ], [ -65.305, 0.916 ], [ -65.152, 0.943 ], [ -65.121, 1.115 ], [ -65.055, 1.144 ], [ -64.968, 1.112 ], [ -64.903, 1.249 ], [ -64.843, 1.237 ], [ -64.783, 1.313 ], [ -64.721, 1.25 ], [ -64.638, 1.286 ], [ -64.387, 1.527 ], [ -64.344, 1.528 ], [ -64.382, 1.419 ], [ -64.344, 1.38 ], [ -64.186, 1.494 ], [ -64.054, 1.708 ], [ -64.057, 1.933 ], [ -64.018, 1.967 ], [ -63.781, 1.989 ], [ -63.604, 2.124 ], [ -63.419, 2.154 ], [ -63.349, 2.281 ], [ -63.382, 2.442 ], [ -63.756, 2.403 ], [ -64.031, 2.509 ], [ -63.987, 2.772 ], [ -64.216, 3.153 ], [ -64.236, 3.476 ], [ -64.186, 3.634 ], [ -64.324, 3.797 ], [ -64.543, 3.882 ], [ -64.8, 4.224 ], [ -64.79, 4.329 ], [ -64.677, 4.297 ], [ -64.555, 4.153 ], [ -64.135, 4.176 ], [ -63.967, 3.93 ], [ -63.806, 4.019 ], [ -63.623, 4.01 ], [ -63.455, 3.91 ], [ -63.411, 4.026 ], [ -63.358, 4.04 ], [ -63.203, 3.952 ], [ -63.189, 3.872 ], [ -62.86, 3.584 ], [ -62.749, 3.642 ], [ -62.705, 3.724 ], [ -62.752, 4.012 ], [ -62.635, 4.056 ], [ -62.557, 4.02 ], [ -62.46, 4.173 ], [ -62.129, 4.084 ], [ -61.961, 4.18 ], [ -61.927, 4.106 ], [ -61.723, 4.262 ], [ -61.528, 4.273 ], [ -61.507, 4.398 ], [ -61.274, 4.471 ], [ -61.293, 4.55 ], [ -61.141, 4.508 ], [ -60.952, 4.549 ], [ -60.907, 4.708 ], [ -60.731, 4.777 ], [ -60.59, 4.951 ], [ -60.744, 5.209 ], [ -60.438, 5.177 ], [ -60.203, 5.265 ], [ -60.176, 5.227 ], [ -60.121, 5.243 ], [ -60.085, 5.149 ], [ -59.969, 5.073 ], [ -60.03, 4.704 ], [ -60.163, 4.521 ], [ -59.927, 4.509 ], [ -59.674, 4.382 ], [ -59.726, 4.191 ], [ -59.628, 4.138 ], [ -59.655, 4.078 ], [ -59.516, 3.94 ], [ -59.581, 3.901 ], [ -59.594, 3.796 ], [ -59.666, 3.777 ], [ -59.664, 3.703 ], [ -59.849, 3.601 ], [ -59.799, 3.355 ], [ -59.909, 3.197 ], [ -59.982, 2.929 ], [ -59.99, 2.683 ], [ -59.903, 2.479 ], [ -59.91, 2.388 ], [ -59.724, 2.277 ], [ -59.754, 1.861 ], [ -59.654, 1.849 ], [ -59.669, 1.764 ], [ -59.549, 1.729 ], [ -59.253, 1.397 ], [ -58.914, 1.299 ], [ -58.904, 1.234 ], [ -58.804, 1.175 ], [ -58.696, 1.288 ], [ -58.507, 1.264 ], [ -58.468, 1.318 ], [ -58.498, 1.458 ], [ -58.382, 1.471 ], [ -58.325, 1.59 ], [ -58.167, 1.558 ], [ -58.13, 1.501 ], [ -58.009, 1.501 ], [ -58, 1.665 ], [ -57.919, 1.645 ], [ -57.77, 1.718 ], [ -57.545, 1.701 ], [ -57.434, 1.895 ], [ -57.302, 1.99 ], [ -57.247, 1.944 ], [ -57.085, 2.021 ], [ -57.012, 1.918 ], [ -56.8, 1.864 ], [ -56.724, 1.92 ], [ -56.454, 1.945 ], [ -55.957, 1.844 ], [ -55.906, 1.889 ], [ -55.913, 2.041 ], [ -56.048, 2.226 ], [ -56.134, 2.263 ], [ -56.09, 2.352 ], [ -55.995, 2.405 ], [ -55.987, 2.517 ], [ -55.948, 2.532 ], [ -55.739, 2.401 ], [ -55.481, 2.443 ], [ -55.37, 2.407 ], [ -55.336, 2.516 ], [ -55.239, 2.495 ], [ -55.137, 2.575 ], [ -55.103, 2.522 ], [ -54.94, 2.632 ], [ -54.969, 2.555 ], [ -54.864, 2.439 ], [ -54.72, 2.469 ], [ -54.702, 2.336 ], [ -54.549, 2.336 ], [ -54.534, 2.268 ], [ -54.314, 2.158 ], [ -54.189, 2.179 ], [ -54.111, 2.127 ], [ -54.078, 2.197 ], [ -53.784, 2.364 ], [ -53.694, 2.287 ], [ -53.472, 2.332 ], [ -53.397, 2.272 ], [ -53.273, 2.292 ], [ -53.188, 2.223 ], [ -52.905, 2.19 ], [ -52.853, 2.285 ], [ -52.673, 2.374 ], [ -52.555, 2.523 ], [ -52.556, 2.646 ], [ -52.382, 2.912 ], [ -52.347, 3.134 ], [ -52.192, 3.296 ], [ -51.92, 3.781 ], [ -51.795, 3.89 ], [ -51.754, 3.996 ], [ -51.658, 4.049 ], [ -51.585, 4.241 ], [ -51.529, 4.171 ], [ -51.545, 4.397 ], [ -51.202, 4.084 ], [ -51.173, 3.767 ], [ -51.127, 3.911 ], [ -51.085, 3.895 ], [ -51.051, 3.283 ], [ -50.913, 2.875 ], [ -50.927, 2.807 ], [ -50.816, 2.644 ], [ -50.851, 2.482 ], [ -50.802, 2.508 ], [ -50.736, 2.414 ], [ -50.765, 2.359 ], [ -50.694, 2.276 ], [ -50.725, 2.252 ], [ -50.675, 2.247 ], [ -50.682, 2.137 ], [ -50.584, 2.091 ], [ -50.586, 2.014 ], [ -50.471, 1.82 ], [ -50.194, 1.794 ], [ -49.954, 1.676 ], [ -49.88, 1.419 ], [ -49.918, 1.289 ], [ -50.073, 1.204 ], [ -49.918, 1.232 ], [ -49.939, 1.103 ], [ -50.003, 1.066 ], [ -50.033, 1.107 ], [ -50.131, 0.949 ], [ -50.274, 0.866 ], [ -50.338, 0.729 ], [ -50.417, 0.685 ], [ -50.455, 0.732 ], [ -50.428, 0.679 ], [ -50.571, 0.424 ], [ -50.691, 0.3 ], [ -50.677, 0.365 ], [ -50.746, 0.227 ], [ -50.801, 0.224 ], [ -50.785, 0.183 ], [ -50.908, 0.171 ], [ -51.087, -0.043 ], [ -51.203, -0.055 ], [ -51.419, -0.412 ], [ -51.409, -0.44 ], [ -51.325, -0.364 ], [ -51.188, -0.14 ], [ -51.111, -0.154 ], [ -51.154, -0.284 ], [ -51.396, -0.493 ], [ -51.243, -0.443 ], [ -51.26, -0.5 ], [ -51.165, -0.431 ], [ -50.953, -0.061 ], [ -50.824, -0.048 ], [ -50.705, 0.002 ], [ -50.613, -0.088 ], [ -50.744, -0.244 ], [ -50.751, -0.429 ], [ -50.845, -0.526 ], [ -50.988, -0.583 ], [ -51.051, -0.682 ], [ -50.826, -0.555 ], [ -50.794, -0.666 ], [ -50.733, -0.557 ], [ -50.684, -0.604 ], [ -50.724, -0.493 ], [ -50.652, -0.276 ], [ -50.409, -0.094 ], [ -49.631, -0.247 ], [ -49.446, -0.23 ], [ -49.289, -0.145 ], [ -49.018, -0.16 ], [ -49, -0.139 ], [ -48.895, -0.224 ], [ -48.539, -0.234 ], [ -48.363, -0.303 ], [ -48.459, -0.513 ], [ -48.522, -0.877 ], [ -48.667, -1.002 ], [ -48.621, -1.005 ], [ -48.65, -1.048 ], [ -48.617, -1.053 ], [ -48.721, -1.137 ], [ -48.837, -1.452 ], [ -49.161, -1.575 ], [ -49.182, -1.623 ], [ -49.362, -1.604 ], [ -49.364, -1.642 ], [ -49.448, -1.637 ], [ -49.5, -1.738 ], [ -49.61, -1.718 ], [ -49.676, -1.78 ], [ -49.696, -1.757 ], [ -49.714, -1.76 ], [ -49.803, -1.822 ], [ -50.035, -1.717 ], [ -50.179, -1.787 ], [ -50.256, -1.776 ], [ -50.415, -1.841 ], [ -50.401, -1.935 ], [ -49.994, -1.819 ], [ -49.844, -1.905 ], [ -49.765, -1.898 ], [ -49.616, -1.79 ], [ -49.276, -1.706 ], [ -49.267, -1.778 ], [ -49.387, -1.977 ], [ -49.383, -2.159 ], [ -48.973, -1.594 ], [ -48.897, -1.573 ], [ -48.955, -1.712 ], [ -48.932, -1.75 ], [ -48.898, -1.743 ], [ -48.656, -1.371 ], [ -48.592, -1.429 ], [ -48.601, -1.306 ], [ -48.524, -1.338 ], [ -48.537, -1.467 ], [ -48.496, -1.553 ], [ -48.491, -1.502 ], [ -48.46, -1.533 ], [ -48.374, -1.511 ], [ -48.319, -1.478 ], [ -48.505, -1.471 ], [ -48.422, -1.168 ], [ -48.475, -1.144 ], [ -48.4, -1.066 ], [ -48.278, -1.111 ], [ -48.304, -0.948 ], [ -48.055, -0.668 ], [ -48.001, -0.731 ], [ -47.893, -0.553 ], [ -47.843, -0.616 ], [ -47.807, -0.547 ], [ -47.702, -0.54 ], [ -47.707, -0.59 ], [ -47.667, -0.569 ], [ -47.633, -0.608 ], [ -47.651, -0.694 ], [ -47.608, -0.684 ], [ -47.577, -0.573 ], [ -47.476, -0.757 ], [ -47.398, -0.76 ], [ -47.428, -0.693 ], [ -47.464, -0.687 ], [ -47.466, -0.594 ], [ -47.399, -0.594 ], [ -47.4, -0.645 ], [ -47.298, -0.589 ], [ -47.253, -0.668 ], [ -47.247, -0.623 ], [ -47.206, -0.633 ], [ -47.23, -0.719 ], [ -47.158, -0.678 ], [ -47.191, -0.754 ], [ -47.146, -0.764 ], [ -47.16, -0.815 ], [ -47.081, -0.661 ], [ -47.055, -0.868 ], [ -47.027, -0.784 ], [ -46.983, -0.806 ], [ -47.016, -0.752 ], [ -46.967, -0.694 ], [ -46.969, -0.78 ], [ -46.891, -0.869 ], [ -46.89, -0.789 ], [ -46.846, -0.799 ], [ -46.82, -0.71 ], [ -46.802, -0.877 ], [ -46.777, -0.905 ], [ -46.75, -0.826 ], [ -46.709, -0.86 ], [ -46.734, -0.944 ], [ -46.687, -0.831 ], [ -46.653, -0.882 ], [ -46.621, -0.818 ], [ -46.601, -0.917 ], [ -46.676, -0.965 ], [ -46.622, -0.987 ], [ -46.57, -0.947 ], [ -46.609, -1.03 ], [ -46.57, -0.988 ], [ -46.525, -1.027 ], [ -46.465, -1.007 ], [ -46.47, -1.044 ], [ -46.395, -1.037 ], [ -46.413, -1.084 ], [ -46.348, -0.982 ], [ -46.36, -1.011 ], [ -46.366, -1.031 ], [ -46.348, -1.079 ], [ -46.339, -1.015 ], [ -46.299, -1.05 ], [ -46.212, -0.946 ], [ -46.242, -0.921 ], [ -46.179, -0.914 ], [ -46.224, -1.053 ], [ -46.206, -1.1 ], [ -46.158, -1.014 ], [ -46.138, -1.032 ], [ -46.193, -1.143 ], [ -46.104, -1.067 ], [ -46.062, -1.133 ], [ -46.15, -1.258 ], [ -45.982, -1.071 ], [ -45.953, -1.147 ], [ -46, -1.151 ], [ -46, -1.199 ], [ -45.95, -1.159 ], [ -45.95, -1.207 ], [ -46, -1.209 ], [ -45.95, -1.25 ], [ -45.902, -1.134 ], [ -45.923, -1.214 ], [ -45.882, -1.167 ], [ -45.873, -1.211 ], [ -45.909, -1.261 ], [ -45.859, -1.231 ], [ -45.891, -1.293 ], [ -45.807, -1.176 ], [ -45.843, -1.301 ], [ -45.809, -1.328 ], [ -45.831, -1.298 ], [ -45.782, -1.278 ], [ -45.726, -1.135 ], [ -45.69, -1.452 ], [ -45.697, -1.38 ], [ -45.632, -1.371 ], [ -45.618, -1.279 ], [ -45.589, -1.329 ], [ -45.537, -1.273 ], [ -45.561, -1.343 ], [ -45.51, -1.352 ], [ -45.567, -1.404 ], [ -45.546, -1.432 ], [ -45.413, -1.296 ], [ -45.489, -1.473 ], [ -45.511, -1.458 ], [ -45.554, -1.503 ], [ -45.507, -1.471 ], [ -45.518, -1.516 ], [ -45.481, -1.495 ], [ -45.463, -1.548 ], [ -45.457, -1.457 ], [ -45.391, -1.434 ], [ -45.363, -1.325 ], [ -45.323, -1.319 ], [ -45.302, -1.424 ], [ -45.392, -1.485 ], [ -45.398, -1.503 ], [ -45.356, -1.487 ], [ -45.392, -1.553 ], [ -45.338, -1.572 ], [ -45.371, -1.722 ], [ -45.338, -1.753 ], [ -45.197, -1.688 ], [ -45.261, -1.607 ], [ -45.16, -1.475 ], [ -45.136, -1.521 ], [ -45.072, -1.435 ], [ -45.07, -1.485 ], [ -44.999, -1.504 ], [ -45.018, -1.547 ], [ -44.969, -1.549 ], [ -45.029, -1.583 ], [ -45.029, -1.602 ], [ -44.979, -1.607 ], [ -44.954, -1.498 ], [ -44.862, -1.426 ], [ -44.857, -1.498 ], [ -44.954, -1.605 ], [ -44.918, -1.649 ], [ -44.968, -1.662 ], [ -44.913, -1.657 ], [ -44.927, -1.62 ], [ -44.886, -1.609 ], [ -44.837, -1.65 ], [ -44.822, -1.591 ], [ -44.826, -1.637 ], [ -44.805, -1.609 ], [ -44.812, -1.665 ], [ -44.779, -1.735 ], [ -44.711, -1.728 ], [ -44.82, -1.819 ], [ -44.738, -1.791 ], [ -44.706, -1.819 ], [ -44.676, -1.808 ], [ -44.661, -1.727 ], [ -44.604, -1.749 ], [ -44.667, -1.849 ], [ -44.601, -1.858 ], [ -44.583, -1.817 ], [ -44.586, -1.873 ], [ -44.543, -1.833 ], [ -44.601, -1.909 ], [ -44.517, -1.907 ], [ -44.484, -2.002 ], [ -44.613, -2.037 ], [ -44.467, -2.017 ], [ -44.626, -2.151 ], [ -44.589, -2.159 ], [ -44.641, -2.232 ], [ -44.708, -2.23 ], [ -44.684, -2.275 ], [ -44.764, -2.265 ], [ -44.654, -2.294 ], [ -44.681, -2.354 ], [ -44.649, -2.373 ], [ -44.666, -2.329 ], [ -44.479, -2.137 ], [ -44.358, -2.335 ], [ -44.401, -2.416 ], [ -44.514, -2.384 ], [ -44.55, -2.4 ], [ -44.491, -2.415 ], [ -44.514, -2.448 ], [ -44.505, -2.476 ], [ -44.665, -2.608 ], [ -44.548, -2.542 ], [ -44.658, -2.781 ], [ -44.688, -2.924 ], [ -44.677, -3.019 ], [ -44.66, -3.02 ], [ -44.657, -3.018 ] ], [ [ -43.318, -2.361 ], [ -43.317, -2.363 ], [ -43.296, -2.363 ], [ -43.318, -2.361 ] ], [ [ -42.438, -2.747 ], [ -42.442, -2.749 ], [ -42.438, -2.75 ], [ -42.438, -2.747 ] ], [ [ -42.442, -2.749 ], [ -42.47, -2.744 ], [ -42.447, -2.753 ], [ -42.442, -2.749 ] ], [ [ -50.851, 2.482 ], [ -50.853, 2.481 ], [ -50.853, 2.48 ], [ -50.851, 2.482 ] ], [ [ -50.853, 2.481 ], [ -50.86, 2.495 ], [ -50.86, 2.477 ], [ -50.853, 2.481 ] ], [ [ -49.976, 1.659 ], [ -49.98, 1.659 ], [ -50, 1.639 ], [ -49.976, 1.659 ] ], [ [ -45.392, -1.553 ], [ -45.393, -1.553 ], [ -45.394, -1.556 ], [ -45.392, -1.553 ] ], [ [ -45.394, -1.556 ], [ -45.406, -1.579 ], [ -45.403, -1.591 ], [ -45.394, -1.556 ] ], [ [ -44.837, -1.65 ], [ -44.834, -1.655 ], [ -44.833, -1.654 ], [ -44.837, -1.65 ] ], [ [ -44.834, -1.655 ], [ -44.841, -1.675 ], [ -44.822, -1.672 ], [ -44.834, -1.655 ] ], [ [ -44.779, -1.735 ], [ -44.777, -1.741 ], [ -44.776, -1.74 ], [ -44.779, -1.735 ] ], [ [ -44.777, -1.741 ], [ -44.833, -1.77 ], [ -44.774, -1.75 ], [ -44.777, -1.741 ] ], [ [ -44.547, -2.22 ], [ -44.536, -2.225 ], [ -44.543, -2.219 ], [ -44.547, -2.22 ] ], [ [ -44.536, -2.225 ], [ -44.507, -2.249 ], [ -44.512, -2.235 ], [ -44.536, -2.225 ] ], [ [ -44.507, -2.249 ], [ -44.504, -2.256 ], [ -44.501, -2.254 ], [ -44.507, -2.249 ] ], [ [ -44.504, -2.256 ], [ -44.514, -2.268 ], [ -44.502, -2.26 ], [ -44.504, -2.256 ] ] ], [ [ [ -29.34, -20.484 ], [ -29.301, -20.521 ], [ -29.341, -20.511 ], [ -29.34, -20.484 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.001, -13.94 ], [ -39.012, -13.915 ], [ -38.994, -13.896 ], [ -39.001, -13.94 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.043, -13.909 ], [ -39.059, -13.904 ], [ -39.054, -13.886 ], [ -39.028, -13.903 ], [ -39.043, -13.909 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.251, -18.015 ], [ -39.283, -18.005 ], [ -39.272, -17.982 ], [ -39.245, -18.006 ], [ -39.251, -18.015 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.131, -17.927 ], [ -39.154, -17.921 ], [ -39.137, -17.91 ], [ -39.131, -17.927 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.212, -17.986 ], [ -39.228, -17.979 ], [ -39.215, -17.944 ], [ -39.202, -17.95 ], [ -39.212, -17.986 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.341, -23.231 ], [ -44.372, -23.174 ], [ -44.232, -23.089 ], [ -44.087, -23.173 ], [ -44.3, -23.184 ], [ -44.341, -23.231 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.356, -23.073 ], [ -44.388, -23.048 ], [ -44.373, -23.033 ], [ -44.343, -23.041 ], [ -44.356, -23.073 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.929, -23.014 ], [ -43.936, -22.999 ], [ -43.916, -22.989 ], [ -43.929, -23.014 ] ] ], [ [ [ -42.002, -23.018 ], [ -42.015, -23.003 ], [ -41.98, -22.975 ], [ -41.975, -22.992 ], [ -42.002, -23.018 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.904, -22.962 ], [ -43.907, -22.936 ], [ -43.868, -22.926 ], [ -43.871, -22.95 ], [ -43.904, -22.962 ] ] ], [ [ [ -41.042, -21.613 ], [ -41.042, -21.6 ], [ -41.019, -21.606 ], [ -41.042, -21.613 ] ] ], [ [ [ -52.112, -32 ], [ -52.18, -32.035 ], [ -52.216, -32.025 ], [ -52.198, -31.978 ], [ -52.112, -32 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.641, -30.388 ], [ -50.629, -30.394 ], [ -50.624, -30.329 ], [ -50.592, -30.399 ], [ -50.609, -30.406 ], [ -50.641, -30.388 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.526, -27.462 ], [ -48.416, -27.38 ], [ -48.358, -27.446 ], [ -48.503, -27.799 ], [ -48.559, -27.842 ], [ -48.526, -27.462 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.354, -27.296 ], [ -48.376, -27.285 ], [ -48.373, -27.271 ], [ -48.36, -27.27 ], [ -48.354, -27.296 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.731, -26.314 ], [ -48.754, -26.297 ], [ -48.735, -26.282 ], [ -48.731, -26.314 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.318, -25.584 ], [ -48.309, -25.546 ], [ -48.381, -25.504 ], [ -48.312, -25.509 ], [ -48.292, -25.545 ], [ -48.318, -25.584 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.414, -25.544 ], [ -48.459, -25.514 ], [ -48.415, -25.527 ], [ -48.414, -25.544 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.424, -25.551 ], [ -48.479, -25.523 ], [ -48.485, -25.502 ], [ -48.424, -25.551 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.298, -25.493 ], [ -48.341, -25.416 ], [ -48.252, -25.341 ], [ -48.265, -25.44 ], [ -48.253, -25.466 ], [ -48.298, -25.493 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.417, -25.386 ], [ -48.424, -25.343 ], [ -48.405, -25.33 ], [ -48.417, -25.386 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.695, -24.112 ], [ -45.688, -24.088 ], [ -45.679, -24.098 ], [ -45.695, -24.112 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.251, -23.962 ], [ -45.301, -23.909 ], [ -45.453, -23.91 ], [ -45.332, -23.721 ], [ -45.227, -23.774 ], [ -45.224, -23.835 ], [ -45.283, -23.857 ], [ -45.221, -23.899 ], [ -45.251, -23.962 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.141, -23.817 ], [ -45.146, -23.791 ], [ -45.114, -23.801 ], [ -45.141, -23.817 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.153, -23.573 ], [ -45.153, -23.558 ], [ -45.141, -23.568 ], [ -45.153, -23.573 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.073, -23.564 ], [ -45.079, -23.525 ], [ -45.036, -23.531 ], [ -45.073, -23.564 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.608, -23.228 ], [ -44.59, -23.208 ], [ -44.577, -23.216 ], [ -44.608, -23.228 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.648, -12.821 ], [ -38.666, -12.777 ], [ -38.624, -12.762 ], [ -38.648, -12.821 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.529, -12.811 ], [ -38.544, -12.757 ], [ -38.532, -12.74 ], [ -38.508, -12.792 ], [ -38.529, -12.811 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.622, -12.752 ], [ -38.622, -12.727 ], [ -38.593, -12.733 ], [ -38.622, -12.752 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.646, -12.683 ], [ -38.648, -12.65 ], [ -38.636, -12.661 ], [ -38.646, -12.683 ] ] ], [ [ [ -32.402, -3.838 ], [ -32.428, -3.877 ], [ -32.483, -3.878 ], [ -32.402, -3.838 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.667, -3.179 ], [ -44.668, -3.16 ], [ -44.643, -3.148 ], [ -44.644, -3.17 ], [ -44.667, -3.179 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.671, -2.943 ], [ -44.67, -2.92 ], [ -44.647, -2.915 ], [ -44.671, -2.943 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.493, -2.641 ], [ -44.48, -2.601 ], [ -44.477, -2.627 ], [ -44.493, -2.641 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.897, -2.573 ], [ -43.896, -2.554 ], [ -43.886, -2.565 ], [ -43.897, -2.573 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.599, -2.503 ], [ -43.577, -2.471 ], [ -43.572, -2.483 ], [ -43.599, -2.503 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.822, -2.526 ], [ -43.829, -2.509 ], [ -43.813, -2.458 ], [ -43.812, -2.553 ], [ -43.82, -2.528 ], [ -43.822, -2.526 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.821, -2.529 ], [ -43.856, -2.502 ], [ -43.832, -2.439 ], [ -43.842, -2.504 ], [ -43.821, -2.529 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.863, -2.56 ], [ -43.875, -2.552 ], [ -43.865, -2.534 ], [ -43.863, -2.56 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.519, -2.536 ], [ -44.529, -2.526 ], [ -44.501, -2.48 ], [ -44.505, -2.444 ], [ -44.455, -2.434 ], [ -44.519, -2.536 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.602, -3.007 ], [ -44.657, -2.972 ], [ -44.613, -2.894 ], [ -44.575, -2.921 ], [ -44.602, -3.007 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.585, -2.978 ], [ -44.563, -2.914 ], [ -44.586, -2.826 ], [ -44.494, -2.705 ], [ -44.494, -2.953 ], [ -44.582, -3.041 ], [ -44.585, -2.978 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.826, -2.434 ], [ -43.842, -2.403 ], [ -43.811, -2.385 ], [ -43.807, -2.412 ], [ -43.826, -2.434 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.581, -2.441 ], [ -43.615, -2.389 ], [ -43.549, -2.377 ], [ -43.545, -2.403 ], [ -43.581, -2.441 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.791, -2.47 ], [ -43.806, -2.443 ], [ -43.78, -2.422 ], [ -43.759, -2.448 ], [ -43.791, -2.47 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.513, -2.424 ], [ -43.537, -2.416 ], [ -43.522, -2.39 ], [ -43.505, -2.414 ], [ -43.513, -2.424 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.792, -2.405 ], [ -43.798, -2.377 ], [ -43.771, -2.37 ], [ -43.792, -2.405 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.689, -2.355 ], [ -43.743, -2.352 ], [ -43.724, -2.305 ], [ -43.617, -2.253 ], [ -43.612, -2.275 ], [ -43.669, -2.301 ], [ -43.689, -2.355 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.73, -2.425 ], [ -43.732, -2.364 ], [ -43.67, -2.377 ], [ -43.681, -2.34 ], [ -43.63, -2.324 ], [ -43.643, -2.394 ], [ -43.73, -2.425 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.473, -2.125 ], [ -44.487, -2.113 ], [ -44.475, -2.096 ], [ -44.463, -2.104 ], [ -44.473, -2.125 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.456, -2.031 ], [ -44.447, -2.008 ], [ -44.439, -2.022 ], [ -44.456, -2.031 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.311, -1.964 ], [ -49.336, -1.996 ], [ -49.309, -1.943 ], [ -49.311, -1.964 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.323, -2.054 ], [ -49.329, -2.019 ], [ -49.316, -2.001 ], [ -49.323, -2.054 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.231, -1.829 ], [ -50.246, -1.824 ], [ -50.229, -1.816 ], [ -50.231, -1.829 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.615, -1.821 ], [ -44.622, -1.797 ], [ -44.597, -1.774 ], [ -44.583, -1.789 ], [ -44.615, -1.821 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.7, -1.811 ], [ -44.703, -1.78 ], [ -44.673, -1.78 ], [ -44.7, -1.811 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.691, -1.793 ], [ -49.721, -1.789 ], [ -49.719, -1.771 ], [ -49.697, -1.766 ], [ -49.691, -1.793 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.924, -1.711 ], [ -48.909, -1.713 ], [ -48.916, -1.734 ], [ -48.935, -1.713 ], [ -48.924, -1.711 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.757, -1.707 ], [ -44.767, -1.694 ], [ -44.736, -1.701 ], [ -44.757, -1.707 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.433, -1.684 ], [ -49.454, -1.706 ], [ -49.46, -1.684 ], [ -49.433, -1.684 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.357, -1.008 ], [ -46.342, -0.994 ], [ -46.353, -1.026 ], [ -46.357, -1.008 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.205, -1.021 ], [ -46.194, -1.014 ], [ -46.202, -1.032 ], [ -46.205, -1.021 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.662, -3.018 ], [ -44.673, -3.012 ], [ -44.664, -3.001 ], [ -44.649, -3.013 ], [ -44.662, -3.018 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.736, -1.683 ], [ -44.745, -1.677 ], [ -44.732, -1.668 ], [ -44.736, -1.683 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.231, -1.638 ], [ -49.237, -1.627 ], [ -49.217, -1.633 ], [ -49.231, -1.638 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.38, -1.685 ], [ -49.4, -1.682 ], [ -49.368, -1.669 ], [ -49.38, -1.685 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.426, -1.673 ], [ -49.429, -1.661 ], [ -49.406, -1.66 ], [ -49.426, -1.673 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.34, -1.672 ], [ -49.358, -1.662 ], [ -49.325, -1.647 ], [ -49.34, -1.672 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.289, -1.726 ], [ -45.305, -1.663 ], [ -45.257, -1.641 ], [ -45.244, -1.678 ], [ -45.28, -1.694 ], [ -45.289, -1.726 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.328, -1.743 ], [ -45.346, -1.719 ], [ -45.301, -1.596 ], [ -45.274, -1.635 ], [ -45.313, -1.654 ], [ -45.328, -1.743 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.886, -1.578 ], [ -48.89, -1.56 ], [ -48.859, -1.536 ], [ -48.856, -1.553 ], [ -48.886, -1.578 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.783, -1.682 ], [ -44.8, -1.595 ], [ -44.775, -1.62 ], [ -44.721, -1.567 ], [ -44.704, -1.611 ], [ -44.684, -1.575 ], [ -44.668, -1.669 ], [ -44.693, -1.638 ], [ -44.783, -1.682 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.816, -1.569 ], [ -44.837, -1.534 ], [ -44.787, -1.488 ], [ -44.825, -1.534 ], [ -44.816, -1.569 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.462, -1.517 ], [ -48.478, -1.499 ], [ -48.421, -1.503 ], [ -48.462, -1.517 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.793, -1.531 ], [ -44.774, -1.47 ], [ -44.763, -1.513 ], [ -44.793, -1.531 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.414, -1.427 ], [ -45.423, -1.416 ], [ -45.409, -1.405 ], [ -45.414, -1.427 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45, -1.296 ], [ -44.922, -1.265 ], [ -44.877, -1.309 ], [ -44.895, -1.34 ], [ -44.922, -1.305 ], [ -44.907, -1.341 ], [ -44.999, -1.405 ], [ -45.033, -1.339 ], [ -45, -1.32 ], [ -44.995, -1.36 ], [ -45, -1.296 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.044, -1.402 ], [ -45.07, -1.33 ], [ -45.052, -1.342 ], [ -45.044, -1.402 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.333, -1.569 ], [ -45.371, -1.544 ], [ -45.347, -1.489 ], [ -45.313, -1.506 ], [ -45.333, -1.569 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.969, -1.522 ], [ -44.976, -1.493 ], [ -44.959, -1.483 ], [ -44.969, -1.522 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.393, -1.512 ], [ -48.371, -1.476 ], [ -48.341, -1.483 ], [ -48.393, -1.512 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.413, -1.498 ], [ -48.426, -1.491 ], [ -48.387, -1.476 ], [ -48.413, -1.498 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.118, -1.47 ], [ -45.132, -1.462 ], [ -45.115, -1.364 ], [ -45.103, -1.373 ], [ -45.118, -1.47 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.593, -1.251 ], [ -45.581, -1.19 ], [ -45.536, -1.205 ], [ -45.532, -1.231 ], [ -45.593, -1.251 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.559, -1.243 ], [ -48.56, -1.202 ], [ -48.523, -1.199 ], [ -48.559, -1.243 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.817, -1.163 ], [ -45.829, -1.141 ], [ -45.804, -1.127 ], [ -45.817, -1.163 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.877, -1.154 ], [ -45.9, -1.117 ], [ -45.883, -1.073 ], [ -45.849, -1.123 ], [ -45.877, -1.154 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.192, -1.05 ], [ -46.201, -1.041 ], [ -46.185, -1.027 ], [ -46.192, -1.05 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.291, -1.01 ], [ -46.307, -0.992 ], [ -46.306, -0.961 ], [ -46.291, -1.01 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.078, -1.095 ], [ -46.065, -1.05 ], [ -46.061, -1.074 ], [ -46.078, -1.095 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.68, -1.295 ], [ -45.687, -1.275 ], [ -45.667, -1.26 ], [ -45.654, -1.285 ], [ -45.68, -1.295 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.538, -1.282 ], [ -48.549, -1.262 ], [ -48.53, -1.25 ], [ -48.538, -1.282 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.51, -1.27 ], [ -48.522, -1.247 ], [ -48.506, -1.236 ], [ -48.51, -1.27 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.694, -1.37 ], [ -45.646, -1.289 ], [ -45.625, -1.126 ], [ -45.634, -1.349 ], [ -45.694, -1.37 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.688, -1.266 ], [ -45.708, -1.228 ], [ -45.685, -1.194 ], [ -45.664, -1.231 ], [ -45.688, -1.266 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.425, -0.914 ], [ -46.454, -0.907 ], [ -46.408, -0.868 ], [ -46.395, -0.899 ], [ -46.425, -0.914 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.72, -0.848 ], [ -46.735, -0.832 ], [ -46.729, -0.796 ], [ -46.72, -0.848 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.611, -0.799 ], [ -46.622, -0.784 ], [ -46.601, -0.789 ], [ -46.611, -0.799 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.586, -0.849 ], [ -46.621, -0.807 ], [ -46.589, -0.815 ], [ -46.586, -0.849 ] ] ], [ [ [ -47.447, -0.748 ], [ -47.453, -0.732 ], [ -47.436, -0.717 ], [ -47.428, -0.738 ], [ -47.447, -0.748 ] ] ], [ [ [ -47.461, -0.741 ], [ -47.463, -0.702 ], [ -47.445, -0.697 ], [ -47.461, -0.741 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.214, -0.411 ], [ -51.211, -0.386 ], [ -51.164, -0.347 ], [ -51.163, -0.383 ], [ -51.214, -0.411 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.352, -0.353 ], [ -51.346, -0.31 ], [ -51.317, -0.268 ], [ -51.327, -0.33 ], [ -51.352, -0.353 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.127, -0.268 ], [ -51.131, -0.237 ], [ -51.091, -0.208 ], [ -51.087, -0.229 ], [ -51.127, -0.268 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.888, -0.198 ], [ -48.91, -0.188 ], [ -48.893, -0.134 ], [ -48.847, -0.177 ], [ -48.888, -0.198 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.174, -0.091 ], [ -51.191, -0.064 ], [ -51.126, -0.057 ], [ -51.174, -0.091 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.114, -0.146 ], [ -49.097, -0.121 ], [ -49.08, -0.13 ], [ -49.114, -0.146 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.166, -0.142 ], [ -49.188, -0.115 ], [ -49.156, -0.128 ], [ -49.166, -0.142 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.119, -0.141 ], [ -49.143, -0.107 ], [ -49.114, -0.11 ], [ -49.119, -0.141 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.127, -0.128 ], [ -51.094, -0.103 ], [ -51.108, -0.127 ], [ -51.127, -0.128 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.414, -0.999 ], [ -46.384, -0.941 ], [ -46.367, -0.948 ], [ -46.414, -0.999 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.647, -0.97 ], [ -46.658, -0.968 ], [ -46.618, -0.957 ], [ -46.647, -0.97 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.488, -0.942 ], [ -46.465, -0.877 ], [ -46.464, -0.924 ], [ -46.44, -0.922 ], [ -46.482, -0.976 ], [ -46.441, -0.999 ], [ -46.525, -1.016 ], [ -46.527, -0.917 ], [ -46.509, -0.984 ], [ -46.488, -0.942 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.632, 0.159 ], [ -49.662, 0.184 ], [ -49.629, 0.202 ], [ -49.61, 0.181 ], [ -49.632, 0.159 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.641, 0.26 ], [ -50.63, 0.293 ], [ -50.586, 0.308 ], [ -50.641, 0.26 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.2, 0.255 ], [ -50.243, 0.248 ], [ -50.147, 0.337 ], [ -50.059, 0.346 ], [ -50.2, 0.255 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.417, 0.159 ], [ -50.535, 0.234 ], [ -50.36, 0.615 ], [ -50.328, 0.383 ], [ -50.285, 0.3 ], [ -50.413, 0.237 ], [ -50.417, 0.159 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.279, 0.338 ], [ -50.271, 0.599 ], [ -50.147, 0.608 ], [ -50.142, 0.576 ], [ -50.107, 0.636 ], [ -50.063, 0.623 ], [ -50.05, 0.518 ], [ -50.279, 0.338 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50, 0.943 ], [ -50.113, 0.907 ], [ -50.018, 1.034 ], [ -49.935, 1.069 ], [ -49.939, 0.996 ], [ -50, 0.943 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.881, 1.227 ], [ -49.909, 1.246 ], [ -49.886, 1.244 ], [ -49.881, 1.227 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.907, 1.278 ], [ -49.885, 1.291 ], [ -49.863, 1.278 ], [ -49.876, 1.252 ], [ -49.907, 1.278 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.204, 1.851 ], [ -50.232, 1.879 ], [ -50.22, 1.915 ], [ -50.169, 1.865 ], [ -50.204, 1.851 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.468, 1.954 ], [ -50.521, 2.026 ], [ -50.497, 2.139 ], [ -50.398, 2.167 ], [ -50.367, 2.19 ], [ -50.276, 1.939 ], [ -50.423, 1.849 ], [ -50.468, 1.954 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.504, 2.255 ], [ -50.414, 2.244 ], [ -50.382, 2.204 ], [ -50.489, 2.15 ], [ -50.564, 2.205 ], [ -50.504, 2.255 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.229, 0.832 ], [ -50.098, 0.839 ], [ -50.027, 0.898 ], [ -50.105, 0.757 ], [ -50.162, 0.775 ], [ -50.249, 0.72 ], [ -50.229, 0.832 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.131, 0.844 ], [ -50.162, 0.867 ], [ -50.132, 0.9 ], [ -50.119, 0.854 ], [ -50.131, 0.844 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.108, 0.85 ], [ -50.111, 0.891 ], [ -50.049, 0.886 ], [ -50.108, 0.85 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.216, -0.055 ], [ -50.235, -0.042 ], [ -50.219, -0.04 ], [ -50.216, -0.055 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.916, -0.052 ], [ -50.926, -0.047 ], [ -50.907, -0.043 ], [ -50.916, -0.052 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.605, -0.061 ], [ -50.618, -0.022 ], [ -50.559, -0.038 ], [ -50.605, -0.061 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.399, -0.061 ], [ -50.44, -0.057 ], [ -50.378, -0.015 ], [ -50.357, -0.049 ], [ -50.399, -0.061 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.75, 0 ], [ -49.609, 0.08 ], [ -49.474, 0.081 ], [ -49.338, -0.017 ], [ -49.487, -0.136 ], [ -49.723, -0.147 ], [ -49.835, -0.088 ], [ -49.75, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.023, -0.019 ], [ -49.039, -0.011 ], [ -49.02, -0.006 ], [ -49.023, -0.019 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.932, 0.052 ], [ -50.918, 0.084 ], [ -50.884, 0.078 ], [ -50.899, 0.057 ], [ -50.932, 0.052 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.928, 0 ], [ -50.786, 0.05 ], [ -50.717, 0.028 ], [ -50.94, -0.041 ], [ -50.928, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.691, 0.025 ], [ -50.655, 0.015 ], [ -50.703, 0.021 ], [ -50.691, 0.025 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.629, -0.043 ], [ -50.642, -0.016 ], [ -50.622, -0.026 ], [ -50.629, -0.043 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.642, 0 ], [ -50.611, 0.007 ], [ -50.595, -0.019 ], [ -50.642, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.536, 0 ], [ -50.653, 0.126 ], [ -50.59, 0.203 ], [ -50.434, 0.126 ], [ -50.436, 0 ], [ -50.536, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50, 0.311 ], [ -49.674, 0.368 ], [ -49.601, 0.283 ], [ -49.86, 0.008 ], [ -49.99, -0.048 ], [ -50.086, 0.034 ], [ -50.351, 0.044 ], [ -50.394, 0.222 ], [ -50.153, 0.227 ], [ -50, 0.311 ] ] ] ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "La costa de lo que hoy es territorio brasileño fue el primer punto al que llegaron los europeos en América del Sur. La primera expedición que exploró la región fue un desprendimiento de la flota portuguesa que Vasco da Gama (c. 1460-1524) llevaba hacia Oriente. Las naves dirigidas por Pedro Álvarez de Cabral (1467-1520) se alejaron excesivamente de la costa de África y terminaron en el extremo sur de actual territorio del Estado de Bahía, en que el permanecieron entre abril y mayo del año 1500. Los portuguese establecieron en la costa precarias feitorias para comerciar verzino o palo brasil con los nativos de las sociedades tupí y guaraní. Recién en 1530 la corona brasileña tomaría acciones decididas para organizar la ocupación y las actividades de explotación portuguesas, al instaurar el régimen de capitanías hereditarias que estructuraría el establecimiento colonial lusitano en Brasil. Bibliografía: Johnson, H. B., \"Portuguese Settlement, 1500-1580\", en Bethell, Leslie (ed.), Colonial Brazil, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1987, pp. 1-38; Abulafia, David, El descubrimiento de la humanidad. Encuentros atlánticos en la era de Colón, Barcelona, Crítica, 2009 [2008]; Metcalf, Alida C., Go-Betweens and the Colonization of Brazil, 1500-1600, Austin, University of Texas Press, 2005; Vaz de Caminha, Pêro, Carta del descubrimiento del Brasil, Barcelona, Acantilado, 2009.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-12-03T14:20:21+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "brazil", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-12-03T14:20:21+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "colonial settlement", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-12-03T14:20:21+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "portuguese overseas expansion", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-12-03T14:20:21+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 5538, "end" : 5544 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Brasil" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/a7208412-9ffc-4a70-a2a6-5c0945358208", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Aborigine", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-20T20:59:58+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Native people", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-20T20:59:58+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-20T20:59:58+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Refiere a Los guaraníes o avá, según su autodenominación étnica original (que significa \"ser humano\"), son un grupo de pueblos indígenas suramericanos que se ubican geográficamente en Paraguay, noreste de Argentina (en ciertas zonas de provincias de la Región del Litoral),​ sur y suroeste de Brasil (en los estados de Río Grande del Sur, Santa Catarina, Paraná y Mato Grosso del Sur) y sureste de Bolivia (en los departamentos de Tarija, Santa Cruz y Chuquisaca) y norte de Uruguay.El muy difundido nombre guaraní lo escucharon los españoles que, al invadir su territorio, habrían oído, entre los gritos de guerra de este pueblo, la frase guará-ny, que significa \"combatir-los\". Por otra parte el nombre dada significa en guaraní 'guerrero', \"ava\" que significa \"hombre\" y se pronuncia en forma grave entre los chiriguanos (ava guaraníes).Otra versión afirma que la denominación fue tomada de la deformación de una palabra guaraní, guariní que significa precisamente \"guerra\" o \"guerrear\". Al parecer los mismos indígenas se denominaron de esa manera, indicando con ello que se consideraban guerreros.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-20T20:59:58+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Los guaraníes se extendían, dividios entre distintas parcialidades, \nentre la costa brasileña y los contrafuertes andinos, teniendo además \nasentamientos en las islasdel Río Paraná y del delta del Río de la \nPlata. Cultivadores selvícolas, producían regulamente excedentes \nagrícolas que serían indispensables para el avance de la conquista \nespañola en el región. Bibliografía:  Silva Noelli, Francisco, \"La \ndistribución geográfica de las evidencias arqueológicasguaraní\", en \nRevista de Indias, vol. LXIV, núm. 30, 2004, pp. 17-34; Susnik, \nBranislava, El indio colonial del Paraguay. El guaraní colonial, \nAsunción, Museo Etnográfico \"Andrés Barbero\", 1965; Susnik, Branislava, \nEl rol de los indígenas en la formación y en la vivencia delParaguay. \nTomo I, Asunción, Universo, 1982; Melià, Bartomeu, El guaraní \nconquistado y reducido: ensayos de etnohistoria, Asunción, Universidad \nCatólica-Centro de Estudios Paraguayos \"AntonioGuasch\", cuarta edición, \n1997 [1986]; Melià, Bartomeu, \"Sociedades fluviales y selvícolas del \neste: Paraguay y Paraná\", en Rojas Rabiela, Teresa; Murra, John (dirs.),\n Historia general de América Latina. Volumen I, París, Editorial \nTrotta-UNESCO, 1999, pp. 335-552; Catafesto de Sousa, José Otávio, \"O \nsistema econômico nas sociedades indígenas guaraní pré-coloniais\", en \nHorizontes Antropológicos, año 8, núm. 18, 2002, pp. 211-253; Monteiro, \nJohn Manuel, \"Os guaraní e a História do Brasil Meridional. Séculos \nXVI-XVII\", en Carneiro Da Cunha, Manuela L. (org.), História dos índios \nno Brasil, San Pablo, Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São \nPaulo-Companhia das Letras-Secretaria Municipal de Cultura Prefeitura do\n Município de São Paulo, 1992 pp. 475-498.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-12-03T14:40:21+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 18845, "end" : 18853 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Guaranís" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/e7593c87-472b-4a2f-a171-d3fd65d384e8", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Aborigine", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-20T20:59:58+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Native people", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-20T20:59:58+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-20T20:59:58+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Refiere a Los guaraníes o avá, según su autodenominación étnica original (que significa \"ser humano\"), son un grupo de pueblos indígenas suramericanos que se ubican geográficamente en Paraguay, noreste de Argentina (en ciertas zonas de provincias de la Región del Litoral),​ sur y suroeste de Brasil (en los estados de Río Grande del Sur, Santa Catarina, Paraná y Mato Grosso del Sur) y sureste de Bolivia (en los departamentos de Tarija, Santa Cruz y Chuquisaca) y norte de Uruguay.El muy difundido nombre guaraní lo escucharon los españoles que, al invadir su territorio, habrían oído, entre los gritos de guerra de este pueblo, la frase guará-ny, que significa \"combatir-los\". Por otra parte el nombre dada significa en guaraní 'guerrero', \"ava\" que significa \"hombre\" y se pronuncia en forma grave entre los chiriguanos (ava guaraníes).Otra versión afirma que la denominación fue tomada de la deformación de una palabra guaraní, guariní que significa precisamente \"guerra\" o \"guerrear\". Al parecer los mismos indígenas se denominaron de esa manera, indicando con ello que se consideraban guerreros.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-20T20:59:58+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Los guaraníes se extendían, dividios entre distintas parcialidades, \nentre la costa brasileña y los contrafuertes andinos, teniendo además \nasentamientos en las islasdel Río Paraná y del delta del Río de la \nPlata. Cultivadores selvícolas, producían regulamente excedentes \nagrícolas que serían indispensables para el avance de la conquista \nespañola en el región. Bibliografía:  Silva Noelli, Francisco, \"La \ndistribución geográfica de las evidencias arqueológicasguaraní\", en \nRevista de Indias, vol. LXIV, núm. 30, 2004, pp. 17-34; Susnik, \nBranislava, El indio colonial del Paraguay. El guaraní colonial, \nAsunción, Museo Etnográfico \"Andrés Barbero\", 1965; Susnik, Branislava, \nEl rol de los indígenas en la formación y en la vivencia delParaguay. \nTomo I, Asunción, Universo, 1982; Melià, Bartomeu, El guaraní \nconquistado y reducido: ensayos de etnohistoria, Asunción, Universidad \nCatólica-Centro de Estudios Paraguayos \"AntonioGuasch\", cuarta edición, \n1997 [1986]; Melià, Bartomeu, \"Sociedades fluviales y selvícolas del \neste: Paraguay y Paraná\", en Rojas Rabiela, Teresa; Murra, John (dirs.),\n Historia general de América Latina. Volumen I, París, Editorial \nTrotta-UNESCO, 1999, pp. 335-552; Catafesto de Sousa, José Otávio, \"O \nsistema econômico nas sociedades indígenas guaraní pré-coloniais\", en \nHorizontes Antropológicos, año 8, núm. 18, 2002, pp. 211-253; Monteiro, \nJohn Manuel, \"Os guaraní e a História do Brasil Meridional. Séculos \nXVI-XVII\", en Carneiro Da Cunha, Manuela L. (org.), História dos índios \nno Brasil, San Pablo, Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São \nPaulo-Companhia das Letras-Secretaria Municipal de Cultura Prefeitura do\n Município de São Paulo, 1992 pp. 475-498.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-12-03T14:39:55+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 16540, "end" : 16548 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Guaranís" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/341bfa58-f887-4173-b454-ae076b2006a8", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Aborigines", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T18:00:27+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Native people", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T18:00:27+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Tupinas habitantes primitivos y feroces de la Bahía de Todos los Santos (Brasil), luego de expulsar a los Tapuyas.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T18:00:27+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T18:00:47+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Carneiro Da Cunha, Manuela L. (org.), História dos índios no Brasil, San\n Pablo, Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo-Companhia \ndas Letras-Secretaria Municipal de Cultura Prefeitura do Município de \nSão Paulo, 1992; Silva Noelli, Francisco, \"The tupi  expansion\", en Silverman, Helaine; Isbell, William H. (eds.), Handbook of South American Archaeology, op. cit., pp. 659-670.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-12-03T14:07:26+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 5847, "end" : 5854 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Tupinás" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/562465ca-feef-46c6-b2a5-9959656e5fd8", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-04T16:33:16+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Centeno (Diego). Es derrotado en Pocona; se esconde en una cueva, donde vive mucho tiempo. Es nombrado Gobernador por el Presidente de la Gasca, y muere antes de recibirse del mando.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-04T16:33:16+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 60889, "end" : 60902 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Diego Centeno" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/3529fd2d-3969-460f-b8c4-d8b90405e3d1", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-04T16:46:55+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Navegante y colonizador español nacido en 1501. Viajó en compañía de Sebastián Caboto. Recorrió el territorio del Paraguay y los términos vecinos y se hizo de grandes riquezas.  Descubrió un gran rio al que llamó Rio de Plata, nombre con que se conoce actualmente y pensó que era el paso para llegar al Gran Mar que estaba al otro lado del extenso territorio: el Oceano Pacífico.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-04T16:46:55+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 55810, "end" : 55829 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Rui García Mosquera" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/11633fd3-6e9b-4510-8ab3-970168d8bc91", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-04T16:50:14+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 60595, "end" : 60610 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Miguel de Rutia" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/5be6bdcc-553f-4592-8678-977d25986217", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-04T16:50:14+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 74118, "end" : 74133 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Miguel de Rutia" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/d30dd0e3-3358-470a-b5b8-6f0e6c1a9806", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "tribe", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:58:22+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "native people", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:58:22+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:58:22+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Los guató son grupo étnico\nnómada del sureste de Brasil cerca de la frontera con Bolivia y Paraguay.\nActualmente viven a lo largo del río Paraguay que discurre por la frontera\nentre Brasil y Bolivia. Su lengua el idioma guató se ha relacionado con las lenguas\nmacro-yê. Posiblemente son identificables con los antiguos xarayes o\njarayes de la región de Pantanal contra los que Ñuflo de Chaves dirigió una\ncampaña en 1557. Las primeras referencias claras sobre los guató desde Cabeza\nde Vaca (1555) que describe la importancia de las canoas y las crecidas de los\nríos para los guató. Posteriormente Castelnau (1851), Florence (1876), Schimdt\n(1905), Cunha (1919) y Rondon (1938) los visitaron y describieron aspectos de\nsu modo de vida. Castelnau es el primer autor que registró datos sobre la\nlengua guató.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:58:22+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 15146, "end" : 15152 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Guatos" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/832d8ec0-16c9-4c6f-a3a6-2c39719aec8a", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "tribe", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T12:55:03+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T12:55:03+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Los guató (una sociedad nativa que habiataba el Gran Pantanal) eran \nhabitualmente referidos en las fuentes coloniales como Xarajes.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T12:55:03+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 38514, "end" : 38521 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Jarayes" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/5d04ce47-17ce-4654-8648-fb6250e9e568", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "tribe", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T12:55:03+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T12:55:03+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Los guató (una sociedad nativa que habiataba el Gran Pantanal) eran \nhabitualmente referidos en las fuentes coloniales como Xarajes.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T12:55:03+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 42761, "end" : 42768 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Jarayes" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/24efc0f6-b398-4664-b00e-b6669839a039", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://sws.geonames.org/3874787", "creator" : 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"generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-08T01:19:38+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Domingo Martínez de Irala (Vergara de la Hermandad de Guipúzcoa, Corona \nde Castilla, 1509 - Asunción del Paraguay, Virreinato del Perú, 3 de \noctubre de 1556) fue un conquistador, explorador y colonizador español \nque como lugarteniente de Juan de Ayolas quien lo nombrara interinamente\n hasta que regresara como teniente de gobernador de La Candelaria en \n1537, luego lo sería de hecho, y posteriormente elegido por el pueblo \nsegún real cédula, como teniente de gobernador general de Asunción.Ocupó\n tres veces el cargo de gobernador interino del Río de la Plata y del \nParaguay, en los períodos de 1539 a 1542, de 1544 hasta 1548 y por \núltimo desde 1549. El emperador Carlos V lo nombraría definitivamente \ncomo titular en el cargo gubernamental en el año 1555, que lo ostentaría\n hasta su fallecimiento.En 1543 fundó en el Chaco Boreal el Puerto de \nlos Reyes, a orillas del río Paraguay y del pantano de los Jarayes, \nsobre las costas de la laguna La Gaiba.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-08T01:19:38+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 106286, "end" : 106302 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Domingo de Irala" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/e029be3b-346e-4544-9256-e477c8b753a1", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-08T01:19:38+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Domingo Martínez de Irala (Vergara de la Hermandad de Guipúzcoa, Corona \nde Castilla, 1509 - Asunción del Paraguay, Virreinato del Perú, 3 de \noctubre de 1556) fue un conquistador, explorador y colonizador español \nque como lugarteniente de Juan de Ayolas quien lo nombrara interinamente\n hasta que regresara como teniente de gobernador de La Candelaria en \n1537, luego lo sería de hecho, y posteriormente elegido por el pueblo \nsegún real cédula, como teniente de gobernador general de Asunción.Ocupó\n tres veces el cargo de gobernador interino del Río de la Plata y del \nParaguay, en los períodos de 1539 a 1542, de 1544 hasta 1548 y por \núltimo desde 1549. El emperador Carlos V lo nombraría definitivamente \ncomo titular en el cargo gubernamental en el año 1555, que lo ostentaría\n hasta su fallecimiento.En 1543 fundó en el Chaco Boreal el Puerto de \nlos Reyes, a orillas del río Paraguay y del pantano de los Jarayes, \nsobre las costas de la laguna La Gaiba.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-08T01:19:38+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 123974, "end" : 123990 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Domingo de Irala" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/8dfe9615-e07d-49a0-8f99-fdd222c608ec", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-08T01:19:38+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Domingo Martínez de Irala (Vergara de la Hermandad de Guipúzcoa, Corona \nde Castilla, 1509 - Asunción del Paraguay, Virreinato del Perú, 3 de \noctubre de 1556) fue un conquistador, explorador y colonizador español \nque como lugarteniente de Juan de Ayolas quien lo nombrara interinamente\n hasta que regresara como teniente de gobernador de La Candelaria en \n1537, luego lo sería de hecho, y posteriormente elegido por el pueblo \nsegún real cédula, como teniente de gobernador general de Asunción.Ocupó\n tres veces el cargo de gobernador interino del Río de la Plata y del \nParaguay, en los períodos de 1539 a 1542, de 1544 hasta 1548 y por \núltimo desde 1549. El emperador Carlos V lo nombraría definitivamente \ncomo titular en el cargo gubernamental en el año 1555, que lo ostentaría\n hasta su fallecimiento.En 1543 fundó en el Chaco Boreal el Puerto de \nlos Reyes, a orillas del río Paraguay y del pantano de los Jarayes, \nsobre las costas de la laguna La Gaiba.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-08T01:19:38+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 121669, "end" : 121685 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Domingo de Irala" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/bbba8cae-4ec1-4d1f-af28-b0d62b4dca41", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-08T00:51:48+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Se refiere a Francisco Ruiz Galán. Capitán de la armada de Pedro de Mendoza y uno de sus más cercanos colaboradores. Fue nombrado por el adelantado como gobernador del puerto de Buenos Aires. Galán fue así una importatante figura política de la región rioplatense, al punto de disputarle a Domingo de Irala la dirección de la provincia entre 1537 y 1539. Tras ello se pierden sus huellas documentales, por lo que se lo presume muerto antes de 1542.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-08T01:42:56+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 108771, "end" : 108785 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Francisco Ruiz" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/ce7b64a7-4d61-42ac-8def-0cf4e39dd63b", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-08T02:04:14+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "El veedor Cabrera fue una figura importantísima del período 1538-1545 en el Río de la Plata. Habái sido enviado a la región por el rey para reorganizar la conquista tras el abandono de Pedro de Mendoza, y su primera obligación era determinar quién había sido designado por el adelantado como sucesor. Después de varias desaveniencias con Ruiz Galán, se inclina por nombrar como teniente de gobernador a Domingo de Irala, esperando que Juan de Ayolas (la persona designada por Pedro de Mendoza) regresase de sus exploraciones para ponerse al mando de la conquista. Esta sociedad con Irala será fundamental para realizar la despoblación de Buenos Aires en 1541 y, luego, para enfrentar a Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca. Cabrera será fundamental en la construcción de los argumentos judiciales que justificarían su derrocamiento, y viajó a España junto a él para representar a los primeros conquistadores del Río de la Plata. Moriría poco después de haber llegado a España.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-08T02:04:14+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 132241, "end" : 132255 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Alonso Cabrera" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/f2cfcd08-296e-46f1-8f76-3b2c24953c32", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : 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era un explorador español que fuera vecino fundador de la primera Buenos Aires, acompañando al adelantado Pedro de Mendoza, y que nominalmente fuera nombrado como teniente de gobernador general de Asunción en 1537, para convertirse al poco tiempo y en forma igualmente nominal en gobernador del Río de la Plata y del Paraguay pero nunca ejercería como tal por estar en plena exploración.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T17:34:00+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-08T02:17:18+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : 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Sin embargo, el encuentro con este curioso personaje solo se produciría en 1540, cuando Irala condujo una primera entrada al Chaco. Fuentes documentales: \"Relación anónima de algunos sucesos ocurridos en la conquista del Río de la Plata, desdela partida de la armadilla que se despachó del puerto de Buenos Aires en busca de Juan de Ayolas, hasta la prisión de Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca\", en Comisión Oficial del IV Centenario de la Primera Fundación de Buenos Aires (1536-1936), Documentos Históricos y Geográficos Relativos a la Conquista y Colonización Rioplatense. Tomo 1: Memorias y Relaciones Históricas y Geográficas, Buenos Aires, Jacobo Peuser, 1941 (GGV 72/1157; AGI Patronato, 29, R. 3), marzo de 1545.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-08T02:24:34+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 127954, "end" : 127968 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Gonzalo Aquier" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/fbdb1741-39b6-4e9b-8554-8f57d897770f", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : 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"https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/d4382d29-6cf8-48be-b87e-9eeda0386daf", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-07T15:46:05+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Gonzalo de Mendoza (m. 1558) fue un destacado capitán de la armada de \nPedro de Mendoza y luego de la conqusita del Río de la Plata y Paraguay.\n Realizó varios viajes desde le puerto de Buenos Aires a la costa de \nBrasil con la intención de obtener bastimentos y trajo consigo varios \nnáufragos y lenguas instalados en el Brasil. Ya en el Paraguay, fue uno \nde los primeros capitanes españoles en emparentarse con los caciques \ncarios de las cercanías de Asunción. Ocupó importantes cargos políticos y\n militares bajo los gobiernos de Domingo de Irala y Álvar Núñez Cabeza \nde Vaca, actuando como teniente de gobernador y como gobernador \ninterino. Bibliografía: Lafuente Machain, Ricardo, Conquistadores del \nRío de la Plata, Buenos Aires, Amorrurtu, 1937.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-07T15:46:05+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 86863, "end" : 86881 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Gonzalo de Mendoza" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/18269f11-29fc-4e97-a119-9b83962fd55b", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-07T15:46:05+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Gonzalo de Mendoza (m. 1558) fue un destacado capitán de la armada de \nPedro de Mendoza y luego de la conqusita del Río de la Plata y Paraguay.\n Realizó varios viajes desde le puerto de Buenos Aires a la costa de \nBrasil con la intención de obtener bastimentos y trajo consigo varios \nnáufragos y lenguas instalados en el Brasil. Ya en el Paraguay, fue uno \nde los primeros capitanes españoles en emparentarse con los caciques \ncarios de las cercanías de Asunción. Ocupó importantes cargos políticos y\n militares bajo los gobiernos de Domingo de Irala y Álvar Núñez Cabeza \nde Vaca, actuando como teniente de gobernador y como gobernador \ninterino. Bibliografía: Lafuente Machain, Ricardo, Conquistadores del \nRío de la Plata, Buenos Aires, Amorrurtu, 1937.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-07T15:46:05+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 99114, "end" : 99132 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Gonzalo de Mendoza" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/7536648f-13bc-47cc-8da4-a3a2e497a345", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-07T15:46:05+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Gonzalo de Mendoza (m. 1558) fue un destacado capitán de la armada de \nPedro de Mendoza y luego de la conqusita del Río de la Plata y Paraguay.\n Realizó varios viajes desde le puerto de Buenos Aires a la costa de \nBrasil con la intención de obtener bastimentos y trajo consigo varios \nnáufragos y lenguas instalados en el Brasil. Ya en el Paraguay, fue uno \nde los primeros capitanes españoles en emparentarse con los caciques \ncarios de las cercanías de Asunción. Ocupó importantes cargos políticos y\n militares bajo los gobiernos de Domingo de Irala y Álvar Núñez Cabeza \nde Vaca, actuando como teniente de gobernador y como gobernador \ninterino. Bibliografía: Lafuente Machain, Ricardo, Conquistadores del \nRío de la Plata, Buenos Aires, Amorrurtu, 1937.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-07T15:46:05+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 108433, "end" : 108451 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Gonzalo de Mendoza" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/55c86b36-9bcc-4911-93de-824d4ce737fa", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PLACE", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-10-10T16:23:03+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Refiere al Océano Pacífico", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-10-10T16:23:03+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 83468, "end" : 83479 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "mar del Sur" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/9e50c2e3-d75b-4356-a532-f67628f8f5a8", "type" : "Annotation", 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"homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PLACE", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-09-27T18:06:09+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Es efectivamente el río Uruguay actual.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-09-27T18:06:09+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 20460, "end" : 20467 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Uruguay" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/33af1c6f-c84f-4c8d-b35b-5142e756e7e7", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-01T17:03:24+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Es la traducción literal de Toba, nombre qdespectivo que los guaraníes daban a los miembros de la etnia chaqueña qom. Estos pertenecen al tronco lingüístico mataco-guaycurú y en tiempos tempranos de la instalación europea en la región, seguramente fueran referidos simplemente como \"guaycurúes\". Bibliografía: Roulet, Florencia, La resistencia de los guaraní del Paraguay a la conquista española (1537-1556), Posadas, Editorial Universitaria de la Universidad Nacional de Misiones, 1993, p. 38; Branislava Susnik, El rol de los indígenas en la formación y en la vivencia del Paraguay, Asunción, Universo, 1983, Tomo II.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-01T17:03:24+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 33255, "end" : 33264 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "frentones" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/09e20b96-c053-4ca3-a7bc-a1f27c1439e7", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-02T01:46:36+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "En la colección de transcripciones de documentos relativos a la conquista y colonización de los territorios argentinos de la Biblioteca Nacional \"Mariano Moreno\" (Colección Gaspar García Viñas) no aparece ninguna mención contemporánera a este personaje.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-02T01:54:52+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 48913, "end" : 48925 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Jorge Sedeño" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/2a836e03-41ed-4fd2-a97b-e00aa929e8e4", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PLACE", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-09-27T18:37:27+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "El actual río Paraguay.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-09-27T18:37:27+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 21846, "end" : 21854 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Paraguay" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/cc69ea24-4b77-4d27-ae03-5fc87c6b496c", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://sws.geonames.org/3840300", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-01T16:56:51+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-01T16:56:51+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ -60.43876, -26.78522 ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Concepción del Bermejo, ciudad que fue fundada sobre el río en 1585 y subsistió hasta 1632, cuando fue arrasada por las sociedades chaqueñas nativas. Su sitio se hallaría en el actual departamento de Maipú (provincia de Chaco) a unos 140 km de Corrientes.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-01T16:56:51+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 33284, "end" : 33294 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Concepción" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/e5773f4b-2916-47a1-8a53-01d33f704e81", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-01T23:05:55+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Tal vez se trate de una parcialidad de los cutaguas, dado que el texto afirma que ambos grupos tienen las mimas costumbres y lenguas.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-01T23:06:35+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 37340, "end" : 37348 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Curumias" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/894f0bcf-521f-4412-902e-f328ec321057", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "conqueror", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-02T20:51:50+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-02T20:51:50+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "colonizer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-02T20:51:50+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-02T20:51:50+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Felipe de Cáceres (n. Madrid, ca. 1538) fue un conquistador, explorador y\n colonizador español. Se desempeñó como gobernador interino del Río de la \nPlata y del Paraguay, con sede en Asunción, entre el 11 de diciembre de \n1568 y el 14 dejulio de 1572.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-02T20:51:50+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 7251, "end" : 7268 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Felipe de Cáceres" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/239e4b34-e20b-415d-b9bc-e9a9f33a6467", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://sws.geonames.org/3435217", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-09-27T18:42:14+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-09-27T18:42:14+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ -58.8341, -27.4806 ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Este es el antiguo nombre de la ciudad de Corrientes, fundada en 1588.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-09-27T18:42:14+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy 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"Francisco Álvarez de Toledo (1515-1582), quinto Virrey del Perú entre 1569 y 1581.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-02T02:08:46+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 53465, "end" : 53484 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Francisco de Toledo" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/ac95da98-2f78-42b0-adb7-b565efc4cd97", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://sws.geonames.org/3841956", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T12:50:53+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T12:50:53+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ -60.5238, -31.73197 ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Se refiere al Río Paraná.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T12:50:53+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 8225, "end" : 8231 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Paraná" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/026aea24-3ed2-4430-a592-4549bb28d63f", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "conqueror", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-09-23T20:46:33+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-09-23T20:46:33+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "colonizer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-09-23T20:46:33+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T13:33:43+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Francisco Ortiz\nde Vergara fue un conquistador y colonizador español. Sucedió a Gonzalo de\nMendoza en el gobierno del Río de la Plata con sede en Asunción. Hijo de\nFrancisco de Vergara y Beatriz de Roelas. Fue nombrado por los conquistadores y\nconfirmado por el obispo Pedro de Latorre en 1558. Fue depuesto por la Real\nAudiencia de Charcas en 1564 y regresó a España en 1565. Hermano de Ruy Díaz de\nMelgarejo\nEn 1559 enfrento la rebelión de dos manzebos, Pablo y Don Narazio, hijos de un\nPrincipal local llamado a Curupiratí de la tribu xaraje junto a Nufrio de\nChaves, el 3 de mayo de 1560 en los campos de Acahai o del Acaraiba Ortiz les\nvence, el ejército rebelde dividido en cuatro cuerpos o columnas sumaba 16.000\nguerreros guaraníes, la victoria se logró gracias a la llegada oportuna de\nindios amigos, se mataron más de 1.000 rebeldes.\nDurante su gobierno hubo numerosos intentos fallidos de crear nuevos\nasentamientos (Sancti Spiritus, San Francisco y Santa Cruz de la Sierra). Este\núltimo, en el sur de la Cuenca del Amazonas, fue un éxito, pero sólo después de\nque la ciudad se había movido más de 200 kilómetros desde el lugar elegido por\nÑuflo de Chaves. El contrato de arrendamiento anterior fue cerca de San José de\nChiquitos, y es hoy un sitio arqueológico conocido como Santa Cruz la Vieja. Lo\nsucedió el adelantado Juan Ortiz de Zárate.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T13:33:43+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 40268, "end" : 40294 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Francisco Ortiz de Vergara" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/bb94b632-a38b-4cfa-9d51-d1bf36ad09b8", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PLACE", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-11T15:05:46+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Se refiere al Océano Atlántico.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-11T15:05:46+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 12564, "end" : 12574 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "mar Océano" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/f624162d-7daf-4465-8129-4671612b2b5c", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "conqueror", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:49:55+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:49:55+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "colonizer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:49:55+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:49:55+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Francisco Ortiz de Vergara (Sevilla, 1524\n– Ciudad Zaratina de la Banda Oriental,  2\nde diciembre de 1574) fue un hidalgo, Conquistador, explorador, poblador español.\nHijo de Francisco de Vergara y de Beatriz de Roelas, además de hermano del teniente\nde gobernador del Guayrá, el capitán Ruy Díaz de Melgarejo. Fue nombrado\npor los vocales del cabildo asunceno gobernador interino del Río de la Plata y\ndel Paraguay, luego del fallecimiento del predecesor Gonzalo de Mendoza, y\nconfirmado por el obispo Pedro Fernández de la Torre, el día 22 de julio de 1558.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:49:55+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 64236, "end" : 64256 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Francisco de Vergara" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/033f3fcc-af8b-4c37-8219-36fb1053f8a6", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "conqueror", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:36:24+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "colonizer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:36:24+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:36:24+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:36:24+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Ruy Díaz de Melgarejo (Salteras\nde Sevilla, 1519 – Santa Fe la Vieja, 1602) fue un militar, conquistador, explorador,\nestadista, minero y burócrata colonial español establecido en la región del Río\nde la Plata. Su vida estuvo marcada por guerras, conspiraciones, persecuciones\ny conflictos familiares.\n\nJunto a Juan de Salazar, Alonso Riquelme de Guzmán y Diego de Abreu se opuso\nal gobierno asunceno de Domingo Martínez de Irala, apoyando al deportado Álvar\nNúñez Cabeza de Vaca.\n\nGobernó de manera casi absoluta e independiente la antigua provincia\nasuncena del Guayrá, fácticamente durante 20 años, y luego de separarla de Asunción\nen 1575, con el título de teniente de gobernador del Guayrá unos 15 años más.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:36:24+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 51411, "end" : 51427 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "capitán Rui Díaz" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/12a15018-bc2a-43be-b56e-92a8eb274624", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "conqueror", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:36:24+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "colonizer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:36:24+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:36:24+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:36:24+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Ruy Díaz de Melgarejo (Salteras\nde Sevilla, 1519 – Santa Fe la Vieja, 1602) fue un militar, conquistador, explorador,\nestadista, minero y burócrata colonial español establecido en la región del Río\nde la Plata. Su vida estuvo marcada por guerras, conspiraciones, persecuciones\ny conflictos familiares.\n\nJunto a Juan de Salazar, Alonso Riquelme de Guzmán y Diego de Abreu se opuso\nal gobierno asunceno de Domingo Martínez de Irala, apoyando al deportado Álvar\nNúñez Cabeza de Vaca.\n\nGobernó de manera casi absoluta e independiente la antigua provincia\nasuncena del Guayrá, fácticamente durante 20 años, y luego de separarla de Asunción\nen 1575, con el título de teniente de gobernador del Guayrá unos 15 años más.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:36:24+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 52788, "end" : 52804 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "capitán Rui Díaz" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/64e16708-9762-4c3b-87ce-fe4cb7b357f9", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "conqueror", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:36:24+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "colonizer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:36:24+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:36:24+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:36:24+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Ruy Díaz de Melgarejo (Salteras\nde Sevilla, 1519 – Santa Fe la Vieja, 1602) fue un militar, conquistador, explorador,\nestadista, minero y burócrata colonial español establecido en la región del Río\nde la Plata. Su vida estuvo marcada por guerras, conspiraciones, persecuciones\ny conflictos familiares.\n\nJunto a Juan de Salazar, Alonso Riquelme de Guzmán y Diego de Abreu se opuso\nal gobierno asunceno de Domingo Martínez de Irala, apoyando al deportado Álvar\nNúñez Cabeza de Vaca.\n\nGobernó de manera casi absoluta e independiente la antigua provincia\nasuncena del Guayrá, fácticamente durante 20 años, y luego de separarla de Asunción\nen 1575, con el título de teniente de gobernador del Guayrá unos 15 años más.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:36:24+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 97525, "end" : 97541 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "capitán Rui Díaz" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/28ad129e-28ce-4f64-898b-0d816735da9a", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "conqueror", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:49:55+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:49:55+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "colonizer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:49:55+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:49:55+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Francisco Ortiz de Vergara (Sevilla, 1524\n– Ciudad Zaratina de la Banda Oriental,  2\nde diciembre de 1574) fue un hidalgo, Conquistador, explorador, poblador español.\nHijo de Francisco de Vergara y de Beatriz de Roelas, además de hermano del teniente\nde gobernador del Guayrá, el capitán Ruy Díaz de Melgarejo. Fue nombrado\npor los vocales del cabildo asunceno gobernador interino del Río de la Plata y\ndel Paraguay, luego del fallecimiento del predecesor Gonzalo de Mendoza, y\nconfirmado por el obispo Pedro Fernández de la Torre, el día 22 de julio de 1558.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:49:55+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 70790, "end" : 70810 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Francisco de Vergara" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/3151e852-a784-423f-bbc2-f6247f4e4466", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "conqueror", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:49:55+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:49:55+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "colonizer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:49:55+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:49:55+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Francisco Ortiz de Vergara (Sevilla, 1524\n– Ciudad Zaratina de la Banda Oriental,  2\nde diciembre de 1574) fue un hidalgo, Conquistador, explorador, poblador español.\nHijo de Francisco de Vergara y de Beatriz de Roelas, además de hermano del teniente\nde gobernador del Guayrá, el capitán Ruy Díaz de Melgarejo. Fue nombrado\npor los vocales del cabildo asunceno gobernador interino del Río de la Plata y\ndel Paraguay, luego del fallecimiento del predecesor Gonzalo de Mendoza, y\nconfirmado por el obispo Pedro Fernández de la Torre, el día 22 de julio de 1558.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:49:55+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 75092, "end" : 75112 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Francisco de Vergara" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/3b684382-408b-4ceb-b621-4c86081ecd07", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "conqueror", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:49:55+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:49:55+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "colonizer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:49:55+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:49:55+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Francisco Ortiz de Vergara (Sevilla, 1524\n– Ciudad Zaratina de la Banda Oriental,  2\nde diciembre de 1574) fue un hidalgo, Conquistador, explorador, poblador español.\nHijo de Francisco de Vergara y de Beatriz de Roelas, además de hermano del teniente\nde gobernador del Guayrá, el capitán Ruy Díaz de Melgarejo. Fue nombrado\npor los vocales del cabildo asunceno gobernador interino del Río de la Plata y\ndel Paraguay, luego del fallecimiento del predecesor Gonzalo de Mendoza, y\nconfirmado por el obispo Pedro Fernández de la Torre, el día 22 de julio de 1558.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:49:55+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 88921, "end" : 88941 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Francisco de Vergara" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/0627ee27-07e5-4b82-b281-6dfc197d1e7e", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "conqueror", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:34:45+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:34:45+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "colonizer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:34:45+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:34:45+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Ruy Díaz de Melgarejo (Salteras\nde Sevilla, 1519 – Santa Fe la Vieja, 1602) fue un militar, conquistador, explorador,\nestadista, minero y burócrata colonial español establecido en la región del Río\nde la Plata. Su vida estuvo marcada por guerras, conspiraciones, persecuciones\ny conflictos familiares.\n\nJunto a Juan de Salazar, Alonso Riquelme de Guzmán y Diego de Abreu se opuso\nal gobierno asunceno de Domingo Martínez de Irala, apoyando al deportado Álvar\nNúñez Cabeza de Vaca.\n\nGobernó de manera casi absoluta e independiente la antigua provincia\nasuncena del Guayrá, fácticamente durante 20 años, y luego de separarla de Asunción\nen 1575, con el título de teniente de gobernador del Guayrá unos 15 años más.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:34:45+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 55959, "end" : 55977 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Rui Díaz Melgarejo" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/93e419de-9c9f-48a5-90c5-6110b38ac7e9", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "conqueror", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:34:45+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:34:45+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "colonizer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:34:45+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:34:45+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Ruy Díaz de Melgarejo (Salteras\nde Sevilla, 1519 – Santa Fe la Vieja, 1602) fue un militar, conquistador, explorador,\nestadista, minero y burócrata colonial español establecido en la región del Río\nde la Plata. Su vida estuvo marcada por guerras, conspiraciones, persecuciones\ny conflictos familiares.\n\nJunto a Juan de Salazar, Alonso Riquelme de Guzmán y Diego de Abreu se opuso\nal gobierno asunceno de Domingo Martínez de Irala, apoyando al deportado Álvar\nNúñez Cabeza de Vaca.\n\nGobernó de manera casi absoluta e independiente la antigua provincia\nasuncena del Guayrá, fácticamente durante 20 años, y luego de separarla de Asunción\nen 1575, con el título de teniente de gobernador del Guayrá unos 15 años más.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:34:45+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 94372, "end" : 94390 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Rui Díaz Melgarejo" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/4a2d4353-a3e1-45b0-abbd-2b6679381e4c", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-07T17:38:13+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Francisco Ruiz Galán, capitán de la armada de Pedro de Mendoza y uno de sus más cercanos colaboradores. Fue nombrado por el adelantado como gobernador del puerto de Buenos Aires. Galán fue así una importatante figura política de la región rioplatense, al punto de disputarle a Domingo de Irala la dirección de la provincia entre 1537 y 1539. Tras ello se pierden sus huellas documentales, por lo que se lo presume muerto antes de 1542.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-07T17:38:13+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 93712, "end" : 93732 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Francisco Ruiz Galán" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/b193802f-4bcf-4846-9a14-2f21c31493f6", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T17:23:42+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Domingo Martínez de Irala (Vergara de la Hermandad de Guipúzcoa, Corona de Castilla, 1509 - Asunción del Paraguay, Virreinato del Perú, 3 de octubre de 1556) fue un conquistador, explorador y colonizador español que como lugarteniente de Juan de Ayolas quien lo nombrara interinamente hasta que regresara como teniente de gobernador de La Candelaria en 1537, luego lo sería de hecho, y posteriormente elegido por el pueblo según real cédula, como teniente de gobernador general de Asunción.Ocupó tres veces el cargo de gobernador interino del Río de la Plata y del Paraguay, en los períodos de 1539 a 1542, de 1544 hasta 1548 y por último desde 1549. El emperador Carlos V lo nombraría definitivamente como titular en el cargo gubernamental en el año 1555, que lo ostentaría hasta su fallecimiento.En 1543 fundó en el Chaco Boreal el Puerto de los Reyes, a orillas del río Paraguay y del pantano de los Jarayes, sobre las costas de la laguna La Gaiba.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T17:23:42+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Sobre este punto, Irala era un capitán que exploró junto a Juan de Ayolas el Río Paraguay. Ayolas lo designó, cuando se internó en el Chaco en 1537, capitán de los bergantines en el Puerto de la Candelaria. Su papel en estas exploraciones y este (precario) nombramiento de Ayolas serían las bases que lo elevarían a teniente de gobernador con el aval del veedor Alonso Cabrera en 1539.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-07T17:32:45+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 86677, "end" : 86702 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Domingo Martínez de Irala" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/4ad7026b-e14d-42f9-9a0f-a8bb47148521", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-07T17:28:44+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 125106, "end" : 125123 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Juan de Carabajal" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/a681835e-e309-4166-ad34-e5e3c8ad9960", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-07T22:51:25+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 88261, "end" : 88269 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Figueroa" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/13f9e06c-6bdd-453d-a894-8ef0346a22af", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-07T23:29:21+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Pedro de Mendoza (1499-1537), fue un noble español nacido de Cádiz. Tuvo\n una destacada actividad militar en las campañas militares de Carlos I \nen Italia, y con la fortuna que logró en ellas, solicitó la conquista \ndel Río de la Plata. Por capitulación firmada con en el rey en 1534 se \nlo designa gobernador y primer adelantando a la provincia del mismo \nbombre. Su armanda, una de las más grandes en términos de hombres y \nbarcos que cruzaron el océano a América, llegó a las costas del Río de \nla Plata en 1536. En la margen izquierda del río, al sur de la actual \nciudad de Buenos Aires, Mendoza ordenó el establecimiento de un puerto \nllamado Nuestra Señora del Buen Ayre, pero sus intencionres eran \ncontinuar las exploraciones río arriba, en busca de la Sierra de la \nPlata. El asentamiento en Buenos Aires rápidamenta sufrió hambre y \nataques de las sociedades nativas. Al mismo tiempo, Pedro de Mendoza \ndelegó gran parte de las tareas de exploración de la región en su \nteniente gobernador, Juan de Ayolas. Debido a las dificultades que \nenfrentaba la población de Buenos Aires y de los dos asentamientos \nestablecidos Paraná arriba (Buena Esperanza y Corpus Christi) y la \nausencia de noticias del Juan de Ayolas (quien luego se sabría, habría \nalcanzado tierras chiriguanas) Pedro de Mendoza decide abandonar su \nconquista, delegando el mando general de la armada en Juan de Ayolas y \nel gobierno de Buenos Aires en Ruiz Galán. Moriría cruzando el Atlántico\n en 1537. Bibliografía: Lafuente Machaín, Conquistadores del Río de la \nPlata, Buenos Aires, Amorrurtu, 1937; Guérin, Miguel Alberto, \"La \norganización inicial del espacio rioplatense\", en Tandeter, Enrique \n(dir.), Nueva Historia Argentina. La Sociedad Colonial, Buenos Aires, \nSudamericana, 2000, pp. 14-54.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-07T23:29:21+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 92502, "end" : 92511 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "don Pedro" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/baab0391-d0c6-4eb5-9d73-cfd512277788", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-07T23:26:53+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Se refiere a Juan de Salazar y Espinoza (1508-1560), una de las figuras políticas \nmás importantes de la temprana colonización del Río de la Plata. Fue un \ncapitán de Pedro de Mendoza a quien el Adelantado le encargó la \nimportante   misión de seguir la huella de Juan de Ayolas río arriba. En\n 1537 fundó un fuerte en la confluencia de los ríos Paraguay y \nPilcomayo, con el acuerdo de los guaraníes carios de la región. De \nhecho, Salazar fue uno de los primeros capitanes en emparentase con los \ncaciques carios y se constituyó en uno de los negociadores españoles más\n eficaces y respectados entre ellos. Juan de Salazar aceptó a Domingo de\n Irala como teniente de gobernador en 1539, aunque después pareció \nalinearse más bien con el adelantado Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca. De \nhecho, fue nombrado por este último como su teniente de gobernador una \nvez encarcelado por la facción de Domingo de Irala. Esto le valió se \nexpulsado de la provincia con Cabeza de Vaca en 1545. En 1550 volvió a \nembarcarse hacia el Río de la Plata con el cargo de regidor en la armada\n de Juan de Sanabria. Recién llegaría a Asunción en 1555, donde fue \nreconocido como Regidor y Tesorero después de reconocer a Irala como \ngobernador, de acuerdo al nombramiento regio que había recibido.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-07T23:26:53+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 122135, "end" : 122142 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Salazar" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/964a243e-a710-436d-8966-7a1695b75dd2", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-07T23:26:53+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Se refiere a Juan de Salazar y Espinoza (1508-1560), una de las figuras políticas \nmás importantes de la temprana colonización del Río de la Plata. Fue un \ncapitán de Pedro de Mendoza a quien el Adelantado le encargó la \nimportante   misión de seguir la huella de Juan de Ayolas río arriba. En\n 1537 fundó un fuerte en la confluencia de los ríos Paraguay y \nPilcomayo, con el acuerdo de los guaraníes carios de la región. De \nhecho, Salazar fue uno de los primeros capitanes en emparentase con los \ncaciques carios y se constituyó en uno de los negociadores españoles más\n eficaces y respectados entre ellos. Juan de Salazar aceptó a Domingo de\n Irala como teniente de gobernador en 1539, aunque después pareció \nalinearse más bien con el adelantado Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca. De \nhecho, fue nombrado por este último como su teniente de gobernador una \nvez encarcelado por la facción de Domingo de Irala. Esto le valió se \nexpulsado de la provincia con Cabeza de Vaca en 1545. En 1550 volvió a \nembarcarse hacia el Río de la Plata con el cargo de regidor en la armada\n de Juan de Sanabria. Recién llegaría a Asunción en 1555, donde fue \nreconocido como Regidor y Tesorero después de reconocer a Irala como \ngobernador, de acuerdo al nombramiento regio que había recibido.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-07T23:26:53+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 109362, "end" : 109369 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Salazar" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/bafd5997-2f5b-4c80-a197-4d9353c55c46", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", 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En 1535 partió desde\nCádiz hacia la región del Río de la Plata como miembro de la expedición de\nPedro de Mendoza. Llegado a su destino en enero de 1536, fue enviado por\nMendoza en busca de Juan de Ayolas, que había sido enviado previamente a\nexplorar las inmediaciones de los ríos Paraná y Paraguay. \n\nEn su camino se topó con\nDomingo Martínez de Irala, que formaba parte de la misma expedición. El 15 de\nagosto de 1537, Salazar fundó un fuerte al que bautizó con el nombre de Nuestra\nSeñora de la Asunción, y que a la larga se convertiría en la ciudad de\nAsunción, capital de Paraguay. \n\nEn 1544, durante la\nsublevación contra el adelantado Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca, fue expulsado y\nenviado de regreso a España, pero tres años más tarde se le permitió regresar a\nla zona en calidad de tesorero de los territorios rioplatenses. En los años\nsiguientes (1550-1555) desarrolló una gran labor colonizadora en todo el\nterritorio del actual Paraguay, y falleció cinco años más tarde en la ciudad\npor él fundada.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-02T20:58:02+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 3627, "end" : 3654 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Juan de Salazar de Espinosa" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/67f6cd28-a80f-43f9-8381-8ac9523aad19", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://sws.geonames.org/3467609", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-09-27T18:59:07+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-09-27T18:59:07+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ -47.92667, -25.01472 ] } } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 74952, "end" : 74959 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Cananea" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/c4b2688f-9ad7-46e9-938f-224a11d5bf38", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://sws.geonames.org/1687419", "modified" : "2017-09-06T19:34:47+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "modified" : "2017-09-06T19:34:47+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ 120.74852, 14.94594 ] } } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 89125, "end" : 89136 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "San Vicente" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/0b71a701-3da4-44d6-8c9f-afd9e1b7561d", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PLACE", "modified" : "2017-09-06T19:34:47+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 123528, "end" : 123548 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Fray Juan de Salazar" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/2d4271d5-809e-4425-9ac5-c7e7ca2c859b", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "EVENT", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T17:26:39+00:00" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "La primera expedición que documenta con certeza el descubrimiento del Río de la Plata,​ fue la realizada al mando del piloto mayor Juan Díaz de Solís, entre 1515 y 1516, por orden del rey Fernando el Católico. La intención de llegar a las islas Molucas descubriendo un paso entre los océanos Atlántico y Pacífico, se vio frustrada por la muerte de Díaz de Solís en el río de la Plata, debiéndose retornar a España. La expedición realizó la formal toma de posesión para España de los territorios que le correspondían al sur del Brasil portugués de acuerdo al Tratado de Tordesillas.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T17:26:39+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 4488, "end" : 4499 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "aso de 1512" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/2260dfb1-eaf3-473e-9eec-dc542205a160", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Expedition", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T17:32:03+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Colonization", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T17:32:03+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "EVENT", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T17:32:03+00:00" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Se refiere a la primera expedición que documenta con certeza el descubrimiento del Río de la Plata,​ realizada al mando del piloto mayor Juan Díaz de Solís, entre 1515 y 1516, por orden del rey Fernando el Católico. La intención de llegar a las islas Molucas descubriendo un paso entre los océanos Atlántico y Pacífico, se vio frustrada por la muerte de Díaz de Solís en el río de la Plata, debiéndose retornar a España. La expedición realizó la formal toma de posesión para España de los territorios que le correspondían al sur del Brasil portugués de acuerdo al Tratado de Tordesillas.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T17:32:03+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 4411, "end" : 4425 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "descubrimiento" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/45939aad-64ef-48a6-a009-3c3024febab2", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://www.hgis-indias.net/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=gazetteer:8000001", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2018-08-31T22:53:33+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2018-08-31T22:53:33+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ -65.259602, -19.047862 ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Refiere a la provincia de Charcas, provincia de los Charcas o bien gobernación de Charcas fue un territorio ultramarino integrante del Imperio español que formó parte del gran Virreinato del Perú hasta 1776 y que luego pasó al nuevo Virreinato del Río de la Plata. La provincia de Charcas, cuyos límites se superponen con la Audiencia de Charchas, tenía su sede en Sucre (Ciudad de la Plata, 1538).", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T13:39:04+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 2556, "end" : 2580 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "provincia de las Charcas" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/5e8ff581-d65a-48a8-abe9-41d09fac4393", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : 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\noctubre de 1556) fue un conquistador, explorador y colonizador español \nque como lugarteniente de Juan de Ayolas quien lo nombrara interinamente\n hasta que regresara como teniente de gobernador de La Candelaria en \n1537, luego lo sería de hecho, y posteriormente elegido por el pueblo \nsegún real cédula, como teniente de gobernador general de Asunción.Ocupó\n tres veces el cargo de gobernador interino del Río de la Plata y del \nParaguay, en los períodos de 1539 a 1542, de 1544 hasta 1548 y por \núltimo desde 1549. El emperador Carlos V lo nombraría definitivamente \ncomo titular en el cargo gubernamental en el año 1555, que lo ostentaría\n hasta su fallecimiento.En 1543 fundó en el Chaco Boreal el Puerto de \nlos Reyes, a orillas del río Paraguay y del pantano de los Jarayes, \nsobre las costas de la laguna La Gaiba.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-18T21:31:01+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 19418, "end" : 19434 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Domingo de Irala" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/8a3fad0b-00e1-490d-b2de-0625bd172f28", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-18T21:31:01+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Domingo Martínez de Irala (Vergara de la Hermandad de Guipúzcoa, Corona \nde Castilla, 1509 - Asunción del Paraguay, Virreinato del Perú, 3 de \noctubre de 1556) fue un conquistador, explorador y colonizador español \nque como lugarteniente de Juan de Ayolas quien lo nombrara interinamente\n hasta que regresara como teniente de gobernador de La Candelaria en \n1537, luego lo sería de hecho, y posteriormente elegido por el pueblo \nsegún real cédula, como teniente de gobernador general de Asunción.Ocupó\n tres veces el cargo de gobernador interino del Río de la Plata y del \nParaguay, en los períodos de 1539 a 1542, de 1544 hasta 1548 y por \núltimo desde 1549. El emperador Carlos V lo nombraría definitivamente \ncomo titular en el cargo gubernamental en el año 1555, que lo ostentaría\n hasta su fallecimiento.En 1543 fundó en el Chaco Boreal el Puerto de \nlos Reyes, a orillas del río Paraguay y del pantano de los Jarayes, \nsobre las costas de la laguna La Gaiba.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-18T21:31:01+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 363, "end" : 379 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Domingo de Irala" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : 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Ruy Díaz de\nGuzmán - su padre - le declaró hijo suyo y de Violante Ponce de León, el\n13-VIII-1528, en una escritura de poder general a favor de Juan de Xerez,\nprocurador de Sevilla. Desde su infancia y hasta su primera juventud sirvió de\npaje y luego como secretario de sus presuntos deudos los Duques de Medina\nSidonia, Juan Alonso de Guzmán y Ana de Aragón. Tenía 21 años cuando se alistó\nen la armada de su pariente Alvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca (tío carnal de su\nmadrastra y del mismo linaje de su abuela Catalina de Zurita), y zarpó con rumbo\nal Río de la Plata.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-18T23:31:15+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 88766, "end" : 88774 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Riquelme" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/9984ff19-5baf-4f25-984b-a1c6d9fb8e34", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-19T00:29:48+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 67852, "end" : 67868 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Diego de Heredia" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/302ecb9d-2735-401e-b10d-68631177a3fe", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://www.hgis-indias.net/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=gazetteer:9001004", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-19T12:06:31+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-19T12:06:31+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ -64.78391693, -25.35172828 ] } } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 69799, "end" : 69825 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Nuestra Señora de Talavera" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/4dbe6a85-89d7-4eac-8887-4aa105ce10ff", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://www.hgis-indias.net/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=gazetteer:8000001", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-19T12:20:41+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-19T12:20:41+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ -65.259602, -19.047862 ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Refiere a la provincia de Charcas, provincia de los Charcas o bien \ngobernación de Charcas fue un territorio ultramarino integrante del \nImperio español que formó parte del gran Virreinato del Perú hasta 1776 y\n que luego pasó al nuevo Virreinato del Río de la Plata. La provincia de\n Charcas, cuyos límites se superponen con la Audiencia de Charchas, \ntenía su sede en Sucre (Ciudad de la Plata, 1538).", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-19T12:20:41+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 70553, "end" : 70560 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Charcas" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/af65d71f-b672-4844-9811-85f2ce1e6fcb", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : 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Fue \ncolonizada desde Asunción del Paraguay, pero las constantes incursiones \nde los bandeirantes portugueses frenaron su expansión.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T12:42:33+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 56759, "end" : 56765 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Guayra" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/34da147e-a2d9-464b-ab39-890f554e0849", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://sws.geonames.org/3461995", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T12:42:33+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T12:42:33+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ -48.31056, -20.31833 ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Es una amplia región comprendida dentro de la Gobernación del Río de la \nPlata y el océano Atlántico, en el actual territorio brasileño. Fue \ncolonizada desde Asunción del Paraguay, pero las constantes incursiones \nde los bandeirantes portugueses frenaron su expansión.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T12:42:33+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 50459, "end" : 50465 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Guayra" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/ffd822c5-1ba0-4948-942d-13a7001b4065", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-18T23:45:22+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 59497, "end" : 59512 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Hernán Carrillo" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/0bd7cd5f-e6a1-4dae-a2ed-22705b760c62", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-18T23:57:18+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca (Jerez de la Frontera, 1488/1490 - Sevilla, \n27 de mayo de 1559) fue un descubridor y conquistador español que \nexploró la costa sur de Norteamérica desde la actual Florida pasando por\n Alabama, Misisipi y Luisiana y se adentró en Texas, Nuevo México, \nArizona​ y en el norte de México hasta llegar al Golfo de California, \nterritorios que pasaron a anexionarse al Imperio Español dentro del \nVirreinato de Nueva España. El rey Carlos I de España le otorgó el \ntítulo de Segundo Adelantado y lo nombró capitán general y gobernador \ndel Río de la Plata, Paranáguazu y sus anexos.​ Fue el primer europeo del cual tenemos pruebas documentales respecto de \nsus exploraciones en la región de las cataratas del Iguazú. Están \ndocumentadas numerosas referencias sobre entradas que antiguos náufragos\n de los barcos de Juan Díaz de Solís (1470-1516) y Rodrigo de Acuña \nhabrían realizado en la zona, siendo la más famosa la de Alejo o Aleixo \nGarcía.Cabeza de Vaca llegó a la isla de Santa Catalina en 1541 y de \nallí entró en tierra firme con el objetivo de alcanzar la ciudad de \nAsunción del Paraguay. La misma se había convertido en el centro de la \nconquista del Río de la Plata. Si bien los conquistadores viejos de la \nexpedición de Pedro de Mendoza aceptaron sus credenciales cuando entró \nen la ciudad en 1542, las políticas que Cabeza de Vaca intentó instalar \nen la región rápidamente entraron en conflicto con aquellas que \npretendían sostener sus fundadores y primeros conquistadores. La \nsituación se deterioró progresivamente hasta que, después de una \nfracasada entrada al Gran Chaco, Cabeza de Vaca fue encarcelado y luego \nexpulsado de la provincia en 1545.Tras regresar a España, el antiguo \nadelantado debió responder a los procesos que contra él entablaron los \nconquistadores del Río de la Plata y el propio fiscal del rey, que se \nextendieron hasta entrada la década de 1550. Si bien Álvar Núñez no \nlogró recuperar la gobernación del Río de la Plata, tampoco debió \nenfretar las penas que originalmente se le habían impuesto (multas y un \ntemido destierro a Argel). Una clara señal de cierto beneplácito regio \nrespecto de sus acciones en Indias es la reedición, en 1555, de su \nRelación (Zamora, 1542) acompañada de un nuevo libro titulado \nComentarios (valladolid, 1555). Este último constituye la primera obra \nhistoriográfica de largo aliento sobre la conquista del Río de la Plata,\n considerando en particular el período de su \ngobernación.BibliografíaAdorno, Rolena; Pautz, Patrick Charles, Álvar \nNúñez Cabeza de Vaca. His Account, his Life, and the Expedition of \nPánfilo de Narváez, Lincoln y Londres, University of Nebraska Press, \n1999. Tres Tomos.FuentesÁlvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca, La relación que dio \nAlvar Núñez Cabeça de Vaca de lo acaecido en las Indias en la armada \ndonde iua por gobernador Panfhilo de Narváez desde el año veinte y siete\n hasta el año treinta y seis que volvió a Sevilla con tres de su \ncompañía, Zamora, 1542.Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca, La relación y \ncomentarios del Gobernador Álvar Núñez Cabeça de Vaca, de lo acaecido en\n las dos jornadas que hizo a las Indias, Valladolid, 1555.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-19T00:08:01+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 60064, "end" : 60076 }, { "type" : 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-40.402, -20.606 ], [ -40.466, -20.624 ], [ -40.627, -20.845 ], [ -40.65, -20.813 ], [ -40.756, -20.866 ], [ -40.853, -21.133 ], [ -40.955, -21.251 ], [ -40.96, -21.364 ], [ -41.065, -21.495 ], [ -41.051, -21.608 ], [ -41.038, -21.622 ], [ -41.007, -21.618 ], [ -40.99, -22.014 ], [ -41.229, -22.151 ], [ -41.668, -22.294 ], [ -41.962, -22.538 ], [ -41.986, -22.713 ], [ -41.919, -22.774 ], [ -41.864, -22.759 ], [ -42.023, -22.896 ], [ -42.037, -22.94 ], [ -41.99, -22.964 ], [ -42.018, -22.998 ], [ -42.086, -22.957 ], [ -42.529, -22.934 ], [ -43.05, -22.982 ], [ -43.132, -22.941 ], [ -43.025, -22.741 ], [ -43.084, -22.68 ], [ -43.216, -22.725 ], [ -43.287, -22.806 ], [ -43.24, -22.847 ], [ -43.249, -22.797 ], [ -43.156, -22.784 ], [ -43.247, -22.882 ], [ -43.164, -22.899 ], [ -43.187, -22.995 ], [ -43.344, -22.983 ], [ -43.303, -23.02 ], [ -43.549, -23.081 ], [ -44.001, -23.1 ], [ -43.961, -23.042 ], [ -43.877, -23.067 ], [ -43.909, -23.02 ], [ -43.807, -23.063 ], [ -43.555, -23.055 ], [ -43.84, -22.906 ], [ -43.985, -22.937 ], [ -44.034, -23.014 ], [ -44.044, -22.923 ], [ -44.107, -23.03 ], [ -44.234, -23.06 ], [ -44.238, -23.004 ], [ -44.358, -23.02 ], [ -44.296, -22.961 ], [ -44.321, -22.927 ], [ -44.378, -22.972 ], [ -44.407, -22.945 ], [ -44.443, -23.035 ], [ -44.669, -23.06 ], [ -44.712, -23.19 ], [ -44.701, -23.237 ], [ -44.645, -23.191 ], [ -44.612, -23.206 ], [ -44.685, -23.256 ], [ -44.611, -23.238 ], [ -44.652, -23.302 ], [ -44.558, -23.232 ], [ -44.577, -23.275 ], [ -44.498, -23.302 ], [ -44.583, -23.367 ], [ -44.669, -23.341 ], [ -44.84, -23.395 ], [ -44.905, -23.339 ], [ -45.05, -23.418 ], [ -45.016, -23.461 ], [ -45.079, -23.519 ], [ -45.165, -23.495 ], [ -45.159, -23.541 ], [ -45.228, -23.547 ], [ -45.211, -23.582 ], [ -45.41, -23.632 ], [ -45.412, -23.825 ], [ -45.934, -23.771 ], [ -46.124, -23.842 ], [ -46.2, -24.002 ], [ -46.288, -24.044 ], [ -46.321, -24 ], [ -46.458, -24.025 ], [ -46.937, -24.281 ], [ -47.024, -24.382 ], [ -47.004, -24.412 ], [ -47.86, -24.996 ], [ -47.914, -25.061 ], [ -47.915, -25.16 ], [ -48.213, -25.47 ], [ -48.254, -25.435 ], [ -48.222, -25.342 ], [ -48.208, -25.353 ], [ -48.121, -25.267 ], [ -48.253, -25.328 ], [ -48.284, -25.294 ], [ -48.317, -25.363 ], [ -48.327, -25.232 ], [ -48.366, -25.317 ], [ -48.433, -25.237 ], [ -48.428, -25.324 ], [ -48.5, -25.335 ], [ -48.427, -25.39 ], [ -48.449, -25.379 ], [ -48.468, -25.388 ], [ -48.467, -25.432 ], [ -48.449, -25.384 ], [ -48.414, -25.428 ], [ -48.476, -25.485 ], [ -48.637, -25.468 ], [ -48.661, -25.398 ], [ -48.671, -25.435 ], [ -48.739, -25.374 ], [ -48.68, -25.465 ], [ -48.687, -25.499 ], [ -48.737, -25.483 ], [ -48.703, -25.504 ], [ -48.617, -25.536 ], [ -48.512, -25.505 ], [ -48.482, -25.591 ], [ -48.46, -25.552 ], [ -48.35, -25.581 ], [ -48.565, -25.868 ], [ -48.614, -26.06 ], [ -48.586, -26.172 ], [ -48.714, -26.243 ], [ -48.795, -26.073 ], [ -48.837, -26.157 ], [ -48.798, -26.142 ], [ -48.763, -26.199 ], [ -48.805, -26.228 ], [ -48.769, -26.223 ], [ -48.761, -26.286 ], [ -48.803, -26.303 ], [ -48.723, -26.362 ], [ -48.635, -26.374 ], [ -48.714, -26.308 ], [ -48.554, -26.172 ], [ -48.493, -26.224 ], [ -48.695, -26.658 ], [ -48.665, -26.769 ], [ -48.583, -26.786 ], [ -48.655, -26.909 ], [ -48.62, -27.007 ], [ -48.574, -27.011 ], [ -48.607, -27.122 ], [ -48.554, -27.152 ], [ -48.51, -27.108 ], [ -48.469, -27.148 ], [ -48.511, -27.183 ], [ -48.486, -27.218 ], [ -48.531, -27.18 ], [ -48.612, -27.243 ], [ -48.596, -27.318 ], [ -48.529, -27.334 ], [ -48.649, -27.486 ], [ -48.572, -27.592 ], [ -48.653, -27.648 ], [ -48.575, -27.888 ], [ -48.761, -28.535 ], [ -48.813, -28.605 ], [ -49.37, -28.92 ], [ -49.334, -28.921 ], [ -49.702, -29.308 ], [ -50.006, -29.749 ], [ -50.316, -30.472 ], [ -50.848, -31.205 ], [ -51.303, -31.613 ], [ -51.877, -31.952 ], [ -52.071, -32.188 ], [ -52.012, -31.946 ], [ -52.092, -31.837 ], [ -51.851, -31.865 ], [ -51.777, -31.805 ], [ -51.854, -31.797 ], [ -51.65, -31.759 ], [ -51.478, -31.562 ], [ -51.43, -31.622 ], [ -51.458, -31.548 ], [ -51.424, -31.478 ], [ -51.351, -31.529 ], [ -51.234, -31.458 ], [ -51.16, -31.31 ], [ -51.166, -31.063 ], [ -51.109, -31.097 ], [ -50.985, -31.042 ], [ -50.965, -30.893 ], [ -50.888, -30.893 ], [ -50.705, -30.756 ], [ -50.677, -30.61 ], [ -50.725, -30.371 ], [ -50.692, -30.355 ], [ -50.625, -30.409 ], [ -50.641, -30.459 ], [ -50.569, -30.471 ], [ -50.534, -30.278 ], [ -50.601, -30.194 ], [ -50.659, -30.201 ], [ -50.661, -30.293 ], [ -50.918, -30.333 ], [ -50.934, -30.42 ], [ -50.889, -30.439 ], [ -50.921, -30.44 ], [ -51.052, -30.395 ], [ -51.034, -30.276 ], [ -51.146, -30.267 ], [ -51.246, -30.188 ], [ -51.23, -30.043 ], [ -51.295, -30.007 ], [ -51.326, -30.23 ], [ -51.271, -30.25 ], [ -51.293, -30.295 ], [ -51.246, -30.33 ], [ -51.209, -30.3 ], [ -51.179, -30.383 ], [ -51.092, -30.367 ], [ -51.129, -30.436 ], [ -51.202, -30.413 ], [ -51.269, -30.489 ], [ -51.282, -30.811 ], [ -51.33, -30.777 ], [ -51.294, -30.758 ], [ -51.319, -30.64 ], [ -51.375, -30.635 ], [ -51.404, -30.769 ], [ -51.367, -30.874 ], [ -51.457, -30.874 ], [ -51.501, -30.935 ], [ -51.436, -31.088 ], [ -51.611, -31.138 ], [ -51.613, -31.272 ], [ -51.915, -31.313 ], [ -52.002, -31.449 ], [ -52.031, -31.693 ], [ -52.218, -31.747 ], [ -52.247, -31.871 ], [ -52.106, -31.952 ], [ -52.216, -31.963 ], [ -52.263, -32.062 ], [ -52.209, -32.045 ], [ -52.225, -32.096 ], [ -52.082, -32.033 ], [ -52.162, -32.128 ], [ -52.09, -32.069 ], [ -52.084, -32.186 ], [ -52.16, -32.201 ], [ -52.341, -32.43 ], [ -52.488, -32.844 ], [ -52.66, -33.165 ], [ -53.227, -33.658 ], [ -53.421, -33.741 ], [ -53.524, -33.689 ], [ -53.515, -33.163 ], [ -53.434, -33.054 ], [ -53.243, -32.936 ], [ -53.294, -32.911 ], [ -53.074, -32.746 ], [ -53.244, -32.605 ], [ -53.39, -32.583 ], [ -53.46, -32.48 ], [ -53.595, -32.432 ], [ -53.73, -32.157 ], [ -53.714, -32.104 ], [ -53.965, -31.919 ], [ -54.096, -31.906 ], [ -54.466, -31.666 ], [ -54.491, -31.54 ], [ -54.591, -31.448 ], [ -54.836, -31.446 ], [ -54.945, -31.392 ], [ -55.014, -31.285 ], [ -55.091, -31.326 ], [ -55.245, -31.257 ], [ -55.374, -31.038 ], [ -55.594, -30.848 ], [ -55.635, -30.857 ], [ -55.657, -30.956 ], [ -55.87, -31.08 ], [ -56.008, -31.063 ], [ -55.987, -30.86 ], [ -56.021, -30.784 ], [ -56.127, -30.739 ], [ -56.177, -30.614 ], [ -56.384, -30.495 ], [ -56.459, -30.387 ], [ -56.545, -30.364 ], [ -56.54, -30.312 ], [ -56.617, -30.303 ], [ -56.644, -30.205 ], [ -56.776, -30.166 ], [ -56.804, -30.107 ], [ -57.068, -30.088 ], [ -57.207, -30.281 ], [ -57.313, -30.26 ], [ -57.396, -30.303 ], [ -57.538, -30.275 ], [ -57.618, -30.179 ], [ -57.505, -30.143 ], [ -57.342, -30.001 ], [ -57.319, -29.87 ], [ -57.254, -29.794 ], [ -57.105, -29.752 ], [ -56.972, -29.639 ], [ -56.676, -29.321 ], [ -56.593, -29.123 ], [ -56.425, -29.073 ], [ -56.285, -28.794 ], [ -56.185, -28.771 ], [ -56.016, -28.611 ], [ -56.011, -28.509 ], [ -55.888, -28.479 ], [ -55.875, -28.362 ], [ -55.696, -28.425 ], [ -55.671, -28.333 ], [ -55.773, -28.247 ], [ -55.605, -28.123 ], [ -55.554, -28.164 ], [ -55.496, -28.081 ], [ -55.444, -28.097 ], [ -55.323, -27.928 ], [ -55.196, -27.863 ], [ -55.134, -27.895 ], [ -55.117, -27.853 ], [ -55.032, -27.854 ], [ -55.082, -27.789 ], [ -54.941, -27.775 ], [ -54.809, -27.536 ], [ -54.781, -27.586 ], [ -54.683, -27.576 ], [ -54.678, -27.514 ], [ -54.624, -27.55 ], [ -54.576, -27.458 ], [ -54.525, -27.507 ], [ -54.415, -27.412 ], [ -54.353, -27.468 ], [ -54.339, -27.406 ], [ -54.282, -27.447 ], [ -54.176, -27.261 ], [ -54.089, -27.303 ], [ -53.949, -27.158 ], [ -53.799, -27.147 ], [ -53.795, -27.048 ], [ -53.761, -27.068 ], [ -53.662, -26.869 ], [ -53.751, -26.745 ], [ -53.707, -26.563 ], [ -53.738, -26.548 ], [ -53.592, -26.265 ], [ -53.722, -26.13 ], [ -53.733, -26.047 ], [ -53.837, -25.969 ], [ -53.824, -25.793 ], [ -53.891, -25.625 ], [ -53.951, -25.644 ], [ -54.016, -25.569 ], [ -54.101, -25.625 ], [ -54.111, -25.504 ], [ -54.213, -25.554 ], [ -54.184, -25.591 ], [ -54.289, -25.562 ], [ -54.387, -25.608 ], [ -54.43, -25.706 ], [ -54.596, -25.595 ], [ -54.617, -25.459 ], [ -54.437, -25.157 ], [ -54.458, -25.031 ], [ -54.336, -24.649 ], [ -54.333, -24.493 ], [ -54.262, -24.376 ], [ -54.33, -24.225 ], [ -54.282, -24.075 ], [ -54.411, -23.929 ], [ -54.668, -23.815 ], [ -55.061, -23.991 ], [ -55.112, -23.963 ], [ -55.226, -24.013 ], [ -55.413, -23.961 ], [ -55.434, -23.714 ], [ -55.535, -23.614 ], [ -55.522, -23.197 ], [ -55.596, -23.141 ], [ -55.64, -22.994 ], [ -55.685, -22.992 ], [ -55.613, -22.659 ], [ -55.736, -22.532 ], [ -55.74, -22.396 ], [ -55.854, -22.281 ], [ -56.208, -22.281 ], [ -56.341, -22.206 ], [ -56.403, -22.078 ], [ -56.519, -22.103 ], [ -56.643, -22.261 ], [ -56.698, -22.216 ], [ -56.728, -22.26 ], [ -56.808, -22.25 ], [ -56.831, -22.3 ], [ -57.001, -22.225 ], [ -57.203, -22.21 ], [ -57.243, -22.244 ], [ -57.553, -22.181 ], [ -57.616, -22.096 ], [ -57.803, -22.148 ], [ -57.989, -22.085 ], [ -58.005, -22.032 ], [ -57.919, -21.881 ], [ -57.969, -21.844 ], [ -57.913, -21.793 ], [ -57.947, -21.747 ], [ -57.894, -21.687 ], [ -57.968, -21.528 ], [ -57.855, -21.339 ], [ -57.918, -21.278 ], [ -57.854, -21.226 ], [ -57.866, -21.041 ], [ -57.818, -20.976 ], [ -57.927, -20.897 ], [ -57.855, -20.835 ], [ -57.961, -20.784 ], [ -57.869, -20.736 ], [ -57.923, -20.666 ], [ -57.988, -20.696 ], [ -57.994, -20.448 ], [ -58.082, -20.372 ], [ -58.092, -20.257 ], [ -58.154, -20.264 ], [ -58.125, -20.188 ], [ -58.163, -20.162 ], [ -57.872, -19.979 ], [ -58.134, -19.761 ], [ -57.79, -19.051 ], [ -57.709, -19.034 ], [ -57.757, -18.858 ], [ -57.56, -18.263 ], [ -57.458, -18.228 ], [ -57.568, -18.136 ], [ -57.702, -17.86 ], [ -57.715, -17.735 ], [ -57.785, -17.645 ], [ -57.773, -17.553 ], [ -57.878, -17.463 ], [ -58.003, -17.52 ], [ -58.114, -17.456 ], [ -58.395, -17.197 ], [ -58.421, -16.99 ], [ -58.47, -16.939 ], [ -58.468, -16.702 ], [ -58.442, -16.613 ], [ -58.34, -16.542 ], [ -58.309, -16.27 ], [ -58.471, -16.325 ], [ -60.173, -16.265 ], [ -60.236, -15.476 ], [ -60.565, -15.105 ], [ -60.253, -15.101 ], [ -60.257, -14.624 ], [ -60.338, -14.555 ], [ -60.482, -14.181 ], [ -60.468, -14.092 ], [ -60.378, -13.992 ], [ -60.468, -13.886 ], [ -60.468, -13.801 ], [ -60.793, -13.686 ], [ -60.962, -13.539 ], [ -61.044, -13.541 ], [ -61.028, -13.477 ], [ -61.069, -13.463 ], [ -61.139, -13.521 ], [ -61.249, -13.525 ], [ -61.33, -13.473 ], [ -61.486, -13.554 ], [ -61.578, -13.494 ], [ -61.824, -13.539 ], [ -61.866, -13.443 ], [ -62.108, -13.257 ], [ -62.109, -13.149 ], [ -62.165, -13.112 ], [ -62.368, -13.145 ], [ -62.464, -13.07 ], [ -62.637, -13.041 ], [ -62.674, -12.965 ], [ -62.764, -13.023 ], [ -62.923, -12.854 ], [ -62.996, -12.85 ], [ -63.082, -12.653 ], [ -63.327, -12.705 ], [ -63.482, -12.557 ], [ -63.712, -12.458 ], [ -63.875, -12.469 ], [ -63.937, -12.557 ], [ -64.127, -12.494 ], [ -64.152, -12.529 ], [ -64.215, -12.476 ], [ -64.278, -12.511 ], [ -64.493, -12.366 ], [ -64.486, -12.23 ], [ -64.654, -12.186 ], [ -64.683, -12.099 ], [ -64.725, -12.162 ], [ -64.798, -12.035 ], [ -64.993, -11.999 ], [ -65.048, -11.757 ], [ -65.112, -11.741 ], [ -65.106, -11.697 ], [ -65.135, -11.777 ], [ -65.201, -11.745 ], [ -65.161, -11.622 ], [ -65.218, -11.521 ], [ -65.299, -11.5 ], [ -65.338, -11.392 ], [ -65.31, -11.341 ], [ -65.385, -11.269 ], [ -65.349, -11.239 ], [ -65.391, -11.167 ], [ -65.318, -11.105 ], [ -65.336, -11.044 ], [ -65.269, -10.901 ], [ -65.366, -10.798 ], [ -65.349, -10.671 ], [ -65.426, -10.638 ], [ -65.429, -10.473 ], [ -65.28, -10.218 ], [ -65.327, -9.938 ], [ -65.29, -9.851 ], [ -65.377, -9.698 ], [ -65.488, -9.718 ], [ -65.563, -9.834 ], [ -65.669, -9.779 ], [ -65.7, -9.803 ], [ -65.689, -9.749 ], [ -65.748, -9.77 ], [ -65.777, -9.727 ], [ -65.798, -9.786 ], [ -65.81, -9.75 ], [ -65.86, -9.794 ], [ -65.872, -9.757 ], [ -66.018, -9.807 ], [ -66.064, -9.772 ], [ -66.422, -9.895 ], [ -66.616, -9.893 ], [ -66.623, -9.935 ], [ -66.883, -10.081 ], [ -67.029, -10.254 ], [ -67.186, -10.339 ], [ -67.315, -10.316 ], [ -67.327, -10.374 ], [ -67.414, -10.372 ], [ -67.443, -10.45 ], [ -67.594, -10.523 ], [ -67.715, -10.707 ], [ -68.021, -10.661 ], [ -68.119, -10.726 ], [ -68.283, -10.987 ], [ -68.519, -11.048 ], [ -68.587, -11.11 ], [ -68.769, -11.139 ], [ -68.751, -11.007 ], [ -68.787, -10.99 ], [ -68.871, -11.023 ], [ -69.393, -10.929 ], [ -69.728, -10.973 ], [ -69.938, -10.926 ], [ -70.318, -11.066 ], [ -70.428, -11.033 ], [ -70.508, -10.94 ], [ -70.618, -11.007 ], [ -70.622, -9.847 ], [ -70.522, -9.738 ], [ -70.598, -9.574 ], [ -70.561, -9.579 ], [ -70.497, -9.433 ], [ -70.601, -9.453 ], [ -70.982, -9.812 ], [ -71.131, -9.862 ], [ -71.288, -9.996 ], [ -72.165, -10.002 ], [ -72.16, -9.818 ], [ -72.26, -9.755 ], [ -72.289, -9.536 ], [ -72.364, -9.491 ], [ -72.721, -9.417 ], [ -73.196, -9.418 ], [ -72.965, -9.154 ], [ -72.946, -8.99 ], [ -73.059, -8.904 ], [ -73.169, -8.701 ], [ -73.338, -8.609 ], [ -73.338, -8.476 ], [ -73.526, -8.369 ], [ -73.632, -8.022 ], [ -73.765, -7.94 ], [ -73.777, -7.869 ], [ -73.697, -7.865 ], [ -73.69, -7.79 ], [ -73.985, -7.543 ], [ -73.917, -7.461 ], [ -73.954, -7.348 ], [ -73.868, -7.377 ], [ -73.691, -7.313 ], [ -73.797, -7.115 ], [ -73.743, -6.897 ], [ -73.351, -6.561 ], [ -73.211, -6.53 ], [ -73.133, -6.421 ], [ -73.185, -6.04 ], [ -73.131, -5.986 ], [ -73.116, -5.865 ], [ -72.951, -5.643 ], [ -72.948, -5.454 ], [ -72.872, -5.25 ], [ -72.896, -5.136 ], [ -72.734, -5.043 ], [ -72.602, -5.056 ], [ -72.577, -4.992 ], [ -72.455, -4.962 ], [ -72.452, -4.906 ], [ -72.37, -4.88 ], [ -72.356, -4.803 ], [ -72.292, -4.799 ], [ -72.313, -4.769 ], [ -72.223, -4.78 ], [ -72.113, -4.722 ], [ -72.047, -4.625 ], [ -71.94, -4.607 ], [ -71.897, -4.512 ], [ -71.61, -4.465 ], [ -71.597, -4.525 ], [ -71.535, -4.46 ], [ -71.49, -4.479 ], [ -71.506, -4.435 ], [ -71.414, -4.432 ], [ -71.432, -4.469 ], [ -71.342, -4.423 ], [ -71.355, -4.468 ], [ -71.303, -4.458 ], [ -71.269, -4.381 ], [ -71.198, -4.377 ], [ -71.193, -4.42 ], [ -71.147, -4.375 ], [ -71.031, -4.397 ], [ -70.99, -4.34 ], [ -70.935, -4.381 ], [ -70.757, -4.152 ], [ -70.677, -4.2 ], [ -70.622, -4.121 ], [ -70.633, -4.173 ], [ -70.565, -4.168 ], [ -70.566, -4.205 ], [ -70.553, -4.128 ], [ -70.503, -4.19 ], [ -70.434, -4.125 ], [ -70.341, -4.174 ], [ -70.317, -4.136 ], [ -70.291, -4.283 ], [ -70.249, -4.267 ], [ -70.186, -4.357 ], [ -70.169, -4.27 ], [ -70.101, -4.255 ], [ -70.031, -4.339 ], [ -69.929, -4.213 ], [ -69.453, -1.478 ], [ -69.368, -1.334 ], [ -69.422, -0.998 ], [ -69.508, -0.936 ], [ -69.609, -0.755 ], [ -69.551, -0.648 ], [ -69.593, -0.517 ], [ -69.908, -0.316 ], [ -70.068, -0.135 ], [ -70.037, 0.553 ], [ -69.798, 0.585 ], [ -69.664, 0.672 ], [ -69.606, 0.623 ], [ -69.468, 0.734 ], [ -69.357, 0.621 ], [ -69.295, 0.648 ], [ -69.288, 0.609 ], [ -69.202, 0.602 ], [ -69.112, 0.643 ], [ -69.184, 0.73 ], [ -69.137, 0.868 ], [ -69.257, 1.026 ], [ -69.342, 1.064 ], [ -69.416, 1.024 ], [ -69.7, 1.056 ], [ -69.721, 1.097 ], [ -69.854, 1.07 ], [ -69.855, 1.715 ], [ -69.556, 1.775 ], [ -69.395, 1.726 ], [ -68.128, 1.73 ], [ -68.29, 1.841 ], [ -68.205, 2.038 ], [ -68.027, 1.784 ], [ -67.924, 1.751 ], [ -67.797, 1.812 ], [ -67.578, 2.076 ], [ -67.41, 2.141 ], [ -67.117, 1.732 ], [ -67.068, 1.532 ], [ -67.097, 1.17 ], [ -66.855, 1.228 ], [ -66.322, 0.738 ], [ -66.095, 0.754 ], [ -65.952, 0.81 ], [ -65.854, 0.939 ], [ -65.733, 1.005 ], [ -65.583, 1.008 ], [ -65.47, 0.877 ], [ -65.557, 0.705 ], [ -65.504, 0.627 ], [ -65.393, 0.699 ], [ -65.305, 0.916 ], [ -65.152, 0.943 ], [ -65.121, 1.115 ], [ -65.055, 1.144 ], [ -64.968, 1.112 ], [ -64.903, 1.249 ], [ -64.843, 1.237 ], [ -64.783, 1.313 ], [ -64.721, 1.25 ], [ -64.638, 1.286 ], [ -64.387, 1.527 ], [ -64.344, 1.528 ], [ -64.382, 1.419 ], [ -64.344, 1.38 ], [ -64.186, 1.494 ], [ -64.054, 1.708 ], [ -64.057, 1.933 ], [ -64.018, 1.967 ], [ -63.781, 1.989 ], [ -63.604, 2.124 ], [ -63.419, 2.154 ], [ -63.349, 2.281 ], [ -63.382, 2.442 ], [ -63.756, 2.403 ], [ -64.031, 2.509 ], [ -63.987, 2.772 ], [ -64.216, 3.153 ], [ -64.236, 3.476 ], [ -64.186, 3.634 ], [ -64.324, 3.797 ], [ -64.543, 3.882 ], [ -64.8, 4.224 ], [ -64.79, 4.329 ], [ -64.677, 4.297 ], [ -64.555, 4.153 ], [ -64.135, 4.176 ], [ -63.967, 3.93 ], [ -63.806, 4.019 ], [ -63.623, 4.01 ], [ -63.455, 3.91 ], [ -63.411, 4.026 ], [ -63.358, 4.04 ], [ -63.203, 3.952 ], [ -63.189, 3.872 ], [ -62.86, 3.584 ], [ -62.749, 3.642 ], [ -62.705, 3.724 ], [ -62.752, 4.012 ], [ -62.635, 4.056 ], [ -62.557, 4.02 ], [ -62.46, 4.173 ], [ -62.129, 4.084 ], [ -61.961, 4.18 ], [ -61.927, 4.106 ], [ -61.723, 4.262 ], [ -61.528, 4.273 ], [ -61.507, 4.398 ], [ -61.274, 4.471 ], [ -61.293, 4.55 ], [ -61.141, 4.508 ], [ -60.952, 4.549 ], [ -60.907, 4.708 ], [ -60.731, 4.777 ], [ -60.59, 4.951 ], [ -60.744, 5.209 ], [ -60.438, 5.177 ], [ -60.203, 5.265 ], [ -60.176, 5.227 ], [ -60.121, 5.243 ], [ -60.085, 5.149 ], [ -59.969, 5.073 ], [ -60.03, 4.704 ], [ -60.163, 4.521 ], [ -59.927, 4.509 ], [ -59.674, 4.382 ], [ -59.726, 4.191 ], [ -59.628, 4.138 ], [ -59.655, 4.078 ], [ -59.516, 3.94 ], [ -59.581, 3.901 ], [ -59.594, 3.796 ], [ -59.666, 3.777 ], [ -59.664, 3.703 ], [ -59.849, 3.601 ], [ -59.799, 3.355 ], [ -59.909, 3.197 ], [ -59.982, 2.929 ], [ -59.99, 2.683 ], [ -59.903, 2.479 ], [ -59.91, 2.388 ], [ -59.724, 2.277 ], [ -59.754, 1.861 ], [ -59.654, 1.849 ], [ -59.669, 1.764 ], [ -59.549, 1.729 ], [ -59.253, 1.397 ], [ -58.914, 1.299 ], [ -58.904, 1.234 ], [ -58.804, 1.175 ], [ -58.696, 1.288 ], [ -58.507, 1.264 ], [ -58.468, 1.318 ], [ -58.498, 1.458 ], [ -58.382, 1.471 ], [ -58.325, 1.59 ], [ -58.167, 1.558 ], [ -58.13, 1.501 ], [ -58.009, 1.501 ], [ -58, 1.665 ], [ -57.919, 1.645 ], [ -57.77, 1.718 ], [ -57.545, 1.701 ], [ -57.434, 1.895 ], [ -57.302, 1.99 ], [ -57.247, 1.944 ], [ -57.085, 2.021 ], [ -57.012, 1.918 ], [ -56.8, 1.864 ], [ -56.724, 1.92 ], [ -56.454, 1.945 ], [ -55.957, 1.844 ], [ -55.906, 1.889 ], [ -55.913, 2.041 ], [ -56.048, 2.226 ], [ -56.134, 2.263 ], [ -56.09, 2.352 ], [ -55.995, 2.405 ], [ -55.987, 2.517 ], [ -55.948, 2.532 ], [ -55.739, 2.401 ], [ -55.481, 2.443 ], [ -55.37, 2.407 ], [ -55.336, 2.516 ], [ -55.239, 2.495 ], [ -55.137, 2.575 ], [ -55.103, 2.522 ], [ -54.94, 2.632 ], [ -54.969, 2.555 ], [ -54.864, 2.439 ], [ -54.72, 2.469 ], [ -54.702, 2.336 ], [ -54.549, 2.336 ], [ -54.534, 2.268 ], [ -54.314, 2.158 ], [ -54.189, 2.179 ], [ -54.111, 2.127 ], [ -54.078, 2.197 ], [ -53.784, 2.364 ], [ -53.694, 2.287 ], [ -53.472, 2.332 ], [ -53.397, 2.272 ], [ -53.273, 2.292 ], [ -53.188, 2.223 ], [ -52.905, 2.19 ], [ -52.853, 2.285 ], [ -52.673, 2.374 ], [ -52.555, 2.523 ], [ -52.556, 2.646 ], [ -52.382, 2.912 ], [ -52.347, 3.134 ], [ -52.192, 3.296 ], [ -51.92, 3.781 ], [ -51.795, 3.89 ], [ -51.754, 3.996 ], [ -51.658, 4.049 ], [ -51.585, 4.241 ], [ -51.529, 4.171 ], [ -51.545, 4.397 ], [ -51.202, 4.084 ], [ -51.173, 3.767 ], [ -51.127, 3.911 ], [ -51.085, 3.895 ], [ -51.051, 3.283 ], [ -50.913, 2.875 ], [ -50.927, 2.807 ], [ -50.816, 2.644 ], [ -50.851, 2.482 ], [ -50.802, 2.508 ], [ -50.736, 2.414 ], [ -50.765, 2.359 ], [ -50.694, 2.276 ], [ -50.725, 2.252 ], [ -50.675, 2.247 ], [ -50.682, 2.137 ], [ -50.584, 2.091 ], [ -50.586, 2.014 ], [ -50.471, 1.82 ], [ -50.194, 1.794 ], [ -49.954, 1.676 ], [ -49.88, 1.419 ], [ -49.918, 1.289 ], [ -50.073, 1.204 ], [ -49.918, 1.232 ], [ -49.939, 1.103 ], [ -50.003, 1.066 ], [ -50.033, 1.107 ], [ -50.131, 0.949 ], [ -50.274, 0.866 ], [ -50.338, 0.729 ], [ -50.417, 0.685 ], [ -50.455, 0.732 ], [ -50.428, 0.679 ], [ -50.571, 0.424 ], [ -50.691, 0.3 ], [ -50.677, 0.365 ], [ -50.746, 0.227 ], [ -50.801, 0.224 ], [ -50.785, 0.183 ], [ -50.908, 0.171 ], [ -51.087, -0.043 ], [ -51.203, -0.055 ], [ -51.419, -0.412 ], [ -51.409, -0.44 ], [ -51.325, -0.364 ], [ -51.188, -0.14 ], [ -51.111, -0.154 ], [ -51.154, -0.284 ], [ -51.396, -0.493 ], [ -51.243, -0.443 ], [ -51.26, -0.5 ], [ -51.165, -0.431 ], [ -50.953, -0.061 ], [ -50.824, -0.048 ], [ -50.705, 0.002 ], [ -50.613, -0.088 ], [ -50.744, -0.244 ], [ -50.751, -0.429 ], [ -50.845, -0.526 ], [ -50.988, -0.583 ], [ -51.051, -0.682 ], [ -50.826, -0.555 ], [ -50.794, -0.666 ], [ -50.733, -0.557 ], [ -50.684, -0.604 ], [ -50.724, -0.493 ], [ -50.652, -0.276 ], [ -50.409, -0.094 ], [ -49.631, -0.247 ], [ -49.446, -0.23 ], [ -49.289, -0.145 ], [ -49.018, -0.16 ], [ -49, -0.139 ], [ -48.895, -0.224 ], [ -48.539, -0.234 ], [ -48.363, -0.303 ], [ -48.459, -0.513 ], [ -48.522, -0.877 ], [ -48.667, -1.002 ], [ -48.621, -1.005 ], [ -48.65, -1.048 ], [ -48.617, -1.053 ], [ -48.721, -1.137 ], [ -48.837, -1.452 ], [ -49.161, -1.575 ], [ -49.182, -1.623 ], [ -49.362, -1.604 ], [ -49.364, -1.642 ], [ -49.448, -1.637 ], [ -49.5, -1.738 ], [ -49.61, -1.718 ], [ -49.676, -1.78 ], [ -49.696, -1.757 ], [ -49.714, -1.76 ], [ -49.803, -1.822 ], [ -50.035, -1.717 ], [ -50.179, -1.787 ], [ -50.256, -1.776 ], [ -50.415, -1.841 ], [ -50.401, -1.935 ], [ -49.994, -1.819 ], [ -49.844, -1.905 ], [ -49.765, -1.898 ], [ -49.616, -1.79 ], [ -49.276, -1.706 ], [ -49.267, -1.778 ], [ -49.387, -1.977 ], [ -49.383, -2.159 ], [ -48.973, -1.594 ], [ -48.897, -1.573 ], [ -48.955, -1.712 ], [ -48.932, -1.75 ], [ -48.898, -1.743 ], [ -48.656, -1.371 ], [ -48.592, -1.429 ], [ -48.601, -1.306 ], [ -48.524, -1.338 ], [ -48.537, -1.467 ], [ -48.496, -1.553 ], [ -48.491, -1.502 ], [ -48.46, -1.533 ], [ -48.374, -1.511 ], [ -48.319, -1.478 ], [ -48.505, -1.471 ], [ -48.422, -1.168 ], [ -48.475, -1.144 ], [ -48.4, -1.066 ], [ -48.278, -1.111 ], [ -48.304, -0.948 ], [ -48.055, -0.668 ], [ -48.001, -0.731 ], [ -47.893, -0.553 ], [ -47.843, -0.616 ], [ -47.807, -0.547 ], [ -47.702, -0.54 ], [ -47.707, -0.59 ], [ -47.667, -0.569 ], [ -47.633, -0.608 ], [ -47.651, -0.694 ], [ -47.608, -0.684 ], [ -47.577, -0.573 ], [ -47.476, -0.757 ], [ -47.398, -0.76 ], [ -47.428, -0.693 ], [ -47.464, -0.687 ], [ -47.466, -0.594 ], [ -47.399, -0.594 ], [ -47.4, -0.645 ], [ -47.298, -0.589 ], [ -47.253, -0.668 ], [ -47.247, -0.623 ], [ -47.206, -0.633 ], [ -47.23, -0.719 ], [ -47.158, -0.678 ], [ -47.191, -0.754 ], [ -47.146, -0.764 ], [ -47.16, -0.815 ], [ -47.081, -0.661 ], [ -47.055, -0.868 ], [ -47.027, -0.784 ], [ -46.983, -0.806 ], [ -47.016, -0.752 ], [ -46.967, -0.694 ], [ -46.969, -0.78 ], [ -46.891, -0.869 ], [ -46.89, -0.789 ], [ -46.846, -0.799 ], [ -46.82, -0.71 ], [ -46.802, -0.877 ], [ -46.777, -0.905 ], [ -46.75, -0.826 ], [ -46.709, -0.86 ], [ -46.734, -0.944 ], [ -46.687, -0.831 ], [ -46.653, -0.882 ], [ -46.621, -0.818 ], [ -46.601, -0.917 ], [ -46.676, -0.965 ], [ -46.622, -0.987 ], [ -46.57, -0.947 ], [ -46.609, -1.03 ], [ -46.57, -0.988 ], [ -46.525, -1.027 ], [ -46.465, -1.007 ], [ -46.47, -1.044 ], [ -46.395, -1.037 ], [ -46.413, -1.084 ], [ -46.348, -0.982 ], [ -46.36, -1.011 ], [ -46.366, -1.031 ], [ -46.348, -1.079 ], [ -46.339, -1.015 ], [ -46.299, -1.05 ], [ -46.212, -0.946 ], [ -46.242, -0.921 ], [ -46.179, -0.914 ], [ -46.224, -1.053 ], [ -46.206, -1.1 ], [ -46.158, -1.014 ], [ -46.138, -1.032 ], [ -46.193, -1.143 ], [ -46.104, -1.067 ], [ -46.062, -1.133 ], [ -46.15, -1.258 ], [ -45.982, -1.071 ], [ -45.953, -1.147 ], [ -46, -1.151 ], [ -46, -1.199 ], [ -45.95, -1.159 ], [ -45.95, -1.207 ], [ -46, -1.209 ], [ -45.95, -1.25 ], [ -45.902, -1.134 ], [ -45.923, -1.214 ], [ -45.882, -1.167 ], [ -45.873, -1.211 ], [ -45.909, -1.261 ], [ -45.859, -1.231 ], [ -45.891, -1.293 ], [ -45.807, -1.176 ], [ -45.843, -1.301 ], [ -45.809, -1.328 ], [ -45.831, -1.298 ], [ -45.782, -1.278 ], [ -45.726, -1.135 ], [ -45.69, -1.452 ], [ -45.697, -1.38 ], [ -45.632, -1.371 ], [ -45.618, -1.279 ], [ -45.589, -1.329 ], [ -45.537, -1.273 ], [ -45.561, -1.343 ], [ -45.51, -1.352 ], [ -45.567, -1.404 ], [ -45.546, -1.432 ], [ -45.413, -1.296 ], [ -45.489, -1.473 ], [ -45.511, -1.458 ], [ -45.554, -1.503 ], [ -45.507, -1.471 ], [ -45.518, -1.516 ], [ -45.481, -1.495 ], [ -45.463, -1.548 ], [ -45.457, -1.457 ], [ -45.391, -1.434 ], [ -45.363, -1.325 ], [ -45.323, -1.319 ], [ -45.302, -1.424 ], [ -45.392, -1.485 ], [ -45.398, -1.503 ], [ -45.356, -1.487 ], [ -45.392, -1.553 ], [ -45.338, -1.572 ], [ -45.371, -1.722 ], [ -45.338, -1.753 ], [ -45.197, -1.688 ], [ -45.261, -1.607 ], [ -45.16, -1.475 ], [ -45.136, -1.521 ], [ -45.072, -1.435 ], [ -45.07, -1.485 ], [ -44.999, -1.504 ], [ -45.018, -1.547 ], [ -44.969, -1.549 ], [ -45.029, -1.583 ], [ -45.029, -1.602 ], [ -44.979, -1.607 ], [ -44.954, -1.498 ], [ -44.862, -1.426 ], [ -44.857, -1.498 ], [ -44.954, -1.605 ], [ -44.918, -1.649 ], [ -44.968, -1.662 ], [ -44.913, -1.657 ], [ -44.927, -1.62 ], [ -44.886, -1.609 ], [ -44.837, -1.65 ], [ -44.822, -1.591 ], [ -44.826, -1.637 ], [ -44.805, -1.609 ], [ -44.812, -1.665 ], [ -44.779, -1.735 ], [ -44.711, -1.728 ], [ -44.82, -1.819 ], [ -44.738, -1.791 ], [ -44.706, -1.819 ], [ -44.676, -1.808 ], [ -44.661, -1.727 ], [ -44.604, -1.749 ], [ -44.667, -1.849 ], [ -44.601, -1.858 ], [ -44.583, -1.817 ], [ -44.586, -1.873 ], [ -44.543, -1.833 ], [ -44.601, -1.909 ], [ -44.517, -1.907 ], [ -44.484, -2.002 ], [ -44.613, -2.037 ], [ -44.467, -2.017 ], [ -44.626, -2.151 ], [ -44.589, -2.159 ], [ -44.641, -2.232 ], [ -44.708, -2.23 ], [ -44.684, -2.275 ], [ -44.764, -2.265 ], [ -44.654, -2.294 ], [ -44.681, -2.354 ], [ -44.649, -2.373 ], [ -44.666, -2.329 ], [ -44.479, -2.137 ], [ -44.358, -2.335 ], [ -44.401, -2.416 ], [ -44.514, -2.384 ], [ -44.55, -2.4 ], [ -44.491, -2.415 ], [ -44.514, -2.448 ], [ -44.505, -2.476 ], [ -44.665, -2.608 ], [ -44.548, -2.542 ], [ -44.658, -2.781 ], [ -44.688, -2.924 ], [ -44.677, -3.019 ], [ -44.66, -3.02 ], [ -44.657, -3.018 ] ], [ [ -43.318, -2.361 ], [ -43.317, -2.363 ], [ -43.296, -2.363 ], [ -43.318, -2.361 ] ], [ [ -42.438, -2.747 ], [ -42.442, -2.749 ], [ -42.438, -2.75 ], [ -42.438, -2.747 ] ], [ [ -42.442, -2.749 ], [ -42.47, -2.744 ], [ -42.447, -2.753 ], [ -42.442, -2.749 ] ], [ [ -50.851, 2.482 ], [ -50.853, 2.481 ], [ -50.853, 2.48 ], [ -50.851, 2.482 ] ], [ [ -50.853, 2.481 ], [ -50.86, 2.495 ], [ -50.86, 2.477 ], [ -50.853, 2.481 ] ], [ [ -49.976, 1.659 ], [ -49.98, 1.659 ], [ -50, 1.639 ], [ -49.976, 1.659 ] ], [ [ -45.392, -1.553 ], [ -45.393, -1.553 ], [ -45.394, -1.556 ], [ -45.392, -1.553 ] ], [ [ -45.394, -1.556 ], [ -45.406, -1.579 ], [ -45.403, -1.591 ], [ -45.394, -1.556 ] ], [ [ -44.837, -1.65 ], [ -44.834, -1.655 ], [ -44.833, -1.654 ], [ -44.837, -1.65 ] ], [ [ -44.834, -1.655 ], [ -44.841, -1.675 ], [ -44.822, -1.672 ], [ -44.834, -1.655 ] ], [ [ -44.779, -1.735 ], [ -44.777, -1.741 ], [ -44.776, -1.74 ], [ -44.779, -1.735 ] ], [ [ -44.777, -1.741 ], [ -44.833, -1.77 ], [ -44.774, -1.75 ], [ -44.777, -1.741 ] ], [ [ -44.547, -2.22 ], [ -44.536, -2.225 ], [ -44.543, -2.219 ], [ -44.547, -2.22 ] ], [ [ -44.536, -2.225 ], [ -44.507, -2.249 ], [ -44.512, -2.235 ], [ -44.536, -2.225 ] ], [ [ -44.507, -2.249 ], [ -44.504, -2.256 ], [ -44.501, -2.254 ], [ -44.507, -2.249 ] ], [ [ -44.504, -2.256 ], [ -44.514, -2.268 ], [ -44.502, -2.26 ], [ -44.504, -2.256 ] ] ], [ [ [ -29.34, -20.484 ], [ -29.301, -20.521 ], [ -29.341, -20.511 ], [ -29.34, -20.484 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.001, -13.94 ], [ -39.012, -13.915 ], [ -38.994, -13.896 ], [ -39.001, -13.94 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.043, -13.909 ], [ -39.059, -13.904 ], [ -39.054, -13.886 ], [ -39.028, -13.903 ], [ -39.043, -13.909 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.251, -18.015 ], [ -39.283, -18.005 ], [ -39.272, -17.982 ], [ -39.245, -18.006 ], [ -39.251, -18.015 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.131, -17.927 ], [ -39.154, -17.921 ], [ -39.137, -17.91 ], [ -39.131, -17.927 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.212, -17.986 ], [ -39.228, -17.979 ], [ -39.215, -17.944 ], [ -39.202, -17.95 ], [ -39.212, -17.986 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.341, -23.231 ], [ -44.372, -23.174 ], [ -44.232, -23.089 ], [ -44.087, -23.173 ], [ -44.3, -23.184 ], [ -44.341, -23.231 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.356, -23.073 ], [ -44.388, -23.048 ], [ -44.373, -23.033 ], [ -44.343, -23.041 ], [ -44.356, -23.073 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.929, -23.014 ], [ -43.936, -22.999 ], [ -43.916, -22.989 ], [ -43.929, -23.014 ] ] ], [ [ [ -42.002, -23.018 ], [ -42.015, -23.003 ], [ -41.98, -22.975 ], [ -41.975, -22.992 ], [ -42.002, -23.018 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.904, -22.962 ], [ -43.907, -22.936 ], [ -43.868, -22.926 ], [ -43.871, -22.95 ], [ -43.904, -22.962 ] ] ], [ [ [ -41.042, -21.613 ], [ -41.042, -21.6 ], [ -41.019, -21.606 ], [ -41.042, -21.613 ] ] ], [ [ [ -52.112, -32 ], [ -52.18, -32.035 ], [ -52.216, -32.025 ], [ -52.198, -31.978 ], [ -52.112, -32 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.641, -30.388 ], [ -50.629, -30.394 ], [ -50.624, -30.329 ], [ -50.592, -30.399 ], [ -50.609, -30.406 ], [ -50.641, -30.388 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.526, -27.462 ], [ -48.416, -27.38 ], [ -48.358, -27.446 ], [ -48.503, -27.799 ], [ -48.559, -27.842 ], [ -48.526, -27.462 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.354, -27.296 ], [ -48.376, -27.285 ], [ -48.373, -27.271 ], [ -48.36, -27.27 ], [ -48.354, -27.296 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.731, -26.314 ], [ -48.754, -26.297 ], [ -48.735, -26.282 ], [ -48.731, -26.314 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.318, -25.584 ], [ -48.309, -25.546 ], [ -48.381, -25.504 ], [ -48.312, -25.509 ], [ -48.292, -25.545 ], [ -48.318, -25.584 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.414, -25.544 ], [ -48.459, -25.514 ], [ -48.415, -25.527 ], [ -48.414, -25.544 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.424, -25.551 ], [ -48.479, -25.523 ], [ -48.485, -25.502 ], [ -48.424, -25.551 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.298, -25.493 ], [ -48.341, -25.416 ], [ -48.252, -25.341 ], [ -48.265, -25.44 ], [ -48.253, -25.466 ], [ -48.298, -25.493 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.417, -25.386 ], [ -48.424, -25.343 ], [ -48.405, -25.33 ], [ -48.417, -25.386 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.695, -24.112 ], [ -45.688, -24.088 ], [ -45.679, -24.098 ], [ -45.695, -24.112 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.251, -23.962 ], [ -45.301, -23.909 ], [ -45.453, -23.91 ], [ -45.332, -23.721 ], [ -45.227, -23.774 ], [ -45.224, -23.835 ], [ -45.283, -23.857 ], [ -45.221, -23.899 ], [ -45.251, -23.962 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.141, -23.817 ], [ -45.146, -23.791 ], [ -45.114, -23.801 ], [ -45.141, -23.817 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.153, -23.573 ], [ -45.153, -23.558 ], [ -45.141, -23.568 ], [ -45.153, -23.573 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.073, -23.564 ], [ -45.079, -23.525 ], [ -45.036, -23.531 ], [ -45.073, -23.564 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.608, -23.228 ], [ -44.59, -23.208 ], [ -44.577, -23.216 ], [ -44.608, -23.228 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.648, -12.821 ], [ -38.666, -12.777 ], [ -38.624, -12.762 ], [ -38.648, -12.821 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.529, -12.811 ], [ -38.544, -12.757 ], [ -38.532, -12.74 ], [ -38.508, -12.792 ], [ -38.529, -12.811 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.622, -12.752 ], [ -38.622, -12.727 ], [ -38.593, -12.733 ], [ -38.622, -12.752 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.646, -12.683 ], [ -38.648, -12.65 ], [ -38.636, -12.661 ], [ -38.646, -12.683 ] ] ], [ [ [ -32.402, -3.838 ], [ -32.428, -3.877 ], [ -32.483, -3.878 ], [ -32.402, -3.838 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.667, -3.179 ], [ -44.668, -3.16 ], [ -44.643, -3.148 ], [ -44.644, -3.17 ], [ -44.667, -3.179 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.671, -2.943 ], [ -44.67, -2.92 ], [ -44.647, -2.915 ], [ -44.671, -2.943 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.493, -2.641 ], [ -44.48, -2.601 ], [ -44.477, -2.627 ], [ -44.493, -2.641 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.897, -2.573 ], [ -43.896, -2.554 ], [ -43.886, -2.565 ], [ -43.897, -2.573 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.599, -2.503 ], [ -43.577, -2.471 ], [ -43.572, -2.483 ], [ -43.599, -2.503 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.822, -2.526 ], [ -43.829, -2.509 ], [ -43.813, -2.458 ], [ -43.812, -2.553 ], [ -43.82, -2.528 ], [ -43.822, -2.526 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.821, -2.529 ], [ -43.856, -2.502 ], [ -43.832, -2.439 ], [ -43.842, -2.504 ], [ -43.821, -2.529 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.863, -2.56 ], [ -43.875, -2.552 ], [ -43.865, -2.534 ], [ -43.863, -2.56 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.519, -2.536 ], [ -44.529, -2.526 ], [ -44.501, -2.48 ], [ -44.505, -2.444 ], [ -44.455, -2.434 ], [ -44.519, -2.536 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.602, -3.007 ], [ -44.657, -2.972 ], [ -44.613, -2.894 ], [ -44.575, -2.921 ], [ -44.602, -3.007 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.585, -2.978 ], [ -44.563, -2.914 ], [ -44.586, -2.826 ], [ -44.494, -2.705 ], [ -44.494, -2.953 ], [ -44.582, -3.041 ], [ -44.585, -2.978 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.826, -2.434 ], [ -43.842, -2.403 ], [ -43.811, -2.385 ], [ -43.807, -2.412 ], [ -43.826, -2.434 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.581, -2.441 ], [ -43.615, -2.389 ], [ -43.549, -2.377 ], [ -43.545, -2.403 ], [ -43.581, -2.441 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.791, -2.47 ], [ -43.806, -2.443 ], [ -43.78, -2.422 ], [ -43.759, -2.448 ], [ -43.791, -2.47 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.513, -2.424 ], [ -43.537, -2.416 ], [ -43.522, -2.39 ], [ -43.505, -2.414 ], [ -43.513, -2.424 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.792, -2.405 ], [ -43.798, -2.377 ], [ -43.771, -2.37 ], [ -43.792, -2.405 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.689, -2.355 ], [ -43.743, -2.352 ], [ -43.724, -2.305 ], [ -43.617, -2.253 ], [ -43.612, -2.275 ], [ -43.669, -2.301 ], [ -43.689, -2.355 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.73, -2.425 ], [ -43.732, -2.364 ], [ -43.67, -2.377 ], [ -43.681, -2.34 ], [ -43.63, -2.324 ], [ -43.643, -2.394 ], [ -43.73, -2.425 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.473, -2.125 ], [ -44.487, -2.113 ], [ -44.475, -2.096 ], [ -44.463, -2.104 ], [ -44.473, -2.125 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.456, -2.031 ], [ -44.447, -2.008 ], [ -44.439, -2.022 ], [ -44.456, -2.031 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.311, -1.964 ], [ -49.336, -1.996 ], [ -49.309, -1.943 ], [ -49.311, -1.964 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.323, -2.054 ], [ -49.329, -2.019 ], [ -49.316, -2.001 ], [ -49.323, -2.054 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.231, -1.829 ], [ -50.246, -1.824 ], [ -50.229, -1.816 ], [ -50.231, -1.829 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.615, -1.821 ], [ -44.622, -1.797 ], [ -44.597, -1.774 ], [ -44.583, -1.789 ], [ -44.615, -1.821 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.7, -1.811 ], [ -44.703, -1.78 ], [ -44.673, -1.78 ], [ -44.7, -1.811 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.691, -1.793 ], [ -49.721, -1.789 ], [ -49.719, -1.771 ], [ -49.697, -1.766 ], [ -49.691, -1.793 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.924, -1.711 ], [ -48.909, -1.713 ], [ -48.916, -1.734 ], [ -48.935, -1.713 ], [ -48.924, -1.711 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.757, -1.707 ], [ -44.767, -1.694 ], [ -44.736, -1.701 ], [ -44.757, -1.707 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.433, -1.684 ], [ -49.454, -1.706 ], [ -49.46, -1.684 ], [ -49.433, -1.684 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.357, -1.008 ], [ -46.342, -0.994 ], [ -46.353, -1.026 ], [ -46.357, -1.008 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.205, -1.021 ], [ -46.194, -1.014 ], [ -46.202, -1.032 ], [ -46.205, -1.021 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.662, -3.018 ], [ -44.673, -3.012 ], [ -44.664, -3.001 ], [ -44.649, -3.013 ], [ -44.662, -3.018 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.736, -1.683 ], [ -44.745, -1.677 ], [ -44.732, -1.668 ], [ -44.736, -1.683 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.231, -1.638 ], [ -49.237, -1.627 ], [ -49.217, -1.633 ], [ -49.231, -1.638 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.38, -1.685 ], [ -49.4, -1.682 ], [ -49.368, -1.669 ], [ -49.38, -1.685 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.426, -1.673 ], [ -49.429, -1.661 ], [ -49.406, -1.66 ], [ -49.426, -1.673 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.34, -1.672 ], [ -49.358, -1.662 ], [ -49.325, -1.647 ], [ -49.34, -1.672 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.289, -1.726 ], [ -45.305, -1.663 ], [ -45.257, -1.641 ], [ -45.244, -1.678 ], [ -45.28, -1.694 ], [ -45.289, -1.726 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.328, -1.743 ], [ -45.346, -1.719 ], [ -45.301, -1.596 ], [ -45.274, -1.635 ], [ -45.313, -1.654 ], [ -45.328, -1.743 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.886, -1.578 ], [ -48.89, -1.56 ], [ -48.859, -1.536 ], [ -48.856, -1.553 ], [ -48.886, -1.578 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.783, -1.682 ], [ -44.8, -1.595 ], [ -44.775, -1.62 ], [ -44.721, -1.567 ], [ -44.704, -1.611 ], [ -44.684, -1.575 ], [ -44.668, -1.669 ], [ -44.693, -1.638 ], [ -44.783, -1.682 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.816, -1.569 ], [ -44.837, -1.534 ], [ -44.787, -1.488 ], [ -44.825, -1.534 ], [ -44.816, -1.569 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.462, -1.517 ], [ -48.478, -1.499 ], [ -48.421, -1.503 ], [ -48.462, -1.517 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.793, -1.531 ], [ -44.774, -1.47 ], [ -44.763, -1.513 ], [ -44.793, -1.531 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.414, -1.427 ], [ -45.423, -1.416 ], [ -45.409, -1.405 ], [ -45.414, -1.427 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45, -1.296 ], [ -44.922, -1.265 ], [ -44.877, -1.309 ], [ -44.895, -1.34 ], [ -44.922, -1.305 ], [ -44.907, -1.341 ], [ -44.999, -1.405 ], [ -45.033, -1.339 ], [ -45, -1.32 ], [ -44.995, -1.36 ], [ -45, -1.296 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.044, -1.402 ], [ -45.07, -1.33 ], [ -45.052, -1.342 ], [ -45.044, -1.402 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.333, -1.569 ], [ -45.371, -1.544 ], [ -45.347, -1.489 ], [ -45.313, -1.506 ], [ -45.333, -1.569 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.969, -1.522 ], [ -44.976, -1.493 ], [ -44.959, -1.483 ], [ -44.969, -1.522 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.393, -1.512 ], [ -48.371, -1.476 ], [ -48.341, -1.483 ], [ -48.393, -1.512 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.413, -1.498 ], [ -48.426, -1.491 ], [ -48.387, -1.476 ], [ -48.413, -1.498 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.118, -1.47 ], [ -45.132, -1.462 ], [ -45.115, -1.364 ], [ -45.103, -1.373 ], [ -45.118, -1.47 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.593, -1.251 ], [ -45.581, -1.19 ], [ -45.536, -1.205 ], [ -45.532, -1.231 ], [ -45.593, -1.251 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.559, -1.243 ], [ -48.56, -1.202 ], [ -48.523, -1.199 ], [ -48.559, -1.243 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.817, -1.163 ], [ -45.829, -1.141 ], [ -45.804, -1.127 ], [ -45.817, -1.163 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.877, -1.154 ], [ -45.9, -1.117 ], [ -45.883, -1.073 ], [ -45.849, -1.123 ], [ -45.877, -1.154 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.192, -1.05 ], [ -46.201, -1.041 ], [ -46.185, -1.027 ], [ -46.192, -1.05 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.291, -1.01 ], [ -46.307, -0.992 ], [ -46.306, -0.961 ], [ -46.291, -1.01 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.078, -1.095 ], [ -46.065, -1.05 ], [ -46.061, -1.074 ], [ -46.078, -1.095 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.68, -1.295 ], [ -45.687, -1.275 ], [ -45.667, -1.26 ], [ -45.654, -1.285 ], [ -45.68, -1.295 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.538, -1.282 ], [ -48.549, -1.262 ], [ -48.53, -1.25 ], [ -48.538, -1.282 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.51, -1.27 ], [ -48.522, -1.247 ], [ -48.506, -1.236 ], [ -48.51, -1.27 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.694, -1.37 ], [ -45.646, -1.289 ], [ -45.625, -1.126 ], [ -45.634, -1.349 ], [ -45.694, -1.37 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.688, -1.266 ], [ -45.708, -1.228 ], [ -45.685, -1.194 ], [ -45.664, -1.231 ], [ -45.688, -1.266 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.425, -0.914 ], [ -46.454, -0.907 ], [ -46.408, -0.868 ], [ -46.395, -0.899 ], [ -46.425, -0.914 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.72, -0.848 ], [ -46.735, -0.832 ], [ -46.729, -0.796 ], [ -46.72, -0.848 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.611, -0.799 ], [ -46.622, -0.784 ], [ -46.601, -0.789 ], [ -46.611, -0.799 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.586, -0.849 ], [ -46.621, -0.807 ], [ -46.589, -0.815 ], [ -46.586, -0.849 ] ] ], [ [ [ -47.447, -0.748 ], [ -47.453, -0.732 ], [ -47.436, -0.717 ], [ -47.428, -0.738 ], [ -47.447, -0.748 ] ] ], [ [ [ -47.461, -0.741 ], [ -47.463, -0.702 ], [ -47.445, -0.697 ], [ -47.461, -0.741 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.214, -0.411 ], [ -51.211, -0.386 ], [ -51.164, -0.347 ], [ -51.163, -0.383 ], [ -51.214, -0.411 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.352, -0.353 ], [ -51.346, -0.31 ], [ -51.317, -0.268 ], [ -51.327, -0.33 ], [ -51.352, -0.353 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.127, -0.268 ], [ -51.131, -0.237 ], [ -51.091, -0.208 ], [ -51.087, -0.229 ], [ -51.127, -0.268 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.888, -0.198 ], [ -48.91, -0.188 ], [ -48.893, -0.134 ], [ -48.847, -0.177 ], [ -48.888, -0.198 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.174, -0.091 ], [ -51.191, -0.064 ], [ -51.126, -0.057 ], [ -51.174, -0.091 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.114, -0.146 ], [ -49.097, -0.121 ], [ -49.08, -0.13 ], [ -49.114, -0.146 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.166, -0.142 ], [ -49.188, -0.115 ], [ -49.156, -0.128 ], [ -49.166, -0.142 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.119, -0.141 ], [ -49.143, -0.107 ], [ -49.114, -0.11 ], [ -49.119, -0.141 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.127, -0.128 ], [ -51.094, -0.103 ], [ -51.108, -0.127 ], [ -51.127, -0.128 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.414, -0.999 ], [ -46.384, -0.941 ], [ -46.367, -0.948 ], [ -46.414, -0.999 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.647, -0.97 ], [ -46.658, -0.968 ], [ -46.618, -0.957 ], [ -46.647, -0.97 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.488, -0.942 ], [ -46.465, -0.877 ], [ -46.464, -0.924 ], [ -46.44, -0.922 ], [ -46.482, -0.976 ], [ -46.441, -0.999 ], [ -46.525, -1.016 ], [ -46.527, -0.917 ], [ -46.509, -0.984 ], [ -46.488, -0.942 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.632, 0.159 ], [ -49.662, 0.184 ], [ -49.629, 0.202 ], [ -49.61, 0.181 ], [ -49.632, 0.159 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.641, 0.26 ], [ -50.63, 0.293 ], [ -50.586, 0.308 ], [ -50.641, 0.26 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.2, 0.255 ], [ -50.243, 0.248 ], [ -50.147, 0.337 ], [ -50.059, 0.346 ], [ -50.2, 0.255 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.417, 0.159 ], [ -50.535, 0.234 ], [ -50.36, 0.615 ], [ -50.328, 0.383 ], [ -50.285, 0.3 ], [ -50.413, 0.237 ], [ -50.417, 0.159 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.279, 0.338 ], [ -50.271, 0.599 ], [ -50.147, 0.608 ], [ -50.142, 0.576 ], [ -50.107, 0.636 ], [ -50.063, 0.623 ], [ -50.05, 0.518 ], [ -50.279, 0.338 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50, 0.943 ], [ -50.113, 0.907 ], [ -50.018, 1.034 ], [ -49.935, 1.069 ], [ -49.939, 0.996 ], [ -50, 0.943 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.881, 1.227 ], [ -49.909, 1.246 ], [ -49.886, 1.244 ], [ -49.881, 1.227 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.907, 1.278 ], [ -49.885, 1.291 ], [ -49.863, 1.278 ], [ -49.876, 1.252 ], [ -49.907, 1.278 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.204, 1.851 ], [ -50.232, 1.879 ], [ -50.22, 1.915 ], [ -50.169, 1.865 ], [ -50.204, 1.851 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.468, 1.954 ], [ -50.521, 2.026 ], [ -50.497, 2.139 ], [ -50.398, 2.167 ], [ -50.367, 2.19 ], [ -50.276, 1.939 ], [ -50.423, 1.849 ], [ -50.468, 1.954 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.504, 2.255 ], [ -50.414, 2.244 ], [ -50.382, 2.204 ], [ -50.489, 2.15 ], [ -50.564, 2.205 ], [ -50.504, 2.255 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.229, 0.832 ], [ -50.098, 0.839 ], [ -50.027, 0.898 ], [ -50.105, 0.757 ], [ -50.162, 0.775 ], [ -50.249, 0.72 ], [ -50.229, 0.832 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.131, 0.844 ], [ -50.162, 0.867 ], [ -50.132, 0.9 ], [ -50.119, 0.854 ], [ -50.131, 0.844 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.108, 0.85 ], [ -50.111, 0.891 ], [ -50.049, 0.886 ], [ -50.108, 0.85 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.216, -0.055 ], [ -50.235, -0.042 ], [ -50.219, -0.04 ], [ -50.216, -0.055 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.916, -0.052 ], [ -50.926, -0.047 ], [ -50.907, -0.043 ], [ -50.916, -0.052 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.605, -0.061 ], [ -50.618, -0.022 ], [ -50.559, -0.038 ], [ -50.605, -0.061 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.399, -0.061 ], [ -50.44, -0.057 ], [ -50.378, -0.015 ], [ -50.357, -0.049 ], [ -50.399, -0.061 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.75, 0 ], [ -49.609, 0.08 ], [ -49.474, 0.081 ], [ -49.338, -0.017 ], [ -49.487, -0.136 ], [ -49.723, -0.147 ], [ -49.835, -0.088 ], [ -49.75, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.023, -0.019 ], [ -49.039, -0.011 ], [ -49.02, -0.006 ], [ -49.023, -0.019 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.932, 0.052 ], [ -50.918, 0.084 ], [ -50.884, 0.078 ], [ -50.899, 0.057 ], [ -50.932, 0.052 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.928, 0 ], [ -50.786, 0.05 ], [ -50.717, 0.028 ], [ -50.94, -0.041 ], [ -50.928, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.691, 0.025 ], [ -50.655, 0.015 ], [ -50.703, 0.021 ], [ -50.691, 0.025 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.629, -0.043 ], [ -50.642, -0.016 ], [ -50.622, -0.026 ], [ -50.629, -0.043 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.642, 0 ], [ -50.611, 0.007 ], [ -50.595, -0.019 ], [ -50.642, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.536, 0 ], [ -50.653, 0.126 ], [ -50.59, 0.203 ], [ -50.434, 0.126 ], [ -50.436, 0 ], [ -50.536, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50, 0.311 ], [ -49.674, 0.368 ], [ -49.601, 0.283 ], [ -49.86, 0.008 ], [ -49.99, -0.048 ], [ -50.086, 0.034 ], [ -50.351, 0.044 ], [ -50.394, 0.222 ], [ -50.153, 0.227 ], [ -50, 0.311 ] ] ] ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "La costa de lo que hoy es territorio brasileño fue el primer punto al \nque llegaron los europeos en América del Sur. La primera expedición que \nexploró la región fue un desprendimiento de la flota portuguesa que \nVasco da Gama (c. 1460-1524) llevaba hacia oriente. Las naves dirigidas \npor Pedro Álvarez de Cabral (1467-1520) se alejaron excesivamente de la \ncosta de África y terminaron en el extremo sur de actual territorio del \nEstado de Bahía, en que el permanecieron entre abril y mayo del año \n1500. Los portuguese establecieron en la costa precarias feitorias para \ncomerciar verzino o palo brasil con los nativos de las sociedades tupí y\n guaraní nativas. Recién en 1530 la corona brasileña tomaría acciones \ndecididas para organizar la ocupación portuguesa y las actividades de \nexplotación, cuando instaura el régimen de capitanías hereditarias que \nestructuraría el establecimiento colonial lusitano en brasil. \nBibliografía: Johnson, H. B., \"Portuguese Settlement, 1500-1580\", en \nBethell, Leslie (ed.), Colonial Brazil, Cambridge, Cambridge University \nPress, 1987, pp. 1-38; Abulafia, David, El descubrimiento de la \nhumanidad. Encuentros atlánticos en la era de Colón, Barcelona, Crítica,\n 2009 [2008]; Metcalf, Alida C., Go-Betweens and the Colonization of \nBrazil, 1500-1600, Austin, University of Texas Press, 2005; Vaz de \nCaminha, Pêro, Carta del descubrimiento del Brasil, Barcelona, \nAcantilado, 2009.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-19T00:00:49+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 8086, "end" : 8092 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Brasil" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/9b197c2a-670a-4c7e-afd3-414f1cb0500e", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://sws.geonames.org/3469034", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-19T00:00:49+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-19T00:00:49+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "MultiPolygon", "coordinates" : [ [ [ [ -44.657, -3.018 ], [ -44.608, -3.041 ], [ -44.72, -3.18 ], [ -44.793, -3.198 ], [ -44.779, -3.312 ], [ -44.736, -3.302 ], [ -44.763, -3.225 ], [ -44.653, -3.196 ], [ -44.431, -2.945 ], [ -44.367, -2.643 ], [ -44.362, -2.726 ], [ -44.355, -2.605 ], [ -44.378, -2.566 ], [ -44.345, -2.528 ], [ -44.29, -2.573 ], [ -44.306, -2.487 ], [ -44.02, -2.403 ], [ -44.03, -2.457 ], [ -44.108, -2.468 ], [ -44.035, -2.518 ], [ -44.131, -2.596 ], [ -44.147, -2.681 ], [ -44.219, -2.67 ], [ -44.209, -2.716 ], [ -44.345, -2.791 ], [ -44.347, -2.838 ], [ -44.315, -2.788 ], [ -44.3, -2.843 ], [ -44.266, -2.777 ], [ -44.225, -2.806 ], [ -44.184, -2.766 ], [ -44.208, -2.857 ], [ -44.111, -2.749 ], [ -44.072, -2.811 ], [ -44.05, -2.685 ], [ -43.981, -2.619 ], [ -43.946, -2.641 ], [ -43.933, -2.553 ], [ -43.883, -2.649 ], [ -43.887, -2.578 ], [ -43.803, -2.56 ], [ -43.76, -2.513 ], [ -43.754, -2.556 ], [ -43.729, -2.481 ], [ -43.727, -2.569 ], [ -43.654, -2.556 ], [ -43.682, -2.534 ], [ -43.653, -2.488 ], [ -43.608, -2.593 ], [ -43.603, -2.518 ], [ -43.548, -2.528 ], [ -43.519, -2.445 ], [ -43.498, -2.55 ], [ -43.46, -2.507 ], [ -43.458, -2.596 ], [ -43.401, -2.552 ], [ -43.448, -2.538 ], [ -43.462, -2.427 ], [ -43.359, -2.44 ], [ -43.479, -2.376 ], [ -43.378, -2.329 ], [ -43.4, -2.353 ], [ -43.232, -2.362 ], [ -42.692, -2.596 ], [ -42.709, -2.56 ], [ -42.572, -2.68 ], [ -42.495, -2.689 ], [ -42.503, -2.727 ], [ -42.393, -2.751 ], [ -42.475, -2.706 ], [ -42.375, -2.717 ], [ -42.228, -2.818 ], [ -42.143, -2.808 ], [ -42.256, -2.735 ], [ -42.233, -2.674 ], [ -42.208, -2.712 ], [ -42.098, -2.768 ], [ -42.099, -2.809 ], [ -42.096, -2.747 ], [ -42.216, -2.687 ], [ -42.054, -2.691 ], [ -42.023, -2.775 ], [ -42.017, -2.718 ], [ -41.818, -2.723 ], [ -41.844, -2.773 ], [ -41.797, -2.751 ], [ -41.656, -2.884 ], [ -41.437, -2.939 ], [ -41.395, -2.906 ], [ -41.316, -2.943 ], [ -41.263, -2.887 ], [ -40.838, -2.895 ], [ -40.572, -2.844 ], [ -40.499, -2.787 ], [ -39.888, -2.886 ], [ -39.244, -3.229 ], [ -39.083, -3.394 ], [ -38.978, -3.407 ], [ -38.641, -3.687 ], [ -38.473, -3.7 ], [ -38.377, -3.866 ], [ -38.043, -4.214 ], [ -37.764, -4.399 ], [ -37.588, -4.624 ], [ -37.323, -4.698 ], [ -37.15, -4.943 ], [ -36.958, -4.919 ], [ -36.666, -5.108 ], [ -36.504, -5.061 ], [ -36.297, -5.106 ], [ -35.956, -5.045 ], [ -35.612, -5.11 ], [ -35.385, -5.255 ], [ -35.255, -5.483 ], [ -35.099, -6.169 ], [ -34.983, -6.396 ], [ -34.933, -6.753 ], [ -34.79, -7.159 ], [ -34.842, -7.564 ], [ -34.809, -7.622 ], [ -34.845, -7.69 ], [ -34.827, -8.004 ], [ -35.136, -8.895 ], [ -35.332, -9.237 ], [ -35.689, -9.668 ], [ -35.78, -9.706 ], [ -36.056, -10.083 ], [ -36.266, -10.256 ], [ -36.402, -10.506 ], [ -36.602, -10.567 ], [ -36.934, -10.826 ], [ -37.36, -11.428 ], [ -37.612, -11.979 ], [ -37.996, -12.578 ], [ -38.318, -12.934 ], [ -38.477, -13.022 ], [ -38.532, -13.017 ], [ -38.473, -12.913 ], [ -38.498, -12.722 ], [ -38.603, -12.728 ], [ -38.646, -12.622 ], [ -38.681, -12.661 ], [ -38.718, -12.627 ], [ -38.804, -12.835 ], [ -38.717, -12.873 ], [ -38.769, -12.995 ], [ -38.721, -13.021 ], [ -38.66, -12.963 ], [ -38.686, -12.878 ], [ -38.59, -12.972 ], [ -38.766, -13.129 ], [ -38.807, -13.1 ], [ -38.808, -13.154 ], [ -38.944, -13.243 ], [ -38.973, -13.391 ], [ -38.902, -13.384 ], [ -38.886, -13.45 ], [ -38.95, -13.577 ], [ -38.886, -13.659 ], [ -38.968, -13.67 ], [ -39.006, -13.891 ], [ -39.064, -13.865 ], [ -39.075, -13.887 ], [ -38.986, -13.998 ], [ -38.952, -13.986 ], [ -38.982, -13.912 ], [ -38.938, -13.886 ], [ -38.922, -13.92 ], [ -39.061, -14.716 ], [ -38.962, -15.585 ], [ -38.857, -15.86 ], [ -38.973, -16.211 ], [ -39.032, -16.26 ], [ -39.01, -16.369 ], [ -39.078, -16.454 ], [ -39.143, -16.762 ], [ -39.113, -16.896 ], [ -39.212, -17.155 ], [ -39.193, -17.602 ], [ -39.135, -17.691 ], [ -39.264, -17.869 ], [ -39.435, -17.943 ], [ -39.563, -18.091 ], [ -39.721, -18.493 ], [ -39.749, -18.81 ], [ -39.692, -19.353 ], [ -39.805, -19.65 ], [ -39.951, -19.717 ], [ -40.151, -19.956 ], [ -40.236, -20.285 ], [ -40.353, -20.32 ], [ -40.329, -20.236 ], [ -40.359, -20.291 ], [ -40.365, -20.317 ], [ -40.35, -20.328 ], [ -40.268, -20.327 ], [ -40.402, -20.606 ], [ -40.466, -20.624 ], [ -40.627, -20.845 ], [ -40.65, -20.813 ], [ -40.756, -20.866 ], [ -40.853, -21.133 ], [ -40.955, -21.251 ], [ -40.96, -21.364 ], [ -41.065, -21.495 ], [ -41.051, -21.608 ], [ -41.038, -21.622 ], [ -41.007, -21.618 ], [ -40.99, -22.014 ], [ -41.229, -22.151 ], [ -41.668, -22.294 ], [ -41.962, -22.538 ], [ -41.986, -22.713 ], [ -41.919, -22.774 ], [ -41.864, -22.759 ], [ -42.023, -22.896 ], [ -42.037, -22.94 ], [ -41.99, -22.964 ], [ -42.018, -22.998 ], [ -42.086, -22.957 ], [ -42.529, -22.934 ], [ -43.05, -22.982 ], [ -43.132, -22.941 ], [ -43.025, -22.741 ], [ -43.084, -22.68 ], [ -43.216, -22.725 ], [ -43.287, -22.806 ], [ -43.24, -22.847 ], [ -43.249, -22.797 ], [ -43.156, -22.784 ], [ -43.247, -22.882 ], [ -43.164, -22.899 ], [ -43.187, -22.995 ], [ -43.344, -22.983 ], [ -43.303, -23.02 ], [ -43.549, -23.081 ], [ -44.001, -23.1 ], [ -43.961, -23.042 ], [ -43.877, -23.067 ], [ -43.909, -23.02 ], [ -43.807, -23.063 ], [ -43.555, -23.055 ], [ -43.84, -22.906 ], [ -43.985, -22.937 ], [ -44.034, -23.014 ], [ -44.044, -22.923 ], [ -44.107, -23.03 ], [ -44.234, -23.06 ], [ -44.238, -23.004 ], [ -44.358, -23.02 ], [ -44.296, -22.961 ], [ -44.321, -22.927 ], [ -44.378, -22.972 ], [ -44.407, -22.945 ], [ -44.443, -23.035 ], [ -44.669, -23.06 ], [ -44.712, -23.19 ], [ -44.701, -23.237 ], [ -44.645, -23.191 ], [ -44.612, -23.206 ], [ -44.685, -23.256 ], [ -44.611, -23.238 ], [ -44.652, -23.302 ], [ -44.558, -23.232 ], [ -44.577, -23.275 ], [ -44.498, -23.302 ], [ -44.583, -23.367 ], [ -44.669, -23.341 ], [ -44.84, -23.395 ], [ -44.905, -23.339 ], [ -45.05, -23.418 ], [ -45.016, -23.461 ], [ -45.079, -23.519 ], [ -45.165, -23.495 ], [ -45.159, -23.541 ], [ -45.228, -23.547 ], [ -45.211, -23.582 ], [ -45.41, -23.632 ], [ -45.412, -23.825 ], [ -45.934, -23.771 ], [ -46.124, -23.842 ], [ -46.2, -24.002 ], [ -46.288, -24.044 ], [ -46.321, -24 ], [ -46.458, -24.025 ], [ -46.937, -24.281 ], [ -47.024, -24.382 ], [ -47.004, -24.412 ], [ -47.86, -24.996 ], [ -47.914, -25.061 ], [ -47.915, -25.16 ], [ -48.213, -25.47 ], [ -48.254, -25.435 ], [ -48.222, -25.342 ], [ -48.208, -25.353 ], [ -48.121, -25.267 ], [ -48.253, -25.328 ], [ -48.284, -25.294 ], [ -48.317, -25.363 ], [ -48.327, -25.232 ], [ -48.366, -25.317 ], [ -48.433, -25.237 ], [ -48.428, -25.324 ], [ -48.5, -25.335 ], [ -48.427, -25.39 ], [ -48.449, -25.379 ], [ -48.468, -25.388 ], [ -48.467, -25.432 ], [ -48.449, -25.384 ], [ -48.414, -25.428 ], [ -48.476, -25.485 ], [ -48.637, -25.468 ], [ -48.661, -25.398 ], [ -48.671, -25.435 ], [ -48.739, -25.374 ], [ -48.68, -25.465 ], [ -48.687, -25.499 ], [ -48.737, -25.483 ], [ -48.703, -25.504 ], [ -48.617, -25.536 ], [ -48.512, -25.505 ], [ -48.482, -25.591 ], [ -48.46, -25.552 ], [ -48.35, -25.581 ], [ -48.565, -25.868 ], [ -48.614, -26.06 ], [ -48.586, -26.172 ], [ -48.714, -26.243 ], [ -48.795, -26.073 ], [ -48.837, -26.157 ], [ -48.798, -26.142 ], [ -48.763, -26.199 ], [ -48.805, -26.228 ], [ -48.769, -26.223 ], [ -48.761, -26.286 ], [ -48.803, -26.303 ], [ -48.723, -26.362 ], [ -48.635, -26.374 ], [ -48.714, -26.308 ], [ -48.554, -26.172 ], [ -48.493, -26.224 ], [ -48.695, -26.658 ], [ -48.665, -26.769 ], [ -48.583, -26.786 ], [ -48.655, -26.909 ], [ -48.62, -27.007 ], [ -48.574, -27.011 ], [ -48.607, -27.122 ], [ -48.554, -27.152 ], [ -48.51, -27.108 ], [ -48.469, -27.148 ], [ -48.511, -27.183 ], [ -48.486, -27.218 ], [ -48.531, -27.18 ], [ -48.612, -27.243 ], [ -48.596, -27.318 ], [ -48.529, -27.334 ], [ -48.649, -27.486 ], [ -48.572, -27.592 ], [ -48.653, -27.648 ], [ -48.575, -27.888 ], [ -48.761, -28.535 ], [ -48.813, -28.605 ], [ -49.37, -28.92 ], [ -49.334, -28.921 ], [ -49.702, -29.308 ], [ -50.006, -29.749 ], [ -50.316, -30.472 ], [ -50.848, -31.205 ], [ -51.303, -31.613 ], [ -51.877, -31.952 ], [ -52.071, -32.188 ], [ -52.012, -31.946 ], [ -52.092, -31.837 ], [ -51.851, -31.865 ], [ -51.777, -31.805 ], [ -51.854, -31.797 ], [ -51.65, -31.759 ], [ -51.478, -31.562 ], [ -51.43, -31.622 ], [ -51.458, -31.548 ], [ -51.424, -31.478 ], [ -51.351, -31.529 ], [ -51.234, -31.458 ], [ -51.16, -31.31 ], [ -51.166, -31.063 ], [ -51.109, -31.097 ], [ -50.985, -31.042 ], [ -50.965, -30.893 ], [ -50.888, -30.893 ], [ -50.705, -30.756 ], [ -50.677, -30.61 ], [ -50.725, -30.371 ], [ -50.692, -30.355 ], [ -50.625, -30.409 ], [ -50.641, -30.459 ], [ -50.569, -30.471 ], [ -50.534, -30.278 ], [ -50.601, -30.194 ], [ -50.659, -30.201 ], [ -50.661, -30.293 ], [ -50.918, -30.333 ], [ -50.934, -30.42 ], [ -50.889, -30.439 ], [ -50.921, -30.44 ], [ -51.052, -30.395 ], [ -51.034, -30.276 ], [ -51.146, -30.267 ], [ -51.246, -30.188 ], [ -51.23, -30.043 ], [ -51.295, -30.007 ], [ -51.326, -30.23 ], [ -51.271, -30.25 ], [ -51.293, -30.295 ], [ -51.246, -30.33 ], [ -51.209, -30.3 ], [ -51.179, -30.383 ], [ -51.092, -30.367 ], [ -51.129, -30.436 ], [ -51.202, -30.413 ], [ -51.269, -30.489 ], [ -51.282, -30.811 ], [ -51.33, -30.777 ], [ -51.294, -30.758 ], [ -51.319, -30.64 ], [ -51.375, -30.635 ], [ -51.404, -30.769 ], [ -51.367, -30.874 ], [ -51.457, -30.874 ], [ -51.501, -30.935 ], [ -51.436, -31.088 ], [ -51.611, -31.138 ], [ -51.613, -31.272 ], [ -51.915, -31.313 ], [ -52.002, -31.449 ], [ -52.031, -31.693 ], [ -52.218, -31.747 ], [ -52.247, -31.871 ], [ -52.106, -31.952 ], [ -52.216, -31.963 ], [ -52.263, -32.062 ], [ -52.209, -32.045 ], [ -52.225, -32.096 ], [ -52.082, -32.033 ], [ -52.162, -32.128 ], [ -52.09, -32.069 ], [ -52.084, -32.186 ], [ -52.16, -32.201 ], [ -52.341, -32.43 ], [ -52.488, -32.844 ], [ -52.66, -33.165 ], [ -53.227, -33.658 ], [ -53.421, -33.741 ], [ -53.524, -33.689 ], [ -53.515, -33.163 ], [ -53.434, -33.054 ], [ -53.243, -32.936 ], [ -53.294, -32.911 ], [ -53.074, -32.746 ], [ -53.244, -32.605 ], [ -53.39, -32.583 ], [ -53.46, -32.48 ], [ -53.595, -32.432 ], [ -53.73, -32.157 ], [ -53.714, -32.104 ], [ -53.965, -31.919 ], [ -54.096, -31.906 ], [ -54.466, -31.666 ], [ -54.491, -31.54 ], [ -54.591, -31.448 ], [ -54.836, -31.446 ], [ -54.945, -31.392 ], [ -55.014, -31.285 ], [ -55.091, -31.326 ], [ -55.245, -31.257 ], [ -55.374, -31.038 ], [ -55.594, -30.848 ], [ -55.635, -30.857 ], [ -55.657, -30.956 ], [ -55.87, -31.08 ], [ -56.008, -31.063 ], [ -55.987, -30.86 ], [ -56.021, -30.784 ], [ -56.127, -30.739 ], [ -56.177, -30.614 ], [ -56.384, -30.495 ], [ -56.459, -30.387 ], [ -56.545, -30.364 ], [ -56.54, -30.312 ], [ -56.617, -30.303 ], [ -56.644, -30.205 ], [ -56.776, -30.166 ], [ -56.804, -30.107 ], [ -57.068, -30.088 ], [ -57.207, -30.281 ], [ -57.313, -30.26 ], [ -57.396, -30.303 ], [ -57.538, -30.275 ], [ -57.618, -30.179 ], [ -57.505, -30.143 ], [ -57.342, -30.001 ], [ -57.319, -29.87 ], [ -57.254, -29.794 ], [ -57.105, -29.752 ], [ -56.972, -29.639 ], [ -56.676, -29.321 ], [ -56.593, -29.123 ], [ -56.425, -29.073 ], [ -56.285, -28.794 ], [ -56.185, -28.771 ], [ -56.016, -28.611 ], [ -56.011, -28.509 ], [ -55.888, -28.479 ], [ -55.875, -28.362 ], [ -55.696, -28.425 ], [ -55.671, -28.333 ], [ -55.773, -28.247 ], [ -55.605, -28.123 ], [ -55.554, -28.164 ], [ -55.496, -28.081 ], [ -55.444, -28.097 ], [ -55.323, -27.928 ], [ -55.196, -27.863 ], [ -55.134, -27.895 ], [ -55.117, -27.853 ], [ -55.032, -27.854 ], [ -55.082, -27.789 ], [ -54.941, -27.775 ], [ -54.809, -27.536 ], [ -54.781, -27.586 ], [ -54.683, -27.576 ], [ -54.678, -27.514 ], [ -54.624, -27.55 ], [ -54.576, -27.458 ], [ -54.525, -27.507 ], [ -54.415, -27.412 ], [ -54.353, -27.468 ], [ -54.339, -27.406 ], [ -54.282, -27.447 ], [ -54.176, -27.261 ], [ -54.089, -27.303 ], [ -53.949, -27.158 ], [ -53.799, -27.147 ], [ -53.795, -27.048 ], [ -53.761, -27.068 ], [ -53.662, -26.869 ], [ -53.751, -26.745 ], [ -53.707, -26.563 ], [ -53.738, -26.548 ], [ -53.592, -26.265 ], [ -53.722, -26.13 ], [ -53.733, -26.047 ], [ -53.837, -25.969 ], [ -53.824, -25.793 ], [ -53.891, -25.625 ], [ -53.951, -25.644 ], [ -54.016, -25.569 ], [ -54.101, -25.625 ], [ -54.111, -25.504 ], [ -54.213, -25.554 ], [ -54.184, -25.591 ], [ -54.289, -25.562 ], [ -54.387, -25.608 ], [ -54.43, -25.706 ], [ -54.596, -25.595 ], [ -54.617, -25.459 ], [ -54.437, -25.157 ], [ -54.458, -25.031 ], [ -54.336, -24.649 ], [ -54.333, -24.493 ], [ -54.262, -24.376 ], [ -54.33, -24.225 ], [ -54.282, -24.075 ], [ -54.411, -23.929 ], [ -54.668, -23.815 ], [ -55.061, -23.991 ], [ -55.112, -23.963 ], [ -55.226, -24.013 ], [ -55.413, -23.961 ], [ -55.434, -23.714 ], [ -55.535, -23.614 ], [ -55.522, -23.197 ], [ -55.596, -23.141 ], [ -55.64, -22.994 ], [ -55.685, -22.992 ], [ -55.613, -22.659 ], [ -55.736, -22.532 ], [ -55.74, -22.396 ], [ -55.854, -22.281 ], [ -56.208, -22.281 ], [ -56.341, -22.206 ], [ -56.403, -22.078 ], [ -56.519, -22.103 ], [ -56.643, -22.261 ], [ -56.698, -22.216 ], [ -56.728, -22.26 ], [ -56.808, -22.25 ], [ -56.831, -22.3 ], [ -57.001, -22.225 ], [ -57.203, -22.21 ], [ -57.243, -22.244 ], [ -57.553, -22.181 ], [ -57.616, -22.096 ], [ -57.803, -22.148 ], [ -57.989, -22.085 ], [ -58.005, -22.032 ], [ -57.919, -21.881 ], [ -57.969, -21.844 ], [ -57.913, -21.793 ], [ -57.947, -21.747 ], [ -57.894, -21.687 ], [ -57.968, -21.528 ], [ -57.855, -21.339 ], [ -57.918, -21.278 ], [ -57.854, -21.226 ], [ -57.866, -21.041 ], [ -57.818, -20.976 ], [ -57.927, -20.897 ], [ -57.855, -20.835 ], [ -57.961, -20.784 ], [ -57.869, -20.736 ], [ -57.923, -20.666 ], [ -57.988, -20.696 ], [ -57.994, -20.448 ], [ -58.082, -20.372 ], [ -58.092, -20.257 ], [ -58.154, -20.264 ], [ -58.125, -20.188 ], [ -58.163, -20.162 ], [ -57.872, -19.979 ], [ -58.134, -19.761 ], [ -57.79, -19.051 ], [ -57.709, -19.034 ], [ -57.757, -18.858 ], [ -57.56, -18.263 ], [ -57.458, -18.228 ], [ -57.568, -18.136 ], [ -57.702, -17.86 ], [ -57.715, -17.735 ], [ -57.785, -17.645 ], [ -57.773, -17.553 ], [ -57.878, -17.463 ], [ -58.003, -17.52 ], [ -58.114, -17.456 ], [ -58.395, -17.197 ], [ -58.421, -16.99 ], [ -58.47, -16.939 ], [ -58.468, -16.702 ], [ -58.442, -16.613 ], [ -58.34, -16.542 ], [ -58.309, -16.27 ], [ -58.471, -16.325 ], [ -60.173, -16.265 ], [ -60.236, -15.476 ], [ -60.565, -15.105 ], [ -60.253, -15.101 ], [ -60.257, -14.624 ], [ -60.338, -14.555 ], [ -60.482, -14.181 ], [ -60.468, -14.092 ], [ -60.378, -13.992 ], [ -60.468, -13.886 ], [ -60.468, -13.801 ], [ -60.793, -13.686 ], [ -60.962, -13.539 ], [ -61.044, -13.541 ], [ -61.028, -13.477 ], [ -61.069, -13.463 ], [ -61.139, -13.521 ], [ -61.249, -13.525 ], [ -61.33, -13.473 ], [ -61.486, -13.554 ], [ -61.578, -13.494 ], [ -61.824, -13.539 ], [ -61.866, -13.443 ], [ -62.108, -13.257 ], [ -62.109, -13.149 ], [ -62.165, -13.112 ], [ -62.368, -13.145 ], [ -62.464, -13.07 ], [ -62.637, -13.041 ], [ -62.674, -12.965 ], [ -62.764, -13.023 ], [ -62.923, -12.854 ], [ -62.996, -12.85 ], [ -63.082, -12.653 ], [ -63.327, -12.705 ], [ -63.482, -12.557 ], [ -63.712, -12.458 ], [ -63.875, -12.469 ], [ -63.937, -12.557 ], [ -64.127, -12.494 ], [ -64.152, -12.529 ], [ -64.215, -12.476 ], [ -64.278, -12.511 ], [ -64.493, -12.366 ], [ -64.486, -12.23 ], [ -64.654, -12.186 ], [ -64.683, -12.099 ], [ -64.725, -12.162 ], [ -64.798, -12.035 ], [ -64.993, -11.999 ], [ -65.048, -11.757 ], [ -65.112, -11.741 ], [ -65.106, -11.697 ], [ -65.135, -11.777 ], [ -65.201, -11.745 ], [ -65.161, -11.622 ], [ -65.218, -11.521 ], [ -65.299, -11.5 ], [ -65.338, -11.392 ], [ -65.31, -11.341 ], [ -65.385, -11.269 ], [ -65.349, -11.239 ], [ -65.391, -11.167 ], [ -65.318, -11.105 ], [ -65.336, -11.044 ], [ -65.269, -10.901 ], [ -65.366, -10.798 ], [ -65.349, -10.671 ], [ -65.426, -10.638 ], [ -65.429, -10.473 ], [ -65.28, -10.218 ], [ -65.327, -9.938 ], [ -65.29, -9.851 ], [ -65.377, -9.698 ], [ -65.488, -9.718 ], [ -65.563, -9.834 ], [ -65.669, -9.779 ], [ -65.7, -9.803 ], [ -65.689, -9.749 ], [ -65.748, -9.77 ], [ -65.777, -9.727 ], [ -65.798, -9.786 ], [ -65.81, -9.75 ], [ -65.86, -9.794 ], [ -65.872, -9.757 ], [ -66.018, -9.807 ], [ -66.064, -9.772 ], [ -66.422, -9.895 ], [ -66.616, -9.893 ], [ -66.623, -9.935 ], [ -66.883, -10.081 ], [ -67.029, -10.254 ], [ -67.186, -10.339 ], [ -67.315, -10.316 ], [ -67.327, -10.374 ], [ -67.414, -10.372 ], [ -67.443, -10.45 ], [ -67.594, -10.523 ], [ -67.715, -10.707 ], [ -68.021, -10.661 ], [ -68.119, -10.726 ], [ -68.283, -10.987 ], [ -68.519, -11.048 ], [ -68.587, -11.11 ], [ -68.769, -11.139 ], [ -68.751, -11.007 ], [ -68.787, -10.99 ], [ -68.871, -11.023 ], [ -69.393, -10.929 ], [ -69.728, -10.973 ], [ -69.938, -10.926 ], [ -70.318, -11.066 ], [ -70.428, -11.033 ], [ -70.508, -10.94 ], [ -70.618, -11.007 ], [ -70.622, -9.847 ], [ -70.522, -9.738 ], [ -70.598, -9.574 ], [ -70.561, -9.579 ], [ -70.497, -9.433 ], [ -70.601, -9.453 ], [ -70.982, -9.812 ], [ -71.131, -9.862 ], [ -71.288, -9.996 ], [ -72.165, -10.002 ], [ -72.16, -9.818 ], [ -72.26, -9.755 ], [ -72.289, -9.536 ], [ -72.364, -9.491 ], [ -72.721, -9.417 ], [ -73.196, -9.418 ], [ -72.965, -9.154 ], [ -72.946, -8.99 ], [ -73.059, -8.904 ], [ -73.169, -8.701 ], [ -73.338, -8.609 ], [ -73.338, -8.476 ], [ -73.526, -8.369 ], [ -73.632, -8.022 ], [ -73.765, -7.94 ], [ -73.777, -7.869 ], [ -73.697, -7.865 ], [ -73.69, -7.79 ], [ -73.985, -7.543 ], [ -73.917, -7.461 ], [ -73.954, -7.348 ], [ -73.868, -7.377 ], [ -73.691, -7.313 ], [ -73.797, -7.115 ], [ -73.743, -6.897 ], [ -73.351, -6.561 ], [ -73.211, -6.53 ], [ -73.133, -6.421 ], [ -73.185, -6.04 ], [ -73.131, -5.986 ], [ -73.116, -5.865 ], [ -72.951, -5.643 ], [ -72.948, -5.454 ], [ -72.872, -5.25 ], [ -72.896, -5.136 ], [ -72.734, -5.043 ], [ -72.602, -5.056 ], [ -72.577, -4.992 ], [ -72.455, -4.962 ], [ -72.452, -4.906 ], [ -72.37, -4.88 ], [ -72.356, -4.803 ], [ -72.292, -4.799 ], [ -72.313, -4.769 ], [ -72.223, -4.78 ], [ -72.113, -4.722 ], [ -72.047, -4.625 ], [ -71.94, -4.607 ], [ -71.897, -4.512 ], [ -71.61, -4.465 ], [ -71.597, -4.525 ], [ -71.535, -4.46 ], [ -71.49, -4.479 ], [ -71.506, -4.435 ], [ -71.414, -4.432 ], [ -71.432, -4.469 ], [ -71.342, -4.423 ], [ -71.355, -4.468 ], [ -71.303, -4.458 ], [ -71.269, -4.381 ], [ -71.198, -4.377 ], [ -71.193, -4.42 ], [ -71.147, -4.375 ], [ -71.031, -4.397 ], [ -70.99, -4.34 ], [ -70.935, -4.381 ], [ -70.757, -4.152 ], [ -70.677, -4.2 ], [ -70.622, -4.121 ], [ -70.633, -4.173 ], [ -70.565, -4.168 ], [ -70.566, -4.205 ], [ -70.553, -4.128 ], [ -70.503, -4.19 ], [ -70.434, -4.125 ], [ -70.341, -4.174 ], [ -70.317, -4.136 ], [ -70.291, -4.283 ], [ -70.249, -4.267 ], [ -70.186, -4.357 ], [ -70.169, -4.27 ], [ -70.101, -4.255 ], [ -70.031, -4.339 ], [ -69.929, -4.213 ], [ -69.453, -1.478 ], [ -69.368, -1.334 ], [ -69.422, -0.998 ], [ -69.508, -0.936 ], [ -69.609, -0.755 ], [ -69.551, -0.648 ], [ -69.593, -0.517 ], [ -69.908, -0.316 ], [ -70.068, -0.135 ], [ -70.037, 0.553 ], [ -69.798, 0.585 ], [ -69.664, 0.672 ], [ -69.606, 0.623 ], [ -69.468, 0.734 ], [ -69.357, 0.621 ], [ -69.295, 0.648 ], [ -69.288, 0.609 ], [ -69.202, 0.602 ], [ -69.112, 0.643 ], [ -69.184, 0.73 ], [ -69.137, 0.868 ], [ -69.257, 1.026 ], [ -69.342, 1.064 ], [ -69.416, 1.024 ], [ -69.7, 1.056 ], [ -69.721, 1.097 ], [ -69.854, 1.07 ], [ -69.855, 1.715 ], [ -69.556, 1.775 ], [ -69.395, 1.726 ], [ -68.128, 1.73 ], [ -68.29, 1.841 ], [ -68.205, 2.038 ], [ -68.027, 1.784 ], [ -67.924, 1.751 ], [ -67.797, 1.812 ], [ -67.578, 2.076 ], [ -67.41, 2.141 ], [ -67.117, 1.732 ], [ -67.068, 1.532 ], [ -67.097, 1.17 ], [ -66.855, 1.228 ], [ -66.322, 0.738 ], [ -66.095, 0.754 ], [ -65.952, 0.81 ], [ -65.854, 0.939 ], [ -65.733, 1.005 ], [ -65.583, 1.008 ], [ -65.47, 0.877 ], [ -65.557, 0.705 ], [ -65.504, 0.627 ], [ -65.393, 0.699 ], [ -65.305, 0.916 ], [ -65.152, 0.943 ], [ -65.121, 1.115 ], [ -65.055, 1.144 ], [ -64.968, 1.112 ], [ -64.903, 1.249 ], [ -64.843, 1.237 ], [ -64.783, 1.313 ], [ -64.721, 1.25 ], [ -64.638, 1.286 ], [ -64.387, 1.527 ], [ -64.344, 1.528 ], [ -64.382, 1.419 ], [ -64.344, 1.38 ], [ -64.186, 1.494 ], [ -64.054, 1.708 ], [ -64.057, 1.933 ], [ -64.018, 1.967 ], [ -63.781, 1.989 ], [ -63.604, 2.124 ], [ -63.419, 2.154 ], [ -63.349, 2.281 ], [ -63.382, 2.442 ], [ -63.756, 2.403 ], [ -64.031, 2.509 ], [ -63.987, 2.772 ], [ -64.216, 3.153 ], [ -64.236, 3.476 ], [ -64.186, 3.634 ], [ -64.324, 3.797 ], [ -64.543, 3.882 ], [ -64.8, 4.224 ], [ -64.79, 4.329 ], [ -64.677, 4.297 ], [ -64.555, 4.153 ], [ -64.135, 4.176 ], [ -63.967, 3.93 ], [ -63.806, 4.019 ], [ -63.623, 4.01 ], [ -63.455, 3.91 ], [ -63.411, 4.026 ], [ -63.358, 4.04 ], [ -63.203, 3.952 ], [ -63.189, 3.872 ], [ -62.86, 3.584 ], [ -62.749, 3.642 ], [ -62.705, 3.724 ], [ -62.752, 4.012 ], [ -62.635, 4.056 ], [ -62.557, 4.02 ], [ -62.46, 4.173 ], [ -62.129, 4.084 ], [ -61.961, 4.18 ], [ -61.927, 4.106 ], [ -61.723, 4.262 ], [ -61.528, 4.273 ], [ -61.507, 4.398 ], [ -61.274, 4.471 ], [ -61.293, 4.55 ], [ -61.141, 4.508 ], [ -60.952, 4.549 ], [ -60.907, 4.708 ], [ -60.731, 4.777 ], [ -60.59, 4.951 ], [ -60.744, 5.209 ], [ -60.438, 5.177 ], [ -60.203, 5.265 ], [ -60.176, 5.227 ], [ -60.121, 5.243 ], [ -60.085, 5.149 ], [ -59.969, 5.073 ], [ -60.03, 4.704 ], [ -60.163, 4.521 ], [ -59.927, 4.509 ], [ -59.674, 4.382 ], [ -59.726, 4.191 ], [ -59.628, 4.138 ], [ -59.655, 4.078 ], [ -59.516, 3.94 ], [ -59.581, 3.901 ], [ -59.594, 3.796 ], [ -59.666, 3.777 ], [ -59.664, 3.703 ], [ -59.849, 3.601 ], [ -59.799, 3.355 ], [ -59.909, 3.197 ], [ -59.982, 2.929 ], [ -59.99, 2.683 ], [ -59.903, 2.479 ], [ -59.91, 2.388 ], [ -59.724, 2.277 ], [ -59.754, 1.861 ], [ -59.654, 1.849 ], [ -59.669, 1.764 ], [ -59.549, 1.729 ], [ -59.253, 1.397 ], [ -58.914, 1.299 ], [ -58.904, 1.234 ], [ -58.804, 1.175 ], [ -58.696, 1.288 ], [ -58.507, 1.264 ], [ -58.468, 1.318 ], [ -58.498, 1.458 ], [ -58.382, 1.471 ], [ -58.325, 1.59 ], [ -58.167, 1.558 ], [ -58.13, 1.501 ], [ -58.009, 1.501 ], [ -58, 1.665 ], [ -57.919, 1.645 ], [ -57.77, 1.718 ], [ -57.545, 1.701 ], [ -57.434, 1.895 ], [ -57.302, 1.99 ], [ -57.247, 1.944 ], [ -57.085, 2.021 ], [ -57.012, 1.918 ], [ -56.8, 1.864 ], [ -56.724, 1.92 ], [ -56.454, 1.945 ], [ -55.957, 1.844 ], [ -55.906, 1.889 ], [ -55.913, 2.041 ], [ -56.048, 2.226 ], [ -56.134, 2.263 ], [ -56.09, 2.352 ], [ -55.995, 2.405 ], [ -55.987, 2.517 ], [ -55.948, 2.532 ], [ -55.739, 2.401 ], [ -55.481, 2.443 ], [ -55.37, 2.407 ], [ -55.336, 2.516 ], [ -55.239, 2.495 ], [ -55.137, 2.575 ], [ -55.103, 2.522 ], [ -54.94, 2.632 ], [ -54.969, 2.555 ], [ -54.864, 2.439 ], [ -54.72, 2.469 ], [ -54.702, 2.336 ], [ -54.549, 2.336 ], [ -54.534, 2.268 ], [ -54.314, 2.158 ], [ -54.189, 2.179 ], [ -54.111, 2.127 ], [ -54.078, 2.197 ], [ -53.784, 2.364 ], [ -53.694, 2.287 ], [ -53.472, 2.332 ], [ -53.397, 2.272 ], [ -53.273, 2.292 ], [ -53.188, 2.223 ], [ -52.905, 2.19 ], [ -52.853, 2.285 ], [ -52.673, 2.374 ], [ -52.555, 2.523 ], [ -52.556, 2.646 ], [ -52.382, 2.912 ], [ -52.347, 3.134 ], [ -52.192, 3.296 ], [ -51.92, 3.781 ], [ -51.795, 3.89 ], [ -51.754, 3.996 ], [ -51.658, 4.049 ], [ -51.585, 4.241 ], [ -51.529, 4.171 ], [ -51.545, 4.397 ], [ -51.202, 4.084 ], [ -51.173, 3.767 ], [ -51.127, 3.911 ], [ -51.085, 3.895 ], [ -51.051, 3.283 ], [ -50.913, 2.875 ], [ -50.927, 2.807 ], [ -50.816, 2.644 ], [ -50.851, 2.482 ], [ -50.802, 2.508 ], [ -50.736, 2.414 ], [ -50.765, 2.359 ], [ -50.694, 2.276 ], [ -50.725, 2.252 ], [ -50.675, 2.247 ], [ -50.682, 2.137 ], [ -50.584, 2.091 ], [ -50.586, 2.014 ], [ -50.471, 1.82 ], [ -50.194, 1.794 ], [ -49.954, 1.676 ], [ -49.88, 1.419 ], [ -49.918, 1.289 ], [ -50.073, 1.204 ], [ -49.918, 1.232 ], [ -49.939, 1.103 ], [ -50.003, 1.066 ], [ -50.033, 1.107 ], [ -50.131, 0.949 ], [ -50.274, 0.866 ], [ -50.338, 0.729 ], [ -50.417, 0.685 ], [ -50.455, 0.732 ], [ -50.428, 0.679 ], [ -50.571, 0.424 ], [ -50.691, 0.3 ], [ -50.677, 0.365 ], [ -50.746, 0.227 ], [ -50.801, 0.224 ], [ -50.785, 0.183 ], [ -50.908, 0.171 ], [ -51.087, -0.043 ], [ -51.203, -0.055 ], [ -51.419, -0.412 ], [ -51.409, -0.44 ], [ -51.325, -0.364 ], [ -51.188, -0.14 ], [ -51.111, -0.154 ], [ -51.154, -0.284 ], [ -51.396, -0.493 ], [ -51.243, -0.443 ], [ -51.26, -0.5 ], [ -51.165, -0.431 ], [ -50.953, -0.061 ], [ -50.824, -0.048 ], [ -50.705, 0.002 ], [ -50.613, -0.088 ], [ -50.744, -0.244 ], [ -50.751, -0.429 ], [ -50.845, -0.526 ], [ -50.988, -0.583 ], [ -51.051, -0.682 ], [ -50.826, -0.555 ], [ -50.794, -0.666 ], [ -50.733, -0.557 ], [ -50.684, -0.604 ], [ -50.724, -0.493 ], [ -50.652, -0.276 ], [ -50.409, -0.094 ], [ -49.631, -0.247 ], [ -49.446, -0.23 ], [ -49.289, -0.145 ], [ -49.018, -0.16 ], [ -49, -0.139 ], [ -48.895, -0.224 ], [ -48.539, -0.234 ], [ -48.363, -0.303 ], [ -48.459, -0.513 ], [ -48.522, -0.877 ], [ -48.667, -1.002 ], [ -48.621, -1.005 ], [ -48.65, -1.048 ], [ -48.617, -1.053 ], [ -48.721, -1.137 ], [ -48.837, -1.452 ], [ -49.161, -1.575 ], [ -49.182, -1.623 ], [ -49.362, -1.604 ], [ -49.364, -1.642 ], [ -49.448, -1.637 ], [ -49.5, -1.738 ], [ -49.61, -1.718 ], [ -49.676, -1.78 ], [ -49.696, -1.757 ], [ -49.714, -1.76 ], [ -49.803, -1.822 ], [ -50.035, -1.717 ], [ -50.179, -1.787 ], [ -50.256, -1.776 ], [ -50.415, -1.841 ], [ -50.401, -1.935 ], [ -49.994, -1.819 ], [ -49.844, -1.905 ], [ -49.765, -1.898 ], [ -49.616, -1.79 ], [ -49.276, -1.706 ], [ -49.267, -1.778 ], [ -49.387, -1.977 ], [ -49.383, -2.159 ], [ -48.973, -1.594 ], [ -48.897, -1.573 ], [ -48.955, -1.712 ], [ -48.932, -1.75 ], [ -48.898, -1.743 ], [ -48.656, -1.371 ], [ -48.592, -1.429 ], [ -48.601, -1.306 ], [ -48.524, -1.338 ], [ -48.537, -1.467 ], [ -48.496, -1.553 ], [ -48.491, -1.502 ], [ -48.46, -1.533 ], [ -48.374, -1.511 ], [ -48.319, -1.478 ], [ -48.505, -1.471 ], [ -48.422, -1.168 ], [ -48.475, -1.144 ], [ -48.4, -1.066 ], [ -48.278, -1.111 ], [ -48.304, -0.948 ], [ -48.055, -0.668 ], [ -48.001, -0.731 ], [ -47.893, -0.553 ], [ -47.843, -0.616 ], [ -47.807, -0.547 ], [ -47.702, -0.54 ], [ -47.707, -0.59 ], [ -47.667, -0.569 ], [ -47.633, -0.608 ], [ -47.651, -0.694 ], [ -47.608, -0.684 ], [ -47.577, -0.573 ], [ -47.476, -0.757 ], [ -47.398, -0.76 ], [ -47.428, -0.693 ], [ -47.464, -0.687 ], [ -47.466, -0.594 ], [ -47.399, -0.594 ], [ -47.4, -0.645 ], [ -47.298, -0.589 ], [ -47.253, -0.668 ], [ -47.247, -0.623 ], [ -47.206, -0.633 ], [ -47.23, -0.719 ], [ -47.158, -0.678 ], [ -47.191, -0.754 ], [ -47.146, -0.764 ], [ -47.16, -0.815 ], [ -47.081, -0.661 ], [ -47.055, -0.868 ], [ -47.027, -0.784 ], [ -46.983, -0.806 ], [ -47.016, -0.752 ], [ -46.967, -0.694 ], [ -46.969, -0.78 ], [ -46.891, -0.869 ], [ -46.89, -0.789 ], [ -46.846, -0.799 ], [ -46.82, -0.71 ], [ -46.802, -0.877 ], [ -46.777, -0.905 ], [ -46.75, -0.826 ], [ -46.709, -0.86 ], [ -46.734, -0.944 ], [ -46.687, -0.831 ], [ -46.653, -0.882 ], [ -46.621, -0.818 ], [ -46.601, -0.917 ], [ -46.676, -0.965 ], [ -46.622, -0.987 ], [ -46.57, -0.947 ], [ -46.609, -1.03 ], [ -46.57, -0.988 ], [ -46.525, -1.027 ], [ -46.465, -1.007 ], [ -46.47, -1.044 ], [ -46.395, -1.037 ], [ -46.413, -1.084 ], [ -46.348, -0.982 ], [ -46.36, -1.011 ], [ -46.366, -1.031 ], [ -46.348, -1.079 ], [ -46.339, -1.015 ], [ -46.299, -1.05 ], [ -46.212, -0.946 ], [ -46.242, -0.921 ], [ -46.179, -0.914 ], [ -46.224, -1.053 ], [ -46.206, -1.1 ], [ -46.158, -1.014 ], [ -46.138, -1.032 ], [ -46.193, -1.143 ], [ -46.104, -1.067 ], [ -46.062, -1.133 ], [ -46.15, -1.258 ], [ -45.982, -1.071 ], [ -45.953, -1.147 ], [ -46, -1.151 ], [ -46, -1.199 ], [ -45.95, -1.159 ], [ -45.95, -1.207 ], [ -46, -1.209 ], [ -45.95, -1.25 ], [ -45.902, -1.134 ], [ -45.923, -1.214 ], [ -45.882, -1.167 ], [ -45.873, -1.211 ], [ -45.909, -1.261 ], [ -45.859, -1.231 ], [ -45.891, -1.293 ], [ -45.807, -1.176 ], [ -45.843, -1.301 ], [ -45.809, -1.328 ], [ -45.831, -1.298 ], [ -45.782, -1.278 ], [ -45.726, -1.135 ], [ -45.69, -1.452 ], [ -45.697, -1.38 ], [ -45.632, -1.371 ], [ -45.618, -1.279 ], [ -45.589, -1.329 ], [ -45.537, -1.273 ], [ -45.561, -1.343 ], [ -45.51, -1.352 ], [ -45.567, -1.404 ], [ -45.546, -1.432 ], [ -45.413, -1.296 ], [ -45.489, -1.473 ], [ -45.511, -1.458 ], [ -45.554, -1.503 ], [ -45.507, -1.471 ], [ -45.518, -1.516 ], [ -45.481, -1.495 ], [ -45.463, -1.548 ], [ -45.457, -1.457 ], [ -45.391, -1.434 ], [ -45.363, -1.325 ], [ -45.323, -1.319 ], [ -45.302, -1.424 ], [ -45.392, -1.485 ], [ -45.398, -1.503 ], [ -45.356, -1.487 ], [ -45.392, -1.553 ], [ -45.338, -1.572 ], [ -45.371, -1.722 ], [ -45.338, -1.753 ], [ -45.197, -1.688 ], [ -45.261, -1.607 ], [ -45.16, -1.475 ], [ -45.136, -1.521 ], [ -45.072, -1.435 ], [ -45.07, -1.485 ], [ -44.999, -1.504 ], [ -45.018, -1.547 ], [ -44.969, -1.549 ], [ -45.029, -1.583 ], [ -45.029, -1.602 ], [ -44.979, -1.607 ], [ -44.954, -1.498 ], [ -44.862, -1.426 ], [ -44.857, -1.498 ], [ -44.954, -1.605 ], [ -44.918, -1.649 ], [ -44.968, -1.662 ], [ -44.913, -1.657 ], [ -44.927, -1.62 ], [ -44.886, -1.609 ], [ -44.837, -1.65 ], [ -44.822, -1.591 ], [ -44.826, -1.637 ], [ -44.805, -1.609 ], [ -44.812, -1.665 ], [ -44.779, -1.735 ], [ -44.711, -1.728 ], [ -44.82, -1.819 ], [ -44.738, -1.791 ], [ -44.706, -1.819 ], [ -44.676, -1.808 ], [ -44.661, -1.727 ], [ -44.604, -1.749 ], [ -44.667, -1.849 ], [ -44.601, -1.858 ], [ -44.583, -1.817 ], [ -44.586, -1.873 ], [ -44.543, -1.833 ], [ -44.601, -1.909 ], [ -44.517, -1.907 ], [ -44.484, -2.002 ], [ -44.613, -2.037 ], [ -44.467, -2.017 ], [ -44.626, -2.151 ], [ -44.589, -2.159 ], [ -44.641, -2.232 ], [ -44.708, -2.23 ], [ -44.684, -2.275 ], [ -44.764, -2.265 ], [ -44.654, -2.294 ], [ -44.681, -2.354 ], [ -44.649, -2.373 ], [ -44.666, -2.329 ], [ -44.479, -2.137 ], [ -44.358, -2.335 ], [ -44.401, -2.416 ], [ -44.514, -2.384 ], [ -44.55, -2.4 ], [ -44.491, -2.415 ], [ -44.514, -2.448 ], [ -44.505, -2.476 ], [ -44.665, -2.608 ], [ -44.548, -2.542 ], [ -44.658, -2.781 ], [ -44.688, -2.924 ], [ -44.677, -3.019 ], [ -44.66, -3.02 ], [ -44.657, -3.018 ] ], [ [ -43.318, -2.361 ], [ -43.317, -2.363 ], [ -43.296, -2.363 ], [ -43.318, -2.361 ] ], [ [ -42.438, -2.747 ], [ -42.442, -2.749 ], [ -42.438, -2.75 ], [ -42.438, -2.747 ] ], [ [ -42.442, -2.749 ], [ -42.47, -2.744 ], [ -42.447, -2.753 ], [ -42.442, -2.749 ] ], [ [ -50.851, 2.482 ], [ -50.853, 2.481 ], [ -50.853, 2.48 ], [ -50.851, 2.482 ] ], [ [ -50.853, 2.481 ], [ -50.86, 2.495 ], [ -50.86, 2.477 ], [ -50.853, 2.481 ] ], [ [ -49.976, 1.659 ], [ -49.98, 1.659 ], [ -50, 1.639 ], [ -49.976, 1.659 ] ], [ [ -45.392, -1.553 ], [ -45.393, -1.553 ], [ -45.394, -1.556 ], [ -45.392, -1.553 ] ], [ [ -45.394, -1.556 ], [ -45.406, -1.579 ], [ -45.403, -1.591 ], [ -45.394, -1.556 ] ], [ [ -44.837, -1.65 ], [ -44.834, -1.655 ], [ -44.833, -1.654 ], [ -44.837, -1.65 ] ], [ [ -44.834, -1.655 ], [ -44.841, -1.675 ], [ -44.822, -1.672 ], [ -44.834, -1.655 ] ], [ [ -44.779, -1.735 ], [ -44.777, -1.741 ], [ -44.776, -1.74 ], [ -44.779, -1.735 ] ], [ [ -44.777, -1.741 ], [ -44.833, -1.77 ], [ -44.774, -1.75 ], [ -44.777, -1.741 ] ], [ [ -44.547, -2.22 ], [ -44.536, -2.225 ], [ -44.543, -2.219 ], [ -44.547, -2.22 ] ], [ [ -44.536, -2.225 ], [ -44.507, -2.249 ], [ -44.512, -2.235 ], [ -44.536, -2.225 ] ], [ [ -44.507, -2.249 ], [ -44.504, -2.256 ], [ -44.501, -2.254 ], [ -44.507, -2.249 ] ], [ [ -44.504, -2.256 ], [ -44.514, -2.268 ], [ -44.502, -2.26 ], [ -44.504, -2.256 ] ] ], [ [ [ -29.34, -20.484 ], [ -29.301, -20.521 ], [ -29.341, -20.511 ], [ -29.34, -20.484 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.001, -13.94 ], [ -39.012, -13.915 ], [ -38.994, -13.896 ], [ -39.001, -13.94 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.043, -13.909 ], [ -39.059, -13.904 ], [ -39.054, -13.886 ], [ -39.028, -13.903 ], [ -39.043, -13.909 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.251, -18.015 ], [ -39.283, -18.005 ], [ -39.272, -17.982 ], [ -39.245, -18.006 ], [ -39.251, -18.015 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.131, -17.927 ], [ -39.154, -17.921 ], [ -39.137, -17.91 ], [ -39.131, -17.927 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.212, -17.986 ], [ -39.228, -17.979 ], [ -39.215, -17.944 ], [ -39.202, -17.95 ], [ -39.212, -17.986 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.341, -23.231 ], [ -44.372, -23.174 ], [ -44.232, -23.089 ], [ -44.087, -23.173 ], [ -44.3, -23.184 ], [ -44.341, -23.231 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.356, -23.073 ], [ -44.388, -23.048 ], [ -44.373, -23.033 ], [ -44.343, -23.041 ], [ -44.356, -23.073 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.929, -23.014 ], [ -43.936, -22.999 ], [ -43.916, -22.989 ], [ -43.929, -23.014 ] ] ], [ [ [ -42.002, -23.018 ], [ -42.015, -23.003 ], [ -41.98, -22.975 ], [ -41.975, -22.992 ], [ -42.002, -23.018 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.904, -22.962 ], [ -43.907, -22.936 ], [ -43.868, -22.926 ], [ -43.871, -22.95 ], [ -43.904, -22.962 ] ] ], [ [ [ -41.042, -21.613 ], [ -41.042, -21.6 ], [ -41.019, -21.606 ], [ -41.042, -21.613 ] ] ], [ [ [ -52.112, -32 ], [ -52.18, -32.035 ], [ -52.216, -32.025 ], [ -52.198, -31.978 ], [ -52.112, -32 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.641, -30.388 ], [ -50.629, -30.394 ], [ -50.624, -30.329 ], [ -50.592, -30.399 ], [ -50.609, -30.406 ], [ -50.641, -30.388 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.526, -27.462 ], [ -48.416, -27.38 ], [ -48.358, -27.446 ], [ -48.503, -27.799 ], [ -48.559, -27.842 ], [ -48.526, -27.462 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.354, -27.296 ], [ -48.376, -27.285 ], [ -48.373, -27.271 ], [ -48.36, -27.27 ], [ -48.354, -27.296 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.731, -26.314 ], [ -48.754, -26.297 ], [ -48.735, -26.282 ], [ -48.731, -26.314 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.318, -25.584 ], [ -48.309, -25.546 ], [ -48.381, -25.504 ], [ -48.312, -25.509 ], [ -48.292, -25.545 ], [ -48.318, -25.584 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.414, -25.544 ], [ -48.459, -25.514 ], [ -48.415, -25.527 ], [ -48.414, -25.544 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.424, -25.551 ], [ -48.479, -25.523 ], [ -48.485, -25.502 ], [ -48.424, -25.551 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.298, -25.493 ], [ -48.341, -25.416 ], [ -48.252, -25.341 ], [ -48.265, -25.44 ], [ -48.253, -25.466 ], [ -48.298, -25.493 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.417, -25.386 ], [ -48.424, -25.343 ], [ -48.405, -25.33 ], [ -48.417, -25.386 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.695, -24.112 ], [ -45.688, -24.088 ], [ -45.679, -24.098 ], [ -45.695, -24.112 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.251, -23.962 ], [ -45.301, -23.909 ], [ -45.453, -23.91 ], [ -45.332, -23.721 ], [ -45.227, -23.774 ], [ -45.224, -23.835 ], [ -45.283, -23.857 ], [ -45.221, -23.899 ], [ -45.251, -23.962 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.141, -23.817 ], [ -45.146, -23.791 ], [ -45.114, -23.801 ], [ -45.141, -23.817 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.153, -23.573 ], [ -45.153, -23.558 ], [ -45.141, -23.568 ], [ -45.153, -23.573 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.073, -23.564 ], [ -45.079, -23.525 ], [ -45.036, -23.531 ], [ -45.073, -23.564 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.608, -23.228 ], [ -44.59, -23.208 ], [ -44.577, -23.216 ], [ -44.608, -23.228 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.648, -12.821 ], [ -38.666, -12.777 ], [ -38.624, -12.762 ], [ -38.648, -12.821 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.529, -12.811 ], [ -38.544, -12.757 ], [ -38.532, -12.74 ], [ -38.508, -12.792 ], [ -38.529, -12.811 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.622, -12.752 ], [ -38.622, -12.727 ], [ -38.593, -12.733 ], [ -38.622, -12.752 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.646, -12.683 ], [ -38.648, -12.65 ], [ -38.636, -12.661 ], [ -38.646, -12.683 ] ] ], [ [ [ -32.402, -3.838 ], [ -32.428, -3.877 ], [ -32.483, -3.878 ], [ -32.402, -3.838 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.667, -3.179 ], [ -44.668, -3.16 ], [ -44.643, -3.148 ], [ -44.644, -3.17 ], [ -44.667, -3.179 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.671, -2.943 ], [ -44.67, -2.92 ], [ -44.647, -2.915 ], [ -44.671, -2.943 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.493, -2.641 ], [ -44.48, -2.601 ], [ -44.477, -2.627 ], [ -44.493, -2.641 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.897, -2.573 ], [ -43.896, -2.554 ], [ -43.886, -2.565 ], [ -43.897, -2.573 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.599, -2.503 ], [ -43.577, -2.471 ], [ -43.572, -2.483 ], [ -43.599, -2.503 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.822, -2.526 ], [ -43.829, -2.509 ], [ -43.813, -2.458 ], [ -43.812, -2.553 ], [ -43.82, -2.528 ], [ -43.822, -2.526 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.821, -2.529 ], [ -43.856, -2.502 ], [ -43.832, -2.439 ], [ -43.842, -2.504 ], [ -43.821, -2.529 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.863, -2.56 ], [ -43.875, -2.552 ], [ -43.865, -2.534 ], [ -43.863, -2.56 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.519, -2.536 ], [ -44.529, -2.526 ], [ -44.501, -2.48 ], [ -44.505, -2.444 ], [ -44.455, -2.434 ], [ -44.519, -2.536 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.602, -3.007 ], [ -44.657, -2.972 ], [ -44.613, -2.894 ], [ -44.575, -2.921 ], [ -44.602, -3.007 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.585, -2.978 ], [ -44.563, -2.914 ], [ -44.586, -2.826 ], [ -44.494, -2.705 ], [ -44.494, -2.953 ], [ -44.582, -3.041 ], [ -44.585, -2.978 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.826, -2.434 ], [ -43.842, -2.403 ], [ -43.811, -2.385 ], [ -43.807, -2.412 ], [ -43.826, -2.434 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.581, -2.441 ], [ -43.615, -2.389 ], [ -43.549, -2.377 ], [ -43.545, -2.403 ], [ -43.581, -2.441 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.791, -2.47 ], [ -43.806, -2.443 ], [ -43.78, -2.422 ], [ -43.759, -2.448 ], [ -43.791, -2.47 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.513, -2.424 ], [ -43.537, -2.416 ], [ -43.522, -2.39 ], [ -43.505, -2.414 ], [ -43.513, -2.424 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.792, -2.405 ], [ -43.798, -2.377 ], [ -43.771, -2.37 ], [ -43.792, -2.405 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.689, -2.355 ], [ -43.743, -2.352 ], [ -43.724, -2.305 ], [ -43.617, -2.253 ], [ -43.612, -2.275 ], [ -43.669, -2.301 ], [ -43.689, -2.355 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.73, -2.425 ], [ -43.732, -2.364 ], [ -43.67, -2.377 ], [ -43.681, -2.34 ], [ -43.63, -2.324 ], [ -43.643, -2.394 ], [ -43.73, -2.425 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.473, -2.125 ], [ -44.487, -2.113 ], [ -44.475, -2.096 ], [ -44.463, -2.104 ], [ -44.473, -2.125 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.456, -2.031 ], [ -44.447, -2.008 ], [ -44.439, -2.022 ], [ -44.456, -2.031 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.311, -1.964 ], [ -49.336, -1.996 ], [ -49.309, -1.943 ], [ -49.311, -1.964 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.323, -2.054 ], [ -49.329, -2.019 ], [ -49.316, -2.001 ], [ -49.323, -2.054 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.231, -1.829 ], [ -50.246, -1.824 ], [ -50.229, -1.816 ], [ -50.231, -1.829 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.615, -1.821 ], [ -44.622, -1.797 ], [ -44.597, -1.774 ], [ -44.583, -1.789 ], [ -44.615, -1.821 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.7, -1.811 ], [ -44.703, -1.78 ], [ -44.673, -1.78 ], [ -44.7, -1.811 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.691, -1.793 ], [ -49.721, -1.789 ], [ -49.719, -1.771 ], [ -49.697, -1.766 ], [ -49.691, -1.793 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.924, -1.711 ], [ -48.909, -1.713 ], [ -48.916, -1.734 ], [ -48.935, -1.713 ], [ -48.924, -1.711 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.757, -1.707 ], [ -44.767, -1.694 ], [ -44.736, -1.701 ], [ -44.757, -1.707 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.433, -1.684 ], [ -49.454, -1.706 ], [ -49.46, -1.684 ], [ -49.433, -1.684 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.357, -1.008 ], [ -46.342, -0.994 ], [ -46.353, -1.026 ], [ -46.357, -1.008 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.205, -1.021 ], [ -46.194, -1.014 ], [ -46.202, -1.032 ], [ -46.205, -1.021 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.662, -3.018 ], [ -44.673, -3.012 ], [ -44.664, -3.001 ], [ -44.649, -3.013 ], [ -44.662, -3.018 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.736, -1.683 ], [ -44.745, -1.677 ], [ -44.732, -1.668 ], [ -44.736, -1.683 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.231, -1.638 ], [ -49.237, -1.627 ], [ -49.217, -1.633 ], [ -49.231, -1.638 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.38, -1.685 ], [ -49.4, -1.682 ], [ -49.368, -1.669 ], [ -49.38, -1.685 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.426, -1.673 ], [ -49.429, -1.661 ], [ -49.406, -1.66 ], [ -49.426, -1.673 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.34, -1.672 ], [ -49.358, -1.662 ], [ -49.325, -1.647 ], [ -49.34, -1.672 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.289, -1.726 ], [ -45.305, -1.663 ], [ -45.257, -1.641 ], [ -45.244, -1.678 ], [ -45.28, -1.694 ], [ -45.289, -1.726 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.328, -1.743 ], [ -45.346, -1.719 ], [ -45.301, -1.596 ], [ -45.274, -1.635 ], [ -45.313, -1.654 ], [ -45.328, -1.743 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.886, -1.578 ], [ -48.89, -1.56 ], [ -48.859, -1.536 ], [ -48.856, -1.553 ], [ -48.886, -1.578 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.783, -1.682 ], [ -44.8, -1.595 ], [ -44.775, -1.62 ], [ -44.721, -1.567 ], [ -44.704, -1.611 ], [ -44.684, -1.575 ], [ -44.668, -1.669 ], [ -44.693, -1.638 ], [ -44.783, -1.682 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.816, -1.569 ], [ -44.837, -1.534 ], [ -44.787, -1.488 ], [ -44.825, -1.534 ], [ -44.816, -1.569 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.462, -1.517 ], [ -48.478, -1.499 ], [ -48.421, -1.503 ], [ -48.462, -1.517 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.793, -1.531 ], [ -44.774, -1.47 ], [ -44.763, -1.513 ], [ -44.793, -1.531 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.414, -1.427 ], [ -45.423, -1.416 ], [ -45.409, -1.405 ], [ -45.414, -1.427 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45, -1.296 ], [ -44.922, -1.265 ], [ -44.877, -1.309 ], [ -44.895, -1.34 ], [ -44.922, -1.305 ], [ -44.907, -1.341 ], [ -44.999, -1.405 ], [ -45.033, -1.339 ], [ -45, -1.32 ], [ -44.995, -1.36 ], [ -45, -1.296 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.044, -1.402 ], [ -45.07, -1.33 ], [ -45.052, -1.342 ], [ -45.044, -1.402 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.333, -1.569 ], [ -45.371, -1.544 ], [ -45.347, -1.489 ], [ -45.313, -1.506 ], [ -45.333, -1.569 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.969, -1.522 ], [ -44.976, -1.493 ], [ -44.959, -1.483 ], [ -44.969, -1.522 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.393, -1.512 ], [ -48.371, -1.476 ], [ -48.341, -1.483 ], [ -48.393, -1.512 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.413, -1.498 ], [ -48.426, -1.491 ], [ -48.387, -1.476 ], [ -48.413, -1.498 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.118, -1.47 ], [ -45.132, -1.462 ], [ -45.115, -1.364 ], [ -45.103, -1.373 ], [ -45.118, -1.47 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.593, -1.251 ], [ -45.581, -1.19 ], [ -45.536, -1.205 ], [ -45.532, -1.231 ], [ -45.593, -1.251 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.559, -1.243 ], [ -48.56, -1.202 ], [ -48.523, -1.199 ], [ -48.559, -1.243 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.817, -1.163 ], [ -45.829, -1.141 ], [ -45.804, -1.127 ], [ -45.817, -1.163 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.877, -1.154 ], [ -45.9, -1.117 ], [ -45.883, -1.073 ], [ -45.849, -1.123 ], [ -45.877, -1.154 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.192, -1.05 ], [ -46.201, -1.041 ], [ -46.185, -1.027 ], [ -46.192, -1.05 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.291, -1.01 ], [ -46.307, -0.992 ], [ -46.306, -0.961 ], [ -46.291, -1.01 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.078, -1.095 ], [ -46.065, -1.05 ], [ -46.061, -1.074 ], [ -46.078, -1.095 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.68, -1.295 ], [ -45.687, -1.275 ], [ -45.667, -1.26 ], [ -45.654, -1.285 ], [ -45.68, -1.295 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.538, -1.282 ], [ -48.549, -1.262 ], [ -48.53, -1.25 ], [ -48.538, -1.282 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.51, -1.27 ], [ -48.522, -1.247 ], [ -48.506, -1.236 ], [ -48.51, -1.27 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.694, -1.37 ], [ -45.646, -1.289 ], [ -45.625, -1.126 ], [ -45.634, -1.349 ], [ -45.694, -1.37 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.688, -1.266 ], [ -45.708, -1.228 ], [ -45.685, -1.194 ], [ -45.664, -1.231 ], [ -45.688, -1.266 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.425, -0.914 ], [ -46.454, -0.907 ], [ -46.408, -0.868 ], [ -46.395, -0.899 ], [ -46.425, -0.914 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.72, -0.848 ], [ -46.735, -0.832 ], [ -46.729, -0.796 ], [ -46.72, -0.848 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.611, -0.799 ], [ -46.622, -0.784 ], [ -46.601, -0.789 ], [ -46.611, -0.799 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.586, -0.849 ], [ -46.621, -0.807 ], [ -46.589, -0.815 ], [ -46.586, -0.849 ] ] ], [ [ [ -47.447, -0.748 ], [ -47.453, -0.732 ], [ -47.436, -0.717 ], [ -47.428, -0.738 ], [ -47.447, -0.748 ] ] ], [ [ [ -47.461, -0.741 ], [ -47.463, -0.702 ], [ -47.445, -0.697 ], [ -47.461, -0.741 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.214, -0.411 ], [ -51.211, -0.386 ], [ -51.164, -0.347 ], [ -51.163, -0.383 ], [ -51.214, -0.411 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.352, -0.353 ], [ -51.346, -0.31 ], [ -51.317, -0.268 ], [ -51.327, -0.33 ], [ -51.352, -0.353 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.127, -0.268 ], [ -51.131, -0.237 ], [ -51.091, -0.208 ], [ -51.087, -0.229 ], [ -51.127, -0.268 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.888, -0.198 ], [ -48.91, -0.188 ], [ -48.893, -0.134 ], [ -48.847, -0.177 ], [ -48.888, -0.198 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.174, -0.091 ], [ -51.191, -0.064 ], [ -51.126, -0.057 ], [ -51.174, -0.091 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.114, -0.146 ], [ -49.097, -0.121 ], [ -49.08, -0.13 ], [ -49.114, -0.146 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.166, -0.142 ], [ -49.188, -0.115 ], [ -49.156, -0.128 ], [ -49.166, -0.142 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.119, -0.141 ], [ -49.143, -0.107 ], [ -49.114, -0.11 ], [ -49.119, -0.141 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.127, -0.128 ], [ -51.094, -0.103 ], [ -51.108, -0.127 ], [ -51.127, -0.128 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.414, -0.999 ], [ -46.384, -0.941 ], [ -46.367, -0.948 ], [ -46.414, -0.999 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.647, -0.97 ], [ -46.658, -0.968 ], [ -46.618, -0.957 ], [ -46.647, -0.97 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.488, -0.942 ], [ -46.465, -0.877 ], [ -46.464, -0.924 ], [ -46.44, -0.922 ], [ -46.482, -0.976 ], [ -46.441, -0.999 ], [ -46.525, -1.016 ], [ -46.527, -0.917 ], [ -46.509, -0.984 ], [ -46.488, -0.942 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.632, 0.159 ], [ -49.662, 0.184 ], [ -49.629, 0.202 ], [ -49.61, 0.181 ], [ -49.632, 0.159 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.641, 0.26 ], [ -50.63, 0.293 ], [ -50.586, 0.308 ], [ -50.641, 0.26 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.2, 0.255 ], [ -50.243, 0.248 ], [ -50.147, 0.337 ], [ -50.059, 0.346 ], [ -50.2, 0.255 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.417, 0.159 ], [ -50.535, 0.234 ], [ -50.36, 0.615 ], [ -50.328, 0.383 ], [ -50.285, 0.3 ], [ -50.413, 0.237 ], [ -50.417, 0.159 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.279, 0.338 ], [ -50.271, 0.599 ], [ -50.147, 0.608 ], [ -50.142, 0.576 ], [ -50.107, 0.636 ], [ -50.063, 0.623 ], [ -50.05, 0.518 ], [ -50.279, 0.338 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50, 0.943 ], [ -50.113, 0.907 ], [ -50.018, 1.034 ], [ -49.935, 1.069 ], [ -49.939, 0.996 ], [ -50, 0.943 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.881, 1.227 ], [ -49.909, 1.246 ], [ -49.886, 1.244 ], [ -49.881, 1.227 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.907, 1.278 ], [ -49.885, 1.291 ], [ -49.863, 1.278 ], [ -49.876, 1.252 ], [ -49.907, 1.278 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.204, 1.851 ], [ -50.232, 1.879 ], [ -50.22, 1.915 ], [ -50.169, 1.865 ], [ -50.204, 1.851 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.468, 1.954 ], [ -50.521, 2.026 ], [ -50.497, 2.139 ], [ -50.398, 2.167 ], [ -50.367, 2.19 ], [ -50.276, 1.939 ], [ -50.423, 1.849 ], [ -50.468, 1.954 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.504, 2.255 ], [ -50.414, 2.244 ], [ -50.382, 2.204 ], [ -50.489, 2.15 ], [ -50.564, 2.205 ], [ -50.504, 2.255 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.229, 0.832 ], [ -50.098, 0.839 ], [ -50.027, 0.898 ], [ -50.105, 0.757 ], [ -50.162, 0.775 ], [ -50.249, 0.72 ], [ -50.229, 0.832 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.131, 0.844 ], [ -50.162, 0.867 ], [ -50.132, 0.9 ], [ -50.119, 0.854 ], [ -50.131, 0.844 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.108, 0.85 ], [ -50.111, 0.891 ], [ -50.049, 0.886 ], [ -50.108, 0.85 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.216, -0.055 ], [ -50.235, -0.042 ], [ -50.219, -0.04 ], [ -50.216, -0.055 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.916, -0.052 ], [ -50.926, -0.047 ], [ -50.907, -0.043 ], [ -50.916, -0.052 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.605, -0.061 ], [ -50.618, -0.022 ], [ -50.559, -0.038 ], [ -50.605, -0.061 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.399, -0.061 ], [ -50.44, -0.057 ], [ -50.378, -0.015 ], [ -50.357, -0.049 ], [ -50.399, -0.061 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.75, 0 ], [ -49.609, 0.08 ], [ -49.474, 0.081 ], [ -49.338, -0.017 ], [ -49.487, -0.136 ], [ -49.723, -0.147 ], [ -49.835, -0.088 ], [ -49.75, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.023, -0.019 ], [ -49.039, -0.011 ], [ -49.02, -0.006 ], [ -49.023, -0.019 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.932, 0.052 ], [ -50.918, 0.084 ], [ -50.884, 0.078 ], [ -50.899, 0.057 ], [ -50.932, 0.052 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.928, 0 ], [ -50.786, 0.05 ], [ -50.717, 0.028 ], [ -50.94, -0.041 ], [ -50.928, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.691, 0.025 ], [ -50.655, 0.015 ], [ -50.703, 0.021 ], [ -50.691, 0.025 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.629, -0.043 ], [ -50.642, -0.016 ], [ -50.622, -0.026 ], [ -50.629, -0.043 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.642, 0 ], [ -50.611, 0.007 ], [ -50.595, -0.019 ], [ -50.642, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.536, 0 ], [ -50.653, 0.126 ], [ -50.59, 0.203 ], [ -50.434, 0.126 ], [ -50.436, 0 ], [ -50.536, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50, 0.311 ], [ -49.674, 0.368 ], [ -49.601, 0.283 ], [ -49.86, 0.008 ], [ -49.99, -0.048 ], [ -50.086, 0.034 ], [ -50.351, 0.044 ], [ -50.394, 0.222 ], [ -50.153, 0.227 ], [ -50, 0.311 ] ] ] ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "La costa de lo que hoy es territorio brasileño fue el primer punto al \nque llegaron los europeos en América del Sur. La primera expedición que \nexploró la región fue un desprendimiento de la flota portuguesa que \nVasco da Gama (c. 1460-1524) llevaba hacia oriente. Las naves dirigidas \npor Pedro Álvarez de Cabral (1467-1520) se alejaron excesivamente de la \ncosta de África y terminaron en el extremo sur de actual territorio del \nEstado de Bahía, en que el permanecieron entre abril y mayo del año \n1500. Los portuguese establecieron en la costa precarias feitorias para \ncomerciar verzino o palo brasil con los nativos de las sociedades tupí y\n guaraní nativas. Recién en 1530 la corona brasileña tomaría acciones \ndecididas para organizar la ocupación portuguesa y las actividades de \nexplotación, cuando instaura el régimen de capitanías hereditarias que \nestructuraría el establecimiento colonial lusitano en brasil. \nBibliografía: Johnson, H. B., \"Portuguese Settlement, 1500-1580\", en \nBethell, Leslie (ed.), Colonial Brazil, Cambridge, Cambridge University \nPress, 1987, pp. 1-38; Abulafia, David, El descubrimiento de la \nhumanidad. Encuentros atlánticos en la era de Colón, Barcelona, Crítica,\n 2009 [2008]; Metcalf, Alida C., Go-Betweens and the Colonization of \nBrazil, 1500-1600, Austin, University of Texas Press, 2005; Vaz de \nCaminha, Pêro, Carta del descubrimiento del Brasil, Barcelona, \nAcantilado, 2009.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-19T00:00:49+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 8811, "end" : 8817 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Brasil" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/ad70d71b-2a57-4d65-b429-43ec73c5a240", "type" : 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-42.572, -2.68 ], [ -42.495, -2.689 ], [ -42.503, -2.727 ], [ -42.393, -2.751 ], [ -42.475, -2.706 ], [ -42.375, -2.717 ], [ -42.228, -2.818 ], [ -42.143, -2.808 ], [ -42.256, -2.735 ], [ -42.233, -2.674 ], [ -42.208, -2.712 ], [ -42.098, -2.768 ], [ -42.099, -2.809 ], [ -42.096, -2.747 ], [ -42.216, -2.687 ], [ -42.054, -2.691 ], [ -42.023, -2.775 ], [ -42.017, -2.718 ], [ -41.818, -2.723 ], [ -41.844, -2.773 ], [ -41.797, -2.751 ], [ -41.656, -2.884 ], [ -41.437, -2.939 ], [ -41.395, -2.906 ], [ -41.316, -2.943 ], [ -41.263, -2.887 ], [ -40.838, -2.895 ], [ -40.572, -2.844 ], [ -40.499, -2.787 ], [ -39.888, -2.886 ], [ -39.244, -3.229 ], [ -39.083, -3.394 ], [ -38.978, -3.407 ], [ -38.641, -3.687 ], [ -38.473, -3.7 ], [ -38.377, -3.866 ], [ -38.043, -4.214 ], [ -37.764, -4.399 ], [ -37.588, -4.624 ], [ -37.323, -4.698 ], [ -37.15, -4.943 ], [ -36.958, -4.919 ], [ -36.666, -5.108 ], [ -36.504, -5.061 ], [ -36.297, -5.106 ], [ -35.956, -5.045 ], [ -35.612, -5.11 ], [ -35.385, -5.255 ], [ -35.255, -5.483 ], [ -35.099, -6.169 ], [ -34.983, -6.396 ], [ -34.933, -6.753 ], [ -34.79, -7.159 ], [ -34.842, -7.564 ], [ -34.809, -7.622 ], [ -34.845, -7.69 ], [ -34.827, -8.004 ], [ -35.136, -8.895 ], [ -35.332, -9.237 ], [ -35.689, -9.668 ], [ -35.78, -9.706 ], [ -36.056, -10.083 ], [ -36.266, -10.256 ], [ -36.402, -10.506 ], [ -36.602, -10.567 ], [ -36.934, -10.826 ], [ -37.36, -11.428 ], [ -37.612, -11.979 ], [ -37.996, -12.578 ], [ -38.318, -12.934 ], [ -38.477, -13.022 ], [ -38.532, -13.017 ], [ -38.473, -12.913 ], [ -38.498, -12.722 ], [ -38.603, -12.728 ], [ -38.646, -12.622 ], [ -38.681, -12.661 ], [ -38.718, -12.627 ], [ -38.804, -12.835 ], [ -38.717, -12.873 ], [ -38.769, -12.995 ], [ -38.721, -13.021 ], [ -38.66, -12.963 ], [ -38.686, -12.878 ], [ -38.59, -12.972 ], [ -38.766, -13.129 ], [ -38.807, -13.1 ], [ -38.808, -13.154 ], [ -38.944, -13.243 ], [ -38.973, -13.391 ], [ -38.902, -13.384 ], [ -38.886, -13.45 ], [ -38.95, -13.577 ], [ -38.886, -13.659 ], [ -38.968, -13.67 ], [ -39.006, -13.891 ], [ -39.064, -13.865 ], [ -39.075, -13.887 ], [ -38.986, -13.998 ], [ -38.952, -13.986 ], [ -38.982, -13.912 ], [ -38.938, -13.886 ], [ -38.922, -13.92 ], [ -39.061, -14.716 ], [ -38.962, -15.585 ], [ -38.857, -15.86 ], [ -38.973, -16.211 ], [ -39.032, -16.26 ], [ -39.01, -16.369 ], [ -39.078, -16.454 ], [ -39.143, -16.762 ], [ -39.113, -16.896 ], [ -39.212, -17.155 ], [ -39.193, -17.602 ], [ -39.135, -17.691 ], [ -39.264, -17.869 ], [ -39.435, -17.943 ], [ -39.563, -18.091 ], [ -39.721, -18.493 ], [ -39.749, -18.81 ], [ -39.692, -19.353 ], [ -39.805, -19.65 ], [ -39.951, -19.717 ], [ -40.151, -19.956 ], [ -40.236, -20.285 ], [ -40.353, -20.32 ], [ -40.329, -20.236 ], [ -40.359, -20.291 ], [ -40.365, -20.317 ], [ -40.35, -20.328 ], [ -40.268, -20.327 ], [ -40.402, -20.606 ], [ -40.466, -20.624 ], [ -40.627, -20.845 ], [ -40.65, -20.813 ], [ -40.756, -20.866 ], [ -40.853, -21.133 ], [ -40.955, -21.251 ], [ -40.96, -21.364 ], [ -41.065, -21.495 ], [ -41.051, -21.608 ], [ -41.038, -21.622 ], [ -41.007, -21.618 ], [ -40.99, -22.014 ], [ -41.229, -22.151 ], [ -41.668, -22.294 ], [ -41.962, -22.538 ], [ -41.986, -22.713 ], [ -41.919, -22.774 ], [ -41.864, -22.759 ], [ -42.023, -22.896 ], [ -42.037, -22.94 ], [ -41.99, -22.964 ], [ -42.018, -22.998 ], [ -42.086, -22.957 ], [ -42.529, -22.934 ], [ -43.05, -22.982 ], [ -43.132, -22.941 ], [ -43.025, -22.741 ], [ -43.084, -22.68 ], [ -43.216, -22.725 ], [ -43.287, -22.806 ], [ -43.24, -22.847 ], [ -43.249, -22.797 ], [ -43.156, -22.784 ], [ -43.247, -22.882 ], [ -43.164, -22.899 ], [ -43.187, -22.995 ], [ -43.344, -22.983 ], [ -43.303, -23.02 ], [ -43.549, -23.081 ], [ -44.001, -23.1 ], [ -43.961, -23.042 ], [ -43.877, -23.067 ], [ -43.909, -23.02 ], [ -43.807, -23.063 ], [ -43.555, -23.055 ], [ -43.84, -22.906 ], [ -43.985, -22.937 ], [ -44.034, -23.014 ], [ -44.044, -22.923 ], [ -44.107, -23.03 ], [ -44.234, -23.06 ], [ -44.238, -23.004 ], [ -44.358, -23.02 ], [ -44.296, -22.961 ], [ -44.321, -22.927 ], [ -44.378, -22.972 ], [ -44.407, -22.945 ], [ -44.443, -23.035 ], [ -44.669, -23.06 ], [ -44.712, -23.19 ], [ -44.701, -23.237 ], [ -44.645, -23.191 ], [ -44.612, -23.206 ], [ -44.685, -23.256 ], [ -44.611, -23.238 ], [ -44.652, -23.302 ], [ -44.558, -23.232 ], [ -44.577, -23.275 ], [ -44.498, -23.302 ], [ -44.583, -23.367 ], [ -44.669, -23.341 ], [ -44.84, -23.395 ], [ -44.905, -23.339 ], [ -45.05, -23.418 ], [ -45.016, -23.461 ], [ -45.079, -23.519 ], [ -45.165, -23.495 ], [ -45.159, -23.541 ], [ -45.228, -23.547 ], [ -45.211, -23.582 ], [ -45.41, -23.632 ], [ -45.412, -23.825 ], [ -45.934, -23.771 ], [ -46.124, -23.842 ], [ -46.2, -24.002 ], [ -46.288, -24.044 ], [ -46.321, -24 ], [ -46.458, -24.025 ], [ -46.937, -24.281 ], [ -47.024, -24.382 ], [ -47.004, -24.412 ], [ -47.86, -24.996 ], [ -47.914, -25.061 ], [ -47.915, -25.16 ], [ -48.213, -25.47 ], [ -48.254, -25.435 ], [ -48.222, -25.342 ], [ -48.208, -25.353 ], [ -48.121, -25.267 ], [ -48.253, -25.328 ], [ -48.284, -25.294 ], [ -48.317, -25.363 ], [ -48.327, -25.232 ], [ -48.366, -25.317 ], [ -48.433, -25.237 ], [ -48.428, -25.324 ], [ -48.5, -25.335 ], [ -48.427, -25.39 ], [ -48.449, -25.379 ], [ -48.468, -25.388 ], [ -48.467, -25.432 ], [ -48.449, -25.384 ], [ -48.414, -25.428 ], [ -48.476, -25.485 ], [ -48.637, -25.468 ], [ -48.661, -25.398 ], [ -48.671, -25.435 ], [ -48.739, -25.374 ], [ -48.68, -25.465 ], [ -48.687, -25.499 ], [ -48.737, -25.483 ], [ -48.703, -25.504 ], [ -48.617, -25.536 ], [ -48.512, -25.505 ], [ -48.482, -25.591 ], [ -48.46, -25.552 ], [ -48.35, -25.581 ], [ -48.565, -25.868 ], [ -48.614, -26.06 ], [ -48.586, -26.172 ], [ -48.714, -26.243 ], [ -48.795, -26.073 ], [ -48.837, -26.157 ], [ -48.798, -26.142 ], [ -48.763, -26.199 ], [ -48.805, -26.228 ], [ -48.769, -26.223 ], [ -48.761, -26.286 ], [ -48.803, -26.303 ], [ -48.723, -26.362 ], [ -48.635, -26.374 ], [ -48.714, -26.308 ], [ -48.554, -26.172 ], [ -48.493, -26.224 ], [ -48.695, -26.658 ], [ -48.665, -26.769 ], [ -48.583, -26.786 ], [ -48.655, -26.909 ], [ -48.62, -27.007 ], [ -48.574, -27.011 ], [ -48.607, -27.122 ], [ -48.554, -27.152 ], [ -48.51, -27.108 ], [ -48.469, -27.148 ], [ -48.511, -27.183 ], [ -48.486, -27.218 ], [ -48.531, -27.18 ], [ -48.612, -27.243 ], [ -48.596, -27.318 ], [ -48.529, -27.334 ], [ -48.649, -27.486 ], [ -48.572, -27.592 ], [ -48.653, -27.648 ], [ -48.575, -27.888 ], [ -48.761, -28.535 ], [ -48.813, -28.605 ], [ -49.37, -28.92 ], [ -49.334, -28.921 ], [ -49.702, -29.308 ], [ -50.006, -29.749 ], [ -50.316, -30.472 ], [ -50.848, -31.205 ], [ -51.303, -31.613 ], [ -51.877, -31.952 ], [ -52.071, -32.188 ], [ -52.012, -31.946 ], [ -52.092, -31.837 ], [ -51.851, -31.865 ], [ -51.777, -31.805 ], [ -51.854, -31.797 ], [ -51.65, -31.759 ], [ -51.478, -31.562 ], [ -51.43, -31.622 ], [ -51.458, -31.548 ], [ -51.424, -31.478 ], [ -51.351, -31.529 ], [ -51.234, -31.458 ], [ -51.16, -31.31 ], [ -51.166, -31.063 ], [ -51.109, -31.097 ], [ -50.985, -31.042 ], [ -50.965, -30.893 ], [ -50.888, -30.893 ], [ -50.705, -30.756 ], [ -50.677, -30.61 ], [ -50.725, -30.371 ], [ -50.692, -30.355 ], [ -50.625, -30.409 ], [ -50.641, -30.459 ], [ -50.569, -30.471 ], [ -50.534, -30.278 ], [ -50.601, -30.194 ], [ -50.659, -30.201 ], [ -50.661, -30.293 ], [ -50.918, -30.333 ], [ -50.934, -30.42 ], [ -50.889, -30.439 ], [ -50.921, -30.44 ], [ -51.052, -30.395 ], [ -51.034, -30.276 ], [ -51.146, -30.267 ], [ -51.246, -30.188 ], [ -51.23, -30.043 ], [ -51.295, -30.007 ], [ -51.326, -30.23 ], [ -51.271, -30.25 ], [ -51.293, -30.295 ], [ -51.246, -30.33 ], [ -51.209, -30.3 ], [ -51.179, -30.383 ], [ -51.092, -30.367 ], [ -51.129, -30.436 ], [ -51.202, -30.413 ], [ -51.269, -30.489 ], [ -51.282, -30.811 ], [ -51.33, -30.777 ], [ -51.294, -30.758 ], [ -51.319, -30.64 ], [ -51.375, -30.635 ], [ -51.404, -30.769 ], [ -51.367, -30.874 ], [ -51.457, -30.874 ], [ -51.501, -30.935 ], [ -51.436, -31.088 ], [ -51.611, -31.138 ], [ -51.613, -31.272 ], [ -51.915, -31.313 ], [ -52.002, -31.449 ], [ -52.031, -31.693 ], [ -52.218, -31.747 ], [ -52.247, -31.871 ], [ -52.106, -31.952 ], [ -52.216, -31.963 ], [ -52.263, -32.062 ], [ -52.209, -32.045 ], [ -52.225, -32.096 ], [ -52.082, -32.033 ], [ -52.162, -32.128 ], [ -52.09, -32.069 ], [ -52.084, -32.186 ], [ -52.16, -32.201 ], [ -52.341, -32.43 ], [ -52.488, -32.844 ], [ -52.66, -33.165 ], [ -53.227, -33.658 ], [ -53.421, -33.741 ], [ -53.524, -33.689 ], [ -53.515, -33.163 ], [ -53.434, -33.054 ], [ -53.243, -32.936 ], [ -53.294, -32.911 ], [ -53.074, -32.746 ], [ -53.244, -32.605 ], [ -53.39, -32.583 ], [ -53.46, -32.48 ], [ -53.595, -32.432 ], [ -53.73, -32.157 ], [ -53.714, -32.104 ], [ -53.965, -31.919 ], [ -54.096, -31.906 ], [ -54.466, -31.666 ], [ -54.491, -31.54 ], [ -54.591, -31.448 ], [ -54.836, -31.446 ], [ -54.945, -31.392 ], [ -55.014, -31.285 ], [ -55.091, -31.326 ], [ -55.245, -31.257 ], [ -55.374, -31.038 ], [ -55.594, -30.848 ], [ -55.635, -30.857 ], [ -55.657, -30.956 ], [ -55.87, -31.08 ], [ -56.008, -31.063 ], [ -55.987, -30.86 ], [ -56.021, -30.784 ], [ -56.127, -30.739 ], [ -56.177, -30.614 ], [ -56.384, -30.495 ], [ -56.459, -30.387 ], [ -56.545, -30.364 ], [ -56.54, -30.312 ], [ -56.617, -30.303 ], [ -56.644, -30.205 ], [ -56.776, -30.166 ], [ -56.804, -30.107 ], [ -57.068, -30.088 ], [ -57.207, -30.281 ], [ -57.313, -30.26 ], [ -57.396, -30.303 ], [ -57.538, -30.275 ], [ -57.618, -30.179 ], [ -57.505, -30.143 ], [ -57.342, -30.001 ], [ -57.319, -29.87 ], [ -57.254, -29.794 ], [ -57.105, -29.752 ], [ -56.972, -29.639 ], [ -56.676, -29.321 ], [ -56.593, -29.123 ], [ -56.425, -29.073 ], [ -56.285, -28.794 ], [ -56.185, -28.771 ], [ -56.016, -28.611 ], [ -56.011, -28.509 ], [ -55.888, -28.479 ], [ -55.875, -28.362 ], [ -55.696, -28.425 ], [ -55.671, -28.333 ], [ -55.773, -28.247 ], [ -55.605, -28.123 ], [ -55.554, -28.164 ], [ -55.496, -28.081 ], [ -55.444, -28.097 ], [ -55.323, -27.928 ], [ -55.196, -27.863 ], [ -55.134, -27.895 ], [ -55.117, -27.853 ], [ -55.032, -27.854 ], [ -55.082, -27.789 ], [ -54.941, -27.775 ], [ -54.809, -27.536 ], [ -54.781, -27.586 ], [ -54.683, -27.576 ], [ -54.678, -27.514 ], [ -54.624, -27.55 ], [ -54.576, -27.458 ], [ -54.525, -27.507 ], [ -54.415, -27.412 ], [ -54.353, -27.468 ], [ -54.339, -27.406 ], [ -54.282, -27.447 ], [ -54.176, -27.261 ], [ -54.089, -27.303 ], [ -53.949, -27.158 ], [ -53.799, -27.147 ], [ -53.795, -27.048 ], [ -53.761, -27.068 ], [ -53.662, -26.869 ], [ -53.751, -26.745 ], [ -53.707, -26.563 ], [ -53.738, -26.548 ], [ -53.592, -26.265 ], [ -53.722, -26.13 ], [ -53.733, -26.047 ], [ -53.837, -25.969 ], [ -53.824, -25.793 ], [ -53.891, -25.625 ], [ -53.951, -25.644 ], [ -54.016, -25.569 ], [ -54.101, -25.625 ], [ -54.111, -25.504 ], [ -54.213, -25.554 ], [ -54.184, -25.591 ], [ -54.289, -25.562 ], [ -54.387, -25.608 ], [ -54.43, -25.706 ], [ -54.596, -25.595 ], [ -54.617, -25.459 ], [ -54.437, -25.157 ], [ -54.458, -25.031 ], [ -54.336, -24.649 ], [ -54.333, -24.493 ], [ -54.262, -24.376 ], [ -54.33, -24.225 ], [ -54.282, -24.075 ], [ -54.411, -23.929 ], [ -54.668, -23.815 ], [ -55.061, -23.991 ], [ -55.112, -23.963 ], [ -55.226, -24.013 ], [ -55.413, -23.961 ], [ -55.434, -23.714 ], [ -55.535, -23.614 ], [ -55.522, -23.197 ], [ -55.596, -23.141 ], [ -55.64, -22.994 ], [ -55.685, -22.992 ], [ -55.613, -22.659 ], [ -55.736, -22.532 ], [ -55.74, -22.396 ], [ -55.854, -22.281 ], [ -56.208, -22.281 ], [ -56.341, -22.206 ], [ -56.403, -22.078 ], [ -56.519, -22.103 ], [ -56.643, -22.261 ], [ -56.698, -22.216 ], [ -56.728, -22.26 ], [ -56.808, -22.25 ], [ -56.831, -22.3 ], [ -57.001, -22.225 ], [ -57.203, -22.21 ], [ -57.243, -22.244 ], [ -57.553, -22.181 ], [ -57.616, -22.096 ], [ -57.803, -22.148 ], [ -57.989, -22.085 ], [ -58.005, -22.032 ], [ -57.919, -21.881 ], [ -57.969, -21.844 ], [ -57.913, -21.793 ], [ -57.947, -21.747 ], [ -57.894, -21.687 ], [ -57.968, -21.528 ], [ -57.855, -21.339 ], [ -57.918, -21.278 ], [ -57.854, -21.226 ], [ -57.866, -21.041 ], [ -57.818, -20.976 ], [ -57.927, -20.897 ], [ -57.855, -20.835 ], [ -57.961, -20.784 ], [ -57.869, -20.736 ], [ -57.923, -20.666 ], [ -57.988, -20.696 ], [ -57.994, -20.448 ], [ -58.082, -20.372 ], [ -58.092, -20.257 ], [ -58.154, -20.264 ], [ -58.125, -20.188 ], [ -58.163, -20.162 ], [ -57.872, -19.979 ], [ -58.134, -19.761 ], [ -57.79, -19.051 ], [ -57.709, -19.034 ], [ -57.757, -18.858 ], [ -57.56, -18.263 ], [ -57.458, -18.228 ], [ -57.568, -18.136 ], [ -57.702, -17.86 ], [ -57.715, -17.735 ], [ -57.785, -17.645 ], [ -57.773, -17.553 ], [ -57.878, -17.463 ], [ -58.003, -17.52 ], [ -58.114, -17.456 ], [ -58.395, -17.197 ], [ -58.421, -16.99 ], [ -58.47, -16.939 ], [ -58.468, -16.702 ], [ -58.442, -16.613 ], [ -58.34, -16.542 ], [ -58.309, -16.27 ], [ -58.471, -16.325 ], [ -60.173, -16.265 ], [ -60.236, -15.476 ], [ -60.565, -15.105 ], [ -60.253, -15.101 ], [ -60.257, -14.624 ], [ -60.338, -14.555 ], [ -60.482, -14.181 ], [ -60.468, -14.092 ], [ -60.378, -13.992 ], [ -60.468, -13.886 ], [ -60.468, -13.801 ], [ -60.793, -13.686 ], [ -60.962, -13.539 ], [ -61.044, -13.541 ], [ -61.028, -13.477 ], [ -61.069, -13.463 ], [ -61.139, -13.521 ], [ -61.249, -13.525 ], [ -61.33, -13.473 ], [ -61.486, -13.554 ], [ -61.578, -13.494 ], [ -61.824, -13.539 ], [ -61.866, -13.443 ], [ -62.108, -13.257 ], [ -62.109, -13.149 ], [ -62.165, -13.112 ], [ -62.368, -13.145 ], [ -62.464, -13.07 ], [ -62.637, -13.041 ], [ -62.674, -12.965 ], [ -62.764, -13.023 ], [ -62.923, -12.854 ], [ -62.996, -12.85 ], [ -63.082, -12.653 ], [ -63.327, -12.705 ], [ -63.482, -12.557 ], [ -63.712, -12.458 ], [ -63.875, -12.469 ], [ -63.937, -12.557 ], [ -64.127, -12.494 ], [ -64.152, -12.529 ], [ -64.215, -12.476 ], [ -64.278, -12.511 ], [ -64.493, -12.366 ], [ -64.486, -12.23 ], [ -64.654, -12.186 ], [ -64.683, -12.099 ], [ -64.725, -12.162 ], [ -64.798, -12.035 ], [ -64.993, -11.999 ], [ -65.048, -11.757 ], [ -65.112, -11.741 ], [ -65.106, -11.697 ], [ -65.135, -11.777 ], [ -65.201, -11.745 ], [ -65.161, -11.622 ], [ -65.218, -11.521 ], [ -65.299, -11.5 ], [ -65.338, -11.392 ], [ -65.31, -11.341 ], [ -65.385, -11.269 ], [ -65.349, -11.239 ], [ -65.391, -11.167 ], [ -65.318, -11.105 ], [ -65.336, -11.044 ], [ -65.269, -10.901 ], [ -65.366, -10.798 ], [ -65.349, -10.671 ], [ -65.426, -10.638 ], [ -65.429, -10.473 ], [ -65.28, -10.218 ], [ -65.327, -9.938 ], [ -65.29, -9.851 ], [ -65.377, -9.698 ], [ -65.488, -9.718 ], [ -65.563, -9.834 ], [ -65.669, -9.779 ], [ -65.7, -9.803 ], [ -65.689, -9.749 ], [ -65.748, -9.77 ], [ -65.777, -9.727 ], [ -65.798, -9.786 ], [ -65.81, -9.75 ], [ -65.86, -9.794 ], [ -65.872, -9.757 ], [ -66.018, -9.807 ], [ -66.064, -9.772 ], [ -66.422, -9.895 ], [ -66.616, -9.893 ], [ -66.623, -9.935 ], [ -66.883, -10.081 ], [ -67.029, -10.254 ], [ -67.186, -10.339 ], [ -67.315, -10.316 ], [ -67.327, -10.374 ], [ -67.414, -10.372 ], [ -67.443, -10.45 ], [ -67.594, -10.523 ], [ -67.715, -10.707 ], [ -68.021, -10.661 ], [ -68.119, -10.726 ], [ -68.283, -10.987 ], [ -68.519, -11.048 ], [ -68.587, -11.11 ], [ -68.769, -11.139 ], [ -68.751, -11.007 ], [ -68.787, -10.99 ], [ -68.871, -11.023 ], [ -69.393, -10.929 ], [ -69.728, -10.973 ], [ -69.938, -10.926 ], [ -70.318, -11.066 ], [ -70.428, -11.033 ], [ -70.508, -10.94 ], [ -70.618, -11.007 ], [ -70.622, -9.847 ], [ -70.522, -9.738 ], [ -70.598, -9.574 ], [ -70.561, -9.579 ], [ -70.497, -9.433 ], [ -70.601, -9.453 ], [ -70.982, -9.812 ], [ -71.131, -9.862 ], [ -71.288, -9.996 ], [ -72.165, -10.002 ], [ -72.16, -9.818 ], [ -72.26, -9.755 ], [ -72.289, -9.536 ], [ -72.364, -9.491 ], [ -72.721, -9.417 ], [ -73.196, -9.418 ], [ -72.965, -9.154 ], [ -72.946, -8.99 ], [ -73.059, -8.904 ], [ -73.169, -8.701 ], [ -73.338, -8.609 ], [ -73.338, -8.476 ], [ -73.526, -8.369 ], [ -73.632, -8.022 ], [ -73.765, -7.94 ], [ -73.777, -7.869 ], [ -73.697, -7.865 ], [ -73.69, -7.79 ], [ -73.985, -7.543 ], [ -73.917, -7.461 ], [ -73.954, -7.348 ], [ -73.868, -7.377 ], [ -73.691, -7.313 ], [ -73.797, -7.115 ], [ -73.743, -6.897 ], [ -73.351, -6.561 ], [ -73.211, -6.53 ], [ -73.133, -6.421 ], [ -73.185, -6.04 ], [ -73.131, -5.986 ], [ -73.116, -5.865 ], [ -72.951, -5.643 ], [ -72.948, -5.454 ], [ -72.872, -5.25 ], [ -72.896, -5.136 ], [ -72.734, -5.043 ], [ -72.602, -5.056 ], [ -72.577, -4.992 ], [ -72.455, -4.962 ], [ -72.452, -4.906 ], [ -72.37, -4.88 ], [ -72.356, -4.803 ], [ -72.292, -4.799 ], [ -72.313, -4.769 ], [ -72.223, -4.78 ], [ -72.113, -4.722 ], [ -72.047, -4.625 ], [ -71.94, -4.607 ], [ -71.897, -4.512 ], [ -71.61, -4.465 ], [ -71.597, -4.525 ], [ -71.535, -4.46 ], [ -71.49, -4.479 ], [ -71.506, -4.435 ], [ -71.414, -4.432 ], [ -71.432, -4.469 ], [ -71.342, -4.423 ], [ -71.355, -4.468 ], [ -71.303, -4.458 ], [ -71.269, -4.381 ], [ -71.198, -4.377 ], [ -71.193, -4.42 ], [ -71.147, -4.375 ], [ -71.031, -4.397 ], [ -70.99, -4.34 ], [ -70.935, -4.381 ], [ -70.757, -4.152 ], [ -70.677, -4.2 ], [ -70.622, -4.121 ], [ -70.633, -4.173 ], [ -70.565, -4.168 ], [ -70.566, -4.205 ], [ -70.553, -4.128 ], [ -70.503, -4.19 ], [ -70.434, -4.125 ], [ -70.341, -4.174 ], [ -70.317, -4.136 ], [ -70.291, -4.283 ], [ -70.249, -4.267 ], [ -70.186, -4.357 ], [ -70.169, -4.27 ], [ -70.101, -4.255 ], [ -70.031, -4.339 ], [ -69.929, -4.213 ], [ -69.453, -1.478 ], [ -69.368, -1.334 ], [ -69.422, -0.998 ], [ -69.508, -0.936 ], [ -69.609, -0.755 ], [ -69.551, -0.648 ], [ -69.593, -0.517 ], [ -69.908, -0.316 ], [ -70.068, -0.135 ], [ -70.037, 0.553 ], [ -69.798, 0.585 ], [ -69.664, 0.672 ], [ -69.606, 0.623 ], [ -69.468, 0.734 ], [ -69.357, 0.621 ], [ -69.295, 0.648 ], [ -69.288, 0.609 ], [ -69.202, 0.602 ], [ -69.112, 0.643 ], [ -69.184, 0.73 ], [ -69.137, 0.868 ], [ -69.257, 1.026 ], [ -69.342, 1.064 ], [ -69.416, 1.024 ], [ -69.7, 1.056 ], [ -69.721, 1.097 ], [ -69.854, 1.07 ], [ -69.855, 1.715 ], [ -69.556, 1.775 ], [ -69.395, 1.726 ], [ -68.128, 1.73 ], [ -68.29, 1.841 ], [ -68.205, 2.038 ], [ -68.027, 1.784 ], [ -67.924, 1.751 ], [ -67.797, 1.812 ], [ -67.578, 2.076 ], [ -67.41, 2.141 ], [ -67.117, 1.732 ], [ -67.068, 1.532 ], [ -67.097, 1.17 ], [ -66.855, 1.228 ], [ -66.322, 0.738 ], [ -66.095, 0.754 ], [ -65.952, 0.81 ], [ -65.854, 0.939 ], [ -65.733, 1.005 ], [ -65.583, 1.008 ], [ -65.47, 0.877 ], [ -65.557, 0.705 ], [ -65.504, 0.627 ], [ -65.393, 0.699 ], [ -65.305, 0.916 ], [ -65.152, 0.943 ], [ -65.121, 1.115 ], [ -65.055, 1.144 ], [ -64.968, 1.112 ], [ -64.903, 1.249 ], [ -64.843, 1.237 ], [ -64.783, 1.313 ], [ -64.721, 1.25 ], [ -64.638, 1.286 ], [ -64.387, 1.527 ], [ -64.344, 1.528 ], [ -64.382, 1.419 ], [ -64.344, 1.38 ], [ -64.186, 1.494 ], [ -64.054, 1.708 ], [ -64.057, 1.933 ], [ -64.018, 1.967 ], [ -63.781, 1.989 ], [ -63.604, 2.124 ], [ -63.419, 2.154 ], [ -63.349, 2.281 ], [ -63.382, 2.442 ], [ -63.756, 2.403 ], [ -64.031, 2.509 ], [ -63.987, 2.772 ], [ -64.216, 3.153 ], [ -64.236, 3.476 ], [ -64.186, 3.634 ], [ -64.324, 3.797 ], [ -64.543, 3.882 ], [ -64.8, 4.224 ], [ -64.79, 4.329 ], [ -64.677, 4.297 ], [ -64.555, 4.153 ], [ -64.135, 4.176 ], [ -63.967, 3.93 ], [ -63.806, 4.019 ], [ -63.623, 4.01 ], [ -63.455, 3.91 ], [ -63.411, 4.026 ], [ -63.358, 4.04 ], [ -63.203, 3.952 ], [ -63.189, 3.872 ], [ -62.86, 3.584 ], [ -62.749, 3.642 ], [ -62.705, 3.724 ], [ -62.752, 4.012 ], [ -62.635, 4.056 ], [ -62.557, 4.02 ], [ -62.46, 4.173 ], [ -62.129, 4.084 ], [ -61.961, 4.18 ], [ -61.927, 4.106 ], [ -61.723, 4.262 ], [ -61.528, 4.273 ], [ -61.507, 4.398 ], [ -61.274, 4.471 ], [ -61.293, 4.55 ], [ -61.141, 4.508 ], [ -60.952, 4.549 ], [ -60.907, 4.708 ], [ -60.731, 4.777 ], [ -60.59, 4.951 ], [ -60.744, 5.209 ], [ -60.438, 5.177 ], [ -60.203, 5.265 ], [ -60.176, 5.227 ], [ -60.121, 5.243 ], [ -60.085, 5.149 ], [ -59.969, 5.073 ], [ -60.03, 4.704 ], [ -60.163, 4.521 ], [ -59.927, 4.509 ], [ -59.674, 4.382 ], [ -59.726, 4.191 ], [ -59.628, 4.138 ], [ -59.655, 4.078 ], [ -59.516, 3.94 ], [ -59.581, 3.901 ], [ -59.594, 3.796 ], [ -59.666, 3.777 ], [ -59.664, 3.703 ], [ -59.849, 3.601 ], [ -59.799, 3.355 ], [ -59.909, 3.197 ], [ -59.982, 2.929 ], [ -59.99, 2.683 ], [ -59.903, 2.479 ], [ -59.91, 2.388 ], [ -59.724, 2.277 ], [ -59.754, 1.861 ], [ -59.654, 1.849 ], [ -59.669, 1.764 ], [ -59.549, 1.729 ], [ -59.253, 1.397 ], [ -58.914, 1.299 ], [ -58.904, 1.234 ], [ -58.804, 1.175 ], [ -58.696, 1.288 ], [ -58.507, 1.264 ], [ -58.468, 1.318 ], [ -58.498, 1.458 ], [ -58.382, 1.471 ], [ -58.325, 1.59 ], [ -58.167, 1.558 ], [ -58.13, 1.501 ], [ -58.009, 1.501 ], [ -58, 1.665 ], [ -57.919, 1.645 ], [ -57.77, 1.718 ], [ -57.545, 1.701 ], [ -57.434, 1.895 ], [ -57.302, 1.99 ], [ -57.247, 1.944 ], [ -57.085, 2.021 ], [ -57.012, 1.918 ], [ -56.8, 1.864 ], [ -56.724, 1.92 ], [ -56.454, 1.945 ], [ -55.957, 1.844 ], [ -55.906, 1.889 ], [ -55.913, 2.041 ], [ -56.048, 2.226 ], [ -56.134, 2.263 ], [ -56.09, 2.352 ], [ -55.995, 2.405 ], [ -55.987, 2.517 ], [ -55.948, 2.532 ], [ -55.739, 2.401 ], [ -55.481, 2.443 ], [ -55.37, 2.407 ], [ -55.336, 2.516 ], [ -55.239, 2.495 ], [ -55.137, 2.575 ], [ -55.103, 2.522 ], [ -54.94, 2.632 ], [ -54.969, 2.555 ], [ -54.864, 2.439 ], [ -54.72, 2.469 ], [ -54.702, 2.336 ], [ -54.549, 2.336 ], [ -54.534, 2.268 ], [ -54.314, 2.158 ], [ -54.189, 2.179 ], [ -54.111, 2.127 ], [ -54.078, 2.197 ], [ -53.784, 2.364 ], [ -53.694, 2.287 ], [ -53.472, 2.332 ], [ -53.397, 2.272 ], [ -53.273, 2.292 ], [ -53.188, 2.223 ], [ -52.905, 2.19 ], [ -52.853, 2.285 ], [ -52.673, 2.374 ], [ -52.555, 2.523 ], [ -52.556, 2.646 ], [ -52.382, 2.912 ], [ -52.347, 3.134 ], [ -52.192, 3.296 ], [ -51.92, 3.781 ], [ -51.795, 3.89 ], [ -51.754, 3.996 ], [ -51.658, 4.049 ], [ -51.585, 4.241 ], [ -51.529, 4.171 ], [ -51.545, 4.397 ], [ -51.202, 4.084 ], [ -51.173, 3.767 ], [ -51.127, 3.911 ], [ -51.085, 3.895 ], [ -51.051, 3.283 ], [ -50.913, 2.875 ], [ -50.927, 2.807 ], [ -50.816, 2.644 ], [ -50.851, 2.482 ], [ -50.802, 2.508 ], [ -50.736, 2.414 ], [ -50.765, 2.359 ], [ -50.694, 2.276 ], [ -50.725, 2.252 ], [ -50.675, 2.247 ], [ -50.682, 2.137 ], [ -50.584, 2.091 ], [ -50.586, 2.014 ], [ -50.471, 1.82 ], [ -50.194, 1.794 ], [ -49.954, 1.676 ], [ -49.88, 1.419 ], [ -49.918, 1.289 ], [ -50.073, 1.204 ], [ -49.918, 1.232 ], [ -49.939, 1.103 ], [ -50.003, 1.066 ], [ -50.033, 1.107 ], [ -50.131, 0.949 ], [ -50.274, 0.866 ], [ -50.338, 0.729 ], [ -50.417, 0.685 ], [ -50.455, 0.732 ], [ -50.428, 0.679 ], [ -50.571, 0.424 ], [ -50.691, 0.3 ], [ -50.677, 0.365 ], [ -50.746, 0.227 ], [ -50.801, 0.224 ], [ -50.785, 0.183 ], [ -50.908, 0.171 ], [ -51.087, -0.043 ], [ -51.203, -0.055 ], [ -51.419, -0.412 ], [ -51.409, -0.44 ], [ -51.325, -0.364 ], [ -51.188, -0.14 ], [ -51.111, -0.154 ], [ -51.154, -0.284 ], [ -51.396, -0.493 ], [ -51.243, -0.443 ], [ -51.26, -0.5 ], [ -51.165, -0.431 ], [ -50.953, -0.061 ], [ -50.824, -0.048 ], [ -50.705, 0.002 ], [ -50.613, -0.088 ], [ -50.744, -0.244 ], [ -50.751, -0.429 ], [ -50.845, -0.526 ], [ -50.988, -0.583 ], [ -51.051, -0.682 ], [ -50.826, -0.555 ], [ -50.794, -0.666 ], [ -50.733, -0.557 ], [ -50.684, -0.604 ], [ -50.724, -0.493 ], [ -50.652, -0.276 ], [ -50.409, -0.094 ], [ -49.631, -0.247 ], [ -49.446, -0.23 ], [ -49.289, -0.145 ], [ -49.018, -0.16 ], [ -49, -0.139 ], [ -48.895, -0.224 ], [ -48.539, -0.234 ], [ -48.363, -0.303 ], [ -48.459, -0.513 ], [ -48.522, -0.877 ], [ -48.667, -1.002 ], [ -48.621, -1.005 ], [ -48.65, -1.048 ], [ -48.617, -1.053 ], [ -48.721, -1.137 ], [ -48.837, -1.452 ], [ -49.161, -1.575 ], [ -49.182, -1.623 ], [ -49.362, -1.604 ], [ -49.364, -1.642 ], [ -49.448, -1.637 ], [ -49.5, -1.738 ], [ -49.61, -1.718 ], [ -49.676, -1.78 ], [ -49.696, -1.757 ], [ -49.714, -1.76 ], [ -49.803, -1.822 ], [ -50.035, -1.717 ], [ -50.179, -1.787 ], [ -50.256, -1.776 ], [ -50.415, -1.841 ], [ -50.401, -1.935 ], [ -49.994, -1.819 ], [ -49.844, -1.905 ], [ -49.765, -1.898 ], [ -49.616, -1.79 ], [ -49.276, -1.706 ], [ -49.267, -1.778 ], [ -49.387, -1.977 ], [ -49.383, -2.159 ], [ -48.973, -1.594 ], [ -48.897, -1.573 ], [ -48.955, -1.712 ], [ -48.932, -1.75 ], [ -48.898, -1.743 ], [ -48.656, -1.371 ], [ -48.592, -1.429 ], [ -48.601, -1.306 ], [ -48.524, -1.338 ], [ -48.537, -1.467 ], [ -48.496, -1.553 ], [ -48.491, -1.502 ], [ -48.46, -1.533 ], [ -48.374, -1.511 ], [ -48.319, -1.478 ], [ -48.505, -1.471 ], [ -48.422, -1.168 ], [ -48.475, -1.144 ], [ -48.4, -1.066 ], [ -48.278, -1.111 ], [ -48.304, -0.948 ], [ -48.055, -0.668 ], [ -48.001, -0.731 ], [ -47.893, -0.553 ], [ -47.843, -0.616 ], [ -47.807, -0.547 ], [ -47.702, -0.54 ], [ -47.707, -0.59 ], [ -47.667, -0.569 ], [ -47.633, -0.608 ], [ -47.651, -0.694 ], [ -47.608, -0.684 ], [ -47.577, -0.573 ], [ -47.476, -0.757 ], [ -47.398, -0.76 ], [ -47.428, -0.693 ], [ -47.464, -0.687 ], [ -47.466, -0.594 ], [ -47.399, -0.594 ], [ -47.4, -0.645 ], [ -47.298, -0.589 ], [ -47.253, -0.668 ], [ -47.247, -0.623 ], [ -47.206, -0.633 ], [ -47.23, -0.719 ], [ -47.158, -0.678 ], [ -47.191, -0.754 ], [ -47.146, -0.764 ], [ -47.16, -0.815 ], [ -47.081, -0.661 ], [ -47.055, -0.868 ], [ -47.027, -0.784 ], [ -46.983, -0.806 ], [ -47.016, -0.752 ], [ -46.967, -0.694 ], [ -46.969, -0.78 ], [ -46.891, -0.869 ], [ -46.89, -0.789 ], [ -46.846, -0.799 ], [ -46.82, -0.71 ], [ -46.802, -0.877 ], [ -46.777, -0.905 ], [ -46.75, -0.826 ], [ -46.709, -0.86 ], [ -46.734, -0.944 ], [ -46.687, -0.831 ], [ -46.653, -0.882 ], [ -46.621, -0.818 ], [ -46.601, -0.917 ], [ -46.676, -0.965 ], [ -46.622, -0.987 ], [ -46.57, -0.947 ], [ -46.609, -1.03 ], [ -46.57, -0.988 ], [ -46.525, -1.027 ], [ -46.465, -1.007 ], [ -46.47, -1.044 ], [ -46.395, -1.037 ], [ -46.413, -1.084 ], [ -46.348, -0.982 ], [ -46.36, -1.011 ], [ -46.366, -1.031 ], [ -46.348, -1.079 ], [ -46.339, -1.015 ], [ -46.299, -1.05 ], [ -46.212, -0.946 ], [ -46.242, -0.921 ], [ -46.179, -0.914 ], [ -46.224, -1.053 ], [ -46.206, -1.1 ], [ -46.158, -1.014 ], [ -46.138, -1.032 ], [ -46.193, -1.143 ], [ -46.104, -1.067 ], [ -46.062, -1.133 ], [ -46.15, -1.258 ], [ -45.982, -1.071 ], [ -45.953, -1.147 ], [ -46, -1.151 ], [ -46, -1.199 ], [ -45.95, -1.159 ], [ -45.95, -1.207 ], [ -46, -1.209 ], [ -45.95, -1.25 ], [ -45.902, -1.134 ], [ -45.923, -1.214 ], [ -45.882, -1.167 ], [ -45.873, -1.211 ], [ -45.909, -1.261 ], [ -45.859, -1.231 ], [ -45.891, -1.293 ], [ -45.807, -1.176 ], [ -45.843, -1.301 ], [ -45.809, -1.328 ], [ -45.831, -1.298 ], [ -45.782, -1.278 ], [ -45.726, -1.135 ], [ -45.69, -1.452 ], [ -45.697, -1.38 ], [ -45.632, -1.371 ], [ -45.618, -1.279 ], [ -45.589, -1.329 ], [ -45.537, -1.273 ], [ -45.561, -1.343 ], [ -45.51, -1.352 ], [ -45.567, -1.404 ], [ -45.546, -1.432 ], [ -45.413, -1.296 ], [ -45.489, -1.473 ], [ -45.511, -1.458 ], [ -45.554, -1.503 ], [ -45.507, -1.471 ], [ -45.518, -1.516 ], [ -45.481, -1.495 ], [ -45.463, -1.548 ], [ -45.457, -1.457 ], [ -45.391, -1.434 ], [ -45.363, -1.325 ], [ -45.323, -1.319 ], [ -45.302, -1.424 ], [ -45.392, -1.485 ], [ -45.398, -1.503 ], [ -45.356, -1.487 ], [ -45.392, -1.553 ], [ -45.338, -1.572 ], [ -45.371, -1.722 ], [ -45.338, -1.753 ], [ -45.197, -1.688 ], [ -45.261, -1.607 ], [ -45.16, -1.475 ], [ -45.136, -1.521 ], [ -45.072, -1.435 ], [ -45.07, -1.485 ], [ -44.999, -1.504 ], [ -45.018, -1.547 ], [ -44.969, -1.549 ], [ -45.029, -1.583 ], [ -45.029, -1.602 ], [ -44.979, -1.607 ], [ -44.954, -1.498 ], [ -44.862, -1.426 ], [ -44.857, -1.498 ], [ -44.954, -1.605 ], [ -44.918, -1.649 ], [ -44.968, -1.662 ], [ -44.913, -1.657 ], [ -44.927, -1.62 ], [ -44.886, -1.609 ], [ -44.837, -1.65 ], [ -44.822, -1.591 ], [ -44.826, -1.637 ], [ -44.805, -1.609 ], [ -44.812, -1.665 ], [ -44.779, -1.735 ], [ -44.711, -1.728 ], [ -44.82, -1.819 ], [ -44.738, -1.791 ], [ -44.706, -1.819 ], [ -44.676, -1.808 ], [ -44.661, -1.727 ], [ -44.604, -1.749 ], [ -44.667, -1.849 ], [ -44.601, -1.858 ], [ -44.583, -1.817 ], [ -44.586, -1.873 ], [ -44.543, -1.833 ], [ -44.601, -1.909 ], [ -44.517, -1.907 ], [ -44.484, -2.002 ], [ -44.613, -2.037 ], [ -44.467, -2.017 ], [ -44.626, -2.151 ], [ -44.589, -2.159 ], [ -44.641, -2.232 ], [ -44.708, -2.23 ], [ -44.684, -2.275 ], [ -44.764, -2.265 ], [ -44.654, -2.294 ], [ -44.681, -2.354 ], [ -44.649, -2.373 ], [ -44.666, -2.329 ], [ -44.479, -2.137 ], [ -44.358, -2.335 ], [ -44.401, -2.416 ], [ -44.514, -2.384 ], [ -44.55, -2.4 ], [ -44.491, -2.415 ], [ -44.514, -2.448 ], [ -44.505, -2.476 ], [ -44.665, -2.608 ], [ -44.548, -2.542 ], [ -44.658, -2.781 ], [ -44.688, -2.924 ], [ -44.677, -3.019 ], [ -44.66, -3.02 ], [ -44.657, -3.018 ] ], [ [ -43.318, -2.361 ], [ -43.317, -2.363 ], [ -43.296, -2.363 ], [ -43.318, -2.361 ] ], [ [ -42.438, -2.747 ], [ -42.442, -2.749 ], [ -42.438, -2.75 ], [ -42.438, -2.747 ] ], [ [ -42.442, -2.749 ], [ -42.47, -2.744 ], [ -42.447, -2.753 ], [ -42.442, -2.749 ] ], [ [ -50.851, 2.482 ], [ -50.853, 2.481 ], [ -50.853, 2.48 ], [ -50.851, 2.482 ] ], [ [ -50.853, 2.481 ], [ -50.86, 2.495 ], [ -50.86, 2.477 ], [ -50.853, 2.481 ] ], [ [ -49.976, 1.659 ], [ -49.98, 1.659 ], [ -50, 1.639 ], [ -49.976, 1.659 ] ], [ [ -45.392, -1.553 ], [ -45.393, -1.553 ], [ -45.394, -1.556 ], [ -45.392, -1.553 ] ], [ [ -45.394, -1.556 ], [ -45.406, -1.579 ], [ -45.403, -1.591 ], [ -45.394, -1.556 ] ], [ [ -44.837, -1.65 ], [ -44.834, -1.655 ], [ -44.833, -1.654 ], [ -44.837, -1.65 ] ], [ [ -44.834, -1.655 ], [ -44.841, -1.675 ], [ -44.822, -1.672 ], [ -44.834, -1.655 ] ], [ [ -44.779, -1.735 ], [ -44.777, -1.741 ], [ -44.776, -1.74 ], [ -44.779, -1.735 ] ], [ [ -44.777, -1.741 ], [ -44.833, -1.77 ], [ -44.774, -1.75 ], [ -44.777, -1.741 ] ], [ [ -44.547, -2.22 ], [ -44.536, -2.225 ], [ -44.543, -2.219 ], [ -44.547, -2.22 ] ], [ [ -44.536, -2.225 ], [ -44.507, -2.249 ], [ -44.512, -2.235 ], [ -44.536, -2.225 ] ], [ [ -44.507, -2.249 ], [ -44.504, -2.256 ], [ -44.501, -2.254 ], [ -44.507, -2.249 ] ], [ [ -44.504, -2.256 ], [ -44.514, -2.268 ], [ -44.502, -2.26 ], [ -44.504, -2.256 ] ] ], [ [ [ -29.34, -20.484 ], [ -29.301, -20.521 ], [ -29.341, -20.511 ], [ -29.34, -20.484 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.001, -13.94 ], [ -39.012, -13.915 ], [ -38.994, -13.896 ], [ -39.001, -13.94 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.043, -13.909 ], [ -39.059, -13.904 ], [ -39.054, -13.886 ], [ -39.028, -13.903 ], [ -39.043, -13.909 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.251, -18.015 ], [ -39.283, -18.005 ], [ -39.272, -17.982 ], [ -39.245, -18.006 ], [ -39.251, -18.015 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.131, -17.927 ], [ -39.154, -17.921 ], [ -39.137, -17.91 ], [ -39.131, -17.927 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.212, -17.986 ], [ -39.228, -17.979 ], [ -39.215, -17.944 ], [ -39.202, -17.95 ], [ -39.212, -17.986 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.341, -23.231 ], [ -44.372, -23.174 ], [ -44.232, -23.089 ], [ -44.087, -23.173 ], [ -44.3, -23.184 ], [ -44.341, -23.231 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.356, -23.073 ], [ -44.388, -23.048 ], [ -44.373, -23.033 ], [ -44.343, -23.041 ], [ -44.356, -23.073 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.929, -23.014 ], [ -43.936, -22.999 ], [ -43.916, -22.989 ], [ -43.929, -23.014 ] ] ], [ [ [ -42.002, -23.018 ], [ -42.015, -23.003 ], [ -41.98, -22.975 ], [ -41.975, -22.992 ], [ -42.002, -23.018 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.904, -22.962 ], [ -43.907, -22.936 ], [ -43.868, -22.926 ], [ -43.871, -22.95 ], [ -43.904, -22.962 ] ] ], [ [ [ -41.042, -21.613 ], [ -41.042, -21.6 ], [ -41.019, -21.606 ], [ -41.042, -21.613 ] ] ], [ [ [ -52.112, -32 ], [ -52.18, -32.035 ], [ -52.216, -32.025 ], [ -52.198, -31.978 ], [ -52.112, -32 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.641, -30.388 ], [ -50.629, -30.394 ], [ -50.624, -30.329 ], [ -50.592, -30.399 ], [ -50.609, -30.406 ], [ -50.641, -30.388 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.526, -27.462 ], [ -48.416, -27.38 ], [ -48.358, -27.446 ], [ -48.503, -27.799 ], [ -48.559, -27.842 ], [ -48.526, -27.462 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.354, -27.296 ], [ -48.376, -27.285 ], [ -48.373, -27.271 ], [ -48.36, -27.27 ], [ -48.354, -27.296 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.731, -26.314 ], [ -48.754, -26.297 ], [ -48.735, -26.282 ], [ -48.731, -26.314 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.318, -25.584 ], [ -48.309, -25.546 ], [ -48.381, -25.504 ], [ -48.312, -25.509 ], [ -48.292, -25.545 ], [ -48.318, -25.584 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.414, -25.544 ], [ -48.459, -25.514 ], [ -48.415, -25.527 ], [ -48.414, -25.544 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.424, -25.551 ], [ -48.479, -25.523 ], [ -48.485, -25.502 ], [ -48.424, -25.551 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.298, -25.493 ], [ -48.341, -25.416 ], [ -48.252, -25.341 ], [ -48.265, -25.44 ], [ -48.253, -25.466 ], [ -48.298, -25.493 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.417, -25.386 ], [ -48.424, -25.343 ], [ -48.405, -25.33 ], [ -48.417, -25.386 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.695, -24.112 ], [ -45.688, -24.088 ], [ -45.679, -24.098 ], [ -45.695, -24.112 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.251, -23.962 ], [ -45.301, -23.909 ], [ -45.453, -23.91 ], [ -45.332, -23.721 ], [ -45.227, -23.774 ], [ -45.224, -23.835 ], [ -45.283, -23.857 ], [ -45.221, -23.899 ], [ -45.251, -23.962 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.141, -23.817 ], [ -45.146, -23.791 ], [ -45.114, -23.801 ], [ -45.141, -23.817 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.153, -23.573 ], [ -45.153, -23.558 ], [ -45.141, -23.568 ], [ -45.153, -23.573 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.073, -23.564 ], [ -45.079, -23.525 ], [ -45.036, -23.531 ], [ -45.073, -23.564 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.608, -23.228 ], [ -44.59, -23.208 ], [ -44.577, -23.216 ], [ -44.608, -23.228 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.648, -12.821 ], [ -38.666, -12.777 ], [ -38.624, -12.762 ], [ -38.648, -12.821 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.529, -12.811 ], [ -38.544, -12.757 ], [ -38.532, -12.74 ], [ -38.508, -12.792 ], [ -38.529, -12.811 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.622, -12.752 ], [ -38.622, -12.727 ], [ -38.593, -12.733 ], [ -38.622, -12.752 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.646, -12.683 ], [ -38.648, -12.65 ], [ -38.636, -12.661 ], [ -38.646, -12.683 ] ] ], [ [ [ -32.402, -3.838 ], [ -32.428, -3.877 ], [ -32.483, -3.878 ], [ -32.402, -3.838 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.667, -3.179 ], [ -44.668, -3.16 ], [ -44.643, -3.148 ], [ -44.644, -3.17 ], [ -44.667, -3.179 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.671, -2.943 ], [ -44.67, -2.92 ], [ -44.647, -2.915 ], [ -44.671, -2.943 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.493, -2.641 ], [ -44.48, -2.601 ], [ -44.477, -2.627 ], [ -44.493, -2.641 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.897, -2.573 ], [ -43.896, -2.554 ], [ -43.886, -2.565 ], [ -43.897, -2.573 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.599, -2.503 ], [ -43.577, -2.471 ], [ -43.572, -2.483 ], [ -43.599, -2.503 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.822, -2.526 ], [ -43.829, -2.509 ], [ -43.813, -2.458 ], [ -43.812, -2.553 ], [ -43.82, -2.528 ], [ -43.822, -2.526 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.821, -2.529 ], [ -43.856, -2.502 ], [ -43.832, -2.439 ], [ -43.842, -2.504 ], [ -43.821, -2.529 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.863, -2.56 ], [ -43.875, -2.552 ], [ -43.865, -2.534 ], [ -43.863, -2.56 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.519, -2.536 ], [ -44.529, -2.526 ], [ -44.501, -2.48 ], [ -44.505, -2.444 ], [ -44.455, -2.434 ], [ -44.519, -2.536 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.602, -3.007 ], [ -44.657, -2.972 ], [ -44.613, -2.894 ], [ -44.575, -2.921 ], [ -44.602, -3.007 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.585, -2.978 ], [ -44.563, -2.914 ], [ -44.586, -2.826 ], [ -44.494, -2.705 ], [ -44.494, -2.953 ], [ -44.582, -3.041 ], [ -44.585, -2.978 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.826, -2.434 ], [ -43.842, -2.403 ], [ -43.811, -2.385 ], [ -43.807, -2.412 ], [ -43.826, -2.434 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.581, -2.441 ], [ -43.615, -2.389 ], [ -43.549, -2.377 ], [ -43.545, -2.403 ], [ -43.581, -2.441 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.791, -2.47 ], [ -43.806, -2.443 ], [ -43.78, -2.422 ], [ -43.759, -2.448 ], [ -43.791, -2.47 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.513, -2.424 ], [ -43.537, -2.416 ], [ -43.522, -2.39 ], [ -43.505, -2.414 ], [ -43.513, -2.424 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.792, -2.405 ], [ -43.798, -2.377 ], [ -43.771, -2.37 ], [ -43.792, -2.405 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.689, -2.355 ], [ -43.743, -2.352 ], [ -43.724, -2.305 ], [ -43.617, -2.253 ], [ -43.612, -2.275 ], [ -43.669, -2.301 ], [ -43.689, -2.355 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.73, -2.425 ], [ -43.732, -2.364 ], [ -43.67, -2.377 ], [ -43.681, -2.34 ], [ -43.63, -2.324 ], [ -43.643, -2.394 ], [ -43.73, -2.425 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.473, -2.125 ], [ -44.487, -2.113 ], [ -44.475, -2.096 ], [ -44.463, -2.104 ], [ -44.473, -2.125 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.456, -2.031 ], [ -44.447, -2.008 ], [ -44.439, -2.022 ], [ -44.456, -2.031 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.311, -1.964 ], [ -49.336, -1.996 ], [ -49.309, -1.943 ], [ -49.311, -1.964 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.323, -2.054 ], [ -49.329, -2.019 ], [ -49.316, -2.001 ], [ -49.323, -2.054 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.231, -1.829 ], [ -50.246, -1.824 ], [ -50.229, -1.816 ], [ -50.231, -1.829 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.615, -1.821 ], [ -44.622, -1.797 ], [ -44.597, -1.774 ], [ -44.583, -1.789 ], [ -44.615, -1.821 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.7, -1.811 ], [ -44.703, -1.78 ], [ -44.673, -1.78 ], [ -44.7, -1.811 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.691, -1.793 ], [ -49.721, -1.789 ], [ -49.719, -1.771 ], [ -49.697, -1.766 ], [ -49.691, -1.793 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.924, -1.711 ], [ -48.909, -1.713 ], [ -48.916, -1.734 ], [ -48.935, -1.713 ], [ -48.924, -1.711 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.757, -1.707 ], [ -44.767, -1.694 ], [ -44.736, -1.701 ], [ -44.757, -1.707 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.433, -1.684 ], [ -49.454, -1.706 ], [ -49.46, -1.684 ], [ -49.433, -1.684 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.357, -1.008 ], [ -46.342, -0.994 ], [ -46.353, -1.026 ], [ -46.357, -1.008 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.205, -1.021 ], [ -46.194, -1.014 ], [ -46.202, -1.032 ], [ -46.205, -1.021 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.662, -3.018 ], [ -44.673, -3.012 ], [ -44.664, -3.001 ], [ -44.649, -3.013 ], [ -44.662, -3.018 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.736, -1.683 ], [ -44.745, -1.677 ], [ -44.732, -1.668 ], [ -44.736, -1.683 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.231, -1.638 ], [ -49.237, -1.627 ], [ -49.217, -1.633 ], [ -49.231, -1.638 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.38, -1.685 ], [ -49.4, -1.682 ], [ -49.368, -1.669 ], [ -49.38, -1.685 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.426, -1.673 ], [ -49.429, -1.661 ], [ -49.406, -1.66 ], [ -49.426, -1.673 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.34, -1.672 ], [ -49.358, -1.662 ], [ -49.325, -1.647 ], [ -49.34, -1.672 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.289, -1.726 ], [ -45.305, -1.663 ], [ -45.257, -1.641 ], [ -45.244, -1.678 ], [ -45.28, -1.694 ], [ -45.289, -1.726 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.328, -1.743 ], [ -45.346, -1.719 ], [ -45.301, -1.596 ], [ -45.274, -1.635 ], [ -45.313, -1.654 ], [ -45.328, -1.743 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.886, -1.578 ], [ -48.89, -1.56 ], [ -48.859, -1.536 ], [ -48.856, -1.553 ], [ -48.886, -1.578 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.783, -1.682 ], [ -44.8, -1.595 ], [ -44.775, -1.62 ], [ -44.721, -1.567 ], [ -44.704, -1.611 ], [ -44.684, -1.575 ], [ -44.668, -1.669 ], [ -44.693, -1.638 ], [ -44.783, -1.682 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.816, -1.569 ], [ -44.837, -1.534 ], [ -44.787, -1.488 ], [ -44.825, -1.534 ], [ -44.816, -1.569 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.462, -1.517 ], [ -48.478, -1.499 ], [ -48.421, -1.503 ], [ -48.462, -1.517 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.793, -1.531 ], [ -44.774, -1.47 ], [ -44.763, -1.513 ], [ -44.793, -1.531 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.414, -1.427 ], [ -45.423, -1.416 ], [ -45.409, -1.405 ], [ -45.414, -1.427 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45, -1.296 ], [ -44.922, -1.265 ], [ -44.877, -1.309 ], [ -44.895, -1.34 ], [ -44.922, -1.305 ], [ -44.907, -1.341 ], [ -44.999, -1.405 ], [ -45.033, -1.339 ], [ -45, -1.32 ], [ -44.995, -1.36 ], [ -45, -1.296 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.044, -1.402 ], [ -45.07, -1.33 ], [ -45.052, -1.342 ], [ -45.044, -1.402 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.333, -1.569 ], [ -45.371, -1.544 ], [ -45.347, -1.489 ], [ -45.313, -1.506 ], [ -45.333, -1.569 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.969, -1.522 ], [ -44.976, -1.493 ], [ -44.959, -1.483 ], [ -44.969, -1.522 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.393, -1.512 ], [ -48.371, -1.476 ], [ -48.341, -1.483 ], [ -48.393, -1.512 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.413, -1.498 ], [ -48.426, -1.491 ], [ -48.387, -1.476 ], [ -48.413, -1.498 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.118, -1.47 ], [ -45.132, -1.462 ], [ -45.115, -1.364 ], [ -45.103, -1.373 ], [ -45.118, -1.47 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.593, -1.251 ], [ -45.581, -1.19 ], [ -45.536, -1.205 ], [ -45.532, -1.231 ], [ -45.593, -1.251 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.559, -1.243 ], [ -48.56, -1.202 ], [ -48.523, -1.199 ], [ -48.559, -1.243 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.817, -1.163 ], [ -45.829, -1.141 ], [ -45.804, -1.127 ], [ -45.817, -1.163 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.877, -1.154 ], [ -45.9, -1.117 ], [ -45.883, -1.073 ], [ -45.849, -1.123 ], [ -45.877, -1.154 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.192, -1.05 ], [ -46.201, -1.041 ], [ -46.185, -1.027 ], [ -46.192, -1.05 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.291, -1.01 ], [ -46.307, -0.992 ], [ -46.306, -0.961 ], [ -46.291, -1.01 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.078, -1.095 ], [ -46.065, -1.05 ], [ -46.061, -1.074 ], [ -46.078, -1.095 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.68, -1.295 ], [ -45.687, -1.275 ], [ -45.667, -1.26 ], [ -45.654, -1.285 ], [ -45.68, -1.295 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.538, -1.282 ], [ -48.549, -1.262 ], [ -48.53, -1.25 ], [ -48.538, -1.282 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.51, -1.27 ], [ -48.522, -1.247 ], [ -48.506, -1.236 ], [ -48.51, -1.27 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.694, -1.37 ], [ -45.646, -1.289 ], [ -45.625, -1.126 ], [ -45.634, -1.349 ], [ -45.694, -1.37 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.688, -1.266 ], [ -45.708, -1.228 ], [ -45.685, -1.194 ], [ -45.664, -1.231 ], [ -45.688, -1.266 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.425, -0.914 ], [ -46.454, -0.907 ], [ -46.408, -0.868 ], [ -46.395, -0.899 ], [ -46.425, -0.914 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.72, -0.848 ], [ -46.735, -0.832 ], [ -46.729, -0.796 ], [ -46.72, -0.848 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.611, -0.799 ], [ -46.622, -0.784 ], [ -46.601, -0.789 ], [ -46.611, -0.799 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.586, -0.849 ], [ -46.621, -0.807 ], [ -46.589, -0.815 ], [ -46.586, -0.849 ] ] ], [ [ [ -47.447, -0.748 ], [ -47.453, -0.732 ], [ -47.436, -0.717 ], [ -47.428, -0.738 ], [ -47.447, -0.748 ] ] ], [ [ [ -47.461, -0.741 ], [ -47.463, -0.702 ], [ -47.445, -0.697 ], [ -47.461, -0.741 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.214, -0.411 ], [ -51.211, -0.386 ], [ -51.164, -0.347 ], [ -51.163, -0.383 ], [ -51.214, -0.411 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.352, -0.353 ], [ -51.346, -0.31 ], [ -51.317, -0.268 ], [ -51.327, -0.33 ], [ -51.352, -0.353 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.127, -0.268 ], [ -51.131, -0.237 ], [ -51.091, -0.208 ], [ -51.087, -0.229 ], [ -51.127, -0.268 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.888, -0.198 ], [ -48.91, -0.188 ], [ -48.893, -0.134 ], [ -48.847, -0.177 ], [ -48.888, -0.198 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.174, -0.091 ], [ -51.191, -0.064 ], [ -51.126, -0.057 ], [ -51.174, -0.091 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.114, -0.146 ], [ -49.097, -0.121 ], [ -49.08, -0.13 ], [ -49.114, -0.146 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.166, -0.142 ], [ -49.188, -0.115 ], [ -49.156, -0.128 ], [ -49.166, -0.142 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.119, -0.141 ], [ -49.143, -0.107 ], [ -49.114, -0.11 ], [ -49.119, -0.141 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.127, -0.128 ], [ -51.094, -0.103 ], [ -51.108, -0.127 ], [ -51.127, -0.128 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.414, -0.999 ], [ -46.384, -0.941 ], [ -46.367, -0.948 ], [ -46.414, -0.999 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.647, -0.97 ], [ -46.658, -0.968 ], [ -46.618, -0.957 ], [ -46.647, -0.97 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.488, -0.942 ], [ -46.465, -0.877 ], [ -46.464, -0.924 ], [ -46.44, -0.922 ], [ -46.482, -0.976 ], [ -46.441, -0.999 ], [ -46.525, -1.016 ], [ -46.527, -0.917 ], [ -46.509, -0.984 ], [ -46.488, -0.942 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.632, 0.159 ], [ -49.662, 0.184 ], [ -49.629, 0.202 ], [ -49.61, 0.181 ], [ -49.632, 0.159 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.641, 0.26 ], [ -50.63, 0.293 ], [ -50.586, 0.308 ], [ -50.641, 0.26 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.2, 0.255 ], [ -50.243, 0.248 ], [ -50.147, 0.337 ], [ -50.059, 0.346 ], [ -50.2, 0.255 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.417, 0.159 ], [ -50.535, 0.234 ], [ -50.36, 0.615 ], [ -50.328, 0.383 ], [ -50.285, 0.3 ], [ -50.413, 0.237 ], [ -50.417, 0.159 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.279, 0.338 ], [ -50.271, 0.599 ], [ -50.147, 0.608 ], [ -50.142, 0.576 ], [ -50.107, 0.636 ], [ -50.063, 0.623 ], [ -50.05, 0.518 ], [ -50.279, 0.338 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50, 0.943 ], [ -50.113, 0.907 ], [ -50.018, 1.034 ], [ -49.935, 1.069 ], [ -49.939, 0.996 ], [ -50, 0.943 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.881, 1.227 ], [ -49.909, 1.246 ], [ -49.886, 1.244 ], [ -49.881, 1.227 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.907, 1.278 ], [ -49.885, 1.291 ], [ -49.863, 1.278 ], [ -49.876, 1.252 ], [ -49.907, 1.278 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.204, 1.851 ], [ -50.232, 1.879 ], [ -50.22, 1.915 ], [ -50.169, 1.865 ], [ -50.204, 1.851 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.468, 1.954 ], [ -50.521, 2.026 ], [ -50.497, 2.139 ], [ -50.398, 2.167 ], [ -50.367, 2.19 ], [ -50.276, 1.939 ], [ -50.423, 1.849 ], [ -50.468, 1.954 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.504, 2.255 ], [ -50.414, 2.244 ], [ -50.382, 2.204 ], [ -50.489, 2.15 ], [ -50.564, 2.205 ], [ -50.504, 2.255 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.229, 0.832 ], [ -50.098, 0.839 ], [ -50.027, 0.898 ], [ -50.105, 0.757 ], [ -50.162, 0.775 ], [ -50.249, 0.72 ], [ -50.229, 0.832 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.131, 0.844 ], [ -50.162, 0.867 ], [ -50.132, 0.9 ], [ -50.119, 0.854 ], [ -50.131, 0.844 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.108, 0.85 ], [ -50.111, 0.891 ], [ -50.049, 0.886 ], [ -50.108, 0.85 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.216, -0.055 ], [ -50.235, -0.042 ], [ -50.219, -0.04 ], [ -50.216, -0.055 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.916, -0.052 ], [ -50.926, -0.047 ], [ -50.907, -0.043 ], [ -50.916, -0.052 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.605, -0.061 ], [ -50.618, -0.022 ], [ -50.559, -0.038 ], [ -50.605, -0.061 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.399, -0.061 ], [ -50.44, -0.057 ], [ -50.378, -0.015 ], [ -50.357, -0.049 ], [ -50.399, -0.061 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.75, 0 ], [ -49.609, 0.08 ], [ -49.474, 0.081 ], [ -49.338, -0.017 ], [ -49.487, -0.136 ], [ -49.723, -0.147 ], [ -49.835, -0.088 ], [ -49.75, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.023, -0.019 ], [ -49.039, -0.011 ], [ -49.02, -0.006 ], [ -49.023, -0.019 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.932, 0.052 ], [ -50.918, 0.084 ], [ -50.884, 0.078 ], [ -50.899, 0.057 ], [ -50.932, 0.052 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.928, 0 ], [ -50.786, 0.05 ], [ -50.717, 0.028 ], [ -50.94, -0.041 ], [ -50.928, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.691, 0.025 ], [ -50.655, 0.015 ], [ -50.703, 0.021 ], [ -50.691, 0.025 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.629, -0.043 ], [ -50.642, -0.016 ], [ -50.622, -0.026 ], [ -50.629, -0.043 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.642, 0 ], [ -50.611, 0.007 ], [ -50.595, -0.019 ], [ -50.642, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.536, 0 ], [ -50.653, 0.126 ], [ -50.59, 0.203 ], [ -50.434, 0.126 ], [ -50.436, 0 ], [ -50.536, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50, 0.311 ], [ -49.674, 0.368 ], [ -49.601, 0.283 ], [ -49.86, 0.008 ], [ -49.99, -0.048 ], [ -50.086, 0.034 ], [ -50.351, 0.044 ], [ -50.394, 0.222 ], [ -50.153, 0.227 ], [ -50, 0.311 ] ] ] ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "La costa de lo que hoy es territorio brasileño fue el primer punto al \nque llegaron los europeos en América del Sur. La primera expedición que \nexploró la región fue un desprendimiento de la flota portuguesa que \nVasco da Gama (c. 1460-1524) llevaba hacia oriente. Las naves dirigidas \npor Pedro Álvarez de Cabral (1467-1520) se alejaron excesivamente de la \ncosta de África y terminaron en el extremo sur de actual territorio del \nEstado de Bahía, en que el permanecieron entre abril y mayo del año \n1500. Los portuguese establecieron en la costa precarias feitorias para \ncomerciar verzino o palo brasil con los nativos de las sociedades tupí y\n guaraní nativas. Recién en 1530 la corona brasileña tomaría acciones \ndecididas para organizar la ocupación portuguesa y las actividades de \nexplotación, cuando instaura el régimen de capitanías hereditarias que \nestructuraría el establecimiento colonial lusitano en brasil. \nBibliografía: Johnson, H. B., \"Portuguese Settlement, 1500-1580\", en \nBethell, Leslie (ed.), Colonial Brazil, Cambridge, Cambridge University \nPress, 1987, pp. 1-38; Abulafia, David, El descubrimiento de la \nhumanidad. Encuentros atlánticos en la era de Colón, Barcelona, Crítica,\n 2009 [2008]; Metcalf, Alida C., Go-Betweens and the Colonization of \nBrazil, 1500-1600, Austin, University of Texas Press, 2005; Vaz de \nCaminha, Pêro, Carta del descubrimiento del Brasil, Barcelona, \nAcantilado, 2009.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-19T00:00:49+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 11237, "end" : 11243 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Brasil" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/ed1bb059-703a-4197-9ef0-b4d72449df09", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://sws.geonames.org/3469034", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-19T00:00:49+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-19T00:00:49+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "MultiPolygon", "coordinates" : [ [ [ [ -44.657, -3.018 ], [ -44.608, -3.041 ], [ -44.72, -3.18 ], [ -44.793, -3.198 ], [ -44.779, -3.312 ], [ -44.736, -3.302 ], [ -44.763, -3.225 ], [ -44.653, -3.196 ], [ -44.431, -2.945 ], [ -44.367, -2.643 ], [ -44.362, -2.726 ], [ -44.355, -2.605 ], [ -44.378, -2.566 ], [ -44.345, -2.528 ], [ -44.29, -2.573 ], [ -44.306, -2.487 ], [ -44.02, -2.403 ], [ -44.03, -2.457 ], [ -44.108, -2.468 ], [ -44.035, -2.518 ], [ -44.131, -2.596 ], [ -44.147, -2.681 ], [ -44.219, -2.67 ], [ -44.209, -2.716 ], [ -44.345, -2.791 ], [ -44.347, -2.838 ], [ -44.315, -2.788 ], [ -44.3, -2.843 ], [ -44.266, -2.777 ], [ -44.225, -2.806 ], [ -44.184, -2.766 ], [ -44.208, -2.857 ], [ -44.111, -2.749 ], [ -44.072, -2.811 ], [ -44.05, -2.685 ], [ -43.981, -2.619 ], [ -43.946, -2.641 ], [ -43.933, -2.553 ], [ -43.883, -2.649 ], [ -43.887, -2.578 ], [ -43.803, -2.56 ], [ -43.76, -2.513 ], [ -43.754, -2.556 ], [ -43.729, -2.481 ], [ -43.727, -2.569 ], [ -43.654, -2.556 ], [ -43.682, -2.534 ], [ -43.653, -2.488 ], [ -43.608, -2.593 ], [ -43.603, -2.518 ], [ -43.548, -2.528 ], [ -43.519, -2.445 ], [ -43.498, -2.55 ], [ -43.46, -2.507 ], [ -43.458, -2.596 ], [ -43.401, -2.552 ], [ -43.448, -2.538 ], [ -43.462, -2.427 ], [ -43.359, -2.44 ], [ -43.479, -2.376 ], [ -43.378, -2.329 ], [ -43.4, -2.353 ], [ -43.232, -2.362 ], [ -42.692, -2.596 ], [ -42.709, -2.56 ], [ -42.572, -2.68 ], [ -42.495, -2.689 ], [ -42.503, -2.727 ], [ -42.393, -2.751 ], [ -42.475, -2.706 ], [ -42.375, -2.717 ], [ -42.228, -2.818 ], [ -42.143, -2.808 ], [ -42.256, -2.735 ], [ -42.233, -2.674 ], [ -42.208, -2.712 ], [ -42.098, -2.768 ], [ -42.099, -2.809 ], [ -42.096, -2.747 ], [ -42.216, -2.687 ], [ -42.054, -2.691 ], [ -42.023, -2.775 ], [ -42.017, -2.718 ], [ -41.818, -2.723 ], [ -41.844, -2.773 ], [ -41.797, -2.751 ], [ -41.656, -2.884 ], [ -41.437, -2.939 ], [ -41.395, -2.906 ], [ -41.316, -2.943 ], [ -41.263, -2.887 ], [ -40.838, -2.895 ], [ -40.572, -2.844 ], [ -40.499, -2.787 ], [ -39.888, -2.886 ], [ -39.244, -3.229 ], [ -39.083, -3.394 ], [ -38.978, -3.407 ], [ -38.641, -3.687 ], [ -38.473, -3.7 ], [ -38.377, -3.866 ], [ -38.043, -4.214 ], [ -37.764, -4.399 ], [ -37.588, -4.624 ], [ -37.323, -4.698 ], [ -37.15, -4.943 ], [ -36.958, -4.919 ], [ -36.666, -5.108 ], [ -36.504, -5.061 ], [ -36.297, -5.106 ], [ -35.956, -5.045 ], [ -35.612, -5.11 ], [ -35.385, -5.255 ], [ -35.255, -5.483 ], [ -35.099, -6.169 ], [ -34.983, -6.396 ], [ -34.933, -6.753 ], [ -34.79, -7.159 ], [ -34.842, -7.564 ], [ -34.809, -7.622 ], [ -34.845, -7.69 ], [ -34.827, -8.004 ], [ -35.136, -8.895 ], [ -35.332, -9.237 ], [ -35.689, -9.668 ], [ -35.78, -9.706 ], [ -36.056, -10.083 ], [ -36.266, -10.256 ], [ -36.402, -10.506 ], [ -36.602, -10.567 ], [ -36.934, -10.826 ], [ -37.36, -11.428 ], [ -37.612, -11.979 ], [ -37.996, -12.578 ], [ -38.318, -12.934 ], [ -38.477, -13.022 ], [ -38.532, -13.017 ], [ -38.473, -12.913 ], [ -38.498, -12.722 ], [ -38.603, -12.728 ], [ -38.646, -12.622 ], [ -38.681, -12.661 ], [ -38.718, -12.627 ], [ -38.804, -12.835 ], [ -38.717, -12.873 ], [ -38.769, -12.995 ], [ -38.721, -13.021 ], [ -38.66, -12.963 ], [ -38.686, -12.878 ], [ -38.59, -12.972 ], [ -38.766, -13.129 ], [ -38.807, -13.1 ], [ -38.808, -13.154 ], [ -38.944, -13.243 ], [ -38.973, -13.391 ], [ -38.902, -13.384 ], [ -38.886, -13.45 ], [ -38.95, -13.577 ], [ -38.886, -13.659 ], [ -38.968, -13.67 ], [ -39.006, -13.891 ], [ -39.064, -13.865 ], [ -39.075, -13.887 ], [ -38.986, -13.998 ], [ -38.952, -13.986 ], [ -38.982, -13.912 ], [ -38.938, -13.886 ], [ -38.922, -13.92 ], [ -39.061, -14.716 ], [ -38.962, -15.585 ], [ -38.857, -15.86 ], [ -38.973, -16.211 ], [ -39.032, -16.26 ], [ -39.01, -16.369 ], [ -39.078, -16.454 ], [ -39.143, -16.762 ], [ -39.113, -16.896 ], [ -39.212, -17.155 ], [ -39.193, -17.602 ], [ -39.135, -17.691 ], [ -39.264, -17.869 ], [ -39.435, -17.943 ], [ -39.563, -18.091 ], [ -39.721, -18.493 ], [ -39.749, -18.81 ], [ -39.692, -19.353 ], [ -39.805, -19.65 ], [ -39.951, -19.717 ], [ -40.151, -19.956 ], [ -40.236, -20.285 ], [ -40.353, -20.32 ], [ -40.329, -20.236 ], [ -40.359, -20.291 ], [ -40.365, -20.317 ], [ -40.35, -20.328 ], [ -40.268, -20.327 ], [ -40.402, -20.606 ], [ -40.466, -20.624 ], [ -40.627, -20.845 ], [ -40.65, -20.813 ], [ -40.756, -20.866 ], [ -40.853, -21.133 ], [ -40.955, -21.251 ], [ -40.96, -21.364 ], [ -41.065, -21.495 ], [ -41.051, -21.608 ], [ -41.038, -21.622 ], [ -41.007, -21.618 ], [ -40.99, -22.014 ], [ -41.229, -22.151 ], [ -41.668, -22.294 ], [ -41.962, -22.538 ], [ -41.986, -22.713 ], [ -41.919, -22.774 ], [ -41.864, -22.759 ], [ -42.023, -22.896 ], [ -42.037, -22.94 ], [ -41.99, -22.964 ], [ -42.018, -22.998 ], [ -42.086, -22.957 ], [ -42.529, -22.934 ], [ -43.05, -22.982 ], [ -43.132, -22.941 ], [ -43.025, -22.741 ], [ -43.084, -22.68 ], [ -43.216, -22.725 ], [ -43.287, -22.806 ], [ -43.24, -22.847 ], [ -43.249, -22.797 ], [ -43.156, -22.784 ], [ -43.247, -22.882 ], [ -43.164, -22.899 ], [ -43.187, -22.995 ], [ -43.344, -22.983 ], [ -43.303, -23.02 ], [ -43.549, -23.081 ], [ -44.001, -23.1 ], [ -43.961, -23.042 ], [ -43.877, -23.067 ], [ -43.909, -23.02 ], [ -43.807, -23.063 ], [ -43.555, -23.055 ], [ -43.84, -22.906 ], [ -43.985, -22.937 ], [ -44.034, -23.014 ], [ -44.044, -22.923 ], [ -44.107, -23.03 ], [ -44.234, -23.06 ], [ -44.238, -23.004 ], [ -44.358, -23.02 ], [ -44.296, -22.961 ], [ -44.321, -22.927 ], [ -44.378, -22.972 ], [ -44.407, -22.945 ], [ -44.443, -23.035 ], [ -44.669, -23.06 ], [ -44.712, -23.19 ], [ -44.701, -23.237 ], [ -44.645, -23.191 ], [ -44.612, -23.206 ], [ -44.685, -23.256 ], [ -44.611, -23.238 ], [ -44.652, -23.302 ], [ -44.558, -23.232 ], [ -44.577, -23.275 ], [ -44.498, -23.302 ], [ -44.583, -23.367 ], [ -44.669, -23.341 ], [ -44.84, -23.395 ], [ -44.905, -23.339 ], [ -45.05, -23.418 ], [ -45.016, -23.461 ], [ -45.079, -23.519 ], [ -45.165, -23.495 ], [ -45.159, -23.541 ], [ -45.228, -23.547 ], [ -45.211, -23.582 ], [ -45.41, -23.632 ], [ -45.412, -23.825 ], [ -45.934, -23.771 ], [ -46.124, -23.842 ], [ -46.2, -24.002 ], [ -46.288, -24.044 ], [ -46.321, -24 ], [ -46.458, -24.025 ], [ -46.937, -24.281 ], [ -47.024, -24.382 ], [ -47.004, -24.412 ], [ -47.86, -24.996 ], [ -47.914, -25.061 ], [ -47.915, -25.16 ], [ -48.213, -25.47 ], [ -48.254, -25.435 ], [ -48.222, -25.342 ], [ -48.208, -25.353 ], [ -48.121, -25.267 ], [ -48.253, -25.328 ], [ -48.284, -25.294 ], [ -48.317, -25.363 ], [ -48.327, -25.232 ], [ -48.366, -25.317 ], [ -48.433, -25.237 ], [ -48.428, -25.324 ], [ -48.5, -25.335 ], [ -48.427, -25.39 ], [ -48.449, -25.379 ], [ -48.468, -25.388 ], [ -48.467, -25.432 ], [ -48.449, -25.384 ], [ -48.414, -25.428 ], [ -48.476, -25.485 ], [ -48.637, -25.468 ], [ -48.661, -25.398 ], [ -48.671, -25.435 ], [ -48.739, -25.374 ], [ -48.68, -25.465 ], [ -48.687, -25.499 ], [ -48.737, -25.483 ], [ -48.703, -25.504 ], [ -48.617, -25.536 ], [ -48.512, -25.505 ], [ -48.482, -25.591 ], [ -48.46, -25.552 ], [ -48.35, -25.581 ], [ -48.565, -25.868 ], [ -48.614, -26.06 ], [ -48.586, -26.172 ], [ -48.714, -26.243 ], [ -48.795, -26.073 ], [ -48.837, -26.157 ], [ -48.798, -26.142 ], [ -48.763, -26.199 ], [ -48.805, -26.228 ], [ -48.769, -26.223 ], [ -48.761, -26.286 ], [ -48.803, -26.303 ], [ -48.723, -26.362 ], [ -48.635, -26.374 ], [ -48.714, -26.308 ], [ -48.554, -26.172 ], [ -48.493, -26.224 ], [ -48.695, -26.658 ], [ -48.665, -26.769 ], [ -48.583, -26.786 ], [ -48.655, -26.909 ], [ -48.62, -27.007 ], [ -48.574, -27.011 ], [ -48.607, -27.122 ], [ -48.554, -27.152 ], [ -48.51, -27.108 ], [ -48.469, -27.148 ], [ -48.511, -27.183 ], [ -48.486, -27.218 ], [ -48.531, -27.18 ], [ -48.612, -27.243 ], [ -48.596, -27.318 ], [ -48.529, -27.334 ], [ -48.649, -27.486 ], [ -48.572, -27.592 ], [ -48.653, -27.648 ], [ -48.575, -27.888 ], [ -48.761, -28.535 ], [ -48.813, -28.605 ], [ -49.37, -28.92 ], [ -49.334, -28.921 ], [ -49.702, -29.308 ], [ -50.006, -29.749 ], [ -50.316, -30.472 ], [ -50.848, -31.205 ], [ -51.303, -31.613 ], [ -51.877, -31.952 ], [ -52.071, -32.188 ], [ -52.012, -31.946 ], [ -52.092, -31.837 ], [ -51.851, -31.865 ], [ -51.777, -31.805 ], [ -51.854, -31.797 ], [ -51.65, -31.759 ], [ -51.478, -31.562 ], [ -51.43, -31.622 ], [ -51.458, -31.548 ], [ -51.424, -31.478 ], [ -51.351, -31.529 ], [ -51.234, -31.458 ], [ -51.16, -31.31 ], [ -51.166, -31.063 ], [ -51.109, -31.097 ], [ -50.985, -31.042 ], [ -50.965, -30.893 ], [ -50.888, -30.893 ], [ -50.705, -30.756 ], [ -50.677, -30.61 ], [ -50.725, -30.371 ], [ -50.692, -30.355 ], [ -50.625, -30.409 ], [ -50.641, -30.459 ], [ -50.569, -30.471 ], [ -50.534, -30.278 ], [ -50.601, -30.194 ], [ -50.659, -30.201 ], [ -50.661, -30.293 ], [ -50.918, -30.333 ], [ -50.934, -30.42 ], [ -50.889, -30.439 ], [ -50.921, -30.44 ], [ -51.052, -30.395 ], [ -51.034, -30.276 ], [ -51.146, -30.267 ], [ -51.246, -30.188 ], [ -51.23, -30.043 ], [ -51.295, -30.007 ], [ -51.326, -30.23 ], [ -51.271, -30.25 ], [ -51.293, -30.295 ], [ -51.246, -30.33 ], [ -51.209, -30.3 ], [ -51.179, -30.383 ], [ -51.092, -30.367 ], [ -51.129, -30.436 ], [ -51.202, -30.413 ], [ -51.269, -30.489 ], [ -51.282, -30.811 ], [ -51.33, -30.777 ], [ -51.294, -30.758 ], [ -51.319, -30.64 ], [ -51.375, -30.635 ], [ -51.404, -30.769 ], [ -51.367, -30.874 ], [ -51.457, -30.874 ], [ -51.501, -30.935 ], [ -51.436, -31.088 ], [ -51.611, -31.138 ], [ -51.613, -31.272 ], [ -51.915, -31.313 ], [ -52.002, -31.449 ], [ -52.031, -31.693 ], [ -52.218, -31.747 ], [ -52.247, -31.871 ], [ -52.106, -31.952 ], [ -52.216, -31.963 ], [ -52.263, -32.062 ], [ -52.209, -32.045 ], [ -52.225, -32.096 ], [ -52.082, -32.033 ], [ -52.162, -32.128 ], [ -52.09, -32.069 ], [ -52.084, -32.186 ], [ -52.16, -32.201 ], [ -52.341, -32.43 ], [ -52.488, -32.844 ], [ -52.66, -33.165 ], [ -53.227, -33.658 ], [ -53.421, -33.741 ], [ -53.524, -33.689 ], [ -53.515, -33.163 ], [ -53.434, -33.054 ], [ -53.243, -32.936 ], [ -53.294, -32.911 ], [ -53.074, -32.746 ], [ -53.244, -32.605 ], [ -53.39, -32.583 ], [ -53.46, -32.48 ], [ -53.595, -32.432 ], [ -53.73, -32.157 ], [ -53.714, -32.104 ], [ -53.965, -31.919 ], [ -54.096, -31.906 ], [ -54.466, -31.666 ], [ -54.491, -31.54 ], [ -54.591, -31.448 ], [ -54.836, -31.446 ], [ -54.945, -31.392 ], [ -55.014, -31.285 ], [ -55.091, -31.326 ], [ -55.245, -31.257 ], [ -55.374, -31.038 ], [ -55.594, -30.848 ], [ -55.635, -30.857 ], [ -55.657, -30.956 ], [ -55.87, -31.08 ], [ -56.008, -31.063 ], [ -55.987, -30.86 ], [ -56.021, -30.784 ], [ -56.127, -30.739 ], [ -56.177, -30.614 ], [ -56.384, -30.495 ], [ -56.459, -30.387 ], [ -56.545, -30.364 ], [ -56.54, -30.312 ], [ -56.617, -30.303 ], [ -56.644, -30.205 ], [ -56.776, -30.166 ], [ -56.804, -30.107 ], [ -57.068, -30.088 ], [ -57.207, -30.281 ], [ -57.313, -30.26 ], [ -57.396, -30.303 ], [ -57.538, -30.275 ], [ -57.618, -30.179 ], [ -57.505, -30.143 ], [ -57.342, -30.001 ], [ -57.319, -29.87 ], [ -57.254, -29.794 ], [ -57.105, -29.752 ], [ -56.972, -29.639 ], [ -56.676, -29.321 ], [ -56.593, -29.123 ], [ -56.425, -29.073 ], [ -56.285, -28.794 ], [ -56.185, -28.771 ], [ -56.016, -28.611 ], [ -56.011, -28.509 ], [ -55.888, -28.479 ], [ -55.875, -28.362 ], [ -55.696, -28.425 ], [ -55.671, -28.333 ], [ -55.773, -28.247 ], [ -55.605, -28.123 ], [ -55.554, -28.164 ], [ -55.496, -28.081 ], [ -55.444, -28.097 ], [ -55.323, -27.928 ], [ -55.196, -27.863 ], [ -55.134, -27.895 ], [ -55.117, -27.853 ], [ -55.032, -27.854 ], [ -55.082, -27.789 ], [ -54.941, -27.775 ], [ -54.809, -27.536 ], [ -54.781, -27.586 ], [ -54.683, -27.576 ], [ -54.678, -27.514 ], [ -54.624, -27.55 ], [ -54.576, -27.458 ], [ -54.525, -27.507 ], [ -54.415, -27.412 ], [ -54.353, -27.468 ], [ -54.339, -27.406 ], [ -54.282, -27.447 ], [ -54.176, -27.261 ], [ -54.089, -27.303 ], [ -53.949, -27.158 ], [ -53.799, -27.147 ], [ -53.795, -27.048 ], [ -53.761, -27.068 ], [ -53.662, -26.869 ], [ -53.751, -26.745 ], [ -53.707, -26.563 ], [ -53.738, -26.548 ], [ -53.592, -26.265 ], [ -53.722, -26.13 ], [ -53.733, -26.047 ], [ -53.837, -25.969 ], [ -53.824, -25.793 ], [ -53.891, -25.625 ], [ -53.951, -25.644 ], [ -54.016, -25.569 ], [ -54.101, -25.625 ], [ -54.111, -25.504 ], [ -54.213, -25.554 ], [ -54.184, -25.591 ], [ -54.289, -25.562 ], [ -54.387, -25.608 ], [ -54.43, -25.706 ], [ -54.596, -25.595 ], [ -54.617, -25.459 ], [ -54.437, -25.157 ], [ -54.458, -25.031 ], [ -54.336, -24.649 ], [ -54.333, -24.493 ], [ -54.262, -24.376 ], [ -54.33, -24.225 ], [ -54.282, -24.075 ], [ -54.411, -23.929 ], [ -54.668, -23.815 ], [ -55.061, -23.991 ], [ -55.112, -23.963 ], [ -55.226, -24.013 ], [ -55.413, -23.961 ], [ -55.434, -23.714 ], [ -55.535, -23.614 ], [ -55.522, -23.197 ], [ -55.596, -23.141 ], [ -55.64, -22.994 ], [ -55.685, -22.992 ], [ -55.613, -22.659 ], [ -55.736, -22.532 ], [ -55.74, -22.396 ], [ -55.854, -22.281 ], [ -56.208, -22.281 ], [ -56.341, -22.206 ], [ -56.403, -22.078 ], [ -56.519, -22.103 ], [ -56.643, -22.261 ], [ -56.698, -22.216 ], [ -56.728, -22.26 ], [ -56.808, -22.25 ], [ -56.831, -22.3 ], [ -57.001, -22.225 ], [ -57.203, -22.21 ], [ -57.243, -22.244 ], [ -57.553, -22.181 ], [ -57.616, -22.096 ], [ -57.803, -22.148 ], [ -57.989, -22.085 ], [ -58.005, -22.032 ], [ -57.919, -21.881 ], [ -57.969, -21.844 ], [ -57.913, -21.793 ], [ -57.947, -21.747 ], [ -57.894, -21.687 ], [ -57.968, -21.528 ], [ -57.855, -21.339 ], [ -57.918, -21.278 ], [ -57.854, -21.226 ], [ -57.866, -21.041 ], [ -57.818, -20.976 ], [ -57.927, -20.897 ], [ -57.855, -20.835 ], [ -57.961, -20.784 ], [ -57.869, -20.736 ], [ -57.923, -20.666 ], [ -57.988, -20.696 ], [ -57.994, -20.448 ], [ -58.082, -20.372 ], [ -58.092, -20.257 ], [ -58.154, -20.264 ], [ -58.125, -20.188 ], [ -58.163, -20.162 ], [ -57.872, -19.979 ], [ -58.134, -19.761 ], [ -57.79, -19.051 ], [ -57.709, -19.034 ], [ -57.757, -18.858 ], [ -57.56, -18.263 ], [ -57.458, -18.228 ], [ -57.568, -18.136 ], [ -57.702, -17.86 ], [ -57.715, -17.735 ], [ -57.785, -17.645 ], [ -57.773, -17.553 ], [ -57.878, -17.463 ], [ -58.003, -17.52 ], [ -58.114, -17.456 ], [ -58.395, -17.197 ], [ -58.421, -16.99 ], [ -58.47, -16.939 ], [ -58.468, -16.702 ], [ -58.442, -16.613 ], [ -58.34, -16.542 ], [ -58.309, -16.27 ], [ -58.471, -16.325 ], [ -60.173, -16.265 ], [ -60.236, -15.476 ], [ -60.565, -15.105 ], [ -60.253, -15.101 ], [ -60.257, -14.624 ], [ -60.338, -14.555 ], [ -60.482, -14.181 ], [ -60.468, -14.092 ], [ -60.378, -13.992 ], [ -60.468, -13.886 ], [ -60.468, -13.801 ], [ -60.793, -13.686 ], [ -60.962, -13.539 ], [ -61.044, -13.541 ], [ -61.028, -13.477 ], [ -61.069, -13.463 ], [ -61.139, -13.521 ], [ -61.249, -13.525 ], [ -61.33, -13.473 ], [ -61.486, -13.554 ], [ -61.578, -13.494 ], [ -61.824, -13.539 ], [ -61.866, -13.443 ], [ -62.108, -13.257 ], [ -62.109, -13.149 ], [ -62.165, -13.112 ], [ -62.368, -13.145 ], [ -62.464, -13.07 ], [ -62.637, -13.041 ], [ -62.674, -12.965 ], [ -62.764, -13.023 ], [ -62.923, -12.854 ], [ -62.996, -12.85 ], [ -63.082, -12.653 ], [ -63.327, -12.705 ], [ -63.482, -12.557 ], [ -63.712, -12.458 ], [ -63.875, -12.469 ], [ -63.937, -12.557 ], [ -64.127, -12.494 ], [ -64.152, -12.529 ], [ -64.215, -12.476 ], [ -64.278, -12.511 ], [ -64.493, -12.366 ], [ -64.486, -12.23 ], [ -64.654, -12.186 ], [ -64.683, -12.099 ], [ -64.725, -12.162 ], [ -64.798, -12.035 ], [ -64.993, -11.999 ], [ -65.048, -11.757 ], [ -65.112, -11.741 ], [ -65.106, -11.697 ], [ -65.135, -11.777 ], [ -65.201, -11.745 ], [ -65.161, -11.622 ], [ -65.218, -11.521 ], [ -65.299, -11.5 ], [ -65.338, -11.392 ], [ -65.31, -11.341 ], [ -65.385, -11.269 ], [ -65.349, -11.239 ], [ -65.391, -11.167 ], [ -65.318, -11.105 ], [ -65.336, -11.044 ], [ -65.269, -10.901 ], [ -65.366, -10.798 ], [ -65.349, -10.671 ], [ -65.426, -10.638 ], [ -65.429, -10.473 ], [ -65.28, -10.218 ], [ -65.327, -9.938 ], [ -65.29, -9.851 ], [ -65.377, -9.698 ], [ -65.488, -9.718 ], [ -65.563, -9.834 ], [ -65.669, -9.779 ], [ -65.7, -9.803 ], [ -65.689, -9.749 ], [ -65.748, -9.77 ], [ -65.777, -9.727 ], [ -65.798, -9.786 ], [ -65.81, -9.75 ], [ -65.86, -9.794 ], [ -65.872, -9.757 ], [ -66.018, -9.807 ], [ -66.064, -9.772 ], [ -66.422, -9.895 ], [ -66.616, -9.893 ], [ -66.623, -9.935 ], [ -66.883, -10.081 ], [ -67.029, -10.254 ], [ -67.186, -10.339 ], [ -67.315, -10.316 ], [ -67.327, -10.374 ], [ -67.414, -10.372 ], [ -67.443, -10.45 ], [ -67.594, -10.523 ], [ -67.715, -10.707 ], [ -68.021, -10.661 ], [ -68.119, -10.726 ], [ -68.283, -10.987 ], [ -68.519, -11.048 ], [ -68.587, -11.11 ], [ -68.769, -11.139 ], [ -68.751, -11.007 ], [ -68.787, -10.99 ], [ -68.871, -11.023 ], [ -69.393, -10.929 ], [ -69.728, -10.973 ], [ -69.938, -10.926 ], [ -70.318, -11.066 ], [ -70.428, -11.033 ], [ -70.508, -10.94 ], [ -70.618, -11.007 ], [ -70.622, -9.847 ], [ -70.522, -9.738 ], [ -70.598, -9.574 ], [ -70.561, -9.579 ], [ -70.497, -9.433 ], [ -70.601, -9.453 ], [ -70.982, -9.812 ], [ -71.131, -9.862 ], [ -71.288, -9.996 ], [ -72.165, -10.002 ], [ -72.16, -9.818 ], [ -72.26, -9.755 ], [ -72.289, -9.536 ], [ -72.364, -9.491 ], [ -72.721, -9.417 ], [ -73.196, -9.418 ], [ -72.965, -9.154 ], [ -72.946, -8.99 ], [ -73.059, -8.904 ], [ -73.169, -8.701 ], [ -73.338, -8.609 ], [ -73.338, -8.476 ], [ -73.526, -8.369 ], [ -73.632, -8.022 ], [ -73.765, -7.94 ], [ -73.777, -7.869 ], [ -73.697, -7.865 ], [ -73.69, -7.79 ], [ -73.985, -7.543 ], [ -73.917, -7.461 ], [ -73.954, -7.348 ], [ -73.868, -7.377 ], [ -73.691, -7.313 ], [ -73.797, -7.115 ], [ -73.743, -6.897 ], [ -73.351, -6.561 ], [ -73.211, -6.53 ], [ -73.133, -6.421 ], [ -73.185, -6.04 ], [ -73.131, -5.986 ], [ -73.116, -5.865 ], [ -72.951, -5.643 ], [ -72.948, -5.454 ], [ -72.872, -5.25 ], [ -72.896, -5.136 ], [ -72.734, -5.043 ], [ -72.602, -5.056 ], [ -72.577, -4.992 ], [ -72.455, -4.962 ], [ -72.452, -4.906 ], [ -72.37, -4.88 ], [ -72.356, -4.803 ], [ -72.292, -4.799 ], [ -72.313, -4.769 ], [ -72.223, -4.78 ], [ -72.113, -4.722 ], [ -72.047, -4.625 ], [ -71.94, -4.607 ], [ -71.897, -4.512 ], [ -71.61, -4.465 ], [ -71.597, -4.525 ], [ -71.535, -4.46 ], [ -71.49, -4.479 ], [ -71.506, -4.435 ], [ -71.414, -4.432 ], [ -71.432, -4.469 ], [ -71.342, -4.423 ], [ -71.355, -4.468 ], [ -71.303, -4.458 ], [ -71.269, -4.381 ], [ -71.198, -4.377 ], [ -71.193, -4.42 ], [ -71.147, -4.375 ], [ -71.031, -4.397 ], [ -70.99, -4.34 ], [ -70.935, -4.381 ], [ -70.757, -4.152 ], [ -70.677, -4.2 ], [ -70.622, -4.121 ], [ -70.633, -4.173 ], [ -70.565, -4.168 ], [ -70.566, -4.205 ], [ -70.553, -4.128 ], [ -70.503, -4.19 ], [ -70.434, -4.125 ], [ -70.341, -4.174 ], [ -70.317, -4.136 ], [ -70.291, -4.283 ], [ -70.249, -4.267 ], [ -70.186, -4.357 ], [ -70.169, -4.27 ], [ -70.101, -4.255 ], [ -70.031, -4.339 ], [ -69.929, -4.213 ], [ -69.453, -1.478 ], [ -69.368, -1.334 ], [ -69.422, -0.998 ], [ -69.508, -0.936 ], [ -69.609, -0.755 ], [ -69.551, -0.648 ], [ -69.593, -0.517 ], [ -69.908, -0.316 ], [ -70.068, -0.135 ], [ -70.037, 0.553 ], [ -69.798, 0.585 ], [ -69.664, 0.672 ], [ -69.606, 0.623 ], [ -69.468, 0.734 ], [ -69.357, 0.621 ], [ -69.295, 0.648 ], [ -69.288, 0.609 ], [ -69.202, 0.602 ], [ -69.112, 0.643 ], [ -69.184, 0.73 ], [ -69.137, 0.868 ], [ -69.257, 1.026 ], [ -69.342, 1.064 ], [ -69.416, 1.024 ], [ -69.7, 1.056 ], [ -69.721, 1.097 ], [ -69.854, 1.07 ], [ -69.855, 1.715 ], [ -69.556, 1.775 ], [ -69.395, 1.726 ], [ -68.128, 1.73 ], [ -68.29, 1.841 ], [ -68.205, 2.038 ], [ -68.027, 1.784 ], [ -67.924, 1.751 ], [ -67.797, 1.812 ], [ -67.578, 2.076 ], [ -67.41, 2.141 ], [ -67.117, 1.732 ], [ -67.068, 1.532 ], [ -67.097, 1.17 ], [ -66.855, 1.228 ], [ -66.322, 0.738 ], [ -66.095, 0.754 ], [ -65.952, 0.81 ], [ -65.854, 0.939 ], [ -65.733, 1.005 ], [ -65.583, 1.008 ], [ -65.47, 0.877 ], [ -65.557, 0.705 ], [ -65.504, 0.627 ], [ -65.393, 0.699 ], [ -65.305, 0.916 ], [ -65.152, 0.943 ], [ -65.121, 1.115 ], [ -65.055, 1.144 ], [ -64.968, 1.112 ], [ -64.903, 1.249 ], [ -64.843, 1.237 ], [ -64.783, 1.313 ], [ -64.721, 1.25 ], [ -64.638, 1.286 ], [ -64.387, 1.527 ], [ -64.344, 1.528 ], [ -64.382, 1.419 ], [ -64.344, 1.38 ], [ -64.186, 1.494 ], [ -64.054, 1.708 ], [ -64.057, 1.933 ], [ -64.018, 1.967 ], [ -63.781, 1.989 ], [ -63.604, 2.124 ], [ -63.419, 2.154 ], [ -63.349, 2.281 ], [ -63.382, 2.442 ], [ -63.756, 2.403 ], [ -64.031, 2.509 ], [ -63.987, 2.772 ], [ -64.216, 3.153 ], [ -64.236, 3.476 ], [ -64.186, 3.634 ], [ -64.324, 3.797 ], [ -64.543, 3.882 ], [ -64.8, 4.224 ], [ -64.79, 4.329 ], [ -64.677, 4.297 ], [ -64.555, 4.153 ], [ -64.135, 4.176 ], [ -63.967, 3.93 ], [ -63.806, 4.019 ], [ -63.623, 4.01 ], [ -63.455, 3.91 ], [ -63.411, 4.026 ], [ -63.358, 4.04 ], [ -63.203, 3.952 ], [ -63.189, 3.872 ], [ -62.86, 3.584 ], [ -62.749, 3.642 ], [ -62.705, 3.724 ], [ -62.752, 4.012 ], [ -62.635, 4.056 ], [ -62.557, 4.02 ], [ -62.46, 4.173 ], [ -62.129, 4.084 ], [ -61.961, 4.18 ], [ -61.927, 4.106 ], [ -61.723, 4.262 ], [ -61.528, 4.273 ], [ -61.507, 4.398 ], [ -61.274, 4.471 ], [ -61.293, 4.55 ], [ -61.141, 4.508 ], [ -60.952, 4.549 ], [ -60.907, 4.708 ], [ -60.731, 4.777 ], [ -60.59, 4.951 ], [ -60.744, 5.209 ], [ -60.438, 5.177 ], [ -60.203, 5.265 ], [ -60.176, 5.227 ], [ -60.121, 5.243 ], [ -60.085, 5.149 ], [ -59.969, 5.073 ], [ -60.03, 4.704 ], [ -60.163, 4.521 ], [ -59.927, 4.509 ], [ -59.674, 4.382 ], [ -59.726, 4.191 ], [ -59.628, 4.138 ], [ -59.655, 4.078 ], [ -59.516, 3.94 ], [ -59.581, 3.901 ], [ -59.594, 3.796 ], [ -59.666, 3.777 ], [ -59.664, 3.703 ], [ -59.849, 3.601 ], [ -59.799, 3.355 ], [ -59.909, 3.197 ], [ -59.982, 2.929 ], [ -59.99, 2.683 ], [ -59.903, 2.479 ], [ -59.91, 2.388 ], [ -59.724, 2.277 ], [ -59.754, 1.861 ], [ -59.654, 1.849 ], [ -59.669, 1.764 ], [ -59.549, 1.729 ], [ -59.253, 1.397 ], [ -58.914, 1.299 ], [ -58.904, 1.234 ], [ -58.804, 1.175 ], [ -58.696, 1.288 ], [ -58.507, 1.264 ], [ -58.468, 1.318 ], [ -58.498, 1.458 ], [ -58.382, 1.471 ], [ -58.325, 1.59 ], [ -58.167, 1.558 ], [ -58.13, 1.501 ], [ -58.009, 1.501 ], [ -58, 1.665 ], [ -57.919, 1.645 ], [ -57.77, 1.718 ], [ -57.545, 1.701 ], [ -57.434, 1.895 ], [ -57.302, 1.99 ], [ -57.247, 1.944 ], [ -57.085, 2.021 ], [ -57.012, 1.918 ], [ -56.8, 1.864 ], [ -56.724, 1.92 ], [ -56.454, 1.945 ], [ -55.957, 1.844 ], [ -55.906, 1.889 ], [ -55.913, 2.041 ], [ -56.048, 2.226 ], [ -56.134, 2.263 ], [ -56.09, 2.352 ], [ -55.995, 2.405 ], [ -55.987, 2.517 ], [ -55.948, 2.532 ], [ -55.739, 2.401 ], [ -55.481, 2.443 ], [ -55.37, 2.407 ], [ -55.336, 2.516 ], [ -55.239, 2.495 ], [ -55.137, 2.575 ], [ -55.103, 2.522 ], [ -54.94, 2.632 ], [ -54.969, 2.555 ], [ -54.864, 2.439 ], [ -54.72, 2.469 ], [ -54.702, 2.336 ], [ -54.549, 2.336 ], [ -54.534, 2.268 ], [ -54.314, 2.158 ], [ -54.189, 2.179 ], [ -54.111, 2.127 ], [ -54.078, 2.197 ], [ -53.784, 2.364 ], [ -53.694, 2.287 ], [ -53.472, 2.332 ], [ -53.397, 2.272 ], [ -53.273, 2.292 ], [ -53.188, 2.223 ], [ -52.905, 2.19 ], [ -52.853, 2.285 ], [ -52.673, 2.374 ], [ -52.555, 2.523 ], [ -52.556, 2.646 ], [ -52.382, 2.912 ], [ -52.347, 3.134 ], [ -52.192, 3.296 ], [ -51.92, 3.781 ], [ -51.795, 3.89 ], [ -51.754, 3.996 ], [ -51.658, 4.049 ], [ -51.585, 4.241 ], [ -51.529, 4.171 ], [ -51.545, 4.397 ], [ -51.202, 4.084 ], [ -51.173, 3.767 ], [ -51.127, 3.911 ], [ -51.085, 3.895 ], [ -51.051, 3.283 ], [ -50.913, 2.875 ], [ -50.927, 2.807 ], [ -50.816, 2.644 ], [ -50.851, 2.482 ], [ -50.802, 2.508 ], [ -50.736, 2.414 ], [ -50.765, 2.359 ], [ -50.694, 2.276 ], [ -50.725, 2.252 ], [ -50.675, 2.247 ], [ -50.682, 2.137 ], [ -50.584, 2.091 ], [ -50.586, 2.014 ], [ -50.471, 1.82 ], [ -50.194, 1.794 ], [ -49.954, 1.676 ], [ -49.88, 1.419 ], [ -49.918, 1.289 ], [ -50.073, 1.204 ], [ -49.918, 1.232 ], [ -49.939, 1.103 ], [ -50.003, 1.066 ], [ -50.033, 1.107 ], [ -50.131, 0.949 ], [ -50.274, 0.866 ], [ -50.338, 0.729 ], [ -50.417, 0.685 ], [ -50.455, 0.732 ], [ -50.428, 0.679 ], [ -50.571, 0.424 ], [ -50.691, 0.3 ], [ -50.677, 0.365 ], [ -50.746, 0.227 ], [ -50.801, 0.224 ], [ -50.785, 0.183 ], [ -50.908, 0.171 ], [ -51.087, -0.043 ], [ -51.203, -0.055 ], [ -51.419, -0.412 ], [ -51.409, -0.44 ], [ -51.325, -0.364 ], [ -51.188, -0.14 ], [ -51.111, -0.154 ], [ -51.154, -0.284 ], [ -51.396, -0.493 ], [ -51.243, -0.443 ], [ -51.26, -0.5 ], [ -51.165, -0.431 ], [ -50.953, -0.061 ], [ -50.824, -0.048 ], [ -50.705, 0.002 ], [ -50.613, -0.088 ], [ -50.744, -0.244 ], [ -50.751, -0.429 ], [ -50.845, -0.526 ], [ -50.988, -0.583 ], [ -51.051, -0.682 ], [ -50.826, -0.555 ], [ -50.794, -0.666 ], [ -50.733, -0.557 ], [ -50.684, -0.604 ], [ -50.724, -0.493 ], [ -50.652, -0.276 ], [ -50.409, -0.094 ], [ -49.631, -0.247 ], [ -49.446, -0.23 ], [ -49.289, -0.145 ], [ -49.018, -0.16 ], [ -49, -0.139 ], [ -48.895, -0.224 ], [ -48.539, -0.234 ], [ -48.363, -0.303 ], [ -48.459, -0.513 ], [ -48.522, -0.877 ], [ -48.667, -1.002 ], [ -48.621, -1.005 ], [ -48.65, -1.048 ], [ -48.617, -1.053 ], [ -48.721, -1.137 ], [ -48.837, -1.452 ], [ -49.161, -1.575 ], [ -49.182, -1.623 ], [ -49.362, -1.604 ], [ -49.364, -1.642 ], [ -49.448, -1.637 ], [ -49.5, -1.738 ], [ -49.61, -1.718 ], [ -49.676, -1.78 ], [ -49.696, -1.757 ], [ -49.714, -1.76 ], [ -49.803, -1.822 ], [ -50.035, -1.717 ], [ -50.179, -1.787 ], [ -50.256, -1.776 ], [ -50.415, -1.841 ], [ -50.401, -1.935 ], [ -49.994, -1.819 ], [ -49.844, -1.905 ], [ -49.765, -1.898 ], [ -49.616, -1.79 ], [ -49.276, -1.706 ], [ -49.267, -1.778 ], [ -49.387, -1.977 ], [ -49.383, -2.159 ], [ -48.973, -1.594 ], [ -48.897, -1.573 ], [ -48.955, -1.712 ], [ -48.932, -1.75 ], [ -48.898, -1.743 ], [ -48.656, -1.371 ], [ -48.592, -1.429 ], [ -48.601, -1.306 ], [ -48.524, -1.338 ], [ -48.537, -1.467 ], [ -48.496, -1.553 ], [ -48.491, -1.502 ], [ -48.46, -1.533 ], [ -48.374, -1.511 ], [ -48.319, -1.478 ], [ -48.505, -1.471 ], [ -48.422, -1.168 ], [ -48.475, -1.144 ], [ -48.4, -1.066 ], [ -48.278, -1.111 ], [ -48.304, -0.948 ], [ -48.055, -0.668 ], [ -48.001, -0.731 ], [ -47.893, -0.553 ], [ -47.843, -0.616 ], [ -47.807, -0.547 ], [ -47.702, -0.54 ], [ -47.707, -0.59 ], [ -47.667, -0.569 ], [ -47.633, -0.608 ], [ -47.651, -0.694 ], [ -47.608, -0.684 ], [ -47.577, -0.573 ], [ -47.476, -0.757 ], [ -47.398, -0.76 ], [ -47.428, -0.693 ], [ -47.464, -0.687 ], [ -47.466, -0.594 ], [ -47.399, -0.594 ], [ -47.4, -0.645 ], [ -47.298, -0.589 ], [ -47.253, -0.668 ], [ -47.247, -0.623 ], [ -47.206, -0.633 ], [ -47.23, -0.719 ], [ -47.158, -0.678 ], [ -47.191, -0.754 ], [ -47.146, -0.764 ], [ -47.16, -0.815 ], [ -47.081, -0.661 ], [ -47.055, -0.868 ], [ -47.027, -0.784 ], [ -46.983, -0.806 ], [ -47.016, -0.752 ], [ -46.967, -0.694 ], [ -46.969, -0.78 ], [ -46.891, -0.869 ], [ -46.89, -0.789 ], [ -46.846, -0.799 ], [ -46.82, -0.71 ], [ -46.802, -0.877 ], [ -46.777, -0.905 ], [ -46.75, -0.826 ], [ -46.709, -0.86 ], [ -46.734, -0.944 ], [ -46.687, -0.831 ], [ -46.653, -0.882 ], [ -46.621, -0.818 ], [ -46.601, -0.917 ], [ -46.676, -0.965 ], [ -46.622, -0.987 ], [ -46.57, -0.947 ], [ -46.609, -1.03 ], [ -46.57, -0.988 ], [ -46.525, -1.027 ], [ -46.465, -1.007 ], [ -46.47, -1.044 ], [ -46.395, -1.037 ], [ -46.413, -1.084 ], [ -46.348, -0.982 ], [ -46.36, -1.011 ], [ -46.366, -1.031 ], [ -46.348, -1.079 ], [ -46.339, -1.015 ], [ -46.299, -1.05 ], [ -46.212, -0.946 ], [ -46.242, -0.921 ], [ -46.179, -0.914 ], [ -46.224, -1.053 ], [ -46.206, -1.1 ], [ -46.158, -1.014 ], [ -46.138, -1.032 ], [ -46.193, -1.143 ], [ -46.104, -1.067 ], [ -46.062, -1.133 ], [ -46.15, -1.258 ], [ -45.982, -1.071 ], [ -45.953, -1.147 ], [ -46, -1.151 ], [ -46, -1.199 ], [ -45.95, -1.159 ], [ -45.95, -1.207 ], [ -46, -1.209 ], [ -45.95, -1.25 ], [ -45.902, -1.134 ], [ -45.923, -1.214 ], [ -45.882, -1.167 ], [ -45.873, -1.211 ], [ -45.909, -1.261 ], [ -45.859, -1.231 ], [ -45.891, -1.293 ], [ -45.807, -1.176 ], [ -45.843, -1.301 ], [ -45.809, -1.328 ], [ -45.831, -1.298 ], [ -45.782, -1.278 ], [ -45.726, -1.135 ], [ -45.69, -1.452 ], [ -45.697, -1.38 ], [ -45.632, -1.371 ], [ -45.618, -1.279 ], [ -45.589, -1.329 ], [ -45.537, -1.273 ], [ -45.561, -1.343 ], [ -45.51, -1.352 ], [ -45.567, -1.404 ], [ -45.546, -1.432 ], [ -45.413, -1.296 ], [ -45.489, -1.473 ], [ -45.511, -1.458 ], [ -45.554, -1.503 ], [ -45.507, -1.471 ], [ -45.518, -1.516 ], [ -45.481, -1.495 ], [ -45.463, -1.548 ], [ -45.457, -1.457 ], [ -45.391, -1.434 ], [ -45.363, -1.325 ], [ -45.323, -1.319 ], [ -45.302, -1.424 ], [ -45.392, -1.485 ], [ -45.398, -1.503 ], [ -45.356, -1.487 ], [ -45.392, -1.553 ], [ -45.338, -1.572 ], [ -45.371, -1.722 ], [ -45.338, -1.753 ], [ -45.197, -1.688 ], [ -45.261, -1.607 ], [ -45.16, -1.475 ], [ -45.136, -1.521 ], [ -45.072, -1.435 ], [ -45.07, -1.485 ], [ -44.999, -1.504 ], [ -45.018, -1.547 ], [ -44.969, -1.549 ], [ -45.029, -1.583 ], [ -45.029, -1.602 ], [ -44.979, -1.607 ], [ -44.954, -1.498 ], [ -44.862, -1.426 ], [ -44.857, -1.498 ], [ -44.954, -1.605 ], [ -44.918, -1.649 ], [ -44.968, -1.662 ], [ -44.913, -1.657 ], [ -44.927, -1.62 ], [ -44.886, -1.609 ], [ -44.837, -1.65 ], [ -44.822, -1.591 ], [ -44.826, -1.637 ], [ -44.805, -1.609 ], [ -44.812, -1.665 ], [ -44.779, -1.735 ], [ -44.711, -1.728 ], [ -44.82, -1.819 ], [ -44.738, -1.791 ], [ -44.706, -1.819 ], [ -44.676, -1.808 ], [ -44.661, -1.727 ], [ -44.604, -1.749 ], [ -44.667, -1.849 ], [ -44.601, -1.858 ], [ -44.583, -1.817 ], [ -44.586, -1.873 ], [ -44.543, -1.833 ], [ -44.601, -1.909 ], [ -44.517, -1.907 ], [ -44.484, -2.002 ], [ -44.613, -2.037 ], [ -44.467, -2.017 ], [ -44.626, -2.151 ], [ -44.589, -2.159 ], [ -44.641, -2.232 ], [ -44.708, -2.23 ], [ -44.684, -2.275 ], [ -44.764, -2.265 ], [ -44.654, -2.294 ], [ -44.681, -2.354 ], [ -44.649, -2.373 ], [ -44.666, -2.329 ], [ -44.479, -2.137 ], [ -44.358, -2.335 ], [ -44.401, -2.416 ], [ -44.514, -2.384 ], [ -44.55, -2.4 ], [ -44.491, -2.415 ], [ -44.514, -2.448 ], [ -44.505, -2.476 ], [ -44.665, -2.608 ], [ -44.548, -2.542 ], [ -44.658, -2.781 ], [ -44.688, -2.924 ], [ -44.677, -3.019 ], [ -44.66, -3.02 ], [ -44.657, -3.018 ] ], [ [ -43.318, -2.361 ], [ -43.317, -2.363 ], [ -43.296, -2.363 ], [ -43.318, -2.361 ] ], [ [ -42.438, -2.747 ], [ -42.442, -2.749 ], [ -42.438, -2.75 ], [ -42.438, -2.747 ] ], [ [ -42.442, -2.749 ], [ -42.47, -2.744 ], [ -42.447, -2.753 ], [ -42.442, -2.749 ] ], [ [ -50.851, 2.482 ], [ -50.853, 2.481 ], [ -50.853, 2.48 ], [ -50.851, 2.482 ] ], [ [ -50.853, 2.481 ], [ -50.86, 2.495 ], [ -50.86, 2.477 ], [ -50.853, 2.481 ] ], [ [ -49.976, 1.659 ], [ -49.98, 1.659 ], [ -50, 1.639 ], [ -49.976, 1.659 ] ], [ [ -45.392, -1.553 ], [ -45.393, -1.553 ], [ -45.394, -1.556 ], [ -45.392, -1.553 ] ], [ [ -45.394, -1.556 ], [ -45.406, -1.579 ], [ -45.403, -1.591 ], [ -45.394, -1.556 ] ], [ [ -44.837, -1.65 ], [ -44.834, -1.655 ], [ -44.833, -1.654 ], [ -44.837, -1.65 ] ], [ [ -44.834, -1.655 ], [ -44.841, -1.675 ], [ -44.822, -1.672 ], [ -44.834, -1.655 ] ], [ [ -44.779, -1.735 ], [ -44.777, -1.741 ], [ -44.776, -1.74 ], [ -44.779, -1.735 ] ], [ [ -44.777, -1.741 ], [ -44.833, -1.77 ], [ -44.774, -1.75 ], [ -44.777, -1.741 ] ], [ [ -44.547, -2.22 ], [ -44.536, -2.225 ], [ -44.543, -2.219 ], [ -44.547, -2.22 ] ], [ [ -44.536, -2.225 ], [ -44.507, -2.249 ], [ -44.512, -2.235 ], [ -44.536, -2.225 ] ], [ [ -44.507, -2.249 ], [ -44.504, -2.256 ], [ -44.501, -2.254 ], [ -44.507, -2.249 ] ], [ [ -44.504, -2.256 ], [ -44.514, -2.268 ], [ -44.502, -2.26 ], [ -44.504, -2.256 ] ] ], [ [ [ -29.34, -20.484 ], [ -29.301, -20.521 ], [ -29.341, -20.511 ], [ -29.34, -20.484 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.001, -13.94 ], [ -39.012, -13.915 ], [ -38.994, -13.896 ], [ -39.001, -13.94 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.043, -13.909 ], [ -39.059, -13.904 ], [ -39.054, -13.886 ], [ -39.028, -13.903 ], [ -39.043, -13.909 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.251, -18.015 ], [ -39.283, -18.005 ], [ -39.272, -17.982 ], [ -39.245, -18.006 ], [ -39.251, -18.015 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.131, -17.927 ], [ -39.154, -17.921 ], [ -39.137, -17.91 ], [ -39.131, -17.927 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.212, -17.986 ], [ -39.228, -17.979 ], [ -39.215, -17.944 ], [ -39.202, -17.95 ], [ -39.212, -17.986 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.341, -23.231 ], [ -44.372, -23.174 ], [ -44.232, -23.089 ], [ -44.087, -23.173 ], [ -44.3, -23.184 ], [ -44.341, -23.231 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.356, -23.073 ], [ -44.388, -23.048 ], [ -44.373, -23.033 ], [ -44.343, -23.041 ], [ -44.356, -23.073 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.929, -23.014 ], [ -43.936, -22.999 ], [ -43.916, -22.989 ], [ -43.929, -23.014 ] ] ], [ [ [ -42.002, -23.018 ], [ -42.015, -23.003 ], [ -41.98, -22.975 ], [ -41.975, -22.992 ], [ -42.002, -23.018 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.904, -22.962 ], [ -43.907, -22.936 ], [ -43.868, -22.926 ], [ -43.871, -22.95 ], [ -43.904, -22.962 ] ] ], [ [ [ -41.042, -21.613 ], [ -41.042, -21.6 ], [ -41.019, -21.606 ], [ -41.042, -21.613 ] ] ], [ [ [ -52.112, -32 ], [ -52.18, -32.035 ], [ -52.216, -32.025 ], [ -52.198, -31.978 ], [ -52.112, -32 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.641, -30.388 ], [ -50.629, -30.394 ], [ -50.624, -30.329 ], [ -50.592, -30.399 ], [ -50.609, -30.406 ], [ -50.641, -30.388 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.526, -27.462 ], [ -48.416, -27.38 ], [ -48.358, -27.446 ], [ -48.503, -27.799 ], [ -48.559, -27.842 ], [ -48.526, -27.462 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.354, -27.296 ], [ -48.376, -27.285 ], [ -48.373, -27.271 ], [ -48.36, -27.27 ], [ -48.354, -27.296 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.731, -26.314 ], [ -48.754, -26.297 ], [ -48.735, -26.282 ], [ -48.731, -26.314 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.318, -25.584 ], [ -48.309, -25.546 ], [ -48.381, -25.504 ], [ -48.312, -25.509 ], [ -48.292, -25.545 ], [ -48.318, -25.584 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.414, -25.544 ], [ -48.459, -25.514 ], [ -48.415, -25.527 ], [ -48.414, -25.544 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.424, -25.551 ], [ -48.479, -25.523 ], [ -48.485, -25.502 ], [ -48.424, -25.551 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.298, -25.493 ], [ -48.341, -25.416 ], [ -48.252, -25.341 ], [ -48.265, -25.44 ], [ -48.253, -25.466 ], [ -48.298, -25.493 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.417, -25.386 ], [ -48.424, -25.343 ], [ -48.405, -25.33 ], [ -48.417, -25.386 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.695, -24.112 ], [ -45.688, -24.088 ], [ -45.679, -24.098 ], [ -45.695, -24.112 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.251, -23.962 ], [ -45.301, -23.909 ], [ -45.453, -23.91 ], [ -45.332, -23.721 ], [ -45.227, -23.774 ], [ -45.224, -23.835 ], [ -45.283, -23.857 ], [ -45.221, -23.899 ], [ -45.251, -23.962 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.141, -23.817 ], [ -45.146, -23.791 ], [ -45.114, -23.801 ], [ -45.141, -23.817 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.153, -23.573 ], [ -45.153, -23.558 ], [ -45.141, -23.568 ], [ -45.153, -23.573 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.073, -23.564 ], [ -45.079, -23.525 ], [ -45.036, -23.531 ], [ -45.073, -23.564 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.608, -23.228 ], [ -44.59, -23.208 ], [ -44.577, -23.216 ], [ -44.608, -23.228 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.648, -12.821 ], [ -38.666, -12.777 ], [ -38.624, -12.762 ], [ -38.648, -12.821 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.529, -12.811 ], [ -38.544, -12.757 ], [ -38.532, -12.74 ], [ -38.508, -12.792 ], [ -38.529, -12.811 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.622, -12.752 ], [ -38.622, -12.727 ], [ -38.593, -12.733 ], [ -38.622, -12.752 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.646, -12.683 ], [ -38.648, -12.65 ], [ -38.636, -12.661 ], [ -38.646, -12.683 ] ] ], [ [ [ -32.402, -3.838 ], [ -32.428, -3.877 ], [ -32.483, -3.878 ], [ -32.402, -3.838 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.667, -3.179 ], [ -44.668, -3.16 ], [ -44.643, -3.148 ], [ -44.644, -3.17 ], [ -44.667, -3.179 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.671, -2.943 ], [ -44.67, -2.92 ], [ -44.647, -2.915 ], [ -44.671, -2.943 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.493, -2.641 ], [ -44.48, -2.601 ], [ -44.477, -2.627 ], [ -44.493, -2.641 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.897, -2.573 ], [ -43.896, -2.554 ], [ -43.886, -2.565 ], [ -43.897, -2.573 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.599, -2.503 ], [ -43.577, -2.471 ], [ -43.572, -2.483 ], [ -43.599, -2.503 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.822, -2.526 ], [ -43.829, -2.509 ], [ -43.813, -2.458 ], [ -43.812, -2.553 ], [ -43.82, -2.528 ], [ -43.822, -2.526 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.821, -2.529 ], [ -43.856, -2.502 ], [ -43.832, -2.439 ], [ -43.842, -2.504 ], [ -43.821, -2.529 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.863, -2.56 ], [ -43.875, -2.552 ], [ -43.865, -2.534 ], [ -43.863, -2.56 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.519, -2.536 ], [ -44.529, -2.526 ], [ -44.501, -2.48 ], [ -44.505, -2.444 ], [ -44.455, -2.434 ], [ -44.519, -2.536 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.602, -3.007 ], [ -44.657, -2.972 ], [ -44.613, -2.894 ], [ -44.575, -2.921 ], [ -44.602, -3.007 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.585, -2.978 ], [ -44.563, -2.914 ], [ -44.586, -2.826 ], [ -44.494, -2.705 ], [ -44.494, -2.953 ], [ -44.582, -3.041 ], [ -44.585, -2.978 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.826, -2.434 ], [ -43.842, -2.403 ], [ -43.811, -2.385 ], [ -43.807, -2.412 ], [ -43.826, -2.434 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.581, -2.441 ], [ -43.615, -2.389 ], [ -43.549, -2.377 ], [ -43.545, -2.403 ], [ -43.581, -2.441 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.791, -2.47 ], [ -43.806, -2.443 ], [ -43.78, -2.422 ], [ -43.759, -2.448 ], [ -43.791, -2.47 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.513, -2.424 ], [ -43.537, -2.416 ], [ -43.522, -2.39 ], [ -43.505, -2.414 ], [ -43.513, -2.424 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.792, -2.405 ], [ -43.798, -2.377 ], [ -43.771, -2.37 ], [ -43.792, -2.405 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.689, -2.355 ], [ -43.743, -2.352 ], [ -43.724, -2.305 ], [ -43.617, -2.253 ], [ -43.612, -2.275 ], [ -43.669, -2.301 ], [ -43.689, -2.355 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.73, -2.425 ], [ -43.732, -2.364 ], [ -43.67, -2.377 ], [ -43.681, -2.34 ], [ -43.63, -2.324 ], [ -43.643, -2.394 ], [ -43.73, -2.425 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.473, -2.125 ], [ -44.487, -2.113 ], [ -44.475, -2.096 ], [ -44.463, -2.104 ], [ -44.473, -2.125 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.456, -2.031 ], [ -44.447, -2.008 ], [ -44.439, -2.022 ], [ -44.456, -2.031 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.311, -1.964 ], [ -49.336, -1.996 ], [ -49.309, -1.943 ], [ -49.311, -1.964 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.323, -2.054 ], [ -49.329, -2.019 ], [ -49.316, -2.001 ], [ -49.323, -2.054 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.231, -1.829 ], [ -50.246, -1.824 ], [ -50.229, -1.816 ], [ -50.231, -1.829 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.615, -1.821 ], [ -44.622, -1.797 ], [ -44.597, -1.774 ], [ -44.583, -1.789 ], [ -44.615, -1.821 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.7, -1.811 ], [ -44.703, -1.78 ], [ -44.673, -1.78 ], [ -44.7, -1.811 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.691, -1.793 ], [ -49.721, -1.789 ], [ -49.719, -1.771 ], [ -49.697, -1.766 ], [ -49.691, -1.793 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.924, -1.711 ], [ -48.909, -1.713 ], [ -48.916, -1.734 ], [ -48.935, -1.713 ], [ -48.924, -1.711 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.757, -1.707 ], [ -44.767, -1.694 ], [ -44.736, -1.701 ], [ -44.757, -1.707 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.433, -1.684 ], [ -49.454, -1.706 ], [ -49.46, -1.684 ], [ -49.433, -1.684 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.357, -1.008 ], [ -46.342, -0.994 ], [ -46.353, -1.026 ], [ -46.357, -1.008 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.205, -1.021 ], [ -46.194, -1.014 ], [ -46.202, -1.032 ], [ -46.205, -1.021 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.662, -3.018 ], [ -44.673, -3.012 ], [ -44.664, -3.001 ], [ -44.649, -3.013 ], [ -44.662, -3.018 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.736, -1.683 ], [ -44.745, -1.677 ], [ -44.732, -1.668 ], [ -44.736, -1.683 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.231, -1.638 ], [ -49.237, -1.627 ], [ -49.217, -1.633 ], [ -49.231, -1.638 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.38, -1.685 ], [ -49.4, -1.682 ], [ -49.368, -1.669 ], [ -49.38, -1.685 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.426, -1.673 ], [ -49.429, -1.661 ], [ -49.406, -1.66 ], [ -49.426, -1.673 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.34, -1.672 ], [ -49.358, -1.662 ], [ -49.325, -1.647 ], [ -49.34, -1.672 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.289, -1.726 ], [ -45.305, -1.663 ], [ -45.257, -1.641 ], [ -45.244, -1.678 ], [ -45.28, -1.694 ], [ -45.289, -1.726 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.328, -1.743 ], [ -45.346, -1.719 ], [ -45.301, -1.596 ], [ -45.274, -1.635 ], [ -45.313, -1.654 ], [ -45.328, -1.743 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.886, -1.578 ], [ -48.89, -1.56 ], [ -48.859, -1.536 ], [ -48.856, -1.553 ], [ -48.886, -1.578 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.783, -1.682 ], [ -44.8, -1.595 ], [ -44.775, -1.62 ], [ -44.721, -1.567 ], [ -44.704, -1.611 ], [ -44.684, -1.575 ], [ -44.668, -1.669 ], [ -44.693, -1.638 ], [ -44.783, -1.682 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.816, -1.569 ], [ -44.837, -1.534 ], [ -44.787, -1.488 ], [ -44.825, -1.534 ], [ -44.816, -1.569 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.462, -1.517 ], [ -48.478, -1.499 ], [ -48.421, -1.503 ], [ -48.462, -1.517 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.793, -1.531 ], [ -44.774, -1.47 ], [ -44.763, -1.513 ], [ -44.793, -1.531 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.414, -1.427 ], [ -45.423, -1.416 ], [ -45.409, -1.405 ], [ -45.414, -1.427 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45, -1.296 ], [ -44.922, -1.265 ], [ -44.877, -1.309 ], [ -44.895, -1.34 ], [ -44.922, -1.305 ], [ -44.907, -1.341 ], [ -44.999, -1.405 ], [ -45.033, -1.339 ], [ -45, -1.32 ], [ -44.995, -1.36 ], [ -45, -1.296 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.044, -1.402 ], [ -45.07, -1.33 ], [ -45.052, -1.342 ], [ -45.044, -1.402 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.333, -1.569 ], [ -45.371, -1.544 ], [ -45.347, -1.489 ], [ -45.313, -1.506 ], [ -45.333, -1.569 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.969, -1.522 ], [ -44.976, -1.493 ], [ -44.959, -1.483 ], [ -44.969, -1.522 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.393, -1.512 ], [ -48.371, -1.476 ], [ -48.341, -1.483 ], [ -48.393, -1.512 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.413, -1.498 ], [ -48.426, -1.491 ], [ -48.387, -1.476 ], [ -48.413, -1.498 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.118, -1.47 ], [ -45.132, -1.462 ], [ -45.115, -1.364 ], [ -45.103, -1.373 ], [ -45.118, -1.47 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.593, -1.251 ], [ -45.581, -1.19 ], [ -45.536, -1.205 ], [ -45.532, -1.231 ], [ -45.593, -1.251 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.559, -1.243 ], [ -48.56, -1.202 ], [ -48.523, -1.199 ], [ -48.559, -1.243 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.817, -1.163 ], [ -45.829, -1.141 ], [ -45.804, -1.127 ], [ -45.817, -1.163 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.877, -1.154 ], [ -45.9, -1.117 ], [ -45.883, -1.073 ], [ -45.849, -1.123 ], [ -45.877, -1.154 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.192, -1.05 ], [ -46.201, -1.041 ], [ -46.185, -1.027 ], [ -46.192, -1.05 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.291, -1.01 ], [ -46.307, -0.992 ], [ -46.306, -0.961 ], [ -46.291, -1.01 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.078, -1.095 ], [ -46.065, -1.05 ], [ -46.061, -1.074 ], [ -46.078, -1.095 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.68, -1.295 ], [ -45.687, -1.275 ], [ -45.667, -1.26 ], [ -45.654, -1.285 ], [ -45.68, -1.295 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.538, -1.282 ], [ -48.549, -1.262 ], [ -48.53, -1.25 ], [ -48.538, -1.282 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.51, -1.27 ], [ -48.522, -1.247 ], [ -48.506, -1.236 ], [ -48.51, -1.27 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.694, -1.37 ], [ -45.646, -1.289 ], [ -45.625, -1.126 ], [ -45.634, -1.349 ], [ -45.694, -1.37 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.688, -1.266 ], [ -45.708, -1.228 ], [ -45.685, -1.194 ], [ -45.664, -1.231 ], [ -45.688, -1.266 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.425, -0.914 ], [ -46.454, -0.907 ], [ -46.408, -0.868 ], [ -46.395, -0.899 ], [ -46.425, -0.914 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.72, -0.848 ], [ -46.735, -0.832 ], [ -46.729, -0.796 ], [ -46.72, -0.848 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.611, -0.799 ], [ -46.622, -0.784 ], [ -46.601, -0.789 ], [ -46.611, -0.799 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.586, -0.849 ], [ -46.621, -0.807 ], [ -46.589, -0.815 ], [ -46.586, -0.849 ] ] ], [ [ [ -47.447, -0.748 ], [ -47.453, -0.732 ], [ -47.436, -0.717 ], [ -47.428, -0.738 ], [ -47.447, -0.748 ] ] ], [ [ [ -47.461, -0.741 ], [ -47.463, -0.702 ], [ -47.445, -0.697 ], [ -47.461, -0.741 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.214, -0.411 ], [ -51.211, -0.386 ], [ -51.164, -0.347 ], [ -51.163, -0.383 ], [ -51.214, -0.411 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.352, -0.353 ], [ -51.346, -0.31 ], [ -51.317, -0.268 ], [ -51.327, -0.33 ], [ -51.352, -0.353 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.127, -0.268 ], [ -51.131, -0.237 ], [ -51.091, -0.208 ], [ -51.087, -0.229 ], [ -51.127, -0.268 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.888, -0.198 ], [ -48.91, -0.188 ], [ -48.893, -0.134 ], [ -48.847, -0.177 ], [ -48.888, -0.198 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.174, -0.091 ], [ -51.191, -0.064 ], [ -51.126, -0.057 ], [ -51.174, -0.091 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.114, -0.146 ], [ -49.097, -0.121 ], [ -49.08, -0.13 ], [ -49.114, -0.146 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.166, -0.142 ], [ -49.188, -0.115 ], [ -49.156, -0.128 ], [ -49.166, -0.142 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.119, -0.141 ], [ -49.143, -0.107 ], [ -49.114, -0.11 ], [ -49.119, -0.141 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.127, -0.128 ], [ -51.094, -0.103 ], [ -51.108, -0.127 ], [ -51.127, -0.128 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.414, -0.999 ], [ -46.384, -0.941 ], [ -46.367, -0.948 ], [ -46.414, -0.999 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.647, -0.97 ], [ -46.658, -0.968 ], [ -46.618, -0.957 ], [ -46.647, -0.97 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.488, -0.942 ], [ -46.465, -0.877 ], [ -46.464, -0.924 ], [ -46.44, -0.922 ], [ -46.482, -0.976 ], [ -46.441, -0.999 ], [ -46.525, -1.016 ], [ -46.527, -0.917 ], [ -46.509, -0.984 ], [ -46.488, -0.942 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.632, 0.159 ], [ -49.662, 0.184 ], [ -49.629, 0.202 ], [ -49.61, 0.181 ], [ -49.632, 0.159 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.641, 0.26 ], [ -50.63, 0.293 ], [ -50.586, 0.308 ], [ -50.641, 0.26 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.2, 0.255 ], [ -50.243, 0.248 ], [ -50.147, 0.337 ], [ -50.059, 0.346 ], [ -50.2, 0.255 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.417, 0.159 ], [ -50.535, 0.234 ], [ -50.36, 0.615 ], [ -50.328, 0.383 ], [ -50.285, 0.3 ], [ -50.413, 0.237 ], [ -50.417, 0.159 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.279, 0.338 ], [ -50.271, 0.599 ], [ -50.147, 0.608 ], [ -50.142, 0.576 ], [ -50.107, 0.636 ], [ -50.063, 0.623 ], [ -50.05, 0.518 ], [ -50.279, 0.338 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50, 0.943 ], [ -50.113, 0.907 ], [ -50.018, 1.034 ], [ -49.935, 1.069 ], [ -49.939, 0.996 ], [ -50, 0.943 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.881, 1.227 ], [ -49.909, 1.246 ], [ -49.886, 1.244 ], [ -49.881, 1.227 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.907, 1.278 ], [ -49.885, 1.291 ], [ -49.863, 1.278 ], [ -49.876, 1.252 ], [ -49.907, 1.278 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.204, 1.851 ], [ -50.232, 1.879 ], [ -50.22, 1.915 ], [ -50.169, 1.865 ], [ -50.204, 1.851 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.468, 1.954 ], [ -50.521, 2.026 ], [ -50.497, 2.139 ], [ -50.398, 2.167 ], [ -50.367, 2.19 ], [ -50.276, 1.939 ], [ -50.423, 1.849 ], [ -50.468, 1.954 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.504, 2.255 ], [ -50.414, 2.244 ], [ -50.382, 2.204 ], [ -50.489, 2.15 ], [ -50.564, 2.205 ], [ -50.504, 2.255 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.229, 0.832 ], [ -50.098, 0.839 ], [ -50.027, 0.898 ], [ -50.105, 0.757 ], [ -50.162, 0.775 ], [ -50.249, 0.72 ], [ -50.229, 0.832 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.131, 0.844 ], [ -50.162, 0.867 ], [ -50.132, 0.9 ], [ -50.119, 0.854 ], [ -50.131, 0.844 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.108, 0.85 ], [ -50.111, 0.891 ], [ -50.049, 0.886 ], [ -50.108, 0.85 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.216, -0.055 ], [ -50.235, -0.042 ], [ -50.219, -0.04 ], [ -50.216, -0.055 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.916, -0.052 ], [ -50.926, -0.047 ], [ -50.907, -0.043 ], [ -50.916, -0.052 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.605, -0.061 ], [ -50.618, -0.022 ], [ -50.559, -0.038 ], [ -50.605, -0.061 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.399, -0.061 ], [ -50.44, -0.057 ], [ -50.378, -0.015 ], [ -50.357, -0.049 ], [ -50.399, -0.061 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.75, 0 ], [ -49.609, 0.08 ], [ -49.474, 0.081 ], [ -49.338, -0.017 ], [ -49.487, -0.136 ], [ -49.723, -0.147 ], [ -49.835, -0.088 ], [ -49.75, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.023, -0.019 ], [ -49.039, -0.011 ], [ -49.02, -0.006 ], [ -49.023, -0.019 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.932, 0.052 ], [ -50.918, 0.084 ], [ -50.884, 0.078 ], [ -50.899, 0.057 ], [ -50.932, 0.052 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.928, 0 ], [ -50.786, 0.05 ], [ -50.717, 0.028 ], [ -50.94, -0.041 ], [ -50.928, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.691, 0.025 ], [ -50.655, 0.015 ], [ -50.703, 0.021 ], [ -50.691, 0.025 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.629, -0.043 ], [ -50.642, -0.016 ], [ -50.622, -0.026 ], [ -50.629, -0.043 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.642, 0 ], [ -50.611, 0.007 ], [ -50.595, -0.019 ], [ -50.642, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.536, 0 ], [ -50.653, 0.126 ], [ -50.59, 0.203 ], [ -50.434, 0.126 ], [ -50.436, 0 ], [ -50.536, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50, 0.311 ], [ -49.674, 0.368 ], [ -49.601, 0.283 ], [ -49.86, 0.008 ], [ -49.99, -0.048 ], [ -50.086, 0.034 ], [ -50.351, 0.044 ], [ -50.394, 0.222 ], [ -50.153, 0.227 ], [ -50, 0.311 ] ] ] ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "La costa de lo que hoy es territorio brasileño fue el primer punto al \nque llegaron los europeos en América del Sur. La primera expedición que \nexploró la región fue un desprendimiento de la flota portuguesa que \nVasco da Gama (c. 1460-1524) llevaba hacia oriente. Las naves dirigidas \npor Pedro Álvarez de Cabral (1467-1520) se alejaron excesivamente de la \ncosta de África y terminaron en el extremo sur de actual territorio del \nEstado de Bahía, en que el permanecieron entre abril y mayo del año \n1500. Los portuguese establecieron en la costa precarias feitorias para \ncomerciar verzino o palo brasil con los nativos de las sociedades tupí y\n guaraní nativas. Recién en 1530 la corona brasileña tomaría acciones \ndecididas para organizar la ocupación portuguesa y las actividades de \nexplotación, cuando instaura el régimen de capitanías hereditarias que \nestructuraría el establecimiento colonial lusitano en brasil. \nBibliografía: Johnson, H. B., \"Portuguese Settlement, 1500-1580\", en \nBethell, Leslie (ed.), Colonial Brazil, Cambridge, Cambridge University \nPress, 1987, pp. 1-38; Abulafia, David, El descubrimiento de la \nhumanidad. Encuentros atlánticos en la era de Colón, Barcelona, Crítica,\n 2009 [2008]; Metcalf, Alida C., Go-Betweens and the Colonization of \nBrazil, 1500-1600, Austin, University of Texas Press, 2005; Vaz de \nCaminha, Pêro, Carta del descubrimiento del Brasil, Barcelona, \nAcantilado, 2009.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-19T00:00:49+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 11237, "end" : 11243 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Brasil" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/fe045eaa-6280-4ba1-ae1a-e52c8425b672", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://sws.geonames.org/3469034", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-19T00:00:49+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-19T00:00:49+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "MultiPolygon", "coordinates" : [ [ [ [ -44.657, -3.018 ], [ -44.608, -3.041 ], [ -44.72, -3.18 ], [ -44.793, -3.198 ], [ -44.779, -3.312 ], [ -44.736, -3.302 ], [ -44.763, -3.225 ], [ -44.653, -3.196 ], [ -44.431, -2.945 ], [ -44.367, -2.643 ], [ -44.362, -2.726 ], [ -44.355, -2.605 ], [ -44.378, -2.566 ], [ -44.345, -2.528 ], [ -44.29, -2.573 ], [ -44.306, -2.487 ], [ -44.02, -2.403 ], [ -44.03, -2.457 ], [ -44.108, -2.468 ], [ -44.035, -2.518 ], [ -44.131, -2.596 ], [ -44.147, -2.681 ], [ -44.219, -2.67 ], [ -44.209, -2.716 ], [ -44.345, -2.791 ], [ -44.347, -2.838 ], [ -44.315, -2.788 ], [ -44.3, -2.843 ], [ -44.266, -2.777 ], [ -44.225, -2.806 ], [ -44.184, -2.766 ], [ -44.208, -2.857 ], [ -44.111, -2.749 ], [ -44.072, -2.811 ], [ -44.05, -2.685 ], [ -43.981, -2.619 ], [ -43.946, -2.641 ], [ -43.933, -2.553 ], [ -43.883, -2.649 ], [ -43.887, -2.578 ], [ -43.803, -2.56 ], [ -43.76, -2.513 ], [ -43.754, -2.556 ], [ -43.729, -2.481 ], [ -43.727, -2.569 ], [ -43.654, -2.556 ], [ -43.682, -2.534 ], [ -43.653, -2.488 ], [ -43.608, -2.593 ], [ -43.603, -2.518 ], [ -43.548, -2.528 ], [ -43.519, -2.445 ], [ -43.498, -2.55 ], [ -43.46, -2.507 ], [ -43.458, -2.596 ], [ -43.401, -2.552 ], [ -43.448, -2.538 ], [ -43.462, -2.427 ], [ -43.359, -2.44 ], [ -43.479, -2.376 ], [ -43.378, -2.329 ], [ -43.4, -2.353 ], [ -43.232, -2.362 ], [ -42.692, -2.596 ], [ -42.709, -2.56 ], [ -42.572, -2.68 ], [ -42.495, -2.689 ], [ -42.503, -2.727 ], [ -42.393, -2.751 ], [ -42.475, -2.706 ], [ -42.375, -2.717 ], [ -42.228, -2.818 ], [ -42.143, -2.808 ], [ -42.256, -2.735 ], [ -42.233, -2.674 ], [ -42.208, -2.712 ], [ -42.098, -2.768 ], [ -42.099, -2.809 ], [ -42.096, -2.747 ], [ -42.216, -2.687 ], [ -42.054, -2.691 ], [ -42.023, -2.775 ], [ -42.017, -2.718 ], [ -41.818, -2.723 ], [ -41.844, -2.773 ], [ -41.797, -2.751 ], [ -41.656, -2.884 ], [ -41.437, -2.939 ], [ -41.395, -2.906 ], [ -41.316, -2.943 ], [ -41.263, -2.887 ], [ -40.838, -2.895 ], [ -40.572, -2.844 ], [ -40.499, -2.787 ], [ -39.888, -2.886 ], [ -39.244, -3.229 ], [ -39.083, -3.394 ], [ -38.978, -3.407 ], [ -38.641, -3.687 ], [ -38.473, -3.7 ], [ -38.377, -3.866 ], [ -38.043, -4.214 ], [ -37.764, -4.399 ], [ -37.588, -4.624 ], [ -37.323, -4.698 ], [ -37.15, -4.943 ], [ -36.958, -4.919 ], [ -36.666, -5.108 ], [ -36.504, -5.061 ], [ -36.297, -5.106 ], [ -35.956, -5.045 ], [ -35.612, -5.11 ], [ -35.385, -5.255 ], [ -35.255, -5.483 ], [ -35.099, -6.169 ], [ -34.983, -6.396 ], [ -34.933, -6.753 ], [ -34.79, -7.159 ], [ -34.842, -7.564 ], [ -34.809, -7.622 ], [ -34.845, -7.69 ], [ -34.827, -8.004 ], [ -35.136, -8.895 ], [ -35.332, -9.237 ], [ -35.689, -9.668 ], [ -35.78, -9.706 ], [ -36.056, -10.083 ], [ -36.266, -10.256 ], [ -36.402, -10.506 ], [ -36.602, -10.567 ], [ -36.934, -10.826 ], [ -37.36, -11.428 ], [ -37.612, -11.979 ], [ -37.996, -12.578 ], [ -38.318, -12.934 ], [ -38.477, -13.022 ], [ -38.532, -13.017 ], [ -38.473, -12.913 ], [ -38.498, -12.722 ], [ -38.603, -12.728 ], [ -38.646, -12.622 ], [ -38.681, -12.661 ], [ -38.718, -12.627 ], [ -38.804, -12.835 ], [ -38.717, -12.873 ], [ -38.769, -12.995 ], [ -38.721, -13.021 ], [ -38.66, -12.963 ], [ -38.686, -12.878 ], [ -38.59, -12.972 ], [ -38.766, -13.129 ], [ -38.807, -13.1 ], [ -38.808, -13.154 ], [ -38.944, -13.243 ], [ -38.973, -13.391 ], [ -38.902, -13.384 ], [ -38.886, -13.45 ], [ -38.95, -13.577 ], [ -38.886, -13.659 ], [ -38.968, -13.67 ], [ -39.006, -13.891 ], [ -39.064, -13.865 ], [ -39.075, -13.887 ], [ -38.986, -13.998 ], [ -38.952, -13.986 ], [ -38.982, -13.912 ], [ -38.938, -13.886 ], [ -38.922, -13.92 ], [ -39.061, -14.716 ], [ -38.962, -15.585 ], [ -38.857, -15.86 ], [ -38.973, -16.211 ], [ -39.032, -16.26 ], [ -39.01, -16.369 ], [ -39.078, -16.454 ], [ -39.143, -16.762 ], [ -39.113, -16.896 ], [ -39.212, -17.155 ], [ -39.193, -17.602 ], [ -39.135, -17.691 ], [ -39.264, -17.869 ], [ -39.435, -17.943 ], [ -39.563, -18.091 ], [ -39.721, -18.493 ], [ -39.749, -18.81 ], [ -39.692, -19.353 ], [ -39.805, -19.65 ], [ -39.951, -19.717 ], [ -40.151, -19.956 ], [ -40.236, -20.285 ], [ -40.353, -20.32 ], [ -40.329, -20.236 ], [ -40.359, -20.291 ], [ -40.365, -20.317 ], [ -40.35, -20.328 ], [ -40.268, -20.327 ], [ -40.402, -20.606 ], [ -40.466, -20.624 ], [ -40.627, -20.845 ], [ -40.65, -20.813 ], [ -40.756, -20.866 ], [ -40.853, -21.133 ], [ -40.955, -21.251 ], [ -40.96, -21.364 ], [ -41.065, -21.495 ], [ -41.051, -21.608 ], [ -41.038, -21.622 ], [ -41.007, -21.618 ], [ -40.99, -22.014 ], [ -41.229, -22.151 ], [ -41.668, -22.294 ], [ -41.962, -22.538 ], [ -41.986, -22.713 ], [ -41.919, -22.774 ], [ -41.864, -22.759 ], [ -42.023, -22.896 ], [ -42.037, -22.94 ], [ -41.99, -22.964 ], [ -42.018, -22.998 ], [ -42.086, -22.957 ], [ -42.529, -22.934 ], [ -43.05, -22.982 ], [ -43.132, -22.941 ], [ -43.025, -22.741 ], [ -43.084, -22.68 ], [ -43.216, -22.725 ], [ -43.287, -22.806 ], [ -43.24, -22.847 ], [ -43.249, -22.797 ], [ -43.156, -22.784 ], [ -43.247, -22.882 ], [ -43.164, -22.899 ], [ -43.187, -22.995 ], [ -43.344, -22.983 ], [ -43.303, -23.02 ], [ -43.549, -23.081 ], [ -44.001, -23.1 ], [ -43.961, -23.042 ], [ -43.877, -23.067 ], [ -43.909, -23.02 ], [ -43.807, -23.063 ], [ -43.555, -23.055 ], [ -43.84, -22.906 ], [ -43.985, -22.937 ], [ -44.034, -23.014 ], [ -44.044, -22.923 ], [ -44.107, -23.03 ], [ -44.234, -23.06 ], [ -44.238, -23.004 ], [ -44.358, -23.02 ], [ -44.296, -22.961 ], [ -44.321, -22.927 ], [ -44.378, -22.972 ], [ -44.407, -22.945 ], [ -44.443, -23.035 ], [ -44.669, -23.06 ], [ -44.712, -23.19 ], [ -44.701, -23.237 ], [ -44.645, -23.191 ], [ -44.612, -23.206 ], [ -44.685, -23.256 ], [ -44.611, -23.238 ], [ -44.652, -23.302 ], [ -44.558, -23.232 ], [ -44.577, -23.275 ], [ -44.498, -23.302 ], [ -44.583, -23.367 ], [ -44.669, -23.341 ], [ -44.84, -23.395 ], [ -44.905, -23.339 ], [ -45.05, -23.418 ], [ -45.016, -23.461 ], [ -45.079, -23.519 ], [ -45.165, -23.495 ], [ -45.159, -23.541 ], [ -45.228, -23.547 ], [ -45.211, -23.582 ], [ -45.41, -23.632 ], [ -45.412, -23.825 ], [ -45.934, -23.771 ], [ -46.124, -23.842 ], [ -46.2, -24.002 ], [ -46.288, -24.044 ], [ -46.321, -24 ], [ -46.458, -24.025 ], [ -46.937, -24.281 ], [ -47.024, -24.382 ], [ -47.004, -24.412 ], [ -47.86, -24.996 ], [ -47.914, -25.061 ], [ -47.915, -25.16 ], [ -48.213, -25.47 ], [ -48.254, -25.435 ], [ -48.222, -25.342 ], [ -48.208, -25.353 ], [ -48.121, -25.267 ], [ -48.253, -25.328 ], [ -48.284, -25.294 ], [ -48.317, -25.363 ], [ -48.327, -25.232 ], [ -48.366, -25.317 ], [ -48.433, -25.237 ], [ -48.428, -25.324 ], [ -48.5, -25.335 ], [ -48.427, -25.39 ], [ -48.449, -25.379 ], [ -48.468, -25.388 ], [ -48.467, -25.432 ], [ -48.449, -25.384 ], [ -48.414, -25.428 ], [ -48.476, -25.485 ], [ -48.637, -25.468 ], [ -48.661, -25.398 ], [ -48.671, -25.435 ], [ -48.739, -25.374 ], [ -48.68, -25.465 ], [ -48.687, -25.499 ], [ -48.737, -25.483 ], [ -48.703, -25.504 ], [ -48.617, -25.536 ], [ -48.512, -25.505 ], [ -48.482, -25.591 ], [ -48.46, -25.552 ], [ -48.35, -25.581 ], [ -48.565, -25.868 ], [ -48.614, -26.06 ], [ -48.586, -26.172 ], [ -48.714, -26.243 ], [ -48.795, -26.073 ], [ -48.837, -26.157 ], [ -48.798, -26.142 ], [ -48.763, -26.199 ], [ -48.805, -26.228 ], [ -48.769, -26.223 ], [ -48.761, -26.286 ], [ -48.803, -26.303 ], [ -48.723, -26.362 ], [ -48.635, -26.374 ], [ -48.714, -26.308 ], [ -48.554, -26.172 ], [ -48.493, -26.224 ], [ -48.695, -26.658 ], [ -48.665, -26.769 ], [ -48.583, -26.786 ], [ -48.655, -26.909 ], [ -48.62, -27.007 ], [ -48.574, -27.011 ], [ -48.607, -27.122 ], [ -48.554, -27.152 ], [ -48.51, -27.108 ], [ -48.469, -27.148 ], [ -48.511, -27.183 ], [ -48.486, -27.218 ], [ -48.531, -27.18 ], [ -48.612, -27.243 ], [ -48.596, -27.318 ], [ -48.529, -27.334 ], [ -48.649, -27.486 ], [ -48.572, -27.592 ], [ -48.653, -27.648 ], [ -48.575, -27.888 ], [ -48.761, -28.535 ], [ -48.813, -28.605 ], [ -49.37, -28.92 ], [ -49.334, -28.921 ], [ -49.702, -29.308 ], [ -50.006, -29.749 ], [ -50.316, -30.472 ], [ -50.848, -31.205 ], [ -51.303, -31.613 ], [ -51.877, -31.952 ], [ -52.071, -32.188 ], [ -52.012, -31.946 ], [ -52.092, -31.837 ], [ -51.851, -31.865 ], [ -51.777, -31.805 ], [ -51.854, -31.797 ], [ -51.65, -31.759 ], [ -51.478, -31.562 ], [ -51.43, -31.622 ], [ -51.458, -31.548 ], [ -51.424, -31.478 ], [ -51.351, -31.529 ], [ -51.234, -31.458 ], [ -51.16, -31.31 ], [ -51.166, -31.063 ], [ -51.109, -31.097 ], [ -50.985, -31.042 ], [ -50.965, -30.893 ], [ -50.888, -30.893 ], [ -50.705, -30.756 ], [ -50.677, -30.61 ], [ -50.725, -30.371 ], [ -50.692, -30.355 ], [ -50.625, -30.409 ], [ -50.641, -30.459 ], [ -50.569, -30.471 ], [ -50.534, -30.278 ], [ -50.601, -30.194 ], [ -50.659, -30.201 ], [ -50.661, -30.293 ], [ -50.918, -30.333 ], [ -50.934, -30.42 ], [ -50.889, -30.439 ], [ -50.921, -30.44 ], [ -51.052, -30.395 ], [ -51.034, -30.276 ], [ -51.146, -30.267 ], [ -51.246, -30.188 ], [ -51.23, -30.043 ], [ -51.295, -30.007 ], [ -51.326, -30.23 ], [ -51.271, -30.25 ], [ -51.293, -30.295 ], [ -51.246, -30.33 ], [ -51.209, -30.3 ], [ -51.179, -30.383 ], [ -51.092, -30.367 ], [ -51.129, -30.436 ], [ -51.202, -30.413 ], [ -51.269, -30.489 ], [ -51.282, -30.811 ], [ -51.33, -30.777 ], [ -51.294, -30.758 ], [ -51.319, -30.64 ], [ -51.375, -30.635 ], [ -51.404, -30.769 ], [ -51.367, -30.874 ], [ -51.457, -30.874 ], [ -51.501, -30.935 ], [ -51.436, -31.088 ], [ -51.611, -31.138 ], [ -51.613, -31.272 ], [ -51.915, -31.313 ], [ -52.002, -31.449 ], [ -52.031, -31.693 ], [ -52.218, -31.747 ], [ -52.247, -31.871 ], [ -52.106, -31.952 ], [ -52.216, -31.963 ], [ -52.263, -32.062 ], [ -52.209, -32.045 ], [ -52.225, -32.096 ], [ -52.082, -32.033 ], [ -52.162, -32.128 ], [ -52.09, -32.069 ], [ -52.084, -32.186 ], [ -52.16, -32.201 ], [ -52.341, -32.43 ], [ -52.488, -32.844 ], [ -52.66, -33.165 ], [ -53.227, -33.658 ], [ -53.421, -33.741 ], [ -53.524, -33.689 ], [ -53.515, -33.163 ], [ -53.434, -33.054 ], [ -53.243, -32.936 ], [ -53.294, -32.911 ], [ -53.074, -32.746 ], [ -53.244, -32.605 ], [ -53.39, -32.583 ], [ -53.46, -32.48 ], [ -53.595, -32.432 ], [ -53.73, -32.157 ], [ -53.714, -32.104 ], [ -53.965, -31.919 ], [ -54.096, -31.906 ], [ -54.466, -31.666 ], [ -54.491, -31.54 ], [ -54.591, -31.448 ], [ -54.836, -31.446 ], [ -54.945, -31.392 ], [ -55.014, -31.285 ], [ -55.091, -31.326 ], [ -55.245, -31.257 ], [ -55.374, -31.038 ], [ -55.594, -30.848 ], [ -55.635, -30.857 ], [ -55.657, -30.956 ], [ -55.87, -31.08 ], [ -56.008, -31.063 ], [ -55.987, -30.86 ], [ -56.021, -30.784 ], [ -56.127, -30.739 ], [ -56.177, -30.614 ], [ -56.384, -30.495 ], [ -56.459, -30.387 ], [ -56.545, -30.364 ], [ -56.54, -30.312 ], [ -56.617, -30.303 ], [ -56.644, -30.205 ], [ -56.776, -30.166 ], [ -56.804, -30.107 ], [ -57.068, -30.088 ], [ -57.207, -30.281 ], [ -57.313, -30.26 ], [ -57.396, -30.303 ], [ -57.538, -30.275 ], [ -57.618, -30.179 ], [ -57.505, -30.143 ], [ -57.342, -30.001 ], [ -57.319, -29.87 ], [ -57.254, -29.794 ], [ -57.105, -29.752 ], [ -56.972, -29.639 ], [ -56.676, -29.321 ], [ -56.593, -29.123 ], [ -56.425, -29.073 ], [ -56.285, -28.794 ], [ -56.185, -28.771 ], [ -56.016, -28.611 ], [ -56.011, -28.509 ], [ -55.888, -28.479 ], [ -55.875, -28.362 ], [ -55.696, -28.425 ], [ -55.671, -28.333 ], [ -55.773, -28.247 ], [ -55.605, -28.123 ], [ -55.554, -28.164 ], [ -55.496, -28.081 ], [ -55.444, -28.097 ], [ -55.323, -27.928 ], [ -55.196, -27.863 ], [ -55.134, -27.895 ], [ -55.117, -27.853 ], [ -55.032, -27.854 ], [ -55.082, -27.789 ], [ -54.941, -27.775 ], [ -54.809, -27.536 ], [ -54.781, -27.586 ], [ -54.683, -27.576 ], [ -54.678, -27.514 ], [ -54.624, -27.55 ], [ -54.576, -27.458 ], [ -54.525, -27.507 ], [ -54.415, -27.412 ], [ -54.353, -27.468 ], [ -54.339, -27.406 ], [ -54.282, -27.447 ], [ -54.176, -27.261 ], [ -54.089, -27.303 ], [ -53.949, -27.158 ], [ -53.799, -27.147 ], [ -53.795, -27.048 ], [ -53.761, -27.068 ], [ -53.662, -26.869 ], [ -53.751, -26.745 ], [ -53.707, -26.563 ], [ -53.738, -26.548 ], [ -53.592, -26.265 ], [ -53.722, -26.13 ], [ -53.733, -26.047 ], [ -53.837, -25.969 ], [ -53.824, -25.793 ], [ -53.891, -25.625 ], [ -53.951, -25.644 ], [ -54.016, -25.569 ], [ -54.101, -25.625 ], [ -54.111, -25.504 ], [ -54.213, -25.554 ], [ -54.184, -25.591 ], [ -54.289, -25.562 ], [ -54.387, -25.608 ], [ -54.43, -25.706 ], [ -54.596, -25.595 ], [ -54.617, -25.459 ], [ -54.437, -25.157 ], [ -54.458, -25.031 ], [ -54.336, -24.649 ], [ -54.333, -24.493 ], [ -54.262, -24.376 ], [ -54.33, -24.225 ], [ -54.282, -24.075 ], [ -54.411, -23.929 ], [ -54.668, -23.815 ], [ -55.061, -23.991 ], [ -55.112, -23.963 ], [ -55.226, -24.013 ], [ -55.413, -23.961 ], [ -55.434, -23.714 ], [ -55.535, -23.614 ], [ -55.522, -23.197 ], [ -55.596, -23.141 ], [ -55.64, -22.994 ], [ -55.685, -22.992 ], [ -55.613, -22.659 ], [ -55.736, -22.532 ], [ -55.74, -22.396 ], [ -55.854, -22.281 ], [ -56.208, -22.281 ], [ -56.341, -22.206 ], [ -56.403, -22.078 ], [ -56.519, -22.103 ], [ -56.643, -22.261 ], [ -56.698, -22.216 ], [ -56.728, -22.26 ], [ -56.808, -22.25 ], [ -56.831, -22.3 ], [ -57.001, -22.225 ], [ -57.203, -22.21 ], [ -57.243, -22.244 ], [ -57.553, -22.181 ], [ -57.616, -22.096 ], [ -57.803, -22.148 ], [ -57.989, -22.085 ], [ -58.005, -22.032 ], [ -57.919, -21.881 ], [ -57.969, -21.844 ], [ -57.913, -21.793 ], [ -57.947, -21.747 ], [ -57.894, -21.687 ], [ -57.968, -21.528 ], [ -57.855, -21.339 ], [ -57.918, -21.278 ], [ -57.854, -21.226 ], [ -57.866, -21.041 ], [ -57.818, -20.976 ], [ -57.927, -20.897 ], [ -57.855, -20.835 ], [ -57.961, -20.784 ], [ -57.869, -20.736 ], [ -57.923, -20.666 ], [ -57.988, -20.696 ], [ -57.994, -20.448 ], [ -58.082, -20.372 ], [ -58.092, -20.257 ], [ -58.154, -20.264 ], [ -58.125, -20.188 ], [ -58.163, -20.162 ], [ -57.872, -19.979 ], [ -58.134, -19.761 ], [ -57.79, -19.051 ], [ -57.709, -19.034 ], [ -57.757, -18.858 ], [ -57.56, -18.263 ], [ -57.458, -18.228 ], [ -57.568, -18.136 ], [ -57.702, -17.86 ], [ -57.715, -17.735 ], [ -57.785, -17.645 ], [ -57.773, -17.553 ], [ -57.878, -17.463 ], [ -58.003, -17.52 ], [ -58.114, -17.456 ], [ -58.395, -17.197 ], [ -58.421, -16.99 ], [ -58.47, -16.939 ], [ -58.468, -16.702 ], [ -58.442, -16.613 ], [ -58.34, -16.542 ], [ -58.309, -16.27 ], [ -58.471, -16.325 ], [ -60.173, -16.265 ], [ -60.236, -15.476 ], [ -60.565, -15.105 ], [ -60.253, -15.101 ], [ -60.257, -14.624 ], [ -60.338, -14.555 ], [ -60.482, -14.181 ], [ -60.468, -14.092 ], [ -60.378, -13.992 ], [ -60.468, -13.886 ], [ -60.468, -13.801 ], [ -60.793, -13.686 ], [ -60.962, -13.539 ], [ -61.044, -13.541 ], [ -61.028, -13.477 ], [ -61.069, -13.463 ], [ -61.139, -13.521 ], [ -61.249, -13.525 ], [ -61.33, -13.473 ], [ -61.486, -13.554 ], [ -61.578, -13.494 ], [ -61.824, -13.539 ], [ -61.866, -13.443 ], [ -62.108, -13.257 ], [ -62.109, -13.149 ], [ -62.165, -13.112 ], [ -62.368, -13.145 ], [ -62.464, -13.07 ], [ -62.637, -13.041 ], [ -62.674, -12.965 ], [ -62.764, -13.023 ], [ -62.923, -12.854 ], [ -62.996, -12.85 ], [ -63.082, -12.653 ], [ -63.327, -12.705 ], [ -63.482, -12.557 ], [ -63.712, -12.458 ], [ -63.875, -12.469 ], [ -63.937, -12.557 ], [ -64.127, -12.494 ], [ -64.152, -12.529 ], [ -64.215, -12.476 ], [ -64.278, -12.511 ], [ -64.493, -12.366 ], [ -64.486, -12.23 ], [ -64.654, -12.186 ], [ -64.683, -12.099 ], [ -64.725, -12.162 ], [ -64.798, -12.035 ], [ -64.993, -11.999 ], [ -65.048, -11.757 ], [ -65.112, -11.741 ], [ -65.106, -11.697 ], [ -65.135, -11.777 ], [ -65.201, -11.745 ], [ -65.161, -11.622 ], [ -65.218, -11.521 ], [ -65.299, -11.5 ], [ -65.338, -11.392 ], [ -65.31, -11.341 ], [ -65.385, -11.269 ], [ -65.349, -11.239 ], [ -65.391, -11.167 ], [ -65.318, -11.105 ], [ -65.336, -11.044 ], [ -65.269, -10.901 ], [ -65.366, -10.798 ], [ -65.349, -10.671 ], [ -65.426, -10.638 ], [ -65.429, -10.473 ], [ -65.28, -10.218 ], [ -65.327, -9.938 ], [ -65.29, -9.851 ], [ -65.377, -9.698 ], [ -65.488, -9.718 ], [ -65.563, -9.834 ], [ -65.669, -9.779 ], [ -65.7, -9.803 ], [ -65.689, -9.749 ], [ -65.748, -9.77 ], [ -65.777, -9.727 ], [ -65.798, -9.786 ], [ -65.81, -9.75 ], [ -65.86, -9.794 ], [ -65.872, -9.757 ], [ -66.018, -9.807 ], [ -66.064, -9.772 ], [ -66.422, -9.895 ], [ -66.616, -9.893 ], [ -66.623, -9.935 ], [ -66.883, -10.081 ], [ -67.029, -10.254 ], [ -67.186, -10.339 ], [ -67.315, -10.316 ], [ -67.327, -10.374 ], [ -67.414, -10.372 ], [ -67.443, -10.45 ], [ -67.594, -10.523 ], [ -67.715, -10.707 ], [ -68.021, -10.661 ], [ -68.119, -10.726 ], [ -68.283, -10.987 ], [ -68.519, -11.048 ], [ -68.587, -11.11 ], [ -68.769, -11.139 ], [ -68.751, -11.007 ], [ -68.787, -10.99 ], [ -68.871, -11.023 ], [ -69.393, -10.929 ], [ -69.728, -10.973 ], [ -69.938, -10.926 ], [ -70.318, -11.066 ], [ -70.428, -11.033 ], [ -70.508, -10.94 ], [ -70.618, -11.007 ], [ -70.622, -9.847 ], [ -70.522, -9.738 ], [ -70.598, -9.574 ], [ -70.561, -9.579 ], [ -70.497, -9.433 ], [ -70.601, -9.453 ], [ -70.982, -9.812 ], [ -71.131, -9.862 ], [ -71.288, -9.996 ], [ -72.165, -10.002 ], [ -72.16, -9.818 ], [ -72.26, -9.755 ], [ -72.289, -9.536 ], [ -72.364, -9.491 ], [ -72.721, -9.417 ], [ -73.196, -9.418 ], [ -72.965, -9.154 ], [ -72.946, -8.99 ], [ -73.059, -8.904 ], [ -73.169, -8.701 ], [ -73.338, -8.609 ], [ -73.338, -8.476 ], [ -73.526, -8.369 ], [ -73.632, -8.022 ], [ -73.765, -7.94 ], [ -73.777, -7.869 ], [ -73.697, -7.865 ], [ -73.69, -7.79 ], [ -73.985, -7.543 ], [ -73.917, -7.461 ], [ -73.954, -7.348 ], [ -73.868, -7.377 ], [ -73.691, -7.313 ], [ -73.797, -7.115 ], [ -73.743, -6.897 ], [ -73.351, -6.561 ], [ -73.211, -6.53 ], [ -73.133, -6.421 ], [ -73.185, -6.04 ], [ -73.131, -5.986 ], [ -73.116, -5.865 ], [ -72.951, -5.643 ], [ -72.948, -5.454 ], [ -72.872, -5.25 ], [ -72.896, -5.136 ], [ -72.734, -5.043 ], [ -72.602, -5.056 ], [ -72.577, -4.992 ], [ -72.455, -4.962 ], [ -72.452, -4.906 ], [ -72.37, -4.88 ], [ -72.356, -4.803 ], [ -72.292, -4.799 ], [ -72.313, -4.769 ], [ -72.223, -4.78 ], [ -72.113, -4.722 ], [ -72.047, -4.625 ], [ -71.94, -4.607 ], [ -71.897, -4.512 ], [ -71.61, -4.465 ], [ -71.597, -4.525 ], [ -71.535, -4.46 ], [ -71.49, -4.479 ], [ -71.506, -4.435 ], [ -71.414, -4.432 ], [ -71.432, -4.469 ], [ -71.342, -4.423 ], [ -71.355, -4.468 ], [ -71.303, -4.458 ], [ -71.269, -4.381 ], [ -71.198, -4.377 ], [ -71.193, -4.42 ], [ -71.147, -4.375 ], [ -71.031, -4.397 ], [ -70.99, -4.34 ], [ -70.935, -4.381 ], [ -70.757, -4.152 ], [ -70.677, -4.2 ], [ -70.622, -4.121 ], [ -70.633, -4.173 ], [ -70.565, -4.168 ], [ -70.566, -4.205 ], [ -70.553, -4.128 ], [ -70.503, -4.19 ], [ -70.434, -4.125 ], [ -70.341, -4.174 ], [ -70.317, -4.136 ], [ -70.291, -4.283 ], [ -70.249, -4.267 ], [ -70.186, -4.357 ], [ -70.169, -4.27 ], [ -70.101, -4.255 ], [ -70.031, -4.339 ], [ -69.929, -4.213 ], [ -69.453, -1.478 ], [ -69.368, -1.334 ], [ -69.422, -0.998 ], [ -69.508, -0.936 ], [ -69.609, -0.755 ], [ -69.551, -0.648 ], [ -69.593, -0.517 ], [ -69.908, -0.316 ], [ -70.068, -0.135 ], [ -70.037, 0.553 ], [ -69.798, 0.585 ], [ -69.664, 0.672 ], [ -69.606, 0.623 ], [ -69.468, 0.734 ], [ -69.357, 0.621 ], [ -69.295, 0.648 ], [ -69.288, 0.609 ], [ -69.202, 0.602 ], [ -69.112, 0.643 ], [ -69.184, 0.73 ], [ -69.137, 0.868 ], [ -69.257, 1.026 ], [ -69.342, 1.064 ], [ -69.416, 1.024 ], [ -69.7, 1.056 ], [ -69.721, 1.097 ], [ -69.854, 1.07 ], [ -69.855, 1.715 ], [ -69.556, 1.775 ], [ -69.395, 1.726 ], [ -68.128, 1.73 ], [ -68.29, 1.841 ], [ -68.205, 2.038 ], [ -68.027, 1.784 ], [ -67.924, 1.751 ], [ -67.797, 1.812 ], [ -67.578, 2.076 ], [ -67.41, 2.141 ], [ -67.117, 1.732 ], [ -67.068, 1.532 ], [ -67.097, 1.17 ], [ -66.855, 1.228 ], [ -66.322, 0.738 ], [ -66.095, 0.754 ], [ -65.952, 0.81 ], [ -65.854, 0.939 ], [ -65.733, 1.005 ], [ -65.583, 1.008 ], [ -65.47, 0.877 ], [ -65.557, 0.705 ], [ -65.504, 0.627 ], [ -65.393, 0.699 ], [ -65.305, 0.916 ], [ -65.152, 0.943 ], [ -65.121, 1.115 ], [ -65.055, 1.144 ], [ -64.968, 1.112 ], [ -64.903, 1.249 ], [ -64.843, 1.237 ], [ -64.783, 1.313 ], [ -64.721, 1.25 ], [ -64.638, 1.286 ], [ -64.387, 1.527 ], [ -64.344, 1.528 ], [ -64.382, 1.419 ], [ -64.344, 1.38 ], [ -64.186, 1.494 ], [ -64.054, 1.708 ], [ -64.057, 1.933 ], [ -64.018, 1.967 ], [ -63.781, 1.989 ], [ -63.604, 2.124 ], [ -63.419, 2.154 ], [ -63.349, 2.281 ], [ -63.382, 2.442 ], [ -63.756, 2.403 ], [ -64.031, 2.509 ], [ -63.987, 2.772 ], [ -64.216, 3.153 ], [ -64.236, 3.476 ], [ -64.186, 3.634 ], [ -64.324, 3.797 ], [ -64.543, 3.882 ], [ -64.8, 4.224 ], [ -64.79, 4.329 ], [ -64.677, 4.297 ], [ -64.555, 4.153 ], [ -64.135, 4.176 ], [ -63.967, 3.93 ], [ -63.806, 4.019 ], [ -63.623, 4.01 ], [ -63.455, 3.91 ], [ -63.411, 4.026 ], [ -63.358, 4.04 ], [ -63.203, 3.952 ], [ -63.189, 3.872 ], [ -62.86, 3.584 ], [ -62.749, 3.642 ], [ -62.705, 3.724 ], [ -62.752, 4.012 ], [ -62.635, 4.056 ], [ -62.557, 4.02 ], [ -62.46, 4.173 ], [ -62.129, 4.084 ], [ -61.961, 4.18 ], [ -61.927, 4.106 ], [ -61.723, 4.262 ], [ -61.528, 4.273 ], [ -61.507, 4.398 ], [ -61.274, 4.471 ], [ -61.293, 4.55 ], [ -61.141, 4.508 ], [ -60.952, 4.549 ], [ -60.907, 4.708 ], [ -60.731, 4.777 ], [ -60.59, 4.951 ], [ -60.744, 5.209 ], [ -60.438, 5.177 ], [ -60.203, 5.265 ], [ -60.176, 5.227 ], [ -60.121, 5.243 ], [ -60.085, 5.149 ], [ -59.969, 5.073 ], [ -60.03, 4.704 ], [ -60.163, 4.521 ], [ -59.927, 4.509 ], [ -59.674, 4.382 ], [ -59.726, 4.191 ], [ -59.628, 4.138 ], [ -59.655, 4.078 ], [ -59.516, 3.94 ], [ -59.581, 3.901 ], [ -59.594, 3.796 ], [ -59.666, 3.777 ], [ -59.664, 3.703 ], [ -59.849, 3.601 ], [ -59.799, 3.355 ], [ -59.909, 3.197 ], [ -59.982, 2.929 ], [ -59.99, 2.683 ], [ -59.903, 2.479 ], [ -59.91, 2.388 ], [ -59.724, 2.277 ], [ -59.754, 1.861 ], [ -59.654, 1.849 ], [ -59.669, 1.764 ], [ -59.549, 1.729 ], [ -59.253, 1.397 ], [ -58.914, 1.299 ], [ -58.904, 1.234 ], [ -58.804, 1.175 ], [ -58.696, 1.288 ], [ -58.507, 1.264 ], [ -58.468, 1.318 ], [ -58.498, 1.458 ], [ -58.382, 1.471 ], [ -58.325, 1.59 ], [ -58.167, 1.558 ], [ -58.13, 1.501 ], [ -58.009, 1.501 ], [ -58, 1.665 ], [ -57.919, 1.645 ], [ -57.77, 1.718 ], [ -57.545, 1.701 ], [ -57.434, 1.895 ], [ -57.302, 1.99 ], [ -57.247, 1.944 ], [ -57.085, 2.021 ], [ -57.012, 1.918 ], [ -56.8, 1.864 ], [ -56.724, 1.92 ], [ -56.454, 1.945 ], [ -55.957, 1.844 ], [ -55.906, 1.889 ], [ -55.913, 2.041 ], [ -56.048, 2.226 ], [ -56.134, 2.263 ], [ -56.09, 2.352 ], [ -55.995, 2.405 ], [ -55.987, 2.517 ], [ -55.948, 2.532 ], [ -55.739, 2.401 ], [ -55.481, 2.443 ], [ -55.37, 2.407 ], [ -55.336, 2.516 ], [ -55.239, 2.495 ], [ -55.137, 2.575 ], [ -55.103, 2.522 ], [ -54.94, 2.632 ], [ -54.969, 2.555 ], [ -54.864, 2.439 ], [ -54.72, 2.469 ], [ -54.702, 2.336 ], [ -54.549, 2.336 ], [ -54.534, 2.268 ], [ -54.314, 2.158 ], [ -54.189, 2.179 ], [ -54.111, 2.127 ], [ -54.078, 2.197 ], [ -53.784, 2.364 ], [ -53.694, 2.287 ], [ -53.472, 2.332 ], [ -53.397, 2.272 ], [ -53.273, 2.292 ], [ -53.188, 2.223 ], [ -52.905, 2.19 ], [ -52.853, 2.285 ], [ -52.673, 2.374 ], [ -52.555, 2.523 ], [ -52.556, 2.646 ], [ -52.382, 2.912 ], [ -52.347, 3.134 ], [ -52.192, 3.296 ], [ -51.92, 3.781 ], [ -51.795, 3.89 ], [ -51.754, 3.996 ], [ -51.658, 4.049 ], [ -51.585, 4.241 ], [ -51.529, 4.171 ], [ -51.545, 4.397 ], [ -51.202, 4.084 ], [ -51.173, 3.767 ], [ -51.127, 3.911 ], [ -51.085, 3.895 ], [ -51.051, 3.283 ], [ -50.913, 2.875 ], [ -50.927, 2.807 ], [ -50.816, 2.644 ], [ -50.851, 2.482 ], [ -50.802, 2.508 ], [ -50.736, 2.414 ], [ -50.765, 2.359 ], [ -50.694, 2.276 ], [ -50.725, 2.252 ], [ -50.675, 2.247 ], [ -50.682, 2.137 ], [ -50.584, 2.091 ], [ -50.586, 2.014 ], [ -50.471, 1.82 ], [ -50.194, 1.794 ], [ -49.954, 1.676 ], [ -49.88, 1.419 ], [ -49.918, 1.289 ], [ -50.073, 1.204 ], [ -49.918, 1.232 ], [ -49.939, 1.103 ], [ -50.003, 1.066 ], [ -50.033, 1.107 ], [ -50.131, 0.949 ], [ -50.274, 0.866 ], [ -50.338, 0.729 ], [ -50.417, 0.685 ], [ -50.455, 0.732 ], [ -50.428, 0.679 ], [ -50.571, 0.424 ], [ -50.691, 0.3 ], [ -50.677, 0.365 ], [ -50.746, 0.227 ], [ -50.801, 0.224 ], [ -50.785, 0.183 ], [ -50.908, 0.171 ], [ -51.087, -0.043 ], [ -51.203, -0.055 ], [ -51.419, -0.412 ], [ -51.409, -0.44 ], [ -51.325, -0.364 ], [ -51.188, -0.14 ], [ -51.111, -0.154 ], [ -51.154, -0.284 ], [ -51.396, -0.493 ], [ -51.243, -0.443 ], [ -51.26, -0.5 ], [ -51.165, -0.431 ], [ -50.953, -0.061 ], [ -50.824, -0.048 ], [ -50.705, 0.002 ], [ -50.613, -0.088 ], [ -50.744, -0.244 ], [ -50.751, -0.429 ], [ -50.845, -0.526 ], [ -50.988, -0.583 ], [ -51.051, -0.682 ], [ -50.826, -0.555 ], [ -50.794, -0.666 ], [ -50.733, -0.557 ], [ -50.684, -0.604 ], [ -50.724, -0.493 ], [ -50.652, -0.276 ], [ -50.409, -0.094 ], [ -49.631, -0.247 ], [ -49.446, -0.23 ], [ -49.289, -0.145 ], [ -49.018, -0.16 ], [ -49, -0.139 ], [ -48.895, -0.224 ], [ -48.539, -0.234 ], [ -48.363, -0.303 ], [ -48.459, -0.513 ], [ -48.522, -0.877 ], [ -48.667, -1.002 ], [ -48.621, -1.005 ], [ -48.65, -1.048 ], [ -48.617, -1.053 ], [ -48.721, -1.137 ], [ -48.837, -1.452 ], [ -49.161, -1.575 ], [ -49.182, -1.623 ], [ -49.362, -1.604 ], [ -49.364, -1.642 ], [ -49.448, -1.637 ], [ -49.5, -1.738 ], [ -49.61, -1.718 ], [ -49.676, -1.78 ], [ -49.696, -1.757 ], [ -49.714, -1.76 ], [ -49.803, -1.822 ], [ -50.035, -1.717 ], [ -50.179, -1.787 ], [ -50.256, -1.776 ], [ -50.415, -1.841 ], [ -50.401, -1.935 ], [ -49.994, -1.819 ], [ -49.844, -1.905 ], [ -49.765, -1.898 ], [ -49.616, -1.79 ], [ -49.276, -1.706 ], [ -49.267, -1.778 ], [ -49.387, -1.977 ], [ -49.383, -2.159 ], [ -48.973, -1.594 ], [ -48.897, -1.573 ], [ -48.955, -1.712 ], [ -48.932, -1.75 ], [ -48.898, -1.743 ], [ -48.656, -1.371 ], [ -48.592, -1.429 ], [ -48.601, -1.306 ], [ -48.524, -1.338 ], [ -48.537, -1.467 ], [ -48.496, -1.553 ], [ -48.491, -1.502 ], [ -48.46, -1.533 ], [ -48.374, -1.511 ], [ -48.319, -1.478 ], [ -48.505, -1.471 ], [ -48.422, -1.168 ], [ -48.475, -1.144 ], [ -48.4, -1.066 ], [ -48.278, -1.111 ], [ -48.304, -0.948 ], [ -48.055, -0.668 ], [ -48.001, -0.731 ], [ -47.893, -0.553 ], [ -47.843, -0.616 ], [ -47.807, -0.547 ], [ -47.702, -0.54 ], [ -47.707, -0.59 ], [ -47.667, -0.569 ], [ -47.633, -0.608 ], [ -47.651, -0.694 ], [ -47.608, -0.684 ], [ -47.577, -0.573 ], [ -47.476, -0.757 ], [ -47.398, -0.76 ], [ -47.428, -0.693 ], [ -47.464, -0.687 ], [ -47.466, -0.594 ], [ -47.399, -0.594 ], [ -47.4, -0.645 ], [ -47.298, -0.589 ], [ -47.253, -0.668 ], [ -47.247, -0.623 ], [ -47.206, -0.633 ], [ -47.23, -0.719 ], [ -47.158, -0.678 ], [ -47.191, -0.754 ], [ -47.146, -0.764 ], [ -47.16, -0.815 ], [ -47.081, -0.661 ], [ -47.055, -0.868 ], [ -47.027, -0.784 ], [ -46.983, -0.806 ], [ -47.016, -0.752 ], [ -46.967, -0.694 ], [ -46.969, -0.78 ], [ -46.891, -0.869 ], [ -46.89, -0.789 ], [ -46.846, -0.799 ], [ -46.82, -0.71 ], [ -46.802, -0.877 ], [ -46.777, -0.905 ], [ -46.75, -0.826 ], [ -46.709, -0.86 ], [ -46.734, -0.944 ], [ -46.687, -0.831 ], [ -46.653, -0.882 ], [ -46.621, -0.818 ], [ -46.601, -0.917 ], [ -46.676, -0.965 ], [ -46.622, -0.987 ], [ -46.57, -0.947 ], [ -46.609, -1.03 ], [ -46.57, -0.988 ], [ -46.525, -1.027 ], [ -46.465, -1.007 ], [ -46.47, -1.044 ], [ -46.395, -1.037 ], [ -46.413, -1.084 ], [ -46.348, -0.982 ], [ -46.36, -1.011 ], [ -46.366, -1.031 ], [ -46.348, -1.079 ], [ -46.339, -1.015 ], [ -46.299, -1.05 ], [ -46.212, -0.946 ], [ -46.242, -0.921 ], [ -46.179, -0.914 ], [ -46.224, -1.053 ], [ -46.206, -1.1 ], [ -46.158, -1.014 ], [ -46.138, -1.032 ], [ -46.193, -1.143 ], [ -46.104, -1.067 ], [ -46.062, -1.133 ], [ -46.15, -1.258 ], [ -45.982, -1.071 ], [ -45.953, -1.147 ], [ -46, -1.151 ], [ -46, -1.199 ], [ -45.95, -1.159 ], [ -45.95, -1.207 ], [ -46, -1.209 ], [ -45.95, -1.25 ], [ -45.902, -1.134 ], [ -45.923, -1.214 ], [ -45.882, -1.167 ], [ -45.873, -1.211 ], [ -45.909, -1.261 ], [ -45.859, -1.231 ], [ -45.891, -1.293 ], [ -45.807, -1.176 ], [ -45.843, -1.301 ], [ -45.809, -1.328 ], [ -45.831, -1.298 ], [ -45.782, -1.278 ], [ -45.726, -1.135 ], [ -45.69, -1.452 ], [ -45.697, -1.38 ], [ -45.632, -1.371 ], [ -45.618, -1.279 ], [ -45.589, -1.329 ], [ -45.537, -1.273 ], [ -45.561, -1.343 ], [ -45.51, -1.352 ], [ -45.567, -1.404 ], [ -45.546, -1.432 ], [ -45.413, -1.296 ], [ -45.489, -1.473 ], [ -45.511, -1.458 ], [ -45.554, -1.503 ], [ -45.507, -1.471 ], [ -45.518, -1.516 ], [ -45.481, -1.495 ], [ -45.463, -1.548 ], [ -45.457, -1.457 ], [ -45.391, -1.434 ], [ -45.363, -1.325 ], [ -45.323, -1.319 ], [ -45.302, -1.424 ], [ -45.392, -1.485 ], [ -45.398, -1.503 ], [ -45.356, -1.487 ], [ -45.392, -1.553 ], [ -45.338, -1.572 ], [ -45.371, -1.722 ], [ -45.338, -1.753 ], [ -45.197, -1.688 ], [ -45.261, -1.607 ], [ -45.16, -1.475 ], [ -45.136, -1.521 ], [ -45.072, -1.435 ], [ -45.07, -1.485 ], [ -44.999, -1.504 ], [ -45.018, -1.547 ], [ -44.969, -1.549 ], [ -45.029, -1.583 ], [ -45.029, -1.602 ], [ -44.979, -1.607 ], [ -44.954, -1.498 ], [ -44.862, -1.426 ], [ -44.857, -1.498 ], [ -44.954, -1.605 ], [ -44.918, -1.649 ], [ -44.968, -1.662 ], [ -44.913, -1.657 ], [ -44.927, -1.62 ], [ -44.886, -1.609 ], [ -44.837, -1.65 ], [ -44.822, -1.591 ], [ -44.826, -1.637 ], [ -44.805, -1.609 ], [ -44.812, -1.665 ], [ -44.779, -1.735 ], [ -44.711, -1.728 ], [ -44.82, -1.819 ], [ -44.738, -1.791 ], [ -44.706, -1.819 ], [ -44.676, -1.808 ], [ -44.661, -1.727 ], [ -44.604, -1.749 ], [ -44.667, -1.849 ], [ -44.601, -1.858 ], [ -44.583, -1.817 ], [ -44.586, -1.873 ], [ -44.543, -1.833 ], [ -44.601, -1.909 ], [ -44.517, -1.907 ], [ -44.484, -2.002 ], [ -44.613, -2.037 ], [ -44.467, -2.017 ], [ -44.626, -2.151 ], [ -44.589, -2.159 ], [ -44.641, -2.232 ], [ -44.708, -2.23 ], [ -44.684, -2.275 ], [ -44.764, -2.265 ], [ -44.654, -2.294 ], [ -44.681, -2.354 ], [ -44.649, -2.373 ], [ -44.666, -2.329 ], [ -44.479, -2.137 ], [ -44.358, -2.335 ], [ -44.401, -2.416 ], [ -44.514, -2.384 ], [ -44.55, -2.4 ], [ -44.491, -2.415 ], [ -44.514, -2.448 ], [ -44.505, -2.476 ], [ -44.665, -2.608 ], [ -44.548, -2.542 ], [ -44.658, -2.781 ], [ -44.688, -2.924 ], [ -44.677, -3.019 ], [ -44.66, -3.02 ], [ -44.657, -3.018 ] ], [ [ -43.318, -2.361 ], [ -43.317, -2.363 ], [ -43.296, -2.363 ], [ -43.318, -2.361 ] ], [ [ -42.438, -2.747 ], [ -42.442, -2.749 ], [ -42.438, -2.75 ], [ -42.438, -2.747 ] ], [ [ -42.442, -2.749 ], [ -42.47, -2.744 ], [ -42.447, -2.753 ], [ -42.442, -2.749 ] ], [ [ -50.851, 2.482 ], [ -50.853, 2.481 ], [ -50.853, 2.48 ], [ -50.851, 2.482 ] ], [ [ -50.853, 2.481 ], [ -50.86, 2.495 ], [ -50.86, 2.477 ], [ -50.853, 2.481 ] ], [ [ -49.976, 1.659 ], [ -49.98, 1.659 ], [ -50, 1.639 ], [ -49.976, 1.659 ] ], [ [ -45.392, -1.553 ], [ -45.393, -1.553 ], [ -45.394, -1.556 ], [ -45.392, -1.553 ] ], [ [ -45.394, -1.556 ], [ -45.406, -1.579 ], [ -45.403, -1.591 ], [ -45.394, -1.556 ] ], [ [ -44.837, -1.65 ], [ -44.834, -1.655 ], [ -44.833, -1.654 ], [ -44.837, -1.65 ] ], [ [ -44.834, -1.655 ], [ -44.841, -1.675 ], [ -44.822, -1.672 ], [ -44.834, -1.655 ] ], [ [ -44.779, -1.735 ], [ -44.777, -1.741 ], [ -44.776, -1.74 ], [ -44.779, -1.735 ] ], [ [ -44.777, -1.741 ], [ -44.833, -1.77 ], [ -44.774, -1.75 ], [ -44.777, -1.741 ] ], [ [ -44.547, -2.22 ], [ -44.536, -2.225 ], [ -44.543, -2.219 ], [ -44.547, -2.22 ] ], [ [ -44.536, -2.225 ], [ -44.507, -2.249 ], [ -44.512, -2.235 ], [ -44.536, -2.225 ] ], [ [ -44.507, -2.249 ], [ -44.504, -2.256 ], [ -44.501, -2.254 ], [ -44.507, -2.249 ] ], [ [ -44.504, -2.256 ], [ -44.514, -2.268 ], [ -44.502, -2.26 ], [ -44.504, -2.256 ] ] ], [ [ [ -29.34, -20.484 ], [ -29.301, -20.521 ], [ -29.341, -20.511 ], [ -29.34, -20.484 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.001, -13.94 ], [ -39.012, -13.915 ], [ -38.994, -13.896 ], [ -39.001, -13.94 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.043, -13.909 ], [ -39.059, -13.904 ], [ -39.054, -13.886 ], [ -39.028, -13.903 ], [ -39.043, -13.909 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.251, -18.015 ], [ -39.283, -18.005 ], [ -39.272, -17.982 ], [ -39.245, -18.006 ], [ -39.251, -18.015 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.131, -17.927 ], [ -39.154, -17.921 ], [ -39.137, -17.91 ], [ -39.131, -17.927 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.212, -17.986 ], [ -39.228, -17.979 ], [ -39.215, -17.944 ], [ -39.202, -17.95 ], [ -39.212, -17.986 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.341, -23.231 ], [ -44.372, -23.174 ], [ -44.232, -23.089 ], [ -44.087, -23.173 ], [ -44.3, -23.184 ], [ -44.341, -23.231 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.356, -23.073 ], [ -44.388, -23.048 ], [ -44.373, -23.033 ], [ -44.343, -23.041 ], [ -44.356, -23.073 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.929, -23.014 ], [ -43.936, -22.999 ], [ -43.916, -22.989 ], [ -43.929, -23.014 ] ] ], [ [ [ -42.002, -23.018 ], [ -42.015, -23.003 ], [ -41.98, -22.975 ], [ -41.975, -22.992 ], [ -42.002, -23.018 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.904, -22.962 ], [ -43.907, -22.936 ], [ -43.868, -22.926 ], [ -43.871, -22.95 ], [ -43.904, -22.962 ] ] ], [ [ [ -41.042, -21.613 ], [ -41.042, -21.6 ], [ -41.019, -21.606 ], [ -41.042, -21.613 ] ] ], [ [ [ -52.112, -32 ], [ -52.18, -32.035 ], [ -52.216, -32.025 ], [ -52.198, -31.978 ], [ -52.112, -32 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.641, -30.388 ], [ -50.629, -30.394 ], [ -50.624, -30.329 ], [ -50.592, -30.399 ], [ -50.609, -30.406 ], [ -50.641, -30.388 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.526, -27.462 ], [ -48.416, -27.38 ], [ -48.358, -27.446 ], [ -48.503, -27.799 ], [ -48.559, -27.842 ], [ -48.526, -27.462 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.354, -27.296 ], [ -48.376, -27.285 ], [ -48.373, -27.271 ], [ -48.36, -27.27 ], [ -48.354, -27.296 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.731, -26.314 ], [ -48.754, -26.297 ], [ -48.735, -26.282 ], [ -48.731, -26.314 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.318, -25.584 ], [ -48.309, -25.546 ], [ -48.381, -25.504 ], [ -48.312, -25.509 ], [ -48.292, -25.545 ], [ -48.318, -25.584 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.414, -25.544 ], [ -48.459, -25.514 ], [ -48.415, -25.527 ], [ -48.414, -25.544 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.424, -25.551 ], [ -48.479, -25.523 ], [ -48.485, -25.502 ], [ -48.424, -25.551 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.298, -25.493 ], [ -48.341, -25.416 ], [ -48.252, -25.341 ], [ -48.265, -25.44 ], [ -48.253, -25.466 ], [ -48.298, -25.493 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.417, -25.386 ], [ -48.424, -25.343 ], [ -48.405, -25.33 ], [ -48.417, -25.386 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.695, -24.112 ], [ -45.688, -24.088 ], [ -45.679, -24.098 ], [ -45.695, -24.112 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.251, -23.962 ], [ -45.301, -23.909 ], [ -45.453, -23.91 ], [ -45.332, -23.721 ], [ -45.227, -23.774 ], [ -45.224, -23.835 ], [ -45.283, -23.857 ], [ -45.221, -23.899 ], [ -45.251, -23.962 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.141, -23.817 ], [ -45.146, -23.791 ], [ -45.114, -23.801 ], [ -45.141, -23.817 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.153, -23.573 ], [ -45.153, -23.558 ], [ -45.141, -23.568 ], [ -45.153, -23.573 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.073, -23.564 ], [ -45.079, -23.525 ], [ -45.036, -23.531 ], [ -45.073, -23.564 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.608, -23.228 ], [ -44.59, -23.208 ], [ -44.577, -23.216 ], [ -44.608, -23.228 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.648, -12.821 ], [ -38.666, -12.777 ], [ -38.624, -12.762 ], [ -38.648, -12.821 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.529, -12.811 ], [ -38.544, -12.757 ], [ -38.532, -12.74 ], [ -38.508, -12.792 ], [ -38.529, -12.811 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.622, -12.752 ], [ -38.622, -12.727 ], [ -38.593, -12.733 ], [ -38.622, -12.752 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.646, -12.683 ], [ -38.648, -12.65 ], [ -38.636, -12.661 ], [ -38.646, -12.683 ] ] ], [ [ [ -32.402, -3.838 ], [ -32.428, -3.877 ], [ -32.483, -3.878 ], [ -32.402, -3.838 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.667, -3.179 ], [ -44.668, -3.16 ], [ -44.643, -3.148 ], [ -44.644, -3.17 ], [ -44.667, -3.179 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.671, -2.943 ], [ -44.67, -2.92 ], [ -44.647, -2.915 ], [ -44.671, -2.943 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.493, -2.641 ], [ -44.48, -2.601 ], [ -44.477, -2.627 ], [ -44.493, -2.641 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.897, -2.573 ], [ -43.896, -2.554 ], [ -43.886, -2.565 ], [ -43.897, -2.573 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.599, -2.503 ], [ -43.577, -2.471 ], [ -43.572, -2.483 ], [ -43.599, -2.503 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.822, -2.526 ], [ -43.829, -2.509 ], [ -43.813, -2.458 ], [ -43.812, -2.553 ], [ -43.82, -2.528 ], [ -43.822, -2.526 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.821, -2.529 ], [ -43.856, -2.502 ], [ -43.832, -2.439 ], [ -43.842, -2.504 ], [ -43.821, -2.529 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.863, -2.56 ], [ -43.875, -2.552 ], [ -43.865, -2.534 ], [ -43.863, -2.56 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.519, -2.536 ], [ -44.529, -2.526 ], [ -44.501, -2.48 ], [ -44.505, -2.444 ], [ -44.455, -2.434 ], [ -44.519, -2.536 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.602, -3.007 ], [ -44.657, -2.972 ], [ -44.613, -2.894 ], [ -44.575, -2.921 ], [ -44.602, -3.007 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.585, -2.978 ], [ -44.563, -2.914 ], [ -44.586, -2.826 ], [ -44.494, -2.705 ], [ -44.494, -2.953 ], [ -44.582, -3.041 ], [ -44.585, -2.978 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.826, -2.434 ], [ -43.842, -2.403 ], [ -43.811, -2.385 ], [ -43.807, -2.412 ], [ -43.826, -2.434 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.581, -2.441 ], [ -43.615, -2.389 ], [ -43.549, -2.377 ], [ -43.545, -2.403 ], [ -43.581, -2.441 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.791, -2.47 ], [ -43.806, -2.443 ], [ -43.78, -2.422 ], [ -43.759, -2.448 ], [ -43.791, -2.47 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.513, -2.424 ], [ -43.537, -2.416 ], [ -43.522, -2.39 ], [ -43.505, -2.414 ], [ -43.513, -2.424 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.792, -2.405 ], [ -43.798, -2.377 ], [ -43.771, -2.37 ], [ -43.792, -2.405 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.689, -2.355 ], [ -43.743, -2.352 ], [ -43.724, -2.305 ], [ -43.617, -2.253 ], [ -43.612, -2.275 ], [ -43.669, -2.301 ], [ -43.689, -2.355 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.73, -2.425 ], [ -43.732, -2.364 ], [ -43.67, -2.377 ], [ -43.681, -2.34 ], [ -43.63, -2.324 ], [ -43.643, -2.394 ], [ -43.73, -2.425 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.473, -2.125 ], [ -44.487, -2.113 ], [ -44.475, -2.096 ], [ -44.463, -2.104 ], [ -44.473, -2.125 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.456, -2.031 ], [ -44.447, -2.008 ], [ -44.439, -2.022 ], [ -44.456, -2.031 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.311, -1.964 ], [ -49.336, -1.996 ], [ -49.309, -1.943 ], [ -49.311, -1.964 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.323, -2.054 ], [ -49.329, -2.019 ], [ -49.316, -2.001 ], [ -49.323, -2.054 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.231, -1.829 ], [ -50.246, -1.824 ], [ -50.229, -1.816 ], [ -50.231, -1.829 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.615, -1.821 ], [ -44.622, -1.797 ], [ -44.597, -1.774 ], [ -44.583, -1.789 ], [ -44.615, -1.821 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.7, -1.811 ], [ -44.703, -1.78 ], [ -44.673, -1.78 ], [ -44.7, -1.811 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.691, -1.793 ], [ -49.721, -1.789 ], [ -49.719, -1.771 ], [ -49.697, -1.766 ], [ -49.691, -1.793 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.924, -1.711 ], [ -48.909, -1.713 ], [ -48.916, -1.734 ], [ -48.935, -1.713 ], [ -48.924, -1.711 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.757, -1.707 ], [ -44.767, -1.694 ], [ -44.736, -1.701 ], [ -44.757, -1.707 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.433, -1.684 ], [ -49.454, -1.706 ], [ -49.46, -1.684 ], [ -49.433, -1.684 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.357, -1.008 ], [ -46.342, -0.994 ], [ -46.353, -1.026 ], [ -46.357, -1.008 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.205, -1.021 ], [ -46.194, -1.014 ], [ -46.202, -1.032 ], [ -46.205, -1.021 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.662, -3.018 ], [ -44.673, -3.012 ], [ -44.664, -3.001 ], [ -44.649, -3.013 ], [ -44.662, -3.018 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.736, -1.683 ], [ -44.745, -1.677 ], [ -44.732, -1.668 ], [ -44.736, -1.683 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.231, -1.638 ], [ -49.237, -1.627 ], [ -49.217, -1.633 ], [ -49.231, -1.638 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.38, -1.685 ], [ -49.4, -1.682 ], [ -49.368, -1.669 ], [ -49.38, -1.685 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.426, -1.673 ], [ -49.429, -1.661 ], [ -49.406, -1.66 ], [ -49.426, -1.673 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.34, -1.672 ], [ -49.358, -1.662 ], [ -49.325, -1.647 ], [ -49.34, -1.672 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.289, -1.726 ], [ -45.305, -1.663 ], [ -45.257, -1.641 ], [ -45.244, -1.678 ], [ -45.28, -1.694 ], [ -45.289, -1.726 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.328, -1.743 ], [ -45.346, -1.719 ], [ -45.301, -1.596 ], [ -45.274, -1.635 ], [ -45.313, -1.654 ], [ -45.328, -1.743 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.886, -1.578 ], [ -48.89, -1.56 ], [ -48.859, -1.536 ], [ -48.856, -1.553 ], [ -48.886, -1.578 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.783, -1.682 ], [ -44.8, -1.595 ], [ -44.775, -1.62 ], [ -44.721, -1.567 ], [ -44.704, -1.611 ], [ -44.684, -1.575 ], [ -44.668, -1.669 ], [ -44.693, -1.638 ], [ -44.783, -1.682 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.816, -1.569 ], [ -44.837, -1.534 ], [ -44.787, -1.488 ], [ -44.825, -1.534 ], [ -44.816, -1.569 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.462, -1.517 ], [ -48.478, -1.499 ], [ -48.421, -1.503 ], [ -48.462, -1.517 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.793, -1.531 ], [ -44.774, -1.47 ], [ -44.763, -1.513 ], [ -44.793, -1.531 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.414, -1.427 ], [ -45.423, -1.416 ], [ -45.409, -1.405 ], [ -45.414, -1.427 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45, -1.296 ], [ -44.922, -1.265 ], [ -44.877, -1.309 ], [ -44.895, -1.34 ], [ -44.922, -1.305 ], [ -44.907, -1.341 ], [ -44.999, -1.405 ], [ -45.033, -1.339 ], [ -45, -1.32 ], [ -44.995, -1.36 ], [ -45, -1.296 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.044, -1.402 ], [ -45.07, -1.33 ], [ -45.052, -1.342 ], [ -45.044, -1.402 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.333, -1.569 ], [ -45.371, -1.544 ], [ -45.347, -1.489 ], [ -45.313, -1.506 ], [ -45.333, -1.569 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.969, -1.522 ], [ -44.976, -1.493 ], [ -44.959, -1.483 ], [ -44.969, -1.522 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.393, -1.512 ], [ -48.371, -1.476 ], [ -48.341, -1.483 ], [ -48.393, -1.512 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.413, -1.498 ], [ -48.426, -1.491 ], [ -48.387, -1.476 ], [ -48.413, -1.498 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.118, -1.47 ], [ -45.132, -1.462 ], [ -45.115, -1.364 ], [ -45.103, -1.373 ], [ -45.118, -1.47 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.593, -1.251 ], [ -45.581, -1.19 ], [ -45.536, -1.205 ], [ -45.532, -1.231 ], [ -45.593, -1.251 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.559, -1.243 ], [ -48.56, -1.202 ], [ -48.523, -1.199 ], [ -48.559, -1.243 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.817, -1.163 ], [ -45.829, -1.141 ], [ -45.804, -1.127 ], [ -45.817, -1.163 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.877, -1.154 ], [ -45.9, -1.117 ], [ -45.883, -1.073 ], [ -45.849, -1.123 ], [ -45.877, -1.154 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.192, -1.05 ], [ -46.201, -1.041 ], [ -46.185, -1.027 ], [ -46.192, -1.05 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.291, -1.01 ], [ -46.307, -0.992 ], [ -46.306, -0.961 ], [ -46.291, -1.01 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.078, -1.095 ], [ -46.065, -1.05 ], [ -46.061, -1.074 ], [ -46.078, -1.095 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.68, -1.295 ], [ -45.687, -1.275 ], [ -45.667, -1.26 ], [ -45.654, -1.285 ], [ -45.68, -1.295 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.538, -1.282 ], [ -48.549, -1.262 ], [ -48.53, -1.25 ], [ -48.538, -1.282 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.51, -1.27 ], [ -48.522, -1.247 ], [ -48.506, -1.236 ], [ -48.51, -1.27 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.694, -1.37 ], [ -45.646, -1.289 ], [ -45.625, -1.126 ], [ -45.634, -1.349 ], [ -45.694, -1.37 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.688, -1.266 ], [ -45.708, -1.228 ], [ -45.685, -1.194 ], [ -45.664, -1.231 ], [ -45.688, -1.266 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.425, -0.914 ], [ -46.454, -0.907 ], [ -46.408, -0.868 ], [ -46.395, -0.899 ], [ -46.425, -0.914 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.72, -0.848 ], [ -46.735, -0.832 ], [ -46.729, -0.796 ], [ -46.72, -0.848 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.611, -0.799 ], [ -46.622, -0.784 ], [ -46.601, -0.789 ], [ -46.611, -0.799 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.586, -0.849 ], [ -46.621, -0.807 ], [ -46.589, -0.815 ], [ -46.586, -0.849 ] ] ], [ [ [ -47.447, -0.748 ], [ -47.453, -0.732 ], [ -47.436, -0.717 ], [ -47.428, -0.738 ], [ -47.447, -0.748 ] ] ], [ [ [ -47.461, -0.741 ], [ -47.463, -0.702 ], [ -47.445, -0.697 ], [ -47.461, -0.741 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.214, -0.411 ], [ -51.211, -0.386 ], [ -51.164, -0.347 ], [ -51.163, -0.383 ], [ -51.214, -0.411 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.352, -0.353 ], [ -51.346, -0.31 ], [ -51.317, -0.268 ], [ -51.327, -0.33 ], [ -51.352, -0.353 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.127, -0.268 ], [ -51.131, -0.237 ], [ -51.091, -0.208 ], [ -51.087, -0.229 ], [ -51.127, -0.268 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.888, -0.198 ], [ -48.91, -0.188 ], [ -48.893, -0.134 ], [ -48.847, -0.177 ], [ -48.888, -0.198 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.174, -0.091 ], [ -51.191, -0.064 ], [ -51.126, -0.057 ], [ -51.174, -0.091 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.114, -0.146 ], [ -49.097, -0.121 ], [ -49.08, -0.13 ], [ -49.114, -0.146 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.166, -0.142 ], [ -49.188, -0.115 ], [ -49.156, -0.128 ], [ -49.166, -0.142 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.119, -0.141 ], [ -49.143, -0.107 ], [ -49.114, -0.11 ], [ -49.119, -0.141 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.127, -0.128 ], [ -51.094, -0.103 ], [ -51.108, -0.127 ], [ -51.127, -0.128 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.414, -0.999 ], [ -46.384, -0.941 ], [ -46.367, -0.948 ], [ -46.414, -0.999 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.647, -0.97 ], [ -46.658, -0.968 ], [ -46.618, -0.957 ], [ -46.647, -0.97 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.488, -0.942 ], [ -46.465, -0.877 ], [ -46.464, -0.924 ], [ -46.44, -0.922 ], [ -46.482, -0.976 ], [ -46.441, -0.999 ], [ -46.525, -1.016 ], [ -46.527, -0.917 ], [ -46.509, -0.984 ], [ -46.488, -0.942 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.632, 0.159 ], [ -49.662, 0.184 ], [ -49.629, 0.202 ], [ -49.61, 0.181 ], [ -49.632, 0.159 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.641, 0.26 ], [ -50.63, 0.293 ], [ -50.586, 0.308 ], [ -50.641, 0.26 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.2, 0.255 ], [ -50.243, 0.248 ], [ -50.147, 0.337 ], [ -50.059, 0.346 ], [ -50.2, 0.255 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.417, 0.159 ], [ -50.535, 0.234 ], [ -50.36, 0.615 ], [ -50.328, 0.383 ], [ -50.285, 0.3 ], [ -50.413, 0.237 ], [ -50.417, 0.159 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.279, 0.338 ], [ -50.271, 0.599 ], [ -50.147, 0.608 ], [ -50.142, 0.576 ], [ -50.107, 0.636 ], [ -50.063, 0.623 ], [ -50.05, 0.518 ], [ -50.279, 0.338 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50, 0.943 ], [ -50.113, 0.907 ], [ -50.018, 1.034 ], [ -49.935, 1.069 ], [ -49.939, 0.996 ], [ -50, 0.943 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.881, 1.227 ], [ -49.909, 1.246 ], [ -49.886, 1.244 ], [ -49.881, 1.227 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.907, 1.278 ], [ -49.885, 1.291 ], [ -49.863, 1.278 ], [ -49.876, 1.252 ], [ -49.907, 1.278 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.204, 1.851 ], [ -50.232, 1.879 ], [ -50.22, 1.915 ], [ -50.169, 1.865 ], [ -50.204, 1.851 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.468, 1.954 ], [ -50.521, 2.026 ], [ -50.497, 2.139 ], [ -50.398, 2.167 ], [ -50.367, 2.19 ], [ -50.276, 1.939 ], [ -50.423, 1.849 ], [ -50.468, 1.954 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.504, 2.255 ], [ -50.414, 2.244 ], [ -50.382, 2.204 ], [ -50.489, 2.15 ], [ -50.564, 2.205 ], [ -50.504, 2.255 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.229, 0.832 ], [ -50.098, 0.839 ], [ -50.027, 0.898 ], [ -50.105, 0.757 ], [ -50.162, 0.775 ], [ -50.249, 0.72 ], [ -50.229, 0.832 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.131, 0.844 ], [ -50.162, 0.867 ], [ -50.132, 0.9 ], [ -50.119, 0.854 ], [ -50.131, 0.844 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.108, 0.85 ], [ -50.111, 0.891 ], [ -50.049, 0.886 ], [ -50.108, 0.85 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.216, -0.055 ], [ -50.235, -0.042 ], [ -50.219, -0.04 ], [ -50.216, -0.055 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.916, -0.052 ], [ -50.926, -0.047 ], [ -50.907, -0.043 ], [ -50.916, -0.052 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.605, -0.061 ], [ -50.618, -0.022 ], [ -50.559, -0.038 ], [ -50.605, -0.061 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.399, -0.061 ], [ -50.44, -0.057 ], [ -50.378, -0.015 ], [ -50.357, -0.049 ], [ -50.399, -0.061 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.75, 0 ], [ -49.609, 0.08 ], [ -49.474, 0.081 ], [ -49.338, -0.017 ], [ -49.487, -0.136 ], [ -49.723, -0.147 ], [ -49.835, -0.088 ], [ -49.75, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.023, -0.019 ], [ -49.039, -0.011 ], [ -49.02, -0.006 ], [ -49.023, -0.019 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.932, 0.052 ], [ -50.918, 0.084 ], [ -50.884, 0.078 ], [ -50.899, 0.057 ], [ -50.932, 0.052 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.928, 0 ], [ -50.786, 0.05 ], [ -50.717, 0.028 ], [ -50.94, -0.041 ], [ -50.928, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.691, 0.025 ], [ -50.655, 0.015 ], [ -50.703, 0.021 ], [ -50.691, 0.025 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.629, -0.043 ], [ -50.642, -0.016 ], [ -50.622, -0.026 ], [ -50.629, -0.043 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.642, 0 ], [ -50.611, 0.007 ], [ -50.595, -0.019 ], [ -50.642, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.536, 0 ], [ -50.653, 0.126 ], [ -50.59, 0.203 ], [ -50.434, 0.126 ], [ -50.436, 0 ], [ -50.536, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50, 0.311 ], [ -49.674, 0.368 ], [ -49.601, 0.283 ], [ -49.86, 0.008 ], [ -49.99, -0.048 ], [ -50.086, 0.034 ], [ -50.351, 0.044 ], [ -50.394, 0.222 ], [ -50.153, 0.227 ], [ -50, 0.311 ] ] ] ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "La costa de lo que hoy es territorio brasileño fue el primer punto al \nque llegaron los europeos en América del Sur. La primera expedición que \nexploró la región fue un desprendimiento de la flota portuguesa que \nVasco da Gama (c. 1460-1524) llevaba hacia oriente. Las naves dirigidas \npor Pedro Álvarez de Cabral (1467-1520) se alejaron excesivamente de la \ncosta de África y terminaron en el extremo sur de actual territorio del \nEstado de Bahía, en que el permanecieron entre abril y mayo del año \n1500. Los portuguese establecieron en la costa precarias feitorias para \ncomerciar verzino o palo brasil con los nativos de las sociedades tupí y\n guaraní nativas. Recién en 1530 la corona brasileña tomaría acciones \ndecididas para organizar la ocupación portuguesa y las actividades de \nexplotación, cuando instaura el régimen de capitanías hereditarias que \nestructuraría el establecimiento colonial lusitano en brasil. \nBibliografía: Johnson, H. B., \"Portuguese Settlement, 1500-1580\", en \nBethell, Leslie (ed.), Colonial Brazil, Cambridge, Cambridge University \nPress, 1987, pp. 1-38; Abulafia, David, El descubrimiento de la \nhumanidad. Encuentros atlánticos en la era de Colón, Barcelona, Crítica,\n 2009 [2008]; Metcalf, Alida C., Go-Betweens and the Colonization of \nBrazil, 1500-1600, Austin, University of Texas Press, 2005; Vaz de \nCaminha, Pêro, Carta del descubrimiento del Brasil, Barcelona, \nAcantilado, 2009.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-19T00:00:49+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 8811, "end" : 8817 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Brasil" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/df8db616-1d99-4f2b-86a6-760fce9264a7", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://sws.geonames.org/3469034", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-19T00:00:49+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-19T00:00:49+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "MultiPolygon", "coordinates" : [ [ [ [ -44.657, -3.018 ], [ -44.608, -3.041 ], [ -44.72, -3.18 ], [ -44.793, -3.198 ], [ -44.779, -3.312 ], [ -44.736, -3.302 ], [ -44.763, -3.225 ], [ -44.653, -3.196 ], [ -44.431, -2.945 ], [ -44.367, -2.643 ], [ -44.362, -2.726 ], [ -44.355, -2.605 ], [ -44.378, -2.566 ], [ -44.345, -2.528 ], [ -44.29, -2.573 ], [ -44.306, -2.487 ], [ -44.02, -2.403 ], [ -44.03, -2.457 ], [ -44.108, -2.468 ], [ -44.035, -2.518 ], [ -44.131, -2.596 ], [ -44.147, -2.681 ], [ -44.219, -2.67 ], [ -44.209, -2.716 ], [ -44.345, -2.791 ], [ -44.347, -2.838 ], [ -44.315, -2.788 ], [ -44.3, -2.843 ], [ -44.266, -2.777 ], [ -44.225, -2.806 ], [ -44.184, -2.766 ], [ -44.208, -2.857 ], [ -44.111, -2.749 ], [ -44.072, -2.811 ], [ -44.05, -2.685 ], [ -43.981, -2.619 ], [ -43.946, -2.641 ], [ -43.933, -2.553 ], [ -43.883, -2.649 ], [ -43.887, -2.578 ], [ -43.803, -2.56 ], [ -43.76, -2.513 ], [ -43.754, -2.556 ], [ -43.729, -2.481 ], [ -43.727, -2.569 ], [ -43.654, -2.556 ], [ -43.682, -2.534 ], [ -43.653, -2.488 ], [ -43.608, -2.593 ], [ -43.603, -2.518 ], [ -43.548, -2.528 ], [ -43.519, -2.445 ], [ -43.498, -2.55 ], [ -43.46, -2.507 ], [ -43.458, -2.596 ], [ -43.401, -2.552 ], [ -43.448, -2.538 ], [ -43.462, -2.427 ], [ -43.359, -2.44 ], [ -43.479, -2.376 ], [ -43.378, -2.329 ], [ -43.4, -2.353 ], [ -43.232, -2.362 ], [ -42.692, -2.596 ], [ -42.709, -2.56 ], [ -42.572, -2.68 ], [ -42.495, -2.689 ], [ -42.503, -2.727 ], [ -42.393, -2.751 ], [ -42.475, -2.706 ], [ -42.375, -2.717 ], [ -42.228, -2.818 ], [ -42.143, -2.808 ], [ -42.256, -2.735 ], [ -42.233, -2.674 ], [ -42.208, -2.712 ], [ -42.098, -2.768 ], [ -42.099, -2.809 ], [ -42.096, -2.747 ], [ -42.216, -2.687 ], [ -42.054, -2.691 ], [ -42.023, -2.775 ], [ -42.017, -2.718 ], [ -41.818, -2.723 ], [ -41.844, -2.773 ], [ -41.797, -2.751 ], [ -41.656, -2.884 ], [ -41.437, -2.939 ], [ -41.395, -2.906 ], [ -41.316, -2.943 ], [ -41.263, -2.887 ], [ -40.838, -2.895 ], [ -40.572, -2.844 ], [ -40.499, -2.787 ], [ -39.888, -2.886 ], [ -39.244, -3.229 ], [ -39.083, -3.394 ], [ -38.978, -3.407 ], [ -38.641, -3.687 ], [ -38.473, -3.7 ], [ -38.377, -3.866 ], [ -38.043, -4.214 ], [ -37.764, -4.399 ], [ -37.588, -4.624 ], [ -37.323, -4.698 ], [ -37.15, -4.943 ], [ -36.958, -4.919 ], [ -36.666, -5.108 ], [ -36.504, -5.061 ], [ -36.297, -5.106 ], [ -35.956, -5.045 ], [ -35.612, -5.11 ], [ -35.385, -5.255 ], [ -35.255, -5.483 ], [ -35.099, -6.169 ], [ -34.983, -6.396 ], [ -34.933, -6.753 ], [ -34.79, -7.159 ], [ -34.842, -7.564 ], [ -34.809, -7.622 ], [ -34.845, -7.69 ], [ -34.827, -8.004 ], [ -35.136, -8.895 ], [ -35.332, -9.237 ], [ -35.689, -9.668 ], [ -35.78, -9.706 ], [ -36.056, -10.083 ], [ -36.266, -10.256 ], [ -36.402, -10.506 ], [ -36.602, -10.567 ], [ -36.934, -10.826 ], [ -37.36, -11.428 ], [ -37.612, -11.979 ], [ -37.996, -12.578 ], [ -38.318, -12.934 ], [ -38.477, -13.022 ], [ -38.532, -13.017 ], [ -38.473, -12.913 ], [ -38.498, -12.722 ], [ -38.603, -12.728 ], [ -38.646, -12.622 ], [ -38.681, -12.661 ], [ -38.718, -12.627 ], [ -38.804, -12.835 ], [ -38.717, -12.873 ], [ -38.769, -12.995 ], [ -38.721, -13.021 ], [ -38.66, -12.963 ], [ -38.686, -12.878 ], [ -38.59, -12.972 ], [ -38.766, -13.129 ], [ -38.807, -13.1 ], [ -38.808, -13.154 ], [ -38.944, -13.243 ], [ -38.973, -13.391 ], [ -38.902, -13.384 ], [ -38.886, -13.45 ], [ -38.95, -13.577 ], [ -38.886, -13.659 ], [ -38.968, -13.67 ], [ -39.006, -13.891 ], [ -39.064, -13.865 ], [ -39.075, -13.887 ], [ -38.986, -13.998 ], [ -38.952, -13.986 ], [ -38.982, -13.912 ], [ -38.938, -13.886 ], [ -38.922, -13.92 ], [ -39.061, -14.716 ], [ -38.962, -15.585 ], [ -38.857, -15.86 ], [ -38.973, -16.211 ], [ -39.032, -16.26 ], [ -39.01, -16.369 ], [ -39.078, -16.454 ], [ -39.143, -16.762 ], [ -39.113, -16.896 ], [ -39.212, -17.155 ], [ -39.193, -17.602 ], [ -39.135, -17.691 ], [ -39.264, -17.869 ], [ -39.435, -17.943 ], [ -39.563, -18.091 ], [ -39.721, -18.493 ], [ -39.749, -18.81 ], [ -39.692, -19.353 ], [ -39.805, -19.65 ], [ -39.951, -19.717 ], [ -40.151, -19.956 ], [ -40.236, -20.285 ], [ -40.353, -20.32 ], [ -40.329, -20.236 ], [ -40.359, -20.291 ], [ -40.365, -20.317 ], [ -40.35, -20.328 ], [ -40.268, -20.327 ], [ -40.402, -20.606 ], [ -40.466, -20.624 ], [ -40.627, -20.845 ], [ -40.65, -20.813 ], [ -40.756, -20.866 ], [ -40.853, -21.133 ], [ -40.955, -21.251 ], [ -40.96, -21.364 ], [ -41.065, -21.495 ], [ -41.051, -21.608 ], [ -41.038, -21.622 ], [ -41.007, -21.618 ], [ -40.99, -22.014 ], [ -41.229, -22.151 ], [ -41.668, -22.294 ], [ -41.962, -22.538 ], [ -41.986, -22.713 ], [ -41.919, -22.774 ], [ -41.864, -22.759 ], [ -42.023, -22.896 ], [ -42.037, -22.94 ], [ -41.99, -22.964 ], [ -42.018, -22.998 ], [ -42.086, -22.957 ], [ -42.529, -22.934 ], [ -43.05, -22.982 ], [ -43.132, -22.941 ], [ -43.025, -22.741 ], [ -43.084, -22.68 ], [ -43.216, -22.725 ], [ -43.287, -22.806 ], [ -43.24, -22.847 ], [ -43.249, -22.797 ], [ -43.156, -22.784 ], [ -43.247, -22.882 ], [ -43.164, -22.899 ], [ -43.187, -22.995 ], [ -43.344, -22.983 ], [ -43.303, -23.02 ], [ -43.549, -23.081 ], [ -44.001, -23.1 ], [ -43.961, -23.042 ], [ -43.877, -23.067 ], [ -43.909, -23.02 ], [ -43.807, -23.063 ], [ -43.555, -23.055 ], [ -43.84, -22.906 ], [ -43.985, -22.937 ], [ -44.034, -23.014 ], [ -44.044, -22.923 ], [ -44.107, -23.03 ], [ -44.234, -23.06 ], [ -44.238, -23.004 ], [ -44.358, -23.02 ], [ -44.296, -22.961 ], [ -44.321, -22.927 ], [ -44.378, -22.972 ], [ -44.407, -22.945 ], [ -44.443, -23.035 ], [ -44.669, -23.06 ], [ -44.712, -23.19 ], [ -44.701, -23.237 ], [ -44.645, -23.191 ], [ -44.612, -23.206 ], [ -44.685, -23.256 ], [ -44.611, -23.238 ], [ -44.652, -23.302 ], [ -44.558, -23.232 ], [ -44.577, -23.275 ], [ -44.498, -23.302 ], [ -44.583, -23.367 ], [ -44.669, -23.341 ], [ -44.84, -23.395 ], [ -44.905, -23.339 ], [ -45.05, -23.418 ], [ -45.016, -23.461 ], [ -45.079, -23.519 ], [ -45.165, -23.495 ], [ -45.159, -23.541 ], [ -45.228, -23.547 ], [ -45.211, -23.582 ], [ -45.41, -23.632 ], [ -45.412, -23.825 ], [ -45.934, -23.771 ], [ -46.124, -23.842 ], [ -46.2, -24.002 ], [ -46.288, -24.044 ], [ -46.321, -24 ], [ -46.458, -24.025 ], [ -46.937, -24.281 ], [ -47.024, -24.382 ], [ -47.004, -24.412 ], [ -47.86, -24.996 ], [ -47.914, -25.061 ], [ -47.915, -25.16 ], [ -48.213, -25.47 ], [ -48.254, -25.435 ], [ -48.222, -25.342 ], [ -48.208, -25.353 ], [ -48.121, -25.267 ], [ -48.253, -25.328 ], [ -48.284, -25.294 ], [ -48.317, -25.363 ], [ -48.327, -25.232 ], [ -48.366, -25.317 ], [ -48.433, -25.237 ], [ -48.428, -25.324 ], [ -48.5, -25.335 ], [ -48.427, -25.39 ], [ -48.449, -25.379 ], [ -48.468, -25.388 ], [ -48.467, -25.432 ], [ -48.449, -25.384 ], [ -48.414, -25.428 ], [ -48.476, -25.485 ], [ -48.637, -25.468 ], [ -48.661, -25.398 ], [ -48.671, -25.435 ], [ -48.739, -25.374 ], [ -48.68, -25.465 ], [ -48.687, -25.499 ], [ -48.737, -25.483 ], [ -48.703, -25.504 ], [ -48.617, -25.536 ], [ -48.512, -25.505 ], [ -48.482, -25.591 ], [ -48.46, -25.552 ], [ -48.35, -25.581 ], [ -48.565, -25.868 ], [ -48.614, -26.06 ], [ -48.586, -26.172 ], [ -48.714, -26.243 ], [ -48.795, -26.073 ], [ -48.837, -26.157 ], [ -48.798, -26.142 ], [ -48.763, -26.199 ], [ -48.805, -26.228 ], [ -48.769, -26.223 ], [ -48.761, -26.286 ], [ -48.803, -26.303 ], [ -48.723, -26.362 ], [ -48.635, -26.374 ], [ -48.714, -26.308 ], [ -48.554, -26.172 ], [ -48.493, -26.224 ], [ -48.695, -26.658 ], [ -48.665, -26.769 ], [ -48.583, -26.786 ], [ -48.655, -26.909 ], [ -48.62, -27.007 ], [ -48.574, -27.011 ], [ -48.607, -27.122 ], [ -48.554, -27.152 ], [ -48.51, -27.108 ], [ -48.469, -27.148 ], [ -48.511, -27.183 ], [ -48.486, -27.218 ], [ -48.531, -27.18 ], [ -48.612, -27.243 ], [ -48.596, -27.318 ], [ -48.529, -27.334 ], [ -48.649, -27.486 ], [ -48.572, -27.592 ], [ -48.653, -27.648 ], [ -48.575, -27.888 ], [ -48.761, -28.535 ], [ -48.813, -28.605 ], [ -49.37, -28.92 ], [ -49.334, -28.921 ], [ -49.702, -29.308 ], [ -50.006, -29.749 ], [ -50.316, -30.472 ], [ -50.848, -31.205 ], [ -51.303, -31.613 ], [ -51.877, -31.952 ], [ -52.071, -32.188 ], [ -52.012, -31.946 ], [ -52.092, -31.837 ], [ -51.851, -31.865 ], [ -51.777, -31.805 ], [ -51.854, -31.797 ], [ -51.65, -31.759 ], [ -51.478, -31.562 ], [ -51.43, -31.622 ], [ -51.458, -31.548 ], [ -51.424, -31.478 ], [ -51.351, -31.529 ], [ -51.234, -31.458 ], [ -51.16, -31.31 ], [ -51.166, -31.063 ], [ -51.109, -31.097 ], [ -50.985, -31.042 ], [ -50.965, -30.893 ], [ -50.888, -30.893 ], [ -50.705, -30.756 ], [ -50.677, -30.61 ], [ -50.725, -30.371 ], [ -50.692, -30.355 ], [ -50.625, -30.409 ], [ -50.641, -30.459 ], [ -50.569, -30.471 ], [ -50.534, -30.278 ], [ -50.601, -30.194 ], [ -50.659, -30.201 ], [ -50.661, -30.293 ], [ -50.918, -30.333 ], [ -50.934, -30.42 ], [ -50.889, -30.439 ], [ -50.921, -30.44 ], [ -51.052, -30.395 ], [ -51.034, -30.276 ], [ -51.146, -30.267 ], [ -51.246, -30.188 ], [ -51.23, -30.043 ], [ -51.295, -30.007 ], [ -51.326, -30.23 ], [ -51.271, -30.25 ], [ -51.293, -30.295 ], [ -51.246, -30.33 ], [ -51.209, -30.3 ], [ -51.179, -30.383 ], [ -51.092, -30.367 ], [ -51.129, -30.436 ], [ -51.202, -30.413 ], [ -51.269, -30.489 ], [ -51.282, -30.811 ], [ -51.33, -30.777 ], [ -51.294, -30.758 ], [ -51.319, -30.64 ], [ -51.375, -30.635 ], [ -51.404, -30.769 ], [ -51.367, -30.874 ], [ -51.457, -30.874 ], [ -51.501, -30.935 ], [ -51.436, -31.088 ], [ -51.611, -31.138 ], [ -51.613, -31.272 ], [ -51.915, -31.313 ], [ -52.002, -31.449 ], [ -52.031, -31.693 ], [ -52.218, -31.747 ], [ -52.247, -31.871 ], [ -52.106, -31.952 ], [ -52.216, -31.963 ], [ -52.263, -32.062 ], [ -52.209, -32.045 ], [ -52.225, -32.096 ], [ -52.082, -32.033 ], [ -52.162, -32.128 ], [ -52.09, -32.069 ], [ -52.084, -32.186 ], [ -52.16, -32.201 ], [ -52.341, -32.43 ], [ -52.488, -32.844 ], [ -52.66, -33.165 ], [ -53.227, -33.658 ], [ -53.421, -33.741 ], [ -53.524, -33.689 ], [ -53.515, -33.163 ], [ -53.434, -33.054 ], [ -53.243, -32.936 ], [ -53.294, -32.911 ], [ -53.074, -32.746 ], [ -53.244, -32.605 ], [ -53.39, -32.583 ], [ -53.46, -32.48 ], [ -53.595, -32.432 ], [ -53.73, -32.157 ], [ -53.714, -32.104 ], [ -53.965, -31.919 ], [ -54.096, -31.906 ], [ -54.466, -31.666 ], [ -54.491, -31.54 ], [ -54.591, -31.448 ], [ -54.836, -31.446 ], [ -54.945, -31.392 ], [ -55.014, -31.285 ], [ -55.091, -31.326 ], [ -55.245, -31.257 ], [ -55.374, -31.038 ], [ -55.594, -30.848 ], [ -55.635, -30.857 ], [ -55.657, -30.956 ], [ -55.87, -31.08 ], [ -56.008, -31.063 ], [ -55.987, -30.86 ], [ -56.021, -30.784 ], [ -56.127, -30.739 ], [ -56.177, -30.614 ], [ -56.384, -30.495 ], [ -56.459, -30.387 ], [ -56.545, -30.364 ], [ -56.54, -30.312 ], [ -56.617, -30.303 ], [ -56.644, -30.205 ], [ -56.776, -30.166 ], [ -56.804, -30.107 ], [ -57.068, -30.088 ], [ -57.207, -30.281 ], [ -57.313, -30.26 ], [ -57.396, -30.303 ], [ -57.538, -30.275 ], [ -57.618, -30.179 ], [ -57.505, -30.143 ], [ -57.342, -30.001 ], [ -57.319, -29.87 ], [ -57.254, -29.794 ], [ -57.105, -29.752 ], [ -56.972, -29.639 ], [ -56.676, -29.321 ], [ -56.593, -29.123 ], [ -56.425, -29.073 ], [ -56.285, -28.794 ], [ -56.185, -28.771 ], [ -56.016, -28.611 ], [ -56.011, -28.509 ], [ -55.888, -28.479 ], [ -55.875, -28.362 ], [ -55.696, -28.425 ], [ -55.671, -28.333 ], [ -55.773, -28.247 ], [ -55.605, -28.123 ], [ -55.554, -28.164 ], [ -55.496, -28.081 ], [ -55.444, -28.097 ], [ -55.323, -27.928 ], [ -55.196, -27.863 ], [ -55.134, -27.895 ], [ -55.117, -27.853 ], [ -55.032, -27.854 ], [ -55.082, -27.789 ], [ -54.941, -27.775 ], [ -54.809, -27.536 ], [ -54.781, -27.586 ], [ -54.683, -27.576 ], [ -54.678, -27.514 ], [ -54.624, -27.55 ], [ -54.576, -27.458 ], [ -54.525, -27.507 ], [ -54.415, -27.412 ], [ -54.353, -27.468 ], [ -54.339, -27.406 ], [ -54.282, -27.447 ], [ -54.176, -27.261 ], [ -54.089, -27.303 ], [ -53.949, -27.158 ], [ -53.799, -27.147 ], [ -53.795, -27.048 ], [ -53.761, -27.068 ], [ -53.662, -26.869 ], [ -53.751, -26.745 ], [ -53.707, -26.563 ], [ -53.738, -26.548 ], [ -53.592, -26.265 ], [ -53.722, -26.13 ], [ -53.733, -26.047 ], [ -53.837, -25.969 ], [ -53.824, -25.793 ], [ -53.891, -25.625 ], [ -53.951, -25.644 ], [ -54.016, -25.569 ], [ -54.101, -25.625 ], [ -54.111, -25.504 ], [ -54.213, -25.554 ], [ -54.184, -25.591 ], [ -54.289, -25.562 ], [ -54.387, -25.608 ], [ -54.43, -25.706 ], [ -54.596, -25.595 ], [ -54.617, -25.459 ], [ -54.437, -25.157 ], [ -54.458, -25.031 ], [ -54.336, -24.649 ], [ -54.333, -24.493 ], [ -54.262, -24.376 ], [ -54.33, -24.225 ], [ -54.282, -24.075 ], [ -54.411, -23.929 ], [ -54.668, -23.815 ], [ -55.061, -23.991 ], [ -55.112, -23.963 ], [ -55.226, -24.013 ], [ -55.413, -23.961 ], [ -55.434, -23.714 ], [ -55.535, -23.614 ], [ -55.522, -23.197 ], [ -55.596, -23.141 ], [ -55.64, -22.994 ], [ -55.685, -22.992 ], [ -55.613, -22.659 ], [ -55.736, -22.532 ], [ -55.74, -22.396 ], [ -55.854, -22.281 ], [ -56.208, -22.281 ], [ -56.341, -22.206 ], [ -56.403, -22.078 ], [ -56.519, -22.103 ], [ -56.643, -22.261 ], [ -56.698, -22.216 ], [ -56.728, -22.26 ], [ -56.808, -22.25 ], [ -56.831, -22.3 ], [ -57.001, -22.225 ], [ -57.203, -22.21 ], [ -57.243, -22.244 ], [ -57.553, -22.181 ], [ -57.616, -22.096 ], [ -57.803, -22.148 ], [ -57.989, -22.085 ], [ -58.005, -22.032 ], [ -57.919, -21.881 ], [ -57.969, -21.844 ], [ -57.913, -21.793 ], [ -57.947, -21.747 ], [ -57.894, -21.687 ], [ -57.968, -21.528 ], [ -57.855, -21.339 ], [ -57.918, -21.278 ], [ -57.854, -21.226 ], [ -57.866, -21.041 ], [ -57.818, -20.976 ], [ -57.927, -20.897 ], [ -57.855, -20.835 ], [ -57.961, -20.784 ], [ -57.869, -20.736 ], [ -57.923, -20.666 ], [ -57.988, -20.696 ], [ -57.994, -20.448 ], [ -58.082, -20.372 ], [ -58.092, -20.257 ], [ -58.154, -20.264 ], [ -58.125, -20.188 ], [ -58.163, -20.162 ], [ -57.872, -19.979 ], [ -58.134, -19.761 ], [ -57.79, -19.051 ], [ -57.709, -19.034 ], [ -57.757, -18.858 ], [ -57.56, -18.263 ], [ -57.458, -18.228 ], [ -57.568, -18.136 ], [ -57.702, -17.86 ], [ -57.715, -17.735 ], [ -57.785, -17.645 ], [ -57.773, -17.553 ], [ -57.878, -17.463 ], [ -58.003, -17.52 ], [ -58.114, -17.456 ], [ -58.395, -17.197 ], [ -58.421, -16.99 ], [ -58.47, -16.939 ], [ -58.468, -16.702 ], [ -58.442, -16.613 ], [ -58.34, -16.542 ], [ -58.309, -16.27 ], [ -58.471, -16.325 ], [ -60.173, -16.265 ], [ -60.236, -15.476 ], [ -60.565, -15.105 ], [ -60.253, -15.101 ], [ -60.257, -14.624 ], [ -60.338, -14.555 ], [ -60.482, -14.181 ], [ -60.468, -14.092 ], [ -60.378, -13.992 ], [ -60.468, -13.886 ], [ -60.468, -13.801 ], [ -60.793, -13.686 ], [ -60.962, -13.539 ], [ -61.044, -13.541 ], [ -61.028, -13.477 ], [ -61.069, -13.463 ], [ -61.139, -13.521 ], [ -61.249, -13.525 ], [ -61.33, -13.473 ], [ -61.486, -13.554 ], [ -61.578, -13.494 ], [ -61.824, -13.539 ], [ -61.866, -13.443 ], [ -62.108, -13.257 ], [ -62.109, -13.149 ], [ -62.165, -13.112 ], [ -62.368, -13.145 ], [ -62.464, -13.07 ], [ -62.637, -13.041 ], [ -62.674, -12.965 ], [ -62.764, -13.023 ], [ -62.923, -12.854 ], [ -62.996, -12.85 ], [ -63.082, -12.653 ], [ -63.327, -12.705 ], [ -63.482, -12.557 ], [ -63.712, -12.458 ], [ -63.875, -12.469 ], [ -63.937, -12.557 ], [ -64.127, -12.494 ], [ -64.152, -12.529 ], [ -64.215, -12.476 ], [ -64.278, -12.511 ], [ -64.493, -12.366 ], [ -64.486, -12.23 ], [ -64.654, -12.186 ], [ -64.683, -12.099 ], [ -64.725, -12.162 ], [ -64.798, -12.035 ], [ -64.993, -11.999 ], [ -65.048, -11.757 ], [ -65.112, -11.741 ], [ -65.106, -11.697 ], [ -65.135, -11.777 ], [ -65.201, -11.745 ], [ -65.161, -11.622 ], [ -65.218, -11.521 ], [ -65.299, -11.5 ], [ -65.338, -11.392 ], [ -65.31, -11.341 ], [ -65.385, -11.269 ], [ -65.349, -11.239 ], [ -65.391, -11.167 ], [ -65.318, -11.105 ], [ -65.336, -11.044 ], [ -65.269, -10.901 ], [ -65.366, -10.798 ], [ -65.349, -10.671 ], [ -65.426, -10.638 ], [ -65.429, -10.473 ], [ -65.28, -10.218 ], [ -65.327, -9.938 ], [ -65.29, -9.851 ], [ -65.377, -9.698 ], [ -65.488, -9.718 ], [ -65.563, -9.834 ], [ -65.669, -9.779 ], [ -65.7, -9.803 ], [ -65.689, -9.749 ], [ -65.748, -9.77 ], [ -65.777, -9.727 ], [ -65.798, -9.786 ], [ -65.81, -9.75 ], [ -65.86, -9.794 ], [ -65.872, -9.757 ], [ -66.018, -9.807 ], [ -66.064, -9.772 ], [ -66.422, -9.895 ], [ -66.616, -9.893 ], [ -66.623, -9.935 ], [ -66.883, -10.081 ], [ -67.029, -10.254 ], [ -67.186, -10.339 ], [ -67.315, -10.316 ], [ -67.327, -10.374 ], [ -67.414, -10.372 ], [ -67.443, -10.45 ], [ -67.594, -10.523 ], [ -67.715, -10.707 ], [ -68.021, -10.661 ], [ -68.119, -10.726 ], [ -68.283, -10.987 ], [ -68.519, -11.048 ], [ -68.587, -11.11 ], [ -68.769, -11.139 ], [ -68.751, -11.007 ], [ -68.787, -10.99 ], [ -68.871, -11.023 ], [ -69.393, -10.929 ], [ -69.728, -10.973 ], [ -69.938, -10.926 ], [ -70.318, -11.066 ], [ -70.428, -11.033 ], [ -70.508, -10.94 ], [ -70.618, -11.007 ], [ -70.622, -9.847 ], [ -70.522, -9.738 ], [ -70.598, -9.574 ], [ -70.561, -9.579 ], [ -70.497, -9.433 ], [ -70.601, -9.453 ], [ -70.982, -9.812 ], [ -71.131, -9.862 ], [ -71.288, -9.996 ], [ -72.165, -10.002 ], [ -72.16, -9.818 ], [ -72.26, -9.755 ], [ -72.289, -9.536 ], [ -72.364, -9.491 ], [ -72.721, -9.417 ], [ -73.196, -9.418 ], [ -72.965, -9.154 ], [ -72.946, -8.99 ], [ -73.059, -8.904 ], [ -73.169, -8.701 ], [ -73.338, -8.609 ], [ -73.338, -8.476 ], [ -73.526, -8.369 ], [ -73.632, -8.022 ], [ -73.765, -7.94 ], [ -73.777, -7.869 ], [ -73.697, -7.865 ], [ -73.69, -7.79 ], [ -73.985, -7.543 ], [ -73.917, -7.461 ], [ -73.954, -7.348 ], [ -73.868, -7.377 ], [ -73.691, -7.313 ], [ -73.797, -7.115 ], [ -73.743, -6.897 ], [ -73.351, -6.561 ], [ -73.211, -6.53 ], [ -73.133, -6.421 ], [ -73.185, -6.04 ], [ -73.131, -5.986 ], [ -73.116, -5.865 ], [ -72.951, -5.643 ], [ -72.948, -5.454 ], [ -72.872, -5.25 ], [ -72.896, -5.136 ], [ -72.734, -5.043 ], [ -72.602, -5.056 ], [ -72.577, -4.992 ], [ -72.455, -4.962 ], [ -72.452, -4.906 ], [ -72.37, -4.88 ], [ -72.356, -4.803 ], [ -72.292, -4.799 ], [ -72.313, -4.769 ], [ -72.223, -4.78 ], [ -72.113, -4.722 ], [ -72.047, -4.625 ], [ -71.94, -4.607 ], [ -71.897, -4.512 ], [ -71.61, -4.465 ], [ -71.597, -4.525 ], [ -71.535, -4.46 ], [ -71.49, -4.479 ], [ -71.506, -4.435 ], [ -71.414, -4.432 ], [ -71.432, -4.469 ], [ -71.342, -4.423 ], [ -71.355, -4.468 ], [ -71.303, -4.458 ], [ -71.269, -4.381 ], [ -71.198, -4.377 ], [ -71.193, -4.42 ], [ -71.147, -4.375 ], [ -71.031, -4.397 ], [ -70.99, -4.34 ], [ -70.935, -4.381 ], [ -70.757, -4.152 ], [ -70.677, -4.2 ], [ -70.622, -4.121 ], [ -70.633, -4.173 ], [ -70.565, -4.168 ], [ -70.566, -4.205 ], [ -70.553, -4.128 ], [ -70.503, -4.19 ], [ -70.434, -4.125 ], [ -70.341, -4.174 ], [ -70.317, -4.136 ], [ -70.291, -4.283 ], [ -70.249, -4.267 ], [ -70.186, -4.357 ], [ -70.169, -4.27 ], [ -70.101, -4.255 ], [ -70.031, -4.339 ], [ -69.929, -4.213 ], [ -69.453, -1.478 ], [ -69.368, -1.334 ], [ -69.422, -0.998 ], [ -69.508, -0.936 ], [ -69.609, -0.755 ], [ -69.551, -0.648 ], [ -69.593, -0.517 ], [ -69.908, -0.316 ], [ -70.068, -0.135 ], [ -70.037, 0.553 ], [ -69.798, 0.585 ], [ -69.664, 0.672 ], [ -69.606, 0.623 ], [ -69.468, 0.734 ], [ -69.357, 0.621 ], [ -69.295, 0.648 ], [ -69.288, 0.609 ], [ -69.202, 0.602 ], [ -69.112, 0.643 ], [ -69.184, 0.73 ], [ -69.137, 0.868 ], [ -69.257, 1.026 ], [ -69.342, 1.064 ], [ -69.416, 1.024 ], [ -69.7, 1.056 ], [ -69.721, 1.097 ], [ -69.854, 1.07 ], [ -69.855, 1.715 ], [ -69.556, 1.775 ], [ -69.395, 1.726 ], [ -68.128, 1.73 ], [ -68.29, 1.841 ], [ -68.205, 2.038 ], [ -68.027, 1.784 ], [ -67.924, 1.751 ], [ -67.797, 1.812 ], [ -67.578, 2.076 ], [ -67.41, 2.141 ], [ -67.117, 1.732 ], [ -67.068, 1.532 ], [ -67.097, 1.17 ], [ -66.855, 1.228 ], [ -66.322, 0.738 ], [ -66.095, 0.754 ], [ -65.952, 0.81 ], [ -65.854, 0.939 ], [ -65.733, 1.005 ], [ -65.583, 1.008 ], [ -65.47, 0.877 ], [ -65.557, 0.705 ], [ -65.504, 0.627 ], [ -65.393, 0.699 ], [ -65.305, 0.916 ], [ -65.152, 0.943 ], [ -65.121, 1.115 ], [ -65.055, 1.144 ], [ -64.968, 1.112 ], [ -64.903, 1.249 ], [ -64.843, 1.237 ], [ -64.783, 1.313 ], [ -64.721, 1.25 ], [ -64.638, 1.286 ], [ -64.387, 1.527 ], [ -64.344, 1.528 ], [ -64.382, 1.419 ], [ -64.344, 1.38 ], [ -64.186, 1.494 ], [ -64.054, 1.708 ], [ -64.057, 1.933 ], [ -64.018, 1.967 ], [ -63.781, 1.989 ], [ -63.604, 2.124 ], [ -63.419, 2.154 ], [ -63.349, 2.281 ], [ -63.382, 2.442 ], [ -63.756, 2.403 ], [ -64.031, 2.509 ], [ -63.987, 2.772 ], [ -64.216, 3.153 ], [ -64.236, 3.476 ], [ -64.186, 3.634 ], [ -64.324, 3.797 ], [ -64.543, 3.882 ], [ -64.8, 4.224 ], [ -64.79, 4.329 ], [ -64.677, 4.297 ], [ -64.555, 4.153 ], [ -64.135, 4.176 ], [ -63.967, 3.93 ], [ -63.806, 4.019 ], [ -63.623, 4.01 ], [ -63.455, 3.91 ], [ -63.411, 4.026 ], [ -63.358, 4.04 ], [ -63.203, 3.952 ], [ -63.189, 3.872 ], [ -62.86, 3.584 ], [ -62.749, 3.642 ], [ -62.705, 3.724 ], [ -62.752, 4.012 ], [ -62.635, 4.056 ], [ -62.557, 4.02 ], [ -62.46, 4.173 ], [ -62.129, 4.084 ], [ -61.961, 4.18 ], [ -61.927, 4.106 ], [ -61.723, 4.262 ], [ -61.528, 4.273 ], [ -61.507, 4.398 ], [ -61.274, 4.471 ], [ -61.293, 4.55 ], [ -61.141, 4.508 ], [ -60.952, 4.549 ], [ -60.907, 4.708 ], [ -60.731, 4.777 ], [ -60.59, 4.951 ], [ -60.744, 5.209 ], [ -60.438, 5.177 ], [ -60.203, 5.265 ], [ -60.176, 5.227 ], [ -60.121, 5.243 ], [ -60.085, 5.149 ], [ -59.969, 5.073 ], [ -60.03, 4.704 ], [ -60.163, 4.521 ], [ -59.927, 4.509 ], [ -59.674, 4.382 ], [ -59.726, 4.191 ], [ -59.628, 4.138 ], [ -59.655, 4.078 ], [ -59.516, 3.94 ], [ -59.581, 3.901 ], [ -59.594, 3.796 ], [ -59.666, 3.777 ], [ -59.664, 3.703 ], [ -59.849, 3.601 ], [ -59.799, 3.355 ], [ -59.909, 3.197 ], [ -59.982, 2.929 ], [ -59.99, 2.683 ], [ -59.903, 2.479 ], [ -59.91, 2.388 ], [ -59.724, 2.277 ], [ -59.754, 1.861 ], [ -59.654, 1.849 ], [ -59.669, 1.764 ], [ -59.549, 1.729 ], [ -59.253, 1.397 ], [ -58.914, 1.299 ], [ -58.904, 1.234 ], [ -58.804, 1.175 ], [ -58.696, 1.288 ], [ -58.507, 1.264 ], [ -58.468, 1.318 ], [ -58.498, 1.458 ], [ -58.382, 1.471 ], [ -58.325, 1.59 ], [ -58.167, 1.558 ], [ -58.13, 1.501 ], [ -58.009, 1.501 ], [ -58, 1.665 ], [ -57.919, 1.645 ], [ -57.77, 1.718 ], [ -57.545, 1.701 ], [ -57.434, 1.895 ], [ -57.302, 1.99 ], [ -57.247, 1.944 ], [ -57.085, 2.021 ], [ -57.012, 1.918 ], [ -56.8, 1.864 ], [ -56.724, 1.92 ], [ -56.454, 1.945 ], [ -55.957, 1.844 ], [ -55.906, 1.889 ], [ -55.913, 2.041 ], [ -56.048, 2.226 ], [ -56.134, 2.263 ], [ -56.09, 2.352 ], [ -55.995, 2.405 ], [ -55.987, 2.517 ], [ -55.948, 2.532 ], [ -55.739, 2.401 ], [ -55.481, 2.443 ], [ -55.37, 2.407 ], [ -55.336, 2.516 ], [ -55.239, 2.495 ], [ -55.137, 2.575 ], [ -55.103, 2.522 ], [ -54.94, 2.632 ], [ -54.969, 2.555 ], [ -54.864, 2.439 ], [ -54.72, 2.469 ], [ -54.702, 2.336 ], [ -54.549, 2.336 ], [ -54.534, 2.268 ], [ -54.314, 2.158 ], [ -54.189, 2.179 ], [ -54.111, 2.127 ], [ -54.078, 2.197 ], [ -53.784, 2.364 ], [ -53.694, 2.287 ], [ -53.472, 2.332 ], [ -53.397, 2.272 ], [ -53.273, 2.292 ], [ -53.188, 2.223 ], [ -52.905, 2.19 ], [ -52.853, 2.285 ], [ -52.673, 2.374 ], [ -52.555, 2.523 ], [ -52.556, 2.646 ], [ -52.382, 2.912 ], [ -52.347, 3.134 ], [ -52.192, 3.296 ], [ -51.92, 3.781 ], [ -51.795, 3.89 ], [ -51.754, 3.996 ], [ -51.658, 4.049 ], [ -51.585, 4.241 ], [ -51.529, 4.171 ], [ -51.545, 4.397 ], [ -51.202, 4.084 ], [ -51.173, 3.767 ], [ -51.127, 3.911 ], [ -51.085, 3.895 ], [ -51.051, 3.283 ], [ -50.913, 2.875 ], [ -50.927, 2.807 ], [ -50.816, 2.644 ], [ -50.851, 2.482 ], [ -50.802, 2.508 ], [ -50.736, 2.414 ], [ -50.765, 2.359 ], [ -50.694, 2.276 ], [ -50.725, 2.252 ], [ -50.675, 2.247 ], [ -50.682, 2.137 ], [ -50.584, 2.091 ], [ -50.586, 2.014 ], [ -50.471, 1.82 ], [ -50.194, 1.794 ], [ -49.954, 1.676 ], [ -49.88, 1.419 ], [ -49.918, 1.289 ], [ -50.073, 1.204 ], [ -49.918, 1.232 ], [ -49.939, 1.103 ], [ -50.003, 1.066 ], [ -50.033, 1.107 ], [ -50.131, 0.949 ], [ -50.274, 0.866 ], [ -50.338, 0.729 ], [ -50.417, 0.685 ], [ -50.455, 0.732 ], [ -50.428, 0.679 ], [ -50.571, 0.424 ], [ -50.691, 0.3 ], [ -50.677, 0.365 ], [ -50.746, 0.227 ], [ -50.801, 0.224 ], [ -50.785, 0.183 ], [ -50.908, 0.171 ], [ -51.087, -0.043 ], [ -51.203, -0.055 ], [ -51.419, -0.412 ], [ -51.409, -0.44 ], [ -51.325, -0.364 ], [ -51.188, -0.14 ], [ -51.111, -0.154 ], [ -51.154, -0.284 ], [ -51.396, -0.493 ], [ -51.243, -0.443 ], [ -51.26, -0.5 ], [ -51.165, -0.431 ], [ -50.953, -0.061 ], [ -50.824, -0.048 ], [ -50.705, 0.002 ], [ -50.613, -0.088 ], [ -50.744, -0.244 ], [ -50.751, -0.429 ], [ -50.845, -0.526 ], [ -50.988, -0.583 ], [ -51.051, -0.682 ], [ -50.826, -0.555 ], [ -50.794, -0.666 ], [ -50.733, -0.557 ], [ -50.684, -0.604 ], [ -50.724, -0.493 ], [ -50.652, -0.276 ], [ -50.409, -0.094 ], [ -49.631, -0.247 ], [ -49.446, -0.23 ], [ -49.289, -0.145 ], [ -49.018, -0.16 ], [ -49, -0.139 ], [ -48.895, -0.224 ], [ -48.539, -0.234 ], [ -48.363, -0.303 ], [ -48.459, -0.513 ], [ -48.522, -0.877 ], [ -48.667, -1.002 ], [ -48.621, -1.005 ], [ -48.65, -1.048 ], [ -48.617, -1.053 ], [ -48.721, -1.137 ], [ -48.837, -1.452 ], [ -49.161, -1.575 ], [ -49.182, -1.623 ], [ -49.362, -1.604 ], [ -49.364, -1.642 ], [ -49.448, -1.637 ], [ -49.5, -1.738 ], [ -49.61, -1.718 ], [ -49.676, -1.78 ], [ -49.696, -1.757 ], [ -49.714, -1.76 ], [ -49.803, -1.822 ], [ -50.035, -1.717 ], [ -50.179, -1.787 ], [ -50.256, -1.776 ], [ -50.415, -1.841 ], [ -50.401, -1.935 ], [ -49.994, -1.819 ], [ -49.844, -1.905 ], [ -49.765, -1.898 ], [ -49.616, -1.79 ], [ -49.276, -1.706 ], [ -49.267, -1.778 ], [ -49.387, -1.977 ], [ -49.383, -2.159 ], [ -48.973, -1.594 ], [ -48.897, -1.573 ], [ -48.955, -1.712 ], [ -48.932, -1.75 ], [ -48.898, -1.743 ], [ -48.656, -1.371 ], [ -48.592, -1.429 ], [ -48.601, -1.306 ], [ -48.524, -1.338 ], [ -48.537, -1.467 ], [ -48.496, -1.553 ], [ -48.491, -1.502 ], [ -48.46, -1.533 ], [ -48.374, -1.511 ], [ -48.319, -1.478 ], [ -48.505, -1.471 ], [ -48.422, -1.168 ], [ -48.475, -1.144 ], [ -48.4, -1.066 ], [ -48.278, -1.111 ], [ -48.304, -0.948 ], [ -48.055, -0.668 ], [ -48.001, -0.731 ], [ -47.893, -0.553 ], [ -47.843, -0.616 ], [ -47.807, -0.547 ], [ -47.702, -0.54 ], [ -47.707, -0.59 ], [ -47.667, -0.569 ], [ -47.633, -0.608 ], [ -47.651, -0.694 ], [ -47.608, -0.684 ], [ -47.577, -0.573 ], [ -47.476, -0.757 ], [ -47.398, -0.76 ], [ -47.428, -0.693 ], [ -47.464, -0.687 ], [ -47.466, -0.594 ], [ -47.399, -0.594 ], [ -47.4, -0.645 ], [ -47.298, -0.589 ], [ -47.253, -0.668 ], [ -47.247, -0.623 ], [ -47.206, -0.633 ], [ -47.23, -0.719 ], [ -47.158, -0.678 ], [ -47.191, -0.754 ], [ -47.146, -0.764 ], [ -47.16, -0.815 ], [ -47.081, -0.661 ], [ -47.055, -0.868 ], [ -47.027, -0.784 ], [ -46.983, -0.806 ], [ -47.016, -0.752 ], [ -46.967, -0.694 ], [ -46.969, -0.78 ], [ -46.891, -0.869 ], [ -46.89, -0.789 ], [ -46.846, -0.799 ], [ -46.82, -0.71 ], [ -46.802, -0.877 ], [ -46.777, -0.905 ], [ -46.75, -0.826 ], [ -46.709, -0.86 ], [ -46.734, -0.944 ], [ -46.687, -0.831 ], [ -46.653, -0.882 ], [ -46.621, -0.818 ], [ -46.601, -0.917 ], [ -46.676, -0.965 ], [ -46.622, -0.987 ], [ -46.57, -0.947 ], [ -46.609, -1.03 ], [ -46.57, -0.988 ], [ -46.525, -1.027 ], [ -46.465, -1.007 ], [ -46.47, -1.044 ], [ -46.395, -1.037 ], [ -46.413, -1.084 ], [ -46.348, -0.982 ], [ -46.36, -1.011 ], [ -46.366, -1.031 ], [ -46.348, -1.079 ], [ -46.339, -1.015 ], [ -46.299, -1.05 ], [ -46.212, -0.946 ], [ -46.242, -0.921 ], [ -46.179, -0.914 ], [ -46.224, -1.053 ], [ -46.206, -1.1 ], [ -46.158, -1.014 ], [ -46.138, -1.032 ], [ -46.193, -1.143 ], [ -46.104, -1.067 ], [ -46.062, -1.133 ], [ -46.15, -1.258 ], [ -45.982, -1.071 ], [ -45.953, -1.147 ], [ -46, -1.151 ], [ -46, -1.199 ], [ -45.95, -1.159 ], [ -45.95, -1.207 ], [ -46, -1.209 ], [ -45.95, -1.25 ], [ -45.902, -1.134 ], [ -45.923, -1.214 ], [ -45.882, -1.167 ], [ -45.873, -1.211 ], [ -45.909, -1.261 ], [ -45.859, -1.231 ], [ -45.891, -1.293 ], [ -45.807, -1.176 ], [ -45.843, -1.301 ], [ -45.809, -1.328 ], [ -45.831, -1.298 ], [ -45.782, -1.278 ], [ -45.726, -1.135 ], [ -45.69, -1.452 ], [ -45.697, -1.38 ], [ -45.632, -1.371 ], [ -45.618, -1.279 ], [ -45.589, -1.329 ], [ -45.537, -1.273 ], [ -45.561, -1.343 ], [ -45.51, -1.352 ], [ -45.567, -1.404 ], [ -45.546, -1.432 ], [ -45.413, -1.296 ], [ -45.489, -1.473 ], [ -45.511, -1.458 ], [ -45.554, -1.503 ], [ -45.507, -1.471 ], [ -45.518, -1.516 ], [ -45.481, -1.495 ], [ -45.463, -1.548 ], [ -45.457, -1.457 ], [ -45.391, -1.434 ], [ -45.363, -1.325 ], [ -45.323, -1.319 ], [ -45.302, -1.424 ], [ -45.392, -1.485 ], [ -45.398, -1.503 ], [ -45.356, -1.487 ], [ -45.392, -1.553 ], [ -45.338, -1.572 ], [ -45.371, -1.722 ], [ -45.338, -1.753 ], [ -45.197, -1.688 ], [ -45.261, -1.607 ], [ -45.16, -1.475 ], [ -45.136, -1.521 ], [ -45.072, -1.435 ], [ -45.07, -1.485 ], [ -44.999, -1.504 ], [ -45.018, -1.547 ], [ -44.969, -1.549 ], [ -45.029, -1.583 ], [ -45.029, -1.602 ], [ -44.979, -1.607 ], [ -44.954, -1.498 ], [ -44.862, -1.426 ], [ -44.857, -1.498 ], [ -44.954, -1.605 ], [ -44.918, -1.649 ], [ -44.968, -1.662 ], [ -44.913, -1.657 ], [ -44.927, -1.62 ], [ -44.886, -1.609 ], [ -44.837, -1.65 ], [ -44.822, -1.591 ], [ -44.826, -1.637 ], [ -44.805, -1.609 ], [ -44.812, -1.665 ], [ -44.779, -1.735 ], [ -44.711, -1.728 ], [ -44.82, -1.819 ], [ -44.738, -1.791 ], [ -44.706, -1.819 ], [ -44.676, -1.808 ], [ -44.661, -1.727 ], [ -44.604, -1.749 ], [ -44.667, -1.849 ], [ -44.601, -1.858 ], [ -44.583, -1.817 ], [ -44.586, -1.873 ], [ -44.543, -1.833 ], [ -44.601, -1.909 ], [ -44.517, -1.907 ], [ -44.484, -2.002 ], [ -44.613, -2.037 ], [ -44.467, -2.017 ], [ -44.626, -2.151 ], [ -44.589, -2.159 ], [ -44.641, -2.232 ], [ -44.708, -2.23 ], [ -44.684, -2.275 ], [ -44.764, -2.265 ], [ -44.654, -2.294 ], [ -44.681, -2.354 ], [ -44.649, -2.373 ], [ -44.666, -2.329 ], [ -44.479, -2.137 ], [ -44.358, -2.335 ], [ -44.401, -2.416 ], [ -44.514, -2.384 ], [ -44.55, -2.4 ], [ -44.491, -2.415 ], [ -44.514, -2.448 ], [ -44.505, -2.476 ], [ -44.665, -2.608 ], [ -44.548, -2.542 ], [ -44.658, -2.781 ], [ -44.688, -2.924 ], [ -44.677, -3.019 ], [ -44.66, -3.02 ], [ -44.657, -3.018 ] ], [ [ -43.318, -2.361 ], [ -43.317, -2.363 ], [ -43.296, -2.363 ], [ -43.318, -2.361 ] ], [ [ -42.438, -2.747 ], [ -42.442, -2.749 ], [ -42.438, -2.75 ], [ -42.438, -2.747 ] ], [ [ -42.442, -2.749 ], [ -42.47, -2.744 ], [ -42.447, -2.753 ], [ -42.442, -2.749 ] ], [ [ -50.851, 2.482 ], [ -50.853, 2.481 ], [ -50.853, 2.48 ], [ -50.851, 2.482 ] ], [ [ -50.853, 2.481 ], [ -50.86, 2.495 ], [ -50.86, 2.477 ], [ -50.853, 2.481 ] ], [ [ -49.976, 1.659 ], [ -49.98, 1.659 ], [ -50, 1.639 ], [ -49.976, 1.659 ] ], [ [ -45.392, -1.553 ], [ -45.393, -1.553 ], [ -45.394, -1.556 ], [ -45.392, -1.553 ] ], [ [ -45.394, -1.556 ], [ -45.406, -1.579 ], [ -45.403, -1.591 ], [ -45.394, -1.556 ] ], [ [ -44.837, -1.65 ], [ -44.834, -1.655 ], [ -44.833, -1.654 ], [ -44.837, -1.65 ] ], [ [ -44.834, -1.655 ], [ -44.841, -1.675 ], [ -44.822, -1.672 ], [ -44.834, -1.655 ] ], [ [ -44.779, -1.735 ], [ -44.777, -1.741 ], [ -44.776, -1.74 ], [ -44.779, -1.735 ] ], [ [ -44.777, -1.741 ], [ -44.833, -1.77 ], [ -44.774, -1.75 ], [ -44.777, -1.741 ] ], [ [ -44.547, -2.22 ], [ -44.536, -2.225 ], [ -44.543, -2.219 ], [ -44.547, -2.22 ] ], [ [ -44.536, -2.225 ], [ -44.507, -2.249 ], [ -44.512, -2.235 ], [ -44.536, -2.225 ] ], [ [ -44.507, -2.249 ], [ -44.504, -2.256 ], [ -44.501, -2.254 ], [ -44.507, -2.249 ] ], [ [ -44.504, -2.256 ], [ -44.514, -2.268 ], [ -44.502, -2.26 ], [ -44.504, -2.256 ] ] ], [ [ [ -29.34, -20.484 ], [ -29.301, -20.521 ], [ -29.341, -20.511 ], [ -29.34, -20.484 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.001, -13.94 ], [ -39.012, -13.915 ], [ -38.994, -13.896 ], [ -39.001, -13.94 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.043, -13.909 ], [ -39.059, -13.904 ], [ -39.054, -13.886 ], [ -39.028, -13.903 ], [ -39.043, -13.909 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.251, -18.015 ], [ -39.283, -18.005 ], [ -39.272, -17.982 ], [ -39.245, -18.006 ], [ -39.251, -18.015 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.131, -17.927 ], [ -39.154, -17.921 ], [ -39.137, -17.91 ], [ -39.131, -17.927 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.212, -17.986 ], [ -39.228, -17.979 ], [ -39.215, -17.944 ], [ -39.202, -17.95 ], [ -39.212, -17.986 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.341, -23.231 ], [ -44.372, -23.174 ], [ -44.232, -23.089 ], [ -44.087, -23.173 ], [ -44.3, -23.184 ], [ -44.341, -23.231 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.356, -23.073 ], [ -44.388, -23.048 ], [ -44.373, -23.033 ], [ -44.343, -23.041 ], [ -44.356, -23.073 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.929, -23.014 ], [ -43.936, -22.999 ], [ -43.916, -22.989 ], [ -43.929, -23.014 ] ] ], [ [ [ -42.002, -23.018 ], [ -42.015, -23.003 ], [ -41.98, -22.975 ], [ -41.975, -22.992 ], [ -42.002, -23.018 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.904, -22.962 ], [ -43.907, -22.936 ], [ -43.868, -22.926 ], [ -43.871, -22.95 ], [ -43.904, -22.962 ] ] ], [ [ [ -41.042, -21.613 ], [ -41.042, -21.6 ], [ -41.019, -21.606 ], [ -41.042, -21.613 ] ] ], [ [ [ -52.112, -32 ], [ -52.18, -32.035 ], [ -52.216, -32.025 ], [ -52.198, -31.978 ], [ -52.112, -32 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.641, -30.388 ], [ -50.629, -30.394 ], [ -50.624, -30.329 ], [ -50.592, -30.399 ], [ -50.609, -30.406 ], [ -50.641, -30.388 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.526, -27.462 ], [ -48.416, -27.38 ], [ -48.358, -27.446 ], [ -48.503, -27.799 ], [ -48.559, -27.842 ], [ -48.526, -27.462 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.354, -27.296 ], [ -48.376, -27.285 ], [ -48.373, -27.271 ], [ -48.36, -27.27 ], [ -48.354, -27.296 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.731, -26.314 ], [ -48.754, -26.297 ], [ -48.735, -26.282 ], [ -48.731, -26.314 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.318, -25.584 ], [ -48.309, -25.546 ], [ -48.381, -25.504 ], [ -48.312, -25.509 ], [ -48.292, -25.545 ], [ -48.318, -25.584 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.414, -25.544 ], [ -48.459, -25.514 ], [ -48.415, -25.527 ], [ -48.414, -25.544 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.424, -25.551 ], [ -48.479, -25.523 ], [ -48.485, -25.502 ], [ -48.424, -25.551 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.298, -25.493 ], [ -48.341, -25.416 ], [ -48.252, -25.341 ], [ -48.265, -25.44 ], [ -48.253, -25.466 ], [ -48.298, -25.493 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.417, -25.386 ], [ -48.424, -25.343 ], [ -48.405, -25.33 ], [ -48.417, -25.386 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.695, -24.112 ], [ -45.688, -24.088 ], [ -45.679, -24.098 ], [ -45.695, -24.112 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.251, -23.962 ], [ -45.301, -23.909 ], [ -45.453, -23.91 ], [ -45.332, -23.721 ], [ -45.227, -23.774 ], [ -45.224, -23.835 ], [ -45.283, -23.857 ], [ -45.221, -23.899 ], [ -45.251, -23.962 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.141, -23.817 ], [ -45.146, -23.791 ], [ -45.114, -23.801 ], [ -45.141, -23.817 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.153, -23.573 ], [ -45.153, -23.558 ], [ -45.141, -23.568 ], [ -45.153, -23.573 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.073, -23.564 ], [ -45.079, -23.525 ], [ -45.036, -23.531 ], [ -45.073, -23.564 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.608, -23.228 ], [ -44.59, -23.208 ], [ -44.577, -23.216 ], [ -44.608, -23.228 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.648, -12.821 ], [ -38.666, -12.777 ], [ -38.624, -12.762 ], [ -38.648, -12.821 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.529, -12.811 ], [ -38.544, -12.757 ], [ -38.532, -12.74 ], [ -38.508, -12.792 ], [ -38.529, -12.811 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.622, -12.752 ], [ -38.622, -12.727 ], [ -38.593, -12.733 ], [ -38.622, -12.752 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.646, -12.683 ], [ -38.648, -12.65 ], [ -38.636, -12.661 ], [ -38.646, -12.683 ] ] ], [ [ [ -32.402, -3.838 ], [ -32.428, -3.877 ], [ -32.483, -3.878 ], [ -32.402, -3.838 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.667, -3.179 ], [ -44.668, -3.16 ], [ -44.643, -3.148 ], [ -44.644, -3.17 ], [ -44.667, -3.179 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.671, -2.943 ], [ -44.67, -2.92 ], [ -44.647, -2.915 ], [ -44.671, -2.943 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.493, -2.641 ], [ -44.48, -2.601 ], [ -44.477, -2.627 ], [ -44.493, -2.641 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.897, -2.573 ], [ -43.896, -2.554 ], [ -43.886, -2.565 ], [ -43.897, -2.573 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.599, -2.503 ], [ -43.577, -2.471 ], [ -43.572, -2.483 ], [ -43.599, -2.503 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.822, -2.526 ], [ -43.829, -2.509 ], [ -43.813, -2.458 ], [ -43.812, -2.553 ], [ -43.82, -2.528 ], [ -43.822, -2.526 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.821, -2.529 ], [ -43.856, -2.502 ], [ -43.832, -2.439 ], [ -43.842, -2.504 ], [ -43.821, -2.529 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.863, -2.56 ], [ -43.875, -2.552 ], [ -43.865, -2.534 ], [ -43.863, -2.56 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.519, -2.536 ], [ -44.529, -2.526 ], [ -44.501, -2.48 ], [ -44.505, -2.444 ], [ -44.455, -2.434 ], [ -44.519, -2.536 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.602, -3.007 ], [ -44.657, -2.972 ], [ -44.613, -2.894 ], [ -44.575, -2.921 ], [ -44.602, -3.007 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.585, -2.978 ], [ -44.563, -2.914 ], [ -44.586, -2.826 ], [ -44.494, -2.705 ], [ -44.494, -2.953 ], [ -44.582, -3.041 ], [ -44.585, -2.978 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.826, -2.434 ], [ -43.842, -2.403 ], [ -43.811, -2.385 ], [ -43.807, -2.412 ], [ -43.826, -2.434 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.581, -2.441 ], [ -43.615, -2.389 ], [ -43.549, -2.377 ], [ -43.545, -2.403 ], [ -43.581, -2.441 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.791, -2.47 ], [ -43.806, -2.443 ], [ -43.78, -2.422 ], [ -43.759, -2.448 ], [ -43.791, -2.47 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.513, -2.424 ], [ -43.537, -2.416 ], [ -43.522, -2.39 ], [ -43.505, -2.414 ], [ -43.513, -2.424 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.792, -2.405 ], [ -43.798, -2.377 ], [ -43.771, -2.37 ], [ -43.792, -2.405 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.689, -2.355 ], [ -43.743, -2.352 ], [ -43.724, -2.305 ], [ -43.617, -2.253 ], [ -43.612, -2.275 ], [ -43.669, -2.301 ], [ -43.689, -2.355 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.73, -2.425 ], [ -43.732, -2.364 ], [ -43.67, -2.377 ], [ -43.681, -2.34 ], [ -43.63, -2.324 ], [ -43.643, -2.394 ], [ -43.73, -2.425 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.473, -2.125 ], [ -44.487, -2.113 ], [ -44.475, -2.096 ], [ -44.463, -2.104 ], [ -44.473, -2.125 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.456, -2.031 ], [ -44.447, -2.008 ], [ -44.439, -2.022 ], [ -44.456, -2.031 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.311, -1.964 ], [ -49.336, -1.996 ], [ -49.309, -1.943 ], [ -49.311, -1.964 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.323, -2.054 ], [ -49.329, -2.019 ], [ -49.316, -2.001 ], [ -49.323, -2.054 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.231, -1.829 ], [ -50.246, -1.824 ], [ -50.229, -1.816 ], [ -50.231, -1.829 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.615, -1.821 ], [ -44.622, -1.797 ], [ -44.597, -1.774 ], [ -44.583, -1.789 ], [ -44.615, -1.821 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.7, -1.811 ], [ -44.703, -1.78 ], [ -44.673, -1.78 ], [ -44.7, -1.811 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.691, -1.793 ], [ -49.721, -1.789 ], [ -49.719, -1.771 ], [ -49.697, -1.766 ], [ -49.691, -1.793 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.924, -1.711 ], [ -48.909, -1.713 ], [ -48.916, -1.734 ], [ -48.935, -1.713 ], [ -48.924, -1.711 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.757, -1.707 ], [ -44.767, -1.694 ], [ -44.736, -1.701 ], [ -44.757, -1.707 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.433, -1.684 ], [ -49.454, -1.706 ], [ -49.46, -1.684 ], [ -49.433, -1.684 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.357, -1.008 ], [ -46.342, -0.994 ], [ -46.353, -1.026 ], [ -46.357, -1.008 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.205, -1.021 ], [ -46.194, -1.014 ], [ -46.202, -1.032 ], [ -46.205, -1.021 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.662, -3.018 ], [ -44.673, -3.012 ], [ -44.664, -3.001 ], [ -44.649, -3.013 ], [ -44.662, -3.018 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.736, -1.683 ], [ -44.745, -1.677 ], [ -44.732, -1.668 ], [ -44.736, -1.683 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.231, -1.638 ], [ -49.237, -1.627 ], [ -49.217, -1.633 ], [ -49.231, -1.638 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.38, -1.685 ], [ -49.4, -1.682 ], [ -49.368, -1.669 ], [ -49.38, -1.685 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.426, -1.673 ], [ -49.429, -1.661 ], [ -49.406, -1.66 ], [ -49.426, -1.673 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.34, -1.672 ], [ -49.358, -1.662 ], [ -49.325, -1.647 ], [ -49.34, -1.672 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.289, -1.726 ], [ -45.305, -1.663 ], [ -45.257, -1.641 ], [ -45.244, -1.678 ], [ -45.28, -1.694 ], [ -45.289, -1.726 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.328, -1.743 ], [ -45.346, -1.719 ], [ -45.301, -1.596 ], [ -45.274, -1.635 ], [ -45.313, -1.654 ], [ -45.328, -1.743 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.886, -1.578 ], [ -48.89, -1.56 ], [ -48.859, -1.536 ], [ -48.856, -1.553 ], [ -48.886, -1.578 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.783, -1.682 ], [ -44.8, -1.595 ], [ -44.775, -1.62 ], [ -44.721, -1.567 ], [ -44.704, -1.611 ], [ -44.684, -1.575 ], [ -44.668, -1.669 ], [ -44.693, -1.638 ], [ -44.783, -1.682 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.816, -1.569 ], [ -44.837, -1.534 ], [ -44.787, -1.488 ], [ -44.825, -1.534 ], [ -44.816, -1.569 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.462, -1.517 ], [ -48.478, -1.499 ], [ -48.421, -1.503 ], [ -48.462, -1.517 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.793, -1.531 ], [ -44.774, -1.47 ], [ -44.763, -1.513 ], [ -44.793, -1.531 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.414, -1.427 ], [ -45.423, -1.416 ], [ -45.409, -1.405 ], [ -45.414, -1.427 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45, -1.296 ], [ -44.922, -1.265 ], [ -44.877, -1.309 ], [ -44.895, -1.34 ], [ -44.922, -1.305 ], [ -44.907, -1.341 ], [ -44.999, -1.405 ], [ -45.033, -1.339 ], [ -45, -1.32 ], [ -44.995, -1.36 ], [ -45, -1.296 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.044, -1.402 ], [ -45.07, -1.33 ], [ -45.052, -1.342 ], [ -45.044, -1.402 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.333, -1.569 ], [ -45.371, -1.544 ], [ -45.347, -1.489 ], [ -45.313, -1.506 ], [ -45.333, -1.569 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.969, -1.522 ], [ -44.976, -1.493 ], [ -44.959, -1.483 ], [ -44.969, -1.522 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.393, -1.512 ], [ -48.371, -1.476 ], [ -48.341, -1.483 ], [ -48.393, -1.512 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.413, -1.498 ], [ -48.426, -1.491 ], [ -48.387, -1.476 ], [ -48.413, -1.498 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.118, -1.47 ], [ -45.132, -1.462 ], [ -45.115, -1.364 ], [ -45.103, -1.373 ], [ -45.118, -1.47 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.593, -1.251 ], [ -45.581, -1.19 ], [ -45.536, -1.205 ], [ -45.532, -1.231 ], [ -45.593, -1.251 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.559, -1.243 ], [ -48.56, -1.202 ], [ -48.523, -1.199 ], [ -48.559, -1.243 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.817, -1.163 ], [ -45.829, -1.141 ], [ -45.804, -1.127 ], [ -45.817, -1.163 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.877, -1.154 ], [ -45.9, -1.117 ], [ -45.883, -1.073 ], [ -45.849, -1.123 ], [ -45.877, -1.154 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.192, -1.05 ], [ -46.201, -1.041 ], [ -46.185, -1.027 ], [ -46.192, -1.05 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.291, -1.01 ], [ -46.307, -0.992 ], [ -46.306, -0.961 ], [ -46.291, -1.01 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.078, -1.095 ], [ -46.065, -1.05 ], [ -46.061, -1.074 ], [ -46.078, -1.095 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.68, -1.295 ], [ -45.687, -1.275 ], [ -45.667, -1.26 ], [ -45.654, -1.285 ], [ -45.68, -1.295 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.538, -1.282 ], [ -48.549, -1.262 ], [ -48.53, -1.25 ], [ -48.538, -1.282 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.51, -1.27 ], [ -48.522, -1.247 ], [ -48.506, -1.236 ], [ -48.51, -1.27 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.694, -1.37 ], [ -45.646, -1.289 ], [ -45.625, -1.126 ], [ -45.634, -1.349 ], [ -45.694, -1.37 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.688, -1.266 ], [ -45.708, -1.228 ], [ -45.685, -1.194 ], [ -45.664, -1.231 ], [ -45.688, -1.266 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.425, -0.914 ], [ -46.454, -0.907 ], [ -46.408, -0.868 ], [ -46.395, -0.899 ], [ -46.425, -0.914 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.72, -0.848 ], [ -46.735, -0.832 ], [ -46.729, -0.796 ], [ -46.72, -0.848 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.611, -0.799 ], [ -46.622, -0.784 ], [ -46.601, -0.789 ], [ -46.611, -0.799 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.586, -0.849 ], [ -46.621, -0.807 ], [ -46.589, -0.815 ], [ -46.586, -0.849 ] ] ], [ [ [ -47.447, -0.748 ], [ -47.453, -0.732 ], [ -47.436, -0.717 ], [ -47.428, -0.738 ], [ -47.447, -0.748 ] ] ], [ [ [ -47.461, -0.741 ], [ -47.463, -0.702 ], [ -47.445, -0.697 ], [ -47.461, -0.741 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.214, -0.411 ], [ -51.211, -0.386 ], [ -51.164, -0.347 ], [ -51.163, -0.383 ], [ -51.214, -0.411 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.352, -0.353 ], [ -51.346, -0.31 ], [ -51.317, -0.268 ], [ -51.327, -0.33 ], [ -51.352, -0.353 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.127, -0.268 ], [ -51.131, -0.237 ], [ -51.091, -0.208 ], [ -51.087, -0.229 ], [ -51.127, -0.268 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.888, -0.198 ], [ -48.91, -0.188 ], [ -48.893, -0.134 ], [ -48.847, -0.177 ], [ -48.888, -0.198 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.174, -0.091 ], [ -51.191, -0.064 ], [ -51.126, -0.057 ], [ -51.174, -0.091 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.114, -0.146 ], [ -49.097, -0.121 ], [ -49.08, -0.13 ], [ -49.114, -0.146 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.166, -0.142 ], [ -49.188, -0.115 ], [ -49.156, -0.128 ], [ -49.166, -0.142 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.119, -0.141 ], [ -49.143, -0.107 ], [ -49.114, -0.11 ], [ -49.119, -0.141 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.127, -0.128 ], [ -51.094, -0.103 ], [ -51.108, -0.127 ], [ -51.127, -0.128 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.414, -0.999 ], [ -46.384, -0.941 ], [ -46.367, -0.948 ], [ -46.414, -0.999 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.647, -0.97 ], [ -46.658, -0.968 ], [ -46.618, -0.957 ], [ -46.647, -0.97 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.488, -0.942 ], [ -46.465, -0.877 ], [ -46.464, -0.924 ], [ -46.44, -0.922 ], [ -46.482, -0.976 ], [ -46.441, -0.999 ], [ -46.525, -1.016 ], [ -46.527, -0.917 ], [ -46.509, -0.984 ], [ -46.488, -0.942 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.632, 0.159 ], [ -49.662, 0.184 ], [ -49.629, 0.202 ], [ -49.61, 0.181 ], [ -49.632, 0.159 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.641, 0.26 ], [ -50.63, 0.293 ], [ -50.586, 0.308 ], [ -50.641, 0.26 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.2, 0.255 ], [ -50.243, 0.248 ], [ -50.147, 0.337 ], [ -50.059, 0.346 ], [ -50.2, 0.255 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.417, 0.159 ], [ -50.535, 0.234 ], [ -50.36, 0.615 ], [ -50.328, 0.383 ], [ -50.285, 0.3 ], [ -50.413, 0.237 ], [ -50.417, 0.159 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.279, 0.338 ], [ -50.271, 0.599 ], [ -50.147, 0.608 ], [ -50.142, 0.576 ], [ -50.107, 0.636 ], [ -50.063, 0.623 ], [ -50.05, 0.518 ], [ -50.279, 0.338 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50, 0.943 ], [ -50.113, 0.907 ], [ -50.018, 1.034 ], [ -49.935, 1.069 ], [ -49.939, 0.996 ], [ -50, 0.943 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.881, 1.227 ], [ -49.909, 1.246 ], [ -49.886, 1.244 ], [ -49.881, 1.227 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.907, 1.278 ], [ -49.885, 1.291 ], [ -49.863, 1.278 ], [ -49.876, 1.252 ], [ -49.907, 1.278 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.204, 1.851 ], [ -50.232, 1.879 ], [ -50.22, 1.915 ], [ -50.169, 1.865 ], [ -50.204, 1.851 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.468, 1.954 ], [ -50.521, 2.026 ], [ -50.497, 2.139 ], [ -50.398, 2.167 ], [ -50.367, 2.19 ], [ -50.276, 1.939 ], [ -50.423, 1.849 ], [ -50.468, 1.954 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.504, 2.255 ], [ -50.414, 2.244 ], [ -50.382, 2.204 ], [ -50.489, 2.15 ], [ -50.564, 2.205 ], [ -50.504, 2.255 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.229, 0.832 ], [ -50.098, 0.839 ], [ -50.027, 0.898 ], [ -50.105, 0.757 ], [ -50.162, 0.775 ], [ -50.249, 0.72 ], [ -50.229, 0.832 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.131, 0.844 ], [ -50.162, 0.867 ], [ -50.132, 0.9 ], [ -50.119, 0.854 ], [ -50.131, 0.844 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.108, 0.85 ], [ -50.111, 0.891 ], [ -50.049, 0.886 ], [ -50.108, 0.85 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.216, -0.055 ], [ -50.235, -0.042 ], [ -50.219, -0.04 ], [ -50.216, -0.055 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.916, -0.052 ], [ -50.926, -0.047 ], [ -50.907, -0.043 ], [ -50.916, -0.052 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.605, -0.061 ], [ -50.618, -0.022 ], [ -50.559, -0.038 ], [ -50.605, -0.061 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.399, -0.061 ], [ -50.44, -0.057 ], [ -50.378, -0.015 ], [ -50.357, -0.049 ], [ -50.399, -0.061 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.75, 0 ], [ -49.609, 0.08 ], [ -49.474, 0.081 ], [ -49.338, -0.017 ], [ -49.487, -0.136 ], [ -49.723, -0.147 ], [ -49.835, -0.088 ], [ -49.75, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.023, -0.019 ], [ -49.039, -0.011 ], [ -49.02, -0.006 ], [ -49.023, -0.019 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.932, 0.052 ], [ -50.918, 0.084 ], [ -50.884, 0.078 ], [ -50.899, 0.057 ], [ -50.932, 0.052 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.928, 0 ], [ -50.786, 0.05 ], [ -50.717, 0.028 ], [ -50.94, -0.041 ], [ -50.928, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.691, 0.025 ], [ -50.655, 0.015 ], [ -50.703, 0.021 ], [ -50.691, 0.025 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.629, -0.043 ], [ -50.642, -0.016 ], [ -50.622, -0.026 ], [ -50.629, -0.043 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.642, 0 ], [ -50.611, 0.007 ], [ -50.595, -0.019 ], [ -50.642, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.536, 0 ], [ -50.653, 0.126 ], [ -50.59, 0.203 ], [ -50.434, 0.126 ], [ -50.436, 0 ], [ -50.536, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50, 0.311 ], [ -49.674, 0.368 ], [ -49.601, 0.283 ], [ -49.86, 0.008 ], [ -49.99, -0.048 ], [ -50.086, 0.034 ], [ -50.351, 0.044 ], [ -50.394, 0.222 ], [ -50.153, 0.227 ], [ -50, 0.311 ] ] ] ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "La costa de lo que hoy es territorio brasileño fue el primer punto al \nque llegaron los europeos en América del Sur. La primera expedición que \nexploró la región fue un desprendimiento de la flota portuguesa que \nVasco da Gama (c. 1460-1524) llevaba hacia oriente. Las naves dirigidas \npor Pedro Álvarez de Cabral (1467-1520) se alejaron excesivamente de la \ncosta de África y terminaron en el extremo sur de actual territorio del \nEstado de Bahía, en que el permanecieron entre abril y mayo del año \n1500. Los portuguese establecieron en la costa precarias feitorias para \ncomerciar verzino o palo brasil con los nativos de las sociedades tupí y\n guaraní nativas. Recién en 1530 la corona brasileña tomaría acciones \ndecididas para organizar la ocupación portuguesa y las actividades de \nexplotación, cuando instaura el régimen de capitanías hereditarias que \nestructuraría el establecimiento colonial lusitano en brasil. \nBibliografía: Johnson, H. B., \"Portuguese Settlement, 1500-1580\", en \nBethell, Leslie (ed.), Colonial Brazil, Cambridge, Cambridge University \nPress, 1987, pp. 1-38; Abulafia, David, El descubrimiento de la \nhumanidad. Encuentros atlánticos en la era de Colón, Barcelona, Crítica,\n 2009 [2008]; Metcalf, Alida C., Go-Betweens and the Colonization of \nBrazil, 1500-1600, Austin, University of Texas Press, 2005; Vaz de \nCaminha, Pêro, Carta del descubrimiento del Brasil, Barcelona, \nAcantilado, 2009.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-19T00:00:49+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 8086, "end" : 8092 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Brasil" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/f5f36959-9b55-46cb-9561-b803e46c5802", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://sws.geonames.org/3469034", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-19T00:00:49+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-19T00:00:49+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "MultiPolygon", "coordinates" : [ [ [ [ -44.657, -3.018 ], [ -44.608, -3.041 ], [ -44.72, -3.18 ], [ -44.793, -3.198 ], [ -44.779, -3.312 ], [ -44.736, -3.302 ], [ -44.763, -3.225 ], [ -44.653, -3.196 ], [ -44.431, -2.945 ], [ -44.367, -2.643 ], [ -44.362, -2.726 ], [ -44.355, -2.605 ], [ -44.378, -2.566 ], [ -44.345, -2.528 ], [ -44.29, -2.573 ], [ -44.306, -2.487 ], [ -44.02, -2.403 ], [ -44.03, -2.457 ], [ -44.108, -2.468 ], [ -44.035, -2.518 ], [ -44.131, -2.596 ], [ -44.147, -2.681 ], [ -44.219, -2.67 ], [ -44.209, -2.716 ], [ -44.345, -2.791 ], [ -44.347, -2.838 ], [ -44.315, -2.788 ], [ -44.3, -2.843 ], [ -44.266, -2.777 ], [ -44.225, -2.806 ], [ -44.184, -2.766 ], [ -44.208, -2.857 ], [ -44.111, -2.749 ], [ -44.072, -2.811 ], [ -44.05, -2.685 ], [ -43.981, -2.619 ], [ -43.946, -2.641 ], [ -43.933, -2.553 ], [ -43.883, -2.649 ], [ -43.887, -2.578 ], [ -43.803, -2.56 ], [ -43.76, -2.513 ], [ -43.754, -2.556 ], [ -43.729, -2.481 ], [ -43.727, -2.569 ], [ -43.654, -2.556 ], [ -43.682, -2.534 ], [ -43.653, -2.488 ], [ -43.608, -2.593 ], [ -43.603, -2.518 ], [ -43.548, -2.528 ], [ -43.519, -2.445 ], [ -43.498, -2.55 ], [ -43.46, -2.507 ], [ -43.458, -2.596 ], [ -43.401, -2.552 ], [ -43.448, -2.538 ], [ -43.462, -2.427 ], [ -43.359, -2.44 ], [ -43.479, -2.376 ], [ -43.378, -2.329 ], [ -43.4, -2.353 ], [ -43.232, -2.362 ], [ -42.692, -2.596 ], [ -42.709, -2.56 ], [ -42.572, -2.68 ], [ -42.495, -2.689 ], [ -42.503, -2.727 ], [ -42.393, -2.751 ], [ -42.475, -2.706 ], [ -42.375, -2.717 ], [ -42.228, -2.818 ], [ -42.143, -2.808 ], [ -42.256, -2.735 ], [ -42.233, -2.674 ], [ -42.208, -2.712 ], [ -42.098, -2.768 ], [ -42.099, -2.809 ], [ -42.096, -2.747 ], [ -42.216, -2.687 ], [ -42.054, -2.691 ], [ -42.023, -2.775 ], [ -42.017, -2.718 ], [ -41.818, -2.723 ], [ -41.844, -2.773 ], [ -41.797, -2.751 ], [ -41.656, -2.884 ], [ -41.437, -2.939 ], [ -41.395, -2.906 ], [ -41.316, -2.943 ], [ -41.263, -2.887 ], [ -40.838, -2.895 ], [ -40.572, -2.844 ], [ -40.499, -2.787 ], [ -39.888, -2.886 ], [ -39.244, -3.229 ], [ -39.083, -3.394 ], [ -38.978, -3.407 ], [ -38.641, -3.687 ], [ -38.473, -3.7 ], [ -38.377, -3.866 ], [ -38.043, -4.214 ], [ -37.764, -4.399 ], [ -37.588, -4.624 ], [ -37.323, -4.698 ], [ -37.15, -4.943 ], [ -36.958, -4.919 ], [ -36.666, -5.108 ], [ -36.504, -5.061 ], [ -36.297, -5.106 ], [ -35.956, -5.045 ], [ -35.612, -5.11 ], [ -35.385, -5.255 ], [ -35.255, -5.483 ], [ -35.099, -6.169 ], [ -34.983, -6.396 ], [ -34.933, -6.753 ], [ -34.79, -7.159 ], [ -34.842, -7.564 ], [ -34.809, -7.622 ], [ -34.845, -7.69 ], [ -34.827, -8.004 ], [ -35.136, -8.895 ], [ -35.332, -9.237 ], [ -35.689, -9.668 ], [ -35.78, -9.706 ], [ -36.056, -10.083 ], [ -36.266, -10.256 ], [ -36.402, -10.506 ], [ -36.602, -10.567 ], [ -36.934, -10.826 ], [ -37.36, -11.428 ], [ -37.612, -11.979 ], [ -37.996, -12.578 ], [ -38.318, -12.934 ], [ -38.477, -13.022 ], [ -38.532, -13.017 ], [ -38.473, -12.913 ], [ -38.498, -12.722 ], [ -38.603, -12.728 ], [ -38.646, -12.622 ], [ -38.681, -12.661 ], [ -38.718, -12.627 ], [ -38.804, -12.835 ], [ -38.717, -12.873 ], [ -38.769, -12.995 ], [ -38.721, -13.021 ], [ -38.66, -12.963 ], [ -38.686, -12.878 ], [ -38.59, -12.972 ], [ -38.766, -13.129 ], [ -38.807, -13.1 ], [ -38.808, -13.154 ], [ -38.944, -13.243 ], [ -38.973, -13.391 ], [ -38.902, -13.384 ], [ -38.886, -13.45 ], [ -38.95, -13.577 ], [ -38.886, -13.659 ], [ -38.968, -13.67 ], [ -39.006, -13.891 ], [ -39.064, -13.865 ], [ -39.075, -13.887 ], [ -38.986, -13.998 ], [ -38.952, -13.986 ], [ -38.982, -13.912 ], [ -38.938, -13.886 ], [ -38.922, -13.92 ], [ -39.061, -14.716 ], [ -38.962, -15.585 ], [ -38.857, -15.86 ], [ -38.973, -16.211 ], [ -39.032, -16.26 ], [ -39.01, -16.369 ], [ -39.078, -16.454 ], [ -39.143, -16.762 ], [ -39.113, -16.896 ], [ -39.212, -17.155 ], [ -39.193, -17.602 ], [ -39.135, -17.691 ], [ -39.264, -17.869 ], [ -39.435, -17.943 ], [ -39.563, -18.091 ], [ -39.721, -18.493 ], [ -39.749, -18.81 ], [ -39.692, -19.353 ], [ -39.805, -19.65 ], [ -39.951, -19.717 ], [ -40.151, -19.956 ], [ -40.236, -20.285 ], [ -40.353, -20.32 ], [ -40.329, -20.236 ], [ -40.359, -20.291 ], [ -40.365, -20.317 ], [ -40.35, -20.328 ], [ -40.268, -20.327 ], [ -40.402, -20.606 ], [ -40.466, -20.624 ], [ -40.627, -20.845 ], [ -40.65, -20.813 ], [ -40.756, -20.866 ], [ -40.853, -21.133 ], [ -40.955, -21.251 ], [ -40.96, -21.364 ], [ -41.065, -21.495 ], [ -41.051, -21.608 ], [ -41.038, -21.622 ], [ -41.007, -21.618 ], [ -40.99, -22.014 ], [ -41.229, -22.151 ], [ -41.668, -22.294 ], [ -41.962, -22.538 ], [ -41.986, -22.713 ], [ -41.919, -22.774 ], [ -41.864, -22.759 ], [ -42.023, -22.896 ], [ -42.037, -22.94 ], [ -41.99, -22.964 ], [ -42.018, -22.998 ], [ -42.086, -22.957 ], [ -42.529, -22.934 ], [ -43.05, -22.982 ], [ -43.132, -22.941 ], [ -43.025, -22.741 ], [ -43.084, -22.68 ], [ -43.216, -22.725 ], [ -43.287, -22.806 ], [ -43.24, -22.847 ], [ -43.249, -22.797 ], [ -43.156, -22.784 ], [ -43.247, -22.882 ], [ -43.164, -22.899 ], [ -43.187, -22.995 ], [ -43.344, -22.983 ], [ -43.303, -23.02 ], [ -43.549, -23.081 ], [ -44.001, -23.1 ], [ -43.961, -23.042 ], [ -43.877, -23.067 ], [ -43.909, -23.02 ], [ -43.807, -23.063 ], [ -43.555, -23.055 ], [ -43.84, -22.906 ], [ -43.985, -22.937 ], [ -44.034, -23.014 ], [ -44.044, -22.923 ], [ -44.107, -23.03 ], [ -44.234, -23.06 ], [ -44.238, -23.004 ], [ -44.358, -23.02 ], [ -44.296, -22.961 ], [ -44.321, -22.927 ], [ -44.378, -22.972 ], [ -44.407, -22.945 ], [ -44.443, -23.035 ], [ -44.669, -23.06 ], [ -44.712, -23.19 ], [ -44.701, -23.237 ], [ -44.645, -23.191 ], [ -44.612, -23.206 ], [ -44.685, -23.256 ], [ -44.611, -23.238 ], [ -44.652, -23.302 ], [ -44.558, -23.232 ], [ -44.577, -23.275 ], [ -44.498, -23.302 ], [ -44.583, -23.367 ], [ -44.669, -23.341 ], [ -44.84, -23.395 ], [ -44.905, -23.339 ], [ -45.05, -23.418 ], [ -45.016, -23.461 ], [ -45.079, -23.519 ], [ -45.165, -23.495 ], [ -45.159, -23.541 ], [ -45.228, -23.547 ], [ -45.211, -23.582 ], [ -45.41, -23.632 ], [ -45.412, -23.825 ], [ -45.934, -23.771 ], [ -46.124, -23.842 ], [ -46.2, -24.002 ], [ -46.288, -24.044 ], [ -46.321, -24 ], [ -46.458, -24.025 ], [ -46.937, -24.281 ], [ -47.024, -24.382 ], [ -47.004, -24.412 ], [ -47.86, -24.996 ], [ -47.914, -25.061 ], [ -47.915, -25.16 ], [ -48.213, -25.47 ], [ -48.254, -25.435 ], [ -48.222, -25.342 ], [ -48.208, -25.353 ], [ -48.121, -25.267 ], [ -48.253, -25.328 ], [ -48.284, -25.294 ], [ -48.317, -25.363 ], [ -48.327, -25.232 ], [ -48.366, -25.317 ], [ -48.433, -25.237 ], [ -48.428, -25.324 ], [ -48.5, -25.335 ], [ -48.427, -25.39 ], [ -48.449, -25.379 ], [ -48.468, -25.388 ], [ -48.467, -25.432 ], [ -48.449, -25.384 ], [ -48.414, -25.428 ], [ -48.476, -25.485 ], [ -48.637, -25.468 ], [ -48.661, -25.398 ], [ -48.671, -25.435 ], [ -48.739, -25.374 ], [ -48.68, -25.465 ], [ -48.687, -25.499 ], [ -48.737, -25.483 ], [ -48.703, -25.504 ], [ -48.617, -25.536 ], [ -48.512, -25.505 ], [ -48.482, -25.591 ], [ -48.46, -25.552 ], [ -48.35, -25.581 ], [ -48.565, -25.868 ], [ -48.614, -26.06 ], [ -48.586, -26.172 ], [ -48.714, -26.243 ], [ -48.795, -26.073 ], [ -48.837, -26.157 ], [ -48.798, -26.142 ], [ -48.763, -26.199 ], [ -48.805, -26.228 ], [ -48.769, -26.223 ], [ -48.761, -26.286 ], [ -48.803, -26.303 ], [ -48.723, -26.362 ], [ -48.635, -26.374 ], [ -48.714, -26.308 ], [ -48.554, -26.172 ], [ -48.493, -26.224 ], [ -48.695, -26.658 ], [ -48.665, -26.769 ], [ -48.583, -26.786 ], [ -48.655, -26.909 ], [ -48.62, -27.007 ], [ -48.574, -27.011 ], [ -48.607, -27.122 ], [ -48.554, -27.152 ], [ -48.51, -27.108 ], [ -48.469, -27.148 ], [ -48.511, -27.183 ], [ -48.486, -27.218 ], [ -48.531, -27.18 ], [ -48.612, -27.243 ], [ -48.596, -27.318 ], [ -48.529, -27.334 ], [ -48.649, -27.486 ], [ -48.572, -27.592 ], [ -48.653, -27.648 ], [ -48.575, -27.888 ], [ -48.761, -28.535 ], [ -48.813, -28.605 ], [ -49.37, -28.92 ], [ -49.334, -28.921 ], [ -49.702, -29.308 ], [ -50.006, -29.749 ], [ -50.316, -30.472 ], [ -50.848, -31.205 ], [ -51.303, -31.613 ], [ -51.877, -31.952 ], [ -52.071, -32.188 ], [ -52.012, -31.946 ], [ -52.092, -31.837 ], [ -51.851, -31.865 ], [ -51.777, -31.805 ], [ -51.854, -31.797 ], [ -51.65, -31.759 ], [ -51.478, -31.562 ], [ -51.43, -31.622 ], [ -51.458, -31.548 ], [ -51.424, -31.478 ], [ -51.351, -31.529 ], [ -51.234, -31.458 ], [ -51.16, -31.31 ], [ -51.166, -31.063 ], [ -51.109, -31.097 ], [ -50.985, -31.042 ], [ -50.965, -30.893 ], [ -50.888, -30.893 ], [ -50.705, -30.756 ], [ -50.677, -30.61 ], [ -50.725, -30.371 ], [ -50.692, -30.355 ], [ -50.625, -30.409 ], [ -50.641, -30.459 ], [ -50.569, -30.471 ], [ -50.534, -30.278 ], [ -50.601, -30.194 ], [ -50.659, -30.201 ], [ -50.661, -30.293 ], [ -50.918, -30.333 ], [ -50.934, -30.42 ], [ -50.889, -30.439 ], [ -50.921, -30.44 ], [ -51.052, -30.395 ], [ -51.034, -30.276 ], [ -51.146, -30.267 ], [ -51.246, -30.188 ], [ -51.23, -30.043 ], [ -51.295, -30.007 ], [ -51.326, -30.23 ], [ -51.271, -30.25 ], [ -51.293, -30.295 ], [ -51.246, -30.33 ], [ -51.209, -30.3 ], [ -51.179, -30.383 ], [ -51.092, -30.367 ], [ -51.129, -30.436 ], [ -51.202, -30.413 ], [ -51.269, -30.489 ], [ -51.282, -30.811 ], [ -51.33, -30.777 ], [ -51.294, -30.758 ], [ -51.319, -30.64 ], [ -51.375, -30.635 ], [ -51.404, -30.769 ], [ -51.367, -30.874 ], [ -51.457, -30.874 ], [ -51.501, -30.935 ], [ -51.436, -31.088 ], [ -51.611, -31.138 ], [ -51.613, -31.272 ], [ -51.915, -31.313 ], [ -52.002, -31.449 ], [ -52.031, -31.693 ], [ -52.218, -31.747 ], [ -52.247, -31.871 ], [ -52.106, -31.952 ], [ -52.216, -31.963 ], [ -52.263, -32.062 ], [ -52.209, -32.045 ], [ -52.225, -32.096 ], [ -52.082, -32.033 ], [ -52.162, -32.128 ], [ -52.09, -32.069 ], [ -52.084, -32.186 ], [ -52.16, -32.201 ], [ -52.341, -32.43 ], [ -52.488, -32.844 ], [ -52.66, -33.165 ], [ -53.227, -33.658 ], [ -53.421, -33.741 ], [ -53.524, -33.689 ], [ -53.515, -33.163 ], [ -53.434, -33.054 ], [ -53.243, -32.936 ], [ -53.294, -32.911 ], [ -53.074, -32.746 ], [ -53.244, -32.605 ], [ -53.39, -32.583 ], [ -53.46, -32.48 ], [ -53.595, -32.432 ], [ -53.73, -32.157 ], [ -53.714, -32.104 ], [ -53.965, -31.919 ], [ -54.096, -31.906 ], [ -54.466, -31.666 ], [ -54.491, -31.54 ], [ -54.591, -31.448 ], [ -54.836, -31.446 ], [ -54.945, -31.392 ], [ -55.014, -31.285 ], [ -55.091, -31.326 ], [ -55.245, -31.257 ], [ -55.374, -31.038 ], [ -55.594, -30.848 ], [ -55.635, -30.857 ], [ -55.657, -30.956 ], [ -55.87, -31.08 ], [ -56.008, -31.063 ], [ -55.987, -30.86 ], [ -56.021, -30.784 ], [ -56.127, -30.739 ], [ -56.177, -30.614 ], [ -56.384, -30.495 ], [ -56.459, -30.387 ], [ -56.545, -30.364 ], [ -56.54, -30.312 ], [ -56.617, -30.303 ], [ -56.644, -30.205 ], [ -56.776, -30.166 ], [ -56.804, -30.107 ], [ -57.068, -30.088 ], [ -57.207, -30.281 ], [ -57.313, -30.26 ], [ -57.396, -30.303 ], [ -57.538, -30.275 ], [ -57.618, -30.179 ], [ -57.505, -30.143 ], [ -57.342, -30.001 ], [ -57.319, -29.87 ], [ -57.254, -29.794 ], [ -57.105, -29.752 ], [ -56.972, -29.639 ], [ -56.676, -29.321 ], [ -56.593, -29.123 ], [ -56.425, -29.073 ], [ -56.285, -28.794 ], [ -56.185, -28.771 ], [ -56.016, -28.611 ], [ -56.011, -28.509 ], [ -55.888, -28.479 ], [ -55.875, -28.362 ], [ -55.696, -28.425 ], [ -55.671, -28.333 ], [ -55.773, -28.247 ], [ -55.605, -28.123 ], [ -55.554, -28.164 ], [ -55.496, -28.081 ], [ -55.444, -28.097 ], [ -55.323, -27.928 ], [ -55.196, -27.863 ], [ -55.134, -27.895 ], [ -55.117, -27.853 ], [ -55.032, -27.854 ], [ -55.082, -27.789 ], [ -54.941, -27.775 ], [ -54.809, -27.536 ], [ -54.781, -27.586 ], [ -54.683, -27.576 ], [ -54.678, -27.514 ], [ -54.624, -27.55 ], [ -54.576, -27.458 ], [ -54.525, -27.507 ], [ -54.415, -27.412 ], [ -54.353, -27.468 ], [ -54.339, -27.406 ], [ -54.282, -27.447 ], [ -54.176, -27.261 ], [ -54.089, -27.303 ], [ -53.949, -27.158 ], [ -53.799, -27.147 ], [ -53.795, -27.048 ], [ -53.761, -27.068 ], [ -53.662, -26.869 ], [ -53.751, -26.745 ], [ -53.707, -26.563 ], [ -53.738, -26.548 ], [ -53.592, -26.265 ], [ -53.722, -26.13 ], [ -53.733, -26.047 ], [ -53.837, -25.969 ], [ -53.824, -25.793 ], [ -53.891, -25.625 ], [ -53.951, -25.644 ], [ -54.016, -25.569 ], [ -54.101, -25.625 ], [ -54.111, -25.504 ], [ -54.213, -25.554 ], [ -54.184, -25.591 ], [ -54.289, -25.562 ], [ -54.387, -25.608 ], [ -54.43, -25.706 ], [ -54.596, -25.595 ], [ -54.617, -25.459 ], [ -54.437, -25.157 ], [ -54.458, -25.031 ], [ -54.336, -24.649 ], [ -54.333, -24.493 ], [ -54.262, -24.376 ], [ -54.33, -24.225 ], [ -54.282, -24.075 ], [ -54.411, -23.929 ], [ -54.668, -23.815 ], [ -55.061, -23.991 ], [ -55.112, -23.963 ], [ -55.226, -24.013 ], [ -55.413, -23.961 ], [ -55.434, -23.714 ], [ -55.535, -23.614 ], [ -55.522, -23.197 ], [ -55.596, -23.141 ], [ -55.64, -22.994 ], [ -55.685, -22.992 ], [ -55.613, -22.659 ], [ -55.736, -22.532 ], [ -55.74, -22.396 ], [ -55.854, -22.281 ], [ -56.208, -22.281 ], [ -56.341, -22.206 ], [ -56.403, -22.078 ], [ -56.519, -22.103 ], [ -56.643, -22.261 ], [ -56.698, -22.216 ], [ -56.728, -22.26 ], [ -56.808, -22.25 ], [ -56.831, -22.3 ], [ -57.001, -22.225 ], [ -57.203, -22.21 ], [ -57.243, -22.244 ], [ -57.553, -22.181 ], [ -57.616, -22.096 ], [ -57.803, -22.148 ], [ -57.989, -22.085 ], [ -58.005, -22.032 ], [ -57.919, -21.881 ], [ -57.969, -21.844 ], [ -57.913, -21.793 ], [ -57.947, -21.747 ], [ -57.894, -21.687 ], [ -57.968, -21.528 ], [ -57.855, -21.339 ], [ -57.918, -21.278 ], [ -57.854, -21.226 ], [ -57.866, -21.041 ], [ -57.818, -20.976 ], [ -57.927, -20.897 ], [ -57.855, -20.835 ], [ -57.961, -20.784 ], [ -57.869, -20.736 ], [ -57.923, -20.666 ], [ -57.988, -20.696 ], [ -57.994, -20.448 ], [ -58.082, -20.372 ], [ -58.092, -20.257 ], [ -58.154, -20.264 ], [ -58.125, -20.188 ], [ -58.163, -20.162 ], [ -57.872, -19.979 ], [ -58.134, -19.761 ], [ -57.79, -19.051 ], [ -57.709, -19.034 ], [ -57.757, -18.858 ], [ -57.56, -18.263 ], [ -57.458, -18.228 ], [ -57.568, -18.136 ], [ -57.702, -17.86 ], [ -57.715, -17.735 ], [ -57.785, -17.645 ], [ -57.773, -17.553 ], [ -57.878, -17.463 ], [ -58.003, -17.52 ], [ -58.114, -17.456 ], [ -58.395, -17.197 ], [ -58.421, -16.99 ], [ -58.47, -16.939 ], [ -58.468, -16.702 ], [ -58.442, -16.613 ], [ -58.34, -16.542 ], [ -58.309, -16.27 ], [ -58.471, -16.325 ], [ -60.173, -16.265 ], [ -60.236, -15.476 ], [ -60.565, -15.105 ], [ -60.253, -15.101 ], [ -60.257, -14.624 ], [ -60.338, -14.555 ], [ -60.482, -14.181 ], [ -60.468, -14.092 ], [ -60.378, -13.992 ], [ -60.468, -13.886 ], [ -60.468, -13.801 ], [ -60.793, -13.686 ], [ -60.962, -13.539 ], [ -61.044, -13.541 ], [ -61.028, -13.477 ], [ -61.069, -13.463 ], [ -61.139, -13.521 ], [ -61.249, -13.525 ], [ -61.33, -13.473 ], [ -61.486, -13.554 ], [ -61.578, -13.494 ], [ -61.824, -13.539 ], [ -61.866, -13.443 ], [ -62.108, -13.257 ], [ -62.109, -13.149 ], [ -62.165, -13.112 ], [ -62.368, -13.145 ], [ -62.464, -13.07 ], [ -62.637, -13.041 ], [ -62.674, -12.965 ], [ -62.764, -13.023 ], [ -62.923, -12.854 ], [ -62.996, -12.85 ], [ -63.082, -12.653 ], [ -63.327, -12.705 ], [ -63.482, -12.557 ], [ -63.712, -12.458 ], [ -63.875, -12.469 ], [ -63.937, -12.557 ], [ -64.127, -12.494 ], [ -64.152, -12.529 ], [ -64.215, -12.476 ], [ -64.278, -12.511 ], [ -64.493, -12.366 ], [ -64.486, -12.23 ], [ -64.654, -12.186 ], [ -64.683, -12.099 ], [ -64.725, -12.162 ], [ -64.798, -12.035 ], [ -64.993, -11.999 ], [ -65.048, -11.757 ], [ -65.112, -11.741 ], [ -65.106, -11.697 ], [ -65.135, -11.777 ], [ -65.201, -11.745 ], [ -65.161, -11.622 ], [ -65.218, -11.521 ], [ -65.299, -11.5 ], [ -65.338, -11.392 ], [ -65.31, -11.341 ], [ -65.385, -11.269 ], [ -65.349, -11.239 ], [ -65.391, -11.167 ], [ -65.318, -11.105 ], [ -65.336, -11.044 ], [ -65.269, -10.901 ], [ -65.366, -10.798 ], [ -65.349, -10.671 ], [ -65.426, -10.638 ], [ -65.429, -10.473 ], [ -65.28, -10.218 ], [ -65.327, -9.938 ], [ -65.29, -9.851 ], [ -65.377, -9.698 ], [ -65.488, -9.718 ], [ -65.563, -9.834 ], [ -65.669, -9.779 ], [ -65.7, -9.803 ], [ -65.689, -9.749 ], [ -65.748, -9.77 ], [ -65.777, -9.727 ], [ -65.798, -9.786 ], [ -65.81, -9.75 ], [ -65.86, -9.794 ], [ -65.872, -9.757 ], [ -66.018, -9.807 ], [ -66.064, -9.772 ], [ -66.422, -9.895 ], [ -66.616, -9.893 ], [ -66.623, -9.935 ], [ -66.883, -10.081 ], [ -67.029, -10.254 ], [ -67.186, -10.339 ], [ -67.315, -10.316 ], [ -67.327, -10.374 ], [ -67.414, -10.372 ], [ -67.443, -10.45 ], [ -67.594, -10.523 ], [ -67.715, -10.707 ], [ -68.021, -10.661 ], [ -68.119, -10.726 ], [ -68.283, -10.987 ], [ -68.519, -11.048 ], [ -68.587, -11.11 ], [ -68.769, -11.139 ], [ -68.751, -11.007 ], [ -68.787, -10.99 ], [ -68.871, -11.023 ], [ -69.393, -10.929 ], [ -69.728, -10.973 ], [ -69.938, -10.926 ], [ -70.318, -11.066 ], [ -70.428, -11.033 ], [ -70.508, -10.94 ], [ -70.618, -11.007 ], [ -70.622, -9.847 ], [ -70.522, -9.738 ], [ -70.598, -9.574 ], [ -70.561, -9.579 ], [ -70.497, -9.433 ], [ -70.601, -9.453 ], [ -70.982, -9.812 ], [ -71.131, -9.862 ], [ -71.288, -9.996 ], [ -72.165, -10.002 ], [ -72.16, -9.818 ], [ -72.26, -9.755 ], [ -72.289, -9.536 ], [ -72.364, -9.491 ], [ -72.721, -9.417 ], [ -73.196, -9.418 ], [ -72.965, -9.154 ], [ -72.946, -8.99 ], [ -73.059, -8.904 ], [ -73.169, -8.701 ], [ -73.338, -8.609 ], [ -73.338, -8.476 ], [ -73.526, -8.369 ], [ -73.632, -8.022 ], [ -73.765, -7.94 ], [ -73.777, -7.869 ], [ -73.697, -7.865 ], [ -73.69, -7.79 ], [ -73.985, -7.543 ], [ -73.917, -7.461 ], [ -73.954, -7.348 ], [ -73.868, -7.377 ], [ -73.691, -7.313 ], [ -73.797, -7.115 ], [ -73.743, -6.897 ], [ -73.351, -6.561 ], [ -73.211, -6.53 ], [ -73.133, -6.421 ], [ -73.185, -6.04 ], [ -73.131, -5.986 ], [ -73.116, -5.865 ], [ -72.951, -5.643 ], [ -72.948, -5.454 ], [ -72.872, -5.25 ], [ -72.896, -5.136 ], [ -72.734, -5.043 ], [ -72.602, -5.056 ], [ -72.577, -4.992 ], [ -72.455, -4.962 ], [ -72.452, -4.906 ], [ -72.37, -4.88 ], [ -72.356, -4.803 ], [ -72.292, -4.799 ], [ -72.313, -4.769 ], [ -72.223, -4.78 ], [ -72.113, -4.722 ], [ -72.047, -4.625 ], [ -71.94, -4.607 ], [ -71.897, -4.512 ], [ -71.61, -4.465 ], [ -71.597, -4.525 ], [ -71.535, -4.46 ], [ -71.49, -4.479 ], [ -71.506, -4.435 ], [ -71.414, -4.432 ], [ -71.432, -4.469 ], [ -71.342, -4.423 ], [ -71.355, -4.468 ], [ -71.303, -4.458 ], [ -71.269, -4.381 ], [ -71.198, -4.377 ], [ -71.193, -4.42 ], [ -71.147, -4.375 ], [ -71.031, -4.397 ], [ -70.99, -4.34 ], [ -70.935, -4.381 ], [ -70.757, -4.152 ], [ -70.677, -4.2 ], [ -70.622, -4.121 ], [ -70.633, -4.173 ], [ -70.565, -4.168 ], [ -70.566, -4.205 ], [ -70.553, -4.128 ], [ -70.503, -4.19 ], [ -70.434, -4.125 ], [ -70.341, -4.174 ], [ -70.317, -4.136 ], [ -70.291, -4.283 ], [ -70.249, -4.267 ], [ -70.186, -4.357 ], [ -70.169, -4.27 ], [ -70.101, -4.255 ], [ -70.031, -4.339 ], [ -69.929, -4.213 ], [ -69.453, -1.478 ], [ -69.368, -1.334 ], [ -69.422, -0.998 ], [ -69.508, -0.936 ], [ -69.609, -0.755 ], [ -69.551, -0.648 ], [ -69.593, -0.517 ], [ -69.908, -0.316 ], [ -70.068, -0.135 ], [ -70.037, 0.553 ], [ -69.798, 0.585 ], [ -69.664, 0.672 ], [ -69.606, 0.623 ], [ -69.468, 0.734 ], [ -69.357, 0.621 ], [ -69.295, 0.648 ], [ -69.288, 0.609 ], [ -69.202, 0.602 ], [ -69.112, 0.643 ], [ -69.184, 0.73 ], [ -69.137, 0.868 ], [ -69.257, 1.026 ], [ -69.342, 1.064 ], [ -69.416, 1.024 ], [ -69.7, 1.056 ], [ -69.721, 1.097 ], [ -69.854, 1.07 ], [ -69.855, 1.715 ], [ -69.556, 1.775 ], [ -69.395, 1.726 ], [ -68.128, 1.73 ], [ -68.29, 1.841 ], [ -68.205, 2.038 ], [ -68.027, 1.784 ], [ -67.924, 1.751 ], [ -67.797, 1.812 ], [ -67.578, 2.076 ], [ -67.41, 2.141 ], [ -67.117, 1.732 ], [ -67.068, 1.532 ], [ -67.097, 1.17 ], [ -66.855, 1.228 ], [ -66.322, 0.738 ], [ -66.095, 0.754 ], [ -65.952, 0.81 ], [ -65.854, 0.939 ], [ -65.733, 1.005 ], [ -65.583, 1.008 ], [ -65.47, 0.877 ], [ -65.557, 0.705 ], [ -65.504, 0.627 ], [ -65.393, 0.699 ], [ -65.305, 0.916 ], [ -65.152, 0.943 ], [ -65.121, 1.115 ], [ -65.055, 1.144 ], [ -64.968, 1.112 ], [ -64.903, 1.249 ], [ -64.843, 1.237 ], [ -64.783, 1.313 ], [ -64.721, 1.25 ], [ -64.638, 1.286 ], [ -64.387, 1.527 ], [ -64.344, 1.528 ], [ -64.382, 1.419 ], [ -64.344, 1.38 ], [ -64.186, 1.494 ], [ -64.054, 1.708 ], [ -64.057, 1.933 ], [ -64.018, 1.967 ], [ -63.781, 1.989 ], [ -63.604, 2.124 ], [ -63.419, 2.154 ], [ -63.349, 2.281 ], [ -63.382, 2.442 ], [ -63.756, 2.403 ], [ -64.031, 2.509 ], [ -63.987, 2.772 ], [ -64.216, 3.153 ], [ -64.236, 3.476 ], [ -64.186, 3.634 ], [ -64.324, 3.797 ], [ -64.543, 3.882 ], [ -64.8, 4.224 ], [ -64.79, 4.329 ], [ -64.677, 4.297 ], [ -64.555, 4.153 ], [ -64.135, 4.176 ], [ -63.967, 3.93 ], [ -63.806, 4.019 ], [ -63.623, 4.01 ], [ -63.455, 3.91 ], [ -63.411, 4.026 ], [ -63.358, 4.04 ], [ -63.203, 3.952 ], [ -63.189, 3.872 ], [ -62.86, 3.584 ], [ -62.749, 3.642 ], [ -62.705, 3.724 ], [ -62.752, 4.012 ], [ -62.635, 4.056 ], [ -62.557, 4.02 ], [ -62.46, 4.173 ], [ -62.129, 4.084 ], [ -61.961, 4.18 ], [ -61.927, 4.106 ], [ -61.723, 4.262 ], [ -61.528, 4.273 ], [ -61.507, 4.398 ], [ -61.274, 4.471 ], [ -61.293, 4.55 ], [ -61.141, 4.508 ], [ -60.952, 4.549 ], [ -60.907, 4.708 ], [ -60.731, 4.777 ], [ -60.59, 4.951 ], [ -60.744, 5.209 ], [ -60.438, 5.177 ], [ -60.203, 5.265 ], [ -60.176, 5.227 ], [ -60.121, 5.243 ], [ -60.085, 5.149 ], [ -59.969, 5.073 ], [ -60.03, 4.704 ], [ -60.163, 4.521 ], [ -59.927, 4.509 ], [ -59.674, 4.382 ], [ -59.726, 4.191 ], [ -59.628, 4.138 ], [ -59.655, 4.078 ], [ -59.516, 3.94 ], [ -59.581, 3.901 ], [ -59.594, 3.796 ], [ -59.666, 3.777 ], [ -59.664, 3.703 ], [ -59.849, 3.601 ], [ -59.799, 3.355 ], [ -59.909, 3.197 ], [ -59.982, 2.929 ], [ -59.99, 2.683 ], [ -59.903, 2.479 ], [ -59.91, 2.388 ], [ -59.724, 2.277 ], [ -59.754, 1.861 ], [ -59.654, 1.849 ], [ -59.669, 1.764 ], [ -59.549, 1.729 ], [ -59.253, 1.397 ], [ -58.914, 1.299 ], [ -58.904, 1.234 ], [ -58.804, 1.175 ], [ -58.696, 1.288 ], [ -58.507, 1.264 ], [ -58.468, 1.318 ], [ -58.498, 1.458 ], [ -58.382, 1.471 ], [ -58.325, 1.59 ], [ -58.167, 1.558 ], [ -58.13, 1.501 ], [ -58.009, 1.501 ], [ -58, 1.665 ], [ -57.919, 1.645 ], [ -57.77, 1.718 ], [ -57.545, 1.701 ], [ -57.434, 1.895 ], [ -57.302, 1.99 ], [ -57.247, 1.944 ], [ -57.085, 2.021 ], [ -57.012, 1.918 ], [ -56.8, 1.864 ], [ -56.724, 1.92 ], [ -56.454, 1.945 ], [ -55.957, 1.844 ], [ -55.906, 1.889 ], [ -55.913, 2.041 ], [ -56.048, 2.226 ], [ -56.134, 2.263 ], [ -56.09, 2.352 ], [ -55.995, 2.405 ], [ -55.987, 2.517 ], [ -55.948, 2.532 ], [ -55.739, 2.401 ], [ -55.481, 2.443 ], [ -55.37, 2.407 ], [ -55.336, 2.516 ], [ -55.239, 2.495 ], [ -55.137, 2.575 ], [ -55.103, 2.522 ], [ -54.94, 2.632 ], [ -54.969, 2.555 ], [ -54.864, 2.439 ], [ -54.72, 2.469 ], [ -54.702, 2.336 ], [ -54.549, 2.336 ], [ -54.534, 2.268 ], [ -54.314, 2.158 ], [ -54.189, 2.179 ], [ -54.111, 2.127 ], [ -54.078, 2.197 ], [ -53.784, 2.364 ], [ -53.694, 2.287 ], [ -53.472, 2.332 ], [ -53.397, 2.272 ], [ -53.273, 2.292 ], [ -53.188, 2.223 ], [ -52.905, 2.19 ], [ -52.853, 2.285 ], [ -52.673, 2.374 ], [ -52.555, 2.523 ], [ -52.556, 2.646 ], [ -52.382, 2.912 ], [ -52.347, 3.134 ], [ -52.192, 3.296 ], [ -51.92, 3.781 ], [ -51.795, 3.89 ], [ -51.754, 3.996 ], [ -51.658, 4.049 ], [ -51.585, 4.241 ], [ -51.529, 4.171 ], [ -51.545, 4.397 ], [ -51.202, 4.084 ], [ -51.173, 3.767 ], [ -51.127, 3.911 ], [ -51.085, 3.895 ], [ -51.051, 3.283 ], [ -50.913, 2.875 ], [ -50.927, 2.807 ], [ -50.816, 2.644 ], [ -50.851, 2.482 ], [ -50.802, 2.508 ], [ -50.736, 2.414 ], [ -50.765, 2.359 ], [ -50.694, 2.276 ], [ -50.725, 2.252 ], [ -50.675, 2.247 ], [ -50.682, 2.137 ], [ -50.584, 2.091 ], [ -50.586, 2.014 ], [ -50.471, 1.82 ], [ -50.194, 1.794 ], [ -49.954, 1.676 ], [ -49.88, 1.419 ], [ -49.918, 1.289 ], [ -50.073, 1.204 ], [ -49.918, 1.232 ], [ -49.939, 1.103 ], [ -50.003, 1.066 ], [ -50.033, 1.107 ], [ -50.131, 0.949 ], [ -50.274, 0.866 ], [ -50.338, 0.729 ], [ -50.417, 0.685 ], [ -50.455, 0.732 ], [ -50.428, 0.679 ], [ -50.571, 0.424 ], [ -50.691, 0.3 ], [ -50.677, 0.365 ], [ -50.746, 0.227 ], [ -50.801, 0.224 ], [ -50.785, 0.183 ], [ -50.908, 0.171 ], [ -51.087, -0.043 ], [ -51.203, -0.055 ], [ -51.419, -0.412 ], [ -51.409, -0.44 ], [ -51.325, -0.364 ], [ -51.188, -0.14 ], [ -51.111, -0.154 ], [ -51.154, -0.284 ], [ -51.396, -0.493 ], [ -51.243, -0.443 ], [ -51.26, -0.5 ], [ -51.165, -0.431 ], [ -50.953, -0.061 ], [ -50.824, -0.048 ], [ -50.705, 0.002 ], [ -50.613, -0.088 ], [ -50.744, -0.244 ], [ -50.751, -0.429 ], [ -50.845, -0.526 ], [ -50.988, -0.583 ], [ -51.051, -0.682 ], [ -50.826, -0.555 ], [ -50.794, -0.666 ], [ -50.733, -0.557 ], [ -50.684, -0.604 ], [ -50.724, -0.493 ], [ -50.652, -0.276 ], [ -50.409, -0.094 ], [ -49.631, -0.247 ], [ -49.446, -0.23 ], [ -49.289, -0.145 ], [ -49.018, -0.16 ], [ -49, -0.139 ], [ -48.895, -0.224 ], [ -48.539, -0.234 ], [ -48.363, -0.303 ], [ -48.459, -0.513 ], [ -48.522, -0.877 ], [ -48.667, -1.002 ], [ -48.621, -1.005 ], [ -48.65, -1.048 ], [ -48.617, -1.053 ], [ -48.721, -1.137 ], [ -48.837, -1.452 ], [ -49.161, -1.575 ], [ -49.182, -1.623 ], [ -49.362, -1.604 ], [ -49.364, -1.642 ], [ -49.448, -1.637 ], [ -49.5, -1.738 ], [ -49.61, -1.718 ], [ -49.676, -1.78 ], [ -49.696, -1.757 ], [ -49.714, -1.76 ], [ -49.803, -1.822 ], [ -50.035, -1.717 ], [ -50.179, -1.787 ], [ -50.256, -1.776 ], [ -50.415, -1.841 ], [ -50.401, -1.935 ], [ -49.994, -1.819 ], [ -49.844, -1.905 ], [ -49.765, -1.898 ], [ -49.616, -1.79 ], [ -49.276, -1.706 ], [ -49.267, -1.778 ], [ -49.387, -1.977 ], [ -49.383, -2.159 ], [ -48.973, -1.594 ], [ -48.897, -1.573 ], [ -48.955, -1.712 ], [ -48.932, -1.75 ], [ -48.898, -1.743 ], [ -48.656, -1.371 ], [ -48.592, -1.429 ], [ -48.601, -1.306 ], [ -48.524, -1.338 ], [ -48.537, -1.467 ], [ -48.496, -1.553 ], [ -48.491, -1.502 ], [ -48.46, -1.533 ], [ -48.374, -1.511 ], [ -48.319, -1.478 ], [ -48.505, -1.471 ], [ -48.422, -1.168 ], [ -48.475, -1.144 ], [ -48.4, -1.066 ], [ -48.278, -1.111 ], [ -48.304, -0.948 ], [ -48.055, -0.668 ], [ -48.001, -0.731 ], [ -47.893, -0.553 ], [ -47.843, -0.616 ], [ -47.807, -0.547 ], [ -47.702, -0.54 ], [ -47.707, -0.59 ], [ -47.667, -0.569 ], [ -47.633, -0.608 ], [ -47.651, -0.694 ], [ -47.608, -0.684 ], [ -47.577, -0.573 ], [ -47.476, -0.757 ], [ -47.398, -0.76 ], [ -47.428, -0.693 ], [ -47.464, -0.687 ], [ -47.466, -0.594 ], [ -47.399, -0.594 ], [ -47.4, -0.645 ], [ -47.298, -0.589 ], [ -47.253, -0.668 ], [ -47.247, -0.623 ], [ -47.206, -0.633 ], [ -47.23, -0.719 ], [ -47.158, -0.678 ], [ -47.191, -0.754 ], [ -47.146, -0.764 ], [ -47.16, -0.815 ], [ -47.081, -0.661 ], [ -47.055, -0.868 ], [ -47.027, -0.784 ], [ -46.983, -0.806 ], [ -47.016, -0.752 ], [ -46.967, -0.694 ], [ -46.969, -0.78 ], [ -46.891, -0.869 ], [ -46.89, -0.789 ], [ -46.846, -0.799 ], [ -46.82, -0.71 ], [ -46.802, -0.877 ], [ -46.777, -0.905 ], [ -46.75, -0.826 ], [ -46.709, -0.86 ], [ -46.734, -0.944 ], [ -46.687, -0.831 ], [ -46.653, -0.882 ], [ -46.621, -0.818 ], [ -46.601, -0.917 ], [ -46.676, -0.965 ], [ -46.622, -0.987 ], [ -46.57, -0.947 ], [ -46.609, -1.03 ], [ -46.57, -0.988 ], [ -46.525, -1.027 ], [ -46.465, -1.007 ], [ -46.47, -1.044 ], [ -46.395, -1.037 ], [ -46.413, -1.084 ], [ -46.348, -0.982 ], [ -46.36, -1.011 ], [ -46.366, -1.031 ], [ -46.348, -1.079 ], [ -46.339, -1.015 ], [ -46.299, -1.05 ], [ -46.212, -0.946 ], [ -46.242, -0.921 ], [ -46.179, -0.914 ], [ -46.224, -1.053 ], [ -46.206, -1.1 ], [ -46.158, -1.014 ], [ -46.138, -1.032 ], [ -46.193, -1.143 ], [ -46.104, -1.067 ], [ -46.062, -1.133 ], [ -46.15, -1.258 ], [ -45.982, -1.071 ], [ -45.953, -1.147 ], [ -46, -1.151 ], [ -46, -1.199 ], [ -45.95, -1.159 ], [ -45.95, -1.207 ], [ -46, -1.209 ], [ -45.95, -1.25 ], [ -45.902, -1.134 ], [ -45.923, -1.214 ], [ -45.882, -1.167 ], [ -45.873, -1.211 ], [ -45.909, -1.261 ], [ -45.859, -1.231 ], [ -45.891, -1.293 ], [ -45.807, -1.176 ], [ -45.843, -1.301 ], [ -45.809, -1.328 ], [ -45.831, -1.298 ], [ -45.782, -1.278 ], [ -45.726, -1.135 ], [ -45.69, -1.452 ], [ -45.697, -1.38 ], [ -45.632, -1.371 ], [ -45.618, -1.279 ], [ -45.589, -1.329 ], [ -45.537, -1.273 ], [ -45.561, -1.343 ], [ -45.51, -1.352 ], [ -45.567, -1.404 ], [ -45.546, -1.432 ], [ -45.413, -1.296 ], [ -45.489, -1.473 ], [ -45.511, -1.458 ], [ -45.554, -1.503 ], [ -45.507, -1.471 ], [ -45.518, -1.516 ], [ -45.481, -1.495 ], [ -45.463, -1.548 ], [ -45.457, -1.457 ], [ -45.391, -1.434 ], [ -45.363, -1.325 ], [ -45.323, -1.319 ], [ -45.302, -1.424 ], [ -45.392, -1.485 ], [ -45.398, -1.503 ], [ -45.356, -1.487 ], [ -45.392, -1.553 ], [ -45.338, -1.572 ], [ -45.371, -1.722 ], [ -45.338, -1.753 ], [ -45.197, -1.688 ], [ -45.261, -1.607 ], [ -45.16, -1.475 ], [ -45.136, -1.521 ], [ -45.072, -1.435 ], [ -45.07, -1.485 ], [ -44.999, -1.504 ], [ -45.018, -1.547 ], [ -44.969, -1.549 ], [ -45.029, -1.583 ], [ -45.029, -1.602 ], [ -44.979, -1.607 ], [ -44.954, -1.498 ], [ -44.862, -1.426 ], [ -44.857, -1.498 ], [ -44.954, -1.605 ], [ -44.918, -1.649 ], [ -44.968, -1.662 ], [ -44.913, -1.657 ], [ -44.927, -1.62 ], [ -44.886, -1.609 ], [ -44.837, -1.65 ], [ -44.822, -1.591 ], [ -44.826, -1.637 ], [ -44.805, -1.609 ], [ -44.812, -1.665 ], [ -44.779, -1.735 ], [ -44.711, -1.728 ], [ -44.82, -1.819 ], [ -44.738, -1.791 ], [ -44.706, -1.819 ], [ -44.676, -1.808 ], [ -44.661, -1.727 ], [ -44.604, -1.749 ], [ -44.667, -1.849 ], [ -44.601, -1.858 ], [ -44.583, -1.817 ], [ -44.586, -1.873 ], [ -44.543, -1.833 ], [ -44.601, -1.909 ], [ -44.517, -1.907 ], [ -44.484, -2.002 ], [ -44.613, -2.037 ], [ -44.467, -2.017 ], [ -44.626, -2.151 ], [ -44.589, -2.159 ], [ -44.641, -2.232 ], [ -44.708, -2.23 ], [ -44.684, -2.275 ], [ -44.764, -2.265 ], [ -44.654, -2.294 ], [ -44.681, -2.354 ], [ -44.649, -2.373 ], [ -44.666, -2.329 ], [ -44.479, -2.137 ], [ -44.358, -2.335 ], [ -44.401, -2.416 ], [ -44.514, -2.384 ], [ -44.55, -2.4 ], [ -44.491, -2.415 ], [ -44.514, -2.448 ], [ -44.505, -2.476 ], [ -44.665, -2.608 ], [ -44.548, -2.542 ], [ -44.658, -2.781 ], [ -44.688, -2.924 ], [ -44.677, -3.019 ], [ -44.66, -3.02 ], [ -44.657, -3.018 ] ], [ [ -43.318, -2.361 ], [ -43.317, -2.363 ], [ -43.296, -2.363 ], [ -43.318, -2.361 ] ], [ [ -42.438, -2.747 ], [ -42.442, -2.749 ], [ -42.438, -2.75 ], [ -42.438, -2.747 ] ], [ [ -42.442, -2.749 ], [ -42.47, -2.744 ], [ -42.447, -2.753 ], [ -42.442, -2.749 ] ], [ [ -50.851, 2.482 ], [ -50.853, 2.481 ], [ -50.853, 2.48 ], [ -50.851, 2.482 ] ], [ [ -50.853, 2.481 ], [ -50.86, 2.495 ], [ -50.86, 2.477 ], [ -50.853, 2.481 ] ], [ [ -49.976, 1.659 ], [ -49.98, 1.659 ], [ -50, 1.639 ], [ -49.976, 1.659 ] ], [ [ -45.392, -1.553 ], [ -45.393, -1.553 ], [ -45.394, -1.556 ], [ -45.392, -1.553 ] ], [ [ -45.394, -1.556 ], [ -45.406, -1.579 ], [ -45.403, -1.591 ], [ -45.394, -1.556 ] ], [ [ -44.837, -1.65 ], [ -44.834, -1.655 ], [ -44.833, -1.654 ], [ -44.837, -1.65 ] ], [ [ -44.834, -1.655 ], [ -44.841, -1.675 ], [ -44.822, -1.672 ], [ -44.834, -1.655 ] ], [ [ -44.779, -1.735 ], [ -44.777, -1.741 ], [ -44.776, -1.74 ], [ -44.779, -1.735 ] ], [ [ -44.777, -1.741 ], [ -44.833, -1.77 ], [ -44.774, -1.75 ], [ -44.777, -1.741 ] ], [ [ -44.547, -2.22 ], [ -44.536, -2.225 ], [ -44.543, -2.219 ], [ -44.547, -2.22 ] ], [ [ -44.536, -2.225 ], [ -44.507, -2.249 ], [ -44.512, -2.235 ], [ -44.536, -2.225 ] ], [ [ -44.507, -2.249 ], [ -44.504, -2.256 ], [ -44.501, -2.254 ], [ -44.507, -2.249 ] ], [ [ -44.504, -2.256 ], [ -44.514, -2.268 ], [ -44.502, -2.26 ], [ -44.504, -2.256 ] ] ], [ [ [ -29.34, -20.484 ], [ -29.301, -20.521 ], [ -29.341, -20.511 ], [ -29.34, -20.484 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.001, -13.94 ], [ -39.012, -13.915 ], [ -38.994, -13.896 ], [ -39.001, -13.94 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.043, -13.909 ], [ -39.059, -13.904 ], [ -39.054, -13.886 ], [ -39.028, -13.903 ], [ -39.043, -13.909 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.251, -18.015 ], [ -39.283, -18.005 ], [ -39.272, -17.982 ], [ -39.245, -18.006 ], [ -39.251, -18.015 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.131, -17.927 ], [ -39.154, -17.921 ], [ -39.137, -17.91 ], [ -39.131, -17.927 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.212, -17.986 ], [ -39.228, -17.979 ], [ -39.215, -17.944 ], [ -39.202, -17.95 ], [ -39.212, -17.986 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.341, -23.231 ], [ -44.372, -23.174 ], [ -44.232, -23.089 ], [ -44.087, -23.173 ], [ -44.3, -23.184 ], [ -44.341, -23.231 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.356, -23.073 ], [ -44.388, -23.048 ], [ -44.373, -23.033 ], [ -44.343, -23.041 ], [ -44.356, -23.073 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.929, -23.014 ], [ -43.936, -22.999 ], [ -43.916, -22.989 ], [ -43.929, -23.014 ] ] ], [ [ [ -42.002, -23.018 ], [ -42.015, -23.003 ], [ -41.98, -22.975 ], [ -41.975, -22.992 ], [ -42.002, -23.018 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.904, -22.962 ], [ -43.907, -22.936 ], [ -43.868, -22.926 ], [ -43.871, -22.95 ], [ -43.904, -22.962 ] ] ], [ [ [ -41.042, -21.613 ], [ -41.042, -21.6 ], [ -41.019, -21.606 ], [ -41.042, -21.613 ] ] ], [ [ [ -52.112, -32 ], [ -52.18, -32.035 ], [ -52.216, -32.025 ], [ -52.198, -31.978 ], [ -52.112, -32 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.641, -30.388 ], [ -50.629, -30.394 ], [ -50.624, -30.329 ], [ -50.592, -30.399 ], [ -50.609, -30.406 ], [ -50.641, -30.388 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.526, -27.462 ], [ -48.416, -27.38 ], [ -48.358, -27.446 ], [ -48.503, -27.799 ], [ -48.559, -27.842 ], [ -48.526, -27.462 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.354, -27.296 ], [ -48.376, -27.285 ], [ -48.373, -27.271 ], [ -48.36, -27.27 ], [ -48.354, -27.296 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.731, -26.314 ], [ -48.754, -26.297 ], [ -48.735, -26.282 ], [ -48.731, -26.314 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.318, -25.584 ], [ -48.309, -25.546 ], [ -48.381, -25.504 ], [ -48.312, -25.509 ], [ -48.292, -25.545 ], [ -48.318, -25.584 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.414, -25.544 ], [ -48.459, -25.514 ], [ -48.415, -25.527 ], [ -48.414, -25.544 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.424, -25.551 ], [ -48.479, -25.523 ], [ -48.485, -25.502 ], [ -48.424, -25.551 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.298, -25.493 ], [ -48.341, -25.416 ], [ -48.252, -25.341 ], [ -48.265, -25.44 ], [ -48.253, -25.466 ], [ -48.298, -25.493 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.417, -25.386 ], [ -48.424, -25.343 ], [ -48.405, -25.33 ], [ -48.417, -25.386 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.695, -24.112 ], [ -45.688, -24.088 ], [ -45.679, -24.098 ], [ -45.695, -24.112 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.251, -23.962 ], [ -45.301, -23.909 ], [ -45.453, -23.91 ], [ -45.332, -23.721 ], [ -45.227, -23.774 ], [ -45.224, -23.835 ], [ -45.283, -23.857 ], [ -45.221, -23.899 ], [ -45.251, -23.962 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.141, -23.817 ], [ -45.146, -23.791 ], [ -45.114, -23.801 ], [ -45.141, -23.817 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.153, -23.573 ], [ -45.153, -23.558 ], [ -45.141, -23.568 ], [ -45.153, -23.573 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.073, -23.564 ], [ -45.079, -23.525 ], [ -45.036, -23.531 ], [ -45.073, -23.564 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.608, -23.228 ], [ -44.59, -23.208 ], [ -44.577, -23.216 ], [ -44.608, -23.228 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.648, -12.821 ], [ -38.666, -12.777 ], [ -38.624, -12.762 ], [ -38.648, -12.821 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.529, -12.811 ], [ -38.544, -12.757 ], [ -38.532, -12.74 ], [ -38.508, -12.792 ], [ -38.529, -12.811 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.622, -12.752 ], [ -38.622, -12.727 ], [ -38.593, -12.733 ], [ -38.622, -12.752 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.646, -12.683 ], [ -38.648, -12.65 ], [ -38.636, -12.661 ], [ -38.646, -12.683 ] ] ], [ [ [ -32.402, -3.838 ], [ -32.428, -3.877 ], [ -32.483, -3.878 ], [ -32.402, -3.838 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.667, -3.179 ], [ -44.668, -3.16 ], [ -44.643, -3.148 ], [ -44.644, -3.17 ], [ -44.667, -3.179 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.671, -2.943 ], [ -44.67, -2.92 ], [ -44.647, -2.915 ], [ -44.671, -2.943 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.493, -2.641 ], [ -44.48, -2.601 ], [ -44.477, -2.627 ], [ -44.493, -2.641 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.897, -2.573 ], [ -43.896, -2.554 ], [ -43.886, -2.565 ], [ -43.897, -2.573 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.599, -2.503 ], [ -43.577, -2.471 ], [ -43.572, -2.483 ], [ -43.599, -2.503 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.822, -2.526 ], [ -43.829, -2.509 ], [ -43.813, -2.458 ], [ -43.812, -2.553 ], [ -43.82, -2.528 ], [ -43.822, -2.526 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.821, -2.529 ], [ -43.856, -2.502 ], [ -43.832, -2.439 ], [ -43.842, -2.504 ], [ -43.821, -2.529 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.863, -2.56 ], [ -43.875, -2.552 ], [ -43.865, -2.534 ], [ -43.863, -2.56 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.519, -2.536 ], [ -44.529, -2.526 ], [ -44.501, -2.48 ], [ -44.505, -2.444 ], [ -44.455, -2.434 ], [ -44.519, -2.536 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.602, -3.007 ], [ -44.657, -2.972 ], [ -44.613, -2.894 ], [ -44.575, -2.921 ], [ -44.602, -3.007 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.585, -2.978 ], [ -44.563, -2.914 ], [ -44.586, -2.826 ], [ -44.494, -2.705 ], [ -44.494, -2.953 ], [ -44.582, -3.041 ], [ -44.585, -2.978 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.826, -2.434 ], [ -43.842, -2.403 ], [ -43.811, -2.385 ], [ -43.807, -2.412 ], [ -43.826, -2.434 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.581, -2.441 ], [ -43.615, -2.389 ], [ -43.549, -2.377 ], [ -43.545, -2.403 ], [ -43.581, -2.441 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.791, -2.47 ], [ -43.806, -2.443 ], [ -43.78, -2.422 ], [ -43.759, -2.448 ], [ -43.791, -2.47 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.513, -2.424 ], [ -43.537, -2.416 ], [ -43.522, -2.39 ], [ -43.505, -2.414 ], [ -43.513, -2.424 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.792, -2.405 ], [ -43.798, -2.377 ], [ -43.771, -2.37 ], [ -43.792, -2.405 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.689, -2.355 ], [ -43.743, -2.352 ], [ -43.724, -2.305 ], [ -43.617, -2.253 ], [ -43.612, -2.275 ], [ -43.669, -2.301 ], [ -43.689, -2.355 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.73, -2.425 ], [ -43.732, -2.364 ], [ -43.67, -2.377 ], [ -43.681, -2.34 ], [ -43.63, -2.324 ], [ -43.643, -2.394 ], [ -43.73, -2.425 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.473, -2.125 ], [ -44.487, -2.113 ], [ -44.475, -2.096 ], [ -44.463, -2.104 ], [ -44.473, -2.125 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.456, -2.031 ], [ -44.447, -2.008 ], [ -44.439, -2.022 ], [ -44.456, -2.031 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.311, -1.964 ], [ -49.336, -1.996 ], [ -49.309, -1.943 ], [ -49.311, -1.964 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.323, -2.054 ], [ -49.329, -2.019 ], [ -49.316, -2.001 ], [ -49.323, -2.054 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.231, -1.829 ], [ -50.246, -1.824 ], [ -50.229, -1.816 ], [ -50.231, -1.829 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.615, -1.821 ], [ -44.622, -1.797 ], [ -44.597, -1.774 ], [ -44.583, -1.789 ], [ -44.615, -1.821 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.7, -1.811 ], [ -44.703, -1.78 ], [ -44.673, -1.78 ], [ -44.7, -1.811 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.691, -1.793 ], [ -49.721, -1.789 ], [ -49.719, -1.771 ], [ -49.697, -1.766 ], [ -49.691, -1.793 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.924, -1.711 ], [ -48.909, -1.713 ], [ -48.916, -1.734 ], [ -48.935, -1.713 ], [ -48.924, -1.711 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.757, -1.707 ], [ -44.767, -1.694 ], [ -44.736, -1.701 ], [ -44.757, -1.707 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.433, -1.684 ], [ -49.454, -1.706 ], [ -49.46, -1.684 ], [ -49.433, -1.684 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.357, -1.008 ], [ -46.342, -0.994 ], [ -46.353, -1.026 ], [ -46.357, -1.008 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.205, -1.021 ], [ -46.194, -1.014 ], [ -46.202, -1.032 ], [ -46.205, -1.021 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.662, -3.018 ], [ -44.673, -3.012 ], [ -44.664, -3.001 ], [ -44.649, -3.013 ], [ -44.662, -3.018 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.736, -1.683 ], [ -44.745, -1.677 ], [ -44.732, -1.668 ], [ -44.736, -1.683 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.231, -1.638 ], [ -49.237, -1.627 ], [ -49.217, -1.633 ], [ -49.231, -1.638 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.38, -1.685 ], [ -49.4, -1.682 ], [ -49.368, -1.669 ], [ -49.38, -1.685 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.426, -1.673 ], [ -49.429, -1.661 ], [ -49.406, -1.66 ], [ -49.426, -1.673 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.34, -1.672 ], [ -49.358, -1.662 ], [ -49.325, -1.647 ], [ -49.34, -1.672 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.289, -1.726 ], [ -45.305, -1.663 ], [ -45.257, -1.641 ], [ -45.244, -1.678 ], [ -45.28, -1.694 ], [ -45.289, -1.726 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.328, -1.743 ], [ -45.346, -1.719 ], [ -45.301, -1.596 ], [ -45.274, -1.635 ], [ -45.313, -1.654 ], [ -45.328, -1.743 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.886, -1.578 ], [ -48.89, -1.56 ], [ -48.859, -1.536 ], [ -48.856, -1.553 ], [ -48.886, -1.578 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.783, -1.682 ], [ -44.8, -1.595 ], [ -44.775, -1.62 ], [ -44.721, -1.567 ], [ -44.704, -1.611 ], [ -44.684, -1.575 ], [ -44.668, -1.669 ], [ -44.693, -1.638 ], [ -44.783, -1.682 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.816, -1.569 ], [ -44.837, -1.534 ], [ -44.787, -1.488 ], [ -44.825, -1.534 ], [ -44.816, -1.569 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.462, -1.517 ], [ -48.478, -1.499 ], [ -48.421, -1.503 ], [ -48.462, -1.517 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.793, -1.531 ], [ -44.774, -1.47 ], [ -44.763, -1.513 ], [ -44.793, -1.531 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.414, -1.427 ], [ -45.423, -1.416 ], [ -45.409, -1.405 ], [ -45.414, -1.427 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45, -1.296 ], [ -44.922, -1.265 ], [ -44.877, -1.309 ], [ -44.895, -1.34 ], [ -44.922, -1.305 ], [ -44.907, -1.341 ], [ -44.999, -1.405 ], [ -45.033, -1.339 ], [ -45, -1.32 ], [ -44.995, -1.36 ], [ -45, -1.296 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.044, -1.402 ], [ -45.07, -1.33 ], [ -45.052, -1.342 ], [ -45.044, -1.402 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.333, -1.569 ], [ -45.371, -1.544 ], [ -45.347, -1.489 ], [ -45.313, -1.506 ], [ -45.333, -1.569 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.969, -1.522 ], [ -44.976, -1.493 ], [ -44.959, -1.483 ], [ -44.969, -1.522 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.393, -1.512 ], [ -48.371, -1.476 ], [ -48.341, -1.483 ], [ -48.393, -1.512 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.413, -1.498 ], [ -48.426, -1.491 ], [ -48.387, -1.476 ], [ -48.413, -1.498 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.118, -1.47 ], [ -45.132, -1.462 ], [ -45.115, -1.364 ], [ -45.103, -1.373 ], [ -45.118, -1.47 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.593, -1.251 ], [ -45.581, -1.19 ], [ -45.536, -1.205 ], [ -45.532, -1.231 ], [ -45.593, -1.251 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.559, -1.243 ], [ -48.56, -1.202 ], [ -48.523, -1.199 ], [ -48.559, -1.243 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.817, -1.163 ], [ -45.829, -1.141 ], [ -45.804, -1.127 ], [ -45.817, -1.163 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.877, -1.154 ], [ -45.9, -1.117 ], [ -45.883, -1.073 ], [ -45.849, -1.123 ], [ -45.877, -1.154 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.192, -1.05 ], [ -46.201, -1.041 ], [ -46.185, -1.027 ], [ -46.192, -1.05 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.291, -1.01 ], [ -46.307, -0.992 ], [ -46.306, -0.961 ], [ -46.291, -1.01 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.078, -1.095 ], [ -46.065, -1.05 ], [ -46.061, -1.074 ], [ -46.078, -1.095 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.68, -1.295 ], [ -45.687, -1.275 ], [ -45.667, -1.26 ], [ -45.654, -1.285 ], [ -45.68, -1.295 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.538, -1.282 ], [ -48.549, -1.262 ], [ -48.53, -1.25 ], [ -48.538, -1.282 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.51, -1.27 ], [ -48.522, -1.247 ], [ -48.506, -1.236 ], [ -48.51, -1.27 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.694, -1.37 ], [ -45.646, -1.289 ], [ -45.625, -1.126 ], [ -45.634, -1.349 ], [ -45.694, -1.37 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.688, -1.266 ], [ -45.708, -1.228 ], [ -45.685, -1.194 ], [ -45.664, -1.231 ], [ -45.688, -1.266 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.425, -0.914 ], [ -46.454, -0.907 ], [ -46.408, -0.868 ], [ -46.395, -0.899 ], [ -46.425, -0.914 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.72, -0.848 ], [ -46.735, -0.832 ], [ -46.729, -0.796 ], [ -46.72, -0.848 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.611, -0.799 ], [ -46.622, -0.784 ], [ -46.601, -0.789 ], [ -46.611, -0.799 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.586, -0.849 ], [ -46.621, -0.807 ], [ -46.589, -0.815 ], [ -46.586, -0.849 ] ] ], [ [ [ -47.447, -0.748 ], [ -47.453, -0.732 ], [ -47.436, -0.717 ], [ -47.428, -0.738 ], [ -47.447, -0.748 ] ] ], [ [ [ -47.461, -0.741 ], [ -47.463, -0.702 ], [ -47.445, -0.697 ], [ -47.461, -0.741 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.214, -0.411 ], [ -51.211, -0.386 ], [ -51.164, -0.347 ], [ -51.163, -0.383 ], [ -51.214, -0.411 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.352, -0.353 ], [ -51.346, -0.31 ], [ -51.317, -0.268 ], [ -51.327, -0.33 ], [ -51.352, -0.353 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.127, -0.268 ], [ -51.131, -0.237 ], [ -51.091, -0.208 ], [ -51.087, -0.229 ], [ -51.127, -0.268 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.888, -0.198 ], [ -48.91, -0.188 ], [ -48.893, -0.134 ], [ -48.847, -0.177 ], [ -48.888, -0.198 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.174, -0.091 ], [ -51.191, -0.064 ], [ -51.126, -0.057 ], [ -51.174, -0.091 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.114, -0.146 ], [ -49.097, -0.121 ], [ -49.08, -0.13 ], [ -49.114, -0.146 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.166, -0.142 ], [ -49.188, -0.115 ], [ -49.156, -0.128 ], [ -49.166, -0.142 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.119, -0.141 ], [ -49.143, -0.107 ], [ -49.114, -0.11 ], [ -49.119, -0.141 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.127, -0.128 ], [ -51.094, -0.103 ], [ -51.108, -0.127 ], [ -51.127, -0.128 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.414, -0.999 ], [ -46.384, -0.941 ], [ -46.367, -0.948 ], [ -46.414, -0.999 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.647, -0.97 ], [ -46.658, -0.968 ], [ -46.618, -0.957 ], [ -46.647, -0.97 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.488, -0.942 ], [ -46.465, -0.877 ], [ -46.464, -0.924 ], [ -46.44, -0.922 ], [ -46.482, 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-49.876, 1.252 ], [ -49.907, 1.278 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.204, 1.851 ], [ -50.232, 1.879 ], [ -50.22, 1.915 ], [ -50.169, 1.865 ], [ -50.204, 1.851 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.468, 1.954 ], [ -50.521, 2.026 ], [ -50.497, 2.139 ], [ -50.398, 2.167 ], [ -50.367, 2.19 ], [ -50.276, 1.939 ], [ -50.423, 1.849 ], [ -50.468, 1.954 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.504, 2.255 ], [ -50.414, 2.244 ], [ -50.382, 2.204 ], [ -50.489, 2.15 ], [ -50.564, 2.205 ], [ -50.504, 2.255 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.229, 0.832 ], [ -50.098, 0.839 ], [ -50.027, 0.898 ], [ -50.105, 0.757 ], [ -50.162, 0.775 ], [ -50.249, 0.72 ], [ -50.229, 0.832 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.131, 0.844 ], [ -50.162, 0.867 ], [ -50.132, 0.9 ], [ -50.119, 0.854 ], [ -50.131, 0.844 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.108, 0.85 ], [ -50.111, 0.891 ], [ -50.049, 0.886 ], [ -50.108, 0.85 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.216, -0.055 ], [ -50.235, -0.042 ], [ -50.219, -0.04 ], [ -50.216, -0.055 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.916, -0.052 ], [ -50.926, -0.047 ], [ -50.907, -0.043 ], [ -50.916, -0.052 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.605, -0.061 ], [ -50.618, -0.022 ], [ -50.559, -0.038 ], [ -50.605, -0.061 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.399, -0.061 ], [ -50.44, -0.057 ], [ -50.378, -0.015 ], [ -50.357, -0.049 ], [ -50.399, -0.061 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.75, 0 ], [ -49.609, 0.08 ], [ -49.474, 0.081 ], [ -49.338, -0.017 ], [ -49.487, -0.136 ], [ -49.723, -0.147 ], [ -49.835, -0.088 ], [ -49.75, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.023, -0.019 ], [ -49.039, -0.011 ], [ -49.02, -0.006 ], [ -49.023, -0.019 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.932, 0.052 ], [ -50.918, 0.084 ], [ -50.884, 0.078 ], [ -50.899, 0.057 ], [ -50.932, 0.052 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.928, 0 ], [ -50.786, 0.05 ], [ -50.717, 0.028 ], [ -50.94, -0.041 ], [ -50.928, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.691, 0.025 ], [ -50.655, 0.015 ], [ -50.703, 0.021 ], [ -50.691, 0.025 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.629, -0.043 ], [ -50.642, -0.016 ], [ -50.622, -0.026 ], [ -50.629, -0.043 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.642, 0 ], [ -50.611, 0.007 ], [ -50.595, -0.019 ], [ -50.642, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.536, 0 ], [ -50.653, 0.126 ], [ -50.59, 0.203 ], [ -50.434, 0.126 ], [ -50.436, 0 ], [ -50.536, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50, 0.311 ], [ -49.674, 0.368 ], [ -49.601, 0.283 ], [ -49.86, 0.008 ], [ -49.99, -0.048 ], [ -50.086, 0.034 ], [ -50.351, 0.044 ], [ -50.394, 0.222 ], [ -50.153, 0.227 ], [ -50, 0.311 ] ] ] ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "La costa de lo que hoy es territorio brasileño fue el primer punto al \nque llegaron los europeos en América del Sur. La primera expedición que \nexploró la región fue un desprendimiento de la flota portuguesa que \nVasco da Gama (c. 1460-1524) llevaba hacia oriente. Las naves dirigidas \npor Pedro Álvarez de Cabral (1467-1520) se alejaron excesivamente de la \ncosta de África y terminaron en el extremo sur de actual territorio del \nEstado de Bahía, en que el permanecieron entre abril y mayo del año \n1500. Los portuguese establecieron en la costa precarias feitorias para \ncomerciar verzino o palo brasil con los nativos de las sociedades tupí y\n guaraní nativas. Recién en 1530 la corona brasileña tomaría acciones \ndecididas para organizar la ocupación portuguesa y las actividades de \nexplotación, cuando instaura el régimen de capitanías hereditarias que \nestructuraría el establecimiento colonial lusitano en brasil. \nBibliografía: Johnson, H. B., \"Portuguese Settlement, 1500-1580\", en \nBethell, Leslie (ed.), Colonial Brazil, Cambridge, Cambridge University \nPress, 1987, pp. 1-38; Abulafia, David, El descubrimiento de la \nhumanidad. Encuentros atlánticos en la era de Colón, Barcelona, Crítica,\n 2009 [2008]; Metcalf, Alida C., Go-Betweens and the Colonization of \nBrazil, 1500-1600, Austin, University of Texas Press, 2005; Vaz de \nCaminha, Pêro, Carta del descubrimiento del Brasil, Barcelona, \nAcantilado, 2009.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-19T00:00:49+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 7943, "end" : 7949 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Brasil" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/67e29ac8-f6d4-494b-8f4c-dc2f1aa0118e", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://www.hgis-indias.net/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=gazetteer:9001006", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-19T00:10:03+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-19T00:10:03+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ -58.35179869, -33.67232101 ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Refiere a la Provincia del Río de la Plata, un espacio creado a partir \nde las capitulaciones que firmó el primer adelantado Pedro de Mendoza \ncon Carlos I en 1534.La misma limitaba al norte con los territorios \notorgados a Diego de Almagro, ocupando una franja que se extendería \nentre el Mar del Sur y el Mar Océano Austral. La exploración y ocupación\n efectiva del terreno delimitarían el espacio de la provincia del Río de\n la Plata al sector atlántico y específicamente, al eje fluvial \nParaná-Plata.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-19T00:10:03+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 107415, "end" : 107446 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "gobernación del Río de la Plata" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/2d731b04-89d8-423c-afd0-1d9ac5d5599e", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://www.hgis-indias.net/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=gazetteer:9001006", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-19T12:28:13+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-19T12:28:13+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ -58.35179869, -33.67232101 ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Refiere a la Provincia del Río de la Plata, un espacio creado a partir \nde las capitulaciones que firmó el primer adelantado Pedro de Mendoza \ncon Carlos I en 1534.La misma limitaba al norte con los territorios \notorgados a Diego de Almagro, ocupando una franja que se extendería \nentre el Mar del Sur y el Mar Océano Austral. La exploración y ocupación\n efectiva del terreno delimitarían el espacio de la provincia del Río de\n la Plata al sector atlántico y específicamente, al eje fluvial \nParaná-Plata.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-19T12:28:13+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 35752, "end" : 35767 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Río de la Plata" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/75b4044c-b383-4de1-95a3-32b4ae82bb32", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://www.hgis-indias.net/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=gazetteer:9001006", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-19T12:28:13+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-19T12:28:13+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ -58.35179869, -33.67232101 ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Refiere a la Provincia del Río de la Plata, un espacio creado a partir \nde las capitulaciones que firmó el primer adelantado Pedro de Mendoza \ncon Carlos I en 1534.La misma limitaba al norte con los territorios \notorgados a Diego de Almagro, ocupando una franja que se extendería \nentre el Mar del Sur y el Mar Océano Austral. La exploración y ocupación\n efectiva del terreno delimitarían el espacio de la provincia del Río de\n la Plata al sector atlántico y específicamente, al eje fluvial \nParaná-Plata.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-19T12:28:13+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 71352, "end" : 71367 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Río de la Plata" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/186b7596-cbc8-4559-a8e6-0c751143dcb4", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://www.hgis-indias.net/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=gazetteer:9001006", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-19T12:28:13+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-19T12:28:13+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ -58.35179869, -33.67232101 ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Refiere a la Provincia del Río de la Plata, un espacio creado a partir \nde las capitulaciones que firmó el primer adelantado Pedro de Mendoza \ncon Carlos I en 1534.La misma limitaba al norte con los territorios \notorgados a Diego de Almagro, ocupando una franja que se extendería \nentre el Mar del Sur y el Mar Océano Austral. La exploración y ocupación\n efectiva del terreno delimitarían el espacio de la provincia del Río de\n la Plata al sector atlántico y específicamente, al eje fluvial \nParaná-Plata.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-19T12:28:13+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 118355, "end" : 118370 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Río de la Plata" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/2f863d13-be19-4d2b-bccd-47ec58d82426", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://www.hgis-indias.net/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=gazetteer:9001006", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-19T12:28:13+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-19T12:28:13+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ -58.35179869, -33.67232101 ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Refiere a la Provincia del Río de la Plata, un espacio creado a partir \nde las capitulaciones que firmó el primer adelantado Pedro de Mendoza \ncon Carlos I en 1534.La misma limitaba al norte con los territorios \notorgados a Diego de Almagro, ocupando una franja que se extendería \nentre el Mar del Sur y el Mar Océano Austral. La exploración y ocupación\n efectiva del terreno delimitarían el espacio de la provincia del Río de\n la Plata al sector atlántico y específicamente, al eje fluvial \nParaná-Plata.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-19T12:28:13+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 120280, "end" : 120295 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Río de la Plata" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/9c91d534-df0f-4e17-b608-c769dc97f346", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://www.hgis-indias.net/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=gazetteer:9001006", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-19T12:28:13+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-19T12:28:13+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ -58.35179869, -33.67232101 ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Refiere a la Provincia del Río de la Plata, un espacio creado a partir \nde las capitulaciones que firmó el primer adelantado Pedro de Mendoza \ncon Carlos I en 1534.La misma limitaba al norte con los territorios \notorgados a Diego de Almagro, ocupando una franja que se extendería \nentre el Mar del Sur y el Mar Océano Austral. La exploración y ocupación\n efectiva del terreno delimitarían el espacio de la provincia del Río de\n la Plata al sector atlántico y específicamente, al eje fluvial \nParaná-Plata.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-19T12:28:13+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 101690, "end" : 101705 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Río de la Plata" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/18c6a53f-b1d9-418e-8676-2dc4ee5107d0", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://www.hgis-indias.net/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=gazetteer:9001006", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-19T12:28:13+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-19T12:28:13+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ -58.35179869, -33.67232101 ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Refiere a la Provincia del Río de la Plata, un espacio creado a partir \nde las capitulaciones que firmó el primer adelantado Pedro de Mendoza \ncon Carlos I en 1534.La misma limitaba al norte con los territorios \notorgados a Diego de Almagro, ocupando una franja que se extendería \nentre el Mar del Sur y el Mar Océano Austral. La exploración y ocupación\n efectiva del terreno delimitarían el espacio de la provincia del Río de\n la Plata al sector atlántico y específicamente, al eje fluvial \nParaná-Plata.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-19T12:28:13+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 73086, "end" : 73101 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Río de la Plata" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/2d3e715e-e7f8-4a1a-8996-5f1f4d07c40a", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://www.hgis-indias.net/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=gazetteer:9001006", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-19T12:28:13+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-19T12:28:13+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ -58.35179869, -33.67232101 ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Refiere a la Provincia del Río de la Plata, un espacio creado a partir \nde las capitulaciones que firmó el primer adelantado Pedro de Mendoza \ncon Carlos I en 1534.La misma limitaba al norte con los territorios \notorgados a Diego de Almagro, ocupando una franja que se extendería \nentre el Mar del Sur y el Mar Océano Austral. La exploración y ocupación\n efectiva del terreno delimitarían el espacio de la provincia del Río de\n la Plata al sector atlántico y específicamente, al eje fluvial \nParaná-Plata.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-19T12:28:13+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 32131, "end" : 32146 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Río de la Plata" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/9cf1172e-d4bd-4ab4-a2f2-e664283c80b5", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-18T23:43:55+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Diego de Mendoza\n(1540-1571) fue un conquistador y colonizador español, hijo del gobernador de\nAsunción Francisco Mendoza y de María de Angulo. Hermano de Elvira de Mendoza,\nquien fue esposa de Ñuflo de Chaves. Su esposa fue Ana de la Torre, sobrina del\nObispo del Paraguay.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-20T20:28:04+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 58386, "end" : 58402 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Diego de Mendoza" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/dd15595d-3e9a-4497-b691-5817037ab67e", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-20T20:28:21+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Diego de Mendoza\n(1540-1571) fue un conquistador y colonizador español, hijo del gobernador de\nAsunción Francisco Mendoza y de María de Angulo. Hermano de Elvira de Mendoza,\nquien fue esposa de Ñuflo de Chaves. Su esposa fue Ana de la Torre, sobrina del\nObispo del Paraguay.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-20T20:28:21+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 80908, "end" : 80917 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "don Diego" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/99c703f0-d10c-46f2-aa2d-e9bba5d4b8e7", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : 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espacio creado a partir \nde las capitulaciones que firmó el primer adelantado Pedro de Mendoza \ncon Carlos I en 1534.La misma limitaba al norte con los territorios \notorgados a Diego de Almagro, ocupando una franja que se extendería \nentre el Mar del Sur y el Mar Océano Austral. La exploración y ocupación\n efectiva del terreno delimitarían el espacio de la provincia del Río de\n la Plata al sector atlántico y específicamente, al eje fluvial \nParaná-Plata.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T10:07:49+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 107474, "end" : 107487 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Nueva Vizcaya" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/dca0676a-3e43-47b2-89c7-b3446abdd0ad", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : 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gobernador de Asunción desde 1569 y luego como administrador interino de la gobernación del Río de la Plata y del Paraguay, entre 1572 y 1574, al ser depuesto Felipe de Cáceres quien a su vez estaba suplantando al adelantado Juan Ortiz de Zárate, siendo este hecho perpetrado por el obispo Pedro Fernández de la Torre. En el año 1573 comisionó al entonces alguacil mayor del Río de la Plata, Juan de Garay, para que fundara una nueva ciudad que sirviera de conexión marítima, la cual se llamaría \"Santa Fe de la Vera Cruz\".", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T12:04:36+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 108396, "end" : 108419 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Martín Suárez de Toledo" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/d93375bb-e989-484a-9fe6-c9b90e39dbe6", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://www.hgis-indias.net/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=gazetteer:9000002", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-19T00:29:36+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-19T00:29:36+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ -64.18855, -31.4213 ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Se refiere a la ciudad de Córdoba (Argentina). La misma había sido \nfundada en 1573, pero 1577 fue trasladada a su ubicación actual sobre el\n río Suquía (en ese entonces, San Juan).", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T12:24:27+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 117627, "end" : 117634 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Córdoba" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/77bafa5d-2eb8-42a9-969e-c272e95ec540", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://www.hgis-indias.net/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=gazetteer:8000009", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-19T00:11:50+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-19T00:11:50+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ -60.78447137, -17.84921636 ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Este asentamiento fue efectivamente fundado por un conquistador de \nAsunción, Nuflo de Chávez en 1561. La ciudad sufrió varios traslados en \nel curso de su historia hasta establecerse dónde se encuentra hoy en \ndía. El primer sitio de la fundación fue en la serranía de Chiquitos, a \norilla del río Sutó.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T12:29:25+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 93689, "end" : 93699 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Santa Cruz" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/7ccefbc6-635b-4e0b-a3c8-2752e988afad", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://www.hgis-indias.net/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=gazetteer:8000009", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-19T00:11:50+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-19T00:11:50+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ -60.78447137, -17.84921636 ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Este asentamiento fue efectivamente fundado por un conquistador de \nAsunción, Nuflo de Chávez en 1561. La ciudad sufrió varios traslados en \nel curso de su historia hasta establecerse dónde se encuentra hoy en \ndía. El primer sitio de la fundación fue en la serranía de Chiquitos, a \norilla del río Sutó.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T12:29:25+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 79759, "end" : 79769 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Santa Cruz" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/437df3e2-7c7a-4f0b-9b35-0f0d27d2d9a1", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://www.hgis-indias.net/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=gazetteer:8000009", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-19T00:11:50+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-19T00:11:50+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ -60.78447137, -17.84921636 ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Este asentamiento fue efectivamente fundado por un conquistador de \nAsunción, Nuflo de Chávez en 1561. La ciudad sufrió varios traslados en \nel curso de su historia hasta establecerse dónde se encuentra hoy en \ndía. El primer sitio de la fundación fue en la serranía de Chiquitos, a \norilla del río Sutó.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T12:29:25+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 62856, "end" : 62866 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Santa Cruz" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/dbb7a430-8037-49ac-baee-287f95af7504", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : 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], [ -80.305, -4.201 ], [ -80.443, -4.371 ], [ -80.443, -4.437 ], [ -80.335, -4.47 ], [ -80.136, -4.285 ], [ -79.895, -4.394 ], [ -79.812, -4.486 ], [ -79.631, -4.435 ], [ -79.541, -4.528 ], [ -79.482, -4.529 ], [ -79.416, -4.799 ], [ -79.26, -4.967 ], [ -79, -4.979 ], [ -78.881, -4.72 ], [ -78.736, -4.654 ], [ -78.621, -4.497 ], [ -78.627, -4.319 ], [ -78.572, -4.255 ], [ -78.499, -3.949 ], [ -78.377, -3.787 ], [ -78.319, -3.429 ], [ -78.249, -3.429 ], [ -78.232, -3.534 ], [ -78.137, -3.522 ], [ -78.19, -3.354 ], [ -77.824, -2.998 ], [ -76.627, -2.591 ], [ -76.045, -2.128 ], [ -75.538, -1.536 ], [ -75.364, -0.956 ], [ -75.185, -0.971 ], [ -75.28, -0.711 ], [ -75.245, -0.535 ], [ -75.415, -0.424 ], [ -75.449, -0.329 ], [ -75.622, -0.263 ], [ -75.622, -0.109 ], [ -75.304, -0.134 ], [ -75.219, -0.015 ], [ -75.115, -0.039 ], [ -74.904, -0.195 ], [ -74.824, -0.145 ], [ -74.78, -0.214 ], [ -74.801, -0.29 ], [ -74.659, -0.332 ], [ -74.52, -0.479 ], [ -74.425, -0.511 ], [ -74.342, -0.695 ], [ -74.378, -0.745 ], [ -74.258, -0.843 ], [ -74.272, -0.899 ], [ -74.318, -0.9 ], [ -74.266, -1.007 ], [ -74.074, -1.081 ], [ -74.033, -1.028 ], [ -74.013, -1.123 ], [ -73.905, -1.15 ], [ -73.861, -1.25 ], [ -73.777, -1.277 ], [ -73.75, -1.22 ], [ -73.732, -1.267 ], [ -73.624, -1.283 ], [ -73.552, -1.429 ], [ -73.586, -1.445 ], [ -73.539, -1.452 ], [ -73.46, -1.6 ], [ -73.532, -1.733 ], [ -73.314, -1.855 ], [ -73.293, -1.803 ], [ -73.231, -1.823 ], [ -73.222, -1.774 ], [ -73.143, -1.834 ], [ -73.095, -2.113 ], [ -73.059, -2.125 ], [ -73.153, -2.276 ], [ -73.044, -2.4 ], [ -73.021, -2.355 ], [ -72.962, -2.382 ], [ -72.921, -2.5 ], [ -72.769, -2.42 ], [ -72.733, -2.459 ], [ -72.707, -2.416 ], [ -72.67, -2.486 ], [ -72.618, -2.396 ], [ -72.383, -2.416 ], [ -72.346, -2.49 ], [ -72.221, -2.433 ], [ -72.126, -2.468 ], [ -72.035, -2.331 ], [ -71.907, -2.373 ], [ -71.919, -2.312 ], [ -71.861, -2.3 ], [ -71.822, -2.187 ], [ -71.722, -2.128 ], [ -71.707, -2.214 ], [ -71.628, -2.191 ], [ -71.5, -2.245 ], [ -71.484, -2.336 ], [ -71.444, -2.263 ], [ -71.375, -2.398 ], [ -71.284, -2.338 ], [ -71.165, -2.376 ], [ -71.057, -2.264 ], [ -70.986, -2.298 ], [ -70.993, -2.205 ], [ -70.928, -2.245 ], [ -70.857, -2.217 ], [ -70.822, -2.283 ], [ -70.658, -2.351 ], [ -70.608, -2.481 ], [ -70.55, -2.47 ], [ -70.562, -2.415 ], [ -70.418, -2.525 ], [ -70.307, -2.498 ], [ -70.342, -2.573 ], [ -70.246, -2.548 ], [ -70.15, -2.705 ], [ -70.076, -2.662 ], [ -70.034, -2.761 ], [ -70.703, -3.795 ], [ -70.485, -3.885 ], [ -70.295, -3.813 ], [ -70.186, -3.891 ], [ -70.158, -4.021 ], [ -69.948, -4.219 ], [ -69.978, -4.295 ], [ -70.036, -4.339 ], [ -70.076, -4.309 ], [ -70.042, -4.284 ], [ -70.164, -4.268 ], [ -70.19, -4.357 ], [ -70.249, -4.267 ], [ -70.291, -4.283 ], [ -70.317, -4.136 ], [ -70.341, -4.174 ], [ -70.434, -4.125 ], [ -70.503, -4.19 ], [ -70.553, -4.128 ], [ -70.566, -4.205 ], [ -70.565, -4.168 ], [ -70.633, -4.173 ], [ -70.622, -4.121 ], [ -70.677, -4.2 ], [ -70.757, -4.152 ], [ -70.935, 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-16.349 ], [ -73.414, -16.294 ], [ -73.701, -16.24 ], [ -74.057, -15.961 ], [ -74.285, -15.846 ], [ -74.371, -15.85 ], [ -74.476, -15.726 ], [ -75.141, -15.419 ], [ -75.2, -15.381 ], [ -75.157, -15.338 ], [ -75.252, -15.268 ], [ -75.23, -15.22 ], [ -75.376, -15.161 ], [ -75.509, -14.922 ], [ -75.921, -14.662 ], [ -75.98, -14.483 ], [ -76.151, -14.345 ], [ -76.105, -14.326 ], [ -76.135, -14.245 ], [ -76.222, -14.165 ], [ -76.274, -14.151 ], [ -76.273, -14.211 ], [ -76.296, -14.175 ], [ -76.286, -13.917 ], [ -76.395, -13.908 ], [ -76.332, -13.799 ], [ -76.261, -13.872 ], [ -76.191, -13.607 ], [ -76.206, -13.4 ], [ -76.492, -13.049 ], [ -76.52, -12.871 ], [ -76.641, -12.752 ], [ -76.693, -12.608 ], [ -76.811, -12.512 ], [ -76.784, -12.402 ], [ -76.84, -12.323 ], [ -77.042, -12.215 ], [ -77.072, -12.113 ], [ -77.172, -12.087 ], [ -77.136, -11.984 ], [ -77.201, -11.79 ], [ -77.176, -11.739 ], [ -77.301, -11.521 ], [ -77.663, -11.297 ], [ -77.656, -11.228 ], [ -77.604, -11.205 ], [ -77.671, 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"https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T13:18:19+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T13:18:19+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Ñuflo de Chaves nació en Santa Cruz de la Sierra, de Extremadura,\nen 1518. Llegó a territorio americano con el segundo adelantado del Río de la\nPlata, Don Alvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca”. Cuando la flota llega al puerto de\nSanta Catalina en el año 1541, ya ostentaba el grado de Capitán. Cuando el\ngobernador Martínez de Irala le encomienda fundar al norte de Asunción, Chaves\nse convierte así en General. El 26 de febrero de 1561 fundó Santa Cruz de la\nSierra a orillas del arroyo Sutó. Después de fundada Santa Cruz de la\nSierra, Ñuflo de Chaves se dirige a Asunción, en 1564,  para recoger\na su familia. En 1550 se había casado con Doña Elvira Manrique, hija de don\nFrancisco de Mendoza, gobernador del Río de la Plata, con quien tuvo cinco\nhijos: Francisco y Alvaro, ambos militares; María, Catalina y Elvira; las\ndos menores monjas y la mayor se casó en 1574 con un soldado de apellido\nOssorio. El nieto de Ñuflo, Cap. Francisco Ossorio de Chaves, estuvo como\nAlcalde durante la traslación de  la ciudad, hasta su\nasiento definitivo a orillas del Piraí (1621).", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T12:56:17+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 81062, "end" : 81077 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Nuflo de Chaves" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/5e0b110f-dbb2-4df6-83e7-1a39a8ec669e", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "conqueror", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T13:18:19+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T13:18:19+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "colonizer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T13:18:19+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T13:18:19+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Ñuflo de Chaves nació en Santa Cruz de la Sierra, de Extremadura,\nen 1518. Llegó a territorio americano con el segundo adelantado del Río de la\nPlata, Don Alvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca”. Cuando la flota llega al puerto de\nSanta Catalina en el año 1541, ya ostentaba el grado de Capitán. Cuando el\ngobernador Martínez de Irala le encomienda fundar al norte de Asunción, Chaves\nse convierte así en General. El 26 de febrero de 1561 fundó Santa Cruz de la\nSierra a orillas del arroyo Sutó. Después de fundada Santa Cruz de la\nSierra, Ñuflo de Chaves se dirige a Asunción, en 1564,  para recoger\na su familia. En 1550 se había casado con Doña Elvira Manrique, hija de don\nFrancisco de Mendoza, gobernador del Río de la Plata, con quien tuvo cinco\nhijos: Francisco y Alvaro, ambos militares; María, Catalina y Elvira; las\ndos menores monjas y la mayor se casó en 1574 con un soldado de apellido\nOssorio. El nieto de Ñuflo, Cap. Francisco Ossorio de Chaves, estuvo como\nAlcalde durante la traslación de  la ciudad, hasta su\nasiento definitivo a orillas del Piraí (1621).", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T12:56:17+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 76805, "end" : 76820 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Nuflo de Chaves" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/9b0fd11e-513e-4f23-ac60-c5f62e152d15", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "conqueror", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T13:18:19+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T13:18:19+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "colonizer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T13:18:19+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T13:18:19+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Ñuflo de Chaves nació en Santa Cruz de la Sierra, de Extremadura,\nen 1518. Llegó a territorio americano con el segundo adelantado del Río de la\nPlata, Don Alvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca”. Cuando la flota llega al puerto de\nSanta Catalina en el año 1541, ya ostentaba el grado de Capitán. Cuando el\ngobernador Martínez de Irala le encomienda fundar al norte de Asunción, Chaves\nse convierte así en General. El 26 de febrero de 1561 fundó Santa Cruz de la\nSierra a orillas del arroyo Sutó. Después de fundada Santa Cruz de la\nSierra, Ñuflo de Chaves se dirige a Asunción, en 1564,  para recoger\na su familia. En 1550 se había casado con Doña Elvira Manrique, hija de don\nFrancisco de Mendoza, gobernador del Río de la Plata, con quien tuvo cinco\nhijos: Francisco y Alvaro, ambos militares; María, Catalina y Elvira; las\ndos menores monjas y la mayor se casó en 1574 con un soldado de apellido\nOssorio. El nieto de Ñuflo, Cap. Francisco Ossorio de Chaves, estuvo como\nAlcalde durante la traslación de  la ciudad, hasta su\nasiento definitivo a orillas del Piraí (1621).", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T12:56:17+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 74662, "end" : 74677 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Nuflo de Chaves" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/4c311183-64a2-42de-8d47-b52ef1760262", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "conqueror", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T13:18:19+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T13:18:19+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "colonizer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T13:18:19+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T13:18:19+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Ñuflo de Chaves nació en Santa Cruz de la Sierra, de Extremadura,\nen 1518. Llegó a territorio americano con el segundo adelantado del Río de la\nPlata, Don Alvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca”. Cuando la flota llega al puerto de\nSanta Catalina en el año 1541, ya ostentaba el grado de Capitán. Cuando el\ngobernador Martínez de Irala le encomienda fundar al norte de Asunción, Chaves\nse convierte así en General. El 26 de febrero de 1561 fundó Santa Cruz de la\nSierra a orillas del arroyo Sutó. Después de fundada Santa Cruz de la\nSierra, Ñuflo de Chaves se dirige a Asunción, en 1564,  para recoger\na su familia. En 1550 se había casado con Doña Elvira Manrique, hija de don\nFrancisco de Mendoza, gobernador del Río de la Plata, con quien tuvo cinco\nhijos: Francisco y Alvaro, ambos militares; María, Catalina y Elvira; las\ndos menores monjas y la mayor se casó en 1574 con un soldado de apellido\nOssorio. El nieto de Ñuflo, Cap. Francisco Ossorio de Chaves, estuvo como\nAlcalde durante la traslación de  la ciudad, hasta su\nasiento definitivo a orillas del Piraí (1621).", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T12:56:17+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 63817, "end" : 63832 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Nuflo de Chaves" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/cb3762be-aca0-4fb5-b8cc-b604b3136315", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "conqueror", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T13:18:19+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T13:18:19+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "colonizer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T13:18:19+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T13:18:19+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Ñuflo de Chaves nació en Santa Cruz de la Sierra, de Extremadura,\nen 1518. Llegó a territorio americano con el segundo adelantado del Río de la\nPlata, Don Alvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca”. Cuando la flota llega al puerto de\nSanta Catalina en el año 1541, ya ostentaba el grado de Capitán. Cuando el\ngobernador Martínez de Irala le encomienda fundar al norte de Asunción, Chaves\nse convierte así en General. El 26 de febrero de 1561 fundó Santa Cruz de la\nSierra a orillas del arroyo Sutó. Después de fundada Santa Cruz de la\nSierra, Ñuflo de Chaves se dirige a Asunción, en 1564,  para recoger\na su familia. En 1550 se había casado con Doña Elvira Manrique, hija de don\nFrancisco de Mendoza, gobernador del Río de la Plata, con quien tuvo cinco\nhijos: Francisco y Alvaro, ambos militares; María, Catalina y Elvira; las\ndos menores monjas y la mayor se casó en 1574 con un soldado de apellido\nOssorio. El nieto de Ñuflo, Cap. Francisco Ossorio de Chaves, estuvo como\nAlcalde durante la traslación de  la ciudad, hasta su\nasiento definitivo a orillas del Piraí (1621).", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T12:56:17+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 61947, "end" : 61962 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Nuflo de Chaves" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/6767f5eb-1204-4756-9eee-0fb13d58c432", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "conqueror", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T13:18:19+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T13:18:19+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "colonizer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T13:18:19+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T13:18:19+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Ñuflo de Chaves nació en Santa Cruz de la Sierra, de Extremadura,\nen 1518. Llegó a territorio americano con el segundo adelantado del Río de la\nPlata, Don Alvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca”. Cuando la flota llega al puerto de\nSanta Catalina en el año 1541, ya ostentaba el grado de Capitán. Cuando el\ngobernador Martínez de Irala le encomienda fundar al norte de Asunción, Chaves\nse convierte así en General. El 26 de febrero de 1561 fundó Santa Cruz de la\nSierra a orillas del arroyo Sutó. Después de fundada Santa Cruz de la\nSierra, Ñuflo de Chaves se dirige a Asunción, en 1564,  para recoger\na su familia. En 1550 se había casado con Doña Elvira Manrique, hija de don\nFrancisco de Mendoza, gobernador del Río de la Plata, con quien tuvo cinco\nhijos: Francisco y Alvaro, ambos militares; María, Catalina y Elvira; las\ndos menores monjas y la mayor se casó en 1574 con un soldado de apellido\nOssorio. El nieto de Ñuflo, Cap. Francisco Ossorio de Chaves, estuvo como\nAlcalde durante la traslación de  la ciudad, hasta su\nasiento definitivo a orillas del Piraí (1621).", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T12:56:17+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 42723, "end" : 42738 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Nuflo de Chaves" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/e24f0b63-23b1-4f8e-88e3-fcc29b7379e0", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "conqueror", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T13:18:19+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T13:18:19+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "colonizer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T13:18:19+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T13:18:19+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Ñuflo de Chaves nació en Santa Cruz de la Sierra, de Extremadura,\nen 1518. Llegó a territorio americano con el segundo adelantado del Río de la\nPlata, Don Alvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca”. Cuando la flota llega al puerto de\nSanta Catalina en el año 1541, ya ostentaba el grado de Capitán. Cuando el\ngobernador Martínez de Irala le encomienda fundar al norte de Asunción, Chaves\nse convierte así en General. El 26 de febrero de 1561 fundó Santa Cruz de la\nSierra a orillas del arroyo Sutó. Después de fundada Santa Cruz de la\nSierra, Ñuflo de Chaves se dirige a Asunción, en 1564,  para recoger\na su familia. En 1550 se había casado con Doña Elvira Manrique, hija de don\nFrancisco de Mendoza, gobernador del Río de la Plata, con quien tuvo cinco\nhijos: Francisco y Alvaro, ambos militares; María, Catalina y Elvira; las\ndos menores monjas y la mayor se casó en 1574 con un soldado de apellido\nOssorio. El nieto de Ñuflo, Cap. Francisco Ossorio de Chaves, estuvo como\nAlcalde durante la traslación de  la ciudad, hasta su\nasiento definitivo a orillas del Piraí (1621).", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T12:56:17+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 31131, "end" : 31146 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Nuflo de Chaves" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/c41b8c4c-f190-456b-a648-42e2b80ab425", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "conqueror", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T13:18:19+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T13:18:19+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "colonizer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T13:18:19+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T13:18:19+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Ñuflo de Chaves nació en Santa Cruz de la Sierra, de Extremadura,\nen 1518. Llegó a territorio americano con el segundo adelantado del Río de la\nPlata, Don Alvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca”. Cuando la flota llega al puerto de\nSanta Catalina en el año 1541, ya ostentaba el grado de Capitán. Cuando el\ngobernador Martínez de Irala le encomienda fundar al norte de Asunción, Chaves\nse convierte así en General. El 26 de febrero de 1561 fundó Santa Cruz de la\nSierra a orillas del arroyo Sutó. Después de fundada Santa Cruz de la\nSierra, Ñuflo de Chaves se dirige a Asunción, en 1564,  para recoger\na su familia. En 1550 se había casado con Doña Elvira Manrique, hija de don\nFrancisco de Mendoza, gobernador del Río de la Plata, con quien tuvo cinco\nhijos: Francisco y Alvaro, ambos militares; María, Catalina y Elvira; las\ndos menores monjas y la mayor se casó en 1574 con un soldado de apellido\nOssorio. El nieto de Ñuflo, Cap. Francisco Ossorio de Chaves, estuvo como\nAlcalde durante la traslación de  la ciudad, hasta su\nasiento definitivo a orillas del Piraí (1621).", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T12:56:17+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 22494, "end" : 22509 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Nuflo de Chaves" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/e1ae180a-1597-4eb6-bfd9-e41dad7f13ec", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "conqueror", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T13:18:19+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T13:18:19+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "colonizer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T13:18:19+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T13:18:19+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Ñuflo de Chaves nació en Santa Cruz de la Sierra, de Extremadura,\nen 1518. Llegó a territorio americano con el segundo adelantado del Río de la\nPlata, Don Alvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca”. Cuando la flota llega al puerto de\nSanta Catalina en el año 1541, ya ostentaba el grado de Capitán. Cuando el\ngobernador Martínez de Irala le encomienda fundar al norte de Asunción, Chaves\nse convierte así en General. El 26 de febrero de 1561 fundó Santa Cruz de la\nSierra a orillas del arroyo Sutó. Después de fundada Santa Cruz de la\nSierra, Ñuflo de Chaves se dirige a Asunción, en 1564,  para recoger\na su familia. En 1550 se había casado con Doña Elvira Manrique, hija de don\nFrancisco de Mendoza, gobernador del Río de la Plata, con quien tuvo cinco\nhijos: Francisco y Alvaro, ambos militares; María, Catalina y Elvira; las\ndos menores monjas y la mayor se casó en 1574 con un soldado de apellido\nOssorio. El nieto de Ñuflo, Cap. Francisco Ossorio de Chaves, estuvo como\nAlcalde durante la traslación de  la ciudad, hasta su\nasiento definitivo a orillas del Piraí (1621).", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T12:56:17+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 19455, "end" : 19470 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Nuflo de Chaves" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/4d107713-bf60-48dd-bd02-376d8a05a0d8", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "conqueror", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T13:18:19+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T13:18:19+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "colonizer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T13:18:19+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T13:18:19+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Ñuflo de Chaves nació en Santa Cruz de la Sierra, de Extremadura,\nen 1518. Llegó a territorio americano con el segundo adelantado del Río de la\nPlata, Don Alvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca”. Cuando la flota llega al puerto de\nSanta Catalina en el año 1541, ya ostentaba el grado de Capitán. Cuando el\ngobernador Martínez de Irala le encomienda fundar al norte de Asunción, Chaves\nse convierte así en General. El 26 de febrero de 1561 fundó Santa Cruz de la\nSierra a orillas del arroyo Sutó. Después de fundada Santa Cruz de la\nSierra, Ñuflo de Chaves se dirige a Asunción, en 1564,  para recoger\na su familia. En 1550 se había casado con Doña Elvira Manrique, hija de don\nFrancisco de Mendoza, gobernador del Río de la Plata, con quien tuvo cinco\nhijos: Francisco y Alvaro, ambos militares; María, Catalina y Elvira; las\ndos menores monjas y la mayor se casó en 1574 con un soldado de apellido\nOssorio. El nieto de Ñuflo, Cap. Francisco Ossorio de Chaves, estuvo como\nAlcalde durante la traslación de  la ciudad, hasta su\nasiento definitivo a orillas del Piraí (1621).", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T12:56:17+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 9884, "end" : 9899 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Nuflo de Chaves" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/267f8a77-1c0f-479e-ae7d-231c1a5558f5", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : 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población española fundada en 1557 en la margen izquierda del río Paraná junto a la desembocadura del río Piquirí, en la provincia del Guayrá (Gobernación del Río de la Plata y del Paraguay). Su ubicación corresponde al municipio de Terra Roxa do Oeste en el actual noroeste del Estado de Paraná (Brasil).", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T12:48:08+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 97466, "end" : 97477 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Ciudad Real" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/922cb837-170a-4418-9c4b-d98a45f76bd2", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://www.hgis-indias.net/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=gazetteer:9000006", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/Gimena", "modified" : "2018-09-18T20:03:04+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/Gimena", "modified" : "2018-09-18T20:03:04+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ -57.632547, -25.281564 ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Asunción del Paraguay.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T12:40:12+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 91927, "end" : 91936 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Asumpción" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/4f71aa3c-bc6f-4e15-a27d-e1c9ba8562f5", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-18T22:35:27+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Don Francisco de Mendoza (n. 1515-1547), capitán de la caballería. Sus \nactuaciones incluyen haber mediado entre Domingo de Irala y Ruiz Galán \nen 1537 y 1539, participado en la represión del levantamiento de cacique\n guarambarense Aracaré y ser parte de la facción de Domingo de Irala \ncontra la de Cabeza de Vaca en 1545. De hecho, sirvió como teniente de \ngobernador bajo su administración cuando Irala condujo una entrada al \nChaco en 1547. En esta circunstancia, los partidarios de Cabeza de Vaca \nrecusaron su nombramiento y tras haber instaurado a Diego de Abreu como \ngobernador, ejecutaron a Mendoza.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T12:56:48+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 35312, "end" : 35332 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Francisco de Mendoza" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/b146b472-fe5c-4df5-8155-26a2ae040644", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", 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"https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://www.hgis-indias.net/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=gazetteer:9000427", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T13:08:35+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T13:08:35+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ -57.16296, -24.373333 ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Se refiere al río Aguapey", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T13:09:40+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 51036, "end" : 51043 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Aguapey" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/5b3c3811-7fe3-447c-9714-2b8eeed8b23c", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PLACE", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T13:04:48+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 37631, "end" : 37637 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Yetica" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/b3a0ee4f-6592-4603-b1eb-0f3a79b83516", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Aborigine", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-20T20:59:58+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Native people", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-20T20:59:58+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-20T20:59:58+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Refiere a Los guaraníes o avá, según su autodenominación étnica original (que significa \"ser humano\"), son un grupo de pueblos indígenas suramericanos que se ubican geográficamente en Paraguay, noreste de Argentina (en ciertas zonas de provincias de la Región del Litoral),​ sur y suroeste de Brasil (en los estados de Río Grande del Sur, Santa Catarina, Paraná y Mato Grosso del Sur) y sureste de Bolivia (en los departamentos de Tarija, Santa Cruz y Chuquisaca) y norte de Uruguay.El muy difundido nombre guaraní lo escucharon los españoles que, al invadir su territorio, habrían oído, entre los gritos de guerra de este pueblo, la frase guará-ny, que significa \"combatir-los\". Por otra parte el nombre dada significa en guaraní 'guerrero', \"ava\" que significa \"hombre\" y se pronuncia en forma grave entre los chiriguanos (ava guaraníes).Otra versión afirma que la denominación fue tomada de la deformación de una palabra guaraní, guariní que significa precisamente \"guerra\" o \"guerrear\". Al parecer los mismos indígenas se denominaron de esa manera, indicando con ello que se consideraban guerreros.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-20T20:59:58+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Los guaraníes se extendían, dividios entre distintas parcialidades, entre la costa brasileña y los contrafuertes andinos, teniendo además asentamientos en las islasdel Río Paraná y del delta del Río de la Plata. Cultivadores selvícolas, producían regulamente excedentes agrícolas que serían indispensables para el avance de la conquista española en el región. Bibliografía:  Silva Noelli, Francisco, \"La distribución geográfica de las evidencias arqueológicasguaraní\", en Revista de Indias, vol. LXIV, núm. 30, 2004, pp. 17-34; Susnik, Branislava, El indio colonial del Paraguay. El guaraní colonial, Asunción, Museo Etnográfico \"Andrés Barbero\", 1965; Susnik, Branislava, El rol de los indígenas en la formación y en la vivencia delParaguay. Tomo I, Asunción, Universo, 1982; Melià, Bartomeu, El guaraní conquistado y reducido: ensayos de etnohistoria, Asunción, Universidad Católica-Centro de Estudios Paraguayos \"AntonioGuasch\", cuarta edición, 1997 [1986]; Melià, Bartomeu, \"Sociedades fluviales y selvícolas del este: Paraguay y Paraná\", en Rojas Rabiela, Teresa; Murra, John (dirs.), Historia general de América Latina. Volumen I, París, Editorial Trotta-UNESCO, 1999, pp. 335-552; Catafesto de Sousa, José Otávio, \"O sistema econômico nas sociedades indígenas guaraní pré-coloniais\", en Horizontes Antropológicos, año 8, núm. 18, 2002, pp. 211-253; Monteiro, John Manuel, \"Os guaraní e a História do Brasil Meridional. Séculos XVI-XVII\", en Carneiro Da Cunha, Manuela L. (org.), História dos índios no Brasil, San Pablo, Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo-Companhia das Letras-Secretaria Municipal de Cultura Prefeitura do Município de São Paulo, 1992 pp. 475-498.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-09-26T16:03:54+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 14694, "end" : 14702 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Guaranís" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/53c7fe20-f6ba-473c-84ef-c0d4e8922633", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://www.hgis-indias.net/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=gazetteer:5600001", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/WernerStangl", "modified" : "2019-06-03T07:38:41+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/WernerStangl", "modified" : "2019-06-03T07:38:41+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ -78.512091, -0.220169 ] } } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 43545, "end" : 43550 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Quito" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/3ce9e40c-ca79-46a9-84bb-0677885ed5db", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2019-06-03T12:58:06+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Probablemente Guasarapos, Guaxarapos o Guachíes, una sociedad canoera de Paraguay arriba.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2019-06-03T12:58:06+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 109600, "end" : 109610 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Guarapayos" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/d6ae3b24-be6d-4f13-a79b-18a75315b7e8", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Treaty of Tordesillas", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T18:03:44+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "EVENT", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T18:03:44+00:00" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "El Tratado de Tordesillas (en portugués: Tratado de Tordesilhas) fue el compromiso suscrito en la localidad de Tordesillas —situada en la actual provincia de Valladolid, en España—, el 7 de junio de 1494, entre los representantes de Isabel y Fernando, reyes de Castilla y de Aragón, por una parte, y los del rey Juan II de Portugal, por la otra, en virtud del cual se estableció un reparto de las zonas de navegación y conquista del océano Atlántico y del Nuevo Mundo mediante una línea situada 370 leguas al oeste de las islas de Cabo Verde, a fin de evitar conflictos de intereses entre la Monarquía Hispánica y el Reino de Portugal. En la práctica este tratado garantizaba al reino portugués que los españoles no interferirían en su ruta del cabo de Buena Esperanza, y viceversa los primeros no lo harían en las recientemente descubiertas Antillas.Aunque por Tratado de Tordesillas se conoce al convenio de límites en el océano Atlántico, ese día se firmó también en Tordesillas otro tratado por el cual se delimitaron las pesquerías del mar entre el cabo Bojador y el Río de Oro, y los límites del Reino de Fez en el norte de África.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T18:03:44+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 6346, "end" : 6377 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "7 días del mes de junio de 1494" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/3b7eb971-93e6-4939-967a-457f0ca5c3ee", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T17:26:58+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Juan Pedro Díaz de Solís (o João Pedro Dias de Solis en portugués) (Lebrija (Sevilla), 1470,​ o São Pedro de Solis (Alentejo) Portugal3​ – Punta Gorda, Uruguay, 20 de enero de 1516) fue un navegante y un explorador, uno de los primeros en llegar al Río de la Plata.  Solís fue además piloto mayor, uno de los cargos de mayor jerarquía dentro de la corona española en la carrera de Indias. Bibliografía Medina, José Toribio, Juan Díaz de Solís. Estudio Histórico, Santiago de Chile, 1898.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2018-06-05T21:23:28+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Adelantado", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T17:32:32+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T17:32:32+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 4517, "end" : 4535 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Juan Díaz de Solís" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", 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"https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-18T23:34:53+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Ruy Díaz de Melgarejo (Salteras\nde Sevilla, 1519 – Santa Fe la Vieja, 1602) fue un militar, conquistador, explorador,\nestadista, minero y burócrata colonial español establecido en la región del Río\nde la Plata. Su vida estuvo marcada por guerras, conspiraciones, persecuciones\ny conflictos familiares.\n\nJunto a Juan de Salazar, Alonso Riquelme de Guzmán y Diego de Abreu se opuso\nal gobierno asunceno de Domingo Martínez de Irala, apoyando al deportado Álvar\nNúñez Cabeza de Vaca.\n\nGobernó de manera casi absoluta e independiente la antigua provincia\nasuncena del Guayrá, fácticamente durante 20 años, y luego de separarla de Asunción\nen 1575, con el título de teniente de gobernador del Guayrá unos 15 años más.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-18T23:34:53+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 53464, "end" : 53472 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Rui Díaz" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/46b66cf7-6192-4c8c-97b4-5aeb5d3550dc", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-18T23:30:44+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Alonso Riquelme\nde Guzmán y Ponce de León - nació en Jerez de la Frontera por 1519. Ruy Díaz de\nGuzmán - su padre - le declaró hijo suyo y de Violante Ponce de León, el\n13-VIII-1528, en una escritura de poder general a favor de Juan de Xerez,\nprocurador de Sevilla. Desde su infancia y hasta su primera juventud sirvió de\npaje y luego como secretario de sus presuntos deudos los Duques de Medina\nSidonia, Juan Alonso de Guzmán y Ana de Aragón. Tenía 21 años cuando se alistó\nen la armada de su pariente Alvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca (tío carnal de su\nmadrastra y del mismo linaje de su abuela Catalina de Zurita), y zarpó con rumbo\nal Río de la Plata.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-18T23:31:15+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 93510, "end" : 93518 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Riquelme" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/dc85e16c-6c0d-4f02-becf-ffc9c8ae138f", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://sws.geonames.org/3461995", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T12:42:33+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T12:42:33+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ -48.31056, -20.31833 ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Es una amplia región comprendida dentro de la Gobernación del Río de la \nPlata y el océano Atlántico, en el actual territorio brasileño. Fue \ncolonizada desde Asunción del Paraguay, pero las constantes incursiones \nde los bandeirantes portugueses frenaron su expansión.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T12:42:33+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 61534, "end" : 61540 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Guayra" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/fd55a52f-4e97-465c-97f0-671464194190", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://sws.geonames.org/3461995", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T12:42:33+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T12:42:33+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ -48.31056, -20.31833 ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Es una amplia región comprendida dentro de la Gobernación del Río de la \nPlata y el océano Atlántico, en el actual territorio brasileño. Fue \ncolonizada desde Asunción del Paraguay, pero las constantes incursiones \nde los bandeirantes portugueses frenaron su expansión.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T12:42:33+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 12071, "end" : 12077 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Guayra" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/911e500c-8ee1-44c0-87ed-4624aa15ba82", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "conqueror", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:35:28+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "colonizer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:35:28+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:35:28+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:35:28+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Ruy Díaz de Melgarejo (Salteras\nde Sevilla, 1519 – Santa Fe la Vieja, 1602) fue un militar, conquistador, explorador,\nestadista, minero y burócrata colonial español establecido en la región del Río\nde la Plata. Su vida estuvo marcada por guerras, conspiraciones, persecuciones\ny conflictos familiares.\n\nJunto a Juan de Salazar, Alonso Riquelme de Guzmán y Diego de Abreu se opuso\nal gobierno asunceno de Domingo Martínez de Irala, apoyando al deportado Álvar\nNúñez Cabeza de Vaca.\n\nGobernó de manera casi absoluta e independiente la antigua provincia\nasuncena del Guayrá, fácticamente durante 20 años, y luego de separarla de Asunción\nen 1575, con el título de teniente de gobernador del Guayrá unos 15 años más.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:35:28+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 111417, "end" : 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-30.635 ], [ -51.404, -30.769 ], [ -51.367, -30.874 ], [ -51.457, -30.874 ], [ -51.501, -30.935 ], [ -51.436, -31.088 ], [ -51.611, -31.138 ], [ -51.613, -31.272 ], [ -51.915, -31.313 ], [ -52.002, -31.449 ], [ -52.031, -31.693 ], [ -52.218, -31.747 ], [ -52.247, -31.871 ], [ -52.106, -31.952 ], [ -52.216, -31.963 ], [ -52.263, -32.062 ], [ -52.209, -32.045 ], [ -52.225, -32.096 ], [ -52.082, -32.033 ], [ -52.162, -32.128 ], [ -52.09, -32.069 ], [ -52.084, -32.186 ], [ -52.16, -32.201 ], [ -52.341, -32.43 ], [ -52.488, -32.844 ], [ -52.66, -33.165 ], [ -53.227, -33.658 ], [ -53.421, -33.741 ], [ -53.524, -33.689 ], [ -53.515, -33.163 ], [ -53.434, -33.054 ], [ -53.243, -32.936 ], [ -53.294, -32.911 ], [ -53.074, -32.746 ], [ -53.244, -32.605 ], [ -53.39, -32.583 ], [ -53.46, -32.48 ], [ -53.595, -32.432 ], [ -53.73, -32.157 ], [ -53.714, -32.104 ], [ -53.965, -31.919 ], [ -54.096, -31.906 ], [ -54.466, -31.666 ], [ -54.491, -31.54 ], [ -54.591, -31.448 ], [ -54.836, -31.446 ], [ -54.945, -31.392 ], [ -55.014, -31.285 ], [ -55.091, -31.326 ], [ -55.245, -31.257 ], [ -55.374, -31.038 ], [ -55.594, -30.848 ], [ -55.635, -30.857 ], [ -55.657, -30.956 ], [ -55.87, -31.08 ], [ -56.008, -31.063 ], [ -55.987, -30.86 ], [ -56.021, -30.784 ], [ -56.127, -30.739 ], [ -56.177, -30.614 ], [ -56.384, -30.495 ], [ -56.459, -30.387 ], [ -56.545, -30.364 ], [ -56.54, -30.312 ], [ -56.617, -30.303 ], [ -56.644, -30.205 ], [ -56.776, -30.166 ], [ -56.804, -30.107 ], [ -57.068, -30.088 ], [ -57.207, -30.281 ], [ -57.313, -30.26 ], [ -57.396, -30.303 ], [ -57.538, -30.275 ], [ -57.618, -30.179 ], [ -57.505, -30.143 ], [ -57.342, -30.001 ], [ -57.319, -29.87 ], [ -57.254, -29.794 ], [ -57.105, -29.752 ], [ -56.972, -29.639 ], [ -56.676, -29.321 ], [ -56.593, -29.123 ], [ -56.425, -29.073 ], [ -56.285, -28.794 ], [ -56.185, -28.771 ], [ -56.016, -28.611 ], [ -56.011, -28.509 ], [ -55.888, -28.479 ], [ -55.875, -28.362 ], [ -55.696, -28.425 ], [ -55.671, -28.333 ], [ -55.773, -28.247 ], [ -55.605, -28.123 ], [ -55.554, -28.164 ], [ -55.496, -28.081 ], [ -55.444, -28.097 ], [ -55.323, -27.928 ], [ -55.196, -27.863 ], [ -55.134, -27.895 ], [ -55.117, -27.853 ], [ -55.032, -27.854 ], [ -55.082, -27.789 ], [ -54.941, -27.775 ], [ -54.809, -27.536 ], [ -54.781, -27.586 ], [ -54.683, -27.576 ], [ -54.678, -27.514 ], [ -54.624, -27.55 ], [ -54.576, -27.458 ], [ -54.525, -27.507 ], [ -54.415, -27.412 ], [ -54.353, -27.468 ], [ -54.339, -27.406 ], [ -54.282, -27.447 ], [ -54.176, -27.261 ], [ -54.089, -27.303 ], [ -53.949, -27.158 ], [ -53.799, -27.147 ], [ -53.795, -27.048 ], [ -53.761, -27.068 ], [ -53.662, -26.869 ], [ -53.751, -26.745 ], [ -53.707, -26.563 ], [ -53.738, -26.548 ], [ -53.592, -26.265 ], [ -53.722, -26.13 ], [ -53.733, -26.047 ], [ -53.837, -25.969 ], [ -53.824, -25.793 ], [ -53.891, -25.625 ], [ -53.951, -25.644 ], [ -54.016, -25.569 ], [ -54.101, -25.625 ], [ -54.111, -25.504 ], [ -54.213, -25.554 ], [ -54.184, -25.591 ], [ -54.289, -25.562 ], [ -54.387, -25.608 ], [ -54.43, -25.706 ], [ -54.596, -25.595 ], [ -54.617, -25.459 ], [ -54.437, -25.157 ], [ -54.458, -25.031 ], [ -54.336, -24.649 ], [ -54.333, -24.493 ], [ -54.262, -24.376 ], [ -54.33, -24.225 ], [ -54.282, -24.075 ], [ -54.411, -23.929 ], [ -54.668, -23.815 ], [ -55.061, -23.991 ], [ -55.112, -23.963 ], [ -55.226, -24.013 ], [ -55.413, -23.961 ], [ -55.434, -23.714 ], [ -55.535, -23.614 ], [ -55.522, -23.197 ], [ -55.596, -23.141 ], [ -55.64, -22.994 ], [ -55.685, -22.992 ], [ -55.613, -22.659 ], [ -55.736, -22.532 ], [ -55.74, -22.396 ], [ -55.854, -22.281 ], [ -56.208, -22.281 ], [ -56.341, -22.206 ], [ -56.403, -22.078 ], [ -56.519, -22.103 ], [ -56.643, -22.261 ], [ -56.698, -22.216 ], [ -56.728, -22.26 ], [ -56.808, -22.25 ], [ -56.831, -22.3 ], [ -57.001, -22.225 ], [ -57.203, -22.21 ], [ -57.243, -22.244 ], [ -57.553, -22.181 ], [ -57.616, -22.096 ], [ -57.803, -22.148 ], [ -57.989, -22.085 ], [ -58.005, -22.032 ], [ -57.919, -21.881 ], [ -57.969, -21.844 ], [ -57.913, -21.793 ], [ -57.947, -21.747 ], [ -57.894, -21.687 ], [ -57.968, -21.528 ], [ -57.855, -21.339 ], [ -57.918, -21.278 ], [ -57.854, -21.226 ], [ -57.866, -21.041 ], [ -57.818, -20.976 ], [ -57.927, -20.897 ], [ -57.855, -20.835 ], [ -57.961, -20.784 ], [ -57.869, -20.736 ], [ -57.923, -20.666 ], [ -57.988, -20.696 ], [ -57.994, -20.448 ], [ -58.082, -20.372 ], [ -58.092, -20.257 ], [ -58.154, -20.264 ], [ -58.125, -20.188 ], [ -58.163, -20.162 ], [ -57.872, -19.979 ], [ -58.134, -19.761 ], [ -57.79, -19.051 ], [ -57.709, -19.034 ], [ -57.757, -18.858 ], [ -57.56, -18.263 ], [ -57.458, -18.228 ], [ -57.568, -18.136 ], [ -57.702, -17.86 ], [ -57.715, -17.735 ], [ -57.785, -17.645 ], [ -57.773, -17.553 ], [ -57.878, -17.463 ], [ -58.003, -17.52 ], [ -58.114, -17.456 ], [ -58.395, -17.197 ], [ -58.421, -16.99 ], [ -58.47, -16.939 ], [ -58.468, -16.702 ], [ -58.442, -16.613 ], [ -58.34, -16.542 ], [ -58.309, -16.27 ], [ -58.471, -16.325 ], [ -60.173, -16.265 ], [ -60.236, -15.476 ], [ -60.565, -15.105 ], [ -60.253, -15.101 ], [ -60.257, -14.624 ], [ -60.338, -14.555 ], [ -60.482, -14.181 ], [ -60.468, -14.092 ], [ -60.378, -13.992 ], [ -60.468, -13.886 ], [ -60.468, -13.801 ], [ -60.793, -13.686 ], [ -60.962, -13.539 ], [ -61.044, -13.541 ], [ -61.028, -13.477 ], [ -61.069, -13.463 ], [ -61.139, -13.521 ], [ -61.249, -13.525 ], [ -61.33, -13.473 ], [ -61.486, -13.554 ], [ -61.578, -13.494 ], [ -61.824, -13.539 ], [ -61.866, -13.443 ], [ -62.108, -13.257 ], [ -62.109, -13.149 ], [ -62.165, -13.112 ], [ -62.368, -13.145 ], [ -62.464, -13.07 ], [ -62.637, -13.041 ], [ -62.674, -12.965 ], [ -62.764, -13.023 ], [ -62.923, -12.854 ], [ -62.996, -12.85 ], [ -63.082, -12.653 ], [ -63.327, -12.705 ], [ -63.482, -12.557 ], [ -63.712, -12.458 ], [ -63.875, -12.469 ], [ -63.937, -12.557 ], [ -64.127, -12.494 ], [ -64.152, -12.529 ], [ -64.215, -12.476 ], [ -64.278, -12.511 ], [ -64.493, -12.366 ], [ -64.486, -12.23 ], [ -64.654, -12.186 ], [ -64.683, -12.099 ], [ -64.725, -12.162 ], [ -64.798, -12.035 ], [ -64.993, -11.999 ], [ -65.048, -11.757 ], [ -65.112, -11.741 ], [ -65.106, -11.697 ], [ -65.135, -11.777 ], [ -65.201, -11.745 ], [ -65.161, -11.622 ], [ -65.218, -11.521 ], [ -65.299, -11.5 ], [ -65.338, -11.392 ], [ -65.31, -11.341 ], [ -65.385, -11.269 ], [ -65.349, -11.239 ], [ -65.391, -11.167 ], [ -65.318, -11.105 ], [ -65.336, -11.044 ], [ -65.269, -10.901 ], [ -65.366, -10.798 ], [ -65.349, -10.671 ], [ -65.426, -10.638 ], [ -65.429, -10.473 ], [ -65.28, -10.218 ], [ -65.327, -9.938 ], [ -65.29, -9.851 ], [ -65.377, -9.698 ], [ -65.488, -9.718 ], [ -65.563, -9.834 ], [ -65.669, -9.779 ], [ -65.7, -9.803 ], [ -65.689, -9.749 ], [ -65.748, -9.77 ], [ -65.777, -9.727 ], [ -65.798, -9.786 ], [ -65.81, -9.75 ], [ -65.86, -9.794 ], [ -65.872, -9.757 ], [ -66.018, -9.807 ], [ -66.064, -9.772 ], [ -66.422, -9.895 ], [ -66.616, -9.893 ], [ -66.623, -9.935 ], [ -66.883, -10.081 ], [ -67.029, -10.254 ], [ -67.186, -10.339 ], [ -67.315, -10.316 ], [ -67.327, -10.374 ], [ -67.414, -10.372 ], [ -67.443, -10.45 ], [ -67.594, -10.523 ], [ -67.715, -10.707 ], [ -68.021, -10.661 ], [ -68.119, -10.726 ], [ -68.283, -10.987 ], [ -68.519, -11.048 ], [ -68.587, -11.11 ], [ -68.769, -11.139 ], [ -68.751, -11.007 ], [ -68.787, -10.99 ], [ -68.871, -11.023 ], [ -69.393, -10.929 ], [ -69.728, -10.973 ], [ -69.938, -10.926 ], [ -70.318, -11.066 ], [ -70.428, -11.033 ], [ -70.508, -10.94 ], [ -70.618, -11.007 ], [ -70.622, -9.847 ], [ -70.522, -9.738 ], [ -70.598, -9.574 ], [ -70.561, -9.579 ], [ -70.497, -9.433 ], [ -70.601, -9.453 ], [ -70.982, -9.812 ], [ -71.131, -9.862 ], [ -71.288, -9.996 ], [ -72.165, -10.002 ], [ -72.16, -9.818 ], [ -72.26, -9.755 ], [ -72.289, -9.536 ], [ -72.364, -9.491 ], [ -72.721, -9.417 ], [ -73.196, -9.418 ], [ -72.965, -9.154 ], [ -72.946, -8.99 ], [ -73.059, -8.904 ], [ -73.169, -8.701 ], [ -73.338, -8.609 ], [ -73.338, -8.476 ], [ -73.526, -8.369 ], [ -73.632, -8.022 ], [ -73.765, -7.94 ], [ -73.777, -7.869 ], [ -73.697, -7.865 ], [ -73.69, -7.79 ], [ -73.985, -7.543 ], [ -73.917, -7.461 ], [ -73.954, -7.348 ], [ -73.868, -7.377 ], [ -73.691, -7.313 ], [ -73.797, -7.115 ], [ -73.743, -6.897 ], [ -73.351, -6.561 ], [ -73.211, -6.53 ], [ -73.133, -6.421 ], [ -73.185, -6.04 ], [ -73.131, -5.986 ], [ -73.116, -5.865 ], [ -72.951, -5.643 ], [ -72.948, -5.454 ], [ -72.872, -5.25 ], [ -72.896, -5.136 ], [ -72.734, -5.043 ], [ -72.602, -5.056 ], [ -72.577, -4.992 ], [ -72.455, -4.962 ], [ -72.452, -4.906 ], [ -72.37, -4.88 ], [ -72.356, -4.803 ], [ -72.292, -4.799 ], [ -72.313, -4.769 ], [ -72.223, -4.78 ], [ -72.113, -4.722 ], [ -72.047, -4.625 ], [ -71.94, -4.607 ], [ -71.897, -4.512 ], [ -71.61, -4.465 ], [ -71.597, -4.525 ], [ -71.535, -4.46 ], [ -71.49, -4.479 ], [ -71.506, -4.435 ], [ -71.414, -4.432 ], [ -71.432, -4.469 ], [ -71.342, -4.423 ], [ -71.355, -4.468 ], [ -71.303, -4.458 ], [ -71.269, -4.381 ], [ -71.198, -4.377 ], [ -71.193, -4.42 ], [ -71.147, -4.375 ], [ -71.031, -4.397 ], [ -70.99, -4.34 ], [ -70.935, -4.381 ], [ -70.757, -4.152 ], [ -70.677, -4.2 ], [ -70.622, -4.121 ], [ -70.633, -4.173 ], [ -70.565, -4.168 ], [ -70.566, -4.205 ], [ -70.553, -4.128 ], [ -70.503, -4.19 ], [ -70.434, -4.125 ], [ -70.341, -4.174 ], [ -70.317, -4.136 ], [ -70.291, -4.283 ], [ -70.249, -4.267 ], [ -70.186, -4.357 ], [ -70.169, -4.27 ], [ -70.101, -4.255 ], [ -70.031, -4.339 ], [ -69.929, -4.213 ], [ -69.453, -1.478 ], [ -69.368, -1.334 ], [ -69.422, -0.998 ], [ -69.508, -0.936 ], [ -69.609, -0.755 ], [ -69.551, -0.648 ], [ -69.593, -0.517 ], [ -69.908, -0.316 ], [ -70.068, -0.135 ], [ -70.037, 0.553 ], [ -69.798, 0.585 ], [ -69.664, 0.672 ], [ -69.606, 0.623 ], [ -69.468, 0.734 ], [ -69.357, 0.621 ], [ -69.295, 0.648 ], [ -69.288, 0.609 ], [ -69.202, 0.602 ], [ -69.112, 0.643 ], [ -69.184, 0.73 ], [ -69.137, 0.868 ], [ -69.257, 1.026 ], [ -69.342, 1.064 ], [ -69.416, 1.024 ], [ -69.7, 1.056 ], [ -69.721, 1.097 ], [ -69.854, 1.07 ], [ -69.855, 1.715 ], [ -69.556, 1.775 ], [ -69.395, 1.726 ], [ -68.128, 1.73 ], [ -68.29, 1.841 ], [ -68.205, 2.038 ], [ -68.027, 1.784 ], [ -67.924, 1.751 ], [ -67.797, 1.812 ], [ -67.578, 2.076 ], [ -67.41, 2.141 ], [ -67.117, 1.732 ], [ -67.068, 1.532 ], [ -67.097, 1.17 ], [ -66.855, 1.228 ], [ -66.322, 0.738 ], [ -66.095, 0.754 ], [ -65.952, 0.81 ], [ -65.854, 0.939 ], [ -65.733, 1.005 ], [ -65.583, 1.008 ], [ -65.47, 0.877 ], [ -65.557, 0.705 ], [ -65.504, 0.627 ], [ -65.393, 0.699 ], [ -65.305, 0.916 ], [ -65.152, 0.943 ], [ -65.121, 1.115 ], [ -65.055, 1.144 ], [ -64.968, 1.112 ], [ -64.903, 1.249 ], [ -64.843, 1.237 ], [ -64.783, 1.313 ], [ -64.721, 1.25 ], [ -64.638, 1.286 ], [ -64.387, 1.527 ], [ -64.344, 1.528 ], [ -64.382, 1.419 ], [ -64.344, 1.38 ], [ -64.186, 1.494 ], [ -64.054, 1.708 ], [ -64.057, 1.933 ], [ -64.018, 1.967 ], [ -63.781, 1.989 ], [ -63.604, 2.124 ], [ -63.419, 2.154 ], [ -63.349, 2.281 ], [ -63.382, 2.442 ], [ -63.756, 2.403 ], [ -64.031, 2.509 ], [ -63.987, 2.772 ], [ -64.216, 3.153 ], [ -64.236, 3.476 ], [ -64.186, 3.634 ], [ -64.324, 3.797 ], [ -64.543, 3.882 ], [ -64.8, 4.224 ], [ -64.79, 4.329 ], [ -64.677, 4.297 ], [ -64.555, 4.153 ], [ -64.135, 4.176 ], [ -63.967, 3.93 ], [ -63.806, 4.019 ], [ -63.623, 4.01 ], [ -63.455, 3.91 ], [ -63.411, 4.026 ], [ -63.358, 4.04 ], [ -63.203, 3.952 ], [ -63.189, 3.872 ], [ -62.86, 3.584 ], [ -62.749, 3.642 ], [ -62.705, 3.724 ], [ -62.752, 4.012 ], [ -62.635, 4.056 ], [ -62.557, 4.02 ], [ -62.46, 4.173 ], [ -62.129, 4.084 ], [ -61.961, 4.18 ], [ -61.927, 4.106 ], [ -61.723, 4.262 ], [ -61.528, 4.273 ], [ -61.507, 4.398 ], [ -61.274, 4.471 ], [ -61.293, 4.55 ], [ -61.141, 4.508 ], [ -60.952, 4.549 ], [ -60.907, 4.708 ], [ -60.731, 4.777 ], [ -60.59, 4.951 ], [ -60.744, 5.209 ], [ -60.438, 5.177 ], [ -60.203, 5.265 ], [ -60.176, 5.227 ], [ -60.121, 5.243 ], [ -60.085, 5.149 ], [ -59.969, 5.073 ], [ -60.03, 4.704 ], [ -60.163, 4.521 ], [ -59.927, 4.509 ], [ -59.674, 4.382 ], [ -59.726, 4.191 ], [ -59.628, 4.138 ], [ -59.655, 4.078 ], [ -59.516, 3.94 ], [ -59.581, 3.901 ], [ -59.594, 3.796 ], [ -59.666, 3.777 ], [ -59.664, 3.703 ], [ -59.849, 3.601 ], [ -59.799, 3.355 ], [ -59.909, 3.197 ], [ -59.982, 2.929 ], [ -59.99, 2.683 ], [ -59.903, 2.479 ], [ -59.91, 2.388 ], [ -59.724, 2.277 ], [ -59.754, 1.861 ], [ -59.654, 1.849 ], [ -59.669, 1.764 ], [ -59.549, 1.729 ], [ -59.253, 1.397 ], [ -58.914, 1.299 ], [ -58.904, 1.234 ], [ -58.804, 1.175 ], [ -58.696, 1.288 ], [ -58.507, 1.264 ], [ -58.468, 1.318 ], [ -58.498, 1.458 ], [ -58.382, 1.471 ], [ -58.325, 1.59 ], [ -58.167, 1.558 ], [ -58.13, 1.501 ], [ -58.009, 1.501 ], [ -58, 1.665 ], [ -57.919, 1.645 ], [ -57.77, 1.718 ], [ -57.545, 1.701 ], [ -57.434, 1.895 ], [ -57.302, 1.99 ], [ -57.247, 1.944 ], [ -57.085, 2.021 ], [ -57.012, 1.918 ], [ -56.8, 1.864 ], [ -56.724, 1.92 ], [ -56.454, 1.945 ], [ -55.957, 1.844 ], [ -55.906, 1.889 ], [ -55.913, 2.041 ], [ -56.048, 2.226 ], [ -56.134, 2.263 ], [ -56.09, 2.352 ], [ -55.995, 2.405 ], [ -55.987, 2.517 ], [ -55.948, 2.532 ], [ -55.739, 2.401 ], [ -55.481, 2.443 ], [ -55.37, 2.407 ], [ -55.336, 2.516 ], [ -55.239, 2.495 ], [ -55.137, 2.575 ], [ -55.103, 2.522 ], [ -54.94, 2.632 ], [ -54.969, 2.555 ], [ -54.864, 2.439 ], [ -54.72, 2.469 ], [ -54.702, 2.336 ], [ -54.549, 2.336 ], [ -54.534, 2.268 ], [ -54.314, 2.158 ], [ -54.189, 2.179 ], [ -54.111, 2.127 ], [ -54.078, 2.197 ], [ -53.784, 2.364 ], [ -53.694, 2.287 ], [ -53.472, 2.332 ], [ -53.397, 2.272 ], [ -53.273, 2.292 ], [ -53.188, 2.223 ], [ -52.905, 2.19 ], [ -52.853, 2.285 ], [ -52.673, 2.374 ], [ -52.555, 2.523 ], [ -52.556, 2.646 ], [ -52.382, 2.912 ], [ -52.347, 3.134 ], [ -52.192, 3.296 ], [ -51.92, 3.781 ], [ -51.795, 3.89 ], [ -51.754, 3.996 ], [ -51.658, 4.049 ], [ -51.585, 4.241 ], [ -51.529, 4.171 ], [ -51.545, 4.397 ], [ -51.202, 4.084 ], [ -51.173, 3.767 ], [ -51.127, 3.911 ], [ -51.085, 3.895 ], [ -51.051, 3.283 ], [ -50.913, 2.875 ], [ -50.927, 2.807 ], [ -50.816, 2.644 ], [ -50.851, 2.482 ], [ -50.802, 2.508 ], [ -50.736, 2.414 ], [ -50.765, 2.359 ], [ -50.694, 2.276 ], [ -50.725, 2.252 ], [ -50.675, 2.247 ], [ -50.682, 2.137 ], [ -50.584, 2.091 ], [ -50.586, 2.014 ], [ -50.471, 1.82 ], [ -50.194, 1.794 ], [ -49.954, 1.676 ], [ -49.88, 1.419 ], [ -49.918, 1.289 ], [ -50.073, 1.204 ], [ -49.918, 1.232 ], [ -49.939, 1.103 ], [ -50.003, 1.066 ], [ -50.033, 1.107 ], [ -50.131, 0.949 ], [ -50.274, 0.866 ], [ -50.338, 0.729 ], [ -50.417, 0.685 ], [ -50.455, 0.732 ], [ -50.428, 0.679 ], [ -50.571, 0.424 ], [ -50.691, 0.3 ], [ -50.677, 0.365 ], [ -50.746, 0.227 ], [ -50.801, 0.224 ], [ -50.785, 0.183 ], [ -50.908, 0.171 ], [ -51.087, -0.043 ], [ -51.203, -0.055 ], [ -51.419, -0.412 ], [ -51.409, -0.44 ], [ -51.325, -0.364 ], [ -51.188, -0.14 ], [ -51.111, -0.154 ], [ -51.154, -0.284 ], [ -51.396, -0.493 ], [ -51.243, -0.443 ], [ -51.26, -0.5 ], [ -51.165, -0.431 ], [ -50.953, -0.061 ], [ -50.824, -0.048 ], [ -50.705, 0.002 ], [ -50.613, -0.088 ], [ -50.744, -0.244 ], [ -50.751, -0.429 ], [ -50.845, -0.526 ], [ -50.988, -0.583 ], [ -51.051, -0.682 ], [ -50.826, -0.555 ], [ -50.794, -0.666 ], [ -50.733, -0.557 ], [ -50.684, -0.604 ], [ -50.724, -0.493 ], [ -50.652, -0.276 ], [ -50.409, -0.094 ], [ -49.631, -0.247 ], [ -49.446, -0.23 ], [ -49.289, -0.145 ], [ -49.018, -0.16 ], [ -49, -0.139 ], [ -48.895, -0.224 ], [ -48.539, -0.234 ], [ -48.363, -0.303 ], [ -48.459, -0.513 ], [ -48.522, -0.877 ], [ -48.667, -1.002 ], [ -48.621, -1.005 ], [ -48.65, -1.048 ], [ -48.617, -1.053 ], [ -48.721, -1.137 ], [ -48.837, -1.452 ], [ -49.161, -1.575 ], [ -49.182, -1.623 ], [ -49.362, -1.604 ], [ -49.364, -1.642 ], [ -49.448, -1.637 ], [ -49.5, -1.738 ], [ -49.61, -1.718 ], [ -49.676, -1.78 ], [ -49.696, -1.757 ], [ -49.714, -1.76 ], [ -49.803, -1.822 ], [ -50.035, -1.717 ], [ -50.179, -1.787 ], [ -50.256, -1.776 ], [ -50.415, -1.841 ], [ -50.401, -1.935 ], [ -49.994, -1.819 ], [ -49.844, -1.905 ], [ -49.765, -1.898 ], [ -49.616, -1.79 ], [ -49.276, -1.706 ], [ -49.267, -1.778 ], [ -49.387, -1.977 ], [ -49.383, -2.159 ], [ -48.973, -1.594 ], [ -48.897, -1.573 ], [ -48.955, -1.712 ], [ -48.932, -1.75 ], [ -48.898, -1.743 ], [ -48.656, -1.371 ], [ -48.592, -1.429 ], [ -48.601, -1.306 ], [ -48.524, -1.338 ], [ -48.537, -1.467 ], [ -48.496, -1.553 ], [ -48.491, -1.502 ], [ -48.46, -1.533 ], [ -48.374, -1.511 ], [ -48.319, -1.478 ], [ -48.505, -1.471 ], [ -48.422, -1.168 ], [ -48.475, -1.144 ], [ -48.4, -1.066 ], [ -48.278, -1.111 ], [ -48.304, -0.948 ], [ -48.055, -0.668 ], [ -48.001, -0.731 ], [ -47.893, -0.553 ], [ -47.843, -0.616 ], [ -47.807, -0.547 ], [ -47.702, -0.54 ], [ -47.707, -0.59 ], [ -47.667, -0.569 ], [ -47.633, -0.608 ], [ -47.651, -0.694 ], [ -47.608, -0.684 ], [ -47.577, -0.573 ], [ -47.476, -0.757 ], [ -47.398, -0.76 ], [ -47.428, -0.693 ], [ -47.464, -0.687 ], [ -47.466, -0.594 ], [ -47.399, -0.594 ], [ -47.4, -0.645 ], [ -47.298, -0.589 ], [ -47.253, -0.668 ], [ -47.247, -0.623 ], [ -47.206, -0.633 ], [ -47.23, -0.719 ], [ -47.158, -0.678 ], [ -47.191, -0.754 ], [ -47.146, -0.764 ], [ -47.16, -0.815 ], [ -47.081, -0.661 ], [ -47.055, -0.868 ], [ -47.027, -0.784 ], [ -46.983, -0.806 ], [ -47.016, -0.752 ], [ -46.967, -0.694 ], [ -46.969, -0.78 ], [ -46.891, -0.869 ], [ -46.89, -0.789 ], [ -46.846, -0.799 ], [ -46.82, -0.71 ], [ -46.802, -0.877 ], [ -46.777, -0.905 ], [ -46.75, -0.826 ], [ -46.709, -0.86 ], [ -46.734, -0.944 ], [ -46.687, -0.831 ], [ -46.653, -0.882 ], [ -46.621, -0.818 ], [ -46.601, -0.917 ], [ -46.676, -0.965 ], [ -46.622, -0.987 ], [ -46.57, -0.947 ], [ -46.609, -1.03 ], [ -46.57, -0.988 ], [ -46.525, -1.027 ], [ -46.465, -1.007 ], [ -46.47, -1.044 ], [ -46.395, -1.037 ], [ -46.413, -1.084 ], [ -46.348, -0.982 ], [ -46.36, -1.011 ], [ -46.366, -1.031 ], [ -46.348, -1.079 ], [ -46.339, -1.015 ], [ -46.299, -1.05 ], [ -46.212, -0.946 ], [ -46.242, -0.921 ], [ -46.179, -0.914 ], [ -46.224, -1.053 ], [ -46.206, -1.1 ], [ -46.158, -1.014 ], [ -46.138, -1.032 ], [ -46.193, -1.143 ], [ -46.104, -1.067 ], [ -46.062, -1.133 ], [ -46.15, -1.258 ], [ -45.982, -1.071 ], [ -45.953, -1.147 ], [ -46, -1.151 ], [ -46, -1.199 ], [ -45.95, -1.159 ], [ -45.95, -1.207 ], [ -46, -1.209 ], [ -45.95, -1.25 ], [ -45.902, -1.134 ], [ -45.923, -1.214 ], [ -45.882, -1.167 ], [ -45.873, -1.211 ], [ -45.909, -1.261 ], [ -45.859, -1.231 ], [ -45.891, -1.293 ], [ -45.807, -1.176 ], [ -45.843, -1.301 ], [ -45.809, -1.328 ], [ -45.831, -1.298 ], [ -45.782, -1.278 ], [ -45.726, -1.135 ], [ -45.69, -1.452 ], [ -45.697, -1.38 ], [ -45.632, -1.371 ], [ -45.618, -1.279 ], [ -45.589, -1.329 ], [ -45.537, -1.273 ], [ -45.561, -1.343 ], [ -45.51, -1.352 ], [ -45.567, -1.404 ], [ -45.546, -1.432 ], [ -45.413, -1.296 ], [ -45.489, -1.473 ], [ -45.511, -1.458 ], [ -45.554, -1.503 ], [ -45.507, -1.471 ], [ -45.518, -1.516 ], [ -45.481, -1.495 ], [ -45.463, -1.548 ], [ -45.457, -1.457 ], [ -45.391, -1.434 ], [ -45.363, -1.325 ], [ -45.323, -1.319 ], [ -45.302, -1.424 ], [ -45.392, -1.485 ], [ -45.398, -1.503 ], [ -45.356, -1.487 ], [ -45.392, -1.553 ], [ -45.338, -1.572 ], [ -45.371, -1.722 ], [ -45.338, -1.753 ], [ -45.197, -1.688 ], [ -45.261, -1.607 ], [ -45.16, -1.475 ], [ -45.136, -1.521 ], [ -45.072, -1.435 ], [ -45.07, -1.485 ], [ -44.999, -1.504 ], [ -45.018, -1.547 ], [ -44.969, -1.549 ], [ -45.029, -1.583 ], [ -45.029, -1.602 ], [ -44.979, -1.607 ], [ -44.954, -1.498 ], [ -44.862, -1.426 ], [ -44.857, -1.498 ], [ -44.954, -1.605 ], [ -44.918, -1.649 ], [ -44.968, -1.662 ], [ -44.913, -1.657 ], [ -44.927, -1.62 ], [ -44.886, -1.609 ], [ -44.837, -1.65 ], [ -44.822, -1.591 ], [ -44.826, -1.637 ], [ -44.805, -1.609 ], [ -44.812, -1.665 ], [ -44.779, -1.735 ], [ -44.711, -1.728 ], [ -44.82, -1.819 ], [ -44.738, -1.791 ], [ -44.706, -1.819 ], [ -44.676, -1.808 ], [ -44.661, -1.727 ], [ -44.604, -1.749 ], [ -44.667, -1.849 ], [ -44.601, -1.858 ], [ -44.583, -1.817 ], [ -44.586, -1.873 ], [ -44.543, -1.833 ], [ -44.601, -1.909 ], [ -44.517, -1.907 ], [ -44.484, -2.002 ], [ -44.613, -2.037 ], [ -44.467, -2.017 ], [ -44.626, -2.151 ], [ -44.589, -2.159 ], [ -44.641, -2.232 ], [ -44.708, -2.23 ], [ -44.684, -2.275 ], [ -44.764, -2.265 ], [ -44.654, -2.294 ], [ -44.681, -2.354 ], [ -44.649, -2.373 ], [ -44.666, -2.329 ], [ -44.479, -2.137 ], [ -44.358, -2.335 ], [ -44.401, -2.416 ], [ -44.514, -2.384 ], [ -44.55, -2.4 ], [ -44.491, -2.415 ], [ -44.514, -2.448 ], [ -44.505, -2.476 ], [ -44.665, -2.608 ], [ -44.548, -2.542 ], [ -44.658, -2.781 ], [ -44.688, -2.924 ], [ -44.677, -3.019 ], [ -44.66, -3.02 ], [ -44.657, -3.018 ] ], [ [ -43.318, -2.361 ], [ -43.317, -2.363 ], [ -43.296, -2.363 ], [ -43.318, -2.361 ] ], [ [ -42.438, -2.747 ], [ -42.442, -2.749 ], [ -42.438, -2.75 ], [ -42.438, -2.747 ] ], [ [ -42.442, -2.749 ], [ -42.47, -2.744 ], [ -42.447, -2.753 ], [ -42.442, -2.749 ] ], [ [ -50.851, 2.482 ], [ -50.853, 2.481 ], [ -50.853, 2.48 ], [ -50.851, 2.482 ] ], [ [ -50.853, 2.481 ], [ -50.86, 2.495 ], [ -50.86, 2.477 ], [ -50.853, 2.481 ] ], [ [ -49.976, 1.659 ], [ -49.98, 1.659 ], [ -50, 1.639 ], [ -49.976, 1.659 ] ], [ [ -45.392, -1.553 ], [ -45.393, -1.553 ], [ -45.394, -1.556 ], [ -45.392, -1.553 ] ], [ [ -45.394, -1.556 ], [ -45.406, -1.579 ], [ -45.403, -1.591 ], [ -45.394, -1.556 ] ], [ [ -44.837, -1.65 ], [ -44.834, -1.655 ], [ -44.833, -1.654 ], [ -44.837, -1.65 ] ], [ [ -44.834, -1.655 ], [ -44.841, -1.675 ], [ -44.822, -1.672 ], [ -44.834, -1.655 ] ], [ [ -44.779, -1.735 ], [ -44.777, -1.741 ], [ -44.776, -1.74 ], [ -44.779, -1.735 ] ], [ [ -44.777, -1.741 ], [ -44.833, -1.77 ], [ -44.774, -1.75 ], [ -44.777, -1.741 ] ], [ [ -44.547, -2.22 ], [ -44.536, -2.225 ], [ -44.543, -2.219 ], [ -44.547, -2.22 ] ], [ [ -44.536, -2.225 ], [ -44.507, -2.249 ], [ -44.512, -2.235 ], [ -44.536, -2.225 ] ], [ [ -44.507, -2.249 ], [ -44.504, -2.256 ], [ -44.501, -2.254 ], [ -44.507, -2.249 ] ], [ [ -44.504, -2.256 ], [ -44.514, -2.268 ], [ -44.502, -2.26 ], [ -44.504, -2.256 ] ] ], [ [ [ -29.34, -20.484 ], [ -29.301, -20.521 ], [ -29.341, -20.511 ], [ -29.34, -20.484 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.001, -13.94 ], [ -39.012, -13.915 ], [ -38.994, -13.896 ], [ -39.001, -13.94 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.043, -13.909 ], [ -39.059, -13.904 ], [ -39.054, -13.886 ], [ -39.028, -13.903 ], [ -39.043, -13.909 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.251, -18.015 ], [ -39.283, -18.005 ], [ -39.272, -17.982 ], [ -39.245, -18.006 ], [ -39.251, -18.015 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.131, -17.927 ], [ -39.154, -17.921 ], [ -39.137, -17.91 ], [ -39.131, -17.927 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.212, -17.986 ], [ -39.228, -17.979 ], [ -39.215, -17.944 ], [ -39.202, -17.95 ], [ -39.212, -17.986 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.341, -23.231 ], [ -44.372, -23.174 ], [ -44.232, -23.089 ], [ -44.087, -23.173 ], [ -44.3, -23.184 ], [ -44.341, -23.231 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.356, -23.073 ], [ -44.388, -23.048 ], [ -44.373, -23.033 ], [ -44.343, -23.041 ], [ -44.356, -23.073 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.929, -23.014 ], [ -43.936, -22.999 ], [ -43.916, -22.989 ], [ -43.929, -23.014 ] ] ], [ [ [ -42.002, -23.018 ], [ -42.015, -23.003 ], [ -41.98, -22.975 ], [ -41.975, -22.992 ], [ -42.002, -23.018 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.904, -22.962 ], [ -43.907, -22.936 ], [ -43.868, -22.926 ], [ -43.871, -22.95 ], [ -43.904, -22.962 ] ] ], [ [ [ -41.042, -21.613 ], [ -41.042, -21.6 ], [ -41.019, -21.606 ], [ -41.042, -21.613 ] ] ], [ [ [ -52.112, -32 ], [ -52.18, -32.035 ], [ -52.216, -32.025 ], [ -52.198, -31.978 ], [ -52.112, -32 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.641, -30.388 ], [ -50.629, -30.394 ], [ -50.624, -30.329 ], [ -50.592, -30.399 ], [ -50.609, -30.406 ], [ -50.641, -30.388 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.526, -27.462 ], [ -48.416, -27.38 ], [ -48.358, -27.446 ], [ -48.503, -27.799 ], [ -48.559, -27.842 ], [ -48.526, -27.462 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.354, -27.296 ], [ -48.376, -27.285 ], [ -48.373, -27.271 ], [ -48.36, -27.27 ], [ -48.354, -27.296 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.731, -26.314 ], [ -48.754, -26.297 ], [ -48.735, -26.282 ], [ -48.731, -26.314 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.318, -25.584 ], [ -48.309, -25.546 ], [ -48.381, -25.504 ], [ -48.312, -25.509 ], [ -48.292, -25.545 ], [ -48.318, -25.584 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.414, -25.544 ], [ -48.459, -25.514 ], [ -48.415, -25.527 ], [ -48.414, -25.544 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.424, -25.551 ], [ -48.479, -25.523 ], [ -48.485, -25.502 ], [ -48.424, -25.551 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.298, -25.493 ], [ -48.341, -25.416 ], [ -48.252, -25.341 ], [ -48.265, -25.44 ], [ -48.253, -25.466 ], [ -48.298, -25.493 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.417, -25.386 ], [ -48.424, -25.343 ], [ -48.405, -25.33 ], [ -48.417, -25.386 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.695, -24.112 ], [ -45.688, -24.088 ], [ -45.679, -24.098 ], [ -45.695, -24.112 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.251, -23.962 ], [ -45.301, -23.909 ], [ -45.453, -23.91 ], [ -45.332, -23.721 ], [ -45.227, -23.774 ], [ -45.224, -23.835 ], [ -45.283, -23.857 ], [ -45.221, -23.899 ], [ -45.251, -23.962 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.141, -23.817 ], [ -45.146, -23.791 ], [ -45.114, -23.801 ], [ -45.141, -23.817 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.153, -23.573 ], [ -45.153, -23.558 ], [ -45.141, -23.568 ], [ -45.153, -23.573 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.073, -23.564 ], [ -45.079, -23.525 ], [ -45.036, -23.531 ], [ -45.073, -23.564 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.608, -23.228 ], [ -44.59, -23.208 ], [ -44.577, -23.216 ], [ -44.608, -23.228 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.648, -12.821 ], [ -38.666, -12.777 ], [ -38.624, -12.762 ], [ -38.648, -12.821 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.529, -12.811 ], [ -38.544, -12.757 ], [ -38.532, -12.74 ], [ -38.508, -12.792 ], [ -38.529, -12.811 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.622, -12.752 ], [ -38.622, -12.727 ], [ -38.593, -12.733 ], [ -38.622, -12.752 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.646, -12.683 ], [ -38.648, -12.65 ], [ -38.636, -12.661 ], [ -38.646, -12.683 ] ] ], [ [ [ -32.402, -3.838 ], [ -32.428, -3.877 ], [ -32.483, -3.878 ], [ -32.402, -3.838 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.667, -3.179 ], [ -44.668, -3.16 ], [ -44.643, -3.148 ], [ -44.644, -3.17 ], [ -44.667, -3.179 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.671, -2.943 ], [ -44.67, -2.92 ], [ -44.647, -2.915 ], [ -44.671, -2.943 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.493, -2.641 ], [ -44.48, -2.601 ], [ -44.477, -2.627 ], [ -44.493, -2.641 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.897, -2.573 ], [ -43.896, -2.554 ], [ -43.886, -2.565 ], [ -43.897, -2.573 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.599, -2.503 ], [ -43.577, -2.471 ], [ -43.572, -2.483 ], [ -43.599, -2.503 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.822, -2.526 ], [ -43.829, -2.509 ], [ -43.813, -2.458 ], [ -43.812, -2.553 ], [ -43.82, -2.528 ], [ -43.822, -2.526 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.821, -2.529 ], [ -43.856, -2.502 ], [ -43.832, -2.439 ], [ -43.842, -2.504 ], [ -43.821, -2.529 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.863, -2.56 ], [ -43.875, -2.552 ], [ -43.865, -2.534 ], [ -43.863, -2.56 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.519, -2.536 ], [ -44.529, -2.526 ], [ -44.501, -2.48 ], [ -44.505, -2.444 ], [ -44.455, -2.434 ], [ -44.519, -2.536 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.602, -3.007 ], [ -44.657, -2.972 ], [ -44.613, -2.894 ], [ -44.575, -2.921 ], [ -44.602, -3.007 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.585, -2.978 ], [ -44.563, -2.914 ], [ -44.586, -2.826 ], [ -44.494, -2.705 ], [ -44.494, -2.953 ], [ -44.582, -3.041 ], [ -44.585, -2.978 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.826, -2.434 ], [ -43.842, -2.403 ], [ -43.811, -2.385 ], [ -43.807, -2.412 ], [ -43.826, -2.434 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.581, -2.441 ], [ -43.615, -2.389 ], [ -43.549, -2.377 ], [ -43.545, -2.403 ], [ -43.581, -2.441 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.791, -2.47 ], [ -43.806, -2.443 ], [ -43.78, -2.422 ], [ -43.759, -2.448 ], [ -43.791, -2.47 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.513, -2.424 ], [ -43.537, -2.416 ], [ -43.522, -2.39 ], [ -43.505, -2.414 ], [ -43.513, -2.424 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.792, -2.405 ], [ -43.798, -2.377 ], [ -43.771, -2.37 ], [ -43.792, -2.405 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.689, -2.355 ], [ -43.743, -2.352 ], [ -43.724, -2.305 ], [ -43.617, -2.253 ], [ -43.612, -2.275 ], [ -43.669, -2.301 ], [ -43.689, -2.355 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.73, -2.425 ], [ -43.732, -2.364 ], [ -43.67, -2.377 ], [ -43.681, -2.34 ], [ -43.63, -2.324 ], [ -43.643, -2.394 ], [ -43.73, -2.425 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.473, -2.125 ], [ -44.487, -2.113 ], [ -44.475, -2.096 ], [ -44.463, -2.104 ], [ -44.473, -2.125 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.456, -2.031 ], [ -44.447, -2.008 ], [ -44.439, -2.022 ], [ -44.456, -2.031 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.311, -1.964 ], [ -49.336, -1.996 ], [ -49.309, -1.943 ], [ -49.311, -1.964 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.323, -2.054 ], [ -49.329, -2.019 ], [ -49.316, -2.001 ], [ -49.323, -2.054 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.231, -1.829 ], [ -50.246, -1.824 ], [ -50.229, -1.816 ], [ -50.231, -1.829 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.615, -1.821 ], [ -44.622, -1.797 ], [ -44.597, -1.774 ], [ -44.583, -1.789 ], [ -44.615, -1.821 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.7, -1.811 ], [ -44.703, -1.78 ], [ -44.673, -1.78 ], [ -44.7, -1.811 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.691, -1.793 ], [ -49.721, -1.789 ], [ -49.719, -1.771 ], [ -49.697, -1.766 ], [ -49.691, -1.793 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.924, -1.711 ], [ -48.909, -1.713 ], [ -48.916, -1.734 ], [ -48.935, -1.713 ], [ -48.924, -1.711 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.757, -1.707 ], [ -44.767, -1.694 ], [ -44.736, -1.701 ], [ -44.757, -1.707 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.433, -1.684 ], [ -49.454, -1.706 ], [ -49.46, -1.684 ], [ -49.433, -1.684 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.357, -1.008 ], [ -46.342, -0.994 ], [ -46.353, -1.026 ], [ -46.357, -1.008 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.205, -1.021 ], [ -46.194, -1.014 ], [ -46.202, -1.032 ], [ -46.205, -1.021 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.662, -3.018 ], [ -44.673, -3.012 ], [ -44.664, -3.001 ], [ -44.649, -3.013 ], [ -44.662, -3.018 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.736, -1.683 ], [ -44.745, -1.677 ], [ -44.732, -1.668 ], [ -44.736, -1.683 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.231, -1.638 ], [ -49.237, -1.627 ], [ -49.217, -1.633 ], [ -49.231, -1.638 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.38, -1.685 ], [ -49.4, -1.682 ], [ -49.368, -1.669 ], [ -49.38, -1.685 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.426, -1.673 ], [ -49.429, -1.661 ], [ -49.406, -1.66 ], [ -49.426, -1.673 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.34, -1.672 ], [ -49.358, -1.662 ], [ -49.325, -1.647 ], [ -49.34, -1.672 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.289, -1.726 ], [ -45.305, -1.663 ], [ -45.257, -1.641 ], [ -45.244, -1.678 ], [ -45.28, -1.694 ], [ -45.289, -1.726 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.328, -1.743 ], [ -45.346, -1.719 ], [ -45.301, -1.596 ], [ -45.274, -1.635 ], [ -45.313, -1.654 ], [ -45.328, -1.743 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.886, -1.578 ], [ -48.89, -1.56 ], [ -48.859, -1.536 ], [ -48.856, -1.553 ], [ -48.886, -1.578 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.783, -1.682 ], [ -44.8, -1.595 ], [ -44.775, -1.62 ], [ -44.721, -1.567 ], [ -44.704, -1.611 ], [ -44.684, -1.575 ], [ -44.668, -1.669 ], [ -44.693, -1.638 ], [ -44.783, -1.682 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.816, -1.569 ], [ -44.837, -1.534 ], [ -44.787, -1.488 ], [ -44.825, -1.534 ], [ -44.816, -1.569 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.462, -1.517 ], [ -48.478, -1.499 ], [ -48.421, -1.503 ], [ -48.462, -1.517 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.793, -1.531 ], [ -44.774, -1.47 ], [ -44.763, -1.513 ], [ -44.793, -1.531 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.414, -1.427 ], [ -45.423, -1.416 ], [ -45.409, -1.405 ], [ -45.414, -1.427 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45, -1.296 ], [ -44.922, -1.265 ], [ -44.877, -1.309 ], [ -44.895, -1.34 ], [ -44.922, -1.305 ], [ -44.907, -1.341 ], [ -44.999, -1.405 ], [ -45.033, -1.339 ], [ -45, -1.32 ], [ -44.995, -1.36 ], [ -45, -1.296 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.044, -1.402 ], [ -45.07, -1.33 ], [ -45.052, -1.342 ], [ -45.044, -1.402 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.333, -1.569 ], [ -45.371, -1.544 ], [ -45.347, -1.489 ], [ -45.313, -1.506 ], [ -45.333, -1.569 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.969, -1.522 ], [ -44.976, -1.493 ], [ -44.959, -1.483 ], [ -44.969, -1.522 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.393, -1.512 ], [ -48.371, -1.476 ], [ -48.341, -1.483 ], [ -48.393, -1.512 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.413, -1.498 ], [ -48.426, -1.491 ], [ -48.387, -1.476 ], [ -48.413, -1.498 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.118, -1.47 ], [ -45.132, -1.462 ], [ -45.115, -1.364 ], [ -45.103, -1.373 ], [ -45.118, -1.47 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.593, -1.251 ], [ -45.581, -1.19 ], [ -45.536, -1.205 ], [ -45.532, -1.231 ], [ -45.593, -1.251 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.559, -1.243 ], [ -48.56, -1.202 ], [ -48.523, -1.199 ], [ -48.559, -1.243 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.817, -1.163 ], [ -45.829, -1.141 ], [ -45.804, -1.127 ], [ -45.817, -1.163 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.877, -1.154 ], [ -45.9, -1.117 ], [ -45.883, -1.073 ], [ -45.849, -1.123 ], [ -45.877, -1.154 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.192, -1.05 ], [ -46.201, -1.041 ], [ -46.185, -1.027 ], [ -46.192, -1.05 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.291, -1.01 ], [ -46.307, -0.992 ], [ -46.306, -0.961 ], [ -46.291, -1.01 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.078, -1.095 ], [ -46.065, -1.05 ], [ -46.061, -1.074 ], [ -46.078, -1.095 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.68, -1.295 ], [ -45.687, -1.275 ], [ -45.667, -1.26 ], [ -45.654, -1.285 ], [ -45.68, -1.295 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.538, -1.282 ], [ -48.549, -1.262 ], [ -48.53, -1.25 ], [ -48.538, -1.282 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.51, -1.27 ], [ -48.522, -1.247 ], [ -48.506, -1.236 ], [ -48.51, -1.27 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.694, -1.37 ], [ -45.646, -1.289 ], [ -45.625, -1.126 ], [ -45.634, -1.349 ], [ -45.694, -1.37 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.688, -1.266 ], [ -45.708, -1.228 ], [ -45.685, -1.194 ], [ -45.664, -1.231 ], [ -45.688, -1.266 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.425, -0.914 ], [ -46.454, -0.907 ], [ -46.408, -0.868 ], [ -46.395, -0.899 ], [ -46.425, -0.914 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.72, -0.848 ], [ -46.735, -0.832 ], [ -46.729, -0.796 ], [ -46.72, -0.848 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.611, -0.799 ], [ -46.622, -0.784 ], [ -46.601, -0.789 ], [ -46.611, -0.799 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.586, -0.849 ], [ -46.621, -0.807 ], [ -46.589, -0.815 ], [ -46.586, -0.849 ] ] ], [ [ [ -47.447, -0.748 ], [ -47.453, -0.732 ], [ -47.436, -0.717 ], [ -47.428, -0.738 ], [ -47.447, -0.748 ] ] ], [ [ [ -47.461, -0.741 ], [ -47.463, -0.702 ], [ -47.445, -0.697 ], [ -47.461, -0.741 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.214, -0.411 ], [ -51.211, -0.386 ], [ -51.164, -0.347 ], [ -51.163, -0.383 ], [ -51.214, -0.411 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.352, -0.353 ], [ -51.346, -0.31 ], [ -51.317, -0.268 ], [ -51.327, -0.33 ], [ -51.352, -0.353 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.127, -0.268 ], [ -51.131, -0.237 ], [ -51.091, -0.208 ], [ -51.087, -0.229 ], [ -51.127, -0.268 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.888, -0.198 ], [ -48.91, -0.188 ], [ -48.893, -0.134 ], [ -48.847, -0.177 ], [ -48.888, -0.198 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.174, -0.091 ], [ -51.191, -0.064 ], [ -51.126, -0.057 ], [ -51.174, -0.091 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.114, -0.146 ], [ -49.097, -0.121 ], [ -49.08, -0.13 ], [ -49.114, -0.146 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.166, -0.142 ], [ -49.188, -0.115 ], [ -49.156, -0.128 ], [ -49.166, -0.142 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.119, -0.141 ], [ -49.143, -0.107 ], [ -49.114, -0.11 ], [ -49.119, -0.141 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.127, -0.128 ], [ -51.094, -0.103 ], [ -51.108, -0.127 ], [ -51.127, -0.128 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.414, -0.999 ], [ -46.384, -0.941 ], [ -46.367, -0.948 ], [ -46.414, -0.999 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.647, -0.97 ], [ -46.658, -0.968 ], [ -46.618, -0.957 ], [ -46.647, -0.97 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.488, -0.942 ], [ -46.465, -0.877 ], [ -46.464, -0.924 ], [ -46.44, -0.922 ], [ -46.482, -0.976 ], [ -46.441, -0.999 ], [ -46.525, -1.016 ], [ -46.527, -0.917 ], [ -46.509, -0.984 ], [ -46.488, -0.942 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.632, 0.159 ], [ -49.662, 0.184 ], [ -49.629, 0.202 ], [ -49.61, 0.181 ], [ -49.632, 0.159 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.641, 0.26 ], [ -50.63, 0.293 ], [ -50.586, 0.308 ], [ -50.641, 0.26 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.2, 0.255 ], [ -50.243, 0.248 ], [ -50.147, 0.337 ], [ -50.059, 0.346 ], [ -50.2, 0.255 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.417, 0.159 ], [ -50.535, 0.234 ], [ -50.36, 0.615 ], [ -50.328, 0.383 ], [ -50.285, 0.3 ], [ -50.413, 0.237 ], [ -50.417, 0.159 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.279, 0.338 ], [ -50.271, 0.599 ], [ -50.147, 0.608 ], [ -50.142, 0.576 ], [ -50.107, 0.636 ], [ -50.063, 0.623 ], [ -50.05, 0.518 ], [ -50.279, 0.338 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50, 0.943 ], [ -50.113, 0.907 ], [ -50.018, 1.034 ], [ -49.935, 1.069 ], [ -49.939, 0.996 ], [ -50, 0.943 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.881, 1.227 ], [ -49.909, 1.246 ], [ -49.886, 1.244 ], [ -49.881, 1.227 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.907, 1.278 ], [ -49.885, 1.291 ], [ -49.863, 1.278 ], [ -49.876, 1.252 ], [ -49.907, 1.278 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.204, 1.851 ], [ -50.232, 1.879 ], [ -50.22, 1.915 ], [ -50.169, 1.865 ], [ -50.204, 1.851 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.468, 1.954 ], [ -50.521, 2.026 ], [ -50.497, 2.139 ], [ -50.398, 2.167 ], [ -50.367, 2.19 ], [ -50.276, 1.939 ], [ -50.423, 1.849 ], [ -50.468, 1.954 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.504, 2.255 ], [ -50.414, 2.244 ], [ -50.382, 2.204 ], [ -50.489, 2.15 ], [ -50.564, 2.205 ], [ -50.504, 2.255 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.229, 0.832 ], [ -50.098, 0.839 ], [ -50.027, 0.898 ], [ -50.105, 0.757 ], [ -50.162, 0.775 ], [ -50.249, 0.72 ], [ -50.229, 0.832 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.131, 0.844 ], [ -50.162, 0.867 ], [ -50.132, 0.9 ], [ -50.119, 0.854 ], [ -50.131, 0.844 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.108, 0.85 ], [ -50.111, 0.891 ], [ -50.049, 0.886 ], [ -50.108, 0.85 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.216, -0.055 ], [ -50.235, -0.042 ], [ -50.219, -0.04 ], [ -50.216, -0.055 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.916, -0.052 ], [ -50.926, -0.047 ], [ -50.907, -0.043 ], [ -50.916, -0.052 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.605, -0.061 ], [ -50.618, -0.022 ], [ -50.559, -0.038 ], [ -50.605, -0.061 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.399, -0.061 ], [ -50.44, -0.057 ], [ -50.378, -0.015 ], [ -50.357, -0.049 ], [ -50.399, -0.061 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.75, 0 ], [ -49.609, 0.08 ], [ -49.474, 0.081 ], [ -49.338, -0.017 ], [ -49.487, -0.136 ], [ -49.723, -0.147 ], [ -49.835, -0.088 ], [ -49.75, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.023, -0.019 ], [ -49.039, -0.011 ], [ -49.02, -0.006 ], [ -49.023, -0.019 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.932, 0.052 ], [ -50.918, 0.084 ], [ -50.884, 0.078 ], [ -50.899, 0.057 ], [ -50.932, 0.052 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.928, 0 ], [ -50.786, 0.05 ], [ -50.717, 0.028 ], [ -50.94, -0.041 ], [ -50.928, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.691, 0.025 ], [ -50.655, 0.015 ], [ -50.703, 0.021 ], [ -50.691, 0.025 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.629, -0.043 ], [ -50.642, -0.016 ], [ -50.622, -0.026 ], [ -50.629, -0.043 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.642, 0 ], [ -50.611, 0.007 ], [ -50.595, -0.019 ], [ -50.642, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.536, 0 ], [ -50.653, 0.126 ], [ -50.59, 0.203 ], [ -50.434, 0.126 ], [ -50.436, 0 ], [ -50.536, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50, 0.311 ], [ -49.674, 0.368 ], [ -49.601, 0.283 ], [ -49.86, 0.008 ], [ -49.99, -0.048 ], [ -50.086, 0.034 ], [ -50.351, 0.044 ], [ -50.394, 0.222 ], [ -50.153, 0.227 ], [ -50, 0.311 ] ] ] ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "La costa de lo que hoy es territorio brasileño fue el primer punto al \nque llegaron los europeos en América del Sur. La primera expedición que \nexploró la región fue un desprendimiento de la flota portuguesa que \nVasco da Gama (c. 1460-1524) llevaba hacia oriente. Las naves dirigidas \npor Pedro Álvarez de Cabral (1467-1520) se alejaron excesivamente de la \ncosta de África y terminaron en el extremo sur de actual territorio del \nEstado de Bahía, en que el permanecieron entre abril y mayo del año \n1500. Los portuguese establecieron en la costa precarias feitorias para \ncomerciar verzino o palo brasil con los nativos de las sociedades tupí y\n guaraní nativas. Recién en 1530 la corona brasileña tomaría acciones \ndecididas para organizar la ocupación portuguesa y las actividades de \nexplotación, cuando instaura el régimen de capitanías hereditarias que \nestructuraría el establecimiento colonial lusitano en brasil. \nBibliografía: Johnson, H. B., \"Portuguese Settlement, 1500-1580\", en \nBethell, Leslie (ed.), Colonial Brazil, Cambridge, Cambridge University \nPress, 1987, pp. 1-38; Abulafia, David, El descubrimiento de la \nhumanidad. Encuentros atlánticos en la era de Colón, Barcelona, Crítica,\n 2009 [2008]; Metcalf, Alida C., Go-Betweens and the Colonization of \nBrazil, 1500-1600, Austin, University of Texas Press, 2005; Vaz de \nCaminha, Pêro, Carta del descubrimiento del Brasil, Barcelona, \nAcantilado, 2009.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-19T00:00:49+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 7943, "end" : 7949 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Brasil" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/7c1d60ca-0949-48c4-adb5-84094ade0dc6", "type" : 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limitaba al norte con los territorios \notorgados a Diego de Almagro, ocupando una franja que se extendería \nentre el Mar del Sur y el Mar Océano Austral. La exploración y ocupación\n efectiva del terreno delimitarían el espacio de la provincia del Río de\n la Plata al sector atlántico y específicamente, al eje fluvial \nParaná-Plata.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-19T12:28:13+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 74048, "end" : 74063 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Río de la Plata" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/ec65bfdb-9996-40f1-92e3-461dd7fd0c99", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://www.hgis-indias.net/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=gazetteer:9001006", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-19T12:28:13+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-19T12:28:13+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ -58.35179869, -33.67232101 ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Refiere a la Provincia del Río de la Plata, un espacio creado a partir \nde las capitulaciones que firmó el primer adelantado Pedro de Mendoza \ncon Carlos I en 1534.La misma limitaba al norte con los territorios \notorgados a Diego de Almagro, ocupando una franja que se extendería \nentre el Mar del Sur y el Mar Océano Austral. La exploración y ocupación\n efectiva del terreno delimitarían el espacio de la provincia del Río de\n la Plata al sector atlántico y específicamente, al eje fluvial \nParaná-Plata.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-19T12:28:13+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 73231, "end" : 73246 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Río de la Plata" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/0fdd02ab-8641-414e-88f1-e2c57dcd3ebd", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://www.hgis-indias.net/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=gazetteer:9001006", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-19T12:28:13+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-19T12:28:13+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ -58.35179869, -33.67232101 ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Refiere a la Provincia del Río de la Plata, un espacio creado a partir \nde las capitulaciones que firmó el primer adelantado Pedro de Mendoza \ncon Carlos I en 1534.La misma limitaba al norte con los territorios \notorgados a Diego de Almagro, ocupando una franja que se extendería \nentre el Mar del Sur y el Mar Océano Austral. La exploración y ocupación\n efectiva del terreno delimitarían el espacio de la provincia del Río de\n la Plata al sector atlántico y específicamente, al eje fluvial \nParaná-Plata.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-19T12:28:13+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 7550, "end" : 7565 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Río de la Plata" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/be44032b-1490-40c5-8e3f-8e0e4babc653", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://www.hgis-indias.net/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=gazetteer:9001006", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-19T12:28:13+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-19T12:28:13+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ -58.35179869, -33.67232101 ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Refiere a la Provincia del Río de la Plata, un espacio creado a partir \nde las capitulaciones que firmó el primer adelantado Pedro de Mendoza \ncon Carlos I en 1534.La misma limitaba al norte con los territorios \notorgados a Diego de Almagro, ocupando una franja que se extendería \nentre el Mar del Sur y el Mar Océano Austral. La exploración y ocupación\n efectiva del terreno delimitarían el espacio de la provincia del Río de\n la Plata al sector atlántico y específicamente, al eje fluvial \nParaná-Plata.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-19T12:28:13+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 71918, "end" : 71933 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Río de la Plata" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/ab723584-993e-43ed-835e-74d16e6bae22", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://www.hgis-indias.net/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=gazetteer:9001006", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-19T12:28:13+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-19T12:28:13+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ -58.35179869, -33.67232101 ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Refiere a la Provincia del Río de la Plata, un espacio creado a partir \nde las capitulaciones que firmó el primer adelantado Pedro de Mendoza \ncon Carlos I en 1534.La misma limitaba al norte con los territorios \notorgados a Diego de Almagro, ocupando una franja que se extendería \nentre el Mar del Sur y el Mar Océano Austral. La exploración y ocupación\n efectiva del terreno delimitarían el espacio de la provincia del Río de\n la Plata al sector atlántico y específicamente, al eje fluvial \nParaná-Plata.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-19T12:28:13+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 73231, "end" : 73246 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Río de la Plata" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/12b00bdc-bc4e-4c01-b994-a446747e65e0", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : 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-78.62, -9.104 ], [ -78.621, -9.126 ] ] ], [ [ [ -78.45, -9.388 ], [ -78.454, -9.381 ], [ -78.447, -9.375 ], [ -78.443, -9.378 ], [ -78.45, -9.388 ] ] ], [ [ [ -78.471, -9.354 ], [ -78.477, -9.347 ], [ -78.469, -9.34 ], [ -78.465, -9.343 ], [ -78.471, -9.354 ] ] ], [ [ [ -78.682, -9.043 ], [ -78.693, -9.028 ], [ -78.684, -9.017 ], [ -78.672, -9.035 ], [ -78.682, -9.043 ] ] ], [ [ [ -79.495, -7.796 ], [ -79.499, -7.789 ], [ -79.499, -7.785 ], [ -79.491, -7.793 ], [ -79.495, -7.796 ] ] ], [ [ [ -80.699, -6.973 ], [ -80.702, -6.972 ], [ -80.704, -6.961 ], [ -80.696, -6.972 ], [ -80.699, -6.973 ] ] ], [ [ [ -80.698, -6.962 ], [ -80.698, -6.948 ], [ -80.694, -6.956 ], [ -80.698, -6.962 ] ] ], [ [ [ -80.845, -6.472 ], [ -80.868, -6.436 ], [ -80.844, -6.383 ], [ -80.851, -6.407 ], [ -80.845, -6.472 ] ] ], [ [ [ -81.205, -5.216 ], [ -81.211, -5.206 ], [ -81.201, -5.21 ], [ -81.205, -5.216 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.259, -15.273 ], [ -75.269, -15.267 ], [ -75.269, -15.264 ], [ -75.257, -15.264 ], [ -75.259, -15.273 ] ] ], [ [ [ -76.179, -14.318 ], [ -76.219, -14.293 ], [ -76.219, -14.267 ], [ -76.188, -14.28 ], [ -76.179, -14.318 ] ] ], [ [ [ -76.455, -13.868 ], [ -76.471, -13.858 ], [ -76.458, -13.828 ], [ -76.441, -13.848 ], [ -76.455, -13.868 ] ] ], [ [ [ -76.406, -13.75 ], [ -76.406, -13.746 ], [ -76.397, -13.741 ], [ -76.397, -13.746 ], [ -76.406, -13.75 ] ] ], [ [ [ -76.633, -12.805 ], [ -76.634, -12.794 ], [ -76.621, -12.798 ], [ -76.633, -12.805 ] ] ], [ [ [ -76.899, -12.361 ], [ -76.905, -12.355 ], [ -76.901, -12.347 ], [ -76.897, -12.352 ], [ -76.899, -12.361 ] ] ], [ [ [ -76.915, -12.314 ], [ -76.917, -12.312 ], [ -76.909, -12.302 ], [ -76.909, -12.312 ], [ -76.915, -12.314 ] ] ], [ [ [ -77.19, -12.134 ], [ -77.189, -12.125 ], [ -77.185, -12.124 ], [ -77.182, -12.129 ], [ -77.19, -12.134 ] ] ], [ [ [ -77.208, -12.124 ], [ -77.253, -12.095 ], [ -77.254, -12.074 ], [ -77.202, -12.103 ], [ -77.208, -12.124 ] ] ], [ [ [ -77.717, -11.974 ], [ -77.725, -11.969 ], [ -77.724, -11.965 ], [ -77.718, -11.965 ], [ -77.717, -11.974 ] ] ], [ [ [ -77.723, -11.954 ], [ -77.733, -11.953 ], [ -77.734, -11.948 ], [ -77.722, -11.946 ], [ -77.723, -11.954 ] ] ], [ [ [ -77.851, -11.494 ], [ -77.852, -11.486 ], [ -77.844, -11.48 ], [ -77.844, -11.488 ], [ -77.851, -11.494 ] ] ], [ [ [ -81.072, -5 ], [ -81.326, -4.68 ], [ -81.25, -4.27 ], [ -80.837, -3.877 ], [ -80.786, -3.749 ], [ -80.574, -3.628 ], [ -80.501, -3.505 ], [ -80.366, -3.499 ], [ -80.304, -3.405 ], [ -80.219, -3.438 ], [ -80.154, -3.905 ], [ -80.286, -4.018 ], [ -80.398, -3.984 ], [ -80.475, -4.054 ], [ -80.444, -4.194 ], [ -80.305, -4.201 ], [ -80.443, -4.371 ], [ -80.443, -4.437 ], [ -80.335, -4.47 ], [ -80.136, -4.285 ], [ -79.895, -4.394 ], [ -79.812, -4.486 ], [ -79.631, -4.435 ], [ -79.541, -4.528 ], [ -79.482, -4.529 ], [ -79.416, -4.799 ], [ -79.26, -4.967 ], [ -79, -4.979 ], [ -78.881, -4.72 ], [ -78.736, -4.654 ], [ -78.621, -4.497 ], [ -78.627, -4.319 ], [ -78.572, -4.255 ], [ -78.499, -3.949 ], [ -78.377, -3.787 ], [ -78.319, -3.429 ], [ -78.249, -3.429 ], [ -78.232, -3.534 ], [ -78.137, -3.522 ], [ -78.19, -3.354 ], [ -77.824, -2.998 ], [ -76.627, -2.591 ], [ -76.045, -2.128 ], [ -75.538, -1.536 ], [ -75.364, -0.956 ], [ -75.185, -0.971 ], [ -75.28, -0.711 ], [ -75.245, -0.535 ], [ -75.415, -0.424 ], [ -75.449, -0.329 ], [ -75.622, -0.263 ], [ -75.622, -0.109 ], [ -75.304, -0.134 ], [ -75.219, -0.015 ], [ -75.115, -0.039 ], [ -74.904, -0.195 ], [ -74.824, -0.145 ], [ -74.78, -0.214 ], [ -74.801, -0.29 ], [ -74.659, -0.332 ], [ -74.52, -0.479 ], [ -74.425, -0.511 ], [ -74.342, -0.695 ], [ -74.378, -0.745 ], [ -74.258, -0.843 ], [ -74.272, -0.899 ], [ -74.318, -0.9 ], [ -74.266, -1.007 ], [ -74.074, -1.081 ], [ -74.033, -1.028 ], [ -74.013, -1.123 ], [ -73.905, -1.15 ], [ -73.861, -1.25 ], [ -73.777, -1.277 ], [ -73.75, -1.22 ], [ -73.732, -1.267 ], [ -73.624, -1.283 ], [ -73.552, -1.429 ], [ -73.586, -1.445 ], [ -73.539, -1.452 ], [ -73.46, -1.6 ], [ -73.532, -1.733 ], [ -73.314, -1.855 ], [ -73.293, -1.803 ], [ -73.231, -1.823 ], [ -73.222, -1.774 ], [ -73.143, -1.834 ], [ -73.095, -2.113 ], [ -73.059, -2.125 ], [ -73.153, -2.276 ], [ -73.044, -2.4 ], [ -73.021, -2.355 ], [ -72.962, -2.382 ], [ -72.921, -2.5 ], [ -72.769, -2.42 ], [ -72.733, -2.459 ], [ -72.707, -2.416 ], [ -72.67, -2.486 ], [ -72.618, -2.396 ], [ -72.383, -2.416 ], [ -72.346, -2.49 ], [ -72.221, -2.433 ], [ -72.126, -2.468 ], [ -72.035, -2.331 ], [ -71.907, -2.373 ], [ -71.919, -2.312 ], [ -71.861, -2.3 ], [ -71.822, -2.187 ], [ -71.722, -2.128 ], [ -71.707, -2.214 ], [ -71.628, -2.191 ], [ -71.5, -2.245 ], [ -71.484, -2.336 ], [ -71.444, -2.263 ], [ -71.375, -2.398 ], [ -71.284, -2.338 ], [ -71.165, -2.376 ], [ -71.057, -2.264 ], [ -70.986, -2.298 ], [ -70.993, -2.205 ], [ -70.928, -2.245 ], [ -70.857, -2.217 ], [ -70.822, -2.283 ], [ -70.658, -2.351 ], [ -70.608, -2.481 ], [ -70.55, -2.47 ], [ -70.562, -2.415 ], [ -70.418, -2.525 ], [ -70.307, -2.498 ], [ -70.342, -2.573 ], [ -70.246, -2.548 ], [ -70.15, -2.705 ], [ -70.076, -2.662 ], [ -70.034, -2.761 ], [ -70.703, -3.795 ], [ -70.485, -3.885 ], [ -70.295, -3.813 ], [ -70.186, -3.891 ], [ -70.158, -4.021 ], [ -69.948, -4.219 ], [ -69.978, -4.295 ], [ -70.036, -4.339 ], [ -70.076, -4.309 ], [ -70.042, -4.284 ], [ -70.164, -4.268 ], [ -70.19, -4.357 ], [ -70.249, -4.267 ], [ -70.291, -4.283 ], [ -70.317, -4.136 ], [ -70.341, -4.174 ], [ -70.434, -4.125 ], [ -70.503, -4.19 ], [ -70.553, -4.128 ], [ -70.566, -4.205 ], [ -70.565, -4.168 ], [ -70.633, -4.173 ], [ -70.622, -4.121 ], [ -70.677, -4.2 ], [ -70.757, -4.152 ], [ -70.935, -4.381 ], [ -70.99, -4.34 ], [ -71.031, -4.397 ], [ -71.147, -4.375 ], [ -71.193, -4.42 ], [ -71.198, -4.377 ], [ -71.269, -4.381 ], [ -71.303, -4.458 ], [ -71.355, -4.468 ], [ -71.342, -4.423 ], [ -71.432, -4.469 ], [ -71.414, -4.432 ], [ -71.506, -4.435 ], [ -71.49, -4.479 ], [ -71.535, -4.46 ], [ -71.597, -4.525 ], [ -71.61, -4.465 ], [ -71.897, -4.512 ], [ -71.94, -4.607 ], [ -72.047, -4.625 ], [ -72.113, -4.722 ], [ -72.223, -4.78 ], [ -72.313, -4.769 ], [ -72.292, -4.799 ], [ -72.356, -4.803 ], [ -72.37, -4.88 ], [ -72.452, -4.906 ], [ -72.455, -4.962 ], [ -72.577, -4.992 ], [ -72.602, -5.056 ], [ -72.734, -5.043 ], [ -72.896, -5.136 ], [ -72.872, -5.25 ], [ -72.948, -5.454 ], [ -72.951, -5.643 ], [ -73.116, -5.865 ], [ -73.131, -5.986 ], [ -73.185, -6.04 ], [ -73.133, -6.421 ], [ -73.211, -6.53 ], [ -73.351, -6.561 ], [ -73.743, -6.897 ], [ -73.797, -7.115 ], [ -73.691, -7.313 ], [ -73.868, -7.377 ], [ -73.954, -7.348 ], [ -73.917, -7.461 ], [ -73.986, -7.537 ], [ -73.69, -7.79 ], [ -73.697, -7.865 ], [ -73.777, -7.869 ], [ -73.765, -7.94 ], [ -73.632, -8.022 ], [ -73.526, -8.369 ], [ -73.338, -8.476 ], [ -73.338, -8.609 ], [ -73.169, -8.701 ], [ -73.059, -8.904 ], [ -72.946, -8.99 ], [ -72.965, -9.154 ], [ -73.196, -9.418 ], [ -72.721, -9.417 ], [ -72.364, -9.491 ], [ -72.289, -9.536 ], [ -72.26, -9.755 ], [ -72.16, -9.818 ], [ -72.165, -10.002 ], [ -71.288, -9.996 ], [ -71.131, -9.862 ], [ -70.982, -9.812 ], [ -70.601, -9.453 ], [ -70.497, -9.433 ], [ -70.561, -9.579 ], [ -70.598, -9.574 ], [ -70.522, -9.738 ], [ -70.622, -9.847 ], [ -70.618, -11.007 ], [ -70.508, -10.94 ], [ -70.337, -11.067 ], [ -69.938, -10.926 ], [ -69.728, -10.973 ], [ -69.568, -10.954 ], [ -68.924, -11.994 ], [ -68.679, -12.497 ], [ -68.764, -12.612 ], [ -68.738, -12.705 ], [ -68.85, -12.728 ], [ -68.961, -12.852 ], [ -68.942, -13.486 ], [ -68.997, -13.652 ], [ -69.076, -13.654 ], [ -68.988, -13.769 ], [ -68.965, -13.98 ], [ -68.881, -14.065 ], [ -68.841, -14.21 ], [ -68.982, -14.237 ], [ -68.98, -14.387 ], [ -69.152, -14.508 ], [ -69.149, -14.584 ], [ -69.225, -14.584 ], [ -69.244, -14.753 ], [ -69.363, -14.804 ], [ -69.365, -14.98 ], [ -69.126, -15.256 ], [ -69.265, -15.336 ], [ -69.274, -15.421 ], [ -69.414, -15.621 ], [ -69.236, -16.143 ], [ -69.099, -16.219 ], [ -68.963, -16.189 ], [ -68.814, -16.338 ], [ -68.982, -16.433 ], [ -69.032, -16.566 ], [ -69.006, -16.677 ], [ -69.168, -16.731 ], [ -69.392, -17.021 ], [ -69.375, -17.078 ], [ -69.551, -17.162 ], [ -69.641, -17.282 ], [ -69.463, -17.376 ], [ -69.463, -17.508 ], [ -69.662, -17.658 ], [ -69.799, -17.65 ], [ -69.819, -17.747 ], [ -69.753, -17.982 ], [ -69.948, -18.248 ], [ -70.374, -18.35 ], [ -70.879, -18.01 ], [ -70.925, -17.924 ], [ -71.383, -17.708 ], [ -71.342, -17.636 ], [ -71.382, -17.419 ], [ -71.515, -17.265 ], [ -71.819, -17.18 ], [ -71.974, -17.048 ], [ -72.113, -17.027 ], [ -72.123, -16.97 ], [ -72.45, -16.705 ], [ -72.758, -16.636 ], [ -73.112, -16.433 ], [ -73.291, -16.402 ], [ -73.3, -16.349 ], [ -73.414, -16.294 ], [ -73.701, -16.24 ], [ -74.057, -15.961 ], [ -74.285, -15.846 ], [ -74.371, -15.85 ], [ -74.476, -15.726 ], [ -75.141, -15.419 ], [ -75.2, -15.381 ], [ -75.157, -15.338 ], [ -75.252, -15.268 ], [ -75.23, -15.22 ], [ -75.376, -15.161 ], [ -75.509, -14.922 ], [ -75.921, -14.662 ], [ -75.98, -14.483 ], [ -76.151, -14.345 ], [ -76.105, -14.326 ], [ -76.135, -14.245 ], [ -76.222, -14.165 ], [ -76.274, -14.151 ], [ -76.273, -14.211 ], [ -76.296, -14.175 ], [ -76.286, -13.917 ], [ -76.395, -13.908 ], [ -76.332, -13.799 ], [ -76.261, -13.872 ], [ -76.191, -13.607 ], [ -76.206, -13.4 ], [ -76.492, -13.049 ], [ -76.52, -12.871 ], [ -76.641, -12.752 ], [ -76.693, -12.608 ], [ -76.811, -12.512 ], [ -76.784, -12.402 ], [ -76.84, -12.323 ], [ -77.042, -12.215 ], [ -77.072, -12.113 ], [ -77.172, -12.087 ], [ -77.136, -11.984 ], [ -77.201, -11.79 ], [ -77.176, -11.739 ], [ -77.301, -11.521 ], [ -77.663, -11.297 ], [ -77.656, -11.228 ], [ -77.604, -11.205 ], [ -77.671, -10.949 ], [ -78.196, -10.11 ], [ -78.241, -9.793 ], [ -78.378, -9.635 ], [ -78.431, -9.345 ], [ -78.536, -9.274 ], [ -78.507, -9.186 ], [ -78.555, -9.184 ], [ -78.575, -9.248 ], [ -78.621, -9.185 ], [ -78.563, -9.134 ], [ -78.641, -9.076 ], [ -78.654, -8.916 ], [ -78.766, -8.773 ], [ -78.755, -8.616 ], [ -78.934, -8.455 ], [ -78.905, -8.389 ], [ -78.97, -8.252 ], [ -79.359, -7.859 ], [ -79.566, -7.465 ], [ -79.581, -7.322 ], [ -79.678, -7.12 ], [ -79.916, -6.884 ], [ -79.983, -6.743 ], [ -80.298, -6.53 ], [ -80.773, -6.306 ], [ -81.11, -6.057 ], [ -81.144, -5.89 ], [ -81.076, -5.791 ], [ -80.942, -5.848 ], [ -80.866, -5.784 ], [ -80.858, -5.819 ], [ -80.841, -5.841 ], [ -80.848, -5.534 ], [ -80.872, -5.558 ], [ -80.945, -5.432 ], [ -81.191, -5.216 ], [ -81.167, -5.083 ], [ -81.085, -5.081 ], [ -81.072, -5 ] ] ] ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Entendido como virreinato del Perú.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T20:48:20+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 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[ -78.454, -9.381 ], [ -78.447, -9.375 ], [ -78.443, -9.378 ], [ -78.45, -9.388 ] ] ], [ [ [ -78.471, -9.354 ], [ -78.477, -9.347 ], [ -78.469, -9.34 ], [ -78.465, -9.343 ], [ -78.471, -9.354 ] ] ], [ [ [ -78.682, -9.043 ], [ -78.693, -9.028 ], [ -78.684, -9.017 ], [ -78.672, -9.035 ], [ -78.682, -9.043 ] ] ], [ [ [ -79.495, -7.796 ], [ -79.499, -7.789 ], [ -79.499, -7.785 ], [ -79.491, -7.793 ], [ -79.495, -7.796 ] ] ], [ [ [ -80.699, -6.973 ], [ -80.702, -6.972 ], [ -80.704, -6.961 ], [ -80.696, -6.972 ], [ -80.699, -6.973 ] ] ], [ [ [ -80.698, -6.962 ], [ -80.698, -6.948 ], [ -80.694, -6.956 ], [ -80.698, -6.962 ] ] ], [ [ [ -80.845, -6.472 ], [ -80.868, -6.436 ], [ -80.844, -6.383 ], [ -80.851, -6.407 ], [ -80.845, -6.472 ] ] ], [ [ [ -81.205, -5.216 ], [ -81.211, -5.206 ], [ -81.201, -5.21 ], [ -81.205, -5.216 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.259, -15.273 ], [ -75.269, -15.267 ], [ -75.269, -15.264 ], [ -75.257, -15.264 ], [ -75.259, -15.273 ] ] ], [ [ [ -76.179, -14.318 ], [ -76.219, -14.293 ], [ -76.219, -14.267 ], [ -76.188, -14.28 ], [ -76.179, -14.318 ] ] ], [ [ [ -76.455, -13.868 ], [ -76.471, -13.858 ], [ -76.458, -13.828 ], [ -76.441, -13.848 ], [ -76.455, -13.868 ] ] ], [ [ [ -76.406, -13.75 ], [ -76.406, -13.746 ], [ -76.397, -13.741 ], [ -76.397, -13.746 ], [ -76.406, -13.75 ] ] ], [ [ [ -76.633, -12.805 ], [ -76.634, -12.794 ], [ -76.621, -12.798 ], [ -76.633, -12.805 ] ] ], [ [ [ -76.899, -12.361 ], [ -76.905, -12.355 ], [ -76.901, -12.347 ], [ -76.897, -12.352 ], [ -76.899, -12.361 ] ] ], [ [ [ -76.915, -12.314 ], [ -76.917, -12.312 ], [ -76.909, -12.302 ], [ -76.909, -12.312 ], [ -76.915, -12.314 ] ] ], [ [ [ -77.19, -12.134 ], [ -77.189, -12.125 ], [ -77.185, -12.124 ], [ -77.182, -12.129 ], [ -77.19, -12.134 ] ] ], [ [ [ -77.208, -12.124 ], [ -77.253, -12.095 ], [ -77.254, -12.074 ], [ -77.202, -12.103 ], [ -77.208, -12.124 ] ] ], [ [ [ -77.717, -11.974 ], [ -77.725, -11.969 ], [ -77.724, -11.965 ], [ -77.718, -11.965 ], [ -77.717, -11.974 ] ] ], [ [ [ -77.723, -11.954 ], [ -77.733, -11.953 ], [ -77.734, -11.948 ], [ -77.722, -11.946 ], [ -77.723, -11.954 ] ] ], [ [ [ -77.851, -11.494 ], [ -77.852, -11.486 ], [ -77.844, -11.48 ], [ -77.844, -11.488 ], [ -77.851, -11.494 ] ] ], [ [ [ -81.072, -5 ], [ -81.326, -4.68 ], [ -81.25, -4.27 ], [ -80.837, -3.877 ], [ -80.786, -3.749 ], [ -80.574, -3.628 ], [ -80.501, -3.505 ], [ -80.366, -3.499 ], [ -80.304, -3.405 ], [ -80.219, -3.438 ], [ -80.154, -3.905 ], [ -80.286, -4.018 ], [ -80.398, -3.984 ], [ -80.475, -4.054 ], [ -80.444, -4.194 ], [ -80.305, -4.201 ], [ -80.443, -4.371 ], [ -80.443, -4.437 ], [ -80.335, -4.47 ], [ -80.136, -4.285 ], [ -79.895, -4.394 ], [ -79.812, -4.486 ], [ -79.631, -4.435 ], [ -79.541, -4.528 ], [ -79.482, -4.529 ], [ -79.416, -4.799 ], [ -79.26, -4.967 ], [ -79, -4.979 ], [ -78.881, -4.72 ], [ -78.736, -4.654 ], [ -78.621, -4.497 ], [ -78.627, -4.319 ], [ -78.572, -4.255 ], [ -78.499, -3.949 ], [ -78.377, -3.787 ], [ -78.319, -3.429 ], [ -78.249, -3.429 ], [ -78.232, -3.534 ], [ -78.137, -3.522 ], [ -78.19, -3.354 ], [ -77.824, -2.998 ], [ -76.627, -2.591 ], [ -76.045, -2.128 ], [ -75.538, -1.536 ], [ -75.364, -0.956 ], [ -75.185, -0.971 ], [ -75.28, -0.711 ], [ -75.245, -0.535 ], [ -75.415, -0.424 ], [ -75.449, -0.329 ], [ -75.622, -0.263 ], [ -75.622, -0.109 ], [ -75.304, -0.134 ], [ -75.219, -0.015 ], [ -75.115, -0.039 ], [ -74.904, -0.195 ], [ -74.824, -0.145 ], [ -74.78, -0.214 ], [ -74.801, -0.29 ], [ -74.659, -0.332 ], [ -74.52, -0.479 ], [ -74.425, -0.511 ], [ -74.342, -0.695 ], [ -74.378, -0.745 ], [ -74.258, -0.843 ], [ -74.272, -0.899 ], [ -74.318, -0.9 ], [ -74.266, -1.007 ], [ -74.074, -1.081 ], [ -74.033, -1.028 ], [ -74.013, -1.123 ], [ -73.905, -1.15 ], [ -73.861, -1.25 ], [ -73.777, -1.277 ], [ -73.75, -1.22 ], [ -73.732, -1.267 ], [ -73.624, -1.283 ], [ -73.552, -1.429 ], [ -73.586, -1.445 ], [ -73.539, -1.452 ], [ -73.46, -1.6 ], [ -73.532, -1.733 ], [ -73.314, -1.855 ], [ -73.293, -1.803 ], [ -73.231, -1.823 ], [ -73.222, -1.774 ], [ -73.143, -1.834 ], [ -73.095, -2.113 ], [ -73.059, -2.125 ], [ -73.153, -2.276 ], [ -73.044, -2.4 ], [ -73.021, -2.355 ], [ -72.962, -2.382 ], [ -72.921, -2.5 ], [ -72.769, -2.42 ], [ -72.733, -2.459 ], [ -72.707, -2.416 ], [ -72.67, -2.486 ], [ -72.618, -2.396 ], [ -72.383, -2.416 ], [ -72.346, -2.49 ], [ -72.221, -2.433 ], [ -72.126, -2.468 ], [ -72.035, -2.331 ], [ -71.907, -2.373 ], [ -71.919, -2.312 ], [ -71.861, -2.3 ], [ -71.822, -2.187 ], [ -71.722, -2.128 ], [ -71.707, -2.214 ], [ -71.628, -2.191 ], [ -71.5, -2.245 ], [ -71.484, -2.336 ], [ -71.444, -2.263 ], [ -71.375, -2.398 ], [ -71.284, -2.338 ], [ -71.165, -2.376 ], [ -71.057, -2.264 ], [ -70.986, -2.298 ], [ -70.993, -2.205 ], [ -70.928, -2.245 ], [ -70.857, -2.217 ], [ -70.822, -2.283 ], [ -70.658, -2.351 ], [ -70.608, -2.481 ], [ -70.55, -2.47 ], [ -70.562, -2.415 ], [ -70.418, -2.525 ], [ -70.307, -2.498 ], [ -70.342, -2.573 ], [ -70.246, -2.548 ], [ -70.15, -2.705 ], [ -70.076, -2.662 ], [ -70.034, -2.761 ], [ -70.703, -3.795 ], [ -70.485, -3.885 ], [ -70.295, -3.813 ], [ -70.186, -3.891 ], [ -70.158, -4.021 ], [ -69.948, -4.219 ], [ -69.978, -4.295 ], [ -70.036, -4.339 ], [ -70.076, -4.309 ], [ -70.042, -4.284 ], [ -70.164, -4.268 ], [ -70.19, -4.357 ], [ -70.249, -4.267 ], [ -70.291, -4.283 ], [ -70.317, -4.136 ], [ -70.341, -4.174 ], [ -70.434, -4.125 ], [ -70.503, -4.19 ], [ -70.553, -4.128 ], [ -70.566, -4.205 ], [ -70.565, -4.168 ], [ -70.633, -4.173 ], [ -70.622, -4.121 ], [ -70.677, -4.2 ], [ -70.757, -4.152 ], [ -70.935, -4.381 ], [ -70.99, -4.34 ], [ -71.031, -4.397 ], [ -71.147, -4.375 ], [ -71.193, -4.42 ], [ -71.198, -4.377 ], [ -71.269, -4.381 ], [ -71.303, -4.458 ], [ -71.355, -4.468 ], [ -71.342, -4.423 ], [ -71.432, -4.469 ], [ -71.414, -4.432 ], [ -71.506, -4.435 ], [ -71.49, -4.479 ], [ -71.535, -4.46 ], [ -71.597, -4.525 ], [ -71.61, -4.465 ], [ -71.897, -4.512 ], [ -71.94, -4.607 ], [ -72.047, -4.625 ], [ -72.113, -4.722 ], [ -72.223, -4.78 ], [ -72.313, -4.769 ], [ -72.292, -4.799 ], [ -72.356, -4.803 ], [ -72.37, -4.88 ], [ -72.452, -4.906 ], [ -72.455, -4.962 ], [ -72.577, -4.992 ], [ -72.602, -5.056 ], [ -72.734, -5.043 ], [ -72.896, -5.136 ], [ -72.872, -5.25 ], [ -72.948, -5.454 ], [ -72.951, -5.643 ], [ -73.116, -5.865 ], [ -73.131, -5.986 ], [ -73.185, -6.04 ], [ -73.133, -6.421 ], [ -73.211, -6.53 ], [ -73.351, -6.561 ], [ -73.743, -6.897 ], [ -73.797, -7.115 ], [ -73.691, -7.313 ], [ -73.868, -7.377 ], [ -73.954, -7.348 ], [ -73.917, -7.461 ], [ -73.986, -7.537 ], [ -73.69, -7.79 ], [ -73.697, -7.865 ], [ -73.777, -7.869 ], [ -73.765, -7.94 ], [ -73.632, -8.022 ], [ -73.526, -8.369 ], [ -73.338, -8.476 ], [ -73.338, -8.609 ], [ -73.169, -8.701 ], [ -73.059, -8.904 ], [ -72.946, -8.99 ], [ -72.965, -9.154 ], [ -73.196, -9.418 ], [ -72.721, -9.417 ], [ -72.364, -9.491 ], [ -72.289, -9.536 ], [ -72.26, -9.755 ], [ -72.16, -9.818 ], [ -72.165, -10.002 ], [ -71.288, -9.996 ], [ -71.131, -9.862 ], [ -70.982, -9.812 ], [ -70.601, -9.453 ], [ -70.497, -9.433 ], [ -70.561, -9.579 ], [ -70.598, -9.574 ], [ -70.522, -9.738 ], [ -70.622, -9.847 ], [ -70.618, -11.007 ], [ -70.508, -10.94 ], [ -70.337, -11.067 ], [ -69.938, -10.926 ], [ -69.728, -10.973 ], [ -69.568, -10.954 ], [ -68.924, -11.994 ], [ -68.679, -12.497 ], [ -68.764, -12.612 ], [ -68.738, -12.705 ], [ -68.85, -12.728 ], [ -68.961, -12.852 ], [ -68.942, -13.486 ], [ -68.997, -13.652 ], [ -69.076, -13.654 ], [ -68.988, -13.769 ], [ -68.965, -13.98 ], [ -68.881, -14.065 ], [ -68.841, -14.21 ], [ -68.982, -14.237 ], [ -68.98, -14.387 ], [ -69.152, -14.508 ], [ -69.149, -14.584 ], [ -69.225, -14.584 ], [ -69.244, -14.753 ], [ -69.363, -14.804 ], [ -69.365, -14.98 ], [ -69.126, -15.256 ], [ -69.265, -15.336 ], [ -69.274, -15.421 ], [ -69.414, -15.621 ], [ -69.236, -16.143 ], [ -69.099, -16.219 ], [ -68.963, -16.189 ], [ -68.814, -16.338 ], [ -68.982, -16.433 ], [ -69.032, -16.566 ], [ -69.006, -16.677 ], [ -69.168, -16.731 ], [ -69.392, -17.021 ], [ -69.375, -17.078 ], [ -69.551, -17.162 ], [ -69.641, -17.282 ], [ -69.463, -17.376 ], [ -69.463, -17.508 ], [ -69.662, -17.658 ], [ -69.799, -17.65 ], [ -69.819, -17.747 ], [ -69.753, -17.982 ], [ -69.948, -18.248 ], [ -70.374, -18.35 ], [ -70.879, -18.01 ], [ -70.925, -17.924 ], [ -71.383, -17.708 ], [ -71.342, -17.636 ], [ -71.382, -17.419 ], [ -71.515, -17.265 ], [ -71.819, -17.18 ], [ -71.974, -17.048 ], [ -72.113, -17.027 ], [ -72.123, -16.97 ], [ -72.45, -16.705 ], [ -72.758, -16.636 ], [ -73.112, -16.433 ], [ -73.291, -16.402 ], [ -73.3, -16.349 ], [ -73.414, -16.294 ], [ -73.701, -16.24 ], [ -74.057, -15.961 ], [ -74.285, -15.846 ], [ -74.371, -15.85 ], [ -74.476, -15.726 ], [ -75.141, -15.419 ], [ -75.2, -15.381 ], [ -75.157, -15.338 ], [ -75.252, -15.268 ], [ -75.23, -15.22 ], [ -75.376, -15.161 ], [ -75.509, -14.922 ], [ -75.921, -14.662 ], [ -75.98, -14.483 ], [ -76.151, -14.345 ], [ -76.105, -14.326 ], [ -76.135, -14.245 ], [ -76.222, -14.165 ], [ -76.274, -14.151 ], [ -76.273, -14.211 ], [ -76.296, -14.175 ], [ -76.286, -13.917 ], [ -76.395, -13.908 ], [ -76.332, -13.799 ], [ -76.261, -13.872 ], [ -76.191, -13.607 ], [ -76.206, -13.4 ], [ -76.492, -13.049 ], [ -76.52, -12.871 ], [ -76.641, -12.752 ], [ -76.693, -12.608 ], [ -76.811, -12.512 ], [ -76.784, -12.402 ], [ -76.84, -12.323 ], [ -77.042, -12.215 ], [ -77.072, -12.113 ], [ -77.172, -12.087 ], [ -77.136, -11.984 ], [ -77.201, -11.79 ], [ -77.176, -11.739 ], [ -77.301, -11.521 ], [ -77.663, -11.297 ], [ -77.656, -11.228 ], [ -77.604, -11.205 ], [ -77.671, -10.949 ], [ -78.196, -10.11 ], [ -78.241, -9.793 ], [ -78.378, -9.635 ], [ -78.431, -9.345 ], [ -78.536, -9.274 ], [ -78.507, -9.186 ], [ -78.555, -9.184 ], [ -78.575, -9.248 ], [ -78.621, -9.185 ], [ -78.563, -9.134 ], [ -78.641, -9.076 ], [ -78.654, -8.916 ], [ -78.766, -8.773 ], [ -78.755, -8.616 ], [ -78.934, -8.455 ], [ -78.905, -8.389 ], [ -78.97, -8.252 ], [ -79.359, -7.859 ], [ -79.566, -7.465 ], [ -79.581, -7.322 ], [ -79.678, -7.12 ], [ -79.916, -6.884 ], [ -79.983, -6.743 ], [ -80.298, -6.53 ], [ -80.773, -6.306 ], [ -81.11, -6.057 ], [ -81.144, -5.89 ], [ -81.076, -5.791 ], [ -80.942, -5.848 ], [ -80.866, -5.784 ], [ -80.858, -5.819 ], [ -80.841, -5.841 ], [ -80.848, -5.534 ], [ -80.872, -5.558 ], [ -80.945, -5.432 ], [ -81.191, -5.216 ], [ -81.167, -5.083 ], [ -81.085, -5.081 ], [ -81.072, -5 ] ] ] ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Entendido como virreinato del Perú.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T20:48:20+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 61355, "end" : 61359 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : 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-78.45, -9.388 ] ] ], [ [ [ -78.471, -9.354 ], [ -78.477, -9.347 ], [ -78.469, -9.34 ], [ -78.465, -9.343 ], [ -78.471, -9.354 ] ] ], [ [ [ -78.682, -9.043 ], [ -78.693, -9.028 ], [ -78.684, -9.017 ], [ -78.672, -9.035 ], [ -78.682, -9.043 ] ] ], [ [ [ -79.495, -7.796 ], [ -79.499, -7.789 ], [ -79.499, -7.785 ], [ -79.491, -7.793 ], [ -79.495, -7.796 ] ] ], [ [ [ -80.699, -6.973 ], [ -80.702, -6.972 ], [ -80.704, -6.961 ], [ -80.696, -6.972 ], [ -80.699, -6.973 ] ] ], [ [ [ -80.698, -6.962 ], [ -80.698, -6.948 ], [ -80.694, -6.956 ], [ -80.698, -6.962 ] ] ], [ [ [ -80.845, -6.472 ], [ -80.868, -6.436 ], [ -80.844, -6.383 ], [ -80.851, -6.407 ], [ -80.845, -6.472 ] ] ], [ [ [ -81.205, -5.216 ], [ -81.211, -5.206 ], [ -81.201, -5.21 ], [ -81.205, -5.216 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.259, -15.273 ], [ -75.269, -15.267 ], [ -75.269, -15.264 ], [ -75.257, -15.264 ], [ -75.259, -15.273 ] ] ], [ [ [ -76.179, -14.318 ], [ -76.219, -14.293 ], [ -76.219, -14.267 ], [ -76.188, -14.28 ], [ -76.179, -14.318 ] ] ], [ [ [ -76.455, -13.868 ], [ -76.471, -13.858 ], [ -76.458, -13.828 ], [ -76.441, -13.848 ], [ -76.455, -13.868 ] ] ], [ [ [ -76.406, -13.75 ], [ -76.406, -13.746 ], [ -76.397, -13.741 ], [ -76.397, -13.746 ], [ -76.406, -13.75 ] ] ], [ [ [ -76.633, -12.805 ], [ -76.634, -12.794 ], [ -76.621, -12.798 ], [ -76.633, -12.805 ] ] ], [ [ [ -76.899, -12.361 ], [ -76.905, -12.355 ], [ -76.901, -12.347 ], [ -76.897, -12.352 ], [ -76.899, -12.361 ] ] ], [ [ [ -76.915, -12.314 ], [ -76.917, -12.312 ], [ -76.909, -12.302 ], [ -76.909, -12.312 ], [ -76.915, -12.314 ] ] ], [ [ [ -77.19, -12.134 ], [ -77.189, -12.125 ], [ -77.185, -12.124 ], [ -77.182, -12.129 ], [ -77.19, -12.134 ] ] ], [ [ [ -77.208, -12.124 ], [ -77.253, -12.095 ], [ -77.254, -12.074 ], [ -77.202, -12.103 ], [ -77.208, -12.124 ] ] ], [ [ [ -77.717, -11.974 ], [ -77.725, -11.969 ], [ -77.724, -11.965 ], [ -77.718, -11.965 ], [ -77.717, -11.974 ] ] ], [ [ [ -77.723, -11.954 ], [ -77.733, -11.953 ], [ -77.734, -11.948 ], [ -77.722, -11.946 ], [ -77.723, -11.954 ] ] ], [ [ [ -77.851, -11.494 ], [ -77.852, -11.486 ], [ -77.844, -11.48 ], [ -77.844, -11.488 ], [ -77.851, -11.494 ] ] ], [ [ [ -81.072, -5 ], [ -81.326, -4.68 ], [ -81.25, -4.27 ], [ -80.837, -3.877 ], [ -80.786, -3.749 ], [ -80.574, -3.628 ], [ -80.501, -3.505 ], [ -80.366, -3.499 ], [ -80.304, -3.405 ], [ -80.219, -3.438 ], [ -80.154, -3.905 ], [ -80.286, -4.018 ], [ -80.398, -3.984 ], [ -80.475, -4.054 ], [ -80.444, -4.194 ], [ -80.305, -4.201 ], [ -80.443, -4.371 ], [ -80.443, -4.437 ], [ -80.335, -4.47 ], [ -80.136, -4.285 ], [ -79.895, -4.394 ], [ -79.812, -4.486 ], [ -79.631, -4.435 ], [ -79.541, -4.528 ], [ -79.482, -4.529 ], [ -79.416, -4.799 ], [ -79.26, -4.967 ], [ -79, -4.979 ], [ -78.881, -4.72 ], [ -78.736, -4.654 ], [ -78.621, -4.497 ], [ -78.627, -4.319 ], [ -78.572, -4.255 ], [ -78.499, -3.949 ], [ -78.377, -3.787 ], [ -78.319, -3.429 ], [ -78.249, -3.429 ], [ -78.232, -3.534 ], [ -78.137, -3.522 ], [ -78.19, -3.354 ], [ -77.824, -2.998 ], [ -76.627, -2.591 ], [ -76.045, -2.128 ], [ -75.538, -1.536 ], [ -75.364, -0.956 ], [ -75.185, -0.971 ], [ -75.28, -0.711 ], [ -75.245, -0.535 ], [ -75.415, -0.424 ], [ -75.449, -0.329 ], [ -75.622, -0.263 ], [ -75.622, -0.109 ], [ -75.304, -0.134 ], [ -75.219, -0.015 ], [ -75.115, -0.039 ], [ -74.904, -0.195 ], [ -74.824, -0.145 ], [ -74.78, -0.214 ], [ -74.801, -0.29 ], [ -74.659, -0.332 ], [ -74.52, -0.479 ], [ -74.425, -0.511 ], [ -74.342, -0.695 ], [ -74.378, -0.745 ], [ -74.258, -0.843 ], [ -74.272, -0.899 ], [ -74.318, -0.9 ], [ -74.266, -1.007 ], [ -74.074, -1.081 ], [ -74.033, -1.028 ], [ -74.013, -1.123 ], [ -73.905, -1.15 ], [ -73.861, -1.25 ], [ -73.777, -1.277 ], [ -73.75, -1.22 ], [ -73.732, -1.267 ], [ -73.624, -1.283 ], [ -73.552, -1.429 ], [ -73.586, -1.445 ], [ -73.539, -1.452 ], [ -73.46, -1.6 ], [ -73.532, -1.733 ], [ -73.314, -1.855 ], [ -73.293, -1.803 ], [ -73.231, -1.823 ], [ -73.222, -1.774 ], [ -73.143, -1.834 ], [ -73.095, -2.113 ], [ -73.059, -2.125 ], [ -73.153, -2.276 ], [ -73.044, -2.4 ], [ -73.021, -2.355 ], [ -72.962, -2.382 ], [ -72.921, -2.5 ], [ -72.769, -2.42 ], [ -72.733, -2.459 ], [ -72.707, -2.416 ], [ -72.67, -2.486 ], [ -72.618, -2.396 ], [ -72.383, -2.416 ], [ -72.346, -2.49 ], [ -72.221, -2.433 ], [ -72.126, -2.468 ], [ -72.035, -2.331 ], [ -71.907, -2.373 ], [ -71.919, -2.312 ], [ -71.861, -2.3 ], [ -71.822, -2.187 ], [ -71.722, -2.128 ], [ -71.707, -2.214 ], [ -71.628, -2.191 ], [ -71.5, -2.245 ], [ -71.484, -2.336 ], [ -71.444, -2.263 ], [ -71.375, -2.398 ], [ -71.284, -2.338 ], [ -71.165, -2.376 ], [ -71.057, -2.264 ], [ -70.986, -2.298 ], [ -70.993, -2.205 ], [ -70.928, -2.245 ], [ -70.857, -2.217 ], [ -70.822, -2.283 ], [ -70.658, -2.351 ], [ -70.608, -2.481 ], [ -70.55, -2.47 ], [ -70.562, -2.415 ], [ -70.418, -2.525 ], [ -70.307, -2.498 ], [ -70.342, -2.573 ], [ -70.246, -2.548 ], [ -70.15, -2.705 ], [ -70.076, -2.662 ], [ -70.034, -2.761 ], [ -70.703, -3.795 ], [ -70.485, -3.885 ], [ -70.295, -3.813 ], [ -70.186, -3.891 ], [ -70.158, -4.021 ], [ -69.948, -4.219 ], [ -69.978, -4.295 ], [ -70.036, -4.339 ], [ -70.076, -4.309 ], [ -70.042, -4.284 ], [ -70.164, -4.268 ], [ -70.19, -4.357 ], [ -70.249, -4.267 ], [ -70.291, -4.283 ], [ -70.317, -4.136 ], [ -70.341, -4.174 ], [ -70.434, -4.125 ], [ -70.503, -4.19 ], [ -70.553, -4.128 ], [ -70.566, -4.205 ], [ -70.565, -4.168 ], [ -70.633, -4.173 ], [ -70.622, -4.121 ], [ -70.677, -4.2 ], [ -70.757, -4.152 ], [ -70.935, -4.381 ], [ -70.99, -4.34 ], [ -71.031, -4.397 ], [ -71.147, -4.375 ], [ -71.193, -4.42 ], [ -71.198, -4.377 ], [ -71.269, -4.381 ], [ -71.303, -4.458 ], [ -71.355, -4.468 ], [ -71.342, -4.423 ], [ -71.432, -4.469 ], [ -71.414, -4.432 ], [ -71.506, -4.435 ], [ -71.49, -4.479 ], [ -71.535, -4.46 ], [ -71.597, -4.525 ], [ -71.61, -4.465 ], [ -71.897, -4.512 ], [ -71.94, -4.607 ], [ -72.047, -4.625 ], [ -72.113, -4.722 ], [ -72.223, -4.78 ], [ -72.313, -4.769 ], [ -72.292, -4.799 ], [ -72.356, -4.803 ], [ -72.37, -4.88 ], [ -72.452, -4.906 ], [ -72.455, -4.962 ], [ -72.577, -4.992 ], [ -72.602, -5.056 ], [ -72.734, -5.043 ], [ -72.896, -5.136 ], [ -72.872, -5.25 ], [ -72.948, -5.454 ], [ -72.951, -5.643 ], [ -73.116, -5.865 ], [ -73.131, -5.986 ], [ -73.185, -6.04 ], [ -73.133, -6.421 ], [ -73.211, -6.53 ], [ -73.351, -6.561 ], [ -73.743, -6.897 ], [ -73.797, -7.115 ], [ -73.691, -7.313 ], [ -73.868, -7.377 ], [ -73.954, -7.348 ], [ -73.917, -7.461 ], [ -73.986, -7.537 ], [ -73.69, -7.79 ], [ -73.697, -7.865 ], [ -73.777, -7.869 ], [ -73.765, -7.94 ], [ -73.632, -8.022 ], [ -73.526, -8.369 ], [ -73.338, -8.476 ], [ -73.338, -8.609 ], [ -73.169, -8.701 ], [ -73.059, -8.904 ], [ -72.946, -8.99 ], [ -72.965, -9.154 ], [ -73.196, -9.418 ], [ -72.721, -9.417 ], [ -72.364, -9.491 ], [ -72.289, -9.536 ], [ -72.26, -9.755 ], [ -72.16, -9.818 ], [ -72.165, -10.002 ], [ -71.288, -9.996 ], [ -71.131, -9.862 ], [ -70.982, -9.812 ], [ -70.601, -9.453 ], [ -70.497, -9.433 ], [ -70.561, -9.579 ], [ -70.598, -9.574 ], [ -70.522, -9.738 ], [ -70.622, -9.847 ], [ -70.618, -11.007 ], [ -70.508, -10.94 ], [ -70.337, -11.067 ], [ -69.938, -10.926 ], [ -69.728, -10.973 ], [ -69.568, -10.954 ], [ -68.924, -11.994 ], [ -68.679, -12.497 ], [ -68.764, -12.612 ], [ -68.738, -12.705 ], [ -68.85, -12.728 ], [ -68.961, -12.852 ], [ -68.942, -13.486 ], [ -68.997, -13.652 ], [ -69.076, -13.654 ], [ -68.988, -13.769 ], [ -68.965, -13.98 ], [ -68.881, -14.065 ], [ -68.841, -14.21 ], [ -68.982, -14.237 ], [ -68.98, -14.387 ], [ -69.152, -14.508 ], [ -69.149, -14.584 ], [ -69.225, -14.584 ], [ -69.244, -14.753 ], [ -69.363, -14.804 ], [ -69.365, -14.98 ], [ -69.126, -15.256 ], [ -69.265, -15.336 ], [ -69.274, -15.421 ], [ -69.414, -15.621 ], [ -69.236, -16.143 ], [ -69.099, -16.219 ], [ -68.963, -16.189 ], [ -68.814, -16.338 ], [ -68.982, -16.433 ], [ -69.032, -16.566 ], [ -69.006, -16.677 ], [ -69.168, -16.731 ], [ -69.392, -17.021 ], [ -69.375, -17.078 ], [ -69.551, -17.162 ], [ -69.641, -17.282 ], [ -69.463, -17.376 ], [ -69.463, -17.508 ], [ -69.662, -17.658 ], [ -69.799, -17.65 ], [ -69.819, -17.747 ], [ -69.753, -17.982 ], [ -69.948, -18.248 ], [ -70.374, -18.35 ], [ -70.879, -18.01 ], [ -70.925, -17.924 ], [ -71.383, -17.708 ], [ -71.342, -17.636 ], [ -71.382, -17.419 ], [ -71.515, -17.265 ], [ -71.819, -17.18 ], [ -71.974, -17.048 ], [ -72.113, -17.027 ], [ -72.123, -16.97 ], [ -72.45, -16.705 ], [ -72.758, -16.636 ], [ -73.112, -16.433 ], [ -73.291, -16.402 ], [ -73.3, -16.349 ], [ -73.414, -16.294 ], [ -73.701, -16.24 ], [ -74.057, -15.961 ], [ -74.285, -15.846 ], [ -74.371, -15.85 ], [ -74.476, -15.726 ], [ -75.141, -15.419 ], [ -75.2, -15.381 ], [ -75.157, -15.338 ], [ -75.252, -15.268 ], [ -75.23, -15.22 ], [ -75.376, -15.161 ], [ -75.509, -14.922 ], [ -75.921, -14.662 ], [ -75.98, -14.483 ], [ -76.151, -14.345 ], [ -76.105, -14.326 ], [ -76.135, -14.245 ], [ -76.222, -14.165 ], [ -76.274, -14.151 ], [ -76.273, -14.211 ], [ -76.296, -14.175 ], [ -76.286, -13.917 ], [ -76.395, -13.908 ], [ -76.332, -13.799 ], [ -76.261, -13.872 ], [ -76.191, -13.607 ], [ -76.206, -13.4 ], [ -76.492, -13.049 ], [ -76.52, -12.871 ], [ -76.641, -12.752 ], [ -76.693, -12.608 ], [ -76.811, -12.512 ], [ -76.784, -12.402 ], [ -76.84, -12.323 ], [ -77.042, -12.215 ], [ -77.072, -12.113 ], [ -77.172, -12.087 ], [ -77.136, -11.984 ], [ -77.201, -11.79 ], [ -77.176, -11.739 ], [ -77.301, -11.521 ], [ -77.663, -11.297 ], [ -77.656, -11.228 ], [ -77.604, -11.205 ], [ -77.671, -10.949 ], [ -78.196, -10.11 ], [ -78.241, -9.793 ], [ -78.378, -9.635 ], [ -78.431, -9.345 ], [ -78.536, -9.274 ], [ -78.507, -9.186 ], [ -78.555, -9.184 ], [ -78.575, -9.248 ], [ -78.621, -9.185 ], [ -78.563, -9.134 ], [ -78.641, -9.076 ], [ -78.654, -8.916 ], [ -78.766, -8.773 ], [ -78.755, -8.616 ], [ -78.934, -8.455 ], [ -78.905, -8.389 ], [ -78.97, -8.252 ], [ -79.359, -7.859 ], [ -79.566, -7.465 ], [ -79.581, -7.322 ], [ -79.678, -7.12 ], [ -79.916, -6.884 ], [ -79.983, -6.743 ], [ -80.298, -6.53 ], [ -80.773, -6.306 ], [ -81.11, -6.057 ], [ -81.144, -5.89 ], [ -81.076, -5.791 ], [ -80.942, -5.848 ], [ -80.866, -5.784 ], [ -80.858, -5.819 ], [ -80.841, -5.841 ], [ -80.848, -5.534 ], [ -80.872, -5.558 ], [ -80.945, -5.432 ], [ -81.191, -5.216 ], [ -81.167, -5.083 ], [ -81.085, -5.081 ], [ -81.072, -5 ] ] ] ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Entendido como virreinato del Perú.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T20:48:20+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 59867, "end" : 59871 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Perú" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", 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[ -78.469, -9.34 ], [ -78.465, -9.343 ], [ -78.471, -9.354 ] ] ], [ [ [ -78.682, -9.043 ], [ -78.693, -9.028 ], [ -78.684, -9.017 ], [ -78.672, -9.035 ], [ -78.682, -9.043 ] ] ], [ [ [ -79.495, -7.796 ], [ -79.499, -7.789 ], [ -79.499, -7.785 ], [ -79.491, -7.793 ], [ -79.495, -7.796 ] ] ], [ [ [ -80.699, -6.973 ], [ -80.702, -6.972 ], [ -80.704, -6.961 ], [ -80.696, -6.972 ], [ -80.699, -6.973 ] ] ], [ [ [ -80.698, -6.962 ], [ -80.698, -6.948 ], [ -80.694, -6.956 ], [ -80.698, -6.962 ] ] ], [ [ [ -80.845, -6.472 ], [ -80.868, -6.436 ], [ -80.844, -6.383 ], [ -80.851, -6.407 ], [ -80.845, -6.472 ] ] ], [ [ [ -81.205, -5.216 ], [ -81.211, -5.206 ], [ -81.201, -5.21 ], [ -81.205, -5.216 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.259, -15.273 ], [ -75.269, -15.267 ], [ -75.269, -15.264 ], [ -75.257, -15.264 ], [ -75.259, -15.273 ] ] ], [ [ [ -76.179, -14.318 ], [ -76.219, -14.293 ], [ -76.219, -14.267 ], [ -76.188, -14.28 ], [ -76.179, -14.318 ] ] ], [ [ [ -76.455, -13.868 ], [ -76.471, -13.858 ], [ -76.458, -13.828 ], [ -76.441, -13.848 ], [ -76.455, -13.868 ] ] ], [ [ [ -76.406, -13.75 ], [ -76.406, -13.746 ], [ -76.397, -13.741 ], [ -76.397, -13.746 ], [ -76.406, -13.75 ] ] ], [ [ [ -76.633, -12.805 ], [ -76.634, -12.794 ], [ -76.621, -12.798 ], [ -76.633, -12.805 ] ] ], [ [ [ -76.899, -12.361 ], [ -76.905, -12.355 ], [ -76.901, -12.347 ], [ -76.897, -12.352 ], [ -76.899, -12.361 ] ] ], [ [ [ -76.915, -12.314 ], [ -76.917, -12.312 ], [ -76.909, -12.302 ], [ -76.909, -12.312 ], [ -76.915, -12.314 ] ] ], [ [ [ -77.19, -12.134 ], [ -77.189, -12.125 ], [ -77.185, -12.124 ], [ -77.182, -12.129 ], [ -77.19, -12.134 ] ] ], [ [ [ -77.208, -12.124 ], [ -77.253, -12.095 ], [ -77.254, -12.074 ], [ -77.202, -12.103 ], [ -77.208, -12.124 ] ] ], [ [ [ -77.717, -11.974 ], [ -77.725, -11.969 ], [ -77.724, -11.965 ], [ -77.718, -11.965 ], [ -77.717, -11.974 ] ] ], [ [ [ -77.723, -11.954 ], [ -77.733, -11.953 ], [ -77.734, -11.948 ], [ -77.722, -11.946 ], [ -77.723, -11.954 ] ] ], [ [ [ -77.851, -11.494 ], [ -77.852, -11.486 ], [ -77.844, -11.48 ], [ -77.844, -11.488 ], [ -77.851, -11.494 ] ] ], [ [ [ -81.072, -5 ], [ -81.326, -4.68 ], [ -81.25, -4.27 ], [ -80.837, -3.877 ], [ -80.786, -3.749 ], [ -80.574, -3.628 ], [ -80.501, -3.505 ], [ -80.366, -3.499 ], [ -80.304, -3.405 ], [ -80.219, -3.438 ], [ -80.154, -3.905 ], [ -80.286, -4.018 ], [ -80.398, -3.984 ], [ -80.475, -4.054 ], [ -80.444, -4.194 ], [ -80.305, -4.201 ], [ -80.443, -4.371 ], [ -80.443, -4.437 ], [ -80.335, -4.47 ], [ -80.136, -4.285 ], [ -79.895, -4.394 ], [ -79.812, -4.486 ], [ -79.631, -4.435 ], [ -79.541, -4.528 ], [ -79.482, -4.529 ], [ -79.416, -4.799 ], [ -79.26, -4.967 ], [ -79, -4.979 ], [ -78.881, -4.72 ], [ -78.736, -4.654 ], [ -78.621, -4.497 ], [ -78.627, -4.319 ], [ -78.572, -4.255 ], [ -78.499, -3.949 ], [ -78.377, -3.787 ], [ -78.319, -3.429 ], [ -78.249, -3.429 ], [ -78.232, -3.534 ], [ -78.137, -3.522 ], [ -78.19, -3.354 ], [ -77.824, -2.998 ], [ -76.627, -2.591 ], [ -76.045, -2.128 ], [ -75.538, -1.536 ], [ -75.364, -0.956 ], [ -75.185, -0.971 ], [ -75.28, -0.711 ], [ -75.245, -0.535 ], [ -75.415, -0.424 ], [ -75.449, -0.329 ], [ -75.622, -0.263 ], [ -75.622, -0.109 ], [ -75.304, -0.134 ], [ -75.219, -0.015 ], [ -75.115, -0.039 ], [ -74.904, -0.195 ], [ -74.824, -0.145 ], [ -74.78, -0.214 ], [ -74.801, -0.29 ], [ -74.659, -0.332 ], [ -74.52, -0.479 ], [ -74.425, -0.511 ], [ -74.342, -0.695 ], [ -74.378, -0.745 ], [ -74.258, -0.843 ], [ -74.272, -0.899 ], [ -74.318, -0.9 ], [ -74.266, -1.007 ], [ -74.074, -1.081 ], [ -74.033, -1.028 ], [ -74.013, -1.123 ], [ -73.905, -1.15 ], [ -73.861, -1.25 ], [ -73.777, -1.277 ], [ -73.75, -1.22 ], [ -73.732, -1.267 ], [ -73.624, -1.283 ], [ -73.552, -1.429 ], [ -73.586, -1.445 ], [ -73.539, -1.452 ], [ -73.46, -1.6 ], [ -73.532, -1.733 ], [ -73.314, -1.855 ], [ -73.293, -1.803 ], [ -73.231, -1.823 ], [ -73.222, -1.774 ], [ -73.143, -1.834 ], [ -73.095, -2.113 ], [ -73.059, -2.125 ], [ -73.153, -2.276 ], [ -73.044, -2.4 ], [ -73.021, -2.355 ], [ -72.962, -2.382 ], [ -72.921, -2.5 ], [ -72.769, -2.42 ], [ -72.733, -2.459 ], [ -72.707, -2.416 ], [ -72.67, -2.486 ], [ -72.618, -2.396 ], [ -72.383, -2.416 ], [ -72.346, -2.49 ], [ -72.221, -2.433 ], [ -72.126, -2.468 ], [ -72.035, -2.331 ], [ -71.907, -2.373 ], [ -71.919, -2.312 ], [ -71.861, -2.3 ], [ -71.822, -2.187 ], [ -71.722, -2.128 ], [ -71.707, -2.214 ], [ -71.628, -2.191 ], [ -71.5, -2.245 ], [ -71.484, -2.336 ], [ -71.444, -2.263 ], [ -71.375, -2.398 ], [ -71.284, -2.338 ], [ -71.165, -2.376 ], [ -71.057, -2.264 ], [ -70.986, -2.298 ], [ -70.993, -2.205 ], [ -70.928, -2.245 ], [ -70.857, -2.217 ], [ -70.822, -2.283 ], [ -70.658, -2.351 ], [ -70.608, -2.481 ], [ -70.55, -2.47 ], [ -70.562, -2.415 ], [ -70.418, -2.525 ], [ -70.307, -2.498 ], [ -70.342, -2.573 ], [ -70.246, -2.548 ], [ -70.15, -2.705 ], [ -70.076, -2.662 ], [ -70.034, -2.761 ], [ -70.703, -3.795 ], [ -70.485, -3.885 ], [ -70.295, -3.813 ], [ -70.186, -3.891 ], [ -70.158, -4.021 ], [ -69.948, -4.219 ], [ -69.978, -4.295 ], [ -70.036, -4.339 ], [ -70.076, -4.309 ], [ -70.042, -4.284 ], [ -70.164, -4.268 ], [ -70.19, -4.357 ], [ -70.249, -4.267 ], [ -70.291, -4.283 ], [ -70.317, -4.136 ], [ -70.341, -4.174 ], [ -70.434, -4.125 ], [ -70.503, -4.19 ], [ -70.553, -4.128 ], [ -70.566, -4.205 ], [ -70.565, -4.168 ], [ -70.633, -4.173 ], [ -70.622, -4.121 ], [ -70.677, -4.2 ], [ -70.757, -4.152 ], [ -70.935, -4.381 ], [ -70.99, -4.34 ], [ -71.031, -4.397 ], [ -71.147, -4.375 ], [ -71.193, -4.42 ], [ -71.198, -4.377 ], [ -71.269, -4.381 ], [ -71.303, -4.458 ], [ -71.355, -4.468 ], [ -71.342, -4.423 ], [ -71.432, -4.469 ], [ -71.414, -4.432 ], [ -71.506, -4.435 ], [ -71.49, -4.479 ], [ -71.535, -4.46 ], [ -71.597, -4.525 ], [ -71.61, -4.465 ], [ -71.897, -4.512 ], [ -71.94, -4.607 ], [ -72.047, -4.625 ], [ -72.113, -4.722 ], [ -72.223, -4.78 ], [ -72.313, -4.769 ], [ -72.292, -4.799 ], [ -72.356, -4.803 ], [ -72.37, -4.88 ], [ -72.452, -4.906 ], [ -72.455, -4.962 ], [ -72.577, -4.992 ], [ -72.602, -5.056 ], [ -72.734, -5.043 ], [ -72.896, -5.136 ], [ -72.872, -5.25 ], [ -72.948, -5.454 ], [ -72.951, -5.643 ], [ -73.116, -5.865 ], [ -73.131, -5.986 ], [ -73.185, -6.04 ], [ -73.133, -6.421 ], [ -73.211, -6.53 ], [ -73.351, -6.561 ], [ -73.743, -6.897 ], [ -73.797, -7.115 ], [ -73.691, -7.313 ], [ -73.868, -7.377 ], [ -73.954, -7.348 ], [ -73.917, -7.461 ], [ -73.986, -7.537 ], [ -73.69, -7.79 ], [ -73.697, -7.865 ], [ -73.777, -7.869 ], [ -73.765, -7.94 ], [ -73.632, -8.022 ], [ -73.526, -8.369 ], [ -73.338, -8.476 ], [ -73.338, -8.609 ], [ -73.169, -8.701 ], [ -73.059, -8.904 ], [ -72.946, -8.99 ], [ -72.965, -9.154 ], [ -73.196, -9.418 ], [ -72.721, -9.417 ], [ -72.364, -9.491 ], [ -72.289, -9.536 ], [ -72.26, -9.755 ], [ -72.16, -9.818 ], [ -72.165, -10.002 ], [ -71.288, -9.996 ], [ -71.131, -9.862 ], [ -70.982, -9.812 ], [ -70.601, -9.453 ], [ -70.497, -9.433 ], [ -70.561, -9.579 ], [ -70.598, -9.574 ], [ -70.522, -9.738 ], [ -70.622, -9.847 ], [ -70.618, -11.007 ], [ -70.508, -10.94 ], [ -70.337, -11.067 ], [ -69.938, -10.926 ], [ -69.728, -10.973 ], [ -69.568, -10.954 ], [ -68.924, -11.994 ], [ -68.679, -12.497 ], [ -68.764, -12.612 ], [ -68.738, -12.705 ], [ -68.85, -12.728 ], [ -68.961, -12.852 ], [ -68.942, -13.486 ], [ -68.997, -13.652 ], [ -69.076, -13.654 ], [ -68.988, -13.769 ], [ -68.965, -13.98 ], [ -68.881, -14.065 ], [ -68.841, -14.21 ], [ -68.982, -14.237 ], [ -68.98, -14.387 ], [ -69.152, -14.508 ], [ -69.149, -14.584 ], [ -69.225, -14.584 ], [ -69.244, -14.753 ], [ -69.363, -14.804 ], [ -69.365, -14.98 ], [ -69.126, -15.256 ], [ -69.265, -15.336 ], [ -69.274, -15.421 ], [ -69.414, -15.621 ], [ -69.236, -16.143 ], [ -69.099, -16.219 ], [ -68.963, -16.189 ], [ -68.814, -16.338 ], [ -68.982, -16.433 ], [ -69.032, -16.566 ], [ -69.006, -16.677 ], [ -69.168, -16.731 ], [ -69.392, -17.021 ], [ -69.375, -17.078 ], [ -69.551, -17.162 ], [ -69.641, -17.282 ], [ -69.463, -17.376 ], [ -69.463, -17.508 ], [ -69.662, -17.658 ], [ -69.799, -17.65 ], [ -69.819, -17.747 ], [ -69.753, -17.982 ], [ -69.948, -18.248 ], [ -70.374, -18.35 ], [ -70.879, -18.01 ], [ -70.925, -17.924 ], [ -71.383, -17.708 ], [ -71.342, -17.636 ], [ -71.382, -17.419 ], [ -71.515, -17.265 ], [ -71.819, -17.18 ], [ -71.974, -17.048 ], [ -72.113, -17.027 ], [ -72.123, -16.97 ], [ -72.45, -16.705 ], [ -72.758, -16.636 ], [ -73.112, -16.433 ], [ -73.291, -16.402 ], [ -73.3, -16.349 ], [ -73.414, -16.294 ], [ -73.701, -16.24 ], [ -74.057, -15.961 ], [ -74.285, -15.846 ], [ -74.371, -15.85 ], [ -74.476, -15.726 ], [ -75.141, -15.419 ], [ -75.2, -15.381 ], [ -75.157, -15.338 ], [ -75.252, -15.268 ], [ -75.23, -15.22 ], [ -75.376, -15.161 ], [ -75.509, -14.922 ], [ -75.921, -14.662 ], [ -75.98, -14.483 ], [ -76.151, -14.345 ], [ -76.105, -14.326 ], [ -76.135, -14.245 ], [ -76.222, -14.165 ], [ -76.274, -14.151 ], [ -76.273, -14.211 ], [ -76.296, -14.175 ], [ -76.286, -13.917 ], [ -76.395, -13.908 ], [ -76.332, -13.799 ], [ -76.261, -13.872 ], [ -76.191, -13.607 ], [ -76.206, -13.4 ], [ -76.492, -13.049 ], [ -76.52, -12.871 ], [ -76.641, -12.752 ], [ -76.693, -12.608 ], [ -76.811, -12.512 ], [ -76.784, -12.402 ], [ -76.84, -12.323 ], [ -77.042, -12.215 ], [ -77.072, -12.113 ], [ -77.172, -12.087 ], [ -77.136, -11.984 ], [ -77.201, -11.79 ], [ -77.176, -11.739 ], [ -77.301, -11.521 ], [ -77.663, -11.297 ], [ -77.656, -11.228 ], [ -77.604, -11.205 ], [ -77.671, -10.949 ], [ -78.196, -10.11 ], [ -78.241, -9.793 ], [ -78.378, -9.635 ], [ -78.431, -9.345 ], [ -78.536, -9.274 ], [ -78.507, -9.186 ], [ -78.555, -9.184 ], [ -78.575, -9.248 ], [ -78.621, -9.185 ], [ -78.563, -9.134 ], [ -78.641, -9.076 ], [ -78.654, -8.916 ], [ -78.766, -8.773 ], [ -78.755, -8.616 ], [ -78.934, -8.455 ], [ -78.905, -8.389 ], [ -78.97, -8.252 ], [ -79.359, -7.859 ], [ -79.566, -7.465 ], [ -79.581, -7.322 ], [ -79.678, -7.12 ], [ -79.916, -6.884 ], [ -79.983, -6.743 ], [ -80.298, -6.53 ], [ -80.773, -6.306 ], [ -81.11, -6.057 ], [ -81.144, -5.89 ], [ -81.076, -5.791 ], [ -80.942, -5.848 ], [ -80.866, -5.784 ], [ -80.858, -5.819 ], [ -80.841, -5.841 ], [ -80.848, -5.534 ], [ -80.872, -5.558 ], [ -80.945, -5.432 ], [ -81.191, -5.216 ], [ -81.167, -5.083 ], [ -81.085, -5.081 ], [ -81.072, -5 ] ] ] ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Entendido como virreinato del Perú.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T20:48:20+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 54705, "end" : 54709 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Perú" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : 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], [ -76.441, -13.848 ], [ -76.455, -13.868 ] ] ], [ [ [ -76.406, -13.75 ], [ -76.406, -13.746 ], [ -76.397, -13.741 ], [ -76.397, -13.746 ], [ -76.406, -13.75 ] ] ], [ [ [ -76.633, -12.805 ], [ -76.634, -12.794 ], [ -76.621, -12.798 ], [ -76.633, -12.805 ] ] ], [ [ [ -76.899, -12.361 ], [ -76.905, -12.355 ], [ -76.901, -12.347 ], [ -76.897, -12.352 ], [ -76.899, -12.361 ] ] ], [ [ [ -76.915, -12.314 ], [ -76.917, -12.312 ], [ -76.909, -12.302 ], [ -76.909, -12.312 ], [ -76.915, -12.314 ] ] ], [ [ [ -77.19, -12.134 ], [ -77.189, -12.125 ], [ -77.185, -12.124 ], [ -77.182, -12.129 ], [ -77.19, -12.134 ] ] ], [ [ [ -77.208, -12.124 ], [ -77.253, -12.095 ], [ -77.254, -12.074 ], [ -77.202, -12.103 ], [ -77.208, -12.124 ] ] ], [ [ [ -77.717, -11.974 ], [ -77.725, -11.969 ], [ -77.724, -11.965 ], [ -77.718, -11.965 ], [ -77.717, -11.974 ] ] ], [ [ [ -77.723, -11.954 ], [ -77.733, -11.953 ], [ -77.734, -11.948 ], [ -77.722, -11.946 ], [ -77.723, -11.954 ] ] ], [ [ [ -77.851, -11.494 ], [ -77.852, -11.486 ], [ -77.844, -11.48 ], [ -77.844, -11.488 ], [ -77.851, -11.494 ] ] ], [ [ [ -81.072, -5 ], [ -81.326, -4.68 ], [ -81.25, -4.27 ], [ -80.837, -3.877 ], [ -80.786, -3.749 ], [ -80.574, -3.628 ], [ -80.501, -3.505 ], [ -80.366, -3.499 ], [ -80.304, -3.405 ], [ -80.219, -3.438 ], [ -80.154, -3.905 ], [ -80.286, -4.018 ], [ -80.398, -3.984 ], [ -80.475, -4.054 ], [ -80.444, -4.194 ], [ -80.305, -4.201 ], [ -80.443, -4.371 ], [ -80.443, -4.437 ], [ -80.335, -4.47 ], [ -80.136, -4.285 ], [ -79.895, -4.394 ], [ -79.812, -4.486 ], [ -79.631, -4.435 ], [ -79.541, -4.528 ], [ -79.482, -4.529 ], [ -79.416, -4.799 ], [ -79.26, -4.967 ], [ -79, -4.979 ], [ -78.881, -4.72 ], [ -78.736, -4.654 ], [ -78.621, -4.497 ], [ -78.627, -4.319 ], [ -78.572, -4.255 ], [ -78.499, -3.949 ], [ -78.377, -3.787 ], [ -78.319, -3.429 ], [ -78.249, -3.429 ], [ -78.232, -3.534 ], [ -78.137, -3.522 ], [ -78.19, -3.354 ], [ -77.824, -2.998 ], [ -76.627, -2.591 ], [ -76.045, -2.128 ], [ -75.538, -1.536 ], [ -75.364, -0.956 ], [ -75.185, -0.971 ], [ -75.28, -0.711 ], [ -75.245, -0.535 ], [ -75.415, -0.424 ], [ -75.449, -0.329 ], [ -75.622, -0.263 ], [ -75.622, -0.109 ], [ -75.304, -0.134 ], [ -75.219, -0.015 ], [ -75.115, -0.039 ], [ -74.904, -0.195 ], [ -74.824, -0.145 ], [ -74.78, -0.214 ], [ -74.801, -0.29 ], [ -74.659, -0.332 ], [ -74.52, -0.479 ], [ -74.425, -0.511 ], [ -74.342, -0.695 ], [ -74.378, -0.745 ], [ -74.258, -0.843 ], [ -74.272, -0.899 ], [ -74.318, -0.9 ], [ -74.266, -1.007 ], [ -74.074, -1.081 ], [ -74.033, -1.028 ], [ -74.013, -1.123 ], [ -73.905, -1.15 ], [ -73.861, -1.25 ], [ -73.777, -1.277 ], [ -73.75, -1.22 ], [ -73.732, -1.267 ], [ -73.624, -1.283 ], [ -73.552, -1.429 ], [ -73.586, -1.445 ], [ -73.539, -1.452 ], [ -73.46, -1.6 ], [ -73.532, -1.733 ], [ -73.314, -1.855 ], [ -73.293, -1.803 ], [ -73.231, -1.823 ], [ -73.222, -1.774 ], [ -73.143, -1.834 ], [ -73.095, -2.113 ], [ -73.059, -2.125 ], [ -73.153, -2.276 ], [ -73.044, -2.4 ], [ -73.021, -2.355 ], [ -72.962, -2.382 ], [ -72.921, -2.5 ], [ -72.769, -2.42 ], [ -72.733, -2.459 ], [ -72.707, -2.416 ], [ -72.67, -2.486 ], [ -72.618, -2.396 ], [ -72.383, -2.416 ], [ -72.346, -2.49 ], [ -72.221, -2.433 ], [ -72.126, -2.468 ], [ -72.035, -2.331 ], [ -71.907, -2.373 ], [ -71.919, -2.312 ], [ -71.861, -2.3 ], [ -71.822, -2.187 ], [ -71.722, -2.128 ], [ -71.707, -2.214 ], [ -71.628, -2.191 ], [ -71.5, -2.245 ], [ -71.484, -2.336 ], [ -71.444, -2.263 ], [ -71.375, -2.398 ], [ -71.284, -2.338 ], [ -71.165, -2.376 ], [ -71.057, -2.264 ], [ -70.986, -2.298 ], [ -70.993, -2.205 ], [ -70.928, -2.245 ], [ -70.857, -2.217 ], [ -70.822, -2.283 ], [ -70.658, -2.351 ], [ -70.608, -2.481 ], [ -70.55, -2.47 ], [ -70.562, -2.415 ], [ -70.418, -2.525 ], [ -70.307, -2.498 ], [ -70.342, -2.573 ], [ -70.246, -2.548 ], [ -70.15, -2.705 ], [ -70.076, -2.662 ], [ -70.034, -2.761 ], [ -70.703, -3.795 ], [ -70.485, -3.885 ], [ -70.295, -3.813 ], [ -70.186, -3.891 ], [ -70.158, -4.021 ], [ -69.948, -4.219 ], [ -69.978, -4.295 ], [ -70.036, -4.339 ], [ -70.076, -4.309 ], [ -70.042, -4.284 ], [ -70.164, -4.268 ], [ -70.19, -4.357 ], [ -70.249, -4.267 ], [ -70.291, -4.283 ], [ -70.317, -4.136 ], [ -70.341, -4.174 ], [ -70.434, -4.125 ], [ -70.503, -4.19 ], [ -70.553, -4.128 ], [ -70.566, -4.205 ], [ -70.565, -4.168 ], [ -70.633, -4.173 ], [ -70.622, -4.121 ], [ -70.677, -4.2 ], [ -70.757, -4.152 ], [ -70.935, -4.381 ], [ -70.99, -4.34 ], [ -71.031, -4.397 ], [ -71.147, -4.375 ], [ -71.193, -4.42 ], [ -71.198, -4.377 ], [ -71.269, -4.381 ], [ -71.303, -4.458 ], [ -71.355, -4.468 ], [ -71.342, -4.423 ], [ -71.432, -4.469 ], [ -71.414, -4.432 ], [ -71.506, -4.435 ], [ -71.49, -4.479 ], [ -71.535, -4.46 ], [ -71.597, -4.525 ], [ -71.61, -4.465 ], [ -71.897, -4.512 ], [ -71.94, -4.607 ], [ -72.047, -4.625 ], [ -72.113, -4.722 ], [ -72.223, -4.78 ], [ -72.313, -4.769 ], [ -72.292, -4.799 ], [ -72.356, -4.803 ], [ -72.37, -4.88 ], [ -72.452, -4.906 ], [ -72.455, -4.962 ], [ -72.577, -4.992 ], [ -72.602, -5.056 ], [ -72.734, -5.043 ], [ -72.896, -5.136 ], [ -72.872, -5.25 ], [ -72.948, -5.454 ], [ -72.951, -5.643 ], [ -73.116, -5.865 ], [ -73.131, -5.986 ], [ -73.185, -6.04 ], [ -73.133, -6.421 ], [ -73.211, -6.53 ], [ -73.351, -6.561 ], [ -73.743, -6.897 ], [ -73.797, -7.115 ], [ -73.691, -7.313 ], [ -73.868, -7.377 ], [ -73.954, -7.348 ], [ -73.917, -7.461 ], [ -73.986, -7.537 ], [ -73.69, -7.79 ], [ -73.697, -7.865 ], [ -73.777, -7.869 ], [ -73.765, -7.94 ], [ -73.632, -8.022 ], [ -73.526, -8.369 ], [ -73.338, -8.476 ], [ -73.338, -8.609 ], [ -73.169, -8.701 ], [ -73.059, -8.904 ], [ -72.946, -8.99 ], [ -72.965, -9.154 ], [ -73.196, -9.418 ], [ -72.721, -9.417 ], [ -72.364, -9.491 ], [ -72.289, -9.536 ], [ -72.26, -9.755 ], [ -72.16, -9.818 ], [ -72.165, -10.002 ], [ -71.288, -9.996 ], [ -71.131, -9.862 ], [ -70.982, -9.812 ], [ -70.601, -9.453 ], [ -70.497, -9.433 ], [ -70.561, -9.579 ], [ -70.598, -9.574 ], [ -70.522, -9.738 ], [ -70.622, -9.847 ], [ -70.618, -11.007 ], [ 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], [ -69.819, -17.747 ], [ -69.753, -17.982 ], [ -69.948, -18.248 ], [ -70.374, -18.35 ], [ -70.879, -18.01 ], [ -70.925, -17.924 ], [ -71.383, -17.708 ], [ -71.342, -17.636 ], [ -71.382, -17.419 ], [ -71.515, -17.265 ], [ -71.819, -17.18 ], [ -71.974, -17.048 ], [ -72.113, -17.027 ], [ -72.123, -16.97 ], [ -72.45, -16.705 ], [ -72.758, -16.636 ], [ -73.112, -16.433 ], [ -73.291, -16.402 ], [ -73.3, -16.349 ], [ -73.414, -16.294 ], [ -73.701, -16.24 ], [ -74.057, -15.961 ], [ -74.285, -15.846 ], [ -74.371, -15.85 ], [ -74.476, -15.726 ], [ -75.141, -15.419 ], [ -75.2, -15.381 ], [ -75.157, -15.338 ], [ -75.252, -15.268 ], [ -75.23, -15.22 ], [ -75.376, -15.161 ], [ -75.509, -14.922 ], [ -75.921, -14.662 ], [ -75.98, -14.483 ], [ -76.151, -14.345 ], [ -76.105, -14.326 ], [ -76.135, -14.245 ], [ -76.222, -14.165 ], [ -76.274, -14.151 ], [ -76.273, -14.211 ], [ -76.296, -14.175 ], [ -76.286, -13.917 ], [ -76.395, -13.908 ], [ -76.332, -13.799 ], [ -76.261, -13.872 ], [ -76.191, -13.607 ], [ -76.206, -13.4 ], [ -76.492, -13.049 ], [ -76.52, -12.871 ], [ -76.641, -12.752 ], [ -76.693, -12.608 ], [ -76.811, -12.512 ], [ -76.784, -12.402 ], [ -76.84, -12.323 ], [ -77.042, -12.215 ], [ -77.072, -12.113 ], [ -77.172, -12.087 ], [ -77.136, -11.984 ], [ -77.201, -11.79 ], [ -77.176, -11.739 ], [ -77.301, -11.521 ], [ -77.663, -11.297 ], [ -77.656, -11.228 ], [ -77.604, -11.205 ], [ -77.671, -10.949 ], [ -78.196, -10.11 ], [ -78.241, -9.793 ], [ -78.378, -9.635 ], [ -78.431, -9.345 ], [ -78.536, -9.274 ], [ -78.507, -9.186 ], [ -78.555, -9.184 ], [ -78.575, -9.248 ], [ -78.621, -9.185 ], [ -78.563, -9.134 ], [ -78.641, -9.076 ], [ -78.654, -8.916 ], [ -78.766, -8.773 ], [ -78.755, -8.616 ], [ -78.934, -8.455 ], [ -78.905, -8.389 ], [ -78.97, -8.252 ], [ -79.359, -7.859 ], [ -79.566, -7.465 ], [ -79.581, -7.322 ], [ -79.678, -7.12 ], [ -79.916, -6.884 ], [ -79.983, -6.743 ], [ -80.298, -6.53 ], [ -80.773, -6.306 ], [ -81.11, -6.057 ], [ -81.144, -5.89 ], [ -81.076, -5.791 ], [ -80.942, -5.848 ], [ -80.866, -5.784 ], [ -80.858, -5.819 ], [ -80.841, -5.841 ], [ -80.848, -5.534 ], [ -80.872, -5.558 ], [ -80.945, -5.432 ], [ -81.191, -5.216 ], [ -81.167, -5.083 ], [ -81.085, -5.081 ], [ -81.072, -5 ] ] ] ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Entendido como virreinato del Perú.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T20:48:20+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 45525, "end" : 45529 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Perú" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/ba761b4b-62d3-4ecb-a24f-c265918f9476", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PLACE", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T17:58:31+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Pueblo de Paraguay. Podría tratarse de Acahay?", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T18:02:10+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 31312, "end" : 31316 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Acay" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/aaa09122-6122-4eaf-8a1d-85f58370a487", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T18:34:22+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Alonso Riquelme de Guzmán (1519-1573) fue un conquistador oriundo de \nJeréz de la Frontera y sobrino del Segundo Adelantado al Río de la \nPlata, Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca, con quien llegó al Río de la Plata en\n 1541. Fue uno de sus más acérrimos partidarios durante la gobernación \nde Cabeza de Vaca y se convirtió en una de las figuras más prominentes \nde la facción de los \"leales\" una vez que aquel fuera expulsado de la \nprovincia en 1545.Fue forzado por Domigo de Irala a casarse con una de \nsus hijas mestizas, unión de la cual nació Ruy Díaz de \nGuzmán.Bibliografía:Ricardo Lafuente Machaín, Alonso Riquelme de Guzmán,\n Buenos Aires, Amorrurtu, 1942.Tieffemberg, Silvia, \"Estudio \nIntroductorio\", en Díaz de Guzmán, Ruy, Argentina. Historia del \nDescubrimiento y Conquista del Río de la Plata de Ruy Díaz de Guzmán, \nBuenos Aires, Editorial de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras-UBA, \n2012.Fuentes \"Información hecha en Jerez de la Frontera a pedimento de \nCabeza de Vaca para verificar ciertas cartas\", en Núñez Cabeza de Vaca, \nÁlvar, Relación de los Naufragios y Comentarios de Álvar Núñez Cabeza de\n Vaca, adelantado y gobernador del Río de la Plata. Ilustrado con varios\n documentos inéditos. Tomo Segundo, Madrid, Imprenta General de \nVictoriano Suárez, 1906, p. 289 (GGV 52/975; AGI Justicia 1131), 1545.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-22T18:43:24+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 93340, "end" : 93355 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Alonso Riquelme" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/ca3beafb-5890-4470-9893-bec6cb6916b9", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T18:34:22+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Alonso Riquelme de Guzmán (1519-1573) fue un conquistador oriundo de \nJeréz de la Frontera y sobrino del Segundo Adelantado al Río de la \nPlata, Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca, con quien llegó al Río de la Plata en\n 1541. Fue uno de sus más acérrimos partidarios durante la gobernación \nde Cabeza de Vaca y se convirtió en una de las figuras más prominentes \nde la facción de los \"leales\" una vez que aquel fuera expulsado de la \nprovincia en 1545.Fue forzado por Domigo de Irala a casarse con una de \nsus hijas mestizas, unión de la cual nació Ruy Díaz de \nGuzmán.Bibliografía:Ricardo Lafuente Machaín, Alonso Riquelme de Guzmán,\n Buenos Aires, Amorrurtu, 1942.Tieffemberg, Silvia, \"Estudio \nIntroductorio\", en Díaz de Guzmán, Ruy, Argentina. Historia del \nDescubrimiento y Conquista del Río de la Plata de Ruy Díaz de Guzmán, \nBuenos Aires, Editorial de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras-UBA, \n2012.Fuentes \"Información hecha en Jerez de la Frontera a pedimento de \nCabeza de Vaca para verificar ciertas cartas\", en Núñez Cabeza de Vaca, \nÁlvar, Relación de los Naufragios y Comentarios de Álvar Núñez Cabeza de\n Vaca, adelantado y gobernador del Río de la Plata. Ilustrado con varios\n documentos inéditos. Tomo Segundo, Madrid, Imprenta General de \nVictoriano Suárez, 1906, p. 289 (GGV 52/975; AGI Justicia 1131), 1545.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-22T18:43:24+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 42465, "end" : 42480 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Alonso Riquelme" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/0132e9a7-27f1-426f-aac9-ed64a01885cd", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-22T18:43:48+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Alonso Riquelme de Guzmán (1519-1573) fue un conquistador oriundo de \nJeréz de la Frontera y sobrino del Segundo Adelantado al Río de la \nPlata, Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca, con quien llegó al Río de la Plata en\n 1541. Fue uno de sus más acérrimos partidarios durante la gobernación \nde Cabeza de Vaca y se convirtió en una de las figuras más prominentes \nde la facción de los \"leales\" una vez que aquel fuera expulsado de la \nprovincia en 1545.Fue forzado por Domigo de Irala a casarse con una de \nsus hijas mestizas, unión de la cual nació Ruy Díaz de \nGuzmán.Bibliografía:Ricardo Lafuente Machaín, Alonso Riquelme de Guzmán,\n Buenos Aires, Amorrurtu, 1942.Tieffemberg, Silvia, \"Estudio \nIntroductorio\", en Díaz de Guzmán, Ruy, Argentina. Historia del \nDescubrimiento y Conquista del Río de la Plata de Ruy Díaz de Guzmán, \nBuenos Aires, Editorial de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras-UBA, \n2012.Fuentes \"Información hecha en Jerez de la Frontera a pedimento de \nCabeza de Vaca para verificar ciertas cartas\", en Núñez Cabeza de Vaca, \nÁlvar, Relación de los Naufragios y Comentarios de Álvar Núñez Cabeza de\n Vaca, adelantado y gobernador del Río de la Plata. Ilustrado con varios\n documentos inéditos. Tomo Segundo, Madrid, Imprenta General de \nVictoriano Suárez, 1906, p. 289 (GGV 52/975; AGI Justicia 1131), 1545.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-22T18:43:48+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 18823, "end" : 18831 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Riquelme" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/7bf631e9-d5e6-478c-b6a3-b03818b7928e", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Refiere a la Provincia del Río de la Plata, un espacio creado a partir de las capitulaciones que firmó el primer adelantado Pedro de Mendoza con Carlos I en 1534.La misma limitaba al norte con los territorios otorgados a Diego de Almagro, ocupando una franja que se extendería entre el Mar del Sur y el Mar Océano Austral. La exploración y ocupación efectiva del terreno delimitarían el espacio de la provincia del Río de la Plata al sector atlántico y específicamente, al eje fluvial Paraná-Plata.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-10-27T14:49:23+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://www.hgis-indias.net/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=gazetteer:9001006", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-10-17T09:43:21+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-10-17T09:43:21+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ -58.35179869, -33.67232101 ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Viceroyalty", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T17:30:21+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "spanish colony", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T17:30:21+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 12103, "end" : 12133 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "provincias del Río de la Plata" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/784574f2-e98a-4dbb-a097-94603e6dd5e5", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Refiere a 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-49.62, -23.59 ], [ -49.62, -23.61 ], [ -49.61, -23.64 ], [ -49.59, -23.67 ], [ -49.58, -23.68 ], [ -49.56, -23.69 ], [ -49.56, -23.7 ], [ -49.55, -23.7 ], [ -49.55, -23.71 ], [ -49.56, -23.76 ], [ -49.56, -23.81 ], [ -49.57, -23.82 ], [ -49.57, -23.83 ], [ -49.57, -23.84 ], [ -49.58, -23.85 ], [ -49.58, -23.85 ], [ -49.59, -23.85 ], [ -49.6, -23.85 ], [ -49.6, -23.86 ], [ -49.6, -23.86 ], [ -49.6, -23.88 ], [ -49.59, -23.89 ], [ -49.59, -23.89 ], [ -49.58, -23.89 ], [ -49.57, -23.9 ], [ -49.57, -23.9 ], [ -49.55, -23.93 ], [ -49.54, -23.94 ], [ -49.53, -23.94 ], [ -49.53, -23.94 ], [ -49.52, -23.93 ], [ -49.52, -23.93 ], [ -49.51, -23.94 ], [ -49.51, -23.94 ], [ -49.51, -23.95 ], [ -49.51, -23.96 ], [ -49.51, -23.96 ], [ -49.51, -23.97 ], [ -49.5, -23.98 ], [ -49.49, -23.99 ], [ -49.48, -24.01 ], [ -49.46, -24.03 ], [ -49.45, -24.05 ], [ -49.45, -24.05 ], [ -49.44, -24.06 ], [ -49.43, -24.06 ], [ -49.43, -24.06 ], [ -49.42, -24.07 ], [ -49.42, -24.08 ], [ -49.41, -24.09 ], [ -49.4, -24.09 ], [ -49.4, -24.09 ], [ -49.38, -24.1 ], [ -49.37, -24.1 ], [ -49.36, -24.1 ], [ -49.36, -24.11 ], [ -49.35, -24.11 ], [ -49.34, -24.13 ], [ -49.34, -24.13 ], [ -49.33, -24.14 ], [ -49.33, -24.15 ], [ -49.33, -24.19 ], [ -49.33, -24.2 ], [ -49.34, -24.21 ], [ -49.34, -24.22 ], [ -49.34, -24.22 ], [ -49.33, -24.23 ], [ -49.32, -24.24 ], [ -49.32, -24.24 ], [ -49.31, -24.24 ], [ -49.31, -24.24 ], [ -49.3, -24.25 ], [ -49.29, -24.3 ], [ -49.28, -24.31 ], [ -49.27, -24.32 ], [ -49.27, -24.32 ], [ -49.26, -24.32 ], [ -49.25, -24.33 ], [ -49.25, -24.33 ], [ -49.24, -24.33 ], [ -49.24, -24.33 ], [ -49.23, -24.34 ], [ -49.23, -24.34 ], [ -49.22, -24.34 ], [ -49.22, -24.35 ], [ -49.22, -24.36 ], [ -49.23, -24.37 ], [ -49.24, -24.38 ], [ -49.25, -24.38 ], [ -49.25, -24.39 ], [ -49.25, -24.39 ], [ -49.25, -24.4 ], [ -49.24, -24.41 ], [ -49.24, -24.41 ], [ -49.24, -24.42 ], [ -49.25, -24.43 ], [ -49.26, -24.43 ], [ -49.28, -24.44 ], [ -49.29, -24.44 ], [ -49.29, -24.44 ], [ -49.3, -24.45 ], [ -49.29, -24.45 ], [ -49.29, -24.46 ], [ -49.27, -24.47 ], [ -49.28, -24.5 ], [ -49.28, -24.51 ], [ -49.28, -24.52 ], [ -49.28, -24.52 ], [ -49.28, -24.53 ], [ -49.29, -24.53 ], [ -49.31, -24.53 ], [ -49.32, -24.54 ], [ -49.32, -24.54 ], [ -49.32, -24.55 ], [ -49.32, -24.55 ], [ -49.32, -24.56 ], [ -49.32, -24.57 ], [ -49.3, -24.59 ], [ -49.3, -24.6 ], [ -49.3, -24.6 ], [ -49.3, -24.63 ], [ -49.3, -24.64 ], [ -49.3, -24.65 ], [ -49.3, -24.66 ], [ -49.3, -24.66 ], [ -49.3, -24.67 ], [ -49.28, -24.67 ], [ -49.22, -24.69 ], [ -49.2, -24.69 ], [ -49.19, -24.69 ], [ -49.17, -24.68 ], [ -49.15, -24.68 ], [ -49.09, -24.69 ], [ -49.05, -24.68 ], [ -49.03, -24.67 ], [ -49.03, -24.63 ], [ -49.01, -24.64 ], [ -48.98, -24.67 ], [ -48.95, -24.68 ], [ -48.87, -24.67 ], [ -48.85, -24.67 ], [ -48.85, -24.67 ], [ -48.85, -24.67 ], [ -48.85, -24.66 ], [ -48.83, -24.66 ], [ -48.81, -24.67 ], [ -48.8, -24.69 ], [ -48.78, -24.7 ], [ -48.78, -24.7 ], [ -48.77, -24.69 ], [ -48.77, -24.69 ], [ -48.76, -24.69 ], [ -48.75, -24.69 ], [ -48.74, -24.69 ], [ -48.71, -24.69 ], [ -48.69, -24.68 ], [ -48.69, -24.67 ], [ -48.68, -24.67 ], [ -48.67, -24.69 ], [ -48.67, -24.7 ], [ -48.66, -24.71 ], [ -48.65, -24.71 ], [ -48.65, -24.7 ], [ -48.64, -24.7 ], [ -48.63, -24.69 ], [ -48.61, -24.68 ], [ -48.61, -24.68 ], [ -48.6, -24.68 ], [ -48.59, -24.68 ], [ -48.59, -24.68 ], [ -48.58, -24.68 ], [ -48.58, -24.69 ], [ -48.57, -24.69 ], [ -48.57, -24.7 ], [ -48.57, -24.7 ], [ -48.56, -24.71 ], [ -48.56, -24.71 ], [ -48.55, -24.72 ], [ -48.55, -24.72 ], [ -48.49, -24.74 ], [ -48.49, -24.74 ], [ -48.49, -24.75 ], [ -48.49, -24.76 ], [ -48.5, -24.78 ], [ -48.51, -24.79 ], [ -48.52, -24.79 ], [ -48.53, -24.8 ], [ -48.54, -24.81 ], [ -48.55, -24.82 ], [ -48.55, -24.83 ], [ -48.54, -24.86 ], [ -48.54, -24.87 ], [ -48.54, -24.88 ], [ -48.55, -24.89 ], [ -48.56, -24.89 ], [ -48.56, -24.9 ], [ -48.56, -24.91 ], [ -48.56, -24.94 ], [ -48.56, -24.97 ], [ -48.56, -24.98 ], [ -48.57, -24.98 ], [ -48.57, -24.98 ], [ -48.59, -25 ], [ -48.59, -25 ], [ -48.59, -25 ], [ -48.59, -25 ], [ -48.59, -25 ], [ -48.59, -25.01 ], [ -48.59, -25.02 ], [ -48.57, -25.05 ], [ -48.57, -25.05 ], [ -48.57, -25.06 ], [ -48.54, -25.07 ], [ -48.51, -25.08 ], [ -48.51, -25.08 ], [ -48.5, -25.08 ], [ -48.49, -25.08 ], [ -48.49, -25.07 ], [ -48.49, -25.06 ], [ -48.48, -25.06 ], [ -48.48, -25.05 ], [ -48.48, -25.05 ], [ -48.47, -25.04 ], [ -48.47, -25.04 ], [ -48.46, -25.03 ], [ -48.46, -25.03 ], [ -48.46, -25.02 ], [ -48.46, -25.01 ], [ -48.46, -25 ], [ -48.46, -25 ], [ -48.46, -25 ], [ -48.46, -24.99 ], [ -48.46, -24.99 ], [ -48.45, -24.98 ], [ -48.43, -24.97 ], [ -48.43, -24.97 ], [ -48.42, -24.96 ], [ -48.42, -24.96 ], [ -48.41, -24.96 ], [ -48.4, -24.97 ], [ -48.39, -24.97 ], [ -48.37, -24.97 ], [ -48.36, -24.98 ], [ -48.35, -24.98 ], [ -48.35, -24.99 ], [ -48.34, -24.99 ], [ -48.34, -25 ], [ -48.34, -25 ], [ -48.34, -25 ], [ -48.34, -25.01 ], [ -48.34, -25.01 ], [ -48.33, -25.02 ], [ -48.32, -25.02 ], [ -48.3, -25.01 ], [ -48.29, -25.01 ], [ -48.28, -25.02 ], [ -48.28, -25.02 ], [ -48.28, -25.03 ], [ -48.28, -25.03 ], [ -48.27, -25.03 ], [ -48.26, -25.03 ], [ -48.23, -25.01 ], [ -48.21, -25.07 ], [ -48.21, -25.09 ], [ -48.21, -25.1 ], [ -48.19, -25.15 ], [ -48.18, -25.16 ], [ -48.18, -25.17 ], [ -48.19, -25.18 ], [ -48.19, -25.19 ], [ -48.18, -25.2 ], [ -48.18, -25.2 ], [ -48.17, -25.21 ], [ -48.16, -25.22 ], [ -48.15, -25.22 ], [ -48.09, -25.24 ], [ -48.09, -25.24 ], [ -48.08, -25.24 ], [ -48.07, -25.24 ], [ -48.07, -25.23 ], [ -48.07, -25.23 ], [ -48.06, -25.23 ], [ -48.06, -25.22 ], [ -48.05, -25.22 ], [ -48.05, -25.22 ], [ -48.04, -25.22 ], [ -48.04, -25.22 ], [ -48.03, -25.23 ], [ -48.04, -25.24 ], [ -48.07, -25.28 ], [ -48.08, -25.28 ], [ -48.08, -25.3 ], [ -48.08, -25.31 ], [ -48.08, -25.31 ], [ -48.09, -25.33 ], [ -48.17, -25.37 ], [ -48.17, -25.38 ], [ -48.2, -25.42 ], [ -48.21, -25.46 ], [ -48.23, -25.46 ], [ -48.24, -25.45 ], [ -48.25, -25.43 ], [ -48.25, -25.41 ], [ -48.22, -25.35 ], [ -48.22, -25.34 ], [ -48.22, -25.34 ], [ -48.22, -25.33 ], [ -48.21, -25.32 ], [ -48.2, -25.32 ], [ -48.18, -25.31 ], [ -48.14, -25.29 ], [ -48.13, -25.28 ], [ -48.14, -25.27 ], [ -48.15, -25.28 ], [ -48.17, -25.29 ], [ -48.2, -25.3 ], [ -48.22, -25.3 ], [ -48.23, -25.3 ], [ -48.24, -25.32 ], [ -48.25, -25.32 ], [ -48.26, -25.31 ], [ -48.27, -25.3 ], [ -48.28, -25.29 ], [ -48.28, -25.31 ], [ -48.28, -25.32 ], [ -48.29, -25.32 ], [ -48.3, -25.34 ], [ -48.31, -25.35 ], [ -48.32, -25.36 ], [ -48.33, -25.36 ], [ -48.32, -25.32 ], [ -48.33, -25.32 ], [ -48.33, -25.33 ], [ -48.34, -25.32 ], [ -48.33, -25.27 ], [ -48.33, -25.24 ], [ -48.33, -25.23 ], [ -48.34, -25.24 ], [ -48.35, -25.25 ], [ -48.36, -25.26 ], [ -48.36, -25.27 ], [ -48.37, -25.27 ], [ -48.37, -25.28 ], [ -48.37, -25.28 ], [ -48.36, -25.28 ], [ -48.36, -25.29 ], [ -48.35, -25.29 ], [ -48.35, -25.29 ], [ -48.35, -25.3 ], [ -48.36, -25.3 ], [ -48.36, -25.3 ], [ -48.37, -25.3 ], [ -48.38, -25.3 ], [ -48.41, -25.28 ], [ -48.41, -25.27 ], [ -48.42, -25.25 ], [ -48.43, -25.24 ], [ -48.43, -25.26 ], [ -48.44, -25.26 ], [ -48.45, -25.26 ], [ -48.45, -25.25 ], [ -48.45, -25.25 ], [ -48.46, -25.25 ], [ -48.45, -25.26 ], [ -48.43, -25.32 ], [ -48.45, -25.32 ], [ -48.48, -25.33 ], [ -48.5, -25.33 ], [ -48.5, -25.34 ], [ -48.46, -25.34 ], [ -48.45, -25.35 ], [ -48.43, -25.36 ], [ -48.45, -25.37 ], [ -48.46, -25.38 ], [ -48.45, -25.39 ], [ -48.43, -25.38 ], [ -48.43, -25.39 ], [ -48.42, -25.4 ], [ -48.41, -25.41 ], [ -48.42, -25.43 ], [ -48.43, -25.43 ], [ -48.44, -25.43 ], [ -48.45, -25.43 ], [ -48.45, -25.45 ], [ -48.46, -25.46 ], [ -48.46, -25.47 ], [ -48.47, -25.48 ], [ -48.49, -25.47 ], [ -48.5, -25.47 ], [ -48.52, -25.45 ], [ -48.53, -25.45 ], [ -48.54, -25.45 ], [ -48.55, -25.45 ], [ -48.56, -25.45 ], [ -48.56, -25.46 ], [ -48.58, -25.46 ], [ -48.62, -25.45 ], [ -48.64, -25.44 ], [ -48.68, -25.41 ], [ -48.69, -25.41 ], [ -48.73, -25.36 ], [ -48.74, -25.35 ], [ -48.74, -25.37 ], [ -48.72, -25.41 ], [ -48.72, -25.42 ], [ -48.72, -25.43 ], [ -48.71, -25.43 ], [ -48.7, -25.44 ], [ -48.7, -25.44 ], [ -48.68, -25.46 ], [ -48.69, -25.47 ], [ -48.71, -25.47 ], [ -48.73, -25.47 ], [ -48.71, -25.5 ], [ -48.68, -25.5 ], [ -48.65, -25.49 ], [ -48.62, -25.5 ], [ -48.62, -25.5 ], [ -48.62, -25.51 ], [ -48.63, -25.51 ], [ -48.64, -25.5 ], [ -48.64, -25.5 ], [ -48.65, -25.51 ], [ -48.65, -25.52 ], [ -48.64, -25.52 ], [ -48.63, -25.52 ], [ -48.62, -25.53 ], [ -48.61, -25.54 ], [ -48.6, -25.53 ], [ -48.58, -25.53 ], [ -48.56, -25.53 ], [ -48.52, -25.51 ], [ -48.51, -25.52 ], [ -48.49, -25.54 ], [ -48.47, -25.54 ], [ -48.48, -25.56 ], [ -48.48, -25.56 ], [ -48.48, -25.55 ], [ -48.49, -25.56 ], [ -48.5, -25.57 ], [ -48.5, -25.57 ], [ -48.48, -25.58 ], [ -48.47, -25.57 ], [ -48.46, -25.56 ], [ -48.46, -25.55 ], [ -48.44, -25.55 ], [ -48.42, -25.55 ], [ -48.41, -25.56 ], [ -48.39, -25.54 ], [ -48.36, -25.57 ], [ -48.39, -25.6 ], [ -48.43, -25.62 ], [ -48.52, -25.77 ], [ -48.52, -25.8 ], [ -48.54, -25.84 ], [ -48.54, -25.85 ], [ -48.56, -25.84 ], [ -48.57, -25.82 ], [ -48.59, -25.82 ], [ -48.58, -25.8 ], [ -48.58, -25.8 ], [ -48.59, -25.8 ], [ -48.6, -25.8 ], [ -48.61, -25.81 ], [ -48.62, -25.82 ], [ -48.61, -25.82 ], [ -48.6, -25.82 ], [ -48.59, -25.83 ], [ -48.59, -25.84 ], [ -48.58, -25.85 ], [ -48.58, -25.85 ], [ -48.65, -25.84 ], [ -48.74, -25.85 ], [ -48.75, -25.86 ], [ -48.76, -25.86 ], [ -48.77, -25.87 ], [ -48.77, -25.88 ], [ -48.77, -25.89 ], [ -48.76, -25.88 ], [ -48.75, -25.88 ], [ -48.74, -25.87 ], [ -48.58, -25.87 ], [ -48.57, -25.87 ], [ -48.57, -25.86 ], [ -48.56, -25.87 ], [ -48.56, -25.88 ], [ -48.56, -25.89 ], [ -48.56, -25.9 ], [ -48.58, -25.96 ], [ -48.58, -25.98 ], [ -48.58, -25.98 ], [ -48.61, -25.98 ], [ -48.62, -25.98 ], [ -48.65, -25.97 ], [ -48.92, -25.98 ], [ -48.92, -25.98 ], [ -48.93, -25.99 ], [ -48.93, -25.99 ], [ -48.93, -26 ], [ -48.95, -26.01 ], [ -48.97, -26.01 ], [ -48.98, -26.01 ], [ -49, -26.01 ], [ -49.02, -26 ], [ -49.03, -26 ], [ -49.03, -26 ], [ -49.04, -26 ], [ -49.04, -26.01 ], [ -49.04, -26.01 ], [ -49.05, -26.02 ], [ -49.05, -26.02 ], [ -49.07, -26.01 ], [ -49.08, -26.01 ], [ -49.09, -26.02 ], [ -49.1, -26.02 ], [ -49.1, -26.01 ], [ -49.1, -26.01 ], [ -49.1, -26 ], [ -49.1, -26 ], [ -49.1, -26 ], [ -49.1, -26 ], [ -49.11, -26 ], [ -49.11, -25.99 ], [ -49.12, -25.99 ], [ -49.12, -25.99 ], [ -49.12, -26 ], [ -49.13, -26 ], [ -49.13, -26 ], [ -49.13, -26 ], [ -49.13, -26 ], [ -49.14, -26.01 ], [ -49.18, -26.01 ], [ -49.2, -26.02 ], [ -49.21, -26.03 ], [ -49.24, -26.04 ], [ -49.25, -26.06 ], [ -49.28, -26.09 ], [ -49.29, -26.1 ], [ -49.3, -26.11 ], [ -49.38, -26.15 ], [ -49.43, -26.16 ], [ -49.44, -26.16 ], [ -49.45, -26.17 ], [ -49.46, -26.17 ], [ -49.46, -26.18 ], [ -49.47, -26.18 ], [ -49.48, -26.19 ], [ -49.48, -26.21 ], [ -49.49, -26.22 ], [ -49.51, -26.23 ], [ -49.55, -26.23 ], [ -49.58, -26.23 ], [ -49.59, -26.22 ], [ -49.67, -26.19 ], [ -49.72, -26.16 ], [ -49.73, -26.15 ], [ -49.73, -26.14 ], [ -49.74, -26.13 ], [ -49.75, -26.12 ], [ -49.82, -26.09 ], [ -49.83, -26.08 ], [ -49.85, -26.06 ], [ -49.85, -26.06 ], [ -49.87, -26.05 ], [ -49.88, -26.04 ], [ -49.89, -26.03 ], [ -49.9, -26.03 ], [ -49.92, -26.03 ], [ -49.93, -26.03 ], [ -49.93, -26.02 ], [ -49.94, -26.02 ], [ -49.94, -26.01 ], [ -49.95, -26.01 ], [ -49.97, -26.02 ], [ -49.99, -26.01 ], [ -50.01, -26.02 ], [ -50.01, -26.03 ], [ -50.03, -26.03 ], [ -50.12, -26.05 ], [ -50.15, -26.04 ], [ -50.16, -26.05 ], [ -50.18, -26.05 ], [ -50.18, -26.05 ], [ -50.19, -26.05 ], [ -50.21, -26.05 ], [ -50.21, -26.05 ], [ -50.22, -26.05 ], [ -50.22, -26.04 ], [ -50.23, -26.04 ], [ -50.24, -26.04 ], [ -50.27, -26.04 ], [ -50.28, -26.04 ], [ -50.29, -26.04 ], [ -50.3, -26.04 ], [ -50.32, -26.05 ], [ -50.32, -26.06 ], [ -50.33, -26.07 ], [ -50.33, -26.07 ], [ -50.33, -26.08 ], [ -50.33, -26.08 ], [ -50.33, -26.09 ], [ -50.33, -26.09 ], [ -50.32, -26.1 ], [ -50.33, -26.1 ], [ -50.33, -26.11 ], [ -50.34, -26.11 ], [ -50.34, -26.11 ], [ -50.35, -26.11 ], [ -50.36, -26.11 ], [ -50.36, -26.1 ], [ -50.36, -26.1 ], [ -50.37, -26.08 ], [ -50.37, -26.07 ], [ -50.38, -26.07 ], [ -50.38, -26.06 ], [ -50.38, -26.06 ], [ -50.39, -26.06 ], [ -50.4, -26.06 ], [ -50.43, -26.05 ], [ -50.44, -26.05 ], [ -50.44, -26.05 ], [ -50.45, -26.05 ], [ -50.45, -26.04 ], [ -50.45, -26.04 ], [ -50.45, -26.03 ], [ -50.46, -26.03 ], [ -50.48, -26.02 ], [ -50.54, -26.02 ], [ -50.55, -26.02 ], [ -50.56, -26.02 ], [ -50.57, -26.01 ], [ -50.58, -26.01 ], [ -50.59, -26.01 ], [ -50.59, -26.01 ], [ -50.6, -26.01 ], [ -50.59, -26.02 ], [ -50.59, -26.02 ], [ -50.59, -26.02 ], [ -50.57, -26.03 ], [ -50.56, -26.04 ], [ -50.56, -26.04 ], [ -50.56, -26.04 ], [ -50.56, -26.05 ], [ -50.58, -26.05 ], [ -50.62, -26.06 ], [ -50.64, -26.06 ], [ -50.64, -26.06 ], [ -50.65, -26.07 ], [ -50.66, -26.12 ], [ -50.67, -26.15 ], [ -50.68, -26.16 ], [ -50.7, -26.17 ], [ -50.72, -26.2 ], [ -50.73, -26.21 ], [ -50.73, -26.22 ], [ -50.73, -26.23 ], [ -50.74, -26.24 ], [ -50.74, -26.24 ], [ -50.75, -26.23 ], [ -50.76, -26.22 ], [ -50.76, -26.22 ], [ -50.77, -26.22 ], [ -50.78, -26.22 ], [ -50.79, -26.22 ], [ -50.8, -26.23 ], [ -50.83, -26.25 ], [ -50.84, -26.25 ], [ -50.84, -26.26 ], [ -50.85, -26.26 ], [ -50.86, -26.26 ], [ -50.86, -26.25 ], [ -50.88, -26.25 ], [ -50.89, -26.25 ], [ -50.89, -26.26 ], [ -50.89, -26.26 ], [ -50.9, -26.27 ], [ -50.9, -26.28 ], [ -50.91, -26.28 ], [ -50.91, -26.28 ], [ -50.91, -26.28 ], [ -50.91, -26.26 ], [ -50.92, -26.26 ], [ -50.92, -26.25 ], [ -50.92, -26.25 ], [ -50.93, -26.25 ], [ -50.93, -26.25 ], [ -50.94, -26.25 ], [ -50.95, -26.25 ], [ -50.95, -26.26 ], [ -50.96, -26.26 ], [ -50.96, -26.27 ], [ -50.97, -26.27 ], [ -50.97, -26.26 ], [ -50.98, -26.25 ], [ -50.99, -26.24 ], [ -50.99, -26.24 ], [ -51, -26.24 ], [ -51, -26.24 ], [ -51, -26.24 ], [ -51, -26.24 ], [ -51.02, -26.24 ], [ -51.03, -26.25 ], [ -51.04, -26.25 ], [ -51.05, -26.25 ], [ -51.06, -26.24 ], [ -51.06, -26.24 ], [ -51.07, -26.24 ], [ -51.07, -26.24 ], [ -51.08, -26.24 ], [ -51.08, -26.24 ], [ -51.09, -26.25 ], [ -51.1, -26.26 ], [ -51.11, -26.27 ], [ -51.12, -26.28 ], [ -51.13, -26.28 ], [ -51.14, -26.29 ], [ -51.2, -26.3 ], [ -51.21, -26.31 ], [ -51.21, -26.31 ], [ -51.22, -26.33 ], [ -51.24, -26.34 ], [ -51.24, -26.34 ], [ -51.25, -26.35 ], [ -51.25, -26.35 ], [ -51.25, -26.36 ], [ -51.26, -26.38 ], [ -51.26, -26.39 ], [ -51.27, -26.4 ], [ -51.28, -26.42 ], [ -51.29, -26.42 ], [ -51.29, -26.43 ], [ -51.29, -26.44 ], [ -51.29, -26.44 ], [ -51.29, -26.45 ], [ -51.28, -26.45 ], [ -51.27, -26.46 ], [ -51.27, -26.47 ], [ -51.27, -26.47 ], [ -51.27, -26.48 ], [ -51.28, -26.49 ], [ -51.28, -26.5 ], [ -51.28, -26.5 ], [ -51.25, -26.55 ], [ -51.24, -26.57 ], [ -51.24, -26.58 ], [ -51.24, -26.59 ], [ -51.24, -26.61 ], [ -51.25, -26.63 ], [ -51.29, -26.65 ], [ -51.29, -26.66 ], [ -51.3, -26.66 ], [ -51.33, -26.66 ], [ -51.39, -26.68 ], [ -51.4, -26.68 ], [ -51.4, -26.68 ], [ -51.41, -26.7 ], [ -51.41, -26.7 ], [ -51.42, -26.7 ], [ -51.42, -26.7 ], [ -51.42, -26.7 ], [ -51.43, -26.68 ], [ -51.44, -26.67 ], [ -51.45, -26.66 ], [ -51.45, -26.65 ], [ -51.46, -26.65 ], [ -51.47, -26.64 ], [ -51.48, -26.64 ], [ -51.48, -26.63 ], [ -51.48, -26.63 ], [ -51.48, -26.62 ], [ -51.48, -26.61 ], [ -51.49, -26.61 ], [ -51.49, -26.61 ], [ -51.49, -26.6 ], [ -51.5, -26.6 ], [ -51.5, -26.6 ], [ -51.5, -26.6 ], [ -51.61, -26.6 ], [ -51.62, -26.6 ], [ -51.63, -26.6 ], [ -51.63, -26.59 ], [ -51.64, -26.59 ], [ -51.65, -26.58 ], [ -51.65, -26.58 ], [ -51.66, -26.58 ], [ -51.66, -26.59 ], [ -51.68, -26.6 ], [ -51.69, -26.6 ], [ -51.71, -26.6 ], [ -51.87, -26.6 ], [ -51.94, -26.58 ], [ -51.96, -26.58 ], [ -52, -26.58 ], [ -52.01, -26.58 ], [ -52.01, -26.58 ], [ -52.02, -26.58 ], [ -52.04, -26.56 ], [ -52.09, -26.53 ], [ -52.11, -26.51 ], [ -52.11, -26.51 ], [ -52.12, -26.5 ], [ -52.12, -26.49 ], [ -52.13, -26.49 ], [ -52.18, -26.46 ], [ -52.19, -26.45 ], [ -52.2, -26.45 ], [ -52.21, -26.45 ], [ -52.23, -26.45 ], [ -52.25, -26.45 ], [ -52.28, -26.44 ], [ -52.3, -26.44 ], [ -52.33, -26.44 ], [ -52.34, -26.44 ], [ -52.36, -26.44 ], [ -52.4, -26.43 ], [ -52.46, -26.43 ], [ -52.46, -26.43 ], [ -52.47, -26.43 ], [ -52.5, -26.41 ], [ -52.54, -26.4 ], [ -52.62, -26.41 ], [ -52.64, -26.4 ], [ -52.65, -26.4 ], [ -52.65, -26.39 ], [ -52.65, -26.39 ], [ -52.67, -26.38 ], [ -52.82, -26.34 ], [ -52.83, -26.34 ], [ -52.85, -26.34 ], [ -52.86, -26.34 ], [ -52.88, -26.35 ], [ -52.91, -26.36 ], [ -52.94, -26.37 ], [ -52.95, -26.37 ], [ -52.96, -26.37 ], [ -52.97, -26.36 ], [ -52.98, -26.35 ], [ -52.99, -26.35 ], [ -52.99, -26.35 ], [ -53, -26.35 ], [ -53.04, -26.37 ], [ -53.1, -26.37 ], [ -53.11, -26.37 ], [ -53.12, -26.37 ], [ -53.13, -26.36 ], [ -53.13, -26.36 ], [ -53.14, -26.35 ], [ -53.14, -26.35 ], [ -53.15, -26.34 ], [ -53.18, -26.33 ], [ -53.2, -26.32 ], [ -53.25, -26.29 ], [ -53.25, -26.29 ], [ -53.25, -26.28 ], [ -53.26, -26.28 ], [ -53.27, -26.27 ], [ -53.28, -26.26 ], [ -53.34, -26.24 ], [ -53.36, -26.24 ], [ -53.37, -26.24 ], [ -53.37, -26.24 ], [ -53.38, -26.25 ], [ -53.46, -26.29 ], [ -53.47, -26.29 ], [ -53.48, -26.29 ], [ -53.5, -26.29 ], [ -53.51, -26.29 ], [ -53.52, -26.29 ], [ -53.55, -26.27 ], [ -53.61, -26.26 ], [ -53.62, -26.26 ], [ -53.63, -26.26 ], [ -53.65, -26.26 ], [ -53.66, -26.26 ], [ -53.67, -26.22 ], [ -53.69, -26.19 ], [ -53.73, -26.13 ], [ -53.75, -26.09 ], [ -53.75, -26.06 ], [ -53.77, -26.03 ], [ -53.79, -26 ], [ -53.79, -26 ], [ -53.79, -26 ], [ -53.83, -25.97 ], [ -53.83, -25.96 ], [ -53.84, -25.95 ], [ -53.83, -25.94 ], [ -53.83, -25.93 ], [ -53.83, -25.92 ], [ -53.84, -25.87 ], [ -53.84, -25.81 ], [ -53.84, -25.79 ], [ -53.85, -25.77 ], [ -53.86, -25.76 ], [ -53.88, -25.75 ], [ -53.88, -25.74 ], [ -53.89, -25.72 ], [ -53.88, -25.71 ], [ -53.88, -25.71 ], [ -53.88, -25.7 ], [ -53.89, -25.66 ], [ -53.9, -25.64 ], [ -53.91, -25.63 ], [ -53.95, -25.65 ], [ -53.97, -25.65 ], [ -53.98, -25.63 ], [ -53.98, -25.61 ], [ -53.98, -25.59 ], [ -54, -25.57 ], [ -54.02, -25.57 ], [ -54.03, -25.56 ], [ -54.04, -25.56 ], [ -54.04, -25.57 ], [ -54.06, -25.57 ], [ -54.07, -25.56 ], [ -54.08, -25.55 ], [ -54.09, -25.56 ], [ -54.09, -25.57 ], [ -54.09, -25.58 ], [ -54.09, -25.59 ], [ -54.09, -25.6 ], [ -54.1, -25.6 ], [ -54.11, -25.59 ], [ -54.12, -25.58 ], [ -54.12, -25.57 ], [ -54.13, -25.55 ], [ -54.12, -25.54 ], [ -54.11, -25.52 ], [ -54.11, -25.5 ], [ -54.11, -25.5 ], [ -54.12, -25.49 ], [ -54.12, -25.5 ], [ -54.13, -25.5 ], [ -54.15, -25.53 ], [ -54.17, -25.53 ], [ -54.18, -25.54 ], [ -54.2, -25.53 ], [ -54.21, -25.53 ], [ -54.21, -25.53 ], [ -54.19, -25.56 ], [ -54.19, -25.58 ], [ -54.21, -25.58 ], [ -54.23, -25.58 ], [ -54.24, -25.58 ], [ -54.24, -25.58 ], [ -54.25, -25.59 ], [ -54.26, -25.6 ], [ -54.26, -25.59 ], [ -54.27, -25.57 ], [ -54.28, -25.56 ], [ -54.3, -25.55 ], [ -54.32, -25.56 ], [ -54.33, -25.56 ], [ -54.35, -25.58 ], [ -54.36, -25.58 ], [ -54.38, -25.58 ], [ -54.39, -25.58 ], [ -54.4, -25.58 ], [ -54.4, -25.59 ], [ -54.4, -25.6 ], [ -54.4, -25.61 ], [ -54.41, -25.62 ], [ -54.41, -25.63 ], [ -54.43, -25.64 ], [ -54.44, -25.65 ], [ -54.44, -25.66 ], [ -54.43, -25.68 ], [ -54.44, -25.69 ], [ -54.45, -25.69 ], [ -54.45, -25.68 ], [ -54.46, -25.67 ], [ -54.46, -25.66 ], [ -54.46, -25.64 ], [ -54.47, -25.63 ], [ -54.49, -25.61 ], [ -54.51, -25.61 ], [ -54.53, -25.61 ], [ -54.54, -25.6 ], [ -54.54, -25.59 ], [ -54.55, -25.57 ], [ -54.56, -25.57 ], [ -54.6, -25.57 ], [ -54.6, -25.57 ], [ -54.59, -25.55 ], [ -54.59, -25.52 ], [ -54.6, -25.51 ], [ -54.61, -25.49 ], [ -54.61, -25.47 ], [ -54.61, -25.44 ], [ -54.61, -25.43 ], [ -54.6, -25.4 ], [ -54.58, -25.36 ], [ -54.55, -25.34 ], [ -54.53, -25.31 ], [ -54.5, -25.28 ], [ -54.48, -25.21 ], [ -54.47, -25.2 ], [ -54.44, -25.17 ], [ -54.43, -25.15 ], [ -54.43, -25.13 ], [ -54.46, -25.09 ], [ -54.46, -25.07 ], [ -54.46, -25.06 ], [ -54.46, -25.04 ], [ -54.45, -25 ], [ -54.41, -24.82 ], [ -54.4, -24.8 ], [ -54.37, -24.77 ], [ -54.36, -24.73 ], [ -54.32, -24.63 ], [ -54.32, -24.6 ], [ -54.33, -24.53 ], [ -54.33, -24.5 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Fue \ncolonizada desde Asunción del Paraguay, pero las constantes incursiones \nde los bandeirantes portugueses frenaron su expansión.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-11T14:35:33+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 26031, "end" : 26050 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "provincia de Guayra" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/342c6962-e491-4d49-9fe7-ebf038e5bbcb", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : 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1567) era un sacerdote, funcionario, diplomático y militar español del siglo XVI que fue nombrado caballero de la Orden de Santiago y consejero del Tribunal del Santo Oficio. Fue designado en 1546 como presidente de la Real Audiencia de Lima con la misión de acabar con la rebelión de Gonzalo Pizarro en el Virreinato del Perú, cumpliendo cabalmente su cometido, y ha pasado a la historia con el apelativo de Pacificador. Hizo luego un ordenamiento general del territorio y culminó su brillante carrera como obispo de Palencia desde 1550 y luego de Sigüenza desde 1561 hasta su fallecimiento.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-25T18:51:04+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 77861, "end" : 77866 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Gasca" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/093dd552-d91a-4b73-9267-a36bc20f349c", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-25T18:51:04+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Pedro de la Gasca o bien Pedro Lagasca (Navarregadilla de Ávila, Corona de Castilla, agosto de 1493 – Sigüenza de Guadalajara, Corona de España, 13 de noviembre de 1567) era un sacerdote, funcionario, diplomático y militar español del siglo XVI que fue nombrado caballero de la Orden de Santiago y consejero del Tribunal del Santo Oficio. Fue designado en 1546 como presidente de la Real Audiencia de Lima con la misión de acabar con la rebelión de Gonzalo Pizarro en el Virreinato del Perú, cumpliendo cabalmente su cometido, y ha pasado a la historia con el apelativo de Pacificador. Hizo luego un ordenamiento general del territorio y culminó su brillante carrera como obispo de Palencia desde 1550 y luego de Sigüenza desde 1561 hasta su fallecimiento.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-25T18:51:04+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 74227, "end" : 74232 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Gasca" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/a60ff296-e666-4ec6-99a0-1c580bf53ede", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Corpus Christi. Puerto fundado en las cercanías del río Coronda en 1536 por los hombres de Juan de Ayolas, en las cercanías de varias aldeas timbúes.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-08T02:11:35+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PLACE", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-10-17T12:58:05+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Corpus Christi. Puerto fundado en las cercanías del río Coronda en 1536 por los homnres de Juan de Ayolas, en las cercanías de varias aldeas timbúes.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-08T01:20:39+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 121322, "end" : 121328 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Corpus" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/3e2ab462-1a9e-49a4-b662-9bc41b0df3a2", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Corpus Christi. Puerto fundado en las cercanías del río Coronda en 1536 por los homnres de Juan de Ayolas, en las cercanías de varias aldeas timbúes.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-08T01:20:39+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PLACE", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-10-17T12:58:05+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 116717, "end" : 116723 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Corpus" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/b40c3c51-4090-4d3a-b92a-4f48f895e654", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Actual río Bermejo. Debe considerarse que su curso ha cambiado sensiblemente desde tiempos coloniales.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-01T17:04:09+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PLACE", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-10-17T13:00:58+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 32006, "end" : 32013 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Bermejo" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/7a96a8fe-9064-4f4a-9785-2f3e9c1b56f9", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-25T17:35:17+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 21721, "end" : 21729 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Saavedra" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/84816f6c-0f94-491f-9ac9-b29366617acc", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Enemigos de los españoles y Guaranís. Son castigados ejemplarmente por Irala; se someten y enlazan con los españoles, y forman el primer plantel de población mestiza del Paraguay. Gente de gran valor, inclinada a la guerra y buenos jinetes. Acompañan a Cabeza de Vaca en una expedición en busca de minerales. Atacados y desechos por Cabeza de Vaca. Indios de las inmediaciones de la Asumpción, cuyo nombre es yapúrua, que en guaraní es «frutilla»; aludiendo tal vez a la abundancia que habría de ellas en su territorio.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T18:50:17+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T18:50:25+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "tribe", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-25T17:35:52+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 21987, "end" : 21994 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Yapirús" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/f6ccd3f1-9ad2-4be2-8e73-e6943bc11caf", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-25T17:58:45+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 37251, "end" : 37258 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Salazar" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/e5769338-951f-4392-bcf1-78b6e89cbace", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-25T17:58:45+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 114605, "end" : 114612 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Salazar" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/f15f0fd8-a62a-4dbf-9085-39ccfc62e640", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://www.hgis-indias.net/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=gazetteer:8000001", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-25T18:04:28+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-25T18:04:28+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ -65.259602, -19.047862 ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Refiere a la provincia de Charcas, provincia de los Charcas o bien gobernación de Charcas fue un territorio ultramarino integrante del Imperio español que formó parte del gran Virreinato del Perú hasta 1776 y que luego pasó al nuevo Virreinato del Río de la Plata. La provincia de Charcas, cuyos límites se superponen con la Audiencia de Charchas, tenía su sede en Sucre (Ciudad de la Plata, 1538).", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-01T13:07:19+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 46505, "end" : 46529 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "provincia de los Charcas" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/f5aa070e-0db8-4668-bce5-b2aced1fac7d", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-04T16:57:27+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Timbús. Pueblos a 40 leguas de Buenos Aires; afables, y labradores: tienen las narices horadadas, son más de 8000-10. Indios de Santa Fe; gente labradora y de buena índole. Indios que pueblan las orillas del Carcarañal; gente dispuesta y agigantada; reciben a Francisco de Mendoza; levantan las palas de sus buques, una señal de amistad. Indios del Perú; se oponen A los españoles; les dan noticias del Marañón, de la tierra del Dorado, y del país de las Amazonas. Esta costumbre de recibir a un extranjero ha pasado de los salvajes a los pueblos civilizados; porque las tripulaciones de los buques de guerra, cuando se embarca en sus botes algún personaje de distinción, levantan los remos en señal de hospitalidad y de obsequio. Timbú, en el idioma guaraní significa «nariz agujereada.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-04T16:57:27+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "tribe", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-25T18:11:27+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 48739, "end" : 48745 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Timbús" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/b97120f5-d1ab-49ab-927d-7f7d3084b219", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PLACE", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-01T15:06:22+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Río del Estero. Sale de la Cordillera Nevada; corre por los llanos, y se sume en ellos, dejando pantanos, y lagunas. Es el mismo río que pasa cerca de la ciudad de Tucumán, y al que se da más comúnmente el nombre de Río Dulce. Baja de la cordillera de Aconquija, que divide la Jurisdicción de Tucumán de la de Salta. Las lagunas, de que habla el autor, son las de los Porongos, que cubren más de 16 leguas de superficie.Actualmente se denomina Río Dulcehttps://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=-28.791733&mlon=-63.358869", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-01T15:06:22+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 84313, "end" : 84327 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Río del Estero" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/2bc00f4c-1981-4de5-ac8a-aaddb87a3946", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://www.hgis-indias.net/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=gazetteer:9000266", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-25T18:22:05+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-25T18:22:05+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ -58.240799, -27.27191 ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Itatin. Río que divide los Guaranís de las demás naciones australes. \nEste río se forma en la cordillera de Amambay, y se pierde en el río \nParaguay, al norte del Pan de Azúcar. Azara en sus mapas le da el nombre\n de Río Blanco, que no corresponde a la palabra guaraní, cuya \nsignificación es más bien campo pedregoso. Pero el río ha tomado el \nnombre del país a que pertenece. Por lo que dice el autor, este río \ndemarcaba el territorio de los Guaranís al norte, y los separaba de los \nXarayes u Orejones, cuyo origen era distinto. Esta indicación nos parece\n exacta, aunque nos falten datos positivos para confirmarla.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-25T18:22:30+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 56199, "end" : 56205 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Itatin" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/6d965b09-1159-499e-abb8-0d67bf9a4429", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", 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La provincia de\n Charcas, cuyos límites se superponen con la Audiencia de Charchas, \ntenía su sede en Sucre (Ciudad de la Plata, 1538).", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-25T18:30:04+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 60157, "end" : 60164 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Charcas" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/a10d107e-a6eb-4923-be6e-9cbccb629b28", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-01T12:51:38+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Don Francisco de Mendoza (n. 1515-1547), capitán de la caballería. Sus \nactuaciones incluyen haber mediado entre Domingo de Irala y Ruiz Galán \nen 1537 y 1539, participado en la represión del levantamiento de cacique\n guarambarense Aracaré y ser parte de la facción de Domingo de Irala \ncontra la de Cabeza de Vaca en 1545. De hecho, sirvió como teniente de \ngobernador bajo su administración cuando Irala condujo una entrada al \nChaco en 1547. En esta circunstancia, los partidarios de Cabeza de Vaca \nrecusaron su nombramiento y tras haber instaurado a Diego de Abreu como \ngobernador, ejecutaron a Mendoza.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-25T18:36:17+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 77613, "end" : 77633 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Francisco de Mendoza" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/bc881191-fba3-43ce-867a-a349f4616c2b", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-01T12:51:38+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Don Francisco de Mendoza (n. 1515-1547), capitán de la caballería. Sus \nactuaciones incluyen haber mediado entre Domingo de Irala y Ruiz Galán \nen 1537 y 1539, participado en la represión del levantamiento de cacique\n guarambarense Aracaré y ser parte de la facción de Domingo de Irala \ncontra la de Cabeza de Vaca en 1545. De hecho, sirvió como teniente de \ngobernador bajo su administración cuando Irala condujo una entrada al \nChaco en 1547. En esta circunstancia, los partidarios de Cabeza de Vaca \nrecusaron su nombramiento y tras haber instaurado a Diego de Abreu como \ngobernador, ejecutaron a Mendoza.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-25T18:36:17+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 67338, "end" : 67358 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Francisco de Mendoza" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/3ce9d1c1-b92e-451a-9805-07dbd65d51fd", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-01T12:51:38+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Don Francisco de Mendoza (n. 1515-1547), capitán de la caballería. Sus \nactuaciones incluyen haber mediado entre Domingo de Irala y Ruiz Galán \nen 1537 y 1539, participado en la represión del levantamiento de cacique\n guarambarense Aracaré y ser parte de la facción de Domingo de Irala \ncontra la de Cabeza de Vaca en 1545. De hecho, sirvió como teniente de \ngobernador bajo su administración cuando Irala condujo una entrada al \nChaco en 1547. En esta circunstancia, los partidarios de Cabeza de Vaca \nrecusaron su nombramiento y tras haber instaurado a Diego de Abreu como \ngobernador, ejecutaron a Mendoza.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-25T18:36:17+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 45454, "end" : 45474 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Francisco de Mendoza" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/090acbd8-cfa8-43ee-b51c-a6bdd818ea38", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-01T12:51:38+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Don Francisco de Mendoza (n. 1515-1547), capitán de la caballería. Sus \nactuaciones incluyen haber mediado entre Domingo de Irala y Ruiz Galán \nen 1537 y 1539, participado en la represión del levantamiento de cacique\n guarambarense Aracaré y ser parte de la facción de Domingo de Irala \ncontra la de Cabeza de Vaca en 1545. De hecho, sirvió como teniente de \ngobernador bajo su administración cuando Irala condujo una entrada al \nChaco en 1547. En esta circunstancia, los partidarios de Cabeza de Vaca \nrecusaron su nombramiento y tras haber instaurado a Diego de Abreu como \ngobernador, ejecutaron a Mendoza.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-25T18:36:17+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 34611, "end" : 34631 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Francisco de Mendoza" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/d66272e3-ba20-4b3d-be57-2bd64a0e0652", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-25T18:35:25+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Don Francisco de Mendoza (n. 1515-1547), capitán de la caballería. 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En esta circunstancia, los partidarios de Cabeza de Vaca \nrecusaron su nombramiento y tras haber instaurado a Diego de Abreu como \ngobernador, ejecutaron a Mendoza.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-25T18:37:18+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 65355, "end" : 65368 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Don Francisco" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/0bbe6276-1324-4e05-822e-84a296070a4d", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", 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[ -73.723, -42.46 ], [ -73.755, -42.428 ], [ -73.803, -42.524 ], [ -73.751, -42.552 ], [ -73.788, -42.612 ], [ -73.489, -42.792 ], [ -73.465, -42.884 ], [ -73.571, -42.887 ], [ -73.615, -42.805 ], [ -73.643, -42.846 ], [ -73.586, -42.889 ], [ -73.738, -42.855 ] ], [ [ -73.796, -41.87 ], [ -73.797, -41.87 ], [ -73.796, -41.87 ], [ -73.796, -41.87 ] ], [ [ -73.796, -41.87 ], [ -73.758, -41.927 ], [ -73.808, -41.953 ], [ -73.73, -41.958 ], [ -73.711, -41.928 ], [ -73.796, -41.87 ] ], [ [ -73.375, -42.246 ], [ -73.376, -42.246 ], [ -73.405, -42.259 ], [ -73.375, -42.246 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.437, -49.249 ], [ -75.587, -49.231 ], [ -75.617, -49.186 ], [ -75.563, -49.212 ], [ -75.554, -49.115 ], [ -75.495, -49.093 ], [ -75.542, -49.168 ], [ -75.441, -49.12 ], [ -75.48, -49.093 ], [ -75.284, -49.019 ], [ -75.294, -48.947 ], [ -75.364, -48.952 ], [ -75.475, -49.079 ], [ -75.687, -49.037 ], [ -75.615, -48.984 ], [ -75.551, -49.011 ], [ -75.461, -48.976 ], [ -75.482, -48.945 ], [ -75.537, -48.999 ], [ -75.653, -48.971 ], [ -75.654, -48.898 ], [ -75.592, -48.851 ], [ -75.562, -48.89 ], [ -75.554, -48.831 ], [ -75.517, -48.878 ], [ -75.536, -48.828 ], [ -75.437, -48.841 ], [ -75.541, -48.923 ], [ -75.401, -48.833 ], [ -75.389, -48.921 ], [ -75.323, -48.936 ], [ -75.369, -48.844 ], [ -75.263, -48.88 ], [ -75.233, -49.016 ], [ -75.172, -49.029 ], [ -75.366, -49.184 ], [ -75.382, -49.146 ], [ -75.457, -49.153 ], [ -75.437, -49.249 ] ], [ [ -75.382, -49.146 ], [ -75.361, -49.109 ], [ -75.364, -49.11 ], [ -75.382, -49.146 ] ], [ [ -75.361, -49.109 ], [ -75.332, -49.104 ], [ -75.346, -49.085 ], [ -75.361, -49.109 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.087, -45.791 ], [ -74.035, -45.74 ], [ -73.875, -45.752 ], [ -73.958, -45.792 ], [ -73.934, -45.871 ], [ -73.998, -45.937 ], [ -74.003, -45.85 ], [ -74.034, -45.859 ], [ -74.087, -45.791 ] ], [ [ -74.033, -45.838 ], [ -74.032, -45.838 ], [ -74.032, -45.815 ], [ -74.033, -45.838 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.455, -44.648 ], [ -73.389, -44.57 ], [ -73.355, -44.64 ], [ -73.313, -44.606 ], [ -73.214, -44.639 ], [ -73.281, -44.546 ], [ -73.128, -44.588 ], [ -73.121, -44.55 ], [ -73.253, -44.498 ], [ -73.248, -44.439 ], [ -73.16, -44.404 ], [ -73.102, -44.462 ], [ -73.093, -44.377 ], [ -72.975, -44.368 ], [ -72.905, -44.43 ], [ -72.984, -44.58 ], [ -72.867, -44.431 ], [ -72.687, -44.532 ], [ -72.807, -44.65 ], [ -72.97, -44.587 ], [ -72.962, -44.632 ], [ -72.796, -44.673 ], [ -72.818, -44.732 ], [ -73.212, -44.94 ], [ -73.396, -44.823 ], [ -73.163, -44.81 ], [ -73.265, -44.783 ], [ -73.261, -44.746 ], [ -73.36, -44.805 ], [ -73.393, -44.765 ], [ -73.351, -44.739 ], [ -73.432, -44.737 ], [ -73.455, -44.648 ] ], [ [ -73.076, -44.418 ], [ -73.074, -44.419 ], [ -73.073, -44.418 ], [ -73.076, -44.418 ] ], [ [ -73.074, -44.419 ], [ -73.038, -44.485 ], [ -73.001, -44.496 ], [ -73.04, -44.42 ], [ -73.074, -44.419 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.085, -50.809 ], [ -74.126, -50.772 ], [ -74.061, -50.704 ], [ -74.131, -50.698 ], [ -74.139, -50.76 ], [ -74.23, -50.616 ], [ -74.162, -50.562 ], [ -74.088, -50.593 ], [ -74.134, -50.555 ], [ -74.233, -50.565 ], [ -74.302, -50.475 ], [ -74.185, -50.474 ], [ -74.153, -50.544 ], [ -74.109, -50.516 ], [ -74.166, -50.492 ], [ -74, -50.541 ], [ -73.989, -50.572 ], [ -73.867, -50.565 ], [ -74.146, -50.444 ], [ -73.999, -50.379 ], [ -74.256, -50.453 ], [ -74.331, -50.411 ], [ -74.292, -50.358 ], [ -74.152, -50.347 ], [ -74.264, -50.327 ], [ -74.208, -50.296 ], [ -74.28, -50.318 ], [ -74.293, -50.253 ], [ -74.334, -50.39 ], [ -74.374, -50.381 ], [ -74.434, -50.377 ], [ -74.437, -50.395 ], [ -74.472, -50.352 ], [ -74.423, -50.323 ], [ -74.55, -50.303 ], [ -74.492, -50.301 ], [ -74.453, -50.241 ], [ -74.519, -50.28 ], [ -74.633, -50.242 ], [ -74.573, -50.181 ], [ -74.654, -50.253 ], [ -74.719, -50.24 ], [ -74.604, -50.123 ], [ -74.52, -50.113 ], [ -74.536, -50.167 ], [ -74.475, -50.135 ], [ -74.516, -50.089 ], [ -74.458, -50.12 ], [ -74.406, -50.095 ], [ -74.484, -50.074 ], [ -74.609, -50.108 ], [ -74.439, -50.023 ], [ -74.368, -50.058 ], [ -74.374, -50.103 ], [ -74.26, -50.137 ], [ -74.349, -50.198 ], [ -74.251, -50.161 ], [ -74.167, -50.293 ], [ -74.095, -50.23 ], [ -73.996, -50.287 ], [ -73.854, -50.301 ], [ -73.978, -50.274 ], [ -74.015, -50.219 ], [ -74.158, -50.218 ], [ -74.238, -50.07 ], [ -74.293, -50.077 ], [ -74.355, -49.998 ], [ -74.315, -49.924 ], [ -74.298, -49.967 ], [ -74.21, -49.939 ], [ -74.033, -50.052 ], [ -73.901, -50.032 ], [ -73.853, -50.075 ], [ -73.875, -50.024 ], [ -74.019, -50 ], [ -73.949, -49.936 ], [ -73.812, -49.924 ], [ -73.903, -49.918 ], [ -73.841, -49.835 ], [ -74.027, -49.984 ], [ -74.159, -49.894 ], [ -74.312, -49.883 ], [ -74.34, -49.789 ], [ -74.289, -49.806 ], [ -74.175, -49.741 ], [ -74.033, -49.763 ], [ -74.033, -49.705 ], [ -74.282, -49.755 ], [ -74.309, -49.715 ], [ -74.303, -49.617 ], [ -74.084, -49.538 ], [ -74.002, -49.558 ], [ -74.043, -49.645 ], [ -73.98, -49.563 ], [ -73.907, -49.561 ], [ -73.879, -49.654 ], [ -73.782, -49.678 ], [ -73.698, -49.802 ], [ -73.661, -49.725 ], [ -73.844, -49.649 ], [ -73.861, -49.536 ], [ -74.098, -49.501 ], [ -74.072, -49.275 ], [ -74.011, -49.268 ], [ -73.964, -49.324 ], [ -73.831, -49.357 ], [ -73.812, -49.401 ], [ -73.817, -49.346 ], [ -73.951, -49.314 ], [ -74.012, -49.251 ], [ -73.945, -49.168 ], [ -74.017, -49.086 ], [ -74.011, -49.152 ], [ -74.107, -49.256 ], [ -74.191, -49.211 ], [ -74.131, -49.271 ], [ -74.176, -49.533 ], [ -74.267, -49.501 ], [ -74.26, -49.561 ], [ -74.391, -49.618 ], [ -74.435, -49.484 ], [ -74.415, -49.39 ], [ -74.386, -49.406 ], [ -74.392, -49.188 ], [ -74.334, -49.192 ], [ -74.408, -49.066 ], [ -74.437, -49.122 ], [ -74.397, -49.293 ], [ -74.447, -49.471 ], [ -74.545, -49.501 ], [ -74.45, -49.525 ], [ -74.446, -49.599 ], [ -74.508, -49.604 ], [ -74.507, -49.664 ], [ -74.558, -49.672 ], [ -74.497, -49.67 ], [ -74.505, -49.629 ], [ -74.454, -49.609 ], [ -74.386, -49.652 ], [ -74.375, -49.753 ], [ -74.477, -49.733 ], [ -74.387, -49.771 ], [ -74.388, -49.897 ], [ -74.459, -49.835 ], [ -74.42, -49.919 ], [ -74.484, -49.965 ], [ -74.6, -49.869 ], [ -74.497, -49.977 ], [ -74.614, -50.052 ], [ -74.608, -50.02 ], [ -74.667, -50.032 ], [ -74.614, -49.986 ], [ -74.784, -50.045 ], [ -74.856, -49.987 ], [ -74.796, -49.942 ], [ -74.672, -49.905 ], [ -74.598, -49.939 ], [ -74.685, -49.892 ], [ -74.816, -49.938 ], [ -74.838, -49.964 ], [ -74.886, -49.934 ], [ -74.844, -49.87 ], [ -74.886, -49.832 ], [ -74.75, -49.874 ], [ -74.592, -49.785 ], [ -74.809, -49.833 ], [ -74.696, -49.715 ], [ -74.819, -49.803 ], [ -74.861, -49.774 ], [ -74.834, -49.716 ], [ -74.894, -49.673 ], [ -74.791, -49.673 ], [ -74.868, -49.635 ], [ -74.861, -49.597 ], [ -74.74, -49.628 ], [ -74.659, -49.623 ], [ -74.759, -49.614 ], [ -74.718, -49.576 ], [ -74.716, -49.547 ], [ -74.777, -49.604 ], [ -74.865, -49.543 ], [ -74.747, -49.463 ], [ -74.694, -49.511 ], [ -74.739, -49.445 ], [ -74.601, -49.427 ], [ -74.694, -49.413 ], [ -74.58, -49.301 ], [ -74.704, -49.395 ], [ -74.791, -49.35 ], [ -74.718, -49.41 ], [ -74.849, -49.5 ], [ -74.858, -49.391 ], [ -74.906, -49.537 ], [ -74.933, -49.446 ], [ -74.888, -49.412 ], [ -74.946, -49.423 ], [ -74.949, -49.488 ], [ -75.018, -49.455 ], [ -75.071, -49.485 ], [ -74.957, -49.5 ], [ -74.952, -49.536 ], [ -74.99, -49.519 ], [ -74.913, -49.623 ], [ -74.984, -49.73 ], [ -74.99, -49.789 ], [ -74.954, -49.71 ], [ -74.899, -49.746 ], [ -74.988, -49.857 ], [ -74.953, -49.861 ], [ -74.973, -49.896 ], [ -75.031, -49.902 ], [ -74.994, -49.811 ], [ -75.036, -49.861 ], [ -75.104, -49.851 ], [ -75.145, -49.775 ], [ -75.1, -49.749 ], [ -75.164, -49.757 ], [ -75.203, -49.692 ], [ -75.173, -49.675 ], [ -75.234, -49.665 ], [ -75.114, -49.647 ], [ -75.206, -49.641 ], [ -75.129, -49.582 ], [ -75.224, -49.639 ], [ -75.202, -49.616 ], [ -75.277, -49.611 ], [ -75.125, -49.508 ], [ -75.234, -49.562 ], [ -75.288, -49.541 ], [ -75.173, -49.486 ], [ -75.216, -49.485 ], [ -75.198, -49.444 ], [ -75.302, -49.521 ], [ -75.33, -49.476 ], [ -75.282, -49.428 ], [ -75.378, -49.495 ], [ -75.299, -49.388 ], [ -75.398, -49.448 ], [ -75.445, -49.279 ], [ -75.319, -49.266 ], [ -75.412, -49.334 ], [ -75.32, -49.286 ], [ -75.242, -49.407 ], [ -75.109, -49.483 ], [ -75.186, -49.422 ], [ -74.943, -49.407 ], [ -75.196, -49.415 ], [ -75.126, -49.397 ], [ -75.232, -49.38 ], [ -75.269, -49.323 ], [ -75.187, -49.33 ], [ -75.275, -49.313 ], [ -75.301, -49.27 ], [ -75.241, -49.276 ], [ -75.303, -49.256 ], [ -75.226, -49.237 ], [ -75.219, -49.191 ], [ -74.972, -49.294 ], [ -75.076, -49.181 ], [ -74.981, -49.182 ], [ -75.208, -49.172 ], [ -75.093, -49.14 ], [ -75.127, -49.111 ], [ -75.23, -49.159 ], [ -75.132, -49.032 ], [ -75.052, -49.064 ], [ -75.105, -49.014 ], [ -74.969, -49.088 ], [ -74.969, -49.034 ], [ -75.077, -48.975 ], [ -75.206, -49.005 ], [ -75.247, -48.889 ], [ -75.219, -48.897 ], [ -75.184, -48.846 ], [ -75.263, -48.866 ], [ -75.348, -48.794 ], [ -75.322, -48.771 ], [ -75.092, -48.867 ], [ -75.061, -48.922 ], [ -75.174, -48.909 ], [ -75.155, -48.94 ], [ -74.987, -48.974 ], [ -74.862, -49.091 ], [ -74.916, -49.172 ], [ -74.862, -49.147 ], [ -74.893, -49.297 ], [ -74.855, -49.367 ], [ -74.856, -49.219 ], [ -74.785, -49.231 ], [ -74.855, -49.185 ], [ -74.822, -49.156 ], [ -74.75, -49.193 ], [ -74.819, -49.117 ], [ -74.733, -49.082 ], [ -74.912, -48.995 ], [ -74.816, -48.946 ], [ -74.77, -49.009 ], [ -74.722, -49.021 ], [ -74.789, -48.975 ], [ -74.788, -48.916 ], [ -74.953, -48.969 ], [ -74.889, -48.935 ], [ -74.966, -48.931 ], [ -74.842, -48.88 ], [ -74.998, -48.894 ], [ -74.816, -48.802 ], [ -74.992, -48.867 ], [ -75.037, -48.819 ], [ -75.014, -48.771 ], [ -74.924, -48.807 ], [ -74.915, -48.751 ], [ -74.99, -48.762 ], [ -74.79, -48.67 ], [ -74.773, -48.708 ], [ -74.826, -48.744 ], [ -74.753, -48.819 ], [ -74.776, -48.677 ], [ -74.695, -48.671 ], [ -74.717, -48.636 ], [ -74.8, -48.652 ], [ -74.905, -48.722 ], [ -75.001, -48.741 ], [ -74.994, -48.671 ], [ -74.878, -48.693 ], [ -74.978, -48.657 ], [ -74.99, -48.623 ], [ -74.961, -48.645 ], [ -74.831, -48.644 ], [ -75.007, -48.601 ], [ -75.022, -48.506 ], [ -74.816, -48.402 ], [ -74.818, -48.53 ], [ -74.788, -48.472 ], [ -74.756, -48.56 ], [ -74.706, -48.463 ], [ -74.777, -48.414 ], [ -74.813, -48.307 ], [ -74.735, -48.134 ], [ -74.678, -48.19 ], [ -74.736, -48.208 ], [ -74.697, -48.221 ], [ -74.714, -48.273 ], [ -74.653, -48.251 ], [ -74.672, -48.301 ], [ -74.586, -48.398 ], [ -74.684, -48.426 ], [ -74.595, -48.476 ], [ -74.61, -48.603 ], [ -74.523, -48.641 ], [ -74.519, -48.575 ], [ -74.472, -48.64 ], [ -74.596, -48.711 ], [ -74.628, -48.841 ], [ -74.565, -48.719 ], [ -74.488, -48.699 ], [ -74.486, -48.854 ], [ -74.578, -48.933 ], [ -74.477, -48.872 ], [ -74.42, -48.94 ], [ -74.527, -49.01 ], [ -74.412, -49.013 ], [ -74.409, -48.944 ], [ -74.327, -48.949 ], [ -74.446, -48.884 ], [ -74.365, -48.877 ], [ -74.442, -48.852 ], [ -74.384, -48.724 ], [ -74.221, -48.855 ], [ -74.196, -48.835 ], [ -74.318, -48.751 ], [ -74.195, -48.719 ], [ -74.057, -48.749 ], [ -74.134, -48.707 ], [ -74.29, -48.736 ], [ -74.308, -48.694 ], [ -74.221, -48.657 ], [ -74.355, -48.69 ], [ -74.4, -48.618 ], [ -74.361, -48.577 ], [ -74.225, -48.556 ], [ -74.271, -48.526 ], [ -74.192, -48.483 ], [ -73.967, -48.608 ], [ -74.041, -48.536 ], [ -74.028, -48.452 ], [ -73.881, -48.432 ], [ -74.019, -48.422 ], [ -74.144, -48.362 ], [ -74.241, -48.355 ], [ -73.954, -48.326 ], [ -74.273, -48.344 ], [ -74.239, -48.299 ], [ -74.303, -48.219 ], [ -74.434, -48.191 ], [ -74.513, -48.104 ], [ -74.403, -48.014 ], [ -74.599, -48.102 ], [ -74.646, -48.071 ], [ -74.632, -47.994 ], [ -74.53, -47.942 ], [ -74.332, -48.016 ], [ -74.386, -48.015 ], [ -74.257, -48.16 ], [ -74.261, -48.266 ], [ -74.238, -48.197 ], [ -74.187, -48.252 ], [ -74.144, -48.229 ], [ -74.224, -48.192 ], [ -74.297, -48.014 ], [ -74.189, -48.001 ], [ -74.156, -48.085 ], [ -74.179, -48.001 ], [ -74.105, -47.984 ], [ -74.041, -48.05 ], [ -73.898, -48.035 ], [ -73.872, -48.124 ], [ -73.762, -48.04 ], [ -73.805, -48.117 ], [ -73.789, -48.162 ], [ -73.743, -48.1 ], [ -73.593, -48.151 ], [ -73.639, -48.266 ], [ -73.584, -48.214 ], [ -73.529, -48.254 ], [ -73.487, -48.185 ], [ -73.4, -48.22 ], [ -73.275, -48.161 ], [ -73.263, -48.035 ], [ -73.293, -48.144 ], [ -73.364, -48.19 ], [ -73.589, -48.04 ], [ -73.525, -48.001 ], [ -73.639, -48.012 ], [ -73.647, -47.888 ], [ -73.541, -47.885 ], [ -73.607, -47.841 ], [ -73.585, -47.807 ], [ -73.711, -47.775 ], [ -73.73, -47.696 ], [ -73.671, -47.644 ], [ -73.723, -47.566 ], [ -73.748, -47.784 ], [ -73.924, -47.842 ], [ -74.034, -47.791 ], [ -74.361, -47.788 ], [ -74.381, -47.74 ], [ -74.515, -47.787 ], [ -74.717, -47.728 ], [ -74.633, -47.584 ], [ -74.535, -47.521 ], [ -74.401, -47.55 ], [ -74.431, -47.676 ], [ -74.144, -47.602 ], [ -74.316, -47.591 ], [ -74.452, -47.482 ], [ -74.428, -47.426 ], [ -74.478, -47.468 ], [ -74.515, -47.42 ], [ -74.304, -47.203 ], [ -74.138, -47.213 ], [ -74.03, -47.164 ], [ -74.051, -47.13 ], [ -74.121, -47.177 ], [ -74.223, -47.153 ], [ -74.179, -47.014 ], [ -73.999, -46.974 ], [ -74.103, -46.99 ], [ -74.309, -46.802 ], [ -74.233, -46.811 ], [ -74.267, -46.756 ], [ -74.641, -46.804 ], [ -74.419, -46.859 ], [ -74.434, -46.887 ], [ -74.369, -46.866 ], [ -74.387, -46.903 ], [ -74.672, -46.885 ], [ -74.79, -46.789 ], [ -74.834, -46.817 ], [ -74.983, -46.76 ], [ -75.051, -46.687 ], [ -75.069, -46.618 ], [ -74.937, -46.513 ], [ -74.974, -46.5 ], [ -75.181, -46.627 ], [ -75.325, -46.618 ], [ -75.361, -46.66 ], [ -75.394, -46.61 ], [ -75.516, -46.655 ], [ -75.536, -46.687 ], [ -75.482, -46.716 ], [ -75.364, -46.714 ], [ -75.419, -46.744 ], [ -75.303, -46.855 ], [ -75.368, -46.928 ], [ -75.55, -46.94 ], [ -75.633, -46.808 ], [ -75.687, -46.801 ], [ -75.691, -46.718 ], [ -75.623, -46.561 ], [ -75.534, -46.578 ], [ -75.486, -46.542 ], [ -75.519, -46.505 ], [ -75.337, -46.483 ], [ -75.364, -46.423 ], [ -75.2, -46.363 ], [ -75.196, -46.298 ], [ -75.133, -46.328 ], [ -75.05, -46.217 ], [ -74.932, -46.239 ], [ -74.89, -46.183 ], [ -74.886, -46.152 ], [ -74.738, -46.185 ], [ -74.79, -46.12 ], [ -74.763, -46.056 ], [ -74.702, -46.046 ], [ -74.703, -45.952 ], [ -74.901, -46.116 ], [ -75.025, -46.12 ], [ -75.073, -46.038 ], [ -74.976, -46.021 ], [ -75.095, -45.892 ], [ -75.033, -45.857 ], [ -74.841, -45.885 ], [ -74.727, -45.818 ], [ -74.512, -45.853 ], [ -74.427, -45.95 ], [ -74.476, -46.028 ], [ -74.434, -46.046 ], [ -74.375, -45.949 ], [ -74.458, -45.867 ], [ -74.447, -45.805 ], [ -74.296, -45.815 ], [ -74.278, -45.878 ], [ -74.23, -45.821 ], [ -74.073, -45.847 ], [ -74.089, -45.82 ], [ -74.045, -45.89 ], [ -74.077, -45.904 ], [ -73.949, -46.079 ], [ -74.031, -46.172 ], [ -73.877, -46.142 ], [ -73.74, -46.242 ], [ -73.779, -46.369 ], [ -73.879, -46.464 ], [ -73.866, -46.535 ], [ -73.89, -46.469 ], [ -73.963, -46.54 ], [ -73.911, -46.602 ], [ -73.835, -46.594 ], [ -73.762, -46.409 ], [ -73.609, -46.319 ], [ -73.492, -46.315 ], [ -73.557, -46.259 ], [ -73.329, -46.022 ], [ -73.404, -46.022 ], [ -73.608, -46.223 ], [ -73.586, -46.263 ], [ -73.682, -46.331 ], [ -73.62, -46.117 ], [ -73.642, -45.981 ], [ -73.534, -45.828 ], [ -73.343, -45.686 ], [ -73.15, -45.674 ], [ -73.344, -45.629 ], [ -73.568, -45.787 ], [ -73.48, -45.447 ], [ -73.207, -45.29 ], [ -72.99, -45.449 ], [ -72.877, -45.473 ], [ -72.797, -45.432 ], [ -72.809, -45.373 ], [ -72.917, -45.421 ], [ -73.012, -45.39 ], [ -73.201, -45.243 ], [ -73.337, -45.291 ], [ -73.446, -45.259 ], [ -73.433, -45.188 ], [ -73.307, -45.173 ], [ -73.421, -45.144 ], [ -73.418, -45.076 ], [ -73.337, -45.161 ], [ -73.282, -45.15 ], [ -73.38, -45.043 ], [ -73.361, -44.957 ], [ -73.1, -44.951 ], [ -72.712, -44.746 ], [ -72.729, -44.678 ], [ -72.668, -44.537 ], [ -72.573, -44.503 ], [ -72.602, -44.384 ], [ -72.68, -44.503 ], [ -72.723, -44.498 ], [ -72.817, -44.383 ], [ -72.92, -44.375 ], [ -72.917, -44.317 ], [ -73.187, -44.25 ], [ -73.135, -44.198 ], [ -73.289, -44.165 ], [ -73.275, -44.11 ], [ -73.212, -44.125 ], [ -73.2, -44.057 ], [ -73.092, -44.091 ], [ -73.133, -44.015 ], [ -73.042, -43.921 ], [ -73.067, -43.862 ], [ -72.943, -43.759 ], [ -73.054, -43.735 ], [ -72.881, -43.618 ], [ -72.891, -43.584 ], [ -72.998, -43.595 ], [ -73.094, -43.445 ], [ -73.051, -43.397 ], [ -73.066, -43.317 ], [ -72.876, -43.243 ], [ -72.915, -43.134 ], [ -72.857, -43.026 ], [ -72.744, -43.052 ], [ -72.809, -42.938 ], [ -72.707, -42.943 ], [ -72.856, -42.777 ], [ -72.798, -42.684 ], [ -72.86, -42.676 ], [ -72.821, -42.53 ], [ -72.527, -42.562 ], [ -72.626, -42.521 ], [ -72.84, -42.303 ], [ -72.587, -42.194 ], [ -72.516, -42.25 ], [ -72.446, -42.478 ], [ -72.394, -42.492 ], [ -72.47, -42.305 ], [ -72.431, -41.976 ], [ -72.494, -41.973 ], [ -72.581, -42.047 ], [ -72.879, -41.914 ], [ -72.653, -41.732 ], [ -72.357, -41.677 ], [ -72.286, -41.508 ], [ -72.339, -41.517 ], [ -72.387, -41.666 ], [ -72.572, -41.717 ], [ -72.649, -41.699 ], [ -72.787, -41.516 ], [ -72.938, -41.478 ], [ -73.089, -41.582 ], [ -73.039, -41.704 ], [ -73.138, -41.766 ], [ -73.189, -41.778 ], [ -73.191, -41.748 ], [ -73.259, -41.715 ], [ -73.259, -41.787 ], [ -73.41, -41.773 ], [ -73.354, -41.811 ], [ -73.759, -41.745 ], [ -73.655, -41.612 ], [ -73.752, -41.563 ], [ -73.796, -41.591 ], [ -73.804, -41.508 ], [ -73.862, -41.467 ], [ -73.835, -41.347 ], [ -73.933, -41.113 ], [ -73.944, -40.977 ], [ -73.847, -40.916 ], [ -73.89, -40.866 ], [ -73.806, -40.717 ], [ -73.838, -40.669 ], [ -73.72, -40.538 ], [ -73.779, -40.464 ], [ -73.731, -40.204 ], [ -73.658, -40.136 ], [ -73.713, -40.007 ], [ -73.466, -39.85 ], [ -73.373, -39.939 ], [ -73.405, -39.694 ], [ -73.254, -39.536 ], [ -73.262, -39.456 ], [ -73.204, -39.452 ], [ -73.239, -39.382 ], [ -73.211, -39.398 ], [ -73.192, -39.387 ], [ -73.233, -39.309 ], [ -73.211, -39.233 ], [ -73.489, -38.659 ], [ -73.533, -38.387 ], [ -73.451, -38.12 ], [ -73.49, -37.966 ], [ -73.666, -37.723 ], [ -73.679, -37.628 ], [ -73.59, -37.463 ], [ -73.683, -37.334 ], [ -73.585, -37.151 ], [ -73.559, -37.198 ], [ -73.448, -37.207 ], [ -73.448, -37.257 ], [ -73.276, -37.237 ], [ -73.155, -37.117 ], [ -73.19, -37.004 ], [ -73.155, -36.846 ], [ -73.217, -36.774 ], [ -73.135, -36.747 ], [ -73.161, -36.71 ], [ -73.114, -36.612 ], [ -73.105, -36.728 ], [ -72.992, -36.731 ], [ -72.961, -36.628 ], [ -73.004, -36.579 ], [ -72.978, -36.525 ], [ -72.935, -36.542 ], [ -72.81, -36.274 ], [ -72.788, -35.974 ], [ -72.567, -35.788 ], [ -72.631, -35.577 ], [ -72.498, -35.461 ], [ -72.496, -35.381 ], [ -72.432, -35.319 ], [ -72.377, -35.352 ], [ -72.385, -35.217 ], [ -72.193, -35.081 ], [ -72.181, -34.9 ], [ -72, -34.491 ], [ -72.054, -34.431 ], [ -71.973, -34.33 ], [ -72.01, -34.124 ], [ -71.853, -33.939 ], [ -71.788, -33.774 ], [ -71.645, -33.691 ], [ -71.601, -33.539 ], [ -71.709, -33.43 ], [ -71.655, -33.305 ], [ -71.757, -33.102 ], [ -71.681, -33.101 ], [ -71.661, -33.024 ], [ -71.563, -33.006 ], [ -71.567, -32.935 ], [ -71.524, -32.918 ], [ -71.557, -32.791 ], [ -71.452, -32.679 ], [ -71.487, -32.526 ], [ -71.41, -32.396 ], [ -71.544, -32.188 ], [ -71.495, -31.972 ], [ -71.502, -31.875 ], [ -71.559, -31.845 ], [ -71.508, -31.77 ], [ -71.671, -31.149 ], [ -71.648, -31.007 ], [ -71.716, -30.599 ], [ -71.649, -30.266 ], [ -71.626, -30.236 ], [ -71.603, -30.295 ], [ -71.525, -30.291 ], [ -71.453, -30.169 ], [ -71.395, -30.184 ], [ -71.371, -30.078 ], [ -71.419, -30.003 ], [ -71.35, -29.979 ], [ -71.348, -29.936 ], [ -71.294, -29.95 ], [ -71.275, -29.889 ], [ -71.344, -29.753 ], [ -71.286, -29.617 ], [ -71.332, -29.552 ], [ -71.309, -29.418 ], [ -71.34, -29.331 ], [ -71.495, -29.198 ], [ -71.466, -29.106 ], [ -71.53, -28.983 ], [ -71.495, -28.856 ], [ -71.301, -28.679 ], [ -71.319, -28.567 ], [ -71.166, -28.354 ], [ -71.201, -28.297 ], [ -71.157, -28.219 ], [ -71.185, -28.111 ], [ -71.038, -27.67 ], [ -71.003, -27.69 ], [ -70.905, -27.624 ], [ -70.889, -27.479 ], [ -70.961, -27.37 ], [ -70.928, -27.312 ], [ -70.97, -27.169 ], [ -70.931, -27.112 ], [ -70.874, -27.138 ], [ -70.811, -27.055 ], [ -70.828, -26.876 ], [ -70.688, -26.577 ], [ -70.697, -26.39 ], [ -70.628, -26.337 ], [ -70.676, -26.291 ], [ -70.631, -25.991 ], [ -70.736, -25.817 ], [ -70.686, -25.665 ], [ -70.64, -25.646 ], [ -70.65, -25.536 ], [ -70.539, -25.481 ], [ -70.522, -25.397 ], [ -70.45, -25.363 ], [ -70.441, -25.192 ], [ -70.508, -25.11 ], [ -70.471, -24.995 ], [ -70.58, -24.716 ], [ -70.579, -24.545 ], [ -70.499, -24.167 ], [ -70.515, -23.861 ], [ -70.391, -23.612 ], [ -70.404, -23.532 ], [ -70.479, -23.466 ], [ -70.547, -23.534 ], [ -70.624, -23.514 ], [ -70.598, -23.244 ], [ -70.557, -23.181 ], [ -70.579, -23.083 ], [ -70.509, -23.021 ], [ -70.479, -23.098 ], [ -70.408, -23.085 ], [ -70.287, -22.911 ], [ -70.31, -22.761 ], [ -70.237, -22.49 ], [ -70.191, -21.899 ], [ -70.145, -21.849 ], [ -70.147, -21.633 ], [ -70.095, -21.593 ], [ -70.056, -21.434 ], [ -70.083, -21.23 ], [ -70.178, -21.023 ], [ -70.137, -20.89 ], [ -70.208, -20.812 ], [ -70.123, -19.994 ], [ -70.169, -19.656 ], [ -70.235, -19.602 ], [ -70.2, -19.503 ], [ -70.285, -19.306 ], [ -70.268, -19.143 ], [ -70.36, -18.796 ], [ -70.303, -18.446 ], [ -70.374, -18.35 ], [ -69.948, -18.248 ], [ -69.753, -17.982 ], [ -69.819, -17.747 ], [ -69.799, -17.65 ], [ -69.662, -17.658 ], [ -69.463, -17.508 ], [ -69.461, -17.606 ], [ -69.308, -17.801 ], [ -69.296, -17.95 ], [ -69.069, -18.067 ], [ -69.139, -18.157 ], [ -69.036, -18.324 ], [ -68.978, -18.75 ], [ -68.909, -18.876 ], [ -68.957, -18.941 ], [ -68.884, -19.045 ], [ -68.407, -19.408 ], [ -68.691, -19.739 ], [ -68.53, -19.843 ], [ -68.524, -19.927 ], [ -68.56, -20.045 ], [ -68.78, -20.082 ], [ -68.705, -20.142 ], [ -68.663, -20.324 ], [ -68.756, -20.392 ], [ -68.678, -20.498 ], [ -68.439, -20.632 ], [ -68.549, -20.726 ], [ -68.547, -20.88 ], [ -68.515, -20.933 ], [ -68.401, -20.938 ], [ -68.172, -21.297 ], [ -68.177, -21.6 ], [ -68.057, -21.763 ], [ -68.064, -21.976 ], [ -67.943, -22.091 ], [ -67.946, -22.321 ], [ -67.848, -22.546 ], [ -67.875, -22.826 ], [ -67.572, -22.896 ], [ -67.178, -22.806 ], [ -66.988, -22.992 ], [ -67.338, -24.034 ], [ -68.214, -24.38 ], [ -68.317, -24.484 ], [ -68.391, -24.474 ], [ -68.567, -24.748 ], [ -68.572, -24.834 ], [ -68.337, -25.072 ], [ -68.505, -25.134 ], [ -68.551, -25.228 ], [ -68.533, -25.329 ], [ -68.598, -25.399 ], [ -68.487, -25.657 ], [ -68.39, -26.19 ], [ -68.57, -26.307 ], [ -68.588, -26.509 ], [ -68.272, -26.917 ], [ -68.327, -27.047 ], [ -68.481, -27.064 ], [ -68.544, -27.188 ], [ -68.684, -27.083 ], [ -68.797, -27.133 ], [ -68.849, -27.204 ], [ -68.82, -27.291 ], [ -69.062, -27.642 ], [ -69.104, -27.889 ], [ -69.242, -27.996 ], [ -69.37, -28.201 ], [ -69.437, -28.172 ], [ -69.482, -28.312 ], [ -69.632, -28.378 ], [ -69.634, -28.52 ], [ -69.706, -28.683 ], [ -69.672, -28.773 ], [ -69.766, -28.892 ], [ -69.785, -29.109 ], [ -69.95, -29.169 ], [ -70.018, -29.325 ], [ -69.882, -29.692 ], [ -69.94, -30.09 ], [ -69.827, -30.123 ], [ -69.807, -30.187 ], [ -69.975, -30.398 ], [ -70.154, -30.349 ], [ -70.129, -30.457 ], [ -70.305, -30.891 ], [ -70.267, -31.024 ], [ -70.391, -31.171 ], [ -70.445, -31.09 ], [ -70.511, -31.163 ], [ -70.553, -31.56 ], [ -70.465, -31.701 ], [ -70.44, -31.848 ], [ -70.268, -31.896 ], [ -70.202, -31.97 ], [ -70.278, -32.044 ], [ -70.386, -32.051 ], [ -70.299, -32.145 ], [ -70.318, -32.267 ], [ -70.224, -32.332 ], [ -70.234, -32.432 ], [ -70.142, -32.484 ], [ -70.146, -32.731 ], [ -69.997, -32.902 ], [ -70.093, -33.042 ], [ -70.025, -33.314 ], [ -69.964, -33.321 ], [ -69.888, -33.222 ], [ -69.747, -33.408 ], [ -69.865, -33.547 ], [ -69.885, -33.68 ], [ -69.89, -33.829 ], [ -69.83, -33.99 ], [ -69.876, -34.126 ], [ -69.815, -34.224 ], [ -69.914, -34.297 ], [ -69.976, -34.253 ], [ -70.042, -34.287 ], [ -70.011, -34.402 ], [ -70.134, -34.495 ], [ -70.226, -34.678 ], [ -70.315, -34.749 ], [ -70.262, -34.804 ], [ -70.37, -35.031 ], [ -70.363, -35.142 ], [ -70.426, -35.196 ], [ -70.548, -35.206 ], [ -70.578, -35.258 ], [ -70.424, -35.343 ], [ -70.401, -35.648 ], [ -70.326, -35.811 ], [ -70.423, -35.91 ], [ -70.381, -35.923 ], [ -70.372, -36.027 ], [ -70.419, -36.145 ], [ -70.471, -36.171 ], [ -70.577, -36.13 ], [ -70.699, -36.255 ], [ -70.694, -36.407 ], [ -70.886, -36.383 ], [ -70.936, -36.473 ], [ -71.034, -36.465 ], [ -71.024, -36.664 ], [ -71.066, -36.695 ], [ -71.112, -36.659 ], [ -71.17, -36.839 ], [ -71.102, -36.95 ], [ -71.203, -36.975 ], [ -71.092, -37.103 ], [ -71.213, -37.298 ], [ -71.116, -37.472 ], [ -71.129, -37.581 ], [ -71.202, -37.672 ], [ -71.136, -37.819 ], [ -71.191, -37.864 ], [ -71.125, -37.894 ], [ -70.999, -38.094 ], [ -71.043, -38.133 ], [ -71.002, -38.41 ], [ -70.833, -38.573 ], [ -70.948, -38.745 ], [ -71.241, -38.806 ], [ -71.428, -38.93 ], [ -71.386, -39.284 ], [ -71.472, -39.402 ], [ -71.467, -39.484 ], [ -71.533, -39.522 ], [ -71.481, -39.59 ], [ -71.606, -39.627 ], [ -71.688, -39.571 ], [ -71.716, -39.63 ], [ -71.689, -39.841 ], [ -71.59, -39.903 ], [ -71.684, -40.026 ], [ -71.671, -40.104 ], [ -71.816, -40.088 ], [ -71.831, -40.222 ], [ -71.749, -40.307 ], [ -71.681, -40.3 ], [ -71.654, -40.369 ], [ -71.719, -40.438 ], [ -71.805, -40.412 ], [ -71.85, -40.56 ], [ -71.883, -40.558 ], [ -71.833, -40.633 ], [ -71.947, -40.74 ], [ -71.858, -40.913 ], [ -71.894, -40.978 ], [ -71.828, -41.061 ], [ -71.843, -41.167 ], [ -71.879, -41.171 ], [ -71.842, -41.256 ], [ -71.906, -41.361 ], [ -71.819, -41.571 ], [ -71.855, -41.608 ], [ -71.826, -41.707 ], [ -71.746, -41.821 ], [ -71.728, -42.115 ], [ -71.919, -42.187 ], [ -72.028, -42.141 ], [ -72.125, -42.307 ], [ -72.05, -42.378 ], [ -72.029, -42.494 ], [ -72.134, -42.6 ], [ -72.11, -42.915 ], [ -71.979, -43.086 ], [ -71.74, -43.171 ], [ -71.729, -43.211 ], [ -71.734, -43.317 ], [ -71.891, -43.328 ], [ -71.933, -43.457 ], [ -71.846, -43.485 ], [ -71.86, -43.552 ], [ -71.775, -43.545 ], [ -71.693, -43.63 ], [ -71.583, -43.66 ], [ -71.755, -43.81 ], [ -71.658, -43.938 ], [ -71.755, -44.067 ], [ -71.844, -44.105 ], [ -71.79, -44.212 ], [ -71.837, -44.376 ], [ -71.224, -44.425 ], [ -71.11, -44.523 ], [ -71.131, -44.58 ], [ -71.209, -44.606 ], [ -71.219, -44.739 ], [ -71.303, -44.808 ], [ -71.475, -44.736 ], [ -71.632, -44.785 ], [ -72.07, -44.768 ], [ -72.047, -44.901 ], [ -71.56, -44.98 ], [ -71.297, -45.293 ], [ -71.505, -45.399 ], [ -71.46, -45.466 ], [ -71.483, -45.508 ], [ -71.758, -45.562 ], [ -71.722, -45.582 ], [ -71.773, -45.712 ], [ -71.747, -45.835 ], [ -71.63, -45.888 ], [ -71.598, -45.975 ], [ -71.757, -46.111 ], [ -71.892, -46.148 ], [ -71.763, -46.2 ], [ -71.646, -46.683 ], [ -71.931, -46.811 ], [ -71.913, -47.013 ], [ -71.985, -47.075 ], [ -71.854, -47.138 ], [ -71.86, -47.231 ], [ -72.022, -47.206 ], [ -72.019, -47.284 ], [ -72.146, -47.411 ], [ -72.336, -47.464 ], [ -72.288, -47.504 ], [ -72.281, -47.615 ], [ -72.391, -47.651 ], [ -72.429, -47.758 ], [ -72.499, -47.732 ], [ -72.452, -47.8 ], [ -72.52, -47.925 ], [ -72.334, -48.074 ], [ -72.281, -48.338 ], [ -72.379, -48.368 ], [ -72.355, -48.393 ], [ -72.425, -48.421 ], [ -72.391, -48.45 ], [ -72.451, -48.491 ], [ -72.598, -48.483 ], [ -72.55, -48.791 ], [ -72.736, -48.918 ], [ -72.928, -48.946 ], [ -73.093, -49.134 ], [ -73.493, -49.18 ], [ -73.45, -49.377 ], [ -73.523, -49.448 ], [ -73.501, -49.513 ], [ -73.583, -49.524 ], [ -73.495, -49.632 ], [ -73.53, -49.693 ], [ -73.452, -49.732 ], [ -73.434, -49.81 ], [ -73.545, -49.924 ], [ -73.497, -50.047 ], [ -73.541, -50.078 ], [ -73.576, -50.261 ], [ -73.438, -50.431 ], [ -73.119, -50.683 ], [ -73.171, -50.735 ], [ -73.133, -50.775 ], [ -72.738, -50.616 ], [ -72.602, -50.676 ], [ -72.474, -50.603 ], [ -72.278, -50.655 ], [ -72.327, -50.745 ], [ -72.231, -50.855 ], [ -72.25, -51.025 ], [ -72.342, -51.045 ], [ -72.402, -51.119 ], [ -72.26, -51.254 ], [ -72.321, -51.304 ], [ -72.35, -51.486 ], [ -72.438, -51.569 ], [ -72.342, -51.598 ], [ -72.293, -51.699 ], [ -72.148, -51.738 ], [ -71.955, -51.868 ], [ -72.002, -51.975 ], [ -70.019, -51.998 ], [ -69.484, -52.147 ], [ -69.203, -52.152 ], [ -68.824, -52.278 ], [ -68.427, -52.335 ], [ -68.424, -52.379 ], [ -68.497, -52.336 ], [ -69, -52.283 ], [ -69.204, -52.197 ], [ -69.447, -52.264 ], [ -69.489, -52.392 ], [ -69.573, -52.424 ], [ -69.544, -52.466 ], [ -69.668, -52.544 ], [ -69.852, -52.49 ], [ -70.16, -52.588 ], [ -70.216, -52.659 ], [ -70.324, -52.64 ], [ -70.551, -52.726 ], [ -70.519, -52.656 ], [ -70.724, -52.745 ], [ -70.747, -52.712 ], [ -70.805, -52.757 ], [ -70.875, -52.736 ], [ -70.738, -52.789 ], [ -70.831, -52.82 ], [ -70.852, -52.908 ], [ -70.898, -52.916 ], [ -70.792, -52.939 ], [ -70.836, -52.962 ], [ -70.864, -53.13 ], [ -70.932, -53.173 ], [ -70.932, -53.311 ], [ -70.983, -53.382 ], [ -70.907, -53.627 ], [ -70.939, -53.624 ], [ -70.962, -53.789 ], [ -71.289, -53.903 ], [ -71.721, -53.8 ], [ -71.902, -53.715 ], [ -71.867, -53.69 ], [ -71.929, -53.729 ], [ -72.095, -53.699 ], [ -72.401, -53.5 ], [ -72.473, -53.399 ], [ -72.411, -53.362 ], [ -72.436, -53.316 ], [ -72.314, -53.249 ], [ -72.131, -53.242 ], [ -72.108, -53.384 ], [ -72.283, -53.425 ], [ -72.211, -53.449 ], [ -72.012, -53.379 ], [ -72.034, -53.239 ], [ -71.869, -53.223 ], [ -71.758, -53.437 ], [ -71.904, -53.527 ], [ -72.067, -53.548 ], [ -71.946, -53.569 ], [ -71.776, -53.512 ], [ -71.74, -53.447 ], [ -71.773, -53.314 ], [ -71.736, -53.316 ], [ -71.73, -53.21 ], [ -71.35, -53.113 ], [ -71.125, -52.865 ], [ -71.181, -52.816 ], [ -71.379, -52.798 ], [ -71.396, -52.716 ], [ -71.558, -52.561 ], [ -72.335, -52.524 ], [ -72.455, -52.615 ], [ -72.413, -52.621 ], [ -72.438, -52.67 ], [ -72.57, -52.593 ], [ -72.397, -52.548 ], [ -72.408, -52.495 ], [ -72.583, -52.578 ], [ -72.655, -52.553 ], [ -72.618, -52.514 ], [ -72.776, -52.561 ], [ -72.878, -52.523 ], [ -72.869, -52.558 ], [ -72.913, -52.57 ], [ -72.875, -52.584 ], [ -72.941, -52.58 ], [ -72.892, -52.605 ], [ -73.012, -52.745 ], [ -72.829, -52.598 ], [ -72.682, -52.668 ], [ -72.892, -52.81 ], [ -72.964, -52.766 ], [ -72.943, -52.804 ], [ -73.056, -52.851 ], [ -72.957, -52.902 ], [ -72.993, -52.972 ], [ -72.955, -53.025 ], [ -73.006, -53.073 ], [ -73.055, -53.033 ], [ -73.037, -53.07 ], [ -73.147, -53.105 ], [ -73.189, -53.042 ], [ -73.145, -53.018 ], [ -73.207, -53.014 ], [ -73.228, -53.052 ], [ -73.172, -53.089 ], [ -73.245, -53.098 ], [ -73.448, -53.013 ], [ -73.323, -53.003 ], [ -73.402, -52.972 ], [ -73.256, -52.972 ], [ -73.288, -52.944 ], [ -73.183, -52.897 ], [ -73.293, -52.929 ], [ -73.326, -52.894 ], [ -73.402, -52.97 ], [ -73.499, -52.941 ], [ -73.415, -52.93 ], [ -73.522, -52.888 ], [ -73.802, -52.923 ], [ -73.729, -52.903 ], [ -73.75, -52.864 ], [ -73.589, -52.868 ], [ -73.605, -52.829 ], [ -73.352, -52.906 ], [ -73.582, -52.809 ], [ -73.453, -52.809 ], [ -73.48, -52.836 ], [ -73.421, -52.805 ], [ -73.467, -52.77 ], [ -73.394, -52.794 ], [ -73.407, -52.837 ], [ -73.239, -52.805 ], [ -73.265, -52.754 ], [ -73.317, -52.777 ], [ -73.311, -52.713 ], [ -73.289, -52.748 ], [ -73.246, -52.665 ], [ -73.131, -52.661 ], [ -73.168, -52.631 ], [ -73.149, -52.566 ], [ -72.995, -52.58 ], [ -73.142, -52.558 ], [ -73.082, -52.51 ], [ -73.161, -52.499 ], [ -73.224, -52.409 ], [ -73.203, -52.493 ], [ -73.289, -52.501 ], [ -73.205, -52.508 ], [ -73.162, -52.583 ], [ -73.271, -52.688 ], [ -73.327, -52.693 ], [ -73.355, -52.645 ], [ -73.311, -52.601 ], [ -73.353, -52.626 ], [ -73.424, -52.553 ], [ -73.375, -52.646 ], [ -73.659, -52.721 ], [ -73.607, -52.747 ], [ -73.626, -52.777 ], [ -73.677, -52.721 ], [ -73.736, -52.745 ], [ -73.574, -52.654 ], [ -73.688, -52.624 ], [ -73.594, -52.579 ], [ -73.637, -52.547 ], [ -73.551, -52.577 ], [ -73.62, -52.514 ], [ -73.494, -52.493 ], [ -73.559, -52.477 ], [ -73.533, -52.421 ], [ -73.598, -52.471 ], [ -73.675, -52.433 ], [ -73.673, -52.395 ], [ -73.587, -52.389 ], [ -73.61, -52.344 ], [ -73.573, -52.339 ], [ -73.656, -52.283 ], [ -73.591, -52.225 ], [ -73.741, -52.103 ], [ -73.682, -52.254 ], [ -73.854, -52.115 ], [ -74.103, -52.023 ], [ -73.974, -52.039 ], [ -74.096, -51.987 ], [ -74.103, -51.95 ], [ -74.061, -51.965 ], [ -74.102, -51.918 ], [ -73.991, -51.933 ], [ -74.007, -51.995 ], [ -73.964, -51.945 ], [ -73.756, -52.083 ], [ -73.715, -52.037 ], [ -73.561, -52.217 ], [ -73.5, -52.189 ], [ -73.558, -52.155 ], [ -73.469, -52.151 ], [ -73.347, -52.253 ], [ -73.252, -52.223 ], [ -73.245, -52.124 ], [ -73.168, -52.153 ], [ -73.036, -52.078 ], [ -73.111, -52.083 ], [ -73.084, -51.959 ], [ -72.909, -51.911 ], [ -72.882, -51.881 ], [ -73.033, -52.078 ], [ -72.995, -52.078 ], [ -72.995, -52.151 ], [ -73.082, -52.159 ], [ -73.121, -52.25 ], [ -73.08, -52.268 ], [ -73.066, -52.214 ], [ -72.991, -52.201 ], [ -72.936, -52.237 ], [ -72.957, -52.267 ], [ -72.871, -52.281 ], [ -72.898, -52.263 ], [ -72.846, -52.242 ], [ -72.812, -52.096 ], [ -72.741, -52.087 ], [ -72.776, -52.053 ], [ -72.841, -52.095 ], [ -72.898, -52.223 ], [ -72.959, -52.199 ], [ -72.96, -52.06 ], [ -72.936, -52.038 ], [ -72.908, -52.09 ], [ -72.9, -51.992 ], [ -72.776, -51.963 ], [ -72.725, -52.08 ], [ -72.664, -52.136 ], [ -72.621, -52.118 ], [ -72.54, -52.218 ], [ -72.62, -52.366 ], [ -72.715, -52.334 ], [ -72.782, -52.408 ], [ -72.853, -52.388 ], [ -72.833, -52.421 ], [ -72.978, -52.462 ], [ -72.739, -52.418 ], [ -72.625, -52.443 ], [ -72.671, -52.416 ], [ -72.557, -52.475 ], [ -72.514, -52.437 ], [ -72.671, -52.4 ], [ -72.524, -52.347 ], [ -72.476, -52.213 ], [ -72.658, -52.064 ], [ -72.666, -51.976 ], [ -72.629, -51.918 ], [ -72.571, -51.984 ], [ -72.582, -51.932 ], [ -72.45, -51.917 ], [ -72.519, -51.844 ], [ -72.463, -51.786 ], [ -72.556, -51.698 ], [ -72.653, -51.669 ], [ -72.651, -51.635 ], [ -72.697, -51.578 ], [ -72.679, -51.652 ], [ -72.718, -51.578 ], [ -73.087, -51.482 ], [ -73.07, -51.402 ], [ -73.084, -51.366 ], [ -73.129, -51.326 ], [ -73.113, -51.265 ], [ -73.021, -51.246 ], [ -73.086, -51.241 ], [ -73.129, -51.264 ], [ -73.141, -51.327 ], [ -73.097, -51.424 ], [ -73.269, -51.501 ], [ -73.058, -51.513 ], [ -73.04, -51.547 ], [ -73.114, -51.619 ], [ -72.991, -51.535 ], [ -72.77, -51.611 ], [ -72.691, -51.708 ], [ -72.535, -51.748 ], [ -72.617, -51.828 ], [ -72.734, -51.855 ], [ -72.817, -51.776 ], [ -72.966, -51.785 ], [ -73.05, -51.701 ], [ -73.196, -51.694 ], [ -73.201, -51.618 ], [ -73.236, -51.638 ], [ -73.297, -51.586 ], [ -73.223, -51.661 ], [ -73.288, -51.7 ], [ -73.089, -51.717 ], [ -72.997, -51.8 ], [ -73.083, -51.758 ], [ -73.171, -51.786 ], [ -73.074, -51.769 ], [ -73.042, -51.834 ], [ -73.219, -51.904 ], [ -73.093, -51.893 ], [ -72.988, -51.817 ], [ -72.917, -51.872 ], [ -73.136, -51.952 ], [ -73.163, -52.116 ], [ -73.242, -52.108 ], [ -73.271, -51.895 ], [ -73.343, -51.705 ], [ -73.4, -51.647 ], [ -73.287, -51.981 ], [ -73.273, -52.18 ], [ -73.407, -52.149 ], [ -73.593, -52.023 ], [ -73.601, -51.944 ], [ -73.563, -51.945 ], [ -73.652, -51.853 ], [ -73.598, -51.821 ], [ -73.507, -51.937 ], [ -73.534, -51.963 ], [ -73.456, -51.989 ], [ -73.42, -52.06 ], [ -73.388, -52.052 ], [ -73.478, -51.916 ], [ -73.425, -51.915 ], [ -73.529, -51.858 ], [ -73.514, -51.803 ], [ -73.601, -51.759 ], [ -73.64, -51.792 ], [ -73.623, -51.76 ], [ -73.566, -51.743 ], [ -73.56, -51.769 ], [ -73.499, -51.705 ], [ -73.621, -51.734 ], [ -73.628, -51.661 ], [ -73.69, -51.798 ], [ -73.777, -51.72 ], [ -73.749, -51.774 ], [ -73.797, -51.817 ], [ -73.94, -51.683 ], [ -73.935, -51.649 ], [ -73.832, -51.683 ], [ -73.839, -51.764 ], [ -73.792, -51.736 ], [ -73.813, -51.686 ], [ -73.701, -51.631 ], [ -73.927, -51.63 ], [ -73.917, -51.582 ], [ -73.837, -51.596 ], [ -73.864, -51.557 ], [ -73.791, -51.552 ], [ -73.91, -51.559 ], [ -73.903, -51.515 ], [ -73.971, -51.496 ], [ -73.915, -51.468 ], [ -73.947, -51.449 ], [ -73.915, -51.419 ], [ -73.966, -51.424 ], [ -73.893, -51.372 ], [ -73.723, -51.472 ], [ -73.653, -51.622 ], [ -73.585, -51.622 ], [ -73.614, -51.604 ], [ -73.69, -51.489 ], [ -73.652, -51.54 ], [ -73.586, -51.556 ], [ -73.649, -51.472 ], [ -73.57, -51.458 ], [ -73.684, -51.443 ], [ -73.719, -51.339 ], [ -73.727, -51.373 ], [ -73.847, -51.365 ], [ -73.861, -51.336 ], [ -73.782, -51.311 ], [ -73.891, -51.297 ], [ -73.813, -51.248 ], [ -73.736, -51.268 ], [ -73.785, -51.219 ], [ -73.732, -51.194 ], [ -73.677, -51.29 ], [ -73.697, -51.218 ], [ -73.644, -51.2 ], [ -73.707, -51.19 ], [ -73.682, -51.144 ], [ -73.726, -51.17 ], [ -73.816, -51.075 ], [ -73.742, -51.177 ], [ -73.905, -51.266 ], [ -73.999, -51.122 ], [ -74.029, -51.218 ], [ -74.129, -51.199 ], [ -74.164, -51.098 ], [ -74.137, -51.113 ], [ -74.118, -51.103 ], [ -74.094, -51.075 ], [ -74.157, -51.074 ], [ -74.134, -51.038 ], [ -74.045, -51.007 ], [ -74.077, -50.937 ], [ -74.207, -51.063 ], [ -74.154, -51.206 ], [ -74.259, -51.229 ], [ -74.315, -50.976 ], [ -74.273, -50.977 ], [ -74.323, -50.905 ], [ -74.226, -51.023 ], [ -74.202, -50.966 ], [ -74.245, -50.975 ], [ -74.239, -50.934 ], [ -74.191, -50.89 ], [ -73.92, -50.911 ], [ -73.942, -50.882 ], [ -73.9, -50.874 ], [ -73.803, -51.009 ], [ -73.764, -50.992 ], [ -73.776, -50.929 ], [ -73.883, -50.841 ], [ -73.819, -50.8 ], [ -73.732, -50.837 ], [ -73.787, -50.8 ], [ -73.787, -50.694 ], [ -73.63, -50.648 ], [ -73.54, -50.721 ], [ -73.538, -50.677 ], [ -73.382, -50.688 ], [ -73.74, -50.574 ], [ -73.705, -50.516 ], [ -73.627, -50.514 ], [ -73.598, -50.485 ], [ -73.575, -50.392 ], [ -73.644, -50.507 ], [ -73.73, -50.512 ], [ -73.767, -50.541 ], [ -73.817, -50.772 ], [ -73.939, -50.848 ], [ -74.033, -50.857 ], [ -74.076, -50.815 ], [ -74.085, -50.809 ] ], [ [ -74.406, -50.095 ], [ -74.406, -50.095 ], [ -74.406, -50.095 ], [ -74.406, -50.095 ] ], [ [ -74.406, -50.095 ], [ -74.403, -50.111 ], [ -74.383, -50.097 ], [ -74.406, -50.095 ] ], [ [ -74.015, -50.219 ], [ -73.996, -50.219 ], [ -74.011, -50.214 ], [ -74.015, -50.219 ] ], [ [ -73.996, -50.219 ], [ -73.946, -50.236 ], [ -73.946, -50.201 ], [ -73.964, -50.219 ], [ -73.996, -50.219 ] ], [ [ -74.209, -48.156 ], [ -74.204, -48.156 ], [ -74.164, -48.138 ], [ -74.209, -48.156 ] ], [ [ -72.984, -41.498 ], [ -72.953, -41.483 ], [ -72.98, -41.494 ], [ -72.984, -41.498 ] ], [ [ -73.082, -52.51 ], [ -73.05, -52.509 ], [ -73.059, -52.507 ], [ -73.082, -52.51 ] ], [ [ -73.05, -52.509 ], [ -72.936, -52.521 ], [ -72.881, -52.55 ], [ -72.918, -52.503 ], [ -73.05, -52.509 ] ], [ [ -73.499, -51.705 ], [ -73.499, -51.705 ], [ -73.499, -51.705 ], [ -73.499, -51.705 ] ], [ [ -73.499, -51.705 ], [ -73.467, -51.702 ], [ -73.456, -51.685 ], [ -73.499, -51.705 ] ], [ [ -73.721, -51.308 ], [ -73.723, -51.327 ], [ -73.701, -51.296 ], [ -73.727, -51.287 ], [ -73.721, -51.308 ] ], [ [ -74.965, -49.634 ], [ -74.944, -49.628 ], [ -74.991, -49.632 ], [ -74.965, -49.634 ] ], [ [ -74.966, -49.602 ], [ -74.963, -49.588 ], [ -75.083, -49.534 ], [ -74.966, -49.602 ] ], [ [ -74.69, -48.673 ], [ -74.623, -48.697 ], [ -74.645, -48.73 ], [ -74.605, -48.708 ], [ -74.632, -48.683 ], [ -74.69, -48.673 ] ], [ [ -75.215, -49.246 ], [ -75.119, -49.34 ], [ -75.174, -49.337 ], [ -75.104, -49.362 ], [ -75.018, -49.351 ], [ -75.1, -49.347 ], [ -75.13, -49.311 ], [ -75.084, -49.293 ], [ -75.215, -49.246 ] ], [ [ -75.1, -49.268 ], [ -75.034, -49.336 ], [ -75.066, -49.267 ], [ -75.1, -49.268 ] ], [ [ -74.338, -49.432 ], [ -74.321, -49.436 ], [ -74.31, -49.419 ], [ -74.324, -49.411 ], [ -74.338, -49.432 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.826, -51.626 ], [ -74.754, -51.646 ], [ -74.744, -51.717 ], [ -74.789, -51.743 ], [ -74.744, -51.731 ], [ -74.746, -51.816 ], [ -74.855, -51.945 ], [ -74.811, -51.941 ], [ -74.824, -51.971 ], [ -74.873, -51.967 ], [ -74.833, -51.979 ], [ -74.878, -52.079 ], [ -74.957, -52.111 ], [ -74.923, -52.044 ], [ -74.963, -52.107 ], [ -75.014, -52.115 ], [ -74.949, -52.042 ], [ -75.015, -52.069 ], [ -74.967, -52.03 ], [ -75.02, -52.046 ], [ -75.065, -51.995 ], [ -74.957, -51.94 ], [ -75.006, -51.921 ], [ -74.931, -51.796 ], [ -74.886, -51.841 ], [ -74.936, -51.917 ], [ -74.865, -51.864 ], [ -74.858, -51.927 ], [ -74.795, -51.849 ], [ -74.871, -51.778 ], [ -74.796, -51.759 ], [ -74.922, -51.65 ], [ -74.826, -51.626 ] ], [ [ -74.865, -52.001 ], [ -74.865, -52.001 ], [ -74.905, -51.991 ], [ -74.865, -52.001 ] ], [ [ -74.957, -51.94 ], [ -74.929, -51.941 ], [ -74.955, -51.939 ], [ -74.957, -51.94 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.97, -54.014 ], [ -72.76, -54.047 ], [ -72.911, -53.997 ], [ -72.779, -53.981 ], [ -72.881, -53.964 ], [ -72.666, -53.864 ], [ -72.78, -53.886 ], [ -72.737, -53.85 ], [ -72.832, -53.867 ], [ -72.779, -53.832 ], [ -72.818, -53.82 ], [ -73.04, -53.885 ], [ -73.065, -53.806 ], [ -73.117, -53.932 ], [ -73.045, -53.994 ], [ -73.101, -54.044 ], [ -73.199, -53.984 ], [ -73.351, -53.977 ], [ -73.358, -53.94 ], [ -73.275, -53.943 ], [ -73.23, -53.893 ], [ -73.358, -53.844 ], [ -73.257, -53.806 ], [ -73.257, -53.763 ], [ -73.336, -53.736 ], [ -73.252, -53.713 ], [ -73.597, -53.75 ], [ -73.487, -53.663 ], [ -73.633, -53.661 ], [ -73.607, -53.562 ], [ -73.531, -53.596 ], [ -73.415, -53.57 ], [ -73.248, -53.659 ], [ -73.331, -53.602 ], [ -73.276, -53.556 ], [ -73.356, -53.557 ], [ -73.477, -53.447 ], [ -73.298, -53.48 ], [ -73.281, -53.53 ], [ -73.238, -53.478 ], [ -73.075, -53.548 ], [ -73.172, -53.495 ], [ -73.142, -53.458 ], [ -73.209, -53.393 ], [ -73.076, -53.377 ], [ -73.025, -53.492 ], [ -73.032, -53.401 ], [ -72.939, -53.438 ], [ -72.961, -53.542 ], [ -72.893, -53.509 ], [ -72.874, -53.544 ], [ -72.927, -53.555 ], [ -72.877, -53.553 ], [ -72.883, -53.62 ], [ -72.825, -53.582 ], [ -72.874, -53.456 ], [ -72.749, -53.51 ], [ -72.749, -53.587 ], [ -72.684, -53.615 ], [ -72.723, -53.64 ], [ -72.7, -53.679 ], [ -72.653, -53.668 ], [ -72.691, -53.526 ], [ -72.659, -53.568 ], [ -72.458, -53.59 ], [ -72.479, -53.617 ], [ -72.396, -53.649 ], [ -72.508, -53.67 ], [ -72.45, -53.71 ], [ -72.498, -53.746 ], [ -72.441, -53.751 ], [ -72.386, -53.689 ], [ -72.24, -53.733 ], [ -72.333, -53.761 ], [ -72.222, -53.751 ], [ -72.149, -53.798 ], [ -72.283, -53.822 ], [ -72.194, -53.835 ], [ -72.218, -53.867 ], [ -72.433, -53.838 ], [ -72.337, -53.863 ], [ -72.324, -53.929 ], [ -72.451, -53.894 ], [ -72.39, -53.945 ], [ -72.448, -53.967 ], [ -72.331, -54.006 ], [ -72.366, -54.054 ], [ -72.472, -54.052 ], [ -72.472, -53.96 ], [ -72.494, -54.003 ], [ -72.548, -53.986 ], [ -72.548, -54.098 ], [ -72.623, -54.086 ], [ -72.598, -54.02 ], [ -72.659, -54.079 ], [ -72.619, -54.008 ], [ -72.678, -54.083 ], [ -72.746, -54.088 ], [ -72.7, -54.099 ], [ -72.804, -54.088 ], [ -72.856, -54.134 ], [ -72.958, -54.112 ], [ -72.872, -54.111 ], [ -72.917, -54.1 ], [ -72.882, -54.077 ], [ -73.078, -54.076 ], [ -72.862, -54.059 ], [ -73.004, -54.027 ], [ -72.97, -54.014 ] ], [ [ -72.862, -54.059 ], [ -72.775, -54.079 ], [ -72.858, -54.06 ], [ -72.862, -54.059 ] ] ], [ [ [ -67.278, -55.932 ], [ -67.205, -55.98 ], [ -67.298, -55.979 ], [ -67.323, -55.936 ], [ -67.278, -55.932 ] ] ], [ [ [ -67.029, -55.933 ], [ -67.043, -55.919 ], [ -67.016, -55.931 ], [ -67.029, -55.933 ] ] ], [ [ [ -66.781, -55.825 ], [ -66.807, -55.821 ], [ -66.773, -55.816 ], [ -66.781, -55.825 ] ] ], [ [ [ -67.414, -55.903 ], [ -67.435, -55.875 ], [ -67.404, -55.883 ], [ -67.414, -55.903 ] ] ], [ [ [ -67.056, -55.834 ], [ -67.097, -55.856 ], [ -67.051, -55.926 ], [ -67.155, -55.881 ], [ -67.056, -55.834 ] ] ], [ [ [ -67.292, -55.823 ], [ -67.189, -55.867 ], [ -67.179, -55.901 ], [ -67.392, -55.837 ], [ -67.292, -55.823 ] ] ], [ [ [ -67.55, -55.814 ], [ -67.479, -55.83 ], [ -67.595, -55.914 ], [ -67.596, -55.853 ], [ -67.756, -55.886 ], [ -67.843, -55.834 ], [ -67.536, -55.842 ], [ -67.55, -55.814 ] ] ], [ [ [ -67.435, -55.821 ], [ -67.439, -55.85 ], [ -67.454, -55.851 ], [ -67.464, -55.822 ], [ -67.435, -55.821 ] ] ], [ [ [ -67.134, -55.779 ], [ -67.19, -55.821 ], [ -67.238, -55.811 ], [ -67.183, -55.774 ], [ -67.134, -55.779 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.95, -55.362 ], [ -69.963, -55.351 ], [ -69.925, -55.348 ], [ -69.95, -55.362 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.76, -55.349 ], [ -69.667, -55.365 ], [ -69.645, -55.395 ], [ -69.795, -55.42 ], [ -69.76, -55.349 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.84, -55.334 ], [ -69.803, -55.339 ], [ -69.804, -55.355 ], [ -69.868, -55.325 ], [ -69.84, -55.334 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.897, -55.363 ], [ -69.921, -55.317 ], [ -69.893, -55.345 ], [ -69.897, -55.363 ] ] ], [ [ [ -66.579, -55.29 ], [ -66.637, -55.278 ], [ -66.62, -55.198 ], [ -66.418, -55.191 ], [ -66.499, -55.277 ], [ -66.579, -55.29 ] ] ], [ [ [ -66.766, -55.333 ], [ -66.782, -55.305 ], [ -66.762, -55.306 ], [ -66.766, -55.333 ] ] ], [ [ [ -66.674, -55.285 ], [ -66.685, -55.276 ], [ -66.662, -55.266 ], [ -66.674, -55.285 ] ] ], [ [ [ -67.003, -55.352 ], [ -67.059, -55.274 ], [ -66.943, -55.222 ], [ -66.842, -55.239 ], [ -66.842, -55.328 ], [ -67.003, -55.352 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.954, -55.296 ], [ -69.931, -55.32 ], [ -69.977, -55.323 ], [ -69.94, -55.334 ], [ -70.011, -55.365 ], [ -70.125, -55.327 ], [ -69.954, -55.296 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.13, -55.258 ], [ -70.036, -55.282 ], [ -70.189, -55.261 ], [ -70.13, -55.258 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.146, -55.274 ], [ -69.158, -55.268 ], [ -69.134, -55.264 ], [ -69.146, -55.274 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.249, -55.278 ], [ -69.207, -55.294 ], [ -69.42, -55.271 ], [ -69.3, -55.244 ], [ -69.249, -55.278 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.015, -55.296 ], [ -68.994, -55.289 ], [ -68.984, -55.329 ], [ -69.043, -55.295 ], [ -69.015, -55.296 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.883, -55.237 ], [ -68.92, -55.335 ], [ -68.978, -55.346 ], [ -68.973, -55.284 ], [ -68.883, -55.237 ] ] ], [ [ [ -67.923, -55.243 ], [ -67.947, -55.257 ], [ -67.975, -55.246 ], [ -67.914, -55.209 ], [ -67.923, -55.243 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.209, -55.235 ], [ -69.215, -55.227 ], [ -69.184, -55.227 ], [ -69.209, -55.235 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.969, -55.614 ], [ -68.967, -55.601 ], [ -68.946, -55.608 ], [ -68.969, -55.614 ] ] ], [ [ [ -67.333, -55.591 ], [ -67.339, -55.652 ], [ -67.298, -55.658 ], [ -67.354, -55.721 ], [ -67.232, -55.733 ], [ -67.287, -55.743 ], [ -67.223, -55.765 ], [ -67.238, -55.801 ], [ -67.54, -55.745 ], [ -67.48, -55.726 ], [ -67.537, -55.695 ], [ -67.505, -55.662 ], [ -67.385, -55.734 ], [ -67.387, -55.656 ], [ -67.458, -55.633 ], [ -67.333, -55.591 ] ] ], [ [ [ -67.549, -55.626 ], [ -67.517, -55.649 ], [ -67.558, -55.697 ], [ -67.662, -55.694 ], [ -67.573, -55.661 ], [ -67.586, -55.61 ], [ -67.549, -55.626 ] ] ], [ [ [ -67.626, -55.515 ], [ -67.534, -55.612 ], [ -67.577, -55.602 ], [ -67.706, -55.635 ], [ -67.65, -55.584 ], [ -67.664, -55.518 ], [ -67.626, -55.515 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.096, -55.405 ], [ -68.118, -55.402 ], [ -68.067, -55.4 ], [ -68.096, -55.405 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.555, -55.452 ], [ -69.567, -55.48 ], [ -69.595, -55.477 ], [ -69.584, -55.451 ], [ -69.555, -55.452 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.601, -55.445 ], [ -69.618, -55.398 ], [ -69.478, -55.455 ], [ -69.52, -55.479 ], [ -69.544, -55.441 ], [ -69.601, -55.445 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.34, -55.505 ], [ -69.304, -55.496 ], [ -69.28, -55.515 ], [ -69.333, -55.548 ], [ -69.34, -55.505 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.181, -55.604 ], [ -69.208, -55.618 ], [ -69.221, -55.568 ], [ -69.19, -55.582 ], [ -69.181, -55.604 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.059, -55.563 ], [ -69.035, -55.623 ], [ -69.081, -55.635 ], [ -69.1, -55.551 ], [ -69.059, -55.563 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.754, -55.531 ], [ -68.656, -55.57 ], [ -68.656, -55.605 ], [ -68.785, -55.538 ], [ -68.754, -55.531 ] ] ], [ [ [ -67.99, -55.55 ], [ -67.963, -55.552 ], [ -68.029, -55.561 ], [ -68.016, -55.544 ], [ -67.99, -55.55 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.927, -55.519 ], [ -68.958, -55.513 ], [ -68.961, -55.486 ], [ -68.944, -55.482 ], [ -68.927, -55.519 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.527, -55.588 ], [ -68.58, -55.571 ], [ -68.595, -55.552 ], [ -68.545, -55.538 ], [ -68.527, -55.588 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.17, -55.565 ], [ -69.202, -55.554 ], [ -69.174, -55.544 ], [ -69.17, -55.565 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.909, -55.536 ], [ -68.869, -55.541 ], [ -68.845, -55.566 ], [ -68.922, -55.561 ], [ -68.909, -55.536 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.216, -55.55 ], [ -69.233, -55.545 ], [ -69.199, -55.545 ], [ -69.216, -55.55 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.31, -55.55 ], [ -68.323, -55.537 ], [ -68.293, -55.537 ], [ -68.31, -55.55 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.439, -55.56 ], [ -68.454, -55.537 ], [ -68.432, -55.53 ], [ -68.416, -55.546 ], [ -68.439, -55.56 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.677, -55.549 ], [ -68.71, -55.525 ], [ -68.675, -55.533 ], [ -68.677, -55.549 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.398, -55.538 ], [ -68.399, -55.514 ], [ -68.382, -55.526 ], [ -68.398, -55.538 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.584, -55.53 ], [ -68.56, -55.533 ], [ -68.62, -55.533 ], [ -68.577, -55.514 ], [ -68.584, -55.53 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.602, -55.485 ], [ -68.638, -55.536 ], [ -68.704, -55.514 ], [ -68.602, -55.485 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.625, -55.386 ], [ -69.627, -55.411 ], [ -69.65, -55.41 ], [ -69.625, -55.386 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.054, -55.421 ], [ -69, -55.436 ], [ -69.063, -55.442 ], [ -69.218, -55.32 ], [ -69.054, -55.421 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.129, -54.982 ], [ -71.084, -54.986 ], [ -71.179, -55.015 ], [ -71.171, -54.972 ], [ -71.129, -54.982 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.896, -55.14 ], [ -70.907, -55.11 ], [ -70.882, -55.106 ], [ -70.896, -55.14 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.804, -55.126 ], [ -70.825, -55.11 ], [ -70.806, -55.105 ], [ -70.804, -55.126 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.619, -55.13 ], [ -70.649, -55.181 ], [ -70.692, -55.163 ], [ -70.668, -55.138 ], [ -70.619, -55.13 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.307, -55.128 ], [ -68.319, -55.127 ], [ -68.298, -55.121 ], [ -68.307, -55.128 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.417, -55.126 ], [ -68.456, -55.147 ], [ -68.498, -55.133 ], [ -68.417, -55.126 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.019, -55.252 ], [ -70.078, -55.237 ], [ -70.115, -55.187 ], [ -69.974, -55.24 ], [ -70.019, -55.252 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.933, -55.216 ], [ -69.945, -55.199 ], [ -69.915, -55.208 ], [ -69.933, -55.216 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.207, -55.198 ], [ -68.308, -55.205 ], [ -68.335, -55.164 ], [ -68.261, -55.157 ], [ -68.207, -55.198 ] ] ], [ [ [ -67.927, -54.901 ], [ -67.288, -54.919 ], [ -67.155, -54.969 ], [ -67.043, -55.078 ], [ -67.036, -55.141 ], [ -67.242, -55.314 ], [ -67.428, -55.294 ], [ -67.395, -55.195 ], [ -67.502, -55.171 ], [ -67.592, -55.195 ], [ -67.607, -55.277 ], [ -67.856, -55.255 ], [ -67.875, -55.221 ], [ -67.726, -55.236 ], [ -67.89, -55.158 ], [ -67.978, -55.226 ], [ -68.117, -55.225 ], [ -68.124, -55.174 ], [ -68.048, -55.176 ], [ -68.155, -55.143 ], [ -68.17, -54.998 ], [ -68.3, -55.012 ], [ -68.369, -54.945 ], [ -68.213, -54.92 ], [ -68.215, -54.899 ], [ -67.927, -54.901 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.668, -55.164 ], [ -68.685, -55.163 ], [ -68.658, -55.162 ], [ -68.668, -55.164 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.765, -55.167 ], [ -68.792, -55.147 ], [ -68.72, -55.16 ], [ -68.765, -55.167 ] ] ], [ [ [ -67.003, -54.988 ], [ -66.854, -55.026 ], [ -66.829, -55.094 ], [ -67.054, -54.993 ], [ -67.003, -54.988 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.245, -55.011 ], [ -68.227, -55.023 ], [ -68.241, -55.052 ], [ -68.28, -55.015 ], [ -68.245, -55.011 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.991, -55.011 ], [ -70.039, -55.066 ], [ -70.089, -55.055 ], [ -70.08, -55.019 ], [ -69.991, -55.011 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.941, -55.037 ], [ -70.004, -55.057 ], [ -69.938, -54.99 ], [ -69.941, -55.037 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.351, -55.01 ], [ -70.371, -55.027 ], [ -70.453, -55.035 ], [ -70.403, -55.01 ], [ -70.351, -55.01 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.557, -55 ], [ -70.469, -55.011 ], [ -70.562, -55.025 ], [ -70.557, -55 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.266, -54.92 ], [ -68.291, -54.916 ], [ -68.276, -54.908 ], [ -68.266, -54.92 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.173, -54.099 ], [ -73.169, -54.121 ], [ -73.198, -54.126 ], [ -73.193, -54.1 ], [ -73.173, -54.099 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.373, -54.018 ], [ -73.243, -54.03 ], [ -73.236, -54.085 ], [ -73.18, -54.05 ], [ -73.268, -54.136 ], [ -73.345, -54.118 ], [ -73.307, -54.103 ], [ -73.342, -54.064 ], [ -73.48, -54.067 ], [ -73.373, -54.018 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.021, -54.188 ], [ -73.046, -54.176 ], [ -73.009, -54.165 ], [ -73.021, -54.188 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.935, -54.196 ], [ -72.952, -54.231 ], [ -73.006, -54.226 ], [ -72.981, -54.202 ], [ -72.935, -54.196 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.057, -54.153 ], [ -73.029, -54.149 ], [ -73.094, -54.17 ], [ -73.087, -54.143 ], [ -73.057, -54.153 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.874, -54.152 ], [ -72.879, -54.14 ], [ -72.846, -54.142 ], [ -72.874, -54.152 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.224, -54.028 ], [ -71.2, -54.071 ], [ -71.168, -54.089 ], [ -71.224, -54.098 ], [ -71.224, -54.028 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.107, -54.102 ], [ -73.11, -54.158 ], [ -73.148, -54.154 ], [ -73.142, -54.106 ], [ -73.107, -54.102 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.753, -54.135 ], [ -72.742, -54.114 ], [ -72.729, -54.117 ], [ -72.753, -54.135 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.374, -54.261 ], [ -72.398, -54.259 ], [ -72.375, -54.25 ], [ -72.344, -54.272 ], [ -72.374, -54.261 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.243, -54.253 ], [ -72.259, -54.259 ], [ -72.263, -54.243 ], [ -72.243, -54.253 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.636, -54.243 ], [ -72.68, -54.269 ], [ -72.7, -54.25 ], [ -72.655, -54.227 ], [ -72.636, -54.243 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.57, -54.242 ], [ -72.579, -54.236 ], [ -72.566, -54.232 ], [ -72.57, -54.242 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.273, -54.22 ], [ -72.282, -54.215 ], [ -72.261, -54.215 ], [ -72.273, -54.22 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.654, -54.257 ], [ -71.66, -54.243 ], [ -71.639, -54.254 ], [ -71.654, -54.257 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.918, -54.223 ], [ -71.934, -54.242 ], [ -72.001, -54.225 ], [ -71.918, -54.223 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.037, -54.231 ], [ -72.059, -54.22 ], [ -72.031, -54.222 ], [ -72.037, -54.231 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.228, -54.206 ], [ -72.217, -54.224 ], [ -72.232, -54.227 ], [ -72.228, -54.206 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.277, -54.189 ], [ -70.296, -54.178 ], [ -70.282, -54.171 ], [ -70.277, -54.189 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.474, -54.121 ], [ -72.491, -54.152 ], [ -72.515, -54.153 ], [ -72.503, -54.12 ], [ -72.474, -54.121 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.277, -54.086 ], [ -70.303, -54.152 ], [ -70.357, -54.162 ], [ -70.51, -54.072 ], [ -70.39, -54.085 ], [ -70.31, -54.051 ], [ -70.277, -54.086 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.641, -54.105 ], [ -72.544, -54.132 ], [ -72.695, -54.131 ], [ -72.641, -54.105 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.164, -53.928 ], [ -72.174, -53.919 ], [ -72.148, -53.927 ], [ -72.164, -53.928 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.13, -54.071 ], [ -71.14, -54.053 ], [ -71.113, -54.045 ], [ -71.13, -54.071 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.326, -53.994 ], [ -72.305, -53.955 ], [ -72.305, -53.996 ], [ -72.326, -53.994 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.033, -53.963 ], [ -73.022, -53.962 ], [ -73.034, -53.976 ], [ -73.033, -53.963 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.972, -53.945 ], [ -72.953, -53.947 ], [ -72.995, -53.949 ], [ -72.972, -53.945 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.366, -53.936 ], [ -73.378, -53.932 ], [ -73.344, -53.932 ], [ -73.366, -53.936 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.007, -53.953 ], [ -73.017, -53.948 ], [ -73.003, -53.943 ], [ -73.007, -53.953 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.058, -53.943 ], [ -73.098, -53.934 ], [ -73.067, -53.919 ], [ -73.058, -53.943 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.078, -53.936 ], [ -72.093, -53.925 ], [ -72.04, -53.918 ], [ -72.078, -53.936 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.339, -54.802 ], [ -71.349, -54.797 ], [ -71.337, -54.787 ], [ -71.339, -54.802 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.906, -54.837 ], [ -70.885, -54.848 ], [ -70.932, -54.835 ], [ -70.922, -54.823 ], [ -70.906, -54.837 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.212, -54.821 ], [ -71.231, -54.796 ], [ -71.194, -54.816 ], [ -71.212, -54.821 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.432, -54.938 ], [ -71.458, -54.932 ], [ -71.429, -54.92 ], [ -71.432, -54.938 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.165, -54.955 ], [ -71.194, -55.023 ], [ -71.256, -55.015 ], [ -71.264, -54.971 ], [ -71.165, -54.955 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70, -54.876 ], [ -69.982, -54.877 ], [ -70.091, -54.881 ], [ -70, -54.876 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.259, -54.898 ], [ -70.278, -54.89 ], [ -70.236, -54.884 ], [ -70.259, -54.898 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.301, -54.884 ], [ -70.312, -54.88 ], [ -70.293, -54.876 ], [ -70.301, -54.884 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.997, -54.67 ], [ -71.009, -54.657 ], [ -70.99, -54.64 ], [ -70.997, -54.67 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.868, -54.672 ], [ -71.88, -54.661 ], [ -71.846, -54.667 ], [ -71.868, -54.672 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.068, -54.618 ], [ -72.104, -54.619 ], [ -72.106, -54.606 ], [ -72.068, -54.618 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.03, -54.537 ], [ -72.011, -54.566 ], [ -71.952, -54.594 ], [ -72.076, -54.574 ], [ -72.03, -54.537 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.782, -54.524 ], [ -71.789, -54.495 ], [ -71.765, -54.509 ], [ -71.782, -54.524 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.973, -54.473 ], [ -73.01, -54.506 ], [ -73.103, -54.5 ], [ -73.078, -54.483 ], [ -72.973, -54.473 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.131, -54.474 ], [ -72.146, -54.458 ], [ -72.112, -54.473 ], [ -72.131, -54.474 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.27, -54.375 ], [ -71.245, -54.379 ], [ -71.291, -54.374 ], [ -71.27, -54.375 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.955, -54.367 ], [ -71.942, -54.378 ], [ -72, -54.383 ], [ -71.955, -54.367 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.992, -54.331 ], [ -71.007, -54.326 ], [ -70.98, -54.329 ], [ -70.992, -54.331 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.667, -54.307 ], [ -72.647, -54.322 ], [ -72.694, -54.312 ], [ -72.667, -54.307 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.629, -54.339 ], [ -72.625, -54.322 ], [ -72.612, -54.325 ], [ -72.629, -54.339 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.795, -54.317 ], [ -71.793, -54.305 ], [ -71.779, -54.313 ], [ -71.795, -54.317 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.594, -54.333 ], [ -71.621, -54.332 ], [ -71.636, -54.308 ], [ -71.594, -54.333 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.284, -54.286 ], [ -72.251, -54.33 ], [ -72.342, -54.311 ], [ -72.334, -54.286 ], [ -72.284, -54.286 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.679, -54.285 ], [ -71.64, -54.329 ], [ -71.753, -54.294 ], [ -71.7, -54.278 ], [ -71.679, -54.285 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.173, -54.325 ], [ -72.196, -54.314 ], [ -72.169, -54.309 ], [ -72.173, -54.325 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.622, -54.423 ], [ -71.598, -54.454 ], [ -71.666, -54.398 ], [ -71.655, -54.392 ], [ -71.622, -54.423 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.411, -54.431 ], [ -72.387, -54.431 ], [ -72.376, -54.459 ], [ -72.438, -54.451 ], [ -72.411, -54.431 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.083, -54.433 ], [ -72.064, -54.457 ], [ -72.125, -54.434 ], [ -72.098, -54.417 ], [ -72.083, -54.433 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.294, -54.414 ], [ -72.258, -54.411 ], [ -72.231, -54.462 ], [ -72.309, -54.439 ], [ -72.321, -54.472 ], [ -72.37, -54.417 ], [ -72.294, -54.414 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.383, -54.42 ], [ -72.399, -54.413 ], [ -72.381, -54.41 ], [ -72.383, -54.42 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.497, -54.392 ], [ -71.512, -54.373 ], [ -71.481, -54.371 ], [ -71.497, -54.392 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.415, -54.406 ], [ -72.426, -54.397 ], [ -72.396, -54.387 ], [ -72.415, -54.406 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.54, -54.376 ], [ -71.531, -54.389 ], [ -71.604, -54.38 ], [ -71.54, -54.376 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.179, -54.375 ], [ -72.093, -54.41 ], [ -72.159, -54.441 ], [ -72.162, -54.399 ], [ -72.235, -54.384 ], [ -72.179, -54.375 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.915, -54.39 ], [ -71.9, -54.393 ], [ -71.974, -54.392 ], [ -71.915, -54.39 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.406, -54.325 ], [ -72.29, -54.344 ], [ -72.445, -54.362 ], [ -72.46, -54.435 ], [ -72.543, -54.381 ], [ -72.544, -54.343 ], [ -72.406, -54.325 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.091, -54.726 ], [ -71.101, -54.711 ], [ -71.074, -54.727 ], [ -71.091, -54.726 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.027, -54.736 ], [ -72.033, -54.704 ], [ -72.017, -54.7 ], [ -72.007, -54.721 ], [ -72.027, -54.736 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.839, -54.743 ], [ -71.795, -54.748 ], [ -71.767, -54.776 ], [ -71.835, -54.769 ], [ -71.869, -54.726 ], [ -71.839, -54.743 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.564, -54.714 ], [ -71.529, -54.746 ], [ -71.622, -54.763 ], [ -71.629, -54.7 ], [ -71.564, -54.714 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.15, -54.72 ], [ -71.108, -54.728 ], [ -71.147, -54.746 ], [ -71.15, -54.72 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.196, -54.717 ], [ -71.225, -54.744 ], [ -71.275, -54.73 ], [ -71.196, -54.717 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.729, -54.709 ], [ -71.775, -54.732 ], [ -71.789, -54.701 ], [ -71.763, -54.694 ], [ -71.729, -54.709 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.809, -54.717 ], [ -71.827, -54.697 ], [ -71.795, -54.689 ], [ -71.809, -54.717 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.045, -54.635 ], [ -71.961, -54.666 ], [ -71.902, -54.734 ], [ -71.981, -54.755 ], [ -71.968, -54.703 ], [ -72.033, -54.653 ], [ -72.103, -54.673 ], [ -72.045, -54.635 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.679, -54.691 ], [ -71.717, -54.708 ], [ -71.772, -54.659 ], [ -71.722, -54.655 ], [ -71.679, -54.691 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.218, -55.486 ], [ -69.338, -55.486 ], [ -69.366, -55.398 ], [ -69.404, -55.521 ], [ -69.43, -55.405 ], [ -69.511, -55.41 ], [ -69.397, -55.379 ], [ -69.501, -55.378 ], [ -69.452, -55.345 ], [ -69.547, -55.386 ], [ -69.596, -55.367 ], [ -69.525, -55.33 ], [ -69.79, -55.317 ], [ -69.542, -55.28 ], [ -69.681, -55.275 ], [ -69.455, -55.193 ], [ -69.862, -55.279 ], [ -69.896, -55.26 ], [ -69.848, -55.241 ], [ -69.963, -55.24 ], [ -69.857, -55.212 ], [ -69.968, -55.184 ], [ -69.856, -55.194 ], [ -70.027, -55.162 ], [ -70.027, -55.126 ], [ -69.929, -55.133 ], [ -69.966, -55.113 ], [ -69.903, -55.069 ], [ -69.669, -55.085 ], [ -69.58, -55.038 ], [ -69.564, -55.169 ], [ -69.546, -55.035 ], [ -69.325, -55.057 ], [ -69.393, -55.024 ], [ -68.437, -54.936 ], [ -68.31, -55.034 ], [ -68.329, -55.076 ], [ -68.449, -55.021 ], [ -68.427, -55.093 ], [ -68.635, -55.081 ], [ -68.549, -55.129 ], [ -68.658, -55.153 ], [ -69.021, -55.02 ], [ -69.074, -55.071 ], [ -68.978, -55.068 ], [ -68.985, -55.108 ], [ -68.743, -55.182 ], [ -68.367, -55.18 ], [ -68.342, -55.214 ], [ -68.25, -55.224 ], [ -68.333, -55.238 ], [ -68.188, -55.295 ], [ -68.556, -55.328 ], [ -68.66, -55.253 ], [ -68.749, -55.275 ], [ -68.645, -55.276 ], [ -68.68, -55.293 ], [ -68.619, -55.315 ], [ -68.634, -55.344 ], [ -68.54, -55.336 ], [ -68.59, -55.375 ], [ -68.406, -55.331 ], [ -68.273, -55.381 ], [ -68.32, -55.413 ], [ -68.139, -55.395 ], [ -68.164, -55.482 ], [ -68.023, -55.485 ], [ -68.116, -55.533 ], [ -67.973, -55.6 ], [ -68.015, -55.621 ], [ -67.97, -55.646 ], [ -68.021, -55.66 ], [ -67.968, -55.683 ], [ -68.092, -55.724 ], [ -68.137, -55.606 ], [ -68.278, -55.62 ], [ -68.218, -55.545 ], [ -68.355, -55.492 ], [ -68.442, -55.515 ], [ -68.556, -55.464 ], [ -68.549, -55.411 ], [ -68.632, -55.405 ], [ -68.598, -55.47 ], [ -68.794, -55.431 ], [ -68.775, -55.507 ], [ -68.916, -55.484 ], [ -68.87, -55.457 ], [ -68.927, -55.468 ], [ -68.963, -55.414 ], [ -68.739, -55.387 ], [ -68.809, -55.373 ], [ -68.752, -55.354 ], [ -68.783, -55.347 ], [ -68.975, -55.399 ], [ -68.87, -55.317 ], [ -68.89, -55.274 ], [ -68.831, -55.248 ], [ -68.872, -55.228 ], [ -68.797, -55.18 ], [ -69.029, -55.275 ], [ -69.136, -55.185 ], [ -69.12, -55.248 ], [ -69.218, -55.212 ], [ -69.258, -55.153 ], [ -69.226, -55.115 ], [ -69.318, -55.155 ], [ -69.247, -55.236 ], [ -69.499, -55.244 ], [ -69.433, -55.252 ], [ -69.469, -55.264 ], [ -69.436, -55.304 ], [ -69.323, -55.305 ], [ -69.355, -55.319 ], [ -69.27, -55.36 ], [ -69.308, -55.37 ], [ -69.231, -55.37 ], [ -69.262, -55.398 ], [ -69.22, -55.408 ], [ -69.285, -55.414 ], [ -69.246, -55.43 ], [ -69.287, -55.451 ], [ -69.116, -55.461 ], [ -69.187, -55.458 ], [ -69.125, -55.489 ], [ -69.15, -55.515 ], [ -69.218, -55.486 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.645, -54.892 ], [ -69.484, -54.901 ], [ -69.533, -54.956 ], [ -69.432, -54.901 ], [ -69.133, -54.961 ], [ -69.929, -55.04 ], [ -69.893, -55.016 ], [ -69.934, -54.957 ], [ -69.807, -54.952 ], [ -69.927, -54.904 ], [ -69.778, -54.889 ], [ -69.748, -54.973 ], [ -69.667, -54.948 ], [ -69.753, -54.874 ], [ -69.645, -54.892 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.97, -55 ], [ -70.903, -55 ], [ -71.001, -54.97 ], [ -70.838, -54.926 ], [ -70.84, -54.983 ], [ -70.779, -54.978 ], [ -70.768, -54.928 ], [ -70.696, -54.965 ], [ -70.735, -54.981 ], [ -70.551, -54.98 ], [ -70.587, -54.948 ], [ -70.487, -54.901 ], [ -70.332, -54.89 ], [ -70.291, -54.914 ], [ -70.475, -54.946 ], [ -70.511, -54.967 ], [ -70.48, -54.996 ], [ -70.71, -54.982 ], [ -70.726, -55.013 ], [ -70.563, -55.043 ], [ -70.492, -55.021 ], [ -70.453, -55.06 ], [ -70.282, -55.03 ], [ -70.267, -55.072 ], [ -70.356, -55.077 ], [ -70.239, -55.109 ], [ -70.432, -55.093 ], [ -70.345, -55.168 ], [ -70.448, -55.209 ], [ -70.521, -55.15 ], [ -70.539, -55.177 ], [ -70.485, -55.19 ], [ -70.524, -55.205 ], [ -70.556, -55.18 ], [ -70.5, -55.102 ], [ -70.564, -55.06 ], [ -70.622, -55.053 ], [ -70.571, -55.086 ], [ -70.639, -55.073 ], [ -70.675, -55.129 ], [ -70.741, -55.103 ], [ -70.695, -55.073 ], [ -70.732, -55.049 ], [ -70.796, -55.096 ], [ -70.853, -55.049 ], [ -70.905, -55.09 ], [ -70.939, -55.037 ], [ -70.996, -55.053 ], [ -70.945, -55.026 ], [ -70.97, -55 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.269, -55.013 ], [ -70.312, -54.998 ], [ -70.282, -54.979 ], [ -70.29, -54.954 ], [ -70.39, -55.004 ], [ -70.45, -54.959 ], [ -70.223, -54.941 ], [ -70.269, -55.013 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.007, -54.923 ], [ -69.935, -54.942 ], [ -70.203, -55.01 ], [ -70.162, -54.957 ], [ -70.007, -54.923 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.113, -54.91 ], [ -70.057, -54.915 ], [ -70.186, -54.93 ], [ -70.133, -54.899 ], [ -70.113, -54.91 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.228, -54.902 ], [ -70.239, -54.899 ], [ -70.221, -54.889 ], [ -70.228, -54.902 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.121, -54.834 ], [ -71.128, -54.867 ], [ -70.975, -54.859 ], [ -70.976, -54.901 ], [ -70.924, -54.908 ], [ -70.986, -54.918 ], [ -70.896, -54.924 ], [ -71.064, -54.958 ], [ -71.158, -54.93 ], [ -71.072, -54.905 ], [ -71.283, -54.859 ], [ -71.333, -54.955 ], [ -71.353, -54.881 ], [ -71.42, -54.943 ], [ -71.403, -54.912 ], [ -71.454, -54.883 ], [ -71.383, -54.859 ], [ -71.399, -54.828 ], [ -71.121, -54.834 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.555, -54.83 ], [ -70.452, -54.834 ], [ -70.351, -54.866 ], [ -70.574, -54.912 ], [ -70.742, -54.869 ], [ -70.555, -54.83 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.931, -54.292 ], [ -69.96, -54.271 ], [ -69.925, -54.275 ], [ -69.931, -54.292 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.792, -54.284 ], [ -72.789, -54.27 ], [ -72.773, -54.276 ], [ -72.792, -54.284 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.564, -54.314 ], [ -71.61, -54.282 ], [ -71.566, -54.298 ], [ -71.564, -54.314 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.471, -54.264 ], [ -71.389, -54.265 ], [ -71.416, -54.287 ], [ -71.378, -54.332 ], [ -71.497, -54.333 ], [ -71.493, -54.233 ], [ -71.471, -54.264 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72, -54.3 ], [ -72.055, -54.289 ], [ -72.088, -54.262 ], [ -71.992, -54.251 ], [ -72, -54.3 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.195, -54.218 ], [ -72.148, -54.283 ], [ -72.16, -54.305 ], [ -72.208, -54.291 ], [ -72.195, -54.218 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.284, -54.287 ], [ -70.474, -54.236 ], [ -70.521, -54.159 ], [ -70.219, -54.238 ], [ -70.284, -54.287 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.106, -54.4 ], [ -71.165, -54.332 ], [ -71.189, -54.376 ], [ -71.345, -54.317 ], [ -71.166, -54.244 ], [ -71.232, -54.207 ], [ -71.254, -54.255 ], [ -71.321, -54.261 ], [ -71.322, -54.215 ], [ -71.37, -54.256 ], [ -71.439, -54.211 ], [ -71.354, -54.15 ], [ -71.405, -54.154 ], [ -71.386, -54.117 ], [ -71.43, -54.154 ], [ -71.5, -54.13 ], [ -71.439, -54.166 ], [ -71.489, -54.188 ], [ -71.509, -54.284 ], [ -71.577, -54.23 ], [ -71.514, -54.183 ], [ -71.581, -54.193 ], [ -71.589, -54.243 ], [ -71.654, -54.228 ], [ -71.691, -54.16 ], [ -71.554, -54.088 ], [ -71.602, -54.088 ], [ -71.638, -54.018 ], [ -71.606, -53.954 ], [ -71.523, -53.953 ], [ -71.487, -54.012 ], [ -71.49, -53.956 ], [ -71.433, -53.956 ], [ -71.391, -54.094 ], [ -71.379, -53.978 ], [ -71.262, -54.005 ], [ -71.236, -54.095 ], [ -71.288, -54.112 ], [ -71.207, -54.119 ], [ -71.192, -54.206 ], [ -71.155, -54.089 ], [ -71.107, -54.167 ], [ -71.08, -54.067 ], [ -70.99, -54.096 ], [ -70.986, -54.156 ], [ -71.066, -54.202 ], [ -70.962, -54.174 ], [ -70.97, -54.241 ], [ -71.03, -54.242 ], [ -70.965, -54.312 ], [ -71.042, -54.299 ], [ -71.038, -54.344 ], [ -71.14, -54.302 ], [ -71.058, -54.354 ], [ -71.106, -54.4 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.475, -54.295 ], [ -72.553, -54.272 ], [ -72.458, -54.235 ], [ -72.496, -54.194 ], [ -72.377, -54.172 ], [ -72.415, -54.124 ], [ -72.284, -54.098 ], [ -72.417, -54.085 ], [ -72.317, -54.058 ], [ -72.196, -54.142 ], [ -72.285, -54.145 ], [ -72.255, -54.198 ], [ -72.326, -54.2 ], [ -72.314, -54.263 ], [ -72.393, -54.217 ], [ -72.475, -54.295 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.519, -37.079 ], [ -73.556, -37.026 ], [ -73.525, -36.972 ], [ -73.455, -37.052 ], [ -73.519, -37.079 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.056, -36.644 ], [ -73.072, -36.648 ], [ -73.048, -36.605 ], [ -73.056, -36.644 ] ] ], [ [ [ -109.291, -27.094 ], [ -109.234, -27.125 ], [ -109.452, -27.197 ], [ -109.396, -27.063 ], [ -109.291, -27.094 ] ] ], [ [ [ -80.733, -33.706 ], [ -80.72, -33.783 ], [ -80.762, -33.79 ], [ -80.785, -33.72 ], [ -80.733, -33.706 ] ] ], [ [ [ -78.938, -33.7 ], [ -78.922, -33.711 ], [ -78.96, -33.701 ], [ -78.938, -33.7 ] ] ], [ [ [ -78.891, -33.593 ], [ -78.788, -33.624 ], [ -78.761, -33.656 ], [ -79.006, -33.668 ], [ -78.891, -33.593 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.586, -29.022 ], [ -71.571, -29.026 ], [ -71.572, -29.043 ], [ -71.59, -29.046 ], [ -71.586, -29.022 ] ] ], [ [ [ -79.89, -26.356 ], [ -79.894, -26.369 ], [ -79.918, -26.365 ], [ -79.89, -26.356 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.81, -41.749 ], [ -73.822, -41.74 ], [ -73.814, -41.73 ], [ -73.8, -41.742 ], [ -73.81, -41.749 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.951, -41.719 ], [ -73.001, -41.706 ], [ -72.99, -41.667 ], [ -72.886, -41.697 ], [ -72.951, -41.719 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.977, -41.592 ], [ -73.008, -41.594 ], [ -73.019, -41.562 ], [ -72.973, -41.557 ], [ -72.977, -41.592 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.902, -38.417 ], [ -73.939, -38.417 ], [ -73.959, -38.318 ], [ -73.864, -38.37 ], [ -73.902, -38.417 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.717, -44.07 ], [ -73.699, -44.086 ], [ -73.729, -44.071 ], [ -73.717, -44.07 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.884, -44.071 ], [ -73.852, -44.074 ], [ -73.845, -44.091 ], [ -73.914, -44.076 ], [ -73.884, -44.071 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.113, -44.046 ], [ -74.16, -44.073 ], [ -74.203, -44.065 ], [ -74.113, -44.046 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.941, -44.048 ], [ -73.933, -44.059 ], [ -73.95, -44.071 ], [ -73.941, -44.048 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.702, -43.923 ], [ -73.688, -43.934 ], [ -73.708, -43.933 ], [ -73.702, -43.923 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.672, -43.878 ], [ -73.662, -43.885 ], [ -73.673, -43.89 ], [ -73.682, -43.882 ], [ -73.672, -43.878 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.776, -43.829 ], [ -73.739, -43.902 ], [ -73.895, -43.872 ], [ -73.781, -43.86 ], [ -73.776, -43.829 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.771, -43.684 ], [ -74.838, -43.563 ], [ -74.745, -43.567 ], [ -74.744, -43.518 ], [ -74.552, -43.627 ], [ -74.771, -43.684 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.204, -43.466 ], [ -74.213, -43.473 ], [ -74.2, -43.455 ], [ -74.204, -43.466 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.018, -43.801 ], [ -74.025, -43.818 ], [ -74.046, -43.811 ], [ -74.018, -43.801 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.003, -43.787 ], [ -73.987, -43.805 ], [ -73.997, -43.818 ], [ -74.01, -43.808 ], [ -74.003, -43.787 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.263, -44.015 ], [ -73.241, -44.023 ], [ -73.234, -44.052 ], [ -73.279, -44.028 ], [ -73.263, -44.015 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.243, -44.012 ], [ -74.174, -44.028 ], [ -74.287, -44.025 ], [ -74.243, -44.012 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.223, -43.985 ], [ -74.153, -44.005 ], [ -74.243, -44.002 ], [ -74.223, -43.985 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.575, -44.033 ], [ -73.538, -44.044 ], [ -73.529, -44.08 ], [ -73.614, -44.036 ], [ -73.575, -44.033 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.896, -43.934 ], [ -73.781, -43.976 ], [ -73.865, -43.991 ], [ -73.927, -43.961 ], [ -73.896, -43.934 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.735, -44.03 ], [ -73.721, -44.038 ], [ -73.735, -44.065 ], [ -73.748, -44.039 ], [ -73.735, -44.03 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.133, -43.887 ], [ -73.145, -44.032 ], [ -73.212, -44.037 ], [ -73.186, -44.021 ], [ -73.266, -43.974 ], [ -73.244, -43.915 ], [ -73.133, -43.887 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.138, -43.954 ], [ -74.175, -43.94 ], [ -74.117, -43.95 ], [ -74.138, -43.954 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.765, -43.908 ], [ -73.788, -43.951 ], [ -73.854, -43.926 ], [ -73.843, -43.91 ], [ -73.765, -43.908 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.86, -43.774 ], [ -73.787, -43.84 ], [ -73.943, -43.855 ], [ -73.864, -43.917 ], [ -73.918, -43.909 ], [ -73.941, -43.956 ], [ -74.01, -43.891 ], [ -74.16, -43.864 ], [ -74.074, -43.808 ], [ -73.978, -43.847 ], [ -73.902, -43.843 ], [ -73.907, -43.802 ], [ -73.831, -43.804 ], [ -73.86, -43.774 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.076, -42.682 ], [ -73.083, -42.653 ], [ -73.067, -42.667 ], [ -73.076, -42.682 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.441, -43.068 ], [ -73.475, -43.042 ], [ -73.453, -43.045 ], [ -73.441, -43.068 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.326, -43.016 ], [ -73.464, -42.994 ], [ -73.605, -42.931 ], [ -73.518, -42.917 ], [ -73.326, -43.016 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.95, -42.81 ], [ -73.031, -42.721 ], [ -73.031, -42.697 ], [ -72.924, -42.725 ], [ -72.919, -42.783 ], [ -72.97, -42.752 ], [ -72.95, -42.81 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.075, -42.755 ], [ -73.093, -42.728 ], [ -73.072, -42.741 ], [ -73.075, -42.755 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.061, -42.752 ], [ -73.079, -42.715 ], [ -73.052, -42.722 ], [ -73.061, -42.752 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.51, -42.17 ], [ -72.609, -42.134 ], [ -72.574, -42.08 ], [ -72.477, -42.09 ], [ -72.51, -42.17 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.247, -42.666 ], [ -73.358, -42.63 ], [ -73.233, -42.635 ], [ -73.247, -42.666 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.032, -42.63 ], [ -73.064, -42.609 ], [ -73.004, -42.603 ], [ -73.006, -42.653 ], [ -73.032, -42.63 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.531, -42.647 ], [ -73.482, -42.638 ], [ -73.502, -42.604 ], [ -73.423, -42.622 ], [ -73.469, -42.648 ], [ -73.531, -42.647 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.267, -42.612 ], [ -73.329, -42.601 ], [ -73.284, -42.589 ], [ -73.267, -42.612 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.538, -42.701 ], [ -73.577, -42.709 ], [ -73.597, -42.653 ], [ -73.743, -42.617 ], [ -73.594, -42.571 ], [ -73.538, -42.701 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.207, -42.63 ], [ -73.214, -42.591 ], [ -73.243, -42.613 ], [ -73.223, -42.56 ], [ -73.196, -42.617 ], [ -73.207, -42.63 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.516, -42.603 ], [ -73.538, -42.58 ], [ -73.491, -42.55 ], [ -73.516, -42.603 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.264, -42.514 ], [ -73.294, -42.463 ], [ -73.248, -42.482 ], [ -73.264, -42.514 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.337, -42.489 ], [ -73.377, -42.49 ], [ -73.373, -42.453 ], [ -73.297, -42.472 ], [ -73.337, -42.489 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.428, -42.44 ], [ -73.462, -42.425 ], [ -73.433, -42.424 ], [ -73.428, -42.44 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.195, -42.32 ], [ -73.207, -42.329 ], [ -73.222, -42.307 ], [ -73.195, -42.32 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.386, -42.184 ], [ -73.408, -42.153 ], [ -73.46, -42.139 ], [ -73.385, -42.109 ], [ -73.348, -42.178 ], [ -73.386, -42.184 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.13, -42.342 ], [ -73.172, -42.267 ], [ -73.14, -42.302 ], [ -73.11, -42.258 ], [ -73.057, -42.274 ], [ -73.13, -42.342 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.24, -42.316 ], [ -73.314, -42.306 ], [ -73.271, -42.286 ], [ -73.24, -42.316 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.215, -42.304 ], [ -73.198, -42.294 ], [ -73.262, -42.27 ], [ -73.207, -42.282 ], [ -73.186, -42.303 ], [ -73.215, -42.304 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.145, -42.277 ], [ -73.186, -42.244 ], [ -73.149, -42.253 ], [ -73.145, -42.277 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.124, -42.399 ], [ -73.152, -42.398 ], [ -73.103, -42.377 ], [ -73.124, -42.399 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.514, -42.455 ], [ -73.394, -42.543 ], [ -73.389, -42.584 ], [ -73.539, -42.469 ], [ -73.633, -42.473 ], [ -73.603, -42.439 ], [ -73.659, -42.391 ], [ -73.528, -42.393 ], [ -73.514, -42.455 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.306, -42.44 ], [ -73.345, -42.421 ], [ -73.291, -42.389 ], [ -73.282, -42.419 ], [ -73.306, -42.44 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.455, -42.385 ], [ -73.444, -42.366 ], [ -73.414, -42.393 ], [ -73.436, -42.408 ], [ -73.455, -42.385 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.276, -43.423 ], [ -74.278, -43.362 ], [ -74.254, -43.349 ], [ -74.232, -43.41 ], [ -74.276, -43.423 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.726, -43.399 ], [ -73.775, -43.382 ], [ -73.806, -43.317 ], [ -73.661, -43.354 ], [ -73.726, -43.399 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.585, -43.273 ], [ -73.625, -43.239 ], [ -73.618, -43.165 ], [ -73.569, -43.249 ], [ -73.585, -43.273 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.667, -43.247 ], [ -73.744, -43.198 ], [ -73.661, -43.194 ], [ -73.667, -43.247 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.498, -43.174 ], [ -73.535, -43.196 ], [ -73.589, -43.201 ], [ -73.581, -43.138 ], [ -73.498, -43.174 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.51, -43.156 ], [ -73.509, -43.156 ], [ -73.509, -43.157 ], [ -73.51, -43.156 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.51, -43.156 ], [ -73.532, -43.156 ], [ -73.518, -43.142 ], [ -73.51, -43.156 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.631, -42.077 ], [ -72.642, -42.081 ], [ -72.644, -42.065 ], [ -72.618, -42.067 ], [ -72.631, -42.077 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.484, -42.07 ], [ -72.513, -42.054 ], [ -72.461, -41.984 ], [ -72.462, -42.031 ], [ -72.484, -42.07 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.105, -41.904 ], [ -73.103, -41.903 ], [ -73.104, -41.904 ], [ -73.105, -41.904 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.068, -41.901 ], [ -73.103, -41.903 ], [ -73.078, -41.891 ], [ -73.068, -41.901 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.105, -41.904 ], [ -73.161, -41.907 ], [ -73.137, -41.882 ], [ -73.105, -41.904 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.894, -41.898 ], [ -72.938, -41.875 ], [ -72.895, -41.87 ], [ -72.894, -41.898 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.349, -41.834 ], [ -73.329, -41.817 ], [ -73.339, -41.799 ], [ -73.32, -41.816 ], [ -73.349, -41.834 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.157, -41.809 ], [ -73.185, -41.796 ], [ -73.157, -41.797 ], [ -73.127, -41.769 ], [ -73.157, -41.809 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.235, -41.801 ], [ -73.246, -41.797 ], [ -73.251, -41.725 ], [ -73.197, -41.779 ], [ -73.16, -41.785 ], [ -73.235, -41.801 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.099, -41.854 ], [ -73.097, -41.834 ], [ -73.123, -41.816 ], [ -73.085, -41.833 ], [ -73.099, -41.854 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.144, -41.84 ], [ -73.162, -41.817 ], [ -73.132, -41.832 ], [ -73.144, -41.84 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.078, -41.75 ], [ -73.055, -41.732 ], [ -72.985, -41.858 ], [ -73.116, -41.807 ], [ -73.05, -41.813 ], [ -73.078, -41.75 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.48, -44.276 ], [ -73.476, -44.292 ], [ -73.49, -44.299 ], [ -73.498, -44.285 ], [ -73.48, -44.276 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.626, -44.288 ], [ -73.615, -44.296 ], [ -73.64, -44.297 ], [ -73.626, -44.288 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.204, -44.243 ], [ -73.197, -44.259 ], [ -73.217, -44.248 ], [ -73.204, -44.243 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.901, -44.248 ], [ -73.842, -44.264 ], [ -73.855, -44.29 ], [ -73.934, -44.256 ], [ -73.901, -44.248 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.832, -44.214 ], [ -73.804, -44.235 ], [ -73.836, -44.255 ], [ -73.85, -44.219 ], [ -73.832, -44.214 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.234, -44.218 ], [ -73.209, -44.233 ], [ -73.236, -44.237 ], [ -73.234, -44.218 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.325, -44.215 ], [ -74.334, -44.231 ], [ -74.364, -44.223 ], [ -74.325, -44.215 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.742, -44.219 ], [ -73.726, -44.228 ], [ -73.754, -44.241 ], [ -73.742, -44.219 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.29, -44.21 ], [ -74.262, -44.213 ], [ -74.22, -44.255 ], [ -74.319, -44.219 ], [ -74.29, -44.21 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.554, -44.127 ], [ -73.541, -44.148 ], [ -73.581, -44.162 ], [ -73.587, -44.145 ], [ -73.554, -44.127 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.142, -44.115 ], [ -74.13, -44.124 ], [ -74.167, -44.153 ], [ -74.142, -44.115 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.346, -44.099 ], [ -74.181, -44.134 ], [ -74.351, -44.129 ], [ -74.346, -44.099 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.351, -44.189 ], [ -74.363, -44.172 ], [ -74.305, -44.188 ], [ -74.354, -44.2 ], [ -74.351, -44.189 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.307, -44.182 ], [ -74.307, -44.182 ], [ -74.308, -44.182 ], [ -74.307, -44.182 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.211, -44.189 ], [ -74.161, -44.192 ], [ -74.147, -44.213 ], [ -74.196, -44.211 ], [ -74.211, -44.189 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.623, -44.187 ], [ -73.623, -44.205 ], [ -73.655, -44.213 ], [ -73.623, -44.187 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.512, -44.104 ], [ -73.448, -44.126 ], [ -73.496, -44.183 ], [ -73.543, -44.127 ], [ -73.512, -44.104 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.67, -44.15 ], [ -73.658, -44.205 ], [ -73.72, -44.201 ], [ -73.724, -44.172 ], [ -73.67, -44.15 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.307, -44.182 ], [ -74.359, -44.149 ], [ -74.234, -44.177 ], [ -74.307, -44.182 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.06, -44.12 ], [ -74.123, -44.193 ], [ -74.156, -44.186 ], [ -74.124, -44.141 ], [ -74.06, -44.12 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.927, -44.099 ], [ -73.84, -44.128 ], [ -73.898, -44.177 ], [ -73.815, -44.185 ], [ -73.829, -44.152 ], [ -73.804, -44.188 ], [ -73.96, -44.193 ], [ -73.996, -44.145 ], [ -73.927, -44.099 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.409, -44.328 ], [ -74.4, -44.338 ], [ -74.415, -44.349 ], [ -74.409, -44.328 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.716, -44.333 ], [ -73.703, -44.354 ], [ -73.735, -44.352 ], [ -73.716, -44.333 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.599, -44.329 ], [ -73.578, -44.344 ], [ -73.597, -44.357 ], [ -73.612, -44.341 ], [ -73.599, -44.329 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.149, -44.302 ], [ -73.089, -44.32 ], [ -73.148, -44.34 ], [ -73.149, -44.302 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.665, -44.341 ], [ -73.684, -44.346 ], [ -73.698, -44.33 ], [ -73.663, -44.318 ], [ -73.665, -44.341 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.258, -44.32 ], [ -74.264, -44.333 ], [ -74.302, -44.333 ], [ -74.295, -44.319 ], [ -74.258, -44.32 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.279, -44.305 ], [ -73.276, -44.322 ], [ -73.297, -44.33 ], [ -73.279, -44.305 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.733, -44.306 ], [ -73.726, -44.317 ], [ -73.745, -44.316 ], [ -73.733, -44.306 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.67, -44.24 ], [ -73.635, -44.267 ], [ -73.718, -44.31 ], [ -73.746, -44.256 ], [ -73.67, -44.24 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.421, -44.256 ], [ -74.276, -44.252 ], [ -74.233, -44.305 ], [ -74.344, -44.307 ], [ -74.421, -44.256 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.142, -44.228 ], [ -74.102, -44.262 ], [ -74.116, -44.31 ], [ -74.203, -44.252 ], [ -74.142, -44.228 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.784, -44.287 ], [ -73.801, -44.352 ], [ -74.015, -44.339 ], [ -73.972, -44.33 ], [ -74.061, -44.299 ], [ -74.105, -44.208 ], [ -74.066, -44.181 ], [ -74.047, -44.21 ], [ -73.984, -44.245 ], [ -74.068, -44.179 ], [ -74.021, -44.146 ], [ -73.929, -44.22 ], [ -73.857, -44.227 ], [ -74.003, -44.254 ], [ -73.964, -44.318 ], [ -73.952, -44.262 ], [ -73.899, -44.301 ], [ -73.852, -44.295 ], [ -73.815, -44.259 ], [ -73.784, -44.287 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.047, -44.09 ], [ -74.028, -44.1 ], [ -74.051, -44.106 ], [ -74.047, -44.09 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.23, -44.073 ], [ -74.171, -44.094 ], [ -74.341, -44.085 ], [ -74.334, -44.073 ], [ -74.23, -44.073 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.076, -44.071 ], [ -74.082, -44.102 ], [ -74.133, -44.089 ], [ -74.076, -44.071 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.665, -44.082 ], [ -73.67, -44.087 ], [ -73.695, -44.072 ], [ -73.674, -44.063 ], [ -73.665, -44.082 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.663, -44.075 ], [ -73.738, -43.997 ], [ -73.694, -43.936 ], [ -73.6, -44.006 ], [ -73.652, -44.036 ], [ -73.582, -44.105 ], [ -73.638, -44.14 ], [ -73.663, -44.075 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.028, -49.948 ], [ -75.038, -49.94 ], [ -75.014, -49.943 ], [ -75.028, -49.948 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.986, -49.905 ], [ -74.986, -49.924 ], [ -75.022, -49.919 ], [ -75.022, -49.906 ], [ -74.986, -49.905 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.079, -49.917 ], [ -75.088, -49.91 ], [ -75.07, -49.907 ], [ -75.079, -49.917 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.076, -49.9 ], [ -75.108, -49.895 ], [ -75.063, -49.891 ], [ -75.076, -49.9 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.88, -49.828 ], [ -74.897, -49.806 ], [ -74.878, -49.809 ], [ -74.88, -49.828 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.389, -49.825 ], [ -75.39, -49.789 ], [ -75.327, -49.753 ], [ -75.366, -49.683 ], [ -75.378, -49.739 ], [ -75.578, -49.819 ], [ -75.594, -49.754 ], [ -75.516, -49.733 ], [ -75.481, -49.704 ], [ -75.609, -49.638 ], [ -75.57, -49.595 ], [ -75.463, -49.611 ], [ -75.46, -49.568 ], [ -75.371, -49.618 ], [ -75.363, -49.574 ], [ -75.161, -49.868 ], [ -75.281, -49.804 ], [ -75.258, -49.874 ], [ -75.337, -49.859 ], [ -75.377, -49.794 ], [ -75.389, -49.825 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.296, -49.596 ], [ -75.305, -49.549 ], [ -75.248, -49.564 ], [ -75.296, -49.596 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.369, -49.555 ], [ -75.383, -49.57 ], [ -75.424, -49.561 ], [ -75.334, -49.53 ], [ -75.369, -49.555 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.486, -49.449 ], [ -75.429, -49.477 ], [ -75.43, -49.529 ], [ -75.581, -49.428 ], [ -75.541, -49.404 ], [ -75.486, -49.449 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.007, -48.914 ], [ -74.993, -48.928 ], [ -75.051, -48.914 ], [ -75.007, -48.914 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.608, -48.375 ], [ -75.617, -48.387 ], [ -75.618, -48.37 ], [ -75.608, -48.375 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.053, -48.514 ], [ -74.188, -48.455 ], [ -74.176, -48.439 ], [ -74.25, -48.38 ], [ -74.033, -48.427 ], [ -74.053, -48.514 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.425, -48.589 ], [ -74.436, -48.56 ], [ -74.417, -48.571 ], [ -74.305, -48.531 ], [ -74.425, -48.589 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.495, -48.511 ], [ -74.524, -48.492 ], [ -74.509, -48.475 ], [ -74.484, -48.498 ], [ -74.495, -48.511 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.017, -48.686 ], [ -75.076, -48.828 ], [ -75.239, -48.769 ], [ -75.017, -48.617 ], [ -75.017, -48.686 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.459, -48.794 ], [ -75.432, -48.746 ], [ -75.59, -48.816 ], [ -75.645, -48.694 ], [ -75.497, -48.744 ], [ -75.304, -48.622 ], [ -75.336, -48.679 ], [ -75.281, -48.653 ], [ -75.265, -48.725 ], [ -75.459, -48.794 ] ], [ [ -75.443, -48.771 ], [ -75.383, -48.745 ], [ -75.339, -48.69 ], [ -75.443, -48.771 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.483, -48.484 ], [ -75.358, -48.439 ], [ -75.404, -48.51 ], [ -75.36, -48.532 ], [ -75.349, -48.453 ], [ -75.307, -48.46 ], [ -75.333, -48.492 ], [ -75.317, -48.531 ], [ -75.398, -48.562 ], [ -75.31, -48.547 ], [ -75.29, -48.621 ], [ -75.315, -48.604 ], [ -75.511, -48.72 ], [ -75.618, -48.689 ], [ -75.467, -48.673 ], [ -75.387, -48.6 ], [ -75.49, -48.653 ], [ -75.545, -48.654 ], [ -75.411, -48.571 ], [ -75.548, -48.649 ], [ -75.639, -48.641 ], [ -75.665, -48.49 ], [ -75.616, -48.493 ], [ -75.615, -48.453 ], [ -75.483, -48.484 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.442, -48.511 ], [ -74.507, -48.386 ], [ -74.28, -48.488 ], [ -74.406, -48.554 ], [ -74.442, -48.511 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.677, -49.234 ], [ -75.696, -49.225 ], [ -75.681, -49.221 ], [ -75.677, -49.234 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.085, -49.241 ], [ -75.147, -49.218 ], [ -75.155, -49.201 ], [ -75.113, -49.204 ], [ -75.085, -49.241 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.25, -49.151 ], [ -75.226, -49.134 ], [ -75.263, -49.174 ], [ -75.303, -49.183 ], [ -75.25, -49.151 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.618, -49.159 ], [ -75.625, -49.143 ], [ -75.608, -49.125 ], [ -75.618, -49.159 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.587, -49.138 ], [ -75.598, -49.128 ], [ -75.571, -49.122 ], [ -75.587, -49.138 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.414, -49.201 ], [ -75.396, -49.214 ], [ -75.414, -49.216 ], [ -75.414, -49.201 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.669, -49.205 ], [ -75.681, -49.2 ], [ -75.644, -49.178 ], [ -75.64, -49.193 ], [ -75.669, -49.205 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.64, -49.126 ], [ -75.667, -49.079 ], [ -75.654, -49.068 ], [ -75.619, -49.111 ], [ -75.64, -49.126 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.51, -48.159 ], [ -73.488, -48.176 ], [ -73.521, -48.178 ], [ -73.51, -48.159 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.57, -48.125 ], [ -73.661, -48.079 ], [ -73.665, -48.057 ], [ -73.58, -48.089 ], [ -73.57, -48.125 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.678, -47.87 ], [ -73.687, -47.864 ], [ -73.672, -47.861 ], [ -73.678, -47.87 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.626, -47.872 ], [ -73.662, -47.857 ], [ -73.627, -47.849 ], [ -73.626, -47.872 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.73, -48 ], [ -73.779, -47.949 ], [ -73.743, -47.878 ], [ -73.656, -47.945 ], [ -73.692, -47.944 ], [ -73.67, -48.001 ], [ -73.73, -48 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.823, -47.961 ], [ -73.84, -47.979 ], [ -73.872, -47.98 ], [ -73.871, -47.967 ], [ -73.823, -47.961 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.919, -47.98 ], [ -73.932, -47.974 ], [ -73.901, -47.966 ], [ -73.919, -47.98 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.289, -47.982 ], [ -75.282, -47.962 ], [ -75.253, -47.97 ], [ -75.289, -47.982 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.641, -47.975 ], [ -74.638, -47.914 ], [ -74.547, -47.926 ], [ -74.641, -47.975 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.25, -47.921 ], [ -75.255, -47.912 ], [ -75.237, -47.908 ], [ -75.25, -47.921 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.242, -47.963 ], [ -75.259, -47.955 ], [ -75.093, -47.894 ], [ -75.13, -47.925 ], [ -75.242, -47.963 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.23, -47.911 ], [ -75.233, -47.891 ], [ -75.199, -47.876 ], [ -75.23, -47.911 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.188, -47.917 ], [ -75.166, -47.864 ], [ -75.099, -47.875 ], [ -75.188, -47.917 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75, -47.905 ], [ -75.002, -47.952 ], [ -75.043, -47.908 ], [ -75.017, -47.851 ], [ -75, -47.905 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.269, -48.484 ], [ -74.341, -48.443 ], [ -74.301, -48.46 ], [ -74.264, -48.449 ], [ -74.49, -48.362 ], [ -74.423, -48.347 ], [ -74.277, -48.427 ], [ -74.411, -48.341 ], [ -74.316, -48.287 ], [ -74.255, -48.412 ], [ -74.192, -48.443 ], [ -74.269, -48.484 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.515, -48.083 ], [ -75.438, -48.065 ], [ -75.47, -48.129 ], [ -75.404, -48.028 ], [ -75.342, -48.029 ], [ -75.381, -48.143 ], [ -75.34, -48.088 ], [ -75.297, -48.107 ], [ -75.336, -48.13 ], [ -75.364, -48.179 ], [ -75.262, -48.151 ], [ -75.308, -48.209 ], [ -75.256, -48.175 ], [ -75.259, -48.205 ], [ -75.321, -48.235 ], [ -75.256, -48.226 ], [ -75.275, -48.27 ], [ -75.217, -48.298 ], [ -75.26, -48.326 ], [ -75.206, -48.31 ], [ -75.218, -48.371 ], [ -75.155, -48.39 ], [ -75.214, -48.452 ], [ -75.141, -48.407 ], [ -75.073, -48.493 ], [ -75.199, -48.463 ], [ -75.226, -48.516 ], [ -75.084, -48.511 ], [ -75.065, -48.624 ], [ -75.236, -48.715 ], [ -75.26, -48.667 ], [ -75.163, -48.627 ], [ -75.269, -48.657 ], [ -75.218, -48.598 ], [ -75.285, -48.614 ], [ -75.29, -48.555 ], [ -75.244, -48.532 ], [ -75.316, -48.495 ], [ -75.228, -48.424 ], [ -75.336, -48.419 ], [ -75.277, -48.336 ], [ -75.353, -48.41 ], [ -75.545, -48.433 ], [ -75.571, -48.39 ], [ -75.389, -48.356 ], [ -75.364, -48.293 ], [ -75.418, -48.338 ], [ -75.38, -48.245 ], [ -75.445, -48.353 ], [ -75.501, -48.35 ], [ -75.478, -48.307 ], [ -75.547, -48.351 ], [ -75.56, -48.3 ], [ -75.43, -48.246 ], [ -75.394, -48.202 ], [ -75.517, -48.259 ], [ -75.59, -48.112 ], [ -75.519, -48.052 ], [ -75.515, -48.083 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75, -48.114 ], [ -74.932, -48.167 ], [ -74.998, -48.178 ], [ -74.892, -48.177 ], [ -74.926, -48.237 ], [ -74.979, -48.224 ], [ -74.936, -48.247 ], [ -74.883, -48.215 ], [ -74.948, -48.279 ], [ -74.83, -48.223 ], [ -74.811, -48.148 ], [ -74.742, -48.139 ], [ -74.891, -48.307 ], [ -74.822, -48.256 ], [ -74.83, -48.383 ], [ -74.881, -48.398 ], [ -74.871, -48.361 ], [ -75.02, -48.473 ], [ -75.109, -48.358 ], [ -75.082, -48.342 ], [ -75.156, -48.317 ], [ -75.048, -48.271 ], [ -75.168, -48.284 ], [ -75.088, -48.265 ], [ -75.145, -48.263 ], [ -75.08, -48.222 ], [ -75.175, -48.26 ], [ -75.166, -48.203 ], [ -75.208, -48.213 ], [ -75.124, -48.175 ], [ -75.216, -48.192 ], [ -75.149, -48.156 ], [ -75.217, -48.165 ], [ -75.265, -48.09 ], [ -75.016, -48.143 ], [ -75.096, -48.098 ], [ -75, -48.114 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.342, -48.231 ], [ -74.304, -48.266 ], [ -74.374, -48.244 ], [ -74.342, -48.231 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.518, -48.049 ], [ -75.54, -48.037 ], [ -75.482, -48.043 ], [ -75.518, -48.049 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.315, -48.148 ], [ -75.333, -48.142 ], [ -75.285, -48.129 ], [ -75.288, -48.146 ], [ -75.315, -48.148 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.886, -48.173 ], [ -74.904, -48.153 ], [ -74.847, -48.115 ], [ -74.837, -48.143 ], [ -74.886, -48.173 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.552, -48.183 ], [ -74.603, -48.156 ], [ -74.502, -48.173 ], [ -74.605, -48.125 ], [ -74.48, -48.172 ], [ -74.36, -48.281 ], [ -74.52, -48.36 ], [ -74.567, -48.294 ], [ -74.478, -48.196 ], [ -74.595, -48.287 ], [ -74.603, -48.191 ], [ -74.552, -48.183 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.521, -48.135 ], [ -74.551, -48.115 ], [ -74.525, -48.112 ], [ -74.521, -48.135 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.014, -48 ], [ -74.035, -48.024 ], [ -74.061, -48.003 ], [ -74.045, -47.99 ], [ -74.014, -48 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.128, -48.051 ], [ -75.103, -48.029 ], [ -75.207, -48.044 ], [ -75.121, -48.015 ], [ -75.278, -48.028 ], [ -75.127, -47.991 ], [ -75.128, -47.957 ], [ -75.254, -47.989 ], [ -75.055, -47.909 ], [ -74.972, -47.998 ], [ -74.801, -48.049 ], [ -74.873, -48.099 ], [ -75.076, -48.045 ], [ -74.894, -48.118 ], [ -74.917, -48.152 ], [ -74.968, -48.107 ], [ -75.166, -48.075 ], [ -75.128, -48.051 ] ], [ [ -75.077, -48.017 ], [ -75.05, -48.043 ], [ -75.026, -48.033 ], [ -75.077, -48.017 ] ], [ [ -75.104, -48.013 ], [ -75.07, -47.998 ], [ -74.981, -48.021 ], [ -75.069, -47.985 ], [ -75.104, -48.013 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.741, -48.08 ], [ -74.731, -48.114 ], [ -74.801, -48.077 ], [ -74.76, -48.049 ], [ -74.789, -48.023 ], [ -74.743, -48.037 ], [ -74.793, -48.007 ], [ -74.783, -47.912 ], [ -74.695, -48.063 ], [ -74.741, -48.08 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.167, -47.657 ], [ -75.181, -47.65 ], [ -75.164, -47.646 ], [ -75.167, -47.657 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.91, -47.713 ], [ -74.929, -47.693 ], [ -74.9, -47.704 ], [ -74.91, -47.713 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.223, -47.608 ], [ -74.232, -47.603 ], [ -74.192, -47.606 ], [ -74.223, -47.608 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.459, -47.186 ], [ -74.474, -47.181 ], [ -74.458, -47.173 ], [ -74.459, -47.186 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.288, -47.027 ], [ -74.247, -47.039 ], [ -74.262, -47.077 ], [ -74.421, -47.168 ], [ -74.442, -47.071 ], [ -74.288, -47.027 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.567, -46.915 ], [ -74.568, -46.938 ], [ -74.597, -46.935 ], [ -74.6, -46.918 ], [ -74.567, -46.915 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.278, -46.8 ], [ -74.353, -46.793 ], [ -74.361, -46.78 ], [ -74.278, -46.8 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.762, -47.59 ], [ -74.764, -47.576 ], [ -74.751, -47.583 ], [ -74.762, -47.59 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.301, -46.726 ], [ -75.306, -46.715 ], [ -75.292, -46.72 ], [ -75.301, -46.726 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.171, -46.728 ], [ -75.251, -46.689 ], [ -75.252, -46.677 ], [ -75.173, -46.695 ], [ -75.171, -46.728 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.303, -46.687 ], [ -75.32, -46.711 ], [ -75.359, -46.688 ], [ -75.303, -46.687 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.282, -46.672 ], [ -75.283, -46.684 ], [ -75.333, -46.681 ], [ -75.282, -46.672 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.262, -46.682 ], [ -75.28, -46.668 ], [ -75.258, -46.669 ], [ -75.262, -46.682 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.581, -46.229 ], [ -73.588, -46.221 ], [ -73.562, -46.211 ], [ -73.581, -46.229 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.903, -46.181 ], [ -74.917, -46.178 ], [ -74.891, -46.175 ], [ -74.903, -46.181 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.963, -46.162 ], [ -74.944, -46.179 ], [ -74.968, -46.182 ], [ -74.963, -46.162 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.992, -46.157 ], [ -74.984, -46.179 ], [ -75.03, -46.179 ], [ -74.992, -46.157 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.916, -46.097 ], [ -73.881, -46.106 ], [ -73.874, -46.123 ], [ -73.94, -46.131 ], [ -73.916, -46.097 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.979, -45.949 ], [ -73.951, -45.985 ], [ -73.963, -46.016 ], [ -73.984, -45.998 ], [ -73.979, -45.949 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.224, -46.785 ], [ -75.232, -46.768 ], [ -75.217, -46.767 ], [ -75.208, -46.778 ], [ -75.224, -46.785 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.208, -46.756 ], [ -75.266, -46.719 ], [ -75.232, -46.7 ], [ -75.16, -46.767 ], [ -75.208, -46.756 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.899, -45.628 ], [ -74.903, -45.659 ], [ -74.938, -45.631 ], [ -74.899, -45.628 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.868, -45.675 ], [ -74.854, -45.698 ], [ -74.885, -45.695 ], [ -74.868, -45.675 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.225, -45.482 ], [ -74.175, -45.521 ], [ -74.161, -45.569 ], [ -74.229, -45.496 ], [ -74.225, -45.482 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.5, -45.631 ], [ -74.476, -45.657 ], [ -74.514, -45.686 ], [ -74.52, -45.653 ], [ -74.5, -45.631 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.797, -45.62 ], [ -73.811, -45.661 ], [ -73.816, -45.627 ], [ -73.797, -45.62 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.581, -45.792 ], [ -74.594, -45.793 ], [ -74.57, -45.774 ], [ -74.581, -45.792 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.861, -45.752 ], [ -73.845, -45.762 ], [ -73.892, -45.789 ], [ -73.894, -45.772 ], [ -73.861, -45.752 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.09, -45.764 ], [ -74.073, -45.772 ], [ -74.096, -45.785 ], [ -74.09, -45.764 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.101, -45.744 ], [ -74.067, -45.762 ], [ -74.1, -45.757 ], [ -74.101, -45.744 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.514, -45.705 ], [ -74.499, -45.732 ], [ -74.551, -45.751 ], [ -74.514, -45.705 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.159, -45.731 ], [ -74.149, -45.738 ], [ -74.164, -45.741 ], [ -74.159, -45.731 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.141, -45.723 ], [ -74.117, -45.744 ], [ -74.148, -45.732 ], [ -74.141, -45.723 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.805, -45.697 ], [ -74.796, -45.705 ], [ -74.82, -45.699 ], [ -74.805, -45.697 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.835, -45.598 ], [ -74.768, -45.63 ], [ -74.832, -45.623 ], [ -74.725, -45.72 ], [ -74.859, -45.66 ], [ -74.835, -45.598 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.796, -45.675 ], [ -73.71, -45.729 ], [ -73.707, -45.767 ], [ -73.758, -45.758 ], [ -73.796, -45.675 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.462, -45.667 ], [ -74.448, -45.688 ], [ -74.485, -45.723 ], [ -74.501, -45.699 ], [ -74.462, -45.667 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.524, -45.58 ], [ -74.572, -45.754 ], [ -74.662, -45.757 ], [ -74.657, -45.654 ], [ -74.524, -45.58 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.986, -45.538 ], [ -73.864, -45.607 ], [ -73.88, -45.711 ], [ -73.958, -45.739 ], [ -74.05, -45.706 ], [ -74.099, -45.603 ], [ -73.986, -45.538 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.93, -45.947 ], [ -73.939, -45.953 ], [ -73.93, -45.934 ], [ -73.93, -45.947 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.718, -46.031 ], [ -73.651, -46.091 ], [ -73.738, -46.213 ], [ -73.829, -46.164 ], [ -73.759, -46.146 ], [ -73.845, -46.142 ], [ -73.875, -46.101 ], [ -73.929, -46.092 ], [ -73.903, -45.894 ], [ -73.778, -45.86 ], [ -73.708, -45.802 ], [ -73.653, -45.894 ], [ -73.691, -45.91 ], [ -73.664, -46.019 ], [ -73.718, -46.031 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.963, -45.794 ], [ -74.967, -45.814 ], [ -74.99, -45.801 ], [ -74.963, -45.794 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.817, -45.858 ], [ -73.818, -45.838 ], [ -73.779, -45.827 ], [ -73.783, -45.855 ], [ -73.817, -45.858 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.906, -45.806 ], [ -73.925, -45.794 ], [ -73.901, -45.792 ], [ -73.906, -45.806 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.636, -45.773 ], [ -73.63, -45.797 ], [ -73.653, -45.805 ], [ -73.636, -45.773 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.877, -45.8 ], [ -73.834, -45.768 ], [ -73.765, -45.81 ], [ -73.864, -45.857 ], [ -73.826, -45.821 ], [ -73.877, -45.8 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.352, -45.779 ], [ -74.377, -45.809 ], [ -74.432, -45.799 ], [ -74.352, -45.779 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.549, -45.768 ], [ -74.49, -45.743 ], [ -74.469, -45.815 ], [ -74.575, -45.798 ], [ -74.549, -45.768 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.254, -45.71 ], [ -74.194, -45.749 ], [ -74.289, -45.759 ], [ -74.149, -45.75 ], [ -74.116, -45.804 ], [ -74.312, -45.797 ], [ -74.323, -45.754 ], [ -74.254, -45.71 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.717, -47.859 ], [ -73.746, -47.833 ], [ -73.621, -47.827 ], [ -73.717, -47.859 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.938, -47.816 ], [ -74.947, -47.833 ], [ -74.964, -47.831 ], [ -74.938, -47.816 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.046, -47.827 ], [ -75.058, -47.821 ], [ -75.031, -47.818 ], [ -75.046, -47.827 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.357, -47.824 ], [ -74.225, -47.791 ], [ -73.888, -47.883 ], [ -73.865, -47.842 ], [ -73.803, -47.825 ], [ -73.846, -47.854 ], [ -73.784, -47.873 ], [ -73.86, -47.958 ], [ -73.932, -47.949 ], [ -73.903, -47.91 ], [ -74.001, -47.959 ], [ -74.304, -47.976 ], [ -74.375, -47.917 ], [ -74.5, -47.904 ], [ -74.357, -47.824 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.904, -47.838 ], [ -74.881, -47.8 ], [ -74.801, -47.826 ], [ -74.806, -47.917 ], [ -74.854, -47.897 ], [ -74.821, -47.927 ], [ -74.883, -47.95 ], [ -74.825, -47.944 ], [ -74.811, -48.003 ], [ -74.988, -47.96 ], [ -74.936, -47.878 ], [ -74.982, -47.841 ], [ -74.904, -47.838 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.075, -47.911 ], [ -75.076, -47.843 ], [ -75.046, -47.859 ], [ -75.075, -47.911 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.649, -47.884 ], [ -74.636, -47.914 ], [ -74.731, -47.891 ], [ -74.732, -47.825 ], [ -74.677, -47.804 ], [ -74.649, -47.884 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.572, -47.887 ], [ -74.652, -47.852 ], [ -74.653, -47.811 ], [ -74.556, -47.818 ], [ -74.572, -47.887 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.518, -47.896 ], [ -74.476, -47.792 ], [ -74.38, -47.799 ], [ -74.518, -47.896 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.995, -47.802 ], [ -74.999, -47.816 ], [ -75.023, -47.812 ], [ -74.995, -47.802 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.661, -47.771 ], [ -74.644, -47.776 ], [ -74.688, -47.775 ], [ -74.661, -47.771 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.287, -47.726 ], [ -75.201, -47.742 ], [ -75.113, -47.67 ], [ -75.079, -47.751 ], [ -75.114, -47.774 ], [ -75.029, -47.789 ], [ -75.206, -47.845 ], [ -75.196, -47.791 ], [ -75.247, -47.789 ], [ -75.223, -47.84 ], [ -75.4, -47.734 ], [ -75.287, -47.726 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.908, -47.774 ], [ -74.926, -47.761 ], [ -74.918, -47.737 ], [ -74.883, -47.759 ], [ -74.908, -47.774 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75, -47.693 ], [ -74.946, -47.703 ], [ -74.934, -47.776 ], [ -75.092, -47.694 ], [ -75, -47.693 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.552, -45.402 ], [ -73.529, -45.415 ], [ -73.576, -45.409 ], [ -73.552, -45.402 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.126, -45.398 ], [ -74.139, -45.43 ], [ -74.164, -45.41 ], [ -74.126, -45.398 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.728, -45.395 ], [ -73.748, -45.416 ], [ -73.76, -45.406 ], [ -73.728, -45.395 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.604, -45.318 ], [ -74.573, -45.347 ], [ -74.624, -45.33 ], [ -74.604, -45.318 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.484, -45.313 ], [ -73.474, -45.321 ], [ -73.5, -45.315 ], [ -73.484, -45.313 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.308, -45.326 ], [ -74.261, -45.34 ], [ -74.237, -45.404 ], [ -74.281, -45.379 ], [ -74.308, -45.326 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.175, -45.325 ], [ -74.129, -45.37 ], [ -74.206, -45.387 ], [ -74.216, -45.373 ], [ -74.175, -45.325 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.517, -45.36 ], [ -73.578, -45.365 ], [ -73.589, -45.334 ], [ -73.458, -45.339 ], [ -73.517, -45.36 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.736, -45.332 ], [ -73.723, -45.335 ], [ -73.726, -45.349 ], [ -73.746, -45.341 ], [ -73.736, -45.332 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.15, -45.313 ], [ -74.13, -45.338 ], [ -74.161, -45.318 ], [ -74.15, -45.313 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.15, -45.313 ], [ -74.15, -45.313 ], [ -74.15, -45.313 ], [ -74.15, -45.313 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.716, -45.308 ], [ -73.712, -45.322 ], [ -73.738, -45.326 ], [ -73.716, -45.308 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.411, -45.042 ], [ -73.406, -45.059 ], [ -73.437, -45.088 ], [ -73.411, -45.042 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.521, -45.071 ], [ -73.505, -45.077 ], [ -73.5, -45.106 ], [ -73.521, -45.095 ], [ -73.521, -45.071 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.438, -45.05 ], [ -73.46, -45.107 ], [ -73.467, -45.072 ], [ -73.438, -45.05 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.073, -44.931 ], [ -75.153, -44.823 ], [ -75.112, -44.781 ], [ -75.012, -44.858 ], [ -75.012, -44.907 ], [ -75.073, -44.931 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.667, -44.964 ], [ -73.657, -44.98 ], [ -73.685, -44.977 ], [ -73.667, -44.964 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.525, -45.017 ], [ -73.504, -45.038 ], [ -73.551, -45.028 ], [ -73.525, -45.017 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.438, -44.987 ], [ -73.434, -45.018 ], [ -73.473, -45.047 ], [ -73.463, -45.004 ], [ -73.438, -44.987 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.674, -45.013 ], [ -73.667, -45.048 ], [ -73.721, -44.987 ], [ -73.679, -44.989 ], [ -73.674, -45.013 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.327, -45.303 ], [ -73.385, -45.338 ], [ -73.428, -45.34 ], [ -73.424, -45.303 ], [ -73.327, -45.303 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.62, -45.274 ], [ -73.609, -45.263 ], [ -73.62, -45.274 ], [ -73.62, -45.274 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.62, -45.274 ], [ -73.631, -45.284 ], [ -73.651, -45.266 ], [ -73.613, -45.25 ], [ -73.62, -45.274 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.452, -45.257 ], [ -74.438, -45.267 ], [ -74.471, -45.266 ], [ -74.452, -45.257 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.583, -45.271 ], [ -74.549, -45.294 ], [ -74.562, -45.312 ], [ -74.593, -45.3 ], [ -74.556, -45.292 ], [ -74.583, -45.271 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.398, -45.285 ], [ -74.32, -45.315 ], [ -74.264, -45.412 ], [ -74.343, -45.429 ], [ -74.523, -45.332 ], [ -74.398, -45.285 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.074, -45.376 ], [ -74.07, -45.346 ], [ -73.974, -45.382 ], [ -74.047, -45.413 ], [ -74.074, -45.376 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.07, -45.346 ], [ -74.135, -45.33 ], [ -74.156, -45.238 ], [ -74.024, -45.208 ], [ -73.987, -45.266 ], [ -73.808, -45.253 ], [ -73.758, -45.354 ], [ -74.07, -45.346 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.512, -45.3 ], [ -73.555, -45.318 ], [ -73.591, -45.302 ], [ -73.542, -45.243 ], [ -73.487, -45.27 ], [ -73.512, -45.3 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.162, -45.298 ], [ -74.15, -45.313 ], [ -74.172, -45.303 ], [ -74.162, -45.298 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.36, -45.165 ], [ -74.196, -45.226 ], [ -74.193, -45.278 ], [ -74.237, -45.279 ], [ -74.192, -45.285 ], [ -74.201, -45.35 ], [ -74.263, -45.316 ], [ -74.258, -45.218 ], [ -74.295, -45.239 ], [ -74.276, -45.291 ], [ -74.321, -45.255 ], [ -74.29, -45.331 ], [ -74.38, -45.275 ], [ -74.401, -45.17 ], [ -74.36, -45.165 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.446, -45.259 ], [ -73.446, -45.259 ], [ -73.446, -45.26 ], [ -73.446, -45.259 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.499, -45.159 ], [ -74.489, -45.219 ], [ -74.572, -45.213 ], [ -74.499, -45.159 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.446, -45.259 ], [ -73.505, -45.242 ], [ -73.516, -45.193 ], [ -73.473, -45.205 ], [ -73.446, -45.259 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.525, -45.18 ], [ -73.515, -45.189 ], [ -73.528, -45.206 ], [ -73.537, -45.186 ], [ -73.525, -45.18 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.243, -45.178 ], [ -74.234, -45.184 ], [ -74.257, -45.18 ], [ -74.243, -45.178 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.542, -45.171 ], [ -73.535, -45.178 ], [ -73.551, -45.18 ], [ -73.542, -45.171 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.514, -45.142 ], [ -73.504, -45.152 ], [ -73.526, -45.169 ], [ -73.538, -45.144 ], [ -73.514, -45.142 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.382, -45.055 ], [ -74.28, -45.077 ], [ -74.335, -45.09 ], [ -74.321, -45.13 ], [ -74.381, -45.076 ], [ -74.321, -45.146 ], [ -74.264, -45.097 ], [ -74.249, -45.169 ], [ -74.42, -45.117 ], [ -74.382, -45.055 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.808, -44.988 ], [ -73.687, -45.115 ], [ -73.672, -45.179 ], [ -73.721, -45.194 ], [ -73.678, -45.203 ], [ -73.723, -45.236 ], [ -73.691, -45.289 ], [ -73.757, -45.305 ], [ -73.812, -45.24 ], [ -73.983, -45.255 ], [ -73.982, -45.198 ], [ -73.847, -45.21 ], [ -73.962, -45.192 ], [ -74.013, -45.205 ], [ -74.073, -45.179 ], [ -74.059, -45.139 ], [ -74.13, -45.167 ], [ -74.151, -45.055 ], [ -74.151, -45.164 ], [ -74.217, -45.172 ], [ -74.237, -45.082 ], [ -74.174, -45.034 ], [ -74.037, -45.053 ], [ -73.808, -44.988 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.67, -44.654 ], [ -74.62, -44.609 ], [ -74.516, -44.622 ], [ -74.436, -44.695 ], [ -74.613, -44.695 ], [ -74.67, -44.654 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.855, -44.764 ], [ -73.841, -44.772 ], [ -73.878, -44.767 ], [ -73.855, -44.764 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.95, -44.755 ], [ -73.939, -44.761 ], [ -73.967, -44.758 ], [ -73.95, -44.755 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.953, -44.743 ], [ -73.949, -44.754 ], [ -73.974, -44.744 ], [ -73.953, -44.743 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.924, -44.737 ], [ -73.912, -44.75 ], [ -73.933, -44.749 ], [ -73.924, -44.737 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.847, -44.718 ], [ -73.819, -44.746 ], [ -73.933, -44.731 ], [ -73.847, -44.718 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.571, -44.704 ], [ -73.747, -44.755 ], [ -73.882, -44.596 ], [ -73.833, -44.591 ], [ -73.791, -44.662 ], [ -73.803, -44.565 ], [ -73.661, -44.541 ], [ -73.592, -44.629 ], [ -73.718, -44.739 ], [ -73.619, -44.675 ], [ -73.571, -44.704 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.504, -44.955 ], [ -73.519, -44.936 ], [ -73.498, -44.926 ], [ -73.49, -44.944 ], [ -73.504, -44.955 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.337, -44.928 ], [ -73.324, -44.941 ], [ -73.344, -44.935 ], [ -73.337, -44.928 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.64, -44.936 ], [ -74.618, -44.958 ], [ -74.656, -44.943 ], [ -74.64, -44.936 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.68, -44.896 ], [ -73.671, -44.906 ], [ -73.692, -44.905 ], [ -73.68, -44.896 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.629, -44.868 ], [ -73.63, -44.89 ], [ -73.66, -44.882 ], [ -73.629, -44.868 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.416, -44.881 ], [ -74.399, -44.888 ], [ -74.407, -44.9 ], [ -74.432, -44.888 ], [ -74.416, -44.881 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.34, -44.872 ], [ -74.322, -44.902 ], [ -74.365, -44.911 ], [ -74.343, -44.897 ], [ -74.34, -44.872 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.359, -44.873 ], [ -74.377, -44.907 ], [ -74.384, -44.88 ], [ -74.359, -44.873 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.867, -44.775 ], [ -73.728, -44.912 ], [ -73.769, -44.907 ], [ -73.764, -44.957 ], [ -73.829, -44.962 ], [ -73.919, -44.867 ], [ -73.843, -44.902 ], [ -73.799, -44.899 ], [ -73.913, -44.824 ], [ -73.867, -44.775 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.685, -44.859 ], [ -73.698, -44.878 ], [ -73.738, -44.863 ], [ -73.685, -44.859 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.234, -44.854 ], [ -74.216, -44.86 ], [ -74.248, -44.869 ], [ -74.234, -44.854 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.145, -44.866 ], [ -73.956, -44.897 ], [ -73.894, -44.967 ], [ -74.016, -44.995 ], [ -74.085, -44.958 ], [ -74.023, -45 ], [ -74.269, -45.041 ], [ -74.387, -45.005 ], [ -74.145, -44.866 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.308, -44.897 ], [ -74.371, -44.963 ], [ -74.458, -44.927 ], [ -74.454, -44.896 ], [ -74.331, -44.92 ], [ -74.308, -44.897 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.299, -44.911 ], [ -74.3, -44.892 ], [ -74.277, -44.87 ], [ -74.261, -44.902 ], [ -74.299, -44.911 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.666, -44.753 ], [ -73.585, -44.747 ], [ -73.598, -44.833 ], [ -73.719, -44.825 ], [ -73.738, -44.757 ], [ -73.666, -44.753 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.753, -44.807 ], [ -73.741, -44.83 ], [ -73.761, -44.833 ], [ -73.753, -44.807 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.767, -44.78 ], [ -73.751, -44.801 ], [ -73.765, -44.802 ], [ -73.767, -44.78 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.462, -44.714 ], [ -74.431, -44.715 ], [ -74.301, -44.843 ], [ -74.45, -44.845 ], [ -74.537, -44.744 ], [ -74.462, -44.714 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.995, -44.773 ], [ -73.934, -44.791 ], [ -73.933, -44.837 ], [ -74.018, -44.865 ], [ -74.191, -44.824 ], [ -73.995, -44.773 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.413, -44.658 ], [ -74.394, -44.618 ], [ -74.286, -44.636 ], [ -74.291, -44.602 ], [ -73.97, -44.602 ], [ -73.842, -44.703 ], [ -73.964, -44.713 ], [ -73.956, -44.661 ], [ -73.989, -44.662 ], [ -73.987, -44.725 ], [ -74.247, -44.81 ], [ -74.369, -44.726 ], [ -74.086, -44.743 ], [ -74.383, -44.708 ], [ -74.413, -44.658 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.97, -44.602 ], [ -73.908, -44.568 ], [ -73.886, -44.628 ], [ -73.97, -44.602 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.058, -45.434 ], [ -73.864, -45.489 ], [ -73.778, -45.465 ], [ -73.843, -45.578 ], [ -73.908, -45.554 ], [ -73.884, -45.511 ], [ -73.985, -45.53 ], [ -73.941, -45.511 ], [ -74.05, -45.522 ], [ -74.105, -45.596 ], [ -74.124, -45.554 ], [ -74.068, -45.525 ], [ -74.102, -45.499 ], [ -74.065, -45.459 ], [ -73.962, -45.462 ], [ -74.058, -45.434 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.463, -45.572 ], [ -74.395, -45.448 ], [ -74.321, -45.462 ], [ -74.263, -45.494 ], [ -74.353, -45.526 ], [ -74.261, -45.499 ], [ -74.211, -45.561 ], [ -74.296, -45.552 ], [ -74.36, -45.57 ], [ -74.207, -45.576 ], [ -74.18, -45.625 ], [ -74.195, -45.69 ], [ -74.422, -45.694 ], [ -74.291, -45.717 ], [ -74.449, -45.788 ], [ -74.489, -45.731 ], [ -74.428, -45.693 ], [ -74.486, -45.61 ], [ -74.419, -45.593 ], [ -74.463, -45.572 ] ], [ [ -74.196, -45.624 ], [ -74.249, -45.638 ], [ -74.283, -45.624 ], [ -74.25, -45.643 ], [ -74.196, -45.624 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.463, -45.574 ], [ -74.489, -45.6 ], [ -74.544, -45.517 ], [ -74.498, -45.449 ], [ -74.412, -45.439 ], [ -74.469, -45.526 ], [ -74.463, -45.574 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.674, -45.438 ], [ -73.545, -45.488 ], [ -73.595, -45.605 ], [ -73.559, -45.646 ], [ -73.674, -45.612 ], [ -73.582, -45.689 ], [ -73.63, -45.772 ], [ -73.795, -45.67 ], [ -73.753, -45.52 ], [ -73.674, -45.438 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.1, -45.459 ], [ -74.105, -45.477 ], [ -74.112, -45.466 ], [ -74.1, -45.459 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.624, -45.424 ], [ -73.611, -45.431 ], [ -73.662, -45.434 ], [ -73.662, -45.423 ], [ -73.624, -45.424 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.135, -45.443 ], [ -74.115, -45.449 ], [ -74.117, -45.468 ], [ -74.135, -45.443 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.106, -45.438 ], [ -74.114, -45.447 ], [ -74.117, -45.432 ], [ -74.106, -45.438 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.107, -45.404 ], [ -74.084, -45.44 ], [ -74.114, -45.424 ], [ -74.107, -45.404 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.796, -45.373 ], [ -73.79, -45.416 ], [ -73.878, -45.454 ], [ -74.04, -45.418 ], [ -73.796, -45.373 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.801, -44.643 ], [ -74.808, -44.546 ], [ -74.734, -44.557 ], [ -74.718, -44.657 ], [ -74.782, -44.677 ], [ -74.801, -44.643 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.131, -44.573 ], [ -73.146, -44.571 ], [ -73.141, -44.554 ], [ -73.131, -44.573 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.292, -44.574 ], [ -73.28, -44.577 ], [ -73.304, -44.588 ], [ -73.292, -44.574 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.821, -44.403 ], [ -72.804, -44.421 ], [ -72.843, -44.414 ], [ -72.821, -44.403 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.628, -44.394 ], [ -73.623, -44.408 ], [ -73.653, -44.413 ], [ -73.628, -44.394 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.885, -44.398 ], [ -73.872, -44.359 ], [ -73.835, -44.371 ], [ -73.885, -44.398 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.407, -44.357 ], [ -74.373, -44.394 ], [ -74.424, -44.397 ], [ -74.407, -44.357 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.333, -44.515 ], [ -73.312, -44.523 ], [ -73.329, -44.586 ], [ -73.369, -44.54 ], [ -73.333, -44.515 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.768, -44.53 ], [ -73.748, -44.543 ], [ -73.778, -44.538 ], [ -73.768, -44.53 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.373, -44.546 ], [ -74.367, -44.558 ], [ -74.384, -44.556 ], [ -74.373, -44.546 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.675, -44.478 ], [ -73.576, -44.516 ], [ -73.673, -44.53 ], [ -73.675, -44.478 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.757, -44.483 ], [ -73.697, -44.508 ], [ -73.697, -44.526 ], [ -73.751, -44.52 ], [ -73.757, -44.483 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.321, -44.581 ], [ -74.371, -44.517 ], [ -74.189, -44.477 ], [ -74.11, -44.557 ], [ -74.321, -44.581 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.344, -44.51 ], [ -74.452, -44.492 ], [ -74.389, -44.55 ], [ -74.559, -44.488 ], [ -74.493, -44.428 ], [ -74.388, -44.441 ], [ -74.32, -44.397 ], [ -74.209, -44.473 ], [ -74.344, -44.51 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.758, -44.516 ], [ -73.757, -44.531 ], [ -73.768, -44.527 ], [ -73.758, -44.516 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.782, -44.493 ], [ -73.787, -44.52 ], [ -73.833, -44.503 ], [ -73.801, -44.484 ], [ -73.782, -44.493 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.848, -44.48 ], [ -73.836, -44.515 ], [ -73.894, -44.519 ], [ -73.896, -44.489 ], [ -73.848, -44.48 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.167, -44.418 ], [ -73.974, -44.45 ], [ -73.924, -44.541 ], [ -74.095, -44.547 ], [ -74.125, -44.515 ], [ -74.123, -44.494 ], [ -73.949, -44.503 ], [ -74.13, -44.474 ], [ -74.08, -44.471 ], [ -74.167, -44.418 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.6, -44.427 ], [ -73.569, -44.487 ], [ -73.619, -44.497 ], [ -73.652, -44.451 ], [ -73.584, -44.464 ], [ -73.6, -44.427 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.885, -44.398 ], [ -73.823, -44.377 ], [ -73.88, -44.44 ], [ -73.798, -44.403 ], [ -73.751, -44.448 ], [ -73.899, -44.459 ], [ -73.885, -44.398 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.054, -44.312 ], [ -72.982, -44.358 ], [ -73.087, -44.349 ], [ -73.112, -44.385 ], [ -73.136, -44.346 ], [ -73.054, -44.312 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.239, -44.313 ], [ -73.193, -44.326 ], [ -73.154, -44.386 ], [ -73.28, -44.393 ], [ -73.288, -44.342 ], [ -73.239, -44.313 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.319, -44.33 ], [ -74.258, -44.352 ], [ -74.246, -44.375 ], [ -74.363, -44.387 ], [ -74.383, -44.348 ], [ -74.319, -44.33 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.773, -44.369 ], [ -73.649, -44.382 ], [ -73.659, -44.342 ], [ -73.626, -44.372 ], [ -73.65, -44.393 ], [ -73.718, -44.392 ], [ -73.644, -44.421 ], [ -73.668, -44.446 ], [ -73.773, -44.369 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.006, -44.345 ], [ -73.889, -44.359 ], [ -73.906, -44.446 ], [ -74.053, -44.396 ], [ -74.083, -44.3 ], [ -74.006, -44.345 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.144, -44.304 ], [ -74.117, -44.322 ], [ -74.075, -44.42 ], [ -74.189, -44.383 ], [ -74.144, -44.304 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.076, -50.818 ], [ -74.128, -50.832 ], [ -74.134, -50.776 ], [ -74.076, -50.818 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.372, -50.385 ], [ -74.358, -50.409 ], [ -74.398, -50.391 ], [ -74.372, -50.385 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.387, -47.6 ], [ -74.365, -47.572 ], [ -74.32, -47.616 ], [ -74.403, -47.658 ], [ -74.387, -47.6 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.743, -53.696 ], [ -73.737, -53.677 ], [ -73.714, -53.676 ], [ -73.743, -53.696 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.652, -53.681 ], [ -73.631, -53.676 ], [ -73.646, -53.691 ], [ -73.652, -53.681 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.656, -53.66 ], [ -73.707, -53.629 ], [ -73.656, -53.597 ], [ -73.656, -53.66 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.11, -53.762 ], [ -72.101, -53.732 ], [ -72.058, -53.759 ], [ -72.11, -53.762 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.362, -53.79 ], [ -73.371, -53.782 ], [ -73.353, -53.779 ], [ -73.362, -53.79 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.123, -53.729 ], [ -72.112, -53.742 ], [ -72.172, -53.732 ], [ -72.123, -53.729 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.406, -53.572 ], [ -72.277, -53.627 ], [ -72.255, -53.66 ], [ -72.38, -53.656 ], [ -72.444, -53.588 ], [ -72.406, -53.572 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.664, -53.695 ], [ -70.542, -53.569 ], [ -70.466, -53.576 ], [ -70.485, -53.678 ], [ -70.413, -53.808 ], [ -70.451, -53.805 ], [ -70.416, -53.88 ], [ -70.451, -53.89 ], [ -70.342, -54.037 ], [ -70.445, -54.055 ], [ -70.681, -53.927 ], [ -70.462, -54.258 ], [ -70.753, -54.164 ], [ -70.878, -54.068 ], [ -70.895, -53.934 ], [ -70.836, -53.938 ], [ -70.894, -53.889 ], [ -70.777, -53.833 ], [ -70.597, -53.858 ], [ -70.707, -53.782 ], [ -70.704, -53.7 ], [ -70.664, -53.695 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.379, -53.886 ], [ -73.399, -53.875 ], [ -73.365, -53.877 ], [ -73.379, -53.886 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.049, -53.885 ], [ -72.119, -53.921 ], [ -72.203, -53.889 ], [ -72.072, -53.827 ], [ -72.049, -53.885 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.976, -53.896 ], [ -72.947, -53.917 ], [ -73.023, -53.91 ], [ -73.01, -53.889 ], [ -72.976, -53.896 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.858, -53.931 ], [ -72.918, -53.94 ], [ -72.885, -53.871 ], [ -72.794, -53.891 ], [ -72.858, -53.931 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.379, -53.862 ], [ -73.39, -53.857 ], [ -73.363, -53.855 ], [ -73.379, -53.862 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.911, -53.852 ], [ -71.809, -53.927 ], [ -71.837, -53.98 ], [ -71.772, -53.889 ], [ -71.646, -53.925 ], [ -71.777, -54.011 ], [ -71.687, -54.009 ], [ -71.685, -54.054 ], [ -71.759, -54.047 ], [ -71.701, -54.065 ], [ -71.729, -54.098 ], [ -71.661, -54.051 ], [ -71.616, -54.088 ], [ -71.739, -54.168 ], [ -71.911, -54.053 ], [ -71.903, -54.014 ], [ -71.943, -54.043 ], [ -71.88, -54.119 ], [ -71.912, -54.133 ], [ -71.853, -54.122 ], [ -71.72, -54.245 ], [ -71.888, -54.293 ], [ -71.819, -54.293 ], [ -71.857, -54.303 ], [ -71.804, -54.351 ], [ -71.971, -54.34 ], [ -71.937, -54.254 ], [ -71.877, -54.239 ], [ -71.936, -54.213 ], [ -72.04, -54.214 ], [ -72.122, -54.156 ], [ -72.002, -54.139 ], [ -72.147, -54.126 ], [ -72.019, -54.104 ], [ -72.114, -54.046 ], [ -72.185, -54.115 ], [ -72.251, -54.05 ], [ -72.204, -54.009 ], [ -72.261, -53.992 ], [ -72.263, -53.921 ], [ -72.047, -53.993 ], [ -72.1, -53.95 ], [ -72.017, -53.969 ], [ -72.052, -53.952 ], [ -72.025, -53.904 ], [ -71.935, -53.907 ], [ -71.969, -53.871 ], [ -71.911, -53.852 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.463, -52.581 ], [ -74.476, -52.559 ], [ -74.45, -52.553 ], [ -74.463, -52.581 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.466, -52.549 ], [ -74.478, -52.544 ], [ -74.469, -52.536 ], [ -74.466, -52.549 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.389, -52.549 ], [ -74.383, -52.57 ], [ -74.442, -52.549 ], [ -74.41, -52.528 ], [ -74.389, -52.549 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.433, -52.532 ], [ -74.457, -52.523 ], [ -74.434, -52.517 ], [ -74.433, -52.532 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.488, -52.479 ], [ -74.489, -52.511 ], [ -74.523, -52.505 ], [ -74.498, -52.474 ], [ -74.488, -52.479 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.538, -52.45 ], [ -74.511, -52.473 ], [ -74.563, -52.498 ], [ -74.611, -52.468 ], [ -74.538, -52.45 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.002, -52.419 ], [ -74.046, -52.451 ], [ -74.092, -52.44 ], [ -74.002, -52.419 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.279, -52.453 ], [ -74.289, -52.434 ], [ -74.271, -52.428 ], [ -74.279, -52.453 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.202, -52.438 ], [ -74.208, -52.424 ], [ -74.191, -52.421 ], [ -74.202, -52.438 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.358, -52.62 ], [ -74.387, -52.639 ], [ -74.382, -52.621 ], [ -74.358, -52.62 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.869, -52.279 ], [ -74.843, -52.314 ], [ -74.929, -52.277 ], [ -74.91, -52.257 ], [ -74.869, -52.279 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.275, -52.189 ], [ -73.272, -52.205 ], [ -73.312, -52.193 ], [ -73.275, -52.189 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.311, -52.221 ], [ -73.323, -52.212 ], [ -73.3, -52.217 ], [ -73.311, -52.221 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.733, -52.333 ], [ -73.756, -52.321 ], [ -73.75, -52.307 ], [ -73.731, -52.31 ], [ -73.733, -52.333 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.287, -52.306 ], [ -74.294, -52.291 ], [ -74.249, -52.28 ], [ -74.287, -52.306 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.345, -52.296 ], [ -74.34, -52.268 ], [ -74.314, -52.266 ], [ -74.345, -52.296 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.36, -52.249 ], [ -74.337, -52.257 ], [ -74.405, -52.286 ], [ -74.408, -52.266 ], [ -74.36, -52.249 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.414, -52.354 ], [ -74.448, -52.355 ], [ -74.451, -52.343 ], [ -74.414, -52.354 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.8, -52.327 ], [ -74.784, -52.341 ], [ -74.821, -52.328 ], [ -74.8, -52.327 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.524, -52.341 ], [ -74.56, -52.369 ], [ -74.498, -52.297 ], [ -74.524, -52.341 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.611, -52.335 ], [ -74.65, -52.33 ], [ -74.635, -52.317 ], [ -74.611, -52.335 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.573, -52.244 ], [ -74.571, -52.308 ], [ -74.628, -52.303 ], [ -74.618, -52.253 ], [ -74.573, -52.244 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.854, -52.196 ], [ -74.812, -52.258 ], [ -74.786, -52.221 ], [ -74.606, -52.218 ], [ -74.639, -52.307 ], [ -74.743, -52.334 ], [ -74.908, -52.241 ], [ -74.901, -52.195 ], [ -74.854, -52.196 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.43, -52.246 ], [ -74.428, -52.227 ], [ -74.404, -52.232 ], [ -74.43, -52.246 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.73, -52.245 ], [ -73.719, -52.297 ], [ -73.788, -52.244 ], [ -73.767, -52.216 ], [ -73.73, -52.245 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.244, -52.212 ], [ -74.285, -52.257 ], [ -74.33, -52.236 ], [ -74.244, -52.212 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.301, -52.193 ], [ -74.281, -52.207 ], [ -74.334, -52.213 ], [ -74.301, -52.193 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.226, -52.181 ], [ -74.262, -52.195 ], [ -74.309, -52.185 ], [ -74.284, -52.167 ], [ -74.226, -52.181 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.729, -51.931 ], [ -72.749, -51.926 ], [ -72.752, -51.903 ], [ -72.733, -51.9 ], [ -72.729, -51.931 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.753, -51.832 ], [ -73.701, -51.897 ], [ -73.712, -51.948 ], [ -73.797, -51.86 ], [ -73.753, -51.832 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.695, -51.832 ], [ -73.702, -51.82 ], [ -73.684, -51.817 ], [ -73.695, -51.832 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.931, -51.789 ], [ -72.907, -51.809 ], [ -72.959, -51.785 ], [ -72.931, -51.789 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.094, -52.059 ], [ -74.116, -52.059 ], [ -74.116, -52.043 ], [ -74.094, -52.059 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.319, -51.99 ], [ -74.349, -51.987 ], [ -74.33, -51.973 ], [ -74.319, -51.99 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.621, -51.963 ], [ -74.611, -51.966 ], [ -74.626, -51.973 ], [ -74.621, -51.963 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.515, -51.919 ], [ -74.491, -51.914 ], [ -74.51, -51.935 ], [ -74.532, -51.923 ], [ -74.515, -51.919 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.152, -52.055 ], [ -74.16, -52.04 ], [ -74.148, -52.041 ], [ -74.152, -52.055 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.397, -52.017 ], [ -74.367, -52.035 ], [ -74.422, -52.03 ], [ -74.397, -52.017 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.347, -52.055 ], [ -74.339, -52.029 ], [ -74.313, -52.035 ], [ -74.347, -52.055 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.247, -52.038 ], [ -74.245, -52.017 ], [ -74.223, -52.013 ], [ -74.216, -52.022 ], [ -74.247, -52.038 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.145, -52.011 ], [ -74.154, -51.996 ], [ -74.138, -52.001 ], [ -74.145, -52.011 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.28, -52.009 ], [ -74.304, -52.008 ], [ -74.3, -51.987 ], [ -74.271, -52 ], [ -74.28, -52.009 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.356, -51.999 ], [ -74.337, -52.008 ], [ -74.374, -52.02 ], [ -74.36, -51.981 ], [ -74.356, -51.999 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.54, -51.834 ], [ -74.561, -51.913 ], [ -74.645, -51.935 ], [ -74.562, -51.834 ], [ -74.54, -51.834 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.575, -52.108 ], [ -74.605, -52.125 ], [ -74.614, -52.115 ], [ -74.575, -52.108 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.964, -52.107 ], [ -73.935, -52.13 ], [ -74.059, -52.068 ], [ -73.999, -52.079 ], [ -73.964, -52.107 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.593, -52.082 ], [ -74.573, -52.086 ], [ -74.626, -52.11 ], [ -74.651, -52.184 ], [ -74.78, -52.203 ], [ -74.761, -52.134 ], [ -74.593, -52.082 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.538, -52.13 ], [ -74.562, -52.151 ], [ -74.595, -52.151 ], [ -74.581, -52.128 ], [ -74.538, -52.13 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.359, -52.183 ], [ -74.324, -52.188 ], [ -74.49, -52.194 ], [ -74.425, -52.147 ], [ -74.359, -52.183 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.22, -52.084 ], [ -74.132, -52.082 ], [ -74.05, -52.128 ], [ -74.129, -52.165 ], [ -74.251, -52.088 ], [ -74.22, -52.084 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.742, -52.096 ], [ -74.82, -52.095 ], [ -74.789, -52.119 ], [ -74.829, -52.147 ], [ -74.898, -52.131 ], [ -74.853, -52.062 ], [ -74.755, -52.033 ], [ -74.836, -52.046 ], [ -74.754, -51.954 ], [ -74.812, -51.961 ], [ -74.737, -51.826 ], [ -74.662, -51.878 ], [ -74.576, -51.836 ], [ -74.673, -51.922 ], [ -74.642, -51.953 ], [ -74.727, -51.997 ], [ -74.644, -51.962 ], [ -74.705, -52.013 ], [ -74.742, -52.096 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.459, -52.03 ], [ -74.441, -52.03 ], [ -74.566, -52.083 ], [ -74.544, -52.049 ], [ -74.459, -52.03 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.28, -52.091 ], [ -74.29, -52.071 ], [ -74.274, -52.079 ], [ -74.28, -52.091 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.361, -52.054 ], [ -74.319, -52.083 ], [ -74.384, -52.096 ], [ -74.361, -52.054 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.54, -51.942 ], [ -74.463, -51.99 ], [ -74.714, -52.105 ], [ -74.687, -52.021 ], [ -74.567, -52.004 ], [ -74.6, -51.977 ], [ -74.54, -51.942 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.22, -52.39 ], [ -74.234, -52.386 ], [ -74.211, -52.373 ], [ -74.22, -52.39 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.548, -52.39 ], [ -74.532, -52.372 ], [ -74.529, -52.388 ], [ -74.548, -52.39 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.397, -52.401 ], [ -74.415, -52.399 ], [ -74.381, -52.389 ], [ -74.397, -52.401 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.433, -52.378 ], [ -74.417, -52.389 ], [ -74.434, -52.394 ], [ -74.433, -52.378 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.282, -52.426 ], [ -74.311, -52.427 ], [ -74.316, -52.414 ], [ -74.282, -52.426 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.509, -52.397 ], [ -74.483, -52.445 ], [ -74.567, -52.41 ], [ -74.509, -52.397 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.195, -52.41 ], [ -74.228, -52.421 ], [ -74.187, -52.388 ], [ -74.195, -52.41 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.628, -52.353 ], [ -74.628, -52.387 ], [ -74.712, -52.378 ], [ -74.688, -52.35 ], [ -74.628, -52.353 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.506, -52.382 ], [ -74.516, -52.371 ], [ -74.493, -52.35 ], [ -74.506, -52.382 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.889, -52.214 ], [ -73.774, -52.283 ], [ -73.788, -52.34 ], [ -73.734, -52.415 ], [ -73.824, -52.416 ], [ -73.892, -52.385 ], [ -73.78, -52.355 ], [ -73.965, -52.292 ], [ -74.1, -52.17 ], [ -74.026, -52.144 ], [ -74.028, -52.173 ], [ -73.894, -52.213 ], [ -73.889, -52.214 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.897, -52.212 ], [ -73.955, -52.173 ], [ -73.935, -52.14 ], [ -73.798, -52.184 ], [ -73.811, -52.224 ], [ -73.897, -52.212 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.923, -52.348 ], [ -73.887, -52.342 ], [ -73.934, -52.367 ], [ -74.002, -52.332 ], [ -73.98, -52.386 ], [ -74.048, -52.336 ], [ -73.992, -52.39 ], [ -74.05, -52.363 ], [ -74.042, -52.4 ], [ -74.174, -52.415 ], [ -74.147, -52.389 ], [ -74.193, -52.368 ], [ -74.127, -52.319 ], [ -74.261, -52.369 ], [ -74.15, -52.304 ], [ -74.222, -52.285 ], [ -74.212, -52.242 ], [ -74.066, -52.299 ], [ -74.159, -52.213 ], [ -74.249, -52.199 ], [ -74.093, -52.22 ], [ -74.248, -52.146 ], [ -74.34, -52.177 ], [ -74.433, -52.133 ], [ -74.299, -52.092 ], [ -74.212, -52.115 ], [ -73.923, -52.348 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.061, -51.501 ], [ -75.049, -51.519 ], [ -75.081, -51.506 ], [ -75.061, -51.501 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.711, -51.568 ], [ -74.7, -51.573 ], [ -74.74, -51.573 ], [ -74.711, -51.568 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.554, -51.618 ], [ -74.596, -51.595 ], [ -74.55, -51.598 ], [ -74.554, -51.618 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.966, -51.613 ], [ -73.966, -51.598 ], [ -73.942, -51.592 ], [ -73.966, -51.613 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.707, -51.54 ], [ -74.703, -51.552 ], [ -74.762, -51.546 ], [ -74.707, -51.54 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.742, -51.418 ], [ -73.779, -51.381 ], [ -73.739, -51.383 ], [ -73.742, -51.418 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.971, -51.448 ], [ -73.974, -51.433 ], [ -73.963, -51.437 ], [ -73.971, -51.448 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.35, -51.441 ], [ -74.357, -51.422 ], [ -74.335, -51.435 ], [ -74.35, -51.441 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.98, -51.533 ], [ -74.904, -51.463 ], [ -74.87, -51.523 ], [ -74.911, -51.552 ], [ -74.913, -51.519 ], [ -74.98, -51.533 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.87, -51.475 ], [ -74.822, -51.457 ], [ -74.839, -51.507 ], [ -74.87, -51.475 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.768, -51.456 ], [ -74.755, -51.467 ], [ -74.832, -51.488 ], [ -74.812, -51.453 ], [ -74.768, -51.456 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.369, -51.25 ], [ -74.387, -51.242 ], [ -74.359, -51.242 ], [ -74.369, -51.25 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.676, -51.439 ], [ -74.74, -51.434 ], [ -74.662, -51.329 ], [ -74.647, -51.347 ], [ -74.676, -51.439 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.912, -51.377 ], [ -73.951, -51.389 ], [ -73.908, -51.363 ], [ -73.912, -51.377 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.325, -51.361 ], [ -74.292, -51.385 ], [ -74.383, -51.376 ], [ -74.325, -51.361 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.413, -51.377 ], [ -74.418, -51.368 ], [ -74.4, -51.372 ], [ -74.413, -51.377 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.16, -51.444 ], [ -74.227, -51.409 ], [ -74.148, -51.38 ], [ -74.247, -51.36 ], [ -74.229, -51.29 ], [ -74.127, -51.316 ], [ -74.113, -51.358 ], [ -74.168, -51.344 ], [ -74.2, -51.356 ], [ -74.077, -51.408 ], [ -74.1, -51.452 ], [ -74.145, -51.401 ], [ -74.16, -51.444 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.281, -51.352 ], [ -74.275, -51.366 ], [ -74.317, -51.356 ], [ -74.281, -51.352 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.372, -51.362 ], [ -74.395, -51.348 ], [ -74.359, -51.359 ], [ -74.372, -51.362 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.508, -51.356 ], [ -74.513, -51.315 ], [ -74.468, -51.329 ], [ -74.503, -51.336 ], [ -74.508, -51.356 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.14, -51.28 ], [ -74.132, -51.305 ], [ -74.173, -51.287 ], [ -74.14, -51.28 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.458, -51.303 ], [ -74.491, -51.276 ], [ -74.484, -51.262 ], [ -74.442, -51.278 ], [ -74.458, -51.303 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.086, -51.159 ], [ -75.104, -51.134 ], [ -75.07, -51.131 ], [ -75.086, -51.159 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.976, -50.948 ], [ -74.956, -50.98 ], [ -74.993, -50.961 ], [ -74.976, -50.948 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.842, -50.982 ], [ -74.811, -50.988 ], [ -74.959, -51.061 ], [ -74.9, -51.031 ], [ -74.915, -50.992 ], [ -74.842, -50.982 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.876, -51.092 ], [ -74.826, -51.094 ], [ -74.821, -51.151 ], [ -75.009, -51.175 ], [ -74.982, -51.109 ], [ -74.876, -51.092 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75, -50.988 ], [ -75.014, -51.023 ], [ -75.081, -51.008 ], [ -75.057, -50.978 ], [ -75, -50.988 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.459, -50.532 ], [ -74.459, -50.548 ], [ -74.532, -50.597 ], [ -74.504, -50.533 ], [ -74.459, -50.532 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.591, -50.504 ], [ -74.566, -50.554 ], [ -74.654, -50.594 ], [ -74.663, -50.51 ], [ -74.591, -50.504 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.837, -50.554 ], [ -74.854, -50.547 ], [ -74.855, -50.521 ], [ -74.829, -50.533 ], [ -74.837, -50.554 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.723, -50.525 ], [ -74.737, -50.521 ], [ -74.721, -50.51 ], [ -74.723, -50.525 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.584, -50.683 ], [ -74.596, -50.675 ], [ -74.582, -50.671 ], [ -74.584, -50.683 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.65, -50.71 ], [ -74.668, -50.687 ], [ -74.649, -50.679 ], [ -74.627, -50.699 ], [ -74.65, -50.71 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.703, -50.664 ], [ -74.691, -50.664 ], [ -74.708, -50.673 ], [ -74.726, -50.652 ], [ -74.703, -50.664 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.599, -50.652 ], [ -74.609, -50.664 ], [ -74.621, -50.65 ], [ -74.597, -50.637 ], [ -74.599, -50.652 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.747, -50.633 ], [ -74.753, -50.655 ], [ -74.788, -50.647 ], [ -74.747, -50.633 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.902, -50.627 ], [ -74.877, -50.639 ], [ -74.919, -50.629 ], [ -74.902, -50.627 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.316, -50.888 ], [ -74.34, -50.86 ], [ -74.292, -50.858 ], [ -74.316, -50.888 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.042, -50.821 ], [ -75.053, -50.817 ], [ -75.031, -50.82 ], [ -75.042, -50.821 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.947, -50.829 ], [ -74.944, -50.806 ], [ -74.934, -50.819 ], [ -74.947, -50.829 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.587, -50.722 ], [ -74.534, -50.733 ], [ -74.531, -50.782 ], [ -74.511, -50.734 ], [ -74.423, -50.796 ], [ -74.464, -50.812 ], [ -74.504, -50.858 ], [ -74.388, -50.808 ], [ -74.361, -50.88 ], [ -74.418, -50.879 ], [ -74.467, -50.952 ], [ -74.384, -50.893 ], [ -74.418, -50.968 ], [ -74.387, -50.916 ], [ -74.365, -50.91 ], [ -74.401, -50.967 ], [ -74.347, -50.985 ], [ -74.35, -51.028 ], [ -74.391, -51.009 ], [ -74.36, -51.077 ], [ -74.456, -50.992 ], [ -74.575, -51.049 ], [ -74.59, -51.014 ], [ -74.619, -51.093 ], [ -74.679, -51.112 ], [ -74.763, -51.065 ], [ -74.676, -51.06 ], [ -74.741, -51.037 ], [ -74.606, -50.994 ], [ -74.758, -51.002 ], [ -74.75, -51.026 ], [ -74.786, -51.079 ], [ -74.818, -51.061 ], [ -74.773, -51.045 ], [ -74.88, -51.05 ], [ -74.766, -50.988 ], [ -74.852, -50.964 ], [ -74.754, -50.975 ], [ -74.824, -50.926 ], [ -74.935, -50.988 ], [ -74.929, -50.917 ], [ -74.849, -50.911 ], [ -74.926, -50.88 ], [ -74.658, -50.9 ], [ -74.601, -50.951 ], [ -74.588, -50.899 ], [ -74.523, -50.913 ], [ -74.633, -50.877 ], [ -74.608, -50.821 ], [ -74.551, -50.861 ], [ -74.511, -50.809 ], [ -74.556, -50.824 ], [ -74.665, -50.738 ], [ -74.587, -50.722 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.961, -50.672 ], [ -74.964, -50.793 ], [ -74.989, -50.818 ], [ -75.098, -50.702 ], [ -75.03, -50.721 ], [ -75.015, -50.686 ], [ -75.061, -50.679 ], [ -75.032, -50.643 ], [ -74.979, -50.641 ], [ -74.989, -50.671 ], [ -74.95, -50.635 ], [ -74.961, -50.672 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.796, -50.651 ], [ -74.705, -50.684 ], [ -74.747, -50.702 ], [ -74.722, -50.745 ], [ -74.777, -50.735 ], [ -74.675, -50.799 ], [ -74.771, -50.801 ], [ -74.691, -50.828 ], [ -74.712, -50.878 ], [ -74.664, -50.799 ], [ -74.624, -50.812 ], [ -74.676, -50.897 ], [ -74.931, -50.839 ], [ -74.845, -50.826 ], [ -74.921, -50.797 ], [ -74.84, -50.8 ], [ -74.941, -50.782 ], [ -74.864, -50.773 ], [ -74.933, -50.712 ], [ -74.801, -50.723 ], [ -74.924, -50.68 ], [ -74.917, -50.666 ], [ -74.757, -50.697 ], [ -74.828, -50.653 ], [ -74.796, -50.651 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.468, -51.192 ], [ -74.396, -51.234 ], [ -74.519, -51.201 ], [ -74.468, -51.192 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.898, -51.231 ], [ -74.86, -51.245 ], [ -74.966, -51.309 ], [ -75.05, -51.282 ], [ -74.898, -51.231 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.922, -51.34 ], [ -73.957, -51.309 ], [ -73.983, -51.369 ], [ -74.053, -51.375 ], [ -74.094, -51.224 ], [ -73.939, -51.233 ], [ -73.922, -51.34 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.745, -51.414 ], [ -74.975, -51.479 ], [ -75.023, -51.436 ], [ -74.771, -51.328 ], [ -74.939, -51.381 ], [ -74.927, -51.337 ], [ -74.969, -51.339 ], [ -74.891, -51.277 ], [ -74.782, -51.281 ], [ -74.835, -51.258 ], [ -74.757, -51.241 ], [ -74.783, -51.207 ], [ -74.719, -51.222 ], [ -74.6, -51.183 ], [ -74.482, -51.242 ], [ -74.503, -51.293 ], [ -74.539, -51.261 ], [ -74.525, -51.308 ], [ -74.576, -51.258 ], [ -74.638, -51.242 ], [ -74.559, -51.294 ], [ -74.57, -51.351 ], [ -74.52, -51.345 ], [ -74.54, -51.386 ], [ -74.61, -51.402 ], [ -74.654, -51.272 ], [ -74.663, -51.311 ], [ -74.714, -51.295 ], [ -74.679, -51.323 ], [ -74.745, -51.414 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.972, -51.217 ], [ -73.978, -51.201 ], [ -73.961, -51.199 ], [ -73.972, -51.217 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.829, -51.167 ], [ -74.792, -51.184 ], [ -74.831, -51.238 ], [ -74.854, -51.192 ], [ -75.015, -51.222 ], [ -74.829, -51.167 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.746, -51.173 ], [ -74.751, -51.202 ], [ -74.793, -51.169 ], [ -74.746, -51.173 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.763, -51.125 ], [ -74.67, -51.147 ], [ -74.603, -51.084 ], [ -74.546, -51.173 ], [ -74.623, -51.147 ], [ -74.654, -51.194 ], [ -74.802, -51.145 ], [ -74.763, -51.125 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.42, -51.032 ], [ -74.446, -51.068 ], [ -74.49, -51.034 ], [ -74.494, -51.078 ], [ -74.362, -51.105 ], [ -74.363, -51.187 ], [ -74.425, -51.175 ], [ -74.372, -51.216 ], [ -74.543, -51.156 ], [ -74.578, -51.095 ], [ -74.468, -51.008 ], [ -74.42, -51.032 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.515, -50.375 ], [ -74.539, -50.348 ], [ -74.517, -50.353 ], [ -74.515, -50.375 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.608, -50.272 ], [ -74.552, -50.288 ], [ -74.729, -50.299 ], [ -74.688, -50.272 ], [ -74.608, -50.272 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.885, -50.234 ], [ -74.812, -50.242 ], [ -74.852, -50.285 ], [ -74.885, -50.234 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.886, -50.124 ], [ -74.93, -50.15 ], [ -74.916, -50.108 ], [ -74.886, -50.124 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.082, -50.033 ], [ -75.096, -50.022 ], [ -75.076, -50.015 ], [ -75.082, -50.033 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.66, -50.069 ], [ -74.705, -50.12 ], [ -74.739, -50.095 ], [ -74.685, -50.063 ], [ -74.66, -50.069 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.741, -50.072 ], [ -74.773, -50.061 ], [ -74.729, -50.062 ], [ -74.741, -50.072 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75, -50.314 ], [ -74.93, -50.278 ], [ -74.878, -50.322 ], [ -74.925, -50.369 ], [ -75.002, -50.353 ], [ -75, -50.314 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.231, -50.682 ], [ -75.309, -50.705 ], [ -75.229, -50.74 ], [ -75.267, -50.788 ], [ -75.315, -50.8 ], [ -75.311, -50.738 ], [ -75.318, -50.776 ], [ -75.436, -50.762 ], [ -75.393, -50.733 ], [ -75.443, -50.696 ], [ -75.327, -50.68 ], [ -75.502, -50.653 ], [ -75.393, -50.637 ], [ -75.447, -50.625 ], [ -75.408, -50.592 ], [ -75.301, -50.593 ], [ -75.458, -50.491 ], [ -75.356, -50.454 ], [ -75.323, -50.501 ], [ -75.254, -50.478 ], [ -75.284, -50.52 ], [ -75.233, -50.48 ], [ -75.045, -50.491 ], [ -75.099, -50.545 ], [ -75.154, -50.53 ], [ -75.134, -50.562 ], [ -75.202, -50.546 ], [ -75.152, -50.584 ], [ -75.195, -50.61 ], [ -75.265, -50.567 ], [ -75.245, -50.535 ], [ -75.307, -50.547 ], [ -75.214, -50.619 ], [ -75.291, -50.632 ], [ -75.231, -50.682 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.511, -50.409 ], [ -74.45, -50.466 ], [ -74.34, -50.455 ], [ -74.288, -50.614 ], [ -74.198, -50.674 ], [ -74.412, -50.64 ], [ -74.259, -50.684 ], [ -74.245, -50.726 ], [ -74.199, -50.698 ], [ -74.141, -50.838 ], [ -74.216, -50.841 ], [ -74.23, -50.751 ], [ -74.279, -50.799 ], [ -74.316, -50.756 ], [ -74.276, -50.837 ], [ -74.331, -50.836 ], [ -74.404, -50.755 ], [ -74.354, -50.724 ], [ -74.474, -50.735 ], [ -74.496, -50.71 ], [ -74.454, -50.698 ], [ -74.515, -50.691 ], [ -74.459, -50.667 ], [ -74.541, -50.684 ], [ -74.59, -50.634 ], [ -74.531, -50.641 ], [ -74.383, -50.538 ], [ -74.442, -50.519 ], [ -74.373, -50.527 ], [ -74.364, -50.558 ], [ -74.337, -50.527 ], [ -74.467, -50.507 ], [ -74.457, -50.472 ], [ -74.506, -50.505 ], [ -74.675, -50.479 ], [ -74.511, -50.409 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.108, -50.489 ], [ -74.122, -50.481 ], [ -74.095, -50.486 ], [ -74.108, -50.489 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.096, -50.479 ], [ -75.12, -50.474 ], [ -75.102, -50.465 ], [ -75.096, -50.479 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.384, -50.411 ], [ -75.36, -50.374 ], [ -75.318, -50.375 ], [ -75.328, -50.401 ], [ -75.384, -50.411 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.611, -50.347 ], [ -74.525, -50.397 ], [ -74.725, -50.497 ], [ -74.769, -50.476 ], [ -74.712, -50.408 ], [ -74.778, -50.422 ], [ -74.73, -50.367 ], [ -74.611, -50.347 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.988, -50.457 ], [ -75.056, -50.464 ], [ -75.054, -50.411 ], [ -75.08, -50.399 ], [ -75.122, -50.462 ], [ -75.18, -50.44 ], [ -75.031, -50.333 ], [ -75.001, -50.368 ], [ -75.039, -50.386 ], [ -74.945, -50.39 ], [ -74.988, -50.457 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.379, -50.352 ], [ -75.411, -50.419 ], [ -75.479, -50.423 ], [ -75.388, -50.359 ], [ -75.428, -50.37 ], [ -75.444, -50.297 ], [ -75.361, -50.254 ], [ -75.408, -50.231 ], [ -75.369, -50.152 ], [ -75.192, -50.174 ], [ -75.33, -50.197 ], [ -75.195, -50.213 ], [ -75.18, -50.253 ], [ -75.11, -50.251 ], [ -75.139, -50.208 ], [ -75.075, -50.169 ], [ -75.077, -50.127 ], [ -75.149, -50.173 ], [ -75.302, -50.118 ], [ -75.37, -50.069 ], [ -75.339, -50.001 ], [ -75.321, -50.035 ], [ -75.246, -49.994 ], [ -75.281, -50.035 ], [ -75.248, -50.013 ], [ -75.238, -50.066 ], [ -75.115, -50.015 ], [ -75.066, -50.054 ], [ -75.104, -50.089 ], [ -75.048, -50.067 ], [ -75.061, -50.104 ], [ -75.038, -50.08 ], [ -75, -50.133 ], [ -75.042, -50.033 ], [ -74.993, -50.02 ], [ -75.014, -50.082 ], [ -74.911, -50.093 ], [ -75.035, -50.174 ], [ -75.009, -50.196 ], [ -74.942, -50.132 ], [ -74.924, -50.168 ], [ -74.876, -50.129 ], [ -74.843, -50.168 ], [ -74.849, -50.13 ], [ -74.788, -50.15 ], [ -74.861, -50.116 ], [ -74.822, -50.097 ], [ -74.75, -50.138 ], [ -74.791, -50.121 ], [ -74.76, -50.174 ], [ -74.858, -50.184 ], [ -74.795, -50.201 ], [ -74.942, -50.202 ], [ -74.917, -50.248 ], [ -75.135, -50.343 ], [ -75.201, -50.442 ], [ -75.32, -50.427 ], [ -75.172, -50.288 ], [ -75.379, -50.352 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.952, -51.724 ], [ -74.992, -51.886 ], [ -75.101, -51.91 ], [ -75.054, -51.842 ], [ -75.112, -51.806 ], [ -75.041, -51.719 ], [ -74.952, -51.724 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.789, -51.916 ], [ -73.697, -51.981 ], [ -73.786, -52.021 ], [ -73.87, -51.96 ], [ -73.814, -51.933 ], [ -73.868, -51.914 ], [ -73.852, -51.891 ], [ -73.959, -51.893 ], [ -73.945, -51.845 ], [ -73.989, -51.821 ], [ -73.937, -51.817 ], [ -73.9, -51.788 ], [ -73.794, -51.88 ], [ -73.847, -51.912 ], [ -73.789, -51.916 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.212, -51.762 ], [ -74.234, -51.754 ], [ -74.201, -51.759 ], [ -74.212, -51.762 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.551, -51.727 ], [ -74.59, -51.779 ], [ -74.584, -51.719 ], [ -74.551, -51.727 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.652, -51.693 ], [ -74.694, -51.708 ], [ -74.651, -51.712 ], [ -74.715, -51.775 ], [ -74.72, -51.711 ], [ -74.652, -51.693 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.397, -51.738 ], [ -74.333, -51.755 ], [ -74.365, -51.781 ], [ -74.285, -51.761 ], [ -74.326, -51.786 ], [ -74.275, -51.78 ], [ -74.304, -51.828 ], [ -74.155, -51.843 ], [ -74.195, -51.895 ], [ -74.061, -51.887 ], [ -74.117, -51.925 ], [ -74.113, -51.977 ], [ -74.372, -51.885 ], [ -74.414, -51.833 ], [ -74.361, -51.806 ], [ -74.424, -51.81 ], [ -74.466, -51.757 ], [ -74.413, -51.766 ], [ -74.503, -51.703 ], [ -74.397, -51.738 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.05, -51.812 ], [ -74.017, -51.82 ], [ -74.061, -51.837 ], [ -74.158, -51.768 ], [ -74.05, -51.812 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.672, -51.777 ], [ -74.62, -51.784 ], [ -74.597, -51.815 ], [ -74.686, -51.835 ], [ -74.719, -51.803 ], [ -74.672, -51.777 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.492, -51.674 ], [ -74.431, -51.689 ], [ -74.427, -51.705 ], [ -74.526, -51.674 ], [ -74.492, -51.674 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.821, -51.675 ], [ -73.819, -51.664 ], [ -73.78, -51.663 ], [ -73.821, -51.675 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.864, -51.664 ], [ -73.881, -51.648 ], [ -73.837, -51.653 ], [ -73.864, -51.664 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.559, -51.639 ], [ -74.579, -51.631 ], [ -74.544, -51.634 ], [ -74.559, -51.639 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.04, -51.551 ], [ -74.079, -51.552 ], [ -74.028, -51.578 ], [ -73.976, -51.701 ], [ -74.058, -51.723 ], [ -73.941, -51.727 ], [ -73.913, -51.775 ], [ -73.959, -51.812 ], [ -74.147, -51.75 ], [ -74.146, -51.713 ], [ -74.173, -51.745 ], [ -74.236, -51.72 ], [ -74.19, -51.723 ], [ -74.223, -51.675 ], [ -74.159, -51.691 ], [ -74.17, -51.632 ], [ -74.148, -51.671 ], [ -74.078, -51.679 ], [ -74.131, -51.667 ], [ -74.144, -51.593 ], [ -74.07, -51.616 ], [ -74.036, -51.596 ], [ -74.115, -51.545 ], [ -74.04, -51.551 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.09, -51.27 ], [ -75.124, -51.381 ], [ -75.052, -51.291 ], [ -74.963, -51.316 ], [ -74.979, -51.369 ], [ -75.016, -51.357 ], [ -74.987, -51.397 ], [ -75.06, -51.36 ], [ -75.024, -51.398 ], [ -75.089, -51.426 ], [ -75.081, -51.48 ], [ -75.133, -51.407 ], [ -75.116, -51.56 ], [ -75.142, -51.592 ], [ -75.19, -51.561 ], [ -75.164, -51.618 ], [ -75.278, -51.639 ], [ -75.305, -51.542 ], [ -75.175, -51.493 ], [ -75.207, -51.403 ], [ -75.135, -51.389 ], [ -75.212, -51.335 ], [ -75.09, -51.27 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.742, -53.577 ], [ -73.885, -53.593 ], [ -73.851, -53.549 ], [ -73.919, -53.534 ], [ -73.86, -53.51 ], [ -73.898, -53.457 ], [ -73.704, -53.52 ], [ -73.814, -53.541 ], [ -73.705, -53.539 ], [ -73.742, -53.577 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.326, -53.17 ], [ -74.319, -53.185 ], [ -74.338, -53.186 ], [ -74.326, -53.17 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.097, -53.25 ], [ -74.154, -53.328 ], [ -74.288, -53.313 ], [ -74.124, -53.242 ], [ -74.097, -53.25 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.28, -53.28 ], [ -74.255, -53.288 ], [ -74.314, -53.294 ], [ -74.302, -53.266 ], [ -74.28, -53.28 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.312, -53.452 ], [ -73.304, -53.431 ], [ -73.254, -53.466 ], [ -73.276, -53.478 ], [ -73.312, -53.452 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.336, -53.459 ], [ -73.354, -53.451 ], [ -73.348, -53.44 ], [ -73.317, -53.458 ], [ -73.336, -53.459 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.698, -53.512 ], [ -73.843, -53.419 ], [ -73.558, -53.504 ], [ -73.701, -53.447 ], [ -73.542, -53.443 ], [ -73.636, -53.419 ], [ -73.622, -53.371 ], [ -73.523, -53.413 ], [ -73.552, -53.382 ], [ -73.438, -53.385 ], [ -73.415, -53.412 ], [ -73.545, -53.484 ], [ -73.471, -53.465 ], [ -73.39, -53.556 ], [ -73.52, -53.59 ], [ -73.565, -53.523 ], [ -73.555, -53.56 ], [ -73.698, -53.512 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.58, -53.439 ], [ -73.58, -53.439 ], [ -73.555, -53.441 ], [ -73.56, -53.441 ], [ -73.58, -53.439 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.387, -53.429 ], [ -73.381, -53.447 ], [ -73.429, -53.433 ], [ -73.409, -53.417 ], [ -73.387, -53.429 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.884, -53.39 ], [ -73.841, -53.393 ], [ -73.854, -53.426 ], [ -73.933, -53.407 ], [ -73.884, -53.39 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.75, -53.393 ], [ -73.748, -53.42 ], [ -73.779, -53.394 ], [ -73.75, -53.393 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.672, -53.383 ], [ -73.665, -53.407 ], [ -73.714, -53.385 ], [ -73.702, -53.373 ], [ -73.672, -53.383 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.568, -53.38 ], [ -73.577, -53.369 ], [ -73.554, -53.374 ], [ -73.568, -53.38 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.481, -53.331 ], [ -72.503, -53.322 ], [ -72.504, -53.301 ], [ -72.478, -53.313 ], [ -72.481, -53.331 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.436, -53.342 ], [ -73.444, -53.333 ], [ -73.424, -53.333 ], [ -73.436, -53.342 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.935, -53.2 ], [ -73.959, -53.177 ], [ -73.898, -53.196 ], [ -73.935, -53.2 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.773, -53.279 ], [ -73.742, -53.29 ], [ -73.793, -53.274 ], [ -73.773, -53.279 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.078, -53.376 ], [ -73.068, -53.362 ], [ -73.059, -53.371 ], [ -73.078, -53.376 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.313, -53.373 ], [ -73.29, -53.371 ], [ -73.276, -53.393 ], [ -73.351, -53.362 ], [ -73.313, -53.373 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.643, -53.354 ], [ -73.655, -53.38 ], [ -73.722, -53.355 ], [ -73.668, -53.37 ], [ -73.643, -53.354 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.869, -53.32 ], [ -73.804, -53.343 ], [ -73.906, -53.321 ], [ -73.869, -53.32 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.599, -54.537 ], [ -71.705, -54.484 ], [ -71.662, -54.466 ], [ -71.866, -54.442 ], [ -71.737, -54.4 ], [ -71.533, -54.513 ], [ -71.566, -54.479 ], [ -71.43, -54.494 ], [ -71.587, -54.461 ], [ -71.604, -54.4 ], [ -71.356, -54.465 ], [ -71.294, -54.438 ], [ -71.41, -54.422 ], [ -71.399, -54.38 ], [ -71.327, -54.382 ], [ -71.186, -54.427 ], [ -71.224, -54.463 ], [ -71.143, -54.43 ], [ -71.064, -54.527 ], [ -71.119, -54.442 ], [ -70.97, -54.458 ], [ -70.927, -54.522 ], [ -70.916, -54.365 ], [ -70.758, -54.332 ], [ -70.718, -54.37 ], [ -70.57, -54.361 ], [ -70.695, -54.438 ], [ -70.755, -54.622 ], [ -70.707, -54.552 ], [ -70.607, -54.606 ], [ -70.692, -54.538 ], [ -70.548, -54.403 ], [ -70.246, -54.573 ], [ -70.189, -54.578 ], [ -70.287, -54.499 ], [ -70.104, -54.552 ], [ -70.507, -54.39 ], [ -70.523, -54.307 ], [ -70.86, -54.261 ], [ -70.899, -54.175 ], [ -70.808, -54.198 ], [ -70.923, -54.127 ], [ -70.279, -54.343 ], [ -70.107, -54.443 ], [ -70.155, -54.398 ], [ -70.038, -54.385 ], [ -70.198, -54.318 ], [ -69.991, -54.27 ], [ -69.939, -54.309 ], [ -69.98, -54.33 ], [ -69.953, -54.395 ], [ -69.911, -54.376 ], [ -69.893, -54.436 ], [ -69.826, -54.446 ], [ -69.902, -54.508 ], [ -69.798, -54.472 ], [ -69.75, -54.513 ], [ -69.835, -54.568 ], [ -69.761, -54.543 ], [ -69.753, -54.588 ], [ -69.719, -54.496 ], [ -69.798, -54.431 ], [ -69.853, -54.29 ], [ -69.644, -54.345 ], [ -69.629, -54.406 ], [ -69.529, -54.444 ], [ -69.491, -54.445 ], [ -69.557, -54.399 ], [ -69.545, -54.341 ], [ -69.2, -54.452 ], [ -69.483, -54.677 ], [ -69.386, -54.645 ], [ -69.346, -54.71 ], [ -69.363, -54.632 ], [ -69.207, -54.526 ], [ -69.13, -54.602 ], [ -69.17, -54.512 ], [ -69.126, -54.46 ], [ -68.969, -54.486 ], [ -68.966, -54.449 ], [ -70.048, -54.106 ], [ -70.189, -53.819 ], [ -70.15, -53.744 ], [ -69.676, -53.646 ], [ -69.35, -53.523 ], [ -69.303, -53.475 ], [ -69.349, -53.368 ], [ -69.861, -53.372 ], [ -70.21, -53.477 ], [ -70.46, -53.377 ], [ -70.437, -53.014 ], [ -70.33, -52.965 ], [ -70.348, -53.058 ], [ -70.253, -53.051 ], [ -70.134, -53.006 ], [ -70.089, -52.918 ], [ -70.217, -52.881 ], [ -70.303, -52.912 ], [ -70.25, -52.853 ], [ -70.281, -52.795 ], [ -70.434, -52.784 ], [ -70.128, -52.729 ], [ -69.995, -52.837 ], [ -69.898, -52.84 ], [ -69.707, -52.764 ], [ -69.58, -52.651 ], [ -69.59, -52.537 ], [ -69.407, -52.454 ], [ -69.14, -52.698 ], [ -68.786, -52.614 ], [ -68.755, -52.545 ], [ -68.611, -52.653 ], [ -68.61, -54.89 ], [ -68.962, -54.785 ], [ -68.703, -54.908 ], [ -69.077, -54.957 ], [ -69.637, -54.84 ], [ -69.604, -54.728 ], [ -69.663, -54.788 ], [ -69.708, -54.697 ], [ -69.682, -54.821 ], [ -69.754, -54.825 ], [ -69.727, -54.761 ], [ -69.764, -54.724 ], [ -69.769, -54.821 ], [ -69.908, -54.836 ], [ -69.964, -54.726 ], [ -69.936, -54.685 ], [ -69.98, -54.723 ], [ -69.95, -54.846 ], [ -70.079, -54.853 ], [ -70.053, -54.788 ], [ -70.137, -54.792 ], [ -70.081, -54.83 ], [ -70.126, -54.85 ], [ -70.218, -54.833 ], [ -70.161, -54.864 ], [ -70.298, -54.852 ], [ -70.313, -54.807 ], [ -70.212, -54.685 ], [ -70.296, -54.745 ], [ -70.33, -54.843 ], [ -70.574, -54.771 ], [ -70.609, -54.78 ], [ -70.581, -54.801 ], [ -70.745, -54.851 ], [ -70.827, -54.825 ], [ -70.769, -54.801 ], [ -70.794, -54.77 ], [ -70.469, -54.7 ], [ -70.43, -54.637 ], [ -70.532, -54.627 ], [ -70.618, -54.676 ], [ -70.563, -54.715 ], [ -70.779, -54.763 ], [ -70.927, -54.758 ], [ -70.883, -54.705 ], [ -70.742, -54.694 ], [ -70.902, -54.67 ], [ -71.014, -54.783 ], [ -70.955, -54.72 ], [ -70.953, -54.682 ], [ -71.007, -54.706 ], [ -70.985, -54.672 ], [ -70.906, -54.619 ], [ -71.046, -54.597 ], [ -71.014, -54.632 ], [ -71.049, -54.665 ], [ -71.255, -54.686 ], [ -71.284, -54.648 ], [ -71.12, -54.626 ], [ -71.236, -54.623 ], [ -71.243, -54.591 ], [ -71.169, -54.58 ], [ -71.236, -54.583 ], [ -71.205, -54.538 ], [ -71.29, -54.576 ], [ -71.329, -54.517 ], [ -71.315, -54.572 ], [ -71.395, -54.532 ], [ -71.371, -54.566 ], [ -71.429, -54.571 ], [ -71.331, -54.593 ], [ -71.316, -54.619 ], [ -71.396, -54.611 ], [ -71.381, -54.66 ], [ -71.441, -54.64 ], [ -71.473, -54.696 ], [ -71.495, -54.595 ], [ -71.501, -54.717 ], [ -71.589, -54.689 ], [ -71.528, -54.669 ], [ -71.582, -54.651 ], [ -71.558, -54.623 ], [ -71.609, -54.641 ], [ -71.55, -54.588 ], [ -71.602, -54.583 ], [ -71.648, -54.673 ], [ -71.677, -54.619 ], [ -71.63, -54.589 ], [ -71.785, -54.582 ], [ -71.711, -54.613 ], [ -71.853, -54.601 ], [ -71.789, -54.65 ], [ -71.906, -54.656 ], [ -71.979, -54.611 ], [ -71.864, -54.62 ], [ -71.942, -54.577 ], [ -71.905, -54.554 ], [ -71.972, -54.572 ], [ -72.025, -54.516 ], [ -71.921, -54.526 ], [ -72.021, -54.483 ], [ -71.911, -54.45 ], [ -71.886, -54.514 ], [ -71.857, -54.472 ], [ -71.832, -54.537 ], [ -71.748, -54.566 ], [ -71.632, -54.583 ], [ -71.753, -54.5 ], [ -71.606, -54.546 ], [ -71.513, -54.55 ], [ -71.599, -54.537 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.854, -53.104 ], [ -71.875, -53.088 ], [ -71.849, -53.068 ], [ -71.854, -53.104 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.45, -53.037 ], [ -73.471, -53.015 ], [ -73.443, -53.027 ], [ -73.45, -53.037 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.5, 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-53.136 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.069, -53.108 ], [ -73.078, -53.104 ], [ -73.065, -53.098 ], [ -73.069, -53.108 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.656, -52.87 ], [ -70.732, -52.91 ], [ -70.773, -52.908 ], [ -70.625, -52.846 ], [ -70.656, -52.87 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.806, -52.906 ], [ -73.837, -52.901 ], [ -73.838, -52.881 ], [ -73.789, -52.878 ], [ -73.806, -52.906 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.285, -52.795 ], [ -73.311, -52.782 ], [ -73.292, -52.781 ], [ -73.285, -52.795 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.47, -52.78 ], [ -73.458, -52.789 ], [ -73.511, -52.777 ], [ -73.47, -52.78 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.709, -52.787 ], [ -73.7, -52.757 ], [ -73.659, -52.756 ], [ -73.663, -52.784 ], [ -73.709, -52.787 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.522, -52.794 ], [ -72.533, -52.767 ], [ -72.512, -52.784 ], [ -72.522, -52.794 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.246, -52.585 ], [ -72.28, -52.605 ], [ -72.3, -52.539 ], [ -72.246, -52.585 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.625, -52.575 ], [ -72.675, -52.568 ], [ -72.641, -52.561 ], [ -72.625, -52.575 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.861, -52.573 ], [ -72.842, -52.567 ], [ -72.851, -52.581 ], [ -72.861, -52.573 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.714, -52.57 ], [ -72.715, -52.553 ], [ -72.696, -52.553 ], [ -72.714, -52.57 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.067, -52.58 ], [ -74.121, -52.616 ], [ -74.206, -52.593 ], [ -74.123, -52.568 ], [ -74.067, -52.58 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.684, -52.547 ], [ -73.649, -52.568 ], [ -73.688, -52.574 ], [ -73.684, -52.547 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.292, -52.513 ], [ -74.302, -52.509 ], [ -74.278, -52.501 ], [ -74.292, -52.513 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.67, -52.527 ], [ -73.681, -52.512 ], [ -73.654, -52.512 ], [ -73.652, -52.523 ], [ -73.67, -52.527 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.977, -52.539 ], [ -74.017, -52.529 ], [ -73.89, -52.477 ], [ -73.977, -52.539 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.623, -52.483 ], [ -73.629, -52.463 ], [ -73.603, -52.47 ], [ -73.623, -52.483 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.113, -52.474 ], [ -74.128, -52.461 ], [ -74.114, -52.452 ], [ -74.097, -52.462 ], [ -74.113, -52.474 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.015, -52.462 ], [ -74.016, -52.449 ], [ -73.98, -52.431 ], [ -73.983, -52.449 ], [ -74.015, -52.462 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.3, -52.464 ], [ -74.333, -52.45 ], [ -74.328, -52.432 ], [ -74.3, -52.434 ], [ -74.3, -52.464 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72, -53.101 ], [ -72.121, -53.137 ], [ -72.349, -53.032 ], [ -72.244, -53.086 ], [ -72.4, -53.034 ], [ -72.602, -53.072 ], [ -72.388, -53.078 ], [ -72.204, -53.188 ], [ -72.363, -53.177 ], [ -72.401, -53.196 ], [ -72.316, -53.223 ], [ -72.361, -53.235 ], [ -72.508, -53.185 ], [ -72.457, -53.237 ], [ -72.541, -53.172 ], [ -72.606, -53.191 ], [ -72.415, -53.255 ], [ -72.463, -53.302 ], [ -72.53, -53.26 ], [ -72.554, -53.266 ], [ -72.5, -53.352 ], [ -72.557, -53.381 ], [ -72.676, -53.317 ], [ -72.586, -53.433 ], [ -72.508, -53.401 ], [ -72.383, -53.532 ], [ -72.531, -53.559 ], [ -72.741, -53.458 ], [ -72.758, -53.391 ], [ -72.793, -53.455 ], [ -72.808, -53.372 ], [ -72.914, -53.384 ], [ -72.885, -53.353 ], [ -73.172, -53.266 ], [ -73.325, -53.157 ], [ -73.13, -53.201 ], [ -72.95, -53.169 ], [ -72.753, -53.238 ], [ -72.76, -53.281 ], [ -72.829, -53.278 ], [ -72.718, -53.298 ], [ -72.728, -53.254 ], [ -72.682, -53.256 ], [ -72.849, -53.181 ], [ -72.719, -53.192 ], [ -72.801, -53.156 ], [ -72.656, -53.148 ], [ -72.736, -53.102 ], [ -72.857, -53.152 ], [ -72.975, -53.1 ], [ -72.851, -53.033 ], [ -72.926, -53.048 ], [ -72.972, -52.934 ], [ -72.939, -52.906 ], [ -73.02, -52.85 ], [ -72.92, -52.836 ], [ -72.801, -52.776 ], [ -72.813, -52.811 ], [ -72.711, -52.713 ], [ -72.609, -52.767 ], [ -72.738, -52.863 ], [ -72.719, -52.898 ], [ -72.589, -52.798 ], [ -72.536, -52.806 ], [ -72.65, -52.87 ], [ -72.483, -52.819 ], [ -72.442, -52.876 ], [ -72.445, -52.812 ], [ -72.181, -52.638 ], [ -72.056, -52.679 ], [ -71.975, -52.638 ], [ -71.824, -52.697 ], [ -71.494, -52.643 ], [ -71.409, -52.722 ], [ -71.421, -52.836 ], [ -71.911, -53.002 ], [ -72, -53.101 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.42, -53.331 ], [ -73.642, -53.323 ], [ -73.616, -53.289 ], [ -73.5, -53.302 ], [ -73.631, -53.273 ], [ -73.593, -53.236 ], [ -73.636, -53.185 ], [ -73.668, -53.212 ], [ -73.633, -53.235 ], [ -73.688, -53.236 ], [ -73.731, 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[ -72.321, -52.685 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.159, -52.643 ], [ -74.092, -52.663 ], [ -74.132, -52.658 ], [ -74.089, -52.693 ], [ -74.173, -52.711 ], [ -74.134, -52.683 ], [ -74.201, -52.645 ], [ -74.159, -52.643 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.655, -52.656 ], [ -73.687, -52.68 ], [ -73.707, -52.665 ], [ -73.689, -52.642 ], [ -73.655, -52.656 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.493, -52.722 ], [ -73.502, -52.711 ], [ -73.483, -52.703 ], [ -73.477, -52.716 ], [ -73.493, -52.722 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.357, -52.677 ], [ -73.388, -52.721 ], [ -73.448, -52.721 ], [ -73.376, -52.658 ], [ -73.357, -52.677 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.537, -52.74 ], [ -72.542, -52.758 ], [ -72.57, -52.75 ], [ -72.569, -52.733 ], [ -72.537, -52.74 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.377, -52.724 ], [ -72.38, -52.76 ], [ -72.46, -52.781 ], [ -72.499, -52.765 ], [ -72.377, -52.724 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.328, -52.698 ], [ -73.33, -52.732 ], [ -73.39, -52.752 ], [ -73.419, -52.745 ], [ -73.328, -52.698 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.654, -52.604 ], [ -72.595, -52.608 ], [ -72.585, -52.623 ], [ -72.656, -52.625 ], [ -72.654, -52.604 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.715, -52.429 ], [ -73.66, -52.486 ], [ -73.736, -52.502 ], [ -73.702, -52.519 ], [ -73.727, -52.575 ], [ -73.807, -52.552 ], [ -73.718, -52.594 ], [ -73.802, -52.713 ], [ -73.953, -52.728 ], [ -73.854, -52.609 ], [ -73.983, -52.67 ], [ -73.869, -52.574 ], [ -74.085, -52.641 ], [ -73.838, -52.438 ], [ -73.715, -52.429 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.884, -52.41 ], [ -73.859, -52.425 ], [ -73.882, -52.473 ], [ -73.99, -52.466 ], [ -73.884, -52.41 ] ] ] ] } } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 83323, "end" : 83328 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Chile" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : 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"value" : "Ciudad fundada por Vergara al este del Paraná; y origen de este nombre.Era imposible elegir un peor asiento para una población: así es que se tuvo que desampararlo poco después, para fundar la Ciudad Real, la que también fue abandonada para retirarse al otro lado del Paraná, donde está ahora Villarrica del Espíritu Santo. Se hicieron, pues, tres ensayos para establecer un solo pueblo. Ontiveros, o más bien Fontiberos (Fons Iberi), pequeña ciudad de Castilla la Vieja, cerca de Salamanca, era la patria de Vergara, que quiso tributarle el homenaje de hacerla revivir en las orillas del Paraná. V. Ciudad Real.Villa de Ontiveros en la Provincia del Guayrá (Gobernación del Paraguay), fue una efímera villa española fundada en 1554 en el actual noroeste del Estado de Paraná (Brasil), unos cincuenta kilómetros al norte del Salto del Guairá del río Paraná, aunque otras fuentes la sitúan en la ribera oriental del río, en el Estado de Mato Grosso del Sur.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-01T19:25:44+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 102434, "end" : 102452 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "villa de Ontiveros" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/00407921-e11b-4fcb-becf-07908ed95c87", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Ciudad fundada por Vergara al este del Paraná; y origen de este nombre.Era imposible elegir un peor asiento para una población: así es que se tuvo que desampararlo poco después, para fundar la Ciudad Real, la que también fue abandonada para retirarse al otro lado del Paraná, donde está ahora Villarrica del Espíritu Santo. Se hicieron, pues, tres ensayos para establecer un solo pueblo. Ontiveros, o más bien Fontiberos (Fons Iberi), pequeña ciudad de Castilla la Vieja, cerca de Salamanca, era la patria de Vergara, que quiso tributarle el homenaje de hacerla revivir en las orillas del Paraná. V. Ciudad Real.Villa de Ontiveros en la Provincia del Guayrá (Gobernación del Paraguay), fue una efímera villa española fundada en 1554 en el actual noroeste del Estado de Paraná (Brasil), unos cincuenta kilómetros al norte del Salto del Guairá del río Paraná, aunque otras fuentes la sitúan en la ribera oriental del río, en el Estado de Mato Grosso del Sur.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-01T19:25:44+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://www.hgis-indias.net/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=gazetteer:9001002", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-25T19:58:28+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-25T19:58:28+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ -54.25591044, -24.08742586 ] } } ], "target" : { "source" : 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Sus \nactuaciones incluyen haber mediado entre Domingo de Irala y Ruiz Galán \nen 1537 y 1539, participado en la represión del levantamiento de cacique\n guarambarense Aracaré y ser parte de la facción de Domingo de Irala \ncontra la de Cabeza de Vaca en 1545. De hecho, sirvió como teniente de \ngobernador bajo su administración cuando Irala condujo una entrada al \nChaco en 1547. En esta circunstancia, los partidarios de Cabeza de Vaca \nrecusaron su nombramiento y tras haber instaurado a Diego de Abreu como \ngobernador, ejecutaron a Mendoza.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-25T20:42:16+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 49968, "end" : 49975 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Mendoza" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/a135fc77-8d1d-4809-a581-89314d0e9d4d", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : 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"https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 114419, "end" : 114426 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Becerra" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/c939d7dc-d1c3-4ad3-8036-f7f29c4307cd", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PLACE", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T15:31:32+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Río que sale de una cordillera, poco distante de San Pablo; rodea el cerro de Nuestra Señora de Monserrate. Sus orillas están pobladas de indios guaranís. Corre cerca del Iguazú. Entra en el Paranapané (río brasileño, uno de los más importantes del interior del estado de São Paulo que forma frontera natural entre los estados de São Paulo y Paraná); es muy caudaloso; con muchos arrecifes y saltos, y poblado de multitud de indios. Tibaxiva, o Tibagy, como lo llaman los portugueses, es un confluente del Paraná-pané. Nace al oeste de la Cananea, y se dirige al noroeste, atravesando los campos de Guarapuaba, donde se hace caudaloso con el tributo de otros muchos ríos que se le juntan. El mayor de ellos es el Cairussú, que pasa por la Sierra Dorada. El Padre Lozano, en su Historia de la Compañía de Jesús del Paraguay, tom. II, pág. 454, nombra varios pueblos de indios, que cubrían las orillas de este río. En el idioma guaraní, Atí es amontonar, hinchar; ba expresa el hábito de hacer alguna cosa; hí, chocar, y ba, lo mismo que antes. Así, pues, Atibahibá quiere decir, río, cuyas aguas se hinchan, y se entrechocan: esto es un hervidero de aguas.Bibliografía:Coleccion de obras y documentos relativos á la historia antigua y moderna de las provincias del Rio de La Plata, Volumen 6. Pedro De AngelisImpr. del Estado, 1836.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T17:35:12+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 7242, "end" : 7251 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Ativajiba" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/764d1604-18e0-48d8-b862-d09d44054539", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://www.hgis-indias.net/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=gazetteer:9000056", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T20:43:02+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T20:43:02+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ -60.517197, -31.743261 ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Río Paraná http://www.geonames.org/3430144/rio-parana.html", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T15:50:54+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 8418, "end" : 8432 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "río del Paraná" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/e49f7eb6-90fc-4206-8dc1-95f40ee04e0e", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PLACE", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T15:44:52+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Río Piquiri es un río brasileño que discurre por el estado de Paraná. Es uno de los principales afluentes por la margen izquierda del río Paraná en territorio brasileño.http://www.geonames.org/3453670/arroio-piquiri.htmlRío que desemboca en el Paraná, en el punto donde está edificada Ciudad Real (antigua capital del Guayra, Paraguay). Los que han examinado y descripto el curso de este río lo hacen salir al Paraná, tres leguas arriba del Salto Grande, y casi en frente de la boca del Igatimí; donde creemos que acababa la última línea de demarcación. Los españoles descubrieron y trabajaron minas de fierro cerca de este río. Su nombre, que es Piquirí, y no Pequirí, se compone de piqui, pececillos, e î, río: «río que abunda de pescado chico».", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T17:48:28+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 98043, "end" : 98050 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Piquirí" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/2bf398d9-5bb5-46d8-9421-cb118109f121", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://www.hgis-indias.net/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=gazetteer:9000056", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T20:43:02+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T20:43:02+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ -60.517197, -31.743261 ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Río Paraná http://www.geonames.org/3430144/rio-parana.html", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T15:50:54+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 119489, "end" : 119503 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "río del Paraná" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/6fa09b22-6eed-4730-9ee7-a954471d6371", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://www.hgis-indias.net/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=gazetteer:9000056", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T20:43:02+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T20:43:02+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ -60.517197, -31.743261 ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Río Paraná http://www.geonames.org/3430144/rio-parana.html", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T15:50:54+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 96703, "end" : 96717 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "río del Paraná" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/8a2e117a-a910-405d-a9a8-2ba753638c89", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-22T18:41:24+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Natural de Madrid; viene con Cabeza de Vaca. 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Su vida estuvo marcada por guerras, conspiraciones, persecuciones\ny conflictos familiares.\n\nJunto a Juan de Salazar, Alonso Riquelme de Guzmán y Diego de Abreu se opuso\nal gobierno asunceno de Domingo Martínez de Irala, apoyando al deportado Álvar\nNúñez Cabeza de Vaca.\n\nGobernó de manera casi absoluta e independiente la antigua provincia\nasuncena del Guayrá, fácticamente durante 20 años, y luego de separarla de Asunción\nen 1575, con el título de teniente de gobernador del Guayrá unos 15 años más.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T20:31:25+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 119581, "end" : 119599 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Rui Díaz Melgarejo" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/6cb7231a-75d4-45f8-ba4e-8e6991c2ff83", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-28T17:44:19+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Ruy Díaz de Melgarejo (Salteras\nde Sevilla, 1519 – Santa Fe la Vieja, 1602) fue un militar, conquistador, explorador,\nestadista, minero y burócrata colonial español establecido en la región del Río\nde la Plata. Su vida estuvo marcada por guerras, conspiraciones, persecuciones\ny conflictos familiares.\n\nJunto a Juan de Salazar, Alonso Riquelme de Guzmán y Diego de Abreu se opuso\nal gobierno asunceno de Domingo Martínez de Irala, apoyando al deportado Álvar\nNúñez Cabeza de Vaca.\n\nGobernó de manera casi absoluta e independiente la antigua provincia\nasuncena del Guayrá, fácticamente durante 20 años, y luego de separarla de Asunción\nen 1575, con el título de teniente de gobernador del Guayrá unos 15 años más.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T20:31:25+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 66448, "end" : 66466 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Rui Díaz Melgarejo" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/31a79298-6eb5-4a47-8ead-64864d646ffb", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-28T17:44:19+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Ruy Díaz de Melgarejo (Salteras\nde Sevilla, 1519 – Santa Fe la Vieja, 1602) fue un militar, conquistador, explorador,\nestadista, minero y burócrata colonial español establecido en la región del Río\nde la Plata. Su vida estuvo marcada por guerras, conspiraciones, persecuciones\ny conflictos familiares.\n\nJunto a Juan de Salazar, Alonso Riquelme de Guzmán y Diego de Abreu se opuso\nal gobierno asunceno de Domingo Martínez de Irala, apoyando al deportado Álvar\nNúñez Cabeza de Vaca.\n\nGobernó de manera casi absoluta e independiente la antigua provincia\nasuncena del Guayrá, fácticamente durante 20 años, y luego de separarla de Asunción\nen 1575, con el título de teniente de gobernador del Guayrá unos 15 años más.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T20:31:25+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 42445, "end" : 42463 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Rui Díaz Melgarejo" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/437584ed-3f29-436d-ad70-2652cee4243f", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "River", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2018-06-04T19:00:44+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Refiere al río Paraguay https://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=15/-27.0962/-58.5530", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2018-06-04T19:00:44+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PLACE", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T20:32:11+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 11528, "end" : 11536 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Paraguay" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/ab260a64-3258-4375-9616-0f21ed82cd31", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://www.hgis-indias.net/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=gazetteer:9000031", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T20:38:15+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T20:38:15+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ -57.853052, -34.472623 ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Se refiere a la isla del mismo nombre en la costa uruguaya frente a Colonia.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T20:38:15+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 6047, "end" : 6058 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "San Gabriel" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/f41b336e-dc4b-485f-bad5-767e664409b0", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T14:47:53+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Felipe de Cáceres (n. 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] ] ], [ [ [ -77.851, -11.494 ], [ -77.852, -11.486 ], [ -77.844, -11.48 ], [ -77.844, -11.488 ], [ -77.851, -11.494 ] ] ], [ [ [ -81.072, -5 ], [ -81.326, -4.68 ], [ -81.25, -4.27 ], [ -80.837, -3.877 ], [ -80.786, -3.749 ], [ -80.574, -3.628 ], [ -80.501, -3.505 ], [ -80.366, -3.499 ], [ -80.304, -3.405 ], [ -80.219, -3.438 ], [ -80.154, -3.905 ], [ -80.286, -4.018 ], [ -80.398, -3.984 ], [ -80.475, -4.054 ], [ -80.444, -4.194 ], [ -80.305, -4.201 ], [ -80.443, -4.371 ], [ -80.443, -4.437 ], [ -80.335, -4.47 ], [ -80.136, -4.285 ], [ -79.895, -4.394 ], [ -79.812, -4.486 ], [ -79.631, -4.435 ], [ -79.541, -4.528 ], [ -79.482, -4.529 ], [ -79.416, -4.799 ], [ -79.26, -4.967 ], [ -79, -4.979 ], [ -78.881, -4.72 ], [ -78.736, -4.654 ], [ -78.621, -4.497 ], [ -78.627, -4.319 ], [ -78.572, -4.255 ], [ -78.499, -3.949 ], [ -78.377, -3.787 ], [ -78.319, -3.429 ], [ -78.249, -3.429 ], [ -78.232, -3.534 ], [ -78.137, -3.522 ], [ -78.19, -3.354 ], [ -77.824, -2.998 ], [ -76.627, -2.591 ], [ -76.045, -2.128 ], [ -75.538, -1.536 ], [ -75.364, -0.956 ], [ -75.185, -0.971 ], [ -75.28, -0.711 ], [ -75.245, -0.535 ], [ -75.415, -0.424 ], [ -75.449, -0.329 ], [ -75.622, -0.263 ], [ -75.622, -0.109 ], [ -75.304, -0.134 ], [ -75.219, -0.015 ], [ -75.115, -0.039 ], [ -74.904, -0.195 ], [ -74.824, -0.145 ], [ -74.78, -0.214 ], [ -74.801, -0.29 ], [ -74.659, -0.332 ], [ -74.52, -0.479 ], [ -74.425, -0.511 ], [ -74.342, -0.695 ], [ -74.378, -0.745 ], [ -74.258, -0.843 ], [ -74.272, -0.899 ], [ -74.318, -0.9 ], [ -74.266, -1.007 ], [ -74.074, -1.081 ], [ -74.033, -1.028 ], [ -74.013, -1.123 ], [ -73.905, -1.15 ], [ -73.861, -1.25 ], [ -73.777, -1.277 ], [ -73.75, -1.22 ], [ -73.732, -1.267 ], [ -73.624, -1.283 ], [ -73.552, -1.429 ], [ -73.586, -1.445 ], [ -73.539, -1.452 ], [ -73.46, -1.6 ], [ -73.532, -1.733 ], [ -73.314, -1.855 ], [ -73.293, -1.803 ], [ -73.231, -1.823 ], [ -73.222, -1.774 ], [ -73.143, -1.834 ], [ -73.095, -2.113 ], [ -73.059, -2.125 ], [ -73.153, -2.276 ], [ -73.044, -2.4 ], [ -73.021, -2.355 ], [ -72.962, -2.382 ], [ -72.921, -2.5 ], [ -72.769, -2.42 ], [ -72.733, -2.459 ], [ -72.707, -2.416 ], [ -72.67, -2.486 ], [ -72.618, -2.396 ], [ -72.383, -2.416 ], [ -72.346, -2.49 ], [ -72.221, -2.433 ], [ -72.126, -2.468 ], [ -72.035, -2.331 ], [ -71.907, -2.373 ], [ -71.919, -2.312 ], [ -71.861, -2.3 ], [ -71.822, -2.187 ], [ -71.722, -2.128 ], [ -71.707, -2.214 ], [ -71.628, -2.191 ], [ -71.5, -2.245 ], [ -71.484, -2.336 ], [ -71.444, -2.263 ], [ -71.375, -2.398 ], [ -71.284, -2.338 ], [ -71.165, -2.376 ], [ -71.057, -2.264 ], [ -70.986, -2.298 ], [ -70.993, -2.205 ], [ -70.928, -2.245 ], [ -70.857, -2.217 ], [ -70.822, -2.283 ], [ -70.658, -2.351 ], [ -70.608, -2.481 ], [ -70.55, -2.47 ], [ -70.562, -2.415 ], [ -70.418, -2.525 ], [ -70.307, -2.498 ], [ -70.342, -2.573 ], [ -70.246, -2.548 ], [ -70.15, -2.705 ], [ -70.076, -2.662 ], [ -70.034, -2.761 ], [ -70.703, -3.795 ], [ -70.485, -3.885 ], [ -70.295, -3.813 ], [ -70.186, -3.891 ], [ -70.158, -4.021 ], [ -69.948, -4.219 ], [ -69.978, -4.295 ], [ -70.036, -4.339 ], [ -70.076, -4.309 ], [ -70.042, -4.284 ], [ -70.164, -4.268 ], [ -70.19, -4.357 ], [ -70.249, -4.267 ], [ -70.291, -4.283 ], [ -70.317, -4.136 ], [ -70.341, -4.174 ], [ -70.434, -4.125 ], [ -70.503, -4.19 ], [ -70.553, -4.128 ], [ -70.566, -4.205 ], [ -70.565, -4.168 ], [ -70.633, -4.173 ], [ -70.622, -4.121 ], [ -70.677, -4.2 ], [ -70.757, -4.152 ], [ -70.935, -4.381 ], [ -70.99, -4.34 ], [ -71.031, -4.397 ], [ -71.147, -4.375 ], [ -71.193, -4.42 ], [ -71.198, -4.377 ], [ -71.269, -4.381 ], [ -71.303, -4.458 ], [ -71.355, -4.468 ], [ -71.342, -4.423 ], [ -71.432, -4.469 ], [ -71.414, -4.432 ], [ -71.506, -4.435 ], [ -71.49, -4.479 ], [ -71.535, -4.46 ], [ -71.597, -4.525 ], [ -71.61, -4.465 ], [ -71.897, -4.512 ], [ -71.94, -4.607 ], [ -72.047, -4.625 ], [ -72.113, -4.722 ], [ -72.223, -4.78 ], [ -72.313, -4.769 ], [ -72.292, -4.799 ], [ -72.356, -4.803 ], [ -72.37, -4.88 ], [ -72.452, -4.906 ], [ -72.455, -4.962 ], [ -72.577, -4.992 ], [ -72.602, -5.056 ], [ -72.734, -5.043 ], [ -72.896, -5.136 ], [ -72.872, -5.25 ], [ -72.948, -5.454 ], [ -72.951, -5.643 ], [ -73.116, -5.865 ], [ -73.131, -5.986 ], [ -73.185, -6.04 ], [ -73.133, -6.421 ], [ -73.211, -6.53 ], [ -73.351, -6.561 ], [ -73.743, -6.897 ], [ -73.797, -7.115 ], [ -73.691, -7.313 ], [ -73.868, -7.377 ], [ -73.954, -7.348 ], [ -73.917, -7.461 ], [ -73.986, -7.537 ], [ -73.69, -7.79 ], [ -73.697, -7.865 ], [ -73.777, -7.869 ], [ -73.765, -7.94 ], [ -73.632, -8.022 ], [ -73.526, -8.369 ], [ -73.338, -8.476 ], [ -73.338, -8.609 ], [ -73.169, -8.701 ], [ -73.059, -8.904 ], [ -72.946, -8.99 ], [ -72.965, -9.154 ], [ -73.196, -9.418 ], [ -72.721, -9.417 ], [ -72.364, -9.491 ], [ -72.289, -9.536 ], [ -72.26, -9.755 ], [ -72.16, -9.818 ], [ -72.165, -10.002 ], [ -71.288, -9.996 ], [ -71.131, -9.862 ], [ -70.982, -9.812 ], [ -70.601, -9.453 ], [ -70.497, -9.433 ], [ -70.561, -9.579 ], [ -70.598, -9.574 ], [ -70.522, -9.738 ], [ -70.622, -9.847 ], [ -70.618, -11.007 ], [ -70.508, -10.94 ], [ -70.337, -11.067 ], [ -69.938, -10.926 ], [ -69.728, -10.973 ], [ -69.568, -10.954 ], [ -68.924, -11.994 ], [ -68.679, -12.497 ], [ -68.764, -12.612 ], [ -68.738, -12.705 ], [ -68.85, -12.728 ], [ -68.961, -12.852 ], [ -68.942, -13.486 ], [ -68.997, -13.652 ], [ -69.076, -13.654 ], [ -68.988, -13.769 ], [ -68.965, -13.98 ], [ -68.881, -14.065 ], [ -68.841, -14.21 ], [ -68.982, -14.237 ], [ -68.98, -14.387 ], [ -69.152, -14.508 ], [ -69.149, -14.584 ], [ -69.225, -14.584 ], [ -69.244, -14.753 ], [ -69.363, -14.804 ], [ -69.365, -14.98 ], [ -69.126, -15.256 ], [ -69.265, -15.336 ], [ -69.274, -15.421 ], [ -69.414, -15.621 ], [ -69.236, -16.143 ], [ -69.099, -16.219 ], [ -68.963, -16.189 ], [ -68.814, -16.338 ], [ -68.982, -16.433 ], [ -69.032, -16.566 ], [ -69.006, -16.677 ], [ -69.168, -16.731 ], [ -69.392, -17.021 ], [ -69.375, -17.078 ], [ -69.551, -17.162 ], [ -69.641, -17.282 ], [ -69.463, -17.376 ], [ -69.463, -17.508 ], [ -69.662, -17.658 ], [ -69.799, -17.65 ], [ -69.819, -17.747 ], [ -69.753, -17.982 ], [ -69.948, -18.248 ], [ -70.374, -18.35 ], [ -70.879, -18.01 ], [ -70.925, -17.924 ], [ -71.383, -17.708 ], [ -71.342, -17.636 ], [ -71.382, -17.419 ], [ -71.515, -17.265 ], [ -71.819, -17.18 ], [ -71.974, -17.048 ], [ -72.113, -17.027 ], [ -72.123, -16.97 ], [ -72.45, -16.705 ], [ -72.758, -16.636 ], [ -73.112, -16.433 ], [ -73.291, -16.402 ], [ -73.3, -16.349 ], [ -73.414, -16.294 ], [ -73.701, -16.24 ], [ -74.057, -15.961 ], [ -74.285, -15.846 ], [ -74.371, -15.85 ], [ -74.476, -15.726 ], [ -75.141, -15.419 ], [ -75.2, -15.381 ], [ -75.157, -15.338 ], [ -75.252, -15.268 ], [ -75.23, -15.22 ], [ -75.376, -15.161 ], [ -75.509, -14.922 ], [ -75.921, -14.662 ], [ -75.98, -14.483 ], [ -76.151, -14.345 ], [ -76.105, -14.326 ], [ -76.135, -14.245 ], [ -76.222, -14.165 ], [ -76.274, -14.151 ], [ -76.273, -14.211 ], [ -76.296, -14.175 ], [ -76.286, -13.917 ], [ -76.395, -13.908 ], [ -76.332, -13.799 ], [ -76.261, -13.872 ], [ -76.191, -13.607 ], [ -76.206, -13.4 ], [ -76.492, -13.049 ], [ -76.52, -12.871 ], [ -76.641, -12.752 ], [ -76.693, -12.608 ], [ -76.811, -12.512 ], [ -76.784, -12.402 ], [ -76.84, -12.323 ], [ -77.042, -12.215 ], [ -77.072, -12.113 ], [ -77.172, -12.087 ], [ -77.136, -11.984 ], [ -77.201, -11.79 ], [ -77.176, -11.739 ], [ -77.301, -11.521 ], [ -77.663, -11.297 ], [ -77.656, -11.228 ], [ -77.604, -11.205 ], [ -77.671, -10.949 ], [ -78.196, -10.11 ], [ -78.241, -9.793 ], [ -78.378, -9.635 ], [ -78.431, -9.345 ], [ -78.536, -9.274 ], [ -78.507, -9.186 ], [ -78.555, -9.184 ], [ -78.575, -9.248 ], [ -78.621, -9.185 ], [ -78.563, -9.134 ], [ -78.641, -9.076 ], [ -78.654, -8.916 ], [ -78.766, -8.773 ], [ -78.755, -8.616 ], [ -78.934, -8.455 ], [ -78.905, -8.389 ], [ -78.97, -8.252 ], [ -79.359, -7.859 ], [ -79.566, -7.465 ], [ -79.581, -7.322 ], [ -79.678, -7.12 ], [ -79.916, -6.884 ], [ -79.983, -6.743 ], [ -80.298, -6.53 ], [ -80.773, -6.306 ], [ -81.11, -6.057 ], [ -81.144, -5.89 ], [ -81.076, -5.791 ], [ -80.942, -5.848 ], [ -80.866, -5.784 ], [ -80.858, -5.819 ], [ -80.841, -5.841 ], [ -80.848, -5.534 ], [ -80.872, -5.558 ], [ -80.945, -5.432 ], [ -81.191, -5.216 ], [ -81.167, -5.083 ], [ -81.085, -5.081 ], [ -81.072, -5 ] ] ] ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Entendido como virreinato del Perú.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-02T00:44:43+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 44283, "end" : 44288 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Perú," } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : 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Dependían \npolíticamente de Asunción.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-11T14:46:59+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 36015, "end" : 36033 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "provincia de Jerez" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/a55447af-d8b8-4daf-b313-efb3f4805621", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", 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"type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Nació en Santa Cruz de la Sierra, de Extremadura,\nen 1518. Llegó a territorio americano con el segundo adelantado del Río de la\nPlata, Don Alvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca”. Cuando la flota llega al puerto de\nSanta Catalina en el año 1541, ya ostentaba el grado de Capitán. Cuando el\ngobernador Martínez de Irala le encomienda fundar al norte de Asunción, Chaves\nse convierte así en General. El 26 de febrero de 1561 fundó Santa Cruz de la\nSierra a orillas del arroyo Sutó. Después de fundada Santa Cruz de la\nSierra, Ñuflo de Chaves se dirige a Asunción, en 1564,  para recoger\na su familia. En 1550 se había casado con Doña Elvira Manrique, hija de don\nFrancisco de Mendoza, gobernador del Río de la Plata, con quien tuvo cinco\nhijos: Francisco y Alvaro, ambos militares; María, Catalina y Elvira; las\ndos menores monjas y la mayor se casó en 1574 con un soldado de apellido\nOssorio. El nieto de Ñuflo, Cap. Francisco Ossorio de Chaves, estuvo como\nAlcalde durante la traslación de  la ciudad, hasta su\nasiento definitivo a orillas del Piraí (1621).", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-20T20:30:50+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 80376, "end" : 80382 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Chaves" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/4d568ad1-8e59-440d-a31d-660b5d803911", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-20T20:28:21+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Diego de Mendoza\n(1540-1571) fue un conquistador y colonizador español, hijo del gobernador de\nAsunción Francisco Mendoza y de María de Angulo. Hermano de Elvira de Mendoza,\nquien fue esposa de Ñuflo de Chaves. Su esposa fue Ana de la Torre, sobrina del\nObispo del Paraguay.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-20T20:28:21+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 77718, "end" : 77727 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "don Diego" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/2e2ceb5b-d537-48df-a350-085613238a67", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : 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Garay (1528 - 1583) fue un hidalgo, explorador, conquistador y gobernante colonial español. Se destacó por su actuación en la gobernación del Río de la Plata y del Paraguay por haber sido el fundador de la ciudad de Santa Fe en 1573 en su primera ubicación, por lo cual fue asignado al año siguiente como su teniente de gobernador, para convertirse en 1577 en el teniente de gobernador general de Asunción. En 1580 fundó la ciudad de Buenos Aires, con el nombre de \"Ciudad de la Trinidad\", en el lugar donde en 1536 Pedro de Mendoza había fundado un fuerte con el nombre de \" Real de Nuestra Señora Santa María del Buen Ayre\".", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T10:57:28+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 113449, "end" : 113462 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Juan de Garay" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/dc96e580-0a73-4496-9c0d-e1bebdef0665", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "tribe", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T11:33:27+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T11:33:27+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 119916, "end" : 119924 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Charrúas" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/03d304b4-6ee7-4d13-a270-2296ee70b851", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-20T22:16:56+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Martín Suárez de Toledo nacido como Martín II Suárez de Toledo y Saavedra fue un hidalgo, militar y explorador español que se desempeñó como teniente de gobernador de Asunción desde 1569 y luego como administrador interino de la gobernación del Río de la Plata y del Paraguay, entre 1572 y 1574, al ser depuesto Felipe de Cáceres quien a su vez estaba suplantando al adelantado Juan Ortiz de Zárate, siendo este hecho perpetrado por el obispo Pedro Fernández de la Torre. En el año 1573 comisionó al entonces alguacil mayor del Río de la Plata, Juan de Garay, para que fundara una nueva ciudad que sirviera de conexión marítima, la cual se llamaría \"Santa Fe de la Vera Cruz\".", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T12:04:36+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 103999, "end" : 104022 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Martín Suárez de Toledo" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/768fa339-b9fd-4301-9975-17ed596b25fe", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : 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"2018-09-21T12:02:11+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 96438, "end" : 96458 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Juan Ortiz de Zárate" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/59a85ac1-1ec1-4272-a158-2ab0d19435c3", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : 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-25.82305535 ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "La ciudad fue fundada en su emplazamiento actual en 1553, y desde ella \nsalieron numerosos contingentes que ayudaron a fundar diversas ciudades \nen el actual territorio argentino, como  San Miguel de Tucumán, Córdoba,\n Salta, La Rioja, San Salvador de Jujuy y Catamarca.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T12:23:26+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 67135, "end" : 67141 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Estero" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : 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argentino, como  San Miguel de Tucumán, Córdoba,\n Salta, La Rioja, San Salvador de Jujuy y Catamarca.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T12:23:13+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 67100, "end" : 67108 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Santiago" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/17f433b8-c47c-4e81-993d-e8345457767c", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : 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-4.381 ], [ -70.99, -4.34 ], [ -71.031, -4.397 ], [ -71.147, -4.375 ], [ -71.193, -4.42 ], [ -71.198, -4.377 ], [ -71.269, -4.381 ], [ -71.303, -4.458 ], [ -71.355, -4.468 ], [ -71.342, -4.423 ], [ -71.432, -4.469 ], [ -71.414, -4.432 ], [ -71.506, -4.435 ], [ -71.49, -4.479 ], [ -71.535, -4.46 ], [ -71.597, -4.525 ], [ -71.61, -4.465 ], [ -71.897, -4.512 ], [ -71.94, -4.607 ], [ -72.047, -4.625 ], [ -72.113, -4.722 ], [ -72.223, -4.78 ], [ -72.313, -4.769 ], [ -72.292, -4.799 ], [ -72.356, -4.803 ], [ -72.37, -4.88 ], [ -72.452, -4.906 ], [ -72.455, -4.962 ], [ -72.577, -4.992 ], [ -72.602, -5.056 ], [ -72.734, -5.043 ], [ -72.896, -5.136 ], [ -72.872, -5.25 ], [ -72.948, -5.454 ], [ -72.951, -5.643 ], [ -73.116, -5.865 ], [ -73.131, -5.986 ], [ -73.185, -6.04 ], [ -73.133, -6.421 ], [ -73.211, -6.53 ], [ -73.351, -6.561 ], [ -73.743, -6.897 ], [ -73.797, -7.115 ], [ -73.691, -7.313 ], [ -73.868, -7.377 ], [ -73.954, -7.348 ], [ -73.917, -7.461 ], [ -73.986, -7.537 ], [ -73.69, -7.79 ], [ -73.697, -7.865 ], [ -73.777, -7.869 ], [ -73.765, -7.94 ], [ -73.632, -8.022 ], [ -73.526, -8.369 ], [ -73.338, -8.476 ], [ -73.338, -8.609 ], [ -73.169, -8.701 ], [ -73.059, -8.904 ], [ -72.946, -8.99 ], [ -72.965, -9.154 ], [ -73.196, -9.418 ], [ -72.721, -9.417 ], [ -72.364, -9.491 ], [ -72.289, -9.536 ], [ -72.26, -9.755 ], [ -72.16, -9.818 ], [ -72.165, -10.002 ], [ -71.288, -9.996 ], [ -71.131, -9.862 ], [ -70.982, -9.812 ], [ -70.601, -9.453 ], [ -70.497, -9.433 ], [ -70.561, -9.579 ], [ -70.598, -9.574 ], [ -70.522, -9.738 ], [ -70.622, -9.847 ], [ -70.618, -11.007 ], [ -70.508, -10.94 ], [ -70.337, -11.067 ], [ -69.938, -10.926 ], [ -69.728, -10.973 ], [ -69.568, -10.954 ], [ -68.924, -11.994 ], [ -68.679, -12.497 ], [ -68.764, -12.612 ], [ -68.738, -12.705 ], [ -68.85, -12.728 ], [ -68.961, -12.852 ], [ -68.942, -13.486 ], [ -68.997, -13.652 ], [ -69.076, -13.654 ], [ -68.988, -13.769 ], [ -68.965, -13.98 ], [ -68.881, -14.065 ], [ -68.841, -14.21 ], [ -68.982, -14.237 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-16.349 ], [ -73.414, -16.294 ], [ -73.701, -16.24 ], [ -74.057, -15.961 ], [ -74.285, -15.846 ], [ -74.371, -15.85 ], [ -74.476, -15.726 ], [ -75.141, -15.419 ], [ -75.2, -15.381 ], [ -75.157, -15.338 ], [ -75.252, -15.268 ], [ -75.23, -15.22 ], [ -75.376, -15.161 ], [ -75.509, -14.922 ], [ -75.921, -14.662 ], [ -75.98, -14.483 ], [ -76.151, -14.345 ], [ -76.105, -14.326 ], [ -76.135, -14.245 ], [ -76.222, -14.165 ], [ -76.274, -14.151 ], [ -76.273, -14.211 ], [ -76.296, -14.175 ], [ -76.286, -13.917 ], [ -76.395, -13.908 ], [ -76.332, -13.799 ], [ -76.261, -13.872 ], [ -76.191, -13.607 ], [ -76.206, -13.4 ], [ -76.492, -13.049 ], [ -76.52, -12.871 ], [ -76.641, -12.752 ], [ -76.693, -12.608 ], [ -76.811, -12.512 ], [ -76.784, -12.402 ], [ -76.84, -12.323 ], [ -77.042, -12.215 ], [ -77.072, -12.113 ], [ -77.172, -12.087 ], [ -77.136, -11.984 ], [ -77.201, -11.79 ], [ -77.176, -11.739 ], [ -77.301, -11.521 ], [ -77.663, -11.297 ], [ -77.656, -11.228 ], [ -77.604, -11.205 ], [ -77.671, 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-6.956 ], [ -80.698, -6.962 ] ] ], [ [ [ -80.845, -6.472 ], [ -80.868, -6.436 ], [ -80.844, -6.383 ], [ -80.851, -6.407 ], [ -80.845, -6.472 ] ] ], [ [ [ -81.205, -5.216 ], [ -81.211, -5.206 ], [ -81.201, -5.21 ], [ -81.205, -5.216 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.259, -15.273 ], [ -75.269, -15.267 ], [ -75.269, -15.264 ], [ -75.257, -15.264 ], [ -75.259, -15.273 ] ] ], [ [ [ -76.179, -14.318 ], [ -76.219, -14.293 ], [ -76.219, -14.267 ], [ -76.188, -14.28 ], [ -76.179, -14.318 ] ] ], [ [ [ -76.455, -13.868 ], [ -76.471, -13.858 ], [ -76.458, -13.828 ], [ -76.441, -13.848 ], [ -76.455, -13.868 ] ] ], [ [ [ -76.406, -13.75 ], [ -76.406, -13.746 ], [ -76.397, -13.741 ], [ -76.397, -13.746 ], [ -76.406, -13.75 ] ] ], [ [ [ -76.633, -12.805 ], [ -76.634, -12.794 ], [ -76.621, -12.798 ], [ -76.633, -12.805 ] ] ], [ [ [ -76.899, -12.361 ], [ -76.905, -12.355 ], [ -76.901, -12.347 ], [ -76.897, -12.352 ], [ -76.899, -12.361 ] ] ], [ [ [ -76.915, -12.314 ], [ -76.917, -12.312 ], [ -76.909, -12.302 ], [ -76.909, -12.312 ], [ -76.915, -12.314 ] ] ], [ [ [ -77.19, -12.134 ], [ -77.189, -12.125 ], [ -77.185, -12.124 ], [ -77.182, -12.129 ], [ -77.19, -12.134 ] ] ], [ [ [ -77.208, -12.124 ], [ -77.253, -12.095 ], [ -77.254, -12.074 ], [ -77.202, -12.103 ], [ -77.208, -12.124 ] ] ], [ [ [ -77.717, -11.974 ], [ -77.725, -11.969 ], [ -77.724, -11.965 ], [ -77.718, -11.965 ], [ -77.717, -11.974 ] ] ], [ [ [ -77.723, -11.954 ], [ -77.733, -11.953 ], [ -77.734, -11.948 ], [ -77.722, -11.946 ], [ -77.723, -11.954 ] ] ], [ [ [ -77.851, -11.494 ], [ -77.852, -11.486 ], [ -77.844, -11.48 ], [ -77.844, -11.488 ], [ -77.851, -11.494 ] ] ], [ [ [ -81.072, -5 ], [ -81.326, -4.68 ], [ -81.25, -4.27 ], [ -80.837, -3.877 ], [ -80.786, -3.749 ], [ -80.574, -3.628 ], [ -80.501, -3.505 ], [ -80.366, -3.499 ], [ -80.304, -3.405 ], [ -80.219, -3.438 ], [ -80.154, -3.905 ], [ -80.286, -4.018 ], [ -80.398, -3.984 ], [ -80.475, -4.054 ], [ -80.444, -4.194 ], [ -80.305, -4.201 ], [ -80.443, -4.371 ], [ -80.443, -4.437 ], [ -80.335, -4.47 ], [ -80.136, -4.285 ], [ -79.895, -4.394 ], [ -79.812, -4.486 ], [ -79.631, -4.435 ], [ -79.541, -4.528 ], [ -79.482, -4.529 ], [ -79.416, -4.799 ], [ -79.26, -4.967 ], [ -79, -4.979 ], [ -78.881, -4.72 ], [ -78.736, -4.654 ], [ -78.621, -4.497 ], [ -78.627, -4.319 ], [ -78.572, -4.255 ], [ -78.499, -3.949 ], [ -78.377, -3.787 ], [ -78.319, -3.429 ], [ -78.249, -3.429 ], [ -78.232, -3.534 ], [ -78.137, -3.522 ], [ -78.19, -3.354 ], [ -77.824, -2.998 ], [ -76.627, -2.591 ], [ -76.045, -2.128 ], [ -75.538, -1.536 ], [ -75.364, -0.956 ], [ -75.185, -0.971 ], [ -75.28, -0.711 ], [ -75.245, -0.535 ], [ -75.415, -0.424 ], [ -75.449, -0.329 ], [ -75.622, -0.263 ], [ -75.622, -0.109 ], [ -75.304, -0.134 ], [ -75.219, -0.015 ], [ -75.115, -0.039 ], [ -74.904, -0.195 ], [ -74.824, -0.145 ], [ -74.78, -0.214 ], [ -74.801, -0.29 ], [ -74.659, -0.332 ], [ -74.52, -0.479 ], [ -74.425, -0.511 ], [ -74.342, -0.695 ], [ -74.378, -0.745 ], [ -74.258, -0.843 ], [ -74.272, -0.899 ], [ -74.318, -0.9 ], [ -74.266, -1.007 ], [ -74.074, -1.081 ], [ -74.033, -1.028 ], [ -74.013, -1.123 ], [ -73.905, -1.15 ], [ -73.861, -1.25 ], [ -73.777, -1.277 ], [ -73.75, -1.22 ], [ -73.732, -1.267 ], [ -73.624, -1.283 ], [ -73.552, -1.429 ], [ -73.586, -1.445 ], [ -73.539, -1.452 ], [ -73.46, -1.6 ], [ -73.532, -1.733 ], [ -73.314, -1.855 ], [ -73.293, -1.803 ], [ -73.231, -1.823 ], [ -73.222, -1.774 ], [ -73.143, -1.834 ], [ -73.095, -2.113 ], [ -73.059, -2.125 ], [ -73.153, -2.276 ], [ -73.044, -2.4 ], [ -73.021, -2.355 ], [ -72.962, -2.382 ], [ -72.921, -2.5 ], [ -72.769, -2.42 ], [ -72.733, -2.459 ], [ -72.707, -2.416 ], [ -72.67, -2.486 ], [ -72.618, -2.396 ], [ -72.383, -2.416 ], [ -72.346, -2.49 ], [ -72.221, -2.433 ], [ -72.126, -2.468 ], [ -72.035, -2.331 ], [ -71.907, -2.373 ], [ -71.919, -2.312 ], [ -71.861, -2.3 ], [ -71.822, -2.187 ], [ -71.722, -2.128 ], [ -71.707, -2.214 ], [ -71.628, -2.191 ], [ -71.5, -2.245 ], [ -71.484, -2.336 ], [ -71.444, -2.263 ], [ -71.375, -2.398 ], [ -71.284, -2.338 ], [ -71.165, -2.376 ], [ -71.057, -2.264 ], [ -70.986, -2.298 ], [ -70.993, -2.205 ], [ -70.928, -2.245 ], [ -70.857, -2.217 ], [ -70.822, -2.283 ], [ -70.658, -2.351 ], [ -70.608, -2.481 ], [ -70.55, -2.47 ], [ -70.562, -2.415 ], [ -70.418, -2.525 ], [ -70.307, -2.498 ], [ -70.342, -2.573 ], [ -70.246, -2.548 ], [ -70.15, -2.705 ], [ -70.076, -2.662 ], [ -70.034, -2.761 ], [ -70.703, -3.795 ], [ -70.485, -3.885 ], [ -70.295, -3.813 ], [ -70.186, -3.891 ], [ -70.158, -4.021 ], [ -69.948, -4.219 ], [ -69.978, -4.295 ], [ -70.036, -4.339 ], [ -70.076, -4.309 ], [ -70.042, -4.284 ], [ -70.164, -4.268 ], [ -70.19, -4.357 ], [ -70.249, -4.267 ], [ -70.291, -4.283 ], [ -70.317, -4.136 ], [ -70.341, -4.174 ], [ -70.434, -4.125 ], [ -70.503, -4.19 ], [ -70.553, -4.128 ], [ -70.566, -4.205 ], [ -70.565, -4.168 ], [ -70.633, -4.173 ], [ -70.622, -4.121 ], [ -70.677, -4.2 ], [ -70.757, -4.152 ], [ -70.935, -4.381 ], [ -70.99, -4.34 ], [ -71.031, -4.397 ], [ -71.147, -4.375 ], [ -71.193, -4.42 ], [ -71.198, -4.377 ], [ -71.269, -4.381 ], [ -71.303, -4.458 ], [ -71.355, -4.468 ], [ -71.342, -4.423 ], [ -71.432, -4.469 ], [ -71.414, -4.432 ], [ -71.506, -4.435 ], [ -71.49, -4.479 ], [ -71.535, -4.46 ], [ -71.597, -4.525 ], [ -71.61, -4.465 ], [ -71.897, -4.512 ], [ -71.94, -4.607 ], [ -72.047, -4.625 ], [ -72.113, -4.722 ], [ -72.223, -4.78 ], [ -72.313, -4.769 ], [ -72.292, -4.799 ], [ -72.356, -4.803 ], [ -72.37, -4.88 ], [ -72.452, -4.906 ], [ -72.455, -4.962 ], [ -72.577, -4.992 ], [ -72.602, -5.056 ], [ -72.734, -5.043 ], [ -72.896, -5.136 ], [ -72.872, -5.25 ], [ -72.948, -5.454 ], [ -72.951, -5.643 ], [ -73.116, -5.865 ], [ -73.131, -5.986 ], [ -73.185, -6.04 ], [ -73.133, -6.421 ], [ -73.211, -6.53 ], [ -73.351, -6.561 ], [ -73.743, -6.897 ], [ -73.797, -7.115 ], [ -73.691, -7.313 ], [ -73.868, -7.377 ], [ -73.954, -7.348 ], [ -73.917, -7.461 ], [ -73.986, -7.537 ], [ -73.69, -7.79 ], [ -73.697, -7.865 ], [ -73.777, -7.869 ], [ -73.765, -7.94 ], [ -73.632, -8.022 ], [ -73.526, -8.369 ], [ -73.338, -8.476 ], [ -73.338, -8.609 ], [ -73.169, -8.701 ], [ -73.059, -8.904 ], [ -72.946, -8.99 ], [ -72.965, -9.154 ], [ -73.196, -9.418 ], [ -72.721, -9.417 ], [ -72.364, -9.491 ], [ -72.289, -9.536 ], [ -72.26, -9.755 ], [ -72.16, -9.818 ], [ -72.165, -10.002 ], [ -71.288, -9.996 ], [ -71.131, -9.862 ], [ -70.982, -9.812 ], [ -70.601, -9.453 ], [ -70.497, -9.433 ], [ -70.561, -9.579 ], [ -70.598, -9.574 ], [ -70.522, -9.738 ], [ -70.622, -9.847 ], [ -70.618, -11.007 ], [ -70.508, -10.94 ], [ -70.337, -11.067 ], [ -69.938, -10.926 ], [ -69.728, -10.973 ], [ -69.568, -10.954 ], [ -68.924, -11.994 ], [ -68.679, -12.497 ], [ -68.764, -12.612 ], [ -68.738, -12.705 ], [ -68.85, -12.728 ], [ -68.961, -12.852 ], [ -68.942, -13.486 ], [ -68.997, -13.652 ], [ -69.076, -13.654 ], [ -68.988, -13.769 ], [ -68.965, -13.98 ], [ -68.881, -14.065 ], [ -68.841, -14.21 ], [ -68.982, -14.237 ], [ -68.98, -14.387 ], [ -69.152, -14.508 ], [ -69.149, -14.584 ], [ -69.225, -14.584 ], [ -69.244, -14.753 ], [ -69.363, -14.804 ], [ -69.365, -14.98 ], [ -69.126, -15.256 ], [ -69.265, -15.336 ], [ -69.274, -15.421 ], [ -69.414, -15.621 ], [ -69.236, -16.143 ], [ -69.099, -16.219 ], [ -68.963, -16.189 ], [ -68.814, -16.338 ], [ -68.982, -16.433 ], [ -69.032, -16.566 ], [ -69.006, -16.677 ], [ -69.168, -16.731 ], [ -69.392, -17.021 ], [ -69.375, -17.078 ], [ -69.551, -17.162 ], [ -69.641, -17.282 ], [ -69.463, -17.376 ], [ -69.463, -17.508 ], [ -69.662, -17.658 ], [ -69.799, -17.65 ], [ -69.819, -17.747 ], [ -69.753, -17.982 ], [ -69.948, -18.248 ], [ -70.374, -18.35 ], [ -70.879, -18.01 ], [ -70.925, -17.924 ], [ -71.383, -17.708 ], [ -71.342, -17.636 ], [ -71.382, -17.419 ], [ -71.515, -17.265 ], [ -71.819, -17.18 ], [ -71.974, -17.048 ], [ -72.113, -17.027 ], [ -72.123, -16.97 ], [ -72.45, -16.705 ], [ -72.758, -16.636 ], [ -73.112, -16.433 ], [ -73.291, -16.402 ], [ -73.3, -16.349 ], [ -73.414, -16.294 ], [ -73.701, -16.24 ], [ -74.057, -15.961 ], [ -74.285, -15.846 ], [ -74.371, -15.85 ], [ -74.476, -15.726 ], [ -75.141, -15.419 ], [ -75.2, -15.381 ], [ -75.157, -15.338 ], [ -75.252, -15.268 ], [ -75.23, -15.22 ], [ -75.376, -15.161 ], [ -75.509, -14.922 ], [ -75.921, -14.662 ], [ -75.98, -14.483 ], [ -76.151, -14.345 ], [ -76.105, -14.326 ], [ -76.135, -14.245 ], [ -76.222, -14.165 ], [ -76.274, -14.151 ], [ -76.273, -14.211 ], [ -76.296, -14.175 ], [ -76.286, -13.917 ], [ -76.395, -13.908 ], [ -76.332, -13.799 ], [ -76.261, -13.872 ], [ -76.191, -13.607 ], [ -76.206, -13.4 ], [ -76.492, -13.049 ], [ -76.52, -12.871 ], [ -76.641, -12.752 ], [ -76.693, -12.608 ], [ -76.811, -12.512 ], [ -76.784, -12.402 ], [ -76.84, -12.323 ], [ -77.042, -12.215 ], [ -77.072, -12.113 ], [ -77.172, -12.087 ], [ -77.136, -11.984 ], [ -77.201, -11.79 ], [ -77.176, -11.739 ], [ -77.301, -11.521 ], [ -77.663, -11.297 ], [ -77.656, -11.228 ], [ -77.604, -11.205 ], [ -77.671, -10.949 ], [ -78.196, -10.11 ], [ -78.241, -9.793 ], [ -78.378, -9.635 ], [ -78.431, -9.345 ], [ -78.536, -9.274 ], [ -78.507, -9.186 ], [ -78.555, -9.184 ], [ -78.575, -9.248 ], [ -78.621, -9.185 ], [ -78.563, -9.134 ], [ -78.641, -9.076 ], [ -78.654, -8.916 ], [ -78.766, -8.773 ], [ -78.755, -8.616 ], [ -78.934, -8.455 ], [ -78.905, -8.389 ], [ -78.97, -8.252 ], [ -79.359, -7.859 ], [ -79.566, -7.465 ], [ -79.581, -7.322 ], [ -79.678, -7.12 ], [ -79.916, -6.884 ], [ -79.983, -6.743 ], [ -80.298, -6.53 ], [ -80.773, -6.306 ], [ -81.11, -6.057 ], [ -81.144, -5.89 ], [ -81.076, -5.791 ], [ -80.942, -5.848 ], [ -80.866, -5.784 ], [ -80.858, -5.819 ], [ -80.841, -5.841 ], [ -80.848, -5.534 ], [ -80.872, -5.558 ], [ -80.945, -5.432 ], [ -81.191, -5.216 ], [ -81.167, -5.083 ], [ -81.085, -5.081 ], [ -81.072, -5 ] ] ] ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Entendido como virreinato del Perú.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T12:28:07+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { 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-80.868, -6.436 ], [ -80.844, -6.383 ], [ -80.851, -6.407 ], [ -80.845, -6.472 ] ] ], [ [ [ -81.205, -5.216 ], [ -81.211, -5.206 ], [ -81.201, -5.21 ], [ -81.205, -5.216 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.259, -15.273 ], [ -75.269, -15.267 ], [ -75.269, -15.264 ], [ -75.257, -15.264 ], [ -75.259, -15.273 ] ] ], [ [ [ -76.179, -14.318 ], [ -76.219, -14.293 ], [ -76.219, -14.267 ], [ -76.188, -14.28 ], [ -76.179, -14.318 ] ] ], [ [ [ -76.455, -13.868 ], [ -76.471, -13.858 ], [ -76.458, -13.828 ], [ -76.441, -13.848 ], [ -76.455, -13.868 ] ] ], [ [ [ -76.406, -13.75 ], [ -76.406, -13.746 ], [ -76.397, -13.741 ], [ -76.397, -13.746 ], [ -76.406, -13.75 ] ] ], [ [ [ -76.633, -12.805 ], [ -76.634, -12.794 ], [ -76.621, -12.798 ], [ -76.633, -12.805 ] ] ], [ [ [ -76.899, -12.361 ], [ -76.905, -12.355 ], [ -76.901, -12.347 ], [ -76.897, -12.352 ], [ -76.899, -12.361 ] ] ], [ [ [ -76.915, -12.314 ], [ -76.917, -12.312 ], [ -76.909, -12.302 ], [ -76.909, -12.312 ], [ -76.915, -12.314 ] ] ], [ [ [ -77.19, -12.134 ], [ -77.189, -12.125 ], [ -77.185, -12.124 ], [ -77.182, -12.129 ], [ -77.19, -12.134 ] ] ], [ [ [ -77.208, -12.124 ], [ -77.253, -12.095 ], [ -77.254, -12.074 ], [ -77.202, -12.103 ], [ -77.208, -12.124 ] ] ], [ [ [ -77.717, -11.974 ], [ -77.725, -11.969 ], [ -77.724, -11.965 ], [ -77.718, -11.965 ], [ -77.717, -11.974 ] ] ], [ [ [ -77.723, -11.954 ], [ -77.733, -11.953 ], [ -77.734, -11.948 ], [ -77.722, -11.946 ], [ -77.723, -11.954 ] ] ], [ [ [ -77.851, -11.494 ], [ -77.852, -11.486 ], [ -77.844, -11.48 ], [ -77.844, -11.488 ], [ -77.851, -11.494 ] ] ], [ [ [ -81.072, -5 ], [ -81.326, -4.68 ], [ -81.25, -4.27 ], [ -80.837, -3.877 ], [ -80.786, -3.749 ], [ -80.574, -3.628 ], [ -80.501, -3.505 ], [ -80.366, -3.499 ], [ -80.304, -3.405 ], [ -80.219, -3.438 ], [ -80.154, -3.905 ], [ -80.286, -4.018 ], [ -80.398, -3.984 ], [ -80.475, -4.054 ], [ -80.444, -4.194 ], [ -80.305, -4.201 ], [ -80.443, -4.371 ], [ -80.443, -4.437 ], [ -80.335, -4.47 ], [ -80.136, -4.285 ], [ -79.895, -4.394 ], [ -79.812, -4.486 ], [ -79.631, -4.435 ], [ -79.541, -4.528 ], [ -79.482, -4.529 ], [ -79.416, -4.799 ], [ -79.26, -4.967 ], [ -79, -4.979 ], [ -78.881, -4.72 ], [ -78.736, -4.654 ], [ -78.621, -4.497 ], [ -78.627, -4.319 ], [ -78.572, -4.255 ], [ -78.499, -3.949 ], [ -78.377, -3.787 ], [ -78.319, -3.429 ], [ -78.249, -3.429 ], [ -78.232, -3.534 ], [ -78.137, -3.522 ], [ -78.19, -3.354 ], [ -77.824, -2.998 ], [ -76.627, -2.591 ], [ -76.045, -2.128 ], [ -75.538, -1.536 ], [ -75.364, -0.956 ], [ -75.185, -0.971 ], [ -75.28, -0.711 ], [ -75.245, -0.535 ], [ -75.415, -0.424 ], [ -75.449, -0.329 ], [ -75.622, -0.263 ], [ -75.622, -0.109 ], [ -75.304, -0.134 ], [ -75.219, -0.015 ], [ -75.115, -0.039 ], [ -74.904, -0.195 ], [ -74.824, -0.145 ], [ -74.78, -0.214 ], [ -74.801, -0.29 ], [ -74.659, -0.332 ], [ -74.52, -0.479 ], [ -74.425, -0.511 ], [ -74.342, -0.695 ], [ -74.378, -0.745 ], [ -74.258, -0.843 ], [ -74.272, -0.899 ], [ -74.318, -0.9 ], [ -74.266, -1.007 ], [ -74.074, -1.081 ], [ -74.033, -1.028 ], [ -74.013, -1.123 ], [ -73.905, -1.15 ], [ -73.861, -1.25 ], [ -73.777, -1.277 ], [ -73.75, -1.22 ], [ -73.732, -1.267 ], [ -73.624, -1.283 ], [ -73.552, -1.429 ], [ -73.586, -1.445 ], [ -73.539, -1.452 ], [ -73.46, -1.6 ], [ -73.532, -1.733 ], [ -73.314, -1.855 ], [ -73.293, -1.803 ], [ -73.231, -1.823 ], [ -73.222, -1.774 ], [ -73.143, -1.834 ], [ -73.095, -2.113 ], [ -73.059, -2.125 ], [ -73.153, -2.276 ], [ -73.044, -2.4 ], [ -73.021, -2.355 ], [ -72.962, -2.382 ], [ -72.921, -2.5 ], [ -72.769, -2.42 ], [ -72.733, -2.459 ], [ -72.707, -2.416 ], [ -72.67, -2.486 ], [ -72.618, -2.396 ], [ -72.383, -2.416 ], [ -72.346, -2.49 ], [ -72.221, -2.433 ], [ -72.126, -2.468 ], [ -72.035, -2.331 ], [ -71.907, -2.373 ], [ -71.919, -2.312 ], [ -71.861, -2.3 ], [ -71.822, -2.187 ], [ -71.722, -2.128 ], [ -71.707, -2.214 ], [ -71.628, -2.191 ], [ -71.5, -2.245 ], [ -71.484, -2.336 ], [ -71.444, -2.263 ], [ -71.375, -2.398 ], [ -71.284, -2.338 ], [ -71.165, -2.376 ], [ -71.057, -2.264 ], [ -70.986, -2.298 ], [ -70.993, -2.205 ], [ -70.928, -2.245 ], [ -70.857, -2.217 ], [ -70.822, -2.283 ], [ -70.658, -2.351 ], [ -70.608, -2.481 ], [ -70.55, -2.47 ], [ -70.562, -2.415 ], [ -70.418, -2.525 ], [ -70.307, -2.498 ], [ -70.342, -2.573 ], [ -70.246, -2.548 ], [ -70.15, -2.705 ], [ -70.076, -2.662 ], [ -70.034, -2.761 ], [ -70.703, -3.795 ], [ -70.485, -3.885 ], [ -70.295, -3.813 ], [ -70.186, -3.891 ], [ -70.158, -4.021 ], [ -69.948, -4.219 ], [ -69.978, -4.295 ], [ -70.036, -4.339 ], [ -70.076, -4.309 ], [ -70.042, -4.284 ], [ -70.164, -4.268 ], [ -70.19, -4.357 ], [ -70.249, -4.267 ], [ -70.291, -4.283 ], [ -70.317, -4.136 ], [ -70.341, -4.174 ], [ -70.434, -4.125 ], [ -70.503, -4.19 ], [ -70.553, -4.128 ], [ -70.566, -4.205 ], [ -70.565, -4.168 ], [ -70.633, -4.173 ], [ -70.622, -4.121 ], [ -70.677, -4.2 ], [ -70.757, -4.152 ], [ -70.935, -4.381 ], [ -70.99, -4.34 ], [ -71.031, -4.397 ], [ -71.147, -4.375 ], [ -71.193, -4.42 ], [ -71.198, -4.377 ], [ -71.269, -4.381 ], [ -71.303, -4.458 ], [ -71.355, -4.468 ], [ -71.342, -4.423 ], [ -71.432, -4.469 ], [ -71.414, -4.432 ], [ -71.506, -4.435 ], [ -71.49, -4.479 ], [ -71.535, -4.46 ], [ -71.597, -4.525 ], [ -71.61, -4.465 ], [ -71.897, -4.512 ], [ -71.94, -4.607 ], [ -72.047, -4.625 ], [ -72.113, -4.722 ], [ -72.223, -4.78 ], [ -72.313, -4.769 ], [ -72.292, -4.799 ], [ -72.356, -4.803 ], [ -72.37, -4.88 ], [ -72.452, -4.906 ], [ -72.455, -4.962 ], [ -72.577, -4.992 ], [ -72.602, -5.056 ], [ -72.734, -5.043 ], [ -72.896, -5.136 ], [ -72.872, -5.25 ], [ -72.948, -5.454 ], [ -72.951, -5.643 ], [ -73.116, -5.865 ], [ -73.131, -5.986 ], [ -73.185, -6.04 ], [ -73.133, -6.421 ], [ -73.211, -6.53 ], [ -73.351, -6.561 ], [ -73.743, -6.897 ], [ -73.797, -7.115 ], [ -73.691, -7.313 ], [ -73.868, -7.377 ], [ -73.954, -7.348 ], [ -73.917, -7.461 ], [ -73.986, -7.537 ], [ -73.69, -7.79 ], [ -73.697, -7.865 ], [ -73.777, -7.869 ], [ -73.765, -7.94 ], [ -73.632, -8.022 ], [ -73.526, -8.369 ], [ -73.338, -8.476 ], [ -73.338, -8.609 ], [ -73.169, -8.701 ], [ -73.059, -8.904 ], [ -72.946, -8.99 ], [ -72.965, -9.154 ], [ -73.196, -9.418 ], [ -72.721, -9.417 ], [ -72.364, -9.491 ], [ -72.289, -9.536 ], [ -72.26, -9.755 ], [ -72.16, -9.818 ], [ -72.165, -10.002 ], [ -71.288, -9.996 ], [ -71.131, -9.862 ], [ -70.982, -9.812 ], [ -70.601, -9.453 ], [ -70.497, -9.433 ], [ -70.561, -9.579 ], [ -70.598, -9.574 ], [ -70.522, -9.738 ], [ -70.622, -9.847 ], [ -70.618, -11.007 ], [ -70.508, -10.94 ], [ -70.337, -11.067 ], [ -69.938, -10.926 ], [ -69.728, -10.973 ], [ -69.568, -10.954 ], [ -68.924, -11.994 ], [ -68.679, -12.497 ], [ -68.764, -12.612 ], [ -68.738, -12.705 ], [ -68.85, -12.728 ], [ -68.961, -12.852 ], [ -68.942, -13.486 ], [ -68.997, -13.652 ], [ -69.076, -13.654 ], [ -68.988, -13.769 ], [ -68.965, -13.98 ], [ -68.881, -14.065 ], [ -68.841, -14.21 ], [ -68.982, -14.237 ], [ -68.98, -14.387 ], [ -69.152, -14.508 ], [ -69.149, -14.584 ], [ -69.225, -14.584 ], [ -69.244, -14.753 ], [ -69.363, -14.804 ], [ -69.365, -14.98 ], [ -69.126, -15.256 ], [ -69.265, -15.336 ], [ -69.274, -15.421 ], [ -69.414, -15.621 ], [ -69.236, -16.143 ], [ -69.099, -16.219 ], [ -68.963, -16.189 ], [ -68.814, -16.338 ], [ -68.982, -16.433 ], [ -69.032, -16.566 ], [ -69.006, -16.677 ], [ -69.168, -16.731 ], [ -69.392, -17.021 ], [ -69.375, -17.078 ], [ -69.551, -17.162 ], [ -69.641, -17.282 ], [ -69.463, -17.376 ], [ -69.463, -17.508 ], [ -69.662, -17.658 ], [ -69.799, -17.65 ], [ -69.819, -17.747 ], [ -69.753, -17.982 ], [ -69.948, -18.248 ], [ -70.374, -18.35 ], [ -70.879, -18.01 ], [ -70.925, -17.924 ], [ -71.383, -17.708 ], [ -71.342, -17.636 ], [ -71.382, -17.419 ], [ -71.515, -17.265 ], [ -71.819, -17.18 ], [ -71.974, -17.048 ], [ -72.113, -17.027 ], [ -72.123, -16.97 ], [ -72.45, -16.705 ], [ -72.758, -16.636 ], [ -73.112, -16.433 ], [ -73.291, -16.402 ], [ -73.3, -16.349 ], [ -73.414, -16.294 ], [ -73.701, -16.24 ], [ -74.057, -15.961 ], [ -74.285, -15.846 ], [ -74.371, -15.85 ], [ -74.476, -15.726 ], [ -75.141, -15.419 ], [ -75.2, -15.381 ], [ -75.157, -15.338 ], [ -75.252, -15.268 ], [ -75.23, -15.22 ], [ -75.376, -15.161 ], [ -75.509, -14.922 ], [ -75.921, -14.662 ], [ -75.98, -14.483 ], [ -76.151, -14.345 ], [ -76.105, -14.326 ], [ -76.135, -14.245 ], [ -76.222, -14.165 ], [ -76.274, -14.151 ], [ -76.273, -14.211 ], [ -76.296, -14.175 ], [ -76.286, -13.917 ], [ -76.395, -13.908 ], [ -76.332, -13.799 ], [ -76.261, -13.872 ], [ -76.191, -13.607 ], [ -76.206, -13.4 ], [ -76.492, -13.049 ], [ -76.52, -12.871 ], [ -76.641, -12.752 ], [ -76.693, -12.608 ], [ -76.811, -12.512 ], [ -76.784, -12.402 ], [ -76.84, -12.323 ], [ -77.042, -12.215 ], [ -77.072, -12.113 ], [ -77.172, -12.087 ], [ -77.136, -11.984 ], [ -77.201, -11.79 ], [ -77.176, -11.739 ], [ -77.301, -11.521 ], [ -77.663, -11.297 ], [ -77.656, -11.228 ], [ -77.604, -11.205 ], [ -77.671, -10.949 ], [ -78.196, -10.11 ], [ -78.241, -9.793 ], [ -78.378, -9.635 ], [ -78.431, -9.345 ], [ -78.536, -9.274 ], [ -78.507, -9.186 ], [ -78.555, -9.184 ], [ -78.575, -9.248 ], [ -78.621, -9.185 ], [ -78.563, -9.134 ], [ -78.641, -9.076 ], [ -78.654, -8.916 ], [ -78.766, -8.773 ], [ -78.755, -8.616 ], [ -78.934, -8.455 ], [ -78.905, -8.389 ], [ -78.97, -8.252 ], [ -79.359, -7.859 ], [ -79.566, -7.465 ], [ -79.581, -7.322 ], [ -79.678, -7.12 ], [ -79.916, -6.884 ], [ -79.983, -6.743 ], [ -80.298, -6.53 ], [ -80.773, -6.306 ], [ -81.11, -6.057 ], [ -81.144, -5.89 ], [ -81.076, -5.791 ], [ -80.942, -5.848 ], [ -80.866, -5.784 ], [ -80.858, -5.819 ], [ -80.841, -5.841 ], [ -80.848, -5.534 ], [ -80.872, -5.558 ], [ -80.945, -5.432 ], [ -81.191, -5.216 ], [ -81.167, -5.083 ], [ -81.085, -5.081 ], [ -81.072, -5 ] ] ] ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Entendido como virreinato del Perú.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T12:28:07+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : 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: "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:10:56+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "MultiPolygon", "coordinates" : [ [ [ [ -78.621, -9.126 ], [ -78.632, -9.119 ], [ -78.633, -9.086 ], [ -78.62, -9.104 ], [ -78.621, -9.126 ] ] ], [ [ [ -78.45, -9.388 ], [ -78.454, -9.381 ], [ -78.447, -9.375 ], [ -78.443, -9.378 ], [ -78.45, -9.388 ] ] ], [ [ [ -78.471, -9.354 ], [ -78.477, -9.347 ], [ -78.469, -9.34 ], [ -78.465, -9.343 ], [ -78.471, -9.354 ] ] ], [ [ [ -78.682, -9.043 ], [ -78.693, -9.028 ], [ -78.684, -9.017 ], [ -78.672, -9.035 ], [ -78.682, -9.043 ] ] ], [ [ [ -79.495, -7.796 ], [ -79.499, -7.789 ], [ -79.499, -7.785 ], [ -79.491, -7.793 ], [ -79.495, -7.796 ] ] ], [ [ [ -80.699, -6.973 ], [ -80.702, -6.972 ], [ -80.704, -6.961 ], [ -80.696, -6.972 ], [ -80.699, -6.973 ] ] ], [ [ [ -80.698, -6.962 ], [ -80.698, -6.948 ], [ -80.694, -6.956 ], [ -80.698, -6.962 ] ] ], [ [ [ -80.845, -6.472 ], [ -80.868, -6.436 ], [ -80.844, -6.383 ], [ -80.851, -6.407 ], [ -80.845, -6.472 ] ] ], [ [ [ -81.205, -5.216 ], [ -81.211, -5.206 ], [ -81.201, -5.21 ], [ -81.205, -5.216 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.259, -15.273 ], [ -75.269, -15.267 ], [ -75.269, -15.264 ], [ -75.257, -15.264 ], [ -75.259, -15.273 ] ] ], [ [ [ -76.179, -14.318 ], [ -76.219, -14.293 ], [ -76.219, -14.267 ], [ -76.188, -14.28 ], [ -76.179, -14.318 ] ] ], [ [ [ -76.455, -13.868 ], [ -76.471, -13.858 ], [ -76.458, -13.828 ], [ -76.441, -13.848 ], [ -76.455, -13.868 ] ] ], [ [ [ -76.406, -13.75 ], [ -76.406, -13.746 ], [ -76.397, -13.741 ], [ -76.397, -13.746 ], [ -76.406, -13.75 ] ] ], [ [ [ -76.633, -12.805 ], [ -76.634, -12.794 ], [ -76.621, -12.798 ], [ -76.633, -12.805 ] ] ], [ [ [ -76.899, -12.361 ], [ -76.905, -12.355 ], [ -76.901, -12.347 ], [ -76.897, -12.352 ], [ -76.899, -12.361 ] ] ], [ [ [ -76.915, -12.314 ], [ -76.917, -12.312 ], [ -76.909, -12.302 ], [ -76.909, -12.312 ], [ -76.915, -12.314 ] ] ], [ [ [ -77.19, -12.134 ], [ -77.189, -12.125 ], [ -77.185, -12.124 ], [ -77.182, -12.129 ], [ -77.19, -12.134 ] ] ], [ [ [ -77.208, -12.124 ], [ -77.253, -12.095 ], [ -77.254, -12.074 ], [ -77.202, -12.103 ], [ -77.208, -12.124 ] ] ], [ [ [ -77.717, -11.974 ], [ -77.725, -11.969 ], [ -77.724, -11.965 ], [ -77.718, -11.965 ], [ -77.717, -11.974 ] ] ], [ [ [ -77.723, -11.954 ], [ -77.733, -11.953 ], [ -77.734, -11.948 ], [ -77.722, -11.946 ], [ -77.723, -11.954 ] ] ], [ [ [ -77.851, -11.494 ], [ -77.852, -11.486 ], [ -77.844, -11.48 ], [ -77.844, -11.488 ], [ -77.851, -11.494 ] ] ], [ [ [ -81.072, -5 ], [ -81.326, -4.68 ], [ -81.25, -4.27 ], [ -80.837, -3.877 ], [ -80.786, -3.749 ], [ -80.574, -3.628 ], [ -80.501, -3.505 ], [ -80.366, -3.499 ], [ -80.304, -3.405 ], [ -80.219, -3.438 ], [ -80.154, -3.905 ], [ -80.286, -4.018 ], [ -80.398, -3.984 ], [ -80.475, -4.054 ], [ -80.444, -4.194 ], [ -80.305, -4.201 ], [ -80.443, -4.371 ], [ -80.443, -4.437 ], [ -80.335, -4.47 ], [ -80.136, -4.285 ], [ -79.895, -4.394 ], [ -79.812, -4.486 ], [ -79.631, -4.435 ], [ -79.541, -4.528 ], [ -79.482, -4.529 ], [ -79.416, -4.799 ], [ -79.26, -4.967 ], [ -79, -4.979 ], [ -78.881, -4.72 ], [ -78.736, -4.654 ], [ -78.621, -4.497 ], [ -78.627, -4.319 ], [ -78.572, -4.255 ], [ -78.499, -3.949 ], [ -78.377, -3.787 ], [ -78.319, -3.429 ], [ -78.249, -3.429 ], [ -78.232, -3.534 ], [ -78.137, -3.522 ], [ -78.19, -3.354 ], [ -77.824, -2.998 ], [ -76.627, -2.591 ], [ -76.045, -2.128 ], [ -75.538, -1.536 ], [ -75.364, -0.956 ], [ -75.185, -0.971 ], [ -75.28, -0.711 ], [ -75.245, -0.535 ], [ -75.415, -0.424 ], [ -75.449, -0.329 ], [ -75.622, -0.263 ], [ -75.622, -0.109 ], [ -75.304, -0.134 ], [ -75.219, -0.015 ], [ -75.115, -0.039 ], [ -74.904, -0.195 ], [ -74.824, -0.145 ], [ -74.78, -0.214 ], [ -74.801, -0.29 ], [ -74.659, -0.332 ], [ -74.52, -0.479 ], [ -74.425, -0.511 ], [ -74.342, -0.695 ], [ -74.378, -0.745 ], [ -74.258, -0.843 ], [ -74.272, -0.899 ], [ -74.318, -0.9 ], [ -74.266, -1.007 ], [ -74.074, -1.081 ], [ -74.033, -1.028 ], [ -74.013, -1.123 ], [ -73.905, -1.15 ], [ -73.861, -1.25 ], [ -73.777, -1.277 ], [ -73.75, -1.22 ], [ -73.732, -1.267 ], [ -73.624, -1.283 ], [ -73.552, -1.429 ], [ -73.586, -1.445 ], [ -73.539, -1.452 ], [ -73.46, -1.6 ], [ -73.532, -1.733 ], [ -73.314, -1.855 ], [ -73.293, -1.803 ], [ -73.231, -1.823 ], [ -73.222, -1.774 ], [ -73.143, -1.834 ], [ -73.095, -2.113 ], [ -73.059, -2.125 ], [ -73.153, -2.276 ], [ -73.044, -2.4 ], [ -73.021, -2.355 ], [ -72.962, -2.382 ], [ -72.921, -2.5 ], [ -72.769, -2.42 ], [ -72.733, -2.459 ], [ -72.707, -2.416 ], [ -72.67, -2.486 ], [ -72.618, -2.396 ], [ -72.383, -2.416 ], [ -72.346, -2.49 ], [ -72.221, -2.433 ], [ -72.126, -2.468 ], [ -72.035, -2.331 ], [ -71.907, -2.373 ], [ -71.919, -2.312 ], [ -71.861, -2.3 ], [ -71.822, -2.187 ], [ -71.722, -2.128 ], [ -71.707, -2.214 ], [ -71.628, -2.191 ], [ -71.5, -2.245 ], [ -71.484, -2.336 ], [ -71.444, -2.263 ], [ -71.375, -2.398 ], [ -71.284, -2.338 ], [ -71.165, -2.376 ], [ -71.057, -2.264 ], [ -70.986, -2.298 ], [ -70.993, -2.205 ], [ -70.928, -2.245 ], [ -70.857, -2.217 ], [ -70.822, -2.283 ], [ -70.658, -2.351 ], [ -70.608, -2.481 ], [ -70.55, -2.47 ], [ -70.562, -2.415 ], [ -70.418, -2.525 ], [ -70.307, -2.498 ], [ -70.342, -2.573 ], [ -70.246, -2.548 ], [ -70.15, -2.705 ], [ -70.076, -2.662 ], [ -70.034, -2.761 ], [ -70.703, -3.795 ], [ -70.485, -3.885 ], [ -70.295, -3.813 ], [ -70.186, -3.891 ], [ -70.158, -4.021 ], [ -69.948, -4.219 ], [ -69.978, -4.295 ], [ -70.036, -4.339 ], [ -70.076, -4.309 ], [ -70.042, -4.284 ], [ -70.164, -4.268 ], [ -70.19, -4.357 ], [ -70.249, -4.267 ], [ -70.291, -4.283 ], [ -70.317, -4.136 ], [ -70.341, -4.174 ], [ -70.434, -4.125 ], [ -70.503, -4.19 ], [ -70.553, -4.128 ], [ -70.566, -4.205 ], [ -70.565, -4.168 ], [ -70.633, -4.173 ], [ -70.622, -4.121 ], [ -70.677, -4.2 ], [ -70.757, -4.152 ], [ -70.935, -4.381 ], [ -70.99, -4.34 ], [ -71.031, -4.397 ], [ -71.147, -4.375 ], [ -71.193, -4.42 ], [ -71.198, -4.377 ], [ -71.269, -4.381 ], [ -71.303, -4.458 ], [ -71.355, -4.468 ], [ -71.342, -4.423 ], [ -71.432, -4.469 ], [ -71.414, -4.432 ], [ -71.506, -4.435 ], [ -71.49, -4.479 ], [ -71.535, -4.46 ], [ -71.597, -4.525 ], [ -71.61, -4.465 ], [ -71.897, -4.512 ], [ -71.94, -4.607 ], [ -72.047, -4.625 ], [ -72.113, -4.722 ], [ -72.223, -4.78 ], [ -72.313, -4.769 ], [ -72.292, -4.799 ], [ -72.356, -4.803 ], [ -72.37, -4.88 ], [ -72.452, -4.906 ], [ -72.455, -4.962 ], [ -72.577, -4.992 ], [ -72.602, -5.056 ], [ -72.734, -5.043 ], [ -72.896, -5.136 ], [ -72.872, -5.25 ], [ -72.948, -5.454 ], [ -72.951, -5.643 ], [ -73.116, -5.865 ], [ -73.131, -5.986 ], [ -73.185, -6.04 ], [ -73.133, -6.421 ], [ -73.211, -6.53 ], [ -73.351, -6.561 ], [ -73.743, -6.897 ], [ -73.797, -7.115 ], [ -73.691, -7.313 ], [ -73.868, -7.377 ], [ -73.954, -7.348 ], [ -73.917, -7.461 ], [ -73.986, -7.537 ], [ -73.69, -7.79 ], [ -73.697, -7.865 ], [ -73.777, -7.869 ], [ -73.765, -7.94 ], [ -73.632, -8.022 ], [ -73.526, -8.369 ], [ -73.338, -8.476 ], [ -73.338, -8.609 ], [ -73.169, -8.701 ], [ -73.059, -8.904 ], [ -72.946, -8.99 ], [ -72.965, -9.154 ], [ -73.196, -9.418 ], [ -72.721, -9.417 ], [ -72.364, -9.491 ], [ -72.289, -9.536 ], [ -72.26, -9.755 ], [ -72.16, -9.818 ], [ -72.165, -10.002 ], [ -71.288, -9.996 ], [ -71.131, -9.862 ], [ -70.982, -9.812 ], [ -70.601, -9.453 ], [ -70.497, -9.433 ], [ -70.561, -9.579 ], [ -70.598, -9.574 ], [ -70.522, -9.738 ], [ -70.622, -9.847 ], [ -70.618, -11.007 ], [ -70.508, -10.94 ], [ -70.337, -11.067 ], [ -69.938, -10.926 ], [ -69.728, -10.973 ], [ -69.568, -10.954 ], [ -68.924, -11.994 ], [ -68.679, -12.497 ], [ -68.764, -12.612 ], [ -68.738, -12.705 ], [ -68.85, -12.728 ], [ -68.961, -12.852 ], [ -68.942, -13.486 ], [ -68.997, -13.652 ], [ -69.076, -13.654 ], [ -68.988, -13.769 ], [ -68.965, -13.98 ], [ -68.881, -14.065 ], [ -68.841, -14.21 ], [ -68.982, -14.237 ], [ -68.98, -14.387 ], [ -69.152, -14.508 ], [ -69.149, -14.584 ], [ -69.225, -14.584 ], [ -69.244, -14.753 ], [ -69.363, -14.804 ], [ -69.365, -14.98 ], [ -69.126, -15.256 ], [ -69.265, -15.336 ], [ -69.274, -15.421 ], [ -69.414, -15.621 ], [ -69.236, -16.143 ], [ -69.099, -16.219 ], [ -68.963, -16.189 ], [ -68.814, -16.338 ], [ -68.982, -16.433 ], [ -69.032, -16.566 ], [ -69.006, -16.677 ], [ -69.168, -16.731 ], [ -69.392, -17.021 ], [ -69.375, -17.078 ], [ -69.551, -17.162 ], [ -69.641, -17.282 ], [ -69.463, -17.376 ], [ -69.463, -17.508 ], [ -69.662, -17.658 ], [ -69.799, -17.65 ], [ -69.819, -17.747 ], [ -69.753, -17.982 ], [ -69.948, -18.248 ], [ -70.374, -18.35 ], [ -70.879, -18.01 ], [ -70.925, -17.924 ], [ -71.383, -17.708 ], [ -71.342, -17.636 ], [ -71.382, -17.419 ], [ -71.515, -17.265 ], [ -71.819, -17.18 ], [ -71.974, -17.048 ], [ -72.113, -17.027 ], [ -72.123, -16.97 ], [ -72.45, -16.705 ], [ -72.758, -16.636 ], [ -73.112, -16.433 ], [ -73.291, -16.402 ], [ -73.3, -16.349 ], [ -73.414, -16.294 ], [ -73.701, -16.24 ], [ -74.057, -15.961 ], [ -74.285, -15.846 ], [ -74.371, -15.85 ], [ -74.476, -15.726 ], [ -75.141, -15.419 ], [ -75.2, -15.381 ], [ -75.157, -15.338 ], [ -75.252, -15.268 ], [ -75.23, -15.22 ], [ -75.376, -15.161 ], [ -75.509, -14.922 ], [ -75.921, -14.662 ], [ -75.98, -14.483 ], [ -76.151, -14.345 ], [ -76.105, -14.326 ], [ -76.135, -14.245 ], [ -76.222, -14.165 ], [ -76.274, -14.151 ], [ -76.273, -14.211 ], [ -76.296, -14.175 ], [ -76.286, -13.917 ], [ -76.395, -13.908 ], [ -76.332, -13.799 ], [ -76.261, -13.872 ], [ -76.191, -13.607 ], [ -76.206, -13.4 ], [ -76.492, -13.049 ], [ -76.52, -12.871 ], [ -76.641, -12.752 ], [ -76.693, -12.608 ], [ -76.811, -12.512 ], [ -76.784, -12.402 ], [ -76.84, -12.323 ], [ -77.042, -12.215 ], [ -77.072, -12.113 ], [ -77.172, -12.087 ], [ -77.136, -11.984 ], [ -77.201, -11.79 ], [ -77.176, -11.739 ], [ -77.301, -11.521 ], [ -77.663, -11.297 ], [ -77.656, -11.228 ], [ -77.604, -11.205 ], [ -77.671, -10.949 ], [ -78.196, -10.11 ], [ -78.241, -9.793 ], [ -78.378, -9.635 ], [ -78.431, -9.345 ], [ -78.536, -9.274 ], [ -78.507, -9.186 ], [ -78.555, -9.184 ], [ -78.575, -9.248 ], [ -78.621, -9.185 ], [ -78.563, -9.134 ], [ -78.641, -9.076 ], [ -78.654, -8.916 ], [ -78.766, -8.773 ], [ -78.755, -8.616 ], [ -78.934, -8.455 ], [ -78.905, -8.389 ], [ -78.97, -8.252 ], [ -79.359, -7.859 ], [ -79.566, -7.465 ], [ -79.581, -7.322 ], [ -79.678, -7.12 ], [ -79.916, -6.884 ], [ -79.983, -6.743 ], [ -80.298, -6.53 ], [ -80.773, -6.306 ], [ -81.11, -6.057 ], [ -81.144, -5.89 ], [ -81.076, -5.791 ], [ -80.942, -5.848 ], [ -80.866, -5.784 ], [ -80.858, -5.819 ], [ -80.841, -5.841 ], [ -80.848, -5.534 ], [ -80.872, -5.558 ], [ -80.945, -5.432 ], [ -81.191, -5.216 ], [ -81.167, -5.083 ], [ -81.085, -5.081 ], [ -81.072, -5 ] ] ] ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Entendido como virreinato del Perú.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T12:28:07+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", 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[ -81.205, -5.216 ], [ -81.211, -5.206 ], [ -81.201, -5.21 ], [ -81.205, -5.216 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.259, -15.273 ], [ -75.269, -15.267 ], [ -75.269, -15.264 ], [ -75.257, -15.264 ], [ -75.259, -15.273 ] ] ], [ [ [ -76.179, -14.318 ], [ -76.219, -14.293 ], [ -76.219, -14.267 ], [ -76.188, -14.28 ], [ -76.179, -14.318 ] ] ], [ [ [ -76.455, -13.868 ], [ -76.471, -13.858 ], [ -76.458, -13.828 ], [ -76.441, -13.848 ], [ -76.455, -13.868 ] ] ], [ [ [ -76.406, -13.75 ], [ -76.406, -13.746 ], [ -76.397, -13.741 ], [ -76.397, -13.746 ], [ -76.406, -13.75 ] ] ], [ [ [ -76.633, -12.805 ], [ -76.634, -12.794 ], [ -76.621, -12.798 ], [ -76.633, -12.805 ] ] ], [ [ [ -76.899, -12.361 ], [ -76.905, -12.355 ], [ -76.901, -12.347 ], [ -76.897, -12.352 ], [ -76.899, -12.361 ] ] ], [ [ [ -76.915, -12.314 ], [ -76.917, -12.312 ], [ -76.909, -12.302 ], [ -76.909, -12.312 ], [ -76.915, -12.314 ] ] ], [ [ [ -77.19, -12.134 ], [ -77.189, -12.125 ], [ -77.185, -12.124 ], [ -77.182, -12.129 ], [ -77.19, -12.134 ] ] ], [ [ [ -77.208, -12.124 ], [ -77.253, -12.095 ], [ -77.254, -12.074 ], [ -77.202, -12.103 ], [ -77.208, -12.124 ] ] ], [ [ [ -77.717, -11.974 ], [ -77.725, -11.969 ], [ -77.724, -11.965 ], [ -77.718, -11.965 ], [ -77.717, -11.974 ] ] ], [ [ [ -77.723, -11.954 ], [ -77.733, -11.953 ], [ -77.734, -11.948 ], [ -77.722, -11.946 ], [ -77.723, -11.954 ] ] ], [ [ [ -77.851, -11.494 ], [ -77.852, -11.486 ], [ -77.844, -11.48 ], [ -77.844, -11.488 ], [ -77.851, -11.494 ] ] ], [ [ [ -81.072, -5 ], [ -81.326, -4.68 ], [ -81.25, -4.27 ], [ -80.837, -3.877 ], [ -80.786, -3.749 ], [ -80.574, -3.628 ], [ -80.501, -3.505 ], [ -80.366, -3.499 ], [ -80.304, -3.405 ], [ -80.219, -3.438 ], [ -80.154, -3.905 ], [ -80.286, -4.018 ], [ -80.398, -3.984 ], [ -80.475, -4.054 ], [ -80.444, -4.194 ], [ -80.305, -4.201 ], [ -80.443, -4.371 ], [ -80.443, -4.437 ], [ -80.335, -4.47 ], [ -80.136, -4.285 ], [ -79.895, -4.394 ], [ -79.812, -4.486 ], [ -79.631, -4.435 ], [ -79.541, -4.528 ], [ -79.482, -4.529 ], [ -79.416, -4.799 ], [ -79.26, -4.967 ], [ -79, -4.979 ], [ -78.881, -4.72 ], [ -78.736, -4.654 ], [ -78.621, -4.497 ], [ -78.627, -4.319 ], [ -78.572, -4.255 ], [ -78.499, -3.949 ], [ -78.377, -3.787 ], [ -78.319, -3.429 ], [ -78.249, -3.429 ], [ -78.232, -3.534 ], [ -78.137, -3.522 ], [ -78.19, -3.354 ], [ -77.824, -2.998 ], [ -76.627, -2.591 ], [ -76.045, -2.128 ], [ -75.538, -1.536 ], [ -75.364, -0.956 ], [ -75.185, -0.971 ], [ -75.28, -0.711 ], [ -75.245, -0.535 ], [ -75.415, -0.424 ], [ -75.449, -0.329 ], [ -75.622, -0.263 ], [ -75.622, -0.109 ], [ -75.304, -0.134 ], [ -75.219, -0.015 ], [ -75.115, -0.039 ], [ -74.904, -0.195 ], [ -74.824, -0.145 ], [ -74.78, -0.214 ], [ -74.801, -0.29 ], [ -74.659, -0.332 ], [ -74.52, -0.479 ], [ -74.425, -0.511 ], [ -74.342, -0.695 ], [ -74.378, -0.745 ], [ -74.258, -0.843 ], [ -74.272, -0.899 ], [ -74.318, -0.9 ], [ -74.266, -1.007 ], [ -74.074, -1.081 ], [ -74.033, -1.028 ], [ -74.013, -1.123 ], [ -73.905, -1.15 ], [ -73.861, -1.25 ], [ -73.777, -1.277 ], [ -73.75, -1.22 ], [ -73.732, -1.267 ], [ -73.624, -1.283 ], [ -73.552, -1.429 ], [ -73.586, -1.445 ], [ -73.539, -1.452 ], [ -73.46, -1.6 ], [ -73.532, -1.733 ], [ -73.314, -1.855 ], [ -73.293, -1.803 ], [ -73.231, -1.823 ], [ -73.222, -1.774 ], [ -73.143, -1.834 ], [ -73.095, -2.113 ], [ -73.059, -2.125 ], [ -73.153, -2.276 ], [ -73.044, -2.4 ], [ -73.021, -2.355 ], [ -72.962, -2.382 ], [ -72.921, -2.5 ], [ -72.769, -2.42 ], [ -72.733, -2.459 ], [ -72.707, -2.416 ], [ -72.67, -2.486 ], [ -72.618, -2.396 ], [ -72.383, -2.416 ], [ -72.346, -2.49 ], [ -72.221, -2.433 ], [ -72.126, -2.468 ], [ -72.035, -2.331 ], [ -71.907, -2.373 ], [ -71.919, -2.312 ], [ -71.861, -2.3 ], [ -71.822, -2.187 ], [ -71.722, -2.128 ], [ -71.707, -2.214 ], [ -71.628, -2.191 ], [ -71.5, -2.245 ], [ -71.484, -2.336 ], [ -71.444, -2.263 ], [ -71.375, -2.398 ], [ -71.284, -2.338 ], [ -71.165, -2.376 ], [ -71.057, -2.264 ], [ -70.986, -2.298 ], [ -70.993, -2.205 ], [ -70.928, -2.245 ], [ -70.857, -2.217 ], [ -70.822, -2.283 ], [ -70.658, -2.351 ], [ -70.608, -2.481 ], [ -70.55, -2.47 ], [ -70.562, -2.415 ], [ -70.418, -2.525 ], [ -70.307, -2.498 ], [ -70.342, -2.573 ], [ -70.246, -2.548 ], [ -70.15, -2.705 ], [ -70.076, -2.662 ], [ -70.034, -2.761 ], [ -70.703, -3.795 ], [ -70.485, -3.885 ], [ -70.295, -3.813 ], [ -70.186, -3.891 ], [ -70.158, -4.021 ], [ -69.948, -4.219 ], [ -69.978, -4.295 ], [ -70.036, -4.339 ], [ -70.076, -4.309 ], [ -70.042, -4.284 ], [ -70.164, -4.268 ], [ -70.19, -4.357 ], [ -70.249, -4.267 ], [ -70.291, -4.283 ], [ -70.317, -4.136 ], [ -70.341, -4.174 ], [ -70.434, -4.125 ], [ -70.503, -4.19 ], [ -70.553, -4.128 ], [ -70.566, -4.205 ], [ -70.565, -4.168 ], [ -70.633, -4.173 ], [ -70.622, -4.121 ], [ -70.677, -4.2 ], [ -70.757, -4.152 ], [ -70.935, -4.381 ], [ -70.99, -4.34 ], [ -71.031, -4.397 ], [ -71.147, -4.375 ], [ -71.193, -4.42 ], [ -71.198, -4.377 ], [ -71.269, -4.381 ], [ -71.303, -4.458 ], [ -71.355, -4.468 ], [ -71.342, -4.423 ], [ -71.432, -4.469 ], [ -71.414, -4.432 ], [ -71.506, -4.435 ], [ -71.49, -4.479 ], [ -71.535, -4.46 ], [ -71.597, -4.525 ], [ -71.61, -4.465 ], [ -71.897, -4.512 ], [ -71.94, -4.607 ], [ -72.047, -4.625 ], [ -72.113, -4.722 ], [ -72.223, -4.78 ], [ -72.313, -4.769 ], [ -72.292, -4.799 ], [ -72.356, -4.803 ], [ -72.37, -4.88 ], [ -72.452, -4.906 ], [ -72.455, -4.962 ], [ -72.577, -4.992 ], [ -72.602, -5.056 ], [ -72.734, -5.043 ], [ -72.896, -5.136 ], [ -72.872, -5.25 ], [ -72.948, -5.454 ], [ -72.951, -5.643 ], [ -73.116, -5.865 ], [ -73.131, -5.986 ], [ -73.185, -6.04 ], [ -73.133, -6.421 ], [ -73.211, -6.53 ], [ -73.351, -6.561 ], [ -73.743, -6.897 ], [ -73.797, -7.115 ], [ -73.691, -7.313 ], [ -73.868, -7.377 ], [ -73.954, -7.348 ], [ -73.917, -7.461 ], [ -73.986, -7.537 ], [ -73.69, -7.79 ], [ -73.697, -7.865 ], [ -73.777, -7.869 ], [ -73.765, -7.94 ], [ -73.632, -8.022 ], [ -73.526, -8.369 ], [ -73.338, -8.476 ], [ -73.338, -8.609 ], [ -73.169, -8.701 ], [ -73.059, -8.904 ], [ -72.946, -8.99 ], [ -72.965, -9.154 ], [ -73.196, -9.418 ], [ -72.721, -9.417 ], [ -72.364, -9.491 ], [ -72.289, -9.536 ], [ -72.26, -9.755 ], [ -72.16, -9.818 ], [ -72.165, -10.002 ], [ -71.288, -9.996 ], [ -71.131, -9.862 ], [ -70.982, -9.812 ], [ -70.601, -9.453 ], [ -70.497, -9.433 ], [ -70.561, -9.579 ], [ -70.598, -9.574 ], [ -70.522, -9.738 ], [ -70.622, -9.847 ], [ -70.618, -11.007 ], [ -70.508, -10.94 ], [ -70.337, -11.067 ], [ -69.938, -10.926 ], [ -69.728, -10.973 ], [ -69.568, -10.954 ], [ -68.924, -11.994 ], [ -68.679, -12.497 ], [ -68.764, -12.612 ], [ -68.738, -12.705 ], [ -68.85, -12.728 ], [ -68.961, -12.852 ], [ -68.942, -13.486 ], [ -68.997, -13.652 ], [ -69.076, -13.654 ], [ -68.988, -13.769 ], [ -68.965, -13.98 ], [ -68.881, -14.065 ], [ -68.841, -14.21 ], [ -68.982, -14.237 ], [ -68.98, -14.387 ], [ -69.152, -14.508 ], [ -69.149, -14.584 ], [ -69.225, -14.584 ], [ -69.244, -14.753 ], [ -69.363, -14.804 ], [ -69.365, -14.98 ], [ -69.126, -15.256 ], [ -69.265, -15.336 ], [ -69.274, -15.421 ], [ -69.414, -15.621 ], [ -69.236, -16.143 ], [ -69.099, -16.219 ], [ -68.963, -16.189 ], [ -68.814, -16.338 ], [ -68.982, -16.433 ], [ -69.032, -16.566 ], [ -69.006, -16.677 ], [ -69.168, -16.731 ], [ -69.392, -17.021 ], [ -69.375, -17.078 ], [ -69.551, -17.162 ], [ -69.641, -17.282 ], [ -69.463, -17.376 ], [ -69.463, -17.508 ], [ -69.662, -17.658 ], [ -69.799, -17.65 ], [ -69.819, -17.747 ], [ -69.753, -17.982 ], [ -69.948, -18.248 ], [ -70.374, -18.35 ], [ -70.879, -18.01 ], [ -70.925, -17.924 ], [ -71.383, -17.708 ], [ -71.342, -17.636 ], [ -71.382, -17.419 ], [ -71.515, -17.265 ], [ -71.819, -17.18 ], [ -71.974, -17.048 ], [ -72.113, -17.027 ], [ -72.123, -16.97 ], [ -72.45, -16.705 ], [ -72.758, -16.636 ], [ -73.112, -16.433 ], [ -73.291, -16.402 ], [ -73.3, -16.349 ], [ -73.414, -16.294 ], [ -73.701, -16.24 ], [ -74.057, -15.961 ], [ -74.285, -15.846 ], [ -74.371, -15.85 ], [ -74.476, -15.726 ], [ -75.141, -15.419 ], [ -75.2, -15.381 ], [ -75.157, -15.338 ], [ -75.252, -15.268 ], [ -75.23, -15.22 ], [ -75.376, -15.161 ], [ -75.509, -14.922 ], [ -75.921, -14.662 ], [ -75.98, -14.483 ], [ -76.151, -14.345 ], [ -76.105, -14.326 ], [ -76.135, -14.245 ], [ -76.222, -14.165 ], [ -76.274, -14.151 ], [ -76.273, -14.211 ], [ -76.296, -14.175 ], [ -76.286, -13.917 ], [ -76.395, -13.908 ], [ -76.332, -13.799 ], [ -76.261, -13.872 ], [ -76.191, -13.607 ], [ -76.206, -13.4 ], [ -76.492, -13.049 ], [ -76.52, -12.871 ], [ -76.641, -12.752 ], [ -76.693, -12.608 ], [ -76.811, -12.512 ], [ -76.784, -12.402 ], [ -76.84, -12.323 ], [ -77.042, -12.215 ], [ -77.072, -12.113 ], [ -77.172, -12.087 ], [ -77.136, -11.984 ], [ -77.201, -11.79 ], [ -77.176, -11.739 ], [ -77.301, -11.521 ], [ -77.663, -11.297 ], [ -77.656, -11.228 ], [ -77.604, -11.205 ], [ -77.671, -10.949 ], [ -78.196, -10.11 ], [ -78.241, -9.793 ], [ -78.378, -9.635 ], [ -78.431, -9.345 ], [ -78.536, -9.274 ], [ -78.507, -9.186 ], [ -78.555, -9.184 ], [ -78.575, -9.248 ], [ -78.621, -9.185 ], [ -78.563, -9.134 ], [ -78.641, -9.076 ], [ -78.654, -8.916 ], [ -78.766, -8.773 ], [ -78.755, -8.616 ], [ -78.934, -8.455 ], [ -78.905, -8.389 ], [ -78.97, -8.252 ], [ -79.359, -7.859 ], [ -79.566, -7.465 ], [ -79.581, -7.322 ], [ -79.678, -7.12 ], [ -79.916, -6.884 ], [ -79.983, -6.743 ], [ -80.298, -6.53 ], [ -80.773, -6.306 ], [ -81.11, -6.057 ], [ -81.144, -5.89 ], [ -81.076, -5.791 ], [ -80.942, -5.848 ], [ -80.866, -5.784 ], [ -80.858, -5.819 ], [ -80.841, -5.841 ], [ -80.848, -5.534 ], [ -80.872, -5.558 ], [ -80.945, -5.432 ], [ -81.191, -5.216 ], [ -81.167, -5.083 ], [ -81.085, -5.081 ], [ -81.072, -5 ] ] ] ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Entendido como virreinato del Perú.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T12:28:07+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del 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], [ -81.205, -5.216 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.259, -15.273 ], [ -75.269, -15.267 ], [ -75.269, -15.264 ], [ -75.257, -15.264 ], [ -75.259, -15.273 ] ] ], [ [ [ -76.179, -14.318 ], [ -76.219, -14.293 ], [ -76.219, -14.267 ], [ -76.188, -14.28 ], [ -76.179, -14.318 ] ] ], [ [ [ -76.455, -13.868 ], [ -76.471, -13.858 ], [ -76.458, -13.828 ], [ -76.441, -13.848 ], [ -76.455, -13.868 ] ] ], [ [ [ -76.406, -13.75 ], [ -76.406, -13.746 ], [ -76.397, -13.741 ], [ -76.397, -13.746 ], [ -76.406, -13.75 ] ] ], [ [ [ -76.633, -12.805 ], [ -76.634, -12.794 ], [ -76.621, -12.798 ], [ -76.633, -12.805 ] ] ], [ [ [ -76.899, -12.361 ], [ -76.905, -12.355 ], [ -76.901, -12.347 ], [ -76.897, -12.352 ], [ -76.899, -12.361 ] ] ], [ [ [ -76.915, -12.314 ], [ -76.917, -12.312 ], [ -76.909, -12.302 ], [ -76.909, -12.312 ], [ -76.915, -12.314 ] ] ], [ [ [ -77.19, -12.134 ], [ -77.189, -12.125 ], [ -77.185, -12.124 ], [ -77.182, -12.129 ], [ -77.19, -12.134 ] ] ], [ [ [ -77.208, -12.124 ], [ -77.253, -12.095 ], [ -77.254, -12.074 ], [ -77.202, -12.103 ], [ -77.208, -12.124 ] ] ], [ [ [ -77.717, -11.974 ], [ -77.725, -11.969 ], [ -77.724, -11.965 ], [ -77.718, -11.965 ], [ -77.717, -11.974 ] ] ], [ [ [ -77.723, -11.954 ], [ -77.733, -11.953 ], [ -77.734, -11.948 ], [ -77.722, -11.946 ], [ -77.723, -11.954 ] ] ], [ [ [ -77.851, -11.494 ], [ -77.852, -11.486 ], [ -77.844, -11.48 ], [ -77.844, -11.488 ], [ -77.851, -11.494 ] ] ], [ [ [ -81.072, -5 ], [ -81.326, -4.68 ], [ -81.25, -4.27 ], [ -80.837, -3.877 ], [ -80.786, -3.749 ], [ -80.574, -3.628 ], [ -80.501, -3.505 ], [ -80.366, -3.499 ], [ -80.304, -3.405 ], [ -80.219, -3.438 ], [ -80.154, -3.905 ], [ -80.286, -4.018 ], [ -80.398, -3.984 ], [ -80.475, -4.054 ], [ -80.444, -4.194 ], [ -80.305, -4.201 ], [ -80.443, -4.371 ], [ -80.443, -4.437 ], [ -80.335, -4.47 ], [ -80.136, -4.285 ], [ -79.895, -4.394 ], [ -79.812, -4.486 ], [ -79.631, -4.435 ], [ -79.541, -4.528 ], [ -79.482, -4.529 ], [ -79.416, -4.799 ], [ -79.26, -4.967 ], [ -79, -4.979 ], [ -78.881, -4.72 ], [ -78.736, -4.654 ], [ -78.621, -4.497 ], [ -78.627, -4.319 ], [ -78.572, -4.255 ], [ -78.499, -3.949 ], [ -78.377, -3.787 ], [ -78.319, -3.429 ], [ -78.249, -3.429 ], [ -78.232, -3.534 ], [ -78.137, -3.522 ], [ -78.19, -3.354 ], [ -77.824, -2.998 ], [ -76.627, -2.591 ], [ -76.045, -2.128 ], [ -75.538, -1.536 ], [ -75.364, -0.956 ], [ -75.185, -0.971 ], [ -75.28, -0.711 ], [ -75.245, -0.535 ], [ -75.415, -0.424 ], [ -75.449, -0.329 ], [ -75.622, -0.263 ], [ -75.622, -0.109 ], [ -75.304, -0.134 ], [ -75.219, -0.015 ], [ -75.115, -0.039 ], [ -74.904, -0.195 ], [ -74.824, -0.145 ], [ -74.78, -0.214 ], [ -74.801, -0.29 ], [ -74.659, -0.332 ], [ -74.52, -0.479 ], [ -74.425, -0.511 ], [ -74.342, -0.695 ], [ -74.378, -0.745 ], [ -74.258, -0.843 ], [ -74.272, -0.899 ], [ -74.318, -0.9 ], [ -74.266, -1.007 ], [ -74.074, -1.081 ], [ -74.033, -1.028 ], [ -74.013, -1.123 ], [ -73.905, -1.15 ], [ -73.861, -1.25 ], [ -73.777, -1.277 ], [ -73.75, -1.22 ], [ -73.732, -1.267 ], [ -73.624, -1.283 ], [ -73.552, -1.429 ], [ -73.586, -1.445 ], [ -73.539, -1.452 ], [ -73.46, -1.6 ], [ -73.532, -1.733 ], [ -73.314, -1.855 ], [ -73.293, -1.803 ], [ -73.231, -1.823 ], [ -73.222, -1.774 ], [ -73.143, -1.834 ], [ -73.095, -2.113 ], [ -73.059, -2.125 ], [ -73.153, -2.276 ], [ -73.044, -2.4 ], [ -73.021, -2.355 ], [ -72.962, -2.382 ], [ -72.921, -2.5 ], [ -72.769, -2.42 ], [ -72.733, -2.459 ], [ -72.707, -2.416 ], [ -72.67, -2.486 ], [ -72.618, -2.396 ], [ -72.383, -2.416 ], [ -72.346, -2.49 ], [ -72.221, -2.433 ], [ -72.126, -2.468 ], [ -72.035, -2.331 ], [ -71.907, -2.373 ], [ -71.919, -2.312 ], [ -71.861, -2.3 ], [ -71.822, -2.187 ], [ -71.722, -2.128 ], [ -71.707, -2.214 ], [ -71.628, -2.191 ], [ -71.5, -2.245 ], [ -71.484, -2.336 ], [ -71.444, -2.263 ], [ -71.375, -2.398 ], [ -71.284, -2.338 ], [ -71.165, -2.376 ], [ -71.057, -2.264 ], [ -70.986, -2.298 ], [ -70.993, -2.205 ], [ -70.928, -2.245 ], [ -70.857, -2.217 ], [ -70.822, -2.283 ], [ -70.658, -2.351 ], [ 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-71.49, -4.479 ], [ -71.535, -4.46 ], [ -71.597, -4.525 ], [ -71.61, -4.465 ], [ -71.897, -4.512 ], [ -71.94, -4.607 ], [ -72.047, -4.625 ], [ -72.113, -4.722 ], [ -72.223, -4.78 ], [ -72.313, -4.769 ], [ -72.292, -4.799 ], [ -72.356, -4.803 ], [ -72.37, -4.88 ], [ -72.452, -4.906 ], [ -72.455, -4.962 ], [ -72.577, -4.992 ], [ -72.602, -5.056 ], [ -72.734, -5.043 ], [ -72.896, -5.136 ], [ -72.872, -5.25 ], [ -72.948, -5.454 ], [ -72.951, -5.643 ], [ -73.116, -5.865 ], [ -73.131, -5.986 ], [ -73.185, -6.04 ], [ -73.133, -6.421 ], [ -73.211, -6.53 ], [ -73.351, -6.561 ], [ -73.743, -6.897 ], [ -73.797, -7.115 ], [ -73.691, -7.313 ], [ -73.868, -7.377 ], [ -73.954, -7.348 ], [ -73.917, -7.461 ], [ -73.986, -7.537 ], [ -73.69, -7.79 ], [ -73.697, -7.865 ], [ -73.777, -7.869 ], [ -73.765, -7.94 ], [ -73.632, -8.022 ], [ -73.526, -8.369 ], [ -73.338, -8.476 ], [ -73.338, -8.609 ], [ -73.169, -8.701 ], [ -73.059, -8.904 ], [ -72.946, -8.99 ], [ -72.965, -9.154 ], [ -73.196, -9.418 ], [ 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"https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T13:18:19+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Ñuflo de Chaves nació en Santa Cruz de la Sierra, de Extremadura,\nen 1518. Llegó a territorio americano con el segundo adelantado del Río de la\nPlata, Don Alvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca”. Cuando la flota llega al puerto de\nSanta Catalina en el año 1541, ya ostentaba el grado de Capitán. Cuando el\ngobernador Martínez de Irala le encomienda fundar al norte de Asunción, Chaves\nse convierte así en General. El 26 de febrero de 1561 fundó Santa Cruz de la\nSierra a orillas del arroyo Sutó. Después de fundada Santa Cruz de la\nSierra, Ñuflo de Chaves se dirige a Asunción, en 1564,  para recoger\na su familia. En 1550 se había casado con Doña Elvira Manrique, hija de don\nFrancisco de Mendoza, gobernador del Río de la Plata, con quien tuvo cinco\nhijos: Francisco y Alvaro, ambos militares; María, Catalina y Elvira; las\ndos menores monjas y la mayor se casó en 1574 con un soldado de apellido\nOssorio. El nieto de Ñuflo, Cap. Francisco Ossorio de Chaves, estuvo como\nAlcalde durante la traslación de  la ciudad, hasta su\nasiento definitivo a orillas del Piraí (1621).", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T12:56:17+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 63545, "end" : 63560 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Nuflo de Chaves" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/fbe33758-1b2e-4350-abb1-5656b60377b7", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "conqueror", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T13:18:19+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T13:18:19+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "colonizer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T13:18:19+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T13:18:19+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Ñuflo de Chaves nació en Santa Cruz de la Sierra, de Extremadura,\nen 1518. Llegó a territorio americano con el segundo adelantado del Río de la\nPlata, Don Alvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca”. Cuando la flota llega al puerto de\nSanta Catalina en el año 1541, ya ostentaba el grado de Capitán. Cuando el\ngobernador Martínez de Irala le encomienda fundar al norte de Asunción, Chaves\nse convierte así en General. El 26 de febrero de 1561 fundó Santa Cruz de la\nSierra a orillas del arroyo Sutó. Después de fundada Santa Cruz de la\nSierra, Ñuflo de Chaves se dirige a Asunción, en 1564,  para recoger\na su familia. En 1550 se había casado con Doña Elvira Manrique, hija de don\nFrancisco de Mendoza, gobernador del Río de la Plata, con quien tuvo cinco\nhijos: Francisco y Alvaro, ambos militares; María, Catalina y Elvira; las\ndos menores monjas y la mayor se casó en 1574 con un soldado de apellido\nOssorio. El nieto de Ñuflo, Cap. Francisco Ossorio de Chaves, estuvo como\nAlcalde durante la traslación de  la ciudad, hasta su\nasiento definitivo a orillas del Piraí (1621).", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T12:56:17+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 62868, "end" : 62883 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Nuflo de Chaves" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/6008d171-c8cb-4af2-9137-3ce4e406c117", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "conqueror", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T13:18:19+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T13:18:19+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "colonizer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T13:18:19+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T13:18:19+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Ñuflo de Chaves nació en Santa Cruz de la Sierra, de Extremadura,\nen 1518. Llegó a territorio americano con el segundo adelantado del Río de la\nPlata, Don Alvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca”. Cuando la flota llega al puerto de\nSanta Catalina en el año 1541, ya ostentaba el grado de Capitán. Cuando el\ngobernador Martínez de Irala le encomienda fundar al norte de Asunción, Chaves\nse convierte así en General. El 26 de febrero de 1561 fundó Santa Cruz de la\nSierra a orillas del arroyo Sutó. Después de fundada Santa Cruz de la\nSierra, Ñuflo de Chaves se dirige a Asunción, en 1564,  para recoger\na su familia. En 1550 se había casado con Doña Elvira Manrique, hija de don\nFrancisco de Mendoza, gobernador del Río de la Plata, con quien tuvo cinco\nhijos: Francisco y Alvaro, ambos militares; María, Catalina y Elvira; las\ndos menores monjas y la mayor se casó en 1574 con un soldado de apellido\nOssorio. El nieto de Ñuflo, Cap. Francisco Ossorio de Chaves, estuvo como\nAlcalde durante la traslación de  la ciudad, hasta su\nasiento definitivo a orillas del Piraí (1621).", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T12:56:17+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 62233, "end" : 62248 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Nuflo de Chaves" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/7563b742-7ce6-4927-924d-2c1036728a5c", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "conqueror", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T13:18:19+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T13:18:19+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "colonizer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T13:18:19+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T13:18:19+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Ñuflo de Chaves nació en Santa Cruz de la Sierra, de Extremadura,\nen 1518. Llegó a territorio americano con el segundo adelantado del Río de la\nPlata, Don Alvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca”. Cuando la flota llega al puerto de\nSanta Catalina en el año 1541, ya ostentaba el grado de Capitán. Cuando el\ngobernador Martínez de Irala le encomienda fundar al norte de Asunción, Chaves\nse convierte así en General. El 26 de febrero de 1561 fundó Santa Cruz de la\nSierra a orillas del arroyo Sutó. Después de fundada Santa Cruz de la\nSierra, Ñuflo de Chaves se dirige a Asunción, en 1564,  para recoger\na su familia. En 1550 se había casado con Doña Elvira Manrique, hija de don\nFrancisco de Mendoza, gobernador del Río de la Plata, con quien tuvo cinco\nhijos: Francisco y Alvaro, ambos militares; María, Catalina y Elvira; las\ndos menores monjas y la mayor se casó en 1574 con un soldado de apellido\nOssorio. El nieto de Ñuflo, Cap. Francisco Ossorio de Chaves, estuvo como\nAlcalde durante la traslación de  la ciudad, hasta su\nasiento definitivo a orillas del Piraí (1621).", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T12:56:17+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 34890, "end" : 34905 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Nuflo de Chaves" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/aef9aa0c-d009-467e-8a33-1bc330988fc5", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "conqueror", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T13:18:19+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T13:18:19+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "colonizer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T13:18:19+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T13:18:19+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Ñuflo de Chaves nació en Santa Cruz de la Sierra, de Extremadura,\nen 1518. Llegó a territorio americano con el segundo adelantado del Río de la\nPlata, Don Alvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca”. Cuando la flota llega al puerto de\nSanta Catalina en el año 1541, ya ostentaba el grado de Capitán. Cuando el\ngobernador Martínez de Irala le encomienda fundar al norte de Asunción, Chaves\nse convierte así en General. El 26 de febrero de 1561 fundó Santa Cruz de la\nSierra a orillas del arroyo Sutó. Después de fundada Santa Cruz de la\nSierra, Ñuflo de Chaves se dirige a Asunción, en 1564,  para recoger\na su familia. En 1550 se había casado con Doña Elvira Manrique, hija de don\nFrancisco de Mendoza, gobernador del Río de la Plata, con quien tuvo cinco\nhijos: Francisco y Alvaro, ambos militares; María, Catalina y Elvira; las\ndos menores monjas y la mayor se casó en 1574 con un soldado de apellido\nOssorio. El nieto de Ñuflo, Cap. Francisco Ossorio de Chaves, estuvo como\nAlcalde durante la traslación de  la ciudad, hasta su\nasiento definitivo a orillas del Piraí (1621).", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T12:56:17+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 33678, "end" : 33693 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Nuflo de Chaves" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/9dfc741d-6398-4d45-8cb7-4baa9b491e99", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "conqueror", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T13:18:19+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T13:18:19+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "colonizer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T13:18:19+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T13:18:19+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Ñuflo de Chaves nació en Santa Cruz de la Sierra, de Extremadura,\nen 1518. Llegó a territorio americano con el segundo adelantado del Río de la\nPlata, Don Alvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca”. Cuando la flota llega al puerto de\nSanta Catalina en el año 1541, ya ostentaba el grado de Capitán. Cuando el\ngobernador Martínez de Irala le encomienda fundar al norte de Asunción, Chaves\nse convierte así en General. El 26 de febrero de 1561 fundó Santa Cruz de la\nSierra a orillas del arroyo Sutó. Después de fundada Santa Cruz de la\nSierra, Ñuflo de Chaves se dirige a Asunción, en 1564,  para recoger\na su familia. En 1550 se había casado con Doña Elvira Manrique, hija de don\nFrancisco de Mendoza, gobernador del Río de la Plata, con quien tuvo cinco\nhijos: Francisco y Alvaro, ambos militares; María, Catalina y Elvira; las\ndos menores monjas y la mayor se casó en 1574 con un soldado de apellido\nOssorio. El nieto de Ñuflo, Cap. Francisco Ossorio de Chaves, estuvo como\nAlcalde durante la traslación de  la ciudad, hasta su\nasiento definitivo a orillas del Piraí (1621).", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T12:56:17+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 21298, "end" : 21313 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Nuflo de Chaves" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/d63a4d3e-e813-4270-9eb5-1e3dea1b7108", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "conqueror", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T13:18:19+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T13:18:19+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "colonizer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T13:18:19+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T13:18:19+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Ñuflo de Chaves nació en Santa Cruz de la Sierra, de Extremadura,\nen 1518. Llegó a territorio americano con el segundo adelantado del Río de la\nPlata, Don Alvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca”. Cuando la flota llega al puerto de\nSanta Catalina en el año 1541, ya ostentaba el grado de Capitán. Cuando el\ngobernador Martínez de Irala le encomienda fundar al norte de Asunción, Chaves\nse convierte así en General. El 26 de febrero de 1561 fundó Santa Cruz de la\nSierra a orillas del arroyo Sutó. Después de fundada Santa Cruz de la\nSierra, Ñuflo de Chaves se dirige a Asunción, en 1564,  para recoger\na su familia. En 1550 se había casado con Doña Elvira Manrique, hija de don\nFrancisco de Mendoza, gobernador del Río de la Plata, con quien tuvo cinco\nhijos: Francisco y Alvaro, ambos militares; María, Catalina y Elvira; las\ndos menores monjas y la mayor se casó en 1574 con un soldado de apellido\nOssorio. El nieto de Ñuflo, Cap. Francisco Ossorio de Chaves, estuvo como\nAlcalde durante la traslación de  la ciudad, hasta su\nasiento definitivo a orillas del Piraí (1621).", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T12:56:17+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 14314, "end" : 14329 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Nuflo de Chaves" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/f0d64220-8808-4348-83df-04c7b19f88f1", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "conqueror", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:19:15+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:19:15+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "colonizer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:19:15+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:19:15+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Ñuflo de Chaves nació en Santa Cruz de la Sierra, de Extremadura,\nen 1518. Llegó a territorio americano con el segundo adelantado del Río de la\nPlata, Don Alvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca”. Cuando la flota llega al puerto de\nSanta Catalina en el año 1541, ya ostentaba el grado de Capitán. Cuando el\ngobernador Martínez de Irala le encomienda fundar al norte de Asunción, Chaves\nse convierte así en General. El 26 de febrero de 1561 fundó Santa Cruz de la\nSierra a orillas del arroyo Sutó. Después de fundada Santa Cruz de la\nSierra, Ñuflo de Chaves se dirige a Asunción, en 1564,  para recoger\na su familia. En 1550 se había casado con Doña Elvira Manrique, hija de don\nFrancisco de Mendoza, gobernador del Río de la Plata, con quien tuvo cinco\nhijos: Francisco y Alvaro, ambos militares; María, Catalina y Elvira; las\ndos menores monjas y la mayor se casó en 1574 con un soldado de apellido\nOssorio. El nieto de Ñuflo, Cap. Francisco Ossorio de Chaves, estuvo como\nAlcalde durante la traslación de  la ciudad, hasta su\nasiento definitivo a orillas del Piraí (1621).", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T12:55:50+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 32739, "end" : 32744 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Nuflo" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/145d24bf-681e-479e-8e7f-608f5f5b7732", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://www.hgis-indias.net/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=gazetteer:9001002", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-18T21:13:14+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-18T21:13:14+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ -54.25591044, -24.08742586 ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Ciudad Real del Guayrá fue una antigua población española fundada en 1557 en la margen izquierda del río Paraná junto a la desembocadura del río Piquirí, en la provincia del Guayrá (Gobernación del Río de la Plata y del Paraguay). Su ubicación corresponde al municipio de Terra Roxa do Oeste en el actual noroeste del Estado de Paraná (Brasil).", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2018-09-21T12:48:08+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 111009, "end" : 111020 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Ciudad Real" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/1a6a22b8-0d5a-47ef-97ca-70d58156a3e0", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" 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Mata a Francisco de Mendoza, y vuelve al Perú.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-04T16:22:27+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 46357, "end" : 46373 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Pedro de Heredia" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/652a8fc0-802f-4270-997e-acf3d83fba5b", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-04T16:55:20+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Manés. En la lengua de los Xarayes, quiere decir Señor. Nombre que los Portugueses dan a su cacique. Nombre de un cacique de los Xarayes. El sentido que da el autor a este nombre no corresponde al que tiene en el idioma guaraní, en que mané es«flojo». Pero es probable que los Xarayes hablasen otro idioma, por ser un pueblo intermedio entre los Guaranís y los Peruanos.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-04T16:55:20+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 56983, "end" : 56987 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Mané" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/a2f6688f-ef4a-483d-a6e9-56270fc13047", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-04T16:50:14+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 75588, "end" : 75603 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Miguel de Rutia" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/f46fec1e-12be-44bd-a295-4ce1520e0f32", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-04T17:01:58+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Pizarro (Gonzalo). Tuvo noticia de las Amazonas. Tirano del Perú, derrotado en Xaqui-xaguana.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-04T17:01:58+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 77922, "end" : 77937 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Gonzalo Pizarro" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/960470aa-61a4-4643-b41a-7d4cbddc22b8", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : 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-36.056, -10.083 ], [ -36.266, -10.256 ], [ -36.402, -10.506 ], [ -36.602, -10.567 ], [ -36.934, -10.826 ], [ -37.36, -11.428 ], [ -37.612, -11.979 ], [ -37.996, -12.578 ], [ -38.318, -12.934 ], [ -38.477, -13.022 ], [ -38.532, -13.017 ], [ -38.473, -12.913 ], [ -38.498, -12.722 ], [ -38.603, -12.728 ], [ -38.646, -12.622 ], [ -38.681, -12.661 ], [ -38.718, -12.627 ], [ -38.804, -12.835 ], [ -38.717, -12.873 ], [ -38.769, -12.995 ], [ -38.721, -13.021 ], [ -38.66, -12.963 ], [ -38.686, -12.878 ], [ -38.59, -12.972 ], [ -38.766, -13.129 ], [ -38.807, -13.1 ], [ -38.808, -13.154 ], [ -38.944, -13.243 ], [ -38.973, -13.391 ], [ -38.902, -13.384 ], [ -38.886, -13.45 ], [ -38.95, -13.577 ], [ -38.886, -13.659 ], [ -38.968, -13.67 ], [ -39.006, -13.891 ], [ -39.064, -13.865 ], [ -39.075, -13.887 ], [ -38.986, -13.998 ], [ -38.952, -13.986 ], [ -38.982, -13.912 ], [ -38.938, -13.886 ], [ -38.922, -13.92 ], [ -39.061, -14.716 ], [ -38.962, -15.585 ], [ -38.857, -15.86 ], [ -38.973, -16.211 ], [ -39.032, -16.26 ], [ -39.01, -16.369 ], [ -39.078, -16.454 ], [ -39.143, -16.762 ], [ -39.113, -16.896 ], [ -39.212, -17.155 ], [ -39.193, -17.602 ], [ -39.135, -17.691 ], [ -39.264, -17.869 ], [ -39.435, -17.943 ], [ -39.563, -18.091 ], [ -39.721, -18.493 ], [ -39.749, -18.81 ], [ -39.692, -19.353 ], [ -39.805, -19.65 ], [ -39.951, -19.717 ], [ -40.151, -19.956 ], [ -40.236, -20.285 ], [ -40.353, -20.32 ], [ -40.329, -20.236 ], [ -40.359, -20.291 ], [ -40.365, -20.317 ], [ -40.35, -20.328 ], [ -40.268, -20.327 ], [ -40.402, -20.606 ], [ -40.466, -20.624 ], [ -40.627, -20.845 ], [ -40.65, -20.813 ], [ -40.756, -20.866 ], [ -40.853, -21.133 ], [ -40.955, -21.251 ], [ -40.96, -21.364 ], [ -41.065, -21.495 ], [ -41.051, -21.608 ], [ -41.038, -21.622 ], [ -41.007, -21.618 ], [ -40.99, -22.014 ], [ -41.229, -22.151 ], [ -41.668, -22.294 ], [ -41.962, -22.538 ], [ -41.986, -22.713 ], [ -41.919, -22.774 ], [ -41.864, -22.759 ], [ -42.023, -22.896 ], [ -42.037, -22.94 ], [ -41.99, -22.964 ], [ -42.018, -22.998 ], [ -42.086, -22.957 ], [ -42.529, -22.934 ], [ -43.05, -22.982 ], [ -43.132, -22.941 ], [ -43.025, -22.741 ], [ -43.084, -22.68 ], [ -43.216, -22.725 ], [ -43.287, -22.806 ], [ -43.24, -22.847 ], [ -43.249, -22.797 ], [ -43.156, -22.784 ], [ -43.247, -22.882 ], [ -43.164, -22.899 ], [ -43.187, -22.995 ], [ -43.344, -22.983 ], [ -43.303, -23.02 ], [ -43.549, -23.081 ], [ -44.001, -23.1 ], [ -43.961, -23.042 ], [ -43.877, -23.067 ], [ -43.909, -23.02 ], [ -43.807, -23.063 ], [ -43.555, -23.055 ], [ -43.84, -22.906 ], [ -43.985, -22.937 ], [ -44.034, -23.014 ], [ -44.044, -22.923 ], [ -44.107, -23.03 ], [ -44.234, -23.06 ], [ -44.238, -23.004 ], [ -44.358, -23.02 ], [ -44.296, -22.961 ], [ -44.321, -22.927 ], [ -44.378, -22.972 ], [ -44.407, -22.945 ], [ -44.443, -23.035 ], [ -44.669, -23.06 ], [ -44.712, -23.19 ], [ -44.701, -23.237 ], [ -44.645, -23.191 ], [ -44.612, -23.206 ], [ -44.685, -23.256 ], [ -44.611, -23.238 ], [ -44.652, -23.302 ], [ -44.558, -23.232 ], [ -44.577, -23.275 ], [ -44.498, -23.302 ], [ -44.583, -23.367 ], [ -44.669, -23.341 ], [ -44.84, -23.395 ], [ -44.905, -23.339 ], [ -45.05, -23.418 ], [ -45.016, -23.461 ], [ -45.079, -23.519 ], [ -45.165, -23.495 ], [ -45.159, -23.541 ], [ -45.228, -23.547 ], [ -45.211, -23.582 ], [ -45.41, -23.632 ], [ -45.412, -23.825 ], [ -45.934, -23.771 ], [ -46.124, -23.842 ], [ -46.2, -24.002 ], [ -46.288, -24.044 ], [ -46.321, -24 ], [ -46.458, -24.025 ], [ -46.937, -24.281 ], [ -47.024, -24.382 ], [ -47.004, -24.412 ], [ -47.86, -24.996 ], [ -47.914, -25.061 ], [ -47.915, -25.16 ], [ -48.213, -25.47 ], [ -48.254, -25.435 ], [ -48.222, -25.342 ], [ -48.208, -25.353 ], [ -48.121, -25.267 ], [ -48.253, -25.328 ], [ -48.284, -25.294 ], [ -48.317, -25.363 ], [ -48.327, -25.232 ], [ -48.366, -25.317 ], [ -48.433, -25.237 ], [ -48.428, -25.324 ], [ -48.5, -25.335 ], [ -48.427, -25.39 ], [ -48.449, -25.379 ], [ -48.468, -25.388 ], [ -48.467, -25.432 ], [ -48.449, -25.384 ], [ -48.414, -25.428 ], [ -48.476, -25.485 ], [ -48.637, -25.468 ], [ -48.661, -25.398 ], [ -48.671, -25.435 ], [ -48.739, -25.374 ], [ -48.68, -25.465 ], [ -48.687, -25.499 ], [ -48.737, -25.483 ], [ -48.703, -25.504 ], [ -48.617, -25.536 ], [ -48.512, -25.505 ], [ -48.482, -25.591 ], [ -48.46, -25.552 ], [ -48.35, -25.581 ], [ -48.565, -25.868 ], [ -48.614, -26.06 ], [ -48.586, -26.172 ], [ -48.714, -26.243 ], [ -48.795, -26.073 ], [ -48.837, -26.157 ], [ -48.798, -26.142 ], [ -48.763, -26.199 ], [ -48.805, -26.228 ], [ -48.769, -26.223 ], [ -48.761, -26.286 ], [ -48.803, -26.303 ], [ -48.723, -26.362 ], [ -48.635, -26.374 ], [ -48.714, -26.308 ], [ -48.554, -26.172 ], [ -48.493, -26.224 ], [ -48.695, -26.658 ], [ -48.665, -26.769 ], [ -48.583, -26.786 ], [ -48.655, -26.909 ], [ -48.62, -27.007 ], [ -48.574, -27.011 ], [ -48.607, -27.122 ], [ -48.554, -27.152 ], [ -48.51, -27.108 ], [ -48.469, -27.148 ], [ -48.511, -27.183 ], [ -48.486, -27.218 ], [ -48.531, -27.18 ], [ -48.612, -27.243 ], [ -48.596, -27.318 ], [ -48.529, -27.334 ], [ -48.649, -27.486 ], [ -48.572, -27.592 ], [ -48.653, -27.648 ], [ -48.575, -27.888 ], [ -48.761, -28.535 ], [ -48.813, -28.605 ], [ -49.37, -28.92 ], [ -49.334, -28.921 ], [ -49.702, -29.308 ], [ -50.006, -29.749 ], [ -50.316, -30.472 ], [ -50.848, -31.205 ], [ -51.303, -31.613 ], [ -51.877, -31.952 ], [ -52.071, -32.188 ], [ -52.012, -31.946 ], [ -52.092, -31.837 ], [ -51.851, -31.865 ], [ -51.777, -31.805 ], [ -51.854, -31.797 ], [ -51.65, -31.759 ], [ -51.478, -31.562 ], [ -51.43, -31.622 ], [ -51.458, -31.548 ], [ -51.424, -31.478 ], [ -51.351, -31.529 ], [ -51.234, -31.458 ], [ -51.16, -31.31 ], [ -51.166, -31.063 ], [ -51.109, -31.097 ], [ -50.985, -31.042 ], [ -50.965, -30.893 ], [ -50.888, -30.893 ], [ -50.705, -30.756 ], [ -50.677, -30.61 ], [ -50.725, -30.371 ], [ -50.692, -30.355 ], [ -50.625, -30.409 ], [ -50.641, -30.459 ], [ -50.569, -30.471 ], [ -50.534, -30.278 ], [ -50.601, -30.194 ], [ -50.659, -30.201 ], [ -50.661, -30.293 ], [ -50.918, -30.333 ], [ -50.934, -30.42 ], [ -50.889, -30.439 ], [ -50.921, -30.44 ], [ -51.052, -30.395 ], [ -51.034, -30.276 ], [ -51.146, -30.267 ], [ -51.246, -30.188 ], [ -51.23, -30.043 ], [ -51.295, -30.007 ], [ -51.326, -30.23 ], [ -51.271, -30.25 ], [ -51.293, -30.295 ], [ -51.246, -30.33 ], [ -51.209, -30.3 ], [ -51.179, -30.383 ], [ -51.092, -30.367 ], [ -51.129, -30.436 ], [ -51.202, -30.413 ], [ -51.269, -30.489 ], [ -51.282, -30.811 ], [ -51.33, -30.777 ], [ -51.294, -30.758 ], [ -51.319, -30.64 ], [ -51.375, -30.635 ], [ -51.404, -30.769 ], [ -51.367, -30.874 ], [ -51.457, -30.874 ], [ -51.501, -30.935 ], [ -51.436, -31.088 ], [ -51.611, -31.138 ], [ -51.613, -31.272 ], [ -51.915, -31.313 ], [ -52.002, -31.449 ], [ -52.031, -31.693 ], [ -52.218, -31.747 ], [ -52.247, -31.871 ], [ -52.106, -31.952 ], [ -52.216, -31.963 ], [ -52.263, -32.062 ], [ -52.209, -32.045 ], [ -52.225, -32.096 ], [ -52.082, -32.033 ], [ -52.162, -32.128 ], [ -52.09, -32.069 ], [ -52.084, -32.186 ], [ -52.16, -32.201 ], [ -52.341, -32.43 ], [ -52.488, -32.844 ], [ -52.66, -33.165 ], [ -53.227, -33.658 ], [ -53.421, -33.741 ], [ -53.524, -33.689 ], [ -53.515, -33.163 ], [ -53.434, -33.054 ], [ -53.243, -32.936 ], [ -53.294, -32.911 ], [ -53.074, -32.746 ], [ -53.244, -32.605 ], [ -53.39, -32.583 ], [ -53.46, -32.48 ], [ -53.595, -32.432 ], [ -53.73, -32.157 ], [ -53.714, -32.104 ], [ -53.965, -31.919 ], [ -54.096, -31.906 ], [ -54.466, -31.666 ], [ -54.491, -31.54 ], [ -54.591, -31.448 ], [ -54.836, -31.446 ], [ -54.945, -31.392 ], [ -55.014, -31.285 ], [ -55.091, -31.326 ], [ -55.245, -31.257 ], [ -55.374, -31.038 ], [ -55.594, -30.848 ], [ -55.635, -30.857 ], [ -55.657, -30.956 ], [ -55.87, -31.08 ], [ -56.008, -31.063 ], [ -55.987, -30.86 ], [ -56.021, -30.784 ], [ -56.127, -30.739 ], [ -56.177, -30.614 ], [ -56.384, -30.495 ], [ -56.459, -30.387 ], [ -56.545, -30.364 ], [ -56.54, -30.312 ], [ -56.617, -30.303 ], [ -56.644, -30.205 ], [ -56.776, -30.166 ], [ -56.804, -30.107 ], [ -57.068, -30.088 ], [ -57.207, -30.281 ], [ -57.313, -30.26 ], [ -57.396, -30.303 ], [ -57.538, -30.275 ], [ -57.618, -30.179 ], [ -57.505, -30.143 ], [ -57.342, -30.001 ], [ -57.319, -29.87 ], [ -57.254, -29.794 ], [ -57.105, -29.752 ], [ -56.972, -29.639 ], [ -56.676, -29.321 ], [ -56.593, -29.123 ], [ -56.425, -29.073 ], [ -56.285, -28.794 ], [ -56.185, -28.771 ], [ -56.016, -28.611 ], [ -56.011, -28.509 ], [ -55.888, -28.479 ], [ -55.875, -28.362 ], [ -55.696, -28.425 ], [ -55.671, -28.333 ], [ -55.773, -28.247 ], [ -55.605, -28.123 ], [ -55.554, -28.164 ], [ -55.496, -28.081 ], [ -55.444, -28.097 ], [ -55.323, -27.928 ], [ -55.196, -27.863 ], [ -55.134, -27.895 ], [ -55.117, -27.853 ], [ -55.032, -27.854 ], [ -55.082, -27.789 ], [ -54.941, -27.775 ], [ -54.809, -27.536 ], [ -54.781, -27.586 ], [ -54.683, -27.576 ], [ -54.678, -27.514 ], [ -54.624, -27.55 ], [ -54.576, -27.458 ], [ -54.525, -27.507 ], [ -54.415, -27.412 ], [ -54.353, -27.468 ], [ -54.339, -27.406 ], [ -54.282, -27.447 ], [ -54.176, -27.261 ], [ -54.089, -27.303 ], [ -53.949, -27.158 ], [ -53.799, -27.147 ], [ -53.795, -27.048 ], [ -53.761, -27.068 ], [ -53.662, -26.869 ], [ -53.751, -26.745 ], [ -53.707, -26.563 ], [ -53.738, -26.548 ], [ -53.592, -26.265 ], [ -53.722, -26.13 ], [ -53.733, -26.047 ], [ -53.837, -25.969 ], [ -53.824, -25.793 ], [ -53.891, -25.625 ], [ -53.951, -25.644 ], [ -54.016, -25.569 ], [ -54.101, -25.625 ], [ -54.111, -25.504 ], [ -54.213, -25.554 ], [ -54.184, -25.591 ], [ -54.289, -25.562 ], [ -54.387, -25.608 ], [ -54.43, -25.706 ], [ -54.596, -25.595 ], [ -54.617, -25.459 ], [ -54.437, -25.157 ], [ -54.458, -25.031 ], [ -54.336, -24.649 ], [ -54.333, -24.493 ], [ -54.262, -24.376 ], [ -54.33, -24.225 ], [ -54.282, -24.075 ], [ -54.411, -23.929 ], [ -54.668, -23.815 ], [ -55.061, -23.991 ], [ -55.112, -23.963 ], [ -55.226, -24.013 ], [ -55.413, -23.961 ], [ -55.434, -23.714 ], [ -55.535, -23.614 ], [ -55.522, -23.197 ], [ -55.596, -23.141 ], [ -55.64, -22.994 ], [ -55.685, -22.992 ], [ -55.613, -22.659 ], [ -55.736, -22.532 ], [ -55.74, -22.396 ], [ -55.854, -22.281 ], [ -56.208, -22.281 ], [ -56.341, -22.206 ], [ -56.403, -22.078 ], [ -56.519, -22.103 ], [ -56.643, -22.261 ], [ -56.698, -22.216 ], [ -56.728, -22.26 ], [ -56.808, -22.25 ], [ -56.831, -22.3 ], [ -57.001, -22.225 ], [ -57.203, -22.21 ], [ -57.243, -22.244 ], [ -57.553, -22.181 ], [ -57.616, -22.096 ], [ -57.803, -22.148 ], [ -57.989, -22.085 ], [ -58.005, -22.032 ], [ -57.919, -21.881 ], [ -57.969, -21.844 ], [ -57.913, -21.793 ], [ -57.947, -21.747 ], [ -57.894, -21.687 ], [ -57.968, -21.528 ], [ -57.855, -21.339 ], [ -57.918, -21.278 ], [ -57.854, -21.226 ], [ -57.866, -21.041 ], [ -57.818, -20.976 ], [ -57.927, -20.897 ], [ -57.855, -20.835 ], [ -57.961, -20.784 ], [ -57.869, -20.736 ], [ -57.923, -20.666 ], [ -57.988, -20.696 ], [ -57.994, -20.448 ], [ -58.082, -20.372 ], [ -58.092, -20.257 ], [ -58.154, -20.264 ], [ -58.125, -20.188 ], [ -58.163, -20.162 ], [ -57.872, -19.979 ], [ -58.134, -19.761 ], [ -57.79, -19.051 ], [ -57.709, -19.034 ], [ -57.757, -18.858 ], [ -57.56, -18.263 ], [ -57.458, -18.228 ], [ -57.568, -18.136 ], [ -57.702, -17.86 ], [ -57.715, -17.735 ], [ -57.785, -17.645 ], [ -57.773, -17.553 ], [ -57.878, -17.463 ], [ -58.003, -17.52 ], [ -58.114, -17.456 ], [ -58.395, -17.197 ], [ -58.421, -16.99 ], [ -58.47, -16.939 ], [ -58.468, -16.702 ], [ -58.442, -16.613 ], [ -58.34, -16.542 ], [ -58.309, -16.27 ], [ -58.471, -16.325 ], [ -60.173, -16.265 ], [ -60.236, -15.476 ], [ -60.565, -15.105 ], [ -60.253, -15.101 ], [ -60.257, -14.624 ], [ -60.338, -14.555 ], [ -60.482, -14.181 ], [ -60.468, -14.092 ], [ -60.378, -13.992 ], [ -60.468, -13.886 ], [ -60.468, -13.801 ], [ -60.793, -13.686 ], [ -60.962, -13.539 ], [ -61.044, -13.541 ], [ -61.028, -13.477 ], [ -61.069, -13.463 ], [ -61.139, -13.521 ], [ -61.249, -13.525 ], [ -61.33, -13.473 ], [ -61.486, -13.554 ], [ -61.578, -13.494 ], [ -61.824, -13.539 ], [ -61.866, -13.443 ], [ -62.108, -13.257 ], [ -62.109, -13.149 ], [ -62.165, -13.112 ], [ -62.368, -13.145 ], [ -62.464, -13.07 ], [ -62.637, -13.041 ], [ -62.674, -12.965 ], [ -62.764, -13.023 ], [ -62.923, -12.854 ], [ -62.996, -12.85 ], [ -63.082, -12.653 ], [ -63.327, -12.705 ], [ -63.482, -12.557 ], [ -63.712, -12.458 ], [ -63.875, -12.469 ], [ -63.937, -12.557 ], [ -64.127, -12.494 ], [ -64.152, -12.529 ], [ -64.215, -12.476 ], [ -64.278, -12.511 ], [ -64.493, -12.366 ], [ -64.486, -12.23 ], [ -64.654, -12.186 ], [ -64.683, -12.099 ], [ -64.725, -12.162 ], [ -64.798, -12.035 ], [ -64.993, -11.999 ], [ -65.048, -11.757 ], [ -65.112, -11.741 ], [ -65.106, -11.697 ], [ -65.135, -11.777 ], [ -65.201, -11.745 ], [ -65.161, -11.622 ], [ -65.218, -11.521 ], [ -65.299, -11.5 ], [ -65.338, -11.392 ], [ -65.31, -11.341 ], [ -65.385, -11.269 ], [ -65.349, -11.239 ], [ -65.391, -11.167 ], [ -65.318, -11.105 ], [ -65.336, -11.044 ], [ -65.269, -10.901 ], [ -65.366, -10.798 ], [ -65.349, -10.671 ], [ -65.426, -10.638 ], [ -65.429, -10.473 ], [ -65.28, -10.218 ], [ -65.327, -9.938 ], [ -65.29, -9.851 ], [ -65.377, -9.698 ], [ -65.488, -9.718 ], [ -65.563, -9.834 ], [ -65.669, -9.779 ], [ -65.7, -9.803 ], [ -65.689, -9.749 ], [ -65.748, -9.77 ], [ -65.777, -9.727 ], [ -65.798, -9.786 ], [ -65.81, -9.75 ], [ -65.86, -9.794 ], [ -65.872, -9.757 ], [ -66.018, -9.807 ], [ -66.064, -9.772 ], [ -66.422, -9.895 ], [ -66.616, -9.893 ], [ -66.623, -9.935 ], [ -66.883, -10.081 ], [ -67.029, -10.254 ], [ -67.186, -10.339 ], [ -67.315, -10.316 ], [ -67.327, -10.374 ], [ -67.414, -10.372 ], [ -67.443, -10.45 ], [ -67.594, -10.523 ], [ -67.715, -10.707 ], [ -68.021, -10.661 ], [ -68.119, -10.726 ], [ -68.283, -10.987 ], [ -68.519, -11.048 ], [ -68.587, -11.11 ], [ -68.769, -11.139 ], [ -68.751, -11.007 ], [ -68.787, -10.99 ], [ -68.871, -11.023 ], [ -69.393, -10.929 ], [ -69.728, -10.973 ], [ -69.938, -10.926 ], [ -70.318, -11.066 ], [ -70.428, -11.033 ], [ -70.508, -10.94 ], [ -70.618, -11.007 ], [ -70.622, -9.847 ], [ -70.522, -9.738 ], [ -70.598, -9.574 ], [ -70.561, -9.579 ], [ -70.497, -9.433 ], [ -70.601, -9.453 ], [ -70.982, -9.812 ], [ -71.131, -9.862 ], [ -71.288, -9.996 ], [ -72.165, -10.002 ], [ -72.16, -9.818 ], [ -72.26, -9.755 ], [ -72.289, -9.536 ], [ -72.364, -9.491 ], [ -72.721, -9.417 ], [ -73.196, -9.418 ], [ -72.965, -9.154 ], [ -72.946, -8.99 ], [ -73.059, -8.904 ], [ -73.169, -8.701 ], [ -73.338, -8.609 ], [ -73.338, -8.476 ], [ -73.526, -8.369 ], [ -73.632, -8.022 ], [ -73.765, -7.94 ], [ -73.777, -7.869 ], [ -73.697, -7.865 ], [ -73.69, -7.79 ], [ -73.985, -7.543 ], [ -73.917, -7.461 ], [ -73.954, -7.348 ], [ -73.868, -7.377 ], [ -73.691, -7.313 ], [ -73.797, -7.115 ], [ -73.743, -6.897 ], [ -73.351, -6.561 ], [ -73.211, -6.53 ], [ -73.133, -6.421 ], [ -73.185, -6.04 ], [ -73.131, -5.986 ], [ -73.116, -5.865 ], [ -72.951, -5.643 ], [ -72.948, -5.454 ], [ -72.872, -5.25 ], [ -72.896, -5.136 ], [ -72.734, -5.043 ], [ -72.602, -5.056 ], [ -72.577, -4.992 ], [ -72.455, -4.962 ], [ -72.452, -4.906 ], [ -72.37, -4.88 ], [ -72.356, -4.803 ], [ -72.292, -4.799 ], [ -72.313, -4.769 ], [ -72.223, -4.78 ], [ -72.113, -4.722 ], [ -72.047, -4.625 ], [ -71.94, -4.607 ], [ -71.897, -4.512 ], [ -71.61, -4.465 ], [ -71.597, -4.525 ], [ -71.535, -4.46 ], [ -71.49, -4.479 ], [ -71.506, -4.435 ], [ -71.414, -4.432 ], [ -71.432, -4.469 ], [ -71.342, -4.423 ], [ -71.355, -4.468 ], [ -71.303, -4.458 ], [ -71.269, -4.381 ], [ -71.198, -4.377 ], [ -71.193, -4.42 ], [ -71.147, -4.375 ], [ -71.031, -4.397 ], [ -70.99, -4.34 ], [ -70.935, -4.381 ], [ -70.757, -4.152 ], [ -70.677, -4.2 ], [ -70.622, -4.121 ], [ -70.633, -4.173 ], [ -70.565, -4.168 ], [ -70.566, -4.205 ], [ -70.553, -4.128 ], [ -70.503, -4.19 ], [ -70.434, -4.125 ], [ -70.341, -4.174 ], [ -70.317, -4.136 ], [ -70.291, -4.283 ], [ -70.249, -4.267 ], [ -70.186, -4.357 ], [ -70.169, -4.27 ], [ -70.101, -4.255 ], [ -70.031, -4.339 ], [ -69.929, -4.213 ], [ -69.453, -1.478 ], [ -69.368, -1.334 ], [ -69.422, -0.998 ], [ -69.508, -0.936 ], [ -69.609, -0.755 ], [ -69.551, -0.648 ], [ -69.593, -0.517 ], [ -69.908, -0.316 ], [ -70.068, -0.135 ], [ -70.037, 0.553 ], [ -69.798, 0.585 ], [ -69.664, 0.672 ], [ -69.606, 0.623 ], [ -69.468, 0.734 ], [ -69.357, 0.621 ], [ -69.295, 0.648 ], [ -69.288, 0.609 ], [ -69.202, 0.602 ], [ -69.112, 0.643 ], [ -69.184, 0.73 ], [ -69.137, 0.868 ], [ -69.257, 1.026 ], [ -69.342, 1.064 ], [ -69.416, 1.024 ], [ -69.7, 1.056 ], [ -69.721, 1.097 ], [ -69.854, 1.07 ], [ -69.855, 1.715 ], [ -69.556, 1.775 ], [ -69.395, 1.726 ], [ -68.128, 1.73 ], [ -68.29, 1.841 ], [ -68.205, 2.038 ], [ -68.027, 1.784 ], [ -67.924, 1.751 ], [ -67.797, 1.812 ], [ -67.578, 2.076 ], [ -67.41, 2.141 ], [ -67.117, 1.732 ], [ -67.068, 1.532 ], [ -67.097, 1.17 ], [ -66.855, 1.228 ], [ -66.322, 0.738 ], [ -66.095, 0.754 ], [ -65.952, 0.81 ], [ -65.854, 0.939 ], [ -65.733, 1.005 ], [ -65.583, 1.008 ], [ -65.47, 0.877 ], [ -65.557, 0.705 ], [ -65.504, 0.627 ], [ -65.393, 0.699 ], [ -65.305, 0.916 ], [ -65.152, 0.943 ], [ -65.121, 1.115 ], [ -65.055, 1.144 ], [ -64.968, 1.112 ], [ -64.903, 1.249 ], [ -64.843, 1.237 ], [ -64.783, 1.313 ], [ -64.721, 1.25 ], [ -64.638, 1.286 ], [ -64.387, 1.527 ], [ -64.344, 1.528 ], [ -64.382, 1.419 ], [ -64.344, 1.38 ], [ -64.186, 1.494 ], [ -64.054, 1.708 ], [ -64.057, 1.933 ], [ -64.018, 1.967 ], [ -63.781, 1.989 ], [ -63.604, 2.124 ], [ -63.419, 2.154 ], [ -63.349, 2.281 ], [ -63.382, 2.442 ], [ -63.756, 2.403 ], [ -64.031, 2.509 ], [ -63.987, 2.772 ], [ -64.216, 3.153 ], [ -64.236, 3.476 ], [ -64.186, 3.634 ], [ -64.324, 3.797 ], [ -64.543, 3.882 ], [ -64.8, 4.224 ], [ -64.79, 4.329 ], [ -64.677, 4.297 ], [ -64.555, 4.153 ], [ -64.135, 4.176 ], [ -63.967, 3.93 ], [ -63.806, 4.019 ], [ -63.623, 4.01 ], [ -63.455, 3.91 ], [ -63.411, 4.026 ], [ -63.358, 4.04 ], [ -63.203, 3.952 ], [ -63.189, 3.872 ], [ -62.86, 3.584 ], [ -62.749, 3.642 ], [ -62.705, 3.724 ], [ -62.752, 4.012 ], [ -62.635, 4.056 ], [ -62.557, 4.02 ], [ -62.46, 4.173 ], [ -62.129, 4.084 ], [ -61.961, 4.18 ], [ -61.927, 4.106 ], [ -61.723, 4.262 ], [ -61.528, 4.273 ], [ -61.507, 4.398 ], [ -61.274, 4.471 ], [ -61.293, 4.55 ], [ -61.141, 4.508 ], [ -60.952, 4.549 ], [ -60.907, 4.708 ], [ -60.731, 4.777 ], [ -60.59, 4.951 ], [ -60.744, 5.209 ], [ -60.438, 5.177 ], [ -60.203, 5.265 ], [ -60.176, 5.227 ], [ -60.121, 5.243 ], [ -60.085, 5.149 ], [ -59.969, 5.073 ], [ -60.03, 4.704 ], [ -60.163, 4.521 ], [ -59.927, 4.509 ], [ -59.674, 4.382 ], [ -59.726, 4.191 ], [ -59.628, 4.138 ], [ -59.655, 4.078 ], [ -59.516, 3.94 ], [ -59.581, 3.901 ], [ -59.594, 3.796 ], [ -59.666, 3.777 ], [ -59.664, 3.703 ], [ -59.849, 3.601 ], [ -59.799, 3.355 ], [ -59.909, 3.197 ], [ -59.982, 2.929 ], [ -59.99, 2.683 ], [ -59.903, 2.479 ], [ -59.91, 2.388 ], [ -59.724, 2.277 ], [ -59.754, 1.861 ], [ -59.654, 1.849 ], [ -59.669, 1.764 ], [ -59.549, 1.729 ], [ -59.253, 1.397 ], [ -58.914, 1.299 ], [ -58.904, 1.234 ], [ -58.804, 1.175 ], [ -58.696, 1.288 ], [ -58.507, 1.264 ], [ -58.468, 1.318 ], [ -58.498, 1.458 ], [ -58.382, 1.471 ], [ -58.325, 1.59 ], [ -58.167, 1.558 ], [ -58.13, 1.501 ], [ -58.009, 1.501 ], [ -58, 1.665 ], [ -57.919, 1.645 ], [ -57.77, 1.718 ], [ -57.545, 1.701 ], [ -57.434, 1.895 ], [ -57.302, 1.99 ], [ -57.247, 1.944 ], [ -57.085, 2.021 ], [ -57.012, 1.918 ], [ -56.8, 1.864 ], [ -56.724, 1.92 ], [ -56.454, 1.945 ], [ -55.957, 1.844 ], [ -55.906, 1.889 ], [ -55.913, 2.041 ], [ -56.048, 2.226 ], [ -56.134, 2.263 ], [ -56.09, 2.352 ], [ -55.995, 2.405 ], [ -55.987, 2.517 ], [ -55.948, 2.532 ], [ -55.739, 2.401 ], [ -55.481, 2.443 ], [ -55.37, 2.407 ], [ -55.336, 2.516 ], [ -55.239, 2.495 ], [ -55.137, 2.575 ], [ -55.103, 2.522 ], [ -54.94, 2.632 ], [ -54.969, 2.555 ], [ -54.864, 2.439 ], [ -54.72, 2.469 ], [ -54.702, 2.336 ], [ -54.549, 2.336 ], [ -54.534, 2.268 ], [ -54.314, 2.158 ], [ -54.189, 2.179 ], [ -54.111, 2.127 ], [ -54.078, 2.197 ], [ -53.784, 2.364 ], [ -53.694, 2.287 ], [ -53.472, 2.332 ], [ -53.397, 2.272 ], [ -53.273, 2.292 ], [ -53.188, 2.223 ], [ -52.905, 2.19 ], [ -52.853, 2.285 ], [ -52.673, 2.374 ], [ -52.555, 2.523 ], [ -52.556, 2.646 ], [ -52.382, 2.912 ], [ -52.347, 3.134 ], [ -52.192, 3.296 ], [ -51.92, 3.781 ], [ -51.795, 3.89 ], [ -51.754, 3.996 ], [ -51.658, 4.049 ], [ -51.585, 4.241 ], [ -51.529, 4.171 ], [ -51.545, 4.397 ], [ -51.202, 4.084 ], [ -51.173, 3.767 ], [ -51.127, 3.911 ], [ -51.085, 3.895 ], [ -51.051, 3.283 ], [ -50.913, 2.875 ], [ -50.927, 2.807 ], [ -50.816, 2.644 ], [ -50.851, 2.482 ], [ -50.802, 2.508 ], [ -50.736, 2.414 ], [ -50.765, 2.359 ], [ -50.694, 2.276 ], [ -50.725, 2.252 ], [ -50.675, 2.247 ], [ -50.682, 2.137 ], [ -50.584, 2.091 ], [ -50.586, 2.014 ], [ -50.471, 1.82 ], [ -50.194, 1.794 ], [ -49.954, 1.676 ], [ -49.88, 1.419 ], [ -49.918, 1.289 ], [ -50.073, 1.204 ], [ -49.918, 1.232 ], [ -49.939, 1.103 ], [ -50.003, 1.066 ], [ -50.033, 1.107 ], [ -50.131, 0.949 ], [ -50.274, 0.866 ], [ -50.338, 0.729 ], [ -50.417, 0.685 ], [ -50.455, 0.732 ], [ -50.428, 0.679 ], [ -50.571, 0.424 ], [ -50.691, 0.3 ], [ -50.677, 0.365 ], [ -50.746, 0.227 ], [ -50.801, 0.224 ], [ -50.785, 0.183 ], [ -50.908, 0.171 ], [ -51.087, -0.043 ], [ -51.203, -0.055 ], [ -51.419, -0.412 ], [ -51.409, -0.44 ], [ -51.325, -0.364 ], [ -51.188, -0.14 ], [ -51.111, -0.154 ], [ -51.154, -0.284 ], [ -51.396, -0.493 ], [ -51.243, -0.443 ], [ -51.26, -0.5 ], [ -51.165, -0.431 ], [ -50.953, -0.061 ], [ -50.824, -0.048 ], [ -50.705, 0.002 ], [ -50.613, -0.088 ], [ -50.744, -0.244 ], [ -50.751, -0.429 ], [ -50.845, -0.526 ], [ -50.988, -0.583 ], [ -51.051, -0.682 ], [ -50.826, -0.555 ], [ -50.794, -0.666 ], [ -50.733, -0.557 ], [ -50.684, -0.604 ], [ -50.724, -0.493 ], [ -50.652, -0.276 ], [ -50.409, -0.094 ], [ -49.631, -0.247 ], [ -49.446, -0.23 ], [ -49.289, -0.145 ], [ -49.018, -0.16 ], [ -49, -0.139 ], [ -48.895, -0.224 ], [ -48.539, -0.234 ], [ -48.363, -0.303 ], [ -48.459, -0.513 ], [ -48.522, -0.877 ], [ -48.667, -1.002 ], [ -48.621, -1.005 ], [ -48.65, -1.048 ], [ -48.617, -1.053 ], [ -48.721, -1.137 ], [ -48.837, -1.452 ], [ -49.161, -1.575 ], [ -49.182, -1.623 ], [ -49.362, -1.604 ], [ -49.364, -1.642 ], [ -49.448, -1.637 ], [ -49.5, -1.738 ], [ -49.61, -1.718 ], [ -49.676, -1.78 ], [ -49.696, -1.757 ], [ -49.714, -1.76 ], [ -49.803, -1.822 ], [ -50.035, -1.717 ], [ -50.179, -1.787 ], [ -50.256, -1.776 ], [ -50.415, -1.841 ], [ -50.401, -1.935 ], [ -49.994, -1.819 ], [ -49.844, -1.905 ], [ -49.765, -1.898 ], [ -49.616, -1.79 ], [ -49.276, -1.706 ], [ -49.267, -1.778 ], [ -49.387, -1.977 ], [ -49.383, -2.159 ], [ -48.973, -1.594 ], [ -48.897, -1.573 ], [ -48.955, -1.712 ], [ -48.932, -1.75 ], [ -48.898, -1.743 ], [ -48.656, -1.371 ], [ -48.592, -1.429 ], [ -48.601, -1.306 ], [ -48.524, -1.338 ], [ -48.537, -1.467 ], [ -48.496, -1.553 ], [ -48.491, -1.502 ], [ -48.46, -1.533 ], [ -48.374, -1.511 ], [ -48.319, -1.478 ], [ -48.505, -1.471 ], [ -48.422, -1.168 ], [ -48.475, -1.144 ], [ -48.4, -1.066 ], [ -48.278, -1.111 ], [ -48.304, -0.948 ], [ -48.055, -0.668 ], [ -48.001, -0.731 ], [ -47.893, -0.553 ], [ -47.843, -0.616 ], [ -47.807, -0.547 ], [ -47.702, -0.54 ], [ -47.707, -0.59 ], [ -47.667, -0.569 ], [ -47.633, -0.608 ], [ -47.651, -0.694 ], [ -47.608, -0.684 ], [ -47.577, -0.573 ], [ -47.476, -0.757 ], [ -47.398, -0.76 ], [ -47.428, -0.693 ], [ -47.464, -0.687 ], [ -47.466, -0.594 ], [ -47.399, -0.594 ], [ -47.4, -0.645 ], [ -47.298, -0.589 ], [ -47.253, -0.668 ], [ -47.247, -0.623 ], [ -47.206, -0.633 ], [ -47.23, -0.719 ], [ -47.158, -0.678 ], [ -47.191, -0.754 ], [ -47.146, -0.764 ], [ -47.16, -0.815 ], [ -47.081, -0.661 ], [ -47.055, -0.868 ], [ -47.027, -0.784 ], [ -46.983, -0.806 ], [ -47.016, -0.752 ], [ -46.967, -0.694 ], [ -46.969, -0.78 ], [ -46.891, -0.869 ], [ -46.89, -0.789 ], [ -46.846, -0.799 ], [ -46.82, -0.71 ], [ -46.802, -0.877 ], [ -46.777, -0.905 ], [ -46.75, -0.826 ], [ -46.709, -0.86 ], [ -46.734, -0.944 ], [ -46.687, -0.831 ], [ -46.653, -0.882 ], [ -46.621, -0.818 ], [ -46.601, -0.917 ], [ -46.676, -0.965 ], [ -46.622, -0.987 ], [ -46.57, -0.947 ], [ -46.609, -1.03 ], [ -46.57, -0.988 ], [ -46.525, -1.027 ], [ -46.465, -1.007 ], [ -46.47, -1.044 ], [ -46.395, -1.037 ], [ -46.413, -1.084 ], [ -46.348, -0.982 ], [ -46.36, -1.011 ], [ -46.366, -1.031 ], [ -46.348, -1.079 ], [ -46.339, -1.015 ], [ -46.299, -1.05 ], [ -46.212, -0.946 ], [ -46.242, -0.921 ], [ -46.179, -0.914 ], [ -46.224, -1.053 ], [ -46.206, -1.1 ], [ -46.158, -1.014 ], [ -46.138, -1.032 ], [ -46.193, -1.143 ], [ -46.104, -1.067 ], [ -46.062, -1.133 ], [ -46.15, -1.258 ], [ -45.982, -1.071 ], [ -45.953, -1.147 ], [ -46, -1.151 ], [ -46, -1.199 ], [ -45.95, -1.159 ], [ -45.95, -1.207 ], [ -46, -1.209 ], [ -45.95, -1.25 ], [ -45.902, -1.134 ], [ -45.923, -1.214 ], [ -45.882, -1.167 ], [ -45.873, -1.211 ], [ -45.909, -1.261 ], [ -45.859, -1.231 ], [ -45.891, -1.293 ], [ -45.807, -1.176 ], [ -45.843, -1.301 ], [ -45.809, -1.328 ], [ -45.831, -1.298 ], [ -45.782, -1.278 ], [ -45.726, -1.135 ], [ -45.69, -1.452 ], [ -45.697, -1.38 ], [ -45.632, -1.371 ], [ -45.618, -1.279 ], [ -45.589, -1.329 ], [ -45.537, -1.273 ], [ -45.561, -1.343 ], [ -45.51, -1.352 ], [ -45.567, -1.404 ], [ -45.546, -1.432 ], [ -45.413, -1.296 ], [ -45.489, -1.473 ], [ -45.511, -1.458 ], [ -45.554, -1.503 ], [ -45.507, -1.471 ], [ -45.518, -1.516 ], [ -45.481, -1.495 ], [ -45.463, -1.548 ], [ -45.457, -1.457 ], [ -45.391, -1.434 ], [ -45.363, -1.325 ], [ -45.323, -1.319 ], [ -45.302, -1.424 ], [ -45.392, -1.485 ], [ -45.398, -1.503 ], [ -45.356, -1.487 ], [ -45.392, -1.553 ], [ -45.338, -1.572 ], [ -45.371, -1.722 ], [ -45.338, -1.753 ], [ -45.197, -1.688 ], [ -45.261, -1.607 ], [ -45.16, -1.475 ], [ -45.136, -1.521 ], [ -45.072, -1.435 ], [ -45.07, -1.485 ], [ -44.999, -1.504 ], [ -45.018, -1.547 ], [ -44.969, -1.549 ], [ -45.029, -1.583 ], [ -45.029, -1.602 ], [ -44.979, -1.607 ], [ -44.954, -1.498 ], [ -44.862, -1.426 ], [ -44.857, -1.498 ], [ -44.954, -1.605 ], [ -44.918, -1.649 ], [ -44.968, -1.662 ], [ -44.913, -1.657 ], [ -44.927, -1.62 ], [ -44.886, -1.609 ], [ -44.837, -1.65 ], [ -44.822, -1.591 ], [ -44.826, -1.637 ], [ -44.805, -1.609 ], [ -44.812, -1.665 ], [ -44.779, -1.735 ], [ -44.711, -1.728 ], [ -44.82, -1.819 ], [ -44.738, -1.791 ], [ -44.706, -1.819 ], [ -44.676, -1.808 ], [ -44.661, -1.727 ], [ -44.604, -1.749 ], [ -44.667, -1.849 ], [ -44.601, -1.858 ], [ -44.583, -1.817 ], [ -44.586, -1.873 ], [ -44.543, -1.833 ], [ -44.601, -1.909 ], [ -44.517, -1.907 ], [ -44.484, -2.002 ], [ -44.613, -2.037 ], [ -44.467, -2.017 ], [ -44.626, -2.151 ], [ -44.589, -2.159 ], [ -44.641, -2.232 ], [ -44.708, -2.23 ], [ -44.684, -2.275 ], [ -44.764, -2.265 ], [ -44.654, -2.294 ], [ -44.681, -2.354 ], [ -44.649, -2.373 ], [ -44.666, -2.329 ], [ -44.479, -2.137 ], [ -44.358, -2.335 ], [ -44.401, -2.416 ], [ -44.514, -2.384 ], [ -44.55, -2.4 ], [ -44.491, -2.415 ], [ -44.514, -2.448 ], [ -44.505, -2.476 ], [ -44.665, -2.608 ], [ -44.548, -2.542 ], [ -44.658, -2.781 ], [ -44.688, -2.924 ], [ -44.677, -3.019 ], [ -44.66, -3.02 ], [ -44.657, -3.018 ] ], [ [ -43.318, -2.361 ], [ -43.317, -2.363 ], [ -43.296, -2.363 ], [ -43.318, -2.361 ] ], [ [ -42.438, -2.747 ], [ -42.442, -2.749 ], [ -42.438, -2.75 ], [ -42.438, -2.747 ] ], [ [ -42.442, -2.749 ], [ -42.47, -2.744 ], [ -42.447, -2.753 ], [ -42.442, -2.749 ] ], [ [ -50.851, 2.482 ], [ -50.853, 2.481 ], [ -50.853, 2.48 ], [ -50.851, 2.482 ] ], [ [ -50.853, 2.481 ], [ -50.86, 2.495 ], [ -50.86, 2.477 ], [ -50.853, 2.481 ] ], [ [ -49.976, 1.659 ], [ -49.98, 1.659 ], [ -50, 1.639 ], [ -49.976, 1.659 ] ], [ [ -45.392, -1.553 ], [ -45.393, -1.553 ], [ -45.394, -1.556 ], [ -45.392, -1.553 ] ], [ [ -45.394, -1.556 ], [ -45.406, -1.579 ], [ -45.403, -1.591 ], [ -45.394, -1.556 ] ], [ [ -44.837, -1.65 ], [ -44.834, -1.655 ], [ -44.833, -1.654 ], [ -44.837, -1.65 ] ], [ [ -44.834, -1.655 ], [ -44.841, -1.675 ], [ -44.822, -1.672 ], [ -44.834, -1.655 ] ], [ [ -44.779, -1.735 ], [ -44.777, -1.741 ], [ -44.776, -1.74 ], [ -44.779, -1.735 ] ], [ [ -44.777, -1.741 ], [ -44.833, -1.77 ], [ -44.774, -1.75 ], [ -44.777, -1.741 ] ], [ [ -44.547, -2.22 ], [ -44.536, -2.225 ], [ -44.543, -2.219 ], [ -44.547, -2.22 ] ], [ [ -44.536, -2.225 ], [ -44.507, -2.249 ], [ -44.512, -2.235 ], [ -44.536, -2.225 ] ], [ [ -44.507, -2.249 ], [ -44.504, -2.256 ], [ -44.501, -2.254 ], [ -44.507, -2.249 ] ], [ [ -44.504, -2.256 ], [ -44.514, -2.268 ], [ -44.502, -2.26 ], [ -44.504, -2.256 ] ] ], [ [ [ -29.34, -20.484 ], [ -29.301, -20.521 ], [ -29.341, -20.511 ], [ -29.34, -20.484 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.001, -13.94 ], [ -39.012, -13.915 ], [ -38.994, -13.896 ], [ -39.001, -13.94 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.043, -13.909 ], [ -39.059, -13.904 ], [ -39.054, -13.886 ], [ -39.028, -13.903 ], [ -39.043, -13.909 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.251, -18.015 ], [ -39.283, -18.005 ], [ -39.272, -17.982 ], [ -39.245, -18.006 ], [ -39.251, -18.015 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.131, -17.927 ], [ -39.154, -17.921 ], [ -39.137, -17.91 ], [ -39.131, -17.927 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.212, -17.986 ], [ -39.228, -17.979 ], [ -39.215, -17.944 ], [ -39.202, -17.95 ], [ -39.212, -17.986 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.341, -23.231 ], [ -44.372, -23.174 ], [ -44.232, -23.089 ], [ -44.087, -23.173 ], [ -44.3, -23.184 ], [ -44.341, -23.231 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.356, -23.073 ], [ -44.388, -23.048 ], [ -44.373, -23.033 ], [ -44.343, -23.041 ], [ -44.356, -23.073 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.929, -23.014 ], [ -43.936, -22.999 ], [ -43.916, -22.989 ], [ -43.929, -23.014 ] ] ], [ [ [ -42.002, -23.018 ], [ -42.015, -23.003 ], [ -41.98, -22.975 ], [ -41.975, -22.992 ], [ -42.002, -23.018 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.904, -22.962 ], [ -43.907, -22.936 ], [ -43.868, -22.926 ], [ -43.871, -22.95 ], [ -43.904, -22.962 ] ] ], [ [ [ -41.042, -21.613 ], [ -41.042, -21.6 ], [ -41.019, -21.606 ], [ -41.042, -21.613 ] ] ], [ [ [ -52.112, -32 ], [ -52.18, -32.035 ], [ -52.216, -32.025 ], [ -52.198, -31.978 ], [ -52.112, -32 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.641, -30.388 ], [ -50.629, -30.394 ], [ -50.624, -30.329 ], [ -50.592, -30.399 ], [ -50.609, -30.406 ], [ -50.641, -30.388 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.526, -27.462 ], [ -48.416, -27.38 ], [ -48.358, -27.446 ], [ -48.503, -27.799 ], [ -48.559, -27.842 ], [ -48.526, -27.462 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.354, -27.296 ], [ -48.376, -27.285 ], [ -48.373, -27.271 ], [ -48.36, -27.27 ], [ -48.354, -27.296 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.731, -26.314 ], [ -48.754, -26.297 ], [ -48.735, -26.282 ], [ -48.731, -26.314 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.318, -25.584 ], [ -48.309, -25.546 ], [ -48.381, -25.504 ], [ -48.312, -25.509 ], [ -48.292, -25.545 ], [ -48.318, -25.584 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.414, -25.544 ], [ -48.459, -25.514 ], [ -48.415, -25.527 ], [ -48.414, -25.544 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.424, -25.551 ], [ -48.479, -25.523 ], [ -48.485, -25.502 ], [ -48.424, -25.551 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.298, -25.493 ], [ -48.341, -25.416 ], [ -48.252, -25.341 ], [ -48.265, -25.44 ], [ -48.253, -25.466 ], [ -48.298, -25.493 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.417, -25.386 ], [ -48.424, -25.343 ], [ -48.405, -25.33 ], [ -48.417, -25.386 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.695, -24.112 ], [ -45.688, -24.088 ], [ -45.679, -24.098 ], [ -45.695, -24.112 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.251, -23.962 ], [ -45.301, -23.909 ], [ -45.453, -23.91 ], [ -45.332, -23.721 ], [ -45.227, -23.774 ], [ -45.224, -23.835 ], [ -45.283, -23.857 ], [ -45.221, -23.899 ], [ -45.251, -23.962 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.141, -23.817 ], [ -45.146, -23.791 ], [ -45.114, -23.801 ], [ -45.141, -23.817 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.153, -23.573 ], [ -45.153, -23.558 ], [ -45.141, -23.568 ], [ -45.153, -23.573 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.073, -23.564 ], [ -45.079, -23.525 ], [ -45.036, -23.531 ], [ -45.073, -23.564 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.608, -23.228 ], [ -44.59, -23.208 ], [ -44.577, -23.216 ], [ -44.608, -23.228 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.648, -12.821 ], [ -38.666, -12.777 ], [ -38.624, -12.762 ], [ -38.648, -12.821 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.529, -12.811 ], [ -38.544, -12.757 ], [ -38.532, -12.74 ], [ -38.508, -12.792 ], [ -38.529, -12.811 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.622, -12.752 ], [ -38.622, -12.727 ], [ -38.593, -12.733 ], [ -38.622, -12.752 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.646, -12.683 ], [ -38.648, -12.65 ], [ -38.636, -12.661 ], [ -38.646, -12.683 ] ] ], [ [ [ -32.402, -3.838 ], [ -32.428, -3.877 ], [ -32.483, -3.878 ], [ -32.402, -3.838 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.667, -3.179 ], [ -44.668, -3.16 ], [ -44.643, -3.148 ], [ -44.644, -3.17 ], [ -44.667, -3.179 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.671, -2.943 ], [ -44.67, -2.92 ], [ -44.647, -2.915 ], [ -44.671, -2.943 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.493, -2.641 ], [ -44.48, -2.601 ], [ -44.477, -2.627 ], [ -44.493, -2.641 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.897, -2.573 ], [ -43.896, -2.554 ], [ -43.886, -2.565 ], [ -43.897, -2.573 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.599, -2.503 ], [ -43.577, -2.471 ], [ -43.572, -2.483 ], [ -43.599, -2.503 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.822, -2.526 ], [ -43.829, -2.509 ], [ -43.813, -2.458 ], [ -43.812, -2.553 ], [ -43.82, -2.528 ], [ -43.822, -2.526 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.821, -2.529 ], [ -43.856, -2.502 ], [ -43.832, -2.439 ], [ -43.842, -2.504 ], [ -43.821, -2.529 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.863, -2.56 ], [ -43.875, -2.552 ], [ -43.865, -2.534 ], [ -43.863, -2.56 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.519, -2.536 ], [ -44.529, -2.526 ], [ -44.501, -2.48 ], [ -44.505, -2.444 ], [ -44.455, -2.434 ], [ -44.519, -2.536 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.602, -3.007 ], [ -44.657, -2.972 ], [ -44.613, -2.894 ], [ -44.575, -2.921 ], [ -44.602, -3.007 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.585, -2.978 ], [ -44.563, -2.914 ], [ -44.586, -2.826 ], [ -44.494, -2.705 ], [ -44.494, -2.953 ], [ -44.582, -3.041 ], [ -44.585, -2.978 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.826, -2.434 ], [ -43.842, -2.403 ], [ -43.811, -2.385 ], [ -43.807, -2.412 ], [ -43.826, -2.434 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.581, -2.441 ], [ -43.615, -2.389 ], [ -43.549, -2.377 ], [ -43.545, -2.403 ], [ -43.581, -2.441 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.791, -2.47 ], [ -43.806, -2.443 ], [ -43.78, -2.422 ], [ -43.759, -2.448 ], [ -43.791, -2.47 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.513, -2.424 ], [ -43.537, -2.416 ], [ -43.522, -2.39 ], [ -43.505, -2.414 ], [ -43.513, -2.424 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.792, -2.405 ], [ -43.798, -2.377 ], [ -43.771, -2.37 ], [ -43.792, -2.405 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.689, -2.355 ], [ -43.743, -2.352 ], [ -43.724, -2.305 ], [ -43.617, -2.253 ], [ -43.612, -2.275 ], [ -43.669, -2.301 ], [ -43.689, -2.355 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.73, -2.425 ], [ -43.732, -2.364 ], [ -43.67, -2.377 ], [ -43.681, -2.34 ], [ -43.63, -2.324 ], [ -43.643, -2.394 ], [ -43.73, -2.425 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.473, -2.125 ], [ -44.487, -2.113 ], [ -44.475, -2.096 ], [ -44.463, -2.104 ], [ -44.473, -2.125 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.456, -2.031 ], [ -44.447, -2.008 ], [ -44.439, -2.022 ], [ -44.456, -2.031 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.311, -1.964 ], [ -49.336, -1.996 ], [ -49.309, -1.943 ], [ -49.311, -1.964 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.323, -2.054 ], [ -49.329, -2.019 ], [ -49.316, -2.001 ], [ -49.323, -2.054 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.231, -1.829 ], [ -50.246, -1.824 ], [ -50.229, -1.816 ], [ -50.231, -1.829 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.615, -1.821 ], [ -44.622, -1.797 ], [ -44.597, -1.774 ], [ -44.583, -1.789 ], [ -44.615, -1.821 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.7, -1.811 ], [ -44.703, -1.78 ], [ -44.673, -1.78 ], [ -44.7, -1.811 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.691, -1.793 ], [ -49.721, -1.789 ], [ -49.719, -1.771 ], [ -49.697, -1.766 ], [ -49.691, -1.793 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.924, -1.711 ], [ -48.909, -1.713 ], [ -48.916, -1.734 ], [ -48.935, -1.713 ], [ -48.924, -1.711 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.757, -1.707 ], [ -44.767, -1.694 ], [ -44.736, -1.701 ], [ -44.757, -1.707 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.433, -1.684 ], [ -49.454, -1.706 ], [ -49.46, -1.684 ], [ -49.433, -1.684 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.357, -1.008 ], [ -46.342, -0.994 ], [ -46.353, -1.026 ], [ -46.357, -1.008 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.205, -1.021 ], [ -46.194, -1.014 ], [ -46.202, -1.032 ], [ -46.205, -1.021 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.662, -3.018 ], [ -44.673, -3.012 ], [ -44.664, -3.001 ], [ -44.649, -3.013 ], [ -44.662, -3.018 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.736, -1.683 ], [ -44.745, -1.677 ], [ -44.732, -1.668 ], [ -44.736, -1.683 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.231, -1.638 ], [ -49.237, -1.627 ], [ -49.217, -1.633 ], [ -49.231, -1.638 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.38, -1.685 ], [ -49.4, -1.682 ], [ -49.368, -1.669 ], [ -49.38, -1.685 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.426, -1.673 ], [ -49.429, -1.661 ], [ -49.406, -1.66 ], [ -49.426, -1.673 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.34, -1.672 ], [ -49.358, -1.662 ], [ -49.325, -1.647 ], [ -49.34, -1.672 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.289, -1.726 ], [ -45.305, -1.663 ], [ -45.257, -1.641 ], [ -45.244, -1.678 ], [ -45.28, -1.694 ], [ -45.289, -1.726 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.328, -1.743 ], [ -45.346, -1.719 ], [ -45.301, -1.596 ], [ -45.274, -1.635 ], [ -45.313, -1.654 ], [ -45.328, -1.743 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.886, -1.578 ], [ -48.89, -1.56 ], [ -48.859, -1.536 ], [ -48.856, -1.553 ], [ -48.886, -1.578 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.783, -1.682 ], [ -44.8, -1.595 ], [ -44.775, -1.62 ], [ -44.721, -1.567 ], [ -44.704, -1.611 ], [ -44.684, -1.575 ], [ -44.668, -1.669 ], [ -44.693, -1.638 ], [ -44.783, -1.682 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.816, -1.569 ], [ -44.837, -1.534 ], [ -44.787, -1.488 ], [ -44.825, -1.534 ], [ -44.816, -1.569 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.462, -1.517 ], [ -48.478, -1.499 ], [ -48.421, -1.503 ], [ -48.462, -1.517 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.793, -1.531 ], [ -44.774, -1.47 ], [ -44.763, -1.513 ], [ -44.793, -1.531 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.414, -1.427 ], [ -45.423, -1.416 ], [ -45.409, -1.405 ], [ -45.414, -1.427 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45, -1.296 ], [ -44.922, -1.265 ], [ -44.877, -1.309 ], [ -44.895, -1.34 ], [ -44.922, -1.305 ], [ -44.907, -1.341 ], [ -44.999, -1.405 ], [ -45.033, -1.339 ], [ -45, -1.32 ], [ -44.995, -1.36 ], [ -45, -1.296 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.044, -1.402 ], [ -45.07, -1.33 ], [ -45.052, -1.342 ], [ -45.044, -1.402 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.333, -1.569 ], [ -45.371, -1.544 ], [ -45.347, -1.489 ], [ -45.313, -1.506 ], [ -45.333, -1.569 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.969, -1.522 ], [ -44.976, -1.493 ], [ -44.959, -1.483 ], [ -44.969, -1.522 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.393, -1.512 ], [ -48.371, -1.476 ], [ -48.341, -1.483 ], [ -48.393, -1.512 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.413, -1.498 ], [ -48.426, -1.491 ], [ -48.387, -1.476 ], [ -48.413, -1.498 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.118, -1.47 ], [ -45.132, -1.462 ], [ -45.115, -1.364 ], [ -45.103, -1.373 ], [ -45.118, -1.47 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.593, -1.251 ], [ -45.581, -1.19 ], [ -45.536, -1.205 ], [ -45.532, -1.231 ], [ -45.593, -1.251 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.559, -1.243 ], [ -48.56, -1.202 ], [ -48.523, -1.199 ], [ -48.559, -1.243 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.817, -1.163 ], [ -45.829, -1.141 ], [ -45.804, -1.127 ], [ -45.817, -1.163 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.877, -1.154 ], [ -45.9, -1.117 ], [ -45.883, -1.073 ], [ -45.849, -1.123 ], [ -45.877, -1.154 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.192, -1.05 ], [ -46.201, -1.041 ], [ -46.185, -1.027 ], [ -46.192, -1.05 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.291, -1.01 ], [ -46.307, -0.992 ], [ -46.306, -0.961 ], [ -46.291, -1.01 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.078, -1.095 ], [ -46.065, -1.05 ], [ -46.061, -1.074 ], [ -46.078, -1.095 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.68, -1.295 ], [ -45.687, -1.275 ], [ -45.667, -1.26 ], [ -45.654, -1.285 ], [ -45.68, -1.295 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.538, -1.282 ], [ -48.549, -1.262 ], [ -48.53, -1.25 ], [ -48.538, -1.282 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.51, -1.27 ], [ -48.522, -1.247 ], [ -48.506, -1.236 ], [ -48.51, -1.27 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.694, -1.37 ], [ -45.646, -1.289 ], [ -45.625, -1.126 ], [ -45.634, -1.349 ], [ -45.694, -1.37 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.688, -1.266 ], [ -45.708, -1.228 ], [ -45.685, -1.194 ], [ -45.664, -1.231 ], [ -45.688, -1.266 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.425, -0.914 ], [ -46.454, -0.907 ], [ -46.408, -0.868 ], [ -46.395, -0.899 ], [ -46.425, -0.914 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.72, -0.848 ], [ -46.735, -0.832 ], [ -46.729, -0.796 ], [ -46.72, -0.848 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.611, -0.799 ], [ -46.622, -0.784 ], [ -46.601, -0.789 ], [ -46.611, -0.799 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.586, -0.849 ], [ -46.621, -0.807 ], [ -46.589, -0.815 ], [ -46.586, -0.849 ] ] ], [ [ [ -47.447, -0.748 ], [ -47.453, -0.732 ], [ -47.436, -0.717 ], [ -47.428, -0.738 ], [ -47.447, -0.748 ] ] ], [ [ [ -47.461, -0.741 ], [ -47.463, -0.702 ], [ -47.445, -0.697 ], [ -47.461, -0.741 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.214, -0.411 ], [ -51.211, -0.386 ], [ -51.164, -0.347 ], [ -51.163, -0.383 ], [ -51.214, -0.411 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.352, -0.353 ], [ -51.346, -0.31 ], [ -51.317, -0.268 ], [ -51.327, -0.33 ], [ -51.352, -0.353 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.127, -0.268 ], [ -51.131, -0.237 ], [ -51.091, -0.208 ], [ -51.087, -0.229 ], [ -51.127, -0.268 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.888, -0.198 ], [ -48.91, -0.188 ], [ -48.893, -0.134 ], [ -48.847, -0.177 ], [ -48.888, -0.198 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.174, -0.091 ], [ -51.191, -0.064 ], [ -51.126, -0.057 ], [ -51.174, -0.091 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.114, -0.146 ], [ -49.097, -0.121 ], [ -49.08, -0.13 ], [ -49.114, -0.146 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.166, -0.142 ], [ -49.188, -0.115 ], [ -49.156, -0.128 ], [ -49.166, -0.142 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.119, -0.141 ], [ -49.143, -0.107 ], [ -49.114, -0.11 ], [ -49.119, -0.141 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.127, -0.128 ], [ -51.094, -0.103 ], [ -51.108, -0.127 ], [ -51.127, -0.128 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.414, -0.999 ], [ -46.384, -0.941 ], [ -46.367, -0.948 ], [ -46.414, -0.999 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.647, -0.97 ], [ -46.658, -0.968 ], [ -46.618, -0.957 ], [ -46.647, -0.97 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.488, -0.942 ], [ -46.465, -0.877 ], [ -46.464, -0.924 ], [ -46.44, -0.922 ], [ -46.482, -0.976 ], [ -46.441, -0.999 ], [ -46.525, -1.016 ], [ -46.527, -0.917 ], [ -46.509, -0.984 ], [ -46.488, -0.942 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.632, 0.159 ], [ -49.662, 0.184 ], [ -49.629, 0.202 ], [ -49.61, 0.181 ], [ -49.632, 0.159 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.641, 0.26 ], [ -50.63, 0.293 ], [ -50.586, 0.308 ], [ -50.641, 0.26 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.2, 0.255 ], [ -50.243, 0.248 ], [ -50.147, 0.337 ], [ -50.059, 0.346 ], [ -50.2, 0.255 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.417, 0.159 ], [ -50.535, 0.234 ], [ -50.36, 0.615 ], [ -50.328, 0.383 ], [ -50.285, 0.3 ], [ -50.413, 0.237 ], [ -50.417, 0.159 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.279, 0.338 ], [ -50.271, 0.599 ], [ -50.147, 0.608 ], [ -50.142, 0.576 ], [ -50.107, 0.636 ], [ -50.063, 0.623 ], [ -50.05, 0.518 ], [ -50.279, 0.338 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50, 0.943 ], [ -50.113, 0.907 ], [ -50.018, 1.034 ], [ -49.935, 1.069 ], [ -49.939, 0.996 ], [ -50, 0.943 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.881, 1.227 ], [ -49.909, 1.246 ], [ -49.886, 1.244 ], [ -49.881, 1.227 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.907, 1.278 ], [ -49.885, 1.291 ], [ -49.863, 1.278 ], [ -49.876, 1.252 ], [ -49.907, 1.278 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.204, 1.851 ], [ -50.232, 1.879 ], [ -50.22, 1.915 ], [ -50.169, 1.865 ], [ -50.204, 1.851 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.468, 1.954 ], [ -50.521, 2.026 ], [ -50.497, 2.139 ], [ -50.398, 2.167 ], [ -50.367, 2.19 ], [ -50.276, 1.939 ], [ -50.423, 1.849 ], [ -50.468, 1.954 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.504, 2.255 ], [ -50.414, 2.244 ], [ -50.382, 2.204 ], [ -50.489, 2.15 ], [ -50.564, 2.205 ], [ -50.504, 2.255 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.229, 0.832 ], [ -50.098, 0.839 ], [ -50.027, 0.898 ], [ -50.105, 0.757 ], [ -50.162, 0.775 ], [ -50.249, 0.72 ], [ -50.229, 0.832 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.131, 0.844 ], [ -50.162, 0.867 ], [ -50.132, 0.9 ], [ -50.119, 0.854 ], [ -50.131, 0.844 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.108, 0.85 ], [ -50.111, 0.891 ], [ -50.049, 0.886 ], [ -50.108, 0.85 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.216, -0.055 ], [ -50.235, -0.042 ], [ -50.219, -0.04 ], [ -50.216, -0.055 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.916, -0.052 ], [ -50.926, -0.047 ], [ -50.907, -0.043 ], [ -50.916, -0.052 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.605, -0.061 ], [ -50.618, -0.022 ], [ -50.559, -0.038 ], [ -50.605, -0.061 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.399, -0.061 ], [ -50.44, -0.057 ], [ -50.378, -0.015 ], [ -50.357, -0.049 ], [ -50.399, -0.061 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.75, 0 ], [ -49.609, 0.08 ], [ -49.474, 0.081 ], [ -49.338, -0.017 ], [ -49.487, -0.136 ], [ -49.723, -0.147 ], [ -49.835, -0.088 ], [ -49.75, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.023, -0.019 ], [ -49.039, -0.011 ], [ -49.02, -0.006 ], [ -49.023, -0.019 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.932, 0.052 ], [ -50.918, 0.084 ], [ -50.884, 0.078 ], [ -50.899, 0.057 ], [ -50.932, 0.052 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.928, 0 ], [ -50.786, 0.05 ], [ -50.717, 0.028 ], [ -50.94, -0.041 ], [ -50.928, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.691, 0.025 ], [ -50.655, 0.015 ], [ -50.703, 0.021 ], [ -50.691, 0.025 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.629, -0.043 ], [ -50.642, -0.016 ], [ -50.622, -0.026 ], [ -50.629, -0.043 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.642, 0 ], [ -50.611, 0.007 ], [ -50.595, -0.019 ], [ -50.642, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.536, 0 ], [ -50.653, 0.126 ], [ -50.59, 0.203 ], [ -50.434, 0.126 ], [ -50.436, 0 ], [ -50.536, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50, 0.311 ], [ -49.674, 0.368 ], [ -49.601, 0.283 ], [ -49.86, 0.008 ], [ -49.99, -0.048 ], [ -50.086, 0.034 ], [ -50.351, 0.044 ], [ -50.394, 0.222 ], [ -50.153, 0.227 ], [ -50, 0.311 ] ] ] ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "La costa de lo que hoy es territorio brasileño fue el primer punto al que llegaron los europeos en América del Sur. La primera expedición que exploró la región fue un desprendimiento de la flota portuguesa que Vasco da Gama (c. 1460-1524) llevaba hacia oriente. Las naves dirigidas por Pedro Álvarez de Cabral (1467-1520) se alejaron excesivamente de la costa de África y terminaron en el extremo sur de actual territorio del Estado de Bahía, en que el permanecieron entre abril y mayo del año 1500. Los portuguese establecieron en la costa precarias feitorias para comerciar verzino o palo brasil con los nativos de las sociedades tupí y guaraní nativas. Recién en 1530 la corona brasileña tomaría acciones decididas para organizar la ocupación portuguesa y las actividades de explotación, cuando instaura el régimen de capitanías hereditarias que estructuraría el establecimiento colonial lusitano en brasil. Bibliografía: Johnson, H. B., \"Portuguese Settlement, 1500-1580\", en Bethell, Leslie (ed.), Colonial Brazil, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1987, pp. 1-38; Abulafia, David, El descubrimiento de la humanidad. Encuentros atlánticos en la era de Colón, Barcelona, Crítica, 2009 [2008]; Metcalf, Alida C., Go-Betweens and the Colonization of Brazil, 1500-1600, Austin, University of Texas Press, 2005; Vaz de Caminha, Pêro, Carta del descubrimiento del Brasil, Barcelona, Acantilado, 2009.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-12-03T14:17:24+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 21993, "end" : 21999 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Brasil" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/da6de995-415e-4e1e-9bb5-8107a3dbd018", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://sws.geonames.org/3469034", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-12-03T14:17:24+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-12-03T14:17:24+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "MultiPolygon", "coordinates" : [ [ [ [ -44.657, -3.018 ], [ -44.608, -3.041 ], [ -44.72, -3.18 ], [ -44.793, -3.198 ], [ -44.779, -3.312 ], [ -44.736, -3.302 ], [ -44.763, -3.225 ], [ -44.653, -3.196 ], [ -44.431, -2.945 ], [ -44.367, -2.643 ], [ -44.362, -2.726 ], [ -44.355, -2.605 ], [ -44.378, -2.566 ], [ -44.345, -2.528 ], [ -44.29, -2.573 ], [ -44.306, -2.487 ], [ -44.02, -2.403 ], [ -44.03, -2.457 ], [ -44.108, -2.468 ], [ -44.035, -2.518 ], [ -44.131, -2.596 ], [ -44.147, -2.681 ], [ -44.219, -2.67 ], [ -44.209, -2.716 ], [ -44.345, -2.791 ], [ -44.347, -2.838 ], [ -44.315, -2.788 ], [ -44.3, -2.843 ], [ -44.266, -2.777 ], [ -44.225, -2.806 ], [ -44.184, -2.766 ], [ -44.208, -2.857 ], [ -44.111, -2.749 ], [ -44.072, -2.811 ], [ -44.05, -2.685 ], [ -43.981, -2.619 ], [ -43.946, -2.641 ], [ -43.933, -2.553 ], [ -43.883, -2.649 ], [ -43.887, -2.578 ], [ -43.803, -2.56 ], [ -43.76, -2.513 ], [ -43.754, -2.556 ], [ -43.729, -2.481 ], [ -43.727, -2.569 ], [ -43.654, -2.556 ], [ -43.682, -2.534 ], [ -43.653, -2.488 ], [ -43.608, -2.593 ], [ -43.603, -2.518 ], [ -43.548, -2.528 ], [ -43.519, -2.445 ], [ -43.498, -2.55 ], [ -43.46, -2.507 ], [ -43.458, -2.596 ], [ -43.401, -2.552 ], [ -43.448, -2.538 ], [ -43.462, -2.427 ], [ -43.359, -2.44 ], [ -43.479, -2.376 ], [ -43.378, -2.329 ], [ -43.4, -2.353 ], [ -43.232, -2.362 ], [ -42.692, -2.596 ], [ -42.709, -2.56 ], [ -42.572, -2.68 ], [ -42.495, -2.689 ], [ -42.503, -2.727 ], [ -42.393, -2.751 ], [ -42.475, -2.706 ], [ -42.375, -2.717 ], [ -42.228, -2.818 ], [ -42.143, -2.808 ], [ -42.256, -2.735 ], [ -42.233, -2.674 ], [ -42.208, -2.712 ], [ -42.098, -2.768 ], [ -42.099, -2.809 ], [ -42.096, -2.747 ], [ -42.216, -2.687 ], [ -42.054, -2.691 ], [ -42.023, -2.775 ], [ -42.017, -2.718 ], [ -41.818, -2.723 ], [ -41.844, -2.773 ], [ -41.797, -2.751 ], [ -41.656, -2.884 ], [ -41.437, -2.939 ], [ -41.395, -2.906 ], [ -41.316, -2.943 ], [ -41.263, -2.887 ], [ -40.838, -2.895 ], [ -40.572, -2.844 ], [ -40.499, -2.787 ], [ -39.888, -2.886 ], [ -39.244, -3.229 ], [ -39.083, -3.394 ], [ -38.978, -3.407 ], [ -38.641, -3.687 ], [ -38.473, -3.7 ], [ -38.377, -3.866 ], [ -38.043, -4.214 ], [ -37.764, -4.399 ], [ -37.588, -4.624 ], [ -37.323, -4.698 ], [ -37.15, -4.943 ], [ -36.958, -4.919 ], [ -36.666, -5.108 ], [ -36.504, -5.061 ], [ -36.297, -5.106 ], [ -35.956, -5.045 ], [ -35.612, -5.11 ], [ -35.385, -5.255 ], [ -35.255, -5.483 ], [ -35.099, -6.169 ], [ -34.983, -6.396 ], [ -34.933, -6.753 ], [ -34.79, -7.159 ], [ -34.842, -7.564 ], [ -34.809, -7.622 ], [ -34.845, -7.69 ], [ -34.827, -8.004 ], [ -35.136, -8.895 ], [ -35.332, -9.237 ], [ -35.689, -9.668 ], [ -35.78, -9.706 ], [ -36.056, -10.083 ], [ -36.266, -10.256 ], [ -36.402, -10.506 ], [ -36.602, -10.567 ], [ -36.934, -10.826 ], [ -37.36, -11.428 ], [ -37.612, -11.979 ], [ -37.996, -12.578 ], [ -38.318, -12.934 ], [ -38.477, -13.022 ], [ -38.532, -13.017 ], [ -38.473, -12.913 ], [ -38.498, -12.722 ], [ -38.603, -12.728 ], [ -38.646, -12.622 ], [ -38.681, -12.661 ], [ -38.718, -12.627 ], [ -38.804, -12.835 ], [ -38.717, -12.873 ], [ -38.769, -12.995 ], [ -38.721, -13.021 ], [ -38.66, -12.963 ], [ -38.686, -12.878 ], [ -38.59, -12.972 ], [ -38.766, -13.129 ], [ -38.807, -13.1 ], [ -38.808, -13.154 ], [ -38.944, -13.243 ], [ -38.973, -13.391 ], [ -38.902, -13.384 ], [ -38.886, -13.45 ], [ -38.95, -13.577 ], [ -38.886, -13.659 ], [ -38.968, -13.67 ], [ -39.006, -13.891 ], [ -39.064, -13.865 ], [ -39.075, -13.887 ], [ -38.986, -13.998 ], [ -38.952, -13.986 ], [ -38.982, -13.912 ], [ -38.938, -13.886 ], [ -38.922, -13.92 ], [ -39.061, -14.716 ], [ -38.962, -15.585 ], [ -38.857, -15.86 ], [ -38.973, -16.211 ], [ -39.032, -16.26 ], [ -39.01, -16.369 ], [ -39.078, -16.454 ], [ -39.143, -16.762 ], [ -39.113, -16.896 ], [ -39.212, -17.155 ], [ -39.193, -17.602 ], [ -39.135, -17.691 ], [ -39.264, -17.869 ], [ -39.435, -17.943 ], [ -39.563, -18.091 ], [ -39.721, -18.493 ], [ -39.749, -18.81 ], [ -39.692, -19.353 ], [ -39.805, -19.65 ], [ -39.951, -19.717 ], [ -40.151, -19.956 ], [ -40.236, -20.285 ], [ -40.353, -20.32 ], [ -40.329, -20.236 ], [ -40.359, -20.291 ], [ -40.365, -20.317 ], [ -40.35, -20.328 ], [ -40.268, -20.327 ], [ -40.402, -20.606 ], [ -40.466, -20.624 ], [ -40.627, -20.845 ], [ -40.65, -20.813 ], [ -40.756, -20.866 ], [ -40.853, -21.133 ], [ -40.955, -21.251 ], [ -40.96, -21.364 ], [ -41.065, -21.495 ], [ -41.051, -21.608 ], [ -41.038, -21.622 ], [ -41.007, -21.618 ], [ -40.99, -22.014 ], [ -41.229, -22.151 ], [ -41.668, -22.294 ], [ -41.962, -22.538 ], [ -41.986, -22.713 ], [ -41.919, -22.774 ], [ -41.864, -22.759 ], [ -42.023, -22.896 ], [ -42.037, -22.94 ], [ -41.99, -22.964 ], [ -42.018, -22.998 ], [ -42.086, -22.957 ], [ -42.529, -22.934 ], [ -43.05, -22.982 ], [ -43.132, -22.941 ], [ -43.025, -22.741 ], [ -43.084, -22.68 ], [ -43.216, -22.725 ], [ -43.287, -22.806 ], [ -43.24, -22.847 ], [ -43.249, -22.797 ], [ -43.156, -22.784 ], [ -43.247, -22.882 ], [ -43.164, -22.899 ], [ -43.187, -22.995 ], [ -43.344, -22.983 ], [ -43.303, -23.02 ], [ -43.549, -23.081 ], [ -44.001, -23.1 ], [ -43.961, -23.042 ], [ -43.877, -23.067 ], [ -43.909, -23.02 ], [ -43.807, -23.063 ], [ -43.555, -23.055 ], [ -43.84, -22.906 ], [ -43.985, -22.937 ], [ -44.034, -23.014 ], [ -44.044, -22.923 ], [ -44.107, -23.03 ], [ -44.234, -23.06 ], [ -44.238, -23.004 ], [ -44.358, -23.02 ], [ -44.296, -22.961 ], [ -44.321, -22.927 ], [ -44.378, -22.972 ], [ -44.407, -22.945 ], [ -44.443, -23.035 ], [ -44.669, -23.06 ], [ -44.712, -23.19 ], [ -44.701, -23.237 ], [ -44.645, -23.191 ], [ -44.612, -23.206 ], [ -44.685, -23.256 ], [ -44.611, -23.238 ], [ -44.652, -23.302 ], [ -44.558, -23.232 ], [ -44.577, -23.275 ], [ -44.498, -23.302 ], [ -44.583, -23.367 ], [ -44.669, -23.341 ], [ -44.84, -23.395 ], [ -44.905, -23.339 ], [ -45.05, -23.418 ], [ -45.016, -23.461 ], [ -45.079, -23.519 ], [ -45.165, -23.495 ], [ -45.159, -23.541 ], [ -45.228, -23.547 ], [ -45.211, -23.582 ], [ -45.41, -23.632 ], [ -45.412, -23.825 ], [ -45.934, -23.771 ], [ -46.124, -23.842 ], [ -46.2, -24.002 ], [ -46.288, -24.044 ], [ -46.321, -24 ], [ -46.458, -24.025 ], [ -46.937, -24.281 ], [ -47.024, -24.382 ], [ -47.004, -24.412 ], [ -47.86, -24.996 ], [ -47.914, -25.061 ], [ -47.915, -25.16 ], [ -48.213, -25.47 ], [ -48.254, -25.435 ], [ -48.222, -25.342 ], [ -48.208, -25.353 ], [ -48.121, -25.267 ], [ -48.253, -25.328 ], [ -48.284, -25.294 ], [ -48.317, -25.363 ], [ -48.327, -25.232 ], [ -48.366, -25.317 ], [ -48.433, -25.237 ], [ -48.428, -25.324 ], [ -48.5, -25.335 ], [ -48.427, -25.39 ], [ -48.449, -25.379 ], [ -48.468, -25.388 ], [ -48.467, -25.432 ], [ -48.449, -25.384 ], [ -48.414, -25.428 ], [ -48.476, -25.485 ], [ -48.637, -25.468 ], [ -48.661, -25.398 ], [ -48.671, -25.435 ], [ -48.739, -25.374 ], [ -48.68, -25.465 ], [ -48.687, -25.499 ], [ -48.737, -25.483 ], [ -48.703, -25.504 ], [ -48.617, -25.536 ], [ -48.512, -25.505 ], [ -48.482, -25.591 ], [ -48.46, -25.552 ], [ -48.35, -25.581 ], [ -48.565, -25.868 ], [ -48.614, -26.06 ], [ -48.586, -26.172 ], [ -48.714, -26.243 ], [ -48.795, -26.073 ], [ -48.837, -26.157 ], [ -48.798, -26.142 ], [ -48.763, -26.199 ], [ -48.805, -26.228 ], [ -48.769, -26.223 ], [ -48.761, -26.286 ], [ -48.803, -26.303 ], [ -48.723, -26.362 ], [ -48.635, -26.374 ], [ -48.714, -26.308 ], [ -48.554, -26.172 ], [ -48.493, -26.224 ], [ -48.695, -26.658 ], [ -48.665, -26.769 ], [ -48.583, -26.786 ], [ -48.655, -26.909 ], [ -48.62, -27.007 ], [ -48.574, -27.011 ], [ -48.607, -27.122 ], [ -48.554, -27.152 ], [ -48.51, -27.108 ], [ -48.469, -27.148 ], [ -48.511, -27.183 ], [ -48.486, -27.218 ], [ -48.531, -27.18 ], [ -48.612, -27.243 ], [ -48.596, -27.318 ], [ -48.529, -27.334 ], [ -48.649, -27.486 ], [ -48.572, -27.592 ], [ -48.653, -27.648 ], [ -48.575, -27.888 ], [ -48.761, -28.535 ], [ -48.813, -28.605 ], [ -49.37, -28.92 ], [ -49.334, -28.921 ], [ -49.702, -29.308 ], [ -50.006, -29.749 ], [ -50.316, -30.472 ], [ -50.848, -31.205 ], [ -51.303, -31.613 ], [ -51.877, -31.952 ], [ -52.071, -32.188 ], [ -52.012, -31.946 ], [ -52.092, -31.837 ], [ -51.851, -31.865 ], [ -51.777, -31.805 ], [ -51.854, -31.797 ], [ -51.65, -31.759 ], [ -51.478, -31.562 ], [ -51.43, -31.622 ], [ -51.458, -31.548 ], [ -51.424, -31.478 ], [ -51.351, -31.529 ], [ -51.234, -31.458 ], [ -51.16, -31.31 ], [ -51.166, -31.063 ], [ -51.109, -31.097 ], [ -50.985, -31.042 ], [ -50.965, -30.893 ], [ -50.888, -30.893 ], [ -50.705, -30.756 ], [ -50.677, -30.61 ], [ -50.725, -30.371 ], [ -50.692, -30.355 ], [ -50.625, -30.409 ], [ -50.641, -30.459 ], [ -50.569, -30.471 ], [ -50.534, -30.278 ], [ -50.601, -30.194 ], [ -50.659, -30.201 ], [ -50.661, -30.293 ], [ -50.918, -30.333 ], [ -50.934, -30.42 ], [ -50.889, -30.439 ], [ -50.921, -30.44 ], [ -51.052, -30.395 ], [ -51.034, -30.276 ], [ -51.146, -30.267 ], [ -51.246, -30.188 ], [ -51.23, -30.043 ], [ -51.295, -30.007 ], [ -51.326, -30.23 ], [ -51.271, -30.25 ], [ -51.293, -30.295 ], [ -51.246, -30.33 ], [ -51.209, -30.3 ], [ -51.179, -30.383 ], [ -51.092, -30.367 ], [ -51.129, -30.436 ], [ -51.202, -30.413 ], [ -51.269, -30.489 ], [ -51.282, -30.811 ], [ -51.33, -30.777 ], [ -51.294, -30.758 ], [ -51.319, -30.64 ], [ -51.375, -30.635 ], [ -51.404, -30.769 ], [ -51.367, -30.874 ], [ -51.457, -30.874 ], [ -51.501, -30.935 ], [ -51.436, -31.088 ], [ -51.611, -31.138 ], [ -51.613, -31.272 ], [ -51.915, -31.313 ], [ -52.002, -31.449 ], [ -52.031, -31.693 ], [ -52.218, -31.747 ], [ -52.247, -31.871 ], [ -52.106, -31.952 ], [ -52.216, -31.963 ], [ -52.263, -32.062 ], [ -52.209, -32.045 ], [ -52.225, -32.096 ], [ -52.082, -32.033 ], [ -52.162, -32.128 ], [ -52.09, -32.069 ], [ -52.084, -32.186 ], [ -52.16, -32.201 ], [ -52.341, -32.43 ], [ -52.488, -32.844 ], [ -52.66, -33.165 ], [ -53.227, -33.658 ], [ -53.421, -33.741 ], [ -53.524, -33.689 ], [ -53.515, -33.163 ], [ -53.434, -33.054 ], [ -53.243, -32.936 ], [ -53.294, -32.911 ], [ -53.074, -32.746 ], [ -53.244, -32.605 ], [ -53.39, -32.583 ], [ -53.46, -32.48 ], [ -53.595, -32.432 ], [ -53.73, -32.157 ], [ -53.714, -32.104 ], [ -53.965, -31.919 ], [ -54.096, -31.906 ], [ -54.466, -31.666 ], [ -54.491, -31.54 ], [ -54.591, -31.448 ], [ -54.836, -31.446 ], [ -54.945, -31.392 ], [ -55.014, -31.285 ], [ -55.091, -31.326 ], [ -55.245, -31.257 ], [ -55.374, -31.038 ], [ -55.594, -30.848 ], [ -55.635, -30.857 ], [ -55.657, -30.956 ], [ -55.87, -31.08 ], [ -56.008, -31.063 ], [ -55.987, -30.86 ], [ -56.021, -30.784 ], [ -56.127, -30.739 ], [ -56.177, -30.614 ], [ -56.384, -30.495 ], [ -56.459, -30.387 ], [ -56.545, -30.364 ], [ -56.54, -30.312 ], [ -56.617, -30.303 ], [ -56.644, -30.205 ], [ -56.776, -30.166 ], [ -56.804, -30.107 ], [ -57.068, -30.088 ], [ -57.207, -30.281 ], [ -57.313, -30.26 ], [ -57.396, -30.303 ], [ -57.538, -30.275 ], [ -57.618, -30.179 ], [ -57.505, -30.143 ], [ -57.342, -30.001 ], [ -57.319, -29.87 ], [ -57.254, -29.794 ], [ -57.105, -29.752 ], [ -56.972, -29.639 ], [ -56.676, -29.321 ], [ -56.593, -29.123 ], [ -56.425, -29.073 ], [ -56.285, -28.794 ], [ -56.185, -28.771 ], [ -56.016, -28.611 ], [ -56.011, -28.509 ], [ -55.888, -28.479 ], [ -55.875, -28.362 ], [ -55.696, -28.425 ], [ -55.671, -28.333 ], [ -55.773, -28.247 ], [ -55.605, -28.123 ], [ -55.554, -28.164 ], [ -55.496, -28.081 ], [ -55.444, -28.097 ], [ -55.323, -27.928 ], [ -55.196, -27.863 ], [ -55.134, -27.895 ], [ -55.117, -27.853 ], [ -55.032, -27.854 ], [ -55.082, -27.789 ], [ -54.941, -27.775 ], [ -54.809, -27.536 ], [ -54.781, -27.586 ], [ -54.683, -27.576 ], [ -54.678, -27.514 ], [ -54.624, -27.55 ], [ -54.576, -27.458 ], [ -54.525, -27.507 ], [ -54.415, -27.412 ], [ -54.353, -27.468 ], [ -54.339, -27.406 ], [ -54.282, -27.447 ], [ -54.176, -27.261 ], [ -54.089, -27.303 ], [ -53.949, -27.158 ], [ -53.799, -27.147 ], [ -53.795, -27.048 ], [ -53.761, -27.068 ], [ -53.662, -26.869 ], [ -53.751, -26.745 ], [ -53.707, -26.563 ], [ -53.738, -26.548 ], [ -53.592, -26.265 ], [ -53.722, -26.13 ], [ -53.733, -26.047 ], [ -53.837, -25.969 ], [ -53.824, -25.793 ], [ -53.891, -25.625 ], [ -53.951, -25.644 ], [ -54.016, -25.569 ], [ -54.101, -25.625 ], [ -54.111, -25.504 ], [ -54.213, -25.554 ], [ -54.184, -25.591 ], [ -54.289, -25.562 ], [ -54.387, -25.608 ], [ -54.43, -25.706 ], [ -54.596, -25.595 ], [ -54.617, -25.459 ], [ -54.437, -25.157 ], [ -54.458, -25.031 ], [ -54.336, -24.649 ], [ -54.333, -24.493 ], [ -54.262, -24.376 ], [ -54.33, -24.225 ], [ -54.282, -24.075 ], [ -54.411, -23.929 ], [ -54.668, -23.815 ], [ -55.061, -23.991 ], [ -55.112, -23.963 ], [ -55.226, -24.013 ], [ -55.413, -23.961 ], [ -55.434, -23.714 ], [ -55.535, -23.614 ], [ -55.522, -23.197 ], [ -55.596, -23.141 ], [ -55.64, -22.994 ], [ -55.685, -22.992 ], [ -55.613, -22.659 ], [ -55.736, -22.532 ], [ -55.74, -22.396 ], [ -55.854, -22.281 ], [ -56.208, -22.281 ], [ -56.341, -22.206 ], [ -56.403, -22.078 ], [ -56.519, -22.103 ], [ -56.643, -22.261 ], [ -56.698, -22.216 ], [ -56.728, -22.26 ], [ -56.808, -22.25 ], [ -56.831, -22.3 ], [ -57.001, -22.225 ], [ -57.203, -22.21 ], [ -57.243, -22.244 ], [ -57.553, -22.181 ], [ -57.616, -22.096 ], [ -57.803, -22.148 ], [ -57.989, -22.085 ], [ -58.005, -22.032 ], [ -57.919, -21.881 ], [ -57.969, -21.844 ], [ -57.913, -21.793 ], [ -57.947, -21.747 ], [ -57.894, -21.687 ], [ -57.968, -21.528 ], [ -57.855, -21.339 ], [ -57.918, -21.278 ], [ -57.854, -21.226 ], [ -57.866, -21.041 ], [ -57.818, -20.976 ], [ -57.927, -20.897 ], [ -57.855, -20.835 ], [ -57.961, -20.784 ], [ -57.869, -20.736 ], [ -57.923, -20.666 ], [ -57.988, -20.696 ], [ -57.994, -20.448 ], [ -58.082, -20.372 ], [ -58.092, -20.257 ], [ -58.154, -20.264 ], [ -58.125, -20.188 ], [ -58.163, -20.162 ], [ -57.872, -19.979 ], [ -58.134, -19.761 ], [ -57.79, -19.051 ], [ -57.709, -19.034 ], [ -57.757, -18.858 ], [ -57.56, -18.263 ], [ -57.458, -18.228 ], [ -57.568, -18.136 ], [ -57.702, -17.86 ], [ -57.715, -17.735 ], [ -57.785, -17.645 ], [ -57.773, -17.553 ], [ -57.878, -17.463 ], [ -58.003, -17.52 ], [ -58.114, -17.456 ], [ -58.395, -17.197 ], [ -58.421, -16.99 ], [ -58.47, -16.939 ], [ -58.468, -16.702 ], [ -58.442, -16.613 ], [ -58.34, -16.542 ], [ -58.309, -16.27 ], [ -58.471, -16.325 ], [ -60.173, -16.265 ], [ -60.236, -15.476 ], [ -60.565, -15.105 ], [ -60.253, -15.101 ], [ -60.257, -14.624 ], [ -60.338, -14.555 ], [ -60.482, -14.181 ], [ -60.468, -14.092 ], [ -60.378, -13.992 ], [ -60.468, -13.886 ], [ -60.468, -13.801 ], [ -60.793, -13.686 ], [ -60.962, -13.539 ], [ -61.044, -13.541 ], [ -61.028, -13.477 ], [ -61.069, -13.463 ], [ -61.139, -13.521 ], [ -61.249, -13.525 ], [ -61.33, -13.473 ], [ -61.486, -13.554 ], [ -61.578, -13.494 ], [ -61.824, -13.539 ], [ -61.866, -13.443 ], [ -62.108, -13.257 ], [ -62.109, -13.149 ], [ -62.165, -13.112 ], [ -62.368, -13.145 ], [ -62.464, -13.07 ], [ -62.637, -13.041 ], [ -62.674, -12.965 ], [ -62.764, -13.023 ], [ -62.923, -12.854 ], [ -62.996, -12.85 ], [ -63.082, -12.653 ], [ -63.327, -12.705 ], [ -63.482, -12.557 ], [ -63.712, -12.458 ], [ -63.875, -12.469 ], [ -63.937, -12.557 ], [ -64.127, -12.494 ], [ -64.152, -12.529 ], [ -64.215, -12.476 ], [ -64.278, -12.511 ], [ -64.493, -12.366 ], [ -64.486, -12.23 ], [ -64.654, -12.186 ], [ -64.683, -12.099 ], [ -64.725, -12.162 ], [ -64.798, -12.035 ], [ -64.993, -11.999 ], [ -65.048, -11.757 ], [ -65.112, -11.741 ], [ -65.106, -11.697 ], [ -65.135, -11.777 ], [ -65.201, -11.745 ], [ -65.161, -11.622 ], [ -65.218, -11.521 ], [ -65.299, -11.5 ], [ -65.338, -11.392 ], [ -65.31, -11.341 ], [ -65.385, -11.269 ], [ -65.349, -11.239 ], [ -65.391, -11.167 ], [ -65.318, -11.105 ], [ -65.336, -11.044 ], [ -65.269, -10.901 ], [ -65.366, -10.798 ], [ -65.349, -10.671 ], [ -65.426, -10.638 ], [ -65.429, -10.473 ], [ -65.28, -10.218 ], [ -65.327, -9.938 ], [ -65.29, -9.851 ], [ -65.377, -9.698 ], [ -65.488, -9.718 ], [ -65.563, -9.834 ], [ -65.669, -9.779 ], [ -65.7, -9.803 ], [ -65.689, -9.749 ], [ -65.748, -9.77 ], [ -65.777, -9.727 ], [ -65.798, -9.786 ], [ -65.81, -9.75 ], [ -65.86, -9.794 ], [ -65.872, -9.757 ], [ -66.018, -9.807 ], [ -66.064, -9.772 ], [ -66.422, -9.895 ], [ -66.616, -9.893 ], [ -66.623, -9.935 ], [ -66.883, -10.081 ], [ -67.029, -10.254 ], [ -67.186, -10.339 ], [ -67.315, -10.316 ], [ -67.327, -10.374 ], [ -67.414, -10.372 ], [ -67.443, -10.45 ], [ -67.594, -10.523 ], [ -67.715, -10.707 ], [ -68.021, -10.661 ], [ -68.119, -10.726 ], [ -68.283, -10.987 ], [ -68.519, -11.048 ], [ -68.587, -11.11 ], [ -68.769, -11.139 ], [ -68.751, -11.007 ], [ -68.787, -10.99 ], [ -68.871, -11.023 ], [ -69.393, -10.929 ], [ -69.728, -10.973 ], [ -69.938, -10.926 ], [ -70.318, -11.066 ], [ -70.428, -11.033 ], [ -70.508, -10.94 ], [ -70.618, -11.007 ], [ -70.622, -9.847 ], [ -70.522, -9.738 ], [ -70.598, -9.574 ], [ -70.561, -9.579 ], [ -70.497, -9.433 ], [ -70.601, -9.453 ], [ -70.982, -9.812 ], [ -71.131, -9.862 ], [ -71.288, -9.996 ], [ -72.165, -10.002 ], [ -72.16, -9.818 ], [ -72.26, -9.755 ], [ -72.289, -9.536 ], [ -72.364, -9.491 ], [ -72.721, -9.417 ], [ -73.196, -9.418 ], [ -72.965, -9.154 ], [ -72.946, -8.99 ], [ -73.059, -8.904 ], [ -73.169, -8.701 ], [ -73.338, -8.609 ], [ -73.338, -8.476 ], [ -73.526, -8.369 ], [ -73.632, -8.022 ], [ -73.765, -7.94 ], [ -73.777, -7.869 ], [ -73.697, -7.865 ], [ -73.69, -7.79 ], [ -73.985, -7.543 ], [ -73.917, -7.461 ], [ -73.954, -7.348 ], [ -73.868, -7.377 ], [ -73.691, -7.313 ], [ -73.797, -7.115 ], [ -73.743, -6.897 ], [ -73.351, -6.561 ], [ -73.211, -6.53 ], [ -73.133, -6.421 ], [ -73.185, -6.04 ], [ -73.131, -5.986 ], [ -73.116, -5.865 ], [ -72.951, -5.643 ], [ -72.948, -5.454 ], [ -72.872, -5.25 ], [ -72.896, -5.136 ], [ -72.734, -5.043 ], [ -72.602, -5.056 ], [ -72.577, -4.992 ], [ -72.455, -4.962 ], [ -72.452, -4.906 ], [ -72.37, -4.88 ], [ -72.356, -4.803 ], [ -72.292, -4.799 ], [ -72.313, -4.769 ], [ -72.223, -4.78 ], [ -72.113, -4.722 ], [ -72.047, -4.625 ], [ -71.94, -4.607 ], [ -71.897, -4.512 ], [ -71.61, -4.465 ], [ -71.597, -4.525 ], [ -71.535, -4.46 ], [ -71.49, -4.479 ], [ -71.506, -4.435 ], [ -71.414, -4.432 ], [ -71.432, -4.469 ], [ -71.342, -4.423 ], [ -71.355, -4.468 ], [ -71.303, -4.458 ], [ -71.269, -4.381 ], [ -71.198, -4.377 ], [ -71.193, -4.42 ], [ -71.147, -4.375 ], [ -71.031, -4.397 ], [ -70.99, -4.34 ], [ -70.935, -4.381 ], [ -70.757, -4.152 ], [ -70.677, -4.2 ], [ -70.622, -4.121 ], [ -70.633, -4.173 ], [ -70.565, -4.168 ], [ -70.566, -4.205 ], [ -70.553, -4.128 ], [ -70.503, -4.19 ], [ -70.434, -4.125 ], [ -70.341, -4.174 ], [ -70.317, -4.136 ], [ -70.291, -4.283 ], [ -70.249, -4.267 ], [ -70.186, -4.357 ], [ -70.169, -4.27 ], [ -70.101, -4.255 ], [ -70.031, -4.339 ], [ -69.929, -4.213 ], [ -69.453, -1.478 ], [ -69.368, -1.334 ], [ -69.422, -0.998 ], [ -69.508, -0.936 ], [ -69.609, -0.755 ], [ -69.551, -0.648 ], [ -69.593, -0.517 ], [ -69.908, -0.316 ], [ -70.068, -0.135 ], [ -70.037, 0.553 ], [ -69.798, 0.585 ], [ -69.664, 0.672 ], [ -69.606, 0.623 ], [ -69.468, 0.734 ], [ -69.357, 0.621 ], [ -69.295, 0.648 ], [ -69.288, 0.609 ], [ -69.202, 0.602 ], [ -69.112, 0.643 ], [ -69.184, 0.73 ], [ -69.137, 0.868 ], [ -69.257, 1.026 ], [ -69.342, 1.064 ], [ -69.416, 1.024 ], [ -69.7, 1.056 ], [ -69.721, 1.097 ], [ -69.854, 1.07 ], [ -69.855, 1.715 ], [ -69.556, 1.775 ], [ -69.395, 1.726 ], [ -68.128, 1.73 ], [ -68.29, 1.841 ], [ -68.205, 2.038 ], [ -68.027, 1.784 ], [ -67.924, 1.751 ], [ -67.797, 1.812 ], [ -67.578, 2.076 ], [ -67.41, 2.141 ], [ -67.117, 1.732 ], [ -67.068, 1.532 ], [ -67.097, 1.17 ], [ -66.855, 1.228 ], [ -66.322, 0.738 ], [ -66.095, 0.754 ], [ -65.952, 0.81 ], [ -65.854, 0.939 ], [ -65.733, 1.005 ], [ -65.583, 1.008 ], [ -65.47, 0.877 ], [ -65.557, 0.705 ], [ -65.504, 0.627 ], [ -65.393, 0.699 ], [ -65.305, 0.916 ], [ -65.152, 0.943 ], [ -65.121, 1.115 ], [ -65.055, 1.144 ], [ -64.968, 1.112 ], [ -64.903, 1.249 ], [ -64.843, 1.237 ], [ -64.783, 1.313 ], [ -64.721, 1.25 ], [ -64.638, 1.286 ], [ -64.387, 1.527 ], [ -64.344, 1.528 ], [ -64.382, 1.419 ], [ -64.344, 1.38 ], [ -64.186, 1.494 ], [ -64.054, 1.708 ], [ -64.057, 1.933 ], [ -64.018, 1.967 ], [ -63.781, 1.989 ], [ -63.604, 2.124 ], [ -63.419, 2.154 ], [ -63.349, 2.281 ], [ -63.382, 2.442 ], [ -63.756, 2.403 ], [ -64.031, 2.509 ], [ -63.987, 2.772 ], [ -64.216, 3.153 ], [ -64.236, 3.476 ], [ -64.186, 3.634 ], [ -64.324, 3.797 ], [ -64.543, 3.882 ], [ -64.8, 4.224 ], [ -64.79, 4.329 ], [ -64.677, 4.297 ], [ -64.555, 4.153 ], [ -64.135, 4.176 ], [ -63.967, 3.93 ], [ -63.806, 4.019 ], [ -63.623, 4.01 ], [ -63.455, 3.91 ], [ -63.411, 4.026 ], [ -63.358, 4.04 ], [ -63.203, 3.952 ], [ -63.189, 3.872 ], [ -62.86, 3.584 ], [ -62.749, 3.642 ], [ -62.705, 3.724 ], [ -62.752, 4.012 ], [ -62.635, 4.056 ], [ -62.557, 4.02 ], [ -62.46, 4.173 ], [ -62.129, 4.084 ], [ -61.961, 4.18 ], [ -61.927, 4.106 ], [ -61.723, 4.262 ], [ -61.528, 4.273 ], [ -61.507, 4.398 ], [ -61.274, 4.471 ], [ -61.293, 4.55 ], [ -61.141, 4.508 ], [ -60.952, 4.549 ], [ -60.907, 4.708 ], [ -60.731, 4.777 ], [ -60.59, 4.951 ], [ -60.744, 5.209 ], [ -60.438, 5.177 ], [ -60.203, 5.265 ], [ -60.176, 5.227 ], [ -60.121, 5.243 ], [ -60.085, 5.149 ], [ -59.969, 5.073 ], [ -60.03, 4.704 ], [ -60.163, 4.521 ], [ -59.927, 4.509 ], [ -59.674, 4.382 ], [ -59.726, 4.191 ], [ -59.628, 4.138 ], [ -59.655, 4.078 ], [ -59.516, 3.94 ], [ -59.581, 3.901 ], [ -59.594, 3.796 ], [ -59.666, 3.777 ], [ -59.664, 3.703 ], [ -59.849, 3.601 ], [ -59.799, 3.355 ], [ -59.909, 3.197 ], [ -59.982, 2.929 ], [ -59.99, 2.683 ], [ -59.903, 2.479 ], [ -59.91, 2.388 ], [ -59.724, 2.277 ], [ -59.754, 1.861 ], [ -59.654, 1.849 ], [ -59.669, 1.764 ], [ -59.549, 1.729 ], [ -59.253, 1.397 ], [ -58.914, 1.299 ], [ -58.904, 1.234 ], [ -58.804, 1.175 ], [ -58.696, 1.288 ], [ -58.507, 1.264 ], [ -58.468, 1.318 ], [ -58.498, 1.458 ], [ -58.382, 1.471 ], [ -58.325, 1.59 ], [ -58.167, 1.558 ], [ -58.13, 1.501 ], [ -58.009, 1.501 ], [ -58, 1.665 ], [ -57.919, 1.645 ], [ -57.77, 1.718 ], [ -57.545, 1.701 ], [ -57.434, 1.895 ], [ -57.302, 1.99 ], [ -57.247, 1.944 ], [ -57.085, 2.021 ], [ -57.012, 1.918 ], [ -56.8, 1.864 ], [ -56.724, 1.92 ], [ -56.454, 1.945 ], [ -55.957, 1.844 ], [ -55.906, 1.889 ], [ -55.913, 2.041 ], [ -56.048, 2.226 ], [ -56.134, 2.263 ], [ -56.09, 2.352 ], [ -55.995, 2.405 ], [ -55.987, 2.517 ], [ -55.948, 2.532 ], [ -55.739, 2.401 ], [ -55.481, 2.443 ], [ -55.37, 2.407 ], [ -55.336, 2.516 ], [ -55.239, 2.495 ], [ -55.137, 2.575 ], [ -55.103, 2.522 ], [ -54.94, 2.632 ], [ -54.969, 2.555 ], [ -54.864, 2.439 ], [ -54.72, 2.469 ], [ -54.702, 2.336 ], [ -54.549, 2.336 ], [ -54.534, 2.268 ], [ -54.314, 2.158 ], [ -54.189, 2.179 ], [ -54.111, 2.127 ], [ -54.078, 2.197 ], [ -53.784, 2.364 ], [ -53.694, 2.287 ], [ -53.472, 2.332 ], [ -53.397, 2.272 ], [ -53.273, 2.292 ], [ -53.188, 2.223 ], [ -52.905, 2.19 ], [ -52.853, 2.285 ], [ -52.673, 2.374 ], [ -52.555, 2.523 ], [ -52.556, 2.646 ], [ -52.382, 2.912 ], [ -52.347, 3.134 ], [ -52.192, 3.296 ], [ -51.92, 3.781 ], [ -51.795, 3.89 ], [ -51.754, 3.996 ], [ -51.658, 4.049 ], [ -51.585, 4.241 ], [ -51.529, 4.171 ], [ -51.545, 4.397 ], [ -51.202, 4.084 ], [ -51.173, 3.767 ], [ -51.127, 3.911 ], [ -51.085, 3.895 ], [ -51.051, 3.283 ], [ -50.913, 2.875 ], [ -50.927, 2.807 ], [ -50.816, 2.644 ], [ -50.851, 2.482 ], [ -50.802, 2.508 ], [ -50.736, 2.414 ], [ -50.765, 2.359 ], [ -50.694, 2.276 ], [ -50.725, 2.252 ], [ -50.675, 2.247 ], [ -50.682, 2.137 ], [ -50.584, 2.091 ], [ -50.586, 2.014 ], [ -50.471, 1.82 ], [ -50.194, 1.794 ], [ -49.954, 1.676 ], [ -49.88, 1.419 ], [ -49.918, 1.289 ], [ -50.073, 1.204 ], [ -49.918, 1.232 ], [ -49.939, 1.103 ], [ -50.003, 1.066 ], [ -50.033, 1.107 ], [ -50.131, 0.949 ], [ -50.274, 0.866 ], [ -50.338, 0.729 ], [ -50.417, 0.685 ], [ -50.455, 0.732 ], [ -50.428, 0.679 ], [ -50.571, 0.424 ], [ -50.691, 0.3 ], [ -50.677, 0.365 ], [ -50.746, 0.227 ], [ -50.801, 0.224 ], [ -50.785, 0.183 ], [ -50.908, 0.171 ], [ -51.087, -0.043 ], [ -51.203, -0.055 ], [ -51.419, -0.412 ], [ -51.409, -0.44 ], [ -51.325, -0.364 ], [ -51.188, -0.14 ], [ -51.111, -0.154 ], [ -51.154, -0.284 ], [ -51.396, -0.493 ], [ -51.243, -0.443 ], [ -51.26, -0.5 ], [ -51.165, -0.431 ], [ -50.953, -0.061 ], [ -50.824, -0.048 ], [ -50.705, 0.002 ], [ -50.613, -0.088 ], [ -50.744, -0.244 ], [ -50.751, -0.429 ], [ -50.845, -0.526 ], [ -50.988, -0.583 ], [ -51.051, -0.682 ], [ -50.826, -0.555 ], [ -50.794, -0.666 ], [ -50.733, -0.557 ], [ -50.684, -0.604 ], [ -50.724, -0.493 ], [ -50.652, -0.276 ], [ -50.409, -0.094 ], [ -49.631, -0.247 ], [ -49.446, -0.23 ], [ -49.289, -0.145 ], [ -49.018, -0.16 ], [ -49, -0.139 ], [ -48.895, -0.224 ], [ -48.539, -0.234 ], [ -48.363, -0.303 ], [ -48.459, -0.513 ], [ -48.522, -0.877 ], [ -48.667, -1.002 ], [ -48.621, -1.005 ], [ -48.65, -1.048 ], [ -48.617, -1.053 ], [ -48.721, -1.137 ], [ -48.837, -1.452 ], [ -49.161, -1.575 ], [ -49.182, -1.623 ], [ -49.362, -1.604 ], [ -49.364, -1.642 ], [ -49.448, -1.637 ], [ -49.5, -1.738 ], [ -49.61, -1.718 ], [ -49.676, -1.78 ], [ -49.696, -1.757 ], [ -49.714, -1.76 ], [ -49.803, -1.822 ], [ -50.035, -1.717 ], [ -50.179, -1.787 ], [ -50.256, -1.776 ], [ -50.415, -1.841 ], [ -50.401, -1.935 ], [ -49.994, -1.819 ], [ -49.844, -1.905 ], [ -49.765, -1.898 ], [ -49.616, -1.79 ], [ -49.276, -1.706 ], [ -49.267, -1.778 ], [ -49.387, -1.977 ], [ -49.383, -2.159 ], [ -48.973, -1.594 ], [ -48.897, -1.573 ], [ -48.955, -1.712 ], [ -48.932, -1.75 ], [ -48.898, -1.743 ], [ -48.656, -1.371 ], [ -48.592, -1.429 ], [ -48.601, -1.306 ], [ -48.524, -1.338 ], [ -48.537, -1.467 ], [ -48.496, -1.553 ], [ -48.491, -1.502 ], [ -48.46, -1.533 ], [ -48.374, -1.511 ], [ -48.319, -1.478 ], [ -48.505, -1.471 ], [ -48.422, -1.168 ], [ -48.475, -1.144 ], [ -48.4, -1.066 ], [ -48.278, -1.111 ], [ -48.304, -0.948 ], [ -48.055, -0.668 ], [ -48.001, -0.731 ], [ -47.893, -0.553 ], [ -47.843, -0.616 ], [ -47.807, -0.547 ], [ -47.702, -0.54 ], [ -47.707, -0.59 ], [ -47.667, -0.569 ], [ -47.633, -0.608 ], [ -47.651, -0.694 ], [ -47.608, -0.684 ], [ -47.577, -0.573 ], [ -47.476, -0.757 ], [ -47.398, -0.76 ], [ -47.428, -0.693 ], [ -47.464, -0.687 ], [ -47.466, -0.594 ], [ -47.399, -0.594 ], [ -47.4, -0.645 ], [ -47.298, -0.589 ], [ -47.253, -0.668 ], [ -47.247, -0.623 ], [ -47.206, -0.633 ], [ -47.23, -0.719 ], [ -47.158, -0.678 ], [ -47.191, -0.754 ], [ -47.146, -0.764 ], [ -47.16, -0.815 ], [ -47.081, -0.661 ], [ -47.055, -0.868 ], [ -47.027, -0.784 ], [ -46.983, -0.806 ], [ -47.016, -0.752 ], [ -46.967, -0.694 ], [ -46.969, -0.78 ], [ -46.891, -0.869 ], [ -46.89, -0.789 ], [ -46.846, -0.799 ], [ -46.82, -0.71 ], [ -46.802, -0.877 ], [ -46.777, -0.905 ], [ -46.75, -0.826 ], [ -46.709, -0.86 ], [ -46.734, -0.944 ], [ -46.687, -0.831 ], [ -46.653, -0.882 ], [ -46.621, -0.818 ], [ -46.601, -0.917 ], [ -46.676, -0.965 ], [ -46.622, -0.987 ], [ -46.57, -0.947 ], [ -46.609, -1.03 ], [ -46.57, -0.988 ], [ -46.525, -1.027 ], [ -46.465, -1.007 ], [ -46.47, -1.044 ], [ -46.395, -1.037 ], [ -46.413, -1.084 ], [ -46.348, -0.982 ], [ -46.36, -1.011 ], [ -46.366, -1.031 ], [ -46.348, -1.079 ], [ -46.339, -1.015 ], [ -46.299, -1.05 ], [ -46.212, -0.946 ], [ -46.242, -0.921 ], [ -46.179, -0.914 ], [ -46.224, -1.053 ], [ -46.206, -1.1 ], [ -46.158, -1.014 ], [ -46.138, -1.032 ], [ -46.193, -1.143 ], [ -46.104, -1.067 ], [ -46.062, -1.133 ], [ -46.15, -1.258 ], [ -45.982, -1.071 ], [ -45.953, -1.147 ], [ -46, -1.151 ], [ -46, -1.199 ], [ -45.95, -1.159 ], [ -45.95, -1.207 ], [ -46, -1.209 ], [ -45.95, -1.25 ], [ -45.902, -1.134 ], [ -45.923, -1.214 ], [ -45.882, -1.167 ], [ -45.873, -1.211 ], [ -45.909, -1.261 ], [ -45.859, -1.231 ], [ -45.891, -1.293 ], [ -45.807, -1.176 ], [ -45.843, -1.301 ], [ -45.809, -1.328 ], [ -45.831, -1.298 ], [ -45.782, -1.278 ], [ -45.726, -1.135 ], [ -45.69, -1.452 ], [ -45.697, -1.38 ], [ -45.632, -1.371 ], [ -45.618, -1.279 ], [ -45.589, -1.329 ], [ -45.537, -1.273 ], [ -45.561, -1.343 ], [ -45.51, -1.352 ], [ -45.567, -1.404 ], [ -45.546, -1.432 ], [ -45.413, -1.296 ], [ -45.489, -1.473 ], [ -45.511, -1.458 ], [ -45.554, -1.503 ], [ -45.507, -1.471 ], [ -45.518, -1.516 ], [ -45.481, -1.495 ], [ -45.463, -1.548 ], [ -45.457, -1.457 ], [ -45.391, -1.434 ], [ -45.363, -1.325 ], [ -45.323, -1.319 ], [ -45.302, -1.424 ], [ -45.392, -1.485 ], [ -45.398, -1.503 ], [ -45.356, -1.487 ], [ -45.392, -1.553 ], [ -45.338, -1.572 ], [ -45.371, -1.722 ], [ -45.338, -1.753 ], [ -45.197, -1.688 ], [ -45.261, -1.607 ], [ -45.16, -1.475 ], [ -45.136, -1.521 ], [ -45.072, -1.435 ], [ -45.07, -1.485 ], [ -44.999, -1.504 ], [ -45.018, -1.547 ], [ -44.969, -1.549 ], [ -45.029, -1.583 ], [ -45.029, -1.602 ], [ -44.979, -1.607 ], [ -44.954, -1.498 ], [ -44.862, -1.426 ], [ -44.857, -1.498 ], [ -44.954, -1.605 ], [ -44.918, -1.649 ], [ -44.968, -1.662 ], [ -44.913, -1.657 ], [ -44.927, -1.62 ], [ -44.886, -1.609 ], [ -44.837, -1.65 ], [ -44.822, -1.591 ], [ -44.826, -1.637 ], [ -44.805, -1.609 ], [ -44.812, -1.665 ], [ -44.779, -1.735 ], [ -44.711, -1.728 ], [ -44.82, -1.819 ], [ -44.738, -1.791 ], [ -44.706, -1.819 ], [ -44.676, -1.808 ], [ -44.661, -1.727 ], [ -44.604, -1.749 ], [ -44.667, -1.849 ], [ -44.601, -1.858 ], [ -44.583, -1.817 ], [ -44.586, -1.873 ], [ -44.543, -1.833 ], [ -44.601, -1.909 ], [ -44.517, -1.907 ], [ -44.484, -2.002 ], [ -44.613, -2.037 ], [ -44.467, -2.017 ], [ -44.626, -2.151 ], [ -44.589, -2.159 ], [ -44.641, -2.232 ], [ -44.708, -2.23 ], [ -44.684, -2.275 ], [ -44.764, -2.265 ], [ -44.654, -2.294 ], [ -44.681, -2.354 ], [ -44.649, -2.373 ], [ -44.666, -2.329 ], [ -44.479, -2.137 ], [ -44.358, -2.335 ], [ -44.401, -2.416 ], [ -44.514, -2.384 ], [ -44.55, -2.4 ], [ -44.491, -2.415 ], [ -44.514, -2.448 ], [ -44.505, -2.476 ], [ -44.665, -2.608 ], [ -44.548, -2.542 ], [ -44.658, -2.781 ], [ -44.688, -2.924 ], [ -44.677, -3.019 ], [ -44.66, -3.02 ], [ -44.657, -3.018 ] ], [ [ -43.318, -2.361 ], [ -43.317, -2.363 ], [ -43.296, -2.363 ], [ -43.318, -2.361 ] ], [ [ -42.438, -2.747 ], [ -42.442, -2.749 ], [ -42.438, -2.75 ], [ -42.438, -2.747 ] ], [ [ -42.442, -2.749 ], [ -42.47, -2.744 ], [ -42.447, -2.753 ], [ -42.442, -2.749 ] ], [ [ -50.851, 2.482 ], [ -50.853, 2.481 ], [ -50.853, 2.48 ], [ -50.851, 2.482 ] ], [ [ -50.853, 2.481 ], [ -50.86, 2.495 ], [ -50.86, 2.477 ], [ -50.853, 2.481 ] ], [ [ -49.976, 1.659 ], [ -49.98, 1.659 ], [ -50, 1.639 ], [ -49.976, 1.659 ] ], [ [ -45.392, -1.553 ], [ -45.393, -1.553 ], [ -45.394, -1.556 ], [ -45.392, -1.553 ] ], [ [ -45.394, -1.556 ], [ -45.406, -1.579 ], [ -45.403, -1.591 ], [ -45.394, -1.556 ] ], [ [ -44.837, -1.65 ], [ -44.834, -1.655 ], [ -44.833, -1.654 ], [ -44.837, -1.65 ] ], [ [ -44.834, -1.655 ], [ -44.841, -1.675 ], [ -44.822, -1.672 ], [ -44.834, -1.655 ] ], [ [ -44.779, -1.735 ], [ -44.777, -1.741 ], [ -44.776, -1.74 ], [ -44.779, -1.735 ] ], [ [ -44.777, -1.741 ], [ -44.833, -1.77 ], [ -44.774, -1.75 ], [ -44.777, -1.741 ] ], [ [ -44.547, -2.22 ], [ -44.536, -2.225 ], [ -44.543, -2.219 ], [ -44.547, -2.22 ] ], [ [ -44.536, -2.225 ], [ -44.507, -2.249 ], [ -44.512, -2.235 ], [ -44.536, -2.225 ] ], [ [ -44.507, -2.249 ], [ -44.504, -2.256 ], [ -44.501, -2.254 ], [ -44.507, -2.249 ] ], [ [ -44.504, -2.256 ], [ -44.514, -2.268 ], [ -44.502, -2.26 ], [ -44.504, -2.256 ] ] ], [ [ [ -29.34, -20.484 ], [ -29.301, -20.521 ], [ -29.341, -20.511 ], [ -29.34, -20.484 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.001, -13.94 ], [ -39.012, -13.915 ], [ -38.994, -13.896 ], [ -39.001, -13.94 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.043, -13.909 ], [ -39.059, -13.904 ], [ -39.054, -13.886 ], [ -39.028, -13.903 ], [ -39.043, -13.909 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.251, -18.015 ], [ -39.283, -18.005 ], [ -39.272, -17.982 ], [ -39.245, -18.006 ], [ -39.251, -18.015 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.131, -17.927 ], [ -39.154, -17.921 ], [ -39.137, -17.91 ], [ -39.131, -17.927 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.212, -17.986 ], [ -39.228, -17.979 ], [ -39.215, -17.944 ], [ -39.202, -17.95 ], [ -39.212, -17.986 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.341, -23.231 ], [ -44.372, -23.174 ], [ -44.232, -23.089 ], [ -44.087, -23.173 ], [ -44.3, -23.184 ], [ -44.341, -23.231 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.356, -23.073 ], [ -44.388, -23.048 ], [ -44.373, -23.033 ], [ -44.343, -23.041 ], [ -44.356, -23.073 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.929, -23.014 ], [ -43.936, -22.999 ], [ -43.916, -22.989 ], [ -43.929, -23.014 ] ] ], [ [ [ -42.002, -23.018 ], [ -42.015, -23.003 ], [ -41.98, -22.975 ], [ -41.975, -22.992 ], [ -42.002, -23.018 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.904, -22.962 ], [ -43.907, -22.936 ], [ -43.868, -22.926 ], [ -43.871, -22.95 ], [ -43.904, -22.962 ] ] ], [ [ [ -41.042, -21.613 ], [ -41.042, -21.6 ], [ -41.019, -21.606 ], [ -41.042, -21.613 ] ] ], [ [ [ -52.112, -32 ], [ -52.18, -32.035 ], [ -52.216, -32.025 ], [ -52.198, -31.978 ], [ -52.112, -32 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.641, -30.388 ], [ -50.629, -30.394 ], [ -50.624, -30.329 ], [ -50.592, -30.399 ], [ -50.609, -30.406 ], [ -50.641, -30.388 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.526, -27.462 ], [ -48.416, -27.38 ], [ -48.358, -27.446 ], [ -48.503, -27.799 ], [ -48.559, -27.842 ], [ -48.526, -27.462 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.354, -27.296 ], [ -48.376, -27.285 ], [ -48.373, -27.271 ], [ -48.36, -27.27 ], [ -48.354, -27.296 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.731, -26.314 ], [ -48.754, -26.297 ], [ -48.735, -26.282 ], [ -48.731, -26.314 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.318, -25.584 ], [ -48.309, -25.546 ], [ -48.381, -25.504 ], [ -48.312, -25.509 ], [ -48.292, -25.545 ], [ -48.318, -25.584 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.414, -25.544 ], [ -48.459, -25.514 ], [ -48.415, -25.527 ], [ -48.414, -25.544 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.424, -25.551 ], [ -48.479, -25.523 ], [ -48.485, -25.502 ], [ -48.424, -25.551 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.298, -25.493 ], [ -48.341, -25.416 ], [ -48.252, -25.341 ], [ -48.265, -25.44 ], [ -48.253, -25.466 ], [ -48.298, -25.493 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.417, -25.386 ], [ -48.424, -25.343 ], [ -48.405, -25.33 ], [ -48.417, -25.386 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.695, -24.112 ], [ -45.688, -24.088 ], [ -45.679, -24.098 ], [ -45.695, -24.112 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.251, -23.962 ], [ -45.301, -23.909 ], [ -45.453, -23.91 ], [ -45.332, -23.721 ], [ -45.227, -23.774 ], [ -45.224, -23.835 ], [ -45.283, -23.857 ], [ -45.221, -23.899 ], [ -45.251, -23.962 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.141, -23.817 ], [ -45.146, -23.791 ], [ -45.114, -23.801 ], [ -45.141, -23.817 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.153, -23.573 ], [ -45.153, -23.558 ], [ -45.141, -23.568 ], [ -45.153, -23.573 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.073, -23.564 ], [ -45.079, -23.525 ], [ -45.036, -23.531 ], [ -45.073, -23.564 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.608, -23.228 ], [ -44.59, -23.208 ], [ -44.577, -23.216 ], [ -44.608, -23.228 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.648, -12.821 ], [ -38.666, -12.777 ], [ -38.624, -12.762 ], [ -38.648, -12.821 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.529, -12.811 ], [ -38.544, -12.757 ], [ -38.532, -12.74 ], [ -38.508, -12.792 ], [ -38.529, -12.811 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.622, -12.752 ], [ -38.622, -12.727 ], [ -38.593, -12.733 ], [ -38.622, -12.752 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.646, -12.683 ], [ -38.648, -12.65 ], [ -38.636, -12.661 ], [ -38.646, -12.683 ] ] ], [ [ [ -32.402, -3.838 ], [ -32.428, -3.877 ], [ -32.483, -3.878 ], [ -32.402, -3.838 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.667, -3.179 ], [ -44.668, -3.16 ], [ -44.643, -3.148 ], [ -44.644, -3.17 ], [ -44.667, -3.179 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.671, -2.943 ], [ -44.67, -2.92 ], [ -44.647, -2.915 ], [ -44.671, -2.943 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.493, -2.641 ], [ -44.48, -2.601 ], [ -44.477, -2.627 ], [ -44.493, -2.641 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.897, -2.573 ], [ -43.896, -2.554 ], [ -43.886, -2.565 ], [ -43.897, -2.573 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.599, -2.503 ], [ -43.577, -2.471 ], [ -43.572, -2.483 ], [ -43.599, -2.503 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.822, -2.526 ], [ -43.829, -2.509 ], [ -43.813, -2.458 ], [ -43.812, -2.553 ], [ -43.82, -2.528 ], [ -43.822, -2.526 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.821, -2.529 ], [ -43.856, -2.502 ], [ -43.832, -2.439 ], [ -43.842, -2.504 ], [ -43.821, -2.529 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.863, -2.56 ], [ -43.875, -2.552 ], [ -43.865, -2.534 ], [ -43.863, -2.56 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.519, -2.536 ], [ -44.529, -2.526 ], [ -44.501, -2.48 ], [ -44.505, -2.444 ], [ -44.455, -2.434 ], [ -44.519, -2.536 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.602, -3.007 ], [ -44.657, -2.972 ], [ -44.613, -2.894 ], [ -44.575, -2.921 ], [ -44.602, -3.007 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.585, -2.978 ], [ -44.563, -2.914 ], [ -44.586, -2.826 ], [ -44.494, -2.705 ], [ -44.494, -2.953 ], [ -44.582, -3.041 ], [ -44.585, -2.978 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.826, -2.434 ], [ -43.842, -2.403 ], [ -43.811, -2.385 ], [ -43.807, -2.412 ], [ -43.826, -2.434 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.581, -2.441 ], [ -43.615, -2.389 ], [ -43.549, -2.377 ], [ -43.545, -2.403 ], [ -43.581, -2.441 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.791, -2.47 ], [ -43.806, -2.443 ], [ -43.78, -2.422 ], [ -43.759, -2.448 ], [ -43.791, -2.47 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.513, -2.424 ], [ -43.537, -2.416 ], [ -43.522, -2.39 ], [ -43.505, -2.414 ], [ -43.513, -2.424 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.792, -2.405 ], [ -43.798, -2.377 ], [ -43.771, -2.37 ], [ -43.792, -2.405 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.689, -2.355 ], [ -43.743, -2.352 ], [ -43.724, -2.305 ], [ -43.617, -2.253 ], [ -43.612, -2.275 ], [ -43.669, -2.301 ], [ -43.689, -2.355 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.73, -2.425 ], [ -43.732, -2.364 ], [ -43.67, -2.377 ], [ -43.681, -2.34 ], [ -43.63, -2.324 ], [ -43.643, -2.394 ], [ -43.73, -2.425 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.473, -2.125 ], [ -44.487, -2.113 ], [ -44.475, -2.096 ], [ -44.463, -2.104 ], [ -44.473, -2.125 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.456, -2.031 ], [ -44.447, -2.008 ], [ -44.439, -2.022 ], [ -44.456, -2.031 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.311, -1.964 ], [ -49.336, -1.996 ], [ -49.309, -1.943 ], [ -49.311, -1.964 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.323, -2.054 ], [ -49.329, -2.019 ], [ -49.316, -2.001 ], [ -49.323, -2.054 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.231, -1.829 ], [ -50.246, -1.824 ], [ -50.229, -1.816 ], [ -50.231, -1.829 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.615, -1.821 ], [ -44.622, -1.797 ], [ -44.597, -1.774 ], [ -44.583, -1.789 ], [ -44.615, -1.821 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.7, -1.811 ], [ -44.703, -1.78 ], [ -44.673, -1.78 ], [ -44.7, -1.811 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.691, -1.793 ], [ -49.721, -1.789 ], [ -49.719, -1.771 ], [ -49.697, -1.766 ], [ -49.691, -1.793 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.924, -1.711 ], [ -48.909, -1.713 ], [ -48.916, -1.734 ], [ -48.935, -1.713 ], [ -48.924, -1.711 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.757, -1.707 ], [ -44.767, -1.694 ], [ -44.736, -1.701 ], [ -44.757, -1.707 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.433, -1.684 ], [ -49.454, -1.706 ], [ -49.46, -1.684 ], [ -49.433, -1.684 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.357, -1.008 ], [ -46.342, -0.994 ], [ -46.353, -1.026 ], [ -46.357, -1.008 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.205, -1.021 ], [ -46.194, -1.014 ], [ -46.202, -1.032 ], [ -46.205, -1.021 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.662, -3.018 ], [ -44.673, -3.012 ], [ -44.664, -3.001 ], [ -44.649, -3.013 ], [ -44.662, -3.018 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.736, -1.683 ], [ -44.745, -1.677 ], [ -44.732, -1.668 ], [ -44.736, -1.683 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.231, -1.638 ], [ -49.237, -1.627 ], [ -49.217, -1.633 ], [ -49.231, -1.638 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.38, -1.685 ], [ -49.4, -1.682 ], [ -49.368, -1.669 ], [ -49.38, -1.685 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.426, -1.673 ], [ -49.429, -1.661 ], [ -49.406, -1.66 ], [ -49.426, -1.673 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.34, -1.672 ], [ -49.358, -1.662 ], [ -49.325, -1.647 ], [ -49.34, -1.672 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.289, -1.726 ], [ -45.305, -1.663 ], [ -45.257, -1.641 ], [ -45.244, -1.678 ], [ -45.28, -1.694 ], [ -45.289, -1.726 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.328, -1.743 ], [ -45.346, -1.719 ], [ -45.301, -1.596 ], [ -45.274, -1.635 ], [ -45.313, -1.654 ], [ -45.328, -1.743 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.886, -1.578 ], [ -48.89, -1.56 ], [ -48.859, -1.536 ], [ -48.856, -1.553 ], [ -48.886, -1.578 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.783, -1.682 ], [ -44.8, -1.595 ], [ -44.775, -1.62 ], [ -44.721, -1.567 ], [ -44.704, -1.611 ], [ -44.684, -1.575 ], [ -44.668, -1.669 ], [ -44.693, -1.638 ], [ -44.783, -1.682 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.816, -1.569 ], [ -44.837, -1.534 ], [ -44.787, -1.488 ], [ -44.825, -1.534 ], [ -44.816, -1.569 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.462, -1.517 ], [ -48.478, -1.499 ], [ -48.421, -1.503 ], [ -48.462, -1.517 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.793, -1.531 ], [ -44.774, -1.47 ], [ -44.763, -1.513 ], [ -44.793, -1.531 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.414, -1.427 ], [ -45.423, -1.416 ], [ -45.409, -1.405 ], [ -45.414, -1.427 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45, -1.296 ], [ -44.922, -1.265 ], [ -44.877, -1.309 ], [ -44.895, -1.34 ], [ -44.922, -1.305 ], [ -44.907, -1.341 ], [ -44.999, -1.405 ], [ -45.033, -1.339 ], [ -45, -1.32 ], [ -44.995, -1.36 ], [ -45, -1.296 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.044, -1.402 ], [ -45.07, -1.33 ], [ -45.052, -1.342 ], [ -45.044, -1.402 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.333, -1.569 ], [ -45.371, -1.544 ], [ -45.347, -1.489 ], [ -45.313, -1.506 ], [ -45.333, -1.569 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.969, -1.522 ], [ -44.976, -1.493 ], [ -44.959, -1.483 ], [ -44.969, -1.522 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.393, -1.512 ], [ -48.371, -1.476 ], [ -48.341, -1.483 ], [ -48.393, -1.512 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.413, -1.498 ], [ -48.426, -1.491 ], [ -48.387, -1.476 ], [ -48.413, -1.498 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.118, -1.47 ], [ -45.132, -1.462 ], [ -45.115, -1.364 ], [ -45.103, -1.373 ], [ -45.118, -1.47 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.593, -1.251 ], [ -45.581, -1.19 ], [ -45.536, -1.205 ], [ -45.532, -1.231 ], [ -45.593, -1.251 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.559, -1.243 ], [ -48.56, -1.202 ], [ -48.523, -1.199 ], [ -48.559, -1.243 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.817, -1.163 ], [ -45.829, -1.141 ], [ -45.804, -1.127 ], [ -45.817, -1.163 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.877, -1.154 ], [ -45.9, -1.117 ], [ -45.883, -1.073 ], [ -45.849, -1.123 ], [ -45.877, -1.154 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.192, -1.05 ], [ -46.201, -1.041 ], [ -46.185, -1.027 ], [ -46.192, -1.05 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.291, -1.01 ], [ -46.307, -0.992 ], [ -46.306, -0.961 ], [ -46.291, -1.01 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.078, -1.095 ], [ -46.065, -1.05 ], [ -46.061, -1.074 ], [ -46.078, -1.095 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.68, -1.295 ], [ -45.687, -1.275 ], [ -45.667, -1.26 ], [ -45.654, -1.285 ], [ -45.68, -1.295 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.538, -1.282 ], [ -48.549, -1.262 ], [ -48.53, -1.25 ], [ -48.538, -1.282 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.51, -1.27 ], [ -48.522, -1.247 ], [ -48.506, -1.236 ], [ -48.51, -1.27 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.694, -1.37 ], [ -45.646, -1.289 ], [ -45.625, -1.126 ], [ -45.634, -1.349 ], [ -45.694, -1.37 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.688, -1.266 ], [ -45.708, -1.228 ], [ -45.685, -1.194 ], [ -45.664, -1.231 ], [ -45.688, -1.266 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.425, -0.914 ], [ -46.454, -0.907 ], [ -46.408, -0.868 ], [ -46.395, -0.899 ], [ -46.425, -0.914 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.72, -0.848 ], [ -46.735, -0.832 ], [ -46.729, -0.796 ], [ -46.72, -0.848 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.611, -0.799 ], [ -46.622, -0.784 ], [ -46.601, -0.789 ], [ -46.611, -0.799 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.586, -0.849 ], [ -46.621, -0.807 ], [ -46.589, -0.815 ], [ -46.586, -0.849 ] ] ], [ [ [ -47.447, -0.748 ], [ -47.453, -0.732 ], [ -47.436, -0.717 ], [ -47.428, -0.738 ], [ -47.447, -0.748 ] ] ], [ [ [ -47.461, -0.741 ], [ -47.463, -0.702 ], [ -47.445, -0.697 ], [ -47.461, -0.741 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.214, -0.411 ], [ -51.211, -0.386 ], [ -51.164, -0.347 ], [ -51.163, -0.383 ], [ -51.214, -0.411 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.352, -0.353 ], [ -51.346, -0.31 ], [ -51.317, -0.268 ], [ -51.327, -0.33 ], [ -51.352, -0.353 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.127, -0.268 ], [ -51.131, -0.237 ], [ -51.091, -0.208 ], [ -51.087, -0.229 ], [ -51.127, -0.268 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.888, -0.198 ], [ -48.91, -0.188 ], [ -48.893, -0.134 ], [ -48.847, -0.177 ], [ -48.888, -0.198 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.174, -0.091 ], [ -51.191, -0.064 ], [ -51.126, -0.057 ], [ -51.174, -0.091 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.114, -0.146 ], [ -49.097, -0.121 ], [ -49.08, -0.13 ], [ -49.114, -0.146 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.166, -0.142 ], [ -49.188, -0.115 ], [ -49.156, -0.128 ], [ -49.166, -0.142 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.119, -0.141 ], [ -49.143, -0.107 ], [ -49.114, -0.11 ], [ -49.119, -0.141 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.127, -0.128 ], [ -51.094, -0.103 ], [ -51.108, -0.127 ], [ -51.127, -0.128 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.414, -0.999 ], [ -46.384, -0.941 ], [ -46.367, -0.948 ], [ -46.414, -0.999 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.647, -0.97 ], [ -46.658, -0.968 ], [ -46.618, -0.957 ], [ -46.647, -0.97 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.488, -0.942 ], [ -46.465, -0.877 ], [ -46.464, -0.924 ], [ -46.44, -0.922 ], [ -46.482, -0.976 ], [ -46.441, -0.999 ], [ -46.525, -1.016 ], [ -46.527, -0.917 ], [ -46.509, -0.984 ], [ -46.488, -0.942 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.632, 0.159 ], [ -49.662, 0.184 ], [ -49.629, 0.202 ], [ -49.61, 0.181 ], [ -49.632, 0.159 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.641, 0.26 ], [ -50.63, 0.293 ], [ -50.586, 0.308 ], [ -50.641, 0.26 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.2, 0.255 ], [ -50.243, 0.248 ], [ -50.147, 0.337 ], [ -50.059, 0.346 ], [ -50.2, 0.255 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.417, 0.159 ], [ -50.535, 0.234 ], [ -50.36, 0.615 ], [ -50.328, 0.383 ], [ -50.285, 0.3 ], [ -50.413, 0.237 ], [ -50.417, 0.159 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.279, 0.338 ], [ -50.271, 0.599 ], [ -50.147, 0.608 ], [ -50.142, 0.576 ], [ -50.107, 0.636 ], [ -50.063, 0.623 ], [ -50.05, 0.518 ], [ -50.279, 0.338 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50, 0.943 ], [ -50.113, 0.907 ], [ -50.018, 1.034 ], [ -49.935, 1.069 ], [ -49.939, 0.996 ], [ -50, 0.943 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.881, 1.227 ], [ -49.909, 1.246 ], [ -49.886, 1.244 ], [ -49.881, 1.227 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.907, 1.278 ], [ -49.885, 1.291 ], [ -49.863, 1.278 ], [ -49.876, 1.252 ], [ -49.907, 1.278 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.204, 1.851 ], [ -50.232, 1.879 ], [ -50.22, 1.915 ], [ -50.169, 1.865 ], [ -50.204, 1.851 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.468, 1.954 ], [ -50.521, 2.026 ], [ -50.497, 2.139 ], [ -50.398, 2.167 ], [ -50.367, 2.19 ], [ -50.276, 1.939 ], [ -50.423, 1.849 ], [ -50.468, 1.954 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.504, 2.255 ], [ -50.414, 2.244 ], [ -50.382, 2.204 ], [ -50.489, 2.15 ], [ -50.564, 2.205 ], [ -50.504, 2.255 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.229, 0.832 ], [ -50.098, 0.839 ], [ -50.027, 0.898 ], [ -50.105, 0.757 ], [ -50.162, 0.775 ], [ -50.249, 0.72 ], [ -50.229, 0.832 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.131, 0.844 ], [ -50.162, 0.867 ], [ -50.132, 0.9 ], [ -50.119, 0.854 ], [ -50.131, 0.844 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.108, 0.85 ], [ -50.111, 0.891 ], [ -50.049, 0.886 ], [ -50.108, 0.85 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.216, -0.055 ], [ -50.235, -0.042 ], [ -50.219, -0.04 ], [ -50.216, -0.055 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.916, -0.052 ], [ -50.926, -0.047 ], [ -50.907, -0.043 ], [ -50.916, -0.052 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.605, -0.061 ], [ -50.618, -0.022 ], [ -50.559, -0.038 ], [ -50.605, -0.061 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.399, -0.061 ], [ -50.44, -0.057 ], [ -50.378, -0.015 ], [ -50.357, -0.049 ], [ -50.399, -0.061 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.75, 0 ], [ -49.609, 0.08 ], [ -49.474, 0.081 ], [ -49.338, -0.017 ], [ -49.487, -0.136 ], [ -49.723, -0.147 ], [ -49.835, -0.088 ], [ -49.75, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.023, -0.019 ], [ -49.039, -0.011 ], [ -49.02, -0.006 ], [ -49.023, -0.019 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.932, 0.052 ], [ -50.918, 0.084 ], [ -50.884, 0.078 ], [ -50.899, 0.057 ], [ -50.932, 0.052 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.928, 0 ], [ -50.786, 0.05 ], [ -50.717, 0.028 ], [ -50.94, -0.041 ], [ -50.928, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.691, 0.025 ], [ -50.655, 0.015 ], [ -50.703, 0.021 ], [ -50.691, 0.025 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.629, -0.043 ], [ -50.642, -0.016 ], [ -50.622, -0.026 ], [ -50.629, -0.043 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.642, 0 ], [ -50.611, 0.007 ], [ -50.595, -0.019 ], [ -50.642, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.536, 0 ], [ -50.653, 0.126 ], [ -50.59, 0.203 ], [ -50.434, 0.126 ], [ -50.436, 0 ], [ -50.536, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50, 0.311 ], [ -49.674, 0.368 ], [ -49.601, 0.283 ], [ -49.86, 0.008 ], [ -49.99, -0.048 ], [ -50.086, 0.034 ], [ -50.351, 0.044 ], [ -50.394, 0.222 ], [ -50.153, 0.227 ], [ -50, 0.311 ] ] ] ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "La costa de lo que hoy es territorio brasileño fue el primer punto al que llegaron los europeos en América del Sur. La primera expedición que exploró la región fue un desprendimiento de la flota portuguesa que Vasco da Gama (c. 1460-1524) llevaba hacia oriente. Las naves dirigidas por Pedro Álvarez de Cabral (1467-1520) se alejaron excesivamente de la costa de África y terminaron en el extremo sur de actual territorio del Estado de Bahía, en que el permanecieron entre abril y mayo del año 1500. Los portuguese establecieron en la costa precarias feitorias para comerciar verzino o palo brasil con los nativos de las sociedades tupí y guaraní nativas. Recién en 1530 la corona brasileña tomaría acciones decididas para organizar la ocupación portuguesa y las actividades de explotación, cuando instaura el régimen de capitanías hereditarias que estructuraría el establecimiento colonial lusitano en brasil. Bibliografía: Johnson, H. B., \"Portuguese Settlement, 1500-1580\", en Bethell, Leslie (ed.), Colonial Brazil, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1987, pp. 1-38; Abulafia, David, El descubrimiento de la humanidad. Encuentros atlánticos en la era de Colón, Barcelona, Crítica, 2009 [2008]; Metcalf, Alida C., Go-Betweens and the Colonization of Brazil, 1500-1600, Austin, University of Texas Press, 2005; Vaz de Caminha, Pêro, Carta del descubrimiento del Brasil, Barcelona, Acantilado, 2009.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-12-03T14:17:24+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 42718, "end" : 42724 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Brasil" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/f060fffc-e658-48db-991d-56467b0b2021", "type" : "Annotation", 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-2.689 ], [ -42.503, -2.727 ], [ -42.393, -2.751 ], [ -42.475, -2.706 ], [ -42.375, -2.717 ], [ -42.228, -2.818 ], [ -42.143, -2.808 ], [ -42.256, -2.735 ], [ -42.233, -2.674 ], [ -42.208, -2.712 ], [ -42.098, -2.768 ], [ -42.099, -2.809 ], [ -42.096, -2.747 ], [ -42.216, -2.687 ], [ -42.054, -2.691 ], [ -42.023, -2.775 ], [ -42.017, -2.718 ], [ -41.818, -2.723 ], [ -41.844, -2.773 ], [ -41.797, -2.751 ], [ -41.656, -2.884 ], [ -41.437, -2.939 ], [ -41.395, -2.906 ], [ -41.316, -2.943 ], [ -41.263, -2.887 ], [ -40.838, -2.895 ], [ -40.572, -2.844 ], [ -40.499, -2.787 ], [ -39.888, -2.886 ], [ -39.244, -3.229 ], [ -39.083, -3.394 ], [ -38.978, -3.407 ], [ -38.641, -3.687 ], [ -38.473, -3.7 ], [ -38.377, -3.866 ], [ -38.043, -4.214 ], [ -37.764, -4.399 ], [ -37.588, -4.624 ], [ -37.323, -4.698 ], [ -37.15, -4.943 ], [ -36.958, -4.919 ], [ -36.666, -5.108 ], [ -36.504, -5.061 ], [ -36.297, -5.106 ], [ -35.956, -5.045 ], [ -35.612, -5.11 ], [ -35.385, -5.255 ], [ -35.255, -5.483 ], [ -35.099, -6.169 ], [ -34.983, -6.396 ], [ -34.933, -6.753 ], [ -34.79, -7.159 ], [ -34.842, -7.564 ], [ -34.809, -7.622 ], [ -34.845, -7.69 ], [ -34.827, -8.004 ], [ -35.136, -8.895 ], [ -35.332, -9.237 ], [ -35.689, -9.668 ], [ -35.78, -9.706 ], [ -36.056, -10.083 ], [ -36.266, -10.256 ], [ -36.402, -10.506 ], [ -36.602, -10.567 ], [ -36.934, -10.826 ], [ -37.36, -11.428 ], [ -37.612, -11.979 ], [ -37.996, -12.578 ], [ -38.318, -12.934 ], [ -38.477, -13.022 ], [ -38.532, -13.017 ], [ -38.473, -12.913 ], [ -38.498, -12.722 ], [ -38.603, -12.728 ], [ -38.646, -12.622 ], [ -38.681, -12.661 ], [ -38.718, -12.627 ], [ -38.804, -12.835 ], [ -38.717, -12.873 ], [ -38.769, -12.995 ], [ -38.721, -13.021 ], [ -38.66, -12.963 ], [ -38.686, -12.878 ], [ -38.59, -12.972 ], [ -38.766, -13.129 ], [ -38.807, -13.1 ], [ -38.808, -13.154 ], [ -38.944, -13.243 ], [ -38.973, -13.391 ], [ -38.902, -13.384 ], [ -38.886, -13.45 ], [ -38.95, -13.577 ], [ -38.886, -13.659 ], [ -38.968, -13.67 ], [ -39.006, -13.891 ], [ -39.064, -13.865 ], [ -39.075, -13.887 ], [ -38.986, -13.998 ], [ -38.952, -13.986 ], [ -38.982, -13.912 ], [ -38.938, -13.886 ], [ -38.922, -13.92 ], [ -39.061, -14.716 ], [ -38.962, -15.585 ], [ -38.857, -15.86 ], [ -38.973, -16.211 ], [ -39.032, -16.26 ], [ -39.01, -16.369 ], [ -39.078, -16.454 ], [ -39.143, -16.762 ], [ -39.113, -16.896 ], [ -39.212, -17.155 ], [ -39.193, -17.602 ], [ -39.135, -17.691 ], [ -39.264, -17.869 ], [ -39.435, -17.943 ], [ -39.563, -18.091 ], [ -39.721, -18.493 ], [ -39.749, -18.81 ], [ -39.692, -19.353 ], [ -39.805, -19.65 ], [ -39.951, -19.717 ], [ -40.151, -19.956 ], [ -40.236, -20.285 ], [ -40.353, -20.32 ], [ -40.329, -20.236 ], [ -40.359, -20.291 ], [ -40.365, -20.317 ], [ -40.35, -20.328 ], [ -40.268, -20.327 ], [ -40.402, -20.606 ], [ -40.466, -20.624 ], [ -40.627, -20.845 ], [ -40.65, -20.813 ], [ -40.756, -20.866 ], [ -40.853, -21.133 ], [ -40.955, -21.251 ], [ -40.96, -21.364 ], [ -41.065, -21.495 ], [ -41.051, -21.608 ], [ -41.038, -21.622 ], [ -41.007, -21.618 ], [ -40.99, -22.014 ], [ -41.229, -22.151 ], [ -41.668, -22.294 ], [ -41.962, -22.538 ], [ -41.986, -22.713 ], [ -41.919, -22.774 ], [ -41.864, -22.759 ], [ -42.023, -22.896 ], [ -42.037, -22.94 ], [ -41.99, -22.964 ], [ -42.018, -22.998 ], [ -42.086, -22.957 ], [ -42.529, -22.934 ], [ -43.05, -22.982 ], [ -43.132, -22.941 ], [ -43.025, -22.741 ], [ -43.084, -22.68 ], [ -43.216, -22.725 ], [ -43.287, -22.806 ], [ -43.24, -22.847 ], [ -43.249, -22.797 ], [ -43.156, -22.784 ], [ -43.247, -22.882 ], [ -43.164, -22.899 ], [ -43.187, -22.995 ], [ -43.344, -22.983 ], [ -43.303, -23.02 ], [ -43.549, -23.081 ], [ -44.001, -23.1 ], [ -43.961, -23.042 ], [ -43.877, -23.067 ], [ -43.909, -23.02 ], [ -43.807, -23.063 ], [ -43.555, -23.055 ], [ -43.84, -22.906 ], [ -43.985, -22.937 ], [ -44.034, -23.014 ], [ -44.044, -22.923 ], [ -44.107, -23.03 ], [ -44.234, -23.06 ], [ -44.238, -23.004 ], [ -44.358, -23.02 ], [ -44.296, -22.961 ], [ -44.321, -22.927 ], [ -44.378, -22.972 ], [ -44.407, -22.945 ], [ -44.443, -23.035 ], [ -44.669, -23.06 ], [ -44.712, -23.19 ], [ -44.701, -23.237 ], [ -44.645, -23.191 ], [ -44.612, -23.206 ], [ -44.685, -23.256 ], [ -44.611, -23.238 ], [ -44.652, -23.302 ], [ -44.558, -23.232 ], [ -44.577, -23.275 ], [ -44.498, -23.302 ], [ -44.583, -23.367 ], [ -44.669, -23.341 ], [ -44.84, -23.395 ], [ -44.905, -23.339 ], [ -45.05, -23.418 ], [ -45.016, -23.461 ], [ -45.079, -23.519 ], [ -45.165, -23.495 ], [ -45.159, -23.541 ], [ -45.228, -23.547 ], [ -45.211, -23.582 ], [ -45.41, -23.632 ], [ -45.412, -23.825 ], [ -45.934, -23.771 ], [ -46.124, -23.842 ], [ -46.2, -24.002 ], [ -46.288, -24.044 ], [ -46.321, -24 ], [ -46.458, -24.025 ], [ -46.937, -24.281 ], [ -47.024, -24.382 ], [ -47.004, -24.412 ], [ -47.86, -24.996 ], [ -47.914, -25.061 ], [ -47.915, -25.16 ], [ -48.213, -25.47 ], [ -48.254, -25.435 ], [ -48.222, -25.342 ], [ -48.208, -25.353 ], [ -48.121, -25.267 ], [ -48.253, -25.328 ], [ -48.284, -25.294 ], [ -48.317, -25.363 ], [ -48.327, -25.232 ], [ -48.366, -25.317 ], [ -48.433, -25.237 ], [ -48.428, -25.324 ], [ -48.5, -25.335 ], [ -48.427, -25.39 ], [ -48.449, -25.379 ], [ -48.468, -25.388 ], [ -48.467, -25.432 ], [ -48.449, -25.384 ], [ -48.414, -25.428 ], [ -48.476, -25.485 ], [ -48.637, -25.468 ], [ -48.661, -25.398 ], [ -48.671, -25.435 ], [ -48.739, -25.374 ], [ -48.68, -25.465 ], [ -48.687, -25.499 ], [ -48.737, -25.483 ], [ -48.703, -25.504 ], [ -48.617, -25.536 ], [ -48.512, -25.505 ], [ -48.482, -25.591 ], [ -48.46, -25.552 ], [ -48.35, -25.581 ], [ -48.565, -25.868 ], [ -48.614, -26.06 ], [ -48.586, -26.172 ], [ -48.714, -26.243 ], [ -48.795, -26.073 ], [ -48.837, -26.157 ], [ -48.798, -26.142 ], [ -48.763, -26.199 ], [ -48.805, -26.228 ], [ -48.769, -26.223 ], [ -48.761, -26.286 ], [ -48.803, -26.303 ], [ -48.723, -26.362 ], [ -48.635, -26.374 ], [ -48.714, -26.308 ], [ -48.554, -26.172 ], [ -48.493, -26.224 ], [ -48.695, -26.658 ], [ -48.665, -26.769 ], [ -48.583, -26.786 ], [ -48.655, -26.909 ], [ -48.62, -27.007 ], [ -48.574, -27.011 ], [ -48.607, -27.122 ], [ -48.554, -27.152 ], [ -48.51, -27.108 ], [ -48.469, -27.148 ], [ -48.511, -27.183 ], [ -48.486, -27.218 ], [ -48.531, -27.18 ], [ -48.612, -27.243 ], [ -48.596, -27.318 ], [ -48.529, -27.334 ], [ -48.649, -27.486 ], [ -48.572, -27.592 ], [ -48.653, -27.648 ], [ -48.575, -27.888 ], [ -48.761, -28.535 ], [ -48.813, -28.605 ], [ -49.37, -28.92 ], [ -49.334, -28.921 ], [ -49.702, -29.308 ], [ -50.006, -29.749 ], [ -50.316, -30.472 ], [ -50.848, -31.205 ], [ -51.303, -31.613 ], [ -51.877, -31.952 ], [ -52.071, -32.188 ], [ -52.012, -31.946 ], [ -52.092, -31.837 ], [ -51.851, -31.865 ], [ -51.777, -31.805 ], [ -51.854, -31.797 ], [ -51.65, -31.759 ], [ -51.478, -31.562 ], [ -51.43, -31.622 ], [ -51.458, -31.548 ], [ -51.424, -31.478 ], [ -51.351, -31.529 ], [ -51.234, -31.458 ], [ -51.16, -31.31 ], [ -51.166, -31.063 ], [ -51.109, -31.097 ], [ -50.985, -31.042 ], [ -50.965, -30.893 ], [ -50.888, -30.893 ], [ -50.705, -30.756 ], [ -50.677, -30.61 ], [ -50.725, -30.371 ], [ -50.692, -30.355 ], [ -50.625, -30.409 ], [ -50.641, -30.459 ], [ -50.569, -30.471 ], [ -50.534, -30.278 ], [ -50.601, -30.194 ], [ -50.659, -30.201 ], [ -50.661, -30.293 ], [ -50.918, -30.333 ], [ -50.934, -30.42 ], [ -50.889, -30.439 ], [ -50.921, -30.44 ], [ -51.052, -30.395 ], [ -51.034, -30.276 ], [ -51.146, -30.267 ], [ -51.246, -30.188 ], [ -51.23, -30.043 ], [ -51.295, -30.007 ], [ -51.326, -30.23 ], [ -51.271, -30.25 ], [ -51.293, -30.295 ], [ -51.246, -30.33 ], [ -51.209, -30.3 ], [ -51.179, -30.383 ], [ -51.092, -30.367 ], [ -51.129, -30.436 ], [ -51.202, -30.413 ], [ -51.269, -30.489 ], [ -51.282, -30.811 ], [ -51.33, -30.777 ], [ -51.294, -30.758 ], [ -51.319, -30.64 ], [ -51.375, -30.635 ], [ -51.404, -30.769 ], [ -51.367, -30.874 ], [ -51.457, -30.874 ], [ -51.501, -30.935 ], [ -51.436, -31.088 ], [ -51.611, -31.138 ], [ -51.613, -31.272 ], [ -51.915, -31.313 ], [ -52.002, -31.449 ], [ -52.031, -31.693 ], [ -52.218, -31.747 ], [ -52.247, -31.871 ], [ -52.106, -31.952 ], [ -52.216, -31.963 ], [ -52.263, -32.062 ], [ -52.209, -32.045 ], [ -52.225, -32.096 ], [ -52.082, -32.033 ], [ -52.162, -32.128 ], [ -52.09, -32.069 ], [ -52.084, -32.186 ], [ -52.16, -32.201 ], [ -52.341, -32.43 ], [ -52.488, -32.844 ], [ -52.66, -33.165 ], [ -53.227, -33.658 ], [ -53.421, -33.741 ], [ -53.524, -33.689 ], [ -53.515, -33.163 ], [ -53.434, -33.054 ], [ -53.243, -32.936 ], [ -53.294, -32.911 ], [ -53.074, -32.746 ], [ -53.244, -32.605 ], [ -53.39, -32.583 ], [ -53.46, -32.48 ], [ -53.595, -32.432 ], [ -53.73, -32.157 ], [ -53.714, -32.104 ], [ -53.965, -31.919 ], [ -54.096, -31.906 ], [ -54.466, -31.666 ], [ -54.491, -31.54 ], [ -54.591, -31.448 ], [ -54.836, -31.446 ], [ -54.945, -31.392 ], [ -55.014, -31.285 ], [ -55.091, -31.326 ], [ -55.245, -31.257 ], [ -55.374, -31.038 ], [ -55.594, -30.848 ], [ -55.635, -30.857 ], [ -55.657, -30.956 ], [ -55.87, -31.08 ], [ -56.008, -31.063 ], [ -55.987, -30.86 ], [ -56.021, -30.784 ], [ -56.127, -30.739 ], [ -56.177, -30.614 ], [ -56.384, -30.495 ], [ -56.459, -30.387 ], [ -56.545, -30.364 ], [ -56.54, -30.312 ], [ -56.617, -30.303 ], [ -56.644, -30.205 ], [ -56.776, -30.166 ], [ -56.804, -30.107 ], [ -57.068, -30.088 ], [ -57.207, -30.281 ], [ -57.313, -30.26 ], [ -57.396, -30.303 ], [ -57.538, -30.275 ], [ -57.618, -30.179 ], [ -57.505, -30.143 ], [ -57.342, -30.001 ], [ -57.319, -29.87 ], [ -57.254, -29.794 ], [ -57.105, -29.752 ], [ -56.972, -29.639 ], [ -56.676, -29.321 ], [ -56.593, -29.123 ], [ -56.425, -29.073 ], [ -56.285, -28.794 ], [ -56.185, -28.771 ], [ -56.016, -28.611 ], [ -56.011, -28.509 ], [ -55.888, -28.479 ], [ -55.875, -28.362 ], [ -55.696, -28.425 ], [ -55.671, -28.333 ], [ -55.773, -28.247 ], [ -55.605, -28.123 ], [ -55.554, -28.164 ], [ -55.496, -28.081 ], [ -55.444, -28.097 ], [ -55.323, -27.928 ], [ -55.196, -27.863 ], [ -55.134, -27.895 ], [ -55.117, -27.853 ], [ -55.032, -27.854 ], [ -55.082, -27.789 ], [ -54.941, -27.775 ], [ -54.809, -27.536 ], [ -54.781, -27.586 ], [ -54.683, -27.576 ], [ -54.678, -27.514 ], [ -54.624, -27.55 ], [ -54.576, -27.458 ], [ -54.525, -27.507 ], [ -54.415, -27.412 ], [ -54.353, -27.468 ], [ -54.339, -27.406 ], [ -54.282, -27.447 ], [ -54.176, -27.261 ], [ -54.089, -27.303 ], [ -53.949, -27.158 ], [ -53.799, -27.147 ], [ -53.795, -27.048 ], [ -53.761, -27.068 ], [ -53.662, -26.869 ], [ -53.751, -26.745 ], [ -53.707, -26.563 ], [ -53.738, -26.548 ], [ -53.592, -26.265 ], [ -53.722, -26.13 ], [ -53.733, -26.047 ], [ -53.837, -25.969 ], [ -53.824, -25.793 ], [ -53.891, -25.625 ], [ -53.951, -25.644 ], [ -54.016, -25.569 ], [ -54.101, -25.625 ], [ -54.111, -25.504 ], [ -54.213, -25.554 ], [ -54.184, -25.591 ], [ -54.289, -25.562 ], [ -54.387, -25.608 ], [ -54.43, -25.706 ], [ -54.596, -25.595 ], [ -54.617, -25.459 ], [ -54.437, -25.157 ], [ -54.458, -25.031 ], [ -54.336, -24.649 ], [ -54.333, -24.493 ], [ -54.262, -24.376 ], [ -54.33, -24.225 ], [ -54.282, -24.075 ], [ -54.411, -23.929 ], [ -54.668, -23.815 ], [ -55.061, -23.991 ], [ -55.112, -23.963 ], [ -55.226, -24.013 ], [ -55.413, -23.961 ], [ -55.434, -23.714 ], [ -55.535, -23.614 ], [ -55.522, -23.197 ], [ -55.596, -23.141 ], [ -55.64, -22.994 ], [ -55.685, -22.992 ], [ -55.613, -22.659 ], [ -55.736, -22.532 ], [ -55.74, -22.396 ], [ -55.854, -22.281 ], [ -56.208, -22.281 ], [ -56.341, -22.206 ], [ -56.403, -22.078 ], [ -56.519, -22.103 ], [ -56.643, -22.261 ], [ -56.698, -22.216 ], [ -56.728, -22.26 ], [ -56.808, -22.25 ], [ -56.831, -22.3 ], [ -57.001, -22.225 ], [ -57.203, -22.21 ], [ -57.243, -22.244 ], [ -57.553, -22.181 ], [ -57.616, -22.096 ], [ -57.803, -22.148 ], [ -57.989, -22.085 ], [ -58.005, -22.032 ], [ -57.919, -21.881 ], [ -57.969, -21.844 ], [ -57.913, -21.793 ], [ -57.947, -21.747 ], [ -57.894, -21.687 ], [ -57.968, -21.528 ], [ -57.855, -21.339 ], [ -57.918, -21.278 ], [ -57.854, -21.226 ], [ -57.866, -21.041 ], [ -57.818, -20.976 ], [ -57.927, -20.897 ], [ -57.855, -20.835 ], [ -57.961, -20.784 ], [ -57.869, -20.736 ], [ -57.923, -20.666 ], [ -57.988, -20.696 ], [ -57.994, -20.448 ], [ -58.082, -20.372 ], [ -58.092, -20.257 ], [ -58.154, -20.264 ], [ -58.125, -20.188 ], [ -58.163, -20.162 ], [ -57.872, -19.979 ], [ -58.134, -19.761 ], [ -57.79, -19.051 ], [ -57.709, -19.034 ], [ -57.757, -18.858 ], [ -57.56, -18.263 ], [ -57.458, -18.228 ], [ -57.568, -18.136 ], [ -57.702, -17.86 ], [ -57.715, -17.735 ], [ -57.785, -17.645 ], [ -57.773, -17.553 ], [ -57.878, -17.463 ], [ -58.003, -17.52 ], [ -58.114, -17.456 ], [ -58.395, -17.197 ], [ -58.421, -16.99 ], [ -58.47, -16.939 ], [ -58.468, -16.702 ], [ -58.442, -16.613 ], [ -58.34, -16.542 ], [ -58.309, -16.27 ], [ -58.471, -16.325 ], [ -60.173, -16.265 ], [ -60.236, -15.476 ], [ -60.565, -15.105 ], [ -60.253, -15.101 ], [ -60.257, -14.624 ], [ -60.338, -14.555 ], [ -60.482, -14.181 ], [ -60.468, -14.092 ], [ -60.378, -13.992 ], [ -60.468, -13.886 ], [ -60.468, -13.801 ], [ -60.793, -13.686 ], [ -60.962, -13.539 ], [ -61.044, -13.541 ], [ -61.028, -13.477 ], [ -61.069, -13.463 ], [ -61.139, -13.521 ], [ -61.249, -13.525 ], [ -61.33, -13.473 ], [ -61.486, -13.554 ], [ -61.578, -13.494 ], [ -61.824, -13.539 ], [ -61.866, -13.443 ], [ -62.108, -13.257 ], [ -62.109, -13.149 ], [ -62.165, -13.112 ], [ -62.368, -13.145 ], [ -62.464, -13.07 ], [ -62.637, -13.041 ], [ -62.674, -12.965 ], [ -62.764, -13.023 ], [ -62.923, -12.854 ], [ -62.996, -12.85 ], [ -63.082, -12.653 ], [ -63.327, -12.705 ], [ -63.482, -12.557 ], [ -63.712, -12.458 ], [ -63.875, -12.469 ], [ -63.937, -12.557 ], [ -64.127, -12.494 ], [ -64.152, -12.529 ], [ -64.215, -12.476 ], [ -64.278, -12.511 ], [ -64.493, -12.366 ], [ -64.486, -12.23 ], [ -64.654, -12.186 ], [ -64.683, -12.099 ], [ -64.725, -12.162 ], [ -64.798, -12.035 ], [ -64.993, -11.999 ], [ -65.048, -11.757 ], [ -65.112, -11.741 ], [ -65.106, -11.697 ], [ -65.135, -11.777 ], [ -65.201, -11.745 ], [ -65.161, -11.622 ], [ -65.218, -11.521 ], [ -65.299, -11.5 ], [ -65.338, -11.392 ], [ -65.31, -11.341 ], [ -65.385, -11.269 ], [ -65.349, -11.239 ], [ -65.391, -11.167 ], [ -65.318, -11.105 ], [ -65.336, -11.044 ], [ -65.269, -10.901 ], [ -65.366, -10.798 ], [ -65.349, -10.671 ], [ -65.426, -10.638 ], [ -65.429, -10.473 ], [ -65.28, -10.218 ], [ -65.327, -9.938 ], [ -65.29, -9.851 ], [ -65.377, -9.698 ], [ -65.488, -9.718 ], [ -65.563, -9.834 ], [ -65.669, -9.779 ], [ -65.7, -9.803 ], [ -65.689, -9.749 ], [ -65.748, -9.77 ], [ -65.777, -9.727 ], [ -65.798, -9.786 ], [ -65.81, -9.75 ], [ -65.86, -9.794 ], [ -65.872, -9.757 ], [ -66.018, -9.807 ], [ -66.064, -9.772 ], [ -66.422, -9.895 ], [ -66.616, -9.893 ], [ -66.623, -9.935 ], [ -66.883, -10.081 ], [ -67.029, -10.254 ], [ -67.186, -10.339 ], [ -67.315, -10.316 ], [ -67.327, -10.374 ], [ -67.414, -10.372 ], [ -67.443, -10.45 ], [ -67.594, -10.523 ], [ -67.715, -10.707 ], [ -68.021, -10.661 ], [ -68.119, -10.726 ], [ -68.283, -10.987 ], [ -68.519, -11.048 ], [ -68.587, -11.11 ], [ -68.769, -11.139 ], [ -68.751, -11.007 ], [ -68.787, -10.99 ], [ -68.871, -11.023 ], [ -69.393, -10.929 ], [ -69.728, -10.973 ], [ -69.938, -10.926 ], [ -70.318, -11.066 ], [ -70.428, -11.033 ], [ -70.508, -10.94 ], [ -70.618, -11.007 ], [ -70.622, -9.847 ], [ -70.522, -9.738 ], [ -70.598, -9.574 ], [ -70.561, -9.579 ], [ -70.497, -9.433 ], [ -70.601, -9.453 ], [ -70.982, -9.812 ], [ -71.131, -9.862 ], [ -71.288, -9.996 ], [ -72.165, -10.002 ], [ -72.16, -9.818 ], [ -72.26, -9.755 ], [ -72.289, -9.536 ], [ -72.364, -9.491 ], [ -72.721, -9.417 ], [ -73.196, -9.418 ], [ -72.965, -9.154 ], [ -72.946, -8.99 ], [ -73.059, -8.904 ], [ -73.169, -8.701 ], [ -73.338, -8.609 ], [ -73.338, -8.476 ], [ -73.526, -8.369 ], [ -73.632, -8.022 ], [ -73.765, -7.94 ], [ -73.777, -7.869 ], [ -73.697, -7.865 ], [ -73.69, -7.79 ], [ -73.985, -7.543 ], [ -73.917, -7.461 ], [ -73.954, -7.348 ], [ -73.868, -7.377 ], [ -73.691, -7.313 ], [ -73.797, -7.115 ], [ -73.743, -6.897 ], [ -73.351, -6.561 ], [ -73.211, -6.53 ], [ -73.133, -6.421 ], [ -73.185, -6.04 ], [ -73.131, -5.986 ], [ -73.116, -5.865 ], [ -72.951, -5.643 ], [ -72.948, -5.454 ], [ -72.872, -5.25 ], [ -72.896, -5.136 ], [ -72.734, -5.043 ], [ -72.602, -5.056 ], [ -72.577, -4.992 ], [ -72.455, -4.962 ], [ -72.452, -4.906 ], [ -72.37, -4.88 ], [ -72.356, -4.803 ], [ -72.292, -4.799 ], [ -72.313, -4.769 ], [ -72.223, -4.78 ], [ -72.113, -4.722 ], [ -72.047, -4.625 ], [ -71.94, -4.607 ], [ -71.897, -4.512 ], [ -71.61, -4.465 ], [ -71.597, -4.525 ], [ -71.535, -4.46 ], [ -71.49, -4.479 ], [ -71.506, -4.435 ], [ -71.414, -4.432 ], [ -71.432, -4.469 ], [ -71.342, -4.423 ], [ -71.355, -4.468 ], [ -71.303, -4.458 ], [ -71.269, -4.381 ], [ -71.198, -4.377 ], [ -71.193, -4.42 ], [ -71.147, -4.375 ], [ -71.031, -4.397 ], [ -70.99, -4.34 ], [ -70.935, -4.381 ], [ -70.757, -4.152 ], [ -70.677, -4.2 ], [ -70.622, -4.121 ], [ -70.633, -4.173 ], [ -70.565, -4.168 ], [ -70.566, -4.205 ], [ -70.553, -4.128 ], [ -70.503, -4.19 ], [ -70.434, -4.125 ], [ -70.341, -4.174 ], [ -70.317, -4.136 ], [ -70.291, -4.283 ], [ -70.249, -4.267 ], [ -70.186, -4.357 ], [ -70.169, -4.27 ], [ -70.101, -4.255 ], [ -70.031, -4.339 ], [ -69.929, -4.213 ], [ -69.453, -1.478 ], [ -69.368, -1.334 ], [ -69.422, -0.998 ], [ -69.508, -0.936 ], [ -69.609, -0.755 ], [ -69.551, -0.648 ], [ -69.593, -0.517 ], [ -69.908, -0.316 ], [ -70.068, -0.135 ], [ -70.037, 0.553 ], [ -69.798, 0.585 ], [ -69.664, 0.672 ], [ -69.606, 0.623 ], [ -69.468, 0.734 ], [ -69.357, 0.621 ], [ -69.295, 0.648 ], [ -69.288, 0.609 ], [ -69.202, 0.602 ], [ -69.112, 0.643 ], [ -69.184, 0.73 ], [ -69.137, 0.868 ], [ -69.257, 1.026 ], [ -69.342, 1.064 ], [ -69.416, 1.024 ], [ -69.7, 1.056 ], [ -69.721, 1.097 ], [ -69.854, 1.07 ], [ -69.855, 1.715 ], [ -69.556, 1.775 ], [ -69.395, 1.726 ], [ -68.128, 1.73 ], [ -68.29, 1.841 ], [ -68.205, 2.038 ], [ -68.027, 1.784 ], [ -67.924, 1.751 ], [ -67.797, 1.812 ], [ -67.578, 2.076 ], [ -67.41, 2.141 ], [ -67.117, 1.732 ], [ -67.068, 1.532 ], [ -67.097, 1.17 ], [ -66.855, 1.228 ], [ -66.322, 0.738 ], [ -66.095, 0.754 ], [ -65.952, 0.81 ], [ -65.854, 0.939 ], [ -65.733, 1.005 ], [ -65.583, 1.008 ], [ -65.47, 0.877 ], [ -65.557, 0.705 ], [ -65.504, 0.627 ], [ -65.393, 0.699 ], [ -65.305, 0.916 ], [ -65.152, 0.943 ], [ -65.121, 1.115 ], [ -65.055, 1.144 ], [ -64.968, 1.112 ], [ -64.903, 1.249 ], [ -64.843, 1.237 ], [ -64.783, 1.313 ], [ -64.721, 1.25 ], [ -64.638, 1.286 ], [ -64.387, 1.527 ], [ -64.344, 1.528 ], [ -64.382, 1.419 ], [ -64.344, 1.38 ], [ -64.186, 1.494 ], [ -64.054, 1.708 ], [ -64.057, 1.933 ], [ -64.018, 1.967 ], [ -63.781, 1.989 ], [ -63.604, 2.124 ], [ -63.419, 2.154 ], [ -63.349, 2.281 ], [ -63.382, 2.442 ], [ -63.756, 2.403 ], [ -64.031, 2.509 ], [ -63.987, 2.772 ], [ -64.216, 3.153 ], [ -64.236, 3.476 ], [ -64.186, 3.634 ], [ -64.324, 3.797 ], [ -64.543, 3.882 ], [ -64.8, 4.224 ], [ -64.79, 4.329 ], [ -64.677, 4.297 ], [ -64.555, 4.153 ], [ -64.135, 4.176 ], [ -63.967, 3.93 ], [ -63.806, 4.019 ], [ -63.623, 4.01 ], [ -63.455, 3.91 ], [ -63.411, 4.026 ], [ -63.358, 4.04 ], [ -63.203, 3.952 ], [ -63.189, 3.872 ], [ -62.86, 3.584 ], [ -62.749, 3.642 ], [ -62.705, 3.724 ], [ -62.752, 4.012 ], [ -62.635, 4.056 ], [ -62.557, 4.02 ], [ -62.46, 4.173 ], [ -62.129, 4.084 ], [ -61.961, 4.18 ], [ -61.927, 4.106 ], [ -61.723, 4.262 ], [ -61.528, 4.273 ], [ -61.507, 4.398 ], [ -61.274, 4.471 ], [ -61.293, 4.55 ], [ -61.141, 4.508 ], [ -60.952, 4.549 ], [ -60.907, 4.708 ], [ -60.731, 4.777 ], [ -60.59, 4.951 ], [ -60.744, 5.209 ], [ -60.438, 5.177 ], [ -60.203, 5.265 ], [ -60.176, 5.227 ], [ -60.121, 5.243 ], [ -60.085, 5.149 ], [ -59.969, 5.073 ], [ -60.03, 4.704 ], [ -60.163, 4.521 ], [ -59.927, 4.509 ], [ -59.674, 4.382 ], [ -59.726, 4.191 ], [ -59.628, 4.138 ], [ -59.655, 4.078 ], [ -59.516, 3.94 ], [ -59.581, 3.901 ], [ -59.594, 3.796 ], [ -59.666, 3.777 ], [ -59.664, 3.703 ], [ -59.849, 3.601 ], [ -59.799, 3.355 ], [ -59.909, 3.197 ], [ -59.982, 2.929 ], [ -59.99, 2.683 ], [ -59.903, 2.479 ], [ -59.91, 2.388 ], [ -59.724, 2.277 ], [ -59.754, 1.861 ], [ -59.654, 1.849 ], [ -59.669, 1.764 ], [ -59.549, 1.729 ], [ -59.253, 1.397 ], [ -58.914, 1.299 ], [ -58.904, 1.234 ], [ -58.804, 1.175 ], [ -58.696, 1.288 ], [ -58.507, 1.264 ], [ -58.468, 1.318 ], [ -58.498, 1.458 ], [ -58.382, 1.471 ], [ -58.325, 1.59 ], [ -58.167, 1.558 ], [ -58.13, 1.501 ], [ -58.009, 1.501 ], [ -58, 1.665 ], [ -57.919, 1.645 ], [ -57.77, 1.718 ], [ -57.545, 1.701 ], [ -57.434, 1.895 ], [ -57.302, 1.99 ], [ -57.247, 1.944 ], [ -57.085, 2.021 ], [ -57.012, 1.918 ], [ -56.8, 1.864 ], [ -56.724, 1.92 ], [ -56.454, 1.945 ], [ -55.957, 1.844 ], [ -55.906, 1.889 ], [ -55.913, 2.041 ], [ -56.048, 2.226 ], [ -56.134, 2.263 ], [ -56.09, 2.352 ], [ -55.995, 2.405 ], [ -55.987, 2.517 ], [ -55.948, 2.532 ], [ -55.739, 2.401 ], [ -55.481, 2.443 ], [ -55.37, 2.407 ], [ -55.336, 2.516 ], [ -55.239, 2.495 ], [ -55.137, 2.575 ], [ -55.103, 2.522 ], [ -54.94, 2.632 ], [ -54.969, 2.555 ], [ -54.864, 2.439 ], [ -54.72, 2.469 ], [ -54.702, 2.336 ], [ -54.549, 2.336 ], [ -54.534, 2.268 ], [ -54.314, 2.158 ], [ -54.189, 2.179 ], [ -54.111, 2.127 ], [ -54.078, 2.197 ], [ -53.784, 2.364 ], [ -53.694, 2.287 ], [ -53.472, 2.332 ], [ -53.397, 2.272 ], [ -53.273, 2.292 ], [ -53.188, 2.223 ], [ -52.905, 2.19 ], [ -52.853, 2.285 ], [ -52.673, 2.374 ], [ -52.555, 2.523 ], [ -52.556, 2.646 ], [ -52.382, 2.912 ], [ -52.347, 3.134 ], [ -52.192, 3.296 ], [ -51.92, 3.781 ], [ -51.795, 3.89 ], [ -51.754, 3.996 ], [ -51.658, 4.049 ], [ -51.585, 4.241 ], [ -51.529, 4.171 ], [ -51.545, 4.397 ], [ -51.202, 4.084 ], [ -51.173, 3.767 ], [ -51.127, 3.911 ], [ -51.085, 3.895 ], [ -51.051, 3.283 ], [ -50.913, 2.875 ], [ -50.927, 2.807 ], [ -50.816, 2.644 ], [ -50.851, 2.482 ], [ -50.802, 2.508 ], [ -50.736, 2.414 ], [ -50.765, 2.359 ], [ -50.694, 2.276 ], [ -50.725, 2.252 ], [ -50.675, 2.247 ], [ -50.682, 2.137 ], [ -50.584, 2.091 ], [ -50.586, 2.014 ], [ -50.471, 1.82 ], [ -50.194, 1.794 ], [ -49.954, 1.676 ], [ -49.88, 1.419 ], [ -49.918, 1.289 ], [ -50.073, 1.204 ], [ -49.918, 1.232 ], [ -49.939, 1.103 ], [ -50.003, 1.066 ], [ -50.033, 1.107 ], [ -50.131, 0.949 ], [ -50.274, 0.866 ], [ -50.338, 0.729 ], [ -50.417, 0.685 ], [ -50.455, 0.732 ], [ -50.428, 0.679 ], [ -50.571, 0.424 ], [ -50.691, 0.3 ], [ -50.677, 0.365 ], [ -50.746, 0.227 ], [ -50.801, 0.224 ], [ -50.785, 0.183 ], [ -50.908, 0.171 ], [ -51.087, -0.043 ], [ -51.203, -0.055 ], [ -51.419, -0.412 ], [ -51.409, -0.44 ], [ -51.325, -0.364 ], [ -51.188, -0.14 ], [ -51.111, -0.154 ], [ -51.154, -0.284 ], [ -51.396, -0.493 ], [ -51.243, -0.443 ], [ -51.26, -0.5 ], [ -51.165, -0.431 ], [ -50.953, -0.061 ], [ -50.824, -0.048 ], [ -50.705, 0.002 ], [ -50.613, -0.088 ], [ -50.744, -0.244 ], [ -50.751, -0.429 ], [ -50.845, -0.526 ], [ -50.988, -0.583 ], [ -51.051, -0.682 ], [ -50.826, -0.555 ], [ -50.794, -0.666 ], [ -50.733, -0.557 ], [ -50.684, -0.604 ], [ -50.724, -0.493 ], [ -50.652, -0.276 ], [ -50.409, -0.094 ], [ -49.631, -0.247 ], [ -49.446, -0.23 ], [ -49.289, -0.145 ], [ -49.018, -0.16 ], [ -49, -0.139 ], [ -48.895, -0.224 ], [ -48.539, -0.234 ], [ -48.363, -0.303 ], [ -48.459, -0.513 ], [ -48.522, -0.877 ], [ -48.667, -1.002 ], [ -48.621, -1.005 ], [ -48.65, -1.048 ], [ -48.617, -1.053 ], [ -48.721, -1.137 ], [ -48.837, -1.452 ], [ -49.161, -1.575 ], [ -49.182, -1.623 ], [ -49.362, -1.604 ], [ -49.364, -1.642 ], [ -49.448, -1.637 ], [ -49.5, -1.738 ], [ -49.61, -1.718 ], [ -49.676, -1.78 ], [ -49.696, -1.757 ], [ -49.714, -1.76 ], [ -49.803, -1.822 ], [ -50.035, -1.717 ], [ -50.179, -1.787 ], [ -50.256, -1.776 ], [ -50.415, -1.841 ], [ -50.401, -1.935 ], [ -49.994, -1.819 ], [ -49.844, -1.905 ], [ -49.765, -1.898 ], [ -49.616, -1.79 ], [ -49.276, -1.706 ], [ -49.267, -1.778 ], [ -49.387, -1.977 ], [ -49.383, -2.159 ], [ -48.973, -1.594 ], [ -48.897, -1.573 ], [ -48.955, -1.712 ], [ -48.932, -1.75 ], [ -48.898, -1.743 ], [ -48.656, -1.371 ], [ -48.592, -1.429 ], [ -48.601, -1.306 ], [ -48.524, -1.338 ], [ -48.537, -1.467 ], [ -48.496, -1.553 ], [ -48.491, -1.502 ], [ -48.46, -1.533 ], [ -48.374, -1.511 ], [ -48.319, -1.478 ], [ -48.505, -1.471 ], [ -48.422, -1.168 ], [ -48.475, -1.144 ], [ -48.4, -1.066 ], [ -48.278, -1.111 ], [ -48.304, -0.948 ], [ -48.055, -0.668 ], [ -48.001, -0.731 ], [ -47.893, -0.553 ], [ -47.843, -0.616 ], [ -47.807, -0.547 ], [ -47.702, -0.54 ], [ -47.707, -0.59 ], [ -47.667, -0.569 ], [ -47.633, -0.608 ], [ -47.651, -0.694 ], [ -47.608, -0.684 ], [ -47.577, -0.573 ], [ -47.476, -0.757 ], [ -47.398, -0.76 ], [ -47.428, -0.693 ], [ -47.464, -0.687 ], [ -47.466, -0.594 ], [ -47.399, -0.594 ], [ -47.4, -0.645 ], [ -47.298, -0.589 ], [ -47.253, -0.668 ], [ -47.247, -0.623 ], [ -47.206, -0.633 ], [ -47.23, -0.719 ], [ -47.158, -0.678 ], [ -47.191, -0.754 ], [ -47.146, -0.764 ], [ -47.16, -0.815 ], [ -47.081, -0.661 ], [ -47.055, -0.868 ], [ -47.027, -0.784 ], [ -46.983, -0.806 ], [ -47.016, -0.752 ], [ -46.967, -0.694 ], [ -46.969, -0.78 ], [ -46.891, -0.869 ], [ -46.89, -0.789 ], [ -46.846, -0.799 ], [ -46.82, -0.71 ], [ -46.802, -0.877 ], [ -46.777, -0.905 ], [ -46.75, -0.826 ], [ -46.709, -0.86 ], [ -46.734, -0.944 ], [ -46.687, -0.831 ], [ -46.653, -0.882 ], [ -46.621, -0.818 ], [ -46.601, -0.917 ], [ -46.676, -0.965 ], [ -46.622, -0.987 ], [ -46.57, -0.947 ], [ -46.609, -1.03 ], [ -46.57, -0.988 ], [ -46.525, -1.027 ], [ -46.465, -1.007 ], [ -46.47, -1.044 ], [ -46.395, -1.037 ], [ -46.413, -1.084 ], [ -46.348, -0.982 ], [ -46.36, -1.011 ], [ -46.366, -1.031 ], [ -46.348, -1.079 ], [ -46.339, -1.015 ], [ -46.299, -1.05 ], [ -46.212, -0.946 ], [ -46.242, -0.921 ], [ -46.179, -0.914 ], [ -46.224, -1.053 ], [ -46.206, -1.1 ], [ -46.158, -1.014 ], [ -46.138, -1.032 ], [ -46.193, -1.143 ], [ -46.104, -1.067 ], [ -46.062, -1.133 ], [ -46.15, -1.258 ], [ -45.982, -1.071 ], [ -45.953, -1.147 ], [ -46, -1.151 ], [ -46, -1.199 ], [ -45.95, -1.159 ], [ -45.95, -1.207 ], [ -46, -1.209 ], [ -45.95, -1.25 ], [ -45.902, -1.134 ], [ -45.923, -1.214 ], [ -45.882, -1.167 ], [ -45.873, -1.211 ], [ -45.909, -1.261 ], [ -45.859, -1.231 ], [ -45.891, -1.293 ], [ -45.807, -1.176 ], [ -45.843, -1.301 ], [ -45.809, -1.328 ], [ -45.831, -1.298 ], [ -45.782, -1.278 ], [ -45.726, -1.135 ], [ -45.69, -1.452 ], [ -45.697, -1.38 ], [ -45.632, -1.371 ], [ -45.618, -1.279 ], [ -45.589, -1.329 ], [ -45.537, -1.273 ], [ -45.561, -1.343 ], [ -45.51, -1.352 ], [ -45.567, -1.404 ], [ -45.546, -1.432 ], [ -45.413, -1.296 ], [ -45.489, -1.473 ], [ -45.511, -1.458 ], [ -45.554, -1.503 ], [ -45.507, -1.471 ], [ -45.518, -1.516 ], [ -45.481, -1.495 ], [ -45.463, -1.548 ], [ -45.457, -1.457 ], [ -45.391, -1.434 ], [ -45.363, -1.325 ], [ -45.323, -1.319 ], [ -45.302, -1.424 ], [ -45.392, -1.485 ], [ -45.398, -1.503 ], [ -45.356, -1.487 ], [ -45.392, -1.553 ], [ -45.338, -1.572 ], [ -45.371, -1.722 ], [ -45.338, -1.753 ], [ -45.197, -1.688 ], [ -45.261, -1.607 ], [ -45.16, -1.475 ], [ -45.136, -1.521 ], [ -45.072, -1.435 ], [ -45.07, -1.485 ], [ -44.999, -1.504 ], [ -45.018, -1.547 ], [ -44.969, -1.549 ], [ -45.029, -1.583 ], [ -45.029, -1.602 ], [ -44.979, -1.607 ], [ -44.954, -1.498 ], [ -44.862, -1.426 ], [ -44.857, -1.498 ], [ -44.954, -1.605 ], [ -44.918, -1.649 ], [ -44.968, -1.662 ], [ -44.913, -1.657 ], [ -44.927, -1.62 ], [ -44.886, -1.609 ], [ -44.837, -1.65 ], [ -44.822, -1.591 ], [ -44.826, -1.637 ], [ -44.805, -1.609 ], [ -44.812, -1.665 ], [ -44.779, -1.735 ], [ -44.711, -1.728 ], [ -44.82, -1.819 ], [ -44.738, -1.791 ], [ -44.706, -1.819 ], [ -44.676, -1.808 ], [ -44.661, -1.727 ], [ -44.604, -1.749 ], [ -44.667, -1.849 ], [ -44.601, -1.858 ], [ -44.583, -1.817 ], [ -44.586, -1.873 ], [ -44.543, -1.833 ], [ -44.601, -1.909 ], [ -44.517, -1.907 ], [ -44.484, -2.002 ], [ -44.613, -2.037 ], [ -44.467, -2.017 ], [ -44.626, -2.151 ], [ -44.589, -2.159 ], [ -44.641, -2.232 ], [ -44.708, -2.23 ], [ -44.684, -2.275 ], [ -44.764, -2.265 ], [ -44.654, -2.294 ], [ -44.681, -2.354 ], [ -44.649, -2.373 ], [ -44.666, -2.329 ], [ -44.479, -2.137 ], [ -44.358, -2.335 ], [ -44.401, -2.416 ], [ -44.514, -2.384 ], [ -44.55, -2.4 ], [ -44.491, -2.415 ], [ -44.514, -2.448 ], [ -44.505, -2.476 ], [ -44.665, -2.608 ], [ -44.548, -2.542 ], [ -44.658, -2.781 ], [ -44.688, -2.924 ], [ -44.677, -3.019 ], [ -44.66, -3.02 ], [ -44.657, -3.018 ] ], [ [ -43.318, -2.361 ], [ -43.317, -2.363 ], [ -43.296, -2.363 ], [ -43.318, -2.361 ] ], [ [ -42.438, -2.747 ], [ -42.442, -2.749 ], [ -42.438, -2.75 ], [ -42.438, -2.747 ] ], [ [ -42.442, -2.749 ], [ -42.47, -2.744 ], [ -42.447, -2.753 ], [ -42.442, -2.749 ] ], [ [ -50.851, 2.482 ], [ -50.853, 2.481 ], [ -50.853, 2.48 ], [ -50.851, 2.482 ] ], [ [ -50.853, 2.481 ], [ -50.86, 2.495 ], [ -50.86, 2.477 ], [ -50.853, 2.481 ] ], [ [ -49.976, 1.659 ], [ -49.98, 1.659 ], [ -50, 1.639 ], [ -49.976, 1.659 ] ], [ [ -45.392, -1.553 ], [ -45.393, -1.553 ], [ -45.394, -1.556 ], [ -45.392, -1.553 ] ], [ [ -45.394, -1.556 ], [ -45.406, -1.579 ], [ -45.403, -1.591 ], [ -45.394, -1.556 ] ], [ [ -44.837, -1.65 ], [ -44.834, -1.655 ], [ -44.833, -1.654 ], [ -44.837, -1.65 ] ], [ [ -44.834, -1.655 ], [ -44.841, -1.675 ], [ -44.822, -1.672 ], [ -44.834, -1.655 ] ], [ [ -44.779, -1.735 ], [ -44.777, -1.741 ], [ -44.776, -1.74 ], [ -44.779, -1.735 ] ], [ [ -44.777, -1.741 ], [ -44.833, -1.77 ], [ -44.774, -1.75 ], [ -44.777, -1.741 ] ], [ [ -44.547, -2.22 ], [ -44.536, -2.225 ], [ -44.543, -2.219 ], [ -44.547, -2.22 ] ], [ [ -44.536, -2.225 ], [ -44.507, -2.249 ], [ -44.512, -2.235 ], [ -44.536, -2.225 ] ], [ [ -44.507, -2.249 ], [ -44.504, -2.256 ], [ -44.501, -2.254 ], [ -44.507, -2.249 ] ], [ [ -44.504, -2.256 ], [ -44.514, -2.268 ], [ -44.502, -2.26 ], [ -44.504, -2.256 ] ] ], [ [ [ -29.34, -20.484 ], [ -29.301, -20.521 ], [ -29.341, -20.511 ], [ -29.34, -20.484 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.001, -13.94 ], [ -39.012, -13.915 ], [ -38.994, -13.896 ], [ -39.001, -13.94 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.043, -13.909 ], [ -39.059, -13.904 ], [ -39.054, -13.886 ], [ -39.028, -13.903 ], [ -39.043, -13.909 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.251, -18.015 ], [ -39.283, -18.005 ], [ -39.272, -17.982 ], [ -39.245, -18.006 ], [ -39.251, -18.015 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.131, -17.927 ], [ -39.154, -17.921 ], [ -39.137, -17.91 ], [ -39.131, -17.927 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.212, -17.986 ], [ -39.228, -17.979 ], [ -39.215, -17.944 ], [ -39.202, -17.95 ], [ -39.212, -17.986 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.341, -23.231 ], [ -44.372, -23.174 ], [ -44.232, -23.089 ], [ -44.087, -23.173 ], [ -44.3, -23.184 ], [ -44.341, -23.231 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.356, -23.073 ], [ -44.388, -23.048 ], [ -44.373, -23.033 ], [ -44.343, -23.041 ], [ -44.356, -23.073 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.929, -23.014 ], [ -43.936, -22.999 ], [ -43.916, -22.989 ], [ -43.929, -23.014 ] ] ], [ [ [ -42.002, -23.018 ], [ -42.015, -23.003 ], [ -41.98, -22.975 ], [ -41.975, -22.992 ], [ -42.002, -23.018 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.904, -22.962 ], [ -43.907, -22.936 ], [ -43.868, -22.926 ], [ -43.871, -22.95 ], [ -43.904, -22.962 ] ] ], [ [ [ -41.042, -21.613 ], [ -41.042, -21.6 ], [ -41.019, -21.606 ], [ -41.042, -21.613 ] ] ], [ [ [ -52.112, -32 ], [ -52.18, -32.035 ], [ -52.216, -32.025 ], [ -52.198, -31.978 ], [ -52.112, -32 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.641, -30.388 ], [ -50.629, -30.394 ], [ -50.624, -30.329 ], [ -50.592, -30.399 ], [ -50.609, -30.406 ], [ -50.641, -30.388 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.526, -27.462 ], [ -48.416, -27.38 ], [ -48.358, -27.446 ], [ -48.503, -27.799 ], [ -48.559, -27.842 ], [ -48.526, -27.462 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.354, -27.296 ], [ -48.376, -27.285 ], [ -48.373, -27.271 ], [ -48.36, -27.27 ], [ -48.354, -27.296 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.731, -26.314 ], [ -48.754, -26.297 ], [ -48.735, -26.282 ], [ -48.731, -26.314 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.318, -25.584 ], [ -48.309, -25.546 ], [ -48.381, -25.504 ], [ -48.312, -25.509 ], [ -48.292, -25.545 ], [ -48.318, -25.584 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.414, -25.544 ], [ -48.459, -25.514 ], [ -48.415, -25.527 ], [ -48.414, -25.544 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.424, -25.551 ], [ -48.479, -25.523 ], [ -48.485, -25.502 ], [ -48.424, -25.551 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.298, -25.493 ], [ -48.341, -25.416 ], [ -48.252, -25.341 ], [ -48.265, -25.44 ], [ -48.253, -25.466 ], [ -48.298, -25.493 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.417, -25.386 ], [ -48.424, -25.343 ], [ -48.405, -25.33 ], [ -48.417, -25.386 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.695, -24.112 ], [ -45.688, -24.088 ], [ -45.679, -24.098 ], [ -45.695, -24.112 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.251, -23.962 ], [ -45.301, -23.909 ], [ -45.453, -23.91 ], [ -45.332, -23.721 ], [ -45.227, -23.774 ], [ -45.224, -23.835 ], [ -45.283, -23.857 ], [ -45.221, -23.899 ], [ -45.251, -23.962 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.141, -23.817 ], [ -45.146, -23.791 ], [ -45.114, -23.801 ], [ -45.141, -23.817 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.153, -23.573 ], [ -45.153, -23.558 ], [ -45.141, -23.568 ], [ -45.153, -23.573 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.073, -23.564 ], [ -45.079, -23.525 ], [ -45.036, -23.531 ], [ -45.073, -23.564 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.608, -23.228 ], [ -44.59, -23.208 ], [ -44.577, -23.216 ], [ -44.608, -23.228 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.648, -12.821 ], [ -38.666, -12.777 ], [ -38.624, -12.762 ], [ -38.648, -12.821 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.529, -12.811 ], [ -38.544, -12.757 ], [ -38.532, -12.74 ], [ -38.508, -12.792 ], [ -38.529, -12.811 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.622, -12.752 ], [ -38.622, -12.727 ], [ -38.593, -12.733 ], [ -38.622, -12.752 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.646, -12.683 ], [ -38.648, -12.65 ], [ -38.636, -12.661 ], [ -38.646, -12.683 ] ] ], [ [ [ -32.402, -3.838 ], [ -32.428, -3.877 ], [ -32.483, -3.878 ], [ -32.402, -3.838 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.667, -3.179 ], [ -44.668, -3.16 ], [ -44.643, -3.148 ], [ -44.644, -3.17 ], [ -44.667, -3.179 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.671, -2.943 ], [ -44.67, -2.92 ], [ -44.647, -2.915 ], [ -44.671, -2.943 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.493, -2.641 ], [ -44.48, -2.601 ], [ -44.477, -2.627 ], [ -44.493, -2.641 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.897, -2.573 ], [ -43.896, -2.554 ], [ -43.886, -2.565 ], [ -43.897, -2.573 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.599, -2.503 ], [ -43.577, -2.471 ], [ -43.572, -2.483 ], [ -43.599, -2.503 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.822, -2.526 ], [ -43.829, -2.509 ], [ -43.813, -2.458 ], [ -43.812, -2.553 ], [ -43.82, -2.528 ], [ -43.822, -2.526 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.821, -2.529 ], [ -43.856, -2.502 ], [ -43.832, -2.439 ], [ -43.842, -2.504 ], [ -43.821, -2.529 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.863, -2.56 ], [ -43.875, -2.552 ], [ -43.865, -2.534 ], [ -43.863, -2.56 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.519, -2.536 ], [ -44.529, -2.526 ], [ -44.501, -2.48 ], [ -44.505, -2.444 ], [ -44.455, -2.434 ], [ -44.519, -2.536 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.602, -3.007 ], [ -44.657, -2.972 ], [ -44.613, -2.894 ], [ -44.575, -2.921 ], [ -44.602, -3.007 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.585, -2.978 ], [ -44.563, -2.914 ], [ -44.586, -2.826 ], [ -44.494, -2.705 ], [ -44.494, -2.953 ], [ -44.582, -3.041 ], [ -44.585, -2.978 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.826, -2.434 ], [ -43.842, -2.403 ], [ -43.811, -2.385 ], [ -43.807, -2.412 ], [ -43.826, -2.434 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.581, -2.441 ], [ -43.615, -2.389 ], [ -43.549, -2.377 ], [ -43.545, -2.403 ], [ -43.581, -2.441 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.791, -2.47 ], [ -43.806, -2.443 ], [ -43.78, -2.422 ], [ -43.759, -2.448 ], [ -43.791, -2.47 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.513, -2.424 ], [ -43.537, -2.416 ], [ -43.522, -2.39 ], [ -43.505, -2.414 ], [ -43.513, -2.424 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.792, -2.405 ], [ -43.798, -2.377 ], [ -43.771, -2.37 ], [ -43.792, -2.405 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.689, -2.355 ], [ -43.743, -2.352 ], [ -43.724, -2.305 ], [ -43.617, -2.253 ], [ -43.612, -2.275 ], [ -43.669, -2.301 ], [ -43.689, -2.355 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.73, -2.425 ], [ -43.732, -2.364 ], [ -43.67, -2.377 ], [ -43.681, -2.34 ], [ -43.63, -2.324 ], [ -43.643, -2.394 ], [ -43.73, -2.425 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.473, -2.125 ], [ -44.487, -2.113 ], [ -44.475, -2.096 ], [ -44.463, -2.104 ], [ -44.473, -2.125 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.456, -2.031 ], [ -44.447, -2.008 ], [ -44.439, -2.022 ], [ -44.456, -2.031 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.311, -1.964 ], [ -49.336, -1.996 ], [ -49.309, -1.943 ], [ -49.311, -1.964 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.323, -2.054 ], [ -49.329, -2.019 ], [ -49.316, -2.001 ], [ -49.323, -2.054 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.231, -1.829 ], [ -50.246, -1.824 ], [ -50.229, -1.816 ], [ -50.231, -1.829 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.615, -1.821 ], [ -44.622, -1.797 ], [ -44.597, -1.774 ], [ -44.583, -1.789 ], [ -44.615, -1.821 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.7, -1.811 ], [ -44.703, -1.78 ], [ -44.673, -1.78 ], [ -44.7, -1.811 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.691, -1.793 ], [ -49.721, -1.789 ], [ -49.719, -1.771 ], [ -49.697, -1.766 ], [ -49.691, -1.793 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.924, -1.711 ], [ -48.909, -1.713 ], [ -48.916, -1.734 ], [ -48.935, -1.713 ], [ -48.924, -1.711 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.757, -1.707 ], [ -44.767, -1.694 ], [ -44.736, -1.701 ], [ -44.757, -1.707 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.433, -1.684 ], [ -49.454, -1.706 ], [ -49.46, -1.684 ], [ -49.433, -1.684 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.357, -1.008 ], [ -46.342, -0.994 ], [ -46.353, -1.026 ], [ -46.357, -1.008 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.205, -1.021 ], [ -46.194, -1.014 ], [ -46.202, -1.032 ], [ -46.205, -1.021 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.662, -3.018 ], [ -44.673, -3.012 ], [ -44.664, -3.001 ], [ -44.649, -3.013 ], [ -44.662, -3.018 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.736, -1.683 ], [ -44.745, -1.677 ], [ -44.732, -1.668 ], [ -44.736, -1.683 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.231, -1.638 ], [ -49.237, -1.627 ], [ -49.217, -1.633 ], [ -49.231, -1.638 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.38, -1.685 ], [ -49.4, -1.682 ], [ -49.368, -1.669 ], [ -49.38, -1.685 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.426, -1.673 ], [ -49.429, -1.661 ], [ -49.406, -1.66 ], [ -49.426, -1.673 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.34, -1.672 ], [ -49.358, -1.662 ], [ -49.325, -1.647 ], [ -49.34, -1.672 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.289, -1.726 ], [ -45.305, -1.663 ], [ -45.257, -1.641 ], [ -45.244, -1.678 ], [ -45.28, -1.694 ], [ -45.289, -1.726 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.328, -1.743 ], [ -45.346, -1.719 ], [ -45.301, -1.596 ], [ -45.274, -1.635 ], [ -45.313, -1.654 ], [ -45.328, -1.743 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.886, -1.578 ], [ -48.89, -1.56 ], [ -48.859, -1.536 ], [ -48.856, -1.553 ], [ -48.886, -1.578 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.783, -1.682 ], [ -44.8, -1.595 ], [ -44.775, -1.62 ], [ -44.721, -1.567 ], [ -44.704, -1.611 ], [ -44.684, -1.575 ], [ -44.668, -1.669 ], [ -44.693, -1.638 ], [ -44.783, -1.682 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.816, -1.569 ], [ -44.837, -1.534 ], [ -44.787, -1.488 ], [ -44.825, -1.534 ], [ -44.816, -1.569 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.462, -1.517 ], [ -48.478, -1.499 ], [ -48.421, -1.503 ], [ -48.462, -1.517 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.793, -1.531 ], [ -44.774, -1.47 ], [ -44.763, -1.513 ], [ -44.793, -1.531 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.414, -1.427 ], [ -45.423, -1.416 ], [ -45.409, -1.405 ], [ -45.414, -1.427 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45, -1.296 ], [ -44.922, -1.265 ], [ -44.877, -1.309 ], [ -44.895, -1.34 ], [ -44.922, -1.305 ], [ -44.907, -1.341 ], [ -44.999, -1.405 ], [ -45.033, -1.339 ], [ -45, -1.32 ], [ -44.995, -1.36 ], [ -45, -1.296 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.044, -1.402 ], [ -45.07, -1.33 ], [ -45.052, -1.342 ], [ -45.044, -1.402 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.333, -1.569 ], [ -45.371, -1.544 ], [ -45.347, -1.489 ], [ -45.313, -1.506 ], [ -45.333, -1.569 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.969, -1.522 ], [ -44.976, -1.493 ], [ -44.959, -1.483 ], [ -44.969, -1.522 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.393, -1.512 ], [ -48.371, -1.476 ], [ -48.341, -1.483 ], [ -48.393, -1.512 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.413, -1.498 ], [ -48.426, -1.491 ], [ -48.387, -1.476 ], [ -48.413, -1.498 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.118, -1.47 ], [ -45.132, -1.462 ], [ -45.115, -1.364 ], [ -45.103, -1.373 ], [ -45.118, -1.47 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.593, -1.251 ], [ -45.581, -1.19 ], [ -45.536, -1.205 ], [ -45.532, -1.231 ], [ -45.593, -1.251 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.559, -1.243 ], [ -48.56, -1.202 ], [ -48.523, -1.199 ], [ -48.559, -1.243 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.817, -1.163 ], [ -45.829, -1.141 ], [ -45.804, -1.127 ], [ -45.817, -1.163 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.877, -1.154 ], [ -45.9, -1.117 ], [ -45.883, -1.073 ], [ -45.849, -1.123 ], [ -45.877, -1.154 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.192, -1.05 ], [ -46.201, -1.041 ], [ -46.185, -1.027 ], [ -46.192, -1.05 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.291, -1.01 ], [ -46.307, -0.992 ], [ -46.306, -0.961 ], [ -46.291, -1.01 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.078, -1.095 ], [ -46.065, -1.05 ], [ -46.061, -1.074 ], [ -46.078, -1.095 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.68, -1.295 ], [ -45.687, -1.275 ], [ -45.667, -1.26 ], [ -45.654, -1.285 ], [ -45.68, -1.295 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.538, -1.282 ], [ -48.549, -1.262 ], [ -48.53, -1.25 ], [ -48.538, -1.282 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.51, -1.27 ], [ -48.522, -1.247 ], [ -48.506, -1.236 ], [ -48.51, -1.27 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.694, -1.37 ], [ -45.646, -1.289 ], [ -45.625, -1.126 ], [ -45.634, -1.349 ], [ -45.694, -1.37 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.688, -1.266 ], [ -45.708, -1.228 ], [ -45.685, -1.194 ], [ -45.664, -1.231 ], [ -45.688, -1.266 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.425, -0.914 ], [ -46.454, -0.907 ], [ -46.408, -0.868 ], [ -46.395, -0.899 ], [ -46.425, -0.914 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.72, -0.848 ], [ -46.735, -0.832 ], [ -46.729, -0.796 ], [ -46.72, -0.848 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.611, -0.799 ], [ -46.622, -0.784 ], [ -46.601, -0.789 ], [ -46.611, -0.799 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.586, -0.849 ], [ -46.621, -0.807 ], [ -46.589, -0.815 ], [ -46.586, -0.849 ] ] ], [ [ [ -47.447, -0.748 ], [ -47.453, -0.732 ], [ -47.436, -0.717 ], [ -47.428, -0.738 ], [ -47.447, -0.748 ] ] ], [ [ [ -47.461, -0.741 ], [ -47.463, -0.702 ], [ -47.445, -0.697 ], [ -47.461, -0.741 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.214, -0.411 ], [ -51.211, -0.386 ], [ -51.164, -0.347 ], [ -51.163, -0.383 ], [ -51.214, -0.411 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.352, -0.353 ], [ -51.346, -0.31 ], [ -51.317, -0.268 ], [ -51.327, -0.33 ], [ -51.352, -0.353 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.127, -0.268 ], [ -51.131, -0.237 ], [ -51.091, -0.208 ], [ -51.087, -0.229 ], [ -51.127, -0.268 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.888, -0.198 ], [ -48.91, -0.188 ], [ -48.893, -0.134 ], [ -48.847, -0.177 ], [ -48.888, -0.198 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.174, -0.091 ], [ -51.191, -0.064 ], [ -51.126, -0.057 ], [ -51.174, -0.091 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.114, -0.146 ], [ -49.097, -0.121 ], [ -49.08, -0.13 ], [ -49.114, -0.146 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.166, -0.142 ], [ -49.188, -0.115 ], [ -49.156, -0.128 ], [ -49.166, -0.142 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.119, -0.141 ], [ -49.143, -0.107 ], [ -49.114, -0.11 ], [ -49.119, -0.141 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.127, -0.128 ], [ -51.094, -0.103 ], [ -51.108, -0.127 ], [ -51.127, -0.128 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.414, -0.999 ], [ -46.384, -0.941 ], [ -46.367, -0.948 ], [ -46.414, -0.999 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.647, -0.97 ], [ -46.658, -0.968 ], [ -46.618, -0.957 ], [ -46.647, -0.97 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.488, -0.942 ], [ -46.465, -0.877 ], [ -46.464, -0.924 ], [ -46.44, -0.922 ], [ -46.482, -0.976 ], [ -46.441, -0.999 ], [ -46.525, -1.016 ], [ -46.527, -0.917 ], [ -46.509, -0.984 ], [ -46.488, -0.942 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.632, 0.159 ], [ -49.662, 0.184 ], [ -49.629, 0.202 ], [ -49.61, 0.181 ], [ -49.632, 0.159 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.641, 0.26 ], [ -50.63, 0.293 ], [ -50.586, 0.308 ], [ -50.641, 0.26 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.2, 0.255 ], [ -50.243, 0.248 ], [ -50.147, 0.337 ], [ -50.059, 0.346 ], [ -50.2, 0.255 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.417, 0.159 ], [ -50.535, 0.234 ], [ -50.36, 0.615 ], [ -50.328, 0.383 ], [ -50.285, 0.3 ], [ -50.413, 0.237 ], [ -50.417, 0.159 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.279, 0.338 ], [ -50.271, 0.599 ], [ -50.147, 0.608 ], [ -50.142, 0.576 ], [ -50.107, 0.636 ], [ -50.063, 0.623 ], [ -50.05, 0.518 ], [ -50.279, 0.338 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50, 0.943 ], [ -50.113, 0.907 ], [ -50.018, 1.034 ], [ -49.935, 1.069 ], [ -49.939, 0.996 ], [ -50, 0.943 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.881, 1.227 ], [ -49.909, 1.246 ], [ -49.886, 1.244 ], [ -49.881, 1.227 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.907, 1.278 ], [ -49.885, 1.291 ], [ -49.863, 1.278 ], [ -49.876, 1.252 ], [ -49.907, 1.278 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.204, 1.851 ], [ -50.232, 1.879 ], [ -50.22, 1.915 ], [ -50.169, 1.865 ], [ -50.204, 1.851 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.468, 1.954 ], [ -50.521, 2.026 ], [ -50.497, 2.139 ], [ -50.398, 2.167 ], [ -50.367, 2.19 ], [ -50.276, 1.939 ], [ -50.423, 1.849 ], [ -50.468, 1.954 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.504, 2.255 ], [ -50.414, 2.244 ], [ -50.382, 2.204 ], [ -50.489, 2.15 ], [ -50.564, 2.205 ], [ -50.504, 2.255 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.229, 0.832 ], [ -50.098, 0.839 ], [ -50.027, 0.898 ], [ -50.105, 0.757 ], [ -50.162, 0.775 ], [ -50.249, 0.72 ], [ -50.229, 0.832 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.131, 0.844 ], [ -50.162, 0.867 ], [ -50.132, 0.9 ], [ -50.119, 0.854 ], [ -50.131, 0.844 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.108, 0.85 ], [ -50.111, 0.891 ], [ -50.049, 0.886 ], [ -50.108, 0.85 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.216, -0.055 ], [ -50.235, -0.042 ], [ -50.219, -0.04 ], [ -50.216, -0.055 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.916, -0.052 ], [ -50.926, -0.047 ], [ -50.907, -0.043 ], [ -50.916, -0.052 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.605, -0.061 ], [ -50.618, -0.022 ], [ -50.559, -0.038 ], [ -50.605, -0.061 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.399, -0.061 ], [ -50.44, -0.057 ], [ -50.378, -0.015 ], [ -50.357, -0.049 ], [ -50.399, -0.061 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.75, 0 ], [ -49.609, 0.08 ], [ -49.474, 0.081 ], [ -49.338, -0.017 ], [ -49.487, -0.136 ], [ -49.723, -0.147 ], [ -49.835, -0.088 ], [ -49.75, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.023, -0.019 ], [ -49.039, -0.011 ], [ -49.02, -0.006 ], [ -49.023, -0.019 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.932, 0.052 ], [ -50.918, 0.084 ], [ -50.884, 0.078 ], [ -50.899, 0.057 ], [ -50.932, 0.052 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.928, 0 ], [ -50.786, 0.05 ], [ -50.717, 0.028 ], [ -50.94, -0.041 ], [ -50.928, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.691, 0.025 ], [ -50.655, 0.015 ], [ -50.703, 0.021 ], [ -50.691, 0.025 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.629, -0.043 ], [ -50.642, -0.016 ], [ -50.622, -0.026 ], [ -50.629, -0.043 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.642, 0 ], [ -50.611, 0.007 ], [ -50.595, -0.019 ], [ -50.642, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.536, 0 ], [ -50.653, 0.126 ], [ -50.59, 0.203 ], [ -50.434, 0.126 ], [ -50.436, 0 ], [ -50.536, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50, 0.311 ], [ -49.674, 0.368 ], [ -49.601, 0.283 ], [ -49.86, 0.008 ], [ -49.99, -0.048 ], [ -50.086, 0.034 ], [ -50.351, 0.044 ], [ -50.394, 0.222 ], [ -50.153, 0.227 ], [ -50, 0.311 ] ] ] ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "La costa de lo que hoy es territorio brasileño fue el primer punto al que llegaron los europeos en América del Sur. La primera expedición que exploró la región fue un desprendimiento de la flota portuguesa que Vasco da Gama (c. 1460-1524) llevaba hacia oriente. Las naves dirigidas por Pedro Álvarez de Cabral (1467-1520) se alejaron excesivamente de la costa de África y terminaron en el extremo sur de actual territorio del Estado de Bahía, en que el permanecieron entre abril y mayo del año 1500. Los portuguese establecieron en la costa precarias feitorias para comerciar verzino o palo brasil con los nativos de las sociedades tupí y guaraní nativas. Recién en 1530 la corona brasileña tomaría acciones decididas para organizar la ocupación portuguesa y las actividades de explotación, cuando instaura el régimen de capitanías hereditarias que estructuraría el establecimiento colonial lusitano en brasil. Bibliografía: Johnson, H. B., \"Portuguese Settlement, 1500-1580\", en Bethell, Leslie (ed.), Colonial Brazil, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1987, pp. 1-38; Abulafia, David, El descubrimiento de la humanidad. Encuentros atlánticos en la era de Colón, Barcelona, Crítica, 2009 [2008]; Metcalf, Alida C., Go-Betweens and the Colonization of Brazil, 1500-1600, Austin, University of Texas Press, 2005; Vaz de Caminha, Pêro, Carta del descubrimiento del Brasil, Barcelona, Acantilado, 2009.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-12-03T14:17:24+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 107839, "end" : 107845 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Brasil" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/3fb55569-3c3b-4969-ae14-f87e60d7155a", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://sws.geonames.org/3895114", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-12-03T14:38:13+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-12-03T14:38:13+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "MultiPolygon", "coordinates" : [ [ [ [ -73.738, -42.855 ], [ -73.546, -42.974 ], [ -73.511, -43.071 ], [ -73.576, -43.036 ], [ -73.615, -43.055 ], [ -73.494, -43.086 ], [ -73.479, -43.146 ], [ -73.54, -43.103 ], [ -73.707, -43.15 ], [ -73.731, -43.093 ], [ -73.753, -43.205 ], [ -73.662, -43.32 ], [ -73.877, -43.283 ], [ -73.811, -43.314 ], [ -73.801, -43.417 ], [ -73.976, -43.364 ], [ -73.999, -43.393 ], [ -74.02, 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-73.781, -42.533 ], [ -73.723, -42.46 ], [ -73.755, -42.428 ], [ -73.803, -42.524 ], [ -73.751, -42.552 ], [ -73.788, -42.612 ], [ -73.489, -42.792 ], [ -73.465, -42.884 ], [ -73.571, -42.887 ], [ -73.615, -42.805 ], [ -73.643, -42.846 ], [ -73.586, -42.889 ], [ -73.738, -42.855 ] ], [ [ -73.796, -41.87 ], [ -73.797, -41.87 ], [ -73.796, -41.87 ], [ -73.796, -41.87 ] ], [ [ -73.796, -41.87 ], [ -73.758, -41.927 ], [ -73.808, -41.953 ], [ -73.73, -41.958 ], [ -73.711, -41.928 ], [ -73.796, -41.87 ] ], [ [ -73.375, -42.246 ], [ -73.376, -42.246 ], [ -73.405, -42.259 ], [ -73.375, -42.246 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.437, -49.249 ], [ -75.587, -49.231 ], [ -75.617, -49.186 ], [ -75.563, -49.212 ], [ -75.554, -49.115 ], [ -75.495, -49.093 ], [ -75.542, -49.168 ], [ -75.441, -49.12 ], [ -75.48, -49.093 ], [ -75.284, -49.019 ], [ -75.294, -48.947 ], [ -75.364, -48.952 ], [ -75.475, -49.079 ], [ -75.687, -49.037 ], [ -75.615, -48.984 ], [ -75.551, -49.011 ], [ -75.461, -48.976 ], [ -75.482, -48.945 ], [ -75.537, -48.999 ], [ -75.653, -48.971 ], [ -75.654, -48.898 ], [ -75.592, -48.851 ], [ -75.562, -48.89 ], [ -75.554, -48.831 ], [ -75.517, -48.878 ], [ -75.536, -48.828 ], [ -75.437, -48.841 ], [ -75.541, -48.923 ], [ -75.401, -48.833 ], [ -75.389, -48.921 ], [ -75.323, -48.936 ], [ -75.369, -48.844 ], [ -75.263, -48.88 ], [ -75.233, -49.016 ], [ -75.172, -49.029 ], [ -75.366, -49.184 ], [ -75.382, -49.146 ], [ -75.457, -49.153 ], [ -75.437, -49.249 ] ], [ [ -75.382, -49.146 ], [ -75.361, -49.109 ], [ -75.364, -49.11 ], [ -75.382, -49.146 ] ], [ [ -75.361, -49.109 ], [ -75.332, -49.104 ], [ -75.346, -49.085 ], [ -75.361, -49.109 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.087, -45.791 ], [ -74.035, -45.74 ], [ -73.875, -45.752 ], [ -73.958, -45.792 ], [ -73.934, -45.871 ], [ -73.998, -45.937 ], [ -74.003, -45.85 ], [ -74.034, -45.859 ], [ -74.087, -45.791 ] ], [ [ -74.033, -45.838 ], [ -74.032, -45.838 ], [ -74.032, -45.815 ], [ -74.033, -45.838 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.455, -44.648 ], [ -73.389, -44.57 ], [ -73.355, -44.64 ], [ -73.313, -44.606 ], [ -73.214, -44.639 ], [ -73.281, -44.546 ], [ -73.128, -44.588 ], [ -73.121, -44.55 ], [ -73.253, -44.498 ], [ -73.248, -44.439 ], [ -73.16, -44.404 ], [ -73.102, -44.462 ], [ -73.093, -44.377 ], [ -72.975, -44.368 ], [ -72.905, -44.43 ], [ -72.984, -44.58 ], [ -72.867, -44.431 ], [ -72.687, -44.532 ], [ -72.807, -44.65 ], [ -72.97, -44.587 ], [ -72.962, -44.632 ], [ -72.796, -44.673 ], [ -72.818, -44.732 ], [ -73.212, -44.94 ], [ -73.396, -44.823 ], [ -73.163, -44.81 ], [ -73.265, -44.783 ], [ -73.261, -44.746 ], [ -73.36, -44.805 ], [ -73.393, -44.765 ], [ -73.351, -44.739 ], [ -73.432, -44.737 ], [ -73.455, -44.648 ] ], [ [ -73.076, -44.418 ], [ -73.074, -44.419 ], [ -73.073, -44.418 ], [ -73.076, -44.418 ] ], [ [ -73.074, -44.419 ], [ -73.038, -44.485 ], [ -73.001, -44.496 ], [ -73.04, -44.42 ], [ -73.074, -44.419 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.085, -50.809 ], [ -74.126, -50.772 ], [ -74.061, -50.704 ], [ -74.131, -50.698 ], [ -74.139, -50.76 ], [ -74.23, -50.616 ], [ -74.162, -50.562 ], [ -74.088, -50.593 ], [ -74.134, -50.555 ], [ -74.233, -50.565 ], [ -74.302, -50.475 ], [ -74.185, -50.474 ], [ -74.153, -50.544 ], [ -74.109, -50.516 ], [ -74.166, -50.492 ], [ -74, -50.541 ], [ -73.989, -50.572 ], [ -73.867, -50.565 ], [ -74.146, -50.444 ], [ -73.999, -50.379 ], [ -74.256, -50.453 ], [ -74.331, -50.411 ], [ -74.292, -50.358 ], [ -74.152, -50.347 ], [ -74.264, -50.327 ], [ -74.208, -50.296 ], [ -74.28, -50.318 ], [ -74.293, -50.253 ], [ -74.334, -50.39 ], [ -74.374, -50.381 ], [ -74.434, -50.377 ], [ -74.437, -50.395 ], [ -74.472, -50.352 ], [ -74.423, -50.323 ], [ -74.55, -50.303 ], [ -74.492, -50.301 ], [ -74.453, -50.241 ], [ -74.519, -50.28 ], [ -74.633, -50.242 ], [ -74.573, -50.181 ], [ -74.654, -50.253 ], [ -74.719, -50.24 ], [ -74.604, -50.123 ], [ -74.52, -50.113 ], [ -74.536, -50.167 ], [ -74.475, -50.135 ], [ -74.516, -50.089 ], [ -74.458, -50.12 ], [ -74.406, -50.095 ], [ -74.484, -50.074 ], [ -74.609, -50.108 ], [ -74.439, -50.023 ], [ -74.368, -50.058 ], [ -74.374, -50.103 ], [ -74.26, -50.137 ], [ -74.349, -50.198 ], [ -74.251, -50.161 ], [ -74.167, -50.293 ], [ -74.095, -50.23 ], [ -73.996, -50.287 ], [ -73.854, -50.301 ], [ -73.978, -50.274 ], [ -74.015, -50.219 ], [ -74.158, -50.218 ], [ -74.238, -50.07 ], [ -74.293, -50.077 ], [ -74.355, -49.998 ], [ -74.315, -49.924 ], [ -74.298, -49.967 ], [ -74.21, -49.939 ], [ -74.033, -50.052 ], [ -73.901, -50.032 ], [ -73.853, -50.075 ], [ -73.875, -50.024 ], [ -74.019, -50 ], [ -73.949, -49.936 ], [ -73.812, -49.924 ], [ -73.903, -49.918 ], [ -73.841, -49.835 ], [ -74.027, -49.984 ], [ -74.159, -49.894 ], [ -74.312, -49.883 ], [ -74.34, -49.789 ], [ -74.289, -49.806 ], [ -74.175, -49.741 ], [ -74.033, -49.763 ], [ -74.033, -49.705 ], [ -74.282, -49.755 ], [ -74.309, -49.715 ], [ -74.303, -49.617 ], [ -74.084, -49.538 ], [ -74.002, -49.558 ], [ -74.043, -49.645 ], [ -73.98, -49.563 ], [ -73.907, -49.561 ], [ -73.879, -49.654 ], [ -73.782, -49.678 ], [ -73.698, -49.802 ], [ -73.661, -49.725 ], [ -73.844, -49.649 ], [ -73.861, -49.536 ], [ -74.098, -49.501 ], [ -74.072, -49.275 ], [ -74.011, -49.268 ], [ -73.964, -49.324 ], [ -73.831, -49.357 ], [ -73.812, -49.401 ], [ -73.817, -49.346 ], [ -73.951, -49.314 ], [ -74.012, -49.251 ], [ -73.945, -49.168 ], [ -74.017, -49.086 ], [ -74.011, -49.152 ], [ -74.107, -49.256 ], [ -74.191, -49.211 ], [ -74.131, -49.271 ], [ -74.176, -49.533 ], [ -74.267, -49.501 ], [ -74.26, -49.561 ], [ -74.391, -49.618 ], [ -74.435, -49.484 ], [ -74.415, -49.39 ], [ -74.386, -49.406 ], [ -74.392, -49.188 ], [ -74.334, -49.192 ], [ -74.408, -49.066 ], [ -74.437, -49.122 ], [ -74.397, -49.293 ], [ -74.447, -49.471 ], [ -74.545, -49.501 ], [ -74.45, -49.525 ], [ -74.446, -49.599 ], [ -74.508, -49.604 ], [ -74.507, -49.664 ], [ -74.558, -49.672 ], [ -74.497, -49.67 ], [ -74.505, -49.629 ], [ -74.454, -49.609 ], [ -74.386, -49.652 ], [ -74.375, -49.753 ], [ -74.477, -49.733 ], [ -74.387, -49.771 ], [ -74.388, -49.897 ], [ -74.459, -49.835 ], [ -74.42, -49.919 ], [ -74.484, -49.965 ], [ -74.6, -49.869 ], [ -74.497, -49.977 ], [ -74.614, -50.052 ], [ -74.608, -50.02 ], [ -74.667, -50.032 ], [ -74.614, -49.986 ], [ -74.784, -50.045 ], [ -74.856, -49.987 ], [ -74.796, -49.942 ], [ -74.672, -49.905 ], [ -74.598, -49.939 ], [ -74.685, -49.892 ], [ -74.816, -49.938 ], [ -74.838, -49.964 ], [ -74.886, -49.934 ], [ -74.844, -49.87 ], [ -74.886, -49.832 ], [ -74.75, -49.874 ], [ -74.592, -49.785 ], [ -74.809, -49.833 ], [ -74.696, -49.715 ], [ -74.819, -49.803 ], [ -74.861, -49.774 ], [ -74.834, -49.716 ], [ -74.894, -49.673 ], [ -74.791, -49.673 ], [ -74.868, -49.635 ], [ -74.861, -49.597 ], [ -74.74, -49.628 ], [ -74.659, -49.623 ], [ -74.759, -49.614 ], [ -74.718, -49.576 ], [ -74.716, -49.547 ], [ -74.777, -49.604 ], [ -74.865, -49.543 ], [ -74.747, -49.463 ], [ -74.694, -49.511 ], [ -74.739, -49.445 ], [ -74.601, -49.427 ], [ -74.694, -49.413 ], [ -74.58, -49.301 ], [ -74.704, -49.395 ], [ -74.791, -49.35 ], [ -74.718, -49.41 ], [ -74.849, -49.5 ], [ -74.858, -49.391 ], [ -74.906, -49.537 ], [ -74.933, -49.446 ], [ -74.888, -49.412 ], [ -74.946, -49.423 ], [ -74.949, -49.488 ], [ -75.018, -49.455 ], [ -75.071, -49.485 ], [ -74.957, -49.5 ], [ -74.952, -49.536 ], [ -74.99, -49.519 ], [ -74.913, -49.623 ], [ -74.984, -49.73 ], [ -74.99, -49.789 ], [ -74.954, -49.71 ], [ -74.899, -49.746 ], [ -74.988, -49.857 ], [ -74.953, -49.861 ], [ -74.973, -49.896 ], [ -75.031, -49.902 ], [ -74.994, -49.811 ], [ -75.036, -49.861 ], [ -75.104, -49.851 ], [ -75.145, -49.775 ], [ -75.1, -49.749 ], [ -75.164, -49.757 ], [ -75.203, -49.692 ], [ -75.173, -49.675 ], [ -75.234, -49.665 ], [ -75.114, -49.647 ], [ -75.206, -49.641 ], [ -75.129, -49.582 ], [ -75.224, -49.639 ], [ -75.202, -49.616 ], [ -75.277, -49.611 ], [ -75.125, -49.508 ], [ -75.234, -49.562 ], [ -75.288, -49.541 ], [ -75.173, -49.486 ], [ -75.216, -49.485 ], [ -75.198, -49.444 ], [ -75.302, -49.521 ], [ -75.33, -49.476 ], [ -75.282, -49.428 ], [ -75.378, -49.495 ], [ -75.299, -49.388 ], [ -75.398, -49.448 ], [ -75.445, -49.279 ], [ -75.319, -49.266 ], [ -75.412, -49.334 ], [ -75.32, -49.286 ], [ -75.242, -49.407 ], [ -75.109, -49.483 ], [ -75.186, -49.422 ], [ -74.943, -49.407 ], [ -75.196, -49.415 ], [ -75.126, -49.397 ], [ -75.232, -49.38 ], [ -75.269, -49.323 ], [ -75.187, -49.33 ], [ -75.275, -49.313 ], [ -75.301, -49.27 ], [ -75.241, -49.276 ], [ -75.303, -49.256 ], [ -75.226, -49.237 ], [ -75.219, -49.191 ], [ -74.972, -49.294 ], [ -75.076, -49.181 ], [ -74.981, -49.182 ], [ -75.208, -49.172 ], [ -75.093, -49.14 ], [ -75.127, -49.111 ], [ -75.23, -49.159 ], [ -75.132, -49.032 ], [ -75.052, -49.064 ], [ -75.105, -49.014 ], [ -74.969, -49.088 ], [ -74.969, -49.034 ], [ -75.077, -48.975 ], [ -75.206, -49.005 ], [ -75.247, -48.889 ], [ -75.219, -48.897 ], [ -75.184, -48.846 ], [ -75.263, -48.866 ], [ -75.348, -48.794 ], [ -75.322, -48.771 ], [ -75.092, -48.867 ], [ -75.061, -48.922 ], [ -75.174, -48.909 ], [ -75.155, -48.94 ], [ -74.987, -48.974 ], [ -74.862, -49.091 ], [ -74.916, -49.172 ], [ -74.862, -49.147 ], [ -74.893, -49.297 ], [ -74.855, -49.367 ], [ -74.856, -49.219 ], [ -74.785, -49.231 ], [ -74.855, -49.185 ], [ -74.822, -49.156 ], [ -74.75, -49.193 ], [ -74.819, -49.117 ], [ -74.733, -49.082 ], [ -74.912, -48.995 ], [ -74.816, -48.946 ], [ -74.77, -49.009 ], [ -74.722, -49.021 ], [ -74.789, -48.975 ], [ -74.788, -48.916 ], [ -74.953, -48.969 ], [ -74.889, -48.935 ], [ -74.966, -48.931 ], [ -74.842, -48.88 ], [ -74.998, -48.894 ], [ -74.816, -48.802 ], [ -74.992, -48.867 ], [ -75.037, -48.819 ], [ -75.014, -48.771 ], [ -74.924, -48.807 ], [ -74.915, -48.751 ], [ -74.99, -48.762 ], [ -74.79, -48.67 ], [ -74.773, -48.708 ], [ -74.826, -48.744 ], [ -74.753, -48.819 ], [ -74.776, -48.677 ], [ -74.695, -48.671 ], [ -74.717, -48.636 ], [ -74.8, -48.652 ], [ -74.905, -48.722 ], [ -75.001, -48.741 ], [ -74.994, -48.671 ], [ -74.878, -48.693 ], [ -74.978, -48.657 ], [ -74.99, -48.623 ], [ -74.961, -48.645 ], [ -74.831, -48.644 ], [ -75.007, -48.601 ], [ -75.022, -48.506 ], [ -74.816, -48.402 ], [ -74.818, -48.53 ], [ -74.788, -48.472 ], [ -74.756, -48.56 ], [ -74.706, -48.463 ], [ -74.777, -48.414 ], [ -74.813, -48.307 ], [ -74.735, -48.134 ], [ -74.678, -48.19 ], [ -74.736, -48.208 ], [ -74.697, -48.221 ], [ -74.714, -48.273 ], [ -74.653, -48.251 ], [ -74.672, -48.301 ], [ -74.586, -48.398 ], [ -74.684, -48.426 ], [ -74.595, -48.476 ], [ -74.61, -48.603 ], [ -74.523, -48.641 ], [ -74.519, -48.575 ], [ -74.472, -48.64 ], [ -74.596, -48.711 ], [ -74.628, -48.841 ], [ -74.565, -48.719 ], [ -74.488, -48.699 ], [ -74.486, -48.854 ], [ -74.578, -48.933 ], [ -74.477, -48.872 ], [ -74.42, -48.94 ], [ -74.527, -49.01 ], [ -74.412, -49.013 ], [ -74.409, -48.944 ], [ -74.327, -48.949 ], [ -74.446, -48.884 ], [ -74.365, -48.877 ], [ -74.442, -48.852 ], [ -74.384, -48.724 ], [ -74.221, -48.855 ], [ -74.196, -48.835 ], [ -74.318, -48.751 ], [ -74.195, -48.719 ], [ -74.057, -48.749 ], [ -74.134, -48.707 ], [ -74.29, -48.736 ], [ -74.308, -48.694 ], [ -74.221, -48.657 ], [ -74.355, -48.69 ], [ -74.4, -48.618 ], [ -74.361, -48.577 ], [ -74.225, -48.556 ], [ -74.271, -48.526 ], [ -74.192, -48.483 ], [ -73.967, -48.608 ], [ -74.041, -48.536 ], [ -74.028, -48.452 ], [ -73.881, -48.432 ], [ -74.019, -48.422 ], [ -74.144, -48.362 ], [ -74.241, -48.355 ], [ -73.954, -48.326 ], [ -74.273, -48.344 ], [ -74.239, -48.299 ], [ -74.303, -48.219 ], [ -74.434, -48.191 ], [ -74.513, -48.104 ], [ -74.403, -48.014 ], [ -74.599, -48.102 ], [ -74.646, -48.071 ], [ -74.632, -47.994 ], [ -74.53, -47.942 ], [ -74.332, -48.016 ], [ -74.386, -48.015 ], [ -74.257, -48.16 ], [ -74.261, -48.266 ], [ -74.238, -48.197 ], [ -74.187, -48.252 ], [ -74.144, -48.229 ], [ -74.224, -48.192 ], [ -74.297, -48.014 ], [ -74.189, -48.001 ], [ -74.156, -48.085 ], [ -74.179, -48.001 ], [ -74.105, -47.984 ], [ -74.041, -48.05 ], [ -73.898, -48.035 ], [ -73.872, -48.124 ], [ -73.762, -48.04 ], [ -73.805, -48.117 ], [ -73.789, -48.162 ], [ -73.743, -48.1 ], [ -73.593, -48.151 ], [ -73.639, -48.266 ], [ -73.584, -48.214 ], [ -73.529, -48.254 ], [ -73.487, -48.185 ], [ -73.4, -48.22 ], [ -73.275, -48.161 ], [ -73.263, -48.035 ], [ -73.293, -48.144 ], [ -73.364, -48.19 ], [ -73.589, -48.04 ], [ -73.525, -48.001 ], [ -73.639, -48.012 ], [ -73.647, -47.888 ], [ -73.541, -47.885 ], [ -73.607, -47.841 ], [ -73.585, -47.807 ], [ -73.711, -47.775 ], [ -73.73, -47.696 ], [ -73.671, -47.644 ], [ -73.723, -47.566 ], [ -73.748, -47.784 ], [ -73.924, -47.842 ], [ -74.034, -47.791 ], [ -74.361, -47.788 ], [ -74.381, -47.74 ], [ -74.515, -47.787 ], [ -74.717, -47.728 ], [ -74.633, -47.584 ], [ -74.535, -47.521 ], [ -74.401, -47.55 ], [ -74.431, -47.676 ], [ -74.144, -47.602 ], [ -74.316, -47.591 ], [ -74.452, -47.482 ], [ -74.428, -47.426 ], [ -74.478, -47.468 ], [ -74.515, -47.42 ], [ -74.304, -47.203 ], [ -74.138, -47.213 ], [ -74.03, -47.164 ], [ -74.051, -47.13 ], [ -74.121, -47.177 ], [ -74.223, -47.153 ], [ -74.179, -47.014 ], [ -73.999, -46.974 ], [ -74.103, -46.99 ], [ -74.309, -46.802 ], [ -74.233, -46.811 ], [ -74.267, -46.756 ], [ -74.641, -46.804 ], [ -74.419, -46.859 ], [ -74.434, -46.887 ], [ -74.369, -46.866 ], [ -74.387, -46.903 ], [ -74.672, -46.885 ], [ -74.79, -46.789 ], [ -74.834, -46.817 ], [ -74.983, -46.76 ], [ -75.051, -46.687 ], [ -75.069, -46.618 ], [ -74.937, -46.513 ], [ -74.974, -46.5 ], [ -75.181, -46.627 ], [ -75.325, -46.618 ], [ -75.361, -46.66 ], [ -75.394, -46.61 ], [ -75.516, -46.655 ], [ -75.536, -46.687 ], [ -75.482, -46.716 ], [ -75.364, -46.714 ], [ -75.419, -46.744 ], [ -75.303, -46.855 ], [ -75.368, -46.928 ], [ -75.55, -46.94 ], [ -75.633, -46.808 ], [ -75.687, -46.801 ], [ -75.691, -46.718 ], [ -75.623, -46.561 ], [ -75.534, -46.578 ], [ -75.486, -46.542 ], [ -75.519, -46.505 ], [ -75.337, -46.483 ], [ -75.364, -46.423 ], [ -75.2, -46.363 ], [ -75.196, -46.298 ], [ -75.133, -46.328 ], [ -75.05, -46.217 ], [ -74.932, -46.239 ], [ -74.89, -46.183 ], [ -74.886, -46.152 ], [ -74.738, -46.185 ], [ -74.79, -46.12 ], [ -74.763, -46.056 ], [ -74.702, -46.046 ], [ -74.703, -45.952 ], [ -74.901, -46.116 ], [ -75.025, -46.12 ], [ -75.073, -46.038 ], [ -74.976, -46.021 ], [ -75.095, -45.892 ], [ -75.033, -45.857 ], [ -74.841, -45.885 ], [ -74.727, -45.818 ], [ -74.512, -45.853 ], [ -74.427, -45.95 ], [ -74.476, -46.028 ], [ -74.434, -46.046 ], [ -74.375, -45.949 ], [ -74.458, -45.867 ], [ -74.447, -45.805 ], [ -74.296, -45.815 ], [ -74.278, -45.878 ], [ -74.23, -45.821 ], [ -74.073, -45.847 ], [ -74.089, -45.82 ], [ -74.045, -45.89 ], [ -74.077, -45.904 ], [ -73.949, -46.079 ], [ -74.031, -46.172 ], [ -73.877, -46.142 ], [ -73.74, -46.242 ], [ -73.779, -46.369 ], [ -73.879, -46.464 ], [ -73.866, -46.535 ], [ -73.89, -46.469 ], [ -73.963, -46.54 ], [ -73.911, -46.602 ], [ -73.835, -46.594 ], [ -73.762, -46.409 ], [ -73.609, -46.319 ], [ -73.492, -46.315 ], [ -73.557, -46.259 ], [ -73.329, -46.022 ], [ -73.404, -46.022 ], [ -73.608, -46.223 ], [ -73.586, -46.263 ], [ -73.682, -46.331 ], [ -73.62, -46.117 ], [ -73.642, -45.981 ], [ -73.534, -45.828 ], [ -73.343, -45.686 ], [ -73.15, -45.674 ], [ -73.344, -45.629 ], [ -73.568, -45.787 ], [ -73.48, -45.447 ], [ -73.207, -45.29 ], [ -72.99, -45.449 ], [ -72.877, -45.473 ], [ -72.797, -45.432 ], [ -72.809, -45.373 ], [ -72.917, -45.421 ], [ -73.012, -45.39 ], [ -73.201, -45.243 ], [ -73.337, -45.291 ], [ -73.446, -45.259 ], [ -73.433, -45.188 ], [ -73.307, -45.173 ], [ -73.421, -45.144 ], [ -73.418, -45.076 ], [ -73.337, -45.161 ], [ -73.282, -45.15 ], [ -73.38, -45.043 ], [ -73.361, -44.957 ], [ -73.1, -44.951 ], [ -72.712, -44.746 ], [ -72.729, -44.678 ], [ -72.668, -44.537 ], [ -72.573, -44.503 ], [ -72.602, -44.384 ], [ -72.68, -44.503 ], [ -72.723, -44.498 ], [ -72.817, -44.383 ], [ -72.92, -44.375 ], [ -72.917, -44.317 ], [ -73.187, -44.25 ], [ -73.135, -44.198 ], [ -73.289, -44.165 ], [ -73.275, -44.11 ], [ -73.212, -44.125 ], [ -73.2, -44.057 ], [ -73.092, -44.091 ], [ -73.133, -44.015 ], [ -73.042, -43.921 ], [ -73.067, -43.862 ], [ -72.943, -43.759 ], [ -73.054, -43.735 ], [ -72.881, -43.618 ], [ -72.891, -43.584 ], [ -72.998, -43.595 ], [ -73.094, -43.445 ], [ -73.051, -43.397 ], [ -73.066, -43.317 ], [ -72.876, -43.243 ], [ -72.915, -43.134 ], [ -72.857, -43.026 ], [ -72.744, -43.052 ], [ -72.809, -42.938 ], [ -72.707, -42.943 ], [ -72.856, -42.777 ], [ -72.798, -42.684 ], [ -72.86, -42.676 ], [ -72.821, -42.53 ], [ -72.527, -42.562 ], [ -72.626, -42.521 ], [ -72.84, -42.303 ], [ -72.587, -42.194 ], [ -72.516, -42.25 ], [ -72.446, -42.478 ], [ -72.394, -42.492 ], [ -72.47, -42.305 ], [ -72.431, -41.976 ], [ -72.494, -41.973 ], [ -72.581, -42.047 ], [ -72.879, -41.914 ], [ -72.653, -41.732 ], [ -72.357, -41.677 ], [ -72.286, -41.508 ], [ -72.339, -41.517 ], [ -72.387, -41.666 ], [ -72.572, -41.717 ], [ -72.649, -41.699 ], [ -72.787, -41.516 ], [ -72.938, -41.478 ], [ -73.089, -41.582 ], [ -73.039, -41.704 ], [ -73.138, -41.766 ], [ -73.189, -41.778 ], [ -73.191, -41.748 ], [ -73.259, -41.715 ], [ -73.259, -41.787 ], [ -73.41, -41.773 ], [ -73.354, -41.811 ], [ -73.759, -41.745 ], [ -73.655, -41.612 ], [ -73.752, -41.563 ], [ -73.796, -41.591 ], [ -73.804, -41.508 ], [ -73.862, -41.467 ], [ -73.835, -41.347 ], [ -73.933, -41.113 ], [ -73.944, -40.977 ], [ -73.847, -40.916 ], [ -73.89, -40.866 ], [ -73.806, -40.717 ], [ -73.838, -40.669 ], [ -73.72, -40.538 ], [ -73.779, -40.464 ], [ -73.731, -40.204 ], [ -73.658, -40.136 ], [ -73.713, -40.007 ], [ -73.466, -39.85 ], [ -73.373, -39.939 ], [ -73.405, -39.694 ], [ -73.254, -39.536 ], [ -73.262, -39.456 ], [ -73.204, -39.452 ], [ -73.239, -39.382 ], [ -73.211, -39.398 ], [ -73.192, -39.387 ], [ -73.233, -39.309 ], [ -73.211, -39.233 ], [ -73.489, -38.659 ], [ -73.533, -38.387 ], [ -73.451, -38.12 ], [ -73.49, -37.966 ], [ -73.666, -37.723 ], [ -73.679, -37.628 ], [ -73.59, -37.463 ], [ -73.683, -37.334 ], [ -73.585, -37.151 ], [ -73.559, -37.198 ], [ -73.448, -37.207 ], [ -73.448, -37.257 ], [ -73.276, -37.237 ], [ -73.155, -37.117 ], [ -73.19, -37.004 ], [ -73.155, -36.846 ], [ -73.217, -36.774 ], [ -73.135, -36.747 ], [ -73.161, -36.71 ], [ -73.114, -36.612 ], [ -73.105, -36.728 ], [ -72.992, -36.731 ], [ -72.961, -36.628 ], [ -73.004, -36.579 ], [ -72.978, -36.525 ], [ -72.935, -36.542 ], [ -72.81, -36.274 ], [ -72.788, -35.974 ], [ -72.567, -35.788 ], [ -72.631, -35.577 ], [ -72.498, -35.461 ], [ -72.496, -35.381 ], [ -72.432, -35.319 ], [ -72.377, -35.352 ], [ -72.385, -35.217 ], [ -72.193, -35.081 ], [ -72.181, -34.9 ], [ -72, -34.491 ], [ -72.054, -34.431 ], [ -71.973, -34.33 ], [ -72.01, -34.124 ], [ -71.853, -33.939 ], [ -71.788, -33.774 ], [ -71.645, -33.691 ], [ -71.601, -33.539 ], [ -71.709, -33.43 ], [ -71.655, -33.305 ], [ -71.757, -33.102 ], [ -71.681, -33.101 ], [ -71.661, -33.024 ], [ -71.563, -33.006 ], [ -71.567, -32.935 ], [ -71.524, -32.918 ], [ -71.557, -32.791 ], [ -71.452, -32.679 ], [ -71.487, -32.526 ], [ -71.41, -32.396 ], [ -71.544, -32.188 ], [ -71.495, -31.972 ], [ -71.502, -31.875 ], [ -71.559, -31.845 ], [ -71.508, -31.77 ], [ -71.671, -31.149 ], [ -71.648, -31.007 ], [ -71.716, -30.599 ], [ -71.649, -30.266 ], [ -71.626, -30.236 ], [ -71.603, -30.295 ], [ -71.525, -30.291 ], [ -71.453, -30.169 ], [ -71.395, -30.184 ], [ -71.371, -30.078 ], [ -71.419, -30.003 ], [ -71.35, -29.979 ], [ -71.348, -29.936 ], [ -71.294, -29.95 ], [ -71.275, -29.889 ], [ -71.344, -29.753 ], [ -71.286, -29.617 ], [ -71.332, -29.552 ], [ -71.309, -29.418 ], [ -71.34, -29.331 ], [ -71.495, -29.198 ], [ -71.466, -29.106 ], [ -71.53, -28.983 ], [ -71.495, -28.856 ], [ -71.301, -28.679 ], [ -71.319, -28.567 ], [ -71.166, -28.354 ], [ -71.201, -28.297 ], [ -71.157, -28.219 ], [ -71.185, -28.111 ], [ -71.038, -27.67 ], [ -71.003, -27.69 ], [ -70.905, -27.624 ], [ -70.889, -27.479 ], [ -70.961, -27.37 ], [ -70.928, -27.312 ], [ -70.97, -27.169 ], [ -70.931, -27.112 ], [ -70.874, -27.138 ], [ -70.811, -27.055 ], [ -70.828, -26.876 ], [ -70.688, -26.577 ], [ -70.697, -26.39 ], [ -70.628, -26.337 ], [ -70.676, -26.291 ], [ -70.631, -25.991 ], [ -70.736, -25.817 ], [ -70.686, -25.665 ], [ -70.64, -25.646 ], [ -70.65, -25.536 ], [ -70.539, -25.481 ], [ -70.522, -25.397 ], [ -70.45, -25.363 ], [ -70.441, -25.192 ], [ -70.508, -25.11 ], [ -70.471, -24.995 ], [ -70.58, -24.716 ], [ -70.579, -24.545 ], [ -70.499, -24.167 ], [ -70.515, -23.861 ], [ -70.391, -23.612 ], [ -70.404, -23.532 ], [ -70.479, -23.466 ], [ -70.547, -23.534 ], [ -70.624, -23.514 ], [ -70.598, -23.244 ], [ -70.557, -23.181 ], [ -70.579, -23.083 ], [ -70.509, -23.021 ], [ -70.479, -23.098 ], [ -70.408, -23.085 ], [ -70.287, -22.911 ], [ -70.31, -22.761 ], [ -70.237, -22.49 ], [ -70.191, -21.899 ], [ -70.145, -21.849 ], [ -70.147, -21.633 ], [ -70.095, -21.593 ], [ -70.056, -21.434 ], [ -70.083, -21.23 ], [ -70.178, -21.023 ], [ -70.137, -20.89 ], [ -70.208, -20.812 ], [ -70.123, -19.994 ], [ -70.169, -19.656 ], [ -70.235, -19.602 ], [ -70.2, -19.503 ], [ -70.285, -19.306 ], [ -70.268, -19.143 ], [ -70.36, -18.796 ], [ -70.303, -18.446 ], [ -70.374, -18.35 ], [ -69.948, -18.248 ], [ -69.753, -17.982 ], [ -69.819, -17.747 ], [ -69.799, -17.65 ], [ -69.662, -17.658 ], [ -69.463, -17.508 ], [ -69.461, -17.606 ], [ -69.308, -17.801 ], [ -69.296, -17.95 ], [ -69.069, -18.067 ], [ -69.139, -18.157 ], [ -69.036, -18.324 ], [ -68.978, -18.75 ], [ -68.909, -18.876 ], [ -68.957, -18.941 ], [ -68.884, -19.045 ], [ -68.407, -19.408 ], [ -68.691, -19.739 ], [ -68.53, -19.843 ], [ -68.524, -19.927 ], [ -68.56, -20.045 ], [ -68.78, -20.082 ], [ -68.705, -20.142 ], [ -68.663, -20.324 ], [ -68.756, -20.392 ], [ -68.678, -20.498 ], [ -68.439, -20.632 ], [ -68.549, -20.726 ], [ -68.547, -20.88 ], [ -68.515, -20.933 ], [ -68.401, -20.938 ], [ -68.172, -21.297 ], [ -68.177, -21.6 ], [ -68.057, -21.763 ], [ -68.064, -21.976 ], [ -67.943, -22.091 ], [ -67.946, -22.321 ], [ -67.848, -22.546 ], [ -67.875, -22.826 ], [ -67.572, -22.896 ], [ -67.178, -22.806 ], [ -66.988, -22.992 ], [ -67.338, -24.034 ], [ -68.214, -24.38 ], [ -68.317, -24.484 ], [ -68.391, -24.474 ], [ -68.567, -24.748 ], [ -68.572, -24.834 ], [ -68.337, -25.072 ], [ -68.505, -25.134 ], [ -68.551, -25.228 ], [ -68.533, -25.329 ], [ -68.598, -25.399 ], [ -68.487, -25.657 ], [ -68.39, -26.19 ], [ -68.57, -26.307 ], [ -68.588, -26.509 ], [ -68.272, -26.917 ], [ -68.327, -27.047 ], [ -68.481, -27.064 ], [ -68.544, -27.188 ], [ -68.684, -27.083 ], [ -68.797, -27.133 ], [ -68.849, -27.204 ], [ -68.82, -27.291 ], [ -69.062, -27.642 ], [ -69.104, -27.889 ], [ -69.242, -27.996 ], [ -69.37, -28.201 ], [ -69.437, -28.172 ], [ -69.482, -28.312 ], [ -69.632, -28.378 ], [ -69.634, -28.52 ], [ -69.706, -28.683 ], [ -69.672, -28.773 ], [ -69.766, -28.892 ], [ -69.785, -29.109 ], [ -69.95, -29.169 ], [ -70.018, -29.325 ], [ -69.882, -29.692 ], [ -69.94, -30.09 ], [ -69.827, -30.123 ], [ -69.807, -30.187 ], [ -69.975, -30.398 ], [ -70.154, -30.349 ], [ -70.129, -30.457 ], [ -70.305, -30.891 ], [ -70.267, -31.024 ], [ -70.391, -31.171 ], [ -70.445, -31.09 ], [ -70.511, -31.163 ], [ -70.553, -31.56 ], [ -70.465, -31.701 ], [ -70.44, -31.848 ], [ -70.268, -31.896 ], [ -70.202, -31.97 ], [ -70.278, -32.044 ], [ -70.386, -32.051 ], [ -70.299, -32.145 ], [ -70.318, -32.267 ], [ -70.224, -32.332 ], [ -70.234, -32.432 ], [ -70.142, -32.484 ], [ -70.146, -32.731 ], [ -69.997, -32.902 ], [ -70.093, -33.042 ], [ -70.025, -33.314 ], [ -69.964, -33.321 ], [ -69.888, -33.222 ], [ -69.747, -33.408 ], [ -69.865, -33.547 ], [ -69.885, -33.68 ], [ -69.89, -33.829 ], [ -69.83, -33.99 ], [ -69.876, -34.126 ], [ -69.815, -34.224 ], [ -69.914, -34.297 ], [ -69.976, -34.253 ], [ -70.042, -34.287 ], [ -70.011, -34.402 ], [ -70.134, -34.495 ], [ -70.226, -34.678 ], [ -70.315, -34.749 ], [ -70.262, -34.804 ], [ -70.37, -35.031 ], [ -70.363, -35.142 ], [ -70.426, -35.196 ], [ -70.548, -35.206 ], [ -70.578, -35.258 ], [ -70.424, -35.343 ], [ -70.401, -35.648 ], [ -70.326, -35.811 ], [ -70.423, -35.91 ], [ -70.381, -35.923 ], [ -70.372, -36.027 ], [ -70.419, -36.145 ], [ -70.471, -36.171 ], [ -70.577, -36.13 ], [ -70.699, -36.255 ], [ -70.694, -36.407 ], [ -70.886, -36.383 ], [ -70.936, -36.473 ], [ -71.034, -36.465 ], [ -71.024, -36.664 ], [ -71.066, -36.695 ], [ -71.112, -36.659 ], [ -71.17, -36.839 ], [ -71.102, -36.95 ], [ -71.203, -36.975 ], [ -71.092, -37.103 ], [ -71.213, -37.298 ], [ -71.116, -37.472 ], [ -71.129, -37.581 ], [ -71.202, -37.672 ], [ -71.136, -37.819 ], [ -71.191, -37.864 ], [ -71.125, -37.894 ], [ -70.999, -38.094 ], [ -71.043, -38.133 ], [ -71.002, -38.41 ], [ -70.833, -38.573 ], [ -70.948, -38.745 ], [ -71.241, -38.806 ], [ -71.428, -38.93 ], [ -71.386, -39.284 ], [ -71.472, -39.402 ], [ -71.467, -39.484 ], [ -71.533, -39.522 ], [ -71.481, -39.59 ], [ -71.606, -39.627 ], [ -71.688, -39.571 ], [ -71.716, -39.63 ], [ -71.689, -39.841 ], [ -71.59, -39.903 ], [ -71.684, -40.026 ], [ -71.671, -40.104 ], [ -71.816, -40.088 ], [ -71.831, -40.222 ], [ -71.749, -40.307 ], [ -71.681, -40.3 ], [ -71.654, -40.369 ], [ -71.719, -40.438 ], [ -71.805, -40.412 ], [ -71.85, -40.56 ], [ -71.883, -40.558 ], [ -71.833, -40.633 ], [ -71.947, -40.74 ], [ -71.858, -40.913 ], [ -71.894, -40.978 ], [ -71.828, -41.061 ], [ -71.843, -41.167 ], [ -71.879, -41.171 ], [ -71.842, -41.256 ], [ -71.906, -41.361 ], [ -71.819, -41.571 ], [ -71.855, -41.608 ], [ -71.826, -41.707 ], [ -71.746, -41.821 ], [ -71.728, -42.115 ], [ -71.919, -42.187 ], [ -72.028, -42.141 ], [ -72.125, -42.307 ], [ -72.05, -42.378 ], [ -72.029, -42.494 ], [ -72.134, -42.6 ], [ -72.11, -42.915 ], [ -71.979, -43.086 ], [ -71.74, -43.171 ], [ -71.729, -43.211 ], [ -71.734, -43.317 ], [ -71.891, -43.328 ], [ -71.933, -43.457 ], [ -71.846, -43.485 ], [ -71.86, -43.552 ], [ -71.775, -43.545 ], [ -71.693, -43.63 ], [ -71.583, -43.66 ], [ -71.755, -43.81 ], [ -71.658, -43.938 ], [ -71.755, -44.067 ], [ -71.844, -44.105 ], [ -71.79, -44.212 ], [ -71.837, -44.376 ], [ -71.224, -44.425 ], [ -71.11, -44.523 ], [ -71.131, -44.58 ], [ -71.209, -44.606 ], [ -71.219, -44.739 ], [ -71.303, -44.808 ], [ -71.475, -44.736 ], [ -71.632, -44.785 ], [ -72.07, -44.768 ], [ -72.047, -44.901 ], [ -71.56, -44.98 ], [ -71.297, -45.293 ], [ -71.505, -45.399 ], [ -71.46, -45.466 ], [ -71.483, -45.508 ], [ -71.758, -45.562 ], [ -71.722, -45.582 ], [ -71.773, -45.712 ], [ -71.747, -45.835 ], [ -71.63, -45.888 ], [ -71.598, -45.975 ], [ -71.757, -46.111 ], [ -71.892, -46.148 ], [ -71.763, -46.2 ], [ -71.646, -46.683 ], [ -71.931, -46.811 ], [ -71.913, -47.013 ], [ -71.985, -47.075 ], [ -71.854, -47.138 ], [ -71.86, -47.231 ], [ -72.022, -47.206 ], [ -72.019, -47.284 ], [ -72.146, -47.411 ], [ -72.336, -47.464 ], [ -72.288, -47.504 ], [ -72.281, -47.615 ], [ -72.391, -47.651 ], [ -72.429, -47.758 ], [ -72.499, -47.732 ], [ -72.452, -47.8 ], [ -72.52, -47.925 ], [ -72.334, -48.074 ], [ -72.281, -48.338 ], [ -72.379, -48.368 ], [ -72.355, -48.393 ], [ -72.425, -48.421 ], [ -72.391, -48.45 ], [ -72.451, -48.491 ], [ -72.598, -48.483 ], [ -72.55, -48.791 ], [ -72.736, -48.918 ], [ -72.928, -48.946 ], [ -73.093, -49.134 ], [ -73.493, -49.18 ], [ -73.45, -49.377 ], [ -73.523, -49.448 ], [ -73.501, -49.513 ], [ -73.583, -49.524 ], [ -73.495, -49.632 ], [ -73.53, -49.693 ], [ -73.452, -49.732 ], [ -73.434, -49.81 ], [ -73.545, -49.924 ], [ -73.497, -50.047 ], [ -73.541, -50.078 ], [ -73.576, -50.261 ], [ -73.438, -50.431 ], [ -73.119, -50.683 ], [ -73.171, -50.735 ], [ -73.133, -50.775 ], [ -72.738, -50.616 ], [ -72.602, -50.676 ], [ -72.474, -50.603 ], [ -72.278, -50.655 ], [ -72.327, -50.745 ], [ -72.231, -50.855 ], [ -72.25, -51.025 ], [ -72.342, -51.045 ], [ -72.402, -51.119 ], [ -72.26, -51.254 ], [ -72.321, -51.304 ], [ -72.35, -51.486 ], [ -72.438, -51.569 ], [ -72.342, -51.598 ], [ -72.293, -51.699 ], [ -72.148, -51.738 ], [ -71.955, -51.868 ], [ -72.002, -51.975 ], [ -70.019, -51.998 ], [ -69.484, -52.147 ], [ -69.203, -52.152 ], [ -68.824, -52.278 ], [ -68.427, -52.335 ], [ -68.424, -52.379 ], [ -68.497, -52.336 ], [ -69, -52.283 ], [ -69.204, -52.197 ], [ -69.447, -52.264 ], [ -69.489, -52.392 ], [ -69.573, -52.424 ], [ -69.544, -52.466 ], [ -69.668, -52.544 ], [ -69.852, -52.49 ], [ -70.16, -52.588 ], [ -70.216, -52.659 ], [ -70.324, -52.64 ], [ -70.551, -52.726 ], [ -70.519, -52.656 ], [ -70.724, -52.745 ], [ -70.747, -52.712 ], [ -70.805, -52.757 ], [ -70.875, -52.736 ], [ -70.738, -52.789 ], [ -70.831, -52.82 ], [ -70.852, -52.908 ], [ -70.898, -52.916 ], [ -70.792, -52.939 ], [ -70.836, -52.962 ], [ -70.864, -53.13 ], [ -70.932, -53.173 ], [ -70.932, -53.311 ], [ -70.983, -53.382 ], [ -70.907, -53.627 ], [ -70.939, -53.624 ], [ -70.962, -53.789 ], [ -71.289, -53.903 ], [ -71.721, -53.8 ], [ -71.902, -53.715 ], [ -71.867, -53.69 ], [ -71.929, -53.729 ], [ -72.095, -53.699 ], [ -72.401, -53.5 ], [ -72.473, -53.399 ], [ -72.411, -53.362 ], [ -72.436, -53.316 ], [ -72.314, -53.249 ], [ -72.131, -53.242 ], [ -72.108, -53.384 ], [ -72.283, -53.425 ], [ -72.211, -53.449 ], [ -72.012, -53.379 ], [ -72.034, -53.239 ], [ -71.869, -53.223 ], [ -71.758, -53.437 ], [ -71.904, -53.527 ], [ -72.067, -53.548 ], [ -71.946, -53.569 ], [ -71.776, -53.512 ], [ -71.74, -53.447 ], [ -71.773, -53.314 ], [ -71.736, -53.316 ], [ -71.73, -53.21 ], [ -71.35, -53.113 ], [ -71.125, -52.865 ], [ -71.181, -52.816 ], [ -71.379, -52.798 ], [ -71.396, -52.716 ], [ -71.558, -52.561 ], [ -72.335, -52.524 ], [ -72.455, -52.615 ], [ -72.413, -52.621 ], [ -72.438, -52.67 ], [ -72.57, -52.593 ], [ -72.397, -52.548 ], [ -72.408, -52.495 ], [ -72.583, -52.578 ], [ -72.655, -52.553 ], [ -72.618, -52.514 ], [ -72.776, -52.561 ], [ -72.878, -52.523 ], [ -72.869, -52.558 ], [ -72.913, -52.57 ], [ -72.875, -52.584 ], [ -72.941, -52.58 ], [ -72.892, -52.605 ], [ -73.012, -52.745 ], [ -72.829, -52.598 ], [ -72.682, -52.668 ], [ -72.892, -52.81 ], [ -72.964, -52.766 ], [ -72.943, -52.804 ], [ -73.056, -52.851 ], [ -72.957, -52.902 ], [ -72.993, -52.972 ], [ -72.955, -53.025 ], [ -73.006, -53.073 ], [ -73.055, -53.033 ], [ -73.037, -53.07 ], [ -73.147, -53.105 ], [ -73.189, -53.042 ], [ -73.145, -53.018 ], [ -73.207, -53.014 ], [ -73.228, -53.052 ], [ -73.172, -53.089 ], [ -73.245, -53.098 ], [ -73.448, -53.013 ], [ -73.323, -53.003 ], [ -73.402, -52.972 ], [ -73.256, -52.972 ], [ -73.288, -52.944 ], [ -73.183, -52.897 ], [ -73.293, -52.929 ], [ -73.326, -52.894 ], [ -73.402, -52.97 ], [ -73.499, -52.941 ], [ -73.415, -52.93 ], [ -73.522, -52.888 ], [ -73.802, -52.923 ], [ -73.729, -52.903 ], [ -73.75, -52.864 ], [ -73.589, -52.868 ], [ -73.605, -52.829 ], [ -73.352, -52.906 ], [ -73.582, -52.809 ], [ -73.453, -52.809 ], [ -73.48, -52.836 ], [ -73.421, -52.805 ], [ -73.467, -52.77 ], [ -73.394, -52.794 ], [ -73.407, -52.837 ], [ -73.239, -52.805 ], [ -73.265, -52.754 ], [ -73.317, -52.777 ], [ -73.311, -52.713 ], [ -73.289, -52.748 ], [ -73.246, -52.665 ], [ -73.131, -52.661 ], [ -73.168, -52.631 ], [ -73.149, -52.566 ], [ -72.995, -52.58 ], [ -73.142, -52.558 ], [ -73.082, -52.51 ], [ -73.161, -52.499 ], [ -73.224, -52.409 ], [ -73.203, -52.493 ], [ -73.289, -52.501 ], [ -73.205, -52.508 ], [ -73.162, -52.583 ], [ -73.271, -52.688 ], [ -73.327, -52.693 ], [ -73.355, -52.645 ], [ -73.311, -52.601 ], [ -73.353, -52.626 ], [ -73.424, -52.553 ], [ -73.375, -52.646 ], [ -73.659, -52.721 ], [ -73.607, -52.747 ], [ -73.626, -52.777 ], [ -73.677, -52.721 ], [ -73.736, -52.745 ], [ -73.574, -52.654 ], [ -73.688, -52.624 ], [ -73.594, -52.579 ], [ -73.637, -52.547 ], [ -73.551, -52.577 ], [ -73.62, -52.514 ], [ -73.494, -52.493 ], [ -73.559, -52.477 ], [ -73.533, -52.421 ], [ -73.598, -52.471 ], [ -73.675, -52.433 ], [ -73.673, -52.395 ], [ -73.587, -52.389 ], [ -73.61, -52.344 ], [ -73.573, -52.339 ], [ -73.656, -52.283 ], [ -73.591, -52.225 ], [ -73.741, -52.103 ], [ -73.682, -52.254 ], [ -73.854, -52.115 ], [ -74.103, -52.023 ], [ -73.974, -52.039 ], [ -74.096, -51.987 ], [ -74.103, -51.95 ], [ -74.061, -51.965 ], [ -74.102, -51.918 ], [ -73.991, -51.933 ], [ -74.007, -51.995 ], [ -73.964, -51.945 ], [ -73.756, -52.083 ], [ -73.715, -52.037 ], [ -73.561, -52.217 ], [ -73.5, -52.189 ], [ -73.558, -52.155 ], [ -73.469, -52.151 ], [ -73.347, -52.253 ], [ -73.252, -52.223 ], [ -73.245, -52.124 ], [ -73.168, -52.153 ], [ -73.036, -52.078 ], [ -73.111, -52.083 ], [ -73.084, -51.959 ], [ -72.909, -51.911 ], [ -72.882, -51.881 ], [ -73.033, -52.078 ], [ -72.995, -52.078 ], [ -72.995, -52.151 ], [ -73.082, -52.159 ], [ -73.121, -52.25 ], [ -73.08, -52.268 ], [ -73.066, -52.214 ], [ -72.991, -52.201 ], [ -72.936, -52.237 ], [ -72.957, -52.267 ], [ -72.871, -52.281 ], [ -72.898, -52.263 ], [ -72.846, -52.242 ], [ -72.812, -52.096 ], [ -72.741, -52.087 ], [ -72.776, -52.053 ], [ -72.841, -52.095 ], [ -72.898, -52.223 ], [ -72.959, -52.199 ], [ -72.96, -52.06 ], [ -72.936, -52.038 ], [ -72.908, -52.09 ], [ -72.9, -51.992 ], [ -72.776, -51.963 ], [ -72.725, -52.08 ], [ -72.664, -52.136 ], [ -72.621, -52.118 ], [ -72.54, -52.218 ], [ -72.62, -52.366 ], [ -72.715, -52.334 ], [ -72.782, -52.408 ], [ -72.853, -52.388 ], [ -72.833, -52.421 ], [ -72.978, -52.462 ], [ -72.739, -52.418 ], [ -72.625, -52.443 ], [ -72.671, -52.416 ], [ -72.557, -52.475 ], [ -72.514, -52.437 ], [ -72.671, -52.4 ], [ -72.524, -52.347 ], [ -72.476, -52.213 ], [ -72.658, -52.064 ], [ -72.666, -51.976 ], [ -72.629, -51.918 ], [ -72.571, -51.984 ], [ -72.582, -51.932 ], [ -72.45, -51.917 ], [ -72.519, -51.844 ], [ -72.463, -51.786 ], [ -72.556, -51.698 ], [ -72.653, -51.669 ], [ -72.651, -51.635 ], [ -72.697, -51.578 ], [ -72.679, -51.652 ], [ -72.718, -51.578 ], [ -73.087, -51.482 ], [ -73.07, -51.402 ], [ -73.084, -51.366 ], [ -73.129, -51.326 ], [ -73.113, -51.265 ], [ -73.021, -51.246 ], [ -73.086, -51.241 ], [ -73.129, -51.264 ], [ -73.141, -51.327 ], [ -73.097, -51.424 ], [ -73.269, -51.501 ], [ -73.058, -51.513 ], [ -73.04, -51.547 ], [ -73.114, -51.619 ], [ -72.991, -51.535 ], [ -72.77, -51.611 ], [ -72.691, -51.708 ], [ -72.535, -51.748 ], [ -72.617, -51.828 ], [ -72.734, -51.855 ], [ -72.817, -51.776 ], [ -72.966, -51.785 ], [ -73.05, -51.701 ], [ -73.196, -51.694 ], [ -73.201, -51.618 ], [ -73.236, -51.638 ], [ -73.297, -51.586 ], [ -73.223, -51.661 ], [ -73.288, -51.7 ], [ -73.089, -51.717 ], [ -72.997, -51.8 ], [ -73.083, -51.758 ], [ -73.171, -51.786 ], [ -73.074, -51.769 ], [ -73.042, -51.834 ], [ -73.219, -51.904 ], [ -73.093, -51.893 ], [ -72.988, -51.817 ], [ -72.917, -51.872 ], [ -73.136, -51.952 ], [ -73.163, -52.116 ], [ -73.242, -52.108 ], [ -73.271, -51.895 ], [ -73.343, -51.705 ], [ -73.4, -51.647 ], [ -73.287, -51.981 ], [ -73.273, -52.18 ], [ -73.407, -52.149 ], [ -73.593, -52.023 ], [ -73.601, -51.944 ], [ -73.563, -51.945 ], [ -73.652, -51.853 ], [ -73.598, -51.821 ], [ -73.507, -51.937 ], [ -73.534, -51.963 ], [ -73.456, -51.989 ], [ -73.42, -52.06 ], [ -73.388, -52.052 ], [ -73.478, -51.916 ], [ -73.425, -51.915 ], [ -73.529, -51.858 ], [ -73.514, -51.803 ], [ -73.601, -51.759 ], [ -73.64, -51.792 ], [ -73.623, -51.76 ], [ -73.566, -51.743 ], [ -73.56, -51.769 ], [ -73.499, -51.705 ], [ -73.621, -51.734 ], [ -73.628, -51.661 ], [ -73.69, -51.798 ], [ -73.777, -51.72 ], [ -73.749, -51.774 ], [ -73.797, -51.817 ], [ -73.94, -51.683 ], [ -73.935, -51.649 ], [ -73.832, -51.683 ], [ -73.839, -51.764 ], [ -73.792, -51.736 ], [ -73.813, -51.686 ], [ -73.701, -51.631 ], [ -73.927, -51.63 ], [ -73.917, -51.582 ], [ -73.837, -51.596 ], [ -73.864, -51.557 ], [ -73.791, -51.552 ], [ -73.91, -51.559 ], [ -73.903, -51.515 ], [ -73.971, -51.496 ], [ -73.915, -51.468 ], [ -73.947, -51.449 ], [ -73.915, -51.419 ], [ -73.966, -51.424 ], [ -73.893, -51.372 ], [ -73.723, -51.472 ], [ -73.653, -51.622 ], [ -73.585, -51.622 ], [ -73.614, -51.604 ], [ -73.69, -51.489 ], [ -73.652, -51.54 ], [ -73.586, -51.556 ], [ -73.649, -51.472 ], [ -73.57, -51.458 ], [ -73.684, -51.443 ], [ -73.719, -51.339 ], [ -73.727, -51.373 ], [ -73.847, -51.365 ], [ -73.861, -51.336 ], [ -73.782, -51.311 ], [ -73.891, -51.297 ], [ -73.813, -51.248 ], [ -73.736, -51.268 ], [ -73.785, -51.219 ], [ -73.732, -51.194 ], [ -73.677, -51.29 ], [ -73.697, -51.218 ], [ -73.644, -51.2 ], [ -73.707, -51.19 ], [ -73.682, -51.144 ], [ -73.726, -51.17 ], [ -73.816, -51.075 ], [ -73.742, -51.177 ], [ -73.905, -51.266 ], [ -73.999, -51.122 ], [ -74.029, -51.218 ], [ -74.129, -51.199 ], [ -74.164, -51.098 ], [ -74.137, -51.113 ], [ -74.118, -51.103 ], [ -74.094, -51.075 ], [ -74.157, -51.074 ], [ -74.134, -51.038 ], [ -74.045, -51.007 ], [ -74.077, -50.937 ], [ -74.207, -51.063 ], [ -74.154, -51.206 ], [ -74.259, -51.229 ], [ -74.315, -50.976 ], [ -74.273, -50.977 ], [ -74.323, -50.905 ], [ -74.226, -51.023 ], [ -74.202, -50.966 ], [ -74.245, -50.975 ], [ -74.239, -50.934 ], [ -74.191, -50.89 ], [ -73.92, -50.911 ], [ -73.942, -50.882 ], [ -73.9, -50.874 ], [ -73.803, -51.009 ], [ -73.764, -50.992 ], [ -73.776, -50.929 ], [ -73.883, -50.841 ], [ -73.819, -50.8 ], [ -73.732, -50.837 ], [ -73.787, -50.8 ], [ -73.787, -50.694 ], [ -73.63, -50.648 ], [ -73.54, -50.721 ], [ -73.538, -50.677 ], [ -73.382, -50.688 ], [ -73.74, -50.574 ], [ -73.705, -50.516 ], [ -73.627, -50.514 ], [ -73.598, -50.485 ], [ -73.575, -50.392 ], [ -73.644, -50.507 ], [ -73.73, -50.512 ], [ -73.767, -50.541 ], [ -73.817, -50.772 ], [ -73.939, -50.848 ], [ -74.033, -50.857 ], [ -74.076, -50.815 ], [ -74.085, -50.809 ] ], [ [ -74.406, -50.095 ], [ -74.406, -50.095 ], [ -74.406, -50.095 ], [ -74.406, -50.095 ] ], [ [ -74.406, -50.095 ], [ -74.403, -50.111 ], [ -74.383, -50.097 ], [ -74.406, -50.095 ] ], [ [ -74.015, -50.219 ], [ -73.996, -50.219 ], [ -74.011, -50.214 ], [ -74.015, -50.219 ] ], [ [ -73.996, -50.219 ], [ -73.946, -50.236 ], [ -73.946, -50.201 ], [ -73.964, -50.219 ], [ -73.996, -50.219 ] ], [ [ -74.209, -48.156 ], [ -74.204, -48.156 ], [ -74.164, -48.138 ], [ -74.209, -48.156 ] ], [ [ -72.984, -41.498 ], [ -72.953, -41.483 ], [ -72.98, -41.494 ], [ -72.984, -41.498 ] ], [ [ -73.082, -52.51 ], [ -73.05, -52.509 ], [ -73.059, -52.507 ], [ -73.082, -52.51 ] ], [ [ -73.05, -52.509 ], [ -72.936, -52.521 ], [ -72.881, -52.55 ], [ -72.918, -52.503 ], [ -73.05, -52.509 ] ], [ [ -73.499, -51.705 ], [ -73.499, -51.705 ], [ -73.499, -51.705 ], [ -73.499, -51.705 ] ], [ [ -73.499, -51.705 ], [ -73.467, -51.702 ], [ -73.456, -51.685 ], [ -73.499, -51.705 ] ], [ [ -73.721, -51.308 ], [ -73.723, -51.327 ], [ -73.701, -51.296 ], [ -73.727, -51.287 ], [ -73.721, -51.308 ] ], [ [ -74.965, -49.634 ], [ -74.944, -49.628 ], [ -74.991, -49.632 ], [ -74.965, -49.634 ] ], [ [ -74.966, -49.602 ], [ -74.963, -49.588 ], [ -75.083, -49.534 ], [ -74.966, -49.602 ] ], [ [ -74.69, -48.673 ], [ -74.623, -48.697 ], [ -74.645, -48.73 ], [ -74.605, -48.708 ], [ -74.632, -48.683 ], [ -74.69, -48.673 ] ], [ [ -75.215, -49.246 ], [ -75.119, -49.34 ], [ -75.174, -49.337 ], [ -75.104, -49.362 ], [ -75.018, -49.351 ], [ -75.1, -49.347 ], [ -75.13, -49.311 ], [ -75.084, -49.293 ], [ -75.215, -49.246 ] ], [ [ -75.1, -49.268 ], [ -75.034, -49.336 ], [ -75.066, -49.267 ], [ -75.1, -49.268 ] ], [ [ -74.338, -49.432 ], [ -74.321, -49.436 ], [ -74.31, -49.419 ], [ -74.324, -49.411 ], [ -74.338, -49.432 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.826, -51.626 ], [ -74.754, -51.646 ], [ -74.744, -51.717 ], [ -74.789, -51.743 ], [ -74.744, -51.731 ], [ -74.746, -51.816 ], [ -74.855, -51.945 ], [ -74.811, -51.941 ], [ -74.824, -51.971 ], [ -74.873, -51.967 ], [ -74.833, -51.979 ], [ -74.878, -52.079 ], [ -74.957, -52.111 ], [ -74.923, -52.044 ], [ -74.963, -52.107 ], [ -75.014, -52.115 ], [ -74.949, -52.042 ], [ -75.015, -52.069 ], [ -74.967, -52.03 ], [ -75.02, -52.046 ], [ -75.065, -51.995 ], [ -74.957, -51.94 ], [ -75.006, -51.921 ], [ -74.931, -51.796 ], [ -74.886, -51.841 ], [ -74.936, -51.917 ], [ -74.865, -51.864 ], [ -74.858, -51.927 ], [ -74.795, -51.849 ], [ -74.871, -51.778 ], [ -74.796, -51.759 ], [ -74.922, -51.65 ], [ -74.826, -51.626 ] ], [ [ -74.865, -52.001 ], [ -74.865, -52.001 ], [ -74.905, -51.991 ], [ -74.865, -52.001 ] ], [ [ -74.957, -51.94 ], [ -74.929, -51.941 ], [ -74.955, -51.939 ], [ -74.957, -51.94 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.97, -54.014 ], [ -72.76, -54.047 ], [ -72.911, -53.997 ], [ -72.779, -53.981 ], [ -72.881, -53.964 ], [ -72.666, -53.864 ], [ -72.78, -53.886 ], [ -72.737, -53.85 ], [ -72.832, -53.867 ], [ -72.779, -53.832 ], [ -72.818, -53.82 ], [ -73.04, -53.885 ], [ -73.065, -53.806 ], [ -73.117, -53.932 ], [ -73.045, -53.994 ], [ -73.101, -54.044 ], [ -73.199, -53.984 ], [ -73.351, -53.977 ], [ -73.358, -53.94 ], [ -73.275, -53.943 ], [ -73.23, -53.893 ], [ -73.358, -53.844 ], [ -73.257, -53.806 ], [ -73.257, -53.763 ], [ -73.336, -53.736 ], [ -73.252, -53.713 ], [ -73.597, -53.75 ], [ -73.487, -53.663 ], [ -73.633, -53.661 ], [ -73.607, -53.562 ], [ -73.531, -53.596 ], [ -73.415, -53.57 ], [ -73.248, -53.659 ], [ -73.331, -53.602 ], [ -73.276, -53.556 ], [ -73.356, -53.557 ], [ -73.477, -53.447 ], [ -73.298, -53.48 ], [ -73.281, -53.53 ], [ -73.238, -53.478 ], [ -73.075, -53.548 ], [ -73.172, -53.495 ], [ -73.142, -53.458 ], [ -73.209, -53.393 ], [ -73.076, -53.377 ], [ -73.025, -53.492 ], [ -73.032, -53.401 ], [ -72.939, -53.438 ], [ -72.961, -53.542 ], [ -72.893, -53.509 ], [ -72.874, -53.544 ], [ -72.927, -53.555 ], [ -72.877, -53.553 ], [ -72.883, -53.62 ], [ -72.825, -53.582 ], [ -72.874, -53.456 ], [ -72.749, -53.51 ], [ -72.749, -53.587 ], [ -72.684, -53.615 ], [ -72.723, -53.64 ], [ -72.7, -53.679 ], [ -72.653, -53.668 ], [ -72.691, -53.526 ], [ -72.659, -53.568 ], [ -72.458, -53.59 ], [ -72.479, -53.617 ], [ -72.396, -53.649 ], [ -72.508, -53.67 ], [ -72.45, -53.71 ], [ -72.498, -53.746 ], [ -72.441, -53.751 ], [ -72.386, -53.689 ], [ -72.24, -53.733 ], [ -72.333, -53.761 ], [ -72.222, -53.751 ], [ -72.149, -53.798 ], [ -72.283, -53.822 ], [ -72.194, -53.835 ], [ -72.218, -53.867 ], [ -72.433, -53.838 ], [ -72.337, -53.863 ], [ -72.324, -53.929 ], [ -72.451, -53.894 ], [ -72.39, -53.945 ], [ -72.448, -53.967 ], [ -72.331, -54.006 ], [ -72.366, -54.054 ], [ -72.472, -54.052 ], [ -72.472, -53.96 ], [ -72.494, -54.003 ], [ -72.548, -53.986 ], [ -72.548, -54.098 ], [ -72.623, -54.086 ], [ -72.598, -54.02 ], [ -72.659, -54.079 ], [ -72.619, -54.008 ], [ -72.678, -54.083 ], [ -72.746, -54.088 ], [ -72.7, -54.099 ], [ -72.804, -54.088 ], [ -72.856, -54.134 ], [ -72.958, -54.112 ], [ -72.872, -54.111 ], [ -72.917, -54.1 ], [ -72.882, -54.077 ], [ -73.078, -54.076 ], [ -72.862, -54.059 ], [ -73.004, -54.027 ], [ -72.97, -54.014 ] ], [ [ -72.862, -54.059 ], [ -72.775, -54.079 ], [ -72.858, -54.06 ], [ -72.862, -54.059 ] ] ], [ [ [ -67.278, -55.932 ], [ -67.205, -55.98 ], [ -67.298, -55.979 ], [ -67.323, -55.936 ], [ -67.278, -55.932 ] ] ], [ [ [ -67.029, -55.933 ], [ -67.043, -55.919 ], [ -67.016, -55.931 ], [ -67.029, -55.933 ] ] ], [ [ [ -66.781, -55.825 ], [ -66.807, -55.821 ], [ -66.773, -55.816 ], [ -66.781, -55.825 ] ] ], [ [ [ -67.414, -55.903 ], [ -67.435, -55.875 ], [ -67.404, -55.883 ], [ -67.414, -55.903 ] ] ], [ [ [ -67.056, -55.834 ], [ -67.097, -55.856 ], [ -67.051, -55.926 ], [ -67.155, -55.881 ], [ -67.056, -55.834 ] ] ], [ [ [ -67.292, -55.823 ], [ -67.189, -55.867 ], [ -67.179, -55.901 ], [ -67.392, -55.837 ], [ -67.292, -55.823 ] ] ], [ [ [ -67.55, -55.814 ], [ -67.479, -55.83 ], [ -67.595, -55.914 ], [ -67.596, -55.853 ], [ -67.756, -55.886 ], [ -67.843, -55.834 ], [ -67.536, -55.842 ], [ -67.55, -55.814 ] ] ], [ [ [ -67.435, -55.821 ], [ -67.439, -55.85 ], [ -67.454, -55.851 ], [ -67.464, -55.822 ], [ -67.435, -55.821 ] ] ], [ [ [ -67.134, -55.779 ], [ -67.19, -55.821 ], [ -67.238, -55.811 ], [ -67.183, -55.774 ], [ -67.134, -55.779 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.95, -55.362 ], [ -69.963, -55.351 ], [ -69.925, -55.348 ], [ -69.95, -55.362 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.76, -55.349 ], [ -69.667, -55.365 ], [ -69.645, -55.395 ], [ -69.795, -55.42 ], [ -69.76, -55.349 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.84, -55.334 ], [ -69.803, -55.339 ], [ -69.804, -55.355 ], [ -69.868, -55.325 ], [ -69.84, -55.334 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.897, -55.363 ], [ -69.921, -55.317 ], [ -69.893, -55.345 ], [ -69.897, -55.363 ] ] ], [ [ [ -66.579, -55.29 ], [ -66.637, -55.278 ], [ -66.62, -55.198 ], [ -66.418, -55.191 ], [ -66.499, -55.277 ], [ -66.579, -55.29 ] ] ], [ [ [ -66.766, -55.333 ], [ -66.782, -55.305 ], [ -66.762, -55.306 ], [ -66.766, -55.333 ] ] ], [ [ [ -66.674, -55.285 ], [ -66.685, -55.276 ], [ -66.662, -55.266 ], [ -66.674, -55.285 ] ] ], [ [ [ -67.003, -55.352 ], [ -67.059, -55.274 ], [ -66.943, -55.222 ], [ -66.842, -55.239 ], [ -66.842, -55.328 ], [ -67.003, -55.352 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.954, -55.296 ], [ -69.931, -55.32 ], [ -69.977, -55.323 ], [ -69.94, -55.334 ], [ -70.011, -55.365 ], [ -70.125, -55.327 ], [ -69.954, -55.296 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.13, -55.258 ], [ -70.036, -55.282 ], [ -70.189, -55.261 ], [ -70.13, -55.258 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.146, -55.274 ], [ -69.158, -55.268 ], [ -69.134, -55.264 ], [ -69.146, -55.274 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.249, -55.278 ], [ -69.207, -55.294 ], [ -69.42, -55.271 ], [ -69.3, -55.244 ], [ -69.249, -55.278 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.015, -55.296 ], [ -68.994, -55.289 ], [ -68.984, -55.329 ], [ -69.043, -55.295 ], [ -69.015, -55.296 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.883, -55.237 ], [ -68.92, -55.335 ], [ -68.978, -55.346 ], [ -68.973, -55.284 ], [ -68.883, -55.237 ] ] ], [ [ [ -67.923, -55.243 ], [ -67.947, -55.257 ], [ -67.975, -55.246 ], [ -67.914, -55.209 ], [ -67.923, -55.243 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.209, -55.235 ], [ -69.215, -55.227 ], [ -69.184, -55.227 ], [ -69.209, -55.235 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.969, -55.614 ], [ -68.967, -55.601 ], [ -68.946, -55.608 ], [ -68.969, -55.614 ] ] ], [ [ [ -67.333, -55.591 ], [ -67.339, -55.652 ], [ -67.298, -55.658 ], [ -67.354, -55.721 ], [ -67.232, -55.733 ], [ -67.287, -55.743 ], [ -67.223, -55.765 ], [ -67.238, -55.801 ], [ -67.54, -55.745 ], [ -67.48, -55.726 ], [ -67.537, -55.695 ], [ -67.505, -55.662 ], [ -67.385, -55.734 ], [ -67.387, -55.656 ], [ -67.458, -55.633 ], [ -67.333, -55.591 ] ] ], [ [ [ -67.549, -55.626 ], [ -67.517, -55.649 ], [ -67.558, -55.697 ], [ -67.662, -55.694 ], [ -67.573, -55.661 ], [ -67.586, -55.61 ], [ -67.549, -55.626 ] ] ], [ [ [ -67.626, -55.515 ], [ -67.534, -55.612 ], [ -67.577, -55.602 ], [ -67.706, -55.635 ], [ -67.65, -55.584 ], [ -67.664, -55.518 ], [ -67.626, -55.515 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.096, -55.405 ], [ -68.118, -55.402 ], [ -68.067, -55.4 ], [ -68.096, -55.405 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.555, -55.452 ], [ -69.567, -55.48 ], [ -69.595, -55.477 ], [ -69.584, -55.451 ], [ -69.555, -55.452 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.601, -55.445 ], [ -69.618, -55.398 ], [ -69.478, -55.455 ], [ -69.52, -55.479 ], [ -69.544, -55.441 ], [ -69.601, -55.445 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.34, -55.505 ], [ -69.304, -55.496 ], [ -69.28, -55.515 ], [ -69.333, -55.548 ], [ -69.34, -55.505 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.181, -55.604 ], [ -69.208, -55.618 ], [ -69.221, -55.568 ], [ -69.19, -55.582 ], [ -69.181, -55.604 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.059, -55.563 ], [ -69.035, -55.623 ], [ -69.081, -55.635 ], [ -69.1, -55.551 ], [ -69.059, -55.563 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.754, -55.531 ], [ -68.656, -55.57 ], [ -68.656, -55.605 ], [ -68.785, -55.538 ], [ -68.754, -55.531 ] ] ], [ [ [ -67.99, -55.55 ], [ -67.963, -55.552 ], [ -68.029, -55.561 ], [ -68.016, -55.544 ], [ -67.99, -55.55 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.927, -55.519 ], [ -68.958, -55.513 ], [ -68.961, -55.486 ], [ -68.944, -55.482 ], [ -68.927, -55.519 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.527, -55.588 ], [ -68.58, -55.571 ], [ -68.595, -55.552 ], [ -68.545, -55.538 ], [ -68.527, -55.588 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.17, -55.565 ], [ -69.202, -55.554 ], [ -69.174, -55.544 ], [ -69.17, -55.565 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.909, -55.536 ], [ -68.869, -55.541 ], [ -68.845, -55.566 ], [ -68.922, -55.561 ], [ -68.909, -55.536 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.216, -55.55 ], [ -69.233, -55.545 ], [ -69.199, -55.545 ], [ -69.216, -55.55 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.31, -55.55 ], [ -68.323, -55.537 ], [ -68.293, -55.537 ], [ -68.31, -55.55 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.439, -55.56 ], [ -68.454, -55.537 ], [ -68.432, -55.53 ], [ -68.416, -55.546 ], [ -68.439, -55.56 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.677, -55.549 ], [ -68.71, -55.525 ], [ -68.675, -55.533 ], [ -68.677, -55.549 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.398, -55.538 ], [ -68.399, -55.514 ], [ -68.382, -55.526 ], [ -68.398, -55.538 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.584, -55.53 ], [ -68.56, -55.533 ], [ -68.62, -55.533 ], [ -68.577, -55.514 ], [ -68.584, -55.53 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.602, -55.485 ], [ -68.638, -55.536 ], [ -68.704, -55.514 ], [ -68.602, -55.485 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.625, -55.386 ], [ -69.627, -55.411 ], [ -69.65, -55.41 ], [ -69.625, -55.386 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.054, -55.421 ], [ -69, -55.436 ], [ -69.063, -55.442 ], [ -69.218, -55.32 ], [ -69.054, -55.421 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.129, -54.982 ], [ -71.084, -54.986 ], [ -71.179, -55.015 ], [ -71.171, -54.972 ], [ -71.129, -54.982 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.896, -55.14 ], [ -70.907, -55.11 ], [ -70.882, -55.106 ], [ -70.896, -55.14 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.804, -55.126 ], [ -70.825, -55.11 ], [ -70.806, -55.105 ], [ -70.804, -55.126 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.619, -55.13 ], [ -70.649, -55.181 ], [ -70.692, -55.163 ], [ -70.668, -55.138 ], [ -70.619, -55.13 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.307, -55.128 ], [ -68.319, -55.127 ], [ -68.298, -55.121 ], [ -68.307, -55.128 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.417, -55.126 ], [ -68.456, -55.147 ], [ -68.498, -55.133 ], [ -68.417, -55.126 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.019, -55.252 ], [ -70.078, -55.237 ], [ -70.115, -55.187 ], [ -69.974, -55.24 ], [ -70.019, -55.252 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.933, -55.216 ], [ -69.945, -55.199 ], [ -69.915, -55.208 ], [ -69.933, -55.216 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.207, -55.198 ], [ -68.308, -55.205 ], [ -68.335, -55.164 ], [ -68.261, -55.157 ], [ -68.207, -55.198 ] ] ], [ [ [ -67.927, -54.901 ], [ -67.288, -54.919 ], [ -67.155, -54.969 ], [ -67.043, -55.078 ], [ -67.036, -55.141 ], [ -67.242, -55.314 ], [ -67.428, -55.294 ], [ -67.395, -55.195 ], [ -67.502, -55.171 ], [ -67.592, -55.195 ], [ -67.607, -55.277 ], [ -67.856, -55.255 ], [ -67.875, -55.221 ], [ -67.726, -55.236 ], [ -67.89, -55.158 ], [ -67.978, -55.226 ], [ -68.117, -55.225 ], [ -68.124, -55.174 ], [ -68.048, -55.176 ], [ -68.155, -55.143 ], [ -68.17, -54.998 ], [ -68.3, -55.012 ], [ -68.369, -54.945 ], [ -68.213, -54.92 ], [ -68.215, -54.899 ], [ -67.927, -54.901 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.668, -55.164 ], [ -68.685, -55.163 ], [ -68.658, -55.162 ], [ -68.668, -55.164 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.765, -55.167 ], [ -68.792, -55.147 ], [ -68.72, -55.16 ], [ -68.765, -55.167 ] ] ], [ [ [ -67.003, -54.988 ], [ -66.854, -55.026 ], [ -66.829, -55.094 ], [ -67.054, -54.993 ], [ -67.003, -54.988 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.245, -55.011 ], [ -68.227, -55.023 ], [ -68.241, -55.052 ], [ -68.28, -55.015 ], [ -68.245, -55.011 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.991, -55.011 ], [ -70.039, -55.066 ], [ -70.089, -55.055 ], [ -70.08, -55.019 ], [ -69.991, -55.011 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.941, -55.037 ], [ -70.004, -55.057 ], [ -69.938, -54.99 ], [ -69.941, -55.037 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.351, -55.01 ], [ -70.371, -55.027 ], [ -70.453, -55.035 ], [ -70.403, -55.01 ], [ -70.351, -55.01 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.557, -55 ], [ -70.469, -55.011 ], [ -70.562, -55.025 ], [ -70.557, -55 ] ] ], [ [ [ -68.266, -54.92 ], [ -68.291, -54.916 ], [ -68.276, -54.908 ], [ -68.266, -54.92 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.173, -54.099 ], [ -73.169, -54.121 ], [ -73.198, -54.126 ], [ -73.193, -54.1 ], [ -73.173, -54.099 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.373, -54.018 ], [ -73.243, -54.03 ], [ -73.236, -54.085 ], [ -73.18, -54.05 ], [ -73.268, -54.136 ], [ -73.345, -54.118 ], [ -73.307, -54.103 ], [ -73.342, -54.064 ], [ -73.48, -54.067 ], [ -73.373, -54.018 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.021, -54.188 ], [ -73.046, -54.176 ], [ -73.009, -54.165 ], [ -73.021, -54.188 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.935, -54.196 ], [ -72.952, -54.231 ], [ -73.006, -54.226 ], [ -72.981, -54.202 ], [ -72.935, -54.196 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.057, -54.153 ], [ -73.029, -54.149 ], [ -73.094, -54.17 ], [ -73.087, -54.143 ], [ -73.057, -54.153 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.874, -54.152 ], [ -72.879, -54.14 ], [ -72.846, -54.142 ], [ -72.874, -54.152 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.224, -54.028 ], [ -71.2, -54.071 ], [ -71.168, -54.089 ], [ -71.224, -54.098 ], [ -71.224, -54.028 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.107, -54.102 ], [ -73.11, -54.158 ], [ -73.148, -54.154 ], [ -73.142, -54.106 ], [ -73.107, -54.102 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.753, -54.135 ], [ -72.742, -54.114 ], [ -72.729, -54.117 ], [ -72.753, -54.135 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.374, -54.261 ], [ -72.398, -54.259 ], [ -72.375, -54.25 ], [ -72.344, -54.272 ], [ -72.374, -54.261 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.243, -54.253 ], [ -72.259, -54.259 ], [ -72.263, -54.243 ], [ -72.243, -54.253 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.636, -54.243 ], [ -72.68, -54.269 ], [ -72.7, -54.25 ], [ -72.655, -54.227 ], [ -72.636, -54.243 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.57, -54.242 ], [ -72.579, -54.236 ], [ -72.566, -54.232 ], [ -72.57, -54.242 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.273, -54.22 ], [ -72.282, -54.215 ], [ -72.261, -54.215 ], [ -72.273, -54.22 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.654, -54.257 ], [ -71.66, -54.243 ], [ -71.639, -54.254 ], [ -71.654, -54.257 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.918, -54.223 ], [ -71.934, -54.242 ], [ -72.001, -54.225 ], [ -71.918, -54.223 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.037, -54.231 ], [ -72.059, -54.22 ], [ -72.031, -54.222 ], [ -72.037, -54.231 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.228, -54.206 ], [ -72.217, -54.224 ], [ -72.232, -54.227 ], [ -72.228, -54.206 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.277, -54.189 ], [ -70.296, -54.178 ], [ -70.282, -54.171 ], [ -70.277, -54.189 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.474, -54.121 ], [ -72.491, -54.152 ], [ -72.515, -54.153 ], [ -72.503, -54.12 ], [ -72.474, -54.121 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.277, -54.086 ], [ -70.303, -54.152 ], [ -70.357, -54.162 ], [ -70.51, -54.072 ], [ -70.39, -54.085 ], [ -70.31, -54.051 ], [ -70.277, -54.086 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.641, -54.105 ], [ -72.544, -54.132 ], [ -72.695, -54.131 ], [ -72.641, -54.105 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.164, -53.928 ], [ -72.174, -53.919 ], [ -72.148, -53.927 ], [ -72.164, -53.928 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.13, -54.071 ], [ -71.14, -54.053 ], [ -71.113, -54.045 ], [ -71.13, -54.071 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.326, -53.994 ], [ -72.305, -53.955 ], [ -72.305, -53.996 ], [ -72.326, -53.994 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.033, -53.963 ], [ -73.022, -53.962 ], [ -73.034, -53.976 ], [ -73.033, -53.963 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.972, -53.945 ], [ -72.953, -53.947 ], [ -72.995, -53.949 ], [ -72.972, -53.945 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.366, -53.936 ], [ -73.378, -53.932 ], [ -73.344, -53.932 ], [ -73.366, -53.936 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.007, -53.953 ], [ -73.017, -53.948 ], [ -73.003, -53.943 ], [ -73.007, -53.953 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.058, -53.943 ], [ -73.098, -53.934 ], [ -73.067, -53.919 ], [ -73.058, -53.943 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.078, -53.936 ], [ -72.093, -53.925 ], [ -72.04, -53.918 ], [ -72.078, -53.936 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.339, -54.802 ], [ -71.349, -54.797 ], [ -71.337, -54.787 ], [ -71.339, -54.802 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.906, -54.837 ], [ -70.885, -54.848 ], [ -70.932, -54.835 ], [ -70.922, -54.823 ], [ -70.906, -54.837 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.212, -54.821 ], [ -71.231, -54.796 ], [ -71.194, -54.816 ], [ -71.212, -54.821 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.432, -54.938 ], [ -71.458, -54.932 ], [ -71.429, -54.92 ], [ -71.432, -54.938 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.165, -54.955 ], [ -71.194, -55.023 ], [ -71.256, -55.015 ], [ -71.264, -54.971 ], [ -71.165, -54.955 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70, -54.876 ], [ -69.982, -54.877 ], [ -70.091, -54.881 ], [ -70, -54.876 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.259, -54.898 ], [ -70.278, -54.89 ], [ -70.236, -54.884 ], [ -70.259, -54.898 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.301, -54.884 ], [ -70.312, -54.88 ], [ -70.293, -54.876 ], [ -70.301, -54.884 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.997, -54.67 ], [ -71.009, -54.657 ], [ -70.99, -54.64 ], [ -70.997, -54.67 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.868, -54.672 ], [ -71.88, -54.661 ], [ -71.846, -54.667 ], [ -71.868, -54.672 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.068, -54.618 ], [ -72.104, -54.619 ], [ -72.106, -54.606 ], [ -72.068, -54.618 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.03, -54.537 ], [ -72.011, -54.566 ], [ -71.952, -54.594 ], [ -72.076, -54.574 ], [ -72.03, -54.537 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.782, -54.524 ], [ -71.789, -54.495 ], [ -71.765, -54.509 ], [ -71.782, -54.524 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.973, -54.473 ], [ -73.01, -54.506 ], [ -73.103, -54.5 ], [ -73.078, -54.483 ], [ -72.973, -54.473 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.131, -54.474 ], [ -72.146, -54.458 ], [ -72.112, -54.473 ], [ -72.131, -54.474 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.27, -54.375 ], [ -71.245, -54.379 ], [ -71.291, -54.374 ], [ -71.27, -54.375 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.955, -54.367 ], [ -71.942, -54.378 ], [ -72, -54.383 ], [ -71.955, -54.367 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.992, -54.331 ], [ -71.007, -54.326 ], [ -70.98, -54.329 ], [ -70.992, -54.331 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.667, -54.307 ], [ -72.647, -54.322 ], [ -72.694, -54.312 ], [ -72.667, -54.307 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.629, -54.339 ], [ -72.625, -54.322 ], [ -72.612, -54.325 ], [ -72.629, -54.339 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.795, -54.317 ], [ -71.793, -54.305 ], [ -71.779, -54.313 ], [ -71.795, -54.317 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.594, -54.333 ], [ -71.621, -54.332 ], [ -71.636, -54.308 ], [ -71.594, -54.333 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.284, -54.286 ], [ -72.251, -54.33 ], [ -72.342, -54.311 ], [ -72.334, -54.286 ], [ -72.284, -54.286 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.679, -54.285 ], [ -71.64, -54.329 ], [ -71.753, -54.294 ], [ -71.7, -54.278 ], [ -71.679, -54.285 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.173, -54.325 ], [ -72.196, -54.314 ], [ -72.169, -54.309 ], [ -72.173, -54.325 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.622, -54.423 ], [ -71.598, -54.454 ], [ -71.666, -54.398 ], [ -71.655, -54.392 ], [ -71.622, -54.423 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.411, -54.431 ], [ -72.387, -54.431 ], [ -72.376, -54.459 ], [ -72.438, -54.451 ], [ -72.411, -54.431 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.083, -54.433 ], [ -72.064, -54.457 ], [ -72.125, -54.434 ], [ -72.098, -54.417 ], [ -72.083, -54.433 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.294, -54.414 ], [ -72.258, -54.411 ], [ -72.231, -54.462 ], [ -72.309, -54.439 ], [ -72.321, -54.472 ], [ -72.37, -54.417 ], [ -72.294, -54.414 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.383, -54.42 ], [ -72.399, -54.413 ], [ -72.381, -54.41 ], [ -72.383, -54.42 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.497, -54.392 ], [ -71.512, -54.373 ], [ -71.481, -54.371 ], [ -71.497, -54.392 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.415, -54.406 ], [ -72.426, -54.397 ], [ -72.396, -54.387 ], [ -72.415, -54.406 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.54, -54.376 ], [ -71.531, -54.389 ], [ -71.604, -54.38 ], [ -71.54, -54.376 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.179, -54.375 ], [ -72.093, -54.41 ], [ -72.159, -54.441 ], [ -72.162, -54.399 ], [ -72.235, -54.384 ], [ -72.179, -54.375 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.915, -54.39 ], [ -71.9, -54.393 ], [ -71.974, -54.392 ], [ -71.915, -54.39 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.406, -54.325 ], [ -72.29, -54.344 ], [ -72.445, -54.362 ], [ -72.46, -54.435 ], [ -72.543, -54.381 ], [ -72.544, -54.343 ], [ -72.406, -54.325 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.091, -54.726 ], [ -71.101, -54.711 ], [ -71.074, -54.727 ], [ -71.091, -54.726 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.027, -54.736 ], [ -72.033, -54.704 ], [ -72.017, -54.7 ], [ -72.007, -54.721 ], [ -72.027, -54.736 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.839, -54.743 ], [ -71.795, -54.748 ], [ -71.767, -54.776 ], [ -71.835, -54.769 ], [ -71.869, -54.726 ], [ -71.839, -54.743 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.564, -54.714 ], [ -71.529, -54.746 ], [ -71.622, -54.763 ], [ -71.629, -54.7 ], [ -71.564, -54.714 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.15, -54.72 ], [ -71.108, -54.728 ], [ -71.147, -54.746 ], [ -71.15, -54.72 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.196, -54.717 ], [ -71.225, -54.744 ], [ -71.275, -54.73 ], [ -71.196, -54.717 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.729, -54.709 ], [ -71.775, -54.732 ], [ -71.789, -54.701 ], [ -71.763, -54.694 ], [ -71.729, -54.709 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.809, -54.717 ], [ -71.827, -54.697 ], [ -71.795, -54.689 ], [ -71.809, -54.717 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.045, -54.635 ], [ -71.961, -54.666 ], [ -71.902, -54.734 ], [ -71.981, -54.755 ], [ -71.968, -54.703 ], [ -72.033, -54.653 ], [ -72.103, -54.673 ], [ -72.045, -54.635 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.679, -54.691 ], [ -71.717, -54.708 ], [ -71.772, -54.659 ], [ -71.722, -54.655 ], [ -71.679, -54.691 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.218, -55.486 ], [ -69.338, -55.486 ], [ -69.366, -55.398 ], [ -69.404, -55.521 ], [ -69.43, -55.405 ], [ -69.511, -55.41 ], [ -69.397, -55.379 ], [ -69.501, -55.378 ], [ -69.452, -55.345 ], [ -69.547, -55.386 ], [ -69.596, -55.367 ], [ -69.525, -55.33 ], [ -69.79, -55.317 ], [ -69.542, -55.28 ], [ -69.681, -55.275 ], [ -69.455, -55.193 ], [ -69.862, -55.279 ], [ -69.896, -55.26 ], [ -69.848, -55.241 ], [ -69.963, -55.24 ], [ -69.857, -55.212 ], [ -69.968, -55.184 ], [ -69.856, -55.194 ], [ -70.027, -55.162 ], [ -70.027, -55.126 ], [ -69.929, -55.133 ], [ -69.966, -55.113 ], [ -69.903, -55.069 ], [ -69.669, -55.085 ], [ -69.58, -55.038 ], [ -69.564, -55.169 ], [ -69.546, -55.035 ], [ -69.325, -55.057 ], [ -69.393, -55.024 ], [ -68.437, -54.936 ], [ -68.31, -55.034 ], [ -68.329, -55.076 ], [ -68.449, -55.021 ], [ -68.427, -55.093 ], [ -68.635, -55.081 ], [ -68.549, -55.129 ], [ -68.658, -55.153 ], [ -69.021, -55.02 ], [ -69.074, -55.071 ], [ -68.978, -55.068 ], [ -68.985, -55.108 ], [ -68.743, -55.182 ], [ -68.367, -55.18 ], [ -68.342, -55.214 ], [ -68.25, -55.224 ], [ -68.333, -55.238 ], [ -68.188, -55.295 ], [ -68.556, -55.328 ], [ -68.66, -55.253 ], [ -68.749, -55.275 ], [ -68.645, -55.276 ], [ -68.68, -55.293 ], [ -68.619, -55.315 ], [ -68.634, -55.344 ], [ -68.54, -55.336 ], [ -68.59, -55.375 ], [ -68.406, -55.331 ], [ -68.273, -55.381 ], [ -68.32, -55.413 ], [ -68.139, -55.395 ], [ -68.164, -55.482 ], [ -68.023, -55.485 ], [ -68.116, -55.533 ], [ -67.973, -55.6 ], [ -68.015, -55.621 ], [ -67.97, -55.646 ], [ -68.021, -55.66 ], [ -67.968, -55.683 ], [ -68.092, -55.724 ], [ -68.137, -55.606 ], [ -68.278, -55.62 ], [ -68.218, -55.545 ], [ -68.355, -55.492 ], [ -68.442, -55.515 ], [ -68.556, -55.464 ], [ -68.549, -55.411 ], [ -68.632, -55.405 ], [ -68.598, -55.47 ], [ -68.794, -55.431 ], [ -68.775, -55.507 ], [ -68.916, -55.484 ], [ -68.87, -55.457 ], [ -68.927, -55.468 ], [ -68.963, -55.414 ], [ -68.739, -55.387 ], [ -68.809, -55.373 ], [ -68.752, -55.354 ], [ -68.783, -55.347 ], [ -68.975, -55.399 ], [ -68.87, -55.317 ], [ -68.89, -55.274 ], [ -68.831, -55.248 ], [ -68.872, -55.228 ], [ -68.797, -55.18 ], [ -69.029, -55.275 ], [ -69.136, -55.185 ], [ -69.12, -55.248 ], [ -69.218, -55.212 ], [ -69.258, -55.153 ], [ -69.226, -55.115 ], [ -69.318, -55.155 ], [ -69.247, -55.236 ], [ -69.499, -55.244 ], [ -69.433, -55.252 ], [ -69.469, -55.264 ], [ -69.436, -55.304 ], [ -69.323, -55.305 ], [ -69.355, -55.319 ], [ -69.27, -55.36 ], [ -69.308, -55.37 ], [ -69.231, -55.37 ], [ -69.262, -55.398 ], [ -69.22, -55.408 ], [ -69.285, -55.414 ], [ -69.246, -55.43 ], [ -69.287, -55.451 ], [ -69.116, -55.461 ], [ -69.187, -55.458 ], [ -69.125, -55.489 ], [ -69.15, -55.515 ], [ -69.218, -55.486 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.645, -54.892 ], [ -69.484, -54.901 ], [ -69.533, -54.956 ], [ -69.432, -54.901 ], [ -69.133, -54.961 ], [ -69.929, -55.04 ], [ -69.893, -55.016 ], [ -69.934, -54.957 ], [ -69.807, -54.952 ], [ -69.927, -54.904 ], [ -69.778, -54.889 ], [ -69.748, -54.973 ], [ -69.667, -54.948 ], [ -69.753, -54.874 ], [ -69.645, -54.892 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.97, -55 ], [ -70.903, -55 ], [ -71.001, -54.97 ], [ -70.838, -54.926 ], [ -70.84, -54.983 ], [ -70.779, -54.978 ], [ -70.768, -54.928 ], [ -70.696, -54.965 ], [ -70.735, -54.981 ], [ -70.551, -54.98 ], [ -70.587, -54.948 ], [ -70.487, -54.901 ], [ -70.332, -54.89 ], [ -70.291, -54.914 ], [ -70.475, -54.946 ], [ -70.511, -54.967 ], [ -70.48, -54.996 ], [ -70.71, -54.982 ], [ -70.726, -55.013 ], [ -70.563, -55.043 ], [ -70.492, -55.021 ], [ -70.453, -55.06 ], [ -70.282, -55.03 ], [ -70.267, -55.072 ], [ -70.356, -55.077 ], [ -70.239, -55.109 ], [ -70.432, -55.093 ], [ -70.345, -55.168 ], [ -70.448, -55.209 ], [ -70.521, -55.15 ], [ -70.539, -55.177 ], [ -70.485, -55.19 ], [ -70.524, -55.205 ], [ -70.556, -55.18 ], [ -70.5, -55.102 ], [ -70.564, -55.06 ], [ -70.622, -55.053 ], [ -70.571, -55.086 ], [ -70.639, -55.073 ], [ -70.675, -55.129 ], [ -70.741, -55.103 ], [ -70.695, -55.073 ], [ -70.732, -55.049 ], [ -70.796, -55.096 ], [ -70.853, -55.049 ], [ -70.905, -55.09 ], [ -70.939, -55.037 ], [ -70.996, -55.053 ], [ -70.945, -55.026 ], [ -70.97, -55 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.269, -55.013 ], [ -70.312, -54.998 ], [ -70.282, -54.979 ], [ -70.29, -54.954 ], [ -70.39, -55.004 ], [ -70.45, -54.959 ], [ -70.223, -54.941 ], [ -70.269, -55.013 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.007, -54.923 ], [ -69.935, -54.942 ], [ -70.203, -55.01 ], [ -70.162, -54.957 ], [ -70.007, -54.923 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.113, -54.91 ], [ -70.057, -54.915 ], [ -70.186, -54.93 ], [ -70.133, -54.899 ], [ -70.113, -54.91 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.228, -54.902 ], [ -70.239, -54.899 ], [ -70.221, -54.889 ], [ -70.228, -54.902 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.121, -54.834 ], [ -71.128, -54.867 ], [ -70.975, -54.859 ], [ -70.976, -54.901 ], [ -70.924, -54.908 ], [ -70.986, -54.918 ], [ -70.896, -54.924 ], [ -71.064, -54.958 ], [ -71.158, -54.93 ], [ -71.072, -54.905 ], [ -71.283, -54.859 ], [ -71.333, -54.955 ], [ -71.353, -54.881 ], [ -71.42, -54.943 ], [ -71.403, -54.912 ], [ -71.454, -54.883 ], [ -71.383, -54.859 ], [ -71.399, -54.828 ], [ -71.121, -54.834 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.555, -54.83 ], [ -70.452, -54.834 ], [ -70.351, -54.866 ], [ -70.574, -54.912 ], [ -70.742, -54.869 ], [ -70.555, -54.83 ] ] ], [ [ [ -69.931, -54.292 ], [ -69.96, -54.271 ], [ -69.925, -54.275 ], [ -69.931, -54.292 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.792, -54.284 ], [ -72.789, -54.27 ], [ -72.773, -54.276 ], [ -72.792, -54.284 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.564, -54.314 ], [ -71.61, -54.282 ], [ -71.566, -54.298 ], [ -71.564, -54.314 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.471, -54.264 ], [ -71.389, -54.265 ], [ -71.416, -54.287 ], [ -71.378, -54.332 ], [ -71.497, -54.333 ], [ -71.493, -54.233 ], [ -71.471, -54.264 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72, -54.3 ], [ -72.055, -54.289 ], [ -72.088, -54.262 ], [ -71.992, -54.251 ], [ -72, -54.3 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.195, -54.218 ], [ -72.148, -54.283 ], [ -72.16, -54.305 ], [ -72.208, -54.291 ], [ -72.195, -54.218 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.284, -54.287 ], [ -70.474, -54.236 ], [ -70.521, -54.159 ], [ -70.219, -54.238 ], [ -70.284, -54.287 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.106, -54.4 ], [ -71.165, -54.332 ], [ -71.189, -54.376 ], [ -71.345, -54.317 ], [ -71.166, -54.244 ], [ -71.232, -54.207 ], [ -71.254, -54.255 ], [ -71.321, -54.261 ], [ -71.322, -54.215 ], [ -71.37, -54.256 ], [ -71.439, -54.211 ], [ -71.354, -54.15 ], [ -71.405, -54.154 ], [ -71.386, -54.117 ], [ -71.43, -54.154 ], [ -71.5, -54.13 ], [ -71.439, -54.166 ], [ -71.489, -54.188 ], [ -71.509, -54.284 ], [ -71.577, -54.23 ], [ -71.514, -54.183 ], [ -71.581, -54.193 ], [ -71.589, -54.243 ], [ -71.654, -54.228 ], [ -71.691, -54.16 ], [ -71.554, -54.088 ], [ -71.602, -54.088 ], [ -71.638, -54.018 ], [ -71.606, -53.954 ], [ -71.523, -53.953 ], [ -71.487, -54.012 ], [ -71.49, -53.956 ], [ -71.433, -53.956 ], [ -71.391, -54.094 ], [ -71.379, -53.978 ], [ -71.262, -54.005 ], [ -71.236, -54.095 ], [ -71.288, -54.112 ], [ -71.207, -54.119 ], [ -71.192, -54.206 ], [ -71.155, -54.089 ], [ -71.107, -54.167 ], [ -71.08, -54.067 ], [ -70.99, -54.096 ], [ -70.986, -54.156 ], [ -71.066, -54.202 ], [ -70.962, -54.174 ], [ -70.97, -54.241 ], [ -71.03, -54.242 ], [ -70.965, -54.312 ], [ -71.042, -54.299 ], [ -71.038, -54.344 ], [ -71.14, -54.302 ], [ -71.058, -54.354 ], [ -71.106, -54.4 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.475, -54.295 ], [ -72.553, -54.272 ], [ -72.458, -54.235 ], [ -72.496, -54.194 ], [ -72.377, -54.172 ], [ -72.415, -54.124 ], [ -72.284, -54.098 ], [ -72.417, -54.085 ], [ -72.317, -54.058 ], [ -72.196, -54.142 ], [ -72.285, -54.145 ], [ -72.255, -54.198 ], [ -72.326, -54.2 ], [ -72.314, -54.263 ], [ -72.393, -54.217 ], [ -72.475, -54.295 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.519, -37.079 ], [ -73.556, -37.026 ], [ -73.525, -36.972 ], [ -73.455, -37.052 ], [ -73.519, -37.079 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.056, -36.644 ], [ -73.072, -36.648 ], [ -73.048, -36.605 ], [ -73.056, -36.644 ] ] ], [ [ [ -109.291, -27.094 ], [ -109.234, -27.125 ], [ -109.452, -27.197 ], [ -109.396, -27.063 ], [ -109.291, -27.094 ] ] ], [ [ [ -80.733, -33.706 ], [ -80.72, -33.783 ], [ -80.762, -33.79 ], [ -80.785, -33.72 ], [ -80.733, -33.706 ] ] ], [ [ [ -78.938, -33.7 ], [ -78.922, -33.711 ], [ -78.96, -33.701 ], [ -78.938, -33.7 ] ] ], [ [ [ -78.891, -33.593 ], [ -78.788, -33.624 ], [ -78.761, -33.656 ], [ -79.006, -33.668 ], [ -78.891, -33.593 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.586, -29.022 ], [ -71.571, -29.026 ], [ -71.572, -29.043 ], [ -71.59, -29.046 ], [ -71.586, -29.022 ] ] ], [ [ [ -79.89, -26.356 ], [ -79.894, -26.369 ], [ -79.918, -26.365 ], [ -79.89, -26.356 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.81, -41.749 ], [ -73.822, -41.74 ], [ -73.814, -41.73 ], [ -73.8, -41.742 ], [ -73.81, -41.749 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.951, -41.719 ], [ -73.001, -41.706 ], [ -72.99, -41.667 ], [ -72.886, -41.697 ], [ -72.951, -41.719 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.977, -41.592 ], [ -73.008, -41.594 ], [ -73.019, -41.562 ], [ -72.973, -41.557 ], [ -72.977, -41.592 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.902, -38.417 ], [ -73.939, -38.417 ], [ -73.959, -38.318 ], [ -73.864, -38.37 ], [ -73.902, -38.417 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.717, -44.07 ], [ -73.699, -44.086 ], [ -73.729, -44.071 ], [ -73.717, -44.07 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.884, -44.071 ], [ -73.852, -44.074 ], [ -73.845, -44.091 ], [ -73.914, -44.076 ], [ -73.884, -44.071 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.113, -44.046 ], [ -74.16, -44.073 ], [ -74.203, -44.065 ], [ -74.113, -44.046 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.941, -44.048 ], [ -73.933, -44.059 ], [ -73.95, -44.071 ], [ -73.941, -44.048 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.702, -43.923 ], [ -73.688, -43.934 ], [ -73.708, -43.933 ], [ -73.702, -43.923 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.672, -43.878 ], [ -73.662, -43.885 ], [ -73.673, -43.89 ], [ -73.682, -43.882 ], [ -73.672, -43.878 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.776, -43.829 ], [ -73.739, -43.902 ], [ -73.895, -43.872 ], [ -73.781, -43.86 ], [ -73.776, -43.829 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.771, -43.684 ], [ -74.838, -43.563 ], [ -74.745, -43.567 ], [ -74.744, -43.518 ], [ -74.552, -43.627 ], [ -74.771, -43.684 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.204, -43.466 ], [ -74.213, -43.473 ], [ -74.2, -43.455 ], [ -74.204, -43.466 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.018, -43.801 ], [ -74.025, -43.818 ], [ -74.046, -43.811 ], [ -74.018, -43.801 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.003, -43.787 ], [ -73.987, -43.805 ], [ -73.997, -43.818 ], [ -74.01, -43.808 ], [ -74.003, -43.787 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.263, -44.015 ], [ -73.241, -44.023 ], [ -73.234, -44.052 ], [ -73.279, -44.028 ], [ -73.263, -44.015 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.243, -44.012 ], [ -74.174, -44.028 ], [ -74.287, -44.025 ], [ -74.243, -44.012 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.223, -43.985 ], [ -74.153, -44.005 ], [ -74.243, -44.002 ], [ -74.223, -43.985 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.575, -44.033 ], [ -73.538, -44.044 ], [ -73.529, -44.08 ], [ -73.614, -44.036 ], [ -73.575, -44.033 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.896, -43.934 ], [ -73.781, -43.976 ], [ -73.865, -43.991 ], [ -73.927, -43.961 ], [ -73.896, -43.934 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.735, -44.03 ], [ -73.721, -44.038 ], [ -73.735, -44.065 ], [ -73.748, -44.039 ], [ -73.735, -44.03 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.133, -43.887 ], [ -73.145, -44.032 ], [ -73.212, -44.037 ], [ -73.186, -44.021 ], [ -73.266, -43.974 ], [ -73.244, -43.915 ], [ -73.133, -43.887 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.138, -43.954 ], [ -74.175, -43.94 ], [ -74.117, -43.95 ], [ -74.138, -43.954 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.765, -43.908 ], [ -73.788, -43.951 ], [ -73.854, -43.926 ], [ -73.843, -43.91 ], [ -73.765, -43.908 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.86, -43.774 ], [ -73.787, -43.84 ], [ -73.943, -43.855 ], [ -73.864, -43.917 ], [ -73.918, -43.909 ], [ -73.941, -43.956 ], [ -74.01, -43.891 ], [ -74.16, -43.864 ], [ -74.074, -43.808 ], [ -73.978, -43.847 ], [ -73.902, -43.843 ], [ -73.907, -43.802 ], [ -73.831, -43.804 ], [ -73.86, -43.774 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.076, -42.682 ], [ -73.083, -42.653 ], [ -73.067, -42.667 ], [ -73.076, -42.682 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.441, -43.068 ], [ -73.475, -43.042 ], [ -73.453, -43.045 ], [ -73.441, -43.068 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.326, -43.016 ], [ -73.464, -42.994 ], [ -73.605, -42.931 ], [ -73.518, -42.917 ], [ -73.326, -43.016 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.95, -42.81 ], [ -73.031, -42.721 ], [ -73.031, -42.697 ], [ -72.924, -42.725 ], [ -72.919, -42.783 ], [ -72.97, -42.752 ], [ -72.95, -42.81 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.075, -42.755 ], [ -73.093, -42.728 ], [ -73.072, -42.741 ], [ -73.075, -42.755 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.061, -42.752 ], [ -73.079, -42.715 ], [ -73.052, -42.722 ], [ -73.061, -42.752 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.51, -42.17 ], [ -72.609, -42.134 ], [ -72.574, -42.08 ], [ -72.477, -42.09 ], [ -72.51, -42.17 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.247, -42.666 ], [ -73.358, -42.63 ], [ -73.233, -42.635 ], [ -73.247, -42.666 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.032, -42.63 ], [ -73.064, -42.609 ], [ -73.004, -42.603 ], [ -73.006, -42.653 ], [ -73.032, -42.63 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.531, -42.647 ], [ -73.482, -42.638 ], [ -73.502, -42.604 ], [ -73.423, -42.622 ], [ -73.469, -42.648 ], [ -73.531, -42.647 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.267, -42.612 ], [ -73.329, -42.601 ], [ -73.284, -42.589 ], [ -73.267, -42.612 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.538, -42.701 ], [ -73.577, -42.709 ], [ -73.597, -42.653 ], [ -73.743, -42.617 ], [ -73.594, -42.571 ], [ -73.538, -42.701 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.207, -42.63 ], [ -73.214, -42.591 ], [ -73.243, -42.613 ], [ -73.223, -42.56 ], [ -73.196, -42.617 ], [ -73.207, -42.63 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.516, -42.603 ], [ -73.538, -42.58 ], [ -73.491, -42.55 ], [ -73.516, -42.603 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.264, -42.514 ], [ -73.294, -42.463 ], [ -73.248, -42.482 ], [ -73.264, -42.514 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.337, -42.489 ], [ -73.377, -42.49 ], [ -73.373, -42.453 ], [ -73.297, -42.472 ], [ -73.337, -42.489 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.428, -42.44 ], [ -73.462, -42.425 ], [ -73.433, -42.424 ], [ -73.428, -42.44 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.195, -42.32 ], [ -73.207, -42.329 ], [ -73.222, -42.307 ], [ -73.195, -42.32 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.386, -42.184 ], [ -73.408, -42.153 ], [ -73.46, -42.139 ], [ -73.385, -42.109 ], [ -73.348, -42.178 ], [ -73.386, -42.184 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.13, -42.342 ], [ -73.172, -42.267 ], [ -73.14, -42.302 ], [ -73.11, -42.258 ], [ -73.057, -42.274 ], [ -73.13, -42.342 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.24, -42.316 ], [ -73.314, -42.306 ], [ -73.271, -42.286 ], [ -73.24, -42.316 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.215, -42.304 ], [ -73.198, -42.294 ], [ -73.262, -42.27 ], [ -73.207, -42.282 ], [ -73.186, -42.303 ], [ -73.215, -42.304 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.145, -42.277 ], [ -73.186, -42.244 ], [ -73.149, -42.253 ], [ -73.145, -42.277 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.124, -42.399 ], [ -73.152, -42.398 ], [ -73.103, -42.377 ], [ -73.124, -42.399 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.514, -42.455 ], [ -73.394, -42.543 ], [ -73.389, -42.584 ], [ -73.539, -42.469 ], [ -73.633, -42.473 ], [ -73.603, -42.439 ], [ -73.659, -42.391 ], [ -73.528, -42.393 ], [ -73.514, -42.455 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.306, -42.44 ], [ -73.345, -42.421 ], [ -73.291, -42.389 ], [ -73.282, -42.419 ], [ -73.306, -42.44 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.455, -42.385 ], [ -73.444, -42.366 ], [ -73.414, -42.393 ], [ -73.436, -42.408 ], [ -73.455, -42.385 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.276, -43.423 ], [ -74.278, -43.362 ], [ -74.254, -43.349 ], [ -74.232, -43.41 ], [ -74.276, -43.423 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.726, -43.399 ], [ -73.775, -43.382 ], [ -73.806, -43.317 ], [ -73.661, -43.354 ], [ -73.726, -43.399 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.585, -43.273 ], [ -73.625, -43.239 ], [ -73.618, -43.165 ], [ -73.569, -43.249 ], [ -73.585, -43.273 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.667, -43.247 ], [ -73.744, -43.198 ], [ -73.661, -43.194 ], [ -73.667, -43.247 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.498, -43.174 ], [ -73.535, -43.196 ], [ -73.589, -43.201 ], [ -73.581, -43.138 ], [ -73.498, -43.174 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.51, -43.156 ], [ -73.509, -43.156 ], [ -73.509, -43.157 ], [ -73.51, -43.156 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.51, -43.156 ], [ -73.532, -43.156 ], [ -73.518, -43.142 ], [ -73.51, -43.156 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.631, -42.077 ], [ -72.642, -42.081 ], [ -72.644, -42.065 ], [ -72.618, -42.067 ], [ -72.631, -42.077 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.484, -42.07 ], [ -72.513, -42.054 ], [ -72.461, -41.984 ], [ -72.462, -42.031 ], [ -72.484, -42.07 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.105, -41.904 ], [ -73.103, -41.903 ], [ -73.104, -41.904 ], [ -73.105, -41.904 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.068, -41.901 ], [ -73.103, -41.903 ], [ -73.078, -41.891 ], [ -73.068, -41.901 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.105, -41.904 ], [ -73.161, -41.907 ], [ -73.137, -41.882 ], [ -73.105, -41.904 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.894, -41.898 ], [ -72.938, -41.875 ], [ -72.895, -41.87 ], [ -72.894, -41.898 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.349, -41.834 ], [ -73.329, -41.817 ], [ -73.339, -41.799 ], [ -73.32, -41.816 ], [ -73.349, -41.834 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.157, -41.809 ], [ -73.185, -41.796 ], [ -73.157, -41.797 ], [ -73.127, -41.769 ], [ -73.157, -41.809 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.235, -41.801 ], [ -73.246, -41.797 ], [ -73.251, -41.725 ], [ -73.197, -41.779 ], [ -73.16, -41.785 ], [ -73.235, -41.801 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.099, -41.854 ], [ -73.097, -41.834 ], [ -73.123, -41.816 ], [ -73.085, -41.833 ], [ -73.099, -41.854 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.144, -41.84 ], [ -73.162, -41.817 ], [ -73.132, -41.832 ], [ -73.144, -41.84 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.078, -41.75 ], [ -73.055, -41.732 ], [ -72.985, -41.858 ], [ -73.116, -41.807 ], [ -73.05, -41.813 ], [ -73.078, -41.75 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.48, -44.276 ], [ -73.476, -44.292 ], [ -73.49, -44.299 ], [ -73.498, -44.285 ], [ -73.48, -44.276 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.626, -44.288 ], [ -73.615, -44.296 ], [ -73.64, -44.297 ], [ -73.626, -44.288 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.204, -44.243 ], [ -73.197, -44.259 ], [ -73.217, -44.248 ], [ -73.204, -44.243 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.901, -44.248 ], [ -73.842, -44.264 ], [ -73.855, -44.29 ], [ -73.934, -44.256 ], [ -73.901, -44.248 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.832, -44.214 ], [ -73.804, -44.235 ], [ -73.836, -44.255 ], [ -73.85, -44.219 ], [ -73.832, -44.214 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.234, -44.218 ], [ -73.209, -44.233 ], [ -73.236, -44.237 ], [ -73.234, -44.218 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.325, -44.215 ], [ -74.334, -44.231 ], [ -74.364, -44.223 ], [ -74.325, -44.215 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.742, -44.219 ], [ -73.726, -44.228 ], [ -73.754, -44.241 ], [ -73.742, -44.219 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.29, -44.21 ], [ -74.262, -44.213 ], [ -74.22, -44.255 ], [ -74.319, -44.219 ], [ -74.29, -44.21 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.554, -44.127 ], [ -73.541, -44.148 ], [ -73.581, -44.162 ], [ -73.587, -44.145 ], [ -73.554, -44.127 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.142, -44.115 ], [ -74.13, -44.124 ], [ -74.167, -44.153 ], [ -74.142, -44.115 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.346, -44.099 ], [ -74.181, -44.134 ], [ -74.351, -44.129 ], [ -74.346, -44.099 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.351, -44.189 ], [ -74.363, -44.172 ], [ -74.305, -44.188 ], [ -74.354, -44.2 ], [ -74.351, -44.189 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.307, -44.182 ], [ -74.307, -44.182 ], [ -74.308, -44.182 ], [ -74.307, -44.182 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.211, -44.189 ], [ -74.161, -44.192 ], [ -74.147, -44.213 ], [ -74.196, -44.211 ], [ -74.211, -44.189 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.623, -44.187 ], [ -73.623, -44.205 ], [ -73.655, -44.213 ], [ -73.623, -44.187 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.512, -44.104 ], [ -73.448, -44.126 ], [ -73.496, -44.183 ], [ -73.543, -44.127 ], [ -73.512, -44.104 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.67, -44.15 ], [ -73.658, -44.205 ], [ -73.72, -44.201 ], [ -73.724, -44.172 ], [ -73.67, -44.15 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.307, -44.182 ], [ -74.359, -44.149 ], [ -74.234, -44.177 ], [ -74.307, -44.182 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.06, -44.12 ], [ -74.123, -44.193 ], [ -74.156, -44.186 ], [ -74.124, -44.141 ], [ -74.06, -44.12 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.927, -44.099 ], [ -73.84, -44.128 ], [ -73.898, -44.177 ], [ -73.815, -44.185 ], [ -73.829, -44.152 ], [ -73.804, -44.188 ], [ -73.96, -44.193 ], [ -73.996, -44.145 ], [ -73.927, -44.099 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.409, -44.328 ], [ -74.4, -44.338 ], [ -74.415, -44.349 ], [ -74.409, -44.328 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.716, -44.333 ], [ -73.703, -44.354 ], [ -73.735, -44.352 ], [ -73.716, -44.333 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.599, -44.329 ], [ -73.578, -44.344 ], [ -73.597, -44.357 ], [ -73.612, -44.341 ], [ -73.599, -44.329 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.149, -44.302 ], [ -73.089, -44.32 ], [ -73.148, -44.34 ], [ -73.149, -44.302 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.665, -44.341 ], [ -73.684, -44.346 ], [ -73.698, -44.33 ], [ -73.663, -44.318 ], [ -73.665, -44.341 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.258, -44.32 ], [ -74.264, -44.333 ], [ -74.302, -44.333 ], [ -74.295, -44.319 ], [ -74.258, -44.32 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.279, -44.305 ], [ -73.276, -44.322 ], [ -73.297, -44.33 ], [ -73.279, -44.305 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.733, -44.306 ], [ -73.726, -44.317 ], [ -73.745, -44.316 ], [ -73.733, -44.306 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.67, -44.24 ], [ -73.635, -44.267 ], [ -73.718, -44.31 ], [ -73.746, -44.256 ], [ -73.67, -44.24 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.421, -44.256 ], [ -74.276, -44.252 ], [ -74.233, -44.305 ], [ -74.344, -44.307 ], [ -74.421, -44.256 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.142, -44.228 ], [ -74.102, -44.262 ], [ -74.116, -44.31 ], [ -74.203, -44.252 ], [ -74.142, -44.228 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.784, -44.287 ], [ -73.801, -44.352 ], [ -74.015, -44.339 ], [ -73.972, -44.33 ], [ -74.061, -44.299 ], [ -74.105, -44.208 ], [ -74.066, -44.181 ], [ -74.047, -44.21 ], [ -73.984, -44.245 ], [ -74.068, -44.179 ], [ -74.021, -44.146 ], [ -73.929, -44.22 ], [ -73.857, -44.227 ], [ -74.003, -44.254 ], [ -73.964, -44.318 ], [ -73.952, -44.262 ], [ -73.899, -44.301 ], [ -73.852, -44.295 ], [ -73.815, -44.259 ], [ -73.784, -44.287 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.047, -44.09 ], [ -74.028, -44.1 ], [ -74.051, -44.106 ], [ -74.047, -44.09 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.23, -44.073 ], [ -74.171, -44.094 ], [ -74.341, -44.085 ], [ -74.334, -44.073 ], [ -74.23, -44.073 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.076, -44.071 ], [ -74.082, -44.102 ], [ -74.133, -44.089 ], [ -74.076, -44.071 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.665, -44.082 ], [ -73.67, -44.087 ], [ -73.695, -44.072 ], [ -73.674, -44.063 ], [ -73.665, -44.082 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.663, -44.075 ], [ -73.738, -43.997 ], [ -73.694, -43.936 ], [ -73.6, -44.006 ], [ -73.652, -44.036 ], [ -73.582, -44.105 ], [ -73.638, -44.14 ], [ -73.663, -44.075 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.028, -49.948 ], [ -75.038, -49.94 ], [ -75.014, -49.943 ], [ -75.028, -49.948 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.986, -49.905 ], [ -74.986, -49.924 ], [ -75.022, -49.919 ], [ -75.022, -49.906 ], [ -74.986, -49.905 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.079, -49.917 ], [ -75.088, -49.91 ], [ -75.07, -49.907 ], [ -75.079, -49.917 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.076, -49.9 ], [ -75.108, -49.895 ], [ -75.063, -49.891 ], [ -75.076, -49.9 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.88, -49.828 ], [ -74.897, -49.806 ], [ -74.878, -49.809 ], [ -74.88, -49.828 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.389, -49.825 ], [ -75.39, -49.789 ], [ -75.327, -49.753 ], [ -75.366, -49.683 ], [ -75.378, -49.739 ], [ -75.578, -49.819 ], [ -75.594, -49.754 ], [ -75.516, -49.733 ], [ -75.481, -49.704 ], [ -75.609, -49.638 ], [ -75.57, -49.595 ], [ -75.463, -49.611 ], [ -75.46, -49.568 ], [ -75.371, -49.618 ], [ -75.363, -49.574 ], [ -75.161, -49.868 ], [ -75.281, -49.804 ], [ -75.258, -49.874 ], [ -75.337, -49.859 ], [ -75.377, -49.794 ], [ -75.389, -49.825 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.296, -49.596 ], [ -75.305, -49.549 ], [ -75.248, -49.564 ], [ -75.296, -49.596 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.369, -49.555 ], [ -75.383, -49.57 ], [ -75.424, -49.561 ], [ -75.334, -49.53 ], [ -75.369, -49.555 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.486, -49.449 ], [ -75.429, -49.477 ], [ -75.43, -49.529 ], [ -75.581, -49.428 ], [ -75.541, -49.404 ], [ -75.486, -49.449 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.007, -48.914 ], [ -74.993, -48.928 ], [ -75.051, -48.914 ], [ -75.007, -48.914 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.608, -48.375 ], [ -75.617, -48.387 ], [ -75.618, -48.37 ], [ -75.608, -48.375 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.053, -48.514 ], [ -74.188, -48.455 ], [ -74.176, -48.439 ], [ -74.25, -48.38 ], [ -74.033, -48.427 ], [ -74.053, -48.514 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.425, -48.589 ], [ -74.436, -48.56 ], [ -74.417, -48.571 ], [ -74.305, -48.531 ], [ -74.425, -48.589 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.495, -48.511 ], [ -74.524, -48.492 ], [ -74.509, -48.475 ], [ -74.484, -48.498 ], [ -74.495, -48.511 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.017, -48.686 ], [ -75.076, -48.828 ], [ -75.239, -48.769 ], [ -75.017, -48.617 ], [ -75.017, -48.686 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.459, -48.794 ], [ -75.432, -48.746 ], [ -75.59, -48.816 ], [ -75.645, -48.694 ], [ -75.497, -48.744 ], [ -75.304, -48.622 ], [ -75.336, -48.679 ], [ -75.281, -48.653 ], [ -75.265, -48.725 ], [ -75.459, -48.794 ] ], [ [ -75.443, -48.771 ], [ -75.383, -48.745 ], [ -75.339, -48.69 ], [ -75.443, -48.771 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.483, -48.484 ], [ -75.358, -48.439 ], [ -75.404, -48.51 ], [ -75.36, -48.532 ], [ -75.349, -48.453 ], [ -75.307, -48.46 ], [ -75.333, -48.492 ], [ -75.317, -48.531 ], [ -75.398, -48.562 ], [ -75.31, -48.547 ], [ -75.29, -48.621 ], [ -75.315, -48.604 ], [ -75.511, -48.72 ], [ -75.618, -48.689 ], [ -75.467, -48.673 ], [ -75.387, -48.6 ], [ -75.49, -48.653 ], [ -75.545, -48.654 ], [ -75.411, -48.571 ], [ -75.548, -48.649 ], [ -75.639, -48.641 ], [ -75.665, -48.49 ], [ -75.616, -48.493 ], [ -75.615, -48.453 ], [ -75.483, -48.484 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.442, -48.511 ], [ -74.507, -48.386 ], [ -74.28, -48.488 ], [ -74.406, -48.554 ], [ -74.442, -48.511 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.677, -49.234 ], [ -75.696, -49.225 ], [ -75.681, -49.221 ], [ -75.677, -49.234 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.085, -49.241 ], [ -75.147, -49.218 ], [ -75.155, -49.201 ], [ -75.113, -49.204 ], [ -75.085, -49.241 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.25, -49.151 ], [ -75.226, -49.134 ], [ -75.263, -49.174 ], [ -75.303, -49.183 ], [ -75.25, -49.151 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.618, -49.159 ], [ -75.625, -49.143 ], [ -75.608, -49.125 ], [ -75.618, -49.159 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.587, -49.138 ], [ -75.598, -49.128 ], [ -75.571, -49.122 ], [ -75.587, -49.138 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.414, -49.201 ], [ -75.396, -49.214 ], [ -75.414, -49.216 ], [ -75.414, -49.201 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.669, -49.205 ], [ -75.681, -49.2 ], [ -75.644, -49.178 ], [ -75.64, -49.193 ], [ -75.669, -49.205 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.64, -49.126 ], [ -75.667, -49.079 ], [ -75.654, -49.068 ], [ -75.619, -49.111 ], [ -75.64, -49.126 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.51, -48.159 ], [ -73.488, -48.176 ], [ -73.521, -48.178 ], [ -73.51, -48.159 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.57, -48.125 ], [ -73.661, -48.079 ], [ -73.665, -48.057 ], [ -73.58, -48.089 ], [ -73.57, -48.125 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.678, -47.87 ], [ -73.687, -47.864 ], [ -73.672, -47.861 ], [ -73.678, -47.87 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.626, -47.872 ], [ -73.662, -47.857 ], [ -73.627, -47.849 ], [ -73.626, -47.872 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.73, -48 ], [ -73.779, -47.949 ], [ -73.743, -47.878 ], [ -73.656, -47.945 ], [ -73.692, -47.944 ], [ -73.67, -48.001 ], [ -73.73, -48 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.823, -47.961 ], [ -73.84, -47.979 ], [ -73.872, -47.98 ], [ -73.871, -47.967 ], [ -73.823, -47.961 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.919, -47.98 ], [ -73.932, -47.974 ], [ -73.901, -47.966 ], [ -73.919, -47.98 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.289, -47.982 ], [ -75.282, -47.962 ], [ -75.253, -47.97 ], [ -75.289, -47.982 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.641, -47.975 ], [ -74.638, -47.914 ], [ -74.547, -47.926 ], [ -74.641, -47.975 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.25, -47.921 ], [ -75.255, -47.912 ], [ -75.237, -47.908 ], [ -75.25, -47.921 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.242, -47.963 ], [ -75.259, -47.955 ], [ -75.093, -47.894 ], [ -75.13, -47.925 ], [ -75.242, -47.963 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.23, -47.911 ], [ -75.233, -47.891 ], [ -75.199, -47.876 ], [ -75.23, -47.911 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.188, -47.917 ], [ -75.166, -47.864 ], [ -75.099, -47.875 ], [ -75.188, -47.917 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75, -47.905 ], [ -75.002, -47.952 ], [ -75.043, -47.908 ], [ -75.017, -47.851 ], [ -75, -47.905 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.269, -48.484 ], [ -74.341, -48.443 ], [ -74.301, -48.46 ], [ -74.264, -48.449 ], [ -74.49, -48.362 ], [ -74.423, -48.347 ], [ -74.277, -48.427 ], [ -74.411, -48.341 ], [ -74.316, -48.287 ], [ -74.255, -48.412 ], [ -74.192, -48.443 ], [ -74.269, -48.484 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.515, -48.083 ], [ -75.438, -48.065 ], [ -75.47, -48.129 ], [ -75.404, -48.028 ], [ -75.342, -48.029 ], [ -75.381, -48.143 ], [ -75.34, -48.088 ], [ -75.297, -48.107 ], [ -75.336, -48.13 ], [ -75.364, -48.179 ], [ -75.262, -48.151 ], [ -75.308, -48.209 ], [ -75.256, -48.175 ], [ -75.259, -48.205 ], [ -75.321, -48.235 ], [ -75.256, -48.226 ], [ -75.275, -48.27 ], [ -75.217, -48.298 ], [ -75.26, -48.326 ], [ -75.206, -48.31 ], [ -75.218, -48.371 ], [ -75.155, -48.39 ], [ -75.214, -48.452 ], [ -75.141, -48.407 ], [ -75.073, -48.493 ], [ -75.199, -48.463 ], [ -75.226, -48.516 ], [ -75.084, -48.511 ], [ -75.065, -48.624 ], [ -75.236, -48.715 ], [ -75.26, -48.667 ], [ -75.163, -48.627 ], [ -75.269, -48.657 ], [ -75.218, -48.598 ], [ -75.285, -48.614 ], [ -75.29, -48.555 ], [ -75.244, -48.532 ], [ -75.316, -48.495 ], [ -75.228, -48.424 ], [ -75.336, -48.419 ], [ -75.277, -48.336 ], [ -75.353, -48.41 ], [ -75.545, -48.433 ], [ -75.571, -48.39 ], [ -75.389, -48.356 ], [ -75.364, -48.293 ], [ -75.418, -48.338 ], [ -75.38, -48.245 ], [ -75.445, -48.353 ], [ -75.501, -48.35 ], [ -75.478, -48.307 ], [ -75.547, -48.351 ], [ -75.56, -48.3 ], [ -75.43, -48.246 ], [ -75.394, -48.202 ], [ -75.517, -48.259 ], [ -75.59, -48.112 ], [ -75.519, -48.052 ], [ -75.515, -48.083 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75, -48.114 ], [ -74.932, -48.167 ], [ -74.998, -48.178 ], [ -74.892, -48.177 ], [ -74.926, -48.237 ], [ -74.979, -48.224 ], [ -74.936, -48.247 ], [ -74.883, -48.215 ], [ -74.948, -48.279 ], [ -74.83, -48.223 ], [ -74.811, -48.148 ], [ -74.742, -48.139 ], [ -74.891, -48.307 ], [ -74.822, -48.256 ], [ -74.83, -48.383 ], [ -74.881, -48.398 ], [ -74.871, -48.361 ], [ -75.02, -48.473 ], [ -75.109, -48.358 ], [ -75.082, -48.342 ], [ -75.156, -48.317 ], [ -75.048, -48.271 ], [ -75.168, -48.284 ], [ -75.088, -48.265 ], [ -75.145, -48.263 ], [ -75.08, -48.222 ], [ -75.175, -48.26 ], [ -75.166, -48.203 ], [ -75.208, -48.213 ], [ -75.124, -48.175 ], [ -75.216, -48.192 ], [ -75.149, -48.156 ], [ -75.217, -48.165 ], [ -75.265, -48.09 ], [ -75.016, -48.143 ], [ -75.096, -48.098 ], [ -75, -48.114 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.342, -48.231 ], [ -74.304, -48.266 ], [ -74.374, -48.244 ], [ -74.342, -48.231 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.518, -48.049 ], [ -75.54, -48.037 ], [ -75.482, -48.043 ], [ -75.518, -48.049 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.315, -48.148 ], [ -75.333, -48.142 ], [ -75.285, -48.129 ], [ -75.288, -48.146 ], [ -75.315, -48.148 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.886, -48.173 ], [ -74.904, -48.153 ], [ -74.847, -48.115 ], [ -74.837, -48.143 ], [ -74.886, -48.173 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.552, -48.183 ], [ -74.603, -48.156 ], [ -74.502, -48.173 ], [ -74.605, -48.125 ], [ -74.48, -48.172 ], [ -74.36, -48.281 ], [ -74.52, -48.36 ], [ -74.567, -48.294 ], [ -74.478, -48.196 ], [ -74.595, -48.287 ], [ -74.603, -48.191 ], [ -74.552, -48.183 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.521, -48.135 ], [ -74.551, -48.115 ], [ -74.525, -48.112 ], [ -74.521, -48.135 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.014, -48 ], [ -74.035, -48.024 ], [ -74.061, -48.003 ], [ -74.045, -47.99 ], [ -74.014, -48 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.128, -48.051 ], [ -75.103, -48.029 ], [ -75.207, -48.044 ], [ -75.121, -48.015 ], [ -75.278, -48.028 ], [ -75.127, -47.991 ], [ -75.128, -47.957 ], [ -75.254, -47.989 ], [ -75.055, -47.909 ], [ -74.972, -47.998 ], [ -74.801, -48.049 ], [ -74.873, -48.099 ], [ -75.076, -48.045 ], [ -74.894, -48.118 ], [ -74.917, -48.152 ], [ -74.968, -48.107 ], [ -75.166, -48.075 ], [ -75.128, -48.051 ] ], [ [ -75.077, -48.017 ], [ -75.05, -48.043 ], [ -75.026, -48.033 ], [ -75.077, -48.017 ] ], [ [ -75.104, -48.013 ], [ -75.07, -47.998 ], [ -74.981, -48.021 ], [ -75.069, -47.985 ], [ -75.104, -48.013 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.741, -48.08 ], [ -74.731, -48.114 ], [ -74.801, -48.077 ], [ -74.76, -48.049 ], [ -74.789, -48.023 ], [ -74.743, -48.037 ], [ -74.793, -48.007 ], [ -74.783, -47.912 ], [ -74.695, -48.063 ], [ -74.741, -48.08 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.167, -47.657 ], [ -75.181, -47.65 ], [ -75.164, -47.646 ], [ -75.167, -47.657 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.91, -47.713 ], [ -74.929, -47.693 ], [ -74.9, -47.704 ], [ -74.91, -47.713 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.223, -47.608 ], [ -74.232, -47.603 ], [ -74.192, -47.606 ], [ -74.223, -47.608 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.459, -47.186 ], [ -74.474, -47.181 ], [ -74.458, -47.173 ], [ -74.459, -47.186 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.288, -47.027 ], [ -74.247, -47.039 ], [ -74.262, -47.077 ], [ -74.421, -47.168 ], [ -74.442, -47.071 ], [ -74.288, -47.027 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.567, -46.915 ], [ -74.568, -46.938 ], [ -74.597, -46.935 ], [ -74.6, -46.918 ], [ -74.567, -46.915 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.278, -46.8 ], [ -74.353, -46.793 ], [ -74.361, -46.78 ], [ -74.278, -46.8 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.762, -47.59 ], [ -74.764, -47.576 ], [ -74.751, -47.583 ], [ -74.762, -47.59 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.301, -46.726 ], [ -75.306, -46.715 ], [ -75.292, -46.72 ], [ -75.301, -46.726 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.171, -46.728 ], [ -75.251, -46.689 ], [ -75.252, -46.677 ], [ -75.173, -46.695 ], [ -75.171, -46.728 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.303, -46.687 ], [ -75.32, -46.711 ], [ -75.359, -46.688 ], [ -75.303, -46.687 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.282, -46.672 ], [ -75.283, -46.684 ], [ -75.333, -46.681 ], [ -75.282, -46.672 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.262, -46.682 ], [ -75.28, -46.668 ], [ -75.258, -46.669 ], [ -75.262, -46.682 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.581, -46.229 ], [ -73.588, -46.221 ], [ -73.562, -46.211 ], [ -73.581, -46.229 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.903, -46.181 ], [ -74.917, -46.178 ], [ -74.891, -46.175 ], [ -74.903, -46.181 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.963, -46.162 ], [ -74.944, -46.179 ], [ -74.968, -46.182 ], [ -74.963, -46.162 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.992, -46.157 ], [ -74.984, -46.179 ], [ -75.03, -46.179 ], [ -74.992, -46.157 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.916, -46.097 ], [ -73.881, -46.106 ], [ -73.874, -46.123 ], [ -73.94, -46.131 ], [ -73.916, -46.097 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.979, -45.949 ], [ -73.951, -45.985 ], [ -73.963, -46.016 ], [ -73.984, -45.998 ], [ -73.979, -45.949 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.224, -46.785 ], [ -75.232, -46.768 ], [ -75.217, -46.767 ], [ -75.208, -46.778 ], [ -75.224, -46.785 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.208, -46.756 ], [ -75.266, -46.719 ], [ -75.232, -46.7 ], [ -75.16, -46.767 ], [ -75.208, -46.756 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.899, -45.628 ], [ -74.903, -45.659 ], [ -74.938, -45.631 ], [ -74.899, -45.628 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.868, -45.675 ], [ -74.854, -45.698 ], [ -74.885, -45.695 ], [ -74.868, -45.675 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.225, -45.482 ], [ -74.175, -45.521 ], [ -74.161, -45.569 ], [ -74.229, -45.496 ], [ -74.225, -45.482 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.5, -45.631 ], [ -74.476, -45.657 ], [ -74.514, -45.686 ], [ -74.52, -45.653 ], [ -74.5, -45.631 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.797, -45.62 ], [ -73.811, -45.661 ], [ -73.816, -45.627 ], [ -73.797, -45.62 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.581, -45.792 ], [ -74.594, -45.793 ], [ -74.57, -45.774 ], [ -74.581, -45.792 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.861, -45.752 ], [ -73.845, -45.762 ], [ -73.892, -45.789 ], [ -73.894, -45.772 ], [ -73.861, -45.752 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.09, -45.764 ], [ -74.073, -45.772 ], [ -74.096, -45.785 ], [ -74.09, -45.764 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.101, -45.744 ], [ -74.067, -45.762 ], [ -74.1, -45.757 ], [ -74.101, -45.744 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.514, -45.705 ], [ -74.499, -45.732 ], [ -74.551, -45.751 ], [ -74.514, -45.705 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.159, -45.731 ], [ -74.149, -45.738 ], [ -74.164, -45.741 ], [ -74.159, -45.731 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.141, -45.723 ], [ -74.117, -45.744 ], [ -74.148, -45.732 ], [ -74.141, -45.723 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.805, -45.697 ], [ -74.796, -45.705 ], [ -74.82, -45.699 ], [ -74.805, -45.697 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.835, -45.598 ], [ -74.768, -45.63 ], [ -74.832, -45.623 ], [ -74.725, -45.72 ], [ -74.859, -45.66 ], [ -74.835, -45.598 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.796, -45.675 ], [ -73.71, -45.729 ], [ -73.707, -45.767 ], [ -73.758, -45.758 ], [ -73.796, -45.675 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.462, -45.667 ], [ -74.448, -45.688 ], [ -74.485, -45.723 ], [ -74.501, -45.699 ], [ -74.462, -45.667 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.524, -45.58 ], [ -74.572, -45.754 ], [ -74.662, -45.757 ], [ -74.657, -45.654 ], [ -74.524, -45.58 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.986, -45.538 ], [ -73.864, -45.607 ], [ -73.88, -45.711 ], [ -73.958, -45.739 ], [ -74.05, -45.706 ], [ -74.099, -45.603 ], [ -73.986, -45.538 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.93, -45.947 ], [ -73.939, -45.953 ], [ -73.93, -45.934 ], [ -73.93, -45.947 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.718, -46.031 ], [ -73.651, -46.091 ], [ -73.738, -46.213 ], [ -73.829, -46.164 ], [ -73.759, -46.146 ], [ -73.845, -46.142 ], [ -73.875, -46.101 ], [ -73.929, -46.092 ], [ -73.903, -45.894 ], [ -73.778, -45.86 ], [ -73.708, -45.802 ], [ -73.653, -45.894 ], [ -73.691, -45.91 ], [ -73.664, -46.019 ], [ -73.718, -46.031 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.963, -45.794 ], [ -74.967, -45.814 ], [ -74.99, -45.801 ], [ -74.963, -45.794 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.817, -45.858 ], [ -73.818, -45.838 ], [ -73.779, -45.827 ], [ -73.783, -45.855 ], [ -73.817, -45.858 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.906, -45.806 ], [ -73.925, -45.794 ], [ -73.901, -45.792 ], [ -73.906, -45.806 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.636, -45.773 ], [ -73.63, -45.797 ], [ -73.653, -45.805 ], [ -73.636, -45.773 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.877, -45.8 ], [ -73.834, -45.768 ], [ -73.765, -45.81 ], [ -73.864, -45.857 ], [ -73.826, -45.821 ], [ -73.877, -45.8 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.352, -45.779 ], [ -74.377, -45.809 ], [ -74.432, -45.799 ], [ -74.352, -45.779 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.549, -45.768 ], [ -74.49, -45.743 ], [ -74.469, -45.815 ], [ -74.575, -45.798 ], [ -74.549, -45.768 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.254, -45.71 ], [ -74.194, -45.749 ], [ -74.289, -45.759 ], [ -74.149, -45.75 ], [ -74.116, -45.804 ], [ -74.312, -45.797 ], [ -74.323, -45.754 ], [ -74.254, -45.71 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.717, -47.859 ], [ -73.746, -47.833 ], [ -73.621, -47.827 ], [ -73.717, -47.859 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.938, -47.816 ], [ -74.947, -47.833 ], [ -74.964, -47.831 ], [ -74.938, -47.816 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.046, -47.827 ], [ -75.058, -47.821 ], [ -75.031, -47.818 ], [ -75.046, -47.827 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.357, -47.824 ], [ -74.225, -47.791 ], [ -73.888, -47.883 ], [ -73.865, -47.842 ], [ -73.803, -47.825 ], [ -73.846, -47.854 ], [ -73.784, -47.873 ], [ -73.86, -47.958 ], [ -73.932, -47.949 ], [ -73.903, -47.91 ], [ -74.001, -47.959 ], [ -74.304, -47.976 ], [ -74.375, -47.917 ], [ -74.5, -47.904 ], [ -74.357, -47.824 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.904, -47.838 ], [ -74.881, -47.8 ], [ -74.801, -47.826 ], [ -74.806, -47.917 ], [ -74.854, -47.897 ], [ -74.821, -47.927 ], [ -74.883, -47.95 ], [ -74.825, -47.944 ], [ -74.811, -48.003 ], [ -74.988, -47.96 ], [ -74.936, -47.878 ], [ -74.982, -47.841 ], [ -74.904, -47.838 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.075, -47.911 ], [ -75.076, -47.843 ], [ -75.046, -47.859 ], [ -75.075, -47.911 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.649, -47.884 ], [ -74.636, -47.914 ], [ -74.731, -47.891 ], [ -74.732, -47.825 ], [ -74.677, -47.804 ], [ -74.649, -47.884 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.572, -47.887 ], [ -74.652, -47.852 ], [ -74.653, -47.811 ], [ -74.556, -47.818 ], [ -74.572, -47.887 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.518, -47.896 ], [ -74.476, -47.792 ], [ -74.38, -47.799 ], [ -74.518, -47.896 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.995, -47.802 ], [ -74.999, -47.816 ], [ -75.023, -47.812 ], [ -74.995, -47.802 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.661, -47.771 ], [ -74.644, -47.776 ], [ -74.688, -47.775 ], [ -74.661, -47.771 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.287, -47.726 ], [ -75.201, -47.742 ], [ -75.113, -47.67 ], [ -75.079, -47.751 ], [ -75.114, -47.774 ], [ -75.029, -47.789 ], [ -75.206, -47.845 ], [ -75.196, -47.791 ], [ -75.247, -47.789 ], [ -75.223, -47.84 ], [ -75.4, -47.734 ], [ -75.287, -47.726 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.908, -47.774 ], [ -74.926, -47.761 ], [ -74.918, -47.737 ], [ -74.883, -47.759 ], [ -74.908, -47.774 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75, -47.693 ], [ -74.946, -47.703 ], [ -74.934, -47.776 ], [ -75.092, -47.694 ], [ -75, -47.693 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.552, -45.402 ], [ -73.529, -45.415 ], [ -73.576, -45.409 ], [ -73.552, -45.402 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.126, -45.398 ], [ -74.139, -45.43 ], [ -74.164, -45.41 ], [ -74.126, -45.398 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.728, -45.395 ], [ -73.748, -45.416 ], [ -73.76, -45.406 ], [ -73.728, -45.395 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.604, -45.318 ], [ -74.573, -45.347 ], [ -74.624, -45.33 ], [ -74.604, -45.318 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.484, -45.313 ], [ -73.474, -45.321 ], [ -73.5, -45.315 ], [ -73.484, -45.313 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.308, -45.326 ], [ -74.261, -45.34 ], [ -74.237, -45.404 ], [ -74.281, -45.379 ], [ -74.308, -45.326 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.175, -45.325 ], [ -74.129, -45.37 ], [ -74.206, -45.387 ], [ -74.216, -45.373 ], [ -74.175, -45.325 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.517, -45.36 ], [ -73.578, -45.365 ], [ -73.589, -45.334 ], [ -73.458, -45.339 ], [ -73.517, -45.36 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.736, -45.332 ], [ -73.723, -45.335 ], [ -73.726, -45.349 ], [ -73.746, -45.341 ], [ -73.736, -45.332 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.15, -45.313 ], [ -74.13, -45.338 ], [ -74.161, -45.318 ], [ -74.15, -45.313 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.15, -45.313 ], [ -74.15, -45.313 ], [ -74.15, -45.313 ], [ -74.15, -45.313 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.716, -45.308 ], [ -73.712, -45.322 ], [ -73.738, -45.326 ], [ -73.716, -45.308 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.411, -45.042 ], [ -73.406, -45.059 ], [ -73.437, -45.088 ], [ -73.411, -45.042 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.521, -45.071 ], [ -73.505, -45.077 ], [ -73.5, -45.106 ], [ -73.521, -45.095 ], [ -73.521, -45.071 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.438, -45.05 ], [ -73.46, -45.107 ], [ -73.467, -45.072 ], [ -73.438, -45.05 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.073, -44.931 ], [ -75.153, -44.823 ], [ -75.112, -44.781 ], [ -75.012, -44.858 ], [ -75.012, -44.907 ], [ -75.073, -44.931 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.667, -44.964 ], [ -73.657, -44.98 ], [ -73.685, -44.977 ], [ -73.667, -44.964 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.525, -45.017 ], [ -73.504, -45.038 ], [ -73.551, -45.028 ], [ -73.525, -45.017 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.438, -44.987 ], [ -73.434, -45.018 ], [ -73.473, -45.047 ], [ -73.463, -45.004 ], [ -73.438, -44.987 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.674, -45.013 ], [ -73.667, -45.048 ], [ -73.721, -44.987 ], [ -73.679, -44.989 ], [ -73.674, -45.013 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.327, -45.303 ], [ -73.385, -45.338 ], [ -73.428, -45.34 ], [ -73.424, -45.303 ], [ -73.327, -45.303 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.62, -45.274 ], [ -73.609, -45.263 ], [ -73.62, -45.274 ], [ -73.62, -45.274 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.62, -45.274 ], [ -73.631, -45.284 ], [ -73.651, -45.266 ], [ -73.613, -45.25 ], [ -73.62, -45.274 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.452, -45.257 ], [ -74.438, -45.267 ], [ -74.471, -45.266 ], [ -74.452, -45.257 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.583, -45.271 ], [ -74.549, -45.294 ], [ -74.562, -45.312 ], [ -74.593, -45.3 ], [ -74.556, -45.292 ], [ -74.583, -45.271 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.398, -45.285 ], [ -74.32, -45.315 ], [ -74.264, -45.412 ], [ -74.343, -45.429 ], [ -74.523, -45.332 ], [ -74.398, -45.285 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.074, -45.376 ], [ -74.07, -45.346 ], [ -73.974, -45.382 ], [ -74.047, -45.413 ], [ -74.074, -45.376 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.07, -45.346 ], [ -74.135, -45.33 ], [ -74.156, -45.238 ], [ -74.024, -45.208 ], [ -73.987, -45.266 ], [ -73.808, -45.253 ], [ -73.758, -45.354 ], [ -74.07, -45.346 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.512, -45.3 ], [ -73.555, -45.318 ], [ -73.591, -45.302 ], [ -73.542, -45.243 ], [ -73.487, -45.27 ], [ -73.512, -45.3 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.162, -45.298 ], [ -74.15, -45.313 ], [ -74.172, -45.303 ], [ -74.162, -45.298 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.36, -45.165 ], [ -74.196, -45.226 ], [ -74.193, -45.278 ], [ -74.237, -45.279 ], [ -74.192, -45.285 ], [ -74.201, -45.35 ], [ -74.263, -45.316 ], [ -74.258, -45.218 ], [ -74.295, -45.239 ], [ -74.276, -45.291 ], [ -74.321, -45.255 ], [ -74.29, -45.331 ], [ -74.38, -45.275 ], [ -74.401, -45.17 ], [ -74.36, -45.165 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.446, -45.259 ], [ -73.446, -45.259 ], [ -73.446, -45.26 ], [ -73.446, -45.259 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.499, -45.159 ], [ -74.489, -45.219 ], [ -74.572, -45.213 ], [ -74.499, -45.159 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.446, -45.259 ], [ -73.505, -45.242 ], [ -73.516, -45.193 ], [ -73.473, -45.205 ], [ -73.446, -45.259 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.525, -45.18 ], [ -73.515, -45.189 ], [ -73.528, -45.206 ], [ -73.537, -45.186 ], [ -73.525, -45.18 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.243, -45.178 ], [ -74.234, -45.184 ], [ -74.257, -45.18 ], [ -74.243, -45.178 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.542, -45.171 ], [ -73.535, -45.178 ], [ -73.551, -45.18 ], [ -73.542, -45.171 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.514, -45.142 ], [ -73.504, -45.152 ], [ -73.526, -45.169 ], [ -73.538, -45.144 ], [ -73.514, -45.142 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.382, -45.055 ], [ -74.28, -45.077 ], [ -74.335, -45.09 ], [ -74.321, -45.13 ], [ -74.381, -45.076 ], [ -74.321, -45.146 ], [ -74.264, -45.097 ], [ -74.249, -45.169 ], [ -74.42, -45.117 ], [ -74.382, -45.055 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.808, -44.988 ], [ -73.687, -45.115 ], [ -73.672, -45.179 ], [ -73.721, -45.194 ], [ -73.678, -45.203 ], [ -73.723, -45.236 ], [ -73.691, -45.289 ], [ -73.757, -45.305 ], [ -73.812, -45.24 ], [ -73.983, -45.255 ], [ -73.982, -45.198 ], [ -73.847, -45.21 ], [ -73.962, -45.192 ], [ -74.013, -45.205 ], [ -74.073, -45.179 ], [ -74.059, -45.139 ], [ -74.13, -45.167 ], [ -74.151, -45.055 ], [ -74.151, -45.164 ], [ -74.217, -45.172 ], [ -74.237, -45.082 ], [ -74.174, -45.034 ], [ -74.037, -45.053 ], [ -73.808, -44.988 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.67, -44.654 ], [ -74.62, -44.609 ], [ -74.516, -44.622 ], [ -74.436, -44.695 ], [ -74.613, -44.695 ], [ -74.67, -44.654 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.855, -44.764 ], [ -73.841, -44.772 ], [ -73.878, -44.767 ], [ -73.855, -44.764 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.95, -44.755 ], [ -73.939, -44.761 ], [ -73.967, -44.758 ], [ -73.95, -44.755 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.953, -44.743 ], [ -73.949, -44.754 ], [ -73.974, -44.744 ], [ -73.953, -44.743 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.924, -44.737 ], [ -73.912, -44.75 ], [ -73.933, -44.749 ], [ -73.924, -44.737 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.847, -44.718 ], [ -73.819, -44.746 ], [ -73.933, -44.731 ], [ -73.847, -44.718 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.571, -44.704 ], [ -73.747, -44.755 ], [ -73.882, -44.596 ], [ -73.833, -44.591 ], [ -73.791, -44.662 ], [ -73.803, -44.565 ], [ -73.661, -44.541 ], [ -73.592, -44.629 ], [ -73.718, -44.739 ], [ -73.619, -44.675 ], [ -73.571, -44.704 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.504, -44.955 ], [ -73.519, -44.936 ], [ -73.498, -44.926 ], [ -73.49, -44.944 ], [ -73.504, -44.955 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.337, -44.928 ], [ -73.324, -44.941 ], [ -73.344, -44.935 ], [ -73.337, -44.928 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.64, -44.936 ], [ -74.618, -44.958 ], [ -74.656, -44.943 ], [ -74.64, -44.936 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.68, -44.896 ], [ -73.671, -44.906 ], [ -73.692, -44.905 ], [ -73.68, -44.896 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.629, -44.868 ], [ -73.63, -44.89 ], [ -73.66, -44.882 ], [ -73.629, -44.868 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.416, -44.881 ], [ -74.399, -44.888 ], [ -74.407, -44.9 ], [ -74.432, -44.888 ], [ -74.416, -44.881 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.34, -44.872 ], [ -74.322, -44.902 ], [ -74.365, -44.911 ], [ -74.343, -44.897 ], [ -74.34, -44.872 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.359, -44.873 ], [ -74.377, -44.907 ], [ -74.384, -44.88 ], [ -74.359, -44.873 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.867, -44.775 ], [ -73.728, -44.912 ], [ -73.769, -44.907 ], [ -73.764, -44.957 ], [ -73.829, -44.962 ], [ -73.919, -44.867 ], [ -73.843, -44.902 ], [ -73.799, -44.899 ], [ -73.913, -44.824 ], [ -73.867, -44.775 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.685, -44.859 ], [ -73.698, -44.878 ], [ -73.738, -44.863 ], [ -73.685, -44.859 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.234, -44.854 ], [ -74.216, -44.86 ], [ -74.248, -44.869 ], [ -74.234, -44.854 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.145, -44.866 ], [ -73.956, -44.897 ], [ -73.894, -44.967 ], [ -74.016, -44.995 ], [ -74.085, -44.958 ], [ -74.023, -45 ], [ -74.269, -45.041 ], [ -74.387, -45.005 ], [ -74.145, -44.866 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.308, -44.897 ], [ -74.371, -44.963 ], [ -74.458, -44.927 ], [ -74.454, -44.896 ], [ -74.331, -44.92 ], [ -74.308, -44.897 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.299, -44.911 ], [ -74.3, -44.892 ], [ -74.277, -44.87 ], [ -74.261, -44.902 ], [ -74.299, -44.911 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.666, -44.753 ], [ -73.585, -44.747 ], [ -73.598, -44.833 ], [ -73.719, -44.825 ], [ -73.738, -44.757 ], [ -73.666, -44.753 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.753, -44.807 ], [ -73.741, -44.83 ], [ -73.761, -44.833 ], [ -73.753, -44.807 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.767, -44.78 ], [ -73.751, -44.801 ], [ -73.765, -44.802 ], [ -73.767, -44.78 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.462, -44.714 ], [ -74.431, -44.715 ], [ -74.301, -44.843 ], [ -74.45, -44.845 ], [ -74.537, -44.744 ], [ -74.462, -44.714 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.995, -44.773 ], [ -73.934, -44.791 ], [ -73.933, -44.837 ], [ -74.018, -44.865 ], [ -74.191, -44.824 ], [ -73.995, -44.773 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.413, -44.658 ], [ -74.394, -44.618 ], [ -74.286, -44.636 ], [ -74.291, -44.602 ], [ -73.97, -44.602 ], [ -73.842, -44.703 ], [ -73.964, -44.713 ], [ -73.956, -44.661 ], [ -73.989, -44.662 ], [ -73.987, -44.725 ], [ -74.247, -44.81 ], [ -74.369, -44.726 ], [ -74.086, -44.743 ], [ -74.383, -44.708 ], [ -74.413, -44.658 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.97, -44.602 ], [ -73.908, -44.568 ], [ -73.886, -44.628 ], [ -73.97, -44.602 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.058, -45.434 ], [ -73.864, -45.489 ], [ -73.778, -45.465 ], [ -73.843, -45.578 ], [ -73.908, -45.554 ], [ -73.884, -45.511 ], [ -73.985, -45.53 ], [ -73.941, -45.511 ], [ -74.05, -45.522 ], [ -74.105, -45.596 ], [ -74.124, -45.554 ], [ -74.068, -45.525 ], [ -74.102, -45.499 ], [ -74.065, -45.459 ], [ -73.962, -45.462 ], [ -74.058, -45.434 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.463, -45.572 ], [ -74.395, -45.448 ], [ -74.321, -45.462 ], [ -74.263, -45.494 ], [ -74.353, -45.526 ], [ -74.261, -45.499 ], [ -74.211, -45.561 ], [ -74.296, -45.552 ], [ -74.36, -45.57 ], [ -74.207, -45.576 ], [ -74.18, -45.625 ], [ -74.195, -45.69 ], [ -74.422, -45.694 ], [ -74.291, -45.717 ], [ -74.449, -45.788 ], [ -74.489, -45.731 ], [ -74.428, -45.693 ], [ -74.486, -45.61 ], [ -74.419, -45.593 ], [ -74.463, -45.572 ] ], [ [ -74.196, -45.624 ], [ -74.249, -45.638 ], [ -74.283, -45.624 ], [ -74.25, -45.643 ], [ -74.196, -45.624 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.463, -45.574 ], [ -74.489, -45.6 ], [ -74.544, -45.517 ], [ -74.498, -45.449 ], [ -74.412, -45.439 ], [ -74.469, -45.526 ], [ -74.463, -45.574 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.674, -45.438 ], [ -73.545, -45.488 ], [ -73.595, -45.605 ], [ -73.559, -45.646 ], [ -73.674, -45.612 ], [ -73.582, -45.689 ], [ -73.63, -45.772 ], [ -73.795, -45.67 ], [ -73.753, -45.52 ], [ -73.674, -45.438 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.1, -45.459 ], [ -74.105, -45.477 ], [ -74.112, -45.466 ], [ -74.1, -45.459 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.624, -45.424 ], [ -73.611, -45.431 ], [ -73.662, -45.434 ], [ -73.662, -45.423 ], [ -73.624, -45.424 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.135, -45.443 ], [ -74.115, -45.449 ], [ -74.117, -45.468 ], [ -74.135, -45.443 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.106, -45.438 ], [ -74.114, -45.447 ], [ -74.117, -45.432 ], [ -74.106, -45.438 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.107, -45.404 ], [ -74.084, -45.44 ], [ -74.114, -45.424 ], [ -74.107, -45.404 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.796, -45.373 ], [ -73.79, -45.416 ], [ -73.878, -45.454 ], [ -74.04, -45.418 ], [ -73.796, -45.373 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.801, -44.643 ], [ -74.808, -44.546 ], [ -74.734, -44.557 ], [ -74.718, -44.657 ], [ -74.782, -44.677 ], [ -74.801, -44.643 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.131, -44.573 ], [ -73.146, -44.571 ], [ -73.141, -44.554 ], [ -73.131, -44.573 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.292, -44.574 ], [ -73.28, -44.577 ], [ -73.304, -44.588 ], [ -73.292, -44.574 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.821, -44.403 ], [ -72.804, -44.421 ], [ -72.843, -44.414 ], [ -72.821, -44.403 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.628, -44.394 ], [ -73.623, -44.408 ], [ -73.653, -44.413 ], [ -73.628, -44.394 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.885, -44.398 ], [ -73.872, -44.359 ], [ -73.835, -44.371 ], [ -73.885, -44.398 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.407, -44.357 ], [ -74.373, -44.394 ], [ -74.424, -44.397 ], [ -74.407, -44.357 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.333, -44.515 ], [ -73.312, -44.523 ], [ -73.329, -44.586 ], [ -73.369, -44.54 ], [ -73.333, -44.515 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.768, -44.53 ], [ -73.748, -44.543 ], [ -73.778, -44.538 ], [ -73.768, -44.53 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.373, -44.546 ], [ -74.367, -44.558 ], [ -74.384, -44.556 ], [ -74.373, -44.546 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.675, -44.478 ], [ -73.576, -44.516 ], [ -73.673, -44.53 ], [ -73.675, -44.478 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.757, -44.483 ], [ -73.697, -44.508 ], [ -73.697, -44.526 ], [ -73.751, -44.52 ], [ -73.757, -44.483 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.321, -44.581 ], [ -74.371, -44.517 ], [ -74.189, -44.477 ], [ -74.11, -44.557 ], [ -74.321, -44.581 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.344, -44.51 ], [ -74.452, -44.492 ], [ -74.389, -44.55 ], [ -74.559, -44.488 ], [ -74.493, -44.428 ], [ -74.388, -44.441 ], [ -74.32, -44.397 ], [ -74.209, -44.473 ], [ -74.344, -44.51 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.758, -44.516 ], [ -73.757, -44.531 ], [ -73.768, -44.527 ], [ -73.758, -44.516 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.782, -44.493 ], [ -73.787, -44.52 ], [ -73.833, -44.503 ], [ -73.801, -44.484 ], [ -73.782, -44.493 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.848, -44.48 ], [ -73.836, -44.515 ], [ -73.894, -44.519 ], [ -73.896, -44.489 ], [ -73.848, -44.48 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.167, -44.418 ], [ -73.974, -44.45 ], [ -73.924, -44.541 ], [ -74.095, -44.547 ], [ -74.125, -44.515 ], [ -74.123, -44.494 ], [ -73.949, -44.503 ], [ -74.13, -44.474 ], [ -74.08, -44.471 ], [ -74.167, -44.418 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.6, -44.427 ], [ -73.569, -44.487 ], [ -73.619, -44.497 ], [ -73.652, -44.451 ], [ -73.584, -44.464 ], [ -73.6, -44.427 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.885, -44.398 ], [ -73.823, -44.377 ], [ -73.88, -44.44 ], [ -73.798, -44.403 ], [ -73.751, -44.448 ], [ -73.899, -44.459 ], [ -73.885, -44.398 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.054, -44.312 ], [ -72.982, -44.358 ], [ -73.087, -44.349 ], [ -73.112, -44.385 ], [ -73.136, -44.346 ], [ -73.054, -44.312 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.239, -44.313 ], [ -73.193, -44.326 ], [ -73.154, -44.386 ], [ -73.28, -44.393 ], [ -73.288, -44.342 ], [ -73.239, -44.313 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.319, -44.33 ], [ -74.258, -44.352 ], [ -74.246, -44.375 ], [ -74.363, -44.387 ], [ -74.383, -44.348 ], [ -74.319, -44.33 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.773, -44.369 ], [ -73.649, -44.382 ], [ -73.659, -44.342 ], [ -73.626, -44.372 ], [ -73.65, -44.393 ], [ -73.718, -44.392 ], [ -73.644, -44.421 ], [ -73.668, -44.446 ], [ -73.773, -44.369 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.006, -44.345 ], [ -73.889, -44.359 ], [ -73.906, -44.446 ], [ -74.053, -44.396 ], [ -74.083, -44.3 ], [ -74.006, -44.345 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.144, -44.304 ], [ -74.117, -44.322 ], [ -74.075, -44.42 ], [ -74.189, -44.383 ], [ -74.144, -44.304 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.076, -50.818 ], [ -74.128, -50.832 ], [ -74.134, -50.776 ], [ -74.076, -50.818 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.372, -50.385 ], [ -74.358, -50.409 ], [ -74.398, -50.391 ], [ -74.372, -50.385 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.387, -47.6 ], [ -74.365, -47.572 ], [ -74.32, -47.616 ], [ -74.403, -47.658 ], [ -74.387, -47.6 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.743, -53.696 ], [ -73.737, -53.677 ], [ -73.714, -53.676 ], [ -73.743, -53.696 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.652, -53.681 ], [ -73.631, -53.676 ], [ -73.646, -53.691 ], [ -73.652, -53.681 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.656, -53.66 ], [ -73.707, -53.629 ], [ -73.656, -53.597 ], [ -73.656, -53.66 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.11, -53.762 ], [ -72.101, -53.732 ], [ -72.058, -53.759 ], [ -72.11, -53.762 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.362, -53.79 ], [ -73.371, -53.782 ], [ -73.353, -53.779 ], [ -73.362, -53.79 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.123, -53.729 ], [ -72.112, -53.742 ], [ -72.172, -53.732 ], [ -72.123, -53.729 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.406, -53.572 ], [ -72.277, -53.627 ], [ -72.255, -53.66 ], [ -72.38, -53.656 ], [ -72.444, -53.588 ], [ -72.406, -53.572 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.664, -53.695 ], [ -70.542, -53.569 ], [ -70.466, -53.576 ], [ -70.485, -53.678 ], [ -70.413, -53.808 ], [ -70.451, -53.805 ], [ -70.416, -53.88 ], [ -70.451, -53.89 ], [ -70.342, -54.037 ], [ -70.445, -54.055 ], [ -70.681, -53.927 ], [ -70.462, -54.258 ], [ -70.753, -54.164 ], [ -70.878, -54.068 ], [ -70.895, -53.934 ], [ -70.836, -53.938 ], [ -70.894, -53.889 ], [ -70.777, -53.833 ], [ -70.597, -53.858 ], [ -70.707, -53.782 ], [ -70.704, -53.7 ], [ -70.664, -53.695 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.379, -53.886 ], [ -73.399, -53.875 ], [ -73.365, -53.877 ], [ -73.379, -53.886 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.049, -53.885 ], [ -72.119, -53.921 ], [ -72.203, -53.889 ], [ -72.072, -53.827 ], [ -72.049, -53.885 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.976, -53.896 ], [ -72.947, -53.917 ], [ -73.023, -53.91 ], [ -73.01, -53.889 ], [ -72.976, -53.896 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.858, -53.931 ], [ -72.918, -53.94 ], [ -72.885, -53.871 ], [ -72.794, -53.891 ], [ -72.858, -53.931 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.379, -53.862 ], [ -73.39, -53.857 ], [ -73.363, -53.855 ], [ -73.379, -53.862 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.911, -53.852 ], [ -71.809, -53.927 ], [ -71.837, -53.98 ], [ -71.772, -53.889 ], [ -71.646, -53.925 ], [ -71.777, -54.011 ], [ -71.687, -54.009 ], [ -71.685, -54.054 ], [ -71.759, -54.047 ], [ -71.701, -54.065 ], [ -71.729, -54.098 ], [ -71.661, -54.051 ], [ -71.616, -54.088 ], [ -71.739, -54.168 ], [ -71.911, -54.053 ], [ -71.903, -54.014 ], [ -71.943, -54.043 ], [ -71.88, -54.119 ], [ -71.912, -54.133 ], [ -71.853, -54.122 ], [ -71.72, -54.245 ], [ -71.888, -54.293 ], [ -71.819, -54.293 ], [ -71.857, -54.303 ], [ -71.804, -54.351 ], [ -71.971, -54.34 ], [ -71.937, -54.254 ], [ -71.877, -54.239 ], [ -71.936, -54.213 ], [ -72.04, -54.214 ], [ -72.122, -54.156 ], [ -72.002, -54.139 ], [ -72.147, -54.126 ], [ -72.019, -54.104 ], [ -72.114, -54.046 ], [ -72.185, -54.115 ], [ -72.251, -54.05 ], [ -72.204, -54.009 ], [ -72.261, -53.992 ], [ -72.263, -53.921 ], [ -72.047, -53.993 ], [ -72.1, -53.95 ], [ -72.017, -53.969 ], [ -72.052, -53.952 ], [ -72.025, -53.904 ], [ -71.935, -53.907 ], [ -71.969, -53.871 ], [ -71.911, -53.852 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.463, -52.581 ], [ -74.476, -52.559 ], [ -74.45, -52.553 ], [ -74.463, -52.581 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.466, -52.549 ], [ -74.478, -52.544 ], [ -74.469, -52.536 ], [ -74.466, -52.549 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.389, -52.549 ], [ -74.383, -52.57 ], [ -74.442, -52.549 ], [ -74.41, -52.528 ], [ -74.389, -52.549 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.433, -52.532 ], [ -74.457, -52.523 ], [ -74.434, -52.517 ], [ -74.433, -52.532 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.488, -52.479 ], [ -74.489, -52.511 ], [ -74.523, -52.505 ], [ -74.498, -52.474 ], [ -74.488, -52.479 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.538, -52.45 ], [ -74.511, -52.473 ], [ -74.563, -52.498 ], [ -74.611, -52.468 ], [ -74.538, -52.45 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.002, -52.419 ], [ -74.046, -52.451 ], [ -74.092, -52.44 ], [ -74.002, -52.419 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.279, -52.453 ], [ -74.289, -52.434 ], [ -74.271, -52.428 ], [ -74.279, -52.453 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.202, -52.438 ], [ -74.208, -52.424 ], [ -74.191, -52.421 ], [ -74.202, -52.438 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.358, -52.62 ], [ -74.387, -52.639 ], [ -74.382, -52.621 ], [ -74.358, -52.62 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.869, -52.279 ], [ -74.843, -52.314 ], [ -74.929, -52.277 ], [ -74.91, -52.257 ], [ -74.869, -52.279 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.275, -52.189 ], [ -73.272, -52.205 ], [ -73.312, -52.193 ], [ -73.275, -52.189 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.311, -52.221 ], [ -73.323, -52.212 ], [ -73.3, -52.217 ], [ -73.311, -52.221 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.733, -52.333 ], [ -73.756, -52.321 ], [ -73.75, -52.307 ], [ -73.731, -52.31 ], [ -73.733, -52.333 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.287, -52.306 ], [ -74.294, -52.291 ], [ -74.249, -52.28 ], [ -74.287, -52.306 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.345, -52.296 ], [ -74.34, -52.268 ], [ -74.314, -52.266 ], [ -74.345, -52.296 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.36, -52.249 ], [ -74.337, -52.257 ], [ -74.405, -52.286 ], [ -74.408, -52.266 ], [ -74.36, -52.249 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.414, -52.354 ], [ -74.448, -52.355 ], [ -74.451, -52.343 ], [ -74.414, -52.354 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.8, -52.327 ], [ -74.784, -52.341 ], [ -74.821, -52.328 ], [ -74.8, -52.327 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.524, -52.341 ], [ -74.56, -52.369 ], [ -74.498, -52.297 ], [ -74.524, -52.341 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.611, -52.335 ], [ -74.65, -52.33 ], [ -74.635, -52.317 ], [ -74.611, -52.335 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.573, -52.244 ], [ -74.571, -52.308 ], [ -74.628, -52.303 ], [ -74.618, -52.253 ], [ -74.573, -52.244 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.854, -52.196 ], [ -74.812, -52.258 ], [ -74.786, -52.221 ], [ -74.606, -52.218 ], [ -74.639, -52.307 ], [ -74.743, -52.334 ], [ -74.908, -52.241 ], [ -74.901, -52.195 ], [ -74.854, -52.196 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.43, -52.246 ], [ -74.428, -52.227 ], [ -74.404, -52.232 ], [ -74.43, -52.246 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.73, -52.245 ], [ -73.719, -52.297 ], [ -73.788, -52.244 ], [ -73.767, -52.216 ], [ -73.73, -52.245 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.244, -52.212 ], [ -74.285, -52.257 ], [ -74.33, -52.236 ], [ -74.244, -52.212 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.301, -52.193 ], [ -74.281, -52.207 ], [ -74.334, -52.213 ], [ -74.301, -52.193 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.226, -52.181 ], [ -74.262, -52.195 ], [ -74.309, -52.185 ], [ -74.284, -52.167 ], [ -74.226, -52.181 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.729, -51.931 ], [ -72.749, -51.926 ], [ -72.752, -51.903 ], [ -72.733, -51.9 ], [ -72.729, -51.931 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.753, -51.832 ], [ -73.701, -51.897 ], [ -73.712, -51.948 ], [ -73.797, -51.86 ], [ -73.753, -51.832 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.695, -51.832 ], [ -73.702, -51.82 ], [ -73.684, -51.817 ], [ -73.695, -51.832 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.931, -51.789 ], [ -72.907, -51.809 ], [ -72.959, -51.785 ], [ -72.931, -51.789 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.094, -52.059 ], [ -74.116, -52.059 ], [ -74.116, -52.043 ], [ -74.094, -52.059 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.319, -51.99 ], [ -74.349, -51.987 ], [ -74.33, -51.973 ], [ -74.319, -51.99 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.621, -51.963 ], [ -74.611, -51.966 ], [ -74.626, -51.973 ], [ -74.621, -51.963 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.515, -51.919 ], [ -74.491, -51.914 ], [ -74.51, -51.935 ], [ -74.532, -51.923 ], [ -74.515, -51.919 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.152, -52.055 ], [ -74.16, -52.04 ], [ -74.148, -52.041 ], [ -74.152, -52.055 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.397, -52.017 ], [ -74.367, -52.035 ], [ -74.422, -52.03 ], [ -74.397, -52.017 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.347, -52.055 ], [ -74.339, -52.029 ], [ -74.313, -52.035 ], [ -74.347, -52.055 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.247, -52.038 ], [ -74.245, -52.017 ], [ -74.223, -52.013 ], [ -74.216, -52.022 ], [ -74.247, -52.038 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.145, -52.011 ], [ -74.154, -51.996 ], [ -74.138, -52.001 ], [ -74.145, -52.011 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.28, -52.009 ], [ -74.304, -52.008 ], [ -74.3, -51.987 ], [ -74.271, -52 ], [ -74.28, -52.009 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.356, -51.999 ], [ -74.337, -52.008 ], [ -74.374, -52.02 ], [ -74.36, -51.981 ], [ -74.356, -51.999 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.54, -51.834 ], [ -74.561, -51.913 ], [ -74.645, -51.935 ], [ -74.562, -51.834 ], [ -74.54, -51.834 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.575, -52.108 ], [ -74.605, -52.125 ], [ -74.614, -52.115 ], [ -74.575, -52.108 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.964, -52.107 ], [ -73.935, -52.13 ], [ -74.059, -52.068 ], [ -73.999, -52.079 ], [ -73.964, -52.107 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.593, -52.082 ], [ -74.573, -52.086 ], [ -74.626, -52.11 ], [ -74.651, -52.184 ], [ -74.78, -52.203 ], [ -74.761, -52.134 ], [ -74.593, -52.082 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.538, -52.13 ], [ -74.562, -52.151 ], [ -74.595, -52.151 ], [ -74.581, -52.128 ], [ -74.538, -52.13 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.359, -52.183 ], [ -74.324, -52.188 ], [ -74.49, -52.194 ], [ -74.425, -52.147 ], [ -74.359, -52.183 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.22, -52.084 ], [ -74.132, -52.082 ], [ -74.05, -52.128 ], [ -74.129, -52.165 ], [ -74.251, -52.088 ], [ -74.22, -52.084 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.742, -52.096 ], [ -74.82, -52.095 ], [ -74.789, -52.119 ], [ -74.829, -52.147 ], [ -74.898, -52.131 ], [ -74.853, -52.062 ], [ -74.755, -52.033 ], [ -74.836, -52.046 ], [ -74.754, -51.954 ], [ -74.812, -51.961 ], [ -74.737, -51.826 ], [ -74.662, -51.878 ], [ -74.576, -51.836 ], [ -74.673, -51.922 ], [ -74.642, -51.953 ], [ -74.727, -51.997 ], [ -74.644, -51.962 ], [ -74.705, -52.013 ], [ -74.742, -52.096 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.459, -52.03 ], [ -74.441, -52.03 ], [ -74.566, -52.083 ], [ -74.544, -52.049 ], [ -74.459, -52.03 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.28, -52.091 ], [ -74.29, -52.071 ], [ -74.274, -52.079 ], [ -74.28, -52.091 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.361, -52.054 ], [ -74.319, -52.083 ], [ -74.384, -52.096 ], [ -74.361, -52.054 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.54, -51.942 ], [ -74.463, -51.99 ], [ -74.714, -52.105 ], [ -74.687, -52.021 ], [ -74.567, -52.004 ], [ -74.6, -51.977 ], [ -74.54, -51.942 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.22, -52.39 ], [ -74.234, -52.386 ], [ -74.211, -52.373 ], [ -74.22, -52.39 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.548, -52.39 ], [ -74.532, -52.372 ], [ -74.529, -52.388 ], [ -74.548, -52.39 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.397, -52.401 ], [ -74.415, -52.399 ], [ -74.381, -52.389 ], [ -74.397, -52.401 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.433, -52.378 ], [ -74.417, -52.389 ], [ -74.434, -52.394 ], [ -74.433, -52.378 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.282, -52.426 ], [ -74.311, -52.427 ], [ -74.316, -52.414 ], [ -74.282, -52.426 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.509, -52.397 ], [ -74.483, -52.445 ], [ -74.567, -52.41 ], [ -74.509, -52.397 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.195, -52.41 ], [ -74.228, -52.421 ], [ -74.187, -52.388 ], [ -74.195, -52.41 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.628, -52.353 ], [ -74.628, -52.387 ], [ -74.712, -52.378 ], [ -74.688, -52.35 ], [ -74.628, -52.353 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.506, -52.382 ], [ -74.516, -52.371 ], [ -74.493, -52.35 ], [ -74.506, -52.382 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.889, -52.214 ], [ -73.774, -52.283 ], [ -73.788, -52.34 ], [ -73.734, -52.415 ], [ -73.824, -52.416 ], [ -73.892, -52.385 ], [ -73.78, -52.355 ], [ -73.965, -52.292 ], [ -74.1, -52.17 ], [ -74.026, -52.144 ], [ -74.028, -52.173 ], [ -73.894, -52.213 ], [ -73.889, -52.214 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.897, -52.212 ], [ -73.955, -52.173 ], [ -73.935, -52.14 ], [ -73.798, -52.184 ], [ -73.811, -52.224 ], [ -73.897, -52.212 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.923, -52.348 ], [ -73.887, -52.342 ], [ -73.934, -52.367 ], [ -74.002, -52.332 ], [ -73.98, -52.386 ], [ -74.048, -52.336 ], [ -73.992, -52.39 ], [ -74.05, -52.363 ], [ -74.042, -52.4 ], [ -74.174, -52.415 ], [ -74.147, -52.389 ], [ -74.193, -52.368 ], [ -74.127, -52.319 ], [ -74.261, -52.369 ], [ -74.15, -52.304 ], [ -74.222, -52.285 ], [ -74.212, -52.242 ], [ -74.066, -52.299 ], [ -74.159, -52.213 ], [ -74.249, -52.199 ], [ -74.093, -52.22 ], [ -74.248, -52.146 ], [ -74.34, -52.177 ], [ -74.433, -52.133 ], [ -74.299, -52.092 ], [ -74.212, -52.115 ], [ -73.923, -52.348 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.061, -51.501 ], [ -75.049, -51.519 ], [ -75.081, -51.506 ], [ -75.061, -51.501 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.711, -51.568 ], [ -74.7, -51.573 ], [ -74.74, -51.573 ], [ -74.711, -51.568 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.554, -51.618 ], [ -74.596, -51.595 ], [ -74.55, -51.598 ], [ -74.554, -51.618 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.966, -51.613 ], [ -73.966, -51.598 ], [ -73.942, -51.592 ], [ -73.966, -51.613 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.707, -51.54 ], [ -74.703, -51.552 ], [ -74.762, -51.546 ], [ -74.707, -51.54 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.742, -51.418 ], [ -73.779, -51.381 ], [ -73.739, -51.383 ], [ -73.742, -51.418 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.971, -51.448 ], [ -73.974, -51.433 ], [ -73.963, -51.437 ], [ -73.971, -51.448 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.35, -51.441 ], [ -74.357, -51.422 ], [ -74.335, -51.435 ], [ -74.35, -51.441 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.98, -51.533 ], [ -74.904, -51.463 ], [ -74.87, -51.523 ], [ -74.911, -51.552 ], [ -74.913, -51.519 ], [ -74.98, -51.533 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.87, -51.475 ], [ -74.822, -51.457 ], [ -74.839, -51.507 ], [ -74.87, -51.475 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.768, -51.456 ], [ -74.755, -51.467 ], [ -74.832, -51.488 ], [ -74.812, -51.453 ], [ -74.768, -51.456 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.369, -51.25 ], [ -74.387, -51.242 ], [ -74.359, -51.242 ], [ -74.369, -51.25 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.676, -51.439 ], [ -74.74, -51.434 ], [ -74.662, -51.329 ], [ -74.647, -51.347 ], [ -74.676, -51.439 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.912, -51.377 ], [ -73.951, -51.389 ], [ -73.908, -51.363 ], [ -73.912, -51.377 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.325, -51.361 ], [ -74.292, -51.385 ], [ -74.383, -51.376 ], [ -74.325, -51.361 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.413, -51.377 ], [ -74.418, -51.368 ], [ -74.4, -51.372 ], [ -74.413, -51.377 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.16, -51.444 ], [ -74.227, -51.409 ], [ -74.148, -51.38 ], [ -74.247, -51.36 ], [ -74.229, -51.29 ], [ -74.127, -51.316 ], [ -74.113, -51.358 ], [ -74.168, -51.344 ], [ -74.2, -51.356 ], [ -74.077, -51.408 ], [ -74.1, -51.452 ], [ -74.145, -51.401 ], [ -74.16, -51.444 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.281, -51.352 ], [ -74.275, -51.366 ], [ -74.317, -51.356 ], [ -74.281, -51.352 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.372, -51.362 ], [ -74.395, -51.348 ], [ -74.359, -51.359 ], [ -74.372, -51.362 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.508, -51.356 ], [ -74.513, -51.315 ], [ -74.468, -51.329 ], [ -74.503, -51.336 ], [ -74.508, -51.356 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.14, -51.28 ], [ -74.132, -51.305 ], [ -74.173, -51.287 ], [ -74.14, -51.28 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.458, -51.303 ], [ -74.491, -51.276 ], [ -74.484, -51.262 ], [ -74.442, -51.278 ], [ -74.458, -51.303 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.086, -51.159 ], [ -75.104, -51.134 ], [ -75.07, -51.131 ], [ -75.086, -51.159 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.976, -50.948 ], [ -74.956, -50.98 ], [ -74.993, -50.961 ], [ -74.976, -50.948 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.842, -50.982 ], [ -74.811, -50.988 ], [ -74.959, -51.061 ], [ -74.9, -51.031 ], [ -74.915, -50.992 ], [ -74.842, -50.982 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.876, -51.092 ], [ -74.826, -51.094 ], [ -74.821, -51.151 ], [ -75.009, -51.175 ], [ -74.982, -51.109 ], [ -74.876, -51.092 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75, -50.988 ], [ -75.014, -51.023 ], [ -75.081, -51.008 ], [ -75.057, -50.978 ], [ -75, -50.988 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.459, -50.532 ], [ -74.459, -50.548 ], [ -74.532, -50.597 ], [ -74.504, -50.533 ], [ -74.459, -50.532 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.591, -50.504 ], [ -74.566, -50.554 ], [ -74.654, -50.594 ], [ -74.663, -50.51 ], [ -74.591, -50.504 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.837, -50.554 ], [ -74.854, -50.547 ], [ -74.855, -50.521 ], [ -74.829, -50.533 ], [ -74.837, -50.554 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.723, -50.525 ], [ -74.737, -50.521 ], [ -74.721, -50.51 ], [ -74.723, -50.525 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.584, -50.683 ], [ -74.596, -50.675 ], [ -74.582, -50.671 ], [ -74.584, -50.683 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.65, -50.71 ], [ -74.668, -50.687 ], [ -74.649, -50.679 ], [ -74.627, -50.699 ], [ -74.65, -50.71 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.703, -50.664 ], [ -74.691, -50.664 ], [ -74.708, -50.673 ], [ -74.726, -50.652 ], [ -74.703, -50.664 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.599, -50.652 ], [ -74.609, -50.664 ], [ -74.621, -50.65 ], [ -74.597, -50.637 ], [ -74.599, -50.652 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.747, -50.633 ], [ -74.753, -50.655 ], [ -74.788, -50.647 ], [ -74.747, -50.633 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.902, -50.627 ], [ -74.877, -50.639 ], [ -74.919, -50.629 ], [ -74.902, -50.627 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.316, -50.888 ], [ -74.34, -50.86 ], [ -74.292, -50.858 ], [ -74.316, -50.888 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.042, -50.821 ], [ -75.053, -50.817 ], [ -75.031, -50.82 ], [ -75.042, -50.821 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.947, -50.829 ], [ -74.944, -50.806 ], [ -74.934, -50.819 ], [ -74.947, -50.829 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.587, -50.722 ], [ -74.534, -50.733 ], [ -74.531, -50.782 ], [ -74.511, -50.734 ], [ -74.423, -50.796 ], [ -74.464, -50.812 ], [ -74.504, -50.858 ], [ -74.388, -50.808 ], [ -74.361, -50.88 ], [ -74.418, -50.879 ], [ -74.467, -50.952 ], [ -74.384, -50.893 ], [ -74.418, -50.968 ], [ -74.387, -50.916 ], [ -74.365, -50.91 ], [ -74.401, -50.967 ], [ -74.347, -50.985 ], [ -74.35, -51.028 ], [ -74.391, -51.009 ], [ -74.36, -51.077 ], [ -74.456, -50.992 ], [ -74.575, -51.049 ], [ -74.59, -51.014 ], [ -74.619, -51.093 ], [ -74.679, -51.112 ], [ -74.763, -51.065 ], [ -74.676, -51.06 ], [ -74.741, -51.037 ], [ -74.606, -50.994 ], [ -74.758, -51.002 ], [ -74.75, -51.026 ], [ -74.786, -51.079 ], [ -74.818, -51.061 ], [ -74.773, -51.045 ], [ -74.88, -51.05 ], [ -74.766, -50.988 ], [ -74.852, -50.964 ], [ -74.754, -50.975 ], [ -74.824, -50.926 ], [ -74.935, -50.988 ], [ -74.929, -50.917 ], [ -74.849, -50.911 ], [ -74.926, -50.88 ], [ -74.658, -50.9 ], [ -74.601, -50.951 ], [ -74.588, -50.899 ], [ -74.523, -50.913 ], [ -74.633, -50.877 ], [ -74.608, -50.821 ], [ -74.551, -50.861 ], [ -74.511, -50.809 ], [ -74.556, -50.824 ], [ -74.665, -50.738 ], [ -74.587, -50.722 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.961, -50.672 ], [ -74.964, -50.793 ], [ -74.989, -50.818 ], [ -75.098, -50.702 ], [ -75.03, -50.721 ], [ -75.015, -50.686 ], [ -75.061, -50.679 ], [ -75.032, -50.643 ], [ -74.979, -50.641 ], [ -74.989, -50.671 ], [ -74.95, -50.635 ], [ -74.961, -50.672 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.796, -50.651 ], [ -74.705, -50.684 ], [ -74.747, -50.702 ], [ -74.722, -50.745 ], [ -74.777, -50.735 ], [ -74.675, -50.799 ], [ -74.771, -50.801 ], [ -74.691, -50.828 ], [ -74.712, -50.878 ], [ -74.664, -50.799 ], [ -74.624, -50.812 ], [ -74.676, -50.897 ], [ -74.931, -50.839 ], [ -74.845, -50.826 ], [ -74.921, -50.797 ], [ -74.84, -50.8 ], [ -74.941, -50.782 ], [ -74.864, -50.773 ], [ -74.933, -50.712 ], [ -74.801, -50.723 ], [ -74.924, -50.68 ], [ -74.917, -50.666 ], [ -74.757, -50.697 ], [ -74.828, -50.653 ], [ -74.796, -50.651 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.468, -51.192 ], [ -74.396, -51.234 ], [ -74.519, -51.201 ], [ -74.468, -51.192 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.898, -51.231 ], [ -74.86, -51.245 ], [ -74.966, -51.309 ], [ -75.05, -51.282 ], [ -74.898, -51.231 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.922, -51.34 ], [ -73.957, -51.309 ], [ -73.983, -51.369 ], [ -74.053, -51.375 ], [ -74.094, -51.224 ], [ -73.939, -51.233 ], [ -73.922, -51.34 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.745, -51.414 ], [ -74.975, -51.479 ], [ -75.023, -51.436 ], [ -74.771, -51.328 ], [ -74.939, -51.381 ], [ -74.927, -51.337 ], [ -74.969, -51.339 ], [ -74.891, -51.277 ], [ -74.782, -51.281 ], [ -74.835, -51.258 ], [ -74.757, -51.241 ], [ -74.783, -51.207 ], [ -74.719, -51.222 ], [ -74.6, -51.183 ], [ -74.482, -51.242 ], [ -74.503, -51.293 ], [ -74.539, -51.261 ], [ -74.525, -51.308 ], [ -74.576, -51.258 ], [ -74.638, -51.242 ], [ -74.559, -51.294 ], [ -74.57, -51.351 ], [ -74.52, -51.345 ], [ -74.54, -51.386 ], [ -74.61, -51.402 ], [ -74.654, -51.272 ], [ -74.663, -51.311 ], [ -74.714, -51.295 ], [ -74.679, -51.323 ], [ -74.745, -51.414 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.972, -51.217 ], [ -73.978, -51.201 ], [ -73.961, -51.199 ], [ -73.972, -51.217 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.829, -51.167 ], [ -74.792, -51.184 ], [ -74.831, -51.238 ], [ -74.854, -51.192 ], [ -75.015, -51.222 ], [ -74.829, -51.167 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.746, -51.173 ], [ -74.751, -51.202 ], [ -74.793, -51.169 ], [ -74.746, -51.173 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.763, -51.125 ], [ -74.67, -51.147 ], [ -74.603, -51.084 ], [ -74.546, -51.173 ], [ -74.623, -51.147 ], [ -74.654, -51.194 ], [ -74.802, -51.145 ], [ -74.763, -51.125 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.42, -51.032 ], [ -74.446, -51.068 ], [ -74.49, -51.034 ], [ -74.494, -51.078 ], [ -74.362, -51.105 ], [ -74.363, -51.187 ], [ -74.425, -51.175 ], [ -74.372, -51.216 ], [ -74.543, -51.156 ], [ -74.578, -51.095 ], [ -74.468, -51.008 ], [ -74.42, -51.032 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.515, -50.375 ], [ -74.539, -50.348 ], [ -74.517, -50.353 ], [ -74.515, -50.375 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.608, -50.272 ], [ -74.552, -50.288 ], [ -74.729, -50.299 ], [ -74.688, -50.272 ], [ -74.608, -50.272 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.885, -50.234 ], [ -74.812, -50.242 ], [ -74.852, -50.285 ], [ -74.885, -50.234 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.886, -50.124 ], [ -74.93, -50.15 ], [ -74.916, -50.108 ], [ -74.886, -50.124 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.082, -50.033 ], [ -75.096, -50.022 ], [ -75.076, -50.015 ], [ -75.082, -50.033 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.66, -50.069 ], [ -74.705, -50.12 ], [ -74.739, -50.095 ], [ -74.685, -50.063 ], [ -74.66, -50.069 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.741, -50.072 ], [ -74.773, -50.061 ], [ -74.729, -50.062 ], [ -74.741, -50.072 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75, -50.314 ], [ -74.93, -50.278 ], [ -74.878, -50.322 ], [ -74.925, -50.369 ], [ -75.002, -50.353 ], [ -75, -50.314 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.231, -50.682 ], [ -75.309, -50.705 ], [ -75.229, -50.74 ], [ -75.267, -50.788 ], [ -75.315, -50.8 ], [ -75.311, -50.738 ], [ -75.318, -50.776 ], [ -75.436, -50.762 ], [ -75.393, -50.733 ], [ -75.443, -50.696 ], [ -75.327, -50.68 ], [ -75.502, -50.653 ], [ -75.393, -50.637 ], [ -75.447, -50.625 ], [ -75.408, -50.592 ], [ -75.301, -50.593 ], [ -75.458, -50.491 ], [ -75.356, -50.454 ], [ -75.323, -50.501 ], [ -75.254, -50.478 ], [ -75.284, -50.52 ], [ -75.233, -50.48 ], [ -75.045, -50.491 ], [ -75.099, -50.545 ], [ -75.154, -50.53 ], [ -75.134, -50.562 ], [ -75.202, -50.546 ], [ -75.152, -50.584 ], [ -75.195, -50.61 ], [ -75.265, -50.567 ], [ -75.245, -50.535 ], [ -75.307, -50.547 ], [ -75.214, -50.619 ], [ -75.291, -50.632 ], [ -75.231, -50.682 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.511, -50.409 ], [ -74.45, -50.466 ], [ -74.34, -50.455 ], [ -74.288, -50.614 ], [ -74.198, -50.674 ], [ -74.412, -50.64 ], [ -74.259, -50.684 ], [ -74.245, -50.726 ], [ -74.199, -50.698 ], [ -74.141, -50.838 ], [ -74.216, -50.841 ], [ -74.23, -50.751 ], [ -74.279, -50.799 ], [ -74.316, -50.756 ], [ -74.276, -50.837 ], [ -74.331, -50.836 ], [ -74.404, -50.755 ], [ -74.354, -50.724 ], [ -74.474, -50.735 ], [ -74.496, -50.71 ], [ -74.454, -50.698 ], [ -74.515, -50.691 ], [ -74.459, -50.667 ], [ -74.541, -50.684 ], [ -74.59, -50.634 ], [ -74.531, -50.641 ], [ -74.383, -50.538 ], [ -74.442, -50.519 ], [ -74.373, -50.527 ], [ -74.364, -50.558 ], [ -74.337, -50.527 ], [ -74.467, -50.507 ], [ -74.457, -50.472 ], [ -74.506, -50.505 ], [ -74.675, -50.479 ], [ -74.511, -50.409 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.108, -50.489 ], [ -74.122, -50.481 ], [ -74.095, -50.486 ], [ -74.108, -50.489 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.096, -50.479 ], [ -75.12, -50.474 ], [ -75.102, -50.465 ], [ -75.096, -50.479 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.384, -50.411 ], [ -75.36, -50.374 ], [ -75.318, -50.375 ], [ -75.328, -50.401 ], [ -75.384, -50.411 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.611, -50.347 ], [ -74.525, -50.397 ], [ -74.725, -50.497 ], [ -74.769, -50.476 ], [ -74.712, -50.408 ], [ -74.778, -50.422 ], [ -74.73, -50.367 ], [ -74.611, -50.347 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.988, -50.457 ], [ -75.056, -50.464 ], [ -75.054, -50.411 ], [ -75.08, -50.399 ], [ -75.122, -50.462 ], [ -75.18, -50.44 ], [ -75.031, -50.333 ], [ -75.001, -50.368 ], [ -75.039, -50.386 ], [ -74.945, -50.39 ], [ -74.988, -50.457 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.379, -50.352 ], [ -75.411, -50.419 ], [ -75.479, -50.423 ], [ -75.388, -50.359 ], [ -75.428, -50.37 ], [ -75.444, -50.297 ], [ -75.361, -50.254 ], [ -75.408, -50.231 ], [ -75.369, -50.152 ], [ -75.192, -50.174 ], [ -75.33, -50.197 ], [ -75.195, -50.213 ], [ -75.18, -50.253 ], [ -75.11, -50.251 ], [ -75.139, -50.208 ], [ -75.075, -50.169 ], [ -75.077, -50.127 ], [ -75.149, -50.173 ], [ -75.302, -50.118 ], [ -75.37, -50.069 ], [ -75.339, -50.001 ], [ -75.321, -50.035 ], [ -75.246, -49.994 ], [ -75.281, -50.035 ], [ -75.248, -50.013 ], [ -75.238, -50.066 ], [ -75.115, -50.015 ], [ -75.066, -50.054 ], [ -75.104, -50.089 ], [ -75.048, -50.067 ], [ -75.061, -50.104 ], [ -75.038, -50.08 ], [ -75, -50.133 ], [ -75.042, -50.033 ], [ -74.993, -50.02 ], [ -75.014, -50.082 ], [ -74.911, -50.093 ], [ -75.035, -50.174 ], [ -75.009, -50.196 ], [ -74.942, -50.132 ], [ -74.924, -50.168 ], [ -74.876, -50.129 ], [ -74.843, -50.168 ], [ -74.849, -50.13 ], [ -74.788, -50.15 ], [ -74.861, -50.116 ], [ -74.822, -50.097 ], [ -74.75, -50.138 ], [ -74.791, -50.121 ], [ -74.76, -50.174 ], [ -74.858, -50.184 ], [ -74.795, -50.201 ], [ -74.942, -50.202 ], [ -74.917, -50.248 ], [ -75.135, -50.343 ], [ -75.201, -50.442 ], [ -75.32, -50.427 ], [ -75.172, -50.288 ], [ -75.379, -50.352 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.952, -51.724 ], [ -74.992, -51.886 ], [ -75.101, -51.91 ], [ -75.054, -51.842 ], [ -75.112, -51.806 ], [ -75.041, -51.719 ], [ -74.952, -51.724 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.789, -51.916 ], [ -73.697, -51.981 ], [ -73.786, -52.021 ], [ -73.87, -51.96 ], [ -73.814, -51.933 ], [ -73.868, -51.914 ], [ -73.852, -51.891 ], [ -73.959, -51.893 ], [ -73.945, -51.845 ], [ -73.989, -51.821 ], [ -73.937, -51.817 ], [ -73.9, -51.788 ], [ -73.794, -51.88 ], [ -73.847, -51.912 ], [ -73.789, -51.916 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.212, -51.762 ], [ -74.234, -51.754 ], [ -74.201, -51.759 ], [ -74.212, -51.762 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.551, -51.727 ], [ -74.59, -51.779 ], [ -74.584, -51.719 ], [ -74.551, -51.727 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.652, -51.693 ], [ -74.694, -51.708 ], [ -74.651, -51.712 ], [ -74.715, -51.775 ], [ -74.72, -51.711 ], [ -74.652, -51.693 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.397, -51.738 ], [ -74.333, -51.755 ], [ -74.365, -51.781 ], [ -74.285, -51.761 ], [ -74.326, -51.786 ], [ -74.275, -51.78 ], [ -74.304, -51.828 ], [ -74.155, -51.843 ], [ -74.195, -51.895 ], [ -74.061, -51.887 ], [ -74.117, -51.925 ], [ -74.113, -51.977 ], [ -74.372, -51.885 ], [ -74.414, -51.833 ], [ -74.361, -51.806 ], [ -74.424, -51.81 ], [ -74.466, -51.757 ], [ -74.413, -51.766 ], [ -74.503, -51.703 ], [ -74.397, -51.738 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.05, -51.812 ], [ -74.017, -51.82 ], [ -74.061, -51.837 ], [ -74.158, -51.768 ], [ -74.05, -51.812 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.672, -51.777 ], [ -74.62, -51.784 ], [ -74.597, -51.815 ], [ -74.686, -51.835 ], [ -74.719, -51.803 ], [ -74.672, -51.777 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.492, -51.674 ], [ -74.431, -51.689 ], [ -74.427, -51.705 ], [ -74.526, -51.674 ], [ -74.492, -51.674 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.821, -51.675 ], [ -73.819, -51.664 ], [ -73.78, -51.663 ], [ -73.821, -51.675 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.864, -51.664 ], [ -73.881, -51.648 ], [ -73.837, -51.653 ], [ -73.864, -51.664 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.559, -51.639 ], [ -74.579, -51.631 ], [ -74.544, -51.634 ], [ -74.559, -51.639 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.04, -51.551 ], [ -74.079, -51.552 ], [ -74.028, -51.578 ], [ -73.976, -51.701 ], [ -74.058, -51.723 ], [ -73.941, -51.727 ], [ -73.913, -51.775 ], [ -73.959, -51.812 ], [ -74.147, -51.75 ], [ -74.146, -51.713 ], [ -74.173, -51.745 ], [ -74.236, -51.72 ], [ -74.19, -51.723 ], [ -74.223, -51.675 ], [ -74.159, -51.691 ], [ -74.17, -51.632 ], [ -74.148, -51.671 ], [ -74.078, -51.679 ], [ -74.131, -51.667 ], [ -74.144, -51.593 ], [ -74.07, -51.616 ], [ -74.036, -51.596 ], [ -74.115, -51.545 ], [ -74.04, -51.551 ] ] ], [ [ [ -75.09, -51.27 ], [ -75.124, -51.381 ], [ -75.052, -51.291 ], [ -74.963, -51.316 ], [ -74.979, -51.369 ], [ -75.016, -51.357 ], [ -74.987, -51.397 ], [ -75.06, -51.36 ], [ -75.024, -51.398 ], [ -75.089, -51.426 ], [ -75.081, -51.48 ], [ -75.133, -51.407 ], [ -75.116, -51.56 ], [ -75.142, -51.592 ], [ -75.19, -51.561 ], [ -75.164, -51.618 ], [ -75.278, -51.639 ], [ -75.305, -51.542 ], [ -75.175, -51.493 ], [ -75.207, -51.403 ], [ -75.135, -51.389 ], [ -75.212, -51.335 ], [ -75.09, -51.27 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.742, -53.577 ], [ -73.885, -53.593 ], [ -73.851, -53.549 ], [ -73.919, -53.534 ], [ -73.86, -53.51 ], [ -73.898, -53.457 ], [ -73.704, -53.52 ], [ -73.814, -53.541 ], [ -73.705, -53.539 ], [ -73.742, -53.577 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.326, -53.17 ], [ -74.319, -53.185 ], [ -74.338, -53.186 ], [ -74.326, -53.17 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.097, -53.25 ], [ -74.154, -53.328 ], [ -74.288, -53.313 ], [ -74.124, -53.242 ], [ -74.097, -53.25 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.28, -53.28 ], [ -74.255, -53.288 ], [ -74.314, -53.294 ], [ -74.302, -53.266 ], [ -74.28, -53.28 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.312, -53.452 ], [ -73.304, -53.431 ], [ -73.254, -53.466 ], [ -73.276, -53.478 ], [ -73.312, -53.452 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.336, -53.459 ], [ -73.354, -53.451 ], [ -73.348, -53.44 ], [ -73.317, -53.458 ], [ -73.336, -53.459 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.698, -53.512 ], [ -73.843, -53.419 ], [ -73.558, -53.504 ], [ -73.701, -53.447 ], [ -73.542, -53.443 ], [ -73.636, -53.419 ], [ -73.622, -53.371 ], [ -73.523, -53.413 ], [ -73.552, -53.382 ], [ -73.438, -53.385 ], [ -73.415, -53.412 ], [ -73.545, -53.484 ], [ -73.471, -53.465 ], [ -73.39, -53.556 ], [ -73.52, -53.59 ], [ -73.565, -53.523 ], [ -73.555, -53.56 ], [ -73.698, -53.512 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.58, -53.439 ], [ -73.58, -53.439 ], [ -73.555, -53.441 ], [ -73.56, -53.441 ], [ -73.58, -53.439 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.387, -53.429 ], [ -73.381, -53.447 ], [ -73.429, -53.433 ], [ -73.409, -53.417 ], [ -73.387, -53.429 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.884, -53.39 ], [ -73.841, -53.393 ], [ -73.854, -53.426 ], [ -73.933, -53.407 ], [ -73.884, -53.39 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.75, -53.393 ], [ -73.748, -53.42 ], [ -73.779, -53.394 ], [ -73.75, -53.393 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.672, -53.383 ], [ -73.665, -53.407 ], [ -73.714, -53.385 ], [ -73.702, -53.373 ], [ -73.672, -53.383 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.568, -53.38 ], [ -73.577, -53.369 ], [ -73.554, -53.374 ], [ -73.568, -53.38 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.481, -53.331 ], [ -72.503, -53.322 ], [ -72.504, -53.301 ], [ -72.478, -53.313 ], [ -72.481, -53.331 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.436, -53.342 ], [ -73.444, -53.333 ], [ -73.424, -53.333 ], [ -73.436, -53.342 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.935, -53.2 ], [ -73.959, -53.177 ], [ -73.898, -53.196 ], [ -73.935, -53.2 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.773, -53.279 ], [ -73.742, -53.29 ], [ -73.793, -53.274 ], [ -73.773, -53.279 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.078, -53.376 ], [ -73.068, -53.362 ], [ -73.059, -53.371 ], [ -73.078, -53.376 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.313, -53.373 ], [ -73.29, -53.371 ], [ -73.276, -53.393 ], [ -73.351, -53.362 ], [ -73.313, -53.373 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.643, -53.354 ], [ -73.655, -53.38 ], [ -73.722, -53.355 ], [ -73.668, -53.37 ], [ -73.643, -53.354 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.869, -53.32 ], [ -73.804, -53.343 ], [ -73.906, -53.321 ], [ -73.869, -53.32 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.599, -54.537 ], [ -71.705, -54.484 ], [ -71.662, -54.466 ], [ -71.866, -54.442 ], [ -71.737, -54.4 ], [ -71.533, -54.513 ], [ -71.566, -54.479 ], [ -71.43, -54.494 ], [ -71.587, -54.461 ], [ -71.604, -54.4 ], [ -71.356, -54.465 ], [ -71.294, -54.438 ], [ -71.41, -54.422 ], [ -71.399, -54.38 ], [ -71.327, -54.382 ], [ -71.186, -54.427 ], [ -71.224, -54.463 ], [ -71.143, -54.43 ], [ -71.064, -54.527 ], [ -71.119, -54.442 ], [ -70.97, -54.458 ], [ -70.927, -54.522 ], [ -70.916, -54.365 ], [ -70.758, -54.332 ], [ -70.718, -54.37 ], [ -70.57, -54.361 ], [ -70.695, -54.438 ], [ -70.755, -54.622 ], [ -70.707, -54.552 ], [ -70.607, -54.606 ], [ -70.692, -54.538 ], [ -70.548, -54.403 ], [ -70.246, -54.573 ], [ -70.189, -54.578 ], [ -70.287, -54.499 ], [ -70.104, -54.552 ], [ -70.507, -54.39 ], [ -70.523, -54.307 ], [ -70.86, -54.261 ], [ -70.899, -54.175 ], [ -70.808, -54.198 ], [ -70.923, -54.127 ], [ -70.279, -54.343 ], [ -70.107, -54.443 ], [ -70.155, -54.398 ], [ -70.038, -54.385 ], [ -70.198, -54.318 ], [ -69.991, -54.27 ], [ -69.939, -54.309 ], [ -69.98, -54.33 ], [ -69.953, -54.395 ], [ -69.911, -54.376 ], [ -69.893, -54.436 ], [ -69.826, -54.446 ], [ -69.902, -54.508 ], [ -69.798, -54.472 ], [ -69.75, -54.513 ], [ -69.835, -54.568 ], [ -69.761, -54.543 ], [ -69.753, -54.588 ], [ -69.719, -54.496 ], [ -69.798, -54.431 ], [ -69.853, -54.29 ], [ -69.644, -54.345 ], [ -69.629, -54.406 ], [ -69.529, -54.444 ], [ -69.491, -54.445 ], [ -69.557, -54.399 ], [ -69.545, -54.341 ], [ -69.2, -54.452 ], [ -69.483, -54.677 ], [ -69.386, -54.645 ], [ -69.346, -54.71 ], [ -69.363, -54.632 ], [ -69.207, -54.526 ], [ -69.13, -54.602 ], [ -69.17, -54.512 ], [ -69.126, -54.46 ], [ -68.969, -54.486 ], [ -68.966, -54.449 ], [ -70.048, -54.106 ], [ -70.189, -53.819 ], [ -70.15, -53.744 ], [ -69.676, -53.646 ], [ -69.35, -53.523 ], [ -69.303, -53.475 ], [ -69.349, -53.368 ], [ -69.861, -53.372 ], [ -70.21, -53.477 ], [ -70.46, -53.377 ], [ -70.437, -53.014 ], [ -70.33, -52.965 ], [ -70.348, -53.058 ], [ -70.253, -53.051 ], [ -70.134, -53.006 ], [ -70.089, -52.918 ], [ -70.217, -52.881 ], [ -70.303, -52.912 ], [ -70.25, -52.853 ], [ -70.281, -52.795 ], [ -70.434, -52.784 ], [ -70.128, -52.729 ], [ -69.995, -52.837 ], [ -69.898, -52.84 ], [ -69.707, -52.764 ], [ -69.58, -52.651 ], [ -69.59, -52.537 ], [ -69.407, -52.454 ], [ -69.14, -52.698 ], [ -68.786, -52.614 ], [ -68.755, -52.545 ], [ -68.611, -52.653 ], [ -68.61, -54.89 ], [ -68.962, -54.785 ], [ -68.703, -54.908 ], [ -69.077, -54.957 ], [ -69.637, -54.84 ], [ -69.604, -54.728 ], [ -69.663, -54.788 ], [ -69.708, -54.697 ], [ -69.682, -54.821 ], [ -69.754, -54.825 ], [ -69.727, -54.761 ], [ -69.764, -54.724 ], [ -69.769, -54.821 ], [ -69.908, -54.836 ], [ -69.964, -54.726 ], [ -69.936, -54.685 ], [ -69.98, -54.723 ], [ -69.95, -54.846 ], [ -70.079, -54.853 ], [ -70.053, -54.788 ], [ -70.137, -54.792 ], [ -70.081, -54.83 ], [ -70.126, -54.85 ], [ -70.218, -54.833 ], [ -70.161, -54.864 ], [ -70.298, -54.852 ], [ -70.313, -54.807 ], [ -70.212, -54.685 ], [ -70.296, -54.745 ], [ -70.33, -54.843 ], [ -70.574, -54.771 ], [ -70.609, -54.78 ], [ -70.581, -54.801 ], [ -70.745, -54.851 ], [ -70.827, -54.825 ], [ -70.769, -54.801 ], [ -70.794, -54.77 ], [ -70.469, -54.7 ], [ -70.43, -54.637 ], [ -70.532, -54.627 ], [ -70.618, -54.676 ], [ -70.563, -54.715 ], [ -70.779, -54.763 ], [ -70.927, -54.758 ], [ -70.883, -54.705 ], [ -70.742, -54.694 ], [ -70.902, -54.67 ], [ -71.014, -54.783 ], [ -70.955, -54.72 ], [ -70.953, -54.682 ], [ -71.007, -54.706 ], [ -70.985, -54.672 ], [ -70.906, -54.619 ], [ -71.046, -54.597 ], [ -71.014, -54.632 ], [ -71.049, -54.665 ], [ -71.255, -54.686 ], [ -71.284, -54.648 ], [ -71.12, -54.626 ], [ -71.236, -54.623 ], [ -71.243, -54.591 ], [ -71.169, -54.58 ], [ -71.236, -54.583 ], [ -71.205, -54.538 ], [ -71.29, -54.576 ], [ -71.329, -54.517 ], [ -71.315, -54.572 ], [ -71.395, -54.532 ], [ -71.371, -54.566 ], [ -71.429, -54.571 ], [ -71.331, -54.593 ], [ -71.316, -54.619 ], [ -71.396, -54.611 ], [ -71.381, -54.66 ], [ -71.441, -54.64 ], [ -71.473, -54.696 ], [ -71.495, -54.595 ], [ -71.501, -54.717 ], [ -71.589, -54.689 ], [ -71.528, -54.669 ], [ -71.582, -54.651 ], [ -71.558, -54.623 ], [ -71.609, -54.641 ], [ -71.55, -54.588 ], [ -71.602, -54.583 ], [ -71.648, -54.673 ], [ -71.677, -54.619 ], [ -71.63, -54.589 ], [ -71.785, -54.582 ], [ -71.711, -54.613 ], [ -71.853, -54.601 ], [ -71.789, -54.65 ], [ -71.906, -54.656 ], [ -71.979, -54.611 ], [ -71.864, -54.62 ], [ -71.942, -54.577 ], [ -71.905, -54.554 ], [ -71.972, -54.572 ], [ -72.025, -54.516 ], [ -71.921, -54.526 ], [ -72.021, -54.483 ], [ -71.911, -54.45 ], [ -71.886, -54.514 ], [ -71.857, -54.472 ], [ -71.832, -54.537 ], [ -71.748, -54.566 ], [ -71.632, -54.583 ], [ -71.753, -54.5 ], [ -71.606, -54.546 ], [ -71.513, -54.55 ], [ -71.599, -54.537 ] ] ], [ [ [ -71.854, -53.104 ], [ -71.875, -53.088 ], [ -71.849, -53.068 ], [ -71.854, -53.104 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.45, -53.037 ], [ -73.471, -53.015 ], [ -73.443, -53.027 ], [ -73.45, -53.037 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.5, -52.944 ], [ -73.488, -52.968 ], [ -73.592, -52.987 ], [ -73.561, -52.926 ], [ -73.5, -52.944 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.301, -53.177 ], [ -74.282, -53.142 ], [ -74.245, -53.149 ], [ -74.257, -53.176 ], [ -74.301, -53.177 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.36, -53.126 ], [ -74.298, -53.149 ], [ -74.357, -53.17 ], [ -74.36, -53.126 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.282, -53.143 ], [ -73.336, -53.135 ], [ -73.3, -53.123 ], [ -73.282, -53.143 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.194, -53.12 ], [ -73.204, -53.115 ], [ -73.184, -53.105 ], [ -73.194, -53.12 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.274, -53.095 ], [ -72.249, -53.104 ], [ -72.247, -53.119 ], [ -72.307, -53.099 ], [ -72.274, -53.095 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.901, -53.106 ], [ -73.771, -53.21 ], [ -73.843, -53.224 ], [ -73.907, -53.145 ], [ -73.922, -53.174 ], [ -73.988, -53.129 ], [ -73.901, -53.106 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.938, -53.172 ], [ -74.052, -53.187 ], [ -74.086, -53.15 ], [ -74.002, -53.129 ], [ -73.938, -53.172 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.17, -53.136 ], [ -74.202, -53.133 ], [ -74.211, -53.115 ], [ -74.163, -53.129 ], [ -74.17, -53.136 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.069, -53.108 ], [ -73.078, -53.104 ], [ -73.065, -53.098 ], [ -73.069, -53.108 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.656, -52.87 ], [ -70.732, -52.91 ], [ -70.773, -52.908 ], [ -70.625, -52.846 ], [ -70.656, -52.87 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.806, -52.906 ], [ -73.837, -52.901 ], [ -73.838, -52.881 ], [ -73.789, -52.878 ], [ -73.806, -52.906 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.285, -52.795 ], [ -73.311, -52.782 ], [ -73.292, -52.781 ], [ -73.285, -52.795 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.47, -52.78 ], [ -73.458, -52.789 ], [ -73.511, -52.777 ], [ -73.47, -52.78 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.709, -52.787 ], [ -73.7, -52.757 ], [ -73.659, -52.756 ], [ -73.663, -52.784 ], [ -73.709, -52.787 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.522, -52.794 ], [ -72.533, -52.767 ], [ -72.512, -52.784 ], [ -72.522, -52.794 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.246, -52.585 ], [ -72.28, -52.605 ], [ -72.3, -52.539 ], [ -72.246, -52.585 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.625, -52.575 ], [ -72.675, -52.568 ], [ -72.641, -52.561 ], [ -72.625, -52.575 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.861, -52.573 ], [ -72.842, -52.567 ], [ -72.851, -52.581 ], [ -72.861, -52.573 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.714, -52.57 ], [ -72.715, -52.553 ], [ -72.696, -52.553 ], [ -72.714, -52.57 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.067, -52.58 ], [ -74.121, -52.616 ], [ -74.206, -52.593 ], [ -74.123, -52.568 ], [ -74.067, -52.58 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.684, -52.547 ], [ -73.649, -52.568 ], [ -73.688, -52.574 ], [ -73.684, -52.547 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.292, -52.513 ], [ -74.302, -52.509 ], [ -74.278, -52.501 ], [ -74.292, -52.513 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.67, -52.527 ], [ -73.681, -52.512 ], [ -73.654, -52.512 ], [ -73.652, -52.523 ], [ -73.67, -52.527 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.977, -52.539 ], [ -74.017, -52.529 ], [ -73.89, -52.477 ], [ -73.977, -52.539 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.623, -52.483 ], [ -73.629, -52.463 ], [ -73.603, -52.47 ], [ -73.623, -52.483 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.113, -52.474 ], [ -74.128, -52.461 ], [ -74.114, -52.452 ], [ -74.097, -52.462 ], [ -74.113, -52.474 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.015, -52.462 ], [ -74.016, -52.449 ], [ -73.98, -52.431 ], [ -73.983, -52.449 ], [ -74.015, -52.462 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.3, -52.464 ], [ -74.333, -52.45 ], [ -74.328, -52.432 ], [ -74.3, -52.434 ], [ -74.3, -52.464 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72, -53.101 ], [ -72.121, -53.137 ], [ -72.349, -53.032 ], [ -72.244, -53.086 ], [ -72.4, -53.034 ], [ -72.602, -53.072 ], [ -72.388, -53.078 ], [ -72.204, -53.188 ], [ -72.363, -53.177 ], [ -72.401, -53.196 ], [ -72.316, -53.223 ], [ -72.361, -53.235 ], [ -72.508, -53.185 ], [ -72.457, -53.237 ], [ -72.541, -53.172 ], [ -72.606, -53.191 ], [ -72.415, -53.255 ], [ -72.463, -53.302 ], [ -72.53, -53.26 ], [ -72.554, -53.266 ], [ -72.5, -53.352 ], [ -72.557, -53.381 ], [ -72.676, -53.317 ], [ -72.586, -53.433 ], [ -72.508, -53.401 ], [ -72.383, -53.532 ], [ -72.531, -53.559 ], [ -72.741, -53.458 ], [ -72.758, -53.391 ], [ -72.793, -53.455 ], [ -72.808, -53.372 ], [ -72.914, -53.384 ], [ -72.885, -53.353 ], [ -73.172, -53.266 ], [ -73.325, -53.157 ], [ -73.13, -53.201 ], [ -72.95, -53.169 ], [ -72.753, -53.238 ], [ -72.76, -53.281 ], [ -72.829, -53.278 ], [ -72.718, -53.298 ], [ -72.728, -53.254 ], [ -72.682, -53.256 ], [ -72.849, -53.181 ], [ -72.719, -53.192 ], [ -72.801, -53.156 ], [ -72.656, -53.148 ], [ -72.736, -53.102 ], [ -72.857, -53.152 ], [ -72.975, -53.1 ], [ -72.851, -53.033 ], [ -72.926, -53.048 ], [ -72.972, -52.934 ], [ -72.939, -52.906 ], [ -73.02, -52.85 ], [ -72.92, -52.836 ], [ -72.801, -52.776 ], [ -72.813, -52.811 ], [ -72.711, -52.713 ], [ -72.609, -52.767 ], [ -72.738, -52.863 ], [ -72.719, -52.898 ], [ -72.589, -52.798 ], [ -72.536, -52.806 ], [ -72.65, -52.87 ], [ -72.483, -52.819 ], [ -72.442, -52.876 ], [ -72.445, -52.812 ], [ -72.181, -52.638 ], [ -72.056, -52.679 ], [ -71.975, -52.638 ], [ -71.824, -52.697 ], [ -71.494, -52.643 ], [ -71.409, -52.722 ], [ -71.421, -52.836 ], [ -71.911, -53.002 ], [ -72, -53.101 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.42, -53.331 ], [ -73.642, -53.323 ], [ -73.616, -53.289 ], [ -73.5, -53.302 ], [ -73.631, -53.273 ], [ -73.593, -53.236 ], [ -73.636, -53.185 ], [ -73.668, -53.212 ], [ -73.633, -53.235 ], [ -73.688, -53.236 ], [ -73.731, -53.14 ], [ -73.73, -53.182 ], [ -73.776, -53.182 ], [ -73.812, -53.104 ], [ -73.843, -53.109 ], [ -73.812, -53.174 ], [ -73.902, -53.059 ], [ -73.98, -53.1 ], [ -74.127, -53.051 ], [ -74.01, -53.1 ], [ -74.089, -53.13 ], [ -74.119, -53.091 ], [ -74.202, -53.112 ], [ -74.262, -53.036 ], [ -74.243, -53.133 ], [ -74.329, -53.12 ], [ -74.315, -53.053 ], [ -74.348, -53.029 ], [ -74.378, -53.081 ], [ -74.445, -53.01 ], [ -74.4, -52.994 ], [ -74.47, -52.961 ], [ -74.45, -52.993 ], [ -74.471, -53.008 ], [ -74.512, -52.962 ], [ -74.483, -52.93 ], [ -74.575, -52.945 ], [ -74.569, -52.903 ], [ -74.647, -52.851 ], [ -74.591, -52.877 ], [ -74.547, -52.875 ], [ -74.577, -52.835 ], [ -74.677, -52.835 ], [ -74.63, -52.804 ], [ -74.707, -52.811 ], [ -74.736, -52.738 ], [ -74.689, -52.721 ], [ -74.427, -52.848 ], [ -74.51, -52.851 ], [ -74.416, -52.856 ], [ -74.469, -52.866 ], [ -74.47, -52.892 ], [ -74.348, -52.872 ], [ -74.408, -52.932 ], [ -74.328, -52.979 ], [ -74.309, -52.906 ], [ -74.267, -52.986 ], [ -74.182, -52.957 ], [ -74.136, -53.01 ], [ -74.091, -52.989 ], [ -74.142, -52.936 ], [ -74.052, -52.995 ], [ -73.937, -52.996 ], [ -73.992, -53.025 ], [ -73.928, -53.062 ], [ -73.948, -53.033 ], [ -73.905, -53.013 ], [ -73.819, -53.09 ], [ -73.849, -53.039 ], [ -73.814, -53.033 ], [ -73.648, -53.169 ], [ -73.672, -53.082 ], [ -73.626, -53.076 ], [ -73.56, -53.156 ], [ -73.602, -53.168 ], [ -73.566, -53.275 ], [ -73.521, -53.275 ], [ -73.532, -53.224 ], [ -73.461, -53.236 ], [ -73.535, -53.201 ], [ -73.527, -53.123 ], [ -73.489, -53.127 ], [ -73.415, -53.173 ], [ -73.458, -53.184 ], [ -73.397, -53.186 ], [ -73.46, -53.203 ], [ -73.346, -53.231 ], [ -73.43, -53.247 ], [ -73.409, -53.271 ], [ -73.316, -53.262 ], [ -73.212, -53.306 ], [ -73.264, -53.326 ], [ -73.122, -53.353 ], [ -73.189, -53.379 ], [ -73.42, -53.331 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.489, -52.724 ], [ -72.501, -52.72 ], [ -72.485, -52.715 ], [ -72.489, -52.724 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.321, -52.685 ], [ -72.347, -52.685 ], [ -72.313, -52.65 ], [ -72.321, -52.685 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.159, -52.643 ], [ -74.092, -52.663 ], [ -74.132, -52.658 ], [ -74.089, -52.693 ], [ -74.173, -52.711 ], [ -74.134, -52.683 ], [ -74.201, -52.645 ], [ -74.159, -52.643 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.655, -52.656 ], [ -73.687, -52.68 ], [ -73.707, -52.665 ], [ -73.689, -52.642 ], [ -73.655, -52.656 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.493, -52.722 ], [ -73.502, -52.711 ], [ -73.483, -52.703 ], [ -73.477, -52.716 ], [ -73.493, -52.722 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.357, -52.677 ], [ -73.388, -52.721 ], [ -73.448, -52.721 ], [ -73.376, -52.658 ], [ -73.357, -52.677 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.537, -52.74 ], [ -72.542, -52.758 ], [ -72.57, -52.75 ], [ -72.569, -52.733 ], [ -72.537, -52.74 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.377, -52.724 ], [ -72.38, -52.76 ], [ -72.46, -52.781 ], [ -72.499, -52.765 ], [ -72.377, -52.724 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.328, -52.698 ], [ -73.33, -52.732 ], [ -73.39, -52.752 ], [ -73.419, -52.745 ], [ -73.328, -52.698 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.654, -52.604 ], [ -72.595, -52.608 ], [ -72.585, -52.623 ], [ -72.656, -52.625 ], [ -72.654, -52.604 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.715, -52.429 ], [ -73.66, -52.486 ], [ -73.736, -52.502 ], [ -73.702, -52.519 ], [ -73.727, -52.575 ], [ -73.807, -52.552 ], [ -73.718, -52.594 ], [ -73.802, -52.713 ], [ -73.953, -52.728 ], [ -73.854, -52.609 ], [ -73.983, -52.67 ], [ -73.869, -52.574 ], [ -74.085, -52.641 ], [ -73.838, -52.438 ], [ -73.715, -52.429 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.884, -52.41 ], [ -73.859, -52.425 ], [ -73.882, -52.473 ], [ -73.99, -52.466 ], [ -73.884, -52.41 ] ] ] ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "El territorio Chileno fue explorado y conquistado por un desprendimiento de la conquista del Perú. Diego de Almagro (c. 1475-1538) emprendió una serie de exploraciones al sur de Perú tras haber realizado una capitulación con Carlos I en el que se le concedía la gobernación de Nueva Toledo. La expedición de Almagro se llevó adelante entre 1535 y 1537 y estuvo plagada de enormes dificultades de todo tipo. La conquista de Chile solo se realizaría lenta y problemáticamente a partir de 1540 cuando otro capitán, Pedro de Valdivia (1497-1553) consiguiera fundar una serie de ciudades en la región.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-12-03T14:38:13+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 13763, "end" : 13768 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Chile" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/88f70776-5e84-4461-a65f-653ce1d67b29", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "EVENT", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-12-03T16:42:55+00:00" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Estas primeras exploraciones fueron siguiendo el río Uruguay hasta el \nrío Negro, donde se registraron varios incidentes con los indios donde \nmuerieron variso hombres.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-12-03T16:42:55+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 56108, "end" : 56119 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "acometieron" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/8fac13fb-33e8-450d-ae9d-e7840e517faf", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-02T01:07:22+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Tupíes, parcialidad perteneciente al tronco lingüístico Tupí-Guaraní y que tenía uno de sus principales asentamientos en la Bahía de Guanabara. Más arriba aparecen mecionado como tupinamás. Bibliografía: Carneiro Da Cunha, Manuela L. (org.), História dos índios no Brasil, San\n Pablo, Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo-Companhia \ndas Letras-Secretaria Municipal de Cultura Prefeitura do Município de \nSão Paulo, 1992; Silva Noelli, Francisco, \"The tupi  expansion\", en \nSilverman, Helaine; Isbell, William H. (eds.), Handbook of South \nAmerican Archaeology, op. cit., pp. 659-670; Carneiro Da Cunha, Manuela \nL.; Viveiros de Castro, \"Vingança e temporalidade: os tupinamba\", en \nJSA, vol. LXXI, 1985, pp. 191-208.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-12-03T16:21:57+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 45112, "end" : 45117 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Tupis" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/805db453-dcd7-4872-ae25-023357a09c0a", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-01T23:33:20+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Tal y como los presenta Ruy Díaz, podría muy bien tratarse de una parcialidad de los Xarajes-Guató. Tieffenber anota \"Perabayanes\", en Díaz de Guzmán, Ruy, Argentina. Historia del Descubrimiento y\n Conquista del Río de la Plata, Buenos Aires, Editorial de la Facultad \nde Filosofía y Letras, 2012, p. 88. Edición de Silvia \nTieffemberg.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-12-03T16:13:26+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 40271, "end" : 40282 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Peravayanes" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/dd01f0e6-45aa-4fc2-952e-fbabd844f916", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-01T23:12:18+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Tieffemberg indica que de la lectura de los manuscritos pueda leerse paperui, en Díaz de Guzmán, Ruy, Argentina. Historia del Descubrimiento y\n Conquista del Río de la Plata, Buenos Aires, Editorial de la Facultad \nde Filosofía y Letras, 2012, p. 87. Edición de Silvia \nTieffemberg", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-12-03T15:58:20+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 38657, "end" : 38664 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Paretís" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/666c02aa-9dd7-458c-8ceb-2ff5b71dcf76", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", 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Es atacado por los Taberés; y los asalta en un fuerte de madera. Es ajusticiado por haber conspirado contra la vida del Gobernador Irala.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T18:35:23+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 75778, "end" : 75793 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "capitán Camargo" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/30255893-ffbc-4cf0-b4c9-10dd6b7e580e", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T18:55:22+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Indios del Paraguay; y de Candelaria; traidores e inconstantes. Matan a Juan de Oyolas. Se oponen a Chaves. Los individuos de esta nación se han hecho acreedores al dictado de pérfidos, por haber cometido los mayores atentados en la época de la conquista. Eran dueños de la navegación del río Paraguay, figurando en el norte de la Asumpción con el nombre de Payaguás o Sarigué, y en el sur con el de Agaces o Tacumbús. Opinan algunos que de Payaguás se deriva Paraguay, como quien dijera: «río de los Payaguás». Acostumbran pintarse el rostro con varios colores, y traen pendiente de su labio inferior una especie de aguijón, al que llaman tembetá. Pasan la mayor parte de su vida en las canoas, en cuyo manejo son habilísimos; hasta el punto de darles vuelta y ocultarse debajo de sus cascos. Su nombre corresponde a su oficio, porque en guaraní,payaguás se compone de paî, colgar, y aguáa, pala; esto es «los que viven pegados a sus remos».", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T18:55:22+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 22424, "end" : 22432 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Payaguás" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/25e83380-767f-4b0c-8bf2-0011f7c91187", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-22T18:54:25+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Pedro de Estopiñán y Virués o simplemente Pedro Estopiñán y también conocido como Pedro de Estopiñán el Conquistador de Melilla (Jerez de la Frontera, ca. 1470 – Monasterio de Guadalupe, 3 de septiembre de 1505) fue un militar castellano vinculado desde su juventud al servicio de la casa ducal de Medina-Sidonia, y debe su fama a ser el comandante en jefe del ejército del duque Juan Pérez de Guzmán, que conquistó la ciudad de Melilla en el año 1497.Al ser encarcelados a finales de 1500 el virrey y gobernador general Cristóbal Colón y el adelantado Bartolomé Colón, quedarían vacantes los títulos citados, por lo cual, a principios de 1504 los Reyes Católicos lo nombraron como adelantado y gobernador general de las Indias pero al demorar su viaje para tomar el mando, falleció antes de pasar al Nuevo Mundo, y como los hermanos Colón fueron indultados por los soberanos, ambos conservarían sus títulos y cargos.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-22T18:54:25+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 35073, "end" : 35091 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Pedro de Estopiñán" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/205d2902-2bc5-411d-a838-1e7cd9916db4", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "conqueror", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T12:53:45+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T12:53:45+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "colonizer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T12:53:45+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T12:53:45+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Alonso Riquelme\nde Guzmán y Ponce de León - nació en Jerez de la Frontera por 1519. Ruy Díaz de\nGuzmán - su padre - le declaró hijo suyo y de Violante Ponce de León, el\n13-VIII-1528, en una escritura de poder general a favor de Juan de Xerez,\nprocurador de Sevilla. Desde su infancia y hasta su primera juventud sirvió de\npaje y luego como secretario de sus presuntos deudos los Duques de Medina\nSidonia, Juan Alonso de Guzmán y Ana de Aragón. Tenía 21 años cuando se alistó\nen la armada de su pariente Alvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca (tío carnal de su\nmadrastra y del mismo linaje de su abuela Catalina de Zurita), y zarpó con rumbo\nal Río de la Plata.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T12:53:45+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 47333, "end" : 47348 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Alonso Riquelme" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/1b186543-df6a-4cc3-8260-7455bd44d398", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "conqueror", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T12:53:45+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T12:53:45+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "colonizer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T12:53:45+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T12:53:45+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Alonso Riquelme\nde Guzmán y Ponce de León - nació en Jerez de la Frontera por 1519. Ruy Díaz de\nGuzmán - su padre - le declaró hijo suyo y de Violante Ponce de León, el\n13-VIII-1528, en una escritura de poder general a favor de Juan de Xerez,\nprocurador de Sevilla. Desde su infancia y hasta su primera juventud sirvió de\npaje y luego como secretario de sus presuntos deudos los Duques de Medina\nSidonia, Juan Alonso de Guzmán y Ana de Aragón. Tenía 21 años cuando se alistó\nen la armada de su pariente Alvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca (tío carnal de su\nmadrastra y del mismo linaje de su abuela Catalina de Zurita), y zarpó con rumbo\nal Río de la Plata.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T12:53:45+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 52719, "end" : 52734 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Alonso Riquelme" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/1875821b-f688-417a-95e6-08ecc70abf14", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "conqueror", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T12:53:45+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T12:53:45+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "colonizer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T12:53:45+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T12:53:45+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Alonso Riquelme\nde Guzmán y Ponce de León - nació en Jerez de la Frontera por 1519. Ruy Díaz de\nGuzmán - su padre - le declaró hijo suyo y de Violante Ponce de León, el\n13-VIII-1528, en una escritura de poder general a favor de Juan de Xerez,\nprocurador de Sevilla. Desde su infancia y hasta su primera juventud sirvió de\npaje y luego como secretario de sus presuntos deudos los Duques de Medina\nSidonia, Juan Alonso de Guzmán y Ana de Aragón. Tenía 21 años cuando se alistó\nen la armada de su pariente Alvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca (tío carnal de su\nmadrastra y del mismo linaje de su abuela Catalina de Zurita), y zarpó con rumbo\nal Río de la Plata.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T12:53:45+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 88695, "end" : 88710 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Alonso Riquelme" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/cc95dd1a-d830-42aa-91d3-13819ba0d357", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "conqueror", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T12:53:45+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T12:53:45+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "colonizer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T12:53:45+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T12:53:45+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Alonso Riquelme\nde Guzmán y Ponce de León - nació en Jerez de la Frontera por 1519. Ruy Díaz de\nGuzmán - su padre - le declaró hijo suyo y de Violante Ponce de León, el\n13-VIII-1528, en una escritura de poder general a favor de Juan de Xerez,\nprocurador de Sevilla. Desde su infancia y hasta su primera juventud sirvió de\npaje y luego como secretario de sus presuntos deudos los Duques de Medina\nSidonia, Juan Alonso de Guzmán y Ana de Aragón. Tenía 21 años cuando se alistó\nen la armada de su pariente Alvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca (tío carnal de su\nmadrastra y del mismo linaje de su abuela Catalina de Zurita), y zarpó con rumbo\nal Río de la Plata.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T12:53:45+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 92718, "end" : 92733 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Alonso Riquelme" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/f562e641-5717-4679-8d74-9c004b88bdcc", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "conqueror", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T12:53:45+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T12:53:45+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "colonizer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T12:53:45+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T12:53:45+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Alonso Riquelme\nde Guzmán y Ponce de León - nació en Jerez de la Frontera por 1519. Ruy Díaz de\nGuzmán - su padre - le declaró hijo suyo y de Violante Ponce de León, el\n13-VIII-1528, en una escritura de poder general a favor de Juan de Xerez,\nprocurador de Sevilla. Desde su infancia y hasta su primera juventud sirvió de\npaje y luego como secretario de sus presuntos deudos los Duques de Medina\nSidonia, Juan Alonso de Guzmán y Ana de Aragón. Tenía 21 años cuando se alistó\nen la armada de su pariente Alvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca (tío carnal de su\nmadrastra y del mismo linaje de su abuela Catalina de Zurita), y zarpó con rumbo\nal Río de la Plata.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T12:53:45+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 98452, "end" : 98467 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Alonso Riquelme" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/e0ebd794-91ac-463b-8217-53236cceb88c", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "conqueror", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T12:53:45+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T12:53:45+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "colonizer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T12:53:45+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T12:53:45+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Alonso Riquelme\nde Guzmán y Ponce de León - nació en Jerez de la Frontera por 1519. Ruy Díaz de\nGuzmán - su padre - le declaró hijo suyo y de Violante Ponce de León, el\n13-VIII-1528, en una escritura de poder general a favor de Juan de Xerez,\nprocurador de Sevilla. Desde su infancia y hasta su primera juventud sirvió de\npaje y luego como secretario de sus presuntos deudos los Duques de Medina\nSidonia, Juan Alonso de Guzmán y Ana de Aragón. Tenía 21 años cuando se alistó\nen la armada de su pariente Alvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca (tío carnal de su\nmadrastra y del mismo linaje de su abuela Catalina de Zurita), y zarpó con rumbo\nal Río de la Plata.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T12:53:45+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 95104, "end" : 95119 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Alonso Riquelme" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/0863211f-d202-463e-a505-dbb7f86cd7c8", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T16:00:56+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Ñuflo de Chaves o menos conocido como Nufrio de Chávez (Cáceres de la Extremadura leonesa, Corona de España, 1518 – aldea Mitimi de la laguna de los Xarayes, gobernación de Santa Cruz de la Sierra del Virreinato del Perú, 3 de octubre de 1568) era un explorador y conquistador español, conocido por sus exploraciones del actual territorio del Paraguay y la zona suroriental de la actual Bolivia y por haber fundado la ciudad de Santa Cruz de la Sierra en 1561. Fue el continuador de la política colonizadora de Domingo Martínez de Irala.Su actividad permitió extender la colonización por esas regiones. Fue el primer hombre que atravesó el continente, partiendo del Atlántico al Pacífico, para lograr la conquista del centro de América meridional. Su temprana muerte no supuso la interrupción de la actividad conquistadora de todo el territorio que hoy conforma esa extensa comarca, porque su legado quedó en las gentes de la vieja ciudad, quienes extendieron su cultura por todo lo que hoy se conoce como el Oriente Boliviano.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-01T12:59:26+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 75995, "end" : 76010 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Nuflo de Chaves" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/24674c84-0768-446e-be31-b7197bd771e4", "type" : 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-31.747 ], [ -52.247, -31.871 ], [ -52.106, -31.952 ], [ -52.216, -31.963 ], [ -52.263, -32.062 ], [ -52.209, -32.045 ], [ -52.225, -32.096 ], [ -52.082, -32.033 ], [ -52.162, -32.128 ], [ -52.09, -32.069 ], [ -52.084, -32.186 ], [ -52.16, -32.201 ], [ -52.341, -32.43 ], [ -52.488, -32.844 ], [ -52.66, -33.165 ], [ -53.227, -33.658 ], [ -53.421, -33.741 ], [ -53.524, -33.689 ], [ -53.515, -33.163 ], [ -53.434, -33.054 ], [ -53.243, -32.936 ], [ -53.294, -32.911 ], [ -53.074, -32.746 ], [ -53.244, -32.605 ], [ -53.39, -32.583 ], [ -53.46, -32.48 ], [ -53.595, -32.432 ], [ -53.73, -32.157 ], [ -53.714, -32.104 ], [ -53.965, -31.919 ], [ -54.096, -31.906 ], [ -54.466, -31.666 ], [ -54.491, -31.54 ], [ -54.591, -31.448 ], [ -54.836, -31.446 ], [ -54.945, -31.392 ], [ -55.014, -31.285 ], [ -55.091, -31.326 ], [ -55.245, -31.257 ], [ -55.374, -31.038 ], [ -55.594, -30.848 ], [ -55.635, -30.857 ], [ -55.657, -30.956 ], [ -55.87, -31.08 ], [ -56.008, -31.063 ], [ -55.987, -30.86 ], [ -56.021, -30.784 ], [ -56.127, -30.739 ], [ -56.177, -30.614 ], [ -56.384, -30.495 ], [ -56.459, -30.387 ], [ -56.545, -30.364 ], [ -56.54, -30.312 ], [ -56.617, -30.303 ], [ -56.644, -30.205 ], [ -56.776, -30.166 ], [ -56.804, -30.107 ], [ -57.068, -30.088 ], [ -57.207, -30.281 ], [ -57.313, -30.26 ], [ -57.396, -30.303 ], [ -57.538, -30.275 ], [ -57.618, -30.179 ], [ -57.505, -30.143 ], [ -57.342, -30.001 ], [ -57.319, -29.87 ], [ -57.254, -29.794 ], [ -57.105, -29.752 ], [ -56.972, -29.639 ], [ -56.676, -29.321 ], [ -56.593, -29.123 ], [ -56.425, -29.073 ], [ -56.285, -28.794 ], [ -56.185, -28.771 ], [ -56.016, -28.611 ], [ -56.011, -28.509 ], [ -55.888, -28.479 ], [ -55.875, -28.362 ], [ -55.696, -28.425 ], [ -55.671, -28.333 ], [ -55.773, -28.247 ], [ -55.605, -28.123 ], [ -55.554, -28.164 ], [ -55.496, -28.081 ], [ -55.444, -28.097 ], [ -55.323, -27.928 ], [ -55.196, -27.863 ], [ -55.134, -27.895 ], [ -55.117, -27.853 ], [ -55.032, -27.854 ], [ -55.082, -27.789 ], [ -54.941, -27.775 ], [ -54.809, -27.536 ], [ -54.781, -27.586 ], [ -54.683, -27.576 ], [ -54.678, -27.514 ], [ -54.624, -27.55 ], [ -54.576, -27.458 ], [ -54.525, -27.507 ], [ -54.415, -27.412 ], [ -54.353, -27.468 ], [ -54.339, -27.406 ], [ -54.282, -27.447 ], [ -54.176, -27.261 ], [ -54.089, -27.303 ], [ -53.949, -27.158 ], [ -53.799, -27.147 ], [ -53.795, -27.048 ], [ -53.761, -27.068 ], [ -53.662, -26.869 ], [ -53.751, -26.745 ], [ -53.707, -26.563 ], [ -53.738, -26.548 ], [ -53.592, -26.265 ], [ -53.722, -26.13 ], [ -53.733, -26.047 ], [ -53.837, -25.969 ], [ -53.824, -25.793 ], [ -53.891, -25.625 ], [ -53.951, -25.644 ], [ -54.016, -25.569 ], [ -54.101, -25.625 ], [ -54.111, -25.504 ], [ -54.213, -25.554 ], [ -54.184, -25.591 ], [ -54.289, -25.562 ], [ -54.387, -25.608 ], [ -54.43, -25.706 ], [ -54.596, -25.595 ], [ -54.617, -25.459 ], [ -54.437, -25.157 ], [ -54.458, -25.031 ], [ -54.336, -24.649 ], [ -54.333, -24.493 ], [ -54.262, -24.376 ], [ -54.33, -24.225 ], [ -54.282, -24.075 ], [ -54.411, -23.929 ], [ -54.668, -23.815 ], [ -55.061, -23.991 ], [ -55.112, -23.963 ], [ -55.226, -24.013 ], [ -55.413, -23.961 ], [ -55.434, -23.714 ], [ -55.535, -23.614 ], [ -55.522, -23.197 ], [ -55.596, -23.141 ], [ -55.64, -22.994 ], [ -55.685, -22.992 ], [ -55.613, -22.659 ], [ -55.736, -22.532 ], [ -55.74, -22.396 ], [ -55.854, -22.281 ], [ -56.208, -22.281 ], [ -56.341, -22.206 ], [ -56.403, -22.078 ], [ -56.519, -22.103 ], [ -56.643, -22.261 ], [ -56.698, -22.216 ], [ -56.728, -22.26 ], [ -56.808, -22.25 ], [ -56.831, -22.3 ], [ -57.001, -22.225 ], [ -57.203, -22.21 ], [ -57.243, -22.244 ], [ -57.553, -22.181 ], [ -57.616, -22.096 ], [ -57.803, -22.148 ], [ -57.989, -22.085 ], [ -58.005, -22.032 ], [ -57.919, -21.881 ], [ -57.969, -21.844 ], [ -57.913, -21.793 ], [ -57.947, -21.747 ], [ -57.894, -21.687 ], [ -57.968, -21.528 ], [ -57.855, -21.339 ], [ -57.918, -21.278 ], [ -57.854, -21.226 ], [ -57.866, -21.041 ], [ -57.818, -20.976 ], [ -57.927, -20.897 ], [ -57.855, -20.835 ], [ -57.961, -20.784 ], [ -57.869, -20.736 ], [ -57.923, -20.666 ], [ -57.988, -20.696 ], [ -57.994, -20.448 ], [ -58.082, -20.372 ], [ -58.092, -20.257 ], [ -58.154, -20.264 ], [ -58.125, -20.188 ], [ -58.163, -20.162 ], [ -57.872, -19.979 ], [ -58.134, -19.761 ], [ -57.79, -19.051 ], [ -57.709, -19.034 ], [ -57.757, -18.858 ], [ -57.56, -18.263 ], [ -57.458, -18.228 ], [ -57.568, -18.136 ], [ -57.702, -17.86 ], [ -57.715, -17.735 ], [ -57.785, -17.645 ], [ -57.773, -17.553 ], [ -57.878, -17.463 ], [ -58.003, -17.52 ], [ -58.114, -17.456 ], [ -58.395, -17.197 ], [ -58.421, -16.99 ], [ -58.47, -16.939 ], [ -58.468, -16.702 ], [ -58.442, -16.613 ], [ -58.34, -16.542 ], [ -58.309, -16.27 ], [ -58.471, -16.325 ], [ -60.173, -16.265 ], [ -60.236, -15.476 ], [ -60.565, -15.105 ], [ -60.253, -15.101 ], [ -60.257, -14.624 ], [ -60.338, -14.555 ], [ -60.482, -14.181 ], [ -60.468, -14.092 ], [ -60.378, -13.992 ], [ -60.468, -13.886 ], [ -60.468, -13.801 ], [ -60.793, -13.686 ], [ -60.962, -13.539 ], [ -61.044, -13.541 ], [ -61.028, -13.477 ], [ -61.069, -13.463 ], [ -61.139, -13.521 ], [ -61.249, -13.525 ], [ -61.33, -13.473 ], [ -61.486, -13.554 ], [ -61.578, -13.494 ], [ -61.824, -13.539 ], [ -61.866, -13.443 ], [ -62.108, -13.257 ], [ -62.109, -13.149 ], [ -62.165, -13.112 ], [ -62.368, -13.145 ], [ -62.464, -13.07 ], [ -62.637, -13.041 ], [ -62.674, -12.965 ], [ -62.764, -13.023 ], [ -62.923, -12.854 ], [ -62.996, -12.85 ], [ -63.082, -12.653 ], [ -63.327, -12.705 ], [ -63.482, -12.557 ], [ -63.712, -12.458 ], [ -63.875, -12.469 ], [ -63.937, -12.557 ], [ -64.127, -12.494 ], [ -64.152, -12.529 ], [ -64.215, -12.476 ], [ -64.278, -12.511 ], [ -64.493, -12.366 ], [ -64.486, -12.23 ], [ -64.654, -12.186 ], [ -64.683, -12.099 ], [ -64.725, -12.162 ], [ -64.798, -12.035 ], [ -64.993, -11.999 ], [ -65.048, -11.757 ], [ -65.112, -11.741 ], [ -65.106, -11.697 ], [ -65.135, -11.777 ], [ -65.201, -11.745 ], [ -65.161, -11.622 ], [ -65.218, -11.521 ], [ -65.299, -11.5 ], [ -65.338, -11.392 ], [ -65.31, -11.341 ], [ -65.385, -11.269 ], [ -65.349, -11.239 ], [ -65.391, -11.167 ], [ -65.318, -11.105 ], [ -65.336, -11.044 ], [ -65.269, -10.901 ], [ -65.366, -10.798 ], [ -65.349, -10.671 ], [ -65.426, -10.638 ], [ -65.429, -10.473 ], [ -65.28, -10.218 ], [ -65.327, -9.938 ], [ -65.29, -9.851 ], [ -65.377, -9.698 ], [ -65.488, -9.718 ], [ -65.563, -9.834 ], [ -65.669, -9.779 ], [ -65.7, -9.803 ], [ -65.689, -9.749 ], [ -65.748, -9.77 ], [ -65.777, -9.727 ], [ -65.798, -9.786 ], [ -65.81, -9.75 ], [ -65.86, -9.794 ], [ -65.872, -9.757 ], [ -66.018, -9.807 ], [ -66.064, -9.772 ], [ -66.422, -9.895 ], [ -66.616, -9.893 ], [ -66.623, -9.935 ], [ -66.883, -10.081 ], [ -67.029, -10.254 ], [ -67.186, -10.339 ], [ -67.315, -10.316 ], [ -67.327, -10.374 ], [ -67.414, -10.372 ], [ -67.443, -10.45 ], [ -67.594, -10.523 ], [ -67.715, -10.707 ], [ -68.021, -10.661 ], [ -68.119, -10.726 ], [ -68.283, -10.987 ], [ -68.519, -11.048 ], [ -68.587, -11.11 ], [ -68.769, -11.139 ], [ -68.751, -11.007 ], [ -68.787, -10.99 ], [ -68.871, -11.023 ], [ -69.393, -10.929 ], [ -69.728, -10.973 ], [ -69.938, -10.926 ], [ -70.318, -11.066 ], [ -70.428, -11.033 ], [ -70.508, -10.94 ], [ -70.618, -11.007 ], [ -70.622, -9.847 ], [ -70.522, -9.738 ], [ -70.598, -9.574 ], [ -70.561, -9.579 ], [ -70.497, -9.433 ], [ -70.601, -9.453 ], [ -70.982, -9.812 ], [ -71.131, -9.862 ], [ -71.288, -9.996 ], [ -72.165, -10.002 ], [ -72.16, -9.818 ], [ -72.26, -9.755 ], [ -72.289, -9.536 ], [ -72.364, -9.491 ], [ -72.721, -9.417 ], [ -73.196, -9.418 ], [ -72.965, -9.154 ], [ -72.946, -8.99 ], [ -73.059, -8.904 ], [ -73.169, -8.701 ], [ -73.338, -8.609 ], [ -73.338, -8.476 ], [ -73.526, -8.369 ], [ -73.632, -8.022 ], [ -73.765, -7.94 ], [ -73.777, -7.869 ], [ -73.697, -7.865 ], [ -73.69, -7.79 ], [ -73.985, -7.543 ], [ -73.917, -7.461 ], [ -73.954, -7.348 ], [ -73.868, -7.377 ], [ -73.691, -7.313 ], [ -73.797, -7.115 ], [ -73.743, -6.897 ], [ -73.351, -6.561 ], [ -73.211, -6.53 ], [ -73.133, -6.421 ], [ -73.185, -6.04 ], [ -73.131, -5.986 ], [ -73.116, -5.865 ], [ -72.951, -5.643 ], [ -72.948, -5.454 ], [ -72.872, -5.25 ], [ -72.896, -5.136 ], [ -72.734, -5.043 ], [ -72.602, -5.056 ], [ -72.577, -4.992 ], [ -72.455, -4.962 ], [ -72.452, -4.906 ], [ -72.37, -4.88 ], [ -72.356, -4.803 ], [ -72.292, -4.799 ], [ -72.313, -4.769 ], [ -72.223, -4.78 ], [ -72.113, -4.722 ], [ -72.047, -4.625 ], [ -71.94, -4.607 ], [ -71.897, -4.512 ], [ -71.61, -4.465 ], [ -71.597, -4.525 ], [ -71.535, -4.46 ], [ -71.49, -4.479 ], [ -71.506, -4.435 ], [ -71.414, -4.432 ], [ -71.432, -4.469 ], [ -71.342, -4.423 ], [ -71.355, -4.468 ], [ -71.303, -4.458 ], [ -71.269, -4.381 ], [ -71.198, -4.377 ], [ -71.193, -4.42 ], [ -71.147, -4.375 ], [ -71.031, -4.397 ], [ -70.99, -4.34 ], [ -70.935, -4.381 ], [ -70.757, -4.152 ], [ -70.677, -4.2 ], [ -70.622, -4.121 ], [ -70.633, -4.173 ], [ -70.565, -4.168 ], [ -70.566, -4.205 ], [ -70.553, -4.128 ], [ -70.503, -4.19 ], [ -70.434, -4.125 ], [ -70.341, -4.174 ], [ -70.317, -4.136 ], [ -70.291, -4.283 ], [ -70.249, -4.267 ], [ -70.186, -4.357 ], [ -70.169, -4.27 ], [ -70.101, -4.255 ], [ -70.031, -4.339 ], [ -69.929, -4.213 ], [ -69.453, -1.478 ], [ -69.368, -1.334 ], [ -69.422, -0.998 ], [ -69.508, -0.936 ], [ -69.609, -0.755 ], [ -69.551, -0.648 ], [ -69.593, -0.517 ], [ -69.908, -0.316 ], [ -70.068, -0.135 ], [ -70.037, 0.553 ], [ -69.798, 0.585 ], [ -69.664, 0.672 ], [ -69.606, 0.623 ], [ -69.468, 0.734 ], [ -69.357, 0.621 ], [ -69.295, 0.648 ], [ -69.288, 0.609 ], [ -69.202, 0.602 ], [ -69.112, 0.643 ], [ -69.184, 0.73 ], [ -69.137, 0.868 ], [ -69.257, 1.026 ], [ -69.342, 1.064 ], [ -69.416, 1.024 ], [ -69.7, 1.056 ], [ -69.721, 1.097 ], [ -69.854, 1.07 ], [ -69.855, 1.715 ], [ -69.556, 1.775 ], [ -69.395, 1.726 ], [ -68.128, 1.73 ], [ -68.29, 1.841 ], [ -68.205, 2.038 ], [ -68.027, 1.784 ], [ -67.924, 1.751 ], [ -67.797, 1.812 ], [ -67.578, 2.076 ], [ -67.41, 2.141 ], [ -67.117, 1.732 ], [ -67.068, 1.532 ], [ -67.097, 1.17 ], [ -66.855, 1.228 ], [ -66.322, 0.738 ], [ -66.095, 0.754 ], [ -65.952, 0.81 ], [ -65.854, 0.939 ], [ -65.733, 1.005 ], [ -65.583, 1.008 ], [ -65.47, 0.877 ], [ -65.557, 0.705 ], [ -65.504, 0.627 ], [ -65.393, 0.699 ], [ -65.305, 0.916 ], [ -65.152, 0.943 ], [ -65.121, 1.115 ], [ -65.055, 1.144 ], [ -64.968, 1.112 ], [ -64.903, 1.249 ], [ -64.843, 1.237 ], [ -64.783, 1.313 ], [ -64.721, 1.25 ], [ -64.638, 1.286 ], [ -64.387, 1.527 ], [ -64.344, 1.528 ], [ -64.382, 1.419 ], [ -64.344, 1.38 ], [ -64.186, 1.494 ], [ -64.054, 1.708 ], [ -64.057, 1.933 ], [ -64.018, 1.967 ], [ -63.781, 1.989 ], [ -63.604, 2.124 ], [ -63.419, 2.154 ], [ -63.349, 2.281 ], [ -63.382, 2.442 ], [ -63.756, 2.403 ], [ -64.031, 2.509 ], [ -63.987, 2.772 ], [ -64.216, 3.153 ], [ -64.236, 3.476 ], [ -64.186, 3.634 ], [ -64.324, 3.797 ], [ -64.543, 3.882 ], [ -64.8, 4.224 ], [ -64.79, 4.329 ], [ -64.677, 4.297 ], [ -64.555, 4.153 ], [ -64.135, 4.176 ], [ -63.967, 3.93 ], [ -63.806, 4.019 ], [ -63.623, 4.01 ], [ -63.455, 3.91 ], [ -63.411, 4.026 ], [ -63.358, 4.04 ], [ -63.203, 3.952 ], [ -63.189, 3.872 ], [ -62.86, 3.584 ], [ -62.749, 3.642 ], [ -62.705, 3.724 ], [ -62.752, 4.012 ], [ -62.635, 4.056 ], [ -62.557, 4.02 ], [ -62.46, 4.173 ], [ -62.129, 4.084 ], [ -61.961, 4.18 ], [ -61.927, 4.106 ], [ -61.723, 4.262 ], [ -61.528, 4.273 ], [ -61.507, 4.398 ], [ -61.274, 4.471 ], [ -61.293, 4.55 ], [ -61.141, 4.508 ], [ -60.952, 4.549 ], [ -60.907, 4.708 ], [ -60.731, 4.777 ], [ -60.59, 4.951 ], [ -60.744, 5.209 ], [ -60.438, 5.177 ], [ -60.203, 5.265 ], [ -60.176, 5.227 ], [ -60.121, 5.243 ], [ -60.085, 5.149 ], [ -59.969, 5.073 ], [ -60.03, 4.704 ], [ -60.163, 4.521 ], [ -59.927, 4.509 ], [ -59.674, 4.382 ], [ -59.726, 4.191 ], [ -59.628, 4.138 ], [ -59.655, 4.078 ], [ -59.516, 3.94 ], [ -59.581, 3.901 ], [ -59.594, 3.796 ], [ -59.666, 3.777 ], [ -59.664, 3.703 ], [ -59.849, 3.601 ], [ -59.799, 3.355 ], [ -59.909, 3.197 ], [ -59.982, 2.929 ], [ -59.99, 2.683 ], [ -59.903, 2.479 ], [ -59.91, 2.388 ], [ -59.724, 2.277 ], [ -59.754, 1.861 ], [ -59.654, 1.849 ], [ -59.669, 1.764 ], [ -59.549, 1.729 ], [ -59.253, 1.397 ], [ -58.914, 1.299 ], [ -58.904, 1.234 ], [ -58.804, 1.175 ], [ -58.696, 1.288 ], [ -58.507, 1.264 ], [ -58.468, 1.318 ], [ -58.498, 1.458 ], [ -58.382, 1.471 ], [ -58.325, 1.59 ], [ -58.167, 1.558 ], [ -58.13, 1.501 ], [ -58.009, 1.501 ], [ -58, 1.665 ], [ -57.919, 1.645 ], [ -57.77, 1.718 ], [ -57.545, 1.701 ], [ -57.434, 1.895 ], [ -57.302, 1.99 ], [ -57.247, 1.944 ], [ -57.085, 2.021 ], [ -57.012, 1.918 ], [ -56.8, 1.864 ], [ -56.724, 1.92 ], [ -56.454, 1.945 ], [ -55.957, 1.844 ], [ -55.906, 1.889 ], [ -55.913, 2.041 ], [ -56.048, 2.226 ], [ -56.134, 2.263 ], [ -56.09, 2.352 ], [ -55.995, 2.405 ], [ -55.987, 2.517 ], [ -55.948, 2.532 ], [ -55.739, 2.401 ], [ -55.481, 2.443 ], [ -55.37, 2.407 ], [ -55.336, 2.516 ], [ -55.239, 2.495 ], [ -55.137, 2.575 ], [ -55.103, 2.522 ], [ -54.94, 2.632 ], [ -54.969, 2.555 ], [ -54.864, 2.439 ], [ -54.72, 2.469 ], [ -54.702, 2.336 ], [ -54.549, 2.336 ], [ -54.534, 2.268 ], [ -54.314, 2.158 ], [ -54.189, 2.179 ], [ -54.111, 2.127 ], [ -54.078, 2.197 ], [ -53.784, 2.364 ], [ -53.694, 2.287 ], [ -53.472, 2.332 ], [ -53.397, 2.272 ], [ -53.273, 2.292 ], [ -53.188, 2.223 ], [ -52.905, 2.19 ], [ -52.853, 2.285 ], [ -52.673, 2.374 ], [ -52.555, 2.523 ], [ -52.556, 2.646 ], [ -52.382, 2.912 ], [ -52.347, 3.134 ], [ -52.192, 3.296 ], [ -51.92, 3.781 ], [ -51.795, 3.89 ], [ -51.754, 3.996 ], [ -51.658, 4.049 ], [ -51.585, 4.241 ], [ -51.529, 4.171 ], [ -51.545, 4.397 ], [ -51.202, 4.084 ], [ -51.173, 3.767 ], [ -51.127, 3.911 ], [ -51.085, 3.895 ], [ -51.051, 3.283 ], [ -50.913, 2.875 ], [ -50.927, 2.807 ], [ -50.816, 2.644 ], [ -50.851, 2.482 ], [ -50.802, 2.508 ], [ -50.736, 2.414 ], [ -50.765, 2.359 ], [ -50.694, 2.276 ], [ -50.725, 2.252 ], [ -50.675, 2.247 ], [ -50.682, 2.137 ], [ -50.584, 2.091 ], [ -50.586, 2.014 ], [ -50.471, 1.82 ], [ -50.194, 1.794 ], [ -49.954, 1.676 ], [ -49.88, 1.419 ], [ -49.918, 1.289 ], [ -50.073, 1.204 ], [ -49.918, 1.232 ], [ -49.939, 1.103 ], [ -50.003, 1.066 ], [ -50.033, 1.107 ], [ -50.131, 0.949 ], [ -50.274, 0.866 ], [ -50.338, 0.729 ], [ -50.417, 0.685 ], [ -50.455, 0.732 ], [ -50.428, 0.679 ], [ -50.571, 0.424 ], [ -50.691, 0.3 ], [ -50.677, 0.365 ], [ -50.746, 0.227 ], [ -50.801, 0.224 ], [ -50.785, 0.183 ], [ -50.908, 0.171 ], [ -51.087, -0.043 ], [ -51.203, -0.055 ], [ -51.419, -0.412 ], [ -51.409, -0.44 ], [ -51.325, -0.364 ], [ -51.188, -0.14 ], [ -51.111, -0.154 ], [ -51.154, -0.284 ], [ -51.396, -0.493 ], [ -51.243, -0.443 ], [ -51.26, -0.5 ], [ -51.165, -0.431 ], [ -50.953, -0.061 ], [ -50.824, -0.048 ], [ -50.705, 0.002 ], [ -50.613, -0.088 ], [ -50.744, -0.244 ], [ -50.751, -0.429 ], [ -50.845, -0.526 ], [ -50.988, -0.583 ], [ -51.051, -0.682 ], [ -50.826, -0.555 ], [ -50.794, -0.666 ], [ -50.733, -0.557 ], [ -50.684, -0.604 ], [ -50.724, -0.493 ], [ -50.652, -0.276 ], [ -50.409, -0.094 ], [ -49.631, -0.247 ], [ -49.446, -0.23 ], [ -49.289, -0.145 ], [ -49.018, -0.16 ], [ -49, -0.139 ], [ -48.895, -0.224 ], [ -48.539, -0.234 ], [ -48.363, -0.303 ], [ -48.459, -0.513 ], [ -48.522, -0.877 ], [ -48.667, -1.002 ], [ -48.621, -1.005 ], [ -48.65, -1.048 ], [ -48.617, -1.053 ], [ -48.721, -1.137 ], [ -48.837, -1.452 ], [ -49.161, -1.575 ], [ -49.182, -1.623 ], [ -49.362, -1.604 ], [ -49.364, -1.642 ], [ -49.448, -1.637 ], [ -49.5, -1.738 ], [ -49.61, -1.718 ], [ -49.676, -1.78 ], [ -49.696, -1.757 ], [ -49.714, -1.76 ], [ -49.803, -1.822 ], [ -50.035, -1.717 ], [ -50.179, -1.787 ], [ -50.256, -1.776 ], [ -50.415, -1.841 ], [ -50.401, -1.935 ], [ -49.994, -1.819 ], [ -49.844, -1.905 ], [ -49.765, -1.898 ], [ -49.616, -1.79 ], [ -49.276, -1.706 ], [ -49.267, -1.778 ], [ -49.387, -1.977 ], [ -49.383, -2.159 ], [ -48.973, -1.594 ], [ -48.897, -1.573 ], [ -48.955, -1.712 ], [ -48.932, -1.75 ], [ -48.898, -1.743 ], [ -48.656, -1.371 ], [ -48.592, -1.429 ], [ -48.601, -1.306 ], [ -48.524, -1.338 ], [ -48.537, -1.467 ], [ -48.496, -1.553 ], [ -48.491, -1.502 ], [ -48.46, -1.533 ], [ -48.374, -1.511 ], [ -48.319, -1.478 ], [ -48.505, -1.471 ], [ -48.422, -1.168 ], [ -48.475, -1.144 ], [ -48.4, -1.066 ], [ -48.278, -1.111 ], [ -48.304, -0.948 ], [ -48.055, -0.668 ], [ -48.001, -0.731 ], [ -47.893, -0.553 ], [ -47.843, -0.616 ], [ -47.807, -0.547 ], [ -47.702, -0.54 ], [ -47.707, -0.59 ], [ -47.667, -0.569 ], [ -47.633, -0.608 ], [ -47.651, -0.694 ], [ -47.608, -0.684 ], [ -47.577, -0.573 ], [ -47.476, -0.757 ], [ -47.398, -0.76 ], [ -47.428, -0.693 ], [ -47.464, -0.687 ], [ -47.466, -0.594 ], [ -47.399, -0.594 ], [ -47.4, -0.645 ], [ -47.298, -0.589 ], [ -47.253, -0.668 ], [ -47.247, -0.623 ], [ -47.206, -0.633 ], [ -47.23, -0.719 ], [ -47.158, -0.678 ], [ -47.191, -0.754 ], [ -47.146, -0.764 ], [ -47.16, -0.815 ], [ -47.081, -0.661 ], [ -47.055, -0.868 ], [ -47.027, -0.784 ], [ -46.983, -0.806 ], [ -47.016, -0.752 ], [ -46.967, -0.694 ], [ -46.969, -0.78 ], [ -46.891, -0.869 ], [ -46.89, -0.789 ], [ -46.846, -0.799 ], [ -46.82, -0.71 ], [ -46.802, -0.877 ], [ -46.777, -0.905 ], [ -46.75, -0.826 ], [ -46.709, -0.86 ], [ -46.734, -0.944 ], [ -46.687, -0.831 ], [ -46.653, -0.882 ], [ -46.621, -0.818 ], [ -46.601, -0.917 ], [ -46.676, -0.965 ], [ -46.622, -0.987 ], [ -46.57, -0.947 ], [ -46.609, -1.03 ], [ -46.57, -0.988 ], [ -46.525, -1.027 ], [ -46.465, -1.007 ], [ -46.47, -1.044 ], [ -46.395, -1.037 ], [ -46.413, -1.084 ], [ -46.348, -0.982 ], [ -46.36, -1.011 ], [ -46.366, -1.031 ], [ -46.348, -1.079 ], [ -46.339, -1.015 ], [ -46.299, -1.05 ], [ -46.212, -0.946 ], [ -46.242, -0.921 ], [ -46.179, -0.914 ], [ -46.224, -1.053 ], [ -46.206, -1.1 ], [ -46.158, -1.014 ], [ -46.138, -1.032 ], [ -46.193, -1.143 ], [ -46.104, -1.067 ], [ -46.062, -1.133 ], [ -46.15, -1.258 ], [ -45.982, -1.071 ], [ -45.953, -1.147 ], [ -46, -1.151 ], [ -46, -1.199 ], [ -45.95, -1.159 ], [ -45.95, -1.207 ], [ -46, -1.209 ], [ -45.95, -1.25 ], [ -45.902, -1.134 ], [ -45.923, -1.214 ], [ -45.882, -1.167 ], [ -45.873, -1.211 ], [ -45.909, -1.261 ], [ -45.859, -1.231 ], [ -45.891, -1.293 ], [ -45.807, -1.176 ], [ -45.843, -1.301 ], [ -45.809, -1.328 ], [ -45.831, -1.298 ], [ -45.782, -1.278 ], [ -45.726, -1.135 ], [ -45.69, -1.452 ], [ -45.697, -1.38 ], [ -45.632, -1.371 ], [ -45.618, -1.279 ], [ -45.589, -1.329 ], [ -45.537, -1.273 ], [ -45.561, -1.343 ], [ -45.51, -1.352 ], [ -45.567, -1.404 ], [ -45.546, -1.432 ], [ -45.413, -1.296 ], [ -45.489, -1.473 ], [ -45.511, -1.458 ], [ -45.554, -1.503 ], [ -45.507, -1.471 ], [ -45.518, -1.516 ], [ -45.481, -1.495 ], [ -45.463, -1.548 ], [ -45.457, -1.457 ], [ -45.391, -1.434 ], [ -45.363, -1.325 ], [ -45.323, -1.319 ], [ -45.302, -1.424 ], [ -45.392, -1.485 ], [ -45.398, -1.503 ], [ -45.356, -1.487 ], [ -45.392, -1.553 ], [ -45.338, -1.572 ], [ -45.371, -1.722 ], [ -45.338, -1.753 ], [ -45.197, -1.688 ], [ -45.261, -1.607 ], [ -45.16, -1.475 ], [ -45.136, -1.521 ], [ -45.072, -1.435 ], [ -45.07, -1.485 ], [ -44.999, -1.504 ], [ -45.018, -1.547 ], [ -44.969, -1.549 ], [ -45.029, -1.583 ], [ -45.029, -1.602 ], [ -44.979, -1.607 ], [ -44.954, -1.498 ], [ -44.862, -1.426 ], [ -44.857, -1.498 ], [ -44.954, -1.605 ], [ -44.918, -1.649 ], [ -44.968, -1.662 ], [ -44.913, -1.657 ], [ -44.927, -1.62 ], [ -44.886, -1.609 ], [ -44.837, -1.65 ], [ -44.822, -1.591 ], [ -44.826, -1.637 ], [ -44.805, -1.609 ], [ -44.812, -1.665 ], [ -44.779, -1.735 ], [ -44.711, -1.728 ], [ -44.82, -1.819 ], [ -44.738, -1.791 ], [ -44.706, -1.819 ], [ -44.676, -1.808 ], [ -44.661, -1.727 ], [ -44.604, -1.749 ], [ -44.667, -1.849 ], [ -44.601, -1.858 ], [ -44.583, -1.817 ], [ -44.586, -1.873 ], [ -44.543, -1.833 ], [ -44.601, -1.909 ], [ -44.517, -1.907 ], [ -44.484, -2.002 ], [ -44.613, -2.037 ], [ -44.467, -2.017 ], [ -44.626, -2.151 ], [ -44.589, -2.159 ], [ -44.641, -2.232 ], [ -44.708, -2.23 ], [ -44.684, -2.275 ], [ -44.764, -2.265 ], [ -44.654, -2.294 ], [ -44.681, -2.354 ], [ -44.649, -2.373 ], [ -44.666, -2.329 ], [ -44.479, -2.137 ], [ -44.358, -2.335 ], [ -44.401, -2.416 ], [ -44.514, -2.384 ], [ -44.55, -2.4 ], [ -44.491, -2.415 ], [ -44.514, -2.448 ], [ -44.505, -2.476 ], [ -44.665, -2.608 ], [ -44.548, -2.542 ], [ -44.658, -2.781 ], [ -44.688, -2.924 ], [ -44.677, -3.019 ], [ -44.66, -3.02 ], [ -44.657, -3.018 ] ], [ [ -43.318, -2.361 ], [ -43.317, -2.363 ], [ -43.296, -2.363 ], [ -43.318, -2.361 ] ], [ [ -42.438, -2.747 ], [ -42.442, -2.749 ], [ -42.438, -2.75 ], [ -42.438, -2.747 ] ], [ [ -42.442, -2.749 ], [ -42.47, -2.744 ], [ -42.447, -2.753 ], [ -42.442, -2.749 ] ], [ [ -50.851, 2.482 ], [ -50.853, 2.481 ], [ -50.853, 2.48 ], [ -50.851, 2.482 ] ], [ [ -50.853, 2.481 ], [ -50.86, 2.495 ], [ -50.86, 2.477 ], [ -50.853, 2.481 ] ], [ [ -49.976, 1.659 ], [ -49.98, 1.659 ], [ -50, 1.639 ], [ -49.976, 1.659 ] ], [ [ -45.392, -1.553 ], [ -45.393, -1.553 ], [ -45.394, -1.556 ], [ -45.392, -1.553 ] ], [ [ -45.394, -1.556 ], [ -45.406, -1.579 ], [ -45.403, -1.591 ], [ -45.394, -1.556 ] ], [ [ -44.837, -1.65 ], [ -44.834, -1.655 ], [ -44.833, -1.654 ], [ -44.837, -1.65 ] ], [ [ -44.834, -1.655 ], [ -44.841, -1.675 ], [ -44.822, -1.672 ], [ -44.834, -1.655 ] ], [ [ -44.779, -1.735 ], [ -44.777, -1.741 ], [ -44.776, -1.74 ], [ -44.779, -1.735 ] ], [ [ -44.777, -1.741 ], [ -44.833, -1.77 ], [ -44.774, -1.75 ], [ -44.777, -1.741 ] ], [ [ -44.547, -2.22 ], [ -44.536, -2.225 ], [ -44.543, -2.219 ], [ -44.547, -2.22 ] ], [ [ -44.536, -2.225 ], [ -44.507, -2.249 ], [ -44.512, -2.235 ], [ -44.536, -2.225 ] ], [ [ -44.507, -2.249 ], [ -44.504, -2.256 ], [ -44.501, -2.254 ], [ -44.507, -2.249 ] ], [ [ -44.504, -2.256 ], [ -44.514, -2.268 ], [ -44.502, -2.26 ], [ -44.504, -2.256 ] ] ], [ [ [ -29.34, -20.484 ], [ -29.301, -20.521 ], [ -29.341, -20.511 ], [ -29.34, -20.484 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.001, -13.94 ], [ -39.012, -13.915 ], [ -38.994, -13.896 ], [ -39.001, -13.94 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.043, -13.909 ], [ -39.059, -13.904 ], [ -39.054, -13.886 ], [ -39.028, -13.903 ], [ -39.043, -13.909 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.251, -18.015 ], [ -39.283, -18.005 ], [ -39.272, -17.982 ], [ -39.245, -18.006 ], [ -39.251, -18.015 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.131, -17.927 ], [ -39.154, -17.921 ], [ -39.137, -17.91 ], [ -39.131, -17.927 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.212, -17.986 ], [ -39.228, -17.979 ], [ -39.215, -17.944 ], [ -39.202, -17.95 ], [ -39.212, -17.986 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.341, -23.231 ], [ -44.372, -23.174 ], [ -44.232, -23.089 ], [ -44.087, -23.173 ], [ -44.3, -23.184 ], [ -44.341, -23.231 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.356, -23.073 ], [ -44.388, -23.048 ], [ -44.373, -23.033 ], [ -44.343, -23.041 ], [ -44.356, -23.073 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.929, -23.014 ], [ -43.936, -22.999 ], [ -43.916, -22.989 ], [ -43.929, -23.014 ] ] ], [ [ [ -42.002, -23.018 ], [ -42.015, -23.003 ], [ -41.98, -22.975 ], [ -41.975, -22.992 ], [ -42.002, -23.018 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.904, -22.962 ], [ -43.907, -22.936 ], [ -43.868, -22.926 ], [ -43.871, -22.95 ], [ -43.904, -22.962 ] ] ], [ [ [ -41.042, -21.613 ], [ -41.042, -21.6 ], [ -41.019, -21.606 ], [ -41.042, -21.613 ] ] ], [ [ [ -52.112, -32 ], [ -52.18, -32.035 ], [ -52.216, -32.025 ], [ -52.198, -31.978 ], [ -52.112, -32 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.641, -30.388 ], [ -50.629, -30.394 ], [ -50.624, -30.329 ], [ -50.592, -30.399 ], [ -50.609, -30.406 ], [ -50.641, -30.388 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.526, -27.462 ], [ -48.416, -27.38 ], [ -48.358, -27.446 ], [ -48.503, -27.799 ], [ -48.559, -27.842 ], [ -48.526, -27.462 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.354, -27.296 ], [ -48.376, -27.285 ], [ -48.373, -27.271 ], [ -48.36, -27.27 ], [ -48.354, -27.296 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.731, -26.314 ], [ -48.754, -26.297 ], [ -48.735, -26.282 ], [ -48.731, -26.314 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.318, -25.584 ], [ -48.309, -25.546 ], [ -48.381, -25.504 ], [ -48.312, -25.509 ], [ -48.292, -25.545 ], [ -48.318, -25.584 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.414, -25.544 ], [ -48.459, -25.514 ], [ -48.415, -25.527 ], [ -48.414, -25.544 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.424, -25.551 ], [ -48.479, -25.523 ], [ -48.485, -25.502 ], [ -48.424, -25.551 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.298, -25.493 ], [ -48.341, -25.416 ], [ -48.252, -25.341 ], [ -48.265, -25.44 ], [ -48.253, -25.466 ], [ -48.298, -25.493 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.417, -25.386 ], [ -48.424, -25.343 ], [ -48.405, -25.33 ], [ -48.417, -25.386 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.695, -24.112 ], [ -45.688, -24.088 ], [ -45.679, -24.098 ], [ -45.695, -24.112 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.251, -23.962 ], [ -45.301, -23.909 ], [ -45.453, -23.91 ], [ -45.332, -23.721 ], [ -45.227, -23.774 ], [ -45.224, -23.835 ], [ -45.283, -23.857 ], [ -45.221, -23.899 ], [ -45.251, -23.962 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.141, -23.817 ], [ -45.146, -23.791 ], [ -45.114, -23.801 ], [ -45.141, -23.817 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.153, -23.573 ], [ -45.153, -23.558 ], [ -45.141, -23.568 ], [ -45.153, -23.573 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.073, -23.564 ], [ -45.079, -23.525 ], [ -45.036, -23.531 ], [ -45.073, -23.564 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.608, -23.228 ], [ -44.59, -23.208 ], [ -44.577, -23.216 ], [ -44.608, -23.228 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.648, -12.821 ], [ -38.666, -12.777 ], [ -38.624, -12.762 ], [ -38.648, -12.821 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.529, -12.811 ], [ -38.544, -12.757 ], [ -38.532, -12.74 ], [ -38.508, -12.792 ], [ -38.529, -12.811 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.622, -12.752 ], [ -38.622, -12.727 ], [ -38.593, -12.733 ], [ -38.622, -12.752 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.646, -12.683 ], [ -38.648, -12.65 ], [ -38.636, -12.661 ], [ -38.646, -12.683 ] ] ], [ [ [ -32.402, -3.838 ], [ -32.428, -3.877 ], [ -32.483, -3.878 ], [ -32.402, -3.838 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.667, -3.179 ], [ -44.668, -3.16 ], [ -44.643, -3.148 ], [ -44.644, -3.17 ], [ -44.667, -3.179 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.671, -2.943 ], [ -44.67, -2.92 ], [ -44.647, -2.915 ], [ -44.671, -2.943 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.493, -2.641 ], [ -44.48, -2.601 ], [ -44.477, -2.627 ], [ -44.493, -2.641 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.897, -2.573 ], [ -43.896, -2.554 ], [ -43.886, -2.565 ], [ -43.897, -2.573 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.599, -2.503 ], [ -43.577, -2.471 ], [ -43.572, -2.483 ], [ -43.599, -2.503 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.822, -2.526 ], [ -43.829, -2.509 ], [ -43.813, -2.458 ], [ -43.812, -2.553 ], [ -43.82, -2.528 ], [ -43.822, -2.526 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.821, -2.529 ], [ -43.856, -2.502 ], [ -43.832, -2.439 ], [ -43.842, -2.504 ], [ -43.821, -2.529 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.863, -2.56 ], [ -43.875, -2.552 ], [ -43.865, -2.534 ], [ -43.863, -2.56 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.519, -2.536 ], [ -44.529, -2.526 ], [ -44.501, -2.48 ], [ -44.505, -2.444 ], [ -44.455, -2.434 ], [ -44.519, -2.536 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.602, -3.007 ], [ -44.657, -2.972 ], [ -44.613, -2.894 ], [ -44.575, -2.921 ], [ -44.602, -3.007 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.585, -2.978 ], [ -44.563, -2.914 ], [ -44.586, -2.826 ], [ -44.494, -2.705 ], [ -44.494, -2.953 ], [ -44.582, -3.041 ], [ -44.585, -2.978 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.826, -2.434 ], [ -43.842, -2.403 ], [ -43.811, -2.385 ], [ -43.807, -2.412 ], [ -43.826, -2.434 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.581, -2.441 ], [ -43.615, -2.389 ], [ -43.549, -2.377 ], [ -43.545, -2.403 ], [ -43.581, -2.441 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.791, -2.47 ], [ -43.806, -2.443 ], [ -43.78, -2.422 ], [ -43.759, -2.448 ], [ -43.791, -2.47 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.513, -2.424 ], [ -43.537, -2.416 ], [ -43.522, -2.39 ], [ -43.505, -2.414 ], [ -43.513, -2.424 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.792, -2.405 ], [ -43.798, -2.377 ], [ -43.771, -2.37 ], [ -43.792, -2.405 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.689, -2.355 ], [ -43.743, -2.352 ], [ -43.724, -2.305 ], [ -43.617, -2.253 ], [ -43.612, -2.275 ], [ -43.669, -2.301 ], [ -43.689, -2.355 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.73, -2.425 ], [ -43.732, -2.364 ], [ -43.67, -2.377 ], [ -43.681, -2.34 ], [ -43.63, -2.324 ], [ -43.643, -2.394 ], [ -43.73, -2.425 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.473, -2.125 ], [ -44.487, -2.113 ], [ -44.475, -2.096 ], [ -44.463, -2.104 ], [ -44.473, -2.125 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.456, -2.031 ], [ -44.447, -2.008 ], [ -44.439, -2.022 ], [ -44.456, -2.031 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.311, -1.964 ], [ -49.336, -1.996 ], [ -49.309, -1.943 ], [ -49.311, -1.964 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.323, -2.054 ], [ -49.329, -2.019 ], [ -49.316, -2.001 ], [ -49.323, -2.054 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.231, -1.829 ], [ -50.246, -1.824 ], [ -50.229, -1.816 ], [ -50.231, -1.829 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.615, -1.821 ], [ -44.622, -1.797 ], [ -44.597, -1.774 ], [ -44.583, -1.789 ], [ -44.615, -1.821 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.7, -1.811 ], [ -44.703, -1.78 ], [ -44.673, -1.78 ], [ -44.7, -1.811 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.691, -1.793 ], [ -49.721, -1.789 ], [ -49.719, -1.771 ], [ -49.697, -1.766 ], [ -49.691, -1.793 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.924, -1.711 ], [ -48.909, -1.713 ], [ -48.916, -1.734 ], [ -48.935, -1.713 ], [ -48.924, -1.711 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.757, -1.707 ], [ -44.767, -1.694 ], [ -44.736, -1.701 ], [ -44.757, -1.707 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.433, -1.684 ], [ -49.454, -1.706 ], [ -49.46, -1.684 ], [ -49.433, -1.684 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.357, -1.008 ], [ -46.342, -0.994 ], [ -46.353, -1.026 ], [ -46.357, -1.008 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.205, -1.021 ], [ -46.194, -1.014 ], [ -46.202, -1.032 ], [ -46.205, -1.021 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.662, -3.018 ], [ -44.673, -3.012 ], [ -44.664, -3.001 ], [ -44.649, -3.013 ], [ -44.662, -3.018 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.736, -1.683 ], [ -44.745, -1.677 ], [ -44.732, -1.668 ], [ -44.736, -1.683 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.231, -1.638 ], [ -49.237, -1.627 ], [ -49.217, -1.633 ], [ -49.231, -1.638 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.38, -1.685 ], [ -49.4, -1.682 ], [ -49.368, -1.669 ], [ -49.38, -1.685 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.426, -1.673 ], [ -49.429, -1.661 ], [ -49.406, -1.66 ], [ -49.426, -1.673 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.34, -1.672 ], [ -49.358, -1.662 ], [ -49.325, -1.647 ], [ -49.34, -1.672 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.289, -1.726 ], [ -45.305, -1.663 ], [ -45.257, -1.641 ], [ -45.244, -1.678 ], [ -45.28, -1.694 ], [ -45.289, -1.726 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.328, -1.743 ], [ -45.346, -1.719 ], [ -45.301, -1.596 ], [ -45.274, -1.635 ], [ -45.313, -1.654 ], [ -45.328, -1.743 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.886, -1.578 ], [ -48.89, -1.56 ], [ -48.859, -1.536 ], [ -48.856, -1.553 ], [ -48.886, -1.578 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.783, -1.682 ], [ -44.8, -1.595 ], [ -44.775, -1.62 ], [ -44.721, -1.567 ], [ -44.704, -1.611 ], [ -44.684, -1.575 ], [ -44.668, -1.669 ], [ -44.693, -1.638 ], [ -44.783, -1.682 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.816, -1.569 ], [ -44.837, -1.534 ], [ -44.787, -1.488 ], [ -44.825, -1.534 ], [ -44.816, -1.569 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.462, -1.517 ], [ -48.478, -1.499 ], [ -48.421, -1.503 ], [ -48.462, -1.517 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.793, -1.531 ], [ -44.774, -1.47 ], [ -44.763, -1.513 ], [ -44.793, -1.531 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.414, -1.427 ], [ -45.423, -1.416 ], [ -45.409, -1.405 ], [ -45.414, -1.427 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45, -1.296 ], [ -44.922, -1.265 ], [ -44.877, -1.309 ], [ -44.895, -1.34 ], [ -44.922, -1.305 ], [ -44.907, -1.341 ], [ -44.999, -1.405 ], [ -45.033, -1.339 ], [ -45, -1.32 ], [ -44.995, -1.36 ], [ -45, -1.296 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.044, -1.402 ], [ -45.07, -1.33 ], [ -45.052, -1.342 ], [ -45.044, -1.402 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.333, -1.569 ], [ -45.371, -1.544 ], [ -45.347, -1.489 ], [ -45.313, -1.506 ], [ -45.333, -1.569 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.969, -1.522 ], [ -44.976, -1.493 ], [ -44.959, -1.483 ], [ -44.969, -1.522 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.393, -1.512 ], [ -48.371, -1.476 ], [ -48.341, -1.483 ], [ -48.393, -1.512 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.413, -1.498 ], [ -48.426, -1.491 ], [ -48.387, -1.476 ], [ -48.413, -1.498 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.118, -1.47 ], [ -45.132, -1.462 ], [ -45.115, -1.364 ], [ -45.103, -1.373 ], [ -45.118, -1.47 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.593, -1.251 ], [ -45.581, -1.19 ], [ -45.536, -1.205 ], [ -45.532, -1.231 ], [ -45.593, -1.251 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.559, -1.243 ], [ -48.56, -1.202 ], [ -48.523, -1.199 ], [ -48.559, -1.243 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.817, -1.163 ], [ -45.829, -1.141 ], [ -45.804, -1.127 ], [ -45.817, -1.163 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.877, -1.154 ], [ -45.9, -1.117 ], [ -45.883, -1.073 ], [ -45.849, -1.123 ], [ -45.877, -1.154 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.192, -1.05 ], [ -46.201, -1.041 ], [ -46.185, -1.027 ], [ -46.192, -1.05 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.291, -1.01 ], [ -46.307, -0.992 ], [ -46.306, -0.961 ], [ -46.291, -1.01 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.078, -1.095 ], [ -46.065, -1.05 ], [ -46.061, -1.074 ], [ -46.078, -1.095 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.68, -1.295 ], [ -45.687, -1.275 ], [ -45.667, -1.26 ], [ -45.654, -1.285 ], [ -45.68, -1.295 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.538, -1.282 ], [ -48.549, -1.262 ], [ -48.53, -1.25 ], [ -48.538, -1.282 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.51, -1.27 ], [ -48.522, -1.247 ], [ -48.506, -1.236 ], [ -48.51, -1.27 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.694, -1.37 ], [ -45.646, -1.289 ], [ -45.625, -1.126 ], [ -45.634, -1.349 ], [ -45.694, -1.37 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.688, -1.266 ], [ -45.708, -1.228 ], [ -45.685, -1.194 ], [ -45.664, -1.231 ], [ -45.688, -1.266 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.425, -0.914 ], [ -46.454, -0.907 ], [ -46.408, -0.868 ], [ -46.395, -0.899 ], [ -46.425, -0.914 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.72, -0.848 ], [ -46.735, -0.832 ], [ -46.729, -0.796 ], [ -46.72, -0.848 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.611, -0.799 ], [ -46.622, -0.784 ], [ -46.601, -0.789 ], [ -46.611, -0.799 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.586, -0.849 ], [ -46.621, -0.807 ], [ -46.589, -0.815 ], [ -46.586, -0.849 ] ] ], [ [ [ -47.447, -0.748 ], [ -47.453, -0.732 ], [ -47.436, -0.717 ], [ -47.428, -0.738 ], [ -47.447, -0.748 ] ] ], [ [ [ -47.461, -0.741 ], [ -47.463, -0.702 ], [ -47.445, -0.697 ], [ -47.461, -0.741 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.214, -0.411 ], [ -51.211, -0.386 ], [ -51.164, -0.347 ], [ -51.163, -0.383 ], [ -51.214, -0.411 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.352, -0.353 ], [ -51.346, -0.31 ], [ -51.317, -0.268 ], [ -51.327, -0.33 ], [ -51.352, -0.353 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.127, -0.268 ], [ -51.131, -0.237 ], [ -51.091, -0.208 ], [ -51.087, -0.229 ], [ -51.127, -0.268 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.888, -0.198 ], [ -48.91, -0.188 ], [ -48.893, -0.134 ], [ -48.847, -0.177 ], [ -48.888, -0.198 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.174, -0.091 ], [ -51.191, -0.064 ], [ -51.126, -0.057 ], [ -51.174, -0.091 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.114, -0.146 ], [ -49.097, -0.121 ], [ -49.08, -0.13 ], [ -49.114, -0.146 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.166, -0.142 ], [ -49.188, -0.115 ], [ -49.156, -0.128 ], [ -49.166, -0.142 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.119, -0.141 ], [ -49.143, -0.107 ], [ -49.114, -0.11 ], [ -49.119, -0.141 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.127, -0.128 ], [ -51.094, -0.103 ], [ -51.108, -0.127 ], [ -51.127, -0.128 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.414, -0.999 ], [ -46.384, -0.941 ], [ -46.367, -0.948 ], [ -46.414, -0.999 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.647, -0.97 ], [ -46.658, -0.968 ], [ -46.618, -0.957 ], [ -46.647, -0.97 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.488, -0.942 ], [ -46.465, -0.877 ], [ -46.464, -0.924 ], [ -46.44, -0.922 ], [ -46.482, -0.976 ], [ -46.441, -0.999 ], [ -46.525, -1.016 ], [ -46.527, -0.917 ], [ -46.509, -0.984 ], [ -46.488, -0.942 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.632, 0.159 ], [ -49.662, 0.184 ], [ -49.629, 0.202 ], [ -49.61, 0.181 ], [ -49.632, 0.159 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.641, 0.26 ], [ -50.63, 0.293 ], [ -50.586, 0.308 ], [ -50.641, 0.26 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.2, 0.255 ], [ -50.243, 0.248 ], [ -50.147, 0.337 ], [ -50.059, 0.346 ], [ -50.2, 0.255 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.417, 0.159 ], [ -50.535, 0.234 ], [ -50.36, 0.615 ], [ -50.328, 0.383 ], [ -50.285, 0.3 ], [ -50.413, 0.237 ], [ -50.417, 0.159 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.279, 0.338 ], [ -50.271, 0.599 ], [ -50.147, 0.608 ], [ -50.142, 0.576 ], [ -50.107, 0.636 ], [ -50.063, 0.623 ], [ -50.05, 0.518 ], [ -50.279, 0.338 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50, 0.943 ], [ -50.113, 0.907 ], [ -50.018, 1.034 ], [ -49.935, 1.069 ], [ -49.939, 0.996 ], [ -50, 0.943 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.881, 1.227 ], [ -49.909, 1.246 ], [ -49.886, 1.244 ], [ -49.881, 1.227 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.907, 1.278 ], [ -49.885, 1.291 ], [ -49.863, 1.278 ], [ -49.876, 1.252 ], [ -49.907, 1.278 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.204, 1.851 ], [ -50.232, 1.879 ], [ -50.22, 1.915 ], [ -50.169, 1.865 ], [ -50.204, 1.851 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.468, 1.954 ], [ -50.521, 2.026 ], [ -50.497, 2.139 ], [ -50.398, 2.167 ], [ -50.367, 2.19 ], [ -50.276, 1.939 ], [ -50.423, 1.849 ], [ -50.468, 1.954 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.504, 2.255 ], [ -50.414, 2.244 ], [ -50.382, 2.204 ], [ -50.489, 2.15 ], [ -50.564, 2.205 ], [ -50.504, 2.255 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.229, 0.832 ], [ -50.098, 0.839 ], [ -50.027, 0.898 ], [ -50.105, 0.757 ], [ -50.162, 0.775 ], [ -50.249, 0.72 ], [ -50.229, 0.832 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.131, 0.844 ], [ -50.162, 0.867 ], [ -50.132, 0.9 ], [ -50.119, 0.854 ], [ -50.131, 0.844 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.108, 0.85 ], [ -50.111, 0.891 ], [ -50.049, 0.886 ], [ -50.108, 0.85 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.216, -0.055 ], [ -50.235, -0.042 ], [ -50.219, -0.04 ], [ -50.216, -0.055 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.916, -0.052 ], [ -50.926, -0.047 ], [ -50.907, -0.043 ], [ -50.916, -0.052 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.605, -0.061 ], [ -50.618, -0.022 ], [ -50.559, -0.038 ], [ -50.605, -0.061 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.399, -0.061 ], [ -50.44, -0.057 ], [ -50.378, -0.015 ], [ -50.357, -0.049 ], [ -50.399, -0.061 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.75, 0 ], [ -49.609, 0.08 ], [ -49.474, 0.081 ], [ -49.338, -0.017 ], [ -49.487, -0.136 ], [ -49.723, -0.147 ], [ -49.835, -0.088 ], [ -49.75, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.023, -0.019 ], [ -49.039, -0.011 ], [ -49.02, -0.006 ], [ -49.023, -0.019 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.932, 0.052 ], [ -50.918, 0.084 ], [ -50.884, 0.078 ], [ -50.899, 0.057 ], [ -50.932, 0.052 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.928, 0 ], [ -50.786, 0.05 ], [ -50.717, 0.028 ], [ -50.94, -0.041 ], [ -50.928, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.691, 0.025 ], [ -50.655, 0.015 ], [ -50.703, 0.021 ], [ -50.691, 0.025 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.629, -0.043 ], [ -50.642, -0.016 ], [ -50.622, -0.026 ], [ -50.629, -0.043 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.642, 0 ], [ -50.611, 0.007 ], [ -50.595, -0.019 ], [ -50.642, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.536, 0 ], [ -50.653, 0.126 ], [ -50.59, 0.203 ], [ -50.434, 0.126 ], [ -50.436, 0 ], [ -50.536, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50, 0.311 ], [ -49.674, 0.368 ], [ -49.601, 0.283 ], [ -49.86, 0.008 ], [ -49.99, -0.048 ], [ -50.086, 0.034 ], [ -50.351, 0.044 ], [ -50.394, 0.222 ], [ -50.153, 0.227 ], [ -50, 0.311 ] ] ] ] } } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 57411, "end" : 57417 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Brasil" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/52d0012d-2c40-4a95-b768-7fb3096a3ecc", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : 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-2.777 ], [ -44.225, -2.806 ], [ -44.184, -2.766 ], [ -44.208, -2.857 ], [ -44.111, -2.749 ], [ -44.072, -2.811 ], [ -44.05, -2.685 ], [ -43.981, -2.619 ], [ -43.946, -2.641 ], [ -43.933, -2.553 ], [ -43.883, -2.649 ], [ -43.887, -2.578 ], [ -43.803, -2.56 ], [ -43.76, -2.513 ], [ -43.754, -2.556 ], [ -43.729, -2.481 ], [ -43.727, -2.569 ], [ -43.654, -2.556 ], [ -43.682, -2.534 ], [ -43.653, -2.488 ], [ -43.608, -2.593 ], [ -43.603, -2.518 ], [ -43.548, -2.528 ], [ -43.519, -2.445 ], [ -43.498, -2.55 ], [ -43.46, -2.507 ], [ -43.458, -2.596 ], [ -43.401, -2.552 ], [ -43.448, -2.538 ], [ -43.462, -2.427 ], [ -43.359, -2.44 ], [ -43.479, -2.376 ], [ -43.378, -2.329 ], [ -43.4, -2.353 ], [ -43.232, -2.362 ], [ -42.692, -2.596 ], [ -42.709, -2.56 ], [ -42.572, -2.68 ], [ -42.495, -2.689 ], [ -42.503, -2.727 ], [ -42.393, -2.751 ], [ -42.475, -2.706 ], [ -42.375, -2.717 ], [ -42.228, -2.818 ], [ -42.143, -2.808 ], [ -42.256, -2.735 ], [ -42.233, -2.674 ], [ -42.208, -2.712 ], [ -42.098, -2.768 ], [ -42.099, -2.809 ], [ -42.096, -2.747 ], [ -42.216, -2.687 ], [ -42.054, -2.691 ], [ -42.023, -2.775 ], [ -42.017, -2.718 ], [ -41.818, -2.723 ], [ -41.844, -2.773 ], [ -41.797, -2.751 ], [ -41.656, -2.884 ], [ -41.437, -2.939 ], [ -41.395, -2.906 ], [ -41.316, -2.943 ], [ -41.263, -2.887 ], [ -40.838, -2.895 ], [ -40.572, -2.844 ], [ -40.499, -2.787 ], [ -39.888, -2.886 ], [ -39.244, -3.229 ], [ -39.083, -3.394 ], [ -38.978, -3.407 ], [ -38.641, -3.687 ], [ -38.473, -3.7 ], [ -38.377, -3.866 ], [ -38.043, -4.214 ], [ -37.764, -4.399 ], [ -37.588, -4.624 ], [ -37.323, -4.698 ], [ -37.15, -4.943 ], [ -36.958, -4.919 ], [ -36.666, -5.108 ], [ -36.504, -5.061 ], [ -36.297, -5.106 ], [ -35.956, -5.045 ], [ -35.612, -5.11 ], [ -35.385, -5.255 ], [ -35.255, -5.483 ], [ -35.099, -6.169 ], [ -34.983, -6.396 ], [ -34.933, -6.753 ], [ -34.79, -7.159 ], [ -34.842, -7.564 ], [ -34.809, -7.622 ], [ -34.845, -7.69 ], [ -34.827, -8.004 ], [ -35.136, -8.895 ], [ -35.332, -9.237 ], [ -35.689, -9.668 ], [ -35.78, -9.706 ], [ -36.056, -10.083 ], [ -36.266, -10.256 ], [ -36.402, -10.506 ], [ -36.602, -10.567 ], [ -36.934, -10.826 ], [ -37.36, -11.428 ], [ -37.612, -11.979 ], [ -37.996, -12.578 ], [ -38.318, -12.934 ], [ -38.477, -13.022 ], [ -38.532, -13.017 ], [ -38.473, -12.913 ], [ -38.498, -12.722 ], [ -38.603, -12.728 ], [ -38.646, -12.622 ], [ -38.681, -12.661 ], [ -38.718, -12.627 ], [ -38.804, -12.835 ], [ -38.717, -12.873 ], [ -38.769, -12.995 ], [ -38.721, -13.021 ], [ -38.66, -12.963 ], [ -38.686, -12.878 ], [ -38.59, -12.972 ], [ -38.766, -13.129 ], [ -38.807, -13.1 ], [ -38.808, -13.154 ], [ -38.944, -13.243 ], [ -38.973, -13.391 ], [ -38.902, -13.384 ], [ -38.886, -13.45 ], [ -38.95, -13.577 ], [ -38.886, -13.659 ], [ -38.968, -13.67 ], [ -39.006, -13.891 ], [ -39.064, -13.865 ], [ -39.075, -13.887 ], [ -38.986, -13.998 ], [ -38.952, -13.986 ], [ -38.982, -13.912 ], [ -38.938, -13.886 ], [ -38.922, -13.92 ], [ -39.061, -14.716 ], [ -38.962, -15.585 ], [ -38.857, -15.86 ], [ -38.973, -16.211 ], [ -39.032, -16.26 ], [ -39.01, -16.369 ], [ -39.078, -16.454 ], [ -39.143, -16.762 ], [ -39.113, -16.896 ], [ -39.212, -17.155 ], [ -39.193, -17.602 ], [ -39.135, -17.691 ], [ -39.264, -17.869 ], [ -39.435, -17.943 ], [ -39.563, -18.091 ], [ -39.721, -18.493 ], [ -39.749, -18.81 ], [ -39.692, -19.353 ], [ -39.805, -19.65 ], [ -39.951, -19.717 ], [ -40.151, -19.956 ], [ -40.236, -20.285 ], [ -40.353, -20.32 ], [ -40.329, -20.236 ], [ -40.359, -20.291 ], [ -40.365, -20.317 ], [ -40.35, -20.328 ], [ -40.268, -20.327 ], [ -40.402, -20.606 ], [ -40.466, -20.624 ], [ -40.627, -20.845 ], [ -40.65, -20.813 ], [ -40.756, -20.866 ], [ -40.853, -21.133 ], [ -40.955, -21.251 ], [ -40.96, -21.364 ], [ -41.065, -21.495 ], [ -41.051, -21.608 ], [ -41.038, -21.622 ], [ -41.007, -21.618 ], [ -40.99, -22.014 ], [ -41.229, -22.151 ], [ -41.668, -22.294 ], [ -41.962, -22.538 ], [ -41.986, -22.713 ], [ -41.919, -22.774 ], [ -41.864, -22.759 ], [ -42.023, -22.896 ], [ -42.037, -22.94 ], [ -41.99, -22.964 ], [ -42.018, -22.998 ], [ -42.086, -22.957 ], [ -42.529, -22.934 ], [ -43.05, -22.982 ], [ -43.132, -22.941 ], [ -43.025, -22.741 ], [ -43.084, -22.68 ], [ -43.216, -22.725 ], [ -43.287, -22.806 ], [ -43.24, -22.847 ], [ -43.249, -22.797 ], [ -43.156, -22.784 ], [ -43.247, -22.882 ], [ -43.164, -22.899 ], [ -43.187, -22.995 ], [ -43.344, -22.983 ], [ -43.303, -23.02 ], [ -43.549, -23.081 ], [ -44.001, -23.1 ], [ -43.961, -23.042 ], [ -43.877, -23.067 ], [ -43.909, -23.02 ], [ -43.807, -23.063 ], [ -43.555, -23.055 ], [ -43.84, -22.906 ], [ -43.985, -22.937 ], [ -44.034, -23.014 ], [ -44.044, -22.923 ], [ -44.107, -23.03 ], [ -44.234, -23.06 ], [ -44.238, -23.004 ], [ -44.358, -23.02 ], [ -44.296, -22.961 ], [ -44.321, -22.927 ], [ -44.378, -22.972 ], [ -44.407, -22.945 ], [ -44.443, -23.035 ], [ -44.669, -23.06 ], [ -44.712, -23.19 ], [ -44.701, -23.237 ], [ -44.645, -23.191 ], [ -44.612, -23.206 ], [ -44.685, -23.256 ], [ -44.611, -23.238 ], [ -44.652, -23.302 ], [ -44.558, -23.232 ], [ -44.577, -23.275 ], [ -44.498, -23.302 ], [ -44.583, -23.367 ], [ -44.669, -23.341 ], [ -44.84, -23.395 ], [ -44.905, -23.339 ], [ -45.05, -23.418 ], [ -45.016, -23.461 ], [ -45.079, -23.519 ], [ -45.165, -23.495 ], [ -45.159, -23.541 ], [ -45.228, -23.547 ], [ -45.211, -23.582 ], [ -45.41, -23.632 ], [ -45.412, -23.825 ], [ -45.934, -23.771 ], [ -46.124, -23.842 ], [ -46.2, -24.002 ], [ -46.288, -24.044 ], [ -46.321, -24 ], [ -46.458, -24.025 ], [ -46.937, -24.281 ], [ -47.024, -24.382 ], [ -47.004, -24.412 ], [ -47.86, -24.996 ], [ -47.914, -25.061 ], [ -47.915, -25.16 ], [ -48.213, -25.47 ], [ -48.254, -25.435 ], [ -48.222, -25.342 ], [ -48.208, -25.353 ], [ -48.121, -25.267 ], [ -48.253, -25.328 ], [ -48.284, -25.294 ], [ -48.317, -25.363 ], [ -48.327, -25.232 ], [ -48.366, -25.317 ], [ -48.433, -25.237 ], [ -48.428, -25.324 ], [ -48.5, -25.335 ], [ -48.427, -25.39 ], [ -48.449, -25.379 ], [ -48.468, -25.388 ], [ -48.467, -25.432 ], [ -48.449, -25.384 ], [ -48.414, -25.428 ], [ -48.476, -25.485 ], [ -48.637, -25.468 ], [ -48.661, -25.398 ], [ -48.671, -25.435 ], [ -48.739, -25.374 ], [ -48.68, -25.465 ], [ -48.687, -25.499 ], [ -48.737, -25.483 ], [ -48.703, -25.504 ], [ -48.617, -25.536 ], [ -48.512, -25.505 ], [ -48.482, -25.591 ], [ -48.46, -25.552 ], [ -48.35, -25.581 ], [ -48.565, -25.868 ], [ -48.614, -26.06 ], [ -48.586, -26.172 ], [ -48.714, -26.243 ], [ -48.795, -26.073 ], [ -48.837, -26.157 ], [ -48.798, -26.142 ], [ -48.763, -26.199 ], [ -48.805, -26.228 ], [ -48.769, -26.223 ], [ -48.761, -26.286 ], [ -48.803, -26.303 ], [ -48.723, -26.362 ], [ -48.635, -26.374 ], [ -48.714, -26.308 ], [ -48.554, -26.172 ], [ -48.493, -26.224 ], [ -48.695, -26.658 ], [ -48.665, -26.769 ], [ -48.583, -26.786 ], [ -48.655, -26.909 ], [ -48.62, -27.007 ], [ -48.574, -27.011 ], [ -48.607, -27.122 ], [ -48.554, -27.152 ], [ -48.51, -27.108 ], [ -48.469, -27.148 ], [ -48.511, -27.183 ], [ -48.486, -27.218 ], [ -48.531, -27.18 ], [ -48.612, -27.243 ], [ -48.596, -27.318 ], [ -48.529, -27.334 ], [ -48.649, -27.486 ], [ -48.572, -27.592 ], [ -48.653, -27.648 ], [ -48.575, -27.888 ], [ -48.761, -28.535 ], [ -48.813, -28.605 ], [ -49.37, -28.92 ], [ -49.334, -28.921 ], [ -49.702, -29.308 ], [ -50.006, -29.749 ], [ -50.316, -30.472 ], [ -50.848, -31.205 ], [ -51.303, -31.613 ], [ -51.877, -31.952 ], [ -52.071, -32.188 ], [ -52.012, -31.946 ], [ -52.092, -31.837 ], [ -51.851, -31.865 ], [ -51.777, -31.805 ], [ -51.854, -31.797 ], [ -51.65, -31.759 ], [ -51.478, -31.562 ], [ -51.43, -31.622 ], [ -51.458, -31.548 ], [ -51.424, -31.478 ], [ -51.351, -31.529 ], [ -51.234, -31.458 ], [ -51.16, -31.31 ], [ -51.166, -31.063 ], [ -51.109, -31.097 ], [ -50.985, -31.042 ], [ -50.965, -30.893 ], [ -50.888, -30.893 ], [ -50.705, -30.756 ], [ -50.677, -30.61 ], [ -50.725, -30.371 ], [ -50.692, -30.355 ], [ -50.625, -30.409 ], [ -50.641, -30.459 ], [ -50.569, -30.471 ], [ -50.534, -30.278 ], [ -50.601, -30.194 ], [ -50.659, -30.201 ], [ -50.661, -30.293 ], [ -50.918, -30.333 ], [ -50.934, -30.42 ], [ -50.889, -30.439 ], [ -50.921, -30.44 ], [ -51.052, -30.395 ], [ -51.034, -30.276 ], [ -51.146, -30.267 ], [ -51.246, -30.188 ], [ -51.23, -30.043 ], [ -51.295, -30.007 ], [ -51.326, -30.23 ], [ -51.271, -30.25 ], [ -51.293, -30.295 ], [ -51.246, -30.33 ], [ -51.209, -30.3 ], [ -51.179, -30.383 ], [ -51.092, -30.367 ], [ -51.129, -30.436 ], [ -51.202, -30.413 ], [ -51.269, -30.489 ], [ -51.282, -30.811 ], [ -51.33, -30.777 ], [ -51.294, -30.758 ], [ -51.319, -30.64 ], [ -51.375, -30.635 ], [ -51.404, -30.769 ], [ -51.367, -30.874 ], [ -51.457, -30.874 ], [ -51.501, -30.935 ], [ -51.436, -31.088 ], [ -51.611, -31.138 ], [ -51.613, -31.272 ], [ -51.915, -31.313 ], [ -52.002, -31.449 ], [ -52.031, -31.693 ], [ -52.218, -31.747 ], [ -52.247, -31.871 ], [ -52.106, -31.952 ], [ -52.216, -31.963 ], [ -52.263, -32.062 ], [ -52.209, -32.045 ], [ -52.225, -32.096 ], [ -52.082, -32.033 ], [ -52.162, -32.128 ], [ -52.09, -32.069 ], [ -52.084, -32.186 ], [ -52.16, -32.201 ], [ -52.341, -32.43 ], [ -52.488, -32.844 ], [ -52.66, -33.165 ], [ -53.227, -33.658 ], [ -53.421, -33.741 ], [ -53.524, -33.689 ], [ -53.515, -33.163 ], [ -53.434, -33.054 ], [ -53.243, -32.936 ], [ -53.294, -32.911 ], [ -53.074, -32.746 ], [ -53.244, -32.605 ], [ -53.39, -32.583 ], [ -53.46, -32.48 ], [ -53.595, -32.432 ], [ -53.73, -32.157 ], [ -53.714, -32.104 ], [ -53.965, -31.919 ], [ -54.096, -31.906 ], [ -54.466, -31.666 ], [ -54.491, -31.54 ], [ -54.591, -31.448 ], [ -54.836, -31.446 ], [ -54.945, -31.392 ], [ -55.014, -31.285 ], [ -55.091, -31.326 ], [ -55.245, -31.257 ], [ -55.374, -31.038 ], [ -55.594, -30.848 ], [ -55.635, -30.857 ], [ -55.657, -30.956 ], [ -55.87, -31.08 ], [ -56.008, -31.063 ], [ -55.987, -30.86 ], [ -56.021, -30.784 ], [ -56.127, -30.739 ], [ -56.177, -30.614 ], [ -56.384, -30.495 ], [ -56.459, -30.387 ], [ -56.545, -30.364 ], [ -56.54, -30.312 ], [ -56.617, -30.303 ], [ -56.644, -30.205 ], [ -56.776, -30.166 ], [ -56.804, -30.107 ], [ -57.068, -30.088 ], [ -57.207, -30.281 ], [ -57.313, -30.26 ], [ -57.396, -30.303 ], [ -57.538, -30.275 ], [ -57.618, -30.179 ], [ -57.505, -30.143 ], [ -57.342, -30.001 ], [ -57.319, -29.87 ], [ -57.254, -29.794 ], [ -57.105, -29.752 ], [ -56.972, -29.639 ], [ -56.676, -29.321 ], [ -56.593, -29.123 ], [ -56.425, -29.073 ], [ -56.285, -28.794 ], [ -56.185, -28.771 ], [ -56.016, -28.611 ], [ -56.011, -28.509 ], [ -55.888, -28.479 ], [ -55.875, -28.362 ], [ -55.696, -28.425 ], [ -55.671, -28.333 ], [ -55.773, -28.247 ], [ -55.605, -28.123 ], [ -55.554, -28.164 ], [ -55.496, -28.081 ], [ -55.444, -28.097 ], [ -55.323, -27.928 ], [ -55.196, -27.863 ], [ -55.134, -27.895 ], [ -55.117, -27.853 ], [ -55.032, -27.854 ], [ -55.082, -27.789 ], [ -54.941, -27.775 ], [ -54.809, -27.536 ], [ -54.781, -27.586 ], [ -54.683, -27.576 ], [ -54.678, -27.514 ], [ -54.624, -27.55 ], [ -54.576, -27.458 ], [ -54.525, -27.507 ], [ -54.415, -27.412 ], [ -54.353, -27.468 ], [ -54.339, -27.406 ], [ -54.282, -27.447 ], [ -54.176, -27.261 ], [ -54.089, -27.303 ], [ -53.949, -27.158 ], [ -53.799, -27.147 ], [ -53.795, -27.048 ], [ -53.761, -27.068 ], [ -53.662, -26.869 ], [ -53.751, -26.745 ], [ -53.707, -26.563 ], [ -53.738, -26.548 ], [ -53.592, -26.265 ], [ -53.722, -26.13 ], [ -53.733, -26.047 ], [ -53.837, -25.969 ], [ -53.824, -25.793 ], [ -53.891, -25.625 ], [ -53.951, -25.644 ], [ -54.016, -25.569 ], [ -54.101, -25.625 ], [ -54.111, -25.504 ], [ -54.213, -25.554 ], [ -54.184, -25.591 ], [ -54.289, -25.562 ], [ -54.387, -25.608 ], [ -54.43, -25.706 ], [ -54.596, -25.595 ], [ -54.617, -25.459 ], [ -54.437, -25.157 ], [ -54.458, -25.031 ], [ -54.336, -24.649 ], [ -54.333, -24.493 ], [ -54.262, -24.376 ], [ -54.33, -24.225 ], [ -54.282, -24.075 ], [ -54.411, -23.929 ], [ -54.668, -23.815 ], [ -55.061, -23.991 ], [ -55.112, -23.963 ], [ -55.226, -24.013 ], [ -55.413, -23.961 ], [ -55.434, -23.714 ], [ -55.535, -23.614 ], [ -55.522, -23.197 ], [ -55.596, -23.141 ], [ -55.64, -22.994 ], [ -55.685, -22.992 ], [ -55.613, -22.659 ], [ -55.736, -22.532 ], [ -55.74, -22.396 ], [ -55.854, -22.281 ], [ -56.208, -22.281 ], [ -56.341, -22.206 ], [ -56.403, -22.078 ], [ -56.519, -22.103 ], [ -56.643, -22.261 ], [ -56.698, -22.216 ], [ -56.728, -22.26 ], [ -56.808, -22.25 ], [ -56.831, -22.3 ], [ -57.001, -22.225 ], [ -57.203, -22.21 ], [ -57.243, -22.244 ], [ -57.553, -22.181 ], [ -57.616, -22.096 ], [ -57.803, -22.148 ], [ -57.989, -22.085 ], [ -58.005, -22.032 ], [ -57.919, -21.881 ], [ -57.969, -21.844 ], [ -57.913, -21.793 ], [ -57.947, -21.747 ], [ -57.894, -21.687 ], [ -57.968, -21.528 ], [ -57.855, -21.339 ], [ -57.918, -21.278 ], [ -57.854, -21.226 ], [ -57.866, -21.041 ], [ -57.818, -20.976 ], [ -57.927, -20.897 ], [ -57.855, -20.835 ], [ -57.961, -20.784 ], [ -57.869, -20.736 ], [ -57.923, -20.666 ], [ -57.988, -20.696 ], [ -57.994, -20.448 ], [ -58.082, -20.372 ], [ -58.092, -20.257 ], [ -58.154, -20.264 ], [ -58.125, -20.188 ], [ -58.163, -20.162 ], [ -57.872, -19.979 ], [ -58.134, -19.761 ], [ -57.79, -19.051 ], [ -57.709, -19.034 ], [ -57.757, -18.858 ], [ -57.56, -18.263 ], [ -57.458, -18.228 ], [ -57.568, -18.136 ], [ -57.702, -17.86 ], [ -57.715, -17.735 ], [ -57.785, -17.645 ], [ -57.773, -17.553 ], [ -57.878, -17.463 ], [ -58.003, -17.52 ], [ -58.114, -17.456 ], [ -58.395, -17.197 ], [ -58.421, -16.99 ], [ -58.47, -16.939 ], [ -58.468, -16.702 ], [ -58.442, -16.613 ], [ -58.34, -16.542 ], [ -58.309, -16.27 ], [ -58.471, -16.325 ], [ -60.173, -16.265 ], [ -60.236, -15.476 ], [ -60.565, -15.105 ], [ -60.253, -15.101 ], [ -60.257, -14.624 ], [ -60.338, -14.555 ], [ -60.482, -14.181 ], [ -60.468, -14.092 ], [ -60.378, -13.992 ], [ -60.468, -13.886 ], [ -60.468, -13.801 ], [ -60.793, -13.686 ], [ -60.962, -13.539 ], [ -61.044, -13.541 ], [ -61.028, -13.477 ], [ -61.069, -13.463 ], [ -61.139, -13.521 ], [ -61.249, -13.525 ], [ -61.33, -13.473 ], [ -61.486, -13.554 ], [ -61.578, -13.494 ], [ -61.824, -13.539 ], [ -61.866, -13.443 ], [ -62.108, -13.257 ], [ -62.109, -13.149 ], [ -62.165, -13.112 ], [ -62.368, -13.145 ], [ -62.464, -13.07 ], [ -62.637, -13.041 ], [ -62.674, -12.965 ], [ -62.764, -13.023 ], [ -62.923, -12.854 ], [ -62.996, -12.85 ], [ -63.082, -12.653 ], [ -63.327, -12.705 ], [ -63.482, -12.557 ], [ -63.712, -12.458 ], [ -63.875, -12.469 ], [ -63.937, -12.557 ], [ -64.127, -12.494 ], [ -64.152, -12.529 ], [ -64.215, -12.476 ], [ -64.278, -12.511 ], [ -64.493, -12.366 ], [ -64.486, -12.23 ], [ -64.654, -12.186 ], [ -64.683, -12.099 ], [ -64.725, -12.162 ], [ -64.798, -12.035 ], [ -64.993, -11.999 ], [ -65.048, -11.757 ], [ -65.112, -11.741 ], [ -65.106, -11.697 ], [ -65.135, -11.777 ], [ -65.201, -11.745 ], [ -65.161, -11.622 ], [ -65.218, -11.521 ], [ -65.299, -11.5 ], [ -65.338, -11.392 ], [ -65.31, -11.341 ], [ -65.385, -11.269 ], [ -65.349, -11.239 ], [ -65.391, -11.167 ], [ -65.318, -11.105 ], [ -65.336, -11.044 ], [ -65.269, -10.901 ], [ -65.366, -10.798 ], [ -65.349, -10.671 ], [ -65.426, -10.638 ], [ -65.429, -10.473 ], [ -65.28, -10.218 ], [ -65.327, -9.938 ], [ -65.29, -9.851 ], [ -65.377, -9.698 ], [ -65.488, -9.718 ], [ -65.563, -9.834 ], [ -65.669, -9.779 ], [ -65.7, -9.803 ], [ -65.689, -9.749 ], [ -65.748, -9.77 ], [ -65.777, -9.727 ], [ -65.798, -9.786 ], [ -65.81, -9.75 ], [ -65.86, -9.794 ], [ -65.872, -9.757 ], [ -66.018, -9.807 ], [ -66.064, -9.772 ], [ -66.422, -9.895 ], [ -66.616, -9.893 ], [ -66.623, -9.935 ], [ -66.883, -10.081 ], [ -67.029, -10.254 ], [ -67.186, -10.339 ], [ -67.315, -10.316 ], [ -67.327, -10.374 ], [ -67.414, -10.372 ], [ -67.443, -10.45 ], [ -67.594, -10.523 ], [ -67.715, -10.707 ], [ -68.021, -10.661 ], [ -68.119, -10.726 ], [ -68.283, -10.987 ], [ -68.519, -11.048 ], [ -68.587, -11.11 ], [ -68.769, -11.139 ], [ -68.751, -11.007 ], [ -68.787, -10.99 ], [ -68.871, -11.023 ], [ -69.393, -10.929 ], [ -69.728, -10.973 ], [ -69.938, -10.926 ], [ -70.318, -11.066 ], [ -70.428, -11.033 ], [ -70.508, -10.94 ], [ -70.618, -11.007 ], [ -70.622, -9.847 ], [ -70.522, -9.738 ], [ -70.598, -9.574 ], [ -70.561, -9.579 ], [ -70.497, -9.433 ], [ -70.601, -9.453 ], [ -70.982, -9.812 ], [ -71.131, -9.862 ], [ -71.288, -9.996 ], [ -72.165, -10.002 ], [ -72.16, -9.818 ], [ -72.26, -9.755 ], [ -72.289, -9.536 ], [ -72.364, -9.491 ], [ -72.721, -9.417 ], [ -73.196, -9.418 ], [ -72.965, -9.154 ], [ -72.946, -8.99 ], [ -73.059, -8.904 ], [ -73.169, -8.701 ], [ -73.338, -8.609 ], [ -73.338, -8.476 ], [ -73.526, -8.369 ], [ -73.632, -8.022 ], [ -73.765, -7.94 ], [ -73.777, -7.869 ], [ -73.697, -7.865 ], [ -73.69, -7.79 ], [ -73.985, -7.543 ], [ -73.917, -7.461 ], [ -73.954, -7.348 ], [ -73.868, -7.377 ], [ -73.691, -7.313 ], [ -73.797, -7.115 ], [ -73.743, -6.897 ], [ -73.351, -6.561 ], [ -73.211, -6.53 ], [ -73.133, -6.421 ], [ -73.185, -6.04 ], [ -73.131, -5.986 ], [ -73.116, -5.865 ], [ -72.951, -5.643 ], [ -72.948, -5.454 ], [ -72.872, -5.25 ], [ -72.896, -5.136 ], [ -72.734, -5.043 ], [ -72.602, -5.056 ], [ -72.577, -4.992 ], [ -72.455, -4.962 ], [ -72.452, -4.906 ], [ -72.37, -4.88 ], [ -72.356, -4.803 ], [ -72.292, -4.799 ], [ -72.313, -4.769 ], [ -72.223, -4.78 ], [ -72.113, -4.722 ], [ -72.047, -4.625 ], [ -71.94, -4.607 ], [ -71.897, -4.512 ], [ -71.61, -4.465 ], [ -71.597, -4.525 ], [ -71.535, -4.46 ], [ -71.49, -4.479 ], [ -71.506, -4.435 ], [ -71.414, -4.432 ], [ -71.432, -4.469 ], [ -71.342, -4.423 ], [ -71.355, -4.468 ], [ -71.303, -4.458 ], [ -71.269, -4.381 ], [ -71.198, -4.377 ], [ -71.193, -4.42 ], [ -71.147, -4.375 ], [ -71.031, -4.397 ], [ -70.99, -4.34 ], [ -70.935, -4.381 ], [ -70.757, -4.152 ], [ -70.677, -4.2 ], [ -70.622, -4.121 ], [ -70.633, -4.173 ], [ -70.565, -4.168 ], [ -70.566, -4.205 ], [ -70.553, -4.128 ], [ -70.503, -4.19 ], [ -70.434, -4.125 ], [ -70.341, -4.174 ], [ -70.317, -4.136 ], [ -70.291, -4.283 ], [ -70.249, -4.267 ], [ -70.186, -4.357 ], [ -70.169, -4.27 ], [ -70.101, -4.255 ], [ -70.031, -4.339 ], [ -69.929, -4.213 ], [ -69.453, -1.478 ], [ -69.368, -1.334 ], [ -69.422, -0.998 ], [ -69.508, -0.936 ], [ -69.609, -0.755 ], [ -69.551, -0.648 ], [ -69.593, -0.517 ], [ -69.908, -0.316 ], [ -70.068, -0.135 ], [ -70.037, 0.553 ], [ -69.798, 0.585 ], [ -69.664, 0.672 ], [ -69.606, 0.623 ], [ -69.468, 0.734 ], [ -69.357, 0.621 ], [ -69.295, 0.648 ], [ -69.288, 0.609 ], [ -69.202, 0.602 ], [ -69.112, 0.643 ], [ -69.184, 0.73 ], [ -69.137, 0.868 ], [ -69.257, 1.026 ], [ -69.342, 1.064 ], [ -69.416, 1.024 ], [ -69.7, 1.056 ], [ -69.721, 1.097 ], [ -69.854, 1.07 ], [ -69.855, 1.715 ], [ -69.556, 1.775 ], [ -69.395, 1.726 ], [ -68.128, 1.73 ], [ -68.29, 1.841 ], [ -68.205, 2.038 ], [ -68.027, 1.784 ], [ -67.924, 1.751 ], [ -67.797, 1.812 ], [ -67.578, 2.076 ], [ -67.41, 2.141 ], [ -67.117, 1.732 ], [ -67.068, 1.532 ], [ -67.097, 1.17 ], [ -66.855, 1.228 ], [ -66.322, 0.738 ], [ -66.095, 0.754 ], [ -65.952, 0.81 ], [ -65.854, 0.939 ], [ -65.733, 1.005 ], [ -65.583, 1.008 ], [ -65.47, 0.877 ], [ -65.557, 0.705 ], [ -65.504, 0.627 ], [ -65.393, 0.699 ], [ -65.305, 0.916 ], [ -65.152, 0.943 ], [ -65.121, 1.115 ], [ -65.055, 1.144 ], [ -64.968, 1.112 ], [ -64.903, 1.249 ], [ -64.843, 1.237 ], [ -64.783, 1.313 ], [ -64.721, 1.25 ], [ -64.638, 1.286 ], [ -64.387, 1.527 ], [ -64.344, 1.528 ], [ -64.382, 1.419 ], [ -64.344, 1.38 ], [ -64.186, 1.494 ], [ -64.054, 1.708 ], [ -64.057, 1.933 ], [ -64.018, 1.967 ], [ -63.781, 1.989 ], [ -63.604, 2.124 ], [ -63.419, 2.154 ], [ -63.349, 2.281 ], [ -63.382, 2.442 ], [ -63.756, 2.403 ], [ -64.031, 2.509 ], [ -63.987, 2.772 ], [ -64.216, 3.153 ], [ -64.236, 3.476 ], [ -64.186, 3.634 ], [ -64.324, 3.797 ], [ -64.543, 3.882 ], [ -64.8, 4.224 ], [ -64.79, 4.329 ], [ -64.677, 4.297 ], [ -64.555, 4.153 ], [ -64.135, 4.176 ], [ -63.967, 3.93 ], [ -63.806, 4.019 ], [ -63.623, 4.01 ], [ -63.455, 3.91 ], [ -63.411, 4.026 ], [ -63.358, 4.04 ], [ -63.203, 3.952 ], [ -63.189, 3.872 ], [ -62.86, 3.584 ], [ -62.749, 3.642 ], [ -62.705, 3.724 ], [ -62.752, 4.012 ], [ -62.635, 4.056 ], [ -62.557, 4.02 ], [ -62.46, 4.173 ], [ -62.129, 4.084 ], [ -61.961, 4.18 ], [ -61.927, 4.106 ], [ -61.723, 4.262 ], [ -61.528, 4.273 ], [ -61.507, 4.398 ], [ -61.274, 4.471 ], [ -61.293, 4.55 ], [ -61.141, 4.508 ], [ -60.952, 4.549 ], [ -60.907, 4.708 ], [ -60.731, 4.777 ], [ -60.59, 4.951 ], [ -60.744, 5.209 ], [ -60.438, 5.177 ], [ -60.203, 5.265 ], [ -60.176, 5.227 ], [ -60.121, 5.243 ], [ -60.085, 5.149 ], [ -59.969, 5.073 ], [ -60.03, 4.704 ], [ -60.163, 4.521 ], [ -59.927, 4.509 ], [ -59.674, 4.382 ], [ -59.726, 4.191 ], [ -59.628, 4.138 ], [ -59.655, 4.078 ], [ -59.516, 3.94 ], [ -59.581, 3.901 ], [ -59.594, 3.796 ], [ -59.666, 3.777 ], [ -59.664, 3.703 ], [ -59.849, 3.601 ], [ -59.799, 3.355 ], [ -59.909, 3.197 ], [ -59.982, 2.929 ], [ -59.99, 2.683 ], [ -59.903, 2.479 ], [ -59.91, 2.388 ], [ -59.724, 2.277 ], [ -59.754, 1.861 ], [ -59.654, 1.849 ], [ -59.669, 1.764 ], [ -59.549, 1.729 ], [ -59.253, 1.397 ], [ -58.914, 1.299 ], [ -58.904, 1.234 ], [ -58.804, 1.175 ], [ -58.696, 1.288 ], [ -58.507, 1.264 ], [ -58.468, 1.318 ], [ -58.498, 1.458 ], [ -58.382, 1.471 ], [ -58.325, 1.59 ], [ -58.167, 1.558 ], [ -58.13, 1.501 ], [ -58.009, 1.501 ], [ -58, 1.665 ], [ -57.919, 1.645 ], [ -57.77, 1.718 ], [ -57.545, 1.701 ], [ -57.434, 1.895 ], [ -57.302, 1.99 ], [ -57.247, 1.944 ], [ -57.085, 2.021 ], [ -57.012, 1.918 ], [ -56.8, 1.864 ], [ -56.724, 1.92 ], [ -56.454, 1.945 ], [ -55.957, 1.844 ], [ -55.906, 1.889 ], [ -55.913, 2.041 ], [ -56.048, 2.226 ], [ -56.134, 2.263 ], [ -56.09, 2.352 ], [ -55.995, 2.405 ], [ -55.987, 2.517 ], [ -55.948, 2.532 ], [ -55.739, 2.401 ], [ -55.481, 2.443 ], [ -55.37, 2.407 ], [ -55.336, 2.516 ], [ -55.239, 2.495 ], [ -55.137, 2.575 ], [ -55.103, 2.522 ], [ -54.94, 2.632 ], [ -54.969, 2.555 ], [ -54.864, 2.439 ], [ -54.72, 2.469 ], [ -54.702, 2.336 ], [ -54.549, 2.336 ], [ -54.534, 2.268 ], [ -54.314, 2.158 ], [ -54.189, 2.179 ], [ -54.111, 2.127 ], [ -54.078, 2.197 ], [ -53.784, 2.364 ], [ -53.694, 2.287 ], [ -53.472, 2.332 ], [ -53.397, 2.272 ], [ -53.273, 2.292 ], [ -53.188, 2.223 ], [ -52.905, 2.19 ], [ -52.853, 2.285 ], [ -52.673, 2.374 ], [ -52.555, 2.523 ], [ -52.556, 2.646 ], [ -52.382, 2.912 ], [ -52.347, 3.134 ], [ -52.192, 3.296 ], [ -51.92, 3.781 ], [ -51.795, 3.89 ], [ -51.754, 3.996 ], [ -51.658, 4.049 ], [ -51.585, 4.241 ], [ -51.529, 4.171 ], [ -51.545, 4.397 ], [ -51.202, 4.084 ], [ -51.173, 3.767 ], [ -51.127, 3.911 ], [ -51.085, 3.895 ], [ -51.051, 3.283 ], [ -50.913, 2.875 ], [ -50.927, 2.807 ], [ -50.816, 2.644 ], [ -50.851, 2.482 ], [ -50.802, 2.508 ], [ -50.736, 2.414 ], [ -50.765, 2.359 ], [ -50.694, 2.276 ], [ -50.725, 2.252 ], [ -50.675, 2.247 ], [ -50.682, 2.137 ], [ -50.584, 2.091 ], [ -50.586, 2.014 ], [ -50.471, 1.82 ], [ -50.194, 1.794 ], [ -49.954, 1.676 ], [ -49.88, 1.419 ], [ -49.918, 1.289 ], [ -50.073, 1.204 ], [ -49.918, 1.232 ], [ -49.939, 1.103 ], [ -50.003, 1.066 ], [ -50.033, 1.107 ], [ -50.131, 0.949 ], [ -50.274, 0.866 ], [ -50.338, 0.729 ], [ -50.417, 0.685 ], [ -50.455, 0.732 ], [ -50.428, 0.679 ], [ -50.571, 0.424 ], [ -50.691, 0.3 ], [ -50.677, 0.365 ], [ -50.746, 0.227 ], [ -50.801, 0.224 ], [ -50.785, 0.183 ], [ -50.908, 0.171 ], [ -51.087, -0.043 ], [ -51.203, -0.055 ], [ -51.419, -0.412 ], [ -51.409, -0.44 ], [ -51.325, -0.364 ], [ -51.188, -0.14 ], [ -51.111, -0.154 ], [ -51.154, -0.284 ], [ -51.396, -0.493 ], [ -51.243, -0.443 ], [ -51.26, -0.5 ], [ -51.165, -0.431 ], [ -50.953, -0.061 ], [ -50.824, -0.048 ], [ -50.705, 0.002 ], [ -50.613, -0.088 ], [ -50.744, -0.244 ], [ -50.751, -0.429 ], [ -50.845, -0.526 ], [ -50.988, -0.583 ], [ -51.051, -0.682 ], [ -50.826, -0.555 ], [ -50.794, -0.666 ], [ -50.733, -0.557 ], [ -50.684, -0.604 ], [ -50.724, -0.493 ], [ -50.652, -0.276 ], [ -50.409, -0.094 ], [ -49.631, -0.247 ], [ -49.446, -0.23 ], [ -49.289, -0.145 ], [ -49.018, -0.16 ], [ -49, -0.139 ], [ -48.895, -0.224 ], [ -48.539, -0.234 ], [ -48.363, -0.303 ], [ -48.459, -0.513 ], [ -48.522, -0.877 ], [ -48.667, -1.002 ], [ -48.621, -1.005 ], [ -48.65, -1.048 ], [ -48.617, -1.053 ], [ -48.721, -1.137 ], [ -48.837, -1.452 ], [ -49.161, -1.575 ], [ -49.182, -1.623 ], [ -49.362, -1.604 ], [ -49.364, -1.642 ], [ -49.448, -1.637 ], [ -49.5, -1.738 ], [ -49.61, -1.718 ], [ -49.676, -1.78 ], [ -49.696, -1.757 ], [ -49.714, -1.76 ], [ -49.803, -1.822 ], [ -50.035, -1.717 ], [ -50.179, -1.787 ], [ -50.256, -1.776 ], [ -50.415, -1.841 ], [ -50.401, -1.935 ], [ -49.994, -1.819 ], [ -49.844, -1.905 ], [ -49.765, -1.898 ], [ -49.616, -1.79 ], [ -49.276, -1.706 ], [ -49.267, -1.778 ], [ -49.387, -1.977 ], [ -49.383, -2.159 ], [ -48.973, -1.594 ], [ -48.897, -1.573 ], [ -48.955, -1.712 ], [ -48.932, -1.75 ], [ -48.898, -1.743 ], [ -48.656, -1.371 ], [ -48.592, -1.429 ], [ -48.601, -1.306 ], [ -48.524, -1.338 ], [ -48.537, -1.467 ], [ -48.496, -1.553 ], [ -48.491, -1.502 ], [ -48.46, -1.533 ], [ -48.374, -1.511 ], [ -48.319, -1.478 ], [ -48.505, -1.471 ], [ -48.422, -1.168 ], [ -48.475, -1.144 ], [ -48.4, -1.066 ], [ -48.278, -1.111 ], [ -48.304, -0.948 ], [ -48.055, -0.668 ], [ -48.001, -0.731 ], [ -47.893, -0.553 ], [ -47.843, -0.616 ], [ -47.807, -0.547 ], [ -47.702, -0.54 ], [ -47.707, -0.59 ], [ -47.667, -0.569 ], [ -47.633, -0.608 ], [ -47.651, -0.694 ], [ -47.608, -0.684 ], [ -47.577, -0.573 ], [ -47.476, -0.757 ], [ -47.398, -0.76 ], [ -47.428, -0.693 ], [ -47.464, -0.687 ], [ -47.466, -0.594 ], [ -47.399, -0.594 ], [ -47.4, -0.645 ], [ -47.298, -0.589 ], [ -47.253, -0.668 ], [ -47.247, -0.623 ], [ -47.206, -0.633 ], [ -47.23, -0.719 ], [ -47.158, -0.678 ], [ -47.191, -0.754 ], [ -47.146, -0.764 ], [ -47.16, -0.815 ], [ -47.081, -0.661 ], [ -47.055, -0.868 ], [ -47.027, -0.784 ], [ -46.983, -0.806 ], [ -47.016, -0.752 ], [ -46.967, -0.694 ], [ -46.969, -0.78 ], [ -46.891, -0.869 ], [ -46.89, -0.789 ], [ -46.846, -0.799 ], [ -46.82, -0.71 ], [ -46.802, -0.877 ], [ -46.777, -0.905 ], [ -46.75, -0.826 ], [ -46.709, -0.86 ], [ -46.734, -0.944 ], [ -46.687, -0.831 ], [ -46.653, -0.882 ], [ -46.621, -0.818 ], [ -46.601, -0.917 ], [ -46.676, -0.965 ], [ -46.622, -0.987 ], [ -46.57, -0.947 ], [ -46.609, -1.03 ], [ -46.57, -0.988 ], [ -46.525, -1.027 ], [ -46.465, -1.007 ], [ -46.47, -1.044 ], [ -46.395, -1.037 ], [ -46.413, -1.084 ], [ -46.348, -0.982 ], [ -46.36, -1.011 ], [ -46.366, -1.031 ], [ -46.348, -1.079 ], [ -46.339, -1.015 ], [ -46.299, -1.05 ], [ -46.212, -0.946 ], [ -46.242, -0.921 ], [ -46.179, -0.914 ], [ -46.224, -1.053 ], [ -46.206, -1.1 ], [ -46.158, -1.014 ], [ -46.138, -1.032 ], [ -46.193, -1.143 ], [ -46.104, -1.067 ], [ -46.062, -1.133 ], [ -46.15, -1.258 ], [ -45.982, -1.071 ], [ -45.953, -1.147 ], [ -46, -1.151 ], [ -46, -1.199 ], [ -45.95, -1.159 ], [ -45.95, -1.207 ], [ -46, -1.209 ], [ -45.95, -1.25 ], [ -45.902, -1.134 ], [ -45.923, -1.214 ], [ -45.882, -1.167 ], [ -45.873, -1.211 ], [ -45.909, -1.261 ], [ -45.859, -1.231 ], [ -45.891, -1.293 ], [ -45.807, -1.176 ], [ -45.843, -1.301 ], [ -45.809, -1.328 ], [ -45.831, -1.298 ], [ -45.782, -1.278 ], [ -45.726, -1.135 ], [ -45.69, -1.452 ], [ -45.697, -1.38 ], [ -45.632, -1.371 ], [ -45.618, -1.279 ], [ -45.589, -1.329 ], [ -45.537, -1.273 ], [ -45.561, -1.343 ], [ -45.51, -1.352 ], [ -45.567, -1.404 ], [ -45.546, -1.432 ], [ -45.413, -1.296 ], [ -45.489, -1.473 ], [ -45.511, -1.458 ], [ -45.554, -1.503 ], [ -45.507, -1.471 ], [ -45.518, -1.516 ], [ -45.481, -1.495 ], [ -45.463, -1.548 ], [ -45.457, -1.457 ], [ -45.391, -1.434 ], [ -45.363, -1.325 ], [ -45.323, -1.319 ], [ -45.302, -1.424 ], [ -45.392, -1.485 ], [ -45.398, -1.503 ], [ -45.356, -1.487 ], [ -45.392, -1.553 ], [ -45.338, -1.572 ], [ -45.371, -1.722 ], [ -45.338, -1.753 ], [ -45.197, -1.688 ], [ -45.261, -1.607 ], [ -45.16, -1.475 ], [ -45.136, -1.521 ], [ -45.072, -1.435 ], [ -45.07, -1.485 ], [ -44.999, -1.504 ], [ -45.018, -1.547 ], [ -44.969, -1.549 ], [ -45.029, -1.583 ], [ -45.029, -1.602 ], [ -44.979, -1.607 ], [ -44.954, -1.498 ], [ -44.862, -1.426 ], [ -44.857, -1.498 ], [ -44.954, -1.605 ], [ -44.918, -1.649 ], [ -44.968, -1.662 ], [ -44.913, -1.657 ], [ -44.927, -1.62 ], [ -44.886, -1.609 ], [ -44.837, -1.65 ], [ -44.822, -1.591 ], [ -44.826, -1.637 ], [ -44.805, -1.609 ], [ -44.812, -1.665 ], [ -44.779, -1.735 ], [ -44.711, -1.728 ], [ -44.82, -1.819 ], [ -44.738, -1.791 ], [ -44.706, -1.819 ], [ -44.676, -1.808 ], [ -44.661, -1.727 ], [ -44.604, -1.749 ], [ -44.667, -1.849 ], [ -44.601, -1.858 ], [ -44.583, -1.817 ], [ -44.586, -1.873 ], [ -44.543, -1.833 ], [ -44.601, -1.909 ], [ -44.517, -1.907 ], [ -44.484, -2.002 ], [ -44.613, -2.037 ], [ -44.467, -2.017 ], [ -44.626, -2.151 ], [ -44.589, -2.159 ], [ -44.641, -2.232 ], [ -44.708, -2.23 ], [ -44.684, -2.275 ], [ -44.764, -2.265 ], [ -44.654, -2.294 ], [ -44.681, -2.354 ], [ -44.649, -2.373 ], [ -44.666, -2.329 ], [ -44.479, -2.137 ], [ -44.358, -2.335 ], [ -44.401, -2.416 ], [ -44.514, -2.384 ], [ -44.55, -2.4 ], [ -44.491, -2.415 ], [ -44.514, -2.448 ], [ -44.505, -2.476 ], [ -44.665, -2.608 ], [ -44.548, -2.542 ], [ -44.658, -2.781 ], [ -44.688, -2.924 ], [ -44.677, -3.019 ], [ -44.66, -3.02 ], [ -44.657, -3.018 ] ], [ [ -43.318, -2.361 ], [ -43.317, -2.363 ], [ -43.296, -2.363 ], [ -43.318, -2.361 ] ], [ [ -42.438, -2.747 ], [ -42.442, -2.749 ], [ -42.438, -2.75 ], [ -42.438, -2.747 ] ], [ [ -42.442, -2.749 ], [ -42.47, -2.744 ], [ -42.447, -2.753 ], [ -42.442, -2.749 ] ], [ [ -50.851, 2.482 ], [ -50.853, 2.481 ], [ -50.853, 2.48 ], [ -50.851, 2.482 ] ], [ [ -50.853, 2.481 ], [ -50.86, 2.495 ], [ -50.86, 2.477 ], [ -50.853, 2.481 ] ], [ [ -49.976, 1.659 ], [ -49.98, 1.659 ], [ -50, 1.639 ], [ -49.976, 1.659 ] ], [ [ -45.392, -1.553 ], [ -45.393, -1.553 ], [ -45.394, -1.556 ], [ -45.392, -1.553 ] ], [ [ -45.394, -1.556 ], [ -45.406, -1.579 ], [ -45.403, -1.591 ], [ -45.394, -1.556 ] ], [ [ -44.837, -1.65 ], [ -44.834, -1.655 ], [ -44.833, -1.654 ], [ -44.837, -1.65 ] ], [ [ -44.834, -1.655 ], [ -44.841, -1.675 ], [ -44.822, -1.672 ], [ -44.834, -1.655 ] ], [ [ -44.779, -1.735 ], [ -44.777, -1.741 ], [ -44.776, -1.74 ], [ -44.779, -1.735 ] ], [ [ -44.777, -1.741 ], [ -44.833, -1.77 ], [ -44.774, -1.75 ], [ -44.777, -1.741 ] ], [ [ -44.547, -2.22 ], [ -44.536, -2.225 ], [ -44.543, -2.219 ], [ -44.547, -2.22 ] ], [ [ -44.536, -2.225 ], [ -44.507, -2.249 ], [ -44.512, -2.235 ], [ -44.536, -2.225 ] ], [ [ -44.507, -2.249 ], [ -44.504, -2.256 ], [ -44.501, -2.254 ], [ -44.507, -2.249 ] ], [ [ -44.504, -2.256 ], [ -44.514, -2.268 ], [ -44.502, -2.26 ], [ -44.504, -2.256 ] ] ], [ [ [ -29.34, -20.484 ], [ -29.301, -20.521 ], [ -29.341, -20.511 ], [ -29.34, -20.484 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.001, -13.94 ], [ -39.012, -13.915 ], [ -38.994, -13.896 ], [ -39.001, -13.94 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.043, -13.909 ], [ -39.059, -13.904 ], [ -39.054, -13.886 ], [ -39.028, -13.903 ], [ -39.043, -13.909 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.251, -18.015 ], [ -39.283, -18.005 ], [ -39.272, -17.982 ], [ -39.245, -18.006 ], [ -39.251, -18.015 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.131, -17.927 ], [ -39.154, -17.921 ], [ -39.137, -17.91 ], [ -39.131, -17.927 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.212, -17.986 ], [ -39.228, -17.979 ], [ -39.215, -17.944 ], [ -39.202, -17.95 ], [ -39.212, -17.986 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.341, -23.231 ], [ -44.372, -23.174 ], [ -44.232, -23.089 ], [ -44.087, -23.173 ], [ -44.3, -23.184 ], [ -44.341, -23.231 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.356, -23.073 ], [ -44.388, -23.048 ], [ -44.373, -23.033 ], [ -44.343, -23.041 ], [ -44.356, -23.073 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.929, -23.014 ], [ -43.936, -22.999 ], [ -43.916, -22.989 ], [ -43.929, -23.014 ] ] ], [ [ [ -42.002, -23.018 ], [ -42.015, -23.003 ], [ -41.98, -22.975 ], [ -41.975, -22.992 ], [ -42.002, -23.018 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.904, -22.962 ], [ -43.907, -22.936 ], [ -43.868, -22.926 ], [ -43.871, -22.95 ], [ -43.904, -22.962 ] ] ], [ [ [ -41.042, -21.613 ], [ -41.042, -21.6 ], [ -41.019, -21.606 ], [ -41.042, -21.613 ] ] ], [ [ [ -52.112, -32 ], [ -52.18, -32.035 ], [ -52.216, -32.025 ], [ -52.198, -31.978 ], [ -52.112, -32 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.641, -30.388 ], [ -50.629, -30.394 ], [ -50.624, -30.329 ], [ -50.592, -30.399 ], [ -50.609, -30.406 ], [ -50.641, -30.388 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.526, -27.462 ], [ -48.416, -27.38 ], [ -48.358, -27.446 ], [ -48.503, -27.799 ], [ -48.559, -27.842 ], [ -48.526, -27.462 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.354, -27.296 ], [ -48.376, -27.285 ], [ -48.373, -27.271 ], [ -48.36, -27.27 ], [ -48.354, -27.296 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.731, -26.314 ], [ -48.754, -26.297 ], [ -48.735, -26.282 ], [ -48.731, -26.314 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.318, -25.584 ], [ -48.309, -25.546 ], [ -48.381, -25.504 ], [ -48.312, -25.509 ], [ -48.292, -25.545 ], [ -48.318, -25.584 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.414, -25.544 ], [ -48.459, -25.514 ], [ -48.415, -25.527 ], [ -48.414, -25.544 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.424, -25.551 ], [ -48.479, -25.523 ], [ -48.485, -25.502 ], [ -48.424, -25.551 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.298, -25.493 ], [ -48.341, -25.416 ], [ -48.252, -25.341 ], [ -48.265, -25.44 ], [ -48.253, -25.466 ], [ -48.298, -25.493 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.417, -25.386 ], [ -48.424, -25.343 ], [ -48.405, -25.33 ], [ -48.417, -25.386 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.695, -24.112 ], [ -45.688, -24.088 ], [ -45.679, -24.098 ], [ -45.695, -24.112 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.251, -23.962 ], [ -45.301, -23.909 ], [ -45.453, -23.91 ], [ -45.332, -23.721 ], [ -45.227, -23.774 ], [ -45.224, -23.835 ], [ -45.283, -23.857 ], [ -45.221, -23.899 ], [ -45.251, -23.962 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.141, -23.817 ], [ -45.146, -23.791 ], [ -45.114, -23.801 ], [ -45.141, -23.817 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.153, -23.573 ], [ -45.153, -23.558 ], [ -45.141, -23.568 ], [ -45.153, -23.573 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.073, -23.564 ], [ -45.079, -23.525 ], [ -45.036, -23.531 ], [ -45.073, -23.564 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.608, -23.228 ], [ -44.59, -23.208 ], [ -44.577, -23.216 ], [ -44.608, -23.228 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.648, -12.821 ], [ -38.666, -12.777 ], [ -38.624, -12.762 ], [ -38.648, -12.821 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.529, -12.811 ], [ -38.544, -12.757 ], [ -38.532, -12.74 ], [ -38.508, -12.792 ], [ -38.529, -12.811 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.622, -12.752 ], [ -38.622, -12.727 ], [ -38.593, -12.733 ], [ -38.622, -12.752 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.646, -12.683 ], [ -38.648, -12.65 ], [ -38.636, -12.661 ], [ -38.646, -12.683 ] ] ], [ [ [ -32.402, -3.838 ], [ -32.428, -3.877 ], [ -32.483, -3.878 ], [ -32.402, -3.838 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.667, -3.179 ], [ -44.668, -3.16 ], [ -44.643, -3.148 ], [ -44.644, -3.17 ], [ -44.667, -3.179 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.671, -2.943 ], [ -44.67, -2.92 ], [ -44.647, -2.915 ], [ -44.671, -2.943 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.493, -2.641 ], [ -44.48, -2.601 ], [ -44.477, -2.627 ], [ -44.493, -2.641 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.897, -2.573 ], [ -43.896, -2.554 ], [ -43.886, -2.565 ], [ -43.897, -2.573 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.599, -2.503 ], [ -43.577, -2.471 ], [ -43.572, -2.483 ], [ -43.599, -2.503 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.822, -2.526 ], [ -43.829, -2.509 ], [ -43.813, -2.458 ], [ -43.812, -2.553 ], [ -43.82, -2.528 ], [ -43.822, -2.526 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.821, -2.529 ], [ -43.856, -2.502 ], [ -43.832, -2.439 ], [ -43.842, -2.504 ], [ -43.821, -2.529 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.863, -2.56 ], [ -43.875, -2.552 ], [ -43.865, -2.534 ], [ -43.863, -2.56 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.519, -2.536 ], [ -44.529, -2.526 ], [ -44.501, -2.48 ], [ -44.505, -2.444 ], [ -44.455, -2.434 ], [ -44.519, -2.536 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.602, -3.007 ], [ -44.657, -2.972 ], [ -44.613, -2.894 ], [ -44.575, -2.921 ], [ -44.602, -3.007 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.585, -2.978 ], [ -44.563, -2.914 ], [ -44.586, -2.826 ], [ -44.494, -2.705 ], [ -44.494, -2.953 ], [ -44.582, -3.041 ], [ -44.585, -2.978 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.826, -2.434 ], [ -43.842, -2.403 ], [ -43.811, -2.385 ], [ -43.807, -2.412 ], [ -43.826, -2.434 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.581, -2.441 ], [ -43.615, -2.389 ], [ -43.549, -2.377 ], [ -43.545, -2.403 ], [ -43.581, -2.441 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.791, -2.47 ], [ -43.806, -2.443 ], [ -43.78, -2.422 ], [ -43.759, -2.448 ], [ -43.791, -2.47 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.513, -2.424 ], [ -43.537, -2.416 ], [ -43.522, -2.39 ], [ -43.505, -2.414 ], [ -43.513, -2.424 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.792, -2.405 ], [ -43.798, -2.377 ], [ -43.771, -2.37 ], [ -43.792, -2.405 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.689, -2.355 ], [ -43.743, -2.352 ], [ -43.724, -2.305 ], [ -43.617, -2.253 ], [ -43.612, -2.275 ], [ -43.669, -2.301 ], [ -43.689, -2.355 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.73, -2.425 ], [ -43.732, -2.364 ], [ -43.67, -2.377 ], [ -43.681, -2.34 ], [ -43.63, -2.324 ], [ -43.643, -2.394 ], [ -43.73, -2.425 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.473, -2.125 ], [ -44.487, -2.113 ], [ -44.475, -2.096 ], [ -44.463, -2.104 ], [ -44.473, -2.125 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.456, -2.031 ], [ -44.447, -2.008 ], [ -44.439, -2.022 ], [ -44.456, -2.031 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.311, -1.964 ], [ -49.336, -1.996 ], [ -49.309, -1.943 ], [ -49.311, -1.964 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.323, -2.054 ], [ -49.329, -2.019 ], [ -49.316, -2.001 ], [ -49.323, -2.054 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.231, -1.829 ], [ -50.246, -1.824 ], [ -50.229, -1.816 ], [ -50.231, -1.829 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.615, -1.821 ], [ -44.622, -1.797 ], [ -44.597, -1.774 ], [ -44.583, -1.789 ], [ -44.615, -1.821 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.7, -1.811 ], [ -44.703, -1.78 ], [ -44.673, -1.78 ], [ -44.7, -1.811 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.691, -1.793 ], [ -49.721, -1.789 ], [ -49.719, -1.771 ], [ -49.697, -1.766 ], [ -49.691, -1.793 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.924, -1.711 ], [ -48.909, -1.713 ], [ -48.916, -1.734 ], [ -48.935, -1.713 ], [ -48.924, -1.711 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.757, -1.707 ], [ -44.767, -1.694 ], [ -44.736, -1.701 ], [ -44.757, -1.707 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.433, -1.684 ], [ -49.454, -1.706 ], [ -49.46, -1.684 ], [ -49.433, -1.684 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.357, -1.008 ], [ -46.342, -0.994 ], [ -46.353, -1.026 ], [ -46.357, -1.008 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.205, -1.021 ], [ -46.194, -1.014 ], [ -46.202, -1.032 ], [ -46.205, -1.021 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.662, -3.018 ], [ -44.673, -3.012 ], [ -44.664, -3.001 ], [ -44.649, -3.013 ], [ -44.662, -3.018 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.736, -1.683 ], [ -44.745, -1.677 ], [ -44.732, -1.668 ], [ -44.736, -1.683 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.231, -1.638 ], [ -49.237, -1.627 ], [ -49.217, -1.633 ], [ -49.231, -1.638 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.38, -1.685 ], [ -49.4, -1.682 ], [ -49.368, -1.669 ], [ -49.38, -1.685 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.426, -1.673 ], [ -49.429, -1.661 ], [ -49.406, -1.66 ], [ -49.426, -1.673 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.34, -1.672 ], [ -49.358, -1.662 ], [ -49.325, -1.647 ], [ -49.34, -1.672 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.289, -1.726 ], [ -45.305, -1.663 ], [ -45.257, -1.641 ], [ -45.244, -1.678 ], [ -45.28, -1.694 ], [ -45.289, -1.726 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.328, -1.743 ], [ -45.346, -1.719 ], [ -45.301, -1.596 ], [ -45.274, -1.635 ], [ -45.313, -1.654 ], [ -45.328, -1.743 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.886, -1.578 ], [ -48.89, -1.56 ], [ -48.859, -1.536 ], [ -48.856, -1.553 ], [ -48.886, -1.578 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.783, -1.682 ], [ -44.8, -1.595 ], [ -44.775, -1.62 ], [ -44.721, -1.567 ], [ -44.704, -1.611 ], [ -44.684, -1.575 ], [ -44.668, -1.669 ], [ -44.693, -1.638 ], [ -44.783, -1.682 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.816, -1.569 ], [ -44.837, -1.534 ], [ -44.787, -1.488 ], [ -44.825, -1.534 ], [ -44.816, -1.569 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.462, -1.517 ], [ -48.478, -1.499 ], [ -48.421, -1.503 ], [ -48.462, -1.517 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.793, -1.531 ], [ -44.774, -1.47 ], [ -44.763, -1.513 ], [ -44.793, -1.531 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.414, -1.427 ], [ -45.423, -1.416 ], [ -45.409, -1.405 ], [ -45.414, -1.427 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45, -1.296 ], [ -44.922, -1.265 ], [ -44.877, -1.309 ], [ -44.895, -1.34 ], [ -44.922, -1.305 ], [ -44.907, -1.341 ], [ -44.999, -1.405 ], [ -45.033, -1.339 ], [ -45, -1.32 ], [ -44.995, -1.36 ], [ -45, -1.296 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.044, -1.402 ], [ -45.07, -1.33 ], [ -45.052, -1.342 ], [ -45.044, -1.402 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.333, -1.569 ], [ -45.371, -1.544 ], [ -45.347, -1.489 ], [ -45.313, -1.506 ], [ -45.333, -1.569 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.969, -1.522 ], [ -44.976, -1.493 ], [ -44.959, -1.483 ], [ -44.969, -1.522 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.393, -1.512 ], [ -48.371, -1.476 ], [ -48.341, -1.483 ], [ -48.393, -1.512 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.413, -1.498 ], [ -48.426, -1.491 ], [ -48.387, -1.476 ], [ -48.413, -1.498 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.118, -1.47 ], [ -45.132, -1.462 ], [ -45.115, -1.364 ], [ -45.103, -1.373 ], [ -45.118, -1.47 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.593, -1.251 ], [ -45.581, -1.19 ], [ -45.536, -1.205 ], [ -45.532, -1.231 ], [ -45.593, -1.251 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.559, -1.243 ], [ -48.56, -1.202 ], [ -48.523, -1.199 ], [ -48.559, -1.243 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.817, -1.163 ], [ -45.829, -1.141 ], [ -45.804, -1.127 ], [ -45.817, -1.163 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.877, -1.154 ], [ -45.9, -1.117 ], [ -45.883, -1.073 ], [ -45.849, -1.123 ], [ -45.877, -1.154 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.192, -1.05 ], [ -46.201, -1.041 ], [ -46.185, -1.027 ], [ -46.192, -1.05 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.291, -1.01 ], [ -46.307, -0.992 ], [ -46.306, -0.961 ], [ -46.291, -1.01 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.078, -1.095 ], [ -46.065, -1.05 ], [ -46.061, -1.074 ], [ -46.078, -1.095 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.68, -1.295 ], [ -45.687, -1.275 ], [ -45.667, -1.26 ], [ -45.654, -1.285 ], [ -45.68, -1.295 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.538, -1.282 ], [ -48.549, -1.262 ], [ -48.53, -1.25 ], [ -48.538, -1.282 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.51, -1.27 ], [ -48.522, -1.247 ], [ -48.506, -1.236 ], [ -48.51, -1.27 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.694, -1.37 ], [ -45.646, -1.289 ], [ -45.625, -1.126 ], [ -45.634, -1.349 ], [ -45.694, -1.37 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.688, -1.266 ], [ -45.708, -1.228 ], [ -45.685, -1.194 ], [ -45.664, -1.231 ], [ -45.688, -1.266 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.425, -0.914 ], [ -46.454, -0.907 ], [ -46.408, -0.868 ], [ -46.395, -0.899 ], [ -46.425, -0.914 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.72, -0.848 ], [ -46.735, -0.832 ], [ -46.729, -0.796 ], [ -46.72, -0.848 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.611, -0.799 ], [ -46.622, -0.784 ], [ -46.601, -0.789 ], [ -46.611, -0.799 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.586, -0.849 ], [ -46.621, -0.807 ], [ -46.589, -0.815 ], [ -46.586, -0.849 ] ] ], [ [ [ -47.447, -0.748 ], [ -47.453, -0.732 ], [ -47.436, -0.717 ], [ -47.428, -0.738 ], [ -47.447, -0.748 ] ] ], [ [ [ -47.461, -0.741 ], [ -47.463, -0.702 ], [ -47.445, -0.697 ], [ -47.461, -0.741 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.214, -0.411 ], [ -51.211, -0.386 ], [ -51.164, -0.347 ], [ -51.163, -0.383 ], [ -51.214, -0.411 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.352, -0.353 ], [ -51.346, -0.31 ], [ -51.317, -0.268 ], [ -51.327, -0.33 ], [ -51.352, -0.353 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.127, -0.268 ], [ -51.131, -0.237 ], [ -51.091, -0.208 ], [ -51.087, -0.229 ], [ -51.127, -0.268 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.888, -0.198 ], [ -48.91, -0.188 ], [ -48.893, -0.134 ], [ -48.847, -0.177 ], [ -48.888, -0.198 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.174, -0.091 ], [ -51.191, -0.064 ], [ -51.126, -0.057 ], [ -51.174, -0.091 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.114, -0.146 ], [ -49.097, -0.121 ], [ -49.08, -0.13 ], [ -49.114, -0.146 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.166, -0.142 ], [ -49.188, -0.115 ], [ -49.156, -0.128 ], [ -49.166, -0.142 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.119, -0.141 ], [ -49.143, -0.107 ], [ -49.114, -0.11 ], [ -49.119, -0.141 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.127, -0.128 ], [ -51.094, -0.103 ], [ -51.108, -0.127 ], [ -51.127, -0.128 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.414, -0.999 ], [ -46.384, -0.941 ], [ -46.367, -0.948 ], [ -46.414, -0.999 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.647, -0.97 ], [ -46.658, -0.968 ], [ -46.618, -0.957 ], [ -46.647, -0.97 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.488, -0.942 ], [ -46.465, -0.877 ], [ -46.464, -0.924 ], [ -46.44, -0.922 ], [ -46.482, -0.976 ], [ -46.441, -0.999 ], [ -46.525, -1.016 ], [ -46.527, -0.917 ], [ -46.509, -0.984 ], [ -46.488, -0.942 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.632, 0.159 ], [ -49.662, 0.184 ], [ -49.629, 0.202 ], [ -49.61, 0.181 ], [ -49.632, 0.159 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.641, 0.26 ], [ -50.63, 0.293 ], [ -50.586, 0.308 ], [ -50.641, 0.26 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.2, 0.255 ], [ -50.243, 0.248 ], [ -50.147, 0.337 ], [ -50.059, 0.346 ], [ -50.2, 0.255 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.417, 0.159 ], [ -50.535, 0.234 ], [ -50.36, 0.615 ], [ -50.328, 0.383 ], [ -50.285, 0.3 ], [ -50.413, 0.237 ], [ -50.417, 0.159 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.279, 0.338 ], [ -50.271, 0.599 ], [ -50.147, 0.608 ], [ -50.142, 0.576 ], [ -50.107, 0.636 ], [ -50.063, 0.623 ], [ -50.05, 0.518 ], [ -50.279, 0.338 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50, 0.943 ], [ -50.113, 0.907 ], [ -50.018, 1.034 ], [ -49.935, 1.069 ], [ -49.939, 0.996 ], [ -50, 0.943 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.881, 1.227 ], [ -49.909, 1.246 ], [ -49.886, 1.244 ], [ -49.881, 1.227 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.907, 1.278 ], [ -49.885, 1.291 ], [ -49.863, 1.278 ], [ -49.876, 1.252 ], [ -49.907, 1.278 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.204, 1.851 ], [ -50.232, 1.879 ], [ -50.22, 1.915 ], [ -50.169, 1.865 ], [ -50.204, 1.851 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.468, 1.954 ], [ -50.521, 2.026 ], [ -50.497, 2.139 ], [ -50.398, 2.167 ], [ -50.367, 2.19 ], [ -50.276, 1.939 ], [ -50.423, 1.849 ], [ -50.468, 1.954 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.504, 2.255 ], [ -50.414, 2.244 ], [ -50.382, 2.204 ], [ -50.489, 2.15 ], [ -50.564, 2.205 ], [ -50.504, 2.255 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.229, 0.832 ], [ -50.098, 0.839 ], [ -50.027, 0.898 ], [ -50.105, 0.757 ], [ -50.162, 0.775 ], [ -50.249, 0.72 ], [ -50.229, 0.832 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.131, 0.844 ], [ -50.162, 0.867 ], [ -50.132, 0.9 ], [ -50.119, 0.854 ], [ -50.131, 0.844 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.108, 0.85 ], [ -50.111, 0.891 ], [ -50.049, 0.886 ], [ -50.108, 0.85 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.216, -0.055 ], [ -50.235, -0.042 ], [ -50.219, -0.04 ], [ -50.216, -0.055 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.916, -0.052 ], [ -50.926, -0.047 ], [ -50.907, -0.043 ], [ -50.916, -0.052 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.605, -0.061 ], [ -50.618, -0.022 ], [ -50.559, -0.038 ], [ -50.605, -0.061 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.399, -0.061 ], [ -50.44, -0.057 ], [ -50.378, -0.015 ], [ -50.357, -0.049 ], [ -50.399, -0.061 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.75, 0 ], [ -49.609, 0.08 ], [ -49.474, 0.081 ], [ -49.338, -0.017 ], [ -49.487, -0.136 ], [ -49.723, -0.147 ], [ -49.835, -0.088 ], [ -49.75, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.023, -0.019 ], [ -49.039, -0.011 ], [ -49.02, -0.006 ], [ -49.023, -0.019 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.932, 0.052 ], [ -50.918, 0.084 ], [ -50.884, 0.078 ], [ -50.899, 0.057 ], [ -50.932, 0.052 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.928, 0 ], [ -50.786, 0.05 ], [ -50.717, 0.028 ], [ -50.94, -0.041 ], [ -50.928, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.691, 0.025 ], [ -50.655, 0.015 ], [ -50.703, 0.021 ], [ -50.691, 0.025 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.629, -0.043 ], [ -50.642, -0.016 ], [ -50.622, -0.026 ], [ -50.629, -0.043 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.642, 0 ], [ -50.611, 0.007 ], [ -50.595, -0.019 ], [ -50.642, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.536, 0 ], [ -50.653, 0.126 ], [ -50.59, 0.203 ], [ -50.434, 0.126 ], [ -50.436, 0 ], [ -50.536, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50, 0.311 ], [ -49.674, 0.368 ], [ -49.601, 0.283 ], [ -49.86, 0.008 ], [ -49.99, -0.048 ], [ -50.086, 0.034 ], [ -50.351, 0.044 ], [ -50.394, 0.222 ], [ -50.153, 0.227 ], [ -50, 0.311 ] ] ] ] } } ], "target" : { 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"creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-01T19:08:23+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "MultiPolygon", "coordinates" : [ [ [ [ -44.657, -3.018 ], [ -44.608, -3.041 ], [ -44.72, -3.18 ], [ -44.793, -3.198 ], [ -44.779, -3.312 ], [ -44.736, -3.302 ], [ -44.763, -3.225 ], [ -44.653, -3.196 ], [ -44.431, -2.945 ], [ -44.367, -2.643 ], [ -44.362, -2.726 ], [ -44.355, -2.605 ], [ -44.378, -2.566 ], [ -44.345, -2.528 ], [ -44.29, -2.573 ], [ -44.306, -2.487 ], [ -44.02, -2.403 ], [ -44.03, -2.457 ], [ -44.108, -2.468 ], [ -44.035, -2.518 ], [ -44.131, -2.596 ], [ -44.147, -2.681 ], [ -44.219, -2.67 ], [ -44.209, -2.716 ], [ -44.345, -2.791 ], [ -44.347, -2.838 ], [ -44.315, -2.788 ], [ -44.3, -2.843 ], [ -44.266, -2.777 ], [ -44.225, -2.806 ], [ -44.184, -2.766 ], [ -44.208, -2.857 ], [ -44.111, -2.749 ], [ -44.072, -2.811 ], [ -44.05, -2.685 ], [ -43.981, -2.619 ], [ -43.946, -2.641 ], [ -43.933, -2.553 ], [ -43.883, -2.649 ], [ -43.887, -2.578 ], [ -43.803, -2.56 ], [ -43.76, -2.513 ], [ -43.754, -2.556 ], [ -43.729, -2.481 ], [ -43.727, -2.569 ], [ -43.654, -2.556 ], [ -43.682, -2.534 ], [ -43.653, -2.488 ], [ -43.608, -2.593 ], [ -43.603, -2.518 ], [ -43.548, -2.528 ], [ -43.519, -2.445 ], [ -43.498, -2.55 ], [ -43.46, -2.507 ], [ -43.458, -2.596 ], [ -43.401, -2.552 ], [ -43.448, -2.538 ], [ -43.462, -2.427 ], [ -43.359, -2.44 ], [ -43.479, -2.376 ], [ -43.378, -2.329 ], [ -43.4, -2.353 ], [ -43.232, -2.362 ], [ -42.692, -2.596 ], [ -42.709, -2.56 ], [ -42.572, -2.68 ], [ -42.495, -2.689 ], [ -42.503, -2.727 ], [ -42.393, -2.751 ], [ -42.475, -2.706 ], [ -42.375, -2.717 ], [ -42.228, -2.818 ], [ -42.143, -2.808 ], [ -42.256, -2.735 ], [ -42.233, -2.674 ], [ -42.208, -2.712 ], [ -42.098, -2.768 ], [ -42.099, -2.809 ], [ -42.096, -2.747 ], [ -42.216, -2.687 ], [ -42.054, -2.691 ], [ -42.023, -2.775 ], [ -42.017, -2.718 ], [ -41.818, -2.723 ], [ -41.844, -2.773 ], [ -41.797, -2.751 ], [ -41.656, -2.884 ], [ -41.437, -2.939 ], [ -41.395, -2.906 ], [ -41.316, -2.943 ], [ -41.263, -2.887 ], [ -40.838, -2.895 ], [ -40.572, -2.844 ], [ -40.499, -2.787 ], [ -39.888, -2.886 ], [ -39.244, -3.229 ], [ -39.083, -3.394 ], [ -38.978, -3.407 ], [ -38.641, -3.687 ], [ -38.473, -3.7 ], [ -38.377, -3.866 ], [ -38.043, -4.214 ], [ -37.764, -4.399 ], [ -37.588, -4.624 ], [ -37.323, -4.698 ], [ -37.15, -4.943 ], [ -36.958, -4.919 ], [ -36.666, -5.108 ], [ -36.504, -5.061 ], [ -36.297, -5.106 ], [ -35.956, -5.045 ], [ -35.612, -5.11 ], [ -35.385, -5.255 ], [ -35.255, -5.483 ], [ -35.099, -6.169 ], [ -34.983, -6.396 ], [ -34.933, -6.753 ], [ -34.79, -7.159 ], [ -34.842, -7.564 ], [ -34.809, -7.622 ], [ -34.845, -7.69 ], [ -34.827, -8.004 ], [ -35.136, -8.895 ], [ -35.332, -9.237 ], [ -35.689, -9.668 ], [ -35.78, -9.706 ], [ -36.056, -10.083 ], [ -36.266, -10.256 ], [ -36.402, -10.506 ], [ -36.602, -10.567 ], [ -36.934, -10.826 ], [ -37.36, -11.428 ], [ -37.612, -11.979 ], [ -37.996, -12.578 ], [ -38.318, -12.934 ], [ -38.477, -13.022 ], [ -38.532, -13.017 ], [ -38.473, -12.913 ], [ -38.498, -12.722 ], [ -38.603, -12.728 ], [ -38.646, -12.622 ], [ -38.681, -12.661 ], [ -38.718, -12.627 ], [ -38.804, -12.835 ], [ -38.717, -12.873 ], [ -38.769, -12.995 ], [ -38.721, -13.021 ], [ -38.66, -12.963 ], [ -38.686, -12.878 ], [ -38.59, -12.972 ], [ -38.766, -13.129 ], [ -38.807, -13.1 ], [ -38.808, -13.154 ], [ -38.944, -13.243 ], [ -38.973, -13.391 ], [ -38.902, -13.384 ], [ -38.886, -13.45 ], [ -38.95, -13.577 ], [ -38.886, -13.659 ], [ -38.968, -13.67 ], [ -39.006, -13.891 ], [ -39.064, -13.865 ], [ -39.075, -13.887 ], [ -38.986, -13.998 ], [ -38.952, -13.986 ], [ -38.982, -13.912 ], [ -38.938, -13.886 ], [ -38.922, -13.92 ], [ -39.061, -14.716 ], [ -38.962, -15.585 ], [ -38.857, -15.86 ], [ -38.973, -16.211 ], [ -39.032, -16.26 ], [ -39.01, -16.369 ], [ -39.078, -16.454 ], [ -39.143, -16.762 ], [ -39.113, -16.896 ], [ -39.212, -17.155 ], [ -39.193, -17.602 ], [ -39.135, -17.691 ], [ -39.264, -17.869 ], [ -39.435, -17.943 ], [ -39.563, -18.091 ], [ -39.721, -18.493 ], [ -39.749, -18.81 ], [ -39.692, -19.353 ], [ -39.805, -19.65 ], [ -39.951, -19.717 ], [ -40.151, -19.956 ], [ -40.236, -20.285 ], [ -40.353, -20.32 ], [ -40.329, -20.236 ], [ -40.359, -20.291 ], [ -40.365, -20.317 ], [ -40.35, -20.328 ], [ -40.268, -20.327 ], [ -40.402, -20.606 ], [ -40.466, -20.624 ], [ -40.627, -20.845 ], [ -40.65, -20.813 ], [ -40.756, -20.866 ], [ -40.853, -21.133 ], [ -40.955, -21.251 ], [ -40.96, -21.364 ], [ -41.065, -21.495 ], [ -41.051, -21.608 ], [ -41.038, -21.622 ], [ -41.007, -21.618 ], [ -40.99, -22.014 ], [ -41.229, -22.151 ], [ -41.668, -22.294 ], [ -41.962, -22.538 ], [ -41.986, -22.713 ], [ -41.919, -22.774 ], [ -41.864, -22.759 ], [ -42.023, -22.896 ], [ -42.037, -22.94 ], [ -41.99, -22.964 ], [ -42.018, -22.998 ], [ -42.086, -22.957 ], [ -42.529, -22.934 ], [ -43.05, -22.982 ], [ -43.132, -22.941 ], [ -43.025, -22.741 ], [ -43.084, -22.68 ], [ -43.216, -22.725 ], [ -43.287, -22.806 ], [ -43.24, -22.847 ], [ -43.249, -22.797 ], [ -43.156, -22.784 ], [ -43.247, -22.882 ], [ -43.164, -22.899 ], [ -43.187, -22.995 ], [ -43.344, -22.983 ], [ -43.303, -23.02 ], [ -43.549, -23.081 ], [ -44.001, -23.1 ], [ -43.961, -23.042 ], [ -43.877, -23.067 ], [ -43.909, -23.02 ], [ -43.807, -23.063 ], [ -43.555, -23.055 ], [ -43.84, -22.906 ], [ -43.985, -22.937 ], [ -44.034, -23.014 ], [ -44.044, -22.923 ], [ -44.107, -23.03 ], [ -44.234, -23.06 ], [ -44.238, -23.004 ], [ -44.358, -23.02 ], [ -44.296, -22.961 ], [ -44.321, -22.927 ], [ -44.378, -22.972 ], [ -44.407, -22.945 ], [ -44.443, -23.035 ], [ -44.669, -23.06 ], [ -44.712, -23.19 ], [ -44.701, -23.237 ], [ -44.645, -23.191 ], [ -44.612, -23.206 ], [ -44.685, -23.256 ], [ -44.611, -23.238 ], [ -44.652, -23.302 ], [ -44.558, -23.232 ], [ -44.577, -23.275 ], [ -44.498, -23.302 ], [ -44.583, -23.367 ], [ -44.669, -23.341 ], [ -44.84, -23.395 ], [ -44.905, -23.339 ], [ -45.05, -23.418 ], [ -45.016, -23.461 ], [ -45.079, -23.519 ], [ -45.165, -23.495 ], [ -45.159, -23.541 ], [ -45.228, -23.547 ], [ -45.211, -23.582 ], [ -45.41, -23.632 ], [ -45.412, -23.825 ], [ -45.934, -23.771 ], [ -46.124, -23.842 ], [ -46.2, -24.002 ], [ -46.288, -24.044 ], [ -46.321, -24 ], [ -46.458, -24.025 ], [ -46.937, -24.281 ], [ -47.024, -24.382 ], [ -47.004, -24.412 ], [ -47.86, -24.996 ], [ -47.914, -25.061 ], [ -47.915, -25.16 ], [ -48.213, -25.47 ], [ -48.254, -25.435 ], [ -48.222, -25.342 ], [ -48.208, -25.353 ], [ -48.121, -25.267 ], [ -48.253, -25.328 ], [ -48.284, -25.294 ], [ -48.317, -25.363 ], [ -48.327, -25.232 ], [ -48.366, -25.317 ], [ -48.433, -25.237 ], [ -48.428, -25.324 ], [ -48.5, -25.335 ], [ -48.427, -25.39 ], [ -48.449, -25.379 ], [ -48.468, -25.388 ], [ -48.467, -25.432 ], [ -48.449, -25.384 ], [ -48.414, -25.428 ], [ -48.476, -25.485 ], [ -48.637, -25.468 ], [ -48.661, -25.398 ], [ -48.671, -25.435 ], [ -48.739, -25.374 ], [ -48.68, -25.465 ], [ -48.687, -25.499 ], [ -48.737, -25.483 ], [ -48.703, -25.504 ], [ -48.617, -25.536 ], [ -48.512, -25.505 ], [ -48.482, -25.591 ], [ -48.46, -25.552 ], [ -48.35, -25.581 ], [ -48.565, -25.868 ], [ -48.614, -26.06 ], [ -48.586, -26.172 ], [ -48.714, -26.243 ], [ -48.795, -26.073 ], [ -48.837, -26.157 ], [ -48.798, -26.142 ], [ -48.763, -26.199 ], [ -48.805, -26.228 ], [ -48.769, -26.223 ], [ -48.761, -26.286 ], [ -48.803, -26.303 ], [ -48.723, -26.362 ], [ -48.635, -26.374 ], [ -48.714, -26.308 ], [ -48.554, -26.172 ], [ -48.493, -26.224 ], [ -48.695, -26.658 ], [ -48.665, -26.769 ], [ -48.583, -26.786 ], [ -48.655, -26.909 ], [ -48.62, -27.007 ], [ -48.574, -27.011 ], [ -48.607, -27.122 ], [ -48.554, -27.152 ], [ -48.51, -27.108 ], [ -48.469, -27.148 ], [ -48.511, -27.183 ], [ -48.486, -27.218 ], [ -48.531, -27.18 ], [ -48.612, -27.243 ], [ -48.596, -27.318 ], [ -48.529, -27.334 ], [ -48.649, -27.486 ], [ -48.572, -27.592 ], [ -48.653, -27.648 ], [ -48.575, -27.888 ], [ -48.761, -28.535 ], [ -48.813, -28.605 ], [ -49.37, -28.92 ], [ -49.334, -28.921 ], [ -49.702, -29.308 ], [ -50.006, -29.749 ], [ -50.316, -30.472 ], [ -50.848, -31.205 ], [ -51.303, -31.613 ], [ -51.877, -31.952 ], [ -52.071, -32.188 ], [ -52.012, -31.946 ], [ -52.092, -31.837 ], [ -51.851, -31.865 ], [ -51.777, -31.805 ], [ -51.854, -31.797 ], [ -51.65, -31.759 ], [ -51.478, -31.562 ], [ -51.43, -31.622 ], [ -51.458, -31.548 ], [ -51.424, -31.478 ], [ -51.351, -31.529 ], [ -51.234, -31.458 ], [ -51.16, -31.31 ], [ -51.166, -31.063 ], [ -51.109, -31.097 ], [ -50.985, -31.042 ], [ -50.965, -30.893 ], [ -50.888, -30.893 ], [ -50.705, -30.756 ], [ -50.677, -30.61 ], [ -50.725, -30.371 ], [ -50.692, -30.355 ], [ -50.625, -30.409 ], [ -50.641, -30.459 ], [ -50.569, -30.471 ], [ -50.534, -30.278 ], [ -50.601, -30.194 ], [ -50.659, -30.201 ], [ -50.661, -30.293 ], [ -50.918, -30.333 ], [ -50.934, -30.42 ], [ -50.889, -30.439 ], [ -50.921, -30.44 ], [ -51.052, -30.395 ], [ -51.034, -30.276 ], [ -51.146, -30.267 ], [ -51.246, -30.188 ], [ -51.23, -30.043 ], [ -51.295, -30.007 ], [ -51.326, -30.23 ], [ -51.271, -30.25 ], [ -51.293, -30.295 ], [ -51.246, -30.33 ], [ -51.209, -30.3 ], [ -51.179, -30.383 ], [ -51.092, -30.367 ], [ -51.129, -30.436 ], [ -51.202, -30.413 ], [ -51.269, -30.489 ], [ -51.282, -30.811 ], [ -51.33, -30.777 ], [ -51.294, -30.758 ], [ -51.319, -30.64 ], [ -51.375, -30.635 ], [ -51.404, -30.769 ], [ -51.367, -30.874 ], [ -51.457, -30.874 ], [ -51.501, -30.935 ], [ -51.436, -31.088 ], [ -51.611, -31.138 ], [ -51.613, -31.272 ], [ -51.915, -31.313 ], [ -52.002, -31.449 ], [ -52.031, -31.693 ], [ -52.218, -31.747 ], [ -52.247, -31.871 ], [ -52.106, -31.952 ], [ -52.216, -31.963 ], [ -52.263, -32.062 ], [ -52.209, -32.045 ], [ -52.225, -32.096 ], [ -52.082, -32.033 ], [ -52.162, -32.128 ], [ -52.09, -32.069 ], [ -52.084, -32.186 ], [ -52.16, -32.201 ], [ -52.341, -32.43 ], [ -52.488, -32.844 ], [ -52.66, -33.165 ], [ -53.227, -33.658 ], [ -53.421, -33.741 ], [ -53.524, -33.689 ], [ -53.515, -33.163 ], [ -53.434, -33.054 ], [ -53.243, -32.936 ], [ -53.294, -32.911 ], [ -53.074, -32.746 ], [ -53.244, -32.605 ], [ -53.39, -32.583 ], [ -53.46, -32.48 ], [ -53.595, -32.432 ], [ -53.73, -32.157 ], [ -53.714, -32.104 ], [ -53.965, -31.919 ], [ -54.096, -31.906 ], [ -54.466, -31.666 ], [ -54.491, -31.54 ], [ -54.591, -31.448 ], [ -54.836, -31.446 ], [ -54.945, -31.392 ], [ -55.014, -31.285 ], [ -55.091, -31.326 ], [ -55.245, -31.257 ], [ -55.374, -31.038 ], [ -55.594, -30.848 ], [ -55.635, -30.857 ], [ -55.657, -30.956 ], [ -55.87, -31.08 ], [ -56.008, -31.063 ], [ -55.987, -30.86 ], [ -56.021, -30.784 ], [ -56.127, -30.739 ], [ -56.177, -30.614 ], [ -56.384, -30.495 ], [ -56.459, -30.387 ], [ -56.545, -30.364 ], [ -56.54, -30.312 ], [ -56.617, -30.303 ], [ -56.644, -30.205 ], [ -56.776, -30.166 ], [ -56.804, -30.107 ], [ -57.068, -30.088 ], [ -57.207, -30.281 ], [ -57.313, -30.26 ], [ -57.396, -30.303 ], [ -57.538, -30.275 ], [ -57.618, -30.179 ], [ -57.505, -30.143 ], [ -57.342, -30.001 ], [ -57.319, -29.87 ], [ -57.254, -29.794 ], [ -57.105, -29.752 ], [ -56.972, -29.639 ], [ -56.676, -29.321 ], [ -56.593, -29.123 ], [ -56.425, -29.073 ], [ -56.285, -28.794 ], [ -56.185, -28.771 ], [ -56.016, -28.611 ], [ -56.011, -28.509 ], [ -55.888, -28.479 ], [ -55.875, -28.362 ], [ -55.696, -28.425 ], [ -55.671, -28.333 ], [ -55.773, -28.247 ], [ -55.605, -28.123 ], [ -55.554, -28.164 ], [ -55.496, -28.081 ], [ -55.444, -28.097 ], [ -55.323, -27.928 ], [ -55.196, -27.863 ], [ -55.134, -27.895 ], [ -55.117, -27.853 ], [ -55.032, -27.854 ], [ -55.082, -27.789 ], [ -54.941, -27.775 ], [ -54.809, -27.536 ], [ -54.781, -27.586 ], [ -54.683, -27.576 ], [ -54.678, -27.514 ], [ -54.624, -27.55 ], [ -54.576, -27.458 ], [ -54.525, -27.507 ], [ -54.415, -27.412 ], [ -54.353, -27.468 ], [ -54.339, -27.406 ], [ -54.282, -27.447 ], [ -54.176, -27.261 ], [ -54.089, -27.303 ], [ -53.949, -27.158 ], [ -53.799, -27.147 ], [ -53.795, -27.048 ], [ -53.761, -27.068 ], [ -53.662, -26.869 ], [ -53.751, -26.745 ], [ -53.707, -26.563 ], [ -53.738, -26.548 ], [ -53.592, -26.265 ], [ -53.722, -26.13 ], [ -53.733, -26.047 ], [ -53.837, -25.969 ], [ -53.824, -25.793 ], [ -53.891, -25.625 ], [ -53.951, -25.644 ], [ -54.016, -25.569 ], [ -54.101, -25.625 ], [ -54.111, -25.504 ], [ -54.213, -25.554 ], [ -54.184, -25.591 ], [ -54.289, -25.562 ], [ -54.387, -25.608 ], [ -54.43, -25.706 ], [ -54.596, -25.595 ], [ -54.617, -25.459 ], [ -54.437, -25.157 ], [ -54.458, -25.031 ], [ -54.336, -24.649 ], [ -54.333, -24.493 ], [ -54.262, -24.376 ], [ -54.33, -24.225 ], [ -54.282, -24.075 ], [ -54.411, -23.929 ], [ -54.668, -23.815 ], [ -55.061, -23.991 ], [ -55.112, -23.963 ], [ -55.226, -24.013 ], [ -55.413, -23.961 ], [ -55.434, -23.714 ], [ -55.535, -23.614 ], [ -55.522, -23.197 ], [ -55.596, -23.141 ], [ -55.64, -22.994 ], [ -55.685, -22.992 ], [ -55.613, -22.659 ], [ -55.736, -22.532 ], [ -55.74, -22.396 ], [ -55.854, -22.281 ], [ -56.208, -22.281 ], [ -56.341, -22.206 ], [ -56.403, -22.078 ], [ -56.519, -22.103 ], [ -56.643, -22.261 ], [ -56.698, -22.216 ], [ -56.728, -22.26 ], [ -56.808, -22.25 ], [ -56.831, -22.3 ], [ -57.001, -22.225 ], [ -57.203, -22.21 ], [ -57.243, -22.244 ], [ -57.553, -22.181 ], [ -57.616, -22.096 ], [ -57.803, -22.148 ], [ -57.989, -22.085 ], [ -58.005, -22.032 ], [ -57.919, -21.881 ], [ -57.969, -21.844 ], [ -57.913, -21.793 ], [ -57.947, -21.747 ], [ -57.894, -21.687 ], [ -57.968, -21.528 ], [ -57.855, -21.339 ], [ -57.918, -21.278 ], [ -57.854, -21.226 ], [ -57.866, -21.041 ], [ -57.818, -20.976 ], [ -57.927, -20.897 ], [ -57.855, -20.835 ], [ -57.961, -20.784 ], [ -57.869, -20.736 ], [ -57.923, -20.666 ], [ -57.988, -20.696 ], [ -57.994, -20.448 ], [ -58.082, -20.372 ], [ -58.092, -20.257 ], [ -58.154, -20.264 ], [ -58.125, -20.188 ], [ -58.163, -20.162 ], [ -57.872, -19.979 ], [ -58.134, -19.761 ], [ -57.79, -19.051 ], [ -57.709, -19.034 ], [ -57.757, -18.858 ], [ -57.56, -18.263 ], [ -57.458, -18.228 ], [ -57.568, -18.136 ], [ -57.702, -17.86 ], [ -57.715, -17.735 ], [ -57.785, -17.645 ], [ -57.773, -17.553 ], [ -57.878, -17.463 ], [ -58.003, -17.52 ], [ -58.114, -17.456 ], [ -58.395, -17.197 ], [ -58.421, -16.99 ], [ -58.47, -16.939 ], [ -58.468, -16.702 ], [ -58.442, -16.613 ], [ -58.34, -16.542 ], [ -58.309, -16.27 ], [ -58.471, -16.325 ], [ -60.173, -16.265 ], [ -60.236, -15.476 ], [ -60.565, -15.105 ], [ -60.253, -15.101 ], [ -60.257, -14.624 ], [ -60.338, -14.555 ], [ -60.482, -14.181 ], [ -60.468, -14.092 ], [ -60.378, -13.992 ], [ -60.468, -13.886 ], [ -60.468, -13.801 ], [ -60.793, -13.686 ], [ -60.962, -13.539 ], [ -61.044, -13.541 ], [ -61.028, -13.477 ], [ -61.069, -13.463 ], [ -61.139, -13.521 ], [ -61.249, -13.525 ], [ -61.33, -13.473 ], [ -61.486, -13.554 ], [ -61.578, -13.494 ], [ -61.824, -13.539 ], [ -61.866, -13.443 ], [ -62.108, -13.257 ], [ -62.109, -13.149 ], [ -62.165, -13.112 ], [ -62.368, -13.145 ], [ -62.464, -13.07 ], [ -62.637, -13.041 ], [ -62.674, -12.965 ], [ -62.764, -13.023 ], [ -62.923, -12.854 ], [ -62.996, -12.85 ], [ -63.082, -12.653 ], [ -63.327, -12.705 ], [ -63.482, -12.557 ], [ -63.712, -12.458 ], [ -63.875, -12.469 ], [ -63.937, -12.557 ], [ -64.127, -12.494 ], [ -64.152, -12.529 ], [ -64.215, -12.476 ], [ -64.278, -12.511 ], [ -64.493, -12.366 ], [ -64.486, -12.23 ], [ -64.654, -12.186 ], [ -64.683, -12.099 ], [ -64.725, -12.162 ], [ -64.798, -12.035 ], [ -64.993, -11.999 ], [ -65.048, -11.757 ], [ -65.112, -11.741 ], [ -65.106, -11.697 ], [ -65.135, -11.777 ], [ -65.201, -11.745 ], [ -65.161, -11.622 ], [ -65.218, -11.521 ], [ -65.299, -11.5 ], [ -65.338, -11.392 ], [ -65.31, -11.341 ], [ -65.385, -11.269 ], [ -65.349, -11.239 ], [ -65.391, -11.167 ], [ -65.318, -11.105 ], [ -65.336, -11.044 ], [ -65.269, -10.901 ], [ -65.366, -10.798 ], [ -65.349, -10.671 ], [ -65.426, -10.638 ], [ -65.429, -10.473 ], [ -65.28, -10.218 ], [ -65.327, -9.938 ], [ -65.29, -9.851 ], [ -65.377, -9.698 ], [ -65.488, -9.718 ], [ -65.563, -9.834 ], [ -65.669, -9.779 ], [ -65.7, -9.803 ], [ -65.689, -9.749 ], [ -65.748, -9.77 ], [ -65.777, -9.727 ], [ -65.798, -9.786 ], [ -65.81, -9.75 ], [ -65.86, -9.794 ], [ -65.872, -9.757 ], [ -66.018, -9.807 ], [ -66.064, -9.772 ], [ -66.422, -9.895 ], [ -66.616, -9.893 ], [ -66.623, -9.935 ], [ -66.883, -10.081 ], [ -67.029, -10.254 ], [ -67.186, -10.339 ], [ -67.315, -10.316 ], [ -67.327, -10.374 ], [ -67.414, -10.372 ], [ -67.443, -10.45 ], [ -67.594, -10.523 ], [ -67.715, -10.707 ], [ -68.021, -10.661 ], [ -68.119, -10.726 ], [ -68.283, -10.987 ], [ -68.519, -11.048 ], [ -68.587, -11.11 ], [ -68.769, -11.139 ], [ -68.751, -11.007 ], [ -68.787, -10.99 ], [ -68.871, -11.023 ], [ -69.393, -10.929 ], [ -69.728, -10.973 ], [ -69.938, -10.926 ], [ -70.318, -11.066 ], [ -70.428, -11.033 ], [ -70.508, -10.94 ], [ -70.618, -11.007 ], [ -70.622, -9.847 ], [ -70.522, -9.738 ], [ -70.598, -9.574 ], [ -70.561, -9.579 ], [ -70.497, -9.433 ], [ -70.601, -9.453 ], [ -70.982, -9.812 ], [ -71.131, -9.862 ], [ -71.288, -9.996 ], [ -72.165, -10.002 ], [ -72.16, -9.818 ], [ -72.26, -9.755 ], [ -72.289, -9.536 ], [ -72.364, -9.491 ], [ -72.721, -9.417 ], [ -73.196, -9.418 ], [ -72.965, -9.154 ], [ -72.946, -8.99 ], [ -73.059, -8.904 ], [ -73.169, -8.701 ], [ -73.338, -8.609 ], [ -73.338, -8.476 ], [ -73.526, -8.369 ], [ -73.632, -8.022 ], [ -73.765, -7.94 ], [ -73.777, -7.869 ], [ -73.697, -7.865 ], [ -73.69, -7.79 ], [ -73.985, -7.543 ], [ -73.917, -7.461 ], [ -73.954, -7.348 ], [ -73.868, -7.377 ], [ -73.691, -7.313 ], [ -73.797, -7.115 ], [ -73.743, -6.897 ], [ -73.351, -6.561 ], [ -73.211, -6.53 ], [ -73.133, -6.421 ], [ -73.185, -6.04 ], [ -73.131, -5.986 ], [ -73.116, -5.865 ], [ -72.951, -5.643 ], [ -72.948, -5.454 ], [ -72.872, -5.25 ], [ -72.896, -5.136 ], [ -72.734, -5.043 ], [ -72.602, -5.056 ], [ -72.577, -4.992 ], [ -72.455, -4.962 ], [ -72.452, -4.906 ], [ -72.37, -4.88 ], [ -72.356, -4.803 ], [ -72.292, -4.799 ], [ -72.313, -4.769 ], [ -72.223, -4.78 ], [ -72.113, -4.722 ], [ -72.047, -4.625 ], [ -71.94, -4.607 ], [ -71.897, -4.512 ], [ -71.61, -4.465 ], [ -71.597, -4.525 ], [ -71.535, -4.46 ], [ -71.49, -4.479 ], [ -71.506, -4.435 ], [ -71.414, -4.432 ], [ -71.432, -4.469 ], [ -71.342, -4.423 ], [ -71.355, -4.468 ], [ -71.303, -4.458 ], [ -71.269, -4.381 ], [ -71.198, -4.377 ], [ -71.193, -4.42 ], [ -71.147, -4.375 ], [ -71.031, -4.397 ], [ -70.99, -4.34 ], [ -70.935, -4.381 ], [ -70.757, -4.152 ], [ -70.677, -4.2 ], [ -70.622, -4.121 ], [ -70.633, -4.173 ], [ -70.565, -4.168 ], [ -70.566, -4.205 ], [ -70.553, -4.128 ], [ -70.503, -4.19 ], [ -70.434, -4.125 ], [ -70.341, -4.174 ], [ -70.317, -4.136 ], [ -70.291, -4.283 ], [ -70.249, -4.267 ], [ -70.186, -4.357 ], [ -70.169, -4.27 ], [ -70.101, -4.255 ], [ -70.031, -4.339 ], [ -69.929, -4.213 ], [ -69.453, -1.478 ], [ -69.368, -1.334 ], [ -69.422, -0.998 ], [ -69.508, -0.936 ], [ -69.609, -0.755 ], [ -69.551, -0.648 ], [ -69.593, -0.517 ], [ -69.908, -0.316 ], [ -70.068, -0.135 ], [ -70.037, 0.553 ], [ -69.798, 0.585 ], [ -69.664, 0.672 ], [ -69.606, 0.623 ], [ -69.468, 0.734 ], [ -69.357, 0.621 ], [ -69.295, 0.648 ], [ -69.288, 0.609 ], [ -69.202, 0.602 ], [ -69.112, 0.643 ], [ -69.184, 0.73 ], [ -69.137, 0.868 ], [ -69.257, 1.026 ], [ -69.342, 1.064 ], [ -69.416, 1.024 ], [ -69.7, 1.056 ], [ -69.721, 1.097 ], [ -69.854, 1.07 ], [ -69.855, 1.715 ], [ -69.556, 1.775 ], [ -69.395, 1.726 ], [ -68.128, 1.73 ], [ -68.29, 1.841 ], [ -68.205, 2.038 ], [ -68.027, 1.784 ], [ -67.924, 1.751 ], [ -67.797, 1.812 ], [ -67.578, 2.076 ], [ -67.41, 2.141 ], [ -67.117, 1.732 ], [ -67.068, 1.532 ], [ -67.097, 1.17 ], [ -66.855, 1.228 ], [ -66.322, 0.738 ], [ -66.095, 0.754 ], [ -65.952, 0.81 ], [ -65.854, 0.939 ], [ -65.733, 1.005 ], [ -65.583, 1.008 ], [ -65.47, 0.877 ], [ -65.557, 0.705 ], [ -65.504, 0.627 ], [ -65.393, 0.699 ], [ -65.305, 0.916 ], [ -65.152, 0.943 ], [ -65.121, 1.115 ], [ -65.055, 1.144 ], [ -64.968, 1.112 ], [ -64.903, 1.249 ], [ -64.843, 1.237 ], [ -64.783, 1.313 ], [ -64.721, 1.25 ], [ -64.638, 1.286 ], [ -64.387, 1.527 ], [ -64.344, 1.528 ], [ -64.382, 1.419 ], [ -64.344, 1.38 ], [ -64.186, 1.494 ], [ -64.054, 1.708 ], [ -64.057, 1.933 ], [ -64.018, 1.967 ], [ -63.781, 1.989 ], [ -63.604, 2.124 ], [ -63.419, 2.154 ], [ -63.349, 2.281 ], [ -63.382, 2.442 ], [ -63.756, 2.403 ], [ -64.031, 2.509 ], [ -63.987, 2.772 ], [ -64.216, 3.153 ], [ -64.236, 3.476 ], [ -64.186, 3.634 ], [ -64.324, 3.797 ], [ -64.543, 3.882 ], [ -64.8, 4.224 ], [ -64.79, 4.329 ], [ -64.677, 4.297 ], [ -64.555, 4.153 ], [ -64.135, 4.176 ], [ -63.967, 3.93 ], [ -63.806, 4.019 ], [ -63.623, 4.01 ], [ -63.455, 3.91 ], [ -63.411, 4.026 ], [ -63.358, 4.04 ], [ -63.203, 3.952 ], [ -63.189, 3.872 ], [ -62.86, 3.584 ], [ -62.749, 3.642 ], [ -62.705, 3.724 ], [ -62.752, 4.012 ], [ -62.635, 4.056 ], [ -62.557, 4.02 ], [ -62.46, 4.173 ], [ -62.129, 4.084 ], [ -61.961, 4.18 ], [ -61.927, 4.106 ], [ -61.723, 4.262 ], [ -61.528, 4.273 ], [ -61.507, 4.398 ], [ -61.274, 4.471 ], [ -61.293, 4.55 ], [ -61.141, 4.508 ], [ -60.952, 4.549 ], [ -60.907, 4.708 ], [ -60.731, 4.777 ], [ -60.59, 4.951 ], [ -60.744, 5.209 ], [ -60.438, 5.177 ], [ -60.203, 5.265 ], [ -60.176, 5.227 ], [ -60.121, 5.243 ], [ -60.085, 5.149 ], [ -59.969, 5.073 ], [ -60.03, 4.704 ], [ -60.163, 4.521 ], [ -59.927, 4.509 ], [ -59.674, 4.382 ], [ -59.726, 4.191 ], [ -59.628, 4.138 ], [ -59.655, 4.078 ], [ -59.516, 3.94 ], [ -59.581, 3.901 ], [ -59.594, 3.796 ], [ -59.666, 3.777 ], [ -59.664, 3.703 ], [ -59.849, 3.601 ], [ -59.799, 3.355 ], [ -59.909, 3.197 ], [ -59.982, 2.929 ], [ -59.99, 2.683 ], [ -59.903, 2.479 ], [ -59.91, 2.388 ], [ -59.724, 2.277 ], [ -59.754, 1.861 ], [ -59.654, 1.849 ], [ -59.669, 1.764 ], [ -59.549, 1.729 ], [ -59.253, 1.397 ], [ -58.914, 1.299 ], [ -58.904, 1.234 ], [ -58.804, 1.175 ], [ -58.696, 1.288 ], [ -58.507, 1.264 ], [ -58.468, 1.318 ], [ -58.498, 1.458 ], [ -58.382, 1.471 ], [ -58.325, 1.59 ], [ -58.167, 1.558 ], [ -58.13, 1.501 ], [ -58.009, 1.501 ], [ -58, 1.665 ], [ -57.919, 1.645 ], [ -57.77, 1.718 ], [ -57.545, 1.701 ], [ -57.434, 1.895 ], [ -57.302, 1.99 ], [ -57.247, 1.944 ], [ -57.085, 2.021 ], [ -57.012, 1.918 ], [ -56.8, 1.864 ], [ -56.724, 1.92 ], [ -56.454, 1.945 ], [ -55.957, 1.844 ], [ -55.906, 1.889 ], [ -55.913, 2.041 ], [ -56.048, 2.226 ], [ -56.134, 2.263 ], [ -56.09, 2.352 ], [ -55.995, 2.405 ], [ -55.987, 2.517 ], [ -55.948, 2.532 ], [ -55.739, 2.401 ], [ -55.481, 2.443 ], [ -55.37, 2.407 ], [ -55.336, 2.516 ], [ -55.239, 2.495 ], [ -55.137, 2.575 ], [ -55.103, 2.522 ], [ -54.94, 2.632 ], [ -54.969, 2.555 ], [ -54.864, 2.439 ], [ -54.72, 2.469 ], [ -54.702, 2.336 ], [ -54.549, 2.336 ], [ -54.534, 2.268 ], [ -54.314, 2.158 ], [ -54.189, 2.179 ], [ -54.111, 2.127 ], [ -54.078, 2.197 ], [ -53.784, 2.364 ], [ -53.694, 2.287 ], [ -53.472, 2.332 ], [ -53.397, 2.272 ], [ -53.273, 2.292 ], [ -53.188, 2.223 ], [ -52.905, 2.19 ], [ -52.853, 2.285 ], [ -52.673, 2.374 ], [ -52.555, 2.523 ], [ -52.556, 2.646 ], [ -52.382, 2.912 ], [ -52.347, 3.134 ], [ -52.192, 3.296 ], [ -51.92, 3.781 ], [ -51.795, 3.89 ], [ -51.754, 3.996 ], [ -51.658, 4.049 ], [ -51.585, 4.241 ], [ -51.529, 4.171 ], [ -51.545, 4.397 ], [ -51.202, 4.084 ], [ -51.173, 3.767 ], [ -51.127, 3.911 ], [ -51.085, 3.895 ], [ -51.051, 3.283 ], [ -50.913, 2.875 ], [ -50.927, 2.807 ], [ -50.816, 2.644 ], [ -50.851, 2.482 ], [ -50.802, 2.508 ], [ -50.736, 2.414 ], [ -50.765, 2.359 ], [ -50.694, 2.276 ], [ -50.725, 2.252 ], [ -50.675, 2.247 ], [ -50.682, 2.137 ], [ -50.584, 2.091 ], [ -50.586, 2.014 ], [ -50.471, 1.82 ], [ -50.194, 1.794 ], [ -49.954, 1.676 ], [ -49.88, 1.419 ], [ -49.918, 1.289 ], [ -50.073, 1.204 ], [ -49.918, 1.232 ], [ -49.939, 1.103 ], [ -50.003, 1.066 ], [ -50.033, 1.107 ], [ -50.131, 0.949 ], [ -50.274, 0.866 ], [ -50.338, 0.729 ], [ -50.417, 0.685 ], [ -50.455, 0.732 ], [ -50.428, 0.679 ], [ -50.571, 0.424 ], [ -50.691, 0.3 ], [ -50.677, 0.365 ], [ -50.746, 0.227 ], [ -50.801, 0.224 ], [ -50.785, 0.183 ], [ -50.908, 0.171 ], [ -51.087, -0.043 ], [ -51.203, -0.055 ], [ -51.419, -0.412 ], [ -51.409, -0.44 ], [ -51.325, -0.364 ], [ -51.188, -0.14 ], [ -51.111, -0.154 ], [ -51.154, -0.284 ], [ -51.396, -0.493 ], [ -51.243, -0.443 ], [ -51.26, -0.5 ], [ -51.165, -0.431 ], [ -50.953, -0.061 ], [ -50.824, -0.048 ], [ -50.705, 0.002 ], [ -50.613, -0.088 ], [ -50.744, -0.244 ], [ -50.751, -0.429 ], [ -50.845, -0.526 ], [ -50.988, -0.583 ], [ -51.051, -0.682 ], [ -50.826, -0.555 ], [ -50.794, -0.666 ], [ -50.733, -0.557 ], [ -50.684, -0.604 ], [ -50.724, -0.493 ], [ -50.652, -0.276 ], [ -50.409, -0.094 ], [ -49.631, -0.247 ], [ -49.446, -0.23 ], [ -49.289, -0.145 ], [ -49.018, -0.16 ], [ -49, -0.139 ], [ -48.895, -0.224 ], [ -48.539, -0.234 ], [ -48.363, -0.303 ], [ -48.459, -0.513 ], [ -48.522, -0.877 ], [ -48.667, -1.002 ], [ -48.621, -1.005 ], [ -48.65, -1.048 ], [ -48.617, -1.053 ], [ -48.721, -1.137 ], [ -48.837, -1.452 ], [ -49.161, -1.575 ], [ -49.182, -1.623 ], [ -49.362, -1.604 ], [ -49.364, -1.642 ], [ -49.448, -1.637 ], [ -49.5, -1.738 ], [ -49.61, -1.718 ], [ -49.676, -1.78 ], [ -49.696, -1.757 ], [ -49.714, -1.76 ], [ -49.803, -1.822 ], [ -50.035, -1.717 ], [ -50.179, -1.787 ], [ -50.256, -1.776 ], [ -50.415, -1.841 ], [ -50.401, -1.935 ], [ -49.994, -1.819 ], [ -49.844, -1.905 ], [ -49.765, -1.898 ], [ -49.616, -1.79 ], [ -49.276, -1.706 ], [ -49.267, -1.778 ], [ -49.387, -1.977 ], [ -49.383, -2.159 ], [ -48.973, -1.594 ], [ -48.897, -1.573 ], [ -48.955, -1.712 ], [ -48.932, -1.75 ], [ -48.898, -1.743 ], [ -48.656, -1.371 ], [ -48.592, -1.429 ], [ -48.601, -1.306 ], [ -48.524, -1.338 ], [ -48.537, -1.467 ], [ -48.496, -1.553 ], [ -48.491, -1.502 ], [ -48.46, -1.533 ], [ -48.374, -1.511 ], [ -48.319, -1.478 ], [ -48.505, -1.471 ], [ -48.422, -1.168 ], [ -48.475, -1.144 ], [ -48.4, -1.066 ], [ -48.278, -1.111 ], [ -48.304, -0.948 ], [ -48.055, -0.668 ], [ -48.001, -0.731 ], [ -47.893, -0.553 ], [ -47.843, -0.616 ], [ -47.807, -0.547 ], [ -47.702, -0.54 ], [ -47.707, -0.59 ], [ -47.667, -0.569 ], [ -47.633, -0.608 ], [ -47.651, -0.694 ], [ -47.608, -0.684 ], [ -47.577, -0.573 ], [ -47.476, -0.757 ], [ -47.398, -0.76 ], [ -47.428, -0.693 ], [ -47.464, -0.687 ], [ -47.466, -0.594 ], [ -47.399, -0.594 ], [ -47.4, -0.645 ], [ -47.298, -0.589 ], [ -47.253, -0.668 ], [ -47.247, -0.623 ], [ -47.206, -0.633 ], [ -47.23, -0.719 ], [ -47.158, -0.678 ], [ -47.191, -0.754 ], [ -47.146, -0.764 ], [ -47.16, -0.815 ], [ -47.081, -0.661 ], [ -47.055, -0.868 ], [ -47.027, -0.784 ], [ -46.983, -0.806 ], [ -47.016, -0.752 ], [ -46.967, -0.694 ], [ -46.969, -0.78 ], [ -46.891, -0.869 ], [ -46.89, -0.789 ], [ -46.846, -0.799 ], [ -46.82, -0.71 ], [ -46.802, -0.877 ], [ -46.777, -0.905 ], [ -46.75, -0.826 ], [ -46.709, -0.86 ], [ -46.734, -0.944 ], [ -46.687, -0.831 ], [ -46.653, -0.882 ], [ -46.621, -0.818 ], [ -46.601, -0.917 ], [ -46.676, -0.965 ], [ -46.622, -0.987 ], [ -46.57, -0.947 ], [ -46.609, -1.03 ], [ -46.57, -0.988 ], [ -46.525, -1.027 ], [ -46.465, -1.007 ], [ -46.47, -1.044 ], [ -46.395, -1.037 ], [ -46.413, -1.084 ], [ -46.348, -0.982 ], [ -46.36, -1.011 ], [ -46.366, -1.031 ], [ -46.348, -1.079 ], [ -46.339, -1.015 ], [ -46.299, -1.05 ], [ -46.212, -0.946 ], [ -46.242, -0.921 ], [ -46.179, -0.914 ], [ -46.224, -1.053 ], [ -46.206, -1.1 ], [ -46.158, -1.014 ], [ -46.138, -1.032 ], [ -46.193, -1.143 ], [ -46.104, -1.067 ], [ -46.062, -1.133 ], [ -46.15, -1.258 ], [ -45.982, -1.071 ], [ -45.953, -1.147 ], [ -46, -1.151 ], [ -46, -1.199 ], [ -45.95, -1.159 ], [ -45.95, -1.207 ], [ -46, -1.209 ], [ -45.95, -1.25 ], [ -45.902, -1.134 ], [ -45.923, -1.214 ], [ -45.882, -1.167 ], [ -45.873, -1.211 ], [ -45.909, -1.261 ], [ -45.859, -1.231 ], [ -45.891, -1.293 ], [ -45.807, -1.176 ], [ -45.843, -1.301 ], [ -45.809, -1.328 ], [ -45.831, -1.298 ], [ -45.782, -1.278 ], [ -45.726, -1.135 ], [ -45.69, -1.452 ], [ -45.697, -1.38 ], [ -45.632, -1.371 ], [ -45.618, -1.279 ], [ -45.589, -1.329 ], [ -45.537, -1.273 ], [ -45.561, -1.343 ], [ -45.51, -1.352 ], [ -45.567, -1.404 ], [ -45.546, -1.432 ], [ -45.413, -1.296 ], [ -45.489, -1.473 ], [ -45.511, -1.458 ], [ -45.554, -1.503 ], [ -45.507, -1.471 ], [ -45.518, -1.516 ], [ -45.481, -1.495 ], [ -45.463, -1.548 ], [ -45.457, -1.457 ], [ -45.391, -1.434 ], [ -45.363, -1.325 ], [ -45.323, -1.319 ], [ -45.302, -1.424 ], [ -45.392, -1.485 ], [ -45.398, -1.503 ], [ -45.356, -1.487 ], [ -45.392, -1.553 ], [ -45.338, -1.572 ], [ -45.371, -1.722 ], [ -45.338, -1.753 ], [ -45.197, -1.688 ], [ -45.261, -1.607 ], [ -45.16, -1.475 ], [ -45.136, -1.521 ], [ -45.072, -1.435 ], [ -45.07, -1.485 ], [ -44.999, -1.504 ], [ -45.018, -1.547 ], [ -44.969, -1.549 ], [ -45.029, -1.583 ], [ -45.029, -1.602 ], [ -44.979, -1.607 ], [ -44.954, -1.498 ], [ -44.862, -1.426 ], [ -44.857, -1.498 ], [ -44.954, -1.605 ], [ -44.918, -1.649 ], [ -44.968, -1.662 ], [ -44.913, -1.657 ], [ -44.927, -1.62 ], [ -44.886, -1.609 ], [ -44.837, -1.65 ], [ -44.822, -1.591 ], [ -44.826, -1.637 ], [ -44.805, -1.609 ], [ -44.812, -1.665 ], [ -44.779, -1.735 ], [ -44.711, -1.728 ], [ -44.82, -1.819 ], [ -44.738, -1.791 ], [ -44.706, -1.819 ], [ -44.676, -1.808 ], [ -44.661, -1.727 ], [ -44.604, -1.749 ], [ -44.667, -1.849 ], [ -44.601, -1.858 ], [ -44.583, -1.817 ], [ -44.586, -1.873 ], [ -44.543, -1.833 ], [ -44.601, -1.909 ], [ -44.517, -1.907 ], [ -44.484, -2.002 ], [ -44.613, -2.037 ], [ -44.467, -2.017 ], [ -44.626, -2.151 ], [ -44.589, -2.159 ], [ -44.641, -2.232 ], [ -44.708, -2.23 ], [ -44.684, -2.275 ], [ -44.764, -2.265 ], [ -44.654, -2.294 ], [ -44.681, -2.354 ], [ -44.649, -2.373 ], [ -44.666, -2.329 ], [ -44.479, -2.137 ], [ -44.358, -2.335 ], [ -44.401, -2.416 ], [ -44.514, -2.384 ], [ -44.55, -2.4 ], [ -44.491, -2.415 ], [ -44.514, -2.448 ], [ -44.505, -2.476 ], [ -44.665, -2.608 ], [ -44.548, -2.542 ], [ -44.658, -2.781 ], [ -44.688, -2.924 ], [ -44.677, -3.019 ], [ -44.66, -3.02 ], [ -44.657, -3.018 ] ], [ [ -43.318, -2.361 ], [ -43.317, -2.363 ], [ -43.296, -2.363 ], [ -43.318, -2.361 ] ], [ [ -42.438, -2.747 ], [ -42.442, -2.749 ], [ -42.438, -2.75 ], [ -42.438, -2.747 ] ], [ [ -42.442, -2.749 ], [ -42.47, -2.744 ], [ -42.447, -2.753 ], [ -42.442, -2.749 ] ], [ [ -50.851, 2.482 ], [ -50.853, 2.481 ], [ -50.853, 2.48 ], [ -50.851, 2.482 ] ], [ [ -50.853, 2.481 ], [ -50.86, 2.495 ], [ -50.86, 2.477 ], [ -50.853, 2.481 ] ], [ [ -49.976, 1.659 ], [ -49.98, 1.659 ], [ -50, 1.639 ], [ -49.976, 1.659 ] ], [ [ -45.392, -1.553 ], [ -45.393, -1.553 ], [ -45.394, -1.556 ], [ -45.392, -1.553 ] ], [ [ -45.394, -1.556 ], [ -45.406, -1.579 ], [ -45.403, -1.591 ], [ -45.394, -1.556 ] ], [ [ -44.837, -1.65 ], [ -44.834, -1.655 ], [ -44.833, -1.654 ], [ -44.837, -1.65 ] ], [ [ -44.834, -1.655 ], [ -44.841, -1.675 ], [ -44.822, -1.672 ], [ -44.834, -1.655 ] ], [ [ -44.779, -1.735 ], [ -44.777, -1.741 ], [ -44.776, -1.74 ], [ -44.779, -1.735 ] ], [ [ -44.777, -1.741 ], [ -44.833, -1.77 ], [ -44.774, -1.75 ], [ -44.777, -1.741 ] ], [ [ -44.547, -2.22 ], [ -44.536, -2.225 ], [ -44.543, -2.219 ], [ -44.547, -2.22 ] ], [ [ -44.536, -2.225 ], [ -44.507, -2.249 ], [ -44.512, -2.235 ], [ -44.536, -2.225 ] ], [ [ -44.507, -2.249 ], [ -44.504, -2.256 ], [ -44.501, -2.254 ], [ -44.507, -2.249 ] ], [ [ -44.504, -2.256 ], [ -44.514, -2.268 ], [ -44.502, -2.26 ], [ -44.504, -2.256 ] ] ], [ [ [ -29.34, -20.484 ], [ -29.301, -20.521 ], [ -29.341, -20.511 ], [ -29.34, -20.484 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.001, -13.94 ], [ -39.012, -13.915 ], [ -38.994, -13.896 ], [ -39.001, -13.94 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.043, -13.909 ], [ -39.059, -13.904 ], [ -39.054, -13.886 ], [ -39.028, -13.903 ], [ -39.043, -13.909 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.251, -18.015 ], [ -39.283, -18.005 ], [ -39.272, -17.982 ], [ -39.245, -18.006 ], [ -39.251, -18.015 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.131, -17.927 ], [ -39.154, -17.921 ], [ -39.137, -17.91 ], [ -39.131, -17.927 ] ] ], [ [ [ -39.212, -17.986 ], [ -39.228, -17.979 ], [ -39.215, -17.944 ], [ -39.202, -17.95 ], [ -39.212, -17.986 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.341, -23.231 ], [ -44.372, -23.174 ], [ -44.232, -23.089 ], [ -44.087, -23.173 ], [ -44.3, -23.184 ], [ -44.341, -23.231 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.356, -23.073 ], [ -44.388, -23.048 ], [ -44.373, -23.033 ], [ -44.343, -23.041 ], [ -44.356, -23.073 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.929, -23.014 ], [ -43.936, -22.999 ], [ -43.916, -22.989 ], [ -43.929, -23.014 ] ] ], [ [ [ -42.002, -23.018 ], [ -42.015, -23.003 ], [ -41.98, -22.975 ], [ -41.975, -22.992 ], [ -42.002, -23.018 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.904, -22.962 ], [ -43.907, -22.936 ], [ -43.868, -22.926 ], [ -43.871, -22.95 ], [ -43.904, -22.962 ] ] ], [ [ [ -41.042, -21.613 ], [ -41.042, -21.6 ], [ -41.019, -21.606 ], [ -41.042, -21.613 ] ] ], [ [ [ -52.112, -32 ], [ -52.18, -32.035 ], [ -52.216, -32.025 ], [ -52.198, -31.978 ], [ -52.112, -32 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.641, -30.388 ], [ -50.629, -30.394 ], [ -50.624, -30.329 ], [ -50.592, -30.399 ], [ -50.609, -30.406 ], [ -50.641, -30.388 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.526, -27.462 ], [ -48.416, -27.38 ], [ -48.358, -27.446 ], [ -48.503, -27.799 ], [ -48.559, -27.842 ], [ -48.526, -27.462 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.354, -27.296 ], [ -48.376, -27.285 ], [ -48.373, -27.271 ], [ -48.36, -27.27 ], [ -48.354, -27.296 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.731, -26.314 ], [ -48.754, -26.297 ], [ -48.735, -26.282 ], [ -48.731, -26.314 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.318, -25.584 ], [ -48.309, -25.546 ], [ -48.381, -25.504 ], [ -48.312, -25.509 ], [ -48.292, -25.545 ], [ -48.318, -25.584 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.414, -25.544 ], [ -48.459, -25.514 ], [ -48.415, -25.527 ], [ -48.414, -25.544 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.424, -25.551 ], [ -48.479, -25.523 ], [ -48.485, -25.502 ], [ -48.424, -25.551 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.298, -25.493 ], [ -48.341, -25.416 ], [ -48.252, -25.341 ], [ -48.265, -25.44 ], [ -48.253, -25.466 ], [ -48.298, -25.493 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.417, -25.386 ], [ -48.424, -25.343 ], [ -48.405, -25.33 ], [ -48.417, -25.386 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.695, -24.112 ], [ -45.688, -24.088 ], [ -45.679, -24.098 ], [ -45.695, -24.112 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.251, -23.962 ], [ -45.301, -23.909 ], [ -45.453, -23.91 ], [ -45.332, -23.721 ], [ -45.227, -23.774 ], [ -45.224, -23.835 ], [ -45.283, -23.857 ], [ -45.221, -23.899 ], [ -45.251, -23.962 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.141, -23.817 ], [ -45.146, -23.791 ], [ -45.114, -23.801 ], [ -45.141, -23.817 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.153, -23.573 ], [ -45.153, -23.558 ], [ -45.141, -23.568 ], [ -45.153, -23.573 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.073, -23.564 ], [ -45.079, -23.525 ], [ -45.036, -23.531 ], [ -45.073, -23.564 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.608, -23.228 ], [ -44.59, -23.208 ], [ -44.577, -23.216 ], [ -44.608, -23.228 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.648, -12.821 ], [ -38.666, -12.777 ], [ -38.624, -12.762 ], [ -38.648, -12.821 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.529, -12.811 ], [ -38.544, -12.757 ], [ -38.532, -12.74 ], [ -38.508, -12.792 ], [ -38.529, -12.811 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.622, -12.752 ], [ -38.622, -12.727 ], [ -38.593, -12.733 ], [ -38.622, -12.752 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.646, -12.683 ], [ -38.648, -12.65 ], [ -38.636, -12.661 ], [ -38.646, -12.683 ] ] ], [ [ [ -32.402, -3.838 ], [ -32.428, -3.877 ], [ -32.483, -3.878 ], [ -32.402, -3.838 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.667, -3.179 ], [ -44.668, -3.16 ], [ -44.643, -3.148 ], [ -44.644, -3.17 ], [ -44.667, -3.179 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.671, -2.943 ], [ -44.67, -2.92 ], [ -44.647, -2.915 ], [ -44.671, -2.943 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.493, -2.641 ], [ -44.48, -2.601 ], [ -44.477, -2.627 ], [ -44.493, -2.641 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.897, -2.573 ], [ -43.896, -2.554 ], [ -43.886, -2.565 ], [ -43.897, -2.573 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.599, -2.503 ], [ -43.577, -2.471 ], [ -43.572, -2.483 ], [ -43.599, -2.503 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.822, -2.526 ], [ -43.829, -2.509 ], [ -43.813, -2.458 ], [ -43.812, -2.553 ], [ -43.82, -2.528 ], [ -43.822, -2.526 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.821, -2.529 ], [ -43.856, -2.502 ], [ -43.832, -2.439 ], [ -43.842, -2.504 ], [ -43.821, -2.529 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.863, -2.56 ], [ -43.875, -2.552 ], [ -43.865, -2.534 ], [ -43.863, -2.56 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.519, -2.536 ], [ -44.529, -2.526 ], [ -44.501, -2.48 ], [ -44.505, -2.444 ], [ -44.455, -2.434 ], [ -44.519, -2.536 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.602, -3.007 ], [ -44.657, -2.972 ], [ -44.613, -2.894 ], [ -44.575, -2.921 ], [ -44.602, -3.007 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.585, -2.978 ], [ -44.563, -2.914 ], [ -44.586, -2.826 ], [ -44.494, -2.705 ], [ -44.494, -2.953 ], [ -44.582, -3.041 ], [ -44.585, -2.978 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.826, -2.434 ], [ -43.842, -2.403 ], [ -43.811, -2.385 ], [ -43.807, -2.412 ], [ -43.826, -2.434 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.581, -2.441 ], [ -43.615, -2.389 ], [ -43.549, -2.377 ], [ -43.545, -2.403 ], [ -43.581, -2.441 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.791, -2.47 ], [ -43.806, -2.443 ], [ -43.78, -2.422 ], [ -43.759, -2.448 ], [ -43.791, -2.47 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.513, -2.424 ], [ -43.537, -2.416 ], [ -43.522, -2.39 ], [ -43.505, -2.414 ], [ -43.513, -2.424 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.792, -2.405 ], [ -43.798, -2.377 ], [ -43.771, -2.37 ], [ -43.792, -2.405 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.689, -2.355 ], [ -43.743, -2.352 ], [ -43.724, -2.305 ], [ -43.617, -2.253 ], [ -43.612, -2.275 ], [ -43.669, -2.301 ], [ -43.689, -2.355 ] ] ], [ [ [ -43.73, -2.425 ], [ -43.732, -2.364 ], [ -43.67, -2.377 ], [ -43.681, -2.34 ], [ -43.63, -2.324 ], [ -43.643, -2.394 ], [ -43.73, -2.425 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.473, -2.125 ], [ -44.487, -2.113 ], [ -44.475, -2.096 ], [ -44.463, -2.104 ], [ -44.473, -2.125 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.456, -2.031 ], [ -44.447, -2.008 ], [ -44.439, -2.022 ], [ -44.456, -2.031 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.311, -1.964 ], [ -49.336, -1.996 ], [ -49.309, -1.943 ], [ -49.311, -1.964 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.323, -2.054 ], [ -49.329, -2.019 ], [ -49.316, -2.001 ], [ -49.323, -2.054 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.231, -1.829 ], [ -50.246, -1.824 ], [ -50.229, -1.816 ], [ -50.231, -1.829 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.615, -1.821 ], [ -44.622, -1.797 ], [ -44.597, -1.774 ], [ -44.583, -1.789 ], [ -44.615, -1.821 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.7, -1.811 ], [ -44.703, -1.78 ], [ -44.673, -1.78 ], [ -44.7, -1.811 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.691, -1.793 ], [ -49.721, -1.789 ], [ -49.719, -1.771 ], [ -49.697, -1.766 ], [ -49.691, -1.793 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.924, -1.711 ], [ -48.909, -1.713 ], [ -48.916, -1.734 ], [ -48.935, -1.713 ], [ -48.924, -1.711 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.757, -1.707 ], [ -44.767, -1.694 ], [ -44.736, -1.701 ], [ -44.757, -1.707 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.433, -1.684 ], [ -49.454, -1.706 ], [ -49.46, -1.684 ], [ -49.433, -1.684 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.357, -1.008 ], [ -46.342, -0.994 ], [ -46.353, -1.026 ], [ -46.357, -1.008 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.205, -1.021 ], [ -46.194, -1.014 ], [ -46.202, -1.032 ], [ -46.205, -1.021 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.662, -3.018 ], [ -44.673, -3.012 ], [ -44.664, -3.001 ], [ -44.649, -3.013 ], [ -44.662, -3.018 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.736, -1.683 ], [ -44.745, -1.677 ], [ -44.732, -1.668 ], [ -44.736, -1.683 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.231, -1.638 ], [ -49.237, -1.627 ], [ -49.217, -1.633 ], [ -49.231, -1.638 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.38, -1.685 ], [ -49.4, -1.682 ], [ -49.368, -1.669 ], [ -49.38, -1.685 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.426, -1.673 ], [ -49.429, -1.661 ], [ -49.406, -1.66 ], [ -49.426, -1.673 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.34, -1.672 ], [ -49.358, -1.662 ], [ -49.325, -1.647 ], [ -49.34, -1.672 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.289, -1.726 ], [ -45.305, -1.663 ], [ -45.257, -1.641 ], [ -45.244, -1.678 ], [ -45.28, -1.694 ], [ -45.289, -1.726 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.328, -1.743 ], [ -45.346, -1.719 ], [ -45.301, -1.596 ], [ -45.274, -1.635 ], [ -45.313, -1.654 ], [ -45.328, -1.743 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.886, -1.578 ], [ -48.89, -1.56 ], [ -48.859, -1.536 ], [ -48.856, -1.553 ], [ -48.886, -1.578 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.783, -1.682 ], [ -44.8, -1.595 ], [ -44.775, -1.62 ], [ -44.721, -1.567 ], [ -44.704, -1.611 ], [ -44.684, -1.575 ], [ -44.668, -1.669 ], [ -44.693, -1.638 ], [ -44.783, -1.682 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.816, -1.569 ], [ -44.837, -1.534 ], [ -44.787, -1.488 ], [ -44.825, -1.534 ], [ -44.816, -1.569 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.462, -1.517 ], [ -48.478, -1.499 ], [ -48.421, -1.503 ], [ -48.462, -1.517 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.793, -1.531 ], [ -44.774, -1.47 ], [ -44.763, -1.513 ], [ -44.793, -1.531 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.414, -1.427 ], [ -45.423, -1.416 ], [ -45.409, -1.405 ], [ -45.414, -1.427 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45, -1.296 ], [ -44.922, -1.265 ], [ -44.877, -1.309 ], [ -44.895, -1.34 ], [ -44.922, -1.305 ], [ -44.907, -1.341 ], [ -44.999, -1.405 ], [ -45.033, -1.339 ], [ -45, -1.32 ], [ -44.995, -1.36 ], [ -45, -1.296 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.044, -1.402 ], [ -45.07, -1.33 ], [ -45.052, -1.342 ], [ -45.044, -1.402 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.333, -1.569 ], [ -45.371, -1.544 ], [ -45.347, -1.489 ], [ -45.313, -1.506 ], [ -45.333, -1.569 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.969, -1.522 ], [ -44.976, -1.493 ], [ -44.959, -1.483 ], [ -44.969, -1.522 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.393, -1.512 ], [ -48.371, -1.476 ], [ -48.341, -1.483 ], [ -48.393, -1.512 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.413, -1.498 ], [ -48.426, -1.491 ], [ -48.387, -1.476 ], [ -48.413, -1.498 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.118, -1.47 ], [ -45.132, -1.462 ], [ -45.115, -1.364 ], [ -45.103, -1.373 ], [ -45.118, -1.47 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.593, -1.251 ], [ -45.581, -1.19 ], [ -45.536, -1.205 ], [ -45.532, -1.231 ], [ -45.593, -1.251 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.559, -1.243 ], [ -48.56, -1.202 ], [ -48.523, -1.199 ], [ -48.559, -1.243 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.817, -1.163 ], [ -45.829, -1.141 ], [ -45.804, -1.127 ], [ -45.817, -1.163 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.877, -1.154 ], [ -45.9, -1.117 ], [ -45.883, -1.073 ], [ -45.849, -1.123 ], [ -45.877, -1.154 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.192, -1.05 ], [ -46.201, -1.041 ], [ -46.185, -1.027 ], [ -46.192, -1.05 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.291, -1.01 ], [ -46.307, -0.992 ], [ -46.306, -0.961 ], [ -46.291, -1.01 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.078, -1.095 ], [ -46.065, -1.05 ], [ -46.061, -1.074 ], [ -46.078, -1.095 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.68, -1.295 ], [ -45.687, -1.275 ], [ -45.667, -1.26 ], [ -45.654, -1.285 ], [ -45.68, -1.295 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.538, -1.282 ], [ -48.549, -1.262 ], [ -48.53, -1.25 ], [ -48.538, -1.282 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.51, -1.27 ], [ -48.522, -1.247 ], [ -48.506, -1.236 ], [ -48.51, -1.27 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.694, -1.37 ], [ -45.646, -1.289 ], [ -45.625, -1.126 ], [ -45.634, -1.349 ], [ -45.694, -1.37 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.688, -1.266 ], [ -45.708, -1.228 ], [ -45.685, -1.194 ], [ -45.664, -1.231 ], [ -45.688, -1.266 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.425, -0.914 ], [ -46.454, -0.907 ], [ -46.408, -0.868 ], [ -46.395, -0.899 ], [ -46.425, -0.914 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.72, -0.848 ], [ -46.735, -0.832 ], [ -46.729, -0.796 ], [ -46.72, -0.848 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.611, -0.799 ], [ -46.622, -0.784 ], [ -46.601, -0.789 ], [ -46.611, -0.799 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.586, -0.849 ], [ -46.621, -0.807 ], [ -46.589, -0.815 ], [ -46.586, -0.849 ] ] ], [ [ [ -47.447, -0.748 ], [ -47.453, -0.732 ], [ -47.436, -0.717 ], [ -47.428, -0.738 ], [ -47.447, -0.748 ] ] ], [ [ [ -47.461, -0.741 ], [ -47.463, -0.702 ], [ -47.445, -0.697 ], [ -47.461, -0.741 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.214, -0.411 ], [ -51.211, -0.386 ], [ -51.164, -0.347 ], [ -51.163, -0.383 ], [ -51.214, -0.411 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.352, -0.353 ], [ -51.346, -0.31 ], [ -51.317, -0.268 ], [ -51.327, -0.33 ], [ -51.352, -0.353 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.127, -0.268 ], [ -51.131, -0.237 ], [ -51.091, -0.208 ], [ -51.087, -0.229 ], [ -51.127, -0.268 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.888, -0.198 ], [ -48.91, -0.188 ], [ -48.893, -0.134 ], [ -48.847, -0.177 ], [ -48.888, -0.198 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.174, -0.091 ], [ -51.191, -0.064 ], [ -51.126, -0.057 ], [ -51.174, -0.091 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.114, -0.146 ], [ -49.097, -0.121 ], [ -49.08, -0.13 ], [ -49.114, -0.146 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.166, -0.142 ], [ -49.188, -0.115 ], [ -49.156, -0.128 ], [ -49.166, -0.142 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.119, -0.141 ], [ -49.143, -0.107 ], [ -49.114, -0.11 ], [ -49.119, -0.141 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.127, -0.128 ], [ -51.094, -0.103 ], [ -51.108, -0.127 ], [ -51.127, -0.128 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.414, -0.999 ], [ -46.384, -0.941 ], [ -46.367, -0.948 ], [ -46.414, -0.999 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.647, -0.97 ], [ -46.658, -0.968 ], [ -46.618, -0.957 ], [ -46.647, -0.97 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.488, -0.942 ], [ -46.465, -0.877 ], [ -46.464, -0.924 ], [ -46.44, -0.922 ], [ -46.482, -0.976 ], [ -46.441, -0.999 ], [ -46.525, -1.016 ], [ -46.527, -0.917 ], [ -46.509, -0.984 ], [ -46.488, -0.942 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.632, 0.159 ], [ -49.662, 0.184 ], [ -49.629, 0.202 ], [ -49.61, 0.181 ], [ -49.632, 0.159 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.641, 0.26 ], [ -50.63, 0.293 ], [ -50.586, 0.308 ], [ -50.641, 0.26 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.2, 0.255 ], [ -50.243, 0.248 ], [ -50.147, 0.337 ], [ -50.059, 0.346 ], [ -50.2, 0.255 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.417, 0.159 ], [ -50.535, 0.234 ], [ -50.36, 0.615 ], [ -50.328, 0.383 ], [ -50.285, 0.3 ], [ -50.413, 0.237 ], [ -50.417, 0.159 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.279, 0.338 ], [ -50.271, 0.599 ], [ -50.147, 0.608 ], [ -50.142, 0.576 ], [ -50.107, 0.636 ], [ -50.063, 0.623 ], [ -50.05, 0.518 ], [ -50.279, 0.338 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50, 0.943 ], [ -50.113, 0.907 ], [ -50.018, 1.034 ], [ -49.935, 1.069 ], [ -49.939, 0.996 ], [ -50, 0.943 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.881, 1.227 ], [ -49.909, 1.246 ], [ -49.886, 1.244 ], [ -49.881, 1.227 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.907, 1.278 ], [ -49.885, 1.291 ], [ -49.863, 1.278 ], [ -49.876, 1.252 ], [ -49.907, 1.278 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.204, 1.851 ], [ -50.232, 1.879 ], [ -50.22, 1.915 ], [ -50.169, 1.865 ], [ -50.204, 1.851 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.468, 1.954 ], [ -50.521, 2.026 ], [ -50.497, 2.139 ], [ -50.398, 2.167 ], [ -50.367, 2.19 ], [ -50.276, 1.939 ], [ -50.423, 1.849 ], [ -50.468, 1.954 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.504, 2.255 ], [ -50.414, 2.244 ], [ -50.382, 2.204 ], [ -50.489, 2.15 ], [ -50.564, 2.205 ], [ -50.504, 2.255 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.229, 0.832 ], [ -50.098, 0.839 ], [ -50.027, 0.898 ], [ -50.105, 0.757 ], [ -50.162, 0.775 ], [ -50.249, 0.72 ], [ -50.229, 0.832 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.131, 0.844 ], [ -50.162, 0.867 ], [ -50.132, 0.9 ], [ -50.119, 0.854 ], [ -50.131, 0.844 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.108, 0.85 ], [ -50.111, 0.891 ], [ -50.049, 0.886 ], [ -50.108, 0.85 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.216, -0.055 ], [ -50.235, -0.042 ], [ -50.219, -0.04 ], [ -50.216, -0.055 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.916, -0.052 ], [ -50.926, -0.047 ], [ -50.907, -0.043 ], [ -50.916, -0.052 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.605, -0.061 ], [ -50.618, -0.022 ], [ -50.559, -0.038 ], [ -50.605, -0.061 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.399, -0.061 ], [ -50.44, -0.057 ], [ -50.378, -0.015 ], [ -50.357, -0.049 ], [ -50.399, -0.061 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.75, 0 ], [ -49.609, 0.08 ], [ -49.474, 0.081 ], [ -49.338, -0.017 ], [ -49.487, -0.136 ], [ -49.723, -0.147 ], [ -49.835, -0.088 ], [ -49.75, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.023, -0.019 ], [ -49.039, -0.011 ], [ -49.02, -0.006 ], [ -49.023, -0.019 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.932, 0.052 ], [ -50.918, 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Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 124256, "end" : 124262 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Brasil" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/0d5b9ea8-0506-4df4-a730-b87a9d660f01", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-01T19:23:37+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Domingo Martínez de Irala (Vergara de la Hermandad de Guipúzcoa, Corona de Castilla, 1509 - Asunción del Paraguay, Virreinato del Perú, 3 de octubre de 1556) fue un conquistador, explorador y colonizador español que como lugarteniente de Juan de Ayolas quien lo nombrara interinamente hasta que regresara como teniente de gobernador de La Candelaria en 1537, luego lo sería de hecho, y posteriormente elegido por el pueblo según real cédula, como teniente de gobernador general de Asunción.Ocupó tres veces el cargo de gobernador interino del Río de la Plata y del Paraguay, en los períodos de 1539 a 1542, de 1544 hasta 1548 y por último desde 1549. El emperador Carlos V lo nombraría definitivamente como titular en el cargo gubernamental en el año 1555, que lo ostentaría hasta su fallecimiento.En 1543 fundó en el Chaco Boreal el Puerto de los Reyes, a orillas del río Paraguay y del pantano de los Jarayes, sobre las costas de la laguna La Gaiba.Avellaneda, Mercedes; Perusset, Macarena, \"Irala, el primer estratega del Plata\", en Historia Paraguaya. Anuario de la Academia Paraguaya de la Historia, vol. XLVI, 2006, pp. 319-363.Lafuente Machain, Ricardo, El gobernador Domingo de Irala, Asunción, Academia Paraguaya de la Historia, 2005 [1939].", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-01T19:23:37+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 39736, "end" : 39761 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Domingo Martínez de Irala" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/ed863387-867f-4841-806d-d63d92b2b5df", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-01T19:23:37+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Domingo Martínez de Irala (Vergara de la Hermandad de Guipúzcoa, Corona de Castilla, 1509 - Asunción del Paraguay, Virreinato del Perú, 3 de octubre de 1556) fue un conquistador, explorador y colonizador español que como lugarteniente de Juan de Ayolas quien lo nombrara interinamente hasta que regresara como teniente de gobernador de La Candelaria en 1537, luego lo sería de hecho, y posteriormente elegido por el pueblo según real cédula, como teniente de gobernador general de Asunción.Ocupó tres veces el cargo de gobernador interino del Río de la Plata y del Paraguay, en los períodos de 1539 a 1542, de 1544 hasta 1548 y por último desde 1549. El emperador Carlos V lo nombraría definitivamente como titular en el cargo gubernamental en el año 1555, que lo ostentaría hasta su fallecimiento.En 1543 fundó en el Chaco Boreal el Puerto de los Reyes, a orillas del río Paraguay y del pantano de los Jarayes, sobre las costas de la laguna La Gaiba.Avellaneda, Mercedes; Perusset, Macarena, \"Irala, el primer estratega del Plata\", en Historia Paraguaya. Anuario de la Academia Paraguaya de la Historia, vol. XLVI, 2006, pp. 319-363.Lafuente Machain, Ricardo, El gobernador Domingo de Irala, Asunción, Academia Paraguaya de la Historia, 2005 [1939].", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-01T19:23:37+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 63875, "end" : 63900 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Domingo Martínez de Irala" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/01616e11-782d-45fd-a15c-20bc025f786c", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-07T23:10:30+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Andrea d'Oria (1466-1560) almirante genovés que pasó al servicio de Carlos I de España en 1528.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-07T23:10:30+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 88403, "end" : 88415 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Andrea Doria" } ] } }, { "@context" : 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"creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-10-10T16:25:12+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ -68.20113, -22.9111 ] } } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 83740, "end" : 83747 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Atacama" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/65ce726c-c171-4095-864d-440b06578318", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://sws.geonames.org/3904906", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-01T23:13:13+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-01T23:13:13+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ -63.18117, -17.78629 ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Este asentamiento fue efectivamente fundado por un conquistador de \nAsunción, Nuflo de Chávez en 1561. La ciudad sufrió varios traslados en \nel curso de su historia hasta establecerse dónde se encuentra hoy en \ndía. El primer sitio de la fundación fue en la serranía de Chiquitos, a \norilla del río Sutó.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-01T23:13:13+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 39013, "end" : 39023 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Santa Cruz" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/80fe4713-c1b5-4484-8913-5e809e313a6a", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-07T16:05:33+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Pedro de Mendoza (1499-1537), fue un noble español nacido de Cádiz. Tuvo una destacada actividad militar en las campañas militares de Carlos I en Italia, y con la fortuna que logró en ellas, solicitó la conquista del Río de la Plata. Por capitulación firmada con en el rey en 1534 se lo designa gobernador y primer adelantando a la provincia del mismo bombre. Su armanda, una de las más grandes en términos de hombres y barcos que cruzaron el océano a América, llegó a las costas del Río de la Plata en 1536. En la margen izquierda del río, al sur de la actual ciudad de Buenos Aires, Mendoza ordenó el establecimiento de un puerto llamado Nuestra Señora del Buen Ayre, pero sus intencionres eran continuar las exploraciones río arriba, en busca de la Sierra de la Plata. El asentamiento en Buenos Aires rápidamenta sufrió hambre y ataques de las sociedades nativas. Al mismo tiempo, Pedro de Mendoza delegó gran parte de las tareas de exploración de la región en su teniente gobernador, Juan de Ayolas. Debido a las dificultades que enfrentaba la población de Buenos Aires y de los dos asentamientos establecidos Paraná arriba (Buena Esperanza y Corpus Christi) y la ausencia de noticias del Juan de Ayolas (quien luego se sabría, habría alcanzado tierras chiriguanas) Pedro de Mendoza decide abandonar su conquista, delegando el mando general de la armada en Juan de Ayolas y el gobierno de Buenos Aires en Ruiz Galán. Moriría cruzando el Atlántico en 1537. Bibliografía: Lafuente Machaín, Conquistadores del Río de la Plata, Buenos Aires, Amorrurtu, 1937; Guérin, Miguel Alberto, \"La organización inicial del espacio rioplatense\", en Tandeter, Enrique (dir.), Nueva Historia Argentina. La Sociedad Colonial, Buenos Aires, Sudamericana, 2000, pp. 14-54.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-07T16:05:33+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 106841, "end" : 106857 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Pedro de Mendoza" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/8d9db6fa-582d-483a-8e8b-cc4e9fa5fe86", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-07T16:05:33+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Pedro de Mendoza (1499-1537), fue un noble español nacido de Cádiz. Tuvo una destacada actividad militar en las campañas militares de Carlos I en Italia, y con la fortuna que logró en ellas, solicitó la conquista del Río de la Plata. Por capitulación firmada con en el rey en 1534 se lo designa gobernador y primer adelantando a la provincia del mismo bombre. Su armanda, una de las más grandes en términos de hombres y barcos que cruzaron el océano a América, llegó a las costas del Río de la Plata en 1536. En la margen izquierda del río, al sur de la actual ciudad de Buenos Aires, Mendoza ordenó el establecimiento de un puerto llamado Nuestra Señora del Buen Ayre, pero sus intencionres eran continuar las exploraciones río arriba, en busca de la Sierra de la Plata. El asentamiento en Buenos Aires rápidamenta sufrió hambre y ataques de las sociedades nativas. Al mismo tiempo, Pedro de Mendoza delegó gran parte de las tareas de exploración de la región en su teniente gobernador, Juan de Ayolas. Debido a las dificultades que enfrentaba la población de Buenos Aires y de los dos asentamientos establecidos Paraná arriba (Buena Esperanza y Corpus Christi) y la ausencia de noticias del Juan de Ayolas (quien luego se sabría, habría alcanzado tierras chiriguanas) Pedro de Mendoza decide abandonar su conquista, delegando el mando general de la armada en Juan de Ayolas y el gobierno de Buenos Aires en Ruiz Galán. Moriría cruzando el Atlántico en 1537. Bibliografía: Lafuente Machaín, Conquistadores del Río de la Plata, Buenos Aires, Amorrurtu, 1937; Guérin, Miguel Alberto, \"La organización inicial del espacio rioplatense\", en Tandeter, Enrique (dir.), Nueva Historia Argentina. La Sociedad Colonial, Buenos Aires, Sudamericana, 2000, pp. 14-54.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-07T16:05:33+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 116229, "end" : 116245 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Pedro de Mendoza" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/b1a2c40d-0ae3-45e1-8152-b54eb59c66d1", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-07T15:46:05+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Gonzalo de Mendoza (m. 1558) fue un destacado capitán de la armada de \nPedro de Mendoza y luego de la conqusita del Río de la Plata y Paraguay.\n Realizó varios viajes desde le puerto de Buenos Aires a la costa de \nBrasil con la intención de obtener bastimentos y trajo consigo varios \nnáufragos y lenguas instalados en el Brasil. Ya en el Paraguay, fue uno \nde los primeros capitanes españoles en emparentarse con los caciques \ncarios de las cercanías de Asunción. Ocupó importantes cargos políticos y\n militares bajo los gobiernos de Domingo de Irala y Álvar Núñez Cabeza \nde Vaca, actuando como teniente de gobernador y como gobernador \ninterino. Bibliografía: Lafuente Machain, Ricardo, Conquistadores del \nRío de la Plata, Buenos Aires, Amorrurtu, 1937.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-07T15:46:05+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 107264, "end" : 107282 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Gonzalo de Mendoza" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/6f7d9db7-e4b5-45fc-bac5-5a4a6641c5c4", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-07T15:46:05+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Gonzalo de Mendoza (m. 1558) fue un destacado capitán de la armada de \nPedro de Mendoza y luego de la conqusita del Río de la Plata y Paraguay.\n Realizó varios viajes desde le puerto de Buenos Aires a la costa de \nBrasil con la intención de obtener bastimentos y trajo consigo varios \nnáufragos y lenguas instalados en el Brasil. Ya en el Paraguay, fue uno \nde los primeros capitanes españoles en emparentarse con los caciques \ncarios de las cercanías de Asunción. Ocupó importantes cargos políticos y\n militares bajo los gobiernos de Domingo de Irala y Álvar Núñez Cabeza \nde Vaca, actuando como teniente de gobernador y como gobernador \ninterino. Bibliografía: Lafuente Machain, Ricardo, Conquistadores del \nRío de la Plata, Buenos Aires, Amorrurtu, 1937.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-07T15:46:05+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 109372, "end" : 109390 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Gonzalo de Mendoza" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/d1077b99-8c46-4107-bb22-8a2a06b7f842", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-07T15:46:05+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Gonzalo de Mendoza (m. 1558) fue un destacado capitán de la armada de \nPedro de Mendoza y luego de la conqusita del Río de la Plata y Paraguay.\n Realizó varios viajes desde le puerto de Buenos Aires a la costa de \nBrasil con la intención de obtener bastimentos y trajo consigo varios \nnáufragos y lenguas instalados en el Brasil. Ya en el Paraguay, fue uno \nde los primeros capitanes españoles en emparentarse con los caciques \ncarios de las cercanías de Asunción. Ocupó importantes cargos políticos y\n militares bajo los gobiernos de Domingo de Irala y Álvar Núñez Cabeza \nde Vaca, actuando como teniente de gobernador y como gobernador \ninterino. Bibliografía: Lafuente Machain, Ricardo, Conquistadores del \nRío de la Plata, Buenos Aires, Amorrurtu, 1937.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-07T15:46:05+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 113456, "end" : 113474 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Gonzalo de Mendoza" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/d227399c-3df0-4a3a-824e-b74519b84324", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-07T15:46:05+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Gonzalo de Mendoza (m. 1558) fue un destacado capitán de la armada de \nPedro de Mendoza y luego de la conqusita del Río de la Plata y Paraguay.\n Realizó varios viajes desde le puerto de Buenos Aires a la costa de \nBrasil con la intención de obtener bastimentos y trajo consigo varios \nnáufragos y lenguas instalados en el Brasil. Ya en el Paraguay, fue uno \nde los primeros capitanes españoles en emparentarse con los caciques \ncarios de las cercanías de Asunción. Ocupó importantes cargos políticos y\n militares bajo los gobiernos de Domingo de Irala y Álvar Núñez Cabeza \nde Vaca, actuando como teniente de gobernador y como gobernador \ninterino. Bibliografía: Lafuente Machain, Ricardo, Conquistadores del \nRío de la Plata, Buenos Aires, Amorrurtu, 1937.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-07T15:46:05+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 114271, "end" : 114289 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Gonzalo de Mendoza" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/31297dff-85b6-4b89-8e80-cef67c20cfcd", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-07T23:34:35+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 93839, "end" : 93855 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Sancho del Campo" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/da0d02b1-cf57-47a2-8d73-1754dce0b520", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-05T01:27:36+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Francisco de Rivera fue un importante legua. Había llegado al Río de la Plata en 1527 con Diego García de Moguer y se quedó en la costa de Brasil donde aprendió justamente, la lengua guaraní. Volvió a la región platense en 1538, cuando el veedor Alonso Cabrera lo trajo en su barco desde Brasil. Participó como lengua de varias entradas en el Chaco, entre las que se cuentan la de Irala en 1541 y la de Cabeza de Vaca en 1544.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-08T01:41:27+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 61668, "end" : 61687 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Francisco de Rivera" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/d36d1fa3-fbba-49f3-8632-62b13afc1842", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://sws.geonames.org/3841956", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T12:50:53+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T12:50:53+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ -60.5238, -31.73197 ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Se refiere al Río Paraná.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T12:50:53+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO 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Aires.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-01T16:08:25+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 30197, "end" : 30206 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Arrecifes" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/32dea554-5ac4-4994-b150-df48c1c4b047", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-01T18:43:26+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Los chiriguanos componían la parcialidad más occidental de los guaraníes, asentados en actual territorio boliviano sobre los contrafuertes andinos. Ruy Díaz dirigió varias campañas en su contra. Bibliografía: Saignes, Thierry, \"El sureste entre la conquista inca y la invasión chiriguano\", en Combès, Isabelle (comp.), Historia del pueblo Chiriguano, La Paz, Instituto Francés de Estudios Andinos- Embajada de Francia en Bolivia, 2007, pp. 41-54; Saignes, Thierry, Ava y Karai: Ensayos sobre la frontera Chiriguano (siglo XVIXX),Hisbol, La Paz, 1990; e Historia del Pueblo Chiriguano, La Paz, IFEA Instituto Francés de Estudios Andinos, 2007.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-01T18:43:26+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 32733, "end" : 32744 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Chiriguanos" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/5fb08e6b-d0c5-47f8-9bcd-681e066d6060", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://sws.geonames.org/3904906", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-01T22:29:24+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-01T22:29:24+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ -63.18117, -17.78629 ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Este asentamiento fue efectivamente fundado por un conquistador de Asunción, Nuflo de Chávez en 1561. La ciudad sufrió varios traslados en el curso de su historia hasta establecerse dónde se encuentra hoy en día. El primer sitio de la fundación fue en la serranía de Chiquitos, a orilla del río Sutó.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-01T22:29:24+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 38690, "end" : 38713 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Santa Cruz de la Sierra" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/59cfe847-9413-4164-a9da-aac6b2b570b8", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PLACE", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-02T01:24:45+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Es un corregimiento cercano a Cochabamba que dependía del de Postosí e integraba Pocona (Pozona). Podría coincidir con el municipio de Pocona en Bolivia.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-02T01:24:28+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 46365, "end" : 46371 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Mizque" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/5fa77d61-041c-4dcb-a712-79a5888ab251", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-01T12:52:59+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "conqueror", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-01T12:53:47+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-01T12:53:47+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Gonzalo de Mendoza nace en Baeza entre 1511-1515. Muere el 21 de julio de 1558. Parte para el Nuevo Mundo desde el puerto de Sanlúcar de Barrameda en 1535, en la nao capitana La Magdalena, con Pedro de Mendoza, Adelantado del Río de la Plata. Co-fundador de la ciudad de Asunción, en Paraguay, en 1537. Participó como elector en la creación de su cabildo y regimiento, a la vieja usanza de los de las ciudades de Castilla. Participó, entre muchas, en la expedición que, en 1547, partiendo de Asunción para la Sierra de la Plata de los Mayas, abrió el camino hasta el Perú. Fue Gobernador del Río de la Plata tras la muerte de Domingo de Irala, en 1556.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-01T12:53:47+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 37279, "end" : 37297 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Gonzalo de Mendoza" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/aecd5f6c-b7a0-44fa-aa1d-7e216d0ce067", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-01T12:51:59+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 40420, "end" : 40434 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "García Venegas" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/40fbeca0-9259-40fa-839f-cdd6b65affda", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "El veedor Cabrera fue una figura importantísima del período 1538-1545 en\n el Río de la Plata. Había sido enviado a la región por el rey para \nreorganizar la conquista tras el abandono de Pedro de Mendoza y su \nprimera obligación era determinar quién había sido designado por el \nadelantado como sucesor. Después de varias desavenencias con Ruiz Galán,\n se inclinó por nombrar como teniente de gobernador a Domingo de Irala, \nesperando que Juan de Ayolas (la persona designada por Pedro de Mendoza)\n regresase de sus exploraciones para ponerse al mando de la conquista. \nEsta sociedad con Irala será fundamental para realizar la despoblación \nde Buenos Aires en 1541 y, luego, enfrentar a Álvar Núñez Cabeza de \nVaca. Cabrera fue fundamental en la construcción de los argumentos \njudiciales que justificarían su derrocamiento y viajó a España junto a \nél para representar a los primeros conquistadores del Río de la Plata en\n los tribunales regios. Moriría poco después de haber llegado a España.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-08T02:26:53+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-27T15:46:24+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 131717, "end" : 131732 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Alonzo, Cabrera" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/d1468bce-a0fd-40a4-9b4e-6f52cdfd521d", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "La leyenda de esta mítica laguna, en la que un poderoso rey se bañaba en\n aguas con polvo de oro de las que emergía dorado, es uno de los \nejemplos más conocidos de la hibridación de creencias tupí-guaraníes y \nlas expectativas desarrolladas por los conquistadores portugueses y \nespañoles respecto de la riqueza metalífera que podría hallarse en \nAmérica del Sur. Bibliografía: Buarque de Holanda, Sérgio, Visão do \nParaíso. Os motivos edénicos no descobrimento e colonização do Brasil, \nSão Pablo, Companhia Das Letras, 2010 [1959].", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-01T23:44:28+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "EVENT", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-27T15:25:46+00:00" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 42676, "end" : 42682 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Dorado" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/22c2ed39-89f8-4e16-b600-b4a9201dabdb", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://pleiades.stoa.org/places/256056", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T14:49:38+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T14:49:38+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ -5.02402, 37.80763 ] } } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 4916, "end" : 4925 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Almodóvar" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/6afbd821-3766-4cf1-b42d-bdc19b4cfef5", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T16:00:56+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T17:51:00+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "conqueror", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T17:51:00+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Ñuflo de Chaves o menos conocido como Nufrio de Chávez (Cáceres de la Extremadura leonesa, Corona de España, 1518 – aldea Mitimi de la laguna de los Xarayes, gobernación de Santa Cruz de la Sierra del Virreinato del Perú, 3 de octubre de 1568) era un explorador y conquistador español, conocido por sus exploraciones del actual territorio del Paraguay y la zona suroriental de la actual Bolivia y por haber fundado la ciudad de Santa Cruz de la Sierra en 1561. Fue el continuador de la política colonizadora de Domingo Martínez de Irala.Su actividad permitió extender la colonización por esas regiones. Fue el primer hombre que atravesó el continente, partiendo del Atlántico al Pacífico, para lograr la conquista del centro de América meridional. Su temprana muerte no supuso la interrupción de la actividad conquistadora de todo el territorio que hoy conforma esa extensa comarca, porque su legado quedó en las gentes de la vieja ciudad, quienes extendieron su cultura por todo lo que hoy se conoce como el Oriente Boliviano.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T17:51:00+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 8723, "end" : 8738 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Nuflo de Chaves" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/28345021-c6ef-4093-907e-50a7deb0dabb", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T18:16:45+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T18:16:45+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Refiere a Juan de Ayolas (Briviesca de la Bureba, Corona de Castilla, 1493 o ¿ca. 1510? – Candelaria del Chaco Boreal, gobernación del Río de la Plata y del Paraguay, 1538) era un explorador español que fuera vecino fundador de la primera Buenos Aires, acompañando al adelantado Pedro de Mendoza, y que nominalmente fuera nombrado como teniente de gobernador general de Asunción en 1537, para convertirse al poco tiempo y en forma igualmente nominal en gobernador del Río de la Plata y del Paraguay pero nunca ejercería como tal por estar en plena exploración.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T18:16:45+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 22398, "end" : 22412 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Juan de Oyolas" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/07909b94-5d38-485c-ac4a-7714e2ebc2ba", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T18:46:18+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 21610, "end" : 21633 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Salazar, Francisco Ruiz" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/06569e11-65d6-4a4f-86d9-bbcf898a50c0", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T18:48:32+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 21690, "end" : 21717 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "García Rodríguez Valenzuela" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/c5863b2e-a0a5-4496-99e1-6b177fcafd7f", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "governor", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-29T10:44:12+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "colonizer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-29T10:44:12+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-29T10:44:12+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Lope\nGarcía de Castro\n(Villanueva de Valdueza,\n1516 - Madrid, 8\nde enero de 1576), fue un licenciado en leyes y militar español que llegó a ser Gobernador provisional\ndel Perú y Presidente de la Real Audiencia de Lima. No ostentó el título de Virrey, pero estuvo investido de amplias facultades gubernativas, con\nla tarea de imponer orden en el Perú, amenazado por múltiples revueltas\ny con gravísimos\nproblemas administrativos. Fue también Caballero de la Orden de Santiago.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-29T10:44:12+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 65381, "end" : 65402 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Lope García de Castro" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/64a67367-2995-45b3-b430-a35a56360f7e", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T14:36:27+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 4730, "end" : 4757 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "García Rodríguez de Vergara" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/6b583493-aa4e-45e9-b601-0f23704fc3ed", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T14:32:51+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 4681, "end" : 4695 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Luis de Rivera" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/a3173252-6d18-4ef5-a741-e26f91c56baf", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T14:38:18+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 33192, "end" : 33208 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Pedro de Orantes" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/08aec1c7-6e9f-440a-82e6-7fe76df2ad76", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T16:46:43+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Domingo Martínez de Irala (Vergara de la Hermandad de Guipúzcoa, Corona de Castilla, 1509 - Asunción del Paraguay, Virreinato del Perú, 3 de octubre de 1556) fue un conquistador, explorador y colonizador español que como lugarteniente de Juan de Ayolas quien lo nombrara interinamente hasta que regresara como teniente de gobernador de La Candelaria en 1537, luego lo sería de hecho, y posteriormente elegido por el pueblo según real cédula, como teniente de gobernador general de Asunción.Ocupó tres veces el cargo de gobernador interino del Río de la Plata y del Paraguay, en los períodos de 1539 a 1542, de 1544 hasta 1548 y por último desde 1549. El emperador Carlos V lo nombraría definitivamente como titular en el cargo gubernamental en el año 1555, que lo ostentaría hasta su fallecimiento.En 1543 fundó en el Chaco Boreal el Puerto de los Reyes, a orillas del río Paraguay y del pantano de los Jarayes, sobre las costas de la laguna La Gaiba. Avellaneda, Mercedes; Perusset, Macarena, \"Irala, el primer estratega del Plata\", en Historia Paraguaya. Anuario de la Academia Paraguaya de la Historia, vol. XLVI, 2006, pp. 319-363.Lafuente Machain, Ricardo, El gobernador Domingo de Irala, Asunción, Academia Paraguaya de la Historia, 2005 [1939].", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T16:46:43+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 39231, "end" : 39247 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Domingo de Irala" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/449c2e66-7164-47bd-809e-0b4d5fb82727", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T16:46:43+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Domingo Martínez de Irala (Vergara de la Hermandad de Guipúzcoa, Corona de Castilla, 1509 - Asunción del Paraguay, Virreinato del Perú, 3 de octubre de 1556) fue un conquistador, explorador y colonizador español que como lugarteniente de Juan de Ayolas quien lo nombrara interinamente hasta que regresara como teniente de gobernador de La Candelaria en 1537, luego lo sería de hecho, y posteriormente elegido por el pueblo según real cédula, como teniente de gobernador general de Asunción.Ocupó tres veces el cargo de gobernador interino del Río de la Plata y del Paraguay, en los períodos de 1539 a 1542, de 1544 hasta 1548 y por último desde 1549. El emperador Carlos V lo nombraría definitivamente como titular en el cargo gubernamental en el año 1555, que lo ostentaría hasta su fallecimiento.En 1543 fundó en el Chaco Boreal el Puerto de los Reyes, a orillas del río Paraguay y del pantano de los Jarayes, sobre las costas de la laguna La Gaiba. Avellaneda, Mercedes; Perusset, Macarena, \"Irala, el primer estratega del Plata\", en Historia Paraguaya. Anuario de la Academia Paraguaya de la Historia, vol. XLVI, 2006, pp. 319-363.Lafuente Machain, Ricardo, El gobernador Domingo de Irala, Asunción, Academia Paraguaya de la Historia, 2005 [1939].", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T16:46:43+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 41333, "end" : 41349 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Domingo de Irala" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/0b2460f7-a3d7-42fe-bb33-24865b8c7c43", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T16:46:43+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Domingo Martínez de Irala (Vergara de la Hermandad de Guipúzcoa, Corona de Castilla, 1509 - Asunción del Paraguay, Virreinato del Perú, 3 de octubre de 1556) fue un conquistador, explorador y colonizador español que como lugarteniente de Juan de Ayolas quien lo nombrara interinamente hasta que regresara como teniente de gobernador de La Candelaria en 1537, luego lo sería de hecho, y posteriormente elegido por el pueblo según real cédula, como teniente de gobernador general de Asunción.Ocupó tres veces el cargo de gobernador interino del Río de la Plata y del Paraguay, en los períodos de 1539 a 1542, de 1544 hasta 1548 y por último desde 1549. El emperador Carlos V lo nombraría definitivamente como titular en el cargo gubernamental en el año 1555, que lo ostentaría hasta su fallecimiento.En 1543 fundó en el Chaco Boreal el Puerto de los Reyes, a orillas del río Paraguay y del pantano de los Jarayes, sobre las costas de la laguna La Gaiba. Avellaneda, Mercedes; Perusset, Macarena, \"Irala, el primer estratega del Plata\", en Historia Paraguaya. Anuario de la Academia Paraguaya de la Historia, vol. XLVI, 2006, pp. 319-363.Lafuente Machain, Ricardo, El gobernador Domingo de Irala, Asunción, Academia Paraguaya de la Historia, 2005 [1939].", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T16:46:43+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 44361, "end" : 44377 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Domingo de Irala" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/7d6f4fc9-15ba-4cb0-985a-bf53134630ab", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T16:46:43+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Domingo Martínez de Irala (Vergara de la Hermandad de Guipúzcoa, Corona de Castilla, 1509 - Asunción del Paraguay, Virreinato del Perú, 3 de octubre de 1556) fue un conquistador, explorador y colonizador español que como lugarteniente de Juan de Ayolas quien lo nombrara interinamente hasta que regresara como teniente de gobernador de La Candelaria en 1537, luego lo sería de hecho, y posteriormente elegido por el pueblo según real cédula, como teniente de gobernador general de Asunción.Ocupó tres veces el cargo de gobernador interino del Río de la Plata y del Paraguay, en los períodos de 1539 a 1542, de 1544 hasta 1548 y por último desde 1549. El emperador Carlos V lo nombraría definitivamente como titular en el cargo gubernamental en el año 1555, que lo ostentaría hasta su fallecimiento.En 1543 fundó en el Chaco Boreal el Puerto de los Reyes, a orillas del río Paraguay y del pantano de los Jarayes, sobre las costas de la laguna La Gaiba. Avellaneda, Mercedes; Perusset, Macarena, \"Irala, el primer estratega del Plata\", en Historia Paraguaya. Anuario de la Academia Paraguaya de la Historia, vol. XLVI, 2006, pp. 319-363.Lafuente Machain, Ricardo, El gobernador Domingo de Irala, Asunción, Academia Paraguaya de la Historia, 2005 [1939].", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T16:46:43+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 63196, "end" : 63212 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Domingo de Irala" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/13776c9d-6423-4621-9203-2c9803ed7cab", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T16:46:43+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Domingo Martínez de Irala (Vergara de la Hermandad de Guipúzcoa, Corona de Castilla, 1509 - Asunción del Paraguay, Virreinato del Perú, 3 de octubre de 1556) fue un conquistador, explorador y colonizador español que como lugarteniente de Juan de Ayolas quien lo nombrara interinamente hasta que regresara como teniente de gobernador de La Candelaria en 1537, luego lo sería de hecho, y posteriormente elegido por el pueblo según real cédula, como teniente de gobernador general de Asunción.Ocupó tres veces el cargo de gobernador interino del Río de la Plata y del Paraguay, en los períodos de 1539 a 1542, de 1544 hasta 1548 y por último desde 1549. El emperador Carlos V lo nombraría definitivamente como titular en el cargo gubernamental en el año 1555, que lo ostentaría hasta su fallecimiento.En 1543 fundó en el Chaco Boreal el Puerto de los Reyes, a orillas del río Paraguay y del pantano de los Jarayes, sobre las costas de la laguna La Gaiba. Avellaneda, Mercedes; Perusset, Macarena, \"Irala, el primer estratega del Plata\", en Historia Paraguaya. Anuario de la Academia Paraguaya de la Historia, vol. XLVI, 2006, pp. 319-363.Lafuente Machain, Ricardo, El gobernador Domingo de Irala, Asunción, Academia Paraguaya de la Historia, 2005 [1939].", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T16:46:43+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 77350, "end" : 77366 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Domingo de Irala" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/af0de0db-d68a-4e9a-bb4f-bde338e1444c", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://sws.geonames.org/3435217", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T18:14:49+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T18:14:49+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ -58.8341, -27.4806 ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "La ciudad de Corrientes – Capital de la Provincia de Corrientes y principal portal de acceso, fundada en 1588 por el Adelantado Juan Torres de Vera y Aragón, es una ciudad con un balcón majestuoso sobre el Río Paraná donde éste cambia su rumbo por ello formando rompientes: Siete puntas o salientes que dieron origen a su nombre: San Juan de Vera de las Siete Corrientes.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T18:14:49+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 11011, "end" : 11027 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Siete Corrientes" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/1326fb38-ecc4-4e43-8068-64f47f8f2227", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T18:12:40+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Abreu (Diego), de Sevilla; viene con don Pedro de Mendoza. Derrota a los indios cerca de Corpus. Se le cree autor de la sentencia contra la Maldonado. Vuelve a Buenos Aires, para hacer evacuar el Fuerte, y lleva la gente a la Asumpción. Trae socorros al convoy de Cabeza de Vaca. Es electo Gobernador en ausencia de Irala; se conspira contra su persona. Prende al jefe del complot, y lo condena a muerte. Informa a España de su nombramiento; se resiste a devolver el mando al Gobernador Irala; se retira a las tierras de los indios. No quiere volver a la ciudad. Es sorprendido y herido. Lo llevan muerto a la Asumpción.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T18:12:40+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 67554, "end" : 67568 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Diego de Abreu" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/c774c367-e8cc-4fdd-b647-0bf1d5a0acbc", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T18:12:40+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Abreu (Diego), de Sevilla; viene con don Pedro de Mendoza. Derrota a los indios cerca de Corpus. Se le cree autor de la sentencia contra la Maldonado. Vuelve a Buenos Aires, para hacer evacuar el Fuerte, y lleva la gente a la Asumpción. Trae socorros al convoy de Cabeza de Vaca. Es electo Gobernador en ausencia de Irala; se conspira contra su persona. Prende al jefe del complot, y lo condena a muerte. Informa a España de su nombramiento; se resiste a devolver el mando al Gobernador Irala; se retira a las tierras de los indios. No quiere volver a la ciudad. Es sorprendido y herido. Lo llevan muerto a la Asumpción.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T18:12:40+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 68300, "end" : 68314 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Diego de Abreu" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/72b26c94-0215-441c-b374-fe4d258890f1", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T18:12:40+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Abreu (Diego), de Sevilla; viene con don Pedro de Mendoza. Derrota a los indios cerca de Corpus. Se le cree autor de la sentencia contra la Maldonado. Vuelve a Buenos Aires, para hacer evacuar el Fuerte, y lleva la gente a la Asumpción. Trae socorros al convoy de Cabeza de Vaca. Es electo Gobernador en ausencia de Irala; se conspira contra su persona. Prende al jefe del complot, y lo condena a muerte. Informa a España de su nombramiento; se resiste a devolver el mando al Gobernador Irala; se retira a las tierras de los indios. No quiere volver a la ciudad. Es sorprendido y herido. Lo llevan muerto a la Asumpción.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T18:12:40+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 86782, "end" : 86796 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Diego de Abreu" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/9901aa0d-5e3e-4297-9454-b0dbaad121c9", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-29T18:40:58+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 16812, "end" : 16832 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "alférez Juan Delgado" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/0b590c89-72d5-4b95-9243-9f7c1522922d", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "conqueror", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T12:38:19+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T12:38:19+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "colonizer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T12:38:19+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T12:38:19+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Francisco de Aguirre también conocido como Francisco de Aguirre \"el\nViejo\" (Talavera de la Reina, Corona de\nCastilla, 1500 - La Serena, Capitanía General de Chile, 1581) fue un conquistador\nespañol que participó en la conquista de Chile y del noroeste de Argentina. En\nsu juventud se incorporó a las tropas imperiales de Carlos I de España. En 1525,\nAguirre tuvo una destacada actuación en la memorable batalla de Pavía, en la\nque los soldados de Carlos I derrotaron a los franceses y aprehendieron al rey Francisco\nI de Francia y en 1527 participó del “saqueo de Roma”. Las cartas y sus\ndocumentos revelan que poseía una inteligencia cultivada. De entre los\nconquistadores, fue uno de los que más legítimos títulos podía blasonar de la\nnobleza de su cuna.\n\nEn 1534, se embarcó hacia América. Desde la isla de Cuba viajó al Perú en 1537,\njunto a 400 soldados castellanos que venían a socorrer a Francisco Pizarro, que\nluchaba contra los incas. En Panamá se hizo de caballos, armas, un negro y\ncriados españoles. Arribó al Perú al tiempo que Pizarro había capturado al Inca\nAtahualpa, al que ejecutó. De inmediato, Aguirre se puso a las órdenes del\nconquistador del Perú y tuvo destacada actuación en todas las campañas y en la\ndominación de los incas. Más tarde ayudó al capitán Diego de Rojas a dominar y\npoblar la Provincia de Charcas, donde fue durante dos años teniente.Asignado como gobernador de Chile a la muerte\nde Pedro de Valdivia, fue también gobernador del Tucumán en tres oportunidades\ny fundador de las ciudades de La Serena (Chile) y Santiago del Estero\n(Argentina).", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T12:38:19+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 67206, "end" : 67226 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Francisco de Aguirre" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/d13c8109-9eb2-45d8-88b2-39d34bcd4f08", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "conqueror", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T12:38:19+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T12:38:19+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "colonizer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T12:38:19+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T12:38:19+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Francisco de Aguirre también conocido como Francisco de Aguirre \"el\nViejo\" (Talavera de la Reina, Corona de\nCastilla, 1500 - La Serena, Capitanía General de Chile, 1581) fue un conquistador\nespañol que participó en la conquista de Chile y del noroeste de Argentina. En\nsu juventud se incorporó a las tropas imperiales de Carlos I de España. En 1525,\nAguirre tuvo una destacada actuación en la memorable batalla de Pavía, en la\nque los soldados de Carlos I derrotaron a los franceses y aprehendieron al rey Francisco\nI de Francia y en 1527 participó del “saqueo de Roma”. Las cartas y sus\ndocumentos revelan que poseía una inteligencia cultivada. De entre los\nconquistadores, fue uno de los que más legítimos títulos podía blasonar de la\nnobleza de su cuna.\n\nEn 1534, se embarcó hacia América. Desde la isla de Cuba viajó al Perú en 1537,\njunto a 400 soldados castellanos que venían a socorrer a Francisco Pizarro, que\nluchaba contra los incas. En Panamá se hizo de caballos, armas, un negro y\ncriados españoles. Arribó al Perú al tiempo que Pizarro había capturado al Inca\nAtahualpa, al que ejecutó. De inmediato, Aguirre se puso a las órdenes del\nconquistador del Perú y tuvo destacada actuación en todas las campañas y en la\ndominación de los incas. Más tarde ayudó al capitán Diego de Rojas a dominar y\npoblar la Provincia de Charcas, donde fue durante dos años teniente.Asignado como gobernador de Chile a la muerte\nde Pedro de Valdivia, fue también gobernador del Tucumán en tres oportunidades\ny fundador de las ciudades de La Serena (Chile) y Santiago del Estero\n(Argentina).", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T12:38:19+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 67759, "end" : 67779 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Francisco de Aguirre" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/305d3212-e08e-4554-95f2-6f7bf3363891", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "conqueror", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T12:38:19+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T12:38:19+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "colonizer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T12:38:19+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T12:38:19+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Francisco de Aguirre también conocido como Francisco de Aguirre \"el\nViejo\" (Talavera de la Reina, Corona de\nCastilla, 1500 - La Serena, Capitanía General de Chile, 1581) fue un conquistador\nespañol que participó en la conquista de Chile y del noroeste de Argentina. En\nsu juventud se incorporó a las tropas imperiales de Carlos I de España. En 1525,\nAguirre tuvo una destacada actuación en la memorable batalla de Pavía, en la\nque los soldados de Carlos I derrotaron a los franceses y aprehendieron al rey Francisco\nI de Francia y en 1527 participó del “saqueo de Roma”. Las cartas y sus\ndocumentos revelan que poseía una inteligencia cultivada. De entre los\nconquistadores, fue uno de los que más legítimos títulos podía blasonar de la\nnobleza de su cuna.\n\nEn 1534, se embarcó hacia América. Desde la isla de Cuba viajó al Perú en 1537,\njunto a 400 soldados castellanos que venían a socorrer a Francisco Pizarro, que\nluchaba contra los incas. En Panamá se hizo de caballos, armas, un negro y\ncriados españoles. Arribó al Perú al tiempo que Pizarro había capturado al Inca\nAtahualpa, al que ejecutó. De inmediato, Aguirre se puso a las órdenes del\nconquistador del Perú y tuvo destacada actuación en todas las campañas y en la\ndominación de los incas. Más tarde ayudó al capitán Diego de Rojas a dominar y\npoblar la Provincia de Charcas, donde fue durante dos años teniente.Asignado como gobernador de Chile a la muerte\nde Pedro de Valdivia, fue también gobernador del Tucumán en tres oportunidades\ny fundador de las ciudades de La Serena (Chile) y Santiago del Estero\n(Argentina).", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T12:38:19+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 69938, "end" : 69958 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Francisco de Aguirre" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/0d0f3cdb-1805-410c-98d9-57b1023a93d1", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "conqueror", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T12:38:19+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T12:38:19+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "colonizer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T12:38:19+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T12:38:19+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Francisco de Aguirre también conocido como Francisco de Aguirre \"el\nViejo\" (Talavera de la Reina, Corona de\nCastilla, 1500 - La Serena, Capitanía General de Chile, 1581) fue un conquistador\nespañol que participó en la conquista de Chile y del noroeste de Argentina. En\nsu juventud se incorporó a las tropas imperiales de Carlos I de España. En 1525,\nAguirre tuvo una destacada actuación en la memorable batalla de Pavía, en la\nque los soldados de Carlos I derrotaron a los franceses y aprehendieron al rey Francisco\nI de Francia y en 1527 participó del “saqueo de Roma”. Las cartas y sus\ndocumentos revelan que poseía una inteligencia cultivada. De entre los\nconquistadores, fue uno de los que más legítimos títulos podía blasonar de la\nnobleza de su cuna.\n\nEn 1534, se embarcó hacia América. Desde la isla de Cuba viajó al Perú en 1537,\njunto a 400 soldados castellanos que venían a socorrer a Francisco Pizarro, que\nluchaba contra los incas. En Panamá se hizo de caballos, armas, un negro y\ncriados españoles. Arribó al Perú al tiempo que Pizarro había capturado al Inca\nAtahualpa, al que ejecutó. De inmediato, Aguirre se puso a las órdenes del\nconquistador del Perú y tuvo destacada actuación en todas las campañas y en la\ndominación de los incas. Más tarde ayudó al capitán Diego de Rojas a dominar y\npoblar la Provincia de Charcas, donde fue durante dos años teniente.Asignado como gobernador de Chile a la muerte\nde Pedro de Valdivia, fue también gobernador del Tucumán en tres oportunidades\ny fundador de las ciudades de La Serena (Chile) y Santiago del Estero\n(Argentina).", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T12:38:19+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 69148, "end" : 69168 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Francisco de Aguirre" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/4949b2a9-8587-4328-833f-b94d502bf6ad", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "conqueror", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:36:24+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "colonizer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:36:24+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:36:24+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:36:24+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Ruy Díaz de Melgarejo (Salteras\nde Sevilla, 1519 – Santa Fe la Vieja, 1602) fue un militar, conquistador, explorador,\nestadista, minero y burócrata colonial español establecido en la región del Río\nde la Plata. Su vida estuvo marcada por guerras, conspiraciones, persecuciones\ny conflictos familiares.\n\nJunto a Juan de Salazar, Alonso Riquelme de Guzmán y Diego de Abreu se opuso\nal gobierno asunceno de Domingo Martínez de Irala, apoyando al deportado Álvar\nNúñez Cabeza de Vaca.\n\nGobernó de manera casi absoluta e independiente la antigua provincia\nasuncena del Guayrá, fácticamente durante 20 años, y luego de separarla de Asunción\nen 1575, con el título de teniente de gobernador del Guayrá unos 15 años más.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:36:24+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 53136, "end" : 53152 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "capitán Rui Díaz" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/93a08bda-6a4e-4e89-9281-bd92176ac9fb", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "conqueror", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:36:24+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "colonizer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:36:24+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:36:24+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:36:24+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Ruy Díaz de Melgarejo (Salteras\nde Sevilla, 1519 – Santa Fe la Vieja, 1602) fue un militar, conquistador, explorador,\nestadista, minero y burócrata colonial español establecido en la región del Río\nde la Plata. Su vida estuvo marcada por guerras, conspiraciones, persecuciones\ny conflictos familiares.\n\nJunto a Juan de Salazar, Alonso Riquelme de Guzmán y Diego de Abreu se opuso\nal gobierno asunceno de Domingo Martínez de Irala, apoyando al deportado Álvar\nNúñez Cabeza de Vaca.\n\nGobernó de manera casi absoluta e independiente la antigua provincia\nasuncena del Guayrá, fácticamente durante 20 años, y luego de separarla de Asunción\nen 1575, con el título de teniente de gobernador del Guayrá unos 15 años más.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:36:24+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 57709, "end" : 57725 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "capitán Rui Díaz" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/5c79cdae-bb76-4fc0-a520-850503dc145d", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "conqueror", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:36:24+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "colonizer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:36:24+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:36:24+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:36:24+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Ruy Díaz de Melgarejo (Salteras\nde Sevilla, 1519 – Santa Fe la Vieja, 1602) fue un militar, conquistador, explorador,\nestadista, minero y burócrata colonial español establecido en la región del Río\nde la Plata. Su vida estuvo marcada por guerras, conspiraciones, persecuciones\ny conflictos familiares.\n\nJunto a Juan de Salazar, Alonso Riquelme de Guzmán y Diego de Abreu se opuso\nal gobierno asunceno de Domingo Martínez de Irala, apoyando al deportado Álvar\nNúñez Cabeza de Vaca.\n\nGobernó de manera casi absoluta e independiente la antigua provincia\nasuncena del Guayrá, fácticamente durante 20 años, y luego de separarla de Asunción\nen 1575, con el título de teniente de gobernador del Guayrá unos 15 años más.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:36:24+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 92516, "end" : 92532 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "capitán Rui Díaz" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/fe9f38d9-06db-4491-b8cf-cf24fc38c1e6", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "conqueror", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:34:45+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:34:45+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "colonizer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:34:45+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:34:45+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Ruy Díaz de Melgarejo (Salteras\nde Sevilla, 1519 – Santa Fe la Vieja, 1602) fue un militar, conquistador, explorador,\nestadista, minero y burócrata colonial español establecido en la región del Río\nde la Plata. Su vida estuvo marcada por guerras, conspiraciones, persecuciones\ny conflictos familiares.\n\nJunto a Juan de Salazar, Alonso Riquelme de Guzmán y Diego de Abreu se opuso\nal gobierno asunceno de Domingo Martínez de Irala, apoyando al deportado Álvar\nNúñez Cabeza de Vaca.\n\nGobernó de manera casi absoluta e independiente la antigua provincia\nasuncena del Guayrá, fácticamente durante 20 años, y luego de separarla de Asunción\nen 1575, con el título de teniente de gobernador del Guayrá unos 15 años más.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:34:45+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 98835, "end" : 98853 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Rui Díaz Melgarejo" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/79156b46-7c31-44ac-8618-193dda213b6e", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-16T17:50:56+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Conquistador español. Fue lugarteniente de Pedro de Mendoza en la expedición de 1536. Estaba loco y debido a su enfermedad abandonó esta expedición y en vez de dirigirse a Rio de la Plata con su nave, lo hizo hacia Santo Domingo. Fue fatal para Pedro de Mendoza ya que se vió obligado a retrasar la expedición y lo esperó inútilmente en Rio de la Plata, sin embargo ello dió origen a la fundación de lo que seria mas tarde la ciudad de Buenos Aires en 1535. Alonso Cabrera sin embargo llegó a Rio de la Plata tres años mas tarde, en 1538, a la ciudad recién fundada de Buenos Aires y sembró el desconcierto entre los conquistadores y sus habitantes. Convenció a Domingo de Irala en incendiar Buenos Aires, para así verse obligados los colonos a trasladarse a la Asunción y él estar mas cerca de Sierra de la Plata. Se incendió la ciudad en 1538 a los tres años de su fundación. Una vez trasladado a la Asunción, Alonso Cabrera instigó para quitar el mando a Alvar Nuñez Cabeza de Vaca, al que acusaba de traidor y de rebelarse contra el rey de España. De regreso en España enloqueció de forma definitiva y mató a su mujer. Murió en el olvido.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-01T13:05:12+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 45007, "end" : 45021 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Alonso Cabrera" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/eb501c50-fef9-4720-b937-e86da1c6df83", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-16T17:50:56+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Conquistador español. Fue lugarteniente de Pedro de Mendoza en la expedición de 1536. Estaba loco y debido a su enfermedad abandonó esta expedición y en vez de dirigirse a Rio de la Plata con su nave, lo hizo hacia Santo Domingo. Fue fatal para Pedro de Mendoza ya que se vió obligado a retrasar la expedición y lo esperó inútilmente en Rio de la Plata, sin embargo ello dió origen a la fundación de lo que seria mas tarde la ciudad de Buenos Aires en 1535. Alonso Cabrera sin embargo llegó a Rio de la Plata tres años mas tarde, en 1538, a la ciudad recién fundada de Buenos Aires y sembró el desconcierto entre los conquistadores y sus habitantes. Convenció a Domingo de Irala en incendiar Buenos Aires, para así verse obligados los colonos a trasladarse a la Asunción y él estar mas cerca de Sierra de la Plata. Se incendió la ciudad en 1538 a los tres años de su fundación. Una vez trasladado a la Asunción, Alonso Cabrera instigó para quitar el mando a Alvar Nuñez Cabeza de Vaca, al que acusaba de traidor y de rebelarse contra el rey de España. De regreso en España enloqueció de forma definitiva y mató a su mujer. Murió en el olvido.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-12-01T13:05:02+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 43167, "end" : 43181 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Alonso Cabrera" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/402200d7-15fc-406e-9cc9-47aba3453e4c", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T17:26:58+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Juan Pedro Díaz de Solís (o João Pedro Dias de Solis en portugués) (Lebrija (Sevilla), 1470,​ o São Pedro de Solis (Alentejo) Portugal3​ – Punta Gorda, Uruguay, 20 de enero de 1516) fue un navegante y un explorador, uno de los primeros en llegar al Río de la Plata.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-10-26T19:37:50+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Adelantado", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T18:42:10+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 8657, "end" : 8675 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Juan Díaz de Solís" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/54ffc160-8e60-409a-9811-00dd2c9c95b1", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Se refiere al Océano Atlántico.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-11T15:06:02+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 12718, "end" : 12724 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Océano" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/7839fa7e-1888-4a13-8a2a-2e66b8ae18f7", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T17:23:42+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Domingo Martínez de Irala (Vergara de la Hermandad de Guipúzcoa, Corona de Castilla, 1509 - Asunción del Paraguay, Virreinato del Perú, 3 de octubre de 1556) fue un conquistador, explorador y colonizador español que como lugarteniente de Juan de Ayolas quien lo nombrara interinamente hasta que regresara como teniente de gobernador de La Candelaria en 1537, luego lo sería de hecho, y posteriormente elegido por el pueblo según real cédula, como teniente de gobernador general de Asunción.Ocupó tres veces el cargo de gobernador interino del Río de la Plata y del Paraguay, en los períodos de 1539 a 1542, de 1544 hasta 1548 y por último desde 1549. El emperador Carlos V lo nombraría definitivamente como titular en el cargo gubernamental en el año 1555, que lo ostentaría hasta su fallecimiento.En 1543 fundó en el Chaco Boreal el Puerto de los Reyes, a orillas del río Paraguay y del pantano de los Jarayes, sobre las costas de la laguna La Gaiba.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T17:23:42+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 104706, "end" : 104731 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Domingo Martínez de Irala" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/a576fc0f-070e-4d4b-9c6d-0cf104e044b9", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T17:23:42+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Domingo Martínez de Irala (Vergara de la Hermandad de Guipúzcoa, Corona de Castilla, 1509 - Asunción del Paraguay, Virreinato del Perú, 3 de octubre de 1556) fue un conquistador, explorador y colonizador español que como lugarteniente de Juan de Ayolas quien lo nombrara interinamente hasta que regresara como teniente de gobernador de La Candelaria en 1537, luego lo sería de hecho, y posteriormente elegido por el pueblo según real cédula, como teniente de gobernador general de Asunción.Ocupó tres veces el cargo de gobernador interino del Río de la Plata y del Paraguay, en los períodos de 1539 a 1542, de 1544 hasta 1548 y por último desde 1549. El emperador Carlos V lo nombraría definitivamente como titular en el cargo gubernamental en el año 1555, que lo ostentaría hasta su fallecimiento.En 1543 fundó en el Chaco Boreal el Puerto de los Reyes, a orillas del río Paraguay y del pantano de los Jarayes, sobre las costas de la laguna La Gaiba.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T17:23:42+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 35858, "end" : 35883 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Domingo Martínez de Irala" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/4a29b887-e242-4142-af4d-7ad9e1d987be", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T17:20:24+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Ruy Díaz de Guzmán, o bien como Ruy Díaz de Guzmán e Irala1​ o por grafía antigua, Rui Diaz de Guzmán (Asunción del Paraguay, ca. 1559 – ib., 17 de junio de 1629) fue un conquistador, burócrata colonial y cronista criollo asunceno que se convirtió en el primer escritor nacido en la gobernación del Río de la Plata y del Paraguay; además, se le considera el primer mestizo de ascendencia hispano-guaraní en registrar la historia de la región del Plata.Por mandato del adelantado Juan Torres de Vera y Aragón en 1593, fue el segundo fundador de la ciudad de Santiago de Jerez del Igurey —o el actual río Ivinhema, en el sudeste del presente estado brasileño de Mato Grosso del Sur— aguas arriba de los saltos del Guayrá, y se convertiría en su teniente de gobernador en el año 1596.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T17:20:24+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 2606, "end" : 2624 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Rui Díaz de Guzmán" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/bcd6aad6-105e-4dcb-8e75-066d70ba62c3", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T17:34:00+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T17:34:00+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Refiere a Juan de Ayolas (Briviesca de la Bureba, Corona de Castilla, 1493 o ¿ca. 1510? – Candelaria del Chaco Boreal, gobernación del Río de la Plata y del Paraguay, 1538) era un explorador español que fuera vecino fundador de la primera Buenos Aires, acompañando al adelantado Pedro de Mendoza, y que nominalmente fuera nombrado como teniente de gobernador general de Asunción en 1537, para convertirse al poco tiempo y en forma igualmente nominal en gobernador del Río de la Plata y del Paraguay pero nunca ejercería como tal por estar en plena exploración.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T17:34:00+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 100267, "end" : 100281 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Juan de Oyolas" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/2a69c110-6651-4495-bc79-d739bdc755cf", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T17:34:00+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T17:34:00+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Refiere a Juan de Ayolas (Briviesca de la Bureba, Corona de Castilla, 1493 o ¿ca. 1510? – Candelaria del Chaco Boreal, gobernación del Río de la Plata y del Paraguay, 1538) era un explorador español que fuera vecino fundador de la primera Buenos Aires, acompañando al adelantado Pedro de Mendoza, y que nominalmente fuera nombrado como teniente de gobernador general de Asunción en 1537, para convertirse al poco tiempo y en forma igualmente nominal en gobernador del Río de la Plata y del Paraguay pero nunca ejercería como tal por estar en plena exploración.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T17:34:00+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 124113, "end" : 124127 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Juan de Oyolas" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/882d812c-372d-4f16-9a50-74b96ae6108e", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T17:34:00+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T17:34:00+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Refiere a Juan de Ayolas (Briviesca de la Bureba, Corona de Castilla, 1493 o ¿ca. 1510? – Candelaria del Chaco Boreal, gobernación del Río de la Plata y del Paraguay, 1538) era un explorador español que fuera vecino fundador de la primera Buenos Aires, acompañando al adelantado Pedro de Mendoza, y que nominalmente fuera nombrado como teniente de gobernador general de Asunción en 1537, para convertirse al poco tiempo y en forma igualmente nominal en gobernador del Río de la Plata y del Paraguay pero nunca ejercería como tal por estar en plena exploración.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T17:34:00+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 130129, "end" : 130143 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Juan de Oyolas" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/45a073cb-4a79-4d4e-a5ca-9a65c09e98f2", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T17:34:00+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T17:34:00+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Refiere a Juan de Ayolas (Briviesca de la Bureba, Corona de Castilla, 1493 o ¿ca. 1510? – Candelaria del Chaco Boreal, gobernación del Río de la Plata y del Paraguay, 1538) era un explorador español que fuera vecino fundador de la primera Buenos Aires, acompañando al adelantado Pedro de Mendoza, y que nominalmente fuera nombrado como teniente de gobernador general de Asunción en 1537, para convertirse al poco tiempo y en forma igualmente nominal en gobernador del Río de la Plata y del Paraguay pero nunca ejercería como tal por estar en plena exploración.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T17:34:00+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 36388, "end" : 36402 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Juan de Oyolas" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/0fe1a801-43a2-4518-8107-cc923bf0f528", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T17:52:21+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Viceroy", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T17:52:21+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T17:52:21+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Cristóbal Colón, Cristoforo Colombo en italiano o Christophorus Columbus en latín (Génova,n. 1​1​2​ c. 1436-14513​-Valladolid, 20 de mayo de 1506), fue un navegante, cartógrafo, almirante, virrey y gobernador general de las Indias Occidentales al servicio de la Corona de Castilla. Es famoso por haber realizado el \"descubrimiento\" de América, el 12 de octubre de 1492, al llegar a la isla de Guanahani, actualmente en las Bahamas.Efectuó cuatro viajes a las Indias —denominación del continente americano hasta la publicación del Planisferio de Martín Waldseemüller en 1507— y aunque posiblemente no fue el primer explorador europeo de América, se le considera el descubridor de un nuevo continente —por eso llamado el Nuevo Mundo— para Europa, al ser el primero que trazó una ruta de ida y vuelta a través del océano Atlántico y dio a conocer la noticia. Este hecho impulsó decisivamente la expansión mundial de la civilización europea, y la conquista y colonización por varias de sus potencias del continente americano.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T17:52:21+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 8178, "end" : 8193 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Cristóbal Colón" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/734000cc-1918-40c3-ad5f-450df45397b8", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://pleiades.stoa.org/places/770912717", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T17:46:23+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T17:46:23+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ -15.6, 27.966667 ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Island", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T17:46:23+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 4891, "end" : 4903 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Gran Canaria" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/66a51ac7-d980-4b39-b8da-f35618150522", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T17:49:51+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T17:49:51+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Américo Vespucio (en italiano Amerigo Vespuccia; Florencia, 9 de marzo de 1454b​-Sevilla, 22 de febrero de 1512) fue un comerciante y cosmógrafo florentino, naturalizado castellano en 1505, que participó en al menos dos viajes de exploración al \"Nuevo Mundo\", continente que hoy en día se llama América en su honor. Desempeñó cargos importantes en la Casa de Contratación de Sevilla, de la que fue nombrado piloto mayor en 1508; pero su fama universal se debe a dos obras publicadas bajo su nombre entre 1503 y 1505: el Mundus Novus y la Carta a Soderini, que le atribuyen un papel protagonista en el \"Descubrimiento de América\" y su identificación como un nuevo continente. Por esta razón el cartógrafo Martín Waldseemüller en su mapa Universalis Cosmographia, de 1507 acuñó el nombre de «América» en su honor como designación para el Nuevo Mundo. El relato a menudo fantasioso y contradictorio de sus viajes lo han ubicado como una de las figuras más controvertidas de la era de los descubrimientos.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T17:49:51+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 11561, "end" : 11577 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Américo Vespucio" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/a3354829-7244-483b-ac72-ae81dba79f50", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T17:22:06+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca (Jerez de la Frontera, 1488/1490 - Sevilla, 27 de mayo de 1559) fue un descubridor y conquistador español que exploró la costa sur de Norteamérica desde la actual Florida pasando por Alabama, Misisipi y Luisiana y se adentró en Texas, Nuevo México, Arizona​ y en el norte de México hasta llegar al Golfo de California, territorios que pasaron a anexionarse al Imperio Español dentro del Virreinato de Nueva España. El rey Carlos I de España le otorgó el título de Segundo Adelantado y lo nombró capitán general y gobernador del Río de la Plata, Paranáguazu y sus anexos.​ y fue el primer europeo en llegar a las cataratas del Iguazú y que exploró el curso del río Paraguay.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-19T17:22:06+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Adelantado", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-20T20:45:44+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-20T20:45:44+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Conqueror", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-20T20:45:44+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "author", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-09-21T00:08:08+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Fue el primer europeo del cual tenemos pruebas documentales respecto de sus exploraciones en la región de las cataratas del Iguazú. Están documentadas numerosas referencias sobre entradas que antiguos náufragos de los barcos de Juan Díaz de Solís (1470-1516) y Rodrigo de Acuña habrían realizado en la zona, siendo la más famosa la de Alejo o Aleixo García.Cabeza de Vaca llegó a la isla de Santa Catalina en 1541 y de allí entró en tierra firme con el objetivo de alcanzar la ciudad de Asunción del Paraguay. La misma se había convertido en el centro de la conquista del Río de la Plata. Si bien los conquistadores viejos de la expedición de Pedro de Mendoza aceptaron sus credenciales cuando entró en la ciudad en 1542, las políticas que Cabeza de Vaca intentó instalar en la región rápidamente entraron en conflicto con aquellas que pretendían sostener sus fundadores y primeros conquistadores. La situación se deterioró progresivamente hasta que, después de una fracasada entrada al Gran Chaco, Cabeza de Vaca fue encarcelado y luego expulsado de la provincia en 1545.Tras regresar a España, el antiguo adelantado debió responder a los procesos que contra él entablaron los conquistadores del Río de la Plata y el propio fiscal del rey, que se extendieron hasta entrada la década de 1550. Si bien Álvar Núñez no logró recuperar la gobernación del Río de la Plata, tampoco debió enfretar las penas que originalmente se le habían impuesto (multas y un temido destierro a Argel). Una clara señal de cierto beneplácito regio respecto de sus acciones en Indias es la reedición, en 1555, de su Relación (Zamora, 1542) acompañada de un nuevo libro titulado Comentarios (valladolid, 1555). Este último constituye la primera obra historiográfica de largo aliento sobre la conquista del Río de la Plata, considerando en particular el período de su gobernación.BibliografíaAdorno, Rolena; Pautz, Patrick Charles, Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca. His Account, his Life, and the Expedition of Pánfilo de Narváez, Lincoln y Londres, University of Nebraska Press, 1999. Tres Tomos.FuentesÁlvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca, La relación que dio Alvar Núñez Cabeça de Vaca de lo acaecido en las Indias en la armada donde iua por gobernador Panfhilo de Narváez desde el año veinte y siete hasta el año treinta y seis que volvió a Sevilla con tres de su compañía, Zamora, 1542.Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca, La relación y comentarios del Gobernador Álvar Núñez Cabeça de Vaca, de lo acaecido en las dos jornadas que hizo a las Indias, Valladolid, 1555.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-09-21T00:08:08+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 753, "end" : 790 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Adelantado Alvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/d1a868e1-a81a-4cc1-84a5-ccead9f3e49d", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-09-22T19:13:02+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Esta referencia aparece en el diario de viaje del caballero vicentino Antonio Pigafetta (c. 1490-c. 1534), quien origina el poderoso mito del gigantismo de los habitantes de la Patagonia, que se discutiría hasta entrado el siglo XVIII. Fuentes:", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-09-22T19:13:19+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 10297, "end" : 10305 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "gigantes" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/3e21f06b-b201-4ff1-b5b7-4fe3459ed73b", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Conqueror", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-09-23T14:55:00+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-09-23T14:55:00+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Colonizer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-09-23T14:55:00+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-09-23T14:55:00+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Felipe de Cáceres (n. Madrid, ca. 1538) fueun conquistador, explorador y\n colonizador español.Se desempeñó como gobernador interino del Ríode la \nPlata y del Paraguay, con sede en Asunción,entre el 11 de diciembre de \n1568 hasta el 14 dejulio de 1572.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-09-23T14:55:00+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 95185, "end" : 95210 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "General Felipe de Cáceres" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/b6718678-f8a0-4d9d-8a56-6989067f89d8", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Conqueror", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-09-23T14:56:05+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-09-23T14:56:05+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "colonizer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-09-23T14:56:05+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-09-23T14:56:05+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Felipe de Cáceres (n. Madrid, ca. 1538) fueun conquistador, explorador y\n colonizador español.Se desempeñó como gobernador interino del Ríode la \nPlata y del Paraguay, con sede en Asunción,entre el 11 de diciembre de \n1568 hasta el 14 dejulio de 1572.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-09-23T14:56:05+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 72124, "end" : 72141 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Felipe de Cáceres" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/8ed2d385-c4a9-4ba5-a6a3-10e32d0009f0", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Conqueror", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-09-23T14:56:05+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-09-23T14:56:05+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "colonizer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-09-23T14:56:05+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-09-23T14:56:05+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Felipe de Cáceres (n. Madrid, ca. 1538) fueun conquistador, explorador y\n colonizador español.Se desempeñó como gobernador interino del Ríode la \nPlata y del Paraguay, con sede en Asunción,entre el 11 de diciembre de \n1568 hasta el 14 dejulio de 1572.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-09-23T14:56:05+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 110907, "end" : 110924 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Felipe de Cáceres" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/998c6875-0769-4331-8d34-75ebb5ca09f3", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://sws.geonames.org/3336900", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-09-23T21:30:31+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-09-23T21:30:31+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 114302, "end" : 114310 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Castilla" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/38120471-0028-4c3d-9dea-2d196a99025a", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "conqueror", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-09-24T00:09:48+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-09-24T00:09:48+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "colonizer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-09-24T00:09:48+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-09-24T00:09:48+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Alonso Riquelme de Guzmán y Ponce de León, padre de Ruy Díaz de Guzmán, nacido en  Jerez de la Frontera, Cádiz, España, enn 1518, y fallecido en Asunción, Paraguay, en 1577. Era sobrino de Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca y en 1552 contrajo matrimonio con Úrsula de Irala, hija mestiza de Domingo Martínez de Irala.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-09-24T00:09:48+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 61543, "end" : 61568 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Alonso Riquelme de Guzmán" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/676558e3-3a25-4c19-bf56-ece0dbaa4bc6", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "conqueror", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-09-24T00:09:48+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-09-24T00:09:48+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "colonizer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-09-24T00:09:48+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-09-24T00:09:48+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Alonso Riquelme de Guzmán y Ponce de León, padre de Ruy Díaz de Guzmán, nacido en  Jerez de la Frontera, Cádiz, España, enn 1518, y fallecido en Asunción, Paraguay, en 1577. Era sobrino de Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca y en 1552 contrajo matrimonio con Úrsula de Irala, hija mestiza de Domingo Martínez de Irala.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-09-24T00:09:48+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 40309, "end" : 40334 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Alonso Riquelme de Guzmán" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/0064e541-b33e-44d6-828c-4434d2240f12", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-08T01:19:38+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Domingo Martínez de Irala (Vergara de la Hermandad de Guipúzcoa, Corona \nde Castilla, 1509 - Asunción del Paraguay, Virreinato del Perú, 3 de \noctubre de 1556) fue un conquistador, explorador y colonizador español \nque como lugarteniente de Juan de Ayolas quien lo nombrara interinamente\n hasta que regresara como teniente de gobernador de La Candelaria en \n1537, luego lo sería de hecho, y posteriormente elegido por el pueblo \nsegún real cédula, como teniente de gobernador general de Asunción.Ocupó\n tres veces el cargo de gobernador interino del Río de la Plata y del \nParaguay, en los períodos de 1539 a 1542, de 1544 hasta 1548 y por \núltimo desde 1549. El emperador Carlos V lo nombraría definitivamente \ncomo titular en el cargo gubernamental en el año 1555, que lo ostentaría\n hasta su fallecimiento.En 1543 fundó en el Chaco Boreal el Puerto de \nlos Reyes, a orillas del río Paraguay y del pantano de los Jarayes, \nsobre las costas de la laguna La Gaiba.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-08T01:19:38+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 109500, "end" : 109516 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Domingo de Irala" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/d73fb51d-983f-4481-80d2-4edefb16e997", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-08T01:19:38+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Domingo Martínez de Irala (Vergara de la Hermandad de Guipúzcoa, Corona \nde Castilla, 1509 - Asunción del Paraguay, Virreinato del Perú, 3 de \noctubre de 1556) fue un conquistador, explorador y colonizador español \nque como lugarteniente de Juan de Ayolas quien lo nombrara interinamente\n hasta que regresara como teniente de gobernador de La Candelaria en \n1537, luego lo sería de hecho, y posteriormente elegido por el pueblo \nsegún real cédula, como teniente de gobernador general de Asunción.Ocupó\n tres veces el cargo de gobernador interino del Río de la Plata y del \nParaguay, en los períodos de 1539 a 1542, de 1544 hasta 1548 y por \núltimo desde 1549. El emperador Carlos V lo nombraría definitivamente \ncomo titular en el cargo gubernamental en el año 1555, que lo ostentaría\n hasta su fallecimiento.En 1543 fundó en el Chaco Boreal el Puerto de \nlos Reyes, a orillas del río Paraguay y del pantano de los Jarayes, \nsobre las costas de la laguna La Gaiba.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-08T01:19:38+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 124453, "end" : 124469 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Domingo de Irala" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/627adba6-80ae-498b-8a12-104b9496528e", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-08T01:19:38+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Domingo Martínez de Irala (Vergara de la Hermandad de Guipúzcoa, Corona \nde Castilla, 1509 - Asunción del Paraguay, Virreinato del Perú, 3 de \noctubre de 1556) fue un conquistador, explorador y colonizador español \nque como lugarteniente de Juan de Ayolas quien lo nombrara interinamente\n hasta que regresara como teniente de gobernador de La Candelaria en \n1537, luego lo sería de hecho, y posteriormente elegido por el pueblo \nsegún real cédula, como teniente de gobernador general de Asunción.Ocupó\n tres veces el cargo de gobernador interino del Río de la Plata y del \nParaguay, en los períodos de 1539 a 1542, de 1544 hasta 1548 y por \núltimo desde 1549. El emperador Carlos V lo nombraría definitivamente \ncomo titular en el cargo gubernamental en el año 1555, que lo ostentaría\n hasta su fallecimiento.En 1543 fundó en el Chaco Boreal el Puerto de \nlos Reyes, a orillas del río Paraguay y del pantano de los Jarayes, \nsobre las costas de la laguna La Gaiba.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-08T01:19:38+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 132005, "end" : 132021 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Domingo de Irala" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/bb2ad91f-1ea4-4d86-b294-d58e93575d53", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-08T00:57:38+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Capitán Francisco de Alvarado.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-08T01:08:28+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 115343, "end" : 115359 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "capitán Alvarado" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/90bcf78e-26de-423b-a6a0-cf53cdcd5fe7", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-08T01:19:38+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Domingo Martínez de Irala (Vergara de la Hermandad de Guipúzcoa, Corona \nde Castilla, 1509 - Asunción del Paraguay, Virreinato del Perú, 3 de \noctubre de 1556) fue un conquistador, explorador y colonizador español \nque como lugarteniente de Juan de Ayolas quien lo nombrara interinamente\n hasta que regresara como teniente de gobernador de La Candelaria en \n1537, luego lo sería de hecho, y posteriormente elegido por el pueblo \nsegún real cédula, como teniente de gobernador general de Asunción.Ocupó\n tres veces el cargo de gobernador interino del Río de la Plata y del \nParaguay, en los períodos de 1539 a 1542, de 1544 hasta 1548 y por \núltimo desde 1549. El emperador Carlos V lo nombraría definitivamente \ncomo titular en el cargo gubernamental en el año 1555, que lo ostentaría\n hasta su fallecimiento.En 1543 fundó en el Chaco Boreal el Puerto de \nlos Reyes, a orillas del río Paraguay y del pantano de los Jarayes, \nsobre las costas de la laguna La Gaiba.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-08T01:19:38+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 104351, "end" : 104367 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Domingo de Irala" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : 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-39.7, -19.1 ], [ -39.7, -19.1 ], [ -39.7, -19.2 ], [ -39.7, -19.3 ], [ -39.7, -19.3 ], [ -39.7, -19.4 ], [ -39.7, -19.4 ], [ -39.7, -19.4 ], [ -39.8, -19.6 ], [ -39.8, -19.6 ], [ -39.9, -19.7 ], [ -39.9, -19.7 ], [ -39.9, -19.7 ], [ -40, -19.7 ], [ -40, -19.7 ], [ -40, -19.8 ], [ -40.1, -20 ], [ -40.1, -20 ], [ -40.2, -20.1 ], [ -40.2, -20.2 ], [ -40.2, -20.3 ], [ -40.3, -20.2 ], [ -40.3, -20.2 ], [ -40.4, -20.3 ], [ -40.4, -20.3 ], [ -40.3, -20.3 ], [ -40.3, -20.3 ], [ -40.3, -20.5 ], [ -40.3, -20.5 ], [ -40.4, -20.6 ], [ -40.4, -20.6 ], [ -40.6, -20.8 ], [ -40.6, -20.8 ], [ -40.7, -20.8 ], [ -40.8, -20.9 ], [ -40.8, -20.9 ], [ -40.8, -21 ], [ -40.8, -21 ], [ -40.8, -21.1 ], [ -40.8, -21.1 ], [ -40.9, -21.1 ], [ -40.9, -21.1 ], [ -40.9, -21.2 ], [ -40.9, -21.2 ], [ -41, -21.2 ], [ -41, -21.3 ], [ -41, -21.3 ], [ -41, -21.3 ], [ -41, -21.4 ], [ -41, -21.4 ], [ -41, -21.4 ], [ -41, -21.6 ], [ -41, -21.7 ], [ -41, -22 ], [ -41, -22 ], [ -41, -22 ], [ -41, -22 ], [ -41, -22 ], [ -41.2, -22.1 ], [ -41.2, -22.1 ], [ -41.3, -22.2 ], [ -41.3, -22.2 ], [ -41.3, -22.2 ], [ -41.4, -22.2 ], [ -41.5, -22.2 ], [ -41.5, -22.2 ], [ -41.6, -22.2 ], [ -41.6, -22.3 ], [ -41.7, -22.3 ], [ -41.7, -22.3 ], [ -41.8, -22.3 ], [ -41.8, -22.4 ], [ -42, -22.5 ], [ -42, -22.6 ], [ -42, -22.6 ], [ -42, -22.7 ], [ -42, -22.7 ], [ -42, -22.7 ], [ -42, -22.8 ], [ -42, -22.9 ], [ -42.2, -22.9 ], [ -42.4, -22.9 ], [ -42.5, -22.9 ], [ -42.6, -22.9 ], [ -42.6, -22.9 ], [ -42.7, -23 ], [ -42.7, -23 ], [ -42.9, -23 ], [ -43.1, -23 ], [ -43.1, -22.9 ], [ -43.1, -22.9 ], [ -43.1, -22.8 ], [ -43.1, -22.8 ], [ -43, -22.7 ], [ -43, -22.7 ], [ -43, -22.7 ], [ -43.1, -22.7 ], [ -43.3, -22.7 ], [ -43.3, -22.8 ], [ -43.3, -22.8 ], [ -43.3, -22.8 ], [ -43.2, -22.8 ], [ -43.2, -22.9 ], [ -43.1, -23 ], [ -43.2, -23 ], [ -43.2, -23 ], [ -43.3, -23 ], [ -43.3, -23 ], [ -43.4, -23 ], [ -43.6, -23 ], [ -43.9, -23.1 ], [ -43.9, -23.1 ], [ -44, -23.1 ], [ -44, -23.1 ], [ -44, -23.1 ], [ -44, -23.1 ], [ -44, -23.1 ], [ -44, -23 ], [ -43.9, -23.1 ], [ -43.8, -23.1 ], [ -43.8, -23.1 ], [ -43.8, -23.1 ], [ -43.7, -23 ], [ -43.6, -23 ], [ -43.8, -22.9 ], [ -43.9, -22.9 ], [ -44, -22.9 ], [ -44.1, -23 ], [ -44.1, -23 ], [ -44.1, -23 ], [ -44.2, -23.1 ], [ -44.2, -23 ], [ -44.3, -22.9 ], [ -44.4, -22.9 ], [ -44.4, -22.9 ], [ -44.4, -23 ], [ -44.5, -23 ], [ -44.5, -23 ], [ -44.6, -23 ], [ -44.6, -23 ], [ -44.7, -23.1 ], [ -44.7, -23.1 ], [ -44.7, -23.2 ], [ -44.7, -23.2 ], [ -44.6, -23.2 ], [ -44.6, -23.2 ], [ -44.5, -23.3 ], [ -44.6, -23.4 ], [ -44.6, -23.4 ], [ -44.6, -23.3 ], [ -44.7, -23.3 ], [ -44.7, -23.4 ], [ -44.7, -23.4 ], [ -44.8, -23.4 ], [ -44.9, -23.4 ], [ -44.9, -23.3 ], [ -44.9, -23.4 ], [ -45, -23.4 ], [ -45, -23.4 ], [ -45, -23.5 ], [ -45.1, -23.5 ], [ -45.1, -23.5 ], [ -45.3, -23.6 ], [ -45.4, -23.6 ], [ -45.4, -23.7 ], [ -45.4, -23.7 ], [ -45.4, -23.8 ], [ -45.4, -23.8 ], [ -45.4, -23.8 ], [ -45.5, -23.8 ], [ -45.5, -23.8 ], [ -45.5, -23.8 ], [ -45.6, -23.8 ], [ -45.7, -23.8 ], [ -45.8, -23.8 ], [ -45.9, -23.8 ], [ -45.9, -23.8 ], [ -46, -23.8 ], [ -46.1, -23.8 ], [ -46.1, -23.9 ], [ -46.2, -23.9 ], [ -46.2, -23.9 ], [ -46.2, -23.9 ], [ -46.1, -23.9 ], [ -46.2, -24 ], [ -46.2, -24 ], [ -46.3, -24 ], [ -46.3, -24 ], [ -46.3, -24 ], [ -46.3, -24 ], [ -46.3, -24 ], [ -46.3, -23.9 ], [ -46.4, -23.9 ], [ -46.4, -23.9 ], [ -46.4, -24 ], [ -46.4, -24 ], [ -46.5, -24 ], [ -46.6, -24.1 ], [ -46.8, -24.2 ], [ -46.8, -24.2 ], [ -46.9, -24.3 ], [ -46.9, -24.3 ], [ -47, -24.3 ], [ -47, -24.3 ], [ -47, -24.3 ], [ -47, -24.4 ], [ -47.2, -24.6 ], [ -47.3, -24.6 ], [ -47.4, -24.7 ], [ -47.5, -24.7 ], [ -47.5, -24.7 ], [ -47.6, -24.7 ], [ -47.7, -24.8 ], [ -47.8, -24.9 ], [ -47.8, -24.9 ], [ -48, -25 ], [ -48, -25 ], [ -48.1, -25.1 ], [ -48, -25.1 ], [ -48, -25.1 ], [ -47.9, -25.1 ], [ -47.9, -25.1 ], [ -47.9, -25.1 ], [ -47.9, -25.2 ], [ -47.9, -25.2 ], [ -48, -25.2 ], [ -48, -25.2 ], [ -48, -25.2 ], [ -48, -25.3 ], [ -48.1, -25.3 ], [ -48.1, -25.3 ], [ -48.1, -25.3 ], [ -48.2, -25.4 ], [ -48.2, -25.4 ], [ -48.2, -25.4 ], [ -48.2, -25.5 ], [ -48.2, -25.5 ], [ -48.2, -25.4 ], [ -48.2, -25.3 ], [ -48.2, -25.3 ], [ -48.2, -25.3 ], [ -48.1, -25.3 ], [ -48.2, -25.3 ], [ -48.3, -25.3 ], [ -48.3, -25.3 ], [ -48.4, -25.3 ], [ -48.4, -25.3 ], [ -48.4, -25.3 ], [ -48.4, -25.3 ], [ -48.4, -25.4 ], [ -48.4, -25.4 ], [ -48.4, -25.4 ], [ -48.5, -25.5 ], [ -48.5, -25.5 ], [ -48.6, -25.5 ], [ -48.6, -25.4 ], [ -48.7, -25.4 ], [ -48.7, -25.4 ], [ -48.7, -25.5 ], [ -48.7, -25.5 ], [ -48.6, -25.5 ], [ -48.6, -25.5 ], [ -48.6, -25.5 ], [ -48.5, -25.5 ], [ -48.4, -25.6 ], [ -48.4, -25.6 ], [ -48.4, -25.6 ], [ -48.4, -25.6 ], [ -48.5, -25.7 ], [ -48.5, -25.7 ], [ -48.5, -25.8 ], [ -48.6, -25.8 ], [ -48.8, -25.9 ], [ -48.8, -25.9 ], [ -48.6, -25.9 ], [ -48.6, -25.9 ], [ -48.6, -25.9 ], [ -48.6, -26 ], [ -48.6, -26 ], [ -48.6, -26.1 ], [ -48.6, -26.1 ], [ -48.6, -26.2 ], [ -48.6, -26.2 ], [ -48.7, -26.2 ], [ -48.7, -26.2 ], [ -48.7, -26.2 ], [ -48.7, -26.2 ], [ -48.7, -26.2 ], [ -48.8, -26.1 ], [ -48.8, -26.1 ], [ -48.8, -26.1 ], [ -48.8, -26.3 ], [ -48.6, -26.4 ], [ -48.6, -26.4 ], [ -48.6, -26.5 ], [ -48.6, -26.5 ], [ -48.7, -26.6 ], [ -48.7, -26.6 ], [ -48.7, -26.7 ], [ -48.7, -26.7 ], [ -48.7, -26.7 ], [ -48.6, -26.8 ], [ -48.6, -26.9 ], [ -48.6, -27.1 ], [ -48.6, -27.1 ], [ -48.6, -27.2 ], [ -48.5, -27.1 ], [ -48.5, -27.1 ], [ -48.5, -27.2 ], [ -48.5, -27.2 ], [ -48.5, -27.2 ], [ -48.5, -27.2 ], [ -48.6, -27.2 ], [ -48.6, -27.5 ], [ -48.6, -27.6 ], [ -48.6, -27.6 ], [ -48.6, -27.8 ], [ -48.6, -27.8 ], [ -48.6, -27.8 ], [ -48.6, -27.9 ], [ -48.6, -28 ], [ -48.6, -28.1 ], [ -48.7, -28.2 ], [ -48.8, -28.5 ], [ -48.8, -28.5 ], [ -48.8, -28.4 ], [ -48.8, -28.4 ], [ -48.9, -28.3 ], [ -48.9, -28.3 ], [ -48.9, -28.4 ], [ -48.9, -28.5 ], [ -48.8, -28.5 ], [ -48.8, -28.6 ], [ -48.9, -28.6 ], [ -48.9, -28.7 ], [ -49.2, -28.8 ], [ -49.2, -28.8 ], [ -49.4, -29 ], [ -49.5, -29 ], [ -49.6, -29.2 ], [ -49.7, -29.3 ], [ -49.7, -29.3 ], [ -49.7, -29.3 ], [ -49.8, -29.4 ], [ -49.8, -29.4 ], [ -49.9, -29.6 ], [ -49.9, -29.7 ], [ -50, -29.8 ], [ -50.1, -29.8 ], [ -50.1, -29.9 ], [ -50.2, -30.1 ], [ -50.2, -30.3 ], [ -50.2, -30.3 ], [ -50.2, -30.3 ], [ -50.3, -30.4 ], [ -50.3, -30.4 ], [ -50.3, -30.5 ], [ -50.4, -30.6 ], [ -50.4, -30.6 ], [ -50.5, -30.7 ], [ -50.6, -30.9 ], [ -50.7, -30.9 ], [ -50.7, -31 ], [ -50.7, -31 ], [ -50.7, -31.1 ], [ -50.8, -31.2 ], [ -50.9, -31.3 ], [ -51, -31.4 ], [ -51.1, -31.4 ], [ -51.1, -31.5 ], [ -51.2, -31.5 ], [ -51.5, -31.7 ], [ -51.6, -31.8 ], [ -51.6, -31.8 ], [ -51.7, -31.8 ], [ -51.8, -31.9 ], [ -51.9, -31.9 ], [ -51.9, -32 ], [ -51.9, -32 ], [ -52, -32.1 ], [ -52.1, -32.2 ], [ -52.1, -32.1 ], [ -52.1, -32.1 ], [ -52, -32.1 ], [ -52, -32.1 ], [ -52, -31.9 ], [ -52.1, -31.9 ], [ -52.1, -31.9 ], [ -52.1, -31.8 ], [ -52.1, -31.8 ], [ -52.1, -31.8 ], [ -52, -31.8 ], [ -52, -31.8 ], [ -52, -31.8 ], [ -51.9, -31.9 ], [ -51.9, -31.9 ], [ -51.9, -31.9 ], [ -51.9, -31.9 ], [ -51.7, -31.8 ], [ -51.7, -31.8 ], [ -51.6, -31.8 ], [ -51.5, -31.6 ], [ -51.5, -31.6 ], [ -51.4, -31.5 ], [ -51.4, -31.5 ], [ -51.3, -31.5 ], [ -51.3, -31.5 ], [ -51.3, -31.5 ], [ -51.3, -31.5 ], [ -51.2, -31.5 ], [ -51.2, -31.4 ], [ -51.2, -31.3 ], [ -51.2, -31.3 ], [ -51.2, -31.2 ], [ -51.2, -31.2 ], [ -51.2, -31.2 ], [ -51.2, -31.1 ], [ -51.1, -31.1 ], [ -51, -31.1 ], [ -51, -31.1 ], [ -51, -31.1 ], [ -51, -31 ], [ -51, -30.9 ], [ -50.9, -30.9 ], [ -50.9, -30.9 ], [ -50.8, -30.8 ], [ -50.8, -30.8 ], [ -50.7, -30.8 ], [ -50.7, -30.8 ], [ -50.7, -30.7 ], [ -50.7, -30.6 ], [ -50.7, -30.6 ], [ -50.7, -30.5 ], [ -50.7, -30.4 ], [ -50.6, -30.5 ], [ -50.6, -30.5 ], [ -50.6, -30.5 ], [ -50.5, -30.4 ], [ -50.5, -30.3 ], [ -50.5, -30.3 ], [ -50.5, -30.3 ], [ -50.6, -30.2 ], [ -50.6, -30.2 ], [ -50.6, -30.2 ], [ -50.7, -30.2 ], [ -50.7, -30.3 ], [ -50.7, -30.3 ], [ -50.7, -30.3 ], [ -50.8, -30.3 ], [ -50.9, -30.3 ], [ -50.9, -30.3 ], [ -50.9, -30.4 ], [ -51, -30.4 ], [ -51, -30.4 ], [ -51, -30.3 ], [ -51, -30.3 ], [ -51.1, -30.2 ], [ -51.1, -30.2 ], [ -51.1, -30.3 ], [ -51.2, -30.2 ], [ -51.2, -30.2 ], [ -51.2, -30.1 ], [ -51.2, -30 ], [ -51.3, -30 ], [ -51.3, -30.2 ], [ -51.3, -30.3 ], [ -51.2, -30.4 ], [ -51.2, -30.4 ], [ -51.3, -30.5 ], [ -51.3, -30.6 ], [ -51.3, -30.6 ], [ -51.3, -30.8 ], [ -51.3, -30.8 ], [ -51.3, -30.8 ], [ -51.3, -30.8 ], [ -51.3, -30.8 ], [ -51.3, -30.7 ], [ -51.3, -30.7 ], [ -51.4, -30.6 ], [ -51.4, -30.7 ], [ -51.4, -30.7 ], [ -51.4, -30.7 ], [ -51.5, -30.9 ], [ -51.5, -30.9 ], [ -51.5, -31 ], [ -51.5, -31 ], [ -51.5, -31 ], [ -51.5, -31.1 ], [ -51.5, -31.1 ], [ -51.6, -31.1 ], [ -51.6, -31.1 ], [ -51.6, -31.2 ], [ -51.6, -31.2 ], [ -51.7, -31.2 ], [ -51.9, -31.3 ], [ -52, -31.3 ], [ -52, -31.4 ], [ -52, -31.4 ], [ -52, -31.5 ], [ -52, -31.6 ], [ -52.1, -31.7 ], [ -52.1, -31.7 ], [ -52.1, -31.7 ], [ -52.2, -31.7 ], [ -52.2, -31.7 ], [ -52.2, -31.7 ], [ -52.2, -31.8 ], [ -52.2, -31.9 ], [ -52.2, -31.9 ], [ -52.2, -32 ], [ -52.3, -32.1 ], [ -52.2, -32.1 ], [ -52.2, -32.1 ], [ -52.1, -32.1 ], [ -52.1, -32.1 ], [ -52.1, -32.2 ], [ -52.2, -32.2 ], [ -52.2, -32.3 ], [ -52.3, -32.3 ], [ -52.3, -32.3 ], [ -52.4, -32.5 ], [ -52.4, -32.7 ], [ -52.4, -32.7 ], [ -52.4, -32.7 ], [ -52.5, -32.8 ], [ -52.5, -32.9 ], [ -52.5, -32.9 ], [ -52.6, -33.1 ], [ -52.6, -33.1 ], [ -52.7, -33.3 ], [ -52.9, -33.4 ], [ -53, -33.4 ], [ -53.1, -33.6 ], [ -53.2, -33.6 ], [ -53.2, -33.7 ], [ -53.3, -33.7 ], [ -53.3, -33.7 ], [ -53.4, -33.7 ], [ -53.4, -33.8 ], [ -53.4, -33.8 ], [ -53.4, -33.8 ], [ -53.5, -33.8 ], [ -53.5, -33.9 ], [ -53.5, -33.9 ], [ -53.5, -33.9 ], [ -53.5, -34 ], [ -53.5, -34.1 ], [ -53.6, -34.1 ], [ -53.6, -34.1 ], [ -53.7, -34.2 ], [ -53.7, -34.2 ], [ -53.8, -34.3 ], [ -53.8, -34.3 ], [ -53.8, -34.4 ], [ -53.9, -34.5 ], [ -54, -34.5 ], [ -54.1, -34.6 ], [ -54.1, -34.6 ], [ -54.1, -34.6 ], [ -54.1, -34.7 ], [ -54.2, -34.7 ], [ -54.2, -34.7 ], [ -54.3, -34.6 ], [ -54.2, -34.6 ], [ -54.2, -34.6 ], [ -54.3, -34.6 ], [ -54.3, -34.7 ], [ -54.3, -34.7 ], [ -54.3, -34.7 ], [ -54.5, -34.8 ], [ -54.5, -34.8 ], [ -54.6, -34.8 ], [ -54.7, -34.9 ], [ -54.7, -34.9 ], [ -54.8, -34.9 ], [ -54.9, -34.9 ], [ -55, -34.9 ], [ -55.1, -34.9 ], [ -55.1, -34.9 ], [ -55.1, -34.9 ], [ -55.2, -34.9 ], [ -55.2, -34.9 ], [ -55.2, -34.9 ], [ -55.3, -34.9 ], [ -55.3, -34.9 ], [ -55.3, -34.8 ], [ -55.4, -34.8 ], [ -55.4, -34.8 ], [ -55.4, -34.8 ], [ -55.6, -34.8 ], [ -55.7, -34.8 ], [ -55.8, -34.8 ], [ -55.8, -34.8 ], [ -55.9, -34.8 ], [ -55.9, -34.8 ], [ -56, -34.9 ], [ -56, -34.9 ], [ -56, -34.9 ], [ -56, -34.9 ], [ -56.2, -34.9 ], [ -56.3, -34.9 ], [ -56.4, -34.8 ], [ -56.4, -34.8 ], [ -56.4, -34.8 ], [ -56.4, -34.8 ], [ -56.6, -34.8 ], [ -56.8, -34.7 ], [ -56.9, -34.7 ], [ -57.1, -34.5 ], [ -57.2, -34.5 ], [ -57.2, -34.4 ], [ -57.4, -34.4 ], [ -57.6, -34.4 ], [ -57.7, -34.5 ], [ -57.8, -34.5 ], [ -57.9, -34.4 ], [ -57.9, -34.4 ], [ -57.9, -34.4 ], [ -58, -34.3 ], [ -58.1, -34.2 ], [ -58.1, -34.2 ], [ -58.2, -34.1 ], [ -58.2, -34.1 ], [ -58.3, -34.1 ], [ -58.3, -34 ], [ -58.3, -34 ], [ -58.3, -34 ], [ -58.4, -34 ], [ -58.4, -33.9 ], [ -58.4, -33.9 ], [ -58.4, -33.9 ], [ -58.4, -33.8 ], [ -58.4, -33.7 ], [ -58.4, -33.6 ], [ -58.4, -33.5 ], [ -58.4, -33.5 ], [ -58.4, -33.5 ], [ -58.4, -33.4 ], [ -58.4, -33.4 ], [ -58.4, -33.4 ], [ -58.4, -33.4 ], [ -58.4, -33.3 ], [ -58.4, -33.3 ], [ -58.3, -33.3 ], [ -58.4, -33.2 ], [ -58.4, -33.2 ], [ -58.4, -33.2 ], [ -58.4, -33.1 ], [ -58.3, -33.1 ], [ -58.3, -33.1 ], [ -58.3, -33.1 ], [ -58.2, -33.1 ], [ -58.2, -33.1 ], [ -58.2, -33.1 ], [ -58.1, -33.1 ], [ -58.1, -33.1 ], [ -58, -32.9 ], [ -58, -32.9 ], [ -58.1, -32.9 ], [ -58.1, -32.8 ], [ -58.1, -32.8 ], [ -58.1, -32.8 ], [ -58.1, -32.8 ], [ -58.1, -32.7 ], [ -58.1, -32.7 ], [ -58.1, -32.7 ], [ -58.2, -32.6 ], [ -58.2, -32.5 ], [ -58.2, -32.5 ], [ -58.2, -32.5 ], [ -58.2, -32.4 ], [ -58.2, -32.5 ], [ -58.2, -32.5 ], [ -58.2, -32.5 ], [ -58.2, -32.6 ], [ -58.2, -32.7 ], [ -58.2, -32.9 ], [ -58.2, -32.9 ], [ -58.1, -33 ], [ -58.2, -33.1 ], [ -58.2, -33.1 ], [ -58.2, -33.1 ], [ -58.2, -33.1 ], [ -58.2, -33.1 ], [ -58.3, -33.1 ], [ -58.4, -33.1 ], [ -58.4, -33.1 ], [ -58.4, -33.1 ], [ -58.4, -33.3 ], [ -58.5, -33.3 ], [ -58.5, -33.4 ], [ -58.5, -33.4 ], [ -58.5, -33.5 ], [ -58.5, -33.5 ], [ -58.5, -33.7 ], [ -58.5, -33.7 ], [ -58.5, -33.7 ], [ -58.5, -33.8 ], [ -58.5, -33.8 ], [ -58.5, -33.8 ], [ -58.4, -34 ], [ -58.4, -34 ], [ -58.4, -34 ], [ -58.4, -34 ], [ -58.4, -34.1 ], [ -58.4, -34.2 ], [ -58.4, -34.2 ], [ -58.4, -34.3 ], [ -58.5, -34.3 ], [ -58.5, -34.3 ], [ -58.5, -34.4 ], [ -58.5, -34.5 ], [ -58.5, -34.5 ], [ -58.5, -34.5 ], [ -58.4, -34.6 ], [ -58.4, -34.6 ], [ -58.4, -34.6 ], [ -58.3, -34.6 ], [ -58.3, -34.6 ], [ -58.3, -34.7 ], [ -58.2, -34.7 ], [ -58.2, -34.7 ], [ -58.1, -34.8 ], [ -58.1, -34.8 ], [ -58, -34.8 ], [ -57.9, -34.9 ], [ -57.8, -34.9 ], [ -57.5, -35 ], [ -57.3, -35.2 ], [ -57.3, -35.2 ], [ -57.2, -35.3 ], [ -57.1, -35.4 ], [ -57.1, -35.4 ], [ -57.1, -35.5 ], [ -57.1, -35.5 ], [ -57.2, -35.5 ], [ -57.2, -35.6 ], [ -57.3, -35.7 ], [ -57.4, -35.7 ], [ -57.4, -35.8 ], [ -57.4, -35.8 ], [ -57.4, -35.8 ], [ -57.4, -35.9 ], [ -57.4, -35.9 ], [ -57.4, -36 ], [ -57.4, -36 ], [ -57.3, -36.1 ], [ -57.2, -36.2 ], [ -57.2, -36.2 ], [ -57.1, -36.3 ], [ -57.1, -36.3 ], [ -57.1, -36.3 ], [ -56.9, -36.4 ], [ -56.9, -36.4 ], [ -56.9, -36.3 ], [ -56.8, -36.3 ], [ -56.7, -36.3 ], [ -56.7, -36.4 ], [ -56.7, -36.4 ], [ -56.7, -36.6 ], [ -56.7, -36.9 ], [ -56.7, -36.9 ], [ -56.7, -36.9 ], [ -56.7, -37 ], [ -56.7, -37 ], [ -56.7, -37 ], [ -56.8, -37.1 ], [ -56.9, -37.3 ], [ -57, -37.4 ], [ -57, -37.4 ], [ -57.1, -37.5 ], [ -57.1, -37.5 ], [ -57.2, -37.6 ], [ -57.2, -37.6 ], [ -57.3, -37.6 ], [ -57.3, -37.6 ], [ -57.3, -37.7 ], [ -57.4, -37.8 ], [ -57.5, -37.8 ], [ -57.5, -37.9 ], [ -57.5, -37.9 ], [ -57.5, -37.9 ], [ -57.5, -37.9 ], [ -57.5, -38 ], [ -57.5, -38 ], [ -57.5, -38.1 ], [ -57.6, -38.1 ], [ -57.6, -38.1 ], [ -57.6, -38.2 ], [ -57.6, -38.2 ], [ -57.7, -38.2 ], [ -57.8, -38.3 ], [ -58.2, -38.4 ], [ -58.2, -38.4 ], [ -58.3, -38.5 ], [ -58.7, -38.6 ], [ -58.8, -38.6 ], [ -58.8, -38.6 ], [ -59, -38.7 ], [ -59.1, -38.7 ], [ -59.1, -38.7 ], [ -59.2, -38.7 ], [ -59.3, -38.7 ], [ -59.5, -38.8 ], [ -59.7, -38.8 ], [ -59.8, -38.8 ], [ -59.9, -38.8 ], [ -59.9, -38.8 ], [ -60.2, -38.9 ], [ -60.5, -38.9 ], [ -60.7, -39 ], [ -60.8, -39 ], [ -60.9, -39 ], [ -61.1, -39 ], [ -61.2, -39 ], [ -61.2, -39 ], [ -61.3, -39 ], [ -61.4, -39 ], [ -61.4, -39 ], [ -61.4, -39 ], [ -61.5, -39 ], [ -61.5, -39 ], [ -61.5, -39 ], [ -61.6, -39 ], [ -61.8, -39 ], [ -61.8, -39 ], [ -62, -39 ], [ -62, -38.9 ], [ -62.1, -38.9 ], [ -62.1, -38.9 ], [ -62.1, -38.9 ], [ -62.2, -38.8 ], [ -62.4, -38.8 ], [ -62.4, -38.8 ], [ -62.4, -38.8 ], [ -62.4, -38.9 ], [ -62.4, -38.9 ], [ -62.3, -38.9 ], [ -62.3, -39 ], [ -62.3, -39 ], [ -62.3, -39.1 ], [ -62.3, -39.2 ], [ -62.3, -39.3 ], [ -62.3, -39.3 ], [ -62.2, -39.3 ], [ -62.2, -39.3 ], [ -62.2, -39.3 ], [ -62.1, -39.3 ], [ -62, -39.4 ], [ -62, -39.4 ], [ -62.1, -39.4 ], [ -62.1, -39.4 ], [ -62.2, -39.3 ], [ -62.2, -39.3 ], [ -62.2, -39.3 ], [ -62.3, -39.3 ], [ -62.3, -39.3 ], [ -62.1, -39.4 ], [ -62.1, -39.5 ], [ -62.1, -39.6 ], [ -62.1, -39.7 ], [ -62.1, -39.7 ], [ -62.1, -39.8 ], [ -62.1, -39.8 ], [ -62.2, -39.9 ], [ -62.3, -39.8 ], [ -62.3, -39.9 ], [ -62.3, -40 ], [ -62.3, -40.1 ], [ -62.3, -40.1 ], [ -62.4, -40.2 ], [ -62.4, -40.2 ], [ -62.4, -40.2 ], [ -62.4, -40.2 ], [ -62.5, -40.3 ], [ -62.5, -40.3 ], [ -62.4, -40.4 ], [ -62.4, -40.5 ], [ -62.3, -40.6 ], [ -62.3, -40.6 ], [ -62.2, -40.6 ], [ -62.3, -40.6 ], [ -62.3, -40.6 ], [ -62.3, -40.6 ], [ -62.3, -40.7 ], [ -62.3, -40.7 ], [ -62.3, -40.6 ], [ -62.2, -40.6 ], [ -62.2, -40.6 ], [ -62.2, -40.7 ], [ -62.3, -40.8 ], [ -62.3, -40.9 ], [ -62.4, -40.9 ], [ -62.4, -40.9 ], [ -62.6, -41 ], [ -62.7, -41 ], [ -62.8, -41 ], [ -62.8, -41 ], [ -62.9, -41.1 ], [ -63, -41.1 ], [ -63, -41.1 ], [ -63, -41.1 ], [ -63.1, -41.2 ], [ -63.1, -41.2 ], [ -63.1, -41.2 ], [ -63.4, -41.2 ], [ -63.4, -41.2 ], [ -63.6, -41.2 ], [ -63.7, -41.2 ], [ -63.7, -41.2 ], [ -63.8, -41.2 ], [ -63.8, -41.2 ], [ -63.8, -41.1 ], [ -63.9, -41.1 ], [ -63.9, -41.1 ], [ -63.9, -41.1 ], [ -64, -41.1 ], [ -64, -41.1 ], [ -64.1, -41 ], [ -64.1, -41 ], [ -64.3, -41 ], [ -64.5, -40.9 ], [ -64.5, -40.9 ], [ -64.5, -40.9 ], [ -64.7, -40.8 ], [ -64.7, -40.8 ], [ -64.8, -40.7 ], [ -64.8, -40.7 ], [ -64.9, -40.7 ], [ -64.9, -40.7 ], [ -64.9, -40.7 ], [ -65, -40.7 ], [ -65.1, -40.8 ], [ -65.2, -40.9 ], [ -65.2, -41 ], [ -65.2, -41.1 ], [ -65.2, -41.1 ], [ -65.1, -41.2 ], [ -65.1, -41.4 ], [ -65, -41.5 ], [ -65, -41.5 ], [ -65, -41.5 ], [ -65, -41.5 ], [ -65, -41.6 ], [ -65, -41.6 ], [ -65, -41.6 ], [ -65, -41.6 ], [ -65, -41.7 ], [ -65, -41.7 ], [ -65, -41.7 ], [ -65, -41.8 ], [ -65, -41.8 ], [ -65, -41.8 ], [ -65, -41.9 ], [ -65.1, -41.9 ], [ -65.1, -42 ], [ -65.1, -42 ], [ -65.1, -42 ], [ -65, -42.1 ], [ -65, -42.1 ], [ -65, -42.1 ], [ -64.9, -42.2 ], [ -64.9, -42.2 ], [ -64.7, -42.2 ], [ -64.6, -42.3 ], [ -64.6, -42.3 ], [ -64.5, -42.2 ], [ -64.5, -42.3 ], [ -64.5, -42.3 ], [ -64.5, -42.3 ], [ -64.5, -42.3 ], [ -64.5, -42.3 ], [ -64.6, -42.3 ], [ -64.6, -42.4 ], [ -64.6, -42.4 ], [ -64.5, -42.4 ], [ -64.1, -42.4 ], [ -64.1, -42.4 ], [ -64.1, -42.4 ], [ -64, -42.4 ], [ -64, -42.3 ], [ -64.1, -42.3 ], [ -64.1, -42.3 ], [ -64.1, -42.3 ], [ -64.1, -42.3 ], [ -64.2, -42.3 ], [ -64.2, -42.3 ], [ -64.3, -42.3 ], [ -64.3, -42.2 ], [ -64.3, -42.2 ], [ -64.2, -42.2 ], [ -64, -42.2 ], [ -63.9, -42.1 ], [ -63.9, -42.1 ], [ -63.8, -42.1 ], [ -63.8, -42.1 ], [ -63.8, -42.1 ], [ -63.7, -42.1 ], [ -63.7, -42.2 ], [ -63.7, -42.2 ], [ -63.7, -42.2 ], [ -63.7, -42.2 ], [ -63.6, -42.3 ], [ -63.6, -42.3 ], [ -63.6, -42.3 ], [ -63.6, -42.3 ], [ -63.6, -42.6 ], [ -63.6, -42.8 ], [ -63.7, -42.8 ], [ -63.7, -42.8 ], [ -63.8, -42.8 ], [ -63.8, -42.8 ], [ -64.1, -42.9 ], [ -64.1, -42.9 ], [ -64.1, -42.9 ], [ -64.2, -42.8 ], [ -64.3, -42.7 ], [ -64.2, -42.7 ], [ -64.2, -42.6 ], [ -64.3, -42.6 ], [ -64.3, -42.5 ], [ -64.4, -42.5 ], [ -64.5, -42.5 ], [ -64.5, -42.5 ], [ -64.5, -42.5 ], [ -64.6, -42.5 ], [ -64.7, -42.6 ], [ -64.8, -42.6 ], [ -64.8, -42.6 ], [ -64.8, -42.6 ], [ -64.8, -42.6 ], [ -64.9, -42.6 ], [ -64.9, -42.6 ], [ -65, -42.7 ], [ -65, -42.7 ], [ -65, -42.8 ], [ -65, -42.8 ], [ -64.9, -42.8 ], [ -64.8, -42.8 ], [ -64.7, -42.9 ], [ -64.7, -42.9 ], [ -64.7, -42.9 ], [ -64.6, -42.9 ], [ -64.6, -42.9 ], [ -64.4, -43 ], [ -64.4, -43 ], [ -64.4, -43 ], [ -64.3, -43 ], [ -64.3, -43 ], [ -64.4, -43 ], [ -64.4, -43 ], [ -64.5, -43.1 ], [ -64.6, -43.1 ], [ -64.7, -43.1 ], [ -64.8, -43.1 ], [ -64.8, -43.2 ], [ -64.8, -43.2 ], [ -64.9, -43.2 ], [ -65, -43.3 ], [ -65, -43.3 ], [ -65.1, -43.5 ], [ -65.3, -43.6 ], [ -65.3, -43.6 ], [ -65.3, -43.7 ], [ -65.3, -43.7 ], [ -65.3, -43.7 ], [ -65.3, -43.8 ], [ -65.3, -43.9 ], [ -65.3, -43.9 ], [ -65.3, -43.9 ], [ -65.3, -44 ], [ -65.2, -44 ], [ -65.2, -44 ], [ -65.2, -44.1 ], [ -65.3, -44.1 ], [ -65.3, -44.1 ], [ -65.3, -44.2 ], [ -65.3, -44.2 ], [ -65.3, -44.3 ], [ -65.2, -44.3 ], [ -65.3, -44.4 ], [ -65.3, -44.4 ], [ -65.4, -44.5 ], [ -65.6, -44.6 ], [ -65.6, -44.6 ], [ -65.6, -44.6 ], [ -65.7, -44.7 ], [ -65.7, -44.8 ], [ -65.7, -44.8 ], [ -65.7, -44.8 ], [ -65.7, -44.9 ], [ -65.6, -44.9 ], [ -65.6, -44.9 ], [ -65.5, -44.9 ], [ -65.6, -45 ], [ -65.7, -45 ], [ -65.7, -45 ], [ -65.7, -45 ], [ -65.8, -45 ], [ -66.1, -45 ], [ -66.2, -45 ], [ -66.4, -45 ], [ -66.5, -45.1 ], [ -66.5, -45.1 ], [ -66.6, -45.2 ], [ -66.7, -45.2 ], [ -66.8, -45.2 ], [ -66.9, -45.2 ], [ -66.9, -45.3 ], [ -67, -45.3 ], [ -67, -45.3 ], [ -67.1, -45.4 ], [ -67.2, -45.5 ], [ -67.2, -45.5 ], [ -67.3, -45.6 ], [ -67.3, -45.6 ], [ -67.3, -45.6 ], [ -67.3, -45.6 ], [ -67.3, -45.6 ], [ -67.4, -45.8 ], [ -67.4, -45.8 ], [ -67.5, -45.9 ], [ -67.6, -46 ], [ -67.6, -46.1 ], [ -67.6, -46.1 ], [ -67.6, -46.2 ], [ -67.6, -46.2 ], [ -67.6, -46.3 ], [ -67.6, -46.3 ], [ -67.5, -46.4 ], [ -67.5, -46.5 ], [ -67.4, -46.5 ], [ -67.4, -46.6 ], [ -67.4, -46.6 ], [ -67.3, -46.6 ], [ -67.2, -46.7 ], [ -67.2, -46.7 ], [ -67.1, -46.8 ], [ -67, -46.9 ], [ -66.8, -47 ], [ -66.7, -47 ], [ -66.7, -47 ], [ -66.7, -47 ], [ -66.6, -47.1 ], [ -66.6, -47.1 ], [ -66.6, -47 ], [ -66.5, -47 ], [ -66.4, -47.1 ], [ -66.4, -47.1 ], [ -66.2, -47.1 ], [ -66.1, -47.1 ], [ -66.1, -47.1 ], [ -66, -47.1 ], [ -66, -47.1 ], [ -65.9, -47.1 ], [ -65.8, -47.2 ], [ -65.7, -47.3 ], [ -65.7, -47.4 ], [ -65.7, -47.4 ], [ -65.7, -47.5 ], [ -65.8, -47.5 ], [ -65.8, -47.6 ], [ -65.9, -47.8 ], [ -65.9, -47.8 ], [ -65.9, -47.8 ], [ -66, -47.8 ], [ -66, -47.8 ], [ -66, -47.8 ], [ -66, -47.8 ], [ -66.1, -47.8 ], [ -66.1, -47.8 ], [ -66.1, -47.8 ], [ -66.2, -47.8 ], [ -66.2, -47.8 ], [ -66.2, -47.9 ], [ -66.2, -47.8 ], [ -66.2, -47.8 ], [ -66.1, -47.8 ], [ -66.1, -47.8 ], [ -66, -47.8 ], [ -66, -47.8 ], [ -65.9, -47.8 ], [ -65.8, -47.9 ], [ -65.8, -48 ], [ -65.8, -48 ], [ -65.9, -48 ], [ -65.9, -48 ], [ -65.9, -47.9 ], [ -66, -48 ], [ -65.9, -48 ], [ -66, -48.1 ], [ -66.1, -48.1 ], [ -66.3, -48.2 ], [ -66.3, -48.3 ], [ -66.4, -48.3 ], [ -66.5, -48.4 ], [ -66.5, -48.4 ], [ -66.6, -48.4 ], [ -66.7, -48.4 ], [ -66.7, -48.5 ], [ -66.8, -48.5 ], [ -66.8, -48.6 ], [ -66.9, -48.6 ], [ -66.9, -48.6 ], [ -66.9, -48.6 ], [ -67, -48.6 ], [ -67.1, -48.6 ], [ -67.1, -48.6 ], [ -67.1, -48.7 ], [ -67.2, -48.8 ], [ -67.2, -48.8 ], [ -67.3, -48.8 ], [ -67.3, -48.8 ], [ -67.3, -48.9 ], [ -67.4, -48.9 ], [ -67.5, -49 ], [ -67.5, -49 ], [ -67.5, -49 ], [ -67.5, -49 ], [ -67.6, -49 ], [ -67.6, -49 ], [ -67.6, -49.1 ], [ -67.6, -49.1 ], [ -67.6, -49.2 ], [ -67.7, -49.2 ], [ -67.7, -49.3 ], [ -67.8, -49.3 ], [ -67.8, -49.3 ], [ -67.8, -49.4 ], [ -67.7, -49.4 ], [ -67.7, -49.4 ], [ -67.7, -49.3 ], [ -67.7, -49.3 ], [ -67.6, -49.3 ], [ -67.6, -49.3 ], [ -67.7, -49.4 ], [ -67.7, -49.5 ], [ -67.7, -49.6 ], [ -67.7, -49.7 ], [ -67.7, -49.8 ], [ -67.7, -49.8 ], [ -67.8, -49.8 ], [ -67.8, -49.9 ], [ -67.8, -49.9 ], [ -67.8, -49.9 ], [ -67.8, -49.9 ], [ -67.9, -50 ], [ -67.9, -50 ], [ -67.9, -50 ], [ -68, -50 ], [ -68, -50 ], [ -68, -50.1 ], [ -68.1, -50.1 ], [ -68.2, -50.1 ], [ -68.2, -50.1 ], [ -68.2, -50.1 ], [ -68.3, -50.1 ], [ -68.3, -50.1 ], [ -68.3, -50.1 ], [ -68.4, -50.1 ], [ -68.5, -50 ], [ -68.6, -49.9 ], [ -68.6, -49.9 ], [ -68.7, -50 ], [ -68.7, -50 ], [ -68.8, -50 ], [ -68.9, -50 ], [ -68.9, -50 ], [ -69, -50 ], [ -69, -50 ], [ -68.9, -50 ], [ -68.9, -50 ], [ -68.8, -50 ], [ -68.8, -50 ], [ -68.8, -50 ], [ -68.7, -50 ], [ -68.6, -50 ], [ -68.6, -50 ], [ -68.6, -50 ], [ -68.6, -50 ], [ -68.5, -50 ], [ -68.5, -50.1 ], [ -68.5, -50.1 ], [ -68.5, -50.1 ], [ -68.5, -50.1 ], [ -68.4, -50.1 ], [ -68.4, -50.1 ], [ -68.4, -50.2 ], [ -68.4, -50.2 ], [ -68.4, -50.2 ], [ -68.4, -50.2 ], [ -68.5, -50.2 ], [ -68.5, -50.2 ], [ -68.7, -50.2 ], [ -68.7, -50.3 ], [ -68.8, -50.3 ], [ -68.8, -50.3 ], [ -68.9, -50.3 ], [ -68.9, -50.3 ], [ -68.9, -50.4 ], [ -69, -50.4 ], [ -69.1, -50.5 ], [ -69.1, -50.5 ], [ -69.1, -50.6 ], [ -69.1, -50.7 ], [ -69.1, -50.8 ], [ -69.1, -50.9 ], [ -69.1, -50.9 ], [ -69.2, -50.9 ], [ -69.2, -51 ], [ -69.3, -51 ], [ -69.3, -51 ], [ -69.4, -51 ], [ -69.4, -51.1 ], [ -69.4, -51.1 ], [ -69.3, -51 ], [ -69.2, -51 ], [ -69.2, -51 ], [ -69.1, -51 ], [ -69.1, -51.1 ], [ -69.1, -51.1 ], [ -69.1, -51.1 ], [ -69.1, -51.2 ], [ -69.1, -51.3 ], [ -69, -51.3 ], [ -69, -51.4 ], [ -69, -51.4 ], [ -69, -51.5 ], [ -69, -51.5 ], [ -69, -51.5 ], [ -69, -51.6 ], [ -69, -51.6 ], [ -69, -51.6 ], [ -69.1, -51.6 ], [ -69.1, -51.6 ], [ -69.1, -51.6 ], [ -69.2, -51.6 ], [ -69.2, -51.6 ], [ -69.3, -51.6 ], [ -69.4, -51.6 ], [ -69.5, -51.6 ], [ -69.6, -51.6 ], [ -69.5, -51.6 ], [ -69.5, -51.6 ], [ -69.5, -51.6 ], [ -69.4, -51.6 ], [ -69.3, -51.6 ], [ -69.3, -51.6 ], [ -69.2, -51.6 ], [ -69, -51.6 ], [ -69, -51.6 ], [ -68.9, -51.7 ], [ -68.9, -51.8 ], [ -68.8, -51.9 ], [ -68.8, -51.9 ], [ -68.8, -51.9 ], [ -68.7, -52 ], [ -68.7, -52 ], [ -68.6, -52.1 ], [ -68.6, -52.1 ], [ -68.6, -52.1 ], [ -68.5, -52.2 ], [ -68.4, -52.2 ], [ -68.4, -52.3 ], [ -68.4, -52.3 ], [ -68.4, -52.4 ], [ -68.4, -52.4 ], [ -68.5, -52.3 ], [ -68.5, -52.3 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-72.8, -42.5 ], [ -72.8, -42.5 ], [ -72.7, -42.5 ], [ -72.7, -42.5 ], [ -72.7, -42.5 ], [ -72.6, -42.6 ], [ -72.6, -42.6 ], [ -72.5, -42.6 ], [ -72.6, -42.5 ], [ -72.6, -42.5 ], [ -72.6, -42.5 ], [ -72.7, -42.5 ], [ -72.8, -42.3 ], [ -72.8, -42.2 ], [ -72.8, -42.2 ], [ -72.6, -42.2 ], [ -72.6, -42.2 ], [ -72.5, -42.2 ], [ -72.5, -42.3 ], [ -72.5, -42.5 ], [ -72.4, -42.5 ], [ -72.4, -42.4 ], [ -72.4, -42.4 ], [ -72.5, -42.2 ], [ -72.5, -42.2 ], [ -72.5, -42.1 ], [ -72.5, -42.1 ], [ -72.5, -42.1 ], [ -72.5, -42 ], [ -72.5, -42 ], [ -72.5, -42 ], [ -72.5, -42 ], [ -72.5, -42 ], [ -72.6, -42 ], [ -72.6, -42 ], [ -72.7, -42 ], [ -72.8, -42 ], [ -72.9, -41.9 ], [ -72.9, -41.9 ], [ -72.8, -41.8 ], [ -72.7, -41.7 ], [ -72.6, -41.7 ], [ -72.6, -41.7 ], [ -72.5, -41.7 ], [ -72.4, -41.7 ], [ -72.4, -41.7 ], [ -72.3, -41.6 ], [ -72.3, -41.4 ], [ -72.3, -41.4 ], [ -72.4, -41.6 ], [ -72.4, -41.7 ], [ -72.5, -41.7 ], [ -72.6, -41.7 ], [ -72.6, -41.7 ], [ -72.6, -41.7 ], [ -72.7, -41.7 ], [ -72.7, -41.6 ], [ -72.7, -41.6 ], [ -72.8, -41.5 ], [ -72.8, -41.5 ], [ -72.9, -41.5 ], [ -73, -41.5 ], [ -73, -41.5 ], [ -73.1, -41.6 ], [ -73.1, -41.6 ], [ -73.1, -41.6 ], [ -73.1, -41.7 ], [ -73.1, -41.8 ], [ -73.2, -41.8 ], [ -73.2, -41.8 ], [ -73.3, -41.8 ], [ -73.3, -41.8 ], [ -73.4, -41.8 ], [ -73.4, -41.8 ], [ -73.5, -41.8 ], [ -73.5, -41.8 ], [ -73.5, -41.8 ], [ -73.6, -41.8 ], [ -73.7, -41.8 ], [ -73.7, -41.8 ], [ -73.7, -41.7 ], [ -73.7, -41.6 ], [ -73.7, -41.6 ], [ -73.6, -41.6 ], [ -73.6, -41.6 ], [ -73.6, -41.6 ], [ -73.5, -41.5 ], [ -73.5, -41.5 ], [ -73.5, -41.6 ], [ -73.6, -41.6 ], [ -73.6, -41.6 ], [ -73.7, -41.6 ], [ -73.8, -41.6 ], [ -73.9, -41.5 ], [ -73.9, -41.4 ], [ -73.9, -41.4 ], [ -73.9, -41.3 ], [ -73.9, -41.3 ], [ -73.9, -41.2 ], [ -73.9, -41.2 ], [ -73.9, -41.2 ], [ -74, -41.2 ], [ -74, -41.1 ], [ -74, -41 ], [ -73.9, -40.9 ], [ -73.8, -40.6 ], [ -73.8, -40.6 ], [ -73.7, -40.5 ], [ -73.8, -40.5 ], [ -73.8, -40.4 ], [ -73.7, -40.2 ], [ -73.7, -40.1 ], [ -73.7, -40.1 ], [ -73.7, -40.1 ], [ -73.7, -40 ], [ -73.7, -40 ], [ -73.7, -40 ], [ -73.7, -40 ], [ -73.7, -39.9 ], [ -73.5, -39.9 ], [ -73.4, -39.9 ], [ -73.4, -39.9 ], [ -73.4, -39.7 ], [ -73.3, -39.6 ], [ -73.3, -39.6 ], [ -73.3, -39.5 ], [ -73.2, -39.4 ], [ -73.2, -39.4 ], [ -73.2, -39.4 ], [ -73.2, -39.2 ], [ -73.3, -39.1 ], [ -73.4, -38.9 ], [ -73.5, -38.7 ], [ -73.5, -38.6 ], [ -73.5, -38.5 ], [ -73.5, -38.5 ], [ -73.5, -38.4 ], [ -73.5, -38.4 ], [ -73.5, -38.3 ], [ -73.5, -38.3 ], [ -73.5, -38.3 ], [ -73.5, -38.2 ], [ -73.5, -38.2 ], [ -73.5, -38.2 ], [ -73.5, -38.1 ], [ -73.5, -38 ], [ -73.5, -38 ], [ -73.5, -37.9 ], [ -73.6, -37.8 ], [ -73.7, -37.7 ], [ -73.7, -37.6 ], [ -73.7, -37.6 ], [ -73.6, -37.5 ], [ -73.6, -37.5 ], [ -73.6, -37.5 ], [ -73.6, -37.4 ], [ -73.6, -37.4 ], [ -73.6, -37.4 ], [ -73.7, -37.4 ], [ -73.7, -37.3 ], [ -73.6, -37.2 ], [ -73.6, -37.2 ], [ -73.6, -37.2 ], [ -73.5, -37.2 ], [ -73.5, -37.2 ], [ -73.4, -37.2 ], [ -73.4, -37.2 ], [ -73.4, -37.2 ], [ -73.3, -37.2 ], [ -73.3, -37.2 ], [ -73.3, -37.2 ], [ -73.2, -37.2 ], [ -73.2, -37.2 ], [ -73.2, -37.1 ], [ -73.2, -37.1 ], [ -73.1, -36.9 ], [ -73.1, -36.7 ], [ -73.1, -36.7 ], [ -73.1, -36.7 ], [ -73, -36.7 ], [ -73, -36.7 ], [ -73, -36.7 ], [ -73, -36.7 ], [ -73, -36.6 ], [ -72.9, -36.5 ], [ -72.9, -36.4 ], [ -72.8, -36.3 ], [ -72.8, -36.1 ], [ -72.8, -36 ], [ -72.8, -36 ], [ -72.8, -36 ], [ -72.7, -35.9 ], [ -72.6, -35.8 ], [ -72.6, -35.8 ], [ -72.6, -35.8 ], [ -72.6, -35.7 ], [ -72.6, -35.7 ], [ -72.7, -35.6 ], [ -72.6, -35.6 ], [ -72.6, -35.6 ], [ -72.6, -35.5 ], [ -72.5, -35.5 ], [ -72.5, -35.4 ], [ -72.4, -35.3 ], [ -72.4, -35.2 ], [ -72.4, -35.2 ], [ -72.3, -35.2 ], [ -72.3, -35.2 ], [ -72.2, -35.1 ], [ -72.2, -35.1 ], [ -72.2, -35 ], [ -72.2, -35 ], [ -72.2, -35 ], [ -72.2, -34.9 ], [ -72.2, -34.9 ], [ -72.1, -34.8 ], [ -72.1, -34.8 ], [ -72.1, -34.7 ], [ -72.1, -34.7 ], [ -72.1, -34.6 ], [ -72, -34.5 ], [ -72, -34.5 ], [ -72.1, -34.4 ], [ -72, -34.4 ], [ -72, -34.4 ], [ -72, -34.3 ], [ -72, -34.3 ], [ -72, -34.2 ], [ -72, -34.2 ], [ -72, -34.2 ], [ -72, -34.1 ], [ -71.9, -34 ], [ -71.9, -33.9 ], [ -71.9, -33.9 ], [ -71.8, -33.8 ], [ -71.8, -33.8 ], [ -71.8, -33.8 ], [ -71.7, -33.8 ], [ -71.7, -33.7 ], [ -71.7, -33.7 ], [ -71.7, -33.7 ], [ -71.7, -33.7 ], [ -71.6, -33.6 ], [ -71.6, -33.6 ], [ -71.7, -33.5 ], [ -71.7, -33.4 ], [ -71.7, -33.3 ], [ -71.8, -33.1 ], [ -71.7, -33.1 ], [ -71.7, -33.1 ], [ -71.6, -33 ], [ -71.5, -32.9 ], [ -71.5, -32.8 ], [ -71.5, -32.7 ], [ -71.4, -32.7 ], [ -71.4, -32.6 ], [ -71.4, -32.5 ], [ -71.4, -32.4 ], [ -71.5, -32.3 ], [ -71.5, -32.2 ], [ -71.5, -32.2 ], [ -71.5, -32.1 ], [ -71.5, -32 ], [ -71.5, -32 ], [ -71.5, -32 ], [ -71.5, -31.9 ], [ -71.5, -31.8 ], [ -71.5, -31.7 ], [ -71.5, -31.7 ], [ -71.6, -31.6 ], [ -71.6, -31.6 ], [ -71.6, -31.5 ], [ -71.6, -31.3 ], [ -71.7, -31.2 ], [ -71.7, -31.2 ], [ -71.7, -31.1 ], [ -71.7, -31.1 ], [ -71.7, -31.1 ], [ -71.6, -31 ], [ -71.7, -31 ], [ -71.7, -30.9 ], [ -71.7, -30.9 ], [ -71.7, -30.8 ], [ -71.7, -30.7 ], [ -71.7, -30.6 ], [ -71.7, -30.5 ], [ -71.7, -30.3 ], [ -71.6, -30.3 ], [ -71.6, -30.3 ], [ -71.6, -30.3 ], [ -71.6, -30.3 ], [ -71.5, -30.3 ], [ -71.5, -30.3 ], [ -71.4, -30.2 ], [ -71.4, -30.2 ], [ -71.3, -30 ], [ -71.3, -29.9 ], [ -71.3, -29.8 ], [ -71.3, -29.8 ], [ -71.3, -29.7 ], [ -71.3, -29.6 ], [ -71.3, -29.5 ], [ -71.3, -29.4 ], [ -71.3, -29.4 ], [ -71.3, -29.3 ], [ -71.4, -29.3 ], [ -71.4, -29.3 ], [ -71.4, -29.2 ], [ -71.5, -29.2 ], [ -71.5, -29.2 ], [ -71.5, -29.2 ], [ -71.5, -29.2 ], [ -71.5, -29.1 ], [ -71.5, -29 ], [ -71.5, -28.9 ], [ -71.5, -28.9 ], [ -71.5, -28.8 ], [ -71.4, -28.8 ], [ -71.3, -28.7 ], [ -71.3, -28.6 ], [ -71.3, -28.6 ], [ -71.3, -28.5 ], [ -71.2, -28.5 ], [ -71.2, -28.3 ], [ -71.2, -28.2 ], [ -71.2, -28.2 ], [ -71.1, -28 ], [ -71.1, -27.8 ], [ -71.1, -27.8 ], [ -71, -27.7 ], [ -71, -27.7 ], [ -71, -27.7 ], [ -70.9, -27.6 ], [ -70.9, -27.5 ], [ -70.9, -27.4 ], [ -70.9, -27.3 ], [ -71, -27.2 ], [ -71, -27.2 ], [ -70.9, -27.1 ], [ -70.9, -27.1 ], [ -70.9, -27.1 ], [ -70.8, -27 ], [ -70.8, -27 ], [ -70.8, -26.9 ], [ -70.8, -26.9 ], [ -70.8, -26.9 ], [ -70.8, -26.7 ], [ -70.7, -26.6 ], [ -70.7, -26.6 ], [ -70.7, -26.4 ], [ -70.6, -26.3 ], [ -70.7, -26.2 ], [ -70.7, -26.2 ], [ -70.7, -26.1 ], [ -70.6, -26 ], [ -70.6, -26 ], [ -70.6, -26 ], [ -70.7, -25.9 ], [ -70.7, -25.9 ], [ -70.7, -25.9 ], [ -70.7, -25.8 ], [ -70.7, -25.7 ], [ -70.7, -25.7 ], [ -70.6, -25.6 ], [ -70.6, -25.5 ], [ -70.5, -25.5 ], [ -70.5, -25.4 ], [ -70.4, -25.3 ], [ -70.4, -25.2 ], [ -70.5, -25.1 ], [ -70.5, -25.1 ], [ -70.5, -25 ], [ -70.5, -24.9 ], [ -70.5, -24.8 ], [ -70.6, -24.7 ], [ -70.6, -24.6 ], [ -70.5, -24.4 ], [ -70.5, -24.3 ], [ -70.6, -24.3 ], [ -70.5, -24.2 ], [ -70.5, -24.2 ], [ -70.5, -24.2 ], [ -70.5, -24.1 ], [ -70.5, -24 ], [ -70.5, -24 ], [ -70.5, -24 ], [ -70.5, -23.9 ], [ -70.5, -23.8 ], [ -70.5, -23.7 ], [ -70.4, -23.7 ], [ -70.4, -23.7 ], [ -70.4, -23.7 ], [ -70.4, -23.6 ], [ -70.4, -23.6 ], [ -70.4, -23.6 ], [ -70.4, -23.5 ], [ -70.4, -23.5 ], [ -70.4, -23.5 ], [ -70.5, -23.5 ], [ -70.5, -23.4 ], [ -70.5, -23.5 ], [ -70.5, -23.5 ], [ -70.6, -23.5 ], [ -70.6, -23.4 ], [ -70.6, -23.2 ], [ -70.6, -23.1 ], [ -70.5, -23 ], [ -70.5, -23 ], [ -70.5, -23.1 ], [ -70.5, -23.1 ], [ -70.4, -23.1 ], [ -70.4, -23.1 ], [ -70.4, -23 ], [ -70.3, -23 ], [ -70.3, -23 ], [ -70.3, -22.9 ], [ -70.3, -22.9 ], [ -70.3, -22.9 ], [ -70.3, -22.8 ], [ -70.3, -22.8 ], [ -70.3, -22.6 ], [ -70.3, -22.5 ], [ -70.2, -22.3 ], [ -70.2, -22.2 ], [ -70.2, -22.1 ], [ -70.2, -22 ], [ -70.1, -21.8 ], [ -70.2, -21.7 ], [ -70.2, -21.7 ], [ -70.1, -21.6 ], [ -70.1, -21.6 ], [ -70.1, -21.5 ], [ -70.1, -21.4 ], [ -70.1, -21.4 ], [ -70.1, -21.3 ], [ -70.1, -21.3 ], [ -70.1, -21.1 ], [ -70.1, -21.1 ], [ -70.2, -21 ], [ -70.2, -21 ], [ -70.1, -20.9 ], [ -70.1, -20.9 ], [ -70.2, -20.8 ], [ -70.2, -20.8 ], [ -70.2, -20.8 ], [ -70.2, -20.4 ], [ -70.1, -20.3 ], [ -70.1, -20.3 ], [ -70.2, -20.2 ], [ -70.1, -20.1 ], [ -70.1, -20.1 ], [ -70.1, -20.1 ], [ -70.1, -20 ], [ -70.1, -20 ], [ -70.1, -19.9 ], [ -70.2, -19.8 ], [ -70.2, -19.6 ], [ -70.2, -19.5 ], [ -70.2, -19.4 ], [ -70.3, -19.3 ], [ -70.3, -19.3 ], [ -70.3, -19.2 ], [ -70.3, -19.2 ], [ -70.3, -19.1 ], [ -70.3, -18.9 ], [ -70.3, -18.9 ], [ -70.3, -18.8 ], [ -70.3, -18.6 ], [ -70.3, -18.6 ], [ -70.3, -18.4 ], [ -70.3, -18.4 ], [ -70.4, -18.4 ], [ -70.4, -18.4 ], [ -70.4, -18.3 ], [ -70.4, -18.3 ], [ -70.5, -18.2 ], [ -70.6, -18.2 ], [ -70.6, -18.2 ], [ -70.6, -18.2 ], [ -70.6, -18.2 ], [ -70.7, -18.1 ], [ -70.9, -18 ], [ -70.9, -17.9 ], [ -71, -17.9 ], [ -71, -17.9 ], [ -71.1, -17.9 ], [ -71.2, -17.8 ], [ -71.2, -17.8 ], [ -71.2, -17.8 ], [ -71.2, -17.8 ], [ -71.3, -17.7 ], [ -71.4, -17.6 ], [ -71.4, -17.5 ], [ -71.4, -17.5 ], [ -71.4, -17.4 ], [ -71.4, -17.4 ], [ -71.5, -17.3 ], [ -71.5, -17.3 ], [ -71.5, -17.3 ], [ -71.5, -17.3 ], [ -71.7, -17.2 ], [ -71.7, -17.2 ], [ -71.7, -17.2 ], [ -71.8, -17.2 ], [ -71.8, -17.2 ], [ -71.9, -17.1 ], [ -71.9, -17.1 ], [ -71.9, -17.1 ], [ -72, -17.1 ], [ -72, -17 ], [ -72, -17 ], [ -72.1, -17 ], [ -72.2, -16.9 ], [ -72.3, -16.8 ], [ -72.3, -16.8 ], [ -72.4, -16.8 ], [ -72.5, -16.7 ], [ -72.5, -16.7 ], [ -72.6, -16.7 ], [ -72.6, -16.7 ], [ -72.7, -16.7 ], [ -72.7, -16.7 ], [ -72.7, -16.7 ], [ -72.7, -16.7 ], [ -72.8, -16.6 ], [ -72.8, -16.6 ], [ -72.8, -16.6 ], [ -72.9, -16.6 ], [ -72.9, -16.5 ], [ -72.9, -16.5 ], [ -73, -16.5 ], [ -73.2, -16.4 ], [ -73.3, -16.3 ], [ -73.4, -16.3 ], [ -73.5, -16.3 ], [ -73.6, -16.2 ], [ -73.6, -16.2 ], [ -73.8, -16.2 ], [ -74, -16.1 ], [ -74, -16 ], [ -74, -16 ], [ -74.2, -15.9 ], [ -74.3, -15.9 ], [ -74.3, -15.9 ], [ -74.4, -15.8 ], [ -74.4, -15.8 ], [ -74.4, -15.8 ], [ -74.5, -15.8 ], [ -74.5, -15.7 ], [ -74.5, -15.7 ], [ -74.6, -15.7 ], [ -74.7, -15.6 ], [ -74.8, -15.6 ], [ -74.9, -15.5 ], [ -75, -15.5 ], [ -75.1, -15.5 ], [ -75.1, -15.4 ], [ -75.1, -15.4 ], [ -75.2, -15.3 ], [ -75.2, -15.2 ], [ -75.2, -15.2 ], [ -75.3, -15.2 ], [ -75.3, -15.2 ], [ -75.4, -15.1 ], [ -75.5, -14.9 ], [ -75.5, -14.9 ], [ -75.5, -14.9 ], [ -75.6, -14.9 ], [ -75.6, -14.9 ], [ -75.7, -14.8 ], [ -75.8, -14.7 ], [ -75.9, -14.7 ], [ -75.9, -14.6 ], [ -75.9, -14.6 ], [ -76, -14.5 ], [ -76.1, -14.4 ], [ -76.1, -14.4 ], [ -76.1, -14.3 ], [ -76.1, -14.2 ], [ -76.2, -14.2 ], [ -76.2, -14.2 ], [ -76.3, -14 ], [ -76.3, -13.9 ], [ -76.3, -13.9 ], [ -76.4, -13.9 ], [ -76.4, -13.9 ], [ -76.4, -13.8 ], [ -76.3, -13.8 ], [ -76.3, -13.8 ], [ -76.3, -13.9 ], [ -76.2, -13.8 ], [ -76.2, -13.7 ], [ -76.2, -13.6 ], [ -76.2, -13.6 ], [ -76.2, -13.5 ], [ -76.2, -13.4 ], [ -76.2, -13.3 ], [ -76.3, -13.3 ], [ -76.3, -13.3 ], [ -76.4, -13.2 ], [ -76.4, -13.1 ], [ -76.4, -13.1 ], [ -76.5, -13.1 ], [ -76.5, -13.1 ], [ -76.5, -13 ], [ -76.5, -13 ], [ -76.5, -13 ], [ -76.5, -12.9 ], [ -76.6, -12.8 ], [ -76.6, -12.7 ], [ -76.8, -12.5 ], [ -76.8, -12.4 ], [ -76.8, -12.4 ], [ -76.8, -12.4 ], [ -76.9, -12.3 ], [ -76.9, -12.3 ], [ -77, -12.1 ], [ -77.1, -12.1 ], [ -77.1, -12.1 ], [ -77.1, -12.1 ], [ -77.2, -12.1 ], [ -77.1, -12 ], [ -77.1, -11.9 ], [ -77.2, -11.9 ], [ -77.2, -11.8 ], [ -77.2, -11.7 ], [ -77.2, -11.7 ], [ -77.3, -11.5 ], [ -77.4, -11.5 ], [ -77.5, -11.4 ], [ -77.5, -11.3 ], [ -77.6, -11.3 ], [ -77.6, -11.3 ], [ -77.6, -11.3 ], [ -77.7, -11.3 ], [ -77.6, -11.2 ], [ -77.6, -11.2 ], [ -77.6, -11.2 ], [ -77.7, -10.9 ], [ -77.7, -10.9 ], [ -77.8, -10.8 ], [ -77.8, -10.7 ], [ -77.9, -10.6 ], [ -77.9, -10.6 ], [ -77.9, -10.6 ], [ -77.9, -10.5 ], [ -78, -10.4 ], [ -78.1, -10.3 ], [ -78.2, -10.1 ], [ -78.2, -9.9 ], [ -78.3, -9.9 ], [ -78.2, -9.8 ], [ -78.2, -9.8 ], [ -78.3, -9.7 ], [ -78.4, -9.6 ], [ -78.4, -9.5 ], [ -78.4, -9.4 ], [ -78.4, -9.4 ], [ -78.5, -9.3 ], [ -78.5, -9.2 ], [ -78.5, -9.2 ], [ -78.6, -9.1 ], [ -78.6, -9.1 ], [ -78.7, -9 ], [ -78.7, -9 ], [ -78.7, -9 ], [ -78.7, -8.9 ], [ -78.7, -8.8 ], [ -78.8, -8.7 ], [ -78.8, -8.7 ], [ -78.8, -8.6 ], [ -78.8, -8.6 ], [ -78.8, -8.6 ], [ -78.8, -8.5 ], [ -78.9, -8.4 ], [ -78.9, -8.4 ], [ -78.9, -8.4 ], [ -79, -8.2 ], [ -79.2, -8 ], [ -79.2, -8 ], [ -79.2, -8 ], [ -79.2, -8 ], [ -79.3, -7.9 ], [ -79.3, -7.9 ], [ -79.3, -7.9 ], [ -79.4, -7.9 ], [ -79.4, -7.8 ], [ -79.4, -7.7 ], [ -79.5, -7.7 ], [ -79.5, -7.6 ], [ -79.5, -7.5 ], [ -79.6, -7.5 ], [ -79.6, -7.5 ], [ -79.6, -7.4 ], [ -79.6, -7.4 ], [ -79.6, -7.3 ], [ -79.6, -7.3 ], [ -79.6, -7.3 ], [ -79.6, -7.2 ], [ -79.7, -7.2 ], [ -79.7, -7.2 ], [ -79.7, -7.1 ], [ -79.7, -7.1 ], [ -79.8, -7 ], [ -79.8, -7 ], [ -79.9, -6.9 ], [ -79.9, -6.9 ], [ -79.9, -6.9 ], [ -80, -6.8 ], [ -80, -6.8 ], [ -80.1, -6.6 ], [ -80.1, -6.6 ], [ -80.2, -6.6 ], [ -80.3, -6.5 ], [ -80.5, -6.5 ], [ -80.5, -6.4 ], [ -80.6, -6.4 ], [ -80.6, -6.4 ], [ -80.6, -6.4 ], [ -80.7, -6.3 ], [ -80.9, -6.2 ], [ -81.1, -6.2 ], [ -81.1, -6.1 ], [ -81.2, -6.1 ], [ -81.2, -6 ], [ -81.2, -6 ], [ -81.2, -5.9 ], [ -81.2, -5.9 ], [ -81.1, -5.8 ], [ -81.1, -5.8 ], [ -81, -5.9 ], [ -81, -5.9 ], [ -81, -5.9 ], [ -81, -5.9 ], [ -80.9, -5.9 ], [ -80.9, -5.8 ], [ -80.9, -5.8 ], [ -80.9, -5.8 ], [ -80.9, -5.8 ], [ -80.9, -5.7 ], [ -80.9, -5.6 ], [ -80.9, -5.5 ], [ -80.9, -5.5 ], [ -81, -5.4 ], [ -81, -5.4 ], [ -81.1, -5.3 ], [ -81.1, -5.3 ], [ -81.1, -5.3 ], [ -81.1, -5.3 ], [ -81.2, -5.2 ], [ -81.2, -5.1 ], [ -81.2, -5.1 ], [ -81.1, -5.1 ], [ -81.1, -5.1 ], [ -81.1, -5 ], [ -81.1, -5 ], [ -81.1, -5 ], [ -81.1, -5 ], [ -81.2, -4.9 ], [ -81.3, -4.7 ], [ -81.3, -4.7 ], [ -81.4, -4.7 ], [ -81.3, -4.7 ], [ -81.3, -4.6 ], [ -81.3, -4.6 ], [ -81.3, -4.4 ], [ -81.3, -4.4 ], [ -81.3, -4.3 ], [ -81.3, -4.3 ], [ -81.3, -4.3 ], [ -81.1, -4.1 ], [ -81.1, -4.1 ], [ -81, -4 ], [ -81, -4 ], [ -80.9, -3.9 ], [ -80.9, -3.9 ], [ -80.9, -3.9 ], [ -80.9, -3.8 ], [ -80.8, -3.8 ], [ -80.8, -3.8 ], [ -80.8, -3.7 ], [ -80.7, -3.7 ], [ -80.7, -3.6 ], [ -80.6, -3.6 ], [ -80.6, -3.6 ], [ -80.5, -3.5 ], [ -80.5, -3.5 ], [ -80.5, -3.5 ], [ -80.4, -3.5 ], [ -80.4, -3.5 ], [ -80.4, -3.5 ], [ -80.4, -3.5 ], [ -80.4, -3.5 ], [ -80.3, -3.4 ], [ -80.3, -3.4 ], [ -80.3, -3.4 ], [ -80.3, -3.3 ], [ -80.3, -3.3 ], [ -80.1, -3.3 ], [ -80, -3.3 ], [ -80, -3.2 ], [ -79.9, -3.2 ], [ -79.9, -3.1 ], [ -79.9, -3.1 ], [ -79.9, -3.1 ], [ -79.9, -3 ], [ -79.9, -3 ], [ -79.9, -2.9 ], [ -79.8, -2.8 ], [ -79.8, -2.7 ], [ -79.8, -2.6 ], [ -79.7, -2.6 ], [ -79.7, -2.6 ], [ -79.7, -2.5 ], [ -79.7, -2.5 ], [ -79.8, -2.5 ], [ -79.8, -2.5 ], [ -79.8, -2.4 ], [ -79.8, -2.3 ], [ -79.8, -2.2 ], [ -79.9, -2.2 ], [ -79.8, -2.1 ], [ -79.8, -2 ], [ -79.8, -2 ], [ -79.8, -2 ], [ -79.9, -2.1 ], [ -79.9, -2.1 ], [ -79.9, -2.2 ], [ -79.9, -2.2 ], [ -79.9, -2.2 ], [ -79.9, -2.2 ], [ -79.9, -2.3 ], [ -79.9, -2.3 ], [ -79.9, -2.4 ], [ -79.9, -2.4 ], [ -79.9, -2.5 ], [ -79.9, -2.6 ], [ -79.9, -2.6 ], [ -80, -2.6 ], [ -80, -2.6 ], [ -80.1, -2.6 ], [ -80.1, -2.6 ], [ -80, -2.4 ], [ -80, -2.4 ], [ -80, -2.3 ], [ -80, -2.3 ], [ -80, -2.3 ], [ -80.1, -2.4 ], [ -80.1, -2.5 ], [ -80.1, -2.5 ], [ -80.2, -2.6 ], [ -80.2, -2.6 ], [ -80.3, -2.7 ], [ -80.3, -2.7 ], [ -80.3, -2.7 ], [ -80.5, -2.6 ], [ -80.6, -2.5 ], [ -80.6, -2.4 ], [ -80.7, -2.4 ], [ -80.7, -2.4 ], [ -80.7, -2.4 ], [ -80.8, -2.4 ], [ -80.8, -2.4 ], [ -80.9, -2.3 ], [ -81, -2.2 ], [ -81, -2.2 ], [ -80.9, -2.2 ], [ -80.9, -2.2 ], [ -80.8, -2.1 ], [ -80.8, -2.1 ], [ -80.8, -2.1 ], [ -80.7, -1.9 ], [ -80.7, -1.9 ], [ -80.8, -1.8 ], [ -80.8, -1.7 ], [ -80.8, -1.7 ], [ -80.8, -1.6 ], [ -80.9, -1.6 ], [ -80.8, -1.6 ], [ -80.8, -1.5 ], [ -80.8, -1.5 ], [ -80.8, -1.5 ], [ -80.8, -1.3 ], [ -80.8, -1.2 ], [ -80.9, -1.2 ], [ -80.9, -1.1 ], [ -80.9, -1.1 ], [ -80.9, -1 ], [ -80.8, -0.9 ], [ -80.8, -0.9 ], [ -80.7, -0.9 ], [ -80.6, -0.9 ], [ -80.6, -0.9 ], [ -80.5, -0.8 ], [ -80.5, -0.8 ], [ -80.5, -0.7 ], [ -80.5, -0.7 ], [ -80.4, -0.6 ], [ -80.4, -0.6 ], [ -80.4, -0.6 ], [ -80.4, -0.6 ], [ -80.3, -0.6 ], [ -80.3, -0.6 ], [ -80.3, -0.6 ], [ -80.3, -0.6 ], [ -80.4, -0.6 ], [ -80.4, -0.6 ], [ -80.4, -0.5 ], [ -80.5, -0.4 ], [ -80.5, -0.4 ], [ -80.4, -0.2 ], [ -80.3, -0.2 ], [ -80.3, -0.2 ], [ -80.3, -0.1 ], [ -80.2, -0.1 ], [ -80.1, 0 ], [ -80.1, 0 ], [ -80.1, 0.1 ], [ -80, 0.1 ], [ -80, 0.2 ], [ -80, 0.2 ], [ -80, 0.2 ], [ -80, 0.3 ], [ -80, 0.3 ], [ -80, 0.4 ], [ -80, 0.3 ], [ -80, 0.3 ], [ -80, 0.4 ], [ -80, 0.4 ], [ -80, 0.4 ], [ -80, 0.4 ], [ -80, 0.5 ], [ -80, 0.5 ], [ -80, 0.6 ], [ -80, 0.6 ], [ -80, 0.6 ], [ -80.1, 0.6 ], [ -80.1, 0.6 ], [ -80.1, 0.7 ], [ -80.1, 0.8 ], [ -80.1, 0.8 ], [ -80, 0.8 ], [ -80, 0.8 ], [ -80, 0.8 ], [ -79.9, 0.9 ], [ -79.8, 0.9 ], [ -79.8, 0.9 ], [ -79.8, 0.9 ], [ -79.8, 1 ], [ -79.7, 1 ], [ -79.7, 1 ], [ -79.6, 1 ], [ -79.6, 1 ], [ -79.5, 1 ], [ -79.5, 1 ], [ -79.5, 1.1 ], [ -79.4, 1.1 ], [ -79.3, 1.1 ], [ -79.3, 1.1 ], [ -79.3, 1.1 ], [ -79.2, 1.1 ], [ -79.2, 1.1 ], [ -79.1, 1.1 ], [ -79.1, 1.1 ], [ -79.1, 1.2 ], [ -79, 1.2 ], [ -78.9, 1.2 ], [ -78.9, 1.2 ], [ -78.9, 1.3 ], [ -78.8, 1.4 ], [ -78.8, 1.4 ], [ -78.9, 1.5 ], [ -78.9, 1.6 ], [ -78.9, 1.6 ], [ -79, 1.6 ], [ -79, 1.6 ], [ -79.1, 1.6 ], [ -79, 1.8 ], [ -78.9, 1.8 ], [ -78.8, 1.8 ], [ -78.8, 1.8 ], [ -78.7, 1.8 ], [ -78.6, 1.8 ], [ -78.6, 1.8 ], [ -78.5, 1.9 ], [ -78.5, 1.9 ], [ -78.6, 2 ], [ -78.6, 2 ], [ -78.7, 2.1 ], [ -78.7, 2.2 ], [ -78.7, 2.2 ], [ -78.6, 2.3 ], [ -78.6, 2.4 ], [ -78.6, 2.4 ], [ -78.6, 2.4 ], [ -78.5, 2.4 ], [ -78.5, 2.4 ], [ -78.5, 2.4 ], [ -78.5, 2.5 ], [ -78.4, 2.5 ], [ -78.4, 2.5 ], [ -78.4, 2.5 ], [ -78.3, 2.4 ], [ -78.3, 2.5 ], [ -78.1, 2.5 ], [ -78.1, 2.5 ], [ -78, 2.5 ], [ -78, 2.6 ], [ -77.9, 2.6 ], [ -77.9, 2.7 ], [ -77.9, 2.6 ], [ -77.9, 2.6 ], [ -77.9, 2.6 ], [ -77.8, 2.6 ], [ -77.7, 2.6 ], [ -77.8, 2.6 ], [ -77.8, 2.8 ], [ -77.7, 2.9 ], [ -77.6, 3.1 ], [ -77.5, 3.1 ], [ -77.4, 3.3 ], [ -77.4, 3.3 ], [ -77.4, 3.3 ], [ -77.5, 3.3 ], [ -77.5, 3.4 ], [ -77.4, 3.4 ], [ -77.2, 3.6 ], [ -77.2, 3.6 ], [ -77.1, 3.7 ], [ -77.1, 3.7 ], [ -77.1, 3.8 ], [ -77, 3.9 ], [ -77.1, 3.9 ], [ -77.1, 3.9 ], [ -77.2, 3.9 ], [ -77.2, 3.8 ], [ -77.2, 3.8 ], [ -77.3, 3.8 ], [ -77.3, 3.9 ], [ -77.3, 3.9 ], [ -77.3, 4 ], [ -77.3, 4 ], [ -77.2, 4 ], [ -77.2, 4.1 ], [ -77.2, 4.1 ], [ -77.3, 4.1 ], [ -77.3, 4.1 ], [ -77.3, 4 ], [ -77.3, 4 ], [ -77.3, 4 ], [ -77.4, 3.9 ], [ -77.4, 4 ], [ -77.4, 4 ], [ -77.4, 4.1 ], [ -77.4, 4.2 ], [ -77.3, 4.2 ], [ -77.3, 4.2 ], [ -77.2, 4.2 ], [ -77.2, 4.3 ], [ -77.3, 4.3 ], [ -77.3, 4.3 ], [ -77.4, 4.3 ], [ -77.3, 4.4 ], [ -77.3, 4.4 ], [ -77.3, 4.5 ], [ -77.3, 4.5 ], [ -77.3, 4.6 ], [ -77.3, 4.7 ], [ -77.3, 4.8 ], [ -77.3, 4.8 ], [ -77.4, 4.9 ], [ -77.4, 4.9 ], [ -77.4, 5.1 ], [ -77.4, 5.2 ], [ -77.4, 5.2 ], [ -77.3, 5.2 ], [ -77.4, 5.3 ], [ -77.4, 5.5 ], [ -77.5, 5.5 ], [ -77.5, 5.5 ], [ -77.5, 5.6 ], [ -77.4, 5.6 ], [ -77.4, 5.6 ], [ -77.4, 5.6 ], [ -77.3, 5.6 ], [ -77.3, 5.7 ], [ -77.2, 5.8 ], [ -77.2, 5.8 ], [ -77.3, 6 ], [ -77.4, 6.1 ], [ -77.5, 6.1 ], [ -77.5, 6.2 ], [ -77.5, 6.2 ], [ -77.5, 6.3 ], [ -77.4, 6.2 ], [ -77.4, 6.3 ], [ -77.4, 6.4 ], [ -77.3, 6.6 ], [ -77.4, 6.7 ], [ -77.4, 6.7 ], [ -77.5, 6.7 ], [ -77.7, 6.9 ], [ -77.7, 7 ], [ -77.7, 7 ], [ -77.7, 7.1 ], [ -77.8, 7.2 ], [ -77.9, 7.2 ], [ -77.8, 7.5 ], [ -77.8, 7.5 ], [ -77.7, 7.5 ], [ -77.7, 7.5 ], [ -77.7, 7.5 ], [ -77.7, 7.6 ], [ -77.8, 7.6 ], [ -77.8, 7.6 ], [ -77.8, 7.7 ], [ -77.8, 7.7 ], [ -77.7, 7.7 ], [ -77.7, 7.7 ], [ -77.6, 7.6 ], [ -77.6, 7.6 ], [ -77.6, 7.5 ], [ -77.6, 7.5 ], [ -77.3, 7.7 ], [ -77.3, 7.7 ], [ -77.4, 7.8 ], [ -77.3, 7.9 ], [ -77.3, 7.9 ], [ -77.2, 7.9 ], [ -77.2, 8 ], [ -77.2, 8.1 ], [ -77.2, 8.1 ], [ -77.3, 8.2 ], [ -77.3, 8.2 ], [ -77.3, 8.3 ], [ -77.4, 8.3 ], [ -77.4, 8.3 ], [ -77.4, 8.4 ], [ -77.4, 8.4 ], [ -77.4, 8.5 ], [ -77.4, 8.5 ], [ -77.5, 8.5 ], [ -77.5, 8.5 ], [ -77.5, 8.6 ], [ -77.4, 8.6 ], [ -77.4, 8.6 ], [ -77.4, 8.7 ], [ -77.3, 8.7 ], [ -77.3, 8.6 ], [ -77.3, 8.5 ], [ -77.2, 8.5 ], [ -77.2, 8.5 ], [ -77.2, 8.4 ], [ -77.2, 8.4 ], [ -77.1, 8.4 ], [ -77.1, 8.4 ], [ -77.1, 8.3 ], [ -77, 8.2 ], [ -77, 8.2 ], [ -76.9, 8.2 ], [ -76.9, 8.1 ], [ -76.8, 8.1 ], [ -76.8, 8.1 ], [ -76.8, 8.1 ], [ -76.8, 8 ], [ -76.9, 8 ], [ -76.9, 8 ], [ -76.9, 8 ], [ -76.9, 8 ], [ -76.9, 7.9 ], [ -76.9, 7.9 ], [ -76.8, 7.9 ], [ -76.8, 7.9 ], [ -76.7, 7.9 ], [ -76.7, 8 ], [ -76.7, 8.1 ], [ -76.8, 8.2 ], [ -76.8, 8.3 ], [ -76.8, 8.4 ], [ -76.8, 8.5 ], [ -76.9, 8.5 ], [ -76.9, 8.5 ], [ -76.9, 8.6 ], [ -76.9, 8.6 ], [ -76.8, 8.6 ], [ -76.7, 8.7 ], [ -76.4, 8.9 ], [ -76.4, 8.9 ], [ -76.4, 8.9 ], [ -76.4, 8.9 ], [ -76.4, 8.9 ], [ -76.3, 8.9 ], [ -76.3, 9 ], [ -76.2, 9.2 ], [ -76.2, 9.2 ], [ -76.1, 9.3 ], [ -76.1, 9.3 ], [ -76.1, 9.3 ], [ -75.9, 9.4 ], [ -75.8, 9.4 ], [ -75.7, 9.4 ], [ -75.7, 9.4 ], [ -75.7, 9.4 ], [ -75.6, 9.4 ], [ -75.6, 9.5 ], [ -75.6, 9.5 ], [ -75.6, 9.5 ], [ -75.6, 9.6 ], [ -75.6, 9.6 ], [ -75.6, 9.6 ], [ -75.6, 9.7 ], [ -75.6, 9.7 ], [ -75.7, 9.8 ], [ -75.6, 9.8 ], [ -75.6, 10 ], [ -75.6, 10 ], [ -75.6, 10 ], [ -75.6, 10.1 ], [ -75.6, 10.1 ], [ -75.6, 10.1 ], [ -75.5, 10.2 ], [ -75.5, 10.2 ], [ -75.5, 10.4 ], [ -75.5, 10.4 ], [ -75.5, 10.5 ], [ -75.5, 10.6 ], [ -75.5, 10.6 ], [ -75.4, 10.7 ], [ -75.3, 10.7 ], [ -75.3, 10.7 ], [ -75.3, 10.7 ], [ -75.2, 10.7 ], [ -75.2, 10.8 ], [ -75.3, 10.7 ], [ -75.3, 10.8 ], [ -75.3, 10.8 ], [ -75.2, 10.8 ], [ -75.2, 10.8 ], [ -75, 10.9 ], [ -75, 10.9 ], [ -75, 11 ], [ -74.9, 11.1 ], [ -74.9, 11.1 ], [ -74.9, 11.1 ], [ -74.8, 11.1 ], [ -74.5, 11 ], [ -74.5, 11 ], [ -74.5, 11 ], [ -74.4, 11 ], [ -74.4, 11 ], [ -74.3, 11 ], [ -74.3, 11 ], [ -74.3, 11 ], [ -74.3, 11 ], [ -74.3, 11 ], [ -74.4, 11 ], [ -74.4, 11 ], [ -74.5, 11 ], [ -74.6, 10.9 ], [ -74.6, 10.8 ], [ -74.6, 10.8 ], [ -74.5, 10.8 ], [ -74.5, 10.8 ], [ -74.5, 10.7 ], [ -74.4, 10.7 ], [ -74.4, 10.8 ], [ -74.4, 10.8 ], [ -74.3, 10.9 ], [ -74.3, 11 ], [ -74.3, 11 ], [ -74.2, 11.1 ], [ -74.2, 11.2 ], [ -74.2, 11.2 ], [ -74.2, 11.3 ], [ -74.2, 11.3 ], [ -74.2, 11.3 ], [ -74, 11.4 ], [ -74, 11.4 ], [ -74, 11.3 ], [ -74, 11.3 ], [ -73.9, 11.3 ], [ -73.8, 11.3 ], [ -73.7, 11.3 ], [ -73.6, 11.3 ], [ -73.6, 11.3 ], [ -73.6, 11.3 ], [ -73.5, 11.3 ], [ -73.5, 11.3 ], [ -73.4, 11.3 ], [ -73.3, 11.3 ], [ -73.3, 11.3 ], [ -73.3, 11.3 ], [ -73.3, 11.3 ], [ -73.2, 11.3 ], [ -73.2, 11.4 ], [ -73.1, 11.4 ], [ -73, 11.5 ], [ -72.8, 11.7 ], [ -72.7, 11.7 ], [ -72.5, 11.8 ], [ -72.5, 11.8 ], [ -72.5, 11.8 ], [ -72.4, 11.8 ], [ -72.3, 11.9 ], [ -72.3, 11.9 ], [ -72.2, 11.9 ], [ -72.1, 12.1 ], [ -72.1, 12.1 ], [ -72.1, 12.2 ], [ -72.2, 12.2 ], [ -72.2, 12.2 ], [ -72.1, 12.2 ], [ -72, 12.3 ], [ -72, 12.3 ], [ -72, 12.2 ], [ -72, 12.2 ], [ -72, 12.2 ], [ -72, 12.2 ], [ -71.9, 12.2 ], [ -71.9, 12.2 ], [ -71.8, 12.3 ], [ -71.7, 12.4 ], [ -71.6, 12.4 ], [ -71.7, 12.4 ], [ -71.7, 12.4 ], [ -71.7, 12.4 ], [ -71.7, 12.4 ], [ -71.7, 12.5 ], [ -71.7, 12.5 ], [ -71.6, 12.5 ], [ -71.5, 12.4 ], [ -71.3, 12.3 ], [ -71.2, 12.3 ], [ -71.2, 12.3 ], [ -71.1, 12.1 ], [ -71.1, 12.1 ], [ -71.1, 12 ], [ -71.1, 12 ], [ -71.2, 12 ], [ -71.2, 12 ], [ -71.3, 11.9 ], [ -71.3, 11.9 ], [ -71.3, 11.9 ], [ -71.3, 11.8 ], [ -71.4, 11.8 ], [ -71.4, 11.7 ], [ -71.5, 11.7 ], [ -71.5, 11.7 ], [ -71.5, 11.7 ], [ -71.6, 11.7 ], [ -71.7, 11.7 ], [ -71.8, 11.7 ], [ -71.8, 11.6 ], [ -72, 11.6 ], [ -72, 11.5 ], [ -72, 11.5 ], [ -72, 11.5 ], [ -72, 11.4 ], [ -71.9, 11.4 ], [ -71.9, 11.4 ], [ -71.9, 11.3 ], [ -71.9, 11.2 ], [ -71.8, 11.2 ], [ -71.8, 11.1 ], [ -71.7, 11 ], [ -71.8, 11 ], [ -71.7, 10.8 ], [ -71.7, 10.8 ], [ -71.6, 10.7 ], [ -71.6, 10.7 ], [ -71.6, 10.7 ], [ -71.6, 10.7 ], [ -71.6, 10.5 ], [ -71.6, 10.4 ], [ -71.7, 10.4 ], [ -71.8, 10.4 ], [ -71.8, 10.3 ], [ -71.8, 10.3 ], [ -71.8, 10.3 ], [ -71.8, 10.2 ], [ -71.9, 10.1 ], [ -72.1, 9.8 ], [ -72.1, 9.7 ], [ -72, 9.7 ], [ -72, 9.7 ], [ -72, 9.6 ], [ -72, 9.6 ], [ -71.9, 9.5 ], [ -71.9, 9.5 ], [ -71.7, 9.4 ], [ -71.7, 9.3 ], [ -71.7, 9.3 ], [ -71.8, 9.2 ], [ -71.8, 9.1 ], [ -71.7, 9.1 ], [ -71.7, 9.1 ], [ -71.7, 9.1 ], [ -71.6, 9 ], [ -71.6, 9 ], [ -71.6, 9 ], [ -71.5, 9.1 ], [ -71.3, 9.1 ], [ -71.3, 9.1 ], [ -71.2, 9.2 ], [ -71.2, 9.2 ], [ -71.2, 9.2 ], [ -71.2, 9.2 ], [ -71.2, 9.3 ], [ -71.1, 9.3 ], [ -71.1, 9.3 ], [ -71.1, 9.3 ], [ -71.1, 9.3 ], [ -71.1, 9.4 ], [ -71.1, 9.4 ], [ -71.1, 9.5 ], [ -71.1, 9.6 ], [ -71.1, 9.6 ], [ -71.1, 9.7 ], [ -71.1, 9.9 ], [ -71.1, 9.9 ], [ -71.1, 10 ], [ -71.3, 10.2 ], [ -71.3, 10.2 ], [ -71.3, 10.2 ], [ -71.4, 10.3 ], [ -71.4, 10.4 ], [ -71.5, 10.5 ], [ -71.5, 10.5 ], [ -71.5, 10.6 ], [ -71.5, 10.7 ], [ -71.4, 10.8 ], [ -71.5, 10.9 ], [ -71.5, 11 ], [ -71.4, 11 ], [ -71.4, 11 ], [ -71.4, 11 ], [ -71.4, 11 ], [ -71.3, 11 ], [ -71.3, 11 ], [ -71.2, 11 ], [ -71.1, 11.1 ], [ -71, 11.1 ], [ -71, 11.1 ], [ -71, 11.1 ], [ -70.9, 11.2 ], [ -70.9, 11.2 ], [ -70.9, 11.2 ], [ -70.8, 11.2 ], [ -70.7, 11.2 ], [ -70.7, 11.2 ], [ -70.6, 11.2 ], [ -70.5, 11.2 ], [ -70.5, 11.2 ], [ -70.5, 11.3 ], [ -70.4, 11.3 ], [ -70.4, 11.3 ], [ -70.3, 11.3 ], [ -70.2, 11.4 ], [ -70.1, 11.4 ], [ -70.1, 11.4 ], [ -70, 11.4 ], [ -70, 11.5 ], [ -70, 11.5 ], [ -70, 11.5 ], [ -69.9, 11.4 ], [ -69.9, 11.4 ], [ -69.8, 11.4 ], [ -69.8, 11.4 ], [ -69.7, 11.5 ], [ -69.8, 11.6 ], [ -69.8, 11.6 ], [ -69.8, 11.7 ], [ -69.9, 11.7 ], [ -70, 11.7 ], [ -70.2, 11.6 ], [ -70.2, 11.6 ], [ -70.2, 11.6 ], [ -70.2, 11.7 ], [ -70.2, 11.8 ], [ -70.3, 11.9 ], [ -70.3, 11.9 ], [ -70.3, 11.9 ], [ -70.3, 12 ], [ -70.2, 12.1 ], [ -70.2, 12.1 ], [ -70.1, 12.2 ], [ -70, 12.2 ], [ -69.9, 12.2 ], [ -69.9, 12.1 ], [ -69.9, 12.1 ], [ -69.8, 12 ], [ -69.8, 12 ], [ -69.8, 11.9 ], [ -69.8, 11.9 ], [ -69.8, 11.9 ], [ -69.8, 11.8 ], [ -69.8, 11.7 ], [ -69.8, 11.7 ], [ -69.7, 11.6 ], [ -69.7, 11.5 ], [ -69.7, 11.5 ], [ -69.6, 11.5 ], [ -69.6, 11.5 ], [ -69.6, 11.5 ], [ -69.6, 11.5 ], [ -69.5, 11.5 ], [ -69.5, 11.5 ], [ -69.4, 11.5 ], [ -69.4, 11.5 ], [ -69.4, 11.5 ], [ -69.3, 11.5 ], [ -69.3, 11.5 ], [ -69.1, 11.5 ], [ -69, 11.5 ], [ -68.8, 11.4 ], [ -68.7, 11.3 ], [ -68.6, 11.3 ], [ -68.6, 11.3 ], [ -68.5, 11.3 ], [ -68.4, 11.2 ], [ -68.4, 11.2 ], [ -68.3, 11 ], [ -68.2, 10.9 ], [ -68.3, 10.9 ], [ -68.3, 10.9 ], [ -68.3, 10.8 ], [ -68.3, 10.8 ], [ -68.3, 10.8 ], [ -68.3, 10.6 ], [ -68.3, 10.6 ], [ -68.2, 10.5 ], [ -68.2, 10.5 ], [ -68.1, 10.5 ], [ -68.1, 10.5 ], [ -68, 10.5 ], [ -67.9, 10.5 ], [ -67.9, 10.5 ], [ -67.8, 10.5 ], [ -67.8, 10.5 ], [ -67.5, 10.5 ], [ -67.5, 10.5 ], [ -67.4, 10.5 ], [ -67.4, 10.5 ], [ -67.3, 10.5 ], [ -67.1, 10.6 ], [ -67, 10.6 ], [ -66.5, 10.6 ], [ -66.5, 10.6 ], [ -66.4, 10.6 ], [ -66.4, 10.6 ], [ -66.3, 10.6 ], [ -66.3, 10.6 ], [ -66.3, 10.6 ], [ -66.3, 10.6 ], [ -66.2, 10.6 ], [ -66.2, 10.6 ], [ -66.1, 10.6 ], [ -66.1, 10.5 ], [ -66.1, 10.5 ], [ -66.1, 10.5 ], [ -66.1, 10.4 ], [ -66, 10.4 ], [ -65.9, 10.3 ], [ -65.8, 10.2 ], [ -65.8, 10.2 ], [ -65.8, 10.2 ], [ -65.7, 10.2 ], [ -65.5, 10.2 ], [ -65.4, 10.1 ], [ -65.3, 10.1 ], [ -65.1, 10.1 ], [ -64.8, 10.1 ], [ -64.8, 10.1 ], [ -64.8, 10.1 ], [ -64.7, 10.1 ], [ -64.7, 10.2 ], [ -64.6, 10.2 ], [ -64.6, 10.3 ], [ -64.5, 10.2 ], [ -64.5, 10.2 ], [ -64.4, 10.3 ], [ -64.4, 10.3 ], [ -64.4, 10.4 ], [ -64.4, 10.4 ], [ -64.2, 10.4 ], [ -64.2, 10.5 ], [ -64.1, 10.5 ], [ -64.1, 10.4 ], [ -64.1, 10.4 ], [ -63.9, 10.4 ], [ -63.8, 10.4 ], [ -63.8, 10.4 ], [ -63.7, 10.5 ], [ -63.7, 10.5 ], [ -63.8, 10.5 ], [ -63.8, 10.6 ], [ -64, 10.6 ], [ -64.1, 10.6 ], [ -64.2, 10.6 ], [ -64.2, 10.5 ], [ -64.2, 10.5 ], [ -64.3, 10.5 ], [ -64.3, 10.6 ], [ -64.3, 10.7 ], [ -64.2, 10.6 ], [ -64.1, 10.6 ], [ -64, 10.6 ], [ -63.8, 10.6 ], [ -63.7, 10.6 ], [ -63.7, 10.6 ], [ -63.5, 10.6 ], [ -63.5, 10.6 ], [ -63.3, 10.7 ], [ -63.3, 10.7 ], [ -63.3, 10.7 ], [ -63.2, 10.7 ], [ -63.2, 10.7 ], [ -63, 10.7 ], [ -63, 10.7 ], [ -63, 10.7 ], [ -62.9, 10.7 ], [ -62.9, 10.7 ], [ -62.8, 10.7 ], [ -62.7, 10.7 ], [ -62.7, 10.7 ], [ -62.5, 10.7 ], [ -62.5, 10.7 ], [ -62.4, 10.7 ], [ -62.3, 10.7 ], [ -62.2, 10.7 ], [ -62.1, 10.7 ], [ -62, 10.7 ], [ -61.9, 10.7 ], [ -61.9, 10.7 ], [ -61.9, 10.7 ], [ -62, 10.6 ], [ -62, 10.6 ], [ -62.1, 10.6 ], [ -62.1, 10.6 ], [ -62.1, 10.6 ], [ -62.2, 10.6 ], [ -62.2, 10.6 ], [ -62.3, 10.6 ], [ -62.3, 10.6 ], [ -62.3, 10.6 ], [ -62.3, 10.5 ], [ -62.4, 10.5 ], [ -62.5, 10.5 ], [ -62.6, 10.6 ], [ -62.6, 10.6 ], [ -62.7, 10.6 ], [ -62.8, 10.5 ], [ -62.9, 10.5 ], [ -63, 10.5 ], [ -63, 10.5 ], [ -62.9, 10.5 ], [ -62.9, 10.5 ], [ -62.9, 10.5 ], [ -62.8, 10.5 ], [ -62.8, 10.4 ], [ -62.8, 10.4 ], [ -62.8, 10.4 ], [ -62.9, 10.4 ], [ -62.9, 10.4 ], [ -62.9, 10.4 ], [ -62.9, 10.4 ], [ -63, 10.4 ], [ -63, 10.4 ], [ -63, 10.4 ], [ -63, 10.3 ], [ -62.9, 10.3 ], [ -62.9, 10.3 ], [ -62.9, 10.3 ], [ -63, 10.4 ], [ -62.9, 10.4 ], [ -62.9, 10.4 ], [ -62.9, 10.4 ], [ -62.9, 10.4 ], [ -62.8, 10.4 ], [ -62.8, 10.4 ], [ -62.7, 10.4 ], [ -62.7, 10.3 ], [ -62.7, 10.3 ], [ -62.6, 10.1 ], [ -62.7, 10.1 ], [ -62.7, 10.1 ], [ -62.8, 10.1 ], [ -62.8, 10.1 ], [ -62.9, 10.1 ], [ -62.9, 10.1 ], [ -63, 10.1 ], [ -63, 10.1 ], [ -63, 10.1 ], [ -63, 10.1 ], [ -63, 10.1 ], [ -62.9, 10.1 ], [ -62.9, 10.1 ], [ -62.9, 10 ], [ -62.8, 10 ], [ -62.7, 10.1 ], [ -62.7, 10.1 ], [ -62.6, 10.1 ], [ -62.6, 10.1 ], [ -62.6, 10.1 ], [ -62.6, 10.2 ], [ -62.6, 10.2 ], [ -62.6, 10.2 ], [ -62.5, 10.2 ], [ -62.5, 10.2 ], [ -62.5, 10.2 ], [ -62.5, 10.1 ], [ -62.4, 10 ], [ -62.4, 9.9 ], [ -62.3, 9.8 ], [ -62.3, 9.7 ], [ -62.3, 9.7 ], [ -62.3, 9.7 ], [ -62.3, 9.7 ], [ -62.3, 9.8 ], [ -62.3, 9.8 ], [ -62.2, 9.9 ], [ -62.2, 9.9 ], [ -62.2, 9.9 ], [ -62.3, 10 ], [ -62.2, 9.9 ], [ -62.2, 9.8 ], [ -62.2, 9.7 ], [ -62.2, 9.6 ], [ -62.2, 9.7 ], [ -62.2, 9.7 ], [ -62.1, 9.8 ], [ -62.1, 9.8 ], [ -62.1, 9.8 ], [ -62, 9.9 ], [ -62, 9.9 ], [ -62.1, 9.9 ], [ -62.1, 9.9 ], [ -62.2, 9.9 ], [ -62.2, 9.9 ], [ -62.2, 10 ], [ -62.2, 10 ], [ -62.2, 10 ], [ -62.1, 10 ], [ -62.1, 10 ], [ -62, 9.9 ], [ -61.8, 9.8 ], [ -61.7, 9.6 ], [ -61.7, 9.6 ], [ -61.7, 9.6 ], [ -61.7, 9.7 ], [ -61.8, 9.8 ], [ -61.8, 9.8 ], [ -61.8, 9.8 ], [ -61.8, 9.8 ], [ -61.8, 9.8 ], [ -61.7, 9.8 ], [ -61.7, 9.8 ], [ -61.7, 9.8 ], [ -61.6, 9.8 ], [ -61.6, 9.8 ], [ -61.6, 9.8 ], [ -61.6, 9.8 ], [ -61.6, 9.9 ], [ -61.6, 9.9 ], [ -61.6, 9.9 ], [ -61.6, 9.9 ], [ -61.5, 9.8 ], [ -61.4, 9.8 ], [ -61.4, 9.7 ], [ -61.4, 9.7 ], [ -61.4, 9.7 ], [ -61.3, 9.6 ], [ -61.2, 9.6 ], [ -61.1, 9.6 ], [ -61, 9.6 ], [ -61, 9.6 ], [ -61, 9.6 ], [ -61, 9.5 ], [ -60.9, 9.4 ], [ -60.8, 9.4 ], [ -60.8, 9.3 ], [ -60.8, 9.3 ], [ -60.8, 9.3 ], [ -60.8, 9.3 ], [ -60.9, 9.2 ], [ -61, 9.2 ], [ -61.1, 9.1 ], [ -61.1, 9.1 ], [ -61.1, 9 ], [ -61.1, 9.1 ], [ -61.1, 9.1 ], [ -61, 9.2 ], [ -61, 9.2 ], [ -61, 9.2 ], [ -61, 9 ], [ -61.1, 9 ], [ -61.1, 9 ], [ -61.1, 9 ], [ -61.1, 8.9 ], [ -61.2, 8.7 ], [ -61.2, 8.7 ], [ -61.2, 8.6 ], [ -61.2, 8.6 ], [ -61.3, 8.6 ], [ -61.3, 8.6 ], [ -61.4, 8.6 ], [ -61.5, 8.6 ], [ -61.6, 8.6 ], [ -61.6, 8.6 ], [ -61.6, 8.6 ], [ -61.5, 8.5 ], [ -61.4, 8.5 ], [ -61.3, 8.4 ], [ -61.2, 8.5 ], [ -61.2, 8.5 ], [ -61.1, 8.5 ], [ -61.1, 8.5 ], [ -61.1, 8.4 ], [ -61.1, 8.4 ], [ -61.1, 8.4 ], [ -61, 8.5 ], [ -61, 8.5 ], [ -61, 8.6 ], [ -60.9, 8.6 ], [ -60.7, 8.6 ], [ -60.7, 8.6 ], [ -60.7, 8.6 ], [ -60.6, 8.6 ], [ -60.5, 8.5 ], [ -60.4, 8.6 ], [ -60.4, 8.6 ], [ -60.4, 8.6 ], [ -60.2, 8.6 ], [ -60.2, 8.6 ], [ -60.1, 8.6 ], [ -60, 8.6 ], [ -60, 8.5 ], [ -60, 8.5 ], [ -60, 8.5 ], [ -59.9, 8.5 ], [ -59.9, 8.4 ], [ -59.9, 8.4 ], [ -59.9, 8.4 ], [ -59.9, 8.4 ], [ -59.8, 8.4 ], [ -59.8, 8.3 ], [ -59.8, 8.3 ], [ -59.8, 8.4 ], [ -59.8, 8.4 ], [ -59.7, 8.4 ], [ -59.7, 8.3 ], [ -59.4, 8.2 ], [ -59.2, 8.1 ], [ -59.1, 8 ], [ -59.1, 8 ], [ -59.1, 8 ], [ -59.1, 8 ], [ -58.9, 7.9 ], [ -58.8, 7.7 ], [ -58.8, 7.7 ], [ -58.8, 7.6 ], [ -58.7, 7.6 ], [ -58.6, 7.6 ], [ -58.5, 7.4 ], [ -58.5, 7.3 ], [ -58.5, 7.1 ], [ -58.5, 7.1 ], [ -58.5, 7 ], [ -58.5, 7 ], [ -58.5, 7 ], [ -58.5, 7 ], [ -58.6, 6.9 ], [ -58.6, 6.9 ], [ -58.6, 6.8 ], [ -58.6, 6.8 ], [ -58.6, 6.7 ], [ -58.6, 6.5 ], [ -58.6, 6.4 ], [ -58.6, 6.4 ], [ -58.6, 6.4 ], [ -58.6, 6.5 ], [ -58.6, 6.5 ], [ -58.6, 6.5 ], [ -58.6, 6.6 ], [ -58.6, 6.6 ], [ -58.5, 6.7 ], [ -58.5, 6.8 ], [ -58.5, 6.8 ], [ -58.4, 6.9 ], [ -58.4, 6.9 ], [ -58.3, 6.9 ], [ -58.3, 6.9 ], [ -58.2, 6.8 ], [ -58.2, 6.8 ], [ -58.2, 6.8 ], [ -58, 6.8 ], [ -58, 6.8 ], [ -58, 6.8 ], [ -57.9, 6.8 ], [ -57.9, 6.7 ], [ -57.9, 6.7 ], [ -57.9, 6.7 ], [ -57.9, 6.7 ], [ -57.8, 6.6 ], [ -57.6, 6.5 ], [ -57.6, 6.4 ], [ -57.5, 6.3 ], [ -57.5, 6.3 ], [ -57.5, 6.3 ], [ -57.5, 6.3 ], [ -57.4, 6.3 ], [ -57.3, 6.3 ], [ -57.3, 6.2 ], [ -57.2, 6.2 ], [ -57.2, 6.1 ], [ -57.2, 6.1 ], [ -57.2, 6.1 ], [ -57.1, 6 ], [ -57.2, 5.6 ], [ -57.2, 5.6 ], [ -57.2, 5.6 ], [ -57.2, 5.5 ], [ -57.2, 5.5 ], [ -57.2, 5.5 ], [ -57.1, 5.7 ], [ -57.1, 5.7 ], [ -57.1, 5.8 ], [ -57.1, 5.9 ], [ -57, 6 ], [ -57, 6 ], [ -56.7, 6 ], [ -56.6, 5.9 ], [ -56.6, 5.9 ], [ -56.5, 5.9 ], [ -56.3, 5.9 ], [ -56, 5.8 ], [ -55.9, 5.8 ], [ -55.9, 5.7 ], [ -55.9, 5.7 ], [ -55.9, 5.7 ], [ -55.9, 5.7 ], [ -55.9, 5.7 ], [ -55.9, 5.8 ], [ -55.9, 5.9 ], [ -55.9, 5.9 ], [ -55.8, 6 ], [ -55.8, 6 ], [ -55.6, 6 ], [ -55.5, 6 ], [ -55.4, 6 ], [ -55.4, 6 ], [ -55.3, 6 ], [ -55.3, 5.9 ], [ -55.3, 5.9 ], [ -55.2, 5.9 ], [ -55.2, 5.9 ], [ -55.1, 5.9 ], [ -55.1, 5.8 ], [ -55.1, 5.8 ], [ -55.1, 5.8 ], [ -55, 5.9 ], [ -54.9, 5.8 ], [ -54.9, 5.9 ], [ -54.9, 5.9 ], [ -55, 5.9 ], [ -55, 5.9 ], [ -55.1, 5.9 ], [ -55.1, 5.9 ], [ -55.2, 6 ], [ -55, 6 ], [ -55, 6 ], [ -54.9, 6 ], [ -54.8, 6 ], [ -54.7, 6 ], [ -54.6, 6 ], [ -54.3, 5.9 ], [ -54.3, 5.9 ], [ -54.2, 5.9 ], [ -54.2, 5.9 ], [ -54, 5.8 ], [ -54, 5.7 ], [ -54, 5.7 ], [ -54, 5.7 ], [ -54.1, 5.6 ], [ -54.1, 5.5 ], [ -54.1, 5.5 ], [ -54.1, 5.5 ], [ -54.1, 5.4 ], [ -54.1, 5.4 ], [ -54.2, 5.3 ], [ -54.1, 5.4 ], [ -54.1, 5.4 ], [ -54.1, 5.4 ], [ -54.1, 5.4 ], [ -54, 5.5 ], [ -54, 5.6 ], [ -54, 5.6 ], [ -54, 5.6 ], [ -54, 5.7 ], [ -54, 5.7 ], [ -53.9, 5.7 ], [ -53.9, 5.8 ], [ -53.9, 5.8 ], [ -53.8, 5.7 ], [ -53.6, 5.7 ], [ -53.5, 5.6 ], [ -53.5, 5.6 ], [ -53.5, 5.6 ], [ -53.5, 5.6 ], [ -53.4, 5.5 ], [ -53.3, 5.5 ], [ -53.2, 5.5 ], [ -53.1, 5.5 ], [ -53, 5.5 ], [ -52.9, 5.5 ], [ -52.9, 5.4 ], [ -52.8, 5.3 ], [ -52.8, 5.3 ], [ -52.7, 5.3 ], [ -52.6, 5.1 ], [ -52.6, 5.1 ], [ -52.4, 5 ], [ -52.3, 4.9 ], [ -52.3, 4.9 ], [ -52.1, 4.7 ], [ -52, 4.7 ], [ -52, 4.6 ], [ -52, 4.6 ], [ -52, 4.6 ], [ -52, 4.5 ], [ -52, 4.5 ], [ -52, 4.4 ], [ -52, 4.4 ], [ -52, 4.4 ], [ -52, 4.4 ], [ -52, 4.3 ], [ -52, 4.3 ], [ -52, 4.4 ], [ -51.9, 4.4 ], [ -51.9, 4.4 ], [ -51.9, 4.5 ], [ -51.9, 4.5 ], [ -51.9, 4.5 ], [ -51.9, 4.6 ], [ -51.9, 4.6 ], [ -51.9, 4.6 ], [ -51.9, 4.7 ], [ -51.9, 4.7 ], [ -51.8, 4.6 ], [ -51.8, 4.5 ], [ -51.8, 4.5 ], [ -51.8, 4.5 ], [ -51.8, 4.5 ], [ -51.7, 4.4 ], [ -51.7, 4.3 ], [ -51.7, 4.3 ], [ -51.7, 4.3 ], [ -51.7, 4.2 ], [ -51.6, 4.2 ], [ -51.6, 4.2 ], [ -51.7, 4.1 ], [ -51.7, 4.1 ], [ -51.7, 4 ], [ -51.7, 4 ], [ -51.7, 4 ], [ -51.6, 4.1 ], [ -51.6, 4.1 ], [ -51.6, 4.1 ], [ -51.5, 4.2 ], [ -51.5, 4.1 ], [ -51.4, 4 ], [ -51.5, 4 ], [ -51.5, 4.1 ], [ -51.5, 4.1 ], [ -51.5, 4.1 ], [ -51.5, 4.3 ], [ -51.6, 4.3 ], [ -51.6, 4.3 ], [ -51.6, 4.3 ], [ -51.6, 4.4 ], [ -51.5, 4.4 ], [ -51.3, 4.2 ], [ -51.3, 4.2 ], [ -51.2, 4.1 ], [ -51.2, 4.1 ], [ -51.2, 4 ], [ -51.2, 3.9 ], [ -51.1, 3.9 ], [ -51.1, 3.9 ], [ -51.1, 3.9 ], [ -51.1, 3.9 ], [ -51.1, 3.7 ], [ -51.1, 3.6 ], [ -51.1, 3.6 ], [ -51.1, 3.4 ], [ -51.1, 3.3 ], [ -51.1, 3.3 ], [ -51.1, 3.3 ], [ -51, 3.1 ], [ -51, 3.1 ], [ -51, 3 ], [ -50.9, 2.9 ], [ -50.9, 2.7 ], [ -50.8, 2.7 ], [ -50.8, 2.6 ], [ -50.8, 2.5 ], [ -50.7, 2.2 ], [ -50.6, 2 ], [ -50.5, 1.9 ], [ -50.5, 1.9 ], [ -50.5, 1.8 ], [ -50.4, 1.8 ], [ -50.4, 1.8 ], [ -50.3, 1.8 ], [ -50.2, 1.8 ], [ -50, 1.8 ], [ -50, 1.8 ], [ -49.9, 1.7 ], [ -49.9, 1.6 ], [ -49.9, 1.6 ], [ -49.9, 1.5 ], [ -49.9, 1.5 ], [ -49.9, 1.4 ], [ -49.9, 1.3 ], [ -50, 1.3 ], [ -50, 1.3 ], [ -50, 1.2 ], [ -50.1, 1.2 ], [ -50.1, 1.2 ], [ -50.1, 1.2 ], [ -50, 1.2 ], [ -50, 1.2 ], [ -49.9, 1.2 ], [ -49.9, 1.2 ], [ -49.9, 1.2 ], [ -49.9, 1.2 ], [ -49.9, 1.2 ], [ -49.9, 1.1 ], [ -50, 1.1 ], [ -50.2, 0.9 ], [ -50.3, 0.8 ], [ -50.4, 0.7 ], [ -50.4, 0.7 ], [ -50.4, 0.7 ], [ -50.5, 0.7 ], [ -50.5, 0.6 ], [ -50.5, 0.6 ], [ -50.5, 0.5 ], [ -50.6, 0.4 ], [ -50.6, 0.4 ], [ -50.6, 0.4 ], [ -50.6, 0.3 ], [ -50.8, 0.2 ], [ -50.8, 0.2 ], [ -50.8, 0.2 ], [ -50.8, 0.2 ], [ -50.9, 0.2 ], [ -50.9, 0.2 ], [ -50.9, 0.2 ], [ -51, 0.1 ], [ -51, 0.1 ], [ -51, 0.1 ], [ -51, 0 ], [ -51.1, 0 ], [ -51.1, 0 ], [ -51.1, -0.1 ], [ -51.1, -0.1 ], [ -51.1, -0.1 ], [ -51.1, -0.1 ], [ -51.2, -0.1 ], [ -51.2, -0.1 ], [ -51.2, -0.1 ], [ -51.2, -0.1 ], [ -51.3, -0.1 ], [ -51.3, -0.2 ], [ -51.3, -0.2 ], [ -51.3, -0.3 ], [ -51.4, -0.3 ], [ -51.4, -0.3 ], [ -51.4, -0.4 ], [ -51.4, -0.4 ], [ -51.5, -0.5 ], [ -51.5, -0.5 ], [ -51.5, -0.5 ], [ -51.6, -0.6 ], [ -51.7, -0.8 ], [ -51.7, -0.8 ], [ -51.7, -0.9 ], [ -51.7, -0.9 ], [ -51.7, -1 ], [ -51.7, -1 ], [ -51.7, -1 ], [ -51.8, -1.1 ], [ -51.9, -1.1 ], [ -51.9, -1.2 ], [ -51.9, -1.2 ], [ -51.9, -1.2 ], [ -51.9, -1.2 ], [ -51.9, -1.3 ], [ -51.9, -1.3 ], [ -52, -1.4 ], [ -52, -1.4 ], [ -52.1, -1.4 ], [ -52.1, -1.4 ], [ -52.1, -1.4 ], [ -52.2, -1.4 ], [ -52.2, -1.4 ], [ -52.2, -1.3 ], [ -52.4, -1.4 ], [ -52.5, -1.5 ], [ -52.6, -1.5 ], [ -52.6, -1.5 ], [ -52.6, -1.5 ], [ -52.7, -1.6 ], [ -52.7, -1.6 ], [ -52.5, -1.6 ], [ -52.3, -1.5 ], [ -52.3, -1.5 ], [ -52.2, -1.6 ], [ -52.2, -1.6 ], [ -52.2, -1.6 ], [ -52.2, -1.7 ], [ -52.3, -1.7 ], [ -52.2, -1.7 ], [ -52.2, -1.7 ], [ -52.2, -1.7 ], [ -52.2, -1.6 ], [ -52.2, -1.6 ], [ -52.1, -1.6 ], [ -52.1, -1.6 ], [ -52.1, -1.6 ], [ -52, -1.6 ], [ -51.9, -1.6 ], [ -51.9, -1.6 ], [ -51.8, -1.5 ], [ -51.8, -1.5 ], [ -51.7, -1.4 ], [ -51.6, -1.4 ], [ -51.6, -1.4 ], [ -51.6, -1.4 ], [ -51.5, -1.3 ], [ -51.4, -1.3 ], [ -51.2, -1.2 ], [ -51.2, -1.1 ], [ -51.2, -1.1 ], [ -51.1, -1.1 ], [ -51.1, -1.1 ], [ -51, -1 ], [ -51, -1 ], [ -51, -1 ], [ -51, -1 ], [ -51, -0.9 ], [ -50.9, -0.9 ], [ -50.9, -0.9 ], [ -50.8, -0.9 ], [ -50.8, -1.2 ], [ -50.8, -1.2 ], [ -50.8, -1.3 ], [ -50.8, -1.3 ], [ -50.8, -1.3 ], [ -50.8, -1.4 ], [ -50.8, -1.5 ], [ -50.7, -1.6 ], [ -50.7, -1.6 ], [ -50.7, -1.6 ], [ -50.7, -1.6 ], [ -50.7, -1.7 ], [ -50.7, -1.8 ], [ -50.8, -1.9 ], [ -50.8, -1.9 ], [ -50.9, -1.9 ], [ -51, -1.8 ], [ -51.1, -1.8 ], [ -51.1, -1.8 ], [ -51.3, -1.8 ], [ -51.3, -1.7 ], [ -51.3, -1.7 ], [ -51.3, -1.7 ], [ -51.3, -1.6 ], [ -51.4, -1.8 ], [ -51.5, -1.9 ], [ -51.5, -1.9 ], [ -51.5, -2 ], [ -51.5, -2 ], [ -51.5, -2 ], [ -51.5, -2.2 ], [ -51.4, -2.3 ], [ -51.4, -2.3 ], [ -51.4, -2.3 ], [ -51.4, -2.3 ], [ -51.5, -2.2 ], [ -51.5, -2.1 ], [ -51.5, -2 ], [ -51.4, -1.9 ], [ -51.3, -1.8 ], [ -51.2, -1.8 ], [ -51.2, -1.8 ], [ -51.2, -1.9 ], [ -51.1, -1.9 ], [ -51, -2 ], [ -51, -2 ], [ -51, -2.1 ], [ -51, -2.2 ], [ -51, -2.2 ], [ -51.1, -2.2 ], [ -51, -2.3 ], [ -51, -2.4 ], [ -51, -2.4 ], [ -51, -2.4 ], [ -50.9, -2.5 ], [ -50.9, -2.5 ], [ -50.9, -2.5 ], [ -50.8, -2.5 ], [ -50.9, -2.5 ], [ -50.9, -2.5 ], [ -50.9, -2.5 ], [ -51, -2.4 ], [ -51, -2.3 ], [ -51, -2.3 ], [ -51, -2.2 ], [ -51, -2.1 ], [ -50.9, -2 ], [ -50.8, -2 ], [ -50.8, -2.1 ], [ -50.8, -2.2 ], [ -50.7, -2.2 ], [ -50.7, -2.2 ], [ -50.7, -2.2 ], [ -50.8, -2.1 ], [ -50.8, -2 ], [ -50.8, -2 ], [ -50.8, -2 ], [ -50.8, -1.9 ], [ -50.7, -1.8 ], [ -50.6, -1.8 ], [ -50.5, -1.9 ], [ -50.4, -1.9 ], [ -50.5, -1.9 ], [ -50.5, -1.9 ], [ -50.4, -2 ], [ -50.4, -2 ], [ -50.4, -1.9 ], [ -50.4, -1.9 ], [ -50.3, -1.9 ], [ -50.3, -1.9 ], [ -50.3, -1.9 ], [ -50, -1.8 ], [ -50, -1.8 ], [ -49.9, -1.9 ], [ -49.8, -1.9 ], [ -49.6, -1.9 ], [ -49.6, -1.8 ], [ -49.5, -1.8 ], [ -49.5, -1.8 ], [ -49.5, -1.8 ], [ -49.5, -1.8 ], [ -49.4, -1.7 ], [ -49.3, -1.7 ], [ -49.3, -1.7 ], [ -49.3, -1.8 ], [ -49.3, -1.8 ], [ -49.4, -1.9 ], [ -49.4, -2 ], [ -49.4, -2.1 ], [ -49.5, -2.2 ], [ -49.5, -2.2 ], [ -49.5, -2.3 ], [ -49.5, -2.3 ], [ -49.5, -2.3 ], [ -49.5, -2.4 ], [ -49.5, -2.4 ], [ -49.5, -2.4 ], [ -49.5, -2.5 ], [ -49.5, -2.6 ], [ -49.5, -2.5 ], [ -49.4, -2.5 ], [ -49.4, -2.5 ], [ -49.4, -2.4 ], [ -49.4, -2.4 ], [ -49.4, -2.3 ], [ -49.3, -2.2 ], [ -49.3, -2.1 ], [ -49.3, -2.1 ], [ -49.3, -2 ], [ -49.2, -1.9 ], [ -49.2, -1.9 ], [ -49.1, -1.9 ], [ -49.1, -1.9 ], [ -49.1, -1.9 ], [ -49, -1.9 ], [ -49, -1.8 ], [ -48.9, -1.8 ], [ -48.8, -1.6 ], [ -48.8, -1.6 ], [ -48.7, -1.5 ], [ -48.7, -1.5 ], [ -48.7, -1.5 ], [ -48.6, -1.5 ], [ -48.6, -1.5 ], [ -48.6, -1.5 ], [ -48.5, -1.5 ], [ -48.5, -1.6 ], [ -48.5, -1.6 ], [ -48.4, -1.7 ], [ -48.4, -1.6 ], [ -48.4, -1.6 ], [ -48.4, -1.6 ], [ -48.5, -1.6 ], [ -48.4, -1.5 ], [ -48.3, -1.5 ], [ -48.2, -1.5 ], [ -48.2, -1.5 ], [ -48.3, -1.4 ], [ -48.3, -1.4 ], [ -48.3, -1.5 ], [ -48.4, -1.5 ], [ -48.4, -1.5 ], [ -48.4, -1.5 ], [ -48.5, -1.5 ], [ -48.5, -1.5 ], [ -48.5, -1.4 ], [ -48.5, -1.3 ], [ -48.4, -1.3 ], [ -48.4, -1.3 ], [ -48.4, -1.3 ], [ -48.3, -1.3 ], [ -48.3, -1.2 ], [ -48.3, -1.1 ], [ -48.3, -1 ], [ -48.3, -1 ], [ -48.3, -1 ], [ -48.3, -1 ], [ -48.3, -0.9 ], [ -48.2, -0.9 ], [ -48.1, -0.7 ], [ -48, -0.7 ], [ -48, -0.7 ], [ -48, -0.8 ], [ -48, -0.8 ], [ -47.9, -0.7 ], [ -47.8, -0.7 ], [ -47.8, -0.6 ], [ -47.7, -0.6 ], [ -47.7, -0.7 ], [ -47.7, -0.7 ], [ -47.7, -0.7 ], [ -47.7, -0.7 ], [ -47.6, -0.7 ], [ -47.6, -0.7 ], [ -47.6, -0.7 ], [ -47.6, -0.6 ], [ -47.5, -0.6 ], [ -47.5, -0.6 ], [ -47.5, -0.7 ], [ -47.4, -0.8 ], [ -47.4, -0.8 ], [ -47.4, -0.8 ], [ -47.4, -0.7 ], [ -47.5, -0.7 ], [ -47.5, -0.7 ], [ -47.5, -0.6 ], [ -47.5, -0.6 ], [ -47.4, -0.6 ], [ -47.3, -0.6 ], [ -47.2, -0.6 ], [ -47.2, -0.7 ], [ -47.1, -0.8 ], [ -47, -0.7 ], [ -46.9, -0.8 ], [ -47, -0.9 ], [ -47, -0.9 ], [ -46.9, -0.9 ], [ -46.9, -0.8 ], [ -46.8, -0.7 ], [ -46.8, -0.7 ], [ -46.8, -0.8 ], [ -46.8, -0.8 ], [ -46.8, -0.8 ], [ -46.7, -0.8 ], [ -46.6, -0.8 ], [ -46.6, -0.9 ], [ -46.6, -1 ], [ -46.6, -1 ], [ -46.6, -1 ], [ -46.6, -1 ], [ -46.5, -1 ], [ -46.4, -1 ], [ -46.4, -1 ], [ -46.3, -1 ], [ -46.2, -1 ], [ -46.2, -1.1 ], [ -46.2, -1.1 ], [ -46.3, -1.2 ], [ -46.2, -1.1 ], [ -46.1, -1.1 ], [ -46.1, -1.2 ], [ -46.1, -1.2 ], [ -46, -1.2 ], [ -46, -1.2 ], [ -46, -1.2 ], [ -46, -1.1 ], [ -46, -1.1 ], [ -45.9, -1.1 ], [ -45.9, -1.2 ], [ -45.9, -1.2 ], [ -45.9, -1.3 ], [ -45.8, -1.3 ], [ -45.7, -1.2 ], [ -45.7, -1.2 ], [ -45.7, -1.4 ], [ -45.6, -1.4 ], [ -45.6, -1.3 ], [ -45.6, -1.3 ], [ -45.6, -1.3 ], [ -45.6, -1.3 ], [ -45.4, -1.3 ], [ -45.4, -1.4 ], [ -45.5, -1.5 ], [ -45.5, -1.5 ], [ -45.5, -1.5 ], [ -45.5, -1.5 ], [ -45.4, -1.4 ], [ -45.4, -1.3 ], [ -45.4, -1.3 ], [ -45.3, -1.3 ], [ -45.3, -1.3 ], [ -45.3, -1.4 ], [ -45.3, -1.4 ], [ -45.3, -1.4 ], [ -45.4, -1.5 ], [ -45.4, -1.5 ], [ -45.4, -1.7 ], [ -45.4, -1.7 ], [ -45.3, -1.7 ], [ -45.3, -1.7 ], [ -45.2, -1.7 ], [ -45.2, -1.6 ], [ -45.3, -1.6 ], [ -45.2, -1.6 ], [ -45.2, -1.5 ], [ -45.2, -1.5 ], [ -45.1, -1.5 ], [ -45, -1.5 ], [ -45, -1.5 ], [ -44.9, -1.4 ], [ -44.8, -1.5 ], [ -44.9, -1.5 ], [ -44.9, -1.5 ], [ -44.9, -1.5 ], [ -45, -1.6 ], [ -44.9, -1.6 ], [ -44.9, -1.6 ], [ -44.9, -1.6 ], [ -44.8, -1.6 ], [ -44.8, -1.6 ], [ -44.8, -1.6 ], [ -44.8, -1.7 ], [ -44.7, -1.8 ], [ -44.7, -1.8 ], [ -44.6, -1.8 ], [ -44.6, -1.8 ], [ -44.5, -1.8 ], [ -44.5, -1.9 ], [ -44.5, -1.9 ], [ -44.5, -2 ], [ -44.5, -2 ], [ -44.6, -2.2 ], [ -44.6, -2.2 ], [ -44.7, -2.3 ], [ -44.7, -2.3 ], [ -44.6, -2.3 ], [ -44.6, -2.3 ], [ -44.5, -2.1 ], [ -44.5, -2.1 ], [ -44.4, -2.2 ], [ -44.4, -2.2 ], [ -44.4, -2.3 ], [ -44.4, -2.3 ], [ -44.4, -2.3 ], [ -44.4, -2.4 ], [ -44.4, -2.4 ], [ -44.4, -2.4 ], [ -44.5, -2.5 ], [ -44.6, -2.6 ], [ -44.6, -2.6 ], [ -44.6, -2.7 ], [ -44.7, -2.8 ], [ -44.7, -2.9 ], [ -44.7, -3 ], [ -44.7, -3 ], [ -44.6, -3 ], [ -44.6, -3.1 ], [ -44.8, -3.2 ], [ -44.8, -3.2 ], [ -44.8, -3.3 ], [ -44.8, -3.3 ], [ -44.7, -3.2 ], [ -44.6, -3.1 ], [ -44.5, -3.1 ], [ -44.5, -3 ], [ -44.5, -3 ], [ -44.4, -3 ], [ -44.4, -2.9 ], [ -44.4, -2.9 ], [ -44.4, -2.9 ], [ -44.4, -2.7 ], [ -44.4, -2.6 ], [ -44.4, -2.5 ], [ -44.3, -2.5 ], [ -44.3, -2.5 ], [ -44.2, -2.5 ], [ -44.2, -2.5 ], [ -44.1, -2.4 ], [ -44.1, -2.4 ], [ -44.1, -2.4 ], [ -44, -2.4 ], [ -44, -2.5 ], [ -44, -2.5 ], [ -44.1, -2.7 ], [ -44.2, -2.7 ], [ -44.2, -2.7 ], [ -44.2, -2.7 ], [ -44.3, -2.7 ], [ -44.3, -2.8 ], [ -44.3, -2.8 ], [ -44.3, -2.8 ], [ -44.3, -2.8 ], [ -44.3, -2.8 ], [ -44.2, -2.8 ], [ -44.2, -2.8 ], [ -44.2, -2.8 ], [ -44.2, -2.9 ], [ -44.2, -2.8 ], [ -44.1, -2.8 ], [ -44, -2.7 ], [ -44, -2.6 ], [ -43.9, -2.5 ], [ -43.9, -2.6 ], [ -43.8, -2.6 ], [ -43.7, -2.5 ], [ -43.6, -2.5 ], [ -43.4, -2.5 ], [ -43.5, -2.5 ], [ -43.5, -2.4 ], [ -43.5, -2.4 ], [ -43.4, -2.4 ], [ -43.3, -2.4 ], [ -43.3, -2.4 ], [ -43.3, -2.4 ], [ -43.2, -2.4 ], [ -43.1, -2.4 ], [ -43, -2.5 ], [ -43, -2.5 ], [ -43, -2.5 ], [ -42.9, -2.5 ], [ -42.9, -2.5 ], [ -42.8, -2.6 ], [ -42.8, -2.6 ], [ -42.7, -2.6 ], [ -42.7, -2.6 ], [ -42.6, -2.6 ], [ -42.5, -2.7 ], [ -42.5, -2.8 ], [ -42.3, -2.8 ], [ -42.3, -2.8 ], [ -42.3, -2.8 ], [ -42.3, -2.8 ], [ -42.2, -2.8 ], [ -42.2, -2.8 ], [ -42.2, -2.8 ], [ -42.2, -2.8 ], [ -42.1, -2.8 ], [ -42.1, -2.8 ], [ -42, -2.8 ], [ -42, -2.8 ], [ -41.9, -2.8 ], [ -41.9, -2.8 ], [ -42, -2.8 ], [ -41.9, -2.7 ], [ -41.9, -2.7 ], [ -41.8, -2.7 ], [ -41.8, -2.8 ], [ -41.8, -2.8 ], [ -41.8, -2.8 ], [ -41.7, -2.8 ], [ -41.7, -2.8 ], [ -41.7, -2.8 ], [ -41.7, -2.9 ], [ -41.7, -2.9 ], [ -41.7, -2.9 ], [ -41.6, -2.9 ], [ -41.5, -2.9 ], [ -41.5, -2.9 ], [ -41.5, -2.9 ], [ -41.4, -2.9 ], [ -41.3, -2.9 ], [ -41.3, -3 ], [ -41.2, -3 ], [ -41.2, -3 ], [ -41.2, -3 ], [ -41.3, -2.9 ], [ -41.2, -2.9 ], [ -40.9, -2.9 ], [ -40.8, -2.9 ], [ -40.7, -2.8 ], [ -40.6, -2.8 ], [ -40.6, -2.8 ], [ -40.5, -2.8 ], [ -40.5, -2.8 ], [ -40.5, -2.8 ], [ -40.3, -2.8 ], [ -40.2, -2.8 ], [ -40, -2.8 ], [ -39.9, -2.9 ], [ -39.8, -3 ], [ -39.7, -3 ], [ -39.7, -3 ], [ -39.6, -3.1 ], [ -39.5, -3.2 ], [ -39.4, -3.2 ], [ -39.2, -3.3 ], [ -39.1, -3.4 ], [ -39, -3.4 ], [ -39, -3.4 ], [ -39, -3.4 ], [ -38.9, -3.5 ], [ -38.9, -3.5 ], [ -38.7, -3.7 ], [ -38.6, -3.7 ], [ -38.5, -3.7 ], [ -38.5, -3.7 ], [ -38.3, -3.9 ], [ -38.3, -3.9 ], [ -38.3, -3.9 ], [ -38.3, -4 ], [ -38.2, -4.1 ], [ -38.2, -4.1 ], [ -38.1, -4.1 ], [ -38.1, -4.2 ], [ -38.1, -4.2 ], [ -38, -4.3 ], [ -37.9, -4.3 ], [ -37.8, -4.4 ], [ -37.7, -4.5 ], [ -37.7, -4.5 ], [ -37.6, -4.6 ], [ -37.6, -4.6 ], [ -37.5, -4.6 ], [ -37.5, -4.6 ], [ -37.4, -4.7 ], [ -37.3, -4.7 ], [ -37.3, -4.7 ], [ -37.3, -4.7 ], [ -37.3, -4.7 ], [ -37.2, -4.8 ], [ -37.2, -4.9 ], [ -37.2, -4.9 ], [ -37.2, -4.9 ], [ -37.2, -4.9 ], [ -37.1, -4.9 ], [ -37.1, -4.9 ], [ -37, -4.9 ], [ -36.9, -5 ], [ -36.8, -5 ], [ -36.8, -5 ], [ -36.8, -5.1 ], [ -36.7, -5.1 ], [ -36.6, -5.1 ], [ -36.6, -5.1 ], [ -36.5, -5.1 ], [ -36.4, -5.1 ], [ -36.3, -5.1 ], [ -36.3, -5.1 ], [ -36.1, -5.1 ], [ -36.1, -5.1 ], [ -36, -5.1 ], [ -36, -5 ], [ -35.9, -5.1 ], [ -35.8, -5.1 ], [ -35.7, -5.1 ], [ -35.6, -5.1 ], [ -35.6, -5.1 ], [ -35.5, -5.1 ], [ -35.5, -5.2 ], [ -35.4, -5.2 ], [ -35.4, -5.3 ], [ -35.3, -5.4 ], [ -35.2, -5.6 ], [ -35.2, -5.7 ], [ -35.2, -5.7 ], [ -35.1, -5.9 ], [ -35.1, -6 ], [ -35.1, -6.1 ], [ -35.1, -6.2 ], [ -35.1, -6.2 ], [ -35, -6.2 ], [ -35, -6.4 ], [ -35, -6.4 ], [ -35, -6.5 ], [ -35, -6.5 ], [ -35, -6.5 ], [ -35, -6.6 ], [ -35, -6.6 ], [ -35, -6.7 ], [ -35, -6.7 ], [ -34.9, -6.9 ], [ -34.9, -6.9 ], [ -34.9, -7 ], [ -34.9, -7 ], [ -34.9, -7.1 ], [ -34.9, -7.1 ], [ -34.9, -7.1 ], [ -34.9, -7.1 ], [ -34.8, -7 ], [ -34.8, -7 ], [ -34.8, -7 ], [ -34.8, -7.1 ], [ -34.8, -7.1 ], [ -34.8, -7.2 ], [ -34.8, -7.3 ], [ -34.8, -7.4 ], [ -34.8, -7.5 ], [ -34.8, -7.5 ], [ -34.9, -7.5 ], [ -34.8, -7.6 ], [ -34.8, -7.6 ], [ -34.8, -7.6 ], [ -34.8, -7.7 ], [ -34.9, -7.7 ], [ -34.9, -7.7 ], [ -34.9, -7.8 ], [ -34.9, -7.8 ], [ -34.9, -7.8 ], [ -34.8, -7.8 ], [ -34.8, -7.9 ], [ -34.8, -7.9 ], [ -34.8, -7.9 ], [ -34.8, -8 ], [ -34.8, -8.1 ], [ -34.9, -8.1 ], [ -34.9, -8.2 ], [ -34.9, -8.3 ], [ -35, -8.6 ], [ -35.1, -8.7 ], [ -35.1, -8.8 ], [ -35.1, -8.9 ], [ -35.1, -8.9 ], [ -35.2, -9 ], [ -35.2, -9 ], [ -35.2, -9 ], [ -35.2, -9 ], [ -35.3, -9.2 ], [ -35.3, -9.2 ], [ -35.4, -9.3 ], [ -35.4, -9.3 ], [ -35.6, -9.6 ], [ -35.7, -9.6 ], [ -35.8, -9.7 ], [ -35.8, -9.8 ], [ -35.9, -9.8 ], [ -35.9, -9.9 ], [ -36, -10.1 ], [ -36.1, -10.2 ], [ -36.2, -10.2 ], [ -36.2, -10.2 ], [ -36.3, -10.3 ], [ -36.3, -10.3 ], [ -36.3, -10.4 ], [ -36.4, -10.5 ], [ -36.4, -10.5 ], [ -36.5, -10.5 ], [ -36.5, -10.5 ], [ -36.6, -10.5 ], [ -36.7, -10.6 ], [ -36.7, -10.6 ], [ -36.9, -10.7 ], [ -36.9, -10.8 ], [ -37, -10.8 ], [ -37, -10.9 ], [ -37, -10.9 ], [ -37, -10.9 ], [ -37, -10.9 ], [ -37, -10.9 ], [ -37.1, -10.8 ], [ -37.1, -10.7 ], [ -37.2, -10.8 ], [ -37.1, -10.8 ], [ -37.1, -10.8 ], [ -37.1, -10.8 ], [ -37, -10.8 ], [ -37.1, -11 ], [ -37.2, -11.1 ], [ -37.2, -11.1 ], [ -37.2, -11.1 ], [ -37.2, -11 ], [ -37.2, -11 ], [ -37.3, -11 ], [ -37.3, -11.1 ], [ -37.2, -11.1 ], [ -37.2, -11.1 ], [ -37.2, -11.2 ], [ -37.3, -11.3 ], [ -37.3, -11.3 ], [ -37.3, -11.4 ], [ -37.3, -11.4 ], [ -37.4, -11.4 ], [ -37.4, -11.4 ], [ -37.4, -11.3 ], [ -37.3, -11.3 ], [ -37.3, -11.3 ], [ -37.3, -11.2 ], [ -37.3, -11.2 ], [ -37.3, -11.2 ], [ -37.3, -11.2 ], [ -37.4, -11.3 ], [ -37.4, -11.3 ], [ -37.4, -11.4 ], [ -37.4, -11.4 ], [ -37.4, -11.5 ], [ -37.4, -11.5 ], [ -37.5, -11.5 ], [ -37.5, -11.5 ], [ -37.4, -11.5 ], [ -37.4, -11.5 ], [ -37.5, -11.6 ], [ -37.6, -11.9 ], [ -37.6, -11.9 ], [ -37.6, -11.9 ], [ -37.6, -12 ], [ -37.6, -12 ], [ -37.7, -12.1 ], [ -37.7, -12.1 ], [ -37.7, -12.1 ], [ -37.8, -12.3 ], [ -37.9, -12.4 ], [ -37.9, -12.4 ], [ -38, -12.5 ], [ -38, -12.6 ], [ -38, -12.6 ], [ -38.3, -12.9 ], [ -38.4, -13 ], [ -38.5, -13 ], [ -38.5, -13 ], [ -38.5, -12.9 ], [ -38.5, -12.9 ], [ -38.5, -12.8 ], [ -38.5, -12.7 ], [ -38.5, -12.7 ], [ -38.6, -12.7 ], [ -38.6, -12.7 ], [ -38.6, -12.7 ], [ -38.7, -12.6 ], [ -38.7, -12.6 ], [ -38.7, -12.6 ], [ -38.7, -12.7 ], [ -38.8, -12.8 ], [ -38.8, -12.8 ], [ -38.8, -12.8 ], [ -38.9, -12.8 ], [ -38.9, -12.8 ], [ -38.9, -12.7 ], [ -38.9, -12.7 ], [ -38.9, -12.7 ], [ -38.9, -12.7 ], [ -38.9, -12.7 ], [ -38.9, -12.7 ], [ -38.9, -12.8 ], [ -38.9, -12.8 ], [ -38.8, -12.9 ], [ -38.8, -12.9 ], [ -38.7, -12.9 ], [ -38.8, -13 ], [ -38.8, -13 ], [ -38.8, -13.1 ], [ -38.9, -13.2 ], [ -38.9, -13.2 ], [ -39, -13.3 ], [ -39, -13.3 ], [ -39, -13.3 ], [ -39, -13.4 ], [ -39, -13.4 ], [ -39, -13.4 ], [ -39, -13.4 ], [ -39.1, -13.4 ], [ -39.1, -13.5 ], [ -39.1, -13.5 ], [ -39, -13.5 ], [ -39, -13.5 ], [ -39, -13.6 ], [ -39, -13.6 ], [ -39, -13.6 ], [ -39, -13.7 ], [ -39, -13.8 ], [ -39, -13.8 ], [ -39, -14 ], [ -39, -14 ], [ -39, -14.1 ], [ -39, -14.1 ], [ -39.1, -14.1 ], [ -39.1, -14.1 ], [ -39, -14.2 ], [ -39, -14.1 ], [ -39, -14 ], [ -39, -14 ], [ -39, -14 ], [ -39, -13.9 ], [ -38.9, -13.9 ], [ -38.9, -13.9 ], [ -38.9, -14 ], [ -39, -14.1 ], [ -39, -14.2 ], [ -39, -14.2 ], [ -39, -14.3 ], [ -39, -14.5 ], [ -39.1, -14.6 ], [ -39.1, -14.7 ], [ -39.1, -14.7 ], [ -39.1, -14.8 ], [ -39, -14.8 ], [ -39, -15 ], [ -39, -15 ], [ -39, -15.3 ], [ -39, -15.5 ], [ -38.9, -15.7 ], [ -38.9, -15.7 ], [ -38.9, -15.8 ], [ -38.9, -15.9 ], [ -38.9, -16.1 ], [ -39, -16.3 ], [ -39, -16.4 ], [ -39.1, -16.5 ], [ -39.1, -16.6 ], [ -39.1, -16.6 ], [ -39.1, -16.6 ], [ -39.1, -16.7 ], [ -39.1, -16.7 ], [ -39.1, -16.8 ], [ -39.1, -16.8 ], [ -39.1, -16.9 ], [ -39.1, -16.9 ], [ -39.1, -16.9 ], [ -39.2, -17 ], [ -39.2, -17.1 ], [ -39.2, -17.2 ], [ -39.2, -17.3 ], [ -39.2, -17.3 ], [ -39.2, -17.4 ], [ -39.2, -17.5 ], [ -39.2, -17.6 ], [ -39.2, -17.6 ], [ -39.2, -17.6 ], [ -39.1, -17.7 ], [ -39.1, -17.7 ], [ -39.3, -17.9 ], [ -39.3, -17.9 ], [ -39.3, -17.9 ], [ -39.4, -17.9 ], [ -39.4, -17.9 ], [ -39.5, -17.9 ], [ -39.5, -18 ], [ -39.6, -18.2 ], [ -39.6, -18.2 ], [ -39.7, -18.3 ], [ -39.7, -18.3 ] ] ], [ [ [ -64.1, 10.9 ], [ -64.1, 10.9 ], [ -64.1, 10.9 ], [ -64.2, 11 ], [ -64.2, 11 ], [ -64.2, 10.9 ], [ -64.2, 10.9 ], [ -64.2, 10.9 ], [ -64.4, 11 ], [ -64.4, 11 ], [ -64.4, 11.1 ], [ -64.2, 11.1 ], [ -64.2, 11.1 ], [ -64.2, 11.1 ], [ -64.2, 11.1 ], [ -64.2, 11.1 ], [ -64.2, 11 ], [ -64.2, 11 ], [ -64.1, 11 ], [ -64.1, 11 ], [ -64.1, 11 ], [ -64, 11 ], [ -64, 11 ], [ -64, 11.1 ], [ -64, 11.1 ], [ -63.9, 11.2 ], [ -63.8, 11.1 ], [ -63.8, 11 ], [ -63.8, 11 ], [ -63.9, 10.9 ], [ -64, 10.9 ], [ -64.1, 10.9 ] ] ], [ [ [ -65.3, 10.9 ], [ -65.3, 10.9 ], [ -65.4, 10.9 ], [ -65.4, 10.9 ], [ -65.4, 10.9 ], [ -65.4, 11 ], [ -65.4, 11 ], [ -65.4, 11 ], [ -65.3, 11 ], [ -65.2, 11 ], [ -65.2, 10.9 ], [ -65.2, 10.9 ], [ -65.2, 10.9 ], [ -65.3, 10.9 ], [ -65.3, 10.9 ] ] ], [ [ [ -60.9, 9.1 ], [ -60.9, 9 ], [ -60.9, 9 ], [ -61, 9 ], [ -61, 9 ], [ -61, 8.9 ], [ -61, 8.9 ], [ -61.1, 8.9 ], [ -61.1, 8.9 ], [ -61.1, 8.9 ], [ -61.1, 9 ], [ -60.9, 9.1 ], [ -60.9, 9.1 ], [ -60.9, 9.1 ], [ -60.9, 9.1 ] ] ], [ [ [ -60.9, 8.9 ], [ -60.9, 8.9 ], [ -60.9, 8.9 ], [ -61, 8.8 ], [ -61, 8.8 ], [ -60.9, 9 ], [ -60.9, 9 ], [ -60.9, 9 ], [ -60.9, 9 ], [ -60.9, 9 ], [ -60.8, 9 ], [ -60.8, 9 ], [ -60.8, 9 ], [ -60.9, 8.9 ], [ -60.9, 8.9 ], [ -60.9, 8.9 ] ] ], [ [ [ -61.2, 8.7 ], [ -61.2, 8.7 ], [ -61.2, 8.7 ], [ -61.2, 8.7 ], [ -61.2, 8.7 ], [ -61.1, 8.8 ], [ -61.1, 8.8 ], [ -61, 8.8 ], [ -61, 8.8 ], [ -60.9, 8.9 ], [ -60.9, 8.8 ], [ -60.9, 8.7 ], [ -61, 8.7 ], [ -61, 8.7 ], [ -61, 8.7 ], [ -61, 8.7 ], [ -61.1, 8.7 ], [ -61.1, 8.7 ], [ -61.1, 8.7 ], [ -61.1, 8.7 ], [ -61.2, 8.7 ] ] ], [ [ [ -60.9, 8.6 ], [ -60.9, 8.6 ], [ -61, 8.6 ], [ -61, 8.6 ], [ -60.8, 8.7 ], [ -60.8, 8.7 ], [ -60.8, 8.7 ], [ -60.8, 8.7 ], [ -60.8, 8.7 ], [ -60.8, 8.7 ], [ -60.9, 8.6 ] ] ], [ [ [ -61, 8.6 ], [ -61.1, 8.6 ], [ -61.1, 8.7 ], [ -61.1, 8.7 ], [ -61.2, 8.7 ], [ -61.2, 8.7 ], [ -61.1, 8.7 ], [ -61, 8.7 ], [ -60.9, 8.7 ], [ -61, 8.7 ], [ -61, 8.7 ], [ -61, 8.6 ], [ -61, 8.6 ], [ -61, 8.6 ] ] ], [ [ [ -61.1, 8.5 ], [ -61.2, 8.5 ], [ -61.3, 8.5 ], [ -61.3, 8.5 ], [ -61.3, 8.5 ], [ -61.2, 8.6 ], [ -61.2, 8.6 ], [ -61.2, 8.6 ], [ -61.2, 8.6 ], [ -61.1, 8.5 ], [ -61.1, 8.6 ], [ -61.1, 8.6 ], [ -61, 8.6 ], [ -61, 8.6 ], [ -61, 8.6 ], [ -61, 8.6 ], [ -61, 8.5 ], [ -61, 8.5 ], [ -61.1, 8.5 ] ] ], [ [ [ -61.2, 8.5 ], [ -61.3, 8.5 ], [ -61.3, 8.5 ], [ -61.4, 8.5 ], [ -61.4, 8.5 ], [ -61.4, 8.5 ], [ -61.5, 8.5 ], [ -61.5, 8.5 ], [ -61.5, 8.6 ], [ -61.4, 8.6 ], [ -61.4, 8.6 ], [ -61.4, 8.6 ], [ -61.4, 8.6 ], [ -61.3, 8.6 ], [ -61.3, 8.6 ], [ -61.3, 8.6 ], [ -61.3, 8.6 ], [ -61.3, 8.6 ], [ -61.3, 8.5 ], [ -61.3, 8.5 ], [ -61.3, 8.5 ], [ -61.2, 8.5 ], [ -61.2, 8.5 ], [ -61.2, 8.5 ], [ -61.2, 8.5 ] ] ], [ [ [ -77.4, 4.3 ], [ -77.4, 4.3 ], [ -77.4, 4.3 ], [ -77.3, 4.3 ], [ -77.3, 4.2 ], [ -77.5, 4.2 ], [ -77.5, 4.2 ], [ -77.5, 4.2 ], [ -77.4, 4.3 ], [ -77.4, 4.3 ], [ -77.4, 4.3 ], [ -77.4, 4.3 ] ] ], [ [ [ -78.1, 2.5 ], [ -78.1, 2.5 ], [ -78.2, 2.6 ], [ -78.2, 2.6 ], [ -78.2, 2.6 ], [ -78.2, 2.6 ], [ -78.2, 2.6 ], [ -78.2, 2.6 ], [ -78.1, 2.6 ], [ -78.1, 2.6 ], [ -78.1, 2.6 ], [ -78.1, 2.6 ], [ -78.1, 2.5 ], [ -78.1, 2.5 ], [ -78.1, 2.5 ], [ -78.1, 2.5 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.5, 2.1 ], [ -50.5, 2.1 ], [ -50.5, 2.1 ], [ -50.5, 2.2 ], [ -50.5, 2.2 ], [ -50.5, 2.2 ], [ -50.5, 2.2 ], [ -50.5, 2.2 ], [ -50.4, 2.2 ], [ -50.4, 2.2 ], [ -50.4, 2.2 ], [ -50.4, 2.2 ], [ -50.4, 2.2 ], [ -50.4, 2.1 ], [ -50.4, 2.1 ], [ -50.5, 2.1 ], [ -50.5, 2.1 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.4, 1.9 ], [ -50.4, 1.9 ], [ -50.4, 1.9 ], [ -50.5, 2 ], [ -50.5, 2.1 ], [ -50.5, 2.1 ], [ -50.5, 2.1 ], [ -50.4, 2.1 ], [ -50.4, 2.1 ], [ -50.4, 2.1 ], [ -50.4, 2.1 ], [ -50.3, 2 ], [ -50.3, 2 ], [ -50.3, 2 ], [ -50.3, 2 ], [ -50.3, 1.9 ], [ -50.4, 1.9 ], [ -50.4, 1.9 ], [ -50.4, 1.9 ], [ -50.4, 1.9 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50, 0.9 ], [ -50.1, 0.9 ], [ -50.1, 1 ], [ -50, 1 ], [ -50, 1.1 ], [ -50, 1.1 ], [ -50, 1.1 ], [ -49.9, 1.1 ], [ -49.9, 1 ], [ -49.9, 1 ], [ -50, 1 ], [ -50, 1 ], [ -50, 0.9 ], [ -50, 0.9 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.2, 0.7 ], [ -50.3, 0.7 ], [ -50.3, 0.8 ], [ -50.3, 0.8 ], [ -50.3, 0.8 ], [ -50.2, 0.8 ], [ -50.2, 0.9 ], [ -50.2, 0.9 ], [ -50.2, 0.9 ], [ -50.1, 0.9 ], [ -50.1, 0.9 ], [ -50.1, 0.9 ], [ -50.1, 0.9 ], [ -50.1, 0.9 ], [ -50, 0.9 ], [ -50, 0.9 ], [ -50, 0.9 ], [ -50, 0.9 ], [ -50, 0.8 ], [ -50.1, 0.8 ], [ -50.1, 0.8 ], [ -50.1, 0.8 ], [ -50.1, 0.8 ], [ -50.1, 0.8 ], [ -50.2, 0.7 ], [ -50.2, 0.7 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.3, 0.3 ], [ -50.3, 0.3 ], [ -50.3, 0.4 ], [ -50.3, 0.4 ], [ -50.3, 0.4 ], [ -50.3, 0.4 ], [ -50.3, 0.4 ], [ -50.3, 0.5 ], [ -50.3, 0.5 ], [ -50.3, 0.5 ], [ -50.3, 0.6 ], [ -50.2, 0.6 ], [ -50.1, 0.7 ], [ -50.1, 0.6 ], [ -50, 0.6 ], [ -50, 0.6 ], [ -50, 0.6 ], [ -50, 0.5 ], [ -50.1, 0.4 ], [ -50.2, 0.4 ], [ -50.3, 0.3 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.4, 0.2 ], [ -50.5, 0.2 ], [ -50.5, 0.2 ], [ -50.5, 0.2 ], [ -50.5, 0.2 ], [ -50.5, 0.2 ], [ -50.5, 0.2 ], [ -50.5, 0.3 ], [ -50.5, 0.3 ], [ -50.5, 0.3 ], [ -50.5, 0.3 ], [ -50.5, 0.3 ], [ -50.5, 0.3 ], [ -50.4, 0.5 ], [ -50.4, 0.5 ], [ -50.4, 0.6 ], [ -50.4, 0.6 ], [ -50.4, 0.6 ], [ -50.4, 0.6 ], [ -50.3, 0.5 ], [ -50.4, 0.5 ], [ -50.4, 0.5 ], [ -50.4, 0.4 ], [ -50.4, 0.4 ], [ -50.3, 0.4 ], [ -50.3, 0.4 ], [ -50.3, 0.3 ], [ -50.3, 0.3 ], [ -50.3, 0.3 ], [ -50.3, 0.3 ], [ -50.3, 0.3 ], [ -50.4, 0.2 ], [ -50.4, 0.2 ], [ -50.4, 0.2 ], [ -50.4, 0.2 ], [ -50.4, 0.2 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.9, 0 ], [ -49.9, 0 ], [ -49.9, 0 ], [ -50, -0.1 ], [ -50, -0.1 ], [ -50, 0 ], [ -50.1, 0 ], [ -50.1, 0 ], [ -50.1, 0 ], [ -50.1, 0 ], [ -50.1, 0 ], [ -50.2, 0 ], [ -50.2, 0 ], [ -50.2, 0 ], [ -50.2, 0 ], [ -50.3, 0 ], [ -50.3, 0 ], [ -50.3, 0 ], [ -50.3, 0 ], [ -50.3, 0 ], [ -50.4, 0 ], [ -50.4, 0 ], [ -50.4, 0.1 ], [ -50.4, 0.1 ], [ -50.4, 0.2 ], [ -50.4, 0.2 ], [ -50.4, 0.2 ], [ -50.3, 0.2 ], [ -50.3, 0.2 ], [ -50.2, 0.2 ], [ -50.2, 0.2 ], [ -50.2, 0.2 ], [ -50.2, 0.2 ], [ -50.1, 0.2 ], [ -50.1, 0.2 ], [ -50.1, 0.3 ], [ -50.1, 0.3 ], [ -50, 0.3 ], [ -50, 0.3 ], [ -50, 0.3 ], [ -49.9, 0.3 ], [ -49.8, 0.3 ], [ -49.7, 0.3 ], [ -49.7, 0.3 ], [ -49.7, 0.3 ], [ -49.7, 0.3 ], [ -49.7, 0.3 ], [ -49.6, 0.3 ], [ -49.6, 0.3 ], [ -49.6, 0.3 ], [ -49.6, 0.2 ], [ -49.6, 0.2 ], [ -49.6, 0.2 ], [ -49.7, 0.2 ], [ -49.7, 0.2 ], [ -49.7, 0.2 ], [ -49.8, 0.1 ], [ -49.8, 0.1 ], [ -49.8, 0.1 ], [ -49.8, 0.1 ], [ -49.9, 0.1 ], [ -49.9, 0.1 ], [ -49.9, 0 ], [ -49.9, 0 ], [ -49.9, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.4, 0 ], [ -50.4, 0 ], [ -50.4, 0 ], [ -50.5, 0 ], [ -50.5, 0 ], [ -50.5, 0 ], [ -50.5, 0 ], [ -50.6, 0 ], [ -50.6, 0 ], [ -50.6, 0 ], [ -50.6, 0.1 ], [ -50.7, 0.1 ], [ -50.7, 0.2 ], [ -50.6, 0.2 ], [ -50.6, 0.2 ], [ -50.6, 0.2 ], [ -50.5, 0.2 ], [ -50.5, 0.1 ], [ -50.5, 0.1 ], [ -50.5, 0.1 ], [ -50.4, 0 ], [ -50.4, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -91.6, 0 ], [ -91.5, 0 ], [ -91.4, 0.1 ], [ -91.3, 0.1 ], [ -91.3, 0.1 ], [ -91.3, 0 ], [ -91.3, 0 ], [ -91.3, 0 ], [ -91.2, 0 ], [ -91.2, 0 ], [ -91.2, -0.1 ], [ -91.2, -0.1 ], [ -91.2, -0.1 ], [ -91.2, -0.2 ], [ -91.2, -0.2 ], [ -91.1, -0.3 ], [ -91.1, -0.3 ], [ -91, -0.3 ], [ -91, -0.4 ], [ -91, -0.4 ], [ -91, -0.4 ], [ -90.9, -0.5 ], [ -91, -0.5 ], [ -90.9, -0.6 ], [ -90.9, -0.7 ], [ -90.9, -0.7 ], [ -90.8, -0.7 ], [ -90.9, -0.9 ], [ -90.9, -1 ], [ -91.2, -1 ], [ -91.2, -1 ], [ -91.2, -1 ], [ -91.3, -1 ], [ -91.3, -1 ], [ -91.3, -1 ], [ -91.4, -1 ], [ -91.4, -1 ], [ -91.4, -1 ], [ -91.5, -0.9 ], [ -91.5, -0.9 ], [ -91.5, -0.9 ], [ -91.5, -0.8 ], [ -91.5, -0.8 ], [ -91.3, -0.7 ], [ -91.2, -0.7 ], [ -91.2, -0.7 ], [ -91.2, -0.7 ], [ -91.1, -0.6 ], [ -91.1, -0.5 ], [ -91.2, -0.5 ], [ -91.4, -0.3 ], [ -91.4, -0.2 ], [ -91.4, -0.2 ], [ -91.4, -0.2 ], [ -91.4, -0.1 ], [ -91.4, 0 ], [ -91.4, 0 ], [ -91.5, 0 ], [ -91.5, 0 ], [ -91.5, -0.1 ], [ -91.6, -0.1 ], [ -91.6, 0 ], [ -91.6, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.8, 0 ], [ -49.8, 0 ], [ -49.7, 0 ], [ -49.7, 0.1 ], [ -49.6, 0.1 ], [ -49.6, 0.1 ], [ -49.5, 0.1 ], [ -49.5, 0.1 ], [ -49.4, 0 ], [ -49.4, 0 ], [ -49.4, 0 ], [ -49.4, 0 ], [ -49.4, 0 ], [ -49.4, 0 ], [ -49.4, 0 ], [ -49.4, -0.1 ], [ -49.4, -0.1 ], [ -49.4, -0.1 ], [ -49.5, -0.1 ], [ -49.5, -0.1 ], [ -49.6, -0.1 ], [ -49.6, -0.1 ], [ -49.6, -0.1 ], [ -49.6, -0.1 ], [ -49.7, -0.2 ], [ -49.7, -0.2 ], [ -49.7, -0.2 ], [ -49.8, -0.1 ], [ -49.8, -0.1 ], [ -49.8, -0.1 ], [ -49.9, -0.1 ], [ -49.8, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.9, 0 ], [ -50.9, 0 ], [ -50.9, 0 ], [ -50.9, 0 ], [ -50.9, 0 ], [ -50.9, 0 ], [ -50.9, 0 ], [ -50.9, 0 ], [ -50.8, 0.1 ], [ -50.8, 0.1 ], [ -50.8, 0.1 ], [ -50.7, 0.1 ], [ -50.7, 0 ], [ -50.7, 0 ], [ -50.7, 0 ], [ -50.7, 0 ], [ -50.8, 0 ], [ -50.8, 0 ], [ -50.9, 0 ], [ -50.9, 0 ], [ -50.9, 0 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.9, -0.3 ], [ -50.9, -0.3 ], [ -50.9, -0.3 ], [ -50.9, -0.3 ], [ -50.9, -0.3 ], [ -51, -0.2 ], [ -51, -0.2 ], [ -51, -0.2 ], [ -51, -0.2 ], [ -51, -0.1 ], [ -51, -0.1 ], [ -51, -0.1 ], [ -51, -0.1 ], [ -51, -0.1 ], [ -50.9, -0.1 ], [ -50.8, -0.1 ], [ -50.8, 0 ], [ -50.8, 0 ], [ -50.7, 0 ], [ -50.7, 0 ], [ -50.7, 0 ], [ -50.6, 0 ], [ -50.6, 0 ], [ -50.6, -0.1 ], [ -50.6, -0.1 ], [ -50.7, -0.2 ], [ -50.7, -0.2 ], [ -50.7, -0.2 ], [ -50.7, -0.2 ], [ -50.8, -0.2 ], [ -50.8, -0.2 ], [ -50.9, -0.3 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.9, -1.5 ], [ -48.9, -1.5 ], [ -49, -1.5 ], [ -49.2, -1.6 ], [ -49.4, -1.6 ], [ -49.5, -1.6 ], [ -49.6, -1.7 ], [ -49.7, -1.8 ], [ -49.7, -1.7 ], [ -49.8, -1.6 ], [ -49.8, -1.7 ], [ -49.8, -1.7 ], [ -49.8, -1.7 ], [ -49.7, -1.7 ], [ -49.8, -1.8 ], [ -49.8, -1.8 ], [ -49.8, -1.8 ], [ -49.9, -1.8 ], [ -49.9, -1.8 ], [ -49.9, -1.7 ], [ -50.1, -1.7 ], [ -50.1, -1.7 ], [ -50.1, -1.8 ], [ -50.3, -1.8 ], [ -50.4, -1.8 ], [ -50.4, -1.8 ], [ -50.6, -1.8 ], [ -50.6, -1.8 ], [ -50.6, -1.7 ], [ -50.6, -1.6 ], [ -50.7, -1.6 ], [ -50.7, -1.6 ], [ -50.7, -1.5 ], [ -50.8, -1.5 ], [ -50.8, -1.4 ], [ -50.8, -1.3 ], [ -50.8, -1.2 ], [ -50.7, -1.1 ], [ -50.7, -1.1 ], [ -50.7, -1.1 ], [ -50.6, -1.2 ], [ -50.6, -1.1 ], [ -50.6, -1.1 ], [ -50.6, -1.1 ], [ -50.7, -1.1 ], [ -50.7, -1.1 ], [ -50.8, -1 ], [ -50.8, -1 ], [ -50.8, -0.9 ], [ -50.8, -0.7 ], [ -50.8, -0.6 ], [ -50.7, -0.6 ], [ -50.7, -0.6 ], [ -50.7, -0.6 ], [ -50.7, -0.6 ], [ -50.6, -0.7 ], [ -50.6, -0.7 ], [ -50.6, -0.7 ], [ -50.6, -0.6 ], [ -50.6, -0.6 ], [ -50.7, -0.6 ], [ -50.7, -0.6 ], [ -50.7, -0.5 ], [ -50.7, -0.5 ], [ -50.7, -0.4 ], [ -50.7, -0.4 ], [ -50.7, -0.3 ], [ -50.6, -0.3 ], [ -50.6, -0.2 ], [ -50.6, -0.2 ], [ -50.5, -0.2 ], [ -50.5, -0.1 ], [ -50.5, -0.1 ], [ -50.4, -0.1 ], [ -50.4, -0.1 ], [ -50.3, -0.1 ], [ -50.1, -0.1 ], [ -50.1, -0.1 ], [ -49.8, -0.2 ], [ -49.7, -0.2 ], [ -49.6, -0.2 ], [ -49.4, -0.2 ], [ -49.4, -0.2 ], [ -49.4, -0.2 ], [ -49.3, -0.2 ], [ -49.2, -0.1 ], [ -49.1, -0.1 ], [ -49, -0.2 ], [ -48.8, -0.2 ], [ -48.6, -0.2 ], [ -48.4, -0.3 ], [ -48.4, -0.3 ], [ -48.4, -0.3 ], [ -48.4, -0.4 ], [ -48.4, -0.4 ], [ -48.4, -0.4 ], [ -48.4, -0.4 ], [ -48.5, -0.5 ], [ -48.5, -0.5 ], [ -48.5, -0.6 ], [ -48.5, -0.7 ], [ -48.5, -0.7 ], [ -48.5, -0.9 ], [ -48.5, -0.9 ], [ -48.5, -0.9 ], [ -48.6, -0.9 ], [ -48.6, -0.9 ], [ -48.6, -0.9 ], [ -48.6, -1 ], [ -48.6, -1 ], [ -48.6, -1 ], [ -48.6, -1.1 ], [ -48.8, -1.2 ], [ -48.8, -1.5 ], [ -48.9, -1.5 ], [ -48.9, -1.5 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.4, -0.5 ], [ -51.4, -0.5 ], [ -51.4, -0.5 ], [ -51.4, -0.5 ], [ -51.4, -0.4 ], [ -51.4, -0.4 ], [ -51.4, -0.4 ], [ -51.3, -0.3 ], [ -51.3, -0.3 ], [ -51.3, -0.2 ], [ -51.3, -0.2 ], [ -51.2, -0.2 ], [ -51.2, -0.2 ], [ -51.2, -0.2 ], [ -51.2, -0.2 ], [ -51.1, -0.1 ], [ -51.1, -0.1 ], [ -51.1, -0.1 ], [ -51.1, -0.2 ], [ -51.1, -0.3 ], [ -51.2, -0.4 ], [ -51.2, -0.4 ], [ -51.3, -0.4 ], [ -51.3, -0.5 ], [ -51.4, -0.5 ], [ -51.4, -0.5 ] ] ], [ [ [ -90.6, -0.4 ], [ -90.7, -0.3 ], [ -90.7, -0.3 ], [ -90.7, -0.4 ], [ -90.7, -0.4 ], [ -90.8, -0.3 ], [ -90.9, -0.3 ], [ -90.8, -0.2 ], [ -90.8, -0.2 ], [ -90.8, -0.1 ], [ -90.7, -0.2 ], [ -90.7, -0.2 ], [ -90.7, -0.2 ], [ -90.6, -0.2 ], [ -90.6, -0.2 ], [ -90.6, -0.2 ], [ -90.6, -0.2 ], [ -90.6, -0.3 ], [ -90.5, -0.3 ], [ -90.6, -0.4 ], [ -90.6, -0.4 ], [ -90.6, -0.4 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.8, -0.4 ], [ -50.9, -0.4 ], [ -50.9, -0.3 ], [ -50.9, -0.3 ], [ -50.8, -0.2 ], [ -50.7, -0.2 ], [ -50.7, -0.3 ], [ -50.8, -0.3 ], [ -50.8, -0.3 ], [ -50.8, -0.4 ], [ -50.8, -0.4 ], [ -50.8, -0.4 ] ] ], [ [ [ -91.5, -0.5 ], [ -91.5, -0.5 ], [ -91.6, -0.4 ], [ -91.6, -0.4 ], [ -91.7, -0.4 ], [ -91.7, -0.3 ], [ -91.6, -0.3 ], [ -91.5, -0.3 ], [ -91.5, -0.2 ], [ -91.4, -0.3 ], [ -91.4, -0.3 ], [ -91.4, -0.3 ], [ -91.4, -0.4 ], [ -91.4, -0.5 ], [ -91.4, -0.5 ], [ -91.5, -0.5 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.1, -0.5 ], [ -51.1, -0.5 ], [ -51.2, -0.5 ], [ -51.2, -0.5 ], [ -51.1, -0.4 ], [ -51, -0.3 ], [ -51, -0.3 ], [ -50.9, -0.3 ], [ -50.9, -0.4 ], [ -51, -0.4 ], [ -51, -0.4 ], [ -51, -0.4 ], [ -51, -0.4 ], [ -51, -0.4 ], [ -51.1, -0.4 ], [ -51.1, -0.5 ], [ -51.1, -0.5 ], [ -51.1, -0.5 ], [ -51.1, -0.5 ], [ -51.1, -0.5 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51, -0.6 ], [ -51, -0.5 ], [ -50.9, -0.4 ], [ -50.9, -0.4 ], [ -50.9, -0.4 ], [ -50.8, -0.4 ], [ -50.8, -0.4 ], [ -50.8, -0.4 ], [ -50.8, -0.4 ], [ -50.8, -0.4 ], [ -50.8, -0.4 ], [ -50.8, -0.5 ], [ -50.8, -0.5 ], [ -50.8, -0.5 ], [ -50.8, -0.5 ], [ -50.8, -0.5 ], [ -51, -0.6 ], [ -51, -0.6 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.1, -0.6 ], [ -51.1, -0.5 ], [ -51.1, -0.5 ], [ -51.1, -0.5 ], [ -51.1, -0.5 ], [ -51.1, -0.5 ], [ -51, -0.5 ], [ -51, -0.4 ], [ -51, -0.4 ], [ -50.9, -0.4 ], [ -50.9, -0.4 ], [ -50.9, -0.4 ], [ -51, -0.5 ], [ -51, -0.5 ], [ -51, -0.5 ], [ -51.1, -0.6 ] ] ], [ [ [ -90.3, -0.8 ], [ -90.4, -0.8 ], [ -90.5, -0.7 ], [ -90.6, -0.6 ], [ -90.5, -0.6 ], [ -90.5, -0.6 ], [ -90.5, -0.5 ], [ -90.5, -0.5 ], [ -90.5, -0.5 ], [ -90.3, -0.5 ], [ -90.3, -0.5 ], [ -90.2, -0.5 ], [ -90.2, -0.6 ], [ -90.2, -0.7 ], [ -90.2, -0.7 ], [ -90.3, -0.7 ], [ -90.3, -0.8 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.9, -1.5 ], [ -51.9, -1.5 ], [ -51.9, -1.4 ], [ -51.9, -1.4 ], [ -51.9, -1.4 ], [ -51.9, -1.3 ], [ -51.9, -1.3 ], [ -51.9, -1.3 ], [ -51.9, -1.3 ], [ -51.9, -1.2 ], [ -51.9, -1.2 ], [ -51.9, -1.2 ], [ -51.8, -1.2 ], [ -51.8, -1.2 ], [ -51.7, -1.1 ], [ -51.7, -1.1 ], [ -51.7, -1.1 ], [ -51.7, -1.1 ], [ -51.7, -1.1 ], [ -51.7, -1 ], [ -51.7, -1 ], [ -51.7, -1 ], [ -51.7, -0.9 ], [ -51.7, -0.9 ], [ -51.7, -0.9 ], [ -51.6, -0.7 ], [ -51.5, -0.7 ], [ -51.5, -0.6 ], [ -51.5, -0.6 ], [ -51.4, -0.5 ], [ -51.3, -0.5 ], [ -51.2, -0.5 ], [ -51.2, -0.6 ], [ -51.2, -0.7 ], [ -51.2, -0.7 ], [ -51.2, -0.8 ], [ -51.2, -0.8 ], [ -51.2, -0.8 ], [ -51.2, -0.9 ], [ -51.3, -1 ], [ -51.3, -1 ], [ -51.3, -1.1 ], [ -51.4, -1.1 ], [ -51.4, -1.1 ], [ -51.4, -1.1 ], [ -51.4, -1.2 ], [ -51.5, -1.2 ], [ -51.5, -1.2 ], [ -51.5, -1.2 ], [ -51.6, -1.3 ], [ -51.7, -1.4 ], [ -51.7, -1.4 ], [ -51.8, -1.5 ], [ -51.9, -1.5 ], [ -51.9, -1.5 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.1, -1 ], [ -51.1, -0.9 ], [ -51.1, -0.9 ], [ -51.1, -0.9 ], [ -51.1, -0.8 ], [ -51.1, -0.7 ], [ -51.1, -0.7 ], [ -51.1, -0.7 ], [ -51.1, -0.7 ], [ -51, -0.6 ], [ -50.9, -0.6 ], [ -50.9, -0.6 ], [ -50.9, -0.6 ], [ -50.8, -0.6 ], [ -50.8, -0.6 ], [ -50.8, -0.6 ], [ -50.8, -0.7 ], [ -50.8, -0.7 ], [ -50.8, -0.7 ], [ -50.9, -0.7 ], [ -50.9, -0.7 ], [ -50.9, -0.7 ], [ -50.9, -0.7 ], [ -50.9, -0.7 ], [ -51, -0.7 ], [ -51, -0.8 ], [ -51, -0.9 ], [ -51.1, -0.9 ], [ -51.1, -1 ], [ -51.1, -1 ] ] ], [ [ [ -89.5, -1 ], [ -89.5, -1 ], [ -89.6, -0.9 ], [ -89.6, -0.9 ], [ -89.6, -0.9 ], [ -89.6, -0.9 ], [ -89.6, -0.9 ], [ -89.6, -0.9 ], [ -89.5, -0.9 ], [ -89.5, -0.8 ], [ -89.5, -0.8 ], [ -89.5, -0.8 ], [ -89.4, -0.7 ], [ -89.4, -0.7 ], [ -89.4, -0.7 ], [ -89.4, -0.7 ], [ -89.3, -0.7 ], [ -89.3, -0.7 ], [ -89.3, -0.7 ], [ -89.2, -0.7 ], [ -89.3, -0.7 ], [ -89.3, -0.8 ], [ -89.3, -0.8 ], [ -89.4, -0.9 ], [ -89.4, -0.9 ], [ -89.5, -1 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.9, -0.8 ], [ -50.9, -0.8 ], [ -51, -0.8 ], [ -51, -0.8 ], [ -51, -0.8 ], [ -50.9, -0.7 ], [ -50.9, -0.7 ], [ -50.9, -0.7 ], [ -50.9, -0.7 ], [ -50.8, -0.7 ], [ -50.8, -0.7 ], [ -50.8, -0.8 ], [ -50.9, -0.8 ], [ -50.9, -0.8 ], [ -50.9, -0.8 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51.4, -1.2 ], [ -51.4, -1.2 ], [ -51.4, -1.2 ], [ -51.4, -1.2 ], [ -51.4, -1.2 ], [ -51.4, -1.1 ], [ -51.4, -1.1 ], [ -51.3, -1.1 ], [ -51.3, -1.1 ], [ -51.3, -1 ], [ -51.2, -1 ], [ -51.2, -1 ], [ -51.2, -1 ], [ -51.2, -0.9 ], [ -51.2, -0.9 ], [ -51.2, -0.9 ], [ -51.2, -0.9 ], [ -51.2, -0.9 ], [ -51.2, -0.8 ], [ -51.2, -0.8 ], [ -51.2, -0.9 ], [ -51.2, -0.9 ], [ -51.2, -0.9 ], [ -51.2, -0.9 ], [ -51.2, -1 ], [ -51.2, -1 ], [ -51.2, -1 ], [ -51.2, -1 ], [ -51.2, -1.1 ], [ -51.3, -1.2 ], [ -51.3, -1.2 ], [ -51.3, -1.2 ], [ -51.3, -1.2 ], [ -51.4, -1.2 ], [ -51.4, -1.2 ], [ -51.4, -1.2 ] ] ], [ [ [ -51, -0.9 ], [ -50.9, -0.9 ], [ -51, -0.9 ], [ -51, -0.9 ], [ -51, -0.9 ], [ -51, -1 ], [ -51, -1 ], [ -51, -1 ], [ -51, -1 ], [ -51.1, -1 ], [ -51.2, -1.1 ], [ -51.2, -1.1 ], [ -51.2, -1.1 ], [ -51.2, -1 ], [ -51.2, -1 ], [ -51.1, -1 ], [ -51.1, -0.9 ], [ -51.1, -0.9 ], [ -51, -0.9 ], [ -51, -0.9 ], [ -51, -0.9 ], [ -51, -0.9 ], [ -51, -0.9 ], [ -51, -0.9 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.5, -1 ], [ -46.5, -1 ], [ -46.5, -1 ], [ -46.5, -1 ], [ -46.5, -1 ], [ -46.5, -0.9 ], [ -46.5, -0.9 ], [ -46.5, -0.9 ], [ -46.5, -0.9 ], [ -46.4, -1 ], [ -46.5, -1 ], [ -46.5, -1 ], [ -46.5, -1 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.3, -1.2 ], [ -48.4, -1.2 ], [ -48.4, -1.2 ], [ -48.5, -1.2 ], [ -48.5, -1.2 ], [ -48.4, -1.1 ], [ -48.4, -1.1 ], [ -48.4, -1.1 ], [ -48.3, -1.1 ], [ -48.3, -1.1 ], [ -48.3, -1.1 ], [ -48.3, -1.2 ], [ -48.3, -1.2 ], [ -48.3, -1.2 ], [ -48.3, -1.2 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.7, -1.4 ], [ -45.7, -1.4 ], [ -45.6, -1.2 ], [ -45.6, -1.1 ], [ -45.6, -1.1 ], [ -45.6, -1.1 ], [ -45.6, -1.1 ], [ -45.6, -1.2 ], [ -45.6, -1.3 ], [ -45.7, -1.4 ] ] ], [ [ [ -90.4, -1.4 ], [ -90.4, -1.4 ], [ -90.5, -1.4 ], [ -90.5, -1.3 ], [ -90.5, -1.3 ], [ -90.5, -1.3 ], [ -90.5, -1.2 ], [ -90.5, -1.2 ], [ -90.4, -1.2 ], [ -90.4, -1.3 ], [ -90.4, -1.3 ], [ -90.4, -1.3 ], [ -90.4, -1.3 ], [ -90.4, -1.3 ], [ -90.4, -1.4 ], [ -90.4, -1.4 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45, -1.4 ], [ -45, -1.4 ], [ -45, -1.4 ], [ -45, -1.4 ], [ -45, -1.3 ], [ -45, -1.3 ], [ -45, -1.3 ], [ -44.9, -1.3 ], [ -44.9, -1.3 ], [ -44.9, -1.3 ], [ -44.9, -1.3 ], [ -45, -1.4 ], [ -45, -1.4 ], [ -45, -1.4 ], [ -45, -1.4 ] ] ], [ [ [ -52.4, -1.5 ], [ -52.4, -1.5 ], [ -52.5, -1.5 ], [ -52.5, -1.5 ], [ -52.5, -1.5 ], [ -52.4, -1.5 ], [ -52.2, -1.4 ], [ -52.2, -1.4 ], [ -52.2, -1.4 ], [ -52.2, -1.5 ], [ -52.3, -1.5 ], [ -52.4, -1.5 ], [ -52.4, -1.5 ] ] ], [ [ [ -52.2, -1.6 ], [ -52.2, -1.6 ], [ -52.2, -1.6 ], [ -52.2, -1.6 ], [ -52.2, -1.5 ], [ -52, -1.4 ], [ -52, -1.4 ], [ -52, -1.4 ], [ -52, -1.5 ], [ -52, -1.5 ], [ -52, -1.5 ], [ -51.9, -1.5 ], [ -51.9, -1.5 ], [ -51.9, -1.5 ], [ -52, -1.6 ], [ -52, -1.6 ], [ -52, -1.6 ], [ -52.1, -1.6 ], [ -52.1, -1.6 ], [ -52.1, -1.6 ], [ -52.2, -1.6 ], [ -52.2, -1.6 ], [ -52.2, -1.6 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.8, -1.7 ], [ -44.8, -1.7 ], [ -44.8, -1.7 ], [ -44.8, -1.6 ], [ -44.8, -1.6 ], [ -44.8, -1.6 ], [ -44.7, -1.6 ], [ -44.7, -1.6 ], [ -44.7, -1.6 ], [ -44.7, -1.6 ], [ -44.7, -1.6 ], [ -44.7, -1.7 ], [ -44.7, -1.6 ], [ -44.7, -1.7 ], [ -44.8, -1.7 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49, -1.8 ], [ -49, -1.8 ], [ -49, -1.8 ], [ -49, -1.7 ], [ -49, -1.6 ], [ -49, -1.6 ], [ -49, -1.6 ], [ -48.9, -1.6 ], [ -48.9, -1.6 ], [ -48.9, -1.6 ], [ -48.9, -1.6 ], [ -48.9, -1.8 ], [ -48.9, -1.8 ], [ -49, -1.8 ], [ -49, -1.8 ], [ -49, -1.8 ] ] ], [ [ [ -49.1, -1.9 ], [ -49.2, -1.9 ], [ -49.2, -1.9 ], [ -49.2, -1.8 ], [ -49.1, -1.7 ], [ -49.1, -1.7 ], [ -49.1, -1.7 ], [ -49, -1.8 ], [ -49, -1.8 ], [ -49, -1.8 ], [ -49, -1.8 ], [ -49.1, -1.9 ], [ -49.1, -1.8 ], [ -49.1, -1.9 ] ] ], [ [ [ -50.8, -2 ], [ -50.9, -2 ], [ -50.9, -2 ], [ -50.9, -2 ], [ -51, -2 ], [ -51, -2 ], [ -51, -2 ], [ -51, -2 ], [ -51.1, -1.9 ], [ -51.1, -1.9 ], [ -51.1, -1.9 ], [ -51.1, -1.8 ], [ -51.1, -1.8 ], [ -51, -1.8 ], [ -51, -1.9 ], [ -50.9, -1.9 ], [ -50.8, -2 ], [ -50.8, -2 ] ] ], [ [ [ -80.2, -3 ], [ -80.2, -3 ], [ -80.3, -3 ], [ -80.3, -3 ], [ -80.3, -2.9 ], [ -80.3, -2.9 ], [ -80.3, -2.8 ], [ -80.3, -2.8 ], [ -80.2, -2.8 ], [ -80.2, -2.7 ], [ -80.1, -2.7 ], [ -80, -2.7 ], [ -80, -2.7 ], [ -80, -2.7 ], [ -79.9, -2.7 ], [ -79.9, -2.7 ], [ -79.9, -2.8 ], [ -80.1, -2.9 ], [ -80.1, -3 ], [ -80.1, -3 ], [ -80.1, -3 ], [ -80.2, -3 ], [ -80.2, -3 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.6, -3.1 ], [ -44.6, -3 ], [ -44.6, -3 ], [ -44.6, -2.9 ], [ -44.6, -2.8 ], [ -44.6, -2.8 ], [ -44.6, -2.8 ], [ -44.6, -2.8 ], [ -44.5, -2.7 ], [ -44.5, -2.7 ], [ -44.5, -2.7 ], [ -44.5, -2.7 ], [ -44.5, -2.7 ], [ -44.5, -2.9 ], [ -44.5, -2.9 ], [ -44.5, -3 ], [ -44.5, -3 ], [ -44.5, -3 ], [ -44.6, -3 ], [ -44.6, -3.1 ], [ -44.6, -3.1 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.8, -13.1 ], [ -38.8, -13.1 ], [ -38.8, -13.1 ], [ -38.8, -13.1 ], [ -38.8, -13.1 ], [ -38.8, -13.1 ], [ -38.8, -13 ], [ -38.7, -13 ], [ -38.7, -13 ], [ -38.7, -13 ], [ -38.7, -13 ], [ -38.7, -12.9 ], [ -38.7, -12.9 ], [ -38.7, -12.9 ], [ -38.7, -12.9 ], [ -38.7, -12.9 ], [ -38.7, -12.9 ], [ -38.6, -12.9 ], [ -38.6, -12.9 ], [ -38.6, -13 ], [ -38.6, -13 ], [ -38.6, -13 ], [ -38.7, -13 ], [ -38.8, -13.1 ], [ -38.8, -13.1 ] ] ], [ [ [ -38.9, -13.6 ], [ -39, -13.6 ], [ -39, -13.5 ], [ -39, -13.5 ], [ -39, -13.5 ], [ -39, -13.5 ], [ -39, -13.4 ], [ -38.9, -13.4 ], [ -38.9, -13.4 ], [ -38.9, -13.4 ], [ -38.9, -13.5 ], [ -38.9, -13.5 ], [ -38.9, -13.6 ], [ -38.9, -13.6 ] ] ], [ [ [ -44.3, -23.2 ], [ -44.3, -23.2 ], [ -44.4, -23.2 ], [ -44.4, -23.2 ], [ -44.2, -23.1 ], [ -44.1, -23.1 ], [ -44.1, -23.2 ], [ -44.1, -23.2 ], [ -44.2, -23.2 ], [ -44.2, -23.2 ], [ -44.3, -23.2 ], [ -44.3, -23.2 ], [ -44.3, -23.2 ], [ -44.3, -23.2 ], [ -44.3, -23.2 ] ] ], [ [ [ -45.2, -24 ], [ -45.3, -24 ], [ -45.3, -23.9 ], [ -45.4, -23.9 ], [ -45.4, -23.9 ], [ -45.4, -23.9 ], [ -45.4, -23.9 ], [ -45.4, -23.9 ], [ -45.4, -23.9 ], [ -45.4, -23.9 ], [ -45.5, -23.9 ], [ -45.4, -23.9 ], [ -45.4, -23.9 ], [ -45.4, -23.9 ], [ -45.4, -23.8 ], [ -45.4, -23.8 ], [ -45.4, -23.8 ], [ -45.4, -23.8 ], [ -45.3, -23.8 ], [ -45.3, -23.8 ], [ -45.3, -23.7 ], [ -45.3, -23.7 ], [ -45.3, -23.7 ], [ -45.3, -23.7 ], [ -45.3, -23.7 ], [ -45.2, -23.8 ], [ -45.2, -23.9 ], [ -45.2, -24 ], [ -45.2, -24 ], [ -45.2, -24 ] ] ], [ [ [ -46.3, -23.9 ], [ -46.3, -24 ], [ -46.4, -24 ], [ -46.4, -24 ], [ -46.4, -23.9 ], [ -46.3, -23.9 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.6, -26.4 ], [ -48.6, -26.4 ], [ -48.7, -26.3 ], [ -48.5, -26.2 ], [ -48.5, -26.2 ], [ -48.5, -26.2 ], [ -48.5, -26.2 ], [ -48.5, -26.2 ], [ -48.5, -26.3 ], [ -48.5, -26.3 ], [ -48.5, -26.3 ], [ -48.5, -26.3 ], [ -48.6, -26.4 ], [ -48.6, -26.4 ] ] ], [ [ [ -48.6, -27.8 ], [ -48.6, -27.8 ], [ -48.6, -27.8 ], [ -48.6, -27.7 ], [ -48.5, -27.6 ], [ -48.5, -27.6 ], [ -48.5, -27.5 ], [ -48.5, -27.5 ], [ -48.5, -27.5 ], [ -48.5, -27.5 ], [ -48.5, -27.4 ], [ -48.4, -27.4 ], [ -48.4, -27.4 ], [ -48.4, -27.4 ], [ -48.4, -27.6 ], [ -48.4, -27.6 ], [ -48.4, -27.6 ], [ -48.5, -27.6 ], [ -48.5, -27.7 ], [ -48.5, -27.7 ], [ -48.5, -27.7 ], [ -48.5, -27.7 ], [ -48.5, -27.8 ], [ -48.5, -27.8 ], [ -48.5, -27.8 ], [ -48.5, -27.8 ], [ -48.6, -27.8 ], [ -48.6, -27.8 ] ] ], [ [ [ -61.9, -39.2 ], [ -61.9, -39.2 ], [ -62.1, -39.2 ], [ -62.1, -39.1 ], [ -62.1, -39.1 ], [ -62.1, -39.1 ], [ -62.1, -39.1 ], [ -62.1, -39.1 ], [ -62, -39.1 ], [ -61.9, -39.1 ], [ -61.9, -39.1 ], [ -61.9, -39.2 ], [ -61.9, -39.2 ], [ -61.9, -39.2 ], [ -61.9, -39.2 ], [ -61.9, -39.2 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.3, -43 ], [ -74.2, -43 ], [ -74.2, -42.9 ], [ -74.1, -42.6 ], [ -74.2, -42.6 ], [ -74.2, -42.5 ], [ -74.2, -42.5 ], [ -74.2, -42.5 ], [ -74.2, -42.4 ], [ -74.2, -42.2 ], [ -74.2, -42.2 ], [ -74.1, -42.2 ], [ -74.1, -42.2 ], [ -74.1, -42.2 ], [ -74.1, -42.1 ], [ -74, -42.1 ], [ -74, -41.9 ], [ -74.1, -41.9 ], [ -74.1, -41.8 ], [ -74.1, -41.8 ], [ -74, -41.8 ], [ -73.9, -41.8 ], [ -73.9, -41.8 ], [ -73.9, -41.8 ], [ -73.9, -41.8 ], [ -74, -41.8 ], [ -74, -41.8 ], [ -74, -41.8 ], [ -74, -41.9 ], [ -73.9, -41.9 ], [ -73.8, -41.9 ], [ -73.8, -41.9 ], [ -73.7, -41.8 ], [ -73.6, -41.8 ], [ -73.6, -41.8 ], [ -73.5, -41.8 ], [ -73.5, -42 ], [ -73.4, -42.1 ], [ -73.5, -42.1 ], [ -73.5, -42.1 ], [ -73.5, -42.1 ], [ -73.5, -42.2 ], [ -73.4, -42.2 ], [ -73.4, -42.2 ], [ -73.4, -42.2 ], [ -73.4, -42.3 ], [ -73.4, -42.3 ], [ -73.5, -42.3 ], [ -73.6, -42.3 ], [ -73.6, -42.3 ], [ -73.6, -42.3 ], [ -73.7, -42.4 ], [ -73.7, -42.4 ], [ -73.7, -42.5 ], [ -73.7, -42.5 ], [ -73.6, -42.5 ], [ -73.6, -42.5 ], [ -73.7, -42.5 ], [ -73.8, -42.5 ], [ -73.8, -42.5 ], [ -73.8, -42.5 ], [ -73.8, -42.5 ], [ -73.8, -42.6 ], [ -73.6, -42.7 ], [ -73.6, -42.8 ], [ -73.5, -42.8 ], [ -73.5, -42.8 ], [ -73.5, -42.9 ], [ -73.5, -42.9 ], [ -73.6, -42.9 ], [ -73.6, -42.9 ], [ -73.6, -42.9 ], [ -73.7, -42.9 ], [ -73.6, -43 ], [ -73.6, -43 ], [ -73.6, -43 ], [ -73.5, -43.1 ], [ -73.5, -43.1 ], [ -73.5, -43.1 ], [ -73.5, -43.1 ], [ -73.7, -43.1 ], [ -73.8, -43.1 ], [ -73.8, -43.2 ], [ -73.7, -43.2 ], [ -73.7, -43.2 ], [ -73.7, -43.3 ], [ -73.7, -43.4 ], [ -73.7, -43.4 ], [ -73.9, -43.4 ], [ -73.9, -43.4 ], [ -73.9, -43.4 ], [ -74, -43.4 ], [ -74, -43.4 ], [ -74.2, -43.3 ], [ -74.3, -43.3 ], [ -74.4, -43.3 ], [ -74.4, -43.3 ], [ -74.4, -43.2 ], [ -74.3, -43.1 ], [ -74.2, -43 ], [ -74.3, -43 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.4, -42.6 ], [ -73.4, -42.5 ], [ -73.5, -42.5 ], [ -73.5, -42.5 ], [ -73.5, -42.5 ], [ -73.6, -42.5 ], [ -73.6, -42.5 ], [ -73.6, -42.5 ], [ -73.6, -42.4 ], [ -73.7, -42.4 ], [ -73.7, -42.4 ], [ -73.6, -42.4 ], [ -73.6, -42.4 ], [ -73.6, -42.4 ], [ -73.6, -42.4 ], [ -73.5, -42.4 ], [ -73.4, -42.5 ], [ -73.4, -42.6 ], [ -73.4, -42.6 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74.8, -43.6 ], [ -74.8, -43.6 ], [ -74.8, -43.6 ], [ -74.8, -43.6 ], [ -74.9, -43.6 ], [ -74.9, -43.6 ], [ -74.9, -43.6 ], [ -74.9, -43.6 ], [ -74.8, -43.5 ], [ -74.8, -43.5 ], [ -74.7, -43.6 ], [ -74.7, -43.6 ], [ -74.6, -43.6 ], [ -74.6, -43.6 ], [ -74.7, -43.6 ], [ -74.7, -43.6 ], [ -74.7, -43.6 ], [ -74.7, -43.6 ], [ -74.7, -43.6 ], [ -74.7, -43.6 ], [ -74.8, -43.6 ] ] ], [ [ [ -74, -43.9 ], [ -74, -43.9 ], [ -74.1, -43.9 ], [ -74.1, -43.9 ], [ -74.2, -43.9 ], [ -74.2, -43.9 ], [ -74.2, -43.8 ], [ -74.1, -43.8 ], [ -74.1, -43.8 ], [ -74.1, -43.8 ], [ -74, -43.8 ], [ -73.9, -43.8 ], [ -73.9, -43.8 ], [ -73.8, -43.8 ], [ -73.8, -43.9 ], [ -73.8, -43.9 ], [ -73.9, -43.9 ], [ -73.9, -43.9 ], [ -73.9, -43.9 ], [ -73.9, -43.9 ], [ -73.9, -43.9 ], [ -73.9, -43.9 ], [ -73.9, -43.8 ], [ -73.9, -43.8 ], [ -74, -43.9 ], [ -74, -43.9 ], [ -74, -43.9 ], [ -74, -43.9 ], [ -73.9, -43.9 ], [ -74, -43.9 ], [ -74, -43.9 ], [ -74, -43.9 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.2, -44 ], [ -73.2, -44 ], [ -73.3, -44 ], [ -73.3, -44 ], [ -73.3, -44 ], [ -73.3, -43.9 ], [ -73.3, -43.9 ], [ -73.3, -43.9 ], [ 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-74, -51.3 ], [ -74, -51.3 ], [ -74, -51.4 ], [ -74.1, -51.4 ] ] ], [ [ [ -73.8, -51.4 ], [ -73.9, -51.4 ], [ -73.9, -51.4 ], [ -73.9, -51.3 ], [ -73.9, -51.3 ], [ -73.9, -51.3 ], [ -73.9, -51.3 ], [ -73.8, -51.3 ], [ -73.8, -51.2 ], [ -73.8, -51.3 ], [ -73.8, -51.3 ], [ -73.8, -51.3 ], [ -73.8, -51.3 ], [ -73.8, -51.3 ], [ -73.8, -51.3 ], [ -73.8, -51.3 ], [ -73.8, -51.4 ], [ -73.8, -51.4 ], [ -73.8, -51.4 ] ] ], [ [ [ -59.8, -51.2 ], [ -59.7, -51.3 ], [ -59.6, -51.3 ], [ -59.5, -51.3 ], [ -59.5, -51.3 ], [ -59.5, -51.3 ], [ -59.4, -51.3 ], [ -59.5, -51.3 ], [ -59.5, -51.3 ], [ -59.5, -51.3 ], [ -59.6, -51.3 ], [ -59.6, -51.3 ], [ -59.8, -51.3 ], [ -59.8, -51.3 ], [ -59.8, -51.3 ], [ -59.8, -51.2 ] ] ], [ [ [ -60.3, -51.4 ], [ -60.3, -51.4 ], [ -60.3, -51.3 ], [ -60.3, -51.3 ], [ -60.3, -51.3 ], [ -60.3, -51.3 ], [ -60.1, -51.3 ], [ -60.1, -51.3 ], [ -60, -51.3 ], [ -60.1, -51.3 ], [ -60.1, -51.4 ], [ -60.2, -51.4 ], [ -60.3, -51.4 ], [ -60.3, -51.4 ], [ -60.3, -51.4 ] ] ], [ [ [ 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-54 ], [ -70.3, -54 ], [ -70.3, -54.1 ], [ -70.3, -54.1 ], [ -70.3, -54.1 ], [ -70.3, -54.1 ], [ -70.3, -54.2 ], [ -70.4, -54.2 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.3, -54.1 ], [ -72.2, -54.1 ], [ -72.2, -54.1 ], [ -72.3, -54.2 ], [ -72.3, -54.3 ], [ -72.3, -54.3 ], [ -72.4, -54.3 ], [ -72.5, -54.3 ], [ -72.5, -54.3 ], [ -72.5, -54.2 ], [ -72.5, -54.2 ], [ -72.4, -54.1 ], [ -72.4, -54.1 ], [ -72.3, -54.1 ], [ -72.3, -54.1 ], [ -72.3, -54.1 ], [ -72.3, -54.1 ] ] ], [ [ [ -70.3, -54.3 ], [ -70.3, -54.3 ], [ -70.3, -54.3 ], [ -70.4, -54.2 ], [ -70.5, -54.2 ], [ -70.5, -54.2 ], [ -70.5, -54.2 ], [ -70.5, -54.2 ], [ -70.5, -54.2 ], [ -70.5, -54.1 ], [ -70.5, -54.1 ], [ -70.5, -54.1 ], [ -70.3, -54.2 ], [ -70.2, -54.2 ], [ -70.2, -54.2 ], [ -70.2, -54.2 ], [ -70.2, -54.3 ], [ -70.3, -54.3 ], [ -70.3, -54.3 ], [ -70.3, -54.3 ] ] ], [ [ [ -72.5, -54.4 ], [ -72.5, -54.4 ], [ -72.5, -54.4 ], [ -72.5, -54.3 ], [ -72.4, -54.3 ], [ -72.4, -54.3 ], [ -72.3, -54.3 ], [ -72.3, -54.3 ], [ -72.3, -54.4 ], [ -72.4, -54.4 ], 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-68.5, -55.3 ], [ -68.5, -55.3 ], [ -68.5, -55.3 ], [ -68.4, -55.3 ], [ -68.3, -55.3 ], [ -68.2, -55.4 ], [ -68.1, -55.4 ], [ -68.2, -55.4 ], [ -68.2, -55.5 ], [ -68.1, -55.5 ], [ -68.1, -55.5 ], [ -68.1, -55.5 ], [ -68, -55.6 ], [ -68, -55.6 ], [ -68, -55.6 ], [ -68, -55.7 ], [ -68.1, -55.7 ], [ -68.1, -55.7 ], [ -68.1, -55.7 ], [ -68.1, -55.7 ], [ -68.1, -55.7 ] ] ], [ [ [ -67, -55 ], [ -67, -55 ], [ -66.9, -55 ], [ -66.8, -55 ], [ -66.8, -55.1 ], [ -66.8, -55.1 ], [ -66.8, -55.1 ], [ -67.1, -55 ], [ -67.1, -55 ], [ -67.1, -55 ], [ -67.1, -55 ], [ -67, -55 ], [ -67, -55 ], [ -67, -55 ] ] ], [ [ [ -66.6, -55.3 ], [ -66.6, -55.3 ], [ -66.6, -55.3 ], [ -66.6, -55.3 ], [ -66.6, -55.2 ], [ -66.6, -55.2 ], [ -66.5, -55.2 ], [ -66.5, -55.2 ], [ -66.5, -55.2 ], [ -66.4, -55.2 ], [ -66.4, -55.2 ], [ -66.5, -55.3 ], [ -66.6, -55.3 ], [ -66.6, -55.3 ] ] ], [ [ [ -66.9, -55.2 ], [ -66.9, -55.2 ], [ -66.8, -55.3 ], [ -66.8, -55.3 ], [ -66.9, -55.3 ], [ -66.9, -55.3 ], [ -66.9, -55.3 ], [ -67, -55.3 ], [ -67.1, -55.3 ], [ -67.1, -55.3 ], [ -67.1, -55.3 ], [ -67, -55.2 ], [ -67, -55.2 ], [ -66.9, -55.2 ], [ -66.9, -55.2 ], [ -66.9, -55.2 ], [ -66.9, -55.2 ], [ -66.9, -55.2 ] ] ], [ [ [ -67.7, -55.6 ], [ -67.7, -55.6 ], [ -67.7, -55.5 ], [ -67.7, -55.5 ], [ -67.7, -55.5 ], [ -67.7, -55.5 ], [ -67.6, -55.5 ], [ -67.6, -55.5 ], [ -67.6, -55.5 ], [ -67.6, -55.5 ], [ -67.6, -55.5 ], [ -67.6, -55.6 ], [ -67.6, -55.6 ], [ -67.7, -55.6 ], [ -67.7, -55.6 ], [ -67.7, -55.6 ] ] ], [ [ [ -67.3, -55.8 ], [ -67.3, -55.8 ], [ -67.3, -55.8 ], [ -67.4, -55.7 ], [ -67.5, -55.8 ], [ -67.6, -55.7 ], [ -67.6, -55.7 ], [ -67.5, -55.7 ], [ -67.4, -55.6 ], [ -67.4, -55.6 ], [ -67.4, -55.6 ], [ -67.3, -55.7 ], [ -67.3, -55.8 ], [ -67.3, -55.8 ], [ -67.3, -55.8 ], [ -67.3, -55.8 ], [ -67.3, -55.8 ] ] ], [ [ [ -67.6, -55.9 ], [ -67.6, -55.9 ], [ -67.7, -55.8 ], [ -67.7, -55.8 ], [ -67.8, -55.9 ], [ -67.8, -55.9 ], [ -67.8, -55.9 ], [ -67.9, -55.9 ], [ -67.9, -55.8 ], [ -67.8, -55.8 ], [ -67.8, -55.8 ], [ -67.8, -55.8 ], [ -67.8, -55.8 ], [ -67.8, -55.8 ], [ -67.7, -55.8 ], [ -67.6, -55.8 ], [ -67.6, -55.8 ], [ -67.6, -55.8 ], [ -67.5, -55.8 ], [ -67.5, -55.8 ], [ -67.5, -55.9 ], [ -67.5, -55.9 ], [ -67.6, -55.9 ], [ -67.6, -55.9 ], [ -67.6, -55.9 ] ] ], [ [ [ -67.2, -55.9 ], [ -67.3, -55.9 ], [ -67.4, -55.8 ], [ -67.4, -55.8 ], [ -67.4, -55.8 ], [ -67.4, -55.8 ], [ -67.3, -55.8 ], [ -67.2, -55.8 ], [ -67.2, -55.9 ], [ -67.2, -55.9 ], [ -67.2, -55.9 ] ] ] ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Tradicionalmente, el nombre fue dado a las posesiones europeas en los \nnuevos territorios descubiertos y por descubrir en América, y que se dio\n inicio con la llegada de Cristóbal Colón en el siglo XV, quien por otro\n lado desconocía que en su viaje de circunnavegación había llegado a un \nNuevo Mundo, en lugar de a las Indias. De aquí deriva el título de Rey \nde las Islas y Tierra Firme del mar Océano que por tradición histórica \nestá vinculado a la monarquía española.Con la exploración y la \ncartografía del Nuevo Mundo por España, las más alejadas costas de Asia \nfueron llamadas \"Indias Orientales\" para distinguirlos de las nuevas \ntierras descubiertas más próximas al oeste, y que se denominaron Indias \nOccidentales. Las exploraciones y los estudios de cartografía \nextendieron la denominación de América en Europa para designar \npopularmente las nuevas tierras descubiertas.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-08T20:56:16+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 72425, "end" : 72431 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Indias" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/8d2a4fb2-d2d4-4bdf-9796-e4ba52f24d14", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Bishop", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-08T20:48:16+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-08T20:48:16+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Fray Pedro\nFernández de la Torre, franciscano nacido en Baeza, España.,  hizo su solemne entrada en Asunción oficiar\ncomo primer Obispo del Paraguay, en la víspera del Domingo de Ramos del año\n1555. Llega con la armada de Martín de Orue, portador del Nombramiento real de\nMartínez de Irala como Gobernador de aquella Provincia.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-08T20:48:16+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 5071, "end" : 5093 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Fray Pedro de La-Torre" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/d4bb25ae-23f4-4340-b80b-1849d07e3692", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "conqueror", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-09-23T20:46:33+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-09-23T20:46:33+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "colonizer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-09-23T20:46:33+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T13:33:21+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Francisco Ortiz\nde Vergara fue un conquistador y colonizador español. Sucedió a Gonzalo de\nMendoza en el gobierno del Río de la Plata con sede en Asunción. Hijo de\nFrancisco de Vergara y Beatriz de Roelas. Fue nombrado por los conquistadores y\nconfirmado por el obispo Pedro de Latorre en 1558. Fue depuesto por la Real\nAudiencia de Charcas en 1564 y regresó a España en 1565. Hermano de Ruy Díaz de\nMelgarejo\nEn 1559 enfrento la rebelión de dos manzebos, Pablo y Don Narazio, hijos de un\nPrincipal local llamado a Curupiratí de la tribu xaraje junto a Nufrio de\nChaves, el 3 de mayo de 1560 en los campos de Acahai o del Acaraiba Ortiz les\nvence, el ejército rebelde dividido en cuatro cuerpos o columnas sumaba 16.000\nguerreros guaraníes, la victoria se logró gracias a la llegada oportuna de\nindios amigos, se mataron más de 1.000 rebeldes.\nDurante su gobierno hubo numerosos intentos fallidos de crear nuevos\nasentamientos (Sancti Spiritus, San Francisco y Santa Cruz de la Sierra). Este\núltimo, en el sur de la Cuenca del Amazonas, fue un éxito, pero sólo después de\nque la ciudad se había movido más de 200 kilómetros desde el lugar elegido por\nÑuflo de Chaves. El contrato de arrendamiento anterior fue cerca de San José de\nChiquitos, y es hoy un sitio arqueológico conocido como Santa Cruz la Vieja. Lo\nsucedió el adelantado Juan Ortiz de Zárate.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-11T13:33:21+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 40846, "end" : 40872 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Francisco Ortiz de Vergara" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/67ef7329-03eb-492f-ace4-09e112e6ddbd", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-01T16:03:59+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Se trataría de una parcialidad Chaná-Timbú. Bibliografía: Politis, Gustavo; León, Diego, \"Patrones adaptativos de \nlos cazadores-recolectores-pescadores de la margen occidental del Paraná\n inferior-Plata\", en Cocco, Gabriel; Feuillet Terzaghi, María Rosario \n(comp.), Arqueología de cazadores recolectores de la cuenca del Plata, \nSanta Fe, Centro de Estudios Hispanoamericanos, 2010, pp. 63-86; Bonomo,\n Mariano; Politis, Gustavo G.; Gianotti, Camila, \"Montículos, jerarquía \nsocial y horticultura en las sociedades indígenas del delta del Río \nParaná (Argentina)\", en Latin American Antiquity, vol. 22. núm. 3, 2011,\n pp. 297-333; Politis, Gustavo G., \"The Pampas and the Campos of South \nAmerica\", en Silverman, Helaine; Isbell, William H. (eds.), Handbook of \nSouth American Archaeology, Nueva York, Springer, 2008, p. 254.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-12-03T15:31:43+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 29728, "end" : 29737 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Caracarás" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/4539af56-8c60-4ed0-a63b-2f08a3064de6", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-01T16:34:21+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Tonocotes y juríes constituirían la misma etnia, nativa de la región centro-norte de Argentina. Los Tonocotés habitaban en lo que hoy es territorio de la provincia de Santiago del Estero y constituían jefaturas con características próximas a las del área andina. Bibliografía: Villamarín, Juan y Judith, \"Chiefdoms: The Prevalence and persistence of 'señoríos naturales'. 1400 to European Conquest, en Salomon, Frank; Schwartz, Stuart B. (eds.), The Cambridge History of the Native Peoples of the Americas. Volume III. Part I, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1999, p. 632, 641; Garavaglia, Juan Carlos, \"Invaded Societies: La Plata Basin (1535-1650)\" y Schofield Saeger, James, \"Warfare, reorganization and readaptation at the margins of Spanish rule- The Chaco and Paraguay (1537-1882)\" en Salomon, Frank; Schwartz, Stuart B. (eds.), The Cambridge History of the Native Peoples of the Americas. Volume III. Part II, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1999, p. 39, 258.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-12-03T15:29:20+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 30757, "end" : 30766 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Tonocotes" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/ad6161b0-31be-4474-acc1-cf65499342a4", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-01T21:52:00+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Los payaguás formaban parte del grupo lingüístico mataco-guaycurú. Han sido insistentemente descriptos por la literatura etnográfica clásica como irredimibles \"corsarios\" del Paraguay, que atacaban por igual a guaraníes y españoles río arriba, siendo actores cruciales de la historia de la temprana explotación y conquista de la región platense. Estudios más recientes criticaron esta evaluación etnocéntrica. Bibliografía: Mandrini, Raúl José, La Argentina Aborigen. De los \nprimeros pobladores a 1910, Buenos Aires, Siglo Veintiuno, 2008; Susnik,\n Branislava, El rol de los indígenas en la formación y en la vivencia \ndel Paraguay. Tomo II, Asunción, Universo, 1983; cultural. Suas relações\n com a bacia do Paraná e o Sul mato-grossense\", enCarneiro Da Cunha, \nManuela M. (org.), História dos índios no Brasil, San Pablo, Fundação de\n Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo-Companhia das \nLetras-Secretaria Municipal de Cultura Prefeitura do Município de São \nPaulo, 1992, pp. 457-474; Roulet, Florencia, La resistencia de los guaraní del Paraguay a la conquista española (1537-1556), Posadas, Editorial Universitaria de la Universidad Nacional de Misiones, 1993; Wright, Robin M.; Carneiro da Cunha, Manuela; et al, \"Destruction, \nResistance, and Transformation -Southern, Coastal and Northen Brazil \n(1580-1890), en Salomon, Frank; Schwartz, Stuart B. (eds.), The \nCambridge History of the Native Peoples of the Americas. Volume III. \nPart II, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1999, pp. 287, 295, 299,\n 315, 324-328.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-12-03T17:20:31+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 36236, "end" : 36244 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Payaguas" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/93585b05-fbce-4709-8403-115b9b2b49cb", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-08T02:16:34+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Probablemente Guasarapos, Guaxarapos o Guachíes, una sociedad canoera de Paraguay arriba del grupo guaycurú que practicaban la caza y la recolección. Bibliografía: Wright, Robin M.; Carneiro da Cunha, Manuela; et al, \"Destruction, Resistance, and Transformation -Southern, Coastal and Northen Brazil (1580-1890), en Salomon, Frank; Schwartz, Stuart B. (eds.), The Cambridge History of the Native Peoples of the Americas. Volume III. Part II, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1999, pp. 324-325; Maccormanck, Sabine, \"Ethnography in South America: The Firts Two Hundred Years\" en en Salomon, Frank; Schwartz, Stuart B. (eds.), The Cambridge History of the Native Peoples of the Americas. Volume III. Part I, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1999, pp. 104, 109, 169.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-12-03T17:17:02+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 122490, "end" : 122499 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Gujarapos" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/fe4ebac0-8329-4c8a-ab5e-099a541c7289", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" 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En efecto, la nave \nque conducía Pedro Álvarez Cabral (c. 1467-1520) se separó de la flota \nen el cruce atlántico y arribó a una región hasta entonces desconocida \npor los europeos a la que bautizó con el nombre de Terra do Santa Cruz, \nubicada en en el extremo sur del actual estado brasileño de Bahía (entre\n los ríos Frade y João de Tiba, en las inmediaciones de lo que sería \nluego Porto Seguro). Fuentes documentales: Vaz de Caminha, Pêro, Carta \ndel descubrimiento del Brasil, Barcelona, Acantilado, 2009", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-11T15:32:31+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 11593, "end" : 11602 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "descubrió" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/244c754d-48a0-4e83-89e4-78b1d9d69cb2", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : 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}, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-05T01:09:58+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Héctor de Acuña era un lengua que había entrado con Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca al Paraguay proveniente de la costa brasileña.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-05T01:09:58+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 60071, "end" : 60086 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Héctor de Acuña" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/9c29e195-e97f-4c63-8bdf-5cdfa540061e", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://sws.geonames.org/2518770", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-05T01:42:44+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-05T01:42:44+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ -5.0826, 37.5422 ] } } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 62721, "end" : 62726 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Écija" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/230d4613-dec1-4da2-9274-880b5b764696", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-07T23:29:21+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Pedro de Mendoza (1499-1537), fue un noble español nacido de Cádiz. Tuvo\n una destacada actividad militar en las campañas militares de Carlos I \nen Italia, y con la fortuna que logró en ellas, solicitó la conquista \ndel Río de la Plata. Por capitulación firmada con en el rey en 1534 se \nlo designa gobernador y primer adelantando a la provincia del mismo \nbombre. Su armanda, una de las más grandes en términos de hombres y \nbarcos que cruzaron el océano a América, llegó a las costas del Río de \nla Plata en 1536. En la margen izquierda del río, al sur de la actual \nciudad de Buenos Aires, Mendoza ordenó el establecimiento de un puerto \nllamado Nuestra Señora del Buen Ayre, pero sus intencionres eran \ncontinuar las exploraciones río arriba, en busca de la Sierra de la \nPlata. El asentamiento en Buenos Aires rápidamenta sufrió hambre y \nataques de las sociedades nativas. Al mismo tiempo, Pedro de Mendoza \ndelegó gran parte de las tareas de exploración de la región en su \nteniente gobernador, Juan de Ayolas. Debido a las dificultades que \nenfrentaba la población de Buenos Aires y de los dos asentamientos \nestablecidos Paraná arriba (Buena Esperanza y Corpus Christi) y la \nausencia de noticias del Juan de Ayolas (quien luego se sabría, habría \nalcanzado tierras chiriguanas) Pedro de Mendoza decide abandonar su \nconquista, delegando el mando general de la armada en Juan de Ayolas y \nel gobierno de Buenos Aires en Ruiz Galán. Moriría cruzando el Atlántico\n en 1537. Bibliografía: Lafuente Machaín, Conquistadores del Río de la \nPlata, Buenos Aires, Amorrurtu, 1937; Guérin, Miguel Alberto, \"La \norganización inicial del espacio rioplatense\", en Tandeter, Enrique \n(dir.), Nueva Historia Argentina. La Sociedad Colonial, Buenos Aires, \nSudamericana, 2000, pp. 14-54.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-07T23:29:21+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 113254, "end" : 113263 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "don Pedro" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/93014be4-766c-4fb9-9929-fa2895f60596", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "EVENT", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-08T02:40:26+00:00" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "El despoblamiento de Buenos Aires, ordenado por Domingo de Irala con el apoyo de Alonso Cabrera en 1541, estuvo luego de ser consensuado, como lo muestra una larga serie documental en el que se recogen las quejas de sus habitantes. Esta acción sería luego evaluada por Cabeza de Vaca como un acto deliberado por parte de Irala y de Cabrera de querer levantarse contra el rey por cortar los lazos de la comunicación atlántica que Buenos Aires permitía.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-08T02:40:26+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 135662, "end" : 135670 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "despobló" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/4bda3052-cf4e-44a2-9d2a-e4c5706e98ff", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-08T02:29:54+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 134755, "end" : 134774 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Gutiérrez Velásquez" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/dd017c6e-4903-4a76-8251-f1cebcd73b6a", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-08T02:29:41+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 134677, "end" : 134694 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Sebastián Beltrán" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/75567e53-051b-4c34-a664-53be3b2db147", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "adelantado", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-09T20:04:29+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-09T20:04:29+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "author", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-09T20:04:29+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "conqueror", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-09T20:04:29+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-09T20:04:29+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca (Jerez de la Frontera, 1488/1490 - Sevilla, \n27 de mayo de 1559) fue un descubridor y conquistador español que \nexploró la costa sur de Norteamérica desde la actual Florida pasando por\n Alabama, Misisipi y Luisiana y se adentró en Texas, Nuevo México, \nArizona​ y en el norte de México hasta llegar al Golfo de California, \nterritorios que pasaron a anexionarse al Imperio Español dentro del \nVirreinato de Nueva España. El rey Carlos I de España le otorgó el \ntítulo de Segundo Adelantado y lo nombró capitán general y gobernador \ndel Río de la Plata, Paranáguazu y sus anexos.​ Fue el primer europeo del cual tenemos pruebas documentales respecto de \nsus exploraciones en la región de las cataratas del Iguazú. Están \ndocumentadas numerosas referencias sobre entradas que antiguos náufragos\n de los barcos de Juan Díaz de Solís (1470-1516) y Rodrigo de Acuña \nhabrían realizado en la zona, siendo la más famosa la de Alejo o Aleixo \nGarcía.Cabeza de Vaca llegó a la isla de Santa Catalina en 1541 y de \nallí entró en tierra firme con el objetivo de alcanzar la ciudad de \nAsunción del Paraguay. La misma se había convertido en el centro de la \nconquista del Río de la Plata. Si bien los conquistadores viejos de la \nexpedición de Pedro de Mendoza aceptaron sus credenciales cuando entró \nen la ciudad en 1542, las políticas que Cabeza de Vaca intentó instalar \nen la región rápidamente entraron en conflicto con aquellas que \npretendían sostener sus fundadores y primeros conquistadores. La \nsituación se deterioró progresivamente hasta que, después de una \nfracasada entrada al Gran Chaco, Cabeza de Vaca fue encarcelado y luego \nexpulsado de la provincia en 1545.Tras regresar a España, el antiguo \nadelantado debió responder a los procesos que contra él entablaron los \nconquistadores del Río de la Plata y el propio fiscal del rey, que se \nextendieron hasta entrada la década de 1550. Si bien Álvar Núñez no \nlogró recuperar la gobernación del Río de la Plata, tampoco debió \nenfretar las penas que originalmente se le habían impuesto (multas y un \ntemido destierro a Argel). Una clara señal de cierto beneplácito regio \nrespecto de sus acciones en Indias es la reedición, en 1555, de su \nRelación (Zamora, 1542) acompañada de un nuevo libro titulado \nComentarios (valladolid, 1555). Este último constituye la primera obra \nhistoriográfica de largo aliento sobre la conquista del Río de la Plata,\n considerando en particular el período de su \ngobernación.BibliografíaAdorno, Rolena; Pautz, Patrick Charles, Álvar \nNúñez Cabeza de Vaca. His Account, his Life, and the Expedition of \nPánfilo de Narváez, Lincoln y Londres, University of Nebraska Press, \n1999. Tres Tomos.FuentesÁlvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca, La relación que dio \nAlvar Núñez Cabeça de Vaca de lo acaecido en las Indias en la armada \ndonde iua por gobernador Panfhilo de Narváez desde el año veinte y siete\n hasta el año treinta y seis que volvió a Sevilla con tres de su \ncompañía, Zamora, 1542.Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca, La relación y \ncomentarios del Gobernador Álvar Núñez Cabeça de Vaca, de lo acaecido en\n las dos jornadas que hizo a las Indias, Valladolid, 1555.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-09T20:04:29+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 72088, "end" : 72115 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Álvaro Núñez Cabeza de Vaca" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/210ed573-d86f-4ee1-91fc-f3e95f1c4ddc", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://sws.geonames.org/3836564", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-11T14:41:09+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-11T14:41:09+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ -65.29712, -24.19457 ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Se refiere a San Salvador de Jujuy, fundada en 1593.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-11T14:41:09+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 32525, "end" : 32547 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "ciudad de San Salvador" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/32c695a3-5a24-409a-b75c-9708fec59a29", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-07T17:27:24+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Diego de Mendoza, hermano de Pedro. Murió en un enfrentamiento con nativos en Corpus Christi en 1537.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-07T17:27:24+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 91675, "end" : 91691 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Diego de Mendoza" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/bd3ac280-f079-4e8d-8efc-85198883d672", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-07T16:52:48+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Juan de Osorio (1511-1536), capitán de la expedición de Pedro de Mendoza. Cuando la armada llegó a la región de Río de Janeiro, fue acusado de intentar un motín contra el adelantado y ejecutado por su orden en el acto junto a otros supuestos conjurados. Esto repercutió muy negativamente entre gran parte de los hombres de la armada, quienes consideraban a Osorio un hombre valiente y respetable. Las extrañas circuntancias de su acusación y muerte fueron consideradas luego como un presagio (cuando no la causa directa) de las dificutades de la conquista en el Río de la Plata. De ello se hicieron eco Gonzalo de Oviedo en su Historia General y Natural de las Indias (Libro XXIII, Capítulo VIII) y Martín del Barco Centenera en su Argentina.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-07T16:52:48+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 91102, "end" : 91116 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Juan de Osorio" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/3438bf70-5592-4a91-8cd9-73d396f85c07", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-07T16:52:48+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Juan de Osorio (1511-1536), capitán de la expedición de Pedro de Mendoza. Cuando la armada llegó a la región de Río de Janeiro, fue acusado de intentar un motín contra el adelantado y ejecutado por su orden en el acto junto a otros supuestos conjurados. Esto repercutió muy negativamente entre gran parte de los hombres de la armada, quienes consideraban a Osorio un hombre valiente y respetable. Las extrañas circuntancias de su acusación y muerte fueron consideradas luego como un presagio (cuando no la causa directa) de las dificutades de la conquista en el Río de la Plata. De ello se hicieron eco Gonzalo de Oviedo en su Historia General y Natural de las Indias (Libro XXIII, Capítulo VIII) y Martín del Barco Centenera en su Argentina.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-07T16:52:48+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 89382, "end" : 89396 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Juan de Osorio" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/653daa86-1565-437f-a2a2-e512b77c494f", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-07T22:47:39+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "García Venegas, pero referido como Garci Venegas. Contador venido al Río de la Plata con Pedro de Mendoza, también alienado con la facción de Domingo de Irala.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-07T22:47:39+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 131745, "end" : 131759 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "García Venegas" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/95f4b777-d136-469d-ac2b-dba3b5b6d621", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-07T22:49:41+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Expedicionario con Pedro de Mendoza al Río de la PLata, capitán de Corpus Christi en 1538 donde falleció poco después.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-07T22:49:41+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 115860, "end" : 115878 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Antonio de Mendoza" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/67b3c488-4e02-45dc-a885-a1319771dd04", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-07T22:45:33+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 87157, "end" : 87172 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Juan de Cáceres" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/c6c27d6b-094d-452e-b2b8-2184a65d77c6", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-07T22:43:26+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Juan de Cáceres cumplió funciones como contador y tesorero en la armada de Pedro de Mendoza y luego, en la conquista del Río de la Plata. Uno de los líderes de la facción contraria Cabeza de Vaca, estuvo implicado en todas las maniobras que condujeron a su destitución, prisión y destierro.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-07T22:43:26+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 108668, "end" : 108683 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Juan de Cáceres" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/b7ae47b0-ca4d-4185-a84a-26eba798666e", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-07T23:29:21+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Pedro de Mendoza (1499-1537), fue un noble español nacido de Cádiz. Tuvo\n una destacada actividad militar en las campañas militares de Carlos I \nen Italia, y con la fortuna que logró en ellas, solicitó la conquista \ndel Río de la Plata. Por capitulación firmada con en el rey en 1534 se \nlo designa gobernador y primer adelantando a la provincia del mismo \nbombre. Su armanda, una de las más grandes en términos de hombres y \nbarcos que cruzaron el océano a América, llegó a las costas del Río de \nla Plata en 1536. En la margen izquierda del río, al sur de la actual \nciudad de Buenos Aires, Mendoza ordenó el establecimiento de un puerto \nllamado Nuestra Señora del Buen Ayre, pero sus intencionres eran \ncontinuar las exploraciones río arriba, en busca de la Sierra de la \nPlata. El asentamiento en Buenos Aires rápidamenta sufrió hambre y \nataques de las sociedades nativas. Al mismo tiempo, Pedro de Mendoza \ndelegó gran parte de las tareas de exploración de la región en su \nteniente gobernador, Juan de Ayolas. Debido a las dificultades que \nenfrentaba la población de Buenos Aires y de los dos asentamientos \nestablecidos Paraná arriba (Buena Esperanza y Corpus Christi) y la \nausencia de noticias del Juan de Ayolas (quien luego se sabría, habría \nalcanzado tierras chiriguanas) Pedro de Mendoza decide abandonar su \nconquista, delegando el mando general de la armada en Juan de Ayolas y \nel gobierno de Buenos Aires en Ruiz Galán. Moriría cruzando el Atlántico\n en 1537. Bibliografía: Lafuente Machaín, Conquistadores del Río de la \nPlata, Buenos Aires, Amorrurtu, 1937; Guérin, Miguel Alberto, \"La \norganización inicial del espacio rioplatense\", en Tandeter, Enrique \n(dir.), Nueva Historia Argentina. La Sociedad Colonial, Buenos Aires, \nSudamericana, 2000, pp. 14-54.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-07T23:29:21+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 99086, "end" : 99095 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "don Pedro" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/dad5bc70-3523-49dd-970b-667eb9e4304a", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-07T23:29:21+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Pedro de Mendoza (1499-1537), fue un noble español nacido de Cádiz. Tuvo\n una destacada actividad militar en las campañas militares de Carlos I \nen Italia, y con la fortuna que logró en ellas, solicitó la conquista \ndel Río de la Plata. Por capitulación firmada con en el rey en 1534 se \nlo designa gobernador y primer adelantando a la provincia del mismo \nbombre. Su armanda, una de las más grandes en términos de hombres y \nbarcos que cruzaron el océano a América, llegó a las costas del Río de \nla Plata en 1536. En la margen izquierda del río, al sur de la actual \nciudad de Buenos Aires, Mendoza ordenó el establecimiento de un puerto \nllamado Nuestra Señora del Buen Ayre, pero sus intencionres eran \ncontinuar las exploraciones río arriba, en busca de la Sierra de la \nPlata. El asentamiento en Buenos Aires rápidamenta sufrió hambre y \nataques de las sociedades nativas. Al mismo tiempo, Pedro de Mendoza \ndelegó gran parte de las tareas de exploración de la región en su \nteniente gobernador, Juan de Ayolas. Debido a las dificultades que \nenfrentaba la población de Buenos Aires y de los dos asentamientos \nestablecidos Paraná arriba (Buena Esperanza y Corpus Christi) y la \nausencia de noticias del Juan de Ayolas (quien luego se sabría, habría \nalcanzado tierras chiriguanas) Pedro de Mendoza decide abandonar su \nconquista, delegando el mando general de la armada en Juan de Ayolas y \nel gobierno de Buenos Aires en Ruiz Galán. Moriría cruzando el Atlántico\n en 1537. Bibliografía: Lafuente Machaín, Conquistadores del Río de la \nPlata, Buenos Aires, Amorrurtu, 1937; Guérin, Miguel Alberto, \"La \norganización inicial del espacio rioplatense\", en Tandeter, Enrique \n(dir.), Nueva Historia Argentina. La Sociedad Colonial, Buenos Aires, \nSudamericana, 2000, pp. 14-54.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-07T23:29:21+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 100923, "end" : 100932 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "don Pedro" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/3bcc3fd7-e2f9-4094-89ba-a4f7c06b58f4", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-07T23:29:21+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Pedro de Mendoza (1499-1537), fue un noble español nacido de Cádiz. Tuvo\n una destacada actividad militar en las campañas militares de Carlos I \nen Italia, y con la fortuna que logró en ellas, solicitó la conquista \ndel Río de la Plata. Por capitulación firmada con en el rey en 1534 se \nlo designa gobernador y primer adelantando a la provincia del mismo \nbombre. Su armanda, una de las más grandes en términos de hombres y \nbarcos que cruzaron el océano a América, llegó a las costas del Río de \nla Plata en 1536. En la margen izquierda del río, al sur de la actual \nciudad de Buenos Aires, Mendoza ordenó el establecimiento de un puerto \nllamado Nuestra Señora del Buen Ayre, pero sus intencionres eran \ncontinuar las exploraciones río arriba, en busca de la Sierra de la \nPlata. El asentamiento en Buenos Aires rápidamenta sufrió hambre y \nataques de las sociedades nativas. Al mismo tiempo, Pedro de Mendoza \ndelegó gran parte de las tareas de exploración de la región en su \nteniente gobernador, Juan de Ayolas. Debido a las dificultades que \nenfrentaba la población de Buenos Aires y de los dos asentamientos \nestablecidos Paraná arriba (Buena Esperanza y Corpus Christi) y la \nausencia de noticias del Juan de Ayolas (quien luego se sabría, habría \nalcanzado tierras chiriguanas) Pedro de Mendoza decide abandonar su \nconquista, delegando el mando general de la armada en Juan de Ayolas y \nel gobierno de Buenos Aires en Ruiz Galán. Moriría cruzando el Atlántico\n en 1537. Bibliografía: Lafuente Machaín, Conquistadores del Río de la \nPlata, Buenos Aires, Amorrurtu, 1937; Guérin, Miguel Alberto, \"La \norganización inicial del espacio rioplatense\", en Tandeter, Enrique \n(dir.), Nueva Historia Argentina. La Sociedad Colonial, Buenos Aires, \nSudamericana, 2000, pp. 14-54.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-07T23:29:21+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 104292, "end" : 104301 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "don Pedro" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/5841646e-61e8-4011-891d-2c50fe79eb26", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-07T23:29:21+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Pedro de Mendoza (1499-1537), fue un noble español nacido de Cádiz. Tuvo\n una destacada actividad militar en las campañas militares de Carlos I \nen Italia, y con la fortuna que logró en ellas, solicitó la conquista \ndel Río de la Plata. Por capitulación firmada con en el rey en 1534 se \nlo designa gobernador y primer adelantando a la provincia del mismo \nbombre. Su armanda, una de las más grandes en términos de hombres y \nbarcos que cruzaron el océano a América, llegó a las costas del Río de \nla Plata en 1536. En la margen izquierda del río, al sur de la actual \nciudad de Buenos Aires, Mendoza ordenó el establecimiento de un puerto \nllamado Nuestra Señora del Buen Ayre, pero sus intencionres eran \ncontinuar las exploraciones río arriba, en busca de la Sierra de la \nPlata. El asentamiento en Buenos Aires rápidamenta sufrió hambre y \nataques de las sociedades nativas. Al mismo tiempo, Pedro de Mendoza \ndelegó gran parte de las tareas de exploración de la región en su \nteniente gobernador, Juan de Ayolas. Debido a las dificultades que \nenfrentaba la población de Buenos Aires y de los dos asentamientos \nestablecidos Paraná arriba (Buena Esperanza y Corpus Christi) y la \nausencia de noticias del Juan de Ayolas (quien luego se sabría, habría \nalcanzado tierras chiriguanas) Pedro de Mendoza decide abandonar su \nconquista, delegando el mando general de la armada en Juan de Ayolas y \nel gobierno de Buenos Aires en Ruiz Galán. Moriría cruzando el Atlántico\n en 1537. Bibliografía: Lafuente Machaín, Conquistadores del Río de la \nPlata, Buenos Aires, Amorrurtu, 1937; Guérin, Miguel Alberto, \"La \norganización inicial del espacio rioplatense\", en Tandeter, Enrique \n(dir.), Nueva Historia Argentina. La Sociedad Colonial, Buenos Aires, \nSudamericana, 2000, pp. 14-54.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-07T23:29:21+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 90623, "end" : 90632 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "don Pedro" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/20247639-4a27-4ceb-a88c-4970d4c6d6d1", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-07T23:24:47+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 88069, "end" : 88074 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Luján" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/94ea2a1b-2414-43d9-9801-3c0508677fbb", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "conqueror", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-02T20:54:09+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-02T20:54:09+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "colonizer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-02T20:54:09+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-02T20:54:09+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Domingo Martínez de Irala (Vergara de la Hermandad de Guipúzcoa, Corona \nde Castilla, 1509 - Asunción del Paraguay, Virreinato del Perú, 3 de \noctubre de 1556) fue un conquistador, explorador y colonizador español \nque como lugarteniente de Juan de Ayolas quien lo nombrara interinamente\n hasta que regresara como teniente de gobernador de La Candelaria en \n1537, luego lo sería de hecho, y posteriormente elegido por el pueblo \nsegún real cédula, como teniente de gobernador general de Asunción.Ocupó\n tres veces el cargo de gobernador interino del Río de la Plata y del \nParaguay, en los períodos de 1539 a 1542, de 1544 hasta 1548 y por \núltimo desde 1549. El emperador Carlos V lo nombraría definitivamente \ncomo titular en el cargo gubernamental en el año 1555, que lo ostentaría\n hasta su fallecimiento.En 1543 fundó en el Chaco Boreal el Puerto de \nlos Reyes, a orillas del río Paraguay y del pantano de los Jarayes, \nsobre las costas de la laguna La Gaiba.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-02T20:54:09+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 128, "end" : 153 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Domingo Martínez de Irala" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/33fac86a-dff3-4c21-b5b6-6bdc7b29a8d5", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://sws.geonames.org/3439441", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/Gimena", "modified" : "2017-10-02T20:00:58+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/Gimena", "modified" : "2017-10-02T20:00:58+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "MultiPolygon", "coordinates" : [ [ [ [ -58.16, -20.17 ], [ -58.16, -20.18 ], [ -58.15, -20.18 ], [ -58.14, -20.18 ], [ -58.14, -20.19 ], [ -58.13, -20.19 ], [ -58.12, -20.2 ], [ -58.12, -20.21 ], [ -58.16, -20.23 ], [ -58.16, -20.24 ], [ -58.16, -20.26 ], [ -58.14, -20.27 ], [ -58.13, -20.27 ], [ -58.13, -20.27 ], [ 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"value" : "...", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/Gimena", "modified" : "2017-10-02T20:00:58+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "El puerto de Santiago de los Perabazanes se ubicaba en las inmediaciones del río Paraguay, en el territorio del Alto Paraguay, habitado entonces por el pueblo Xerey.  El nombre de Perabazanes, que dieron los Guaranís al país ha bitado por estos indios, indica la dificultad de comunicar con ellos: porque pê, es torcido, rá, señal, ba afirmación, ça, ver: esto es «asoman los rastros extraviados».]", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-10-02T20:48:10+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 16073, "end" : 16084 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Perabazanes" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/34a43df1-59a3-49dd-9ccd-9d93e13708f6", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-16T17:26:40+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Clérigo español nacido en Baeza, España.Llegó a América en 1556 y se hizo amigo de Domingo de Irala tomando parte en sus luchas politicas, en exploraciones y conquistas.Fue nombrado obispo de la ciudad de la Asunción en el Paraguay.Cruzó el Chaco, (extensa region entre los Andes y Paraguay) y estuvo presente en la fundación de Santa Cruz de la Sierra y en Chusisaca.Cuando volvió a la Asunción se enemistó con Felipe de Cáceres, y su enemistad terminó cuando Cáceres lo tomo presó, lo condenó y dictó sentencia a ser devuelto a España.En espera de la llegada del barco, Felipe de Cáceres quiso vigilarlo muy de cerca. Tal era su celo que lo sujetó con cadenas que se comunicaba a través de un orificio en la pared con sus aposentos.Esta extricta vigilancia continuó hasta la llegada del barco para su traslado a España que, como era natural, quiso compañarlo en el viaje.Pero el barco naufragó a la altura de las costas de Brasil, Felipe de Cáceres murió y Pedro Fernández de la Torre recobró la libertad.http://www.ranimirum.com/conquistadores/fernandez6.htm", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-11-22T18:11:28+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c21099d7-ab91-4996-a9f7-b7ba4ee3da63", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO II.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 140, "end" : 162 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Fray Pedro de la Torre" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/10ea5316-2c90-4faf-a6fe-159b01aa5df6", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-09-27T18:32:01+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Sería uno de los nombres que recibieron los nativos Kaigang y puede identificárselos con la tradición Taquara, constructures de asentamientos bajo nivel. Eran parte del grupo lingüístico gé, que se extendía en el Brasil entre \nla costa (ocupada por tupíes) y las áreas del interior (hasta las \ntierras ocupadas por los guaraníes) . Bibliografía:  Schmitz, Pedro Ignácio; Basile Becker, Ítala Irene, \"Os Primitivos Engenheiros do Planalto esuas Estruturas Subterrâneas: a tradição Taquara\", en AAVV, Arqueologia do Rio Grande DoSul, Brasil, São Leopoldo, Instituto de Pesquisas- UNISINOS, 2006, p. 86; Meliá, Bartomeu, \"Sociedadesfluviales y selvícolas del este: Paraguay y Paraná\", en Rojas Rabiela, Teresa; Murra, John (dirs.), Historia general de América Latina. Volumen I, París, Editorial Trotta-UNESCO, 1999, p. 549; Politis, Gustavo G., \"The Pampas and the Campos of South America\", en Silverman, Helaine; Isbell, William H. (eds.), Handbook of South American Archaeology, Nueva York, Springer, 2008, pp 254-255.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-09-30T22:54:26+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 21157, "end" : 21165 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Guayanas" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/191e3eab-f4d0-4147-8353-22da1b1f8acb", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://sws.geonames.org/3439389", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-01T19:08:13+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-01T19:08:13+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ -57.63591, -25.30066 ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Es Asunción del Paraguay.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-01T19:08:13+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 35110, "end" : 35119 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Asumpción" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/a680c33f-5140-4bde-9077-082ce9421ba1", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-05T00:57:38+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Francisco César. Caboto autorizó al capitán Francisco César a realizar una expedición por tierra hacia el oeste acompañado por quince hombres. Esta ruta, que según los querandíes con los que entraron en contacto en las inmediaciones de Sancti Spiritus los llevaría a la Sierra de la Plata, había sido desaconsejada por ellos dado que no había fuentes de agua. La expedición de Francisco César habría tenido lugar recién a principios de 1529 y daría origen a la leyenda de la Ciudad de los Césares. Bibliografía: Gandía, Enrique de, Historia crítica de los mitos de la conquista de América, Buenos Aires y Madrid, Juan Roldán y Cía, 1929, pp. 250-253; Guérin, Miguel Alberto, \"La organización inicial del espacio rioplatense\", en Tandeter, Enrique (dir.), Nueva Historia Argentina. Tomo 2: La Sociedad Colonial, Buenos Aires, Sudamericana, 2000, pp.p. 28; Tieffemberg, Silvia, \"Derroteros y viajes a la ciudad encantada de los Césares. Relatos y constelaciones\", en Anales de Literatura Chilena, vol. 16, núm. 23, 2014, pp. 13-27.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-05T00:57:38+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 82844, "end" : 82849 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "César" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/12f23b58-c8e2-4232-b509-55a1044e498a", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-05T00:57:38+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Francisco César. Caboto autorizó al capitán Francisco César a realizar una expedición por tierra hacia el oeste acompañado por quince hombres. Esta ruta, que según los querandíes con los que entraron en contacto en las inmediaciones de Sancti Spiritus los llevaría a la Sierra de la Plata, había sido desaconsejada por ellos dado que no había fuentes de agua. La expedición de Francisco César habría tenido lugar recién a principios de 1529 y daría origen a la leyenda de la Ciudad de los Césares. Bibliografía: Gandía, Enrique de, Historia crítica de los mitos de la conquista de América, Buenos Aires y Madrid, Juan Roldán y Cía, 1929, pp. 250-253; Guérin, Miguel Alberto, \"La organización inicial del espacio rioplatense\", en Tandeter, Enrique (dir.), Nueva Historia Argentina. Tomo 2: La Sociedad Colonial, Buenos Aires, Sudamericana, 2000, pp.p. 28; Tieffemberg, Silvia, \"Derroteros y viajes a la ciudad encantada de los Césares. Relatos y constelaciones\", en Anales de Literatura Chilena, vol. 16, núm. 23, 2014, pp. 13-27.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-05T00:57:38+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 82340, "end" : 82345 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "César" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/c5b25441-e96c-4281-b818-8f8fc23b21da", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-05T00:57:38+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Francisco César. Caboto autorizó al capitán Francisco César a realizar una expedición por tierra hacia el oeste acompañado por quince hombres. Esta ruta, que según los querandíes con los que entraron en contacto en las inmediaciones de Sancti Spiritus los llevaría a la Sierra de la Plata, había sido desaconsejada por ellos dado que no había fuentes de agua. La expedición de Francisco César habría tenido lugar recién a principios de 1529 y daría origen a la leyenda de la Ciudad de los Césares. Bibliografía: Gandía, Enrique de, Historia crítica de los mitos de la conquista de América, Buenos Aires y Madrid, Juan Roldán y Cía, 1929, pp. 250-253; Guérin, Miguel Alberto, \"La organización inicial del espacio rioplatense\", en Tandeter, Enrique (dir.), Nueva Historia Argentina. Tomo 2: La Sociedad Colonial, Buenos Aires, Sudamericana, 2000, pp.p. 28; Tieffemberg, Silvia, \"Derroteros y viajes a la ciudad encantada de los Césares. Relatos y constelaciones\", en Anales de Literatura Chilena, vol. 16, núm. 23, 2014, pp. 13-27.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-05T00:57:38+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 84032, "end" : 84037 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "César" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/07004693-6f9d-4f4a-a36e-6f4387593a73", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-05T00:45:52+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Sebastián Caboto (1477-1557) fue, como su padre Juan, un piloto y \nexplorador que sirvió a las coronas de España e Inglaterra. Entró al \nservicio de esta última en 1518 como piloto mayor y bajo sus auspicios \nrealizó el viaje que lo llevaría a explorar el Río de Solís. Si bien el \npropósito inicial de su expedición de 1526 era repetir la \ncircunnavegación de Magallanes (tal y como consta en la capitulación que\n firmó con Carlos I), Caboto decidió alterar el rumbo de su armada \natraído por las noticias recolectadas en la costa brasileña, que \nindicaban la existencia de una sierra argentífera remontando el río \naustral. Caboto y sus tripulantes exploraron la región hasta entrado \n1529, cuando los ataques de los indios, los dudosos resultados de sus \nexploraciones y la falta de bastimentos lo obligarona  a abandonar el \nRío de Solís. Bibliografía: Medina, José Toribio, El Veneciano Sebastián\n Gaboto al servicio de España. Dos Tomos, Santiago de Chile, Imprenta y \nEncuadernación Universitaria, 1908.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-05T00:45:52+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 56310, "end" : 56316 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Gaboto" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/53c35890-040a-4a08-8b90-14a5bdfe6fe7", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "EVENT", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-05T00:59:08+00:00" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "En la documentación contemporánea, es siempre Gregorio Caro quien aparece a cargo de Sancti Spiritus.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-05T00:59:08+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 57949, "end" : 57968 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Diego de Bracamonte" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/e9b7654d-2980-4ecd-a533-0186f1f4d69a", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PLACE", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-20T20:10:40+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Refiere a Cerro de la Gloria: http://www.scielo.org.ar/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S1851-49792012000200003http://www.geonames.org/3435524/cerro-de-la-gloria.html", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/romideleon", "modified" : "2017-09-20T20:10:40+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Creería que son las islas y los bancos frente a Punta del Este.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-09-26T15:46:13+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 12995, "end" : 13017 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Islas de los Castillos" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/b41aba80-e4fb-4c2f-87bd-426e591d7291", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "bishop", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:23:38+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "colonizer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:23:38+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:23:38+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Fray Pedro Fernández de la Torre llega a Asunción para hacerse cargo de la diócesis del Paraguay. El obispo Juan de los Barrios murió el \n12 de febrero de 1569. El primer obispo que ejerció jurisdicción en \nnuestras tierras fue fray Pedro Fernández de la Torre, entre 1556 y \n1573. Pero fray Barrios, por muerte o renuncia, no llegó nunca a su diócesis. Siete años después de aquel acto, víspera del Domingo de Ramos del \naño 1555, hizo su solemne entrada en Asunción D. fray Pedro Fernández de\n la Torre, franciscano, primer Obispo del Paraguay.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:23:38+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 40476, "end" : 40498 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Fray Pedro de la Torre" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/762dd5f4-a06d-4b8f-991e-1e4ce1386820", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "conqueror", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:19:15+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "explorer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:19:15+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "colonizer", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:19:15+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:19:15+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Nació en Santa Cruz de la Sierra, de Extremadura,\nen 1518. Llegó a territorio americano con el segundo adelantado del Río de la\nPlata, Don Alvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca”. Cuando la flota llega al puerto de\nSanta Catalina en el año 1541, ya ostentaba el grado de Capitán. Cuando el\ngobernador Martínez de Irala le encomienda fundar al norte de Asunción, Chaves\nse convierte así en General. El 26 de febrero de 1561 fundó Santa Cruz de la\nSierra a orillas del arroyo Sutó. Después de fundada Santa Cruz de la\nSierra, Ñuflo de Chaves se dirige a Asunción, en 1564,  para recoger\na su familia. En 1550 se había casado con Doña Elvira Manrique, hija de don\nFrancisco de Mendoza, gobernador del Río de la Plata, con quien tuvo cinco\nhijos: Francisco y Alvaro, ambos militares; María, Catalina y Elvira; las\ndos menores monjas y la mayor se casó en 1574 con un soldado de apellido\nOssorio. El nieto de Ñuflo, Cap. Francisco Ossorio de Chaves, estuvo como\nAlcalde durante la traslación de  la ciudad, hasta su\nasiento definitivo a orillas del Piraí (1621).", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:19:15+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 75815, "end" : 75820 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Nuflo" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/39a866f1-14df-43c8-9451-392600579b68", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "tribe", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:18:03+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "native people", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:18:03+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:18:03+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Refiere a Los guaraníes o avá, según su autodenominación étnica original\n (que significa \"ser humano\"), son un grupo de pueblos indígenas \nsuramericanos que se ubican geográficamente en Paraguay, noreste de \nArgentina (en ciertas zonas de provincias de la Región del Litoral),​ \nsur y suroeste de Brasil (en los estados de Río Grande del Sur, Santa \nCatarina, Paraná y Mato Grosso del Sur) y sureste de Bolivia (en los \ndepartamentos de Tarija, Santa Cruz y Chuquisaca) y norte de Uruguay.El \nmuy difundido nombre guaraní lo escucharon los españoles que, al invadir\n su territorio, habrían oído, entre los gritos de guerra de este pueblo,\n la frase guará-ny, que significa \"combatir-los\". Por otra parte el \nnombre dada significa en guaraní 'guerrero', \"ava\" que significa \n\"hombre\" y se pronuncia en forma grave entre los chiriguanos (ava \nguaraníes).Otra versión afirma que la denominación fue tomada de la \ndeformación de una palabra guaraní, guariní que significa precisamente \n\"guerra\" o \"guerrear\". Al parecer los mismos indígenas se denominaron de\n esa manera, indicando con ello que se consideraban guerreros.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:18:03+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 24737, "end" : 24745 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Guaranís" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/042788a0-f6ab-45e5-8828-18953c048e8d", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Tribe", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:17:04+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "native people", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:17:04+00:00", "purpose" : "tagging" }, { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:17:04+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Los Chiriguanos, son grupo de lengua Tupí - Guaraní\nque desde el Amazonas ocuparon sectores de Paraguay, Bolivia y Argentina. Fue el punto culminante de su expansión hacia el\nsur, en la búsqueda mesiánica de la \"Tierra sin mal\" o de\nnuevas tierras para cultivo. Eran agricultores sedentarios, a base de mandioca,\nzapallos, batata y maíz. La técnica de cultivo era la típica \"milpa\"\namazónica: talado de árboles, corte de la maleza, incendio y posterior cultivo\nsobre el terreno quemado. Entre los siglos XV y XVI sometieron a los Chané a\nlos que esclavizaron. Algunas crónicas indican que ese dominio se sustentó en\nuna sistemática antropofagia que prácticamente devastó a los Chané.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/gabrielcalarco", "modified" : "2017-11-25T13:17:04+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/cba5e054-2c4c-4aa4-bfa6-7f9ddbec214d", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO III.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 33146, "end" : 33157 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Chiriguanos" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/f9081430-d462-4f25-8b37-72a3bcbef65d", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, 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"type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Se refiere a la isla que se encunetra al sureste de Punta del Este en Uruguay. Esta isla resultaba clave, por su colonia de lobos marinos, para el abstecimiento de los barcos que salían o entraban al Río de la Plata en su exploración temprana.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-09-27T17:34:37+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 74792, "end" : 74797 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Lobos" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/c645c581-86c6-40f5-9c39-6b49235327e5", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : 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"Probablemente se refiera Monte Serrat en la ciudad de Santos (estado brasileño de Sao Paulo), en cuya cima hay un santuario dedicado a la Virgen de Montserrat.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-09-27T20:08:28+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 25071, "end" : 25099 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Nuestra Señora de Monserrate" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/74f2d196-acf1-434e-b5b0-5f9d24d3d40b", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", 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Miguel de Tucumán, Córdoba, Salta, La Rioja, San Salvador de Jujuy y Catamarca.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-01T16:33:29+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 30683, "end" : 30702 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Santiago del Estero" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/069c2209-8d6a-4448-b832-49a3c90632b4", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", 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Sus actuaciones incluyen haber mediado entre Domingo de Irala y Ruiz Galán en 1537 y 1539, participado en la represión del levantamiento de cacique guarambarense Aracaré y ser parte de la facción de Domingo de Irala contra la de Cabeza de Vaca en 1545. De hecho, sirvió como teniente de gobernador bajo su administración cuando Irala condujo una entrada al Chaco en 1547. En esta circunstancia, los partidarios de Cabeza de Vaca recusaron su nombramiento y tras haber instaurado a Diego de Abreu como gobernador, ejecutaron a Mendoza.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-07T22:32:25+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 86987, "end" : 87007 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Francisco de Mendoza" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/24f5bc53-b395-4259-a4fd-b3ed168a686b", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-07T23:08:38+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 88297, "end" : 88309 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Juan de Vera" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/0de66652-6627-4de3-a2d2-c16bab71da7d", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-07T22:51:11+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 88233, "end" : 88251 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Diego de Estopiñán" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/8ce6aef6-cedc-45a4-8d2d-df2ac7a6be9e", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-07T23:21:48+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Diego de Abreu (m. 1549). Expedicionario que entró al Río de la Plata con Pedro de Mendoza. Durante los conflictos entre las facciones de Cabeza de Vaca y Domingo de Irala tomó partida por la del gobernador, al punto que en 1547, fue nombrado él mismo gobernador interino por los vecinos leales al segundo adelantado aprovechando la partida de Domingo de Irala de la ciudad de Asunción. Finalmente este se impondría y Abreu fue ajusticiado en 1549.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-07T23:21:48+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 136512, "end" : 136526 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Diego de Abreu" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/aa4651e7-200e-4826-876b-7eeb9a836a95", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-08T01:05:22+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Simón Jaques de Ramúa", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-08T01:05:22+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 119025, "end" : 119037 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Simón Jaques" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/63f6bbb5-e557-4555-b9af-7594e19927ff", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-08T00:51:48+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Se refiere a Francisco Ruiz Galán. Capitán de la armada de Pedro de Mendoza y uno de \nsus más cercanos colaboradores. Fue nombrado por el adelantado como \ngobernador del puerto de Buenos Aires. Galán fue así una importatante \nfigura política de la región rioplatense, al punto de disputarle a \nDomingo de Irala la dirección de la provincia entre 1537 y 1539. Tras \nello se pierden sus huellas documentales, por lo que se lo presume \nmuerto antes de 1542.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-08T01:01:26+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 100810, "end" : 100824 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Francisco Ruiz" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/ab550600-1ee4-4760-98f2-1e290f1b551e", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-07T17:38:13+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Francisco Ruiz Galán, capitán de la armada de Pedro de Mendoza y uno de sus más cercanos colaboradores. Fue nombrado por el adelantado como gobernador del puerto de Buenos Aires. Galán fue así una importatante figura política de la región rioplatense, al punto de disputarle a Domingo de Irala la dirección de la provincia entre 1537 y 1539. Tras ello se pierden sus huellas documentales, por lo que se lo presume muerto antes de 1542.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-07T17:38:13+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 86753, "end" : 86773 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Francisco Ruiz Galán" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/642b021d-32e5-477d-900b-3ae4b1b06665", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-01T15:21:18+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Querandíes. Con este nombre se llamaba colectivamente a las sociedades nativas que los exploradores y colonos españoles hallaron en las del Río de la Plata, pero que en realidad circulaban por vastos espacios interiores que iban desde las pampas al norte de la Patagonia, las cierras centrales y la mesopotamia argentinas. Se mantenían aprovechando los recursos faunísticos, vegetales y líticos de estos territorios, utilizando modelos de explotación del medio muy flexibles. Bibliografía: Politis, Gustavo G., \"Los Cazadores de la llanura\", en Tarragó, Miryam, (dir.), Nueva Historia Argentina. Tomo 1: Los pueblos originarios y la conquista, Buenos Aires, Sudamericana, 2000, pp 61-104; \"The Pampas and the Campos of South America\", en Silverman, Helaine; Isbell, William H. (eds.), Handbook of South American Archaeology, Nueva York, Springer, 2008, p. 252; Mandrini, Raúl José, La Argentina Aborigen. De los primeros pobladores a 1910, Buenos Aires, Siglo Veintiuno, 2008 p. 177.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-01T15:21:18+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 29566, "end" : 29575 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Querandís" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/acae1c26-b33b-4ccd-9222-2aefce953c01", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-01T15:21:18+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Querandíes. Con este nombre se llamaba colectivamente a las sociedades nativas que los exploradores y colonos españoles hallaron en las del Río de la Plata, pero que en realidad circulaban por vastos espacios interiores que iban desde las pampas al norte de la Patagonia, las cierras centrales y la mesopotamia argentinas. Se mantenían aprovechando los recursos faunísticos, vegetales y líticos de estos territorios, utilizando modelos de explotación del medio muy flexibles. Bibliografía: Politis, Gustavo G., \"Los Cazadores de la llanura\", en Tarragó, Miryam, (dir.), Nueva Historia Argentina. Tomo 1: Los pueblos originarios y la conquista, Buenos Aires, Sudamericana, 2000, pp 61-104; \"The Pampas and the Campos of South America\", en Silverman, Helaine; Isbell, William H. (eds.), Handbook of South American Archaeology, Nueva York, Springer, 2008, p. 252; Mandrini, Raúl José, La Argentina Aborigen. De los primeros pobladores a 1910, Buenos Aires, Siglo Veintiuno, 2008 p. 177.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-01T15:21:18+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 27846, "end" : 27855 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Querandís" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/ae0931f9-bade-4d8a-bc13-53c77ebefff4", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "http://sws.geonames.org/3433955", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-01T15:30:08+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "Feature", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-01T15:30:08+00:00", "purpose" : "georeferencing", "geometry" : { "type" : "MultiPolygon", "coordinates" : [ [ [ [ -58.32, -34.66 ], [ -58.32, -34.67 ], [ -58.34, -34.69 ], [ -58.38, -34.69 ], [ -58.41, -34.72 ], [ -58.44, -34.77 ], [ -58.54, -34.71 ], [ -58.56, -34.65 ], [ -58.54, -34.57 ], [ -58.47, -34.52 ], [ -58.45, -34.53 ], [ -58.43, -34.54 ], [ -58.41, -34.56 ], [ -58.38, -34.57 ], [ -58.36, -34.59 ], [ -58.34, -34.61 ], [ -58.33, -34.63 ], [ -58.32, -34.66 ] ] ] ] } }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Ciudad de la Trinidad fue el nombre con el que Juan de Garay restableció el asentamiento de Buenos Aires en 1580.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-01T15:30:08+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 28390, "end" : 28398 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Trinidad" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/4dcf07f8-e1b3-455d-ab56-a5ca538a5d21", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-02T01:05:22+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Alejo o Alexo García resultó vital en la construcción del Río de la Plata como una atractiva frontera de exploración tras la expedición de Solís. Si bien se lo considera un personaje histórico, predominan las referencias que de él dieron otros náufragos de la expedición de Solís como Enrique Montes y Melchor Ramírez. Según se consigna en diversos documentos Alejo García habría avanzado por tierra, partiendo desde la costa del Brasil a la altura de la Isla de Santa Catalina, hasta alcanzar el Incario. Habría ido seguido o acompañado de una multitud de indios guaraníes deseosos de apoderarse también de las riquezas del país del metal. Tras alcanzar los Andes, García y sus aliados se habrían hecho de un fabuloso tesoro en metales preciosos, pero cuando ya estaban retornado, fueron mortalmente atacados por indios en el río Paraguay, alrededor del año 1525. Alejo García habría muerto en el enfrentamiento y el tesoro se perdió con él, pero algunos sobrevivientes habrían podido alcanzar la costa brasileña con pequeñas muestras de metal precioso. Bibliografía: RRubio, Julián María, Exploración y conquista del Río de la Plata, Siglos XVI y XVII, Barcelona, Salvat, 1942, pp. 41-45; Domínguez, Manuel, El alma de la raza, Asunción, Casa Editora de Cándido Zamphirópolos, 1918; Gandía, Enrique de, Historia del Gran Chaco, Buenos Aires, Roldán, 1929, pp. 77 y 85; Domínguez, Manuel, Historia crítica de los mitos de la conquista de América, Buenos Aires y Madrid, Juan Roldán y Cía, 1929, pp. 161-167; Moreno, Fulgencio, La ciudad de Asunción, Buenos Aires, Librería J. Suárez, 1926, p. 8-9 y 35 y Cardozo Efraím, El Paraguay de la conquista, Asunción, El Lector, 1996 [1959], pp. 35-36; Guérin, Miguel Alberto, \"La organización inicial del espacio rioplatense\", en Tandeter, Enrique (dir.), Nueva Historia Argentina. Tomo 2: La Sociedad Colonial, Buenos Aires, Sudamericana, 2000, pp. 13-54 pp. 27; Quarleri, Lía, Rebelión y guerra en las fronteras del Plata. Guaraníes, jesuitas e imperios coloniales, Buenos Aires, FCE, 2007, p. 46; Fradkin, R.; Garavaglia, Juan Carlos, La Argentina colonial. El Río de la Plata entre los siglos XVI y XIX, Buenos Aires, Siglo Veintiuno, 2009, p. 15. Más allá de la realización o no del viaje de García y de su calidad histórica, lo cierto es que fue una referencia tenida por cierta en varios de los principales documentos de la temprana exploración y conquista del Río de la Plata.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-02T01:05:22+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 60679, "end" : 60692 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Alejos García" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/cc6f1721-dc76-4a0a-894d-b8f9ec789011", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-02T01:05:22+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Alejo o Alexo García resultó vital en la construcción del Río de la Plata como una atractiva frontera de exploración tras la expedición de Solís. Si bien se lo considera un personaje histórico, predominan las referencias que de él dieron otros náufragos de la expedición de Solís como Enrique Montes y Melchor Ramírez. Según se consigna en diversos documentos Alejo García habría avanzado por tierra, partiendo desde la costa del Brasil a la altura de la Isla de Santa Catalina, hasta alcanzar el Incario. Habría ido seguido o acompañado de una multitud de indios guaraníes deseosos de apoderarse también de las riquezas del país del metal. Tras alcanzar los Andes, García y sus aliados se habrían hecho de un fabuloso tesoro en metales preciosos, pero cuando ya estaban retornado, fueron mortalmente atacados por indios en el río Paraguay, alrededor del año 1525. Alejo García habría muerto en el enfrentamiento y el tesoro se perdió con él, pero algunos sobrevivientes habrían podido alcanzar la costa brasileña con pequeñas muestras de metal precioso. Bibliografía: RRubio, Julián María, Exploración y conquista del Río de la Plata, Siglos XVI y XVII, Barcelona, Salvat, 1942, pp. 41-45; Domínguez, Manuel, El alma de la raza, Asunción, Casa Editora de Cándido Zamphirópolos, 1918; Gandía, Enrique de, Historia del Gran Chaco, Buenos Aires, Roldán, 1929, pp. 77 y 85; Domínguez, Manuel, Historia crítica de los mitos de la conquista de América, Buenos Aires y Madrid, Juan Roldán y Cía, 1929, pp. 161-167; Moreno, Fulgencio, La ciudad de Asunción, Buenos Aires, Librería J. Suárez, 1926, p. 8-9 y 35 y Cardozo Efraím, El Paraguay de la conquista, Asunción, El Lector, 1996 [1959], pp. 35-36; Guérin, Miguel Alberto, \"La organización inicial del espacio rioplatense\", en Tandeter, Enrique (dir.), Nueva Historia Argentina. Tomo 2: La Sociedad Colonial, Buenos Aires, Sudamericana, 2000, pp. 13-54 pp. 27; Quarleri, Lía, Rebelión y guerra en las fronteras del Plata. Guaraníes, jesuitas e imperios coloniales, Buenos Aires, FCE, 2007, p. 46; Fradkin, R.; Garavaglia, Juan Carlos, La Argentina colonial. El Río de la Plata entre los siglos XVI y XIX, Buenos Aires, Siglo Veintiuno, 2009, p. 15. Más allá de la realización o no del viaje de García y de su calidad histórica, lo cierto es que fue una referencia tenida por cierta en varios de los principales documentos de la temprana exploración y conquista del Río de la Plata.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-02T01:05:22+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 50497, "end" : 50510 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Alejos García" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/66546614-9ba7-472a-a19b-c3e9305be01b", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-02T01:05:22+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Alejo o Alexo García resultó vital en la construcción del Río de la Plata como una atractiva frontera de exploración tras la expedición de Solís. Si bien se lo considera un personaje histórico, predominan las referencias que de él dieron otros náufragos de la expedición de Solís como Enrique Montes y Melchor Ramírez. Según se consigna en diversos documentos Alejo García habría avanzado por tierra, partiendo desde la costa del Brasil a la altura de la Isla de Santa Catalina, hasta alcanzar el Incario. Habría ido seguido o acompañado de una multitud de indios guaraníes deseosos de apoderarse también de las riquezas del país del metal. Tras alcanzar los Andes, García y sus aliados se habrían hecho de un fabuloso tesoro en metales preciosos, pero cuando ya estaban retornado, fueron mortalmente atacados por indios en el río Paraguay, alrededor del año 1525. Alejo García habría muerto en el enfrentamiento y el tesoro se perdió con él, pero algunos sobrevivientes habrían podido alcanzar la costa brasileña con pequeñas muestras de metal precioso. Bibliografía: RRubio, Julián María, Exploración y conquista del Río de la Plata, Siglos XVI y XVII, Barcelona, Salvat, 1942, pp. 41-45; Domínguez, Manuel, El alma de la raza, Asunción, Casa Editora de Cándido Zamphirópolos, 1918; Gandía, Enrique de, Historia del Gran Chaco, Buenos Aires, Roldán, 1929, pp. 77 y 85; Domínguez, Manuel, Historia crítica de los mitos de la conquista de América, Buenos Aires y Madrid, Juan Roldán y Cía, 1929, pp. 161-167; Moreno, Fulgencio, La ciudad de Asunción, Buenos Aires, Librería J. Suárez, 1926, p. 8-9 y 35 y Cardozo Efraím, El Paraguay de la conquista, Asunción, El Lector, 1996 [1959], pp. 35-36; Guérin, Miguel Alberto, \"La organización inicial del espacio rioplatense\", en Tandeter, Enrique (dir.), Nueva Historia Argentina. Tomo 2: La Sociedad Colonial, Buenos Aires, Sudamericana, 2000, pp. 13-54 pp. 27; Quarleri, Lía, Rebelión y guerra en las fronteras del Plata. Guaraníes, jesuitas e imperios coloniales, Buenos Aires, FCE, 2007, p. 46; Fradkin, R.; Garavaglia, Juan Carlos, La Argentina colonial. El Río de la Plata entre los siglos XVI y XIX, Buenos Aires, Siglo Veintiuno, 2009, p. 15. Más allá de la realización o no del viaje de García y de su calidad histórica, lo cierto es que fue una referencia tenida por cierta en varios de los principales documentos de la temprana exploración y conquista del Río de la Plata.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-02T01:05:22+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 49255, "end" : 49268 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Alejos García" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/f9ae6223-c950-42bf-b19e-854697209480", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PERSON", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-09-27T01:30:50+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Los charrúas constituían una sociedad de cazadores-recoletores que habitaban en los actuales territorios de Uruguay. Bibliografía: Politis, Gustavo G., \"The Pampas and the Campos of South America\", en Silverman, Helaine; Isbell, William H. (eds.), Handbook of South American Archaeology, Nueva York, Springer, 2008, pp. 235-260.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-09-27T01:30:50+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 14973, "end" : 14981 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Charrúas" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/0fe825f2-36ce-49cc-b3a2-df2171d1a289", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PLACE", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-01T15:52:15+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Se refiere al sitio del establecimiento del fuerte de Sancti Spiritus por Sebastián Caboto en 1527, que fue destruido por un ataque de nativos en 1529. Estaba situado en la confluencia de los ríos Carcarañá y Coronda y si bien no volvió a establecerse como tal, continuó siendo un punto geográfico de referencia importante para los procesos posteriores de ocupación del espacio rioplatense. En la actualidad se ubica en el pueblo de Puerto Caboto (Santa Fe, Argentina).", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-01T15:55:47+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Se refiere al sitio del establecimiento del Fuerte de Sancti Spiritu por Sebastián Caboto en 1527 y que fue destruido por un ataque de nativos en 1529. Estaba situado en la confluencia del río Carcarañá y Coronda y si bien no volvió a establecerse como tal, continuó siendo un punto geográfico de referencia importante para los procesos posteriores de ocupación del espacio rioplatense.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/mjgandini", "modified" : "2017-10-01T15:52:15+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 29350, "end" : 29366 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Fuerte de Gaboto" } ] } }, { "@context" : "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/annotation/c0a52802-a3a1-4c8d-92f6-70a5b698b5a2", "type" : "Annotation", "generator" : { "id" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/", "type" : "Software", "name" : "Recogito", "homepage" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/" }, "generated" : "2024-12-22T17:47:22+00:00", "body" : [ { "type" : "SpecificResource", "value" : "PLACE", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/Gimena", "modified" : "2022-12-26T22:50:35+00:00", "purpose" : "identifying" }, { "type" : "TextualBody", "value" : "Concepción del Bermejo, ciudad que fue fundada sobre el río en 1585 y\nsubsistió hasta 1632, cuando fue arrasada por las sociedades chaqueñas\nnativas. Su sitio se hallaría en el actual departamento de Maipú\n(provincia de Chaco) a unos 140 km de Corrientes.", "creator" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/Gimena", "modified" : "2022-12-26T22:50:35+00:00", "purpose" : "commenting" } ], "target" : { "source" : "https://recogito.pelagios.org/part/c4d45de6-93e8-4f5b-8ca8-5d9b3ec6a52f", "type" : "Text", "label" : "Historia Argentina del descubrimiento, población y conquista de las provincias del Río de la Plata : escrita por Ruy Díaz de Guzmán 1612 LIBRO I.txt", "selector" : [ { "type" : "TextPositionSelector", "start" : 31966, "end" : 31989 }, { "type" : "TextQuoteSelector", "exact" : "Puerto de la Concepción" } ] } } ]